THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID J, THE MICROGRAPHIC DICTIONARY. m THE MICROGRAPHIC DICTIONARY; A GUIDE TO THE EXAMINATION AND INVESTIGATION OF THE STRUCTURE AND NATURE OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. BY J. W. GRIFFITH, M.D. &c., MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OP PHYSICIANS ; AND ARTHUR HENFREY, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. FOURTH EDITION. EDITED BY J. W. GRIFFITH, M.D. &c., ASSISTED BY THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., AND T. RUPERT JONES, F.R.S., F.G.S., LATE PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY, STAFF COLLEGE, SANDHURST. ILLUSTRATED BY FIFTY-THREE PLATES AND EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN WOODCUTS CONTAINING FIGURES OF 2680 OBJECTS. VOL. I. TEXT. LONDON: JOHN VAN YOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCLXXXIII. FEINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. k- 0?W u\y. PREFACE. ON arriving at the conclusion of their labours, the Authors feel that some apology is, in the first place, due to the Subscribers, for the extent to which the number of these pages has been increased beyond the original estimate. They have, however, the pleasure of stating that no complaints have been addressed to them on this head ; but, on the contrary, strong injunctions, when the work was somewhat advanced, to allow no considerations of arbitrary limits to prevent equal justice being done to the subjects falling under the later letters of the alphabet. They feel therefore that due allowance has been made for the difficulty of calculating beforehand the extent of a work like the present, and that the circumstance which has chiefly led to the enlargement of the volume, namely the revision of the articles at the latest moment before committing them to press, has been duly taken into account. Secondly, a few observations may be offered on the character, objects, and uses of the work. It was stated in the Prospectus, that the ( Micro- graphic Dictionary' was offered as an index to our knowledge of the structure and properties of bodies revealed by the Microscope. The Authors venture to hope that their work may possess many useful qualities beyond those strictly implied in the above definition. Few or none of the works hitherto published have dwelt upon the manner in which observers might judge of the structure of objects from the appearances presented under the Microscope. There are works treating of the construction of the mechanical and optical parts of the instrument, and the manner of using them, of the methods of preparing objects for examination ] and to these are usually appended lists of objects presenting interesting appearances. But there exists no work which will direct the Student how to vary the methods of preparation of the objects examined, so as to elicit their true structure. An Introduction has been prefixed to the ' Dictionary/ affording in- struction for the selection of a Microscope and the accessory apparatus, explaining the manner of using these, and particularly the precautions requisite with the less perfect but more economical foreign glasses ; and, lastly, entering minutely into what may be called microscopical manipu- lation and the special education of the eye. Many valuable contributions to our knowledge of the structure or functions of microscopic organisms are probably lost through the inability of microscopic observers to ascertain readily the name and position in Nature of objects which fall under their notice. It is hoped that the very M361855 vi PREFACE. numerous illustrations to this work will form a valuable guide in such cases, and render the descriptions of microscopic animals and plants, of minute structures, tissues, &c., which form the main body of the volume, a real dictionary of objects. At the same time it is not unreasonable to expect that much advantage may be derived from the attention that has been paid to directing observers to subjects and disputed points on which new information is desirable. To the lovers of Comparative Anatomy, Physiology, or of the Natural History of the microscopic members of the Animal and Vegetable King- doms, the Authors have endeavoured to furnish, without departing from the principal purpose of the work, something more than a mere descriptive catalogue of objects, and the means of examining them. Numerous articles on various subjects have been written with a view to enable readers, by the help of the system adopted, and references printed in SMALL CAPITALS, to acquire a general knowledge of particular departments of science. Thus, taking a departure from the article ANIMAL KINGDOM or VEGETABLE KINGDOM, the reader may proceed to the Classes and Orders there enumerated ; under the latter will be found a general description of these (where the microscope is much required in their investigation), fol- lowed by a reference to the Genera, under which is given more or less extensive information on the Species, according to the state of knowledge, or as the subject has seemed to require. Proceeding from the article TISSUES, in like manner, the details may be gradually collected by tracing them through the subdivisions by means of the references. Many other general articles are given, with such headings as the names of well-known organs or substances, of vital or other phenomena, &c./ under which could be conveniently collected references to a variety of miscellaneous informa- tion scattered through the alphabetical arrangement. Those who use the volume in this way will probably derive the greatest amount of advantage from it; they will, it is true, most clearly perceive the deficiencies inevi- table in a great measure to a work having such an extensive field, and at the same time so limited a compass. The results of a large amount of independent observation have been consigned to these pages; and, as the bibliographical references show, recourse has been had, as far as possible, to original sources for trustworthy and reliable information published at home and abroad. In connexion with this, some account may be given of the illustrations. In the Plates, a large number of the figures are original, drawn from the objects either by the authors or by Mr. Tuffen West ; in many cases, however, figures of species have been designedly taken from original plates, especially when the verbal characters were doubtful. The Authors feel bound to express their thanks to Mr. West for the manner in which he has applied his well- known skill and accuracy to those engravings which were entrusted to him : many of them, indeed, appear at first sight somewhat crowded and on a small scale ; but they will be found in most cases to display very clearly the parts of objects on which systematic or structural characters depend, the chief design of all the illustrations of this work. With regard PREFACE. vii to the engravings in the text, a portion have been selected, after compa- rison with the objects themselves, from the excellent illustrations of the Mikroskopische Anatomie of Kolliker. Most of the woodcuts of plants are careful reproductions of drawings contained in original works and memoirs by Kiitzing, Corda, Tulasne, Bischoff, Bruch and Schimper, and others, prepared for Payer's Botanique Cryptogamique, to which, as to almost every illustration in this volume, the magnifying power used has been added. Had not these beautiful woodcuts been accessible to the publisher, it would have been impossible to have provided this work so richly with illustrations. The authors have much pleasure in acknowledging -their obligations to the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, Messrs. Westwood, W. S. Dallas, Sollitt, and Tuffen West, for the loan of authentic specimens, or for information kindly afforded on various subjects, and to Dr. William Francis, for constant advice and assistance during the printing of the work. JOHN WILLIAM GRIFFITH. ARTHUR HENFREY. London, December 1855. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. I REGRET that the task of writing the Preface to this Second Edition of the 'Micrographic Dictionary' falls upon me alone, the hand of Death having just been laid upon my distinguished and most amiable friend and coadjutor. It will, however, be satisfactory to the reader to know that the whole had passed under the hands of the late lamented Professor Henfrey, and that he had taken his share in correcting for the press all but the last three sheets. The work has been revised throughout, and has received considerable alterations and additions. The progress of Structural and Physiological Botany was always assiduously watched by Professor Henfrey; and the articles on Botanical subjects have been greatly enriched by the additions which his extensive and accurate knowledge suggested to him. Great improvements have also been introduced into many of the articles relating to the Animal Kingdom, especially in the classes Insecta, Tunicata, Polyzoa, and Foraminifera, some members of which have lately attracted much attention. The new figures added are also numerous. The critical reader will, it is hoped, consider that the great range of subjects embraced, renders it impossible to do justice to all of them; and in viii PREFACE. many cases we have been compelled to limit our notices to little more than the characters by which the objects are distinguishable in their respective classes, &c. This has always been a great point in the composition of the work to enable the microscopic observer to discover what any object is which may be presented to him, and by the aid of the Bibliography to refer to more extended treatises for further details. Our thanks are again due to those who have kindly lent us aid, especially to Mr. Dallas for the articles Aphidae, Chalcididse, and Cynipidae; and also to those who supported us by their friendly notices of our former labours. J. W. G. December 6, 1859. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. AT last the third Edition of the ' Micrographic Dictionary ' is completed. But I feel that some explanation, or even apology, to the Subscribers is requisite, considering the delay that has occurred in its issue. To ill-health and press of prof essional engagements this is attributable. For some time, being constantly in the hope of rapidly completing the work, I hesitated to place it in other hands, until at last I found it essential to do so. The editing of the work subsequently to the letter H was therefore transferred to Prof. Duncan, whose name will form a sufficient guarantee that it has been satisfac- torily accomplished. In regard to the alterations made in this Third Edition, it will be noted that nearly 100 pages of new matter have been added. The original articles have been revised according to modern researches and views, so as to represent, as far as space would permit, the present state of knowledge. When I state that the Articles upon the Fungi were intrusted to the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, and those upon the Foraminifera to Prof. Rupert Jones, the reader will surely feel confident that they have been carefully and faithfully elaborated. For some valuable notes on the Lichens I have to thank the Rev. W. A. Leighton. An important novelty in this Edition consists in the accentuation of the names forming the headings of the articles. The classical pen of the Rev. M. J. Berkeley has afforded aid upon this point also. The Plates have all been newly engraved upon copper, thus rendering the figures of the objects more sharply defined. Three new plates have been added, and several of the original Plates have been re-arranged and improved. J. W. G. December 2, 1874. PREFACE. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. N regard to the completion of the Fourth Edition of the ' Micrograph! c Dictionary/ few remarks seem necessary. It may be stated, that the work has been thoroughly revised. The systematic portions of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms have been re-arranged according to modern views, as far as is consistent with reference to existing standard treatises and mono- graphs of the individual subjects. The structural portions have also been enlarged and corrected in relation to recent observations and experiments. The very large number of new genera, founded especially by Kent, Brady, and Buckton, have been noticed, but in many cases somewhat briefly, especially when the objects are rare or not likely to be easily accessible. Had this not been done, the work would have been extended beyond the pro- posed limits ; the references to the original descriptions have, however, always been appended. Five new plates and some new woodcuts have been added ; and the former plates have been altered and corrected where found necessary. The older nomenclature of the chemical substances is retained, according to which these are usually known and purchased. We have to thank Mr. Rutley for his excellent plate and article on Rocks ; and Mr. Harkness, o the Government Excise department, for his plate of Adulterations. The articles on the Fungi and the Foraminifera have again been revised by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley and Professor Rupert Jones. Our thanks must also be given to Mr. M c Lachlan and the Rev. Mr. Leighton for some friendly and valuable remarks. Nor must we fail to acknowledge the assistance afforded by our publisher, in the loan of some of his expensive works ; and the aid derived from the use of the magnificent Library of the Royal College of Surgeons, with the courtesy of the Librarian, Mr. Chatto. We hope and trust that this Edition will be found as useful and interesting as the three previous ones have surely been. J. W. G. December 26th, 1882. ERRATA. Page 51, col. 1, line 5 from bottom, for PI. 23 read PI. 30. 56, col. 1, line 14 from bottom, for Plans read Plants. 60, col. 2, line 11 from bottom, for PI. 2 read PI. 6. 68, col. 2, line 21 from top, for labrum read labium. 87, col. 1, line 15 from bottom, for Cyclostomata read Ctenostomata. 91, col. 1, line 16 from bottom, for rhitidome read rhytidome. 103, col. 2, line 6 from bottom, for muscular read molecular. 112, col. 1, line 25 from top, for inorganic read organic. 168, col. 2, line 25 from bottom, for structurs read structures. 221, col. 2, line 11 from top, for spirillium and spirillia read spirillum and spirilla. 231, col. 2, line 9 from bottom, for Cestoiden read Cestotdes. 261, col. 2, line 10 from top, for DIDIMIUM read DIDINIUM. 318, col. 1, line 27 from top, for introcellular read intracellular. 495, col. 1, line 29 from top, for ^yVzr read 77 &ro. 525, col. 1, line 8 from bottom, for always read also. 577, col. 2, line 16 from bottom, for PAEAPHY'SES read PAKAPH'YSES. 621, col. 1, line 12 from bottom, for Actinaria read Actinozoa. 661, col. 2, line 20 from top, for pearlite read perlite. 664, col. 1, lines 22, 25, and_26 from bottom, for Noseau read Nosean. 675, col. 1, line 5 from bottom, for Symbistes read Symbiotes. 682, col. 1, line 12 from top, for Spirillum read Vibrio ; and for inflexible read flexible. INTBODITCTION. I. USE OF THE MICROSCOPE AND EXAMINATION OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. BEFORE entering upon the special consideration of the Microscope, of which the Intro- duction treats, it may be well to make a few remarks upon the general use of the instru- ment in the examination of minute objects. The Microscope will either be used as a means of affording amusement, or with a view to scientific research. In the former light, no philosophical instrument can compete with it, in regard to the great variety, the beauty, and the wonderful phenomena of structure which the minute objects it enables us to examine display, even independently of the con- sideration of the functions and uses of their several parts. In this light also, the inves- tigation of the comparative structures and properties of various bodies or substances used in daily life as articles of food, dress, &c. will form subjects of intense interest to any one who may be possessed of the instrument. The mysterious phenomena of growth, reproduction, and crystallization may also be watched throughout their progress, j ust as we can see the effects of parts of machinery with the naked eye. But while the sense of sight is thus gratified, the mind will not be unoccupied ; for every fresh appearance will impress a new fact ; so that here we have both amusement and instruction combined. It is, however, to the use of the Microscope as a means of scientific research that our remarks are most necessary ; for in this great care and consideration are required, and these are very apt to be neglected by those who are unaccustomed to employ this valuable instrument. The Microscope as a means of investigation might perhaps be thus defined : the micro- scope is an optical instrument constructed in order to enable us to investigate the characters and properties of those objects which we are unable to study with the unassisted eye, on account of their minute size. The use of the Microscope will resolve itself into either that of proving the structure of a known object, or determining that of a new one ; and in thus applying it, exactly the same precautions must be adopted, and just the same course pursued, as if the object under xii INTRODUCTION. examination were distinctly visible to the unaided eye. The above formal definition of the true use of this valuable instrument is requisite, because it is very frequently used simply as a means of vie winy minute objects, and judging of their nature from the mere inspection of them under the conditions in which they naturally or accidentally occur. Such a procedure, the most casual observer must be well aware, is never trusted alone in the examination of objects visible to the naked eye, being almost sure to lead to erroneous conclusions. Consider the common course pursued in the macroscopical examination, or that with the unaided sight, of a body for the first time presented to our notice ! The first point is the examination of its general appearance and colour ; the relative position of the eye of the observer and the object is then changed, so that an idea of its solidity may be obtained j its weight is next perhaps determined by taking it in the hand ; it is pre- sented to the light in various ways, in order to judge of its transparency, and of the optical properties of its surface. If the object be at a distance, its size is judged of by comparing its apparent size with that of adjacent bodies, whose dimensions are approximately known ; and its luminousness is also taken into consideration, it being known generally that the nearer bodies of the same size are to us, the more luminous they appear. The observer then is either satisfied with the conclusions drawn from reasoning upon the results thus obtained, or he makes besides a chemical examination. Again, care should be taken to avoid forming an opinion- upon the normal or abnormal state of an organic structure, without a previous knowledge of the natural structure of organic tissues. We therefore recommend the student, before he thinks of recording his observations, to begin by testing the structure of any objects which may come in his wa}', or that of the TEST-OBJECTS which we have described, according to the rules laid down in the second part of this Introduction. It may be remarked for those who have but small means at their command, and who are unable to procure a first-rate English microscope, that perhaps very many of the facts elicited by the use of this instrument have been determined by our continental neighbours with far less perfect instruments, who have made up for the imperfections of their instru- ments by extreme patience, care, and repeated observation; which can be done to an extent that would scarcely have been anticipated. We have alluded to these sources of error merely for the purpose of warning future observers, and impressing upon them the importance of making themselves acquainted with the difficulties attendant upon microscopic investigations, and with the best means of overcoming them. In fact, it may be briefly stated that the object of the present work is to guide the microscopist in his researches, to give him a notion of the manner of making these researches, also some account of the characters, microscopic structure, and properties of objects in general, and to show how he may most easily arrive at satisfactory results. But there are difficulties inherently connected with the examination of microscopic objects, which are not encountered when objects are examined with the naked eye. One of these is that, with the ordinary microscope objects are only viewed with one eye ; hence we lose the direct power of distinguishing solidity, &c., and are compelled to resort to indirect means for these purposes. This difficulty is to some extent overcome bv the con- struction of binocular microscopes. Again, the ordinary objects around us are also usually viewed by reflected light, whilst with the microscope they are mostly viewed by trans- mitted light, and we are consequently much less practised in judging from the appearances of objects thus illuminated, and are therefore liable to err, INTRODUCTION. xiii Another, but a less important difficulty in microscopic investigations, or at least mani- pulations, consists in the image of the objects being inverted. Erecting eyepieces, as they are called, will obviate this difficulty ; but as they are expensive, and interfere with, the distinctness of the images of the objects, and as the difficulty is to a great extent got over by practice, they are rarely used. Another very serious source of error lies in the tendency to reason from analogy as to the structure or nature of a body viewed under the microscope. Any one who pursues this course has his mind prejudiced by preconceived notions, and becomes in fact no observer at all. It need, moreover, be merely remarked that the ordinary appearance of objects to the naked eye depends in all cases upon a molecular structure, which is generally microscopic, the ordinary appearance being the optical result or expression of this structure ; and since totally dissimilar microscopic structures may present similar appearances to the unaided eye, judgment as to the nature of the former founded upon the latter can be of but little value. The reader will remember that the common capability of distinguishing objects or structures by their appearance has been derived, so to speak, from practice and experience of effects ; and when we bear in mind that the experience and practice in the study of the causes are attainable, the superiority of the latter must be evident. Next to the improvement effected in the optical construction of the microscope during the last few years, must be placed that of the method of investigation. Formerly almost all microscopic bodies possessing different forms and appearances were considered distinct beings, and were named accordingly. By the present method, prolonged observation is adopted to follow the changes which the individual bodies undergo ; whence it has resulted that numbers of them have been found to be simply different stages of each other. Thus a large amount of useless nomenclature and confusion is being removed from the domain of the microscopic world. Above all, however, it must never be forgotten that microscopic investigations require more time and patience than perhaps any others, even in regard to the determination of simple points of structure and qualitative composition. In fact, notwithstanding the innu- merable observations made upon the more minute objects, such as the scales of insects, the markings on the valves of the Diatomaceae, the fibrillre of muscular fibre, &c., such dif- ferences of opinion are still entertained, that it can by no means be asserted that the structure of these bodies is positively known. The time has passed at which the value of microscopic research could be called in question. The wonderful insight gained by its use into the structure and functions of the various organic beings belonging to the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms, the aid it has afforded Geology, the so-called practical applications it has permitted in improving the arts, in detecting adulterations, and in defeating crime, moreover the almost positive certainty we have obtained that it is capable of displaying all the real structure which bodies possess, save that of their ultimate niolecularity, which will probably always be hidden from us, are sufficient to deprive this question of any interest. Lastly, if it were required to prove design in the creation, this could not be more easily effected than by the examination of the structure of microscopic organisms. We have expressed our intention of not entering upon a description of the microscope as an optical instrument, because it would have been requisite to tread widely the field of general optics, which our space does not permit. We would therefore advise those who xiv INTRODUCTION. wish to become acquainted with the microscope as an optical instrument, first to study the general laws of optics, which may "be done through the medium of any of the works or treatises on Natural Philosophy as the article ' Optics' by Ilerschel in the Encycl. Metropolitan, Brewster's 'Optics,' Lloyd's 'Manual,' Deschanel's 'Optique,' Verdet's 1 Lecons d'Optique Physique,' Nageli and Schwendener's ' Mikroskop/ ' Ganot's t Physique ' (transl. by Atkinson), or Rodwell's ' Dictionary of Science.' Perhaps the second work is the best for the general reader ; it is an old standard work, but greatly behindhand in regard to the use of the microscope. They may then proceed to the application of these laws to the various optical parts of the microscope. This will be found in the works enumerated at the end of the Introduction. We must not, however, omit a notice of the principles which should guide in the selec- tion of a microscope and the accessory apparatus, because a large number of microscopes are at the present day sold, frequently at no mean cost, which, although well calculated to afford amusement, are utterly valueless for the purpose of scientific investigation. To those to whom money is no consideration, we may recommend with safety, as the best which can possibly be procured, such as are manufactured by Ross, Smith and Beck, or Powell, of London. These makers have a thorough knowledge of the instrument, and a reputation at stake ; hence there is little occasion to test their instruments. But it may happen that a person may not wish to expend so much money as the purchase of these instruments requires, may wish to procure a foreign instrument (and these are cheaper), or may meet with one second-hand. A word or two may then be of service in guiding them in their choice ; for a microscope may look very well and very handsome, yet be worth but little. It must, however, be borne in mind that there is much room for opinion in these matters j for according to what any one has been accustomed to, or according to prejudice arising from what he may have heard a supposed authority say, so will an instrument or a piece of apparatus be regarded as requisite or of importance, or not. Our statements rest upon our own experience in the long-continued use of the instrument, and as such they must be taken. First, it may be remarked that the microscope is usually regarded as composed of the stand, body, stage, eye-pieces, and object-glasses : and the object-glasses are generally sold separately ; for by means of an " adapter " they can be applied to any microscope. In regard then to the stand, body, c. : the stand should be firm, and so heavy and it* feet so arranged, that the instrument cannot be easily overturned. The body, whether the microscope has one body only, or is binocular, should be about 8 or 10 inches in length j in many of the foreign and cheap English instruments the body is short, and the eyepieces are adapted accordingly j but this adaptation is decidedly objectionable. Whether the microscope shall be binocular or not must be a matter of opinion. In the binocular microscopes there are two bodies and two eye-pieces, the rays of light just above the object-glass being divided by a refracting prism into two portions, one of which passes through each tube; in this way the stereoscopic view of objects is obtained. The binocular arrangement is an additional expense ; it can be added to any microscope j but any binocular microscope can be used as a single-bodied instrument (See BINOCULAR). The microscope should be so constructed that the body can be inclined at any angle desired, so that the observer may examine objects while sitting. Many persons, however, prefer to use the microscope with the body placed perpendicularly; and when chemical STANDSTAGE. xv reagents are to be applied this position is essential ; but when long-continued examination of an object is required, it becomes very painful and fatiguing to keep the head in the position which the perpendicular position of the body requires. Moreover, as in a micro- scope with the joint or arrangement by which the body can be inclined the body can always be placed perpendicularly, the joint is decidedly advantageous. Again, it is almost essential when the camera lucida is used. A brass pin or some similar contrivance should be placed near the joint so as to check the motion of the body of the microscope when it reaches the horizontal position ; no microscope should be without this. In most microscopes a tube sliding within the body and carrying the eyepiece forms a u draw-tube." By drawing this out the magnifying power becomes enlarged without changing the eyepiece ; it is very useful with the erector or erecting-glass (p. xxii) ; and serves occasionally to produce slight corrections for variations in the thickness of the covers, with immersion-lenses. The microscope should have a coarse rack-and-pinion movement or quick motion for adjusting the focus of the lower powers or object-glasses; and when used with an object-glass of about half an inch focus, the image of the object examined whilst coming- in and going out of focus, must not appear to move from one side to the other of the field when the body is raised or depressed by the coarse movement. Also when the milled head of the coarse movement is rotated, the motion should feel smooth, not irregular, uneven, or jerking. In some foreign microscopes, the effect of the coarse rack-and-pinion move- ment is replaced by the sliding of one tube within the other, the body consisting of two tubes working after the manner of those of a telescope. This arrangement is very objec- tionable, although used by some very good observers, who probably have more tact than most people, and who do not use such high powers as they ought ; for when the highest powers are used it is perfectly intolerable. The objection is somewhat overcome in some microscopes by the existence of a fine movement ; but we regard the rack-and-pinion coarse adjustment as essential. A Jine movement or sloiv motion is indispensable j for with the higher powers (one eighth and upwards) it is impossible to adjust the focus without it. When the finger or fingers are applied to this in its use, no apparent motion of the object must take place ; should this occur, the movement is worthless, unless, at all events, it is very slight, and this when tested with the high powers. When the milled head of the fine movement is turned backward and forward, as in use, the motion should be perfectly even, and should be produced very easily, with slight pressure only of the finger or fingers ; moreover no difference should be distinguishable between the two directions in which it is turned, but it should move with equal ease in both. The Jield or luminous disk on which the objects viewed through the microscope are apparently delineated, should have its marginal line clear and black. If this line appear coloured, the eyepiece is not as it should be. The stage should not be too small, (say less than 3 inches in diameter). To the best instruments a moveable stage is adapted ; but whether this is essential or not is considered a matter of opinion. Undoubtedly with low powers the moveable stage may be dispensed with, and is not often used ; but with the higher powers its absence is felt greatly, and we should say that it is essentially necessary. In most of the English microscopes, whether provided with a moveable stage or not, there is a " sliding piece " for producing the back- xvi INTRODUCTION. ward and forward motion of an object, the lateral motion being effected by direct applica- tion of the fingers. If the body of the microscope is to be used in the inclined position the sliding piece or a moveable stage becomes essential. If the moveable stage be present, the " milled heads " should be pretty large, so as to be readily grasped; and a flat object should remain in focus whilst traversing the field by the movement of the stage. The stage should also be very thin. The mirror should have one plane or flat face, and another concave. It should not be too small j and its centre should coincide with the axis of the body of the microscope. A double arm enables the mirror to be brought more considerably to either side, so as to throw more oblique light upon an object. So long as the above conditions are fulfilled, the general form and arrangement of the stand and its parts are of little consequence. It must also be remembered that the complication and accuracy of the apparatus required will vary according to the kind of investigations pursued- Thus the structure of the various tissues of animals, and that of most plants, can be satisfac- torily studied with apparatus which is totally insufficient to display the structure of certain of the more minute and difficult objects ; but, on the other hand, it follows that if a peculiar structure can be shown to exist in any kind of objects by a complicated apparatus, which cannot be demonstrated by a more simple or less perfect apparatus, the study of the struc- ture of any object not previously examined must always be attended with uncertainty so long as it has not been tested by the more perfect kind of apparatus, provided the micro- scopist has not acquired the art of replacing the imperfection of his apparatus by superior tact and management, which can be done to a great extent. Object-glasses, often called Objectives. These form the most important portions of the microscope. The value of the object-glasses depends mainly upon their freedom from chromatic and spherical aberration, and upon the magnitude of their angular aperture. The freedom from the former renders them good in defining power, . e. in exhibiting clearly the margins or outlines of objects or structures; whilst large angular aperture renders them capable of penetration, or of resolving the more delicate markings upon the surface of objects. But there are two kinds of penetrating power, as we shall show in the article "TEST-OBJECTS," where we have entered more fully upon this subject. As in the case of the stand &c. of microscopes, so in regard to the object-glasses ; the best are made in this country, and can be obtained of first-rate quality of the three makers above-mentioned. But the French and German object-glasses have been very greatly im- proved in late years, and are now largely used, especially the immersion-glasses as they are called (OBJECT-GLASSES) ; and some of these resolve perfectly most of the difficult valves of the Diatomaceso ; and they are cheaper than the English glasses. The names of Hart- nack, Zeiss, and Gundlach are well known as those of excellent makers. Some of the American object-glasses also, which are but little known in this country, must stand in the first rank in regard to excellence in defining and especially penetrating power. When a glass of unknown value, however, presents itself, it should be tried upon the test-objects. The defining power maybe tested by the examination of the objects figured in Plate 1. figs. 1 to 4. The outlines or margins of these objects must appear black, well defined, and perfectly free from colour, not misty, nor red or green j they should retain this appearance when the higher eyepieces are used, of course some allowance being made in regard to the sharpness of outline, which will appear slightly broader and less defined, but nowise interfering 1 OBJECT-GLASSES. xvii with, the distinctness of the image of the object. The various parts of an object lying in the same plane, as a transverse section of whalebone, should also be visible at the same focus ; the lines upon a micrometer used as a slide will also serve to test this point. It is not, however, of very great importance, especially with high powers ; but it is a character of a superior object-glass. If the definition of the glass be good, the field flat, and the power adequately high, it will also exhibit the structure of the objects in Plate 1. figs. 5, 6, 10, 12, and 13 clearly and distinctly ; it is then of sufficiently good quality for nearly all the purposes required in the investigation of animal and vegetable structures. The exhibition of the objects illustrated by Plate 1. figs. G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 requires the first kind of penetrating power, but it does not require large angular aperture. The second kind of penetration, however, requires, above all, large angular aperture, inde- pendently of any other superiority; i. e. a glass may be perfectly corrected as to defining power, and exhibit the above objects well, yet when the valve of a Pleurosiyma is sub- jected to it the markings cannot be distinguished without particular appliances, which produce the same effect as an increase of angular aperture in the object-glass. As this property is therefore principally dependent upon r the angular aperture, this should be de- termined by direct measurement ; the method of doing which is described under the article "ANGULAR APERTURE," in which also is contained a list of the various apertures of the best glasses, so that the approximation in the case of any glass to these magnitudes will afford an indication of its quality. It must be observed that increase of angular aperture in an object-glass involves an increase in price. The following remarks may perhaps assist in guiding the judgment in regard to the selection of an object-glass : Large angular aperture is of less importance in the case of a low than of a high power. Large angular aperture is neither requisite nor advantageous in physiological and medical investigations in general. Whether a glass of larger aperture will exhibit any further structure than one of less aperture has already done, can nearly always be predicted from other means. Object-glasses of high power and large angular aperture require to be brought very close to the objects viewed, which is a great disadvantage, rendering them useless for general investigations. In regard to objects requiring large angular aperture for exhibiting their structure, much depends upon the management of the light : so that a glass may fail in exhibiting certain parts of structure in the hands of one of but little experience, whilst in the hands of another it may show them distinctly. Hence the direct measurement of the angle is best, to deter- mine what a glass is capable of exhibiting when properly used. The student may perhaps find himself perplexed by the conflicting statements made by different renowned observers in respect to object-glasses. The illustrious Schleiden said that only a magnifying power of about 500 diameters is useful for scientific purposes, that witli our present microscopes we may see whatever we like with a power of 3000, and that only the amplification of an object to the extent of 280 or 300 diameters is produced by the object-glass, all beyond this being effected by the eyepieces with an almost total ^oss of light. These statements were perhaps formerly true ; but they do not apply to the modern object-glasses. The highest modern object-glasses will show minute objects with a power of from GOO to 2500 diameters with the lowest eyepiece, as clearly and well defined as the xviii INTRODUCTION. ordinary glasses of 1-inch focus will show larger objects; hence enormous improvements have latterly been made in object-glasses, the increased magnifying power being produced by the object-glasses and not by the eyepieces, by which means the visible images are rendered most distinct and trustworthy ; for the object-glass alone produces the structural image of the object, which is magnified by the eyepiece, but the latter elicits no further structures. According to modern views, about 800 diameters is the magnifying power of the object- glass which will resolve all visible structure. High eyepieces, even to 50,000 diameters, will magnify the images, but will not elicit further structures. For ordinary useful purposes, the or inch and the inch object-glasses, with the first and third eyepieces, will suffice. With the draw-tube and the third eyepiece, the \ will magnify 900 diameters, which is sufficient for most ordinary investigations. Recent investigators with very high powers, especially with immersion-lenses, have brought to light new structures hitherto overlooked ; we need merely mention the muscle- rods (Plate 22. fig. 36 c), the sperniatozoal membrane (Plate 50. fig. 25), and the ciliimi of Bacterium (Plate 1. figs. 19, 20), &c; but all the lenses made by the best makers, both English and foreign, are provided with an immersion-front. These structures, which are very difficult to exhibit with the older microscopes and object-glasses, show the impor- tance of using very high powers, especially the T V or ^ inch. Diaphragm. Most microscopes are provided with a diaphragm. It consists of a circular blackened revolving plate, placed beneath the stage and having a series of circular apertured of different sizes, each of which can be brought successively opposite to the axis of the body of the microscope. It serves to regulate the quantity of light in examining trans- parent objects; it also reduces the angle of the cone of the reflected rays. It is seldom, however, used, nearly the same effect being produced by the two different surfaces of the mirror. Revolving Staye-plate. One of the plates of which the inoveable stage is composed is so constructed as to revolve in the same plane upon its axis, whereby an object may also be made to revolve in the same manner. This apparatus, however, has some disadvantages in the older microscopes ; for it renders the stage heavy and increases its depth ; ami the desired effect may easily be produced by rotating the slide with the fingers ; moreover it is exceed- ingly difficult to place the object in the centre of rotation. It is however, provided in the best modern instruments, and is by many considered of importance ; the old thickness of stage has also been avoided. Spring Clamping-piece is intended to fix the slide upon the stage. It is of little use pro- vided the slides are of the proper length, which we have given; if they are longer, the clamp will prevent the accidental displacement of an object in changing the power, &c. It server, however, to fix the slide in viewing objects by oblique light, when the slide projects beyond the edge of the stage, and to prevent its tilting over. Forceps are essential for holding opaque objects, such as insects, and viewing them in different positions ; to allow of which, the handle of the forceps is made capable of revolving. The Disk-revolver (Beck) is a very useful apparatus. It serves to bring into view all parts of an opaque object, but that which is attached to the disk. Dark Wells are metallic cups of various sizes, blackened inside, and serving to prevent the .reflection of light upon opake objects from below. They are supported in a holder, ACHEOMATIC CONDEXSEK. xix moveable in an arm which is inserted into some part of the stand of the microscope. Their purpose is equally well effected by a slide beneath which a piece of black velvet has been fastened by marine glue. Achromatic Condenser. This consists of an achromatic object-glass, or set of lenses, placed in an inverted position beneath the stage, usually in a "secondary" stage, and moveable in all directions in its own plane and in the direction of its axis. It serves to condense the light reflected by the mirror to a focus upon the object, and to exclude all extraneous light. It is essential in examining minute objects with high powers ; in fact, the structure of many objects cannot be made out without it. In the excellent Gillett's condenser, a rotating dia- phragm is placed behind the back glass of the combination forming the condensing object- glass, perforated with a series of apertures of various sizes, some of them being circular, whilst others are annular the former diminishing or increasing the cone or pencil of rays reflected from the mirror by excluding the lateral rays, the latter admitting only the lateral rays, the central ones being intercepted by the portion of the diaphragm within the ring, so that the angular inclination of the transmitted rays may be increased or diminished at will. In its most improved form it consists of two concentric revolving diaphragms, with central stops, by which the relative sizes of the apertures and stops can be varied ; and its angle of aperture is 170 (Powell). In the latest form, it represents a " swinging " substage. The markings upon many of the Diatomacese can only be made out when examined by oblique light, as procured by intercepting the central rays, which effect is produced by this modified achromatic condenser. The same effect may be produced to some extent in one of the achromatic condensers of the old form, provided the compound lenses of which the object-glass in the condenser consists are separable, by pasting or temporarily placing a circular disk or " stop " of black paper exactly upon the centre of the plane face of the innermost combination. The diameter of the disk should amount to about two thirds of that of the surface of the combination to which it is applied. The combinations are then fitted together as they were at first. This stop intercepts the central rays, thus diminishing the amount of light transmitted; but this difficulty is easily got over. When the achromatic condenser is used, the flat surface of the mirror should form the reflecting surface, and care skould also be taken that the axis of the condenser coincides with that of the object-glass. To ensure this, a small cap of brass having a minute circular aperture in its centre should be fitted to the lower part of the tube in which the condensing lenses are situated. When the object-glass is properly adjusted with regard to the condensing lenses, the field of the microscope will appear black, excepting at a minute luminous spot. This spot must be made to occupy the centre of the field by moving the laterally adjusting screws of the condenser, or the body of the microscope j as soon as this has been effected, the brass cap must be removed. Or Ross's centering-glass may be used : this consists of a tubular eyepiece cap, in which are two plano-convex lenses so adjusted that the image of the aperture in the object-glass, and the images of the apertures of the lenses and diaphragms of the condenser, may all be seen in focus at the same time, and their centricity or excentricity determined. The focus of the condenser must be made to fall upon the object, which can be effected by raising or depressing the condenser until the window-bars by day, or the lamp-flame by night, are brought into focus ; but if the image of these interferes with the view of an object, the condenser must be lowered to displace them. The paper-stop may be very advantageously replaced by a blackened metallic stop placed xx INTRODUCTION. behind the first pair of lenses of the condenser, and screwed into the top of the condenser in the place of the ordinary diaphragm. Neither of these kinds of stop equals in conve- nience the improved Gillett's condenser, because with the latter the number of rays transmitted or intercepted, and the degree of their obliquity, can be varied by the simple rotation of the diaphragms. The spot-lens is also used for the same purpose. This consists of a very convex plano-convex lens, placed beneath the stage, the central rays being inter- cepted by a stop. The central stop is generally used when objects are examined with the higher powers. The power used in the condenser will vary greatly according to the kind of object under examination. If a considerable amount of light be required without obliquity of the rays, the condensing power should be lower than that of the object-glass. If great obliquity of the rays bo required, the higher the power of the condensing lenses, and the larger their angular aperture, the better. When the achromatic condenser is suitably arranged in regard to centering, and the condensing object-glass or set of lenses is properly selected and adjusted, the structure of minute objects is displayed in a manner with which those who regard the condenser as useless must be utterly unacquainted. Many very delicate objects are rendered most distinct by using the smallest aperture in the diaphragm of the condenser, so that the admitted rays are almost parallel. But this requires a very powerful light. "Extra Eyepieces. Always one, and mostly two or more eyepieces, or oculars as they are sometimes called, are obtained with the microscope when purchased : but the highest eyepiece which is made should always be procured j for although high eyepieces are so far objectionable that they magnify the imperfections of the image formed by the object-glass as well as the image itself, yet they frequently render parts of structure distinct which are perhaps only just perceptible with a lower eyepiece. Kellner's ortho- scopic eyepiece, in which the lower lens is doubly convex, gives a very large and flat field. Polarizing Apparatus or Polariscope. This usually consists either of two plates of tourmaline, or of two Nicol's prisms. The latter are generally used, and are preferable on account of their freedom from colour. They are composed each of two half-rhombs of calcareous spar cemented together so as transmit only one image. The prisms should appear perfectly clear and colourless, and free from scratches and veins ; and when, on holding them to a light, the uppermost is rotated so as to occupy a particular position with regard to the other, no light should be transmitted through them. The polarizing apparatus is useful in bringing to light certain peculiarities of structure which cannot be detected in any other way ; and is particularly useful in the study of minerals (RocKs). A substitute may be made of two crystals of the iodo-disulphate of quinine, dried upon and cemented to circles of thin glass. In use, one is placed beneath the object, and the other on the top of the eyepiece. Spectroscope. The spectroscope, as applied to the microscope, is a somewhat expensive apparatus, and requires great practice in its application. It is, however, most important in many investigations. See SPECTROSCOPE. Side Condenser. This consists of a large doubly convex or plano-convex lens, or " bull's- eye," of short focus, 2 or 3 inches, mounted upon a brass arm, which slides up and down a rod placed perpendicularly in a stand. The arm should be capable of being lengthened, and the stand should be so broad and heavy that there need be no fear of its being overturned. AMICI'S PRISM, ETC, xxi Its use is to condense the light upon opaque objects, When used, it is placed between the object lying upon the slide under the microscope and the lamp or other source of light, which should be about 6 or 7 inches from the object, the plane surface of the lens being at right angles to the direction of the rays of light, and next the object ; and the lens must be brought so close to the object that the focus falls upon the latter. Sometimes a " small condensing lens " is used to concentrate the light already transmitted through the large condenser : this is usually fixed to some part of the microscope. A doubly convex lens of much longer focus than the bull's-eye lens, about 7 or 8 inches, will be found very useful for condensing the light upon the mirror when the achromatic condenser, stops, &c. are used with the highest powers. The arm of the bull's-eye lens may be adapted to hold either or both of the lenses. AmicPs prism is sometimes useful for throwing very oblique light through a transparent object. It consists of a flattened-triangular glass prism, the two narrower sides of which are convex. The third and broadest side forms the reflecting surface. The prism may be attached to a separate stand, or to the secondary stage. It is sometimes mounted on a pillar placed beneath a large brass slide, perforated in the centre. A triangular prism mounted in either of these ways forms a Reade's prism, and is used in the same manner. Arnici's prism exerts a condensing as well as reflecting action. LieberMhn. Some opaque objects may be well illuminated by a lieberkiihn or silver cup ; by which the light, first reflected by the mirror upon the concave surface of the cup, is afterwards reflected upon the object. It is not adapted for higher powers than the 5 inch. Wenham 1 s Parabolic Reflector. The discovery of the importance of excluding the central rays of light, and using a central stop for this purpose, is due to F. H. Wenham, who invented an apparatus in which this principle is taken advantage of. It consists of a brass tube fitted beneath the stage in the place of the ordinary achromatic condenser, terminated above by a hollow truncated cone the perpendicular section of which forms a parabola, with an internal polished silver reflecting surface. At the base of the parabola is placed a disk of thin glass, in the centre of which is cemented a dark well. In use, the central rays are stopped by the dark well, whilst the lateral rays, passing up the tube, impinge upon the parabolic surface, from which they are reflected upon the lower surface of the object. This apparatus, as modified by Shadbolt, is constructed of a solid cylinder of glass terminating above in a cone the surface of which has the form of a parabola and replaces the silver reflecting surface and is the form now generally used. In objects viewed under this or any other form of black-ground illumination, the light reaching the eye is all reflected from certain suitably inclined surfaces of the object. This may be proved by placing a polarizer beneath the reflector, selecting as the object some small strongly polarizing crystal?. On applying the analyzer, no colour will be seen, showing that the light has not passed through the object. Hence care must be taken in drawing conclusions from the appearances. Brooke's Reflecting Apparatus. The purpose of this is to illuminate objects by reflected light, so that they can be examined with the highest power. It consists of two parts ; the first is essentially the same as the apparatus proposed by Wenham. The second consists of a small, flat, circular metallic mirror (a flat lieberkiihn), perforated to admit the lower end of the object-glass, upon which it slides, and so arranged that the reflecting surface is in the same plane as the lower surface of the object-glass. When in use, the light is xxii INTRODUCTION. reflected by the parabolic surface upon the plane reflector, and thence upon the upper surface of the object. This apparatus has lately given place to the next-mentioned. JBeck'ts Opaque Illuminator, which is a valuable piece of apparatus, is constructed thus : A short screw-tube, or adapter, with an aperture in one side> is fitted between the end of the body and the top of the object-glass. Within the tube is a circle of thin glass, set obliquely, so that the light entering the side aperture is reflected by the circle upon the surface of the object, and passes upwards to the eyepiece. This may be used with the fa to T^-inch immersion-lenses; and with it the hexagonal markings of Plenrosiyma anyulatum are distinctly seen, and the lines of fracture running through the areoles (Moorehouse). Tolks's Illuminator consists of a prism inserted in the side of the object-glass, between the front and middle combinations, so reflecting the light entering by a side aperture upon the object. See also ILLUMINATION. A number of points in regard to the colour of objects, distinction of pigment-granules from minute air-bubbles, &c. may be decided by these pieces of apparatus. In questions of elevations or depressions of surface, conclusions must be based upon the analysis of the formation and arrangement of the shadows, and not upon the general appearance, because it is well known that objects, or parts of them, usually appear larger and more prominent in proportion to the amount of light reflected by them to the eye. Hence, for instance, little depressions, which are in fact extensions of surface, by reflecting more light than the surrounding flat or nearly flat surfaces, would appear very brilliant and luminous, and thus resemble elevations. Camera Lucida, and steel di^k or Mirror of Scunnering. One of these is requisite for drawing from the microscope. The camera lucida resembles that commonly used in sketching landscapes &c., but is provided with a fitting adapting it to the eyepiece. The mirror of Soniniering is a plane mirror of polished steel, less in diameter than the pupil of the eye, supported opposite the focus of the eyepiece by a small steel arm attached to a split ring which grasps the eyepiece by a spring-action. There is one disadvantage attending the eyepiece of Sommeriug, viz. that it inverts the image of objects, which the camera does not. When either of these is used, the body of the microscope must be placed horizontally, and the axis of vision be directed perpendicularly ; the image of the object will then be seen upon the table, and may be traced with a pencil. In using the camera, it must be remembered that the size of the object will appear greater as the distance between the eyepiece and the table is increased ; hence it is best always to place the microscope in one and the same position when about to use it for drawing, so that the extent to which the objects are magnified by the same power may always be the same. The pin mentioned at page xv is invaluable for this purpose. By placing a inicroineter- slide upon the stage, and comparing the magnified image of the divisions with those on a known measure, such as a graduated rule, the magnifying power can always be checked, and any error arising from varied distance determined. Beale's neutral-tint glass reflector is often used as a camera, and is inexpensive. In using either the camera or the mirror of Sb'mmering, the eye must be kept exactly in one position ; otherwise the image of the object will move. Also the field and the paper must be illuminated to nearly the same extent. One of the screens mentioned at page xxviii is very useful for excluding extraneous light. Erecting-ylms (Lister's). This consists of a brass tube, furnished with a meniscus at LIVE-BOX AND GBOWING-SLIDE, ETC, xxiii the upper and a plano-convex lens at the lower end. It is screwed into the diaphragm of the body of the microscope, or that of the draw-tube. It erects the images of objects, and serves, with a low object-glass, to reduce the magnifying power at pleasure, and to facilitate dissection under the microscope. Live-Box and Growing-Slide. The live-box is an apparatus in which portions of liquid containing infusoria and other small animals or plants can be confined so as to prevent evaporation and allow of their being watched in a living state. A better apparatus, however, for this purpose is my growing-slide. This consists of a piece of stout plate-glass, 5 inches long and about 2 wide. A circular aperture, of about the diameter of a test-tube, is made near one end oi it. A little glass cup, formed of a portion of a test-tube cut off three fourths of an inch from the closed end, and slightly less in diameter than the aperture, is then fitted into the latter, either by pieces of cork, or by a rim consisting of a glass ring forming a neck to the cup, or in any other way. The cup should project about one fourth above the surface of the slide ; and at one portion of its margin a little groove should be ground, in which two or three threads of a lamp-wick can be placed. The cup should be covered with a circular plate of thin glass, larger than its mouth, and prevented from falling off by a disk of cork fitting the mouth and fastened to the plate by marine glue ; or the cup may be closed with a common cork, the only ob- jection to this being that the mouth of the cup is apt to split. The manner in which the slide is used is this : Supposing it is wished to follow the changes undergone by some minute alga or infusorium which has been detected in a drop of liquid, it is placed upon a slide and covered with thin glass ; the slide is then placed upon the growing-slide in such manner that the longer dimensions of the two are in the same direction ; a little ledge consisting of a strip of glass fastened by marine glue to the grow T ing-slide will serve to rest the slide against, and prevent its becoming displaced. Distilled water, mixed with a small proportion of the water in which the organism was living before being transferred to the slide, is next put into the cup, and a few threads of lamp-wick cotton, thoroughly moistened with distilled water, are then so placed that one end is immersed in the cup whilst the other is brought into contact with the edge of the liquid in which the object is immersed. Thus, as the water evaporates from beneath the thin glass, the threads will afford a con- tinuous supply, and the threads will not become dry until the whole of the liquid in the cup has become absorbed by them and evaporated. In 'this way we obtain the requisite conditions for the continued growth of aquatic organisms. Care must be taken, however, that the thin glass presses but slightly upon the object, and that the threads come as little as possible into contact with the portions of the slide lying between the cup and the thin glass. If the thin glass cover to the cup fit tightly, and the thread be passed through the notch in the cup, no loss will take place by the direct evaporation of the liquid in the cup. In many cases a modification of this slide is -arranged so that organisms can be kept in a warm liquid; this is very useful in examining amoeboid movements of the blood- corpuscles, leucocytes, &c. Several varieties of this have been devised (GROWING-SLIDE). Compressor, an instrument for the regulated compression of a minute object. The same effect can be produced by a well-made live-box, or by pressure directly applied to the thin glass covering an object by the handle of a mounted needle. Cabinet. A box or cabinet, containing a number of drawers, will be requisite for holding the objects. Each drawer should be numbered or labelled to facilitate reference. The objects should lie flat in the drawers, so that each may be found when required without xxiv INTRODUCTION. loss of time. The cabinet should be furnished with two folding doors, so as to exclude dust as much as possible. It should also be made of thoroughly seasoned wood, oak or mahogany being the best ; if made of deal or cedar, the vapour of the volatile oil of the wood will insinuate itself beneath the thin glass cover and the slide in those objects which are mounted in the dry state, and, condensing upon them and the objects, will obscure and spoil them. It may be remarked here that the names of objects should always be written upon labels pasted (not gummed) to the slides, not merely upon the slides with a diamond. The colour of the labels should be different for each kind of object; or if the labels be com- posed of white paper, they should have a coloured margin ; thus those of the Desmidiacere may be green, the Piatomacese yellow, c., so that the various slides, when acciden- tally mixed after comparative examinations, can be readily replaced in their respective drawers. Bell-ylasses. The microscope when in use, either constant or occasional, should always be kept under a large bell-glass, the base of which fits into an annular groove made in a circular flat wooden stand. In this way it is kept from dust, and the trouble and wear and tear consequent upon putting it into a box is saved. Moreover, thus protected, an object under examination can be left without fear of injury or disturbance, and be also preserved from dust. Several smaller bell-glasses of various sizes should also be kept at hand, under which any objects which it may not be convenient to mount for a time, or the examination of which may not be completed, can be protected. Slides. These are ordinarily made of glass about the thickness of common window-glass j their length is usually 3 inches, and their breadth 1 inch. The old length was "1\ inches, which I prefer, as the longer slides, with a large number of objects, take up so much room ; but as the aperture in the stage has been enlarged in the modern microscopes to allow of the passage of the parabolic reflector, the Amici's prism, &c., if the old size be retained the slides will drop through the stage : this we remedy by an additional brass plate. Where the objects are very large, the slide must be proportionately large, and its thickness greater than usual. The slides should be made of colourless glass, so as not to interfere with the appreciation of the colour of an object. And they should be flat j otherwise the parts of the object will lie in different planes, and every motion of the slide will require new adjustment of the focus. The edges are best somewhat ground on a copper plate with emery, to prevent injury to the fingers or scratching the stage-plate. Very delicate structures require to be examined and mounted upon thin glass. The slides may then be made of wood, sheet zinc, or tin-plate, with a circular aperture in the middle, upon which a piece of thin glass is cemented ; or slides of 9~10-oz. crown-glass may be used. Covers. Comparatively few objects can be viewed in the dried state ; hence they are most frequently immersed in some kind of liquid. To prevent the evaporation and conden- sation of this upon the object-glass, and to reduce the thickness of the layer of liquid to a minimum, the obj ect is usually covered with a piece of thin glass. The form of this cover is either square or circular, and the thickness from about the :5 V to the ?^$ f an mc fy OP even less. These covers are usually kept already cut by the microscope-makers and those who sell objects. Before use, they are best allowed to remain immersed in water for some time. Care is required in wiping this thin glass. It is usually effected by holding the cover at two opposite points of the margin between the finger and the thumb of the left DIPPING-TUBES-FORCEPS. xxv hand, and rubbing the surfaces with, a fold of a cloth, leather, or silk handkerchief covering the same parts of the right hand. But the thinnest glass cannot be wiped in this way without being broken. This requires to be held at the edge by the finger and thumb of the left hand applied to the flat surfaces, and to be drawn slowly through the fold of the cloth in the hand. A very thin layer of mica is useful as a cover with the highest powers, as it prevents the risk of scratching the object-glass, the lower surface of which is often flush with the edge of the brass mounting. Dipping-tubes. These are glass tubes varying in length from about 5 inches to a foot, and in calibre from to an inch. They are cut of the proper length by a three-square file, and the ends gently fused in the flame of a spirit-lamp. One end is then coated outside with sealing-wax and spirit, or some other coloured liquid, so that the same end may always be used for the same purpose. They are of use for removing objects from water or other liquids in which they may be contained. Suppose, for instance, it is required to examine some deposit lying at the bottom of a liquid, or an object suspended : the fore finger of the hand in which the tube is held is placed upon the upper end of the tube so as to close it ; the other end is then immersed in the liquid and brought into contact with, or as near as possible to the object, and the finger removed from the upper end. Hydrostatic pressure then forces the liquid, and with it the object, into the lower part of the tube, and it can be transferred to a slide. When a tube of narrow calibre is used, the liquid and object are retained within the tube by capillary attraction ; they must then be removed by gently blowing at the upper end, the lower end being placed upon the slide. The use of colouring one end of the tube is, that the application of the mouth to the end of the tube which has been immersed in some offensive liquid, as foetid water, &c., may be avoided. These tubes should be kept in a glass of distilled water, with the coloured ends uppermost. When a large tube is used, as in removing the larva of an insect, a tadpole, c., the quantity of liquid removed is also large, and will be more than is required on the slide. The tube should then be emptied into a watch-glass, and the object placed upon the slide or in the live-box by a camel's-hair pencil. Forceps are in constant requisition for taking hold of minute objects, dissecting, &c. Those used for medical purposes (common steel dissecting or surgical forceps) are best. There are three points to be attended to in the selection of them. They should not be too short, i. e. less than four inches in length at least ; the spring- (separating-) action should be very feeble ; and the points should be perfectly flat and smooth where they come into contact. If forceps are shorter than the above length, they are not easily held steadily : if the spring-action be strong, on holding an object, as in dissection, with the forceps, the attention being perhaps directed to the scalpel, needle-points, &c., the blades of the forceps separate, and the object escapes from their grasp. If the forceps have teeth or are grooved, perhaps after laying an object out upon a slide under water, or elsewhere, a portion of it becomes entangled in the teeth, and the whole displaced. Surgical " tena- culum-forceps " are very useful occasionally in injecting. These forceps lock bv their own spring-action. Supposing, then, the injection is escaping from the orifice of some vessel which has been overlooked and no assistant is at hand, on including the open end of the vessel between the ends of those forceps, which may then be left hanging, it is firmly fixed, and the operator has both hands disengaged to tie it ; in fact, these forceps are xxvi INTRODUCTION. indispensable to the injector. They should be short, and not heavy; otherwise the vessel may be torn by their weight. Surgical " dressing-forceps " are also frequently of use; and long tf oesophagus-forceps " with scissor-handles are serviceable for removing portions of plants c. from large jars or glass vessels. Needles. For separating the parts of minute objects, fine points are requisite ; these are found in common needles of moderate size fixed by one end into the handle of a water- colour brush. These are easily prepared : the needle is cut in half by cutting-pliers ; the blunt end is then forced into the stick, about half an inch in length being left projecting. Surgeons' " cataract-needles " ground down are elegant instruments of this kind, but they require to be shortened. For the minute dissection of objects, the mounted needles require pointing on a hone. A stout sable-hair or fine bristle, inserted into a slender wooden handle, is frequently of use in isolating minute bodies, as Diatomacefle, which would be broken by any other instru- ment. It is used thus : suppose we have a number of Nawcula, or the like, in a bottle, mixed with other bodies, and we wish to isolate one for preservation. A small quantity of the deposit is taken up with a dipping-tube, and allowed to escape upon a slide in such manner as to form a narrow stripe upon it. This is then examined with the lowest power with which the object can be distinguished, and one near the margin of the liquid stripe is selected, and may easily be removed with the mounted bristle (under the microscope) beyond the margin of the liquid. The remainder of the liquid is then wiped away with a cloth, a little distilled water added to the small quantity of liquid left containing the object, and the latter moved with the bristle into the middle of the slide. The liquid is then driven off by heat, and the object is left on the slide ready for mounting. Or, when the matter is dried upon the slide, any one of the minute objects being lightly touched with the dry bristle will adhere to it ; and by gently pressing or rotating the bristle upon the middle of a new slide, the object will readily be transferred to the latter. The Diatomacea) may be easily isolated in this way. Knives. Ordinary dissecting-kuives or scalpels. The handles should be sufficiently large to allow of being firmly held. A particular and most useful kind of knife for producing thin sections of soft bodies is that known as " Valentin's knife." It consists of two or sometimes three blades with their fiat surfaces parallel, set in a handle. The blades can be fixed at any distance apart, according to the thickness of the section required. It is drawn across and through the substance, from heel to point ; the section remains between the blades, and is then removed, either with forceps, or the blades of the knife are opened under water, and the section floated upon a slide immersed in the liquid. In the latter case, the action of the water upon the tissue must not be overlooked. Valentin's knife is absolutely indispensable in the examination of animal bodies. Some sections, especially of plants, are best made with a razor. Many sections can only be made by the aid of the " section-cutter " or microtome, which is described under PREPARATION. Black and white Disk. A disk 3 or 4 inches in diameter, made of seasoned wood, and upon one face of which a piece of white paper or card-board has been fastened by paste or glue. One half of the paper or card-board is coloured black ;t he other is left white. This is very useful in dissecting or separating minute portions of tissues ; if these are white, they become much more easily distinguished than usual when placed (on a slide) over the black part of the disk ; if they are dark, over the white portion. LEADED CORK EVA^OBATING-DISH TEST-BOX, ETC. xxvii Leaded cork. Some structures require to be dissected under water, as, c. g., those of insects &c. These should be fixed with pins upon a piece of cork, beneath which a plate of lead, corresponding in size, has been fastened. In many cases it is advan- tageous to dissect these tissues under the simple microscope. An aperture may then be made in the lead and cork, and the tissue or structure stretched across the aperture, so that the light may pass through it; or it may be illuminated as an opaque object by the aid of the bull's-eye. A trough, composed of five pieces of glass cemented together with marine glue, four for the sides and one for the bottom, will serve to hold the water and the leaded cork. Evaporating Disk or Saucer. It is advisable to keep one of these, with a flat bottom, always at hand filled with distilled water, in which slides and Covers that have been used may be immersed. The remains of objects which have been examined are thus easily separated from the glasses, and there is but little trouble in wiping the latter clean. If held under a gentle current of water, all remains of tissues or test-liquids may be washed away from the dish the glasses, from their gravity, remaining at the bottom. Test-box. A wooden box, holding from six to a dozen or more test-bottles, is indispen- sably requisite. The box must be divided into partitions corresponding to the size of the bottles, and the latter must be wedged between these partitions so that the stopper can bo removed without fear of disturbing the bottles. The box should be covered with a lid furnished with hinges, so that no room may be required to place the lid when the box is opened. The bottles will vary in size according to option ; but they should be of at least 1-ounce capacity. Each should have a stopper so prolonged as nearly to reach the bottom of the bottle, its form being either conical or fusiform. The advantages of this form of stopper are, that a mere trace or several ordinary drops of the reagent may be applied to the object as required. If a very minute quantity be desired, the lower part of the stopper is allowed to touch the inside of the neck of the bottle when it is withdrawn ; and if a larger quantity be required, this proceeding may be avoided. Each bottle should be labelled ; and a label should also be placed upon the upper end of the side or partition of the box near to the bottle, so that the nature of the contents of each bottle may be ascertained without removing it from the box, The general advantages of this apparatus are, that the quantity of reagent required can be obtained to the greatest nicety, and it can be added to the exact spot required with one hand only, so that the other can be employed to hold the slide and object &c. Reayents or Test-liquids, Some of these should be kept in the test-bottles ; but larger quantities should also be kept in other stoppered bottles. We give a list here of those test- reagents which are most frequently required j the method of preparing each, the strength, &c. will be found under the respective heads. 1. Sulphuric acid. 2. Nitric acid. 3. Acetic acid. 4. Caustic potash, o. Chloride of calcium. 6. Aqueous solution of iodine. 7. Oil of turpentine. 8. Glycerine. 9. Acid nitrate of mercury (Millon's test-liquid). 10. Distilled water. Benzole and alcohol or methylated spirit should also be kept at hand. Chromic acid should be preserved in a wide-mouthed stoppered bottle, and its solution prepared when requisite, as it easily becomes decomposed by dust &c. Trow/Jis are flat, oblong glass boxes, without lids. They are made of pieces of glass cemented together by marine glue, and are used in examining the larger aquatic plants or animals in a living state, also in mounting objects. c xxviii INTRODUCTION. Divided Scale. A metallic or ivory scale divided into lOOths &c. of an inch, is indis- pensable in micrometric admeasurements (see MEASUREMENT). The metal or ivory should extend beyond the graduated portion. Micrometer. A glass slide with fine lines scratched upon it with a diamond, these being loWtn of an inch apart, is absolutely requisite. Another, with coarser divisions, is also required to be placed in the eyepiece, for making measurements (see MEASUREMENT). A rectangular brass table, with two legs at one end and one at the other, is useful in macerating objects upon slides iii chemical reagents, oil of turpentine, or Canada balsam, and in mounting objects. It is heated by a small spirit-lamp placed underneath. Ring-Net. A very useful piece of apparatus for collecting Desmidiaceae, Diatomacete, &c., where entangled amongst Confervre &c., or forming crusts or films upon other aquatic plants, consists of a brass or wooden ring about 4 inches in diameter, furnished with a groove round its circumference, in which also a radial aperture exists, through which the end of a stick may pass. A piece of very fine muslin, rather larger than the ring, is then laid over it, and the margins of the muslin fixed in the groove by means, of a vulca- nized Indian-rubber band. Or this apparatus may be so modified, that the muslin is fixed by means of an inner ring, adapted to the outer, but incomplete at one point of its circum- ference, and with a projecting rim to prevent its passing through the outer ring. Thus \\\\ have a kind of strainer; and by using several pieces of previously wetted muslin in >iu - cession, a large number of the minute organisms may be separated from the water. The pieces of musliu may be brought home, folded up, in wide-mouthed bottles, separately. 01 several in one, according as the organisms are obtained from one or several waters. In this way we save carrying a large quantity of water. The pieces of muslin are afterwards opened and placed in jars of filtered river-water, and exposed to the light, when the organisms will become detached. A simple microscope, or some apparatus which will allow of dissection with the aid of lenses, is essential, although the erecting eyepiece or the erecting-glass (p. xxii) will answer the same purpose. It is of little consequence which be selected, provided a large and firm sloping arm-rest be furnished on each side of the stage. Either doublets or the lower powers may be used. Some of the modem simple microscopes are binocular, Leather Case and Collecting- Bottles. The Diatomaceee, Desmidiaceae, and other smaller Algae, as also the Infusoria, require to be collected and brought home in bottles. These should be of about 1 or 2 ounces capacity j and, for portability without risk of being broken, they should be packed in a case made of stout leather, with a separate space for each bottle. The whole will pack up in the form of a book. Having given a sketch of the most important pieces of apparatus, we will say a few w-ords upon the illumination. Ittummation. The best light in general for microscopic purposes is undoubtedly day- light, or that of the sun reflected from the clouds j and this is certainly the light which can be borne for the greatest length of time without injury to the sight. The position of the observer is of importance ; it should be such that the window is on his left hand, or even the back slightly turned towards the window. The advantages of this position are great ; for then but little light will enter the eyes directly from the window, and it is of the greatest importance, during a microscopic examination, that the least possible amount of light should be admitted to the eye, from any source, besides that transmitted through or reflected from the object. In drawing also with the camera lucidathis position should ILLUMINATION. xxix be strictly observed ; for all extraneous light which would interfere with the distinctness of the image is thus excluded, and the shadow of the pencil and hand does not interfere with or obscure the sketch in progress, which would be the case if the observer's right hand were towards the window. But in daylight the light entering the eye from the window, even in the position above mentioned, will interfere with the observation, unless a preventive be employed, which is to place a screen, either supported upon a stand or fixed to the upper part of the body of the microscope, between the eye and the eyepiece of the microscope and the light. This screen may be made of card-board or thin wood, covered with black velvet. If it be fixed to a moveable arm, like the lens of the side- condenser, it may be easily placed in any convenient position. If to be fitted on the microscope, it may be constructed thus : a piece of stout card-board, of about the size and shape of one of the plates of this work, should have the corners rounded off, and should be bent at a right angle at about the lower one-fourth ; a hole being cut in the middle of the smaller portion, of a size just to fit the top of the body of the micro- scope, a short tube of card-board is then made by sewing or pasting; and this, being fastened in the same way to the circular aperture, serves to keep the screen in posi- tion. The whole is then covered with black velvet. When used, the long flap should be placed towards the left side ; it then shelters the eye and upper part of the eyepiece from the light. A screen of this kind should always be kept upon the microscope ; for it is of the greatest service. A tube made of a roll of card-board, fastened to the inside of the angle of the screen described above, will serve to fix it to the stem of the side-con- denser ; it may then be made to slide upon this axis or stem at pleasure. It is hardly possible to use the high powers of the microscope by daylight without a screen of this kind. But few persons have the opportunity of using daylight for microscopic researches, and with the highest powers ordinary daylight is by no means sufficient ; hence artificial light of some kind is called into requisition ; and the most common source of this is an Argand-lamp (Silber's) with oil ; used with or without a side-condenser. For ordinary purposes this answers well, although the best for examining Diatomacese &c. is a paraffine- oil or camphine lamp, especially when stops and very high powers and eyepieces are used, whereby a large amount of light is intercepted. A cheap common beuzoline lamp with a round or, better, a flat wick, is very advantageous, even with the highest powers (^V^h Beale) ; the direct light being used. In Fiddian's lamp, the flame is enclosed in a metallic case, so resembling a bull's-eye lantern, the light escaping from a round orifice only ; hence no extraneous light can reach the eye. The lamp must slide up and down the stem, so that it can be placed at any height ; and it should be furnished with a shade, also move- able. A white-cloud earthenware or enamel shade is often used. Norman's paraffine- lamp, and Collin's Bockett lamp, with an attached bull's-eye, and How's lamp, are good lamps. An improved lamp, for illuniination and centering with high powers, is described by Dallinger (M. Mi. Jn. 1876, xv. p. 165). Much of the success with which the structure of an object is displayed will depend upon the manner in which the light is thrown upon or transmitted through it. In general the more light that can be condensed upon opaque objects the better; and when the various parts of such objects are of different colours, the more direct the light and the greater the angular aperture of the object-glass, the more clearly will the parts be distinguishable ; while in certain opaque objects which present questionable elevations or depressions on c2 xxx INTRODUCTION. their surface, great obliquity of the incident light is essential. With transparent objects it is sometimes desirable to diminish the amount of light more or less; which may be done, cither by means of the diaphragm, by using the flat instead of the concave face of the mirror, or by inclining the mirror to one side. It must not be forgotten, in determining the cause of the better display of an object by the substitution of a less amount of oblique light for a larger amount of direct light, that it need not necessarily arise from the obliquity; for in many instances the cause is simply the diminution of tight, whether direct or oblique being a matter of indifference. When the mirror has only one reflecting surface, the amount of light may be diminished by removing the lamp to a greater distance from the mirror, or turning this somewhat on one side. But the difficulty usually found consists in the amount of light being too small instead of too great. This may be overcome by attention to the following circumstances : the mirror must be placed as near the lamp as possible ; if it cannot be brought within a few inches of the lamp, the shallow bull's-eye condenser made to condense the light upon the mirror : with the object- glasses of high powers the achromatic condenser must be used ; and the lower the power of the condensing lenses, the greater will be the amount of light transmitted. The lined appearances presented by many objects, require for their exhibition very oblique light, which may be obtained by first raising the mirror as near as possible to the plane of the stage, and then bringing it as much to one side or the other of the stage as can be done. Nachet's, Aniici's, or Reade's prism is very useful for producing the same effect in a greater degree ; large angular aperture in the object-glass is also very advantageous under these circumstances, because it will allow of the admission of rays of such a degree of obliquity as could not enter one of smaller aperture. In cases where still more oblique light is required than can be obtained in any way by reflection from the mirror, this must be turned aside, and the direct light of the lamp used, thus : clamp the slide so that the object projects beyond that side of the stage which is nearest the lamp. The body of the microscope is then rotated so that the object-glass is over the object and fixed by the milled head; the axis of the body being then directed to the light, the object may be thus brought into focus; and by moving the lamp around the microscope, light of any obliquity may be made to pass through the object. This is a simple way of obtaining the most oblique light, and as the light conies directly from the lamp, there is no loss from reflection, as in the use of prisms. By a little variation of this arrangement, the light may be made to fall very obliquely upon opaque objects, especially if uncovered. In many instances the use of the direct light of a lamp is highly advan- tageous, and may be applied even when the highest powers are used. It has an advantage over that of the mirror, inasmuch as when the latter is used, the light entering the object is derived from two sources, viz. reflection from the outer and the inner surface of the mirror ; whereby two images are formed, confusing each other ; while with the direct light, the image is single and the definition finer. Many years ago I suggested a method of remedying the defects of artificial light, or that ordinarily used to replace daylight. The well-known glare attending lamp- or candle-light, and the predominance of a yellow colour, so visible when compared with daylight, render it very unfavourable for microscopic purposes. It was proposed to mix some substance with the combustible which during its combustion evolved a light of the colour complementary to (or forming white light with) that predominant in the arti- ficial light, or to pass the light in its passage from the artificial luminary through a piece ILLUMINATION. xxxi of glass of such colour as to intercept or check the objectionable rays. As these rays are of a yellow or reddish-yellow colour, the colour of the glass must be blue or purplish blue j but the exact shade must be obtained by experiment. Thus: the lamp, or whatever source of artificial light it may be, is lighted in the daytime, and the light transmitted through the microscope by reflection in the ordinary way, when its intensely yellowish colour is very obvious. Pieces of glass of different colours are then separately placed at right angles to the path of the rays from the lamp to the mirror, either close to the flame (in the form of an ordinary lamp-glass), upon the face of the mirror itself, beneath the stage, or in an extra head of the side-condenser. If the glass be of the proper tint, and be placed at the proper distance from the light, and in the proper situation, the field will appear as white as the light of the clouds, which may be easily proved by altering the inclination of the mirror so as to reflect the light of the clouds and the lamp alternately. It may be remarked that the nearer the coloured glass is placed to the flame the less apparent effect is produced, i. e. the more will the yellow colour be perceptible, and vice versa. If the field still appear yellow, the glass is not of sufficiently deep colour ; if it appear blue, the colour of the glass is too deep. The first method, or that of mixing some substance with the combustible (oil, tallow, &c.) capable of evolving a light of the requisite tint to form white with the yellow of the artificial light would be far preferable to the latter method ; but I am not aware that any experiments have been made to carry out this idea. It would have two great advantages, viz. that there would be no diminu- tion of light, and that the entire apartment would be illuminated by a light equivalent to that of ordinary day. The second method has one objection, which is, that it intercepts a large quantity of the light, so that in the examination of those objects with high powers which require intense illumination, or where much of the light is arrested by stops, it is decidedly objectionable. The advantages which the use of the blue glass possesses are, that it softens the h'ght very much, and that it enables the observer to discriminate between colours as in ordinary daylight. A few years after the publication of the above method, a patent was taken out for the construction of lamp-glasses of a blue colour ; but they are of little service, merely slightly softening the light, or intercepting a small proportion of the yellow rays. Perhaps, some day, a small electric lamp, worked by clock-work, will be invented. The proper way would be to "flash " the suitably tinted blue glass upon one side of a pale blue lamp-glass, so that, by simply turning the glass round, the light might be trans- mitted through either of the differently coloured portions. Rainey's " Light-modifier " acts upon this principle. Numerous other pieces of apparatus and ingenious contrivances will be found described and mostly figured in the last edition of Carpenter's ' Microscope/ or in Beale's ' How &c.' The illumination is of importance to the microscopic observer in another sense, i. e. in regard to the injury of sight. The great point here is to avoid too powerful a h'ght. An eminent French philosopher became blind in experimenting upon the duration of powerful impressions upon the retina. In some instances, sun-light has been used in microscopic investigation ; the greatest care must then be taken to use screens or diaphragms to temper the lisrht. xxxii INTRODUCTION. II. GENERAL METHOD OF DETERMINING THE STRUCTURE OF MICRO- SCOPIC OBJECTS FROM THE APPEARANCES WHICH THEY PRESENT UNDER VARIOUS CONDITIONS. Microscopic and histological Appearance, Structure, and Analysis. Before proceeding to this, let us define what is meant by the structure of a microscopic object. If we take a piece of the free end of the finger-nail, and examine a thin transverse section of it under the microscope, we find it to present numerous shorter or longer dark and somewhat irregular lines running nearly parallel to the surfaces. These appearances do not vary essentially whether it be examined in the dry state, or immersed in water or oil of turpentine. But when it is moistened with solution of potash, and allowed to remain so for some time, or the slide is gently heated, it becomes entirely resolved into a number of nucleated cells ; and by watching the gradual action of the potash, it is easily seen that the cells were originally flattened and arranged in layers, which layers produced the lined appearance mentioned above (see the article NAILS). Now which is to be considered as representing the structure of the nail ? the first or the second of the above results ? Undoubtedly the second. The expressions microscopic structure and histological structure are used very indefinitely, and often synonymously j the former may very conveniently be restricted to signify the apparent structure as determined with the aid of ordinary mechanical means ; whilst the latter may designate the true structure in relation to development. It may at first sight appear very unnecessary to inake any distinction between the two ; but it is really very important, and many of the descriptions of the structure of bodies, given in books, refer only to their microscopic structure. " The determination of the histological or true structure is often very difficult. Frequently a week or a month must bo devoted to the determination of a single point. Take the instance of a hard structure a piece of the skeleton of one of the Invertebrate, A few sections may exhibit cells, laminae or fibres, according to the preconceived notions of the observer ; whilst the histologist will not express an opinion until the inorganic matters have been removed by long maceration in acid, the calcareous salts thoroughly washed away, and attempts have been made to resolve the organic basis into its histological elements by appropriate means. This may require very many experiments to be made, and no mean knowledge of particular branches of science for guidance in the selection of appropriate agents requisite for their performance. We shall have-frequent occasion to use the above words in the restricted sense ; hence this should not be forgotten. The word analysis will have the same meaning as that generally attributed to it, the ultimate products being morphological. A general method of determining the structure of objects can hardly bo laid down ; it must vary so greatly according to the nature of the objects and their size. The first point is to render them transparent, if not already so. This may frequently be done by immer- sion or maceration, if dry, in \vater, glycerine, or oil of turpentine. But the solvent power of the liquid must be borne in mind ; for the organic principle aleurone was overlooked for years from its being soluble in water, in which the sections of the albumen of seeds con- taining it were immersed to render them transparent. Sometimes the aid of heat is necessary ; and objects may even require to be boiled in these liquids, either upon a slide placed upon the brass table over the flame of a spirit-lamp, or in a small tube. Sometimes MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS. xxxiii sections require to be made, and these treated in the same manner, If soft, their elements may be separated by the aid of needles; sometimes pressure will answer the same purpose. When the object is very minute, it will frequently be desirable to examine both sides of it with high powers. Hence it must not be placed upon an ordinary slide, on account of the thickness of the latter, but it must be supported upon, and covered by thin glass. The best plan is to keep a number of slides of thin wood or tin, each having a piece cut out of the middle. A thin glass cover, rather larger than the aperture, should then be cemented by marine glue or Canada balsam to the slide ; the thin glass cover is then applied as usual. If the object be very small and its structure very delicate, it must be crushed, so that some of the fragments may lie perfectly flat upon the slide, See also the article PREPARATION, The points to be determined in regard to the different parts of an object, however, may be best treated separately. The examination of a microscopic object must comprise : a, the microscojric analysts, including 1, the form ; 2, the colour ; 3, the structure of the surface ; and 4, the internal structure : b, histological analysis, in the sense already explained : c, the qualitative chemical composition : and rs from the above cause, is seen to be confined to certain molecules or granules, whilst the general substance is colourless. These granules may consist of vegetable or animal colour- ing-matters, metallic oxides, &c. The nature of these matters should always be determined, if possible, either by microscopic chemistry micro-chemical analysis, as it has been called, or by ordinary chemical analysis. When the colouring-matter is of organic nature, and when its composition cannot be determined, or it has no definite name, it is c&Hedjn'ffmenf. Objects coloured by pigment, metallic oxides, or other colouring matters, are best examined by direct (not oblique) transmitted light, and when immersed in either water or oil of turpentine. These liquids do not change the colour, nor destroy it unless the pigment be soluble in them ; but by rendering the general substance of the object more transparent, they cause the granules to become more distinct. The colour is the same both by transmitted and reflected light. Example : a brown or black hair of an animal, as the mouse. 6. Sometimes bodies coloured by pigment or other colouring-matters appear under the microscope uniformly dyed, although the colouring-matter consists of an insoluble molecular or granular powder as a white animal hair first macerated in solution of ferrocyanide of potassium and then in solution of perchloride of iron. Chemical means will alone distinguish this cause of colour from the first, by removing the colouring-matter from the colourless basis. (3.) The colours of many objects vary according to the direction of the light transmitted through them, or are only visible by oblique light, and the colours are different by direct and oblique light. These arise from decomposition of white light by either interference or refraction. For the sake of brevity, these may be designated colours from iridescence, because they mostly exhibit the brilliancy and transparency of the colours of the rain- bow. The interference or refraction upon which they depend is ordinarily produced by irregularities of structure, frequently depressions or grooves, and sometimes cavities containing air, &c. Objects exhibiting these colours, which are most brilliant by very oblique light and under low powers, when examined with a moderately high power by transmitted direct or but slightly oblique light, frequently appear more dull and less brilliant, often dark or black in parts ; and when immersed in oil of turpentine, or some liquid approaching in refractive power the substance of which they are composed, so that their irregidarities become filled with it, the colours vanish. Hence colour, when arising from iridescence, can readily be distinguished from that arising from general absorption MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS. COLOUR. xxxv or from the presence of pigment ; and when the colour of an object obeys the above law, it may be predicted that structural irregularities sufficient to account for its production will be found if properly sought for. Moreover these colours are not the same by reflected and refracted light, and they vanish under very high powers. They may be studied in the species of Phurosiyma ; and those observers whose microscopes do not magnify sufficiently, or whose object-glasses have not sufficient angular aperture to admit of the detection of the markings upon some of the LHatomacese or other bodies of similar structure, may be sure that they are present when these phenomena have been observed. We were thus led to search for them upon the valves of Melosira varicms and Eorreri, species of Nitzsckia, c., where they had not been previously detected ; and there they are present. Again, the colours of the dried valves of the Diatomacese, many of which have a brown tinge, have been supposed to depend upon the presence of the peroxide of iron j but as this colour vanishes when the valves are immersed in oil of turpentine, independently of the fact that the valves do not present the same brown colour by reflected and transmitted light, and by direct and oblique light, which we have stated to be characteristic of the presence of colouring-matter, the colour cannot arise from this cause. An example of iridescent colour arising from the presence of fibres, is found in the tapetum. Certain cases, referable to this head, require special notice. Thus it sometimes becomes a question whether a very minute red spot, visible in an Infusorium, Alga, &c., is the optical expression of a minute vacuole, or a little depression filled with water, air, or other fluid of less highly refractive power than the substance of which the organism consists, or whether it arises from the presence of pigment. The point is easily decided : a practised eye will recognize the transparency of the colour where not arising from pigment, and its granular appearance where the pigment is present. If the substance of the object be soft, compression will frequently destroy the appearance when pigment is absent. Drying the object and then immersing it in oil of turpentine or other highly refractive liquid will do the same, whilst pigment will become even more distinct if present. Moreover, on altering the focus of the object-glass, the colour will be found to change, when not arising from pigment. The colours of thin plates are so rare in microscopic objects, that we must refer to works upon optics for an account of them. They occur in the crystals found upon the surface of the scales of various fishes, the eggs and wings of insects, &c. (4.) The colour arising from polarized light is noticed under ANALYTIC CRYSTALS, DICHROISM, and POLARIZATION. The colours of objects examined by transmitted light are frequently rendered much darker, and colourless or coloured objects may appear dark or even quite black, from refraction or reflection of the light out of the field of the microscope. Thus powdered vermilion appears almost black; air-bubbles appear black at the margins or entirely black, &c. : hence the importance of comparing observations made by both reflected and transmitted light ; for neglect of this precaution caused the air in the hairs of animals to be mistaken for pigment. Milk-white opacity mostly arises from the presence of numerous molecules, granules, thin layers of liquid or other surfaces which reflect a large quantity of the light incident upon them, as in milk where the reflecting bodies consist of the globules of fatty matter (butter), white paper, tubercle, &c. 3, Structure of the Surface. . When an object is of comparatively large size, the xxxvi INTRODUCTION. structure of the outer surface is in general easily determined by examining it with reflected light, i. e. as an opaque object illuminated by the Lieberkiilm or side-condenser ; but when the objects are small, sufficient light cannot be thrown upon them with ordinary conden>'i - : recourse must then be had to the opaque reflectors mentioned at p. xxi. b. The appearances presented must also be controlled by those resulting from the action of transmitted light. And here we meet with a difficult task, in accomplishing which, the f olloAving questions are constantly presenting themselves : Do certain spots, lines, or other markings visible upon the surface represent elevations or depressions ? Are they cavities in the outer portion or layer of the object ? Are they foramina or holes ? Are they granules of pigment, or rows of them ? Do the lines represent a true lined structure, or are they optical illusions ? Is the surface smooth and free from markings ? The methods of answering these questions must vary so greatly, according to the nature of the object, its size, &c., that it would be almost impossible to lay them down by rule. The following considerations, however, are of most importance. c. In many cases where structural appearances are visible at the surface of an object, their true situation above or beneath the surface may be determined by raising the object- glass above the focus of the surface. On then carefully and gradually depressing the object-glass with the fine movement, the structure first brought into focus is the uppermost. Thus, the inner surface of the under menibrame of the elytrumof the stag-beetle (Luctuiu* cervus) is covered with very minute hairs projecting from the surface (PI. 34. fig. 2). On placing this with the inner side uppermost and adjusting the object-glass as just described, the hairs are distinctly brought into focus before the surface of the membrane. Hence they are situated upon the surface ; whereas, had the surface of the membrane been brought into view before the hairs, it must have been concluded that the latter were situated on a plane below this. It may be stated that the surface of a membrane is recognized to be in focus by certain irregular granules, molecules, or wrinkles mostly visible upon it. d. Frequently, when hairs, filaments, ov spines project from a surface, their relative position may be determined by examining the margin of the object if it be rounded, or the margin of a fold if it be flat and membranous as in the case of ciliated bodies, Infusoria, &c. e. Cilia upon the surface of an object are sometimes so minute and transparent as to be with difficulty detected ; they can however always be made evident, when present, by the following means : 1. Drying the object j they then become much darker from refraction. 2. Dyeing the object with solution of iodine; drying the object after the addition of the latter solution is sometimes advantageous. 3. Mixing insoluble coloured particles, as those of lampblack, or Prussian blue, with the water in which the objects are contained; of course this is only of use if the objects be living; the particles will then be set in motion, and their motion may be distinguished from molecular motion by the definite direction in which the particles move. /. The nature of many markings, spots, &c. in transparent objects is best determined by Dujardin's method, viz. that of comparing at different foci the effects of the refraction of the transmitted light produced by the markings themselves, and the substances in which they are situated ; and these phenomena may be conveniently illustrated by their occurrence in known objects. If a drop of oil of turpentine, which has been digested with alkanet root so as to become coloured, be placed upon a slide, a drop of water added to it, a thin MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS. SURFACE. xxxvii glass cover applied, and the cover be moved backwards and forwards upon the slide with the linger covered with a cloth, the drop of oil will be subdivided into globules of various sizes, some of which will enclose globules of water ; thus we shall have globules of the oil surrounded simply by water, globules of water enclosed in globules of oil, and some of these globules will contain, within them globules of the other kind again, the globules of oil being readily distinguished by their red colour. On examining the slide with a tole- rably higli power, all the globules will appear bounded by a black circle, and present a luminous point in the centre, when viewed separately and the focus suitably adjusted for each. But when they are examined in comparison and together, they will be found to exhibit characteristic appearances according to the variation of the focus. Thus, of the simple globules, when their margin is most distinctly brought into focus, some will become more luminous as the object-glass is depressed (PI. 49. fig. I a) these are globules of water surrounded by oil ; others will become darker under the same circumstances (PL 49. fig. 1 6), and very luminous as the object-glass is raised (PI. 49. fig. 1 c) these are globules of oil ; and the nature of the components of the compound globules may easily be deter- mined by the occurrence of the same phenomena. The globules of oil being more highly refractive than the water, act like little convex lenses ; whilst the globules of water sur- rounded by the oil, exerting a lower refractive power than the latter, act like concave lenses, and their centre appears luminous because the rays which traversed them diverge as they ascend, as if they emanated from a (virtual) focus situated beneath the globules, or on the same side of them as the mirror. Hence these foci may be distinguished as the " lenticular foci " of the objects. And when dots or markings upon objects are very minute, frequently all that can be distinguished under the microscope are these lenticular foci of the various parts. The same phenomena may be observed in air-bubbles immersed in water ; these corre- spond with the globules of water surrounded by the oil. It need scarcely be remarked that the object in colouring the oil is to allow of the control of the conclusions arrived at. g. In the globules of sarcode or protoplasm and many cells, the vacuoles are easily shown, by the same method, to be filled with a material of less refractive power than the general substance of which they are composed : these vacuoles are frequently mistaken for nuclei and nucleoli ; but they are readily distinguished from them by the dark appearance they present when the object-glass is raised above the focus of their margins. h. The above principles are applicable to the determination of numerous cases where the elevation or depression of a spot or marking upon a surface is called in question ; for elevations on a surface will produce the general effect of convex lenses, whilst depressions will produce that of concave lenses. In the above experiment, plano-convex lenses of both oil and water are frequently seen, and readily distinguished by the above means. Take also the instance of a Paramecium aurelia, either dried or immersed in water. The surface is beautifully marked with pretty regular dots, which appear luminous as the object-glass is depressed (PL 32. fig. 1 ), and dark as it is elevated (PL 32. fig. 1 6) ; hence they consist of depressions upon the surface. Had they been elevations or little tubercles, they would have become more luminous as the object-glass was raised, and vice versa. When an isolated granule of pigment or of any opaque substance is brought into focus, on raising the object-glass a luminous spot appears to occupy its place ; hence it agrees so far with a highly refractive granule. The appearance, however, arises from diffraction, xxxviii INTROD UCTION. aud may usually be distinguished from that produced by refraction by the luminous spot equalling or exceeding the granule in size, whilst in the latter it is smaller and more brilliant. i. In all these experiments the less oblique the light the more certain will be the results. But this method is inapplicable to decide whether the less refractive portions are simply depressions or cells. This may often be determined by examining the margin of the object where possible (as in Faramecium), and observing whether there are depressions upon it corresponding to the parts at which the dots are situated, and whether these depressions are continuous with the dots (PI. 32. fig. 1 6). When the substance of the object is some- what firm, drying it, if moist, will cause the dots to become filled with air ; they will then, if cells, appear infinitely blacker than if simply depressions, and visible as readily by direct as by oblique light ; and after the object has been moistened with water or oil of turpentine, if it be immediately examined, the blackness of the dots will appear still greater, and they will be distinctly visible by direct light ; whilst depressions are much more easily filled with liquid, and then, if minute, will only be visible by oblique light. In relation to this matter, the meaning of the " optical section " of minute objects viewed under the microscope is important to be considered. Taking a globule of oil, or a pollen- grain, and bringing the object-glass to focus upon the upper surface, at first the portion of the surface which is in focus is visible; on lowering the object-glass, the surface becomes invisible or indistinct, while a portion of the margin comes into focus, forming a ring. This enlarges until the most convex portion is reached, when it diminishes until the lower portion of the globule or grain is visible. In this way we obtain the same views of the object, as if so many transverse sections or planes were examined. The better the correc- tions of the object-glass, and the larger the angular aperture, the more distinctly will these phenomena be developed. k. If it can be shown that the parts corresponding to the dots are depressed below the general surface, and the dots or depressions present an angular outline, these dots cannot possibly represent cells, because, if the angularity of the outlines of cell structures arose from the pressure of surrounding or adjacent cells, this pressure would necessarily be ex- erted also upon the free or external portion of each cell, so as to render it convex, or at any rate not concave. The firmness of the substance of the object must be attended to, because, where it is absent, as the cells part with the liquid portion of their contents the outer portion of the cell-wall may become approximated to the inner, and thus no space be left for the air to enter, as in the exuviae of a Triton for instance. /. In brittle objects, as the siliceous valves of the larger Diatoinaceae, the examination of the margins of crushed and perfectly flat portions is important and sometimes conclusive ; for it may be found, as in Isthmia (PI. 17. fig. 26) c., that the depression of the object- glass requisite to bring into focus the margins of the thin depressed portion is much greater than that required for the intermediate thicker parts. In the valves of the more delicate Piatomacese (Pleurosic/ma e.), in which this observation is difficult to be made, the point is important that the line of fracture of the broken valve passes through the rows of dark dots or the lines corresponding to them, showing that they are thinner and weaker than the rest of the substance : had these dots represented elevations, the valves would have been stronger at these parts. The nature of the markings upon the siliceous valves of the Diatomacese, especially the species of Pleurosiyma, has long formed a disputed point. In distinguishing in general minute points, as the little siliceous spines of the cuticle of Equi- MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS. SURFACE. xxxk setum, the very short spines on the wings of many insects (Tipidida &c.), or the minute spheroids in Schultze's siliceous films, it may aid somewhat to remember that prominences are usually most distinct under open central illumination, while depressions are most evi- dent under the central-stop illumination. If we take a flat fragment of an Isthmia, and examine it by the aid of the condenser with a central stop and an object-glass of lower power, care being taken that the condenser and stop are perfectly central, it will exhibit a series of angular dark or black dots bounded by luminous lines separating them (PI. 15. fig. 47), and this when all parts of the object are best in focus ; for when the object-glass is elevated or depressed, the whole becomes indistinct. The black dots in this instance clearly coin- cide with the depressed portions of the surface of the valve. The same phenomena may be observed in many other Diatcrnacere, as Triceratimn (PI. 17. fig. 29), Coscinodiscus (PI. 51. fig. 1), &c. But when we examine those which have very fine markings, as the valves of Pleurosiyma (PI. 15), the appearances vary greatly, according 1 to the method of illumination. The dark lines (PI. 15. figs. 10, 12, and 25), which are brought to view by oblique illumination, correspond to the rows of the black dots of Isthmia (the thinner and weaker portions of the valves), and with stop-illumination are resolved into the separate dots (PI. 15. fig. 40), the rest of the valve appearing white and uniform. But at a different focus, especially under immersion-lenses, the white portions of the valve present the appearance of rows of bright pearls (PI. 15. fig. 40), the other portions of the valve appear- ing dark. The same brilliant pearls are seen in the finer valves of Coscinodiscus Avith the open central illumination. The article DIATOMACEJE must be consulted for further details in regard to the structure of these valves, and the article ANGULAR, APERTURE in regard to the changes produced in the appearances of objects by variation of the angular aperture of the object-glass, and of the degrees of obliquity of the transmitted light. But we may remark here that these dots must not be compared to cells, but to the depressions found upon the seeds of the white poppy, Paramecium, c., in which forms resembling those resulting from the mutual pressure of adjacent cells are present, but do not arise, so far as we know, from this cause. m. No special remarks are required in regard to furrows, as these are only elongated depressions. n. When ridges are present, these are frequently left projecting at the margin of a frag- ment ; sometimes they project naturally ; and it may readily be known that they are thicker portions of structure, by their blacker margins and their exhibiting the characters of elon- gated convex or plano-convex lenses. In some cases, the position assumed by confined portions of air, when the object is im- mersed in liquid, will denote the existence of ridges. Thus we have seen portions of aity accidentally confined between the surface of a scale of Lepisma saccharina and the thin glass covering it, assume an elongated form, being limited laterally by the ridges upon the scale (PL 34, fig. 3). o. Foramina or holes are in general readily distinguished by their dark and defined margins, and the absence of colour when they exist in coloured structures $ when existing in transparent colourless objects, the latter mostly exhibit minute irregularities, by which the presence of some kind of matter is indicated, whilst these are absent in the foramina, Where there is difficulty in deciding, the structure should be broken, if possible, and the margins examined. Sometimes the polariscope is of use: the general substance may xl INTRODUCTION, polarize light; but of course the foramina will not do so. Charring the structure, or colouring it with reagents, if organic, will sometimes afford decisive proof. Foramina cannot bo mistaken for elevations on the surface, because they do not become more luminous as the object-glass is raised after their margin has been brought most distinctly into focus ; in fact the reverse occurs : hence they so far agree with depressions ; but they differ from these in their luminous appearance with high powers, and their not being rendered more distinct by oblique light, but the reverse. p. When the structure in which they are situated is somewhat thick, and they form rather tubes than foramina, as the axes of these can hardly coincide with the direction of the transmitted light, their orifices will appear dark or black ; hence they might be mis- taken for granules of pigment : immersion or maceration of the structure in oil of turpen- tine, however, will fill them, and cause the dark appearance to vanish, whilst pigment would still be visible. Examination by reflected light will also readily distinguish the one case from the other. Also where this tubular structure is present, perpendicular sec- tions will exhibit f urrows, which may be recognized as directed above. In distinguishing foramina, the higher the power employed the less is the difficulty. q. It has sometimes to be decided whether certain dark lines visible at the surface of objects, represent ridges or grooves, or whether they are illusory shadows arising from the passage of light through a structure furnished with depressions, granules of pigment, &c. This must be done by examining the object when illuminated by reflected light, or a hollow cone of oblique rays, such as is obtained on using the achromatic condenser with the cen- tral stop j when thus illuminated, the lined appearance will vanish, and the true structure will become visible. r. It often happens that objects, especially highly refractive bodies, appear surrounded or covered by a number of black lines, rings or annular lines, arising from diffraction, and it becomes an important question whether these lines represent cell-walls, rows of dots, &c. When they arise from diffraction, they vary in number according to the obliquity of the incident light and the angular aperture of the object-glass ; and when the condenser is used, they vary according to its adjustment, and at a particular adjustment they will sometimes disappear entirely. Hence in these cases the condenser should always be used, and the results obtained controlled by the effects of immersion in highly-refractive liquids, and the means mentioned below. s. A very ingenious method has been proposed and adopted successfully by Weiiham, for exhibiting the form of certain very minute markings upon objects. A negative photo- graphic impression of the object is first taken on collodion in the ordinary way, with the highest power of the microscope that can be used. After this has been properly fixed, it is placed in the sliding frame of an ordinary camera, and the frame-end of the latter adjusted into an opening cut in the shutter of a perfectly dark room, Parallel rays of sun-light are then thrown through the picture by means of a flat piece of looking-glass fixed outside the shutter in such a manner as to catch and reflect the rays through the camera. A screen standing in the room, opposite the lens of the camera, will now receive an image, exactly as from a magic lantern, and the size of the image will be proportionate to the distance. On this screen is placed a sheet of photogenic paper intended to receive the magnified picture. A portion of the valve of a Plearosiyma magnified in this manner is represented in PI. 15. fig. 41. 4. Internal Structure, We must be understood here as referring to the general structure MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS. INTERNAL STRUCTURE. xli of an object, i. e. whether it is solid or cellular, &c. ; and where an object is composed of an aggregation of similar parts, our remarks must be applied to these individually. The first question arising is whether a transparent object is solid or seniisolid and homo- geneous, or whether it represents a cell, i, e. has an outer membrane or cell-wall and con- tents of a different nature. When objects possess an outer coat, its two margins are sometimes easily distinguishable on examination by transmitted light, especially when its thickness is considerable. But when the outer coat is thin, these are difficult to distinguish ; recourse must then be had to other means than simple inspection ; and these will vary according to the nature of the object, and especially the softness of its cell- wall. Some- times crushing it may show clearly that the contents consist of a liquid with numerous molecules and granules, and that the cell- wall is thin and membranous j for the subsequent addition of water may separate and render both distinct. The most valuable testauethod, however, is the production of endosmosis or exosmosis. If we take a cell with a soft and thin wall, and add distilled water to it, it will imbibe a certain quantity of it and become distended, and often the contents will become distinctly separated and visible within j whilst if a saturated solution of some salt, as chloride of calcium, be added, it will become wrinkled and collapsed. On treating a solid or homogeneous body with water, it remains unaltered, or perhaps swells slightly ; but on treating it with the solution of chloride of calcium, no wrinkling or contraction occurs, and its appearance is unchanged. If the outer coat be firm and resisting, the chloride will not cause it to contract and wrinkle. If there be two coats, the outer being firmer than the inner, the latter will be wrinkled and collapsed, while the former retains its shape ; this is the ordinary occurrence in young vegetable cells. The exosniotic effects of the chloride of calcium should be looked for soon after its addition to the object, particular care being taken that it comes into contact with the object; for when solid or seniisolid bodies are macerated for a long time in the saline solution, they will become contracted, and globules of sarcode will escape from them j but we believe that in all these cases there really exists a cell-wall, or a structure corresponding to it ; hence by solid or seniisolid bodies, we must be understood to mean those which differ from cells according to the characteristic action of exosmose, It must be remembered that solution of chloride of calcium is a highly refractive liquid ; hence it frequently renders globules so transparent that they are almost or completely invisible, and thus apparently dissolves them j sometimes also it really dissolves them. Moreover many so-called unicellular vegetable organisms exhibit the contraction of the internal cell-wall or primordial utricle, from long maceration in water only, as is so fre- quently seen in the Desmidiaceae " mounted " in water. An aqueous solution of iodine is also frequently useful in bringing to light the existence of an inner cell- wall, especially in vegetable structures, causing it to become wrinkled and collapsed. Cells have not the tendency to fuse together or adhere to each other, which globules of sarcode or other glutinous solid or seniisolid substances have. If the object be brittle, crushing it will sometimes show its internal structure, by allow- ing the examination of the margins of the fragments. Spherical or rounded solid bodies, when immersed in water or other liquids of low refractive power, generally present a much less distinct black margin than cellular bodies, or those with membranous walls. The determination of the contents of an object furnished with an outer coat, must be made according to the foregoing indication?. The contents often consist of liquid in which xiii INTRODUCTION. are suspended molecules and granules. If these exhibit molecular motion, the material in which they are suspended must be liquid. It sometimes becomes a question whether a body enclosed within another is central or lateral. This is readily determined by causing the body to revolve by inclining the stage of the microscope, when, if central and fixed, the enclosed body will retain this position ; and if it be less than the cavity of the enclosing structure, positive indication will be afforded that the latter is solid, or at least that it does not consist simply of an outer coat with liquid contents and the enclosed body. But if it be attached to the inner wall of the enclosing structure, the eccentricity of its motion whilst revolving will be evident. The contents of microscopic bodies are frequently rendered distinct by the addition of reagents, and in some cases can only be distinguished by their use ; thus the nuclei of animal cells are at once made evident by the addition of acetic acid, &c. The micro-spectroscope is often used in detecting small quantities of different substances (SPECTROSCOPE) . We frequently have to decide whether the interior of an object is solid or tubular. If it consist of a firm substance, drying it, if in liquid, will cause the evaporation of the liquid or other contents, and the entrance of air. A section of it will also show whether it is solid or hollow. The effects of crushing it should also be observed. An important aid in describing the structure of many objects, the components of which are of so nearly similar refractive power as to be undistiuguishable by any variation in illumination, is that of dyeing or staining. Different portions of a structure often have a variable affinity for colouring-matters or dyes, and can thus be readily distinguished. The various appropriate dyes are mentioned under the tissues, and the process under STAINING. B. HISTOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. This consists in the resolution of the object into its component morphological elements, and is usually effected by subjecting it to the action of various chemical reagents, continued maceration, &c. It must never be attempted if inorganic matters be present in quantity, until these have been previously removed. The reagent used should be one which exerts a solvent action upon the substance of which the object is composed, the action being interrupted at a certain stage by the addition of water, &c. In regard to those objects whose morphological elements have become altered by individual growth, &c., histological analysis is of course useless, and the manner in which these have acquired their existing structure can only be determined by tracing the gradual changes which their morpholo- gical constituents undergo, from the earliest period of their existence to that at which they form the object in question. This constitutes the study of development; or it might be termed Histological synthesis. It can rarely be followed directly, but may often be carried out indirectly by examining a number of the objects in all stages of their develop- ment, and comparing the changes undergone by their constituents. It requires special care in controlling the identity of the objects. 0. CHEMICAL .REACTIONS, We cannot too strongly insist upon the necessity of investigating these in the case of all objects submitted to examination, the nature of which is at all doubtful and this because in many instances the form or general appearance will afford no criterion by which the nature may be determined. Judgment founded simply upon the form, or upon the CHEMICAL REACTIONS. xliii mere inspection of an object, therefore, will illustrate the abuse and not the proper use of the microscope. The quantitative and ultimate analysis of substances cannot be made in any manner by the aid of microscopic manipulation ; but the qualitative analysis, or the study of the action of chemical reagents upon the object or substance by the aid of the microscope, or micro-chemical analysis, may be undertaken with the prospect of almost certain success, in most cases at least, in ascertaining the proximate chemical composition. The characteristic reactions or tests for the various proximate principles are given in this work under the respective heads of those substances ; and we can here give only a brief sketch of the manner in which the micro-chemical analysis of a substance may be conducted, and without which its microscopic investigation must be imperfect and of little or no value. The first point to be attended to is, to ensure, as far as possible, the freedom of the object from foreign admixtures. Thus, if it should have been found in an animal or vege- table liquid, it must be carefully washed, either in a watch-glass or upon a slide whilst covered with thin glass. The former is readily accomplished : the substance being placed in a watch-glass, water or other solvent of foreign matters is added ; the whole is then set aside, to allow of the subsidence of the substance, and the supernatant liquid removed by a pipette. If the body or the particles be very minute, it or they must be placed upon a glass slide, and covered with thin glass ; the latter should then be pressed, so far as is possible without crushing the particles, but sufficiently to fix them, and a small piece of coarse white blotting-paper placed upon the surface of the slide, so as to touch the edge of the liquid ; capillary attraction will cause the liquid to be absorbed by the paper. Small quantities of water, or other proper solvent, are then added by small portions from the end of a glass rod to the opposite edge of the liquid confined by the thin glass. Thus a current will be set up, and the newly added liquid will be absorbed by the blotting- paper, washing in its course the particles confined between the two glasses. The current will be regulated by the quantity of liquid added, and the facility with which the paper absorbs it. "When the body has been washed, the effects of the various reagents may be examined, by the addition of them in small quantities from the conical stoppers of the test-bottles (see Test-box, p. xxvii). The test-liquid being applied to the edge of the liquid in which the body is immersed, gradually mixes with it, and the effects produced may be watched step by step. If a solvent or other action is seen to take place, the result is decisive ; but if no action be evident, it must be remembered that the reagent added may not have reached the object under examination, perhaps from an insufficient lapse of time for the occurrence of diffusion in the two liquids. To be positive, therefore, that the reagent has no action upon the object when none is at first apparent, as much as possible of the liquid in which it is immersed should be removed by blotting-paper ; or the liquid be gently driven off by evaporation ; or, if the object be of sufficient size to ensure its not being lost, the thin glass should be removed, and the whole, or as much as possible, of the liquid removed either by the blotting-paper or evaporation. On then covering the object with the thin glass, and adding the reagent to the edge of the latter, there can be no doubt of its coming into contact with the body; and the result may be considered decisive. Where the combined effects of a reagent and heat are required to be observed, the former may be added as usual, and the slide placed upon the brass table mentioned at p. xxviii d xliv INTRODUCTION. until the liquid boils, or the requisite amount of heat has been applied, the object of course being covered by thin glass. The slide must then be allowed to become perfectly cold before being placed under the microscope ; otherwise the heat might melt the balsam with which the lenses of the object-glass are cemented together. The cooling is much facilitated by placing the slide upon a plate or surface of metal ; we generally use the foot, or a part of the stand, of the microscope for this purpose. The effect of a red heat is sometimes very desirable to be tested. This may be accom- plished by exposing the object, placed upon a strip of platinum foil, a piece of thin glass or of mica, to the flame of a spirit-lamp. The odour evolved should be noticed. If this be ammoniacal, or resemble that of burnt horn, the body, if not crystalline, is probably of animal nature, and certainly contains nitrogen. If the body consist solely of inorganic matter, or of oxalates, it will not be blackened by the heat. If it consist partly of inorganic and partly of organic matter, it will be blackened, and the inorganic matter will be left in the form of an ash. The alteration produced in the form of the object by the heat should also be noted. In applying a red heat to a substance upon thin glass, the whole of its moisture must first be expelled by evaporation ; otherwise the glass will certainly crack, and the experi- ment be spoiled. The strip of platinum may be held by forceps ; and the thin glass or mica, upon a curved piece of iron wire. We can here add only a few of the reagents the action of which it may be most desirable to obtain in determining the nature of a doubtful body. Further particulars will be given under the heads of the various reagents, prin- ciples, and tissues, in the body of the work. 1. Solution of caustic potash (especially when heated). The cell-walls of plants are not greatly affected ; they retain their primitive form, only becoming somewhat swollen, whilst animal substances are mostly dissolved ; chitine, however, is unaltered. The solution also possesses a remarkable power of separating many animal structures into their component cells, &c. When cold, it separates proteine compounds from fatty matters, c. It removes the foreign compounds with which the cellulose of the epidermal structures of plants is often imbued. Its action has been proposed to distinguish an animal from a vegetable organism, and will yet probably prove to be of value in this respect. 2. Solution of iodine (in water) dyes most animal and vegetable substances brown ; renders also lime brown; colours starch, certain cell-walls of vegetables, amyloid, the amylaceous bodies of the human brain, &c. blue. 3. Sulphuric acid, when added to the external coat or cell-wall of plants (cellulose) dyed with iodine, renders it blue or purple (PI. 7. figs. 1 c and 3 c). In a few instances, how- ever, where cellulose exists in animal tissues, the same blue colour is produced ; but in these there is real animal matter also, recognizable by its appropriate tests. When added to bile or proteine compounds mixed with solution of sugar, it renders them red (Petten- kofer's test). If the body contain lime (except already as sulphate), the acicular crystals of the sulphate (PL 10. fig. 16) are produced. 4. Muriatic acid with heat colours the proteine compounds. 5. Acetic acid brings into view the nuclei of animal cells and tissues, dissolves many salts, &c. 6. Dilute nitric acid (20 per cent.) coagulates albumen, renders unstriped muscular fibre-cells very distinct, c. Strong acid by boiling removes all but the cellulose from woody fibre. MEASUREMENT. xlv 7. Mittorfs test-liquid for proteine compounds. (See MILLON'S TEST.) 8. Ether or benzole dissolves fatty and resinous matters, &c. 9. Chromo-sulphuric acid, or a mixture of solution of bichromate of potash and excess of sulphuric acid, dissolves the intercellular substance of plants, thus isolating beautifully the wood-cells &c., and developes the starch-rings &c. 10 Ammoniuret of copper^ formed by digesting copper turnings in an open bottle with solution of ammonia, rapidly dissolves cellulose. It must be used fresh. 11. Dye-tests. Carmine and ammonia, or the aniline-compounds, Judson's dyes, magenta, picro-carniine, logwood, chloride of gold, picric acid, &c. are often used as such (STAINING). These are perhaps the most common reagents which the experimenter will be called upon to use. A general plan for the qualitative analysis of substances must be obtained from works upon chemical analysis. It may be remarked, however, that the qualitative analysis of portions of a substance too minute to be more than barely discerned by the naked eye, may be effected by the aid of the microscope. The use of the microscope in strictly chemical investigations also, cannot be too highly recommended; for it will frequently throw great light upon the distinction of chemical precipitates of closely approximative chemical properties. D. MEASUREMENT. A knowledge of the size of objects is of the utmost importance, and is frequently of great assistance in the distinction of one object from another ; for many objects of totally dissimilar nature present exactly or nearly the same appearances when examined with differ ent powers. The dimensions should invariably be added to the description of micro- scopic bodies ; and when figures are grven, the number expressing the linear amplification of the objects should be placed near them. Directions for determining the measurement of objects are given under the head MEASUREMENT . It should always be expressed in fractions of an English inch. In conclusion, we must remark that the observations given in this Introduction are not offered as by any means complete. However, we trust they will serve to show that there are numerous means at command for determining the structure of objects, to indicate the nature of these means, and that microscopic researches should be earned out upon something like a definite plan. MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS. The following list of miscellaneous matters, forming an analysis of the second part of the Introduction, may serve to recall to the observer the most important points to be looked for, and the means of discovering them. MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS. Form : a, outline; b, rolling over ; c, side xific ; d, end view; e, angles, goniometer. xlvi INTRODUCTION. Colour : 1, General colour, true colour ; 2, pigment ; a, partial from pigment ; b, general colour from pigment ; 3, iridescence, thin plates ; air-bubbles, &c., immersion in highly refractive liquids, action of transmitted and reflected light ; compression ; polarization, &c. Surface: Reflected light] projections; cilia, margin, iodine, desiccation, fine particles ; hairs, crystals upon or beneath the surface ; tubercles, ridges, folds, side view ; effects of altered focus ; fracture ; foramina, polariscope ; illusory lines, diffraction ; depressions, circular, angular ; furrows ; tubules ; cells ; oblique light, stops in condenser. Internal structure and contents : Homogeneous ; cell-wall, endosmosis, evosmosis, chloride of calcium ; adherence ; margin, crushing, molecular motion ; granules, nucleus central, exceutric; reagents, acetic acid; nucleolus, vacuoles. HISTOLOGUCAL ANALYSIS. Reagents ; maceration, development. MICRO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Washing', heat; red heat, odour, ash; reagents, contact with reagents ; potash, ammoniuret of copper, iodine, sulphuric, chromo-sulphuric, muriatic, nitric, acetic acids ; Millon's test ; sulphuric acid and syrup ; sulphuric acid and iodine ; ether or benzole, fyc. ; dyes. MEASUREMENT. In fractions of an English inch (not line nor foreign measures). BIBLIOGRAPHY. MICROSCOPKS, APPARATUS, and OBSERVATION. Quekett, Microscope, 1853; Brewster, Treat, on the Microscope; Ross, 'Microscope,' Penny Cyclopcedia ; Du- jardin, Observateur ; Mandl, Trait6 prat, du Microscope, 1839; Chevalier, Traite d. Micr. Sec. ; Tulk and Henfrey, Anat. Manip. ; Mohl, Micrographia, 1846 ; H. Schacht, Das Mikroskop (Currie, 1853) ; Harting, Het Microscoop (and the German translation, Das Mikroskop, 1866) ; Carpenter, The Microsoope, 1881 ; Goring and Pritchard, Microsc. Cabinet, 1832; Hannover, The Microscope (transl. by Goodsir), 1853; Heller, Dasdioptrische Mikr., 1856 ; Journal of the Microscop. Soc. of London ; Monthly Microsc. Journ. (to 1877) ; Quart. Journal of Microsc. Science (passim) ; Reinicke, Beitrag. z. Mikrosk., 1863 ; R. Beck, Treatise on Achromatic Microscopes, 1865 j Frey, Das Mikroskop $c., 1881 ; Nageli u. Schwendener, Das Mikroskop (Mathematics), 1877 ; Reinisch, D. Mikr., 1867 ; Wiesner, Einleitung $c., 1867 ; Hager, Das Mikrosk., 1876 ; Dippel, Das Mik. fyc. t 1867- 71 ; Chevalier, EEtudiant Micrographe, 1872 ; Robin, Le Mic., 1877 ; Wythe, Micro- scopist, 1877; Duval and Lerebouillet, Man. (cKnique) d. Micr. 1880 ; Pelletan, Mic., 1880 ; Beauregard and Galippe, Microgr., 1880 ; Thanhoffer, D. Mik., 1880 ; Beale, How to Work 8fc., 1880 (in which every kind of apparatus is described and figured) ; and the Journal de Micrographie and Zeitschrift f. Mikroskopie. MICROGRAPHIC DICTIONARY. ABERRATION. The deviation of the rays of light from the true focus of a lens or curved mirror, in consequence of which they do not unite at a single point, but form an indistinct or coloured image of an object. It arises from two causes : the form of the lens or mirror, when it is called spherical aberration ; and the different re- frangibility of the rays of light, when it is called chromatic aberration. ABROTHAL'LUS, Notaris and Tulasne. A genus of Lichens, Fam. Lichenacei, remarkable for their parasitic habit and the absence of a thallus. The species are now referred to LECIDEA. A. Smithii (Welwitschii and microsper- mus) = L. parmeliarum. A. oxysporus = L. oxysporus. A. inquinans = L. inquinans. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Lindsay, Brit.Lich. 31 1 ; Tulasne, Ann. So. Nat., Bot. xvii. p. 112, 1852 ; De Notaris, Mem. JR. Acad. Sc . Turin, x. p. 351, 1859 j Berkeley, Cryp. Sot. 405 ; Leighton, Lichen-Flora, p. 384, 1879. AC ALE 'PILE (Medusa). An order of Ccelenterata, commonly known as Sea-net- tles, on account of their producing urtica- tion when touched ; or Jelly-fishes, or Sea- blubbers, from their gelatinous consistence. They consist of a transparent, floating and free, discoid or spheroid body (hydro- sorna), often shaped like an umbrella ; and vary in size from a mere speck to a yard in diameter. Margin of the disk furnished with filiform tentacles, cirri, &c. The organs are radiate around a longitudinal axis, occupied by a central peduncle or stalk (manubrium), at the bottom of which is the mouth. The disposition of the parts is generally quaternary. The cutaneous surface of the body, or ectoderm, is covered with a very delicate epidermis (PI. 49. fig. 2). Cilia exist on various parts of the body, especially the Thaumantias hemisphaerica, magnified 2 diameters. arms, tentacles, cirri, &c ; upon which also peculiar stinging organs and organs of ad- hesion occur. In those species which are notorious for their urticating powers, these organs are also situated in aggregations be- neath the epidermis of the body. The stinging organs, or nematocysts, usually form oval capsules, in which a spirally coiled filament is enclosed (PI. 49. fig. 3 , &) ; this flies out on the slightest touch, with the capsule to which it is attached, from the irritated part of the skin (PI. 49. fig. 3 c). In some Acalephse these stinging organs are replaced by oval capsules from which a rigid bristle projects (PI. 49. fig. 4). These do not produce urtication, but enable the animal to adhere to other bodies. Near the surface of the body and between the cells composing its substance, pigment-cells frequently occur, some of which are isolated, B ACALEPELE. ACALEPH.E. others aggregated into groups. The paler and more delicate colours are said to avi>t i in some instances from pigment uniformly dissolved in the substance of the body ; it is most probable, however, that they arise from iridescence. Muscular system forming long, thin, reti- cular fibres and bundles, almost everywhere pervading the contractile substance of the body. The floating and locomotion of these ani- mals are often aided by larger or smaller cavities filled with air. The nervous system consists of a ring following the margin of the disk, with ganglionic expansions at intervals, giving off branches to the tentacles and the radial canals. The organs of sense consist of tubercular or spathulate bodies situated near the mar- gin of the body or at the base of the ten- tacles, and connected with adjoining ganglia. Some of these are regarded as organs of vision (ocelli) j and consist essentially of a membranous capsule containing a clear liquid with crystals of carbonate of lime, and sometimes a red or black pigment (PL 49. fig. 5 ff). Those which contain no pigment have been considered to be of auditory function, and the crystalline bodies otolithes. Some of them are protected by an overhanging fold of membrane ; hence the distinction of covered- and naked- eyed Medusa ; but the latter are now regarded as the sexual zooids or gonophores of the Hydroida (THATJMANTIAS). The digestive cavity, which is situated in the middle of the body, is lined with cili- ated epithelium and furnished with distinct walls (endoderm), which are directly con- tinuous with the general parenchyma'of the body, so that there is no abdominal cavity. The mouth is either single and central, or multiple. In the former case, it is situated at the end of the peduncle, in the middle of the under side, and leads into a stomach, which is frequently furnished with caecal appendages. When several oral apertures are present, either several cesophageal canals conduct the nutriment through the arms, in which the oral apertures are placed, to a central stomach, or each separate mouth is connected with a distinct tubular sto- mach. A distinct hepjatic organ has not yet been found. Ray Lankester describes the inception of natural food-materials in the cells of the endoderm. Gastrovascular system. A number of vessel-like canals run from the stomach or central cavity throughout the body, the principal branches forming rays from the centre to the margin, communicating finally with a circular vessel traversing its circum- ference (PI. 49. fig. 5 d). These are also lined with cilia, and contain both the loud and water. But there is no regular circu- lation. The Acalephae are propagated by the for- mation of ova, and according to the plan of alternation of generations. They are either hermaphrodite or unisexual. The reproductive organs of the two sexes are often so similar in colour, external form, and arrangement, that they might ca-ily be mistaken for each other, without exami- nation of their contents. They form either utricular or strap-shaped stripes, placed at various parts of the body, often near the rays of the gastrovascular system. In the former case, the spermatic fiuid and the ova are evacuated through distinct excretory ducts ; in the latter, the spermatozoa and ova escaping from the strap-shaped testis or ovary, pass directly outwards, or into capacious cavities opening externally by wide orifices. The ova are round, and sur- rounded by a single very delicate capsule ; and the germinal vesicle with its simple germinal spot is visible through the whitish, violet, or yellow yolks. The spermatozoa move rapidly in, and are unaffected by water j they are linear, or one end is rounded, the other prolonged into a capil- lary appendage (PI. 49. fig. 5*). The developmental metamorphosis of some of the Acalephae is very remarkable. When the ordinary process of segmentation pf the entire yolk is completed, the ova be- come converted into ovate infusoria-like embryos or planulae (PL 49. fig. 6), which revolve upon their longitudinal axis by means of ciliated epidermis, and swim about like species of Leucophrys or Bursaria. After a time, they become fixed at the anterior extremity to some bcdy ; arms then shoot out from the unattached ex- tremity, between which the mouth of the polype-like animal (Hydra-tuba state) is developed (PL 49. figs. 7 & 8). At this stage of development, the larvae multiply by the formation of gemmae (PL 49. tig. 9 ), and offsets or stolons (PL 49. fig. 9 b) ; and ultimately each undergoes transverse di- vision, which takes place as follows : the larvae grow in length, and the body be- comes constricted into several segments ACANTHACE.E. ACANTHOMETRINA. (PI. 49. fig. 10), from each of which eight bipartite processes shoot out in a whorl (Strobila-state) . The segments of the body then separate from each other seriatim, from before backwards, swim about with eight rays (PI. 49. fig. 11), and at last become gradually developed into perfect Medusas. Many of the Medusae are phosphorescent, and render the sea luminous. Gegenbaur divided a Thaumantias into a hundred pieces, and found that each piece, provided it contained a portion of the mar- gin of the umbrella, grew into a perfect small Medusa. Many of the organisms formerly con- sidered Medusa are now regarded as the Medusoid buds or gonozoids of the Hy- droida. See THAUMANTIAS. A small Medusa, with 2 names : Craspeda- custes SowerbyiandLimnocodium Victoria ,has been found in the tropical fresh-water lily- tank at the London Royal Botanic Gardens. This ought to be the Medusoid gonophore of a hydroid zoophyte ! BIBL. Eschscholtz, Syst. d. Acal. Berlin, 1829; Will, Hoi-ce Tergest. $c., 1844; Ehrenberg, Abhandl. d. Berl. Akad. 1835 j Art. Acal., Tcdd's Cycl (R.- Jones) ; Sie- bold, Lehr. d. Vergl. An. ; Huxley, Inver- tebrata ; Lesson, Suites a Buffon (Zooph. Acalephes) ; Wagner, Icon. Zootom. ; Ge- genbaur, Vergl. Anat. 1878 ; Gosse, Mar. Zool. ; Forbes, Nak.-eyed Medusce (Ray Soc.) ; Kolliker, Icon. Histol. 1865 ; Haeckel, Syst. d. Medus., 1879 ; Romanes, Phil. Tr. 1876, p. 269 (Muse, syst.}; Nicholson, Zool., 1878; Pascoe, Zool. Class., 1880; Kowalewsky, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1867, xx. 228; R. Lankester, Qu. Micr. Jn. 1881, p. 119. ACANTHA'CILE. The seeds of many genera of this family are clothed with hairs composed of hygroscopic cells, containing unreliable spiral fibres or detached rings. Among these are Acantliodium spicatum, De- lile, Blepharis, and Ruellia formosa. Other species and genera have the hygroscopic cells destitute of internal fibre, as Ruellia littora- lis, Phaylopsis glutinosa, Barleria noctiflora, Lepidagathis, 8fc. Further particulars re- specting the hygroscopic cells will be found under CELL-MEMBRANE and SPIRAL STRUC- TURES. See also ACANTHODIUM and RUELLIA, and, for a similar phenomenon in other families, COLLOMIA, COBJEA, SALVIA. BIBL. Kippist, Linn. Trans, xix. p. 65. ACANTHOCYS'TIS, Carter. A genus of Rhizopocla, apparently referable to the Actinophryina. Char. Rounded, green, with movealle radiating spines and pseudopodia. Body flexible, covered with minute fusiform curved spicula ; spines straight, hollow, bifid, discoid at base. A. turfacea (PI. 51. fig. 9). Found in heath-bog water; diam. of body JTT"- BIBL. Carter, Ann. N. Hist. 18(33, xii. p. 263 ; Hertwig, Jen. Zeitsch. (Qu. Mic. Jn. 1878, xviii. p. 205). ACANTHO'DIUM (Flowering Plants, fam. Acanthacea). Kippist first described the curious hairs upon the seed of Acantho- dium spicatum, Delile (PI. 28. fig. 24). The entire surface of the seed is clothed with hairs of whitish colour, appressed and closely adherent in the dry state, being apparently glued together at their extremities. When placed in water, the hairs are set free and spread out on all sides ; they are then seen to consist of clusters of from five to twenty spiral cells firmly coherent below, but free above and separating from the cluster at different heights, expanding in all directions like plumes, and forming a very beautiful microscopic object. The free portions of the cells elongate so as to separate the coils of one, two, or occasionally three internal spiral fibres, which are sometimes branched and not unfrequently broken up into rings ; at the lower part of the cells the turns of the spiral are connected by perpendicular pro- cesses so as to convert the spiral into a reticu- lated structure. See SPIRAL STRUCTURES. BIBL. Linn. Trans, xix. p. 65. AC ANTHOME'TRA, Mull. A genus of ACANTHOMETRINA. ACANTHOMETRI'NA. A family of Radiolarian Rhizopoda. Char. Body minute, spherical, capsular ; traversed by numerous elongate, mostly angular and hollow siliceous spines, which meet in the centre. Between the spines, pseudopodia radiate from the body (PI. 51. fig. 10), as in Actinophrys. Marine. The body contains yellow globules, and is sometimes covered with small spicules; and it is enveloped by a softer cortical sar- ccdic mass. The Acanthometrina, with the Polycys- tina, have been rearranged by Hackel, in his splendidly illustrated monograph, into 68 genera and 150 species. They are found recent on the surface and at the bottom of the sea, in the Mediterra- nean, the Adriatic, and the North Sea. They form beautiful microscopic objects. See RADIOLARIA. B 2 ACANTIIOPUS 4 ] BIBL. Miiller, Ber. d, Berl. Ak. 1855, p. 248 ; id. Abh. d. Berl. Ak. 1858, p. 1 ; Hfickel, Radiolar., 1862; Claparede and Lachmann, In fits. p. 59. ACAN'THOPUS, Vernet. A genus of Entomostraca, Ord. Ostracoda, fam. Cythe- ridse. Lake of Geneva. BIBL. Bibl. Univ. 1877 (Jn. Mic. Soc. 1878, p. 80). ACA'REA. A family of Arachnida, be- longing to the order Acarina (ARACH- ACARUS. These animals are commonly called mites ; and every one is familiar with them as oc- curring in cheese, sugar, flour, &c. Some also occur upon the skin of man and animals, producing the itch and the mange. The parts of the mouth and the legs, upon which the characters are usually founded, may be best made out by crushing the ani- mill upon a slide with a thin glass cover, and washing away the exuding substance with water, as directed in the Article PRE- PARATION ; sometimes hot solution of pot- ash is requisite, with the subsequent addi- tion of acetic acid and further washing. When afterwards dried and immersed in Canada balsam, the various parts become beautifully distinct, and may be perma- nently preserved. Acarus (Tyroylyph'us), Body with a transverse furrow between the 2nd and 3rd pairs of legs ; legs nearly equal, all perfect, and terminated by a membranous sucker or claws, or both ; palpi adherent to the la- bium (or lip). Hypodera*. Body very long, legs very short, and the 2 anterior and posterior pairs far apart; parasitic beneath the skins of birds. Hypopus. Front pair of legs mostly largely developed ; posterior almost atro- phied. Parasitic on animals and plants. Trichodactylus. Rostrum (beak) short, with minute bristles ; 4th pair of legs longer than the rest, without claws, and terminated by a very long bristle, the rest with 2 claws. (Parasitic on Bees.) Psoroptes. Body soft, depressed, spiny beneath and at the base of the legs ; poste- rior pair of legs small and rudimentary, the rest with a claw and sucker ; body termi- nated by two bristly projections. (Para- sitic on the Horse.) Sar copies. Body soft, transversely wrin- kled, and with dorsal papillae ; anterior 2 pairs of legs with suckers, posterior ter- minated by a long bristle, and without suckers. (Parasitic.) Demodex. Body elongate ; cephalothorax distinct from the ringed abdomen : legs terminated by 4 or 5 very minute claws. ACAREL'LA, Kent. A genus of In- fusoria ; near Halteria. Kent, Man. Inf. 1880, p. 214. AOAREL'LUS, Westwood. A sup- posed genus of Acarina. See HYPOPUS and PHYTOPTIDA. They seem to consist of larvae of Phy- topti or species of Hypopus. BIBL. Westwood, Proc. Entom. Soc. 18C4, p. 30, and 1870, p. 30 ; Tatem, Mon. Mic. Jn. 1872, viii. p. 263 ; Murray, Econ. Entmnol. p. 246; Mclntire, M. Mic. Jn. 1874, xi. p. 1. AOARI'NA. An order of ARACHNIDA. AC'ARUS, Linn. (Tyroglyphus). A genus of Arachnida, of the Order Acarina, and family Acarea (see ARACHNIDA and ACAREA). The palpi adherent to the labium, the perfect legs, and the transverse furrow dis- tinguish the genus. Ac. domesticus, or siro (PI. 6. fig. 1), the common Cheese-mite. Body oval, soft, whitish, turgid and furnished with long feathery hairs (6). The transverse furrow (c) occurs at about the anterior fourth of the body ; and another is seen between the head and the part corresponding to the thorax. The head is susceptible of elevation and depression. In its natural state it appears conical (d}, and is furnished with two large mandibles ; these consist of a soft retractile basal joint (e), and a second, di- lated, non-retractile joint (/) resembling the fixed claw of a lobster, and a moveable Eiece (/*) working against the latter. The ist two pieces are toothed where in contact with each other. These mandibles can be advanced separately or together, and be separated or approximated. When in a state of repose, they form as it were a roof above the labium. The labium (g) is quadri- lateral, elongated, notched at the end, thin anteriorly and in the middle, and consolida- ted laterally with the palpi, which are 4- or 5-jointed (h h). The legs are reddish, in- serted in two separate groups, but not very far distant as in Sar copies. The anterior pair of legs are remarkable for their size in the male, which is smaller and more active than the female ; the third pair are the shortest and smallest ; the third joint or femur is larger and longer than those next it; the sixth joint is long and thin; the ACARUS. ACARUS. seventh joint is furnished with a cordiform membranous caruncle, and a single simple claw or hook ; rostrum and legs reddish. This species is viviparous and oviparous, and the eggs very numerous. The larvae are hexapod. These mites are very abundant upon old cheese, the powder of which entirely consists of them, with their eggs and excrement. Ac. lonyior. Body and hairs longer. Found upon Gruyere and Dutch cheese (PI. 6. fig. 2). This is the so-called Ac. Crossii. Ac. Siculus. With short legs. Found in powdered Cantharides. Megnin, p. 143 ; Murray, p. 274. Ac. mycophagus. Body long. Found on mushrooms. Megnin, p. 143. Ac. entomophayus. Found in collections of insects, of which it devours the body. Megnin, p. 143 j Murray, p. 263. Ac. mains. On apple-trees in N. America. Murray, p. 275. Ac. translucens. On coffee-plants in Ceylon. Murray, p. 275. Ac. bicaudatus. Abdomen furnished with two pedif orm tubercles, beneath the base of each of which is a stigma. Found upon the feathers of an ostrich. Ac.fari'na, same SisA.domesticus. Found in bad flour. DeGeer, Mem. vii. p. 97, pi. 15. fig. 15. (Ac.feculce, found by myriads in potatoes. Guerin-Meneville, Ann. N. Hist. 1867, xix. p. 71.) Rhizoylyphus (Claparede). Tarsi with claws, but no suckers. Vegetable feeders. R. echinopus. In the bulbs of hyacinths. Murray, p. 257, fig. ; Megnin, p. 144, fig. 49. R. phylloxera. On vine-roots. Murray, p. 258. R. Robinii. On potatoes, dahlia, and hyacinths. Murray, p. 259. R. rostroserratus. On decaying mush- rooms. Murray, p. 260. Serrator (Megnin). Mandibles strongly serrate ; a hook, but no caruncle. S. amphibius. In decomposing mush- rooms. Megnin, p. 144, fig. 50. Ac. Dysenteric. Nyander, Amcenit. Acad. v. p. 97 ; Linn. Grnel. p. 2929. Found in the dejections of dysentery; also in old casks. Ac. passerinus. Found upon young birds. DeGeer, vol. vii. 139. Ac. chelopus, Herm. Mem. Apteral, p. 82, pi. 3. fig. 7. Ac. (Carpoglyphus) passularum. With two very long buccal bristles; lives upon dried figs, and other saccharine fruits. He ring, Nova Acta, xviii. p. 618, pi. 45. f . 14, 15 ; Megnin, p. 141. Glyciphayus (Hering). Body soft, not divided into two parts by a transverse line or furrow, but with a dorsal depression, and an anal projection ; legs perfect, with acetabula ; hairs feathery. A. (Gl.) prunorum. Found on dried plums ; produces the grocer's itch. Hering, Nova Acta, xviii. p. 619. pi. 45. f. 16, 17 ; Murray, p. 278, fig. A. (Gl.) hippopodos. Body as broad as long, very acute anteriorly, entirely covered with short hairs j a minute projection at the end of the abdomen. On ulcers of horses' feet. Hering, Nov. Act. xviii. p. 607 ; Murray, p. 279, fig. An undescribed Acarus has also been mentioned as occurring upon the feet of sheep affected with the canker. Grognier, Zool. veter. p. 233. A. (Gl.) hericius. Found on weeping ulcers of elms. Robin, Journ. d. VAnat. 1868, p. 603. A. (Gl.) cursor. Found in the feathers of the owl and in the cavities of the bones of skeletons. The hairs are jointed. Ger- vais, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. xv. p. 18, pi. 2. f. 5 a ; Murray, p. 278, fig. A. (Gl.) spinipes. Like G. cursor, but smaller ; the anal appendage short. Frem. & Rob. Jn. Anat. 1867 ; Murray, p. 281, % A. (Gl.) balcenamm. On whales. Murray, p. 282, fig. G. plmniger. With strongly feathery hairs. In cellar-dust, stables, &c. Murray, p. 283, fig. A beautiful object. G. palmifer. Smaller than the cheese mite ; hairs leaf-like ; body granular. Murray, p. 284, figs. Found with the last. A. (Gl.} (Sar copies) palwnbinus. On the pigeon. Koch, I. c. fasc. 5. pi. 12 ; Robert- son, Qu. Micr. Jn. 1866, p. 201. Some other species have been insuffici- ently examined : Ac. avicularum, DeGeer, Mem. vii. 106. pi. 6. fig. 9. Louse of the grouse. Lyonet, Mem. Mus. xviii. 281. pi. 15. f. 16. Ac. marilce, Gervais, Diet. Sc. Nat. Suppl. i. 45. Ac.favorum. Found in old honeycombs. Herm. Mem. Apterol. p. 86. Ac. fungi, Herm. /. c. Myobia (Heyden). Body elongate, rnauy- lobed ; rostrum styliform. M. musculinus, Schranck, p. 501, pi. 1. ACAULON. ACII1TA. f. 5. Sarcoptes muse., Koch, Crust. $c. fasc. 5. pi. 13 ; On the mouse, Murray, p. 315. Hypopus. See HYPOPUS. A destructive disease in the sugar-cane is caused in various parts of the world by a minute red Acarus, which swarms round the stem. BIBL. Duges, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 2 se"r. ii. p. 40 ; Koch, Deutschl. Crust. ; Walckenaer, Aptcres, 3 (Gervais) ; Fumouze and Robin, Jmirn. d. VAnat. 1867, 505, 561 ; Boisduval, ISEntomol. horticole, p. 76; Mic. Soc. Jn. 1880,^/1/0. dev. p. 249; Murray, J%.jBi& 1880 ; Megnin, Parasites, 1880. AOAU'LON, C. Miiller. A genus of Phascaceae (Acrocarpous Mosses), taken as a section of Phascum by Wilson. A. muti- cum is common on moist banks. BIBL. Miiller, Synops. Muse. i. p. 21 ; Wilson, Bryol. Brit. p. 29. ACEPH'ALpOYSTS. A term used to denote certain simple sacs filled with a trans- parent liquid, found in the bodies of ani- mals, and usually known as Hydatids by pathologists. They were formerly regarded as distinct parasitic animals ; but recent observations show that they often consist of the cysts or larval forms of cestoid Entozoa. The cysts in many cases contain at first only an amorphous substance or a liquid. At a later period their real nature is deter- mined by the presence of the included Echinococcus head and hooks. The sacs or vesicles are oval or spherical, and vary in size from a pin's to a child's head. The walls of the sacs vary in thickness and transparence. They present no appearance of either head or body. In the larger cysts the walls are distinctly laminated. They exhibit no fibrous structure, but appear composed of a homogeneous substance closely resembling albumen in properties. Two species have been distinguished : A. endogena (socialis vel proliferd), the pill-box Hydatid of Hunter. This is met with in the liver, kidney, ovary, testis, and cavity of the abdomen. When developed in the substance of an organ, it is always enveloped by areolar tissue. The secondary cysts are detached from the inner surface of the parent. A. exogena : in this the progeny is de- veloped from the outer surface ; found in the ox and other dometic animals. In the examination of cysts supposed to be hydatids, careful search should be made for the hooks of Echinococcus or Cysticercus which can frequently be found when no further remains of the body are distingui .-li- able. The hooks are figured in 1*1. 21. fig. 16. See ENTOZOA and ECHINOCOC- CUS. ACERVCJLI'NA, Schultze. Under this name Schultze, in 1854, grouped as a genus some of the adherent varieties of Planorlu- lina variabilis, D'Orb., that have an irregular growth, with heaped chambers. They are found in warm seas, attached to algae and other bodies. The word "acervuline" is applied to any such ' wildly aggregated growth in Foraminifera. BIBL. Schultze, Organism. Polythal. 67 ; Carpenter, Forum. 209. ACETIC ACID. This is the well- known acid of vinegar. It occurs in the juice of the flesh of ani- mals ; sometimes in the stomach in indiges- tion ; also in the human blood after the use of alcoholic liquors, and in that of animals whose food has been soaked in spirit. It is also a common product of the decomposition of vegetable substances, both by fermenta- tion, and in distillation, as well as a com- ponent of the natural plants, mostly com- bined with lime or potash ; it is also a rare constituent of some mineral waters. The only salt of this acid requiring men- tion is the acetate of copper (neutral), which is made' by dissolving common verdigris in excess of dilute acetic acid, filtering and crystallizing upon the slides. The crystals, when mounted in Canada balsam, exhibit well the phenomena of dichroisin. PL '39. fig. 2. Acetic acid is one of the most common and valuable micro-chemical reagents. It is particularly useful on account of its action upon animal cells in general, rendering the coil-walls transparent and the nuclei more distinct. The ordinary strong acid (sp. gr. 1044) should be used. ACETINOP'SIS, Kent A genus of Iii- fusoria, family Ophryodendridae. BIBL. Kent, Man. Infus. 1880. ACHARAD'RIA, Wright. A genus of 11 yilroid Zoophytes. A. larynx resembles in habit Tulmlaria larynx ; polypes orange. Marine ; on stones. BIBL. Str. Wright, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1865, iii. p. 50 ; Hincks, 'Brit. Zoophyt. p. 133. ACHE'TA. A genus of Orthopterous in- sects, one species of which, A. domestica, the house-cricket, is familiar to every one. The general structure of this insect agrees so closely with that of Blatta orientalis, the common cockroach or black beetle, which is ACHLYA. ACHLYA. described at some length, that it requires no special notice here. (See BLATTA.) Some parts of the internal structure of the cricket are very beautiful, as the tongue (PL 33. fig. 23), the gizzard (PI. 34. fig. 1), and the ear in the fore legs (PL 34. fig. 76). These, as also the curious mechanism by which the chirping noise of the male is produced, are described under INSECTS. ACH'LYA, Nees (&?/>ro/e*7w?#,Kutzing). Remarkable microscopic plants,sometimes referred to the Al^se, but more properly belonging to Fungi. Cienkowski has re- cently confirmed the idea formerly enter- tained, that Aclilya is an aquatic form of the Mucorinous Fungus called SPORENDO- NEMA Muscce (Empusa MUSC&, Oohn), the common fly-fungus. Cohn and Al. Braun deny the identity, while Berkeley thinks AcJilya may be an aquatic form of Botrytis Sassiana. They are found growing para- sitically upon the bodies of dead flies lying in water, also upon fish as salmon, salmon- eggs, frogs, &c., and in some cases upon de- caying plants. To the naked eye they ap- pear like colourless minutely filamentous tufts, adherent to such objects, forming a kind of gelatinous cloud more or less en- veloping them. When placed beneath the microscope, the tufts are seen to consist of long, colourless, tubular filaments, spreading out in all directions, with or without lateral branches; these erect filaments arise from a kind of mycelium of ramified filaments lying upon the object upon which the plant grows. The erect filaments are devoid of septa, narrowed upwards, and vary in thick- ness, being usually of smallest diameter in those cases where they are closely crowded; the ordinary thickness varies from 1-1000 to 1-350 of an inch. The tubes contain a colour- less slightly granular protoplasm, which is denser on the walls ; and these sometimes exhibit an irregular spiral arrangement of the granules ; the granules are seen to move slowly in anastomosing currents running in various directions, exhibiting, that is, the well-known phenomenon of the circulation of cell-contents, such as is met with in the hairs of Tradescantia, &c. The walls of the tubes are coloured blue by iodine and sul- phuric acid, therefore consist of cellulose ; the contents are nitrogenous, taking a bright yellowish brown with iodine ; no trace of starch or chlorophyll can be detected in the cell-contents in this stage, whence these plants are regarded by some authors as Jungi ; but, as mentioned hereafter, Prings- heim states that their ripe spores do con- tain starch. Kiitzing describes a number of species of this genus, tinder the name of Saprolegnia, while a recent observer, Pringsheim, regards them ah 1 as forms produced by varying ex- ternal conditions. A. de Bary separates AcJilya prolifera, Nees, from Saproleynia ferax, Kiitzing, referring to the former the Saprolegnia ferax of Cams and the Sapro- legnia capitulifera of Alex. Braun, to the latter the Aclilya prolifera of Cams, and, doubtfully, the S. molluscorum of Nees and Gruithuisen. The distinction between these is said to lie in the details of the formation and emission of the active gonidia or zoo- spores; but we cannot make out satisfactory differences. The following details respecting the for- mation of the active gonidia and the resting spores are given at length on account of their well illustrating modifications of free- cell formation. In about thirty-six hours after the appearance of a specimen on any body, the apices of the erect filaments exhibit remarkable changes. The granular protoplasm, which at first is equally dif- fused throughout the tube, only densest where it lies on the wall, increases in quan- tity and " travels up " into the end of the tube, becoming accumulated there, giving it a brownish colour and at the same time causing its distention, so that the upper part of the tube acquires a clavate form, ronnded off above. A sharp line of demarcation is soon formed by the division of the primor- dial utricle, followed by the production of a septum, which shuts off this clavate joint as the sporange ; and a little projecting pouch or beak is developed at the summit, or sometimes a little below this on one side. The contents,becoming still more condensed, again apply themselves as a thick invest- ment on the wall, leaving a lighter space in the middle of the cavity. Inequalities, cr nodular protuberances, are soon observable in this layer ; and it speedily becomes broken up into numerous little isolated portions, individualization of these commencing at the summit of the sporange and becoming completed gradually from above downwards. The end-cell is now a clavate sporange filled with numerous polyhedral or globular new "primordial cells," in the development of which from the contents of the general parent-cell no trace of nuclei or " special parent-cells " can be detected ; their size is about 1-2700 of an inch; and they have ACHLYA. ACHLYA. clearly defined outlines, but are still con- nected together by a gelatinous substance in which they are completely imbedded. These secondary cells then become retracted from the walls, and accumulate in a dense, rather confused looking mass in the centre of the sporange j endosmose of water through the now bare cellulose wall of the sporange seems to exert a pressure upon them,and also on the wall itself, which finally bursts at the process or beak mentioned above, and the secondary cells nearest the opening are shot out with some force, the rest following, but gradually more quietly. There is no inde- pendent motion of the contents, or jerking of the secondary cells, before this emission of the latter j on the contrary, while in the Fig. 1*. Achlya prolifera, discharging its zoospores ; the lower zoospores treated with iodine ; magnified 400 diameters. sporange, they adhere so closely that their shape is scarcely distinguishable, and it is only when the greater portion have escaped that it is perceived that the pressure had caused them to assume a spindle-shape. As the emission of the secondary cells goes on, those escaping first are only removed so far as to make room for their successors, and th<' \vhole remain adherent together as a globular mass or " capitulum " seated on the apex of the sporange ; they reassume, more or less completely, the spherical form, by degrees, after they have escaped from the sporange : those which can expand freely become globular; those pressed upon by their fellows become polyhedral. At the time of emission, these secondary cells exhibit a double line at the circumference, which seems to indicate the thickness of the pri- mordial utricle. Soon after the expulsion another delicate line is detected external to these ; and this indicates a newly produced envelope, which becomes thicker with ;i-v, and after a certain time can be [coloured blue by sulphuric acid and iodine, which demonstrates its composition of cellulose. Application of a strong acid is necessary for this purpose. The globular head of secondary cells remains for two or three hours attached upon the summit of the empty, colourless sporange. Then these minute cells emit their contents by a lateral orifice, giving origin, each of them, to a zoospore or active gonidium. Neither the motion nor the appearance of cilia follows the expulsion im- mediately, but takes place after the gouidia have increased somewhat in size and ac- quired an ovate form. The duration of the motion lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes, after which the gonidium sinks to rest and begins to germinate. The gonidia possess no cellulose membrane while in motion, but acquire one when they come to rest and germinate. The cilia are two, and arise from the point which first emerged from the parent vesicle, and which at all periods exhibited a lighter tint, indicating a vacuole in the protoplasmic mass. If the expulsion of the gonidia is prevented (as occurs sometimes when the plant is kept under the pressure of a glass slide, in too little w r ater, in microscopic investigation of it), the gonidia germinate within their cell-membranes, which, instead of dis- charging active zoospores, emit germinating prolongations, just like those issuing from the single germinating gonidia. These spread out here in all directions from the globular still seated on the end of the sporange. During the formation of these sporanges and the gonidia, after the septum has been completed, the tube sends out lateral branches from just below it, which some- ACHLYA. ACHNANTHES, times equal tlie sporange in length by the time the latter discharges its contents j then this branch becomes developed as a spo- range, either at its summit or in its whole length, or, when the branch is very short, the portion of the main tube below the first septum becomes a sporange. Sporanges of a- third rank may succeed to those of the second rank, and so on, until the plant has exhausted the supply of food at its service. In another form the active gonidia are pro- duced at once in the sporanges, without the intervention of secondary cells ; and then they begin to move even before leaving the parent sac. Aclilya prolifera also produces, though more rarely, globular or spindle-shaped spo- ranges, either terminal or borne on special short lateral branches, in which are deve- loped resting spores, characterized by a larger size, double cell-membrane, and by the absence of the cilia and consequent motion. The mode of their development is similar to that of the active gonidia ; but they are much fewer in number, sometimes as many as twenty, sometimes only four, three, two, or even one being present in a sporange. When a number occur in a spindle-shaped sporange, they are ranged in two rows, alternately, so that each is par- tially interposed between its two opposite neighbours. Their diameter varies from 1-1250 to 1-750 of an inch, the colour brown- ish, displaying numerous oil-drops in the granular contents when mature. The spo- ranges producing them display a number of round orifices when the spores are ripe ; but the spores appear to escape by the decay of the walls. These resting spores may remain unchanged in water for a long time when no suitable nidus exists, but will quickly ger- minate if a dead insect or similar object be thrown in. The resting spores are from 1 to 20, while the active gonidia are from 5 to 150, the number depending in each case on the size of the sporange, not upon the size of the spores or gonidia, which is tolerably regular. Pringsheim states that starch occurs in the contents of the resting spores of S. ferax. A third form of reproductive organ is described by Cienkowski, which in the earlier stages resembles a sporange of rest- ing spores j but the spores produce each a long tubular neck, which bores through the wall of the sporange and discharges its con- tents as minute swarming bodies into the water ; these have not been seen to germi- nate. These flask-shaped bodies resemble the formations seen by Carter in SPIRO- GYBA; and we have seen them in other Algae. Al. Braun at first described them as a species of CHYTRIDIUM, but subse- quently has expressed an inclination to regard them as antheridial spores of Aclilya. In addition to the above, Al. Braun has described curled tubular processes, resem- bling the horns of Vaucheria, associated with the sporanges in which resting spores are formed; and he is inclined to regard them as anthet'idia exercising a fecundating office, like the horns of Vauclieria. Similar bodies have been recorded in other Saprolegnice, especially in Aclilya cornuta. (See PI. 27. figs. 22-27). A. lignicola is found upon wood in water. BIBL. A description of the supposed species will be found in Kiitzing's Sp. Algarum, p. 159. For further information on the de- velopment, see Al. Braun's Rejuven. (Ray Society, 1853, pp. 188, 268) ; Pringsheim, Nova Acta, xxiii. pt. 1. p. 397-460, 1852 ; Anton de Bary, Sot. Zeit. x. p. 473, 1852 ; linger, Linncea, 1843, p. 129 (Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 3 me ser. ii. p. 5. pi. 1, 1844) ; Meyen, Pflanzenpliys. iii. 457 ; Nageli. Zeitschr.filr Wis. Bot. heft 1, p. 102, heft 3, 4, p. 28 (Ray Soc. 1845, p. 278, 1849, p. 101) ; Thu- ret, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 3 me ser. t. xiv. p. 20, p. xxii, 1851 j Ch. Robin, Veget. Paras. 2nd edit. 1853, p. 372 ; Varley, Tr. Mic. Soc. iii. ; Cienkowski, Bot. Zeit. xiii. p. 801 ; Al. Braun, Chytridium, Abh. Berlin. Ak. 1855 ; Verjung. in d. Natur, p. 318 (Ray Society, 1853, p. 298). A list of all the writers who had treated of Aclilya before 1843 is sub- joined to Unger's Essay in the Linncca ; Pringsheim, Jahrb. Bd. 1. heft 2, bd. 2. heft 2; Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1867, p. 126 ; Sachs,j5o. 1874, p. 276 ; Pfitzer, Monatsber. d. Berl Akad. Mai 1872 ; Grevillea, March 1878 (woodcuts). ACHNAN'THES, Bory. A genus of Diatomacege (Cohort Achnanthese). Char. Frustules compressed ; either sin- gle, in pairs, or united into a straight fila- ment ; geniculate in front view, without septa j attached by a stipes fixed to one an- gle ; uppermost valve with a longitudinal median line, lowermost with a longitudinal line, and a median nodule or stauros. The individual frustule, when single, or the lowermost when they are united, is furnished with a stipes or stalk, arising ACHNANTHIDIfJM. ACHORION. from one end of the lower margin. Side view of frustules elliptical, oblong or linear, sometimes slightly constricted in the mid- dle ; markings of upper and lower valves different, the upper (PL 16. fig. 2) exhibit- ing transverse rows of dots (appearing like striae under a low power) interrupted by a longitudinal line, the lower (PI. 16. fig. 3) being also furnished with transverse rows of dots, interrupted by a stauros, as also by a longitudinal line which in some has a no- dule at each end. The valves being much compressed, the transverse rows of dots ap- pear also in the front view. The hoops exhibit faint longitudinal and sometimes transverse striae. Aclmantlies resembles Striatella in its stalked flag-like filaments, but may be known from it by the absence of internal siliceous plates or vittae. Species : Freshwater; markings faint (minntc) A.exilis*. Marine or brackish water; markings distinct. Stipes longer than frustules A. longipes\ . Stipes shorter than frustules. Ends of valves acute A. brevipes. Ends of valves obtuse A. subsessilis. * PL 16. fig. 4. t PI. 16. fig. 1. Kiitzing enumerates 15 species of Ach- nanthes. BIBL. Ralfs, Ann. N. Hist. xiii. 489; Kiitzing, Bacill. p. 75, & Sp. Aty. p. 54 ; Smith, Brit. Diat. ii. 25 j Rabenhorst, Fl. Ala. 109. ACHNANTHIDTUM, Kiitz. A genus of Diatomacese (Cohort Achnanthea?). Char. Those of Achnanthes, mostly sin- gle, and without the stipes. Five British species ; freshwater : Filament of numerous frustules ... A. lanceolatum. Frustules few, valves constricted in middle. A. coarctatum. Frustules few, often straight; valves constricted near the end A. mieroccphalum* . Frustules few; valves obtuse, un- constricted A. lineare. Frustules few, median line sigmoid A.jlexellum]. * PL 16. fig. 5. f PL 16. fig. 6. Frustules very small, and markings very faint. BIBL. Smith, Brit. Diat. ii. 30 j Kiitzing, Bacill. 75, & Sp. Alg. 53. ACHO'RION, Link and Remak. The generic name applied to one of the vegeta- bles occurring in Favus, and characteristic of that disease of the skin (also called Porriyo or J'inea favosd) . The structure of the plant, Achorion Schcerileimi, bears much resemblance to that of the genus Torula ; but it occurs in definitely bounded patches having a special arrangement of the microscopic elements of which it is constituted. Much has been written by medical authors regarding these bodies ; but we shall not enter into this part of the subject here, fur- ther than to state that the presence of this vegetable structure seems to be essential and causative in the disease of the skin to which we have alluded. Remak was unable to make any of the spores germinate in or on animal substances ; some however emit- ted prolongations when placed upon an apple; but the surface then decayed and turned brown within the week, and became covered with mildew (Penicilliumyhmcum). One of the entire corpuscles kept upon the arm for several days, fell off without leaving any mark; but a fortnight after a/a WM began to be developed. Gruby states that he inocu- lated various parts of the body with it, and even caused it to grow upon wood(?). Ben- nett ultimately confirmed the statements of Gruby as to the inoculation. Unfortunately, most authors who have written on the parasitic fungi which occur in morbid conditions of the human frame, or are productive of disease, have not been well acquainted with either Fungi or Algae. Numberless names have been assigned to them j and in consequence, while many of these organisms have been considered Al- gae, they have been regarded by others as Fungi. It is, however, probable that all of them are mere conditions of the most uni- versally diffused species of Pcnicillium, As- pergillus, Mucor, or Cladosporium genera which are capable of propagation by cells thrown off from the threads, other than the normal fruit. It is quite impossible that, as supposed by Ardsten, such a genus as Puccinia could be produced on animal tissues. BIBL. Ch. Robin, Veg. parasites, 1853, (plates, 2nd edit.) j Bennett, Month. Jn. Med. Sc. 1850 (figs.), and Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 1842, xv. pp. 227-294; Gruby, Compt. Rend. 1841, xiii. p. 72 ; Mycodermes fyc., ibid., 309; Tinea favosa, Midler's Ar- chiv, 1842, p. 22 ; Hannover, Midler's Arch. 1842, p. 281-295, pi. 15. figs. 7-9 ; Miiller and Retzius, Mull. Archiv, 1842, p. 192, pi. 8 and 9 ; Lebert, Phy. Path. ii. p. 477, Paris, 1845 ; Remak, Diagn. u. pathogen. Berlin, 1846, p. 198-215 ; Bazin,Ze* Teignes, Paris, 1853, 8vo (plates) j Robin, Micr. 1877, p. 860. ACHROMATISM. ACINETINA. ACHRO'MATISM. A term properly signifying freedom from chromatic aber- ration, but commonly used to denote free- dom from both spherical and chromatic aberration. A GIG UL A'RIA, D' Archiac. One of the Foraminifera imperforata, related to Dac- tylopora, and consisting of numerous cham- bers arranged in close order side by side without intercommunication, and forming minute aciculate cylinders, or narrow ta- pering plates. Known fossil only in some Tertiary beds of France. BIBL. Carpenter, Introd. Foram. 137. ACINE'RIA, Duj A genus of Infusoria, of the family Trichodinia. Char. Body oblong or lanceolate, de- pressed, the fore part somewhat obliquely recurved like the blade of a sabre ; a row of cilia,directed forwards, arising from one side. Differs from Trachelius, Duj., in the ar- rangement of the cilia and in the anterior curvature ; devoid of a mouth, like Trache- lius, which especially distinguishes the pre- sent genus from Pelecida. 2 species : A. incur vata (PL 30. fig. 1) ; marine, colourless; length 1-590 inch. A. acuta (PI. 30. fig. 2), found in fresh water ; length 1-580 inch. Dujardin figures in the latter species cilia upon both margins, those on one side being directed forwards, and those on the other backwards. Claparede and Lachmann refer these to AmpMleptus. BIBL. Dujardin, In/us, p. 402 ; Clap, and Lachm. Inf. p. 356. ACINETA, Ehr. A genus of Rhizo- poda, belonging to the family Acinetina. Claparede and Lachmann enumerate 8 species. A. mystacina (PL 51. fig. 11). Yellowish brown, rounded, tentacles in two bundles j 1-120 to 1-800. On Lemna minor. A. patula (PL 51. fig. 12). Body as if resting on a cup-shaped carapace, variable in form; contains brown granules. On marine Algse. Norway. Length 1-100". A. tuberosa (PL 30. fig. 4). Colourless or yellowish brown, triangular when ex- panded; tentacles arising from the distal angles only. Salt or brackish waters; 1-1CO" to 1-410". A. Lynybyi, ferrum-equinum, and cylin- drica are "referred by Ci. and Lachm. to Podophrya. A. Notonectce. On the hairs of the legs of N. f/lauca. BIBL. Pineau, Ann. d. So. Nat. 3 s6r. Zool. iii. & ix.; Ehr. Inf.; Duj. Inf.; Claparede and Lachmann, Etudes, '$c. ;' Ann. N. H. 1857, xix. ; Stein, Infus.; Gegenbaur, MorpJi. Jahrb. 1875. ACINETI'NA,Ehr. A family of Radio- larian Rhizopoda. Char. Those of the Actinophryina, but with usually capitate and suctorial tubular tentacles, the body being more or less en- closed in a carapace, which is generally prolonged to form a stalk. The structure and relations of these ani- mals are still very unsettled. The re- searches of Pineau and Stein tended to render the existence of the species doubtful, by showing that they were stages of deve- lopment of Epistylis, Vaginicola, Vorticetta, &c. ; but this has since been found to be in- correct. They exhibit a nucleus, and one or more contractile vesicles. The remark- able suctorial character of the tentacles has not been proved to occur in all the genera and species. Many, however, have been seen to take food voraciously, which is thus effected : when an Infusorium touches the button-like end of the tentacle, it usually remains adherent to it ; the end becomes still more dilated so as to constitute a sucking disk, and the ray becomes thicker and shorter, the other rays at the same time making grasping moVements and endea- vouring to attach their extremities to the captured prey. A current of chyme-par- ticles is then soon seen running 'from the captured infusorium into the body of the Acineta. The chyme-particles form at first a slender row,but afterwards collect in a drop. The body of the Acineta then becomes opaque, from the collection of the drops. The colourless or coloured ova described by Ehrenberg are partly chyme-particles, partly oil drop-like globules which make their appearance in the AcinetcB after ani- mal food. The ciliated swarm-germs to which they give origin have been traced directly into Acinetce. Fission has been observed in Acineta mystacina, not in the others. The genera may be thus divided : ^Tentacles not borne upon a proboscis. Tentacles unbranched. . Stalks simple. (A peduncle 1. Podophrt/a. No shelH No pedun- (free .. 2. Spkarophrya. I cle } fixed. 3. Trichophrya.] A a \,^-i j Peduncle present . 4. Acineta. 1 1 Peduncle absent... 5. SolenopJirya. Ftalks branched 6. Dendrosoma. Tentacles branched 1. Dendromycetes. **Tentaoles borne on a long pro- boscis 8. Ophryodetidrion. ACOMIA. ACROSTALAGMUS. Here belong, perhaps, the genera Core- thria, Ephelota, and Zuoteira (Wright) j and Alder's animalcules. ACO'MIA, Duj. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Enchelia. Char. Body oblong-ovate or irregular, colourless or granular, turbid, composed of a glutinous homogeneous substance con- taining irregular granules, and ciliated only or principally at one end. Dujardin de- scribes eight species, to which Perty adds one. Marine, or inhabiting decomposing in- fusions. Minute and colourless. A. vitrea (PL 30. tig. 3) ; freshwater : length 1-868. BIBL. Duj. Infus. p. 382 j Perty, Zur Kenntniss, fyc. p. 149. - ACONTIOPH'ORUS, Brady. A genus of Entornostraca, Ord. Copepoda. A., scutatus and A. armatus] marine; around the British coasts. BIBL. Brady, Copepoda (Ray Soc.}, 3. p. 69. ACREMO'NIUM, Link A genus of Hyphomycetous Fungi, belonging to the division Mucedines; distinguished by its C:ed threads bearing numerous patent chlets, each of which is terminated by Fig. 2. Acremonium fuscum (magnified). a single globose spore. Perhaps only states of some other genus. British species : A. verticillatum, Link. On dead wood, trunks of trees. A. alternatum, Link. On decaying leaves. A. fuscum, Schmidt (fig. 2). On dead wood and sticks. A. ranigenum, B. and Br. On dead frogs. Distinguished by the threads being matted together below into a distinct stem. BIBL. Engl. Flora, v. pt. 2. p. 347; Greville,#cott. Cryp. Fl. 1. 124. figs, land 2; Berk, and Br. Ann. N. Hist. 1871, June. AC ROC AR'PL An artificial division of Mosses (see MOSSES). ACRO'PERUS. A genus of Entomos- traca, of the family Lynceidse (Baird). Char. Shell somewhat harp-shaped, the anterior inferior margin projecting and ob- tusely angular, inferior antennae long ; beak blunt, very slightly curved downwards; shell striated with longitudinal ribs directed obliquely down wards and forwards; colour- less. 2 species : A. harpce (PI. 19. fig. 1) ; each branch of inferior antennae with 3 long setae from the extremity of the last joint only. A. nanus (PI. 19. fig. 2), much smaller than the last ; anterior branch of inferior antennae with 4 setae, one arising from the second, and three from the end of the last joint. This genus is scarcely distinct from Camp- tocercus. BLBL. Baird, Ann. N. Hist. xi. 91 ; and Brit. Entomos. 129. ACROSPER'MUM, Tode. A genus of Sphaeronemei (Stylosporous Fungi), con- sisting of minute, somewhat cartilaginous perithecia, a few lines high, discharging long, wavy, erect, simple, microscopic spores from a terminal pore or ostiole. British species : A. compressum, Tode. On dry stalks of herbaceous plants. A. graminum, Libert. On dead grasses. A. cornutum, which is not uncommon on the gills of blackened Agarics, is merely the winter resting-state of Agaricus tube- rosus. BIBL. Engl. Flora, v. pt. 2. p. 221 ; Grev., Sc. Crypt. Flora, t. 182. ACROSPO'RIUM, Nees. A generic name formerly applied to certain species of Oidium (see OIDIUM). ACROSTALAG'- MUS, Corda. A genus of Mucorini (Phycomy- cetous Fungi), distin- guished by its whorled branched septate threads, each branch terminated by a globose vesicle, which is pierced by the tip of the branch- let, from which nume- rous spores are given off within the vesicle. VerticiUiumlateritium is a form of this beauti- ful mould, with minute naked spores. The accompanying figure represents Aero- Acrostalaemns cinnaba- 7 . rinua (highly niagm- stalagmus cinnabar mm, fi e d). Fig. 3. ACROSTICHE^E. [ 1) Corda. It grows in large patches on rotten potatoes. Hoffmann regards it as a mere form of Trichothecium roseum, which is rather a Dactylium. BIBL. Berkeley, Cryptog. Bot. p. 294; see also TRICHOTHECIUM and VERTICIL- LIUM. ACROSTICH'E^E. A family of Poly- podiaceous Ferns, with naked sori. Illustrative Genera. Acrostichum. Sori seated on all the veins, venules, and parenchyma, sometimes on both surfaces; veins very much branched, and anastomosing in more or less regular meshes. Platycerium. Sori forming large patches on the lower surface of the fertile fronds, which are dichotomously forked with stag's- horn-like divisions. ACROS'TICHUM, L. A genus of Acro- sticheee(Polypodiaceous Ferns), with naked sori seated on all parts of the leaf. Species very numerous, mostly tropical. See HAIRS. ACTIN'IA. A genus of Ccelenterata (Zoophytes) ; class Actinozoa. Char. Body conical or cylindrical, ad- hering by a broad discoidal base ; mouth simple, superior, surrounded by one or more uninterrupted series of conical, undivided, tubular retractile tentacula ; marine. The species are commonly known as sea- anemones, and are found on the sea-coast adhering to rocks and stones. A. mesem- bn/anthemum (1-1" diam.), with numerous azure-blue tubercles surrounding the mar- gin of its oral disk, is very common on the British coast. The body is formed of a thick coat, the inner layer of which consists of longitudinal and transverse unstriated muscular fibres. The tentacles are covered with stinging threads and capsules, as in the Acalephae, often forming beautiful objects ; and at their bases are often found chromato- phores. The space between the stomach and the skin is divided into cellular spaces by radiate partitions or mesen- teries, the ovaries and the spermatic convo- luted tubes being attached to these parti- tions. The connective tissue of the body is com- posed of numerous fibres, cells, and inter- mediate stages, of extreme delicacy (PL 41. fig. 1). Dispersed throughout it are nume- rous spindle-shaped, flexible, organic spi- cula (PI. 41. figs. 1 a and 2), many of them ACTINOCOCCUS. curiously marked by interrupted transverse markings (fig. 2). In reproductive power they almost equal ;he Hydrae ; when cut across, new tentacles ? orm in a few weeks on the lower half, and each piece becomes a new animal. They are usually propagated by ova ; the embryos being ciliated. Many of the species exhibit he most splendid iridescent colours. BIBL. Johnston, Brit. Zooph. ; Tugwell, Common English Sea-Anem. ; Gosse, Acti- nol Britann. 1860, Mar. Zool. 1, and " De- vonshire Coast'" Bronn, Die Klass. fyc. d. Thierreichs ; Gegenbaur, Vergl. Anat. 1878 ; Nicholson, Zool. p. 178 ; Strieker, Human Sf Comp. Histol. ACTINIS'CUS, Ehrenberg. A doubtful genus of Diatomaceae,provided with siliceous shells bearing radiating spines. (Cohort Actiniscese.) Char. Individuals microscopic, solid, ra- diate, resembling a star ; marine. These organisms, which are found both recent and fossil, are especially remarkable for their valves being frequently found per- forated. Species : A. Tetrasterias, Ehr. (PI. 18. fig. 1). Stellate, with 4 free ray_s; diam. 1-1000". Virginia. A. Pentasterias, Ehr. (PI. 18. fig. 2). Rays 5 ; diam. 1-1200". Recent on the shores of Norway ; fossil in the chalk- marl of Greece. A. quinarius, Ehr. (PI. 18. fig. 3). Stellate, rays 5, free; diam. 1-3000". ^Egina. A. Sirius, Ehr. (PI. 50. fig. 45). Rays 6, acute, winged at the base; diam. 1-1200". Shore of Norway, recent. A. Discus, Ehr. (PI. 18. fig. 4). Disk-shaped, centre smooth, 8 marginal rays not exserted; diam. 1-1200". Oran. A. Rota, Ehr. (PI. 18. fig. 5). Disk- shaped, centre smooth, 10 marginal rays exserted; diam. 1-1900". Oran. A.Lan- cearius, Ehr. Stellate, with 8 marginal lan- ceolate rays, and some central rays which are shorter on one side; diam. 1-240". Ant- arctic Ocean. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Leb. Kreidethierchen, 1840, p. 69; Monatsber. 1844, p. 76, &c. ; Kiitzing, Bacillarien, 1844, p. 139; Spec. Algai-urn, 1848, p. 141. ACTINOB'OLUS, Stein. A genus of Infusoria. BIBL. Kent, Infus. 1880, p. 214. ACTINOCLA'blUM, Ehr. A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi). No British species vet recorded. ACTINOCOC'CUS, Kiitzing. A genus of exotic Algae (marine), referred to Ri- ACTINOCYATHUS. [ 14 ] ACTINOPHRYS. vularia by Suhr (Kiitz. Tab. Phyc. 31, fig. 2). ACTINOCY'ATHUS, Kent. A genus of Infusoria. BIBL. Kent, Man. Inf. ACTINOCYC'LUS. A genus of Dia- tomacese (Cohort Coscinodiscese). Char. Frustules solitary, free or adherent to other bodies ; disk-shaped ; valves circu- lar, exhibiting cellular markings, with rays or bands radiating from the centre, which is free from the cellular appearance; no internal septa ; marine. The cellular appearance arises from the existence of depressions upon the surface. The radiant bauds arise from undulations of the surface, which are best seen in the front view (PI. 25. fig. 17 b). A. undulatus (PI. 25. fig. 17 a) ; rays 6, diarn. 1-250 to 1-1100". Kiitzing enumerates 34 species; some are found fossil. Smith admits A. duodenarim (rays 12), A. sedenarius (rays 16), and A. octodenarim (rays 18) as British species referred by Ehrenberg and Kiitzing to the genus Acti- noptychus. These are found in the Medway. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Leb. KriedethiercJie-n, 1840, p. 57 ; Monatsber. 1844, and Mikrog. ; Kiitzing, Bacillar. 1844 ; Sp. Alyarum, 1849; Roper, Mic. Jn. ii.; Smith, Brit. Diat. i. 25, and ii. 86; Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. 35. ACTINODIS'CUS, Grev. A genus of Diatom acese. Char. Frustules free, disk-shaped ; valves granular, with a central nucleus, and nu- merous (15) linear smooth rays extending from it to the margin. A. Barbadensis (PI. 36. fig. 22). Diam. 1-250". In the Barbadoes deposit. BIBL. Greville, Micr. Trans. 1863, 69. ACTINOGO'NIUM, Ehr. A genus of Diatonaacese. Char. Prismatic, frustules not forming a filament, subspherical, with 7 or more angles. A. septenarium (PI. 18. fig. 8). With 7 angles. Found fossil in Barbadoes earth, with Polycystina. BIBL. Ehr. Monatsber. d. Berl. Ak. 1847 ; Ann. N. Hist. vol. xx. p. 127. ACTINOM'ONAS, Kent A genus of Infusoria, Ord. Flagellata (Radio-flagellata, Kt.). Char. Resembles a stalked Actinophrys with a long anterior flagellum ; neither test nor central capsule. 2 species: A. mirabilis (PI. 53. fig. 1); diam. 1-2000". A. pusilla; diam. 1-3250". BIBL. Kent, Infus. p. 227. ACTINOPHRYl'NA, Duj. A family of Radiolarian Rhizopoda. Char. Body usually rounded, contained in a shell or shell-less, giving off radiate non-agglutinating pseudopodia, either from the entire surface, or from parts only ; ,spi- cules and spines absent. The genera may be divided thus : Shell absent. Pseudopodia arising from all parts of the surface Actinophrys. (Acanthocystis.) Pseudopodia arising from a zone near the circumference Trichodiscus. Pseudopodia arising from one side I'luyiophrys. Shell present. Free. Incrusted with foreign matter Pleurophrys. Not incrusted, oblong. Orifice lateral Trinema. Orifice terminal Euytypha. Attached to foreign bodies Urnula. BIBL. That of the genera. ACTI'NOPHRYS, Ehr. A genus of Actinophryiua. The species of Actinophrys are found in both fresh and salt water. The body ex- hibits contractile vesicles, mostly near the margin, but sometimes more diffused and giving it a cellular appearance. Conjugation has been repeatedly observed ; but authors are not agreed upon its import. The move- ment of the pseudopodia is very slow ; gra- nules may be seen continually moving in them, as in the Gromida and Foraminifera ; but the circulation is much slower, and requires great attention and a high power to render it visible. A. sol, E. (PI. 30. fig. 7 b). Spherical, colourless, whitish tentacles radiating from all parts of the body; 1 or 2 contractile vesicles strongly projecting on the surface ; parenchyma not reticular; diam. 1-430 to 1-1200"; fresh water. A. Eichornii, E. (PI. 30. fig. 7). As A. sol, but parenchyma presenting a more or less regular cellular appearance; diam. 1-100". A. marina, D. As A. sol, but marine, rather smaller, and movements of tentacles more rapid. A. brevicirrhis, P. Greenish, not reti- cular ; pseudopodia very short and very numerous. A. pennipes, Cl. & L. Not reticular; pseudopodia few, slender, and very long; no projecting vesicle. A. viridis, E. (PI. 30. fig. 6). Spherical ; ACTINOPTYCHUS. ACTINURU& greenish ; rays shorter than the body ; diam. 1-280" to 1-620"; fr. water. Per- haps A. sol coloured by chlorophyll. A. diyitata, D. Colourless, depressed, tentacles flexible, thickened at base, and when contracted forming finger-like pro- longations ; diam. 1-770"; fr. water. A. (jranata, D. Spherical; opaque in centre; rays taper, shorter than body; fr. water. A. paradoxa, Carter (PL 61. fig. 13). With numerous capitate and longer simple tentacles; fr. water. Bombay. A. oculata, St. = A. sol? A. discus, D. Trichodiscus sol, E. (PI. 32. fig. 8). A. pe- dicellata, D Podophrya fixa, E. A. stella, Perty = the eggs of one of the Rotatoria. The manner in which these animals feed is curious. Any part of the surface of the body may be converted into a temporary stomach. When an infusorium or a minute alga comes into contact with one of the tentacles, it generally becomes adherent. The tentacle with the prey then slowly shortens, and the surrounding tentacles ap- ply themselves upon it, bending their points around the captive, so that it gradually be- comes enclosed on all sides. In this way the prey is gradually brought to the surface of the body, The spot at the surface of the bodv upon which the captured organism is lying slowly retracts, and forms at tirst a shallow depression, which gradually becomes deeper and deeper, in which the organism is finally lodged. As the depression becomes still deeper, its edges coalesce, and thus a cavity closed on all sides is formed, in which it remains for a certain time and becomes digested. If there be any indigestible resi- due, a passage for its exit is formed, and it is expelled by further contractions of the substance of the body, and in the same or a different direction from that at which it entered, the canal and the aperture entirely disappearing. BIBL. Kolliker, Zeifschr. f. ivissens. Zool. Bd. i. (Qt. Micr. Jn. i.) ; Stein, Archiv f. Naturyesch. 1849 ; Brightwell, In/us, of Norfolk ; Pritchard, Infus. ; Carter, Ann. N. Hist. 1864 ; Claparede and Lachmann, Etudes ; Pertv. Z. Kenntniss fyc. p. 159. ACTINOPTYCHUS, Ehr. A genus of Diatomacese. (Cohort Coscinodisceae.) Char. Frustules solitary, free, disk-shaped, with rays and internal radiating septa; valves apparently cellular (areolar), except opposite the rays. The presence of true internal septa is doubtful; hence it becomes a question whether this genus should not be consoli- dated with Actinocyclus. Kiitzing enumerates 16 species, distin- guished principally by the number of septa and rays ; A. temarius, septa 3 ; A. quater- narius, septa 4 ; A. senarius, rays 6 (PL 25. fig'. 16), &c. A. hexapterus, with 6 thick, solid conical rays, is one of the calcareous corpuscles of an echinoderni ; the margin of the disk thick, undulate, and toothed within. Many of the species are fossil. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. Abh. d. Berl. Akad. 1838, and Berl. Bericht. 1844 ; Kiitz- ing, Bacill. 134; Sp. Alg. 130; Greville, Micr. Trans. 1866, p. 5 ; Rabenhorst, Alg. p. 35. ACTINOSPH^'RA, Perty.-A doubt- ful genus of Rhizopoda. Char. Body minute, spherical, surrounded with irregular, rather rigid processes. Move- ment that of swimming on various axes. Processes stout and taper. Body colour- less, containing greyish-green (food-) spots. BIBL. Perty, Zur Kenntniss fyc. p.189. ACTINOSPH^E'RIUM = Actinophnjs, in part. ACTINOTHYR'IUM,Kunze. A genus of Sphseronemei (Stylosporous Fungi), forming minute round, Fig. 4. flat, black spots, with a central boss of close, radiatingjfibrous struc- ture. British species: A. yraminis, Kunze. On leaves and stalks of Grasses in spring (fig. Actinothyriumgraminis 4). The innate, radi- 0"ghl y magnified), ately fibrous, shield-like perithecium finally dissolves at the apex. The stylospores, which are spindle-shaped, are formed be- neath the disk, attached by their bases; Fries conjectures that they are transformed asci. It is probably a state of some Sphceria or allied genus. BIBL. Greville, Crypt. Flora, t. 218. ACTINOT'RICHA, Kent. A genus of Infusoria, fam. Oxy trichina. ACTINU'RUS. A genus of Kotatoria, of the family Philodinaea, Ehr. Char. Eye-spots two, frontal (red) ; tail- like foot with 2 lateral horny processes and 3 terminal toes. (Rotifer with 5 points to the foot.) Agrees with Rotifer in general structure ; teeth 2 in each jaw (PL 43. fig. 2). 1 species, A. Neptunius (PL 43. fig. 1). ADELOSINA. C 16 ] ADULTERATIONS. Colourless, body attenuated ; length 1-18" to 1-36". Very common, aquatic. ADELOSI'N A, D'Orb. A t first regarded as a generic form, but now recognized as only the young condition of some of the Milioline Irnperforate Foraminifera. Spi- roloculina, Quinqueloculina, and Triloculina, subgenera of Miliola^ commence their growth, after the fashion of their conge- ners also, with a relatively large, subglo- bose " primordial chamber ;" and the suc- ceeding growth produces a curved flask- like chamber, closely enwrapping one side of the former. Until the successive lateral overlappings by new chambers build up the nearly oval outline of the adult Miliola, the young shell is one-sided, and may be termed u Adelosina." Found in all seas, and com- mon among Tertiary and Cretaceous fossils at many places. BIBL. Carpenter, Jntrod. Foram. 75 ; D'Obigny, For. foss. Vienne, 301. ADE'NOID or Retiforin Tissue. A va- riety of connective tissue, consisting of very fine fibres, forming a network, in the meshes of which are found numerous lymph-cor- puscles. It forms the stroma of the spleen, the lymphatic glands, &c. The fibres are formed by the union of the processes of the original connective-tissue cells. See GLANDS of Animals, and LYMPHATICS. ADENO'MATA. These are tumours com- posed of new formations of glandular tissue. They occur in the mamma, mucous mem- branes, the sebaceous and pineal glands, the ovaria, and the liver. BIBL. Green, Pathol ; Rindfleisch, Path. 1878. ADENOPLEU'RA,Macalister. A genus of Acarina, fam. Ixodidse. A. compressum. Found between the scales of the West- African Pangolin (Mania multiscutatd). L. 1-16". BIBL. Macalister, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, xii. p. 287 (figs.) ; Murray, JEcon. Entom. p. 200 (fig-)- ADIANTUM,Linn. A genus of Pteridese (Polypodiaceous Ferns), with one elegant indigenous (fig. 5), and many exotic species. ADULTERATIONS (PI. 2). A very important use to which the microscope is applicable, consists in the detection of vari- ous adulterations of articles of food, drugs, and products of the arts and manufactures. The first point in a question of adultera- tion is, to determine, by microscopic and micro-chemical analysis, the structure and composition of the pure substance ; and if the Table given at the end of the Introduc- tion be kept in view in this proceeding, but few points will probably be overlooked. On then comparing these results with those obtained by a similar mode of proceeding- in regard to a suspected substance, there will in general be found little difficulty in deter- mining whether it is pure or not. If im- Fig.5. Adiantum Capillus Veneris (pinnule with sori covered by indusia) ; 5 diam. purities or adulterating ingredients are pre- sent, the next point will be to determine their nature. To do this with certainty, would require that the structure and com- position of every kind of substance, either natural or artificial, should be known, which would imply an amount of knowledge pos- sessed by no one. But the question is sim- plified in practice, because substances used in adulteration must be cheap, and either grown or manufactured in quantities at home, or imported from abroad. Hence they are generally common, and it is pretty well known of what they will probably con- sist. In Plate 2 will be found the true structure of the adulterated articles and that of the adulterants. When the adul- teration consists of a chemical substance as it might be called, i. e. a salt, metallic oxide, proximate principal, &c., its nature is readily determined by chemical analysis ; but when it consists of a vegetable tissue, which has been perhaps subject to a partly chemical process of manufacture, the judgment must be based upon the form of the various parts, their size, relative position, and other par- ticulars holding a place in the Table already alluded to. ADULTERATIONS. The following list of adulterations of articles of general consumption will serve as a guide to the inquirer, and as an index to the special articles in this work in which further details will be found. ARROW-ROOT (PI. 46. fig. 26). Cheaper kinds of starch. BREAD. Mashed potatoes, bean-flour, rice, alum. CAYENNE PEPPER. Ground rice, mus- tard-husks, deal sawdust, formerly mineral colouring-matter of lead, &c. CHICORY. Roasted flours of corn and beans, acorns, mangold- wurzel, parsnips, carrots, mahogany-sawdust, burnt sugar, red ochre, &c. CINNAMON. Flour of grain and potato, cheap starches, &c. COCOA and CHOCOLATE (fig. 4). Arrow- root and other starches, flours, sugar, chicory, red ochre, &c. COFFEE (fig. 5). Chicory and its adul- terations, as above, locust-beans, date- stones, and figs. CURRY POWDER. Flour, ground rice, red lead, red ochre. FLOUR (PL 46). Meal of other grains, beans, potato-starch, rice. GINGER. Flours of various kinds, mus- tard-husks, cayenne pepper, turmeric. ISINGLASS. Gelatine from bones. LARD. Potato-flour. MUSTARD (fig. 11). Flour, turmeric. OAT-MEAL. Barley-meal. PEPPER and other spices (fig. 12). Flours of grain, peas, potatoes, &c., ground mustard, linseed, rice-husks, &c. PICKLES. Dilute sulphuric acid (vitriol) instead of vinegar. SUGAR. Potato-flour, starches. TEA (fig. 1). Various leaves (sloe, elder), catechu, mineral colouring-matters, iron-filings, rice-husks. TOBACCO (fig. 16). Various leaves (dock, rhubarb, coltsfoot), paper, &c. B i BI>. Ure, Diet, of Arts and Manufactures ; Mitchell, Adult, of Food; Normandy, Hand-b. Commercial Analysis; Schacht, Priif. d. im Handel vork. Geivebe, 1853 ; Wiesner, Mikroskop, fyc.; Angus Smith, Hep. of Man- chester Sanit. Assoc. 1863 ; Hassall, Food, $c. ; Parliam. Rep. on the Adult, of Food, $c., 1855 ; and Adult, detected, 1857 ; Od- ling, Journ. Soc. Arts, 1 858, vi. 31 8 ; Gar- nierand Harell, Falsificat.d. Subst. Aliment.; Pereira, Mat. Med. ; Sorby on Spectroscope, in Qu. Mic. Jn. 1809, p. 358 ; Klencke, Verfalsch. #c. (illustr.), 1879; Soubeiran, Diet. d. falsif. #c., 1874,- Blyth, Anal, of Food. Sfc. ^ECID'IUM, Persoon. A genus of Ure- dinei (Coniomycetous Fungi), consisting of parasitic fungi infesting leaves and herba- ceous stems, appearing in their full-grown condition as little cups filled with a reddish or brownish powder (spores), formed by a raising-up and bursting of the epidermis by the parasite developed within. Many may be detected in earlier stages by the deformi- ties they produce in the growing structure of the plants infested, or by pale or reddish spots on the green surface, arising from the presence of the imperfect fungus under- neath. These plants are commonly known under the name of blight, brand, &c. Their history has recently received much eluci- dation at the hands of Tulasne, De Bary, and others ; and they are found to exhibit a more complicated organization than, was formerly imagined. The organs of fructi- fication are produced in two forms, bearing great resemblance to the conditions lately ascertained to exist generally in the Li- chens. A brief account of the natural history of certain of the species, derived from De Bary and Tulasne, will give a general idea of the character of this genus. The nascent sEcidia are observed as mi- nute spots upon the herbaceous parts of the plants which they infest. When sections are made of these and placed under the micro- scope, it is found that the parenchyma of the plant is deformed, irregular, and inter- rupted by large intercellular passages, among which ramify the filaments of the mycelium of the fungus; these are delicate, much- branched and septate, about 1-3600 of an inch in diameter. At certain points these filaments are crowded and interwoven into hollow globular conceptacles, about 1-180 of an inch in diameter, immediately beneath the epidermis, the interior of which concep- tacle is lined with delicate filaments (about 1-12000 of an inch in diameter) arising at all parts and converging towards the centre, except at the upper part, (which is open, and only shut from the external air by the persistent epidermis of the nurse-plant,) where they are directed upwards. A gra- nular mass occupies the centre of the con- ceptacle, separating the converging fila- ments from each other. By the growth of the upper filaments and the increase of the central granular mass, the whole structure increases in size, so as to push the epider- mis up above the surrounding surface, finally bursting it, when the upper filaments (pa- raphyses) grow out through the orifice and form a little funnel-shaped tuft on the sum- mit of the protuberance, through the middle of which the granular mass formed below makes its escape. These bodies may be found commonly on the spurges (^E". Eu- phorbice), the barberry (;E. Berberidis), net- tles (^Z Urticce), Compositae (^E. Composi- taruni), &c., early in the season ; later they may frequently be recognized in a dried-up condition, being forerunners of the true spo- riferous bodies (PL 26. fig. 1). The name applied to these organs is spermogonia. The filaments converging into the centre of these, termed sterigmata (PI. 26. figs. 2, 3, s t), are the important parts of the structure ; they terminate in rows of minute bodies of oval form, about 1-6000 of an inch long and 1-12000 in diameter (ibid, s p}, which be- come detached and separated, falling loose into the cavity, where, by a continued growth and shedding of similar bodies from the converging filaments, they accumulate to form the granular mass above spoken of as existing in that situation. The number ultimately becomes enormous, and a gela- tinous substance is secreted, glueing them into a mass. When placed in water under the microscope, or when wetted by rain in its natural position, the ripe mass swells and is protruded through the orifice of the sper- mogonium on the surface of the leaf. By a longer action of moisture the jelly dissolves, and the minute bodies {spermatia) spread about in the water, exhibiting "an oscilla- tory motion, as of a body attached at one extremity." De Bary states that he found iodine arrest this motion, while it persisted for some time in solution of chloride of cal- cium. No cilia can be detected. Fresh spermatia were coloured bright purple red by sugar and sulphuric acid, but at the same time were so acted on that it could not be made out whether they possessed a mem- brane free from nitrogenous matter. Solu- tion of potash renders invisible the outlines, not only of the spermatia, but of the sterig- mata and paraphyses. The resemblance of these bodies to the spermatia of the Lichens (see LICHENS), is too evident to be mis- taken ; hence the same terms are applied to the corresponding organs. The spermogonia occur either in regular groups, or scattered just like the perithecia j when the latter are on the same surface of a leaf, they often form a circle round the former. Frequently they burst through on i ] ^ECIDIUM. opposite sides of a leaf j and then the sper- mogonia are oftenest on the upper, the peri- thecia on the lower face (PI. 26. fig. 1 sp). After a number of spermogonia have been successively developed and discharged their spermatia, the mycelium, from which they originated, produces a new globular body formed of densely interwoven filaments, usually in the interior of the substance of the leaf or stem, not immediately beneath the epidermis, and ordinarily colourless. Increasing in size in all directions, this glo- bular body, the perithecium, soon presents at its base, i. e. the point furthest from the nearest epidermal surface, another body composed of very numerous free-ending filaments enclosed in a cellular membrane, which body rapidly grows up within the perithecium, in the direction of the surface of the leaf or stem. The filaments, at first very delicate, are crowded very close to- gether ; and each exhibits in its interior a row of short, colourless, roundish cellules, the uppermost of which is always the largest and the most advanced in development. These cellules are the spores, and the fila- ments in which they are found are the spo- rangia or thecce. The membrane enclosing the sporangia, the peridium of Persoon, grows part passu with them, and is com- posed likewise of rows of cells, which stand in a circle around the sporanges, but are firmly connected together side by side by an intercellular substance ; this membrane closes in like a bell or vault over the spo- ranges. By the reciprocal pressure of all parts, the cells of this membrane, at first spherical or ovate, become polygonal. At a certain stage the apex of the perithecium gives way, so that it forms a kind of cup around the membrane enclosing the mass of sporanges arising from the base. The whole structure has by this time come im- mediately up to the underside of the epi- dermis, which is next ruptured, and the pe- rithecium and the sporanges are protruded, more or less, according to the habit of the species (PI. 26. fig. Ip,p). The upper por- tions of the rows of cells composing the pe- ridial membrane then separate more or less from each other, splitting into lobes, so as to set the sporanges free, and form a kind of cup with toothed margins seated in the ex- panded perithecium (figs. 6 and 6 a). The spores, which are at first delicate cellules, subsequently acquire a tough mem- brane, increasing considerably in size, so as to distend the parent utricle or sporange, ^ECIDIUM. AERIAL ROOTS. which is ultimately only recognizable where it connects the spores together in a monili- forin series. The spores in most cases now acquire a deeper colour (except in &. leuco- jEcidium Compositarum, Mart. Fig. 6. Peridia in various stages of growth on the surface of a leaf: 30 diam. Fig. 6rt. Perpendicular section through a burst peridium, show- ing the sporanges contained in it : 100 diam. coniwri). owing to contents chiefly accu- mulated in the centre. Their membrane is colourless, their form finally irregularly polygonal ; and the diameter varies much, even in ripe spores of one and the same species, from 1-1000 to 1-1800 of an inch. The upper spores are often ripe at an epoch when young spores are still in course of pro- duction at the lower end of the sporanges j finally, however, the development ceases be- low, and the tube elongates a little beneath the lowest spore, forming a kind of pedicle or basidium to the row. The ripe spores either soon fall apart and fill the cup as a loose powder, along with short incomplete sporanges, or the rows persist even after they are mature, held together probably by a firmer peridial membrane. The British species of dEcidium are nu- merous; more than thirty are described by Berkeley in the British Flora, many of which are common, especially those of the Mints, the Composites (such as the Colts- foot, &c.), the Barberry, the Gooseberry, Buckthorn, Spurge, Nettle, &c. (&. Com- positarum, Mentlice, Berberidis, Grossularice, crassum, Euphorbia. Urticcs, ifci). Oersted and De Bary have made expe- riments which seem to prove that JEcidium Berberidis is a development of Puccinia graminis', a full account of which will be found in Cooke and Berkeley, Fungi. p. 180. BIBL. For Species : Brit. Flora, ii. pt. 2. p. 369 j Greville, Sc. Crypt. Flora, pis. 7, 62, 97, 180, 209 ; Reess, Disp. Ured. 1879. For Anat. and Physiol. : Unger, Exan- theme, pp. 297, 300," t. 3. f. 18, 19, t. 4 ; Meyen, Pftanzenpath. pp. 143, 148-50 ; Tulasne, Compt. Rendus, March 24 and 31, 1851 j Ann. d. Sc. Nat. ser. 3. t. xv. ; ibid. ser. 3. t. vii. p. 45 ; ser. 4. t. ii. pp. 12(3, 173 ; Leveille, Sur le dev. des Uredinees, Ann. des Sc. Nat. ser. 2. t. xi. ; Corda, Icon. Fung. iii. t. 3. f. 45 j De Bary, Brandpilze, Berlin, 1853, p. 55 et seq. pis. 5, 6, and 7 ; Sachs, Botanik, 1874, p. 332 j Henfrey, Bot. (Mas- ters), 1878, p. 460. ^GERITA, Persoon. A. genus of Stil- bacei (Hyphomycetous Fungi) characterized by short necklace-like threads consisting of irregular spores produced from flexuous, branched, radiating sporophores, forming a subglobose mass. JE. Candida, Persoon, grows on damp twigs in marshy places, consisting of scattered white grains about the size of a poppy-seed. AZ. setosa, Grev., belongs to the genus Volutella. BIBL. Greville, Crypt. Fl. pi. 268. n>. 1 ; Ann. N. II. 1859, iii. 362, pi. ix. f. 7. ./EGYRIA. A genus of Infusoria =Zr- vilia, Duj. A. legumen=E)-v. legumen, D. Three other species. BIBL. Claparede and Lachmann, Infus. $c. i. p. 288. ANGSTROE'MIA, Br. and Sch. A ge- nus of Leptotrichaceous Mosses, including many Dicrana, and Ceratodon cylindriciis, Br. and Sch. BIBL. Miiller, Synops. Muse. i. p. 426 : Wilson, Bryolog. Brit. pp. 72, 85. AERIAL ROOTS. A very large pro- portion of the exotic Orchids are epiphytic plants and produce aerial roots, which "ab- sorb moisture from the atmosphere; the same structure occurs in many tropical c'2 AGATE. Araceae. The surface of these aerial roots is clothed by a peculiar tissue, formed of cells containing a delicate spiral fibre upon the wall (PL 48. fig. 6)._ The strata of spiral- fibrous cells are sometimes numerous, and they cover up the true epidermis of the root. The growing points of such roots are green ; but the spiral-fibrous cells soon come to contain nothing but air, and then assume a silvery-white colour. ^ETEA, Lamx. See ANGTJINARIA. ^ETHA'LIUM, Link. A genus of Myxo- mycetes. The common SEthalium, JE. sep- ticum, L. (flamim, Grev.), occurs frequently on tan in hot-houses, where it is very inju- rious, from the rapidity of its growth and the abundance of its spores. The ordinary form is yellow ; but violet and varieties have been met with. It grows also on mosses in woods. Other species of AZthalinm have been found growing upon iron, lead, or other mineral substances, sometimes a few hours only after they have been heated, so that the appearance seems quite marvellous. The cream-like matter, of which the part answering to the myce- lium or allied production in other Fungi consists, exhibits Amceba-like movements. BIBL. Greville, Crypt. Flora, t. 272; Sowerby'sJFWftgrs, t. 399. fig. 1 (B&Reticularia hortensis, Bull.), figs. 3 & 4 (as It. carnosa and R. cerea) ; Bolton, Brit. Fungi, t. 134 (as Mucor septicus, L.) ; Berkeley, Crypt. Bot. pp. 236, 339. AGARICINL A family of Basidiomy- cetous Fungi, belonging to the tribe Hyme- nomycetes, comprising a great portion of the more important esculent species, cha- racterized by an inferior hymenium spread over distinct gill-like processes, which are often easily divisible into two plates. In a few species the interstices of the gills are traversed by veins so as to produce the sem- blance of pores. Amongst the more obscure species of the vast genus Agaricus, the hy- menium is at first superior, but finally be- comes inferior by the turning over of the pileus, which is attached at one point only, or by a very short stem. The hymenium is composed of vertical cells, called basidia by Le"veille", sporophores by Berkeley. These^bodies are elliptical or elongated cells growing out from the surface of the lamellae, with four slender stalk-like processes at the upper end, each bearing a single spore, which becomes detached when ripe. These basidiospores are observed by means of cross sections of the lamellae ; the sections must be very thin, and require a high power for satisfactory observation. The sections keep tolerably well put up in chloride of calcium or glycerine, and are most instructive when taken from a series of specimens of different ages. See AGA- BICUS, BASHHOSPORES, and HYMENOMY- CETES. The bodies called cystidia or polli- naria, are globular or oval cells, found asso- ciated with the basidia, containing granular matter exhibiting molecular motion when discharged. These organs have been sup- posed to represent antheridia, but are more probably paraphyses or abortive basidia. BIBL. Berkeley on the Fructif. of Hyme- nomyc. Fungi, Ann. N. Hist.i.Sl ; Leveille, Sur V Hymenium des Champignons, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 se"r. viii. 321 ; Hoftman, Bot. Zeit. xiv. p. 137 ; Cooke, Illustr. Brit. Fungi, 1881. AGA'RICUS, Linn. A genus of Agari- cini (Hymenomycetous Fungi ; one of the largest genera in the Vegetable Kingdom, comprising not only a multitude of European species, but many from tropical climates. Ag. carnpestris is the common Mushroom. See HYMENOMYCETES. AGATE. The term agate is specially applied by geologists to the concretions and geodes of chalcedony, formed in the steam-holes and the fiss\ires of volcanic rocks. They consist of crystallized and crystalline varieties of silica, coloured with metallic oxides. Successive and concentric layers of chalcedony, coating the insides of the cavities, have formed solid or hollow nodules, the innermost layers being often colourless or amethystine quartz. In the chalcedony no definite crystallization can be seen, only an obscure fibrous structure at right angles to the planes of deposit, which latter are usually lumpy or mammillary, and often render the mass flaky. In some specimens this fibrous structure becomes more evident in successive layers minute, close-set, crystalline prisms being visible on fracture ; and these may be succeeded by regular quartz-crystals. " Those paler vari- eties of quartz, which consist of concentric layers of radiately grouped crystalline needles, frequently polarize light very beautifully. From the unequal resistance of some of the layers to hydrochloric acid, cut agates may be prepared to take printer's ink and to give impressions on paper. The relatively open prismatic structure of some la} 7 ers allows agates to be partially coloured by the absorption and carbonization of oil AGATE. AGATHISTEGIA. or honey, or by chemical infiltrations. Nearly all the agates (onyx, sardonyx, c.) of commerce are thus treated. Carnelian and sard are either burnt or naturally oxi- dized portions of agate. Sometimes agate contains crystals of calcite imbedded in its substance : and whether coated over, or replaced, these have sometimes given the outlines in the fortification-agates, which are common and elegant objects. Small stalactites, or concentric knobs, of chalce- dony enclosed and invested in the cavities, when cut through, give rise to the pretty eye-agates. Some chalcedonies contain delicate branching filaments of delessite and other minerals, and are known as moss- agates and mocha-stones. Great micro- scopic interest lies in the so-called moss- agates of the south coast of England and the Isle of Wight. These are altered sponge-masses from the chalk and green- sand ; and, with the chert and flints, have been examined by Bowerbank, who sup- posed them to have originated in the at- traction and solidification, by sponges, of silica dissolved in the water of the ancient ocean. The spicula of sponges are com- monly found ; also very frequently the fibres, sometimes in a perfect state of pre- servation, but usually presenting the ap- pearance of having suffered to a great extent from maceration and disruption of their component parts previous to fossilization. Generally the fibres adhere together in confused masses, presenting a moss-like appearance, with here and there one or two in a better state of preservation , and occa- sionally, near the outer surface of the mass, small portions of the tissue are found quite perfect ; in other parts all the intermediate states between perfect preservation and nearly complete decomposition may be ob- served. The siliceous matter in which these remains are imbedded, usually presents a clear and frequently a crystalline aspect, while the remains of the organized mass are strongly tinted with colours : bright red, brown, and ochre-yellow prevail ; but occasionally the colours are milk-white, or bright green. Sometimes the interior of the tubular fibre only is filled with colour- ing-matter, whilst the sides are semipellucid or of a milky white ; in others the whole of the fibres are impregnated with it. PI. 25. fig. 14 represents sections of a piece of moss- agate (Indian), showing the silicified fibres of sponge aa, the gemmules b, a separate fibre at- c, and spicula at d. Bowerbank has also described an Alcyonitic structure in a moss-agate. The supposed vegetable structures in the majority of such agates, described by Tur- mn', Miiller, and others, have been shown Dy Goppert to be inorganic products, chiefly dendritic deposits of oxide of iron. His essay contains an elaborate history of the strange notions which have at various times been propounded concerning these objects. Gergeus has imitated the coloured confervoid appearances by decomposing green vitriol with a weak solution of silicate of soda. Confervoid bodies, however, have been recognized in the green moss-agate of In- dia; and a living Conferva was actually found in colloid silica by Roberts and Slack. Schaffner has described green con- fervoid tissue, referable to Vaucheria, Spiro- yyra, &c., besides spores, in green Indian stones ; and he traced the green colour of the spots in a red opake jasper to Proto- coccus. There are two distinct points connected with the presence of these supposed organic remains in agate : one is, whether they really are organic, and the other is whether they are related to the formation of the agate, or merely accidentally present. The first is a very difficult point ; we have only the microscopic appearance of the bodies under one set of conditions to judge from : this is always very unsatisfactory ; many of the appearances most peculiar to organic bodies, especially when the latter are not connected so as to form a tissue, can be closely imitated by crystallization. Still the mass of evidence is decidedly in favour of the appearances really representing por- tions of sponges and Confervas. BIBL. Bowerbank, Trans. GeoL Soc. (2) vi. 181 ; Ann. N. H. x. (1842), 9 and 84 ; Quart. J. G. S. iv. 319 ; Goeppert, Eatisbon Flora, 3848, p. 57 ; Brewster, Phil. Mag. (3) xxii. 213 ; Noggerath, Haidinyer's Nat. Abhandl iii. 93, 147, and Neues Jahrb. f. Min. 1847, 473 ; Gergens, N. Jahrb. f. M. 1858, 799; Schaffner, Flora, 1859, no. 36; Bischof, Lehrb. Chem. Geol. iii. 630;, ~Reusch,Poggendorfs Ann. cxxii.94; Lange, Halbedelsteine, $c., 1868 ; Hamilton, Q. J. Geol, Soc. iv. 209 ; Billing, The Science of Gems, 1867; Zirkel, Beschaffenh. Min. u. Gest. 1873, 108 ; Rupert Jones, Proc. GeoL Assoc. iv. 439 ; Rudler, Pop. Sci. Rev. xvi. 1877, 23. AGATHISTE'GIA, D'Orb. An order of AGLAOPIIENIA. AIR. Foraminifera in D'Orbigny's classification (1825). It may be said to comprise Cor- ttitsjrira, Miliola (subgenera Uniloculina, Jji/oculina, Triloculina, Quinqueloculina, Spi- rolocuUnO) GructtocvUna), Hauerina, and Fabularw, members of the family Miliolida, as established bv Carpenter. The peculiar ball- of- thread-like folding of the segments, whence the name, is constant in the three last-named genera; but in Cornuspira it is merged in a discoidal spire at an early stage of growth. BIBL. D'Orbigny, Foram. Ciiba, p. 145 ; Foram. Canaries, p. 140 ; Foram. Amerie. p. 68 ; For. Foss. Vienn. p. 255 j William- son, Brit. Foram. p. 78, &c. ; Carpenter, Int. Foram. p. G6. AGA'VE. See FIBROUS STRUCTURES. AGLAOPHE'NIA, Larnx (Pfr.). A genus of Polypi, of the family Plumula- riidae. It consists of Phimularia crixfata, myriophyllnm, and pennatula (Johnston). See PLUMULARIA. BIBL. Hincks. Brit. Hydr. Zooph. p. 284, pis. 63 & 64. AGLAOS'PORA, De Notaris. A genus proposed for Spharia profusa, on account of the asci containing only 4 sporidia ; but Tulasne has extended it to some species with eight sporidia, on account of the rela- tion of the pycnidia to the perithecia. The brown spores of A. prof lisa, which is not uncommon on Robinia pseudacacia, are beautiful microscopic objects. BIBL. Tulasne. Sel. Fung. Carp. ii. p. 158. AGO'NIUM, (Erst. A genus of Con- fervoid Algae, fam. Oscillatoriaceae. Char. Filaments very slender, rigid, flexuous, tufted, jointed ; a single sporidium in each joint. A. centrale (PL 3. fig. 1). Marine ; 3- 6'" long; attached to stones. BIBL. Rabenhorst, Alg. ii. 160. AG'RION. A genus of Neuropterous Insects. See LIBELLULID-E. AGY'RIUM, Fr. A genus of Lichena- ceous Lichens, tribe Graphidei. 1 sp., A. rufum. Thallus forming whitish spots; a'pothecia bright red. On old posts. BIBL. Leighton, Lick. Fl., p. 392. AINAC'TIS, Kiitzing. A genus of Os- cillatoriaceous plants growing on stones in alpine streams. The two known species have been found in Britain. A. alpina. Fronds from 1-12 to 1-2" in diameter, often confluent, formed of re- peatedly dichotomous filaments, dark olive green, containing separate particles of car- bonate of lime. Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alijrr, Ixv. 1. 4; Kutz. Tab. Phyc. vol. ii. pL 68. 1 ; Zonotrichiu hatmatites, Rabenhorst, Ala. ii. 212. A. cakarea, Kiitz. Fronds 1-4 to 1-2" in diameter, orbicular, convex, ultimately confluent, sometimes greenish, often dark chestnut, composed of dichotomous fila- ments, at length incrusted continuously \\ith carbonate of lime. Kiitzing, /. c. pi. 63. 2 ; Z. calc. Rab. ; Lithonema calcaria, Hassall, tab. Ixv. fig. 2. Kiitzing states that the gelatinous sheaths of the filaments of A. alpina have a spiral- fibrous structure. See SPIRAL STRUC- TURES. AIR. It need scarcely be remarked that the air consists essentially of a mixture of two gases, oxygen and nitrogen, in the pro- portion by volume of about 21 parts of the former to 79 of the latter, with variable quantities of gaseous carbonic acid (about l-2000th) and aqueous vapour. As the component molecules of gases are invisible with any powers of the microscope, the air possesses no microscopic characters. In two respects, however, the study of the air is of great importance : 1st, in regard to the op- tical appearances produced by the passage of light through it when contained in bodies submitted to microscopic examination ; and 2ndly, in regard to the particles which are always, in greater or less numbers, sus- pended in it. In microscopic investigations, we meet with air either existing in cells or cavities in various tissues, or in the form of bubbles, confined by the liquid in which the objects are usually immersed. When surrounded and confined by liquid, it mostly assumes a spherical form, in accordance with the law of hydrostatics, that the pressure of fluids is equal in all directions ; sometimes the spherical form is exchanged for that of a compressed or oblong spheroid, the result of the pressure of the glass slip covering the object. When confined, in cells or cavities, it assumes the form of these. It is in ge- neral easily recognized by transmitted light from the smooth and even darkness or shading given to its margins, whilst in the centre it appears luminous and clear. Some- times the dark margins of air-bubbles have a pale purplish-yellow, blue or greenish tinge. By reflected light, of course, no dark- ness is produced, but it then appears vitre- ous and shining, in consequence of the re- AIR. AIR. flection taking place from its surface. So long as air-bubbles or confined portions of air are large, the optical appearances above described are sufficiently characteristic ; al- though should any doubt exist as to the nature of a supposed accumulation of air, the latter must be displaced, either by pres- sure between two slips of glass, or by im- mersing the object in which it exists in some liquid and applying heat. When, however, air is confined within very minute cavities, especially when these possess definite forms, the clear centre is frequently no longer to be detected, the whole appearing perfectly black and solid; and serious errors have arisen from inattention to this circum- stance, as explained in the Introduction (p. xxxv). The corpuscles of dried bone were thus formerly considered solid bodies, as their name implies, and as consisting of calcare- ous matter, until it was found that they could be filled with a liquid. In all cases, then, where absolute certainty is required of the nature of an apparent air-bubble or accumulation of air, attempts should be made to displace the mass, either by pres- sure or prolonged immersion in a liquid, especially with the aid of gentle heat. The appearance presented by air con- tained in tissues, is easily studied in a dry section of any kind of pith or other vege- table structure, such as elder-pith, rice- paper, or cork ; cork is really heavier than water, and owes its lightness to the air it contains. On immersing these in water, this liquid soon enters the lateral cells, but long digestion is required before the in- ternal cells become filled with it and the whole of the air is displaced. Soaking in alcohol before immersion in water greatly facilitates the displacement of the air. The determination of the actual nature, as regards chemical composition, of air con- fined in tissues, is a matter of difficulty where the quantities are microscopic. The^ nitrogen can only be detected by its nega- tive properties to reagents. The presence of oxygen might be determined by moistening a section of any structure with recently boiled distilled water and then placing it in a cell containing a solution of protosulphate of iron, or an alkaline pyrogallate, and im- mediately sealing the cell with varnish and allowing the action to continue for some time. For the detection of CAEBONIC ACID, see that article. There is yet a source of fallacy in the detection of air imprisoned in structures where these are of a hard resisting nature, as in mineral bodies. An illustration of this, with the method of its avoidance, is given under TOPAZ, and ROCKS. In regard to the solid particles present in, or subsiding from the air, and forming dust, these consist principally of the spores of fungi, lichens, mosses, and algae, pollen, the detritus of the soil, fine fragments of vegetable and animal fabrics accidentally separated and diffused during the ordinary operations of every-day life, the dried but not dead bodies of infusoria, crystals, and metallic particles, and the ova of the lower members of the animal kingdom. The kind of bodies present in the air varies according to the locality ; thus in cities, the dust con- sists mostly of fragments of products of manufactures, with the spores of fungi, mixed with particles of carbon or soot, the ova of the lower animal forms being com- paratively few and belonging to a limited number of species ; whilst in open places in the country, a more ready diffusion of the spores of plants and the ova of animals takes place, and the sources from which fragments of textile fabrics are derived are less numerous. The inorganic particles deposited from the air, consist of fine grains of sand, wafted from the soil by winds, and rarely fall other- wise than near the currents by which they are borne. They are easily recognized by their angular forms, their resistance to com- pression, and their not being destroyed or decomposed by exposure to a red heat. Certainty as to their composition can only be obtained by chemical analysis. See SAND. The organic forms deposited from the air formerly gave rise to much perplexity. It has long been known that when solutions of various organic substances, or liquids con- taining these matters undergoing sponta- neous decomposition, were exposed to the air, the liquids were soon found to teem with life infusoria and fungi, according to the nature of the decomposing matter, being discovered in them in abundance. It seemed very natural to conclude that these derived their origin from the substances undergoing decay ; and it i not to be won- dered at, that the fact should have given rise to the conclusion that here was evidence of the spontaneous or equivocal generation of animals. AIR. AIR. This theory has now ceased to "be acknow- ledged ; and a common source of fallacious reasoning lies in overlooking the fact, that the air contains the germs of numerous or- ganic forms, still capable of resuming their active vitality when they meet with the requisite conditions. Of this we have con- vincing proof. For, if the liquid containing the decomposing matters be heated to ebul- lition for some time in a bottle or other vessel, into the cork closing which two bent tubes are inserted, and, after the air has been completely displaced by thevapour, the fresh air admitted be previously passed through red-hot tubeSj or Pasteur's filter of cotton-wool, organisms cease to be met with, and the decomposition of the substance and growth of the organisms no longer take place, even in an indefinite period. That the liquid in these cases does not experience alteration rendering it incapable of sup- porting the life of the animal forms intro- duced, is shown by subsequently admitting ordinary air, when the organisms appear as rapidly as in fresh liquids. Vegetable forms are also constantly met with as deposited from the air. In them, the spores are probably alone the bodies by means of which the diffusion of the lower plants by the agency of the air is effected. Minute fungi are frequently found, like the animalcules above alluded to, in various vegetable and animal liquids undergoing fermentation and decomposition. The ques- tion of the relation of these fungi to the processes will be found discussed under FERMENTATION and PUTREF ACTION ; and the various genera and species found in dif- ferent kinds of liquids are treated of under the heads of these liquids. Fungi and algae are also met with as parasites and ento- phytes upon and in living animals : for an account of these, see PARASITES. The lower forms of fungi are frequently found growing upon surfaces from which they can nourishment, as upon slips of glass, window-panes, c. In these cases they must derive their nourishment from the atmosphere. When found in these situations, however, they soon cease to grow by subdivision of cells or gemmation, but speedily form spores. The most common ones in these situations are the sugar-fun- gus- Penicillium glaucum and Aspergillus penicillatus, Mucor, &c. The method of distinguishing whether any minute particle deposited from the air is of animal or vegetable nature, is de- scribed under TISSUES, ANIMAL and VE- GETABLE. Organic bodies derived from the air are sometimes met with in snow and hail. See SNOW and HAIL. The air has frequently been examined in regard to the presence of animal or vege- table organisms, which might account for the production of epidemic and infectious diseases ; but the residts obtained in this direction have not been very satisfactory. Yet as, on adopting the principle of Pasteur's filter, and the use of germicides in the treatment of wounds, and in purifying the air when infectious diseases prevail, most decided benefit has been shown to result, the further examination of the air may allow of the detection in it of the germs of disease which have probably been too often passed over as mere granules, globules, &c. of no import. The best plan of making these experiments is to connect a glass tube, twice bent at right angles, with an aspi- rator : the free end of the tube should be drawn to a fine point; and just above this the tube should be blown into a bulb. The point is then immersed in a small quantity of pure water, and the water allowed to run very slowly from the aspirator. The water is then slowly drawn into the tube, and the air is washed as it passes by the water in the bulb. When a large quantity of air has been washed by the water, the latter is shaken briskly and allowed to run into a clean glass for examination. Another method consists in closing, by fusion, the end of a glass funnel, filling this with ice, and collecting the drops of water condensed from the air on its ouside, in a receptacle placed beneath. See Micno- ZYMES and SCHIZOMYCETES. Pouchet and Maddox have devised other forms of apparatus for this purpose. The appearances presented by air as exist- ing in cell-cavities is represented in PI. 47. fig. 23 a, in the delicate cavities of a hair in PL 29. fig. 1 ; and the lower part of the same figure represents a portion from which the air has been displaced by liquid. BIBL. Pasteur, Ann. d. Chim. 1862, p. 64, & Sur les corpuscles organises de Tair, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. (Zool] 1861, xvi. p. 26; Magnin, Impaludisme, fyc., 1876; Robin, Micr. 1877, p. 870; Miquel, Comptes Rendm, 1^79; Cunningham, Mic. exam, of air, Calcutta ; Tissandier, Poussieres de Vair ; Pouchet, Aeroscopie, 1870 ; Tyndall, Lcct. Land. Inst. (Times, Dec. 12, 1877), & Proc. Roy. Soc. AIR-BLADDER. ALARTA. 1878 ; Beauregard & Galippe, Guide fyc. 1880, p. 764 ; Robin, Micr. 1877, p. 870. AIR-BLADDER of Fishes. See SWIM- MI XG BLADDER. AIR-BUBBLES. See Am. AIR-CELLS or Sacs of animal?. These are dilatations or expansions of the air- passages. In birds, these are membranous cavities communicating with the lungs and dis- tributed through the chest and abdomen. They extend over almost all parts of the body, around the joints of the extremities, into the bones, the quills, and the feathers, and even between the skin and subjacent muscles. During inspiration, the air enters all these cavities. In insects, the air-cells or sacs consist of dilatations of the tracheae. See TRACHEJE. Their obvious use is either to diminish the specific gravity of the body, or to act as reservoirs of air during the impeded respi- ration connected with flight. BIBL. Siebold and Stannius, Lehrb. d. vert/I. Anat. ; Owen, Hunt. Led. ; Carpenter, Compar. Anat. ; Gegenbaur, Vergl. Anat. 1878. AIR-PASSAGES in plants are large intercellular passages occurring especially in the stems of Monocotyledons and in the leaves and stems of aquatic plants. Their form and arrangement are sometimes very regular and elegant, especially when they depend upon a certain regular peculiarity of shape in the cells which form the walls of the passages. Thus cross sections of the com- mon rush are pleasing microscopic objects, exhibiting regular stellate cells, the rays of which are separated by large air-passages, giving the spongy texture to the structure. Large air- passages, communicating with the stomata, are not unfrequently lined by a cuticular layer similar to that found upon the external surface of epidermal cells. In the Nymphceacece (Water-lily Order) the large air-passages in the floating leaves and the stem have peculiarly developed star-like cells projecting freely into these cavities; these cells are filledVith a granular sub- stance very unlike the contents of the large cells of the general parenchyma of the leaf. Their nature and office are yet unknown. The partitions separating the air-cells hori- zontally in Limnocharis PlumierifmdAlisma plantaoo form beautiful microscopic objects. The stems of the Equiseta, or Horse-tails, present a very regular arrangement of per- pendicular air-passages in the thin walls of their hollow stems, seen well in cross sec- tions. See EQUISETACEJE. AIR-SACS in Plants. The genus Utri- cularia, or Bladder-wort, takes its name from a peculiar structure of its leaves. The common species, U. vulgaris, L., often found swimming just below the surface of the water, in quiet streams, is provided with a curious floating apparatus, formed by modi- fication of portions of the feathery leaves, consisting of small membranous sacs or pouches, closed by a valve. The opening of the pouch is somewhat funnel-shaped ; and the mouth, as also the internal walls of the cavity, is furnished with curious micro- scopic glandular hairs. Certain of the cells contain a blue- colouring-matter, distinct in its nature from chlorophyll. The valve of the pouch appears to be capable of opening inwards only ; so that while it is turgid with sap, in the vigorous periods of life, it is kept closed by the pressure of the air apparently secreted within the pouch ; afterwards the tissue loses its tension and the air makes its way out, allowing water to enter, and thus putting an end to the performance of the function of the air-sac. BIBL. Meyen. Secretions- Or q. d. Pftan- zen, 1837, p. 12, t. 5. figs. 1-6; Goppert, Bot. Zeit. 1847, p. 721; Benjamin, Sot. Zeit. 1848; 1 et seq.; Schleiden, Princip. of Botany, Engl. transl. pp. 77-279; Hen- frey, Elem. Course (Masters), 1878, p. 523 ; Sachs, Lehrb. d. Sot., 1874, p. 664. AIR-TUBES of Insects. These are horny tubes found in some insects which live in w^ater, as the larvae of many Diptera and some water-bugs (Nepa, Ranatra}. They are placed either at the first or last ab- dominal segment. See NEPA, CULEX, INSECTS. AIR-VESSELS in Insects, see TRACHEAE. In plants, see SPIRAL STRUCTURES. ALA'RIA, Greville. A genus of Lami- nariaceae (Fucoid Algse), distinguished by the superficial fructification, arranged in definite patches on the surface of special fronds, something like the sori of Ferns. The patches consist of sporanges resembling the thecae of lichens, crowded together and interposed between perpendicular epidermal cells. The sporanges of A. esculenta are described by most authors as pyriformspo/rs enclosed in a perispore ; but' they perhaps produce biciliated zoospores like those of Laminaria. See LAMIXARIA. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alga, p. 29, pi. 3 A j Greville, Alg. Brit. p. 25, pi. 4. ALBERTIA. C 26 ] ALBUMEN. ALBER'TIA. A genus of Rotatoria. See ALBERTINA. ALBERTI'NA. A family of Rotatoria (Dm.). Char. Body, cylindrical, vermiform, rounded in front, with an oblique orifice, from which the ciliated organ, scarcely broader than the body, projects, terminated behind by a short conical tail. Jaws for- ceps-like, simple or unidentate. This family contains only a single genus, and this a single species, A. vermiculus (PI. 43. tig. 4), which lives parasitically in the intestines of worms (JLumbrici) and slugs (Limaces). Length 1-47 to 1-79". Within the body are seen- ova and young in various stages of development. The ciliated apparatus in front of the mouth is surmounted by a hood-like appendage. ALBU'MEN (Chemical). A proximate principle of animal and vegetable bodies, with which we are familiar as occurring in the white of egg. It exists in two states, uncoagulated and coagulated. At a tempe- rature of 160 F. it is reduced from the former into the latter condition. It is reddened by Millon's test ; is insoluble in acetic acid ; is rendered purple by Petten- kofer's test, but the reaction requires some time for its production. In the coagulated state it is distinguished from fibrine by the action of acetic acid, and by its insolubility under prolonged digestion at a heat of 110 F, with solution of nitrate of potash. When heated with strong muriatic acid, it is coloured purple. It possesses no microscopic characters; when coagulated, it appears to consist of extremelv tine amorphous granules. ALBUMEN, or PERISPERM (of seeds). This is a technical term used in Botany to denote the cellular structure which exists in greater or less quantity in all seeds where the development of the embryo is not accom- panied by the entire absorption of the nucleus of the ovule. When the embryo does so displace the nucleus, it becomes immediately invested by the seed-coats ; in other cases it is found imbedded in a mass of cellular tissue of varying structure, which is the t albumen.' The structure of albumen corresponds to that of the cotyledons of seeds devoid of albumen, both serving the same office, namely that of reservoir of nutriment for the germinating seed. This nutriment may be laid up in different conditions namely, in the state of starch, oil, aleurone, or of cellulose, and in the last case in a soft and fleshy, or a hard and horny condition. Combined conditions are often met with in the same structure, as when a fleshy tissue contains starch or oil in the cavities of its cells, &c. Starchy, mealy, or farinaceous albumen constitutes the chief part of the seeds of many plants, especially of those of the Grass- tribe, and is that portion of the corn-grains whence white flour is obtained. Here the cellular tissue is composed of membranous cells densely filled with starch-grains (P1.46. fig. 3). The edible portion of the cocoa-nut is the corresponding region of that seed, and affords us a good example of an oily albu- men, composed of tolerably thick-walled cells filled with a viscid mucilage, in which numerous oil-globules are suspended. The stone of the Date, the nut of the Areca Palm (PI. 47. fig. 21), are good examples of a horny albumen, the cells possessing walls of extreme thickness, traversed by pores and formed, like wood-cells, by the deposition of successive layers. In the ripe seed the structure of this horny albumen is generally much disguised, and a section exhibits the appearance of a homogeneous horny sub- stance excavated into irregular cavities. By applying dilute sulphuric or sulpho-chromic acid, the true boundaries of the cells may generally be distinguished, and often even the lamination of the walls (PI. 47. fig. 22). The substance called Vegetable Ivory is the albumen of the seed of the Phytelephas Palm, and is an instance of an extreme de- gree of development of the cellulose albumen, vying with the hardest woods in the solidity of its cell-walls, A thin section of this albu- men, especially if treated with acid, at once reveals the cellular structure of this dense substance (PI. 47. fig. 23). The true struc- ture may also be detected by the help of polarized light (see POLARIZATION). The cotyledons of many seeds are, as above stated, formed of elementary structures resembling those of albumen. We find them farinaceous, fleshy, or oily, but rarely attaining to a very great degree of solidity in the horny forms. The cotyledons of beans are composed of a fleshy cellular tissue with thick, porous walls, coloured blue by iodine alone (amyloid), while the cavitie's of the cells are tilled with starch-grains. The cotyledons of the almond, nut, &c. are examples of fleshy cells containing abundance of oil-globles. The albumen of seeds may be formed by the development of the tissue of the nucleus ALCYONELLA. [ 27 ] ALDERIA. of the ovule, in which case it is distinguished by some botanists as the epispenn ; gene- rally it is formed from the cell inside the embryo-sac, the latter expanding to dis- place the nucleus which becomes absorbed ; such albumen is called endosperm. Some seeds, such as those of the Nymphaeaceae, Piperacae and others, have both endosperm and episperm, i. e. albumen formed inside and outside the embryo-sac. The term perisperm is often (advantageously) substi- tuted for albumen, which has "quite a different signification in physiological chemistry. The albumen of seeds is examined by means of fine sections. In the horny or bony seeds, the application of solution of potash or nitric acid is very serviceable in ascertaining the true cellular structure. BIBL. Schleiden and Vb'gel, Nova Acta, 1838, xix. p. 52 (plates) ; Sachs, Botanik, 1874, p. 681; Henfrey, Bot. (Masters), 1878, p. 154. ALC YONEL'LA. A genus of _ fresh- water Polyzoa (Bryozoa), belonging to the order Hippocrepia and family Pluma- tellidae. Char. Tubes branched, adherent to each other by their sides ; orifices terminal ; ova (statoblasts) presenting an outer ring, but free from spines. Polypary (polypidom) incrusting, and forming a sponge-like brown or greenish mass, attached to submersed wooden posts &c. A, stagnorum (fungosa), PL 41. fig. 3. Polypary indefinite ; orifices of tubes entire, and without a furrow. Rare. A. Benedeni. Polypary indefinite ; tubes emarginate at the orifice, and furnished with a longitudinal furrow. Rare. A.flabellum. Polypary fan-shaped ; tubes prostrate, with a furrow. Rare. BIBL. Johnston, Brit. Zooph. p. 391 ; All- man, Polyzoa (Ray Society), p. 86 ; Nitsche, Mull. Archiv, 1868. ALCYONIDTIDy(Halcyonellea, Ehr., Johnston). A family of marine Polyzoa (Bryozoa) of the order Infundibulata, and suborder Ctenostomata. Char. Polypary sponge-like, fleshy, of irregular form; cells irregularly arranged, immersed, with a contractile orifice ; no ex- ternal ovarian capsules. Genera : Alcyonidium, Lamx. Erect; lobed or simple ; cells pentagonal. Cycloum, Hass. Incrusting, covered with imperforate papillae ; eggs in circular clusters. Sarcochitum, Hass. Incrusting, covered with perforate prominences in which the cells are immersed; eggs scattered singly throughout the polypidom. BIBL. See the Genera. ALCYONLD'IUM, Lamx. A genus of Infundibulate Polyzoa (Bryozoa), of the suborder Ctenostomata, and family Alcy- onidiidae. Char. Erect, lobed, or simple ; cells im- mersed, pentagonal. Nine British species ; they occur attached to marine objects by a narrow base. A. gelatinosum. Lobed, lobes subcylin- drical, surface smooth; attached by a nar- row base. Deep water. A. hirsutum. Lobed, compressed, surface papillar from partial protrusion of the polype-cells. Common. A. parasiticum. Incrusting, earthy, sur- face porous. BIBL. Johnston, Brit. Zooph. p. 358; Gosse, Mar. Zool. ii ; Hassall, Ann. N. Hist. vii. p. 370 ; Reid, ibid. xvi. p. 393 ; Hincks, Polyzoa, 1880, p. 490. ALCYO'NIUM. A genus of Ccelente- rata or Zoophytes, belonging to the order Anthozca, and family Alcyonidse, Char. Polype-mass lobed or incrusting, spongy, containing scattered calcareous spicula. The skin (ectoderm) coriaceous, marked with stellate spores ; interior gela- tinous, netted with tubular fibres and per- forated with longitudinal canals termina- ting in the polype-cells, which are subcuta- neous and scattered. Polypes exsertile. Marine. A. digitatum (spicula, PL 41. fig. 28). Commonly called 'dead man's toes or fingers,' and cows' paps. Form of poly- pidom variable, greyish -white or orange- coloured, skin somewhat wrinkled, stud- ded over with stellate pores, even with the surface. Very common, so that on many parts of the coast scarce a shell or stone can be dredged from the deep that does not serve as a support to one or more specimens. A. glomeratum. Colour deep red ; rare. BIBL. Johnston, Brit. Zooph. p. 174; Gosse, Mar. Zool. ; Gray, Ann. N. Hist. 1869, v. p. 117. ALDE;RIA, Pritchard. A doubtful nus of animals discovered by Alder. The body of one species (PL 49. fig. 14) consisted of a vase- or cup-form, expanded at the top and furnished with numerous pointed tentacles, abruptly thickened to- ge- ALECTO. ALGM. wards the base and forming more than one row. Body attached to a Sertularia by a tolerably stout stem. A second species was rather smaller, body ovate, with a very slender and shortish stem ; tentacles capitate, not so numerous as in the first species, and placed in a single row round a narrow disk. This was also found on a Sertularia. A third (PL 49. fig. 15) was found in fresh water. Body pear-shaped or, rather, bell-shaped, with a distinct rim, and a single row of delicate capitate retractile tentacles ; stem long and slender. They come nearest to the genus Acineta. Similar organisms have been observed by Str. Wright. BIBL. Trans, of Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, i. p. 365 ; Ann. N. Hist. vii. p. 426 ; Pritchard's Inf. p. 562. ALECTO, Lamx. (Stomatopora). A genus of marine Polyzoa, of the suborder Cyclostomata and family Tubuliporidse. The species are found upon old shells and stones from deep water. A. granulata. Cells in one or occasion- ally two rows, their walls granular. A. major. Cells in more than one or two rows, their walls smooth. A. dilatam. Branches of polypary dila- ted at the ends j cells in several rows, their walls granular. Nine other species. BIBL. Johnston, Brit. Zooph. p. 280 j Busk, Cat. of Mar. Polyz. (Brit. Mus.) ; Hincks, Polyzoa, 1880, p. 424. ALECTO'RIA, Acharius. A genus of Lichens, fam. Lichenacei. Six British species j on alpine rocks. BIBL. Leighton, Lichen-Flora, 1879, p. 77. ALETJ'RONE (Gluten-flour). This or- ganized cell-substance, like starch, is very generally diffused through the vegetable kingdom, occurring in the endosperm and cotyledons of most seeds. It exists in large quantity in castor-oil and lupine seeds, in nuts, almonds, cocoa, and coflee-beans &c. It was long overlooked, on account of its solu- bility in water. In starchy seeds it consists of minute granules, of a spherical form, often pitted on the surface, either solid or hollow, and covered by a membrane ; while i:i oily seeds, the grains are larger and more complex. They are insoluble in ether, al- cohol, and fixed oils, but soluble in water, dilute acids, and alkalies. They are coloured deep yellow by iodine, and intense red by carmine-solution. Nitrate of mercury renders the interior brick-red, but does not colour the wall. Each granule consists principally of albuminous matter, but also contains gum and sugar. In many oily seeds, as castor-oil, Brazil nuts, &c., the aleurone grains contain a crystalloid and a globoid body. The crystalloids possess angular forms, and so resemble crystals ; they are not dis- solved by water or acids, but swell in Liq. Potasses, and are coloured yellow by iodine. The globoids are small rounded masses, not crystalline, but composed of phosphate of lime and magnesia: they are soluble in acids, but not in alkalies. Sometimes crystals of oxalate of lime are also met with in the grains. Aleurone is usually colourless, some- times green, as in pistachio-nuts, yellow in Ailanthus-seeds, or blue. It is most easily examined in a thin section of an almond or castor-oil seed immersed in oil or spirit. Fig. 6 b. Magnified 400 diameters. Magnified 800 diameters. * Pisum sativum, the garden pea ; showing the small grains of aleurone, and the large starch -grains. ** Cell of Eicinus communis, showing the granular protoplasm with oil-globules, and the ovoid aleurone- grains, containing the round globoids and the angular crystalloids. The nutritive properties of many seeds, as peas, nuts, almonds, &c., depend to a considerable extent upon the presence of aleurone. Arid the solubility of aleurone in water is a point of great consideration in re- gard to the formation of dietary tables. For if, in boiled peas for instance, the nitroge- nous proportion is calculated according to that naturally existing, and the liquor be not consumed, the diet will be deficient in that principle to a corresponding degree. BIBL. Hartig, Bot. Zeit. 1857 j Wiesner, Techn. Mikr. p. 74, 1867 ; Sachs, Bot. p. 52. ALG^E, Sea-weeds $c. This class of Thallophytes includes the Sea-weeds and the multifarious green vegetable forms of ALG.E. [ 29 ] ALG^E. simple cellular structure met with in all streams, ditches, ponds, or even the smallest accumulations of fresh water standing for any length of time in the open air, and com- monly on walls or the ground in all perma- nently damp situations. The great variety of conditions of organization, all variations as it were on the theme of the simple vege- table cell, produced by change of form, number, and arrangement of this simple element, renders the Algae peculiarly inter- esting as objects of microscopic research, even in regard to morphological conditions alone. This simple condition of the structures is here, as in other cases, accompanied by a delegation of the physiological functions most completely and fully to the individual cells ; that is to say, the marked difference of purpose seen in the leaves, stamens, seeds, &c. of the flowering plants is absent here, and the structures carrying on the operations of nutrition and those of reproduction are so commingled, conjoined, and, in some eases, identified, that a knowledge of the micro- scopic anatomy is indispensable even to the roughest conception of the natural history of these plants. Added to this, we find these plants of such simple structure that we can see through, and through them while living in a natural condition, and by means of the microscope penetrate to mysteries of orga- nization either altogether inaccessible, or only to be attained by disturbing and de- structive dissection, in the higher forms of vegetation. This Class comprehends a vast variety of plants, exhibiting a wonderful multiplicity of forms, colours, sizes, and degrees of com- plexity of structure ; but the subdivision of them into three groups, characterized by striking external characters, which are adopted in the classifications of some of the leading Algologists, facilitates the cursory consideration to which we are confined here. These three Orders are iheHed-spored Algce (FLOBIDE^E or RHODOSPORE^E),thel)r&- spored Alga (MELANOSPORE^E or Fu- COIDE.S:), and the Green-sporedAlgcz (CON- FER VOIDED, or CHLOROSPOREJE) the first two consisting almost exclusively of Sea- weeds, the last of marine and more especi- ally of freshwater plants, the majority of which are microscopic when viewed singly. The Algae are differently distributed by Thuret, whose researches on their fructifica- tion have thrown so much light upon this class, also by Rabenhorst and Sachs, whose views are referred to under the Orders, and VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Order 1. FLORIDEJE or RHODOSPORE^E. Almost all marine plants, with a leaf-like or filamentous rose-red or purple, rarely brown- red or greenish red, thallus. Fructification appearing in three forms : 1. spores, con- tained in external or immersed definite masses, mostly enclosed in conceptacles or cystocarps (ceramidia, coccidia, favellidia, &c.) ; 2. tetraspores or tetragonidia, red or purple, either external or immersed in the frond, rarely contained in proper concepta- cles (stichidia), each consisting of a trans- parent membranous sac containing, when ripe, four spores ; 3. antheridia, pellucid sacs filled with yellow motionless spherical cor- puscles, collected in masses in situations corresponding to the spore-fruits. Fertiliza- tion is effected through the agency of a style-like filiform process or trichogyne, with which the spermatozoids copulate. The trichogyne is either only the prolongation of the cell in which the spores are produced ; or, more generally, it is supported upon small cells, which take no direct part in the formation of the spores. See FLORIDE;E. Order 2. FUCOIDE.E or MELANOSPORE^B. Marine plants with a leaf-like, shrubby, cord-like or filamentous thallus, of olive- green or brown colour. Fructification very varied : 1. in Fucaceae consisting of mon- oecious or dioecious conceptacles or oogonia containing sporanges and antheridia, the spores being fertilized by spermatozoids after the discharge of both from the pa,rent ; 2. in Laminariaceae and allied orders consisting of definite or indefinite collections of clavate or filiform sporanges, producing biciliated zoospores, which germinate di- rectly ; 3. in Cutleriacese of similar spo- ranges producing zoospores, together with antlieridia, like those of Fucaceae ; 4. in Dic- tyotaceae presenting three forms resembling those of Florideae, viz. collections of tetra- spores, of sporanges containing simple spores, and of antheridia. See FUCOIDE^E and Order 3. CHLOROSPOREJE or CONFER- VOIDEJE. Plants growing in sea or fresh water, or on damp surfaces, mostly green, with a filamentous, or more rarely a leaf-like, pulverulent or gelatinous thallus ; the last two forms essentially microscopic, consist- ing frequently of definitely arranged groups of distinct cells, either of ordinary structure or with their membrane silicified (Diato- maceae). The green colouring matter con- ALG^E. C 30 ] ALKALOIDS. sists simply of chlorophyll in one group, forming the Chlorophyllophycete of Raben- horst, as the Desmideae, Confervse, &c. While in the other, it exists combined with Phycocyanine, giving it a bluish tinge ; these forming the Phycochroniophyceae of Rabenhorst,the Cyanophyceae of Sachs, as in the Oscillatoriaceae,Nostochaceae, andRivu- lariaceae. Fructification varied in its details, but essentially reducible to three forms : 1. resting spores produced from the cell- contents after fertilization, either by CONJU- GATION or impregnation by (2.) spermato- zoids produced from the contents of other cells ; 3. zoospores, 2-, 4-, or multi-ciliated active gonidia, discharged from the vegeta- tive cells without impregnation and ger- minating directly ; in some instances these conjugate (CONJUGATION). The simple vegetative increase of the Unicellular forms is a process essentially analogous to the cell-division of the filamentous forms, but results necessarily in multiplication of the species. The Volvocineae are remarkable for their passing the vegetative stage of existence in the form of ciliated zoospores, mostly collected within a gelatinous common envelope, or coenobium, into a definitely arranged family. See CONFERVOIDE^EJ. Some Algae have been found fossil. (See AGATE.) Excluded families of Algaa : CBYPTOCOCCE^, Kg., containing the genera Cryptococcus, Kg., Ulvina, Kg., and Sphcerotilus, Kg. LEPTOMITEJE, Kg., containing the genera Hygrocrocis, Ag., Sirocrocis, Kg., Leptomi- tus, Ag., ArthromituSy Leidy, Cladophytum, Leidy, Mycothamnion, Kg., Erebonema, Romer, Chamcenema, Kg., Nematococcus, Kg., Chioniphe, Thienemann, Moulinea, Ch. Robin, Enterobryus, Leidy, JEbertno, Leidy. PH^ONEMEJE, containing the genera Stereonema, Kg., Phceonema, Kg., Phceosi- phonia, Kg. These consist, for the most part, of aqua- tic states of MUCOBINI, or of SCHIZOMY- CETES. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Algce, 2nd. ed. 1849 ; Phycol. Britann. ; C. Agardh, Syst. Alg. ; J. Agardh, Species fyc. Algar. ; Kiitzing, Phycol. generalis ; Sp. Alg. ; Tabula Phyc. ; Phycol. Germ. ; Lyngbye, Hydrophytoloyia Danica ; Greville, Alga Brit. ; Berkeley, Crypt. Bot. p. 84; Henfrey, Elem. Bot. (Masters) ; Thuret, Ann. d. "Sc. Nat. 1855 ; Sf Etudes Phycologiques (Anal. d. Algues marines), 1878 ; Rabenhorst, Flora Earop. Fig. 7. Algarum, 1865 ; Bornet and Thuret, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 1867, vii. p. 166 (Ann. N. Hist. 1867, xix. p. 35), $ Notes Algologiques, 1876; Sachs, Lehrb. d. Bot. 1874; Wright, Spicil. Phycolog. 1879. ALICULA'RIA, Corda. A genus of leafy Liverworts (see JUNGEBMANNIE^:), con- taining one British species, common on hedge-banks. A. scalaris=Jungermannia scalaris, Schrad., J. lanceolata, Eng. Bot. (fig. 7). Jnngerm. compressa, Hook., which has stipules only on the innovations, is included in this Alicularia scala- genus by Fries and others. ris. immature BIBL. Hooker Brit. Jun- gSSP^f germanmce, pi. 61 ; Sowerby, gone (magni- Engl. Bot. pi. 605. "M). ALKALOIDS. The utility of the micro- scope in distinguishing the more common alkaloids from each other, has been shown in an able paper by Dr. Anderson. The characters consist in the crystalline form of the alkaloids, and in that of their sulpho- cyanides. The alkaloids are dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, and the dilute solution mixed, on a glass plate, with solution of ammonia of moderate strength if the alka- loid itself is to be examined, or with a strong solution of the sulphocyanide of potassium if the sulphocyanide is required, and at once placed under the microscope. The only precaution requisite is to avoid having the solution too concentrated, as the crystals are then less well-defined than if a dilute solution is employed. The power employed should be 250 dia- meters ; for if a very high power is used, the form of the crystals is not so readily distin- guished. Atropine is precipitated in the amorphous state by ammonia, and not at all by the sulphocyanide of potassium. Brucia. A salt of brucia in a sufficiently dilute state, mixed with ammonia, does not give an immediate precipitate ; but in the course of a very short time, irregular star- like groups of pointed crystals are observed, as in PL 11. fig. 1 a. Sulphocyanide of potas- sium produces a precipitate in tufts of ex- tremely thin and feathery crystals, which either radiate from a centre, or present a sheaf-like appearance. The latter form, however, is much better marked in the crystals deposited after some hours from a ALKALOIDS. ALONA. dilute solution, which are still microscopic, although somewhat larger than those repre- sented in the figure (PL 11. fig. 1, 6). Cinchonine is obtained by precipitation with ammonia in the form of minute granular masses, made up of more or less distinctly acicular crystals, radiating 1 from a centre. It is, however, somewhat difficult to obtain them well-marked ; and they not unfrequently appear as a confused mass of granules, in which the radiated structure is very imper- fectly seen. They form best when the solu- tions are rapidly mixed (PI. 11. fig. 2). With sulphocyanide of potassium, cinchonine gives a precipitate consisting of six-sided plates, together with a variety of irregular crystal- line masses, and a few rectangular plates (PI. 11. fig. 3). When formed by mixing in a test-tube with agitation, and allowing it to stand for some time, the crystals are still microscopic, but much more definite, and sometimes consist almost entirely of isolated six-sided tables, of great regularity. The precipitate dissolves readily in hot water, and is deposited as the solution cools, in irregular plates. Narcotine is precipitated by ammonia in branched groups of pointed crystals (PI. 11. fif. 4). In concentrated solutions a preci- pitate is thrown down by sulphocyanide of potassium, which dissolves readily in hot water, and is again deposited on cooling. Under the microscope it is perfectly amor- phous. Strychnine. The hydrochlorate, treated with ammonia, gives an immediate precipi- tate, consisting of minute prismatic crystals, all nearly of the same size and very well defined. Most are isolated, but some cross each other at an angle of about 60. When lying in one position, they exhibit more or less an appearance of a Saint Andrew's cross, with a peculiar arrangement of their terminal facets (PI. 11. fig. 5.) The sulphocyanide consists of flattened needles, sometimes single, but generally in irregular groups, as in PI. 11. fig. 6. They are either terminated by a blunt acumination or are truncated. Those precipitated on the large scale present the latter forms. Morphia. Ammonia does not produce an immediate precipitate in solutions of mor- phia ; but in the course of a longer or shorter period, according to the degree of dilution, crystals form, which gradually increase in size, and possess the form represented in PI. 11. fig. 7. Salts of morphia are not pre- cipitated by sulphocyanide of potassium, unless the solution is highly concen- trated. Quinine. Its solution gives with ammo- nia a perfectly amorphous precipitate ; with sulphocyanide of potassium small irregu- lar groups of acicular crystals, resembling those produced by strychnia, but longer and more irregular (PI. 11. fig. 8). When the precipitate is produced in a test-tube, and with a concentrated solution, it falls immediately as a white powder composed of extremely minute needles; but when the solution is dilute, it is deposited after the lapse of twenty-four hours, in crystals from l-4th to l-3rd of an inch in length. See QUININE and CRYSTALS. BIBL. Anderson (T.), Edin. Mn. J. viii. p. 570. ALLAN'TOIN. A crystalline organic substance found in the liquid of the allantois and in the renal secretion of the calf &c. As artificially prepared, it is one of the products of oxidation of uric acid. Its crystals form transparent colourless needles and four-sided prisms, with mostly dihedral unequal summits, PL 10. fig. 20; not very soluble in either cold or boiling water, more soluble in alcohol, but not at all in ether. BEBL. See CHEMISTRY. ALLAN'TOIS. An oblong or pyriform sac developed during a veiy early period of embryonic life from near the end of the in- testine. Its function is that of a temporary respiratory organ. The capillaries in the allantois of the chick are distributed closely like those of the lungs of the Batrachia. BIBL. Wagner, P7*ya. by Willis; Miiller, by Baly ; Carpenter, Hum. Phys. ; Kirkes' Phys., by Baker. ALLOMORPHI'NA, Reuss. One of Reuss's" Cryptostegian "genera of perforate Foramiuifera. It has the appearance of an irregular Miliola ; subtriangular, with the chambers in a triple spire and overlapping so much that only the last three chambers are visible. The aperture is a transverse slit on the inner border of the last chamber. Fossil in the Upper Chalk and Tertiary of Germany. BIBL/ Reuss, Denks. Akad. Wien, i. 352 ; H. B. Brady, Qu. Mic. Jn. xix. 67. ALLOT'RICHA, Kent. A genus of Infusoria, of family Oxytrichina. BIBL. Kent, Infusoria, 1880. ALO'NA. A genus of Entomostraca, be- longing to the order Cladocera and family Lynceidas. ALSOPHILA. ALYCUS. The three British species may be thus distinguished : , /Shell reticulated reticulata*. *' \8hellstriatedorgrooved 2. ( Anterior margin of shell nearly 2 ) straight, shell brown quadrangularis\ . j Anterior margin of shell convex, ( shell colourless ovata. PI. 19. fig. 4. PI. 19. fig. 5. 131, Alsophila excelsa. Pinnule with son". BIBL. Baird, Brit. Eiitomost. p. pi. 16. ALSOPH'ILA, B. Fig. 8. Brown. A genus of PolypodiaceousFerns. Exotic (fig. 8). Char. Sori globose, dorsal, on a vein or in the fork of a vein. Receptacle mostly elevated, often vil- lous. Involucre ab- sent. Veins simple or furcate, free. Arborescent, mostly tropical; species numerous. Sections of their petioles exhibit fine scala- riform ducts, the slits between the fibres forming many perpendicular rows. BIBL. Hooker & Baker, Syn. Filic.p. 31. ALTERNA'RIA, Nees. A genus of Torulacei (Coniomyce- Fig. 9. tous Fungi). Microscopic fila- mentous Fungi, remarkable for their flask-shaped, cellular spores, produced in chains which ulti- mately break up into the single links (fig. 9). A. tennis grows parasitically upon other filamentous Fungi, and on decaying gourds, and is common about Berlin, Prague, and other places. Corda made ^ the ripe spores germinate on Cla- dosporium lierbarum kept moist. They usually first protruded a filament from the neck or atte- nuated projection, and afterwards others from the cells at the sides and opposite end of the spore. Alternaria These filaments became branched. Fertile The Messrs. Tulasue have spore-bear- shown that Alternaria tennis is j,^? th reads merely a state of the common ma | n ifled). Sphceria herbarum. BIBL. Corda, Ic. Fung. iii. p. 5, pi. 1. fig. 16; Prachtfl. europ. Schimmelbild. p. 13; Tulasne, Fung. Carpologia, ii. pi. 32. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS. See GENERATIONS. ALTEUTHA, Baird (Peltidium, Brady). A genus of marine Entomostraca, of the order Copepoda, and family Cyclopidae. A. depressa (PI. 19. fig. 3). Eye red. Found in Berwick Bay, but not common. A. interrupta, common ; A. crenatula. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entom. p. 216; Brady, Copepoda (Ray &>c.), ii. p. 158. AL'TICA. See HALTICA. ALU'CITA. A genus of Lepidopterous insects, of the family Alucitidae. The species are remarkable from having the wings divided into six lobes or rays which are fringed with long narrow scales resembling hairs, giving them a beautiful feathery appearance. They are not uncom- mon in'gardens, and sometimes enter out- houses. The species of Pterophorus exhibit the same structure, except that the anterior wings have two, and the posterior three lobes. BIBL. See INSECTS (Wings). ALUM. This well-known substancecon- sists chemically of potash and alumina, with sulphuric acid and water. Its crystals belong to the regular cubic or tesseral system, and usually assume the octahedral form. When dissolved in boiling water with slaked lime, it crystallizes in cubes. The term alum has recently been extended to those compounds in which the potash is replaced by other bases ; thus we have ammonia-alum, chrome-alum, &c. The crystals exert no influence upon polarized light. Common alum possesses but little microscopic interest. Its solution is used in some of the preservative liquids. AL VEOLINA, D'Orb. A genus of Fora- miniferalmperforata,of the family Miliolida (Carpenter), nearly allied to Orbiculina, but elongated in the direction of the axis ; Or- biculina being greatly compressed in this di- rection. Alveolma rotella (D'Orb., sp.), how- ever, is nautiloid ; AL melo, var. a, Ficlit. and Moll, is oblately spheroidal ; var. ft, prolately spheroidal; AL ovoidea, D.'Orb., elongate-oval ; AL sahilosa, Montft., fusi- form ; and AL elongata, D'Orb., is sub- cylindrical. A. fmiformis (pi. 23. fig. 15) ; A. rotella (pi. 23. fig. 16). BIBL. Carpenter, Phil. Trans. 1850, p. 552 ; Foram. p. 99 ; Parker and Jones, Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 3. viii. p. 161. AL'YCUS, Koch. A genus of Acarina, fam. Trombidina. ALYSCUM. AMBLYSTEGIUM. A. roseus. Body papillose. BIBL. Koch, Uebersicht, &c. ; Murray, EC. Entom. p. 150 ([tig.). ALYSCUM, Duj. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Enchelia, Duj. Al. saltans (PI. 30. fig. 8). Colourless, with faint longitudinal furrows ; movement abruptly jerking; length 1-1260 to 1-1000". Found in infusion of hay, and river-water, which have been kept. Dujardin remarks that it differs from Enchelys nodulosa, Duj. (Pantotricum En- chelys, Ehr.), only in the presence of the retractile cilia. BIBL. Dujardin, In/us, p. 391. ALYS'SUM, Linn. A genus of Cruci- feree (Flowering Plants), possessing elegant stellate hairs. See HAIBS of plants. AM^EEJE'CIUM, or AMAKOU'CIUM, M.-Edw. A genus of Mollusca, of the order Tunicata, and family Botryllidaa. Four British species -proliferum (PI. 18. fig. 10), Nordmanni, Argus, and albicans. BIBL. M. -Edwards, Mem. s. les Ascid. Comp. ; Forbes and Hanlev, Brit. Mollusca, i. 15 ; Gosse, Mar. Zool. ii. 33. AMA'THIA, Larnx. See SERIALABIA. AMBER. This substance, found as a mineral, but strongly resembling in appear- ance various gum-resins, is the fossil resin of one or more Coniferous trees belonging to a vegetation now extinct. It is found in drops, lamellae, and stick-shaped pieces, the form and condition depending probably on the mode and situation of its exudation from the trees. In many instances the fragments of amber contain well-preserved remains of the animals and plants which lived at the period of its formation, these having been enclosed by the fluid resin as it escaped from the tree, in a manner which may be exactly compared with our mode of preserving microscopic objects in Canada balsam. Numerous insects, Arachnida, and other animals, with leaves, twigs, fruits, even flowers of plants, have been described and referred satisfactorily to their systematic position; and the aid of the microscope has been largely called in for this purpose, since the elementary structures are in many cases perfectly preserved. The tissue of fragments of Coniferous wood, the stomata of leaves, and glandular and other hairs have been recognized ; and besides the larger Cryptogams, Mosses, Jungermannise, &c., peculiar microscopic Fungi and Diato- niacese have been preserved in a perfectly distinct condition. Some of the pieces are cloudy or opaque, from the presence of numerous minute cavities, varying in diameter from 1-1000" to 1-100,000" "(Sorby). Some of these con- tain gas, some liquid, and others both. The structure of the wood of the Amber- fir, Pinites succinifer, Gb'pp., approaches closely that of our Pinus Abies a,ud. P. Picea, differing scarcely in any respect but in the smaller number of the bordered pores, which are of slightly different form. Two microscopic Fungi preserved in am- ber have been described and figured by Berkeley : Penicillium curtipes, &u\ d, Berl Ak. 1855, 86 ; and Mikrog. AMPHIDIN'IUM, Cl. and L. A genus of cilio-flagellate Infusoria. A. operculatum (PI. 53. fig. 2). Marine, Norway. BIBL. Cl. and Lachm. Infus. p. 410 ; Kent, Inf. p. 461. AMPHID'IUM, Nees. A genus of Mosses, included under ZYGODON. AMPHILEP'TUS. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Colpodea (Ehr.). Eye-spot wanting; no tongue-like pro- cess ; proboscis and tail present. The so-called proboscis resembles in ap- pearance a neck. The mouth is situated beneath the junction of the proboscis and the body. Dujardin gives the following characters, placing the genus among his Paramecina. Body elongated, fusiform or lanceolate, nar- rowed at each end, or at least at the anterior extremity, and furnished with an oblique lateral mouth. These animals are usually found in clear marsh water, and in streams, between aquatic plants. They are all furnished with cilia but one ; in some these are arranged in longitudinal rows. Species : Amphileptus anser, E. (Dileptus amer, D.). Colourless ; length 1-120". Proboscis obtuse, as long as the body. A. margaritifer, E. and D. Colourless ; 1-72". Proboscis acute, as long as the body. A. moniliger, E. and D. Colourless; proboscis short ; nucleus moniliform ; 1-72 to 1-96". A. viridis, E. and D. Green ; 1-120 to 1-46". A. fasciola, E. and D. Colourless ; linear- lanceolate ; 1-720 to 1-144" (PI. 30. f. 10 a, from above ; b, side view). A. mekagris (Loxophy Hum mekagris, D.). Colourless ; 1-72" (PL 31. f. 42 a; b, anterior portion in side view). A. longicottis, E. Colourless; rounded behind, tapering in front; 1-120 to 1-98". A. papillosus, E. Yellowish brown; body covered with papillae ; 1-600 to 1-430". A. vorax, D. (Trachelius vorax, E.). Colourless. A. ovum, D. (Trachelius ovum, E.). Colourless. Claparede and Lachmann describe other species. See TRACHELINA. BIBL. Ehr. Infusionsth. p. 354 ; Dujardin, Infus. p. : 483; Claparede and Lachmann, Infus. p. 349; Kent, Infus. p. 523. AMPHILG'MA (Fr.), Nyl. A genus of Lichens, fam. Lichenacei. Char. Thallus white, pulverulent, soft, submembranaceous, containing granula gonima. Hypothallus bluish-black, tomen- tose. A. lanuginosum. On shady mossy rocks, frequent. BIBL. Leighton, Lich.-Flora, 1879, p. 156. AMPHIM'ONAS. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Monadina (Duj.). Found in kept saline solutions and marsh water. Species : A. dispar. Colourless ; length 1-3860 to 1-2700" (PI. 30. fig. 11). A. caudata (Bodo saltans ?, Ehr.). Co- lourless ; 1-2180 to 1-1270". AMPHIMORPIIIXA. AMPHISTEGIiNA. A. brachiata. Colourless. BIBL. Dujardin, In/us, p. 292. AMPHIMORPHPNA, Neugeboren. One of the dimorphous Nodosarine Forami- nifera, in which the older portion has grown on the Frondicularian plan, and the younger chambers are Nodosarian or Dentaline. Tertiary, Germany. BIBL. Verhand. Siebenbiira.'lSSO. AMPHIPEN'TAS, Ehr. A doubtful genus of fossil Diatomaceae (Cohort Anguli- ferae). Char. Unattached; frustules cubical, solitary, bivalve, and pentagonal. A. Pentacrinus ; diam. 1-240" ; Greek marl. A. alternant (PI. 25. fig. 11) ; Cuba. BIBL. Ehrenb. Ber. d. JBerl. Ak. 1840 and 1843, Abhl 1841 ; Kiitziug,-5ac. p. 136 j Babenhorst, Alg. i. p. 319. AMPHIPLEU'RA, Kiitz. A genus of Diatomaceae (Cohort Amphiple ureas). Char. Frustules free, straight or slightly sigmoid ; valves lanceolate or linear-lanceo- late, with a median longitudinal line which is thickened and expanded longitudinally at each end, but without a median nodule. The valves appear to resemble those of Nitzschia in their inequality ; but they are compressed in the opposite direction to those of that genus, and thus the median lines of both valves are visible at once. That the lines seen upon the frustules are the same as the median lines of the separated valves, is evident from their exhibiting the terminal expansions. This view is confirmed by the sides of the frustules being half as broad again as the separate valves. A. pellucida (PI. 16. fig. 7a, side view of frustule ; 6, of valve). Valves linear-lanceo- late ; length 1-225" ; furnished with longi- tudinal and transverse striae, of extreme delicacy, requiring the best object-glasses of large aperture, and the most oblique light, to render them visible. Sollitt estimates them at 125 to 130 in 1-1000". Nelson at 80 to 1-1000" longitudinal, and 96tranverse, (bv vertical illumination) : Jn. Mic. Soc. i. p. "152, 1881). Fresh water : Brit. A. rigida, K. (sigmoidea, Sm.). Marine ; valves narrowly linear-lanceolate, slightly sigmoid ; length 1-150" (PI. 16. fig. 7 c, side view) ; British. A. Danica, K. Valves lanceolate, trun- cate ; length 1-400" ; coast of Denmark. A. inflexa. Marine ; linear, lunate, slightly attenuate at ends, obtuse; length 1-330"; British. A. Lindheimeri. Larger than A. pell. in fr.-wat. torrents, N. Amer. (Grun, Oestr. Diat. i. p. 469, fig.). A. Frauenfeldii. Indian Ocean. Grun, ut supra. BIBL. Kiitzing, Badll. p. 103 ; Sp. Alg. p. 88 ; Smith, Brit. Diat. i. p. 45 ; Raben- horst, Flor. Alg. i. p. 143. AMPHIPRO'RA, Ehr. A genus of Dia- tomaceae (Cohort Naviculeae). Char. Frustules free, soli tary, constricted in the middle ; valves convex, having a me- dian keel, with a nodule at each end, and either a nodule or stauros in the middle. Marine, or inhabitants of brackish water. Frustules sometimes much twisted, oc- casionally resembling a violin in form, from one half of the frustule being in a longitu- dinal plane almost at right angles to that of the other. Surface of the valves more or less distinctly marked with transverse striae, which under high powers and proper mani- pulation are resolvable into dots, arranged as in PL 15. fig. 8. Many species. A. alata; E. Common (PI. 16. fig. 8 a side view ; b, front view). Fr. twisted fr. view linear, ends rounded ; valves nar- rowly elliptical. A. constricta, E. Fr. straight, narrow ; valves with a transverse line,, ends acute. Rabenhorst separates the species with a distinctly curved, mostly sigmoid keel, in a genus Amphicampa. BIBL. Ehr. Abh. Berl. Ak. 1841, p. 333 ; Kiitzing, Badll p. 107 ; Sp. Alg. p. 93 ; Smith, Brit. Diat. i. p. 43, ii. p. 92; Greville, Mic. Tr. 1863, pp. 13, 20 ; 1865, p. 105 ; Ann. N. Hist. 1865, xvi. p. 5 ; Gregory, Diat. of Clyde, p. 33 ; Grun, Verh. Wien, 1860, p. 569 ; Donkin, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1861, p. 14 ; Rabenhorst, Flora Alg. i. p. 253. AMPHISTA, Kent. A genus of Infu- soria, fam. Oxytrichina. BIBL. Kent, Inf. 1880. AMPHISO'RUS. The compound or aged individuals of Orbitolites orbiculus, having chambers on both faces of the disk, are grouped by Ehrenberg under this genus of his Bryozoa polysomatia. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Abh. Berl. Ak. 1838; Carpenter's For. p. 105. AMPHISTEGI'NA, D'Orb. One of the high-class genera otForaminiferaperfo?*afa, of the Nummuliue family. It differs from Nummulina mainly in not being symmetri- cal, one face being more conical than the other. On the flatter face the alar flaps of the chambers are as in Nummulina ; but on the AMPIIISTOMA. AMYLOBACTER. other they are packed in around the umbo among the chambers, to which they are at- tached by very narrow necks. The aperture also lies somewhat on this side of the me- dian plane. Living abundantly in some parts of the tropical seas ; and found fossil in some Tertiary strata younger than those rich in Nummulites. Recent, South Seas ; fossil, Middle Tertiary, Australia, Europe. Amphistegina Haueri (PI. 24. fig. 38). BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. Foss. Vien. ; Car- penter, Foram. p. 241. AMPHIS'TOMA (Holostomum, Diplo- discus). A genus of Entozoa of the family Trematoda. Char. Body soft, oval, cylindrical or co- nical ; intestine 2-branched ; two pores, one anterior, the other posterior forming a large sucker. The species are numerous, most common in birds, but sometimes occur in mammalia, reptiles, and fishes ; generally inhabiting the alimentary canal ; length from 1-10 to 4-5 of an inch. A. hominis, in man (India) ; near the ileo- colic valve; red; " long. BIBL. Dujardin, Helm. p. 327; Diesing, Syst. Helm. ; Proc. Asiat. Soc. 1876 j Cob- bold, Paras. 1879, p. 37 (fig.)- AMPHITET'RAS, Ehr. A genus of Diatomacese (Cohort Anguliferae). Char. Side view of the f rustules rectangu- lar, the angles sometimes produced ; valves covered with depressions, which are readily seen under a low power. This genus approaches Isthmia and Bid- dulphia, from which it differs in its rectan- gular and not compressed figure. A. antediluviana (PI. 16. fig. 9) ; o, frus- tules united ; b, side view ; c, front view ; d, perspective view. Lateral surfaces of the frustules with concentric radiating de- pressions, their sides concave. British ; marine. A. adriatica. Depressions concentric and radiating ; angles of the frustules ob- tuse ; lateral surfaces of frustules with straight sides ; Adriatic sea. A. parallela. Depressions parallel; in Greek marl. 10 other species. BIBL. Kutzing, Badll. p. 135 j Sp. Alg. p. 133 ; Ehrenberg, Abh. d. Berl. Ak. 1839, pp.122, 144; Greville, Mic. Trans. 1865, p. 105, 1866, p. 9 ; Rabenhorst, Flor. Alg. i. p. 318. AM'PHITHRIX, Ktz. A genus of Ri- vulariaceous Algae j consisting of erect, tufted, flagelliform filaments ; with crowded fine articulated fibrils at the base. On wet rocks, the sides of aquaria, &c. ; fr. water. A. papillosa (PI. 3. fig. 4). BIBL. Rabenhorst, Alg. ii. p. 229. AMPHIZONEL'LA, Greeff. A genus of Rhizopoda=-/4w&a with a very delicate shell. 3 species ; fresh water. BIBL. Greeff; Arch. f. mik. An. 1866, ii. p. 323 ; Bronn, Klaus, pi. 1. fig. 7. AM'PIIORA, Ehr. A genus of Diato- macese (Cohort Naviculese). Char. Frustules solitary, free or adherent; valves with a nodule or a stauros at the middle of the margin on the inner side. The nodules exist on the flat side of the frustules ; the frustules are plano-convex ; PI. 16. fig. 10 a represents a transverse sec- tion ; the side view of the frustules can only be seen when these are made to roll over by sliding the glass cover upon the slide with the mounted needle. (INTRODUCTION, p. xxiii.) The valves are furnished with transverse striae, resolvable into dots, but in some spe- cies these are excessively minute. The species are both marine and aquatic. A. ovalis, K. Aquatic ; frustules turgid, oval, ends rounded or truncate ; length 1-400"; common. (PI. 16. fig. 10, front view; 10 a represents a transverse section.) A. minutissima, S. Aquatic, adherent to other Diatomacese ; valves with a stauros ; length 1-1200". A. costata, S. Marine ; ends beaked j valves longitudinally ribbed ; length 1-500". A. membranacea, S. (PI. 16. fig. 11); brackish water. Rabenhorst describes 54 European and 22 other species. BIBL. Kiitz. Bacill. p. 107 ; Sp. Alg. p. 93; Smith, Brit. Diat. i. p. 19 ; Rabenhorst, Flor. Alg. i. p. 86. AMPHOROPH'ORA, Buckt. A genus of Aphidse. A. ampullata is very large, green ; eyes red, with very long antennae fixed on the frontal tubercles ; cornicles large, dilated in the middle, with black trumpet-shaped orifices. On Cystopteris montana. BIBL. Buckton, Aphides (Ray Soc.}. 1879, i. p. 187. AMYLOBAC'TER, Tre*cul. The orga- nisms to which this name has been applied are obtained by macerating the stems of plants of various families in water. They are round, or oval, often bacillar and capi- AMYLOID. [ 39 ] ANALYTIC CRYSTALS. tate ; about 1-50,000" in length (PI. 53. fig. 5). They are formed within the latici- ferous vessels, but also within cells or fibres, and between the cells. They are coloured yellow by iodine, sometimes purple by sul- phuric acid. They seem to correspond to amylaceous Bacteria. They sometimes ex- hibit rapid movements. Their formation within closed spaces has raised the question of spontaneous generation. BIBL. Trecul, Compt. rend. 1865-7-8; Nylander, Flora, xxxviii. 522, 1865 ; Robin, -flftcr.881; v.Tieghem, Butt.S. bot. Fr.xxiv. AM'YLOID. This name was given by Schleiden and Vogel to a peculiar modifica- tion of vegetable substance met with in the thickening layers of the cell-walls, in the cotyledons of certain Leguminosae, viz. Schotia speciosa, S. latifolia, Hymencea Courbaril, Mucima wens, M. gigantea, and the tamarind (Tamarindus indicd) ; also of the common white Haricot bean. When in a dry condition, it is of a soft horny con- sistence ; when wetted, it softens, becomes gelatinous and transparent ; it is soluble in boiling water, strong acids, and in solution of potash, but not in alcohol or ether. It is coloured blue by iodine, like starch, the compound being soluble in water with change to a yellow colour. The ' amorphous starch/ described by Schleiden, in the seeds of Cardamomum minus, in the rhizomes of Carex arenaria and Sarsaparilla, seems scarcely distinct from amyloid ; it forms a thick viscous layer lining the cells. Amyloid forms a transitional substance between starch and bassorin and cellulose, and pro- bably presents modifications approaching more nearly to one or other of them in dif- ferent plants. "When cellulose .is treated with a mixture of 4 parts of sulphuric acid and 1 of water, it swells into a clear jelly, which is at first stiff, but gradually acquires liquidity ; alco- hol or water throws down from it white flakes of amyloid, which are coloured blue like starch by^ iodine. It differs, however, from starch in the circumstance that the iodine can be washed out of it, and the blue colour made to disappear by the action of water, which is not the case with starch. The so-called Amyloid substance of Vir- chow consists of a nitrogenous matter, closely allied to albumen. It is coloured deep reddish-brown by iodine, the addition of sulphuric acid sometimes producing a bluish-black or violet tint. It occurs in tis- sues and organs affected with the waxy or lardaceous degeneration, as the small arte- ries, the liver, the kidneys, the spleen, and the lymphatic glands. See CELLULOSE and STARCH. AM'YLCJM. See STARCH. AMYMO'NE, Glaus. A genus of Cope- poda (Entomostraca). A. sphcerica and longimana. In dredg- ings. BIBL. Brady, Copepoda {Ray Soc.}, ii. 28. ANABAI'NA, Bory. See TRICHORMUS. ANACALYP'TA, Kohl. A genus of Mosses, made a section of POTTIA by Miiller. BIBL. Miiller, Syn. Muscor. i. p. 547; Wilson, Bryol. Brit. p. 97. ANACH'ARIS, Rich. A genus of Hy- drocharidaceae (aquatic Monocotyledon ous Plants). A. Alsinastrum, Bab., which is apparently identical with Udora canadensis, a North- American plant, has become widely diffused in Britain during the last few years in ponds and streams. It is of great interest to microscopic observers, on account of the facility with which the . ROTATION of the cell-contents may be observed in its living tissues. It is commonly cultivated in jars of water for this purpose. BIBL. Wenham, Qu. Mic. Jn. iii. p. 277. ANAL'GES, Nitzsch. Agenus of plumi- colous Acarina, fam. Sarcoptidae. In the species, the integument is striated ; the 3rd pair of legs very large and long ; the abdo- men entire. Five species ; on birds. BIBL. Megnin, Parasites, 1880, p. 149, ANACYS'TIS, Meneg. A genus of Palrnellaceous Algae ; consisting of very numerous spherical green cells, imbedded in mucus, and enclosed in a lamellar envelope. A. marginata (PI. 52. fig. 8*). Found floating in fr. wat. pools, or on other algae. A. Grevillei, on dead stalks of asparagus. Other species. BIBL. Kiitz. Tab. Phycol.\. pi. 9. figs. 2-4; % Alg. p. 209 j Berkeley, Gleanings $c. ; H&ssa\\ Brit. Alg. ( C0cco furnished at the free end with three or more marginal teeth, and a larger pointed body in their centre. There are seventy-four of these in each maxilla, or half the proboscis. Newport regards them as probably organs of taste. There are also some curious ap- pendages arranged along the inner anterior margin of each maxilla, in the form of minute hooks, which, when the proboscis is extended, serve to unite the two halves together, by the points of the hooks in one half being inserted into little depressions between the teeth of the opposite side ; sometimes these are furnished with a tooth below the apex (fig. 28 ). Costae 3-7, central one with two or three short spines ; produced angles rounded ; markings coarse ; length 1-400 to 1-200". B. awnta,Bre-b. (PI. 19. fig. 9). Markings indistinct ; costaB none ; angles horn-like ; spines two or three, central; length 1-800". B. rhombus, Smith (Zygoceras rh. Ehr. ?) (PI. 19. fig. 13, Ehr. ; PI. 50. fig. 16, Smith). Markings indistinct; costas none ; spines near the hoop ; angles horn- like; length 1-60 to 1-260". B. Baileyi, Sm. Markings indistinct; costaa none ; angles horn-like ; sides of frus- tules with two slight elevations, each with one or two long spines ; length 1-250". B. turgida (Cerataulus turgidm, Ehr.). Markings faint ; costae none ; angles cylin- drical, truncate ; frustules with a row of short and two large submedian spines on each side ; length 1-240". B. Regina. Sides of frustules each with three rounded median elevations ; spines none ; angles rounded, with distinct mark- ings ; length 1-220". Several other species, but not British. BIBL. Kiitzing, Bacill. and Sp. A1g.\ Ehrenb. Ber. de Berl. Ak. 1843 & 1844; Ralfs, Ann. N. H. 1843, xii. 273 ; Smith, Br. Diat. ii. 47 ; GreviUe, Micr. Tr. 1864, pp. 9, 85 ; 1865, pp. 6, 19, 49 ; 1866, pp. 6, 81 ; Rabenhorst, Fl.Alg. i. p. 310; Pritchard, Infm. p. 847. BIFORI'NES. Under this name Turpin described certain cells occurring in the septa of the air-chambers of the leaves of the Ara- ceae, characterized especially by the presence of a large bundle of raphides. They contain a thick fluid ; and when they are placed in water, endosrnose causes them to burst and discharge the crystals. See RAPHIDES. BIBL. Turpin, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 se*r. vi. p. 5, pi. 1-5. BIGENERI'NA, D'Orb. One of the numerous modifications of the Textulaiian type : instead of continuing to form bilateral alternate (Enallostegian) chambers, it ad- vances in growth with a straight single (Stichostegian) series; and the aperture becomes central, terminal, and rounded, in- stead of being a transverse arch low down on the septal face. If the aperture be excentric, we have the Gemmulina of D'Or- BIGNONIACE^E. [ bigny. B. agglutinans (PL 23. fig. 50) is an elongate and coarse-shelled variety of JB. nodosaria. Common in many seas, and in the fossil state. BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. Foss. Vien. 237 ; Carpenter. Introd. For. 191. BIGNONIACE^E (Dicotyledons). The wings of the seeds of this family afford very beautiful objects. They are either thin membranes composed of a layer of lignified cells ; or, as in the Oatalpas, the wing con- sists of a fringe of hairs. BILE.-^Three colouring - matters have been obtained from the bile, viz. cholepyr- rhine, biliverdine, and bilifulvine. These were formerly regarded as distinct ; but later researches have tended to show that they are modifications of the same pigment. Cholepyrrhine orbilirubine, the colouring- matter in its ordinary state, is characterized by the series of tints through which it passes when treated with nitric acid, especially if this contain nitrous acid; becoming first brownish, then green, bluish, violet, red, and finally yellow. It is some- times found in bile and the liver-cells in the form of yellow seniicrystalline grains ; also it enters into the composition of biliary calculi. Biliverdine is found in the bile, but not in gall-stones ; it is formed from bilirubine by oxidation. It is most abundant in the bile of the Herbivora. BUiprasine is brown, becoming green with acids ; it occurs in decomposing bile. Bilifulvine is also sometimes found in bile which has been retained in the gall-bladder. The bile then appears thick and dark brown, and exhibits small dark grains ; the crystals are found in these grains. They form longish, very fine needles, of a reddish-yel- low colour, either single or several combined. When aggregated, they sometimes resemble the crystals of urate of soda, and are often curved and twisted. Caustic potash dis- solves them tolerably readily. Acetic acid produces no change in them. Nitric acid has but little effect upon them, unless the action is very intense, when they are decom- posed. Virchow notices the occurrence of these crystals upon the walls of the cysts of Echinococci in the liver, where we have also found them, and in the liquid contents of the cysts. In this instance, two kinds of crystals were met with (PL 13. fig. 15) : some of these were rhombs (6), others were twisted and elegantly curved bundles of nee- dles () When first examined, they were r ] BINOCULAR. yellowish-red ; but after remaining a day or two in the liquid of the cysts, they became almost perfectly yellow. "When mounted in balsam, the rhombs remained unaltered, whilst the long filamentous groups of nee- dles lost all colour, leaving a barely dis- tinguishable transparent skeleton. Both kinds were insoluble in acetic acid, but soluble in potash with a yellow colour. In morbid bile, crystals of cholesterine, globules of fat, and small bundles of needles of margarine are also occasionally found. See HJEMATOIDINE. BIBL. Gmelin's Handb. d. Chem. vii. & viii. ; Virchow, An. d. Pharm. 1851 (Chem. Gaz. x.) ; Karsten, De hep. et bile Crustac. et Mollusc, j Frey, Histol &c. 1876, p. 551 j Stadeler, Pogg. Annal. cxxxii. p. 323. BILHARZIA. See DISTOMA. BILIFULVINE. See BILE. BILOCULI'NA, D'Orb One of the Milioline Foraminifera, in which each suc- cessive segment embraces more or less com- pletely the preceding segments, on alter- nate sides, so that only two chambers of the shell are visible externally. It varies much in form and size ; the varieties are very common, recent and fossil, and have numerous names : the largest has been found at 650 fathoms in the North Atlantic (Car- penter). B. ringens (PL 23. fig. 3) is taken as the type. BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. Foss. Vien. 261 ; Williamson, Brit. For. 78; Carpenter, Intr. For. 75, 78. BIME'RIA, T. S. Wright. A genus of Hydroid Zoophytes, family Atractylidae. The body and lower part of the tentacles enveloped by an opaque brown membrane. JB. vestita. Attached to zoophytes and sea-weeds. BIBL. Hincks, Hydroid Zoophytes, p. 103. BINOCULAR MICROSCOPE. This has been alluded to at p. xiv of the Intro- duction. We have no space for the figures requisite to illustrate descriptions of the three principal forms of binocular micro- scope ; hence we must be satisfied with referring to the works in which they will be found. In the examination of new structures, no reliance should be placed upon the appearances presented by objects under binocular vision, unless controlled by the means pointed out in the second part of the Introduction. The three principal forms of binocular construction are those of Wenham, Holmes, and Stephenson, B10MYXA. [ Tolles has invented a binocular eye-piece (Beale, How # ] BLIGHT. tween the midribs and the margins of tho pinnae. Indusium membranous. BLECH'NUM, Linn. A genus of Ferns. Bl. Spicant, With., is the Hard Fern, also called sometimes Bl. boreale, but properly LOMARIA Spicant. The species are tolerably numerous, closely resembling each other, and diffused widely throughout Tropical and South Temperate regions. BIBL. Hooker & Baker, Syn. Fil. 183. BLEPHAEIS'MA, Perty, = PLAGIO- TOMA, pt. BLIGHT. This word is used in common language in an exceedingly loose and unde- fined way, beinf applied to almost every cause of disease in plants, as well as to the diseases themselves, which are variously ex- plained by agencies of meteorological con- ditions, parasitic plants and insects, opera- ting singly or in combination. Blight is, indeed, ' in the air ' in many cases, since a frequent source of disease in vegetation is sudden change of temperature or hygro- scopic condition of the atmosphere, deran- ging the processes of evaporation and respi- ration in the tender, actively developing portions of the foliage or inflorescence of plants. It is also often < in the air ' in an- other sense, but much less specially than is commonly supposed : the plagues of para- sitic fungi and insects which sometimes cause such devastation, seem undoubtedly to arise immediately from the transport of the microscopic reproductive bodies, spores and the like, through the air ; but the pe- culiar atmospheric condition often observed as accompanying the sudden irruption of large masses of such i blights,' are only col- laterally connected with the development of these bodies ; the warm overcast weather, almost proverbially designated as the cause or the herald of blights, is merely an index of a condition of the atmosphere especially favourable to the rapid multiplication of the Fungi and Insecta which are seen to increase so rapidly at such times ; and the germs of these must be already present, through other causes, for the production of the phenomena under such circumstances. Only a few of the animal blights need be referred to here, such as the plant-lice, the most familiar form of ' blight* in cultivated plants (see APHID.E) ; the ' pepper-corn ' or * ear-cockle ' of wheat, Anguillula tritid (see ANGUILLTTLA) ; the wheat-midge (CECI- DOMYIA); the vine-pest (PHYLLOXERA) ; the turnip-fly (HALTICA); the PHYTOPTID^; H2 BLIGHT. [ 100 ] BLOOD. and the species of Cynips and allied genera, which produce galls and similar excrescences by the irritation of the vegetable tissue, re- sulting from their presence. Many caterpillars of moths and butterflies are exceedingly destructive, and form a kind of blight ; but these scarcely come within our province. The vegetable blights, the parasitic Fungi growing upon living specimens of the higher plants, and displaying themselves either as the cause or the accompaniment of some disease and disorganization, have of late years become objects of most earnest atten- tion, on account both of the enormous da- mage which the diseases have caused to )lants of high importance to man, and also of the many curious facts in their history which have 'been brought to light. The Potato blight and the Vine disease of recent years have incited renewed efforts to elucidate the history of these productions, as yet, however, imperfectly made out. The old notion, that these products were the result of skin-diseases or exanthemata of plants, is now discarded, especially as many of them have been grown artificially from their spores. The general history of the conditions of their occurrence, and a summary of the investigations into their history, are given under the head of PARASITIC IUNGU. The particular history of the more remarkable genera will be found under the heads in- dicated by the capitals in the following paragraphs. Corn-blights consist chiefly of mildew (PUCCINIA), rust or red-robin (UREDO, TRI- CHOBASIS), smut, bunt, or brand (TILLETIA, USTILAGO, POLYCYSTIS), 61'ffot (CORDI- CEPS), &c. CYSTOPUS ( Uredo) attacks Cru- ciferous plants. Mildews of pease, peaches, hops, and many other cultivated plants are produced by species of ERYSIPHE. OIDIUM is a common mildew, and is known in many cases to be only an earlier condition of Erysiphe. BOTRYTIS is another common mildew. yEciDiUM forms a kind of rust, as is the case with the allied RCESTELIA, infecting pear-trees. See also UROMYCES, POLYCYSTIS, COLEOSPORIUM, PROTOMY- CES, EPITEA, PHRAGMIDIUM,FUSISPORITJM, TORULA, PERIDERMIUM, SCLEROTIUM, SPI- LOCJEA, SPH^ERIA. BIBL. De Bary, Brandpilze, Berlin, 1853, chap. 3. p. 102 ; Berkeley, Tr. Hort. Soc., Gardeners Chron., passim; A. Braun, Krankheiten der Pflanzen, Berlin, 1854 ( Qu. Mic. Jn., July 1854) ; Sidney, Blights of the Wheat, Rel. Tract Soc.; art. BtigU, in Branded Diet., the Penny Cyclop. ; Libr. of Entertaining Knowledge ; Boisduval, Entom. Horticole ; Hallier, Phytopatholoyie. BLINDIA, Br. and Sch. A genus of Di- cranaceous Mosses, including some Weissia and Gymnostoma of authors. BIBL. Wilson, Bryol. Brit. p. 67. BLOOD. This animal fluid, with the general appearance of which in the higher animals every one is so familiar, is no less difficult in its microscopic study, than it is complex in its chemical composition. In man and mammalia, birds, reptiles and fishes, it is a viscid liquid of a red colour. In those of the lower classes in which it exists, it is mostly colourless, sometimes, however, red, bluish, purplish, greenish or milky. When examined under the microscope the blood is found to consist of a liquid por- tion, containing in suspension a large num- ber of minute corpuscles, which are known commonly as the globules or corpuscles of the blood. In the Mammalia, Birds, Reptiles, Am- phibia, and Fishes generally, the liquid por- tion, or liquor sangninis, is nearly colourless, or of a pale yellow tinge ; and the corpuscles are of two kinds, one of a red colour when viewed in mass, but pale reddish yellow when seen singly or separately, and to these the red colour of the blood is owing ; the others consist of perfectly colourless bodies. * The red corpuscles are far more numerous than the colourless ones, about 500 to 1, and consist of delicate membranous colourless cells enclosing a red liquid. In the Mam- malia they assume the form of circular flat- tened disks or discoidal cells, the sides of which are impressed or hollowed out, so as to make them resemble doubly concave lenses, with rounded margins (PI. 49. figs. 21, 22 & 23) ; in the Camel tribe, however, they are elliptical and doubly convex. In Birds (figs. 24 & 25), Fishes (figs. 26 & 27), Amphibia and Reptiles (figs. 28, 29 & 30), they are elliptical and flattened, the form of the sides varying : thus, in Birds and Fishes they are convex, excepting the Cyclostomes or lamprey Order among the latter, in which they are circular, flattened and slightly con- cave, only differing from those of man in being somewhat larger; and in the Lepto- cardea Amphioxus lanceolatus, the lancelet, there are no blood-corpuscles. In the Amphibia and Reptiles, in which they are elliptical, very large, and comparatively BLOOD. [ 101 ] BLOOD. thin, the surfaces of the corpuscles are rather concave than convex, the nucleus projecting somewhat laterally. The red corpuscles of the Mammalia are not furnished with a nucleus, whilst in Birds, Fishes, and Keptiles a distinct nu- cleus exists ; this is usually oval, but some- times rounded in the latter. The colourless corpuscles of the Vertebrata (figs. 21-30 b), or the lymph-corpuscles, or the blood-leucocytes as they are sometimes called, are spherical, of a granular appear- ance, highly refractive, and specifically lighter than the coloured corpuscles. They consist of a cell-wall containing numerous larger or smaller granules and molecules, with one or more nuclei. Acetic acid dis- solves the granules, and brings the nuclei to view. The cell- wall is often undistinguish- able, unless water be added to the corpuscles, which being imbibed, separates it from the contents. When blood is kept at a mode- rate heat, these corpuscles exhibit various Amoeba-like processes, crawl over the slide, and even take up particles of foreign sub- stances, as vermilion, carmine, &c. The blood of the Invertebrata has not been so thoroughly examined. In many of them there are two circulating liquids one coloured, and sometimes containing hsema- tine, but no corpuscles ; the other colourless, and containing rounded or irregular granular colourless nucleated corpuscles (figs. 31-35), much resembling the colourless corpuscles of the Vertebrata, but remarkably prone to shoot out processes like the Amoebae. The sizes of the coloured corpuscles of many vertebrate animals are given in the subjoined list, nearly all the measurements being those of Gulliver. It may be re- marked that, whilst the largest coloured corpuscles occur in the Reptiles, the small- est are found in the Mammalia, and that the size of the corpuscles is in general proportional to the size of the animal, in animals of the same order, but not in those of different orders. Thus, in the larger Ruminants and Rodents the corpuscles are larger than in the smaller ones, whilst the smallest British mammal, the Harvest- mouse, has corpuscles as large as those of the Horse ; and in the common mouse they are larger than in the Horse or Ox. MAMMALIA. Bimana. Man, 1-3200 to 1-3500". Quadrumana. Chimpanzee (Simia Tro- glodytes}, 1-3412; Monkey (Cercopithecus mono), 1-3468 ; Monkey, mean of eight other species, 1-3450 ; Lemur, mean of four species, 1-4077. Cheiroptera. Bat (Vespertilio murinus), 1-4175 ; Bat ( Vespertilio pipistrellus), 1-4324. Insectivora. Hedgehog (Erinaceus euro- pceus), 1-4085; Mole ( Talpa europcea), 1-4747. Carnivora. Badger (Meles vulgaris), 1-3940; Bear, mean of five species, 1-3708; Dog (Canis familiaris), 1-3542 ; Fox (Canis Vulpes), 1-4117; Lion (Felis Leo\ 1-4322; Seal (Phoca vitulina}, 1-3281. Cetacea. Dolphin (Delphinus Phocand), 1-3829; Whale (Balana Mysticetus), 1-4000 ; Whale (Batena Boops), 1-3099 ; Manatee (Manatus), 1-2400. Pachydermata. Elephant (Elephas inrfi- cus), 1-2745 ; Horse (Equus caballus), 1-4706 ; Pig (Sus Scrofa), 1-4230 ; Rhinoceros indi- cus, 1-3765. Ruminantia. Camel ( Camelus bactrianus), length 1-3123; breadth 1-5876; Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius), 1. 1-3254, b. 1-5921 ; Goat (Capra hircus), 1-6366; Musk (Mos- chus javanicus), 1-12325 ; Stag (Cervus ela- phus), 1-4324; Ox (Bos Taurus), 1-4267: Sheep (Ovis Aries), 1-5300. Edentata. Armadillo (Dasypus sex-cinc- tus}, 1-3457 ; Sloth (Unau, Bradywus didac- tylus\ 1-2865. Rodentia. Guineapig (Cavia cobaya\ 1-3538; Mouse (Mus musculus), 1-3814; Rabbit (Lepus cuniculus), 1-3607 ; Rat (Mus Rattus), 1-3754. Marsupialia. Kangaroo (Macropus), mean of three species, 1-3460. Monotremata. Platypus, duck-billed (Or- nithorhynchus paradoxus), 1-3000. Birds. Chaffinch (Fringilla ccelebs), length 1-2253, breadth 1-4133; Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), 1.1-2028, b. 1-3600: Ezgle(Aquila), mean of four species, 1. 1-1640, b. 1-3651 ; ~Fow\(Gallus domesticus), 1.1-2102, b.1-3466; Gull(Mew-,Zrwscemws), 1. l-1973,b.l-3839; Humming-bird (Trochilus), 1. 1-2666; b. 1-4000; Ostrich (Struthio camelus\ 1. 1-1649, b. 1-3000 ; Owl (Strix flammed). 1. 1-1882, b. 1-3740 ; Parrot (Psittacus), mean of twelve species, 1. 1-2042, b. 1-3724 ; Pi- geon (Columba), mean of sixteen species, 1. 1-2135, b. 1-3679; Sparrow (Fringilla do- mestica), 1. 1-2140, b. 1-3500. Amphibia and Reptiles. Crocodile (Croco- dilus acutus), 1. 1-1231, b. 1-2286; Frog (Rana temporaria), 1. 1-1108, b. 1-1821; Lizard (Lacerta vivipara), 1. 1-1660 ; Siren lacertina, 1. 1-435, b. 1-800 ; Toad (Bufo vulgaris), 1. 1-1043, b, 1-2000; Triton (Lis- BLOOD. [ 102 ] BLOOD. sotritonpunctatus), 1. 1-830; AmphiumaA. 1-340. Fishes. Carp (Oyprinus carpio),!. 1-2142, b. 1-3429; Eel (Angwllavulyaris),\. 1-1745, b. 1-2842; Jack (Esox lucius), 1. 1-2000, b. 1-3555; Millers Thumb (Cottus gobio), 1. 1-2000, b. 1-2900; Perch (Percajluvia- tilis), 1. 1-2099, b. 1-2824 ; Tench (Cyprinus Tinea), 1. 1-2286, b. 1-2722. The colourless corpuscles do not vary so much in size in different animals as is the case with the coloured corpuscles. Those of the human blood are about 1-2500" in diameter. A third corpuscular element of the blood, related to its formation, is described by Norris. The red corpuscles of blood consist che- mically of Haemoglobine (Haematoglobu- line) ; and this is composed of a colouring matter haematine, and an albuminous sub- tance globuline. They are readily altered in form by most liquids; those of less spe- cific gravity than the liquor sanguinis dis- tend them, rendering them larger, paler, and more transparent, and effacing the lenticu- lar appearance and the elliptical form when present. If a small quantity of water be added, the corpuscles in motion are seen to be highly elastic, becoming altered in shape when coming into contact with each other, but resuming their form when free. If the liquid be added in large proportion, the en- velope or cell-membrane becomes extremely thin and pale, until at last it is no longer distinguishable ; sometimes it bursts. These phenomena are the result of endosmosis. The red corpuscles, however, are not all equally acted upon : some are much more affected than others ; some even appear almost entirely to resist the action of en- dosmotic agents, and are found but little altered, even when the blood is mixed with a large proportion of water. Although water and other endosmotic agents distend the coloured corpuscles, and render their envelopes so extremely transparent that they can no longer be recognized, yet many of them may be restored to view by the addition of reagents which either act exos- motically, colour them, or render them opaque as solution of iodine, of bichloride of mercury, and various other salts. Dilute acids act nearly in the same manner as water, but much more rapidly. Dilute solutions of alkalies produce the same effect, but soon dissolve them completely. Solu- tions of neutral salts act exosmotically, rendering them smaller, more flattened, and producing wrinkles, folds, or a granular ap- pearance in the enveloping membrane. Fre- quently also they appear covered with little points, giving them an elegant stellate aspect ; this stellate or crenate appearance is not unfrequently seen immediately that fresh blood is examined under the micro- scope, especially at the margins of the drop. Two principal conditions are especially favourable to its production, viz. a concen- trated state of the liquid, and an increase in the proportion of alkaline chlorides ; the action of alcohol also tends to produce this condition. The comparative size of the corpuscles in the races of man is treated of by Rich- ardson (M. M. Jn. 1877, xvii. 212). The corpuscles of the blood of the hepatic vein are smaller, more spherical, without the central depression, and resist the action of water for a longer time than the ordinary corpuscles ; similar corpuscles are also met with in the spleen. These are by some regarded as young newly formed corpuscles ; while those of the portal vein possess the ordinary characters. Matters which coagulate the albuminous matter of the red corpuscles, such as alcohol, tannic acid, and creosote, also heat, alter their form, giving rise to the production of tail-like processes, with adherent minute globules, which also cover the surface of the corpuscles. And by pressure the latter are broken up into a number of similar globules. It is a disputed point whether the red corpuscles have a cell-wall or not. The action of osmotic reagents tends to show that they have ; and " the membrane can be distinctly seen with 1000 diameters in the newt's corpuscle after the addition of magenta and tannic acid " (Rutherford). Beale shows that they may be crushed into fragments by pressure on the cover; but as the haemoglobine surely coagulates, this is accounted for ; and moreover, the haemo- globine is readily soluble in water and in serum ; and it seems difficult to understand how it resists the solvent action of the serum unless defended by a cell- wall. The red corpuscles of the blood contain or consist of Haemoglobine (Haematoglo- buline). This may be obtained in a crys- talline state by adding ether by drops to defibrinated blood, and shaking until the bright and opaque colour of the blood is replaced by that of a syrupy transparence. BLOOD. [ 103 ] BLOOD. After setting aside for some hours, it sepa- rates in fine red crystals. Or, on a smaller scale, place a drop of blood on a slide, and add twice as much water, mix the two, and set aside for evaporation. The crystals will then form, often most distinctly at the margins. Under very high powers, a number of very delicate, colourless, radiating or reticular filaments may be seen traversing the cor- puscles, sometimes also the nucleus ; pro- oably arising from the coagulation of the contents. Carbonic acid causes a cloudiness with enlargement in the red corpuscles, removed by oxygen or air, which also contracts them. Electricity produces smaller or larger processes, the corpuscles finally becoming globular and colourless. The colourless corpuscles are much less affected by reagents. Water distends them slightly, rendering their granulations less distinct. Acetic acid does the same to a greater extent, bringing to light the nuclei. Alkalies dissolve them. When blood is mixed with a large quantity of water, the mixture shaken and set aside, a pale buff precipitate subsides ; this consists of some of the albumen thrown down from the serum, with shreds and walls of ruptured coloured corpuscles, a few of the latter un- altered, and some unaltered or but slightly changed colourless corpuscles. Almost immediately after the blood of the Vertebrata has left the blood-vessels, it begins to coagulate. Within about three minutes, the surface of the coagulating blood becomes gelatinous ; in about ten minutes it is gelatinous throughout; and after a fur- ther lapse of time, the coagulation of the fibrine apparently attains its maximum : this process, however, is not really com- pleted until from twelve to thirty-six hours. We then find a firm red clot immersed in a yellowish liquid. The fibrine during its coagulation entangles a large number of the corpuscles, which impart to it the red colour ; this is greatest towards the lower part of the clot. The liquid from which the clot has separated, the serum, also con- tains some of the globules in suspension; most of those not entangled in the clot, however, subside to the bottom of the ves- sel. The sp. gr. of the serum is about 1030. The appearances presented under the micro- scope by a drop of coagulating blood are very interesting. If examined immediately after removal from the body, the cor- puscles are seen to be diffused irregularly over the field ; but after the lapse of about a minute, the red corpuscles unite by their broad surfaces, gradually arranging them- selves into rows resembling strings of figs ; these interlace, forming an irregular red net- work, within the meshes of which the colour- less corpuscles are seen (PI. 49. fig. 37). The latter remain isolated, having no ten- dency to unite with the former. To observe these phenomena, the thin glass covering the drop of blood must not be pressed down ; otherwise the free motion of the corpuscles will be impeded. After a time, the fibres break up, and the corpuscles float separately in the serum. The coagulated fibrine is also seen dis- tributed over the field, partly in a granular form, but mostly in that of a network of very delicate fibres. Sometimes the running together of the red corpuscles begins to take place immediately the blood has left the body, and the rows are seen to be formed very much more rapidly than in the healthy fluid ; and when this is the case, the upper surface of the clot will be found to be free from the red colour, and more or less cupped or concave : this upper layer is called the buffy coat, and is in general a sign of inflammation. Considerable doubt still exists in regard to the nature of this buffy coat. It is also met with in blood which has been covered with a layer of oil before co- agulation. But in the natural state it arises from the subsidence of the corpuscles before the commencement of the solidification of the fibrine, whereby the particles of the latter are brought into closer contact, thus allowing of its greater contraction. Certain salts prevent the separation of the fibrine in the form of fibres, and cause it to assume the form of minute granules or globules. In addition to the corpuscles above de- scribed which are constantly found in the blood, it sometimes contains globules of oil, and, after meals especially, two distinct kinds of a white, extremely fine, molecular substance one consisting of fat, the mole- cular base of the chyle, the other a very finely divided albuminous substance. They render the blood milky in appearance. The dis- tinction of the muscular base of the chyle from the molecular albuminous deposit must be effected by ether, which dissolves the latter but not the former ; but great care is requisite in judging of the action of ether. BLOOD. [ 104 ] BLOOD. Some methods have recently been devised for the enumeration of the blood-corpus- cles. Malassez uses a glass tube, having a capillary bore with a dilatation near the upper end, in which is placed a glass globule. To this end is attached an india- rubber tube ; the other end is pointed. The tube is accurately graduated. An artificial serum is made of gum acacia and water, or a saline solution of known strength. The point of the tube is then inserted in the blood to be examined, and a certain quan- tity is sucked up. A measure of the serum is then drawn in, and the apparatus well shaken. The corpuscles are thus spread through the serum so as to be diffused and readily counted. For this purpose the mixture is introduced into a capillary tube fixed to a slide, and the number of corpus- cles read off by the aid of a micrometer eye-piece. The proportions of the dilution must necessarily be carefully taken into ac- count. The colourless corpuscles can be enumerated in the same manner. Further details will be found in Robin, Micr., 477 (figs.) ; or Rutherford, Hist., 62 (figs.). The colour of the blood of the Vertebrata varies according to whether it is removed from the arteries or the veins, in the former case being of a much lighter and brighter red than in the latter. It is beyond our province to enter into the details of the causes of their difference j suffice it to say, that it arises principally from an alteration in the globules, by which they are enabled to reflect light more copiously. In the Invertebrata the coagulation of the blood is imperfect, and the clot much less firm and copious than in the Verte- brata. The uses of the blood scarcely require mention. It is at the same time the nutri- trive fluid from which all the tissues of the body are formed and renovated, and that in which the components of the secretions are produced and from which they are separated. The red particles are subservient to the pur- poses of respiration ; they are most numerous in those animals in which the respiratory function is most active, and which consume the largest proportion of oxygen, as birds and mammalia. Development of the Coloured Corpuscles. In the Vertebrata, two sets of coloured cc cor- puscles are developed. The first, or embry- onic blood-corpuscles, exist alone, until lymph and chyle begin to be formed, when they are gradually superseded by the second. The first blood-corpuscles are formed from colourless nucleated cells with granular con- tents, identical with the formative cells of the embryo, by their losing the granules and becoming filled with haematine. These coloured, nucleated, primary blood-cells, which are spherical, larger and more deeply coloured than the coloured blood-corpuscles of the adult, form, with the colourless for- mative cells, the only elements of the blood. Soon, however, many of them begin to in- crease by division (PI. 49. fig. 36), becoming elliptical and flattened, and closely resem- bling the coloured corpuscles of Reptiles, producingtwo, rarely three or four roundish nuclei, and then becoming resolved into two, three, or four new cells by the formation of one or more annular constrictions. These corpuscles then gradually lose their nuclei, become flattened and excavated laterally, and form perfect coloured corpuscles. The formation of the second set, or those produced after birth and in adults, is more obscure. The most probable view appears to be that they are produced from the lymph and chyle-corpuscles, or certain corpuscles in the spleen and liver, by their losing their nuclei, becoming flattened, and producing hsematine. At all events, corpuscles appa- rently identical with the so-called proper corpuscles of the chyle, surrounded with a membrane which is more or less distended with a red liquid, are met with in the chyle and lymph, and occasionally, but rarely, in the blood itself. Physiologists are not agreed as to the above views ; but the pre- ponderance of evidence appears decidedly in their favour. Recklinghausen has di- rectly observed the conversion of the colour- less corpuscles of the frog into the coloured corpuscles. As unusual constituents of blood, may be mentioned : 1. Cells or masses of protoplasm enclo- sing coloured blood-corpuscles; found in the blood of the spleen, liver, &c. 2. Granule-cells, either colourless or con- taining granules of pigment. 3. Peculiar concentric bodies, three or four times as large as the coloured corpus- cles of the blood, resembling those found in the thymus gland. 4. An unusually large number of colour- less corpuscles in Leucocythaemia. 5. Pus-corpuscles. 6. Caudate cells, sometimes containing pigment. 7. Crystals of hsematoidine, sometimes BLOOD. [ 105 ] BLOOD. within the coloured corpuscles, at others free ; also crystals of hremoglobine (hae- matoglobuline). 8. The two molecular substances previ- ously mentioned. 9. Hsematozoa. Filaria hominis', other species in the deer, dog, rat, &c. ; Bilharzia. 10. Hgematophyta. Bacteria, Bacilli ; Spirochcete (relapsing fever). 11. Altered colouring matter of the blood, forming minute rounded or angular black particles, contained in the colourless cor- puscles j in splenic disease, and malaria. It sometimes becomes of importance to be enabled to determine the presence of blood in supposed blood-spots, &c., and to distinguish that of man from that of ani- mals. As regards the former point, it is a matter of no great difficulty. When blood has been dried at ordinary temperatures, the dried serum and contents of the cor- puscles redissolve on digestion with cold water; and this is the condition under which the blood is generally presented for examination in such cases. We then have the fibrine left undissolved, which may be tested as to its chemical and microscopical characters (FIBRINE). The liquid is de- colorized by boiling, and the coagulum as- sumes a brown colour (!LEMATINE). It also contains iron, is unaltered in colour by solution of potash, and contains a proteine compound. In heating very minute quan- tities upon a glass slide, the liquid must always be covered with a slip of thin glass, to prevent its drying. The mere presence of blood can thus be chemically determined without much difficulty ; for these reac- tions may be observed under the micro- scope in a very minute quantity ; but the distinction of small quantities of the blood of man from that of animals by chemical means, is impossible. We have therefore only the morphology of the elements or the spectral analysis to decide from. The portions of blood presented for examination will be almost invariably in a dried state ; and the red corpuscles, when dried in a very thin layer, retain so nearly their natural size and outline, that any kinds of blood which are distinguishable in the fresh state, are certainly so when dried; but it will seldom happen that the blood will be dried upon a transparent substance, and in thin layers, permitting of its examination by transmitted light. It must therefore be separated from some fabric or structure, and restored as nearly as possible to its original appearance. This can be done by digesting the blood in a solution of bichloride of mer- cury, Robin's liquid (p. 106), or a f-l-p. c. salt-solution, and placing it under a bell- glass for some hours; the red corpuscles may then be detached with a camel' s-hair pencil, and examined. Of course, only those cor- puscles should be measured which evidently retain their natural form. The red corpuscles of the mammalia are readily distinguishable from those of the lower classes in the animal kingdom by their circular discoidal form and the absence of a nucleus ; but those of indi- vidual groups can only be recognized by a difference in size. And great difference of opinion exists as to whether the blood-cor- puscles of man can be distinguished from those of other animals. This point has been particularly discussed by Richardson, Am. Jn. Med. Sc. 1874, 102 (M. M. Jn. 1874, xii. 130) ; and Woodward, M. M. Jn. 1875. xiii. 65. Virchow recommends that the blood-spots be mixed with dried and powdered chloride of sodium ; next, that glacial acetic acid be added, and the mixture evaporated at 212, when the blood-crystals (chloride of hsema- tine) are abundantly deposited. We should recommend those who are likely to undertake such investigations to make their own table of sizes ; for it curi- ously happens that in general the size of the same objects given by different observers varies considerably. This arises probably from using too low a power, want of practice, and the use of a false standard. And we should not advise any one to attempt to form a judgment in a judicial question of this kind except he be thoroughly acquainted with the use of the microscope and micro- metric investigations and the most difficult spectroscope, and has made numerous ex- periments upon this special point. The corpuscles of the blood are best stu- died while existing in the serum of that liquid; but the white of egg neutralized with acetic acid exerts but little action upon them, as is also the case with a solution of bichlo- ride of mercury. The colourless corpuscles are most easily recognized when the blood has been mixed with water. They are best preserved when dried in a very thin layer upon a slide a drop of blood being placed upon the slide, and the latter placed in a perpendicular position, so that a very thin layer will remain ; in the liquid state, a solution of 1 part of bichloride ol mercury, and 2 of chloride of sodium, in BLOOD ON BREAD. C 106 ] BODO. 200 parts of water, will preserve them well (Robin). BIBL. Kolliker, Hand. d. GewebeL ; the Manuals on Physiology, by Miiller, Valen- tine, Wagner, Carpenter, Forster, and Kirkes ; the Dictionaries of Todd and Bow- man, and Wagner; Hassall, Micr. An. ; Gulliver, Gerber'sAnat. ; Ann.N. H. xvii. ; Pr. Zool. Soc. 1862, p. 91 ; Schmidt, Dia- gnostik verddchtiger Flecke, &c. 1848 ; Frey, Histologie, and the copious BIBL. therein ; Browning (Spectroscope), Mn. Mic. Jn. ii. p. 116 ; Rollett, Strieker's Handb. i. p. 574 ; Cornil and Ranvier, Hist. path. ; Ruther- ford, Hist. ; Beale, How fyc. ; Ralfs, Action of Chloral hydrate, Chloroform, and Prussic acid on (M. M. Jn., 3871, vi. 75) ; Sorby, M. M. Jn. 1871, vi. 9 (Spectroscope) ; Rich- ardson, ibid. 1876, xv. 30 (Sp.) ; Carpenter, Micr. 107; Beale, How Sfc. 273; Osier, M. M. Jn. 1874, xii. 141; E. Hart, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1881, xxi. 132 (mum.} ; Klein, Hist. ; Lewis, Qu. Mic. Jn. xix. 245 (Hce- matozod) ; ibid. 1879, 109 (Rats) ; ibid. xix. 356 (Microphytes) ; Norris, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1880, iii. 229 ; Dowdeswell, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1881, xxi. 154. BLOOD ON BREAD. Bread, flour, paste, and similar substances are sometimes attacked by a fermentation-fungus, which produces patches of a blood-red (or some- times of an amber) colour. Most authors attribute the plants to Oidium, or to forms of Penicillium. Ehrenberg observed only minute corpuscles, which he called Monas prodigiosa. We have found these patches on sour paste, of red and yellow colour, consisting of isolated oval cells not more than 1-3000" in diameter ; and they were associated with Penicillium glaucum, of which they are probably a conidial form. This form is called Cryptococcus glutinis by Fresenius, who thinks it distinct from the so-called Monas prodigiosa of Ehrenberg, which he found in the form of corpuscles about 1-24000 to 1-48000" in diameter. Montagne regards the plant as a PalmeUa (prodigiosa) ; and H. O. Stephens is of the same opinion. Cohn rightly refers this or- ganism to Micrococcus. This substance sometimes occurs on de- caying Fungi. The blood-rain on damp wall-paper, calico, and old gourds and melons, is the mycelium of a species of Epicoccum. BIBL. Ehrenb., Fresenius, Mycologie, Heft ii. p. 78 ; Desnon, Mem. Soc. d. Sc. Nat. de Cherbourg, iv. p. 19 ; Montagne, Compt. Rend. 1852 ; Ann. N. H. 2 ser. x. p. 309 ; Berkeley, Crypt. Bot. p. 264 ; Ste- phens, Ann. N. H. 1853, xii. p. 409, pi. 17. BLOOD-VESSELS. See VESSELS. BLOOD- WORM .The larva of Chiro- nomus plumosus. BLOXAMIA, Berk, and Br. A genus of Spheeronemei (?) (Stylosporous Fungi), con- sisting of minute punctiform sacs, soon bursting above, containing closely packed tubes producing each a row of squarish spores. An anomalous genus, allied to Cystotrichia and Myxormia. B. truncata has been found on dead Wych elms. BIBL. Berk. & Broome, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xiii.468, pi. 16. %. 17; Berk. Crypt. Bot. 329. BL YT'TIA, Endlich. A genus of Pelliere (Hepaticae) founded on the Jungermannia Lyellii of Hooker, remarkable for the double envelope of the fruit, the outer being very short, dentate and laciniated, while the inner forms a largish, somewhat plaited cylinder. The antheridia arising from the rib are covered by incumbent scales, which are sometimes much laciniated and crowded together, some- times (J. hi- bernica, Hook. Brit. Jungerm.} scarcely tooth- ed, lax and lar- ger. BIBL. Hook- er, Br. Jung. Nees, & t Leier- Blyttia Lyemi ' ma ^' 2 diam - moose, iii. 313 ; Flora Danica, t. 2004. BO'DO, Ehr. A genus of Infusoria, be- longing to the family Monadina. (Monads with a tail.) Char. A tail; no eye-spot present; mouth terminal ; animals sometimes united in the form of a mulberry or a bunch of grapes. Ehrenberg describes eight species. Some of them inhabit the intestinal canal of frogs, insects, &c. One is green, the rest are colourless. Dujardin regards one species (Bodo gran- dis) as comprising both his Heteromita ovata and a species of Anisonema ; the others he considers imperfectly examined species belonging to his genera Cercomonas and Amphimonas. Bodo grandis, E. (Heteromita ovata, D.). BCEHMERIA. [ 107 ] BONE. Fr. wat. ; length 1-940 to 1-720" (PL 30. fig. 18 a). Bodo socialis, E. (PI. 30. fig. 18, b, c). Fr. wat. ; length 1-3000". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Inf. j Dujardin, Inf. j Pritchard, Inf. ; Kent, Inf. 254. B(EHME'KIA. Jacq. A genus of Urti- caceous plants closely allied to our common Stinging Nettle, and characterized, like that and other species of Urtica, by containing tenacious liber-fibres. Two species are em- ployed in the East Indies on this account. B. nivea, Gaudichaud, yielding the fibre from which Chinese grass-cloth (PL 28. fig. 25) is manufactured, is a native of China, where it is largely cultivated, also in Sumatra, where it is called Caboose, and at Pulo Penang, where it is called Kami. JB. Puya, Wallich, yields the Pooah or Puya fibre of Nepaul and Sikkim (PI. 28. fig. 26), which has long been extensively used in India, and is said to equal the best European flax when properly dressed j being ordinarily roughly prepared, it is dirty and bad-coloured, but makes ex- cellent sail-cloth and cordage. BIBL. Hooker, Jn. of Bot. i. & iii. BOLACOT'RICHA, Berk.&Broome. A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fun- gi), containing one species, B. grisea, found growing upon dead cabbage-stalks, old mats made of Typha, &c., in tufts forming large, effused, grey patches. Messrs. Berkeley and Broome express themselves doubtfully as to its real affinities. In habit it approaches Myxotrichum, but differs in its simple threads and large spores, while the spores are not in chains as in Sporodum, or minute and linear as in Tricholechonium. The threads are pale purple under the microscope, strongly curved at the tips like tendrils. BIBL. Berkeley and Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. vii. p. 97, pi. 5. fig. 4. BOLE'TUS, Bill. A genus of Polyporei (Hymenomycetous Fungi), consisting of pi- leate Fungi,or 'toad-stools,' often of large size, growing in woods. See BASIDIOSPOBES. BOLIVI'NA, D'Orb. A subdivision of the Bulimine Foraminifera, in which the peculiar infolded notch-like aperture is re- tained ; but the chambers grow bilaterally alternate (Enallostegian), instead of triserial and obliquely spiral (Helicostegian), as in Bulimina proper. The shell is delicate and porous. B.punctata and B. costata are the two leading forms. Varieties are common in all seas, and date from the Cretaceous period. BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. Foss. Vien. 239 ; Carpenter, Introd. For. 196. BOMBA'CEJS. A subdivision of the fa- mily of Dicotyledonous plants called Stercu- liaceae, some genera of which are called Silk- cotton trees, from the long hairs which enve- lope their seeds, as in the true cotton plants. These hairs (from Chorisiaspeciosa, Bombax, sp. var., JSriodendron, sp. var.) cannot be spun, but are used for stuffing cushions, &c. The Adansmia, or Baobab-tree, produces a pulpy fruit, which contains a considerable proportion of starch. The wood of some kinds, as of Bombax pentandra and Pachyra ( Carolinea) minor, is remarkable for its light- ness and almost corky texture, resulting from being composed almost exclusively of paren- chymatous cellular tissue, with scattered po- rous ducts and true wood-cells. See WOOD. BONE. It need scarcely be stated that Fig. 63. Magnified 90 diameters. Segment of the transverse section of a human meta- carpal bone, a, outer surface of the bone, Avith the outer laminae ; b, inner surface next the medullary ca- nal, with the inner laminae; c, orifices of the divided Haversian canals, with their laminae; d, interstitial laminae ; e, lacunae, with their canaliculi. BONE. [ 108 ] BONE. bone is the hard substance serving to give firmness to the bodies of the Vertebrata, to protect their delicate organs, and to form points of attachment for muscles. To the naked eye, bone appears to consist Fig. 64. Magnified 60 diameters. Haversian canals from the superficial layers of a human femur, at eighteen years of age, treated with muriatic acid, a, Haverdian canals; 6, osseous sub- stance with lacunae. Fig. 65. **' d' c Magnified 25 diameters. Segment of a transverse section of the shaft of the human femur, at eigh- teen years of age. a, Haversian canals; 6, their internal orifices; c, the external orifices ; d, osseous substance, with lacunae. There are no trans- verse sections of the Haversian canals, nor concentric laminae. of an apparently homogeneous basis, sur- rounding certain cavities, areolae or canower, it exhibits nume- rous dark spots, with fine lines branching from them on all sides ; the former are the lacuna, bone-corpuscles, or bone-cells (fig. 67 c, 6) ; and the latter are the canaliciili or calcigerous canals (fig. 68 6, c, cT). They derive their dark appearance in dried bone from containing air : if this be displaced by immersion in oil of turpentine, they become so transparent as to be scarcely distinguish- able (fig. 66) ; and when examined by re- BONE. Fig. 67. w Magnified 100 diameters. Section of the surface of the shaft of the femur, a, Haversian canals ; 6, side view of the lacunas in the Haversian laminae ; c, surface view of lacunae. fleeted light, they appear white. The la- cunae are generally longer than broad, and flattened. They are about 1-1100" in length, 1-2000 to 1-2800" in width, and 1-3800 to 1-6000" in thickness; but their dimensions are subject to great variety. The canaliculi vary in breadth from 1-20,000 to 1-60,000" j and at their narrow- est part, which is furthest from the lacunae, they anastomose with those of the adjacent lacunae. The walls of the lacunae and canaliculi consist of a homogeneous calcified mem- brane. In a transverse section of bone, the lacunae of the laminae surrounding the Haversian canals are seen to be placed tangentially to the orifices of these canals, as in figs. 66 and 68 ; whilst those of the laminae near the surfaces are parallel with these surfaces (fig. 63). In a longitudinal section made through the Haversian canals, they appear arranged Magnified 300 diameters. Part of a transverse section of the shaft of the humerus. a, Haversian canals ; b, c, d, lacunae with their canaliculi. Fig. 71. Magnified 350 diameters. Portion of the outer surface of the tibia of a calf. The dots represent the orifices of the canaliculi, the larger dark indistinct spots are their lacunas seen through the osseous substance. Fig. 70. Magnified 350 diameters. Cartilage of bone, after boiling in water, a, la- cunar corpuscles ; 6, nuclei. Magnified 450 diameters. Lacunae (surface view) with the canaliculi, from the parietal bone. The dots seen upon or between the lacunas represent divided canaliculi, or their orifices opening into the lacunae; a, a, a, groups of transversely divided canaliculi. BONE. BONE. in numerous longitudinal rows running par- allel with the Haversian canals (fig. 67). The general arrangement is, that the long axis of the lacunae is parallel with the la- minae in which they are contained, or be- tween which they are situated. When the section coincides with the sur- faces of a set of the lacunae, they present a very elegant round or oval form (fig. 71), irregularly surrounded by a perfect tuft of canaliculi, which, being turned directly to- wards the observer, appear more or less shortened, and a small number of others, which are diffused through the surface of the lamellae. Here and there, in the thinnest portion of the section, a group of trans- versely divided canaliculi is seen (fig. 71 a, a), without the lacunae to which they belong, giving the substance a sieve-like appearance. At the outer and inner surfaces of the bones, the canaliculi terminate by open mouths (fig. 69) ; and those nearest the Haversian canals open into them. Sharpey's perforating fibres are calcified pointed fibres, running from the periosteum towards the Haversian canals ; they are ir- regular and variable, and are best seen in the bones of amphibia and fishes. If the cartilage of bone be boiled for two or three minutes in water or a solution of caustic soda, the bone-cells or protoplasts and their nuclei are often rendered very dis- tinct (fig. 70). After macerating bone in dilute muriatic acid also, the lacunar corpuscles, with longer or shorter processes, become isolated, and appear as independent formations. In regard to the minute structure of bone, independently of the lacunae and their cana- liculi, a dry polished section exhibits a very delicate dotted appearance, which makes the bone appear granular, as if composed of closely aggregated pale granules, about 1-50,000 to 1-60,000" in size. This is best seen in a transverse section. When bone is calcined and the residue is rubbed between two pieces of glass, or when bone is digested in a Papin's digester, minute inorganic granules are left ; these are oval or oblong, frequently angular, and are about 1-10,000 to 1-20,000" in diameter. Hence bone probably consists of an inti- mate mixture of organic and inorganic matter, in the form of minute, firmly united granules. The above remarks apply to human bones ; and those of the other Mammalia essentially in structure with the former. In Birds, the Haversian canals are more numerous and smaller than in the Mam- malia, and frequently run in a direction at right angles to the shaft ; the lacunae are also more numerous and smaller, and the canaliculi very tortuous. In Reptiles and Amphibia they are few and very large, larger than in either of the other classes ; the lacunae and the canaliculi are also very large, and the latter very numerous. In Fishes, the structure is more irregular : there are no concentric laminse ; the Haver- sian canals are sometimes absent, at others very large and numerous; frequently the lacunae are absent, whilst the canaliculi are unusually long and elegantly wavy and branched. The structures representing the bones in the Invertebrata are noticed under the re- spective classes. The marrow or medullary tissue of bones, consists of ordinary fatty tissue, free fatty matter, a particular liquid, and cells, with vessels and nerves, surrounded and traversed by a small quantity of areolar tissue. In the foetal or red marrow, numerous marrow-cells resembling the colourless cor- puscles of the blood are met with; also some comparatively very large or giant cells, containing numerous nuclei (fig. 72) : K61- liker's osteoclasts. Fig. 72. Magnified 350 times. Giant cells, or Myeloplaxes, containing numerous nuclei, from the very young marrow of the flat bones of the human skull. When animals, especially young ones, are fed with madder, the bones speedily acquire a beautiful red colour, principally around the Haversian canals, because it is here that BONE. the process of formation of new bone is most active ; and the earthy mat- ter precipitated from the blood car- ries down with it the colouring matter of the madder. The blood-vessels of bone which are distributed to the marrow (the nutrient vessels), enter particular ca- nals on the external surface ; whilst those connected with the Haversian canals are derived from the perios- teum and from those of the marrow. The two sets anastomose freely. Chemically, bone consists of gela- tine (not chondrine, as in cartilage), with phosphate of lime, small quan- tities of carbonate of lime, carbonate of magnesia, fluoride of calcium, and sometimes a little oxide of iron and magnesia. By digesting bone with dilute muriatic, chromic, or picric acid, the inorganic matter is removed, and by treatment with solutions of alka- lies or incineration, the inorganic substance or so-called cartilage may be separated. Fig. 73. r.:. Magnified 20 diameters. Perpendicular section of the margin of the shaft of the femur of a child, two weeks old, showing the calci- fication of cartilage, a, cartilage and its cells ; 6, mar- gin of calcification ; the dark stripes represent the cal- cification of the intercellular substance, which precedes that of the cartilage-cells, indicated by the lighter por- tions; c, compact calcified layer near the calcifying margin ; e, cancelli formed by the absorption of the calcified substance. Magnified 300 diameters. Section of the margin of calcification of the condyle of the femur of a child two years old, affected with rickets, a, cartilage-cells, single and multiplying, in rows; 6, c, more or less striated inter- cellular substance ; d. cartilage-cells at the very commencement of secondary deposition ; e, the same in a more advanced state, with greatly thickened walls, indications of the canaliculi, and commencing deposition of calcareous salts in the walls, hence their darker colour, the nuclei still distinct ; f, still more deve- loped and calcified cells imbedded in the intercellular substance g, which is also becoming calcified. In the development of bone, first the cells of the (primary) cartilage multiply by en- dogenous cell-growth, forming longitudinal rows or irregular heaps. . These fuse and liquefy, so as to produce canals and cancelli, in which blood-vessels and medulla are formed. Earthy matter is then deposited in the cartilage, in a finely granulated form (fig. 73) ; thus we have calcified cartilage but not bone. Absorption of the calcified cartilage next 1 1 1 1*11 11 i takes place, by which larger cancelli and canals are formed. Lastly deposition on the BONE. [ 113 ] BORACIC ACID. walls of the cancelli and canals, of genera- tions of stellate connective tissue corpus- cles (osteoblasts), forming a pseudo-carti- lage, occurs, which becomes calcined to form the true bone; the absorption of the calci- fied cartilage, and the deposition in its place of the new tissue, continuing until the structure of the bone is perfected. But in certain bones, as the flat skull- bones, the jaw-bones &c., the bone is formed without the aid of cartilage. Here the in- ner surfaces of the periosteum produce the osteoblasts, which ultimately become the bone-corpuscles. In certain morbid conditions, as in rickets, the development of the bone is arrested at the state of ossified cartilage ; secondary deposit occurring in the cells of the primary cartilage as in the case of vegetable cells (tig. 74), the spaces left having great resemblance to the lacunae and canaliculi of bone. Adventitious bone agrees in general struc- ture with the normal ; and is met with in all stages of development. To examine the structure of bone, thin sections are requisite. The method of ma- king these is described under PREPARATION. By macerating bone in muriatic acid dilu- ted with from 10 to 20 parts of water, or nitro -chromic acid, the inorganic matter is removed, the cartilage being left. Thin sections of this can theii be readily made, and stained with picro-carrniue or purpu- rine. The canaliculi are not easily seen when sections of bone are immersed in liquids ; for these fill them up. But it is a difficult matter to measure the lacunae, unless the section be moistened with turpentine or other liquid. Very thin sections may be preserved in the dry state ; those which are thick may be mounted in inspissated Canada balsam, which does not easily enter the canaliculi, yet greatly increases the general trans- parency of the section. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikr. Anat. ii. ; Tomes, Todd's Cyd. Anat and Phys., art. Osseous Tissue; Quekett, Tr. Mic. Soc. 1846; Quain and Sharpey, Anat. ; H. Miiller, Sieb. # Kott. Zeitschr. ix. 147; Rutherford, Hist. 82 ; Schoney, Sch. Arch. xii. devel. (M. M. Jn. xvi. 1876, 67, figs.); Frey, Histoloqie, and the full BIBL. therein. BONNEMAISO'NIA, Ag. A genus of Laurenciaceae (Florideous Algae), bearing pear-shaped spores in stalked ceramidia. B. asparagoides (PI. 4. fig. 15) has a frond 4 to 12 inches long, growing near low-water mark or deeper, of delicate feathery character and deep crimson colour. BIBL. Harvey, Phyc. Brit. pi. 61; Br. Mar. Algce, p. 97, pi. 12 D ; Greville, Alyce Br. p. 106, pi. 13. BORACIC ACID is the acid of the well-known salt, borax, in which it exists combined with soda, in the proportion of two atoms of the acid to one of the base. Boracic acid is prepared by mixing three parts of borax dissolved in twelve parts of boiling water with one part of sulphuric acid or common oil of vitriol. As the mixture cools, the boracic acid separates in the crystalline form. It may be purified by re-solution in hot water, and subsequent cooling ; finally, the crystals are pressed between blotting- paper, and dried. Boracic acid belongs to the doubly oblique prismatic system ; and the crystals possess two optic axes. Those deposited from the hot aqueous solution are mostly six-sided plates ; they exhibit the phenomena of analytic crystals, but at their lateral surfaces or edges only ; and when their entire surface appears dark or co- loured with the polarizer alone, the crystals are found to be laminated. But when an alcoholic solution of boracic acid is evapo- rated on a slide, or, still better, when some phosphoric acid is added to a solution of borax, and the mixture evaporated, minute disks or spherules of the acid are formed ; these when carefully examined, are seen to be composed of minute needles radiating from a centre, exactly as in the oxalurate of ammonia. In some of them the needles are so closely in contact that they are un- distinguishable and the circumference of the disk appears entire ; in others, the free extremities of the needles are seen projecting beyond the circumference. They are per- fectly colourless, and almost transparent when viewed by ordinary light, immersed in balsam. But when examined with polarized light, each disk exhibits the most beautiful cross and coloured rings, just as in the case of the oxalurate of ammonia, in which we have described the phenomenon more fully. In some of the specimens of boracic a.cid the crystals form elegant arborizations, which also possess considerable analytic power. The proportions of phosphoric acid and borax requisite to produce the disks cannot be laid down : they can only be prepared by accident in a number of trials. Even the same BORRERA. BOTRYDINA. solution will sometimes yield them, at others not. Drops of the solution should be placed upon a number of slides, and these laid upon a warm iron plate. The disks are much more beautiful than those of oxalurate of ammonia, appearing more transparent and the colours more brilliant, probably from their being more highly refractive. They are difficult also to preserve. Even when mounted in Canada balsam, they deliquesce after a time, and large crystals take their place. BIBL. Fox Talbot, Phil. Tr. 1837; Brewster, Optics, 1853. BORRE'RA, Ach.,=PHY8CiA. BOS'MINA, Baird. A genus of Ento- mostraca, of the order Cladocera, and family Daphniadse. Char. Head terminated in front by a sharp beak directed forwards, and from the end of which project the long, many-jointed, curved and cylindrical superior antennae ; inferior antennae two-branched, one branch with three, the other with four joints ; five pairs of legs. B. longirostris (PL 20. fig. 2). Superior antennae with twenty joints. Fr. water. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entom. p. 105 ; Ley> dig, Daphnid. p. 244 ; Norman and Brady, Br. Entom. (North, and Durham Trans. l ' *BOSTRYCH'IA, Fries. See CYTISPORA. BOSTRYCH'IA, Montagne. A genus of Rhodomelaceae (Florideous Algae). B. scorpioides. Frond purple, slender, branches involute at the end. Marine. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alga, 79. BO'TACHUS, Brady. A genus of Cope- podous Entomostraca. B. cylindratus. BIBL. Brady, Copepoda, i. 140. BOTHREN'CHYMA. Pitted tissue of Plants. See TISSUE, Vegetable, and refer- ences under that head. BOTHRIOCEPH'ALUS, Rudolphi. A genus of Entozoa, of the order Sterelmintha, and family Cestoidea. Char. Body long, flat, soft and jointed, joints short; head slightly tumid, oval or somewhat quadrangular, with two opposite depressions, or with four ear-like appen- dages, or with four depressions furnished with hooks ; genital pores mesial. The species are common in fish and birds, more rare in mammalia, and very rare in reptiles. They usually inhabit the alimentary canal, sometimes the abdominal cavity. Thirty-four species are enumerated by Rudolphi, ten of which are doubtful. Du- jardin enumerates twenty-three species. Bothriocephalus lotus (Tcenia lata, the broad tape -worm) is met with in the human intestines. The head is somewhat ovoid, with two elongated opposite depressions, but no hooks ; the neck generally not dis- tinct. The joints of the body are very broad in proportion to their length. The orifices leading to the ovaries are situated in the centre of the flat surface of each joint; and around them the oviducts are seen, having a radiated or stellate appear- ance. Sometimes a minute body can be seen projecting from the genital pore the male organ. It exclusively inhabits the small intestines. It is rare in England. It is 20 feet or more in length. Ova 1-350" long. Embryos ciliated, with six hooks. B. cordatus, with the head cordate, is found in dogs, and rarely in man (Leuckart, i. p. 438, fig.). B. cristatus. With two prominences forming a papillate rostrum. Human ; rare.. .-. -See T^NIA and ENTOZOA. - : EUfiL. Rudolphi, JEntoz. Si/nops. ',, Wiirmer, &c. ; ihijardin, Helminth. ; Esch- richt, Die Bothr. ; Blanch ard, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 3 se"r. xi.; Davaine, Traite #. xiv. 8, pi. 16. figs. 1-6 ; Braun, Verj. 137 (Eay Soc. 1853, p. 120) ; Pringsheim, Monatsber Berl. Akad. 1871 ; Sachs, Bot. 275. BRYOZO'A. See POLYZOA. BRY'UM, Dill. A genus of operculate Mosses, usually acrocarpous, containing a large number of British species, even in its restricted condition. Among the most common of these are B. nutans (fig. 467), cernuum, intermedium, capillare, caspiticium, &c. Many of the older species are now included under MNIUM. BIBL. Wilson, Bryol. Brit. p. 221. BUC'CJNUM, L. B. undulatum, the common Whelk. The tongue forms an interesting microscopic object. BUDS. The buds of plants form inter- esting objects of microscopic investigation on many accounts, first, in tracing the de- velopment of the organs, and also of the tissues of which these are formed; secondly, on account of certain temporary structures which they exhibit. The thick epidermis of the scales of the winter-buds of ordinary trees, as of the ash, &c., is a very favour- able object for sections to show the charac- ter of this tissue when highly developed. The internal soft scales and young leaves of very many of these winter-buds, as well as other buds of herbaceous plants, are clothed with glandular hairs, which disappear when the buds are expanded ; and these often afford advantageous material for studying cell-development. See GEMMAE. BUG. [ 123 ] BULBOCH^ETE. BUG. See CIMEX. BU'GULA, Oken (Cellularia part, John- ston). A genus of Infundibulate Polyzoa (Bryozoa), of the suborder Cheilostomata, and family Bicellariidse. Distinguished by the elliptical closely contiguous cells in two or more rows, the very large orifice with a simple not thick- ened margin, and the stalked, jointed, fre- quently blue or red avicularia. B. jlabellata. Cells in many rows, ob- long, truncate at ends, with one or two spines at upper angles ; orifice extending to the base ; avicularia on the sides of the cells capitate, surface smooth ; ovicells cucullate, with a very wide orifice. B. avicitlaria (Cellularia avic., Johnston). Cells in two rows, elongate, contracted below ; orifice not reaching quite to the base, obovate ; with two spines on the outer side, and one on the inner above ; avicularia lateral, capitate, surface granular or areo- late ; ovicells superior, subglobular : orifice small. Deep water. B. plumosa. Cells elongate, narrowed below, with a spine at upper and outer angle ; orifice as wide as the cell above, elliptical below; avicularia capitate, close to outer margin of the orifice ; ovicell superior, glo- bular. B. Murrayana (Flustra Mur., Johnst.). Cells in many rows, narrowed about the middle and below ; orifice oval, with one to four incurved marginal spines on the outer and one on the inner edge ; a strong hollow spine on each side of the top of the cell, and a capitate avicularium on the front of some of the cells below the orifice. Very rare. BIBL. Busk, Mar. Polyzoa (Br. Mm.\ 43 ; Johnston, Br. Zooph. ; Hincks, Potyzoa, 73. BULBOCHJE'TE, Ag. A genus ofCE- dogonieae (Confervoid Algse), distinguished by the branched habit, and by the cells re- sembling bristles with a bulbous base situ- ated at the tips of lateral shoots. They form villous tufts 1-4 to 1-2" high on fresh- water plants in lakes and pools. The cells of the main filament multiply in the same way as those of (EDOGONIUM:, under which head the process is minutely described. The parent-cell breaks by a cir- cumscissile dehiscence to allow the expan- sion of the two new cells. The bristles which are formed at the upper ends (alternately on each side of the filament, fig. 83) like- wise break out from a slit in the cell from which they arise. The bristle is sometimes Fig. 83. sessile on the cell from which it arises ; sometimes multiplication takes place at its base, so that one or more cells are inter- posed ; the bristle is always the oldest part of the branch. These plants are multiplied by zoo- spores, and by rest- iug-spores formed after fertilization by the contents of antheridial cells. The zoospores are formed from the whole contents of a globular or oval cell produced be- tween the bristle- Bulbochsete setigera. cell and the cell on Portion of a filament ^ a which it IS attached, sporiferous cell. Which dehisces by Magnified 150 diameters. a circular slit, causing the upper part with the bristle to separate, and allowing the single zoospore, crowned by a wreath of cilia (as in GEdogonium}, to escape into the water, where it moves actively for a time, acquires a cellulose coat, and then germinates into a new filament. We have not space to give the details of the development of the parent-cell of the zoospore, which, however, are very interesting. The resting-spores are formed, in the first place, somewhat in the same way and in the same situations as the zoospores; but the cell- contents do not escape. An orifice is formed in the wall of the parent-cell, through which the spermatozoids coming from the anthe- ridia penetrate. The spore-mass then be- comes encysted ; and its contents are changed, the green colour arising from the presence of chlorophyll giving place to a brown tint. The resting-spore ultimately escapes by the rupture of the parent-cell (oogonium, Prings- heim) ; and in its germination (in the fol- lowing season) the contents are developed into four zoospores, which escape from the spore-membrane and grow up singly into new plants (PI. 5. fig. 22). The history of the antheridia of the CEdo- gonieae is somewhat complicated. In the pre- sent genus, a few short cylindrical cells are developed underneath the bristle-cell, either on special branches or on the sporangial branches, between the parent-cell of the spores and the bristle. These cells break by circumscissile dehiscence, and discharge their contents in a form exactly resembling the vegetative zoospores, but much smaller. BULBOTRICHIA. [ 124 ] BURSARINA. These ultimately come to rest, and com- monly attach themselves to germinate upon the walls of the parent filament, often on the outside of the mother cell of the spore. When they germinate, they become short filaments composed of one, two, or several cells, in each of which is developed one or two spermatozoids, which are minute glo- bular active bodies with a wreath of cilia, almost colourless, but in other respects re- sembling the much larger zoospores. These spermatozoids escape by the cells breaking across, and have been observed to enter the orifices in the walls of the parent-cells of the spores and effect the fertilization. Prmgsheim has described a number of species, characterized by the form of the sporange and the unicellular or multicellu- lar condition of the antheridial plants, and by the relative dimensions of the organs. We are not assured of the value of these cha- racters, and confine our list to one species. B. setigera, Ag. (fig. 83), is a common plant, and is variable in the relative length and diameter of its cells, on which ground Kiitzing has separated a B. minor, where the diameter is equal to or greater than the length. Hassall, Alg. pi. 54. figs. 1-4 j Dill- wyn, Conferv. pi. 59. B. Pringsheimiana, Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1866, p. 122. Rabenhorst describes 16 species. BIBL. Alex. Braun, Verjiing. (Hay Soc. 1853) ; Hassall, Ann. N. H. xi. 36 ; Alg. 209, pi. 64; Decaisne, Ann. d. Sc.Nat.2 se"r. xvii. 335, pi. 14. fig. 5 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 429; Pringsheim, Berlin Ber. 1855 (Ann. N. H. ser. 2. xv. 346; Qu. Mic. Jn. iv. 131, 1856) ; Jahrb. f. iviss. Bot. i. 11, 1857 ; De Bary, Mm. Senckenberg, 1856, 29 ; Raben- horst, Fl. Alg. iii. p. 357 ; Sachs, Bot. 281. BULBOTRICH'IA, K. A doubtful ge- nus of AlgaB. Char. Filaments indistinctly jointed, colourless, subcartilaginous, branched ; branches bulbous at the base, tumid at the apex, forming sporangia. B. botryoides. Forming a hoary-green powdery stratum j sporangia green. On roofs. B. peruana. On rocks. BIBL. Kiitzing, Tab. J%c.iv. p. 22; Ra- benhorst, Fl. Alg. iii. p. 374. BULIMTNA, D'Orb. An important group of Foraminifera, so called from their Bulimine shape, due to an increasing and spiral series of one, two, and even three chambers, close-set, with their apertures towards the umbilical axis. The aperture is an infolded notch of the septal face, and usually oblique. The shell hyaline in the young state, coarser in the adult. Many fossil specimens are arenaceous ; these come under Atavophragmium, Reuss. The va- rieties are infinite, both recent and fossil, and the names numerous. The oldest is found in the Trias. B. Preslii, Reuss, is typical. B. pupoides (PI. 23. fig. 46) is a common Atlantic form. BIBL. D'Orb. For. Fos. Vien. 61 ; Wil- liamson, Br. For. 61 ; Carpenter, Introd. For. 194. BUNT. A disease of Cereal Grasses, &c., depending on Fungi. See BLIGHT, TILLETIA. BURSA'RIA, Ehr. A genus of Infuso- ria, of the family Bursarina. Ehrenberg described fourteen species. They are mostly found in stagnant fresh water ; some in the intestines of the frog, Nais, &c. B. vernalis (Panophrys, D., Frontonia, Cl. & L.) (PI. 30. fig. 19). Body ovate-oblong, turgid, green, rounded at each end, some- what narrowed posteriorly, the mouth placed behind the anterior third or fourth of the body ; fresh wat. ; length 1-130 to 1-110". B. ranarum (Opdlina ran.) (PI. 31. fig. 47). Body ovate, lenticular, compressed, large, white, the dorsal and ventral surfaces keeled, anterior part subacute, often trun-. cate posteriorly, mouth inferior, near the anterior pointed end; length 1-210 to 1-70". In the intestines of the frog. B. entozoon, Ehr., which is found in the rectum of frogs, is Balantidium entoz. of Cl. and Lachm. Cl. and Lachm. admit only 1 species : B. decora. Body urn-shaped, with a long convolute nucleus, and very numerous con- tractile vesicles, scattered through the par- enchyma. Berlin. The species of B. (Ehr.) are referred to other genera. BIBL. Ehrenb. Inf. ; Duj. In/us. ; Stein, Infus. Entwickel. ; Clap, and Lachm. Inf. p. 251 ; Kent, Inf. p. 574. BURSARI'NA, Duj. A family of In- fusoria. Char. Body very contractile, of variable form, usually oval, ovoid, or oblong, ciliated all over ; a large mouth with cirri forming a row or part of a spire. Claparede and Lachman divide the family thus : BUSKIA. [ 125 ] BUXBAUMIA. STENTORINA (subfamily). A carapace, at least at one period of life ; anus anterior. Body not truncate in front. Buccal spire borne on a narrow process Chcetospira. Buccal spire borne on a broad bilobed membranous expansion freia. Body truncated in front by a broad surface bearing the buecal cirri on its circumference Stentor. BURSARINA (subfamily) proper. No carapace ; anus posterior. Watch-glass organ absent. No row of cirri within the buecal fossa. Front not projecting. Body truncated in front by an oblique surface with buecal cirri at its circumference Leucopkrys. Body not truncate in front. Anterior bundles of cirri absent from buecal fossa* No cirri on the right side. Body linear Body not linear Bordered with cirri on the right side also. Body elongate, of uniform breadth Body globular, narrowed in front Buccal fossa very large, with two anterior bundles of cilia distinct from the buecal cirri Fore part projecting beyond the buecal fossa. Fossa oblique Fossa not oblique Buccal fossa funnel-shaped, with a row of strong cirri A watch-glass-shaped organ at the side of the mouth Kent's arrangement differs from this, and includes several new genera, 21 in all. BLBL. Duj. In/us. ; Cl. and Lachrn. Inf. p. 211 ; Kent, Inf. p. 574. BUS'KIA, Alder. A genus of Cteno- stomatous Polyzoa (Bryozoa). B. nitens. On Hydroida, &c. BIBL. Hincks, Polyzoa, p. 531. BUTTER. The detection of the adulte- ration of butter is rather a matter of che- mistry than of microscopic investigation. But Michels points out that the spurious "butter (oleo-margarine) exhibits numerous free stellate or feathery crystals, often also fragments of animal tissues ; while true butter presents a uniform appearance of fatty globules, and is perfectly free from any crystalline forms except those of chlo- ride of sodium or common salt. (Michels, Amer. Jn.Micr. 1878; Jn. Mic. Soc. 1878, i. p. 378.) BUTTERFLIES. See LEPIDOPTERA. BUXBAUMIA'CE^E. A familyof oper- culated Acrocarpous Mosses, of very dwarf stemless habit, arising from a minute tuft of radical filaments (figs. 84, 86, &c.). The leaves are small and flat, composed of few minutish, hexagonal or polygonal paren- chymatous cells, empty, destitute of chloro- phyll (fig. 86). The capsule (fig. 87), seated on an elongated, thick, fleshy and very scabrous stalk, is more oblique than in any other Mosses, very ventricose on one side, obliquely erect on the other (dorsal) side, cup-shaped at the base, articulated on its stalk, fungoid in general habit, with an obtusely conical straight operculum, and a Spirosfomum. Plagiotoma. Eondylostoma. Balantidium. Lembadium. Metopug. , Frontonia, Sursaria. Ophryoglena. peristome (fig. 93). Inflorescence monoe- cious. Brit, genus : BUXBAU'MIA, Hall. A genus of Bux- baumiacese (Acrocarpous Mosses), repre- sented in Britain by B. aphytta, a plant of remarkable character. The annulus, which persists after the operculum has fallen, re- sembles a third, outer circle of peristomal teeth (fig. 93) ; the real external peristome is closely applied upon the inner, which forms a truncated cone, slightly twisted when dry. When ripe, the wall of the oblique capsule (fig. 88) gives way at one side, falls off and exposes the spore-sac (fig. 89), which bursts to discharge the spores. The columella (fig. 94) is very large ; and the operculum is attached to its summit. The antheridia are oval cellular bodies opening by the separa- Fig. 84. Buxbaumia aphylla. Fig. 85. Fig. 86. Fig. 84. A male antheridiiferous plant, magnified 40 diameters. Fig. 85. An antheridium burst and discharging sper- matpzoids, magnified 100 diameters. Figs. 86,90, and 91. Archegoniiferous plant, indiffer- ent stages, magnified 40 diameters. BYTHOCYTHERE. [ 126 ] CABEREAD.E. tion of the cells like teeth above, to emit grumous masses of spermatozoids (fig. 85). JB. indusiata has been found at Aboyne, in Aberdeenshire, by Prof. Dickie. BIBL. Bruch and Schimper, Bryol. Europ. part i. ; Wilson, Bry. Brit. p. 198. Buxbaumia aphylla. Fig. 87. Fig. 88. Fig. 89. Fig. 87. A ripe capsule, magnified 15 diameters. Fig. 88. A plant in which the capsule has burst and lost the spore-sac, &c., magnified 15 diameters. Fig. 89. Spore-sac exposed by removal of the wall of the capsule, showing the filaments by which the spore- sac is suspended within the latter ; magnified 40 dia- meters. BYTHOCYTHE'RE, Sars. A genus of Entomostraca (Ostracoda), fam. Cytheridse. Distinguished by the toothed mandibles, the 4-jointed lower, and the 7-jointed upper antennae. 3 British living species : B. simpler, B. constricta, and B. turgida. BIBL. Brady, Linn. Tr. xxvi. pp. 393, 450. BYTHOT'REPHES, Leydig. A genus of Entomostraca, ord. Cladocera, fam. Daphniadae. Allied to Polyphemus and Evadne. B. longimanus. Caudal bristle two or three times the length of the body. Found in Scania. BIBL. Leydig, Daphnid. 244; Ann. N. H. 1862, ix. p. 135. Buxbaumia aphylla. Fig. 90. Fig. 91. Fig. 92. Fig. 92. A young fertile plant elevating its sporange covered by the calyptra, magnified 15 diameters. Fig. 93. Fig. 94. Fig 93. Mouth of capsule, with double peristome and recurved persistent annulus ; magnified l.'O diameters. Fig. 94. Columella with adherent operculum, both capsule-wall and spore-sac having been removed; magnified 60 diameters. CABE'REA, Lamx. A genus of Infun- dibulate Polyzoa (Bryozoa), of the suborder Cheilostoma'ta, and family Cabereadae. Distinguished by the unjointed polypi- dom, with narrow branches; the cells in two or three rows, vrith large vibracula (whips) or sessile avicularia at the back, placed obliquely in two rows. Two British species. C. Hookeri ( CeUidaria Hook., Johnston). Cells rounded, diverging, and projecting. Rare. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 338 ; Busk, Mar. Polyz. 37 ; Hincks, Polyzoa, 57. CABE'READ^E. A family of Infundi- CABINET. [ 127 ] CALTCIUM. bulate Polyzoa (Bryozoa), of tlie suborder Cheilostomata. Distinguished by the unjointed polypi- dom, the narrow branches, the cells in two or more rows, with vibracula (whips) or sessile avicularia at the back. Genera : Caberea. Back of branches covered with large vibracula. Amastigia. Vibracula absent. Not British. BIBL. Busk, (Brit. Mus.} Catal of Mar. Polyzoa, 37 ; Johnston, Brit. Zooph. CABINET for holding microscopic ob- jects. See INTRODUCTION, p. xxiii. C ACT A'CE^E. A singular family of Di- cotyledonous plants, especially remarkable, microscopically, for the peculiar structure of their wood-cells. See SPIRAL, FIBROUS STRUCTURE, and WOOD. BIBL. Schleiden, Anat. der Cacteen, 184 ; Miquel, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. xix. 165. CA'DIUM, Bail. A genus of Rhizopoda, fam. Actinophryina ?. Animal unknown. Char. Shell siliceous (?), ovoid, with a bent beak, and a circular aperture ; often with a long curved tapering appendage at the base, and with numerous meridian lines, of which about twelve are visible at once. C. marinum (PL 51. fig. 30). Soundings in the sea of Kamtschatka, and the Gulf- stream. BIBL. Bailey, Silltman's J. 1856, xxii. p. 3, pi. 1. f. 2 ; Wallich, M. M. J. i. p. 107, pi. 3. C AD 'MIUM. Solution of the oxide or carbonate of this metal in sulphuric acid, when evaporated on a slide, yields disks or circular aggregations of minute radiating needles (circular crystals) of the sulphate, which exhibit essentially the same pheno- mena under the action of polarized light as those of the oxalurate of ammonia. The disks frequently exhibit irregular undu- lating, somewhat concentric dark bands, indicating parts where no double refraction takes place. PI. 39. fig. 10 gives but a very imperfect idea of the appearances presented by these crystals when viewed by polarized light. C^EOM A 'CEI. See UREDINEI and U s- TILAGrlNEI. CALA'NUS, Leach, = TEMORA. CALCARI'NA, D'Orb. One of the Ro- taline Foraminifera ; asymmetrically heli- coid, with three or more whorls or cham- bers ; coated with exogenous shell-growth, as granules, spines, and stick-like processes. Shell thick, with the vascular and supple- mentary skeleton. Common in the Chalk of Maastricht, and in several Tertiary strata ; and living abundantly in the Mediterranean and other warm seas. C. Spengleri (PL 24. fig. 27). BIBL. Reuss, Sitz. Ak. Wiss. Wien, xliv. 315, 1861; Carpenter, Foram. 1862, 216, &c. CALCIUM, CHLORIDE OF. This salt may be prepared by adding excess of pre- pared chalk to dilute muriatic acid, boiling and filtering the solution, and then evapo- rating it to dryness. The crystals belong to the rhombohedric system, and are de- liquescent. An aqueous solution of chloride of cal- cium is of great service in microscopic re- searches, as objects which have been im- mersed in or moistened with it do not be- come dry at ordinary temperatures. Hence, if a drop of the solution be added to an ob- ject covered with thin glass, and excluded from dust, it may be preserved without the use of a cement to enclose it in a cell (see PRESERVATION). Its use in determining the presence of cell-membranes has been already alluded to (INTRODUCTION, p. xli, 4). When employed for this purpose, its action must always be controlled by the action of water, crushing, &c. The strength of the solution may be about one part of salt to two of water, or a saturated solution may be used ; it should be kept in one of the test-bottles (!NTROD. p. xxvii), with a lump of camphor floating on its surface. It frequently happens that the solution in which objects have been immersed (on a slide) exhibits crystals. These usually con- sist of either the chloride itself, the sulphate or the phosphate of lime, the two latter formed from the alkaline salts derived from the object. CALCULI. See CONCRETIONS. CALEP'TERYX, Linn. A genus of Neuropterous Insects, belonging to the fa- mily LlBELLULID^E. CALIA, Werneck. A doubtful genus of Infusoria. Char. Monads included in jelly (Pando- rince) fixed to aquatic plants, not swimming free. Two species. BIBL. Werneck, Ber. de Berl. Ak. 1841, 377. C ALI'CIUM, Ach. A genus of Lichena- ceous Lichens, tribe Caliciei. Char. Thallus granular, powdery, squa- mulose or evanscent. Apothecia black, sti- CALIGONUS. [ 128 ] CALOTHRIX. pitate or subsessile ; spores brown or black, bperniatia short, oblong. Eighteen British species. C. hyperellum : on oak, lime, &c. Very common. BIBL. Leighton, Lich.-Fl. 1879, 39 ; Tu- lasne, Ann. d. Sc. N. 3 se'r. xvii. 209. C ALIG'ONUS, Koch. A genus of Aca- rina, fam. Trombidina. Has the legs 7-join- ted, and a line between cephalothorax and abdomen. C. niger. Not described by Koch, but figured ; very minute. BIBL. Koch, Uebers. j Murray, EC, Ent. 124. CA'LIGUS, Miiller. A genus of Crusta- cea, of the order Siphonostoma, and family Caliginea (CaligicUe). Char. Head in the form of a large buck- ler, having anteriorly large frontal plates, which are furnished with a small suctorial disk or lunule on the under surface of each lateral portion ; antennae small, flat and two-jointed. Thorax with only two distinct articulations, thoracic segments uncovered ; second pair of jaw-feet two-jointed and not in the form of a suctorial disk. Legs, four pairs with long plumose hairs, fourth pair slender, of only one branch and serving for walking. Four species. Found upon the brill, cod, mackerel, plaice, trout, &c. j length 1-5 to 1". BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entom. pp. 256, 269. CALLIDT'NA, Ehr. A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Philodinaea. Char. Eye-spots absent ; a proboscis and a foot with horn-like processes. The rotatory organ is double, but not furnished with a stalk ; proboscis also cili- ated ; foot elongate, forked, and with four accessory horn-like processes, hence with six points altogether ; teeth small and nu- merous (two only in each jaw in one species, Gosse). Fresh water. C. elegans, Ehr. (PI. 43. fig. 10). Crys- talline ; length 1-70". (PI. 43. fig. 1 1, j aws.) C. rediviva, Ehr. Granular or fleshy, ova red ; length 1-70". C. bidens, Gosse. Teeth two in each j aw ; length 1-45". C. constricta, Duj. Rotatory organ con- stricted ; length 1-50". C. parasttica, Gig. On Gammarus and Asellus. BIBL. Ehrenb. Inf. p. 482; Dujardin, Inf. p. 655 ; Pritchard, Inf. p. 701 ; Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. p. 202 j Giglioli. Qu. Mic. J. 1863, p. 237. CALLITHAM'NION, Lyngb. A iromi* of Ceramiaceoe(Florideous Algae) ^containing a large number of species, some common, many rare. In the smaller species the struc- ture is very simple, the branched feathery fronds being composed of single rows of tu- bular cells; in the larger species the stem and larger branches are strengthened by external filaments, which grow over the original axis, apparently originating at the base of the upper branches and growing down (somewhat as in Batrachospermum). Antheridia have been observed in C. Uorrcri and C. corymbosum, collected in tufts on the ultimate branches. The favellce are naked, and the tetraspores are tetrahedrally arranged. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alga, pi. 23 A ; Phyc. Sr. pis. 129, 272, 230, &c. ; Thuret, Ann. d. Sc. N. 3 se'r. xvi. p. 16, pi. 4 ; Na- geli, Algen-Systeme, 198, pi. 6. C I ALLODI'C'TYON, Carter. A genus of Rhizopoda (Flagellate Infusoria, Kent). Char. Naked, free, ovate or variable, highly vacuolar ; flagella three, food admit- ted by the surface. C. triciliatum. Length -^Q". Fresh water, Bombay. BIBL. Carter, Ann. N. H. 1865 : Kent. Inf. 307. 'CALO'CERA. A genus of Clavariei (Hyrnenomycetous Fungi) differing from Clavaria in the subcartilaginous texture and viscid hymenium ; the structure moreover approaches that of Tremellini. C. viscosa, which occurs on decayed pine-stumps, is one of our most beautiful Fungi. Three or four more species occur in this country. BIBL. Berk. Outl. p. 284. CALODIS'CUS, Rabenhorst, = Campylo- discus. CA'LOTHRIX, Ag. A genus of Oscil- latorieae (Confer void Algae), growing in tufts, the filaments forming a branched frond by lying in apposition and being con- creted by their sheaths here and there. C. mirabilis, Ag. (PI. 8. fig. 22), is a rare freshwater species in England, found on mosses in small streams, seruginous green, growing blackish. Diameter of the fila- ments about 1-1200 to 1-1800". Accord- ing to Hassall, C. atroviridis, Harv., is not distinct. Other species. Fig. 95 illustrates the close annulations on the filaments of this genus ; the nature of which will be treated more particularly under the head of OSCILLATORIACE^. CALYCELLA. [ 129 ] CAMBIUM. BIBL. Hassall,^,243,pl.69.1; Fig. 95. Kiitzing 1 , Tab. Phyc. cent. ii. pi. 29. ii. ; Dillwyn, Br. Conferva (C. mi- rabih'g), pL 9(3; Rabenhorst, Sp. Alg. ii. 270 ; Bornet & Thuret, Notes Algol CAL YCEL'LA, Hincks.-A ge- nus of marine Zoophytes, of the order Hydroida, and "family La- foeidae. Char. Stem creeping, simple; or erect, compound and branched ; cells tubular, with an operculum formed of convergent segments or a plaited membrane ; polypes cy- lindrical, with a conical proboscis. C. syringa = Campanularia syr. Very common on sea-weeds, &c. sJ / , , Calothru C. fastl medullated nerves have been traced into the walls of the capillaries. Acetic acid is frequently of use in rendering the tissues transparent, and bringing the nuclei to light. The finer capillaries are made more distinct by dyeing with carmine or logwood. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikr. An.~B&. ii. ; Henle, Ally. Anat. ; Frey, Histologie (full Biblio- graphy) ; Schmidt, Mn. Mic. Jn. xiii. 1 (figs.) ; Eberth, StricJcer's Handbuch ; Chrzonszczewsky, Virchoiv's Archiv, xxxv. 169 ; Cornil & Ranvier, Hist. path. ; Rind- fleisch, Hist. ; and the BIBL. of TISSUES. CAPNODIUM, Montagne. A genus of Perisporiacei (Ascomycetous Fungi) grow- ing as a kind of mildew on leaves and shoots, forming a blackish flocculent coat composed of short, branched, beaded or moniliform filaments, densely interwoven. The peri- thecia arise vertically from this, and are either simple or branched, at first simple sacs, but probably afterwards thickened by a layer of cells ; a number of threads ultimately grow up from the mycelium, partiallycover the central sac ; and, closely crowded, some of their tips project beyond it, forming a fringe; the cells of this fringe readily become detached and appear to reproduce as conidia. The central sac contains largish delicate asci, probably often absorbed at an early period, so as to set the spores free in the cavity. Particular joints of the filaments some- times become pycmdia, producing free spores in their interior, without asci. Several species seem to occur in Britain ; and amongst them C. elongatum, Berk. & Desm. On pear-leaves. C. (Fumago) quercinum, Pers., grows on oak-leaves. C. (Fumago) Footii, Berk. & Desm., on evergreens, on the birch-tree, and on Mer- curialis perennis. BIBL. Berkeley, Crypt. Bot. p. 275 ; Berk. & Broome, Ann. N. H. 2nd ser. xiii. p. 468 ; Berk. & Desmazieres, J. Hort. Soc. iv. 243 ; Montagne, Ann. N. H. 2nd ser. iii. p. 520. CAPSOSI'RA, K. A genus of Rivu- larieae. Char. Filaments erect, narrow, crowded, parallel, moniliform, sheathed j cells thick- walled. C. JBrebissonii (PI. 53. fig. 11.). Greenish black. On stones, in streams (France). BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 344; Raben- horst, Fl. Alg. ii. 223. CARAPACE, or Lome A. A term some- what indefinitely applied to the whole or a part of the shell or outer coat of certain animals as those belonging to the classes Crustacea, Rotatoria, Infusoria, &c. In regard to the Rotatoria and Infusoria, it has been divided into : the testa or testula, an envelope resembling that of the tortoise, within which the body of the animal is en- closed, the head and the tail being free as in the genera Brackionus, Monura, Colurus, &c. ; the scutellum, a round or oval envelope, covering only the back of the animal, in the manner of a buckler; and the urceolus, a membranous or firm envelope, sometimes gelatinous, in the form of a bell or cylinder, open at one end and closed at the other, and within which the animal can- completely retract itself as in DIFFLUGIA &c. Ehrenberg extended the use of this term also to the external envelope of Volvox, Gonium, and the Diatomacese. As these have been removed to the vegetable kingdom, it is not now applied to them. CARBA'SEA, Gray. A genus of Infun- dibulate Polyzoa, of the suborder Cheilo- stomata, and* family Flustridae (Flustra, pt., Hincks). CARBOLIC ACID. 134 ] CARPOMITRA, Distinguished by the expanded, leafy, flexible, erect j)olypidoms ; and the cells being arranged in many rows, on one side only. C. papyrea (Flustra carbasea, Johnst.) (PI. 41. tigs. 19, 20). Cells oblong, narrowed and truncate below, convex, unarmed. Deep waters. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 345 ; Busk, Mar. Polyzoa, 50 ; Hincks, Polyz. 123. CARBOLIC ACID or PHENOLE. This substance is largely used as a germicide and antiseptic, and is Very valuable in the pre- servation of animal and vegetable structures. The pure crystallized acid should be pro- cured. See PKESERVATION. CARBONATE OF LIME. See LIME, Carbonate of. CARBO'NIA, Jones. A genus of small Cypridiform JEntomostraca, found in the Carboniferous strata, and distinguished chiefly by their peculiar muscle-spot. BIBL. T. R. Jones, Geol. Mag. iii. 218, pi. 9, f. 4-10 ; Jones & Kirby, Ann. N. H. 1879, iv. 28. CARBONIC ACID. The presence of this gaseous acid is usually determined by the addition of another acid, as acetic or muriatic, to the object under the microscope; and if colourless and inodorous bubbles escape, it is concluded, and in most cases correctly, that carbonic acid is present. It must be borne in mind that if the object be immersed in liquid, the gas may arise either from this or the object ; for it is well known that the escape of a gas from a liquid charged with it is greatly facilitated by the presence of a solid and especially a pointed body, and that the gas escapes from the liquid at its surface or point; thus the false appearance is produced of the gas being liberated from the body. Hence the import- ance of washing the object before the addition of the acid. When crystalline bodies of different forms are present, these must be separated before the addition of the acid; otherwise the bubbles liberated from those of one kind, by escaping at the surface of the others, may give rise to the false conclusion that they were derived from the latter. Recollection of the fact that carbonic acid is readily absorbed by solution of potash, would allow of the distinction of bubbles of this acid from those of air. CARCHE'SIUM, Ehr. A genus of Infusoria, belonging to the family Vorti- cellina. Char. Pedicle branched, spirally flexible ; bodies of the animals all alike ( = branched Vorticellce}. C.polypinum (PI. 30. figs. 20, 21). Cam- panulate, expanded in front ; cuticle smooth ; nucleus recurved in a longitudinal plane ; peduncle not jointed; length of bodies 1-580-1-430"; freshw. C. spectabik. Thimble-shaped, not ex- panded ; cuticle finely striated ; nucleus re- curved in a longitudinal plane, with several sinuosities; peduncle not jointed ; freshw., foetid. C. Epistylis. Body very narrow, smooth ; nucleus curved in a transverse plane ; pe- duncle distinctly jointed; freshw., in insect- larvae. BIBL. Ehrenb. Inf. and Ber. d. Berl. Ak. 1840, 199 ; Dujardin, Inf. 551 ; Stein, Infus. 48, &c. ; Clap, and Lachm. Inf. 97; Kent, Infusoria, 690. CA'RIS, Latreille. A doubtful genus of Acarina. C. vespertilionis is found upon the bat ( Vespertilio pipistrellus), supposed to be the larva of Dermanyssm, or Argas. BIBL. Latreille, Gen. Crustac. fyc. i. 161 ; Audouin, Ann. d. Sc. N. Zool. xxv. 412 ; Walckenaer, Apteres (Gervais), 227. CARMINE. This beautiful pigment is sometimes used to feed Infusoria and fill their sacculi or gastric spaces (INFUSORIA). It is also used as a colouring-matter for injections and for dyeing or staining tissues (see STAINING). CAR'PAIS. See GAMASUS. CARPENTE'RIA, Gray. A genus of Foraminifera allied to Globigerina, but ceasing at an early age to grow spirally, and then forming expanded tent-like chambers which enclose the first-formed cells ; at- tached by the base to shells or corals, and with a crater-like common aperture at the apex. Siliceous spicules occur in the cells. C. balaniformis. (PI. 51. fig. 28.) BIBL. Carpenter, Introd. For am. 186. CARPOGLY'PHUS, Robin, = Acarus sp. (p. 5). CAR'POGON,the name applied by Sachs to the fruit or sporocarp of his Class Car- posporeas. See VEGETABLE KINGDOM. CARPOMI'TRA, Kiitz. A genus of Sporochnacese (Fucoid Algae) containing one rare British species, C. Cabrera, Clem., remarkable for the peculiar mitre-shaped conceptacle containing the spores. BIBL. Harvey, Marine Alg. pi. 5 B, Phyc. Brit. pi. 14. CARTILAGE. [ 135 ] CARTILAGE. CARTILAGE. Cartilage consists of a firm, but elastic, bluish, milky or yellowish substance, which morphologically forms either a simple parenchyma composed of cells, or a structure consisting of cells immersed in an intermediate basis. The cells of cartilage are usually round, oval, elongated or angular, frequently flat- tened and sometimes spindle-shaped. In some cartilage they appear stellate, or ex- hibit distinct radiating processes, as in that of the cuttle-fish, the sharks and rays, and enchondromatous growths. In the ossifying pseudo-cartilage of true bone, real stellate cells are however met with. See BONE. Pig. 100. Magnified 350 diameters. Primary (parent-) cells with one and two nuclei, or two and four secondary cells and intervening basis. From the cranial cartilage of a full-grown tadpole. The cell-walls are generally thick, and frequently composed of several layers or capsules. The contents consist of a clear liquid and a nucleus ; sometimes the cell and sometimes both the cell and the nucleus contain one or more globules of oil. The cells also frequently constitute parent-cells, i. e. cells containing other or secondary cells within them, these con- taining also nuclei or tertiary cells. The secondary and tertiary cells some- times exhibit well the internal layers. It is undecided whether these capsular layers are hardened products of secretion of th*e cells, or whether they represent the changed peripheral portions of the cell- bodies themselves. The latter seems most probable. The intervening basis is either homoge- neous, finely granular, or fibrous ; sometimes the fibres are distinct and can be isolated. The simplest form of cartilage, viz. that composed of cells only, is met with in the chorda dorsalis or notochord of embryos, in the adult skeleton of many fishes, the ten- tacles of the Acalephae, and in the cartilage of the ear of many mammals. The proto- plasm in these cells often exhibits radiating striae in which currents are visible. The structure is beautifully seen in the chorda dorsalis of a young tadpole or Triton, or in the ear of the mouse (PL 49. fig. 38). In Fig. 101. *-"" Magnified 350 diameters. Cells from the gelatinous nucleus of the interverte- bral ligaments. 1 a, large primary cell with a septum formed by two secondary cells, and five tertiary cap- sular cells or cells of the second generation with concen- tric walls and shrunk nuclei c in the small cell-cavities. 2, primary cell a, with two secondary cells separated by a delicate septum 6, with thickened walls, a small cavity and a shrunk nucleus c. the latter instance, each cell is filled with a globule of oil, which must be separated by digestion in ether before the cell -structure can be properly examined ; but boiling on a slide in solution of potash, or the addition of sulphuric acid will liberate the globules of fat from parts of a section. This variety of cartilage exactly resembles in appearance a section of vegetable cellular tissue. The second variety of cartilage, in which the basis is more abundant and homo- geneous or finely granular, true or hyaline cartilage as it is called (PI. 49. fig. 39), is met with in the larger cartilages of the respiratory organs, in the articular, costal, ensiform and nasal cartilages. In this the cell- walls are closely adherent to the inter- cellular basis, so that they are rarely visible without the use of reagents. The cells are most numerous in the articular cartilages, and are mostly smaller the further they are from the bone. Their long axes are placed perpendicularly to the axis of the bone, except in a thin layer next the surface of the joints, in which they are parallel to the surface. Both the cells and the nucleus of this cartilage exhibit a fibrous network. CASEINE. [ 136 ] CATHARINEA. The third variety of cartilage forms fibro- or reticular cartilage (PL 49. fig. 40). In this, the fibres consist either of white fibrous tissue, forming white fibro-cartilage, as in the intervertebral and interarticular cartilages ; or of elastic tissue, forming yellow or elastic fibro-cartilage, as in the epiglottis, the ear, and the Eustachian tube. It consists principally of fibres, single or in bundles, sometimes running parallel, at others interlacing; and between them lie the cartilage corpuscles. Sometimes the basis of hyaline cartilage becomes fibrous, and true fibres may be found in it. Bubnoff describes, in cartilage treated with osmic acid, a complex network of canals, passing in all directions through the cartilage. In regard to chemical composition, the homogeneous basis usually consists of ehon- drine. The cell- walls are composed of a substance allied to elastic tissue ; they are not dissolved by boiling in water, and are acted upon with difficulty by acids and alkalies. The liquid within the cells is probably albuminous; it is coagulated by water and dilute organic acids, and is readily soluble in alkalies. When sections of cartilage are subjected to the action of Schultze's test, the cells are coloured red, but not the basis. By macerating hyaline cartilage in dilute acids or warm water, the matrix often exhibits concentric laminae. Some staining agents are useful in enabling the components of hyaline cartilage to be distinguished. Thus, the fat-globules are blackened by osmic acid ; chloride of gold colours the cells violet ; and nitrate of silver stains the matrix (Rutherford). BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An. Bd. i. ; Henle, Allg. Anat. ; Redfern, Ed. Month. Journ. 1851-1854 ; Mulder (and Bonders), Phys. Chemie] Frey, Histol. 184; Bubnoff, Ber. d. Wien. Ak. Ivii. ; Klein, Hist., 48 ; Ge- genbaur, Vergl. An. 27; Rollett, Strieker's Gewebel. ; and the BIBL. of TISSUES. CASEINE is the proteine constituent of milk. It possesses no microscopic charac- ters. Some years since, a tumbler containing porter, at the bottom of which was a small quantity of a whitish sediment, was brought to us for examination, suspicion being enter- tained that the white deposit consisted of some poisonous substance which had been added by a woman with the view of poisoning her husband, the two not being on good terms. The deposit examined microscopi- cally and microchemically was found to consist of an amorphous substance, giving the chemical reactions of a proteine com- pound, with entangled globules of oil. This rendered it probable that it consisted of the caseine of milk, with globules of butter. It was afterwards recollected that milk had been put into a tumbler kept in the place from which this had been taken ; and thus the matter ended. CASSAVA. The coarser part of the starch (tapioca being the finer) derived from the tuberous root of the Jatropha Manihot, L. (Janipha Manihot, Knth. ; Manihot uti- lissima, Pohl), a Brazilian plant of the family Euphorbiaceae. The starch-grains are represented in PI. 46. fig. 14. CASSEBEE'RA, Kaulf. A genus of Pteridea3 (Polypodiaceous Ferns), nearly re- lated to Adtantum. 3 species : Brazil. BIBL. Hooker, Syn. Fit. 142. CASSIDULI'NA, D'Orb. A group of Foramimfera subordinate to Bulimina. The chambers are alternate in unequal pairs, and form a more or less discoidal, instead of spiral, coil. The aperture is oblique, formed by an inverted slit-like fold of the lower part of the septal face, as in Bidimina. Two British recent species, C. Icevigata (PI. 23. fig. 45) and crassa, are common; and a few others, with these, are found in all seas, and in the middle and later Tertiaries. BIBL. Williamson, Foram. 68, figs. 140-144 ; Carpenter, Foram. 197 ; Parker and Jones, Phil. Tr. civ. 377. CATASCO'PIUM, Brid. A genus of Bartramioidese (Acrocarpous Mosses). BIBL. Wilson, Bryol. Brit. p. 285; Berke- ley, Brit. Mus. p. 168. C ATENEL'LA ,Grev. Agenus of Cryp- tonemiacese (Florideous Algae), represented by one British species, C. Opuntia (PI. 4. fig. 21), which is not uncommon on marine rocks near highwater mark. It presents a mass of creeping fibres, from which arise densely matted fronds 1-2 to 1" high. Colour dull dark purple. Thefavellidia are contained in the lateral capsular bodies (fig. 102) ; the tetraspores are imbedded in the periphery of the loosely cellular axis (fig. 103). BIBL. Greville, Alcj. Brit. pi. 17; Harvev, Br. Mar. Alq. pi. 20 B; Phyc. Brit. pi. 88 ; Enql. Bot. (Rivularia Opuntia). pi. 1868 CATERPILLARS. See INSECTS. CATHARI'NEA, Ehrh. A genus of Polytrichaceous Mosses, containing some of CATTLE-PLAGUE. [ 137 ] CELL, Fig. 102. Fig. 103. Catenella Opnntia. Fig. 10?. Fragment of a frond, with lateral capsular bodies containing the faveilidia. Magnified 10 dia- meters. Fig. 103. Transverse section of the axis, showing the immersed tetraspores. Magnified 50 diameters. the Polytricha of authors, having a naked calyptra ; Atriclium and Oligotrichum of Wilson's Bryologia. BIBL. Wilson, Bryol. Brit. pp. 202, 204. CATTLE-PLAGUE or Rinderpest. This terrible disease requires a brief notice on account of its microscopic relations. Careful examination of the muscles of ani- mals which had died of it showed the pre- sence of "Entozoa." These were found afterwards to be Psorospermice, and to exist in healthy as well as in diseased animals ; so that they had no connexion with the malady. A most copious Bibliography of the para- sites infesting cattle is given in Cobbold's work, p. 352. BIBL. Beale, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1866, p. 141 (figs.) ; Cobbold, Parasites, 1879, p. 280. CAYENNE PEPPER. This substance consists of the ground seed-vessels of various species of Capsicum ; it is often adulterated both with substances increasing the bulk, and with mineral colouring-matters. For the detection of the former the microscope is employed, first studying the characters observed in the true un ground peppers. Turmeric and rice-flour are named as falsify- ing substances ; red earths, vermilion, and red lead are detected by chemical analysis. BIBL. That of Adulterations. CECIDOMY'IA, Latr. A genus of Dip- tera, of the family Tipulidee. C. tritici is the wheat-midge, which de- posits its eggs in the flowers of corn. The yellow larvae wound the ovary, and so cause a form of blight. C. destructor, the American wheat-midge, or Hessian fly, is still more injurious to crops. These insects may be found among the ears of corn in the evening during the mouth of May or June. BIBL. Kirby, Linn. Tr, iii., iv., v. ; West- wood, Intr. p. 519 ; Sidney, Blights of the Wheat, p. 109. CE'CROPS, Leach. A genus of Crusta- cea, of the order Siphonostoma, and family aligina. C. Latreillii. Found on the sun-fish (Orthagoriscus mold). Female, length 1", male 1-3". BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomost. p. 289 j V. d. Hoeven. Handb. d. Zoologie, i. CEDAR. The Cedar of Lebanon is the Abies or Pinus Cedrus. The fragrant so- called ( cedar,' of which pencils &c. are made, is the wood of Juniperus virginiana. See CONIFERS and WOOD. CELL, ANIMAL. The tissues and organs of animals, like those of plants, are in great part made up of or derived from cells ; but the full-grown structures of animals are strikingly distinguished in general from those of vegetables by the departure from or disguisal of the primitive cellular consti- tution. Under the head of CELL, VEGETABLE, the cell is defined as a vesicle or sac con- sisting of a membrane composed of cellu- lose, containing within it a nitrogenous structure, the vital part, called the proto- plasm or primordial utricle. In animals, as in the earlier stages of many plants, this protoplasm may exist alone, either forming the entire organism, or its parts only, with- out a membranous envelope forming the true cell or closed sac, as in Amoeba and analogous organisms; but ordinarily the animal cell, like the vegetable, is a true shut sac, enclosing liquid or gelatinous protoplas- mic contents, the membrane, however, being here almost always composed of a nitroge- nous compound, and only in a few cases of cellulose or allied substances such as pre- vail in the solid parts of plants. The membrane of animal cells is ordinarily transparent and colourless, mostly smooth, and so thin as to exhibit only a single boundary line ; more rarely the membrane is tolerably firm, presenting a measurable thickness, while it is sometimes very thick, and appears to consist of several layers. CELL. [ 138 ] CELL. Occasionally the membrane has a granular appearance, arising from projections de- pendent on granules lying on the inside. No structure can be detected in the cell- membrane itself. The membranous cell generally contains a liquid or semifluid protoplasm, the consis- tence of which varies ; in this float, or are suspended, molecules, granules, globules, or other very minute cells. But modern ob- servations indicate the existence of a net- work of filaments, traversing the substance of the protoplasm. In most cells, we also find one or more of those bodies which are termed nuclei) often attached to some part of the cell-wall ; in these again, a network of fibres is stated to occur. The nuclei con- tain nucleoli. The cell-contents likewise in- clude, in particular structures, products of secretion matters separated by the cells from the circulating fluid, as in the cells of the renal epithelium, &c., also crystals, pigment, &c. The forms presented by animal cells are not so varied, or generally so geometrical, as those occurring in the cells of vegetables. In regard to size, the largest are the yelk- cells of ova, especially of Birds and Reptiles, and of some animals consisting of a single cell, as certain of those curious organisms the Greyarina. The nuclei are usually spherical or lenti- cular, non-contractile, transparent, and co- lourless or yellowish. They are sometimes solid or homogeneous ; at others they are vesicles, with a very delicate membrane. They sometimes contain, exclusively of the nucleolus, a transparent colourless or yel- lowish liquid, in which water and acetic acid produce a precipitate of granules re- sembling those existing in the cell-contents ; hence in the ordinary manner of examining them they seldom present their natural transparency. The nuclei seem to be se- creted or formed by the protoplasm, and are regulators of the vital phenomena. The nucleoli are rounded, well defined, very minute, sometimes immeasurable. Chemically, the cell-membrane ordinarily consists of a proteine compound; it is mostly dissolved, or rendered so transparent as ^ to become invisible, by acetic acid and solution of potash ; thus differing in a striking man- lier from that of vegetable cells. Cell-mem- branes composed of cellulose occur in some animals, as in the Tunicata &c. ; it is de- tected here, as in plants, by the action of iodine and sulphuric acid. The nucleoli consist also of a proteine compound ; they are soluble in potash,' but not in acetic acid. The action or potash distinguishes them from globules of fat. The carmine-am- monia solution has a much more rapid and powerful dyeing action upon the protoplasm and the nuclei than upon the cell-walls. It must be remarked that the appearances interpreted to be nuclei and nucleoli are frequently not respectively identical in kind; the nuclei are sometimes homogene- ous, at others true cells ; sometimes they relate to the formation of the cell ; at others they are young secondary cells, vacuoles, &c. ; the same applies to the nucleoli. These important points have not hitherto received sufficient attention. Cells, or rather their protoplasms, are en- dowed with peculiar vital forces, by which they are capable of free movement, absorp- tion, and the elaboration of the absorbed matter; of growth, reproduction, and of secretion. The entire organism of the higher and most of the lower animals consists, at a certain period of life, of cells, but some- times of protoplasm alone. Formation of Cells. Cells are formed in two ways : either from a blastema, proto- plasm, or formative substance existing with- out, or contained within, other cells. The protoplasm is a semifluid substance, consist- ing of proteine or albuminous matter, fatty matter and salts. The formation of cells in a free blastema is not a general process ; in fact, its occur- rence is now mostly denied. The only in- Fig. 104. Magnified 350 diameters. Contents of a Malpighian body from the spleen of an ox. a, small, 6, larger cells; c, free nuclei. stances of its supposed occurrence in man and the higher animals were in the forma- tion of the chyle and lymph corpuscles, the cells of certain glandular secretions (seminal cells, ova), and glandular organs (the closed follicles of the intestine, the lymphatic glands, the splenic corpuscles with the splenic pulp, and the thymus) ; lastly, of tne cellular elements in the impregnated uterus, in the corpus luteum, the marrow of foetal bones, and in the soft ossifying bias- CELL. [ 139 ] CELL. temata. In the case of the chyle and the spleen, at the commencement of cell-forma- tion, there occur roundish, apparently homo- geneous bodies of 1-11000 to 1-5600" dia- meter, which, increasing in size, soon appear distinctly as vesicles (fig. 104), and, on the addition of water, exhibit an internal large body resembling a nucleolus, as also several granules. The minute details of this stage of the process of formation are not accu- rately known. As soon as the nuclei are formed, cell-membranes are formed around them, but not always in the same manner. Sometimes the cell- wall is deposited directly around the nucleus, so that it is but little larger than the latter ; at others the nucleus becomes surrounded by a larger or smaller quantity of protoplasm which becomes more solid, and around which the cell-membrane is subsequently deposited. The latter oc- currence has hitherto only been satisfacto- rily observed in the case of the ovum, in which the germinal vesicle, i. e. the nucleus of the ovum-cell, which is formed first, becomes surrounded by a quantity of yelk, before the vitelline membrane is formed. On the other hand, the formation of the cell-wall directly around the nucleus has been supposed to take place in all the other localities mentioned above ; and to be espe- cially shown by the occurrence of free nuclei and larger cells, together with very small cells closely surrounding the nuclei, or separated from them by a slight interval only. It is possible that, in this instance also, the cell-membrane, even at its first for- mation, may be separated from the nuclei by a quantity of protoplasm too minute to be detected. The free formation of cells has been ob- served by Weissmann in insects during de- velopment. The extracellular formation of cells is unknown in plants. And probably, when observers are agreed, it will be found that all protoplasts and cells are derived from parent protoplasts by some form of segmen- tation. The endogenous method, or the formation of cells within others, is very common, and may be readily observed in the tissues of embryos. In the most ordinary form of this kind of cell-formation, an original or parent- cell produces within it two secondary cells, which from the first completely fill it. The first phenomenon observed in the parent- cell is the increase of the nucleus, which acquires two nucleoli, becomes elongated and resolved into two nuclei. After this the nuclei separate from each other, and a partition is formed between the cells, di- viding the parent cell into two perfectly distinct spaces, each of which encloses a nucleus and half of the contents (tig. 100). The exact manner in which the increase of the nucleus occurs is not certain ; but it ap- pears that the nucleoli always become re- solved into two by subdivision, and then separate from each other. In the nuclei, which at the same time become elongated, the first trace of division is then usually a median partition, which in favourable in- stances appears to arise from the presence of two secondary cells in close contact by plane surfaces and entirely filling up the parent nucleus. Very frequently nothing is seen but first an elongated nucleus with a partition and two nucleoli, and then two hemispherical nuclei in contact by their plane surfaces (fig. 105), no endogenous Fig. 105. Magnified 3cO diameters. An elongated nucleus, and one containing two secon- dary nuclei, from the OTum of an Ascaris dentata. nucleus-formation being perceptible ; in this case, division of the nucleus has taken place, the parent-nucleus containing two nucleoli becoming finally resolved into two by a deeper and deeper constriction. This mode of cell -formation is often continuously re- peated, frequently so long as the growth of the organism continues. The parent-cells then either continue their existence as such, or they disappear sooner or later as histo- logically distinct formations, and become consolidated with the substance connecting the cells. The endogenous cell-formation, which agrees essentially with the formation of cells in a free protoplasm, is well established in the case of the young cartilages of all animals ; it also probably occurs in embry- onic organs in general, in which, from the period at which they consist of true cells, the entire growth depends upon the multi- plication of the existing cells without free cell-formation. It also occurs in patholo- gical products, as in cancer. In addition to this the most common CELL. [ 140 ] CELL. kind of endogenous cell-formation, there are others, viz. : a. In the ova of most animals at the earliest period of development, a peculiar process occurs called the segmentation of the yelk, which must be regarded as preliminary to the formation of the first embryonic cells; and which, as the ovum hears the import of a simple cell, falls under the type of endo- genous cell-formation. The essential fea- tures of the segmentation are as follows. After the original nucleus of the ovum-cell the germinal vesicle has disappeared in consequence of impregnation, the granules of the yelk no longer remain aggregated into a compact mass as before, but become distributed throughout the entire cell. The first sign of commencing development is then constituted by the formation of a new nucleus the first embryonic nucleus,around a new nucleolus, which acts as a centre of attraction to the yelk, and causes it to re- unite into a globular mass the first glo- bule of segmentation. In further develop- ment, two new nucleoli are formed from the first nucleus by endogenous growth, which, as soon as they are set free by the develop- ment of the parent nucleus, become separate from each other, act as new centres to the yelk-granules, and thus the first globule of segmentation becomes resolved into two. The increase of the nuclei and of the glo- bules of segmentation continues in the same way, the first always preceding, until a very large number of small globules are present, which entirely fill up the yelk-cell ; some- times, but exceptionally, the globules are not resolved until the nuclei have become Fig. 106. Fig. 108. Magnified 350 diameters. Three ova of an Ascaris nigrovenosa : 1, in the first' 2, in the second, and 3, in the third stage of segmenta- tion, with two, four and sixteen segmentation-globules. c, outer coat of the ovum ; b, segmentation-globules. In 1, the nucleus of the lowest globule contains two nucleoli ; in 2, the lowest globule two nuclei. increased to three or four, so that three or four globules are formed from each, instead of two. This process is termed total seg- mentation, because here the entire yelk is applied to the newly-formed nuclei : partial segmentation agrees with this in all essen- tials, and only differs from it in the circum- stance that in it, not the whole of the yelk, but a larger or smaller part of it, varying in different animals, envelopes the nuclei in process of formation (figs. 106-108). When the process of segmentation has reached a certain stage, the segmentation- globules become surrounded with mem- branes and form true cells, whence it ap- pears j ustifiable to arrange this process with endogenous cell-formation. In fact it is nothing more than a preliminary to cell- formation in the ovum-cell, and only differs from the ordinary phenomena of this kind in the circumstance that first, the nucleus of the parent-cell or the germinal vesicle in most cases has nothing to do with it ; se- condly, the parent-cell itself persists ; and, thirdly, the portions of the contents formed in it by the successive increase of nuclei do not assume the form of cells until subse- quent generations. This view is moreover justified, since the cells formed from the last segmentation-globules continue for a long period to multiply by endogenous pro- duction (or division) ; and the entire seg- mentation-process may be regarded as a kind of endogenous cell-formation, in which, on account of the rapidity with which the nuclei increase, in the first generation of globules it does not come to the formation of membranes (see OVUM). b. In some respects allied to segmentation, are those forms of endogenous cell-forma- tion in which a greater or less number of secondary cells are formed within persistent parent-cells, as seen here and there in carti- lage, the suprarenal capsules, the pituitary body, &c. In this case, either two second- ary cells are formed in the usual way in a cell, almost or entirely filling it, and from these other generations, either free or all or individual ones enclosed in parent-cells of the second and subsequent generations, or only one secondary cell is formed in a cell, whence cell-formation then proceeds in either manner (fig. 109), or the secondary cell is formed in a bud-like protrusion of the parent-cell (see ECHINOCOCCUS). The formation of a larger number of nuclei within cells, which frequently pre- cedes cell- formation, but may also exist alone, may be well arranged under endo- genous cell-growth. Even in ordinary en- dogenous cell-formation (and also in seg- Magnified 350 diameters. Cartilage-cells from a fibrous velvety articular car- tilage of the condyle of a human femur ; all lying in a fibrous basis, and easily isolated, a, single cells, with or without thickening of the cell-wall, and one or two nuclei : b, secondary cells, or cells of the first genera- tion, with one or two nuclei one, two, five, and many cells in the parent-cells 6'; c, cells of the second gene- ration, one to three in those of the first, bb; d, free group of secondary cells. mentation) we not unfrequently find three and four nuclei in one parent-cell, so that then, instead of two, a larger number of se- condary cells are formed at once, as e. g. in the liver-cells of embryos. In certain ani- mals ( Cucullanus, Ascaris dentata, Distoma, and the Cestoidea), instead of segmenta- tion-globules, in the first stage of develop- ment, nuclei only are formed in the ovum- cell, which do not become surrounded by cell-membranes until they have accumu- lated into a large heap by successive endo- genous growth. The same appears to take place in the cells of the germ of the Crus- tacea, in which from ten to twenty nuclei frequently exist. The numerous nuclei, however,* in the seminal cells of most ani- mals appear usually to have DO connexion CELL. Fig. 110. Magnified 350 diameters. Ivory-cells from the tooth of a dog. with cell-formation, because the seminal filaments are developed within them; and the same applies to those cells of the lower animals, the numerous nuclei of which are converted into urticating organs. Whether in these cases the nuclei multiply by division or endogenous growth is unknown. Cell-formation by division has been ob- served in the coloured blood-corpuscles of the embryos of Birds and Mammalia, and the earliest colourless blood-corpuscles of the larvae of frogs (tadpoles) j it also pro- bably occurs in the colourless blood-cor- puscles of embiyos and the chyle-cor- puscles of adult Mammals. In all these cases the cells first become elongated, and the single nuclei appear to become divided into two ; the cells are then constricted in the middle and finally resolved into two, each with a nucleus (PI. 49. fig. 36). A peculiar kind of cell-growth, most nearly allied to division, occurs in the cells of the ivory of the teeth ; in which the nu- clei, while continually elongating, enlarge from time to time and become constricted, so that whilst that portion next the ivory ossifies, the remainder serves to a certain extent as a reserve for the subsequent for- mation of newly ossifying portions (fig. 110). The term cell is frequently used in a totally different sense, to denote a partially closed space, or the cup-like body enclosing CELL. [ 142 ] CELL. the space ; as in the case of the cells of a Polype, or Polyzoon, the cells of a sponge, &c. BIBL. Treatises on Physiology ; Schwann, Einstimmung (Syd. Soc.}; id. Wagner's Physiol. ; Valentin, Phys. ; Kolliker, Ge- webelehre d. Menschen (and the Bibl. there- in) ; Siebold, Zeitschr. f. wissem. ZooL i. p. 270; Rollett, Strieker's Handbuch (Syd. Soc.) i. ; Frey, Histologie, and the Bibl.) ; Cohnheim, Virchow's Archiv, xl. ; Reck- linghausen, ibid, xxviii. ; Weissmann, Zeitsch. f. rat. Med. 3rd ser. xv. ; Klein, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1878 and 1879, and Hist, ; Carpenter, Phys. ; Strassburger, Zellenbil- dung, 1880 ; and the Bibl of TISSUES. CELL, ANIMAL, artificial formation of. When oil is immersed in a liquid containing albumen, it becomes surrounded by a layer of coagulated albumen, forming a cell ; and this cell will exhibit the phenomena of en- dosmose and exosmose in the same manner as any natural cell. The same phenomenon has been observed with metallic mercury and albumen, chloroform and albumen, chloro- form and chondrine, &c. It has not yet been satisfactorily explained. The natural formation of cells has been supposed to be produced by this method j but it appears inapplicable to the purpose, as the nuclei or masses of blastema, around which natural cells are formed, do not consist of fat. See CONCRETIONS. BEBL. Ascherson, Mailer's Ai'chiv, 1840, p. 44, &c. ; Wittich, De hymenogonia albu- minis, Regiomont. 1850 ; Harting, Neder. Lane. Sept. 1851 ; Melsens, Bull, de VAcad. de Belg. 1850 ; Panum, Archiv f. path. An. iv. 2 j Bennett, Ed. Mn. Jn. viii. 166 ; Kol- liker, Geweb. d. Mensch. 10; Schmidt, Taylor's Scientific Memoirs, v. 10. CELL, VEGETABLE. The definition of the term cell in vegetable anatomy, ordina- rily adopted, is, a closed sac composed of an (originally) imperforate membrane formed of the chemical substance called cellulose, this membrane enclosing more or less fluid contents so long as the cell retains its vi- tality. All the solid permanent structures of plants are formed of cells answering to this character, the differences of the full- grown tissues depending upon peculiar modifications and alterations of the original cells. In animal structures, the term cell is commonly applied, not only to structures really analogous to the cells of plants, but also structures analogous to the contents of the true cellulose plants, which, however, are indeed in all cases the important vital parts of the structure. All young vegetable cells contain a quantity of semitluid nitro- genous formative substance called proto- plasm, which may be chiefly adherent as a thickish and more or less continuous layer on the inside of the cellulose wall, forming a kind of lining to it, and therefore en- closing all the rest of the contents, in which case it forms the primordial utricle of Mohl ; or this dense protoplasm may fill up the whole cavity of the cell as a gelatinous mass. Or the gelatinous mass of proto- plasm may emerge from the cellulose sac, with a definite form and organization, fur- nished with cilia enabling it to move freely in water ; and here the protoplasm presents itself as independent, and indeed as the pri- mary element of all cellular tissue : it occurs in this condition in the zoospores of the Confervoid Algae. These free bodies, de- void at first of a cellulose wall, are evidently analogous to the corpuscles of ' sarcode ' constituting certain animals, such usAmosba, while the cartilage-cells &c. of animals are analogous to the cellulose sacs of plants. In this work, then, the word cell, as ap- plied to organic structures, is always used in its ordinary sense. Hackel's unnecessary terms Cytode for the simple protoplast, and Cell for the nucleated protoplast, are ignored in botanical works. Form. Cells may present almost every possible modification of form ; and this depends on two sets of conditions the ori- ginal development and shape, and the mode of growth and expansion. It is frequently stated that the primary form of all vege- table cells is that of a sphere, or at all events that this is the type, from which all the others must be considered deviations. This is true only so far as it is intended to signify that most cells which originate free in the midst of fluid, suffering no external compression, have a globular form ; and that in numerous cases where cellular tissues are very lax and free to expand in all directions, the compo- nent cells acquire a globular form during the enlargement to their full size. But in a very large majority of cases the cells do not originate in a free condition, they are pro- duced by subdivision of older cells, and consequently, when first developed, they have the shape of the half, the quarter, or whatever segment it may be of the parent- cell ; moreover, in a majority of these cases the mode of expansion also depends upon a special law of the particular tissue, or even CELL. [ 143 ] CELL. of such tissue in the particular group to which the plant belongs, and not upon any general law of globular expansion. The above law does prevail widely in some fami- lies, as in the Fungi ; and we very frequently see it prevailing in pith up to a certain period : but it will not hold as a general rule ; for the lax tissues of leaves, of succulent stems, &c. offer most striking deviations, as do also the varied and often elegant forms of lower Algae. It is frequently stated in books, that the effect of pressure on cells having a tendency to become globular, is the produc- tion of a dodecahedral form ; but this again is far too sweeping a generalization, and the real fact is that globular cells of equal size, expanding in a confined space, often become twelve-sided by mutual pressure ; but far more often the cells of a tissue are of diverse size, and hence a polyhedral form is much more common (tig. 111). Cells may be Fig. 111. globular, as in the Yeast-plant, and many lower Algae, in the lax tissue of young pith of many Dicotyledons (PL 47. tig. 14), &c. ; oval, as is much more common in parenchy- matous tissues; squarish, as in cork (PL 47. figs. 16, 17) ; or tabular, as in the epidermis of numerous plants, under w T hich circum- stances the side walls may be square, rhombic, hexagonal or irregular, as in many petals ; and the outlines may also be undulated or even Fig. 112. beautifully zigzagged, as in the leaf of Helleborus fcetidus &c., the petals of many flowers, or in the leaf of the Pineapple (PL 47. fig. 15), &c. ; while the upper exposed face may be flat or vaulted, as in most petals, or even papilliform, as in the petals of the Sweet William and of most flowers with glisten- ing surface. Cells may also be cylindrical, and then either with flat ends (fig. 112), as in the parenchyma of many Monocoty- ledons and in the filaments of Confervas, or rounded ends or attenuated ends, as in wood and liber tissue generally ; or they may be prismatic, and then square or six-sided, as in stems of most herbaceous plants ; spindle-shaped, as in a large number of woods, such as that of Conifers, Box, &c. ; and, in fact, of almost every con- ceivable form. In lax tissues, the walls of the cells often grow very unequally at different points, whence result angular pro- jections, by which the cells ordinarily co- here (fig. 113) ; or these grow out into arms or rays, producing stel- late cells, as in the pith of -p- -j -j o the Rush (PL 47. fig. 18), and the parenchyma of many aquatic plants, in the leaf- stalk of the Banana, &c. Cells which are free, as in . y^ the lower cellular plants, "7 /\J^? j sometimes grow out into ^\ ..-. j long tubular structures such lates or disks by a pecu- liar process, differing essentially from, and coarser than that of crystallization, but comparable with it, one probably preceding all slow crystalline formation, and causing, but not alone, the granular state of solid inorganic matter. These microscopic bodies have of late years been regarded as the agglomerated or separate plates of very simple protozoan organisms by Huxley, Wallich, and Sorby. By Carter they are believed to belong to an Alga (Cocco- LITHS). The best method of examining chalk for minute Foraminifera is this : place a drop of water upon a glass slide, and put into it as much finely scraped chalk as will cover the point of a pen-knife; then diffuse it through the water, and set it aside for a few seconds. Next remove the finest particles which are suspended in the water, together with most of the water, and allow the re- mainder to become perfectly dry. Moisten this remainder with oil of turpentine, nnd warm it over a spirit-lamp ; then add Ca- nada balsam, and digest it upon the brass table (!NTR. xxviii). but without its froth- ing. ' A preparation thus made seldom fails ; and when magnified 300 diameters, the mass is seen to be chiefly composed of minute well-preserved organisms. As thus pre- pared, the cells of the Foraminifera first appear black, with a white central spot (PL 24. fig. 3), which is caused by air- bubbles contained within the cells/ The balsam gradually penetrates into the cells, the black rings of the air-bubbles disappear, and the minute, frequently very circuit cells of the Foraminifera become visible. See FLINT, and FORAMINIFERA. The crystalloids are best examined in common whiting, or powdered chalk, which has been shaken with water and set aside. A very minute quantity removed with a dipping tube will exhibit them. BIBL. The various works on geology, as those of Lyell and Ansted ; Mantell, Won- ders, Medals of Creation, and Ann. N. H. 1845, xvi. p. 73 ; Bowerbank, Geol. Tr. 2s. vi. ; Ehrenberg, Abh. d. Berlin. Ak. 1838 (Ann. N. H. 1841, vii.), and Abh. d. Scrl Ak. 1840 (Taylor's Sc. Mem. iii.), and Mi- krogeologie, 1854 ; Parker and Jones's Ehr. resume, Ann. N. H. 1872; Williamson, Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. viii. 1847 ; Mor- ris, Cat. Br. Fossils, 1854 j D'Orbigny, Mem. Soc. Geol. d. France, iv. (Abs., Ann. N. H. 1841, vii. p. 390) ; Zirkel, Mineral i<>n #c.,1873, 303 j Dixon's Sussex, 2 ed., 1878, 123 & 283. CHALK-STONES. This term is vul- garly applied to the white concretions formed around the joints in chronic gout, or, as it is sometimes called, rheumatic gout. They consist of very minute needles of urate of soda (PI. 12. fig-. 12 b). CHAIkLENE'MA, Kiitz. A supposed genus of Leptotricheous Algae, consisting of dusky-coloured jointed filaments, forming flocks in various syrups. Doubtless the my- celia of some Fungi, such as PENICILLIUM. BIBL. Kutzing, Sp. Alg. 158. CHAM^E'SIPHON, Braun. A genus of Oscillatoriaceee (Confervoid Algae). Char. Trichomata erect, seruginous or CHANTRANSIA. CHARACEJE. violet, parasitic, sheathed, articulate ; ter- minal joints forming 1 rounded gonidia. Four species. C. confer vicola (PL 3. fig. 6). On Calo- thrix, Vaucheria, &c, BIBL. Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. ii. 148 (figs.). CHANTRAN'SIA, Fries. A genus of Cerarniaceae (Florideous Algae). Species numerous, purple, violet, or ferru- ginous. Found on stones, submerged mosses, and wood. Antheridia subglobose, terminal, tetraspores rare. BIBL. Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. iii. 401; Pringsheim, Beit. z. Morph. d. Meeres- Algen ; Hassall, Alg. 75. OHA'RA, L. See CHAHACEJE. CHARA'CE^E. A family of plants ge- nerally classed among the Algae, but which, from the character of their reproductive organs, perhaps demand a more elevated position. They may be placed on the boun- dary between the Algae and the Hepaticae. They are remarkable for their well-known ' circulation/ first discovered by Corti. The Characese are aquatic plants, of filamentous structure, exhibiting elongated axes fur- nished at intervals with whorls of branches (fig. 117) ; these are sometimes regarded as leaves. In some species this axis is a simple tube (fig. 124), sometimes a tube with a cortical layer of smaller tubes sur- rounding it (figs. 118, 119). Some authors have divided the species, on this and some other grounds, into two genera, Nitella (simple tubes) andC%anz (corticated tubes) ; but according to Al. Braun, who has de- voted great attention to this family, the characters will not hold. The mode of ramification of the simple tubes is seen in figs. 124 & 125 ; that of the compound axes is fundamentally the same, but other cells arise from the branch cells at the articula- tions, one above and one below each branch (C. crinita). Those on the upper side of the branches grow up over the central axis to meet those descending from the under side of the branches of the whorl next above, the ends becoming intercalated about the middle of the internode : in this course of growth, cell-division takes place, and the primary corticaftubes are not only made up of many lengths in each internode, but each is perpendicularly divided into two, one large and one smaller tube (C. vulgaris), or produces a secondary tube on each side (C. aspera) ; the primary tubes stand out as ribs from the surface. These cortical tubes de- scribe a spiral course around the internode. Fig. 117. Fig. 118. Fig. 120. Fig. 119. Fig. 117. Chara -vnlgaris. Natural size. Fig. 118. Fragment of stem, magnified 15 diam., show- ing the cortical tubes. Fig. 119. A section of ditto, magnified 30 diam. Fig. 120. Branch with nucule and globule, 10 d'nm. Filamentous radical cells are also produced from the whorls. The cells of the main axis and its branches, and the primary cor- tical cells, are those in which the circula- tion of the contents may be seen best. The cell- wall is lined by a close layer, like a CHARACE^. [ 162 ] CIIARACE^E. pavement, of chlorophyll-globules imbedded in colourless protoplasm, arranged in a some- what spiral order ; within them lies a thick layer of semi gelatinous consistence (the circulating protoplasm) ; and the centre is filled up with a watery liquid. The circula- tion in the ordinary cells consists in the movement of the gelatinous protoplasmic sac, as one mass, slowly up one side of the cell, across the ends, and down the other side, not perpendicularly, however, but in an oblique or spiral course, as indicated in fig. 125. The fluid in the centre does not circulate, but contains vesicles, granules, or other bodies floating in it, which are free, and when resting upon the protoplasmic sac, are carried along by it and up the side of the cell, until they fall down again by gravitation. The young cells from which the fruits are developed exhibit a circula- tion of green vesicles ; the cortical filaments have acirculating primordial utricle without chlorophyll- globules. The circulation is obscured in many Chares by the existence of an incrustation of the cell-wall by carbonate of lime, often found in rhomboidal crystals. In C. (Nitella) translucens, Jlexilis, and other species, this does not exist ; and these species without cortical tubes exhibit the phenomenon more clearly than the others. Those species, however, which are subject to incrustation have comparatively little about the tips of the shoots ; and if they are kept growing for some time in a jar of water pretty free from lime, new shoots maybe obtained very suitable for examination. When we care- fully examine the conical terminal cell of a shoot, we find the following characters : The cell-membrane is distinctly laminated, and thickened at the conical apex of the cell ; when sulphuric acid and iodine are applied, the cell-wall exhibits a thick in- ternal layer of a blue colour, indicating its composition of cellulose, while a thin layer extending all over the outside becomes bright yellow, and thus presents a resem- blance to the cuticular layer of the higher plants. The cell-wall is lined by a thin layer of protoplasm, in which are imbedded a vast number of chlorophyll-globules, closely set and arranged spirally, as above stated ; a clear line extends obliquely up in this layer, bare of chlorophyll. The chloro- phyll-globules have much the appearance of vesicles here, and contain starch- cor- puscles, which cause the whole layer to turn blue with iodine. (See CHLOBO- Fig. 121. Fig. 124. Fig. 121. A globule, magnified 50 diam., showing the triangular valves. Fig. 122. A globule cut in half, to show the oblong cells and the septate filaments in the centre, 50 diam. Fig. 123. Portion of a septate filament, 200 diam. ; with two biciliated spermatozoids, 400 diam. Fig. 124. Chara translucens, showing its simple tubes and nucules grouped in threes under the terminal globule. Fig. 125. Diagram representing the course of the cir- culation in the main tube and branches of Chara. PHYLL.) Within this motionless layer is found the thick rotating layer of protoplasm, in which again are imbedded numerous starch and chlorophyll-globules, a vast num- ber of minute granules, and a number of globular bodies of larger size, 1-1500", ac- cording to Goppert and Cohn covered with rigid cilia. The internal boundary of this CHARACE^E. [ 163 ] CHEESE-MITE. layer is wavy and irregular ; and thus its rotation carries along-, to a certain extent, the watery juice filling up the centre of the cell, in which lie numerous transparent pro- toplasm-vesicles, ciliated bodies, and gra- nular matters. The fructification of Chara is very curious, and its homologies are not yet satisfactorily made out. Upon the branches are found bodies of two kinds, either on the same or on different branches, or on different plants ; called the globule and the nucule. The glo- bule (figs. 120, 121) or antheridium is a spherical body, of a red or orange-colour when ripe, presenting a transparent thickish outer coat, enclosing an inner wall of curi- ous construction. This is composed of eight triangular plates, each composed of a number of long wedge-shaped cells radiating from a central cell. The plates have dentate margins, by which they fit into one another (fig. 121). The cells contain a red colour- ing-matter. In the centre of each plate, inside, rises an oblong cell running in to- ward the centre of the globule, where it meets its fellows from the other plates, and they are united by a little collection of sphe- rical cells ; a ninth cell, of similar form but larger size, comes to j oin these in the centre, it being the pedicle of the globule, arising from the branch upon which it is seated, and entering the globule between the lower four valves. At the point where these nine cells meet in the centre, a number of long septate filaments arise (fig. 122). These are composed, when mature, of a large number of cells placed end to end (figs. 122 & 123), each of which finally discharges a ciliated spiral filament (spermatozoid), which swims actively in the water. The globule bursts, by the separation of its triangular valves, when mature ; and it is after this that the spermatozoids are emitted. The form of these spermatozoids is very like that of those found in the Mosses, and different from what is seen in the Ferns, Lycopodiacese, &c. (PI. 40. figs. 31-34). The nucule or carpogon of the Chara (figs. 120 & 124) forms an oval body coated by five cells, wound spirally around a central tough sac; the five cells terminating above in five or ten smaller cells, which project like teeth from the summit, forming a kind of crown. The cells of the crown separate from each other at a particular period, leaving a canal leading down to the central cell, which contains protoplasm, oil, and starch- glo- bules. Ultimately the nucule falls off, forms a resting-spore, which germinates, and be- comes developed into a new plant. The germinating spore does not, however, di- rectly give origin to the young plant ; but, as in the higher Cryptogamia, a prothallus is first formed, and upon this, the first branches of the plant arise by ordinary gemmation. The prothallus consists of a single row of cells, forming a filament. This is not produced, however, in Nitella. The Chara also multiply by gemmas, produced at the articulations of the stem ; of which there are three modifications. Carter has published some interesting observations on the development of the root- cells of Chara j also an account of the ab- normal products which are sometimes found in decaying cells. BIBL. Corti, Osserv. sutta Circulazione^ 1774 ; Amici, Mem. d. Societa to&cma,1818; Ann. d. Sc. N. 1824 ; Dutrochet, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. ser. 2. x. 349; Meyen, Pflanzen-phys. ii. 206 ; Varley, Tr. Soc. Arts, xlix. 1833 ; Micr. Tr. ii. 93, 1849 ; Slack, Tr. Soc. Arts, xlix. ; Thuret, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. xiv. 65, 3 se*r. xvi. 18 ; Treviranus, Phys. d. Gewdchse, \. 1839 ; Kiitzing, Phyc. gen. 313 ; C. Miiller, Bot. Zeit. 1845 (Ann. N. H. xvii. 254) ; Goppert and Cohn, Bot. Zeit. vii. 665, 1849 ; Braun, Ber. Berl. Ak. 1852-3 (Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xii. 297) ; Carter, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xvi. 1, xix. 13 ; Pringsheim, Jahrb. 1864; Berk. Suppl. Eng. Bot. t. 2762 ; Nageli, Beit. ii. 1860 ; De Bary, Monatsb. Berl. Ak. 1871 ; Sachs, Bot. 295. CHARA'CIUM, Braun. A genus of Confervoid unicellular Algae, of doubtful position ; reproduction by repeated binary division of the endochrome. Allied to Hy- drocytium. Adherent to larger submerged Algae. Perhaps only male spores of CEdo- gonium and allied genera. Ra,benhorst describes 13 species. C. Sieboldii (PI. 5. fig. 2). On filiform Algae and freshwater mosses. BIBL. Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. iii. 82; Braun, Alg. Umcell. Gen. nova, 1855. CHASMATOS'TOMA, Engelmann. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria. Char. Free, ovate or reniform j cilia long, matted ; mouth near the centre of the flat- tened ventral surface, enclosing a minute undulating membrane. C. reniforme. Fresh water ; length jl ff ". BIBL. Engelmann, Zeitsch. wiss. Zool. 1862, ii. ; Kent, Inf. 540. CHEESE-MITE. See ACARUS DOMES- TICUS. CHEESE-MOULD. [ 164 ] CHELIFER. CHEESE-MOULD. See ASPERGILLUS. CHEILAN'THES, Sw. A genus of Pterideae (Polypodiaceous Ferns), nearly related to Adiantum. The marginal lobed indusium is very narrow ; some species have the under surface of the leaves mealy, from the presence of microscopic hairs. A large genus ; tropical. BIBL. Hooker, Syn. Fil. 131. CHEILO'SCYPHUS, Corda. A genus of Jungermanniese (Hepaticae), founded upon Jungermannia polyanthus, L., which is not unfrequent in wet places. BIBL. Hooker, Brit. Jungerm. pi. 62 ; Corda, in Sturm, Deutschl. Fl. ii. 19, 20, p. 35, pi. 9. CHEILOSTO'MATA. A suborder of Infundibulate Polyzoa (marine). Char. Orifice of cell filled with a thin membranous or calcareous plate, with a curved mouth, furnished with a moveable lip. It is divided into two sections, containing numerous families and genera. Tribe 1. Articulata. Polyzoarium jointed. SALIC ORNARIID^. Polyzoarium erect, cylindrical, dichotomously branched; cells arranged on all sides. CELLARIID^:. CELLULARIIDJE. Polyzoarium erect, branches flat, linear, cells in the same plane. Tribe 2. Inarticulata. Polyzoarium un- jointed. EUCRATIIDJE (Scrupariidse). Cells in one row. AETEIDJE. GEMELLARIID.^. Cells in pairs opposite. CABEREID.E. Branches narrow ; cells in two or more rows, with whips or sessile birds' heads at the back. BICELLARIIDJE. As the last, but whips absent, and birds' heads stalked and jointed. FLUSTRID.E. Zoarium expanded, folia- ceous, and flexible. MEMBRANIPORID^E. Expanded, incrus- ting, stony ; cells horizontal, quincuncial. MICROPORID^:. CELLEPORID^E. Massive, globose, in- crusting, or erect, stony; cells vertical to the common plane, irregularly heaped toge- ther. Esc H ARID IE. Expanded and leafy, or branching, stony ; cells in the same plane, quincuncial. CRIBRILINID^:, MICROPORELLIDJE, MYRIOZOIDJE. PORINIDJE. Polyzoarium incrusting, or erect and branched ; cells with a raised tubular or subtubular orifice, and frequently a special pore on the front walls. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. ; Busk, Cat. Mar. Polyz. (Brit. Mus.) ; Gosse, Mar. Zool. i. ; Hincks, Polyzoa, 1. CHEIROCEPH'ALUS. See BRANCHI- PUS. CHEIROS'PORA, Fries. A genus of Melanconiei (Stylosporous Fungi), growing upon the twigs of the beech. The myce- lium spreads under the epidermis, and bursts through in rounded or irregular, conical, black pustules, 1-20'' in diameter, which are composed of a large number of fine filaments, unequal in length, and waved, each termi- nating in a bunch of spores. The heads are formed of chains of spores like a Penicillium, when young, but crowded together more densely as they become more fully developed into a globular or oval head, about 1-7(JO"; the spores about 1-4000". This genus cor- responds to Stilbospora, Montague, J\li/ri<>- cephalum, De Notaris, and, apparently, Hyperomyxa, Corda ; but the latter is said to have a mucous vesicle enclosing the head. C. botryospora, Fr. On dead beech twigs, Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. v. 455. Freseuius finds a variety on the horn- beam. BIBL. Cheirospora, Fries, Sttmma Veget. 508 ; Stilbospora, Fries, Syst. Mycolog. iii. 448 ; Montagne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 se*r. vi. 338, pi. 18. fig. 5; Hyperomyxa, Corda, Ic. Fung. iii. fig. 78 ; Montagne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. xx. 378; Myriocephalum, De Notaris, Mem. Accad. Torino, ser. 2. vii. ; Fresenius. Mukoloqie, 39, pi. 5. fig's. 1-9 (2tesHeft). * CHELIDO'NIUM, L. A genus of Papa- veraceous plants, remarkable for the yellow juice contained in the laticiferous canals. See LATEX. CHE^LIFER, Leach. A genus of Pseu- doscorpioues (Arachnid a). Char. Cephalothorax with a transverse furrow ; eyes 2 ; no tail. C. cancroides (PL 53. fig. 12). Brown, palpi stout ; length " In old books, her- baria, etc., and shady places. C. muscorum. Palpi weaker ; abdomen with a small appendage at the last joint ; reddish. Many other species. BIBL. Gervais (Walckenaer), Ins. Ant 77 ; Murray, EC. Ent. 34. CHEMICAL REACTIONS. [ 1C5 ] CHILODON. CHEMICAL REACTIONS. INTRO- DUCTION, p. xlii. CHEMISTRY. The following works may be found useful for study or reference in regard to chemical subjects: Stockardt, Exper. Chem. ; Grnelin, Handbueh ; Rose, Anal. Chem. ; Will, Chem. Analyse ; Fre- senius, Anal. Chem. ; Heintz, Zoochemie ; Gorup-Besanez, Zooch. Anal. ; Schmidt, Entw. ein. allg. Untersuchungsmethode ; Hoppe-Seyler, Tr. d'anal. chim. phys. et path. ; Miller, Chem. ; Watts, Diet. ; Roscoe, Lessons #. xiv. 63; Intell. Obs. 1862 ; Berkeley, Jn. Linn. Soc. viii. 141, pi. 10; Carter, Tr. Med. and Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1861, 1862, 1863 ; Ann. N. H. vol. ix. 442, 1862 ; Mn. Mic. Jn. 1871. CHIROD'OTA, Eschsch. A genus of Echinodermata, closely allied to Synapta. C. violacea possesses curious wheel-like calcareous plates in the skin. Not British. BIBL. V. der Hoeven, Zool i. 150 ; Car- penter, Microscope, 564; Herapath,Qw. Mic. Jn. 1865, 1. _ CHITINE is the horny substance which gives firmness to the tegumentary system and other parts of the Crustacea, Arachnid*. and Insects ; probably also the carapace of the Rotatoria consists*of it. It is left when the above structures are exhausted succes- sively with alcohol, ether, water, acetic acid, and alkalies, retaining the original form of the texture. It is dissolved by concentrated mineral acids without the production of colour. It is not dissolved by solution of potash, even when boiling. Neither does it give the characteristic reactions withMillon's or Schultze's tests. It contains nitrogen. BIBL. Odier, M6m. Mus. d'Hist. N. i. p. 35 ; Lassaigne, Compt. Rend. xvi. p. 1087; Schmidt, Vergl. Phys. d. wirbellos. Thiere (Taylor's Sc. Mem. v. p. 1) ; Payen, Compt. Rend. xvii. p. 227. CHLAMIDOCOC'CUS. See PEOTO- coccus ; also Cienkowsky, Bot. Zeit. 1865 ; Rostafinsky, ibid. 1871 ;" and Rabenhorst. Fl.Alg. iii. 94. CHLAMLD'ODON, Ehr. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Euplota. Char. Furnished with cilia and a cylinder of teeth, but neither styles nor hooks. (Oxy- tricha with a lorica and teeth.) C. mnemosyne (PI. 30. fig. 29) . Elliptical or the anterior end somewhat broader, ovate; green or colourless, and containing rose-red vesicles ; lorica projecting beyond the body ; length 1-570 to 1-240"; marine. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 376 ; Kent, Inf. CHLAMIDOM'ONAS (PI. 30. fig. 30 a, b } c, d, e). See PBOTOCOCCUS. CHLAMYDOCYSTIS, Grunow, = P>-o- tococcus, part. CHLORAN'GIUM, Stein, =COLACIUM. CHLORAS'TER, Ehr. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria. Char. Single, free, a single frontal eye- spot, no tail, middle of the body with 'ra- diate warty processes. Allied to the genera Glenomorum and Phacelomonas. Does not admit coloured particles. C. gyrans. Green, fusiform, acute at the CHLOEATE. [ 167 ] CHLOROGONIUM. ends; radiate processes in a whorl of four at first obtuse, then subacute ; flagelliform filaments 4-5 ; length 1-1630"; fresh water It revolves radidly upon its axis, anc undergoes spontaneous division. Two other species, one marine. BIBL. Ehr. Ber. Berl Ak. 1848, 236 Kent, Inf. 315. CHLORATE OF POTASH. See POTASH. CHLO'REA,NyL A genus of Lichens, family Lichenacei, tribe Usnei. 6 species. C. vulpina occurs in Europe. BIBL. Nyl. Syn. 274, pi. 8. f. 1&-15; Jacq. Misc. ii. pi. 10. fig. 4. CHLORIDES. See the bases. CHLOROCHYT'RIUM, Cohn. A ge- nus of Confervoid Unicellular Algae, allied to Hydrocytium, Characium, and Chytridium ; consisting of single, globose-ovoid, or irre- gularly curved, 2-3- or multilobed cells, densely filled with green protoplasm ; first dividing into larger segments, then separa- ting into innumerable pyriform zoospores, escaping through a tubular process. C. lemnce. In the parenchyma of Lemna trisulca ; diam. ao" BIBL. Cohn, Beitr. i. 1, 87 ; Wright, Tr. Irish Acad. xxvi. CHLOROCOC'CUM, Grev. A genus of Palmellaceas (Confervoid Algae). We have assigned to this the common green pulverulent stratum which is found upon every old tree, on all old palings and other exposed woodwork, &c. If this proves to be really a distinct plant, and not an accumulation of germinating gonidia of Lichens, it will still differ from the plants we have assembled under the name of Pro- tococcus in its general habit, especially in the absence of zoospores. This point is, however, still open to inquiry, since it appears that the gonidia of the Lichens do divide into two, four, and eight, to form a pulverulent stratum, which exactly repre- sents Chlorooocewn and Protococcus. Chi. wdgare, Grev. (PL 7. fig. 1). A collection of extremely minute cells, multi- plying by division into twos and fours, no gelatinous substratum, no zoospores. Dia- meter of single ceUs 1-3000 to 1-4000" (Protococcus viridis, 1-2000 to 1-3000"). Old dry palings, bark of trees, &c. everywhere. Calculating from the known size of the cells and the wide distribution, this, if a species, would appear to be the most fecund Alga in existence. There are 300 millions of in- dividuals on a square inch, in a layer 1-100' ' thick ; and such layers clothe almost every piece of unpainted timber and old trunk we meet with in the country. C. murorum, Gr. is perhaps a Palmogloea, Kiitz. Rabenhorst remarks that this species closely resembles the gonidia of Lichens, but that the cells have a nucleus, which is wanting in the Lichen-gonidia. This is, however, incorrect, as the nucleus is quite distinct in these gonidia. Rabenhorst describes 12 species ; but places C. vulgare in the genus Pleurococcus. BIBL. Greville, Crypt. Fl. pi. 262 ; Has- sall, Alga, pi. 81. fig. 5. CHLOROGO'NIUM, Ehr. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Astasiaea. Char. A red eye-spot, a tail, and two anterior filaments. (Not attached by a fixed pedicle.) C. euchlorum (PI. 30. fig. 31). Spindle- shaped, acute at each end, tail short ; length 1-1150 to 1-280". Found in enormous numbers in pools and puddles ; frequently as many as 10,000 in a single drop. These organisms do not admit colouring- matter or foreign bodies ; hence they are probably not Infusoria, but Algae. They often adhere to each other in groups by the so-called tails (PL 30. fig. 31, upper figure), sometimes to foreign bodies (PL 30. fig. 31, lower figure), which exhibits them adhering to a dead Vorticelld). They undergo oblique spontaneous divi- sion (PL 50. fig. 1) ; this commences in the internal substance, which is constricted before the outer portion. They also propagate by a process of swarming, which takes place thus : the in- ternal substance first separates somewhat from the transparent wall, subsequently becoming irregularly constricted at various parts. The constrictions deepening, the con- stricted portions separate from each other as independent vesicles (?), and the internal substance acquires the appearance of a black- berry or bunch of grapes, consisting of a fusiform aggregation of uniform longish oval granules. Up to this period, the parent organism continues its movements ; subse- quently these cease. The granules have now acquired independent vitality, and their ilaments become developed. The envelope :hen breaks near its middle, and the swarm of young ones escape. In their somewhat more developed stage they form Glenomo- -um tingens, Ehr. See PROTOCOCCUS. BIBL. Ehr. In/us. 113; Weise, Wieg- manrfs Archiv, 1848, i. 65; Stein, Infus. 188. CHLOROPHYLL. CHLOROPHYLL. CHLOR'OPHYLL (leaf-green). The name applied to the green colouring-matter of plants. The nature of the substances which are understood under this term is still some- what questionable. It is ordinarily stated that chlorophyll exists commonly under the form of globules or granules, and occasion- ally as an amorphous granular substance, in either case more or less adherent to, or imbedded in the primordial utricle of the cell. It is, however, a contested point whether the chlorophyll-corpuscles are se- misolid homogeneous globules in which the chlorophyll is imbedded, or vesicles com- posed of a delicate membrane enclosing a green liquid : the former view is now, how- ever, generally adopted. Chlorophyll pre- sents itself in the form of distinct corpus- cles (ffranules of authors), in the cells of the flowering plants generally, particularly the parenchyma of leaves and the subepi- dermal parenchyma of green stems and shoots. The granules are especially large and distinct in certain water-plants, and may be well seen lying scattered, singly, imbedded in the circulating protoplasm of the cells of the leaves of Vallimeria and other water-plants. The corpuscles are very evident in the cells of the prothallia of Ferns, in the leaves of Selagine.lla, of Mosses and Liverworts ; also in Chara, where they are very abundant and form a continuous layer, or numerous rows, embedded in a gelatinous stratum between the cell-wall and the circulating mass of protoplasm. In the Confervoids the chlorophyll often ap- pears both formless and corpuscular in one and the same cell, but usually more or less formless in young cells, and more com- pletely converted into granules in the full- grown, as in Vaucheria. In the Confer- vaceee, such as Cladophora, and in (Eclogo- nium, it presents itself in a granular stratum with numerous larger bright corpuscles ; and in Spirogyra, Zyynema, &c. the chlo- rophyll takes the form of the spiral or an- nular band to which it is adherent, without large granulations in the general mass, but with a number of distinct, large, bright- looking corpuscles at intervals (PI. 9. fig. 18). In Protococcus, in zoospores, and in the individual ciliated bodies of the Vol- vocineee, the chlorophyll appears to tinge the general mass of granular protoplasm, leaving the conical apex (beak) uncoloured (Plates 7 & 9), while more or less distinct corpuscles or granules are scattered through the mass, varying in number and size at different periods. When any of these forms of chlorophyll are treated with ether, benzole, alcohol, or chloroform, the colour is abstract- ed, while the organized forms, the corpuscles, &c., remain ; so that the true chlorophyll is really only a soluble substance, dyeing the bodies called chlorophyll-corpuscles &c. It becomes a question then whether these are homogeneous semisolid corpuscles, or vesicles containing the colouring-matter in sacs, from which it is extracted by the ether &c. Nageli and others assert the vesicular character of the chlorophyll-corpuscles and the appearances are sometimes much in favour of this view ; but in the many cases in which we have obtained the appearance of a double line around them, under high magnifying powers, we have never been able to divest ourselves of the impression that this was an optical illusion. Nageli asserts that the corpuscles multiply by di- vision, which is true, but does not prove that they are vesicular structures. The ob- servation of Giippert and Cohn, of a chlo- rophyll-corpuscle swelling up and bursting through enaosmose, may be explained with- out supposing a regularly organized coat. We are inclined to believe that the bodies bearing the green colouring-matter are structures belonging to the protoplasm, the green colour being only an additional cha- racter, produced by the action of light, superadded to the ordinary character of the granular structurs occurring in the proto- plasm or nitrogenous cell-contents. See PROTOPLASM. A very important point connected with chlorophyll is its relation to starch. The bodies called starch-granules occur very commonly with chlorophyll-corpuscles in the cells of the green parts of plants, and they become substituted for each other under varying circumstances. Some authors have imagined that chlorophyll is produced by a chemical decomposition of starch, while others think that starch is developed from chlorophyll. The chief ground for the latter view is the fact that starch- granules are often found in the centre of chlorophyll-corpuscles, like a kind of nu- cleus. We have traced, in Hepaticae, the gradual formation of a group of starch- granules in the interior of a chlorophyll- corpuscle (where they are readily detected* by the application of iodine) ; and this goes on in certain cases until almost all the green colour is lost. Starch occurs universally at a certain period in the bright ' distinct CHLOROPHYLL. [ 169 ] CHLOROPHYLL. chlorophyll-corpuscles of Chara and of the Oonfervaceee, Spirogyra &c.; so that these are coloured blue by iodine, although green before its application. But this starch may disappear again in the course of nature, for it always vanishes from these corpuscles when they are about to become organized into zoospores. In fact the green chloro- phyll is predominant during active vegeta- tion, and starch in periods of rest or in full- grown structures. Moreover, while chloro- phyll may appear independently in young cells without being preceded by starch, in green tissues starch makes its appearance without previous existence of chlorophyll- corpuscles in subterranean structures, as for example in the potato and other tubers. The truth of the matter therefore appears to be, that the chlorophyll-structures, as above stated, are granular structures belonging to the general protoplasm or nitrogenous cell- contents, that they become coloured green in the light by a chemical change connected with the vital processes, and that in under- going this change they do not lose the power, which the ordinary protoplasm possesses, of secreting starch and decomposing it again when required for the nutrition of the plant. Starch-granules, when free and uncoloured, appear to be produced originally from gra- nular or vesicular protoplasmic structures, only differing by absence of colour from chlorophyll structures. For example, the granular protoplasm around the cell-nucleus in the cells of herbaceous Monocotyledons (such as the Lily, Tradescantia c.) will sometimes become converted into chloro- phyll- granules (in superficial cells), inside which starch may be subsequently deve- loped ; but (in deeper-seated cells) the granular protoplasm may give rise at once to starch-granules (PL 46. fig. 28 a) with- out the previous existence of the green modification of the protoplasm, i. e. chloro- phyll. The views of the nature of chlorophyll above expressed (in the first edition of this work) have been since confirmed by the observations of v. Mohl and Gris ; and re- peated observations have furnished us with similar results. In Caspary's observations on Hydrillese also, will be found confirma- tion of the statement that the supposed vesicular structure is an illusion. Chlorophyll occurs in the animal, as well as in the vegetable kingdom thus in Infu- soria (Stentor &c.), the zoophytes (Hydra), the Turbellaria, Aphidae, &c. Chlorophyll-corpuscles, when set free in water, expand by imbibing water, some- times becoming vacuolated and bursting. Alcohol and most acids coagulate them, while acetic acid will often blend the cor- puscles into an irregular mass. After the separation of the chlorophyll, the protoplasmic base retains both its form and volume j constituting a solid soft body, often containing small vacuoles. Chlorophyll is turned yellow-brown by tincture of iodine ; sulphuric acid gives it a more or less deep blue colour ; ether and alcohol discharge the green tint. Prepara- tions mounted in chloride of calcium or glycerine often lose their green colour ; those preserved in water wih 1 sometimes retain it a long time. The green colouring-matter extracted by alcohol is a complex substance, containing a kind of wax and a matter allied to indigo. It was formerly considered that chloro- phyll was the only colouring-matter of plants, capable under the influence of oxy- gen of producing all the varied and beauti- ful colours of flowers. Subsequently, two colouring-matters, a blue-phyllocyanine, and a yellow-phylloxanthine, have been sepa- rated by chemical reagents, and considered as the real colouring-matters, which by their mixture produced the most varied colours. The old view has lately been re- vived ; but the whole question must at present be considered as unsettled. In autumn, at the fall of the leaf, the chlorophyll becomes dissolved, and con- veyed to the perennial portions of the plants, the cells become filled with liquid contain- ing crystals and a number of bright yellow granules ; if the leaves are red, this arises from a substance dissolved in the liquid, the yellow granules being also present. BIBL. Mohl, Veget. Cell. (Trawl. 1852), 41 ; Vermischte Schriften, 349 ; JBotan. Zeit. 1855 (Ann. N. H. 2nd ser. xv. 321); Nageli, Zeitsch. f. wiss. Bot. iii. 110 (Ray Soc. 1849); Mulder, Physiol. Chem., Tr. 266 ; Goppertand Cohn, Bot. Zeitung, 1849, vii. 665; Schleiden, Grundziige wiss. Bot. 3rd ed. 196 ; Braun, Verjung. (Ray Soc. 1853, 195); Morot, Color. desVegetaux,Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. xiii. 160 ; GuiUemin, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser. vii. 155; Gris, ibid. 1857, vii. 179; Caspary, Pi'ingsheims Jahrb. wiss. Bot. i. 399, ibid. 1881; Fremy, Compt. Rend., 1. 405 ; Gmelin, Handb. Chem. vii. 1430 ; Hofmeister, Pflanzenzelle, 1867, sect. 41 ; Kraus, Jahr. wissensch. Bot. 1871, viii. CHLOROPTERIS. [ 170 ] CHOLERA. 131; Henfrey-Masters, Bot. 498; Sachs, Sot. 729 ; Sorby, Beale, How $c., 278 ; Kraus, Z. Kenntniss. d. Chi. Farbstoffe, 1872 (Spectroscope) ; Askenasy, Bot. Zeit. 1867, 225 ; Geddes, Proc. Roy. Soc. no. 194 (Qu. Mic. Jn. 1879, xix. 434) ; Palmer, M. M. J. 1877, xvii. 225 (figs.). CHLOROPTERIS, Mont. A genus of Confervaceae (Confervoid Algae). 1 species : not British. Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. iii. 346 (fig.)- CHLOROSPH^E'RA, Henfrey (EnE- MOSPH^RA, De Bary). A genus of Uni- cellular Algae, probably related to (Edo- goniege (Rabenhorst places it among the Palmellaceae) ; of which one species, C. Oli- veri (E. viridis, De B.) (PI. 5. fig. 4) is known, consisting of a single globular cell, about 1-200" in diameter, densely filled with green contents, sometimes exhibiting a radi- ated appearance. The cell is multiplied by dividing into two parts by a septum, and forming a new perfect cell in each half, the two new cells escaping through slits in the parent-cell membrane, with elasticity, when mature. Resting-spores, formed in fours in a parent-cell and of a brown colour, have been observed, but not their germination nor any formation of zoospores. C. Oliveri was found in a boggy ditch, at Prestwich Car, Northumberland. It has been found elsewhere in turfy pools. BIBL. Henfrey, Mic. Trans. 1859, vol. vii. 25 ; De Bary, Conj. 56. CHLOROTYLIUM, Ktz. A genus of Chsetopboraceae (Confervoid Algae). Char. Filaments jointed, repeatedly di- chotomous, parallel ; joints of two kinds, some elongate and colourless, others swol- len, abbreviate, and with green endo- chromes. 4 species. On rocks, submerged timber, and the bottom of ponds. BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 432 ; Raben- horst, Fl. Alg. iii. 386 (fig'.). CHOCOLATE. See COCOA. CHCE'NIA, Quennerstedt. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria. Char. Free, elongate, with a brush-like tuft of large cilia at the anterior extre- mity. C. teres, marine, = Trachelius t. Duj. BIBL. Kent, Inf. 521. CHOIROMY'CES. A genus of Tube- racei (Ascomycetous Fungi) characterized by a definite base, even common integu- ment, clavate asci and spherical sporidia. C. meandriformis, Vitt., occurs occasion- ally in Great Britain. It sometimes attains a considerable size. BIBL. Vitt. Man. Tab. 50; Ann. N. H. xviii. 80 ; Sow. Fung. t. 310 ; Tul. Fung. Hyp. 170, tab. xix. fig. 7. CHOLERA. The attempt has often been made to discover some animalcule or minute vegetable organism in the air, water, and the intestinal and other animal liquids, during the existence of cholera, which might explain the origin of this fearful disease ; and statements have been published an- nouncing success. None of these have, however, stood the test of rigid investiga- tion. When the cholera prevailed at Berlin in 1832, the renowned Ehrenberg, who had then been engaged in the study of micro- scopic organisms for many years, declared, after special and careful examination, that neither the air nor the water from various localities contained any thing unusual. Re- peated examinations of the air and water of infected, localities, made in 1849, and during the more recent accessions of the cholera, have afforded also conclusive nega- tive evidence. Hallier subsequently attempted to show that it was probably derived in the first in- stance from a fungus infesting rice. It is, however, a remarkable fact that rice is far less subject to attacks of Fungi than any other cereals. The researches of Thwaites and others have been directed to this espe- cial point, and have in no respect confirmed Hallier's views ; added to which, it was quite evident that the fungus which ap- peared in cholera-evacuations was not the Urocystis, to which he referred it. De Bary altogether denied the justice of his views. Lewis and Cunningham were placed by the government authorities in communi- cation with De Bary and Hallier, and quite accorded with the former of the two ; and the very careful observations of Lewis at Calcutta confirm De Bary's views. See MICROZYMES. The methods of examining the air in re- gard to this point are described under AIR. BIBL. Baly and Gull, Hep. of Cholera Subcommittee of Roy. Coll. Phys., London, 1849; Robin, Veget. Parasites, fyc., 1853, appendice, 676 ; Hallier, Das Cholera- Contagium; Privy Council Reports, 1866 and 1870;' Sansom, Jn. of Science, 1871, 153; Berkeley, Mic. Jn. July 1869 ; Lewis, Re- port on Objects found in Cholera-evacuations; and Med. Chi. Rev. 1871. CHOLERA-FLY. CHORDA DORSALIS. CHOLERA-FLY. Knox, Lancet, 1853, ii. 479. CHOLES'TERINE. This substance exists naturally in most animal liquids in a state of solution ; also in many animal solids, as in the blood, the bile, the meconium, the brain and spinal cord. As an abnormal product, it occurs in the crystalline form in the bile, biliary calculi, various dropsical effusions, the contents of cysts, pus, old tubercles, malignant tumours, the excre- ments, expectoration of phthisis, &c. In the vegetable kingdom it occurs in peas, beans, almonds, many seeds, &c. The crystals form thin pearly rhombic plates (PI. 13. fig. 21). The acute angles are =79 30', the obtuse =100 30'. Some- times the angles are truncated. Cholesterine is insoluble in water and solution of potash, even when boiling ; but soluble in ether and boiling alcohol, crystal- lizing on cooling. It is most easily procured from a gall- stone by boiling in alcohol ; it falls on cool- ing. The crystals thus obtained are usually thicker than the natural plates. CHONDRACAN'THUS. A genus of Crustacea, of the order Siphonostoma, and family Lernasopoda. C. Zei. Found upon the gills of Zeus, the Dory. Body is covered with short re- flexed spines. Length 4-5". BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomostr. 327 ; Me- gnin, Parasites, 442. ' CHONDRIA, As-. See LAUREXCIA. CHONDR1NE. The gelatinous matter of the permanent true cartilages. Its solution differs from that of the gela- tine of bones &c., in being precipitated by acetic acid, acetate of lead, and alum. The acetic precipitate is insoluble in excess. It is coloured red by Millon's test ; but is unaffected by that of Pettenkofer. CHON'DRUS, L. A genus of Crypto- nemiaceae (Florideous Algae), composed of cartilaginous sea-weeds with flat dichoto- mously-divided fronds, the cellular structure of which exhibits three layers a central of longitudinal filaments, an intermediate of small roundish cells, and an outer of ver- tical coloured and beaded rows of cells, the whole imbedded in a tough ., Fe"e ; JErgotcetia, Quekett). The sphacelia is often accompanied by a Mucedinous fungus, which is certainly not the result of germination of the stylospores as might be imagined, but a distinct plant. Tulasne describes three species : C. purpurea, Tul. (PI. 26. figs. 18-22). The ergot of grasses = Sphceria entomor- rhiza, Schum. ; Sphceria (Cordyceps) pur- purea, Fries ; Kentrosporium mitratum, Wallr. ; Sphceropus fungorum, Guibourt : Cordyliceps purpurea, Tulasne. On the flowers of Grasses, such as rye, wheat, oats, and numerous pasture grasses. C. microcephala, Tul. Kentrosporium microcephalum Wallr. ; Sphceria microce- phala, Wallr. ; Sphceria acus, Trog. ; Cordy- ceps purpurea, var. acus, Desm. On Phrag- mites communis and Molinia ccerulea. C. nigricans, Tul. On species of Scirpus. BIBL. Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. Nat. 3 ser. xx. 5-43, pis. 1-4, where all the previous literature is reviewed ; Quekett, Linn. Tr. 1839; Cesati,.B0*. Zeit. 1855, 74; Currey, Qn. Mic. Jn. 132; Bonorden, Sot. Zeit. 1858, 97 ; Lindley, Veg. Kingd. j Kiihn, Mitt, landw. Inst Halle, i. 1863 ; Sachs, Sot. 381. CLA'VnLE. A family of Hydroid Polypes. Char. Polypes claviform or fusiform, with scattered tentacula. Genera : Polypes stalked. Stem simple Tubiclava. Stem much branched Cordylophora. Polypes sessile. Tentacles few Turris. Tentacles very numerous ... Clava.' BIBL. Hincks, Hydr. Zooph. p. 1. CLAVULA'RIA, Grev. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules free, linear, with nu- merous transverse pseudo-dissepiments, in- terrupted by a central smooth external plate. Valves with a central inflation, and a longitudinal row of short subcapitate processes. C. barbadensis (PI. 51. fig. 33). In Bar- badoes deposit. BIBL. Greville, Micr. Trans. 1865, p. 24. CLAVULI'NA, D'Orb. A modified Valvulina, in which the triserial arrange- ment of the chambers (three in one whorl of the spire) has passed into a uniserial or linear row, making altogether a claviform shell. The long dimorphous Textularice, having a similar shape, have been recorded as Cla- vulince ; but the absence of the septal valve distinguishes them. C. parisiensis (PI. 23. fig. 51.) is a neat form, with a marked distinction of triserial and uniserial growth. These long dimor- phous Valvulince are common in some Tertiary deposits, and in the Indian and Australian seas. BIBL. Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. ser. 3, v. 467-469; Carpenter, For. 147. 193. CLEISTOCAR'PI, (Closed-fruited, f. e. inoperculate). An artiticial division of the Mosses. In this group, the capsule bursts irregu- larly. It contains the families Bruchiaceae, Phascaceae, and Ephemereae. See MOSSES. CLETO'DES, Brady. A genus of Cope- poda (Entomostraca). 4 species. In dredg- ings on the north British coasts. BIBL. Brady, Copepoda (Ray Soc.). CLIMAC AM'MINA, Brady. An arena- ceous, coarse Textularian Foraminifer, of bigenerine growth ; with labyrinthic struc- ture inside the chambers, and cribriform aperture. Fossil in the Mountain-limestone of Britain and Russia ; not rare. BIBL. H. B. Brady, Monog. Carb. Foram., Pal Soc. 1876, 67. CLIMA'CIUM, W. and Mohr. A genus of Mosses, synonymous with Hypnum (den- droides). BIBL. Wilson, Bryol.Brit. p. 325 ; Berke- ley, Srit. Moss. p. 140. CLIMACONE'IS, Grun. A genus of Diatomaceaa. Char. Frustules bacillar, free (?), with CLBIACOSPHENIA. [ 183 ] CLOSTERIUM. '2 scalariform dissepiments ; valves striato- punctate, coslae none. C. Lorenzii. Valves linear-lanceolate, swollen at the ends and the middle. In the Adriatic. BIBL. Grunow, Wien. Verhandl. 1862, 421, pi. 8. fig. 7. OLIMAOOSPHE'NIA, Ehr. A genus of Diatomacese. Char. Frustules cuneate, stipitate, di- vided into loculi by transverse septa ; valves obovato-lanceolate, with moniliform vittae in the front view. Marine ; not British. C. australis. Very shortly stipitate ; sides of the valves not (very faintly?) striated. On Algae from New Holland and South Africa. C. moniligera (PL 25. tig. 9). Stipitate, sides of the valves transversely striated (, front view ; 6, side view). In the Gulf of Mexico. Rabenhorst enumerates 6 species. BIBL. Ehrenb. Abh. Berl. Ak. 1841, 401 : id. Ber. 1843 ; Kiitzing, Badllar. 123, and Sp.Alg. 114; Rabenhorst, Alg. i. 299. CLIMACOS'TOMUM, Stein, = Spirosto- mum virens, Ehr. CLI'ONA, Grant. A genus of marine Sponges. By means of the spicula imbedded in their surface, they burrow into rocks, shells, and stones. BIBL. Gosse, Mar. Zool. i. 5 ; Hancock, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1849, i. 321 ; Bowel-bank, Brit. Spog. ii. p. 212. CLONOS'TACH YS, Corda. Agenus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), appa- rently not distinct from BOTRYTIS. C. araucaria (fig. 347) has been found in England. BIBL. Corda, Prachtft. europ. Schimmel- Uld. pi. 15 ; Currey, Qu. Mic. Jn. v. 126. CLOSTE'RIUM, Nitzsch. A genus of Desmidiaceae (Confervoid Algae). Char. Cells single, elongated, attenuated towards each end, entire ; mostly curved Innately or arcuate ; junction of the seg- ments marked by a pale transverse band. Eudochrome green. This beautiful genus is of great interest to the scientific microscopic observer. Many of the species are very common, so that scarcely a drop can be taken from the bot- tom of a clear pool without some of them being contained in it. Each cell is composed of two equal por- tions, uniting at a transverse line occupying the middle of the cell. The endochrome exhibits longitudinal bands (PL 14. fig. 40), the number varying in different species, of a darker green than the rest of the endo- chrome (PL 14. figs. 40, 41, 43). A num- ber of chlorophyll-vesicles are frequently visible in the endochrome, sometimes scat- tered irregularly, at others arranged in lon- gitudinal series (PL 14. fig. 43) ; at certain periods these contain starch-granules. The green endochrome is separated from the cell-wall by a stratum of colourless pro- toplasm which occupies a bluntly triangular space at each extremity. In many cases the protoplasm at these ends exhibits a large roundish vacuole, in which a number of minute granules are contained, often in active motion. Similar granules are visible in the marginal line of protoplasm, which exhibits a distinct circulation, requiring a power of about 400 to show it clearly. Focke, Osborne, and others have described cilia inside the cell-wall, and attributed the circulation to their action ; but this is erro- neous. The protoplasm appears to flow up over the interior of the cell-wall on all sides, from the centre to the extremity, then to turn round past the vacuole, and return over the surface of the green endo- chrome parallel to the upward course. Wills states that the vacuoles at the ends of the cells are contractile vesicles, con- nected with the flow of the currents. The Closteria are reproduced in various ways. The individuals divide, like the re&t of the Desmidiaceae, the separation taking place transversely in the situation of the transparent space, where two new half-cells become developed, subsequently separating. As these new ' halves ' are often very small at the epoch of separation, specimens occur with the two portions very unequal. Another mode of reproduction is by con- jugation. In this, a pair of individuals be- come united somewhat in the same way as in the Zygnemaceae ; ordinarily the indi- viduals conjugate by the convex side. The process is this : The outer membranes of the parents split circularly in the situation of the central transverse space ; a delicate internal membrane is protruded from each as a sac, and these meet and coalesce. Sometimes the sacs are in pairs from each parent-cell. (See CONJUGATION.) When the cross process is complete, the contents of both parent-cells pass into it and become collected into a globular or squarish cell or zygospore (PL 14. figs. 42 & 46.). Dif- ferent statements are made with regard to the ultimate history of this; and it is CLOSTERIUM. [ 184 ] CLOSTERIUM. probably variable. Morren states that it becomes a moving gonidium, while most authors state that it becomes a resting-spore with firm membranous coats. Again, Mor- ren assumes the segmentation of the green contents of this spore or gonidium into a number of portions, each of which becomes a perfect individual. Focke gives a figure which seems to bear out this statement ; and it would find an analogy in the mode of reproduction by active gonidia in Pedi- astrwn, described by Caspary and Brauu. (See PEDIASTRUM.) Focke also figures a condition of Closterium Lunida, in which the whole of the green contents of an individual cell had become retracted from the walls, and converted into a number of green glo- bular bodies, with proper coats, resembling the resting spores found under certain con- ditions in many filamentous Algoe. (See (EDOGONIUM and SPIROGYRA.) The Closteria are capable of fixing them- selves by one extremity to foreign bodies, and Ehrenberg asserted the existence of a foot-like organ ; but no such structure seems to exist. The individuals also possess a power of moving in water, but the nature of this is inexplicable at present. The seg- ments of the outer membrane separate from each other when their contents decay, and often when they are dried. The membrane is coloured blue by sulphuric acid and iodine (cellulose) ; in its natural condition it often has a reddish tint, especially towards the ends. Rabenhorst describes 52 species, with numerous varieties. Analysis of ordinary British species : i Cell suddenly narrowed at the ends j attenuatum, 1. < into a conical point .................. ( 1.1-57". ( Cell not suddenly narrowed ......... 2 '"Cell striated, tapering into a beak at ends, lower margin prominent atmiddle .............................. 3 2 i Cell very minute, beaked, straight, (Grifflthii*, "' not striated, nor lower margin } 1. 1-3 00 to prominent at middle ............... ( 1-450". Cell not beaked ; if striated, lower margin not prominent at middle 6 I Beaks setaceous, as long as or lon- o ) ger than body ........................ 4 ' } Beaks linear, much shorter than ( body < Beaks much longer than body ...... { ( Beaks about as long as body ...... -| f^? Cells much inflated at middle, j Xalfsii, rapidly tapering at ends ............ ( 1.1-79". Cells slightly inflated at middle, j lineatum, gradually tapering at ends ...... \ 1.1-48". * PI. 14. figs. 57 & 58. t PI. 14. flga. 45 & 46 (Conjugation). {Cell minute, acicular; sporangium cruciform 1 Cell not acicular; sporangium or- bicular 8 , (End. obtuse JT&HO-. I Ends acute JTwjJ". /Cell semilunate or semilanceolate, lower margin inclined upwards 8.^ at ends 9 Cell with either truncate ends, or lower margin inclined down- * wards at ends 12 9 J Vesicles numerous, scattered -J ' Vesicles in a longitudinal row C Cell linear-lanceolate ; ends coni- ( acerosum t, HJ cal, obtuse ..................... ... ...... \ 1. 1-70 to 1-58". } Cell semilanceolate ; ends sub- j l-anceolalwn, ; acute .................................... f 1.1-64". j Cell not striated, crescent-shaped 13 12- < Cell either not crescent-shaped, or ( else distinctly striated ............ 17 j" Vesicles numerous, scattered ...... \ E \ re ^ b ^? ii ' 13.^ Vesicles in longitudinal row ......... 14 (^ Empty cell colourless, endsround- 14. Empty cell usually reddish, ends subacate ................................. 16 ( Lower margin of cell inflated at ( moniliferuml, 15 J middle .................................... } 1. 1-75 to 1-60". Cell not inflated at middle > ............... ^Cell slender, not inflated at middle] /Lower margin of cell inclined up- i ,. j wards at truncate ends ; lougitu- ) d ^ymotoc um , 17.-J dinal striae none or indistinct ... | L L " 6& Ends of cell inclined downwards ; { striae distinct ........................... i& , ( Longitudinal stria? 3 to 7,prominent 19 ( Longitudinal striae numerous, fine 20 lit. i Cell semiluna or crescent-shaped -j coi um> 1. 1-75". I Cell linear , (Cell narrowly linear, nearly (juncidum, 20. > straight { 1-69 to 1-111". ( Cell tapering, curved 21 /Longitudinal striae crowded, su- j striolatum, 2 . ! tureslto3 \ 1. 1-80 to 1-68". j Longitudinal striae not crowded I intermedium, (. sutures usually more than 3 ( 1. 1-77 to 1-54". BIBL. Meneghini, Syn. Desmid.,Linna>a f xiv. 201 j Ehrenb. Infus. ; Ralfs, Brit. Desmidiece ; Smith, Ann. N. H. 1850, v. 1 ; Brebisson, Alg. Falaise, fy Conjugates ; Kiit- zing, Spec. Alg. 163 ; Berkeley, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xiii. 256; Braun, Itejuv. (Ray Soc. 1853, 289, 292) ; Morren, 'Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 s in Great Britain. BIBL. Nylander, St/n. 101, pis. 2, 3, 4; Leighton, Lick. Fl 1879, 15. COLLEMACEI. A family of Lichens, having a gelatinous thallus ; comprising the tribes LICHENEI and COLLEMEI, which see. OOLLEMEL A tribe of gelatinous Lichens, farn. Collemacei, with a membra- nous lobate thallus. Gen. Pyrenopsis, Synalissa, Collema, Lep- togium, Collemopsis, and Pyrenidium. COLLEMOP'SIS, Nyl.-A genus of Col- lemaceous Lichens, with the thallus glau- cous-green internally. 7 British species. BIBL. Leighton, Lich. FL 35. COLLEN 'CH YMA. A peculiar kind of thickening of cellular tissue in the subepi- dermal layers of many herbaceous stems, such as Rumex, Beta, Chenopodium, &c. ; which some have regarded as intercellular substance, while bthers, more correctly, have stated it to consist of metamorphosed se- condary layers inside the cells. See INTER- CELLULAR SUBSTANCE. COLLETONE'MA,Brebisson. A genus of Diatoniaceae. Char. Frustules navicular, sigmoid or straight, arranged in rows, and immersed in a gelatinous mucus, forming a filiform frond. Fresh water. C. eximium. Valves sigmoid; length 1-340". C. rulgare. Valves elliptic-lanceolate, slightly contracted at ends ; length 1- 410". C. neglectum. Valves elliptic-lanceolate ; length 1-250". C. subcohcerens = Micromega subcohce- Three other species, C. viridulum, C. la- custre, and C. flexile. Rabenhorst arranges these in a section of the genus Schizotiema. BIBL. Smith, Brit. Diat. ii. 69; Kiit- zing, Sp. Alg. 105 ; Rabenhorst. Fl. Alg. i. 265. COLLOID MATTER, EXUDATION and CORPUSCLES (animal). The term colloid matter or exudation is applied to a transparent, viscid, yellowish, structureless or slightly granular matter, resembling liquid gelatine, arising from the metamorphosis of the protoplasm of the cells. It occurs as a normal and a patho- logical product. In a state of greater con- sistence, it sometimes forms flakes or irre- gular masses, which occasionally possess a laminated structure. In a third form it constitutes spherical, rounded or oval, sometimes flattened microscopic corpuscles simple masses of sarcode (PL 38. fig. 22 a). These are either homogeneous, or exhibit numerous laminse (concentric colloid cor- puscles) (PI. 38. fig. 226): sometimes a kind of nuclear body is present (fig. 22 c); at others they contain carbonate and phos- phate of lime (fig. 22 d). Sometimes they exhibit a radiate appearance (fig. 22 e). In the liquid form, colloid exudation is found within cysts in the thymus and thyroid glands, the ovary, &c., and within the en- larged areolae of areolar tissue around these organs, &c. It is found in a free state upon the surface of inflamed serous membranes. The colloid corpuscles are met with in the hypertrophied heart, in the prostate, the thyroid, and the thymus glands, in the choroid membrane, in the brain and spinal cord, and in the (waxy) spleen, &c. The liquid colloid matter is not precipi- tated by acetic acid ; it becomes 91 a gelatinous consistence, retaining its trans- parency or turbid and opaque, by heat. The colloid corpuscles do not, however, appear to be uniform in composition : some- times they consist of a proteine-compound ; at others, doubtfully, of cellulose or amy- loid, as in the brain (true CORPORA AMY- LACE A). These bodies are further noticed under the heads of the tissues and organs in which they occur. See also TUMOURS (Colloid cancer). BIBL. Rokitansky, Path. Anat. i. 304; Wedl, Path. Histol. ; Forster, Hand. spec. Path. ; Virchow, Arch. Path. Anat. v. ; Rindfleisch, Path. Gewebelehre, 29 j Green, Pathol fyc. 57. COLLO'MIA, Nutt. A genus of Pole- inoniaceae (Dicotyledons) remarkable for the spiral structures produced in the epi- dermis of the seeds (PI. 28. fig. 22) (see SPIRAL STRUCTURES). The gummy sub- stance in which fibre is imbedded is solu- ble in water and not in spirit ; therefore the best way to observe the elastic opening of the spiral fibres is to make fine sections of the coat of the seed and place them in a little spirit of wine, upon a slide, with a covering glass, to adjust the focus, and then to add water carefully at the side of the covering glass so as to wash away or dilute the spirit. COLLOSPILERA, Mull. A genus of Radiolaria, fam. Thalassicollidse. o COLORADO BEETLE. [ 194 ] COLPODA. Char. Skeleton consisting of simple sphe- rical roundish or polyhedral fenestrated shells, smooth or spinous, each of which surrounds one of the combined central capsules. C. Huxleyi ( Thalassicolla pundata, pt.) . Shell smooth; diam. 250"' In various seas. C. spinosa. Shell spinous. Lessina. BIBL. Haeckel, Radiolar. 633 ; Huxley, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 434, pi. 16. fig. 6. COLORADO BEETLE. See DORY- PHORA. COLOSTRUM. The first liquid se- creted by the mammary glands. See MILK. COLOUR. See INTRODUCTION, p. xxxiv. COLOURING MATTER, OF ANIMALS. See PIGMENT. COLOURING MATTERS, of PLANTS. The green colour of vegetables depends upon the presence of CHLOROPHYLL, and is spoken of under that head. The red and yellow colours assumed by leaves and her- baceous shoots in autumn depend upon a chemical metamorphosis of the chlorophyll, or on its absorption and the discoloration of the cellular tissue. The colours of red cabbage, copper beech and similar plants, depend upon the existence of a colouring liquid in the usually colourless epidermal cells, obscuring the chlorophyll which lies beneath. The red colour presented by many of the lower Algae, such as some of the Palinellacese, appears also to depend upon a metamorphosis of the chlorophyll, con- nected with the vital processes ; it is met with also in the contents of the resting- spores of many of the filamentous Confer- voids. The protoplasm assumes a reddish colour in the pmictum vegetationis of the buds of Monocotyledons in the autumn, which probably depends upon a similar cause. The bright colours of flowers and other parts of the inflorescence of plants, as also of the lower surface of many leaves (Begonia, Victoria, &c.) and herbaceous shoots, arise from the presence of matters of a different kind, almost always dissolved in the watery cell-sap. The colour of petals is ordinarily found to depend upon a cer- tain number of the cells subjacent to the epi- dermal layer being filled with a coloured fluid ; and the depth of the colour is pro- portionate to the number of superimposed layers of such cells, which act like so many layers of a pigment. Each cell is usually filled with one colour when fully deve- loped ; but adjacent cells are often seen, in Vciriegated petals, to contain distinct colours, the line of demarcation being accu- rately fixed by the cell-walls, through which the colours do not transude, unless the cells are injured by pressure. In young tissues the colour often has a granular appearance in the cells ; but this is a deception arising from the mode in which the colour is deve- loped. The colourless protoplasm originally filling the cells becomes excavated, as it were, by water-bubbles, and the watery contents of the excavations become co- loured ; they gradually enlarge as the pro- toplasm applies itself more completely to the walls of the cell, until they become confluent and the coloured liquid fills the whole cell-cavity. The isolation of the coloured juice in each particular cell seems to depend upon the primordial utricle or parietal layer of protoplasm ; when this is injured by pressure, or other external cause endosmose is soon set up and the integrity of the cell destroyed. In some cases the liquid colouring-matters of flowers have been found to contain solid corpuscles : the red colour-cells of Salvia splendens, and the blue ones of Strelifzia regina, contain globules j and according to Mohl, this is still more commonly the case with the yellow colours : in the yellow perigonial leaves of Strelitzia regina the yellow colour is said to depend upon the presence of crescentic and curled filaments floating in the cell-sap. The white patches upon variegated and spotted leaves, such as those of Awnlcr, Holly, variegated Mint, Begonia ari/yro- stigma, &c., arise from the absence of chlo- rophyll in the cells subjacent to the epi- dermis at those parts, which producos the same effects as we see in leaves mined by caterpillars. BIBL. Von Mohl, Verm. Schrift. 575. COLPID'IUM, Stein, = Paramecfum M- poda, Ehr. & Cl. & Lachmann (Kent, In/us. 537). COLPOCEPH'ALCJM. Asubgenus of Liothenm (ANOPLURA). C. longicaudwn, and four other species ; found on pigeons. BIBL. Megnin, Parasites, 91 (fig.). COLPO'DA, Schrauk, Ehr. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria, of the family Col- podea, Ehr., Colpodina, Cl. & L. Char. No eye-spot; body sinuous or notched on one side, sometimes renifonn, surface reticulated or marked with nodular obliquely interlacing striae j mouth lateral, COLPODELLA. [ 195 ] CONCHOPHTHIRUS. situated at the bottom of the notch, anc furnished with a projecting lip. C. cucullus (PL 31. fig. 25). Turgid slightly compressed, reniform, often nar- rowed in front ; length 1-1720 to 1-280" Common is vegetable infusions, especially of hay. Ecdysis has been observed in this animalcule. Stein describes the encysting process and reproduction from germs as occurring in this infusorium. C. ? ren. Ovato-cylindrical, reniform, rounded at the ends; fresh wat. ; length 1-280". C. ? cucullio (Loxodes cue. , Duj.). Com- press< front id, flat, elliptical, slightly sinuous in ; fresh wat. ; length 1-900". C. parvifrons, Cl. & L. No anterior re- curvature, contractile vesicle not terminal. Fresh water. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 347; Duj. Inf. 478; Stein, Infusionsth ; Claparede & Lachniann, 270; Kent, Infus. 512. COLPODEL'LA, Cienk. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Char. Free or adherent, ovate or elon- gate, one flagellum, with a suctorial cavity at the base ; becomes encysted. C. puynax (PI. 53. fig. 14). Fresh water ; preying on Chlamydomonas ; length 1-2000' ' . (Kent, Inf. 378.) COLPODI'NA, Cl. & L. A family of Infusoria, characterized by the presence of cilia all over the body, the patent and cili- ated oesophagus, and the absence of rows of buccal cilia directing the particles of food to the mouth. Genera : Membranous lips absent. No setae projecting from the mouth 1. Paramecium. Setae proj ecting from the mouth. A bundle of short setae form- ing a lower lip 2. Colpoda. Oral setae long, isolated. No ventral setae 3. Cydidium. A bundle of ventral setae... 4. Pleuronema. Lips membranous, oscillatory 5. Glaucoma. COLPONE'MA, Stein. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Char. Free, ovate, pointed and curved, with a ventral groove ; flagella two, one apical and vibratile, the other ventral and trailing. C. loxodes. Fresh water (Kent, Inf. 297). COLUREL'LA, Bory. Duj. = Colurus, Ehr. COLU'RUS, Ehr. A genus ofRotato- ria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Two frontal eye-spots; tail-like foot forked; carapace cylindrical or com- pressed. Carapace open beneath ; cervical append- age curved; jaws with two or three teeth each. C. deflexus (PI. 43. fig. 12, dorsal view; 13, ventral view ; 14, teeth). Carapace ovate, compressed, its posterior points long and directed downwards; terminal points of foot (toes, E.) shorter than the foot itself; length of carapace 1-240". Freshwater. C. caudatus. Carapace ovate, compressed, posterior points of carapace distinct, points of foot longer than the foot itself ; fresh- water and marine ; length 1-240". C. ? uncinatus and bictispidatus are doubt- ful species, BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 475. COMBEA, D.N. A genus of podetii- form Lichens, tribe Roccellei. 1 species, C. mollusca ; rocks, Cape of Good Hope. BIBL. Ach. Meth. 235, pi. 4. f. 5 ; Nyl. Syn. 257, pi. 8. f. 1. COMPRESSOR. INTRODUCTION, p. xxiii. ; Ross's new compressor is described in Qit. Micr. Jn. 1864, 44, COMP'SOGON, Mont. A genus of Le- nianeeoe (Confervoid Algae). 1 European species : C. Corinaldii. Ca- pillary, much branched, violet. Freshwater. CCJNCEPTACLE. A form of fructifi- cation in the FLORIDE.^ and FUCOIDEJE. Also occurring in the fructification of some Fungi. CONCHCE'CIA, Dana. A genus of Os- tracode Entomostraca, fam. Conchceciadse. Char. Those of the family. C. oltusata, Sars. Shetland. BIBL. Dana, Crustac. Explor. Expedit. &c. ; Sars, Oversigt af Norges mar. Ostr. 118 ; Brady, Linn. Tr. xxvi. 469. CONCHCE'CIADJE. A family of En- tomostraca, of the order Ostracoda. Char. Inferior antennas 2-branched, one branch rudimentary and immoveable ; feet 2 pairs, posterior rudimentary, eyes none. 1 genus, Conchcecia. JONCHOPHTHI'RUS,Stein. Agenus of Holotrichous Infusoria. Char. Free, oblong, dorsally convex, striate. C. anodont(e=Leucophrys an. Ehr. In the " body-mucilage " of freshwater Mol- lusca. 2 other species. (Kent, Inf. 490.) o2 CONCRETIONS. [ 196 ] CONFERVA. CONCRETIONS and CALCULI. These terms are rather indefinite. A hard body of comparatively considerable size, formed within an animal organism, would be called a calculus, whilst a body of con- siderable comparative size in which hard- ness was not a marked feature, or a hard body of small or microscopic dimensions, would be called a concretion. Under the latter term, the notion of a compound structure is usually implied. Calculi gene- rally consist of various organic and inor- ganic substances entering into the compo- sition of the secretions of the body, which are precipitated from various causes. Those found in the intestinal canal are mostly composed of undigested vegetable tissues derived from the food. Most, if not all, calculi and concretions are mixed with ani- mal matter (proteine-compounds) derived from the mucous cavities in which they are contained, or simultaneously precipitated, with their characteristic compounds, from the secretions in the midst of which they are formed. Hence when the proper cal- culous matter is dissolved by a reagent which exerts little or no action upon the animal matter, a mass is left whicn exhi- bits the form of the original body ; and the organic cast often so resembles a cell, that some hasty observers have attributed to calculi a cell-origin. Calculi and concretions enlarge by the deposition of new matter upon their outer surface ; and as this deposition is not uni- form and uninterrupted, either in regard to the nature or proportion of the respective constituents, they mostly exhibit a lami- nated structure. This is visible to the naked eye in the larger ones, and evidenced in those which are microscopic by the ap- pearance of concentric rings, and of a nucleus or nuclei. These concentric rings and nuclei are distinguishable equally in concretions formed artificially as in those occurring naturally. The inorganic matter in concretions is in the crystalline state, the crystals being usually small, granular or radiate, and in- termingled with the organic substance ; which arrangement is conveniently ex- pressed by Ehrenberg's term "crystalloid." The crystalloids have a great resemblance to cells, for which they have often been mistaken. BIBL. Taylor, Hunt. Catalogue, Calculi ; Quekett, Med. Times, 1851, xxiv. 551 ; Grifiith, Med, Times and Gaz. 1852, xxv. 272; Rainey, Medico- Chir. Rev. 1857, and Qu. Mic. Jn. 1858; Meckel, Mikro- geologie. CONDENSER, ACHROMATIC, BULL'S- EYE, &c., for opaque objects. INTRO- DUCTION, pp. xix & xx. CONFER'VA, Plin. A genus of Con- fervacese (Confervoid Algse), which, as restricted here, contains chiefly marine species ; but we have thought it advisable to retain in it the species separated by Kutzing as Chcctomorpha and by Thuret as Microspora ; so that our Conferva corre- sponds to HassalTs proposed genus Apia- nema. The plants consist of unbranched filaments, composed of cylindrical or moiii- liform cells, the length and diameter of which have a very variable relation in dif- ferent species, and containing starch-gran- ules. The species with nioniliform cells form Kiitzing's Glceotila. They are repro- duced by zoospores formed from the cell- contents. Braun says that C. bombycina produces four in a cell. According to Thuret, C. area produces large numbers, which escane by a lateral orifice ; while the species he describes as Microspora floccusa forms a number which escape Dy a circular dehiscence breaking up the filaments. The zoospores are 2-ciliated in general, but sometimes bear four. The spores have not been observed; and hence Kiitzing has sug- gested that the Conferva may be sterile forms of (Edogonium ; but the true CEdogo- nia produce solitary zoospores with a crown of cilia. Ratenhorst describes 30 species. British species : Freshwater. C. bombycina, Ag. Filaments 1-3GO to 1-180" in diameter, four or five times as long, forming a yellow-green cloudy stra- tum. Common in stagnant water. Dillw. Conferva, pi. 60. C.floccosa, Ag. (PI. 9. fig. lib). More robust ; articulations once or twice as long as broad. Microspora floccosa, Thuret, Ann.des Sc.Nat. 3 ser. xiv. pi. 17. figs. 6,7. Marine. Thirteen species are described by Harvey (Mar. Alga), of which C. area, Dillw., is one of the commonest, remarkable for the large size of the tufted filaments, as thick as hog's bristles, growing 3 to 12" long, of a yellow-green colour. C. Melagonium, Web. and Mohr, has erect tufted filaments equally thick ; while C. Linum, Roth, has CONFERVACE^E, [ 197 ] CONFERVOIDE^E. entangled filaments twice as thick, deep glossy green, and many feet long. The cell-walls of these large marine species present a curious striated appear- ance when treated with acids, which led J. Agardh, apparently erroneously, to sup- pose they are composed of spiral filaments. (See SPIRAL STRUCTURES.) BIBL. Harvey, Pliyc. Brit, j Thuret, loc. cit. j Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. ; Hassall, Freshw. Alg. 213 ; Braun, Rejuv. (Ray Soc. 1853, 184) ; Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. iii. 322. CONFERVA'CEJE. A family of Con- fer voidese. Marine or freshwater Algae ; composed of articulated filaments, simple or branched ; cells cylindrical, shortish, not conjugating. The fourth and fifth genera given below are placed here doubtfully; Stigeodonium, if a good genus, leads to Draparnaldia among the Chaetophoraceae. Reproduction by zoospores; spores un- known. Synopsis of the British Genera. Conferva, Filaments unbranched. Zoo- spores minute, numerous in the cells. Sea, brackish, and fresh water. Glceotila, Microspora, Chcstomorpha, Cla- dophora. Filaments tufted, much branched. Sea and fresh water. Zoospores minute, many in a cell. Rhizoclonium. Filaments decumbent, with small lateral rootlike branches. Zoo- spores minute, numerous. Sea, brackish, and fresh water. Ulothrix. Filaments simple, often fasci- culated, joints short. Zoospores 4-ciliated; two, four, or more in a cell. Fresh water. Stigeoclonium. Filaments branched, form- ing tufts, the ramules running out into slender points ; cell-walls often dissolving to emit the zoospores. Zoospores 4-ciliated, one in a cell. CONFERVOI'DE^E or CHLOROSPO'- RE^E. An order of Algae. The Chloro- spores or Confervoids, the lowest order of the Algae, display a preponderating number of truly microscopical plants, and constitute one of the favourite and most instructive fields of microscopic research. As yet, how- ever, the minute history of development is wanting in a very large number, while the facts already disclosed are so varied that it becomes a matter of difficulty to draw up a sketch of their characteristics in a brief space. Among the Palmellaceae we find some of the simplest forms of vegetable life, where the organization is reduced to the condition of a single microscopic membranous vesicle enclosing nitrogenous contents, ordinarily tinged with chlorophyll, and containing starch. Such we have in Protococcus, which in its various forms appears as a green or red stain on damp surfaces, or a green or red scum in water. These plants multiply by the subdivision of the cells into two or four new ones, which separate and repeat the process. In addition to the vegetative Ewth by subdivision, going on in damp air s cells being held together more or less ily in a gelatinous crust), the contents of the individual cells are set free by solution of the membranes when placed in water, and emerge as ciliated zoospores, endowed with active motion. Advancing a step, we come to a number of genera not yet well defined, in which the membranes of the parent cells soften into a land of gelatine, during the process of subdivision, and hold the new cells together in groups of definite or indefinite form; among these are Palmella Gloeocapsa, and others of like nature, in which at present no zoospores have been discovered. In Coccochloris a process of conjugation occurs. These genera exhibit a ?'estingform, characterized by the increased thickness of the membrane of the cell, and a change of the green contents into a brownish, reddish, or even crimson colour. With the Palmellaceae we shall associate a number of Unicellular Algae, whose cha- racters and affinities are still obscure. The Ulvaceae are not widely separated from the Palmellaceae ; but the conjunction of the cells into a definite membrane, indi- cates a higher organization. In other re- spects, however, they hardly differ more from some of the more perfect genera of Palmel- laceae, than those do from Protococcus ; and therefore, although more conspicuous and extensively developed than the Nostochaceae and Desmidiaceae, it seems natural to place the Ulvaceae near the Palmellaceae, espe- cially as the reproduction by cell-division and by zoospores is analogous in all respects to what is seen in Protococcus, of which they would appear to be the permanently aquatic representatives. Prasiola and Schizogonium, however, differ from the other Ulvaceae in the absence of zoospores, the homogeneous not granular contents of the cells being dis- charged as motionless spore-like bodies, from which new fronds grow up. The Nostochaceae exhibit but a slight advance in organization over the Palmel- CONFEEVOIDE^E. [ 198 ] CONFERVOIDE^E. lacse. They are composed of linear series of cells, mostly inflated so as to give the filaments a beaded appearance ; the linear series increase in length by transverse divi- sion, and in some stages subdivide longitu- dinally; larger globular cells (sporanges) occur at intervals in the lines, with others devoid of endochrome (vesicular cells, Thwaites). During the increase, the older external membranes soften into a gelatinous coat. In Nostoc, where the filaments accu- mulate in large numbers, they lie elegantly curled and entwined in masses of this jelly, which exhibit a more or less definite, lobed, external form ; appearing to the naked eye as gelatinous crusts or globular masses, as they lie upon damp ground or among mosses. Each sporange produces one resting-spore, which breaks out from it in germination. Nearly allied to Protococcus stands a family which until recently have often been regarded as animals, namely the Volvoci- nese ; which consist essentially of groups of I i organisms identical with the ciliated zoo- spores, held together in a definite form by a common membranous envelope or cceno- bium, through which the cilia penetrate, so that the entire full-grown plant moves free- ly in the water, as in Volvox, Gonium, Pan- j-spores, fecundation by spermatozoids. The Desmidiacese form another tribe of very simple organization, where the indivi- dual plant is composed of a single cell ; but here the coat or enclosing membrane is pe- culiarly characterized by the assumption of remarkable forms unlike anv other vegetable structures ; presentingangular and escalloped outlines or elegant processes projecting from the wall, but always so as to exhibit a bi- lateral symmetry. These cells are isolated or arranged in linear series or beautiful complicated star-like groups, enclosed at first in a common gelatinous envelope, but readily breaking up into isolated frustules. They are further remarkable for exhibiting the process of conjugation with great dis- tinctness; resulting in the production of peculiarly formed bodies, zygospores, with rigid external membranes, which are generally regarded, probably correctly, as sporanges. They are also reproduced by zoospores. The DiatomacesD are nearly related in many respects to the Desmidiaceae ; but, on the other hand, diverge from the ordinary characters of plants so much in other re- spects, that some authors have placed them in the animal kingdom. Like the Desmi- diacese, they are microscopic simple cells, isolated or coherent in groups ; and either free, or imbedded in a definitely or indefi- nitely formed mucous nidus. They differ however from the Desmidiacese, in possess- ing, when free, a more active power of loco- motion, and also by being often attached by a kind of foot, and this either shigly or in large polypiform families. Their great distinctive character is the presence of a siliceous coat to the cell, which preserves the form of the organism when the soft parts are removed by fire or acids. The cell- contents of the Diatomaceae are usually of a dirty yellow colour, the colour of the chlorphyll being concealed by a yellow matter diatomine (phycoxanthine). The reproduction is by division, and by conju- gation, analogous to that of the " Desmi- diacese. The Oscillatoriaceae are truly filamentous plants, the component parts of which, though readily separating under external influences, are often combined into complex fronds in their normal state. The filaments of this group are mostly very minute, and exhibit transverse markings, which in some cases are so delicate that they cannot be regarded as actual divisions of cell-contents by septa j yet the filaments break readily across in these places, and the fragments go on grow- ing. In the larger forms the articulations of the cell-contents are more distinct ; but even here the filaments look like rows of individual masses of cell-contents contained in a common tube, forming a kind of sheath. In some genera the filaments are contained in bundles in secondary sheaths. The most remarkable point about this tribe is the occurrence of the peculiar kind of motion in the typical genus Oscillatoria, whence it derives its name: the filaments emerge readily from their sheaths and wave back- wards and forwards, and the broken frag- ments oscillate like the beam of a balance ; from what cause, or by what means, is still undecided. The only known mode of reproduction is by the breaking up of the filaments into longer or shorter pieces, or into single joints. Peculiar large cells occur at the base of the filaments of some of the adnate genera ; but their nature is unexplained. The Siphonacese are plants of larger CONFERVOIDEJE. [ 199 ] CONFERVOIDE^E. dimensions and higher organization than any of the preceding ; and indeed they are placed among the lower Fucoids by some authors. They seem to us to be more in place here. They are composed of tubular cells of much larger size than those of any other Confer voids, the entire plant often consisting of one undivided tube, while in other cases the branches arise from true articulations. In Botrydium a very curious structure is exhibited : the plant consists of a tough membranous globule, filled with green matter, rising from a branched, colour- less, root-like portion spreading in the damp ground, the whole consisting only of one very large undivided cell. In Vaucheria and JSryopsis the tubular cell grows into a long filament, more or less branched, but not divided. In Hydrodictyon, which from its general structure appears referable here, the plant is a large net with meshes half" an inch broad, the net itself being com- posed of large tubes rounded at both ends, articulated at the intersections of the meshes. In Codium, the filaments are closely com- bined into a spongy mass. The fructifica- tion of these genera is very varied, so that the group appears scarcely natural ; but the plants are all more or less anomalous, and have affinities with very different tribes, while the comparatively enormous cells of which they are composed are peculiar to them among the filamentous Confervoids. Vaucheria is reproduced by very large oval gonidia covered with innumerable vibratile cilia, by means of which they swim actively in water ; the gonidia are developed from the contents of the ends of the filaments; and zoospores, produced under various cir- cumstances, seem to occur in all the other rnera. In Vaucheria sexual reproduction also known ; sporangial and antheridial branches being formed at the sides of the main filaments. The Saprolegniece (Achlya, &c.), were formerly included in this family, on account of their general structure ; but they are distinguished by the absence of chlorophyll in their cell-contents, and their parasitic habit, which gives them the cha- racter of aquatic Fungi. The (Edogoniaceae are green, simple or branched, filamentous plants, attached to fo- reign bodies under water their cells, filled with green matter, presenting a peculiar mode of division ; and the entire contents of the cells are converted into zoospores which have a crown of numerous cilia. In the sexual reproduction, the spores are formed from the entire contents of certain cells, which are impregnated by spermatozoida produced on other parts of the plant, or by antheridial plants developed from some of the gonidia. The Zygnemaceae are somewhat similar filamentous plants, remarkable for the pro cess of CONJUGATION or inosculation of neighbouring cells of distinct filaments in order to the production of the resting- spores. They are also distinguished by the endochrome being arranged in spiral bands or other patterns on the cell-walls. It is doubtful whether zoospores occur here normally. The Confervaceae are simple or branched filamentous forma, of which the essential characters are imperfectly known. They produce numerous zoospores with two or four cilia, in each cell. The ChaBtophoraceae differ from the Con- fervacese principally in their habit and mode of branching. They occur in fresh water and in the sea ; and are characterized by the presence of a jelly enveloping the filaments, which form branched, round, or shapeless masses, or flat discoid or irregular plates, and by the cells constituting the joints of the filaments bearing slender bristle-like branches. They are reproduced by zoo- spores, either numerous or solitary in the cells, bearing four cilia; also by spores formed after fecundation. The Batrachospermeae exhibit a greater complexity of structure, consisting of jointed moniliform filaments, composed of rows of cells, branched and bearing whorls of ramuli j the filaments of the whorls dense, dichoto- mous, and beaded, some of them growing down over the central filament, and forming a sheath round it. The fructification con- sists of spore-like bodies, or cystocarps with trichogynes, borne on the filaments of the whorls, and of bodies resembling the an- theridia of the Florideae. The plants are brownish green or purplish, and occur in fresh water. The Lemaneeaa are freshwater Algae, oc- curring in rapid rivers, attached to stones, by some supposed to bear a close relation to the lower Fucoids. The fronds are branched and of leathery texture, consisting of tubes composed of cellular tissue, the superficial layers small, polygonal, and firmly con- joined the deeper layers, bounding the cavity of the tubes, lax and spherical. The fructification consists of beaded filaments arising from the internal cells, and grow- CONFERVOIDE^. 200 ] CONFEEVOIDE^E. ing out freely in the cavity of the tube, finally breaking up into the component bead-like cells (spores), which reproduce the plant. The genus Lemanea deserves further investigation. Synopsis of the Families. LEMANEE^E. Frond filamentous, inar- ticulate, cartilaginous-leathery, hollow, furnished at irregular distances with whorls of warts, or necklace-shaped. Fructification : tufted, simple or branched, necklace-shaped filaments, attached to the inner surface of the tubular frond, and finally breaking up into elliptical spores. Freshwater. BATRACHOSPERMEJE. Plants filamen- tous, articulated, invested with gelatine. Frond composed of aggregated, articulate, longitudinal cells ; whorled at intervals with short, horizontal, cylindrical or beaded, jointed ramuli. Fructification: ovate scores, and tufts of antheridial cells attached to the lateral ramuli, which consist of minute, radiating, dichotomous, beaded filaments. Freshwater plants. CH^TOPHORACEJE. Plants growing in the sea or fresh water, coated by gelatinous substance : either filiform, or (a number of filaments being connected together) consti- tuting gelatinous, definitely formed or shape- less fronds or masses. Filaments jointed, bearing bristle-like processes. Fructifica- tion : zoospores produced from the cell-con- tents of the filaments ; resting-spores formed from the contents of particular cells after impregnation by ciliated spermatozoids pro- duced in distinct antheridial cells (Coleo- ' CONFERVACEJE. Plants growing in fresh water, or in the sea, filamentous, jointed, without evident gelatine (forming merely a delicate coat around the separate filaments). Filaments very variable in appearance, sim- ple or branched ; the cells constituting the articulation of the filaments more or less filled with green or very rarely brown or purple granular matter, sometimes arranged in peculiar patterns on the walls, and con- vertible into spores or zoospores. Not con- jugating. ZYGNEMACE^:. Freshwater filamentous plants, without evident gelatine, composed of series of cylindrical cells, straight or cur- ved. Cell-contents often arranged in elegant patterns on the walls. Reproduction result- ing from conjugation, followed by the de- velopment of a true spore, in some genera dividing into four sporules before germina- tion. (EDOGONIACEJE. Simple or branched, freshwater, filamentous plants, attached without gelatine. Cell-contents uniform, dense. Cell-division accompanied by cir- cumscissile dehiscence of the parent cell, producing rings upon the filaments. Re- production by zoospores formed of the whole contents of a cell, with a crown of numerous cilia ; and resting-spores formed in sporan- gial cells after fecundation by ciliated sper- matozoids formed in antheridial cells. SIPHONACE/E. Plants found in the sea, fresh water, or on damp ground ; of a mem- branous or horny hyaline substance, filled with green granular matter. Fronds con- sisting of continuous tubular filaments, either free or collected into spongy masses of various shapes, either crustaceous, globu- lar, cylindrical or flat. Fructification by zoospores either single or very numerous ; and by resting-spores formed in sporangia! cells after the contents have been impregna- ted by the contents of antheridial cells of different form. OSCILLATORIACE^J. Plants growing either in the sea, in fresh water, or on damp ground, of a gelatinous substance and fila- mentous structure. Filaments very slender, tubular, continuous, filled with coloured granular, transversely striate substance ; seldom branched, though often cohering together so as to appear branched, usually massed together in broad floating or sessile strata, of very gelatinous nature ; occasion- ally erect and tufted, and still more rarely collected into radiating series bound together by firm gelatine, and then forming globose, lobed, or flat crustaceous fronds. Fructifi- cation: the internal mass or the cell-con- tents, separating into roundish or lenticular gonidia. NOSTOCHACE^:. Gelatinous plants growing in fresh water or in damp situa- tions among mosses, &c. ; of soft or almost leathery substance, consisting of variously curled or twisted necklace-shaped filaments, colourless or green, composed of simple (or in some stages double) rows of cells, con- tained in a gelatinous matrix of definite form, or heaped together without order in a gelatinous mass. Some of the cells en- larged, and then forming either vesicular empty cells or densely filled sporangial cells. Reproduction by the breaking up of the filaments, and by resting-spores formed singly in the sporanges. CONFERVOIDE^E. [ 201 ] CONIFERS. ULVACE^E. Marine or freshwater Algae, consisting of membranous flat and expanded tubular or saccate fronds composed of poly- gonal cells firmly conjoined by their sides. Reproduced by zoospores formed from the cell-contents and breaking out from the surface ; or by motionless spores f ormed from the whole contents of a cell. PALMELLACE^E. Plants forming gela- tinous or pulverulent crusts on damp sur- faces of stone, wood, &c., or more or less regular masses of gelatinous substance, or delicate pseudo-membranous expansions or fronds, of flat, globular, or tubular form, in fresh water or on damp ground j composed of one or many, sometimes innumerable, cells with green, red, or yellowish contents, spherical or elliptical form, the simplest being isolated cells (found in groups of two, four, eight, &c. in course of multiplication); others permanently formed of some multiple of four; the highest of compact, numerous, more or less closely conjoined cells. Repro- duction by cell-division ; by the conversion of the cell -contents into zoospores ; and by resting -spores, formed sometimes after con- jugation, in other cases probably after fecundation by spermatozoids. We shall include under the head of Pal- mellacese, all those obscure Unicellular Algte whose place is not at present satis- factorily known. DESMIDIACEJE. Microscopic, gela- tinous plants, of a green colour, growing in fresh water ; composed of cells devoid of a siliceous coat, of peculiar forms, such as oval, crescentic, shortly cylindrical, or cylin- dric-oblon^, &c., with variously-formed rays or lobes, giving a more or less stellate form, presenting a bilateral symmetry, the junc- tion of the halves being marked by a division of the green contents : the individual cells either free, or arranged in linear series, col- lected into faggot-like bundles, or in elegant star-like groups, which are imbedded in a common gelatinous coat. Reproduced by division, and by resting -spores produced in sporangia formed after the conjugation of two cells and union of their contents ; and by zoospores formed in the vegetative cells (Pediastruni), or in the germinating resting- spores. DIATOMACE^). Microscopic cellular bodies, growing in fresh, brackish, and sea- water; free or attached; single or imbedded in gelatinous tubes ; the individual cells (frustules) with yellowish or brownish, rarely greenish, contents, and provided with a siliceous coat composed of two usually symmetrical valves variously marked ; with a connecting band or hoop at the suture. Multiplied by longitudinal division ; and by the formation of new larger individuals out of the contents of conjugated cells ; perhaps also by spores and zoospores. VOLVOCINE2E. Microscopic, cellular, freshwater plants, composed of groups of bodies resembling zoospores, connected into a definite form by their enveloping mem- branes. The plants (families) are formed either of assemblages of coated zoospores united in a definite form by the cohesion of their membranes, or of assemblages of naked zoospores enclosed in a large common in- vesting membrane. The individual zoo- spore-like bodies with two cilia throughout life, perforating the membranous coats, and by their conjoined action causing a free movement of the entire group. Reproduc- tion by division {Gonium)^ or by single cells becoming converted into zoospores which conjugate and form new families (Pandorina, Volvox) ; and by resting-spores formed from some of the cells after im- pregnation by spermatozoids formed from the contents of other cells of the same family. BEBL. See the Families. CONIDTA. The name applied by Tries to the stalked spores, stylogonidia, or repro- ductive cells, produced directly from the mycelium of many Fungi (PL 26. fig. 8) : characteristic of the Coniomycetes. Late discoveries have rendered the term of some- what equivocal value; and it is not yet sufficiently distinguished from STYLO- SPORES and SPERMATIA. Physiologically, thev are regarded as equivalent to the gonidia of Lichens. CONIF'ER^E. A class of Gymnosper- inous plants, so called from the peculiar form of the female inflorescence, in which the flowers are collected into imbricated cones ; this is the case at least in the Abie- tinese and Cupressineae : in the Taxinese, which are separated by some authors, the female flowers are solitary. These plants are remarkable in many respects. The pro- cesses occurring in the fertilization of the ovules are quite different from those in the Angiospermous flowering plants, and form a link with the conditions in the higher Flowerless plants. (See GYMNOSPERMIA.) The pollen (PL 40. fig. 16) is of a remark- able form in the Abietinese. The most striking point, however, in relation to the CONIFERS. [ 202 ] CONIOCYBE. microscopic structure, is the condition of the stems of these plants. The wood is entirely composed of prosenchymatous cells, of large size, without intermixture of ducts or vessels; and those walls of the cells parallel with the medullary rays (very rarely those at right angles) are marked with one or more rows of the peculiar bor- dered pits which have been wrongly called glands (PI. 1. fig. 4). The structure of these is explained under the head of PITTED STRUCTURES. It must be understood, how- ever, that the peculiarity of Coniferous wood does not depend on the presence of these, which are common, but on the simul- taneous absence of ducts. The wood of the Yew presents in addition a spiral fibre, be- tween the coils of which the pits lie. (See TAXUS.J These peculiar conditions of the wood render it possible to identify it in microscopic sections in a recent, and, if tolerably well preserved, even in a fossil state; the Coniferous structure may be readily detected in silicified wood, in which almost all trace of organic matter is lost, the silica forming complete casts of the microscopic structures. This is beautifully seen in some silicified wood brought from Australia by Dr. Hooker, parts of which are so friable, that microscopic sections may be obtained by splitting it with a knife (PI. 25. fig. 33). With solid silicified wood, sections made by the lapidary are required. We have also readily detected the structure in COAL by the process we have given under that head. The only case of a structure approaching near enough to that of Coniferous wood to lead to misconception, appears to be that of the wood of certain Magnoliacese, such as Drimysj Sphcerostema, and Tasmannia, where there is likewise absence of ducts and ves- sels, while the prosenchymatous cells have bordered pits ; out the wood differs consi- derably in the character of the medullary rays, and in the number and arrangement of the pits on the walls of the cells. (See WINTERED.) The wood of many of the Conifers is traversed by turpentine-canals, which are large intercellular passages bounded by thin-walled cells ; in others these occur only in the bark, while in Taxus and Tor- reya both are devoid of them : where none occur in the wood, there are generally iso- lated rows of cells filled with secretions ; but not even these occur in the wood of Abies pectinata. The following analysis of the structure of the wood of some of the most important, is slightly modified from Hartig : A. Cells of the pith mth thin walls. a. Liber-cells in cross-section broad \ and mostly short, isolated in scat- f A ____ _ tered groups, or in bandit ofseoe- f* Blf ralrows, or wanting ............... / *Wood with turpentine -canals. t Medullary rays with varying pits Pinvs. ttMedullary rays with uniform pita. ^Cords of secretion-cells at the outer limitof the annual rings. $Outer wood-cells of the an- ) f, . nual rings smooth within... | Outer wood-cells of the an-"| nual rings with an obscure \Larii. spiral fibre ..................... J 1 1 Wood without isolated rows } . n of secretion-cells .................. I**** **Wood without turpentine-canals. t Medullary rays with distant pits. J Wood-cells with distant pits, 1 or 2 rows in pairs ............... H Wood-cells with crowded pits, 1-5 rows, in spiral arrange- ment. } Ounninghamia. b. Liber-calls with square or oblong^ cross-section, in concentric rows, ( TAXINE.E and alternating with parenchymatous ( PoDOCARPKjE. cells ....................................... ) *Pith with thick-coated liber-cells . Salisburia. **Pith without thick-coated liber- cells. t Wood-cells with openly-coiled spiral fibre ........................... ft Wood-cells smooth within. JLiber-layers with thick-coated JJLiber-layers without thick- ) coated cells ........................ j B. Cells of the pith with thick walls, liber-cells square .................... . *Liber-cells without pit-canals. tPith with a roundish cross-sec- ) tion, bark without turpentine- > Taxodium. canals ................................... j ttPith with quadrangular cross- j section, bark with turpentine- J- Thuja. canals .................................... ) **Liber-cells with pit-canals. t Wood-cells smooth inside. TPith 3-angled ........................ Junipena. JPith 2- or 4-angled ............... Cupressus. t Wood-cells with a spiral fibre, ) rafrffi . like Taxus .............. 7. .............. ^Calhtns. BIBL. Goppert, De Conifer. Struc. 1841 ; Anat. Magnoliac. Linnaea, xvi. 135, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 sr. xviii. ; Hartig, Botan. Zeit. vi. 123, 1848 ; Schacht, Pflanzenzelle, 435 ; Henfrey-Masters, Sot. 358, 625; Sachs Sot. 496. CONIO'CYBE, Ach. A genus of Cali- ciei (Lichenaceous Lichens), distin- guished by the yellow powdery thallus, CONIOMYCETES. [ 203 ] CONIOMYCETES. globose yellow powdery stipitate head-like apothecia, and colourless spores. 5 European, 3 British species. BIBL. Leighton, Lich. JFl. G. B. 45. CONIOMYCE'TES. A section of Fungi composed of microscopic forms, for the most part parasitical upon plants, growing beneath the epidermis, or overgrowing decaying ve- getables, and then more or less imbedded in the matrix. The fructification consists of groups of sessile or stalked spores (sporidia, Fries, and stylospores, Tulasne) arising from the filamentous mycelium. In the simplest forms the mycelium consists of short fila- ments, which are more or less completely converted into spores ; or it forms an irre- gular flocculent patch in decaying matter or under the epidermis of plants, in which the spores are found intermingled, breaking out on the surface of the epidermis in the para- sites j but in the more complete forms the mycelium becomes organized into firm struc- tures of definite form (conceptacles) which are hollow, the walls being lined with short filaments terminating in spores. These conceptacles are either produced on the sur- face of the epidermis of the plant infested, or they are formed internally, and are ex- posed by breaking their way through to the surface of the epidermal structures in which they are imbedded. We must not omit, in giving a description of this order as it stands in systematic works, to notice that recent observations go to prove that it rests upon a very insecure basis, and that certain supposed genera be- longing to it appear to be merely forms of genera which exhibit at other stages of growth, or even at the same time, asciferous structures which have formed the bases of Ascomycetous genera. The following is a summary of the views of Tulasne on these points : The Hypoxylous Fungi possess at least four distinct kinds of organs of re- production, among which the conidia hold the first rank ; these are bodies of various forms arising directly from the mycelium, or from the stroma which is formed upon this. Conidiiferous forms of Sphaeriacei, which have been regarded as autonomous Fungi, have given origin to the f oh 1 owing- genera of this order: Melanconium, Stilbo- spora, Steganosporium, Coryneum, Exospo- riiim, Cylindrosporium, Macrosporium, Ver- micularia, Mystrosporium, Cladosporium, Helminthosporium, Periconium, Polythrin- cium, Tubercularia, Stilbum, Atractium, Gra- phium. The stylospores are the naked and primitive stipitate spores formed in the con- ceptacles, called by Tulasne pycnidia ; he regards as pycnidial forms of Sphseriacei most of the species of the genera Diplodia, Sporocadus, Sphecropsis, Hendersonia, M^xo- cycluSj Phyttosticta, Phoma, and their allies. These forms almost always occur united with the perfect or Ascomycetous forms to which they are to be referred. A third kind of acrogenous bodies occur often in the same conceptacles as the stylospores, but are much smaller, ordinarily of linear form, and are usually confounded ultimately into a gelatinous mass ; these are the spermatw, which are supposed to exercise a fertilizing influence. The genera Cytispora, Nema- spora, LiberteUa, Septoria, Cheilaria, Lepto- thyrium, &c., are chiefly based on the sper- mogonous apparatus of Sphoeriacei. The fourth form of spore is found enclosed in asci ; the presence of these ascospores forms the basis of the class Ascomycetes. Further details are given under the heads of the families, and genera there referred to. The Uredinei exhibit similar polymorph- ism ; ^ since the genera there included, such as ALcidium, Puccinia, based upon the most perfect form of fruit, mostly exhibit also a stylosporous form (on which is founded the false genus Uredo), together with sper- mogonia containing spermatia. Synopsis of the Families. PHEAGMOTRICHACEJE. Conceptacles horny, breaking through the epidermis of leaves, &c., at first closed, afterwards burst- ing _ longitudinally j spores septate, and in chain-like series, intermixed with para- physes on the internal walls of the con- ceptacles, TORULACEI. Mycelium filamentous, growing on the surface of decayed vegeta- bles, bearing erect filaments, terminating in rows of simple or compound spores. UBEDINEI. Mycelium a filamentous mass growing in the interior of living vege- table structures, finally breaking out on the surface in patches, margined or naked, and bearing simple or compound spores, single or in beaded series. USTILAGINEI. Mycelium filamentous, growing in the interior of organs of plants, producing simple or septate spores, finally breaking up, without bursting through to the surface, so as to leave a cavity full of dust-like spores. BIBL. Berkeley and Broome, Hooker's CONIOPHYTUM. [ 204 ] CONJUGATION. London Journ. of Bot. iii. 320 ; Tulasne, Compt. Rendus, March 1851 (Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 114) ; Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 se*r. xv. 370, xx. 129, 4 s<$r. ii. 77, v. p. 108; Botan. Zeit. xi. 49; Compt. Rend. 1854 (Ann. N. H. 2 ser. 1854, 76) ; Fries, Syst. Mycol ; De Bary, Brand-Pilze, Berlin, 1853. CONIO'PHYTUM, HassaU (Dolicho- spermutn, Ralfs). A genus of Nostocha- ceae (Confervoid Algae), consisting of one species ; colouring large sheets of water of a deep coppery green, by its minute fronds, each composed of a number of filaments variously curled and interwoven, densely in the centre, and more loosely towards the circumference ; these fronds being free, look like a pulverulent or granular accumulate >n in the water, when viewed by the naked J eye. The genus differs from its allies in the relative positions of the spermatic and vesicular cells, the former being either ! next to, or at a distance from the latter. This fact seems to throw some doubt on the value of this character as a distinctive mark. C. Thompsoni, Ralfs (PI. 3. fig. 9), = Do- lichospermum Thomp., Ralfs, Ann. N. H. 1850, v. 336, pi. 9. fig. 3. Anabaina Flos- aqua, Harvey, Brit. Alga, ed. 1 ; Hassall, Alga, pi. 75. f. 2; also Bot. Gaz. 1850 (Colour of the Serpentine). CONIOTHE'CIUM, Corda. An obscure genus of Torulacei (Coniomycetous Fungi) ; the so-called species being probably forms of some other Fungi. C. amentacearum is extremely common on dead willow-twigs. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 1850, v. 460 ; Corda, Ic. Fung. i. figs. 21, 25, 26 ; Fries, Summa Veget. 523. CONIOTHY'RIUM, Corda. A genus of Sphaeronemei (Stylosporous Fungi). C. glomeratum, Corda, recorded by Berke- ley and Broome as Biitish, is said by Fries to belong to his genus Clisosporum. It is a microscopic plant growing in the cracks of dead wood (elm) ; composed of minute free membranous peridia enclosing numerous spores, which escape by the bursting of the apex. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 1854, xiii. 400; .Corda, iv. f. 208; Fries, Summa Veget. 522 ; Montague, Ann. Sc. Nat. 8 ser. xii. 304. CONJUGATION or ZYGO'SIS. A process occurring among many of the lower plants and animals, in which the substance of two distinct organisms comes into con- Fig. 137. tact and becomes fused into a single mass, or zygospore. This operation is always con- nected with reproduction in plants, some- times also in animals. In the vegetable kingdom it has been ob- served in the Algae, viz. in the Zygnemaceae, the Desmidiaceae, the Diatomaceae, the Pal- mellaceae, and in the genus Syzygites of Fungi ; also in the Myxomycetes. It also occurs in the zoospores. In all these cases it consists essentially in the blending to- gether of the contents of two distinct cells : either by the complete fusion of two free cells; by the passage of the contents of one cell into the cavity of another through newly-formed connecting tubes ; or by the emission of the contents of both cells into a space between them, where the mixed contents become enclosed in a special en- velope. The conjugation ear- liest discovered was that of the Zygnemaceae, in which the cells of dis- tinct filaments lying pa- rallel with one another, become united by late- ral inosculation or by cross branches, formed by the budding out of the walls of the cells opposite to each other, the protruded processes coming into contact, co- hering and becoming confluent by the absorp- tion of the surfaces of contact (fig. 137). The cavities of the two cells being thus freely opened into one another, the contents be- come mixed ; in Spiro- gyra and Zygnema the contents of one of the cells usually travel across into the cavity of the other (PI. 9. fig. 18); in Zygogonium the con- tents of both cells collect in the cross-piece, this is the case also in Meso- carpm (fig. 138) and Staurocarpus, in the lat- ter of which the cross- piece becomes greatly enlarged. The contents in all these Cases be- Conjugating filaments come retracted from the cell-wall, and, secreting Zygnema cruciata. Conjugating filaments. Magnified 250 dia- meters. Fig. 138. Mesocarpus acalaris. with spores. Magnified 200 dia- CONJUGATION. [ 205 ] CONJUGATION. Mougeotia genuflexa. Conjugating filaments. Magnified 100 diameters. special coats, become spores, which escape by the rupture of the conjugated cells. In Mou- geotia (fig. 139) there is no cross- Yi-. 139. branch. The fila- ments become an- gularly bent and inosculate at the angles. A spore is said to be form- ed in each cell here. (See ZYG- NEMACE^E.) Pseudo - spores are sometimes formed in the cells of Zygnemacese without conjuga- tion, in which case they are barren. In the Desmidiaceae, the process pre- sents a number of modifications. In the filamentous forms, such as Hyalotheca and Didymoprimn, conjugation does not usually take place until the single cells of the filaments have become separated ; but in some cases, as in D. Borreri, conjuga- tion of the filamentous groups has been observed, perhaps this occurs in Des- midium also. In Closterium, Penium, Tet- memorus, Cosmarium, &c., the free cells conjugate in pairs. In almost all these cases the mode of union appears to be different from that which is seen in Zygne- macese ; for the external membrane dehisces more or less completely, so as to separate the parent-cells into two valves, while a deli- cate internal membrane previously lining this is protruded as a sac, to meet its fellow from the corresponding conjugating indivi- dual; these sac-like processes coalesce, and thus the contents of the cell are enabled to mix. In Hyalotheca dissiliens and Penium Brebissonii, there is said to be union of the primary or outer cell-coat, as in Zygnema. The resulting spore or sporangium is mostly formed in the connecting piece (Closterium, Cosmarium, Tetmemorus, Hyalotheca} (P1.10. figs. 1-3) ; or in one of the cells (Didymo- prium Grevillii, and perhaps in Desmidium). In Closterium Uneatum it has been observed that the conjugating cells divide completely by constriction of their delicate internal membrane just before conjugation, so that the dehiscent primary membranes emit from each parent individual a pair of little sacs, in close apposition ; and these meeting their fellows, a double or twin conjugation takes place, and a pair of srjores or sporangia are formed. A gelatinous investment is secreted around the conjugating sac-like processes, and the spore is generally at first imbedded in an abundant gelatinous coat. (See DES- In the Diatomacese there does not appear to be any delicate internal membrane, like that of the Desmidiacese, concerned in the conjugation. The two conjugating indi- viduals, lying near together, become con- nected together by the excretion of a collec- tion of gelatinous substance ; the siliceous coats then dehisce, and the contents of the parent-cells, escaping from the valves, meet between them to unite into a globular mass, which does not become a spore, but gradually acquires the form of the parent. There is no connecting tube here ; only the investing gelatinous matter. In Himantidium and Surirella, one new individual is formed in the conjugation (PI. 10. fig. 5) ; in Eunotittj Cocconema, Gotnphonema, and Schizonema, the contents of the parent-cells appear to divide transversely before extrusion, and thus form a pair of new individuals in the conjugation (PL 10. fig. 6) (as in the case of the spores of the Closterium Uneatum). A peculiar condition occurs in other genera (Cydotella, Melosira, &c.) } which is supposed to be a conjugation of the divided contents of one frustule. (See DIATOMACE^J.) Among the Palmellacese, conjugation has been observed in Coccochloris Brebissonii (Palmoglcea macrococca, Braun), where two vegetative cells become completely fused, membrane and contents, to form a spore which acquires a firm coat and oily contents, and passes through a stage of rest before re- commencing vegetative development (PL 7. fig. 6, c, d). Fig. 139*. Pandorina morum. Conjugation of zoospores. Magnified 300 diameters. The zoospores of Pandorina conjugate much as in Coccochloris ; they approximate by their apices (fig. 139*, 6), become fused (c) CONJUGATION. [ 206 ] CONNECTIVE TISSUE. then lose their cilia, and acquire a red colour, finally forming a resting spore (d). The supposed conjugation of VAUCHERIA and similar phenomena in some other Con- fervoids, are cases of fecundation of sporangial cells by unlike antheridial cells, no permanent union taking place. The well-known case of conjugation in the Fungi described by Ehrenberg in SYZYGITES, a genus of Mildew Fungi, is described under that head. See also MYXO- MYCETES. De Bary, Tulasne, and others have ob- served in several Fungi, as Eiysiphe, Pyro- nema, Peranospora, &c., a sexual process which is exactly analogous to what takes place in certain Algae, and in the abnormal Saprolegnice ; the body containing the male element coming into contact with the female organ, and thus producing fruit. This pro- cess seems rather to come under the term copulation than conjugation. The conjugation observed in the animal kingdom, consists in the direct union, by a more or less extensive, sometimes complete, fusion of the substances of two or more dis- tinct individuals. In Diplozoon paradoxum the two individuals become united by a cross branch ; and the remarkable result is that sexual organs become developed in both bodies after this. Apparent conjuga- tion takes place also in Actinophrys, Aci- neta, Gregarina, &c. It is, however, pro- bable that the fusion which occurs in many of these cases is spurious, and unconnected with reproduction. Podophrya pyrum is one of the best in- stances of true conjugation, the resulting compound individual containing 8 embryos in a single cavity common to both. The true process has also been observed in Aci- neta (mystacina), Vorticella (microstomd) , Paramecium, several Flagellata, &c. The researches of Balbiani tending to show that in many of the Infusoria the conjugation is a true sexual process, have not been con- firmed. BIBL. Vegetables: Vaucher, Conferves-, Meyen, Pflan.pliys. iii. 413 ; Hassall, Alyce ; Kiitzing, Phyc. gen. ; Ralfs, Desmid. ; Mor- ren, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 se"r. v. 257 ; Smith, Srit. Diat. ; Thwaites, Ann. N. H. xx. and ser. 2. i. and iii. ; Braun, Rejuv. (Ray So- ciety, 1853) ; Focke, Physiol. Studien, ii. j Nh'geli, Algen-Syst. 175 j 'Karsten, Sot. Zeit. x. 89; Ehrenberg Verhandl. Naturf. Freund. i. 98 ; Areschoug, Swed. Trans. 1853 ; Sot. Zeit. xiii. 364 ; De Bary, Conjugate, 1859 ; Griffith, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xvi. 92 ; Carter, ibid. xvii. 1 ; Hoffmann, Phys. Sot. ii. 155 &c. ; De Bary, Ann. Sc. N. 1866, 343 ; Tulasne, I. c. 1806, 211 ; Rostafinakft Sot. Zeit. 1871, 787. Animals: Kolliker, Sieb. u. KoUik. Zeitsch. i. 1, 198 (Qu. Mic. Jn. i. 98); Siebold, ibid. i. 270, iii. 62; Stein, In/us. ; Wieymanris Archiv, 1849, 147; Nordmann, Mikr. Beitriige, i. 56; Clapar. & Lachm. In/us, ii. 222 ; Allman, M. M. Jn. 1875, xiv/178 ; Kent, Inf. 92. CONJUNCTI'VA. See EYE. CONNECTIVE TISSUE, OF ANIMALS, sometimes called areolar or fibro-cellular tissue. Connective tissue is very generally dif- fused throughout the bodies of vertebrate animals, filling up the interspaces between the various organs and structures, and entering into the composition of most of them. There are several varieties. The fibrous or areolar variety consists essentially of white fibrous tissue, mostly containing the elements of the yellow or elastic tissue. The most common form of the white fibrous element is that of minute, delicate, transparent fibres, called fibrillte, with pale outlines (PI. 49. fig. 41) ; these are sometimes single, at others united into bundles or fasciculi. The fibres as well as the bundles sometimes pursue a straight course ; at others they are elegantly curved and wavy, interlacing* in all directions, and leaving larger or smaller areolas or spaces between them, the larger of which are visible to the naked eye. The fibrillee are about 1-40,000 to 1-20,000", and the fasci- culi about 1-7000 to 1-3000" in diameter. In the fasciculi, the fibres are connected by an amorphous, transparent, gelatinous sub- stance. Intermingled with the fibres, are rounded, elongate, or branched cells (con- nective corpuscles) or nucleated protoplasts, which may be well examined in the trans- parent laminae separating the muscles of a frog's leg. Some of these are stationary, but exhibit changes of form. Others are locomotive, with amoeboid movement, and correspond to the white blood-corpuscles. The connective corpuscles may often be rendered more distinct by staining with magenta. When treated with acetic acid, the fibres swell, become paler, and lose their distinctness, the bundles appearing as if fused into a gelatinous mass (fig. 29. p. 69) ; and round or elliptical nuclei, with their long axes parallel to the direction of the CONNECTIVE TISSUE. [ 207 ] COPPER. fibres, are brought to view, as in PI. 49. fig. 42. The retiform variety consists of a very delicate network of fine fibrils, formed ori- ginally by the union of branched connective- tissue corpuscles. This constitutes the stroma of the spleen, and the lymphatic glands. A still finer variety form the Neu- roglia. The yellow fibrous tissue occurs in the form of fine or coarser fibres, with dark outlines ; these sometimes run straight, or are wavy or reticular ; at others they are coiled or form rings around the bundles of the areolar tissue, or running parallel with and between them, sometimes forming per- forated membranes. They are best seen when the tissue has been rendered trans- parent by the addition of acetic acid. In the gelatinous or mucous variety, the intercellular substance forms a soft semi- transparent mass, containing rounded spin- dle-shaped or branched cells, often united by the branches ; it is met with in the In- vertebrata, as the Meduscc, the integument of the Mollusca, &c. The truly cellular form, which is also common among the Invertebrata, consists of round or elongate cells, with but little intercellular substance ; it occurs in the Articulata, the Mollusca, and in the Chorda dorsalis. Connective tissue consists chemically of gelatine, which may be obtained from it in solution by boiling ; elastic tissue consists of elastine. The various complex structures into the composition of which the connective tissue enters, as the mucous membranes, skin, fatty tissue, &c., are noticed under their respec- tive heads. Cartilage and Bone are also considered connective-tissue formations. Connective tissue is' developed from the embryonic corpuscles. These become elon- gated, or fusiform, and branched. They unite with each other, and the ends become split into the component fibrillaa of the future tissue. But whether the corpuscles are solid bodies or protoplasts, or true cells, is not at present agreed upon. BIBL. Kolliker, Gewebelehre ; Mulder- Bonders, Phys. Chem. ; Todd-Bowman, Phys. An. ; Druinmond, Ed. Mn. Jn. 1852 ; Rollett, Strieker's Handb. 38 ; Beale, Simple Tissues ; Klein, Hist. ; Gegenbaur, Vergl. An.\ Frey, Hist, and the copious Bibl. ; Kirkes-Baker, Phys.] Rutherford, Histo- logy ; Waldeyer, Arch. f. mik. An. 1876, ii. 176 (M. M. Jn. xvi. 94) ; Satterthwaite, Mn. M.Jn. 1876, xvi. 191,241 ; Flemming, Arch. An. $ Phys. 1876, xii. 391. CONOCEPH'ALUS, Hill. See FEGA- TELLA. OONOCHI'LUS, Ehr.-A genus of Ro- tatoria, of the family QEcistina. Char. Animals aggregated around a cen- tral gelatinous nucleus, and forming a re- volving sphere j two persistent frontal eye- spots. From ten to forty in each sphere. Nu- cleus sometimes green, from the presence of parasitic monads. Four thick conical papillas arise from the middle of the frontal surface, each having a bristle at its apex. C. volvox (PI. 43. figs. 15-17). Cara- pace and body white, gelatinous, and hya- line; length 1-60", breadth of sphere 1-8". Freshwater. 2 kinds of eggs male and female. BIBL. Ehr. In/us. 393; Bavis, M. M. Jn. 1876, 1 j Bedwell, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1878, i. 176. CO'NOBONTS. Minute, slender, coni- cal, curved, brownish bodies, found in a sandy Lower Silurian clay near Petersburg, and supposed by Pander to be minute fish- teeth. Possibly they belonged to Cyclo- stome fishes of extinct genera. They occur also in later strata. BIBL. Pander, Mon. foss. Fische, &c., 1856; Murchison, Sihiria, 1859, 375, and 1867, 356 ; Hinde, Qu. Geol. Jn. xxxv. 356. CONOS'TOMUM, Sw. A genus of Bar- tramiaceous Mosses. Conostomum boreale, Sw., on Scottish mountains. CONULI'NA, B'Orb. A top-shaped, many-chambered, stichostegian Foraminifer, having the septal face slightly convex and multiperforate, is the only recorded sample of this doubtful genus, which is probably related to Lituola. BIBL. B'Orb. Foram. Cuba, 1839. CONULI'TES, Carter. A Foraminifer of the Gloligerinida family, closely allied to, if not the same as, Patettina. BIBL. Carter, Ann. N. H. ser. 3, viii. 457 ; Carpenter, Introd. For. 233. COPE'POBA. See ENTOMOSTBACA. COPPER. Crystals of metallic copper exist in artificial A VANTURINE. The acetate of copper is noticed under ACETIC ACID. Copper occurs in minute quantities, in the human bile, biliary calculi, and the blood ; and in the blood*of some Crustacea ; also in the Cephalopoda. The ammomuret of copper is prepared by COPPINIA. [ 208 ] CORALLIUM. digesting copper turnings in an open bottle, with Liq. Amm. (P. B.) ; it must be used fresh. Its action is well displayed when it is brought into contact with cotton-wool. COPPl'NIA, Hass. A genus of Coppi- niidae (Hydroid Zoophytes). Char. Cells long, crowded, united by a cellular mass at their bases ; ova developed in the cavities of the cellular mass. C. arcta. Incrusting the stems of other zoophytes, common ; greenish yellow. EIBL. Hassall, Mw?. TV.iii. 160; Hincks, Brit. Zooph. 219. CO'RA,Fr. A tropical genus of Lichens, approaching Coccocarpia. 1 species : C. pavonia. BIBL. Fries, Syst. Orb. Veg. 300; Nyl. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1865, iii. 151. CORAL. A term applied in general to the calcareous polypiaom or skeleton of Polypes or Zoophytes, and in particular to that of CORALLIUM. CORAL'LINA, Linn. A genus of Co- rallinacese (Florideous Algae), of stony cha- racter, looking like corals. The common C. offidnalis grows everywhere between tide-marks, on rocks, &c. ; and presents a Fig. 140. Fig. 141. Corallina officinalis. Fig. 140. A branch of the frond. Natural size. Fig. 141. A section of the end of a branch terminating in a ceramidium, containing tetraspores. Magnified 10 diameters. branched, mostly pinnate tuft of articulated filaments evenly coated with carbonate of lime. The tetraspores are borne in tufts in ceramidia (tig. 141), usually at the apices of the branches (being the last joints trans- formed) ; or they occur laterally (fig. 140), sometimes in pairs and sometimes irregu- larly over the whole frond ; opening by a small terminal pore (fig. 141). The structure may be examined in these plants, by keeping them for some time in vinegar or dilute muriatic acid ; which will remove the lime, and allow of the substance being sliced in the same way as other Algae. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. pi. 13 C ; Phyc. Brit. pi. 222 ; Decaisne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 se*r. xvii. pi. 17. fig. 1, xviii. p. 119; Solms-Laubach, Corall.-Algen Golf Neapcl, 1881. m CORALLINA'CE^E. A family of Flo- rideae. Rigid, articulated, or crustaceous, mostly calcareous sea- weeds, purple when fresh, fading, on exposure, to milk-white ; composed of closely-packed elongated cells or filaments, in whicn carbonate of lime is deposited in an organized form. Tetraspores tufted, contained in ovate or spherical con- ceptacles (ceramidia, Harvey), furnished with a terminal pore. British genera : * Frond filiform, articulated (Corallineae). Corallina. Frond pinnated. Ceranridia terminal, simple. Jania. Frond dichotomous. Ceramidia tipped with two horn-like ramuli. * Frond crustaceous or foliaceous, opaque, not articulated (Nulliporae). Melobesia. Frond stony, forming either a crustaceous expansion, or a foliaceous or a shrub-like body. Hildebrandtia. Frond cartilaginous, not stony, forming a crustaceous expansion. *** Frond plane, hyaline, composed of cells radiating from a centre. Fructification unknown (Lithocystese). Lithocystis (a minute parasite). CORALLINES. The Corallinacese, a family of Algae, were formerly imagined to be of animal nature, and were classed among the Zoophytes. On the other hand, Ellis applied the term Coralline more extensively, including under it Polyzoa (Bryozoa), and Sertularian and similar Zoophjtes (Polypes); the name is still often vulgarly used in this sense. The term should properly be re- stricted to the family to which the genus Corallina gives the name. CORAL'LIUM, Lam. A genus of Zoophytes, of the order Actinozoa. The red coral of commerce is the inter- nal skeleton of Corallium rubrum, Lam. (Isis nobilis, Lin.) (PL 41. fig. 6 c). A por- tion of the dried animal matter is usually CORDYCEPS. [ 209 ] CORINNA. found adhering to its surface, and contains abundance of spicula (PI. 41. fig. 7). The furrows seen upon the outer surface of unprepared coral, are the impressions of vessels which traverse the cortical substance and form a medium of communication be- tween the various polypes. The structure of coral is rather obscure. The transverse section (PI. 41. fig. 8 a) ex- hibits somewhat undefined lines, some of which are semiconcentric with the marginal furrows, and appear to be lines of growth ; these are intersected by darker and narrower lines, apparently canals. The orifices of larger canals are also visible. The longitu- dinal section (PL 41. fig. 8 b) exhibits lon- gitudinal lines, probably those of growth, with an indistinct intermediate structure. When treated with acid, the residue is soft and easily folded so as to produce a lined appearance ; and in parts the organic skele- tons of spicula may be distinguished. Hence it probably consists of spicula, aggregated and ultimately consolidated, so that their structure is no longer distinguishable. BIBL. Cuvier, Regne Animal, 1853, Zoo- phytes ; Lacaze-Duthiers, Hist. Nat. Corail, 1864; Dana, Corals, 1872; Nicholson & Etheridge, An. N. H. 1877, xx. 161, 388 >; Milne-Edwards & Haime, Monog. fossil (Pal. Soc.) ; Duncan, ibid. COR'DYOEPS, Fries. See SPHJERIA and CLAVICEPS. CORDYLO'PHORA, Allman. A genus of Zoophytes, order Hydroida, and family Clavidae. * Freshwater. Char. Polypidom horny, branched, rooted by a creeping tubular fibre ; branches tubu- lar ; polypes existing at the extremities of the branches, ovoid, the mouth at the distal extremity, and furnished with scattered fili- form tentacula. C. lacustris, the only species; height 2-3 inches. The only compound Polype found in fresh water. BIBL. Allman, Ann. N. H. xiii. 330; and Phil. Tr. 1853; Johnston, Br. Zoophytes, 44 ; Hincks, Zooph. 15 5 Schnitzels Archiv, 1871. CORE'MIUM, Link. A spurious genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), not really distinct from PENICILLIUM ; but dif- fering from the characteristic form of that genus in having the erect fertile filaments compacted into a kind of cellular pedicle to bear the strings of spores (fig. 142). C. leu- copus, Pers. ; filaments white, spores green ; not uncommon on decaying fruits, &c.= Floccaria glauca, Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. i. 301, and is Penicillium crustaceum /3, Fries. C. candidum, Nees, filaments and spores white, Fig. 142. Coremium niveum, Corda. Magnified 200 diameters. on decaying substances, is Penicillium can- didum /3, Fries. BIBL. Hook. Brit. FL v. pt. 2. 344; Fries, Syst. Mycol iii. 408 ; Greville, loc. cit. j Corda, IconesFung.\\. pi. 11. fig. 73; Pracht- flora, pi. 25. CORE'THRA, Meig. A genus of Dip- terous Insects, of the, family Tipulidse. The larva of C. plumicornis forms a beau- tiful microscopic object; it inhabits fresh water. BIBL. Karsch, Monog. d. Coreth. plum. ; Ray Lankester, Pop. Sc. Rev. 1865 ; Ley- dig, Sieb. $ Kott. Zeitsch. iii. 435 ; Rymer Jones, Mic. Tr. 1866. 99 ; Weismann, Sieb. $ Koll. Zeitsch. 1866, 45. CORE'THRIA, Wright. A genus of Rhizopoda, family Actinophryina (?). Body oblong, with a long club-shaped appendage, bearing a thick brush of 8-40 tentacles at its summit. C. sertularia. On Sertularia pumila. BIBL. Pritchard, Infus. p. 563. CORWNA, Heib A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules punctate-areolate, united into semicircular fasciae, angles produced, spiniferous, the uppermost longest, inter- mediate portion hemispherical, with septa ; valves ellipsoidal, transversely bicostate, apiculate at each end. CORK. [ 210 ] CORPORA AMYLACEA. C. ekgans. Shores of Denmark. BIBL. Heiberg, Consp. Diat. 1863, 63, pi. 3. tig. 8. CORK. Ordinarily the outer layer of bark of the Cork Oak (Quercus Suber\ for the development of which, see BARK. Ver- tical and transverse sections of the large light-coloured cells of cork are shown in PL 47. figs. 16 and 17. The term cork is applied generally to excessive developments of the suberous layer of barks. CORN. The general name applied to the seeds, or rather the fruits of the various plants furnishing the ordinary materials for bread. These all belong to the Monocoty- ledonous family, Graminacese (Grasses) ; for Buck-wheats cannot be considered as true corn. The grains of the Grasses are enve- loped in the adherent pericarp, which is dry and smooth ; the seed which this encloses is characterized by the presence of a compara- tively larger mealy albumen, composed of thin- walled parenchyma, more or less densely filled with starch, which makes up the great body of the grain ; a few layers of cells sub- jacent to the surface, however, contain little starch, but abundance of nitrogenous proto- plasmic matter, or gluten. These layers containing the greater proportion of the gluten, together with epidermis, are removed from fine flour in grinding, as the bran and pollard the fine white flour consisting chiefly of the starch. The forms of the starch-grains differ considerably, as also their condition in the cell (PI. 46). In Wheat (Tritieum), the starch-grains are lenticular (fig. 8), and lie loose in the cells ; in Barley (Hordeuni), they are very similar, but the larger grains are squarish and thinner (fig. 9) ; in Oats (Avena), polygonal, but compacted together into roundish masses (fig. 10) ; in Rice ( Oryza), the starch- grains are very small, and packed so closely together that they press upon one another, thus acquiring a parenchymatous form (figs. 12 & 13) ; and then, as they ad- here firmly together, the contents of the cells appear like one solid mass ; hence the horny character of the grains of rice, and the grit- tiness of rice-flour. In Maize (JZea), the outer part of the grain is horny from the same cause as rice, and presents a similar appearance (fig. 3), but in the centre the cells are often less densely filled, and the grains lie more or less loose (fig. 5). For further particulars of the characters of the starch-grains, see STARCH. CORNEA. See EYE. CORNICULA'RIA, Ach. A genus of Lichens Akctoria pt. CORNS consist of thickened epidermis, the scales being increased in number, much flattened, and closely aggregated from pres- sure. This is the structure in their simplest form. When larger they represent an ordi- nary blister, conjoined with the thickening of the epidermis ; hence the origin of the cavity in the centre of many of them. The papillae of the cutis are generally hypertro- phied. The epidermic scales may be ren- dered distinct by digestion with acetic acid or solution of potash. CORNUSPI'RA, Schultze. This genus, restricted, comprises the planorbiform Mtti- olida, which, commencing with a somewhat agathistegian growth, soon become discoi- dal and non-segmented. C.foliacea (PI. 23. fig. 13) is a common Foraminifer, white and opaque, with the whorls rapidly increasing in width in the adult state. It has abounded from the older Tertiary times to the present, chiefly in shallow water, but found at 530 fathoms, North Atlantic, by Carpenter. BIBL. Carpenter, Foram. 68; Pr. Roy. Soc. 1869 j Schultze, Ann. N. H. 1861, 306. CORT9RA AMYLA'CEA. These are microscopic rounded bodies, exhibiting a number of concentric rings, and somewhat resembling starch-grains in appearance. They are found in the forniz,t}ie septum Fig. 143. lucidum, the walls of the ventricles, and the cortical substance of the brain, the me- dullary substance of ^ the spinal cord, the M ified 350 diameter8 . waxy spleen &c. Corpora lacea> from Ihey are but little the human ependyma. acted upon by dilute acids; caustic alkalies render them more transparent, and gradually dissolve them. Solution of iodine gives them a bluish tinge ; and the subsequent addition of sulphuric acid produces the bluish- violet colour seen when cellulose is treated with these reagents. The reaction is best seen when the action of the acid takes place slowly. Hence these bodies have been regarded as consisting of amyloid or cellulose. The corpora amylacea must be distin- guished from the concretions forming ' brain- sand,' or the acervulus cerebri. These are also rounded, single, or aggregated, usually COKPUSCTJLA. 211 ] COSCINODISCUS. exhibiting the concentric rings, sometimes forming cylindrical, ramified, or reticular fibres. They are met with in the choroid plexuses, the pineal gland, the arachnoid membrane, and sometimes in the walls of the ventricles. These consist of an organic (proteine) skeleton, containing carbonate and phosphate of lime. When treated with acids, the latter are dissolved, the former being left and retaining the original form of the concretions. BIBL. Purlrinje, Miilkr's Archiv, 1836 & 1845 ; Kolliker, Mikr. An. ii. ; Virchow, Archiv path. An. 135, 268, 416, and Ann. N. Hist. xii. 481 ; Green, Pathology, 1871, 71 ; Frey, Histol. ; Kindfleisch, Path. 1878, 35. COKPUS'CULA, of the Conifera. See GYMNOSPEBMIA. CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE, the bichlo- ride of Mercury. A saturated solution of this salt is very useful in rendering very transparent bodies consisting of proteine- compounds more opaque and distinct, as the bodies and cilia of Infusoria &c. CORYCJ5'US, Dana. A genus of Cope- poda (Entomostraca). C. anglicus. Marine. BIBL. Brady, Copepoda {Ray /Sbc.), iii. on CORY'CIA, Duj. = Amoeba Ulimbosa, Auerbach (Duj. Ann. d. Sc. N. 1852, p. 41). CORYMOR'PHA, Sars. A genus of marine Hydroid Polypi, family Tub ulariidae. BIBL. Hincks, Brit. Zooph. p. 125. CORYNACTIS, Allrnan. A genus of Anthozoa (Zoophytes). 1 species : C. viridis. BIBL. Gosse, Actinologia Britannica (the latest work on Sea- Anemones). CORY'NE, Gsertn. A genus of marine Hydroid Polypi, family Corynidse. BIBL. Hincks, Brit. Zooph. p. 37. CORYN'ETJM, Kunze. A genus of Me- lanconiei (Stylosporous Fungi), consisting of parasitic plants growing upon dead twigs, bursting out as convex solid pustules from beneath the epidermis. A vertical section of half of one of these pustules is shown in fig. 144; the cellular stroma is covered by stalked multiseptate spores. Six forms are recorded as British. That figured, C. disciforme, Kze., grows on dead twigs of birch. Tulasne states this genus to consist of the conidiiferous form of Melanconie i (Sphseria- cei). BIBL. Hook. Br. FL v. pt. 2. 355; Fig. 144. Berk. & Broome, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. v. 458; Currey, Qu. Mic. Jn. v. 127 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser. v. 110; Corda, Icones Fung. COR YNO'PSIS, All- man. A genus of ma- rine Hydroid Polypi, family Hydractiniidse. C. Alderi. Durham. BlBL. Ilincks, Brit. Coryneum disciforme. Zooph. p. 34. Vertical section of half COSC1NODISCUS, Ehr. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustrates free, single, disk-shaped; valves circular, flat, or slightly convex, ex- hibiting a cellular or areolar appearance ; no internal septa, nor lateral processes. The cellular appearance arises from the existence of depressions, which are of different sizes. The valves form beautiful objects. Kiitzing enumerates forty-one species, which are either marine or fossil. Smith admits four British species. C. minor, E. Depressions irregular and crowded (circular, Sm.) ; margin of valves smooth ; freshwater and marine ; diam. 1-1200 to 1-500". C. radiatus, E. (PI. 61. fig. 1). Depres- sions obscurely radiating, marginal ones smallest ; margin of valves smooth ; marine and fossil ; diani. 1-550 to 1-180" (a, side view; b, front view). C. eccentricus, E. Depressions arranged in curved lines, with the convexity towards the centre ; marine and fossil ; diam. 1-400 to 1-200". C. pyxidicula, Kg. (Pyxidicula and Cras- pedodiscus coscinodiscus, E.) (PI. 18. fig. 21). Margin tumid, elegantly cellular, central areola very fine, diminishing towards the centre ; no umbilical star ; marginal cells hexagonal, larger ; diam. 1-400". Fossil. Virginia. C. craspedodiscus, K. = Craspedodiscus ele- gans, E. (PL 25. figs. 7, 8). Margin of valves tumid, elegantly sculptured, central markings radiating ; an umbilical star formed of 5 to 6 oblong larger cells ? ; diam. 1-120'[. Fossil. Bermuda. C. oculus iridis. Areolae hexagonal, with central " eye-spots." BIBL. Ehr. Abhandl. Berl. Ak. 1838 and 1839 ; id. Ber. Berl. Akad. 1840 et seq. ; Kiitzing, BacilL and Sp. Alg. ; Smith, r2 COSCINOSPIRA. [ 212 ] COTTON. Brit. Diat. I ; Wallich, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1860, 38; Greville, Mic. Trans. 1864, 9; 1865, 25, 43 ; 1866, 3, 78. COSCINOSPI'RA, Ehrenberg. The elongate subtype of Peneroplis, one of the Foraminifera imperforata. It is a synonym of Spirolina, Lamarck. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Tr. Berlin Ac. 1839 ; Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. ser. 3, v. 180. COSMARIUM, Corda. A genus of Des- midiacese. Char. Cells single, constricted at the middle; segments as broad as or broader than long, neither sinuated nor spinous. A peculiar swarming motion is observ- able at times in the cell-contents of this genus, different from the circulation in Closterium. From some observations by Mrs. Thomas, it appears that the spore-cell divides into numerous individuals in ger- mination. Rabenhorst describes 77 European species. Among the most common British species are : C. pyramidatum (PI. 14. fig. 18, 19 empty cell). Oval, with depressed and truncate ends, deeply constricted ; end view ellipti- cal ; segments punctate, entire ; length 1-470 to 1-260". C. bioculatum. Smooth, depressed, con- striction producing a gaping notch on each side ; end view elliptical ; segments subel- liptic, entire; sporangium orbicular, spi- nous ; length 1-1410". C. crenatum (PI. 14. fig. 20). Punctate, deeplv constricted ; segments crenate at the margin, depressed at the end; end view elliptical ; spines of sporangium very short; length 1-470". C. tetraophthalmumCPLU.&g.W). Deeply constricted ; segments semicircular ; end view elliptical ; rough with pearly granules, which give a crenate appearance to the margin ; length 1-230". C. margaritiferum (PI. 14. fig. 21). Rough with pearly granules, which are as broad as long ; end view elliptic ; segments semicircular or reniform ; length 1-560 to 1-300". C. ornatum. Segments twice as long as broad, rough with granules giving a dentate appearance to the margin ; end view with a truncate projection on each side; length 1-610". C. cucurbita. Punctate, constriction slight, ends rounded; transverse view circular; length 1-580". Lob b describes an extraordinary species, C. radiatum, the surface being covered by densely crowded hyaline filaments, like those of Actinophrys, but closer. BIBL. Ralfs, Desmid. 91 & 212 ; Thomas, Mic. Tr. new ser. iii. 33 ; Lobb. Qu. Mic. Jn. 1866, 55 ; Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1860, 235, 1864, 178. COSMIODIS'CUS, Grev. A genus of fossil Diatomacea9. Char. Frustules simple, disk-shaped; valves radiato-punctate or areolar, with linear radiating spaces (no processes nor internal septa). 3 species: in Monterey and Barbadoes deposit. BIBL. Greville, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1866, 79. COSMOCLA'DIUM, Br^b. A genus of Desmidiaceae (Palmellaceae, Rab.). Char. Cells rounded, compressed, deeply constricted, attached to a branched stipes. Reproduction by gonidia. C. jmlchellum (PI. 61. fig. 38), attached ; in turfy pools. 2 other species (unattached). BIBL. De Bre"bisson, Liste d. Desm. 133; Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. iii. 53. COTHURNIA, Ehr. A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Vorticellina, subfamily Ophrydina. Char. Solitary; carapace urceolate, stalked, fixed by the posterior extremity. An anterior ring of cilia is present. The body contracts suddenly, like that of Vorti- cetta. Dujardin unites this genus with Vagini- cola. C. imberbis, E. (PI. 32. fig. 20). Stalk much shorter than the hyaline carapace ; body yellowish ; aquatic ; length of carapace 1-280". Found upon Cyclops quadricornis. C. maritima, E. Stalk much shorter than the carapace ; body whitish, hyaline ; length of carapace 1-570". On Ceramium. C. havniensis, E. Stalk much longer than the carapace ; body whitish; length of carapace without the stalk 1-280", stalk twice this length. On Sertularice &c. Stein adds 3 species, C. Sieboldii, C. astaci, and C. curva ; found upon Astacus flumatilis (the Cray-fish), Cl. & L. de- scribe 12 species, 4 new, BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 297; Duj. Inf. 564; Stein, Infus. ; Clap. & Lachm. Infus. i. 121 ; Kent, JTw/. 719 ; Hutton, Jn. Mtc. Soc. 1878, i. 49. COTTON. The hairs from the epidermis of the seeds of various species of Gossypium (Malvaceae, Dicotyledons). These hairs are readily distinguished under the microscope COVERS. C 213 ] CRIBRARIA. from the various textile fibres consisting of liber structures. From the absence of the regular thickening layers, the cells of the cotton-hairs become collapsed when dry, appearing like a flat band with thickened borders, while liber-cells of all kinds re- main cylindrical, and taper to a point at each end (PI. 28. fig. 1). See FIBROUS STRUCTURES ; and Mitchell, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1864, 218. COVERS. See INTRODUCTION, p. xxiv. CRASPEDODISCUS, E. A genus of fossil Diatomaceae. C. Coscinodiscus, J&.za PyxicKeuIa Coscino- discus, E. = Coscinodiscus pyxidicula, Kg. (PL 18. fig. 21). C. elegans, E. = Coscinodiscus craspedodis- cus, Kg. (PL 25. figs. 7 & 8). BIBL. Ehr. Ber. d. Berl Ak. 1844, 261- 266 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 126 ; Greville, Mic. Trans. 1866, 79; Pritchard, Inf. 831, 939. CRASPEDO'PORUS, Grev. A genus of Diatomacese. Char. Frustules free, disk-shaped ; valves with club-shaped rays, each with an ocellus near the margin. C. Ralfsianus. Valves areolar, rays 8; diam. 1-220". Barbadoes. C. Johnstonianus. Rays 5 ; diam. 1-400". Barbadoes. BIBL. Greville, Mic. Trans. 1863, 68. CRATERIUM, Trent. A genus of Myxomycetes, consisting of minute yellow or brown cup-like bodies, of papery con- sistence, closed by a deciduous operculum (fig. 145); arising from an evanes- cent gelatinous mycelium, grow- ing over moss, leaves, bark, &c. Most of the spe- cies are common. The black spores contained within these cups are intermixed with crowded, obscurely arti- culated filaments (destitute of spiral "fibres), which do not anastomose, and are at length erect. Five British species. A. Murray's remark upon Craterium, that it is an Acarus, applies to Atractobolus. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Fl v. pt. 2. 316; Sowerby, Fungi, t. 239 (C. minutum, as Cyaihus minutus). CRATEROSPER'MUM, Braun. A ge- nus of Zygnemacese, with the green endo- chrome not in spiral bands. Conjugating Fig. 145. Craterium pyriforme. Magnified 10 diameters. filaments geniculate ; sporange or zygospore with a double cyst ; the inner spherical, the outer thick, shortly cylindrical, subquad- rate, with an annular furrow, and ex- cavated at each pole. C. Icetemrem (PL 3. fig. 10). In pools. BIBL. Braun, Alg. Unicell. 1855, 60; Rabenhorst, Fl Alg. iii. 258 (fig.). CREATINE or KREATINE. Occurs in the juice of the flesh of Mammals, Birds, Amphibia, and Fishes ; in exudations, in the amniotic liquid, the blood, and the brain. It crystallizes from an aqueous solution, in transparent, highly refractive, oblique-rhom- bic prisms and needles (PL 11. fig. 22) be- longing to the oblique-rhombic prismatic system. CREATININE or KREATININE. Occurs in the urine of man and of Mam- malia. The crystals form colourless prisms belonging to the oblique -rhombic prismati system (PL 11. fig. 23). Creatinine forms a crystallized compound with chloride of zinc (PL 1 1. fig. 24) . Thi s is verv difficultly soluble in water, and not at all in alcohol or ether. CRE'NOTHRIX, Cohn. A genus of Oscillatoriaceae (Confervoid Al^ae). Char. Filaments narrow, jointed, ar- cuate or twisted into little free or ad- herent tufts ; with hyaline sheaths ; endo- chrome homogeneous ; sporanges terminal. Microgonidia formed from a row of cells by successive division, rounded, very minute, crowded, and without cilia. Macrogonidia of the entire or 2-4-divided ceU"Contents. Intermediate between Lyngbya and C/<- mfssiphon. C. polyspora. In wells and springs. BIBL. Cohn, Beit. Biol. i. 108. CRESS WEL'LIA, Grev. A genus of fossil DiatomaeesB. Char. Frustules cylindrical, cohering by short filiform (spine-like) processes into a continuous filament. Valves cup-like, are- olar, destitute of siliceous connecting band or hoop. C. turris. Clyde. Other species. BIBL. Greville, Win. Ph. Tr. 1857, xxi. 538; Mic. Tr. 1861, 68; 1865, 4; 1866, 78. CRIBRA'RIA, Schrad. A genus of Myxomycetes (Gasteromycetous Fungi), consisting of minute stalked capsules grow- ing upon rotten wood &c. The capsules (peridia) are membranous; the upper part falls or decays off when the spores are mature j and the anastomosing filam n ts CRIBRILINA. [ 214 ] CRONART1UM. Cribraria aurantiaca. Natural size. Fig. 147. (capillitium) which are contained in the in- tenor, are confluent with the outer wall, where they torm a permanent spherical cage or network (fig. 147), from the meshes of which the spores escape. The three or four species recorded as British, are C. intermedia, Berk., intermediate be- Fig. 146. tween C. vulgaris and C. aurantiaca. The peridium is yellow with a white stalk; the spores yellow. (Figured as Sphterocarpits semitrichioides by Sowerby, t. 400. fig. 5.) To this have recently been added C. argilla- cea, aurantiaca, and intricata. They are very interesting microscopic ob- jects. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Fl v. pt. 2. 318; Fries, Syst. Mycolog. iii. 168; Corda, Icon. Fung. v. pi. 3. fig. 35; Cook, Handb. 400. CRIBRILI'NA, Gray. A genus of Cheilostomatous Polyzoa(BryOZOa), Peridium burst, with the ca- = Lepralice with 0fc exserted. the front CeUs OC- Magnified 25 diameters. cupied by transverse or radiating punctured furrows. 5 species. On shells and Algse. BIBL. Hincks, Polyzoa, 184. CRICKET. See ACHETA. CRIS'IA, Lamx. A genus of Crisiidae, Cyclostomatous Polyzoa. Char. See CRISIID^E. Three species. C. cornuta. Cells curved, orifices turned one way ; a long bristle above each cell. C. eburnea. Cells loosely aggregated, curved, ends free. Common. C. denticulata. Cells loosely aggregated, nearly straight, joints black. CRISIIDAE. A family of Cyclosto- matous Polyzoa. Distinguished by the plant-like jointed and branched calcareous polyzoary and the tubular cells in one or two rows, with round orifices mostly looking to opposite sides. Cribraria aurantiaca. Cells and branches covered with dots Pear-shaped vesicles are met with on the polypidom, resembling those of the Sertu- lariiasB. Crisia. Cells in one or two rows, sub- alternate ; orifices terminal and entire. BIBL. Johnston, Sr. Zuoph. 382 ; Hincks, Polyzoa, 418. CRISTATEL'LA, Cuv. A genus of CristatellidaB, Polyzoa (Bryozoa). Char. Polyzoary free, disk-shaped, poly- piferous at the margin ; tentacles numerous, pectinate upon two arms. Freshwater. C. mucedo (PI. 41. fig. 9). Three, four, or more polypes arise from the locomotive polypidom. Pseud-ova (stato blasts) in the young state enclosed in a ciliate membrane, disk-shaped, furnished with marginal spines which are hooked at the end (fig. 10), and opening with a lid. In clear lakes and ponds, creeping over stones and the stems of aquatic plants ; and occasionally in large numbers in the holes made by the feet of cattle around ponds. Length 1", breadth ". BIBL. Cuvier, Regne Animal, 1817, iv. 68 ; Turpin, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 2 se"r. vii. 66 ; Gervais, ibid. vii. 77 ; Johnston, Br. Zooph. 387; Varley, Lond. Phys. Journ. iii. 37; Allman, Polyzoa. (Ray Soc.). CRISTELLA'RIA, Lamk. Among the hyaline Foraminifera grouped generically as Nodosarina and varying in mode of growth from straight and partially curved to discoidal, the Cristdlarice are the more symmetrically lenticular and nautiloid, vary- ing, however, in outline and in thickness. The chambers, either triangular or falciform, are close-set and communicate at the outer angle. The shell is neat, often delicate, and ornamented on the margin with keel or crest, and on the sides with raised umbones, granulations, cross bars, and septal ridges. Cristettaria is common in the Lias and all succeeding formations, very large in the Tertiary deposits of Italy, and not uncom- mon in existing seas. C. simplex (PI. 23. fi^. 34), feeble of growth, is present always with other Cristellarice. C.cultrata(fig.37) is a well-grown and typical form. BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. Foss. Vien. 82; Morris, Brit. Foss. 33; Williamson, Rec. For. 24 ; Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xix. 209;. 3 ser. iii. 477; v. 114; Car- penter, For am. 162. CRONAR'TIUM, Fries. A genus of Uredinei (Coniomycetous Fungi), present- ing the most perfect form of structure in CROUANIA. C 215 ] CRUSTACEA. that family. The spores are contained in a peridium, which bursts by a regular or irregular apical orifice. The perfect spores are produced on a columnar cellular body, called the ligule, which rises out of the centre of the Uredo-form or of its empty perithecium. C. Vincetoxid is the perfect form of Uredo Vincetoxici. BIBL. Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser. ii. 188. CROUA'NIA, J. Agardh. A genus of Cryptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae). C. atienuata is a very rare plant, which has been found epiphytic on Cladostephus spon- giosus. Its frond consists of a single-tubed jointed filament, with the joints clothed with dense whorls of minute dichotomously multiplied branchlets, somewhat beaded. The favellidia are stated to occur near the tips of the branchlets; the tetraspores (large) are affixed to the bases of ihe latter. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. pi. 21 D ; Phyc. Brit. pi. 106 ; J. Agardh, Alg. Medit. 83 ; Agardh, Sp. Alg. ii. 136 (as Griffiihsia nodulosa) ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 651 ( Calli- thamniori). CRUCIB'ULUM, Tulasne. A genus of Nidulariacei (Gasteromycetous Fungi). C. vulgare occurs frequently on ferns, de- cayed sticks, &c., and is found in many parts of the world. BIBL. Sachs, Sot. Zeit. xiii. 833: Tulasne, Ann. Sc. N. 1844. CRUCILOCULI'NA, D'Orb. A Trilo- culine Miliola with a crucial fissure for its aperture that is, having four small symme- trical valves, instead of one. Known only from the Patagonian coast. BIBL. D'Orb. For. Amfr. Mer. 1839 j Carpenter, Introd. For. 80. CRUME'NULA, Duj. A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Thecamonadina. Char. Oval, depressed, with a resisting obliquely striated or reticulated tegument, from a notch in the fore part of which a long flap:elliform filament issues ; a red eye- spot. Movement slow. C. testa (PI. 30. fig. 34). Green ; aquatic; length 1-510". Filament three times as long as the body. Dujardin appends Prorocentrum, E., to this genus. BIBL. Dujardin, In/us, p. 339. CRUOR'IA, Fries. A genus of Crypto- nemiacese (Florideous Algae). C. pellita is common on exposed rocks and stones be- tween tide-marks, forming a glossy purplish skin, between gelatinous and leathery, upon smooth surfaces, in patches 2 to 3" in dia- meter. This ' skin' is formed of vertical tufts of simple articulated filaments imbedded in a gelatinous matrix. One of the cells of each filament is larger than the rest. The tetraspores occur at the bases of the fila- ments. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. pi. 20 C ; Phyc. Brit. pi. 117. CRUSTA'CEA. A class of Animals, belonging to the subkingdom Articulata. Char. Apterous ; no tracheae ; respira- tion aquatic (branchial), or effected by the skin : legs jointed. A dorsal vessel, ven- tricle, or heart; integument composed partly of chitine. The integument of the Crustacea usually forms a hard calcareous shell, sometimes, however, being leathery or horny ; it con- stitutes an external skeleton. In its most complex condition four layers are distin- guishable : an outermost, very thin, trans- parent, and structureless or cellular the epidermis; beneath this, a layer of pig- ment-cells to which the colour is owing, but sometimes the pigment is not contained within cells; under this is a thick layer, forming the greater part of the substance of the integument, impregnated with calca- reous salts, and frequently furnished with direct prolongations in the form of tubercles, spinous appendages, or hairs. See SHELL. The innermost layer consists of a delicate fibrous coat, corresponding to an internal periosteum or true skin ; it plays an im- portant part in the moulting process (ecdy- sis) which the Crustacea undergo, probably secreting the new layers of the integument. The higher Crustacea (the Decapoda) have mostly two pairs of antennae. The oral organs consist of a transverse labrum or upper lip ; beneath which is a pair of powerful toothed mandibles, acting late- rally, and furnished with palpi. Next come two pairs of maxillae ; the first are membra- nous and hairy at the margin, but without palpi ; the second are also membranous and hairy, and correspond to the labium of In- sects. Between the mandibles and the first pair of maxillae is sometimes situated a soft, tongue-like, sometimes cleft appendage. The oral organs undergo various modifica- tions in the lower Crustacea ; these will be considered under the respective heads. Be- hind these are three pairs of secondary or auxiliary jaws, or rather legs converted into jaws, and comparable to the six legs of In- sects ; these are furnished externally with CKUSTACEA. [ 216 ] CRYPTOMONADINA. palpi. Next follow five pairs of true tho- racic legs, behind which are five pairs of false or abdominal legs. The voluntary muscles of the Crustacea are transversely striated. The eyes are either simple : consisting of a convex cornea, behind which is a rounded refracting body or lens ; this lies in a cup- shaped mass of pigment, perforated by the optic nerves ; compound without facets : consisting of a smooth cornea, behind which a number of closely-placed eyes are situ- ated ; sometimes a modification of this form occurs, in the existence of a smooth outer and an inner faceted cornea ; or compound faceted : as in the eyes of insects. The facets are frequently four-sided, but some- times six-sided. In some of the eyes a conical vitreous body is situated behind the lens. The eyes are sometimes sessile, at others stalked. The alimentary canal is usually short and nearly straight, sometimes curved or coiled. Its wall consists of three or four layers, the outermost, more or less fibrous, repre- senting a peritoneal coat j the innermost, a transparent, structureless, epithelial coat, furnished at the part corresponding to 'the stomach with calcareous teeth, scales, or hairs, and which is thrown off during the ecdysis. Between these two coats is a layer of smooth muscular fibres. The liver exists either in the form of sim- ple follicles surrounding the alimentary ca- nal ; of branched caeca situated at its upper end, sometimes with short ducts ; or as two glandular tufts or branches, consisting of more or less ramified and closely-connected caeca, with short ducts. In many of the Crustacea the walls of the alimentary canal are surrounded by cells containing a bright orange-yellow or blue fatty matter ; these are either scattered or arranged in the form of lobules. They cor- respond to the fatty body of Insects. The Crustacea undergo remarkable meta- morphoses, the larvae differing strikingly from the adults ; and to these, special names were applied, being considered as distinct genera : as Nauplius, Zoea, and Megalopa. See ASELLUS, CIRRIPEDIA, ENTOMOS- TRACA, GAMMARUS, ONISCUS, and SIPHO- NOSTOMA. BIBL. That of ANIMAL KINGDOM, and the Bibl. of the articles just cited ; Gegen- baur, Vergl Anat. 247; Schultze (eyes), Qu. Mic. Jn. 1868, 173 ; Chatin, Compt. JRend. 1876, Ixxxiii. 1052 (M. M. Jn. xvii. 92) ; Bell, Stalk-eyed Brit, (figs.) ; Bate and West- wood, Sessile-ei/ed. CRYPTOCOC'CE^E. OneofKiitzing's families of Algae, including his genera Cryp- tococcus, Ulvina, and Sphferotilus, all of which appear to be forms of the mycelia (conidia ?) of Mildew Fungi ; they consist of masses of extremely minute colourless globules, aggregated into a membranous or mucous stratum, and found floating in aromatic waters, vinegar, &c. CRYPTOCOC'CUS, Kutz. See CRYP- TOCOCCEJE. CRYPTOGA'MIA. This term was ap- plied by Linnaeus to his 24th Class, which included all plants in which no true flowers exist ; the name signifying that the sexual organs are hidden. In Natural Arrange- ments of the Vegetable Kingdom the term is often used in the same sense ; but in this case as one of two great divisions, being opposed to Phanerogamia or Phaenogamia, which are plants with the sexual organs conspicuous. See VEGETABLE KINGDOM. CRYPTOGLE'NA, Ehr. A genus of flagellate Infusoria, of the family Crypto- monadina. Char. Free ; a red eye-spot ; carapace a scutellum, rolled in at the margins, without a neck. Freshwater. C. conica (PI. 30. fi^. 35 a). Conical, expanded, and truncate in front, posteriorly subacute ; bluish green ; length 1-1150"; two flagelliform filaments. C.pigra (PL 30. %. 35 b). Ovato-sub- globose, emarginate in front ; green ; length 1-1150". (Chloromonas, Kent.) Motion slow ; filament single. C. ccerukscem. Elliptic, depressed, emar- ginate in front ; bluish green ; length 1-6000"; motion rapid ; no cilia distinguished. Carter adds 3 species. BIBL. Ehr. In/us. 46 ; Duj. In/us. 333 ; Carter, Ann. N. H. 1858, ii. 253; 1859, iii. 18 ; Pritchard, Infm. 509 ; Kent, Inf. 419. CRYPTOGRAM'MA, Brown. A genus of Pterideae (Polypodiaceous Ferns). Char. Sterile and fertile fronds usually different; sori terminal on the veins, at first separate and rounded, then confluent; indusium formed of the involute margin of the frond. C. crispa. British. BIBL. Hooker, Syn. Fil 144. CRYPTOMONADI'NA, Ehr. A family of Infusoria. Char. An envelope or carapace, either CEYPTOMONAS. [ 217 ] CRYPTONEMIACE^E. soft or hard ; no appendages (organs of mo- tion, D.) except anterior cilia, or one or more flagelliforin filaments j form constant. (Envelope insoluble in potash ?) These organisms do not admit colouring- matters, hence they should probably be re- ferred to the Algsd. One or more cilia or flagelliform filaments have been detected in all the genera but one (Lagenella). The family corresponds very nearly with the Thecamonadina of Dujardin. No eye-spot. Carapace with a distinct tooth, in front Prorocentrum. Carapace without a tooth Cryptomonas. Eye-spot present. Carapace with a neck Lagenella. Carapace without a neck : Carapace a scutellum. Cryptoglena. Carapace not a scutellum Trachelomonas. Dujardin adds the genera Phacus, D. (in- cluding Euglena, E. in part), Crumenula, D., Diselmis, D., Clamidornonas,l&.,Plceotia,~D., Anisonema, D. (including Bodo grandis, E., and Oxyrrhis, D.= Prorocentrum: E.)j and appends doubtfully Chcetoglena, E., and Chcetotyphla, E. See THECAMONADINA, OPHIDOMONAS, and PROTOCOCCUS. BIBL. Ehrenb. In/us. 38 ; Duj. Infus. 323. CRYPTOMONAS, E. A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Cryptomonadina. Char. No eye-spot ; carapace without an anterior tooth. Dujardin says : Globular or slightly depressed ; secreting a membranous flexible carapace, and furnished with a very delicate flagelliform filament. Ehrenberg admits seven species ; and to these Dujardin adds two. C. ovata, E. (PI. 30. fig. 36 a) ; length 1-570" ; freshwater. C. lenticularis, E. (PI. 30. fig. 36 6) ; length 1-1730" ; freshwater. C.fusca, E. (PI. 30. fig. 36 c) j length 1-1500"; freshwater. C. globulus, D. (PI. 30. fig. 36 d) ; length 1-2500" ; freshwater. C. inaqualis, D. (PI. 30. fig. 36 e) ; length 1-2500" ; freshwater. Dujardin appends Cryptoglena, E., and Lagenella, E., to this genus. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 40 ; Dujardin. Inf. 329: Kent, Inf. 404. CRYfcTONEMIA'CELE. A family of Florideae. Purplish or rose-red sea-weeds, with a filiform or (rarely) expanded, gela- tinous or cartilaginous frond, composed wholly or in part of cylindrical cells con- nected together into filaments. Axis formed of vertical, periphery of horizontal radiating filaments. FRUCTIFICATION: 1. Concep- tacles (favellidia), forming globose masses of spores immersed in the frond or in swell- ings of the branches. 2. Tetraspores variously dispersed. 3. Antheridia (Nemaleori). Subtribel. COCCOCARPEJE. Frond solid, dense, cartilaginous or horny. Favellidia contained in semi-external tubercles or swell- ings of the frond. Grateloupia. Frond pinnate, flat, nar- row, membranaceo-cartilaginous, of^ very dense texture. Favellidia immersed in the branches, communicating with the surface by a pore. Tetraspores scattered. Gdidium. Frond pinnate, compressed, narrow, horny, of very dense structure. Favellidia immersed in swollen ramuli. Tetraspores forming subdefined son in the ramuli. Gigartina. Frond cartilaginous, cylin- drical or compressed ; its flesh composed of anastomosing filaments, lying apart in firm gelatine. Favellidia contained within external tubercles. Tetraspores massed to- gether in dense sori, sunk in the frond. Subtribe 2. SPONGIOCARPE^E. Frond so- lid, dense, cartilaginous or horny. Favellidia of several, imperfectly known. Wart-like swellings composed of filaments ; sometimes containing tetraspores, sometimes spores. Chondrus. Frond fan-shaped, dicho- tomously cleft, cartilaginous, of very dense texture. Tetraspores collected into sori, im- mersed in the substance of the frond. Phyllophora. Frond stalked, rigid, mem- branaceous, proliferous from the disk, of very dense structure. Tetraspores in dis- tinct superficial sori, or in special leaflet- like lobes. Peyssonelia. Frond depressed, expanded, rooting by the under surface, concentrically zoned, membranous or leathery. Tetra- spores contained in superficial warts. Gymnogongrus. Frond filiform, dicho- tomus, horny, of very dense structure. Tetraspores strung together, contained in superficial wart-like sori. Polyides. Hoot scutate. Frond cylin- drical, dichotomous, cartilaginous. Favellee contained in spongy external warts. Tetra- spores scattered through the peripheric stra- tum of the frond, cruciate. Furcellaria. Root branching. Frond cylindrical, dichotomous, cartilaginous. Fa- vellce unknown. Tetraspores deeply im- bedded among the filaments of the periphery, in the swollen pod-like upper branches ox the frond, transversely zoned. CRYPTONEMIACE^E. [ 218 ] CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. Subtribe 3. GASTROCARPE^:. Frond yelatinously membranaceous or fleshy, often of lax structure internally. Favellidia im- mersed in the central substance of the frond, very numerous. Dumontia. Frond cylindrical, tubular, membranaceous. Tufts of spores attached to the wall of the tube inside. Halymenia. Frond compressed or flat, gelatinoso-membranaceous, the membra- nous surfaces separated by a few slender anastomosing filaments. Masses of spores attached to the inner face of the membra- nous wall. Ginannia. Frond cylindrical, dicho- tomous, traversed by a fibrous axis; the wall membranaceous. Masses of spores attached to the inner face of the membra- nous wall. Kallymenia. Frond expanded, leaf-like, fleshy-membranous, solid, of dense struc- ture. Favellidia like pimples, half im- mersed in the frond, and scattered over its surface. Iridcea. Frond expanded, leaf-like, thick, fleshy-leathery, solid, of dense structure. Favellidia wholly immersed, densely crowded. Catenella. Frond filiform, branched, constricted at intervals into oblong arti- culations; the tube filled with lax fila- ments. Subtribe 4. GLOIOCLADEEJE. Frond loosely gelatinous ; the filaments lying apart from one another, surrounded by a copious gelatine. Favellidia immersed among the filaments of the periphery. Cruoria. Frond crustaceous, skin-like. Naccaria. Frond filiform, solid, cellular ; the ramuli only composed of radiating free filaments. Oloiosiphonia. Fi'ond tubular, hollow; walls of the tube composed of radiating filaments. Nemaleon. Fronds filiform, solid, elastic, filamentous ; the axis composed of closely- packed filaments ; the periphery of monili- f orm free filaments. Dudresnaia. Frond filiform, solid, gela- tinous, filamentous ; the axis composed of a network of anastomosing filaments ; the periphery of moniliform free filaments. Crouania. Frond filiform, consisting of a jointed filament, whorled at the joints, with minute, multifid, gelatinous ramuli. BIBL. Harvey, Marine Algce ; Derbe's et Solier, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 s diiferous forms of Sphcence A fertile flla- (Tulasne, Carpologid). See ment with septate DENDRYPHIUM and HELMIN- K e c 3 he s P n ita THOSPORIUM. British Spe-Magn.200 diams. cies : D. pyriforme, Fr. On mouldering stems of herbaceous plants. D. macrosporum, Fr. On rotton wood, leaves, and fungi. D. dendroides, Fr. &c. Very common, pi. 126. fig. 1. D. obovatum. Berk. On willow twigs, in damp. Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. pi. 14. fig. 26. D, sphcerocephalum, Berk. On dead ivy- twigs, L c. fig. 27. D. tenettum, Fr. On moss. BIBL. Berk, in Hook. Brit. Fl. v. pt. 2. 345 ; Ann. N. H. ut supra ; Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. vii. 102 ; Robin, Parasites, 2nd ed. 543, pi. 2. figs. 5 & 6 ; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. 414 j Summa Veget. 491. DACTYLOCOC'CUS,Nag. A genus of Palmellaceous Algae, allied to CJiaracium and Hydrianum. Char. Cells oblong or fusiform, free, 2-8 together, then separating. Two species, one green ; among other Algae, or on the side of pools ; about 1-2500" long. BIBL. Nageli, Einz. Alg.- p. 85 ; Raben- horst, Fl. Alg. iii. p. 46 (fig.). DACTYLOP'ORA, Lam. Regarded by some as one of the Foraminifera imper- forata ; but by others as belonging to the calciferous Algae. The simplest form pre- sents a set of sac-like chambers, side by side, for a part or the whole of a circle, with their mouths in one direction along the inner median line. Various modifica- tions lead to the structure of a cylinder of such rings, with interspaces, thickened walls, and subsidiary cavities. The simple forms (D. eruca, PI. 23. f. 63) live in the tropical seas. The more complicated species are of Tertiary age in France, Italy, and San Domingo ; D. reticulata (PI. 23. f. 54) is one of these. BIBL. Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. ser. 3. 473; Carpenter, For. 127;Gumbel, Abh. lay. Akad. 1872. DACTYL'OPUS, Glaus. A genus of Entomostraca, order Copepoda. D. tisboides. Marine. BIBL. Glaus, Copepod.I27 '; Brady, Trans. Northumberland. DALTO'NIA,Hook. andTayl. A genus of Pleurocarpous Mosses, the species given being restored here on account of the struc- ture of the leaf ; while D. heteromalla of Hooker goes to Hypnum on the same ground. D. splanchnoidesjllook. &nd.T.=Hookeria splanch. Hook. DAM^E'TJS, Koch. See BELBA. DAM'MARA-"ww." The resin of Dammara australis, N. O. Pinaceae. It is often used, dissolved in benzole, as a varnish ; and as it dries quickly, it is useful. It is also largely used as a substitute for Canada balsam ; but we prefer the latter. DANJE'A, Smith. A genus of Marat- Fig. 156. Danaea. Part of a pinnule with sori. Magnified 5 diameters. tiaceous Ferns, whence the family is some- times called also Dangeaceee. Tropical Ame- rica. 12 species. BIBL. Hooker and Baker, Syn. 442. DAPH'NE, L. See THYMELEACEJE. DAPHNEL'LA, Baird. A genus of Entomostraca, of the order Cladocera, and family Daphniadae. Char. Inferior antennae very large, pos- terior branch two-jointed only. DAPHNIA. [ 236 ] DASYA, D. Wingii (PI. 20. fig. 27). Fresh- water. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomos. 109. DAPH'NIA, Mull. A genus of Ento- mostraca, of the order Cladocera, and family Daphniadae. Char. Head produced into a more or less prominent beak ; superior antennae situated beneath the beak, either one-jointed or con- sisting of a minute tubercle with a tuft of short filaments ; inferior antennae large and powerful, two-branched; one branch three- jointed, the other four-jointed; five pairs of legs. Valves of the carapace finely reticulated, and terminated below by a longer or shorter serrated spine. Anterior branch of inferior antennae (PI. 20. fig. 286) four-jointed, first joint very short; from the end of the third a long filament arises ; and the fourth joint is terminated by three others ; posterior branch three-jointed, the first and second joints sending off a long filament, the third terminated by three of them ; the filaments are jointed near the middle, and usually feathery. Eye spherical, with about twenty lenses. Labrum (PI. 20. fig. 35) flattened, and with a large hairy lobule at the end. Mandibles (PI. 20. fig. 34) consisting of a fleshy -looking body, bent inwards near the end, and terminated by numerous minute teeth. Jaws (PI. 20. fig. 36) composed of a strong body terminated by four horny spines, three of which are curved inwards. Legs five pairs, those of the first pair in the female (PI. 20. fig. 29) three-jointed; upon the outer edge of the second joint are three small projections, each with four or five long jointed setae; terminal joint very small, and with one or two similar setae ; the setae not plumose. In the male they are more slender, with "a strong claw at the end of the second joint, while the seta arising from the terminal joint is very long, nearly the length of the body, and" floats outside the shell. The second (PI. 20. fig. 30), third (fig. 31), and fourth (fig. 32) pairs of legs are bran- chial and somewhat similar, the joint fur- nished with jointed and mostly plumose setae, and a branchial plate also giving off numerous plumose setae. The fifth pair of legs (fig. 33) are three-jointed, the portion correspondingto the branchial plate rounded and without filaments; above this is a curved, jointed, and plumose spine, the third and fourth joints forming finger-like processes springing from the lower end of the leg, with two or three plumose setae. The branchial legs are constantly in motion during life; and this gives rise to the quivering appearance seen in the Daphnue with the naked eye or a simple lens. The ova on their escape from the body become lodged between the back of the ani- mal and the shell, where they remain until completely hatched ; but at certain seasons of the year ephippial or winter ova (PI. 20. fig. 37) are produced (ENTOMOSTBACA). According to Lubbock's observations, the latter only are true ova ; although both kinds become hatched and perfectly deve- loped, this may occur without impreg- nation. Seven British species of Daphnia are re- cognized : some of them may be found in almost every collection of water, which they frequently colour. D.pulex (PI. 20. fig. 28) (common water- flea). Valves oval, their dorsal margin not serrated ; head large, rounded above and in front ; superior antennae (PL 20. tig. 28 a) very small; filaments of inferior antennae plumose ; posterior portion of abdomen with four projections at its curve, the first pro- longed and bent upwards ; below these are two jointed filaments ; the end portion has two dentate arches, and terminates in two strong hooks. Some other species are common ; but their essen- tial characters have not been briefly expressed. BIBL. Baird, Br. En- torn. 89; Lubbock, Ann. N. H. 1857, xx. 257; Leydig, Daphnid. 1860; Weismann, Daphniden, 1877, and Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. 1876, 7. DARWINEL'LA, Brady, ( = PolycMes, B.). A genus of Ostracode Entomostraca. 1 British species: D. Stevewoni. BIBL. Brady, Ann. N. H. ser. 4. vi. 25. DA'SYA, Ag. A ge- nus of Rhodomelaceae Dasya KUtzingiana, (Florideous Algae), con- with a stichidium . ,. e , f , P ni and two rows of sistmg of tufted hlamen- tetraspores. tous sea- weeds, of a red, Magnified so dia- brown, or purple colour, growing on rocks near low- water mark. Fig. 157. DASYDYTES. [ 237 ] DEGENERATION, FATTY. The principal filaments are stoutish, branched,andclothedwith branched ramules, upon which are borne the stichidia contain- ing tetraspores (fig. 157), or ceramidia con- taining spores, on distinct plants. Four British species are recorded, of which D. coccinea and D. Arbmcula (PI. 4. fig. 9) are the commonest. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alga. 93, pi. 12 B ; Phyc. Brit. pi. 40, 224, 225 & 253. DASY'DYTES, Gosse. A genus of Ro- tatoria, of the family Ichthydina. Char. Eyes absent ; body furnished with bristle-like hairs ; tail simple, truncate. I), goniathrix. Hairs long, each hair bent at an abrupt angle j neck constricted j length 1-146" ; fr. wat. D. antenniyer. Hair short, downy ; a pencil of long hairs at each angle of the posterior extremity of the body j head with two club-shaped organs resembling antennse ; length 1-170". BIBL, Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 198. DASYGLCE'A, Thwaites. A genus of Oscillatoriaceae (Confervoid Algee). D. amorpha (PL 8. fig. 11) forms a shape- less gelatinous stratum, consisting of curled and entangled filaments, with very large sheaths, open at the ends ; in marshy places. BIBL. Eng. Sot. Stipp. 941 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alff. 272 ; Tab. Phyc. Cent. i. pi. 72. fig. 2. DATE. The fruit of the Date-palm, Phoenix dactylifera, N. 0. Palmacese. Roasted dates are used to adulterate real coffee j a so-called date-coffee is also manu- factured from the entire fruit, or from the seed (perisperm) only. The principal tissues of the latter are represented in PI. 2. fig. 9. DAVAL'LIA, Sm. A very large genus ; tropical. BIBL. Hooker, Syn. 88. DAVALL'IE^E. A family of Polypo- diaceous Ferns. Fig. 158. Fig. 159. Davallia pyxidata. A pinnule with sori. Magn. 5 diam. Davallia. Sori globose or elongate, intra- A sorus with the indusium cut open. Magn. 15 diam. or sub-marginal ; indusium terminal on the veins; somewhat urn- or cup-shaped, the mouth truncated (figs. 158 and 159), apex free ; veins pinnate. Cystopteris. Sori globose, on the back of the veins ; involucre membranous, sub-or- bicular, inserted by its broad base under the sorus, which at the beginning it covers like a hood ; fronds two or three times divided, thin, veins free. DEGENERATION, FATTY. The ab- normal deposition of free fatty matter in the histological elements of animal bodies. When, from whatever cause, the normal functions of the morphological element of a tissue cells, or the secondary deposits formed in them become languid or inter- rupted, free globules of fat or oil become deposited in them ; and as this fatty matter increases in amount, the tissue loses to a greater or lesser extent its natural vital and physical properties j hence it is said to be in a state of fatty degeneration. The discovery of the fatty degeneration of tissues is pro- bably one of the most valuable fruits of microscopic study in regard to medical science ; for it has shown us that maladies supposed formerly to arise from too great abundance of the circulating fluid, have really had their origin in a decayed state of.the tubes or vessels in which the fluid was contained, and that the natural process of human decay, as it is called, is a morbid process or disease, probably to a certain extent as remediable or preventible as many other diseases to which man is naturally liable. Here is indeed a matter of deep interest. In addition to the deposition of fat within the elements of a tissue undergoing fatty degeneration, amorphous finely granular proteine-matters are sometimes found ; oc- casionally also brown, yellow, red, or black granular pigment is met with (pigmentary degeneration), together with amorphous or crystalline calcareous salts, as the carbonate and phosphate of lime &c. (calcareous de- generation) ; sometimes the fatty matter is crystalline, it then generally consists of cholesterine. Fatty degeneration of cells is well seen in those of the liver when undergoing this change. In the normal state, these as well as most cells, except those of true fatty tis- sue, contain merely one or two very minute or no globules of fat, whilst in the dege- nerated tissue they contain a considerable number of larger or smaller globules (fig. 160). At the same time, the cell-walls and DEGENERATION, FATTY. [ 238 ] DELESSERIACE^E. nuclei become thinner and paler, or atro- phied. A similar state to that which is abnormal in man, is normal in the lower ani- mals. Sometimes the substance intervening bet ween cells becomes degenerated; and thus Fig. 160. Cells of the human liver; a, nearly normal cells; b, cell with pigment granules ; c, cells containing fatty matter. Magnified 400 diameters. we have intercellular fatty degeneration (PL 38. fi. 15). Other instances of fatty degeneration are noticed under the respective heads of the tissues c., as the Graafian vesicles and the cells of the corpora lutea (OVAHY), the epithelia of the mucous and serous membranes, and of the various glands, the vessels, the exudation-corpuscles of in- flammation, the muscles, &c. The fatty degeneration of the capillaries is represented in PL 38. fig. 13. In the larger blood-vessels, when reaching a more ad- vanced degree, it forms atheroma. It might appear paradoxical to regard the presence of numerous fat-globules, in such instances as the cells of cancer, and the exudation-cells of inflammation, where the vital processes are so evidently augmented, as indicating a state of degeneration. But in these, as in other instances, the functions of the cells, after the latter have attained their full development, cease, and the cells un- dergo degeneration and decay. The free fatty matter is probably derived in general from the liberation of that pre- viously dissolved in the contents of the cell ; but it may be produced by the for- mation of fatty matter from the proteine or other constituents of the cell -contents. It is curious that portions of the flesh and other proteine-components of one animal, when kept in the peritoneal cavity of another living animal, will undergo fatty degenera- tion. The formation of adipocere seems to be an instance of post-mortem fatty dege- neration. Amyloid degeneration is noticed under AMYLOID. BIBL. Virchow, Path. Cell. 1861 ; Wedl, Path. Hist.-, Forster, Spec. Path. Anat.\ Wagner, Nachr. d. Ges. d. Wiss. z. Gb'ttin- ffen, 1851 (Chem. Gaz. ix. 309); Green, 'Path. 31, 1871 ; Rindfleisch, Lehrb. Geweb. 1878, 46. DELAVA'LIA, Brady. A genus of En- tomostraca, order Copepoda. D. palustris. Northumberland. BIBL. Brady, Trans. Northumberland $c., & Copepoda (Ray Soc.). DELESSE'RIA, Lamx. A genus of De- lesseriaceae (Florideous Algae), consisting of Fig. 161. sea-weeds with a flat, membranaceous, rose- coloured frond, having a percurrent midrib, growing on rocks or on other larger Algae, mostly from 2 to 8 inches high. Six spe- cies are described as British, most of them common. The leaf -like lobes of the frond arise from a kind of stalk, or from the midribs of , older lobes. The tex- ,^ el ? 88e ture is densely paren-' chymatous throughout. Nat. size. ' D. sanguinea (PI. 4. fig. 5) ripens its fruit in the winter ; and then the membranous part of the fronds decays, leaving the midribs clothed with tufts of the sporophylls or leafy lobes containing the tetraspores (fig. 161), and stalked coccidia containing the spores. The fructification is somewhat similar in D. alata^ while in D. sinuosa the coccidia are immersed in the frond, and the tetra- spores in cilia-like processes fringing its margin; and in D. Hypoglossum the coc- cidia are seated on the midrib, and the tetraspores arranged in longitudinal linear rows like sori on each side of the midrib. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Algce, 113, pi. 15 Aj Phyc. Brit. pis. 2, 26, 83, 151, 247, 259 ; Greville, Alg. Brit. pis. 72-74, 76. DELESSERIA'CE^E. A family of Flo- ridese. Rosy or purplish red, or blood-red sea-weeds, with a leafy, or rarely filiform, areolated, inarticulate frond, composed of polygonal cells. Lobes of the frond deli- DELTOMONAS. [ 239 ] DEMATIEI. cately membranous. Fructification double ; 1. Conceptades (coccidia) external, or half- immersed, hemispherical, usually imperfo- rate, containing beneath a membranous peri- carp a tuft of dichotomous filaments, whose articulations are finally changed into spores. 2. Tetraspores in distinctly definite son, either scattered through the frond or placed in proper fruit-lobes or sporophylls. Synopsis of British Genera. Delesseria. Frond leafy, of indefinite form, with a percurrent midrib. Nitophyllum. Frond leafy, of definite form, without a midrib (sometimes traversed by vague, vanishing nerves). Plocamium. Frond linear or filiform, compressed, much branched, distichous; ramuli pectinate, secund. BIBL. See the genera. DELTO'MONAS, Kent. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Char. Bodies variable, wedge-shaped, stalked; flagella two, equal. Freshwater. Multiplication by longitudinal and trans- verse division, and the breaking up of the body into germs. In ponds. (Kent, In/". 283.) DEMATIE'L A family of Hyphomy- cetous Fungi, growing on the dead parts of plants, and characterized by the mostly septate spores being attached to rigid thick- walled filaments, which are continuous or septate. According to the observations of Tulasne, many of the supposed genera of this family are merely conidiiferous states of Ascomy- cetous Fungi; for instance Cladosporium. We enumerate them here according to the older arrangement, as their history is not yet fully cleared up. Synopsis of British Genera. Cephalotrichum. Fertile filaments stalk- like, erect, septate, terminating in a globose capitule formed by radiating forked or ternate branches bearing globular spores at their tips. Sporocybe. Filaments rather fibrous, subulate, capitate, bearing simple spores conglobated into a terminal head. GEdemium. Filaments rigid, erect, al- most continuous, or annulated, bearing at the sides globular masses of spores. Myxotrichum. Filaments erect, scarcely septate ; fertile branches crowned by globules of heterogeneous conglutinate spores. Helminthosporium. Filaments erect, simple, septate ; spores transversely septate. Bolacotricha. Filaments simple, uni- formly articulate at the apex ; spores con- glomerated, large, globular, shortly stalked, contents distinctly granular. Triposporium. Filaments erect, sep- tate, sterile branches solitary, more or less spreading ; fertile branches shorter, bearing at the tips solitary, stellate, mostly very shortly stalked spores. Helicosporium. Filaments erect, subu- late, closely septate, continuous and dia- phanous at the summit ; spores thread-like, septate, spirally coiled, then expanding themselves with elasticity. Cladotrichum. Filaments erect, septate, branched ; branches and branchlets bearing septate spores at their tips. Dematium. Filaments erect, septate, with verticillate branchlets below, simple and whip-like above ; spores crowded on the apices of the ramules. Cladosporium. Filaments erect, septate above, bearing the spores arranged in rows forming short moniliform branchlets. Macrosporium. Filaments suberect, sep- tate, delicate, evanescent, bearing erect, stipitate spores, with many transverse and usually some longitudinal septa. Arthrinium. Filaments tufted, suberect, annulate, with opaque thickish septa; spores fusiform, septate, large. Camptoum. Filaments as in the pre- ceding ; spores ovate, curved, small. Arthrobotryum. Common stem com- posed of jointed filaments. Spores large, radiating, so as to form a little head, dark, septate. Dendryphium. Filaments free, jointed, simple below, branched above ; branches and branchlets often monilioid ; spores sep- tate, acrogenous, concatenated. Periconia. Stem composed of fasci- culated compacted filaments ; head globose ; spores fixed to the free tips of the fila- ments. Haplographiwn. Filaments jointed, free, black ; spores concatenate, hyaline. Monotospora. Filaments free, black, bearing one or rarely two (by division) large, black, subglobose spores at their tips. Helicoma. Filaments erect, dark, jointed, bearing on their sides pale, flat, spiral spores. Polythrincium, Filaments moniliform; spores springing from the midst of the fila- ments, didymous. Gonatosporittm. Filaments erect, jointed, DEMATIUM. [ 240 ] DEMODEX. thickened at the articulations j spores irregularly biconical, somewhat angular, attached in whorls. Sporodum. Filaments erect, jointed ; threads of inarticulate spores moniliform, seated towards their base. Allied or uncertain Genera. Blastotrichum. Pedicels ascending or floating, very much branched, continuous ; spores oblong, transversely septate. Stachyobotrys. Pedicels branched, sep- tate ; branches crowded at the tips with whorls of Hiainniillary very short branchlets forming a capitulum ; spores didymous. Helicotrichum. Filaments creeping, branched, septate only at the tips j spores spirally curled, somewhat septate. DEMA'TIUM, Pers. A genus of Dema- tiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), growing upon Fig. 162. Fig. 163. Fig. 164. Dematium griseum. Magnified 200 diameters. dry leaves, bark, &c., distinguished by the sporiferous branchlets arising closely toge- ther near the base of the erect filaments. British species : D. griseum, Pers. (figs. 162-4). On rotten hazel-stumps. Cheetopsis Wauchii, Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 236. See ECHINO- BOTRYUM. BIBL. Berk. Hook. Brit. Fl. v. pt. 2, 338 ; Ann. N. H. i. 260, vi. 435 ; Grev. /. c. ; Fries, Sum. Veg. 499 j Corda, Ic. Fung. i. pi. 4. figs. 242, 243. DEMO'DEX, Owen (Simonia, Gerv.). A genus of Arachnida, the exact systematic position of which is doubtful, "although usually placed in the family Acarina. Char. Legs terminated by two claws (only one, Beck), no acetabula; abdomen annulose. D.foUiculorum (PI. 6. fig. 42), the Aca- rus, Simonia, or Entozoon foUicidorum of some authors, inhabits the 'sebaceous and hair-follicles of the human skin. The mi- nute size of the various parts renders it ex- tremely difficult to isolate them. It varies in length from about 1-150 to 1-50". At the anterior part of the body are two two-jointed organs (PI. 6. fig. 43 a), the basa joint longest, the distal smallest, and ter- minated by a strong claw ; these appear to represent maxillary palpi. Between these are two narrow elongated organs (fig. 43 6), the mandibles. Behind these is a triangular labrum (fig. 43 c) ; a labium has also been described. Above or upon the basal joint of the palpi are two minute tubercles, one on each side (fig. 43 d). Similar tubercles are seen upon the dorsal surface of the thorax, between the second and third, and the third and fourth pairs of legs. On each side of the thorax are four pairs of very short conical legs ; these are appa- rently three-jointed, and marked by irregular fine transverse striae. The abdomen is longer than the thorax, tapers posteriorly, and exhibits indications of transverse rings, in the form of numerous delicate transverse lines. These animals may be obtained by press- ing out the contents of the follicles existing upon the sides and alae of the nose, especially when these appear enlarged, whitish, and exhibit a terminal black spot. A drop of oil should then be added to the secretion, and the whole allowed to macerate for some hours at a gentle heat. Or the secretion may be digested in a mixture of alcohol and ether, to dissolve the fatty matter, and then treated with solution of potash. The secretion contains the ova, the young animals, and the exuviae. When contained in the follicles, the tail is directed towards their orifice. Var. caninus occurs in the pustules of the skin of the dog affected with the " mange." The average size of this is less than that of D.foUiculorum, amountingto 1-150 to 1-100" in length. It does not appear to constitute a distinct species ; for Gruby found that, by inoculating the dog with the human parasite, a disease resembling, if not identi- cal with, the mange was produced. Var. cati, on the cat ; about less than D.foUiculorum. BIBL. Simon, Mutter's Archiv, 1842,218; Owen, Hunt. Lect. i. 251 ; Gervais, Walck- enaer's Apteres, iii. 282 ; Wilson, Tr. Hoy. Soc. 1844, 305 ; Tulk, Ann. N. H. 1844, xiii. 75; Gruby, Ed. Mn. Jn. vii. 333; DENDRITINA. [ 241 ] DEEMANYSSUS. Wedl, Path. Hist. 803; R. Beck, Achr. Micr. 6, pi. 24. fig. 1 ; Megnin, Parasites. 265. DEXDRITI'NA, D'Orb. The nautiloid, or compactly discoidal, condition of Pene- roplis. Common in tropical seas. BIBL. Carpenter, Introd. For. 88. DENDROCOME'TES, Stein. A doubt- ful genus of Acinetina. The single species, D. paradoxus (PI. 32. fig. 36), is supposed by Stein to constitute the resting stage or Acineta form of Spirochona gemmipara. It is found upon the gill-plates of Gammarus pulex. BIBL. Stein, Siebold # Kolliker^s Zeitschr. 1852, iii. 492 ; id. In/us. 205 ; Kent, Inf. DENDRO'MONAS, Stein. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Char. Bodies pyriform, obliquely trun- cate, single at the ends of a rigid homo- geneous branched pedicle ; flagella two ; one long, and the other short, lateral. Fresh- water. 2 species. (Kent, Inf. 265). DENDROSO'MA, Ehr. A genus of Rhizopoda, of the family Acinetina. Char. Consists of a thick branched pedicle, fixed at its base, the branches supporting at their ends numerous bodies, a little larger than the pedicles, each resembling an Ac- tinophrys. I), radians. Bodies conical, thick, soft and smooth, alternately branched ; branches incrassate and tentaculate at the ends. Size 1-96' '. Freshwater. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 316; 01. & Lachm. Inf. iii. 140 (fig.). DENDRYPHIUM, Wallr. A genus of Dematiei (Hynhomycetous Fungi), consisting of moulds growing over dead herba- ceous plants, nearly related to Dactylium ; but there are often several spores chained together at the tips of the branches; perhaps not di- stinct from Brachycladium, Corda, whose species of Dac- tyUwn(&g. 165) are brought under this genus by Fries. British species : D. curtum, Berk, and Br. On dead stems. Ann. N. H. 1851, 6. fig. 9. D. laxum, Berk, and Br. On dead stems. L. c. fig. 10. Magn. 200 diams. D. griseum, Berk, and Br. On dead stems. L. c. fig. 11. Fig. 165. BIBL. Berkeley and Broome, I. c. 176, pi. 6 ; Fries, Summa Veget. 504. DENTALI'NA, D'Orbigny. The bent, oblique, and somewhat excentric varieties of Nodosaria pass under this name for con- venience rather than for zoological reasons. Innumerable modifications of these Curved and tapering stichostegian Foraminif era oc- cur in all formations from the Carbonifer- ous to the Tertiary, and abound in existing seas. D. communis, D'Orb. (PI. 23. f. 33) is the type, and has persisted the longest of any. BIBL. D'Orb. For. Foss. Vien. 1846; Williamson, Rec. For. 17 ; Morris, Brit. Foss. 34 ; Carpenter, Foram. 163 ; Jones, Parker, and Brady, Monog. Foram. Crag, Pal. Soc. 1866, 53, &c. DENTALINOP'SIS, Reuss. A sticho- stegian Nodosarina, commencing in its growth as a Rhabdogonium (Ch'thocerina), and continuing as a Dentalina, Only fossil j Cretaceous. BIBL. Reuss, Site. Ak. Wien, xliv. 367. DENTIOEL'LA, Ehr. See BIDDULPHIA. DENTIC'ULA, Kiitz. A genus of Dia- tomacese. Char. Frustules free, single or binate, straight, oblong or linear in front view ; valves elliptical or narrowed at the ends, transversely striated. Freshwater. Striee mostly coarse, not resolvable into dots (costse) ; valves without a median line or nodules ; ends of the strise visible at the margins of the front view of the f rustules ; no internal septa. Five British species. Seven European species ; one fossil (California). D. obtusa (PI. 16. fig. 25 : d, front view ; c, valve). Valves lanceolate, attenuate and obtuse at the end ; length 1-330". The other species differ principally in size ; D. sinuata is undulate in side view. BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 11 ; Smith, Br. Diat. ii. 19 ; Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. i. 114. DEPA'RIA, Hook. A genus of Dick- soniaeous Ferns, with stalked indusia, shaped like ancient flat goblets (fig. 166, p. 242). Five very rare tropical species. BEBL. Hooker, Syn. 56. DEPA'ZEA, Fries. See SPH.EBIA. DEPOSITS, URINARY. See URINE. DERMALEI'CHUS, Koch=ANALGES (Murray, JEcon. Ent. 327). DERMANYS'SUS, Duges. A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Gamasea. Char. Body mostly soft; palpi, the fifth B DERMANYSSUS. [ 242 ] DESMIDIACE^. Fig. 166. Deparia prolifera. Sorus enclosed in the stalked indusium. Magnified 25 diameters. (last) joint smallest ; labium acute ; mandi- bles of the male chelate, external claw very long ; of the female, ensiform ; anterior legs longest ; coxae approximate. D. avium (PI. e.^fig. 24). Found in the cages of tame singing birds and upon poul- try. Body ovate-oblong, depressed, slightly broader and sometimes emarginate pos- teriorly. The sixth joint of the legs (c) is the longest. Mouth forming a kind of moveable head attached to the under part of the anterior margin of the body ; it con- sists of: 1, a triangular labium, pointed in front, and with two palpi (fig. 24 a*), the second joint largest, the fifth smallest and accompanied by a large but short, moveable, external seta ; and, 3, the two mandibles (b, of female ; t of male). Red or reddish brown. This species sometimes infests human beings, producing a skin-disease, being de- rived from fowls. D. vespertilionis. Found upon the mouse- coloured bat ( V. vnurinus). Rostrum nearly as long as the palpi, broad or oval at the base, narrowed in front, cleft longitudinally above, and containing the two long and slender mandibles. D. pipistrelli. On the common bat ( V. pipistrellus). D. hirundinis. In the nest of the swal- low. D. gallinee. On the common fowl. D. Nitzsckii. In the nostrils of the goat- sucker (Caprimulffus). Other species are found on the noctule bat ( V. noctuld), the merlin, the turkey, the snail, the mouse, serpents, &c. ; and two on the paeony and the convolvulus. BIB:L. I)ng&, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 se"r. ii. 19 ; Gervais, Walckenaer's Arach. iii. 222 ; Busk, Mic. Jn. 1842, ii. 65 ; Kolenati, Sits. Ak. Wien, 1859, 172 ; Murray, EC. Ent. 169 ; Me-gnin, Paras. 1880, 115. DERMATIS'CUM, Nyl. A genus of Lichens, tribe Lecanorei, formed to con- tain Endocarpon Thunbergii, a native of the Cape of Good Hope. BIBL. Nylander, Enum. Gen. 116. DERM ATODEC'TES = SARCOPTES. DERMES'TES, Linn. A genus of Der- mestidae. DERMES'TEm A family of Coleo- pterous Insects. The larvae of these insects, which are often minute, create great ravages amongst dried skins, furs, &c. ; they also feed upon feathers, bacon, books, paper, insects in cabinets, mummies, &c. They are particu- larly interesting to the microscopist, on ac- count of the peculiar and beautiful structure of certain of the hairs (PI. 1. fig. 1, a, 6) existing unon their bodies. The hairs form three distinct tufts on each side of the hinder segments of the bodies of the larvae. The ordinary finely spinous hairs on the rest of the body are shown in c. Although these hairs are generally called the hairs of Dermestes, it so happens that this genus is almost the only one in the species of which the hairs do not exist. British gen. : Anthrenus, Attagenus, Me- gatoma, Tiresias, Dermestes, and Trinodes. BLBL. Westwood, Introd. i. j Curtis, Br. Insects, 682 ; Stephens, Manual, 142. DESMAREL'LA, Kent. A genus of Infusoria. Char. Free, united laterally into rows ; flagellum single, terminal, encircled at the base by a collar. 2 species, 1 in fresh, the the other in salt water ; length of bodies *oVo". (Kent, Inf. 341.) DESMARES'TIA, Lamx. A genus of Sporochnaceae (Fucoid Algae), consisting of olive or brownish seaweeds, with repeatedly pinnate, feathery fronds, from one to several feet long, growing chiefly between tide- marks or in deep water. The characters of the reproductive structures have not yet been made out, as the species rarely fruit on our coast, although the plants are common. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 23, pi. 5D; Phyc. Brit. 49, 115; Greville. Alg. Brit. pi. 5. figs. 1 to 6. DESMIDIA'CE^E (PI. 14). A family of Conferyoid Algae, consisting entirely of mi- croscopic flexible organisms inhabiting fresh DESMIDIAOE^E. 243 ] DESMIDIACE^E. water, scarcely a specimen of which can be found that does not contain some of them. They occur in greatest abundance in clear pools in open exposed situations, the larger species being generally found nearest the bottom. Sometimes they adhere in large numbers to aquatic plants, forming green films investing them ; at others they rest as a thick coating at the bottom of the water, or lie intermingled with Confervas, &c. They are most striking objects under the microscope, from the peculiarity, beauty, and variety of their forms, their colour, and their external markings and appendages ; that which is most distinctive in their ap- pearance is the bilateral symmetry, indica- tive of the tendency to divide transversely into two valves or segments. Each frustule is in reality a single cell, as is shown by the fact that the entire contents escape when an orifice is made ; but in the generality of the forms, a constriction, or more or less deep notch, or a kind of suture exists in the middle of the external cellulose coat. In a few instances, such as Scenedesmus, the sym- metrical form is absent ; in Pediastntm (PI. 14. figs. 48, 49) it is only indicated by a notch on the outer side ; but a graduated series majr be formed, from those genera in which this character is inconspicuous, to those in which it is fully developed. Thus in Closterium (figs. 40 to 45) and some spe- cies of Penium, there is no constriction ; in Tetmemorus (fig. 33), some Cosmaria (fig. 22), and Hyalotheca (fig. 1], it is quite evi- dent, although but slight ; in Didymoprium and Desmidium (fig. 7), it is denoted by a notch at each angle ; while in Spharozosma, Micrasterias (fig. 13), and some other genera, the constriction is very deep, the connecting portion forming a mere isthmus between the segments, which appear like distinct cells. The cells frequently exhibit external warty or spinous processes (PI. 14. fig. 23), and the cellulose coat (coloured blue by means of iodine and sulphuric acid) presents minute markings which, unlike those on the siliceous envelope of the Diatomacese, are always elevations. The cells are surrounded by a more or less perfect and distinct sheath, of gelatinous consistence, and very transparent. In Hyalotheca, Didymoprium, Sphcerozosma, &c., this is very well defined (PI. 14. figs. 1 to 6) ; but in other genera it is more attenuated, and the fact of its existence can only be discovered by its preventing the contact of the cells. The sheath of Hyalotheca often presents delicate dark striae, which, if the gelatinous sheath is not clearly seen, look like rigid cilia standing upon the surface of the cell- wall ; these appear to be either fissures in the gelatinous sheath, connected with the breaking up of the filamentous groups into single cells, or they are referable to a fibrous disintegration of the gelatinous sheaths, such as occurs in many OSCILLATOBIACEJE. The contents of the cells of the Desrni- diaceae appear to resemble those of the green Confervoids generally, in consisting of a mass of protoplasm coloured green by chlo- rophyll, and being entirely enclosed in a pri- mordial utricle, which does not appear to be adherent to the cellulose coat in mature specimens. The contents of the cells con- tain minute starch-granules as in the other Confervoids, in the full-grown condition, and in the zygospores. It was stated some years ago by Focke, that the internal surface of the outer coat of Closterium is ciliated ; and Osborne has declared that the membrane of the endo- chrome (primordial utricle) is ciliated both on its inner and outer surface. These state- ments are erroneous, as is shown under CLOSTEBIUM. The Desmidiaceae, at all events many of them, have the power of fixing themselves to external objects, and possess a feeble power of locomotion, which is not produced by the aid of cilia, and cannot be explained, unless on the principles which have been assumed to account for the same pheno- menon in the DIATOMACESE. It enables the Desmidiaceee, when mixed with mud, to make their way to the surface ; and they will be found to travel and fix themselves to that side of a glass vessel next the light. In some instances, also, they retire beneath the surface of the mud of pools &c. before this dries up. The Desmidiaceae, like other green plants, evolve oxygen when exposed to the sun's light. The reproduction of this family exhibits a number of very interesting and varied phenomena. Four modes have been ob- served; and some points connected with the subject still remain to be cleared up, The simplest kind of reproduction is by cell-division, where each frustule divides transversely into two. The manner in which this takes place differs to some ex- tent in its details in the various genera, according to the form. Thus in Closterium DESMIDIACE^E. [ 244 ] DESMIDIACE^. the parent-cell acquires a constricted ap- pearance in the middle, probably not by actual constriction, but by the two halves retreating from each other, while a new hour-glass-shaped prolongation of the mem- brane is formed in the middle. It appears probable also that the primordial utricle first becomes constricted, since specimens are met with in which this appears divided into two portions in the line of the division. The constriction of the outer cell-wall at length becomes complete the halves sepa- rate and the truncate new end of each then grows out so as to restore the symmetry of the new frustule. In such forms as Desmi- dium, Didymoprium, &c., the division takes place in a manner apparently resembling that occurring in the filamentous Confervas. Here there is no necessity for the subsequent restoration of symmetry, as in Closterium. In those forms where pairs of globular or ellip- tical or angular lobes are united by a narrow neck (bipartite forms), the process of divi- sion is very curious, and displays itself very clearly. To produce two new symmetrical frustules out of one, it is evident that two new half-frustules must be formed, as in Closterium j but in the present cases the foundations of the new halves are laid, and their development often far advanced, before the division of the parent is completed. The central region of the isthmus expands and displays two globular enlargements, separated from each other, and from each half of the parent, by a neck. These two enlargements are the rudiments of the new 'half-frustules;' and they increase in size (PL 14. fig. 11), gradually pushing the halves of the parent-cell apart, until they form two complete half-frustules, back to back, con- nected by a short neck, at which point they are sooner or later detached from one an- other. In Sphcerozosma the cells thus pro- duced remain connected in rows in a gela- tinous sheath ; and this mode of division is well illustrated by the cells in various stages sometimes seen in such filaments ; in Euas- trum, Cosmarium,Staurastrum, &c.,the new cells separate, the old half-frustules taking away each their new halves as new bi- partite individuals. The membrane of the nascent halves is very delicate, and at first devoid of the characteristic markings and processes j and it often happens that these are not completely formed before the division is complete. Archer has described some monstrosities of these new halves. A second mode of reproduction has been described by Caspary and Braun, in Pedi- astrum. The contents of the parent-cells become retracted from their walls, and the whole transformed into a number of active ciliated zoospores, which are dis- charged within a delicate sac from the parent, and after some time come to rest and arrange themselves within this sac (PI. 10. fig. 11) into a colony having the regular pattern of the species, each zoospore be- coming one of the notched frustules of the group (see PEDIASTRUM) . A third process, analogous to this, has been observed by Pringsheini in the genus Calash-urn, likewise composed of grouped families : here the contents of each cell are divided into a number of portions, as if for the formation of zoospores (still zoospores), but no motion takes place; they acquire cellulose coats, arrange themselves within the parent according to the typical pattern ; and then the wall of the parent-cell splits and peels off; leaving them as the founda- tion of a new group. Connected with this, is a phenomenon which has been observed and figured in Closterium, by Focke, where the entire green contents were only retracted from the walls, and broken up into a number of green encysted globules (PL 10. fig. 3B), closely resembling the thick- walled resting- spores or winter-spores of Volvox (PI. 7. figs. 26, 34), &c. The fourth mode of reproduction is by what is called Conjugation, where two cells of a single filament, or of two separate fila- ments, contract an organic union, their cavi- ties becoming continuous, and their contents becoming blended to form the substance of a zygospore. These are at first cellulose vesicles filled with green and granular con- tents, their starch being converted into fat ; by degrees they become brown or red, and the coats become thickened. In some genera the coats remain smooth : in others they acquire a granular, tuberculated or even a spinous surface (PI. 14. fig. 12), these spines being either simple or forked. Bodies exactly resembling these are found fossil in flint, and are regarded as of the same nature by Ralfs and others ; Ehrenberg described them as species of XANTHIDIUM. In germination, the contents of the zygospore escape as a thin- walled vesicle, and become divided into a more or less numerous brood of secondary cells, resembling those of the parents (PI. 10. fig. 3 Ad.). The Desmidiacese may be collected in the same manner as is recommended for the DESMIDIACE^E, C 245 ] DESMIDIACE^E. DIATOMACE^E. Their preservation is a difficult matter, as almost all the preser- vative liquids alter them more or less. Those producing the smallest amount of change are Thwaites's liquid, Ralf s's liquid, or simple camphor-water ; but these liquids always escape in time from the cells. A few, for example Pediastrum,axQ unchanged by concentrated solution of chloride of cal- cium very gradually added, except that the colour becomes rather paler, or solution of acetate of potash ; moreover the cell-mem- brane, upon the forms of which the characters mainly depend, remains unal- tered in all the kinds when kept in these solutions. Many prefer glycerine, which is really the best preservative medium ; in some cases glycerine-jelly is used. See PRESERVATION. Analysis of the Tribes and Genera. (PI. 14.) I. CLOSTERIE^:. Cells single, elongated, never spinous, frequently not constricted in the middle (sporangia smooth). Closterium. Cell crescent-shaped or arcu- ate, or much attenuated at the ends, not con- stricted in the middle (figs. 40-45, 57, 58). Penium. Cell straight, not or very slightly constricted in the middle, rounded at the ends (fig. 36). Tetmemorus. Cell straight, constricted i the middle, notched at the ends (figs. 33, 34). Docidium. Cell straight, constricted in the middle, truncate at the ends (figs. 38, 39). Spbrot&nia. Cell straight, not constricted; endochrome spiral (fig. 59). II. COSMARIE^J. Cells single, distinctly constricted in the middle j segments sel- dom longer than broad (sporangia spinous or tuberculated). Micrasterias. Lobes of the segments in- cised or bidentate (fig. 13). Euastrum. Segments sinuated, generally notched at the ends, and with inflated pro- tuberances (figs. 14 to 17). Cosmarium. Segments neither notched nor sinuated, end view elliptic, circular, or cruciform (figs. 18 to 22). Xanthidium. Segments compressed, entire, spinous (figs. 23 to 25). Arthrodesmus. Segments compressed, each with only two spines (fig. 27). Staurastrum. End view angular, radiate, or with elongated processes (figs. 26, 28-32, and 56). HI. DESMIDIE^. Cells united into an elongated jointed filament (sporangia spherical, smooth). Genicularia. Filament cylindrical, smooth ; endochrome spiral (PI. 51. fig. 36). Gonatozygon. Filament cylindrical or fusiform, smooth ; endochrome longitudinal, wavy (PI. 51. fig. 37). Hyalotheca. Filament cylindrical, cells crenate (PI. 14. figs. 1, 2). Didymoprium. Filament cylindrical or subcylindrical ; cells with two opposite bi- dentate projections (figs. 5, 6). Desmidium. Filament triangular or qua- drangular; cells with two opposite bidentate projections (figs. 7, 8). Aptogonum. Filament triangular or plane, with foramina between the joints (figs. 52, 55). Sphcerozosma. Filament plane, margins deeply incised or sinuated (figs. 9, 10). IV. ANKISTRODESMLE. Cells elongated, en- tire, small, grouped in faggot-like bundles. Ankistrodesmus (fig. 47). V. PEDIASTRE^:. Cells grouped in the form of a disk or star, or placed side by side in one or two short rows. Pediastrum. Cells forming a disk or star, marginal cells bidentate (fig. 48). Monactinus. Cells as in Pediastrum, but marginal cells unidentate (PI. 36. fig. 28). Scenedesmus. Cells placed side by side in one or two rows (figs. 50, 51, 53, 54). Ccelastrum. Cells forming a hollow sphere (PI. 3. fig. 8). Three interesting genera are described and figured by Wallich from Lower Ben- gal (Leuronema, Onychonema, and Strep- tonemd). Tetrachastrum, Archei=Micrasterias,-pt. ; Triploceras Docidium, pt. ; Leptocystinema, Arch.= Gonatozygon, De Bary; Spondylo- sium= Sphcerozosma, pt. Rabenhorst places Cosmodadium among the PalmellaceaB. BIBL. Ralfs, Br. Desmid. ; Ehrenberg, Inf.-, Pritchard, Infus.-, Hassall, Algce- Nageli, Einzett. Alg. 1849; Braun, Vermng (Ray Soc. 1853); Focke, Phijs. Studien, 1848 ; Caspary, Bot. Zeit. viii. 786, 1850 Pringsheim, Flora, 1852, 486 ; Hofmeister, Ann. N. H. 3 ser. i. 1 ; Carter, ibid. 2 ser. xvii. ; Thomas, Mic. Tr. 3 ser. ; Bailey Smiths. Contr. 1854; Rabenhorst, Fl Alg m. 102 ; Wallich, Ann. N. H. I860. v. 184, 273; Archer, Qu. M. Jn. 1860, viii. 85, 215, 235 ; BrSbisson, Liste, 1856, 2 plates ; DESMIDIUM, 246 ] DIAPTOMUS, Sachs, Sot. 262; Notaris, Desmidiacee Italiche, 1867; Delaporte, Desm. siibatp. 1877 (23 pis.). DESMID'IUM, Ag. A genus of Desmi- diaceae. Char. Cells united into a brittle, regu- larly twisted, triangular or quadrangular filament, and two-toothed at the angles. The filaments exhibit one or two dark, oblique, wavy lines, arising from their being twisted. In the side view of the cells, the en- dochrome exhibits thick,fre. xiv. p. 4. pi. 1. fig. 2. DIMASTIGOAU'LAX, Dies. = Peridi- nium cornutum, Ehr., Ceratium c., Clapa- rede & Lachmanu. (Kent, Inf. 462.) DIMEREGRAM'MA, Pritch. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules quadrangular, two or more together; valves (undulate, Rab.) with transverse costae interrupted by a smooth longitudinal line. Several species. BIBL. Pritchard, Inf. 123 ; Gran. Wien. Verh. 1862; Gregory, Diat. of Clyde. 22; Rabenhorst, Flor. Alg. i. 123. DI'MONAS, Kent. A genus of Flagel- late Infusoria. Char. Free, ovate or pyrif orm j flagella 2, equal ; mouth very dilatable. Two species ; in infusions, fresh and salt ; hay. (Kent, Inf. 421.) DIMORPHI'NA, D'Orb. A hyaline Foraminifer, in which the early chambers have the alternate growth of a Polymor- phina, and the later ones the linear arrange- ment of a Nodosaria. D. tuberosa, D'Orb. DIMORPHOCOCCCJS. [ 264 ] DINOPHYSIS. Fig. 178. Modele no. 60, is the type of this dimor- phous Polymorphina. Fossil and recent. BIBL. Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. ser. 3. xvi. 28 ; D'Orb. For. Foss. Vien. 221. DIMORPHOCOCCUS, Braun. A ge- nus of Palmellaceous Algae ; consisting of free botryoidal substipitate groups of ovate or lunate green cells, 4 in each. D. lunatus (PI. 61. fig. 43). In pools ; Germany. BIBL. Braun, Alg. Unicell. 44. DINEMASPO'RIUM, Le>. A genus of Sphaeronemei (Stylosporous Fungi), con- sisting of minute plants forming spots upon the leaves of grasses. D. gramineum, Lev., the only British species, = Excipida graminis, Berk. Br. Fungi, No. 328, and Exc. gram., Corda. It has a scat- tered conceptacle, closed at first, and subsequently widely opened, forming a disk covered with white spores of a peculiar form, abruptly produced into filaments at each end (fig. 178). BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. v. 456; Le>eille, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. V.274; Corda, Icon. Fung.lU. Dinemasporium pi. 6. fiff. 79 gramineum. DINEMOU'RA, Latr.-A **S*^' genus of Crustacea, belonging to the order Siphonostoma and family Pan- daridae. Char. Lamellar elytriform appendages covering the thorax, only one pair. First three pairs of legs setiferous ; the posterior foliaceous and membranous. D. alata and D. Lamnne have both been found upon the Beaumaris Shark (Lanma monensis). BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomostr. 282. DINENY.MTHA, Leidy. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria. Free, elongate, flexible, ciliated all over. D. gracilis, in the intestines of white ants. (Kent, Inf. 555.) DINOBRYI'NA, Ehr. A family of Flagellate Infusoria. Char. Bodies variable in form, with two flagella, one short, one long ; contained in urceolate capsules, which are either single, or aggregated into a branched zoary from the new capsules remaining adherent by their bases to the summits or the bases of the preceding : the result of multiplica- tion by gemmation ; freshwater. (Astasiaea with a carapace.) Two genera, Dinobryon and Epipyxis. In Dinobryon an interior red eye-spot is present, but not in Epipyxis. In the former a flagelliform filament is present ; this is sometimes met with in the latter, but not constantly. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 122; Duj. Inf. 320. DINOB'RYON, Ehr.-A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Dinobryiua. Char. Carapaces urceolate, united in the form of a branched polypidom. D. sertularia, E. (PI. 30. tig. 41X Cara- paces sessile or subsessile, slightly constric- ted near the somewhat expanded and ex- cised end ; length of zoary 1-144 to 1-120". of bodies 1-570". Hermann and Archer point out that the bodies become encysted at the mouth of the capsules, forming Chlamydomonas - like organisms. Bodies yellow or green, with a red eye- spot in front. D. sociale, E. Carapace conical, truncate. D. gracile, E. Carapace slightly con- stricted in the middle. D. petiolatum, D. (PI. 30. fig. 42). Ca- rapaces with long stalks, bodies green j length of the polypidom 1-100", of a cara- pace 1-1420". BIBL. Ehr. In/us. 124, and Berl. Ber. 1840, 199 ; Duj. Inf. 321; Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1866, 123 ; Kent, Inf. 409. DINO'CHARIS, Ehr. A genus of Ro- tatoria, of the family Euchlamdota. Char. A single cervical eye; foot forked; carapace closed beneath, and without teeth at the ends. Jaws with one (or two?) teeth each. Aquatic. Two horns at the base of the foot. D. tetractis (PI. 43. fig. 23; fig. 24, teeth). Carapace acutely triangular, two horns at the base of the foot, and two toes; length 1-120". Two other species. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 471. DINO'PHYSIS, Ehr. -A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria, of the family Peridinaea ; marine. Char. Free, single ; carapace membranous, urceolate, with a transverse ciliated furrow ; and a median plicate crest ; no eye-spot. Form, that of Vaginicola ; nature, that of Pendinium. The transverse furrow is close to the truncated anterior end ; and from this furrow there extends down the body a folded crest or fringe, like that of Sientor, except that it is a part of the carapace. A crown of DIOPHRYS. [ 265 ] DIPLODONTUS. cilia exists around the neck, and a longer flagelliform filament. Carapace punctate. J}. norwefftca; length 1-420". Eleven species, Kent. The species are found in sea-water with luminous animals; probably themselves luminous. BIBL. Ehr. Berl. Abh. 1839, 125, 151 ; Kent, Inf. 458. DIO'PHRYS, Duj. A genus of Infuso- ria, of the family Plcesconina. Char. Body of irregular discoidal form, thick, concave above and convex beneath, with five large vibratile cilia at the ante- rior, and four or five very long geniculate setee near the posterior end. Marine. D. marina (PI. 30. fig. 43 : , under view ; b, side view). Body oval, with a longitudi- nal excavation ; length 1-580". BIBL. Duj. Inf. 445; Clap. & Lachm. Inf. 406. DIORITE. See ROCKS. DIOSAC'CUS, Boeck. A genus of Cope- poda (Entomostraca.) One species ; marine. BIBL. Brady, Copep., Ray Soc. ii. 68. DIPHA'SIA, Agassiz. A genus of ma- rine Hydroid Zoophytes, family Sertula- riidse = Sertularia, pt. ; comprising the spe- cies with the ovigerous vesicles cleft at the margin. 7 species. BIBL. Hincks, Brit. Zooph. p. 244. DIPHYSCIA'CE JE. A family of oper- culate Acrocarpous Mosses, having a cap- sule of very curious structure. The leaves are of two kinds, the cauline tongue-shaped, composed of perfectly Pottioid, densely hexagonal, parenchymatous cells filled with chlorophyll; the perichretial leaves much protruded, exceeding the cauline, composed of cells ultimately destitute of chlorophyll, therefore of looser texture. Capsule very large, oblique, gibbous, somewhat like that of Buxbaumia. Inflorescence monoecious. British genus : DIPHYS'CIUM, Mohr. Calyptra coni- cal, covering the operculum. Peristome simple, internal, resembling that of Bux- baumia, surrounded at the base by a large multiplex, soluble annulus. BIBL. Wilson, Bnjol. Brit. 200; Berke- ley, Hantib. 214. DIPLA'SIUM, Presl. A genus of As- plenieae (Polypodioid Ferns). Exotic. DI'PLAX, Gosse. A genus of Rotato- ria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Those of Salpina, except that the eye is wanting, and the carapace (which, as in that genus, is cleft down the back) is destitute of spines both in front and behind ; foot and toes long and slender. Forms a connecting link between Salpina and Dinocharis. D. compressa. Carapace in side view forming nearly a parallelogram, greatly com- pressed ; length 1-176" ; freshwater. D. trigona. Carapace trilateral ; surface delicately punctured ; length 1-160" ; fresh- water. BIBL. Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 201. DIPLOCO'LON, Nag. A doubtful ge- nus of Scytonemaceous Algss. D. Heppii. On calcareous rocks ; Ger- many. BIBL. Nageli, Nov. Act. 1857; Raben- horst, Fl Alg. ii. 246 (fig.). DIPLO 'DI A, Fr. A genus of Sph^erone- mei (Stylosporous Fungi), usually growing upon dead twigs &c., bursting through the epidermis. Numerous species have been described as British by Mr. Berkeley ; but the resemblance of many to various Sphteria is remarked by him, and Tulasne states that they are only stylosporous forms of species belonging to that genus or its allies. BIBL. Berk. Ann. N. H. vi. 365, pi. 11 ; 1850, v. 371 ; xiii. p. 459 ; Hook .Jn. Bot. iii. 320, v. 40; Leveille, Ann. So. Nat. 3 ser. v. 290 ; Tulasne, ibid. xx. 136 ; ibid. 4 s6r. v. 115. DIPLODON'TUS, Duges. A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Hydrachnea. Char. Mandibles terminated by a straight, acute, and immoveable tooth, to which is opposed a moveable hook or claw; palpi shortish, with the fourth joint longest and terminated by a point as long as the fifth joint; coxae not very broad, in four separate groups, the posterior of which are semi- divergent; a bivalve, granulated, heart- shaped genital plate, the apex directed for- wards. D. scapularis (PI. 6. fig. 30 : fig. , labium with a palp, under view; 5, a separate mandible more magnified than a}. Eyes very small, but projecting, wide apart, placed at the anterior rounded angles of the body, blackish and reniform, arising from the fusion of two stemmata. Anterior half of the body black, speckled with a few red spots ; posterior half scarlet, but divided by a median longitudinal black band. Length of female 1-10" ; male l-3rd or l-4th the size of the female. D. jilipes. Palpi much curved down- DIPLOMASTIX. [ 266 ] DISCOMYCETES. wards, but little visible from above. Body elliptical, depressed, bright red, sometimes marbled with dark brown spots, from the digestive organs being visible through the integument. Eyes four, at the very anterior margin, so best seen from beneath. Inte- gument finely granular, without hairs. Legs red. Length 1-25". D. mendax. Two clear longitudinal rays at the fore part of the body. BIBL. Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. i. 148. DIPLOMAS'TIX, Kent. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Char. Ovate, free, colourless, variable; flagella 2, one vibratile, the other trailing ; mouth distinct. Three species ; salt and fresh water. BIBL. Kent, Inf. 431. DIPLO'MITA, Kent. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria. Char. Solitary, ovate, attached by a re- tractile filament to the base of a stalked horny lorica, flagella two, alike j eye-spot sometimes present ; no mouth. D. sociahs. Brownish, length 1-1600" j pond-water. BIBL. Kent, Inf. 259. DIPLONE'IS, Ebr. = Navicula with the valves constricted in the middle. DIPLOZO'ON, Nordm. A genus of Trematode Entozoa. Char. Body of individuals soft, elongated and flattened; united in pairs by their fusion near the middle, thus resembling an X ; each body terminated posteriorly by a trans- verse, oval, or almost quadrilateral expan- sion, furnished with four suctorial disks. Mouth terminal, anterior, accompanied by two oblong suctorial disks. D.paradoxum, the double animal. Found upon the gills of freshwater fishes, as the carp, the roach, the bream, &c. Length 1-6 to 1-5". or twice this length. The separate individuals (Diporpa, Du- jardin) are smaller than those in a state of conjugation (length 1-100 to 1-45"), and contain no trace of reproductive organs. Ova formed in each individual after the conjugation; they are yellow, with the shell narrowed and prolonged into a fila- mentous spiral or coil. BIBL. Nordmann, Mikr. Beit. 1832, i. 56; Ann. Sc. Nat. 1833, xxx. ; Ehrenberg, Wiegmanrfs Archiv, 1835, ii. 128 ; Mayer, An.d.Entoz. 23;Siebold, Sieb. u. Koll. Zeits. iii. 62; Vogt, Mutter's Archiv, 1841,33. DIPODI'NA, Ehr. A genus of Rotato- ria. Differs from Notommata by a particu- lar constriction of its tarsal nippers or toes. At Wismar. (Pritchard, Inf. 713.) DIPOR'ULA, Hincks. A genus of Cheilostomatous Polyzoa. D. verrucosa ; Cornwall. (Hincks,P<%zo, 220.) DIP'TERA. The seventh order of IN- SECTS, containing the " flies," &c. DIRI'NA, Fr. A genus ofLichenaceoua Lichens, tribe Lecanorei. D. ceratonicB (fig. 26, p. 65). D. repanda. Occurs in Jersey. BIBL. Leighton, Lich. Fl. G. B. p. 226. DISCELIA'CE^. A family of opercu- late Acrocarpous Mosses, of gregarious ha- bit, very dwarf and stemless, arising from a green prothallium spreading on the ground. The sheathing leaves are appressed, oblong, acuminate and nerveless, composed of cells lax at the base and apex, rhomboidally pa- renchymatous, destitute of chlorophyll, fuscescent and empty. Capsule subglobose and inclined, with a short collum, anim ate and long-stalked. The antheridial and ar- chegonial flowers are upon the same runner of the prothallium. British genus : DISCE'LIUM, Brid. Calyptra longish, very narrow, split almost to the summit, wider in the middle, with the margin invo- lute on each side at the base. Peristome simple, of sixteen lanceolate teeth, fissile in the middle, trabeculate, striate, cartila- ginous, reddish or orange. BIBL. Wilson, Bryot. Brit. 286 ; Berke- ley, Handb. 167. DISCEL'LA, Berk. andBr. A genus of Sphseronemei (Stylosporous Fungi), forming scattered, disk-like, dark spots upon twigs ; at first covered by the epidermis, which afterwards splits and separates. Five spe- cies are described, occurring on the willow, lime, plane, and elder. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. v. 376, pi. 12. fig. 8 ; Berkeley, Outl. 322. DISCOCEPH'ALUS, E. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Euplota. Char. Head distinct from the body; hooks present, but neither styles nor teeth. D. rotatorius (PL 30. fig. 44). Hyaline, flat, rounded at each end ; head narrower than the body; length 1-380". Red Sea. Imperfectly examined. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. p. 375. DISCOMYCE'TES. The name of one of the families of Fungi under Fries's clas- sification, including the HELVELLACEI and PHACIDIACEI of the ASCOMYCETES. DISCOPLEA. [ 267 ] DISTICHIUM. DISCOPLE'A, Ehr. A genus of Diato- macese, not now retained, the species being referred to the genera Cydotetta and Coscino- discus. Ehr. Ber. Berl. Ak. 1844, p. 197. DISCORBI'NA, Parker and Jones. One of the Rotalina, having a turbinoid spire, with vesicular chambers, opening one into another by slit-like apertures, which are usually tented over by a succession of um- bilical flaps, forming a star-like ornament (see ASTERIGEBJNA). The shell is usually coarsely, sometimes finely, and occasionally partially porous. Fossil and recent. D. rosacea (PI. 24. fig. 7 a, b) is a neat variety of D. turbo. BIBL. Carpenter, Introd. For am. 203. DISCO'SIA, Libert. A genus of Sphse- ronemei (Stylosporous Fungi), probably re- lated to some of the Sphceria, as stylospo- rous forms. The species have been described under various names ; and the genus Phlyc- tidium of Notaris is synonymous with it. The British species recorded seem to have been greatly confused by different writers ; for Discosia alnea. Libert, found on the leaves of alder and beech , = Spharia arto- creas, Tode, Xylomafagineum, Pers., Phlyc- tidium nitidum, Wallr., Ph. clypeatum, No- taris, and, from its name, we conclude also Dothidea alnea, Pers. of Hook. Brit Flor., with its synonyms. Fries, in his Summa Veget., gives 2). artocreas, alnea, and cly- peata as three distinct species. BIBL. Leveille, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. v. 286 ; Fries, Sum. Veget. 423 ; Fresenius, Beitr. z. Mycol. Heft i. 66, pi. 8 ; De No- taris, Mem. Accad. Torino, 1849, 2 ser. x. ; Berk., Hook. Br. Fl. 278, 288. DISCOSIRA, Rab. A genus of Diato- macee. Char. Frustules disk-shaped, concate- nate ; valves nearly plane, with curved costse ; margin denticulate ; centre deli- cately punctate. D. sulcata. Italy. BIBL. Rabenhorst, Flor. Alg. i. p. 36. DISEL'MIS, Duj. = CHLAMLDOMONAS, Ehr. ( Chi. pulviseulus, j.=Diselmisviridis, D. ; PI. 7. fig. 2 b, c. ; PI. 30. group 30). See PROTOCOCCUS. Dujardin describes a marine species, D. marina. Body almost globular, obtuse and rounded in front, granular within, and (from generic characters) with a non-contractile tegument and two similar cilia. "lie adds to this genus D. Dunalii=Mo- nas Dunalii, Joly, giving rise to the red colour of the reservoirs of the salt-works oi the Mediterranean ; oval or oblong, often constricted in the middle ; colourless when young, greenish when older, red when adult ; no eye-spot. Probably marine Algae. BIBL. Dujardiu, Inf. 340; Joly, Hist, tfun Petit Crustace $c. 1840. DISIPHO'NIA, Ehr. D. australis (PI. 51. fig. \$) = Diatomella, pt. DISO'MA, Ehr. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Enchelia. Char. Body double, not ciliated ; mouth without teeth, ciliated and truncated ( = En- chelys with a double body). I), vacillans (PI. 30. fig. 45). Segments clavate, filiform ; hyaline and narrowed at the anterior end; length 1-380 to 1-288". In the Red Sea. BIBL. Ehr. In/us. 302. DIS'SODON, Grev. and Arnott. A ge- nus of Splachnacese (Acrocarpous opercu- late Mosses), including some Splachna of authors and a Cyrtodon. BIBL. Wilson, Bry. Brit. 295 ; Berkeley, Handb. 163. "DISTEM'MA, Ehr. A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Hydatinsea. Char. Eves two, cervical ; foot forked. D. forfcula (PI. 43. fig. 25 ; fig. 26, teeth). Body cylindrico-conical ; eyes red ; toes strong, recurved, toothed at the base; fr. water: length 1-120". Three other species, two of which are freshwater, and one marine. In the latter, D. marina, the cervical eye-spots are co- lourless ; if these do not really represent eyes, this species must be referred to the genus Pleurotrocha. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. p. 449. DISTIOHIA 'CE^E. A family of bpercu- late Acrocarpous (terminal-fruited) Mosses, of csespitose nabit ; the stem increasing to- wards the point, simple or branched ; the leaves with a dorsal keel-like nerve, equi- tant-concave, densely imbricatively overlap- ping, parenchvmatously areolated. Cells mi- nute, with thick walls, somewhat papillose, very densely packed, squarish. Capsules oval, equal. British genus : DISTIC'HIUM, Br. and Schimper.-Ca- lyptra dimidiate. Capsule annulate. Peri- stome simple, with sixteen equidistant teeth, free at the base, once or several times slit from the base to the apex, trabeculate, deep purple, homogeneous, smooth or rough. In- florescence monoecious. BIBL. Wilson. Bry. Brit. p. 104 ; Berke- ley, Handb. p. 266. DISTIGMA. [ 268 ] DOCIDIUM. DISTIG'MA, Ehr. A genus of Infuso- ria, of the family Astasiaea. Char. Unattached, two blackish eye- spots. Flagellif orm filaments two, one long, one short ; motion similar to that of a leech. Body variable in form ; freshwater. D. proteus (PI. 30. fig. 46 a). Body hyaline, obtuse at the ends, alternately contracted or expanded from side to side ; eye-spots distinct ; length 1-570 to 1-430". D. viride (PI. 30. fig. 46 b). Body filled with green granules, alternately contracted and expanded ; eye-spots distinct ; length 1-570". Two other species ; one yellow, the other colourless. BIBL. Ehr. In/us. 116; Kent, Inf. 418. DISTOMA, (jaertn. A genus of Mol- lusca, of the order Tunicata, and family Botryllidse. Distinguished by the sessile, semicarti- laginous, polymorphous mass ; the numerous circular systems j the individuals in one or two rows at unequal distances from a com- mon centre, with thorax and stalked abdo- men; and the branchial and anal orifices six-rayed. On marine Algse (Fucus D. rubi-um (PI. 36. fig. 23). Mass red . g. ; 5" individuals yellowish; 5" in diameter,^ thick. D. variolosum. Reddish- or yellowish- white ; bodies orange-red. BIBL. Forbes and Hanley, Br. Moll. i. 18. DISTOMA, Zeder, or Distomum. A genus of Entozoa, of the order Sterelmintha, and family Trematoda. Char. Body soft, depressed or cylindrical, more or less elongated, not jointed, brown j furnished with two distinct suckers one anterior, terminal, and containing the mouth, the other situated on the ventral surface between the former and the middle of the body. Species very numerous; Dujardin de- scribes 164 ; most common in birds and fishes, generally inhabiting the alimentary- canal. Each Distoma has its separate Cer- caria, which live in as many distinct animals. D. hepaticum (the fluke) occurs in the gall-bladder and hepatic ducts of sheep when affected with the ' rot ' ; it occurs also in the horse, the ox, the goat, the hare, the stag, and in man. The intestine is two- branched, and the branches ramified. Length 4-5 to 1}". D. hepaticum is of special interest, on ac- count of the immense destruction it causes of sheep. When the young Distoma leaves the ovum, it resembles an obconical cilia- ted Infusorium, with a short terminal pro- boscis ; the cilia are subsequently cast off, and a sporocyst or Redia is formed, which attaches itself to Mollusca, and in which numerous Cercarice are then produced. These when liberated, swim in water, and are swallowed by sheep, or the mollusca containing them are eaten with the grass ; and so the young Distomata enter the ali- mentary canal, to take up their final abode in the biliary ducts. D. lanceolatum has the intestine once branched, then simple; it occurs in the liver of man, the ox, the sheep, the pig c. D. (Bilharzia] heematobia, the African Trematode, has the body vermiform ; the male ", the female 1" long. It is found in the bloodvessels of man in Egypt, -Mau- ritius, South Africa, &c. D. sinensis occurs in the liver of the Chinese. Some of the species are microscopic. BIBL. Dujardin, Helminth. 381 ; Bene- den, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 se"r. Zool. xvii. ; Cob- bold, Parasites, 1879, xiv. ; Bowles, Sheep- rot ; Times (remedy) Apr. 10, 1881 ; Ann. N. H. 1880, vi. 405 ; Sommer, Anat. 1880. DIT'IOLA. A genus of Tremellini (Basidiomycetous Fungi) consisting of saucer-shaped margined gelatinous Fungi, with a discoid hymenium, which is at first veiled. Ditiola radicata occurs rarely in this country on decayed firwood. D. nuda, B. and Br., is considered by Tulasne syno- nymous with Dacrymyces deliquescens. BIBL. Alb. & Schwein. pi. 8. f . 6 : Berk. Outl p. 291. DOOH'MIUS, Duj. A genus of Nema- toid Entozoa. D. (Anchylostoma) duodenalis is filiform, the head pointed and curved ; the mouth with four unequal converging curved teeth; body pointed behind in the female, blunt in the male ; viviparous; length of male f", of female ". Occurs in the human small intestines, in Italy, Austria, Egypt, and South' America, producing anaemia and chlorosis. D. trigonocephalus, in the dog. D. Sangeri, in the elephant. BIBL. Dujardin, Helm. 275 ; Cobbold, Paras. 211 (fig.). DOCID'IUM, Brebisson. A genus of Desmidiaceae. DOCOPHORUS. [ 269 ] DORYPHORA. Char. Cells single, straight, much elon- gated, linear, sometimes attenuated towards the ends ; constricted in the middle, ends truncate ; segments usually inflated at the base. Rabenhorst includes the species in Pleu- rotcenium. Docidiwn, like Closterium, has the termi- nal spaces with moving molecules ; and its vesicles are either scattered or arranged in a single longitudinal row. D. truncatum (PI. 14. fig. 38). Seg- ments three or four times as long as broad, with a single inflation at the base ; suture projecting on each side ; length 1-80 to D. baculum (PI. 14. fig. 39). _ Segments very slender, with a single conspicuous in- flation at the base, otherwise linear ; vesi- cles in a single series; length 1-111". D. nodulosum. Segments four to six times as long as broad, constricted at regu- lar intervals so as to produce an undulated margin; suture projecting; length 1-50". Several other species. BIBL. Ralfs, Desmid. 155; Pritchard, In/us. 744 ; Rab. Fl. Alg. iii. 141 ; Hobson, Qu. Mic. Jn. iii. 1863, 169 (Bombay). DOCOPH'ORUS, Nitzsch A subgenus of Philopterus (Anoplura), distinguished by the small moveable tooth or trabecula in front of the antennae, and the dark lines running from them to the occiput. D. communis (PL 35. fig. 5). On Inses- sores. D. icterodes. Common on ducks and geese. DOLICHOSPER'MUM, Thwaites (P1.8. fig. 6). A genus of ISIostochaceae, allied to Trichormus, Sph&rozyga, &c., established by Thwaites for five British species, from which Hassall has separated one under the name of Coniophytum. Thwaites noticed in this genus that the contents escaped in an undivided mass from the elongated and mostly cylindrical spermatic cells (spo- ranges), which are invariably truncated at the ends. D. incequak, Ralfs. Filaments monili- f orm ; ordinary cells at first quadrate, finally orbicular ; vesicular cells large, spherical ; sporanges linear, catenate (Ralfs,^4/m. N.H. 2 ser. v. pi. 9. fig. 1). Forming extensive strata, composed of thick gelatinous masses of a deep green colour, on boggy pools ; filaments consisting of 100 to 200 cells. D. Ralfsii (Kiitziug). Filaments moni- lit'orm : ^ordinary cells spherical ; vesicular cells elliptic; sporanges elliptic or cylin- drical, one or two in each series. Ralfs, I. c. pi. 9. fig. 2 ; Spharozyga Ralfsii, Thwaites, Harvey's Algee, 2 ed. 233. Cylindrospermum Ralfsii, Kiitzing, Tab. Phycol i. pi. 98. fig. 7. Forming extensive strata of a velvety rich dark green colour, sometimes verging towards seruginous green, on rivulets and in bogs. D. Smithii, Thwaites. Filaments straight, each included in a definite gelatinous sheath; ordinary cells subspherical, com- pressed, about as long as wide ; vesicular cells subspherical, somewhat barrel-shaped, half as wide again as the ordinary cells, puncta very distinct; sporanges cylindrical, very unequal in length, and with the ends rounded and somewhat truncated. Ralfs, I. c. pi. 9. fig. 4. Freshwater boggy pools. D. Thwaitesii, Ralfs. Filaments straight, or nearly so ; ordinary cells quadrate ; vesi- cular cells oblong, subquadrate, puncta very distinct; sporanges numerous, cylindrical, with truncated ends, very variable in length (Ralfs, 1. c. pi. 9. fig. 5). Spharozyga Thw. Harvey, Br. Algce, 2. 232. Freshwater or brackish pools. (D. Thompsoni, Ralfs, see CONIOPHYTUM.) DOMOP'ORA, D'Orb. A genus of Cy- clostomatous Polyzoa,= Tubulipora, pt., Johnstone. 2 species; deep water. (Hincks, Pol 481.) DONKIN'IA, Ralfs. A genus of Diato- macese, = Amphiprora with decussating striae, but without alas to the valves. Pritchard describes 7 species. Raben- horst describes 4 European, and enumerates 12 extra-European species. BIBL. Pritchard, In/us. 920; Rabenh. Flor. Alg. i. 242. DOO'DIA, Brown. A genus of Blech- nese (Polypodiaceous Ferns). Exotic. DORIP'YGUS, Brady. A genus of Copepodous Entomostraca. Four species ; inhabitants of the branchial sacs of simple Ascidians. (Brady, Copep., Ray Soc. i. 132.) DORYPH'ORA, Kiitz. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules single, stalked; valves orbicular - lanceolate or broadly elliptical, with a median longitudinal line, but no nodules. Marine. The valves are furnished with transverse or slightly radiating rows of dots. D. amphiceros, K. (PI. 16. fig. 29 : a, side view of frustule ; b } front view ; c, prepared valve.) Valves orbicular-lanceolate or DORYPIIORA. [ 270 ] DRAPARNALDIA. broadly elliptical, ends produced ; length 1-500 to 1-800". D. Boeckii, S. (Cocconema JB., K.). Valves elongate-lanceolate, ends somewhat obtuse; length 1-144". This species appears to have a median and terminal nodules. BIBL. Kiitzing, Bacill 74, Sp. Alg. 50 ; Smith, Diatom, i. 77; Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. i. 126 (Raphoneis\ DORYPH'ORA, Illiger. A genus of Subpentamerous (Tetrainerous, Latr.) Coleoptera, fam. Chrysomelidse. The very numerous species are found in equinoctial America. The thorax or me- sosternum is armed with a long point, pro- jected forwards. I), decemlineata (fig. 178*) is the Colorado Fig. 178*. Doryphora decemlineata. a, natural size ; b, eggs; e, larva. potato-beetle. It is of an orange-yellow colour, each elytrum being marked with 5 longitudinal, dark rough-edged strife. The eggs are yellow, and attached to the under side of the leaves of the potato, to which plant the hatched larvae have proved so ex- tremely destructive in America, as to have annihilated entire crops. The beetle has been brought over to this country by ship, but has fortunately not become diffused and naturalized. An Order in Council prohibits the keep- ing of these beetles alive, under a severe penalty. DOTHID'EA, Fries. A genus of Sphse- riacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), often growing upon leaves. * Distinguished from ObfaerM and the more closely allied genera by the asci being contained in cavities in the stroma, without any distinct perithecium. Numerous species are described as British by Berkeley, some of which are now placed under other genera by himself and Fries : thus D. Geranii, Robertiana, Ranunculi, Po- tentillce and Akhemillce of the Brit. Flora, and D. Chcetomium, Kze., are species of STIGMATEA in the Summa Veg. ; D. alnea is removed to DISCOSIA, and D. pyrenophora and sphceroides are placed under DOTHIORA, Fries, a stylosporous form. The whole of these plants require further study, since it is probable that they are really connected with the Sphaeronemei or Melanconiei ; for Berkeley's observations go to show that Asteroma Ulmi is a form of Dothidea Ulmi, while Tulasne has found upon Dothidea Ribesii spores or sperniatia like those of Xylari(S;oih&TS in excavated cavities having the character of the spores of Septoria, while in ordinary cases the surface is cov- ered with conceptacles filled with eight- spored asci. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl ii. pt. 2. 285; Ann. N. H. vi. 364; Berk, and Br. Ann. N. H. 2 ser. ix. 385 ; Fries, Summa Veget. 386, 418 & 421 ; Corda, Ic. Fung. iv. 119; Tu- lasne, Ann. So. Nat. 4 se*r. v. 118. DOTHIORA, Fries. See DOTHIDEA. DOXOCOC'CUS, Ehr. A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Monadina. Char. No tail; no eye-spot; motion that of an irregular kind of rolling-over. D. ruber (PI. 30. fig. 47 a, after Ehr.). Body globose, brick-red, more or less opaque ; breadth 1-1728"; freshwater. This organism is almost beyond doubt the same as that represented in PL 30. fig. 24, d&n&f(nobis), i. e. a form of Trachelomonas volvocina (TRACHELOMONAS). This was suspected by Ehrenberg. D. milvisadus, E. (PI. 30. fig. 47 b) } is probably an early stage of the same. The other two species D. globulus, sub- globose or ovate, hyaline, marine, breadth 1-864"; and D. in. xvii. 95 ; Berk, and Broorne, Ann. N. H. 1850, v. 406, Crypt. Bvt. 312 ; Fries, Summa Veg. 476. EPIDER'MIS OP ANIMALS. See SKIN. EPIDERMIS OF PLANTS. There are few parts of the structure of vegetables that have given rise to more discussion than the epidermal cells and the tissue they consti- tute. Even the term epidermis has become to a certain extent equivocal, since it is used by some authors in the sense in which cuticle is used by others, and vice versa. Our object here will be to state as briefly as possible the most remarkable facts, and the explanations which are received by the best authorities. If we gently scrape the surface of the leaf of a hyacinth, or other soft-leaved bul- EPIDERMIS. [ 295 ] EPIDEKMIS. bous plant, and seize a little piece of the ragged edge with a pair of fine forceps, we may strip off large pieces of what appears, to the naked eye to be a thin homogeneous pellicle. When this is placed under the microscope, it is found to be composed of a layer of cells united firmly together by their sides like stones in a pavement, but loosely connected with the subjacent tissue, which adheres here and there to the detached strip in ragged patches. The firm continuous layer of cells is what botanists call the epidermis of plants. Such a layer of cells clothes the entire surface of the higher plants, from the Flowering plants down to those in which the organs, such as the leaves, are reduced to mere layers of cells like the epidermis itself, as in the Mosses. In a very young and delicate state, such as we find it clothing the surface of organs still concealed in buds, or of young ovules in the ovary, it has been called epiblema. A rather more solid form, but still soft and devoid of thickening layers, such as exists on the surface of the growing parts of root- lets &c., is called epithelium. Both these terms appear useless, and only calculated to confuse the student still more than the use of the words epidermis and cuticle, which already endanger misconception from the very different characters of the struc- tures called by those names in animal organs. When a layer of epidermis is macerated in nitric acid, a thin pellicle, destitute of cellular structure, becomes detached in sheets from the outer surface of the plate of epidermal cells; this is the cuticle (fig. 199) Fig. 199. Cuticle of a cabbage-leaf, removed by the action of nitric acid. P, hairs ; F, orinces corresponding to stomata. Magnified 250 diameters. of botanical anatomists, concerning which much misconception has prevailed. As epidermis advances in age it becomes con- siderably solidified, especially on evergreen leaves, and on shoots of shrubs &c. which remain green for a lengthened period, such as Aucuba and Viscum. In most cases, how- ever, the epidermis of structures belonging to the stem disappears about the same time as the leaves fall off, and is replaced by the suberous layer of the bark structure, which change is evident externally by the surface assuming a brown colour, the subjacent tissue containing chlorophyll being hidden. The green colour of parts clothed with epi- dermis depends upon the subjacent tissue showing through the transparent epidermis, the cells of which are usually colourless, and filled with watery contents. When sections are made perpendicularly to the surface of any fully developed leaf, but above all of those of leathery texture, the walls of the cells next the external surface are found much thicker than the rest, this thickening extending more or less down over the contiguous side walls. When such sections are treated with sulphuric acid and iodine, the greater part of the thick- ness, from without inward, of this outer wall is stained yellow, while the rest of the walls assume the blue colour ordinarily taken by cellulose with these reagents. Some authors suppose that the whole of this yellow part corresponds to the cuticle above mentioned: but such is not the case; if such a section is boiled or macerated for a long time in solution of caustic potash, then washed well with water and treated with tincture of iodine, the thick upper wall also assumes the blue tint, and, more- over, a laminated structure becomes evident in it, showing that it is produced by the deposition of secondary layers inside the cell. The true layer of cuticle (which is dissolved off by the continued action of potash) is really extremely thin in almost all cases. The true nature of this thickening of the outer walls is well illustrated by the epidermis of Viscum (Mistletoe), which remains upon the shoots for many years ; here several layers of cells subjacent to the original superficial stratum become involved in the process of solidifica- tion, and their cavities completely filled up by the secondary deposits. The true structure of the enormously thick epidermal layer of old shoots, as brought out by the action of potash, is seen in the example of PI. 47. fig. 26. The true cuticle is sometimes of considerable thickness, as in the leaves of Cycas (PI. 47 fig. 28). The thickening layers of the epi- dermal cells are true SECONDARY DEPOSITS. EPIDERMIS. [ 290 ] EPIDERMIS. The nature of the cuticle, is yet uncertain ; some regard it as a kind of excretion har- dened over the surface, others as the per- sistent original outer wall of the parent-cells of the epidermal cells, metamorphosed che- mically where exposed directly to the action of the air (in a manner analogous to that in which the parent-cell membranes become converted into a gelatinous investment of the filaments of Confervae, the cells of Pal- mellaceae, &c.). This seems borne out to some extent by the change of condition of the consolidated part of the outer walls, coloured yellow by sulphuric acid and iodine ; but it is unknown whether there is here a real chemical change, or merely an infiltra- tion capable of being removed by the action of potash (see SECONDARY DEPOSITS). Although the cellular plants possess no true epidermal layer, the superficial cells form a kind of cortical structure in the Lichens and larger Algae ; and in the lower Algae the cells of the filaments &c. compo- sing the fronds bear some resemblance to epidermal cells in structure, insomuch that they have laminated walls (partly produced by the persistence of those of the parent cell after cell-division), with the outer layer possessing much of the physical character of the cuticle of the higher plants. As just mentioned, the gelatinous sheaths of the lower Algae must be regarded as a kind of cuticle, and as produced by gradual disor- ganization of the outer layers of membrane while cell-development and the formation of new layers is going on within. For further discussion of the nature of the thickening layers of epidermis, see INTER- CELLULAR SUBSTANCE. The epidermis and its appendages offer a great variety of points of interest to the microscopist. The epidermis of those grow- ing parts of the higher plants which are exposed to the air is not absolutely con- tinuous and without orifices like the epi- dermis of roots, but is perforated with myriads of breathing-pores or STOMATA (fig. 200, s) as they are called. These con- sist of gaps left by the separation of the superficial epidermal cells at their meeting angles, the interspace between them being guarded and more or less filled up by (usually) a pair of cells, situated just be- neath the outer orifice, and having a slit- like passage between them. flairs, scales, thorns, stings, and the Tirious forms of (/lands of plants, are ap- pendages of the epidermal structure, being Epidermis from petal of the balsam, with stomata, 8. The epidermal cells here have elegantly sinuous side walls. Magnified 200 diameters. produced by the peculiar development of particular cells or groups of cells of this superficial layer. We have already alluded to the different conditions of the epidermis in different parts of plants. The delicate layer coverino; young organs in buds becomes very variously deve- loped as these attain the complete conditions. On the leaves and shoots the epidermis be- comes consolidated by secondary deposits, and this in greatest proportion on leathery or woody leaves, &c.,such as those of ever- greens, shrubs, and trees. Remarkable ex- amples of this may be found in the leaves of the Proteaceae, Cycadacese, the Holly, Box, &c. (woody), and in the Aloes, Cactaceae, Oleander, Hakea, Ficrn, &c. (leathery). In all cases the solid character of foliage de- pends almost exclusively upon the character of the epidermis by which the leaves are clothed. The epidermis of the outer scales of the winter-buds of trees is remarkably thick. The thickening layers are some- times found on the walls of the stomatal cells and adjacent cells bounding the inter- cellular cavity, forming the pseudo-struc- ture called a cistome (see STOMATA). The epidermis of petals and similar deli- cate organs never acquires much solidity; but the outer walls often become elevated more or less above the surface, producing a minute papillosity of the epidermis, which gives the peculiar glistening appearance. When this elevation goes still further, villi EPIDERMIS. [ 297 ] EPIDERMIS. or short hairs are produced, rendering the surface velvety (see HAIRS). The side walls of epidermal cells are sometimes flat faces of tolerably regular geometrical figures, such as cubes, parallelo- pipeds, hexagonal prisms, &c. ; but not un- frequently they are very sinuous, and then, when the epidermis is seen from above, it does not look like ordinary parenchyma, with square, rectangular, or hexagonal tes- sellse, but the component cells are fitted together so as to present lines, which, when regular, might be described by the heraldic terms scallopped. wavy, indented,c. (PL 47. fig. 15), and when less regular resemble ro ughly the lines of j oint in the old-fashioned puzzle-maps of children (fig. 200). Such forms of the epidermis are frequently found on petals, on the leaves of Ferns, on those of Hellebore, &c., and constitute very pleas- ing microscopic objects; especially as, in addition to the lines, the stomata at the angles add to the elegance of the pattern. The cuticle on many petals, as those of the Daffodil, and on leaves, as those of the genus Helleborus, Dianthus, &c., when the epidermis is viewed from above, exhibits elevated strise running in various ways over the surface, sometimes converging in the centre of each cell, in other cases running in tortuous lines over the surface, con- tinuous beyond the boundaries of the indi- vidual cells. A similar condition of the cuticle occurs upon the HAIRS of many plants, especially of Cruciferte, Ranuncu- laceae, Boragineee, &c. This condition is evidently analogous to the equally myste- rious states of the outer membrane of POL- LEN-GRAINS and SPORES, where points, ridges, reticulations, &c. of the same kind constantly occur. The stomata are found on both surfaces of many leaves of delicate structure, but most abundantly on the lower surface ; in other plants they occur exclusively on the lower face ; in floating leaves they exist only on the upper face ; while on submerged leaves none at all occur, and the epidermis here has no very distinct difference from that of young roots. The characters of STOMATA are spoken of more at length under that head, as also those of HAIRS, SCALES, STINGS, THORNS, GLANDS. The cuticular layers of the epidermis often contain deposits of wax upon or with- in the tissues. De Bary distinguishes four kinds : 1, heaps of granules in several layers, or of delicate needles, as in Euca- lyptus, Acacia, grasses, &c.; 2, a simple layer of -grains, in Allium cepa, Brassica okracea, &c. ; 3, a layer of rods perpendi- cular to the surface, as in Musacece, Saccha- rum, &c. ; and 4, a membranous wax-layer or crust, as in Sempervivum, Thuja, and Taxus. Some of the wax-grains are not recognizable until the tissues are heated to 212, when they form drops. The epidermis of the Equisetacese and the Grasses is remarkable for the deposition of silica, apparently in the walls of the cells of the epidermis, to such an extent and so equably, that the whole of the organic matter may be removed by heat or acids, and a perfect skeleton of the structure be obtained, composed exclusively of silex, exhibiting the boundary lines of the epi- dermal cells and the stomata (the dentate side walls, with the stomata arranged in linear series, are described in most micro- scopic books in a very curious manner, from an old paper by Sir D. Brewster). Prepa- rations 01 this structure are obtained by treating little pieces of the wall of the fistu- lar stem with strong nitric acid, to remove alkalies, and then burning them until quite white on a slip of platinum or very thin glass. These should be mounted in Canada balsam. In the Equiseta, the siliceous films thus obtained are covered with minute spines, presenting somewhat the dotted appearance of the valves of the Diatomacese. The seeds of many plants are clothed with an epidermis of remarkable character, the cells containing spiral fibres ; this oc- curs in the ACANTHACE^:, in COLLOMIA, SALVIA, &c., and is further treated under those heads and under HAIRS and SPIRAL STRUCTURES. BIBL. Mohl, Vegetable Cell, 1852, Linncea, xvi. 401, Verm. Schrift. 260, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. xix. 201, ibid. 3 ser. iii. 158, Sot. Zeit. v. 497 (1847); ibid. vii. 593, 1849; Schlei- den, Wiss. Bot. 3 ed. 335 (Principles, 70) ; Brongniart, Ann. Sc. Nat. xviii. 427, 2 ser. i. 65; Link, Elem. Phil. Bot. i. 83; Wigand, Inter cellular- Substanz u. Cuticula, 1850 j Karsten, Bot. Zeit. vi. 729, 1848; Cohn, Linncea, xxiii. 337, 1850 ; Hartig, Entwickl. der Pft. 1843, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 srar- dium ; some veins ; many glands and ducts, as the racemose, the sudoriparous and ceru- minous glands ; the hepatic ducts ; the vagina and female urethra; the bladder, uterus, pelvis, and tubules of the kidneys; and the air-cells of the lungs. In the ai-lc- ries and many veins the cells are spindle- shaped. Cylindrical epithelium. In this form the cells are either cylindrical, conical, or pyra- midal, about 1-1000" in length, and so situated that the axis of the epithelial scales or cells is at right angles to the surface upon which they are placed. Sometimes the sub- jacent cells are of a rounded form. Cylinder-epithelium is met with in the mucous membranes, inLieberkiihn's follicles, and the ducts of the gastric as well as those of all other glands opening into the intes- tine ; in the lachrymal and the mammary glands ; the male urethra ; the vas defereus ; the vesiculse seminales, the prostatic ducts, with Cowper's and the uterine glands. Ciliated epithelium. In this the form and arrangement of the cells is much the same as in the last; but their free ends are furnished with numerous vibratile cilia (PL 49. fig. 13). Ciliated epithelium occurs in the larynx, trachea, and bronchi ; the nares and pha- rynx above the level of the base of the nasal bones, and the cavities opening into them ; the inner surface of the membrana tympani, the Eustachian tube ; the uterus, the Fallo- pian tubes ; the lachrymal sac and nasal duct; the palpebral conjunctiva; and the ependyma. EPITHELIUM. [ 299 ] EQUISETACE^E. In most epithelia, the cells and their nuclei are readily distinguished ; but in others, especially those of the vessels and serous membranes, staining with magenta, &c., is required to render the nuclei dis- tinct, and silvering to bring out the cell- boundaries. (See STAINING-.) In many cases, intervals are left between the epithelial cells, usually at the points where several cells meet ; these are called stomata. They are often connected with the lymphatic system. See STOMATA. The epithelium covering the outer sur- face of the body forms the epidermis or cuticle. Further particulars of the special forms of the cells are given under the heads of the organs or tissues in connexion with which the epithelia are found. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikr. An. and Handb. d. Gcwebel. ; Valentin, Wagner s Handb. d. Phys., art. Flimmerbewegung and Epiihel. ; Herile, Allgemein. An. ; Todd and Bow- man, Phys. ; Frey, Histoloyie, 1876, 153 and the full literature. EPITHELIUM OF PLANTS. See EPI- DERMIS of Plants. EPITHE'MIA, Brebisson. A genus of Diatoinaceas. Char. Frustules single, attached by a part of the surface to other bodies ; valves with transverse or slightly radiant striae, some of them not resolvable into dots. Frustules prismatic, quadrangular, mostly curved, sometimes slightly undulating in the side view ; one face of front view (that by which they are attached) flat or con- cave, the other convex and broader than the former, so that the transverse section forms a trapezoid. Between, or corresponding with the transverse striae, which are not resolvable into dots, are often transverse rows of dots or depressions. The species are numerous. Freshwater and marine. Rabenhorst describes 21 Eu- ropean. Conjugation has been observed in three of them. E. turgida (PI. 16. fig. 32 : , side view ; 5, front view). Front view oblong, slightly dilated towards the middle; side view some- what convex, gradually attenuated towards the very obtuse ends. Freshwater ; length 1-240". In conjugation, PI. 10. fig. 6 a, b, c, d, e. E. cjibba (PI. 51. fig. 6). Straight ; in- flated in the middle on each side in front view ; valves gibbous in the middle on one side; freshwater and fossil; length 1-140". BIBL. Kiitzing, Bacillar. 33, and Sp. Alg. 1; Smith, Brit. Diatom, i. 13; Ra- benhorst, Sp. Alq. i. 62. EPOCH'NIUM, Lk. A genus of Toru- lacei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), forming a stratum over larger fungi or dead twigs, consisting of a mycelium of irregularly branched and anastomosing filaments, which bear, on short lateral brancblets, oblong or globular septate spores, which soon fall off and lie among the mycelium-threads. E. fungorum is very common, forming a dark-green stratum over Thelephorce; crosporoiditim was found by Berkeley on a dead twig, apparently of red currant. Sphceria Epochnii, B. & Br., has been found on Epochnium fungornm ; and it is very probable that it is the perfect state of a conidiiferous mycelium. BIBL. Berk, in Brit. Flora, vol. ii. pt. ii. 352 ; Ann. N. H. i. 263, pi. 8. fig. 14. EQUISETA'CEJE and EQUISETUM. This is a very distinctly characterized family of Flowerless Plants, consisting of a single genus, the Equiseta, or Horse-tails, which are immediately recognized, when one species is known, by their peculiar aspect and habit of growth. The stems and branches are alike tubular, and present in almost all cases a rather coarsely (per- pendicularly) streaked sur- face. The stems appearing above ground are shoots from a creeping under- ground stem (fig. 201), which differs from the erect stems in being of a deep brown colour and solid, in giving off root- fibrils, and sometimes in being covered with hairs. The erect stems are either barren or fertile; in the barren stems the joints be- come gradually thinner upwards from a certain point, at last tapering off to an obtuse apex; the fer- tile stems bear a kind of club-shaped head, resem- bling in SOme degree the Equisetum arvense. male cones of Coniferous One half of trees, or more particularly nat - size - those of some Cycads (fig. 201). These club-shaped bodies are the fruits or heads of sporanges. The anatomical structure of the rhizome and shafts present some interesting points. Fig. 201. EQUISETACE^. [ 300 ] EQUISETACE.E. In the solid rhizome the centre is occupied by cellular tissue of tolerably strong texture ; outside this, as seen in a cross section, stands a circle of air-canals, each surrounded by a ring of vascular bundles ; next comes a complete circle of vascular bundles com- posed almost wholly of annular ducts ; be- tween this vascular ring and the outside lies parenchyma like that in the centre, traversed by another concentric circle of air-canals ; and immediately beneath the epidermal cells there exists a layer of com- pact blackish-brown parenchymatous cells. When the rhizome is coated with hairs, these are formed by development of the epidermal cells into slender tubular pro- cesses. Tracing the solid rhizome up to- wards the points where the erect stems arise, the central cellular substance is gra- dually lost, and the outer portions are mo- dified in their arrangement. The distribu- tion of the air-canals and the vascular bun- dles varies ; in some cases, the peculiarities are even regular enough to afford specific characters. The surface is clothed by an epidermis composed of elongated cells often elevated into papilhe, and especially re- markable for the quantity of silica deposited in their walls. This epidermis is studded with variously formed stomata usually arranged in double lines ; and the forms of the epidermal cells and stomata are per- fectly preserved in the siliceous ash which remains after burning off the organic sub- stance from a portion of this EPIDERMIS, offering a curious microscopic object. Be- tween the epidermis and the central cavity, in a cross section lie first, a layer of thick- walled elongated cells, within which, in the angular-stemmed species, comes a circle of masses, usually crescentic, of cellular tissue containing chlorophyll. Next come usually two concentric rings of air-canals, those of the inner circle being individually sur- rounded by annular ducts ; and, moreover, in some species a circle of 6-10 vascular bundles separates the inner from the outer circle of air-canals j the structure of the bundles is variable, exhibiting annular, spi- ral, and reticulated ducts. The inner circle of air-canals lies in the parenchyma which bounds the central cavity. At each joint this cavity is cut off by a diaphragm com- posed of three layers, in the intermediate of which, of brownish cellular tissue, lies an anastomosing ring, where all the vascular bundles coalesce and give off branches to the sheath (and branches when present). The club-shaped fruit-spikes consist of a central axis forming the last joint of the stem, on which are attached numerous mushroom-shaped groups of spoj-anyes, the stalks of each adhering to the central axis, so that we only see the upper side of the cap externally (figs. 202, 203). This has an angular border ; and the adjacent spo- ranges being very close, the outer ends of these bodies cause a tessellated appearance of the whole in the earlier stages of de- velopment. As the sporanges ripen, they separate more from each other ; and when one is removed (fig. 204), it is seen to possess a number of little pouch-like cases under the overhanging outer portion and round the stalk ; these pouches burst by a perpendicular slit inwards, and discharge the spores. Fig. 202. Fig. 203. Fig. 205. Equisetum arvense. Fi n M , PI. 26. figs. 12-14.) When the mycelium of an Erysiphe is developed late in the year, it seldom produces any thing but the ovate cells (conidia)', but if developed early in the summer, the mycelium grows at certain points into denser white patches (receptacles, Lev.), from which arise the concept tides, which are fertilized by pollinodia, as in Eurotium. These are small globular sacs, composed of a double layer of cells ; from the base of the outside of the sac arise a number of radiating filaments, simple or branched (appendides, Le>.), while in its interior are developed one or many sacs, (a-sci) sporanges, Le"v.), in each of which are produced mostly eight sporidia. In addition to the above, a third form of fruit occurs, in which the conidium becomes transformed into a sac (pycnidiwni) filled w r ith minute spores. Tulasue has figured a second form, apparently of conidia, in Phyllactinia guttata. LeVeiHe", in an elaborate essay on this genus, has subdivided it into six genera, which may perhaps be better taken as sub- genera, and may be distinguished in the following manner : Conceptacles with one ascus. Appendicles dichotomously branched. . . Podospheeria. floccose Sphcerolheca, Conceptacles with many asci. aciculate TJiyll actinia. uncinate UndnnJa. dichotomously branched... Microsphceria. floccose Erysiphe. ERYSIPIIE. [ 303 ] EUACTIS. Podospluzria. The Hawthorn-blight and the Plum-blight belong 1 to this division. Splicer otheca. The Rose-mildew, E. pan- nosn, auct., belongs to this group, and is distinguished from E. macularis, Wallr. (S. Castagnei, J. Lev.), the Hop-mildew, by the appendicles of the former being white, while those of the latter are coloured. The mycelium of the rose-mildew seems to be the saaie thing as Oidiumleucoconium,~Desm.. The similar structure of the Hop-mildew has been described and figured (from Dr. Plomley's drawings) in the Trans, of the Horticultural Society. He was the first to discover the conversion of one of the oidioid cells into pycuidia. Pkyllactinia. E. guttata, Schlecht., com- mon on the hazel and other trees and large shrubs, is distinguished from the other forms of Phyllactinia by having a bulbous base to its appeudicles, which contain 2 to 4 sporidia. Uncinula. E. adunca, Schlecht., is re- ferred here ; its distinctive character is the existence of the hooked appendicles. Found on willows. E. bicornis, Lk., occurring upon maples c., has eight spores. Microsphceria. E. penicillafa, occurring on Viburnum Opulus, &c. Several species occur in this country, of which one of the best-known is M. penicillata. The charac- ters of the appendicles, which are dichoto- mously branched at the tip, are the same as those of Podosphceria ; but there are many asci, instead of one only. Erysiphe. E. Pisi, Grev., is E. Martii of Leveille, distinguished by its globose, many-spored asci and the simple or irre- gularly branched appendicles. E. tortilis, Lk., has coloured appendicles ten or more times the length of the conceptacle. It grows on Cornm sanguined, the Dogwood tree. E. communis, Lev., is not very well characterized ; it has coloured appendicles, which are only twice or thrice as long as the conceptacle ; the asci vary from four to eight, as do also the spores contained in each. This species grows on a great variety of herbaceous plants, Ranunculacese, Corn- posits, LeguminoseB, Cruciferae, Polygo- nacens, &c. Perhaps a doubt might be admitted whe- ther the above subdivisions really represent more than six species of this genus. BIBL. Leveille, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. xv. 100, pis. 6-11 ; Berk., Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 325; 2>. Hort. Soc. London, ix. 61 ; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pis. 134, 164. figs. 2, 296 ; Tulasne, Compt. Rendus, 18-53; Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser. vi. 299, and Carpologia, i. 1860; Cooke, Handbook, 645 ; Taylor, M. M. Jn. 1875, xiii. 121 ; De Bary and Woronin, Beit. z. Morph. 1870; Sachs, Bot. 312. See also OIDIUM. ERYTHR^E'US, Duges. See ANTSTIS. ESCHAR'IDzE. A family of Cheilosto- matous Polyzoa; containing the genera Lepralia,) Umbonula, Porella, Escharoides, Smittia, Phylactella, Muwonella, Palmicel- laria, and Retepora. ESCHAROI'DES, Smitt. A genus of Cheilostomatous Polyzoa, fam. Escharidse. 2 species ; deep water. (Iliucks, Polyzoa. 336.) ESPAR'TO. The bast-fibres of a grass, Lygeum spartum (Stipa tenacissima, Linn. ; MakrocUoa, Kunth), a coarse fibrous ma- terial, extensively used in the manufacture of paper. The fibres are shorter than those of most allied substances : and the epider- mic wavy margined cells are so short as to render the distinction of this material toler- ably easy. It occurs extensively in the south of Eu- rope, in North America, and in the centre and south of Spain. BIBL. Henfrey-Masters, j#o.400; Wiesner, Techn. Mikr. 225 (fig.). ESTHE'RIA, Ruppell and Straus-Diirck- heirn (Cyztcus, Audouin ; Isaura, Joly). A bivalved phyllopodous Entomostracon, having 24 pairs of foliaceous limbs, and ovate valves, horny, delicate, concentrically ridged, bearing from 7 to 80 lines of growth, with intermediate reticulation or other sculpturing. 26 species are known, from fresh and brackish waters of warm climates ; and more than 20 fossil, Devonian to Tertiary. BIBL. Baird, Zool. Proc. 1849, 87; 1852, 30 ; 1859, 232 ; 1860, 188 and 392 ; Rupert Jones, Fosa. Estherice (Pal Soc.}, 1862; E. Grube, Arch. f. Naturgesch. 1853, xix., and 1865, xxxi. EUACTIS, Kiitz. A genus of Oscillato- riacere (Confervoid Algae), of the tribe Rivu- larieae, consisting of little, hard, solid, elastic, mostly hemispherical bodies, from 1-2 to 2'" in diameter, growing upon stones in the sea or rivers, &c. ; concentrically zoned, core- posed of radiating, flagelliform, repeatedly sheathed filaments, the sheaths of which are open and slit above (PI. 8. fig. 16), but con- nected together side by side, so as to form a tough gelatinous mass, not becoming in- crusted with carbonate of lime. To this EUASTRUM. [ 304 ] EUCHLANIS. genus Kiitzing refers Rivularia plicata, atra, and perhaps applanata of Harvey. These plants are interesting on account of the fibrous decomposition of the gelatinous sheaths. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. 222, pi. 26 A (Rivularw) ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 339 ; Tab. Phyc. cent. ii. pis. 74-82. EUAS'TRUM, Ehr. A genus of Des- midiaceae. Char. Cells single, compressed, deeply divided into two segments, which are gene- rally pyramidal and furnished with circular protuberances, lobed or sinuated at the mar- gins, and emarginate at the ends. Ralfs describes twenty-one British spe- cies, of which the following are the most common. * Segments deeply lobed; end lobe distinct, cuneate, partly included in a notch be- tween the lateral lobes. E. vei-rucosum (PI. 14. fig. 14). Rough ; segments three-lobed, lobes broadly cuneate, with a shallow notch ; length 1-207". E. oblongum (PI. 14. fig. 15). Smooth, oblong ; segments five-lobed ; lobes cuneate ; emarginate; length 1-156". E. crassum. Smooth; segments three- lobed, subquadrilateral ; end lobe cuneate ; length 1-190 to 1-130". ** Segments sinuated; end lobe exserted and united with the basal portion by a distinct neck. E. didelta (PI. 14. fig. 16; 17, empty cell). Segments with inflated base, inter- mediate tubercles, and notched and scarcely dilated ends; side view, four shallow lateral lobes, and one at each end ; length 1-185". *** End lobe indistinct ; frequently a process or acute angle at the corners of the ter- minal portion. E. elegans. Oblong ; ends emarginate, pouting, and rounded ; length 1-890 to 1-420". Conjugation has been observed in several species ; the sporangia are spherical, with conical tubercles, or acute or obtuse spines. BIBL. Ralfs, Brit. Desmid. 78; Raben- horst, Fl. Alg. iii. 179. EUCAM'PIA, Ehr. A marine organism, allied to the Desmidiaceae, among which it is placed by Kiitzing, whilst Smith refers it to the Diatomaceae. It forms articulated, arcuate or spiral, fasciaeform, microscopic fronds, composed of hyaline wedge-shaped frustules, with yellowish granular contents. The joints shrink in drying, and are destroyed by heat. The markings consist of dots. E. zodiacus (PI. 50. fig. 10). Frustules with a median excavation on each side ; valves elliptical ; length 1-710". E. britannica. Frustules not excavated : length 1-380". E. striata. Valves circular ; endochrome green. BIBL. Ehrenb. Abh. Berl. Ak. 1839, 125; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. l$l,Bacillar. pi. 21. fig. 21 ; Smith, Br. Diat. ii. 25 ; Stolterforth, Jn. M. Soc. 1879, ii. 835. EUCERTYD'IUM, Ehr. A genus of Polycystina. E. ampulla (PI. 39. fig. 25, front view ; fig. 26, under view). See POLYCYSTINA. EUCHLAN1DOTA, Ehr. A family of Rotatoria. Char. Rotatory organ multiple, or divided into more than two lobes ; a carapace pre- sent. The carapace forms either a testa or a scutellum ; various appendages are present, representing either straight bristles, curved bristles or hooks, minute horns so-called respiratory tubes or antennae, and in one genus a frontal hood. The eleven genera are thus distinguished : Eyes absent; foot forked Eyes present. Eye single (cervical). Foot styliform. Carapace depressed Monostyla. prismatic Alastigocerca. Foot forked. Carapace open beneath Euchlanis. closed beneath. Carapace with horns Salpina. ,. without horns Dinocharis. Eyes two (frontal). Foot styliform Monocerca. forked. Carapace compressed or prismatic. Colurus. depressed or cylindrical. Head without a hood Metopid-ia. with a hood Slephanops. Eyes four ; foot forked Squamella. BIBL. Ehrenb. Inftts. p. 455. EU'CHLANIS, Ehr. A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Eye single, cervical ; foot forked ; carapace cleft or open on the ventral surface. Aquatic. Ehrenberg describes six species, to which Gosse adds three. E. triquetra (PI. 43. fig. 30; fig. 31, teeth). Carapace very large, with a dorsal crest; foot without setae ; length 1-48". EUCRATEA. [ 305 ] EUGLENA. BIBL. Ehrenb. Infus. 461 ; Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 200. EUCRAT'EA, Lamx, (Scruparia).K genus of Cheilostomatous Infundibulate Polvzoa, of the family Eucratiidae. E. chelata (PL 36. fig. 24), the only species. Parasitic upon Fuci, crabs, and stones. (Hincks, Polyzoa, 11.) EUCRA'TIID^E (Scrupariadse). A family of Cheilostomatous Infundibulate Polyzoa. Distinguished by the unjointed polyzoary and the uniserial cells. Polyzoary usually loosely adnate. Five genera : Eucratea (Scruparia). Erect, branched, branches arising from the horn-shaped cells above or below the oblique orifice. Hippothoa. Creeping, adherent, irregu- larly branched or netted, branches arising from the sides of the cells. Salpinyia (PI. 36. fig. 25). Erect, branched; cells elongated, with trumpet- shaped processes at the base, orifice oblique, lateral. Anguinaria (sEtea). Cells tubular, scat- tered, arising from a creeping, adherent thread. Beania. Cells erect, scattered, with a double spinous keel on one side, and arising from a creeping, adherent, branched thread. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 288; Busk, Mar. Polyz. 28; Gosse, Mar. Zool. ii. 12 ; Hincks, Polyzoa, 11. EUCYTHE'RE, Brady (Cytheropsis, Sars). A genus of marine Entomostraca, fam. Cytheridae. 2 species. BIBL. Brady, Linn. Trans. 1868, p. 429. EUDEN'DRIID^E (Tubulariidse, pt., Johnst.). A family of Hydroid Polypi. Characterized by the branched stem, and the terminal naked polypes, with a single whorl of tentacles surrounding the base of a trumpet-shaped proboscis. 1 genus : Eud,endrium. EUDEN'DRIUM, Ehr. A genus of Hy- droid Polypi, fam. Eudendriidae (Tubula- riidas, Johnst.). Char. Those of the family. 7 British species. E. ramosum (Tubularia ram. } Johnst.) is common on oyster-shells, &c. BIBL. Hincks, Brit. Zooph. 79; Johnstone, Brit. Zooph. 46. EUDORI'NA. See PANDORINA. EUGLE'NA, Ehr. A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Astasiaea. Char. Fiee ; a red eye-speck, a tail-like process, and a single flagelliform filament ; freshwater. Many species, or rather forms, are distin- guished by Ehrenberg and Dujardin. They are often present in vast numbers in pools, &c., rendering them green or red, and form- ing a brilliant pellicle upon the surface. In the free condition the Euglence swim about in the water, not apparently by the help of the flagelliform filament, which seems to be often deficient, but by the con- tractile action of the whole body, the changes of form and movements of which may be roughly compared to those of a leech when crawling sluggishly over the surface of a glass. The Euglence present many points of resemblance to the lower Algae, especially Protococcus, like them varying in colour from green to red, and, moreover, passing through a resting stage, encysted in a kind of cell-membrane, which is sometimes gela- tinous, transparent, and spherical, some- times rather horny, and polygonal in form. The encysted forms occur commonly aggre- gated together into indefinite frond-like masses ; and the individuals multiply by division into two, four, &c v in this quiescent stage. The frond-like groups may be found in autumn, and even under the ice* in winter, while the active forms abound most in spring, in fine weather. Carter has published some elaborate observations on the organization of these and allied forms, which we have notspacetoenteruponhere. (SeeAsTASLEA.) We can only notice two or three of the forms. E. viridis (PI. 31. fig. 2 a, b). Fusiform when extended ; head narrowed, short ; tail conical, short (not cleft) ; green, hyaline at the ends; length 1-1150 to 1-240". E. pyrum (PI. 31. fig. 1). Body, when extended, oval, turgid, pyriform, obliquely furrowed, green ; tail nearly as long as the body, acute; length 1-1150 to 1-860". E. longicauda, Phacus longic. D. (PI. 31. figs. 3 & 63). Depressed, elliptical or oval, frequently twisted on its long axis, green, with longitudinal striae ; tail as long as the body, hyaline, subulate ; length 1-280 1-120". E. acus (PL 31. fig. 4). Fusiform, slender, subulate, straight, green in the middle ; head attenuate, somewhat truncate, hya- line ; tail very acute, hyaline ; length 1-570 to 1-216". BIBL. Ehrenb. Infus. 104; Dujardin, Infus. 358 ; Morren, JRubef. d. Eaux. Brux. 1841 ; Carter, Ann. N. Hist. 1856, xviii. 115 ; and 1857, xx. 21 ; Kent, Inf. 379. EUGLENIA. [ 306 ] EUPLOTES. EUGLE'NIA, Duj. (Infusoria). See ASTASLSSA. The essential character of this family is the presence of a contractile integument; this is probably of little importance, as in many cases the nature of the integument has been shown to depend upon season, locality, and stage of development. EU'GLYPHA, Duj. A genus of Rhi- zopoda. Char. Free ; single ; carapace membra- nous, transparent, resisting, elongate-ovoid, urceolate, covered with rows of tubercles or depressions ; orifice toothed ; expansions numerous, simple. This genus appears unnecessarily sepa- rated from Dffiugia, E. E. tuberculata (PI. 30. fig. 53). Carapace covered with oblique or longitudinal rows of rounded tubercles. Freshwater ; length 1-280". Sometimes posterior spines are present. E. alveolata (PI. 30. fig. 64). Carapace covered with polygonal depressions, in re- gular oblique rows. Freshwater; length 1-280". Posterior spines also present. See DIFFLUGIA. BIBL. Dujard. Inf. 251 ; Carter, Ann. N. Hist. 1865, xv. 290. EUMERID TON, Kiitz. Consolidated with MERIDION. EUNO'TIA, Ehr. A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules free, single or binate, quadrilateral ; linear or linear-oblong in front view, curved or concavo-convex in side view ; valves with terminal puucta (nodules?) and transverse or slightly ra- diating striae, but no canaliculi. Fresh- water and fossil. Allied to Ejnthemia. Many of the species have undulations or ridges upon the convex surfaces ; striae re- solvable into dots, but in some species diffi- cult to detect ; transverse section of frustule trapezoidal. Kiitzing describes forty-four species; Smith admits seven as British. E. tetraodon (Himantidium tetr., K.) (PI. 61. fig. 27 : 0, side view ; 6, front view). Frustules with four ridges ; striae distinct ; length 1-570". E. monodon (Himant. monodon, K.). Side view lunate, no ridges, slightly constricted near the obtuse ends ; striae obscure ; length 1-800". E. triodon. Ridges three ; ends attenuate, rounded; striae obscure; length 1-500". BIBL. Kiitzing, Batill. 36, and Sp. Alg. 4 ; Smith, Brit. Diat. i. 15 ; Ralfs, Ann. N. H. 1844, xiii. 459. EUNOTOGRAMMA, Weisse. A genus of fossil Diatomaceae. Char. Front view as in Anaulus; side view lunate, with undulated dorsal and ventral margins. E. tri-, quinque-, septem-, et novemlociilata. Side view divided by 2, 4, 6, or 8 transverse septa into 3, 5, 7 or 9 loculi. Russia. BIBL. Pritchard, Infus. 860; Weisse, Bull St. Petersbotirg, xiii. 278. EUODIA, Bailey. A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules areolar or granular, side view lunate. 3 species: 2 fossil, 1 recent. Perhaps Goniothecia. BIBL. Bailey, Pritchard's Infus. 852; Greville, Micr. Tram. 1861, 67. ELTPLEURIA, Arn. A genus of Diato- maceae. 3 species : New Zealand and Africa (Icha- boe guano). BIBL. Arnott, Qu.Mic.Jn. 1858, vi. 89. EUPLO'TA, Ehr. A family of Infu- soria. Char. Body surrounded by a carapace ; two distinct alimentary orifices, neither of which is terminal ( = Oxy trichina with a carapace). Locomotive organs consisting of cilia, hooks, claws, or styles. Dujardin states that the carapace undergoes diffluence like the substance of the body. The genera are thus distinguished : Cilia, claws, or hooks teeth -v 1 Head distinct ...Dixcocephalus. > NQ dutinct h e &d.Himantophorus. JoTty^es. I Mouth with teeth CMamidodon. Cilia, claws, and styles present Euplotes. Dujardin includes this family in his Ploes- conina. BIBL. Ehrenb. Infus. 374; Dujard. Inf. 429. EUPLOTES, Ehr. (Plcesconia, Duj., for the most part). A genus of Infusoria, of the family Euplota, E. Char. Furnished with cilia, styles, and hooks ; teeth absent. The species are very numerous. E. patella, E. (Plcesconia pat., D.) (PI. 31. fig. 5 : , under view ; b, side view). Cara- pace a testa, oval or suborbicular, slightly truncated in front, margins extending be- yond the depressed body ; dorsum raised or bossed with fine radiating striae ; cilia form- EUPODISCUS. [ 307 ] EURYCERCUS. ing a curvilinear series j freshwater ; lengtl l-i>88 to 1-216". E. cimex, E. (Coccudina cimex, D.). E. charon, E. (Plcesconia charon, I).). E. vannus, E. (PL vannus, D.) (PL 31 fig. 6). E. monostylus, E. (Ermha legumen, D. (PI. 30. fig. 52). BIBL. Ehrenb. In/us. 377 ; Duj. 7w/ws 435 ; Stein, Infus. 158. EUPODIS'CUS, Ehr. A genus of Dia- tomaceee. Char. Frustules single, disk-shaped, cir- cular, without internal septa; valves fur- nished with tubular or spiniform processes. Marine and fossil. The processes are so easily broken off, that the apertures corresponding to the points of attachment are generally alone seen. The valves appear either distinctly areolar, the depressions being large ; granu- lar, from their being minute ; or striated. Two groups are recognizable : a. Eupodiscus proper. Valves areolar or striated. E. argus (PI. 16. fig. 30 : a, side view ; b, front view). Valves slightly convex ; pro- cesses three ; diameter 1-156". E. sculpttis, Sm. (PI. 16. fig. 31). Valves striated, central striae forming a quatrefoil ; processes two ; diameter 1-770 to 1-400". b. Aulacodiscus,~E,. Valves granular; pro- cesses very short, their bases connected with the centre" of the valve by a furrow. E. crux (PI. 50. fig. 43). Diameter 1-380". E. Petersii. Processes four, with larger granules at their bases. Diameter 1-380". BIBL. Ehrenb. Abh. Berl 1839 ; id. Ber. 1844, 73, 1845, 361 ; Smith, Brit. Diat. i. 24 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 134 j Shadbolt, Qu. Mic. Jn. ii. ; Roper, 1858, ibid. vi. ; Gre- ville, Mic. Trans. 1863, 73, (Aulacodiscus) 1864, pp. 9, 82, 87, 1865, p. 26, 1866, pp. 5, 80. EUPO'DIUM. A genus of Marattia- ceous Ferns. Exotic. EURO'TIUM, Lk. A genus of Pyreno- mycetes (Ascomycetous Fungi), on the dis- tinct nature of which great doubt is thrown by the recent observations of De Bary. E. herbariorum of authors is a mildew, common upon decaying or preserved fruits, plants imperfectly dried for herbaria, &c., forming a whitish or yell ow crust, composed of inter- woven mycelium filaments, which are deli- cate when young, but become thickened and often coloured with age. Upon these are produced globular conceptacles or peridia, from 1-15 to 1-20'" in diameter, composed of a distinctly cellular membrane, enclosing little sacs or asci containing several minute sporidia. According to De Bary, these con- ceptacles are produced upon the mycelium of Aspergillus, under certain unknown con- ditions ; and the ordinary fructification of Aspergillus is only a basidiosporous form of the same plant which produces an asco- phorous form in the Eurotium fruit. He states that he not only found them grow- ing upon the continuations of the same branched mycelium filament, but that he has raised Aspergillus, which fruited, from the spores both of Aspergillus fruits and the sporidia of Eurotium -, Eurotium could not be obtained from Aspergillus spores. The connexion between these forms is regarded as analogous to that between Oidium and Erysiphe. The fruit of Eurotium is a sexual product, and originates as follows. The ends of certain branches of the mycelium coil up like a cork-screw, becoming more closelv approximated, until at length they come into contact, and form a cylindrical or conical mass, marked externally by the spiral lines of conjunction of the turns of the filament. From the base of this mass thin branches sprout, running up over it, one of them fusing with its apex, forming an antheridium or pollinodium, and producing fertilization. After fertilization, the young perithecia become segmented, the segments forming shoots, which branch, the termina- tions forming the asci or parent cells of the sporidia. The ripe sporidia often exhibit a curious form, like little cylinders with a con- cavo-convex cap applied over each : these appear to be the two halves of the dehiscent outer membrane (exospore) ; for in the ger- mination of perfectly globular forms the mycelium filaments break through the outer tough coat, like a pollen-tube from the inner coat of a pollen-grain. The sporidia are about 1-350'" in diameter, and of a light yellow colour in mass. The dimensions &c. of Eurotium, like those of Aspergittus, seem to vary with the external conditions. Eurotium Rosarium, Greville (Sc. Crypt. Fl.) = Sphceroiheca pannosa. BIBL. Berk, in Hook. Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 333 ; Greville, Scot. Crypt. Fl pi. 164. fig. L ; Sowerby (Farinaria), pi. 379. fiX 3 De Bary, Bot. Zeit. xii. 425 (1854) ; Riess, 'lid. xi. p. 134, and Fresenius, p. 474 1853). ' EUR YCEROUS, Baird (Lynceus, in part, Vfiill.). A genus of Entomostraca, of the rder Cladocera, and family Lynceidse* EUTERPE. [ 308 ] EXPECTORATION. Char. Subquadrangular (in side view) ; abdomen very broad, flattened, densely ser- rated ; beak blunt, slightly curved down- wards. Freshwater. E. lamellatus (PL 20. fig. 39). Shell olive, ciliated on the anterior ventricose margin, arched behind ; beak rather blunt and short; superior antennae terminating in six short spines, each with a fine seta or bristle ; an- terior branch of inferior antennae with five long filaments one from the end of the first and second joints, three from the third, as also a small spine; posterior branch with three long filaments at the end of the last joint, the first and second each with a short spine only. It generally lives at the bottom of the vessel in which it is kept. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entom. p. 123. EUTER'PE, Glaus, A genus of Cope- poda. 1 species: Ireland. (Brady, Copepoda, Ray Soc. ii. 22.) EUTREP'TIA, Perty. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria. Char. Free, ovate, or pyriform, green; swimming or creeping ; flagella two, equal ; an anterior red eye-spot. E. viridis. Length ajo"- Pond-water. BIBL. Perty, Kl. Lebensf. 168; Kent, Inf. 41C. 'EVADNE, Love"n. A genus of Entom- ostraca, of the order Cladocera, and family Polyphemidas. Char. Abdomen short, scarcely projecting from the shell ; head not distinct from the body ; marine. E. Nordmanni (PI. 19. fig. 30). Colour- less, excepting the eye. Forms part of the food of the herring. BIBL. Love'n, Wiegmanris Archiv. 1838, Bd. i. 143; M.-Edwards, Crust, iii'. 390; Baird, Brit. Entom. 114. EVER'NIA, Ach. A genus of Lichena- ceous Lichens, tribe Ranialinei; cosmopo- litan in its range ; recognized by its flat- tened, flaccid, laciniate, white or grey thal- lus, lateral apothecia, and simple spores. Two species : E. furfuracea (E. Hot. pi. 984) and E. prunastri (E. Sot. pis. 859 & 1353) occur in Great Britain. BIBL. Nvlander, Sun. 283; Leighton, IAch. PL G.B. 81.' EXCIP'ULA, Fr. A ^enus of Sphsero- nemei (Stylosporous Fungi), forming horny tubercles on dead stems and leaves, finally opening by an entire orbicular aperture. The stylospores are elongated, lanceolate or fusiform; and long hair-like processes are sometimes mixed with the sporophores which line the disk. Four British sp-ri's are recorded : E. fusispora and E. strif/nxa- of Fries, and E. macrosticha. and E. clifdo- stroma of Berk, and Br. Perhaps related to some Ascomycetous form. (See CONIO- MYCETES.) BIBL. Berk, in Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 296 ; Berk, and Broorne, Ann. N. H. 1850, v. 456, pi. 11. fig. 2. EXID'IA, Fr. A genus of Tremellini (Hymenomycetous Fungi), forming gelati- nous, truncated black or coloured bodies on the trunks and branches of trees. Common in autumn and winter. Tulasne has lately published some interesting observations on the structure of the hymenium which clothes the upper face. This is composed of a densish layer of very slender filaments, which bear at their free surface globular cells (basidia) divided vertically into two or four chambers ; from each of these arises a slender process (sterigma), at the end of which is developed a stylospore. In E. sjn'cu- losa, spermatia were also observed in young specimens, at the ends of very slender fila- ments passing through the mucilaginous layer overlying the layer of basidia. (See DACRYMYCES, HEKNEOLA, and other genera of TREMELLINI.) BIBL. Berk, in Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 217 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. xix. 202, pis. 11 & 12. EXOAS'CUS. See ASCOMYCES. EXOBASIDTUM, Wor. The lowest form of Hymenomycetes. E. Vaccinii is common on Rhododendron and Vaceinium t causing fleshy swellings on the leaves. It is Ascomyces carnosa, Berk. BIBL. De Bary and Woronin, Ber. Nat. Gesell. Freiburg, ix. 397 ; Sachs, Bot. 336. EXOCOC 'CUS, Nageli. Probably a Pro- tococcus or PalmeHa. BIBL. Nageli, Neu. Algensyst. p. 169. EX'OGEN. See DICOTYLEDONS. EXOS'MOSE. See ENDOSMOSE. EXPECTORATION. The various ob- jects which may be found in the expectora- tion are noticed under their respective heads, jr those of the tissues from which they are derived ; a list only need be given here. Mucous corpuscles ; epithelial cells, of the pavement, cylinder, or ciliated forms ; exu- dation globules, or granule-cells ; pus and pyoid corpuscles ; coloured corpuscles of the blood ; pseudo-membranous flakes of fibiine ; tubercle ; fatty matter in the form of glo- EXUDATION. [ 309 ] EYE. bules, rarely of crystals; earthy matters, amorphous orcrystallme ; various substances derived from the food, as muscular fibre, starch-granules, cellular tissue, &c. ; ento- zoa, or fragments of them, as portions of the cysts or hooks of JZchinococcus; infusoria and algae, as Monads, Bacteria, Sarcina, &c. ; carbon and true pigment, either in the free state or contained within epithelial cells ; and fragments of pulmonary tissue. The aid of the microscope in the exami- nation of the expectoration will occasionally throw an unexpected light upon the dia- gnosis of disease. And it has been shown, that by boiling the sputa with solution of caustic soda and washing, the pulmo- nary fibrous tissue may often be detected in Phthisis. EXUDATION, and EXUDATION COR- PUSCLES. See IN- FLAMMATION. EXU'VIUM (exuvia; or exuviae, plur.). The cast or shed skin of ani- mals. The exuvium of many minute animals ex- hibits the form and struc- ture of the skin, and the parts upon which it is moulded, better than these can be discerned in the living animals, on account of its transpa- rence. The exuvium of the TRITON (PI. 49. fig. 12) exhibits the cellular structure of the epider- mis very beautifully. EYE. From want of space, we are compelled to assume that the reader possesses a knowledge of the component parts of the eye and their relative position, as far as can be obtained without the use of magnifying glasses. These parts are generally described in works upon anatomy, and in most of those upon optics. The outer fibrous coat of the eye is commonly regarded as consisting of two parts : one anterior, smaller and trans- parent the cornea ; the other, posterior larger and opaque the sclerotica. The history of the development and the minute structure of these prove that they must be considered as forming a single continuous membrane. The cornea may be regarded as consisting of three layers: 1, the corneal conjunc- tiva ; 2, the true cornea ; and 3, the mem- brane of the aqueous humour. The corneal conjunctiva (fig. 207, Co) con- sists of laminated soft epithelium the Fig. 207. Section of the membranes of the eye, near the ciliary processes. Scl., sclerotica ; C, cornea; Pr. oil., ciliary process ; C a, anterior chamber ; Cp, posterior chamber ; Co, vitreous humour ; C. P., canal of Petit ; L, lens ; /, iris : a, conjunctiva of the cornea epithelial layer; 6, subjacent elastic layer ; c, fibrous layer of the cornea ; d, membrane of the aqueous humour ; e, ita epithelium ; f, end of the membrane and its fusion with the fibres g, which pass to the iris at i, forming the pectinate ligament ; h, venous canal ; k, ciliary muscle arising from the inner wall I of the venous canal ; m, pigment- layer of ciliary processes; n, that of iris ; o, fibrous layer of iris ; p, its epi- thelium ; q, anterior wall of capsule of lens ; s, epithelium of capsule ; t, ante- rior thickened portion of hyaloid membrane ; u, zonule of Zinn, or anterior lamina of hyaloid membrane ; v, posterior lamina of the same; w, colourless epithelium of the ciliary processes; w', anterior end of this epithelium; x, conjunctiva of sclerotica ; z, posterior wall of the capsule of the lens. Magnified 12 diameters. EYE. [ 310 ] EYE. under layer of cells elongated and placed per- pendicularly to the surface, the middle cells rounded, those in the upper layer forming softer nucleated plates. Many of the latter are furnished with larger or smaller depres- sions, arising from mutual pressure, so as to appear stellate in the side view. Beneath the epithelium is a structureless layer (6), the anterior elastic or Bowman's membrane, consisting of the remains of the formerly vascular layer of the corneal conjunctiva. The true cornea (tig. 207 c), which forms the principal part of the membrane, consists of a substance nearly allied to connective tissue. Its elements are pale bundles from 1-6000 to 1-3000" in diameter, with still finer fibrillsb, united to form larger lamellar bundles, the surfaces of which are parallel to that of the cornea ; these are connected with the bundles before and behind, so as to form a coarse reticular tissue. Between the bundles are a large number of anasto- mosing, fusiform, and stellate lacunae, with- in which are contained cell-structures form- ing the corneal corpuscles. The cells under- go fatty degeneration, partly forming the arcw senilis j and they sometimes contain pigment. The cornea contains numerous fine nerves, which ramify nearly to the surface, between the epithelial cells. The sckrotica (fig. 207, Scl.) or tunica albuginea covers the posterior four fifths of the ball of the eye ; it is a milk-white, very firm, fibrous membrane, continuous poste- riorly with the sheath of the optic nerve, becoming gradually thinner in front, except at its termination, where the tendons of the recti muscles become fused with it. It con- sists of connective tissue, the bundles of which are mostly straight, intimately united as in the tendons, forming alternating lon- gitudinal and transverse layers of various breadth and thickness. Mingled with the connective tissue are numerous fine elastic fibres, in the form of a network, with thick- enings which indicate the remains of the nuclei of the formative cells ; these, in the inner portions, contain pigment. During life, the elements of this network, in parts, appear to involve canals with liquid con- tents ; so that, when dried, they contain air. The membrane of the aqueous humour (fig. 207 d) consists of an elastic, perfectly structureless (Descemet's) membrane, some- what loosely connected with the cornea, and an inner epithelial lining. Towards the cir- cumference of the cornea, the membrane of the aqueous humour merges into a peculiar system of fibres, which commence near the margin of the cornea, at the anterior surface of the aqueous membrane (fig. 207 g) as an extended network of fine fibres, resembling elastic fibrillre ; this increases in thickness, and at the very margin of the cornea the aqueous membrane becomes lost in a tole- raoly dense network of these fibres, which curve around the margin of the iris (fig. 207*), some passing through the anterior chamber, and become fused with the ante- rior surface of this membrane and the ciliary ligament (or muscle). These fibres form the pectinate ligament of the iris, which is much more distinct in some animals (as the dog) than in man. The epithelium (e) of the aqueous mem- brane consists of a single layer of polygonal cells. These become smaller near the mar- gin of the cornea, where the membrane ter- minates as a continuous layer ; but isolated portions of elongated or spindle-shaped cells are continued over the pectinate ligament to the anterior surface of the iris. The cornea yields chondrine on boiling, and not gelatine. The choroid membrane contains a large number of blood-vessels, and abounds in pigment. Its anterior, smaller, and trans- verse portion / forms the iris. The posterior portion, or proper choroid membrane, is from 1-300 to 1-180" in thick- ness, and extends from the entrance of the optic nerve to near the anterior margin of the sclerotica, where it becomes thicker, forming the ciliary body, whence it is con- tinued into the ins. The choroid consists essentially of two parts : an outer vascular and thicker layer, the proper choroid; and an inner deeply coloured layer, the piymentum niyrum. The former may again be separated into three parts, although these are not really distinct: 1, an outer, brown, soft layer, which supports the ciliary nerves and long ciliary vessels, and contains anteriorly the ciliary ligament the outer pigment layer ; 2, a less highly coloured proper vascular layer, with the larger arteries and veins ; and 3, a colourless delicate inner layer, containing an extremely copious capillary network the choro-capillary membrane, which does not extend anteriorly beyond the margin of the retina. The stroma of the choroid proper consists of very irregular spindle-shaped or stellate cells, from 1-1500 to 1-COOO" in length, either paler, or con- EYE. [ 311 ] EYE. Fig. 208. taming a large quantity of pigment, and anastomosing by numerous long and very slender processes (fig. 208). These cells are most distinct in the outer layer ; whilst more internally, and especially in the cho- ro - capillary mem- brane, they gradually pass into a homoge- neous or slightly stri- ated nucleated tissue, containing but little and ultimately no pigment. In some animals the choroid mem- brane contains mus- cular fibres. Cells from the stroma of Between the stro the choroid ;' containing -*' pigment; b, fusiform cells ma and the pigmen- without pigment; c, ana- turn nigrum is a very 8t niosi8 of the former. , , . , , . , J Magn. 3oO diams. thin elastic layer ; this is either structureless, granular, or finely reticulated, and is comparable to a base- ment membrane. The ciliary muscle tensor choroidees (fig. 207 &) is composed of a tolerably thick layer of radiating unstriated muscular fibres; these, intermixed with pigment- cells of the choroid, pass from the anterior margin of the sclerotica to the ciliary body, and lose themselves in its anterior half, opposite the base of the ciliary processes. The fibre-cells are 1-600" in length, broader than most fibre- cells, and not easily isolated in man. The ciliary processes consist of the same stroma as the choroid; but the stellate cells are more delicate and fewer, and, with the exception of those at their base, do not contain pigment; nor are they furnished with the elastic lamina. The piymentum nigrum (fig. 207 in) lines the inner surface of the choroid, and as far Fig. 209. Cells of the human pigmentnm nigrum a, surface dew ; b, side view ; c, pigment-granules. Magnified 350 diameters. as the termination of the retina, consists of a single layer of beautiful, regularly six- sided cells (fig. 209 a, b), from 1-2000 to 1-1500" in diameter ; they contain abund- ance of pigment. Beyond the margin of the retina, the cells f orm mostly two layers, and become rounded and more loaded with pigment. The granules of pigment are very minute, rounded, from 1-20,000 to 1-30,000" in diameter, and exhibit mole- cular motion. In the eyes of albinos, and in the region of the tapetum of animals, the cells contain no pigment. The iris (fig. 207, I) consists of three layers : an anterior epithelial layer ; a pos- terior layer of pigment, called the uvea, and continued from the inner pigment layer of the choroid ; and a middle, the thickest or fibrous layer. The fibrous layer differs from the choroid, in containing connective tissue forming deli- cate loose bundles, some of which pursue a radiating, others a circular course, and in- terlacing variously; in this tissue are a number of spindle-shaped or stellate cells, containing pigment, corresponding to those of the choroid, and in addition to nume- rous blood-vessels and nerves, two sets of muscular fibres : the latter in some animals are transversely striated ; but in man they resemble the ordinary unstriped fibre-cells, and are 1-600 to 1-400" in length. One set forms a sphincter for closing the pupil, its fibres taking a circular direction ; the other set consists of bundles of radiating fibre- cells, traversing the stroma of the iris. The pigment layer or uvea consists of the same elements as those of the corresponding laver A . i t i * D v of the choroid. The anterior coat consists of a single layer of rounded, flattened epithelial cells. The blood-vessels of the choroid mem- brane and ciliary processes are easily injected (e. g. in the sheep or ox) from the ciliary arteries, and form a magnificent object. The retina is the terminal membranous expansion of the optic nerve within the globe of the eye. It consists of nerve-cells and fibres, imbedded in a spongy supporting connective tissue. Nine layers are distinguishable in a transverse section of the retina (fig. 210), commencing from within: viz. 1, the inter- nal limiting membrane (b) 2, the layer of optic nerve-fibres (d) 3, a layer of nerve- or ganglion-cells (e) ; 4, a molecular layer j 5, an inner granular layer (/) ; 6, an inter- mediate granular layer (g) 7, an outer EYE. C 312 ] EYE. granular layer (h) ; 8, a narrow outer limit- ing membrane ; and 9, the layer of cones (*'), and bacilli (k). The pigment-cells of the choroid membrane are also some- times considered a layer of the retina. Fig. 210. Perpendicular section of a piece of the posterior part of the human retina. a, hyaloid membrane with nuclei ; 6, internal limiting membrane ; c, ends of the radiating fibres, so altered aa to present a cellular appearance; d, layer of optic nerve-fibres; e, layer 01 nerve-cells; f, inner granular layer: g, intermediate or finely granular layer, in which the radiating fibres are more distinct than elsewhere; h, outer granular layer; t, inner division of the layer of bacilli, with the cones ; k, outer division, with the processes of the cones and the true bacilli. Magnified 350 diameters. The internal limiting membrane (b) is an extremely delicate structureless film, cover- ing the inner surface of the retina, including the entrance of the optic nerve, and the macula lutea. The expansion of the optic nerve forms a membranous layer of extremely delicate transversely radiating fibrils (fig. 211,5), from 1-24,000 to 1-12,000" in diameter, and mostly exhibiting varicosities. They contain no nuclei, and appear to consist of the axial fibres only. They are aggregated into 'flattened bundles which either run parallel or anastomose with each other. They are absent, or at least as a coherent layer, opposite the macula lutea. The layer of nerve-cells (e) consists of ordinary nerve-cells, pyriform, roundish, or angular, with pale processes ; they vary in diameter from 1-3000 to 1-750". The molecular layer lies between the ganglion-cell layer (e) and the inner granular layer (/). The outer limiting membrane is situated between the outer granular layer (h) and the layer of cones and bacilli 0> The remainder of the retina is mainly composed of a very large number of parallel, very slender (1-60,000 to 1-20,000" diame- ter), highlv refractive, radiating fibres or tubes (Muller's fibres), with their axes at right angles to the surface of the choroid, upon which their outer ends rest, whilst their inner, triangular or branched ex- tremities are in contact with the limiting membrane. They produce the striated appearance presented by a section of the retina (fig. 210). They are furnished at certain parts of their course with expan- sions containing each a nucleus j and the fibres are very numerous. These nucleated expansions being opposite each other, or in the same planes, give rise to the appearance of distinct granular layers mentioned above. The more internal nucleated expansions are Fig. 211. Elements of the human retina. 1. "Radial fibres with bacilli : k, bacillus, connected with the fibre (r) by its inner acute end ; h, nucleated expansion (cell), appear- ing in the outer granular layer ; I, expanded end of the fibre, resting upon the limiting membrane m; k 1 , a bacillus connected with a cone i ; r', fibre running from the cone to the cell./ of the inner granular layer ; , branched termination of a radial fibre, often present. 2. Bacilli separated from the fibres, broken and curved, &c. 3. Fibrils from the expansion of the human optic nerve : a a, larger, b, smaller, fibrils with varicosities ; c, undulating pale fibres belonging probably to the pro- per radiating system. 4. Two cones connected with bacilli, and fragments of the fibres remaining : a, ba- cillus ; b, cone ; c, nucleus of cone. Magnified 350 diameters. EYE. [ 313 ] EYE. connected with the nerve-cells of the retina by minute nerve-tubes. Their outer portions have been distin- guished as the bacilli and cones; but the whole probably form one continuous system of nerve-cells and tubes. The bacilli, regarded (fig. 211, 1 k k', 2} as distinct bodies, are cylindrical, narrow and elongated, of the same breadth through- out, truncated externally, and terminating internally in a more slender portion of the fibre; they are from 1-430 to 1-330" in length and 1-1 5,000" in breadth ; near the point of attachment to the fibre is a trans- verse line. They are extremely delicate, and easily broken or deformed. The cones (tig. 211 1 i, 4 ty are bacilli with a conical or pyriform body, and are also very easily injured. A slight constriction divides each cone into two parts, the innermost of which (fig. 211 4 c ) contains a nucleus. The cones are from 1-6000 to 1-4000" in diameter. In most parts of the retina the cones are surrounded by several bacilli ; opposite the macula lutea they alone form a continuous layer ; whilst at its margins, single bacilli intervene between the cones (fig. 212). Fig. 212. End view of the rows of bacilli and cones from the outside. 1, opposite the macula lutea, cones only ; 2, at its margins ; 3, at the middle of the retina, a, cones or spaces corresponding to them ; 6, bacilli of the cones, th ends of which are often situated somewhat beneath the level of those of the true bacilli, c. Magnified 350 diameters. Opposite the entrance of the optic nerve, both bacilli and cones are absent. These curious bodies are more distinctly seen in many animals than in man (PL 50. fig. 5), and they present certain varieties: thus, the cones are deficient in bats, the hedge- hog, the mouse, the mole, and the sharks and rays ; while the bacilli are deficient in the reptiles. The inner ends of the radiating fibres when overlapping each other, and especially when swollen by the action of water, present the appearance of a number of rounded or angular cells (fig. 210, c), for which they were once mistaken. It is thus evident that, excepting the layer of nerve-cells and that of the fibres of the optic nerves, the retina cannot truly be considered as composed of layers. The series of bacilli and cones, when torn from their connexion with the radial fibres, form the so-called Jacob's membrane. Between the nerve-fibres, from the outer to the inner limiting membrane, lies the connective supporting tissue ; this also forms a considerable portion of the mole- cular and granular layers. In modern works, the fibres of this tissue are called M tiller's fibres. But Kolliker has shown that the true radiating or Muller's fibres are not dissolved by boiling, and are coloured red by Schultze's test; so that they have not the chemical composition of connective tissue. We cannot enter into the physiology of these radial fibres, which have been shown to be the percipients of light. Crystalline lens. The crystalline lens is contained in a capsule (fig. 207 q s), con- sisting of a perfectly structureless, very elastic membrane, the anterior half of which is lined with a single layer of very Fig. 213. Fibres or tubes of the lens of the ox. Magnified 350 diameters. EYE. [ 314 ] EYE. transparent, polygonal, epithelial cells (fig. 207, ), from 1-2000 to 1-1200" in diameter. The lens itself consists of long, transpa- rent, six-sided, flattened fibres (fig. 213), from 1-4800 to 1-2400" in breadth and 1-8500 to 1-13,000" in thickness ; these are tubular, at least in the outer portions of the lens, and contain a tenacious sarcodic sub- stance, which escapes from the ends of the broken fibres in irregular globules. The form of the fibres is best seen in a transverse section (fig. 214). Fig. 214. Transverse section of the fibres or tubes of the hu- man lens. Magnified 350 diameters. The fibres are firmer, narrower, and more highly refractive towards the centre of the lens. Their general arrangement is such that their broad surfaces are parallel with the surface of the lens, and that they fol- low a direction from the middle of the anterior to that of the posterior surface, curving laterally in their course not, how- ever, exactly from the middle, but from the arms of a star-shaped kind of centre, at which parts (fig. 215) the fibres are Fig. 215. Anterior view of human crystalline lens (adult), showing the stars and the direction of the fibres. Magnified 5 diameters. replaced by a homogeneous or finely gra- nular matter. The arms of the star present upon the surfaces are the extremities of planes extending through the substance of the lens, from which the inner fibres take their origin. The arms of the anterior and posterior stars are not parallel with each other j nor are the fibres arising from any part of the arm of one cross inserted into the corresponding part of the arm of the opposite cross. Great variety exists in dif- ferent animals in the structure and arrange- ment of these stars and planes. Thus in the human foetus the star has three arms or planes, whilst in the adult there are from nine to sixteen, of which three are frequently more distinct than the others. In some animals they are replaced by a pole, from which the fibres radiate like meridians, as in the cod, the Triton, and Salamandra ; in others, there is a single plane, as in some fishes, the frog, the hare, the rabbit, and the dolphin ; whilst in most of the mammalia there are three, and in the whale, the bear and the elephant there are four. The edges and marginal surfaces of the fibres of the lens are uneven or toothed, so that their lateral connexion becomes more intimate ; hence the lens separates more readily into parallel laminae in the direc- tion of the surface than in the opposite direction. In many animals, especially fishes, as the cod, the roach, &c., the irregularities of the fibres of the lens are replaced by beautiful teeth (PI. 50. fig. 6). Vitreous humour, or body, is enclosed in a membrane, the hyaloid membrane, which behind the dentate margin of the retina is extremely thin and delicate ; anterior to this it becomes firmer (fig. 207 t) and passes, forming the zonule of Zinn, to fuse with the capsule of the lens. In thus doing, it sepa- rates into two layers: a posterior (v\ which becomes consolidated with the cap- sule of the lens somewhat behind its mar- gin ; and an anterior (u), connected with the ciliary processes, which becomes attached to the capsule of the lens, a little in front of its circumference : between these two is the canal of Petit (C.P.). The posterior layer is sometimes considered as arising from a condensation of the tissue of the vitreous humour. The structure of the vitreous body is still obscure. The structure of the eye is very difficult of examination, the parts being so delicate and easily injured. Many of them can be EYE. [ 315 J FASOLE. made out by dissecting the eye under water ; but the more delicate structures should be immersed in the liquid of the anterior chamber. Solution of chromic acid and alcohol is useful for hardening the parts to allow of sections being made with a Valen- tin's knife. The cornea may be hardened in chromic acid, sections cut in paraffine, and stained with logwood. The nerves and corpuscles are best stained with nitrate of silver or chloride of gold. The retina may be hardened in chromic acid and spirit, and the rods and cones in osmic acid, sections being made by freezing ; logwood stains the granular layers, the rods and cones remaining unaltered. The lens should be hardened, either by maceration in solu- tion of chromic acid, or by drying. The fibres may be well preserved in the dry state. The structure of the eyes of the lower animals is briefly noticed under the classes, &c. In the mammalia generally, it is essentially the same as in man j and the eye of the ox or sheep may be selected for examination. BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An. ; Todd and Bowman's Phys. of Man] Miiller, H., Comptes Rendus, 1856, 743 (Ann, N. H. 1856, xviii. 492) ; Nunneley, Qu. Micr. Jn. 1858, 136 ; Schultze, An. und Phys. d. Retina (8 pi.), 1867, & Strieker's Handbuch, 976; Hulke, Mn. Mic. Jn. ii. 227, Phil. Tr. cv. 109; Lawson, Ciliary Muscle of Birds, ibid. ii. 204 ; Frey, HistoL, 1876, and the full literature therein ; Klein, HistoL 342 ; Hannover, Ret. de Fhomme et d. Vertebr., 1877; Gerlach, An. mensch. Auge,I88Q; Eloni, Cornee d. an. vert. 1881. EYLAIS, Latr. A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Hy- drachnea. Char. Palpi longish, fourth joint longest, the fifth obtuse, somewhat tumid, spinous ; mandibles unguiculate ; rostrum very short, mouth round; body depressed; two ap- proximate pairs of eyes ; coxae compara- tively narrow, the fourth only in contact with the third at its base. E. extenders (PI. 6. fig. 28). Skin soft, furrowed, with the ramified alimentary canal visible through its substance. Between the two anterior coxae (d) is seen the bilobed labium (a), the posterior portion containing the round and ciliated mouth, the anterior portion forming a kind of hood ; palpi (6) with the three first joints very short; man- dible consisting of a long thick joint, with a thick mobile claw (c). Fig. 28 d, under surface of body, exhibiting from before backwards : the mouth, with the hood, and the palpi ; next two groups of anterior coxae ; the vulva and two stigmata ; the four pos- terior coxae ; and, lastly, the anus in the middle, with a stigma on each side. The larvae are hexapod, reddish, pellucid, with the eyes four, wide apart. E. confinis, K. E. atomaria, K. BIBL. Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 se"r. i. 156 ; Gervais, Walcken. Arachnid, iii. 207 ; Koch, Deutschl. Crustac. F. FABULARIA, Defrance. A porcella- neous Foraminifer, growing like a Bilocu- lina, but having its chambers filled with labyrinthic shell-matter, the cavities in which are mostly elongate with the axis of the shell. They are narrow, and, open ing terminally, make a cribriform septal face. Quinqueloculina saxorum has thickenings within, making internal grooves and ridges, thus verging on the Fabularian type ; and Hauerina has a cribriform septal plate, but without superadded internal structure. Fabidaria ovata (De Roissy), known also as F. discolithus of Defrance, abundant in the Eocene Tertiaries of France, is the only known species. BIBL. Carpenter, Introd. For am. 82. FADYE'NIA, Hook. A genus of As- pidieae (Polypodiaceous Ferns); 1 spec., Brazil. FyECES. We shall not dwell upon the nature of the objects contained in the faeces ; suffice it to say that they may consist of : the elements of the various secretions poured into the intestinal canal ; the pro- ducts of inflammation ; undigested remains of articles of food, or bodies taken with the food or drink ; and entozoa (Anchylostoma, Anguttlula,Trichocephalus),Amo2bce,Bacteria &c. Some of these resemble other bodies very closely to the naked eye. The use of chemical reagents should never be omitted in their examination. FARREL'LA, Ehr. A genus of Cteno- stomatous Polyzoa, fana. Vesiculariidae. F. repens ; no gizzard ; on shells, algae &c. (Hincks, Polyzoa, 528.) FASCLE. The fascias consist of the same elements as AREOLAR TISSUE, and FATTY DEGENERATION. [ 316 ] FEATHERS. present all the varieties of arrangement in- termediate between it and TENDON. FATTY DEGENERATION. See DE- GENERATION, FATTY. FATTY TISSUE, or ADIPOSE TISSUE. This is formed of colourless cells, with a very delicate, transparent/structureless cell- wall, enclosing, in the normal state, glo- bules of yellowish fat (PL 49. fig, 41). The cells generally occur in groups, surrounded by or imbedded in connective tissue. They are rounded when isolated, or polygonal when aggregated, and from 1-800 to 1-300" in diameter; and the fat so fills them, that neither the nucleus which they contain nor the cell-wall is visible. The fat may be removed by drying them, and digesting with ether, when the cells appear contract- ed and wrinkled. In emaciated and drop- sical subjects, each cell contains a number of small globules of fat, frequently of a reddish colour (PI. 38. fig. 3), together with serum, and the nucleus is very distinct. Sometimes in these cases the cells are some- what spindle-shaped or stellate. The fat con- tained in the cells is ordinarily in a liquid state ; but sometimes the margarine separates in the crystalline form (PL 11. fig. 15 a). In the mammalia generally the fatty tissue occurs in the same localities, and has the same structure, as in man. In fishes, the fatty matter is deposited principally in the liver. In reptiles, it occurs chiefly in the abdomen : thus in the frog and toad it forms long appendages occupying the sides of the spine. In birds, it exists chiefly be- tween the peritoneum and the abdominal muscles, and in some of the bones. In many of the lower animals it appears to exist in the state of solution only. Fatty tissue is formed from connective' tissue cells. Fatty matter may be deposited in cells of all kinds, as in FATTY DEGENERATION. During the development of cells, it exists in solution. The action of solution of potash is often of service in distinguishing globules of protoplasm, which have a high refrac- tive power, and much resemble those of fat, from this substance, as it dissolves the former, but not the latter ; solution of osmic acid renders fat-globules black. BIBL. Todd and Bowman, Phys. of Man ; Kolliker, Mikr. An. ; Klein, Hist. 42 ; Frey, Hist. FAUJASINA, D'Orb. A delicate and handsome Foraminifer, but not typical. F. carinata, D'Orb., found in the Maas- tricht Chalk, is a thin asymmetrical (plano- convex) Polystomella, somewhat thinner or flatter than P. macella (F. & M.), which is a subcomplanate, perhaps starved, variety of P. crispa (Linn.). BIBL. Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H.Sser. v. 104 ; Carpenter, Introd. 213, 286. FAVEL'LA. A form of the concepta- cular fruit of the Florideous Algae, where the spores are collected in spherical masses situated wholly upon the external surface of the frond, as in Ceramium&nd Callithamnion. FAVELLIDTUM. A form of the con- ceptacular fruit of the Florideous Alga?, where the spores are collected in spherical masses attached to the wall of the frond or imbedded in its substance, as in Halymenia and Dumontia. The term is usually ex- tended to similar fruits not perfectly im- mersed, e. g. those of Gigartina, Gelidium, &c., where they form tubercles upon the branches. Sometimes these tubercles open by a pore on the surface, when mature, to emit the spores. FA'VUS (Porrigo in part, Willan and Bateman). A disease of the skin, character- ized by the presence of cup-shaped isolated or aggregated crusts, consisting of a Fungus. (See ACHORION.) FEATHERS OF BIRDS. Feathers agree in all essential points of structure with the hairs of other animals. Each feather is composed of a quill (con- taining the pith), a shaft, and a vane or beard with its barbs. The whole consists of a number of epidermic cells, often con- taining pigment, but in most parts so con- solidated or fused together as to be imper- ceptible. In the quill, the cells are flattened, elon- gated, and arranged with their long axis in the direction of that of the feather, and their nuclei have the same form as those of the corresponding part (cortex) of the human hair. The cells of the pith are often undistinguishable in old feathers, whilst in the younger ones they are very distinct, rounded or polygonal, and contain air. The shaft and the barbs exhibit the same cortical and medullary structure ; the latter is often beautifully distinct (PL 22. figs. 14 & 15 c), and causes them to resemble closely the hairs of some Rodents. The barbs are some- times furnished with secondary barbs, or barbules, resembling them in form, but dif- fering mostly in the absence of the pith. Feathers are developed in a capsule, and from a pulp or matrix, as in the case of FEET. [ 317 ] FERMENTATION. hairs. Hence a feather may be regarded simply as a large, doubly or triply pinnate hair. During development, the cell structure is very distinct ; but in the mature feathers, digestion with solution of caustic potash is requisite to render this visible ; and fre- quently even under these circumstances, the nuclei alone can be detected. The barbs of some feathers resemble the shafts, being rounded or angular, and free or unattached (figs. 17 & 18) ; but in others they are flattened, and linked together in a remarkable manner, much resembling that met with in the wings of Hymenopterous and other Insects (PL 34. figs. 11 & 13), and which has been so often adduced as one of the many wonderful instances of design in the creation. Thus the upper or outer margin of each barb is fringed on both sides with hair-like elongated processes or pinnae (PI. 22. fig. 15 , 6), which differ in struc- ture on the two sides. On one, and this always the same side of each barb (fig. loft), the pinnae are toothed on one edge (fig. 16 b* ), whilst the pinnae arising from the other side (fig. 15 c) exhibit, beyond the middle, a number of curved hooks (fig. 16 a), which clasp around the first kind existing upon the adjacent barb, so as to retain a firm hold upon them, this being aided by the teeth, which prevent them from slipping. If the relative position of the two sets of pinnae which spring from two adjacent barbs be examined, it will be seen that they cross each other at a considerable angle, so that any pinna from one barb crosses several of those belonging to the next barb. Hence each pinna is connected by its hooks with several of those which it crosses ; for the pinnae with hooks are situated outside or above those not furnished with these ap- pendages. The under or inner margin of each barb is simply membranous, and curved so as to overlap that of the next. The free barbs of feathers are often met with in the examination of liquids &c. left exposed to the air (figs. 17 & 18). BIBL. Schwann, Mik. Untersuch. ; Re- clam, De Plamar. Evolut. ; Leydig. Histol. 99 ; R. Beck, Achr. Micr. 31. FEET. In descriptions, &c., of the Arti- culata, especially of Insects, the word feet is mostly used to designate the legs j hence when met with in the w r orks of systematic and other writers on these classes, it must be understood to mean the legs. FEET OF INSECTS. See INSECTS, Legs. FEGATEL'LA, Raddi (Conocephalus, Hill). A genus of Marchantiaceous Hepa- ticae. F. conica (Marchantia cornea, Brit. FL), the only British species, is not un- common, and is one of the largest of the tribe. It is distinguished from Marchantia by its nearly entire conical fertile receptacle. The dichotomously divided frond is of a yellowish green colour. This genus is re- markable for the mode in which the pedicel of the sporange becomes detached from the base of the epigone before the former bursts (fig. 220) ; the perigone holds the sporange firmly between its valves until empty, and then lets it fall out, together with its pe- dicel. Hence fully-developed sporanges are seldom found in dried specimens. (See MABCHANTIE^;.) Fig. 219. Fig. 220. Fegatella conica. Fig. 219. Vertical section of the upper part of a fer- tile receptacle, showing four of the sporanges sur- rounded by their perigones and epigones almost en- closed in the conical receptacle. Magnified 10 diams. Fig. 220. A sporange just before bursting, enclosed in its epigone ; its pedicel detached at the base. Magn. 20 diams. BIBL. Hooker, Brit. FL v. pt. 1. 107 ; Bis- choff, Nova Acta, xvii. 970, pi. 68; Engl. Bot. pi. 504. FEL'SPAR. See ROCKS. FEL'STONE. See ROCKS. FENESTRELLA, Grev. A genus of Diatornaceae. Char. Frustules free, disciform ; disk with minute radiant dots, interrupted in the middle by a transverse band, composed of parallel lines of dots, band terminated at each end by a flat ocellus (nodule). F. barbadensis. Barbadoes deposit. BIBL. Greville, Micr. Tr. 1863, p. 67. FERMENTATION. Under this name are understood various processes of decom- position of organic compounds; although it would be desirable to restrict it to those taking place with the cooperation of living organisms. The most familiar examples of the fermentation produced by the growth FERMENTATION. C 318 ] FERMENTATION. of living organisms, are those which convert saccharine infusions into spirit, vegetable juices into beer, wine, &c., or vinegar j and occur generally in watery solutions of vege- table substances containing saccharine mat- ters or other ternary compounds with a certain amount of nitrogen ; with these is included also the putrefactive fermentation of moist animal or other highly nitrogenous substances. Much obscurity still prevails upon this subject; but all investigations appear to tend in the direction of proving that these changes are absolutely dependent upon the agency of Fungi; and that each kind of fermentation is produced by a distinct vegetable organism. Thus: the vinous fer- mentation appears to depend entirely upon the growth of Yeast, a microscopic fungus, in the liquid (see YEAST) ; while milk-fer- inentation is caused by Bacterium lineola ; butyric fermentation by Bacillus suUilis &c. Yet, according to the experiments of Muntz and Pasteur, it appears that the living cells of the higher plants, can in the absence of oxygen, act like fungi, and produce a true introcellular alcoholic fermentation. The Yeast-plant as ordinarily known, appears so associated with Penicillium, that there seems no doubt as to the necessary relation between them. We find that beer, exposed to the air at ordinary summer temperatures, soon becomes coated with the minuter glo- bules (conidia) of Yeast, forming a dry- looking whitish powder over the surface ; and very soon after, Penicillium glaucum makes its appearance in fruit. Turpin found the same thing in milk. Again, the ' vine- gar-plant,' as it is called, which converts solutions of sugar into vinegar, seems to be undoubtedly the mycelium of Penicillium glaucum, as it fructifies with the characters of this when the liquid is exhausted ; but the gelatinous mass of mycelium contains, intermixed with the ordinary filaments of this genus, spherical and elliptical cells and chains of cells of all sizes, many of which are undistinguishable from the Yeast- plant, and the mycelium of Oidium. It must be recollected also, that the growth of true Yeast is favoured by a certain amount of heat, while the grows luxuriantly at ordinary temperatures. Dead Yeast causes no fermentation. The f mother ' of vinegar, which finally decomposes the acid, appears to be the same plant ; and no satisfactory distinction can be drawn between this and those mycelia forming cloudy flocks in and decomposing various saline solutions, &c., described as species of Hygrocrocis, Leptomitus, &c. The decay of wood, again, is often greatly ac- celerated by the growth of the mycelium of Fungi, which seems to decompose the organic compounds in the wood in the same way that the Yeast does those in organic liquids. A general law indeed appears to prevail throughout the Fungi, that their nutrition differs from that of all other plants in depending exclusively on the absorption and decomposition (with the evolution of carbonic acid) of organic compounds, there- fore consisting of the performance of the operation of fermentation on the organic matters upon which they feed. Details upon the microscopic phenomena attending fer- mentation produced by Fungi will be found under YEAST, VINEGAR-PLANT, TORULA, PENICILLIUM, and SCHIZOMYCETES. The fermentation of animal substances, and of vegetable substances containing abundance of nitrogen, in which ammonia is liberated, is generally called putrefaction, or the putrefactive fermentation. This pro- cess has been shown to be produced by the growth of living organisms resembling those causing the fermentations alluded to in the foregoing paragraphs ; and when the organic liquids are thoroughly boiled and sterilized, they may be kept indefinitely without change. "These organisms appear in myriads during the decomposition which takes place when a piece of meat, &c., slices of potato, fleshy Fungi, &c., are kept moist and ex- posea to the air for some days in warm weather; and they continue to multiply until the putrefaction is complete, when they die away. It is a question perhaps whether they liberate the ammonia and carbonic acid by a kind of respiration while living, or as an excrement. One point of interest connected with the fermentation -plants must not be passed over, viz. that the supposed distinction be- tween the chemical processes of nutrition in animals and plants, falls to the ground when these Fungi are taken into considera- tion ; as they do not live by converting in- organic substances into organic compounds, but, like animals, decompose ready-formed organic compoumds into others and into their inorganic elements. BIBL. Turpin, Mem. Museum, 1840 ; Bail, Flora, 1857, 417 ; Mulder, Chem. of Veg. and An. Phys. ; Liebig, Lett. Chemistry, 1231; Gmelin, Organ. Chem.; Lowig, C'hem. FERNS. [ 319 ] FERNS. org. Verb. i. 223 ; Mitscherlich, Pogg. An- na/. Iv. 224 ; Lekrb. 4. ed. 371 : Cagniard Latour, Pogg. Ann. xli. 193; Schwann, ibid. 184 ; Uie,Eiblioth. Genev. 1839 ; Helm- holtz, Miiller's Archiv, 1843, 453 ; Reess, Alcoholgdhrungs - Pilze, 1870 ; Pasteur, Etudes s. 1. Vmaigre, 1868, *. I Tin, 1872, *. /. iere, 1876 ; V. Tieghem, Ann. Sc. Nat. yiii. 1868; Fremy, Gener. d. Ferments, 1875; Schutzenberger, Ferment. 1875; Gayon, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1875, i. 5 ; Muntz, Ferment, Compt. Rend. 1878 (Jn. Mic. Soc. 1878, 23) ; Lister, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1878, xviii. 177 ; Nageli, Theor. d. Gahrung, 1879 ; Sachs, JBot. 254 ; Tyndall, Putrefaction $c. 1881. See also TORTJLA and PENICILLIUM. FERNS. This class of Flowerless Plants offers very many points of interest to the microscopist ; and indeed the use of magni- fying-instruments is indispensable in their examination for botanical purposes. The Fig. 221. Scolopendrium vulgare ; underside of frond. Nat. size. Ferns are characterized by the position of their spore-cases or fruits (thecae, sporangia, or capsules), which are collected into what to the naked eye look like spots, streaks, or patches of a brown colour (son) at the back or lower surface of the leaves or fronds (fig. 221), or at their margins, these fer- tile leaves either resembling the rest, or being modified in a manner which more or less disguises their nature, as in what are miscalled ' flowering Ferns' (Osmunda (figs. 222 & 223), Botrychium, &c.). The Ferns possess a stem which is more or less developed in different cases : in our native kinds it is either a slender, horizon- tal, subterraneous rhizome or rootstock, or a thick, short, erect one rising little above the ground ; but in foreign kinds this erect Fig. 222. Fig. 223. Osmunda regalis. Fig. 222. Upper part of a frond, l-6th nat. size. Fig. 223. A fertile pinnule bearing thecse without parenchyma. Magnified 10 diams. stem attains the forms and dimensions of a tree, growing up into a tall unbranched co- lumnar stem, sometimes more than fifty feet high. The anatomical structure of the stem of the Ferns is peculiar and special, depending on the character and arrange- ment of the fibro- vascular bundles (see TISSUES, VEGETABLE), which afford the best examples of that form of elementary tissue called the SCALARIFORM DUCTS. The creeping rhizomes are often clothed more or less thickly (as are also the leaf- stalks) with brown membranous scales called RA- MENTA ; and these often afford elegant mi- croscopic objects, from the peculiar arrange- ments of the cells. The leaves are gene- rally very greatly developed ; and the green blade is of more or less complex structure in different genera. In the Hymenophylla, FERNS. [ 320 ] FERNS. Filmy Ferns, the leaf is ordinarily a mere membrane of a single layer of cells, through which ramify scalarifrom ducts, to form the veins consequently there are no stomata ; but in the other orders, in Pteris for ex- ample, the leaf has an upper and lower epi- dermis with stomata, with loose cellular tissue (mesophyllum), between and through which ramify the fibro- vascular veins : the epidermal cells often have elegantly zig- zagged or waving side-walls, which pro- duce a pleasing appearance in the sections of the structure obtained in slices shaved off horizontally from the surface of the leaf. The mode of ramification of the veins or nerves of the leaves is important in system- atic Filicology, and may be observed for such purposes by immersing the dried leaf- lets in turpentine or oil, or mounting them in Canada balsam. The collections of spo- rangia or capsules on the back of the leaves sometimes occur on all of these ; in other Fig. 224. Nephrodium. Pinnule with indusiate sori. Magnified 10 diameters. there are barren leaves and fertile leaves, the latter of which are generally somewhat modified in form, deprived of a certain portion of the green expanded struc- ture, and reduced occasionally to a mere ramification of veins or ribs supporting the sporangia (fig. 223). The groups of sporangia are called sori ; they differ much in form and arrangement, and are either naked (Polypodium) , or co- vered by a special membranous structure, more or less continuous with the epidermis of the lower surface of the leaf, called an in- dusium or involucre (fig. 224) ; sometimes this indusium is so constructed as to form a kind of cup (figs. 127 & 151), which, again, exhibits a great variety of modifications. (See SORI and INDUSIUM.) The theccB or sporangia are usually col- lected in great numbers in the sori ; and con- sist of minute stalked sacs or cases, com- posed of simple cellular membrane, the cells of which are either all alike (OPHIOGLOS- SUM), or a row of them running almost round the sac are modified by the thick- ening of their walls, so as to form an elastic band (annulus), which causes the bursting of the sac when ripe. In the Polypodiaceae the annulus starts from the stalk of the capsule (fig. 225) j in Hymenophyttum and Fig. 225. Polypodiuin verrutosum. Stalked thecae with annuli. Magnified 25 diameters. Fig. 226. Fig. 227. Ceratopteris thalictroides. Fig. 226. Theca. Magn. 50 diarns. Fig. 227. Do. bursting. Do. FERNS. [ 321 J FERNS. Trichomanes it runs round in an oblique line (like the ecliptic line on a globe) ; in Glei- chenia it is also oblique (fig. 231) ; and in Schizcea and Aneimia (fig. 12, p. 41) &c. it forms a kind of cap on the summit of the case. Fig. 228. Fig. 229. Fig. 230. Ceratopteris thalictroides. Figs. 228-230. Spores. Magn. 150 diams. Fig. 231. Grleichenia.- A theca. Magnified 40 diams. ^ membranous sporangia are filled with spores having a double coat, like pol- len-grains ; and, as in these, the outer coat is ordinarily coloured, and either smoothish or marked with points, streaks, ridges, or reticulations (figs. 228-230, 232-235). (See SPOKES.) Fig. 232. Fig. 233. Fig. 234. Fig. 235. Spores of Ferns. Fig. 232. Aneimia asplenifolia. Fig. 233. Polypodium aureum. Fig. 234. Cystopteris fragilis. Fig. 235. Pteris longifolia. Magnified 100 diameters. The reproduction of the Ferns by their spores exhibits some very remarkable phe- nomena. When the spores are sown, they germinate after a time by a protrusion of the inner coat as a delicate membranous pouch (fig. 236), which elongates and be- comes divided by septa into an articulated cellular filament ; some of the cells emit slender tubular, not septate, filaments, form- ing radical hairs; and while these remain imcoloured, the larger cells from which they Fig. 236. Fig. 237. Fig. 238. Fig. 239. Germination of Pteris longifolia. Magn. 100 diams. arise acquire chlorophyll-granules. The young prothallium, as it is called, increases in size by cell-division, and at length ac- quires somewhat the form of a heart (figs. 236-239). Some of its cells produce, upon the margin or the under surface, the trichonia- tous structure! called antheridia ; which con- sist of stalked cellular bodies, of simple but peculiar structure, in the interior of which are developed minute cellules containing ciliated spiral filaments, the spermatozoids. These are corkscrew-shaped, with 3 or 4 coils, and the front end finely ciliated. On the bursting of the antheridial sac, they escape, not only from this, but from their own parent-cells, and swim about actively in the water by the aid of their vibratile cilia (PI. 40. fig. 34). The antheridia are often formed in large numbers, and the prothallium goes on pro- ducing them as long as it exists j but at a period somewhat later than that of the earlier antheridia, there appear near the middle, at the front of the under surface of FERNS. [ 322 ] FIBRINE. Fig. 240. the protliallium, other cellular bodies, of more complex structure, which are the (trchegoma or ovule-like bodies. The arche- goniuin consists of a cellular papilla, com- posed of a few colourless cells, with a canal running- down its centre (an intercellular passage), leading to a cell (embryo-cell) at the bottom, contained in a cavity (embryo- sac) in the substance of the prothalliuin. The ciliated spiral filaments make their way down this canal, like the pollen- tubes through the micropyles of Phanerogamous ovules ; and then the embryo-cell becomes developed into an embryo, which soon exhibits rudimentary leaves and rootlets, bursts out from the cavity of the prothal- lium, which decays away, and grows up into the ordinary leaf-bearing stern of the Ferns (fig. 240). The prothallia bear a vari- able number of archegonia, but not nearly so many as of antheridia ; and they exhibit, in most fully-developed spe- cimens, a number of effete organs of both kinds, which are readily distinguished by the deep-brown colour as- sumed by the membranes Pteris, seedling, bounding their cavities. The characters of the prothallium of the Ophioglossacece differ somewhat from the or- dinary forms : the prothallium is developed in the soil, several inches below the surface, and is of a whitish-yellow colour internally, being destitute of chlorophyll and starch ; its external surface is brown. The anthe- ridia are chiefly produced upon the upper side, the archegonia below, both immersed in the substance of the prothallium. The spermatozoids are described as being larger than in Polypodiaceae. The Ferns produce also gemmce on the leaves of full-grown plants; and even the prothallia are capable of vegetative mul- tiplication ; for if their archegonia are all abortive, they go on vegetating for a long time, and produce new prothallia, by some of their marginal cells budding out and re- peating the original mode of growth of the spore itself. These innovations usually bear antheridia alone, and not archegonia. The Ferns are divided into six orders. GLEICHENIACEJE. Sori dorsal, of few thecee, naked ; thecae opening vertically by a broad transverse complete annulus. POLYPODIACEJE. Sori dorsal or margi- nal, subglobose ; thecae numerous, with 01 without an indusium, usually stalked, more or less completely surrounded by a vertical annulus, and bursting transversely (except in Hymenophylleae). OSMUNDACE.E. Thecse two-valved, open- ing across the apex, with a short horizontal annulus ; vernation circinate. SCHIZ^ACE^E. Thecae two-valved, open- ing down the side, crowned by a complete operculiform annulus ; vernation circinate. MABATTIACKSB. Thecae opening by a lateral slit or a pore at the apex; no annu- lus, usually united into concrete masses (synangia) ; vernation circinate. OPHIOGLOSSACECE. Thecae deeply two- valved, opening down the side nearly to the base ; no aunulus ; vernation erect. BIBL. Berkeley, Crypt. Hot. 507 ; Presl, Pteridograph. 1838;Payen,J?or5. Cryptogam. 1850; Biachoff,Kryptoffam. Gewacfae,182&; Mohl, Martins' a Plant. Cryptog. Brasil. ; Moore, Index Filicum & Handb. of Br. Ferns ; Newmtai^Br.Ferns Henfrey, Devel. of Ferns from Spores, Linn. 2Vww.xxi.117, 1853 ; Re- product, of Cryptogamia, Ann. N. H. 1852 ; Hofmeister, Entwickelung, Scichs. Ges. 1857, v. ; JReess, Jahr, wiss. Bot. v. I860 ; Stras- burger, Befruchtung, Jahr. wiss. Bot. 1809, vii. 390 j Kny, Monatsb. Berl. Akad. 1809 ; id., Jahr. wiss. But. vii, 1 j Janczewsky, Bot. Zeit. 1872,418; Sachs, Bot. 415: Hooker, Syn. Filic. (figs, of all gen. and description of all species} ; Kny, Ann. N. H. 1870, v. 233 ; Strasburger, ibid. 1870, v. 331 j Smith, Hist. Filic. 1875; Waldner, Ferns of Germany, 1880 ; Blair, European Ferns, 1881. FIBRINE. Fibrine exhibits very nume- rous line fibres ; and is soluble in, or rendered so transparent by acetic acid, as to be invisible. Its chemical relation to the other proteine-corupounds has not been satisfactorily determined. A substance re- sembling fibrine in many of its characters, if not identical with it, occurs upon the surfaces of inflamed membranes, &c. ; in these cases it generally includes the other elements of inflammation, and almost al- ways a number of minute granules of fat. Fibrine is coloured by the test-liquids of Millon and Pettenkofer. According to Schmidt's experiments, fibrine does not pre-exist in blood, but is formed by the chemical combination of a fibrinogenous substance occurring in the blood-plasma with a fibrino-plastic matter contained in the blood-corpuscles, which escapes from them ; more recently, Schmidt considers the separation of fibrine to depend F1BROINE. [ 323 ] FILAMENTOUS STRUCTURES. upon the action of a ferment (see Frey, Hist. 16, and M. Baker, Phi/s. 93). The fibrinous plasma of the lower animals resembles fibrine in many respects, but does not separate in fibres. FIBROINE. The principal chemical constituent of silk, cobwebs, and the horny skeleton of sponges ; but the latter is now considered to be composed of a new sub- stance, spongine. In the pure state, it is white, insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, acetic acid, and ammonia. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY, ANIMAL. FIBRO-PLASTIC TISSUE. See TIS- SUE, FIBRO-PLA-STIC. FIBROUS and FIBRO-VASCULAR BUNDLES. See TISSUES, VEGETABLE. FIBROUS STRUCTURES OF PLANTS. This term is somewhat equivocal, and requires a little explanation here. In com- mon language all vegetable substances are termed fibrous which can be separated into more or less fine threads possessing a certain degree of tenacity ; special examples are furnished by those forming the materials for textile fabrics. But the anatomical or microscopical structures comprehended here are exceedingly varied, including not only liber-fibres, but spiral vessels, and even hairs. Thus, Flax (PI. 28. fig. 2) is the liber of Linum usilatissimum ; Hemp (PI. 28. fig. 6) of Cannabts ; Jute (PL 28. fig. 3) of Corchorw capsularis &c. ; Puya (PL 28. fig. 26) of Bcehmeria Puya, and the material of Chinese grass cloth (PI. 28. fig. 25) of Bcehmeria'nivea') Coir (PL 28. fig. 4) the liber-like fibre of the husk of the cocoa-nut j Manilla hemp (PL 28. fig. 7) of the fibro- vascular bundles of Musa textilis ; New- Zealand flax of Pbormium tenax ; Espar- to grass of Lygeum esparto ; and Cotton (PL 28. fig. 1) consists of the hairs covering the seeds of species of Gossypium. These and similar substances are also spoken of under LIBER, HAIRS, and under their re- spective heads. In botanical language, the word fibre has come into use in two very different senses. First, any long cell attenuated to a point at both ends, and with its walls thickened with ligneous secondary deposits, is called a Jihre by some authors. Thus the term woody fibre is applied to the shorter cells of this kind which make up the substance of most solid woods; while the term liber-fibre is applied (with more justice) to the often extremely elongated wood-tubes which form the elements of the liber of Dicotyledons and the woody part of the fibre-vascular bundles of the Monocotyledons. (See TIS- SUES, VEGETABLE.) The characters of structures of this kind will be given under LIBER and WOOD. Secondly, the term Jib re is applied to the secondary deposits upon the walls of cells, vessels, ducts, &c., which, instead of forming continuous pitted layers, take the pattern of spiral or analogous lines, and, by increasing in consistence, sub- sequently form real fibres, often elastic and unrollable, of firmer substance than the cell-wall upon which they were originally deposited. The numerous modifications of these fibrous deposits upon the walls of cells are spoken of under the heads of SPIRAL STRUCTURES, VESSELS, and SECONDARY DEPOSITS. It must not be omitted here that the walls of many cells and liber-fibres, which appear at first sight to be composed of homogeneous laminae, may often be made to exhibit spiral streaks, by the use of reagents aud macera- tion ; indeed they present themselves during the natural dissolution of the membranes of some of the Oscillatoriaceae (AINACTIS, SCHIZOSIPHON PL 8. figs. 13, 15). Hence some authors have recently recurred to the old notion that all vegetable membranes are formed of fibres cemented or blended toge- ther. This is again strongly combated by others, as regards the primary membrane of cells. We enter more particularly into the details under the article SPIRAL STRUC- TURES of Plants. FI'CUS, Linn. (Figs). A large genus of Urticacese (Dicotyledons), some of which possess a remarkably thick epidermis and curious pseudo-glandular structures con- nected with it. Ficus elastica, one of the plants yielding india-rubber, now commonly grown in pots in rooms, is a good example. The clavate bodies (PL 48. fig. '27) of Meyen, developed in cavities in the leaf, beneath the epidermis, contain crystalline deposits. (See GLANDS and RAPHIDES.) FILAMENTOUS STRUCTURES OF PLANTS. This name would be more appli- cable than fibrous structures to such sub- stances as COTTON, which consists of elon- gated hairs (PL 28. fig. ]), and indeed. to all elongated cellular filaments with thin and collapsing walls. It would include all long vegetable hairs, like those forming the coma on many seeds (Poplars, Asclepias, Gossypium, c.) ; also those forming felty coatings on the epidermis, as in many Com- posite, &c. It is also applicable to the Y2 FILARIA. [ 324 ] FISSIDENTE/E. cells of most of the Confer void Algae, to the mycelium (flocci) of Fungi, and to the medullary layer of the lichens. Many other instances will suggest themselves to the microscopist. FILA'RIA, Miill. A genus of Entozoa, of the order Nematoidea. Char. Body filiform, very long, nearly uniform ; head not distinct from the body ; mouth round, or triangular, naked or with papillae ; white, yellowish, or red, from 48 to 100 times as long as broad; oesophagus short, tubular, narrower than the intestine ; anus terminal, or nearly so ; spicula two, of unequal size, more or less twisted ; vulva situated very near the anterior extre- mity. Several species, many of which have been imperfectly examined. They are most commonly found in the abdominal cavity and between the peritoneal folds of mam- malia and birds, in the blood and the air- cells of the latter, sometimes in the subcu- taneous cellular tissue. Species are also met with in reptiles, fishes, and insects. F. medinensis. The hair- or Guinea- worm. Common in the intertropical regions of the old world. Length 6 to 10" ; breadth 1-20 to 1-10". F. bronchialis occurs in the human bronchi; F. lachrymalis in the lachrymal gland; F. oculi (papillosa) in the globe of the eye, or beneath the conj unctiva ; F. immitis in the heart of the dog ; F. rhyti- pleurites in the cockroach, &c. F. sanguinis is capillary, uniform, with- out papillae, the neck narrowed, the tail of female simple, bluntly pointed, the vulva close to the head, and the anus near the tip of the tail ; length of adult 3", of embryos rsir-TV". It is found in the immature form in human blood and urine, in chyluria and endemic haematuria. The adult form occurs in the subcutaneous connective tissue of the scrotum, &c. Two species occur in fresh water, under the leaves of aquatic plants : F. aquatilis. Fern, white, constricted behind the spherical head ; tegument not striated; oesophagus capillary, very long, sinuous ; tail gradually narrowed to a curved point ; vulva anterior to the middle of the body ; length 3-10 to 4-10"; breadth 1-250". F. lacustris. Fern, reddish-white, slightly narrowed in front, but without a constric- tion ; mouth very small, lateral, and oblique; oesophagus filiform, very long, nodose at its origin j tail conical, obtuse, terminating obliquely in a very small point ; tegument not striated ; vulva behind the middle ; length 1-2" ; breadth 1-140". BIBL. Dujardin, Helminth. 42 ; Diesing, Helminth, ii. 263 ; Kiichenmeister, Para- siten, 304; Lewis, San. Comm. Sth Hep., Calcutta, 1872; Leuckart, Parasit. 1879, 65 (fig.); Gruby and Delafond, Compt. rc/ifl. xlvi. 1217 ; Leidy and Welch, Mn. Mic. Jn. 1873, 157; Ann. N. H. 1878, ii. 199; Cobbold, Parasites, 1879 {most complete literature). FILELLUM, Hincks. A genus of ma- rine Hydroid Polypi, fam. Lafoeidae, 1 species: F. serpew, common on the larger Sertulariidae, especially S. abietina. BIBL. Hincks, Brit. Zooph. p. 214. FIR. See PINUS, CONIFERS, and WOOD. FISCH'ERA, Schwabe. A genus of Oscillatoriaceae (Confer void Algae). Char. Filaments irregularly branched, composed of uniserial cells, with interstitial subglobose cell; surrounded by mucus, forming an amorphous gelatinous stratum. F. thermalis. On the walls of warm springs (Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. ii. 285). FISSIUEN'TE^E. A family of opercu- late Acrocarpous (sometimes cladocarpous) Mosses, of gregarious or caespitose habit, with simple or much-branched stems. The leaves are amplexicaul (fig. 242), composed of minute parenchymatous cells, closely are- Fig. 241. Fig. 242. Fig. 243. Fissidens bryoides. Fig. 241. A plant of F. bryoides. Magn. 5 diams. Figs. 242 & 243. Leaves detached. More magnified to show the appendage. FISSIDENS. [ 325 ] FLAX. olated, often very papillose, produced at the back and point into a lamina beyond the leaf (figs. 243-246), whence three parts are distinguished in the latter : 1, the true horizontal blade ; 2, the dorsal lamina, arising vertically from the back of the nerve; 3, the apical lamina, the preceding lamina produced beyond the true horizontal blade Fig. 244. Fig. 247. Fiasidens bryoides. Figs. 244, 245, 246. Sections of 243, at various heights from the base. Fig. 247. Fragment of peristome. Magn. 100 diams. of the leaf in a two-edged form, on each side of the nerve. Capsule equal, rarely annulate. British genus : FISSIDENS. FIS'SIDENS, Hedw. A genus of Fissi- denteee. Character that of the family. In- florescence monoecious or dioecious, terminal on the main stem or on short secondary branches. Montague has separated the species with an entire calyptra under the generic name of Conomitrium. F. bryoides (fig. 241), not uncommon, is a most elegant little moss. BIBL. Wilson, Bryol. Brit. p. 301. FISSURI'NA, Reuss. A compressed Lagena, with slit-like aperture. It has the same relation to Lagena that Lingulina has to Nodosaria. BIBL. Reuss, Monogr. Lagen. in Sitz. Ak. Wiss. Wien, xlvi. i. 1863. FISTULI'NA. A genus of Polyporei (Hymenomycetous Fungi), characterized by the papillae of the fleshy hymenophorum being at length elongated and forming distinct tubes, which call to mind those of Solenia. Fistulina hepatica occurs not unfrequently on old oaks, on which it sometimes attains an enormous size, and when well dressed is excellent for culinary purposes. The flesh, when cut resembles that of beet-root. BIBL. Huss. i. t. 65; Berk. Outl 257, tab. 17. fig-. 1 ; Cooke, Handb. 292. FLABELLI'NA, D'Orb. One of the Nodosarince. It is dimorphous that is, having two successive plans of growth : the first spiral, like that of Cristellaria ; the later rectilinear, like that of Nodosaria, or rather of Frondicularia, which latter it resembles in its chevron-shaped flattened chambers. It differs from Frondicularia in an eccentricity, or tendency to coil, in the earliest chambers, and thus connects the Stichostegian with the Helicostegian groups. It is to Frondicularia as Vaginulina, Mar- gmulina, and Planularia are to Nodosaria. To many large flat Cristellarice (C. cassis) semigeniculate chambers give a Flabelline feature ; but pure Flabettince are rare in the recent state (Batsch figured one) and in Tertiary strata. In the Chalk (Ft. ruaosa, PI. 23. fig. 38), Gault, Lias, and other Secondary strata, Flabelline abound. BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. Foss. Tien. 92; Morris, Brit. Foss. 35 ; Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. 3. xii. 136 ; Carpenter, Introd. For. ICO, 164. FLAGELLA'TA. See INFUSORIA. FLANNEL, NATURAL. This term has been applied to sheets or layers of a harsh fibrous texture, sometimes found covering meadows, rocks, &c. after an inun- dation. It consists of the interwoven fila- ments of Confervse, with adherent or en- tangled Diatomaceae, Infusoria, crystals of carbonate of lime, &c. To the naked eye it closely resembles a piece of coarse or loosely woven cloth. Similar layers are frequently found upon the margins of pools during the summer. As the water evapo- rates, the Confervas and other organisms remain supported upon the stems of rushes, or blades of grass, and, when dry, form the yellowish, greenish, or greyish layers of the so-called natural flannel. See PAPER, METEORIC. FLAX. The liber-fibres from the stems of the Flax-plant, Linum usitatissimum(nsk. ord. Linacese, Dicotyledons). Under the microscope, the fibres (PI. 28. fig. 2) are readily distinguished from those of Cotton by the form and consistence, being round and attenuated to a point at each end, and of a firm woody consistence, which prevents them from collapsing, and having pits in the wall. New-Zealand Flax is a totally differ- PLEA. [ 326 ] FLORIDE.E. rnt substance (PHORMIUM). See FIBROUS STRUCTURES of Plants, and LIBER.] FLEA. See PULEX. FLINT. This is a subtranslucent variety of silica, forming nodules or bands in most limestones. The organisms in flint are the same as those met with in the chalk or other limestone of which the flint forms part, as a pseudomorphic replacement of the original amorphous carbonate of lime by silex, generally where decomposing organic matter induced the conditions of change. Much of the flint of the South of England has been formed out of the calcareous mud, crowded with small sponges, spicules, and Foraminifera, which hold the same position in the flint as they did in the cretaceous ooze. Large sponges are often included, with shells of Mollusks and Echinoderms, scales of Fishes, and sporangia of Desrni- diaceae, formerly recorded as distinct organ- isms (Xanthidia). The crystallized calcite of Echinoderms and some shells is not replaced by silex in limestones, but remains as cavities in ex- posed flint-masses. Many varieties of lime- stone, viz. polyzoan limestone in France, freshwater limestone in France and Turkey, orbitoidal limestone in Jamaica, oolitic limestone at Portland and elsewhere, are converted into flint, hornstone, &c. of fine or coarse grain according to the constitution of the original limestone. "Wallich has suggested that chalk-flints are due to the nearly continuous proto- plasmic layer among extensive sponge- growths having become silicified. In the examination of flint, thin sections should be made by grinding and polishing ; some kinds exhibit the organisms contained in them best by reflected, others by trans- mitted light. Some specimens, in which they are abundant, will exhibit them well in chips removed by a hammer. See AGATE and CHALK. BIBL. That of AGATE and CHALK ; Ehrenb. Ann. N. H. 1838, ii. 162 ; Turner, Phil Mag. 1833 ; Ansted,Ann. N. H. 1844, xiii. 248 ; Bowerbank, ibid. 1847, xix. 240 j Charlesworth, Geol.Jn. 1847, i. 29; Church, Proc. Chem. Soc. 1862 ; id. Chem. News, v. 95, and Phil. Mag. (4) xxiii. 95 ; Sutherland, Geol. Mag. ii. 220; Johnson, "Flint? 1871 ; Jones, Proc. Geol. Assoc. iv. 439 ; Wallich, Qu. Jn. Geol. Soc.. Feb. 1880: Sollas, -4ww. N.H. FLORID'E^E or RHODOSPO'REyE. An order of Algae. Red sea- weeds, some of the common species of which must be familiar to every one, as the delicate feathery or leaf -like plants brought away by most visitors to the sea-coast ; and the red colour, more or less permanent or fleeting, is a pretty general characteristic of this order varying however to purple, brown, and mixed tints of red, green, and yellow, and dirty white ; the green colour of the chloro- phyll being often obscured by a red pigment, phyco-erythrine. They chiefly grow in deeper water than the other sea-weeds, and are met with in finest and darkest colour in deep tide-pools of sea-water, especially on the side facing the north, where they are over- hung by the larger dark-coloured Algae, and thus shaded from the sun's rays. The greater number do not grow more than six inches high, few more than two feet. The simple.' t foims are filaments composed of cylindrical cells attached end to end ; they next rise to a gelatinous or cartilaginous expansion, composed of such filamentous structures adherent in layers, and forming a com \ act frond of definite shape. These are said to be of filamentous structure. Others have the frond composed of a number of polyg< n;;l cells, evenly arranged, and with thick walla, or, as some state, an intercellular substance binding them all together into amass ; these are technically said to be of cellular fttrm-fure. Sometimes all the cells of the frond con- tain colouring-matter, sometimes only those of the surface, or of a shallow superficial stratum. The general external appearance of the Red Sea-weeds is very varied. Sometimes the fronds are like little leafless bushes ; at others they form broad laminae ; sometimes the lower part is stalk-like, and the upper parts spread into leaf-like lobes. In Ucles- seria we have a close imitation of a regu- larly formed leaf of one of the l.igher plants. The leaf-like forms are either simple, lobed, or exquisitely pinnate or feathered ; and the Rhodosperms of warmer climates exhibit most elegantly reticulated fronds. Some of these plants deposit carbonate of lime in their tissues in such quantity that they become quite stony, so that, the vegetable form alone remaining, they are commonly mistaken for true corals (see CORAL). By placing these corallines and mdlipores in vinegar or dilute hydrochloric acid, the lime is removed, and the cellular vegetable orga- nization may be recognized. The tiopical forms of the corallines are far more varied and beautiful than our own. [ 327 ] FLORIDE^E. Red or colourless albuminous crystalloids are found in some of the Floridese. Three kinds of reproductive structures occur in these plants, viz. : 1, tetraspores ; 2, spores ; 3, spermatozoids or antherozoids. The tetraspores or tetragonidia. These structures are of similar organization throughout the order. They consist of an Fig. 248. Bhynchococcus coronopifolius. Section of the frond with tetraspores. Magnified 200 diameters. oblong or globular external cell or sac (peri- spore), at first filled with granular contents, Fig. 249. Ptilota plnmosa. Section of frond with tetrasporea. Magnified 200 diameters. which contents subsequently separate into four portions, called sporules, either by three transverse fissures (fig. 248) ; by two fissures at right angles, cutting them into quarters like an orange ; or by tri-radiate fissures which part them into the 'tetra- hedral' group (fig. 249) so often found in the division of spore- and nollen-cells : the last two occur in the spherical tetraspores. The tetraspores are rarely found collected in any capsular structure ; but in the Corallines Hildenbrant san- (fig. 141), and in some few foreign genera, they are grouped in hol- low cases (conccptacles, fig. 250). In many in- stances, however, they are found in pod-like bodies (stichidia, PL 4. fig. 13 6), either formed by meta- morphosis of portions of the lobes or lobules of the frond (Plocamiuni) , or arising independently on it. In others the tetra- spores are naked (CaUi- gectionofaconeep _ mammon), scattered over ta cle containing tetra- the sides or fixed at the tips spores, of the branches. In the Magn< 50 ^ am9 ' majority of cases, however, these bodies are immersed in the substance of the lobes or lobules, not evident externally except by the darker colour of the frond at the point where they are collected; a lens is then required for their detection ; they here appear to be formed either of the cells of the surface or of others immediately sub- jacent. Harvey, Thwaites, Pringsheim, and others regard these bodies as gemmules or gonidia-, Decaisne, J. Agardh, and other Algologists regard them as true spores. Pringsheim states that in Ceramium they grow up at once into a thallus. The true spores are simpler structures than the tetraspores, but mostly occupy a more important position. They are never scattered through the frond, but always grouped in definite masses, generally enclosed in a special capsule, conceptacle or cystocarp, which is furnished with a closed tube or trichogyne (PL 4. fig. 12 c). In fertilization, the spermatozoids conjugate with the tricLo- gyne (PL 4. fig. 12 a). Its basal cell then subdivides, the new cells forming a sporife- rous heap ; as in Nemaleon (and Batracho- spermum). Or, the trichogyne-cell' takes no direct part in the formation of the spores, which are produced after fertilization in laterally arising new cells, as in the Cera- miaceae &c. In Dudresnaya the elongated trichogyne is spiral at the' base. After its fertilization, cells sprout from beneath it, and elongate to form connecting tubes, These pass over the ends of the fructiferous branches, which are short with an enlarged terminal cell, becoming soldered with them at the points of contact, the contents being mixed : each connecting tube conjugates with several of the fertile branches. The simplest form of the spore-fruit con- FLORIDE^E. [ 328 ] FLOSCULARIA. sists of spherical masses of spores, attached to the wall of the frond, or iiuhedded in its substance without a proper conceptacle, in which latter case the cells surrounding the mass of spores are devoid of colouring- matter : such a fruit is called a favellidium, and occurs in Halymenia ; and the same name is ordinarily applied to fruits of similar struc- ture not perfectly immersed, such as those of Gigartina, Gelidium, &c., where they form tu- bercular swellings on the lobes. In some cases the tubercles present a pore at the summit, when mature, through which the spores find exit. When such a fruit is wholly external, as in Ceramium and Cattithamnion, it is called a favella. The coccidium, charac- teristic of Delesseria (PI. 4. fig. 5e), Nito- phyllum, &c., which is nearly related to this, either occurs on lateral branches, or is ses- sile on the face of the frond, and consists of a hollow case with thick cellular walls, con- taining a dense tuft of angular spores at- tached to a central column. It is generally imperf orate, but occasionally exhibits a pore through which the spores escape. The ceramidium is the most complete form of the conceptacular fruit, and is an ovate or urn-shaped case, furnished with an apical pore, and containing a tuft of pear-shaped spores arising from the base of the cavity. The walls are usually thin and membranous, and the hollow space considerable, as in Polysiphonia, Laurencia, Dasya (PI. 4. fig. 9 c), &c. From the account given by Pringsheim, of Ceramium, it would appear that these (capsule-) spores first produce a kind of pro- thallium, somewhat in the manner of the higher Cryptogamia. Peculiar bodies, forming external warts, and composed entirely of vertical fibres, but without spores, called nemathecia, are sometimes confounded with the concepta- cular fruit, and are probably immature forms of it. The spermatozoids are found in peculiar structures, to which the name of antheridia has been applied, from the supposed analogy to the organs so called in the other Crypto- gamous plants. The antJieridia are pro- duced pretty much in the same situations as the other organs of fructification, and are often developed on different individuals. They are collections of very small colour- less cells (PI. 4. fig. 126) ; sometimes col- lected into a bunch, as in Griffithsia ; some- times enclosed in a transparent tube, as in Polysiphonia ; clothing a kind of irregularly- shaped flat plate, as in Laurencia ; or occu- pying portions of the general surface of the thallus. Each of the minute cells contains a rounded motionless spermatozoid. Synopsis of the Families. RHODOMELACE^:. Frond cellular, areo- lated or articulated. Ceramidia external. Tetraspores in rows, immersed in ramuli, or contained in proper receptacles (stichidia). LAUBENCIACE^E. Frond cellular, con- tinuous. Ceramidia external. Tetraspores scattered, immersed in the branches and ramuli. COBALLINACE^J. Frond calcareous or crustaceous, rigid. Ceramidia external, con- taining the tetraspores. DELESSERIACE^E. Frond cellular, con- tinuous, areolated. Coccidia external. Tetra- spores collected into definite clusters (tori). RHODYMENIACEJE. Frond cellular, con- tinuous, the superficial cells minute. Coc- cidia external. Tetraspores scattered through the frond, or forming undefined, cloud-like patches. CRYPTONEMIACE.E. Frond fibroso-cellu- lar, composed of articulated fibres connected together by gelatine. Favellidia immersed in the frond or sub-external. Tetraspores immersed in the frond. CERAMIACEJE. Frond filiform, consisting of an articulated filament, simple or coated with a stratum of small cells. Favettce naked berry-like masses. Tetraspores ex- ternal, or partially immersed. PORPHYEACE^). Frond plane and ex- ceedingly thin, or tubular and filiform, of a purplish colour, with oval spores in sori, and tetraspores scattered over the frond. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Algce, 1849, & Phyc. Brit. ; Kiitzing, Phycol. gen. ; Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 se'r. xvi. 5, 4 ser. iii. 5 ; Derbes and Solier, ibid. 3 se'r. xiv. 261, 4 se'r. v. 209; Pringsheim, Berl. Ber. 1855; Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 se'r. iii. 363 ; Bot. Zeitung, xv. 784; Henfrey-Masters, Bot. 1878; Bornet and Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1867, vii. 166 Rosanoff, Compt. Rend. 1866; Cohn, SchuLtze's Archiv, iii. 24; Askensky, Bot. Zeit. 1867 (col. matter); Solms-Laubach Bot. Zeit. 1867; Sachs, Bot. 1874, 291. FLOSCULA'RIA, Oken, Ehr. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Floscularieea. Char. Attached ; eyes two, red ; carapace single; rotatory organ divided into more than four lobes, with elongated cilia radia- ting from their extremities. FLOSCULARLEA. [ 329 FORAMINIFERA. Eyes sometimes absent in the adult ani- mals. Sheath or carapace frequently so transparent as to be scarcely distinguish- able. Rotatory organ with five or six lobes ; the number, however, appears variable ; for Ehrenberg states in one place that the lobes are five or six, in another that they are always six. The so-called proboscis is pro- bably only one of the lobes of the rotatory organs ; freshwater. F. ornata, E. (PL 43. fig. 32). Carapace hyaline; rotatory lobes six (Ehr.), five (Duj.j, with long cilia, but no central pro- boscis ; length 1-108". Lobes of rotatory organ thickened at the ends. F. proboscidea, E. Carapace hyaline; rotatory organ 6-lobed, with short cilia surrounding a central proboscis; length, when extended, 1-18". Teeth (fig. 33). F. campanulata, Dob. Differs from F. ornata, Ehr., in having five lobes, and these flattened ; length, when extended, 1-50". F. cornuta, Dob. Rotatory organ 5- lobed, one of the lobes with a narrowed, not ciliated cornu attached, arising from its outside ; cilia long ; length, when extended, 1-40". Other species. These exquisitely beautiful animals are found adhering to aquatic plants, as Con- ferva, Ceratophyllum, &c. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 407; Duj. Inf. G09; Dobie. Ann. N. H. 1849, iv. 233 ; Cubitt, Mn. Mic. Jn. 1&69, ii. 143 (PL), and 1871, vi. 83 (new spec.) ; Weisse, Sieb. fy Koll. Zeitsch. xiv. 107 (PL) ; Hudson, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1881, i. 4. FLOSCUL ARLE'A. A family of Rota- toria. Char. Furnished with a carapace or sheath ; rotatory organ single, with a flexu- ous, lobed or divided margin. The cilia are often long, and only vibrate occasionally, mostly remaining rigidly ex- tended. Genera. Eyes absent 1. Tubicolaria. Eye single 2. Stephanoceros. ( 9 , , -, j single.... 3. Limnias. Eyes j Rotatory 1 \ aggregate 4. Lacinularia. two 1 organ ) 4-lobed 5. Melicerta. (5- or 6-lobed , 6. Floscularia.] The eyes in some of the genera (Stepha- noceros and Floseularia) disappear in the adult state ; so that they must be looked for in the young, or even in the partly hatched ova, in which they may often be distinctly teen. BIBL. Ebrenberg, Infus. p. 398. FLUKE. See DISTOMA. FLUS'TRA, Linn. (Sea-mat). A genus of Cheilostornatous Polyzoa, family Flus- tridae. Char. Polyzoarium plant-like, foliaceous, flexible ; cells in contact, alternate, in seve- ral rows, and on both sides of the polypi- dom ; aperture transverse, semicircular or lunate, valvular and subterminal. Marine. F. foliacea. Cells narrow at the base, rounded at the end, with scattered marginal spines. Common; about 4" high. F. chartacea. Cells oblong, slightly broader in the middle ; lateral margins with a single minute spine. About 1" in height. F. truncata. Cells linear-oblong, truncate at the end, margins without spines : 4-5" high. F. carbasea = Carbasea papyrea ; F. am- cularis=Btigulaflabellata ; F. Murray ana = Bugula Murr. ; F. membranacea } coriacea, and lmeata = Membranipora m. } c., and I. BIBL. Johnston, JBr. Zooph. 342 ; Reid, Ann. N. H. 1845, xvi. 385; Busk, Brit. Mus. Catal 47 ; Hincks, Polyz. 114. FLUS'TRADJE. A family of Cheilo- stornatous Polyzoa. Distinguished by the expanded, foliaceous, flexible and erect polyzoary, with its nu- merous contiguous cells. Two genera. Fhistra. Cells on both sides. Carbasea. Cells on one side only. BIBL. Busk, Mar. Polyz. (Br. Mus.} 46. FLUSTREL'LA, Gray. A genus of Ctenostomatous Polyzoa, of the order In- fundibulata, and family Alcyonidiidse. In crusting, cells radiating or alternate, the circumference with setae ; orifice rect- angular. F. hispida. Common near low-water mark upon Fucus serratus. Polyzoary brown, fleshy. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 363; Red- fern, Qu. Mic. Jn. vi. 96; Hincks, Polyz. 504. FLY. See MUSCA. FOLLICULA'RIA=^ T m. FONTINA'LIS, L. A genus of pleuro- carpous Mosses. P. antipyretica, greater water-moss; in rivulets. F. squamata. (Wilson, Bryol Brit. 422.) FORAMINIF'ERA. An order in the Animal Kingdom, belonging to the Sub- kingdom Protozoa, and class Rhizopoda. Char. Gelatinous, structureless, usually FORAMINIFERA. [ 330 ] FORAMINIFERA. microscopic marine animals, contained within calcareous shells, from orifices or pores in which tine retractile processes are emitted, by which locomotion and prehen- sion are performed. The shells are sometimes simple, con- sisting of a single cell or chamber (Uiiilo- cular, Monothalamous, or Monostegian), as in Uniloculina, Cornuspira, Ovulites, some Trochammina, Layena, Orbulina, Spirillina', but the cells are usually aggregated into a compound shell (Multilocular or Polytha- lamous). In some they are arranged end to end in a straight row (Stichostegian) , as in some Articulina, some Lituoke, Nodosaria, Frondicularia. In others the single row is rolled into a spiral (Helicostegian, Nauti- loid, Turbinoid, or Fusuline), as in Penero- plis, Lituola, Cristellaria, Polystomella, 670- biyerina, the JRotalina, Nummulites, Fusu- lina. Or the cells are arranged in two alternate rows, spirally coiled (Entornoste- gian), as in Valculma, Bulimina. Some- times the cells form two or three alternate rows, but not spirally coiled (Enalloste- gian), as in Polymorpldna, Uvigerina, Textu- laria ; whilst in others the cells are arranged around an (imaginary) axis, upon two or more opposing faces (Agathistegian), as in Miliola, Chilostometta. There are also dis- coidal shells with alternately concentric cells (Cyclostegian), as Orbitolites and Cyclo- clypeus. Many modifications, with di- morphic and even trimorphic modes of growth, also exist j thus Textularia an- nectens (PI. 23. fig. 62) is helicostegian at first, enallostegian subsequently, and sticho- stegian at last ; whilst Biyenerina and Cla- vulina (PI. 23. figs. 50 & 61) have only the alternate and linear modes of growth ; and Spirolina (PI. 23. fig. 12) is first spiral and then linear. Between the chambers are septa, consisting of either single or double plates, perforated by one or more apertures (whence the name Foraminifera), the mar- gins of which, are sometimes more or less prolonged to form tubes, as shown in figs. 31 & 41. This tube is sometimes turned inwards (entosolenian) . As the more re- cently formed chambers are often larger than the others, the shells are often more or less conical or pyramidal. The lines of j unction of the chambers, visible externally, are called the septal lines ; these are some- times sunk, sometimes raised into ridges. Frequently the outer chambers extend laterally beyond the inner, so as to conceal them ; they are then said to be embracing. In a few of the Foraminifera the sholls ar<> composed of a number of perfectly distinct cells, each with a separate outer orifice (Dactylopora, PI. 23. fig. 53). The plan of growth offers no solid ground for the classification of these organisms ; but the character of their shell-structure serves better; for there are two distinct kinds of shell : one white, opaque, and not traversed with tubules (" porcellaneous" and " imperforate "), such, as the Miliolce ; the other subtranslucent and tubular (" vitre- ous " or " hyaline," and " perforate "), such as Nodosarina, Bulimina, and Nummulites. Shells of each kind, however, are liable to become " arenaceous," by particles of sand or minute organisms being taken up in their structure, as Quinqueloculina, Lituola, Tro- chammina, Valvulina, Textidaria, and The surface of the hyaline shells presents a punctate appearance, arising from the presence of very numerous foramina, which are the outer orifices of tubules passing through the walls of the shell. The ar- rangement of these tubules and that of an- other set traversing the walls and the septa, as well as, in fact, the general structure of the shell, may be illustrated by a descrip- tion of the shell of Operculina arabica (PI. 24. fig. 23), in which they have been carefully traced by Mr. Carter. Here the outer surface, after the removal of a green- ish epidermic layer, is seen to be covered with large and small papillae the former 1-2150", the latter 1-8600" in diameter neither of which are present over the septa or at the margin of the shell. Each of the septa encloses within its walls two calcareous tubes, spaces, or channels, ono on each side the intraseptal channels (tig. 26) ; these are about 1-1900" in dia- meter, and in their course give off two sets of lateral branches, terminating upon the two surfaces of the septum in which they run. The tubes communicate at each end with a network of smaller ones ; one set of which ramifies in the upper, the other in the under wall or margin of each chamber ; these are the marginal plexuses (fig. 24 h) ; and the former terminate upon the outer margin of the shell (g g). The inner wall of the chambers is pierced by innumerable tubules about 1-9COO" in diameter, which pass directly downwards from the small papillae on the outer surface. In a vertical section of the shell, in addition to these minute tubes, seven, eight, or more parallel FORAMINIFERA. [ 331 ] FORAMIXIFERA. horizontal lines are seen (fig. 25 c) ; these are the lines of contact of the layers com- po.-ing the shell, or the lines of growth. The margin of the shell is traversed by elongated inosculating vessels, which cause the mar- ginal portion to break up into calcareous spicula (fig. 24), 1-237" long and 1-900" broad. In a transverse section of the mar- gin, more than 100 of these are seen, form- ing a triangular bundle or cord (fig. 25 ), the apex being directed towards the cham- ber, the base outwards forming the free rounded margin of the shell ; and parallel to its side run the papillary tubes of the chamber (fig. 25 b). In addition to the common foramina and the orifices of the marginal plexus, the chambers, especially those which terminate the series, are furnished with other larger orifices opening externally; these are of various forms and differently situated ; some- times they are round, numerous, and comparatively small; at others they are single and large, circular, semicircular, or lunate, c. The nature of the Foraminifera has been very differently viewed. They were formerly regarded as microscopic Cephalopoda, then as Bryozoa (Polyzoa), and again as inter- mediate between the Polypi and Echinoder- mata. Dujardin's view, however, is now sdopted, that their structure is very simple, and that they are closely allied to the Arcel- lina, the body being single and composed of a simple sarcodic substance, without the distinct separation of organs, the fili- form processes (pseudopodia), which issue from the various external apertures of the shell being comparable with those of Amoeba, Arcella, and other members of the family. The chambers contain a soft translucent colourless substance ; and often one or more minute, round, granular bodies (sarco- blasts) are present. These appear to have been sometimes regarded as nuclei. If the corpuscles described by Hertwig and Schulze as nuclei are really such, the Foraminifera may be ranked as high as the Amcebina. The nature of the contents of the intra- septal and marginal vessels is doubtful; Mr. Carter regards them as performing a water-vessel function comparable to that of the circulating system of the sponges (Grantia) ; whilst Williamson and Carpenter consider them to be filled with the organic substance of the body. The shells of Foraminifera are rarely quite chitinous ; some have a chitinous base with either a sandy or a calcareous coating. Mostly they are altogether composed of carbonate of lime, and therefore effervesce with a dilute acid. By carefully acting upon the recent organisms with muriatic acid, in the proportion of a drop of the strong acid to a watch glassful of water containing them, the animal is left (PL 23. fig. 32), retaining the general form of the shell, which it has moulded upon it- self. In the tl porcellaneous " group the shell- matter covers each segment of sarcode tent- wise, the edges of the new chambers resting on the outside of the older part of the shell. In the "hyaline" group each segment is, in many cases, fully enwrapped with shell, except at the septal orifice, through which the stolon connects the new and old seg- ments. Besides this tubuliferous shell-layer, many of the hyaline Foraminifera lay down other coats, by the investing sarcode, before new segments are set off; and these supplementary layers not only form ridges and tubercles, but also the " inter- mediate skeleton," in which vessels or canals, for the sarcode passing outwards, are more or less prevalent, constituting the " Canal-system." Recent Foraminifera can be procured by dredging, or sometimes from the sand of the sea-shore. They often form white lines or bands, between tide-marks. To separate them, the sand should be washed in fresh water, dried, and spread upon a piece of black paper, or the black disk (!NTBOD. p. xxvi), and examined as an opaque object; when the shells, easily distinguished by their forms, may be picked out by means of a mounted bristle. Or the dried sand may be stirred up with water and allowed to settle ; the sandy par- ticles will then subside, and the shells, from their chambers being filled with air, may be skimmed off' the surface ; or they may be poured off through muslin, with" the 'dis- turbed water, before all the sediment has had time to settle. In the fossil state, the Foraminifera abound in Chalk, from which they may be obtained in the manner directed under CHALK ; in fact this substance constitutes one of the best sources of them for exami- nation. In other calcareous rocks or lime- stones they are also extremely numerous. Thus in the stones of which the buildings in Paris are constructed, the shells of the FORAMINIFERA. FORAMINIFERA. Miliolidee are so abundant, that this city may be said to be built of them. The Nummulites or coin-stones which form mountains in the Mediterranean and North-Indian regions, and of which the pyramids of Egypt are principally composed, are Foraminifera (PI. 24. figs. 21, 22). Many clays, such as those of the Lias, the Oolitic and Cretaceous series, and London Tertiaries, those of Prussia, Belgium, Ma- laga, San Domingo, &c., and many shelly sands of Tertiary age in Suffolk, Italy, Ger- many, France, New Zealand, Australia, and elsewhere, also yield Foraminifera by careful washing. See the articles CHALK and RHIZOPODA. Synoptical List of the Genera and Subgenera of Foraminifera. (The subgenera are placed in parentheses.) Division A. IMPERFORATA. Subdivision 1. CHITINACEA. GROUP I. Test chitinous, imperforate. Fam. 1. Gromidae. Gromia, Dujardin; Lieberkuehtiia, Cla- parede ; Shepheardella, Siddall. Subdivision 2. CALCAREA (PORCEL- LANEA). GROUP II. Test calcareous, imperforate, porcellaneous, and sometimes sandy ; occasionally chitinous and sandy. Fam. 2. Miliolidae. a. MILIOLINA. Bathysiphon, G. O. Sars ; Sqttamulina, Schultze; Nubecularia, De- france ; Miliola, Lamarck, Plate 23. fig. 1 ( = Miliolina ) Williamson); (Uniloculina, d'Orb., PI. 23. fig. 2; Biloculina, d'Orb., PI. 23. fig. 3 ; Spirolocuiina, d'Orb., PI. 23. fig. 7 ; Triloculina, d'Orb., PI. 23. fig. 4 ; Quinqueloculina, d'Orb., PI. 23. figs. 5, 6; Cruciloculina, d'Orb.) ; Cornuspira, Schultze, PL 23. fig. 13 (Ophthalmidium, Kiibler) ; Nummuloculina, Steinmann ; Hauerina, d'Orb., PI. 23. fig. 8; Vertebralina, d'Orb., PI. 23. fig. 9 (Articulina, d'Orb., PI. 23. fig. 9); Fabularia, Defr. b. ORBITOLITINA. Peneroplis, de Mont- fort, PI. 23. fig. 11. (Dendritina, d'Orb. ; Spirolina, Lamarck, PI. 23. fig. 12.) Orbicu- lina, Lam., PI. 23. tig. 19; Orbitolites, Lam., PI. 23. fig. 17 ; Alveolina, d'Orb.. PI. 23. figs. 15, 16. c. ? DACTYLOPORINA. Ovulites, Lam. ; Haploporella, Giiml>el(=Dactylma, Zbor. ?), PI. 23. fig. 53; Dactyloporella, Giimb. (=Dactylopora, Lamarck, in parte), PI. 23. fig. 54 ; Thyrsoporella, Giimb. ; Gyroporella, Giimb. ; Cylindrella, Giimb. ; Uteria, Michelin ; Acicularia, d'Archiac. Subdivision 3. ARENACEA. GROUP III. Test calcareous and arenaceous. Fam. 3. Astrorhizidae. Psammosphcsraj Schultze ; Swosphwa, Brady; Saccammina, M. Sars; Pilulina, Carpenter; Storthosphara, Schulze ; Tech- nitella, Norman ; Pelosina, Brady ; Asche- monella, Br. ; Astrorhiza, Sandahl ; Dcndro- phrya, Str. Wright; Rhabdammina, M. Sars ; Jacuklla, Br. ; Hyperammina, Br. ; Psammatodendron, Norman (MS.) ; Sage- nella, Br. ; Botellina, Carpenter; Marsi- pella, Norman ; Haliphysema, Bowerbank ; Polyphrayma, Reuss. Fam. 4. Lituolidse. (These comprise sandy isomorphs of the simpler types of the Hyalina, such as La- gena, Nodosaria, Globigerina, Rotalia, No- nionina, &c.) Lituola, Lam., PI. 23. fig. 23 (Reophax, de Montfort ; Haplophragmium, Reuss ; Ha- plostiche, Rss. ; Placopsilina, d'Orb. ; Bdel- loidina, Carter) ; Trochammina, Parker & Jones, PI. 23. fig. 14( Hormosina,Bmdy ; Am- modiscus, Rss. ; Webbina, d'Orb., PI. 23. fig. 21) ; Nodosinella, Br. ; Involutina, Ter- quem ; Endothyra, Phillips ; Stacheia, Br. ; Thurammina, Br. ; Hippocrepina, Parker ; Cydammina, Br. Fam. 5. Parkeridae. Parkeria, Carpenter ; Loftusia, Brady. Division B. PERFORATA (Vitrea vel Hyalina). GROUP IV. Tests of many of the larger forms arenaceous, with more or less of a calcareous perforate basis ; smaller forms hyaline and perforate. Fam. 6. Textularidae. a. TEXTULARINA. Textularia, Defrance, PI. 23. figs. 47, 52 (Vuhulina, d'Orb., PI. 23. fig. 49; Bigenerina, d'Orb., PL 23. fig. 50; Venilina, G umbel; Pavonina FORAMINIFERA. [ 333 ] FORAMINIFERA. d'Orb. ; Spiroplecta, Ehrenberg ; Caneolina, d'Orb.) ; Verneuilina, d'Orb. (Gaudryina, d'Orb., PI. 23. fig. 48 ; Heterostomella, Rss. ; Chrysalidina, d'Orb. ; Tritaxia, Rss.) ; Val- vulina, d'Orb., PL 23. fig. 20 (davulma, d'Orb., PL 23. fig. 51). b. BULIMINIXA. BuKmma. d'Orb., PL 23. fig. 46 ( Virgulina, d'Orb. ; Bolivina, d'Orb. ; ifarma,P. & J.j Eobertina, d'Orb. ; Pleurostomella, Reuss). c. CASSIDULININA. Cassidulina, d'Orb., PL 23. fig. 45 j Ehreribergina, Reuss. GROUP V. Test calcareous, finely perforate. Fam. 7. Chilostomellidae. Chilostomella, Reuss; Allomorphina, Reuss j Ellipsoidina, Seguenza. Fam. 8. Lagenidae. . LAGEXINA. Lagena, Walker and Jacob, PL 23. figs. 22, 24-27 (Entosolenia, Ehr., PL 23. fig. 23 ; Fissurina, Reuss) ; Ramulina, Jones. Nodosarina : Nodosaria, Lam., PL 23. fig. 28 (Glandulina, d'Orb.; Dentalina, d'Orb., PL 23. fig. 33; Lingu- lina, d'Orb.) ; Orthocerma, d'Orb., = , . fio-. 35 (Rimulina, d'Orb.); Marginulina, d'Orb., PL 23. figs. 30-32; Cristellaria, ., . Lam., PL 23. figs. 34, 37 (Planularia, Defr.) ; Flabellina, d'Orb., PL 23. fig. 38. b. POLYMORPHININA. Polymorpkina, d'Orb., PL 23. figs. 40-43 (Dimorphina, d'Orb.) ; Uvigerina, d'Orb., PL 23. fig. 44 (Saffrina, d'Orb.). GROUP VI. Test calcareous, generally with coarse perforations; without canal- system. Fam. 9. Globigerinidse. Globigerina, d'Orb., PL 24. figs. 2, 3 (Or- bulina, d'Orb., PL 24. fig. 1); Pullenia, Parker and Jones ; Spheeroidina, d'Orb. (PL 24. fig. 4) ; Candeina, d'Orb. GROUP YII. Test calcareous, coarsely per- forate ; some with double chamber- walls and interseptal canals. Fam. 10. Rotalidde. Spirillina, Ehrenb. (PL 24. fig. 5) ; tellina, Williamson (PL 24. fig. 8); Du Una, P. & J. (PL 24. fig. 7); Planorbu Pa- , ^ 'Discor- .,_, . v D - , , Planorbulina, d'Orb., PL 24. figs. 6, 10, 12 (Tmncatulina, d'Orb., PL 24.fig. 9; AnomalinafiOrb.) ; Ru- pertia, Wallich ; Carpenteria, Gray ; Poly- trema, Risso ; Tinoporus, Carpenter ( = Gyp- sina, Carter) ; Cymbalopora, von Hagenow (PL 24. fig. 17) ; Thalamopora, Rss. ; Put- vinulina, P. & J. (PL 24. figs. 11, 16) ; Rotalia, Lamarck (PL 24. figs. 13, 14) ; Calcarina, d'Orb. GROUP VI II. Test calcareous, very finely tubulated ; all the higher forms with a system of interseptal canals. Fam. 11. Nummulitidse. a. POLYSTOMELLINA. Nonioninttj d'Orb. (PL 24. fig. 18) ; Polystomella, Lam. (PL 23. fig. 55, PL 24. tigs. 19, 20). b. NUMMULITINA. Archtsdiscus, Brady ; Amphistegina, d'Orb. (PL 24. fig. 28) ; Fu- sulina, Fischer (PL 24. fig. 15); Eozoon, Dawson ; Cycloclypetis, Carpenter ; Hete- rostegina, d'Orb. ; Operculina, d'Orb. (PL 24. figs. 23-26); Ntimmulites ) ~La > m., PL 24. figs. 21, 22 (Assilina, d'Orb.). Unplaced groups : GROUP IX. Testamcebiformia, Carter. Lobose forms. a. Test calcareous. Holocladia and Cys- teodictyina, Carter. b. Test chitinous. Cerastestina, Carter. GROUP X. Syringosphaeridae, Duncan. Test calcareous, with radiating groups of tubules. Syringosphceria and Stoliczkaria, Duncan. GROUP XI. Receptaculitidae, Giimbel. Test calcareous, consisting of an inner and an outer floor of plates, connected by the tubes of an anastomosing canal- system. Receptaculites, Defr. ; Ischadites, Konig ; Tetragonis, Eichwald ; Sphceronites, Hisin- ger ; Sphcerospongia, Salter. BIBL. D'Orbigny,D^. Sc. Nat.1826, vii.; Mem. Soc. Geol. France, iv. ; Diet. d>HisL Nat. 1845, v. ; Foram. foss. Vien. 1846 ; Ehrenb. Mikrog. 1854 ; id. Abh. Ak. Berlin. 1838, 1839, 1841, 1847, &c. ; Weaver, Ann. N. H. 1841, vii. 296, 374; Dujardin, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1835, iv. & v. ; Clark, Ann. N. H. 1849, iii. 388, 1850, v. 161; Williamson, Tr. Micr. Soc. ii., and Recent Foraminif. (Ray Soc.) ; Carpenter, Tr. Geol. Soc. 1849 ; Microscope ; Phil. Tr. 1856, 59, 60, 69; FORDA. [ 334 ] FRAGILARIA. Introd. Foram.-j Center, Ann. N. H. 1852, x., 1853, xi., 1854, xiv., &c. ; Schultze, Organism. Poll/thai. ; Midler's Archiv, 1856 (Q. J. Micr. Soc. v. 220) ; Wiegmann's Archiv, 1860 (Ann. N. If. ser. 3, vii. 306) ; Parker, Jones, and Brady, Ann. N. H. 2. xix. j 3. in., iv., vi., viii., xi., xii., xv., xvi. ; 4. iv., vi., viii., ix., x. ; Q. J. Geol. Soc. xvi. 292, 452 j xxviii. 103 ; Phil. Trans. 1865 j TV. Linn. Soc. 1864 and 1870; Monogr. Crag For. (Pal. Soc.} 1866 ; lieuss, Vent. Bohm. Kreid. 1845-46 ; Raiding . AbhandL iv. ; Denksch. Akad. Wien, i., vii., xxiii., xxv. ; 8itz. Ak. Wien, passim ; Zeitsch. dent. geoL Ges. iii., vii., &c. ; Giimbel, Abhandl. bai/r. Ak. x. fec. ; also the memoirs of Sol- dani, R6;ner, Von Hagonow, Philippi, lieuss, Czjzek, Alth, Bornemann, Egger, Neugeboren, Karrer, &c. Since 1875 the following have added to the bibliography of the subject : A. M. Norman, J. D. Siddall, J. II. Carter, W. J. Sollas, J. F. Blake, E. Vanden Broeck, Joseph Wright, H. B. Brady, A. W. Waters, Ph. de la Harpe, W. K. Parker, T. R. Jones, G. Stache, F. Karrer, C. W. Giimbel, J. W. Dawson, 0. Schwager, M. von Hantkeu, G. Steinmann, G. 0. Wallich,P. M. Duncan, G. Terrigi, C. Mobius, J. Seguenza, &c. FOR'DA, Heyden. See APHID.*:, p. 63. FORFIC'ULA, Linn. F. auricularis is the common earwig. FORMIC ACID, or acid of ants. This acid occurs in ants, especially the red ant, Formica rufa ; in the stinging hairs of some insects, as of the procession - caterpillar (Eombi/xprocessionea)', and in the poisonous secretion of the stings of insects ; perhaps also in the stinging organs of the Acalephae and Polypes. In the higher animals it is a frequent product of the oxidation of organic substances, and is also found in the juice of flesh, in the urine, in vomited liquids, and in the blood ; also in the stinging hairs of the nettle &c. FOSSIL INFUSORIA. The fossil valves of the Diatomaceae were formerly so called. See DIATOMACEAE. FOSSIL WOOD. This occurs in very different conditions : as, for example, con- verted into lignite, and the modifications of coal j or with the vegetable substance almost entirely removed and replaced by silex, preserving all the organic forms of the tissues. The mode of examining and mounting COAL, &c., is given under that article. Silicified woods which have been completely infiltrated and solidified require to be cut into thin sections and polished by the lapidary ; the friable kinds, where the infiltration has merely filled the cavities of the cells and vessels, may be split with a knife and mounted in balsam. Examples are given in PL 25. figs. 29-33. PI. 48. fig. 32, exhibits concretions of silica imi- tating structure. The stems of Palms and Dicotyledonous trees are met with com- pletely converted into siliceous blocks, sec- tions of which exhibit all the minutiae of the structure. FOSSOMBRO'NIA, Raddi. A genus of Pellieae (Hepaticae), nearly allied in the character of its vegetative structure to the Jungermannieae, having large, squarish, irregularly waved leaves. The stout stems are procumbent, and set with purple radi- cles all along the underside. The fruit- stalk arises from the underside of the stem, and turns back ; the perichaete is very large ; and the capsule bursts irregularly into four slender erose valves. F.pusilla is the Jun- f/ertnanttia pusilla of the British Flora; found chiefly on clay banks. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Jungerm. pi. 60, Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. 117 j Endlicher, Gen. Plant. suppl. i. no. 472-7. FOVIL'LA. The name applied to the liquid granular matter filling the pollen- cell and passing into the pollen-tube of Flowering Plants. The minute granules, which are of various but altogether indefi- nite sizes, exhibit an active quivering mo- tion the molecular motion, as it is called which is displayed in the same way by all finely-divided solid substances, living or dead, and is apparently dependent on purely physical causes. They appear to consist of starch-grains, minute globules of oil, and granules of protoplasm probably composed of proteine compounds. These granules are exceedingly transparent in many kinds of pollen when fresh^from their refractiug- power being nearly equal to that of the fluid surrounding them. They may be made visible by adding water. FRAGILA'RIA, Lyngb. A genus of Diatomaceae (Cohort Fragilarieae). Char. Frustules (in front view) linear, symmetrical, united into straight or twisted ffat filaments ; valves lanceolate, oblong or linear. Differs from Diatoma in the filaments not becoming separated into zigzag chains. Transverse striae only visible under oblique or "stopped" illumination. Kutzing enumerates sixteen species, of FREDERICELLA. [ 335 ] FRONDICULARIA. which ten are doubtful. Rabenhorst ad- mits 9 species, with numerous varieties. F. capucina, K. (F. rhabdosoma, E., PI. 16. fig. 33). Frustules linear in front view ; valves narrowly and acutely lanceolate; breadth of filament 1-700". Freshwater. Common in pools, &c. /3. Valves attenuate towards the obtuse ends. F. virescens, Ralfs (F. pectinalis, Ehr.). Frustules in front view linear, rectangular or cuneate ; valves obtuse at the contracted and produced ends. Freshwater. Endo- chronie green. /3. Valves cohering by the angles only. F. striatula. Valves linear, narrowed towards the very obtuse ends. Marine. BIBL. Kiitzin'g, Bacill. 45; id. Sp. Alg. 14; Ralfs, Ann. N. H. 1843, xii. 106; Smith, Brit. Diat. ii. 21 : Rabenhorst. Flor. Alg. i. 118. FREDERICEL'LA, Gervais. A genus of Polyzoa, of the order Hippocrepia, and fiunily PlumatellidsB. Char. Polypidom fixed, coriaceous, tubu- lar, branched ; polypes protruding from the ends of the branches ; tentacular disk nearly circular; tentacles about twenty-four, ar- ranged on the margin of the disk in a single series, and invested at their origin by a membrane. Freshwater. F. sultana. Polype-cells erect, cylindrical. Height of zoary about 2" ; tufted, shrub- by; stem dichotomously branched. Eggs bean-shaped, smooth. BIBL. Allman, Freshw. Polyzoa (Ray Soc.}, 110 ; Johnston, Br. Zooph. 405. FREI'A, 01. & L. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Bursarina. Char. Those of Stentor, with the buccal spire borne by an anterior membranous bi- lobed expansion. 3 species : marine. F. elegans (PI. 52. fig. 1.). BIBL. Clap, and Lachm. Infus. 217; St. Wright, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1862, 217. FREY'A. See FBEIA. FROG. The common frog (Rana tempo- raria) affords a means of studying several interesting points of structure. Thus, by gently scraping the back of the roof of the mouth with the handle of a scalpel, ciliated epithelium (PL 49. fig. 13) may be obtained, and the ciliary movement studied. The circulation in the web of the foot, and the phenomena of inflammation may be ob- served, by enclosing a frog in a wet bag, leaving one leg projecting. The bag con- taining the frog may then be placed upon a plate of wood, with a circular aperture at one end, over which the foot is to be ex- tended by tying the toes with silk or cotton threads to little tacks or nails driven into the wooden plate. Metal " frog-plates " are sold for the purpose. Sections of the kidney of the frog, made with a Valentin's knife, will show the ciliated epithelium of the necks of the urinary tubules. The circulation of the blood in the lungs and the mesentery may be examined ; but the animal should be rendered insensible by chloroform before the experiment. The ova of the frog (frogs' spawn) have formed the subject of some of our most interesting experiments on impregnation and development. The larvse (tadpoles) exhibit well the circulation in the gills, tail, and more transparent parts, and afford easily obtained materials for the study of the development of the tissues. The chorda dorsalis is well seen in a young tadpole. The frog and tadpole, however, are inferior in most respects to the Triton and its larvse for exhibiting these phenomena. The injected organs of the frog afford most interesting and beautiful preparations, especially the lungs, kidneys, skin, tongue, and web of the foot. The injection should be thrown in at the heart, and the slightest possible force used. The simplest method of killing a frog without injury, is to immerse and retain it in warm water. The muscles of the frog often contain a nematoid parasite (Myoryktes Weiss- manni). FRONDICULA'RIA, Defr. This pseu- do-genus comprises flat stichostegian Nodo- sarina, which have geniculate or chevron chambers. They are the extremely com- pressed and dilated forms of the group, having the quasi-genus Lingulina to connect them with the cylindrical Nodosarice. In Frondicularia the shell is equilateral ; nar- row-oblong, rhomboidal, or ovate; greatly compressed; chambers in a straight row, depressed, each forming two sides of a tri- angle, with the angle sometimes prolonged ; septal lines often raised as ridges ; inter- mediate spaces sometimes striate; first chamber oval ; aperture round, on the upper angle. Recent in the Atlantic. Fossil in the Tertiaries of Italy, Spain, and West Indies ; and abundant in the Chalk, Gault, Lias, and other fossil clays. Fr. spathulata (PL 23. fig. 39) shows the early portion of a speci- FRONTONIA. [ 336 ] FUCACE.E. men from the Chalk, closely allied to the typical Fr. complanata, Defr. BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. Foss. 67; Wil- liamson, Itec. For. 23 ; Morris, Br. Foss. 35 ; Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. ; Carpenter, Introd. For. 160, 164. FRONTO'NIA, Ehr. A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Bursarina (Cl. & L.). Char. Resembles Ophryoglena, except in the absence of the watch-glass organ. Most of the species of Dujardin's genus Panophrys belong here. F. leucas (Bursaria L, Ehr.). Parenchyma armed with trichocysts ; buccal fossa oval, pointed behind j a single contractile vesicle. Freshwater. BIBL. Ehrenfeerg, Inf. 329; Clap, and Lachm. In/us. 259. FRULLA'NIA,Raddi. A genus of Jun- germannieae (Hepaticae), containing three British species, the Jungermannia Hutchin- SICB, dilatata, and Tamarisci of Hooker's British Flora. F. dilatata is very common, creeping on the bark of trees, its dark brown dry foliage appearing like minute spreading Fig. 251. Frullania Tamarisci. Portion of a stem, with branches bearing the perichsetes from which the sporanges emerge. Magn. 5 diams. blotches; the almost sessile capsules are somewhat inconspicuous, but are distin- guished by their whitish colour. The valves of the capsule and the elaters afford beauti- ful microscopic objects, illustrative of the spiral structures in cells. F. Tamarisci (fig. 251) has longer and more regularly pin- nate stems, forming large lax tufts on the ground and low bushes, chiefly in Subalpine countries. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Jungerman. pis. 1, 5, 6; Brit. Flora, ii. pt. 1. 128 ; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Suppl. i. No. 472-10. FRUSTU'LIA, Ag. A genus of Diato- macese. Char. Frustules naviculoid, free or irre- gularly scattered through an amorphous gelatinous mass ; valves elliptic-lanceolate, without central and terminal nodules ; lon- gitudinal line interrupted in the middle. Freshwater. F. salina, Ehr. Frustules in front view very narrowly linear, rounded at the ends ; valves suddenly acute at the ends ; trans- verse stria) evident; gelatinous envelope continuous; length of frustules 1-2200 to 1-864". Found in a saline spring. This organism is of particular interest, as having formed the subject of Schmidt's ultimate analysis, in which he determined the presence of cellulose. (DIATOMACEJE, p. 249.) F. membranaceay nobis (PI. 50. fig. 6). Frustules in front view linear, very slightly narrowed towards the ends ; valves lanceo- late, constricted near the obtuse ends; length of frustules 1-1250". Found abundantly forming a thin stratum or film upon the sides of a glass jar con- taining water-plants. F. saxonica, Rab. (PL 19. fig. 17). Frus- tules in front view linear, rounded at the ends ; valves elliptical, somewhat acute. Forms dirty olive-brown, gelatinous, tre- mulous masses, contained in small pits in rocks. This is sometimes used as a test-object. It is regarded by Dallinger and others as the same as Navicula rhomboides and crassi- nervis. Rabenhorst describes 5 species ; one fossil. BIBL. Ehrenb. In/us. 232 ; Kiitzing, Bacitt. 109 ; id. Sp. Alg. 96 ; Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. i. 227 ; Hickie, M. M. Jn. 1876, xv. 122 : Stodder, ibid. 253 : Dallinger, ibid. 1877, xvii. 1, 173. FUCA'CE^E. A family of Fucoideaa. Olive-coloured inarticulate sea-weeds, whose reproductive organs are borne in stalked sacs upon the walls of spherical cavities excavated in the substance of the frond. Fructification, sporanges or spore-sacs and antherid'ia. The spores of Fucus divide into two, four, or eight within the sac ; those of the other genera remain undivided. The antheridia are filled with spermatozoids or anthero- zoids, which in FUGUS have been seen to fertilize the spores. See Fucus. FUCOIDE^E. British Genera. Air-vessels stalked. [ 337 1 FUCOIDE^E. Sargassum. Branches bearing ribbed leaves ; air-vessels simple. Halidrys. Frond linear, pinnate, leafless ; air-vessels divided into several cells by transverse partitions. ** Air-vessels immersed in the substance of the frond or absent. Cystoseira, Root scutate. Frond much branched, bushy. Receptacles cellular. Pycnophycus. Root branching. Frond cylindrical. Receptacles cellular. Fucus. Root scutate. Frond dichotomous. Receptacles filled with mucus, traversed by jointed threads. HimantJialia. Root scutate. Frond cup- shaped. Receptacles (frond-like) very long, strap-shaped, dichotomously branched. FtJCOrDEJB, or MELANOSPORE.E. An order of Algae, deriving their ordinary name from the Fucus or Wrack, one of the most common genera of the family. They E resent many remarkable points of difference :om the red sea-weeds in their higher forms, while the lowest forms approach the simpler genera of that order and the higher forms of the Confervoideee. The Fucoids are exclu- sively marine, and are at once distinguished by their olive or dark-brown colour; and although some of the larger kinds grow in deep water, the majority are met with on rocks between high- and low- water mark, where they are exposed to the atmosphere at each efflux of the sea : those which are occasionally drawn up from deep water prove that this exposure is necessary for healthy growth, by their w r eak structure and the absence of fructification. Some of them are also provided with air-bladders, which maintain them floating or erect and with at least their upper lobes little beneath the surface of the water. These air-bladders are very well seen in our common Bladder- wrack (Fucus vesiculosus, fig. 252) ; and still more so in the celebrated Gulf-weed (Sar- gassum bacciferuni), where the stalked berry- like bladders are the most striking feature of the plant. All the larger kinds grow on rocks, to which they are attached by a root-like structure, of somewhat conical form, cleav- ing, like the ' sucker' with which school-boys lift stones, to the rock ; in many this cone is solid, and composed of tough cellular tissue ; in others, especially the Laminaria- ceae, it is composed of a number of stout, super] acent, branched cords, growing out of the frond one above another, and attaching themselves to the rock, like the roots of a Tree-fern or a Palm. Some (Pycnophycus) spring from a creeping stem-like portion, spreading in a netted mass over the rocks, while many of the smaller are parasitical or, more properly, epiphytic, growing on the fronds of the larger kinds, to which they attach themselves by minute ( sucker '-like disks. Some appear to be true parasites (Elachistece and Myrionemata). Several are of minute size, but very few strictly micro- scopic. Almost all present three regions, resembling respectively the root, stem, and leaf or leaves of the higher plants, although they are not ordinarily regarded as the morphological analogues of them. In a few cases the frond is a shapeless mass or crust, lying close to the surface of the rocks. None become calcified like the Corallines. The fructification of these plants is still in a somewhat obscure condition as regards the order in general; for great apparent diversi- ties occur in the physiological phenomena presented by what at first appear like iden- tical structures. We have here, as in the Floridea, three distinct form s of reproductive structure, known respectively as : 1, zoo- spores ; 2, spores ; and 3, spermatozoids. 1. The zoospores are the reproductive bo- dies most frequently met with ; and in the lower forms the arrangements are not very different from those in the filamentous Con- fervoids. In ECTOCABPUS, where the frond is composed of jointed cellular filaments, the cells at the ends of the branches, or other articulations, become enlarged and filled with granular matter which is ulti- mately converted into zoospores. These en- larged cells are called by Thuret sporanges, and are commonly described as spores in algological works ; but they burst and dis- charge the numerous microscopic zoospores, which are pear-shaped, with a clear, beak- like, narrow end, of olive colour, and have two cilia, not arising from the beak, but from a reddish point on the coloured por- tion ; one cilium is longer than the other, and directed forwards ; the other is short, and trails behind like a kind of rudder. Their movements are very active ; and they seek the light. When they germinate, they become immovable and spherical, acquire a membranous coat, and emit a tubular pro- longation, which soon becomes divided by cross septa, and is developed into a new FUCOIDE^E. [ 338 ] FUCOIDE.E. frond. In some cases the sporanges are multilocular (trichosporanffes), consisting- of very slender, and usually rather short, j ointed filaments, in each joint (cell) of which a single zoospore is produced. These occur in considerable numDer, occupying the same place ^as the unilocular kind, which they sometimes accompany ; and the two forms appear to pass one into the other. The zoospores are perfectly similar, except that those produced singly in the filaments are not so large as those developed in large numbers in the large, ovate, unilocular sporanges. The two forms of sporange producing zoospores have been found in the Myrione- maceaejChordariaceae, Sporochnacese, Punc- tariaceae, and Dictyosiphonacese ; in Chorda lomentaria only the multilocular, and in the other LaminariaceaB only the unilocular, have been seen at present. The Cutleriaceae present the remarkable phenomenon of the occurrence of sporanges containing zoospores together with anthe- ridia analogous to those of the FUCACE^:. (See CUTLERIA.) Those Fucoideae in which the repro- duction is effected by zoospores only, form Thuret's group of Phseosporese. 2. The spores occur in the Dictyotaceae and the Fucacese, as large granular bodies of ovate form, enclosed in a sporange or oogonium, and clothed besides by a gela- tinous coat called the epispore ; these large spores are always devoid of power of motion. In some cases they are simple reproductive spores ; in others they subdivide, after es- caping from the perispore, into two, four, or eight sporules, each capable of germination. (See Fucus, and figs. 253, 256.) In the Dictyotaceae these spores are collected into definite groups (sort) on the surface of the frond. In the Fucaceae the spores are found in spherical cavities immersed in the substance of the frond, sometimes occurring in all parts, sometimes collected in special regions. These cavities communicate with the external surface by pores, and are usually perceptible from the swollen slimy appear- ance where they open. Where no general receptacles exist, the little spherical cham- bers are excavated in the frond; where these do occur, as in Fucus, the spherical chambers are attached to the inside of their walls, one beneath each external pore. These chambers, called by some scapMdia, by others conceptacles, contain spores or antheridia, or both. The spores occur in sacs consisting of a cell (perispore) springing from the wall of the chamber. (See Fucus.) 3. Spermatozoids have been met with, as well as zoospores, in the Cutleriaceae. The spermatozoids or antherozoids exactly resem- ble those of Halidrys and Fycnophycus, described below. In Dictyota the spermatozoids occur on separate plants, in antheridia grouped in sori like the spore-fruit. In the Fucaceae the spermatozoids or antherozoids occur with the spores above described. In Fucus canalicidatus (Pelvetia, Dene, and Thuret) and F.platy carpus (Thu- ret) the antheridia are found, in company with the snores, in the conceptacles ; in the other species of Fucus the two kinds of organs are never met with together in the same conceptacle; in Himanthalia lorea they are on distinct plants, in Halidrys siliquosa intermingled, and in Pycnophycus tuberculatus in the same chamber but not mixed. The antheridia of these plants consist of transparent ovoid sacs, inserted in great number on the branched hairs (parancmata) (fig. 254) clothing the inside of the fruit-chambers or scaphidia. In some genera they have a double coat, in others only one ; when two exist, the inner is expelled as a sac on the rupture of the an- theridium ; when only one exists, the sper- matozoids are expelled individually and freely from the single coat, which always remains attached upon its support. The spermatozoids or antherozoids found in these sacs are little hyaline globules, each enclosing a granule of grey colour in Fucus canaliculatus, red-orange in all other species of Fucus and other genera. They bear two locomotive cilia, very slender, and of unequal length. The form of the corpuscles and the arrangement of the cilia differ in different genera. In all the species of Fucns the spermatozoids are of the shape of little bottles, the neck of which, always foremost in the movement, bears the shortest cilium ; the longer arises from the coloured granule, and trails behind. In Halidrys, Pycnbphycv*, and Cystoseira, the corpuscle is oval or spherical in one dimension, and compressed, sometimes a little convex, in the other; both the cilia are inserted on the red granule, and during the locomotion the corpuscle turns upon its own axis, with the longer cilium in advance, vibrating with rapidity, while the shorter is motionless. In H\ma/& thalia the antheridia have a double coat; the FUCOIDEJ3. FUCUS. form of the antherozoids is not clearly made out. The antherozoids of the Fucaceae have been shown by Thuret, their discoverer, to be analogous to the spermatozoids of the higher Cryptogamia, and to perform a ferti- lizing function not to reproduce the plant like the zoospores of the other families ; and the multiplication appears to be effected solely by the large olive-coloured spores. (See FUCACEJE.) Synopsis of the Families. FUCACEJE. Frond leathery or mem- branous, cellular. Fructification : spores and antheridia contained together or separately in spherical cavities imbedded in the frond. DICTYOTACEJE. Frond cellular, flat, compact. Fructification : spores, antheridia (and tetraspores?) arranged in definite spots or lines (sori) on the surface. CUTLEBIACEJE. Frond cellular, com- pact, ribless. Fructification : dot-like scat- tered collections of "sporanges divided into eight compartments; and antheridia con- sisting of chambered filaments in groups of curved j ointed hairs. ECTOCABPACE J3. Frond filiform, jointed. Fructification: unilocular sporanges, ovate sacs developed at the ends or intermediate ioints of the filaments; and multilocular 'sporanges, consisting of minute jointed filaments found in similar situations. An- theridia with spermatozoids have been found in Sphacelaria. LAMINABIACE^E. Frond leathery or gela- tinous, cellular. Fructification: unilocular sporanges in indefinite cloud-like patches, or covering the whole surface of the frond ; or multilocular sporanges clothing the whole surface of the frond like an epidermis. DICTYOSIPHONACE^E. Frond cylindrical, branched, of filamentous structure. Fruc- tification : ovoid sporanges imbedded length- ways in the substance of the frond, opening bv a pore on tne surface. PUNCTABIACE^:. Frond cylindrical or flat, unbranched, cellular. Fructification: ovate sporanges in groups on the surface, intermixed with clavate filaments (para- physes). SPOBOCHNACEJE. Frond leathery or mem- branous, cellular, branched. Fructification ; unilocular or multilocular sporanges attached to external jointed filaments, free or collect- ed in knob-like masses. CHOBDABIACE^. Frond cartilaginous or gelatinous, composed of horizontal and ver- tical j ointed filaments interlaced. Fructifi- cation : unilocular sporanges springing from the base of the vertical filaments forming the epidermis of the frond; and multilocular sporanges developed later from the filaments surrounding the former. MYBIONEMACE^:. Frond tuber-shaped, crustaceous, or spreading as a crust, of fila- mentous structure. Fructification : unilocular and multilocular sporanges attached to the superficial filaments, and concealed among them. BIBL. See that of the Families. FU'CUS, Linn. A genus of Fucaceae (Fucoid Algae), including some of the com- monest and most abundant of our olive- coloured sea-weeds, growing upon rocks and stones between tide-marks, their large fronds waving in the water at high tide, and lying matted together over the rocks when the tide is out; continually cast ashore in quantities after rough weather. F. vesiculosus, the common bladder-wrack, ia familiar to every one who has visited a sea- coast. Decaisne and Thuret divide the genus into three: Pelvetia(F.canaliculatus) t Ozothallia (F. nodosus} , and Fucus proper, including F. serratus, vesiculosus, and cera- noides. In F. nodosus and jP. Mackaii the recep- tacles are lateral and stalked ; but in all the rest they are terminal and continuous with the frond (fig. 252), forming oval thickened Fig. 252. End of a branch of F. vesieulosus, bearing two terminal receptacles. Half the nat. size. clubs, on which, by the naked eye, may be distinguished a number of spots or pores. These are the orifices of the conceptacles, which are globular cases immersed in the substance of the receptacle, and communi- cating with the outer surface by a pore (fig. 253). The central portion of the receptacle z2 FUCUS. [ 340 ] FUCUS. is filled up with a delicate network of jointed filaments surrounded by a gelatinous sub- stance, this medullary structure forming a bond of union between the numerous con- ceptacles. The internal wall of the con- ceptacles is lined with a dense mass of de- licate jointed filaments (fig. 253) standing vertically (paraphyses), among which ap- pear the stalked spore-sacs, alone in the dioecious and monoecious forms, mixed with Section of a conceptacle of F. canaliculatus, containing eporanges, antheridia, and paraphyses. Magnified 40 diameters. antheridia in the hermaphrodite. The an- theridia occur alone in similar conceptacles in the monoecious and dioecious forms. F. canaliculatus is hermaphrodite (like Pycno- phycus tulerculatus, which, however, has antheridia only at the upper part of the conceptacle, near the pore, spore-sacs at the lower part) ; in F. serratus, ceranoides, vesi- culosus, and nodosus the male and female conceptacles occur usually on distinct plants ; but both kinds sometimes occur on F. nodo- sus. The male and female individuals of the dioecious species may often be distin- guished, when mature, by the yellowish colour the antheridia give to the recep- tacles ; and if these are exposed for a short time to the air, the antheridia are expelled in masses through the pores of the con- ceptacles, and form little orange -coloured papillae. The female plants under similar circumstances exhibit olive-coloured papillae at the mouths of the pores, consisting of masses of spores. The sporanges or spore-sacs consist of ovate sacs, stalked, on the walls of the con- ceptacle (fig. 253) ; they have a double membrane an outer, the sporange or peri- spore, and an inner, the epispore : these are undistinguishable until the spores escape ; but then the epispore becomes evident as an inner sac. The epispore encloses at first a mass of olive-coloured cell-contents ; in F. canaliculatus (Pelvetia) this divides into two spores, in F. nodosus (Ozothallid) into four, and in F. serratus, vesiculosus, and the other Fuci proper, into eight, by segmentation. When mature, the sporange bursts at the apex; the epispore enclosing the spores is expelled, and makes its way towards the pore of the conceptacle, and falls into the water, where it undergoes the following modifications. Taking F. vesiculostis as an example, the expelled epispore encloses eight spores, forming what Thuret calls an octospore. This swells ; and the spores be- come rounded, separating from each other ; and the upper part of the epispore begins to dissolve. The spores become removed from the lower part of the epispore (marked by the impression of the stalk of the sporange) ; and it then becomes evident that they are enclosed in a third membrane, which is at- tached to the epispore in the centre of its base, so that as the spores emerge from the dissolving summit of the epispore the in- ternal membrane becomes stretched upward, until it finally bursts and sets the spores free. These changes of the octospore are generally passed through in about an hour, sometimes much more rapidly. The antJiendia consist of minute ovate sacs, attached in great numbers to hair-like filaments growing from the internal surface of the conceptacle (fig. 254). When young, Fig. 254. Fig. 255. Fig. 254. A branched cell of F. nodosus, bearing a per- fect and an imperfect antheridium. Magn. 200 diams. Fig. 255. Sac of an antheridium of F. serratus, nearly empty. Magn. 400 diams. they are filled with colourless granular matter ; but subsequently this becomes con- densed into little corpuscles (spermatozoids or antherozoids), forming a greyish mass dotted with orange points. The sac is double ; and the internal one is expelled from the outer like the epispore from the sporange, and finds its way out from the pore of the conceptacle. The spermatozoids which fill up the central part begin to move actively : and the sac soon bursts at one or both ends to discharge them. The sperma- tozoids (fig. 255) are excessively minute, transparent bodies, scarcely 1-5000" long, enclosing a granule of an orange-colour in FUCUS. [ 341 ] FUNAEIACE^E. most spores, but greyish in F. canaliculatus. The sperrnatozoids have two cilia, of un- equal length, one directed forwards, the other backwards ; the form of the sperma- tozoids and the direction of the cilia vary in different species, the one directed for- ward usually moving with great rapidity, and producing locomotion, while the other trails behind like a rudder. The most interesting and important point connected with the genus Fucus is the process of fecundation. When a drop of sea-water containing active spermatozoids, is added to a slide upon which the free spores above described have been previously placed, the whole operation of the fertilization may be traced under the microscope. The spermatozoids attach themselves in great numbers to the spores, and by the motion of the cilia com- municate to them a rotatory movement, often very rapid. The Held of the micro- scope becomes covered with these large brownish spheres bristling with spermato- zoids, and rolling in all directions among the crowd of those still unattached. After about half an hour, the movement of the spores ceases ; the spermatozoids move for some time longer. In a few minutes after the contact of the spermatozoids, such fer- tilized spores will be found coated with a membrane, the presence of which is readily made out by placing the spore in syrup, which causes the granular contents to con- tract and shrink away from the envelope, which, moreover, may be coloured blue by sulphuric acid and iodine. The spore next begins to enlarge and grow by cell-division, one end becoming elongated into a trans- parent filament like a radicle (fig. 256) ; several more of these are afterwards formed Fig. 256. Spores of F. serratus in various stages of germination. Magnified 100 diameters. as the upper part grows ; and they become organs of attachment by which the young frond is fixed to a stone or other support. The above description corresponds in all essentials to the process as it occurs in the other species. The spores of F. vesiculosus have been fertilized with spermatozoids of F. serratus by Thuret ; but no other expe- riments of hybridation were successful. One or two other points deserve notice. The orange spot of the spermatozoids is co- loured blue by sulphuric acid (like CHLORO- PHYLL). Sugar and sulphuric acid colour the spermatozoids red (PROTEINE). The membrane of the sporange (perispore) is coloured blue by sulphuric acid and iodine (CELLULOSE) ; but this is not the case with the epispore nor the internal membrane, even after treatment with caustic potash. In F. canaliculatus^ however, there is a la- minated coat immediately surrounding the spores, which when placed in sea-water separate, while the coat swells and forms a kind of gelatinous envelope, which appears as if covered with cilia ; these pseudo-cilia seem to be analogous to the similar appear- ances in the gelatinous sheath of DESHI- DIACEJE and other CONFERVOIDS. The months from December to March are the most favourable for observing the above phenomena. No covering glass must be used on the slide, unless prevented by a thin glass support from pressing on the spores and deforming them. A power of 150 to 200 diameters suffices for most of the ob- servations, for the spermatozoids and the actual fecundation, a power of 300. Sea- water must always be used. The germina- tion of the spores may be observed by placing them on glass slides moistened with sea- water, and keeping them under a bell-glass standing in a dish containing sand moistened with sea-water. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 18, pi. 1 D ; Phyc. Brit. pis. 47, 52, 158, 214 ; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 181 ; Decaisne and Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. iii. 5; Thuret, ibid. xvi. 6, 4 ser. ii. 197, vii. 34 ; Sachs, Bot. 284 ; Bower, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1880. FUNA'RIA, Schreb. A genus of Funa- riacese (Acrocarpous Mosses), the common species of which (F. hygrometrica) is well known on account of the hygroscopic cha- racter of its fruit-stalk, which twists in drying, and untwists again when wetted, It exhibits stomata on the neck of the capsule (fig. 262). BIBL. Wilson, Bryol. r. 268 ; Berkeley, Handb. 176. FUNARIACE^E. A family of Funa- rioidese (Acrocarpous Mosses) of loosely- FUNARIACE^E. [ 342 ] tufted or gregarious habit, growing on the ground ; the stem loosely leaved, very sim- ple. Inflorescence monoecious; antheridial flowers disk-shaped, mostly terminal on a special branch. Antheridia small, oval. Archegones small, narrowly apiculate. Pa- raphyses filiform at base, cluVshaped and articulate at the apex. Peristorne, if pre- sent, cartilaginous, red, streaked, with soli- tary, oblique, trabeculate teeth. British Genera. Funaria. Capsule asymmetrically arched (fig. 257); orifice oblique, very small; stalk much curved, elongated, very hygroscopic and twisting. Calyptra ventricose-dimi- diate, rounded at the base, obtuse, shorter than the capsule, or larger and truncate at the base (fig. 258). Peristoine double, erect ; outer of sixteen, oblique, broadly lanceolate- subulate, trabeculate teeth, with appendices near the point (fig. 259), chained together at the apex by a reticular disk ; the inner as many as the outer, opposite and adnate at the base, lanceolate, granular, with a longi- Fig. 257. Fig. 258. F. hibernica. Fig. 257. A ripe capsule with its twisted seta. Fig. 258. An immature capsule, covered by its calyptra. Magnified 25 diameters. tudinal line. Cells of the operculum circi- nately reticulate at the apex. Pyramidium. Calyptra squarely pyra- midal, apiculate, entire at the base, far ex- ceeding the capsule, totally covering it, in- flated and persistent, bursting at the middle of the side, longer. Capsule symmetrical, FUNARIACE.E. Fig. 259. Fig. 260. F. hibernica. Teeth of the peristome, with appendices. Magnified 150 diameters. erect, pyriform, without a peristome. Oper- culum regularly areolate. Physcomitrium. Calyptra mitre-shaped, split at the base into several lacinise, entire below, much shorter than the capsule, with a long apiculus. Capsule symmetrical, straight, pyriform, without a peristome. Operculum regularly areolate. Entosthodon. Calyptra bladder-like, di- midiate, with a long apiculus, entire, round- ed or truncate, readily splitting. Capsule sym- metrical, pear-shaped, straight, or declined on an arched stalk, with or without a peristome. Peristome, if present, horizontal, erect when dry, simple ; internal wanting or scarcely perceptible ; composed of very short lacinise. Teeth lanceolate, ivith- out appendages, simple * i a i A. J pji-iiui-Jiie. or twin flat outside, Capaule . 25diams< trabeculate within, mostly oblique at the summit, connivent but not connate. Operculum regularly areolate. AmUyodon. Calyptra hood-like, narrow, very fugacious, longish, very slender, com- posed at the apex of very small, thickened, square cells. Capsule asymmetrical, pear- shaped, straight, with a peristome and an annulus. Peristome double : external teeth sixteen, short, lanceolate, obtuse, erect, trabeculate with a slender longitudinal line ; internal teeth equal in number, lanceolate, subulate, fissile longitudinally in the middle, Physcomitrium pyriforme. FUNARIOIDE^E. [ 343 ] FUNGI. smooth, much exceeding the external in length, yellowish, placed on a shortly- grooved membrane. Operculum regularly areolate. FUXARIOIDE^E. A suborder of operculated Acrocarpous (terminal-fruited) Mosses, with broadly-oval spatlmlate leaves, furnished with a lax cylindrical nerve, com- posed entirely of large parenchymatous cells, lax and parallelograimnic at the base, lax, hexagonal, or polygonal towards the apex, often very densely filled with chloro- phyll-granules, more or less pellucid. Cap- sule pyriform,apophysate, the neck (collum) mostlv bearing stomata on its epidermis (tig. 262). Fig. 261. Fig. 262. F. hygrometrica. Fig. 261. Portion of the annulus. Magn. 100 diams. Fig. 262. Epidermis of the collum, with stomata. Magn. 100 diams. This suborder is divided into two fa- milies : FUNABIACEJE. Stem very simple ; ter- restrial. SPLACEHSTACEJE. Stem very much branched j mostly occurring upon the dung of animals. FUNGI. A class of Cellular Flowerless Plants, growing in or upon damp (vege- table) mould, in or upon the wood and the herbaceous parts of living or dead plants, upon living or decaying animal substances, in solutions of organic matters, &c. A few occur on bare stones or other inorganic sub- stances, as a species of Cyphella and some Myxomycetes; but this is quite exceptional. A very large portion of the plants belonging to this strange class are microscopic bodies, only to be made out clearly by means of a very high magnifying power. As in the rest of the Thaliophytes, moreover, the re- productive bodies are simple and exceed- ingly minute in the larger forms of Fungi ; consequently dissection under the micro- scope is requisite when it is desired to ob- tain a satisfactory insight into their natural history. The Fungi do not appear to be capable of assimilating inorganic food, and are distin- guished from healthy specimens of almost all other plants by the total absence of the colour depending on the presence of chlo- rophyll or its red modifications, and of starch ; for it is scarcely to be doubted that the various colourless filamentous structures (Leptoiniteas, &c.) occurring in infusions, chemical solutions and the like, are Fungi, and not Algae as some have supposed. They are allied by certain forms with the Algae and with the Lichens ; but they are distin- guished from all outwardly similar forms of the first by the spore-bearing fruits always being elevated into the air, when mature, although the thallus or mycelium may be aquatic. The higher forms of Fungi can scarcely be confounded with the higher Algae. The separation from the Lichens is more difficult j indeed some authors have come to the conclusion that the Lichens must be reduced to forms of Fungi. Yet the presence of green gonidial cells in the thallus will generally sufficiently distinguish the Lichens. We shall here follow the old plan; and the distinction ordinarily laid down is, that the Lichens are entirely aerial incrusting plants, while the Fungi have their vegetative structure immersed in the me- dium in which they grow. Some of the epiphyllous lichens, however, originate be- neath the cuticle. The structures of all Fungi exhibit a well- defined separation into two parts, namely: 1, a mycelium (thallus), or vegetative struc- ture, consisting of a mass of exceedingly delicate, jointed and branched, colourless, interlacing filaments, forming a kind of cottony or felty mass when growing in the earth, in vegetable structures, &c., or cloudy flocks when growing in decomposing liquids. In some cases, as in certain Sphcerice, the threads are woven into a close mass, or, as in Phallus, into filiform cords j while in the Myxomycetes the threads become obsolete or are replaced by a jelly-like substance re- sembling sarcode. 2, of the reproductive structure or fruit, which, unlike the myce- lium, differs extremely in appearance in the various tribes. The mycelium may be well examined in the "spawn" used for planting mushroom- beds ; this cottony substance consists of the mycelium of that plant. The formation and growth of the mycelium of the microscopic species, such as moulds, mildews, &c., may be traced under the microscope by scattering some of the dust-like fructifications (as the blue powder of common paste-mould) upon FUNGI. [ 344 ] slips of glass, and keeping them in a warm- ish place under a bell-glass over water, for several days. The filaments will be seen spreading from the spores in all directions, and often advancing to the formation of the fructification. The fructification of the simplest Fungi is nothing more than a modification of one or more cells at the end of a filament which rises up from the general body of the myce- lium. In TORULA, one or more globular cells are produced at the ends of filaments composed of elongated, more or less cylin- drical cells (PI. 26. fig. 7) ; these globules drop off, and develop into new mycelia. In Botrytis (figs. 77, 78, 263), the tips of the Fig. 263. Botrytis (Polyactis) vulgaris. Fertile filaments. Magnified 200 diama. fertile filaments are branched and clothed with heaps of spores arising from short pe- dicels. In Penicillium (PI. 26. fig. 15), the filament which rises up, forks at the end, each branch forking again, and so on, until a close tufted pencil of branches is formed, each branch bearing a bead-like row of spores, which drop off separately. Innu- merable modifications of this mode of fruc- tification are met with in the microscopic Fungi ; and the same plan also forms the basis of the fructification of some of the highest forms. The way in which the greater complexity arises is by an increased development of the structures supporting the layer of tissue (liymenium) upon which the spores are borne. Thus, in the leathery Fungi grow- ing over damp trunks of trees and dead wood, such as the Hydna, Thelephoree, Hexagonia (figs. 264, 265), the conspicuous Hexagonia glabra. Upper surface. Nat. size. Fig. 265. Hexagonia glabra. Nat. size. Lower surface, with orifices of the hymenium. fungous mass (which is all that ordinary observers notice) developed from a floccu- lent mycelium imbedded in the matrix on which the plant grows, is & fruit, composed of dense cellular tissue, and possessing pits, channels, cavities, or the like, the walls of which are clothed with papillose cells, each bearing four free sporanges, which drop off singly to reproduce the plant. The Mush- room, as gathered and brought to table, is merely the ' fruit ' of the Fungus (Agaricus) ; and similar cells bearing four sporules are found clothing the flat sides of the paper- like plates or ' gills' which radiate on the under side of the flat ' cap ' of the Fungus. (See BASIDIOSPOHES.) A second kind of fructification is seen in the PHYCOMYCETES, where the upright filament arising from the flocculent myce- lium does not bear free spores as in Peni- cillium, Botrytis, &c., but a comparatively large sac, filled with minute sporules; and these sporidia are scattered by the bursting of the sac. In the Hdvettee, Pezizce, Spa- thulea (fig. 40), Leotia (fig. 41), &c., struc- tures of a fleshy or leathery character, grow- ing upon damp wood &c., we have counter- parts to the Hydna, Thelephorte, &c., since they have fruits arising from a flocculent FUNGI. [ 345 ] FUNGI. mycelium ; but their spore-bearing cells ap- pear as definite groups of vesicles or sacs of elongated form, producing spomles (usually eight but sometimes two, multiples of two, or multiples of eight) in their cavities. In the Truffles (Tuber, Elaphomyces, fig. 185), &c. the sporidia are found in twos, fours, or eights, in sacs in the internal convoluted substance ; while in the Puff-balls, except Scleroderma, where the internal mass finally breaks up into powder, the spores are deve- loped free, as in the Agarics &c. More minute accounts of these structures will be found under THECASPORES and the various genera. It was long imagined that these two modes of producing the spores afforded a firm basis for the classification of the Fungi ; but recent discoveries seem to indicate that characters derived from the fructification are as unsafe here as in the Alga3. Thus, if De Bary's observations on Agancus are correct, an asciferous structure occurs in the highest group ^of the basidiosporous classes. It is now, however, pretty certain that the ascigerous structure which he found on Agaricus mellem was a species of Hypho- myces. The orders Coniomycetes and As- comycetes also are confounded together by the numerous genera which exhibit both asci and sfy/ospores, although the latter may perhaps be regarded as merely a modifica- tion of the ascosporous structure. Tulasne has also pointed out a peculiar structure analogous to the so-called spermatozoids of the Lichens, namely very minute cylindrical bodies growing upon free points from the fructifying surfaces of the Fungi; these bodies, quite distinct from the basidiospores and thecaspores, are called spermatia (PI. 26. figs. 3, 4, 17 s). According to Cornu, these germinate. Certain more recent observations on the sexual reproduction of the Fungi require special notice. In the Saprolegniae, this has been de- scribed under ACHLYA. In Cystopus, the conidia are stated to be formed at the ends of the branches. Subsequently sporangia or oogonia are produced by the swelling of the ends of branches of the mycelium ; while on another branch, a shoot grows to- wards the sporangium, swells, and forms an antheridium. A fine tube from this bores through the sporangium, and pro- duces fertilization. In the Ascomycetes, a mycelium is formed from the true spores ; on this are produced conidia, which again produce mycelium. On this are ultimately produced sexual organs, consisting of the pollinodium or antheridium, and the carpogonium or spo- range : these are often much alike, but the latter is usually larger, and composed of more numerous cells. The pollinodium forms a slender branched cell, not contain- ing spermatozoids. It comes in contact at the apex or through its whole length with the sporange, which it fertilizes by diffu- sion, as in the pollen-tube of the embryo- sac ; but there is no fusion of contents. In Ascobolus, the carpogonium or spo- range consists of a curved row of cells. The slender branches of the pollinodium become closely applied to and fertilize it. After this, one of the middle cells of the carpogonium grows more than the others, and produces buds which ultimately form the asci. In Peziza, the end-joints of the carpogo- nial branches form ovate vesicles with an apical appendage. The slender wedge- shaped pollinodium arises on the same branches beneath the carpogonium, with which it becomes connected. Numerous filaments then spring from the base of the sexual organs, forming a dense network the hymenial layer, in which the asci are subsequently produced. It appears that Botrytis cinerea is a conidiiferous form of Peziza (Fuckeliana). A remarkable pecu- liarity in the sexual formation of spores in many Fungi, as in some Algae is, they are frequently not formed in the directly ferti- lized cell, but in the newly formed cells springing from its sides or base. The sexuality of the Ascomycetes, how- ever, is disputed. Zoospores have now been discovered in PERONOSPORA and CYSTOPUS. The minutiae of the structure of the Fungi may be treated most satisfactorily under the heads of the orders (ASCOMYCETES, CONIO- MYCETES &c.), since the elements are very similar in all, while the modes of combina- tion are very varied, and in most cases peculiar to the families. In consequence of the numerous disco- veries of Tulasne, De Bary and others, the older arrangement of the Fungi, based upon the views of Fries, is not at present satis- factory. We adopt, therefore, that of Sachs, slightly modified; retaining, however, in great measure the nomenclature for those Fungi which are manifestly merely states of higher forms, and are not autonomous. FUNGI. [ 346 ] FUSARIUM. I. SCHIZOMYCETES. Consisting of threads which break up into minute cylin- drical bodies, sometimes straight, some- times curved, or microscopic globular par- ticles j in the former case, sometimes at length swarming and forming a cloudy gelatinous mass : in solutions or in decom- posing substances. II. PHYCOMYCETES. Aquatic or epi- phytous, propagated by zoospores, or by oo^pores arising from fertilization. 1. Saprolegnice. Aquatic. 2. Peronosporea. Epiphytic. 3. Mucorini. Fermentigerous ; Sapro- phytic (Moulds). HI. HYPODERMIC. Epiphyllous. IV. BASIDIOMYOETES. Spores seated upon Basidia or Sporophores arising from a distinct hymenium. 1. Tremettina. Tissues gelatinous; hy- meniurn exposed. 2. Hymenomycetes. Tissue cellular, hy- meuium inferior (Mushrooms &c.). 3. Gasteromycetes. Hymenium intri- cate, cellular, internal (Puff-balls &c.). V. ASCOMYCETES. Sporidia contained in Asci (thecae). 1. Protomyces. More properly perhaps associated with Peronosporeae. 2. Tuberacece. Hymenium as in Gas- teromycetes (Truffles &c.). 3. Onygenece. On animal substances, very rarely on decayed wood. 4. Pyrenomycetes. Asci contained in perithecia. 5. Discomycetes. Hymenium superior, disciform. VI. MYXOMYCETES. Spores amoeboid in germination, subsequently conjugating. BIBL. Berkeley, Fungales, Lindley's Veg. Kingd. : Fungi, in Hooker's Br. Fl. and Crypt. Bot. ; also numerous papers in Ann. N. H. ; Montague, Ann. N. H. ix. ; Corda, Ic. Fung. 1837-40 ; Greville, Scott. Crypt. Fl. ; Nees v. Esenbeck, Syst. Pilze ; Fries, Syst. Myc. & Summa Veget. ; Tulasne, Fung. Carp. 18(50-5 ; De Bary, Frucht. Ascomycet. 1863, 11 ; id. & Woronin, Morph. $c. d. Pilze, 1870 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. N. 1866, vi. 217 ; Janczewsky, Bot. Zeit. 1871 ; Fuistirig, Bot. Zeit. 1868; Baranetzki, Bot. Zeit. 1872; Sachs, Bot. 1874, 307 ; Cornu, Ann. Sc. N. 1876 (M. M.Jn. xvii. 1877, 295); Tieghem, Ann. Sc. N. 1875, ii. 365 (sexuality dis- puted}] Cooke, Br. Fungi, 1871 (descript. ofsp., $ figs, of gen.}; Brefeld, Schimmel- pilze, 1881 ; Bary & Woronin, Morph. d. Pilze, 1881. FUNGUS -BED. My cologists find this very useful for growing the microscopic Fungi. It is best made of a small wooden box half-tilled with damp bog-earth, and covered with a plate of glass. In winter it should be kept in a warm room. FURCELLA'RIA, Lamx. A genus of Cryptoneniiacese (Florideous Algae), con- taining one common British species, growing on rocks and stones between tide-marks, consisting of a fastigiate, dichotomously- divided frond, 6 to 12" high, of a brownish- purple colour, and somewhat cartilaginous texture. The tetraspores, which are linearly arranged, are imbedded in the periphery of the swollen pod-like extremities of the branches. Conceptacular fruit as yet un- known. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. AJg. 147, pi. 18 C ; Phyc. Brit. pi. 94 ; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 11 ; Eng. Bot. pi. 894 ; Thuret,^Lww, Sc. N. 1855, iii. 5. FURCULARIA, Lam. A genus of Ro- tatoria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eye single, frontal ; tail-like foot forked. Several species j all freshwater but one, which is marine. F. Reinhardtii, E. (PI. 43. fig. 34: fig. 35, teeth). Body fusiform, truncated in front ; foot elongate, cylindrical ; toes two, short : length 1-120". Found creeping upon Laomedea geni- culata. F. gibba. Body oblong, slightly com- pressed, dorsallv convex, ventrally flat; toes styliform, half as long as the body ; length 1-96". Freshwater. BIBL. Ehrenb. In/us. 419; Dujardin, Inf. 648; Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 199. FUSA'RIUM, Lk. A genus of Stilbacei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), not very satis- factorily distinguished from FUSISPOEIUM ; but having a firm, cellular, pulvinate, fleshy stroma, upon which the spores are borne on distinct sporophores glued together into an erumpent discoid stratum. 1*. tremelloides is common, forming roundish orange-red spots on decaying nettle-stems; but it is now believed to be a spore-bearing state of Peziza fusarioides. F. roseum forms little gregarious red dots on the stems of beans, Jerusalem artichokes, and other plants. BIBL. Berk. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 355; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii, 469, Summa Veg. 472; Greville, Sc. Crypt. FL pi. 20; Fresenius, Beitr. z. My col. Heft 1. 35. FUSIDIUM. [ 347 ] GAMASEA. Fig. 266. FUSED 'IUM, Lk. A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), characterized by very delicate white or coloured flocci, which do not form a moist or gelatinous mass as in Fusisporium, and are very evanescent. Spores straight, filiform. The species grow on dead leaves, forming a thin powdery stratum. BIBL. Berk. Outl 357; Cooke, Br.Fung. 609; GreviUe, Crypt. Fl. pi. 102. FUSISPO'RIUM, Lk. A genus of Sepe- doniei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), growing upon vegetable substances often when de- caying, characterized by elon- gate fusiform curved septate spores (fig. 266), which ul- timately form a gelatinous mass, the flocci being in ge- neral more or less obscure, or if present very delicate, the spores in fact forming the principal element. s ume- rous species are recorded as British. F. atrovirens is de- Spores. Magn. structive to onions. F. beta m dMB * common on decaying mangold- wurzel. F. fceni sometimes runs over the cut surface of a havstack, forming broad orange-red patches. BIBL. Berk. Hook. Br. FL ii. pt. 2. 251, Ann. N. H. vi. 438, pi. 14. fig. 28 ; 2 ser. vii. 178 ; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. 442, Sum. Veget. 473 ; Greville,c. Crypt. Fl. pi. 102. figs. 1 & 2. FU SULI'NA, Fisch. A genus of spiral, hyaline Foraminifera, near Nonionina and Nummulina, but fusiform instead of nauti- loid, the umbilical axis of the shell being much extended. The lateral tapering elon- gations of the chambers in some cases are simple, yielding symmetrical casts figured by Ehrenberg as Borelis in the ' Mikro- geologie ; ' but in others the chambers are divided throughout by labyrinthic segmen- tation, giving more complex casts and sec- tions. F. cylindrica (PI. 24. f . 15) and its va- rieties form enormous masses of limestone in the Carboniferous system, in Russia and North America. BIBL. Carpenter, Foram. 304; M. Mic. Jn. 1870, 180 ; Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. 1872, 260; Brady, ibid. 1876,414; Holier, Foram. Russ. 1878. G. GALLIONEL'LA, Bory, = MELOSIRA, Agardh. GALLS. These are abnormal growths, tumours as they might be called, produced upon or in vegetables by the action of ani- mals, especially insects of the order Hyme- noptera. They were supposed to arise from the irritation caused by a poisonous liquid discharged into the orifice made by the insect for the introduction of its egg. At all events a convergence of the nutritive juices towards the wound takes place, whence results a kind of hypertrophy of the tissues, and frequently the accumulation of such substances as starch in the cells. The forms may be regular or irregular ; most of them are characteristic, as, for example, the well-known nut-gall, the oak-apple, the bedeguar of the rose, &c. Both cellular and vascular structures contribute to form the substance of galls. We cannot enter into their minute structure here, but refer to an elaborate paper by Dr. Lacaze-Du- thiers and to Adler's more recent memoir. Adler's plates will enable the identification of most, if not all, the British oak-galls, and will perhaps lead to the discovery of others. See APHIDJE, CYNIPIDJE, and PHYTOPTID^J. BIBL. Lacaze-Duthiers, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. xix. 273, where also the earlier lite- rature is given ; Adler, Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. liii. 151 ; M'Lachlan, Ent. Mn. Mag. 1881, xvii. 259. GALUM'NA, Heyden, Gervais. A ge- nus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Oribatea. Char. Abdomen subglobular, depressed; sides of the pseudo-thorax forming a salient or wing-like angle ; legs of moderate length. This genus approximates to Belba. The three species, the bodies of which are of a blackish, blackish-chestnut, or ash colour, are found on mosses. BIBL. Walckenaer, Arachn. (Gervais) ; Hermann, Mem. Apter. 91 ; Koch, Deutsch. Crustac. &c. GAMA'SEA. A family of Arachnida, of the order Acarina. Characterized by the free filiform palpi, the chelate mandibles, and the 7- jointed legs with two claws and a caruncle. ' Gene- rally parasitic, and found on insects and birds; some upon fishes, reptiles, and mammals ; eyeless. Dermanyssm. Body soft; last joint of palpi smallest ; labium acute ; mandibles of male, chelate, outer claw very long, of female, ensiform ; legs with two claws and a caruncle, anterior longest, coxae approxi- mate. On birds and bats (PI. 6. fig. 24). Gamasus. Body hard; labium trifidj GAMASUS. [ 348 ] GASTEROMYCETES. body with usually two dorsal plates; an- terior legs generally longest, second pair sometimes incrassate ; no eyes. On insects, &c. (PI. 6. fig. 26). Pteroptus. Body depressed; last joint of palpi longest; legs stout, with short joints. On bats (PL 6. fig. 39). Uropoda. Body depressed, with a round dorsal plate, and a deciduous funnel-shaped anal peduncle, serving to fix the body. On beetles, mosses, &c. (PI. 6. fig. 25). Halarachne. Body elongate, with a dor- sal and ventral plate ; labium bifid. In the nostrils of a seal (Halichcerus). See also ARGAS and CARIS. BIBL. Gervais, Walckenaer's Apt. iii. 215 ; Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. 24 ; Koch, Deutsch. Crustac. and Uebersicht ; Murray, EC. Entom. 157; Megnin, Paras. 113; Kramer, Wiegm. Arch. 1876, i. 28; Tr. Mic. Soc. 1880, 177. GAM'ASUS, Latr. A genus of Arach- nida, of the order Acarina, and family GA- MASEA. Species numerous ; mostly parasitic upon insects ; some found upon the ground ; others on the higher animals. G. coleoptratorum (PL 6. fig. 26). Found upon dung-beetles (Geotrupes &c.). An- terior coxse attached at a little distance from those of the second pair ; tarsi (fig. 26 a) with two claws and an elegant caruncle ; palpi of moderate length ; mandibles ter- minated by a curved hook ; fawn-coloured. G. marginatus. Body broader behind ; darker. Found in the human brain; also on a fly, and on beetles. G. muscarum. On the house-fly. G. auris. In aural meatus of ox. Other species. BIBL. That of the family ; Leidy, Proc. Acad. Phil. 1872 (Ann. N. H. 1873, xi. 79) ; Murray, EC. Ent. 158. GAM'MARUS, Latr. A genus of Crus- tacea, of the order Amphipoda, and family Gammarina. The searcher for the freshwater Diatoma- cese will surely meet with Gammarus pidex (PI. 18. fig. 22), the freshwater shrimp, in muddy brooks and streams. It attains a length of about 1-2", and moves its curved body through the water by means of its caudal appendages, frequently lying on its back or side during the process. Gervais distinguishes G. flumatilis from G. pulex, by the former having a dorsal spine at each abdominal joint, whilst in the latter this is absent. There are twenty-three species of Gam- mai*us, many of them marine. Talitrus sal- tator, the sand-hopper, found burrowing in and hopping upon the sand of the sea-shore, also belongs to the family Gammarina. BIBL. Desmarest, Consid. gen. Crust. ; M.-Edwards, Crustac. iii. ; Gervais, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1835, iv. ; Westwood, Phil. Tr. 1835 ; Bate and Westwood, Ann. N. H. 1857, xix. 135 ; Rentsh, Gamm. orn. 1861. GANGLION-GLOBULES, or NERVE- CELLS. See NERVES. GAPES. A disease occurring in poultry, arising from entozoa (Sclerostoma and Syngamus) in the air-passages. GARVEI'A, T. S. Wright. A genus of Hydroid Polypes, fam. Atractylidse. G. natans. Body red, tentacles yellow ; marine; height 1" On rocks and sea-weeds. BIBL. Hincks, Brit. Zooph. 101. GASTEROMYCETES. A tribe of Basidiomycetous Fungi, characterized by the production of their free spores upon basidia seated on a sporiferous structure forming convolutions in the interior of an excavated fruit, which ultimately bursts to allow the sporiferous structure to expand and scatter its spores. The fruit of the Gasteromycetes is ordinarily a globular, elliptical, or shapeless mass, varying in size from microscopic minuteness to the dimen- sions of large balls, often stalked, arising 'from an inconspicuous flocculent mycelium. This external body consists of a leathery or membranous, simple or double sac (pe- ridium}, which bursts in various ways at maturity. When examined young, these Fungi appear solid ; but as they advance, various structures become gradually marked out in their interior, and appear more and more distinct until mature. In the Nidulariacei little conceptacles are developed in the interior of the sac-like pe- ridium ; and when the latter is mature, it opens like a cup or vase at its summit, ex- hibiting the conceptacles w'ithin, lying like eggs in a nest. These conceptacles are hollow, and lined with basidia bearing free spores. The Trichogastres exhibit in most cases the appearance of a leather ball, arising from an inconspicuous flocculent mycelium ; but in Broomeia the peridia are imbedded in large numbers in a common fleshy matrix. The internal structure differs to a consider- able extent in its earlier stages. The peri- dium is either single or double, the outer being often quite free, and becoming everted GASTEROMYCETES. [ 349 ] GASTEROMYCETES. Fig. 268. Fig. 267. Fig. 267. Fig. 268. Polysaccum crassipes. Natural size. Section from ditto, showing the loculi. Polysaccum crassipes. Cells of the hymenium, with basidia and spores. Magn. 400 diams. at the time of dehiscence. The interior of Polysaccum (fig. 268) and Scleroderma (fig. 270) consists, in the early state, of a mass of cellular matter, formed by the prolongation of the peridium, in the form of septa, in all directions into the interior, so as to divide it into chambers, each of which is lined with a hymenium or concep^tacle, hollow in the centre, into which project the ends of the filaments, bearing basidia with two to six spores. At the epoch of maturity all the internal structure has vanished, except the spores and detached particles of the filaments on which they were developed ; and these escape, on the bursting of the now bag-like peridium, as a fine powder. In Lycoperdon, &c., it is not the peridium Fig. 270. Fir. 271, Scleroderma vulgare. Fig. 270. Portion of the internal mass. Magn. 200 diams. Fig. 271. Cells of the hymenium, with basidia and spores. Magn. 400 diams. which is continued inwards to form cham- bers ; it forms a single or double sac, con- taining a fleshy substance (glebd), hollowed out into sinuous cavities clothed with basidia. In course of ripening, the spongy mass disappears, leaving only a collection of minute spores and filamentous fragments, which are emitted by the bursting of the peridium, a process exhibiting many cu- rious peculiarities in this group. The Phalloidei are roundish or ovoid fleshy balls in their earlier stages, but when opened exhibit a distinct peridium and a central lacunose sporiferous structure. The Fig 272. Lycoperdon cselatum. Section of the cfleba showing the loculi, on the walls of which the spores are produced. Magn. 200 diams. peridium consists of two layers, an inner and an outer, united by firm gelatinous GASTEROMYCETES. [ 350 ] GASTEROMYCETE8. tissue traversed by transverse membranous septa, and exhibits a tendency to split, like an orange, into quarters. When the peridium bursts, which it Fig. 273. usually does at the apex, the central sporiferous structure emerges, under various forms. In Phallus it is a capitate or clavate column ; in Clathrus (fig. 273), an elegant, globular, fleshy trellis j in Aseroe, a co- lumn with a stellate head, &c. In all cases, the spores, which are developed on convolutions of the fleshy sporiferous mass (glebd), on basidia, are found The sporiferous detached and confluent into a f rame - wet viscid mass adherin to the sporiferous surface at the time peridium. this has emerged from the 1 ' loth nat - 8ize - peridium and expanded to its full size. This wet condition of the mature sporife- rous layer is distinctive between the Phal- loidei and the Hymenomycetes, to which they bear many relations. The Hypogaei receive their name from their subterraneous habit of growth ; in which they resemble Truffles, a tribe of As- comycetes bearing much external similarity to these plants (see TUBERACEI). The general character is that of globular or de- pressed balls, growing underground, sessile on a flocculent mycelium. They exhibit a peridium enclosing a fleshy gleba, excavated into sinuous cavities lined by a membrane bearing basidiospores. These fruits do not burst, but set free their spores by decaying. Lastly, the Podaxinei bear much resem- blance to the Trichogastres ; but they always contain a central fleshy column, called the hymenophore. The young plants exhibit a peridium passing internally into a fleshy mass hollowed into labyrinthiform cavities (fig. 275), with a solid column in the centre of all. The cavities are lined by a mem- brane bearing basidiospores (fig. 277). The gleba sometimes breaks up into a pulverulent mass of spores and filaments ; sometimes it is permanent. The internal structure of this order presents many points of great morphological interest, but rather as regards the mode of arrangement and composition of the tissues than the character of the ul- timate elements themselves, which consist of the ordinary filamentous interwoven tis- sue of Fungi in the general mass of the structure, and of globular loosely packed cells in the sporiferous regions. Fig. 274. Fig. 275. Fig. 276. Fig. 277. Secotium erythrocephalum. Fig. 274. Natural size. Fig. 275. Vertical section. Fig. 276. Vertical section through the head, showing the labyrinthiform cavities. Fig. 277. Portion of a septum dividing the loculi, bear- ing basidia. Magnified 400 diameters. Synopsis of the Families. PODAXINEI. Peridium dehiscent, en- closing a sinuously excavated, fleshy, spori- ferous mass, falling to powder or permanent when mature, with a central solid column. HYPOGJEI. Peridium indehiscent, coat- ing a fleshy, sporiferous mass. Subter- raneous. PHALLOPDEI. Peridium dehiscent, en- closing a fleshy, sporiferous mass, which emerges from the burst peridium as a club- shaped or capitate column, or a globular network of wrinkled fleshy precesses, coated on the sporiferous surfaces with a dark- coloured foul-smelling slime (composed of minute spores imbedded in mucus). TRICHOGASTRES. Peridium double, more or less distinct, dehiscent, enclosing a mul- tilocular, fleshy, sporiferous mass, which finally breaks up into dust, without a cen- tral column. GASTROCH^TA. [ 351 ] GENERATIONS. NIPULARIACEI. Peridium dehiscent, and then forming 1 a cup or nest, containing one or many globose, oval or discoid concep- tacles, lined with filaments hearing spores. BIBL. See the Families. GASTROCELE'TA, Duj. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Enchelia (Duj.). Char. Body oval, with one side convex, the other heing traversed by a longitudinal furrow, which is furnished with vibratile cilia, principally at the ends. G.fssa (PL 31. fig. 7). Body semitrans- parent, colourless, oval, truncated in front, with a very minute blunt point at the middle of the posterior margin, convex and smooth above. Freshwater; length 1-400". BIBL. Duiardin, In/us, p. 385. GAUDRYI'NA, D'Orb A Textularian Foraminifer, having the early chambers arranged triserially, as in a Verneuiline,, making the shell three-keeled at first ; but it subsequently becomes compressed and wrinkled, the chambers being alternate with biserial growth, as in Textularia. The aperture is usually, as in Textularia, a slit on the inner wall of the chamber ; but it may be almost terminal and somewhat rounded and pouting, thus passing into He- terostomella. Some GaudryincB are twisted and Buliminoid. Fossil and recent. PI. 23. fig. 48, G. pupoides, D'Orb., in the Chalk. BIBL. D'Orb. For. Foss. Vim. ; Parker & Jones, Annals N. H. ser. 3, xi. 127. GELATINE. This chemical proximate principle constitutes the basis of the various forms of connective tissue, as existing in the true skin, areolar tissue, tendon, liga- ments, the swimming-bladder of fishes (isinglass) ; also of bone &c. It possesses no microscopic characters ; it forms a most valuable vehicle for the colouring-matters of liquids for injection. GELID'IUM, Lamx. A genus of Cry- ptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae), of which one species (G. corneum) is very common on our shores. It has a red, pinnated, horny frond, from two to six or eight inches high ; very variable in the appearance of its pinnate subdivisions; both spores and tetraspores are found on the ramules, the former in favellidia immersed in swollen ramules. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 137, pi. 17 B, Phyc. Brit. pi. 53. GEMELLA'RIA, Sav. A genus of Cheilostomatous Polyzoa, of the order In- fundibulata, and family Gemellariidse (Eucratiidae, H.) G. loriculata (PL 36. fig. 26). Cells in- versely conical, obliquely truncate. Com- mon a few fathoms below low water-mark. BIBL. That of the family. GEMELLA'RIIDJE. A family of Chei- lostomatous Polyzoa, of the order Infundi- bulata. Distinguished by the unjointed zoary, and the cells being opposite in pairs. Two genera : Gemellaria. Cells jointed back to back, all the pairs facing the same way ; orifice oval, oblique; no birds'-heads (PI. 36. dig. 26). Notamia. Each pair of cells arising from the next pair but one below it by tubular prolongations ; pipe-shaped birds'- heads above each pair (PL 36. fig. 21). BIBL. JohnstoQ, Br. Zooph. 293 ; Busk, Mar. Polyzoa, 34 ; Gosse, Mar. Zool. ii. 14 ; Hincks, Polyz. 17. GEMMAE. This term is applied to those cellular structures, formed in Flowerless Plants, which become detached, and repro- duce the individual independently of the spores. GEMMULI'NA, D'Orb. See BIGE- NERINA. GENERATIONS, ALTERNATION OF. The ordinary plan upon which the repro- duction of animals is effected, viz. that of sexes, involving the action of the spermatic secretion upon the ova, and the subsequent series of changes ultimately giving rise to new individuals resembling tne parents, is in some instances departed from ; and the embryos of certain animals, after their escape from the ova, do not become directly de- veloped into individuals resembling the parents, but produce a new, larval kind of being, which produces generations of the same larval or other kinds, the last of which resemble the original parents. While, therefore, in animals reproduced by the ordinary sexual process, the new in- dividuals resemble each other, or differ only in sex, in those which produce these alter- nate or intermediate generations the new individuals differ from the parents and even from each other, until the last of the series returns to the state of the first parents. This mode of reproduction has received the above name, from the alternation of the larval generations with the ordinary sexual form. Many instances of this process are men- tioned under the heads of the Classes &c. in which they occur ; as under ACALEPH^E, GENERATIONS. [ 352 ] GENERATIONS. ENTOZOA, TJENIA, &c. Thus, for instance, in the Acalephae, the ciliated embryo (PI. 49. tig. 6) produced by the ordinary sexual process becomes fixed (fig. 7), and passes into the state of an asexual polype (fig. 8) ; it then reproduces new individuals from gemmae and stolons (fig. 9), ultimately becoming segmented (fig. 10), and producing new individuals which re- semble the sexual parents. The interme- diate or nurse forms are those represented in figs. 7-10. Again, in Tcenia, the Cysti- cercus or Echinococcus forms the nurse, pro- ducing new individuals by gemmation, these, on reaching the alimentary canal, becoming transformed into Tcenicp with sexual organs. But the alternation of generations, or a modification of it, also occurs in animals in which sexes are not known to exist, as in some Infusoria and Rhizopods. In these, the ordinary plan of reproduction by di- vision and gemmation is departed from, and an animal differing from the parent, or a nurse-form resembling or identical with Acineta andActinophrys, is produced, which gives rise to embryos subsequently growing into the parent form. But in these in- stances the nurse- form is the result of a kind of metamorphosis, rather than of generation. In the Aphidae, the process is exhibited by the repeated formation of viviparous broods of beings, from apparently female insects, without impregnation, the final progeny being sexual. This is called par- thenogenesis. The phenomena designated by the phrase alternation of generations are also strikingly exemplified in the vegetable kirgdom ; but the conditions are very complicated, and the analogies with those occurring in animals somewhat diificult to trace. The Mosses, Hepaticae, and Ferns afford very clear analogies to the Medusae ; and others admit of being made out ; but it appears to us that Steenstrup and others have confounded va- rious distinct points, in the parallel drawn between the alternation of generations of animals and the metamorphoses (commonly so-called) of plants. We will endeavour to give a summary of the general facts connected with the doctrine. 1. All animals and plants reproduced by a sexual process (and there is reason to believe that this will ultimately be found universal), originate from a simple proto- plast or cell, and undergo a series of changes, in the course of their development to the complete form endowed with sexual organs, in which they assume forms analogous to animals (or plants) belonging to classes of lower (simpler) organization. 2. In the highest animals, the metamor- phoses are intra-uterine, as in most of the Mammalia ; in the lower animals these metamorphoses are in part or wholly extra- uterine. In the higher plants the changes are partly intra-uterine (t. e. the embryo has already become a leafy axis within the ovary, but it becomes perfected into the sexual form subsequently), in the lower partly or wholly extra-uterine. 3. The lower animals and all plants are capable of an asexual or vegetative repro- duction, by the isolation and separation of a portion of their substance. 4. Many animals and all plants are ca- pable of being multiplied by this vegetative reproduction in their intermediate stages of extra-uterine development ; and in such cases the reproduction, fissiparous, gemmiparous, or other, assumes the character peculiar to the class to which the intermediate form is analogous (e. g, the polypiform reproduction of the Acalephae, the confervoid growth and multiplication of the proembryo of the Mosses). The product of the vegetative reproduction is either like or unlike the body which produces it : in the former case the vegetative reproduction will be re- peated ; but in the latter case the product is usually provided with sexual organs, and the cycle of development is completed by the reproduction of a fertilized ovum. In the latter case we have what is called an alternation of generations. It will be evident that we here exclude from consideration the metamorphoses within the sphere of the individual shoot on plants that is, the metamorphosis of the leaf, the morphological element of the higher plant. It appears to us that these are not to be taken as parallels to the metamorphoses of animals comprehended by Steenstrup under the name of alternation of genera- tions, which would rather be found in the cases where bulbs, bulbils, tubers, &c. ap- pear in the place of shoots, as the product of branch-buds. The analogy would hold also with the gemmae of the Mosses, &c., and with the gonidia of the Thallophytes. Our space does not admit of a more minute exa- mination of the subject. Illustrations of the phenomena in vegetables will be found under FERNS, MOSSES, CONFEBVOIDE^E, LICHENS, certain Fungi, e. g. ERYSIPHE, PENICILLIUM, &c. GENERATION. [ 353 ] GEPHYPJA. Strictly speaking, the term alternation of generations is incorrect ; the process really consisting of an alternation of reproduction by gemmation, with that by sexual repro- duction. BIBL. Steenstrup, Altern. of Gen. (Ray Soc. 1845) ; Owen, Parthenogenesis, and Ann. N. H. 1851, ii. 59; A. Thomson, Cycl. An. iv. Suppl. ; Braun, Rejuv., Ray Soc. 1853 ; Henfrey, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. ix. 441; Radlko- fer, Befrucht. 1857, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xx. 241 ; Huxley, Inv. and Verteb. ; Leuckart (Ceddomyia "larva), Ann. N. H. xvii. 1866, 161; Sachs, Sat. 227; Nicholson, ZooL 1878, 33. GENERATION, SPONTANEOUS; some- times called equivocal generation, epige- nesis, or heterogeny. The doctrine of spontaneous generation was considered to have become a matter of history. We noticed under AIR (p. 24), the experiments which were supposed to have negatived the idea that microscopic plants and animals derive their origin from the direct transformation of decaying animal and vegetable remains. We have also there stated the modes by which the lower forms of organic life, most commonly found in de- composing infusions, propagate with extra- ordinary rapidity. More recent experi- ments have shown conclusively that this doctrine is untenable. The supposed occurrence of particular species of Entozoa within the bodies of other animals, not to be found in any other situations, was formerly considered to find a ready explanation in the doctrine in ques- tion. Later investigations, however, have proved that these supposed species are larval or other forms of true species of this Class, which do not attain their perfect develop- ment on account of their not existing in a suitable locality. BIBL. Schultz, Fogg. Annal. xli. 184; Helmholtz, Jn. prak. Chem. xxxi. 429 ; Gross, Sieb. undKoll. Zeits. iii. 68; Reissek, Ber. Wien, 1851 ; Pineau, Ann. Sc. Nat., ZooL 1845, 1848; Pasteur, Compt. Rend. 1860, li. 348, 675, and 1861, Hi. 1142; Pouchet, Heterogenie, 1859 ; id. Nouv. Exp. 1864 ; Bastian, Beginnings of Life, 1872 ; Evolution of Life, Med. Press and Circular, 1872 ; Tyndall* Putrefaction, 1881. GENICULA'RIA, De Bary. A genus of Desinidiacese. Char. Cells cylindrical, elongate, neither constricted nor incised, united into long filaments. Fig. 278. Endochrome forming 2 or spirals (left-handed). Conjugating joints geniculate. G. spirotania (PI. 51. fig. 36). Cells slightly expanded at the ends, cell-walls rough. Frankfort. BIBL. De Bary, Conjug. 77 ; Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. iii. 156; Pritchard, Inf. pi. 3. fig. 31. GEO'DIA, Lamk. A genus of marine sponges. Distinguished by the rounded form, the solid structure permeated by sinuous canals, and the solid external crus- taceous covering formed of globules of silex. G. Zetlandica. Deep water. BIBL. Bowerbank, Brit. Spong. ii. 4o. GEOLOGY. The microscopic investiga- tion of geological products is treated of under ROCKS. GEOPHTLUS, Leach. A genus of Chilopodous Myriapoda. G. longicornis, with the body brownish- yellow, slender, consisting of more than 40 joints, is common in garden-mould, under flower-pots, &c. G. subterraneus is phospho- rescent. See MYRIAPODA. GEOR'GIA, Ehrh. A genus of Mniaceous Moss- es, called, from the four teeth of the peristome, Tetraphis and Tetrodon- tium ; but these names are of later date thanEhrhart's (1780). G. Mnemosyne presents, besides its male and female inflorescence, a peculiar form of terminal leafy bud (fig. 278), which produces stalked gemmae in the interior. In the figure, numerous arche- gonia are also shown. Georgia Browniana, C. Miiller, = Tetraphis Brown., Grev. Georgia M u emosy ne. G. Mnemosyne, Ehrh. A s h oot with two = Tetraphis pellucida, terminal leafy buds. Hedw. Magn. 15 diameters. GEPHYR'IA, Arn. A gemis of Diato- maceaa. Char. Fr. arcuate, attached, destitute of cellulate annuli. and septa ; hoop sublamel- late, finely striate. Valves arcuate, with one median and several lateral costse, dis- similar ; inferior with the costse disappear- ing below the ends of the valve ; superior with them reaching the summit. G. incurvata. Ichaboe and Patagonian guano. G. media. Calif ornian guano. 2A GERANIUM. [ 351 ] GILLS. G. TelfairicB. Mauritius. BIBL. Arnott, Qu. Micr. Jn. viii. 20 ; Greville, Micr. Tr. 1866, 77, 122 (fig.)- GERA'NIUM. The sepals of the com- mon wild Geraniums and the garden Pelar- yonia form pleasing objects when dried and mounted in Canada balsam, the cells con- taining regularly arranged raphides (Que- kett, Ann. N. H. 1846, xviii. 82). GER'DA, 01. & L. A genus of Infuso- ria, fam. Vorticellina. Char. Sessile, resembling Scyphidia, but distinguished by the absence of the pos- terior sphincter or sucker. G. glans (PI. 52. fig. 2). Body elongate, cylindrical or clavate behind; contractile vesicle posterior, continued into a long ves- sel. Freshwater. BIBL. Clap. & Lachm. Infus. 117 ; Kent, Inf. 657. GERMINAL VESICLE OF ANIMALS. See OVUM. GERMINAL VESICLE OF PLANTS. This structure, the existence of which is now universally admitted by physiological botanists, is the germ of the future plant, formed from one of the protoplasmic germ- masses which exist before impregnation (Tulasne is doubtful whether before) in the embryo-sac of Flowering Plants. In most cases three masses are originally produced, as in Orchis (PI. 47. fig. 4) ; and in rare instances two of these are fertilized, and two embryos produced in one seed ; sometimes only one exists, and ordinarily only one is fertilized. This becomes at first elongated into a cellular filament called the suspensor, which is cut off by septa into several cells, the last of which usually becomes the embryonal vesicle or embryo-cell, which is then developed into the embryo (fig. 192, page 280). See OVULE and EMBRYO. GERMINATION. The act of develop- ment of a seed or spore into a new plant. The phenomena attending the germination of all the Cryptogamic plants require the aid of the microscope for their investiga- tion, and are in most instances highly in- teresting and important in a physiological point of view. For particulars, see the classes of Flowerless Plants. GER'RIS, Latr. A genus of Hemipte- rous (Heteropterous) Insects, of the family Hydrometridae. Gerris lacustris is everywhere seen skim- ming the surface of water. It has the basal joint of the antennae longest, the four hind legs very long and at a great distance from the fore legs. The legs do not possess any special structure by which they are enabled to repel the water, beyond a number of short hairs. Telia rivulorum, with the basal joint of the antennas longest, the legs of moderate length and equally apart, and Hydronwtra stagnorum, with the first and second joints of the antennas short, the third being the longest, are allied members of the same family, and are commonly met with on the surface of pools, &c. The elegantly sculp- tured eggs, and the curiously placed eyes of Hydrometra, are interesting objects. In the anterior tarsi of Telia, minute mem- branous retractile lobes have been described. BIBL. Westwood, Introd. ii. 467, and Syn. 119: Douglas and Scott, Brit. Hemipt. GIGAR'TINA, Lamx. A genus of Cry- ptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae), with car- tilaginous irregularly-divided fronds, the internal substance of which is composed of rather lax tissue, the outer of dichotomous filaments perpendicular to the surface, strongly united by their moniliform termi- nations (fig. 279). Four British species are Fig. 279. Gigartina pistillata. Transverse section of the frond. Magnified 50 diameters. known, growing from 2 to 6 inches high, of a dull purple colour. Reproduced by spores (in favellidia) and tetraspores scat- tered among the peripheral filaments. G. acicularis (PI. 4. fig. 17). BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alga, 139, pi. 17 C ; Greville, Alg. Brit. 146, 147, pi. 16. GILLS OF FISHES. These organs form beautiful and favourite injected objects. They must be injected from the heart, or frolri the branchial artery, which ascends GILLS. [ 355 ] GLANDS. from the heart much in the same manner | as the pulmonar} 7 artery ascends from the heart of the higher animals. It may be remarked that the heart of fishes is situated much nearer to the anterior end of the body than in the Mammalia. BIBL. Stannius, Vergl. An. ; Lereboul- let, An. Cotnp. de VAppar. Respir. ; Hyrtl, Med. Jahrb. (Ester. Staat. bd. 24 j Leydig, Histol. 382 j Gegenbaur, Vergl. An. 565. GILLS OF INSECTS, or branchiae. These are hair- or leaf-like processes (PI, 35. figs. 2 y, 15, 19, 21) projecting from the surface of the body, and containing one or more tracheae and their ramifications, which communicate with those of the body gene- rally. Insects furnished with gills or bran- chiae have no occasion to rise to the surface of the water in which they live, the diffusion by which the respiratory process is effected taking place between the gaseous contents of the tracheae and those of the water, GINAN'NIA, Montague. A genus of Cryptonerniaceae (Florideous Algae), con- taining one British species, G.furcellata, a rare, pinky-red sea-weed, about 2 to 6 in- ches long, with a dichotomous, terete, mem- branaceo-gelatinous frond, the divisions of which have a kind of fibrous axis. The spores are produced in spherical concep- tacles imbedded just beneath the surface of the frond. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Algce, 148, pi. 19 C j E. Botany, pi. 1881. GINGER. This substance finds a place here on account- of its liability to adultera- tion when sold in the form of powder. It consists of the rhizomes of Zingiber offi- cinale (N. 0. Zingiberaceae) . The bulk of the structure consists of parenchymatous cellular tissue with pitted walls, containing scattered starch-granules, and here and there filled with a combined mass of starch- granules and yellow colouring-matter of very distinct character ; besides these, occur the pitted ducts and a small quantity of woody fibre. The starch-grains nearly re- semble those of the species of Curcuma which yield East-India arrowroot. Adul- teration is effected with cheap starches (sago-, wheat-, or potato-flour), which may be detected by the form of the granules ; while MusTABD-husks and CAYENNE pepper are employed to give pungency to the same reduced articles. The characters of these substances are given under their respective heads. BIBL. Hassall, Food $c. p. 390. GLANDS OF ANIMALS. Glands are organs, the general function of which is to separate from the blood certain compounds destined to perform some special office in the economy. They are divided into true or secernent glands j and vascular glands. The secernent glands, the secretions from which escape either by rupture, or through ducts, are thus arranged : 1. Glands consisting of closed vesicles which dehisce laterally : the Graafian vesi- cles of the ovary, and the follicles (Nabo- thian) of the cervix uteri. 2. Glands composed of cells reticularly united : the liver. (See LIVER.) 3. Racemose or aggregated glands, in which aggregations of roundish or elongated glandular vesicles occur at the ends of the excretory ducts. These are either, , sim- ple, with one or but few lobules, comprising the mucous glands, the sebaceous and the Meibomian follicles ; or, b, compound, with many lobules, the lachrymal and salivary glands, the pancreas, the prostate, Cowper's and the mammary glands ; in this category must also be placed the lungs. 4. Tubular glands, in which the secreting elements have a more or less tubular form. These are either, a, simple, consisting of one or but few caecal tubes including the tubular gastric and intestinal (Lieberkiihn's), the uterine, sudoriparous and ceruminous glands; or, 6, compound, consisting of nu- merous reticular or ramified glandular canals comprising the testis and the kidney. The vascular glands, which have no ducts, and the contents of which escape by transudation, are subdivided into 1. Those composed of large and small cells imbedded in a stroma of connective tissue ; comprising the supra-renal capsules, the anterior lobules of the pineal gland, and the pituitary body. 2. The closed follicles, consisting of a ba&ement-membrane, an epithelial lining, and transparent contents, forming the thy- roid gland. 3. The closed follicles, with a capsule of areolar tissue and contents consisting of nuclei, cells, and liquid, to which belong, , the solitary follicles of the stomach and intestines ; 6, the aggregated follicles of the small intestines, or Peyer's glands, in ani- mals also those of the stomach and large intestines j c, the glandular follicles of the root of the tongue, and of the pharynx and the tonsils ; and, d, the lymphatic glands. 4. Here belongs the spleen, consisting of 2A2 GLANDS. [ 356 ] GLANDS. a cellular parenchyma containing numerous closed follicles like the last. 5. The thynius gland, in which aggre- gated glandular vesicles open into a com- mon closed canal or wide space. The glands are further noticed under their respective heads. BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An., and Geivebe- lehre ; Henle, Allg. An. ; Wagner, Handiv. Phys. ; Todd and Bowman, Phys. Anat. ; Carpenter, Physiol. ; Frey, Histol. 374. GLANDS OF PLANTS. The glands of plants are special structures formed of cel- lular tissue, in which are produced secretions of various kinds, such as oils, resins, c. They are ordinarily more or less closely connected with the epidermal tissues, but not in all cases, the latter instances forming a kind of transition to the receptacles of special secretions, turpentine-reservoirs &c., found in the interior of the stems of many plants. Glands may be conveniently divided into external and internal : the former are sessile, or stalked (when they present the character of grandular hairs, of various forms) ; while the latter are generally visible externally as transparent dots scattered over an organ, such as a leaf, giving it the appearance of having been pricked all over with a pin; when of more considerable dimensions, and with thicker walls, they produce tuberculation of the surface, as on the rind of the orange, &c. External glands. These may be subdivided into simple and compound. Simple external glands are either sessile vesicles or hairs, composed of a single vesi- cular or elongated epidermal cell filled with secretion ; or they are hairs composed of a simple row of cells, one or more of which are filled with secretion. Examples of this may be found in the epidermis of Primula sinensis, Gilia tricolor, Erodium cicutarium, Achimenes (PL 28. fig. 32), Stachys, Marru- bium, Digitalis purpurea (fig. 33), Antir- rhinum majus (fig. 34), (Enothera, Helk- borus foetidus, Scrophularia nodosa (fig. 41), Sempervivum, Salvia, Thymus, Mellissa, Mesembryanthemum, Garden Chrysanthe- mum (fig. 30), &c. The stings of the nettles are to be placed here; they consist of very long, tapering, single hairs, with an obtuse point, and a bulb-like expansion at the base, imbedded in a dense layer of epidermal tissue (PL 28. fig. 8). The hair is tilled with the poisonous secretion. When the point touches the skin, it breaks off and allows the escape of the fluid contents, which are squeezed out by the pressure, and probably by the tension of the tissue around the bulb. Compound external glands differ from the simple only in the fact that they are com- posed of a greater or a smaller number of cells combined into a mass, usually of sphe- rical or allied form. They may be sessile, or stalked upon a simple or compound hair. Examples of sessile form occur in Dictamnus albus (PL 28. figs. 38, 39), RoUnia viscosa, the leaf of the mulberry and the HOP (fig. 14), and the stipular glands of C'm- chona, Galium, &c. ; of the stalked, in the Rose (fig. 46), species of Ktibus, Drosera, and on many aromatic or viscid plants. Internal glands. These consist of cavities in the subepidermal tissue, of variable size, bounded by a firm layer of cells, and filled with oily or resinous secretions. They ap- pear to be formed either of one cell, when small, or, when large, of a definite mass of cells, which, after the production of the secretion, have their walls obliterated so as to form a large chamber ; possibly, however, some may be intercellular spaces into which the secretion is poured out. Examples of moderate dimensions are found in the leaves of Dictamnus, Magnolia (PL 28. fig. 12), Hypericum perforatum, and other species, Myrtacece, Ruta graveolens (fig. 11), &c. Very large glands of this kind contain the oil in the rind of the orange (fig. 280) and other species of Citrus. Fig. 280. Section of the rind of an orange, showing the internal glands, E, u. Magn. 50 diams. The nectaries of flowers have their tissue metamorphosed into a condition resembling that of the secreting part of glands ; and the hairs of the stigma of Flowering Plants produce a secretion at the period of impreg- nation. Brongniart has lately pointed out the existence of internal glands in the dis- sepiments of the ovaries of the petaloid Monocotyledons. These structures form a transition to the turpentine-canals &c. of the Coniferse. (See SECRETING ORGANS of Plants.) The Gummi-Keulen of Meven GLANDULINA. [ 357 ] (cystoliths of Weddell) are also related to glands. (See RAPHIDES.) Bennett draws attention to certain glands imbedded in the leaves of Drosera, Pingui- cula, and Callitriche, at first sight resem- bling stomata, with two papille. They are supposed to be related to a carnivorous func- tion. Similar structures seem to exist in leaves of the garden rhubarb (PI. 2. fig. 14). BIBL. Meyen, Secretiomorg . d. Pftanzen. Berlin, 1857 ; Brongniart, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser. ii. 5 ; Lawson, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xiv. 161 ; Trecul, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser. iii. 303 ; Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xvi. 146 ; Tieghem, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1872 ; Sachs, Sot. 92 ; Bennett, M. M. Jn. 1876, xv. 1. GLANDULI'NA, D'Orb. A Nodosa- rian Forarninifer. It has a free, regular, straight, ovoidal shell ; globular, almost com- pletely embracing chambers, the last being convex and prolonged ; and a round, minute, terminal orifice. G. Icevigata (PL 23. fig. 28). Recent and fossil. Common in the Lias and Chalk. BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. Foss. Vien. 28; Morris, Er. Foss. 36 ; Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xix. 280. GLAUCO'MA, Ehr. A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Trachelina, E. Char. Body ciliated all over; mouth longitudinal, oval, without teeth, placed laterally near the anterior third or fourth of the body, and furnished with one or two tremulous laminae or lips. Stein describes the encysting process as occurring in one species. G. scintillans, E. (PI. 31. fig. 8). Body colourless, slightly depressed, elliptical or ovate ; sacculi large; length 1-290". Fresh- water, and in infusions (of hay, &c.). G. viridis, D. Body green, oval ; mouth large, nearer the middle than the anterior end of the body ; length 1-630". In pu- trid rain-water collected in an empty wine- cask coated with cream of tartar. BIBL. Ehrenb. In/us. 334 ; Dujardin, In/us. 475 ; Stein, In/us. 250. GLEICHENIA'CEJE. An order of Ferns, distinguished by the sori of few (2-10) obliquely amralated sporangia, which open vertically (fig. 282). Genera : Gleichenia. Sporangia collected in round- ish sori. Indusium absent. Leaves forking. Exotic (figs. 281 & 282). Platyzoma. Sporanges collected in point- like sori. Indusium spurious, formed by the revolute margin of the leaf. Leaves undi- vided. GLENOPHORA. Fig. 281. Fig. 282. Gleichenia. Fig. 281. Fertile pinnules with sori. Magn. 5 diama. Fig. 282. Sorus composed of four crucially arranged capsules. Magn. 40 diams. GLENODIN'IUM, Ehr. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Peridinsea. Char. Carapace membranous, rounded or oblong, with one or more distinct furrows furnished with vibratile cilia ; an elongated or horse-shoe-shaped red (eye-) spot pre- sent ; no horn-like processes. These organisms are doubtful Infusoria. Thev are common in pools and bog-water. G. cinctum (PL 31. fig. 10 a, 6). Ovate or subglobose, ends obtuse, yellow; cara- pace smooth; eye-spot large, transverse and semilunar ; length 1-576". G. apiculatum (PL 31. fig. 10 c). Oval, ends obtuse, greenish yellow ; carapace smooth ; eye-spot oblong ; length 1-480". G. tabtilatum. Oval, greenish yellow ; carapace granular, reticulated with promi- nent lines ; ends acute or denticulate ; eye- spot oblong; length 1-480". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Inf. 257; Dujardin, Inf. 373 ; Kent, Inf. 446. GLENOM'ORUM, Ehr. The Gknomo- rum ting ens of Ehrenberg (PL 31. fig. 14), which consists of aggregated revolving groups of green bodies, with two anterior cilia, and a red (eye-) spot, has been shown by Weise and Stein to form the young state of CHLOROGONIUM, which itself appears probably to be a stage of development of PROTOCOCCUS. GLENOPH'ORA, Ehr. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Ichthydina. Char. Free ; eyes two, frontal ; rotatory organ circular and frontal; tail truncated, without toes. G. trochus (PL 43. fig. 36). Body ovato- GLENOSPORA. [ 358 ] GLCEOCOCCUS. conical, colourless, the turgid front and the narrowed foot truncated ; eyes blackish ; length 1-576" j freshwater. BIBL. Ehrenb. In/us, p. 391. GLENOS'PORA, Berk. & Desm. A genus of Dematiei (?) (Hyphomycetous Fungi), of which one species (G. Thwaitesii) appears to have been found in Britain. BIBL. Berk. Hort. Journ. iv. p. 256. GLOBIGERI'NA, D'Orb. A typical Foraminifer. The shell is minute and glo- bose, consisting of a series of ten or fewer globular chambers, arranged spirally in two or three whorls, and increasing rapidly from 1-2000 to 1-80" in diameter. Surface foraminated and rugose, sometimes prickly. Each chamber opens into the umbilical hollow by a crescentic orifice. In G. cre- tacea and G. hirsuta the shell is almost dis- coidal and nautiloid ; in G. buUoides (PI. 24. tigs. 2, 3) the chambers become heaped ; in G. helicina the later chambers expand and grow irregular. In some cases the last chamber overlaps all the others, and the shell becomes an Orbulina. G. bulloides is very abundant in the Atlantic and other oceans, also in the shallow water of the Adriatic. Many varieties occur, recent and fossil, from the Triassic period to the present day. BIBL. Waffich,J?wfoy. /o%.1876; Car- penter, For. 181 ; Parker and Jones, Phil. Tr. 1865, 365 ; Brady, Mic. Jn. 1879, 70. GLOBULI'NA, Turp.=GLCEOCAPSA. GLOBULI'NA, D'Orb. See POLYMOR- PHINA. GLCEOCAP'SA, Kiitz. A genus of Pal- mellaceae (Confervoid Algae), distinguished by the rounded cells, single or grouped into families, with special and general lamellar envelopes. As we have adopted it, it is distinguished from Palmella by the persis- tence of the coats of the parent-cells as envelopes enclosing their progeny of several generations, to the number of 4, 16, 64, or more secondary cells, the membranes becom- ing confluent subsequently, however, by solution, into a gelatinous mass. From Coccochloris the chief distinction seems to be in the persistence of the lamellae of the parent cells in the membranous condition, and the globular instead of cylindrical or elliptical form of the cells, while the habit is to form rather flat irregular strata than .globose or papillose masses. From Proto- coccus it is distinguished by the persistent gelatinous investment. Some recent writers, ' especially Sachs, assume that the species of Gloeocapsa are . early stages of development of Lichens, from gonidia. G. con/tuens. Stratum gelatinous, green. Diam. of cell-contents, 1-1200 to 1-600'".= H&matococcus minutissimus, Hassall ? G. montana. Stratum gelatinous, green ; vesicles concentrically striated; cell-contents 1-1000 to 1-500'" in diain. = .f. nUcrosponu t Hass. G. granosa. Stratum green, firm ; vesi- cles concentrically striated ; cell-contents 1-300'" in diam. = //. granosus, Hass. G. polydennatica (PI. 7 . fig. 4) . Stratum hardish, olivaceous, somewhat compact or granular ; concentric lamellae evident, thick ; cell-contents 1-800 to 1-500'" in diaui. = J ST. rupestris, Hass. G. eeruginosa. Stratum grey-aeruginous, granular-crustaceous ; vesicleslarge (1-100 to 1-60'"), irregular; cell-contents 1-1000 to 1-600'". =//. ceruyinosus, Hass. G. lividia. Stratum dirty olive or black- ish, soft, but tubercular ; cell-contents aeru- ginous; 1-700'". If. lividus, Has*. G. Magma. Stratum purplish -black, crustaceous, granular; cell-contents 1-600 to 1-320'". ISorospora mantana, Hass. G. sanguinea. Stratum black ; internal cells deep blood-red ; cell-contents 1-600 to 1-400'". = Hcematococcus sanguineus, Ag., Hass. G. Shuttleivorthiana. Stratum dirty red ; internal cells orange ; cell-contents 1-1000 to 1-900'". G. Ralfsiana. Stratum dirty purple; internal cells rosy-purple ; cell-contents 1-750 to 1-400'". S /Storapora Ralfsii, Hass. In PI. 7. fig. 13 is represented a form we have met with among freshwater Algae, which appears to agree with Kutxing's G. ampla. Those resting forms of Euglena where the encysted groups are devoid of a firm outer coat, bear considerable resemblance to a large Glceocapsa. Rabenhorst describes 55 European species. BIBL. Kiitzingr, Phyc. gen. 173, Sp. Alg. 216, Tab. Phyc. pis. 19 et seq.; Hassall, Alyee, pi. 79, &c. ; Sachs, Bot. Zeit. xiii. 1 ; Al. Braun, Rejuv. (Ray Soc. 1853), 131, 182; Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. ii. 34. GLCEOCOC'CUS, Braun. A genus of Palmellaceae, consisting of active biciliated gonidia resembling the moving form of Protococcus, but connected into families by a mass of soft jelly. See PALMELLACE.E. BIBL. A. Braun, Verjiingung, 169 : Chy- tridien, 57; Rabenhorst, FL Alg. iii. 36 (fig). GLCEOCYSTIS. [ 359 ] GNETACE^. GLCEOCYSTIS, Nageli= Glceocapsa, pt, GL(EOSPO'RIUM,Montagne. A genus of Sphaeronemei (Stylosporous Fungi), developed beneath the surface of leaves, and bursting through, forming a kind of rust on the surface. G. paradoxum ( My xosporium paradoxum, De Notar.) occurs on ivy. G. Lobes. Asteroma Lobes, Berk. Brit. Fungi. G. concentricum (Cylindrosporum concen- tricum, Grev. Sc. Crypt. Flor. p. 27) forms a white rust upon cabbage-leaves. BIBL. Berk. & Br. Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. V. p. 455 ; Berkeley, Hort. Trans, vi. p. 121. GLCEOTHE'CA, Nag. A genus of Palmellaceae (Confervoid Algae), distin- guished by the oblong or cylindrical cells, with thick, often lamellar envelopes. 13 species ; on humid rocks (Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. ii. 60). GLGEOTILA, Kiitz. A genus of Con- fervaceae with simple, submoniliform fila- ments, endochrome of the cells becoming contracted and rounded. Ten species. Freshwater ; in ditches and aquaria. (Ra- benhorst, Fl. Alg. iii. 319.) GLOIOSIPHO'NIA, Carm. A genus of Cryptonemiaceee (Florideous Algae), the single British representative of which is a rare, feathery, red sea- weed, 3-12 inches high, with a semigelatinous tubular frond. The spores are in dense masses, scattered among the radiating j ointed filaments which clothe the periphery of the branches. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 152, pi. 21 A, Eng. Sot. pi. 1219. GLYCERINE is the sweet principle of fats. It may be prepared by boiling fats with oxide of lead and water. The aqueous solutions are freed from the lead by sulphu- retted hydrogen, the filtered liquid eva- porated to the consistence of a syrup, and finally in vacuo over sulphuric acid. It is now procured by decomposing the fats with high-pressure steam. Glycerine, when pure, is a colourless, highly refractive, syrupy liquid, of a sweet taste j it mixes in all proportions with alco- hol and water, but it is insoluble in ether. The property possessed by glycerine, of constituting a liquid which does not become dry, and mixes with water, renders it very useful for the preservation of microscopic objects 5 especially those which will not permit of being dried, such as preparations of vegetable structure, which may De left on a slide in a drop of glycerine, with a glass cover to exclude dust, for weeks and months without alteration. It renders objects very transparent, which is sometimes advan- tageous, sometimes the reverse. A solution of gum-arabic in diluted glycerine is often used for mounting objects which do not bear drying. The solution is made by dissolving 1 oz. of very clear gum in 1 oz. of water, and adding subsequently 1 oz. of glycerine: great care must be taken, in incorporating the glycerine, to avoid forming air-bubbles, which are difficult to get rid of on account of the viscidity of the fluid. The mode of mounting objects is to soak them in pure glycerine, and then to operate as with Canada balsam, only not applying heat. GL YCIPH' AGUS,Hering. A subgenus Of ACARTJS, p. 8. GLY'PHIS, Ach. A genus of Graphidei (Lichenaceous Lichens). G. labyrinthica, on trees, very rare. (Leighton, Lich.-Flora, 436.) GLYPHODES'MIS, Grev. A genus of Diatomacese. Char. Fr. united into a filament ; side view naviculoid, with a central nodule, median line, and transverse rows of granules ; struc- ture clathrate (?), the granules being deve- loped within square areolae, arranged in parallel rows. G. eximia. In scrapings of marine shells. Jamaica. . BIBL. Greville, Qu,. Mic. Jn. 1862, 234 (figs.). GLYPHODIS'CUS, Grev. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Fr. four-sided, the angles much rounded. Valves with a large 4-angled nucleus, the angles alternating with those of the margin; and a circular prominent process within each marginal angle, from which costae radiate to the nucleus ; whilo similar costae radiate from the angles of the nucleus to the sides of the disk. G. stellatus. Monterey stone. BIBL. Greville, Mic. Tr. 1862, 91. GL YPHOMIT'RIUM, Bridel. A genus of Orthotrichaceous Mosses, deriving its name from the grooved calyptra. Glypho- mitrium Daviesii, Brid., is found in Wales and Ireland on rocks, mostly near the sea. It is peculiar to Great Britain and Ire- land. GNAT. See CTJLEX and CULICIB^E. GNETA'CE^E. An order of Flowering Plants, remarkable for their jointed stems, composed of ducts and wood-cells marked like the wood of Conifers. The rind and GOMPIIILLUS. [ 360 ] GONATOZYGON. Fig. 283. Glyphomitrium Daviesii. Teeth of the peristome. Magnified 150 diams. pith, also, contain curious branched liber- cells. GOMPHIL'LUS, Nyl. A genus of Lichenaceous Lichens. G.calycioides. On mosses, rare. (Leigh- ton, Lich.-Flora, 50.) GOMPHOGRAM'M A, Braun. A genus of Diatomaceae, cohort Fragilarieae. Char. Frustules solitary or geminate, front view tabellar, with interrupted clavate longitudinal vittae, ends internally dentate ; valves ovate or elliptic-lanceolate, with transverse continuous costae. G. rupestre (PI. 52. fig. 3). On moist rocks (freshwater). BIBL. Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. i. 116; and p. 12 (fig.). GOMPHONE'MA, Ag. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules mostly single or binate, attached by a filiform stipes, wedge-shaped in front view; valves with a median line and a nodule at the centre and at each end, and striated with transverse or slightly radiating granular striae. Freshwater and fossil. Conjugation has been observed in several species. Kiitzing describes thirty-eight species ; Smith admits twelve as British. The form of the frustule is subject to great variety ; and the specific characters are probably of little value. The most common species are : G. acuminatum (PI. 16. fig. 34 a, 5, c). Frustules in front view simply cuneate, or inflated in the middle ; valves attenuated at the base, ventricose in the middle, beyond which they are again expanded ; ends acu- minate, or truncate with an acuminate pro- longation; striae distinct; length of frustules 1-360". San Fiore deposit. G. geminatutn. Valves ventricose in the middle, constricted and rotundo-truncate towards each end ; striae distinct ; stalks long, thick, densely interwoven ; length of frustules 1-216 to 1-180". G. olivacewn. Densely crowded, forming a mucous mass ; frustules broadly cuneate (fr. v.) ; valves obovato-lanceolate ; striae distinct ; length of frustules 1-1020". G. curvatum. Frustules curved ; valves obovato-lanceolate ; striae faint ; length 1-720". BIBL. Ehr. In/us. 215 ; Kutzing, Jiariff. 84, and Sp. Alg. 63 ; Smith, Br. Diatom. 76; Ralfs, Ann. N. H. 1843, xvi. 459. GOMPHOSPILE'RIA, Ktz. A genus of Palmellacese ; with the cells radiating, and united into groups in a globose mucous envelope. G. aponina. In pools. (Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. ii. 55.) GONATOBO'TRYS,Corda. A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), the f er- Fig. 284. Fig. 285. Gonatobotrys simplex. Fig. 284. A fertile filament. Magn. 100 diams. Fig. 285. A sporiferous joint, with most of the spores removed. Magn. 600 diams. tile filaments of which present at intervals swollen articulations, on which are attached simple ovate spores (figs. 284, 285). BIBL. Corda, Icones Fungorum. GONATOR'RHODON, Corda. A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), the fertile filaments of which have at intervals swollen articulations, whence arise moniliform chains of spores (fig. 286). BIBL. Corda, Prachtfl. europ. Schimmelb. pi. 3. GONATOZY'GON, De Bary.-A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Cells cylindrical or truncate-fusi- form, neither constricted nor incised, united GONGROSIRA. [ 301 ] GONIOI. into long fragile Fig. 286. filaments ; endo- chrome simple, un- dulate and twisted. 2 species ; fresh- water. G.Ralfsii(P\M. fig. 37). BIBL. Raben- horst, Flor. Alg. iii. p. loo. GONGROSl'RA, Ktz. A genus of Chaetophoraceae (Conf ervoid Algae). Gonatorrhodon speciosum. Fertile filaments with swollen joints bearing chains of spores. Magn. 100 diams. Filaments jointed, sub-dichotomously branched or tufted, attenuated at the base to form a root-like thread; joints as long or twice as long as broad, torulose. Four species ; minute ; on stones, wood, and aquatic plants. (Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. iii. GONID'IA. The name applied to cells which in the Thallophytes perform an office analogous to that of the GEMMAE of the higher Cryptogams, and the separating bud- structures such as bulbils, stolons, &c. of the Flowering Plants, being cells developed from the vegetative tissues, ultimately thrown off, and capable of propagating the individual. The gonidia of the Lichens are globular cells with green contents, developed in the central lay ers of the thallus, afterwards set free by the destruction of the cortical layer; they appear capable of multiplication by subdivision before growing out into the filaments which form the foundation of the new thallus (see LICHENS). And the en- dochrome has lately been observed in a few Lichens to be resolved into zoospores, a cir- cumstance which brings Lichens in an im- portant point still nearer to Fungi. The gonidia of the Fungi are usually termed CONIDIA (see that article, and FUNGI}. The gonidia of the Algae are best known in the CONFEBVOIDS, where they are formed from the cell-contents, and generally present themselves ciliated, as ZOOSPORES. The tetraspores of the Florideae are probably the homologues of gonidia. GONIO'COTES, Nitz. A subgenus of Philopterus, like Goniodes, but the antennae alike in both sexes. G. hologaster, on the fowl. GONIOCY'PRIS, R & R. A minute Ostracode, with yellowish, compressed, trian- gular valves ; found in the rivers and dykes of Eastern England. BIBL. Brady and Robertson, Ann. N. H. 1870, vi. 15. GONIO'DES, Nitzsch. A subgenus of Philopterus (Anoplura), distinguished by the large head, with projecting temporal angles, no trabeculae ; antennae f orcipate in the males, cylindrical in the females. Several species, on the turkey, the guinea- fowl, the domestic fowl, the pheasant, and the grouse. GONIOM'ONAS, St. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria. Char. Free, or adherent posteriorly; flagella two, equal, obliquely truncate in front. G.truncata. Freshwater. (Kent, Z??/.280.) GONIONE'MA, Nyl. A genus of Bys- saceous Lichens. G, velutinum. On subalpine rocks ; rare. (Leighton, Lick. Fl. 9.) GONIOTHE'CIUM, Ehr. A genus of fossil Diatornaceae. Char. Frustules terete, with a median (longitudinal) constriction (suddenly atte- nuate and truncate at the ends, hence ap- pearing angular). Corresponds to Pyxidicula, constricted in the middle, and truncate at the ends. Found in America. We have figured several of the nine or ten species, some of which do not appear to have the characters of the genus. G. Anaidus (PI. 61. fig. 18) ; G. barbatum (fig. 19) ; G. didymum (fig. 20) ; G. mono- don (fig. 21); G. navicula (fig. 22); G. Rogerm (fig. 23) ; G. gastridium (PI. 50, fig. 40) ; G. odontella (fig. 44). BIBL. Ehrenberg, Abh. Berl Ak. 1841, 401, Berl. Ber. 1844, 82, and Mikrogeol. ; Kiitzing, Bacill. 51, and Sp. Alg. 23; Greville, Mic. Tr. 1865, 56. GO'NIUM, Miiller. A genus of Volvo- cineae (Confer void Algae), forming micro- scopic, square, flat fronds, either ciliated and endowed with a power of motion, or devoid of cilia and motionless ; it is possible that these two conditions are only stages of deve- lopment in species active at one time and resting at another. The perfect fronds are composed of usually sixteen cells, enclosed in wide colourless coats (young fronds but four cells, some kinds have more than six- teen) united together into flat square masses by adherence at various points of their cir- GONOTHYILEA. [ 362 ] GRAMMATONEMA. cu inference. A light vacuole in the sub- stance of the cell-contents may often be ob- served to exhibit a rhythmical contraction and expansion, as in rokoae. The cells of the active forms have each a pair of vibratile cilia, which run out from the central proto- plasmic mass, through the hyaline envelope, and project as free processes, rowing the frond about in the water. They are com- monly observed to increase by division, a frond composed of sixteen cells breaking up into four fronds, each composed of four cells, &c. ; but it is probable that other kinds of development exist, and that the motionless forms are resting states of active species. Goniumpectorale is an exceedingly interest- ing microscopic object, not uncommon in freshwater pools. G.pectorale (PL 7. fig. 11). Frond square, composed of sixteen bright-green cell- masses enclosed in hyaline envelopes, each with a pair of cilia ; size of green masses 1-1960 to 1-1150"; frond not exceeding 1-280". In clear water, salt and fresh, near the surface. G.punctatnm. Cells sixteen ; cell-masses green, with black granules ; diam. 1-4600" ; frond of sixteen, 1-576". G. tranquillum (PI. 7. fig. 12). Cells sixteen ; cell-masses green, diam. 1-2880" ; frond of sixteen, 1-144 to 1-288", some- times twice as broad as long ; the cell-masses found in division (binate or quaternate), motionless. (Possibly not a Gonium, but a Palmellacean Tetraspora ?). G. hyalinum. Cell-masses hyaline, diam. 1-3000"; frond of twenty or twenty-five, 1-600". In stagnant water. G. glaucum. Cell-masses bluish green, from four to sixty-four in a frond, diam. 1-7000 to 1-4200", ditto of frond not ex- ceeding 1-570". In sea-water. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Inf. 55 ; Cohn, Nova Acta, xxiv. 169, pi. 18 ; Fresenius, Mus. Senckenb. GeseU. ii. 187, 1856. GONOTHYR^E'A, Allman. A genus of Campanulariidse, Hydroid Zoophytes. 2 species. G. Loveni (Laomedia dichotomy John- son), on the fronds of the large sea-weeds, and on stones, at low-water mark. BIBL. Hincks, Hydroid Zooph. 180. GOR'DIUS, Linn. A genus of Nema- toid Entozoa. Char. Body very long and slender, fili- form ; alimentary canal (none, Vill.) with a single orifice, sexes distinct. G. aquations, the common hair-worm, is from 7 to 10" in length and about 1-25 to 1-20" in breadth, of a brown or blackish colour, and is found in water or damp places. The mouth is very indistinct ; the tail of the male is bifid, that of the female simple and rounded. The ova, agglutinated in long strings, are deposited in water, and being devoured by insects or Arachnida, undergo development within their bodies. These animals frequently coil themselves into a knot-like form, whence the name. See MERMIS. BIBL. Dujardin, Helminth. 296, and Ann. So. Nat. 1842, xviii. 142 ; Ent. Zeit. 1842 -43, and Erichson's Archiv, 1843, ii. 302 ; Berthold, Ban d. Wasserkalbes, 1842; Meissner, Sieb. $ Koll. Zeits. 1856, i. ; Sie- bold, ibid. 141; Grenadier, Sieb. $ Koll. Zeitsch. 1868 ; Villot, Ann. N. H. 1872, x. 231 ; Cnmpt. Rend. 1880, 1569 ; Ann. N.H. 1880, vi. 169. GORGO'NIA, Linn. A genus of marine Polypi, of the order Actinoida, and family Gorgoniadae. Char. Polypidom rooted, and consisting of a central, branched, horny, and sometimes anastomosing flexible axis, coated with a soft and fleshy polypiferous crust. The species are popularly known as sea- fans; they are not microscopic, often attain- ing very considerable dimensions. The polypidom, as well as the crust, con- tains spicula of various forms imbedded in them, a specimen of which is exhibited in PL 41. fig. 27. BIBL. Johnston, Brit. Zooph. 166 ; Kent (spicules), M. M. Jn. 1870, 76; Gosse, Acti- nologia. GOSSYPIUM. See COTTON. GOUT-STONES. See CHALK-STONES. GRACILA'RIA, Grev. A genus of Rhodymeniaceae (Florideous Algae), with feathery fleshy-cartilaginous fronds, 3 to 12" or more long, of a red or purplish colour, the central substance of which is composed of large cells, the cortical of closely packed horizontal filaments. The spores are formed in tubercles consisting of a thick coat com- posed of radiating filaments, containing a mass of minute spores on a central placenta. The tetraspores are imbedded in the cells of the surface. G. confervuides is the only common species; it grows from 3 to 20" long, and as thick as small twine. BIBL. Harvey, Br.Mar.Alg. 128, pi. 16C; Engl. Boi. pi. 1668. GRAMMATONEMA, Ag A genus of GRAMMATOPIIORA. 363 ] GRANTIA. microscopic marine plants, by some referred to the Diatoinaceae, by others, including Ralfs and Kiitzing, to the Desmidiaceae. The recent observations of Smith show that it belongs to the former family, and to the genus Fragilaria. G. striatulum=Fr. striatula. GRAMMATOPH'ORA, Ehr. A genus of Diatoniaceae. Char. Frustules in front view rectangular, at first adnate, but afterwards forming zig- zag chains ; vittso two, longitudinal, inter- rupted in the middle and more or less curved. Marine. Valves linear or elliptical ; furnished with transverse striae, in most, invisible by ordi- nary illumination, and in a few so difficult of detection that the valves have been regarded as TEST OBJECTS. Sometimes a median and terminal nodules are present. Rabenhorst describes eleven species. Four are British ; one doubtful : G. marina (PI. 1. fig. 14; PI. 16. fig. 35). The markings or striae are invisible by ordi- nary illumination 5 vittae near the middle semicircularly curved outwards ; valves linear or elliptical, gradually attenuated towards the obtuse ends ; striae transverse ; length 1-108 to 1-240". The form and structure of the frustules and valves appear greatly to vary. Some- times the frustules are perfectly square, at others six times as long as broad. In some specimens the valves are suddenly, at others uniformly inflated at the middle (PL 1. fig. 146; PI. 16. fig. 35 c), some have the ends capitate. Again, in some valves there is a median line and a small central nodule (PI. 16. fig. 35 c) ; in others there is neither median line nor nodule, but a large internal ring (PI. 1. fig. 14 6). Lastly, in some valves the striae extend over the whole of the valves, while in others they are deficient at their ends. Some of these variations have formed the basis of distinct species, but probably with little reason. A variety, G. siibtilissima, Bail. (PI. 1. fig. 15 a, 6), has been pointed out by Prof. Bailey, in which the form of the frustules and valves agrees with the above characters, but in which the transverse striae are ex- tremely difficult of detection when mounted in balsam. G. macilenta. Fr. slender, often curved ; vittae as in the last ; valves linear, slightly inflated at middle and ends. Marine; length 1-300". G. serpentina. Vittae long, serpentine, with the end curved inwards to form a kind of hook; striae oblique. Marine; length 1-200". G. ? Balfouriana. Vittae straight; valves linear, inflated in the middle, and with rounded ends. Freshwater. BIBL. Ehrenberg, BerL Abh. 1839. 126, and Ber. 1840, &c. ; Kiitzing, Sp. Aly. 120; Bailey, Silliman's Journ. vii.; Smith, Br. Diat. ii. 42 ; Schiff, Schultze's Archiv, iii. 81 ; Rabenhorst, FL Alg. i. 303 ; Petit, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1881, i. 109. GRAMMITID'EJE. A family of Poly- podiaceous Ferns. Char. Son on the back of the fronds, more than twice as long as broad, usually linear. Genera : Jamesonia. Sori oblong, on the flabellate veins of the back of the pinnae, not reaching the margin. Brainea. Sori continuous along trans- verse veins near the midrib, also produced along the veins towards the edge of the frond. Notochl&na. Sori marginal, oblong or rounded, then confluent into a marginal line, the edge of the frond frequently inflexed to form an involucre ; veins free. Monogramma. Sori linear, close to the midrib on one or both sides. Gymnogramma. Sori on the veins of tho under surface of the frond, linear, simple or forked. Meniscium. Sori oblong or linear, occu- pying the connivent transverse veinlets of the simple or once pinnate fronds. Antrophyum. Sori on the veins, imper- fectly reticulated. Vittaria. Sori in continuous marginal or slightly intramarginal lines. Tcenitis. Sori linear, the line sometimes interrupted, central or submarginal. Drymoglossum. Like Tanitis, bat the fronds dimorphous. Hemionitis. Sori continuous along the veins, and copiously reticulated, sometimes also slightly developed between them. GRAMMI'TIS, Swartz., is merged into Polypodium and Gymnogramma. Ceterach is sometimes taken for a Grammitis. GRAMMONE'MA, Ag. = GRAMMATO- NEMA. GRAN'TIA, Fleming. A genus of Sponges. Char. Form variable; firmish and in- elastic, usually white, with a close but po- rous texture, and composed of a gelatinous base, with imbedded calcareous spicula; ori- fices distinct. Marine. GRANULE-CELLS. [ 364 ] GREGARINA. Spicula simple, radiate or stellate, com- posed of carbonate of lime ; hence easily distinguished from the siliceous spicula of other sponges by their dissolving with effer- vescence in a dilute acid. The organic basis is stated not to be fibrous as in most other sponges. The British species are found growing upon or from rocks, sea-weeds, shell-fish and zoophytes, between tide-marks. They vary in size from about the 1-10 to 3 or 4". Gemmules have not been found. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Sponges, 172; Grant, Compar. Anat. and New Phil. Jburn. i. and ii. ; Bowerbank, Br. Spong. ii. 1. GRANULE-CELLS. This term has been applied to cells fonnd in animal solids and liquids containing a number of globules of fat or oil (PL 38. figs. 7, 16 a, 17 e). They are of variable size, perhaps the average may be placed at 1-2000" ; and are easily recognized by the dark margins and light centres of the globules, which are insoluble in acetic acid and solution of potash. The cells sometimes contain a nucleus, at others not. The term granule-cells should pro- perly be limited to cells of new formation, as those found in inflammation, cancer, &c. ; but it has been so generally applied to cells of whatever kind, containing fatty globules, that it has no pathological signification. See DEGENERATION, FATTY, and INFLAM- MATION. GRANULOSE. See STARCH. GRAPE-FUNGUS. See OIDIUM. G RAPHID 'El. A tribe of Lichenaceous Lichens, having a thin, crustaceous, scarcely visible or subepidermal thallus, with lirel- line apothecia. It includes the British genera : Agyrium, Arthonia, Chiodecton, Glyphis, Graphis, Lithoyrapha, Melaspilea, Opegrapha, Platy- grapha, Ptychographa, Stigmatidium, and Xylographa. BIBL. Leighton, Brit. Lichen-Flora, 390. GRA'PHIS, Ach. A genus of Graphi- dei, containing ten British species, very va- riable in their appearance ; mostly whitish or yellow papery expansions on the bark of trees, beset with irregular black markings (lirelline apothecia) like writing. BIBL. Leighton, Brit. Lich.-Fl 426. GRASSES. A family of Monocotyledo- nous Flowering Plants, remarkable in many respects for their microscopic structure, especially the siliceous EPIDERMIS and the STARCH grains in the ALBUMEN, for which see those heads. GRATELOU'PIA, Ag. A genus of Cryptonemiaceas (Florideous Algae), repre- sented by a very rare British species, G.fli- cina, seldom growing more than 2 inches high with us. Fructification minute, im- mersed, favellidia opening by a pore, and cruciate, tetraspores vertically placed among the filaments of the periphery. BIBL. Harv. Mar. Alg. 137, pi. 17 A; Grev. Alg. Brit. pi. 16. GREENSAND. According to the ob- servations of Ehrenberg and Bailey, the glauconitic grains frequent in many geolo- gical deposits, especially in certain beds known as Greensaud, are formed of foasilizod organic bodies, mostly casts of Foramini- fera. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Abh. Berl Akad. 1856, 85-176; Monatsber. 1858, 328; Bailey, Ann. N. H. s. 2. xviii. 425; Parker & Jones, Ann. N. H. s. 4. x. 263 ; Sollas, Geol. Mag. 1876, 539. GREGARFNA, Dufour. This curious group of organisms, which was formerly placed among the Entozoa, is now placed among the Protozoa, forming the Order Gregarinida ; but there are still doubts as to their structure and nature. They exist as parasites within the bodies of animals, and often inhabit the intestinal canal, or the cavity of the abdomen. Most frequently they are met with in insects, especially their larvae ; but sometimes also in Annelida, both freshwater and marine (Lumbricus &c.), in the Crustacea and Mol- lusca ; and even in human organs. They are mostly microscopic, and colour- less ; round, oval, fusiform, or cylindrical (PL 21. figs. 25, 28, 34) ; and consist of a smooth transparent cell-wall, enclosing a granular, more or less liquid mass, with one or more nuclei or nucleoli. Sometimes they exhibit a constriction in the middle, or are divided by a transverse septum. In some a process resembling a head is situated at one end ; this may be short, round, and obtuse or pointed, or more elongated and furnished with reflexed hook-like processes. The GregarincB are capable of motion, which is either that of slow progression, ensuing without contraction of the body, or pro- duced by irregular contraction of the mem- brane or substance of the body. Vibratiie cilia have been detected both upon the outer and the inner surface of the membrane ; and the internal granules often exhibit molecular motion, especially after the addition of water. One or more long GRIFFITHSIA. [ 365 ] GRIMMIA. motionless filaments sometimes arise from the outer surface. The membrane and its contents, except the nucleus, are soluble in acetic acid. Their method of propagation, if such it is, represents a form of conjugation, and takes place as follows. Two individuals coming into contact by corresponding por- tions of the body (PL 21. fig. 34), become shortened and firmly united. A transparent capsule is next formed around them, which encloses them in a cyst (figs. 26, 30), the adjacent portions of the cell-membranes are absorbed, and the substance of the two bodies become intimately fused. Globules or cells are then formed in the contents of the cell, which subsequently assume the form of Navicula, and have been called pseudo-naviculee (erroneously navicellce : figs. 31, 32, 33); these burst, producing Amcebiform bodies, which develop into new Gregarince. It was supposed that the pseudo-naviculae were really Naviculce, and that the cysts con- taining them were sporangia j but the pseu- do-naviculse do not possess a coat of silex. In some cases it appears that the con- tents of the two cells in conjugation remain distinct until the pseudo-naviculse are formed ; but it is not certain whether each single cell in these instances has not arisen from the fusion of two others. A very large number of species of Gre- garina have been described and arranged in numerous genera. BIBL. Dufour, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1837, vii. ; Stein, Mutter's Arch. 1848 ; Ann. N. H. 1850, v.. and Infus. ; Frantzius, Gre.qar. 1846 ; Henle, Mutter's Archiv, 1835, 1845 j Siebold, Naturg. d. wirbellos. Thiere, 1839 ; Kolliker, Sieb. 8? Kottiker's Zeitschr. 1848 & 1849; Ray Lankester, Qii. Mic. Jn. 1863, iii. 83, and Mic. Tr. 1866, 23 (PI.) ; V. Beneden (G. of lobster), Butt. I'Acad. d. la Selgique, 1869 (M. M. J. 1870, 47), and Ann. N. H. 1872, x. 309. GRIFFITH'SIA, Ag. A genus of Cera- miaceae (Florideous Algae), with feathery fronds 3 to 6" long, composed of delicate dichotompusly-branched filaments consist- ing of a single row of cells, the branchlets often whorled ; colour crimson or rosy-red. The fructification consists of spores, anthe- ridia, and tetraspores, all produced in simi- lar situations, namely at the articulations, where they are surrounded by a kind of involucre formed of short ramelli, to which the tetraspores and antheridia are attached. The antheridia consist of a kind of shrubby tuft of extremely minute filaments arising from an axial filament which arises from a ramellus of the involucre. Fig. 287 repre- sents a branch terminating in an involucre of whorled ramelli bearing tetraspores ; the lower figure is a portion of a ramellus Fig. 287. Griffithsia sphaerica. Fig. 287. Fragment of a frond bearing an involucre with tetraspores. Magn. 50 diams. Detached ramellus of the involucre, showing the at- tachment of the tetraspores. Magn. 40 diams. showing the mode of attachment of the te- traspores. In the antheridial involucres, the plumose antheridial structure is attached in exactly the same way. Seven British spe- cies are recorded, of which one or two are not uncommon. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 167, pi. 23 B ; Decaisne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. xvii. p. 353, pi. 16 ; Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3rd ser. xvi. 16, pi. 5 ; Derbes and Solier, ibid. xiv. 276, pi. 36 ; Engl. Sot. pi. 1479 & 1689. GRIM'MIA, Ehrhart. A. genus of Or- thotrichaceous Mosses, containing numerous British species. Fig. 288. Grimmia. Teeth of peristome. Magnified 150 diameters. Many of the species of Trichostomum of GROMIA. [ 366 ] GUTTA-PERCHA. Hedwig and Schwaegrichen are placed here bv Bruch and Schimper and C. Miiller. " BIBL. Wilson, Bryol Brit. 152 j Berke- ley, Handb. 237. GRO'MIA, Duj. A genus of Rhizopoda, of the order Reticularia. Char. Carapace brownish yellow, mem- branous, soft, globular or oval, with a small round orifice, from which very long, fili- form branched expansions with very deli- cate extremities protrude ; the presence of a nucleus and contractile vesicle is doubtful, or variable. G. oviformis. Carapace globular, with a short neck; marine; size 1-25 to 1-12"; among marine plants. G.flumatilis (PI. 31. fig. 15). Carapace globular or ovoid, without a neck ; fresh- water; breadth 1-280 to 1-100". Found upon Ceratophyllum. Schlumberger describes a freshwater Gromia (hyalina), differing from the last in size (1-860 to 1-520''), and in the carapace being colourless, perhaps the young state of G.flumatilis. Schultze describes some new marine species : G. oviformis, G. Dujar- dinii, and G.paludosa-, G. terricola (Leidy) is cream-coloured, and occurs in earth be- tween paving-stones. BIBL. Dujardin, Ann, Sc. Nat. 1835, iv., Infus. p. 252 ; Schlumberger, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1845, iii. 255 ; Schultze, Polytkal. 55; Cienkowski, Schnitzels Arch. 1876, xii. 32 ; Claparede and Lachm. Inf. 465 ; Leidy, Sitt. Am. Jn. 1875 (M. M. Jn. xiii. 87). GROWING-SLIDE. Several modifi- cations of this apparatus (Introd. p. xxiii) have been recently described. See Smith, Ann. N. H. 1865, xvii. 334 ; Barker, Qu. M. Jn. 1866, 267; R. Beck, Mic. Tr. 1866, 34; Miiller, M. M. Jn. i. 1869, 174 ; Maddox, M. M. Jn. 1870, iii. 14 ; Broeck, M. M. Jn, 1876, xv. 221 ; Lewis and Cunningham, ibid. 198 ; Jn. Mic. Soc. 1880, 333 ; Beale, How $c. 76 ; Bot- terill, Jn. Mic. Soc. xix. 34 ; Dallinger, M. Mic. Jn. 1874, xi. 97. GUANO. As is well known, guano is imported into this country in large quanti- ties as a manure. It consists principally of the excrement of birds, in a more or less decomposed state. It affords the micro- scopist a means of procuring many foreign marine Diatomaceae, the frustules and valves of which are often contained in it in large numbers. The Diatomaceae may be obtained from guano as recommended ait page 250. GUEMBE'LIA, Hmp. A genus of Or- thotrichaceous Mosses, including various species separated from Grimmia on account of the peculiar calyptra, also the CincUdoti of P. Beauvais. G. orbicularis, Hmpe.= 6rnmmtVz orbicu- laris, Br. Eur. G. riparia = Cinclidotus riparim, Wils. Fig. 289. Fig. 290. Fig. 291. Guembelia fontinaloides. Fig. 289. A fertile shoot. Fig. 290. Capsule with calyptra. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 291. Teeth from the peristome. Magn. 150 diams. G. fontinaloides (figs. 289-91)= Cincl fontinaloides j P. B. BIBL. Wilson, Bryol. Brit. p. 139. GUM. A name applied to various viscid ' (not oily) secretions of plants. Gums have no microscopic structure when pure and clean, but often exhibit under the micro- scope traces of structures, such as debris of cellular tissue, filamentous Fungi, &c., which have become imbedded in them while soft. What is called gum Traga- canth consists of partly decomposed cell- membranes, in a condition allied to amy- loid, retaining traces of their organization. Sections of very soft tissues or very minute objects may be made by imbuing them with or immersing them in solution of gum, and allowing the whole to dry up to a tough, semisolid mass, capable of being sliced with a razor. The slices are freed from gum by soaking in water. Gum dissolved in GLY- CERINE forms an excellent medium for mounting vegetable tissues. GUTTA-PERCHA. A substance pro- duced by the evaporation of the milky juice of the "isonandra gutta, of the Natural Order Sapotacese, a native of Sumatra and the neighbouring regions. Its relation to the microscope arises from its use in a GUTTULINA. [ 367 ] GYRINUS. solid form and as cement, in mounting microscopic objects in cells. See CEMENTS and PREPARATION. GUTTULINA. See POLYMORPHINA. GY'GES, Bory. Described by Ehren- berg as a genus of Volvocineae, having neither eye-spot, tail, nor flagelliform fila- ment ; the carapace (cell-membrane) simple, subglobose j freshwater. Motion very slow. He gives two spe- cies: G. granulum (PI. 50. fig. 14). Ovate or subglobose; internal granular mass dark green ; diam. 1-1150". G. bipartitus. Nearly spherical ; internal mass yellowish green, frequently bipartite ; diam.' 1-480". So far as appears from the descriptions and figures, these do not seem to differ from PROTOCOCCUS. (For G. sanyuinea, Shuttleworth, see RED SNOW.) BIBL. Ehr. Infu8. p. 51. GYMNOAS'CUS, Bar. A very minute and simple form of Ascomycetous Fungi ; found on horse- and sheep's dung. (Bara- netzki, Bot. Zeit. 1872; Sachs, Sot. 310; Eidam, Cohris Beit. iii. 267 ; Jn. Mic. Soc. 1881, 489). See ASCOMYCES. GYMNODINTUM, Stein. A genus of Cilio-flagellate Infiisori&= Peridinia with- out a lorica. 7 species ; in fresh and salt-water (Kent, In/us. 442). G YMNOGON 'GRUS, Mart. A genus of Cryptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae), with horny branched fronds, the divisions cylin- drical or compressed, a few inches high, of a purplish-red colour. The substance of the branches presents three layers of closely packed filamentous cells, the central lon- gitudinal, the intermediate curved, and the peripherical horizontal and moniliform. The spores have not been observed; the tetraspores (cruciate) are arranged in mo- niliform rows, in wart-like thickenings of the branches. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 145, pi. 18B; Engl. Bot. pi. 1089 & 1926. GYMNOGRAMMA, Desv. A genus of Grammitidese (Polypodiaceous Ferns), some of the species of which are remarkable for a yellow or white pulverulent appear- ance on the back of the fronds, owing to the presence of abundance of microscopic cellular hairs, ex. gr. G. Calomelanos, G. chrysophylla, ochracea, &c. Many species, mostly tropical. (Hooker, Syn. Fil. 376.) GYMNOMIT'RIUM, Corda. A genus of Jungermaunieae (Hepaticae), containing one British alpine species, the Jungerman- nia concinnata of the British Flora. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Jung. pi. 3; Ekart, Syn. Jung. pi. 8. fig. 63; Engl. Bot. pi. 1022. GYM'NOPHRYS, Cienk. A genus of Reticularian Rhizopoda. Char. Body naked, without nucleus or contractile vesicles. The pseudopodial re- ticulations, which exhibit the granular currents, arise from a few variable points of the surface. G. cometa. In marine and boggy pools, among algae. (Cienkowski, Schnitzels Arch. 1876, xii. 31.) GYMNOSPER'MIA. A division of the Flowering Plants (see VEGETABLE KING- DOM), including the CONIFERS and CYCA- DACE^ ; deriving this name from the mode of development of the OVULES. GYMNOSPORAN'GIUM, B.C. A ge- nus of Uredinei (Hypodermous Fungi). G. juniperinum grows upon living branches of the common Juniper, appearing at first like an exanthema on the bark, which in wet weather swells up into an orange-coloured, tremelloid plicate mass, which readily dries up, however, and then is scarcely visible. Somewhat rare, but when present generally copious. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. vi. part 2. 361 ; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. 505 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 se>. ii. 171 & 188. GYMNOSPO'RIUM, Corda. A genus of Torulacei (Coniomycetous Fungi), cha- racterized by an obscure mycelium and unicellular black spores arising apparently from the matrix. It is the lowest condi- tion of which Torulacei are capable. G. arundinis occurs in this country on reeds. ' BIBL. Corda. Anleitutig, 10 ; Berk. Outl. 328. GYMNOSTOMUM, Schwagr. A ge- nus of Mosses now distributed into PY- RAMIDIUM, PHYSCOMITRIUM, and other genera. BIBL. Miiller, Syn. Muse. ; Bruch and Schimper, Bryol. Eur. ; Wilson, Bryol. Br. 39 ; Berkeley, Handb. 237. GYPSI'NA, Carter. See TINOPORUS. G YRI'NUS, Geoflr. A genus of Coleo- pterous insects, of the family Gyrinidae. G. natator, one of the eight British spe- cies of this genus, is very commonly seen in groups performing its gyrations upon the GYRINUS. [ 368 J GYBOSIGMA. surface of pools or rivers, whence it lias received the popular name of whirligig. The body is ovate or elliptic, and de- pressed, the elytra black and shining. The antennae are short and retractile within a cavity in front of the eyes; the basal joint minute ; the second large, globular, and fur- nished externally with an ear-like joint fringed with colourless, flattened, hair-like processes ; the remaining seven joints form a clavate mass, being very short and closely united, the h'rst commencing by a very narrow base or pedicle. The eyes are di- vided by a transverse septum into two parts, the upper of which serves for viewing ob- jects in the air, the latter those in water ; by some authors these insects are described as possessing four distinct eyes. The ter- minal segment of the abdomen is furnished with two retractile ciliated lobes. The two fore legs are long, and of the ordinary form, whilst the four hind legs (PI. 34. fig. 5), which are used as oars, are short, flat, and dilated ; the femur (d) and tibia (c) some- what triangular, the tibia also fringed with short spines and long flattened filaments ; in the middle pair of legs the latter exist on both margins, whilst in the hind legs these are present only on the outer mar- gin. The tarsi (a) are five-jointed, the three basal joints produced on the inside into long, flat, leaf-like lobes fringed with spines ; the fourth joint is of about the same size, and semicircular, the fifth being very short and attached to the fourth near the end, and both are fringed on their outer margin with flattened filaments resembling those upon the tibia ; all the tarsi are fur- nished with two distinct claws. The anterior tarsi of the male differ from those of the female, as in Dytiscus. The circulating currents can be seen in the hind legs. The larva (PI. 35. fig.19), which is aquatic, is of a dirty-white colour, long, narrow, and depressed, resembling a small centipede j it consists of thirteen segments including the head. Its antennae are filiform and four- jointed ; the eyes numerous and tubercular, grouped on each side of the head. The three pairs of legs are attached to the eight anterior segments of the body ; the remain- ing segments are furnished on each side with a branchial filament, excepting the last, which has two of them, and four mi- nute conical points, bent downwards, and used by the insect when in motion. BIBL. Westwood, Introd. i. 105; Ste- phens, Br. Coleop. 78. GYROC'ORIS, St. A genus of Peri- trichous Infusoria. Char. Free, with one or more spiral or circular wreaths of cilia, stylate poste- riorly. G. oxyura. With anterior eye-spot j mo- tion revolving, rapid. Stagnant water. (Kent, Inf. (340.) GYRODAC'TYLUS, Nordm. Agenus of Trematode Entozoa. G. auriculatns (PI. 21. fig. 7) is often found adhering to the gills of fishes, as the carp, stickleback, &c. BIBL. Dujardin, Helminth. 480; Wa- gener, Qu. M. Jn. 1801, 196; Cobbold, Paras. 465. GYROPH'ORA, Ach. A genus of Phylloidei (Lichenaceous Lichens), com- bined with Umbilicaria by many authors. GYROPOREL'LA, GiimbeL-A small cylindrical Foraminifer, belonging to the Dactyloporina, and consisting of ring-like segments traversed by simple canals. Its several species constitute large masses of Triassic limestone in the Alps. BIBL. Giimbel, Abh. Munchen, xi. 268. GYR'OPUS, Nitzsch. A genus of man- dibulate Anoplura (Insects), of the family Liotheidse. Char. Tarsi two-jointed, with a single claw. Mandibles without teeth ; maxillary palpi conical and four-jointed; labial palpi none; antennae four-jointed; thorax two-jointed; abdomen eight-jointed. G. ovalis (PI. 35. fig. 8). Head ferrugi- nous, transverse, with a lateral produced lobe on each side ; thorax and legs ferrugi- nous; abdomen nearly orbicular, yellow- ish white ; claws long, curved, and strong ; length 1-48"; found on the guineapig (Cavia cobaya). G. gracilis. Head and thorax ferruginous; abdomen elongate, segments with a trans- verse striated band at each suture ; claws very short and minute; length 1-36"; also on the guineapig. 3 other species : on the agouti, the sloth, and the peccary. BIBL. Denny, Anoplur.Monoyr. ; Megnin, Paras. 94. GYROSIG'MA, Hass. See PLEURO- SIGMA. H.EMALASTOR. H. [ 369 ] ILEMATOPINUS. H^EMALAS'TOR, Koch. A genus o: Ixodea (Acarina) ; with the body of male entirely covered by a shield, yellow or red no emargination in front; eyes clear anc conical. Two species; on bats &c., Brazil and Hungary. (Murray, EC. Ent. 198, figs.) ILEMAPHY'SALIS, Koch. A genus of Ixodea (Acarina) ; with the palpi very small, almost broader than long, three- cornered, the posterior margin of the second joint expanded outwards. H. rosea. West Indies (Murray, EC. Ent. 200, fig.). H^E'M ATINE. The red colouring-mat- ter of the blood, in the globules of which it exists combined with globuline. It pos- sesses no morphological characters* BIBL. See CHEMISTRY. ILEMATOCOC'CUS. See PHOTO coc- cus and GLCEOCAPSA. HJEMATO'IDINE. This substance, to which Virchow first drew attention, is not unfrequently met with in masses of extra va- sated blood which have remained for some time in the living bodies of the Vertebrata, as in old apoplectic clots, sanguineous ex- travasations resulting from contusions and wounds, the effusions accompanying the rupture of the Graafian vesicles, &c. It occurs in the form of granules, globules, and distinct crystals. These are somewhat highly refractive, and mostly of a ruby-red or yellowish-red colour; they are stated also to have been found colourless. The most common forms are represented in PI. 13. fig. 16, and they appear to belong to two distinct systems the oblique rhombic pris- matic, and the regular system. The properties of haematoidine are as inconstant as the crystalline form ; and it is probable that several different substances have been ranged under the above title, or perhaps modifications of the same substance in different states of hydration ; for so insu- perable has been the difficulty of obtain- ing haematoidine in quantity and a state of purity, that its true nature has not been satisfactorily determined. By some it is considered as bilirubine, or a modification of it. It is mostly insoluble or difficultly soluble in water, alcohol, ether, acetic and dilute mineral acids, and solution of potash. Some- times it is soluble in acetic acid, with a yellow colour, at others readily so in water. It contains no iron. An amorphous colourless proteine sub- stance is sometimes separated from the crys- tals by the action of mineral acids. Haeinatoidine maybe artificially procured from various sources, perhaps most readily from the blood of fishes by spontaneous evaporation. The blood of the spleen of the horse changes almost entirely into prismatic crystals of it in drying. In obtaining the crystals the presence of the serum is preju- dicial, and it should be washed away with a small quantity of water. If recently dried blood be treated with a vegetable acid (acetic, oxalic acid, &c.), and a drop of the solution be placed upon a slide, covered with thin glass, and kept at a temperature of 80 to 100 F., the crystals may also be obtained. This reaction might be of use in judicial investigations. The addition of water and a little alcohol or ether to the blood, sometimes favours the separation of the crystals. Crystals of hsematoidine (?) have been found within the blood-globules prior to the addition of reagents. Their preservation is difficult ; it is best effected by washing them with alcohol, or this liquid somewhat dilated with water, and drying them under the air-pump, or over sulphuric acid. BIBL. V T irchow, Ann. Chem. u. Pharm. 1851 (Chem. Gaz. 1852) ; Funke, Zeitsch. f. rat. Med. 1851, i. 172, 1852, ii. 199 & 288 ; Kunde, ibid. 1852, ii. 271 ; Lehmann, Gmelirfs Handb. viii. ; Sanderson, Edinb. Mn. Jn. xiii. 216, 521 ; Kolliker, Mik. An.-, Teichmann, Zeits. f. rat. Med. 1853, iii. 375; Erey, Histol. 1876; Preyer, Blut- Krystalle ; Hoppe-Seyler, Anal. Chim. 1877, 242. ILEMATOPl'NUS, Leach. A genus of Insects, of the order Anoplura, and family Pediculidae. Char. Legs all formed for climbing ; tho- rax generally narrower than the abdomen, and distinctly separated from it ; abdomen composed of eight or nine segments. This genus contains several species (28 Megn.), which live as parasites upon various animals the field-mouse, rat, dog, ox, horse, ass, calf, hog, rabbit, hare, squirrel, &c. H. mis (PI. 35. fig. 4; fig. 4*, anterior leg). Dusky ferruginous ; abdomen grey or ashy-yellow, flat and membranaceous, with a black horny excrescence surrounding each of the white spiracles ; legs long and thick ; femur transversely striped ; tibiae very ab- 2B ELEMATOPOTA. [ 370 ] HAIR. ruptly clavate, dark-coloured at the end ; tarsi with a large fleshy pulvillus. Found upon pigs out of condition ; length 1-10 to 1-6", BIBL. Denny, Anopl. Brit. 24 ; Gervais, Walckenaers Apteres, iii. 301; Megnin, Paras. 76. H^EMATOPO'TA, Meig. A genus of Dipterous Insects, of the family Taba- nidse. Distinguished by the six- jointed antennae, which are longer than the head, with the third joint thickened at the base. H. 'pluvialis, of which most persons must have experienced the pungent bite in or near woods in warm weather, is interesting on account of the great development of the lancets, and the beautiful iridescence of the eyes. H^EM ATOZO' A . See BLOOD, p. 105, & FILABIA, p. 324. K^E'MLNE. This consists of hydro- chlorate of haematine. ILEMO'CHARIS, Sav. (Piscicola, Blainv.). A genus of Annulata. H.piscium {Piscicola geometra} is a leech- like animal, found upon the carp, tench, roach, &c. Length 1 to 2". BIBL. Leo, Mullers Arch. 1835 ; Leydig, Siebold und Kolliker's Zeitschr. i. ; Bright- well, Ann. N. H. 1842, ix. 11. ILEMOGLO'BINE. See BLOOD, p. 102. ELE'MOPIS, Sav. A genus of Annu- lata. H. sanguisorba, the common horse-leech. In this animal the teeth are less numerous and more obtuse than in the medicinal leech (Hirudo officinalis). HAIL. The microscopic structure of hail-stones does not appear to be uniform. In some a central nucleus surrounded by concentric layers has been noticed ; in others the nucleus is enveloped by a radiating crys- talline crust ; or, again, the entire mass has been found to consist of little spheres of ice. When hail-stones liquefy, a copious evolu- tion of gas takes place. Hail-stones may best be collected for examination in a blanket, which being a bad conductor of heat, retains them longest in the solid state. Connected with the structure and formation of hail-stones, is the composition of spherules of condensed vapour. These are generally believed to consist of films of water enclos- ing portions of air; butWaller's observations have led him to the conclusion that they are simply composed of water. If the former view 'were correct, those hail- stones which consist of aggregations of icy spherules, should contain air within them, which does not appear to be the case ; but in deciding this question, attention must be paid to the principles laid down in the INTRODUCTION, p. xxxvi, /., which afford a simple means of deciding the point. In some liquefied hail-stones, the spores of fungi and algae, with infusoria, have been found. BIBL. Pouillet, Elem. d. Physique, ii. ; Waller, Phil. Tr. 1847, 23; id. Phil. Mag. 1846, xxix. 103, and 1847, xxx. 159 ; Hart- ing, Skiz. aus d. Natur. HAIR OF ANIMALS. The structure of the hair of animals is very complicated, and requires careful manipulation for its investi- gation. We shall commence with the hair of man, in which it has been the most per- fectly examined. Human hair. When a hair is viewed under a low power, it appears black at the sides and light in the middle, so as to convey a notion of its being a tube ; such is not, however, the case, although this notion was long admitted. The hairs are secreted by the skin, and consist of modified epidermic formations. Each is implanted in a cutaneous depres- sion, termed the hair-follicle (fig. 292), at the bottom of which it is fixed by a dilata- tion called the knob or bulb of the hair (c). The free portion, or that projecting beyond the skin, is the shaft or scape (a) ; and that above the bulb but contained within the follicle, is the root (6). The bulb encloses or surrounds a conical or rounded body (*'), the papilla or pulp. Three varieties of hair are met with upon different parts of the body: 1, consisting of long, soft hairs, from 1 to 3" and more in length, as the hair of the head ; 2, short, rigid and thicker hairs, from 1-4 to 1-2" in length, as in the eye-lashes ; and 3, short, very slender hairs, from 1-12 to 1-6" in length, as in the down or woolly hairs of the face, the back and extremities. When the shaft of a hair is examined under the microscope by transmitted light, two structures are mostly distinguishable, a median, more or less black, somewhat irregularly granular and linear portion the medulla or pith; and an outer, fibrous- looking portion, mostly more or less co- loured according to the" colour of the hair the cortex, cortical or fibrous portion. The cortical portion is that upon which the firmness, elasticity, and colour of the HAIR. [ 371 ] HAIR. hair depends, and constitutes the greater portion of its bulk. It exhibits numerous longitudinal striae, or interrupted dark lines and dots. When acted upon by strong sul- Fig. 292. Magnified 50 diameters. A hair of moderate size, contained in its follicle, a, shaft; 6, root ; c, bulb or knob; d, cuticle of the hair; e, inner sheath of the root ; f, outer sheath of the root ; g, structureless membrane of the hair-follicle ; h, trans- verse- and longitudinal-fibrous layer of the same ; i, pa- Eilla; k, excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands or jllicles, with their epithelial and fibrous layer ; I, cutis of the orifice of the hair-follicle ; m, rete mucosum ; n, cutaneous epidermis; o, termination of the inner sheath of the root. phuric or some other acid at a gentle heat, it becomes at first resolved into plates or fibres (fig. 293 ) of the most varied sizes, both as to length and breadth ; but if the action of the acid be continued, these fibres become separated into cells (fig. 293 A], These cells present uneven surfaces, and a more or less eliptical outline, their true form being spindle-shaped; but they are mostly flattened and angular, or curved from mutual pressure, resulting from their aggre- gation into the shaft of the hair. The celh are about 1-500 to 1-300" in length, and Fig. 293. Magnified 350 diameters. Plates and cells of the cortical substance of a hair, after treatment with acetic acid. A, separate cells. 1, front view (three of them isolated, two united) ; 2, side view. B, a layer, composed of several cells. from 1-6000 ^to 1-2200" in breadth. They mostly contain elongated, dark-looking nu- clei, 1-1100 to 1-400" in length ; these are well seen in a colourless hair, heated with soda or potash (fig. 294 A b, and B} in coloured hair they also contain pigment- granules, to which the colour of the hair is 2u2 HAIR. [ 372 ] HAIR. principally owing. The pigment-granules are exceedingly minute, about 1-50,000" in diameter, rounded, and, as existing in the hair, are mostly arranged in linear groups, Magnified 350 diameters. A, Portion of a white hair after treatment with soda, a, nucleated cells of medulla, free from air ; b, cortical substance with fibrillation and linear nuclei ; c, cuticle. B, three isolated nuclei from the cortex. then* colour and number varying with that of the hair. The pigment- granules are best separated by the action of caustic potash or soda, and they frequently exhibit molecular motion. The striated and dotted appearance of the shaft of hairs is not produced simply by the nuclei, nor by the pigment, but arises in part also from the unequal refraction of the light by the various parts of the cells, and from the presence of minute spaces filled with air. The nature of each can always be determined by attention to the principles laid down in the INTRODUCTION. Towards the bulb, the cells of the cortex are more distinct, less elongated, and, as well as the nuclei, more easily isolated when treated with acids (fig. 295), whilst in the bulb itself they are round (fig. 296), 1-4000 to 1-1800" in diameter, closely crowded, and sometimes containing only a colourless nucleus, at others pigment-granules. The medulla, like the cortex, consists ot a number of cells. Its structure is best ob - served in a hair which has been treated with soda or potash. The cells are then seen to Fig. 295. Fi*. 96. Magnified 350 diameters. Fig. 295. Two striated cells from the cortex of the root close above the bulb, with nuclei. Fig. 296. Cells from the deepest portions of the bulb ; a, from a coloured bulb, with pigment-granules and partly concealed nuclei ; 6, from a white hair, with distinct nuclei and a few granules. be arranged in one or more linear series (fig. 294 a) ; they are angular or rounded, 1-2000 to 1-1000" in diameter; and if the action of the alkali has not been too long continued, they exhibit a nucleus ; they fre- quently also contain one or more granules or globules of fat (fig. 297). In the shaft and Fig. 297. Magnified 360 diameters. Medullary cells with pale nuclei and fatty granules, from a hair treated with soda. upper part of the root of the hair, these cells contain air, which gives them a dark or black appearance by transmitted lio-ht \ and it was the generally received opinion, until we pointed out the error several years ago, that this darkness or blackness arose from the presence of pigment. The contrary, however, may be easily proved by mace- rating the hair in oil of turpentine or any liquid, when the air escapes in bubbles and becomes displaced by the liquid ; moreover, on drying the hair, the air and black ap- pearance return. PI. 29. fig. 1 represents a white hair;, in which the medullary cells of HAIR. [ 373 the lower part are filled with Canada bal- sam, whilst those of the upper portion still contain air. Ap;ain, examination by reflected light is equally conclusive ; for under it the black medullary portions become white, which would not be the case did the black- ness arise from pigment. PI. 29. fig. 9 illus- trates this in the hair of the Lion ; where a represents the hair as seen by transmitted, and b by reflected light. Cuticular coat. The shaft and root of the hair, above the termination of the inner root-sheath, are coated externally by a firmly adherent, thin, simple, membranous layer, consisting of flat, imbricated, epithe- lial scales. In the natural state of the hair, the existence of these scales is only indi- cated by the presence of irregularly trans- verse and anastomosing lines seen upon the surface, or slight dentition of the margin (fig. 298-4). But when the hair has been Fig. 298. HAIR. Fig. 299. Magnified 160 diameters. A, surface of the shaft of a white hair, the curved lines indicating the free margins of the epidermic scales. .B, scales isolated by the action of soda. treated with an acid or an alkali, the scales become separated. Their free margins are directed towards the unattached end of the hair. The scales are much more distinct without treatment, in the hair of the newly- born infant (PI. 29. fig. 3). They are very transparent, somewhat quadrangular, flat- tened or curved cells (fig. 298 2?), not containing a nucleus ; their margins or edges f / Magnified 250 diameters. Portion of the root of a dark hair, slightly acted upon by soda : a, medulla, the cells still containing air ; 6, cortex with pigment; c, inner cuticular layer; d, outer cuticular layer; e, inner layer of the inner root-sheath; /, outer perforated layer ol the same. are often black, and, as the other parts are transparent, they are apt to be over- looked. They are about 1-700 to 1-500" in length, and one half or one third of this in diameter. In the lower part of the root, below the termination of the root-sheath, the cuticu- lar coat is double, or consists of two layers. The above-mentioned cuticle of the shaft and upper part of the root forms the con- tinuation of the innermost of these, which possesses nearly the same structure, except that the scales of which it consists are some- what longer, and directed more obliquely outwards. These layers are best seen in a hair treated with an alkali, especially with the aid of pressure ; they then become se- parated (fig. 299), the inner, with the roo of the hair, assuming an undulating form, and remaining firmly adherent (c), whilst the outer (d) remains attached to the inner root-sheath, its cells also being broad and without nuclei. At the bulb, both these layers become transformed into soft cells broader than long, with transverse nuclei, finally becoming fused with the round cells of the bulb. HAIR. C 374 ] HAIR. The hair-follicles are pouches, about 1-10 to 1-4" in length, pretty closely surrounding the hairs, and extending in the short hairs into the substance of the upper layer of the cutis ; but in the long hairs, into its deepest portion, or even into the subcutaneous cel- lular tissue. They may be regarded as pro- longations of the skin, with its components, the cutis, basement-membrane, and epider- mis. Hence three parts are distinguishable in them : an external, fibrous, very vascular portion the proper hair- follicle ; a base- ment-membrane ; and a non- vascular cellu- lar coat the epidermis of the follicle, or, because it surrounds the root of the hair, the root-sheath. The fibrous portion of the follicle con- sists of two layers or membranes. The outer one (fig. 292^) is the thicker, and contains vessels and nerves. Its inner sur- face is connected with the inner layer; ex- ternally it is attached to the surrounding areolar tissue ; and above, it is continuous with the outer layer of the cutis. It con- sists of common areolar tissue, the fibres of which are longitudinal, with elongated spindle-shaped nuclei. The inner layer (fig. 300 0) is much more delicate, and only extends from the base of the hair-follicle to the orifice of the sebaceous follicles. It consists of a single layer of transverse fibres, with long and narrow nuclei, resembling unstriated muscular fibres. The third layer (fig. 300 6), or basement- membrane, is transparent and structureless, and extends from the base of the follicle, without apparently covering the papilla, as far as the inner root-sheath, and perhaps higher. It presents delicate transverse anastomosing lines, producing a fibrous appearance. The pulp or papilla of the hair (fig. 292 i) belongs to the follicle, and corresponds to a papilla of the skin. It is rounded or oval, 1-96 to 1-480" in length, is connected with the fibrous coat of the follicle by a kind of stalk, and consists of indistinctly fibrous areolar tissue with nuclei and granules of fat, but contains no cells. The two root-sheaths consist of the epi- dermic covering of the hair-follicle. The outer (fig. 292/) is the continuation of the rete mucosum of the skin, and lines the entire follicle. Its lower part is in contact externally with the basement-membrane of the follicle; but above the termination of the inner transverse layer of the follicle, it is in direct contact with the outer or longi- tudinal layer. It consists of several layers of nucleated cells, resembling those of the rete mucosum of the skin, the outer having their long axis perpendicular to that of the hair, the others, especially towards the bulb, being rounded. This outer root-sheath is most distinct in the follicles of the skin of the negro, from which it may be withdrawn with the epidermis after maceration. Fig. 300. Magnified 300 diameters. Portion of the inner fibrous coat and basement-mem- brane of a hair-follicle : a, inner coat with transverse fibres and elongated transverse nuclei; b, basement- membrane, seen as it were in section ; c, its lacerated margins ; d, fine lines (fibres?) on its inner surface. The inner root-sheath '(fig. 299, e,f) forms a transparent, very firm and elastic, yellow- ish membrane, extending from near the base of the hair-follicle to near the mouths of the sebaceous follicles, where it terminates ab- ruptly with a jagged margin. Externally it is connected with the outer root-sheath, internally with the outer layer of the cuticle of the hair ; hence no interval exists natu- rally between it and the hair. At first sight it appears as a perfectly homogeneous mem- brane, but on closer examination it is seen to be distinctly cellular ; it consists of two HAIE. [ 375 ] HAIR. or three layers of polygonal, longish, trans- parent cells, with their long axis parallel to that of the hair. The outermost (Henle's) layer (figs. 299 /, 301 A) consists of long, Fig. 301. Magnified 350 diameters. Elements of the inner root-sheath. A, external layer : 1, isolated plates; 2, the same in connexion, showing the interspaces (a) between the cells (6). S, cells of the inner non-perforated layer. C, nucleated cells of the lower part of the inner sheath, which consists of a single layer only. flattened, non-nucleated cells, from 1-700 to 1-500" in length, with fissures between them, forming a fenestrated layer. The in- nermost (Huxley's) layer (figs. 299 e, 301 ) consists of one or two layers of shorter and broader polygonal cells, from 1-1200 to 1-600" in length j their nuclei, which exist in the lower part only of the coat, are often broader at the ends than in the middle, sometimes curved and pointed. At the base of the hair-follicle, the inner root-sheath consists of a single layer only of beautiful, polygonal, nucleated cells (fig. 301 C) ; these becoming soft, delicate and rounded, gra- dually pass into the outer layers of the round cells of the bulb. In regard to development, the rudiments of the hair appear as processes of the rete mucosum descending in the substance of the cutis. These are solid, and consist of cells, the internal of which become horny, and form first a small slender hair in the axis of the process, next an inner sheath surrounding the former, whilst the outer cells remain soft, and form the outer sheath and the cells of the bulb. After birth the foetal hair appears to be completely shed, new hairs being formed in the old follicles, which displace the first set, as shown in figs. 302, 303. Fig. 302. Fig. 303. I Magnified 20 diameters. Eye-lashes of a child a year old. A exhibits a process (m) of the bulb or outer root-sheath, in which the cen- tral cells are elongated, and form a cone distinct from the outer cells. B, one more advanced, in which the inner cone has become developed into a hair and an inner root-sheath : a, outer, 6, inner root-sheath of the young hair ; c, pit for the pulp ; d, bulb ; e, shaft of the old hair ; /, bulb,#, shaft, h, summit of the young hair ; i, sebaceous follicles ; k, three sudoriparous ducts open- ing into the upper part of the hair-follicle. The hairs sometimes found developed upon mucous membranes, and within en- cysted tumours and ovarian cysts, possess the normal structure in every respect. Of the morbid states of the human hair, we need mention only the loss and change HAIR. [ 376 ] HAIR. of colour, and the presence of fungi. When the colour entirely vanishes, and the hair becomes white or grey, the cells of the me- dulla contain abundance of air. This arises from degeneration or impaired nutrition; the liquid contents of the cells are not sup- plied in sufficient quantity ; they therefore evaporate, and the cells being prevented from collapsing by their adhesion to each other and to the firm cortex, become filled with air, which replaces what would other- wise constitute a vacuum. Fungi are found in FAVUS upon the cortex of the hair, within the follicles, and even within the hair itself, as is stated. In Porrigo decal- vans also, fungi are stated to occur in the hairs. The principal differences between the hair of man and of animals, and that of animals from each other, relate to 1, the size; 2, the relative proportions of the cortical and medullary structures ; 3, the locality of the pigment ; 4, the arrangement of the medul- lary cells ; 5, the comparative amount of true hair, and woolly hair, down, or wool ; and 6, the size and projection of the super- ficial cortical cells or scales. Of these we shall give a brief sketch (PI. 1. figs. 1-3, and PL 29). The hair of the Mammalia generally is formed upon the same plan as that of man ; great variety, however, exists in its com- plexity of structure and the arrangement of the component parts. Quadrumana (PI. 29. figs. 4 & 5). In the monkey (Indian) (fig. 4), the hair presents much of the same structure as in man; the pigment is confined to the cortex, but the air-cells of the medulla are larger and less crowded ; this is seen to a greater extent in the hair of the lemur (fig. 5). Cheiroptera. In the bats (PL 1. fig. 2; PL 29. figs. 6 & 7), a striking character is the peculiar development of the cortical scales of the surface. In the hair of the common bat (PL 1. fig. 2), which is one of the TEST-OBJECTS, and Australian bat (PL 29. fig. 7), this character is not so striking as in that of the Indian bat (fig. 6), in which the scales are grouped in whorls at pretty regular intervals along the shaft, and project considerably beyond the sur- face. The pigment is principally confined to these whorled scales. In some of the white hairs of the bat, the individual scales are very beautifully seen (PL 1. fig. 2 c). Insectivora. The hair of the mole (PL 29, fig. 8) bears some resemblance to that of the bats : but the cells of the medulla are very distinct. (See SPINES.) Camivora (figs. 9-13). In this Order the structure of the hair varies considerably. In the lion (fig. 9) the cortical cells are di- stinct, but not projecting; the medullary cells are very numerous, and the air-spaces minute, but closely aggregated, as we often find them in the human hair. In the bear (fig. 10), the large hairs present much the same structure as in the lion ; the wool- hairs differ strikingly from these, however, in the distinctness of the cortical and me- dullary cells. Pachydermata (figs. 14-17). In this Order the hairs present a development correspond- ing with that of the skin; being very thick and complex in structure. In the elephant (fig. 15, transverse section), each hair re- sembles a number of hairs fused together. Scattered through its substance are pale spots formed by cells containing little or no pigment, with an irregular perforation in each, probably arising from rupture of the cells. Surrounding these medullary centres are innumerable cortical cells loaded with pigment. In the pig (fig. 16), the distinc- tion between the cortex and medulla is not well marked, and the cells assume a radial direction, as indicated by those which con- tain most pigment. In the Cheiropotamus (fig. 17) the distinction is more evident. Rwminantia (figs. 18-22). In this Order the hair presents great variety. In the camel (fig. 18) and dromedary (fig. 19), the true hair exhibits much the same structure as that of the higher Orders, whilst in the deer (fig. 20, moose-deer; fig. 21, musk-deer) the medullary portion is enormously deve- loped at the expense of the cortical portion; in no hair is the cellular structure more distinct than in the two latter, the medulla closely resembling a piece of vegetable cel- lular tissue. The wool-hair in this class presents the characteristic structure. That of the camel (fig. 18 b) agrees in structure with the type of wool from the sheep (fig. 22) in its softness, flexibility and waviness, and in the distinctness of the cortical cells. Edentata (figs. 23 & 24). The difference between the hair of the three-toed sloth (fig. 23) and that of the armadillo (fig. 24) is well-marked. In the former, the cor- tical cells take a remarkably oblique or radiating course, whilst in the latter they run longitudinally. Eodentia (figs.' 25-35). In this Order the HAIR. [ 377 ] HAIR. pigment is met with sometimes in the me- dulla, at others in the cortex. The arrange- ment of the air-cells is often very beautiful, and has rendered these hairs favourite microscopic objects. Portions of a mouse- hair in various parts of its length are re- presented in fig. 27, a forming the free end. Fig. 28 displays two portions of the same hair as histolyzedby treatment with solution of potash. The cortical parts have not been resolved into their component cells, whilst those of the medulla have assumed their rounded and natural form, and exhibit mi- nute granules of pigment, with larger glo- bules of fat. The arrangement of the me- dullary cells in two rows is seen in fig. 28 b. The pigment within the cells in situ is seen in fig. 31 6, from the rabbit. The wool presents its characters in a marked degree, the projection of the outer layer of cortical cells and the distinctness of the medullary air-cells being very evident. Marsupialia (figs. 36 & 37). In this cu- rious Order the hair greatly resembles that of the Rodents. That of the kangaroo pre- sents very beautifully imbricated cortical cells (fig. 36). Monotremata. The structure of the hair of the Ornithorhynchus is as peculiar as that of the animal in general. It presents that of hair and wool combined (fig. 38). The basal portion resembles wool, and is very long and narrow ; the structure of two pieces in different parts of its length is seen in fig. 38 c and d. At the end of this por- tion is attached the proper hair containing the pigment within the cortical substance (b) ; tig. 38* represents the surface-view of the hair, showing the imbricated scales. In Birds the hair is replaced by FEA- THERS. The hair of the Invertebrata does not present the same structure as that of the higher animals ; some physiologists have therefore limited the term hair to the fili- form epidermic formations of the Mam- malia, whilst others admit the occurrence of hair in all classes of the animal kingdom. At all events, the hairs of the Invertebrata are not usually composed wholly of epider- mis. They consist of an outer cortical or epidermic layer, frequently coloured, and upon which their firmness depends ; lining this is sometimes a prolongation of the cutis, at others a colourless substance which, when the hair is dried, presents an irregular cell-like appearance and contains air, so as o resemble the air-cells of the hair of the Mammalia. In other instances the hair is completely solid, but exhibits no trace whatever of cell-structure. It remains to be shown whether the latter may represent the epidermis hardened in an amorphous state, and whether those lined with cutis may be regarded as epidermic formations upon an exserted papilla of the skin -, whilst those presenting the air-cells when dried correspond to an outer hardened epidermic layer, and an inner retaining its distinctly cellular state. In those lined with cutis, the circulation can sometimes be observed. We have space to notice only a few in- stances of variety of form, many of which occur, and have long rendered these hairs interesting and elegant microscopic objects. Thus, in some of the Arachnida they are feathery, giving oft' slender lateral branches, as in Lycosa (PI. 29. fig. 40), Epeira (PI. 6. fig. 8 6), Acarus (PI. 6. fig. 1 b), &c. j in others these branches are directed forwards near the middle of the shaft, but recurved at the end, as in Mygale (the bird-catching spider) (PI. 29. fig. 41); or, while the branches on the shaft resemble the above, the end of the hair is thickened, cylindrical and longitudinally striated, with minute setae arising from the striae, as in fig. 42 ; again, some of them are simple, but fur- nished with spiral striae (Epeira, PL 6. fig. 8 a) ; in Trombidium they are sometimes very elegantly feathery. In Insects, Arachnida, &c., they often appear to rise from a bulb at the base ; but the bulb is not solid, and bears no resem- blance in structure to the bulb in the Mammalia; it consists of a thickening or fold of the epidermis of the skin, not of the hair, from which it is separated by a white ring, indicating thinness of this coat, and often corresponding to a joint; the hair arises from the base of a depression situated within the annular bulb. The hair of some of the larvae of the Dermestidae is very beautiful, and is used as a TEST-OBJECT. Two forms are met with : in one (PI. 1. fig. 1 c) the shaft is simply covered with densely aggregated, minute, spinous secon- dary hairs; in the other (PI. 1. fig. 1 a, 6), the spines or scales upon the shaft are nar- row, acute, and placed in pretty regular whorls ; in the uppermost whorl they are broader, the spines remaining as midribs, whilst the margins are more developed, the whole resembling a flower with four or five petals; but at the end of the hair, the scales are longer, narrower, and recurved, HAIR. [ 378 ] HAIRS. each midrib being terminated below by a little knob. The examination of the hair and its dis- section can only be effected by the aid of chemical reagents, especially sulphuric acid, solution of potash or of soda. These should first be used cold ; and if no separation of the components ensues, heat even to boiling must be applied ; the subsequent addition of water is sometimes advantageous. Sections of hair can be made with a razor, a bundle of hair being fixed between two flat pieces of cork, or between two cards. Transverse sections of the human hair can be obtained by shaving a second time, an hour or two after the first ; the sections should then be washed in water. The cortical cells are most beautifully seen in white hairs which have been thoroughly soaked in oil of tur- pentine, and mounted in Canada balsam. The air-cells of the medulla are best ob- served in hairs which have been mounted in balsam without the previous application of turpentine. The sheaths of the hair keep best in solution of chloride of calcium or glycerine. Many of the structures of the hair of the Mammalia may be well observed in the large hairs or bristles (whiskers) of the ox, &c. ; in these also the pulp is seen to contain blood-vessels, which have not been detected with certainty in that of man. They also exhibit bands of smooth muscular fibres, arising from the cutis, descending through the hair-follicles, and terminating below the sebaceous follicles, forming the erectores pili. The hairs of some animals polarize light. An interesting object of this kind may be made by placing two series of the white hair of a horse in balsam, so as to cross each other at an angle, and viewing them by polarized light (PL SO.^fig. 39). In regard to the discrimination of the hairs of one animal from those of another, we believe that the examination of indi- vidual hairs can in general be but little depended upon; whilst a comparison of their form, length, and breadth, with the proportion of the true hair to that of the wool, conjoined with the consideration -of the internal structure, may often enable an observer to arrive at a satisfactory con- clusion. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikr. : Eble, Haare in d. gesammt. organ. Natur ; Henle, Allg. An. ; Todd & Bowman, Phys. of Man ; Erdl, Miinchen. Ahh. Bd. iii. ; Huxley, Med. Gaz. 1845; Griffith, ibid. 1848, 844; Heusinger, Histol. ; Gurlt, Mull. Archiv, 1836 ; Aikin, Arts and Manuf. ; Bonders, Mulder's Phy- siol. Chem.-, De Morgan, Phil. Tr. 1859 (Crustacea); Pfaff, D. mensch. Haar. in phys., pathol, $ forens. Bedeut. 1869 ; Goette, Schnitzel Archiv, 1868, 273 ; Bie- siadecki, Strieker's Handb. 600 ; Hofmann. M. M. Jn. 1873, 167 ; Frey, Histolog. 1876, 419 ; Sorby, Jn. Linn. Soc. 1881, xv. 337. HAIRS OF PLANTS, trichomata or tri- chomes. The term hair is applied in botany to filamentous productions upon the surface of the organs of plants, consisting of one or more cells arising out of and constituting part of the epidermal structure. Hairs of plants present a great variety of conditions : in the simplest kind those "composed of a simple, cylindrical, conical, bifurcated or stellate cell they may be varied in form by the peculiar shape of the constituent cell, in individual character by the presence or absence of special secretions in the cell- cavities, and in their collective character by the mode of arrangement on the epidermis, since they may be few and scattered, or so numerous as to form a velvety coat. Com- pound hairs, namely those composed of a number of cells, vary in like manner, and, moreover, in the examples where the cell- walls acquire considerable thickness, pass gradually from pure hairs into bristles, and thence into the structures called THOBNS (distinguished from true spines by being appendages of the epidermis). The stellate forms also present many variations inter- mediate between hairs proper and SCALES. These structures are interesting to tha microscopist on account of the variety and often extreme elegance or curiosity of their forms. They likewise strongly attract the attention of the physiologist from the sim- plicity of their organization and their free condition, allowing the phenomena pre- sented by the cell-contents to be readily observed under the microscope. In reference to their characters as microscopic objects, it will suffice to indicate their principal modifications, and state a certain number of examples. For this purpose they may be classified as follows : Simple hairs: unbranched, Cabbage-leaf (Brassica, fig. 304), (Enothera, Dictamnus (PI. 28. fig. 39 ), Anchusa (fig. 17) ; bifur- cated, Capsella (fig. 36), Draba (fig. 307) ; inflated or capitate, Antirrhinum (fig. 306 and PI. 28. fig. 34), Salvia (fig. 305), Helle- borusfostidus ; branched, in many Crucif era>, HAIRS. [ 379 ] HAIRS. as Sisymbrium Sophia (fig. 35), Alternan- thera civilians (fig. 37); stellate, Alyssum (fig. 308). Very often hairs composed of a single cell are supported upon a short stalk, and then developed horizontally in two directions, as in Grevillia lithidophylla (fig. 29) ; in several so as to form a star, as in Deutzia scabra (fig. 26*), Alyssum (fig. 28). Structures analogous to the last occur upon the septa of the air-cavities of the Nymphse- aceae, such as Nuphar lutea (fig. 15), Vic- toria, &c. Fig. 304. Fig. 305. Fig. 306. Hairs of : Brassica (leaf). Salvia (calyx). Antirrhinum (corolla)* Fig. 307. Draba (leaf). Alyssum (leaf). Magnified 100 diameters. Compound Hairs. These exhibit a similar diversity of character, and often imitate, on a larger scale, the forms of the simple hairs ; they may be uribranched, as in the hairs of the garden Pelargonia (PL 28. fig. 18), and a large proportion of ordinary silky hairs upon "the epidermis of plants. COTTON is a striking example, consisting of the hairs of the seeds of Gossypium (fig. 1). Commonly these hairs are cylindrical; but not unfrequently one or more of the upper- most or all the component cells are expanded into a more or less globular form. Capitate glandular hairs often occur on corollas, and particularly on the inner scales of leaf-buds : examples the bulbils of Achimenes (fig. 32), the corolla of Digitalis (fig. 33), Lysi- machia vulgaris (fig. 40), Scrophularia no- dosa (fig. 41), Bi-yonia alia (fig. 42), the inner scales of the winter leaf-buds of the ash, &c. Or the hairs are torulose, as in Lamium album, the common white Dead- nettle ; or moniliform or necklace-shaped, as on the stamens of Tradescantia (fig. 311) the Marvel of Peru (Mirabilis, fig. 309)! The transition from these to the branched forms is presented commonly in the simpler forms of the pappus of the Composite, as in that of the Groundsel, which has toothed hairs ; in other examples the lateral teeth grow out into branches, as in the species of Hieracium and other Composite, presenting pinnate or plumose forms, according to the extent of ramification. The seeds of Ca- talpa Bungeana bear a fringe the hairs of which resemble PITTED DUCTS. Verbascum Thapsus (PI. 28. fig. 19) has compound hairs branched at the joints. Compound hairs likewise exhibit the horizontal development the hairs of the garden Chrysanthemum are horizontal navicular cells, supported on a tall articulated pedicle (fig. 30) ; the stellate hairs of the Ivy (fig. 27) are compound and supported on a short stalk-cell. Very varied forms of compound, more or less stellate hairs occur on the leaves in the orders Jas- minacese and Oleaceae. The last form a transition to the scales of the Eleae-naceaa and many Ferns, such as Acrostichum Fig. 309. Fig. 310. Fig. 311. p Hairs of: Mirabilis. Antirrhinum (calyx). Tradescantia (stamen). Magnified 100 diameters. The hairs above noticed are mostly soli- tary. In the Malvaceae (Hibiscus) tufted or stellate groups of hairs are met with ; and in the air-cells of Utricularia are seen curious groups of four hairs. Marrubittm creticum is another example of this kind of structure (fig. 47). Almost all of the above-described forms of hair may contain merely watery colour- less or coloured contents ; or they may have HAIRS. [ 380 ] HAIRS. one or more of the component cells filled with special oily, resinous, or saccharine secretion. In the latter condition they are termed glandular hairs. The characters of these organs are spoken of under the head of GLANDS and SECRETING ORGANS of PLANTS. The gum-resinous secretion found upon the buds of trees (^Esculus, &c.) is formed by glandular hairs. Some of the hairs with watery cell-con- tents present favourable opportunities for observing the ROTATION of the protoplasm; for example, the young hairs of the stamens of Tradescantia or spider-wort; the sting- ing hairs of nettles also show this when young ; and probably it might be observed in all young hairs, where sufficiently trans- parent and uninjured. One precaution greatly facilitates the observation namely, to dip the hairs into alcohol for an instant, find immediately plunge them in water ; after this operation, the structure is readily wetted by water, and no longer obscured by the abundance of air-bubbles that remain entangled with and adherent to the surface of the fresh hairs. These young hairs like- wise exhibit at their apices the various con- ditions of the contents (nucleus, protoplasm, &c.) of cells multiplying by division (PI. 47. figs. 8 & 9). The circulation takes place in the dark streaks represented as forming a network connected with the nuclei (n). Stings, such as those of the Nettle (PI. 28. fig. 8), consist of simple cells having a bulbous base enclosed in a cellular case, formed by the growing-up of the epidermis round the base of the hair; the latter tapers away upward to near the apex, where it again expands into a little globular head. The walls are rather thick and spirally stri- ated. The bulbous base is filled with the irritating liquid, which exudes when the knob-like head is broken off, through the tension of the cellular investment of the sac. The intimate structure of the hairs of plants presents many points of interest. The cells are of course composed of a cellulose wall, with contents varying according to age and other circumstances. When young, they are always densely filled with proto- plasm (PI. 47. figs. 8 & 9), which becomes gradually excavated by vacuoles, and ex- panded so as to form a mere reticulation or a few streaks upon the wall, mostly con- nected with an evident nucleus. The cavity of the cell is then tilled, in hairs proper, with watery cell-sap, sometimes coloured, as in the petals and stamens of many flowers, by the same liquid colouring-matter as the cells beneath the epidermis ; stings are filled with acrid watery juice, glandular hairs with various secretions, which, like the watery juices, appear at first in vacuoles, gradually occupying the place of the protoplasm which follows the expanding cell-walls. Hairs, being epidermal structures, possess a more or less evident cuticular layer, which may be detached by the action of acids (fig. 199, p. 295); sulphuric acid often causes this to separate and expand as a kind of vesicle from the surface of the hair, as is shown in PI. 28. fig. 13 (Siphocampylus) ; the cuticle of the full-grown moniliform hairs of Tradescantia may be separated in like manner (see EPIDERMIS). This cuticle also exhibits in many cases the same mark- ings which occur on the surface of the epidermis of certain plants, as Ifelleborus, Cakile, &c. (PI. 28. figs. 9 & 10), consisting of elevated spots, ridges, reticulations, &c. composed entirely of thickenings of the cuticular layer. This is well seen in the hairs of the Boraginaceae, e. g. Anchusa (fig. 17), the Cruciferae, as of Farsetia, Cheiranthus, &c v or Delphinium (fig. 16). The spiral striae on the sting of Urtica urens (fig. 8) appear to be of similar nature. T. West has described the raised markings upon some hairs as bulgings or wrinkles in the cell-wall. Finally, it is necessary to mention the remarkable structure of the hairs upon the surface of the seeds and pericarps of certain plants among the Acanthaceae, Polemo- niaceae, Labiatae, Compositae, &c. Those of the ACANTHACEAE have been spoken of partly under that head and under ACAN- THODIUM. They are hairs composed of cylindrical cells, simple (JRuellia, PI. 28. fig. 21), or conjoined into a compound and branched hair (Acanthodium, fig. 24), the cell-walls of which receive when young a spiral (fig. 24) or annular (fig. 21) fibrous deposit, and subsequently become partially disorganized ; so that, if placed in water in the mature state, the primary cell-wall almost dissolves into a kind of jelly, and the spiral-fibrous structure expands with elasticity. The conditions are similar in Collomia (fig. 22), and, according to Schlei- den, in Gilia, Ipomopsis, Polemonium, Can- tua, &c. among the Polemoniacese ; and somewhat the same in many species of Sal- via (fig. 23), Ocymum, Dracocephalum mol- davicum, &c. among the Labiatae. In Cobcea HALACARUS. [ 381 ] HALIONYX. scandens, the spiral-fibrous hairs take rather the form of minute scales, and they do not spontaneously expand elastically (PL 28. fig. 20). Among the Compositse, these spiral-fibrous hairs have been observed on the pericarp of Ituckeria, some species of Trichocline, Euriops, Mesogramma, Doria Cluyticefolia, Oligothrix gracilis, and some species of Senecio. Spiral cells also occur on the seed of Hydrocharis. The best way to observe the elastically expanding hairs is to place a thin slice of the skin of the seed on a slide in a little alcohol, which does not soften the cell-wall : when the object is in focus, the addition of a little water causes the gelatinous softening of the cell-walls, the spiral fibres fly out from the surface of the seed-coat and show clearly the charac- ter of these beautiful objects. The primary membrane may be detected, even in its gelatinous state, by adding sulphuric acid and iodine, which produce a purplish or violet colour. Further remarks on this head will be found under SPIRAL, STRUCTURES. The hairs on the stigma of Campanula are remarkable for the intussusception which is observed to take place in the mature hairs. The filiform processes growing from the under surface of the frondose Hepaticae, the thallus of Lichens, the prothallium of Ferns, &c., are commonly called radical hairs. In most cases they present no re- markable points of structure ; in Marchan- tia, however, peculiar spiral markings have been detected (see MARCHANTIA). BIBL. Meyen, Secretions-orc/ane d. Pflan- zen, 1837 ; id. Pflanzen-physiol. ; Cohn, Cu- ticula, Linncea, xxiii. 337, 1850 ; Schleiden, Mutter' 8 Archiv, 1838; Beitr. z. Botanik, Leipsic, 1844, i. 121 (Sc. Memoirs)-, De- caisne, Arm. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. xii. 251, pi. 4 ; Leighton, Ann. N. H. vi. 257 ; Brongniart, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 s. 317, figs. 330, 333, 335), which are of varied forms, &c. The sporanges on these either burst by valves (fig. 331), or by circumscissile dehiscence throw off a lid, as in Fimbriaria (fig. 335). The frondose forms do not all produce elaters, and have not all the spiral fibres in the cells of their walls. The exceptions are the Ricciese; and the elaters of Antho- ceros are rudimentary. In Marchantia the Fig. 329. Fig. 330. Fig. 331. Lanularia vulgaris. Fig. 329. Section of a receptacle, unripe. Fig. 330. More advanced sporange, emerged from the epigone. Fig. 331. A burst sporange. Magnified 20 diameters. Fig. 332. Fig. 333. Grimaldia barbifrons. Fig. 332. Fertile plant. Magn. 2 diams. Fig. 333. Section of the receptacle, with an abortive archegone on the left side, and a half-ripe sporange still enclosed in the epigone on the right. Magn. 20 diams. . 334. Fig. 335. Fimbriaria tenella. Fig. 334. Eeceptacles with closed epigones. Magn 10 diams. Fig. 335. Two perigones, one with the epigone closed, the other with the teeth of the epigone open, showing the bursting sporange. Magn. 20 diams. elaters are highly developed (PI. 40. figs. 36, 37), also the spiral tissue of the valves HEPATIC^. L 390 ] IIEEPETIUM. of the capsules (PI. 40. fig. 35). TARGIONIA has branched elaters. The spores mostly have a double coat, but not always (e. g. Marchantia) ; they germi- nate by protruding a pouch-like process, which becomes a filament, from which the new fronds or leafy stems arise. The peculiarities of the different groups above referred to will be better understood after reading the following characters. Synopsis of tlie Families. A. Vegetation frondose, i.e. leaf and stem confounded. ANTHOCFROTE^J. The vegetative por- tion consists of a minute green membranous or slightly fleshy body growing on damp ground, not exhibiting any distinct mid- nerve : it is at once known by its peculiar fruits or sporanges, consisting of slender stalk-like bodies springing up irregularly from the upper surface of the frond, which forms little sheaths (vaginules) around their bases. These stalk-like fruits burst when ripe, splitting down the middle from the tip, and display a central bristle-like column (columella), to which adhere the minute hair-like bodies (rudimentary elaters j which are mingled with the spores. MARCHANTTEJE. The vegetative portion is here also a succulent leaf-like expansion, mostly exhibiting a more or less lobed form, and without any conspicuous mid- nerves in the lobes. The fruits are more complicated structures than those of Antho- ceroteaB. From notches in the lobed frond arise slender stalks terminating at the top in an expanded structure (receptacle), re- sembling in some cases a conical cap, in others a star with a number of thick rays like the spokes of a wheel, &c. The spores are formed in membranous sacs attached on the under surface of the cap or star-like body, and they are accompanied by elaters of considerable size exhibiting highly deve- loped spiral bands. he sporanges have no columella, and burst at the tip with more or lesa regular tooth-like valves. IlicciEJE. Vegetative portion an exceed- ingly delicate cellular leaf-like structure, more or less lobed, with an evident inid- ' nerve. The sporanges are either imbedded in the substance of the frond, or only ele- vated on a very short stalk, and surrounded by a membranous sheath derived from the upper surface of the frond. The sporanges have no columella and no elaters. PELLIEJE. Vegetative portion a leaf-like frond, mostly with an evident mid-neme, from which arises the sporanges, consisting of capsules, usually bursting by four valves, more or less elevated on a thread-like stalk. Sporange without a columella j spores ac- companied by elaters. B. Vegetation foliaceous, i. e. leaves and stem distinct. JUNGERMANNIE^. Vegetative portion a thread-like stem clothed with green mem- branous leaves more or less overlapping at their bases. Sporanges springing from the end of the stem, raised on more or less evident stalks, bursting by four valves and spreading in the form of a cross; spores with elaters, which often adhere to the valves of the sporange. The leafy stem of Jungermannieae is generally readily distin- guishable from that of the Mosses by the mode of insertion of the leaves, which pro- duces a peculiar flattened arrangement. BIBL. Hooker, Br. Junger?nanni. viii. 321 ; Fries, Sum. Veg. 267 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. N. 3 ser. xix. 193. HYMENOPHYL'LE^E. A family of Polypodiaceous Ferns, distinguished by the delicacy of the structure of their leaves and the composition of the sori or fruits. The leaves are of the utmost simplicity of or- ganization, consisting ordinarily of a single layer of cellular tissue, traversed by scala- riform tubes constituting the veins. There is no distinction of epidermis and paren- chyma, nor are there stomata. Genera. Trichomanes. Sporanges sessile around the base of an exserted filiform column, formed by the prolongation of a vein be- yond the margin of the leaf, surrounded by a cup-shaped indusium continuous with the leaf (fig. 339). Hymenophyllum. Sporanges sessile up to the summit of a similarly formed column projecting from the margin of the leaf, sub- elevated, but not exserted beyond the indu- sium, which is two-valved (fig. 340). Fig. 339. Fig. 340. Trichomanes humile. Hymenophyllum bivalve Fig. 339. Fragment of a leaf, with sori. Fig. 340. Ditto. Magnified 10 diameters. Loxosoma. Sporanges stalked, inserted up to the summit of a subelevated exserted column arising in a similar way within the margin of the leaf, surrounded by an indu- sium, somewhat within the margins of the Fig. 341. Fig. 342. Fig. 343. Hymenophyllum ciliatum. Fig. 341. Fragment of a leaf. Magn. 10 diams, Fig. 342. Sorus with one valve removed Mang. 40 diains. Fig. 343. Sorus. Magn. 20 diams. HYMENOPHYLLUM. [ 406 ] HYPHOMYCETES. fissures between the teeth of the leaf, with a truncated entire mouth ; annulus incom- plete. HYMENOPHYL'LUM, Smith.-Filmy Ferns. The typical genus of Hymenophyl- laceous Ferns, remarkable for their delicate structure and often almost moss-like habit. Two dwarf species are natives of Britain, H. tuiibridgense and //. Wilsoni. Numerous tropical species (Hooker, Syn. 56). HYMENOP'TERA. An order of IN- SECTS, containing the Bees, &c. HYPERAM'MINA, Brady. A tubular and sandy Foraminifer, irregular in exten- sion and growth. (Brady, Ann. N. H. 1878, i. 433 ; Mic. Jn. n. s. xix. 13.) HYPER'ICUM, Linn. Hinds points out in the leaves of If. Androscemum, the common Tutsan, and calycinum, certain dots containing active motile bodies (M. M. Jn. xix. 233). HYPEROMYX'A, Corda. See CHEIBO- SPOBA. HYPH'EOTHRIX, Kiitz. A genus of OSCILLATORIACE^E (Confervoid Algse). Char. Fil. simple, jointed, coloured, more or less distinctly sheathed, tranquil ; fasci- culate or densely united into a more or less membranous non-radiate stratum (PI. 62. fig. 8). 68 European species. In springs, coating water-plants in pools ; on rocks, &c. BIBL. Rabenhorst, Fl Alg. ii. 75. HYPHOMYCETES. A section of Fungi composed of microscopic plants, growing as moulds over dead or living organic substances. These are now con- sidered to be conidiiferous conditions of Ascomycetous Fungi ; but as they are in- teresting and often very beautiful micro- scopic objects, the original account is re- tained here. The vegetative structure or mycelium creeps over or among the struc- tures infested as a collection of delicate, simple or branched, continuous or septate filamentous cells (flocci), and produces the spores either on lateral pedicels (from which they soon fall off, becoming intermingled with the mycelium), or in heads at the swollen or ramified extremities of usually erect filaments (figs. 344, 345, 346, and 347). These filamentous pedicels in most cases exhibit a contraction just below the point of origin of the spore, giving them the same appearance as the pedicels of basidio- spores. The spores are round (PI. 26. fig. 15), oval (fig. 347 and PL 26. figs. 5, 6), spindle-shaped (FUSISPOBIUM), spiral (HE- Fig. 344. Fig. 345. Fig. 344. Cephalothecium rosetun. Magn. 200 diams. Fig. 345. Verticillium nutans. Magn. 200 diams. LICOSPOBITJM), and isolated or connected (fig. 346) in beaded lines (PENICILLIUM, ASPEBGILLUS), or grouped in a stellate Fig. 346. Stysanus Caput-Medusse. Magnified 200 diameters. form. In the Isariacei and Stilbacei the erect pedicels are composed of a number of conjoined filaments ; in the other families the pedicels are simple filaments. Some authors include among these plants the Mucorini (PHYCOMYCETES), regarding the vesicular envelope of the spores there as a mere veil, not a true cell producing the spores in its interior. This family is of especial interest from containing so many moulds and mildews, and various parasi- tical Fungi to which the diseases of plants, and in some cases of animals, have been attributed. Further particulars respecting HYPHOMYCETES. [ 407 ] HYPNOIDE^E. these will be found under the Families, also PAEASITIC FUNGI. Fig. 347. Fig. 348. Clonostachys Araucaria. Fig. 347. Magn, 200 diams. Fig. 348. A fertile branch. Magn. 400 diams. Fig. 349. Fig. 350. Ceratocladium microspermum. Fig. 349. Magnified 200 diams. Fig. 350. Spores, magnified 400 diams. Synopsis of the Families. Is ABIACEI. Receptacle clavately branched, or assuming Hymenomycetous forms, com- posed of filaments closely attached in their whole length; spores simple, attached to simple pedicels arising in all parts (fig. 349). STILBACEI. Receptacle wart-like or elevate above, stalked below, composed of filaments closely packed, coherent, termi- nating singly in free subgelatinous spores. DEMATIEI. Mycelium filamentous, spores compound or simple, arising from the apices of erect, solid, corticate, subopaque fila- ments (fig. 346). MUCEDINES. Mycelium filamentous, spores solitary, or crowded on articulated or branched tubular and pellucid filaments (figs. 344, 345), soon separating and min- gling with the mycelium, or adherent in chained rows. SEPEDONZEI. Mycelium filamentous, spores usually found heaped together resting on the mycelium, and apparently springing out of it directly. The spores are the principal element in this Order, which ap- proaches Coniomycetes. HYP'NEA, Lamouroux. A genus of Rhodymeniaceas (Florideous Algae), the only British species of which, H.purpuras- cens, is a common purplish pink feathered or shrubby sea- weed, the lobes being cylindri- cal, filiform, and cartilaginous, growing from 2" to 6" in height, with the filaments about 1'" in diam. On stones, rocks &c. between tide-marks. The fructification consists of coccidia, tubercles immersed in the ramuli, each containing a mass of small spores ; and tetraspores, immersed in the lesser branches, of separate plants. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 130, pi. 16 D; Phyc. Brit. pi. 116 ; Eng. Bot. pi. 1243. HYPNOI'DE^E. A family of Pleuro- carpous Mosses of large extent. Leaves with the cells prosenchymatous, dense or lax, smooth or papillose. Alar cells at the bases of the leaves diverse : 1 , square, flattish or yentricosely impressed, pellucid or yel- lowish, or fuscescent; 2, few, vesicular, placed at the very base, of a delicate yellow or hyaline ; 3, obsolete, scarcely any, placed at the very base, fugacious, hyaline, vesi- cular ; 4, many, square, in papillose leaves, but mostly not very conspicuous. Leaves 0-5-nerved. Nerves binate, diverse : 1, divergent from the base, distinct, very cal- lous at the back of the leaf and prominent in the form of a spine from the dorsal sur- face ; 2, flattened down, scarcely callously prominent ; 3, in leaves where the alar cells are vesiculiform, the nerves obsolete, indi- cated by a pair of very short striae, mostly inconspicuous. British Genera. a. Internal peristome without interposed oilia. Neckera, Calyptra dimidiate. Peristome HYPNUM. [ 408 ] HYPOG^EI. double, single, or absent, the internal or the external or both bem? occasionally obsolete. External : sixteen equidistant or more or less geminate teeth, lanceolate, trabeculate, with a longitudinal line, composed of a double layer, arising below the orifice, sometimes split into several irregular arms. Internal : similar to the above, or capillary, placed on a more or less exserted mem- brane, conjoined by transverse appendages, very often wholly or partly cancellate. No interposed cilia. Pilotrichum. Calyptra mitriform. Pe- ristome, &c. as in NECKERA. b. Internal peristome with interposed cilia. Hookeria. Calyptra mitriform. Peri- stome double ; external teeth lanceolate- subulate, with a more or less broad longi- tudinal median line, trabeculate ; internal on a more or less deep keeled membrane, subulate, scarcely ciliiform ; rudimentary cilia interposed, hardly conspicuous, or, more rarely, perfect. Hypmim. Calyptra dimidiate. Peri- stome double. External teeth sixteen, lan- ceolate, trabeculate, with a more or less broad longitudinal line, more rarely a fis- sure, with more or less crest-like prominent trabeculse within. Internal teeth on a grooved reticulated projecting membrane, lanceolate, articulated, grooved, solid or perforated in the middle, or altogether gaping and separating. Cilia one to four, interposed, very often rudimentary. HYP'NUM, Dill. A large genus of Hypnoideae (Pleurocarpous Mosses), here including the species referred by modern writers to Isothecium, Climacium, Leskea, &c. Many of them are extremely common in all woods, growing on trunks of trees, banks, &c. ; others grow in water or in bogs, &c. The distinctions of the species are taken in great part from the forms &c. of the leaves, which require the use of a microscope for their accurate determination. BIBL. Wilson, Bryol. Er. 335 ; Hooker, Br. Flora, vol. ii. pt. 1 ; Miiller, Syn. Mus- corum. HYPO'CREA, Fr. A genus of Sphse- riacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), with a hori- zontal, sessile, or indistinct fleshy, mostly coloured stroma, filiform asci, and simple spores. The species of this genus, like those of Hypoxylon, as given by Fries, are partly referred to Sphceria by other authors ; the distinctions will be best explained by taking all these genera under SPHJERIA. HYPO'DERAS, Frauenfeld. A genus of Acarea (Acarina). Numerous species, occurring beneath the skin of birds, often forming little cysts. Giebel, Verh. zool.- bot. Gesell. Wien, xiv. 385; Murray, EC. Ent. 228 (figs.); Robertson, Jn. Mic. Soc. vi. 201. HYPODER'RLS, R, Brown. A genus Fig. 351. Hypoderris Brownii. Sorus with fringed indusium. Magnified 25 diameters. of Dicksoniese (Polypodiaceous Ferns), with very prettily fringed indusia. Exotic. (Hooker, Syn. 46.) HYPOG^E'L A family of Gasteromy- Fig. 352. Hydnangium candidum. Basidiospores upon the hymenium. Magnified 400 diameters. Fig. 353. Hysterangium clathroides. Section of hymenium with oval basidiospores. Magnified 400 diameters. cetous Fungi, characterized by their resem- blance to the Truffles (Ascomycetes) in HYPOLEPIS. [ 409 ] HYSTERIUM. growing underground, and by their fleshy indehiscent receptacle, which is excavated into sinuous cavities lined with basidio- spores. which are sometimes smooth and sometimes tuberculated (figs. 352, 353). See PL 27. fig. 8. BIBL. Tulasne, L. K. & 0., Fungi Hypo- gcei, Paris, 1851 ; Ann. Sc. N. 3 ser. xv. 267, and Ann. N. H. 1851, vol. viii. 19; Berk. Outl, 292. HYPOLE'PIS, Bernh. A genus of Pterideae (Polypodiaceous Ferns), remark- able as varying in the condition of the indusiuni so as to become undistinguishable from Polvpodium. Seven species, tropical. (Hooker," Syn. 129.) HYPOMY'CES, Tul. A genus of Py- renomycetes (Ascomycetous Fungi), pro- posed by Tulasne to include the coloured species which are parasitic and spring from a thick floccose mycelium. Their conidia are often extremely curious, and have been referred to Sepedonium, Asterophora, Dac- tylium, &c. The species were formerly included in Hypocrea. BIBL. De Bary, Bot. Zeit. 1859, 385, 393 ;* Tul. Carp. iii. 38. HYPOPTERYGIA'CEJE. A family of Pleurocarpous Mosses with a peculiar ar- rangement of the leaves, which are placed in two opposite straight rows united on the upper side of the stem, with a third median row of smaller stipuliform leaves on the Fig. 355. Hypopterygium. Fig. 354. Natural size. Fig. 355. A leafy branch. Magnified 5 diams. under side, bearing a resemblance to the in- termediate leaves in Selaginella (figs. 354, 355). The cells of the leaves are parenchy- matous and equal in all parts. The genera are all exotic, viz. Hypopterygium, Cyatho- phorum, and Helicophyllum. HY'POPUS, Dug. A formerly supposed genus of Acarina, and family Acarea. Char. Body ellipsoidal, coriaceous ; palpi absent; labium oblong, prolonged in the form of a rostrum, and furnished with two long anterior rigid setae ; the posterior pairs of legs but little developed. The forms are numerous, and are found as parasites upon both animals and plants, as Arvicola (the field-mouse), Bombus (the humble-bee), Musca (fly), some Myriapoda, and even upon other Acarina; also upon ferns, &c. Dujardin supposed that they were young forms of Gamasus; Claparede that they were the males of certain Acarea ; while Megnin decides that they are the nymphs of Acari (Tyroglyphus, &c.). They have no mouth nor digestive organs ; but are furnished with posterior ventral suckers. PI. 6. fig. 15 represents a Hypopus mus- carum, which we found upon a house-fly (Musca domestica). BIBL. Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 se"r. i. 20, ii. 37 ; Gervais, Walckenaer's Arachn. iii. 265 ; Dujardin, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. xii. 243 & 259 ; Claparede, Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. 1868, xviii. 445 ; Murray, EC. Ent. 231 j Megnin, Paras. 146. HYPOTHE'CIUM. The term applied to the layer of cellular tissue, on which are attached the thecaa or spore-sacs of the fruits of the LICHENS. HYPOX'YLON, Fries. A genus of Sphseriacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), distin- guished by a sessile stroma, separate and distinct from the matrix (see SPHJERIA). The Hypoxyla of Bulliard with an erect stroma belong to XYLARIA. HYSTE'RIUM, Tode. A genus of Pha- cidiacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), distin- guished by the elliptical or elongated peri- Fig. 356. Fig. 357. Hysterium degenerans. Fig. 356. Natural size. Fig. 357. Perithecium. Magnified 10 diameters. thecia (figs. 356, 357), bursting by a sim- ple longitudinal slit. The species are nu- merous, growing upon (usually dead) bark, ICHNEUMONID^E. [ 410 ] ILLOSPOPJUM. stems and leaves of various plants. H. ru- ffosum has been placed by some authors among Lichens (as Odegrapha macularis, epiphega, Eng. Bot.). It is common on s.nooth living branches of oak and beech. H. pulicare, If. Rubi, H. Pini, and H. cul- migenum, the grass- Hysterium and H.'folii- colium, growing on leaves of hawthorn, ivy, or oak, are common. The species with septate spores (fig. 359) form the genus Hysteroyraphium, Corda. Fig. 358. Fig. 359. Fig. 358. Hysterium foliicplium ft Hederae. An ascus containing eight spores, magnified 100 diameters ; with loose spores, magnified 200 diameters. Fig. 359. Hysterium elongatum. Spores. Magnified 400 diameters. BIBL. Berk. Hook. Br. Fl vol. ii. pt. 2. 293; Ann. N. H. 1851, vii. 185; Fries, Sum. Veget. 368 ; Greville, So. Crypt. Ft. pis. 24, 26, 72, 87, 88, 129 & 167. I. ICHNEUMON'IDJE. A family of Hy- menopterous Insects. The ovipositor is an interesting microscopic object. (West- wood, Insects, ii. 140.) ICHTHYDI'NA,Ehr. A family of Ro- tatoria. Char. No carapace ; rotatory organ sin- gle, continuous, not lobed nor divided at the margin. The rotatory organ is in the form of a circle in Ptygura and Glenophora ; in Ich- thydium and Chcetonotus it is long, band-like, and placed upon the ventral surface. The family is thus divided: Eyes absent, 'No hairs present, Tail-like foot simple and truncate... Ptygura. forked Ichihydium. Having bristly hairs, Tail simple, truncate Dasydytes. Tail forked Chcetonotus. Eye single, frontal Sacculu*. Eyes two, frontal Glenophora. Dujardin places Ichthydium and Chceto- notus among the Infusoria; and Ptygura among his Melicertina. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 386 ; Dujardin, Inf. ; Schultze, Mutt. Archiv, 1853, 241. lCHTHYD'IUM,Ehr. A doubtful genus of Rotatoria, of the family Ichthydina. Char. Eyes absent ; body without dorsal hairs ; pediform tail forked ; locomotion effected by cilia placed upon the ventral surface. Dujardin places this genus among his symmetrical Infusoria. I.podura (PI. 31. fig. 23). Body linear- oblong, often slightly constricted near the anterior turgid and sometimes trilobate end ; foot short ; freshwater; length 1-140". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 388. ICHTHYOPHTHI'RIUS, Fouquet. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria. Char. Subglobose ; with an anterior suctorial disk, including converging setae. Somewhat like Pantotrichum. I. multi/illis (PL 53. fig. 19). Parasitic on the trout, the loach, &c. ; forming milky spots on the fins, gills &c. ; length 1-150". (Kent, Inf. 530.) IDMO'NEA, Lamx. A genus of Infun- dibulate Cyclostomatous Polyzoa, of the family Tubuliporidas. Distinguished by the erect dichotomously divided zoary; and the tubular cells, on one side only, in transverse rows, divided into two sets by a median longitudinal line. I. atlantica. Branches roundish, tapering to a point ; cells four in each row, the innermost tubes considerably protruded. Height 4-10". On zoophytes. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 278 ; Busk, Br. Mus. Cat., Foss. Pol. Crag (Pal Soc.) : Hincks, Polyz. 450. I'DUNA, 01. & Lachm. A genus of In- fusoria, fam. Ervilina. Char. Those of Ervilina with a carapace, the valves quite separate. I. sulcata. Right valve with four raised longitudinal ribs; left valve plane and smooth. Northern sea. Length 1-180". BIBL. Clap, and Lachm. Infus. p. 283. I'DYA, Philippi= Canthocamptus, pt., Baird. I. furcata=C. f. (Brady, Copep., Ray Soc. ii. 171). ILIOPSYL'LUS, Br. & Rob. A genus of Copepodous Entomostraca. I. coriaceus. in sea-mud. (Brady, Copep. ii. 143.) ILLICIUM. See WINTERED. ILLOSPORIUM, Mart. A genus of Stilbacei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), mostly rose-red gelatinous bodies growing upon ILLUMINATION. INFLAMMATION. Lichens, described as consisting of irregular spores, at first involved in a globule of mucus, and afterwards glued together in simple mealy patches (these plants seem very obscure). Four species are described as British : I. roseum, Fr. (Grev. So. Crypt. FL pi. 51) . /. carneum, Fr. (Oorda, Ic. Fung. iii. fig. 1). I. corallinum, Rob. (Desmaz. Exsicc. no. 1551). I. coccineum, Fr. (Cord. /. c. fig. 3). BIBL. Op. cit. and Berk. Br. Flora, ii. pt. 2, 328 ; Ann. N. H. 1850, v. 466 ; Fries, Sum. Veg. 482 ; Syst. Myc. iii. 259. ILLUMINATION. This has been specially alluded to in the Introduction (p. xxviii), and in the articles ANGULAR APERTURE, DIATOMACEJE, POLARIZATION, and TEST-OBJECTS. But several papers have been published in recent years, de- scribing new and ingenious methods of illuminating the finer and more difficult ob- jects, to which we can only refer. BIBL. Higgins, Qu. Mic. Jn. x. 150; Abbe, M . M. Jn. xiii. 77 ; Smith, ib. 88 ; Wenham, ib. 156, & Engl. Mechanic, 1877, 279 ; Whittell, ib. xiv. 109 ; Bramhall, ib. xvi. 102 ; Osborne, ib. xvii. 179 ; Moore- house, ib. xviii. 29 ; Woodward, ib. xviii. 61 ; Edmunds, ib. xviii. 78 ; Schulze, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1878, 45. ILYOBA'TES, G. 0. Sars (=KRITHE, B., C., & R.) -^ g erms f Ostracoda (Ento- mostraca), of the family Cytheridae. Lower antennae 4-, upper 5-jointed, with the last three joints short and stout ; first two pairs of feet three-jointed; eyes wanting. 3 species. Recent in Norway, Britain, Bay of Biscay. Fossil, Tertiary and Post- tertiary, England. BIBL. Brady, Crossky & Robertson, Post-Tertiary Entom. 1874, 184. ILYOCRYP'TUS, G. O. Sars. A genus of Macrotrichidae (Entomostraca). 1 species. Britain, Russia, Germany, Sweden. BIBL. Norman and Brady, Mon. Brit. Entom.j Nat. H. Tr. North, vol. i. 17. IMPERFORATA. A division of the Foraminifera, characterized by the absence of pseudopodial pores or tubules in the shell, which is either membranous (family Gromidse), porcellaneous (fam. Miliolidse), or arenaceous (fam. Lituolidae). (See FORAMINIFERA.) BIBL, Carpenter, Introd. For. 62. INAC'TIS, Kiitz. A genus of Oscilla- toriacese (Confervoid Algae). Char. Filaments sheathed, indistinctly jointed, parallel, sometimes dichotomous, densely aggregated, and forming a pulvi- nate hemispherical frond, springing from a substratum of Protococcus-likQ cells. In pools, on other Algse ; on rocks, &c. 3 species, with several varieties. BIBL. Kiitzing, Phyc. 77; Rabenhorst, FL Alg. ii. 159. INDIA-RUBBER, or CAOUTCHOUC. This substance occurs naturally in globules suspended in the milky juices of many plants, especially of the Orders Euphorbia- ceae, Urticaceae, and Apocynaceae ; the form, of the globules is varied. In PI. 48. fig. 23 is represented part of a milk- vessel of Euphorbia antiquorum with fine caoutchouc globules. When such milky juices are eva- porated, the globules become blended into a uniform elastic mass, the India-rubber. Solution of caoutchouc is sometimes used as a cement for closing glass cells ; but its chief importance in this respect depends on its forming a constituent of marine glue (see CEMENTS). INDICATOR, QUEKETT'S. Is a small steel moveable hand placed just above the diaphragm of the eye-piece, so as to point to nearly the centre of the field. INDIGO. This well-known vegetable substance is chiefly obtained from plants of the genera Indigofera and Isatis, and Poly- gonum tinctorium, but may be found in many others. It has also been found in human urine, of which it is probably a normal consti- tuent. Its best marked character is that of subliming in flattened prisms and plates (PI. 10. tig. 14). Indigo is sometimes used as a colouring- matter for injections, and is also very use- ful for colouring the internal cavities of Infusoria which swallow the granules; also for rendering visible ciliary motion (see INTRODUCTION, p. xxxvi), &c. - The simplest mode of employing it is to rub it from a water-colour cake of indigo very gently with a little water. The Infusoria require to be left in the coloured mixture some time ; and it is well to remove them into clean water for examination. Indigo-carmine forms the basis of some excellent staining solutions. BIBL. See CHEMISTRY. INFLAMMATION. The phenomena of INFLAMMATION. [ 412 ] INFLAMMATION. inflammation are "best studied in one of the lower animals, as in the web of the frog's foot, the mesentery of the frog, the tail of the tadpole, or of the larva of the water- newt (Triton), the process being excited by the application of a hot needle, a solution of common salt, ammonia, dilute spirit, or volatile oil. The principal phenomena are as fol- lows : 1. Changes in the blood-vessels and circu- lation. 2. Exudation of liquor sanguinis and mi- gration of white blood-corpuscles ; and 3. Alterations in the nutrition of the in- flamed tissue. 1. The first effect of irritation of the mesentery (mere exposure to the air being sufficient for the purpose) is to cause dila- tation of the arteries, and subsequently that of the veins. The dilatation of the arteries commences at once, and is not preceded by contraction. It gradually increases for about twelve hours, and is associated at the commencement of the process with an ac- celeration in the flow of blood ; this, how- ever, is soon followed by a considerable retardation. These alterations in the rapi- dity of the blood-flow, however, cannot be owing to the increase in the calibre of the vessels, which remain throughout dilated. The retardation of the circulation usually commences somewhat suddenly, and is first observable in the veins. The rapidity of the current varies, however, in different vessels ; in some (both arteries and veins) it may be more rapid, in others very slow, and either oscillating to and fro, or even completely stagnant. These differences may occur in contiguous vessels. The capillaries and small arteries often present at the same time numerous irregular bulgings and con- tractions. As the circulation becomes slower, the white blood-corpuscles (leucocytes) accu- mulate in the veins. Their natural ten- dency to adhere to the sides of the vessels is increased, so that they may nearly fill the tube. At the same time they exhibit active movements, by means of which they pene- trate the walls of the vessels and pass into the surrounding tissues. The absolute number of white blood-corpuscles may also be increased owing to the irritation of the lymphatic structures in the vicinity of the inflamed tissue. The red corpuscles also accumulate in the capillaries. They adhere to one another and to the sides of the vessels, and become so closely packed that their outlines can scarcely be distinguished. Increased ad- hesiveness of the red corpuscles has long been regarded as characteristic of inflam- matory blood, by virtue of which they exhibit a greater tendency to cohere in rolls than in health. The diminution in the rapidity of the circulation, and the accumulation of the blood-corpuscles in the vessels, is followed by the complete stagnation of the current, constituting the condition long known as inflammatory stasis. 2. Another constituent of the inflamma- tory process consists in the exudation of liquor sanguinis and the migration of the colourless blood-corpuscles. The migration of the colourless blood- corpuscles (leucocytes) through the walls of the blood-vessels was first described by Addison in 1842. This observer stated that in inflammation, these corpuscles adhered to the walls of the vessels and passed through them into the surrounding tissues. In 1846 Waller more fully described the same phenomenon. Both these observers concluded that the escaped corpuscles became pus-corpuscles. Cohnheim in 1867 brought the subject forward ; and to him. we owe most of our present knowledge respecting it. The migration may be observed in the mesentery of a frog which has been pre- viously paralyzed by the subcutaneous in- jection of curare. The colourless blood-corpuscles which accumulate in large numbers, especially in the veins, remain almost stationary against the walls of the vessel, the blood-current passing by them, although with much diminished velocity. Those immediately adjacent to the wall gradually sink into it, and pass through it, between the epithelial cells, into the surrounding tissue. In doing so they may be observed in the various stages of their passage. At first small button-shaped elevations are seen springing from the outer wall of the vessel. These gradually increase until they assume the form of pear-shaped bodies, which still adhere by their small ends to the vascular wall. Ultimately the small pedicle of pro- toplasm by which they are attached gives way and the passage is complete, the cor- puscle remaining free outside the vessel. The corpuscles having escaped from the vessels into the surrounding tissues, continue INFLAMMATION. [ 413 ] INFLAMMATION. to exhibit active movements. They may multiply by division, and thus rapidly in- crease in number: this will be again referred to when speaking of pus. Not only is there a migration of colour- less blood-corpuscles in inflammation, but the red corpuscles also pass through the walls of the blood-vessels, though in less considerable numbers j and their transit is mainly through the walls of the capillaries. This passage of the red corpuscles takes place in simple mechanical congestion j and it may be observed in the web of a frog in which congestion has been artificially in- duced by ligature of the femoral vein. Associated with the passage of the blood- corpuscles through the walls of the vessels, is an exudation of the liquor sanguinis. The exuded liquor sauguinis, which con- stitutes the well-known inflammatory effu- sion, differs from the liquid which tran- sudes as the result of simple mechanical congestion, inasmuch as it usually contains a larger proportion of albumen and fibrine, a proportion which increases with the inten- sity of the inflammation. It also contains an excess of phosphates and carbonates. The most characteristic feature of inflam- matory effusion is the large number of cell- structures which it contains. These are in no case generated spontaneously in the effused liquid. Most of them are migrated blood- corpuscles ; and others are derived from the proliferating elements of the original tissue. The quantity and nature of the effusion will thus vary with the particular tissue in- flamed, and with the severity of the in- flammatory process. In non-vascular tissues, as cartilage and the cornea, exudation can only occur to a small extent from the neigh- bouring vessels, and hence the effusion is small in quantity. In dense organs, as the liver and kidney, owing to the compactness of the structure, a large amount of effusion is impossible ; and what there is, is so in- termingled with the structural elements of the organ, that it does not appear as an independent material. In the kidney, it escapes into the urinary tubes and so appears in the urine. The effusion is most abundant, and constitutes an important visible con- stituent of the inflammatory process, in in- flammation of those organs which possess a lax structure and in which the vessels are but little supported, as the lungs, and in tissues which present a free surface, as mu- cous and serous membranes. 3. The remaining constituent of the in- flammatory process consists of an alteration in the nutrition of the inflamed tissue. The nutritive changes, although they may differ according to the structure of the part, are all characterized by an increase in the nutritive activity of the cellular elements. The nature of these nutritive changes has for the most part been ascertained by the investigation of tissues in the lower ani- mals, in which inflammation has been arti- ficially induced. In man the study of the primary tissues is difficult, owing to the fact that the process can rarely be observed in its earlier stages. The alteration in nutrition, as already stated, is characterized by an exaltation of the nutritive functions of the cellular elements of the tissues in- volved in the inflammatory process. This is evidenced by an increase in the activity of those elements which normally exhibit active movements, as the amoeboid cells of connective tissue and of the cornea. Cells which, under normal circumstances, undergo no alterations in form, and exhibit no active movements, become active, sending out processes and undergoing various alterations in shape. This increase in the activity, and variation in the form of the cells is in most cases followed by enlargement and division of their nuclei and protoplasm, and thus by the formation of new cells. The increased activity of the cellular elements varies considerably in different tissues, and even in the elements of the same tissue. Some cells exhibit active movements, and form new cells, much more readily than others. Those tissues, for example, which naturally maintain them- selves by the multiplication of their ele- ments, as the epithelial tissues, become active very readily in inflammation, slight degrees of irritation being sufficient to cause in them rapid cell-proliferation. This is seen in inflammation of mucous membranes, and of the epidermis. In tis- sues, on the other hand, whose elements normally exhibit no tendency to multipli- cation, as common connective tissue, carti- lage, and bone, active changes are much less readily induced; the cells are much more stable, and multiply with far less facility. Lastly, in the higher tissues the stability of the elements reaches its maxi- mum, and in nerve-cells no increase of activity can be induced. Different cells in the same tissue exhibit also different degrees of stability. In common connective tissue and the cornea, for example, the amoeboid INFLAMMATION. [ 414 ] INFUSORIA. cells are the least stable, and are the first to multiply. Possibly the age of the cells may influence their tendency to become active, the newer being less stable than the older elements. In all cases, however, the rapidity and extent of the proliferation are in direct proportion to the intensity of the inflammation. The earliest nutritive change is thus one of cell-proliferation ; the subse- sequent ones are characterized either by im- pairment of nutrition and the degeneration and death of the newly formed elements, or by the development of these into a per- manent tissue. The more intense the in- flammation the greater is the rapidity of the cell-proliferation, the more abortive are the young cells, and the less is their ten- dency to form a permanent tissue. In con- nective tissues these changes in the cells are necessarily accompanied by changes in the intercellular substance. The latter are for the most part characterized by softening. In common connective tissue the fibres in the first place become succulent and less distinct, and ultimately they are completely destroyed ; in cartilage the matrix softens and liquefies ; in bone the lime-salts are removed, the lamellae disappear, and the osseous structure becomes converted into medullary tissue. Hence the destructive effect of the inflammatory process. Those retrograde cells which undergo fatty degeneration, are known as exudation corpuscles (PI. 38. fig. 7). The inflammatory exudation, consisting of emigrant cells, which often undergo fis- siparous multiplication, of the proper cells of the inflamed tissue, which undergo in- crease of size and numbers, and of the fibri- nated liquor sanguinis, may undergo reso- lution, organization, suppuration, and organi- zation after suppuration : Resolution, by distribution of the emigrant cells over a wider area, and their return into the lymphatics, and by a process of fatty degeneration of the cellular elements. Organization, by the timely development of blood-vessels, and the conversion of the exudation into fibrillar connective tissue. The cells which are not devoted to the formation of blood-vessels, grow spindle- shaped, and are so closely packed that they give rise to a new variety of tissue. It forms cylindrical or slightly flattened bun- dles which interlace. Suppuration. See Pus. BEBL. Works on Medicine ; Lebert, Phys. Pathol. ; Wedl, Path. Hist. ; Forster, Path. An. ; Gluge, Atlas Path. An. ; Lister, Inf,., Phil. Trans. 1859 ; Cohnheim, Virchows Archiv, xl. 1, and Entzundung, 1873 ; Strieker, Qu. M. J. x. 242: Cornil and Ranvier, Hist. Path.; Inflam., Holme's Xyst. Surg. i. and Append. ; Virchow, Cell. Path. ; Rin'dfleisch,Pa^. Geivebel.1878; Green,Pr t j No carapace 8. table; cesopha-) I '" (A carapace 9. gus not ciliated . ( Body glabrous, one row of cilia around the mouth 10. Fam. Sursarina. Fam. Colpodea. Fam. Dysterina. Fam. Trachelina. Fam. Coleplna. Fam. Salteriva. /Suckers simple kickers not on a J proboscis or tube. 1 ] Order II. Suctoria, or ACINETINA. Not forming a f branched colony. 1 Asheath /Apeduncle ............... 1. Genus Podophrya. . ^^ { Free.. ;; . J Gjjo; /A peduncle .................. 4. Genus Acineta. \Nope Nopeduncle ............ 5. Genus Solenophrya. Formingbranchedcolonies .......................................... 6. Genus Dendrosoma. (.Suckers branched ................................................................................... 7. G-enus Dendrocometes. Suckers on a long retractile tube ............................................................................................. 8. Genus Ophryodendron. INFUSORIA. [ 422 ] INJECTION. Order HI. Cilio-flagellata. PEBIDININA. /The two portions of the cara- r Carapace with prolongations 1. Genus Ceratium. A transverse groove < P ace e 1 ual in "**& \ Carapace without appendages 2. Genus Peridinium. ) f Borders of the notch turned up and { The two portions unequal 4 lamelliform 3. Genus Dinophysis. -K, _,.,. I Borders not turned up 4. Genus Amphidinium. .No groove. Cilia on the anterior margin 5. Genus Prorocentrum, Kent arranges the Infusoria thus : * FLAGELLATA. t Ingestion by all the aurface. Order 1. Trypanosomata. A rudimentary fla- gellum, and an undulating membrane. Order 2. Rhizojlagellata. A flagellum and lo- bate pseudopodia. Order '6. Radioftagellata. A flagellum and ra- diate pseudopodia. Order 4. Flagellata Panstomata. Flagella the only motile organs, tt Ingestive area anterior. Order 5. Choano-flagellata, A flagellum and a collar, ttt A distinct mouth. Order 6. Flagellata Eustomata. A flagellum only. Order 7. Cilio-flagellata. A flagellum and cilia. ** CILIATA. Order 1. Holotricha. Cilia all over the body, uniform. Order 2. Heterotricha. Cilia general, but the oral larger. Order 3. Peritricha. Cilia forming a spiral or circular wreath. Order 4. Hypotrocha. Cilia ventral. *** TENTACUMFERA (Acinetina.) Order 1. Suctoria. Order 2. Actinaria. Kent defines 79 families, and 359 genera ; of which our space will only allow a sketch under the respective heads. BIBL. Miiller, Animak. infusoria, 1786 ; Ehr. Infusionsth. ; Dujardin, In/us. ; Pi- neau, Ann. So. Nat. 3 ser. iii., v., ix. ; Stein, In/us. ; Focke, Isis, 1836, and Physiolog. Studien-, Meyen, Matter's Archiv, 1839; Pritchard, Infusoria ; R. Jones, Ann. N. If. 1839, iii.; Erdl, Mutter's Archiv, 1841; Griffith, Ann. N. H. 1843, xii. ; Siebold, Vergl. Anat. ; Cohn, Sieb. u. Koll Zeitschr. iii. 260 ; Kolliker, Sieb. u. Koll. Zeitschr. i. 198 ; Claparede and Lachmann, Etudes, Geneve, 1868; Engelmann, Inftis. 1862; Jules Haime, Ann. Sci. Nat. s. 3. t. xix. 109; Clark, Boston Mem. N. H. 1866; Balbiani, Sexual Org. of Infus., Q. M. J. 1862, 176, 285 ; Ann. N. H. 1858, i. 435 ; Perty, Die kleinsten Lebensformen (new genera and species], 1852 ; Cienkowski, Qu. Mic. Jn. v. 96; Lieberkiihn, Ann. N. H. 1856, xviii. 319; Carter, ibid, xviii. 115; Gosse. Jn. Mic. S. 1857 ; Ray Lankester, Qu. Mic. Jn. ; Diesing, Prothelm. 1865; Engelmann, Geqenbaur's Morph. Jahrb. 1876; Fromental, Microzoaires, 1876 ; All- man, M. M. J. xiv. 171; Hackel, Jen. Zeitschr. 1873, vii. 516 (morphol} ; ibid. 561 (new marine} ; Butschli, Arch. mikr. An. 1873, and Zeitschr. wiss. Zoo/. 1878, xxx. 205; Simroth, Sch. Arch. 1876, xii. 51 (locom. appar.) ; Gruber, Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. 1879, xxxiii. 439 (Jn. Mic. S. 1880, 282); Certes, Comp. rend. 1880, xc. 77 (glycogenesis in) ; Dallinger, Jn. Micr. Soc. 1880, iii. ]. INFUSORIAL EARTH. The fossil deposits of Diatoinaceae were formerly so called. INJECTION. The art of filling the vessels and other minute tubular organs of animals with coloured substances, by which their relative size, arrangement, and relation to the surrounding parts may be made ma- nifest. The substances used for injections consist of powders, mostly insoluble, mixed with some liquid which holds them in sus- pension or solution ; and while in this state they are driven into the vessels by a syringe or some similar contrivance. We shall first give a sketch of the apparatus requisite, and the method of making the liquids for in- jecting the tissues of the Vertebrata, before treating of the process itself. Syringe. Two or three syringes are requi- site, of various sizes, adapted to the volume of injection to be thrown into the vessels, or the size of the animal or part to be injected. In general, one holding 6 drms. or 1 oz., and another holding about 2 oz. will be found the most useful. Each syringe must be provided with two rings at the upper part next the handle, so that it may be lirmly and easily held. The syringes when in use should be surrounded by a roll or two of flannel fastened with string, to pre- vent their rapid cooling ; and the flannel should be kept as dry as possible during the process. Sometimes a much smaller syringe, called an oyster-syringe, is useful for injecting very small and soft animals. The plug of the piston is adapted to the tube of the syringe by two pieces of wash- leather, the method of replacing which must be learnt at the time the syringe is bought, INJECTION. [ 423 ] INJECTION. for it is difficult of description. The plug must work air-tight in the tube, which may be proved by depressing the handle as far as possible, then closing the nozzle of the sy- ringe with one finger, withdrawing the handle to its fullest extent, and letting it go, whsn it should fly entirely home. If this does not take place, the plug must be re-leathered. The handle of the syringe should be graduated ; i. e. transverse lines should be scratched upon it with the end of a file, or in some other way, so that when its de- scending movement is so slow as not to be felt by the hand, it may be indicated to the eye. The syringes, and in fact all the mechani- cal apparatus requisite for injection, may be purchased of Mr. Neeves, Regent Square, or of Mr. Ferguson, Smithfield. The syringe must accurately fit the stop- cocks and pipes. Injecting-pipes. These must be of various sizes, to suit those of the vessels into which they are to be introduced; they are furnished wi,th two short transverse arms, by which they may be tied to the vessel. The smallest pipes which are made, easily become stopped up unless thoroughly cleansed after use ; to remove any obstruction,a very fine " broach"- needle made of watch-spring is required, and may be procured of Mr. Ferguson as above. Stopcocks. One or two of these are use- ful in stopping the injection from returning, when the syringe is removed, or force ceases to be applied to it. Forceps. One or two pairs of small tena- culum forceps must be at hand ; these are noticed in the INTRODUCTION, p. xxv. Jars or other vessels for holding the in- jection. These may consist of confectioners' jam-pots, or may be made of tin. The former have the advantage of retaining the heat for a considerable time. When in use, the jars must be placed in a water-bath, or in a tin vessel containing water, and placed over a stove. Stirring-rods. These must be made of wood. Size. The colouring-matters used for the coarser injections are mostly insoluble powders. These are usually mixed with size or some form of solution of gelatine, which holds them in suspension better than water. The size mostly used is Young's patent size, and it is sold in the shops. It should be clear and fresh. Those who cannot obtain this may prepare its equivalent by dissolving 1 part of glue in 8 or 10 parts of water with the aid of heat. The principal liquid injections used may be arranged according to their colours. In regard to the proportions of the colouring- matter to that of the size, it must be re- marked that these vary as used by different injectors; and that, in general, when the vessels to be injected are very minute, and the objects are to be viewed by transmitted light, the size should be thinner, and the proportion of pigment less, than under the opposite conditions. When the injection is directed to be strained, this must be done through a piece of new flannel wrung out of hot water, or through a "tammy sieve/' which is more convenient. In preparing the injections, great care must be taken that the jars are perfectly clean, and that no old injection remains adherent to them. The colouring-matters, whether dry or dis- solved, should be added to the size previ- ously warmed in the water-bath, or the tin vessel mentioned above; and the whole should be stirred until thoroughly incorpo- rated. When trituration is spoken of, it must be understood that the rubbing in a mortar should be continued for a long time, until the substance is reduced to the finest possible state of powder. Harting recommends preparing a stronger size than that mentioned above, containing 1 part of glue to 4 of water, and that the chemical substances be dissolved in the additional water requisite before being added to the size, which would seem to be preferable ; but we have found the method recommended to answer every purpose, and it has the advantage of greater simplicity. Red Injection. This is best made with vermilion (bisulphuret of mercury), which before use should be carefully examined as to its purity from minute colourless crys- talline particles, by viewing it by reflected light, when they are easily detected. When the vessels to be injected are very minute, the vermilion is best previously levigated, *. e. triturated in a mortar with a small quantity of water, the whole being after- wards thrown into a large amount of water, and allowed to settle for a few seconds, so that the coarser particles still left may sub- side ; the upper portions of the liquid, con- taining the finer parts of the powder, are then poured off and allowed to settle, the supernatant water being again poured off, INJECTION. [ 424 ] INJECTION. and either allowed to dry slowly, or mixed while moist with the size. The ordinary proportions for this injec- tion are : Vermilion 1^ oz., Size 1 lb., or Vermilion 164 grs., Size 4 oz. Stir the colouring-matter well with the warmed size, then strain. Other red colouring-matters have been used, but they cannot be recommended. Among them may be mentioned : the basic chromate of lead, prepared by boiling the neutral chromate with caustic or carbonate of potash ; the biniodide of mercury, formed by decomposing bichloride of mercury with iodide of potassium in atomic proportions ; and the oxysulphuret of antimony. Yelloio Injection. This is prepared with the chromate of lead (chrome-yellow), as follows : Take of Acetate of lead 380 grs. Bichromate of potash 152 grs. Size 8 oz. Dissolve the lead-salt in the warm size, then add the finely powdered bichromate of potash. As thus prepared, some of the chromic acid remains free, and is wasted, which may be obviated by preparing the chromate of lead with the chromate of potash in the proportions of Acetate of lead 190 grs., Chromate of potash (neutral) 100 grs. Size 4 oz. or Acetate of lead 196 grs. Bichromate of potash 76 grs. Carbonate of potash 41 grs. Size 4 oz. Thiersch used chromate of potash and nitrate of lead. The chromate of lead prepared from the bichromate of potash alone has the deepest colour, and is that generally used. White Injection. The best white injec- tion is made with carbonate of lead, thus : take of Acetate of lead 190 grs. Carbonate of potash 83 grs. Size 4 oz. Dissolve the acetate of lead in the warm size and filter; dissolve the carbonate of potash in the smallest possible quantity of water, and mix it with the size. 143 grains of carbonate of soda may be substituted for the above amount of carbo- nate of potash. A white injection (very inferior) may also be made with carbonate of lime, by taking of Fused chloride of calcium .. Ill grs. Carbonate of potash 167 grs. Size 4 oz. 28G grs. of carbonate of soda may be substi- tuted for the carbonate of potash. Blue Injection. In whatever manner prepared, this cannot be in general recom- mended ; for blue pigments reflect so little light, that the injections made with them appear almost black. The only one worthy of mention is prussian blue suspended in oxalic acid, which may be prepared with Prussian blue 73 grs. Oxalic acid 73 grs. Size 4 oz., the oxalic acid being first finely triturated in a mortar, the prussian blue and a little water afterwards added, and the whole then thoroughly mixed with the previously wanned size. General method. When the part for injection has been selected, the first pro- ceeding is to fix the pipe in some vessel; and the larger this is, the more easily will the pipe be inserted and fixed. When the vessel has been isolated, if it has been cut across, the pipe should be introduced at its end, pushed up as far as possible, and a piece of not too thin silk thread passed beneath and tied around it, enclosing of course the nozzle of the pipe ; the ends of the silk should then be wound round the arms of the pipe and again tied, so that the pipe may remain firmly fixed in the vessel. If the vessel be not divided, a longitudinal slit should be made in it for the introduction of the pipe, the thread being passed round it by a curved needle, the eye of which carries the thread. As soon as the pipe has been fixed in the vessel, all other vessels communi- cating with it should be tied round with silk thread or closed in some other way, that the injection may not escape : sometimes it is requisite to enclose a part of the tissue itself in the ligature ; in other instances their closure may be effected by fusion of the tissue at the spot from which the injec- tion might escape, by the application of a red-hot iron. INJECTION. [ 425 ] INJECTION. The organ or part to be injected is then immersed in warm water, in order that it may become heated throughout ; and if it be large and of considerable thickness, this may take some time ; and fresh warm water must be added at intervals to keep it at the same temperature, which should be about as great as can be borne by the hand. If the water be too hot, the vessels and tissues will be rendered brittle, and the whole will be spoiled. Moreover the part should not be kept longer in the water than is absolutely requisite, for the same reason. While the tissue is becoming heated in the water, the injection should be prepared, or be heated if previously prepared, and kept constantly stirred; the stopcocks should also be im- mersed in hot water. As soon as all is ready, the stopcock turned open, is fixed to the syringe, and some hot water is drawn into and expelled from the syringe two or three times, so that it may become properly heated. It is next filled with the injection, taking special care that no air be allowed to enter, to avoid which it must be filled, emptied, and refilled several times, the nozzle being kept beneath the surface of the injection. The syringe is then taken in the hand, a little of the injec- tion being forced out at the nozzle of the stopcock, which is next loosely inserted into the pipe ; and some of the injection being urged into it by depressing the handle, the pipe is filled, and the nozzle introduced 'into it. Very gentle pressure is then made upon the piston, so that the injection may be driven into the vessels ; and this must be continued until the piston ceases to be felt to move, or is seen not to enter the syringe further, by watching the graduations on its handle. 'When this is found to be the case, firmer pressure must be made and the effect noticed. But practice can alone guide as to the time at which the pressure should cease, or when as much injection has been forced into the preparation as is required. Some judgment may be made from the colour assumed by the preparation ; or, the stop- cock being turned off, and the syringe sepa- rated from it, the preparation may be exa- mined with a low power, while laid upon a large glass plate. During the continuance of the process, the preparation, the injection, and the pipes must be kept at the original temperature ; and should any part be found to become cool, the stopcock must he turned off, the syringe separated, the injection returned to the jar, fresh warm water added to the preparation, and the whole process recom- menced as at first. If, during the process, there should be an escape of the injection from any part, this need not cause alarm if slight ; should it, however, be considerable, it must be stopped by one of the means pointed out above perhaps by the orifice of the vessel and sur- rounding parts being grasped by the tena- culum-forceps, and the whole included in a ligature. If the preparation be small, not- withstanding a considerable escape of the liquid, a very good injection may often be made. As soon as the injection is completed, a ligature should be placed around the vessel into which the pipe is inserted, beyond its nozzle ; the pipe is next removed, and the preparation should be immersed in clean cold water, and kept in it for an hour or two at least. It may then be withdrawn and sections made of it with a knife, razor, or some other instrument. Large pieces of injected preparations are best preserved in a stoppered bottle con- taining dilute spirit of wine (1 spirit to 2 water, or equal parts). See also PRESER- VATION. When two or more sets of vessels are to be injected, the process should be continued uninterruptedly until completed; i. e. as soon as the injection of one set has been com- pleted, another pipe should be at once in- serted into one of the other set, and so on. Or what is better, if possible, the pipes for the two or three sets should be introduced and fixed at once, before the process is com- menced. As regards the period after death at which the injection should be commenced, this varies with the kind of organ or tissue : if it be delicate, the sooner the better ; whilst if the vessels be comparatively large, by some little delay the tissue becomes somewhat softer and more yielding. When a tissue has been successfully in- jected, the vessels appear plump and well filled by reflected light. But if they are not so, the preparation has its value; for it will perhaps well display the relative positions of the capillaries to the surrounding tissues when viewed by transmitted light often even better than when the injection has been what is termed successful. In fact, when the vessels are well filled, little more can be seen in general than the relative situation of the vessels to each other, INJECTION. [ 426 ] INJECTION. The choice of the kind of injection is not a matter of much importance, except as regards the facility with which the vessels are filled. The arteries are in general filled with red injection, the veins with yellow, and the ducts (as the urinary tubules) with white. The chromate of lead is perhaps the finest injection and runs best, except that made with prussian blue and oxalic acid, which does not reflect enough light where the vessels are to be viewed by re- flected light, although when these are very minute and can be conveniently viewed by transmitted light it may be preferred. It may be remarked that, if it be required to use a yellow (the chromate) injection and a white (the carbonate of lead) for two sets of vessels in one preparation, the chromic acid in the former must previously be completely neutralized; otherwise it will render the white (carbonate of lead) yellow. This may, however, be avoided by substi- tuting the carbonate of lime for that of lead. As microscopic objects, nothing can ex- ceed the beauty of injected preparations; and to be seen in their greatest perfection they should be dried, moistened with oil of turpentine, and mounted in Canada balsam. At the same time it must not be forgotten that, when dried and preserved in this man- ner, the real arrangement of the vessels is more or less distorted, those lying in dif- ferent planes being brought into the same, and so on. In Plate 39. figs. 33, 34, and 35, we have given representations of three injections viewed by reflected light, fig. 33 being taken from the liver of a cat, in which in- jection made with vermilion was thrown into the portal vein, and that with chromate of lead into the hepatic vein ; fig. 34 is a portion of the lung of a toad injected with vermilion ; and fig. 35 is a portion of the kidney of a pig, the arteries and Malpighian tufts (KIDNEY) being filled with the red (vermilion) injection, and the urinary tu- bules with the white (carbonate of lead). Self-injection occupies an important posi- tion amongst the various modes. The vas- cular system of the frog may be injected by inserting a pointed glass tube filled with the coloured injecting fluid into the vena cava. The fluid passes into the heart, and is distributed through the system by the force of the heart itself. The biliary vessels of living animals have been injected by means of colouring-matter introduced into the jugular veins. Toldt has injected the lymphatics on this system ; and he introduces a granular pig- ment (aniline) precipitated by water from its alcoholic solution into the blood. The perfect injection of an organ or an entire animal of considerable size is a tedious and fatiguing process. We have therefore contrived a very simple piece of apparatus, which any one can prepare for himself, and which effects the object by mechanical means. It consists of a rect- angular piece of board, 2' long and 10" wide, to one end of which is fastened an inclined Fig. 360. piece of wood supported by two props, as shown in fig. 360. The inclined portion is pierced with three holes, one placed above the other, into either of which the syringe may be placed the uppermost being used for the larger, the lowermost for the smaller syringe ; and these holes are of such size as freely to admit the syringe covered with flannel, but not to allow the rings to pass through them. The lower part of the syringe is supported upon a semiannular piece of wood, fastened to the upper end of an upright rod, which slides in a hollow cylinder fixed at its base to a small rect- angular piece of wood ; and by means of a horizontal wooden screw, the rod may be made to support the syringe at any height required. The handle of the syringe is let into a groove in a stout wooden rod con- nected by means of two catgut strings with a smaller rod, to the middle of which is fastened a string playing over a pulley, and at the end of which is a hook for supporting weights, the catgut strings passing through longitudinal slits in the inclined piece of wood. In use, the part to be injected is placed in a dish of some kind containing warm water, supported at a suitable height beneath the end of the syringe by blocks of wood. The syringe is then filled with injection, passed through the proper aperture in the INJECTION. [ 427 ] INJECTION. inclined board, and fitted to the pipe, the stopcock being turned off. The rod and strings are next adjusted, and, a suitable weight being added, the stopcock is very slowly turned on, and the effect watched. If the handle of the syringe does not move, more weight must be added, the stopcock always being turned off when this is about to be done. A great advantage of this apparatus is, that it sets at liberty the hands, so that an escape of injection may be arrested, or fresh warm water added, without interruption of the process. Other automatic methods have been pro- posed, as that of Rutherford, which is this : A large jar of water is attached to a pulley, so that it can be elevated to any height. A long elastic tube with a stopcock is connected with the interior of the jar, near its bottom, so that the water may flow out when required. The other end of this tube transmits the water into a large Woulfe's bottle having three apertures. The water flows in by one aperture, through a glass tube which passes to the bottom of the bottle. The air is thereby forced through the other two apertures, one com- municating with a mercurial manometer for indicating the pressure, the other transmit- ting the air through an elastic tube to a second Woulfe's bottle containing the injec- tion. This bottle has two apertures. The air is forced upon the surface of the liquid, and a glass tube, reaching nearly to the bottom of the bottle, transmits the injection to an elastic tube joined to a glass or metal nozzle placed in the vessel. Any number of Woulfe's bottles may be added, so that different injections can be thrown in at the same time. The pressure can be regulated with the greatest nicety. When it is not required to fill the capilla- ries, but only the smaller arteries or veins, the colouring-matters need not be prepared by double decomposition, and the following substances may be used : Red. Size 1 lb., vermilion 2 oz. Yellow. Size 1 lb., King's yellow (orpiment) or chrome-yellow 2| oz. White. Size 1 lb., flake-white 3| oz. jS/we. Size 1 lb., fine blue smalt 6 oz. Black. Size 1 lb., lamp-black 1 oz. Injections made with transparent solu- tions are now largely used, the objects being viewed with high powers, by transmitted light. Fine gelatine is usually employed, and is dissolved in water over a water-bath, the colouring-matter already in solution being then added, and the mass introduced into a Woulfe's bottle, which must be im- mersed in a warm water-bath. The injec- tion takes long to do; and the warmth must be kept up. The colouring matters usually employed are prussian blue and carmine the latter not in a state of complete solu- tion, but partly precipitated by the addition of a little weak acid from its alkaline solu- tion. Thiersch, whose transparent injec- tions are wonderful, uses a transparent yel- low, and green, the former from chroniate of potash and nitrate of lead, and the latter from a mixture of this with blue. Beale, in order to avoid the injecting of warm fluids, uses colouring-matter, water, glyce- rine, and traces of hydrochloric acid ; after- wards the injected mass is placed in absolute alcohol. Carter's carmine injection is made thus : dissolve 60 grains of pure carmine in 120 grains of Liq. Ammon. fort., and filter if necessary; mix with this 1| oz. of hot solution of gelatine (1 to 6 of water) ; mix another oz. of the gelatine solution with 86 minims of glacial acetic acid, and drop this little by little into the solution of car- mine, stirring briskly the whole time. Dry, or harden in solution of chromic acid ; cut with a sharp razor, and mount in Canada balsam. Beale's fine blue injection is made with Glycerine 1 oz. Spirit of Wine 1 oz. Ferrocyanide of potassium .... 12 gr. Tinct. or sol. of perchlor. iron . . 1 or. Water 4 oz. Dissolve the ferrocyanide in 1 oz. of the water and the glycerine, and the iron in another oz. Mix gradually, adding the iron to the ferrocyanide. Then add the spirit and the rest of the water. For very fine injections, the mixture may be diluted with 3 oz. of glycerine, and half the quantity of ferrocyanide and iron used. The ferridcyanide of potassium is often used, forming Turnbull's blue, which is brighter and less liable to fade. This is made with ferridcyanide of potassium 10 grs., sulphate of iron 5 grs., glycerine 2 oz., water 1 oz., and alcohol 1 drachm. Numerous other fine injections are de- scribed by Beale and Frey. INJECTION. [ 428 ] INOMERIA. The tissues of the Invertebrata are so soft, that the ordinary syringes and pipes can rarely be used for injecting them, and recourse must be had to a finer and lighter form of apparatus. This may consist of a fine trochar, with a needle. In using it, the small vessel through which the injection is to be thrown, is held with forceps against the end of the trochar, and punctured with the needle. The trochar is next directed into the puncture, and the needle withdrawn. The small nozzle of a syringe is then intro- duced into the upper end of the trochar, and the injection thrown in. A form pro- posed by Harting consists of a common glass pipette of moderate width, and of a caoutchouc tube the smaller end of which is fastened by means of thread to the broader end of a fine, curved, glass nozzle. In using this apparatus, the pipette is first filled with the injection, and its lower portion intro- duced into the broader end of the caout- chouc tube, which, from its conical form, it accurately closes. Different liquids for injection are also usually requisite ; and many have been re- commended. Among these may be men- tioned : 1, indigo, triturated with oil and diluted with oil of turpentine ; 2, oil-paints diluted with oil of turpentine ; 3, infusion of logwood (Hcematoxylori)^ ; 4, solution of carmine in size or in ammonia ; and 5, solu- tion of alkanet in turpentine. A considerable escape of the injection is often unavoidable in these cases, and must therefore not be heeded. Some injectors simply introduce the in- jection into the dorsal vessel or lacunae, whence it is propelled to all parts of the body by the circulation. Thus Agassiz says that if the indigo injection (1) be in- troduced in this way into insects, it is seen to circulate almost instantaneously in every part of the body, and on subsequently open- ing the insect all parts of the body are found to be coloured. We believe that Blanchard also adopts this method. Pro- bably the best injections for this purpose would consist of alkanet and turpentine. Injections may be preserved either in the dry or wet state. For the former, sections should be made, thoroughly dried upon slides, then moistened with oil of tur- pentine, and mounted in balsam. For pre- servation in the wet state they must be mounted in cells while immersed in dilute spirit, Goadby's B. solution, or in chloride of zinc (see PBEBEBVATION). We have not space to give a list of injected preparations; they are all very beautiful, but we can only 'notice a few of the most interesting. For practice in the art of injecting, we may recommend the kidney of a sheep or pig, one system of vessels being alone filled with red or yellow injection ; and this should be the arterial. Afterwards, in another kidney, the urinary tubules may be injected first, with white injection, and subsequently the arteries with red or yellow. A portion of the small intestine, exhibiting the general capillaries, with the plexuses of the villi, forms a beautiful object as prepared from the rabbit, the rat, . v. ; Wigand, Intercell. Subst. 1850; Cohn, Linncea, xxiii. 337, 1850 ; Schacht, Pflanzenzelle, Berlin, 1852, 76 ; Bentley, Bot. j Henfrey-Masters, Elem. Course. INTESTINES. The intestines consist of three coats: an outer, peritoneal, or serous membrane, an inner or mucous mem- brane, and an intermediate muscular coat. The connective tissue of the mucous membrane is often indistinctly fibrous, especially its inner portions, where it forms the basement membrane j it contains scat- INTESTINES. [ 439 INTESTINES. tered, roundish, elongate nuclei, without elastic tissue. Between the proper mucous membrane and the submucous tissue, is situated alayer of longitudinal and transverse unstriped muscular fibres, frequently, how- ever, indistinct in man. Fig. 369. Magnified 60 diameters. Perpendicular section of the wall of the lower part of the ileum of the calf: a, villi ; 6, Lieberkiihn's glands, c, muscular layer of the mucous membrane ; d, follicle of a Peyer's gland; e, subjacent portions of the submu- cous tissue ; /, circular muscular fibres ; g, longitudinal ditto. The epithelium of the intestines consists of a single layer of cylindrical cells, con- taining a transparent oval nucleus, with one or two nuclei, and granular matter. In the small intestines, the free border of the epithelium-cells presents a broad seam with delicate longitudinal striae, forming the so-called pore-canals. Besides the ordinary cylindrical or columnar cells are certain cup-, or goblet-shaped cells, the open mouths of which are directed towards the cavity of the intestine (PI. 53. fig. 20). It is a question whether these goblet-cells are modified epithelium-cells, or represent pe- culiar morphological elements. The surface of the small intestines is covered with VILLI, which are absent in the large intestines ; and in every villus one or two spaces are found, constituting the origin of the lacteals. The elements of the muscular coat are unstriped muscular fibres, consisting of pale, homogeneous, fusiform, flattened cells, with an elongated nucleus. The fibres fre- quently present knotty expansions, and sometimes zigzag flexuosities. The glandular organs of the small intes- tines consist of : Brunner's or the racemose glands; Lieberkiihn's follicles or the tubular glands ; Peyer's, the aggregate or agminate glands ; and the solitary glands or follicles. Brunner's glands are situated in the sub- mucous tissue of the duodenum, extending about as far as the orifice of the choledic duct. If a portion of the intestine be kept stretched, or distended with air, and the muscular coat be dissected off, they are seen as yellowish, flattened, roundish-angular bodies, mostly about 1-60 to 1-25" in size, the short ducts of which pass through the mucous membrane. They secrete an alka- line mucous liquid. Lieberkiihn's follicles, or the tubular glands (fig. 370), are distributed throughout Fig. 370. Magnified 60 diameters. Lieberkiihn's follicles, from the pig : a, basement membrane and epithelium ; b, cavit cavity. the small intestines, extending through the substance of the mucous membrane. They are very numerous, straight, narrow, slightly dilated at the ends, and rarely bifurcate. INTESTINES. [ 440 ] INTESTINES. They vary in length from 1-60 to 1-84", and consist of a delicate basement membrane, lined with epithelium. Peyer's glands are rounded or elongated flattened aggregations of glands, appearing Fig. 371. Magnified 10 diameters. Portion of a Peyer's gland, human : a, follicles sur- rounded by the orifices of Lieberkuhn's glands ; b t villi ; c, scattered Lieberkiihn'a glands. upon the inner side of the intestine as slightly depressed spots. They are most numerous in the ileum, but are sometimes found in the lower part of the jejunum, or even its upper part and the duodenum. They are usually twenty, thirty, or more in number. They vary in length from 1-25 to 1^". Each consists of an aggregation of closed and rounded follicles, from 1-70 to Tig. 372. Solitary gland, covered with villi, from the jejunum. 1-12" in diameter, partly seated in the mu- cous membrane itself, partly in the sub- mucous tissue. The follicles are surrounded by a ring of Lieberkuhn's glands, which, with villi, also occupy the intervening por- tion of the mucous membrane. Each fol- licle consists of a tolerably firm coat of indistinctly fibrous areolar tissue, with scat- tered nuclei, enclosing a grey soft sub- stance consisting of innumerable nuclei and cells, from 1-3000 to 1-1500" in diameter, with a few granules of fat. The follicles are surrounded by a vascular network, which sends off branches to their interior. The solitary glands agree in structure with the individual follicles of Peyer's glands. Their free surface is usually con- vex, and covered with villi (fig. 372). The glandular organs of the large intes- tines are Lieberkiihn's glands and the soli- tary follicles. The Lieberkuhn's glands agree in struc- ture with those of the small intestines, except that they are larger and broader in proportion to the greater thickness of the mucous membrane. The solitary follicles also differ from those of the small intestine Fig. 373. Magnified 45 diameters. Solitary follicle from the colon of a child : a, tubular glands; b, muscular coat of the mucous membrane ; c, submucous tissue ; d, transverse muscular fibres ; e, pe- ritoneum ; f, depression in mucous membrane over the follicle g. in their larger size, and in the circumstance that each of the minute elevations of the mucous membrane produced by them exhibits a rounded or elongated opening, leading to a depression in the mucous membrane over the follicle (fig;. 373). This, however, has no communication with the follicle. The investigation of the structure of the intestines is a matter of some difficulty. The epithelium must be examined in a perfectly fresh state. The glands are most readily seen in portions hardened by absolute alcohol or chromic acid; whilst some have recommended boiling with acetic acid (80 per cent.), then drying and making sections with a Valentin's knife. The muscular elements are rendered most di- stinct by maceration with dilute nitric acid (20 per cent.). INULINE. [ 441 ] IS ARIA. The capillaries of the intestines are very beautiful when injected ; but great care is required in securing the vascular branches, to prevent the escape of the injection. Two thick layers of ganglionic nervous masses are distinguishable in the intestines. One is situated in the submucous tissue, the other between the circular and longitudinal muscular fibres. The former is a flat layer with a few ganglia projecting towards the mucous membrane and penetrating among the follicles; the latter is more irregular, and presents nodulated ganglionic masses. The ganglia give off and are traversed by nerves that form a plexus, some joining the ganglionic layers, others uniting with the mesenteric nerves. The nerves are non- nieclullated. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikr. Anat. ; Verson, Strieker's Hist.; Frey, Hist., $ the full literature. IN'ULINE. A substance allied to starch, occurring in solution in the cell- contents of plants, especially the Compo- sites, as the Dahlia, dandelion, &c. ; it is coloured yellow by iodine. It forms crys- talloids or spheerocrystals resembling those in PI. 39. fig. 11 ; and they exhibit the black cross with polarized 'light. In a section of a tuber of the Jerusalem arti- choke, macerated in spirit, they will be found in the cells, and may be mounted in glycerine. BIBL. Gmelin, Chemie, vii.; Prantl, Inulin^ 1870; Dragendorff; Material. $c., 1870; Sachs, Sot. 1874. IODINE. Solution of iodine is often useful for dyeing and rendering very trans- parent objects more distinct, and for its producing with some vegetable and animal tissues and substances colours by which they may be distinguished. The general results of its action are enumerated in the INTRODUCTION; and special remarks are made under the heads of the tissues. An aqueous solution of iodine is the best for general use ; but a solution in spirit is much stronger. A very strong solution may be made by dissolving iodine in a solution of iodide of potassium ; this may be used for dyeing tissues, but not for the detection of cellulose, as the precipitated iodine gives a bluish tinge to the structure. Solutions of iodine in chloride of zinc, and of iodide of zinc are valuable reagents for cellulose. See SCHULTZE'S TEST. Iodized serum is made of amniotic fluid (calf) and a small quantity of strong tincture of iodine. It has a pale yellow tint. It is used as but little altering the appearances of delicate objects. An artificial substitute may be made with 1 oz. of white of egg, 30 grs. of salt, 8 oz. of water, enough tincture of iodine to colour, and 2 or 3 drops of carbolic acid, the whole to be well shaken and filtered. IRID^E'A, Bory. A genus of Cryptone- miacese (Florideous Algee), containing one common British species, /. edulis, a dull-red, obovate, leaf-shaped sea- weed of fleshy-car- tilaginous texture, 4-18" long, the central substance composed of longitudinal, the cortical of closely-packed moniliform per- pendicular filaments. Fructification : spores in spherical masses (favellidia), imbedded in the frond in wide patches near the extre- mity ; tetraspores in dense band-like im- mersed sori. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 150, pi. 19 A ; Phyc. Brit. pi. 97; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 17; Eng. Sot. pi. 1307. IRIDESCENCE. See INTRODUCTION, p. xxxv. IRIS. See EYE, p. 311. ISARIA, Hill. A genus of ISARIACEI (reputed Hyphomycetous Fungi), growing upon dead insects, fungi, or twigs or leaves of plants. I. farinosa, Fries, grows to a height of 1-2" on dead pupae, spiders' nests, &c. /. arachnophila, Ditton, intricata, Fr., puberula, Berk., and Friesii, Montague, are also British. I. citrina (tigs. 374, 375) is a Fig. 374. Isaria citrina. Plants on a fungus. Natural size. small species, growing gregariously on ve- getable substances. Tulasne has recently published an inter- esting paper on Isaria, showing that at any rate some of the forms referred to this genus are conidiiferous fruits of certain SphceritB in particular that Is. crassa (farinosa, Fr.) is a form of Sphceria militaris. This plant is found most frequently on the larvae of Bom- byx RuU] and the first sign of its growth is the formation of a mildew, between the rings of the abdomen, very much resembling a Botrytis. Subsequently the body of the larva, quite filled up and rigid with mycelial ISARIACEI. [ 442 ] ISOETES. growth, bears the claviform receptacles of Isaria ; and at a still later period, some of the larvae bear the claviform receptacles and Fig. 375. Isaria citrina. A single plant, showing the fruit. Magn. 20 diams. the conceptacles, containing asci, ofSpharia militaris. The spores (or conidia) of the Botrytis-form and of the Isaria-foim are capable of germination. BIBL. Berk. Hook. Br. Fl. vi. pt. 2. 464 ; Ann. N. ft. i. 259, vi/132, pi. 12. fig. 12, 1850, v. 464; Fries, Summa Veget. 464; Montagne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 s6r. v. pi. 12. fig. 3 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser. viii. 35. ISARIA'CEI. A family of Hyphomyce- tous Fungi, growing on decaying animal substances or larger Fungi, characterized by a cellular receptacle formed of fila- ments approximated together and conjoined throughout their whole length, each fila- ment terminating in a spore. Recent ob- servations throw doubt on the independ- ence of this family, which perhaps consists simply of conidiiferous forms of other genera. British Genera. Isaria. Receptacle clavately branched, formed of densely interwoven coalescent fila- ments, or cellularly fleshy. Spores borne on simple sporophores arising on all sides. Anthina. Receptacle clavately branched, formed of parallel filaments, loosely inter- woven or free, feathery or villous at the summit only, where they form the simple sporophores. Ceratium. Receptacle somewhat horn- shaped, of a ' mucilaginous consistence, sprinkled with filaments which are sur- mounted by naked spores. I'SIAS. A genus of Copepodous Ento- mostraca. /. davipes, in British seas. (Brady, Copepoda, Hay Soc. i. 62.) ISINGLASS. This material consists of finely-divided shreads of the swimming- bladder of species of Sturgeon, and con- sequently exhibits structure under the mi- croscope, consisting of a fibrous tissue with here and there fragments of blood-vessels &c. It is sophisticated with cut gelatine, which is structureless and moreover becomes more* translucent when soaked in water, while isinglass becomes opaque and white. BIBL. Hassall, Adulterations, 309. ISOCHILI'NA, Jones. An oblong equi- valved Ostracode, belonging to the Leperdi- tiadce, and found only in the Silurian rocks of Canada, Russia, and Bohemia. BIBL. R. Jones, Ann. N. H. 3. i. 248 ; Schmidt, Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. xxi. 2. ISOETES. A genus of Psilotese (Lyco- podiacese). I. lacustris, Quill wort, the only British species, occurs in mountain-lakes. Isoetes is very remarkable in its mode of growth. The woody substance of the stem, like that of the Lycopodiacese generally, is a solid central body, without a pith ; it is surrounded by a thick pareuchymatous rind, which makes up the greater part of the mass of the corm ; the woody mass itself is cylindrical above, and somewhat hemi- spherical below, the convexity downward, and it has a layer of cambium not only over the growing apex, but over the convexity of the sides and lower surface. Every year a new portion of wood is added to the upper end, and also to the outer angle of the convex lower mass. The roots are pro- duced in cycles of tens, sometimes one, sometimes two in a year ; in each cycle the oldest root is the inmost ; but the succeed- ing cycles appear in the middle of their predecessors, and push them out, and up to the side. The rind is renewed every year by the cambium layer j and the latter, in its growth to increase the size of the corm, by degrees covers up and encloses the remains of the earlier roots (as the woody layers of Dicotyledonous trees overgrow broken branches, bury them, and convert them into imbedded knots). The leaves are of delicate organization, and contain four lon- gitudinal air-canals, with septa at intervals, and one vascular bundle; they are expanded at the base, and contain the immersed spo- ranges. DeCandolle says the epidermis has stomata. The sporanges are of two kinds, or rather bear two kinds of spores ; and there appears to be a periodicity in their development. The fronds of I. lucustris are 1SOETES. [ 443 ] ISOETES. discoverable in the interior of the bud twelve months before they became fully developed ; the sterile originate in spring and the earlier part of the summer, the fertile in the autumn, while stunted fertile leaves appear even in the winter. If a vigorous leafy plant be examined, it will be Fig. 376. Isoetes setacea. Natural size. found to have a few sterile leaves outside, then a circle of leaves with oosporanges, next a circle of anthero-sporanges, and in the centre of the bud sterile leaves closing the annual cycle. The sporanges are some- what plano-convex longish-oval cases, with transverse processes forming imperfect septa, dividing them into several chambers (fig. 378). The cases are sheathed by a mem- branous expansion of the base of the leaf (fig. 377), to which they are adherent by the back (fig. 378) ; the septa arise opposite the point of attachment at the back, and, spreading out, join the front wall. The different contents of the sporanges are evident before they open, those with the small spores (antherosporanges} having a smooth face, those with large spores (oospo- ranges) being rendered tubercular from the protrusion of the wall by the underlying bodies. The wall of the capsule is mem- branous and has no regular dehiscence, the Fig. 377. Fig. 378. Fig. 379. Isoetes setacea. Fig. 377. Base of a detached fertile leaf, seen in face. Magn. 5 diams. Fig. 378. Vertical section, from back to front of ditto. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 379. Horizontal section, oosporange with macro- spores. Magn. 10 diams. spores escaping by decay of the membrane in front. The smaller scores resemble pollen-grains; they are usually of the shape of quarters of a globe, more rarely tetrahedral, with an outer coat presenting ridges at the angles, and an inner which is a rounded sac. The outer coat is finely dotted in I. lacustris. The large spores are at first of a tetrahedral form with rounded angles, but when ripe they become globular. The delicate inmost layer is enclosed in a thick exospore com- posed of three layers: the innermost of mo- derate thickness, brown colour, and glassy consistence, exhibiting striae and three strong ridges converging to a point at the angle where the spore meets its three sister spores ; the next coat is thinnish, and of granular character and yellow colour ; the outermost is a clear and gelatinous layer : the outer two follow all the markings of the glassy coat, and are especially thick over the three ridges. ISOETES. [ 444 ] IXOPES. The contents of the microspores are at first merely granular protoplasm. About a month after they are scattered from the sporange, the protoplasm of the cell becomes divided into two or four portions, which form cells, in each of which again are de- veloped two vesicles, each producing a fila- ment coiled up spirally. The spores swell, the daughter cells burst, and the lenticular vesicles escape ; the latter then open and emit the spiral filaments, which are found to be covered with cilia on the anterior turns of the spiral, by means of which they move actively through the water. They are the spermatozoids. The macrospores when they escape from the sporange, contain only protoplasm with oil-globules. In the course of a few weeks, the internal cavity of the spore begins to exhibit a development of cellular tissue, by which it is subsequently filled up ; this is the pro/thallium. At the same time, the in- ternal coat increases in thickness, and ex- hibits several layers. The increase in size of the prothalliimi causes the spore-coat to burst at the apex where the three ridges meet, so that three triangular valves turn back, exposing the prothallium. On this are developed the archegonia, the first on the apex in the central point where the three points of the spore-coat meet. If this is not fertilized, others are produced around it. The archeyonium is of much the same character essentially, as that of the rest of the higher Cryptogamous Plants, consisting of a papilla with a central canal leading to the embryo-sac. The four rows of cells forming the neck of the archegone separate, and a germ-cell is formed in the embryo- sac. This is fertilized by the entrance of a spermatozoid into the embryo-sac. In the development of the embryo in the spore, it forms a cellular body, which gra- dually displaces the cellular tissue originally filling this up. The first leaf and roots are developed while the rudiment is still within the spore-coat, in opposite directions, and horizontally (right and left) in relation to the apex of the spore. The young plant somewhat resembles a germinating Mono- cotyledon. The woody structure of the stem of Isoetes consists of spiral-fibrous cells, usually annular or retipuluted, but sometimes really spiral. Carruthers has explained the resemblance of the method of the growth of Isoetes and that of the gigantic Lepidodendron of the Carboniferous deposits. BIBL. Bischoff, Crypt. Gewdch. Rhizoc., Nuremberg, 1828,70; Mohl, Verm. Schrift., Tubingen, 1845, 122 ; Miiller, Sot. Zeit. vi. 297, 1848 (Ann. N. H. 2 ser. ii. 81); Mettenius, Btitr. z. Bot. Heidelberg, 1850 j Hofmeister,^tM. sacks. Ges. d. Wiss.iv. 123 ; Braun, Flora, 1847, 33; Carruthers, Lect. Roy. Inst. 1869 ; Henfrey-Masters, J?(^. 1878. ISOT'RICHA, Hein. A genus of Holo- trichous Infusoria =Opalince with a ventral mouth. In the rumen of ruminants. (Kent, Inf. 497.) ISTH'MIA, Ag. A genus of Diato- maceae, fam. Biddulphiaceae. Char. Frustules depressed or subcylindri- cal, rhomboidal or trapezoidal in front view, angles more or less produced ; frustules co- herent by the angles, basal frustule stipitate ; surface of valves and hoop appearing reticu- lar or cellular. Marine. Two British species. The depressions upon the valves and hoop are so large as to produce a distinct reticular or cellular appearance when viewed by ordinary illumination. /. obliquata (nervosa, K.). V. with linear thickenings, giving them a coarsely reticular or veined appearance. I.enervis (PI. 17. fig. 2). Valves uniformly covered with depressions. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 209 ; Kiitz. Bacitt. 137, and Sp. Alg. 135 ; Ralfs, Ann. N. H. 1843, xii. 270 ; Rabenh. Alg. i. 309. ITCH-INSECT. See SARCOPTES. IVORY. This substance, which consists of the tusks of the elephant, possesses the minute structure of the ivory of teeth. IVORY, VEGETABLE. This substance, consisting of the ALBUMEN of the seeds of a Monocotyledonous tree, Phytelephas ma- crocarpa, is composed of cellular tissue, with the walls so thickened by horny secondary deposits that the cavities of the cells are almost obliterated. The pores of the se- condary deposits, however, remain unco- vered throughout all the thickening, and thus are converted into tubes or canals run- ning to meet each other from the small re- maining cavities of contiguous cells. In PI. 47, fig. 23 b represents a section mounted in Canada balsam, which has in part pene- trated into the cavities ; the remaining ca- vities and pore-canals are filled with air and thus appear black (a). IXO'DEA. A family of Arachnida, of the order Acarina. Contains the genera IXODES and ARGAS. IXO'DES, Latr. A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Ixodea. JAMESONIA. [ 445 ] Char. Palpi canaliculate, sheathing the rostrum; mandibles three -jointed, basal joint internal, the second joint external and I long, the third short, denticulate ; labium covered with reflexed teeth ; body very ex- tensile, furnished near the rostrum with a dorsal horny shield; legs with two claws and a caruncle. These animals form part of those which are popularly known as ticks. They are com- monly found in dense woods, upon brush- wood, briers, &c., from which they get upon animals, as dogs, oxen, horses, &c., burying the rostrum deeply in the skin and sucking the blood, so as to become distended to ten times their original size. They are also found upon reptiles, birds, and occasionally attack man. Haller points out two foramina at the hinder margin of the last joint of the first pair of legs, covered with a membrane, and with otoliths, forming an auditory apparatus. The species are very numerous, and have been arranged in several genera by some authors. The following are the commonest species : I. ricinus, the dog-tick. Body oval, in the gorged condition becoming globular and blackish violet ; legs and appendages brown. I. reduvhis. Pale yellowish red; head and legs black. Found upon sheep. 1. pictus. Back white, with brown spots; crenulate posteriorly; legs brown. Found upon deer ; also upon mosses. I.Ijvgesii (pfofnfetttyDug.) (PI. 6. figs. 19- 22). Oval, leaden grey, without spots. Found upon dogs. I. plumbeus, Leach. Shield heart-shaped, slightly rugose ; rostrum, palpi, and legs pale ferruginous ; body of a leaden colour ; lenglh 1-4". Found upon and in the nests of the bank-swallow (Hirundo riparia). BIBL. Gervais, Walck. Apter es, iii. 234 ; Hermann, Mem- Apter. ; Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. ii. ; Leach, Linn. Tr. xi. ; Koch, Uebers. ; Denny, Ann. N. H. 1843, xii. ; Gene, ibid. 1846, xviii. 160; Macalister, Qu. M. J. 1871, 166 ; Murray, .Ec. Entom. ; Megnin, 121 ; Haller, Zool Anz. 1881, 165 (Jn. Mic. Soc. 1881, 449). J. JAMESO'NIA, Hk. A genus of Gram- mitideae (Polypodiaceous Ferns). Cne species ; Andes. (Hooker, Syn. Fil. 369.) JA'NIA, Lamouroux. A genus of Coral- linaceae (Florideous Algae), calcareous fila- mentous bodies, occurring in tufts, pale red j or purplish when fresh, on small Alga3 be- tween tide-marks. The filaments are arti- culated, dichotomously branched, and im- pregnated with a calcareous deposit. The fruit consists of urn-shaped ceramidia, formed out of the end joints of the branches, a dichotomous continuation of which is re- presented by a pair of minute divergent horns on the ceramidium ; the latter has a pore at the apex, and contains a tuft of erect linear tetraspores. British species : J. rubens. Joints of principal branches cylindrical. Harvey, Phyc. Brit. pi. 252. J. corniculata. Joints of principal branches obconical and compressed, /. c. pi. 234. BIBL. Harvey, /. c.. and Mar. Ala. 107. pi. 13 D. JAT'ROPHA. See CASSAVA. JONESIA, G. S. Brady, 1865. A marine Ostracode. See BYTHOCYTHERE. JONESIEL'LA, Brady. A genus of Copepodous Entomostraca. Two British species; in dredgings. (Brady, Copep., Ray Soc. ii. 38.) JULTJS, Linn. A genus of Chilopodous Myriapoda. J. terrestris and a few other species are often found in gardens. JUNGERMANNIA, Dill. A genus of Jungermanniese (Hepaticas). Fructification terminal. Perichastial leases free or united only at the base, like or unlike the stem- leaves. Perigone membranous, tubular, plaited-denticulate at the apex, the mouth three- or six-cleft. Vaginule membranous, included or rarely exserted. Capsule four- valved, splitting to the base. Amphigastria present or absent. This is the largest genus of the Junger- mannieae ; among the commonest species are J. bicuspidata, L., J. albicans, L., J. bar- bata, J. setacea, &c., found on wet bogs, banks, rocks, &c. BIBL. Hooker, Br. Jungerm.) Br. Flo?\ i. pt. 1. 112, &c. ; Ekart, Synops. Jungerm. ; Nees v. Esenbeck, Europ. Lebermoose ; Gottsche, Lindenberg, and Nees, Synops. Hepatic., Hamburg, 1844-47 ; Stephani, Jungerm. (Germ.) 1879. JUNGERMANNTEJE. A family of Henaticse, distinguished by possessing a distinct stem, bearing leaves, often with stipule-like bodies called amphigastria (fig. 380), with terminal archegones, and spo- ranges bursting by four valves (figs. 320 and 321), destitute of a columella, contain- ing elaters mixed with the spores. The British genera may be grouped as follows : JUNIPERUS. Fig. 380. [ 446 ] Jungermannia albicans. Stem with succubous leaves and amphigaatria, and a lateral unopened perigone. Magnified 10 diameters. 1. Leaves incubous (their bases covered by the tips of those below). * Leaves complicate; two-lobed. t Amphigastria present: Lejeunia, Phragmicoma, Fruttania, Madotheca, Ptilidium. tt Amphigastria absent. Radula. ** Leaves not complicate, two-lobed. f Amphigastria present : Trochocolea, Sendtnera, Schisma, Herpetium, Caly- pogeia. tt Amphigastria wanting. Physiotium. 2. Leaves succubous (the bases covering the tips of those below). * Amphigastria present: Saccogyna, Cheiloscyphus, Lophocolea, Sphagnocw- tis, Jungermannia, Allieularia. ** Amphigastria absent: Playiochila, Sarcoscyphus, Gymnomitrium, Haplomi- trium. See the genera. JUNIP'ERUS, L. A genus of CONI- FERS, presenting some interesting charac- ters in the WOOD, the POLLEN, and the development of the OVULES. JUTE. The liber of Corchorus capsularis, Willdenow, an East-Indian plant belonging to the family of the Tiliaceae, so many of which furnish fibrous substances, such as the bast used for matting, which is the liber of, the lime-tree. Jute has a very long, glossy fibre, and is very largely imported into this country. PI. 28. fig. 3 represents the single liber-fibres (see FIBROUS STRUC- TURES and LIBER). BIBL. Hooker, Jn. Bot. i. 25, 1849. KIDNEY. K. KALLYME'NIA, J. Ag. A genus of Cryptonemiaceee (Florideous Algae), fleshy membranous sea-weeds of red colour, with ribless leaf-like fronds, having three strata of cellular tissue the central filamentous, the intermediate of large round cells, the cortical of minute cells in vertical rows. Fructification : spherical masses (favellidid) of spores half immersed in the frond, and tetraspores, which are tetrahedrally subdi- vided, and occur scattered. The two British species, K. reniformis and Dubyi, are both rather rare. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 150, pi. 19 B ; Phyc. Brit. pi. 13. 123 ; Engl Bot. pi. 2116. KAULFUSSIA, Blume.- Fi 3gl A genus of Marattiaceous Ferns, with curious roundish sori, formed of radiately co- herent sporanges, opening by a slit at the top (fig. 381). 1 spec., Assam (Hooker, Syn. A sorus. 444) . Magn.25 diams. KERO'NA, Miill., Ehr. A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Oxytrichina. Char. Body covered with cilia, hooks also present, but no styles. K. polyporum, = Stylonichia polyporum (PI. 50. fig. 13). Body whitish, depressed, elliptico-reniform, with a row of longer cilia in front below the mouth ; length 1-144". Parasitic upon Hydra. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 368; Duj. Inf. 422; Claparede et Lachm. In/us. 69, 161. KERO'NIA. A family of Infusoria (Duj.), nearly corresponding to the Oxy- trichina of Ehr. Dujardin's family comprises Halteria, Oxytricha, and Kerona. KIDNEY. The kidney consists of its enveloping membrane and the secreting parenchyma. The membrane is a firm fibrous coat, called the capsule. It is composed of con- densed connective tissue, and is continuous with that constituting the matrix of the kidney, in the meshes of which are the uriniferous tubes and blood-vessels. At the notch of the kidney, or the hilum, this fibrous capsule is continuous with the outer coat of the pelvis of the kidney, and also with the sheaths of the blood-vessels. The parenchyma, in a transverse section, appears to the naked eye to consist of two parts the inner or medullary substance, and the outer or cortical. The medullary sub- stance is composed of 8-15 isolated conical KIDNEY. [ 447 ] KIDNEY. masses or pyramids, converging towards the hilum, and their apices forming the papillae ; whilst the cortical substance constitutes the outer part of the organ, and fills up the in- terstices between the pyramids. Micro- scopically examined, the cortical part also becomes resolved into as many segments as there are pyramids ; hence the kidneys may be regarded as composed of a certain number of intimately connected lobules. Both the cortical and the tubular substance consist principally of the urinary tubules. These commence in each segment or lobule by very numerous orifices on the surface of the papilla?, and pass through the pyramids, Fig. 382. finally becoming again tortuous and enlarged before terminating in the Malpighian cap- sules. Fig. 383. Papilla of the kidney of a pig with the tubules in- ected, showing their origins upon the surface. Magnified 10 diameters. running straight and nearly parallel with each other (fig. 383 k). During this course they undergo repeated dichotomous subdi- vision (fig. 383 /), the branches being given off at a very acute angle, and at first with considerable diminution in size ; and some- times they divide into, so that ultimately a larger bundle of tubes proceeds from them, producing the increased breadth of the pyramids towards the exte- rior. Towards the base of the pyramids, the parallel tubules become more loosely connected by the interposition of bundles of arteries and veins (which run straight), and they diverge in all directions, pursuing an undulating course. On reaching the cortex, the tubules branch off and increase in diameter, becom- ing also very tortuous ; then they turn back, diminishing in breadth, and run parallel with their first course, but in the opposite direction. They then form a curve, the loop of Henle, and run upwards again, Perpendicular section of the injected kidney of a rab- bit through part of a pyramid. On the left the course of the vessels, on the right that of the tubules is shown. a, interlobular arteries, with their Malpighian tufts b, and vasa efferentia c ; d, capillaries of the cortical por- tion ; e, vasa efferentia of the outermost tufts, passing to the surface of the kidney ; f, vasa efferentia of the in- nermost tufts, running into the straight arteries, a, g, g ; h, capillaries of the pyramids, arising from the latter ; i, a straight vein commencing at the papilla ; k, origin of a urinary tubule at a papilla ; I, o, branches of the same ; m, coiled portion in the cortex ; n, the same at the surface of the kidney; p, connexion with the Mal- pighian capsules. Magnified 30 diameters. The urinary tubules are cylindrical, and usually consist of a basement membrane KIDNEY. [ 448 ] KIDNEY. (fig. 384 b) lined with pavement epithelium, d. The basement membrane is very trans- parent, but firm and elastic. AVithin it is a single layer of nucleated polygonal epithelial cells (fig. 384 d, e). These, when immersed in water, lose their polygonal form, become rounded, and appear to fill up the tubules entirely ; they often also burst; and then the tubules appear to contain nothing more than a finely granular mass with nuclei. These changes are found to have taken place 1. A Malpighian body A, with the urinary tubule B C, human, a, Capsule of the Malpighian body, continuous with 6, the basement membrane of the tubule ; c, epi- thelium of the Malpighian body; d, that of the tubule ; e, detached epithelial cells ; f, afferent vessel ; g, effe- rent vessel; h, Malpighian tuft. 2. Three epithelial cc41s from coiled tubules, one of them containing glo- bules of fat. Magnified 300 diameters. spontaneously if the kidney is not fresh. But the structure of the tubules varies. Thus, in some parts of the convoluted tubules, the nuclei appear imbedded in a pulpy mass or a granular epithelium ; while in others, clear epithelial cells exist, and are larger than in the straight tubules. In the tuouli of the medullary portion, the epithelium is columnar; and in the tubuli of the papillae the basement membrane is absent. The Malpighian bodies may be regarded as terminal dilatations of the tubules, each containing a round plexus of vessels, form-- ing the Malpighian tuft. The basement membrane surrounding the tuft (fig. 384 a) is somewhat thicker than elsewhere ; and the epithelium lining it is continued over the free surface of the tuft ; but this is denied by Bowman. The Malpighian tufts consist of close convolutions of fine vessels derived from branches of the renal artery. The latter enter the kidney between the pyramids, and continue to divide until arriving at the cortical substance, where they give off a number of long branches, mostly running towards the convex surface of the kidney, between the lobules, hence called interlobular arteries. From these, short (mostly lateral) branches are given off, each of which terminates in a Malpighian tuft, forming its afferent vessel. Each afferent vessel, on entering the Malpighian body, divides into 5-8 branches, each of fig. 38o. From a human kidney, a, end of an interlobular artery ; 6, afferent vessels ; c, naked Malpighian tuft ; d, efferent vessels ; e, tufts enclosed in their capsules ; /, urinary tubules arising from them. Magnified 45 diameters. which becomes subdivided into a tuft of capillaries; these are variously convoluted and interwoven, ultimately uniting in a single vessel, the efferent vessel. The afferent and efferent vessels are usually situated near each other, and opposite the origin of the urinary tubule. KIDNEY. [ 449 ] KIDNEY. The efferent vessels, which, although arising from the capillaries of the Malpi- ghian tufts, are rather small arteries than veins, in import and partly in structure, terminate in the capillary network situated in the cortical substance and the pyramids. This network closely surrounds the coiled tubules on all sides, and forms a connected plexus throughout the kidney, the meshes of which are roundish-angular ; but near the pyramids the afferent vessels are larger, and differ from the rest in their straighter course and more sparing ramification. The veins of the kidney commence on the surface of the organ and at the apices of the papillae by small branches connected with the plexus ; these by their union form larger ones, which accompany the larger arteries. Bowman compares the solitary efferent vessels of the Malpighian bodies to the portal system of the liver, both serving to convey blood between twc capillary systems ; and so these efferent vessels collectively form the portal system of the kidney. The interstices between the vessels, nerves, and tubules of the kidney are occupied by a stroma of connective tissue (fig. 386 c), con- Fig. 386, Transverse section of the cortical urinary tubules; human, a, divided tubules, with the epithelium re- moved ; 6, the same, containing the epithelium ; c, stroma of connective tissue ; d, space corresponding to a ilalpighian body. Magnified 250 diameters. taining elongated nuclei, and which is much more abundant in the medullary than in the cortical portion. At the surface this fre- quently becomes condensed to form a very distinct membrane, but loosely adherent to the fibrous capsule, and which is connected by numerous delicate processes with the inner stroma. The pelvis of the kidney with the calyces and the ureter consist of an outer fibrous, a muscular, and a mucous coat. The fibrous coat is composed of ordinary connective tissue, mixed with elastic tissue. The mucous coat is thin, and not fur- nished with glands or papillae. Its epithe- lium (fig. 387 B) is laminated, and remark- Epithelium of the pelvis of the kidney ; human. A. Isolated cells: a, small, 6, large pavement-epithe- lial cells ; c, the same containing the granules ; d, cy- lindrical and conical cells from the deeper-layers ; e, intermediate forms. B. Cells in sUu. Magnified 350 diameters. able for the variable form and size of its elements (fig. 387 A), the deeper cells being roundish and small, those in the middle cylindrical or conical, and the uppermost roundish, polygonal, and somewhat flat- tened. The cells frequently contain two nuclei, and bright rounded granules with dark margins. Lymphatics accompany the blood-vessels at the hilum, and pass between the groups of tortuous tubules in the cortex ; and the nerves penetrate the kidney with the ves- sels, and present ganglia in their course. In the Mammalia generally the structure of the kidneys agrees essentially with that of man. In the lower Vertebrata they exhibit KIDNEY. [ 450 ] K1RKBYA. differences, which relate principally to the following particulars : 1, the form, which in birds, fishes, and reptiles is considerably more elongated, and frequently flattened ; 2, the tabulation, which in the human adult kidney is indistinct, although marked in the foetus, whilst in that of other Vertebrate the separate lobules are very distinct, some- times being connected only by the branches of the ureter ; 3, the Malpighian tufts, which in birds, reptiles, and fishes consist of a single convoluted vessel, and which in some (naked reptiles) are larger, in others (osseous fishes) smaller than in man, whilst in birds (also the sheep) they have been found inserted into the sides of the tubules ; and 4, in the structure and arrangement of the urinary tubules : these are uniform in size in fishes, furnished with ciliated epithelium in the reptiles and fishes, Ttnd present varie- ties in regard to the convolution, branching, and termination in the ureter. Renal organs have been noticed in the Mollusca, Arachnida, and Insecta. The epithelial cells of the urinary tubules are not unfrequently found to contain the ordinary urinary deposits, which are more often still met with in the cavities of the tubules. Many of these are probably, how- ever, formed after death (see URINARY DEPOSITS). Among the morbid changes of the kidney, passing over cancer, tubercle, variations in the degree of vascularity, the presence of calculi" and the ordinary products of inflam- mation, may be mentioned the occurrence of cysts. 'These are met with of various size and in variable number. The walls of the cysts do not differ in structure from those of'the tubules, except in being thick- ened; they have been accounted for as arising from dilatation of the tubules or Malpighian capsules, in consequence of obstruction to the escape of the urine, distention of the epithelial cells of the tubules, and degeneration of their nuclei, forming colloid cells. The first is probably the general cause, and certainly an occa- sional one, the Malpighian tufts having been found within the enlarged cysts after injection. Sometimes the cysts are those of jEchinococci. In Bright's kidney the tubules are found deprived of their epithelium, the cells filled with albuminous, fibrinous, or fatty matter, and the fibrous tissue increased, in the advanced stage both becoming un distinguishable in some parts, whilst in others the cells and tubules are loaded with fatty globules, producing the well-known granular appearance. And in certain cases, the kidneys become "waxy," the Malpighian corpuscles and intertubular spaces, sometimes the tubules also, being filled with amylaceous corpuscles. In examining the structure of the kidney, sections must be made with a Valentin's knife. The arrangement of the vessels may be shown by injection; and the injected preparations are very beautiful, and form general favourites. The Malpighian bodies are readily filled, the injection being thrown into the artery ; and they are easily recog- nized by their resemblance to little apples upon the branches of a tree (PI. 39. fig. 35). The injection should be red. If the injec- tion be coarse, it will burst through the capillaries of the tufts, and partly till the tubules as in fig. 383 p ; but if it be fine, it will fill the venous plexus. The urinary tubules should be injected from the ureter, white (lead) injection being used; and con- siderable force' is required to make a good injection, but this must be very gradually ap- plied. Frey recommends the cold ferridcya- nide injection, or carmine with glycerine or gum. The tubules can be well examined by boiling pieces of the kidney with very dilute sulphuric acid, or in alcohol mixed with muriatic acid ; or by digestion in cold con- centrated muriatic acid, the pieces being subsequently macerated in water, to remove the acid. The kidneys of the smaller and lower animals are best injected from the heart. The' usual staining processes are very useful. BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An. ii. ; Bowman, Phil. Tr. 1842; Johnson, TodcTa Cyclop. art. Een\ Toynbee, Med. Chi. Tr. xxx. ; Forster, Path. Anat. ; Frerichs, Brightsche Nierenkrank. ; Gairdner, Edinb. M. Jn. viii. ; Todd and Bowman, Phys. Anat. ; Henle, Abh. Gesells. Wist. Gottin. x. ; Ludwig, . Strieker* 8 Handb. i. 489 ; Rind- fleisch, Path. 18/8, 434; Gross, Structure Mic. du Rein, Strasbourg, 1868; Frey, Mikr. 1881, and Histol 1876, 554. KIRK'BYA, Jones. A small bivalved Entomostracan, of the Leperditiadas family, and nearly allied to Beyrichia. The valves ridged longitudinally and concentrically, often reticulated superficially, and impressed with a subcentral pit. Fossil in the Palaso- zoic rocks, from the Silurian to the Permian, and often very abundant. BIBL. R.Jones, Tr.TynesideNat. Club'iv. 134; Ann. N. H. ser. 4, iii. 223. KNIFE. [ 451 1 LAFO'EA. KNIFE, VALENTIN'S. INTRODUC- TION, p. xxvi. KONDYLOSTOMA, Duj. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Bursarina. Char. Body elongated, cylindrical or fusiform, slightly arcuate, the ends obtuse and depressed, with a very large mouth margined with stout cilia, and situated late- rally at the anterior end ; surface obliquely striated and ciliated. K. patens (PL 31. fig. 31 ; fig. 32, slightly compressed). BIBL. Duj. In/us. 516; Clap, et Lach. Inf. 244. KRAUSKS CORPUSCLES. The ter- minal bulbs of the nervous plexus and in- terlacing nerve-fibres of the conjunctiva. They consist of a connective-tissue sheath with nuclei, an internal bulb of finely granu- lar dull-shining material, within which is a pale terminal fibre with a somewhat thick- ened end. BIBL. Krause, U. term. Korper, 1868; Strieker, Gewebe, ii. 123. KRITHE ; B., C., and R. See ILYOBATES. LABREL'LA, Fr. A genus of Phaci- diacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), growing upon living leaves. L. Ptarmicce, t)esm., grows upon the leaves of AchiUea Ptarmica. BIBL. Berk. Ann. N. H. i. 208, pi. 7. fig. 7 ; Fries, Summa Veg. 422. LABYRINTHODON ; TA. A group of extinct Amphibia. Transverse sections of the teeth of the species of this group are beautiful microscopic objects. BIBL. Owen, Odontography. LABYRIN'THULA, Cienkow. A ge- nus or group of Protozoa. Composed of microscopic, thin, reticular, colourless, rigid filaments, on which fusiform bodies glide very slowly in various directions ; the fila- ments arise from imbedded globular red or yellow masses. Two species, on submerged posts; Odessa. BIBL. Cienkowski, Arch. mik. An. iii. 274. LACE-BARK. See THYMELEACEJE. LACINULARIA, Oken. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Flosculariaea. Char. Eyes two (when young); urceolior gelatinous sheaths aggregated into a spheri- cal mass ; rotatory organs with two lobes. L. socialis (PI. 50. fig. 15). Urceoli ge- latinous, yellowish; rotatory organ veiy broad, in the form of a horseshoe {fr. wat. ; length 1-36". BIBL. Ehrenb. Inf. 403; Huxley, Mic. Jn. 1852 ; Leydig, Siebold und Koll. Zeit. 1852 ; Ukedem, Ann. Sci. N. 3 se"r. 1851 j Cubitt, M. Mic.Jn. 1872-73. LACRYMA'RIA, Bory. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Trachelina, Clap, et Lach. Char. Body rounded behind, not ciliated ; with a long and slender neck, which is dilated at the end, and furnished with a ciliated mouth and a lip, but no teeth (= Trachelocerca without a tail). L. proteus, syn. L. olor. Body oblong, turgid, colourless, with delicate oblique striae ; neck very long ; freshwater ; length 1-140''. Two doubtful species : one (L. guttd) colourless and without striae; the other (L. rugosd) containing green matter, with the body wrinkled. Claparede describes two other species. BIBL. Ehrenb. Inf. 309; Duj. Inf. 468; Clap, et Lach. Inf. ; Kent, Inf. 517. LACTA'RIUS. A genus of Hymeno- mycetous Fungi, distinguished from Agari- cus by the inner substance of the gills (trama) being vesicular instead of filamen- tous. Most of the species abound in milky juice; and several of them are esculent. Amongst the most approved is L. deliciosus, remarkable for its bright orange-coloured milk. Some acrid species, however, as L. piperitus, are largely consumed in Russia, having first in general been preserved in salt and vinegar. The milk is contained in peculiar vessels, similar to the laticiferous vessels of Phanerogams. See LATICIFE- BOUS TISSUE. BIBL. Fr. Epicr. 333 ; Berk. Outl. 203 ; Cooke, Handb. 206; Corda, Jc., fasc. 4, pi. 10. fig. 139. LACTATES. See the bases lactate of lime (PI. 11. fig. 19), lactate of zinc (fig. LACTEALS. See VILLI. L^EMAR'GUS, Kroyer, A genus of Crustacea, of the order Siphonostoma, and family Cecropidas. L. muricatus. Found upon the sun-fish (Orthagoriscus mold). Length of female 1"; male much smaller. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomos. p. 293. LAFO'EA, Lamx. A genus of Lafoeidae, of the suborder Thecaphora (or Hydroida with true calycles). Char. Stem a simple creeping tubular fibre, or erect and composed of many tubes aggregated together, rooted by a filiform "2G 2 LAFOEID^E. [ 452 ] LAOM^DEA. stolon ; hydrothecae tubular, sessile, or with a short pedicel ; without an operculum ; polypites cylindrical, with a conical pro- boscis. There are five British species. BIBL. Hiucks, Brit. Zooph. p. 198. LAFOE'IDyE. A suborder of Hydroida. See LAFOEA. LAGE'NA, Walker & Jacob. A uni- locular (rarely bilocular) hyaline Foramini- fer, of the Nodosarine group, generally flask- shaped. The shell may be subglobular, oval, oblong, or fusiform ; round, com- pressed, or angular in section ; variously ornamented with ribs, network, tubercles, and spines ; open at one or both ends, with or without a neck, and often with the tube turned inwards (Entosolenian). Recent and fossil all over the world. Lagena Icevis (PL 23. f. 22) is a typical and very common form. L. (Entosolenid) globosa (f. 23), with the neck-tube introverted, is another very common variety. L. striata (f. 24) is an elongato-apiculate variety, delicately costu- late. L. semistriata (f. 25) is L. globosa with short basal ribs. L. squamosa (f. 26) was so called because the early microscopes showed the pitted reticulation as raised scales. L. scalariformis (f. 27) has a bold hexagonal niesh ornament. The last is recent, and the others are both fossil and recent. BIBL. Carpenter, Introd. 156 ; Parker & Jones, Phil. Tr. civ. 345; P., J. & Brady, Mon. Crag Foram. 28. LAGENEL'LA, Ehr. A genus of Infu- soria, fam. Cryptomonadina. L. euchlora (PI. 31. figs. 35 & 36) has a carapace with a beak or neck like that of a bottle, and a red eye-spot ; freshwater ; length 1-1150"; probably an Alga-spore. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 45; Duj. Inf. 333. LAGENIP'ORA, Hincks. A genus of Cheilostomatous Polyzoa, fam. Pormidae. L. socialis, on shells of the scallop (Pecten maximus) ; Hastings. (Hincks, Polyz. 235.) LAGENGE'CA, Kt. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria. Char. Solitary, with a collar, in a protec- tive sheath. L. cuspidata (PI. 53. fig. 21), amber- coloured ; pond water. (Kent, Inf. 359.) LAGE'NOPHRYS, Stein. A genus of Vorticellina (Infusoria). Char. Capsules not stalked, attached by the side to other bodies ; body suspended from the narrow orifice. L. vaginicola, on the tail of Cyclopsine-, 2 other species on Gammarus. (Stein, Infus. 1854.) BIBL. Stein, Inf. 1854, 88; Pritchard, Inf. 604 ; Claparede et Lach. Inf. LAGO'TIA, Wright, =FBEI A. Wright, Edin. Ph. Jn, 1858. LAGY'NIS, SchvHtze t =Eufflypha pt. LAGY'NUS, Quenn. A genus of Holo- trichous Infusoria. Free, flask-shaped, with an oral circle of longer cilia ; neck ringed. L. elegans, freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 520.) LAMINA 'HI A, Lamx. A genus of La- minariaceae (Fucoid Algae), with large, flat, stipitate fronds, several species of which are common on rocky shores, attached to rocks and stones. L. saccharina has a riband- shaped frond, growing from 2 to 12 feet long. L. digitata has a broad frond, 1 to 5 feet long, cut into a variable numb or of segments. The internal structure presents three layers, the outermost forming a kind of epidermis. The sporanges (spores of authors) contain ciliated zoospores which reproduce the plant. They are little elon- gated sacs, nestling between epidermal cells of peculiar structure, standing perpendicu- larly upon the central substance of the frond. In L. saccharina the presence of the sporanges is denoted by a longitudinal brown mark in the centre of the frond ; in L. digitata they occur in flat patches on the extremities of the digitations. The zoo- spores are little olive-coloured bodies, with an anterior and posterior cilium. Thuret has seen them germinate. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 29, pi. 4 ; Phyc. Br. pi. 192, 223, 241 ; Greville, Alg. Brit. t. 5 ; Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 se*r. xiv. 240, pi. 30. figs. 1-4 ; Henfrey-Masters, Bot. LAMINARIA'CE^E. A family of Fu- coideae. Olive-coloured inarticulate sea- weeds, whose sporanges are superficial, either forming indefinite cloud-like patches, or covering the whole surface of the frond. Brit, genera : * Frond stalked, the stalk ending in an expanded leaf-like portion. Alaria. Leaf membranous, with a carti- laginous midrib. Laminaria. Leaf simple or cleft, without a midrib. ** Frond simple, leafless. Chorda. Frond cylindrical, hollow, with transverse partitions. LAMINOSIOP'TES, Megn. A genus of Acarina, allied to Sarcoptes. L. gallinarum occurs in the subcutaneous tissue of the Gallince(b[egmii ? Paras. 151, fig.). LAOMEDE'A, Lamx. A genus of Hy- droid Zoophytes, family Campanulariidae. LAOPIIONTE. [ 453 ] LATICIFEROUS TISSUE. Char. Polypidom rooted, erect, jointed ; the joints ringed and incrassate; cells alter- nate, campanulate, on short peduncles ; vesicles axillary; embryos rnedusiforni. Six British species : dichotoma (ovicell, PL 33. fig. 4 c), geniculata, gelatinosa, obliqua, Flemingii, and lacerata. Found upon marine Algae, stones, &c., between tide-marks. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 101 ; Gosse, Mar. Zool ii. 24 ; Hincks, Br. Zooph. LAOPHON'TE, Philippi. A genus of Copepodous Entomostraca. Eight species, in dredgings. (Brady, Copep., Ray Soc. ii. 70.) LAR, Gosse. A genus of Hydroid Zoo- phytes. Char. Bodies fusiform, sessile, with two tentacula springing from the base of a bilo- bate proboscis, developed on a creeping and anastomosing stolon, Lar sabeUarum. The polypites bear a close resemblance to the human figure. BIBL. Gosse, Linn. Tr. xxii. 113, tab. xx. ; Hincks, Br. Zooph. 36. LAREL'LA, Ehr. A genus of Rotifera, fam. Brachionea. Char. Body with equal setae and three long fine hairs on each side of mouth ; two frontal eyes ; length 1-190 to 1-280". BIBL. Pritchard, Infus. 712. LARVAE. In animals which pass through certain marked stages of develop- ment, or undergo metamorphosis, as it is called, the condition in the first of these stages is called the larval state, and the animal itself is called a larva. The aquatic larvae of several insects are well-known microscopic favourites on ac- count of their transparence, which allows the action of the dorsal vessels, with the circulation of the nutritive liquid, to be seen, and their curious respiratory organs. A few of the more common aquatic larvae and their parts are represented in PL 35. figs. 1, 14-17, 19-22, 29; these are noticed more in detail under their respective heads. The aquatic larvae of some Amphibia are admirable objects for exhibiting the circu- lation of the blood, the development of tissues, &c., as those of the frog (tadpoles) and of the Triton. LASIOB'OTRYS,Ktz. A genus of Peri- sporacei (Ascomycetous Fungi). L. Loniceree grows on the living leaves and stems of various kinds of Honeysuckle, forming little heaps seated on a tuft of ra- diating filaments. The so-called peridioles appear to be sclerotioid bodies, the superfi- cial cells of which are converted into true perithecia, becoming free on the surface : these contain numerous asci when mature ; but the spores have not been observed. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 324 ; Ann. N. H. 2 ser. ix. 386, pi. 12. fig. 44 ; Fries, Sum. Veg. 406 j GreviUe, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 191. LASTR^EA, Presl. A genus of Aspi- dieae (Polypodiaceous Ferns), now consoli- dated with NEPHRODIUM. LATEX. The name applied to the pe- culiar juices, becoming milky when ex- posed to air, contained in the ' milk- vessels,' or laticiferous canals of plants, especially abundant in Euphorbiaceae, Papaveracese, Cichoracese, &c. It appears to consist of a watery fluid, with albumen in solution, in which float globules of caoutchouc, or analo- gous gum-resinous matter, of variable size, occasionally mixed with starch-granules of peculiar forms, as in Euphorbia (PL 48. fig. 23). According to Sachs and Hanstein it is a fluid which contains matters of a directly nutritive character and others which, are excrementitious in their nature. Trecul, on the other hand, appears to consider that the latex is the residue of the sap after elaboration by the cells. See LATICIFEROUS TISSUE. BIBL. Schultz, Vaisseaux latici feres d. Plantes, 1841 ; Mohl, Bot. Zeit. 1843; Ann. N. H. xiii. 441. LATHONU'RA, Lilljeborg. A genus of Cladocerous Entomostraca. Char. Carapace obovate, not produced, ventral margin furnished with peculiar flattened spear-shaped plates attached to the edge. I Irish species. BIBL. Norman & Brady, Monogr., Nat. Hist. Tr. Northumb. LATHRJEA. A genus of Orobancha- ceous Flowering Plants. L. squamaria, a remarkable plant, found here and there in beech-woods in England, has been the sub- ject of much research as regards embryo- logy, by Schacht and others. See OVULE. LATICIFEROUS TISSUE, DUCTS, CA- NALS, or VESSELS. These names are applied to the tubular and often ramified canals in which the milky juice or latex of many plants is contained (figs. 388, 389). The na- ture, or rather the origin, of these canals is still a matter of dispute. The ducts present themselves in various forms, especially in the rind and pith of the Apocynaceee, Asclepiadaceae, Moraceae, Urticaceae, Pap;i- veraceae, Cucurbitace83,Euphorbiacese, Aroi- LATICIFEROUS TISSUE. [ 454 ] LAURENCIA. deee, &c. Simple unbranched milk-vessels occur in the pith of the elder. Schacht regards them all as liber-cells. They have also been considered intercel- lular passages, originally devoid of a proper coat, but subsequently acquiring one of vari- able thickness, derived apparently from the secretion which they contain ; yet the pre- sence of transverse partitionswould invalidate Fig. 388. Fig. 389. Fig. 388. Laticiferous canals from the root of Dan- delion. Magn. 100 diams. Fig. 389. Laticiferous tissue extracted from Chelido- nium majus. Magn. 100 diams. this view. linger, however, imagines that, while some are formed in this way, they are mostly developed out of confluent rows of cells, like the dotted ducts ; and Tr^cul is of opinion that they are ordinarily formed in this way. Dippel considers that they replace the clathrate cells of other plants. Canals bounded by a defined coat of cel- lular tissue, forming intercellular canals or ducts of very definite character, occur in the Coniferae, the Guttiferae, Anacardiaceae, &c. These will be spoken of under SECRETING ORGANS OF PLANTS. Canals containing a milky juice occur in some of the Fungi, as in the fleshy sub- stance of some Agarics, Lactarius, &c. It was declared some years ago by Schultz that a regular circulation of the latex takes place through the ramified laticiferous ducts. This was chiefly supported on observations of movements of the latex which may be made on tolerably transparent parts of living plants containing these ducts. By bringing the uninjured sepal of Convolvulus or a leaf of Chelidonium under the micro- scope (placing it in oil is advantageous in the latter case), the branched latex-ducts may be made out, and a flowing movement of the particles may bo seen occasionally. But this has been shown to depend upon a disturbance of the equilibrium by external causes, such as pressure and heat, and may be produced at will in any direction by mating an incision, towards which the juice flows. Trdcul thinks that the laticiferous canals communicate freely with the pitted ducts and other vascular elements, and take a share in a kind of circulation, wherein they play the part of venous reservoirs ; but his views do not appear to us well founded. BIBL. Schleiden, Princip. of Bot. 1849 ; Unger, An. und Phys. 1846, 54; Schacht, Monat. Berlin Akad. 1856; Flora, 1857, 89; Meyen, Secretionsorgane, 1837, 63 ; Trecul, Ann. Sc. Nat A se*r. vii. 290; Hanstein, Milch- saftgefasse, 1864 ; Dippel, Milclis. 1865 ; Vogel. Jahr. wiss. Bot. v. 31 ; Sachs, Bot. 88. LAURENCIA, Lamx. A genus of Lau- renciaceae (Florideous Algae), containing several British species, mostly common, of yellowish-green, purple, or pink colour, the fronds pinnately branched, of solid paren- chymatous structure. The ceramidia are Fig. 390. Laurencia dasyphylla. Eamuli containing tetraspores. Magnified 50 diameters. borne on the smaller branches, as are also the antheridia ; the tetraspores are imbedded in the ramuli (fig. 390). The ceramidia contain tufts of pear-shaped spores; the LAURENCIACEJE. [ 455 ] LEAVES. tetraspores are tetrahedrallr divided. The antheridia are tlius described (in L. tenuis- sima) by Thuret : on the smaller branches, similar to those which bear the ceramidia on other individuals, occur greyish convo- luted plates of cellular tissue, of irregular form, bordered by a line of roundish cells, containing generally a yellow liquid. Hya- line cells containing antherozoids are im- planted vertically on these plates, clothing both surfaces. The antheridium has a sort of pedicel formed of an ovoid cell, which also bears a dichotomous hair, like those common over the branches of this plant. The antherozoids are elongated- ovoid, a little constricted at one extremity, length about 3-5000". Derbes and Seller have observed them on L. pinnatifida and other species. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 97, pi. 12 C ; Phyc. Brit. pi. 55 ; Grev. Alg. JSt\ 108, pi. 14 ; Derbes and Solier, Ann. So, Nat. 3 ser. xiv. 276, pi. 37 ; Thuret, tb. xvi. 65, pi. 7, ib. ser. 4. iii. 19. L AURENCIA'CE^E. A family of Flo- ridese. Rose-red or purple sea-weeds with a cylindrical or compressed, rarely flat, li- near, narrow, areolated, inarticulate, or con- stricted and chambered, branching frond composed of polygonal cells. Fructification : 1, conceptacles (ceramidia} external, ovate, furnished with a terminal pore, and con- taining a tuft of pear-shaped spores j 2, te- traspores immersed in the branches and ramuli, scattered without order through the surface cells ; 3, anther idia. British genera : Bonnemaisonia. Frond solid, filiform, rose-red, much branched; brancheamargined with subulate distichous cilia. Laurencia. Frond solid, cylindrical or flattened, purplish or yellowish, pinnatifid, ramuli blunt. Chrysimenia. Frond hollow, filled with mucus, neither constricted nor chambered. Chylocladia. Branches hollow, with mucus, constricted at intervals. LEA'IA, Jones. A fossil Entomostracan Bivalve, of unknown alliance, probably a Phyllopod. Valves oblong; marked with two obliquely transverse, divergent ridges, concentric lines of growth, and intermediate reticulation. Known in the Coal-measures of Britain and America. BEETL. Jones, Fuss. EstJierice, 1862, 115 j Ge 61. Maq. vii. 219. LEANGIUM, Lk. See DIDEEMA. LEATHE'SIA, Gray. A genus of My rio- nernaceae (Fucoid Alge), consisting of glo- bose or lobulated fleshy or horny structures, growing upon rocks, either solid, or, by tha solution of the internal filamentous sub- stance, ultimately hollow. The fronds are composed of masses of dichotomous fila- ments radiating from a point ; in the olive- coloured tufted species cohering laterally, and forming the soft, fine coat of the lobes. The sporanges are simple oval sacs attached to the ends of branches of the radiating filaments, between which they nestle ; or multilocular, consisting of short septate fila- ments occurring in similar situations, which are said by Thuret to be more common j and the two kinds have not been met with together. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 48, pi. 10 C ; Engl. Bot. pi. 1596 ; Thuret, Ann. So. Nat. 3 ser. xiv. 237, pi. 26. figs. 5-12. LEAVES. The microscopic structure of leaves presents a wonderful variety of con- ditions, from the most simple up to very complex. Instances of the former are seen in the MOSSES, JuNGERMANNiE.E,and other Flo werless plants, where merely a simple cel- lular plate exists. In the simpler leaves of Fig. 391, V T Vertical section of a leaf of a Melon. E. S, superior epidermis ; P. S, subjacent close paren- chyma ; M, infra-stomatal air-space ; L, intercellular space; F. v, nbro-vascular bundle (rib or yein ) ; P. t, inferior lax parenchyma; E. t, inferior epidermis; P, hairs ; ST, stoma. Magnified 100 diameters. Ferns, such as HYMENOPHYLLUM, we have a cellular plate traversed by vascular ribs. In SPHAGNUM (among the Mosses) the sim- ple leaves have cells containing a spiral LECANORA. [ 456 ] LEIBLEIXIA. fibre. In the more complete forms we dis- tinguish an epidermis, above and below, often differing in character on the two faces (see EPIDERMIS and STOMATA), together with the diachyma or intervening cellular mass, which varies in its characters in dif- ferent plants, and is traversed by the fibro- vascular ribs or veins. The epidermis ex- hibits GLANDS, HAIRS, &c., in different con- ditions and forms, which cannot be enume- rated again here, many of the most inter- esting forms being mentioned under the above heads. For observing the structure of leaves, when consisting of more than a simple cellular plate, horizontal and vertical sections are required. The latter are easily made with a sharp razor in thick and firm leaves ; but with delicate kinds it is neces- sary to split a soft cork, to place the leaf carefully between the pieces, and then to slice both together, placing the fragments in water and picking out the pieces of the leaf with a needle. Many small simple leaves make good objects by drying, soaking in turpentine, and mounting in balsam ; the same may be done with petals, sepals, &c. The leaves of many water-plants, such as of Vallisneria, Anacharis, Ceratophyllum, Hot- tonia, &c., are very favourable for the ob- servation of the rotation of the cell-sap (see ROTATION). They are of very simple cel- lular structure, having no epidermis, sto- mata, or fibro-vascular ribs. Leaves also afford a large field for inter- esting study to the microscopist, in the examination of the colouring-matters and secretions in the cells, especially during the autumnal changes, of the development, &c., and moreover in the investigation of the parasitic Fungi which so frequently attack them both in the living and the decaying state. LECAN'ORA, Ach. A genus of Le- canorei (Lichenaceous Lichens), the species growing chiefly on rocks, stones, and earth. Thalluscrustaceous, granular, rarely radiate ; apothecia lecanorine ; paraphyses distinct ; thecae either eight-spored or polysporous; spores simple. BIBL. Hook. Br. Flor. ii. pt. 1 ; Engl. Sot. pi. 940; Leighton, Lich. 1879. LECID'EA, Ach. A genus of Lecideinei (Lichenaceous Lichens), containing nume- rous British species. The apothecia have a border of the same colour as the disk. Growing chiefly on rocks, sometimes on bark. L. geograpliica, growing on subalpine recks, is a rejnarkable species. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 177 ; Engl. 24o, &c. ; Leighton, Lich. 240. LECIDEI'NEL A tribe of Lichenacei, containing the genera Leddea, Odontotrema, and Schizoxylon. BIBL. Leighton, Lich. Fl. 240. LECYTH'EA, Le>. See UREDIXET. LEECH. Two species of the genus Hi- rudo, which belongs to the class Annulata, are used for medicinal purposes, viz. H. me- dicinalis, in which the ventral surface is greenish, with black spots ; and //. offid- nalis, in which these spots are absent. The structure of the mouth of the species of Hiwdo is curious. The mouth is trian- gular (PI. 22. fig. 25), and placed in the middle of the anterior sucker. Each of its three sides is furnished with a semicircular jaw, of cartilaginous consistence (fig. 26, side view ; fig. 27, view from above), upon the convex margin of which are placed a large number of partly calcareous teeth (fig. 26 b) arranged in a row. The teeth (fig. 28, a side view, b view from above) are flattened, somewhat triangular, and ex- cavated at the base, so as to exhibit two short prongs (d). They are placed trans- versely upon the jaws, which are moved by powerful muscles, and thus produce the well-known wounds. And this cross di- rection of the teeth is probably the cause of the troublesome bleeding accompanying the bite of a leech, in consequence of the amount of laceration necessarily connected with it. The species of Hirudo have ten minute eyes, arranged in the form of a horseshoe at the upper part of the anterior sucker. The ova of leeches are deposited in a kind of cocoon, composed of triangular fibres, branched and interwoven so as to somewhat resemble a sponge, as which one of them was formerly described. BIBL. Bnghtwell, Ann. N. H. 1842, ix. 11 ; Brandt and Ratzeburg, Mediz. Zool. ii. ; Johnson. Medicinal Leech ; Moquin-Tandon, Monog. Hirudinees ; Savigny, Descript. de TEgypte^TU.. ; Audouinand Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1823, 27-30 ; R. Jones, Outl. of An. Kingdom ; Gervais and Van Beneden, Zool. Med. ; Schultze, Zeits. iviss. Zool. xii. 1862; Leuckart, Mensch. Parasit. ; Gratiolet, Ann. Sd. Nat. iv. 17 ; Lankester, Qu. M. Jn. 1880, xx. 307. LEIBLEI'NIA, Endl. A genus of ma- rine plants, placed among the Ectocarpaceze by Endlicher, and among Oscillatoriacea3 (Confervoid Algae) by Kiitzing, who includes LEIOSOMA. C Fig. 392. Fig. 393. under it many of the species of Calothrix of other authors. Endlicher cites only C. con- fervicola, Ag., and another not British. It is a minute, glaucous, tufted plant, formed of short, rigid, erect, subulate fila- ments, and is common, epiphytic on marine filamentous Algae. BIBL. Endl. Gen. Plant. Supp. iii. No. 69 j Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 276; Harvey, Phyc. Br. 223, pi. 23 C. LEIOSO'MA, Koch. A genus of Ori- batea; has the cephalothorax with plates, the tarsi with three heterodactyl claws; two species. (Murray, EC. Entom. 216, fig.) LEJEUX'IA, Libert. A genus of Jun- germannieae (Hepatic*), containing several rare British species, found in subalpine dis- tricts, viz. L. serpyllifoUa, hamatifolia, mi- nutissima, and calyptrifolia. The last is one of the smallest of the British Jungerman- niese, and is remarkable for the peculiar form of its leaves, which resemble the ca- lyptra of a moss (figs. 392, 393). Lejeunia calyptrifolia. Pig. 392. Stem with calyptriform leaves, an immature S'ant (on the right), and a burst sporange. agn. 5 diams. Fig. 393. A leaf of ditto. Magn. 25 diams. BIBL. Hook. Br. Jung. pis. 42, 43, 61, 52 ; Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1, 127. LEMANI'E^E. A family of Confervoi- deae. Olive-coloured freshwater Algae, fila- mentous, inarticulate, of cartilagineo-coria- ceous substance, and compound cellular texture. The fronds branched, hollow, bear- ing within at irregular distances whorls of wart-like bodies consisting of tufted, sim- ple or branched, necklace-shaped filaments (fig. 394), arising from the inner wall of the tubular frond, and finally breaking up into elliptical spores. British genus : Lemania. Character the same as of the family. Two species have been found in 7 ] LEMON. Britain, L. torulosa, Ag., and L.fluviafih's. They always grow in clear running streams. Thwaites has made some interesting obser- vations on the development of these plants. Fig. 394. Lemania torulosa. Section of frond, showing the tufts of fertile filaments. Magn. 50 diams. See COMPSOGON. BIBL. Hassall, Alg. 68, pi. 7 ; Kiitz. Phyc. gen. 271 ; Thwaites, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. i. 460 ; Wartmann, Anat. d. Lemania, 1854 ; Rabenhorst, Alg. iii. 410 ; Sirodot, Lema- neac. 1875 (23 pis.). LEMBA'DIUM, Perty. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria. Char. Body oval, flat, with a broad deep buccal fossa, having an undulate membrane on one side. L. bullinum ; marsh water. BIBL. Claparede et Lachm. Inf. 251 ; Kent, Inf. 536. LEM'BUS, Cohn. A genus of Holo- trichous Infusoria. Free, elongate, mouth ventral; a triangular ventral undulating membrane. Four species ; marine. (Kent, Inf. 547.) 'LEM'NA, L. Duckweed. A genus of aquatic Monocotyledonous plants, remark- able for their simplicity of structure, the ve- getative system being replaced by a minute leaf -like floating stem, with dependent root- lets, furnished with a well-developed sheath (pileoj-kiza.) at the end. The lobes of the stem bear two monoacious imperfect flowers, and also propagate by bulbils formed in the slits in the side of the lobes ; the young bulbils formed in autumn sink when the parent dies, and rise again in spring. Spiral vessels occur abundantly in L. polyrhiza'i ,they are sparingly present in the rest. BIBL. Hook, and Arnott, Brit. Flor.; Schleiden, Bot. 229; Weddell (Wdffia), Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. 12, 155. LEMON, ESSENTIAL OIL OF. This is sometimes used in the microscopic examina- tion of pollen and other structures, which are placed in it to render them more trans- LENTICELS. [ 458 ] LEPISMA. parent, being less disagreeable and less vo- latile than oil of turpentine. Glycerine may often be substituted. LENTICELS. Structures found upon the surface of young stems, especially of most of the Dicotyledonous shrubs and trees. They first appear on the yearling shoot as little specks, of a different colour from the rest of the epidermis. Towards the winter, or in early spring, the epidermis splits transversely over the lenticels, which become then slightly projecting papillae, frequently divided into lips, as it were, by a median furrow. The surface of the papilla is now brown ; and it is of corky character for some little distance inwards. As the branch grows, the lenticels become drawn out laterally, so as to appear like cross striae. They are subsequently lost sight of by the bark splitting through them, as in the apple or beech, or by the bark peeling off (plane). Microscopic examination of sections shows that they are mere hypertrophal produc- tions from the epiphlceum, or suberous layer of the BARK, and have no connexion with the liber or cambium. DeCandolle ima- gined they were root-buds, where adventi- tious roots might arise under favourable circumstances ; but this was an error. Du Petit Thouars thought they were breathing- pores, replacing the stomata of the epider- mis; out they are not pores; and many trees, such as the Conifers, Roses, Euonymus eu- ropcBuSj &c., have none. BIBL. DeCand. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1826, vii. 6;Mohl, Vennischt.Schnft. 229, 233 ; Meyer, Linncea, vii. 447; linger, Flora, 1836, ii. 577 ; St. Pierre, Compt. Rend. 1855 ; Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xvi. 273. LEPADEL'LA, Bory. A genus of Ro- tatoria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Eyes absent ; foot forked. Three species. L. emarginata (PI. 43. fig. 43). Carapace depressed, oval, anterior portion broad, emarginate at each end. Freshwater; length of carapace 1-570". Teeth of L. ovalis, PI. 43. -fig. 44. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. p. 457. LEPEOPHTHI'R U S,Nordm. A genus of Crustacea, of the order Siphonostoma, and family Caligidae. Char. Fourth pair of legs slender, not branched, formed for walking ; thorax with only two distinct joints ; frontal plates destitute of sucking-disks on the under sur- face. Six British species, found upon various marine fishes, as the salmon, mac- kerel, sole, brill, turbot, &c. L. pectoralis (PL 19. fig. 23). BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomost. p. 273. LEPERDITIA, Rouault. An extinct bivalve Entomostracan, probably Ostra- codous ; bean-shaped ; smooth ; straight on the dorsal, convex on the ventral margin; smaller in front than behind; right valve overlapping the left along the ventral edge ; each valve bearing a pitted and radiate muscle-spot and an ocular tubercle. The dorsal region of the left valve is swollen in some species. Fossil only. 30 Silurian species, 6 Devonian, and 14 Carboniferous, with many varieties. BIBL. Jones, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xvii. 81 ; 5 ser. ix. 168 ; M. Mic. Jn. iv. 184. LEPIDOCYR'TUS, Latr. A genus of Thvsanura. L. curvicollis is one of the insects which yield the so-called Porfwra-scales. The first segment of the thorax is as long as the two next, and projects so as to cover the neck and part of tlie head. It is found under stones or old wood. See PODUBA. LEPIDOP'TERA. An order of Insects, consisting of butterflies and moths. Lepidopterous insects present several points of interest to the microscopic ob- server ; among these may be mentioned especially the proboscis or ANTLiA,the hook connecting the wings (INSECTS, p. 432), the wings themselves, and the beautiful scales covering them (SCALES OF INSECTS, TEST- OBJECTS). Their larvae or caterpillars are favourable subjects for the examination of the internal structure the tracheae with their spiracles, the fatty body, the alimen- tary canal, the spinning organs, the curious legs, &c. LEPISMA, Linn. A genus of Thysa- nurous Insects, family Lepismenae. Char. Body elongated, flattened; antennae setaceous, with numerous very short joints ; palpi four, long ; abdomen terminated by three long filaments jointed near their ends. L. saccharina (PI. 35. fig. 18). Body silvery-grey, not spotted, covered with scales ; caudal filaments speckled with reddish brown ; antennae about two-thirds the length of the body. This active little insect, which runs but does not jump, is found (in the country) upon the shelves of cupboards where sweets and other eatables are kept, in window- LEPRALIA. [ 459 ] LEPTOTHRIX. cracks, &c. Its habits are nocturnal. Its beautiful silvery scales are used as TEST- OBJECTS (PL 1. fig. 6). There are many other species, the scales of which probably exhibit the same struc- ture. BIBL. Gervais, Walckenaer's Apttres, iii. p. 450 ; Lubbock, Linn. Trans. LEPRA'LIA, Johnst. A genus of Chei- lostomatous Polyzoa, family Membranipo- ridae (Escharidae, Hincks). Char. Polypidom adnate, crustaceous, formed of a layer of juxtaposed urceolate cells, closed in front, and spreading cir- cularly. The very numerous species form white, yellow, or reddish crusts upon rocks, shells, and sea-weeds. Avicularia and vibracula present in some, but absent in others. Mouth of cells sometimes with spines. L. variolosa (PL 41. fig. 17). Cells oblong, depressed, roughish, interstices punctured ; orifice semioval or roundish, margin plain. On stones and shells, com- mon ; varieties occur with the lower lip notched, or with a tooth. L. unicomis. Cells ovate, scaly, with a short obtuse process or knob above the ori- fice, which is roundish, with a distinct notch in the upper margin ; common. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 300 ; Busk, Mar. Polyz. ; Hincks, Polyz. 297. LEPTOCLINUM, M.-Edw. A genus of Tunicate Mollusea, of the family Botryllidae. Distinguished by the thin, sessile, in- crusting mass of variable form, the nume- rous systems, the six-rayed branchial ori- fice, and the anal orifices opening into a common more or less branched cloaca. Six British species: maculosum, asperum, aureum,gelatinosum, Listerianum, and punc- tatum, found upon the roots of Laminaria and other marine algae ; the two former common. BIBL. Forbes and Hanley, Br. Mollusca, i. 16; Gosse, Mar. Zool. ii. 32 j M.-Edwards, Mem. snr les Ascicl. comp. LEPTOCYSTINE'MA, Archer, = Go- NATOZYGON, De Bary, 1856. LEPTODIS'CUS/Hertwig. A genus of marine Flagellate Infusoria. L.medusoides, diam.^"; Messina. (Kent, Infus. 400.) LEPTOGID'IUM, Nyl. A genus of Collemacei (Byssaceous Lichens). L. den- driscum, on mossy trees on high mountains. (Leighton, Lick. Fl. 13.) LEPTO'GIUM. A genus of Collema- ceous Lichens. Thallus with a distinct cortical layer, granula ; gonima monili- form; apothecia lecanorine; spores eight, multilocular, rarely simple. Species nume- rous. On mossy trunks, walls. BIBL. Leighton, Lich. Flor. 25. LEPTO'MONAS, Kt. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria. Free, narrowly fusiform, flagellum single. L. Biitschlii, in the intestine of Trilobus gracilis. (Kent, Inf. 243.) LEPTOS'CYPHUS, Allman. A genus of Hydroid Zoophytes. Char. Capsules ovato-conic; polypes cylindrical, proboscis conical ; reproduction by free medusiform bodies. L. tennis, on Laminaria ; Stromness. BIBL. Allman, Ann. N. H. 1864 ; Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph. p. 196. LEPTOSTRO'MA, Fr. A genus of Sphceronemei(StylosporousFungi), probably consisting only of the younger stylosporous states of species of HYSTEBIUM or PHACI- DIUM. Several species are recorded as British, some common, occurring on the stems and leaves of sedges, rushes, Pteris, &c., forming small round flat spots, from which the upper part of the perithecium splits off, leaving a little margined scar, in which are seated the stylospores. BIBL. Berk. Br. ^Y/ 2. 297; Ann. N. H. i. 257, vi. 365 ; Tulasne, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. viii. 114. LEPTOTHRICH'E^. A subfamily of the Oscillatoriaceae. Filaments very fine, adnate, sheathed, indistinctly articulate ; movement slow ; solitary or fasciculate ; for the most part in broad and diffused layers. BIBL. Eabenhorst, Fl. Alg. ii. 8 & 73. LEP'TOTHRIX,Kutz. A supposed ge- nus of Oscillatoriaceae. Found on damp stones, among wet plants, and in foul water ; very probably consisting of the mycelial filaments of mildew Fungi. The filaments are very slender, simple, continuous or obscurely jointed. L. ochracea, K. (Oscttlatoria ochracea, Grev.) is an obscure production, forming yellowish-brown flocculent masses, common in boggy pools. L, buccalis and L. insectorum, Ch. Robin, probably belong to some Fungus. BIBL. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 262 ; Tab. Phyc. i. pi. 61. fig. 1 ; Robin, Vegtt. Parasit. 2nd ed. 345, 355; Mettenheimer, Mus. Senckenb. 1857, 139 ; Moggridge. Jn. M. 8. 1868. LEPTOTIIYR1UM. [ 460 ] LEUCOPIIRYS. LEPTOTIIY'RIUM, Kutz. A genus of Sphaeronemei (Stylosporous Fungi). L. jualandis, Lib., L. frag aria, and L. ribis have been found in ' Britain ; they are probably stylosporous forms of Asco- mycetes. BIBL. Fries, Sum. Veg. 371, 423; Berke- ley, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. v. 371 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser. v. 115. LEPTOTRICHA'CE^E. A family of operculate Acrocarpous Mosses, branching by innovations, or with the fertile summits several times divided. Leaves lanceolate or awl-shaped, often canaliculate-concave, with a nerve, mostly flattened or terete ; cells prosenchymatous, often mingled with parenchymatous, lax or firmish, empty, not unfrequently thickened at the apex, then square. Capsule ovate or cylindrical, some- times naked, sometimes erect, often stru- mulose at the base ; operculum conical or subulate. Differing from Dicranaceae in the absence of alar cells to the leaves. Brit, gen.: Angstrcemia, BracJiyodus, Campyloste- lium, Leptotrichum, Seligeria. LEPTO'TRIOHUM, Hampe . A genus of Acrocarpous operculate Mosses, including certain Didymodonta and Trichostoma of other authors. LEPTOTRICHUM, Corda. A genus of Sepedonei (Hyphomycetous Fungi) j not British. LEPTUS, Lam. See TROMBIDIUM. L. autumnalis (Trombidium autumnale), the harvest-bug. LERN^EA. A genus of Pcecilopoda (Crustacea). L. branchialiS) on the gills of the cod. (Baird, Br. Entom. 344.) LERNEONE'MA, Edwards. A genus of Siphonostoma (Crustacea). Char. Body long, slender, narrowed an- teriorly in the form of a neck, terminated by a swollen head, with two or three simple, curved, horn-like appendages ; abdo- men of inconsiderable length, simple ; ovi- ferous tubes long and slender. Two British species : L. spratta (PI. 19. fig. 24), length 2 inches ; andZ. encrasicholi. Both found upon the sprat. BIBL, Baird, Brit. Entomostraca, 339. LESKEA, Hedw. A genus of Mosses. See HYPNUM. LEUCINE, or caseous oxide, is a normal constituent of the lungs, spleen, pancreas, the salivary glands, &c., and is produced during the putrefaction of albuminous and gelatinous matters. Usually accompanied by tyrosine, it crystallizes in minute spheres, which frequently unite and form radiating clusters, which often present a yellow tinh measure, the former must be multiplied by its unit- value ; thus, 0'25 mm (millimetre) X 0-0393707=0-009842675 Engl. inch. But in most cases a few decimal places only need be observed. In this way, however, we get a rather long sum, which may be avoided by the use of the following Table. Table for conversion of foreign into English measures. Millimetres Old Paris lineBJ Pru,uian lines into" English inches. into into English inches. English inches. 1 039370 088815 08/J817 2 078741 177630 171633 3 118132 266445 25745 4 157483 355260 343267 5 190853 444075 429083 6 236224 532890 51490 7 275595 621705 600717 8 314966 710520 686532 9 354337 799335 77235 in which the numbers in the first (or left- hand) column correspond to the denomi- nations expressed in the uppermost (head) line of the three broader columns, while the fractions opposite these numbers denote their values in parts of the denominations of the lowermost (head) line. Thus, 1mm 0-039370 Eng. inch; 3^ = 0-118112; 2 Prussian lines = 0-171633 Eng. inch, and so on. In using this Table, the decimal MEDULLA. [ 49.5 ] MEDULLARY RAYS. fraction to be converted into parts of an English inch must be broken up into its decimal parts, and each valued separately from the Table ; thus, to convert 0'75 mm into a fraction of an English inch .-, T 1 1 v the Table )' 07mm _ 0-027oo95 ) 0-05" = Q.QQ196868 f 075mm _ 0-02952803 Eng. inch. The only circumstance which requires attention in the use of this Table is the position of the decimal point. Thus, in the above measure of 0'75 mm , which, when broken up, makes 07 mri and 0'05 mm , if the first value (07) had been 7'0, the value in Eng. inch would have been, according to the Table, 275595 Eng. inch ; but this is 10 times too much, or = 7 whole milli- metres ; hence the shifting of the decimal point, and so on. To express the mode of proceeding by rule, the decimal point in the fraction of an English inch given by the Table should be shifted to the left, and as many ciphers added as there are decimal places in the foreign measure. Harting introduced a new measure, the T^ooth of a millimetre = -000039 in., called a inicrornillimetre, expressed by p.. This and its multiples are often used in foreign works. The p is nearly equal to the -y^ of an English inch. But we agree with Frey, that its use possesses no advantage. Throughout this work the foot and inch and their fractional parts are expressed for brevity by placing respectively one or two acute accents on their right side ; thus, one foot is denoted by 1', one inch by 1", and T \yth of an inch by 1-10". MEDUL'LA OF PLANTS. The name formerly applied to the pith of Dicotyledons (fig. 455 M), from a supposed analogy with Fig. 455. Horizontal section of a yearling shoot of a Dicotyh don. M, medulla; EM, medullary rays; T, medullar sheath. Magnified 25 diameters. the medulla spinalis of animals. It affords excellent sections of regular parenchyma- tons tissues, as in the elder and in the tall annual stems of many of the larger peren- nial herbaceous plants. It sometimes be- comes curiously chambered as it grows older, as in the walnut and the jasmine ; very frequently, however, it decays after a time, leaving the centre of the stem hollow ; this same hollow condition occurs early in fistular stems, such as those of the Um- belliferae, from the pith being torn up by rapid expansion of the wood. The Mono- cotyledons do not generally possess a defi- nite pith ; the cellular mass, in which the isolated FIHRO-YASCULAR BUNDLES are imbedded, answers to a diffused pith, or rather to the pith and medullary rays col- lectively. It may be seen well in sections of the flowering stem of lilies (fig. 456 M). Fig. 456. Horizontal section of the flowering stem of a lily. M, medulla ; F, flbro-vascular bundles. Magnified 5 diameters. A more definite medulla occurs in the stem and leaves of the rushes and sedges, where also the cells are often elegant radiating forms, leaving large air-canals between them (PL 47. fig. 18). The pith of a Dico- tyledonous stem loses itself gradually in the terminal bud, where it is confounded with the nascent wood and cortical layers. In this stage its cells possess an active vitality, which, however, is soon lost. MEDUL'LARY RAYS. The processes of cellular tissue extending outwards from the pith, between the fibro-vascular bundles of a Dicotyledonous stem in the first year of growth (fig. 455 RM), together with additional interposed rays formed between the older in each succeeding annual laver of wood (fig. 457, 1, 2, 3, 4). The tissue of these rays generally becomes much com- pressed during growth ; but their size and the degree of development differ much in MEDULLARY SHEATH. [ 496 ] MELANCONIEI. different cases. In radial sections of Dico- tyledonous wood they often appear distinctly to the naked eye, from the direction of their cells being different from that of the woody fibre, and therefore reflecting light dif- PC Fig. 457. Section of a four years' old shoot of the Cork oak. M, pith 1, 2, 3, 4, medullary rays of successive years ; P. C, liber layers 8, cork layers. Magnified 20 diameters. ferently ; this causes the "silver grain" as it is called of oak panels, &c.; in tangential sections of the trunk, the ends of the me- dullary rays usually appear as short, more or less regular, narrow streaks. MED'ULLARY SHEATH. The earliest layer of fibro-vascular tissue developed in a Dicotyledonous stem, consists ordinarily of spiral vessels, these forming the foundation of the wood-bundles (fig. 455 T). As the latter stand in a circle round the pith, their internal vascular layers of course form col- lectively a continuous cylindrical envelope to the pith ; this is called the medullary sheath. It is absent in some Dicotyle- donous stems, for example in the Oroban- chaceae. MEDU'S^E. See ACALEPHJE. MEE'SIA, Hedw. A genus of Bartra- mioid Mosses; one species, M. uliginosa (= Bryum trichodes), certainly British; another, M. longiseta, doubtful. MEESIA'CEvE. AtribeofBartramipid Mosses, containing two genera, of which there are but few British representatives. See MEESIA and PALUDELLA. MEGALOT'ROCHA, Ehr. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Megalotrochaea. Char. Eyes two, red, sometimes disap- pearing with age. Rotatory organ two-lobed or horse-shoe- shaped ; teeth in rows. M. albo-favicans, E. (PI. 44. fig. 1). Colourless and unattached when young, yellowish and grouped in radiant clusters when old; freshwater; length of individuals 1-36"; of the clusters 1-6". The ova remain some time attached to the parent by a cord. M. velata, Gosse. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 396; Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 198 ; Pritch. In/us. MEGALOTROCH^E'A, Ehr. A family of Rotatoria. Char. Neither envelope nor cara- pace present ; rotatory organ simple, notched or sinuous at the margin. Three genera : Eyes none Cyphonautes. Eyes present Eye one Microcodon. Eyes two Megalolrocha. BIBL. Ehr. In/us, p. 394. MEGAM'ERUS, Duges.-A genus of Trombidina (Acarina). Char. Palpi long, free, with a claw ; mandibles forcipate; body constricted; COX89 distant ; legs ambulatory femora, especially of the fourth pair, very large, seventh joint short. Several species. They live in damp shady places, and move rapidly. M. celer (PI. 6. fig. 33: a, labium ; b, palp). Minute; abdomen oblong; the sides narrowed posteriorly, covered with hairs, and with three terminal setae; labium bifid ; mandibles with a movable, elongated, pointed and curved claw. PI. 6. fig. 33 c, mandible of M. roseiis. BIBL. Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 se*r. ii. 50; Gervais. Walck. Arachn. iii. 169 ; Murray. EC. Ent. 115. MEGAP'ORA, Hincks, = Lepralia pt. (Hincks, Pohjz. 171.) MEGU'RA, Buckt A genus of Aphidrc. Black, eyes red ; on Vicia sepium. (Buck- ton, Aphid., Ray Soc. i. 188.) MELAMPSO'RA, Cast. A genus of Uredinei (Coniomycetous Fungi), distin- guished by producing two distinct kinds of spores summer and winter spores. The species are very common on the willow, birch, poplar, &c., forming yellow or orange spots upon the leaves. (Cooke, Handb. 522 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. N. 4. ii. 94.) MELANCONI'EL A provisional family of Stylosporous Fungi, distinguished from Sphseronemei by the perithecium being ob- solete or altogether wanting. The spores, which vary much in the different genera, are ultimately protruded in the form of MELANCONIOI. [ 497 ] MELOPHILA. tendrils or otherwise. They are all mere forms of Spheeriacei. MELANCO'NIUM, Lk. A supposed genus of Melanconiei (Stylosporous Fungi), so called from forming a kind of black rust on branches of trees, reeds, &c. Several species have been found in Britain. The commonest is M. bicolor (JDidymosporium elevatum, Br. Fl.), on twigs of birch. Fries places also Cryptosporium vulgare here. These plants are forms of Sphaeriacei. See CONIOMYCETES. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 357 ; Ann. N. H. vi. p. 438 ; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 508 j Tulasne, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 4. ser. v. p. 109. MEL'ANINE. The black or brown pig- ment met with in the choroid and uvea j in the rete mucosum of man, especially the negro, and animals ; in hair, feathers, &c.; and in the blood in malaria. These pig- ments are derived from heematine and hseinoglobine, and exist usually in the form of very minute granules. They are insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, and acids; but are sometimes soluble in alkalies or solution of chlorine. The lungs and bronchial glands often contain a black pig- ment, which is unacted upon by these re- agents, and is derived from carbonaceous matter admitted through the respiratory organs. (Rindfleisch, Path. Hist. 167; Hoppe-Seyler, An. Chim. 240.) MELANOGAS'TER, Cd. A genus of Hypogaeous Gasteromycetous Fungi. Two species occur in this country, under beech, Lombardy poplars, &c. M. variegatus (fig. 64, p. 92) is sold in the market at Bath under the name of Red Truffle, but it has none of the fine flavour of the real Truffle. M. ambiguus is very fetid, smelling like assafoetida. BIBL. Tul. Fung. Hyp. t. 2. f. 4, 5 ; Berk. Outl. 293 ; Cooke, Handb. 356. MELANOTHE'CA, Fee. A genus of Pyrenodei (Lichenaceous Lichens). Char. Thallus scarcely any; apothecia verrucaroid, numerous, confluent ; hymenia scarcely distinct ; perithecium black ; spores 8, variously divided. Two British species, on trees. (Leighton, Lich. Flora, 498.) MELAS'MIA, Le>. A supposed genus of Sphaeronemei (Coniomycetous Fungi), but apparently only a Stylosporous form of RHYTISMA. M. acerina occurs on the leaves of the sycamore, forming black spots, sometimes as much as 1-2" in diameter. BIBL. Berk. Ann. N. H. 2 ser. v. 456 ; LeVeille", Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 se'r. v. 276 ; Fries, Summa Veg. 423. MELASPI'LEA, Nyl. A genus of Gra- phidei (Lichenaceous Lichens). Char. Apothecia black, superficial, artho- noid; spores 1-septate ; paraphyses distir ct. Five species. (Leigbton, Lich. Flora, 436.) MELICER'TA, Schrank. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Floscularisea. Char. Bodies each in an isolated tubular carapace or urceolus ; rotatory organ four- lobed ; eyes two, at least when young. M. ringens (PI. 44. fig. 3; fig. 4, animal removed from the sheath; fig. 6, jaws). Carapace conical or cylindrical, brownish, composed of numerous rounded or discoidal bodies agglutinated together ; body colour- less. Length of carapace 1-36 to 1-24". Frequently found attached to water- plants, especially Potamogeton cruauf. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 404; Williamson, Micr. Jn. 1852; Gosse, Tr. Mic. Soc. 1851, iii. 62 ; Bedwell, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1878, 176 ; Ann. N. H. 1881, viii. 448. MELI'OLA, Fr. A genus of Ascomyce- tous Fungi, belonging to the division Peri- sporiacei. All the species are exotic, occurring on various leaves, and distinguished bv their jtate sporiaia. BIBL. Leveille, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1846, v. 266; Mont. Cuba Crypt. 327. MELOBE'SIA, Lam. A genus of Coral- linaceae. Nine British species, on rocks and other Algae (Harvey, Mar. Algce, 107). The capsules (ceramidia) form little blunt cones, scattered over the crusts, and containing tufted tetraspores as in Corallina. MELOLON'THA, Fabr. (Cock-chafer). A genus of Coleopterous Insects, family Melolonthidse. The structure of M. vulgaris, the common cock-chafer, has been elaborately studied and described. BIBL. Suckow, Naturg. d. Maikafers; Straus-Diirckheim, An. comp. d. Insect, j Westwood, Introd. MELOPH'ILA, Nitzsch (Melophagm, Latr.). A genus of Dipterous Insects, family Hippoboscidae. Char. Head posteriorly received in an excavation of the thorax ; wings and halteres absent ; last joint of the tarsus largest. M. ovinu$, the sheep-tick (PI. 35. fig. 23). Common upon sheep. Antennae small, sunk in an eye-like cavity of the head ; eyes small, oval, resembling two groups of ocelli ; setae 2K MELOSIRA. [ 498 ] MEMBRANES. three, enclosed in two sheath-like, hairy, unjointed organs (labial palpi), resembling otherwise those of Pulex, and arising from the sides of a triangular labium. Legs robust ; tarsi with two stout serrated claws, each having at its base a blunt process ; accompanying the claw is an elegant feathery tarsal brush ; and on the under side of the last tarsal joint is a bilobed pectinate organ. BIBL. Lyonnet, Anat. et les metamor. ; Gurlt, Magaz.f. d. gesam. Thier. 1843, ix. ; Westwood, Introd. ; Curtis, Er. Entom. 142 ; Pufour, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1845, iii. ; Leuckart, Fortpflanz. der Pupiparen. MELOSI'RA, Ag. (Gallionella,~Eh?). A genus of Diatomacese. Char. Frustules cylindrical, discoidal or subspherical, united into jointed filaments. Hoops often very broad, to adapt them- selves to the breadth of the new irustules. In some species a narrow projecting ridge or keel encircles the valves near their ends. Valves covered with dots, which are mostly very minute and invisible under ordinary illumination ; in the side view they some- times have a radiate arrangement. In some species the margins of the ends of the frus- tules (side view) have coarse and distinct radiating striae. This genus has been subdivided by Ehrenberg and Kiitzing into : Lysigonimn, in which the keel is present ; and Gallionella (proper), in which this is absent. Again, by Thwaites into : Aulacosira, in which the frustules are cylindrical, surrounded trans- versely by two furrows, with rounded (con- vex) ends, but no line for division ; Orthosira, in which the frustules are exactly cylindrical (with flat ends), exhibiting the transverse line of division, and with spherical or sub- spherical internal cavities; and Melosira (proper), in which the frustules are convex at the ends, and have the central line of division. Numerous British species. * Marine. M. nummuloides, Kg. (PI. 17. fig. 5 a; b, a frustule more magnified). Prepared frustules colourless, distinct keel present ; valves without markings under ordinary I illumination; breadth 1-1500 to 1-1200". This common species forms long, slightly curved chains, and, on account of the great breadth of the frustules, shows well the various stages of subdivision. The filaments are sometimes stipitate. M. Borrerij Grev. Prepared frustules dark brown, ends rounded, entire surface punctate (ordin. ilium.), no striae nor keel j breadth 1-850 to 1-500". M. Dickiei (Orthosira Dickiei, Thw.) (PI. 17. fig. 15: 0, front view; 6, side view). Filaments short, frustules nearly colourless, ends flat, no striae nor keel (ord. ilium.), valves thickened so as to render the cavity of the fruetules rounded ; breadth 1-1500 to 1-1200". The remarkable sporangia formed in this species (PI. 10. fig. 9) are noticed under DIATOMACE^;, p. 249. ** freshwater. M. (Orthosira') variant (PI. 17. fig. 6, front view; a, side view). Frustules colour- less, ends slightly convex and striated at the margin (ord. ilium.), keel absent; breadth 1-1500 to 1-1200". The end view of the frustules resembles that of Cyclotella. Formation of sporangia shown in PI. 10. fig. 8 a ; 6, sporangial frustule. M. arenaria. Ends of frustules flat and striated at the margin (ord. ilium.), the striae appearing also in the front view ; keel absent ; frustules broader than long ; breadth 1-660 to 1-260". M. crenulata, Kg. (Aulacosira crenulata, Thw. ; M. orichalcea, Ralfs) (PI. 10. fig. 7 a, forming sporangia; 6, c, sporangial frus- tules). Differs from the last in its less diameter, and the frustules being two or three times as long as broad; breadth 1-1400". BIBL. Kiitz. Bacill 52, Sp. Alg. 27; Ralfs, Ann. N. H. 1843, xii. 346 ; Thwaites, ibid. 1848, i. 168 ; Smith, Br. Diat. ii. 54 ; Rabenh. Alg. ii. 37 ; O'Meara, Q. Mic. Jn. ix. 150. MELOXAN'THUS, Buckt. A genus of Aphidae.. M. salicis. Black, legs orange, antennae 7-jointed; on the willow. (Buckton, Aphid., Ray Soc. ii. 21.) MEMBRANES, UNDULATING. These are said to be simple membranous bands, one margin only of which is attached, the other being free and exhibiting an undu- latory motion. They are allied to and answer the same purpose as cilia. They are described as occurring upon the sper- matozoa of salamanders and tritons; as forming longitudinal processes in the water- vessels of some Anellida, as the Turbellaria ; also as existing in some Infusoria, as Tricho- dina, and some Rotatoria. Some authors have regarded them as consisting of rows of cilia or, a .spiral fibre, and not membranes. They are most easily examined in the sper- matozoa of the triton, in which we believe MEMBRANIPORA. [ 499 ] MERfDION. the appearance of an undulating membrane arises from the existence of a fibre coiled around the spermatozoa, and undulating throughout its length (PI. 50. fig. 17). This opinion is based upon the circumstance that if the coiled fibre be detached from the proper filament of a spermatozoon or sper- matozoid, no margins of the (lacerated) membrane can be detected other than that visible at first, and which really represents the coiled fibre. This, however, is an in- teresting subject for further investigation. Siebold, who has paid most attention to it, remarks that Trypanosoma Grubii, a sup- posed entozoon found in the blood of frogs and fishes, is not an independent animal, but simply an undulating membrane swim- ming freely. BIBL. Siebold, Sieb. und Kb'll. Zeitschr. Bd. ii. 356, and the Bibl. therein. See Mucous and SEROUS MEMBRANES. MEMBRANIPORA, Johnst. A genus ofmarinePolyzoa,familyMEMBRANTPORiD^3. Several British species; usually found in- crusting sea- weeds, more rarely shells and stones. M.pilosa (PL 41. fig. 18). Orifices of the cells with one long hair, and several spinous teeth. Verv common. MEMBR ANIPOREL'LA, Blainv., =Le- aliaj pt. (Hincks, Polyz.\ MEMBRANIPOR'ID.E. A family of Cheilostomatous Infundibulate Polyzoa. Distinguished by the expanded, incrust- ing, stony polypidom, and the horizontal quincuncial cells. Genera : Membranipora. Cells open in front, with raised margins. Lepralia. Cells closed in front, poly- pidom spreading circularly. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. ; Busk, Cat. Mar. Polyz. ; Gosse, Mar. Zool. ii. 16 ; Hincks, Polyz. 127. MENI'PEA, Lamx. A genus of Infun- dibulate Cheilostomatous Polyzoa, family Cellulariadse. Char. Cells oblong, tapering downwards, not perforate behind, with one or two sessile birds'-heads in front below the orifice. Two British species. M. ternata (Cellidaria ternata, Johnst.). Cells elongated, greatly tapering down- wards, 3 in each internode, with a stalked operculum protecting the orifice ; operculum expanded, entire, two spines on the upper margin ; anterior birds'-head single. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 335; Busk, Cat. 20 ; Hincks, Polyz. 36. MENIS'CIUM. A genus of Grammi- tideae (Polypodiaceous Ferns). 10 sp. ; tropical. (Hook., Syn. 390.) MENISCOS'TOMUM, Kt. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria. Like Paramecium, but mouth lateral, lunate ; with a vibratile membrane. 1 sp. ; fr. wat. (Kent, Inf. 539.) MENIS'PORA, Pers. A genus of Mu- cedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), one species of which, M. lucida, Corda, is recorded as British, growing on decayed wood. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. If. 2 ser. vii. 101 ; Corda, Ic. i. pi. 4. fig. 223. MENOID'IUM, Perty. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Char. Small, crescentic, thicker on the outer margin, colourless, or greenish. M. pellucidum, freshwater ; movement jerking and revolving, 1-670 to 1-430". BIBL. Perty, Lebensf. 174. MENOPON, Nitzsch. A subgenua of LIOTHEUM (Anoplura); with the head semilunar or trapezoidal, but without a deep lateral sinuosity. The species infest poultry, the partridge, quail, &c. MEREN'CHYMA. A name applied by some authors to the form of vegetable cel- lular tissue where the cells are of circular, ellipsoidal, or irregularly rounded outline; ordinarily known as lax parenchyma. MERID'ION, Leibl. A genus of Diato- macese. Char. Frustules (in front view) wedge- shaped, united laterally so as to form seg- ments of circles or spiral bands. Fr. wat. Frustules in side view obovate, and fur- nished with coarse transverse stria? visible under ordinary illumination, which extend into the front view. Kiitzing distinguishes Meridian, in which the frustules form a spiral (helical) band, from Eumeridion, in which they form a con- volute band. Meridion circulare, Ag. (PI. 17. fig. 7 : a, front view ; b, side view). Frustules in side view simply obovate, forming a spiral (helical) band or filament ; length of frus- tules 1-600 to 1-375". Meridion constrictum, Kg. (PI. 16. fig. 28, filament flattened, and frustules (front view) separated by drying ; a, convolute filament ; b, side view). Frustules in side view con- stricted near the broad end, attenuate to- wards the narrow end, and attached to a hemispherical stipes or cushion. BIBL. Kiitz. Batill. 41. Sp. Alg. 10; Ralfs, Ann. N. H. 1843, xii. 457 ; Smith, Br. Diat. ii. 5 ; Rabenh. Alg. i. 295. 2K2 MERISMOPJSDIA. [ 500 ] MESODINIUM. MERISMOP^E'DIA, Meyen.-A genus of Confervoid Algae, consisting of minute cells, arranged in fours and multiples, form- ing a quadrate layer or plate. Several species are described ; but their relation to Gonium is obscure. Sarcina is placed in this genus by Rabenhorst ; but Sarcina forms a cube. See SARCINA and GONIUM. (Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. ii. 56.) MERIZOMY'RIA, Ktz. A genus of Rivulariaceae. C/tar. Filaments moniliform, upper cells subulate, basal cells contained in a mucous matrix, and constituting an amorphous thallus. Freshwater. BIBL. Rabenh. Fl. Alg. iii. 224. MERMIS, Duj. A genus of Entozoa. M. nigrescens resembles Gordius, but dif- fers from it principally in the vulva of the female being transverse and situated near the anterior end of the body, whilst in Gor- dius this is placed at the posterior end. Eggs black. It is found in the newly dug-up damp earth of gardens, and in the intestines of insects. BIBL. Duj. Ann. So. Nat. 2 s6r. xviii. 129, and ffelminthes, 294 ; Siebold, Ent. Zeit. 1842, 146; Meissner, Sieb. and Roll. Zeit- schrift, 1853. MEROT'RICHA, Mer.-A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria. Free, oblong, green ; fla- gellum single, ventral; with anterior tri- ehocysts. 1 sp., freshwater. (Kent,/w/. 249.) MERU'LIUS, Hall. Dry-re t. A genus of Hymenomycetes (Basidiomycetous Fungi), distinguished by the veiny or sinuously plicate folds of the hymenium, these folds not being distinct from the flesh of the pileus, and forming angular or serrated pores. M. lachrymans is the dry-rot fungus. The mycelium is composed of filaments creeping in the substance of the infected wood, dis- organizing and feeding on this as it decays.. The mass is at first white and cottony, form- ing an effused pileus from 1 to 8" broad ; subsequently ferruginous or deep orange. The irregular folds finally discharge a watery liquid, whence the name. The most efficacious remedies against dry r rot are creasote and carbolic acid. Cor- rosive sublimate, though at first efficacious, seems to lose its virtue after a time. Several species of the genus have been found in England in addition to M. lachry- mans. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2, 129 ; Sow- erby, Fungi, pi. 113. MESOCARTUS, Hassall (Spharocarpug, Kiitz.). A genus of Zygnemaceae (Confer- void Algae), with evenly distributed cell- contents, producing in conjugation a cross branch, in which is formed a round spore. It often happens that all the successive members of a long series of cells conj ugate with another similar series, so as to produce a ladder-like body, the " rounds " of which are formed of the transverse processes (tra- beculce, Kiitz.). The onlv kind of repro- duction yet observed is tnat by the spores formed in the transverse branch from the conjoined contents of two cells ; but it is possible that zoospores and encysted con- ditions of these occur, as in SPIROGYRA and MOUGEOTIA. The stellate encysted bodies found in most of the allied plants have been seen in M. scalaris by Thwaites. Thwaites also observed a division of the contents of the spore into four parts, such as occurs in M. scalaris, Hass. (fig. 138, p. 204). Sterile filaments 1-1800 to 1-1440" in dia- meter, 6 times as long ; sporanges oval or round. Hass. pi. 42. M. depresses, Hass. Sterile filaments 1-2880 to 1-2400" in diarn., 6 to 8 times as long ; spores globose or elliptical. Hass. pi. 44. fig. 1. M. intricatus, Hassall, is apparently the same as M. scalaris ; all the other forms may be brought under M. depi-cssus. BIBL. Hassall, Alg. 166, pis. 41-45; Kutzing, Sp. Alg. 435; Tab. Pliyc. v. (Spheerocarpus), pis. 5-7 ; Thwaites. Ann. N. H. xvii. 262. MESOCE'NA, Ehr. A doubtful genus of Diatomaceae, according to Ehrenberg and Kutzing. The bodies referred to this title consist of single siliceous rings, oval or angular frame- works, without a centre, and mostly with external and sometimes internal spines ari- sing from them ; many are fossil. Whether they are spicula of Echiiioder- mata or not, remains to be decided. Dia- meter from 1-750 to 1-400". M. octogona, Ehr., PI. 25. fig. 1. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. Berl. Ak. 1840 ; Kutzing, Bacitt. 139, Sp. Alg. 142. MESO'CHRA, Boeck. A genus of Co- pepodous Entomostraca, close to Cantho- camptus. 2 species ; brackish water. (Brady, Copep. ii. 62.) MESODIN'IUM, Stein. A genus of Peritrichous Infusoria. Free, ovate, snout- like in front, with a ring of setose cilia MESOGLOIA. [ 501 ] METOPIDIA. 2 species; freshwater and marine. (Kent, Inf. 635.) MESOGLO'IA, Ag. A genus of Chor- dariaceae (Fucoid Algee), with filiform, much-branched, gelatinous fronds ; the axis of the filaments composed of interlacing longitudinal cells, with gelatinous interposed matter ; the periphery of radiating, dicho- tomous, coloured filaments. The fructifi- cation consists of unilocular and multilocular sporanges; the former are ovate sacs (fig. 458) occurring attached to the ramuli of Fig. 4,58. Mesogloia vermicularis. Peripheral ramuli, unilocular sporanges and the flla- menta upon which the jointed sporanges arise. Magnified 50 diameters. the periphery ; the latter are produced by ramifications of other ramuli surrounding them (fig. 458). Both kinds produce cili- ated zoospores, which germinate. M. ver- micularis (figs. 458, 459), an olive-green Fig. 459. Mesogloia vermicularis. Portion of a filament. Magnified 10 diameters. or yellowish frond, 6" high, is common on rocks and stones between tide-marks. M. vi- rescens, a smaller species, is not uncommon. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 47, pi. 10 B ; Phyc. Brit. pis. 31 & 83 ; Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. xiv. 237, pi. 27. > MESOT^'RIUM, Nag. Probably iden- tical with Palmoglcea. (Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. iv. n. s. 109.) METACY'PRIS, B. & R. One of the Cytheridce : carapace tumid and cordate ; upper antennae long and setose. Lakes and rivers of England, Ireland, and Holland. BIBL. Brady and Robertson, Ann. N. H. 4, vi. 19 ; ix. 51. METACYS'TIS, Cohn. A genus of Holotrichous lufusoria. Char. Free, ovate or elongate, ringed, vesicular behind. M. truncata, among decaying marine algae. (Kent, Inf. 511.) METAMORPHOSES OF TISSUES. The degenerations of the tissues, characterized by an alteration in their quality and impair- ment of function. They are "divided into metamorphoses and infiltrations. The meta- morphoses are characterized by the direct change of the albuminoid constituents of a tissue into a new material, which is usually followed by the destruction of the histo- logical elements, and the softening of the intercellular substance. They include fatty, rnucoid, and colloid degeneration. BIBL. Green, Path, and Morb. Anat. METEORITES. In transparent sections of small fragments of meteorites, many mineral substances may be recognized here and there ; but the microscope and even polarized light fail to distinguish the kinds of crystals. ^ It is best to examine the bruised debris; and minute crystals may be sorted out, and removed for microscopic examination. BIBL. Maskelyne, Proc. Roy. Soc. 1870 METOPI'DES, Quenn. Like Metopus, but with two or more posterior setaa. M. contorta, freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 582 ) METOPIDIA, Ehr. A genus of Rota- tori a, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Eyes two, red, frontal; foot forked ; carapace depressed or prismatic; anterior and upper part of head naked or uncinate j no hood. ^= Lepaddla with two frontal eyes. Lorica closed beneath. M. triptera (PL 44. fig. 7). Carapace ovate, accurately trilateral, crested on the back. Freshwater ; length 1-288 to 1-144". Four other species. METOPUS. [ 502 ] MICROCOLEUS. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 477 ; Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 201. METO'PUS, Clap, et Lach. A genus of Heterotrichous Infusoria, fam. Bursarina. Char. Buccal fossa oblique and elongate, anterior part of the body prolonged ; ante- rior cilia stronger than those of the rest of the surface. M. sigmoides (PI. 52. tig. 11). BIBL. Claparede et Lach. Inf. 254. METRID'IA, Boeck. A genus of Co- pepodous Entomostraca. M. armata, ma- rine. (Brady, Copepoda, i. 79.) METZGE'RIA, Raddi. A genus of Pel- lieae (Hepaticae), comprehending Junger- tnanniafurcata, L., and J. pubescent } Sch rank, growing on trunks of trees, rocks, &c. in very moist places. The fronds of both are linear-dichotomous,membranous and ribbed. M.furcata is smooth above, hairy beneath ; M. pubescens hairy on both sides and larger. BIBL. Hook. Br. FL ii. pt. 1. 131 ; Br. Jungerm. pis. 55, 56, & 73 ; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Supp. 1. 1338; Hofmeister, Vergl Untersuch. 10, pi. 4. MICA. This mineral substance, which is often erroneously called talc in the shops, was formerly used for covering mounted objects, but is now replaced by thin glass. It is, however, occasionally useful in apply- ing a red heat to objects, as Diatomaceae, &c., where it is required not to change the position of the object. It often contains crystalline and crystalloidal inorganic mi- neral substances, as metallic oxides, &c., of interesting appearance. Thin plates of mica are used also in bring- ing out colours in objects with polarized light. See POLARIZATION, and ROCKS. MICRASTE'RIAS, Ag. A genus of Desmidiaceae (Confervoid Algae). Char. Cell single, lenticular, deeply divided into two-lobed segments; lobes inciso-dentate (rarely only bidentate), and generally radiating. Sporangia spherical, with stout spines (PL 14. fig. 12). Numerous British species (Ralfs). M. denticulata (PL 14. fig. 11, undergoing division ; fig. 12, sporangium). Cell cir- cular, surface smooth ; segments five-lobed ; lobes dichotomously divided, ultimate sub- divisions truncato-emarginate, with rounded angles. Length 1-113". Common. M. rotata (PL 14. fig. 13). Cell circular, smooth ; segments five-lobed ; lobes dicho- tomously incised, ultimate subdivisions bidentate. Length 1-91". Common. BIBL. Ralfs, Br. Desmid. 68; Lobb, Tr. Mic. Soc. 1861; Dixon, Mic. Jn. 1859; Archer, Pritchard's Infm., & Mic. Journ. 1862 ; Bailey, Smith. Contr. ; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 187. MICROCLA'DIA, Grev. A genus of Ceramiaceae (Florideous Algae), containing one rare British species, M. glandulosa (PL 4. fig. 7), with a dichotomously branched, filiform, compressed frond 1 to 2" high, of a bright rose colour. Its fructification con- sists of (1) roundish, sessile involucrated favellae with spores, and (2) tetraspores (tetrahedrally arranged) imbedded in the ramules. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 160, pi. 22 B ; Phyc. Br. pi. 29 ; Grev. Alg. Br. t. xix. MICROCOC'CUS. A genus of Schizo- mycetes, distinguished by the minute or- ganisms being globular instead of linear. The species have been divided into 3 groups. The chromogenous : as M. prodigiosus, which is blood-red, and frequently occurs on Fungi, cooked provisions, red milk, &c. (see BLOOD ON BEEAD) ; M . luteus, cyaneus, violacetis (elliptical), aurantiacus, on cooked potatoes and hard white of egg; and M. chlorinus on egg. The zymogenous, pro- ducing vaiious kinds of fermentation, as M. crepusculum = Moiias c., Ehr. ; M. urea, in Torula-foiTn, 2-8, in urine, converting the urea into carbonate of ammonia, and decomposing hippuric acid. And the patho- genous, by some considered globular Bac- teria, producing contagious diseases : as M. vaccinfe, in vaccine and yariolous matter; M. diphtheriticuSj oval, in twos or more, sometimes in colonies ; M. septicus (Micro- sporow,Klebs), in the tissues and vessels in pyaemia and septicaemia ; M. bombycis, in the intestines of silkworms ; and others, very doubtful, in the blood and sputum of measles, in scarlet fever, typhus, glanders, and syphilis. Collarium, Lk.. seems, at least as regards some species, to be identical. BIBL. Butt. Soc. Imp. d'Agric. 2 ser. vii. 727; Comptes rendus, 1852, 119; Colin, Beit. i. 109, and ii. 148; Magnin, Bacteries; Hallier, Phytopath. MICROCO'DON, Ehr. A genus of Ro- tatoria, belonging to the family Megalotro- chaea. Char. Eye single; no carapace; foot styli- form. Jaws two, each with a single tooth. M. clavuK (PL 44. fig. 8). Body compa- nulate, foot equalling or exceeding the body in length. Fr. wat. Length 1-288 to 1-216". BIBL. Ehr. Infus. p. 395. MICROCO'LEUS, Desmaz. (Cht/iono- MICROCYSTIS. [ 503 ] MICROTHECA. blastm, Kiitz.). A genu8 of Oscillatoriaceee (Coiifervoid Algae), with fronds forming strata on moist ground, paths, mud, &c. These plants may be described as bundles of Oscillatoria-fil&meiits enclosed in a com- mon gelatinous sheath, which is simple or irregularly dichotomously branched, and forms twisted interwoven masses. The structure of the filaments appears to be identical with that occurring in OSCILLA- TORIA, described under that head ; the fila- ments oscillate : the mode of origin of the enclosing sheath is obscure j but it would appear to be formed of the gelatinous half- dissolved outer membranes of the enclosed filaments. No formation of spores or goni- dia has been described. M. repens, Harv. (PI. 8. fig. 9 a, the open end of a sheath), is very common on damp paths, &c., its sheaths are branched ; M. anguiformis, Harv., occurs on the mud of brackish pools; its sheaths are said to be simple. M. gracilis, Hassall, said to be found in similar situations, has no character attached to it. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 227, pi. 26 D ; Phyc. Br. pi. 249; Hassall,^. 260, pi. 70; Kiitz. Tab. Phyc. i. pis. 54-58. MICROCYS'TIS, Kiitz. A genus of Palmellaceae (Confervoid Algae), composed of crowded minute spherical cells, enclosed in a common envelope, forming solid fami- lies. M. protog&nita (PI. 3. fig. 12), bluish green, in long-kept water. BIBL. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 208; Tab. Phyc. pis. 8, 9 ; Rabenh. Alg. ii. 61. MICROGLE'NA, Ehr. A genus of In- fusoria, family Monadina, E. Char. Tail absent ; body truncated in front, with a single flagelliform filament ; one or two red eye-spots present. Fresh- water. Probably the spores of Algae. M. pimctifera (PI. 31. fig. 43 a). Body yellow, ovate, subconical, attenuate poste- riorly, two red eye-spots accompanied by a blackish frontal spot ; length 1-620". M. monadina (PI. 31. fig. 436). Body ovate, equally rounded at both ends, bright green ; eve-spot red and single ; length 1-1150 to* 1-620". BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 25 ; Kent, Inf. 403. MICROGONID'IA. See MACROGONIDIA. MICROGRO'MIA, Hert. A genus of Reticularian Rhizopoda. The pseudopodia of different individuals unite, so as to pro- duce colonies. ( Hertwig, Arch. mik. An. x. Suppl. 1.) MICROHALO'A, Kiitz. A genus of Pal- mellaceae (Confervoid Algae), consisting of microscopic gelatinous patches, floating in water, crowded with minute green gonidia. M. Ichthyoblabe (quite distinct from CLA- THROCYSTIS) occurs in Britain ; and Has- sall's Sorospora virescens belongs here. Pro- bably a Chlorococcus. BIBL. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 207; Tab. Phyc. pis. 6, 7 j Hassall, Alg. 326 ; Rabenh. Alg. lii. 60. MICRO'MEGA, Ag., = SCHIZONEMA pt. MICROM'ETER. See INTRODUCTION, p. xxviii, and MEASUREMENT. MICROPE'RA,Lev. A genus of Sphas- ronemei (Stylosporous Fungi), of which one species is described as British, M. dru- pacearum (Cenanyium Cerasi, Junior, Fr., Sphceria dubia, Pers.), growing on dead branches of the cherry-tree. It forms whitish tubercles which split the bark trans- versely, composed of somewhat cylindrical conceptacles, conjoined at the base, the white mealy ostiole projecting; the linear spores are yellowish and curved at the apex. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. v. 380 ; Leveille, Ann. So. Nat. 3 se"r. v. 283 ; Br. Flora, ii. pt. 2. 211. MICROP'ORA, Gray,= Membranipora pt. (Hincks, Polyz. 173.) MICROPOREL'LA, Hincks, = Lepralia pt. (Hincks, Polyz. 204.) MI'CROPYLE (of Animals). See OVUM. MICROSCOPE. The first Section of the INTRODUCTION consists of remarks upon the microscope and microscopic apparatus. MICRO-SPECTROSCOPE. See SPEC- TROSCOPE. MICROS'PORA, Thuret,= pt MI'CROSPORES. The small kind of spores produced by Lycopodiaceae and Mar- sileaceae in contradistinction to megaspores or maorospores. When sown, they pro- duce sperm-cells and spermatozoids. MICROTHAM'NION, Nag. A genus of Cha&tophoracese. Char. Filaments much branched, rigid, jointed, narrow ; joints longer than broad, slightly tumid. Propagation by zoogonidia. Freshwater. BIBL. Rabenh. Alg. iii. 365. MICROTHE'C A, Ehr. A marine organ- ism of doubtful nature. It consists of yellow, flattened, rectan- gular (side view) bodies, with four equi- distant spines projecting from each end ; the colour arises from the contents; no MICROZYMES. [ 504 ] MILLON'S TEST. transverse line of division; entire length 1-216". BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 164. MI'CROZYMES, Bechamp. The term applied to the minute particles or organisms producing fermentations, especially the pathogenous. Most of these bodies are considered to be forms or spores of Schizo- mycetes, referable to the genera Bacterium, Bacillus, and Micrococcus. Being very minute, they are with difficulty separated from the other constituents of the liquids in which they occur; and the process adopted by Chauveau and Sanderson to isolate and prove the action of the vaccine microzymes may be pointed out. The vaccine matter was placed in a very small test-tube, a little water gently addea. The layer of leucocytes which subside first, was separated, and on vaccination found to be inactive. The remaining- liquid was allowed to stand, when the soluble albuminous con- stituents diffused into the water, but the solution was innocuous ; the zymome-layer was however found to be active. BIBL. Bechamp, Comp. rend. 1868, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1868, 274 ; Sanderson, Privy Coun- cil Rep. 1869, 232; Hallier, Phytopathol. 1868; Roberts, Q. M. Jn. 1877, xvii. 307; Klein, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1878, xviii. 170. MIELICHHOFE'RIA, Hornsch. A ge- nus of Bryaceous Mosses, containing one British species, M.nitida. sometimes referred to Weissia (fig. 81, p. 121). MILI'OLA, Lamarck. An extensive ge- nus of Imperforate (Porcellaneous) Fora- minifera, in which the chambers grow alter- nately on two or more sides of the long axis of the suboval shell : if on two sides, they form Biloculina(B. ringens, PI. 23. fig. 3) and Spiroloculina (Sp.planulata, PI. 23. f . 7), many and thin in the latter, few and thick in the former ; if on three sides, they form Triloculina (Tr. trigonula, PI. 23. fig. 4). Ir- regular development of the edges of the chambers gives rise to the many Quinque- loculine varieties (Quinqueloculina seminu- Inm, PL 23. fig. 6; Q. Brongniartii, fig. 6) from three to eight chambers being visible on one side, and from two to six on the other. Uniloculina ( U. indica, PI. 23. fig. 2) is possibly a young or arrested Miliola. Cruciloculina has a cross-slit opening, whilst the others have usually a crescentic aper- ture, owing to the presence of a tongue (homologue of the septum) ; but it may be round and produced. In its young or Adelosine stage, Miliola differs from Cornuspira by its segmental stricture. See M. obesa junior, Sclmltzo, PI. 23. fig. 1. HATJERINA and FABULAKIA are closely allied genera. Fossil in ah 1 formations from the Trias upwards ; and common in existing- seas, chiefly in shallow water (M. seminulum, PI. 23. fig. 5). BIBL. Williamson, Rec.For. 78; Schultze, Org. Polyth. 57; Parker, Tr. Mic. Soc. n. s. vi. 53; Parker & Jones, Ann. N. H. 2, xix. 299; Carpenter, Introd. For. 74. MILK. This liquid consists of a solu- tion of caseine and certain salts, holding in suspension minute globules of fatty matter (butter). The fluid portion possesses no microscopic peculiarities. The globules are very nume- rous, round, and vary in size from mere molecules to 1-3000 or 1-2000" in diameter. Each is surrounded by a pellicle or coat of caseine, which prevents the globules from fusing into each other. If a portion of a drop of milk be placed upon a slide, and the thin glass cover be moved to and fro, the coat of caseine will be ruptured, the globules of oil will become confluent, and shreds of the coats will be visible. If acetic acid be added, the coats will be acted upon, and the confluence also produced. The same effect occurs naturally in sour milk ; hence in this the globules are often much larger than the above dimensions, and irregular in form, frequently becoming elongated and united in twos, so as to bear some resemblance to the young state of a fungus. The milk first secreted after parturition, called the colostrum, differs considerably from the normal liquid. The fatty globules contained in it vary greatly in size, often being very large, and existing within iso- lated or aggregated epithelial cells, some of them resembling exudation-corpuscles. Peddie's paper on the human milk in relation to medical practice, is well worthy of perusal. BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An. ii. ; Donne, Cours de Micros. ; Wagner, Hand. d. Phy- siol. art. Milch ; Peddie, Ed. Mn. Jn. 1840, and CHEMISTRY. MILK- VESSELS. See LATICIFEROTJS TISSUE. MILLON'S TEST, or TEST-LIQUID. This is a strongly acid (nitric and nitrous) solution of proto- and pernitrate of mercury, made by dissolving metallic mercury in its weight of strong nitric acid, with the aid of MILNESIUM. [ 505 ] MNIOIDE.E. heat. It gives a red colour to certain sub- stances, gently boiled in it. The following substances and tissues are coloured red by the test : albumen, caseine, chondrine, crystalline, epidermis, feathers, fibrine, gelatine, gluten, horn, legumine, proteine, silk, wool. The following, when pure, are not co- loured : cellulose, chitine, cotton, gum (ara- bic), linen and starch. BIBL. Millon, Compt. Rend. 1849, or Chem. Gaz. 1849, vii. 87. MILNE'SIUM, Doyere. A genus of Arachnida, of the order Tardigrada (Colo- ". Head with two very short palpi- form appendages at its anterior and lateral parts ; mouth terminated by a sucker sur- rounded by palps ; skin soft, transversely furrowed ; legs four pairs ; rings of the body divided into two segments. M. tardigradum (PI. 50. fig. 9). Mouth surrounded by six minute unequal palpi, symmetrically arranged, diminishing in size from the upper to the lower part; head rounded in front when the mouth is re- tracted ; eye-spots tolerably large and gra- nular; pharyngeal tube much dilated, styles very small, bulb elongated and pvriform, without an internal framework ; body trans- parent, attenuated at both ends, especially the posterior ; skin pale brownish yellow ; three anterior pairs of legs nearly equal, the fourth very short, resembling two tubercles, with scarcely a trace of annuliform division ; claws four, two terminal, and in the form of elongated filaments hooked at the end, and each supported on a distinct tubercle ; two inferior and internal, the anterior divided into three strongly curved hooks, the pos- terior into two ; hooks or terminal filaments of the fourth pair longer than those of the first three. Movement active. Length 1-50 to 1-40". BIBL. Doyere, Ann. Sc. Nat. MIMOSEL'LA, Hincks. A genus of Ctenostomatous Polyzoa, fam. Vesiculariidae. Char. Zoary confervoid, jointed, and branched ; cell's ovate, opposite, with a basal joint; animals with eight tentacles and a gizzard. M. gracilis. Branches erect, arising from a creeping fibre. On sea-weeds. BIBL. Hincks, Polyz. 555. MINERALOGY, APPLICATION OF THE MICROSCOPE TO. The following substances may be recognized in transparent minerals or blowpipe beads, by means of the cha- racteristic absorption-bands seen in the spectrum, even when they are much co- loured by the oxides of iron, manganese, or nickel, viz. didymium, erbium, uranium, cobalt, chromium, copper, manganese, and jargonia. In one method the substance is fused with borax or microcosmic salt, so as to give a clear bead, and the spectrum is examined by means of the spectrum eye- piece. In the other method, the saturated borax bead is kept hot over the lamp, so that crystals may be deposited in it. Many kinds of crystals may be thus distinguished. See SPECTROSCOPE and ROCKS. BIBL. Sorby, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869, 182. MIRROR OF SCEMMERING. See INTRODUCTION, p. xxii. MISCHOCOC'CUS, Nag. A genus of Palmellacese. Char. Thallus gelatinous, branched ; the terminal cells of the branchlets in pairs or fours. In boggy pools. M. confervicola (PI. 52. fig. 12). BIBL. 'Rabenht. Fl. Alg. Eur. iii. p. 54. MISTLETOE. See VISCUM. MITES. The animals usually included under this term are species of Acarina. MITOPH 'ORA, Perty A genus of Cilio- Flagellate Infusoria. Free, ovate, with"fc lateral row of parallel stout cilia, and a long terminal flageHum. M. dubia, freshwater. (Perty, Lebens. 153.) MNIA'CE^E. A tribe of Mnioide (Mosses), of Bryoid habit, but with firm, rigid, and usually undulated leaves, mostly increasing in size toward the top of the stem. British genera: Cinclidium, Geor- gia, Mnium, and Timmia. MNIADELPHA'CE^E. A family of Pleurocarpous Mosses, with the leaves ar- ranged in four or more series, and composed of parenchymatous cells, mostly equally hexagonal and Mnioid, very smooth, pellu- cid, destitute of a distinct primordial utricle, the lowest decurrent on the stem at the base, larger, spongy, lax, mostly beautifully dark- tinged, never single, slender. Brit, genus : DaUonia. Calyptra mitre-shaped, bell- shaped, elegantly fringed at the base. Pe- ristome double (Neckeroid) : outer, sixteen narrow, subulate, trabeculate teeth, reflexed when moistened ; inner, an equal number of similar cilia, alternating with the teeth, devoid of a basilar membrane. MNIOI'DE^E. A family of operculate Mosses, ordinarily of acrocarpous habit, but sometimes pleurocarpous, with broadly oval, spathulate, ov4 or lanceolate, flattish leaves, MNIUM. [ 506 ] MOLECULAR MOTION. having a very prominent, thick dorsal nerve. The base of the leaves composed of some- what parallelogrammic cells, rounded-hexa- gonal or with equal walls towards the apex, very full of chlorophyll, or with the pri- mordial utricle mostly very conspicuous, or much thickened, firm, rarely papillose. This family is divided into two tribes: MNIA- CE^E and POLYTRICHACE.&:. MNI'UM, Dill. A genus of Mniaceous Mosses, of acrocarpous and pleurocarpous habit, including many Brya of the British Flora. Among the commonest is M. hor- num=ryum hornum, L. MOCHA STONES. The varieties of chalcedony known under this name contain a number of bodies (mineral dendrites) which have been mistaken for plants. Compare AGATE, SILICA, and FLINT. BIBL. K. Miiller, Ann. N. H. 1843, xi. 415. MOH'RIA, Swartz. A genus of Schizae- aceous Ferns. M. thurifraga (fig. 4GO) ; Cape. (Hook. Syn. 436.) Fig. 460. Mohria thurifraga. A pinnule with sporanges. Magnified 25 diameters. MOI'NA, Baird. A genus of Entomos- traca, order Cladocera, and family Daphni- ada. Char. Head rounded and obtuse ; supe- rior antennae of considerable length, of one piece, and arising from the front of the head near the middle; inferior antennae large, fleshy at the base, and two-branched, one branch three-jointed, the other four- jointed ; legs five pairs. Freshwater. M. rectirostris (PI. 19. fig. 23). Cara- pace almost straight or but slightly rounded behind. M. brachiata or Iranchiata. Carapace greatly rounded behind. BIBL. Baird, Br. Entomos. 100; Grobben, Entw., Jn. Mic. Soc. iii. 77. MOIST CHAMBER. Introduced by Recklinghausen, improved by Schultze and others ; it enables the object under micro- scopic examination to be placed in a space saturated with moisture, and to be examined without or with the intervention of thin glass. Also it enables an immersion-lens to remain with its water in contact with thin glass over an object in any liquid for a con- siderable time. The simplest form is that of a large glass ring cemented to a broad glass plate : a thin and flexible caoutchouc membrane is fixed to the ring and to the object-glass by india-rubber rings. The growing-slide mostly answers the same pur- pose. See Frey, Mik. 63; Rutherford, Hist. 150 ; Dallinger and Drysdale, M. M. Jn. xi. 97. MOLECULAR MOTION. When ex- tremely minute particles of any substance immersed in water or other liquid are exa- mined under the microscope, they are seen to be in a state of vivid motion. A little gamboge or Indian-ink mixed with water will exhibit the phenomenon distinctly enough. The minute particles or molecules are seen to move irregularly, to the right and left, backwards and forwards, as if re- pelled by each other, until the attraction of gravitation ultimately overcomes the force upon which their motion depends, when they sink to the surface of the slide. This applies to the molecules of those substances which are heavier than water. In the case of those which are lighter than water, or the liquid in which they are immersed, the molecules ultimately become adherent to the thin glass covering the slide. This motion is in no way connected with evaporation, for it takes place equally when this is completely prevented, just as when it is not. Neither light, electricity, mag- netism nor chemical reagents exert any effect upon it. Heat is the only agent which affects it ; this causes the motion to become more rapid. Hence it might be attributed to the various impulses which each particle receives from the radiant heat emitted by those adjacent. Or, as it takes place when the temperature is uniform, may it not arise from the physical repulsion of the molecules, uninterfered with by gravi- tation, hence free to move ? The effect of heat would then be explicable, because this increases the natural repulsion of the parti- cles of matter, as in the conversion of water into vapour. Molecular motion plays a part in some MOLGULA. [ 507 ] MONADIXA. common phenomena. Thus, it prevents turbid water from becoming rapidly clear by repose ; by its agency also the disaggregated particles of animal or vegetable matter are diffused throughout the mass of the liquid. The microscopist should become ac- quainted with the appearance of particles in molecular motion, as it might give rise to error; and it often occurs in animal and vegetable cells. Thus particles under its influence might be mistaken for monads ; or particles moved by cilia might be regarded as merely exhibiting this molecular motion. Two circumstances appear most favour- able for its production and continuance, in addition to the augmentation of tempera- ture, viz. a very finely divided state of the matter, and the specific gravity of the matter and the liquid in which it is suspended being as nearly as possible coincident. BIBL. Brown, On, Active Molecules (pri- vately printed); Duj. Observ. au Mic.; Griffith, Med. Gaz. 1843 ; Delsaulx, M. Mic. Jn. xviii. 1 ; Hartley, ib. 8 ; Jevons, Qu. Jn. Sc. 1878, 167 j Ord, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1879, 656. MOL'GULA, Forbes. A genus of Tuni- cate Mollusca, of the family ASCIDIAD^E. Two British species : M. oculata, adherent, bluish or purple, mottled with orange, 2^" in diameter ; and M. tubulosa, free, in sand. BIBL. That of the family. MOL'GUS, Duj ., = Bdella pt. 2 species ; on marine sands. (Dujardin, Vlnstitut, 1842, 316 ; Gervais, Apt. 158.) MOLLUSCA. Every portion of the structures of the Mollusca offers objects of interest to the microscopist. The motion of the cilia, the structure of the lining membrane of the viscera, the spermatozoa, the ovular growth and the nature of the sensory organs can be easily investigated. Remarks upon certain interesting structures occurring in the Mollusca will be found under TONGUE, SHELL, SNAILS (WATER-), MUSSEL, OYSTER, and OVUM. The calca- reous concretions, crystals, and spicula met with in the integument or mantle of some mollusca are curious. BIBL. Siebold, Vergl. An. and the co- pious BIBL.; Vogt, Zool. Brief e; Adams, Recent Mollusca] Forbes and Hanley, Br. Mollusca ; Woodward, Shells ; Jones, An. Kingdom, and Cycl. of An. and Phys. ; Huxley, Comp. Anat., and EngL Cyclop. ; Deshayes, Hist. Nat. Moll. ; Turton, Br. Shells, by Gray ; Jeffreys, Br. Conch, (figs, of all species, mar. and frw.) ; Rimuier, Br. Id. and freshwater Shells. MONACTI'NUS, Bail. A genus of Des- midiaceae = MONACTINIUM, Braun. Distinguished from Pediastrum by the marginal cells having one horn only. Species : M. octonarius : marginal cells eight, central none. M. duodenarius (PL 36. fig. 28) : marginal cells twelve, central three. BIBL. Bailey, Smith. Contr. 1853, 14; Rabenh. Ala. lii. 71. MONADI'NA. A family of Infusoria, according to Ehrenberg's system, but con- sisting of a heterogeneous group of imper- fectly examined bodies. Char. Carapace absent ; no expansions ; locomotive organs consisting of one or more flagelliform filaments or cilia at the anterior part of the body. Ehrenberg distinguishes nine genera : A. Tail none. a. K"o lips. a. Swimming. a. No eye-spot. Single 1. Monas. Grouped 2. Uvella. ft. Eye-spot present. Single. * Flagelliform filaments one or two 3. Microglena. ** Flagelliform filaments four or five 4. Chloraster. *** Flagelliform filaments numerous 5. Phacelomonat. Grouped 6. Glenomorum. b. Soiling 7. Doxococnts. b. Lips present 8. Chilomonas. B. Tail present 9. Bodo. Dujardin divides them thus : MONADLN-A. moving throughout its whole length 1. Monas. . ior prolongation .................. 3. Chilomonaa. Two equal filaments terminating the curved angles of the anterior end ........................... 6. Trepomonas. Four equal filaments in front, and two thicker ones behind ............................................. 7. Hexamita. A second filament arising from the same spot as the flagelliform filament, but thicker, trailing and retracting ............................................................................................. 8. Heteromita. A filament and vibratile cilia ............. .......................................................................... 9. Trichomonas. ................................................................................... 10. Uvella. ups originally fixed at the end of a branched polypidom or stalk .............................. 11. Anthophysa. 9 _a f Groups always free, revolving = Exl G ' rou P s originally fixed at the MONADS. [ 508 ] MONOCOTYLEDONS. Dujardin's characters are : animalcules without an integument, consisting of a glu- tinous, apparently homogeneous substance, susceptible of becoming agglutinated to other bodies, and so drawn out and altered in form, with one or more flageUiform fila- ments as locomotive organs, and sometimes lateral or tail-like appendages. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 1; Duj. In/us. 270; Dallinger, M. M~Jn. xiii. 185 ; Cienkowski, chultze's Arch. xii. 227. MONADS are species of Monas, or other Monadina. MONAS, Mull. A genus of Infusoria, of the family Monadina. M. Dauingerii. Ovate, pointed, no nucleus nor contractile vesicle ; length 1-4000". In fish- (cod) macerations. Propagation by transverse fission ; and by spores after con- jugation and encystment. The germs of these monads survive a temperature which destroys the adults. M. vinosa, E. Ovate, uniformly rounded at each end, of a red-wine colour, motion slow and tremulous. Length 1-12,000 to 1-6000". Found upon the sides of glass vessels in which decaying vegetable matter has been kept, on the side next the light. M. lens, D. (PI. 31. tig. 44 a). Body rounded or discoidal and tubercular. Breadth 1-5200 to 1-1800". One of the most common organisms in animal and vegetable infusions. We have found one common in animal infusions (PI. 31. fig. 44 6), perhaps the same as the above ; but it possesses usually two fila- ments : on the left side is one without fila- ments, but with the body drawn out from adhesion to the slide. M. attenuata, D. (PI. 31. fig. 44 c). Body ovoid, narrowed at the ends, nodular, un- equal ; filament arising from the anterior narrowed portion. Length 1-1600". Very abundant in fetid films floating on water containing decaying freshwater Algae. M. prodigiosa, see MICROCOCCUS. Several other species ; many probably consisting of the zoospores of Algse, or the swarm-germs of other Infusoria. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 3-, Duj. Infus. 279; Kent, Inf. 232. MONE'RA, Haeckel. A group of Pro- tista, forming the simplest of all organisms, the protoplasm or sarcode constituting the whole structureless body; nuclei and cell- membranes are never developed. The Mo- nera are subdivided into Gymnomonera and Lepomonera. The Gymnomonera do not pass into a quiescent or resting condition, and do not surround themselves with a covering, and propagate by fissiparous divi- sion. The Lepomonera pass into a resting stage, and surround themselves with a co- vering for the purposes of reproduction breaking up into spore-like bodies, which, on escaping, resemble the parent form. BIBL. Cienkowski, Schnitzel Arch. 1865, i. 203 ; Haeckel, Zeit. wiss. Zool 1865, xv. 360 ; Gener. Morph. Jenai. Zeit. 1868, iv. ; Wright, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869. MONOCER'CA, Bory. A genus of Ro- tatoria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eye red, single, cervical; foot-like tail simply styliform. Gosse mentions a second eye situated in the breast of one species. Ehrenberg de- scribes three species, to which Gosse adds two. M. rattus, E. (PI. 44. fig. 9). Body ovate- oblong; forehead truncate, unarmed; foot styliform, as long as the body. Aquatic. Length 1-120". BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 422; Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, 199. MONOCOTYLEDONS. One of the classes of Angiospermous Flowering Plants, Fig. 461. Reduced view of a stem of a Palm, showing the per- pendicular and horizontal section, in which the fibro- vascular bundles F.V are seen isolated in the medullary parenchyma. so called from the structure of the embryo contained in the seed, which in a large num- ber of cases is of microscopic dimensions, and always requires the use of the simple microscope for its dissection. Some of the families placed under this head have usually an acotyledonous embryo, as Orchidaceae ; MONOGRAMMA. [ 509 ] MONSTRILLA. but these possess the character of the class in all other respects. Among the most im- portant of their other characters is the iso- lated condition of the fibre-vascular bundles forming the woody structures (see TISSUES, VEGETABLE). This character, mostly very evident both in perpendicular and horizon- tal sections of the stems, is illustrated by figs. 456 & 461. MONOGRAM'MA, Schk. A genus of Grammitideae, consisting of small grass- or rush-like plants, the simplest in structure of all the Ferns. Several species, tropical. (Hooker, Synops. 374.) MONOL'ABIS, Ehr. A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Philodintea. Char. Eyes two, frontal; tail-like foot with two toes ; horns absent. Two species. M. gracilis (PL 44. fig. 10). Body slender, no cervical process nor respiratory tube; teeth two in each jaw ; freshwater. Length 1-240 to 1-144". BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 497. MONOR'MIA, Berkeley. A genus of Nostochaceae (Confervoid Algae), with a definite, linear, convoluted frond, enclosing a single moniliform filament ; differing from Nostoc in the convoluted frond being devoid of the common membranous pellicle. Mo- normia intricata occurs in gelatinous masses, about as large as a walnut, of a reddish-brown colour, floating in slightly brackish ditches. When the spermatic cells are quite mature, the definite outline of the linear frond is almost lost, and there is little to distinguish the plant from Trichormus, except the peculiar convolutions of the moniliform filament; the frond then also assumes a greenish tint. BIBL. Berk., Glean, of Br. Alga, t. 18 ; Ralfs, Ann. N. If. ser. 2. vol. v. pL 8. fig. 1 j Harvey, Phyc. Br. t. 256 ; Hassall, Algae, t. 75. fig. 11. Nostoc intricatum, Meneghini, Anabcena intricata, Kiitz., Tab. Phyc. i. t. 94. fig. 1 ; Rabenhorst, Alg. ii. 183. MONOSI'GA, Kt. A genus of Choano- $agellate Infusoria. Char. Bodies naked, solitary, sessile or stalked, with a single tiagellum, and an an- terior funnel-shaped collar composed of sar- code. Nine species, freshwater and marine ; 1. 1-5000 to 1-2500". (Kent, Infus. 329.) MOXOSPI'LUS, Sars. A genus of Lynceidse (Entomostraca). Char. Carapace of series of superimposed valves; head depressed; no compound eye. BIBL. Norman and Brady, Mon. Nat. Hist. Tr. Northumb. MONOSTE'GIA, D'Orb. ; MONOTHA- LA'MIA, Schultze. Instituted as an order; but one-chambered Foraminifera are found in most of the chief families, and therefore cannot constitute a separate group. Thus Proteonina, Squamulina, Cornuspira (PL 23. fig. 13), Vniloculina (PL 23. fig. 3), Tro- chammina (PI. 23. fig. 14), Saccammina, Astrorhiza,Lagena(\. 23. figs. 22-27), Ovu- lites, Orbulina (PL 24. fig. 1), and Spirittitia (PL 24. fig. 5) are either usually or constantly unilocular. MONOSTRO'MA, Thuret. A genus of Ulvaceae (Confervoid Algae), of which M. bullosum (Ulva bullosa, Roth) is the type, distinguished from Ulva by consisting only of a single layer of cells, and these being roundish (mostly grouped in fours), im- bedded in an apparently homogeneous ge- latinous membrane (PL 9. fig. 1 a). This plant is reproduced by zoospores formed from the cell-contents, and discharged by bursting of the cell-wall (fig. 1 6, c). They have four cilia. Currey has described, under the name of M. roseum, a plant which we think scarcely referable here, but rather to MICROCYSTIS. BIBL. Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 sfo. xiv. 225, pi. 21. figs. 1-4 ; id. Mem. Soc. Sclent, de Cherbourg, ii. 1, 1854. MONOSTY'LA, Ehr. A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Eye single, cervical ; tail-like foot simply styhform ; carapace depressed. Four species : three, Ehrenberg ; and one other, Gosse. M. quadridentata (PL 44. fig. 11). Cara- pace yellowish, fore part of head deeply cleft in four horns; freshwater. Length 1-120". BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 459; Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 200. MONOTOS'PORA, Corda.-A genus of Dernatiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), of which one species has been found in England, growing on dead bark of the yew. M. me- galospora, Berk, and Br. Filaments erect, simple, straight, nearly equal, articulated. Spores terminal, obovate, even, -00133 to 0014" long. Fries regards this genus with doubt. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xiii. 462, pi. 15. fig. 11 j Fries, Sum. Veg. 497. iMONSTRIL'LA, Dana. A genus of Copepodous Entomostraca. M. Anglica', MONTAGNITES. C 510 ] MOSSES. Weymouth. (Lubbock, Ann. N. II. 1857, xx. 401 ; Brady, Cop. iii. 37.) MONTAGNITES, Fr. A genus of Agaricini (Hymenomycetous Fungi), distin- guished by the dry gills which project after the universal volva breaks off from the edge of the pileus. One species occurs in the south of France and Algeria, another in Texas, and a third in Siberia, in dry sandy soil; extremely interesting as connecting the Hymenomy- cetes with the Gasteromycetes. BIBL. Fr. Ep. 241 ; FL Alg. t. 21. f. 2. MONU'RA, Ehr. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Eyes two, frontal ; foot simply sty- liform. Carapace somewhat compressed and open beneath. Two species. M. dulcis (PI. 44." fig. 12). Carapace ovate, obliquely truncate and acute behind ; eyes distant. Length of carapace 1-280". BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 474. MOOR'EA, J. & Kirkby. A fossil Os- tracode, known by its suboval depressed valves, with raised margins. Found in Silurian and Carboniferous rocks. BIBL. Jones & Holl, Ann. 2V. H. 4. iii. 225. MORCHEL'LA, Dill A genus of Asco- mycetous Fungi, distinguished by its stipi- tate receptacle, which is deeply folded and pitted. Four species occur in this country, amongst which M . crassipes is the giant of the genus. The species are esculent, and largely im- ported. They are very abundant in some parts of India, especially in Kashmir. They often occur on cinder walks and burnt soil. BIBL. Grev. Crypt. FL tab. 68, 89 ; Berk. Outl. t. 21. f. 5 ; Cooke, Handb. 655. MORPHIA. See ALKALOIDS, p. 31. MORPHO, Fabr. A genus of Exotic Lepidopterous Insects. M. Menelaus. The scales from the wings of this beautiful insect are sometimes used as TEST-OBJECTS. MORTIEREL'LA. A genus of Muce- dines, with branched threads like a cande- labrum, on the underside of which spo- rangia are produced ; zygospores have also been found. Moulds of great elegance. Martensella, an allied genus, has pectinate sporangia. (Coemans, Bull. Ac. Belgiq. xv. 544 ; Bary & Woronin, Beit. 4 ; Brefeld, iv. LOSSES, MUSCACE^E. This order of floweiiess plants is distinguished from the Hepaticse by the vegetative structure and by the sporanges. In one group alone (Hypopteryyiece) is the stem clothed with leaves, accompanied by amphigastria (sti- pule-like leaflets), in the manner of the loliaceous Hepaticse (fig. 355, p. 409) : and here the sporange is a stalked urn-shaped body, with a deciduous lid, and like those of the Mosses generally ; and this Jun- germannia-like leafy stem is erect, and not procumbent as in Jungermannia itself. In all other Mosses the leaves clothing the stem are arranged in a spiral order around the stem, so as to give the vegetative struc- ture a very characteristic aspect. On the other hand, the Andraeaceae, which have a valvate capsule, have spirally-arranged leaves. The stem of the Mosses is a slender thread-like wiry structure, wholly com- posed of cellular tissue, without vessels ; but the external layer has an epidermoid cha- racter, while the central portion is com- posed of elongated cells. In one section of the Mosses this stem terminates in a spo- range, and these are called Acrocarpous Mosses; in others the sporanges spring from lateral branches, and the ter- minal bud of the stem elon- Fig. 462. gates the stem year after year ; these latter are called Pleuro- carpous Mosses. In some of the genera the sporanges are borne terminally on short special branches, as in Sphagnum, Mielichhoferia, part of Fissi- dens, Guembelia fontinaloides (tig. 289, p. 366) ; these are termed Cladocarpous. The leaves are of simple structure, usually composed of a single layer of cells, the forms of which are used as characters by systematic Mus- cologists. They are either all alike in a leaf, and filled with Ephemerum chlorophyll, and in these cases may be either parmchymatous (PI. 47. fig. 19) or prosenchy? matous (PI. 47. fig. 20). In other cases two sorts of cells occur arranged in a peculiar way ; some, smaller, containing chlorophyll, form a kind of network, the meshes of which are occupied by large uncoloured cells (see SPHAGNUM and LEUCOBRYUM). The margins of the leaves are frequently serrated ; and the upper surface is occasion- ally papillose, or covered with rough points. Magn. 50 diams. MOSSES. MOSSES. Many of them have one or more distinct nervules, composed of elongated cells, often not reaching- the apex of the leaf. The leaves often differ on different parts of the stem ; and we hence have radical, cauline, and perichcetial or involucral leaves, the last ordinarily forming a kind of rosette, in the midst of which the reproductive or- gans are produced. SCHISTOSTEGA exhibits two forms of stems, with two kinds of folia- ceous structure : the stems which terminate in a sporange have leaves only at the upper part, and these arranged in eight rows standing crosswise on the stem, like ordi- nary leaves ; the barren stems have two rows of leaflets arranged in one plane on the stem, like the leaflets of a compound leaf (such as that of the Acacias) of Flowering plants. The stem-leaves of many genera exhibit wing-like structures, hair-like ap- pendages, or peculiar forms of curvature (tigs. 242-246, FISSIDENS); others, like Fig. 463. Fig. 464. Barbula chloronotus. Fig. 463. Leaf with cellular filaments at the tip. Magn. 30 diams. Fig. 464. Leaf with cellular filaments crowded on the midrib, with an awn-like prolongation. Magn. 20 diams. certain Barlults (figs. 463-466), have col- lections of cellular filaments on the upper- side. The outer leaves surrounding the repro- ductive organs are called perichcetial, and sometimes they form the only envelopes ; sometimes, however, a few small leaves, differing very much from the above, form the immediate envelopes of the archegones ; and these perigonial leaves, forming the perigone, are developed after the reproduc- tive organs themselves (as is the case also with the perigone of the Hepaticae). The perigonial leaves either overlap and cover-in the reproductive organs, or they are keeled at the base and turned back above, so as to expose the organs of reproduction (PoLY- TRICHUM). The Mosses have no roots, their function Fig. 466. Barbula chloronotus. Fig. 465. Cross-section of 463. Magn. 50 diams. Fig. 466. Cross-section of 464. Magn. 50 diams. being performed by root-hairs or rhizoids, usually brown. The young reproductive organs consist of antheridia, and archegonia or pistillidia, which are found either together (fig. 467), Fig. 467. Fig. 468. Bryum nutans. Fig. 467. Inflorescence of antheridia and archegonia. Magn. 25 diams. Fig. 468. Spermatozoids from antheridia. Magn. 600 diams., the cilia omitted. or on different parts of the same plant, or on different individuals of the same species. Fig. 469. Mnium arcticum. Antheridial inflorescence. Magnified 25 diameters. To these structures the term inflorescence is applied. The antheridia occur either with the archegones in one perigone (fig. 467) or MOSSES. [ 512 ] MOSSES. in the axils of the upper leaves of the stem, which terminates in a perigone containing archegones ; or they have a special perigone (fig. 4G9), either on the same plant, or on a different one from that which bears the archegones. The antheridia are globular, oval (fig. 467), or elongate membranous sacs composed of cellular tissue, red or Fig. 470. Fig. 471. Fig. 472. Fig. 473. Fig. 470. Cosoinodon pulvinatus. Capsule enclosed in the calyptra, with the vaginule below. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 471. Orthotrichum Hutchinsii. Capsule covered by the calyptra, with the vaginule below. Magn- 10 diams. Fig. 472. Ditto. Calyptra, Magn. 25 diams. Fig. 47i>. O. stramineum. Vaginule. Magn. 25 diams. yellow when ripe, filled with minute cells? which escape by the bursting of the apex of the sac ; and these cells exhibit a fibre coiled in their interior, which circulates rapidly, even before the expulsion from the antheridium, and after a time breaks out of its cell (fig. 468, and PI. 40. fig. 33), and moves rapidly in the water under the mi- croscope (see ANTHERIDIA). The anthe- ridia are generally accompanied by cellular filaments which have received the name of paraphyses (fig. 23, p. 57) ; no physiological office is attributed to these ; but the anthe- ridia are the male organs. The archegone of the Mosses (figs. 30, 31 (p. 71), 467), like that of the Hepatic (excepting Anthoceros), is a flask-shaped cellular case, the epigone, containing an embryonal cell at the bottom of its cavity. This embryonal cell becomes gradually de- veloped by cell-division into a conical body elevated on a stalk, which at length tears away the walls of the flask-shaped epigone by a circular fissure, and carries the upper part upwards as a hood, while the lower part remains as a kind of collar round the base of the stalk (figs. 470-472) ; the latter is termed the vaginula (fig. 473) ; the cap- like portion carried upwards on the spo- range is called the calyptra (figs. 470-472). The sporanye, elevated more or less by the Fig. 474. Fig. 475. Fig. 474. Tayloria serrata. Dimidiate calyptra. Maim 25 diams. Fig. 475. Funaria hygrometrica. Section of young capsule, showing the columella. Maan. 50 diams. development of its stalk (seta or peduncle}, is gradually converted by internal changes into a hollow urn-like case, usually with a stalk-like column (columella) running up its centre (figs. 50, 475), the space between the central column and the side walls be- coming filled with free spores, which are minute cells with a double coat, the outer of which exhibits elegant markings (see SPORES). In some cases this hollow case does not burst naturally, but the spores MOSSES, C 513 ] MOSSES. escape by its decay (ASTOMUM, fig. 60). In the ANDIL?EACE.E (fig. 11, p. 41) the sporange bursts by vertical slits, so as to Fisr. 476. Fig. 477. Fig. 476. Coscinodon pulvinatus. Fragment of peri- stome. Magn. 100 diams. Fig. 477. Barbula flavipes. Fragment of peristome. Magn. 100 diams. be divided into valves, as in the Junger- manniese, and there is no column in the sporange here j but the valves do not sepa- rate at their summits, and the character of the leafy stem at once distinguishes these Fig, 478. Fig. 479. Fig. 478. Phascum serratum. Sessile sporange enclosed by few leaves. Magn. 15 diams. Fig. 479. Pottia trtmcata. Operculnm separating from the sporange. Magn. 10 diams. Mosses from the Hepaticse. The ordinary, however, in the Mosses is the forma- tion of a horizontal slit near the top of the sporange, so that the upper part falls off like a lid (operculum, fig. 479). The sporange of the Mosses exhibits a very complex anatomical structure, which we have not space to enter into very mi- nutely : it will suffice to state that the lower part next the peduncle is sometimes enlarged into a thickened mass, called the apophysis ; sometimes the peduncle is veiy long, sometimes very short (Phascum, fig. 478), so that the sporange is hidden in the perichsete ; finally, the mouth may either exhibit a smooth edge (fig. 479), or a single Fig. 480. Cinclidium arcticum Part of double peristome, the inner processes united into a plaited membrane in the centre. Magnified 100 diameters. . ... (figs. 476, 477) or double (figs. 483 ; 484) fringe of veiy variously constructed teeth, which are of great service in discriminating the genera. When the mouth of the spo- range is naked, the Mosses are called gym- nostomom, when furnished with only a single row of teeth haploperistomous. When a double peristome exists, the outer con- sists of teeth, the inner of processes or cilia (fig. 483) or of both (E-rt/um). The teeth sometimes arise directly from the mouth of the sporange, sometimes are seated on a basal membrane, sometimes connected to- gether irregularly (FUNAKIA, fig. 259, p. 342), or by regular bars (GUEMBELIA, fig. 291, p. 366), or the whole of the inner circle may be conjoined entirely (BUXBAUMIA, iig. 93, p. 126) or at the tips (fig. 480) into a membrane, or by a number of cross bars into an open trellis (fig. 484). . The. outer rows of teeth are continuations of the inner layers of tissue of the sporange (fig. 481) ; 2L MOSSES. [ 514 ] MOSSES. where an inner circle occurs they are con- tinuations of the spore-sac ; the outer wall of the sporange is, as it were, continued by the operculum. Ordinarily these do not separate directly from each other when the lid falls off, since one or several layers of elastic cells, forming a ring (annulus, fig. 482) round the mouth, split out from between the sporange and its lid, and cause the latter to fall off. The spores are developed in a distinct epore-sac, which has one layer next the wall of the capsule, and an inner layer next the Fig. 481. Fig. 482. Fig. 481. Kacomitrium fasciculare. Section of margin of sporange, with a tooth of the peristome. Mogn. 100 cliams. Fig. 482. Bryum ctespiticium, annulus. Magn. 100 diams. Fig. 483. Orthotrichum diaphanum. Portion of double peristome, the outer composed of teeth, the inner of cilia. Magn. 50 diams. Fig. 484. Neckera antipyretica. Double peristome, the inner composed of teeth united by cross bars, forming a trellis. Magnified 100 diameters. columella. The top of the columella ex- pands into a kind of pseudo-operculum in Polytrichum. In Phascaceae the columella is absorbed. Allusion has been made to the sexual im- port of the antheridia and archegonia. In the reproduction of the Mosses the spores produce a confervoid filament or protonema, from the sides of which the young plants with stem and leaves shoot ; and on these the antheridia and archegonia are formed. From the embryo-cell of the fertilized archegonium arises the sporogonium, in which the spores are formed. The Mosses exhibit a variety of forms of vegetative multiplication. The lower part of the stem often sends out horizontal branches, which root and produce buds (fig. 485), from which arise new leafy stems ; Fig. 486. Polytrichum undulatum. Creeping filaments with innovations. Magnified 5 diameters. and in this way, patches of moss frequently increase to a great size. They also produce confervoid filaments, which exhibit tuberous thickenings, a form of gemma (figs. 488, 489), which may be detached from each other like bulbils, so as to propagate the plants without any sexual reproductive organs. The protoplasm of these confervoid fila- ments also forms Amoeboid bodies, and gonidia or ciliated zoospores (Hicks). Gemma or minute cellular tubercles, capable of development into new plants, are likewise met with in other situations, as in the axils of leaves, on the surface, the margins (fig. 490), or at the tips (figs. 486, 487) of the leaves or the stems (fig. 491) : these are formed of only a few cells at the time they fall off, and illustrate well the MOSSES. [ 515 ] MOSSES. Fig. 486. Fig. 487. Orthoti'ichum phyllanthum. Leaves with gemmae at the tips. Magnified 25 diameters. independence of the individual cells forming the organs of these plants, where, tinder peculiar circumstances, a single cell of the tissue may be developed so as to lay the foundation of a new plant. In the following arrangement of the Mosses we follow Miiller. The order Mus- Fig. 488. caceae is first divided into two suborders according to the habit of growth : ACROCARPI. Mosses with the fruit- stalk terminating the stem, or short special branches (Cladocarpi). PLEUROCARPI. Mosses with the fruit- stalk produced only from lateral buds. Synopsis of the Families. ACROCARPI. * Schistocarpi. Capsule without a lid (operculuni), opening by longitudinal fissures. ANDRJEACE^:. Capsule splitting into four valves. ** Cleistocarpi. Capsule without a lid, bursting open irregularly. BRUCHIACE^. Cells of the leaf (areola- tioti) parenchymatous, looser at the base, not papillose, dense. PHASCACEJE. Areolation of the leaf parenchymatous, dense, filled with chloro- phyll, more or less papillose. EPHEMERE-E. Areolation of the leaf parenchymatous, everywhere lax, not papil- lose. Fig. 490, Fig. 491. Hedwigia ciliata. Creeping filaments with tuber-like gemmae. Fig. 488, magnified 50 diameters. Fig. 489, magnified 20 diameters. Fig. 490. Orthotrichum Lyellii. Leaves with mar- ginal gemmae. Magn. 50 diams. Fig. 491. Aulacomnium undulatum. Gemmae in the place of the capsule. Magn. 20 diams. 2L2 MOSSES. [ 610 ] MOSSES. *** Stegocarpi. Capsule bursting by a lid. Distichophylla. Leaves arranged in two straight roios. a. Leaves regularly vertical. SCHISTOSTEGE^E. b. Leaves regularly subvertical. DBEPANOPHYLLEJE. c. Leaves horizontal. DJSTICHIACE^:. Areolation of the leaves parenchymatous, minute ; leaves without appendicular laminae. FISSIDENTEJE. Areolation of the leaves parenchymatous ; leaves produced into ap- pendicular laminae at the back and point. Polystichophylla. Leaves arranged in three or more straight alternating rows. a. Leaves exhibiting narrow green cells, forming a reti- culation between larger diaphanous cells. LEUCOBBYACE^E. Leaves composed of several layers of columnar, empty, paren- chymatous cells; the 'intercellular' green cells three- to four-angled, interposed be- tween the empty cells in a single curved row. SPHAGNACE^;. Leaves composed of a stratum of empty prosenchymatous cells, with intercellular green cells interposed between all the empty cells. Cladocarpous, branches fasciculate. b. Leaves without ' intercellular ' cells. a. Leaves not papillose. 1. Loosely areolated. FUNABIOIDEJE. Areolation of the leaf parenchymatous, lax, containing much chlo- rophyll. DISCELTACE^. Areolation of the leaves rhomboid-prosenchymatous, destitute of chlorophyll, empty, fuscescent. BUXBAITMIACEJE. Areolation of the leaf hexagonal or polygonal, very minute, dark- coloured, destitute of chlorophyll. 2. Densely areolated. MNIOIDE^:. Areolation of the leaf in parallelograms at the base, round-hexago- nally parenchymatous towards the apex ; very full of chlorophyll, or more frequently thickened (very rarely papillose). BBYACE^. Areolation of the leaf prosen- chymatous, ordinarily rhomboidal, abound- ing with chlorophyll. DICBANACEJE. Cells of the leaf prosen- ' chymatous, very often intermixed with parenchymatous cells (rarely scabrously pa- pillose), alar basilar cells ordinarily crowded and ventricose, or flat and much more loosely reticulated than the upper cells. LEPTOTBICHACE^S. Cells of the leaf rhombic at the base, rectangular or both mixed further up, smooth, without proper alar cells. b. Leaves papillose. BABTBAMIOIDE^:. Cells of the leaves parenchymatous, square, ordinarily nodu- lose or scabrous with papillae at the trans- versal sides, never opaque. POTTIOIDEJE. Cells of the leaves paren- chymatous, square, ordinarily covered on all sides with papillae above 'the base, but smooth and pellucid at the base. DIPHYSCIACEJE. Leaves of two kinds ; the cauline with the cells densely hexa- gonally parenchymatous, abounding with chlorophyll, the perichaetial leaves with the cells destitute of chlorophyll and more loosely reticulated. PLEUROCARPI. Distichophylla. Leaves arranged in two opposite rows. PHYLLOGONIACEJE. Tristichophylla. Leaves (twanged in three rows, appearing like three, erect, of two forms. HYPOPTEBYGIACEJE. Cells of the leaf everywhere prosenchymatous, equal. Polystichophylla. Leaves arranged in four or more rows. MNIADELPHACFJE. Cells of the leaf parenchymatous, Mnioid. HYPNOIDEJE. Cells of the leaf prosen- chymatous, rhombic or rounded. feiBL. Hooker, Taylor, and Wilson, Bryol. Brit. ; Bruch and Schimper, Bryol. Eur. Schimper, Cor. Bryol. Eur. 1855; Flora, 1850, 681 ; Hedwig, Theoria general. ; Bri- del, Bryol. Universa ; Miiller, Syn. Muse, frond. ; Dillenius, His. Muse. ; Lanzius- 'Beninga, Nova Acfa, xxii. 555 ; Hofmeister, Vergl. Unters. 1837 : Ber. Sachs. Gesell Wws. 1854; Flora, 1855, 434; Valentine, Linn. Tr. xviii. 490; Hicks, Linn. Tr. xxiii. 1862,567; Braithwaite, Mosses; Stevenson, Myc. Scot. 1879 ; Tripp, Br. Mosses, fgs. of spec. ; Hervey, American Sea-mosses, 1881 ; MOTH, CLOTHES. [ 517 ] MOUTH. Sachs, Bot. 359 ; Janczewsky, Bot. Zeit. 1872. MOTH, CLOTHES. See TINEA. MOTHER CELL, or PAHENT CELL, the term commonly applied to the cell in the interior of which a new generation of cells is developed. MOTHER-OF-PEARL. See SHELL. MOUGEO'TIA. A genus of Zygnema- cese (Confervoid Algas), distinguished by the conjugation of the filaments taking place without the formation of transverse pro- cesses, the conjugating filaments being ge- niculately bent. There is still obscurity as to the mode of reproduction of the plants of this genus. According to Vaucher, a spore is formed in one of the conjugating cells, without transfer of contents, and this, ger- minating in situ, breaks out from the pa- rent cell. Hassall says the plants are re- produced by zoospores ; this has been con- firmed by Kiitzing, who, together with Itzigsohn, has observed the formation of small rounded re sting-spores in the joints, which underwent segmentation and deve- loped a number of smaller cells, the ultimate fate of which was not observed. All this tends to prove that the reproduction agrees with that of Spirogyra, where we have : 1. large conjugation-spores, sometimes ger- minating in situ, producing iii some cases new filaments, in others zoospores ; 2. zoo- spores produced immediately from the con- tents ; and 3. what appeared to be encysted forms of these (see SPIROGYRA). M. genvfvexa, Ag. (fig. 139, p. 205). The cells are about 1-720" in diameter in large specimens (M. major, Hass.), and about three or four times as long ; in smaller specimens (M. gemtflexa, Hass., M. gracilis, Kiitz.) the diameter is about 1-200", the length of the cells five or six times as great. In fig. 139 the lowest filament does not belong to the genus: but the method of conjugation of Mougeotia is seen in the one above. M. leer's, Archer, is an Irish form. BIBL. Vaucher, Conf. d'eau douce, 79, pi. 8; Hassall, Alg. 171, pi. 40; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 43 5 Tab. Phyc. v. pis. 1-3 and 36; Itzigsohn, Bot. Zeit. xi. 081, 1853 ; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 255 ; Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1867. MOULDS and MILDEWS. These names are generally applied indifferently to a multitude of Hyphomycetous, Phycomy- cetous and Coniomycetous Fungi; but some of the more common ones are especially distinguished. Thus ordinary ' blue mould ' of cheese, &c. is ASPERGILLUS glaucus\ another still more common blue or green mould is PENICILLIUM glaucum ; various species of OIDIUM and ERYSIPHE are known as the mildews of the Hop, Vine, Rose, &c. The mildew of wheat is PUCCINIA graminis. MOUNTING. See PRESERVATION. MOUSE, HAIR OF (PL 1. fig. 3 ; PL 29. figs. 27, 28). See HAIR OF ANIMALS and TEST-OBJECTS. MOUTH. The mucous membrane of the mouth, which becomes continuous with the skin at the lips, is furnished with very numerous conical or filamentous papilla3 resembling those of the skin, sometimes simple, at others branched, and a number of mucous glands. Its epithelium is of the pavement kind, consisting of several layers of delicate cells ; these are roundish in the deeper, flattened and polygonal in the superficial layers. Epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the human mouth : a, large, 6, smaller cells ; c, one with two nuclei. Magnified 350 diameters. The glands, distinguished, according to their situation, as the labial, the buccal, and the palatal glands, are rounded, about 1-36 MOUTH. [ 513 ] MUCEDINES. to 1-6" in size, and open by short excretory ducts into the mouth. They consist of glandular lobules enveloped in areolar tissue with elastic fibres, the whole being sur- rounded by a firmer portion or capsule, and a branched duct. The lobules are composed of a number of convoluted canals or lobular Fig. 493. Human racemose mucous gland from the floor of the cavity of the mouth, a, areolar coat ; 6, excretory duct ; c, glandular caeca; d, lobular ducta. Magnified 50 diameters. ducts, with simple or compound caeca or glandular vesicles, each consisting of a Fig. 494. The ducts of the lobules have a coat of connective tissue, with networks of fine elastic fibres, and a single layer of cylindrical epithelial cells. Fig. 495. Diagram of two lobular ducts of a mucous gland, a, common duct ; 6, lobular branch; c, glandular vesicles in situ; d, the same separated, and the ducts unfolded. Magnified 100 diameters. basement membrane and a single layer of angular epithelial cells. The latter separate very readily; and then the caeca appear filled with a granular mass- Two glandular vesicles of a human racemose mucous gland, a, basement-membrane; b, epithelium, side view ; c, the same in surface view. Magnified 100 diameters. The mucous liquid of the mouth con- tains, in addition to detached epithelial cells, very transparent corpuscles, about 1-2000 to 1-1500" in diameter, consisting of a delicate cell-wall, a nucleus, with a number of minute moving molecules. We have figured these among the TEST-OBJECTS (PI. 1. fig. 5). They are called mucous or salivary corpuscles. Kolliker regards them as a form of exudation corpuscles : and this view is probably correct ; for they may occur in the secretion of any mucous surface, and have no special connexion with the salivary glands : we have found them in myriads in the urine. The secretion of the mouth frequently contains very slender filaments of a fungus (LEPTOTHRIX), with species of Monas and of Vibrio. BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An. ii. ; Sebastian, Rech. An. s. I. gland, labial. ; Webb, Qu. Jn. Med. Sri. 1857; y?*Td,Todcr8Cycl.An.&c.'j Klein in Strieker, Hist. i. MUCEDINES. A family of Hyphomycetous Fungi, forming moulds and mildews upon living or decaying animal or vegetable substances, and contributing to their decomposition, character- ized by a flocculent mycelium bearing erect, continuous or sep- tate, simple or branched, tubular pllucid filaments, terminating in single spores or strings of spores, which soon separate from each other, and lie among the filaments of the mycelium. This tribe includes a number of the most MUCEDINES. [ 619 ] MUCEDINES. interesting of the microscopic fungi, noted for their destructive influence upon organic bodies which they attack. The species of Botrytis, Oidium, &c. spread with won- derful rapidity as mildews over the herba- ceous parts of vegetables and moist vege- table substances generally; in the former situations their spores enter the stomata, their mycelia ramifying among the subjacent cells, and carrying decomposition and decay into all the soft structures. They are most abundantly developed in a close, damp at- mosphere. The mycelia of other kinds, as of PENICILLIUM, growing in liquids con- taining organic matter, or upon decaying vegetable substances, produce remarkable chemical decompositions, causing a fer- mentation of the medium in which they exist. See PENICILLIUM and FERMENTATION. Synopsis of British and nearly allied Genera. A. Fertile filaments (pedicels) simple or branched, terminating in single spores or a very short row. * Spores simple. Botrytis. Pedicels erect, septate, branched ; branches and branchlets septate ; spores solitary, on the tips of the branch- lets, which are either racemose, umbellate, cymose (Polyactis), paniculate, verticillate (Acrostalagmus), spicate (Haplaria) or ca- pitate. Peronospora. Like Botrytis, but the pedicels without septa; often producing resting-spores. Verticillium. Pedicels erect, septate, with whorled branches terminating in a solitary spore or a short row of spores. Acremonium. Pedicels short, subulate, branches from a horizontal filament, bearing single smooth spores. Zyyodesmus. Like the last, but with echinulate spores. Oidium. Pedicels simple, short, erect, clavate, septate, bearing usually one, some- times two more or less oval spores. Fasidium. Pedicels very short, pulvinate. Spores elongate, fusiform. Menispora. Pedicels erect, septate, bear- ing fusiform or cylindrical spores, at first joined in bundles. Sceptromyces. Pedicels erect, geniculate, verticillately branched ; branches short, race- mose ; spores in grape-like bunches. ** Spores septate. Brachycladium. Pedicels branched above, septate, moniliform; branches and branchlets forming a sporiferous capitulum; spores transversely septate. Trichothecium. Pedicels interwoven in tufts, the central erect, fertile ; spores acro- genous, didymous, free, commonly loosely heaped together. Cephalothecium. Pedicels simple, con- tinuous, bearing a terminal head of didymous spores. B. Erect filaments (pedicels) terminating in strings of spores. * Spores simple. Penicillium. Pedicels erect, septate, peni- cillately branched above ; branches and branchlets septate ; strings of spores attached to the tips of the branches. Sporotrichum. Pedicels erect, simple or slightly branched, septate and articulate, articulations remote, inflated ; spores simple, usually found collected in heaps among the filaments. Briarea. Pedicels erect, septate, with terminal moniliform chains of spores, crowded into a head. Gonatorrhodon. Pedicels erect, septate, with chains of spores in a terminal head and in whorls at the joints. ** Spores septate. Dendryphium. Pedicels erect, septate, unbranched ; strings of spores attached in a bunch to the apex ; spores septate. Dactylium. Pedicels erect, septate, branched above; strings of septate spores attached singly or in pairs to the apices of the branches. C. Fertile filaments (pedicels} inflated at the tips or at various points in their length, with projecting points or warts on the inflations, bearing * Simple spores. Aspergillus. Pedicels continuous, erect, simple filaments, inflated into a little head at the summit ; bearing moniliform chains of spores, crowded into a capitulum. Rhinotrichum. Pedicels erect, septate, sometimes sparingly branched, the apices clavate, cellular, bearing scattered points supporting simple spores. MUCOK. [ 520 ] MUCOIl. Papulaspora. Pedicels, short lateral "branches from a creeping filament, termi- nating in cellular heads beset with simple spores on the areolae. Rhopalomyces. Pedicels erect, not septate, terminating in cellular heads, with simple spores on the areolae. Stachylidium. Pedicels erect, articulated, whorled-branched above ; branchlets geni- culate and articulate ; spores subpedicellate, accumulated in little capituliform heads inserted at the tips of the branches. Gonatobotrys. Pedicels erect, septate, with joints swollen at intervals, the swollen joints bearing globular heaps of spores on short spines spirally arranged. Acmosporium. Pedicels erect, septate, branched above; branches and branchlets forming a cyme, thickened at the apex, and furnished with globular canitules covered all over with points j spores simple, attached on the points of the capitules. Haplotrichum. Pedicels erect, septate, terminating above in a continuous, simple, solitary, sporiferous head ; spores simple. , Actinocladium. Pedicels erect, septate, umbellately branched at the summit ; spores simple, accumulated at the tips of the branches. Botryosporium. Pedicels erect, septate, with short spine-like branchlets above, spi- rally. arranged, and terminating in four or five short points, which, support globular heads of spores. ** Spores septate. Arthrobotrys. Pedicels simple, septate, with joints swollen at intervals, the swollen joints clothed with spines bearing didymous spores, which are collected into globular heaps. Some of the species are mere conditions of perfect Fungi, as Hypoxylon and Claviceps. In several genera, sexual union like that in Tuber and Peziza takes place. ; MU 'COR, Micheli. A genus of Mucorini (Phycomycetous Fungi), forming a common mould on paste, decaying fruits, or other vegetable matters. The general character is that of an interwoven mass of hori- zontal branched filaments, sending down little root-like ramules, and pushing up erect, not septate, fertile filaments, which branch at the base in a stoloniferous man- ner, and thus form loosely grouped tufts. At the summit of the erect filaments, a globular vesicle is formed, which soon be- comes cut oft' by a septum. Its contents become divided into a large number of spores ; and the septum at the base becomes meanwhile pushed up or protruded into the centre of the vesicle so as to form a kind of " core," called the columella. After a time the vesicle (peridiole) bursts and discharges Fig. 496. Fig. 497. Mucor ]Vf u< cdo. (Aseophoia foim.) Fig. 496. Nat. size, growing on a leaf. Fig. 497. Single fertile filaments, with the columella collapsed, and fallen like a cap over the end. Magn. 50 its spores ; the pressure of the turgid colu- mella apparently hastens the bursting. The dehiscence takes place either by a circular slit just above the base of the columella, leaving this alone, surrounded by a narrow ragged collar (Mucor), or the peridiole bursts above and disappears by solution, and the columella collapses upon the pedicel (Ascophora, fig. 497). The membrane of the peridiole of M. tilucedo, and perhaps of other species, is clothed with minute spines. The erect filament is sometimes simple, sometimes branched. It has been conjec- tured, though on what grounds is uncertain, that the columella may become converted into a second peridiole, by being shut off by a septum which is converted into a new columella. It has been imagined that ACHLYA is only an aquatic form of Mucor] and this- seems not improbable ; however, the expe- MUCOK. [ 521 ] MUCOKINL ri merits we have made on this point have hitherto given negative results. The species of Jfrucor described by authors are pretty numerous; but we think consider- able allowance for variation should always be made in this genus. RHIZOPUS, Ehr. = Mucor when distinctly stoloniferous. It seems very doubtful whether HYDROPHORA should be separated from Mucor. Conju- gation takes place in one or two species. * Fertile filaments simple. M. Mucedo, L. (figs. 496, 497). Myce- lium byssoid, peridiole and spores globose, at first white, ultimately blackish. (This includes Ascophora Mucedo, Tode.) Ex- tremely common. Sowerby, Fungi, pi. 378. fig. 6 ; Greville (Ascophora} ,'Cn/pt. Fl. pi. 269. M. caninus, Pers. Mycelium byssoid, peridiole globose, ultimately yellow or fer- ruginous ; spores globose or elliptic. Very common on excrement of dogs and cats in wet weather. Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 305. M . fusiger, Lk. Mycelium byssoid. Peri- diole globose, ultimately black ; spores spin- dle-shaped. On decaying fungi. M. clavatus, Lk. Mycelium byssoid. Cla- vate apices of the fertile filaments simply penetrating the globose peridiole ; spores globose, at first white, then brown, at length black. On rotten pears ; possibly only a state of M. Mucedo or the following. M. amethysteus. Mycelium thick, white, closely interwoven. Peridiole at first white, then pale yellow, then crystalline and pure violet, finally violet-black or brownish j spores globose, filled with globose spori- dioles (?). Fertile filament 1-40" high. On rotten pears with the foregoing. M. delicatulus, Berk. Mycelium form- ing a thin velvety stratum. Very minute ; fertile filaments short ; peridioles globose, pale yellow ; spores globose. On rotting gourds. M. succosus, Berk. Mycelium forming small, pulvinate, yellow, spongy masses. Peridiole very minute, globose, yellow, at length olive ; columella minute. On dead shoots of Aucuba. Berk. Ann. N. H. vi. pi. 12. fig. 15. ** Fertile filaments branched. M. ramosus, Bull. Mycelium woolly. Fertile filaments racemose. Peridioles glo- bose, yellow, then bluish-grey or reddish- brown. On rotting fungi. Bulliard, pi. 480. fig. 3. M. suUilissinms, Berk. Mycelium creep- ing, filaments exceedingly slender. Fertile filaments branched, the short patent branches each terminating in a globose peridiole ; spores oblong, elliptical. A mildew of onions. Berk. Hart. Jn. iii. 97. figs. 1-5. BIBL. Berk. Br. Flora, ii. pt. 2. 332; Ann. 433 ; Hort. Jn. iii. 91 ; Fries, Summa Veg. 487 ; Syst. Myc. iii. 318 ; Fre- senius, Beitr. z. Mycologie, heft i. 4, 1850 ; v. Tieghem, Ann. Sc. N. 1875, i. 5 : Brefeld, Flora, 1873. MUCORI'NL A family of microscopic Phycomycetous Fungi, constituting the moulds, &c. common on most decaying vegetable and animal substances, consisting of a filamentous mycelium, forming flocks and clouds in or on decaying matters, bear- ing vesicles, on erect pedicels or sessile, filled with minute sporules, discharged by the rupture of the vesicles (peridioles). These plants correspond among the theca- sporous Fungi to the Mucedines among the acrosporous or free-spored orders. The peridiole consists of the terminal cell of an erect filament, enlarged like the head on a pin, into a globular vesicle. At first the cavity of this vesicle communicates with that of the pedicel ; but a septum is soon formed ; in some genera this septum is flat, in others projecting into the interior of the peridiole like the " punt" of a bottle, form- ing a hemispherical or cylindrical columella. While this columella rises in the peridiole, the latter becomes filled with spores, form- ing thus a polysporous sporange; and it bursts to let them escape. The manner of bursting of the sporange and the form of the central column vary much, and afford generic characters. Thel- actis presents a remarkable peculiarity : each filament terminates in a sporange containing a great number of spores, while at its base it gives origin to whorls of branches, the terminal cells of which remain sterile. Syzygites exhibits conjugation of its branches, like that of the Zygnemaceze. Some observations of De Bary tend to show that the genus Eurotium only repre- sents certain conditions of Aspergillus. In some cases the lower threads are enor- mously developed, where, from excessive moisture, the fruit cannot be produced. Two different forms of fruit occasionally occur in the same thread, as in Ascophora elegans. Synopsis of British Genera. Phycomyces. Peridiole pear-shaped, se- parated from the apex of the erect pedicel MUCOUS CORPUSCLES. [ 522 ] MUSCA. by ail even joint; opening by an umbilicus. Spores oblong, very large. Filaments cses- pitose, tubular, continuous, and shining. Hydrophora. Peridiole subglobose, mem- branous, dehiscent, at first crystalline, aque- ous, then turbid, and at length indurated, persistent. Columella absent; spores simple, conglobated. Mucor. Peridiole subglobose, separating like a cap (leaving an annular fragment attached) from the erect, simple, continu- ous pedicel, or bursting irregularly ; colu- mella cylindrical or ovate, spores simple. (?) Acrostalagmus. Peridioles globose, with a columella, at the points of doubly verticillate branches from an erect pedi- cel. Pilobolus. Peridiole globular, separating like a cap from the short stalk composed of a single cell, attached on a unicellular rami- fied mycelium ; columella conical ; spores very numerous, free in the peridiole. Syzygites. Filaments erect, simple, very much branched above, branches and branch- lets di- or trichotomous, fertile branches forcipate, bearing pairs of opposite internal clavate branches, which subsequently coa- hsce. MUCOUS CORPUSCLES. See MOUTH. MUCOUS MEMBRANES. Those in- ternal canals and cavities of the body which open externally, as the alimentary canal, bladder, &c., are bounded by what may be regarded as internal prolongations of the skin, called mucous membranes. They consist of four layers: 1, an inner- most or epithelial layer, corresponding to the cutaneous epidermis ; 2, a subjacent structureless basement membrane, which is not always separable and demonstrable or present; 3, a layer of variable thickness, consisting of connective and elastic tissue, well supplied with blood-vessels and nerves, often containing numerous small glands, frequently furnished with conical or filiform processes termed papillae or villi, and some- times traversed by muscular fibres. These three layers form the proper mucous mem- brane ; and are supported by, 4, an outer- most submucous layer or coat, composed of the same elements as the last, but much more lax in structure, and frequently con- taining fatty tissue. The mucous membranes are usually very vascular; and injected preparations of them are very beautiful, and to some extent cha- racteristic. The size and form of the epithelial cells are to a certain extent also characteristic, especially those of the uppermost layer; and a knowledge of the peculiar structure in individual cases is of use in determining the source of morbid mucous products mixed with epithelial cells. See the special articles. MUCRONEL'LA, Hincks, = ZeprZmpt. Zoary incrusting ; cells with a rounded or semicircular orifice, and an anterior tooth. Several species; on rocks, shells, and sea- weeds. (Hincks, Polyz. 360.) MUCUS. Natural mucus contains no essential morphological elements. As ordi- narily met with, it often, however, exhibits some epithelial cells, mucous corpuscles, and numerous granules; and the peculiar mucous matter has a striated or fibrous appearance, mostly produced artificially. The abnormal elements are principally those of inflammation. BIBL. See CHEMISTRY, ANIMAL. MUD. The organisms found in mud are very numerous ; they consist principally of Diatomaceaa and other minute Algae. The surface of mud is often covered with yel- lowish or greenish layers, composed almost entirely of these organisms. The most beautiful and most numerous forms of Dia- tomacese are found in the mud of sea-water, or that of tidal rivers. On exposing a bottle of mud and water to the light, they will rise to the surface of the mud, some adher- ing to the side of the bottle next the light, and can then be easily separated. The sur- face of freshwater-mud frequently appears of a blood-red colour, from the presence of Tubifex rtvulonim. M'UREX'IDE. See AMMONIA, PURPU- RATE OF. MURIATE OF AMMONIA. See AM- MONIA, HYDROCHLORATE OF. MU'RIFORM. The term applied to flattened six-sided cells placed one above the other in one or more rows, like bricks in a wall. MU 'SA, Tournef. A genus of Musacere (Monocotyledonous Flowering Plants), com- prising the Bananas and Plantains. The fibro-vascular bundles of Musa aftbrd ex- amples of spiral vessels with numerous spiral fibres (see SPIRAL STRUCTURES). Musa textilis affords the fibre called Manilla hemp (see PI. 28. fig. 7). See FIBROUS STRUCTURES. MUS'CA, Linn. A genus of Dipterous Insects, of the family Muscidae. Among the well-known species, all of MUSCACE^E. [ 523 ] MUSCLE. which have been formed into new genera, we may mention : Musca domestica, L., common house-fly. Third joint of antennae thrice the length of the second ; style plumose, eyes reddish brown, front of head white, the rest black ; thorax blackish grey with four longitudinal black bands, abdomen blackish brown above, with blackish elongated spots, pale yellow- ish brown beneath. M. carnaria, L. (Sarcophaga, Meigen), the flesh-fly. Antennae feathery; head golden-yellow in front, eyes reddish ; thorax grey, with black longitudinal lines; abdomen black, with four square white spots on each segment ; all the body strewed with black hairs. Viviparous, 1-2" long. M. Ctesar, L. (Lucilia, Donov.). No spots, abdomen green, with a metallic lustre. M. vomitoria, L. (CaUmhora t Donov.), bluebottle or blow-fly. Head yellowish, golden or white, eyes brown ; thorax black ; abdomen shining blue with black stripes and long black hairs. The larvae are known as gentles. The ova or larvae are deposited upon animal or vegetable substances, mostly in a state of decay, upon which they live. Several parts of the species of Musca are of general microscopic interest, as the proboscis (PI. 33. fig. 29) with its two fleshy lobes (c), kept expanded by a beautiful and elastic framework of modified tracheae ; the setae or lancets (6), which are modified maxilla, sometimes rudimentary, with their palpi (a) at the base ; the remarkable an- tennae (PI. 33. fig. 20) ; the elegant tarsus (PL 34. fig. 7 a), with its terminal spine, pulvilli (figs. 7, 8 & 9) and claws ; and the rudimentary wings or halteres (INSECTS, p. 432). Musca pumtlioms (Chlorops, Meig.) de- posits its eggs in the young wheat-grain, which is consumed and destroyed by the larvae. Many other members of allied families of Diptera, commonly known also as flies, are of microscopic interest, on account of their oral setae or lancet-like organs. BIBL. Westwood, Intr.; Macquart, Ins. Dipt. ; Meigen, Syst. zweiftiig. Insect. ; Keller, Stubenfliege ; Suffolk, Mn. Mic. Jn. i. 331 ; Lowne, on the Bloic-fly. MUSCA'CE/E. See MOSSES. MUSCARDINE. A disease in silk- worms, in which the whole of the sebaceous matter is exhausted, and the blood greatly- altered, by a species of mould, Sotrytis I bassiana, which is perhaps too near Botrytis ! diffusa, Grev. A few of the spores placed on the back of a healthy silkworm are sufficient to impregnate the whole body. It takes its name from the resemblance of the diseased caterpillar to a peculiar kind of pastile. BIBL. Balsamo, Gaz. de Milan, 1835 j Bibl. It. xxix. 1835; Robin, Veg. Par. 560; Guerin, Seric. 1849, 1850, 1851. MUSCLE. Muscular tissue forms the greater portion of the flesh of animals. It occurs in two principal forms ; one of which is termed organic, unstriated, or unstriped muscle; the other, voluntary, striated, or striped muscle. Unstriated muscle. This consists of more or less elongated, somewhat spindle-shaped, narrow fibres (p. 74, fig. 35), having the import of cells, and hence often called fibre- cells ; they are, however, solid. Each con- tains an elongated nucleus, brought to light by acetic acid, and exhibiting a reticular appearance. The fibres are of variable length (from about 1-580 to 1-250"), and 1-5000 to 1-3500" in diameter. They oft*':, appear longitudinally fibrous within; and the cell -wall is transversely wrinkled k They sometimes exist singly in the midst of connective tissue ; at others they are united into rounded or flattened bundles, and surrounded by an imperfect kind of I sarcolernma, composed of connective tissue i with elastic fibres. Fig. 498. Unstriated muscular fibres from the casophagus of a pig, after treatment with dilute nitric acid. Magnified 10 diameters. They occur most abundantly in the hol- low viscera, as the stomach, the intestines, the bladder, and the uterus ; but they also exist in other situations, as the spleen MUSCLE. MUSCLE. trachea and bronchi, the dartos, the arteries, veins, and lymphatics, the prostate gland, fallopian tubes, urethra, villi of the small intestines, the skin, iris, and beneath the long-pleura, &c. Striated muscle. The structure of striated is more complex than that of unstriated muscular tissue. It consists of a number of very slender fibres, called fibrillae, con- nected into bundles, termed primitive bun- dles or fasciculi, each of which is enclosed in a sheath or sarcolernma. The primitive bundles are again united into secondary and tertiary bundles, the whole being bound together by a mass of connective and elastic tissue surrounding each of them, and form- ing the perimysium. This arrangement is best seen in a transverse section (fig. 499). Fig. 499. Transverse section of a portion of the stern o-c)eido- ma'toideus: a, outer perimysium; ft, inner perimy- eium ; c, primitive and secondary muscular bundles. Magnified 50 diameters. Fig. 500. . Transverse section of the muscular fibres or primitive bundles of the human gastrocnemius: a, sarcolemma and interstitial connective tissue ; b, section of fibrillae and intermediate substance. Magnified 350 diameters. The primitive bundles are from about 1-1000 te 1-200" in diameter, and of a rounded or polygonal form (fig. 500). Their surfaces are marked by a number of trans- verse striae, which forms the most charac- teristic appearance of the tissue. They also exhibit irregular longitudinal striae, which are the indications of the component fibrillae (PI. 22. fig. 35). Fig, 501. 1 j Portion of a primitive bundle treated with acetic acid: a, sarcolemma ;6, single nucleus; c, twin nuclei surrounded by granules of fat. Magnified 450 diameters. The sheath or sarcolemma, when separated from the muscular substance by treatment with water, acetic acid, and alkalies, in which it is insoluble, forms a structureless, transparent and smooth membrane. It is perhaps most easily seen in the muscle of fishes by simple dissection (PL 50. fig. 18). On its inner side are numerous spindle- shaped or lenticular nuclei (fig. 501). The ultimate or primitive fibrillae in man are about 1-20,000" in diameter, and each exhibits numerous regularly alternating light and dark portions (PL 22. fig. 36 b) ; the relative positions of the two may, how- ever, be made to change by altering the focus ; but the dark bands are more highly refractive than the white. The ends of the fibrillae are distinguishable in transverse sections of the primitive bundles; and their lateral margins are perfectly straight. Different views have been taken of the structure of the fibrillae, and, in fact, of the general structure of muscle. Thus the ulti- mate fibrillae have been described as monili- form or beaded (PL 22. fig. 36 c) ; this ap- pearance, however, arises from an optical illusion, connected either with imperfection in the object-glasses used, viewing the object in too much liquid, or the use of too low an object-glass, and too high an eye-, piece. MUSCLE. [ 525 ] MUSCLE. Fig. 502. A, a primitive bundle, magnified 350 diame- It often happens, especially when muscle has been kept in spirit, that it separates trans- versely into a number of flat disks (fig.^502) ; hence it has been viewed as consisting of these disks. Again, as under certain conditions it separates longitudi- nally into fibrillae and transversely into disks, it has been supposed to consist of primitive par- ticles or * sarcous ele- ments ' united end to end as well as laterally. We admit the existence of the primitive fibrillse as original components of muscle, though there can be little doubt that the fibrillse are not ho- mogeneous, and of uni- form constitution either chemical or physical. On carefully examining them at different foci, it is seen that those por- tions of isolated fibrils which appear dark when ters, partly separated the margins of the fibrils {J^ ^^ mo?e are best in focus, are magnified, end view. more highly refractive than the intermediate portions, as shown by the greater luminosity they acquire on altering the focus of the object-glass; and that this focal effect does not arise from a lenticular form of the parts is evident from the straight condition of the margins of the fibrils. Hence these more highly refractive parts probably constitute the proper mus- cular substance, connected in the direction of their length by a different kind of sub- stance, which becomes brittle under the action of spirit, whilst the former does not ; for the line of separation into the disks occurs through the less highly refractive portions. And that these compound fibrils naturally exist, is shown by their being dis- tinguishable in a primitive bundle without the use of reagents, or even of mechanical means. It has always been supposed that the ulti- mate fibrils are composed of cells arranged end to end ; and the appearance represented in PI. 22. fig. 36 a, which is sometimes met with, might countenance this notion. But whenever it is seen, there is imperfect defi- nition, from the presence of too much liquid, or some other cause; for we have never observed it when the object was properly arranged and examined. On examining the tibrillse under a very high power, each white band is seen to be divided by a faint dark line, Krause's line or membrane, which is regarded as a trans- verse partition, the compartments being occupied by the true muscular substance ; and it is through this line, that the fibrils separate into the disks (PI. 22. fig. 36 d) ; or, often the same part appears bounded at each end by a transverse dark line (fig. 36 b), or both parts are traversed mesially by a trans- verse dark line. In some instances we have noticed a very delicate constriction, which would account for these appearances; but the explanation of this we have failed to discover. The dark portions of the various fibrilL-e of the primitive bundles being opposite to each other, gives rise to the coarser dark strise seen under a low power. But it often happens that by pressure or manipulation this natural relation is destroyed, the direc- tion of the striae is altered, and sometimes those of one bundle are made to alternate with those of the next. Hence arises an appearance of transverse or spiral fibres (PL 22. fig. 35) ; but none such really exist in muscle. Muscle consists chemically of a proteine compound called syntonine, resembling fibrine in many of its properties. By pressing muscles a liquid is obtained, contaiuiDg some peculiar organic substances. The unstriated and the striated muscular fibres have the same chemical composition. In regard to the development of muscle, it appears that muscular fibre proceeds from cells which elongate, each becoming fusi- form, and at the same time increasing enor- mously in thickness; the nucleus also in- creases, and the cell-contents become striated to form the muscle. The muscles are very vascular. The smaller branches of the vessels mostly run parallel to the primitive bundles in the perimysium, and anastomose by transverse or oblique branches. The bundles of transversely striated mus- cular fibres in many of the lower animals, and in the heart of man, are found to branch and form networks. This may be well observed in the muscles of the tongue of the frog. Schafer points out that the dark bands of the muscular fibrils of certain insects, as Dytiscus marginalis, are traversed by nume- MUSCLE. [ 526 ] MUSCLE. rous very slender parallel longitudinal mus- cle-rods (PI. 22. fig. 36 e). These extend at either end into the adjacent white bands, terminating in knotted ends; forming a row, running transversely across each white band. When muscular fibres are examined by polarized light, the sarcous elements are seen to be anisotropous or doubly refractive, while the intermediate substance is iso- tropous. They are also well supplied with nerves ; these mostly (always, Beale) terminate in a plexus of looped branches (fig. 603). Fig. 603. Termination of the branches of a nerve in a portion of the omohyoideus muscle, treated with caustic soda : a, meshes of the terminal plexus ; 6, loops ; c, muscular fibres. Magnified 350 diameters. In the Insects and Reptiles the nerves terminate in granular nucleated swellings, spread over the muscular bundles; their sheaths becoming continuous with the sar- colemma, the nerve-fibres branching off in various directions. Muscle undergoes important changes in disease. Wounds are filled up with connec- tive or tendinous tissue. In atrophy and fatty degeneration, the bundles become smaller, softer, more readily broken up, the transverse striae and fibrillae indistinct, or apparently absent, and contain yellowish or brown pigment-granules, with more or less numerous globules of fat (PI. 38. fig. 14 a), and sometimes a large number of nuclei or small cells. Muscular fibres with nerve-ends from Lacerfa viridii. A. Been in profile : P P, the terminal nerve expansion or plate ; SS, its support or base, consisting of a granu- lar mass with nuclei. B. The same, seen in a perfectly fresh muscular fibre. The interfascicular connective tissue is also sometimes increased in amount, and fatty tissues developed in it; or the muscular sub- stance is partially absorbed, and the sarco- lemma contracting gives the bundles a moniliform appearance (PI. 38. fig. 146). In tetanus, the fibres become varicose and often ruptured, and the striae closer. The muscular tissue of the lower Verte- brata and some of the Invertebrata agrees essentially in structure with that of man ; but the sarcolemma is often much thicker, the fibrillse larger, and the nuclei contained within the substance of the bundles, and sometimes arranged in regular linear series. The margins of the bundles are also some- times uneven, and rounded at regular inter- vals (PI. 22. fig. 35), giving the appearance of their being surrounded by fibres. In many of the lower members of the In- vertebrata, although the substance of the body is voluntarily contractile, no trace of fibres or bundles can be detected. The so-called muscle-corpuscles are placed in the interior of the fibre in the muscles of the heart ; and they are to be met with in Amphibia, Fishes, and Birds in the same position. MUSHROOMS. [ 527 ] MYRIANGIUM. To obtain the separate fibrillae of striated muscle, the tissue should "be macerated for about two hours in alcohol. This removes fatty matter, and renders the fibrillae more easily separable by dissection with mounted needles. The fibrillae are very minute; hence a very small portion of the tissue only should be taken for examination. That of fishes, the cod or the skate, or of reptiles, the frog, is the best for the purpose. Or, the bottom of a glass vessel is covered with chlorate of potash, slightly moistened with water, and four parts of nitric acid added. The whole is shaken, and a portion of muscle buried beneath the crystals with a glass rod. In half an hour, the inuscle is removed and placed in water, and strongly shaken, when it separates into the fibrillae (Kiihne). The unstriated muscular fibres are best seen in muscle which has been treated with dilute nitric or muriatic acid (1 part acid to 4 water). This renders them more opaque, and often curiously tortuous or spiral(fig.498). BIBL. Bowman, Todd's Cycl. art. Muscle, and Phil.Tr. 1840-41 ; Lebert, Ann. So. Nat. 3 se*r. xiii. ; Krause, Arch. An. u. Phys. h. v. 646, 1868; Moxon, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1866, 235; Doyere, Ann. Sci. Nat. s6r. 2. 1840 ; Kuhne, Brucke, Arnold, and Strieker, Strieker's Hist. vol. i. 1870; Quain's^tw. ; Brucke, Bau d. Muskel, Wiener Denkschr. xv. 79; Heppner, Schultze's Archiv.v. 1869; Schafer,PM Tr. v. 163, 429, 1873 ; Beale, How $c. 1880 j Nasse, Quergesfr Musk. 1882 ; Frej,Hist. 301. MUSHROOMS. See AGABICUS. MUSSEL. The species of Mollusca commonly known as mussels are of interest to the microscopist, on account of their ali- mentary canal containing Diatomaceae ; the same applies also to other marine and fresh- water Mollusca, as well as other animals living upon these minute Algse. If it be required to obtain the valves only, the entire animal may be dissolved in hot nitric acid, and the residue washed as usual in preparing the Diatomaceee. The gills of the common marine mussel, Mytihis edulis, are well adapted for the examination of the cilia and ciliary motion. Mussels also frequently contain the nurses and larvae ( Cercarue) of Distoma and other Trematoda. One of the Acarina, Hydrachnaconcharum, is found in the pallia! cavity or beneath the outer lamella of the branchial plates of the Naiadeae ( Unio, &c.). BIBL. Dickie, Ann. N. H. 1848, i. 322 ; Vogt, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. xii. MUSTARD. The best mustard consists of the ground seeds of Sinapis nigra (Cruci- ferse) ; but those of S. alba are largely em- ployed. The structure of these grains is very different from those of the substances most commonly employed for adulteration, for example, wheat-Hour, which is known by its starch-granules. Inferior samples con- tain variable quantities of the husk of the seed, which may be detected by the micro- scope. Mustard is generally coloured arti- ficially, especially when adulterated with white meals, by means of TUBMEBIC, the peculiar colour-cells of which are readily recognizable. See PI. 2. fig. 11 ; and Hassall, Food and Adulteration, 123. MYCE'LIUM. The vegetative part of the Fungi as distinguished from the fruit. Many fungi in a barren state have been described as genera, Himantia, Ozonium, Xylostroma. Mushroom-spawn is simply the mycelioid state of Agaricus campestris. The mycelium sometimes penetrates deeply into wood, rendering it of various colours, as green by Peziza ceruginosa, red by Corti- cium sanguineum, yellow by Hypoxylon luteum. BIBL. Berk. Outl 39 ; Crypt. Bot. 262. MYCETOZO'A. See MIXOMYCETES. MYCOIDEA. A genus of doubtful affi- nity, allied to Chroolepus', propagated by zoospores, also by sexual union, like Pythium and some other Saprolegnise. 1 sp. ; on the leaves of Camellia, in India (Linn. Tr. 2nd s. i. 301, figs.). MYCOP'ORUM, Hot. A genus of Lichenaceous Lichens. 3 sp., rare (Leighton, Lich. Flo. 437). MYELOPLAX'ES. See BONE, p. 111. MYLITTA, Fr. A genus apparently of Tuberacei (Ascomycetous Fungi). Mylitta australis, the native bread of the Australians, has not been found with perfect fruit ; but the structure is apparently that of Tuberacei. The other species are doubtful, and perhaps mere root-tubercules. BIBL. Cd. Ic. ; Berk. Ann. N. H. 1839, 326. MYOBIA, Heyd. See ACABUS, p. 5. > MYOCOP'TES, Clap. A genus of Aca- rina. M. musculimis, on the body of the mouse (Olaparede, Zeit. iviss. Zool. 18 ; Murray, EC. Ent. 325; Megnin, 156). MYO'MATA and MYXO'MATA. See TUMOBS. MYRIAN'GIUM, Mont, and Berk. A genus of Myriangiacei (Lichens). M. Du- riai on ash and elm, rare. (Leighton, Lich. Fl. 37). MYRIAPODA. [ 528 ] MY1IIONKMA. MYRIAP'ODA. A class of Artliropoda. Char. Wings none ; one pair of antennae ; legs numerous ; thorax not separated from the abdomen. These animals are commonly known as centipedes, millipedes, or hundred-legs. Body usually long, cylindrical or flattened, and consisting of numerous rings, joints, or somites. Head distinct, and the jointed legs, with a single claw, arranged on each side of the body throughout its length. A few of them are broad, short, and flattened, Fig. 504. lulus terrestris. Magnified 4 diameters. somewhat resembling wood-lice. Behind the antennae are laterally placed the eyes, which in some are absent; they usually consist of a group of ocelli. The structure of the trophi varies in the different genera. The labrum is small, and usually consolidated with the cephalic plate. The mandibles (PL 35. figs. 25, 26 b) are often large and powerful, somewhat resem- bling those of the spiders, and, like them, traversed by a canal, through which the duct of a poison-gland passes. The maxillae are smaller, softer, and furnished with two palpi. The labium (PI. 35. fig. 26 a) is often deeply cleft, its anterior and inner margin elegantly toothed ; and to it are attached the labial palpi (fig. 26 c). In some the labial palpi and mandibles are absent, the labium forming a kind of sheath or suctorial rostrum. The internal structure resembles that of the larvae of insects. The sexes are separate. The embryo, on escaping from the ovum, has but few legs, sometimes three pairs, at others none, the number being augmented each time the skin is cast ; the same applies to the ocelli. The Myriapoda live in dark places, be- neath the bark of trees, under dead leaves, stones, &c. They form very interesting objects when properly prepared and mounted. The small ones, when slightly compressed between two glasses, dried in that position, subse- quently macerated in oil of turpentine, and mounted in balsam, become very transpa- rent, and show the structure beautifully; the nervous ganglia and cords are often very distinctly seen in these specimens without dissection. The abdomen of the longer specimens should be slit up with fine scis- sors, and the viscera removed the integu- ment being gently compressed, and dried as above. BIBL.' Newport, Linn. Tr. xix. ; id. Phil. Tr. 1841 ; Gervais, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 2 stSr. vii. ; Leach, Linn. Tr. xi. ; Jones, TodcTs Cycl. An. iii. ; Fabre, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 1855, iii. ; Packard, Amer. Natural. i\. ; Cope, Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc. 1870 ; Lubbock, Linn. Tr. 1867; Nicholson, ZooL 310; Pas- coe, Zool. 90 ; Latzel, Myr. 1880. MYRIONE'MA, Grev. A genus of My- rioneinaceae (Fucoid Algae), consisting of minute epiphytic plants, forming patches of short, erect, simple, jointed filaments, spring- ing from a thin expanded layer of decum- bent cohering filaments. They are described as bearing oblong " spores ; " but these are probably sporanyes producing zoospores, and it is probable that they are accompanied by septate sporanges, as in Elachutea. M. strangulans. Patches convex, con- fluent j erect filaments clavate ; spores on the decumbent filaments; forms brown dots upon Ulva, or little rings round Entero- morphae. M. Leclancherii. Circular; erect fila- ments cylindrical, spores on the decumbent filaments j in patches 1-12 to 1-4" in dia- meter ; on decaying fronds of Hhodymenia and Viva. M. punctiforme. Patches globose ; fila- ments tapering to the base ; spores very narrow, fixed near the bases of the erect filaments ; on Ceramia and Chylocladia. M. clavatum', obscure. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 51 ; Grev. So. Crypt. Fl. pi. 300; Harv. Phyc. Br. pi. 41 A ; Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 391. MTRIONEMAOE2E. [ 529 ] MYXOMYCETES. MYRIOXEMA'CE.E A family of Fu- coideae. Olive-coloured sea-weeds, with a tuber-shaped or crustaceous spreading frond, sometimes minute and parasitical. Ovoid unilocular, and filamentous multilocular sporanges attached to the superficial fila- ments, and concealed among them. Leathesia. Frond tuber-shaped. Ralfsia. Frond crustaceous. Eldchistea. Frond parasitical, consisting of a tubercular base bearing pencilled erect filaments. Myrionema. Frond parasitical, forming a flat base, bearing cushion tufts of decum- bent filaments. MYRIOTHE'LA, Sars. A genus of Hydroid Zoophytes. Char. Polypes solitary, cylindrical, ter- minating in a conical proboscis, springing from an adherent chitinous base; tentacles small, capitate, covering the greater portion of the body ; gonophores clustering round the base of the polypes, and containing fixed sporosacs. M. Phrygia, on stones. BIBL. Sars, Zool. Reise in Lofoten; Gosse, Mar. Zool. 19 ; Hincks, Hyd. Zooph. 75. MYRIOTRICH'IA, Harv. A genus of Ectocarpaceaa (Fucoid Algae), consisting of minute epiphytic plants, forming tufts of capillary filaments on larger Algae. Fila- ments simple jointed tubes, set all over with minute, simple, spore-like ramules, which again are clothed with very slender, long, jointed filaments. Fructification composed of oval unilocular sporanges on the sides of the main axis, producing zoospores ; pro- bably also multilocular sporanges exist. M. claviformis. Main filament with quad- rifarious ramules, increasing in length up- wards; fronds 1-2" long, forming tufts on Chorda lomenlaria. M.JUiformis. Main filaments very long, often flexuous, set at irregular intervals with oblong clusters of minute papilliform ramules; 1" or more long; on Chorda lo- mentaria and Asperococcus echinatus. BIBL. Harv. Phyc. Br.; Mar. Alg. 63; Hook. Jn. Sot. i. 300. MYROTHE'CIUM, Tode. A genus of Stilbacei (Hyphomycetous Fungi). M. roridum, Tode, occurs on decayed plants, fungi, &c. It has no peridium, but consists of minute subcylindrical spores seated on a thin base, the whole forming a subgelatinous mass, which is exactly analo- gous to the fructifying mass of Phalloidei. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 323 ; Fries, Sum. Veg. 448 ; Cooke, Handb. 559. MYXASTRUM, Haeckel. A genus of Monera. Char. A simple shapeless protoplasm body without vacuoles, which protrudes simple or ramifying and anastomosing pro- cesses. Reproduction by radial fission. The encapsuled resting body divides into a great number of germs, whose longitudinal axis is radially directed towards the centre of the globular cyst. Each separate germ sur- rounds itself with a siliceous covering. The germs issuing from these spore-coverings at once assume the form of the full-grown organism. M. radians. Lanzerote, Canaries. BIBL. Haeckel, Monog. of Monera (Qu. Mic. Jn. ix. n. s. p. 342). MYXODIC'TYUM, Haeckel. A genus of Monera. Simple protoplasm bodies with- out vacuoles ; pseudopodia ramifying, ana- stomosing, and forming a net. Reproduc- tion probably by division, each individual producing new colonies. M. sociale. Bay of Algesiras. BIBL. Haeckel, Monera ( Qu. Mic. Jn. ix. n. s. 339). M YXOG AS'TRES = MYXOMYCETES. M YXOMYCE'TES. A family of minute Fungi, of curious and interesting structure, characterized by their development from a mucilaginous filamentous matrix, out of which arise sac-like dehiscent sporangia or peridia, emitting a very remarkable, often reticulated, filamentous structure, bearing the spores. The Myxomycetes grow upon bark of trees, decayed wood, or on leaves (especially under certain atmospheric conditions), or on the ground ; and their evanescent mycelium consists of diffluent mucilaginous proto- plasmic filaments of varied form and colour. In proportion as these acquire consistence, there is formed a crust common to the whole mass, divided within into chambers, or a number of individuals appear separate from it and associated on a common thal- lus. In the first case a single peridium is formed, which may be regarded as a com- mon peridium if we consider the inner cells as partial peridia soldered together, while in the second case each individual has its own peridium. This peridium, sessile or stalked, is composed of one or more mem- branous, papery, or crustaceous coats; in some cases where there are two coats, the outer is crustaceous and persistent, or it is extremely thin and membranous, and breaks up into deciduous scales. In the outer wall 2M MYXOMYCETES. [ 530 ] MYXOMYCETES. of some peridia, calcareous crystalloids are found. The mode of deliiscence varies. Sometimes an irregular opening is formed at the summit, as in Physarum ; sometimes the peridium opens like a little box, as in Craterium (fig. 145, p. 213) ; sometimes the upper half falls off, leaving a cup-shaped base, as in Arcyria ; or the membrane may be very delicate, and break up entirely into little scales, which fall off and leave the capillitium with its spores naked, as in Ste- monitis. The capillitium or sporiferous structure is formed of filaments, simple or branched, free and loose, or anastomosing so as to form a network (fig. 147, p. 214) ; in Trichia these have spiral markings, and resemble the elaters of Hepaticse (PL 40. fig. 39). The filaments are often elastic, and when the peridium bursts they rise from the bottom of it, forming a coloured, erect or drooping plume (Arcyria). In many species there is a stalk, columella or stylidium, in the centre of the capillitium. The spores appear to be produced upon these filaments by growing out from them in the manner of basidiospores. They are formed in vast numbers, and lie, when com- plete, on the branches and in the interstices of the capillitium. Ju germination, each spore liberates its entire protoplasm, which exhibits amoeboid movements, and protrudes pseudopodia, which anastomose as in Gromia. In some instances, these amoeboid bodies acquire cilia, resembling Monads. They then con- jugate, finally forming a sporangium, in which the capillitium with its very nume- rous spores are produced. Some authors regard these organisms as animal, but this opinion seems to rest upon partial views. Synopsis of British Genera. * TBICHIACEI. Primary mucilage con- joining several distinct peridia. Filaments of the capillitium free, entwined, elastic, or almost absent. Licea. Peridium subpersistent, mem- branous, bursting irregularly. Spores in heaps, with scarcely any filaments. Perichcena. Peridium persistent, mem- branous, bursting by a circumscissile slit. Filaments few, free. Trichia. Peridium simple, persistent, bursting irregularly at the summit. Fila- ments densely interwoven, elastic. Arcyria. Peridium simple, membranous, splitting all round at the base, the upper part very fugacious. Filaments densely in- terwoven, elastic. * STEMONITEI. Primary mucilage con- necting several distinct peridia. Filaments conjoined into a network, adnate or innate. Cribraria. Peridium simple, membra- nous, the upper part falling off. Filaments adherent in the interior, at length expand- ing into a free network above. Dictydium. Peridium simple, subglo- bose ; very delicately membranous, bur>lin^ indeterminately, leaving the filaments (in- nate) forming " a cage-like latticed capilli- tium. Stemonitis. Peridium simple, globose or cylindrical, delicately membranous, finally evanescent. Filaments forming a determi- nate capillitium, attached to a bristle-like central columella, and forming a network around it. Diacheea. Peridium simple, ovate-oblong, membranous, detached in fragments, leaving a radiately reticulate capillitium, with a floccose grumous pulverulent axis. Enertlienema. Peridium simple, globose, membranous, at length evanescent, laying bare a conical columella with a cup at the summit, bearing beneath ascending en- twined filaments. '* PHYSABEI. Primary mucilage spread- ing widely, passing into many peridia. Fila- ments adnate, straight, vague. Spores black. Craterium. Peridium simple, varied, papery, persistent, closed by a lid, which finally falls off. Capillitium somewhat chambered, formed of crowded filaments, at length erect. Physarum. Peridium simple, variable, naked, membranous, bursting irregularly. Capillitium floccose; filaments at first joined into a net or forked. Didymium. Peridium double ; the outer bark-like, breaking up into little furfura- ceous scales or mealy down, the inner mem- branous, bursting irregularly ; filaments vague, adnate to the peridium. Diderma. Peridium double ; outer crust- like, distinct, brittle, dehiscent, the inner very delicately membranous, evanescent ; filaments vague, adnate to the base. **** ^ETHALINEI. Primary mucilage producing one peridium. Spumaria. Peridium indeterminate, crustaceous, divided into cells by regular ascending folds, and finally falling away. No internal filaments. _ jEthalium. Peridium indeterminate, fra- gile, falling away, covered with a floccose MYXORMIA. [ 531 ] NAIDINA. bark externally, cellular internally by means of filaments conjoined into membranous layers. Reticularia. Peridium indeterminate, simple, naked, fugacious, bursting irregu- larly, laying bare "branched, reticulated ad- nate filaments. Lycogala. Peridium determinate, com- posed of a double membrane, membranous, somewhat warty, persistent, bursting at the summit. Filaments adnate on all sides of the peridium. BIBL. Schmitz, Linncea, xvi. 188; De Bary, Die Mycetozoa, 1864; Hofmeister, Phys. Bot. ii. 295 ; Cienkowsky, Jahr. wiss. Bot. iii. 325, 400 ; Kent, Inf. 470 ; Sachs, JRtf. 265; Cooke, Myxomyc.'l877. MYXOR'MIA, Berk, and Br. A genus of Coniomycetes, containing one species, M. atrovindis, forming minute cup-like bodies, on dead leaves of grass. It is allied to Exciptda, but differs in its concatenate spores being connected by a slender thread, which frequently breaks off with them; spores very gelatinous. BIBL. Berk, and Br., Ann. N. H. 2 ser. v. 457 ; Cooke, Handb. 459. MYXOT'RICHUM, Kze. A genus of Dernatiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), growing on rotten wood, paper, &c. Three British species : M. casium, FT. ; M. chartarum, Kze. ; and M. deflcxum, Berk. They form little tufts or downy balls, sending off radiating branched filaments. The spores are described as occurring collected in masses about the base of the threads. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 335; Ann. N. H. \. 260, pi. 8. fig. 9 ; Fries, Sum. Vey. 502 ; Syst. Myc. iii. 348 ; Church, Ann. N. H. 1862. MY'ZUS,Passerini. A genus of Aphidae. Four species; on the cherry-tree, peach and nectarine, red-currant and gooseberry. (Buckton, Aphides, i. 173.) N. NACCA'RIA, End!. A genus of Crypto- nemiaceae (Florideous Algee), containing one rare British species, N. Wiyyhii (PI. 4. fig. 18), usually thrown up from deep water. Its rose-coloured frond is 6 to 12" high, and consists of a branched filiform expansion, the central axis being about as thick as a crow-quill, the branchlets quadrifariously alternate and clothed with ramules about 1-12" long. The cells of the main axis and branches of the frond are large and empty in the centre, small and closely packed at the circumference ; the ramules are com- posed of jointed dichotomous filaments having a whorled arrangement, surrounded by gelatinous matter. The spores are borne on branches of the filaments of the ra- mules, the fertile ramules being swollen in the middle. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 152, pi. 20 D ; Phyc. Br. pi. 38 ; Greville, Aly. Br. pi. 16. NAIDI'NA. A family of Setigera (An- nulata). Char. Worm-like, annulate or segmented, without suckers or soft leg-like appendages ; segments furnished with partially retractile bristles or setae, excepting the first three or four ; head distinct from the body. Freshwater animals, living among aquatic plants, or burrowing iu mud. Sexes distinct ; propagation by ova and spontaneous trans- verse division. The bristles are moved by muscles, and answer the purpose of legs; they are situated on the upper or under surface of the body, mostly in rows. The Naidina are remarkable for the sin- gular process of non- sexual multiplication which they present before attaining sexual maturity. A bud is thrown out between two rings near the middle of the body, and is developed into a fresh individual ; more- over the parent body separates at this point, and becomes two individuals ; and prior to the detachment of the bud, others are formed from the same segment. NaiSj Mull. Four anterior segments without upper bristles. N. Scotica. Cylindrical, ends obtuse, the anterior smooth and cylindrical, the portion behind it with a double row of thin tufts of prickles, shorter than the diameter of the body; mouth and anus terminal; no pro- boscis ; length 1". N. serpentina. Cylindrical ; head snake- like, with a produced lower lip ; eyes two ; upper bristles subulate, lower forked or hooked; length about 1". The lower bristles with a globular swelling below the middle ; segments 80-90 ; head with 4 dark transverse bands. N. proboscidea. Cylindrical, flattened in front; first four segments divided by a stricture from the body, the first or Head being prolonged into a filiform proboscis; two eyes; upper bristles simple, lower forked ; length 1-2"; on the roots of aquatic plants, Chcetogaster, Baer. All the segments without upper bristles. C. vermicularis. Truncate in front: no NAILS. [ 532 ] NAILS. eyes; mouth terminal; setae bifid; length 1"; among Lemna, in ditches, and in the respiratory chamber of the Lymnaeidae. See TUBIFEX. BIBL. Schmidt, Midler's Archiv, 1846, 406; Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. xv. 319 ; Johnston, Cat. non-par asit. Worms ; Doyere, Mem. Linn. Soc. Normandy, x. ; Claparede, Rech. 1861. NAILS. These organs, which consist of modified epidermic formations, are imbedded posteriorly and laterally in depressions, or are covered at these parts by a fold of the skin. The posterior depression (fig. 505 d ) is much deeper than the lateral depressions (fig. 506 c\ The nail itself consists of the root (fig. 505 0, the body (&), and the free end (wt). The root extends over that part of the matrix furnished with the ridges, and is Fig. 505. Longitudinal section through the middle of the nail and its matrix, o, matrix and cutis of the back and point of the finger; b, rete mucosum of the point of the finger; c, that of the nail ; d, that of the bottom of the root- fold ; e, the same of the back of the finger ; f, epidermis of the point of the finger ; g, its origin beneath the margin of the nail ; A, epidermia of the back of the flnger ; t, its termination at the upper surface of the root of the nail ; k, body, I, root, m, free end of the proper nail. Magnified 8 diameters. either entirely lodged in the posterior de- pression of the cutis, or the crescentic por- tion of it is exposed. The body of the nail is uncovered except at the sides, which are overlapped by the lateral folds of the skin. The portion of the cutis (fig. 506 a) to which the under surface of the nail, except that of the anterior free portion, is attached the matrix or bed is covered with ridges (fig. 506 ) extending from the posterior part or root of the nail to the convex mar- gin of the white crescentic portion called the lunule, where they become larger and higher, forming plates which run to the end of the matrix. The margins of the ridges and plates are covered with short papillae. The anterior portion of the matrix of the nail is very vascular. The under surface of the root and body of the nail is covered with depressions and ridges to adapt itself to those of the matrix. Two layers are distinguishable in the nails an under soft layer (figs. 505 d, 506 c, 5075), corresponding to and directly con- tinuous with the rete mucosum of the skin, and the upper horny layer forming the true nail (figs. 506/, 505 k, 507 C). The lower surface of the latter is furnished with small ridges (fig. 507 c), which occupy correspond- ing furrows in the mucous layer. In minute structure the soft layer resem- bles that of the cutaneous rete, except in the deeper layer of cells being elongated and arranged perpendicularly (fig. 507 6). The horny portion, or proper nail, con- sists of epidermic cells, flattened and aggre- gated into plates or laminae (fig. 507 C). In the natural state, these cells are undistin- guishable, except at the root and the under surface, where the nail is in contact with the mucous layer the remainder merely exhibiting shorter or longer dark lines, re- presenting the flattened nuclei, or indicating the existence of the laminae. But if a section of nail be treated with solution of caustic potash or soda, the nucleated cells swell up, and resume their proper form and appearance. The blood-vessels of the bed of the nail form a coarse plexus in the corium of the matrix, from which loops are given off to the papillae ; and the proper bed of the nail has a much finer plexus and loops ascending to the ridges. Numerous medullated nerve-fibres lie in the subcutaneous tissue of the nail-bed, and NAILS. [ 533 ] NASSULA, Transverse section of the nail and its matrix, a, matrix with its ridges (black) ; 6, cutis of the lateral fold e, rete mucosum of the same; d, rete mucosum of the nail with its ridges (white) ; e, epidermic layer of cutaneous fold; f, proper substance of the nail, with short teeth on its under burface. Magnified 8 diameters. lose their medullary sheath at the level of the corium, and then run vertically to the surface. Fig. 607. Transverse section of the body of the nail. A, cutis of the matrix.- B, rete mucosum of the nail. C, epi- dermis of the same, or proper nail, a, plates of the matrix; 6, plates of the rete mucosum of the nail; c, ridges of the proper substance of the nail ; d, deeper perpendicular cells of the rete mucosum of the nail ; e, upper flattened cells of the same ; f, nuclei of the cells of the proper nail. Magnified 250 diameters. The cutaneous epidermis (fig. 506 e) ex- tends for a certain distance into the lateral and posterior depressions of the skin, covers the anterior portion of the root, the poste- rior part of the "body, and the lateral mar- gins of the nails, terminating in a fine layer which, however, is nowhere directly con- tinuous with the substance of the nail. Laminse of a nail after boiling with solution of caustic soda or potash. A, side view. B, surface view, a, cell- membranes ; b, nuclei seen from above ; c, the same in side view. Magnified 350 diameters. BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An. ii. and the JBibl. therein ; Biesiadecki, Strickw's Hist. NAIS, Mull. See NAIDINA. NANNOPUS, Brady. A genus of Cope- podous Entornostraca. (Brady, Cop. ii.) N AB/COTINE. See ALKALOIDS, p. 31 . NAS'SULA, Ehr. A genus of Holo- trichous Infusoria, of the family Trachelma. Char. Body covered with cilia arranged in longitudinal rows; mouth surrounded by a cone of rod-like teeth ; no proboscis nor ear-like processes. The gastric sacculi of these animals fre- quently contain a coloured liquid, derived from the solution of partly digested Oscilla- torice. N. elegans (PL 31. fig. 45; b, teeth). Length 1-144 to 1-120". N. aurea (PL 31. fig. 46). Length 1-120". NAUPLIUS. [ 534 ] NECTRIA. It is questionable how far this genus is different from Chilodon. BIBL. Ehr. In/us. 338; Stein, Inf. 248; Cohn, Qu. M. Jn. 1859 ; Clap, et Lachrn. Etudes ; Kent, Inf. 494. NAUTLIUS. See CRUSTACEA, p. 216. NAVICELL^E. See GHEGAMNA, p.36o. NAVIC'ULA, Bory. A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules single, free; valves ob- long, lanceolate or elliptical, sometimes with the ends narrowed and produced, rarely constricted in the middle, furnished with a longitudinal line or keel, and a nodule in the middle and at each end; surface of valves covered with dots arranged in trans- verse or slightly radiating rows, producing an appearance of lines, although both dots and lines are often invisible by ordinary illumination. Valves usually symmetrical, and the keel median ; but in two species the keel is sigmoid and the valves inequilateral. Some- times the keel is double. There is mostly a little space between the rows of dots (PI. 15. fig. 8), so that these readily exhibit transverse lines or striae by unilateral oblique light; but sometimes they are pretty uni- formly distributed, as in many of the species belonging to the first section of Pleuro- siffma. Species or forms very numerous ; Kiitzing describes 170, some of them, however, be- longing to Pinnularia, Pleurosigma, and other genera. Rabenhorst notices 237 spe- cies. Many may have been derived from a frustule of a Schizonema or Colktonema which had escaped from its gelatinous envelope I The formation of sporangial frustules has been noticed by us in Navicula amphirhyn- chus, and they are contained in a siliceous sporangial sheath or case. The process is sufficiently illustrated by the figures (PI. 50. figs. 19-24) : fig. 19, side view of the parent frustule ; fig. 20, front view of conjugating frustules, with young sporangial sheath; fig. 21, empty mature sheath ; fig. 22, crushed empty sheath and parent frustules in situ ; fig. 23, sheath, one parent frustule and sporangial frustule in front view ; fig. 24, sporangial frustule in side view. N. cuspidata (PL 15. fig. 6, side view; fig. 7, front view ; , hoop). Valves lan- ceolate, somewhat rhomboid, acuminate; freshwater; length 1-350 to 1-200". ^ Valves slightly iridescent, no striae by ord. ilium. N. didyma (PI. 15. fig. 9). Valves ellip- tic oblong, slightly constricted in the middle; marine; length 1-000 to 1-300". Ends sometimes broadly rounded, and the con- striction very deep. N. rhomboides. Valves rhomboid-lanceo- late; colourless and not striated by ordin. ilium.; freshwater; length 1-350". Striae 85 in 1-1000" (8m.). N. amphirhynchm (PI. 50. fig. 19, side view ; fig. 22, front view of conjugating frustules). Valves linear, or nearly so, suddenly con- tracted near the produced and obtuse ends j freshwater ; length 1-500 to 1-250". N. affinis. Valves elliptical, contracted and linear towards the rounded ends; fresh- water. BIBL. Smith, Br. Diat. i. 46 ; Kiitz, Ba- cill. 91, and Sp. Alg. 69 ; Grev., n. sp., Mic. Tr. 1866, 84 & 126; O'Meara, pec. forms, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, xii. 283 ; Rabenh. Ala. i. 169. NEBA'LIA, Leach. A genus of Phyllo- podous Entomostraca. Char. Antennae two pairs, large and rami- f orm ; eyes two, stalked ; legs twelve pairs, eight branchial and four natatory ; carapace large, enclosing head, thorax, and part of abdomen. N. bipes (PI. 19. fig. 28). Marine; body yellowish ; length 3-8". BIBL. Baird, Br. Entom. 36 ; Glaus, Sieb. Sf Koll. Zeits. 1872,- 323 ; An. N. H. 1879, iv. 418. NECKE'RA, Hedwig. A genus of Hyp- noid Mosses. Elegant little perennial plants, growing on trunks of trees and shady rocks, having stems pinnately branched, bearing compla- nate leaves arranged in eight rows (fig. 484). N. crispa, Dill., found in mountainous districts, is a large moss, with stems 4 or 6" long or more, growing horizontally from a creeping rhizome. NECTRIA, Fries. A genus of Sphaa- riacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), distinguished from true Sphcsrice by the free, membranous, flaccid, brightly coloured perithecium, the pale papilla, and the gelatinous pale nucleus expelled in the form of a drop or of white flocks ; the asci contain eight pellucid spores. The imperfect forms of these plants are described as distinct genera. Thus Tubercularia vulgaris, common on bark of dying or dead trunks, and on dead twigs of birch especially, ripens into N. cinnabarina ; this we have observed ; and it is probable that other Coniomycetous forms will require to be reduced in like manner. Nectria NEMALEON. [ 535 NEPHB03ELMIS. includes the following Sphcerice of the British Flora cinnabar ina, coccinea, ochra- cea, aurantia, rosella, citrina, Peziza, san- guinea, epispliceria, &c. ; and several new species are described by Messrs. Berkeley and Broome. BIBL. Fries, Sum. Veg. 387 ; Berk. & Broome, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xiii. 467 ; Cooke's Handb. 780. NEMA'LEON, Targioni. A genus of Cryptoneniiaceae (Florideous Algae), con- taining two British species, one, N. mukifi- dum, not uncommon on shells and stones near low-water mark. Its frond consists of a somewhat cartilaginous, simple or once or twice dichotomous cord, 3 to 6" high and 1 to 2" in diameter, of a dull purple colour. The cord consists of a dense axis formed of interlaced longitudinal filaments, clothed with horizontal, dichotomously-branched filaments, moniliform and coloured towards the circumference of the cord. The fruit consists of : -favellidia, consisting of glo- bular masses of spores attached singly to the filaments of the periphery, with a tri- chogyne (PI. 4. fig. 12 c) ; and collections of antheridia, consisting of minute hyaline cells seated on the peripheral filaments, but discharging spermatozoids (PI. 4. fig. 12 b). BIBL. Harv. Mar. Alg. 153, pi. 21 B, Phyc. Br. pi. 36 : Derbes and Solier, Ann. Sci. Nat. 3 ser. 'xiv. 274, pi. 35 j Thuret, ibid. 4 ser. iii. 21. NEMAS'PORA, Fries. A supposed ge- nus of Melanconiei (Coniomycetous Fungi), the species of which present two forms, one bearing minute conidia (Nemaspora), the other spores (Zi&erfeZfo, Desmaz.), and which probably also will be found to exhibit an asciferous form. N. crocea, Pers., is common | on beech trees, N. Rosce on roses aud lilacs. They are at first minute gelatinous masses of conidia, coherent into a nucleus under the epidermis, devoid of a perithecium ; the rres finally exude as a gelatinous tendril ; spores are curved and of an orange- colour. Nemaspora consists really of sper- mogonous fruits, and Libertella of stylospo- rous fruits of Asconiycetous genera. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 355 ; Fries, Sum. Veg. 413 ; Desmaz. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1 ser. xix. 269. NEMATHE'CIA. Wart-like collections of vertical filaments found on the surface of the fronds of the Cryptonemiaceae (FLO- RIDE^). NEOTTIOS'PORA, Desmaz. Agenus of Sphaeronemei(Stylosporous Fungi), remark- I able from the fusiform spores being fur- nished with three or four terminal threads. N. caricum grows upon deid leaves of sedges, bursting from beneath the epidermis by a circular black orifice, from which an orange-coloured (sometimes olive-coloured) gelatinous mass of spores escapes in the form of a cirrhus. Diameter of conceptacles about 1-80". BIBL. Desmazieres, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. xix. 346; Berk. & Broome, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. xiii. 379. NE'PA, Linn. A genus of Hemipterous Insects. N. cinerea, the common water-scorpion, is of a dirty brown colour, the body broad and flat, with two long terminal respiratory tubes ; anterior pair of legs stout and greatly elbowed, posterior formed for crawling and not swimming. PI. 33. fig. 26 represents the trophi. The labium (i) is three-jointed, with two small lobes between the second and third joints ; the four setae (mandibles and maxillae) are furnished with teeth, directed towards the free end (and not as shown in the figure) ; the lingua or tongue (*) is trifid at the apex. The lateral tracheae are dilated opposite the thorax to form two internal respiratory sacs. The eggs are oval, and with seven reflexed filaments at one end. BIBL. Westwood, Intr. ; Dufour, Hcmip- teres. NEPEN'THES, L. A genus of Nepen- thaceas (Dicotyledonous Plants), in which the spiral vessels have four parallel fibres (see SPIRAL STRUCTURES). NEPHROCY'TIUM, Nag. A genus of Paknellaceae ; consisting of 4-16 minute renifbrm green cells, enclosed in an ample envelope. 2 species ; in ditches and boggy pools. (Rab. Fl. Alg. 52; JS T ag. Einzell. Alg. 79.) NEPHRO'DIUM, Rich. A genus of Aspidieae (Polypodiaceous Ferns, fig. 224. p. 320). A very large number of species, cosmopolitan. "Brit. sp. : N. Ftiix-mas, Thelypteris, Oreopteris (montnnum), rigi- dum, cristatum, spimdosum (dilatatum), and eemula. NEPHRO'LEPIS, Schott A genus of Aspidieae (Polypodiaceous Ferns). 7 spe- cies, tropical. (Hooker, Syn. 300.) NEPHRO'MIUM, Nyl. A genus of Lichenaceous Lichens. Three species; rare. (Leighton, B. Lick. Fl. 99.) NEPHROSEL'MIS, Stein. A genus of NERIUM. [ 536 ] NERVES. Flagellate Infusoria. Free, solitary ; fla- gella two, arising from the middle of the ventral side. N. olivacea, reniform ; length 1-1000" ; freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 405.) NERIUM. See STOMATA, and LIBER (p. 461). NERVES and NERVOUS CENTRES. The nervous system is usually regarded as consisting of two parts the nerves, which are divided into the cerebro-spinal and the sympathetic; and the nervous centres, re- presented by the brain and spinal cord, with which must also be placed the ganglia. These parts are composed essentially either of nerve-tubes, nerve-cells, or of both these elements. The nerve-fibres may be arranged in two groups, the medullated and the non-medul- lated. The medullated nerve-tubes are most nu- merous in the white portion of the nervous centres and in the nerves. They are slender, soft, cylindrical filaments, varying in diam- eter from 1-20,000 to 1-HOO". When quite recent, they are transparent and appa- rently homogeneous (fig. 509, 1), but they really consist of three distinct parts an enveloping membrane or sheath ; a tenacious liquid, the white substance of Schwann ; and a soft, elastic, and probably fibrous axis, the axis-cylinder, or band of Remak. The outer sheath or tubular membrane of the nerve-tubes is a thin structureless transparent membrane (fig. 510, 2, 3 a, 4 a \ containing nuclei. It is very visible and thick in the nerves of the mesentery of the frog, and in the electrical organs of the tor- pedo. It is furnished with annular con- strictions at regular intervals. "Within the outer sheath is a hollow cylinder or tube (figs. 509, 3b, 510, 3b,4b) the white substance of Schwann. It is homogeneous and tenacious in perfectly fresh nerves, but soon after death becomes coagu- lated, sometimes externally only, giving a double outline to the walls of the nerve- tubes (fig. 510, 4) 511), or becoming granular externally, and remaining liquid internally. It is also easily altered by pressure, some- times escaping in globules or masses of various forms (myeline), from the ends or the broken sides of the tubes, at others accumulating at intervals in various parts of the tubes, giving them an elegant vari- cose appearance (fig. 511). It is frequently called the medullary sheath, and those nerves possessing it are medullated. The third structure exists within the last, in the form of a rounded or flattened, pale, fibrous band, occupying the axis of the tube, and called the axis-cylinder (figs. 509, 2 b, So, 4 a, 5; 510, 1 b); this is the essential nervous element. Fig. 509. Nerve-fibres. 1. From nerves of the dog and rabbit, in the natural state : a, fine, b, moderate, c, large fibre. 2. From a frog, after the addition of serum : a, drop forced out by pressure ; b, part of the axial fibre con- tained in it. 3. From the human spinal marrow, treated with serum : a, sheath ; b, white substance with a cloxible outline ; c, axial fibre. 4. Fibre with double outline, from the human fourth ventricle : a, axial fibre. 5. Two isolated axial fibres, with a portion of the white sub- stance adherent to the right-hand one. Magnified 350 diameters. These three structures of nerve are some- what difficult of demonstration. The outer sheath may sometimes be shown by pressing the nerve-tube, which forces out the white substance. Boiling the nerves in absolute alcohol, with the subsequent addition of caustic alkali, or in acetic acid, when crys- tals of fat separate from the white substance (fig. 510, 1), will answer the same purpose. Strong nitric acid, and afterwards potash, causes the white substance to exude; and the axial fibre being dissolved, the yellow sheath is left empty and very distinct. So- lution of corrosive sublimate has also been NEKVES. [ 537 ] NERVES. recommended. The axial band is best seen in nerves treated with strong acetic acid, or cold absolute alcohol, ether, chromic acid, Nerve-tubes. 1 . From a frog, after boiling with acetic acid and alcohol : a, sheath ; 6, axial band ; c, crystals of fat. 2. Isolated sheath of a frog's nerve boiled with soda. 3. From the human fourth ventricle, after treat- ment with soda : a, sheath ; b, white substance exuding in drops : the axial band has been removed in the pre- paration. 4. Human, treated with soda : a, sheath; 6, white substance ; the axial band not visible. Magnified 350 diameters. . 511. Human nerve-tubes, showing tubes of various sizes ; some with a single, others with a double outline ; some varicose, others with the white substance in a granular state. Magnified 350 diameters. &c., and staining fluids. Osmic acid so- lution hinders the coagulation of the medul- lary substance, which is oily and very re- fractive, and turns it black. Chemically, the sheath and axial band consist of a proteine compound, and the white substance of a mixture of cerebrine with lecythine. In the non-medullated nerves the fibres are of three kinds. The primitive nerve- fibrils present the simplest form, and are very fine and thread-like. They are only visible with powers greater than 500 linear, and may be traced to their junction with ganglion-cells and thicker nerve-fibres. No internal structure can be distinguished ; and they become varicose here and there with reagents, such as osniic acid, finally becom- ing diffluent. They abound in the neigh- bourhood of the termination of other nerves, for instance, in the retina (see EYE). The second kind of fibres have been called naked axis-cylinders, and are thicker than the primitive fibrils. They are transparent, and more or less striated longitudinally, being composed, like the axis-cylinders of medullated nerves, of minute longitudinal fibrils. When connected with nmltipolar ganglion-cells, this fibrillation is often di- stinct under the action of reagents. They have only been traced for short distances j and it is evident that they and the primitive fibrils may become covered with a sheath and merge into the medullated type. The third kind consists of a thicker or thinner bundle of primitive nerve-fibrils, according to the kind of axis-cylinder present, united together by a structureless, perfectly trans- parent, extremely thin nucleated tissue the tubular sheath of the medullated fibres. In the cerebro-spinal nerves, the nerve- tubes are aggregated into bundles, and sur- rounded by an envelope of connective tissue, called the neurilemma, in which blood- vessels ramify, thus corresponding with the arrangement of the primitive fibrillse of muscle. Sometimes, towards the termina- tions of the nerves, the neurilemma appears as a homogeneous membrane with elongated nuclei. Branching or division of all the nerve- fibres, except the non-medullated primitive kind, occurs occasionally in and near the nervous centres and in the nerve-trunks, and frequently in the periphery. The best example of peripheral divison is in the electric eel, where one medullated fibre divides millions of times to supply the sub- cutaneous fat-like organ. Division into fibres may be seen in sections of the spinal NERVES. [ 638 ] NERVES. cord of the ox treated with carmine and ammonia. In the grey, sympathetic, or ganglionic nerves, the fibres of which are sometimes called gelatinous fihres, the nerves are paler than those of most of the cerebro-spinal nerves, and they are scattered through Fig. 512. From the human sympathetic. A. Portion of a grey fibre treated with acetic acid: a, fine nerve-tubes; o, nuclei of Remak's fibres. Three ganglion-globules, one with a pale process. Magnified 350 diameters. numerous longitudinal non-medullated fibres (Remak's fibres), containing elongated nuclei (fig. 512). N&'ve-cells, nerve-corpuscles, or ganglion- globules are masses of fibrillar protoplasm, granular and faintly coloured ; they have a nucleus and nucleolus. They are most nu- merous in the cineritious or dark portions of the nervous centres, and in the ganglia ; but they are met with in the trunks and termi- nal expansion of nerves, as the retina, &c. Some are furnished with a nucleated capsule (tig. 513, 2 a) ; this is easily seen in the cells of the ganglia, but with difficulty in those of the central organs. They are rounded, elongate, pyriform, or angular (fig. 513). Some are simple, others are furnished with one, two, or more simple or branched processes ; hence they are described respectively as uni-, bi-, or multi- polar. Their contents are a soft, tenacious, but fibrillar mass (fig. 513, 3), consisting of a clear, homogeneous, proteine basis, and a number of larger and smaller granules, as well as a nucleus and nucleolus. In size they are very variable, from 1-5000 to 1-500". The granules are sometimes colourless, at others yellow, brown, or black ; and occa- sionally these are aggregated to form a mass. A number of fine fibres radiating from the nucleus and nucleolus may be seen traversing the cell-substance, which con- tains granular, yellow, or reddish-brown pigment. Chloride of gold renders the nucleus very distinct. Beale has shown that two processes are given off from the Fig. 513. "N"erve-cells and fibres from the auditory nerve. 1. Nerve-cell with the origin of a fibre, from the anastomosis between the facial and auditory nerve in the meatus auditorius externus of the ox: a, cell-membrane ; b, contents ; Magnified 350 diameters. NERVES. [ 639 ] NERVES. small end of the bell-shaped ganglion-cells of the sympathetic in the frog, and that whilst one pursues a straight course, the Fig. 514. Cells from the central grey substance of the human spinal marrow. Some are connective-tissue cells. Magnified 350 diameters. other forms a series of coils around it, both lying within a nucleated sheath continuous with that of the ganglion-cell. Origin of Nerve-fibres. The ganglion- cells, whether multipolar or unipolar, are in continuity with nerve-fibres. Some gan- glion-cells are merely nucleated dilatations of the axis-cylinder ; and others, which are also bipolar, are true ganglion-cells; for the more or less globular cell-mass is continuous with the axis-cylinder and with the granu- lar matter of the medullary matter, but the tubular sheath of the nerve stops short of the cell. Multipolar ganglion-cells are invariably connected with one medullated nerve-fibre, which passes off without branching or diminishing in calibre. Its axis-cylinder is continuous with the fibrillar structure of the protoplasm of the ganglion-cell, and it be- comes invested with the medullary sheath soon after leaving the cell. The other pro- cesses either communicate with adjacent multipolar cells, or break up after repeated branching into a great number of processes, which,however, are clearly continuous with the fibrillar protoplasm of the cell, but are uncovered by any medullary sheath. Their ultimate termination is doubtful ; but it is inferred that many of them become continu- ous with the axis-cylinders of nerves. So Fig. 515. Large cells from the grey cortical layer of the human cerebellum. Magnified 350 diameters. fibrillar are the processes under reagents, and so fibrous is the appearance of the gan- glion cell-mass, deficient as it is of cell-wall, that it is imagined that the fibrous structure of the axis-cylinders is continuous with that of each other through the cell-substance. NERVES. [ 540 ] NERVES. Doubtless many nerve -fibres originate from very small cells imbedded in the grey sub- stance, and which are usually destroyed by the processes of preparation. The ganglia (fig. 516) consist of nerve- tubes either separate or united into bundles, intermingled with nerve-cells, from which some of the nerve-tubes arise. The tubes and cells are imbedded in or supported by a stroma of connective tissue, sometimes homogeneous, at others more or less di- stinctly fibrous, forming an apparent sheath to the ganglia, and ending in numerous Fig. 516. septa, rarely but occasionally forming a di- stinct envelope to the individual cells; some- times it consists of elongated, triangular, or spindle-shaped nucleated cells in short, corresponding to connective tissue in various stages of development. The finer nerve-fibres are often with diffi- culty distinguished from fibres of connective tissue; but the frequent occurrence of nuclei will often serve to distinguish them. The nerves are developed from the ele- mentary embryonic cells, which at first appear rounded or slightly elongated and Fig. 617. Pic 516. Sixth thoracic sympathetic ganglion of the left side of a rabbit, seen from behind, after treatment with soda T. 2, trunk of sympathetic ; E. c, communicating branches, each bifurcating; Spl. splanchnic branch. S, gan- glial branch, with large and small branches probably going to vessels; g, ganglion-globules and ganghal fibres. * 517 1 ^nolfon-elobules from a spinal ganglion of a four-months human foetus: a, nucleus in the pale process of the cell? 2. Nerve-tubes in development, from a two-months human foetus. 3. Cells from the cineri- tious cerebral substance of the same foetus. Fig. 518. 1. Two nerve-fibres from the ischiatic nerve of a four-months foetus. 2. Nerve-tubes from a newly- born rabbit: a, sheath; 6, nucleus; c, white substance. 3. Nerve-fibre from the tail of a tadpole: a, b, c, as above; at d the fibre has still the embryonic character. somewhat flattened. In their further growth they either retain their primitive shape (fig. 517), or send out persistent lateral pro- cesses, so forming nerve-cells or ganglion- globules ; or the processes of adjacent cells unite into nucleated fibres, much resembling those of the sympathetic system, in which the white substance and axial fibre of the NEUROGLIA. [ 541 ] NIDULARIACEI. nerve-tubes are formed as secondary depo- sits (fig. 518). In atrophy and degeneration of the nervous elements, the nerve-cells become loaded with fat and pigment, and the walls of the nerve-tubes thinner, brittle, and the white substance more or less replaced by granules of fat. The nerve-fibres are very difficult of ex- amination, and require a high power. They may be hardened in chromic acid or Miiller's liquid. Chloride of gold with the subsequent addition of very dilute acetic acid, brings to light the axial fibre ; while the medullary sheath is darkened by osmic acid. BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An. 2 ; Todd, Cycl. iii. ; Gerlach, Mik. Stud. ; Remak, Monatsb. Acad. Berlin, 1853 ; Schultze, Struct, nerv., 1868 ; Lister & Turner, Qu. Mic. Jn. I860, 29 ; Mayer, Strick. Hist. ; Meynert, ibid. ; Deiters,* Gehirn u. Mark d. Memch., 1865 ; larke, Phil. Tr. 1868 ; Beale, Phil. Tr. 1860, 1862, 1863,1864, Croon. Lecture 1865, Qu. Mic. Jn. n. s. vols. iv. & v., & How ; Cleland, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1870, 126; Darwin, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1874, 110; Schmidt, M. Mic. Jn. 1864, 200; Frey, Hist. 624; B 3 van, M. Mic. Jn. xvi. 105. " NEUROGLIA. A granular connective tissue, with fine elastic fibres and cells sur- rounding the nerve-fibres in the brain and spinal cord. NEUROP'TERA. An order of Insects, containing the Dragonflies (LIBELLULID^E). NEW-ZEALAND FLAX. See PHOR- MTUM and TEXTILE SUBSTANCES. NEWT. See TRITON. NICOTH'OE, Aud. & Edw. A genus of Crustacea, of the order Siphonostoma, and family Ergasilidse. N. astaci (PI. 19. fig. 36, fern.) is found upon the gills of the lobster. The sides of the body are extended into two remarkable lobes, containing the ovaries () and the intestinal canal. BIBL. Baird, Br. Ent. 300; VanBeneden, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. xiii. NIDULARIA'CEL A small family of Oasteromycetous Fungi, including the Ni- dularini or bird's-nest-like Fungi, and the Carpoboli, which contain only one concep- tacle. They are curious and very interest- ing Fungi, growing on the ground among decaying sticks, dung, &c., bearing upon the flocculent mycelium yellow or dull-coloured fruits or receptacles (fig. 519). The ex- ternal part of the receptacle consists of a more or less globular or ovate peridium, which bursts when mature, in the Carpoboli by a lid or by more or less regular slits, in the Nidulariui by an orifice which enlarges Fig. 519. Fig. 520. Fig. 521. Cyathus vemicosus. Fig. 519. A ripe receptacle. Nat. siae. Fig. 520. The same, opened vertically. so that the mouth becomes turned out as a spreading lip around a cup-shaped cavity (fig. 519). The Carpo- boli, containing only one conceptacle, project this with elasticity when ripe. The Nidu- larini contain many conceptacles lying like eggs in a nest (figs. 519, 520), in Cyathus and Crucibulum (fig. 521) attached by a funi- culus. The structure of the conceptacles is alike in all. The en- velope of each is triple (fig. 522); and they form a cavity lined by delicate filaments which converge towards the centre, where Crucibulum vulgare. A conceptacle detached from the receptacle. Magnified 12 diams. Fig. 522. Cyathus vernicosus. A nearly ripe receptacle, cut open vertically, showing the two halves filled with conceptacles. Magnified 3 diameters. their extremities are expanded into lasidia crowned by four spores (fig. 523), which are cylindrical and almost sessile. The filaments being of very unequal length, the NIDULARIACE1. [ 542 ] NITOPHYLLUM. basidia are intermingled with them in the cavity of the conceptacle, not forming a definitely marked layer. Fig. 523. Cyathus striatus. Basidia and spores from the fertile layer of i conceptacle. Fig. 524. Magnified 250 diameters. Fig. 525. Fig. 526. Cyathus striatus. Fig. 524. Vertical section of a young receptacle. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 525. Another, more advanced. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 526. Another, still more advanced. Magn. 5 diamg. Synopsis of British Genera. * CARPOBOLI. Peridium containing only one conceptacle. Atractobolus. Perid. simple, cup-shaped, sessile, closed at first by an umbonate lid. Conceptacle spindle-shaped, simple, indehis- cent, projected when ripe from the bottom of a peridium. Thelebolus. Perid. simple, sessile, round- ish, urceolate-inflated ; mouth entire. Con- ceptacle globose, papilliform, protruded from the mouth. Sphfsrobohis. Perid. double, each layer bursting in a stellate manner, the internal membrane at length turned inside out, and projecting the globular conceptacle elasti- cally. Peridium with many * NIDULARINI. conceptacles. Crucibulum. Perid. at first globose-capi- tate, afterwards crucible-shaped, orifice ex- posing numerous disk-shaped smooth concep- tacles, each with a globular process beneath, prolonged into a long, slender funiculus. Cyathus. Perid. at first obovate or fusi- form, closed by a veil, then widely open at the mouth, exposing ten to eighteen disk-shaped thick conceptacles, umbilicate beneath, and attached to the walls of the peridium by a compound peduncle. Nidularia. Perid. sessile, subglobose, finally open without evident veil ; concep- tacles numerous, disk-shaped, nestling in gelatinous mucus, without a funiculus. BIBL. Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. i. 41 ; Schmitz, Linntea, xvi. 141 ; Sachs, Bot. Zeit. xiii. 823 ; Pringsheini, Jahrb. ii. 199 ; Eidam, Colin. Beit. ii. 221. NIPHOB'OLUS, Kaulf. A genus of Po- lypodiaceous Ferns, with elegantly articu- lated veins and numerous naked sori at the tips of free branchlets ; under surface with woolly tomentum. = Potypodium pt. (Hook. Syn. 349). ' NIR'MUS, Nitzsch. A subgenus of Phi- lopterm. Like Docophortts, but the trabe- culae absent or rudimentary. On the black- cock, grouse, and pigeon. NITELLA. See CHARACEJE. NITOPHYL'LUM, Greville. A genus of Delesseriacese (Florideous Algse), con- taining about half-a-dozen British species, only two of which are commonly met with. Their fronds are membranaceous, of reticu- lated (parenchymatous) structure, mostly rosy red, without ribs, or with irregular ribs towards the base. The membranously ex- panded frond of N. punctatum (PI. 4. tig. 6), 4 to 12" high, is either regularly dichoto- mously divided or parted into two or three principal lobes, which have a border of dichotomous wedge-shaped lobes. N. lace- rum has the frond 2 to 10" high, much dichotomously divided and marked with flexuous veins, the segments mostly linear, waved or fringed at the margins. Fructifi- cation consisting of spores, tetraspores, and antheridia. 1. Spore. s sessile on the fronds, arising from tufted filaments contained in coccidia ; 2. tetraspores, forming distinct scattered spots on the frond ; 3. antheridia, minute cells standing perpendicularly on the surface of the frond, collected into patches, only distinguishable by the help of the microscope. NITRATE OF POTASH. [ 543 ] NOCTILUOA. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 116, pi. 15 B ; Phyc. Br. ; Greville, Alg. Br. pi. 12 j Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser. iii. 22. NITRATE OF POTASH. See POTASH, Nitrate of. NITRIC ACID is useful as a reagent, and for separating the organic matter of the Diatomacege from the siliceous valves. NITZSCH'IA . A genus of Aunulata. BIBL. Johnst. Non-parasitic Worms, 1855. NITZSCH'IA, Denny (Liotheum). A genus of Anoplura. N. Burmeisteri is the louse of the com- mon swift (Cypselus apus~). BIBL. Dennv, Monogr. Anopl. 230. NITZSCH'IA, Hass. A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules free, single, compressed, usually elongate, straight, arched, or sig- moid, with a longitudinal, not median, ex- ternal keel (?), and one or more longitudi- nal rows of puncta ; suture in front view of frustules not median. The valves have no nodules; we have not been able to satisfy ourselves of the presence of the external keel ; upon the portions of the valves forming the middle of the side view of the frustules are one or two longitudinal rows of slightly elongate dots or puncta (PI. 17. fig. 10 d), often visible under ordinary illumin. ; surface of valves covered with smaller dots, mostly opposite (not quincuncial) (fig. 10 d), invisible under ordinary illumination. The frustules and valves are either linear, lanceolate, or of intermediate forms, some- times constricted or beaked. N. siymoidea (PI. 17. fig. 9 : a, side view; &, front view) ; length 1-75" ; freshwater. N. lanceolata (PL 17. fig. 10: , front view of frustule ; 6, front view of single valve ; c, side view of frustule) ; length 1-150" ; fig. 10 d exhibits the two kinds of markings as seen with the stops. Marine. N. birostrata, Sm. (PL 17. fig. 11 : a, side view ; b, front view) ; length 1-70" ; ma- rine. N. adcularis (PI. 17. fig. 136); length 1-300"; freshwater. N. reversa (PL 17. fig. 12); brackish water. N. tcenia (PL 17. fig. 13 a) ; length 1-250" ; brackish water. BIBL. Smith, Br. Diat. 37; Hassall, Alga, 435 ; Rabenh. Alg. i. 149. .NOBERT'S LINES and PLATES. These consist of parallel bands or groups of parallel lines, beautifully ruled upon a slide with a diamond. The bands are of equal breadth, and the lines in each successive band are more numerous and closer than in those of the preceding. In the 20-band plate, R. Beck determined the distances of the lines to be as follows, in fractions of an inch. Band. 1. l-13000th 2. l-15000th 3. 1 -18000th 4. l-21000th 5. l-23000th 6. l-27000th 7. l-31000th 8. l-36000th 9. l-41000th 10. l-45000th Band. 11. l-49000th 12. l-52000th 13. l-55000th 14. l-57000th 15. l-59000th 16. l-61000th 17. l-63000th 18. l-65000th 19. l-67000th 20. l-70000th More recently, a 30-band plate has been produced, in which the lines are ruled to over 1-100, 000th of an inch. The exhibition of these lines requires sufficient magnifying power, oblique illumination, and large' an- gular aperture in the object-glass. See TEST-OBJECTS. Also Frey, Mikr. Pigott, Mn. M. Jn. ix. 63; Robin, Mic. 313 ; Brown, Pr. Roy. Soc. xxiii. 531 (Mn. M. Jn. xv. 273) ; Rogers, Mn. M. Jn. xvi. 74 ; Webb, ibid. xvi. 171 ; Beck, Micr. 1865. 19. NOCTILU'CA, Suriray. A genus of marine Protozoa, now usually referred to the Infusoria. N. miliaris (PL 53. fig. 23) is rounded, of about the size of a pin's head, with a ten- tacle-like, transversely striated, curved pro- process, by means of which it propels itself through the water. Near its attachment is the mouth, on one side of which is a tooth- like projection. The mouth leads by means of a tubular gullet to an irregular hollow stomach in the sarcode of the interior of the animal ; and there is a definite anal opening. The body consists of a radiating protoplas- mic network. There is a nucleus; but no vacuoles have been observed. The part to which the tentacle is attached is plicate and depressed, so as to render the body some- what bilobed ; it has no carapace. Multiplication takes place by subdivision and internal gemmation. Sexual union also takes place, the animals placing their oral apertures close to one another, a proto- plasmic bridge being formed, which unites the nuclei of the two individuals ; the two Noctilucae then fuse, and the nuclei become NODOSARIA. [ 544 ] NOSTOC. one. At last a large individual represents the two. Swarm-spores, which become tailed, ciliated, and furnished with the tooth- process, are formed within the conjugated Noctilucae and escape. It is phosphorescent, rendering the sea luminous by night ; but under the micro- scope the luminosity does not appear to be uniform, but dependent upon a number of repeated flashes j it is increased by physical and chemical agents. BIBL. Quatrefages, Ann. So. Nat. 3 se"r, xiv. ; Gosse, Nat. Ramb. ; Krohn, Wieg- manri's Archiv, 1852; Huxley, After . Jn. 1855; Brightwell, Ann. N. H. 1850, vi. 305 ; Pring, Phil. Mag. 1849 ; Cienkowski, Schultze's Archiv, 1871 & 1872 ; Carus, Man. Zool. ; Webb, Qu. Me. Jn. iii. ; Busch, Qu. Mic. Jn. iii. ; Allman, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 326; Kent, Inf. 397. NODOSA'RIA, Lamk. A subgenus of Hyaline Foramiiiifera. Shell elongate, straight, rounded, conical or cylindrical, with distinct or close-set chambers, smooth, ridged, or spined; orifice terminal, mostly produced and round (N. raphanm, PI. 23. fig. 29). It passes by curvature into Dentalina &c., by eccentricity of aperture into Mar- ginulina &c., and by compression into Lin- gulina and Frondicidaria. Found in Carboniferous and Permian rocks ; abundant in the Trias and Lias, and in many strata of later date : living in many seas in rather deep water. BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. Foss. Tien. 38; Williamson, Rec. For. 14 ; Morris, Cat. Br. Foss. 37 ; Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. 3. iii. 478 ; Carpenter, For. 161. NODOSARI'NA, P. & J. A genus (strictly a type species) of Hyaline Fora- minifera. Its chief subgroups are Nodosaria and Cristellaria, which are one in essential characters of structure and mode of growth: GlanduUna, Lingulina, Dentalina, Rirmdina, Vaginulina, Marginulina, Flabellina, Fron- dicularia, and others are subsidiary forms. No line of division can be drawn between these approximate allies; for the straight, the curved, and the spiral lose themselves in each other the amount of curvature and of spirality, and the greater or less closeness of the chambers and of the whorls being varying characters. The style of ornament, chiefly longitudinal ribbings, passing into spines and tubercles, is the same throughout (see PI. 23. figs. 28 to 39). BIBL. Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. 3. iii. 477 ; Carpenter, Foram. 159. NODOSINEL'LA, Brady. One of the Arenaceous Foramiiiifera, being a Lituoline isomorph of Nodosaria. Fossil in the Car- boniferous and Permian rocks. (Bradv, Monogr. Carb. For., Pal. Soc. 1876.) NODULA'RIA =Lemanea. Supposed to produce poisonous effects. (Beale, How, e.281.) NCEMATE'LIA, Fr. A genus of Tre- mellini (Hymenomycetous Fungi) distin- guished bv the presence of a central nucleus distinguished from the gelatinous surround- ing substance. N. encephala is common in subalpine countries on larch rails, looking like a small brain, as the name implies. BIBL. Fr. Ep. 591 ; Berk. Outl. 290 ; Cooke, Handb. 350. NOLEL 'LA, Gosse. A genus of Inf un- dibulate Ctenostomatous Polyzoa, of the family Vesiculariidoe. Distinguished by the erect, subcylindrical cells, crowded on tubes forming an unde- fined incrusting mat ; tentacles eighteen, forming a bell. One species : N. stipitata. BIBL. Gosse, Mar. Zool. ii. 21. NONIONI'NA, D'Orb. A subgenus of Hyaline Forarnmifera, subordinate to Poly- stoineUa. Shell nautiloid, usually sym- metrical ; many chambers, opening with a transverse slit at the base (N. crassula, PI. 24. fig. 18). By septal modifications it passes into Polystomella (P. striato-punctata, and P. crispa, PL ?4. figs. 19, 20). Nonionina is not known for certain in strata older than the Chalk and the Tertiaries. It still abounds in shallow seas of temperate latitudes. BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. Foss. Vim. 109 ; Parker & Jones, Ann. N. If. 3. v. 102 ; Car- penter, For. 286. NORMANDI'NA, Nyl. A genus of Pyrenodei (Lichenaceous Lichens). Char. Thallus squamose, squamulae thin, rounded; apothecia black, immersed. N. ketevirens, green, common on damp earth. BIBL. Leigh ton, Lich. Flora, 440. NORMANEL'LA, Brady. A genus of Copepodous Entpmostracea. N. dubia, North Sea. (Brady, Copep. ii. 87.) NOSTOC, Vaucher. The typical genus of the Nostochaceae, distinguished from the allied genera by the definitely formed hard- ened pellicle or rind enclosing the fronds, which are composed of a gelatinous sub- stance (fig. 527) in which are imbedded numerous more or less beaded filaments (fig. 528). The filaments are composed of NOSTOC. [ 545 J NOSTOC. rows of cells (PI. 8. fig. 7) which increase the length by repeated transverse sub- Fig. 527. K"ostoc commune. Natural size. division; here and there are larger cells (, c) which appear brighter than the rest, resembling the vesicular cells of the allied genera. The filaments break up after a time into short fragments, which by cell- Nostoc caDruleum. Filaments. Magnified 200 diameters. division produce new filaments. The pelli- cle of the frond bursts, allowing the gela- tinous mass to escape, and the filaments to spread abroad in the water ; tnese consist of short straight- Fig. 529. ish pieces, which move slowly along in the direction of their length; after a time they cease to move, and a new gelatinous envelope is formed around each piece like a transparent sheath. They soon become enlarged considerably, and then divide in the direction of the length of the filament (fig. 529), which becomes so disintegrated that the filament forms a spiral, by the increase of which through further transverse cell-division the mass be- comes confused, until the de- velopment of a greater quan- Ma 8 g l Sdiams. tity of the gelatinous matter makes the filaments more distinct. The British species of this genus are Nostoc verrucosum. Filaments mul- tip sut found on damp ground, wet rocks, mosses, &c., and free or attached to stones, in fresh water (PI. 8. fig. 7). They are very numerous, and the following only can be noticed. * Frond globose or subglobose. Nostoc minutissimum. Frond globose, from 1-30 to 1-4'" ; filaments equal, deep seruginous green, densely entangled j peri- derm growing brown. N. lichenoides. Fronds from the size of a mustard-seed to that of a pea, aggregated and heaped together; filaments equal, loosely entangled, seruginous or olivaceous ; periderm pellucid, colourless, firm. (3. vesicarium; larger, soft, with a fuscous distinct periderm, mucous within, some- times hollow. N. sphcericum. Frond the size of a pea, firm, blackish seruginous or somewhat olive- coloured, soft within ; filaments pale green, loosely entangled ; periderm firm, colourless or fuscescent, subopaque. On stones in mountain rivulets. Meneghini states that, when dried and again moistened, it emits a pleasant odour like violets. Hassall thinks it probably an immature form of N.foli- aceum. 2V. cceruleum. Frond from the size of a pea to that of a sloe, soft and slimy, pale seruginous blue ; filaments unequal, loosely entwined, joints oblong-elliptical ; periderm colourless,' pellucid, soft. On mosses in flowing water or very moist places. N. pruniforme. Frond the size of a large round plum, deep aeruginous green, very soft and watery within ; filaments unequal, bright aeruginous green, loosely entangled, joints subdepressed, dimidiate ; periderm leathery, crystalline ; unattached, in fresh- water pools or rivulets. ** Frond foliaceotis, irregular, or vesicular. N. foliaceum. Frond terrestrial, mem- branous, erect, plaited, olive-green; fila- ments slender, copious. On clayey ground constantly moistened by oozing water. N. commune (fig. 527, & PL 8. fig. 7). Frond terrestrial, gelatinous, subcoriaceous, greenish, irregularly plaited; filaments nearly equal, flexuous, colourless or green, loosely entangled, the joints loosely con- joined, distant or geminate, subspherical, depressed, with a central opaque spot ; periderm hyaline, growing brown. Gravelly soils, garden walks, rocks, barren pastures, &c. ; very common in autumn and winter. NOSTOCHACE.E. [ 546 ] NOTODELPHYS. N. verrucosum, Vaucher. Frond blad- der-shaped, softly leathery, fuscous-green ; filaments spiral, densely entangled, joints globose ; periderm gelatinous, soft, green or dirty brown. On stones in streams. N. variegatum, Moore. BIBL. The works above quoted; Itzig- sohn, Bot. Zeit.TLii.SZl (1854); Sachs, Bat. Zeit. xiii. 1 (1855) ; Thuret, Mem. Societt de Cherbourg, 1857, Ann. N. H. 3 ser. ii. 1; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 295, and Phyc. gen. 204 ; Fischer, Nostoc. 1853 ; Hicks, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1861, ii. 90 ; De Bary, Regensb. Fl. 1863 ; Rabenh. Alg. ii. 161. NOSTOCHA'CE^E. A family of Con- fervoid Algae, forming gelatinous strata or definitely shaped gelatinous balls or masses, on damp ground or floating at the bottom of water; consisting of minute, unbranched, usually moniliform, microscopic filaments, tranquil or oscillating, imbedded in a mass of mucilaginous or firmish substance (the amorphous matrix is produced by the fusion of the gelatinous sheaths of the individual filaments); filaments finally breaking up. Cells of the filaments of three kinds:!. ordinary cells ; 2. vesicular cells or hetero- cysts, usually large and without granular matter, frequently with erect hairs ; 3. spo- rangia or sporangial cells, produced by the enlargement of the ordinary cells, globular, elliptical or cylindrical. Reproduction by spores has been observed in Cylindrosper- mum by Thuret, who finds that the spo- rangial cells produce in their interior one thick-coated spore, which, after a season of rest, germinates and breaks out from the sporange to grow into a new cellular fila- ment. Synopsis of British Genera. Nostoc. Phycoma globose or spreading, gelatinous or coriaceous, containing simple, curved, and entangled, moniliform, colour- less or greenish filaments, composed of cells imbedded in a gelatinous matrix ; hetero- cysts globose, interstitial, larger than the other joints. Monormia. Frond a gelatinous, elon- gate, curled and convolute sheath, enclosing a single moniliform filament ; heterocysts interstitial ; sporangia developed from j rants most distant from the vesicular cells. Trichormus. Heterocysts interstitial and terminal. Sporanges at first formed from the cells most distant from the heterocysts. Sphcerozyga. Heterocysts interstitial ; sporanges from the nearest cells. Cylindrosporum. Heterocysts terminal ; sporanges like the last. Dolichospermum. Heterocysts interstitial ; sporanges of unequal length, and without definite arrangement. Aphanizomenon. Heterocysts none (?) ; sporanges usually simple and of unequal length. Spermosira. Heterocysts interstitial, single or in pairs ; sporanges as in Trichor- mus. Exotic genus : Trichodesmium. BIBL. Ralfs, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. v. 321 ; Kiitz. Tab. Phyc. i. 91 ; Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 se>. ii. ; Meneghini, Mem. Turin Acad. ser. 2. v. 1843 ; Allman, Mic. Jn. 1855; Rabenh. Alg. ii. 161; M'Nab, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1874, 215*; Sachs, Hot. 251. NOTA'MIA, Flem A genus of Gernel- lariidse, Cheilostoinatous Polyzoa. Char. Cells placed back to back, facing opposite directions ; tobacco-pipe-shaped bird's-heads above each pair. One species : N. bursaria (PI. 36. fig. 21). An elegant microscopic object. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 294 ; Busk, Cat. Polyz., Brit. Mus., 36; Hincks, Polyz. 99. NOTAS'PIS, Herm. A genus of Ori- batea (Acarina). Cephalothorax with lamellar appendages, tarsi with three homodactyle claws. N. bipilis, common in France. (Murray, EC. Ent. 217 ; Michael, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1880, 177.) NO'TEUS, Ehr. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Brachionsea. Char. Eyes absent, foot forked ( = eye- less Brachionus). N. quadricomis (PI. 44. fig. 13). Carapace suborbicular, depressed, scabrous, areolate, with four spines in front and two behind ; freshwater ; length 1-10 to 1-70". BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 602; Pritch. Infus. NOTH'RUS, Koch. A genus of Ori- batea (Acarina). Cephalothorax without lamellar appendages, tarsi with three hete- rodactyle claws. N. spiniger, violet-brown, covered with dirt. N. horridus, in moss. (Murray, EC. Ent. 219.) NOTOCHL^E'NA, Brown. A genus of Grammitideae (Polypodiaceous Ferns). Several species; tropical. (Hook. Sun. 370.) NO'TOCHORD. The new name for the Chorda dorsalis. NOTODEL'PHYS, Allm. A genus of Copepodous Entomostraca. NOTODROMAS. [ 547 ] NUCLEUS. N. ascidicola (PI. 19. fig. 22) resembles Cyclops in general appearance. The ex- ternal ovary is a single organ, lying across the back of the abdomen ; eye single j marine. 3 other species. BIBL. AUman, Ann. N. H. xx. 1 ; Baird, Br. Entom. 237 ; Brady, Copep. i. 141. NOTOD'ROMAS, Lilljeborg. An Os- tracode related to Candona, among the Cy- pridce. It has long setae on the lower an- tennae, and two eyes. Its carapace has a flat ventral surface with limiting ridges; and with this portion upwards it floats at the top of sunny pools in Europe and the British Isles (N. monachus, Miiller), and in Australia (N. fenestrata, King). BIBL. Brady, Linn. Tr. xxvi. 379. NOTOGO'NIA, Perty. A genus of Eu- chlanidota (Rotatoria). Char. Lorica present, dilated posteriorly, with two pointed processes on each side. Eyes two, red; jaws curved, strong, with two or three teeth; caudal setse strong; between Confervas. BIBL. Perty, Lebensf. 42. NOTOM'MATA, Ehr. A genus of Ro- tatoria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Free ; eye single, cervical ; tail- like foot with two toes; rotatory organ simply ciliated. In some the rotatory organ is extended laterally in an ear- or arm-like form. Ehrenberg describes twenty-three species, some of which are parasitic, N. petromyzon and parasita living within Volvox globator, and N. Werneckii within the vesicles of Vaucheria ; and divides them into the sub- genera : Labidodon, jaws each with a single tooth ; Ctenodon, jaws each with several teeth. Notommata granularis is the male of N. Brachionus. Many of the species are large and well adapted for the study of the internal structure. N. centrura (PI. 44. fig. 14 ; 15, jaws and teeth). Body attenuate at each end, foot small and hard ; cephalic auricles short ; no lateral setae ; freshwater ; length 1-36". BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 424; Duj. Inf. 646; Pritchard, Infus. 681 ; Hudson. M. M. Jn. 1875. NOTONEC'TA, L. A genus of aquatic Hemipterous insects. The insects belonging to this genus have the elytra membranous in the posterior part, and the body is more or less boat-shaped. Fig. 530. Notonecta glauca. Magnitied 3 diameters. The hind legs are very long, and when stretched out resemble and act as a pair of oars. The Notonectce swim on their backs, and generally in a slightly inclined position, on the surface of ponds and ditches. They descend with great rapidity. They are very voracious, and live on aquatic larvae, biting also very sharply. Their mouth- organs and limbs afford interesting micro- scopic objects. N. glauca (the water-boatman) is com- mon in pools. NOTOPTEROPH'ORUS, Costa. A genus of Copepodous Entomostraca. Two species ; marine. (Bradv, Copep. i. 141.) NUBECULA'RIA, Defrance. An Im- perforate Foraminifer ; shell opaque, often sandy, protean, parasitic on shells and algae ; straight, scale-like, or cervicorn ; chambers with imperfect base ; at first spiral ; aperture oval, produced, often lipped. Fossil in the Trias, Oolite, and Tertiaries; common in shallow waters of warm latitudes (N. ruaosa, PL 23. fig. 21). BIBL. Jones & Parker, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xvi. 455 ; Carpenter, For. 69. NUCLEUS AND NUCLEOLUS OF ANIMALS. See CELL, p. 138. NUCLEUS and NUCLEOLUS OF PLANTS. The term nucleus is applied in botany to two very different things first to the central body of the young ovules of Flowering plants, and secondly to a pecu- liar structure met with in the interior of cells. The first will be described under the head of OVULE ; the cell-nucleus and nu- cleolus are treated of in the article CELL, Vegetable. Few parts of the minute organization of plants are more obscure than the structure and function of nuclei : some authors re- gard them as of the highest physiological importance; others consider their import 2N2 NUCLEUS. [ 548 ] NUCLEUS. altogether unknown. The nucleus may be observed most easily in the parenchymatous cells of the herbaceous structures and flowers of Monocotyledons (PI. 46. fig. 28 6), or in the young cells of the hairs of Flowering plants generally (PI. 47. figs. 8, 96), or in the embryo-sacs of ovules (PI. 47. figs. 4-6) ; in such cases the characters are well defined and unmistakable. It consists of a lenti- cular body formed of more or less granular Srotoplasm, with one or more well- or ill- etined bright points or cavities (nucleoli} in the interior. Wherever it appears throughout the higher plants, it seems to possess the eaine characters ; but it may be absent in the cells of many Algae, Lichens, and Fungi. Ordinarily nuclei are found attached to the side of cells, or forming the centre of radiating protoplasmic filaments (PI. 47. fig. 9) : sometimes, however, the nucleus is suspended in the middle of the cavity of the cell by filamentous processes of proto- plasm ; in all such cases it forms a kind of centre for the circulation of the protoplasm where this exhibits movement (ROTATION), and it is itself carried about to a certain extent by the currents. The nucleoli (PI. 47. fig. 8 ri) of these larger nuclei are apparently usually more or less solid granules of a transparent substance, but sometimes they appear more like minute cavities. The nuclei and nucleoli of the lower plants are exceedingly obscure ; in a great many cases the so-called nuclei are little different from the nucleoli of the larger forms, occupying to the entire cell-contents the same relation as the nucleoli to large nuclei, for example, in the spores of Lichens (PI. 37. fig. 7), Fungi, &c. In the lower Confervoid Algae the nucleus (or nucleolus) appears to be represented by the entire cell- contents (PI. 7), in which one or more well- defined granules often occur, representing nucleoli; in certain stages, however, a larger granule is met with, coloured by chloro- phyll, which some regard as a nucleus ; this disappears totally at particular epochs, and is replaced by starch-granules or oil- globules. The bright-coloured point, or " eye-spot," seen very generally in the ZOO- SPOKES both of Confervoids and Fucoids, may represent a nucleolus. Nuclei originate in two ways. The sim- plest mode is found where they precede free- cell formation, as in the development of the germinal vesicles in the embryo-sacs of Flowering plants. Here the nuclei appear first as globular, granular, or lenticular masses, which become gradually defined in the substance of a collection of protoplasm accumulated at the upper end of the cell (PI. 47. tigs. 1-4). This is a spontaneous isolation of a portion of the protoplasm to become the foundation of a new cell. We may compare this with the segmentation of the entire mass of contents of the cells of Confervee in the formation of ZOOSPORP:S, which may perhaps be regarded as at first free nuclei. In cells multiplying by division, a division of existing nuclei has been observed to take place in certain cases, as in the hairs of Tradescantia (PL 47. tigs. 8 & 9) ; but in other similar cases of division no nuclei are observed (PI. 47. figs. 10 & 11). In Tradescantia, the oval parent nucleus fills up the end of the growing cell, so that the division of the nucleus is almost synonymous with the division of the primordial utricle. But in this case, as in the development 01 cells from free nuclei, as indicated in the germinal vesicles, the cell-membrane in expanding draws away from the nucleus, which remains adherent to or suspended in connexion with a layer of protoplasm lining the cell-wall and forming its primordial utricle. In SPIROGYRA and Zi/ffnema, a division of the free suspended nucleus pre- cedes the division of the large primordial utricle. Mohl describes a division of nuclei as occurring in Anthoceros ; and most authors who have written on the development of pollen and spores lay great stress on the influence of the nuclei, which they describe ; but the import of nuclei in vegetable cells is certainly still a problem. Some believe they are the universal agents of production of new cells ; others that they are not the agents of this in any case, but, when pre- sent, may be divided with the cells. Others imagine that they are merely the original " mould " of protoplasm on which the cel- lulose membrane of the nascent cell is de- posited, and which is left unaltered when this expands (the phenomena in Spirogyra are opposed to this). Some of those who deny their influence in cell-development believe them to be the vital centres of the cells in which they exist. They are best seen in very young cells in all cases ; in nascent tissues they almost or quite fill the cavity of the young cells. As the cells grow older, their history differs in different cases. Sometimes they persist NUMMULINA. [ 549 ] ODONTELLA. until the decay of the organ in which they exist. This happens very generally in the cells of the flowers, stems, &c. of Monoco- tyledons ; not uufrequently, in stems and leaves they become converted into starch or chlorophyll granules. In other cases they have a more definite purpose; for in the vesicles in which are formed the SPERMATO- ZOIDS of Ferns, Mosses, Hepaticae, Chara- ceee, &c., these structures appear to be pro- duced by a metamorphosis of the nuclei. In examining supposed nuclei of plants, especially those of lower cellular organiza- tion, tincture of iodine should always be applied, to distinguish starch-granules &c. from true nuclei, which are always coloured deep yellow or brownish by that reagent, besides being coagulated, contracted, and thereby rendered more distinct. BIBL. R. Brown, Phil. Mag. Dec. 1831; Nageli, Zeit. iviss. Bot. (Ray Soc. 1845 & 1849); Mohl, Pflanzenzelle, 36, 51; Hof- meister, Entsteh. d. Embryo, 1849, 7; Braun, Verjunguny (Ray Soc, 1853, 175); Sachs, Bot. 45 ; Strassburger, Zellenbildung, 1880. NUMMULI'NA, D'Orb. I A Hyaline Fo- NUMMULI'TES,Lamk. j raminifer of the highest class. Shell lenticular, varying in convexity and in size (from less than Jg- to 2^ inches in diameter), composed of several, overlapping, uniform, whorls of nu- merous > -shaped chambers in a discoid spire. These are prolonged towards the umbo of each face, thus forming Alar Lobes, either straight (in the Radiatce), or sinuous (Sinuatce), or inosculating (Reti- culates). The alae are abortive or absent, and the spire therefore exposed, in Assilina and Operculina, unequal and modified in Amphistegina. The chambers communicate bv a transverse slit at the base of the septum, with smaller occasional holes. The outer chamber-walls (Spiral Lamina) are thin in the latest, but in the older cham- bers thickened by successive layers of the delicate tubuliferous shell. Over the septa of the median plane (PL 24. fig. 22), and where the alar septa cross and touch, the tubuli being obsolete, the shell becomes translucent (Pillars) ; at the outer margin (Marginal Cord) also of the whorls the layers of shell become translucent, and are traversed by radiating and inosculating tubes, continuous with canals passing be- tween the two shell-layers of each septum (Interseptal Canals), and with the canals in the margin of the inner whorls. This Canal-system carries spiral and branching threads of sarcode through the denser parts of the shell, which, indeed, in some Polysfo- meUce and Ccdcarinte appear to be secreted thereby (Supplementary Skeleton). Nummulina is rare in the Carboniferous, Jurassic, and Cretaceous, but very common in the Lower Tertiary strata ; living in the North, Red, and Australian seas, but small (N. radiata, PL 24. fig. 21). BIBL. D' Archiac et Hairne, An.foss. Num. Inde, 1853; Carter, Ann. N. H. ser. 2. xi. 161, ser. 3. viii. 320, 366 ; Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. ser. 3. v. 106, viii. p. 229 ; Car- penter, Foram. 262, Microscope, 1858, 510 ; Brady, Ann. N. If. ser. 4. xiii. 222. NYCTOTHE'RUS, Leidy. A genus of Heterotrichous Infusoria, very near Playio- toma. 4 species ; in the intestines of Am- phibia and Invertebrata. (Kent, Inf. 579.) NYMPELEACE.E. See HAIBS (p. 379). O. OAT, Avena sativa (Nat. Order Grami- nacese, Flowering Plants). The form of the starch-corpuscles of the oat is very un- like that of the other common corn-plants ; they consist of numerous small polygonal grains grouped together in roundish or oval masses (PL 46. fig. 10). See STABCH. OBE'LIA=Zaomeille, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. xv. 109; Grev., Crypt. _F/.pl.73; Robin, Veget. Par. 2nd ed. 488 ; and the Bibl. of VINE- FUNGFS. OIKOM'ONAS, Kt. A genus of Flagel- late Infusoria. Exceedingly minute, ovate, flagellum single ; a thread-like process pro- truded at will from the posterior part of the body, serving for attachment. Six species; in infusions, fresh- and salt-water. (Kent, Inf. 250). OIL. Oils of various kinds are most abundantly produced by a very large num- ber of plants, and occur to some extent in almost all. For the microscopist, it is con- venient to divide them into essential and fixed oils. The former are special secre- tions, and occur in the cells of the GLANDS and Glandular HAIRS of the epidermis of those parts of plants exposed to the air and light. Fixed oils are found principally in the cells of tissues still physiologically active in the nutrition of the plants, and they appear in many cases to have a close relation with and to form substitutes for starch. Thus fixed oils occur stored up in the cells of the perisperms or of the cotyle- dons of certain seeds in which little or no starch is produced, as in the Papaveracea, Cruciferce, Linum, the almond, nut, &c. Oil may occur also in the pulp of fruits, as in the olive. SPORES of Cryptogamic plants and POL- LEN-grains are remarkable for the oil they exhibit in their mature condition. It ap- pears to serve as an indifferent or inert form of assimilated nutriment. Oil occurs in the cavity of cells in the form of minute drops, which may be dis- tinguished mostly, by the experienced mi- croscopist, by simple inspection ; but it is often desirable to prove the nature of the globules, which may be done by removing them with benzole, or, in the case of pollen, by viewing them in spirit of turpentine or oil of lemon. OI'THONA, Baird. A genus of Cope- podous Entomostraca. O. spiniferus ; marine. (Brady, Copep., Hay Soc. i. 90.) OLEAN'DRA, Cav. A genus of As- pidiese (Polypodiaceous Ferns). 6 species ; tropical." (Hook. Syn. 302.) OL'IGOCLASE. See ROCKS. " OLPID'IUM, Braun. Like Chytridium, but without operculum or rootlet, elongated into a cylindrical tube ; epi- or entophytic, on freshwater Algae ; O. simulans, in the living leaves of the dandelion. (Rabenhorst. Alff. iii. 282.) OMPHALOPEL'TA, Ehr. A genus of fossil Diatom aceae which agrees with Acti- noptychus. O. areolata (PI. 18. fig. 53). BIBL. Ehr. Ber. Berl. Ak. 1844, 263; Kiitz. Sp. Ala. 132; Grev. Mic. Tr. 1866, 122. ONCOBRY'SA, Agardh (Hydrococcus, Kiitz.). A genus of Palmellaceae. Fronds minute, hardish ; cells in rows, the super- ONCOSPHENIA. [ 554 ] OOGONIUM. ficial ones crowded, forming a cortical layer. 3 species, brownish-green or purplish ; on submersed wood and mosses. (Rabenh. Alg. ii. 67.) ONCOSPHE'NIA, Ehr. A genus of Diatomaceae. O. carpathica. Valves laxly striated, one end turgid, rounded, and straight ; the other attenuate and uncinate ; freshwater ; diam. 1-790". BIBL. Ehr. Ber. Berl. Ak. 1845, 72; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 11 ; Rabenh. Alg. i. 296. ONION, Allium Cepa (Flowering Plants, Nat. Ord. Liliaceae). The young bulb of the onion offers a very good and cheap subject for the investigation of the development of spiral vessels, to those who do not object to its odour ; other bulbs will do equally well. In the cells of the base of the Ibulb occur very elegant groups of prismatic crystals (see RAPHIDES). ONOCLEA, Sw. A genus of Dick- soniese (Polypodiaceous Ferns). Sori dorsal, globose, on the veins of changed contracted pinnae of the fertile fronds, and concealed by their revolute margins. 3 species ; cold or temperate climates. (Hook. Syn. 45.) ONYCH'IUM, Kaulf. A genus of Pteridese (Polypodiaceous Ferns). Four species ; tropical. (Hook. Syn. 143.) ONYCHODROMUS, Stein. A genus of Hypotrichous Infusoria. Like Stylonichia, but the ventral styles linear, and the caudal setae absent. O. grandis; freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 766.) ONYG'E'NEL A family of Ascomyce- tous Fungi, containing a few inconspicuous plants growing upon the feathers of dead birds, or upon cast-off hoofs and horns. The flocculent spreading mycelium usually pro- duces on its surface little white stalk-like bodies crowned by a globular perithecium. At first erect and thick, these supports be- come more slender as they elongate, and seem to bend under the weight of the light perithecium (fig. 531). In some species the perithecium is sessile. The perithecium is Silled with branching filaments, arising from the walls of its internal cavity, interlacing together and bearing at their free extremi- ties globular cells (asci) containing the spores (figs. 633, 535). At the epoch of maturity the perithecium, originally closed, bursts circularly to wards the base, the upper part becoming detached under the form of a more or less regular cap (fig. 532), expo- sing the spores set free by a solution of the filaments. Fig. 531. Fig. 532. Fig. 533. Fig. 534. Onygena corvina. Fig. 531. Plants on a feather. Nat. size. Fig. 532. Single plant with the perithecium dehiscing. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 533. Portion of the sporiferous layer, with asci. Magn. 350 diams. Fig. 534. Asci detached. Magn. 700 diams. Fig. 535. Spores. Mag. 700 diams. British Genus. Onygena. Perithecium capitate, at length slit round the base, and falling off' as an imperforute cap. Asci borne at the free ends of filaments forming an entangled mass in the perithecium, finally free and pulvera- ceous. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 322 ; Ann. N. H. vi. 432, 2nd ser. vii. 184; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 s$r. i. 367, pi. 17 ; Greville, Crypt. Fl. pi. 343 ; Cooke, Handb. 641. OOCAR'DIUM, Nag.,=7nomerm. OOCYS'TIS,Nag. A genus of Palmel- laceous Algae, probably identical with Nephrocytium. BIBL. Rabenh. Fl. Eur. Alg. iii. 52. OOGO'NIUM. A term sometimes used to signify the parent cell of a true female spore. OOLITE. [ 555 ] OPERCULINA. OOLITE, or ROESTONE, is the substance of oolitic rocks, and consists of carbonate of lime, partly crystallized, partly granular ; the granules usually include organic remains, as broken shell, &c. It consists of two parts, one of which, forming the matrix, is mostly colourless, often crystalline, and exhibits a number of round or oval cavities, each of which contains a nodular granule of a corresponding form. The nodules are sometimes coloured, rarely hollow, and often exhibit concentric rings like those of calculi, and indicative of the successive deposition of layers. Sometimes a Forami- nifer, but more often an organic fragment, or grain of sand, forms the nucleus of the grain. Polished sections of oolite form interest- ing objects; and where the nodules are coloured and the matrix colourless, as in oolite from Bristol, in which the former are red, the beauty of the appearance is in- creased. See ROCKS. OOMY'CES, Berk, and Br. A genus of Pyrenomycetes (Ascomycetous Fungi), founded on a minute plant growing upon the leaves of grasses. O. carneo-albus, (Sphceria carneo-alba, Libert) has pale, flesh-coloured, tough receptacles 1-18" liigh, marked with the ostioles of 3-7 perithecia closely packed within it, bearing resemblance to the eggs of some insects. BIBL. Berk, and Broorne, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. vii. p. 185. OOSPORE. A term used to indicate a spore which is impregnated before germina- tion, as in (Edogonium ; and also applied to the larger form of spore in SELAGTNELLA and ISOETES. OPAL. A siliceous mineral. There are many varieties, thin sections of which present interesting objects for the micro- scope and microspectroscope. Wood opal is wood petrified with hydrated silica, and is light and not very hard. It exhibits in some places vegetable structure. Other opals contain the remains of substances which may be of vegetable origin, or of minerals which simulate such organisms. BIBL. Dana, Mineral. ; Slack, M. Mic. Jn. 1873, 105 ; Zirkel, Mineral. &c. 112. See AGATE. OPALI'NA, Purk. and Val. The ani- mals comprised under this title were for- merly regarded as Infusoria ; but later re- searches tend to show that many are im- perfectly developed forms or intermediate stages of higher animals. They are micro- scopic, oval or oblong, colourless, covered with vibratile cilia arranged in regular rows. Some contain a nucleus, and exhibit con- tractile vesicles ; but they do not admit colouring-matters, nor have they a mouth. In one form an adhesive suctorial disk has been observed, and in another a hook- apparatus, probably serving the same end. They are parasitic within the bodies, usually the intestinal canal, of earth-worms, frogs, Planarice, Naides, beneath the gill-plates of Gammarus, &c. O. (Bursaria. F.) ranarum, is figured in PI. 31. fig. 47. BIBL. Purkinje and Valentin, De mot. vibr. ; Schultze, Turbell. ; Stein, Inf. ; Cla- parede et Lachmann, Etudes, 373; Lan- kester, Qu. M. Jn. 1870, 143; Kent, Inf. 558. OPEG'RAPHA, Ach. A genus of Gra- phideae (Lichenaceous Lichens), growing on bark of trees, stones, &c. Besides their linear lirellee, the fronds bear spermogonia, in O. varia and O. calcarea forming black spots on the surface, communicating with little unilocular cavities lined with short linear sterigmata bearing numerous sper- matia. Several species. BIBL. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 147; Tulasne, Ann. Sci. Nat. 3 s6r. xvii. 207 ; Leighton, Lick. Flora, 395. OPERCULAREL'LA, Hmcks,= Cam- panularia pt. (Hincks, Hyd. Zooph. 193.) OPERCULA'RIA, Goldfuss. A doubt- ful genus of VorticelHna, now included in Epistylis. O. articulata, E. Found adherent to Hy- drophilus piceus and Dytiscus marginalis. PI. 32. fig. 25. O. berberina, St. Found upon Noterus crassicornis, a water-beetle. Other species, on Entoinostraca, &c. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 286; Stein, Infus. ; Claparede et Lachmann, Etudes, 111 ; Kent, Inf. 710. OPERCULI'NA, D'Orb. ANummuline Foraminifer. Shell flat, discoidal, many- chambered ; spire exposed, and whorls rapidly increasing in width. The shell- structure of O. arabica, Carter, is described at p. 330 (PI. 24. figs. 23-26), Rare in the Chalk, and abundant in many Tertiary beds. Large and plentiful in the East-Indian and South seas; common, but small, in the northern seas. BIBL. Williamson, Tr. Micr. 8. ii. 159 (" Nonionina ") ; Carter, Ann. N. H. 2. x. 161, 3. viii. 311 ; Carpenter, Phil. TV. 1859; OPHIDOMONAS. [ 556 ] OPHRYDIUM. For. 247 ; Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. 3. viii. 229. OPHIDOM'ONAS, Ehr. Ageneric name applied to slender, filiform, spiral (helical), Vibrio-like bodies, of a brown or red colour, with obtuse ends, and actively moving through the water by means of an anterior flagelliform filament. Ehrenberg places them among the Infusoria, in the family Cryptomonadina, and admits two species, characterized bv the difference in colour. One was found in fresh, the other in brack- ish water. Length about 1-570", breadth 1-9000". In some the spire forms only half a turn, in others two and a half turns. Probably an Alga. Is it the young state of Spirulina ? BIBL. Ehr. In/us. 43, and Ber. Berl. Ak. 1840; Kent, Inf. 244. OPHI'OCLUS, Hincks. A genus of Hydroid Zoophytes. Char. Stem branching, rooted by a creep- ing stolon, capsules vnse-shaped; polypes not retractile; body deeply constricted a little below the base of the tentacles, which surround a conical proboscis. Tentaculoid organs borne on the stem and stolon, highly extensile. Reproduction by fixed spore- sacs. BIBL. Hincks, Brit. Hyd. Zooph. 230. OPHIOCY'TIUM, Nag. A genus of Unicellular Algae. Char. Cells free, single, vermiculate, ob- tuse at one end, mucronate at the other. O. majm (PI. 5. fig. 11), on freshwater plants. BIBL. Rabenh. Alg. iii. 66. OPHIO'DES, Murr. A genus of Ixodea (Acarina). Body thin, flat, circular ; on foreign snakes. (Murray, EC. Ent. 203.) OPHIO'DES, Hincks. A genus of Hy- droid Zoophytes. O mirabilis, on Laminaria &c. (Hincks, Zooph. 230). OPHIOGLOSSA'CE^E. An Order of Ferns, distinguished from all others by the characters both of the vegetative and re- productive structures. Fronds divided into two parts, one foliaceous and sterile, the other fertile, neither being rolled up in the form of a crook. Sporanges destitute of annulus, and split transversely nearly to the base. Ophioglossum. Sporangia sessile, in two rows, forming a narrow spike. Helminthostachys. Sporangia in crested clusters, forming a long loose spike. Botrychium. Sporangia sessile, in two rows on the spikes which form a panicle. OPHIOGLOS'SUM, Linn. The genus of Ophioglossaceous Ferns, repre- sented by the Adder's-tongue Fern, Ophio- f/lossum vulgatum. Other tropical species. (Hook. Si/n. 444.) OPHIONEL'LA, Kt. A genus of Peri- trichous Infusoria. Solitary, elongate, pesistome as in VorticeUa; contained in a soft sheath. O. picta ; freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 734.) OPHIOTHE'CA, Curr. A genus of Myxogastrous Fungi, distinguished by a simple peridium bursting longitudinally ; capillitium twofold, viz. hyaline articu- lated threads, to which the 'spores are at- tached, and echinulate thicker branched filaments. O. chrysosperma occurs on the inner bark of dead trees. BIBL. Curr. Qu. Mic. Jn. ii. 240 ; Berk. Outl. 310 ; Cook, Handb. 402. OPHRYDFNA, Ehr. A doubtful family of Infusoria, corresponding to Vorticelliiia with a carapace. Animals grouped in a gelatinous mass ... Ophrydium. /"Body attached to the bottom \ T ... Animals J of the carapace by a stalk... f " single, j Body not \ Carapace stalked ... Cothurnia. (. stalked. \ Carapace sessile . . . Vaginicola. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 291 ; Clap, et Lach. Etudes, 93. OPHRYD'IUM, Ehr. A genus of Peri- trichous Infusoria, family Vorticellina. Char. Consists of a colourless, gelatinous, rounded mass, either adherent or free, con- taining numerous greenish Vorticdla-\\ke animals imbedded and somewhat radiately arranged within it ; freshwater. Length of extended bodies 1-100" ; size of entire mass from that of a pea to that of the fist, and even more. O. versatile (PL 31. fig. 49, portion near the surface ; fig. 48, portion expanded by pressure ; fig. 50, separate animal). The gelatinous mass or envelope has been de- scribed as consisting of separate portions or cells, and again as forming a homogeneous whole. It somewhat resembles and has been mistaken for frog's spawn. The body exhibits annular constrictions and longi- tudinal folds, and contains scattered chloro- phyll-granules, and a long, narrow, tortuous nucleus. A distinct narrow elongated O3sophagus is present. Ehrenberg remarks that at first the individual bodies are united in the centre by filaments, which subse- quently disappear. The animals undergo OPHRYOCERCINA. [ 557 ] ORBULINA. the encysting process ; when they leave the jelly, a posterior ring of cilia is formed, as in Vorticella, and the animals swim with the tail first. This organism bears some resemblance to Coccochloris among the Palmellaceae, yet it appears decidedly animal. O. Eichornii, on Anacharis. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 292 ; Stein, Inf. ; Cla- parede et Lachmann, Etudes ; Kent, Inf. 735. OPHRYOCERCI'NA, Ehr.- A family of Infusoria. See TRACHELINA. OPHRYODEN'DRON, Clap, et Lach. A genus of Acinetina. Char. Acinetina with the suckers at- tached to a long retractile proboscis. Six species ; marine. O. abietinum, on Campanularia. BIBL. Clap, et Lach. Etudes, 381 j Kent, Inf. 849. OPHRYOGLENA, Ehr. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria, of the family Bursa- rina. Char. Ovate ; a frontal eye-spot ; cilia in longitudinal rows; a watch-glass-shaped vibratile membrane near the mouth. Fresh- water. Five species. Stein remarks that, on treating these animals with acetic acid, the cilia became converted into a dense network of curved and geniculate hairs, some as long as the body. O. atra (PI 31. tig. 51). Body ovate, compressed, black, acute posteriorly ; eye- spot black, marginal ; cilia whitish ; length 1-180". O. acuminata, brown ; eye-spot red. O. ftavicans, yellowish ; eye-spot red. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 360; Stein, Inf. 240; Duj. Inf. 506; Lieberkiihn, Ann. N. H. 1856, xviii. 319 ; Claparede et Lachmann, Etudes, 256 ; Kent, Inf. 532. OPHRYOSCO'LEX, St. A genus of Peritrichous Infusoria. Free, ovate-elon- gate, with a Vorticella-\ike peristome; middle of the back surrounded by a row of stout setae ; a long posterior style-like pro- cess. 2 species j in the rumen and reticulum of ruminants. (Kent, Inf. 652.) OPISTHIOT'RICHA, Perty. A genus of Infusoria. Char. Small, cylindrical or pyriform Cilia on body fine, those on posterior part large. O. tennis, in bog-pools. BIBL. Perty, Lebensf. 150. OPISTHODON, Stein. A genus of Hy- potrichous Infusoria. Free, ovate, dorsally convex, vertically plane, ciliate ; mouth near the posterior half, with a cylindrical rod-fascicle. O. niemeccensis : freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 749.) OPISf HOTRICH'IA, Kt. A genus of Hypotrichous Infusoria. Free, ovate ; frontal, ventral, and anal styles as in Oxy- tricha, also with caudal setae. 2 species ; freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 785.) ORBICULI'NA, Lamk. A genus of porcellaneous Foraminifera. Discoidal, equi- lateral, greatly compressed, very variable according to age ; forming an embracing, very regular spire when young, subse- quently growing into a more or less perfect disk, almost undistiuguishable from Orbito- lites. Chambers very narrow, curved, and divided throughout their length into nu- merous minute cavities (chamberlets) by perpendicular partitions, transverse to the spiral coil. Orifices very numerous, round, in rows along the septal plane on the outer margin of the shell. Living in tropical seas (O. adunca, PI. 23. fig. 19) ; fossil in the Tertiaries. BIBL. Carpenter, Phil. Tr. 1856, 547: For. 93. ORBITOI'DES, D'Orb. One of the hya- line Foraminifera, related to Nummulites and often mistaken for it. Lenticular; thick or thin ; smooth, granular, or radiate j composed of a median plane of chamberlets arranged cyclically, and of very numerous layers of compressed chamberlets above and below. Fossil only ; in the Upper Chalk, and Lower and Middle Tertiaries. BIBX. Giinibel, Abh. bayer. Ak. 1868, x. 670. ORBITOLI'NA. See PATELLINA and POROSPHJERA. ORBITOLI'TES, Lamarck (Orbulites). A porcellaneous Foraminifer, near Orbiculina, but distinguished by the chambers being arranged in concentric circles. Inhabiting tropical seas. O. complanatus (PI. 23. fig. 17 ) = Sorites and Amphisorus, Ehr. j fossil in the Lias, Chalk, and Tertiaries. BIBL. Morris, Brit. Foss. 39 : Carpenter, Phil. Tr. 1856, 181 ; For. 105. ORBULI'NA, D'Orb. A hyaline Fora- minifer, consisting either of a single spheri- cal chamber, or of a large globular chamber enclosing a small Globigerine group of earlier cells. Perforations numerous, minute and of two sizes ; but single orifice doubtful. O. universa(P\. 24. fig. 1). Recent, and fossil as far back as the Lias. ORGANIZATION. [ 658 ] ORIBATEA. BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. VienS22; William- son, Eec. For. 2; Carpenter, For. 176; Alcock, Mem. Lit. Phil. Manch. 3. iii. 178 j S. Owen, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. ix. 149; Ter- quem, Mem. Metz, 1862, 432; Brady, Qu. Mic. Jn. n. s. xix. 75. ORGANIZATION AND VASCULA- RIZATION. Immediate reunion of cut surfaces may take place without any exuda- tion ; but in healing by what is termed the first intention, a substance is present which glues the edges of the wound together. This consists of the connective tissue of the cut surface, infiltrated with blood-corpuscles and serum, and swollen by the imbibition of the latter. The next stage of the pro- cess is the migration of colourless corpuscles from the dilated vessels in the immediate neighbourhood. They permeate the whole of the cementing medium and the adjacent connective tissue, so that the divided parts are at length united by a continuous layer of embryonic tissue. The next step is the reestablishment of the circulation. Thiersch found the cut ends of the vessels a few hours after the injury plugged by a cor- puscular proliferation and somewhat dilated, but seldom occupied by a blood-clot. In- jecting the vessels at this stage with a warm solution of gelatin, and hardening the speci- men in alcohol, he found sticking to the surface of the club-shaped plug of gelatin, endothelial cells, some detached and isolated, others undergoing proliferation. Moreover he found a peculiar configuration of the surface of the plug, in which were the radicles of a very beautiful system of inter- cellular canals, forming a provisional nu- trient apparatus. The last act is the trans- formation of that part of the embryonic tissue which is not employed in the con- struction of vessels, into fibrous connective tissue. Should pus be formed in a wound, healing by the second intention occurs (see Pus). Pus is given ofi' from the wound, and from its surface young cells force their way from countless points ; they are accom- panied by a fluid mainly transmitted from the blood, and very rich in dissolved al- buminous matters. Sooner or later the cells close up their ranks, and a layer of em- bryonic tissue is formed, which intervenes between the parenchyma of the organism on the one hand and the pus on the other. Then this embryonal connective tissue gets thicker, rises into small globular projections or granulations ; they produce both skin and cuticle, and new vessels. Along certain lines running through the parenchyma in which these new vessels are to be, a closer aggregation of the cells becomes apparent; a cord or row of cells becomes visible, pointing out the form and direction of the future blood-path. Soon the blood makes its appearance in the axis of the cellular cord, and the cells parted asunder begin to constitute the wall of a new blood-vessel. As each layer of embryonal tissue is formed on the surface, rows of cells aggregate as above, and new vessels are completed. As the cicatrical tissue contracts after its for- mation out of the embryonal tissue, and as it is fashioned at the deepest part of the wound, first the whole of the raw surface shrinks and compresses the vessels, obliterat ting many and reducing the vascularity of the healing tissues. ORIB'ATA, Latr. A -genus of Oriba- tidae, of which there are several species, on stones and plants. Some are common. The position of three species is doubtful, viz. Acarus conferva, Schr., freshwater, creeping upon Confervas, &c. ; Oribata de- mersa, Duj., with a cervical eye, upon Hypnum inundatum ; and Oribata marina, a marine species. BIBL. Gervais, Walck. Apt. iii. 251 ; Schrank, Ins. Austria, 611 ; Duiardin, rinstit. 1842, 316; Koch, Deutschl. Crust.-, Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. stSr. ii. 46 ; Murray, EC. JSnt. 217. ORIBATEA. A family of Acarina. Char. Body covered by a hard horny dark envelope; palpi fusiform, 5-jointed ; first joint small, second large, inflated and almost half the length of the entire palpus, palpi hairy outside only ; mandibles chelate; body often winged ; no suckers. Genera : Nothrus. Body elongate, irregularly quadrilateral, with spinous filaments; legs of moderate length, thick, tarsi with 3 homodactyle claws. Belba. Abdomen distinct from thorax, rounded, inflated; legs long, geniculate, with 1 claw. Oribata. Cephalothorax with lamellar appendages ; tarsi with 3 heterodactyle claws ; hairs bristle-shaped. Cepheus. Cephalothorax lamellar : claws 3, alike. Notaspis. Cephalothorax lamellar, tectum confounded with it. Leiosoma. Cephalothorax with plates, claws 3, heterodactyle. Pelops. Like Oribata, but hairs flat and spatula-shaped. ORXITHOBIUS. [ 559 ] ORTHOTRICHUM. Hermannia. Cephalothorax soldered to abdomen ; tarsi with 1 claw. Eremceus. Cephalothorax simple ; tarsi with 3 heterodactyle claws. Damceus. Cephalothorax ribbed, legs longer than the body, 1 claw. Galumna. Abdomen subglobular, de- pressed, margins of the pseudothorax winged ; legs of moderate length. Hoplophora. As the last, but wing-like appendages absent ; tarsi 1-clawed. BIBL. Walckenaers Apteres, 251 ; Koch, Deutschl. Crustac. ; Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. ii. 48 ; Dufour, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1 ser. xxv. 289 j Nicolet, Archiv d. Museum, 1855 ; Michael, M. M. S. 1879, 225, 1880, 32, 177. ORNITHO'BIUS, Denny. A genus of Anoplura. Like Nirmus, but with 2 horns to the clypeus. O, cygni, on the swan ; 2 other species. OROBIAS, D'Eichwald. A Nummuline or Fusuline Foraminifer, found in the Car- boniferous Limestone of Russia ; possibly a true Nummulina. BIBL. D'Eichwald, Leth. Ross. i. 352. ORTHOCERFNA, D'Orb. A Sticho- stegian Foraminifer, related to Nodosarina ; square or triangular in cross section; without septal furrows ; orifice terminal, simple or pouting. Recent in W. Indies, O. quadrilatera (PL 23. fig. 36) ; fossil in the Tertiary, Chalk, Gault, and Oxford Clay. BIBL. Carpenter, For. 166. OR'THOCLASE. See ROCKS. ORTHODON'TIUM, Schwagr.,=5n/wra, pt. O. gracile, on sandstone rocks. (Wilson, Bryol. Brit. 218.) ORTHOP'TERA. An order of Insects, containing the grasshoppers, crickets, &c. ORTHOSI'RA, Thw. See MELOSIRA. ORTHOTRICHA'CE^E. A tribe of Pottioid Mosses including several British genera. a. Papillae, distinct, tuberculate, rarely obso- lete ; peristome mostly pale, rarely orange- coloured. Zygodon. Calyptra dimidiate. Peristome wanting, simple, external or internal, more rarely glabrous, without an annulus. Orthotrichum. Calyptra campanulate, plaited. Peristome absent, simple, or double. External of thirty-two geminate (sixteen, fig. 483) or bigeminate (eight, fig. 537) teeth, more rarely of sixteen entire, undivided teeth, granular, fleshy or brittle, mostly pale, rarely orange-coloured, erect, afterwards reflexed, arising below the mouth of the capsule. Internal : eight or sixteen cilia, simple, hyaline, or rarely resembling the teeth. Vaginule ochraceous. In- florescence monoecious or dioecious. Capsule without an annulus, pyriform, grooved, rarely glabrous; operculum capitate, conical. b. Papilla mostly obsolete, rarely distinct] peristome always coloured, purple, red, or orange. Glyphomitrium. Calyptra campanulate, large, totally enclosing the capsule, deeply laciniate, plaited. Peristome of sixteen short, lanceolate, densely trabeculate, entire teeth, with a central line, in pairs, incurved, arising below the orifice, orange-coloured, smooth (fig. 283, p. 360). Inflorescence monoecious. Brachystelium. Calyptra as in the pre- ceding, entirely or almost covering the cap- sule, mitre-shaped, with long and repeated laciniations, slightly plaited. Peristome as in Trichostomum, the teeth more or less split to the base into two arms. Inflorescence monoecious. Guembelia. Calyptra dimidiate, otherwise like the following (figs. 289-291, p. 366). ^ Grimmia. Calyptra mitre-shaped, laci- niate, smooth, scarcely exceeding the oper- culum, or shorter. Peristome simple, teeth sixteen, lanceolate, with a median line, trabeculate ; often, however, fissile, hence very polymorphous, more or less split as far as the middle into two or four teeth, or into two arms down to the base (fig. 288, p. 365). Fig. 536. Fig. 537. ^T Fig. 6bti. Orthotrichum pulchellum. Mara. 15 diams Fig. 537. Orthotrichum pallens. Fragment of peri- etome. Magn. 50 diams ORTHOT'RICHUM, Hedwig._A genus of Orthotrichaceae (Pottioid Mosses), grow- ing in round tufts, fertile at the summit, on OSCILLATORIA. trees and stones, never on the earth. Bri- tish species numerous, remarkable for the apophyses, sometimes having stomata, and the varied character of the outer peristome, the thirty-two teeth of which are variously conjoined, so as to appear thirty-two, six- teen, or eight. Calyptra mostly covered with hair-like processes (fig. 472, p. 512). BIBL. Wilson, Bryol Br. 185 ; Hooker, Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 57 j Venturi. M. M. Jn. 1881, 80. OSCTLLATO'RIA, Vauch. A genus of Oscillatoriaceae (Confervoid Algae), distin- guished from the allied forms by the simple, rigid, elastic filaments, forming a stratum in a common gelatinous matrix. Filaments enclosed singly in tubular -cellulose sheaths, open at the ends, from which the fragments emerge when broken across (PL 8. fig. 8). The young filaments or growing extremities are continuous and scarcely striated ; but by degrees transverse striae appear, some- times very close together, sometimes dis- tant, indicating a constriction and final fission in the substance of the filament, which, when old, readily breaks at these places. The internal structure of the fila- ment is obscure : it seems to be composed wholly of protoplasmic substance, the joints not possessing special cellulose coats; but the substance of the filament, although apparently solid, seems sometimes less dense internally, since we have noticed a kind of hour-glass contraction intermediate be- tween the striae after the action of thick syrup (by endosmose) and after desiccation. The curious rounding-off of the separated ends of dividing filaments (PL 8. fig. 8, right-hand figures) seems to depend on some power of expansion of an outer thicker layer of the substance of the filament. The mo- tion of the filaments will be described under OSCILLATORIACE^J. The filaments ultimately break up at the striae into di- stinct joints, which may be regarded as gonidia. No formation of spores has been observed. A remarkable and unexplained appearance is occasionally observed at the growing ends of the filaments : they appear crowned by a wreath of cilia ; but these processes are rigid and motionless. The species occur on damp ground, on stones, mud, in fresh water, running or stagnant, in springs, and in brackish water ; a few are truly marine. In the following characters the colour of the strata is given as seen by the naked eye, that of the fila- ments as seen under the microscope. [ 560 ] OSCILLATORIA. * In fresh water, or on damp earth, &c. a. Stratum ccruginotis or blue-green. O. limosa, Ag. Stratum dark green, glossy, with long rays; filaments green, 1-3300 to 1-3600" in diameter; articulations shorter than the diameter. At the bottom of ditches and pools. O. tennis, Ag. Stratum dark green, thin, with short rays ; filaments pale green, 1-4200" in diameter ; articulations equalling or half the diameter. In muddy ditches, &c. ; at first on the bottom, finally floating. O. muscorum, Ag. Stratum dark aerugi- nous-green, 3 or 4' in extent, growing over mosses in rapid streams ; filaments thickish, pale blue-green. O. turfosa, Cann. Stratum pale verdi- gris-green, glaucous, 1 or 1' in diameter, resting on an ochraceous substratum ; fila- ments hyaline, very slender. On floating sods in turf-pits. O. decorticans, Grev. Stratum smooth, glaucous-green, membranous, peeling off in flakes ; filaments pale bluish green, very slender. Damp walls, pumps, &c. ; common. b. Stratum dutt green, inclining to purple, black, or brown. O. nigra, Vauch. Stratum blackish green (bluish black when dry), with long radii; filaments pale bluish green, 1-2800 to 1-3000" in diameter ; joints equalling or a little shorter than the diameter. Ditches and ponds. Common. O. autumnalis, Ag. (PL 8. fig. 8). Stra- tum purplish or greenish black ; filaments pale dirty bluish green, 1-4000 to 1-5000" in diameter ; joints shorter than the diameter. Damp ground, walls, &c. Common. O. contexta. Carm. Stratum glossy black, spreading three feet or more, appearing satiny and striated to the naked eye ; fila- ments pate green, 1-3000" in diameter; ar- ticulations largish. On mud ; apparently common. O. ochracea, Grev., is probably the same as Leptothrix ochracea. ** Marine, or in brackish water. O. littoralis, Carm. Stratum bright aeru- ginous-green ; filaments deep green, thicker than in O. a ; joints one third the diameter. Pools on the sea-shore. See SYMPLOCA. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Alg. 1st ed. 161; Mar. Alg. 228; Phyc. Brit. pis. 105, 251 ; OSCILLATORIACEJS. [ 561 ] OSCILLATORIACE^. Hassall, Ah/. 244, pis. 70-72 ; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 237; Tab. Phyc. Bd. i. pis. 38-44 ; Rabenh. Alg. ii. 95 ; Engelmann, Beweg. Bot. Zeit. 1879. OSCILLATORIA'CE.E. A family of Confervoid Algae, containing organisms of considerable diversity and not well cha- racterized at present, owing to the obscurity of the reproduction. The genus Oscillatoria, with its nearest allies, is composed of cylindrical filaments of protoplasmic sub- stance, invested by a continuous cellulose sheath or tubular cell-membrane. The in- ternal (solid ?) filament gradually becomes transversely striated as it increases in age, and subsequently breaks across at the trans- verse lines ; and the fragments readily escape from the sheaths, since no cross walls of cellulose are produced (PL 8. fig. 8). These kinds exhibit clearly the remarkable motion from which the family takes its name. They are mostly found upon damp ground, form- ing wide and irregular strata. Rivularia and the allied genera have the joints of the fila- ments more distinct j and the filaments are coherent into definite fronds, on which they stand erect or radiate from a centre (PI. 8. figs. 13, 16). The sheaths often become complicated, from the internal multiplica- tion and the persistence of the cellulose sheaths of several generations one within another (see PETALONEMA), often gelati- nously swollen up, and sometimes decomposed into spiral fibrous structures (PI. 8. fig. 15 ; see SPIRAL STRUCTURES). Some of the remaining forms differ considerably from the above, and are imperfectly understood. Spirulind (PI. 7. fig. 15) has the filaments curled spirally; and in the strange plant Didymolidix (PI. 1. fig. 10) two spiral fila- ments occur twined together. These last minute forms generally occur imbedded in a gelatinous stratum. The structure of the Oscillatoriaceae, judging from Oscillatoria, Mi&'ocoleus, and Lynybya, differs importantly from that of all other Confervoids. The filaments are not composed of rows of cells, but, in the earliest condition, of a cylindrical thread of ^protoplasm, coloured greyish, green, brown, s or purple in different cases. The ends of the growing filaments are narrower and de- void of striae, and have no perceptible cellu- lose sheath ; when a little older, cross striae appear, consisting of double rows of granules or dots, and the tubular cellulose coat is i evident; finally the striae become distinct lines (see PI. 8. figs. 8-22). In this stage, | external violence will cause the filament to break across at the strise ; and the fragments then slide along inside the cellulose sheath, the broken ends always assuming a rounded form like that of the free extremities (PI. 8. fig. 8b). When these fragments slide quite out of the sheaths, the latter appear as con- tinuous tubes (PI. 8. fig. 8 a), seldom with any cross markings opposite the strife of the internal mass. In Lynybya the division seems to take place in a peculiar manner, accompanied by an interstitial growth com- parable to that of ZYGNEMA. In a well- developed filament, every eighth stria is strongest, the intermediate fourths rather lighter, every second one between them paler still, and the intermediates of these only just marked; while in Oscillatoria the striae seem to be gradually less definite towards the growing apex of a filament. The filaments appear solid as ordinarily viewed ; but the endosmose resulting from placing them in syrup or gum- water causes them to contract between the stria?, or to break up into lenticular disks. The ultimate fate of all the filaments seems to be a sepa- ration into disks or globular gonidia, by breaking across at the striae. In Microcoleus (PI. 8. fig. 9) and many Rivularice there would appear to be a trans- verse multiplication like that occurring oc- casionally in NOSTOC, as the filaments are found lying side by side in gelatinously de- composed outer (parent) sheaths. The fila- ments of the Rwularice are seated on a large basal cell (PL 8. figs. 13, 16, 18), the nature of which is not understood. The remarkable spontaneous motion of many Oscillatoriaceae presents a considerable variety of conditions. In Oscillatoria and Microcoleus the ends of the filaments emerge from their sheaths, the young extremities being apparently devoid of this coat ,- their ends wave backwards and forwards, some- what as the fore part of the bodies of cer- tain caterpillars are waved when they stand on their prolegs with the head reared up. This motion probably depends upon the ir- regular contraction of different parts of the protoplasm. The filaments also emerge from the tubes and break up ; and the frag- ments then exhibit an oscillating movement like that of a balance, together with an ad- vance in a longitudinal direction. Lynybya (PI. 8. fig. 10) does not appear to oscillate, at all events when in long filaments ; Spini- lina and other forms exhibit only a tremu- lous oscillation ; Didymohelix probably ac- 2o OSCILLATORIACE^E. [ 562 ] OSCILLATORTACE^. quires its double-spiral character from the entwining of originally distinct filaments, Leptothrix and the allied genera are very imperfectly known, and are only included here from the absence of indications of closer affinities elsewhere; very likely they are mycelial filaments of Fungi. These plants occur on damp ground, rocks, or stones, and among Mosses and other Confervas on rocks, stones, &c. in fresh and salt water, and are allied in some respects to the NOSTOCHACB^ ; but the articulations of the filaments of the latter are all perfect cells with a complete cellulose wall, multiplying by division in the same way as the Confervaceae. Synopsis of British Genera. A. Oscillatoriece. Filaments transversely striated or moniliforiu, sometimes spi- rally curled ; sheathed, or, in the minute forms, without evident sheaths; exhi- biting spontaneous oscillating or creep- ing motion. Increased by transverse division. Didymohelix (PI. 1. fig. 10). Filaments brown, very slender, continuous, curled spi- rally and twisted together in pairs. No evident sheaths, but a common investing Oscilh nttatoria (PI. 8. fig. 8). Filament? coloured, continuous, transversely striated, readily breaking across, with a proper cellu- lose sheath, oscillating ; collected in strata and imbedded in a common gelatinous matrix. Microcoleus (PI. 8. fig. 9). Filaments as in OsciUatoria, but collected into bundles in a common gelatinous dichotomously branched tubular sheath ; filaments oscil- lating. Ccenocoleus. Filaments branched, annu- lated, contained with their ramifications within a tough, more or less permanent sheath which bursts irregularly. Symploca. Filaments as in Oscillatoria, but erect and tufted, coherent at then' bases, bristling above. B. Lytigbyea. Filaments motionless (?), oscillarioid, enclosed in a very distinct sheath, tufted, or forming strata, with or without an enveloping jelly. Dasyglcea (PI. 8. fig. 11). Filaments un- branched, sheathed; older sheaths broad, cpalescent outside into an amorphous gela- tinous stratum. Lynybya (PI. 8. fig. 10). Filaments elon- gated, distinctly articulated, unbranched, with distinct convoluted cellulose tube, but without a gelatinous matrix (motion creep- ing ?) ; articulations very close. Liebleinia. Filaments short, erect, tufted, unbranched, with distinct cellulose coat, free, without an investing jelly. Chamcesiphon. Crenothrix. C. Scytoneinece. Filaments distinctly arti- culated, simple or branched, motionless^ with distinct articulations and large in- terstitial (propagative ?) cells ; sheaths at length softened and swollen, but with- out a common gelatinous matrix. Scytonema (PI. 8. fig. 19). Filaments caespitose, or more rarely fasciculate, with a double (lamellar) gelatinous sheath, (mostly) closed at the apex ; branches con- tinuous by lateral growing out of the pri- mary filaments, with a knee-like base. Desmonema. Filaments branched, more or less coherent j branches of two kinds, pri- mary branches each with a connecting cell at the base, secondary branches without connecting cells; annulated. See TOLY- POTHRIX. Aj-thronema (PI. 8. fig. 20). Filaments distinctly articulated, simple, in short lengths, overlapping at their ends within the gelatinous sneath. Petalomma (PI. 8. fig. 21). Filaments branched, with the outer sheaths of the single joints expanded upwards and out- wards into funnel-shaped bodies, each partly overlapping its successor, forming a common obliquely laniellated and transversely barred gelatinous cylinder. Calothrix (PI. 8. fig. 22). Filaments very closely articulated, tufted, with branches in apposition for some distance, here and there cohering laterally. Sheaths firm, often dark-coloured. Tolypothrix. Filaments free, radiantly or fastigiately branched, most distinctly articulated at the bases of the branches*; branches continuously excurrent, not in ap- position ; sheaths thin, hyaline. Sirosiphon. Filaments single, double or triple, within a distinct common sheath, very distinctly articulated; branched by lateral budding, the branches divergent. Schizothrix (PL ^ 8. fig. 17). Filament. s branched by division; sheaths laniellated, thick, rigid,' curled, thickened below, finally longitudinally divided. Symphyosiphon. Filaments erect or as- OSCILLATORIACEJ3. [ 563 ] OTOGLENA. ceuding, enclosed in lamellated,hard sheaths, concreted laterally at their bases, involved in jelly. jRhtzonema. Sheath cellular and fur- nished throughout its length with numerous branched and anastomosing rootlets (?). Filaments distinctly annulated, and inter- rupted here and there by a connecting cell. Branches in pairs, arising from a protrusion of the filament. Fischer a. D. Rivulariea. Filaments distinctly arti- culated, with an enlarged basal cell, mostly attenuated above, connected into definite or indefinite fronds ; motionless. Schizosiphon (PI. 8. fig. 13). Basal cells globose, filaments simple, distinctly articu- lated, mostly attenuated towards the apex, sheathed, sheaths connate into groups, hard, dark-coloured, open and expanded above, and overlapping so as to form a succession of ochrese which have the free borders slit up into filaments or fringes ; also dis- playing a spiral fibrous structure in dissolu- tion. Physactis. Filaments whip-shaped, toru- lose at the base, sheathed, sheaths simple, gelatinous, collected into a globose and solid, or subsequently a bullose-vesicu- lar frond ; in the globose fronds the fila- ments radiate from the centre, in the vesi- cular fronds from the internal or lower surface of the gelatinous matrix. Ainactis (PI. 8. fig. 15). Filaments branched, jointed, with thin sheaths, col- lected into a solid pulvinate frond, concen- trically zoned by the dichotomous branching of the filaments. Sheaths more or less solidified by carbonate of lime ; sometimes exhibiting a spiral structure in dissolution. Rwularia (PL 8. fig. 18). Filaments with an oval basal cell succeeded by one of cylindrical form (manubrium), the remainder short, attenuated in diameter upwards (whip- shaped) ; sheaths sometimes saccate below, open (not fringed) above ; forming a slippery gelatinous frond. Euactis (PL 8. fig. 16). Filaments whip- shaped, with repeated ochreate sheaths, forming fronds in which they radiate, and by superposition of successive generations form concentric layers; sheaths cartilaginous, lamellated, firmly united laterally, dilated upwards (funnel-shaped), decomposed into a fringe at the orifice. Inomeria. Filaments whip-shaped, ver- tical, parallel ; sheaths obscure, everywhere decomposed into very slender filaments ; forming crustaceous fronds, becoming stony. Petronema. Densely caespitose, erect, somewhat regularly branched; branches free, with obtuse rounded apices, and each with a connecting cell at the base. Filaments annulated and growing thicker upwards. E. Leptotricliece. Doubtful Oscillatoriace^. Leptothrix. Filaments very slender, neither branched, articulated, concreted, nor sheathed. Hypheothrix. Filaments unbranched, in- articulate, sheathed, interwoven into a more or less compact stratum. Symploca. Filaments unbranched, inar- ticulate, sheathed, concreted into branches, conjoined at their bases; sheath a simple hyaline membrane. OSMIC ACID. An oxide of the metal osmium, obtained from platinum-ores. It is a crystalline, volatile, poisonous substance, soluble in water, with a powerfully irritating odour. Its aqueous solution is used for hardening and colouring certain animal tis- sues black or dark blue, as fat-cells and globules, the medulla of nerves, more slowly the ganglion-cells, the connective-tissue cor- puscles, Zoophytes, &c. The ordinary strength is about 90 grains to a pint. Small pieces of the structures should be immersed in it, from hour to 24 houry, then well-washed in distilled water, and mounted in acetate of potash or Farrant's compound. It is also useful for its remark- able power of killing Infusoria, Rotatoria, &c. so suddenly, that the cilia remain extended, instead of being retracted and undistinguish- able as with other reagents. (Ranvier, Hist, teckn. ; Robin, Micr. 220 ; Frey, Mikr.} OSMO'SIS. See ENDOSMOSB. OSMUN'DA, Linn. A genus of Osrnun- daceous Ferns, represented in Britain by Osmunda regalis ^(figs. 222, 223, p. 319), the Royal or Flowering Fern, as it is termed, a large and handsome plant, found in damp situations ; not common. OSMUNDA'CE^E. An order of Poly- podiaceous Ferns, characterized by the broad imperfect annulus on the back of the spo- ranges. Genera : Osmunda. Sporangia on metamorphosed pinnules. Todea, Sporangia on unchanged pin- nules. OSTRACO'DA. See ENTOMOSTBACA. OTOGLE'NA, Ehr. A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Hydatinsea. 2o2 OTOLITHS. [ 564 ] OVARY. Char. Eyes three ; one sessile and cervi- cal, the two others stalked and frontal; neither jaws nor teeth present. O. papillosa. Body campanulate, turgid, rough with papillae; freshwater ; length 1-96". BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 453; Pritchard, Inf. 690. O'TOLITHS. The crystalline or crys- talloid particles found in the labyrinth of the internal ear. They are enclosed in sacs, appearing as white specks ; and are com- posed of carbonate of lime, with an organic basis, which is left after the action of dilute acetic acid. OTONYS'SUS, Kol. A genus of Sar- coptidse (Anoplura). O.sticlwlasius, on the bat ; other species. (Maddox, M. Mic. Jn. 1871, 144; Murray, EC. Ent. 317.) OTOS'TOMA, Carter. A genus of Holo- trichous Infusoria. Char. Ovoid, mouth ear-shaped; anus terminal ; nucleus long ; contractile vesicles double. Its cysts have been discovered on Nitella, and give exit to monadiform beings approaching the parent shape. O. Carteri, Bombay. BIBL. Carter, Ann. N. H. 1866, xvii. 117; Kent, Inf. 500. OVA OF ANIMALS. The germs secretad by the ovaries. When extruded from the body, they are generally termed eggs (Eo-GS). See OVUM. OVARY. The organ in which the ova or germs of the future offspring are formed and temporarily contained. The ovary consists of an outer fibrous capsule, and a parenchyma or stroma. Transverse section ol' a human ovary at the fifth month of pregnancy, a, Graafian vesicle of the under, b, of the upper surface ; c, peritoneum ; d, the tunica albuginea; in the centre are two corpora lutea; e, stroma of the ovary. Tta outer coat, or tunica albuginea, is firm, white, and intimately connected with the subjacent stroma: it consists of inter- lacing bundles of connective tissue with few elastic fibres. A layer of columnar or germ-epithelium covers the capsule, therefore different from that of the peritoneum, with which it is continuous at the base of the organ. The germ-epithelium here and there lines tube- like inward prolongations (the ovarian tubes). The stroma (fi*. 538 e) is composed of nucleated connective tissue, and in it are imbedded the Graafian vesicles (fig. 538 a). They vary greatly in number and size ; the largest are generally nearest the surface, and project more or less, so as to give it a nodu- lar aspect. They are round closed sacs (tig. 539J. Each possesses two coats ; the Fig. 539. G-raaflan vesicle of the pig. a, outer, b, inner layer of the fibrous coat; c, membrana granulosa; d, liquid contained in the vesicle ; e, proligerous disk ; f, ovum with the zona pellucida, yolk, and germinal vesicle. Magnified 10 diameters. outer is a fibrous and vascular layer, con- nected with the stroma by somewhat lax areolar tissne, which consists of two layers : the outer composed of ordinary fibrous con- nective tissue; the inner consisting of young connective tissue, rich in cells, usually fusi- form, stellate, or spheroidal, and resembling amoeboid cells. Lining this is the epithe- lium of the follicle, which covers the whole of the inside of the tunica propria, and forms the membrana granulosa (fig. 539 c). Next the surface of the ovary this is thickened and projects in wards, "forming the proligerous disk, e ; the epithelium is strati- fied and columnar. The ovum is imbedded in this proligerous disk. The cavity of the Graafian vesicle con- tains a liquid resembling the serum of the blood ; and in it are found granules, nuclei, and cells, arising from the disintegration of the membrana granulo'sa. When the vesicle bursts, the ovum es- VIPOSITOR. [ 565 ] OVULE. capes surrounded by the cells of the proli- gerous disk and the adjacent part of the epithelium ; the inner surface then becomes wrinkled, and gives off flesh}' processes which become yellowish, and form the cor- pora lutea. In those animals in which the amount of stroma present is small in proportion to the size of the vesicles, the ovaries have a race- mose appearance. In many of the lower animals the ovaries are tubular, the ova lying closely packed within them. BIBL. Kb'lliker, Mik. An. ii. ; Siebold, Vergl. An. ; Todd's Cyclop. An. ; Waldeyer, Strieker's Hist.] Baifour, Gomp. Embryol. 1880. OVIPOSITOR See INSECTS, p. 433. OVULE or OV'ULUM. The name ap- plied to the rudiment of the seed of Flower- ing Plants, produced in the ovary or ger- men during the development of the flower, fertilized by the pollen-grains when com- plete ; and afterwards converted into a SEED by the development of the EMBRYO and other secondary structures during the con- version of the ovary into the fruit. For the general conditions of the ovules in ovaries, reference must be made to botanical works. The ovules make their appearance upon the placenta as cellular papillae rising up from its surface, and are at first simple ; this first development, the main feature of the organ, is called the nucleus (figs. 540-542). In Fig. 540. Fig. 541. Atropous ovules. Fig. 540. Young ovule of Chelidonium. , nucleus; ch, chalaza. Fig. 541. Young ovule of mistletoe, consisting of a nucleus only. rare cases this remains naked ; but in most instances one or two coats are produced, arising as circular folds near the base, and gradually growing up over the nucleus (fig. 542), leaving only a small hole or pas- sage at the apex, leading down to the point of the nucleus. When two coats are formed (fig. 543), the inner appears first; the outer originates later and grows up over the inner, and it is generally thicker and more developed. The inner is the secundine of Mirbel, the outer the primine (figs. 543, 544, 547, S, P). German writers reverse . 543. End - P Atropous ovules. Fig. 542. Young ovule of walnut, consisting of a nucleus 2f, with a single coat S ; End, the endostome or micropyle. Fig. 543. Young ovule of Pplygonum. F, funiculus; P, primine (of Mirbel) ; S, secundine; Ex, exostome ; End, endostome. Magnified 40 diameters. these names, resting on the true order of development. Some term them the integu- mentum, internum and externum. The inner is the tegmen, the outer the testa of Brown. The passage at the apex, leading to the nu- cleus, is called the micropyle ; sometimes the orifice in the outer coat is distinguished from that in the inner coat, and they are termed respectively exostome and endostome (fig. 547). While the nucleus and coats are becoming perfected, one of the cells situated near the apex of the nucleus takes Fig. 544. ^^- Sections of atropous ovule of Polygonum. P, primine ; S, secundine ; N, nucleus ; SE, embryo- sac : V.e, PI, nascent embryo. Magnified 20 diameters. on a peculiar character, becoming more de- veloped than the rest, and often causing the absorption of part, or sometimes the whole, of the tissue of the nucleus ; it appears at length as a large sac occupying the centre of the ovule j this is the embryo-sac (fig. 544). The base of the ovule is pushed up from the surface of the placenta during its deve- lopment so as to appear at length sup- ported on a stalk of variable length ; this is OVULE. [ 5' termed the funiculus (figs. 543 F, 647/) ; the point of attachment of this stalk to the body of the ovule (marked by a scar when the ripe seed separates) is called the hilum. That region of the interior where the lower parts of the coat are confluent with the base of the nucleus, is called the chalaza (fig. 546 C). The form of ovules is much anected by excessive development of their constituent parts in special directions before the fertili- Fig. 546. Section of campylotropous ovule of the wallflower. C, chalaza; N, nucleus; Dinner coat; P, outer coat. Magnified 20 diameters. zation. If all parts grow equally, the com- plete ovule is erect on the placenta, with its hilum and also the chalaza turned towards the latter, and its micropyle at the opposite free end : such an ovule is technically termed atropous or orthotropous (figs. 541-545). Very frequently an excessive growth takes place at one side of the coats of the ovule, so that the chalaza is carried up and di- rected away from the placenta, the micro- pyle being at the same time turned down towards the latter ; but as the growth is in the coats of the ovule, the hilum remains at the base, near where the micropyle arrives ; such an ovule is termed anatropous (fig. 116, p. 157). The hilum is then connected with the chalaza by a ridge (a kind of adherent funiculus) called the raphe. In other cases the form becomes altered by the point of the ovule turning down, the entire structure becoming folded or bent upon itself, with- out disturbance of the relative positions of the hilum and chalaza, while the micropyle is brought down, as in the anatropous ovule, to the vicinity of the hilum. This form is termed campylotropous (fig. 546). Other conditions occur less frequently, among which is the amphitropous form (figs. 550 & 551). During these developments the embryo- sac also undergoes various changes. Some- times, as in the OrchidacesB, it expands so ] OVULE. as to obliterate all the tissue of the nucleus, and appears like a simple sac enclosed by Fig. 548. Fig. 549. Magnified 40 diameters. Fig. 550. Fig. 551. Magnified 20 diameters. Amphitropous ovule of mallow in different stages. Fig. 551. Section. the coats; in the Scrophulariaceae and other orders it produces peculiar lobes or pouches at various points ; in the Santalacese it grows out from the summit of the nucleus as a free, naked, tubular process, &c. Up to this point the differences in ovules are such as may be termed secondary ; but a primary distinction now comes into view, connected also with a difference in the ex- ternal conditions, affording grounds for the division of the Flowering Plants into two great classes. In the Coniferse and Cyca- dacese the ovules are developed upon open carpels, and consequently the micropyle may receive the pollen-grains immediately, when expelled from the anthers. Plants exhibiting this condition are termed GYM- NOSPEBMS, or naked-seeded. In the Dico- tyledons and Monocotyledons the carpels are always closed up into cases or ovaries, surmounted by a stigma, sessile or elevated OVULE. [ 567 ] OVULE. upon a style, and the pollen, falling upon the stigma, produces there its pollen-tubes, which pass down through what is called the conducting tissue of the style and upper part of the ovary, on to the placentae, whence they make their way to the micro- pyles of the ovules. Plants exhibiting these conditions are distinguished as ANGT- OSPERMS or covered-seeded. The next phenomena which characterize the development of the ovules of the An- giosperms may be briefly given as follows. The formation of the embryo-sac has already been described. Shortly before the opening of the flower, in most cases, this sac is more or less densely filled with granular proto- plasm, in which a variable number of nuclei may be seen (PI. 47. figs. 1-7). About the time when the pollen-grains are discharged from the anthers, a number of minute, free, globular protoplasmic bodies may be dis- covered in the embryo-sac, usually three (more rarely one) of these being crowded into the upper end of the embryo-sac and constituting what are called the germinal bodies or masses (PI. 47. fig. 4). Others, which often occur in the embryo-sac, are generally collected near the bottom of it; they are apparently characteristic of par- ticular families only; in some plants they are very large, as in the Croats. About this time the embryo- sac often exhibits asymmetrical growth, forming pouches or processes, sometimes at the summit, some- times at the base. When the pollen-grains fall upon the stigma, they protrude their pollen-tubes (see POLLEN), which pass down through the conducting tissue, and enter the micro- pyles of the ovules. When they reach the apex of the embryo-sac, they either stop, often swelling a little, or they pass down a short way over its side (PI. 47. fig. 5) ; very rarely two pollen-tubes are found engaged in the micropyle of the same ovule. It is not absolutely known whether the cavities of the pollen-tube and the embryo-sac become actually continuous by absorption of the walls at the point of attachment ; it is generally believed not, but we feel some doubt on this point. The essential point of the process is the intermixture of the con- tents of the pollen-tube with the substance of the germinal body. In the higher Crypto^amia and in the Algse, the impreg- nation is of a similar nature ; but there the germ-masses are fertilized by the agency of spermatozoids, which make their way to them, either constituting or carrying the impregnating matter, which in the case of the pollen-tube is a liquid, containing fine granules, but exhibiting no trace of active spermatic bodies, except that refractive gra- nules are sometimes seen in active motion in the end of the pollen-tube. Soon after the pollen-tube has reached the point of the embryo-sac, one (rarely two, giving rise to POLYEMBRYONY) of the germinal bodies becomes invested by a cel- lulose membrane (germ-cell}, and usually changes from a spherical to an oval form, a transverse septum soon dividing it into two. Most frequently the elongation continues, with a successive formation of septa, until the nascent embryo appears as a rounded or oval cellule suspended at the base of a simple confervoid filament (suspensor) ; in other cases the formation of the first trans- verse septum is followed by the expansion into two globular cellules connected by a narrow neck, the upper, almost devoid of contents, constituting the suspensor (Pota- mogeton, Zannichellid) ; in Orchis, the upper of the first two cells grows upwards and outwards, as a blind septate confervoid fila- ment, through and beyond the micropyle of the ovule. In Tropceolum and Zea the sus- pensor becomes more complex, by formation of perpendicular septa. In all cases the end or embryonal cell, at the point of the suspensor, which always appears densely filled with protoplasm, ultimately enlarges, and by segmentation is converted into the embryo (PI. 47. fig. 6). During the early development of the em- bryo, the embryo-sac is often found more or less densely rilled with free cells formed from its protoplasm (endosperm-cells) . These are frequently absorbed, and disappear du- ring the growth of the embryo, this ulti- mately filling the embryo-sac ; while in other cases they persist and multiply, form- ing the ALBUMEN of the seed. In the Nymphaeaceae these cells remain, forming an inner Endosperm or Albumen, in addi- tion to that formed from the body of the nucleus. In other cases (those of exalbu- minous seeds) the embryo not only displaces these internal endosperm-cells, but in the course of its growth causes the absorption of the tissue of the nucleus, and ultimately constitutes the entire seed, enclosed only by the true integuments. The remaining characters are given under ALBUMEN and EMBRYO. Tulasne is in doubt whether the germinal OVULE. [ 568 ] OVULE. vesicles exist before the pollen-tube enters the inicropyle. We have certainly seen them before; but we believe they do not possess a cellular coat before impregnation. Observations on the ovule of Santalum album have led us to conclude that they receive the influence of the pollen while in the state of nucleated protoplasmic cor- puscles, analogous to the unimpregnated spores of Fucus; and this view has since been supported by the later observations of Schacht, although Hofmeister and Radlko- fer maintain that the germinal bodies possess a cell-membrane before impregnation. In the Gymnospermous Flowering Plants (Conifene, &c.) the ovule, consisting of a cellular nucleus and a single coat, is placed upon an open carpel, and its widely-open inicropyle receives the pollen-grain. At the period of impregnation, the embryo-sac is a cavity deeply seated in the tissue of the nucleus ; it is formed by the coalescence and expansion of several cells (in the Yew there are often at first three embryo-sacs). In the embryo-sac a number of free nuclei soon appear, and numerous free (endo- sperm-) cells are formed. In many of the Abietinese this goes on until the spring following the impregnation. Ultimately the embryo-sac is found to have increased to more than twenty times its original size, with the endosperm-cells applied in layers over the inside of its walls, increasing in number until the cavity is filled up. Then a certain number of cells (from three to eight in different genera), situated near the inicropyle end, but each in the layer next but one to the wall of the embryo-sac, become enlarged, and the cells intervening between these enlarged ones (secondary embryo-sacs) and the wall of the original embryo-sac become divided, by two per- pendicular septa standing at right angles, into four cells. A central intercellular pas- sage then appears at the contiguous angles of these four cells. These new bodies, which closely resemble the archegonia of the LY- copODiACE-s:, were called corpuscula by Brown, who discovered them. Free cells, or perhaps merely protoplasmic masses, are next formed in the secondary embryo-sacs of the corpuscula, several at the upper, one at the lower end. The pol- len-tubes now advance, breaking down the tissue of the nucleus, until their points reach the corpuscula ; and one then makes its way down the intercellular canal of each, to reach its secondary embryo-sac; the free cell at the base of this (germinal vesicle) then becomes divided into four col- lateral cells ; these multiply again ; and sub- sequently the cellular body (proembryo) so formed breaks through the base of the secondary embryo-sac, and grows down in the substance of the lower part of the nu- cleus, which is now in a state of semisolu- tion. The proembryo then separates into four cords, corresponding to its four primary cells ; and these filaments (suspensors) ter- minate in rounded cells, each of which is an embryonal cell; so that there are now four times as many rudimentary embryos as there are corpuscula. Out of all these, only one ultimately remains and becomes perfectly developed j the rest are absorbed during the ripening of the seed. In the latter, the perfect embryo is found lying in a mass of albumen formed of the nucleus ; its radicle, developed at the point of junc- tion of the suspensor, never becomes very clearly defined at its extremity, but remains organically continuous with the albumen. Other points relating to the development of ovules will be found under POLYEM- BRYONY, SEEDS, and CELL-forrnation. The methods of investigating the deve- lopment of ovules are simple in their nature, but rather difficult in practice. The ordinary plan is to place an ovule between the thumb and fore finger of the left hand, and with a very sharp lancet cut it into two unequal pieces, in the direction of the axis. The larger of the two being then laid on its flat side on the finger (by the aid of a mounted needle), another slice is made so as to leave a section preserving all the central part of the ovule. This adheres either to the finger or the lancet ; and a drop of water should be placed on it to free it ; then it may be trans- ferred to a slide with a very fine caruel's- hair pencil. Examined under a low power (a half-inch), it will probably be found to require further dissection, with exceedingly fine needles, under a simple lens; some- times mere pressure is of service. For the minute details, the quarter and eighth ob- ject-glasses will require to be applied. We have found ovules which have been kept in spirit easier to dissect ; when fresh, the cell- membranes are excessively delicate. It need scarcely be added that ovules require to be examined in all stages in order to under- stand their developmental characters; and the student must not be disheartened by the failure of a large proportion of his sections to afford satisfactory observations. OVULITES. 569 ] OVUM. BIBL. Brown, App. to King's Voyage, 18-2(5; Linn. Tr. 1833; Mirbel and Spach, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. xx. 257 ; Mohl, Bot. Zeit. 1847, 1855; Miiller, ibid. 1847; Schleiden, Nova Acta t xix. 29; Grundz. Bot. ; Hofmeister, Entsteh. d. Embryo, 1849 ; Unters. holier. Crypt. 1851 ; Abh. K. sacks. Ges. vi. ; Hanstein, Flora, 1857 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xii. 21, 4. iv. 65 ; Schacht, Beitr. z. An. u. Phys. 1854; Jahrb. loiss. Bot. i. 1857 ; Bot. Zeit. 1858 ; Criiger, Bot. Zeit. 1851, 1856; Radlkofer, Entsteh. des Embryo, 1856; Henfrey, Linn. Tr. xxi. 7, xxii. 69; Tr. Brit. Asaoc. 1856; Bentley, Man. Bot. ; Henfrey-Masters, Bot. ; Chatin, Ann. Sc. N. xix. 1874, 1 ; Sachs, Bot. 558; Strassburger, Zelleribildung , 1880. OVULITES, Lamarck (Oveolties) . A large elegant one-celled Foraminii'er, re- garded by some as a calcareous Alga ; either ovoid, sausage-shaped, or like a drumstick ; shell porous, with, large terminal apertures ; length 1-25" and more. Fossil; abundant in the Eocene of Grig- non, Hauteville, &c., France; rare in the Miocene of San Domingo. BIBL. Parker & Jones, Ann. N. H. 3. v. 292, and 1877, xx. 77. OVUM or ANIMALS. Several points in regard to the structure of the ovum, and the nature of the changes which it under- goes at different periods of its development, are in doubt and obscurity. The first perceptible trace of the ovum existing within the ovary is formed by a very minute granule or globule, not sur- rounded by a cell-wall. This gradually enlarges; and when it has attained a certain size, being still very minute, a smaller sphe- rical globule forms in its interior. The minute internal globule is t\\Q germinal spot ; and the external globule is the germinal vesicle. It appears, however, that in some cases the germinal spot is formed first, and the germinal vesicle subsequently. When these have still further grown, a cell-wall separated by a slight interspace forms around the germinal vesicle ; and this inter- space contains a transparent liquid. Minute granules then arise in the liquid, which becomes inspissated; and subsequently a number of globules of sarcode yolk- globules become perceptible in it ; this mass forms the yolk ; and the surrounding membrane is the vitelline membrane. As the ovum attains further development, al- buminous layers are deposited upon and fused with the vitelline membrane, forming the zona pellucida or chorion (fig. 552 rt), Fiff. 552. Human ovum from a Graafian vesicle of moderate size, a, zona pellucida; b, vitelline membrane and outer boundary of the yolk ; c, germinal vesicle with the germinal spot. Magnified 250 diameters. which appears as a w^hite ring. The yolk- globules are sometimes transparent, or slightly granular; at others they contain one or several vacuoles, and are frequently aggregated into little groups. The yolk, as it approaches maturity, frequently be- comes coloured. It is usually whitish or pale yellow in the Mammalia, Reptiles, and Fishes, bright yellow or reddish in many Birds, and often green, blue, violet, or red in the Invertebrata. In the yolk of the ova of reptiles and fishes, crystalline plates are met with, consisting of an albuminous substance, allied to Haematoidine. Viewing the ovum as a simple cell, the germinal spot represents the nucleolus. the germinal vesicle the nucleus, the vitelline membrane or zona pellucida the cell-wall, and the yolk the cell-contents. Some authors consider that the vitelline membrane is formed after the chorion. The ovum of man and the mammalia differs from that of the lower animals in its remarkably small size, which depends upon the extremely small quantity of yolk enter- ing into its composition. The mature ovum of man and mammalia averages about 1-200 to 1-150" in diameter, being rarely 1-100". Another peculiarity consists in their ova, instead of being in immediate contact by means of their chorion or outer envelope with the stroma of the ovary, or loose within the cavity of the latter, AS in other animals, being enclosed in distinct larger cells the Graafian vesicles. On the escape of the ovum from the ovary, the phenomena which ensue vary according to whether the ovum has been impregnated or not. In both cases the germinal vesicle and spot disappear; an interspace, filled with albuminous liquid, occurs between the yolk and the zona pellucida ; the ovum OVUM. [ 670 ] OVUM, becomes covered with cilia, and undergoes a regular motion of rotation; and certain movements and changes in form of the yolk-substance, which forms Amoeba-like processes, have been noticed. In the un- impregnated ovum, decay and decomposi- tion subsequently take place. The essential part of the process of im- pregnation consists in the penetration of the yolk by the spermatozoa, and their subsequent solution in it. This takes place either through the micropyles or the radiate canals, or directly into the naked yolk. In the impregnated ovum, the germinal vesicle soon disappears, the chorion becomes thinner, the ovum grows, and the yolk be- gins to undergo segmentation ; but just before this process commences, one or two globules separate from the substance of the yolk, being apparently pressed out of it, and occupy the interspace between the yolk and the chorion; these globules subse- quently dissolve in the liquid. In the process of segmentation, at first a notch or slight indentation appears on some part of the surface of the yolk; this be- comes deeper and deeper, so as to encircle the yolk with an annular depression. Soon after the commencement of this, a clear spot appears in the centre of each circum- scribed portion of the yolk. The depression becoming deeper, the yolk is divided into two distinct portions. The process is con- tinued in the case of each of these in exactly the same manner, and in that of the segments arising from their subdivision also, each simultaneously acquiring a clear spot, until the yolk appears entirely com- posed of innumerable small bodies having the appearance of nucleated cells. Finally these become very minute, and the yolk acquires much the appearance it had before impregnation. Cells then form in the yolk, as in an ordinary blastema, from without inwards, and from the spot originally occu- pied by the germinal vesicle as a centre ; and from these the tissues of the embryo are formed. According to this description, the seg- mentation is not a process of cell-division or endogenous cell-formation, and the nu- clear spots would correspond to portions of the yolk substance from which the granules and globules of sarcode were absent. Com- pare p. 140. In unimpregnated ova, segmentation takes place to a certain extent, but irregularly and incompletely. In the impregnated ova of some animals, as in certain of the Batrachia, most fishes and Cephalopods, the segmentation is only partial, a portion of the yolk remaining as at first. In some of the Mammalia, the zona pel- lucida is traversed by very fine radiating lines (canals), which are best seen in ova immersed in water. In the lower Vertebrate animals, the ova are often covered by new layers, secreted by the ovaries, as in the Batrachia (frog, &c.), where a thick gelatinous coat is pre- sent. In the osseous Fishes, the vitelline membrane is frequently elegantly sculp- tured, and finely and closely punctate from the existence of minute canals traversing its substance. A second coat is also pre- sent, and sometimes a third or albuminous layer. In many of the Cyprinoidea, this layer is represented by small radiate cylin- ders. In several Fishes, as is so general amongst the Invertebrata, especially Insects (Eoos), the vitelHne membrane or chorion exhibits a facetted or sculptured appearance, derived from the impression of the epithe- lium lining the ovarian passages. In addition to the fine canals traversing the membranes of the ovum, one or more large canals or apertures are frequently met with resembling the micropyles of vegetable ovules, and receiving the same names; these are most distinct in the ova of fishes and insects. The study of ova and their changes is very difficult. The most favourable objects for the purpose exist perhaps in those of the aquatic Mollusca ; the ova of insects, as the large species of Musca, of species of Pule.r, &c. are also easily accessible. Some im- portant results have been obtained with the ova of the frog (frog's spawn). BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An. ii. ; Thomson, Cycl. An. art. Ovum ; Newport, Phil. Tr. 1861 and 1853; Siebold, VergLAn.; Meiss- ner, Sieb. $ Kottik. Zeitsch. vii. 208, 272 ; Leuckart, Mull. Archiv, 1855 ; Claparede, Bibl. Univ. Gentve, 1855; Ann. N. H. 1856, xvii. ; BischoiF, Sieb. $ Koll. Zeit. vi. 377; Radlkofer, Befruchtungs. 1857; Bene- den & Bessels, M. M. J. 1869, 41 ; Kupffer, M. Mic. Jn. 1869, 47 ; Kowalevski, Mem. St. Petersb. xvi. 1871 ; Klein, M. M. J. vii. 1872, 193 ; Beale, Tr. Mic. Soc. 1867; How Sfc. 307; Beneden, FCEuf, 1870; Dallinger & Drysdale, M. M. Jn. xviii. 86 ; Schafer, P)-. Roy. Soc. no. 168 ; Kolliker, Entwickel; Balfour, Comp. Embryol. j M. Baker, Phys. OVUM. [ 571 ] PACHYGNATHUS. 1880; His,Menschl.Emb)yo,lS80; Reichert, Menschl. Frucht. 1873 ; Girdwoyn, Mai d. CEufs (fish), 1880. OVUM OF PLANTS. See OVULE. OXALATES. See the bases. OXYR'RHIS, Duj. A genus of Flagel- late Infusoria, belonging to the family Thecamonadina. Char. Body ovoid - oblong, rugose, ob- liquely notched in front and prolonged into a point ; several flagelliform filaments (two, Kent) arising laterally from the bottom of the notch. O. marina (PI. 31. fig. 54). Body colour- less, subcylindrical, rounded behind; ma- rine ; length 1-500". BIBL. Dujard./n/. 347; Pritchard, Inf. 513. OXYT'RICHA, Bory, Ehr. A genus of Hypotrichous Infusoria, of the family Oxy- trichina. Char. Closely resembling Stylonychia ; but the front of the body not produced. O. pellionella, E. (PI. 31. fig. 52). Body whitish, smooth, slightly depressed, equally rounded at the ends, often somewhat broader in the middle ; head not distinct ; mouth ciliated; tail with bristles. Freshwater: length 1-720 to 1-280". O. ffibba E. (PI. 31. fig. 53). Body white, lanceolate, obtuse at each end, ventricose in the middle ; ventral surface flat, with a double row of setae ; mouth large, rounded. Freshwater; length 1-240". Other species. According to Haime 7 Oxytricha is the larva of Aspidisca. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 363; Duj. Inf. 416; Haime, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xix. 109 ; Clap, et family of Hypo- Lachm. Etudes, 139 ; Kent, Inf. 786. OXYTRICHI'NA. A family of ] trichous Infusoria. Char. Carapace absent; body depressed, with vibratile cilia, setse, or cirri, and non- vibratile styles or hooks. Movement crawl- ing. Alimentary orifices two, neither ter- minal. Genera : if Tvrov^-Tioi Marginal cirri l\ I! / s, j ... ) ( The anterior part of the body not pro- longed as a neck, furnished with cirri Oxytricha. The anterior part of the body neck-like, and cove red with cirri Stichochceta. No marginal cirri /Foot-cirri in regular rows J longitudinal or oblique (.Foot-cirri not arranged in rows , Stylonychia. fw,-f>, ft.toi f Foot-hooks / No dorsal bristles Euplotes. J oirn 1 exist i Dorsal bristles Schizopus. *) Cim [No foot-hooks Campylopus. ^Without frontal cirri Aspidisca. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 362 ; Pritch. Inf. 639 ; Clap, et Lachm. Etudes, 168. OXYUR'IS, Rud. See ASCARIS. OY'STER (Ostrea). A genus of Lamel- libranchiate Mollusca. The gills of O. edulis, the common oyster, show the ciliary movement ; but it is not so easily seen in this as in the marine mussel. The shells of the fry or 'embryo oysters' exhibit the black cross and an imperfect set of coloured rings with polarized light. P. PACHNOC'YBE, Berk. A genus of /TT 1 J. T1 *\ have an erect filiform stem, composed of conjoined filaments, capitulate above, the head being; pruinose (not fiocculent), with crowded simple spores. The pedicels are mostly brownish or blackish, the spores light-coloured ; the entire plants from 1-24 to 1-6" high. Several species occur on rotten wood, stems, &c. BIBL. Berk. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 333; Ann. N. H. 2. v. 465; Fries, Sum. Veq. 467. PACHYG'NATHUS, Duges, A genus of Trombidina (Acarina). Char. Palpi conical, last joint scarcely forming a claw; mandibles stout, chelate; body entire, narrowed in front ; coxae dis- tant ; legs gressorial, sixth joint very long, seventh very short; anterior legs longest and stoutest. > P. velutinus (PL 6. fig. 34), the only spe- cies. Found in autumn, under damp stones. Hairs covering the body short, flat, and curved, giving it a velvety aspect. Body inflated, narrowed in front, the narrowed portion with two projecting brownish eyes. Insertions of the legs in two groups, not far distant, or from the median line ; second pair of legs shortest ; in all the sixth joint very long, the seventh very short and nar- row (6), as in Tetranychus, Megamerus, and Raphiynathus ; claws two, large ; rostrum projecting; palpi (a) short, about twice the length of the labium ; mandibles very large and stout at the base. Movement slow. BIBL. Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. ii. 54; Gervais, Walck. Aptfrr. iii. 171. PACHYMA. [ 572 ] PADINA. PACHY'MA, Fr. A supposed genus of Sclerotiacei, but probably a condition of certain roots, the substance being converted into pectic acid. It is well known in the United States under the name of Tucha- hoo. BIBL. Fr. Syst. Myc. ii. 242 ; Berk. Int. Crypt. Bot. 254. PACHYMATIS'MA, Bowk. A genus of marine Sponges. Distinguished by the fleshy, crust-like, not cellular nor elastic mass, covered by a thick skin, and perforated by scattered ori- fices ; the interior beset with siliceous aci- cular and stellate spicula. P. Johnstonia. (BoAverbank, Brit. Sponq., Ray Soc.) PACHYPHLCE'US, Tul. A genus of Tuberacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), with a common warty integument opening by a terminal aperture with a distinct base, cla- vate asci, and spherical s-poridia. Three species occur in Great Britain. BIBL. Tul. Fung. Hyp. 130 ; Berk, and Br. Ann. N. It. xiii. 359, xviii. 79 j Berk. Outl. 377 ; Cooke, Handb. 743. PACHYT'ROCHA, Kent. A genus of Peritrichous Infusoria. Like Cothurnia, but with a fleshy pad closing the carapace. P. cothurnoides ; pond-water. (Kent. Inf. 729.) PACINIAN CORPUSCLES. These curious organs form terminations or appen- dages of the spinal nerves in the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the palm of the hand, the sole of the foot, the fingers and toes, in the sympathetic semilunar ganglia, the mesentery, &c. They are elliptical or pear-shaped, whitish, and about 1-25 to 1-6" in diameter. Each consists of from twenty to sixty concentric layers of connective tissue (fig. 553), sepa- rated by interspaces, those between the outer layers being considerable, those be- tween the inner being small ; each is lined with epithelium. They surround a cavity filled with soft, abundantly nucleated and very easily alterable material, which under- goes coagulation after death, and into the interior of which the nerve-fibres penetrate. They are filled with a clear serous liquid ; each is also furnished with a stalk, contain- ing a slender nerve-fibre, which passes into the central space, in which it terminates, frequently in two or three branches, each with a granular tubercle. The Pacinian corpuscles are met with also on the nerves of many Mammalia, and are very numerous in the skin, the beak, Fig. 553. A human Pacinian corpuscle, a. Btalk ; b nerve-fi within it ; c, outer, d, inner layers of the sheath ; e, p nerve-flbre in the central cavity ; /, its termination. fibre pale Magnified 350 diameters. and the tongue of birds. They are readily examined in the mesentery of the cat BIBI, KolKker, Mik. An. ii. ; Schultze, Strieker's Hist. PADI'NA, Adanson. A genus of Dic- tyotacese (Fucoid Algse), containing one species, P. Pavonia (fig. 554), found rarely in summer and autumn on the south coast of England. The fan-shaped or reniform fronds grow in tufts, and are 2 to 5" hio-h sometimes entire, sometimes cleft (fig. 554)' They are marked with concentric zones'. The substance is parenchymatous the number of layers of cells diminishing, with the thickness and solidity, from the base to the edges. The back of the frond is covered PADINA. [ 573 ] PALMELLA. by a layer of cells much smaller than the rest, forming a kind of epidermis, which ultimately acquires a tluckish cuticular Fig. 554. Padina i'avonia. Frond, one third natural size. layer. The growing edge of the frond is rolled backwards (circinate) and fringed. The fructification occurs in linear concentric sori, on the coloured zones of the frond. The pear-shaped spore-sacs (tig. 555) origi- nate from cells of the epidermal layer, which Fig. 555. Vertical section of a frond at a concentric ZOIK-, in a radial direction, cutting through the sorus of spore- sacs and a line of hairs. The indusial layer of cuticle has been removed. Magnified 50 diameters. take on special development, and in the course of their growth push up and finally burst through the loosened cuticular layer which originally clothed them, so that the latter forms a kind of indusium like that of the Ferns. The spore-sacs produce each four spores, which separate after their escape from the sac. The zones of the sori alter- nate with zones composed of tufts of jointed hairs placed in corresponding lines (fig. 555). Thuret states that he has never found antheridia hitherto, and he believes that Agarclh mistook the hairs or paranemata for them. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 37, pi. 6 C ; Tliyc. Br. pi. 91; Grev. Alt/. Br. pi. 10; Agardh, Sp. Alg. i. 112; Nageli, Algensyst. IfeO, pi. 5 ; Thuret ; Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser. iii. 12 ; Kiitz. Phyc. gen. pi. 22 ; Al. Braun, Rejuvenescence, Ray Sac., 1853, 79. PALMEL'LA, Lyngbye (Red snow and gory dew r ). A genus of Palmellacece (Con- lervoid Algse), of which the best known example is the common P. cruenta (PL 7. tig. 3 a). This plant, very common on damp walls in shaded places, appears at first in the form of rosy gelatinous patches ; these spread and become confluent until the mass extends sometimes over a great extent of surface, as a tough, gelatinous, irregular mass, of the colour and general appearance of blood ; when dried up in this state, it forms a horny, somewhat crumbling stra- tum ; if placed in water, portions float to the top in pellucid rosy masses of jelly. When placed under the microscope, the frond appears to be composed of a colourless homogeneous jelly, in which are imbedded globular cells, single or in pairs (from divi- sion), of a beautiful rose-colour (fig. 3, a, b) ; by the application of reagents, these may be shown to possess a proper membranous coat (c). The contents of the cells appear uniformly granular (6, c) ; and it would appear that, besides increasing by division, the cells also burst and discharge their con- tents, since patches of minute granules occur imbedded in the jelty (lower figs, of 6), pro- bably de.vtined to grow up into the ordinary cells. No zoospores, nor the remarkable phenomena generally that occur in Proto- coccus, have yet been observed in this, which appears to be a very distinct genus. The jelly of full-grown fronds (which appears to be derived from the gelatinous softening of the coats of the parent cells of the successive generations of cells) is often overgrown and discoloured by minute filamentous struc- tures, which at first sight seem to belong to it ; but on the application of a high power are found to consist of a very minute Nos- tcchaceous plant, apparently the Anabaina subtilissima of Kiitzing, or Vibrio bacillus, Ehr. (PL 7. fig. 21), which we find to occur commonly among the Palmellaceous AlgaB. From the examination of specimens of the true "red snow," brought home by Captain Parry, we incline to regard this as a Palmella, distinct generically from the Protococcns or Hcematococcus pluvialis of German writers, with which it is commonly associated. Our specimens consist of a tough, colourless, gelatinous substance, con- taining globular cells differing only in size (PI. 7. fig. 3 d) from those of Palmella cru- enta ; and in the jelly occur also abundance PALMKLLACK K. [ 574 ] PALMELLACKK of the minute granules or cells, which are the discharged contents of the larger cells. The red cells of the red-snow plant turn green when exposed to light, if kept moist. An exactly similar plant has been given us by Mr. Oliver, from Crag Lough, North- umberland, in a fresh condition; and we have never been able to detect any moving forms in it. Further particulars are given under RED SNOW and WATER. Several other species of Palmetto, are described ; but most of them are too imperfectly known to allow of definite characters being given ; P. rosea is perhaps a good species. The forms with a definite frond formerly placed here (P. protuberans, botryoides, &c.) will be found under COCCOCHLORIS. BIBL. Eng. Bot. pi. 1800 ; Greville, Alg. pi. 205; Meneghini, Tr. Turin Ac. 2. v. pi. 6 ; Hassall, Alg. pi. 80 ; Nageli, Alg. 66, pi. 4D; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 211; Rabenht. Aly. iii. 32. See also RED SNOW, and Pno- TOCOCCUS. PALMELLA'CE^E. A family of Con- fervoid Algse, consisting of gelatinous or pulverulent masses, growing on damp sur- faces, in fresh water or in the sea ; composed of globular or elliptical cells, either more or less adherent together into a definite or indefinite pseudo-membrane or frond, or loosely aggregated within a definitely or indefinitely formed gelatinous matrix, or loosely coherent in the form of a pulverulent crust. Some authors have imagined that the cells of Coccochloris or Palmella are at- tached to filaments included in the gelatinous frond: this seems an error (see PALMELLA). Yellowish or bluish-green, or red, often varying from green to red, and vice versa, during the course of development. In- creased by cell-division into two or four, and by ciliated zoospores. Many exhibit three forms: 1. active; 2. quietly vege- tating by subdivision; 3. resting form, with a tough membrane. We include here, for the sake of convenience, not only the true Palmellacese, where there is a frond composed of a number of cells held together by mucus, but also all those Unicellular Algse which, from their mode of increase, are found living socially or in masses which appear like Palmelloid plants. Synopsis of Genera. * Cells immersed in a colourless gelatinous frond. f Frond amorphous. Palmella. Frond a slimy stratum, crowded with rather large globular green and red cells, multiplying by division (PI. 7. fig. 3). Microhaloa. Frond mucoid, floating in water, densely crowded with minute cells, multiplying by division, green or red. tt Frond dejinite. Glceocapm. Cells enclosed in wide gela- tinous coats, enclosed in similar wide gela- tinous parent coats for several generations (PI. 7. figs. 4 & 13). Botrydina. Frond globose, the periphery composed of cells cohering into a kind of cellular epidermis ; inner cells free (PI. 7. %. 9). Coccochloris. Frond gelatinous, globose, containing numerous distinct cells, all free (PL 7. fig. 6). Clathrocystis. Frond gelatinous, at first globose, then hollow and broken into a coarse net, crowded with minute cells (PI. 5. fig. 9). Merismopcedia. Frond very minute, flat, square, containing cells in families of four, sixteen, and sixty-four (PI. 7. fig. 12). Urococciis. Frond composed of striated gelatinous tubes, formed of the parent cell- membranes in a single row, with solitary or binary cells in the ends (PL 7. fig. 7). Hormospora. Frond a wide, gelatinous, simple or branched sheath, containing a single row of cells in twos or fours (fig. 336, p. 395). Tetraspora. Frond gelatine us, foliaceous; cells in fours, becoming free as zoospores (PI. 7. fig. 10). Hydrurus. Frond toughly gelatinous, filiform, containing imbeddecl longitudinal rows of cells (PI. 7. fig. 8). Palmodictyon. Frond gelatinous, filiform, branched; branches anastomosing into a net, consisting of large vesicular cells, with co- loured contents which escape as zoospores. ** Cells singk, either solitary or united small numbers into families (Unicellular Schizochlamys. Cells free, globular, green, aggregated in a jelly, each dividing into 2 or 4 portions, set free by the parent cell breaking into 2 or 4 segments. Chlorosphcera. A large free globose cell, with green contents, ultimately dividing into two cells, each forming a new cell like the parent, set free by lateral rupture (PI, 5. fig. 4). Characmm. A minute attached, pyriform, fusiform, or rounded, shortly stipitate sac PALMELL1NA. [ 675 ] PALUDICELLA. containing green protoplasm, which by re- peated binary division forms a swarm of active 2-ciliated zoospores escaping by a lateral or terminal slit (PL 5. fig. 2). Apiocystis. A simple attached sac with a stout membrane, with green contents, | consisting at first of groups of four still j gonidia, which subdivide repeatedly, and as the parent sac grows become converted into innumerable active zoospores, which move in the parent sac and then break out in a swarm (PI. 5. fig. 5). Codiolum. An attached small, long cla- vate sac, forming a stipes below, filled with granular green contents, with starch-corpus- cles, finally converted at once into nume- rous globose gonidia, escaping by rupture of the sac (PL 5. fig. 6). Hydrocytium . An attached minute shortly stalked oblong sac, with green contents, ancl a parietal starch-corpsule. Contents finally divided into numerous 2-ciliated zoospores, breaking out in a swarm (PL 5. fig. 1). Ophiocytium. Single or rarely in families ; composed of a minute cylindrical curved sac, with a short stipes, free or attached ; green contents scattered, finally forming 8 gonidia in a row, set free by the circumscissile rupture of the end of the sac (PL 5. fig. 11). Sciadium. At first a stalked tubular sac, with 8 gonidia, which grow from the orifice in an umbel, finally emitting 2-ciliated zoo- spores (PL 5. tig. 3). Chytridium. A minute parasitic globu- lar or urceolate rooted sac ; cell-contents colourless, finally converted into 2-ciliated zoospores (PL 5. fig. 7). Pythium. Parasitic ; a colourless globu- lar sac, living in the interior of diseased Confervoids, often in groups, the neck per- forating the nurse-plant, emitting active gonidia (PL 5. fig. 8). BIBL. Braun, Rejuven., Ray Soc. 1851 ; Alg. Unicell. 1855; Chytridium, 1856; Nageli, JEinzell. Algen, 1849; Kiitz. Spec. Alg. and Tab. Phycol. i. ; Cohn, Nova Acta, xxiv. ; Rabenh. Alg. iii. ; Cooke, Fresh- water Alga, 1882. PALMELLI'NA, Radlk. A doubtful genus, allied to Palmella, or probably Fungi. Thallus fl occulent; cells very minute, some smaller and globular, others larger, elliptical or elongate. In the mud of wells and fountains; and beneath the epidermis of the scalp ! BIBL. Rabenh. Aly. iii. 35. PALME'RIA, Grev. A genus of Dia- tomacese from Hong Kong. BIBL. Grev. Ann. N. H. 1865, xvi. 1. PALMICELLA'RIA, Alder. A genus of Escharidae (Cheilostomatous Polyzoa). Orifice of the capsules with a palmate or mucronate process, with an avicularium on its inner aspect. Four species; marine, deep water. (Hincks, Br. Zooph. 378.) PALMITIC ACID is a constituent of most neutral animal and vegetable fats ; it exists in combination with glycerine, form- ing palmitine. When crystalline it forms pearly scales. PALMODAC'TYLON, Nag. A sup- posed genus of Unicellular Algae, germina- ting spores of a Moss ? P. varium consists of a group of radiating single cells, or short multicellular filaments ; ends rounded; numerous green masses in each cell. The cell-wall bursting in definite directions, sets free active gonidia. In freshwater pools. BIBL. Nageli, Einzell. Alg. pi. 2. fig. B ; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 43. PALMODIC'TYON, Ktz. A genus of Palmellaceae (Confervoid Algae). Frond forming a delicate gelatinous network, com- posed of single or double rows of large vesi- cular cells, 1-600 to 1-960" in diameter; containing a pair of elliptical green cellules, 1-3000" in diameter, which ultimately es- cape as active zoospores. This genus ap- pears identical with Trypothcdlus, HOOK. and Harvey, and is nearly related to HY- DRTJRUS and TETRASPORA. P. rtifescens, Ktz., doubtfully referred here, is larger ; it occurs near Aberdeen. BIBL. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 234; Tab. Phyc. Bd. i. pi. 31 ; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 37. PALMOGIXEA, Ktz. See Cocco- CHLORIS. BIBL. Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1864, 124; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 116. PALMOPHYL'LUM, Ktz. A genus of Palmellacese (Confervoid Algae). 1 species, found in the Adriatic. BIBL. Rabenht. Flor. JEur. Alg. iii. 49. PALUDEL'LA, Ehr. A genus of Mee- siaceae, having only one representative, which occurs in Britain, P. squarrosa = Bryum squarrosum, L. PALUDICEL'LA, Gervais. A genus of Polyzoa. Char. Polyzoary fixed, filamentous, dif- fusely and irregularly branched, coriaceous, consisting of a single row of club-shaped cells arranged end to end ; apertures unila- teral, tubular, placed near the broad end of PAMPHAGUS. [ 576 ] PAPER. each cell ; tentacular disk circular, with a single row of free tentacles. P. articula'a. The only species; olive- green ; polypes ascidian. Freshwater ; dia- meter of filaments about 1-30 to 1-20". BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 405 ; All- man, Ann. N. H. xiii. 331, and Pr. Irish Ac. 1843. PAM'PHAGUS, Bailey. A genus of Rhizopoda allied to Lieberkuehnia. P. mu- tabilis is amcebiform, covered with a delicate elastic integument. Bailey, Amer. Jn. Soi. xv. ; Pritchard, Inf. 551 ; Claparede et Lachmann, Etudes, 465; Archer, Qit. M. J. 1871, 101. PANDORFNA, Bory (PI. 5. fig. 10). A genus of Volvocineas (Confervoid Algae), which we believe to be synonymous with Eudorina. It exhibits a great variety of forms, some of which have been described under the name of P. Morum, others otEud. eleyans. The most characteristic conditions are represented in PI. 5. tig. 10. Pandorina stands midway between Volvox and Ste- plianosplicera, consisting of an ellipsoidal translucent gelatinous sac, containing im- bedded just within its surface, several zone- like rows of green pear-shaped gonidia, whose two cilia penetrate the gelatinous envelope, and, hanging out free, move the entire organism by their vibration. Two distinct forms occur one with sixteen, the other with thirty-two gonidia. Where sixteen occur, there are four zones of four gonidia, while where thirty-two exist they stand in four zones of eight, with four at each end(Pl. 5. fig. 10 a and 6). The gonidia have a red spot and a vacuole, like those of Gonium and Volvox. These two forms occur together; and evidently the difference arises simply from an additional binary sub- division of the gonidia in the earlier stages of development from the spore. They are often so numerous as to tinge the water of fresh pools green, like Volvox and Proto- coccus. They occur of various sizes, from 1-80" downwards. These forms are multiplied vegetatively by the conversion of each gonidium into a family like the parent, each group acquiring its special envelope and becoming free by the solution of the parent-envelope. Two corresponding forms also occur with the above, with the sixteen or thirty-two goni- dia closely crowded together, instead of standing at wide intervals in the large colourless envelope. The resting-spores are formed out of all or part of the gonidia of a family, after conjugation (h'g. 139*, p. 205). The impreg- nated gonidia soon acquire a stout special coat, and their originally green contents turn red ; they become free by the solution of the parent-envelope. In germination they turn green again, and by repeated division of their protoplasm, form the new families of sixteen or thirty-two, constitu- ting the perfect plant. Fertilization of the gonidia has also been described as being produced by tho action of spermatozoids minute, fusiform, ciliated corpuscles, produced in large numbers by the subdivision of certain of the gonidia. 'This seems doubtful. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 53; Duj. Inf. 317; Henfrey, Mic. Tr. 2. iv. 49; Fresenius, Mus. Senckenb. ii. 187 ; Cohu, Nova Acta, xxvi. 1 ; De Bary, Sot. Zeit. xvi., 8upp. ii. 73;Currey, Q. Mic. Jn. vi. 213; Carter, Ann. N. H. 3 ser. ii. 237; Rabenhorst, Ale/, iii. 99; Pringsheim, Monatsb. Berl. Ak. 1869 ; Sachs, Bot. 258. PANNA'RIA, Del. A genus of Placodei (Lichenaceous Lichens). Several species. (Leighton, Lich. Fl. ]50.) PANOPH'RYS, DUJ. = FRONTONIA pt. P. chrysalis (PI. 31. fig. 55). Marine. BIBL. Duj. Inf. 491 -j Claparede & Lachm. Etudes, 260. PANTOT'RICHUM,Ehr. A genus of Infusoria. P. laffenula, E. (PI. 31. fig. 58). Body ovate, equally rounded at each end, yellow- ish ; tegument produced in front in the form of a neck or truncate rostrum ; length 1-1080 to 1-580". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Inf. 247; Dujard. Inf. 388 ; Clap, et Lachra. Inf. 315. PAPER. A few general observations only can be made under this head. Ordinary paper, as is well known, was generally manu- factured from rags of linen or cotton fabrics, so that it consisted of a kind of felt of the fibres of cotton or flax ; but in consequence of the immense demand for paper, other substances, such as straw, jute, esparto, the pulped woody fibres of the poplar and pine, are now largely used. The manipulation to which the material is subjected, together with the effect of frequent washing in the case of rags, affects the characters of the fibres to some extent ; and the cellulose is in some cases already brought into that state in which iodine colours it blue. The addition of sulphuric acid and iodine colours the fibres of most papers blue ; and care PAPER. must be taken on this account to avoid errors from the accidental presence of- them when blotting-paper is used to absorb these reagents when applied to objects on a slide. The determination of the nature of the fila- ments of which a paper is composed, by the aid of the microscope, requires a thorough knowledge of the characters of vegetable fibres. The structure of the various fibres is noticed under the individual heads. Lat- terly the use of the fibres of the purple bog melic-grass, Molinea ccerulea, has been in- troduced. Rice-paper, as it is termed, is a totally different material, consisting of thin layers, cut by a peculiar operation, of the pith of Aralia papyri/era, a Chinese Araliaceous tree : this consists of parenchymatous cel- lular tissue. Papyrus, consisting of pressed superposed laminae of the pith of the Papyrus plant, Papyrus antiquorum, a kind of Sedge, ex- \ hibits the lax parenchymatous structure characteristic of similar tissues, as in the Rushes, &c. PAPER, METEORIC, and AEROPHYTES. The structure of these substances is the ! same as that of the so-called natural flannel (FLANNEL). They were formerly regarded i as of meteoric origin. They have been ob- served in some instances to fall from the air, having been wafted perhaps many miles from their place of formation by whirlwinds and hurricanes. BIBL. Ehr. Abhandl. d. Berl Akad. 1838. PAP'PUS. The free portion of the calyx of the Composites. It may be feathery, spiny, membranous, or hairy. PAPULAS'PORA, Preuss. A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), con- sisting of a decumbent articulate mycelium sending up erect pedicels bearing a cellular head, each cell supporting an oblong spore. P. sepedonioides has been found on rice- paste. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 2. xiii. 462 ; Berk. Crypt. Bot. 305, fig. 69 b. PAPY'RUS. The pith of the stem of ' the Papyrus antiquorum (modern papyrus : from P. syriacus), cut into slices, which are j laid upon one another and pressed so as to \ form a compact stratum. Sections display \ the parenchymatous tissue more or less de- j formed bv pressure. PARACY'PRIS, Sars. A genus of Cypridce (Entomostraca), near Aylaia and Potamocywis. One British species, rather j PARASITES. common, marine ; also fossil in raised beaches, &c. (Brady, Linn. Tr. xxvi. 377.) PARADOXOSTOMA, Fischer. A ge- nus of CytlieridcB (Entomostraca). Valves thin, smooth, elongate, compressed, sub- ovate or subtriangular ; mouth simple, tubi- form ; five joints in the lower, six in the upper antennae, the last very slender. Marine; 13 British species. P. variabile very common, fossil in raised beaches, &c. (Brady, Linn. Tr. xxvi. 456.) PARAME'CIUM, Hill, Ehr. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria, family Colpodina. Char. Body compressed, covered with cilia ; no eye-spot ; mouth lateral and with- out projecting cirri. Several species, freshwater and marine. P. aurelia (PI. 31. figs. 56 and 57). Body cylindrical, ovate-oblong, rounded or obtuse at the ends, with an oblique longitudinal fold extending to the mouth. Length 1-120 to 1-100" ; in vegetable infusions. This common infusorium shows well the curious star-shaped contractile vesicles. Ehrenberg notices in it the periodical occur- rence of small black crystalline particles at the anterior end. The depressions on the surface of the integument (PL 32. fig. 1) are distinctly seen in the dried animal ; tri- chocysts are present. P. chrysalis, E. (Pleuronem'.i crassum, D. PI. 32. fig. 37, undergoing division) . Body oblong, cylindrical; oral cilia very long. Length 1-240". BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 349; Duj. Inf. 481; Stein, In/us. ; Claparede et Lachmann, In/us. 265 ; Kent, Inf. 483. PARAM'ONAS, Kt. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria. Free, ovate or globular, one fiagellum, a distinct mouth at its base. Four species, white, red, or green ; fresh- water. (Kent, Inf. 370.) PARAPHY'SES. The name applied to more or less delicate- jointed, hair-like filaments which occur in small numbers around and between the antheridia and archegonia of Mosses and Hepaticse (fig. 23, p. 57, fig. 327, p. 388). The same term is applied to simple tubular, more or less clavate cells, occurring in large numbers among the spore-sacs (asci and thecce) of the Ascomycetous Fungi and the Lichens (fig. 40, p. 78; fig. 398, p. 463; PI. 37. figs. 6, 12). PARAPONTEL'LA, Br. A genus of Copepodous Entomostraca. P. brevicornis, marine. (Brady, Copepoda, Ray Soc. i. 68.) PARASITES. Under this head are in- 2p PARASITES. 578 ] PARASITES. eluded a number of microscopic animals and plants infesting other animals and plants, and often nourished at the expense of their structures or juices. Almost every animal and plant is subject to parasites, both in the young and the adult state ; and in some instances, the parasites are them- selves infested by other parasites. The parasite may live on the surface of the parasitiphore or host, or within its tissues and in the cavities of its organs ; hence the division of parasitic animals into epizoa and entozoa. The commonest parasites either feed upon the decaying external skin -tissues, or are nourished at the expense of the blood and fluids. In some remark- able instances, as in the cirripeds, the male appears to live parasitically upon the fe- male; and in almost every case of para- sitism there is a complicated life-cycle, often accompanied by strange adaptations and degenerations of form, so that often the j parasite ultimately resembles but slightly its j free and primitive form. Of the Animal Parasites, many are not microscopic, but the following sketch may be useful for reference. The chief portion belong to : The CRUSTACEA, Order Siphonostoma, as Caligus, Cecrops, Lcemaryus, Nicothoe. The j ABACHNIDA, Ord. Acarina, as Sarcoptes, the itch-insect j the Ixodea, or ticks ; the Gauiasea, on insects ; Trombidium, the harvest-bug; the Hypoderidee, in birds; the Phytoptidse, in galls. The Insects, especially the Anoplura, as Hcematopinus, Pediculus (the louse), and Phthirius ; Pedi- cinus', and Trichodectes. The ENTOZOA, as Tcenia (Ccenurus, Cysticercus, Echino- coccus) ; Distoma, in the liver; BiUiarzia, in the human blood-vessels, the ova in the urine in endemic hsematuria and chyluria ; the Nematodes, Anyuillula infest, and ster- coralis, and Dochmius, in tropical diarrhoea ; Sclerostoma syngamus in poultry, producing the " ga^es ;" Strongylus pergracilis in the Grouse-disease. The Infusoria, Opalina, Trichomonas, &c. ; and the GBEGABINIDA, Psorospermia in mammals, and insects (PEBBINE). These are described under the respective heads. The Plants parasitic on animals chiefly belong to the class of FUNGI, and are tole- rably numerous ; but many of the forms which have been described are certainly not distinct plants. They will be most con- veniently enumerated under the heads of the classes of animals infested. Man and Mammalia. On the Skin. ACHOBION Schoenleinii and PUCCINIA favus, on the hair and in the follicles, in favus. TBICHOPHYTON ton- surans, on the hair in plica polonica and favus; this appears to be a TVww/a-like growth, probably not a mature plant. TV.? sporuloides, Rob., occurs in plica ; and Tr.? ulcerina, Rob., in the pus of ulcers. Micro- sporon Audouinii occurs in the hair-fol- liclos in porrigo decalvans ; M. mentayro- phytes. on the beard &c. ; M. furfur, on the skin of the chest &c. in pityriasis versicolor. The occurrence of Mucor mucedo on the skin, and of an Asperyillus in the external conduit of the ear, must be regarded us accidental. On the mucous surfaces or in cavities. SABCINA ventriculi in the stomach ; Tomla cerevisice (?), ditto. Various species of LEPTOMITUS, which must be regarded as imperfect mycelial growths, found in almost all the cavities of the body. Oidium albi- cans, the fungus of aphtha, probably a pe- culiar condition of PENICILLIUM ; Lcj)/<>- tlirix buccalis, a filamentous growth constant between the teeth, probably some allied mycelium. Birds. Various species of ASPERGILLUS have been found in the lungs and air-sacs ; their introduction would appear to be accidental. In the eggs of the common fowl, DACTY- LIUM oogenum occurs not unfrequeutly, sometimes on the membrane of the yolk, sometimes on the outer membrane/ just beneath the shell. SPOBOTBICHUM brun- neum, Schenk, in the white of eggs, convert- ing it into a brownish gelatinous mass. Reptiles and Fishes. On the skin of Tritons, as of Fishes, ACHLYA (Saproleynia) is frequently ex- tremely developed ; other obscure forms are also enumerated by Robin. The same author describes the PSOBOSPEBMI^E as Algse allied to the Diatomaceae ; but they are pseudo- naviculae of GBEGABINA. Berkeley has recorded the occurrence in Denbighshire, on the scales of goldfish, of a lichen identical with one which is found on stones in neighbouring streams. Insects are subject to the invasion of various para- sitic fungi, among the most remarkable of PARASITES. [ 579 ] PARMELIA. which is the Muscardine of the Silk-worm, BOTRYTIS bassiana, which sometimes occa- sions enormous loss to the silk-cultivators. This fungus grows in or upon any part of the silk- worm, Bombyx mori, in its larva, chrysalis, and imago forms. It is not fully developed until after the death of the insect ; but if the spores penetrate the body of a living specimen and this is placed in a damp and confined atmosphere, the germination takes place, and a development of the fungus ensues, which destroys the tissues and organs, finally causing death. It has been developed on many other Lepidoptera which have been inoculated with it ; and even the larvae of certain Coleoptera take it. It is very common to find flies in autumn infested with a fungus, a kind of muscardine of flies : this belongs to the genus SPORENDONEMA ; its mycelial filaments ramify in the interior of the body, and emerge at the articulations of the segments of the abdomen to bear fruit, killing the fly. A number of so-called genera of Fungi and Algae have been described by Robin and Leidy as occurring in the intes- tines &c. of insects : these appear to us to be imperfect organisms (see ENTEROBRYUS, ARTHROMITUS, LEPTOTHRIX, CLADOPHY- TUM). Several species of Cwrdyceps infest the larvae of insects, the mycelium destroy- ing them and gradually completely dis- placing the internal organs, while the skin retains its shape and dries ; the fruit sub- sequently breaks out from the anterior or posterior extremity (see SPH^RIA). Some species of ISARIA, described as parasites, grow upon dead insects ; but these are mere conditions of different species of Cordyceps. The microscopic vegetable parasites of Plants are very numerous, all belonging to the class of Fungi. Much confusion "exists in many works between the true parasites and mere epiphytes ; and it is sometimes very difficult to draw any line of demarcation. Among the undoubted parasites are all the genera and species of the familyUREDiNEi, together with a large portion of the other genera of Couioinycetes and the Asconiycetous forms to which they mostly belong. Among the Hyphomycetes may^especially be cited the genus PEROXOSPORA, P. infestans being the potato-fungus. FUSISPORIUM, OJDIUM, &c. form destructive mildews ; and among the j ASCOMYCETES, the ERYSiPH^J, and espe- i cially their inycelia (commonly forming | spurious Oidia), are well-known pests, j Further particulars are gi ven under POTATO - FUNGUS (Botrytis m/afon0),Yntx-Ft7N<}u8, and BLIGHT. The organisms described as Unicellular Algae, under the names of CHYTRIDIUM and Pythium, are parasitic on Confervoids. BIBL. Robin, Veget. Parasit. ; Baeren- sprung, Ann. N. H. xii. ; Siebold, Wagner's Hand. d. Phys. ; Hannover, Mutter's Arch. 1842 ; Bennett, Ed. Phil. Tr. xv. ; Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 366 ; Cobbold, Parasites ; Leuckart, Mensch. Parasit. 1881 ; Murie, Mn. M. Jn. vii. 149 ; Maddox, Mic. Tr. 1866 ; Beneden, Schmarotzer,1876 -, Hallier, Phijto- pathol. 1868; Kaltenbach, Pftanzenfeinde (Insects)) 1872; Giebel, JSpvtoa (Insects) , 1874; Douiion, Par. diar. Cochin- China; Gurlt,Arch. Naturgesch. 1878, 162 ; Hartig, PftanzenKr. (Fangi), 1880; Frank, Krankh. Pft. (Fungi), 1880; Heller, Schmarotzer, 1880 ; Megnin, Paras. 1880 ; Ornierod, In- jurious Insects, 1881 ; Cohn, Paras. Algce Beitrage, i. 87 ; Kiichemneister, Parasiten, 1881 ; Bollinger, Pilzkrankh. nied. und Jwh. Thiere, Bot. Centralblatt, ii. 274 (Jn. Mic. Soc. 1881, 492) ; Hallier, Zeitschr. Paras. Kunde. PAREN'CHYMA. See TISSUES, Vege- table. PARKE'RIA, Carpenter. A large spheroidal Arenaceous Foraininifer, attain- ing 3 inches and more in diameter, and consisting of a chambered conical centre- piece (primordial chamber-cone) surrounded by numerous concentric lamellae and their interspaces, traversed and connected by radial tubes, all of cancellated (labyrinthic) structure. Fossil in the Greensand. BIBL. Carpenter, Phil. Trans. 1869, 721. PARKE'RIA, Hooker, = CERATO- PTERIS. PARME'LIA,Ach. An extensive genus of Parmeliaceae, characterized by the spread- ing, lobed, foliaceous thallus, with orbi- cular apothecia fixed by a central point beneath ; spores simple ; growing upon trees, palings, rocks, stones, walls, &c. The species with bilocular spores form the genus Physcia. P. parietina, the yellow wall-lichen, is one of the commonest plants of this family, and furnishes a ready means of observing the structure both of the apothecia and the spermogonia (PI. 37. figs. 1-3). BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 202 ; Engl Bot. pi. 194 ; Sehaerer, Enum. Lich. Europ. ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xvii. 66, 137 ; Leighton, Lich. Flora, 114. PAKMELIACE^E. ] PATELLIXA. PARMELIA'CE^E. A family of open- fruited Lichenaceous Lichens, bearing ses- sile shields, the borders of which are formed by the surface of the thallus. This family corresponds nearly to the series Bamalodei, Phyllodei, and Placodei, of the family Li- chenacei in Leighton's Brit. Lich. Flora. British Genera. * Apothecia at first veiled, thallus horizontal : Peltigeri. Peltiyera. Thallus foliaceous, leathery or membranous, spreading, lobed, witn woolly veins beneath. Apothecia somewhat circular, adnate on the upper side of the lobules of the thallus, with a border formed by this. Nephroma. Thallus foliaceous, leathery or membranous, spreading, lobed, naked or hairy beneath. Apothecia circular or reni- form, adnate on the underside of the lobules of the thallus, with a border formed by the latter. Solorina. Thallus leathery, membrana- ceous, veined or fibrillose oelow. Apo- thecium suborbicular, affixed to the upper surface of the central lobes of the thallus ; veil finally forming an evanescent margin. ** Apothecia at first closed, thallus horizontal : Euparmeliacei. Sticta. Thallus foliaceous, leathery-car- tilaginous, spreading, lobed, free and downy beneath, with little cavities or hollow spots, often containing a powdeiy substance. Apo- thecia beneath formed of the thallus, to which they are appressed and fixed by a central point, the disk coloured, flat, sur- rounded by an elevated thalline border. Parmelia. Thallus foliaceous, membranous or leathery, spreading, lobed and stellated or laciniated, more or less fibrous beneath. Apothecia circular, formed by the thallus, fixed by a central point, disk concave, coloured, with an inflexed margin from the thallus. Urceolaria. Thallus uniform, crusta- ceous. Apothecia urceolate, somewhat im- mersed, the thalline border somewhat di- stinct. Lecanora. Thallus crustaceous, spread- ing, flat, adnate and uniform. Apothecia circular, thick, sessile and adnate; disk plano-convex, the border thickish, formed of the crust, and of the same colour. Physcia. Thallus cartilaginous, branched and laciniated, the segments free, generally grooved beneath, the margins frequently cili ated . Apothecia circ ular, peltate, formed of the thallus, the disk coloured and sur- rounded by an inflexed thalline margin. *** Apothecia open from the first, thallus mostly centripetal, vertical or sarmen- tose, without any In/pothalhts : Usnei. Cetraria. Thallus foliaceous, cartila- gineo-membranous, ascending or spreading, lobed and laciniated, smooth and naked on both sides. Apothecia circular, obliquely adnate to the margin of the thallus, the lower portion being free (from the thai] us) : disk coloured, plano-concave, with an in- flexed thalline border. Roccella. Thallus cartilaginous, leatb TV. rounded or flat, branched or laciniate. Apothecia circular, adnate to the thallus, disk coloured, plano-convex, with a thalline border, at length thickened and elevated, and covering a black powder concealed within the substance of the thallus. Ramalina. Thallus cartilaginous, gene- rally branched and laciniated, somewhat shrubby, generally bearing powdery wnrls. cottony and compact within. Apothecia circular, shield-shaped, stalked and peltate, flat, bordered, entirely formed of the sub- stance of the thallus, and mostly of the same colour. Cornicularia. Thallus cartilaginous, branched, subcylindrical, fistulose, or nearly solid and cottony within. Apothecia cir- cular, terminal, obliquely peltate, entirely formed of the substance of the thallus, at length convex, more or less bordered and often toothed. Evernia. Thallus somewhat crustaceous, branched and laciniated, angled or com- pressed, cottony within. Apothecia circular, shield-shaped, sessile, with the disk concave, coloured, and an inflexed border formed by the thallus. Ustwa. Thallus somewhat crustaceous, rounded branched, generally pendulous, with a central thread. Apothecia circular, terminal on processes of the thallus, peltate, nearlv of the same colour, mostly without a raised border, but ciliated at the margins. BIBL. See the genera. PASTE, EELS IN. See ANGUILLULA. PATELLI'NA, Will. A genus of Hya- line Foraminifera, of the Eotaline family. Trochoid, formed of a low cone of sub- _ spiral, semiannular, and annular chambers, divided into chamberlets. Sometimes in- crusted with small cells externally, and PAYOXINA. [ 581 ] PEDALION. always having the hollow face coated or filled up with superimposed chamberlets, forming a columnar chamber-structure. British 'species, P. corrugata (PI. 24. fig. 8), rare : abundant in tropical seas ; and of larger size in some Cretaceous and Ter- tiary strata. BIBL. Williamson, Rec. For. 46 ; Carter ( Conulites and Orbitolina), Ann. N. H. 3. viii. 331, 457, 459 ; Carpenter, Introd. For. 299. PAVONI'NA, D'Orb. A Hyaline Fora- miuifer, compressed andflabellifprm; cham- bers concentric, the last widest, with numerous marginal apertures. It is a flat Bigeuerine Textularia. Madagascar, Pacific, and West Indies. BIBL. Brady, Ann. N. H. 4. xix. 105 5 Qu. Mic. Jn. n. s. xix. 68. PAXIL'LUS, Fr. A genus of Agaricini (Hymenomycetous Fungi) with the margin of the pileus involute, the gills decurrent, anastomosing, and separable from the pileus and without any trama. Paxillus involutus is a very common species ; and to this the characters of the genus more especially apply. P.pannoides occurs on sawdust in cellars &c., and is closely allied to Merulius. BIBL. Fr. Gen. Hym. 8; Berk. Outl. t. 12. fig. 5; Cooke, Handb. 194. PEARLS. These well-known bodies are formed as secretions from the mantle of bivalve mollusks, the best being obtained from the Ceylon pearl-oyster or mussel (Avicula margaritifera). They occur natu- rally from the irritation produced by particles of sand accidentally confined between the mantle and the shell ; and they are produced artificially by wounding, the mantle with pieces of iron wire, &c. Their structure agrees with that of the shell of the animal in which they are formed. Sometimes they consist entirely of nacre or pearly matter, arranged in close concentric layers; at others, the interior exhibits the prismatic structure of shell. When acted upon by a dilute mineral acid, the lime-salt is removed from the organic cast of the original, which is left. They are sometimes found fossil. See SHELL. BIBL. Hague and Siebold, Siebold $ Kol- liker's Zeitschr. viii. 439 & 445 ; Carpenter, Microscope. PEB'RINE is the name of a disease which for the past twenty years has raged amongst the silkworms in France. In 1853, the weight of cocoons produced in that country was 26,000,000 of kilogrammes ; in 1865 it had fallen to 4,000,000. The black spots which cover the larvse are a frequent outward sign of the disease; hence the name pebrine, first applied to the plague by Quatrefages. It also declares itself in the stunted and unequal growth of the worms, in the languor of their movements, in their fastidiousness as regards food, and in their premature death. The cause of the disease is the presence in the internal economy of the larvse of Greyarinida ; their number is often enormous. They take possession of the intestinal canal, and spread thence through the rest of the body. In particular, the silk-secreting organs, instead of being filled with the clear viscous liquid of the silk, are packed to distention by these cor- puscles. Pasteur in 1865 made out the fact that they might exist in an incipient condition in the eggs and larvae, although it might be impossible to detect them. In the moths, if either egg or larva from which they come should have been at all stricken, the corpuscles infallibly appear, and there is no difficult}^ in detecting them. In eradicating the disease, Pasteur, there- fore, showed that it was of the greatest importance to secure eggs from healthy moths, since the healthy appearance of the eggs themselves was not sufficient to secure immunity. The larvse issuing from the eggs of perfectly healthy moths may them- selves become infected through contact with diseased larvse, or through germs mixed with the dust of the rooms in which the silkworms are fed. BIBL. Pasteur, Maladie des vers a soie; Tyndall, Nature, 1870; Balbiani, Jn. Anat. 1866, 599 ; Robin, Micr. 948. PECTIN ATEL 'LA, Leidy. A genus of freshwater Polyzoa, order Hippocrepia, family Plumatellidse. Char. Zoary massive, gelatinous, fixed, investing ; orifices arranged in irregular lobate areolas upon the free surface; ova lenticular, with a ring and marginal spines. P. magnified. Philadelphia. BIBL. Leidy, Proc. Ac. Philadelphia, 1851 ; Allman, Freshwater Polyzoa, 81. PEDA'LION, Hudson. A genus' of Rotatoria, family Hydatinsea. P. mirum has the trochal disk very large, and recembles Triarthra longiseta. The males are very small, and deficient in most of the inrnal organs ; freshwater. BIBL. Hudson, Mn. Mic. Jn. 1871, 1872 ; Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 333; Lankester, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 338. PEDIASTRUM. [ 582 ] PELLIA. PEDIASTRUM, Meven. A genus of Desmidiaceae (Confervoid Algae). Char. Cells aggregated into a usually circular, minute disk or flattened star, and generally arranged either in a single or in two or more concentric series; marginal cells bipartite on the outside. Ralfs describes eleven British species. Interstices of the cells usually hyaline, but in P. seleneeum these are greenish. Braun divided the genera into four sub- genera, which include twenty-nine forms more or less worthy of being considered genera. P. Boryanum (PI. 14. fig. 48). Cells arranged in one or more circles around one or two central ones ; marginal cells gradually tapering into two long subulate points; notch narrow. Diameter of outer cells 1-2730 to 1-2200". P. granulatum (PI. 14. fig. 49). Cells six, granular or punctate on the surface; lobes of marginal cells tapering. Diameter of outer cells 1-1850". The method of reproduction is noticed under DESMIDIACEJE, p. 244. BIBL. Rail's, Br. Desmid. 180; Braun, Rejuv., Ray. Soc. 1853, pis. 3 & 4; Alg. Unicell Gen. Nova, 64; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 69. PEDICELLA'RI^E. See ECHINODEB- MATA. PI. 45. fig. 3 represents a pedicellaria from the common starfish ; the stalk is not figured. The bird's-head processes of the Polyzoa (POLYZOA) are analogous organs. PEDICELLI'NA, Sara. A genus of Ctenostornatous Polyzoa, family Pedicelli- nidae. Char. Those of the family. Bodies globose, with a circle of short tentacles, curled inwards and not retractile ; placed at the ends of erect slender stalks springing from a creeping adherent fibre. 3 species. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 381 ; Allman, Polyzoa, Ray Soc., 19, note; Hincks, Pofyz.564. PEDICELLINI'D^E. A family of Po- lyzoa, containing the single genus PEDI- CELLINA. PEDICI'NUS, Gerv. A genus of Pedi- culidce; with the antennae 3-jointed, the fourth and fifth being fused with the third, the head elongate ; the legs all scansorial ; abdomen broad. On Quadrumana. (Me*g- nin, Paras. 76.) PEDICTJLUS, L. A genus of Anoplu- rous Insects, of the family Pediculidas. Char. Legs all scansorial or prehensile; thorax large, not constricted from the abdo- men, which has seven segments ; antennae five-joir.tcd ; mouth A\ith a fleshy rostrum. The species are human lice. The colour varies according to that of the skin of the nle they inhabit ; being darker in the tribes. Rostrum retractile, concealed beneath the head, forming a soft tubular sheath dilated at the end, where it is furnished with a double row of hooks, and containing a horny tube formed of four setae. P. capitis. Ashy-white, thorax elon- gated, quadrate, abdomen ovate, laterally lobed, segments blackish at the margin. Length of male, 1-10" ; of female, 1-8". P. vestimentij bodj r or clothes' louse (PI. 35. fig. 3). Dirty white, elongato- ovate ; head much produced ; thorax con- tracted in front; abdomen with the seg- ments indistinctly indicated. Length about 1-8". P. tabescentium, distemper-louse. Pale yellow ; head rounded ; antennae long ; thorax large and quadrate; abdomen large, the segments intimately united. Doubtfully British. The extraordinary annoyance stated to have been produced by these vermin, has arisen from the want of washing- and puri- fication of woollen garments. See PHTHIRIUS. BIBL. Denny, Anoplur. ; Murray, EC. Ent. 391 ; Schiodte, Ann. N. H. 1866, xvii. 213; M\. 2873. PELLIE'^E. A tribe of Liverworts or Hepaticae, nearly allied to the Jungerman- nieae in the character of the fructification, but having a lobed thalloid frond, traversed by a mid nerve, from which the fruit-stalks arise. British Genera. Blyttia. Fructification emerging from the end of the rib below the apex of the frond, at length dorsal. Perichsete 4-5-parted ; lobes torn. Perigone herbaceous, tubular, the mouth denticulated. Archegones eight to twenty. Epigone persistent, torn at the summit. Sporange 4-valved. Antheridia dorsal, placed on the rib, covered by dentate incumbent leaflets. Petalopliyllum. Fructification from the upper surface of the plaited frond. Peri- chaete broad, bell-shaped and toothed. Perigone wanting. Epigone concealed in the perichsete. Sporange bursting into irregular laciniae. Elaters often branched. Fossombroma. Fructification emerging from the end of the rib below the apex of the frond, at length dorsal. Perichaete obconic bell-shaped, the mouth crenate or dentate. Perigone wanting. Archegones few. Epigone persistent, torn at the sum- mit. Sporange circumscissile. Anlheridia dorsal, situated on the rib, naked. Metzyeria. Fructification emerging from the ventral side of the midrib of the frond, Perichaete ventricose, at length bipartite. Perigone none. Archegones few. Epigone persistent, torn at the summit. Sporange four-valved. Antheridia ventral, placed on the rib, covered by incumbent dentate leaflets. Aneura. Fructification emerging from the ventral side, near the margin of the frond. Perichaete short, lobed or torn. Perigone wanting. Archegones few. Epi- gone persistent, torn at the summit. Spo- range four-valved. Antheridia immersed in the back of special lobes of the frond. Pettia. Fructification emerging from the dorsal side of the frond. Perichsete short, somewhat cup-shaped, the mouth lacero- dentate. Perigone wanting. Archegones several. Epigone membranous, accompanied by a few sterile archegones, at first, at the lower part. Sporange four-valved. An- theridia immersed in the surface of the frond. Blasia. Fructification at first immersed in the rib of the frond, then emerging from the apex. Perichaete andperigone wanting. Epigone membranous, with few sterile archegones, at first, scattered toward the lowest part. Sporange four-valved. An- theridia immersed in the rib of the thallus, more prominent below, and covered by little dentate scales. Taryionia. Fructification sessile, inferior, solitary and terminal to the frond. Perichaete two-valved, splitting vertically. Perigoue wanting. Epigone delicate, persistent, in- vesting the sporange until maturity, some- times evanescent above. Sporange bursting by an irregular slit, or into fragments. An- theridia immersed in the rib of the frond below, covered by papillae. PELOMYX A, Greef .A genus of Amoe- baea (Rhizopoda). This freshwater organism forms large brown amoeboid masses, with lobose hyaline pseudopodia. The ground-substance con- tains nuclei, hyaline homogeneous highly refractive, and 'delicate rod-like bodies. It gives rise to swarms of minute Amoebae, which become developed into flagellate free- swimming organisms. BIBL. Greef, Schnitzels Archiv, 1873: Qu. Mic. Jn. 1874, 97. PELON^E'A, Forbes. A genus of Tu- nicate Molluscs, of the family Pelonaeadae. PELOPS. PENICILLIUM. Char. Unattached ; feet cylindrical ; ori- fices without rays, on two equal approximate warty eminences at the anterior end. They live buried in mud. Two species,: P. corrugata. Test deep brown, much elongated, rudely wrinkled transversely. P. fflabra. Test greenish yellow, smooth, pilose, shorter than the last. See TUNI- ; CATA. BIBL. Forbes and Hanley, Br. Moll. i. 43. PE'LOPS, Koch (Acarind). Differs i from Oribata in the hairs on the vertex | being flat or spatula-shaped. (Murray, EC. \ Ent. 218 ; Michael, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1879, 237.) I PELOPSI'NA, Brady. A genus of Are- | naceous Foraniinifera, one- or inany-chani- bered ; walls thick, composed of mud, with a long chitinous neck. Living, South Seas. (Brady, Qu. M. Jn. 1870.) PELTIDE'A, Hofftn., = Species of PEL- TIGERA and STICTA. PELTID'IUM = ALTEUTHA. PELTIG'ERA, Willd. A genus of Parmeliaceous Lichens, characterized by a foliaceous, usually leathery thallus, with woolly veins beneath; tne suborbicular shield-like apothecia arising on the upper sides of the lobules. P. caninay a large Lichen, is extremely common on the ground among: moss in woods. Two or three nearly allied species are separated from this by most authors, but with questionable propriety. Three or four others are subalpine. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 218 ; Eny. Bot. 2229 ; Leighton, Lick. Flor. 101. PENEROP'LIS, Lamk. A genus of Porcellaneous Foraniinifera. Broad, complanate, and ear-shaped (P. pertusm, PI. 23. fig. 11), or narrow, subcy- lindric, and crosier-like (Spirolind) (S. austriaca, PI. 23. fig. 12) ; striated. The primordial double chamber is succeeded by curved chambers in one direction; and as these vary in transverse extent, sometimes to even three fourths of a circle, the shell takes different shapes. The aperture is single and lobulate in the early chambers ; cribrate in the narrow, branched in the nautiloid forms (Dendritina) j and divided into rows of holes, often tubular, in the outspread varieties. Living in the Medi- terranean and warm seas only ; fossil in the Tertiaries. BIBL. Williamson, Rec. For. 45 ; Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. 3. v. 179; Car- penter, Phil. Tr. 1859, 2 ; Foram. 84. PENICIL'LIUM, Link. A genus ofMu- cedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), of which the species P. f/laucum is at once one of the most frequent and the most puzzling plants of the class. This fungus is the commonest of the constituents of the greenish or bluish mould formed on decaying vegetable sub- stances of all kinds, especially on semifluid or liquid matters. On the surface of liquids it forms a kind of dense pasty crust, slimy on the lower surface, and coloured and pulverulent (bearing spores) above. When the upper fertile layer is examined under the microscope, it is found to consist of pedicels terminating in a repeatedly but shortly bifurcated pencil, eacli ultimate branch of which bears a moniliforni row of spores. The ramification of the pedicels is not distinctly represented in fig. 557 ; but the appearance of tne spores is characteristic ; and the ramifications of the sporophores are scarcely perceptible in examples growing on dryish substances. The mode of attach inn it of the spores is shown in figs. 15 and 16 of PI. 26. The mycelium consists of inter- woven articulated filaments, most exten- sively ramified. The spores appear whitish, yellowish, greenish, or bluish, according to age : under the microscope they appear opaque when mature. So far there is little difficulty about the history of these plants j and if the spores of the above form are sown on a glass slide, kept moist with an organic liquid, they will germinate and ramifv, and under fa- vourable circumstances bear thin penicillate tufts of spores at points which emerge from the nutrient liquid. But this same fructification of P. fflaucum presents itself invariably under certain cir- cumstances associated with the vinegar-plant and the yeast-plant, toward the close of the ordinary development of these fungi. In common with most observers, we find that the exhaustion of the saccharine matrix of the vinegar-plant is followed in all cases by the appearance of crusts of Penicillium- mould on the upper surface, whence it would appear that the vinegar-plant was only the mycelium of Penicillium. It was asserted, moreover, Fig. 557. Penicillium. A fertile plume with pencils of spores. Magnified 150 diameters. PEN1CILLIUM. [ 585 ] PEPPER. many years ago, by Tin-pin, that P. glaueum is the last term of the growth both of the true yeast-plant (Torula Cerevisice) and of the milk-yeast (Oidium lactis). We have found the gelatinous crusts of the vinegar- plant to contain structures which represent Torula and Oidium, and to grow like them ; and we have also observed, in repeated ex- periments, that beer allowed to stand until sour, at first appears clothed with a whitish mealy collection of minute vesicles, repre- senting the ultimate stage of Torula, and subsequently this gradually gave place to gelatinous matter, which at length covered the whole surface with a tough film, and fruited as Penicillium glaueum. Hence it would appear that the yeast-fungus also is merely a vegetative form of Penicillium developed under peculiar conditions. This, however, has been actually proved by Berkeley and Hoffman (see " Yeast," in Black's { Encyclopedia of Agriculture'). More is said on this point under VINEGAR- PLANT and YEAST. One of the species has become famous on account of its extremely rapid occurrence in Paris on the u pain de munition," where the spores must have undergone a degree of heat equal to that of boiling water. Several species are enumerated j and we have given under the separate head of COREMIUM a form which is merely a con- fluent growth of Penicillium, producing a compound pedicel. P. glaueum, Grev. Mycelial filaments form a crust-like web, spores green or bluish. Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 58. fig. 1. P. crustaceum, Fries. Extremely com- mon. P. candidum, Link. Mycelial filaments woven together, spores white. (Distinct ?) P. sparsum, Grev. Mycelium lax, spores white. Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 58. fig. 2. Per- haps not different from the last. P. fasciculatum, Sommer. Mycelium scarcely developed filaments all fertile, trifid at the apex, spores glaucescent. P. subtile, Berk. Extremely minute, my- celium creeping, fertile filaments erect, sim- ple or ternate : chains of spores few, spores broadly elliptical. Ann. N. H. vi. pi. 14. fig. 25. P. roseum, Link. Mycelium effused; fertile filaments slightly branched, spores rose-colour. One species (P. curtipes) has been found in amber. BIBL. Berk. hook. Br. Flor. ii. pt. 2. 344; Ann. N. H. i. 262, vi. 437, 2. vii. 102; Greville, loc. cit. ; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. 407 : Sum. Veget. 489. See also YEAST and VINEGAR-PLANT. PE'NIUM, Breb. A genus of Desmidi- acese. Char. Cells single, entire, elongated, straight, and slightly or not at all constrict- ed in the middle. Sporangia round or quadrangular, smooth, not spinous. At each end of the cells is a rounded space containing moving molecules. Several British species (Ralfs). P. Brebissanii (PL 14. fig. 36). Cells smooth, cylindrical, ends rounded, trans- verse median band inconspicuous. Length 1-640 to 1-400". Common. Sporangium at first quadrate, but finally orbicular j conjugating cells per- sistent, or remaining permanently attached to the sporangium. P. margaritaceum (PI. 14. fig. 37, empty cell). Cells cylindrical or fusiform, with rounded truncate ends, and covered with pearly granules in longitudinal rows. Length 1-160". BIBL. Ralfs, Desmid. 148; Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1864, 179, 1867, 183; Hassall, Alg. ; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 119. PENNAT'ULA, Cuv. (Sea-pen). A genus of Alcyonaria (Zoophytes). The spicula form interesting microscopic objects. PENTHALEUS, Koch. A genus of Trombidina (Acarina). Somewhat elon- gate ; anterior legs rather long and slender ; femora of hind legs thickened. P.hcematopus. (Koch, Uebers. ; Murray, EC. Ent. 121.) PENTHALO'DES, Murr., =Megamerus ovalis. PEPLONYS'SUS, Kol. A genus of Sarcoptidse (Acarina). 2 species; yellow- ish-brown ; on Nycteris and Rhinopoma ; Egypt. (Kolenati, Site. Ak. Wien, 1858, 74 ; Murray, EC. Ent. 323.) PEPPER. Black pepper consists of the berries of Piper nigrum ; white and decor- ticated pepper of the same berries with the outer part of the coats removed. The cel- lular tissues of the several lamellae of the husk, and of the albumen or body of the seed, are tolerably characteristic (PI. 2. fig. 12), and may be known by their appearance under the microscope from the fragments of linseed, mustard, &c. with which peppers are sometimes adulterated. White pepper is fraudulently reduced with flour, which PERACANTHA. f 586 ] PERIGLISHRUS. may be detected by the starch-granules those existing in pepper itself being exceed- ingly minute particles ; the same remark applies to rice and pea-flour, &c. Exces- sive quantities of the husk-tissue in black pepper denote that the refuse of the decor- ticated white peppers has been added. (See also CAYENNE.) BIBL. Pereira, Mat. Medico, ; Hassall, Food and its Adulterations, 42. PERACANTHA, Baird. A genus of Entomostraca, of the order Cladocera, and family Lynceidae. Char. Side view of shell oval, the lower and posterior portion with an acute projec- tion directed backwards and upwards, and, as well as the upper extremity of the ante- rior margin, beset with strong hooked spines ; beak sharp, curved downwards. P. truncata (PI. 19. fig. 31). Superior an- tennae conical j inferior short, the anterior branch with five setae, one from first, one from second, and three from last joint ; pos- terior branch with three setae from the last joint only ; intestine convoluted, with one turn and a half ; ova two ; freshwater. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entom. 136. PERANE'MA, Duj. A genus of Flagel- late Infusoria, family Euglenia. Char. Form variable, globular, or inflated posteriorly and narrowed in front, where it becomes prolonged into a long flagelli- form filament; movement slow, uniform, forwards. P. ylobulosa (PI. 31. fig. 59). Body almost globular, more or less drawn out anteriorly, with oblique wrinkles on the surface ; freshwater; length 1-1400". BIBL. Dujard. Inf. 353 ; Pritchard, Inf. 545. PERANE'MA, Don = SpEUEROPTEitis. PERFORATA, Carpenter. The Di- vision of Foraminifera that possess a vitre- ous or hyaline shell perforated by tubular openings for the exit of pseudopodia. BIBL. Carpenter, Introd. Foram. 149. PERICH^E'NA, Fr. A genus of Myxo- mycetes, consisting of little rounded mem- branous sacs of brownish or yellowish colour, generally splitting all round (transversely), and discharging yellow spores and (few) free and elastic filaments. The commonest (P. populina), yellowish and about as large as a mustard-seed, occurs on fallen poplar trees ; two others occur in fir-plantations. BIBL. Berkeley, Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 321; Fries, Syst. Myc. 190; Sum. Veget. 459; Greville, Crypt. Flora, 252. PERICO'NIA, Tode. A genus of De- matiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), character- ized by a stem composed of fasciculate com- pacted threads. Head globose ; spores fixed on the free apices of the threads. It is analogous to Pachnocybe. Tulasne states that it is merely a conidiiferous form of some Sphceria, Two species occur in this country. P. glaucocephala, Cd. ; on decayed linen. P. calicioides, B. ; on dead herbaceous stems. BIBL. Fries, Summa Vey. 168; Berk. & Broome, Ann. N. H. 2. v. 165 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4. v. 109; Cooke, Handb. 565. PERIDERM. See BARK. PERIDER'MIUM, Lk. A genus of Uredinei (Hypodermous Fungi), distin- guished from ^ECIDIUM by the sac-like perithecium bursting irregularly, as if by a circumscissile dehiscence. The' type of this genus is P. (jEcid.} Pint, found on the leaves and bark of Scotch Firs. The spores are covered with very numerous small tubercles. See UREDINEI. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 374; Tu- lasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 se*r. ii. 176, pi. 10 ; De Bary, Brandpilze, 1853, 72. PERIDINI'NA. An Order of Cilio- flagellate Infusoria (see p. 422). PERIDIN'IUM. A genus of Peridinina (Cilio-flagellate Infusoria). Char. Body with a transverse groove, the two portions of the facetted lorica nearly equal. Those species with a horn-like process, are sometimes separated as Ceratium. P.fuscum (PL 31. fig. 11). Brown, not luminous, carapace ovate, slightly com- pressed, smooth, acute in front, rounded behind; freshwater; 1. 1-430 to 1-290". P. (G) tripos (PI. 31. fig. 12). Yellowish, splendidly phosphorescent ; carapace urceo- late, broadly concave, mouth with three horns, two very long, frontal, and recurved, the third posterior and straight ; marine ; length 1-140". Several other species. See GLENODI- NIUM. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 262; Duj. Inf. 374; Allinan, Micr. Jn. iii. 24 ; Clap, et Lach. Etudes, 403 ; Clark, Ann. N. H. 1865, xvi. 270 ; Kent, Inf. 447. PERIGLIS'CHRUS,Koch. SeePTEROP- TUS. The species adhere by the margin of the body all round. PERTGONIMUS. PERISPORIUM. PERIGON'IMUS, Sara. A genus of Atractylidae (Hydroid Zoophytes). Differs from Atractylis in the simple fixed spore-sacs being rnedusiform. On other marine zoophytes, shells, &c. BIBL. St. Wright, Pr. Roy. Soc. Edin. \ 1857, 1858; Ann. N. II. 1861, 180; Alder, | Trans. Tynes. F. C. v. 230 ; Allnian, Ann. N. H. 1863,1864; Hincks, Hytl Zooph.SQ. PERI'OLA, Fries.-P. tomentosa, Fr., i described as a Sclerotioid Fungus, is an j obscure, irregular, fleshy body, with a white villous surface, found growing on potatoes. It is probably the early form of some unas- certained species of fungus. This was cha- racteristic of those forms of potato-rot which were known before the introduction of the Peronospora. PERIP'TEBA, Ehr. A genus of Dia- toinaceae. _ Char. Frustules single, compressed; valves dissimilar, one being simply turgid, the other winged or furnished with horns ; horns sometimes branched and attached to the extreme margin. Fossil. Valves not areolar nor punctate under ordinary illumination. America and Ber- muda. P. chlamidophora (PL 50. fig. 41) ; P. te- tracladia (PI. 18. fig. 66) ; P. copra (PI. 18. fig. 67). BIBL. Ehrenb. Ber. Berl. Ak. 1844. 263 ; Kiitz. Sp. Alff. 25. PERISPIRA, St. A genus of Holotri- chous Infusoria. Free, ovate; mouth an- terior ; oral cilia extending spirally towards the posterior end. P. ovum ; green, = Hoplonhnia ovum ? (Kent, Inf. 611.) PERlgPORIA'OEL A family of Asco- mycetous Fungi, mostly epiphytic and of small size, characterized by producing floe- cose common receptacles (mostly) radiating from a point, forming patches upon leaves, &c., in the centre of which are developed somewhat globular perithecia of obscure cellular structure, persistent, bursting at the summit, filled densely with subgelatin- ous, scarcely diffluent gektine ; sporidia produced in asci, subsequently often effused, simple, free, and mixed with the gelatine in the centre of the perithecium. The my- celia of these plants, bearing conidial struc- tures, have been described as distinct fungi, for example those of Erysiphe as Oidia, &c. See ERYSIPHE. EUBOTIUM probably belongs here. British Genera : Lasiobotrys. Perithecium fleshy-horny, globular, naked, collapsing at the sum- mit. Capnodium. Perithecium fleshy, clavate, double (the outer cellular, interior hya- line), mucilaginous, opening by a fringed mouth ; asci containing' about six spores in two rows. Erysiphe. Perithecium membranous, closed at first, afterwards open, supported on a persistent radiating mycelium formed of continuous filaments bifid at their ends. Asci one to eight, paraphyses none ; spores definite, ovate. Pensporium. Perithecium superficial, at length bursting irregularly. Asci club- shaped, not mixed with paraphyses. Spores numerous, ovate. Chcetomium. Perithecium superficial, finally open at the mouth, clothed externally with opaque hairs. Asci clavate, mixed with paraphyses. Spores simple, ovate. Ascotricha. Perithecium thin, at length bursting, clothed with dark, subpellucid, even, obscurely-jointed hairs. Spores sim- ple, contained in linear asci. Superficial, at length free or resting on the investing thallus, black. Orbtcula, Cooke. Perithecium seated on a distinct mycelium, reticulated. Ostiolum obsolete ; sporidia subglobose ; paraphyses simple or branched. PERISPO'RIUM, Fr. A genus of Pe- risporiacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), consisting of minute, globular, free, punctiform sacs, with fleshy or waxy walls, seated on an obscure thallus, growing on leaves or stalks ; finally bursting and collapsing. The spores are produced in large numbers in swollen clavate asci (fig's. 558, 559), which are un- accompanied by paraphyses. Fig. 558. Fig. 559. Perisporium disseminatum. Fig. 558. A perithecium in vertical section. Maeni- fled 100 diameters. Fig. 559. An ascus detached. Magnified 300 diams. BIBL. Fries, Sum. Veg. 404 ; Syst Myc iii. 248 ; Berk. Ann. N. H. vi. 432. PERISTEPHANIA. [ '588 ] PETALOPUS. PERISTEPHA'NIA, Ehr. A genus of Diatomaceae, closely allied to Stephana- discus, differing, however, in having a parallel (and non-radiate) arrangement of the granules; and also to Systephania, which differs only in having intramarginal teeth. P. eutycha in deep Atlantic sound- ings ; P. lineata in guano. BIBL. Pritchard, In/us. 824. PERITHE'CIUM. The name applied to the special envelope, mostly of different structure from the rest of the thallus or the receptacle, enclosing the nucleus of the Angiocarpous Lichens and the Pyrenomy- cetous Fungi. PERITH'YRA, Ehr. A doubtful genus of Diatomacese. Probably closely allied to Coscinodiscus. 2 species from the Ganges. BIBL. Pritchard, In/us. 842. PERITRO'MUS, St. A doubtful genus of Infusoria. (Kent, Inf. 759.) PERIZO'NIUM, Oohn et Jan. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules navicular, free, en- circled with thick linear zones. P. Braunii (PI. 51. fig. 42), fresh- water. BIBL. Rabenh. Alg. i. 228. PERO'NIUM, Cohn. A genus of Mona- dina allied to Anthophysa. It is parasitic on the spores of Pilularia, and consists of a delicate, colourless fibre surmounted by a globular head which resolves into numerous narrow cells of a monadiform character. BIBL. Cohn, Entwick. 158 ; Pritchard, Inf. 501. PERONOS'PORA, Ung. See BOTRYTIS, & Smith, M. M. Jn. xvi. 120. PEROPH'ORA, Wiegm. A genus of Tunicate Mollusca, family Clavelinidae. Char. Individuals stalked, roundish, com- pressed ; thorax not marked with granular lines. P. Listen. Occurs attached to sea- weeds. Very transparent, appearing like little specks of jelly dotted with orange and brown. BIBL. Forbes and Hanley, Br. Moll. i. 28. PERTUSA'RIA, DC. A genus of Lichenaceous Lichens, having an adnate, uniform thallus, spreading over bark, rocks, &c., and bearing wart-like apothecia, finally exhibiting a depressed pore in their centre, leading to the one or several cells containing the thecae. P. communis is very common on trees. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 164; Engl. Bot. pi. 677 ; Leighton, Lich. Flora, 226. PESTALOZ'ZIA, De Not A genus of Melanconiei (Stylosporous Fungi), with septate spores seated on a long pedicel, and crested at the apex (fig. 711). Three species occur in this country. P. Guepini is some- times very destructive to Camellias. They are beautiful microscopic objects. See fig. under STYLOSPOKES. BIBL. Berk. Outl. 324; Cooke, Handb. 471. PETALOM'ONAS, St. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria. Free, ovate, depressed, flagellum single, long, mouth at the of the flagellum. P. abscissa = Cyclidium dbs., Duj.; other species ; freshwater. (Stein, Inf. iii. : Kent, Inf. 371.) PETALONE'MA, Berk. (Arthrosiplum, Kiitz.). A genus of Oscillatoriacese (Con- fervoid Algae), with a remarkable mode of growth. The filaments are branched and cylindrical, with an evident terete, gelatinous, duplicate sheath (PI. 8. fig. 21). The inner is thin and follows the filament; the outer presents oblique striae indicating the inter- position of lengths of the outer sheaths one inside another, like a series of nested funnels or conical cups. This appearance is pro- duced by the bursting and expansion of each length of the sheath at the apex alone, to make room for the growth of the new cells of the filaments formed at the apex. This structure is analogous to that occurring in UBOCOCCUS, where each parent-cell membrane bursts at one side only to allow the new one to emerge, thus at length forming a jointed pedicel. The edges of the funnels of Petalonema sometimes become de- composed into curled filamentous processes. The filaments of P. alatum are green and striated, about 1-3000" in diameter; the inner sheath is yellowish, the outer colour- less and 1-400" in diameter. It forms a brownish stratum on rocks and stones. BIBL. Berkeley, Gleanings, 23, pi. 7 ; Greville, Crypl. Fl. pi. 222; Hassall, Fr. Alg. 237, pi. 68 ; Kiitz. Spec. Alg. 311 ; Tab. Phyc. ii. 28 ; Al. Braun, Rejuven., Ray Soc. 1853, 178 ; Rabeiih. Alg. ii. 265. PETALOPHYL'LUM, Wilson. A ge- nus of Pellieaa (frondoso Hepaticae). P. Ralfsii is an elegant little Liverwort with the* frond plaited or lamellated in rays from the origin of the fruit. BIBL. Engl. Bot. Supp. pi. 2874. PETAL'OPUS, Clap, et Lach. A genus of Amoebaea (Rhizopoda). Pseudopodia filiform, arising from one point of the sur- PETALOTRICHA. PEZIZA. face, but expanding at the end into a delicate film. The film and pseudopodia become globular before retraction. P. diffluent (PI. 52. fig. 16), freshwater. BIBL. Claparede et Lachmann, Etudes, 442. PETALOT'RICHA, K A genus of marine Peritrichous Infusoria. Free, at- tached to the base of a horny carapace by a peduncle j anteriorly a ring of ciliated petaloid segments. 2 species. (Kent, Inf. 627.) PETALS. The petals of Flowering Plants afford many interesting microscopic objects, in the epidermis, glandular and other hairs, the colour-cells, and the veins composed of spiral vessels. Entire petals of small size and delicate character form good objects when dried and mounted in Canada balsam. Those of the smaller Caryophyllaceae, the ligulate corollas of Composite, &c., are well suited for this. The larger kinds are studied by means of sections, like LEAVES. PETROBIA, Murr.,ss?Wfanye&tf8 cris- fatus. PETRO'BIUS, Leach. A genus of In- sects, of the order Thysanura, and family Lepismenae. P. maritimm has a general resemblance to Lepisma saccharina ; but it exercises a leaping movement. The antennae are longer than the body ; of the setae at the tail, the middle one is longest. The insect is of a blackish-brown colour, and is covered with scales ; the legs are yellowish, and the caudal setae ringed with white ; the abdomen is furnished will gill-like processes. It is found upon the rocky sea-coast. The scales have been used as test-objects. BIBL. Gervais, Wakkenaer's Apt. iii. 447; Guerin, Iconogr. Ins. pi. 2. fig. Ijf; and Ann. Sc. Nat. 2 ser. v. 374. PETRONE'MA, Thwaites. A genus of Oscillatoriaceae (Confervoid Algae). P. fnth'culosa grows as a frustulose olive- 'brown crust on limestone rocks (not marine), forming little hemispherical masses ; the sheaths are thick and cartilaginous, brown above but colourless at the tips, the proto- plasm dull green. BIBL. Engl. Bot. Supp. pi. 2959. PETER'S GLANDS. See INTESTINES (p. 440). PEYSSONELIA, Dene. A genus of Cryptonemiaceee (Florideous Algae), con- sisting of small plants with a depressed lobed tlialliis (fig. 560), growing overstones, shells, &.c., attached by the whole under surface, which produces jointed radical hairs (fig. 561), especially at the thin margins. Fig. 560. Thallus. Nat. size. Fig. 561. Peyssonelia squamosa. Vertical section of a portion through two warts. Magnified 25 diameters. The thallus is composed of several rows of compact parenchymatous cells, and bears on the concentrically-marked surface warts composed of radiating rows of cells, among which occur crucially-divided tetraspores. P. Dubyi is not uncommon on British shores j it is 1 to 2" in diameter, roundish at first, ultimately irregularly lobed, and dull brownish. Thuret has observed an- theridia on distinct plants of P. squamosa, a Mediterranean form j they are jointed fila- ments collected into wart-like bodies, like those containing the tetraspores. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Ala. 144, pi. 14 D; Phyc. Brit. pi. '71 j Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser. iii. 23, pi. 4. PEZI'ZA, Dill. A genus of HelveUacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), containing nume- rous species, a large number of which grow upon dead wood, on the ground, among leaves c., many brightly coloured. They are at first closed sacs, which burst at the summit, and spread out to form a kind of cup containing asci and paraphyses. Thus they belong to the Discomycetes of some anthors. Tulasne has shown that some of the have a secondary fructification con- PHACELOMONAS. [ 590 ] PHACOPSIS. sisting of stylospores ; these have been de- scribed as species of Dacrymyces. Other species also produce spermatia ; but this was Fig. 562. Fig. 563. Fig. 564. Peziza furfuracea. Small variety. Magnified 5 diameters. long since suspected by Fries. (See PI. 27. % 18.) BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl ii. pt. 2. 186 ; Fries, Summa Veg. 348 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 sr. xx. 167 ; Currey, Jn. Mic. Sc. v. 124. PHACELOM'ONAS, Ehr. A doubtful genus of Infusoria. Char. Tail-like process absent; a red (eye-) spot present ; mouth terminal, trun- cate, furnished with eight to ten anterior long cilia or flagelliform filaments, vacuoles numerous. P. pulvisculus. Body oblong, subconical, attenuate posteriorly, bright green; aqua- tic j length 1-1150". Occurs in myriads in pools. Perhaps zoospores of (EDOGONIUM. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 28 ; Pritch. Inf. 494. PHACIDIA'OEI. A family of small Ascomycetous Fungi, mostly growing in large numbers on the half-decayed woody parts of plants, or on the ground ; consist- ing usually of dark-coloured indurated or leathery bodies, solitary or connate, or seated on a common base, closed at first and containing a soft nucleus; the outer case (perithecium) subsequently opening widely, and presenting a cavity lined with asci containing spores. The history of development of these plants is still obscure ; for many of them are con- nected with certain of the Coniomycetes as different stages of one and the same plant. We describe the genera according to the existing classifications, noting the new facts relating to these metamorphic phenomena in the articles on the particular genera. British Genera. * Perithecium open, marginal, closed by a lid or veil. Patellariq. Perithecium patelliform, mar- gined, open, covered with a thin veil con- fluent with the nucleus. Disk at length pulverulent, the annulate asci breaking out. Tympanis. Perithecium cue-shaped, mar- gined, open, covered by a thin, evanescent j veil. Disk fixed in the receptacle (proper stratum}, at length dissolved. Asci filiform, fixed. | ** Perithecium (exciprulum) at length open, connate with the Jloccose receptacle. Nucleus discoid, ascigerous, placed on the receptacle. Cenangium. Perithecium entire, leathery- horny, opening by a connivent mouth, di- stinct from the discigerous stratum. Asci filiform, persistent, expelling the separate spores with violence. *** Perithecium entire, dehiscing by closely connivent slits. Lophium. Perithecium subsessile, elon- gated, compressed, bursting by a longitudinal slit. Asci erect, fixed, cylindrical, persistent ; sporidia simple, rounded. Thallus crus- taceous or imperceptible. **** Perithecium someivhat dimidiate, at length open, nucleus naked. Rhytisma. Peritheciu m innate, of irregular form, opening by fragments breaking off into a tiexuous slit ; nucleus placentiform, persistent. Asci erect, fixed; paraphyses stalked. Phacidium. Perithecium roundish, simple, bursting with several teeth at the summit ; nucleus disk-shaped, in some degree per- sistent. Asci erect, fixod; paraphyses stalked. Hysterium. Perithecium sessile, oval or elongated, with a longitudinal slit at first closed, afterwards gauing open ; nucleus linear, somewhat persistent. Asci erect, fixed; paraphyses stalked. Labrella. Perithecium innate, bursting by a longitudinal slit; asci short, broad and i obtuse above, attenuated below, mixed with short flexuose paraphyses; spores few, ovate- 1 oblong, occasionally contracted or septate in the middle. PHACID'IUM, Fr. A genus of Phaci- diacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), containing many species growing on dead leaves, branches, &c. Some of them are common, as P. dentatum, on oak-leaves. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 291. t PHACOP'SIS, TuL A genus of Micro- lichens, parasitic on the thallus of Evernicc and Lecanorce. PHACOTUS. [ 591 ] PHIALINA. BIBL. Lindsay, Brit. Lich. 318 ; Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869, 143. PHACOTUS, Perty. A genus of Cryp- tomonadina. Char. Body round, biconvex, with two or four filaments. Probably it is one of the Algae. BIBL. Pritchard, Infns. 513. PHA'CUS, Nitzsch, Duj. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria, family Thecamona- dina. Char. Body flattened and leaf -like, usu- ally green, with an anterior red (eye-) spot, a single flagelliforni filament, and covered with a resisting membranous integument, prolonged posteriorly like a tail. Fresh- water. Dujardin distinguishes this genus from Euglena, by the constancy of the form of the body, which varies every moment in the latter genus. P. pleuronectes (PL 31. fig. 62). Body oval, almost circular, green, with slightly marked longitudinal furrows, and a tail-like prolongation a third or fourth of its length ; length 1-630". P. longicaudm (PL 31. figs. 3 & 63). Other species. BIBL. Duj. Inf. 334; Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1871, 99 ; PH^EOSPO'RE^E, Thuret. See Fu- ooo COIBE^ 5 p. ooo. PHALANSTE'RIUM, Cienk. A genus of Choano-Flagellate Infusoria. Bodies ovate, flagellum single, with a basal collar ; imbedded in a simple or branched gelatinous zoary. Two species ; freshwater. (Cien- kowski, Arch. mikr. An. iv. 428; Kent, Inf. 361.) PHALLOIDE'L A family of Gastero- mycetous Fungi, characterized by the pro- trusion of a large clavate, columnar, stellate body, or globular, hollow, latticed frame- work, from the summit of the burst peri- dium. The basidiospores must be observed early here, as they fall off and form a deli- quescent mass upon the hymenium when the sporauge is mature. The fleshy struc- ture protruded from the dehiscent capsule is composed of spherical cells very loosely connected : the peridium, which is very tough, is composed of closely packed, very t slender, filamentous cells. BIBL. Berkeley, Ann. N. H. iv. 155 ; Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 226 ; Rossmann, Bot. Zeit. xi. 185. PHARCID'JA, Korb. A genus of Micro-lichens found on the apothecia of Lecanora. Spores 8 ; 2-4-locular, colourless, linear, or rod-shaped. (Lindsay, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869, 343.) PHASCA'CEJE. A family of inopercu- late Acrocarpous (terminal-fruited) Mosses, minute, gregarious or csespitose, with a simple or branched stem. Leaves oblong, oval, lanceolate or spathulate, concave, with a thick cylindrical nerve ; the cells of the leaves parenchymatous, looser at the base, by degrees denser towards the summit, mostly papillose. Capsules mostly obliquely apiculate, with spores larger than in most Mosses, but not so large as in ARCHIDIUM. Columella soon vanishing in the smaller species. British Genera. Acaidon. Plants very dwarf, gregarious. Capsule contained in the closed pericheete. Calyptra mitre-shaped, dimidiate. In- florescence monoecious (antheridia on a distinct branch at the base of the stem) : or dioecious (antheridia terminal on a distinct plant), bud-like. Phascum. Plants csespitose. Perichgete open. Capsule on a longish stalk, and mostly obliquely apiculate. Calyptra dimi- diate. Inflorescence monoecious (antheridia terminal in a bud on a distinct lateral branch, or naked and axillary on the fruit-bearing branch), or dioecious. PHASCO'LON, Stein. A genus of Hypotrichous Infusoria. Free, plano-convex, broadest in front; pharynx enclosing a rod-fascicle. P. vorticetta ; freshwater ; length 1-288". (Kent, Inf. 746.) PHAS'CUM, L. A genus of Phascacese (Acrocarpous Mosses), which is now sub- divided variously by different authors. Wilson separates the earlier Ph. alterni- folium only, under the name of Archidium foreign authors further distinguish between PHASCUM, ACATJLON, EPHKMERUM, and ASTOMUM. Species retained : Ph. crispum, cuspidatum, curmcollum, rectum, bryoides. Ph. cuspidatum is very common on banks, especially on a gravelly soil. BIBL. Wilson, Bryol Br. 32; Hooker, Br. Fl ii. pt. 1. 6. PHIALI'NA, Bory, Ehr. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria, family Trachelina. Char. Body finely ciliated, having a kind of neck crowned with large cilia; mouth lateral, below the appendix to the neck ; freshwater. P. viridis (PL 31. fig. 61). Body oval, nask-shaped, green, suddenly narrowed in IMIIALONEMA. r 592 PHLYCT.KXA. front and gradually behind, neck short longth 1-290". P. vermicidaris. White. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 333 ; Clap, et Lach. Inf. 304; Kent, Inf. 519. PHIALONE'MA, Stein. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Free, flask-shaped, oral aperture everted, with a single lateral flagellum. P. cyclostomum, surface spirally ribbed or striate; freshwater; length 1-500". (Kent, Inf. 373.) PHILODI'NA, Ehr. A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Philodinaea. Char. Eyes two, cervical ; tail -like foot with horn-like lateral processes. Ehrenberg describes seven species ; fresh- water ; in general structure and appearance closely resembling Rotifer. P. erythrophthalma (PI. 44. fig. 17). Colourless, smooth, eyes round, processes of foot short; length 1-120 to 1-50". P. roseola is reddish, the eyes oval ; P. collar is has a projecting cervical ring ; P. citrina has the middle of the body yel- lowish ; P. macrostyla has oblong eyes, and the foot-processes very long ; in P. megalo- trocha the eyes are oval, and the rotatory organs very large ; and in P. aculeata the body is covered with soft setaceous pro- cesses. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 498; Pritchard, Inf. 705. PHILODIN.E'A, Ehr. A family of Rotatoria. Char. No sheath or carapace; rotatory organs two, simple, resembling two wheels when the cilia are in motion. Body usually cylindrical, or somewhat spindle-shaped, contractile even so as to form a ball. In certain states of extension it sometimes appears pointed in front, from the presence of a proboscis ; in others the two ciliated rotatory organs are pro- truded. The animals are capable of swimming by means of the cilia, or of creeping like a leech, the ends of the body being alter- nately fixed. The tail-like foot is often furnished with horn-like lateral processes and terminal toes. Ehrenberg distinguishes seven genera : A. Eyes absent. a. "Proboscis and horn-like lateral pro- \ fallidina cess on the foot present f |3. Proboscis and horn-like processes ) absent J a . Rotary organ stalked Hydrtas. 6. Eotary organ not stalked Typhlina . B. Eyes present. Eyes two, frontal. Foot with horn-like processes. Toes two Eolifer. Toes three*. Foot without horn-like proces- ) -M-nnnlnhi* ses, but with two toes... \ M Eyes two, cervical Phtiodina. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 481. PHILOME'DES, Lilljeborg. A Cypri- dinad, witli suboval valves, notched in front, spined behind, punctate. Upper antennas 6-jointed, longer in the male : natatory branch of lower antennae 9-jointed, secon- dary branch setose in the female, cheliform in the male. Eyes small and pale in female, large and red in male. 1 British species, rare. BIBL. Brady, Linn. Tr. xxvi. 377; Pr. Zool. Soc. 1871, 291. PHILOP'TERUS, Nitzsch. A genus of Anoplurous Insects, of the family Philo- pteridae. Char. Antennae filiform, five-jointed; maxillary palpi none; mouth with strong toothed mandibles ; tarsi with two claws. The species are yeiy numerous, and have been arranged in six subgenera : Docopho- rus, Nirmus; Goniocotes, Goniodes, Lipeurus, and Ch-nithobius. In some of them there are two movable organs (trabeculse) situated in front of the antennae. P. (Docophorus) communis (PI. 35. fig. 5). Chestnut- coloured, shining, with white hairs ; head triangular, elongate, anterior portion much produced; trabeculae very large, curved ; posterior femora much incras- sated and toothed below. Length 1-16". Parasitic upon the Passeres or Insessores. BIBL. Denny, Anoplur. Monoyr. (Y2. PHLE'BIA* Fr. A genus of Hymeno- mycetous Fungi, intermediate between Hydnei and Auricularini. The hymenium is soft and pinched up into crest-like wrinkles or veins, which do not form di- stinct pores. Four species are found in this country, of which two at least are very pretty when in perfection. BIBL. Frtyrf.lfyc.i420; Grev.t.280; Hass. ii. t. 44; Berk. Outl. 263; Cooke, Handb. 305. PHLOEM. The liber-portion of the fibro-vascular bundles of stems. PHLYCT^E'NA, Desmaz. A genus of SphaBronemei (Stylosporous Fungi), nearly related to Septoria, differing in the absence of a proper peritheciurn. P. vayabunda has been found in Britain. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. II. '2. PHLYCT^ENIA. [ 593 ] PHOTOGRAPHY. xiii. 460; Desmazieres, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. viii. 16. PHLYCT^'NIA, Kg. A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules those of Navicida, en- closed in gelatinous globular cells (masses?). Marine. P. minuta. Cells 1-720 to 1-240" in dia- meter ; length of frustules 1-1200 to 1-600". P. maritima (Frustulia mar., E.). BIBL. Kiitzing, /Sjy. Alg. 96 ; Ehrenberg, Infus. 232. PHLYCTID'ICJM, Br. A genus of Uni- cellular Algae, allied to Chytridium-, con- sisting of globose or oblong inoperculate cells, the orifice simple or slightly produced, either rooted or not ; gonidia with a single long cilium. Several species; in fresh- water Algae, &c. (Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. iii. 278.) PHLYC'TIS, Wallr A genus of Pertu- sariei (Lichenaceous Lichens). 2 species, on trees, frequent. (Leighton, Lichen Flora, 237.) PHO'MA, Fr. A genus of Sphaeronemei (Stylosporous Fungi). There are nume- rous British species, forming small black or brown pustules upon dead leaves, twigs, &c. Tulasne regards this genus as formed by pycnidiiferous states of SPH^RIA. P. uvicola produces the disease called Anthracose on the vine. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 285 ; Ann. N. H. vi. 263 ; 2. v. 368, xiii. 459 ; Fries, Summa Veg, 421 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4. v. 115 ; Cornu, G-revittea, vii. 18. PHO'NOLITE. See ROCKS. PHORMID'IUM, Kiitz. An obscure genus of Oscillatoriaceae, the filaments sheathed, forming a membranous layer; many species. (Rabenhorst, Fl. Alg. ii. 115.) PHOR'MIUM, Forst. P. tenax is the name of the plant yielding New-Zealand Flax. It is a Monocotyledonous Flowering Plant belonging to the order Liliaceae. PHOR'ODON, Pass. A gen us of Aphidae. Two species ; on the hop (Aphis humuli), the sloe, and the plum. (Buckton, Aphides, Ray Soc., i. 165.) PHOSPHORESCENCE and PHOTO- GENIC STRUCTURES, see Micr. Diet. 3rd edition, 504 ; and the Bibl. therein. PHOTOG'RAPHY. Microscopic ob- jects may be photographed by the ordinary methods, especially by the collodion pro- cess, by arranging the microscope so as to form the optical part of a camera obscura. The old solar microscopes are examples of the principle of such an arrangement. Mi- croscopic cameras have been constructed in which the lens is replaced by a fitting carrying achromatic object-glasses, with the rod bearing the stage and illuminating apparatus, as in the ordinary stands of com- pound microscopes. A simpler plan for those who possess a compound instrument and a camera, is to remove the lens of the latter and introduce into its place the eye- end (with the eyepiece removed) of the compound body, placed in a horizontal posi- tion ; filling up the crevice all round with a piece of black velvet or cloth. Another method (Wenham's) which dispenses with the camera, is to operate in a room darkened by a shutter having an orifice through which the sunlight may be reflected by a mirror placed outside, and received either directly or condensed by a bull's-eye, on the object lying on the stage of the microscope placed horizontally, with the eyepiece re- moved ; a screen placed at a suitable dis- tance from the eye-end of the tube receives the image. In operating with this screen, the object should be focused on a sheet of card, and then, the light being shut off by covering the eye-end of the tube, a prepared paper or collodion plate be substituted ex- actly in the same place. Means must be used, by a black cloth or similar contrivance, to shut off all side light between the orifice of the shutter and the object-glass. In this last process, it is possible to obtain pictures with different parts of the object not lying in the same plane, by separate focusing, applying pieces of card suitably cut to shut off the image at different parts as required. With very minute objects and high powers, the achromatic condenser is used, as well as the bull's-eye. It is well known that the correction of the objectives for perfect vision is not the best for photographic purposes. With high powers, as the 1-4" object-glass and upwards, the difference may be neglected, but with lower powers, an adjustment is required. Shadbolt finds it sufficient to withdraw the object-glass a little by the fine movement, from the object, and gives the following data for Smith and Beck's object-glass : for the 4-10", withdraw the objective 1-1000"; for the 2-3", withdraw it 1-200"; for the If", withdraw it 1-150". Wenham pre- fers to place a doubly convex lens in the place of the back stop of the object-glass, and advises for the 4-10" and 2-3" object- 2Q PHRAGMICOMA. [ 594 ] PHTHIRITJS. glasses a lens of 5" focus ; for the 1" a lens of 8" focus. Microscopic photographs are best obtained with solar light ; but artificial light has been used, as that from camphene or gas for low powers, the oxyhydrogen light for high powers, andMaddox has used the magnesium light. A great point is to secure clean pre- parations, with the object sufficiently flat to allow of being clearly focused all over ; this sets a limit to the utility of the process ; further, certain objects in which red and yellow, or yellowish-brown colours exist, do not transmit the light, or only imperfectly. It will probably be advantageous to bleach many objects, as, for instance, insects and their parts, by long maceration in turpen- tine, sections of dark-coloured wood by nitric acid, &c., when they are intended to be photographed. The purely photographic manipulation cannot be given here, but requires the ordi- nary skill in photography. Lengthened particulars respecting the application of photography to the microscope are contained in the papers referred to below. BIBL. Highley, Qu. Mic. Jn. i. 178, 305, and ii. 158 ; Shadbolt, Qu. Mic. Jn. ii. 165; Wenham, Mic. Tr. 1855, 2. iii. 1 ; Rood, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1862, 261 ; Hessling and Koll- mann, Atlas, d. thier. Geweb. 1862 ; Maddox, Tr. Mic. Soc. 1863, 9 ; ibid. 1865, 34 ; Jn. Lond. Photo. Soc. 1864 ; Mn. Mic. Jn. 1869, 27 ; Woodward, ibid. 29, vol. iii. 290; Qii. Mic. Jn. 1870, 380 ; Brit. Jn. Photo. 1866 ; Moitessier, Photog. Appliquee, 1866; Reich- ardt and Sturenburg, 1868, Mon.mik. Phot.; Benecke, Photogr. 1869 ; Hermann, Phot. ; Gayer, Micro-photogr. ; M. M. Jn. xv. 258 ; Frey, Das Mik. ; Beale, How $c., and the notices therein. PHRAGMIC'OMA, Dumort. A genus of Jungermannieae (Hepaticae), containing one British species, P. Mackaii (Jung. Mackaii, Hook.), occurring rarely on trees and rocks, espe- cially on limestone. BIBL. Hook. Br. Jung. 63 ; Ekart, Syn. Jung. 59, pi. 9. fig. 72 ; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Suppl. i. 472-9. PHRAGMIDTUM, Lk. (Aregma, Fr.). A genus of Uredinei (Ooniomycetous Fungi), forming rusts very i 80 iated basi- common on Rosaceous plants. <*ium with four *ey appear upon living jgfcJBSL leaves, breaking through from Fig. 565. Phragmidium bulbosum. beneath the epidermis, and are chiefly dis- tinguished from PUCCINIA by the number of septa which are contained in the spores or pseudospores. P. bulbosum is common, forming yellow and brown pulverulent spots on bramble-leaves (see AREGMA). BIBL. Berk. (Areffma), JBr. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 358 ; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Flor. pi. 15 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 s5r. ii. 180, pi. 9 ; De Bary, Brandpilze, 1853, 49, pi. 4 ; Fries, Sum. Veg. 507 ; Currey, Q. J. Micr. Sc. v. 117. PHRAGMOTRICH A 'CE^E. A family of Coniomycetes, distinguished from Melan- coniei by their moniliform chains of spores. See CONIOMYCETES. PHRAGMOT'RICHUM, Kze. A genus Fig. 566. i Fig. 567. Fig. 568. Phragmotrichum Chailletii. Fig. 566. Scale of a spruce-fir cone, with pustules. Half nat. size. Fig. 567. A pustule, magnified ]0 diameters. Fig. 568. Vertical section across a pustule, showing the chains of spores. Magnified 100 di of Phragmotrichacese (Stylosporous Fungi). The plants form little tubercles bin-sling out from beneath the epidermis, and con- taining filaments arising from a softish fibrous stroma. The filaments (basidia) are interrupted at intervals with cellular spores (fig. 568), which ultimately separate. P. Chailletii grows upon the scales of the cones of Abies exceha. Other species grow on the poplar and maple. BIBL. Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. 492; Sum. Veg. 474 ; Berk. Crypt. Sot. 327. PHTHIR'IUS, Leach. A genus of Anoplura, family Pediculidae. Char. Legs of two kinds, anterior pair formed for walking, posterior pairs for climbing ; thorax large, not distinctly sepa- rated from the abdomen. PHYCOMYCES. [ 595 ] PHYLLOPHORA. P. inguinalis (Pediculus pubis). Parasitic upon man. Length 1-10 to 1-20". The ova are firmly fastened to the hairs by a glutinous secretion ; they are urn- shaped, and furnished with a lid. BIBL. Denny, Mon. Anopl. 8; Leach, Zool, Misc. iii. Go ; Megnin, Paras. 75. PHYCOMY'CES, Kze. A genus of Mucoiini (Phycomycetous Fungi), of which one species, P. nitens, has been found in Britain growing on the walls of oil-cellars and on grease. It is olive-coloured, dis- tinguished from Mucor chiefly by the absence of a columeila, the pyriform peridiole, and oblong spores-; but the entire plants are much larger and of more solid texture. The fertile filaments of P. splendens, the only other known species, are as thick as a horse-hair, and 3 to 4" high. It is the finest of all the Mucorini, and was at first considered an Alga, which it strongly resembles on a superficial exami- nation, when dry, from its green shining threads. Van Tieghem attributes to this a fructi- fication like that of Syzygites, with which genus it must ultimately be combined. BIBL. Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. 3C9 ; Sum. Veg. 488 ; Berk. Ann. N. H. vi. 433 ; Van Tieghem, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1873, xvii. 292. PHYCOMYCE'TES. An order of Fungi composed of microscopic plants of very simple organization, the mycelium being a by&soid or flocculent mass, bearing simple vesicular sporanges (peridiola), filled with minute spores. The nature of the mem- branous wall of the peridioles is not yet well ascertained in all the genera, some authors describing it as merely a veil, others as a perfect sac formed by the expansion of the terminal cell of the filament, which is cer- tainly true in Mucor. According to our own observations, the spores are formed by free-cell formation in the peridiole, which ultimately bursts to discharge the spores. But the division Antennariei cannot stand ; AKTENNABIA seems to be merely a form of CAPNODirM ; and PISOMYXA and PLEURO- PYXIS are obscure objects of which little is known. In the Antennariei the peridioles are ses- sile on radiating flocci, which sometimes send processes which grow up and surround them, or they are attached to the sides of eiect filaments; these filaments form whitish or greyish patches, on the leaves of trees and herbs, bearing a close external resem- blance to Erysiphe. The Mucoiini are moulds growing on decaying organic matter, the mycelium constituting flocks floating in liquids or overgrowing damp substances, while the delicate spore-sacs or peridioles are borne at the apices of erect stalk-like and often extremely branched filaments. The genus Syzyyites exhibits a remarkable peculiarity. Each spore-sac is formed by means of the conjugation of two branches of the ramified fructification (see SYZYGITES). The later researches on the plants of this group seem to indicate that, as in most of the Fungal Orders, much remains to be cleared up concerning the relations of the forms. See on this subject the article Eu- POTITJM, which genus, according to De Bary's researches, is associated as merely a second form of fructification, with ASPER- GILLUS, upon the same mycelium. PH YL ACTEL 'LA, Hincks, = Lepralia pt. (Hincks, Polyz. 356.) PHYLLODE'L A series of Lichena- ceous Lichens. Char. Thallusfoliaceous, depressed, lobed. BIBL. Leighton, Brit. Lich. Flora, p. 2. PHYLLOGONIA'CE^E. A family of Pleurocarpous Mosses, distinguished by the peculiar character of the leaves and their arrangement. The leaves are either in-/ serted horizontally or imbricated vertically, clasping, and are composed of very narrow linear parenchymatous cells, appearing almost confluent into a homogeneous mem- brane, auricled at the base, with minute, parenchymatous, thickened alar cells ar- ranged orbicularly at the auricles, very smooth j the leaves stand in two opposite rows. This family contains only the single small exotic genus Phyllogonimn. PHYLLOM'ITUS, Stein. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Free, ovate ; flagella two, unequal, united at the basal portion ; no mouth. P. undulans, freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 299.) PHYLLOPH'ORA, Grev. A genus of Cryptonemiaceas (Florideous Algas), con- sisting of several species, with a red, rigidly membranous, stalked, leaf-like, often dicho- tomous thallus, the lobes of which are often proliferous ; from a few inches to a foot long, growing near low-water mark, or in the sea. (P. rubens, PI. 4. fig. 4.) The fructification consists of: 1. favelli- dia, scattered over the thallus, containing minute spores ; 2. antheridia, wart-like bodies composed of radiating moniliform 2Q 2 PHYLLOPODA. [ 696 ] PHYSIOTIUM. filaments found on distinct plants from the spores; and 3. tetraspores, collected into sori either towards the apex of the thallus or on proper lobes. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 142, pi. 18 A ; Phyc. Brit, pi." 191 ; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 15 ; Derbes and Solier, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 se"r. xiv. 277, pi. 37 ; Thuret, ibid. 4 se"r. iii. 18. PHYLLOP'ODA. See ENTOMOSTKACA. PHYLLOXE'RA, Fonsc. A genus of Aphidae (Homonterous Hemiptera) ; the species have the fore wings flat on the back, with 1 simple stigmal, and 2 simple oblique discoidal nerves ; the antennae 3-jointed. These insects are notable from the immense damage they do, in the vinicolous countries, to the grape-vines. The apterous broods feed upon the roots of the vine, exhausting its juices, producing decay of the leaves, and absence of fruit. In the autumn, the winged sexual forms are produced, which spread the malady abroad, by laying their eggs in new places. P. vastatrix (PI. 53. fig. 7) is the vine-pest ; but other species occur on the oak, &c. The insects may be found by separating the layers of the roots, and examining them with a good lens, when they will be seen in all stages, often sur- rounded with a zone of eggs. BIBL. West wood, Intr. ii. ; Fatio and Demole-Ador, Rap. s. 1. Phyll. 1875-76; Lichtenstein, Ann. Agronom. 1876, ii. 129 ; Robin, Micr. 1877, 953; Balbiani, Rev. Scient. 1874; Cornu, Phyll. vast., 1878 (24 plates). PHYMATOP'SIS, Tul. A genus of Microlichens parasitic on the apothecia and thallus of Usneae. BIBL. Lindsay, New-Zealand Lich. and Fungi, 442 ; Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869, 350. PHYSAC'TIS, Kiitz. A genus of Oscil- latoriaceae (Confervoid Algae), improperly separated from Rivularia, consisting of freshwater and marine plants, growing on stones &c., at first globose, and afterwards vesicular and lobed by peripheral growth accompanied by gradual decay of the ori- ginally solid centre. Under this head are included : P. (Rivularia) nitida. Deep olive-green, tufted and lobed, gregarious ; fronds from 1-12 to 1" in diameter. (R. bullata, Berk.) Marine, P. (Riv.) plicata. Diam. 1-12 to 1-2" in diameter ; deep green. Marine. P. (Riv.) pwum. Globose, dirty green, 1-12 to 1-2" in diameter. Freshwater. BIBL. Ktitz. Sp. Ala. 332; Tab. Phyc. Bd. i. pi. 58; Hassall, Fr. Alg. 262 ; Har- vey, Mar. Alg. 222 ; Berk. Gleanings, pi. 2. fig. 1 ; Rabenh. Alg. ii. 206. PHYSA'RUM, Pers. A genus of Myxo- mycetes, containing numerous species growing on rotten wood, bark, leaves, &c. They are nearly related to Didymium and Didcrma, but liave a simple membranous peridium : the filaments are adnate to the peridium; but in some spores they are very few, approaching to the condition of Licea. Some are sessile, others stipitate (fig. 569) ; the clustered forms (P. hi/ali- Fig. 571. Fig Fig. 670. Physarum bryophilmn. Fig. 569. Plants growing on a Plagiochila. Magn. 2 diams. Fig. 570. A peridium burst. Magn. 25 diams. Fig. 571. Filaments and spores from the same. Magn. 100 diams. num and utriculatuni) are removed to Berkeley's genus BADHAMIA. P. album is common. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 314 ; Mag. Zool. and Bot. i. 49 ; Ann. N. H. vi. 431, 2. xiii. 159 ; Fries, System. Myc. iii. 127 ; Sum. Veg. 153 ; Greville, Crypt. Fl. pi. 40. 310; Cooke, Grevilka, 1880; Kent, Pop. Sc. Rev. 1881, and Inf. 470. PHYS'CIA, Nyl. Like Parmelia, but with the spores bilocular ; many species. PHYSCOMIT'RIUM, Bridel. A rams of Funariaceae (Acrocarpous Mosses;, in- cluding many Gymnostoma of other authors. P/iyscomitrium pyriforme, Brid.= 6r?//fto- stomum pyriforme, Hedw. Ph. spharicum is remarkable as having been found only in one year in one locality in Britain. This species exhibits a pretty structure in a vertical section of the immature capsule, the mass of sppriferous tissue being sus- pended freely in the middle by cellular threads. PHYSIO'TIUM, Nees. A genus of Juu- germannieae (Hepaticae), containing one PHYSODICTYON, [ 597 ] PILOBOLUS, species, P. cochleariforme, a large plant, growing- in purple tufts 4 to 6" long, on moors and among rocks in Ireland and the Scotch highlands. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 119; Br. Jung. p. 68 ; Engl. Bot. pi. 2500 ; Ekart, Synops. Jung. pi. 5. fig. 40 ; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Suppl. 1. nos. 472-81. PHYSODICTYON, Ktz. A genus of Algae, consisting of globular vesicles com- posed of angular parenchymatous cells con- taining chlorophyll; diameter 1-12". On rocks and submerged wood. P. graniforme (PI. 3, fig. 14). (Rabenhorst, Alg. iii. 312.) PHYSOM'ONAS, Kt. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria. Rounded, free or fixed by a slender filament; obliquely truncate in front; flagella two, unequal ; diam. 1-3000"; freshwater and marine. (Kent, Inf. 263.) PHYTEL'EPHAS, R. and P. The ge- neric name of the Palm yielding the VEGE- TABLE-IVORY nut. PHYTOCRE'NE, Wallich. An Arto- carpaceous tree with wood of very remark- able structure. See WOOD. PHYTOP'TID^E. A family of Acarina, the nature of which is ill-understood. The members are found in the buds and galls of plants. The galls, which form warts, tu- bercles, nail-like growths &c. upon the leaves, and produce distortion of the buds, were formerly considered fungi, and placed in the genera Erineum, Phitterium, &c. The Acari are usually elongate, the body trans- versely striated, the legs two anterior pairs, the hinder pairs being replaced by tubercles or long hairs. They were supposed to be the larve of Tetranychus or other Acarina, but their eggs are found with them in the galls. They have not been properly ar- ranged in genera and species, being usually referred to the single genus Phytoptus, Duj . They are often very transparent and easily overlooked, and sometimes can only be found by washing the opened galls, and searching for them in the wash-water. They are commonly met with in the galls of the lime, the vine, the willow, the pear, yew, &c., and are named accordingly P. tilue (PI. 53. fig. 24), P. vitis, &c. BIBL. Dujardin, Ann. Sc. Nat. 1857, iii. 15 j Pagenstecher, Verh. Heidelb. 1859; Frauenfeld, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 1864- 72; Low, ib. 1874; Thomas, Zeitschr. ge- sammt. Natumv. xxxiii. ; Kaltenbach, Pjftanz.feinde ; Briosi, M. M. Jn. xvii. 181 (with copious Bibl.); Ormerod, Inj. Ins. 179 ; Murray, EC. Ent. 365. j ^ PICO'BIA, Hall. A genus of Trombi- I dina (Acarina). P. Heeri, in the subcu- taneous cellular tissue of the woodpecker. BIBL. Meg-urn, Paras. 248; Haller, Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. 1877, xxx. PIGGO'TIA, Berk, and Broome. A genus of Sphaeronemei (Stylosporous Fungi), or perhaps the conidiiferous form of Dothidea. P. astroidea occurs on the green leaves of the elm, forming irregular round- ish, granulated or wrinkled jet-black patches (sometimes with a yellow border) on the upper surface of the leaf. Perithecia soon confluent, bursting by a lacerated fissure. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 2. vii. 95, pi. 5. fig. 1. PIGMENT. See INTRODUCTION, p. xxxiv. PIGMENT-CELLS of connective tissue occur in a few isolated spots only in Man and the higher Vertebrata, but are widely distributed in Amphibia and Fishes, appear- ing especially in the skin, the serous mem- branes, and the tunica adventitia of the vessels. The pigment is deposited in gra- nules, which differ in shape and colour. The pigment-cells of connective tissue are usually characterized by their beautiful stellate form and numerous processes. In Man they occur normally in the eye. The pigment-granules in Amphibia are collected in round masses or diffused in the stellate cells, their movement being evident but slow. Spontaneous alteration in form of pigment-cells occurs in the skin of these animals, and is connected with the change in colour which they present. See MEL ANINE. PILA'CRE, Fr. A genus of Trichogas- tres (Gasteromycetous Fungi). This genus must not be confounded with Onygena, to which it bears a certain resem- blance. One or two of the species are remarkable for the strong permanent odour, resembling that of pigs. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 2. v. 365, pi. 11. PILEOLA'RIA, Cast. See UROMYCES. PILEORHTZA. A conical hood on, or shield or guard to, the tips of the roots of plants, protecting the nascent tissue. See ROOT. PILIN'IA, Kiitz. A genus of Cheeto- phoraceous Algae . Filaments erect, j ointed, tufted, rooting, forming a spongy stratum. P. rimosa (PI. 3, fig. 15), on submersed wood ; marine. (Rabenhorst, Alg. iii. 386.) PILOBO'LUS, Tode. A genus of Mu- corini (Phycomycetous Fungi), consisting of little moulds growing upon dung ; bear- PILOPHOPtON. [ 598 ] PILULAPJA. ing some resemblance in their structure to Botrydium among the Algae. The plants have a stoloniferous creeping mycelium, from which arise fertile pedicels, each cut off from the mycelium by a septum ; the upper part of the pedicel expands into the vesicle, which also becomes shut oft' by a septum ; in the vesicle or peridiole, spores are next developed by free-cell formation, and at the same time the septum becomes pushed up into its interior (as in Mucon) to form a columella, which ultimately causes the vesicular peridiole to split off by a cir-. cumscissile dehiscence just above the sep- tum ; it is thrown off with elasticity, en- closing the spores. The development of P. crystallinus has been studied by Cohn and Bail. They find the germinating spore to produce a creeping unicellular mycelial por- tion, and next a fruit-pedicel, which soon has the peridiole separated by a septum ; thus, in its simplest form, this plant consists of only three cells; subsequently it becomes complex by the root-cell or mycelium pro- ducing numerous stolons. P. crysUUKniu is yellowish at first, the peridiole finally black. P. roridus, Bolt., a doubtful species, is smaller and more slender than the last, having an elongated filiform stem. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 231 ; Fries, Sum. Veget. 487; Cohn, Nova Ada, xxiii. 492 ; Bail, Bot, Zeit. xiii. 630 ; Currey, J. Linn. Soc. Botany, i. 162. PILOPH'ORON,Tuck. A genus of Cla- doniei (Lichenaceous Lichens). P. Jibula, on wet rocks, rare. (Leigh ton, Lick. Fl. 69. ) PILOT'RICHUM, Pal. de Beauv. A genus of Hypnoid Mosses, including some Fontinales of authors. Pilotrichum antipyreticum, C. Miill.= Fontinalis antipyretica, L. P. squamosum, C. Mull. = /"'. squamosa, L. P. ciliatum, C. Mull. = Anccctangium cilia- turn, Brid., Tar. y. striatum=A. ciliatum, Wilson. P. heteromattum, P. d. ^.Daltoniahete- romatta, H. and T. PILULA'RIA, L. A genus of Marsile- aceous Plants, containing the only British representative of the order P. globuUfera (fig. 574). This is an inconspicuous plant growing in mud at the edges of or in pools, having a filiform creeping stem, bearing erect filiform green leaves and delicate ad- ventitious roots, and producing shortly- stalked globular spore-fruits, about the size of a pepper-corn. The anatomical structure of the stem and leaves is simple : they are clothed with an epidermis possessing sto- mata ; and a cross section both of the stem and the leaves exhibits a central vascular bundle (of spiral vessels) surrounded \\\ a bheath of brownish cells, while in the deli- cate cellular tissue intervening between the central bundle and the epidermis stands a circle of air-passages separated from each other by simple raoiaticg cellular septa. Fig. 572. Fig. 573. Pilularia globulifera. Fig. 572. A vertical section of a spore-fruit. Mncn 5 diameters. Fig. 573. Transverse section of a spore-fruit. Maen. 5 diameters. The spore-fruits are hollow cases with an outer tough cellular coat, and an inner more delicate coat dippinginat four perpendicular lines, as far as the centre, so as to form dissepiments dividing the fruit into four chambers (figs. 572, 573) ; up the centre of the outer wall of each chamber runs a raised ridge, a kind of placenta, whence arise the sporanges or theca (tig. 673). These are pear-shaped sacs composed of a very deli- cate cellular membrane. Those in the upper part of each chamber contain a number of minute globular bodies (microspores), re- sembling pollen-grains, immersed in a gela- tinous liquid. The sacs in the lower part of the chamber contain only one body or spore (rnacrospore) of very peculiar form ; it nearly fills the theca, is somewhat oval, and possesses several coats. In the development of the spores the small spores are developed in the usual way, by the formation of parent cells in the theca, each subsequently producing four spores. In the thecae which have the sino-le large spore, a number of parent cells are originally produced; and these become divided into four chambers by septa ; but then all but one of these decay. This pro- duces four spores; but out of these four, only one attains perfect development, the rest being subsequently dissolved and ab- sorbed to make room for the solitary large spore. The two kinds of spore in Pihdaria PILULARIA. [ 509 ] PILULARIA. correspond to the two forms in SELAGI- NELLA and ISOETES, and to the pollen and ovules of the Flowering Plants. They are set free by the dehiscence of the spore-fruit, and lie at tirst imbedded in the jelly poured out by the thecae. In this state the small spores resemble pollen-grains, having an outer granular, and an inner delicately membranous coat, the outer coat presenting ridges corresponding to the points of contact in the parent cell. When set free, the spores soon burst at these ridges, and the inner coat is slightly protruded ; this next bursts and discharges a number of lenticular cells, from each of which escapes a ciliated spiral spermatozoid. The mature large spores (fig. 575) are of Fig. 574. oval form, and have a thick outer gelati- nous coat composed of prismatic cells stand- ing perpendicularly on an inner glassy coat ; the gelatinous coat is perforated at the summit by a funnel-shaped opening through which protrudes a pyramidal elevation of the second, glassy coat ; the last is lined by a delicate internal coat containing protoplasm, starch, oil-globules, &c. Soon after the expulsion of the spore, cell-formation takes place inside the pyramidal protrusion of the outer coat, from the cell-contents of the spore. The glassy coat next splits at this point into four teeth, and exposes the cellular structure (prothallium), which increases in size, and acquires a green colour. An archegonium is next formed on this, con- Fig. 575. Fig. 578. Fig. 57a Fig. 577. Pilularia globulifera. Fig. 574. Natural size. Fig. 575. An ovule spore. Magnified 25 diameters. Figs. 576 & 577. The same in germination. Magnified 25 diameters. Fig. 578. Germinating spore more advanced. Magnified 10 diameters. si sting of a cell (embryo-sac) lying in the substance at the apex, with a canal bordered by four papillose cells leading to it. A spermatozoid fertilizes the free embryo-cell contained in the archegonium ; and this be- comes developed into a new plant within the substance of the prothallmm (fig. 577), sending out a leaf on one side and an ad- ventitious root on the other, tangentially to the surface of the spore. In this stage (fig. 578) the young plant, with the remains of the spore, somewhat resembles a germi- nating Monocotyledonous seed. Finally, as the young plant increases in size, the rem- nants of the spore-coat are thrown off. BIBL. Valentine, Linn. Tr. xvii. ; Hof- meister, Vergl. Unters. 1851, 103 ; Henfrey, Ann. N. H. 2. ix. 447; Hanstein, Pilul. #c. PINE-APPLE. [ 600 ] PITTED STRUCTURES. 1866, Braun, Monatsb. Berl Ak. 1870; Sachs, Sot. 444. PINE-APPLE. See BBOMELIACE^E. PINNULARIA, Ehr. A genus of Dia- tomaceae, family Naviculaceae. Char. Frustules single, free, longer than broad ; front view linear or oblong ; valves navicular, elliptical, lanceolate, or oblong (side view), with a median line, and a nodule at the centre and at each end ; sur- face exhibiting transverse or slightly radi- ating striae or furrows (costse). This genus differs from Navicida in the striae not being resolvable into dots. They are mostly distinct under ordinary illumina- tion. In some of the species they are absent in the middle, leaving a transverse clear space or band, resembling in appearance the stauros of Stauroneis. Many species. P. nobilis (PL 15. fig. 1, side view). Valves linear, dilated in the middle and at the rounded ends ; striae , coarse. Fresh- water and fossil; length 1-100 to 1-70". P. viridis (PI. 16. fig. 2, side view). Valves elliptical, somewhat turgid, ends obtuse ; freshwater ; length 1-600 to 1-220"; common. /3. Strise parallel, absent from a transverse band. P. oblmga (PL 15. fig. 3, side view). Valves linear -oblong, ends rounded ; fresh- water and fossil ; length 1-120" ; common. P. radiosa (PL 15. fig. 4, side view ; fig. 5, front view). Valves lanceolate, ends some- what obtuse ; freshwater ; length 1-500" ; common. BIBL. Smith, Br. Diat. i. 54, ii. 95 ; Ehr. Abh. 1840, 20; Donkin, Mic. Jn. 1861, 8; Pritchard, Inf. 899; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 81; Gregory, Diat. of Clyde, 7 ; Q. Micr. Jn. ii. 28, 98 ; Griin, Wien. Verh. 1860, 524 ; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 209 ; Pfitzer and O'Meara, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 386. PI'NUS, L. A genus of Conifer* (Gym- nospermous Flowering Plants), presenting many interesting points of structure. The most familiar example is the Scotch Fir (P. sylvestris) ; but a great number of other species are cultivated in this country. For the microscope they yield instructive objects: in the wood (PI. 48. fig. 1), composed of peculiarly pitted cells (see CONIFEBJE) and traversed by turpentine-reservoirs; in the BARK, which has a land of false cork ; in the development of the Gymnospermous OVULES, and in the structure of the POL- LEN-grains. The wood of species of the genus Pinus frequently occurs in a fossil condition (PL 26. figs. 29-33). BIBL. See the articles above cited. PISOM YX' A, CoTd&(Bryocladium, Ktz.). A genus of Mucorini (Phycomycetous Fig. 579. Pisomyra racodioideu. Magnified 200 diameters. Fungi), growing upon leaves. A species has occurred in Ceylon on the leaves of Amomum. BIBL. Fries, Sum. Veg. 406 ; Corda, Ic. Fung. i. pi. 6. fig. 292 ; Berk, and Broome, Linn. Jn. xiv. 139, t. x. f. 54. PISTIL. The parts of a flower included in the terms ovary, stj T le, and stigma. It is in theory composed of modified leaves or carpels. PISTILLA'RIA, Fr. A genus of Cla- variei (Hymenomycetous Fungi), consisting of small club-shaped heads which are con- fluent with the stem. There are about six species indigenous to this country, of which that on fern-stems is the most common. BIBL. Fr. Ep. 586; Berk. Outl. 286; Cooke, Handb. 342. PISTILLID'lUM=ARCHEGONiuM, the female reproductive organ of the higher Cryptogamia. PITH. See MEDULLA. PITHOPH'ORA, Wittr. An obscure genus of Algae. (Wittrock, Qu. M. Jn. 1877, xvii. 293; Moore, Jn. Bot. 1877; M. M. Jn. xviii. 40.) PITTED STRUCTURES OF PLANTS. The secondary deposits of cellulose which form the layers of thickening of the walls of vegetable cells are seldom uniform or homo- geneous in character. In most, if not in all, cases some special microscopic structure may be distinguished, either by mere in- spection or on the application of reagents. These layers, spoken of more particularly as to their nature under SECONDARY DEPO- SITS, may be divided into two classes, com- PITTED STRUCTURES. [ 601 ] PITTED STRUCTURES. prehending pretty accurately all the varied conditions, namely: the Spiral deposits, where the secondary layers assume the aspect of fibres applied upon the inside of the cell- wall; and Pitted, or, as they are often termed, Porous deposits, where layers are applied over the whole internal surface of the cell, which layers present orifices of dif- ferent characters, leaving the primary mem- brane bare, and forming in this way a pit as viewed from the inside of the cell. When the secondary layers are comparatively thin, their presence is often overlooked ; and the pits have thus often been mistaken for ori- fices or pores (figs. 580, 581) in the primary Fig. 580. Fig. 581. Pitted cells of Elder pith. Magnified 250 diameters. membrane ; but such pores are never origi- nally present ; the closure of the pit by the layer of primary membrane may always be demonstrated in young structures; and when orifices really do occur in cell-walls, these arise from the absorption of the primary cell-membrane converting the pit into a pore. The best way of demonstrating that young spotted cell- walls are only pitted and not perforated, is to apply sulphuric acid and iodine for the production of the blue colour in the primary cell-wall. Simple pits, of no great depth, occur on the slightly thickened walls of most perma- nent parenchymatous cells; they may be seen in the cells of herbaceous stems, in pith, bark, in the cells of the parenchyma of leaves, &c. (Figs. 580, 581 j PI. 47. fig. 14.) In most prosenchymatous wood-cells, or liber-cells, and in the woody cells of the stones or shells of fruits and seeds, the pits are far more clearly evident, and become more and more distinct (PI. 48. fig. 3), as the layers of thickening increase in number, since, by the successive application of these, the pits are deepened (with the contraction of the cavity of the cell) until they become canals^ or tubular passages radiating from the central cavity (PI. 47. fig. 23). In these cases it is evidently seen that the pits of adjacent cells and ducts correspond to each other at their outer extremity ; and in old tissues, when the primary cell-walls have been absorbed, these coincident pits form tubular canals leading from one cell to another. It has been observed that two or more pits sometimes become confluent in the later internal deposits, so that the in- ternally simple orifice leads out to several branches corresponding to the original pits on the wall of the cell. In rare cases, simple pits occur on the outer walls of epidermal cells, as in Cycas (PI. 47. fig. 28). Pits of the above kinds occur on the structures called ducts (see TISSUES, VEGE- Fig. 582. Fig. 583. Fig. 582. Pitted ducta of Clematis. Magn. 100 diams. Fig. 583. Side wall of a cell of Pine, with bordv i ed pits. Magnified 200 diameters. TABLE), formed of cells applied end to end and confluent (fig. 181, page 271). These large pitted tubes (which occur abun- dantly in most woods, with the exception of that of the Coniferae) are sometimes termed bothrenchyma, signifying pitted tis- sue ; but the character not being exclusively applicable to them, the name is bad. In many pitted ducts, and in the pitted wood-cells of many plants, especially of the Coniferse, the pits present a greater degree of complication. The markings on the walls of the wood-cells of most of the Coniferae, for example, consist of pits surrounded by a PITTED STRUCTURES. [ 602 ] PITTED STRUCTURES. broad rim (fig. 583 ; PL 48. figs. 1, 4, 5); the portion within the rim projeats somewhat into the cavity of the cell, and appears like a lenticular body attached on the wall; hence the markings were formerly termed the " glands " of Coniferous wood. In reality, however, while the pits themselves resemble ordinary pits, the broad rim, or rather the circular line outside the pit, depends on a condition of the cell- wall outside the mem- brane, and is merely the outline of a lenti- Fig. 584. ~r.m Section of Pine wood at right angles to the pitted walls, p.f, walls of a pitted cell ; c. /, cavity of a cell ; c. /, lenticular cavity between two adjacent pits ; r. m, cells of a medullary ray, the pits have no riin here. Magnified 400 diameters. cular cavity existing between two adjacent cells, the boundary of which is visible through the wall on account of the trans- parency of the latter : the nature of this structure is very evident in sections made at right angles to those which show the bor- dered pits in face (fig. 584 ; PI. 48. fig. 1 b). In most of the Coniferae the wood is ex- clusively composed of large elongated pros- enchyinatous cells, with bordered pits of this character on the side walls (that is, on the walls standing radially or perpendicular to the bark) ; the pits, however, which lie on parts of the wall adjoining the cells of medullary rays, are generally devoid of the rim. Similar bordered pits occur very generally on the walls of the pitted ducts of Dico- tyledons ; but as the wood is here of mixed composition, and the ducts adjoin cells as well as other ducts, independently of the medullary rays, we often find a greater va- riety of conditions on the wall of the same duct, which may have bordered pits when adjoining another duct, and simple pits, or pits with a double outline, when adjoining cells. The pits with a double outline (PI. 48. figs. 15 6, & 20) are of different nature from the bordered pits (PL 48. figs. 13, 14, 15 a, 16, 18), the double outline depending; simply on the fact that the later or more internal layers of thickening do not reach the edge of the orifice in the earlier secondary de- posits, so that the pit is conical, or rather has sloping edges, the circumference at the primary membrane being rather less than that of the margin next the cell-cavity. A peculiar modification of this unequal mode of deposit is seen in company with the true rim or border in many cases (PL 48. figs. 14, 16, 18), where the central spot or original pit appears in the middle of a slit running across the circle indicating the border ; this slit indicates the alteration of the shape of the gap in the secondary deposits in the successive layers, and corresponds to the inner margin of the pit, where this has the form of an elongated groove or slit, gradu- ally diminishing to a small round hole towards the primary cell-membrane (PL 48. fig. 18 a). Sometimes (PL 48. fig. 18 , 6) the two or more slits formed in this way on contiguous pits become confluent. The last condition indicates a transition to the more sparing form of the secondary deposit where it appears as a modification of a spiral fibre or fibres; and the later secondary deposits of pitted ducts do sometimes actually assume this form, and produce a spiral- librous layer of thickening inside the layers perforated by pits. This is the case in TAXUS (PL 48. tigs. 4), in the Lime (PL 48. fig. 13). and Mezereon (PL 48. fig. 19 b\ &c. Hartig and Mohl have described a pecu- liar kind of pitted tissue formed of cells, which the former calls Siebrohren, or sieve- tubes, the latter dathrate cells. They are thin-walled cells occurring associated with the prosenchymatous liber^cells of Dicotyle- dons, and forming part of the vasa propria of Monocotyledons; having their walls mi.rked with large shallow pits, the mem- PITTED STRUCTURES. [ 603 ] PLAGIOCHILA. brane of the pits being again very finely punctate or reticulated ; Ilartig regards the fine punctuations as holes. For the guidance of microscopic observers, we may furnish a series of examples (in ad- dition to those of the CONIFER^E, PL 48. figs. 1, 4, 5), of the different kinds of mark- ing on pitted cells and ducts. A. Forms where there is no spiral-fibrous secondary deposit. a. Bordered pits uniformly distributed, without reference to adjacent structures ; Elcpaunm acuminata, Clematis Vitalba (PI. 48. rig. 18). b. Bordered pits fewer on the walls ad- joining cells: Acacia lophantha, Sophora Japonica. c. Bordered pits on the walls adjoining ducts, while the walls adjoining wood-cells have few or no bordered pits, and those next the medullary rays have pits without a border : elder, beechj hazel, poplar, alder, plane, apple, &c. d. Bordered pits on the walls adjoining ducts, but with large pits devoid of a bor- der where adjoining cells : Cassijtha ghibella (PL 48. fig. 14), Bombaxpentandrum\\A&. tig. 15). e. A modification of the last, where the bordered pits have the form of slits as wide as the ducts when adjoining ducts, while the walls adjoining cells have large pits without a border : Chilianthus arboretts (PI. 48. fig. 17) ; the vine (in a less striking manner). Erynyium maritimum (PI. 48. fig. 21) exhibits a condition approaching this. /. Sieve-tubes or clathrate cells, large thin- walled cells with round, oval, or elongated thinner places (pits) on their Avails, the mem- brane of the pit being finely reticulated or perforated like a sieve. These are found in the liber of Dicotyledons, as in Biynonia, the lime, the vine, elder, pear, &c., and in the central part of the vascular bundles of Monocotyledons, as Musa, Asparagus, &c. B. Forms where a spiral-fibrotis structure is added after the pits. g. All the ducts with bordered pits, but the larger ducts with smooth walls, the smaller with a spiral fibre : Clematis Vitalba, Ulmus campestriSj Morus alba. h. All the ducts closely pitted, with slender fibres between the rows of pits : Hakea oleifolia. i. The larger ducts with pits, the smaller without ; both kinds with spiral fibres on the internal surface: Dap/me Mezereum (PI. 48. fig. 19), Passer ina Jlliformis, Genista canariensis. j. The walls adjacent to other ducts pitted, those next cells with veiy distant pits, or devoid of them ; all the walls with fibres : the lime, horse-chestnut, sycamore, cornel, holly, hawthorn, Prunus Padus, P. virginiana, &c. The last set of forms allies these struc- tures to those characterized peculiarly by the SpiRAL-fibrous STRUCTURES : and, as will be indicated there and under S BCOND AR Y DEPOSITS, the smooth layers of thickening, such as those between the pits of P t nus, may be made to show a spiral structure by the action of reagents. For the micro-chemical conditions of these objects, their development and rela- tions, see SECONDARY DEPOSITS ; TISSUES, Vegetable ; and CELL, Vegetable. BIBL. Works on Structural Botany, and the Bill, of SPIRAL STRUCTURES. PLACENTA OF PLANTS. The region of the carpel whence ovules arise. Stronu would be a preferable term. PLACO'DIUM. A genus of Placodei (Lichenaceous Lichens) j 13 species, on rocks and walls. (Leighton, Lich. Fl. ICO ) PLACOPSIL'INA , D'Orbigny. Lituolee of irregular growth and attached, belong to this subgenus. BIBL. Carpenter, For. 143. PLA'CUS, Cohn. A genus of Holo- trichous Infusoria. Free, ovate ; surface indurated, reticular, mouth inferior ; move- ment rotatory ; length 1-780" : salt water. (Kent, Inf. 489.) PLAGIACAN'THA, Claparede. A ge- nus of Acanthometrina (Rhizopoda). Char. The spicula, which are branched and without a central canal, do not unite in the centre of the body, but on one of the sides, so as to form a scaffolding on which the sarcode rests,- pseudopodia elongating either at the ends or sides of the spicula to which they are attached, and which they unite more or less together. BIBL. Clap, et Lach. Etudes, 461. PLAGIOCHI'LA, Nees and Montagne. A genus of Jungermannieae (Hepaticae), containing a number of British species, viz.P. (Jungermannia,RQok.}asplenioides,spinidosa, decipiens, resupinata, undulata (tig. 321), planifolia, nemorosa, and umbrosa, some of which, especially P. aspknioides (fig. 585), are among the most frequent and finest PLAGIODISCUS. [ 604 ] PLANARIOLA. plants of the family, its stems growing from > to 5" long. BIBL. Hook. Br. Ft. ii. Fl - 585 - pt. 1, 111; Br. Jung. pis. 13, 14 ; Ekart, Sijn- ops. Jung. 6 et seq. pi. 1 ; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Supp. 1, No. 473. PLAGIODIS'CUS,Gr. A genus of Diatoma- ceae. Allied to Surirella, but the costae radiating at the ends. 2 species ; valves reniform ; Hondu- ras. (Grunow, M. M. Jn. xviii. 172, figs.) PLAGIOG'NATHA, Duj. A genus of Rota- toria containing species included by Ehrenberg in the genera Notommata, Diylena, and Distemma,', distinguished by the arched back and peculiar jaws. BIBL. Duj. Inf. 651; Pritchard, Inf. 692. PLAGIOGRAM'MA. Grev. A genus of Diatomaceaj, family Fragilariae. Char. Frustules quadrangular, united into a short fascia; valves with two or more strong, pervious transverse costae, and mo- niliform generally interrupted strise. BIBL. Greville, Mic. Tr. 1865, 1866; Rabenh. Fl.Eur..Alg. i. 117; Pritchard, Infm. 773. PLAGIOPH'RYS, Clap.-A genus of Actinophryina (Rhizopoda). Char. No carapace, pseudopodia nume- rous, arising from one point of the surface of the body. 2 species; freshwater. P. cy- Imdrica (PI. 52. tig. 17). BIBL. Clap, et Lach. In/us. 453 ; Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1871, 146. PLAGIOPO'GON, St. A genus of Ho- lotrichous Infusoria. Free, oval, longitudi- nally furrowed, oral setae rigid. P. coleps ; length 1-300' '. (Kent, Inf. 508.) PL AGIOP'YLA, Stein. A genus of Ho- lotrichous Infusoria. Ovate ; mouth ven- tral, with an undulating membrane ; sur- face with trichocysts. 3 species j fresh and salt water. (Kent, Inf. 538.) PLAGIOT'OMA, Duj. A genus of Bur- sarina (Infusoria ciliata). Parasitic ; in the intestines and their walls of Vertebrata and Invertebrata, and in the mucus of Mollusca. 7 species. P. lumbrici, in the earthworm ; P. coli, in the human in- testine. BIBL. Duj. Inf. 504; Clap, et Lach. Infm. 235. PLAGIOT'RICHA, Kt. A genus of Hypotrichous Infusoria : allied to Oxytriclta. 2 species ; freshwater. ' ( Kent, Inf. '771.) PLAGIOT'ROPIS, O'Meara. A genus of Diatomacese closely allied to Amphi- prora, Ehr. BIBL. O'Meara, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1874, 88. PLANA'RIA, Mull. A genus of Annu- loida, of the order Turbellaria, and sub- order Planarida. Char. Body soft, flattened, oblong or oval, not jointed, covered with vibratile cilia ; neither suckers, bristles, nor leg-like appendages present. Some parts of the structure of these ani- mals have been noticed under ANNULATA in speaking of the Turbellaria. The mouth is situated on the under surface of the middle of the body, at the end of a retrac- tile proboscis ; there is no anus ; the mouth leads to a capacious stomach , giving off dendritically-branched caeca, somewhat as in one joint of a Tcmia (PI. 21. fig. 14). Their motion is continuous and gliding, upon water-plants, or the sides of glass jars. The anterior part of the body exhibits a curved row or a single pair of eyes, and sometimes ear-like projections. They mul- tiply by division, and the formation of ova, which are enclosed in a coloured capsule. Some of the species are very common in pools, and resemble, at first sight, minute leeches. P. niyra, which is black, has a row of marginal anterior eyes, and two lateral and one mesial projection; length about 1-2". P. bi-unnea, dusky-brown, with a dark mesial line ; eyes as above ; length rather less. P. lactea, cream-coloured, tinged with pale reddish brown, truncate in front, -with two slight lateral auricles ; eyes two or four ; length 1-2 to 3-4". P. torva, grey or black ; obtuse in front, angles rounded, centre projecting; eyes two, with a white halo ; length 1-2". Of the other species some are marine. BIBL. Johnston, Non-parasitical Worms ; Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. xv. and xxi. j CErsted, System, d. Plattiviirmer ; Diesing, Helminth. ; Daly ell, Powers of Creation, ii. ; Schultze, Naturg. Turbett. ; Huxley, Comp. An. ; Vaillant, Mn. Mic. Jn. i. 311 ; R. Lankester, Pop. Sc. Rev. 1867, vi. 388; Moseley, Phil. Trans. 1877, xvii. 105. PLANARI'OLA, Duj. A doubtful ge- nus of Infusoria. P. rubra (PI. 31. fig. 65). Aquatic, in PLANORBULINA. [ 605 ] PLATYZOMA. decomposing vegetable matter ; length I 1-250". BIBL. Vuj.Inf. 568. PLANORBULI'NA, D'Orb. A genus of Hyaline Foraminifera. Shell spiral, coarsely porous, subnautiloid or outspread, j often parasitic; haying from 15 to 200 chambers, with single septa and slight i rudiments of the canal-system. Aperture j sometimes produced and lipped. Compla- j nate (PI. mediterranensis, PI. 24. fig. 10) ; plano-convex, Truncatidina (T. lobatula, , PI. 24. fig. 9) ; rotaliif orm (PI. Haidingerii, \ PI. 24. fig. 6 ; PL veneta, fig. 12) ; or sub- j uautiloid (Anomalina and Planulina). Smooth ; limbate (Planulina) ; or granulate. ! In all seas ; fossil in the Carboniferous, ; Lias, and later formations. BIBL. Carpenter, For. 206 ; Parker and I Jones, Phil. Tr. civ. 379. PLANTA'GO. The common plaintain ; i its leaf and hairs furnish excellent exam- ples of Cyclosis. See Carpenter, Microscope, j p. 431. PLANULA'RIA, Defrance. A notice- able group of delicate, elongate, flattened Cristettarice, connecting the nautiloid with | the marginuline varieties, come under this name. Recent and fossil. BIBL. Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. 3. v. 114 (crepidula) ; xii. 215 ; 4. viii. 166. PLANULI'NA, D'Orb. A subgenus of Planorbulina j flat, discoidal, subsymmetri- cal, and with raised margins and septal lines (limbate). Recent and fossil. BIBL. Carpenter, Introd. For. 207. PLASMO'DIUM. A sponge-like net- work, formed by the union of the pseudo- podia of amoeboid bodies. PLAS'TIDS. The simplest living forms, and the most elementary parts of tissues, j consist of (1) small particles and masses of i protoplasm without a nucleus or any trace ! of structure (our protoplasts, 1856), (2) of | similar portions of protoplasm in which a nucleus has been differentiated. The first group Hackel terms Cytodes, the second cells ; and both are grouped under the head of Plastids. The cytodes, or the protoplasmic masses without a nucleus, are : Gymnocytodce, or naked cytodes. Such \ are the freely moving Monera, the non- | nucleated plasmodia of Myxomycetts, and j of several other Protista, the amoeboid germs of the Gregarince proceeding from the pseudo-naviculee, &c. Lepccytoda, or covered cytodes. These are plasma-masses without a nucleus, en- closed in an entire or incomplete membrane or shell. For example, the encapsuled resting condition of many jLepo?nonera,mimy Siphoncea, and numerous other lower plants, and the so-called non-nucleated cells of many, higher plants and animal tissues. The cells or cyta are plasma-masses with a nucleus, and are divided into : Gymnocyta, naked cells. Such are the naked plasma-masses with a nucleus, but without a membrane or shell ; for example, the true Apiosba, the naked zoospores of Algae, the eggs of Siphonophora, and other animals, the colourless blood-cells, many nerve-cells, &c. Lepocyta, or covered cells. Such are the cells of animals, plants, and tissues with nuclei and cell-walls. See PROTISTA, CYTODE. BIBL. Hackel, Biol. Studiett, H. i. ; Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869, 331 ; Hallier, Plastids, 1878. PLAT'INUM. The sodio-ehloride of platinum crystallizes in prisms and plates which polarize light; while the potassio- chloride of platinum yields several forms, which do not polarize light. This reaction of the soda-salt has been proposed as a means of distinguishing soda from potash, or detecting minute quantities of the former. BIBL. Andrews, Chem. Gaz. 1852, x. 378. PLATYCE'RIUM, Desv. A genus of Acrosticheae (Polypodiaceous Ferns). 5 species ; tropical. (Hooker, Syn. 425.) PLATYCHE'LIPUS, Br. A genus of Copepodous Entoinostraca. P. littoralis] brackish water. (Brady, Copep., Ray Soc. ii. 102.) PLAT YC 'OLA, Kt. Like Vaginicola, but the sheath decumbent, and attached by one side. Freshwater; several species. (Kent, Inf. 731.) PLATYG'RAPHA, Nyl. A genus of Graphidei (Lichenaceous Lichens). P. ri- mata, on ash trees, rare. (Leightoii. Lich. Flor. 388.) PLATYS'MA, Hoffm. A genus of Ramalodei (^Lichenaceous Lichens). 10 spe- cies, on rocky mountains &c. (Leighton, Lich. Fl. 93.) PLATYTHE'CA, St. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria. Ovate, with a decumbent rugose carapace ; flagellum single : length 1-1200" ; on Lemna. (Kent, Inf. 262.) PLATYZO'MA, Br. A genus of Glei- cheuiaceous Ferns. P. microphyllum. Aus- tralia. (Hook. Syn. 11.) PLECANIUM. [ 606 ] PLEUROSIGMA. PLEC A 'NI UM, Reuss. Tertularia with sandy sh'^ll-tissue come under this heading. BIIJL. Reuss, SitzHnqub. Wicn, xliv. 383. PLEOPELTIS, Humb. and Bonpl. An exotic genus of Polypodieae (Polypodioid Ferns), remarkable for the presence of peculiarly formed so-called paraphyses in the sori, performing- the function of an indusium. These bodies are peltate, or like minute flat mushrooms or umbrellas expanded over and sheltering the sporanges (tigs. 586, 587). Fig. 586. Fig. 587. Pleopeltis nuda. Fig. 586. A sorus, seen from above. Fig. 587. Vertical section of ditto. Magnified 25 diameters. PLEUROCAR'PI. MOSSES with late- ral fruits. PLEUROCAR'PUS, Braun. A genus of Zygnemaceae (Confervoid Aluee). 2 species, in* freshwater pools. (Rabenh. Alt/, iii. 258.) PLEUROCLA'DIA, Braun. A genus of Fucoideoe, group Phaeosporeae. P. la- cvstris\ freshwater. (Rabenh. Alg. iii. 393.) PLEUROCOC'CUS, Meneg. A genus of Palmellaceae ( Unicellular Algae). Char. Cells single or collected in glo- bular or cubical masses, globular or angular from pressure, with a central nucleus; cytioderm thick and hyaline ; cell-contents homogeneous, green or reddish. Multipli- cation by alternate fission in opposite direc- tions. "Gonidia formed in special cells. They present the greatest similarity to the gonidia of Lichens. Several species = forms of Protococcus ? BIBL. Meneg. Nostoch. 38 ; Na'geli, Syst. 124; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 24. PLEURODES'MIUM, Kiitz. An ob- scure genus of Diatoiiiacese, allied to Stria- teUa ; marine ; Africa. BIBL. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 115. PLEUROM'ONAS', Perty. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Char. Reniform, extremely delicate, small, colourless; flagellum single, from the concave side of the body, three times its length. P. jaculans; motion jerking; stagnant water. (Perty, Lebenxf. 171.) PLEURONE'MA, Duj. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria, family Colpodina. Char. Body oblong-oval, depressed, with a broad lateral orifice, from which a bundle of long, curved, floating and contiactile ciliary filaments issue. ^ P. "chrysalis, (crassa) D. (PL 31. fig. 66). Freshwater. Other species. BIBL. Duj. Jnfifs. 473; Clap, et Lach. Inf. 274 : Kent, Inf. 54i>. PLEUROPH'RVS, Clap. A genus of Actinophryina (Rhizopoda). Char. Body invested with a sheath in- crusted with extraneous siliceous particles. P. sphcerica. Freshwater. BIBL. Clap.etLachm. 7w/?/5.454; Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1870. PLEUROPYXTS, Corda. A genus of Mucorini (Phycomycetotis Fungi), growing Fig. 588. Pleuropyxia microsperma. Magnified 200 diameters. upon lejires and stems. This genus is im- perfectly known. BIBL. Corda, Icon. Fung. pi. 6. fig. 291. PLEUROSIG'MA, Smith. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules single, free, longer than broad ; front view linear or linear-lanceolate; valves navicular, sigmoid, with a longitu- PLEUBOSIGMA. [ 607 ] PLEUROSIGMA. dinal line, and a nodule in the centre and at each end. The median line and nodules consist of an internal thickening of the valves at the cor- responding parts ; the line is best seen in the front view (PI. 15. fig. 16) ; it is occa- sionally found in a fractured valve, pro- jecting as a solid highly refractive rod, the thinner adjacent portions of the valve being broken away ; for brevity, it may be called the keel. The valves exhibit spurious strise, arising from the existence of rows of dots, of which we have already treated under DIATOMA- CEJE. These strise and dots are in most species very difficult to detect, requiring the use of "oblique light, and the modern condensers with the stops ; the principles which should guide in the search for them have been explained under ANGULAR APER- TURE ; the preliminary preparation of the valves is also essential (DIATOMACE^;, p. 250). Most of the species are found in salt or brackish water ; a few in fresh water. They often abound upon the surface of mud. Conjugation or the formation of sporangia has not been observed. The frustules are sometimes found enveloped in amorphous mucus, and those of one species have been found within gelatinous tubes. Many species have been described, of which those that have been used as TEST- OBJECTS will be enumerated. The mea- surements are mostly those of W. Smith and R. Beck, with which our own have coincided very nearly. The species are arrarged according to the fineness of the markings, which coincides with the diffi- culty with which they are detected and resolved into dots ; and the appended figures express the number of strife or rows of dots in 1-1000". Stria oblique (dots alternate or quin- cuncial, PL 15. fig. 40). P. formoswn (PI. 15. fig. 25). Broadly linear, attenuated towards the ends; sig- moidure evident ; keel oblique ; length 1-60" ; strise 36. Marine. P. decorum (PI. 15. fig. 26). Rhomboid- linear ; attenuated ; sigmoidure very evi- dent; keel oblique; length 1-90"; strise 36. Marine. P. speciosum (fig. 28). Linear-lanceolate ; sigmoidure resulting from the curvature of one maigin of each half of the valve, the opposite margin of each respective half being nearly straight; keel in each half forming two curves ; very oblique near the ends ; length 1-90" ; marine : striae 44. The halves of the valves somewhat resemble the blade of a pocket-knife. P. strigosum (fig. 29). Linear-lanceolate ; ends rather obtuse, sigmoidure slight ; keel nearly straight in the middle, curved near the ends; length 1-90"; striae 45. Marine. Fig. 40 represents the strise resolved into dots. P. quadratum (fig. 34). Rhomboidal, acu- minate at the ends; sigmoidure evident towards the ends ; keel curved, nearly me- dian ; length 1-150" ; marine ; striae 45. P. elongatum (PI. 15. fig. 31, and PI. 1. fig. 18). Linear-lanceolate, acuminate ; sig- moidure slight, uniform ; keel median ; length 1-80" ; marine ; strise 48. P. riyidum (fig. 30). Linear-lanceolate, obtuse at the ends ; sigmoidure slight ; keel nearly median; length 1-70"; marine; strise 48. P. angulatum (PI. 15. fig. 33). Rhomboid- lanceolate or angular-lanceolate ; sigmoidure evident; keel nearly median; length 1-110"; marine; striae 52. PI. 1. fig. 16 represents a valve with the striae resolved into dots ; PI. 15. fig. 41 represents the dots very highly magnified ; and PI. 15. fig. 46 exhi- bits the appearance of hemispherules, which some authors consider to form the tnie structure. PI. 15. fig. 33 a represents a specimen with the endochrome and nucleus. /3 (fig. 336). Simply and narrowly lan- ceolate, ends acute. 7 (fig. 33 c). Ends beaked; abruptly flexed. P. cestuarii (fig. 35). Lanceolate ; ends abruptly tapering, short and beak-like ; sig- moidure evident ; keel not median ; length 1-250" ; marine ; striae 54. P. intermedium (fig. 36). Narrowly linear-lanceolate, acute ; sigmoidure none, ! or merely indicated by a slight inequality in the opposite margins of the valves : keel nearly straight and almost median ; length 1-140"; marine; striae 55. ft P. nubecula. Ends obtuse; slightly more lanceolate, and shorter ; marine ; striae 55. P. delicatulum (fig. 32). Very narrowly linear-lanceolate ; sigmoidure evident ; keel nearly central; marine; length 1-130": stria/ 64. P. obscm-um (fig. 27). Linear, attenu- ated near the ends ; sigmoidure slight ; PLEUROSIGMA. [ 608 ] PLEUROXUS. principally arising from the curvature of one margin of each half of the valve ; keel not median, especially near the ends ; ma- rine ; length 1-200" j striae 75. Stria longitudinal and transverse (dots opposite, PI. 15. figs. 39, 42). In most of the following species or forms the dots are not equidistant in the longitu- dinal and transverse rows. P. striyilis (tig. 12). Linear -lanceolate ; siginoidu're evident ; keel nearly median, flexure double; marine; length 1-75"; striae : longitudinal 40, transverse 36. P. balticum (fig. 10). Broadly linear, narrowed at the ends ; sigmoidure apparent at the ends only and produced principally by the curvature of one margin only ; keel not median, flexure double ; marine ; length 1-80" ; striae, both sets, 38. Fig. 39, piece of valve, showing dots. ]3. Gradually tapering towards the ends ; striae obscure. P. Hippocampus (fig. 13). Narrowly lanceolate, gradually attenuated towards the broad, very obtuse ends ; sigtnoidure evident ; keel 'nearly median ; marine or brackish water ; length 1-100" ; striae : lo.ig. 32, tr. 40. P. attenuatum (fig. 15. PI. 1. fig. 17). Linear-lanceolate, with obtuse ends; sig- moidure slight ; keel nearly median ; marine and freshwater ; length 1-1 20" ; striae : long. 30, tr. 40. P. lacustre (fig. 18). Linear-lanceolate, ends rather obtuse j sigmoidure evident ; keel almost median; freshwater; length 1-130" ; strise, both sets, 48. P. tenuissimum (fig. 24). Narrowly linear, attenuate towards the ends; sigmoidure evident; keel nearly central; freshwater; length 1-180" ; strife, both sets, 48. P. Spencerii (fig. 17). Linear-lanceolate ; sigmoidure evident ; keel nearly median ; freshwater ; length 1-200" ; striae : long. 55, tr. 50. P. littorak (fig. 19). Lanceolate, ends somewhat prolonged ; sigmoidure evident ; keel median; freshwater; length 1-180"; striae : long. 24, tr. 50. Fig. 42 represents the dots upon part of a valve. P. acuminatum (fig. 14). Linear-lan- ceolate, acuminate ; sigmoidure evident ; keel median; freshwater; length 1-150''; striae : lotfg. 40, tr. 52. P.fasoiola (fig. 21). Linear-lanceolate ; with linear baak-like ends ; sigmoidure evi- j dent j marine ; length 1-200" ; striae': long. ! (?),tr.64. P. prolongation (fig. 23). Very narrowly linear-lanceolate, acuminate, with linear beak-like ends ; sigmoidure present in the ends only ; keel nearly median ; marine ; length 1-200 ; striae : long. (?), tr. Go. P. distortion (fig. 20). Lanceolate; ends slightly produced and beak-like ; sig- moidure evident ; keel central ; marine ; length 1-300''; striae: long. 65, tr. 75. P. macrum (fig. 22). Very narrowly linear-lanceolate ; ends produced into long beak -like processes; sigmoidure produced by the ends of the beaks only ; keel median ; length 1-100"; marine; striae: long. (?), tr. 85. BIBL. Hassall, Freshwater Alga, 435; Smith, Brit. Diatom, i. 01 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. and Bacttl. ; Rabenhorst, Alg. i. 230 (46 European species); and the BIBL. of DlATOMACEJB. PLEUROST AU'RUM,Rab. = Stauroneis united into filaments. BIBL. Rabenh. Alg. i. 258; O'Meara, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 387. PLEUROT^E'NIUM, Nageli. A genus of Desniidiaceae, consisting of species of Closterium, Docidium, and Penium. BIBL. Rabenh. Fl. Eur. Alg. iii. 140. PLEUROT'RICHA, Stein. A genus of Hypotrichous Infusoria. Like Stylo- nychia, but without caudal setae, with larger ventral set*e, and the anal styles in two groups. 3 species ; freshwater. (Kent. Inf. 782.) PLEUROT'ROCHA, Ehr. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eyes none ; a single tooth in each jaw; foot forked ( = Hydatina with uni- dentate jaws). P. gibba (PI. 44. fig. 18). Body ovate- oblong, truncate in front ; toes small, turgid. Freshwater ; length 1-216". BIBL. Ehr. Infm. 418 ; Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 199. PLEUROX'US, Baird. A genus of Entpmostraca, of the order Cladocera, and family Lynceidae. Char. Anterior part of shell prominent above, obliquely truncate below ; first pair of legs very large ; beak sharp, curved downwards. * Freshwater. P. triganellus (PI. 19. fig. 32). Beak long, sharp-pointed, slightly curved down- wards ; inferior antennae short and slender, anterior branch with four setae, one from the first joint, one from the second, and two PLOCAMIUM. [ 609 ] PODISOMA. from the last ; posterior branch with three setas, all arising from the last joint. P. uncinatus. Beak curved upwards at the end ; 3 sharp spines at anterior inferior ansrle of shell ; inferior antennae as the last. P. hamatus. Beak blunt and strong, slightly curved downwards; first pair of legs with a curved claw at the end. ? Male of P. trigonellus. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomostr. p. 134. PLOCA'MIUM, Lamouroux. A genus of Delesseriaceae (Florideous Algae), con- taining one species, P. coccineum (PI. 4. fig. 10), the commonest of our red sea- weeds, with a delicate flat feathery thallus, from 2 to 12" high, growing in bushy tufts on rocks or other Algse. The fruit consists of : 1. coccidia, spherical, stalked or sessile tubercles, at the .sides or in the axils of the ramules, filled with angular spores ; 2. an- theridia, which occur in inconspicuous flat patches, composed of short erect cells, upon the surface of distinct plants ; and 3. sti- chidia, lateral or axillary, simple or branched pods containing a single or double row of linear (transversely parted) tetraspores. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 19; Phyc. Brit. pi. 44; Grev. Alg. Brit. pi. 12; Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser. iii. 19. PLCEO'TIA, Duj. A genus of Infusoria, family Thecamonadina. Char. Body diaphanous, with several longitudinal ribs or keels in the middle, and a rounded perfectly limpid margin. Two anterior locomotive filaments, one flagelli- form, the other trailing and capable of arresting the movement of the body. P. vitrea (PI. 31. fig. 67). Marine; length 1-1200". Movement slow. BIBL. Duj. Infus. 345. PLCESCO'NIA, Vul., = Euplotes, Ehr. PLUMATEL'LA, Lamk. A genus of freshwater Polyzoa, order Hippocrepia, family Plumatellidae. Char. Zoary confervoid, branched, tubu- lar, branches distinct ; tentacular disk cre- scentic ; ova elliptical, with a marginal ring, but no spines. P. repens. Zoary irregularly branched ; cells subclavate, without a longitudinal fur- row or keel ; tentacles about 60 ; tentacular membrane dentate ; ova broad. a. Adherent throughout. (3. Attached only at the base. P. fruticosa. Irregularly branched, at- tached at the origin only ; cells cylindrical, and destitute of furrow, but obscurely keeled ; ova elongated. P. corattoides. Attached at the base only ; tubes dichotomous, densely tufted, desti- tute of furrow and keel; tentacles about 60 ; ova broad. BIBL. Allman, Freshiv. Polyz. 92 ; Ann. N. H. 1844, xiii. 330 ; Johnston, Br. Zooph. 402; Parfitt, Ann. N. H. 1866, xviii. 171. PLUMULA'RIA, Lanik. A genus of Hydroid Zoophytes, family Plumulaiiidae. Char. Polypidom plant-like, rooted, sim- ple, or branched, feathery ; cells small, uni- lateral, usually seated in the axilla of a horny spine; egg-vesicles scattered. Ten British species. P. cristata. Stem simple, a single tube, pinnate; pinnae alternate; cells close, rim toothed ; vesicles gibbous, girt with crested ribs. P. falcata. Stem a single tube, waved, branched, branches alternately pinnate ; cells close, shortly tubular, rim entire ; egg- vesicles oval-oblong; common. In P. myriophyttum & P. frutescens, the stem consists of several parallel tubes. P. pinnata. Linn. Stem a simple tube, plumose; pinnae alternate, three on each internode ; cells rather distant, campanulate, appressed, rim entire ; vesicles pear-shaped, rini toothed. P. setacea, Ellis. Stem a single tube, pinnate ; pinnae alternate, one at each joint ; joints ringed ; cells very remote, campanu- late, rim even ; vesicles elliptical, smooth ; common. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 89 ; Hincks, Hyd. Zooph. i. 294. 'PLUMULARI'nm A family of Hy- droida. BIBL. Hincks, Hyd. Zooph. i. 279. PODAXINE'L A family of Gastero- mycetous Fungi, none of which are found in Britain ; they are distinguished from all allied tribes by a solid column in the centre of the sporange. Many of the species grow on the hills of the White Ant. BIBL. Montagne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. xx. 69; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. iv. 169; Currey, Linn. Tr. xxvi. 288. PODISO'MA, Link. A genus of Uredi- nei (Hypodermous Fungi), growing upon the living leaves and branches of species of Juniper; the filamentous mycelium creeping beneath the epidermis, and sending up a fleshy, stalk-like, tremelloid body (fig. 589), composed of agglutinated filaments (fig. 590) terminating in bilocular spores (or two spores adherent together), each of the cells PODOCORYNE. [ 610 ] PODOSPHEXIA. having two or four pores, through which the internal membrane is protruded in ger- mination. Fig. 589. Fig. 590. Podisoma Juniperi. Fig. 589. Branch of Juniper with clavate fructification protruded from beneath the bark. Nat. size- Fig. 590. Vertical section through a fruit, showing the filaments terminating in bilocular spores. Magnified 50 diameters. Four species are described as British : P. Juniperi-communis, P. Jun.-sabina, P.folii- colum (on the leaves of J. communis), and P. fuscum on Pinus halepensis and oxy- cedrus. It has been supposed, but perhaps with- out sufficient grounds, that the Podisoma of Savine is a condition of Rccstelia cancel- lata. PODOCOR'YNE, Sars. A genus of Hydroid Zoophytes. 2 species ; on stones and shells, deep water. BIBL. Sars, Faun. Lift. Norv. i, 4, t. i. ; Allman, Ann. N. H. 1859, 1864 ; Hincks, Hyd. Zooph. 27 ; Agassiz, Sea-side Studies, 1871. PODOCORYN'ID^E. A family of Hy- droid Zoophytes. Char. Polypes sessile, with a single whorl of filiform tentacles around the base of a conical proboscis ; mouth simple. Gen. : Podocoryne and Corynopsis. BIBL. Hincks, Hyd. Zooph. 27. PODOC Y' ATHUS, Kt LSkePodophrya, but with two kinds of tentacles, prehensile and suctorial. P. diadema, marine, length 1-600". (Kent, Inf. 827.) PODOC YS 'TIS, Ktz. A genus of Dia- tomacese, Cohort Surirelleae. Char. Frustules sessile, cuneate; valves convex, obovate, with a median line, trans- verse continuous, and intermediate granular strise. P. americana, Bailey (PI. 51. fig. 7) The only species ; marine = P. adriatica JLtz.=Doryphora elegans, Roper. BIBL. Bailey, Smith. Contr. 1854 j Ktz Bac. 62 ; Roper, Mic. Jn. ii. 284 j Rabenht. Alg. i. 60. PODOC YS'TIS,L6v. = Melampsora. See UKEDINEI. PODODIS'CUS, Kg. A genus of Dia- tom acese. Char. Frustules single or concatenate, with a marginal stalk ; valves circular, con- vex. Marine. No markings visible under ordinary illumination. P. jamaicensis (PI. 17. fig. 16). Stalk elongate, weak. Diameter 1-840". BIBL. Kiitz. Bacill. 51 ; Sp. Alg. 26. PODOPH'RYA, Ehr. A genus of Aci- netina. Char. Suckers simple, capitate, in bun- dles or on the surface, neither on a trunk nor ramified ; body without a shell, pedun- culated. Several species, freshwater and marine; P.fixa (PI. 30. fig. 5, a & b). BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 305; Clap, et Lach. Inf. 381; Kent, Inf. 813; Gegenbaur, Morph. Jahrb. 1875. PODOSI'RA, Ehr. A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules concatenate, with a la- teral stalk; valves circular, punctate, con- vex. Marine. Stalk attached to the centre of the valves. P. hormoides (PI. 19. fig. 34). Frustules 2 to 6, depressed-spheroidal, connected by isthmi or stalks ; hoops obscurely punctate. Diameter 1-650". P. Montagnei (Melosira globifera, Ralfs). Frustules usually 2 ; hoops striate. Diaiii. 1-600". P. maculata, Smith, Diat. P. compressa, West, Pritch. Inf. 815. P. Items, Gregory, Mic. Jn. vii. 85. BIBL. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 26; Smith, Br. Diat. ii. 53 ; Rabenh. Alg. i. 37. PODOSPHE'NIA, Ehr. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules attached, sessile, wedge- shaped in front view ; ends indented so as to produce a black line (vitta) in the front view ; valves convex, obovate, with a lon- gitudinal median line and transverse striae, but no nodules. Marine. The strise consist of rows of dots, some- times distinct by ordinary illumination, at others not so. P. Ehreribergii (PL 17. fig. 17). Frus- tules truncate at the end in front view; valves somewhat acute at the ends ; length 1-240". P. Lyngbyei. Fr. truncate in front view ; valves rounded at the end ; length 1-350". PODOSPORIUM. [ 611 ] POLARIZATION OF LIGHT. Three other British species. BIBL. Smith, Br. Dial. i. 82; Kiitz. Batill. 119; Rabenhorst, Alg. i. 110. PODOSPO'RIUM, Lev.,= Mdampsora. See UBEDIXEI. PODOSTOMA, Clap, et Lach. A genus of Amcebsea (RHIZOPODA). Char. Bodies amoeboid, with 2 kinds of pseudopodia, one the ordinary, the others terminating in a flagellum. P.JUigerum, among aquatic plants. BIBL. Clap, et Lach. Inf. 441 : Kent. Inf. 224. PODU'RA, L. A genus of Insects, order Thysanura, family Podurellse. The original genus has been greatly sub- divided. In its extended signification, the characters consist in the thorax being di- stinct from the abdomen, and in the presence of a forked tail, bent under the abdomen when not in use, and enabling the animals to move by springing or jumping, whence the common name of spring- tails applied to them. They are of a leaden appearance, and found in shady damp places, as under flower- pots or stones, in cellars, &c., and are about 1-20 to 1-10" in length. They may be caught by placing a little flour upon a piece of paper in their haunts. Fig. 591. Pod ura. Magnified about 15 diameters. The body is covered with scales (PI. 1. fig. 12), which are used as test-objects. Those of the so-called P. plumbea, which is now described as a Lepidocyrtus, are usually recommended ; but the most common Po- dura is not this species. This, however, is a matter of little importance, because the scales of several species, belonging to even different genera, are similar both in form and markings. See SCALES OF INSECTS and TEST- OBJECTS. BIBL. Gervais, Walckenaer's Aptires, iii. and the Bibl ; M'lntire, Mn. Mic. Jn. i. 203 ; 1870, 1 ; Beck, Mic. Tr. 1862, 84 ; Lubbock, Thysanura, Ray Soc. PODURHIP'PUS, Megn. A genus of Thysanura, fam. Podurellse. P. pityriasicus ; body fusiform, black, legs paler ; producing pruricro in horses. (Megnin, Paras. 104.) PLEUROCHILID'IUM,Stein. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria. Free, no cara- pace, subreniforni, mouth with a narrow undulating membrane. P. strigilatum, among Lemnce. (Kent, Inf. 540.) POLARTSCOPE. A term employed to designate a polarizing apparatus, consisting of a polarizer and analyzer. See INTRO- DUCTION, p. xx. POLARIZATION OF LIGHT. The phenomena exhibited by microscopic ob- jects, when viewed by polarized light, are perhaps the most beautiful and interesting of those connected with the use of the microscope. The extreme brilliancy, trans- parency, and variety of the colours deve- loped cannot be equalled ; much less can they be represented by illustrations, although the figures in PL 39 may give some idea of the manner in which they are arranged in certain objects. The ordinary arrangement of the parts of the polarizing apparatus scarcely needs de- scription, the polarizer being placed be- neath the object and the analyzer above it, the polarizer and analyzer usually consisting of two Nicol's prisms, although two plates of tourmaline are sometimes used. Some artificially prepared crystals exert a power- ful polarizing action, and may be used either as polarizers or analyzers, or as both ; among these the salt of QUININE called Herapa- thite occupies the first place. Others form interesting analyzers, some of which have been noticed under ANALYTIC CRYSTALS and DICHROISII. Numerous salts and other crystalline bodies, which powerfully depolarize the already polarized light, and exhibit beauti- ful colours, are mentioned under their re- spective heads ; some of these may be enu- merated here as the oxalate of ammonia, of soda, and of chromium and ammonia, the oxalurate of ammonia, the acetate of copper, chlorate of potash, the prismatic form of the ammonio-phosphate of mag- nesia, the ammonio-phosphate of soda, the sulphates of cadmium and of magnesia, selenite, salicine, fused santonine, uric acid, &c. Many animal bodies and tissues also possess considerable depolarizing power, and 2n 2 POLARIZATION OF LIGHT. [ C12 ] POLARIZATION OF LIGHT. form beautiful microscopic objects as horse-hair, portions of feathers, sections of quill, of hoof. horn, fish-scales (salmon), &c. The influence of vegetable structures on polarized light has been thoroughly investi- gated by Mohl, whose interesting account we are able to confirm, and a brief notice of it is desirable here; but the observations apply equally to the more feebly anisotro- pous tissues of animals. As it is desirable to obtain as much light as possible, a glass prism is preferable to the ordinary mirror for illumination ; Nicol's prisms are better than tourmaline or Herapathite for the pola- rizer and analyzer ; and the latter should be as large as possible. Further, the light emerging from the polarizer should, if possible, be condensed by an achromatic of large aperture ; or the condensation may be effected by a hemispherical flint-glass lens, 5 lines in diameter, havdng its plane face turned towards the object. The object- glasses must be of large angular aperture ; a power of 4-10" is sufficient for most objects; but 1-4", and even 1-8" object- glasses may be made to transmit sufficient fight. It is requisite to provide plates of the doubly-refracting substances mica and gypsum, mounted so that they can be in- serted between the polarizer and the con- denser, and revolved horizontally while so placed. Those of mica are used for de- tecting weak degrees of doubly-refracting power, being of such thickness as to give a grey field with a white or black object when the prisms cross. The thin laminae, of which six may be provided, from the thinnest possible up to 1-20'", should be cemented with Canada balsam between glass plates. For obtaining colours, plates of gypsum, similarly mounted, are best. Mohl prefers such as give a red field, and provides plates of different thickness, giving the reds of the different orders of Newton's rings. It is easy to ascertain whether an organic body shows positive or negative colours, by comparing its colour, when seen with a plate of gypsum in a certain definite posi- tion, with' the colour given under the same circumstances by a strip of glass brought into a state of tension by slight bending, or with the colours of a suddenly-cooled glo- bule of glass. In this way the author de- termined that the fibres of a spiral vessel displayed negative colours, and the laminae of a starch-corpuscle positive colours, and then applied these organic structures, by comparison, for ascertaining the properties of other objects. The objects to be exa- mined should be mounted in a liquid or other substance rendering them as trans- parent as possible, such as glycerine, Canada balsam, or an essential oil. When ordinary globular or cylindrical cellular tissues are viewed by cross sections, their substance is seen to be doubly refrac- tive ; for when the prisms cross, the circular sections of the cell-walls appear like rings of bright light on a black ground, but with the ring divided into four quadrants by dark stripes, as if a black cross lay over it; when the prisms are placed parallel, the parts of the section previously bright appear dark, and vice versa, on a bright field. If a sec- tion of polyhedral cellular tissue is viewed in the same way, the appearances are somewhat different, since the cut edges are here straight lines, variously inclined towards the prisms ; those which are per- pendicular to the prisms are invisible, while those standing obliquely are bright in their whole length. In general, cell- membrane acts more powerfully on the light the denser its substance, and soft col- lenchymatous tissues are far less powerfully doubly-refractive than wood-cells. When the cells have the walls much thickened, it is common for the primary cell-membrane to be much more powerfully refractive than the secondary layers. The' influence of cel- lulose membranes upon polarized light is not much affected by bleaching them with nitric acid and chlorate of potash (Schultze's reagent). It has been supposed that the remarkable effect produced by the epidermis of Equisetum hyemak is attributable to the silex present; but Mohl finds the action greatly weakened by destroying the organic matter by a red heat. But this heating does not remove the power there, nor in the Diatomaceae, of which Mohl confirms Bailey's statement, in contradiction to Eh- renberg, that various species of Navicula, Synedra, Pletirosigma, and Melosira are de- cidedly doubly refractive. Very remarkable phenomena are pro- duced when the polarized light is made to pass through plates of mica or selenite. In the first place, thin plates of mica often allow of the discovery of a doubly-refracting power too feeble to be detected by the prisms alone the degree of illumination of the object being slightly different from that of the field on which it is viewed. But the POLARIZATION OF LIGHT. [ 013 ] POLLEN. most important matter is the revelation, by the use of the selenite plates, of the exist- ence of positive and negative characters, like those of positive and negative crystals, in the chemically distinct constituents of vegetable tissues. Let us suppose that between the lower prism and the object is placed a plate of seleaite giving a red field ; the plate is then rotated so that its neutral axes are at an angle of 45 with the prisms. A section of a cylindrical vegetable cell will be seen to be divided into four quadrants : the two alternate quadrants, whose middle lines cor- respond to the neutral axes of the selenite, are either blue or green, the other two yellow or red : if the selenite is then rotated so that its neutral axes are perpendicular to the prisms, the colours will be all lost ; but on continuing the rotation, they reappear in the reverse order what was blue appearing yellow, and vice versa. When the walls are rectilinear, all the cell-walls perpendicular to one of the prisms will give the colour of the field, all those which run parallel with one of the neutral axes of the selenite plate, or form no great angle with it, will be blue, those parallel with the other axis yellow. It is found that vegetable structures fall into two classes in reference to these colours, in one of which classes all layers lying ob- liquely in the direction of a right- wound screw are tinged blue and yellow, those oblique in the opposite direction yellow or red ; in the other class, the colours under the same conditions are just the reverse ; so that one class are optically positive, the other optically negative. The optically negative are the ordinary cell-membranes of the internal organs of plants, whether in their natural condition or cellulose purified by the help of nitric acid and chlorate of potash : collenchyma, horny endosperm-cells, the gelatinous cells of Algae, &c., all agree in this property. Optically positive colours are given by cell- membranes of periderm and the cuticular layers of epidermal cells. The contrast of the positive and negative colours of the cuticle and other parts of the cell-wall is well seen in the epidermis of Aloe. The diversity of colouring under polarized light here corresponds to the diverse behaviour under treatment with iodine after macera- tion in solution of potash (SECONDARY DEPOSITS). The longitudinal sections of all behave like the cross sections ; but the appearances are not so clear. When side views of the surface of cells are obtained, the phenomena are very varied ; but these are best seen in vessels or ducts when the thickening layers are in the form of spiral bands. Thus, if one of the spiral .vessels of Musa is placed (its spiral somewhat drawn apart) with its long axis perpendicular to one of the prisms, the fibres on the upper side turn to the left, those on the under side towards the right ; and when the selenite plate is interposed, they exhibit the complementary colours. When the side walls of cells have obscure striation, as in the cells of Conifers, the liber-cells of Apocynese, &c., the membrane gives evidence of "its fibrillar structure by the yellow or blue colour developed with the selenite plate. If fibres of a spiral vessel cross at right angles, and they are pressed together, they neutralize one another where they cross : when the prisms are used alone, the crossing points are black, the rest of the fibres white ; when the selenite plate is interposed, the crossing points exhibit the colour of the field, and the uncrossed portions of the fibre are blue or yellow according to position. The vicinity of a round bordered pit, as in the wood-cells of Piniis, exhibits a black cross when seen perpendicularly by polarized light. The black cross and the colours ex- hibited by starch are well known. Chloro- phyll does not seem to act on polarized light, nor the primordial utricle of cells, except a trace when contracted by weak alcohol. The polarization apparatus is exceedingly useful for the detection of crystals (RAPHI- DES) in vegetable tissues, when they are so small as to be easily overlooked j and the larger kinds form beautiful objects with, and often without the selenite plate. BIBL. Herschel, Encycl Metrop. art. Light ; Pereira, Lect. on Pol. Light, by B. Poivell; Brewster, Optics; Erlach, Beobacht. iib. organ. Element, bei polar. Licht, Milllers Archiv, 1847 ; Valentin, Untersuch. 1861 ; Lobb, Qu. Mic. Jn. viii. 107; Carpenter, The Microscope ; Beale, How fyc. j JDavies- Matthews, Mounting fyc. POLLEN. This name is applied to the coloured pulverulent substance familiar to every one as occurring scattered in the in- terior of full-blown flowers ; it is produced in the anthers, the (usually) stalked club- shaped organs which stand in one or more circles between the floral envelopes and the pistils, and is discharged from them when POLLEN. [ 614 ] POLLEN. ripe, in order to fertilize the ovules. When slightly magnified, the pollen of most flowers appears to consist of granules, of different size and colour in different plants ; hence the individual particles are called pollen-grains or granules (PI. 40). Exami- nation under a sufficient magnifying power shows that the simple or typical forms of pollen-grains are single free cells filled with fluid matter: more complex forms occur in many cases, which, however, may be simply characterized as simple pollen- grains, permanently coherent into definitely- formed groups. The pollen-grain may be examined as to its form and stucture, its contents, and its development. The forms of simple grains presented in different plants are tolerably varied sphe- rical (PL 40. figs. 8-10, 22, 23, 25) and elliptical (figs. 6, 11, 29) being perhaps those most common ; but besides these, nu- merous geometrical forms occur, such as tetrahedral (fig. 14), polygonal (figs. 16, 27, 28), cubic (fig. 19). But it must be noted here that the forms frequently vaiy accord- ing as the pollen is viewed dry or in fluid, since the elliptical and allied forms often expand into a spherical form, when they absorb liquid (figs. 18 & 20 , 6, c). The explanation of this will be given presently. The external appearance is further greatly influenced by minor peculiarities of form, such as ridges, spines and processes of dif- ferent kinds ; these, however, are referable to the structure of the outer coat. The ordinary structure of the coats or the cell-wall of the pollen-grain is that of a delicate internal cell-membrane, with an outer, thick and resisting layer, which may be regarded as the CUTICLE of the inner or proper membrane of the cell. In a few cases the inner membrane alone exists, as in the cylindrical pollen-cells of Zostera and some other aquatic plants. In other cases the outer or cuticular coat presents a more complex structure, and two, or, it is said, even three layers may be distinguished in it ; these, however, seem to be merely a lamination of the outer coat. The condi- tions in some of the Coniferae are different from this, and will be alluded to presently. The inner membrane is exceedingly deli- cate and homogeneous : in ordinary spherical or oval grains it accurately lines the outer coat ; in some of those forms which present processes of various kinds, such as (Enothera, it seems to us that the inner coat does not extend into these processes in the mature pollen. The outer coat exhibits, as to sur- face, every variety of appearance, from smooth, through granular and spiny, to pseudo - cellular arising from reticulated ridges; in addition to this, the processes just alluded to give a very peculiar aspect to many kinds of pollen. Besides these, we find in all cases markings appearing like pores, or others like slits (which become furrows when dry), or both together, and these in varying number in different cases. The colour of the pollen presents great dif- ferences; although usually yellow, it may be whitish, red (Verbascimi) , blue (Epilo- bium angustifolium) , even black (tulip) : this colour resides in the outer coat. The outer coat also exhibits, in the majority of cases, a secretion upon its surface, of a viscid cha- racter, usually described as oily, but appa- rently consisting of a viscid matter not readily soluble in water, remaining from the dissolved parent cells. It would seem to be the substance which holds together the pollen-grains in those cases where it consists of waxy masses, readily breaking up into small fragments (Ophrydeous Or- chids). In the Onagraceae the pollen-grains are loosely connected by slender viscid fila- ments, which appear to be derived from the same source. The more detailed explanation of the character of the pores &c., the projecting processes, and the compound conditions of pollen will be understood better after a sketch of its development. The anther, in which the pollen is formed, consists in its younger stages of a minute, solid, cellular- papilla or cylindrical body. At an early period a distinction becomes manifest in its cells : a single vertical row, lying in the position of the axis of each pollen-chamber (or loculus), presents a different aspect, from its cells exceeding the surrounding ones in size ; and these rows undergo a special development to produce the pollen-grains, while the surrounding layers are developed into the tissues forming the coat or wall of the anther, and its mid- rib or connective (see ANTHER). The cells of the primary row multiply by cell-division with the general increase in size of the anther (figs. 592-594), until at length they form relatively large masses of cellular tissue composed of large squarish cells filled with granular contents, well defined as constituting a distinct tissue from the walls of the pollen-chambers. A new POLLEN. [ 615 ] POLLEN. Fig. 592. Fig. 593. Cl Fig. 594. CL Ci CM Vertical sections of a cell of a yonng anther of the Melon, showing the gradual separation of the regions. CE, epidermal cells ; CI, cells of the wall of the anther; Ci, cells lining the loculi; CM, cells from which the pollen is developed. Magnified 100 diameters. change then takes place : the contents of each cell secrete a layer of cellulose, which does not adhere to the wall of the parent cell to form a layer of secondary deposit, but lies free against it, so that a new free cell is formed within each old one, nearly filling it. The walls of the old cell (form- ing a connected parenchymatous tissue) then dissolve, so that the new cells be- come free, no longer merely in their parent cells, but in a cavity which is to constitute the pollen-chamber or loculus of the anther. These free cells are the parent cells of the pollen of authors. A new phenomenon soon occurs in these. These parent cells divide into four by ordinary cell-division, either by one or by two successive partings by septa at right angles to each other but both perpendicular to an imaginary axis (as when an orange is quartered), or by simulta- neously-formed septa which cut off por- tions in such a manner that the new cells stand in the position of four cannon-balls piled into a pyramid (tetrahedrally ). These new cells are the special parent cells of the pollen j and in each of these the entire pro- toplasmic contents secrete a series of layers, which in the ordinary course, by the solu- tion of the primary walls of the special Fig. 596. Fig. 597. Pollen-grain of the Melon in various stages of de- velopment. Magnified 100 diameters. parent cells upon which they were applied, become the walls of free cells, which con- stitute the simple ordinary pollen-cells. These subsequently increase in size ; and their outer laminae assume the characteristic form and appearance while free in the chamber of the anther (figs. 595-597). In referring the peculiarities of many kinds of pollen to circumstances connected with the development, it may be noted in the first place, that the mode of division of the parent cells into quarters often influ- ences the ultimate form of the pollen-grain : thus, when the division is by two planes at right angles, the original form of the pollen- grain will be elongated, and the ripe grain will probably be elliptical, while, when the division is " tetrahedral," the grains may retain the form thus produced, or be slightly modified and become polygonal, or, as is more common, they expand more readily than the others into a sphere. But there is no absolute rule here ; we find even the tetrahedral and the polar division occur together among the parent cells of the same anther. In the next place, a compound condition of the pollen-grains (PI. 40. figs. 7, 17) is readily explicable by referring it to an arrest of the process of subdivision ; so that if the walls of the special parent cell do not dissolve, the pollen-grains will be left in groups of four ; and if the parent cells do not become singly detached in the POLLEN. [ 616 ] POLLKX. antecedent process of solution, the grains may be still developed in the same order and manner and remain connected in greater or smaller ma-ses or groups, each enclosed in its special parent cell, itself connected with a number of others of the same gene- ration by the persistence of the walls of the cells in which the parent cells were deve- loped. This explains the compound pollen of the Acacias (PI. 40. fig. 25), and, as an excessive form, the waxy pollen-masses which occur in the Orchidacese and Ascle- piadaceae. It is sometimes stated that the pollen-grains of these compound forms are merely connected together by the viscid substance remaining from the solution of the parent cells ; but this would render such cohesions indefinite in character, instead of being regular ; at the same time it will be understood that the solution may have ad- vanced so far that the grains merely hold together slightly, and may readily be sepa- rated. This is not the case, however, with the majority of compound pollen-grains. When pollen-grains do become free, the viscidity of their surface is probably refer- able to the dissolved parent cells. The metamorphoses of the outer coat or cuticle of the pollen-grain are very remark- able, and not yet at all understood; the granulations (PI. 40. figs. 11, 12), spines (figs. 8, 9, 22, 26), reticulations (figs. 13, 23, 27, 28), &c. characterizing mature grains make their appearance in the interval be- tween the solution of the special parent cells and the bursting of the anther, while the pollen-grains lie free within the latter ; their production is accompanied by a gene- ral growth and expansion of the pollen- grain. We have observed that the outer coat is often deposited as a very thick layer inside the special parent cell, and that, when the latter dissolves, the outer coat of the pollen-grain is also in a softened condition, and becomes stretched by the expanding inner coat, finally forming a comparatively thin layer on the ripe grain (e. g. in Tra- descantia). The mode of origin of the markings, like those on SPORES and on the cuticle of Helleborus &c. (see EPIDERMIS), is altogether unknown ; probably all the cases are referable to one cause. It has been mentioned that the mature pollen-grain exhibits pores or slits. We believe they should rather be regarded as thinner places in the outer membrane. Their number and position varies much, as will be indicated presently on referring to some of the principal types of form of pollen. The slit-like markings are generally ac- companied by a peculiar shrinking of the pollen when dry, the coat collapsing at the thin places, so that grains of this kind appear oval or angular, not clearly ex- hibiting the slits (which then become fur- rows) ; but they swell out and display the latter clearly when placed in water or di- lute acids (PI. 40. figs. 18 & 20). ^Vhen the so-called pores exist, they are either like simple pores (PI. 32. fig. 10), or they may be provided with little disk-like pieces or lids, which fall off and leave them bare when the pollen-tube is formed (figs. 13 & 22). In all cases, however, we believe that the outer coat is extended over the whole surface, and that the slits and dots are merely thinner places ; moreover, in certain cases (Leschenaultia, a quaternate pollen) we have seen the thickening layers of the young pollen-grain, inside the parent cell, exhibit pits (exactly comparable to those of ordinary pitted cells) at the places corre- sponding to the future pores, and, curiously enough, in some cases at least, the pits of adjacent pollen-cells corresponding, although in the mature expanded compound grains they were far separated. Sometimes the lids are found at trie end of short projecting processes (PI. 40. fig. 22). The pollen of (Enothera and allied genera exhibits remark- able conditions, which have been mistakenly described. The form of the grain is that of a depressed sphere with three large equi- distant truncated cones projecting pretty nearly in the same plane. The outer coat is thick, except at the ends of the conical masses ; and two laminae are distinguishable (PI. 40. fig. 14). The outer coat thins otf towards the end of each process. It ap- pears to us that the inner coat or true pollen-membrane does not extend into the processes at all, but is globular, and that a semifluid deposit occupies the space between the inner coat and the outer, in the cavity of the tubular processes. Now, supposing such a deposit to become hardened and, after circumscissile fission, pushed off as a plate by the advancing pollen-tube, instead of giving way and expanding, we should have the lid occurring in Cucurbita Pepo (PI. 40. fig. 22) and other cases. Is has been stated that the pollen is the agent of fertilization of the ovules in the Flowering plants. When scattered from the anthers, that portion of the pollen which falls upon the stigma (and frequently POLLEN. [ 617 ] POLLEN. other portions falling upon nectaries or secreting surfaces) swells slightly, and ger- minates as it were, sending out a delicate tubular process from one or more of the so- called pores or slits (PI. 40. fig. 30), which processes (the pollen-tubes) insinuate them- selves between the loosely packed cells of the stigma, and, continually elongating, make their way down the style and along the conducting tissue to the ovules. In the Coniferae the pollen-grains fall directly upon the micropyle of the naked OVULE, and send their pollen-tubes into it. The pollen- tube is produced by the development of the inner or proper coat of the pollen into a tubular filament. When pollen-grains are placed in dilute sulphuric acid or in syrup (sometimes in water), they absorb liquid, swell, and their contents partly exude from pores &c.j either to a slight extent, as a little "hernia," as it were, of the inner membrane, or in large quantity in a worm- like, irregular mass ; in the latter case the coagulation of the surface often produces a pellicular coat. These exuded masses are of course distinct from the true pollen-tubes produced under natural conditions. The fluid contents of the pollen-grains consist of a granular viscid protoplasm, with minute starch-granules and (apparently) oil-drops, making together what has been called the fovilla, which increases in density as the pollen ripens. The starch-granules exhibit molecular motion in the pollen- tube, and still more clearly when they escape by rupture. The granular contents of the pollen-cell, which are always rendered opaque by the action of water, are gradually transferred to the pollen-tube as it elongates. Connected with this point is the pecu- liarity exhibited by the pollen of the Coni- ferse. In the Abietinese the form of the gra- nules is very peculiar elongated, curved, and with bulging ends ; and, according to Schacht, a distinct internal cell exists, at- tached at one side in the cavity of the ordi- nary pollen-cell, this internal cell dividing and growing out as the pollen-tube when the pollen-grain comes upon the ovule. The pollen of the Cupressineae is spheroidal ; but free cellules appear to be formed in the pollen-tubes during the f ertilizatiou. These conditions, which are not yet satisfactorily cleared up, indicate a relation to the sper- matozoid-producing spores of the Marsilea- cese, &c., analogous to that between the Gymnospermous ovules and the ovule-spores of those Cryptogamic families. It has been imagined that the form and structure of the pollen-grains might have some relation to the general structure of the plants, and might serve as an indication of systematic position and affinities. But there appears to be no definite relation ; very varied pollen occurs within the limits of the same family, and very similar pollen- grains in families widely distant. There appears, however, to be a certain relation within the limits of genera. It may be per- haps generally stated that the Monocotyle- dons have frequently one pore or furrow ; the Grasses often three pores, as is the case with many Dicotyledons, many of which have more, while a large number of the families of the latter division exhibit both pores and slits. As microscopic objects, it is most convenient to class the forms arti- ficially, or according to structure ; and we give a brief list of the principal varieties arranged under this point of view. The pollen-grains of Zostera, Zanichellia, and other submerged aquatic plants, have no cuticle or outer coat ; all other known forms possess one or more outer layers. A. Outer coat without furrows or pores. a. Outer coat granular : Strelitzia Regince, Calla palustris, Crocus sativus, fyc. f Asarum ewop&um, Laurus nobilis, fyc., many Euphorbiaceae. b. Outer coat with papillae : Canna indica. c. Outer coat with cell-like reticulations : Ruettia formosa (PI. 40. fig. 23), R. strepens, Tribulus terrestris. In Periploca grceca (PI. 40. fig. 15) and Apocynum venetum (fig. 7) grains of this kind are connected in fours in one plane ; in some Luzulee tetrahedrally. B. Outer coat presenting longitudinal fur- rows (or folds). * One furrow (the form of most Mono- cotyledons). a. Outer coat finely granular : common in Monocotyledons among the Dico- tyledons, in Myrica ceri/era. Magnolia grandiflora, Liriodendr'on tulipiferum, $c. b. Outer coat granular, spiny : Nympluea alba. c. Outer coat with cell-like reticulations : Hemerocallis fulva, and other Monoco- tyledons. POLLEN. POLLEN. d. Outer coat with irregular reticulations : Alstrccmeria Curtisiana. Among the Orchideae are found quater- nate grains belonging to this group. ** Outer coat with two furrows : a rare form, occurring in species of Ponte- deria and Amaryllis, Tamus commu- nis and elephantipes, Tigridia pavo- nia, Calycanthus jftoridus, fyc. *** Outer coat with three longitudinal furrows. a. Outer coat granular. One of the com- monest forms: Quercus Robur, Viola odorata (PI. 40. fig. 6). b. Outer coat with short spines : Cactus flagellifonnis, Viscum album. c. Outer coat with cell-like reticulations : Statice (PI. 40. fig. 29), various Cruci- ferae. Outer coat with more than three furrows. a. Four : very rare as normal, Houstonia cceruka, Cedrela odorata] occasionally occurring where three is the normal number, as in Solanum tuberosum. b. Six : some of the Labiatae and Passi- floreae (PI. 40. fig. 20), Ephedra dista- chya, Heliotropium grandtflorum. c. A large number of furrows : many Rubiaceae, e. g. Sherardia arvensis (PI. 40. fig. 18). The pollen of the Pines is related to this group, also that of Nymphcea Lotus, Victo- ria regia, and other plants, where the fur- rows or thin places occupy the greater part of the wall, and the outer coat forms only segmental pieces. In Thuribergia alata (PI. 40. fig. 24 a) a remarkable appearance arises from the furrows running in a curved or spiral direction. C. Outer coat with pores. * A single pore : Grasses, Sedges, Ty- pha angustifolia, Sparganium ra- mosum. ** Two pores : Colchicum, and a few other Monocotyledons; also Brous- sonetia. *** Three pores. a. Outer coat granular : Dipsaceae, Urti- cacese, Onagraceae [here the pores form projecting processes (PI. 40. fig. 14) ; and in Morinda persica this is still more the case] ; Cucumis sativus. b. Outer coat with cell-like reticulations : many Passifloreae with large lids, P. cceruka (PI. 40. fig. 13), alata, fyc. #*** Four pores. a. Pores on the equator : Pistacia tere- bintlius, Campanula rotundifolia, fyc. b. Pores not equatorial : Passiflora ker- mesina, Impatiens Balsamina (PI. 40. fig. 21) (Noli-me-tanyere). ***** More than four pores, t Distributed regularly. a. On the equator : Alnus glutinosa, Ul- mus campestris, Collomia linearis, Cam- panula Speculum. b. All over the grains : Basella alba (PL 40. fig. 19). ft Scattered irregularly. a. Outer coat slightly granular : many Nyctagineae, Convolvulaceae, Chenopo- diaceae, Alsineae, Alisma Plantayo (PI. 40. fig. 10), Plantago lanceolata, Riles nigrum, Cactus Opuntia, fyc. b. Outer coat granular and spiny : Cucur- Uta Pepo (with lids, PL 40. fig. >), Malvaceae (fig. 26). c. Outer coat with cell-like reticulations : Polygonum amphibium, pei'sicaria, Co- bcea scandens. Compound porous forms occur in some of the Onagraceae, and in Drimys Winteri, where four grains are conjoined tetrahe- drally. In the Mimoseae groups of eight or sixteen (PL 40. fig. 25) occur in various forms. In Leschenaultiaformosa the grains are quaternate, lying in one plane. D. Outer coat with both furrows and pores. * Grains rounded or depressed, with three depressions, each with a pore : most Dipsaceae and Geraniaceae (sometimes only two occur, PL 40. fig- 22). ** Three furrows and three pores. a. Outer coat granular : a very common form among Dicotyledons. b. Outer coat spiny : most Compositae. c. Outer coat with cell-like reticulations ; rare : Syringa vulgaris, Ligustrum vul- gare, Grewia occidentalis, and other species. POLLEN. [ 619 ] POLYCYSTINA. *** Outer coat with more than three furrows, each with a pore. Some- times abnormally, instead of three, but normally in most of the Boragi- nacese and Polygalaceae. **** Six to nine furrows, three con- taining a pore : Lythraceae, Mela- stoniaceae, Combretaceae. ***** Three or four furrows, with six or eight papillae : Neurada procum- bens, fyc. ****** Three furrows and three papillae not in the furrows : Carolinea cam- pestris, SfC. Starch-corpuscles exist in the fovilla of some pollen-grains in the form of very small grains which are stained blue by iodine. Related compound forms occur in the Ericaceae and Epaciidaceae, where the grains are tetrahedrally arranged (PI. 40. fig. 17). Other aberrant forms occur in which the single grains are cubic or dodecahedral ; and in the Cichoraceae polyhedral forms of complicated character are common (figs. 16, 27, 28). Mature pollen-grains should be observed dry (as opaque and transparent objects), and in water or glycerine ; in some cases, in oil ; treatment with acids is also useful in making out structure. In observing the develop- ment of pollen, it is necessary to wet the object with a solution of sugar or gum; otherwise the appearances are altogether changed through endosmotic action. BIBL. Nageli, Entwick. des Pollens, 1842, and on Cell-formation, Ray Society, 1846, 1847 ; Hofmeister, Sot. Zeit. vi. 1848 ; Gieswald, Linncea, xxv. 81 ; Schacht (Coni- ferae), Beitrag z. Sot. 1854; Saccardo, Nuovo Giorn. Sot. 1872 ; Hassall, An. N. H. 1841 & 1842 (pis.) ; Smith, M. M. Jn. xvii 9 (figs.); Edgeworth, Pollen, 1877 (446 figs.), & M. M. Jn. xviii. 190; Qu. M. Jn 1880, xx. 19; Warming, HansteirfsBot.Abh 1873. POLY AC 'TIS. Separated from Botrytis on account of the dark, quasi-carbonizec flocci. POLYARTHRA, Ehr. A genus o Rotatoria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eye single, cervical ; foot absent body with six cirrhi or fins on each side. Jaws each with a single tooth. P. platyptera (PI. 44. fig. 19). Body ovato-subquadrate, fins ensiform serrate freshwater ; length 1-190". P. trigla. Fins setaceous; freshwater ength 1-190". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infos, p. 440. POLYCLI'NUM, Sav. A genus of Tu- nicate Mollusca, of the family BOTBYLLID.S: [p. 115). P. aurantium. Consists of little rounded orange masses, fixed to rocks by a short and thick peduncle. BIBL. Forbes and Hanley, Br. Moll i. 14. POLYCOC'CUM, Sant. A genus of Micro-lichens, parasitic on the prothallus of Stereocaulon condensation. Char. Spores eight, small, bilocular, brown. BIBL. Lindsav, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869, 343. POLYCOC'CUS, Kiitz. Probably be- longs to Microcystis (Rab., Alg. ii. 55). POLYCO'PE, Sars. A bivalved Ento- mostracon of the Cladocopa group. Upper and lower antennae both natatory and seti- ferous ; two pairs of posterior limbs, the first natatory, the second branchial; no eyes ; no heart ; intestine imperforate. Valves circular, thin, smooth, or orna- mented. Marine ; recent and fossil. BIBL. Brady, Linn. Tr. xxvi. 470. POLYCYS'TINA, Ehr. A family of Radiolarian Rhizopoda. The animal bodies are contained in shells of various forms (PI. 39. figs. 23-31). These are rounded, conical, oval, radiate, star-shaped &c., often furnished with spines and other processes, and sometimes con- stricted so as to give them a jointed ap- pearance. The shells are siliceous, every- where perforated by coarse, rounded or angular foramina; and at one end, some- times at both, is a larger aperture. The animal matter is olive-brown or yellowish. The Polycystina have been found on nearly every ocean-bottom. Ehrenberg found them at Cuxhaven, and in the Antarctic seas ; Bailey in the depths of the Atlantic ; Miiller in the Mediterranean, and Hackel in the Adriatic ; Wallich in the Indian Ocean; and Wyville Thomson, Carpenter, and Gwyn Jeffreys in the deep-sea soundings of the North Atlantic. The siliceous skeletons or shells accumulated in thick deposits during the last geological periods ; and myriads of these exquisite microscopic forms may be obtained from many strata in Sicily, Greece, Oran, Bermuda, Richmond, Vir- ginia, and Barbadoes. They are rare in the Chalk. BIBL. Ehr. Monatsb. Berl Ak. 1846, POLYCYSTIS. [ 020 ] POLYNEMA. 1850; Microg. 1854; Miiller, Thalass. # Polycyst., Abh. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1858; Haeckel, Radiolarien, 1802 ; Furlong, Qu. Mic. Jn. i. 1801-64; Claparede et Luch- mann, Inf. 434; Wallich, Tr. Mic. Sac. n. s. xiii. 7o ; Thomson, Deep Sea, 98. POLYCYSTIS, Kutz.-See CLATHRO- CYSTIS. Is a Microcystis. POL YC YS'TIS, Le veillS ( Uroci/stis, Hallier). A genus of Ustilagiuei (Hypo- dermous Fungi), including several of the old species of Uredo ; P. colchici, P. paral- lela, and P. violce are British. See USTILA- GINEI. POLYE'DRIUM, Nag. A genus of Unicellular Algae. Char. Cells single, 3-4-8-angular, the angles more or less produced. Several species, in freshwater pools. P. longi- sjnnum (PI. 3. fig. 13). BIBL. Rabenh. Aly. iii. 01 ; Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1871, 90. POLYEM'BHYONY. This term is ap- plied to a phenomenon occurring sometimes jegularly, sometimes abnormally in the de- velopment of the ovules of Flowering Plants. In the Angiosperrnous plants it is usual to find several germinal masses in the unferti- lized embryo-sac (see OVULE); but ordinarily only one of these becomes impregnated and developed. Occasionally, however, more than one commences the course of develop- ment into the embryo, as in the Orchidacese, and more especially in the genus Citrus: in most cases all but one become subsequently obliterated; but in the orange this is not the case, and ripe seeds are met with con- taining more than one embryo. We have met with them in other cases. Another kind of polyembryony occurs in the Santalacese. Viscum has two or three embryo-sacs ; these may all have their ger- minal masses fertilized, and the develop- ment of the embryos may go on to a certain point, until one takes the lead and the others disappear. In the Gymnospermia (Coniferae and Cy- cadaceas), as described in the article OVULE, there may be one or more (Taxus) primary embryo-sacs, in which are produced several corpuscida, with secondary embryo-sacs; further, the germinal masses of these, after fertilization, produce suspensors, which branch at their lower ends, and each pro- duces four rudimentary embryos, all but one of them vanishing during the ripening of the seeds. Our space only admits of a brief notice of these interesting phenomena, on which much interesting information will be found in the works referred to below. BIBL. Meyen, On Impregnation and Poly- embryomj, Taylor's Sc. Mem. iii, 1 ; Brown, Ann. N. H. xiii. 368 ; Mirbel and Spach, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. xx. 257 ; Criiger, But. Zcif. ix. 57 ; Gelesuoff, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xiv. 189, and the works of Hofmeister cited under OVULE. POL Y^GAS'TRIC A. According to Eh- renberg's system, the Infusoria were sub- divided into the Polygastrica and the Rola- toria. The so-called Polygastrica now cor- respond to the Infusoria; the Rotatoria forming a distinct class. POLYI'DES, Ag. A genus of Crypto- nenriaceae (Florideous Algre), containing one British species, P. rotundus (PI. 4. fig. 3), having a branched frond 4 to 6" high, consisting of repeatedly dichotomous, purplish-brown, solid fibres, about l-'JO" in diameter. The fibres present a central layer of longitudinally arranged filamentous cells, and a cortical layer of perpendicular, dicho- tomous filaments, formed of elliptical cells internally, terminating at the surfa- -e in minute moniliform rows. The fructification consists of: 1. favellce bearing spores, con- tained in superficial wart-like bodies, com- posed of colourless articulate filaments ; 2. tetrahedrally divided tetraspores, embedded in the peripheral filaments of the cortical layer of the frond. Antheridia have not yet been observed. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 146; Pliyc. Brit. pi. 95 ; Greville, Al ileus, or fleshy cap or disk. The basidio- spores are seen by horizontal sections from the undersurface of the pileus. (See BA- SIDIOSPORES and HYMEXOMYCETES.) BIBL. Berk. Fruct. of Fungi, Ann. N. H. i. 81 ; LeYeille", Ann. Sc. N. 2. viii. 324. POLYSAC'CUM, D. Cd. A genus of Trichogastres (Gasteromycetous Fungi), having a common peridium filled with peridiola ; the spores mixed with threads. One species only occurs, and Tery rarely in this country. Abroad they grow on exposed sand. One of the species has been used in dyeing. -P. crassipes, p. 349, fig. 269. "BIBL. Fr. Syst. Myc. iii. 54; Berk. Outl. 304; Sow. t. 425; Cooke, Handb. 375. POLYSEL'MIS, Duj. A doubtful genus of Infusoria, of the family Euglenia. Char. Oblong or variable in form, with several anterior flagelliforrn filaments, and a single red eye-spot. Probably the zoospore of a Confervoid Alga. P. viridis (PI. 31. fig. 68) resembles a Euylena of an oblong form with the ends rounded ; one of the filaments is longer than the three or four others which surround its base. Freshwater ; length 1-650". BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. 370. POL YSIPHO'NIA, Grev. An extensive genus of Rhodonieleee (Florideous Algae) or Red sea-weed.s, with cylindrical, more or less Fig. 598. articulated fronds, the joints consisting of a circle of longitudinally arranged cells sur- rounding a central cell, like the wood- bundles of a young Dicotyledonous stem surrounding the pith, so that the transverse section presents the appearance of a rosette. The number of peripheral cells varies among the 300 different species of this genus, from four to twenty-five ; the British forms mostly have four and six. In some of the species a kind of rind is formed subsequently, by a growth from the base of the joints analogous to that which occurs in BATRA- CHOSPERMUM and CALLITHAMNION. The fructification consists of: 1. ceramidia, urn- shaped or ovate, attached to the sides of branches, containing nume- rous pear-shaped spores at the base ; 2. tetraspores on distinct plants, formed in the swollen central cell of dis- torted branches (fig. 598) ; these are gonidia and develop a thallus ; and 3. antheridia, elongated whitish sacs, col- lected in great numbers at the summits of the branches, accompanied by a dichoto- rnous .hair, and sometimes prolonged into a hair-like process at the summit. Nageli describes the spermatozoids as consisting of a spiral fila- ment. Thuret states that they are merely hyaline glo- bules, about 1-5000" in dia- meter, without active motion. The British speciesareplaced in two subgenera Oligosi- phonia, where there are but four or rarely five peripheral cells, and Po/y*e)?A0ma, where there are six or more. Twenty-six species are de- scribed, many of which are common. fastigiata, PL 4. fig. 20.) BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 82, pi. 12 A ; Thuret, Ann. Sc. N. 3. xvi. 16, pi. 6 ; Nageli, Zeitsch. wiss. Sot. 1846, 207, pis. 6 & 7 ; Henfrey-Masters, Sot. 433. POLYSTOMEL 'LA, Lamk. A genus of Hyaline Foraminifera. Shell free, regular, equilateral, biconvex, sometimes compressed, often dorsally keeled; spire embracing; chambers with a single cavity, straight or arched, meeting at the umbilicus and fur- nished with transverse pits between the Magn. 50 diams. (-P- POLYTHALAMIA. [ 624 ] POLYTRICIU M. sutures or over them. Orifices numerous, arranged along the margin of, or forming a triangle at, the upper part of the last cham- ber. Polystomella passes into Nonionina, through P. striato-punctata (PI. 24. f. 19), common in cold seas. P. crispa (PI. 24. fig. 20) is common in temperate seas. P. craticulata is of tropical growth. P. macella (Faujasina) is unsym- metrical and starved. Many fossil forms. BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. Vim. 121 ; Wil- liamson, Foram. 39 ; Morris, Br. Fossils, 40 ; Parker & Jones, Ann. N. If. 3. v. 103 ; Carpenter, For. 276. POLYTHALA'MIA. See FORAMINI- FERA. POLYT'OMA, Ehr. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria, family Monadina (Hydro- morina). P. uvella (PI. 31. fig. 69, undergoing di- vision), the only species, is oblong or oval, obtuse at the ends, colourless, furnished with two flagelliform filaments ; it has no cara- pace. Fresh or decomposing water ; length 1-2200 to 1-960"; size of body when the division is nearly complete, 1-400". As it increases in size it assumes a wrinkled or mulberry appearance, and this indicates the approaching division into many sections, whence the name. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 24 ; Schneider, Ann. N. H. 1854, xiv. 321 ; Pritchard, Inf. 136 & 504 ; Kent, Inf. 301. POLYTRE''MA, Blainville. A protean parasitic Foraminifer of the Rotaline family ; scale-like, globular, or arborescent, with cancellated structure. P. miniaceum is widely distributed in the Mediterranean and other warm seas. BIBL. Carpenter, For. 235; Schultze, Wiegm. Arch. 1863, 81 ; Ann. N. H. 3. xii. 409 ;' Carter, ibid. 4. xvii. 185 ; 5. v. 440. POLYTKICHA'OEJS. A tribe of Mnioideae (operculate Mosses of usually Acrocarpous habit). Genera. Catharinea. Calyptra narrowly hood- shaped, subscabrous at the apex, rather hairy within. Peristome simple, composed of thirty-two teeth, arising from a narrow, cellular basilar membrane, ligulate, mem- branous, white, with many percurrent, reddish, inarticulate filaments, somewhat incurved, scarcely hygroscopic, firm. Colu- mella dilated at the apex into a drum-like epiphragm. Capsule equal. Inflorescence monoecious or dioecious. Fig. 599. Polytrichum. Calyptra dimidiate, but appearing campauulate on account of a quantity of very close hairs descending from it as a long villous coat ; otherwise resem- bling the preceding genus. POLYT'RICHUM, Dill. A genus of Polytrichaceous Mosses, variously defined by different authors. In the British Flora, it in- cludes the forms separated in this work under CATHARINEA, which in the ' Bryologia Bri- tannica ' are divided between Atrichum and Oligotrichum. The species of Polytrichvin comprised in our definition are distributed in the same work under Pogonatum (those with a round capsule and thirty-two teeth) and Polytrichum proper (those with a square or prismatic apophysate capsule (fig. 600 ), and usually twice as many teeth). P. commune is one of our finest Mosses, common on heaths, moors, and mountain tracks, varying some- what under the differ- ent physical conditions. The stems are from 6" to 1' long, and the fruit-stalks 2 or 3". The stems are almost of woody texture, the leaves large and firm. The calyptra is densely covered with hairs. Wilson remarks that the true structure of the sporange and columella of Mosses may be most easily learned from the study of this genus. The columella is seen (figs. 601, 603), to be separated from the spores by an inner layer of the spo- Polytrichum commune, rangial membrane. The diaphragm attached to the apices of the teeth of the peristome is the dilated apex of the columella (fig. 603). The peristome (fig. 602) is composed of ligulate obtuse teeth, connected by a mem- brane at the base, continuous with the inner layer of the wall of the capsule. These plants are also exceedingly well adapted for the examination of the male inflorescence and spermatozoids. They are all dioecious ; and the male plants (fig. 604) are readily distinguishable by the cup-shaped inflores- Plants in fruit. One half natural size. POLYTRIOHUM. [ 625 ] POLYZOA. cence, composed of scale-like leaves and paraphyses surrounding a number of subu- late sacs constituting the antheridia. The male flowers of P. commune tfuwiperinum, &c. Fig. 600. Fig. 601. Polytrichum commune. Capsule with operculum. Section of young capsule Magnified 10 diameters. showing the plaited spo- rangial membrane. are found everywhere on heaths in spring. The antheridia may be readily extracted un- der a simple lens, and, when placed in water Fig. 602. Fig. 603. Polytrichum commune. Fragment of peristome. Columella with section Magn. 100 diams. of tne apophysis. Magn. 25 diams. under the compound microscope, soon (if ripe) burst at the summit and dis charge the spermatozoids ; these usually escape still enclosed in their parent cells, which when first discharged cohere in a gelatinous mass ; but the ciliated spermatozoids (PI. 40. fig. 33) escape and swim actively in the water. They require at least an eighth object-glass for examination ; and the cilia are seen most clearly after drying the object, or treating it with tincture of iodine. Fig. 604. Fig. 605. Polytrichum commune. Male inflorescence. Innovation from male One half nat. size. inflorescence. Magn. 5 diams. BIBL. Wilson, Bryol Brit. p. 205 et sea. : Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xvi. 26. pi. 14. POLYZO'A or BRYOZOA. A class of Animals, belonging to the subkingdom Mollusca. Char. Polypif orm, aggregate ; individual bodies microscopic, contained in horny or calcareous cells, often connected by tubular stems, forming a usually branched zoary ; mouth surrounded by long, ciliated, uncon- tractile tentacles ; mouth and anus separate, but near each other. Marine and fresh- water. They are found everywhere on the sea- shore, either rooted to, or forming a crust upon submerged rocks, stones, shells, &c. The individual is called a polypide ; and the aggregate or colony constitutes a ccencecium or polyzoarium ; it is usually of a whitish or brownish colour, of a horny or calcareous texture, and consists either of cells or cups simply aggregated (PL 41. figs. 17, 20), or connected by tubu- lar stems, and often arranged in elegant plant-like forms (PI. 41. fig. 5 a). The stems are divided into compartments by perforated septa (PI. 41. fig. 5 /), through which thread-like filaments of the sarcode 2s POLYZOA. 020 ] POLYZOA. The cells are of various forms, mentioned under the genera, and they are often furnished with bristles or spines. At the orifice of each cell the tentacles and more or less of the body of the animals are protruded. In the marine or Infundibulate order, the struc- ture of the cell-mouth is used as a charac- ter, those in which it is terminal and simple (PI. 41. fig. 30) forming the Cyclostomata ; and those in which it is subterminal, curved, and furnished with a movable lid, the Cheilostomata (PL 41. fig. 56); whilst in the Ctenostomata there is a comb-like cir- cular fringe of bristles connected by a mem- brane surrounding ths cell-orifice, visible when the body is partly protruded. Most are fixed j but Cristatella is free and loco- motive, having a discoid base. Curious appendages are found attached mostly to the cells of the polyzoaries. The first are called bird's-head processes or avi- cularia (PL 41. fig. 56*, and fig. 26). They consist of a body (fig. 26 d), a hinge- or lower -jaw-like process (fig. 26 e), and a stalk (/). They are attached by the stalk to the interior of a round hollow process, projecting slightly from the surface of the pol'yzoary (fig. 26 a). The body is divided by an oblique ridge (fig. 26 d) on its inner surface into two chambers. The lower portion is moved up and down by an elevator and depressor muscle (fig. 26 c). During life the motion is constant; and it continues long after the death of the animal. These bodies appear analogous to the pedi- cellaria of the Echinoderinata. The second kind, called vibracula, consist of a hollow process (fig. 5 d, 6), from which a vibrating filament (fig. 5 d) projects. The interior of the process is filled with a contractile substance which moves the filament. The body is usually oblong or elongate. At its anterior end is a ring or disk (lopho- phore), upon which the tentacles are placed ; this is perfect in the Infundibulata, but deficient at one part, or horse-shoe shaped in the Hippocrepia (PL 41. figs. 3 c & 9). The tentacles are hollow, closed at the end, uncontractile, coated externally with cilia on the sides next each other, and communi- cate with the cavity of the body through apertures in the disk. In most of the Hip- pocrepia, the tentacles are surrounded at the base by a transparent cup -like membrane (ca&^r), prolonged somewhat upon each ten- tacle, and mostly dentate at the margin. Digestive System. The mouth is situated in the middle of the tentacular disk (PL 41. fig. 3 c), and is closeable in the Hippocrepia by an epiglottis-like hollow valve (epittom&) t which is absent in the Infundibulata; at the base of this valve is an aperture which per- forates the disk to open into the abdominal cavity. The mouth terminates in a pharynx (PL 41. fig. o e, /), and oesophagus (tig.* 18, 6, d), often of considerable length, which i.s sometimes succeeded by a strongly muscular gizzard. Next comes the stomach (tigs. 5 e, b, 18 /), often very capacious, and with an appendix (fig. 18 e), and finally the intestine (fig. 18 g), which terminates out- side, but close to the disk (fig. 5e } c). Thus the alimentary canal is bent upon itself, the two orifices being very near each other. The alimentary canal consists of three coats an inner rugose, composed of cells with brownish contents, and representing a liver; a middle, composed ol colourless nucleated cells ; and an outer, thin, cellular coat, probably containing muscular fibres. The mouth and more or less of the upper portion of the alimentary canal are ciliated. The walls of the cavity of the abdomen, the interior of the disk and of the tentacles all communicate, and are filled with a clear liquid, in which irregular particles float, and in which a constant rotatory motion exists, produced partly by muscular action, and partly by cilia. This liquid corresponds to a chylaqueous iluid, and performs the chyliferous, sanguiferous, and respiratory functions ; for there are no distinct respira- tory organs, nor blood-vessels. The muscular system is well developed, the fibres being transversely striated the principal, or retractors, arising from the bottom of the cells, and being inserted into the sides of the oesophagus, so as to exert a retracting action upon the body. There are also parietal rnusdes, which are in the form of circular bundles running transversely round the cell; they project the polypide. The nervous system consists of an oval ganglion placed between the oral and anal apertures, and giving oft' branches to the tentacles, alimentary canal, &c. ; and there is stated to be a nervous connexion between all the cells of a zoarium, called the colonial system. Reproduction. The Polyzoa are propa- gated by gemmation, and by the agency of sexual organs. Two kinds of gemmation occur. In the first, the gemmae are developed externally from the parent cells, and usually near the POLYZOA. [ 627 ] PONTIA. orifice, but often from the stem ; these gemmae, on attaining their full development, remain attached to the parent, thus forming the compound organism. In the second, they are formed internally, as buds upon the fimiculus, which is a process passing from the testis to the stomach. Afterwards they become free within the abdominal cavity, from which they escape at an orifice near the disk, according to Beneden, al- though this is denied by Allman. The latter kind, which are often called ova, have an external hard coat, exhibiting the appearance of a marginal ring, and are often of a dark colour ; their development is not dependent upon impregnation, and they seem to correspond to the winter ova of the Entomostraca &c. : Allman proposes the name statoblasts for them. The sexual organs, which usually exist together in the same individual cell, consist of a roundish ovary, attached by a short peduncle near the orifice of the cells ; whilst the testis is a rounded irregular mass attached to the funiculus. The ova, which are first set free in the abdominal cavity, are ciliated and swim freely. Four modes of reproduction in the Poly- zoa have been described, three of them taking place in an asexual way : 1. The growth of the whole colony by buds which are external ; 2. The reproduction by eggs formed by internal buds of the endocyst ; 3. The production of new polypides and eggs in empty cells (zooecia), by brown bodies which are produced out of the former polypide of the cell by retrogressive metamorphosis j 4. Sexual reproduction by eggs and spermatozoa. The Polyzoa are divided into two orders : Order I. HIPPOCBEPIA (PhylactoUemata). Tentacular disk horse-shoe shaped or bi- lateral; mouth with an epistome; mostly freshwater. Order II. INFUNDIBULATA (Gymnolcemata). Disk circular, or nearly so ; epistome ab- sent ; mostly marine. 3 suborders : Cyclostomata. Cells with a simple round orifice. Clieilostomata. Orifices of cells fitted with a thin, membranous or calcareous plate ; with a curved mouth, furnished with a moveable lip. Ctenostomata. Orifices surrounded by a circle of setae. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 253; Busk, Mar. Polyzoa, Brit. Mus. ; Fossil, Pal. Soc. 1859; Farre, Phil Tr. 1837; Dumortier and Beneden, Mem. Ac. Brux. 1850 ; Han- cock, Ann. N. H. 1850, v. ; Allman, Freshw. Polyzoa, Ray Soc. ; Gosse, Mar. Zool ii. 1 ; Miiiler, Wieg. Archiv, 1860, 311; Huxley, Invertebr. ; Smitt, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1871, 155 ; Miiiler, Reich, fy D. ReymendSs Ai'chiv, 1860; Claparede, Sieb. $ Koll Zeit. 1871, 137; Norman, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1868, 212; Hyatt, Pr. Essex Institute, U. S. A. 1868 ; Nitsche, Sieb. $ Koll Zeit. 1870; Barrels, Embryol. 1877 ; Hincks, Polyzoa, 1880. POM'PHOLYX, Gosse. A genus of Rotatoria, family Brachionaea. P. compla- planata ; freshwater. (Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 203.) POMPHOLYX'OPHRYS, Archer, Hy- alolampe, Greef. A genus of freshwater Rhizopoda. Char. Rhizopod composed of two distinct sarcode regions, the inner a dense coloured globular sarcode mass, the other colourless, and bearing a number of separate hyaline globular structures ; these are disposed in a layer around the inner globe, which latter gives off slender non-coalescing pseudopodia. BIBL. Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1870, p. 105. PONTEL'LA, Lubb. A genus of Cope- podous Entomostraca. P. Wollastoni, Wey- mouth. (Ann. N. H. 2. xx. 406; Brady. Cop. i. 73.) PON'TIA, Fabr. A genus of Lepidopte- rous Insects, of the family Papilionidae. This genus contains some of the com- monest butterflies, as P. brassicce, the large cabbage-butterfly ; P. rapa, the small cab- bage-butterfly ; and P. napi, the green- veined white" butterfly. The form and structure of certain scales existing upon the under side of the wings of the males are curious ; and the markings were formerly found so difficult to render distinct, that the scales were used as test- objects. In the male P. brassicce the upper surface of the anterior wings is free from spots, whilst in the female there are two black spots in that situation. The peculiar scales are represented in PI. 34. fig. 24; fig. 26 exhibits a portion of the wing with the ordinary scales. In P. rapce and P. napi the anterior wings of the males have a single spot upon the upper surface, whilst there are two upon each wing in the females. The peculiar scales bear considerable resemblance in the 2s2 PONTOCYPRIS. [ 028 ] PORPHYRIDIUM. two species (PI. 34. fig. 23 a, scale of P. rapes ; fig. 23 6, portion of wing, showing the points of attachment of the two kinds of scales). The scales may be separated by gently pressing the under surface of the wings against a slide. See SCALES of INSECTS and TEST-OBJECTS. BIBL. Westwood, Brit. Butterflies. PONTOCY'PRIS, Sars. An Ostracode, near Argillcecia among the Cyprida, with fragile pod-like valves, higher in front than behind ; no branchial appendage on the second pair of jaws ; upper antennae long and setiferous. 3 British species, rather common. BIBL. Brady, Linn. Tr. xxvi. 384. POPPY. The seeds of Poppies (Pa- paver, L., Nat. Order Papaveraceae) are ele- gant opaque objects under a low power, the testa being pitted so as to produce a reticu- lated surface (PI. 39. fig. 14). PORCELLID'IUM, Claus. A genus of Copepoda. 4 species, among Laminariee, &c. (Brady, Copep., Ray Soc.) PORIF'ERA. See SPONGIDA. POROCYC'LIA, Ehr.A genus of Dia- tomaceae closely allied to LIPAROGYBA. BIBL. Pritchard, In/us. 823. PORODIS'OUS, Grev. A g;enus of Dia- tomaceae, fam. Melosirse. (Rabenht. Alq. i. 35 ; Greville, Mic. Tr. 1863, 63 ; 1865, 46.) PORO'NIA, Fr. A genus of Spheeriacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), consisting of a corky stroma, which is flat or hollowed out at the top, and studded with the ostiola of the perithecia. The only British species is not uncommon on horse-dune:. BIBL. Fr. Syst. Myc. li. 330 ; Berk. Outl 385; Cooke, Handb. 791; Tul. Carp. ii. 27, t. iii. POROSPELE'RA, Steinm. Small glo- bular fossils, common in the chalk, known as Orbitolinte, formerly referred to Sponges and Foranainifera, now found by Carter and Steinmann to have Hydractinian structure ; calcareous, with reticular tissue and radiate tubes. (Steinrnann, Palceontographica, 1878, xxv. 120.) POROUS STRUCTURES OF PLANTS. What are ordinarily called porous tissues in vegetable anatomy are described in ac- cordance with their real nature under the head of PITTED STRUCTURES. True pores do, however, occur in the walls of vegetable cells, from secondary or ultimate changes in their character. They are seen in the cells of the leaves of Leucobryum and Sphagnum (see SPHAGNACE.&:). Other regular orifices are produced in the walls of the cells of many of the zoospore-producing Confervtc, as Conferva, Cladophora, Enter omorpha, &c. (see PI. 9). The wall of the sporangial cell of Achlya presents analogous openings ; and according to Cohn, pores are produced in the spore-cells of SPHJEROPLEA to admit the spermatozoids. The pits and the inter- stices between reticulated fibrous secondary deposits are often changed into true holes in old cells, but this is the result of decay of the primary membrane ; it takes place very early however, at the contiguous ends of SpiRAL-fibrous and PITTED CELLS coa- lescing to form ducts, changing the septum formed by the adjoining ends into a kind of grating, or irregularly torn diaphragm. PORPE'IA, Bail A genus of Diato- maceae, closely allied to BIDDULPHIA. Gulf- stream. BIBL. Pritchard, Inf. 350 j Rabenht,^. i. 315. POR'PHYRA, Ag. A genus of Por- phyraceae (Florideous Algae), with an ex- panded, membranous, shortly-stalked frond, composed of a single layer of cells approxi- mated in fours, the contents purple or red. Fructification consisting of: 1. scattered sori of oval spores ; 2. octospores immersed in the frond ; and 3. antheridia, on the same or distinct plants. P. laciniata and vulgaris are common on our coasts. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 261, pi. 25 A ; Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4. iii. 6 ; Janczewski, Mem. Soc. Cherbourg, xvii. 345. PORPHYRA'CE^E. A tribe of Flori- deous^ Algae (according to Thuret), of low organization, forming Ulvoid membranous fronds or strata of Confervoid filaments, of a purple or red colour. They are placed among the Ulvaceae by most authors, but differ in the absence of the zoospores and the presence of tetraspores (octospores) and antheridia. They are marine, Porplyra growing on rocks and stones, Bangia the same, or parasitic upon Zostera, Algte, c. British Genera. Porphyra. Frond plane, membranous, very thin, of a purple colour, with oval spores in sori, and tetraspores (square) scattered all over the frond. Bangia. Frond filiform, tubular, com- posed of numerous radiating cells in trans- verse rows, enclosed within a continuous hyaline shea th. PORHPY RID'IUM = Palmella cruenta. POKRIGO. [ 629 ] TOTTIOJDE^. PORRI'GO. SeeFAvus. POTAMOOY'PBIS, Brady. One of the CypridfB ; valves reniform, thick, right larger than left ; upper antennae with very short setae ; post-abdominal rami rudimen- tary. 1 British species. BIBL. Brady, Nat. Hist. Tr. North. $ Durham, iii. 365. POTASH, AND ITS SALTS. Caustic Potash. The strength of the solution may be that of the Liq. Potasste of the Pharmacopoeia. But we prefer a stronger solution made with 1 drachm of the potassa fusa or stick-potash of the shops, and 1 fluid oz. of water. The solu- tion should be allowed to settle, and the clear portion poured off into one of the test-bottles (!NTR, p. xxvii). Some remarks are made upon the action of potash in the INTR,, and others under the heads of the tissues, &c. On treating organic substances with this reagent, the cystic-oxide-like crystals of the carbonate (PI. 10. fig. 26) will frequently be formed. Chromates of Potash. The bichromate is used in the preparation of the chromate of lead for injection. Its crystals polarize well. The neutral chromate is also some- times used for preparing injections. See PREPARATION. Nitrate of potash, nitre, or saltpetre. This salt is dimorphous : it usually crystal- lizes in six-sided prisms with dihedral sum- mits, or in other forms belonging to the right-rhombic prismatic system. But some- times it assumes the form of obtuse rhom- bohedra, resembling those of nitrate of soda, and referable to the rhombohedric system. The crystals exhibit very beautifully the phenomena of ANALYTIC CRYSTALS. POTATO-FUNGUS. See BOTRYTIS. POT'TIA, Ehr. A genus of Pottiaceous Mosses, including some of the Gymnostoma and Weissice of Hedwig and others. Wilson separates as Anacalyptce the species with a peristome (fig. 606). Fig. 606. POTTIA'CE^E. A tribe of Pottioi Pottia caespitosa. Fragment of peristome. Magnified 50 diameters. Synopsis of Genera. Pottia. Calyptra dimidiate. Peristome simple or wanting ; if present, composed of lanceolate articulate teeth, simple or with a longitudinal line, rugulose and somewhat fleshy. Trichostomum. Calyptra dimidiate. Peri- stome simple, sixteen teeth, each split to the base into two cilia, or irregularly and there- fore into more than two, erect, stiff, and not twisted. Barbula. Calyptra dimidiate- hood - shaped. Peristome simple, ciliiform ; cilia thirty-two, solitary or approximated in pairs on a more or less exserted basilar membrane, split into two cilioles behind, very long, articulate-rugulose, twisted to the' left, rarely to the right, in one or several spires, hygroscopic. Cells of the operculum and calyptra twisted in the same way. Ceratodon. Calyptra dimidiate. Peri- stome simple ; teeth sixteen, connate at the base into a cellular membrane, split into two long, nodosely articulated dark-coloured arms, paler on each side, densely trabeculated at the lower part. Capsule thick-skinned, shining, nodding, with a somewhat nodose collum; annulate. Weissia. Calyptra dimidiate. Peristome simple or wanting ; if present, composed of sixteen lanceolate or subulate, entire or cribrose, equidistant teeth. POTTIOI'DE^E. A family of Acrocar- pous operculate Mosses, but sometimes Pleurocarpous by innovating branches. Leaves of varied form, with a terete nerve ; cells parenchymatous, hexagonal or squa- rish six-sided, looser at the base, sometimes very lax, more or less pellucid, often ex- ceedingly transparent, large, fragile, rigid, foraminate, bearing on the upper side soli- tary papillae or confluent papillae (hence often truncate and tuberculate at the apex), placed in the middle of the cell ; cells mostly full of chlorophyll, often very small and thickened. Capsule erect, rarely in- clined, oval, elliptic or pear-shaped oblong, smooth or striate, the operculum mostly conical or beaked. This family is divided into three tribes : CALYMPERACE^E. Basilar cells of the leaves rigid, hyaline, often very brittle, more or less ample, empty, distinctly fora- minated. POTTIACE^E. Basilar cells of the leaves PRASIOLA. [ 630 ] PREPARATION. soft, pellucid, longer, mostly empty, rarely containing a persistent primordial utricle. ORTHOTRICHACEJE. Basilar cells of the leaves with only the very lowest soft, the upper mostly thickened, rarely pellucid and normal. PRASPOLA, Meneghini. A genus of Ulvacese (Confer void Algee), separated from Monostroma by the arrangement of the quadrigeminate cells of the frond in lines, with wide intercellular walls ; from Ulva by the existence of only a single layer of cells, and from both by the absence(?) of a reproduction by zoospores ; from Schizo- yonium by the frond consisting of expanded plates. The species are included under Ulva (the terrestrial forms) in the 23r. Flora and Harvey's Alga, ed. 1. They have been carefully examined by Jessen, who finds the fronds proliferous at the margins ; the tf spores " he describes as consisting of mo- tionless cells formed of the entire contents of the ceUs of the frond, set free by the solution of the parent cell. The reproduc- tion of this group seems to us to require further investigation. Jessen includes here P. cdtophytta (PI. 3. fig. 19), crispa,fur- furacea, and a form which he names P. stipitata, differing from the last chiefly in the narrowly wedge-shaped, stipitate character of the frond : probably the last three constitute only varieties of one species. BIBL. Jessen, Prasiola Money. 1848; Harvey, Br. Aly. 171 ; Hassall, Alg. 297, pis. 77, 78 ; Kiitz. Sp. Aly. 472 ; Rabenht. Aly. iii. 308. PREPARATION of microscopic objects for examination and preservation. Some remarks on the former point will be found in the INTRODUCTION, p. xxxii ; and under many of the general and special articles, such as Diatoruaceae, Ovule, &c., directions are given. A few general remarks may still however be made in this place. The parts of bodies or objects are usually separated by the mounted needles under a dissecting microscope, or by means of sec- tions, according to the nature of the views which it is desired to obtain. With regard to the former operation, it need be merely observed that it is generally to be per- formed under water, in a watch-glass, glass cell, or other convenient holder. The preparation of sections is a more complicated process. Soft parts of animals are best sliced by means of a Valentin's knife ; but firmer structures, such as horn, may be cut with a sharp razor. Vegetable structures in general are^ sliced with a razor, which must be kept very sharp, and rubbed on a strop frequently while in use, and always before putting away. Fresh stems, thick leaves, &c., may be simply held in the fingers ; thin objects, such as leaves, petals, &c., are best placed in a split cork or piece of carrot, the halves of which are kept together by insertion in the neck of a vial or a test-tube, which at the same time serves as a handle. Sometimes it is advantageous to immerse objects, especially soft or very small ones, in thick mucilage of gum-arabic, and to allow this to dry until tough enough to be cut by the razor ; the slices are freed from gum by immersion in water. Dry objects, such as wood, dried leaves, seeds &c., must be softened by soak- ing in water before slicing. Small firm ob- jects, such as softer seeds, are mostly sliced when fixed in a bit of white wax or stearine, which may be done by placing them on the surface of the latter, and stirring them into the substance melted by the application of a hot wire. Most sec- tions of vegetable objects are obscured by air-bubbles engaged in the intercellular pas- sages, &c. In old wood and similar objects immersed in liquid, the air is readily driven out by heat; in fresh structures, where heat may coagulate or dissolve matters, the air may be allowed to dissolve or escape by itself, which requires time, or it may be removed by exhaustion under an air-puinp. Sections of wood, &c., which are to oe mounted in liquids, should be soaked for some little time in spirit or turpentine, to remove resins, &c. The Section-cutter is used for slicing such objects; but this is not of much use except when large numbers of very perfect sections of the same kind are required for purposes of sale, &c. It need scarcely be said that sections require to be made in various directions in studying objects bv these means. Thus stems should be sliced horizontally, and perpendicularly both parallel and at right angles to the medullary rays. When work- ing with high powers, it is necessary to be on our guard against appearances of stria- tion or fibres which may be produced by the fine notches in the cutting instrument. The structure of laminated shells, &c., may often be seen in fragments broken off by the point of a knife. But sections of bone, shell, &c., are best made bv sawing off thin pieces with a frame-saw having a watch-spring blade, grinding them down PREPARATION. [ 631 J PRESERVATION. upon a water-of-Ayr or some other stone, i and polishing: them upon a clean leather hono or strop with putty -powder and water, finally upon a dry hone alone. Sections of very hard substances, as agate, &c., are so easily made by jewellers, that a description of the process is scarcely necessary. They are cut by means of a j rotating* circular iron plate, its margins being coated with a mixture of oil and diamond-dust. They are then ground upon a plate of metal with emery-powder and j water, and polished upon a flat surface of j pitch with putty-powder and water. In grinding and polishing sections of hard structures, it is often requisite to cement them to a slide with Canada bal- sam, heat being applied until tiia balsam has become so hard as to iix the section firmly to the slide. As soon as one side has been polished, the section is removed ! from the slide, the balsam being rendered soft by heat, the polished side cemented to the glass, and the other side polished. The balsam may afterwards be separated from the section by maceration in oil of turpen- tine, benzole, &c. The more delicate animal tissues require hardening before section. This is usually produced by freezing in the section-cutter ; or by maceration in chromic-acid mixture (15 grs. of chromic acid to the pint of water, with a pint of methylated spirit), bichromate of potash (180 grs. to the pint), osmic acid, or Miiller's liquid (composed of 220 grs. of bichromate of potash, 90 grs. of sulphate of soda, and a pint of distilled j water). These liquids require to be poured oft' and replaced until the tissue is suffi- ciently hardened. Great care is required in the interpreta- tion of the appearances presented by minute objects or portions of tissue, as to the influence of the liquids in whieh they are immersed ; even water often totally distorts then* natural appearance, as in the case of j pollen, &c. And in animal tissues, the liquid of the allantois, blood-serum, or iodized serum or albumen (p. 441), are often useful as corresponding nearly to the liquid in which they are naturally im- mersed, and so producing but little change. Besides these methods of preparation, there are those which enable the observer to keep sections or minute plants and animals under continuous examination without be- coming dry, to provide a proper and equable or even higher temperatures to parts or the whole of organisms, and to add gases to the fluid surrounding the object. Reckling- hausen's moist chamber fulfils the first requirement ; and Strieker's slide, which is heated by means of the galvanic current, is most useful in producing constant amounts of heat. Strieker's gas-chamber, slide, and its conducting tubes enable carbonic acid, oxygen, hydrochloric acid, or any other gas to be applied to the fluid under examination. A substitute for those complicated pieces of apparatus, may be made by procuring a flat strap-shaped piece of metal, to be fixed upon the stage, with an aperture near one end corre- sponding with that in the stage. The slide is placed upon this, and a feeble flame of a spirit-lamp applied to the other end, will serve to produce the gentle heat required to set in motion or continue the amoeboid movements of organisms. The preparation of many objects requires the process of dyeing or STAINING. BIBL. Beale, flow fyc. ; Carpenter, Mi- croscope ; Frey, Mikr. ; Strieker, Hist. ; Gerlach, ibid. ; Rutherford, Hist. ; Mouchet, Mn. Mic. J. iii. 75; Fletnrning, Schultze's Archiv, ix. 123 ; Gronland, Cornu, and Rivet, Prep. Micros. (Botanical), 1871, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 82; L. Clarke, Phil. Tr. 1851 ; Minot, Mn. M. J. xviii. 97 ; Meyer, Arch. Mik. An. xiii.; Moseley, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 374, 379; Pritchard, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 380; Ranvier, Hist, tech.-, Marsh, Section-cutting ; Betz, Schultze's Archiv, ix. 101 ; Qu. Mic. Jn. 1873, 343 ; Gibbs, Hist. 1880. PRESERVATION of microscopic ob- jects. Under this head we shall consider the arrangement of microscopic objects for permanent preservation, supposing that they have been prepared (PBEPABATION) in such manner as to render this possible. Dry objects, or those which exhibit their structural peculiarities in the dry state. These are sometimes mounted alone, at others when immersed in some preservative compound. In the dry and uncovered state, they are occasionally mounted upon disks of cork, leather, or pasteboard, the surface upon which the object is to be placed being black- ened by a coating of very fine lamp-black mixed with warm size or gum-water, or by a piece of dull black paper pasted upon it ; the simplest way of making the disks is to paste black paper upon thick soft leather, and cut out the disks with a punch, like gun- wads. The object is fastened to the disk with PRESERVATION. [ 082 ] PRESERVATION. a little solution of marine glue in naphtha, or with gum. The disks are sold in the shops. They are usually transfixed with a ])in, by which they may be fixed in the forceps under the microscope, and may be fastened to the bottom of a box lined with sheet-cork when not in use. The advantage of this plan is its simplicity ; its greater dis- advantage, however, is that the objects are liable to injury, and become covered with dust. It answers very well for common objects, seeds, minute lichens, &c. ; but when the objects are of value, they should be mounted in a cell. The cell may be made of a square piece of card-board or pasteboard, of suitable thickness, with a hole punched in the mid- dle, fastened to a slide by marine glue or Canada balsam the object being fixed to the slide by a little of either of the above cements, and a thin glass cover cemented to the card-board. Or the whole may be fast- ened together with paste first a piece of black paper upon the middle of tne slide, then the perforated square, next the object, and lastly the cover. The square of paste- board may be replaced by a glass ring, a perforated square of glass, or a piece of sheet gutta-percha. When the objects are minute or very thin, the square of pasteboard may be dis- pensed with, and they may be mounted thus : they are to be laid upon a slide, and a cover of thin glass placed upon them ; a piece of paper larger than the cover, with a portion cut from the middle larger than the object, is then covered with paste, and a minute or two allowed to elapse, that the paper may become thoroughly imbued with it, the superfluous paste being removed with the paste-brush; the paper with the pasted side downwards is then laid upon the cover and the adjacent portions of the slide, and gently pressed with a cloth, that it may be accu^- rately applied to the glass surfaces. The whole is then allowed to dry. The principal point in this process is the complete removal of the superfluous paste before the paper is applied. If this be not effected, it will be drawn by capillary attraction between the cover and the slide, and reaching the object, will spoil it. A very secure method of mounting dry objects which are not altered by heat, con- sists in laying a ring or square of black japan upon a slide, the thickness of the layer being adapted to that of the object, and applying a pretty strong or long-con- tinued heat until the cement becomes per- fectly hard when cold. The object is next placed within the ring, a cover laid on, and heat applied until the cement becomes liquid. Gentle pressure then brings the cement and the margins of the cover into contact ; and when the cement becomes cold, the cover is firmly fixed to the slide. Another method of fastening the cover to the slide is by the use of electrical cement and balsam (CEMENTS, p. 150) mixed with 1 or 2 parts of tallow. Many dry objects can be well preserved by Mounting in Canada Balsam. When this is to be done, care must be taken that they are thoroughly dry ; otherwise they will ac- quire a milky appearance, from being sur- rounded by minute drops of water. Some objects in drying curl up or become de- formed, although their minute structure may not be essentially changed ; this may be prevented by confining them between two slides tied together with thread, or held together by india-rubber rings, sealing-wax applied at the two ends, or by a folded strip of orass with the ends riveted. If the ob- jects be of tolerable size, they are then soaked in oil of turpentine kept in an oint- ment-pot covered with a lid, for some hours, or even days, until the air is entirely dis- placed from them by the turpentine. The latter will often also remove the colouring- matter from some objects, as parts of insects, which may or may not be desirable ; hence the duration of the process must vary accordingly. A clean slide is then warmed over the flame of a spirit-lamp, or upon a stove, and some clear balsam placed in the middle of it, and rendered more liquid by further gentle heat; the object is next care- fully removed from the turpentine with for- ceps, drained and laid upon the warm balsam. Some more balsam is then allowed to fall from the warm wire (BALSAM) upon the object ; and when this is well covered with it, a warmed cover is gently laid upon its surface. The superfluous bal- sam then escapes at the sides of the cover ; and this should be aided by gentle pressure. The slide is next maintained at a gentle heat upon a warm mantelpiece, or a piece of tin- plate, until when allowed to cool, the bal- sam is perfectly hard. As soon as this is the case, the superfluous portions are cut away or scraped off" with a knife, the sur- faces of the glasses cleaned from any residue by a cloth wetted with turpentine or ben- zole, and some sealing-wax varnish applied PRESERVATION. [ 633 j PRESERVATION. to the edges of the cover and the adjacent portions of the slide. The success of the operation depends mainly upon two circumstances, viz. the object having been thoroughly dried, and the exclusion of air-bubbles. The former constitutes no difficulty, time being all that is required ; but the latter requires that the object shall previously have been thoroughly moistened with the turpentine, and that the balsam shall have been added to the object, when laid in the balsam uj)on the slide, before so much of the turpentine has evapo- rated as will allow air to enter any minute cavities in the object. The heat applied should also be gentle ; and if the direct flame i of a spirit-lamp be used, its application should be made rather to some portion of the slide near that upon which the object is placed, than directly beneath the object. If much heat be applied, bubbles of the vapour of the turpentine will often disfigure the object for a time; but these will vanish as the object becomes cool. If air-bubbles have found their way into the object, the slide must be macerated in oil of turpentine until the balsam is dissolved and the object liberated, and a fresh mount- ing made. If the object be large, it must be mounted in a cell. A glass ring (sold in the shops) of suitable thickness must first be cemented to the slide by balsam; more balsam is then added until the cavity is filled, the object next added, and the cover applied. If the object be minute, its removal for maceration in the turpentine is not requisite, and might entail the loss of the object. It must then be laid upon a slide, a drop or two of turpentine added, and the whole warmed until no air-bubbles are visible. The cover is then removed, most of the tur- pentine drained off, balsam added from the warmed wire, and the cover applied as be- fore : or balsam niav be placed upon the slide near the margin of the applied cover ; and on applying a continued gentle heat it will find its way under the cover, and replace the turpentine as it evaporates. If air-bubbles remain in parts of a minute object, a cover should be applied, turpentine added, and the slide held over a lamp until the turpentine boils, and the bubbles dis- appear on cooling. The cover is then re- moved, most of the turpentine allowed to evaporate, the balsam added, and the cover re-applied. Gum dammara may be used in the same manner as Canada balsam. Gum and Glycerine. Objects which can- not be conveniently dried may be mounted in a solution of gum-arabic in glycerine ; the manipulations are much the same as with balsam, except that no heat is re- quired. Glycerine jelly is often used. Mounting in Liquid. The structure of many objects is so altered by drying that they require to be mounted in some preser- vative liquid. These, if of considerable size, must be mounted in glass cells. The cells may consist of glass rings, i. e. portions cut transversely from pieces of glass tubes, of various sizes, according to the dimensions of the objects. In using these, the ring is first warmed in the flame of a spirit-lamp, being held by steel forceps ; one of the ground surfaces of the ring is then covered with marine glue or balsam pre- viously melted in the same flame ; the sur- face of the slide to which the ring is to be cemented is then heated in the flame, and whilst it is hot the surface of the ring coated with the melted cement is applied to it, and the ring pressed firmly, so as to displace the superfluous portions. When cold, these are to be removed with the point of a knife; sometimes a little solution of potash, oil of turpentine, or naphtha is required for this purpose. The cell is then complete, ex- cepting the lid or cover, which consists of a circular plate of thin glass, of slightly less diameter than that of the outer margin of the glass ring. The cell is now to be filled with the preservative liquid, the object placed in it, and the cover applied, being made to slide over the upper surface of the ring, so as to displace any excess of liquid, and prevent the admission of air-bubbles. If the quantity of liquid first put into the cell be not sufficient, more must be added, until slight excess is present; the superfluous portions may be removed by a piece of blot- ting-paper, and the margin of the cover and ring very carefully wiped clean with a silk handkerchief, so that the surfaces may be free from all traces of the preservative liquid. The exposed parts of the upper surface of the glass ring, and the adjacent margins of the cover, are then to be coated lightly with one of the liquid cements, by means of a camel's-hair pencil ; and when the first coat is dry, another must be laid on, so that the edges of the cover and the adjacent parts of the glass ring may be firmly cemented toge- ther, and the cell completely closed, to pre- vent the evaporation or the contained liquid. The important points in this process are, PRESERVATION. [ 634 ] PRESERVATION. that the heated cement used to fasten the ring to the slide must accurately coat every portion of the two surfaces in apposition, and that the surfaces to which the liquid cement is applied must be perfectly clean and dry, so that the cement may come into contact with the surfaces of the glass. Rings of India-rubber and gutta-percha are very useful instead of glass. When the objects are very large, the rings may be conveniently replaced by cells constructed of slips of glass, arranged so as to constitute four sides of a box, the bottom of the box being formed by the slide, and the top by a plate of thin glass : the pieces should be cemented together by marine glue. Smaller cells may be made with marine glue, melted, dropped upon a slide and flat- tened whilst warm with a piece of wetted glass, the superfluous portions and central portion cut away with a knife. Should the marine glue become loosened from the slide, it may be re-fastened by heat ; and if the upper surface be not perfectly flat, it may be made so by grinding with emery-powder and water upon a plate of metal or upon a stone. Minute objects may be mounted in liquid in a variety 'of ways, the choice of which will vary with their nature. They are generally mounted in shallow cells, the sides of which are formed by varnish. The old method consisted in placing the object upon a slide, adding a drop or two of the preservative liquid, applying the glass cover, adding more of the liquid, or removing excess with blotting-paper, until the space between the slide and cover was accurately filled, then applying to the mar- gin of the cover and the adjacent portions of the slide a coat of some liquid cement, as gold-size, asphalt solution, black japan, &c. Objects thus mounted keep well for a time; but the cement soon apparently runs into the space between the cover and the slide, and the object becomes spoiled. It is often requisite, however, to mount an object in this way, which may be lying upon a slide, perhaps in some peculiar position which it is important for it to retain ; when this is the case, the electrical cement with balsam and tallow should be used; and there is less fear of change, provided spirit be not used as the preservative liquid. Whenever it is possible, then, a cell- wall should be previously formed, by laying a ring or square of one of the liquid cements upon the slide with a camel's-hair pencil, and applying a continued heat until it be- comes thoroughly hard when cold. The cements generally used aro : asphalt solu- tion ; gold size with which a little finely powdered litharge has been well mixea, immediately applied, as it soon hardens ; sealing-wax varnish ; solution of marine glue in naphtha, or of Canada balsam in benzole or chloroform, or the balsam alone. Allport's liquid marine glue is very useful. If the upper surfaces of the rings or squares formed of these compounds, when thoroughly dry and hard, be not perfectly flat, they may be made so by grinding alone, or with emery and water, upon a piece of metal, marble, or a stone. The object is then placed in the cell, the preservative liquid added, and the cell closed as above de- scribed. The following are the most important preservative liquids and compounds : Thwaites's liquid is thus prepared : to 16 parts of distilled water add 1 part of rectified spirit, and a few drops of creosote sufficient to saturate it; stir-in a small quan- tity of prepared chalk, and then filter. With this liquid mix an equal measure of camphor- water, and before using, strain through fine muslin. Used for preserving freshwater Algae, as having but little action upon the endochrome. Haifa's liquid. Prepared with bay-salt and alum, of each a grain, distilled water 1 oz. ; dissolve. Forms a readily prepared substitute for the former in the preservation of the Algae (Desmidiacese). Hantzsch, quoted by Carpenter, produced a fine preservative medium for minute A.lgae ; composed of 3 parts of alcohol, 2 of distilled water, and 1 of glycerine ; and the object, laid in a cement-cell, is covered with a drop, and placed under a bell-glass. Al- cohol and water evaporate, and leave the glycerine: more is added time after time, and the cell is thus filled. Acetate of alumina. 1 part of the salt to 4 parts of distilled water. Topping finds this the best preservative for delicate vege- table colours. Distilled water. Very often usd for preserving Algae ; but perhaps camphor- water would be better. Camphor-water is prepared by digesting distilled water with a lump of camphor. Spirit and water. Proof-spirit is prepared by mixing 5 measures of rectified spirit with 3 of distilled water. It is frequently PRESERVATION. [ 035 ] PRESERVATION. used for preserving' animal structures, or- gans, injections, &c. Delicate preparations may "be kept in a mixture of 1 part of spirit with 5, or even 10, parts of water, Dilute spirit should never be used as a pre- servative when it can possibly be avoided, on account of its action upon the cements. Methylated spirit is very useful, on account of its cheapness and strength ; may be used when diluted in preserving large specimens of animal tissue. Creosote water is prepared by filtering a saturated solution of creosote in rectified spirit, mixed with 20 parts of water. It is recommended for preserving preparations of muscle, cellular tissue, tendon, cartilage, &c. Arsenious acid. A preservative liquid is made of this substance by boiling excess of the acid with water, filtering the solution, and adding 2 parts of water. It is a very good preservative of animal tissues. Arse- nite of potash, 1 part dissolved in 160 of water has been found useful for preserving the primitive nerve-tubes. Corrosive sublimate. A dilute solution of this substance is useful in the case of the blood-corpuscles, nerve, muscular fibre, &c. Salt (chloride of sodium) and water, 5 gr. to the ounce, was long since recommended for the preservation of tissues, but is not much used, because fungi are apt to grow in it, which might, however, be prevented by saturating it with camphor by digestion. Corti has found a tolerably concentrated solution the best preservative for the delicate structures and nerve-cells of the internal ear. Carpenter recommends sea-water, with one tenth part of alcohol and one tenth of glycerine, for preserving the delicate marine organisms. Carbonate of potash. 1 part dissolved in from 200 to 500 of distilled water, is a good preservative of the primitive nerve-tubes. Solution of acetate of potash is also useful. Glycerine. This is the most valuable of all liquids for vegetable preparations, which may be closed air-tight or not at pleasure. Dissections covered with a glass may be left in it from day to day, remaining un- changed and always ready for examina- tion. Objects may be mounted in it, as with chloride of calcium. It is one of the most valuable fluids for the preservation and preparation also of animal tissues. Camphor- water and naphtha and water may be added. Glycerine and Gum (FarranCs com- pound). Pure gum-arabic I oz., glycerine 1 oz., water 1 oz., arsenious acid 1^ grain; dissolve the arsenious acid in the water, then the gum, without heat, add the gly- cerine, and incorporate with great care to avoid forming bubbles. Gum-water (see CEMENTS). The solu- tion should be very thick, so as to flow with difficulty from the end of a wire. It may be used like balsam, but without heat. The residue is very apt to crack when dry ; this may be prevented by applying a thick coat- ing of varnish around its margins. Chloride of calcium (CALCIUM, chloride of). Objects may be mounted in this solu- tion without closing the cell, by pasting two narrow strips of paper transversely upon a slide, leaving a greater interval than the breadth of the object ; the latter is then laid upon the slide, a small quantity of the solu- tion added, and a cover applied. The solu- tion must not touch the paper. The cover may be fixed to the paper on the slide by the electrical cement with balsam and tallow. It is best, however, to close the cell. Chloride of zinc. This is an excellent pre- servative of animal tissues for microscopic examination. It exerts a slight coagulating action, but this is not sufficient to seriously impair the peculiarities of the objects, and large portions of all structures which may require to be examined should be kept in it. The ordinary strength is 20 grs. of the fused chloride to the 1 oz. of water. A lump of camphor should be kept floating upon the surface of the solution in the stock-bottle. Goadby's solutions. These are of three kinds. The first (A) is made with bay- salt (coarse sea-salt) 4 oz., alum 2 oz., cor- rosive sublimate 2 grains, boiling water 1 quart. This is too strong for most pur- poses, and is only to be employed where great astringency is required to give form and support to delicate structures. The second (B) is made with bay-salt 4 oz., alum 2 oz., corrosive sublimate 4 gr., water 2 quarts. This is recommended for general use, and as best adapted for perma- nent preparations. Mr. Thwaites uses it for marine Algae j but we have found chloride of calcium answer for this purpose, and it is much more secure. Schultze recommends it for preserving Medusa, Echiuodermata, Annelid larvae, Entomostraca, Diatomacese, Foraniinifera, and Polycystina, both the hard and the soft parts, and advises the use of glycerine afterwards to produce transparence. When carbonate of lime exists in the PRESERVATION. [ 636 ] PRESERVATION. E reparations, as in the Mollusca, the fol- )wing (C) should be used : take of bay- salt 8 oz., corrosive sublimate 2 grains, water 1 quart. Marine animals require a stronger liquid (D) of this kind, made by adding about 2 oz. more salt to the last. Pacini's modification is made with corro- sive sublimate 1 part, chloride of sodium 2 parts, glycerine 13 parts, and distilled water 113 parts. The mixture should be kept for two months ; and in use, 1 part should be diluted with 3 parts of water, and filtered. It is good for the preservation of blood-corpuscles, nerves, ganglia, and morbid cell-structures. Salicylic acid. Edwards found that a saturated solution kept Volvox well. Deane's compound. This is made with gelatine 1 oz., honey 5 oz., water 5 oz., rectified spirit \ ox., and 6 drops of creosote. The gelatine is soaked in the water until soft, the honey added, the mixture then boiled, and when it has cooled somewhat, the creosote mixed with the spirit added ; lastly, it is filtered through fine flannel. This is used warm. That preservative liquid should always be chosen which exerts least action upon the structure of the object which it is requnded to preserve. If drying the object does not destroy its peculiar structure, and the object is not very transparent, the balsam should be used. If the structure be destroyed by the pro- cess of drying, and the object be not impaired by endosmosis, the chloride of calcium or glycerine is best. Other circumstances may render these preservatives desirable: thus the minute parts of the mouth of the Aca- rina are best seen and preserved in balsam, whilst the general form of the body is best retained when the animals are immersed in chloride of calcium or glycerine. Objects to be mounted in a preservative liquid should be placed in a watch-glass. If they are alive they maybe placed in water, and as much of this as possible should be poured off or removed with a pipette or blotting-paper, and the preservative liquid added, and this operation repeated that the water may be entirely displaced. The liquid cements used to close the cell should be applied in several layers, each being allowed to dry before the next is applied. The preservative liquid must not be capa- ble of exerting any action upon the cements used in making or closing the cell. If chloride of calcium or glycerine be used as the preservative liquid, when the first coat of liquid cement used to close the cell has become dry, the slide and cover should be washed gently with a sponge and di- stilled water, then dried with blotting-paper or a silk handkerchief, and the next coat of varnish applied. The great difficulty is to permanently preserve moist objects; for whatever may be the cement used, watery liquids almost invariably escape in time, although the pre- parations may remain good for some years. No perfect cement is known, which on thoroughly drying retains its hold on the slide. Objects mounted in glycerine keep best ; but in many instances the structure is entirely destroyed by it. This difficulty may be often overcome, by adding very diluted glycerine to the object at first, replacing it gradually by stronger as the water evapo- rates, until at last the object becomes really mounted in pure glycerine. Many moist objects may also be mounted in balsam or dammara-solution, by first macerating them in weak alcohol, then in stronger, next in oil of cloves, and finally in balsam. Even objects mounted in balsam are not safe ; for when the balsam becomes really dry, it separates from the slide, and air runs in. Balsam thinned with turpentine, and gradually added, perhaps with the aid of gentle heat, will, however, restore the ori- ginal condition. And the cement around older objects should be varnished occa- sionally with dilute balsam or dammara- benzole solution. The deeper the cell, the less the chance of the object being spoiled. As soon as objects are mounted, the slides should be labelled with a square or circular piece of paper pasted upon them, the name and other particulars being expressed in writing. The name &c. may also be written upon slides with a diamond : but the paper labels should always be used; otherwise much time will be lost in search- ing for and distinguishing particular objects in the cabinet. For preserving dried plants from mould and insects, the old method was to brush them with a solution of a grain or two of corrosive sublimate dissolved in an ounce of spirit. The " Kew mixture" for the same purpose, is made with corrosive sub- limate and crystallized carbolic acid, of each \ oz., methylated spirit a pint. Perhaps PRIMITIA. [ 637 ] PRIMORDIAL UTRICLE. |- of this strength is sufficient for general use. The same may be applied to insects in the cabinet, by means of a hair-pencil. Berkeley points oat that carbolic acid alters the colour of some fungi. BIBL. Treatise upon the Microscope (IxmoD.) ; Corti, Sieb. und Kott. Zeit. iii. 134; Goadby, Amer. J. xiii. 15; Davies- Matthews, Mounting ; Mohl, Bot. Zeit. xv. 249 ; Beale, How ; Carpenter, Microscope ; Frey, Mikr. ; Strieker, Hist. ; Heys and Hepworth, Tr. Mic. Soc. 1865 ; Lawrence, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1859, 257 ; Walmsley, Mn. Mic. Jn. i. 380; Bastian, ibid. i. 94; Mouchet, ibid. iii. 75 ; Bachrnann, Anf. mik. Prdparat. PRIMI'TIA, J. & H. A small fossil Ostracode with suboblong valves, impressed with a variable furrow or pit in the medio- dorsal region. Forty species in the Silurian rocks of Britain, Europe, and America. BIBL. Jones & Hall, Ann. N. H. 3. xvi. 415. PRIMORDIAL UTRICLE. This term indicates a peculiar portion of the contents of the cellulose sac constituting a vegetable cell. As the formations comprehended under this name are of great importance in the development of vegetable cells, a little detail must be entered into in explaining the subject. If a cell of the pulp of any succulent fruit, a cell of yeast, or cells in sections taken from the delicate nascent tissues of any growing part of plants, are placed in water, the entire contents will soon be seen to retract from the cellulose wall, leaving a clear space, filled with transparent liquid, between the latter and a sharply defined line bounding the contracted or coagulated contents (PI. 47. figs. 1, 2, 10-12). The addition of tincture of iodine makes the conditions still more clear. If the parent cells of pollen-grains or spores are treated thus, just before the development of the cellulose wall of the special parent cells (see POLLEN), the four portions of the contents of the parent cell contract and separate, and each portion, containing its own granular structures and nucleus, appears bounded by a well-defined line (fig. 607). This well- defined line presents in this condition the appearance of a delicate membrane or pel- licle enclosing the entire contents. The action of acids, or spirit, and iodine, reveals the existence of a similar set of conditions in all actively vegetating cells ; and in most cases a more or less thick viscous layer of the protoplasm is found lining the cellulose wall before the application 01 the reagents. Since the line indicating the boundary of the contents cannot be distinctly seen until the contents have retracted from the cellu- lose wall, and since the protoplasm is always coagulated by the action of the reagents, it Fig. 607. Fig. 608. CM. p Fig. 607. Parent cells of pollen-grains just after the separation of the contents into four portions, treated with iodine. CM, the parent cell. P, the protoplasmic portions, each with a nucleus and a well-defined outline at the surface of the primordial utricle. Magnified 250 diameters. Fig. 608. Cells of Protococcus multiplying. The green granular contents are bounded by the definite outline of the primordial utricle : the primary and secondary cellulose parent-cell membranes are represented as separated from each other. Magnified 400 diameters. is a subject of discussion whether the film forming the well-defined line on the surface of the contracted contents is a true struc- ture, or only a pellicle produced by the coagulation of the surface of the protoplasm, just as a "skin" forms over size, or other similar substances when they dry up in the air. Very young cells often appear filled with a dense protoplasm (young antheridial cells of Cryptogamia, embryo-sacs of many flowering plants, cells about to produce zoospores in the Confervoids, &c.), which may produce numerous new cells by merely breaking up into separate portions; and thus the function of the primordial utricle is shared by tKe entire mass of contents. Young cells of nascent tissues, presenting this condition at first, acquire the primor- dial utricle afterwards, simply by the dense contents becoming excavated as the cell- wall expands, and following this in its growth, so that the originally dense homo- geneous mass becomes a hollow sphere with the centre occupied by watery cell- sap; in other cases the originally homo- geneous protoplasm becomes excavated by numerous water-vesicles, and thus honey- combed, until it forms a mere reticulation of protoplasmic threads upon the wall or stretched across the cavity. The proto- plasmic layer lying upon the wall of the PRITCHARDIA. [ 638 ] PROSTHEMIUM. cell presents a complex arrangement in some cases : Braun correctly distinguishes three layers in Hydrodictyon ; there are three in Chara, where the intermediate one contains the chlorophyll-granules, and the innermost forms the circulating mass; a distinct layer is left after the discharge of the zooapores in Cladophora, &c. Thus, as explained under the head of CELL-forina- tion, the primordial utricle or formative protoplasmic layer is the active agent in cell-division, and the layer forming the surface of the isolated portions of contents of parent cells produces the new cell-wall in all cases of free-cell formation, whether taking place in parent cells, or, as in the case of the zoospores of Algae, after escape from the latter. Strassburger describes the primordial utricle as being radiately striated, especially when treated with osmic acid. In many of the Algae, some of the indivi- dual cells regularly exist for a certain period as masses of protoplasm devoid of a cellulose coat, as, for example, the spores of Fucus \ and its allies, and the active zoospores of Conferyoids; and these bodies, although presenting a well-defined outline, do not appear to have a properly developed mem- brane on the surface, which merely appears to be denser than the semifluid central por- tion. These bodies withdraw themselves evidently from the definition of a vegetable cell as ordinarily given; nevertheless they constitute all the essential living part of a vegetable cell, and indicate most clearly the undoubted fact that the cellulose walls, that is to say all the really solid and per- manent portions of vegetable structure, are mere skeleton or shell for the protoplasmic or nitrogenous structures. BIBL. Mohl, Bot.Zeit.\\. 273; Vcrmischte Schrift. 362; Henfrey, Ann. N. H. xviii. 364; Nageli, Zeitschr. wiss. Sot. 1844 & 1846; Braun, Verj'iing., Hay Soc. 1853, 121 ; Cohn, Nova Acta, xxii. 605 ; Prings- heim, Bild. d. Pftanzenzelle, 1854 ; Hartig, Bot. Zeit. xiii. 393 ; Criiger, ibid. 601 ; Sachs, Bot. 43 ; Henfrey-Masters, Bot. 495. PRITCHAR'DIA, Raben A genus of Diatomaceae, comprising certain species of Nitzschia and Synedra. (Rabenht. Alg. i. 162.) PROBOSCEL'LA, Kt. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria. Elongate-clavate, compressed, with aii apical hook; mouth ventral ; an undulating membrane between the front and mouth; with one or more caudal setae. P. vermina ; marine length 1-250". PROEMBRYO. The term applied to the structure first produced from the ger- minal vesicle of Flowering Plants, after im- pregnation, consisting of the suspensor and the embryonal cell at its extremity. The proembryos of the Gymnosperms are espe- cially remarkable (see OVULE). The same term is often incorrectly applied to the pno- THALLIUM, the cellular structure first pro- duced in the germination of the spores of the higher Flowerless Plants. PROROCEN'TRUM, Ehr. A genus of Cilio-flagellate Infusoria. Char. No eye-spot ; carapace smooth, terminating in a point in front; flagellum single. P. micans (PI. 31. figs. 70 & 71), ovate, greatly compressed ; length 1-430". BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 44 ; Clap, et Lach. Infus. 411 ; Kent, Inf. 461. PROR'ODON, Ehr. A genus of Holo- trichous Infusoria, family Trachelina. Char. Body covered with vibratile cilia, truncate in front ; mouth with a cylinder of teeth ; freshwater. Species numerous. P. teres (PI. 31. fig. 72). Body ovate, terete, white. Length 1-140". BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 315; Clap, et Lach. Infus. 318 ; Kent, Inf. 491. PROSEN'CHYMA. See TISSUES, Ve- getable. PROSTHE'MIUM, Kunze. A genus of Melanconiei (Coniomycetous Fungi), growing upon the branches of trees, form- ing circular depressed spots ; the perithecia Fig, 609. Prostheminm betnlinum. Spores and paraphyses seen in a vertical section of frut. Magnified 200 diams. enclose erect articulated filaments bearing radiating tufts of two or three septate spores (fig. 609). P. hetulinum occurs upon the bark of the branches of the birch tree. The species are mere forms of Sphceriacei. PROTAMCEBA. [ 639 ] PROTOCOCCUS. BIBL. Berkeley, Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 297. PROTAMCE'BA, Haeckel. A genus of Protista. Char. A simple shapeless protoplasm- bodv without vacuoles, with simple pseudo- podia, not ramifying nor anastomosing ; re- production by fission. Species. Protamceba primitiva. Proto- plasm-body of 0-03-0*05 millim. diameter, continually varying in form, with one or several (3 to 6) peripheral pseudopodia. Processes short, rounded, obtuse, finger- shaped, at most as long as the diameter of the central body. Freshwater, near Jena. (Haeckel, Gen. Morphol. 1866, i. 133.) PROTEA'CE^E. -A family of Dicotyle- donous plants, mostly from New Holland or the Cape, shrubs or small trees (Banksia, Grevillea, Hakea, &c.), of remarkably rigid, evergreen habit. The coriaceous leaves are well suited for the study of the epidermal structures; and the stomata have interesting peculiarities (see STOMATA). The epider- mis is often scurfy with scattered hairs, some of which are of curious forms (PI. 28. fig. 29). PROTEONTNA, Williamson. A simple Arenaceous Foraminifer ; a feeble Lituola of the Haplophragmium group. BIBL. Williamson, For am. 1 j Carpenter, For. 309. PROTEUS. An old name applied to certain Infusoria, as Amoeba &c. Also a genus of Amphibia with large blood-cor- puscles. PROTHAL'LUS on PROTHALLIUM. The structure resulting from the germi- nation of the spores of the Cryptogainia, in which the female, and sometimes the male organs are formed. See MARSILEACE.E, LYCOPODIACEJE, EQUISETACEJE, and FKKNS. PROTISTA, Haeckel. A kingdom of organic nature supposed to be intermediate between the animal and vegetable king- doms, and comprising the so-called lowest forms of life. It is divided into the follow- ing groups : / 1. G-ymnomonera (Protogenes, Pro- tamceba, &c.). I. Monera. -< 2. Lepomonera (Protomonas, Vavfi- pyrella,Protomyxa,Myxastrum, ( &c.). /I. Nudiflagellata (Euglena, Spon- TT KMo/roii fa J dylomorum, &c.). II. Flagellate... 2 Cili * flagellata (/^YKnfrm, Ce- (. ratium, &c.). III. Labyrinthulea (Ldbyrinthula). IV. Diatomea (Bacillaria). VIII. Protoplasta (Amoeboida).* {1. Chrysococcacea (Glce- ocapsa, Merismopce- dia, &c.). 2. Oscillarinea (Nostocha- cea,Rivulariacea, &c.). 1. Phycomycetes (Saprolegniece , Mu- corinece, &c.). 2. Hypodermiee ( Uredince, Ustilagince, VI. Fungi, -j g Basid'iomycetes (Hymenomycetes , Gastromycetes, &c.). 4. Ascomycetes (Protomycetes, Disco- \ mycetes, &c.) VII. Myxomycetes (Mycetozoa). /I. Gymnamcebae (Autamaba, &c.). 2. Lepamcebae (Ar- cella, Diffiugia, &c.). 3 G-regarirse ^ (Grregarina) . IX. Noctilucee Noctiluca. (I. Acyttaria (Monothalamia and Polythalamia). X. Eliizopoda. -| 2. Heliozoa (Actinosphcerium'). 3. Eadiolaria (Monocytharia and ( Polycytharia). BIBL. Haeckel, Gen. Morph. ; Mon. Mo- neren, Jenai. Zeit. 6. iv. 1 ; Biol. Studien, 1 ; Wright and Kirby, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869 & 1871 ; Kent, Inf. 44. PROTOCOC'CUS, Ag. A genus of Vol- vocineae (Confervoid Algae), at present very imperfectly known, since without a toler- ably complete history of the development of the forms it is impossible to distinguish the true species of Protococcus from the young states of the more complicated Pal- mellaceaB, and even from the germinating gonidia of the Lichens. As we have limited it, Protococcus includes those unicellular Algae which in the aquatic state consist of single zoospore-like bodies, with a more or less evident gelatinous cellulose envelope through which the two cilia protrude. They move actively, and are multiplied by division during the active state. Finally they settle down into a resting-stage j and they may then increase by vegetation so as to form granular patches. Mostly, however, those which settle down turn red and ac- quire a thick coat, passing through a stage of rest before they germinate again, appa- rently requiring to be dried up first. When they germinate, they frequently produce many generations of still forms before the active ciliated forms reappear, especially when placed on damp surfaces, and not in water. When placed in favourable circum- stances, the resting-f orms (even after several years) recommence the course of vegeta- tion, reacquiring the green colour by de- grees in the course of several generations of vegetative cells. The contents of the red PROTOCOCCUS. [ 640 ] PROIOMYCES. form appear to consist partly of oil-glo- bules ; in the green form the protoplasmic substance is coloured by chlorophyll; and at a certain stage contains starch. We have traced P. viridis through all these stages, as represented in PI. 7. fig. 2 a-y : a most elaborate monograph of P. pluvialis by Cohn goes to establish the same conclusion, that the genus Hcematococcus is founded on states of Protococcus. The P. viridis of our figures is undoubtedly Clila- midomonas, synonymous with Diselmis, Du- jardin. This form appears at first sight nearly allied to Euglena-, but there are striking differences in the appearance and movements of the active forms, and the vegetative forms are somewhat different. It may be remarked, however, that the zoospores of Protococcus viridis, allowed to dry upon a slide, often turn red and look just like small Astasice (PI. 7. fig. 2#). We have remarked under PALMELLA, that the Polar red snow appears to be a Palmella (PI. 7. fig. 3d), although this species has been called Protococcus and Hcematococcus nivalis ; and it appears to us that Shuttleworth and others have con- founded this with Protococcus pluvialis. Hassall's species of Hcematococcus, nos. 8 to 19, with the exception of H. vulyaris (Chlo- rococcum) (PI. 7. fig. 1), are probably con- generic with our P. viridis. Our P. viridis makes its appearance com- monly on damp earth, sand, &c., forming a greenish coat of no perceptible thickness; and the zoospores (Chlamidomonas) occur constantly in standing pools in spring and autumn, tinging the surface of the water bright green, and, as they settle to rest, forming a kind of green scum at the mar- gins, constituting the green matter of Priestley. Cells of resting-fonn 1-2400" in diameter. P. pluvialis colours water red in like manner ; it occurs on mountains, especially in melted snow-water. Cells of reating-form 1-1250 to 1-625" in diameter. Similar colorations, however, are produced by various other organisms (see WATER}. It may be observed that when the active forms of P. viridis and P. pluvialis divide without coming to rest, they produce forms which are undistinguishable from many of Ehrenberg's species of Polygastrica. When they acquire a loose cellulose coat before losing their cilia, they represent Gyges ; at other times they resemble Chlorogonium, Uvella, Polytoma, Monas, Bodo, &c. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Alg. 1. 180 ; Hassall, Fr. Ala. 321 ; Meneghini, Tr. Turin Ac. 2. v. 1 ; Cohn, Nova Acta, xxii. 605, Ray Soc. 1853, 514; Von Flotow, Nova Acta, xx. 414; Braun, Verjunyuny, Ray Soc. 1853, 206 ; Nageli, Einzelliye Algen ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 196 ; Tab. Phyc. i. ; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 56 ; Cooke, Fr. ivat. Algce, 1882. See also RED SNOW. PROTODER'MA, Ktz. A genus of Ul- vacese (Confervoid Algae). Char. Cells forming a thin ineinbrano- crustaceous expansion ; they are roundish angular. P. viride (PL 3. fig. 18), fresh- water; on stones; cells 1-300". BIBL. Ktz. Phyc. Gen. 295 ; Rabenht. Alg. iii. 307. PROTOG'ENES, Haeckel. A genus of Protista. Char. A simple shameless protoplasm body without vacuoles, which protrudes ramify- ing and anastomosing processes, and repro- duces itself by fission. Protogenes primor- dialis. Body sometimes globular,from 1-200- 1-25" diameter, sometimes extended and flattened out, with irregular outline, to 1-10" diameter; pseudopodia exceedingly nume- rous, over a thousand, very fine, with very numerous ramifications and anastomoses. Mediterranean. BIBL. Haeckel, Zeitschr. iviss. Zool. xv. 1865, 360. PROTOHY'DRA, Greef. A genus of Zoophytes. Like Hydra', but simpler in structure, as it has no tentacles. Reproduc- tion by transverse fission ; nematophores and pigment-cells present. BIBL. Greef, Sieb. u. Kdll. Zeit. i. 1870; Qu. Mic. Jn. 1870, 297. PROTOM'ONAS, Haeckel. A genus of Protista. Char. A simple protoplast, without vacuoles, simple or ramifying pseudopodia. Reproduction by zoospores, which combine into meshes or plasmodia. Protomonas amyli. In decaying Nitella. (Haeckel, Gen. Morph. vol. ii. 23, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869.) PROTOM'YCES, linger. A genus of Fungi, the affinities of which are very doubtful ; placed in Ascomycetes by Sachs, but apparently forming a degraded branch of Phycomycetes. They grow in the inter- cellular passages of leaves and leaf-stalks. According to De Bary, these Fungi consist of ramified filaments creeping between the cells of soft tissues, and swelling up at inter- vals (apparently where they meet an inter- cellular space large enough), to form globular PROTOMYXA. [ 641 ] PROTOZOA. spores : a filament with several spores in course of division appears like a varicose tube ; it is septate, however ; and when the globular spores are mature, they have a double coat; in P. macrosponts the diameter of the ripe spore is about 1-5000". When advanced in age, the mycelium appears to be whollv converted into spores, which become free. The existence of these Fungi is ren- dered more or less evident externally by w.irtv projections of the epidermis, finally bursting. Unger describes four species P. macrosponis occurring on JEyopodium and Angelica, P. endoyenus (Galii) occurring on Gcdiuin mollugo, P. microsporus on Ranun- culus repens, and P. Paridis on Paris qua- dnfolia. De Bary found a species on Me- ni/anthes, with oval spores 1-800" long- and 1-1300" broad. A species (P. cancomitaw) has lately been found on exotic Orchids. BIBL. "linger, Exanthem. d. Pftanz, 341 ; Da Bary, Brandpilze, 15, pis. 1 & 2, and Beitmge,\. 1864; Leveille, Ann. So. Nat. 3. viii. 374; Tulasne, ibid. vii. 112; Fries, Sum. Veq. 517. PROTOMYX'A, Haeckel. A genus of Protista. Char. A simple shapeless mass of proto- plasm, with vacuoles, which protrudes rami- fying and anastomosing pseudopodia. Re- production by zoospores, forming plas- modia. Protomyxa aurantiaca, orange-red ; resting condition globular, with a thick structure- less covering. Zoospores pear-shaped, with a strong flagellum at the pointed end, at first moving like the zoospores of the Myxo- mycetes, afterwards creeping like an Amoeba. On empty shells of Spinda ; Canary Islands. (Haeckel, Gen. Morph. ; Bronn, Klass. fyc.) PROTOMYXOMY'CES, Cunn. A genus of Myxomycetes. P. coprinarius, in the intestines of man, cows &c. ; amoeboid bodies not uniting. (Cunningham, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1881 ; Kent, Inf. 472.) PROTOPLASM. The name applied by Mohl to the colourless or yellowish, homo- geneous or granular viscid substance, of nitrogenous constitution, which constitutes the formative substance in the contents of vegetable cells, in the condition of gelatinous strata, reticulated threads, and nuclear aggre- gations &c. It is the same substance as that termed by Dujardin in animals SARCODE. Protoplasm is the simplest form which organized matter can assume, and which, without any other material peculiarities except a certain softness, transparency, and jelly-like condition, is capable of contracting, expanding, and assimilating. It is common to the animal and vegetable kingdoms. See CELL, SARCODE, and PRIMORDIAL UTRICLE. PROTOSPON'GIA, Kt A genus of Choano-flagellate Infusoria. Ovate, imbed- ded in a gelatinous matrix ; flagellum single. P. Haeckelii ; length 1-3000' ; freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 363.) PROTOZO'A. A Subkingdom of the Animal Kingdom, characterized by the absence of distinct organs, the form and simple organization being reduced to those of a cell (Siebold). If the above definition be adopted, it must be remembered that the cell may be represented by the cell-contents only ; and these we believe to constitute the essential part of a cell (see Edition 1856), which is now generally admitted. The Protozoa form the lowest group of the Animal Kingdom. They are mostly minute, and aquatic, consisting of a mass of gelatinous protoplasm or sarcode. This is usually granular, often containing minute globules of fat, sometimes minute crystalline particles. Sometimes one or more nuclei are present, often they are absent. The body is naked in some, in others it is enveloped in a carapace or shell, which may be simply membranous, calcareous, as in the Forami- nifera, or siliceous, as in the Polycystina and AcanthometrcB. Movement is effected by pseudopodia, which are short and stout, or long and slender, processes of the protoplasm, sometimes branching and anastomosing to form meshes or plasmodia ; by cilia ; or by flagelliforni filaments. There is no proper gastric cavity. The food-particles are in the lowest forms entangled and brought to the body by the pseudopodia, as in Amceba and Actinophrys &c., or ingested from all parts of the surface ; while in many Infusoria there is a distinct mouth and anus. Contractile vesicles supposed to represent a circulatory apparatus are sometimes, but not always present. Reproduction is produced by fission, by conjugation, or by the breaking-up of the nucleus. The Protozoa approach closely the lower and simpler forms of the Vegetable Kingdom ; and very different views are held as to the characters by which they may be distin- guished, and the organisms which belong to the two kingdoms. An older character was, that animals subsist upon ingested organized matter, while plants prepare their food from un- 2x PSAMMOSP1LKKA. PSILOTE^E. organized materials, as carbonic acid and ammonia. The other, that animals absorb oxygen and evolve carbonic acid, while plants evolve oxygen, cannot be applied generally in the case of these microscopic organisms. But certain Protozoa have no mouth, and cannot admit food-particles like Amoeba, nor can organic matters be eudos- mosed by them. Movement has in late years been shown to be a property of proto- plasm, limited where a cell-wall is present, yet it may be said to be universal. Stein and Kent consider the presence of a contrac- tile vesicle to form a distinctive- character ; but its existence in Volvox, we think must invalidate this view. The chemical property of the protoplasm, that of animals swelling and dissolving in solution of potash or ammonia, while that of plants is apparently unaffected, has also been called in aid ; and this really appears to be the best individual test. Little atten- tion has been paid to this part of the question, so that the older views must remain, until further experiments have been made. See ANIMAL KINGDOM, and the heads of the Classes. BIBL. Siebold, Vergl. An. i. ; Koch, Icon. Hut. 1865 ; Gabriel, Gegenlaurs Morph. Jahrb. 1875 ; Mereschowski, Russl. Arch, mik. An. 1878, xvi. ; Butschli, fironn's Xlass. #c.; Kent,/*/. 1880,31. PSAMMOSPILE'RA, Schultze. An Arenaceous Foraminifer, round, free or attached, made of coarse sand-grains and fine cement ; common in deep seas. (Brady, Qu. Mic. Jn., new ser. xix. 8.) PSECA'DIUM, Reuss. A globose or Glanduline Marginulina. Fossil. BIBL. Reuss, Sits. Ak. Wien, xliv. 368. PSEUDOCALA'NUS, Boeck. A genus of marine Copepoda. 2 sp. (Brady, Copep., Ray Soc. i. 44.) PSEUDOCH'LAMYS, Clap, et Lach. A genus of Arcellina (Rhizopoda). P. ni- tella ; carapace brown, pseuaopodia broad and short ; in ponds. (Claparede et Lachm. Inf. 443.) PSEUDOC YC'LOPS,Brady. A genus of rnarineCopepoda. 2sp. (Brady, Co/we, i. 81.) PSEUBOCYTH'ERE, G. O. Sars. One of the Cytherida-, valves very thin, obliquely quadrangular ; five joints in upper, seven in lower antennae, which are long and have long setaB ; no eyes. 1 British species. BIBL. Brady, Linn. Tr. xxvi. 453. PSEUDODIFFLUGIA, Schlurn, A genus of Arcellina. Char. Shell membranous, ovoid or ovo- globular, smooth or striped spirally, with a wide round opening whence issue pseudo- podia. (Pritchard, Infusoria, p. 557.) PSEUDOGON1DIA A term applied to bodies appearing in the interior of cells of Algae, which are obscure in their nature, being either metamorphosed and isolated masses of protoplasm, or parasitic bodies resembling monads. They are apparently connected with the objects called CHYTIU- DIUM and PYTHIUM. (Cienkowski, Prinys- heim's Jahrb. Sot. i. 371.) PSEUDOG'RAPHIS, Nyl. A genus of Microlichens parasitic on Lecanorae. Char. Spores colourless or becoming brown, 4-6-locular, sometimes becoming submuriform ; slightly blue with iodine. BIBL. Lindsay, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869, 352. PSEUDOPO'DIA are the processes of Ctoplasm which are protruded from the ies of the RHIZOPODA, serving for loco- motion and the prehension of food. PSEUDOS'PORA, Cien. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Body naked, swimming or creeping; flagella two, equal ; no mouth. P. volvoets, on and in Volvox: length 1-1250". (Kent, Inf. 304.) PSEUDOSPORES. The apparent spores of Uredinei and Tremellini, which germinate and produce the real reproductive spores, which are then called spuriola. PSICHOHOR'MIU M, Ktz. This genus consists of species of Conferva, whose iila- ments are more or less incrusted with oxide of iron or carbonate of lime. BIBL. Rabenh. Fl. Evr. Alg. iii. 324. PSILO'NIA, Fr. A genus of Sepedoniei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), consisting of little compact tufts of twisted filaments, at first covering the fusiform, globose, or oval spores, which arise from the wart-like pro- tuberances on the central filaments, and soon become free. They are found on dead w r ood or on reeds. P. nivea, which is com- mon on the bark of beech-trees, is the product of an insect, AdeJgesfagi. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii.'pt. 2. 353 ; Ann. N. H. 2. viii. 179 ; Fries, Sum. Veg. 495. PSILOTE^E. A family of Lycopodia- ceous plants, distinguished by their many- celled sporanges, varying much in habit and external appearance. Synopsis of Genera. Psilotum. Sporanges sessile, three-celled, busting imperfectly into three valves by a vertical crack, filled with mealy spores. PSILOTE.E. [ 043 PTERIDEJ3. Tmesipteria. Sporanges sessile, three- celled, bursting imperfectly into two valves by a vertical crack, tilled with mealy spores. " Isoetfs. Sporanges imbedded in the bases of the leaves, and adnate at the back, not valvate, with several transverse septa ; con- taining two kinds of spores (in distinct spo- rangia). Fig. 610. Psilotum triquetrum. Nat. size. Fig. 611. Fragment of a branch of Psilotum triquetrum. Miigniflcd 10 diameters. PSILOT'RICIIA, St. A genus of lly- potrichous Infusoria. Body oblong, tlatu-ncd, with 2 rows of long ventral, and a peripheral row of setae, but no styles. P. dCMmmoftf, freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 672.) PSILOTUM, Swartz. (Lycopodium n- dum, L.). An exotic genus of Pailotese (Ly- copodiacere), remarkable for their trilocular capsules and minute leaves (tig. 611). PSORO'MA, Nyl. A genus of Lichena- ceous Lichens, with large distinct gonidia. BIBL. Leighton, Lich. Flora, 14',). PSOROP'TES, Gervais. A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Acarea. Char. Body soft, depressed, with rigid hairs beneath, and on the legs. Parasitic upon the horse and sheep, and the ox. P. equi (PI. 6. fig. 18), itch-insect of the horse. Found upon the scaly crusts formed upon the body. Mandibles elongate, didac- tyle, each terminated by two teeth ; palpi three-jointed, and adherent to the labium ; ventral surface covered with parallel undu- lating rugae; at the end of the body are two fleshy lobes, terminated by a tuft of setse. BIBL. Heriug, Nov. Act. xviii. 585; Ger- vais, Walckenaer^s Apttres, iii. 266 ; Uujar- diu, Micr. 147; Murray, EC. Ent. 307; Me'gnin, Paras. 189. PSOROSPERMLE. These bodies were discovered by Mu'ller, and appear to repre- sent the pseudo-navicula3 of the Gregarince of fishes. They are microscopic, oval, depressed, or discoidal corpuscles, with or without a tail, exhibiting no movements, and consisting of a tolerablv firm outer coat, containing one or two oolong contiguous vesicles at that end of the body opposite the tail. They are about 1-2500 to 1-2000" in length, and are contained in immense numbers in minute cysts, in almost every part of the body of fishes, as upon the gills, in the muscles, and between the coats of the eye, in the swim- ming-bladder, &c. Sometimes they are imbedded in a ramified sarcodic mass. Diameter of the cysts on the pike 1-50 to 1-25" ; of the corpuscles, length 1-2000", breadth 1-3500". See PEBRINB. BIBL. Miiller, Archtv, 1841. 477, 1842. 193; Creplin, ibid. 1842. 61; Dujardin, Helminthes, 643; Leydig, Mutt. Archiv, 1851, 221, Mic. Jn. 1853, i. 206; Robin, Vtgtt. Parasit. 2. 291. PTERID'E^. A family of Polypodia- ceous Ferns. Genera : 2x2 PTERIDE^E. [ 644 ] PTEROPTUS. Adiantvm. Sori marginal, linear or glo- bose, numerous and distinct, or confluent. Indusium shaped liked the sorus, formed of the reflexed margin of the fronds, with the capsules beneath. Ochropteris. Sori marginal, transversely oblong, at the apices of the lobes of the segments. Indusium the same shape as the frond, formed of its reflexed margin. Lonchitis. Sori marginal, in the sinuses of the frond, reniform or elongated. Jndusium shaped like the sorus, membranous, formed of the frond. Hypolepis. Sori marginal, in the sinuses of the frond, small, subglobose, uniform. Indusium formed of the reflexed margin, membranous. Cheilanthes. Sori terminal or nearly so on the veins, at first small, subglobose, after- wards confluent. Indusium formed from the changed reflexed margin, roundish, or confluent, not quite continuous. Cassebeera. Sori terminal on the veins, globose or oblong, not reaching beyond the branches of a single vein. Indusium in- serted within the margin, and separate from it, shaped like the sorus. Onychium. Sori on a continuous linear receptacle, connecting the apices of several veins. Indusium parallel with the margin of the segments, linear, opposite, pressed over the sori, the edge nearly or quite reaching the midrib. Llavea. Sori linear, occupying the whole length of the changed pod-like seg- ments of the upper part of the frond. In- dusium the same shape, rolled over and concealing them. Cryptogramma. Sterile and fertile fronds usually different, from the same root ; sori terminal on the veins, at first subglobo.e, then confluent, the continuous indusium formed of the changed inrolled margin of the frond. Pellcea. Sori intramarginal, terminal on the veins, at first dot-like or decurrent on the veins, then running into a line. Indu- sium formed of the more or less changed edge of the frond, continuous, sometimes very narrow. Pteris. Sori marginal, linear, continuous, occupying a slender filiform receptacle in the axis of the indusium. Indusium the shape of the sorus, usually membranous, at first covering it, then spreading. Ceratopteris. Sori placed on two or three veins which run longitudinally down the frond, and which are nearly parallel with both the edge and the midrib. Indu- sium formed of the reflexed margin of the frond, those of the two sides meeting at the midrib. Lomaria. Sori linear, continuous, lon- gitudinal, and occupying the space between the midrib and the edge. Indusium mem- branous, formed of the revolute margin of the frond. PTERIS, Linn. A genus of Pteridese (Polypodiaceous Ferns), represented by one indigenous species, Pteris aqidlina, the com- mon Brake Fern ; numerous tropical species. (Hooker, Syn. 153.) Fig. 612. Pteris. A pinnule with marginal indusiate sori. Magnified 10 diameters. PTEROCOM'MA, Buckt A genus of Aphidse. P. pilosa, on willow-twigs. (Buck- ton, Aphides, Ray Soc. ii. 142.) PTERODI'NA, Ehr. A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Brachionaea. Char. Eyes two, frontal; foot simply styliform. At the end of the tail-like foot is a suctorial disk; jaws with the teeth either arranged in a row, or two teeth only in each. Three species; two freshwater, one marine. P. patina (PI. 44. fig. 20). Testula mem- branous, orbicular, crystalline, roughish near the broad margin ; a depression pre- sent between the rotatory lobes. Fresh- water; length 1-120". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 516 ; Pritchard, Inf. 711. PTEROP'TUS, Dufour. A genus of Acarina (Arachnida), family Gamasea. Char. Body depressed ; last joint of palpi longest; legs stout, with short joints. P. vespertilionis (PI. 6. fig. 39). Found PTERYGIUM. [ 645 ] PUCCINIA. upon bats. Several species have been de- scribed. BIBL. Gervais, Walckenaer's Apteres, iii. 227 ; Duf our, Ann. Sc. N. xvi. 98, xxv. 9 ; Koch, Deutschl. Crustac.; Murray, EC. Ent. 175. PTERYGIUM, Nyl. A genus of Colle- maceous Lichens. 2 species, on calcareous rocks. (Leighton, Lichen Fl. 12.) PTERYGO'NIUM, Sw. A genus of Mosses. See NECKEBA. PTILID'IUM, Nees. A genus of Jun- germanniese (Hepaticse), containing one ele- gant British species, P. ciliare, frequent on heaths and rocks in subalpine districts, but rarely found in fruit. BIBL. Hooker, Br. Fl ii. 126; Br. Jung. pi. 65 ; Ekart, Jung. pi. 5. fig. 36. PTILO'TA, Ag. A genus of Ceramiacese (Florideous Algae), with flat feathery fronds a few inches high; of a deep red colour, growing on Laminariae or Fuci, or on rocks between tide-marks. The fructification consists of: 1. clustered roundish favellce containing spores, terminating the ultimate pinnules, and surrounded by an involucre of subulate ramuli, or naked ; 2. tetrahedral tetraspores on short pedicels fringing the pinnules. Antheridia have not been ob- served. P. plumosa (PI. 4. fig. 16). BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 159, pi. 22 A ; Phyc. Br. pi. 70 ; Greville, Alg. Br. pi. 16 ; Nageli, Algensystem, pi. 6. figs. 38-42. PTYCHOG'RAPHA, Nyl. A genus of Graphidei (Lichenaceous Lichens). 1 sp., on decorticated mountain-ash. (Leighton, Lich. Fl. 392.) PTYCHOS'TOMUM, St. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria. Free, ovate, un- symmetrical, mouth ventral. 2 species, in the intestines of Annulata (Tubifex}, and Mollusca (Paludina). (Kent, Inf. 541.) PTYGU'RA, Ehr. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Ichthydina. Char, Eyes none; no hairs upon the body ; tail-like foot cylindrical, simply trun- cate. Teeth three in each jaw ; anus situated at the end of the tail-like foot. P. melicerta (PL 44. fig. 2 L). Body terete- clavate, turgid in front, hyaline; mouth with two little hook- like horns ; cervical process single and smooth. Freshwater ; length 1-144". Ehrenberg questions whe- ther this is not a young form of another genus. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Inf. 387 ; Hudson, Mn. M. Jn. xiv. 165. PTYXID'IUM, Perty. A genus of Eu- chelia. It should probably be included in LEUCOPHBYS. BIBL. Pritchard, Infusoria, p. 615. PUCCIN'IA, Persobn. A'genus of Ure- dinei (Hypodermous Fungi), containing numerous parasitical species, growing upon the leaves and other herbaceous parts of the higher plants, forming "mildews," and with their Uredinous forms, "rusts" &c. These Fungi have received considerable attention lately from Tulasne, De Bary, and others ; and it appears that the genera Uredo and others have no distinct existence, but are preparatory forms of Puccinia and other genera noticed under UBEDINEI. In the article ^EciDiuM we have described the twofold reproductive structures, namely the spermogoma and the perithecia (figs. 6 & 6 a, p. 19 ; PI. 26. figs. 1-4), producing respect- ively the spermatia (supposed to have the office of spermatozoids) and the spores. In Puccinia three forms of reproductive organs occur : first, spermogonia analogous to those of ALcidium ; then the forms called Uredines (chiefly of the supposed genus TricJiobasis), producing globular unilocular bodies, shortly stalked, and with transparent walls, but with yellow or orange-coloured contents; and lastly the true Puccinics, containing bilocular spores borne on short stalks, and having a dark-brown integument. The latter present remarkable phenomena in germination, which may be best observed in those which sprout without becoming detached from the matrix, such as P. gra- minis, which however remain quiescent until the spring folio wing their development, while P. Glechom&jBuxi, Dianthi, and others germinate in the same summer. The bilo- cular spores have each one pore (analogous to the pores of PoLLEN-grains), from which extends a filamentous process, ultimately giving rise to four short processes, each terminating in a pointed process bearing a sporidium, of more or less curved elliptical form. About the time when these fall off, the filament bearing the four processes be- comes divided by septa into four chambers, but then appears to die. The sporidia ger- minate and produce a filament, which, in- stead of becoming the basis of a mycelium, reproduces a sporidium smaller than the first. More is said respecting these remarkable organisms under the head of UBEDINEI. The PucdnicB present the following ge- neral characters: The spermogonia rare, scattered on either face of the infested leaf. PULKX. [ 046 ] PULKX. with an immersed, ostiolate peridiole, bear- ing long cilia at the mouth ; pale, orange, or blackish in colour. The Uredinous fruits are scattered or grouped in circles, devoid of a proper peridium, hut surrounded some- times by thickish cylindrical paraphyses, very rarely connected below into a mem- brane, forming a kind of ciliated peridium ; the stylospores are round and mostly spinu- lose, with three or four equidistant pores. The Puccineous fruits are also scattered or grouped in circles, sometimes containing only their proper spores, sometimes with Uredinous spores intermixed, destitute of a proper peridium, but, like the Uredines, having sometimes a false envelope formed of confluent paraphyses ; their spores, form- ing the chief distinctive character of the genus, are bttocidar, oblong or globose, rounded-obtuse or acuminate at the apex, smooth or spinulose, the upper loculus with a pore at its summit, the lower with a pore at the upper end of one side (next the septum). These plants occur commonly on the Grasses and many other herbaceous plants, often changing colour during the summer, being yellow or orange when the Uredinous spores are ripe, and afterwards blackish when the Puccineous form is mature. The species are very numerous ; but some of those formerly included under this name are now removed to other genera, such as UromyceSj Triphragmium, &c. (See URE- DINEI.) P. graminis is common on corn and other grasses ( ; among the other frequent species are P. Caricis, Poly- gonorum, Menthte, Anemones, Buxi, c. Robin describes a Pu-ccima, apparently on the authority of Ardsten, a Swedish phy- sician, found upon the human head in FAVUS. From his description it appears to be a true Puccinia, and should hold its place (P. Favi, Ardst.) among the species. But what is more remarkable, it occurs together with Achorion Schosnleinii, the latter presenting itself as a constituent of the cups or crusts, while the Puccinia occurs afterwards on the desquamations of the epidermis. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl li. pt. 2. 363 ; Ann. N. H. vi. 439; ibid. 2. v. 462, xiii. 461; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. vii. 12 ; ibid. 4. ii. 77, 138 & 182 ; LeVeiUe", ibid. 3. viii. 369 ; De Bary, Brand.pilze, 36 ; Fries, Sum. Veg. 513 ; Robin, Vtytt. Parasit. 2. 613 ; Bagnis, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1878, i. 27. PULEX, Linn. (Flea> A genus of In- sects, of the order Siphoraptera (Suctoria or Aphaniptera), and family Pulicidse. Char. As there are only the single family and genus in the order, the characters of the latter are distinctive. Head small (PI. 35. fig. 9), compressed, rounded above, truncate in front, in some species with an inferior pectinate fringe of blackish-brown teeth; eyes one on each side, round, simple, smooth ; behind each eye is a cavity or depression, at the bottom of which the antennae are attached ; an- tennae (figs. 9 a, 12) four-jointed, their form varying in the different species, the third joint very minute, and forming the cup- shaped base of the terminal joint or piece, which in some species is furnished with numerous transverse incisions, representing as many distinct joints; in some the an- tennae extend out of the depression, and are carried erect. Oral appendages (PI. 35. fig. 9 of Punctariaceae (Fucoid Algae), containing three (one doubtful) British species, P. la- tifolia, plantaginea, and tenuissima, growing on rocks and stones, consisting of membra- nous, olive or brown, ribless fronds, 4 to 12" long, 1 to 3" broad, having a shield-like organ of attachment at the base. The fruc- tification consists of sori scattered all over the fronds in minute distinct dots, com- posed of roundish sporanges (producing zoospores) intermixed with paraphyses; these sporanges are called spores in most works. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 41 and Phyc. Brit. ; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 9. PUNCTARIACELE. -A family of Fu- coideae. Root a minute naked disk ; frond cylindrical, or flat, unbranched, cellular, with ovate sporanges intermixed with jointed threads in groups on the surface. British Genera : Punctaria. Frond flat and leaf-like. Sporanges scattered or in sori. Asperococcus. Frond membranous, tubu- lar, either cylindrical or compressed. Spo- ranges in dot-like sori. Litosiphon. Frond cartilaginous, fili- form, subsolid. Sporanges scattered, almost solitary. PUS. Popularly known as " matter;" one of the products of inflammatory exuda- tion. Its general properties are too well known to require description. Pus consists of an albuminous liquid, containing a number of minute corpuscles in suspension. These consist of molecules and granules composed of proteine compounds, fat or the earthy phosphates, globules of fat of very various sizes, and the proper pus-corpuscles or leu- cocytes. Pus-corpuscles (PI. 38. fig. 4) are spherical, from 1-2500 to 1-3500" in dia- meter ; presenting a granular appearance on the surface, and containing a number of larger or smaller granules and a small quantity of liquid. They are undistinguish- able from the white corpuscles of the blood, and may be considered as leucocytes. They possess as protoplasmic masses the power of spontaneous movement ; and migrate in the tissues. They multiply by division. When treated with acetic acid, they swell up, and the granules become excessively transparent, and ultimately vanish (PI. 38. fig. 5), leaving from one to five, generally two or three, round or oval nuclei, which mostly present a dark margin and light centre, giving them a cupped appearance, indicating a diminution of refractive power in the centre. The cupped centre is some- times seen in the nuclei without acetic acid, after the action of water only. In the pus of chronic abscesses, unhealthy ulcers, &c. the corpuscles are often few, de- formed and mixed with numerous granules of proteine, fatty and calcareous matters, crystals of cholesterine, of the ammonio- phosphate of magnesia, and sometimes monads and vibrios ; exudation-corpuscles are occasionally present also. Pyoid corpuscles. Under this term Lebert describes a modification of pus-cor- puscles, consisting of a tolerably transparent envelope, enclosing from eight to ten or more small globules (PI. 38. fig. 6). Acetic acid does not alter them, or at most only renders them slightly more transparent. The small globules are composed of a pro- teine-compound ; for they are soluble in potash. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY, Animal; and Lebert, Phys. Path.-, Rindfleisch, Path. Hist. ; Green, Morb. Anat. See INFLAMMATION. PUSTULIP'ORA, Blainville.-A genus PYCNIDIA. [ 649 ] PYXICOLA. of Infundibulate Cyclostomatous Polyzoa, family Tubuliporidae. Char. Zoary erect, cylindrical ; cells half- immersed, arranged on all sides 5 orifices prominent. Two British species P. proboscidea, and P. deflexa. The latter common on shells from deep water. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 278 ; Gosse, Mar. Zool. ii. 8. PYCNIDIA. A term applied to the receptacles enclosing stylospores in the LICHENS and FUNGI. PYCNOG'OXUM. A genus of Podo- somata, Sea Spiders, which are usually placed amongst the Crustacea, but by some authors amongst the Arachnida. They have no special respiratory organs, and only four pairs of legs. They sprawl over seaweed, and hide under stones. There is a pair of chelate mandibles. PYCXOPHY'CUS, Kiitz. A genus of Fucaceae (Fucoid Algae), containing one British species, P. (Fucus) tuber culatus; re- moved from Fucus on account of its cylin- drical frond, the compact cellular substance of the receptacles, and the ramified fibrous pseudo-root. The fructifications, formed at the ends of the dichotomous lobes of the frond, are elongate, cylindrical, more or less tuberculated, and with numerous pores opening from conceptacles containing spore- sacs and antheridia (together), resembling in general those of Fucus. The spore-sacs are collected at the bottom of the concep- tacles, the antheridia at the upper part. See Fucus. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 18 ; Phyc. Br. 89 ; Decaisne and Thuret, Ann. Sc. N. 3. iii. 5 ; Thuret, ibid. xvi. 10. PYGED'IUM. The last segment of the abdomen of certain insects. It exhibits a curious structure in Pulex (p. 647) ; the same is stated to occur also in Chrysopa, the lace-winged fly, the locust &c. (Davis. Jn. Mic. Soc. 1879, ii. 252.) PYRAMID'IUM, Bridel. A genus of Funariaceae (Acrocarpous Mosses), allied to Funaria in habit, but differing in important points. Pyramidium tetragonum, Brid. = Gymno- stomum tetragonum, Schwagr. PYRENID'lUM, Nyl. A genus of Col- lemaceous Lichens. Char. Thallus minute, stellato-divided ; apothecia pyrenocarpous, verrucarioid. P. actinellum ; on chalk. (Leighton, Lick. Fl. 36.) PYREXODEL A series of Lichenacei. Char. Fructification in closed receptacles. BIBL. Leighton, Lich. Flora, p. 2. PYREXOMYCE'TES. That portion of the Ascomycetous and Coniomycetous Fungi having a closed, nuclear fruit ; standing opposed to the Discomycetes, with open fruits, like the Angiocarpous and Gymno- carpous Lichens. Now sunk in Sphseriacei. PYRENOP'SIS, Nyl. A genus of Col- lemaceous Lichens. 8 species; on rocks. (Leighton, Lich. Flora, 14.) PYRENO'THEA, Fries. A genus of Limborieae (Angiocarpous Lichens), con- taining a number of species separated from Veriucaria, on account of the spores being free in the perithecia and not developed in thecae. The bodies taken for spores, how- ever, are spermatia contained in spermo- gonia, the sporiferous perithecia being apparently unknown (see LICHENS). BIBL. Leighton, Ang. Lichens, 65; Tu- lasne, Ann. Sc. N. 3. xviii. 217. PYRSONE'MA, Leidy. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria. Body fusiform, with a cord-like longitudinal undulating "border. P. vertens, in the intestine of the white aut(Termes); length 1-200". (Kent, Inf. 554.) PYRULI'NA, D'Orb. A neat acuto- pyriform Polymorphina. Fossil in the Chalk, and German Tertiaries. BIBL. D'Orbiguy, Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. iv. 43 ; Bradv, Parker and Jones, Linn. Tr. xxvii. 219. PYTHIUM, Pringsheim. A supposed genus of parasitic Unicellular Algae, the true nature of which, however, is yet doubtful. P. entophytum (PI. 5. fig. 8) occurs in this country in diseased cells of Confervoid Algae. It consists of minute flask-shaped bodies, taking the place of the proper cell- contents, finally pushing the neck-like por- tion through the wall of the cells, outside of which it bursts and discharges active (?) molecules, which Pringsheim regards as gonidia. P. monospermum grows upon insects in water, in the manner of Achlya ; and he refers this genus to the family Saprolegnieae. BIBL. Pringsheim, Jahrb. wiss. Bot. i. 289; Carter, Ann. N. H. 2. xvii. 101; Henfrey, Tr. Mic. Soc. New Series, vii. 25 ; Currey, Mic. Jn. v. 211 ; Rabenht. Alg. iii. 276. PYXIC'OLA, Kt, A genus of Peritri- chous Infusoria; like Cothurnia, but with PYXIDICULA. [ 050 ] QUININE. an operculum. Several species ; fresh and salt water. (Kent, Inf. 725.) PYXIDIO'ULA, Ehr. A genus of Dia- tomacene. Char. Frustulea single, free or sessile ; valves circular, convex, hoop absent. Numerous species have been described one f r. wat., one marine, the remainder fossil, found in America. Ilabenhorst reduces the species to P. major, adriatica, and a doubtful form, P. Naeyelii. P. major (PL 25. fig. 13). Valves' coni- cal, regularly punctate. Diameter 1-420" ; freshwater. P. adriatica. Fr. sessile ; valves near y hemispherical, free from markings (ord. ill ). Upon marine Algae. Diam. 1-000' '. P. minor=Cyclotella operculata. The bodies represented in PL 25. fig. 12, found in flint, have been described as P. globator, Pritch. (not P. ylobosm, Ehr.) ; they do not, however, appear to belong to the Diatomaceae. Kiitzing places Stephanopyxis and Xan- thiopyxis here. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 165, and Her. Berl. Ak. 1844 & 1845 ; Kiitz. Bacill.ol, and Sp. Alg. 21 ; Pritchard, Inf. 482. PYXID'IUM, Kt. Like Operctdaria, but solitary. Two species ; freshwater ; on Entomostraca and Confervas. (Kent, Inf. GOG.) 'PYXILLA, Grev. A genus of Diato- macene. BIBL. Grev. Mic. Trans. 1865, 2. Q. QUARTZ. See ROCKS. QUILL. The quill of feathers possesses considerable polarizing power; the coloured bands, however, are so broad that they are better seen with the naked eye. See FEATHERS. QUININE. See ALKALOIDS. lodo-disulphate, sulphate of iodo-quinine, Herapathite. This remarkable salt is pre- pared by dissolving disulphate of quinine in strong acetic acid, warming the solution, dropping into it an alcoholic solution of iodine carefully in small quantities at a time, and placing the mixture aside for some hours, when the crystals separate. They dissolve in the heated mother-liquor, also in hot alcohol, being again deposited on cooling ; but they are not soluble in cold alcohol or ether. They are so easily decomposed and altered, that thev are with difficulty mounted. This ; may, however, be effected by cautiously i neutralizing the excess of acid in the mother- liquor by solution of ammonia, taking care ; not to precipitate the excess of the disulphate j of quinine ; a portion of the liquid contain- j ing the crystals is then transferred to a slide, the liquid removed with blotting-paper, and the crystals dried in a current of cold air. They are then mounted in Canada balsam, rendered thin with ether, heat being avoided. The crystals are of a pale olive-green colour (PI. 11. fig. 17), and possess a more intense polarizing power than any other known substance. The play of colours pre- sented when they are rolling over each other whilst contained in a watch-glass, forms a very beautiful sight, the colours varying according to the relative positions of the crystals to each other ; and when the latter cross each other at a right angle, complete blackness is produced. Herapath, who discovered this beautiful salt, has described a method of making crystals of sufficient size to replace tourma- lines or Nicol's prisms. The ingredients are : as pure disulphate of quinine as can be obtained, that from Howard and Kent being best ; strong acetic acid, of sp. gr. 1'042 ; proof spirit composed of equal bulks of rectified spirit of sp. gr. *837 and dis- tilled water ; and tincture of iodine, made by dissolving 40 grains of iodine in 1 oz. of rectified spirit. The proportions are : Disulphate of quinine. . 50 grains. Acetic acid 2 fluid ounces. Proof spirit 2 fluid ounces. Tincture of iodine .... 50 drops. The disulphate of quinine is dissolved in the acetic acid mixed with the spirit, the solu- tion heated to 130 F., and the tincture of iodine immediately added in drops, the mixture being constantly agitated. The compound should be prepared in a wide-mouthed Florence flask ; and the tem- perature should be maintained for a little time after the addition of the iodine, so that the solution may become perfectly clear, and of a dark sherry-colour. It should then be set aside to crystallize in a room of a uniform temperature of 45 to 50 F., and kept from vibration. The latter may be effected by suspending the flask by the neck with strong string, attaching this to a hori- zontal cord stretching across the room from one wall to the other ; or placing the flask on a steady support, lying upon a pillow. The large crystalline plates form upon the QUIXQUELOCULIXA. [ Ql surface of the liquid, where they are allowed to remain for twelve to twenty-four hours, until they have acquired sufficient thickness. The flask is then carefully removed without shaking, and rested upon a gallipot. A circular cover is next fastened by its edge to the end of a glass rod with a little wax or marine glue, and passed beneath one of the crystalline films, the adherent mother-liquor removed with blotting-paper, and the film allowed to dry in a room at a temperature of 45 to 50 F. The cover and film are then placed under a small bell-glass, with a watch-glass containing a few drops of tincture of iodine. The time required for the iodizing may be about three hours at 50 F., or less if the temperature be higher. The film is then covered with a solution of Canada balsam, in ether, saturated with iodine by warming with a few crystals of this substance, and allowing it to cool. Other films are removed and mounted in the same manner. Should the films not separate from the original liquid at the end of six hours, this must be heated with a spirit-lamp until the deposited crystals are dissolved, a little spirit and a few drops more tincture of iodine added, and the liquid again set aside. If the film appear black when removed on the cover, it is crossed by an adherent or interposed crystal, which must be carefully removed. These crystals are sold ready mounted, and may be purchased at a very small cost. Herapath proposes the production of the crystal of the quinine-salt as a very delicate test for the presence of quinine. A test- liquid is first made w T ith 3 drachms of acetic acid, 1 drachm of rectified spirit, and 6 drops of dilute sulphuric acid. A drop of this is placed upon a slide and the alkaloid added, and, when it is dissolved, a very minute quantity of tincture of iodine added ; after a time the salt separates in little rosettes. BIBL. Herapath, Phil. Mag. 1852, iii. 161, iv. 186, and 1853, vi. 171 & 346; Haidinger, ibid. 1853, vi. 284. QUINQUELOCULI'NA, D'Orb. One of the modifications of Miliola, having its chambers aggregated on two opposing faces, as in Spiroloculina, but with their edges more extended on the one side than on the other, so that only three chambers are ap- parent on one side, and five on the other. Numerous Quinqueloculince occur recent and fossil. Q. scminulum (PI. 23. fig. 5) ] RALFSIA. is common in the European seas. Q. Bronyniartii (fig. 6), having delicate striae, is not uncommon in warmer seas. BIBL. Williamson, Foram. 85 (MilioKna) ; Carpenter, For. 78. R. RACO'DIUM. See ANTENNARIA. RACOMIT'RIUM = TRICHOSTOMUM pt. RADIOLA'RIA, Miiller. An order of Rhizopoda, including the Polycystina, Acanthometrina, Thalassicollida, and Acti- nophryina. They possess a siliceous test or siliceous spicules, a central capsule and peculiar yellow cells, and are provided with long, protruding, radiating pseudopodia which occasionally form meshes. See the Families and RFIIZOPOBA. BIBL. Haeckel, Radiolarien, 1862 ; Greef, Arch. mik. An. 1869, 1875. RAD'ULA, Dumort. A genus of Jun- germanniese (Hepaticae), containing one British species, .R. complanata (fig. 613), Fig. 613. Badula eomplanata. Leafy shoot with an immature and a burst capsule. Magnified 5 diameters. common upon the trunks of trees, every- where, forming orbicular pale-green patches closely appressed to the bark. BIBL. Hook. Br. Jung. pi. 81 ; Br. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 120 ; Ekart, Syn. Jung. pi. 4. fig. 31; Endlicher, Gen. Plant., Supp. 1. No. 472. 13 ; Leitgeb, Ber. Wien. Ak. 1871. RAD'ULUM. A genus of Hydnei (Hy- menomycetous Fungi), consisting of a few- species with irregular compressed teeth or rude irregular tubercles. -R. orbiculare is not infrequent on fallen branches of birch and other trees, assuming various forms. BIBL. Fr. EL 148; Berk. Outl. 263; Cooke, Hanrfb. 304. RALFSIA, Berk. A genus of Myrione- RAMALINA. [ 652 ] RAPHIDES. maceae (Fucoid Algae), containing one Bri- tish species, R. verrucosa (R. deusta, Berk.), forming dark-brown Lichen-like patches, 1 to 6" in diameter, on rocks between tide- marks. The fronds are at first orbicular and concentrically zoned ; they are composed of densely packed, vertical, simple, jointed fila- ments. The fruit is formed in wart-like patches, and consists of obovate sporanges attached to the bases of vertical filaments. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 49. RAMALINA, Ach. A genus of Rama- loidei (Lichenaceous Lichens), containing 13 British species, of shrubby habit, mostly growing upon the trunks of trees, bearing orbicular-peltate apothecia, nearly of the same colour as the thallus. It. fraxinea, fastigiata, andfarinacea are common. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 228; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xvii. 192. RAMULI'NA, R. Jones. A tubular branching Hyaline Foramiuifer, swollen here and there into chambers, whence the branches or stoloniferous tubes proceed at varying angles to other such chambers. R. aculeata, D'Orb., R. l&vis, and brachiata, Jones, are known from the Chalk ; R. ylobu- lifera, Brady, has a wide distribution in the Atlantic and Pacific. BIBL. Rupert Jones, Proc. Belfast N. F. Club, 1875, n. ser. i. 88 j Brady, Jn. Mic. Sac. n. ser. xix. 272. RA'NA,Linn. See FROG. RAPH'IDES. This name was first ap- plied to the minute needle-shaped crystals occurring in great abundance in the tissues of many plants ; but it is now generally applied to all the crystalline formations contained in vegetable cells. The crystals are either solitary or grouped ; and some- times the groups are formed on a peculiar stalked matrix projecting into the cavity of enlarged cells, forming the organs called cystoliths. There are few plants of the higher classes which do not contain raphides : they are very abundant in the herbaceous structures of the Monocotyledons generally, and espe- cially those of the Aracese, Musaceae, Lilia- ceae, &c. ; they also abound in the Polygo- nacese, Cactaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Urticaceae, &c., among the Dicotyledons. They are usually found only in the interior of the cavities of cells, but in some cases they occur in the intercellular cavities, or in the cell- walls. They may occur in almost any part, but are found most extensively in the steins of herbaceous plants (Monocotyledons in general and Cactaceae); they also occur in the bark and pith of many woody plants (lime, vine) ; leaves likewise frequently con- tain them in vast numbers (Aracese, Mu- saceae, Liliaceae, Iridaceae, Polygonaceoe) ; also sepals (Orchidaceae, Geraniaceee) ; in the rhubarbs, and also in Umbelliferae, they occur extensively in the roots, for instance in the carrot ; and they abound in autumn in the base of the bulbs of the onion and other Liliaceae. Raphides are often very readily discovered and clearly seenin tissues, by the aid of the polarizing apparatus. The form of the needle-shaped raphides is usually that of a square prism with pyra- midal ends. These ordinarily occur lying parallel in bundles (fig. 614) ; another com- mon form is that of rectangular or rhombic prisms with oblique or pyramidal ends ; the smaller of these often present themselves in groups radiating from a centre (fig. 615). Prisms of similar or of six-sided forms, octahedra, rhombs, &c. also occur singly or few together (PI. 48. fig. 28), the larger ones sometimes nearly filling the cavity of Fig. 614. Fig. 615. Fig. 614. Parenchymatous cells of the stem of Rumex, containing bundles of raphides. Magnified 400 diaim. Fig. 615. Parenchvmatous cells of the stem of Beta, with groups of raphides (Sphaeraphides). Magnified 400 diams. the cells in which they lie. Rhombic crystals of oxalate of lime occur in the parenchymatous cells surrounding the vas- cular bundles in the bracts of Medicago trigonella ; and Gulliver has shown the crystal in each cell of the testa of the elm. The cells containing the bundles of acicular raphides in the Araceae also contain a viscid sap, which causes them to burst, through endosmose, when placed in water, and dis- EAPHIDES. [ 053 1 RATTULUS. charge the crystals. Turpin erroneously described these as organs of a special nature, under the name of Biforines. Raphides most frequently consist of oxa- late of lime, especially in the Cactacese, Polygonaceae, &c. ; carbonate of liine seems to stand next in the order of frequency, mostly in the form of granules, only recog- nizable under polarized light with the crossed nicols ; then sulphate and phosphate of linie. Their composition may be ascer- tained by the appropriate tests for these salts. It is sometimes difficult to determine the form accurately, on account of the small j size ; it is found "advantageous to mount well-cleaned and partly crushed crystals in Canada balsam, also to view them rolling over in alcohol (!NTB. p. xxxiii). The peculiar crystalline structures called cystoliths, occur most abundantly in the families of the Urticaceae (including Moreae) and the Acanthaceae. They ordinarily con- sist of a stalked, clavate, and globose, or irregular linear body, suspended in a greatly enlarged cell, most frequently situated beneath the epidermis of the leaf (PL 48. figs. 26, 27) ; but they also occur in deeper- seated regions. Their nature and develop- ment have been followed by several ob- servers ; and they are found to consist of a cellulose matrix with carbonate of lime crys- tallized in a kind of efflorescence upon the surface. They appear to originate by a little papilla or column of secondary deposit at the upper end of the cell, which increases by successive concentric layers of cellulose applied on the lower surface, leaving a short stalk-like portion which remains uncovered and also free from the crystals which gradu- allv sprout out from the thickened head. The crystals may be removed by the action of acid ; and then the matrix assumes a blue colour with sulphuric acid and iodine. Payen imagined the thicker portion incrusted by the crystals to be composed of numerous cellules, eacli producing a crystal : this is erroneous. The cystoliths vary in form : the clavate kinds may be best observed in Ficus elastica (PI. 48. fig. 27) and other species, in vertical sections of the leaf; globular forms are found in Parietaria offi- cinalis (fig. 26) and the Hop ; in species of Pilea they are linear or crescentic, and suspended by the convex edge. BIBL. Turpin, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. vi. 5 ; Dyer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 288 ; Quekett, Tr. Mic. Soc. new ser. i. 20 ; Gulliver, Sci. Gossip, 1873 ; Ann. N. H. 1865 ; Qu. Mic. Jn. 1866, 1869, 1873; M. M. Jn. x. 259' xviii. 143 ; Lankester, Q. M. J. 1863, 243 '> Urban, Bot. Zeit. 1873, 266; Sanio, Monatsb. Berl. Ak. 1857; Hanstein, ibid. 1859; Holzner, Flora, 1864; Hilgers, Pringsheim's Jahrb. vi. 1867 ; Rosauoff, Bot. Zeit. 1867 ; Solms-Laubach, ib. 1874; Pfitzer, Flora. 1872 ; Sachs, Bot. 66. RAPHIDIOPH'RYS, Archer. A genus of Rhizopoda. Char. Bodies green, spherical, aggregate, surrounded by a common investment of cloudy buff-coloured sarcode, containing slender, hyaline, circular, siliceous spicula. Pseudopodia arising from the sarcode between the spicula, long, straight, and very thin ; they never coalesce. BIBL. Archer, Freshw. Rhiz.. Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869, 1871. RAPHID'IUM, Ktz. A genus of Uni- cellular Algse. Cells fusiform or cylindrical, acuminate, straight or slightly curved, with green cell-contents. The species are those of Ankistrodesmus, Closterium, Micrasterias, and Scenedesmus of other authors. Rabenhorst regards our Closteritim Griff. (PL 14. figs. 57, 58) as It. aticulare. BIBL. Rabenht. FL Eur. Alg. iii. 44. RAPHIG'NATHUS, Duges. A genus of Acarina, family Trombidina. Char. Palpi long, with an indistinct claw ; mandibles represented by two short setae inserted upon a fleshy bulb, concealed by a broad labium ; body entire : coxae contiguous ; legs but little attenuated at the ends, anterior longest, last joint longer than the others. R. ruberrimus (PL 6. fig. 35 a, labium with mandibles and a palp ; b, a mandible). Body oval, slightly depressed, smooth, and almost free from hairs, rostrum forming a conical process; eyes two, dark red, one on each side at the anterior part of the body ; labium triangular, concave ; setae accom- panied by a more slender hair-like process ; pal pi large, inflated, clawof the 4th jointvery short. Found under stones and on plants. JR. hispidus. Form, that of the preceding ; body velvety, with two posterior papillae. BIBL. Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. i. 22, ii. 55 ; Gervais, Walckenaer's Apter. iii. 172 ; Murray, EC. Ent. 114. RAT'TULUS, Lamarck. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eyes two, frontal; tail-like foot simply styfiform ; neither cirri nor fins pre- sent. Teeth indistinct. R. lunaris (PL 44. fig. 22). Eyes distant REBOUILIJA. [ 054 ] REPTOMONAS. from the anterior margin ; foot decurved, lunate; freshwater; length 1-288". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 448 ; Pritchard, Infusoria, 688. 'REBOUIL'LIA, Raddi. A genus of Marchantieae (Hepaticae), founded on Mar- chantia hemisphcerica, Linn., characterized by the conical or flattened, !- 5-lobed stalked receptacle (fig. 616), the perigone being ad- herent to the lobes of the receptacle on the under side, opening by a slit (fig. 617) ; Fig. 616. Fig. 617. Hebouillia hemispherica. Female receptacles, with the perigone burst. Fig. 616, seen from above ; Fig. 617, from below. Magnified 2 diameters. perichjete none, and the globose sporange bursting irregularly. The antheridia are imbedded in sessile, crescent-shaped disks. The fronds are rigid, with a well-marked midrib, green above, purple beneath. It grows on moist banks, or by the side of mountain-streams. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl ii. pt. 1. 108 ; Bis- choft', Nova Acta, xvii. 1001, pi. 69. fig. 1 ; Endlich. Gen. Plant. No. 468. RECEPTACLES FOR SECRETIONS. See SECRETING ORGANS of Plants. RED SNOW. The remarkable pheno- menon known under this name has been the subject of very extensive investigation, and it is well known to be the result of the enormous development of a microscopic organism related to Pi'otococcus or Chlami- dococcus viridis. We are inclined to believe that more than one form is comprehended at present under the name of Protococcus or Hcematococcus nivalts; for our specimens of Arctic red snow, for which we were in- debted to the kindness of R. Brown, appear to belong to the same genus as Palmella cruenta, as first indicated by Brown, and confirmed by Sir W. Hooker. Greville's figures of the Scotch plant closely resemble this ; but the continental plants described by Shuttle worth and others would seem conge- neric with Protococcus, Chlamidococcus, and Chlamidomonas, since they produce active zoospores, the forms which Shuttleworth described as distinct Infusoria, as species of Astasia. Nearly connected with this con- tinental snow-plant, if not identical, is the Protococcus pluvialis, described so elaborately by Colin, which moreover appears to be synonymous with the Discercca purpurea of Morren. The following is a description of the i snow, brought home by Capt. Parry, from our own observation. It may be noticed as remarkable that, after being' kept so many years in a moist state in a stoppered bottle, the structure appears almost unrhn> . only difference being the assumption green colour on the surface of th> when exposed to light. Frond an indefinite gelatinous mass densely filled with spherical cells, about 1-200" in diameter (PI. 7. tig. 3d) ; cells with a distinct membrane, their contents consisting of numerous tolerably equal granules, red or green (see ab<>\ Between the large cells lie patches of nii- nute red granules (as in Palnn-fln cruenta, PI. 7. fig. 3 a, b), apparently dischai -ged from the large cells. Bauer and (ireville both describe this as the mode of propagation of the plant; but it is probable that the ( also increase by division when acth getating. BIBL. Brown, Appendix t<> Ross's 1.^ Voyage, 1819; Det'andolle, Bihl. miiv. Geneve, 1824 ; Hooker, Append, to J'urry's Second Voyage ; Greville, Cn/pl. Fl. pi. i':!! ; Shuttleworth, JJibl. univ. Geneve, 1840; Morren, Mem. Acad. L'r/r.rclle*, \i\. Flotow, Nora Acta, xx. 11; Colin, front Acta, xxii. 60-">. RENULI'NA, Blake. Minute Pubgld- bular, hollow, calcareous bodies, 1-200" in diameter, often silicified, entering largely into the composition of the Coralline Oolite ; regarded as probably organic by Sorby, and referred to the Foraminifera by Blake. (Sorby, Qu. Geol. Jn. vii. 1851, 1 j Blake, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1876, 262.) RENULI'TES, Lam. (Xenulfna, Blain- ville). A broad, reniform modification of Vertebralina, one of the Porcellaneous Fora- minifera. BIBL. Carpenter, Introd. For. 74. RE'OPHAX, Montfort. A simple, uui- serial subspecies of Lituola, straight or curved, chambers often angular or nigged in outline. Abundant in many seas. (Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. 3. vi. 346 ; Brady, Qn. Mic. Jn. n. s. xix. 51.) REPTOMONAS, Kt A genus of Rhizo- Flagellate Infusoria. Creeping; fiagellum RESERVOIRS. [ 655 ] RHABDOSTYLA. single, pseudopodia arising from the postero- ventral surface. R. caudata-, in hay-infu- sions, and decaying grass 5 length 1-1000". (Kent, Inf. 223.) RESERVOIRS FOR SECRETIONS IN PLANTS. See SECRETING ORGANS of Plants. RETE MUCOSUM. See SKIN. RETEP'ORA, Lamk. A genus of In- fundibulateCheilostomatous Polyzoa, family Escharidae. Char. Zoary leafy, reticular, fragile ; cells on one surface only, short, and not promi- nent. Two British species : R. reticulata. Wavy and convolute, upper side warty and very porous. R. Bcaniana. Umbilicate, funnel-shaped, wavy; interspaces unarmed. BIBL. Johnston, JBr. Zooph. 353 ; Gosse, Mar. Zool. 18 ; Hiucks, Polyzoa, 388. RETICULA'RIA, Bull.' A genus of Myxomycetes (Gasteroniycetous Fungi) characterized by the indeterminate, thin simple peridium, bursting irregularly, with the branched, shrubby, reticulated capilli- tium adherent to it. Several species are British ; they are rather large plants, grow- ing over recently felled timber or on hollow trees, rails, &c., with great rapidity. BIBL. Berk. Sr. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 308 ; Fries, Sum. Veg. 449 ; Syst. My col. iii. 83. RETICULA'RIA, Carpenter. Rhizo- poda with long slender pseudopodia, which meet and reticulate : as in Lieberkuehnia, and other FORAMINIFERA. BIBL. Carpenter, Introd. For. 28; Mici-o- scope, 476. RETINA. See EYE. RHABDAM'MINA, Sars. A relatively large Arenaceous Foraminifer, usually tri- radiate, but sometimes with four or even five hollow rays or tubes, and sometimes consisting of only the central chamber elon- gated on two sides, forming one tube swollen in the middle. R. abyssorum, Sars, At- lantic and Pacific ; R. linearis, Brady, West Indies and South Atlantic, at great depths. (Carpenter, Soiree, Mic. Soc. 1870, 5 ; Brady, Jn. Mic. Sc. n. s. xix. 37.) RHABDI'TIS, Duj. See ANGUILLULA. RHABDOGO'NIUM, Reuss. A three- or four-angled Orthocerine Foraminifer. BIBL. Reuss, Sttz. Ak. Wien, xliv. 367. RH ABDOLITH ES, Schmidt. Minute, subcylindrical, calcareous bodies, about 1-3000" length, usually consisting of a rod and a terminal circlet of smaller rods (1-25000"), simple or confluent. Abundant with coccoliths in the mud of the Adriatic ; and fossil with the same in the chalk of Manitoba and Nebraska. Found also in the ocean-ooze by W. Thomson, and referred by him to small floating spherules (possibly vegetables) formed by their attached bases, and termed by him Rhabdospheres. (Schmidt, Sttz. Ak. Wien, Ixii. 669, and Ann. N. H. 4. x. 369 j Dawson, Canad. Nat. vii. 256 ; W. Thomson, The Attlantic, i. 221.) RHABDONE'MA, Kiitz. A genus of Diatomacese. Char. Frustules tabular, depressed, com- pound, fixed by a stalk arising from one of the angles, with interrupted vittae (front view), vittas capitate ; valves transversely striate, striee extending into the front view, and forming numerous longitudinal series. Marine; upon Algae. Striae visible under ordinary illumination ; the dark lines or yittae correspond to more or less complete internal septa; frustules connected with each other by gelatinous cushions (isthnii). Conjugation and the formation of sporan- gia have been observed. R. arcuatum (Striatella arcuat., Ralfs) (PI. 17. fig. 18). Vittae in two marginal rows, isthmi convex. Length 1-300''. R.minutum (Tessella catena, Ralfs). Vittaa in two marginal rows ; transverse striae faint. Length 1-1200 to 1-960". R. adriaticum. Vittae forming four rows (interrupted in the middle, and again between the middle and the margin on each side) ; transverse striae distinct ; isthrni con- cave. Length 1-480 to 1-170". BIBL. Kiitzing, Bacill. 126. and Sp. Ala. 115 ; Ralfs, Ann. N. H. xi. 455, and xii. 104 ; Smith, Diat. ii. 32 ; West, Micr. Jn. 1858, 186; Arnott, Micr. Jn. 1858, 91: Rabenht. Alg. i. 305. RHABDOPLEU'RA, Allman. A genus of Polyzoa according to Allman, and of Hydroida according to Sars. Zoary tubular, creeping or incrusting, septate, annulate, bodies with an oral disk. It connects the two classes, and presents many features of great interest. Allman considers that its polypary resembles that of the Graptolites. Two species, on shells from deep water. BIBL. Allman, Qu. M. Jn. 1874 ; Sars, Qu. M. Jn. 1874, 23 j Lankester, Qu. Mic Jn. 1874, 77; Hincks, Polyz. 577. RHABDOSTY'LA, Kt. A genus of Peritrichous Infusoria. Solitary, like Vorti- cella, but with a rigid, short pedicle. Seven species; salt or fresh water. (Kent, Inf 664.) RHAGADOSTOMA. [ 656 ] RHIZOCLONIUM. RIIAGADOS'TOMA, Korb. A genus of Micro-lichens parasitic on the thallus of Solorina crocea. Spores 2-4, in lanceolate fugacious thecae, large, simple, becoming 2- locular, colourless. (Lindsay, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869, 344.) RHAPHIDOGL(E'A,Kutz. Agenusof Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules navicular, arranged in radiating crowded rows in a globose gelati- nous mass. Marine. R. micans (PI. 19. fig. 11). Rows of frus- tules irregular, obsolete ; valves linear-lan- ceolate, subulate, somewhat acute. Length 1-140". Three other species. BIBL. Kutzing, BarilL 10 ; id. Sp. Alg. 97. RAi'HIUOMONAS, Stein. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Free, green, Hagellum single ; mouth anterior, with a defined pha- rynx ; an anterior row of trichocysts. R. semen = Monas s. } Ehrb. ; length 1-500"; marsh-water, among decaying Sphaynum. (Kent, Inf. 391.) RHAPHONE'IS, Ehr. A genus of Dia- tomacese. Char. Frustules single, quadrangular, na- vicular ; valves without a median aperture (nodule?) ; median sutural line longitudinal. Marine. = Doryphora without a stalk. Eleven species. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. Berl. Akad. 1844, 74 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 49. "~NOPS, torift. RHINOPS, Hudson. A genus of Rota- BIBL. Hudson, Ann. Nat. Hist. January 1869. RHINOT'RTCHUM, Oorda. A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), cha- racterized by more or less clavate threads studded with spicules, to which the spores are attached, Several species occur in this country. A very beautiful rose-coloured species has lately been gathered in rabbits' dung. Nematozonum, Desm., differs in bearing necklaces of spores. BIBL. Berk. Outl 348; Cooke, Handb. 590. RHIPIDODEN'DRON, Stein. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Bodies ovate, con- tained in elongated parallel, granular tubes, forming a branched zoary. Two species; freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 285.) RHIPIDOPH'ORA, Kiitz. A genus of Diatornacese. Char. Those of Licmophora, except that the frustules are each furnished with a distinct stipes ; but as this is not always the case, the character is of little or no value. Marine. Three British species (Smith) ; twelve others (Kutzing). R. paradoxa (PI. 17. fig. 19). Stipes fili- form, dichotomous ; frustules in front view broadly wedge-shaped, somewhat acute at the base. Length of frustules 1-540 to 4-480". RHIZAMTSIINA, Brady. A thread-like Foraminifer, or chitino-arenaceous branch- ing tube (1-50" diam.), forming a tangled weed-like tuft. H. algaformis, from 2160 fathoms near Juan Fernandez. (Brady, Jn. M. Soc. n. a. xix. 39.) RHIZID'IUM, Braun. A genus of Uni- cellular Algae, allied to Chytridium. At first unicellular, then bicellular, and with delicate multipartite rootlets ; cells oblong ; fructiferous cells beneath the apex ; zoo- spores with a cilium. Parasitic in Euglence and NiidlcB. BIBL. Braun, Monatab. 1856, 591; Ra- benht. Alg. iii. 284. RHIZ'INA, Fr. A genus of Helvelloidei (Ascomycetous Fungi), distinguished from Peziza by the bullate hymenium, con- cave beneath, and furnished with rooting fibrils. Two species have been found in this country, on sandy banks where the heath has been burnt. BIBL. Fr. Syst. Myc. ii. 33 ; Currev, Linn. Tr. xxiv. 493 ; Cooke, Handb. 664. RHIZOCLOTsTIUM, Kiitz. A genus of Confervaceae (Confervoid Algae), distin- guished by the decumbent habit and the short, root-like appendages to the branches. Kutzing includes here many of our British Confervas : R. rivularc, C. Filaments simple, diam. 1-900", fine bright-green bundles 2 to 3 feet long ; in streams and rivers ; common (Dill- wyn, pi. 39). R. tortuosum, Dillw. Filaments simple, diam. 1-800", rigid, curled and twisted, forming large strata; in salt-water pools; abundant (Dillwyn, pi. 46). R. arenosum, Carm. Filaments simple. diam. 1-1000 to 1-1800"; in dirty-green strata ; sandy sea-shores. R. obtusangulum, Lyngb. (PI. 9. fig. 12). Filaments branched, diam. 1-1400"; pale- green, stratified ; sandy sea-shores. R. riparium (Jergensii, Kiitz.). Fila- ments branched, diam. 1-1400 to 1-1800". Apparently not distinct from the preceding. RHIZOGLYPHUS. [ 657 ] RHIZOSELENIA. On sandy sea-shores ; not uncommon (Engl. Botany, pi. 2100). It. impkxum, Dillw. Filaments simple, diam. 1-2000"; bright green; forming large strata, on mountain-rocks (Dill. C. im- plex a, tab. B). R. arenicolum, Berk. (Kochianum, Kz.). Filament 1-2000 to 1-2400"; mountain- rocks (Berkeley, Gleanings, pi. 13. fig. 3). BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 206, pi. 24 F ; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 385 ; Tab. Phyc. ; JBr. Fl. ii. pt. 1.354; Dillwyn,.Z?r. Conferva; Rabenht. Alg. iii. 329. RHIZOG'LYPHUS. See ACARUS, p. 5. RIIIZOMOR'PHA. The name given by authors to certain mycelioid expansions with a dark bark, which have been traced to Polypori and Sphceriacei. Many of the forms which occur in mines are remarkable for their luminosity. BIBL. Berk. Int. Crypt. Sot. p. 266. RHIZONE'MA, Thw. A genus of Oscil- latoriaceae (Confervoid Algae) = Dictyonema, Kiitz. This curious plant (It. inter ruptum) differs from its allies by the gelatinous sheath being composed of distinct cells and furnished with branched root-like processes, which anastomose freely. The cell-contents are deep blue-green, with occasional yel- lowish interstitial cells. BIBL. Thwaites, Eng.Bot. Supp. pi. 2954; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 321; Tab. Phyc. ii. pi. 40. f. 5. RHIZOPHOR A'CE^E. A family of Di- cotyledonous plants, to which belong the celebrated Mangrove-trees of the tropics. They are remarkable for the general occur- rence of a ramified form of liber-cell (PI. 48. fig. 31). The long woody radicles pushed out by the fruits, while still attached to the parent tree, contain a vast number of these ramified cells with very thick walls. RHIZOPHYD'IUM, Schenk, = Chytri- dium, sp. RHIZOP'ODA, Duj., or better, Psettdo- poda, Ehr. A Class of the animal subking- dom Protozoa. Char. Gelatinous, structureless aquatic animals, mostly minute, locomotive organs consisting of variable retractile root-like processes pseudopodia or false legs ; no mouth. The food-particles are drawn into the body by the pseudopodia, as described under Actinophrys. The body is sometimes naked, at others enclosed in a carapace or external skeleton, which is either chitinous, calca- reous, or siliceous. A nucleus and a con- tractile vesicle are sometimes present, some- times absent. In some, the protoplasm contains granules and yellow cells; these have been supposed to be parasitic orga- nisms, a rudimentary form of liver, .or re- productive organs. The presence of the contractile vesicle in some Rhizopoda, and its absence in others, is entirely opposed to the view of Stein and Kent, that the presence of a contractile vesicle is a cha- racter of anirnality; unless many of the Rhizopoda be referred to the Vegetable Kingdom. The Class is divided into four Orders, thus : RETICTJLARIA. Pseudopodia slender, anastomosing to form meshes. Foramini- fera, Lieberkiihnia, Labyrinthula, &c. RADIOLABIA. Pseudopodia radiating. Actinophryina, Acanthometra, Polycystina, Thalassicolla. LOBOSA. Pseudopodia short, variable, not anastomosing. Amoebaea, Arcellina. GBEGABINIDA. Pseudopodia absent ; these are often considered a distinct Class of Protozoa. BIBL. Dujardin, Ann. Sc. Nat. i., iii.,iv. ; Schultze, PolythaL, 1834; Carpenter, Phil. Tr. 1856, 1859, 1862 ; Huxley, Invertefoata; Williamson, Tr. Mic. Soc. 1852, 169, and ii. 159 ; Reichert, Ann. N. H. x. 1862, 401 ; Kclliker, Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. 1849; Lie- berkiihn, ibid. 1856, 308 ; Carter, Rhizopoda ofEng. 8f India, Ann. N. H. 1865 ; Tr. Mic.' Soc. 1849, 174 ; Miiller, Mull. Archiv, 1858 ; Focke, Physiol. Stud. 1854; Fresenius, Beitr. z. mikr. Organ. 224; Miiller, Monatsb. Akad- Berlin, 1856 ; Bailey, Americ. Journ. Sci. xv.; Claparede & Lachmann, Infus.; Haeckel, Radiolarien, 1862; Gener. Morphol. ; Archer, Qu. M. Jn. 1870-78; Hertwig & Lesser, Arch. mik. An. 1874, x. Suppl.; Schultze, ibid, x., xi., xiii. ; Hertwig, Radiol. (Histol.) 1876; Wallich, M. M. Jn. xiii. 210; Ann. N.H. 1877, xix. 158 ; Claus,Zoo%wj; Leidy, Freshw. Ehiz. N. Amer. 1879 ; Jn. Mic. Soc. 1880, 288; Butschli, Bronn's Klass. $c. 1880 (# the Bibl. therein}-, Cienkowski, Schnitzels Archiv, 1876, xii. (new genera) : Pascoe, Zool. 1880, 6. RHIZOPO'GON, Fries. A genus of Hypogaei (Gasteromycetous Fungi). R. ru- bescens is found in sandy ground. (PL 27. fig. 8, sporophores). RHIZOSELE'NIA, Ehr. A doubtful genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules elongate, subcylindrical, marked with transverse or spiral lines, ends oblique or conical, and with one or more long terminal bristles; marine and fossil. 2u RHODOMELA. [ 658 ] RHOICOSPHENIA. Four British species : R. styliformis, JR. imbricata, R. setigera, and R. alata. R. alata (PI. 51. fig. 25). R. americana (PI. r,o. fig. 46). The British species were obtained from Sal pa, Ascidia, and Noctiluca. BIBL. Ehr. Abh. Berl Ak. 1841, 291 ; Kiitz. Sp. Ala. 24; Brightwell, Micr. Jn. 1858, 94. RHODOM'ELA, Ag. A genus of Rho- domelaceae (Florideous Algae), containing two tolerably common British species, with feathery, inarticulate, branched fronds, the branches composed of concentric layers of oblong, colourless cells, with a cortical layer of minute coloured cells. Colour of R. lyco- podioides purplish brown, becoming black ; ! height 4 to 18". Colour of R. subfasca \ brownish or reddish ; height 4 to 10". The ceramidia are stalked on the rainuli, occur- ring in summer ; the stichidia, with tetra- hedral tetraspores, occur in a similar situa- tion in winter ; the antheridia (observed in R. subfusca) also occur in tufts in the same position. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 78; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4. iii. 20. RHODOMELA'CEvE. A family of Flo- rideous Algae. Red or brown sea-weeds, with a leafy or filiform, areolated or articu- lated frond, composed of polygonal cells. Fructification: 1. Conceptacles (ceramidia) external, ovate or urn-shaped, furnished with a terminal pore, and containing a tuft of pear-shaped spores ; 2. antheridia, borne in tufts in similar situations ; 3. tetraspores immersed in distorted raniuli or in lanceo- late receptacles (stichidia), usually in rows. Synopsis of the British Genera. Odonthalia. Frolid flattened, linear, with an obsolete midrib, piunatifid, alternately inciso-dentate. Rhodomela. frond cylindrical, inarti- culate, opaque. Tetraspores contained in pod-like receptacles (stichidia). Bostrychia. Frond cylindrical, inarticu- late, dotted; the surface-cells quadrate. Tetraspores in terminal pods. Rhytiphlcea. Frond cylindrical, inarti- culate, transversely striate. Tetrasjcores in pod-like receptacles. Polysiphoma. Frond cylindrical, articu- lated wholly or in part ; the branches longi- tudinally streaked. Tetraspores in distorted ramuli. Dasya. Frond cvlindrical, the stem inar- ticulate ; the ramuli articulated, composed of a single string of cells. Tetraspores in pod-like receptacles (stichidia'), borne by the ramuli. RHODOSPOR'E^. See ALGJE. RHODYME'NIA, Grev. A genus of Rhodymeniaceae (Florideous Atoae), con- taining seven British species, beautiful, brightly-coloured sea-weeds, growing on rocks or larger Algae, having a flat mem- branous or somewhat leathery frond, ribless and veinless, of parenchymatous texture. (R. Palmetta, PL 4. fig. 8.) Most are not more than 2" high, but R. laciniata and palmata grow to 10" and 18". The colour is mostly rose- or blood-red. The coccidia are formed on the lacerated margins or the tips of lobes of the frond. The tetraspores form cloudy spots along the margin, or are scattered, tetrahedrally divided. The an- theridia likewise form patches on the sur- face of the frond, in R. Palmetta a,n& palmata. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Ala. 124, pi. 16 A ; Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4. iii. p. 19, pi. 3. RHODYMENIA'CE^E. A family of Florideous Algae. Purplish or blood-red sea-weeds, with an expanded or filiform inarticulate frond, composed of polygonal cells; occasionally traversed by a fibrous axis. Superficial cells minute, irregularly packed, or rarely arranged in filamentous series. Fructification : 1 . Conceptacles (coc- cidia), external or half-immersed, globose or hemispherical, imperforate, containing be- neath a thick envelope a mass of spores affixed to a central column ; 2. antheridia, collected in flat patches or sori ; 3. tetra- spores, either dispersed through the whole frond, or collected in indefinite cloudy patches. British Genera : * Frond flat, expanded, leaf -like, dichoto- nious or palmate. Stenogramme. Conceptacles linear, rib- like. Rhodymenia. Conceptacles hemispherical, scattered. ** Frond compressed or terete, linear or filiform, much branched. tipharococcus. Frond linear, compressed, two-edged, distichously branched, with an obscure midrib. Oracilaria. Frond filiform, compressed, or flat, irregularly branched ; the central cells very large. Hypnea. Frond filiform, irregularly branched, traversed by a fibro-cellular axis. RII01COSPHE'NiA,Grunow. A genus of Diatoniaceae, = arcuate Gomphonema with RHOIKONEIS. [ 059 ] RICCIA. a central nodule in tlie curved side. R. cur- vata (PI. 52. fig. 19). BIBL. Rabenht. Alg. i. 112. RHOIKONE'IS, Grun. A subgenus of Achnanthidium, comprising two species, found in the North Pacific. BIBL. Rabenht. Alg. i. 109. RHOPALOMY'CES,Corda. Agenus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), nearly allied to ASPERGILLUS, but having the Fig. 618. 3 Fig. 619. Khopalomyces nigra. Fig. 618. Tufts on wood. Nat. size. Fig. 619. Fertile filaments. Magnified 200 diameters. spores single (fig. 619), and not in monili- form series. The single spores are borne on minute spines (fig. 619, left-hand head). Thev are mildews growing over decayed wood, matting, dung, &c. Two new British species are described by Berkeley and Broome, found growing together. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 2. vii. 96, pi. 5. RHOPALOSPPHUM, Koch. A genus of Aphidse. Six species, on the currant and gooseberry, Sonchtis, Alisma, Ligustrum, and Herberts. (Buckton, Aphidce } Ray Soc. ii. 9.) RHUBARB. Garden rhubarb (Rheum undulatum, and other species) affords, in the large edible petioles, excellent specimens of SpiRAL-fibrous STRUCTURES, spiral, an- nular, and reticulate vessels and ducts : these are readily isolated by the help of a needle from a fragment of cooked rhubarb placed in water on a slide, and are well seen by polarized light. The petioles and leaves likewise contain bundles of acicular RA- PHIDES. The roots also contain receptacles for a characteristic secretion. RHYNCHLE'TA, Zenker. A genus of Acinetina. Body ovate, free or attached, with a long anterior suctorial tentacle. R. cyclopum, freshwater, on Cyclops. (Kent, Inf. 806,) RHYNCHOL'OPHUS, Duges, = Enj- thrcws, Latrreille (not Duges). A genus _ of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Trombidina. Char. Palpi large, free ; labium penicil- late ; mandibles ensiform, very long ; body entire; coxas very remote, legs palp-like, i. e. dilated at the end, posterior very long. Species numerous ; found in woods, under leaves, and in mosses. R. cwereus (PL 6. fig. 40 : a, labium with palp; b, tarsus; c, plume of labium more magnified ; d } mandible). BIBL. Duges, Ann. So. Nat. 2. i. 30; Gervais, Walckenaer's Arachnid, iii. 175 ; Koch, Deutschl. Crust. ; Murray, Econ. Enl. 124. RHYNCHONE'MA, Ktz. A genus of ZYGNEMACE^E (which see). BIBL ; Rabenht. Alg. iii. 229. RHYNCHOP'AGON, Werneck (Rota- toii&)=Diglena with a bilobed rostrum! Two species. (Werneck. Ber. Berl. Ak. 1841, 377.) RHYNCHOP'ORA, = Lepralia pt. R. "^^STOHOPBION. See PULEX. RHYTIS'MA, Fries. A genus of Phaci- diacei (Asconiycetous Fungi), growing upon the leaves of trees and shrubs, forming dark patches or spots on the surface, breaking through the epidermis with little scales or irregular fissures. R. acerinum is exceed- ingly common, forming large black spots on the leaves of the sycamore and maple ; the thecasporous fruit is perfected (on the dead fallen leaves) in spring ; MELASMIA acei'ina, which occurs in autumn, appears to be a preparatory form of this plant. R. salici- num is common on willow-leaves. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 290 ; Grev. Crypt. Fl. pi. 118; Fries, Sum. Veg. 370; Tulasne, Compt. Rendus, 1852 (Ann. N. H. 2. viii. 118) ; Cornu, Compt. Rend. 1878, Grevillea, vii. 100. RICASO'LIA. A genus of Phyllodei (Lichenaceous Lichens). Char. Thallus lobate or laciniate, affixed by fasciculate rhizinse ; gonidia small, yellow- green ; spores 1-3-septate. (Leighton, Brit. Lich. Flora, 112.) RICCIA, L. A genus of Riccieee (Hepa- ticae), consisting of minute green thalloid productions growing upon damp ground or floating on water, distinguished from the allied forms by the capsules being immersed in the substance of the frond, destitute of perichsete and perigone, while the archegone 2u2 RICC1A. [ 660 ] RIMULINA. permanently encloses the sporange as an adherent epigone, bearing a persistent style- like neck (figs. 621, 622). The antheridia Fig. 620. Eiccia fluitans. Lower surface of a fragment of the frond, with three imbedded sporanges projecting, their orifices being on the upper surface. Magnified 5 diameters. are globose sacs contained in special cavities, the orifices of which, narrowed into a neck, project as short processes from the surface (cuspides). The epigone being adherent to the sporange, the spores appear to lie im- mediately in the cavity of the former when Fig. 621. Fig. 622. Eiccia fluitans. Fig. 621. Vertical section through the frond and spo- range contained in its substance. Fig. 622. Sporange, with persistent epigone, extracted from the frond. Magnified 25 diameters. ripe ; they are unaccompanied by elaters, and escape by irregular rupture of the epigone. Several species occur in Britain. * Terrestrial. It. glauca, L. Frond without membran- ous scales below, fleshy, ovate-oblong, two- to three-lobed, 1-2 to 1" in diameter, the divisions dichotomous, growing in orbicular tufts, surface smoothish, punctate, glaucous green. On banks. jR. crystallina, L. Differing from the last chiefly in larger size and lighter colour, and having large cavernous air-cells opening widely on the upper surface. Damp mould. ** Aquatic. R.Jluitans, L. (fig. 620). Fronds with- out scales below, 1-2 to 2" long, repeatedly forked, segments linear, notched at the ends ; when placed on damp earth it pro- duces radical hairs, (fig. 621-2). Stagnant water. -R. natans, L. Fronds with long reticu- lated scales below, obcordate, 1-2" long, or with the two lobes again divided; scales of the lower surface purple. On stagnant pools. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 102 ; Bis- cholf, Nova A.cta, xvii. 909 ; Lindenberg, ibid, xviii. 361 ; Hofmeister, Vergl. Unters. 43 ; Kny, Jahrb. wiss. Bot. v. : Tr. Mic. Soc. 1880, iii. 125. RICCIE'^E. A tribe of Liverworts or Hepaticae, consisting of delicate, green, membranous fronds, spreading on the ground or floating on water. The fruits are always sessile on the frond, more or less imbedded in its substance according to the thickness ; the spores are unaccompanied by elaters. Synopsis of British Genera. Spharocarpus. Archegones dorsal, on a lobed membranous frond, sparingly aggre- gated. Perichsete obtuse! v conical or pear- shaped ; perforated at the summit, con- tinuous with the frond. Perigone wanting. Epigone crowned by the deciduous style. Sporange at length free, indehiscent. Riccia. Archegones immersed in the frond, scattered, neither emergent nor ex- posed on the surface until burst. Perichsete and perigone undistinguishable. Epigone crowned by the enlarged, long, persistent style, adherent to the sporange. Sporange bursting irregularly. RICE. This grain is produced by the grass called Oryza sativa. The seed is remarkable for the hard character of the albumen, which is explained at once when we examine a section under the microscope (PI. 46. figs. 12 & 13). The ceUs are filled with very small starch-grains, which are packed so closely that they assume a paren- chymatous form and present the appearance of a continuous tissue (as in maize). The cohesion of the starch-granules is the cause of the peculiar grittiness of rice-flour. See STARCH. RIMULA'RIA, Nyl. A genus of Leci- deinei (Lichenaceous Lichens). Char. Apothecfa black, rounded, de- pressed in the centre, dehiscing by a sub- radiate fissure ; spores simple. (Leighton, Lick. Flora, 438.) RIMULl'NA, D'Orb. A Nodosarine RIND. [ 661 ] ROCKS. Foraminifer, with, oblique chambers, and a long slit-like orifice on the edge of the last chamber. Adriatic. (Parker, J. & B., Ann. N. H. 3. xvi. 15.) RIND. This word is used to denote a structure intermediate between epidermis and bark, a compound structure consisting of several, or many layers of cells and even of distinct forms of tissue, but not present- ing the characteristic kinds and arrange- ment which occur in true BARK. RIVULA'RIA, Roth. A genus of Oscil- latoriaceae (Confervoid Algae), subdivided by Kiitzing, and restricted to the forms in which there is a distinct manubrium or elongated cell next to the globular basal cell. As thus defined, it contains only a few aquatic species, the rest being trans- ferred to PHYSACTIS, EUACTIS and allied genera. R. angulosa, Roth. Frond floating, glo- bose, dirty-green ; manubria oblong and curved, or oblong-ovate and abbreviated ; filaments torulose at the base, interruptedly articulated at the apex. Eng. Sot. 968. R. Boryana, Kg. (PL 6. fig. 18). Frond globose, greenish brown ; the size of a cherry ; manubria large ; sheaths yentricose, colourless, with plaited constrictions; fila- ments moniliform or interruptedly articu- late, flagelliforin. fi.jlaccida, smaller, fila- ments flaccid, not interrupted. Doubtful species : It, lotryoides, and It. plana. R. pKcatttj Harv. Frond densely grega- rious, compresso-plicate, often hollow and ruptured, dark green : filaments spuriously dichotomous, attenuated. BIBL. Kutzing, Sp. Alg. 336 ; Tab. Phyc. ii. pis. 67, 68 j Harvey, Br. Alg. 1 ed. 150; Hassall, Ala. 262, pi. 64 ; Eng. Bot. Supp. pL 2911. ROBERTI'NA, D'Orb. A modification of the Bulirnine form of Foraminifera with long oblique chambers, 7-10 in the last whorl, and interdigitating : orifice comma- shaped. Recent and fossil. BIBL. Carpenter, For. 196; Parker and Jones, Phil. Tr. civ. 375. ROBERTSO'NIA, Br. A genus of Copepodous Entomostraca. R. tennis, in dredgings. (Brady, Copepod., Ray Soc. ii. 25.) ROBULI'NA, D'Orb. A common form of Cristellaritt) in which the orifice is trian- gular. BIBL. Williamson, Rec. For. 24 (Cris- fellan'a} ; Parker and Jones, Ann. JV, H. 2. xix. 289. ROCCEL'LA, Ach. A genus of Rama- lodei (Lichenaceous Lichens)), growing on marine rocks, remarkable as furnishing the dye called orchil or archil. R. tinctoria, phycopsis, and fwsiformis, the British spe- cies, grow only in the extreme south of England. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 225; Engl. Bot. pis. 211, 728; Leighton, Lick. Pi. ROCKS. Rocks are roughly divided, according to their origin, into an eruptive and a sedimentary series. Again, the erup- tive rocks may be classed in two great groups, the vitreous and the crystalline ; the former being in great part structureless, while the latter consist essentially of cry- stals. A microscopic examination of the vitreous rocks, such as Obsidian, pitchstone, pearlite &c., shows, however, that rocks of this class are not wholly devoid of structure, since they almost invariably contain large numbers of minute crystals (microliths) too small to be referred with certainty to any known mineral species, together with more or less sparsely disseminated crystals of larger size. The microliths, moreover, are frequently disposed in approximately parallel and often tortuous bands ; while sometimes, bands of structureless matter, glass of a slightly different colour and den- sity, are seen to traverse the rock. These bands, as shown in PI. 42. fig. 8, whether consisting only of glass, or whether repre- sented by lines of microliths, are very cha- racteristic of lava-streams, and are indica- tive of their fusion and flow. Such struc- tures are not always apparent to the naked eye ; and in these cases the microscope often serves to demonstrate the conditions under which certain rocks have been formed. In the examination of the crystalline rocks, which are essentially built up of crystals, frequently of different minerals, and pertaining to various crystallographic systems, it becomes necessary to determine their optical characters; and for this pur- pose the employment of polarized light affords the best means of discriminating be- tween them; since, in thin sections of fine-grained rocks, the application of re- agents to any particular crystal or grain is a matter of some difficulty. Before enter- ing, however, upon the subject of the cry- stalline rocks, it may be well to take a glance at a few of the most characteristic features presented by the vitreous series. In the Obsidians, pitchstones, pearlites ROCKS. [ 662 ] ROCKS. and tachylytes, microliths and other minute | structures are almost always present. Some of these are mere opaque hairs or threads, called trichites, strangely bent and twisted (PI. 42. fig. 3), and concerning whose mineralogical character nothing definite is known. Others are fine needles, sometimes with lateral growths, which, as in the pitchstone of Corriegills in Airan (PI. 42. fig. 5), resemble, when highly magnified, the fronds of ferns. These spicular bodies or belonites have been referred to augite. In many of the obsidians and pearlites, the microliths are minute elongated prisms or cylinders, and their ends often appear to be rounded. They commonly form dense streams, their longest axes lying in approxi- mately uniform directions, except where larger crystals occur; and at these points the streams are deflected and appear to sweep round the obstacles. In some of the obsidians and vitreous basalt-lavas, the cry- stallites exhibit a more or less complex structure, as in PI. 42. fig. 4, the relation of which can occasionally be traced to per- fectly developed crystals. In the pearlites and in some other glassy rocks, curious little cracks occur, which separate the rock into, minute spheroids (PI. 42. fig. 7). The cracks are seldom continuous all round the form, but thin away in a very cha- racteristic manner. There is no nucleus, and the phenomenon appears to be solely due to shrinkage upon cooling. The streams of microliths which often traverse these rocks, pass without interruption through this pearlitic structure. Spherules are sometimes plentifully deve- loped in vitreous rocks, and result in many cases from crystallization around a point or along a line (axiolites) of limited extent. PL 42. fig. 6 shows parts of two spherules, in an obsidian from the Lipari Isles, which have partially coalesced ; and in some speci- mens they may be found united in coo- tinuous'strings. In the felspars and other minerals occur- ring in certain lavas, enclosures of vitreous matter are sometimes visible. These are small portions of the glassy magma which have been entrapped by the crystals during their formation. PI. 42. fig. 2* shows glass lacunae of this kind enclosed within a fel- spar crystal in one of the lavas of Etna, The crystalline eruptive rocks consist, p.s already stated, of crystals or crystalline grains of various minerals, and it is neces- sary to study their optical characters in order to determine them with any preci- sion. Before entering, however, upon this method of investigation the student should become familiar with ordinary hand speci- mens of the chief rock-forming minerals, and should acquire some knowledge of the simple tests, both physical and chemical, which distinguish the different species. In the absence of such elementary knowledge, deductions based solely upon microscopic observations are sure to be untrustworthy, if not worthless. The text-books from which this rudimentary instruction may be derived are too numerous to need mention. For the study of the optical properties of minerals the student may advantageously consult the works of Dana, Zirkel, Rosen- busch, von Lasaulx, Fouque", Le"vy, and other recent contributors to microscopic petrography. In a mere sketch of the subject, such as this must necessarily be, it is impossible to do more than allude to the microscopic characters of a few of the most typical rocks ; and in doing so, we may begin with a thin slice of granite (PI. 42. fig. 9). The student doubtless knows beforehand that he is dealing with a rock composed essen- tially, of felspar, mica, and quartz. But there may be more than one species of fel- spar present, and the mica may also be of various kinds. To determine the character of the felspars, he must study their angles of extinction between accurately crossed NicoPs prisms j and to do this, it is neces- sary to employ a microscope with a pro- perly divided, rotating stage, which can be centred correctly for any object-glass which may be used, so that a minute speck in the preparation can be made to revolve imme- diately beneath the point of intersection of two crossed spider-lines set within the eye- piece. He can, in most cases, ascertain whether the felspars crystallize in the monoclinic or in the triclinic system by ob- serving the character of the twinning in polarized light. The monoclinic felspars are usually twinned on what is known as the Carlsbad type, and show only two dif- ferently coloured halves or lamellae ; while the triclinic felspars are striated by nume- rous twin-lamellse, which polarize in dif- ferent alternatiug colours; unless, of course, in either case, the plane of section coincides with the plane of composition of the twin- lamellae, i. e. the direction in which the plates appear to be stuck together. In the monoclinic felspars, the maximum extinc- ROOKS. [ 003 ] ROCKS. tion between crossed Nicols either coincides with the edge formed by the union of the basal plane and the clinopinakoid, or else lies at right angles to this edge; while in the trichnic system the maximum extinc- tion does not coincide with, or stand at right angles to the homologous edge , formed by the basal plane and the brachy- pinakoid, but occurs in some azimuth on one or the other side of those directions, the angle being determined by rotating the sta^e upon which the preparation lies. To facilitate the recognition of the precise azimuth in which the axes of elasticity lie, an axially-cut plate of quartz, having a thickness of 1-6", is inserted between the object-glass and the analyzer, and the Nicols should be so adjusted that a uni- formly violet light pervades the field. A known crystallographic edge being made to coincide with one of the spider-lines, the section is then turned, until a tint is esta- blished which exactly corresponds with the tint visible in the field of the microscope when the preparation is removed. Similar determinations may also be effected by stauroscopic methods, which are described in the works already cited. These means of ascertaining the position of the axes of elasticity, are of course applicable to any minerals which are translucent when cut in sufficiently thin slices. Tables of the angles of extinction in the different minerals will be found in various works on mineralogy. Reverting to our section of granite, we may notice that there is perhaps more than one kind of mica present. One is probably of a more or less deep-brown colour, and the plane of the section may be either parallel with the basal planes of the cry- stals, thus affording six-sided forms, or it may cut through the crystals at some angle to the basal plane. lii the latter case it will be found, that by rapidly rotating the polarizing prism, the analyzer being re- moved, a marked change of colour or tint occurs, while, if the mica be colourless, there will merely be a slight change in the intensity of the light transmitted under similar conditions. The brown, or in hand specimens often black, mica is commonly Biotite, the colourless mica, Muscovite"; but there are many other species of mica, and in order to know which species is pre- I sent, it may be needful to have recourse to j blowpipe analysis or to an examination of cleavage plates, or of sections coincident | with the basal plane, in convergent pola- I rized light. For this purpose two or more strongly converging lenses are placed above the polarizer, and are brought just beneath the preparation. A wide-angle half- or quarter-inch object-glass should be used in conjunction with an eyepiece-fitting with- out lenses, surmounted by an analyzer ; or better, the arrangement introduced by Swift, of University Street, Tottenham Court Road ; in either case, the Nicols being accurately crossed. To determine the posi- tive or negative character of the crystal, a quarter-undulation plate, or a quartz-wedge, should be employed; but the manner of using it and the phenomena observed under these conditions must be looked for in books specially devoted to such questions. Again, in a thin section of granite, the observer will also notice the presence of more or less quartz. This will appear colourless and limpid by ordinary trans- mitted illumination, but in plane-polarized light it will exhibit strong colours ; and in convergent light it will, if of suitable thick- ness, show a more or less perfect inter- ference-cross. The rotatory polarization of quartz cannot be observed in ordinary microscopic rock-sections, which are far too thin to permit this phenomenon. Quartz, when examined under moderately high powers, is usually seen to contain lacunas partially or wholly filled with fluid, which is very commonly, but not always, water. In the partially filled cavities, bubbles of course exist, the size of which in relation to the size of their containing cavi- ties represents the condensation which the liquid has undergone since its imprison- ment. On the application of heat the bubbles contract. The cavities vary greatly in form ; those shown in PI. 42. fig. 1 are unusually large. The bubbles in these lacunse sometimes exhibit spontaneous motion when high powers are employed. PI. 42. fig 10. represents part of a section of Syenite. In this rock, hornblende is one of the essential constituents. In one of the patches of hornblende there figured, the characteristic cleavages are shown, inter- secting at an angle of about 125. These cleavage-planes rim parallel with the faces of the oblique rhombic prism. In augite, the corresponding cleavage-planes intersect approximately at right angles. Hornblende may also usually be distinguished from augite by its dichroism, which becomes evident when the lower Nicol is rotated, the analyzer being removed. Augite shows, as ROCKS. [ 664 ] HOCKS. a rule, no dichroism. Augite is a common constituent of Basalt and other rocks of a basic character. Fig. 18 shows a section of a crystal of augite cut transversely to the principal axis. In fig. 14 are shown the very peculiar forms of hornblende, which occur in some phonolites, and which from their frayed-out ends can sometimes hardly be recognized as crystals. In fig. 15 some more hornblende is shown, occurring in a diorite ; the character of the twinning in the triclinic felspar is shown in this drawing. It is in the nature of the felspar that diorite differs from syenite. The original syenite of Pliny, from Syene in Egypt, contains quartz. Many petrologists, however, now exclude from syenite those rocks in which quartz is present. The quartzless syenites are closely related to minette (PI. 42. fig. 11), in which magnesian mica takes the place of hornblende. The crystals of mica constitute the chief features of the rock. The matrix in which they lie is a finely crystalline mix- ture of felspar and mica. In the drawing, the central crystal of mica is cut trans- versely to the basal plane: the fine striae representing the direction of cleavage or the characteristic platy structure of mica. A crystal of magnetite is also shown in this drawing. It is a section through an octo- hedron. Among the minerals which crys- tallize in the cubic system, Haiiyne and Noseau are often met with in volcanic rocks, In PI. 42. fig. 14 some crystals of Noseau are shown; like all cubic minerals, they exert no influence upon polarized light. Haiivne and Noseau exhibit structural pecu- liarities when examined under high powers, which cannot be described or figured in this short article. Fig. 16 represents a crystal of Olivine in a Saxon basalt: Olivine is a common constituent of basalt, and some modern petrographers exclude from basalt any rock from which olivine is absent : thus many of the rocks which in England have always been regarded as basalts, would under this new arrangement be classed with the andesites. Olivine being a rhombic mineral, has its axes of elasticity coincident with its crystallographic axes. Fig. 17 represents a section of basalt from the Giant's Causeway, as seen by polarized light under an amplification of 77 diameters. The black patch in this drawing indicates magnetite or titanif erous iron, both of which minerals are commonly more or less plen- tiful constituents of basalt. PI. 42. fig. 15 shows a transverse section of a crystal of Nepheline partly filled with dusty matter. Nepheline is sometimes met with in basalts ; this drawing is made from a phonolite. The phonolites are rocks which essentially con- tain nepheline. The green crystals in the drawing are microliths of hornblende. The rocks Diabase and Gabbro may be regarded' as varieties or special conditions of basalt. The latter rock contains diallage instead of augite ; but these two mineral species are now regarded by some mineralo- gists as identical. The rocks termed Norite and Hypersthe- nite, contain the rhombic forms of pyroxene, hypersthene, and enstatite. Fig. 13 is drawn from, a section of trachyte and shows crystals of sanidine and oligoclase,the former a monoclinic, the latter a triclinic felspar. In the centre is a crystal of sphene or titanite, which although not a very common rock-forming mineral, nevertheless occurs both in plutonic and volcanic rocks. We now come to rocks of a different class to those just described. These are known as metamorphic ; and they are regarded by some as the result of the alteration of sedi- mentary rocks by high temperatures existing at great depths beneath the surface of the earth, or by the contact or proximity of eruptive rocks. Others regard them in many cases as the result of crystallization from solution, and not by fusion, set up in sedimentary rocks subsequent to their depo- sition. Whatever may have been the pro- cesses by which they have arrived at their present condition, we find that they consist of minerals which, in the main, are identical with those which are met with in eruptive rocks : thus, gneiss for example, is identical with granite so far as its mineralogies! con- stitution is concerned ; but the crystals and crystalline grains which compose the rock, are arranged in more or less definite layers of different mineral character, an arrange- ment termed foliation. Mica-schist (PI. 42. fig. 20) is another example of a metamor- phic rock, and consists essentially of rudely alternating layers or films of mica and quartz. Chlorite-, talc-, schorl-, and horn- blende-schists are rocks of similar structure, and contain respectively the minerals which their names imply, together with quartz, and at times felspars, garnets, &c., while staurolite, chiastolite, &c. are met with in certain argillaceous rocks which have also been subjected to alteration. Quartzite again is an altered sandstone, and the bed- ded halleflintas of Scandinavia (PI. 42. KOCKS. [ 665 ] EOCKS. fio-. 12) are usually regarded as altered felspathic sandstones, which are identical in mineral constitution and structure with the rocks known as felstone, which consist of a micro-crystalline admixture of felspar and quartz, and in which the boundaries of \ the component grains are not always clearly i defined under the microscope. This hazy j ill-defined granular structure is spoken of as a crypto-crystalline one; while there is also another condition of matter having the same chemical composition in which merely a nebulous, granular, or faintly-marked fibrous structure distinguishes it from vitreous sub- stances, its optical character being similar to that of glass. This is known as micro- felsitic matter. The four drawings which constitute the lower row in Plate 42 represent sedimentary rocks, or those which have resulted from the disintegration of preexisting land, the degraded materials having been transported by rivers and deposited in the sea or in lakes. Sandstones, shales and slates, and lime- stones, may be regarded as the principal types of these sedimentary deposits. PL 42. fig. 21 represents a section of millstone grit as seen under polarized light. The rock consists essentially of fragments of quartz with some fragments of felspar, bound to- gether by a f erruginous cement. The frag- ments have probably resulted from the disintegration of granitic rocks, the mica, owing to its form rather than its specific gravity, having been held longer in suspen- sion, and transported to greater distances in the old seas in which these materials were deposited. PI. 42. fig. 22 represents a piece of Cambrian slate from the Penrhyn quar- ries in N. Wales. The appearance is that presented between crossed Nicols. The general elongation of the constituent particles in the direction of cleavage, is the result of pressure, which is further demonstrated by the frequent distortion of the fossils met with in these old deposits. Microliths are also present which have been developed subsequently to the deposition of the rock. Similar microliths in other Palaeozoic slates have been referred by Kalkowsky to anda- lusite, a silicate of alumina. PI. 42. fig. 23 shows the small spheroidal grains which occur in the Great Oolite of Lincolnshire. They are concentric deposits of carbonate of lime, which often, as in the largest spheroid in the figure, have a foraminifer as a nucleus ; in some cases the accretions have taken place around a grain of sand. The interstitial matter in these rocks is usually crystalline carbonate of lime. PI. 42. fig. 24 is an example of a crystalline, sac- charoid limestone, statuary marble. It consists wholly of crystalline grains of calcite. The twinning of the separate crys- tals, parallel to a rhombohedral face, is represented as it is seen by polarized light. It is impossible in this article to cite further examples. Volcanic ejectamenta, which both in their loose and consolidated states, offer problems of great interest to the geologist, must pass unnoticed ; but, before closing this article, it may be worth while to make a few remarks on the relative merits of thick and thin microscopic sections of rocks. In the first place thick sections are easier to prepare; but in most cases they are of little or no use to the student, since the optical properties of the different minerals cannot as a rule be properly studied from such feebly translucent pre- parations. The rotatory polarization of quartz can of course only be observed in thick sections taken at right angles to the optical axis ; and dichroism, when barely perceptible in certain thin slices, becomes well marked in thicker ones; but apart from these advantages which tliick sections possess, they have others. A thick un- . mounted section can be submitted to the action of chemical reagents, and in many cases may be subsequently washed, ground thinner, and finally mounted, while much useful information may be thus gained. Little objection can also be raised to thick sections of vitreous rocks, when they happen to be very transparent, since the crystals which they contain may then be studied in their integrity j whereas in thinner sections we can merely examine slices of them. Furthermore, in the preparation of very thin sections there is always the danger either of stripping out the larger crystals, or of ultimately wasting labour by grinding away the whole of the preparation. Thick sec- tions are best examined by reflected light, when many important points are often dis- cerned, which would never be noticed if transmitted light only were employed. As a rule, however, it is scarcely possible to prepare too thin a section of a rock, nor to over-estimate the value of the thinnest pre- parations which can be procured; since a few finishing touches may often permit the recognition of structure which would other- i wise pass unnoticed. Most of the lapi- I daries in this country spoil their sections ROCKS. ROOTS. through not risking their loss or diminution of size* by those finishing strokes which render a preparation useful or worthless. The best sections I have yet seen are those prepared by Cuttel, of New Compton Street, Soho. Good rock-sections may also be pro- cured on the continent, notably from Voigt and Hochgesang of Vienna, Marchancl of Paris, and Fuess of Berlin. Machines for the preparation of rock-sections are made by Cotton and Johnson of Grafton Street, Soho, Fuess of Berlin, and others. Much may, however, be done simply with a flat cast-iron plate and emery, while a file and hone will sufhce for the preparation of some of the softer rocks. Chapters on this branch of microscopical work will be found in 'The Study of Rocks/ and in Beale's ' How &c.' Microscopes suitable for this branch of study, are made by Watson, of 4 Pall Mall, and Swift, of University Street, Tottenham Court Road. The student of petrology should, how- ever, study the great features presented by rock-masses, and learn to recognize the large crystals, with which Nature and the mineral-dealer can provide him, before he commits himself to microscopic investi- gation. BIBL. Zirkel, Mikr. Beschaff. d. Mine- ralien und Gesteine, 1873 ; id. Mikr. Zusam- mensetzung d. Basaltgesteine, 1870; id. Microscopical Petrography, U. 8. Geolog. Explor. of the 40th parallel, 1876; Vogel- sang, Die Krystalliten, 1875 ; Rosenbusch, Mikroskop. Physiographic, 1877 (coloured plates), and the Bibl. ; Mohl, Basalte und Phonolithe Sdchsens, 1873; Poussin and Renard, Caract. mineral, fyc. des roches Plu- tonniennes de la Belgique et de VArdenne Franqaise, 1876 ; Boficky, Petrograph. Stud. Basaltgesteinen Bohmens, 1874; id. Phonolithgesteine Bohmens, 1873; id. Me- laphyrgest. 1876; id. Elemente chem.-mi- krosk. Mineral- und Gesteinanalyse, 1877 ; (the last 4 works are in the Archiv d. Na- turwissenschaftl. Landesdurchforschung v. Bb'hmen) ; Credner, Petrographische Geologic (JSlemente d. Geologie, 1876) ; Lasaulx, Petrographie, 1875 ; Geikie, Carboniferous Volcanic Rocks of the Basin of the Firth of Forth, Tr. R. Soc. Ed. 1879 ; Fouqu< and Le"vy, Mineralogie Micrographique, Roches eruptive s Franq., coloured plates and Bibl., 1879; Sorby, Anniversary Addresses to Geol. Soc. Lond., 1878-79; Rutley, The Study of Rocks, 1879; Geikie, Text-Book, 1882. Numerous papers on Microscopic Mine- ralogy and Petrology, by Phillips, Sorby, Allport, Bonney, Ward, Davis, Daintree, and others, will be found in the Qu. Jn. Geol. Soc., others in the Jn. Mic. Soc., Tr. Roy. Soc. Ed., the R. Irish Academy, the Roy. Irish Geol. Soc., News Jahrb. f. Mineral., Zeitsch. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., Bull. d. 1. Soc. Mineral, d. France, &c. RCESTE'LIA, Rebent A genus of Ure- dinei (Coniomycetous Fungi), closely re- lated to ^EcimuM, and presenting similar spermogonia and perithecia ; the chains of spores of the Rcestelice, however, present a peculiarity, having a sterile joint, forming an isthmus of variable length, between each spore : the peridium bursts irregularly ; or (in R. cancellatd) the teeth cohere more or less for a time, so as to form a kind of lattice. This genus includes sEcidium cor- nutum, laceratum, and cancellatum of older authors, growing respectively on the leaves of the mountain-ash, hawthorn, and pear. See yEciDiuM and UREDINEI. ROOTS. The structure of roots presents important modifications ; but these are less striking than those in stems. In all cases they have a fibro- vascular axis enveloped in . a more or less thick cortical parenchyma, covered when young by a delicate epidermis devoid of stomata (epiblema), when old by an epidermal tissue ol corky nature. The roots of the vascular Cryptogamia are all adventitious; and their structure consists merely of a central fibro-vascular axis, surrounded by a cellular cortex and an epidermis provided with root-hairs of a yellowish colour. Dicotyledons produce an axial root, which is a direct prolongation of the stem down- wards ; ana both this and the adventitious roots frequently developed on the stem have the peculiar unlimited fibro-vascular struc- ture found in the stems of this class, and may become woody and increase by annual layers like the ascending axis. The axial root of Dicotyledons, being a direct con- tinuation of the stem, displays a circular group of fibro-vascular bundles as in the ascending axis ; but these mostly converge at the point of junction of stern and root (collar), so that the central axis of the pa- renchyma, the pith, is usually absent, the medullary rays remaining as in the stem. Externally, again, there is a difference, since the liber-bundles vanish and the cambium- region passes at once into the cortical pa- renchyma, here colourless and succulent, and this is clothed by a less prominent peri- ROOTS. [ 667 ] ROOTS. derm than the stem. The roots of Dico- tyledons increase in diameter by annual layers of wood formed in the fibro-vascular bundles; these, however, are much less regular in their arrangement than those of the stem on account of the tortuous course of the roots ; hence, while the wood of the roots is often useful for ornamental purposes, it is comparatively valueless for carpenters' uses. The branches of the axial root are originally growths from the apex of the root thrown off to the sides as it were, and their woody axis is derived from a division of that of the main root. The radical of a germinating Dicotyledon has its pileorhiza, and grows, in the same way as that of the Monocotyledons, by development of cells just behind the apex. Young roots are covered by a delicate epidermis; and the cells of this are abundantly produced into hairs (fibrillse) in many plants, especially in those growing on light soils ; these fibrils are deciduous, the delicate epidermis, which is always destitute of stomata, being gra- dually converted into a corky layer. Ad- ventitious roots are very common in Dico- tyledons, especially the herbaceous peren- nial kinds, and they alone can exist on plants raised from cuttings &c. of stems. The roots originate much in the same way as those of the Monocotyledons, appearing first as cellular cones in the region adjacent to the cambium-layer, with which the fibro- vascular structure soon becomes confluent. They break through the rind with a coleo- rhiza, and protected by a pileorhiza, just as in Monocotyledons ; but when once formed, they appear to branch in the same manner as the axial root, and not by the formation of secondary adventitious roots. The radicle of a monocotyledonous embryo is never developed ; but if a section is made of the lower part of the embryo, we find one or more little conical- bodies imbedded in the parenchyma ; these are the nascent ad- ventitious roots, which soon appear exter- nally, breaking their way through the superficial tissue. The anatomy may, how- ever, be more easily studied by tracing the development of the adventitious roots on the rhizomes of rushes, flags, and other plants of this class. The roots originate in the region where the fibro-vascular bundles of the stem terminate, (and frequently form a fibrous plexus). They are first wholly cellular, and consist of three parts : a woody axis which soon becomes continuous with the Hbro-va.scular plexus; a cortical parenchyma, continuous with the inner part of that of the parent stem ; and a kind of conical hood of rather dense cellular tissue enveloping the end of the root. As the root grows it pushes the hood forward, which breaks down the cellular tissue before it, and finally appears externally. When the epidermis is ruptured in this way, it presents a circular free edge standing up slightly like a collar around the base cf the free part of the root : this is called the coleorhiza by some authors. The conical hood upon the apex of the root, called the pileorhiza, is more or less persistent in dif- ferent cases ; in aquatic plants it becomes greatly developed, as may be seen in the duckweed (Lemna) r where it forms a long sheath, appearing as if slipped over the end of the rootlet. The focus of development of the root is within the pileorhiza, which is pushed forward by the continued develop- ment of cells just behind the apex. The pileorhiza may be compared to a kind of shield or guard to the tip of the root, pro- tecting the nascent tissue, by the expansion of which it is pushed forwards, itself always possessing a certain solidity, which enables it to penetrate between the particles of the soil. The centre of the root of a Monocoty- ledon is occupied by prosenchymatous tissue with a circle of vessels around it, the whole enclosed by regular parenchyma, sometimes by liber-cells and covered by an epidermis. The ring of vessels spreads out into a kind of rosette at the base, and anastomoses with the extremities of the fibro-vascular bundles of the stem in the fibrous region. Secon- dary adventitious roots are formed in the same way in the roots, originating imme- diately upon the vascular ring and breaking through the cortical parenchyma. The woody adventitious roots of arborescent Monocotyledons differ only in the greater development of the fibro-vascular struc- tures; and they emerge from the stem (palms) in the form of thick conical shoots. In the thickened adventitious roots of as- paragus, which perform the function of tubers, the parenchyma is greatly developed. In the tuberous roots of Orchids the central woody axis becomes irregularly expanded into parenchymatous tissue, driving the vessels out nearly to the periphery, so that the characteristic structure is greatly dis- SLiised. The aerial roots of the epiphytic rchids have the growing extremities clothed by several layers of a parenchy- ROT ALIA. [ 668 ] ROTATION. matous tissue, in which the cells are cha- racterized by delicate open spiral-fibrous secondary layers. Roots grow by cell-development only near the apex; and interstitial expansion soon ceases. Old roots of Dicotyledons present a dense heart-wood like the trunks, the passage of fluid taking place through the outer layers. When the older parts of roots are exposed to the air by removal of soil, they acquire a thick corky periderm. The general structure of the root of Conifers is like that of Dicotyledons. BIBL. Henfrey-Masters, Bot. ; Nageli and Leitgeb, Nag., Wiss. Sot. 1867 ; Hofmeister, Morphol. d. Geweb. 1865 ; Tieghem, Ann. Sc. N. 5. xiii.; Sachs, Sot. 165; Olivier, Rac. Ug. 1882 (50 pis.). ROTA 'LI A, Lamarck (restricted). A typical Foraminifer; shell ammoniform, neat, finely porous, unequally biconvex ; with 13-40 chambers, double . septa, and canal-system ; limbate and often granulate. Species numerous, both fossil and recent (R. Beccarii, PI. 24. figs. 13, 14). BIBL. Carpenter, For. 212; Micr. 546; Parker & Jones, Phil. Tr. civ. 387. ROTALI'NA, Carpenter (Rotalina). A subfamily of Globigerinida. See FORA- MINIFEBA. BIBL. Carpenter, For. 198; Parker & Jones, Phil. Tr. civ. 378, and Qu. J. G. S. xxxviii. 103. ROTATION or C YCLOSIS. This term is usually employed in botanical works to denote peculiar flowing movements of the contents of vegetable cells ; and it is useful to retain the word for all cases of the kind, in order to avoid confusion of these pheno- mena with the general circulation of the sap. The term " circulation of the cell- sap " is, however, often used instead of rotation, and especially in reference to the cases where it exnibits numerous distinct currents. The rotation presents itself in two types, namely (1) a rotatory movement of a layer of protoplasm investing the entire internal surface of the cell, as in CHARA, &c. ; and (2) a radiating movement of the protoplasm in slender currents, from the nucleus out over the remainder of the cell, with a return flow towards the nucleus ; but as the nucleus itself shifts in the latter type as in the former, the two kinds are scarcely definitely distinguishable ; they may, however, be spoken of separately. The rotation in Char a and NiteUa has been long known ; a similar movement oc- curs in many water-plants, such as Vallis- neria, Hydrocharis, Anacharis, Slratiotes, Sagittaria, Potamoffeton,Ceratophi/llton, &c., where it is seen best in the more delicate foliaceous structures, such as young leaves, stipules, or sepals, or in the young rootlets. It has also been observed in the fruit- stalks of Slasia pusilla and some other Hepaticse. In the CHAEACE^E the wall of the cells is lined with chlorophyll-granules, leaving two oblique or spiral stri8e bare (fig. 125, p. 162) ; these striae indicate the boundaries of the ascending and descending currents (marked by arrows) . The moving substance is a vis- cid semifluid layer, lying within the chloro- phyll-layer, and itself surrounding the watery cell-sap occupying the centre of the cell. This layer, forming a kind of gelatinous sac, moves in a spiral course up one side of the cell and down the other, the motion being rendered very evident by chlorophyll- and other granules imbedded in it ; these appear to be carried along passively by the stream, the larger slowly, the smaller with greater rapidity. In VaUisneria, Anacharis, &c. the chlorophyll-granules and the nu- cleus are imbedded in and moved with the flowing protoplasm. If long cells of Chara are bent or tied round by a ligature, the circulation is not stopped, but takes place independently in each half. If a cell of Chara is cut across, the protoplasm of the current flowing towards the cut surface escapes at once, but that of the current flowing away, goes on to the end of the cell, turns round, and then flows towards and out from the wound. The size of the stream seems to be in in- verse proportion to the length of the cell, decreasing as the latter acquires its full development. The rapidity of the current varies according to the age of the plant and the activity of its vegetation. It is most rapid in hot weather and in sunshine. Arti- ficial elevation of temperature in the water in which the plant grows, up to a certain point, hastens the movement; a heat above 80* Fahr., however, retards it for a time. A temperature of 112 Fahr. kills the plant, as also does a cold of about 20. Darkness appears merely to exert effect through its influence on the activity of the vegetation. Keeping Chara in water exhausted of air does not stop the rotation until the plant dies. Most chemical reagents seem to exert no special action ; only lime-water appears to stop it in a few moments. A solution of sugar, or gum, or milk greatly hastens the ROTATION. ROTATORIA. rotation in Vallisneria, so that the proto- plasm is moved on in waves ; but the pri- mordial utricle finally dissolves, and the movement ceases. Passing an electric cur- rent through the cell stops the current for a time ; but it recovers itself, just as occurs after any mechanical interference. If several cells are injured by cutting or pricking, the whole rotation stops in young plants, but it gradually returns as before in the uninjured cells. Pressure interrupts or stops the mo- tion for a time only ; when removed, the current is gradually restored; but actual injury to the cell stops it for ever. The rotation which takes place between the external surface of the green layer and the outer cell-membrane in Closterium and other DESMTDIACE^ appears to be of the same kind as the above. The circulation in reticular currents, first observed by Brown in the hairs of the stamens of Tradcscantia, appears to exist far more extensively, if it be not even a uni- versal phenomenon. It has been observed in the Confervoideae, Fucoideae, Florideae, Lichens, Fungi, Hepaticae, Equisetaceae, Lycopodiaceae, and Ferns, and in the most varied families of Flowering plants. It is seen most easily in young tissues, especially such as can be prepared readily without much mechanical injury,; for example, in hairs, cells of the pulp of fruits, cells of the germen of Onagraceae, of the labellum of Orchids, &c. It generally exhibits the fol- lowing characters : In the middle or at one side of the cell occurs a large heap of pro- toplasm, in which is imbedded the nucleus ; from this protoplasm more or less slender filaments run out over the cavity of the cell, and as these contain numerous fine granules, a flowing movement which takes place be- comes evident by the change of place of the granules. Attentive examination shows that these flow out from the central mass and return to it, and, moreover, that the cur- rents change their form and direction, and, lastly, that the nucleus itself moves. This rotation cannot be observed in very young cells when the cavity is densely filled with protoplasm ; but Hofmeister states that he has seen the entire primordial utricle rotate in the special parent cell of the spore of Phascnm cuspidatum. As the young cells increase in size, vacuoles are formed in the protoplasni,filled with watery sap ; and these enlarging and becoming confluent, leave the protoplasm in the form of a reticulated mass. The cause of the motion is evidently related to the movements exhibited by free Srotoplasmic bodies, such as ZOOSPORES, PERMATOZOIDS, the free filaments of Os- CILLATOHIA, &c. It has been well com- pared with the movements of the body of Amoeba, which bear considerable resem- blance to some kinds of the reticular rota- tion. The relation existing here is further borne out by the fact of pulsating vacuoles existing in Volvox, Gonium, &c., just like those in the Infusoria. The actual rotation or movement in a definite direction is the result of the con- fining cell-wall on the contracting and ex- panding protoplasm. It is produced in Algae during cell-growth. The rotation in Chara may be observed by simply placing portions of the plant on a slide in water. The unincrusted species are of course most favourable ; but the growing points of the others are tolerably transpa- rent. In Vallisneria, detached fragments of leaves, or even horizontal sections of the leaf, may be used; in Anacharis, entire leaves or sepals may be detached and ob- served. Hairs are frequently more or less covered with a viscid secretion, which re- tains air-bubbles about them ; in such cases, it is often useful to dip them for an instant in alcohol, and then place them in water. BIBL. Varley, Tr. Soc. Arts, xlviii. ; Mic. Trans. ; Slack, Tr. Soc. Arts, xlix. ; Du- trochet, Compt. Rend. 1837, 775 ; Becque- rel, ibid. 784 ; linger, Sitzungsber. Wien. Ak. viii. 32 ; Mohl, Sot Zeit. iv. 73 ; Ann. N. H. xviii. 1 ; Hofmeister, Very. Unters. 73; Osborne, Mic. Jn. iii. 54; Branson, ibid. iii. 260; Wenham, ibid. iii. 250 ; Hen- frey, Ann. N. H. 3, i. 419; Reichert, Ann. N.H. 1867, xix. 10; Beale, How $c. 4th edit. 165 ; Carpenter, Microscope ; Henfrev- Masters, Bot. 551. ROTATO'RIA or ROTIF'ERA. A Class of the ANIMAL KINGDOM. Char. Microscopic, transparent animals, living in fresh or in salt water ; legs absent ; anterior portion of the body furnished with one or more retractile, often lobed disks, upon which are placed usually vibratile cilia, when in motion presenting the appear- ance of one or more revolving wheels ; ali- mentary canal usually distinct, with a den- tal apparatus, and two orifices ; reproduction by ova. Body covered with a firm and usually smooth skin or integument, sometimes pre- ROTATORIA. [ 670 ] ROTATORIA. senting indications of segments ; often more or less enclosed in a carapace (CARAPACE), which is either secreted by the skin, by the alimentary canal, or by a special secreting organ. In some species the skin is fur- nished with cilia, hairs, or rigid bristles. In most, there is a tail-like process at the posterior end of the body called the foot- like tail, tail-like foot, or false foot ; this is jointed, and can often be contracted and extended like a telescope ; it does not form a direct prolongation of the end of the body, but arises from and is situated upon the ventral aspect. It is often terminated by a suctorial disk, or a pair of claw- or toe-like processes. Distinct longitudinal and circular muscu- lar bands are present ; and they sometimes present transverse striae. The rotatory disks or wheel-organs vary greatly in structure, the varieties forming characters of the families and genera. Their margin is usually furnished with one or two rows of vibratile cilia ; some- times these are replaced by bundles of non- contractile elongate cilia (PI. 43. fig. 32), or the rotatory organ is divided into ten- tacle-like processes, upon which cilia are placed (PL 44. fig. 25). The rotatory disk is the principal organ of motion, by means of the cilia of which the animals swim through the water ; some of the Rotatoria, however, move in a leech- like manner, by alternately fixing the toe- like processes and the anterior end of the body, which in some forms a kind of pro- boscis (PI. 43. fig. 1). The nervous system is not well known. It appears to consist of a ganglion and of branches given off in various directions. In many of the Rotatoria, eyes are pre- sent, mostly red. These appear to have a cornea and a lens. They sometimes dis- appear in the adult animals ; and as their number, position, &c. are used as charac- ters, when absent in the adults, they must be looked for in the young or the ova, either within tlie carapace or adherent to the body. Alimentary apparatus. Behind the mouth is sometimes a distinct conical pharynx, but nearly always a rounded muscular giz- zard containing the jaws and teeth. In the pharynx are occasionally seen two undula- ting lines, presenting a flickering appearance, the indications of cilia or undulating mem- branes. The jaws are constructed mostly -after two forms. In one of these they con- sist of two knee-shaped pieces (PI. 43. fig. 24), to the posterior portion of which muscles are attached, whilst the anterior, which passes inwards at a right or obtuse angle to the former, ends in a single point or in several teeth (fig. 26). In the other, the jaws have the form of stirrups (fig. 17), with their bases turned towards each other, upon which two or more teeth are placed. A third single or compound intermediate piece forms a support (figs. 24, 26), upon which the food acted upon by the jaws is triturated. In some species the jaws and teeth are very complex in their ar- rangement. The alimentary canal is usually short and straight, but sometimes curved. Its walls are very thick, and lined with ciliated epi- thelium. The stomach forms a distinct expansion (PI. 43. fig. 27 c) ; this is suc- ceeded by an intestine, the termination of which corresponds to a cloaca, receiving the expelled contents of the reproductive organs and so-called water- vessel system, and open- ing at the base of the foot. In some Rota- toria a second expansion or stomach is situ- ated below the upper one. The walls of the stomach and intestines frequently contain brown or yellow cells, representing a liver ; and at the commence- ment of the stomach are two or more caecal appendages, probably corresponding to a pancreas (PI. 44. fig. 14). In the male Rotatoria, the alimentary canal is entirely absent. Vascular system. Distinct bloods are apparently not present in the Rotatoria ; but on each side of the body, in most of them, runs a narrow straight or wavy band, containing a slender vessel (PI. 43. fig. 18 a; PI. 44. fig. 14 b). Anteriorly, these vessels give off branches, the terminations of which are not well known. By some thev are said to open into the abdominal cavity, by others to terminate as caeca. Attached to the walls of these lateral tubes, or situated within them, are pear-shaped or oval corpuscles (PI. 43. fig. 18 a; PL 44. fig. 14 c), which exhibit a flickering appearance from the action of cilia connected with them, and which open into the cavity of the abdomen. Posteriorly, the tubes terminate in an ac- tively contractile sac, which opens into the cloaca. In regard to their function, these tubes have been variously viewed as water- vessels, testes, and kidneys. Ehrenberg con- sidered them j).s connected anteriorly with a certain projecting organ (PL 44. fig-. 14 a ROTATORIA. [ 671 ] RUCKER1A, situated usually in the cervical region (PI. I 43. fig. 3 ; PL 44. fig. 17), denominated the i calcar or respiratory tube, and terminated by a retractile tuft of non-vibratile cilia (fig. 5 ). They have no relation, how- ever, with this, which corresponds to an antenna. Huxley proved that they are part of a water-system. Beneath the integument of the Rotato- ria, a kind of irregular circulation, varying with the motions of the body, or a simple molecular movement of minute granules, has been noticed. These granules are probably situated in the abdominal cavity j in which also sarcodic globules, sometimes free, at others connected by filaments, have been observed. Reproduction. -The Rotatoria are propa- gated by means of sexual organs, and are unisexual. The female organs consist of one or two longer or shorter ovarian sacs or ovaries, situated towards the posterior end of the body in the abdominal cavity, the oviduct terminating in the cloaca, or at a distinct vulva. The ova are of an oval form, and are sometimes smooth externally and soft. The winter-ova are larger an'd darker than those hatched during the sum- mer, and the outer coat is thick and hairy or tubercular. The winter-ova which re- main so long attached to the posterior part of the body are probably gemmse ; they sometimes remain adherent to the cloaca for a time, and in a few instances they are hatched within the ovary. The testis is situated at the posterior part of the body, and consists of a wedge- shaped body, with a muscular duct opening externally. Many of the Rotatoria are remarkably tenacious of life ; and some of them are stated to have revived after having been kept dry for several years. Perfect desiccation destroys the Rotifers, but they will last a long time with a very slight amount of moisture. The families of the Rotatoria are thus distinguished : Ciliated margin of rotatory disk simple or continuous. Margin entire. Holotrocha. Carapace absent Ichthydina. Carapace present CEcistina (?). Margin undulate or excised. Schizotrocha. Carapace absent Megalotrochsea. Carapace present Floscularisea. Rotatory disk divided or multiple. Divided into several parts. Polytrocha. Carapace absent H jdatinaca . Carapace present Euchlanidota. Divided into two parts. Zygotrocha. Carapace absent Philodinaea. Carapace present Brachionaea. See ALBERTINA. They are found wherever water exists, provided it be not in a state of putrefaction, thus in pools, on moist earth, mosses, in gutters, &c., and even in the cells of mosses and algae. BEBL. Ehr. Inf. j Dujard. Inf. ; Siebold, Vergl An. ; Dalrymple, Phil. Tr. 1849, 331 ; Huxley, Micr. Trans. 1852, i. 1 ; William- son, Micr. Jn. i. 1 j Cohn, Siebold und Kol- liker's Zeitsch. vii. 431 ; Gosse, Tr. Micr. Soc. iii. ; id. Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 198 (several new genera and species) j and 1850, xviii. 333; Pritchard, Inf. ; Schmarda, Neue Rotatoria, 1861 ; Mecznikow, Sieb. und Koll. Zts. 1865 ; Qu. Mic. Jn. 1666, 34 & 240 j Claparede, An. N. H. 1868, i. 309 ; Schloch, Rdderthiere, 1869 j Cubitt, M. M. Jn. vi. 168, viii. 5 ; Hudson, M. M. Jn. xiii. 45 j Pascoe, Zool. ROT'IEER, Guv. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Philodineea. Char. Eyes two, situated upon the pro- boscis ; foot furnished with lateral horn- like processes, and with two terminal toes, giving its end a bifurcate appearance j fresh- water, It. vulyaris (PI. 44. fig. 23). Body fusi- form, white, gradually attenuated towards the foot-, length 1-48 to 1-24". This is one of the commonest of the Rotatoria, and has long been known as a favourite microscopic object under the po- pular name of the wheel-animalcule. The anterior and upper part of the body termi- nates in a proboscis, ciliated at the end, and upon which the eyes are placed ; the two rounded lobes of the rotatory organ are placed laterally. Behind, and at the root of the proboscis, is the calcar. In R. citrinus, the middle of the body is yellowish, the horns of the foot long, and the eyes round. In R. macrurus, the body is suddenly narrowed into a long foot. In R. tardus the body is gradually attenuated, but somewhat deeply constricted into seg- ments. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 484 ; Pritchard, Inf. ; Grenadier, M. Mic. Jn. 1870, 44. ROTIF'ERA. See ROTATORIA. RUBEFAOTION OF WATER. See WATER. RUCKE'RIA. A genus of Composite. The pericarp possesses HAIRS of an inter- esting structure. RUELLIA. [ 672 ] SALICORNARIA. BIBL. Decaisne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. xii. 251 ; Ann. N. H. vi. 257. RUEL'LIA. A genus of Acanthaceous plants. The testa of the seed of Ruellia formosa exhibits a peculiar kind of HAIR '(PI. 28. tig. 21). RUST OF PLANTS. See BLIGHT. RUTILA'RIA, Gr. A genus of Diato- macese. Frustules compressed, forming a short filament ; valves elliptical, elevated at the angles, with a central no'dule, termina- ting in two short processes ; margin spinous. 3 species ; in the Barbadoes deposit. (Gre- ville, Tr. Mic. Soc. 1866, 124.) RYE. The grain of Secak cereale. See STARCH. RYLAND'SIA, Gr. & Ralfs. A genus of Diatomaceae. Frustules simple, disk- shaped, areolar ; valves with two opposite smooth rays, dilated at their base, not reaching the centre. It. biradiata, Barba- does deposit. (Greville, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1861, 67.) RYTIPHLCE'A, Ag. A genus of Rho- domelacese (Florideous Algae), containing four British species, mostly common, having pinnately branched, filiform or compressed fronds, transversely striate and reticulated ; the articulate axis is composed of a circle of large elongated tubular cells surrounding a central cell, the whole enclosed by a kind of rind of several layers of small coloured cells. Colour mostly dull red or brown. Fronds from 2" to 4" or 6" high. Cera- midia scattered on the ramules of some plants ; antheridia tufted in the same situ- ations on others ; and tetrahedral tetra- spores occur imbedded in a double row in stichidia, borne on distinct plants. R. pinas- troides (PI. 4. fig. 11). BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 80 ; Grev. Alg. Br. ; Derbes and Solier, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xvi. 275 ; Thuret, ibid. 4. iii. 20. S. SACCAM'MINA, Sars. See LITUOLIDA. SACCOG'YNA. A genus of Junger- rnanniese (Hepaticae) founded on Junger- mannia viticulosa of Linnaeus ; it is re- markable on account of the subterraneous fleshy perianth, in which character and in habit it is allied to Calypogeia. It is found among mosses, especially in alpine districts. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 121 ; Br. Jung. pi. 60 ; Ekart, Syn. Jung. pi. 1. fig. 6; Endlicher, Gen. PI. Supp. 1. No. 472-23. SAC'CULUS, Gosse. A genus ofRota- toria, of the family Ichthydina. Char. Eye single, frontal j body free from hairs, and without a foot ; rotatory organ a simple wreath ; alimentary canal very large ; jaws set far forward, apparently consisting of two delicate unequal lateral pieces, and a slender central portion, very evanescent ; eggs attached behind after deposition. 8. viridis. Length 1-150" ; freshwater. BIBL. Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 198. SADLE'RIA, Kaulf. A genus of Blech- neae (Polypodiaceous Ferns) . Two species ; arborescent; Sandwich Islands. (Hooker, Syn. Fil. 187.) SAGENEL'LA, Brady. A simple, branching, Arenaceous Foraminifer, at- tached to Nulli pores, forming a network with its anastomosing branches (1-200" to 1-65" in diameter). Admiralty Islands. (Brady, Qu. Jn. Mic. Sci. n. s. xix. 41.) SAGO. Farinas obtained from a variety of tropical plants are known by this name ; but the true East-Indian sagoes are ex- tracted from the central part of the trunks of Palm-trees belonging to the genus Sagus, natives of the Moluccas. In PI. 46. fig' 23, is figured the starch of a sago obtained from the Museum at Kew; but it is un- certain whether this is the produce of a 8agus ; its grains resemble those of some East-Indian Arrow-roots (PI. 46. fio-. 18). See STARCH. SAGRI'NA, D'Orb. (SAGRAINA, Reuss). See UVIGERINA. SAL A 'CIA, Lamx. A genus of La- foeidae, Hydroid Zoophytes. Char. Stem erect, composed of aggregated tubes, branching, rooted. Cells cylindrical, sessile, without operculum, adnate for the greater part of their length, on all sides of stem and branches in regular longitudinal rows. Ovicells scattered on the stein and branches. Polypes long, cylindrical, with a conical proboscis. S. abietina. Deep water off Northumber- land coast. (Hincks, Hyd. Zooph. 211 ) SALICINE. The alkaloid of the willow and poplar. The so-called circular crystals of this substance (PL 39. fig. 9) form a beautiful polarizing object. The largest crystals are obtained by fusion. SALICORNA'RIA, Cuv.-A genus of Cheilostornatous Polyzoa. Char. Surface divided into rhomboidal or hexagonal spaces by ridges surrounding the cells ; avicularia disposed irregularly. SAL1CORNARIIDJ5. [ 673 ] SAND. S. farciminoides. On old shells, &c. from deep water, not uncommon. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 355 ; Busk, Cat. Mar. Polyz., Brit. Mus., 16 ; Heller, Verhandl. zool.-bot. GeseUsch. Wien, xvii. 1867, 85 ; Hincks, Poly*. 104. SALICORNARrilbE. A family of Infundibulate Cheilostomatous Polyzoa. Char. Polypidom erect, branched, jointed; branches cylindrical, dichotomous, with the cells on all sides. One genus : SAL i CORN ARIA. SALIVA and SALIVARY GLANDS. These organs, consisting of the parotid, the submaxillary, and the sublingual glands, agree essentially in structure with the race- mose mucous glands (MOUTH), of which they may be regarded as aggregations. Their ducts consist of connective tissue, with numerous very dense networks of elas- tic tissue. Wharton's duct contains un- striped muscular fibres. The salivary corpuscles are noticed at page 518. SALMON-DISEASE. See ACHLYA. SALPI'NA, Ehr. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Euchlanidott. Char. Eyes single, cervical ; foot forked ; carapace closed on the ventral surface, and furnished with spines or horns at the ends. Freshwater. The carapace resembles a three-sided box with convex sides, flat and closed beneath, and often scabrous. S. redunca (PL 44. fig. 24). Carapace with two curved horns in front upon the ventral surface, smooth, posterior end with three horns; dorsum cleft, gaping. Length of carapace 1-216 to 1-144". Five other species. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 469 ; Pritchard, In/us. SALPIN'GIA, Coppin. A genus of Cheilostomatous Polyzoa, of the family Eucratiidse. Char. Erect, branched; cells elongate, with spines and trumpet-shaped processes ; orifice lateral. One species : S. Hassallii. On filamentous fud; rare. BIBL. Coppin, Ann. N. H. 1848, ii. 273. SALPINGCE'CA, J. Clark. A genus of Choano-Flagellate Infusoria. Single, in a fixed sessile or stalked, ovate or flask- shaped carapace. 29 species, marine and freshwater ; attached to Algae, shells, &c. S. amphoridiwn (PI. 53. fig. 25). Fresh- water, on Conferva &c. : length 1-3350". ( J. Clark, Mem. Bost. Soc. i. 1868 ; Kent, Inf. 340.) Fig. 623. SALTS. See CRYSTALS. SAL' VIA, L. An extensive genus of Flowering plants, of the Nat. Ord. Labiataa, including common sage, and many species cultivated for the beauty of their flowers. They are interesting to the microscopist both on account of the glandular hairs, containing the essential oils, and the spiral- fibrous structures found in the HAIRS of the pericarp (PI. 28. fig. 23) and the hairs of the stigma. m SALVIN'IA, Mich. A genus of Mar- sileaceae, growing floating on the surface of stagnant water (not British). The fructification resembles that of Mar- silea and Pilularia, except that the anthe- ridia and sporangia are contained in sepa- rate sacs, and also attached to a sort of central cellular stroma. The prothallium of Salvinia produces several archegonia. See MARSILEACE^E and PILULARIA. SAND, BRAIN-. Brain-sand, or the acer- vulus cerebri, is found in the pineal gland and the choroid plexus, sometimes also in the pia mater, the arach- noid membrane, and the walls of the ven- tricles. It consists of single, or aggregated and no- dular, rounded, dark bodies,l-2500to 1-200" in diameter, sometimes also forming club- shaped, cylindrical, or reticular masses. It is principally composed of carbonate and phosphate of lime, and, like other concretions, leaves an organic cast Magn - 35 diame - of the original form, after the salts have been removed by a di- lute acid. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikr. Anat. ii. SAND, SEA-. This often contains interesting microscopic objects, as Fora- minifera, spicules of sponges, minute shells of the Mollusca or their fragments, portions of the skeleton of the Echmoderniata, &c. The various bodies may be separated from the washed and dried sand with a mounted bristle. The sand or powder which may be separated by pressing or shaking newly imported sponges, and which is sometimes Brain-sand from the pineal gland, in bundles of areolar tissue. SANDSTONE. [ 674 ] SARCODE. called sponge-sand, is very rich in the above organic bodies, especially the Foraininifera. SANDSTONE. See ROCKS. SAN'IDINE. See ROCKS. SAP. A name vaguely applied to the watery juices contained in living plants. Sap flowing from wounds may contain various organized substances, such as starch- granules, chlorophyll-globules, protoplasm, and also raphides ; but it cannot be said to have any proper microscopic characters. SAPROLEG'NIA. See ACHLYA. SARACENA'RIA, Defrance. A short, thick, triangular modification of Cristdlaria. Recent and fossil. (Parker and Jones, Ann. N.H. 3. xii.217.) SAR'CINA, Goodsir. A curious organ- ism, formerly placed among the Palmel- lacese from considerations relating to its structure, but which, from its habitat and general characters, is now referred to the Schizomycetous Fungi. Sarcina ventriculi (PI. 7. fig. 5 a and b) is sometimes found in great abundance in the vomited contents of the stomach of the human subject, also in the stomach after death, where no disorder had appeared during life. It consists of minute, cubical, oblong, or even irregular masses, of considerable consistence, com- posed 'of four, eight, sixteen, sixty-four or more, squarish cells contained in a tough transparent frond, apparently composed of the cell-membranes of these cells. The cells are always most closely connected in groups of four, which stand a little more apart from each other in the secondary groups of sixteen ; these again have a stronger line of demarcation between them when they are collected into tertiary groups of sixty-four (PL 7. fig. 5 a, b). the size of the primary cell% of nuclei of Robin appears to vary slightly ; we find their diameter about 1-16,000"; they have a slight brownish tint, which imparts a colour to the whole mass. Iodine colours the fronds brown ; alcohol contracts them a little. Nitric acid does not dissolve them, even when heat is applied. Alkalies cause the fronds to break up into their constituent components. The plant appears to increase by the division of the contents of its ulti- mate cells into four and the formation of a new membrane around each portion, the groups remaining attached a longer or shorter time according to circumstances. Berkeley has in vain tried to get it to ger- minate in sugar and water. It is stated to have been found also in the lung, and the pus of pulmonary abscess, the blood, the urine, the faeces, and in the sto- mach of the rabbit. According to Ferrier, it is normal or constantly present in the blood of man and animals ; and may be readily obtained by keeping blood in tubes, stopped with wool, for a week or ten days, at a temperature of 100. We have never found it, except in the contents of the stomach. Robin and Rabenhorst place Sarcina in the genus Merismop&dia ; but its cubical form and the absence of chlorophyll at once separate it. BIBL. Goodsir, Ed. Med. and Sura. Jn. 1842, 430; An. and Path. Obs. 1845; Na- geli, Einz. Alg. 2 ; Robin, Veg. Parasit. 331 ; Rossmann, Flora, 1857, 641 ; Stephens, Ann. N. H. 2. xx. 514 ; Ferrier, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, xii. 163 ; Lorstofer, Wien. Jahrb. 1872. SARCOCH'ITUM, Hass. A genus of Infundibulate Ctenostomatous Polyzoa, of the family Alcyonidiidae. Char. Incrusting, covered with perforate prominences in which the cells are im- mersed; ova scattered singly throughout. One species : S. polyoum. On Fucus serratus. BIBL. Hassall, Ann. N. H. 1851, vii. 484; referred to Alcyonidium. SARCODE. A term applied by Dujardin to the gelatinous, homogeneous, diaphanous proteine substance occurring abundantly in very young animals, the larvse of insects, embryos of the Vertebrata, worms, zoo- phytes, &c. ; it is synonymous with proto- plasm. It constitutes the whole of some of the lower animals, as the Atncebce. It may be readily studied when exuding from around the body of the intestinal parenchy- inatous worms, as Distoma, Cysticercus, Tcenia, &c., or almost any of the Infusoria, placed alive in water between two plates of glass. In the course of a short time, the bodies of the animals are seen to be bordered with a row of projecting diaphanous glo- bules (PI. 32. fig. 2 a), frequently more or less pressed together, which after a time be- come separated and float in the liquid, espe- cially if it be shaken. Spherical cavities or vacuoles are soon perceptible in these globules of sarcode (PI. 32. fig. 26), the nature of which is readily determined by comparing the refraction of the light at their circumference with that at the circum- ference of the globule.-* themselves ; for on elevating the object-glass, the centre of the SARCONYSSUS. [ 675 ] SARCOSCYPHUS. vacuoles becomes darker, and the centre of j the globules becomes brighter ; whilst on approximating the object-glass, the reverse taKes place. The spontaneously produced cavities continue to enlarge and increase in numbers, until some of the globules ! appear perforated in all directions. Ulti- mately the globules become so altered by | the action of the water, that they form a thin granular or wrinkled layer, resembling coagulated albumen. The protoplasm of vegetable cells corre- sponds to the sarcode of animal structures. In certain cells it exists in two forms as regards density, the outer portion being firmer than the inner; or it may become entirely liquid. In many of the lower organisms, and probably most cells in their youngest state, it is glutinous, and in the former, permanently remains so. When existing in cells and the lowest animals, it appears to constitute the essen- tial part of their structure, and is capable of performing all the functions carried on by the tissues of the higher or more per- fect organisms. It also appears that the cell-theory, in so far as it attributes the principal importance to the cell-wall, is founded upon error the cell-wall merely forming a protection to the sarcode or pri- mordial utricle of plants, and the sarcode, or protoplast as it might be called, of ani- mals, enabling them to carry on their essential functions uninterrupted by sur- rounding influences (1st Ed. 1856). BIBL. Dujardin, In/us, p. 35. SARCONYS'SUS, Kol A genus of Ixodea, with the terminal joint of the palpi rounded or oval ; 4 species ; on bats. (Kolenati, Sit*. Ak. Wien, 1860, 576 ; Mur- ray, EC. Ent. 195.) SARCOPSILLUS, Westw. A genus of j Aphaniptera. One species, on the fowl. (West wood, Ent. Mn. Mag. 1875, xi. 246.) SARCOP'TERUS,Nitzsch. Asubgenus of Sarcoptes. In the two anterior pairs of legs, the suckers are replaced by claws, and in the posterior by hairs. AS', nidulans, in birds. (Murray, EC. Ent. 314.) SARCOPTES, Latr. A genus of Arach- nida, of the order Acarina, and family Acarea. It is, by some authors, considered a family, being divided into several genera, as Sarcop- tes, Symbistes, Sarcopfents, Myobia, Oto- nyssus, Listrophortts, Myocoptes, and Der- maleiclms. S. scabiei (Acarus scabiei, PI. 6. tig. 16) ; the itch-insect of man. Body soft, white, oval-oblong or rounded ; ventral surface with transverse and undula- ting rugae; dorsal surface with marginal irregularly concentric rugae, the central space with numerous short and conical pa- pillae and stouter but short protuberances or spines arising from an annular base ; at the sides and upon the surface of the body are also scattered setae. Head small, some- what narrowed in front j mandibles toothed. Anterior two pairs of legs separated from the posterior by a considerable interval ; legs short, the anterior two pairs with aceta- bula or adhesion-disks and five- join ted, the posterior three-jointed, the last joint termi- nated by a long seta and without acetabula. Length of female 1-100 to 1-75". The females burrow in the skin, in which the oval eggs, 1-120" in length, are laid; these are hatched in about ten days, and the young have only six legs. Male only about half the size of the female, and with acetabula to the hinder- most pair of legs. The irritation produced by these mites and their ova is the cause of the itch. They should be searched for at the end of one of the red streaks or burrows, which are often visible to the naked eye ; the ova are frequently present in the pustules. They are most easily found by examining the skin with a power of fifty to seventy dia- meters, attached to a firm but moveable arm, and with the aid of a good bull's-eye condenser. The entire animals may be preserved in glycerine or solution of chloride of calcium ; the parts of the mouth should be dried and mounted in Canada balsam. Other varieties or species occur upon ani- mals, as the dromedary, the chamois, the dog, sheep, rabbit, &c. BEBL. Bourguignon, Traite de la Gale (abstract in Ed. Monthly Journ. 1852, Ix.) ; Gervais, Walckenaer 's Insect., Apt. iii. 268, and Ann. Sc. Nat. xv. 9 ; Hering, Ej'titz- milben d. Thiere, Nov. Act. xviii. 573 ; Du- ges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. iii. 245 ; Furstenberg, Krdtzmilben ; Murray, EC. Ent. 291 ; M<%- nin, Paras. 158. SARCOS'CYPHUS, Corda. A genus of Jungerniannieae (Hepaticae). S. Ehrharti (Jung, emaryinata, Ehrh.) is a remarkable species, of dark purple, almost black colour, growing frequently in wet places, on rocks of mountainous districts. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 114; Brit. Jung. pi. 27; Ekart, Synops. Jung. 2x2 SARGASSUM. [ 676 ] SCALES. pi. 7. fig. 56, and pi. 13. fig. 113 ; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Supp. i. nos. 474-1. Fig. 624. Fig. 625. Sarcoscyphus Ehrharti. Fig. 624. Perichaete and perigone opened, showing the young sporange emerging from the epigone. Magnified 25 diameters. Fig. 625. Perichsete and perigone opened, showing the ba~<> of the seta surrounded by the epigone. Magnified 10 diameters. SARGAS'SUM, Ag. A genus of Fuca- cese (Fucoid Algae), gulf-weeds, known from the allied sea-weeds by its stalked globular air-vessels. The receptacles are small, linear, and mostly clustered at the base of branches, and pierced by numerous pores leading to conceptades, containing spore-sacs and clusters of antheridia (see FUCACE.E). BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 14, pi. 1 A; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 1. SCALAR1FORM' VESSELS. See SPIUAL STKUCTUKES. SCALES OF FISHES. These bodies were formerly regarded as epidermic forma- tions, analogous to the nails, &c. of the higher animals, which later observations have shown not to be the case. Each scale is contained in a distinct sac of the skin or cutis, covered externally with its pigment-layer and epidermis. The cutis itself consists of interlacing fibres of areolar tissue with formative cells. The pigment- layer is composed of elegant pigment-cells with long processes. Immediately above the upper surface of the scales lies a very fine membrane, distinct from the cutis, ^in which the impressions of the irregularities of surface existing upon the scales are visible. In some fishes, as the eel, the scales do not project beyond the surface ; hence the eel is commonly supposed to possess no scales. They are easily seen, however, in a dried piece of the skin, mounted in balsam, covered by the skin with its pigment-cells (PI. 22. fig. 19), the whole forming a very beautiful object. In many of the common cycloid fishes, as the roach, dace, &c., the scales project pos- teriorly from the surface, carrying before them the thinner and closely applied outer layer of the cutaneous sac, whilst the ante- rior portion of the sac extends into or is formed by the under portion of the cutis. In these fishes also, the portion of the cutis situated beneath the posterior projecting portion of the scales contains a large num- ber of very thin and minute crystals, to which the silvery lustre of the skin is owing, and which often exhibit very beautifully the colours of thin plates. The signification of the various parts of structure of the scales has not been satis- factorily determined ; hence we must con- fine our remarks to simply pointing out the structural peculiarities. Most scales consist of two portions, an under, composed of numerous layers made up of very line fibres taking various direc- tions, and best seen by scraping away the upper portion of the scale after, maceration in dilute acid (PL 22. fig. 11 a). The upper portion consists of concentric plates, the margins of which give rise to the concen- tric lines so frequently seen in the scales (PL 22. figs. 6, 10, 22, 23, &c.). These lines correspond to the margins of the layers, and often present a nodular or crenate appear- ance (fig. 11 b) ; and towards the middle of the scales they are frequently interrupted and irregularly curved (tig. 11 c). The . |, ; ,., M oi b . n thoroughly studied. Tlie resin- and oil- canals of the I mbellifenn are of gre.,1 im- portance; but the former, chiefly occurring in the roots, an- imperfect I \- known. The of the iriiifs (wtf(p) consists of excavations in the cellular tissue, tilled \\ ith oil. ( 'anaU containing od. rous oils occur in home of the ( 'ompo.-iia'. li'e.-iin-cannls occur also in the common lime, (iiim-canals, consisting of simple ,,r })rnnched intercellular passages with a spe- cial coat of small secreting colls, occur in the leaf- talks of ('ycudacea', the bark ..f the Aniyt/thlfrr/;\\n>. stems of the .MalvilCCCe, ( 'aetaeea-, \c. Structures of similar nature contiiiu the milks juices of certain plants, as the Anacurdiacea- ; and t hese appea r t .. be dilli'ivnt from the ordinary LSII x \. s<>ls. I'.i in.. Meyen, -Vc/v/. -Ori/ane d. Jy/ 1887,18; linger, .///. wid I'/iyn. <. Mic. Jn. 1877, xvii. U6; and Lewis, M. ,)/..///. \vii.;U)0. SMMDS. These III-H interesting oltjeds for microHCOpic exaininntion in respect to many dillerent cluiracteri:-tics. Among them may be mentioned lir^f the vnriety of beautiful markings upon the surface, \\hich render almost all >eds, like the c-lytra, of beetles, interesting opaque objects for ob- servation with n low po\\er. A few .-trik inn- forms lire lepresented ill IMate .".H. li JH ; and we give a list of kinds easily to be obtained. Lychnis, StcUorio, /(V.SVY/,/. A ifnl'niiut. I'i' I nn in. nyotoyaimts, . Orolxui,-/,,'. !;<liininin. J'n/>n/-f / ( I'l. .'!'.. ( 'Inroiiin. Kr/;,/i/,/i/{i//'n. li^. M). M> . ni'runnllicinum. Jig. |H). The foil owing are Well s< en \\-hen mounted nl objects in Canada b,il>am. Hi. Mnnnli;,/!!!. Orchis. Hi/dm nij <-ii. The i,-*i,i or outer skin of some of the hitler (al.o l!< (/nn in ), \\ hen r'ino\ed from the seed and viewed with a hi-h pov, , hibita elegant pitted ceil,. Theaur&oeol the 1 . d ,,|' ( ',,/. n i . meals u ilh little .s, jd, s 'ing of pyriform colls containiii"- a spiral fibre (I'l. L'S. |j,r. j(),. The surface ,,f \aiious seeds, such us Cnl- li'inin and /'//////, and the pei it arp of ma ny ed like fi nits, .-iich as that ol A//// /*/ nn in, pi-. M-nl i.-niarkable II AIKH. 'I he stones of plums or ch.iii. . > called shell of the Cocoa-nu! and fruits, exhibit remarkably thick SIM OKI) Oil DBPOtlTfi The examination of the structure nf ripe seeds is a matter of great importance in botany. The inrestigation wiU MUT much according to circumstance*, Where si are large, the micro, cope is only reijiiii d for the examination of their li lies; h;il .-mall . .ids must be examined by dis.-ection \\ith needles under the simple mi< or by sections, \\ hi, ! i easily made by lixill;..' I he D||, mil , e(| into n, piece nf wax. Seeds have two coats, the testa and //cf. the cot\ ledons appi ;ir to he lour. six. or QBOW in niimlier ; hut tin- observations of l)u- chartre show that there exist only two bifid, iriliil. en- mnltilid cot \ ledons. In Other Cases, a- in O/v///-s tin- emhiyo remains imperfectlv de\ eloped. ;ind appears :is a mere cellular mass in tin- ripe seed before germination: this is destitute of alhumen ; hut in ( h-ofi(i>ic/n' :in amorphous embryo IS found imhedded in tin- albumen. Mini., (iriit-ntf inn-ks <>n /infant/. SLlKOS'l'ni; A. llarv. A genus of (V- ramiaceie ( MiorideoiK AlgM'i, containing oae rare species, ,S'. (i'ri//i(/isiint Beaov. ATODUI of L\co|Hidi:ic.';c, disi iii^uished from Li/r,,- jHHliuin hy 111- 1 presence ,,f two kinds of f-)i<,ivs iini'i I In- dissimilar habit. This p:onus includes only one of our native ('lull-mosses, S. .^>///n,sv/s ( Li/r. xc/df/i- noi leaves seta- on-. ;m d the :ipsiile< pyrifomi. Si;M)TM<:KA, Woods. A genus of | Juager ntaanieA | Hep*tic), mostly tropical; Mil- species of which. -V (Jii)HJ.) /( /1,.,/x/V. occurs rarely in the mountains of the S.W. of Ireland (de\oid of fruit ). 'MM.. 1 1. .ok. llr. /'/. ii. pt. 1. I L >({; /.V. ./*/////. plJ'.C.; MKart, .S'////. ,Ju,nj. pi. VI. f. 108; Kndlicher. Gen. Vlanl. Supp. L;No. 473 H'. SMN !;( '!( ). The surface of the acheenia or seed-like fruits of the common groundsel (Senteio nift/tin*) is sparingly clothed with !l\ii;sofa peculiar character. These ap- l>ear to consist of two M>III {cylindrical cells a implied to--ether by their flat faces, so as to form a Kind of tube with a vertical septum. \\ hen placed ill water they expand some- what, and the contents are expolfed from the ends, consisting of an indistinctly spiral- fihrou.s structure, \\hidi untwists' ami ex- pands by the absorption of water, to twice or three times the length of the hair . in a manner comparable in some degree to the h'ha\iour ot the contents of the hairs of AC\MHA< i:.i:. (Lei-.rluon.-4wn. N. H. vi. L'.V.'.I S I ; I ' ! I )( )M ML A family of Ilyphomy- ceious I'ungi, consisting of a hetexogeneoQi assemhla-'e of imperfectly Known genera, and differently defined bv differanl authois. Those nvnera'we have include.l in onr list are enumerated in Lindley's ' X'e^vtahle Kingdom;' but 1-Vies includes Oiilhnn and others. '1'he general cliara< (er of the fjimily is, that the plants produce spores 1\ ing im- mediately umm the decumhent tilaiuents of the mycelium, or upon short pedicels. Genera; Arfntrniin*. luitophytic; tilaments creep- ing 1 , persistent; spores springing from the middleof the filaments, simplest length free, spinous. Hr/)itinninm. Filaments woolly, septate, exanescent ; spores o'lohosc, connate, scabrous, stalked, solitary, at len; ih heaped to^ciln-r. I-'itfiin/mrinni. Spores fusiform or cylin- drical, glued toget her in heaps resting on t he gelatinous matrix. J-:/i<>s or teeth, forming the so-called " prickle-cells." The cells of the next rows are polygonal, and contain one or more nuclei ; "tliey have a distinct cell-wall, and some have hair-like processes. The cells of the cuticle are colourless, tl.itt 'tied, often wrinkled or folded, and correspond to the pavement epithelium of the mucous membranes. Between the epi- dermis and the cutis is situated a basement membrane, which is easily distinguishable. In preparing the skin, it may be hardened by a mixture of chromic acid and alcohol, and stained with picro-carmiue. By keep- ing a portion of skin in a digestive liquid, as pepsine and dilute muriatic acid, the con- ne tive tissue becomes transparent, and ex- hibits clearly the muscular and elastic fibres. In the examination of the skin, sections must be made with Valentin's knife, and these treated with acetic acid, solution of potash, dilute nitric acid, &c. The blood- vessels are well seen, as regards general SKIX. Fig. 643. Perpendicular section of the skin of the Negro, a, papillae of the cutis; 6, deepest and most intensely coloured layer of elongated perpendicular cells of the rete mucosum ; c, upper layer of the rete ; d, cuticle. Magnified 350 diameters. Fig. G44. Under surface of the epidermis of the palm of the hand, a, ridges corresponding to d^ .of the cutis; b, ridges corresponding to the furrows between the rowsof papilla , their broad insertions in the epidermis; e, depressions corresponding to the papilla.'. Magnified about 20 diameters. SLATE. [ 698 ] SNOW. arrangement, in injected preparations, some of which, as those of the pulp of the finger, form very beautiful objects. The epidermis is easily separated by maceration. Fig. 645. Section of the skin of the heel parallel to the surface, through one entire ridge of the skin and part of two others ; showing the arrangement of the papillae in rows corresponding to the ridges of the cutis. a, cuticle between the ridges; 6, rete mucosum; c, papillae; d, portion of the rete mucosum between papillae arising from a common base ; e, sudoriparous ducts. Magnified 60 diameters. The integument of animals is noticed under the respective heads of the classes. It must be remarked that the terms epi- dermis and cuticle are generally used syno- nymously. BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An. i., and Gewebe- lehre; Todd and Bowman, Phys. An.; Meissner, Beitr. z. An. u. Phys. d. Haut, 1863 ; Biesiadecki, Strieker's Hist. SLATE. See ROCKS. SMARTS, or SMARIDIA, Latr. A genus of Acarina, family Trombidina. Char. Palpi slender, inserted upon a re- tractile rostrum ; mandibles sword-shaped ; body entire, narrow anteriority ; coxae stout, distant, the anterior articulated to a fixed eminence upon the body ; legs palpatorial, used also as palpi, the anterior longest. S. papillosa (PL 6. fig. 36 ; a, mandible). Body vermilion-coloured, broader in front, depressed, covered with short cylindrical papillae rounded at the end. Fusiform scales replace the papilla* upon the legs, palpi, and rostrum. Found upon the trunks of trees, and in moss. Several other species are found in moss, upon fallen leaves, and on the debris left after inundations. In S. expalpis, Koch, there are no palpi. BIBL. Duges, Ann. Sc. N. 2. i. 16 & 34 ; Grervais, Walckenaer's Apt. iii. 173; Murray, EC. Ent. 149. SMIT'TIA, Hincks. A genus of Escha- ridae (Cheilostomatous Polyzoa),=Ze/>ra/e'a sp., with the secondary orifice elevated, pro- duced, and channelled in front. 7 species. (Hincks, Polyzoa, 340.) SMUT. See UBEDO. SNAILS, WATER-. Most microscopic observeis, ever anxious to determine the unknown cause of the curious circulation or rotation (ROTATION) taking place in cer- tain water-plants, as Vallisneria, Anacharis^ &c., keep these growing in large glass ves- sels, as confectioners' jars, or Vivaria. These plants, and the sides of the vessels, are however very apt to become overgrown and obscured by Coufervoid Algae (as (Edo- gonium), Palmellaceae, &c., which may be prevented by keeping water-snails in the water, as species of Limnceus, Physa, By- thinia, Planorbis, &c. The latter are best for this purpose (the shell is flat-spiral). If Desmidiacese, Diatomaceae, Infusoria, &c. are to be preserved, the snails must be care- fully excluded, because many of these are consumed by them, and will not live, as the bottom of the vessels soon becomes covered, when snails are kept, with a load of excre- ment. The characters of the snails are too long to be given here. The gelatinous masses of ova are found adhering to water-plants. See the Bibl. of MOLLUSCA. SNOW. The various forms presented by ice or crystallized water in the form of snow constitute beautiful although fugitive mi- croscopic objects. The crystals belong to the rhombohedric or hexagonal system. Several hundreds of forms have been observed, and many of them figured. Among them may be men- tioned hexagonal or dodecahedral plates ; hexagonal prisms, single, arranged in a stellate form, or terminated by rectangularly placed plates or secondary groups of needles; hexagonal pyramids, &c. The angles of these forms frequently constitute secondary centres, around which other similar or dis- similar forms are aggregated. By some authors these forms are regarded as skeleton crystals. 'See also RED SNOW. BIBL. Scoresby, Arctic Regions; Kamtz, SODA. [ 099 ] SPECTROSCOPE. Meteorolorjie ; Glaisher, Mic. Jn. 1855, iii. ; Kmmann, Mineraloyie. SODA. Kolliker recommends a solution of caustic soda, in preference to potash, for the resolution of some of the tissues into their component elements. We have been unable to detect any marked difference be- tween the action of these two solutions ; and the former has the disadvantage of lifting the stopper from the bottle by the crystallization of the carbonate formed; so that it is with difficulty preserved. PI. 10. fig. 15 represents the crystals of oxalate of soda; and fig. 19 those of the nitrate (UREA). SODIUM, CHLORIDE OF, or common salt. The crystals of this salt belong to the regular system. The most common form is the cube terminated by quadrangu- lar pyramids or quadrangular pyramidal depressions, rectangular tables, &c. Schmidt endeavours to show that the primary form of the crystals is the octahedron, and that the cubes are twin octahedra. The crystals do not polarize light. (Schmidt, Entwurf ein. allg. Untersuch. 90 ; and the Bibl. of CHEMISTRY.) SCEMMERING, MIRROR OF. INTRO- DUCTION, p. xxii. SOLENOPH'RYA, Cl. & Lach. A genus of Acinetiua. Char. Sessile and with a membranous lorica, tentacles simple, in distinct tufts. On roots of Lemna. (Clap, et Lach. Inf. 389.) SO'LIUM, Heib. A genus of Biddul- phiese (Diatomacese). (Rabenh. Alg. i. 319.) SOLORI'NA, Ach. A genus of Phyl- lodei (Lichenaceous Lichens). 4 species, in mountainous districts. (Leighton, Licli. Fl. 106.) SORAS'TRUM, Kiitz. A genus of Des- midiacese. Char. Frond globular, composed of com- pressed radiating cuneate cells, bifid at the apex. S. spinosum (PI. 3. fig. 22), in stagnant turf-pools. BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 195 ; Rabenht. Ah/, iii. 81 ; Carter, Ann. N. H. 1869. SORITES, Ehr. See AMPHISORUS and ORBITOLITES. SOROSPH^E'RA, Br. A free, Are- naceous Foraminifer, with numerous aub- globular thin-walled chambers (1-5" diam.), loosely attached, and irregularly crowded. S. confusa, in the Atlantic and Pacific, 900-2900 fathoms. (Brady, Qu. Mic. Jn. n. s. xix. 9 j SOROS 'PORA, Hass. A genus of Pal- mellacece (Confervoid Algae) noc clearly distinguished from Gloeocapsa and Proto- coccus. (Hassall, Alyce, 309.) SOROTHE'LIA, Korb. A genus of Mi- crolichens, parasitic on the thallus of Plyc- tis argena. Spores 8, 2-locular, brown. (Lindsay, Qu.M. J. 1869, 343.) SO'RUS. The name applied to the ag- gregation of sporanges of the FERNS; some- times applied also to the groups of spores in the Florideous Algas. SPATHID'IUM, l\\).=Leucophrysvt. SPATHULA'RIA, P. A genus of Dis- cornycetes (Ascomycetous Fungi), with a fertile head running down the stem on either side. S. flavida is one of our prettiest Fungi when in perfection. BIBL. Grev. t. 165; Berk. Outl. t. 21. fig. 7; Cooke, Handb. 661. SPECTROSCOPE, OR MICROSPECTRO- SCOPE. The spectrum-analysis of coloured microscopic objects may be effected by means of one or more prisms in connexion with the simple or compound microscope. The prism, or combination of prisms, may be placed, either beneath the achromatic condenser, in the body of the microscope, or in the eyepiece ; and this last arrangement is usually adopted. Sorby and Browning have perfected the microscopic eyepiece. Above the eye-glass of the eyepiece, which is made achromatic and capable of focal adjustment for rays of different refran- gibility, is placed a tube containing five 1 prisms, two of flint glass interposed between I three of crown glass in such manner that j the emergent rays which have been separa- j ted by the dispersive action of the flint-glass 1 prisms are parallel to the rays which enter the combination. Below the eye-glass, in the place of the ordinary stop, is a diaphragm with a narrow slit, which limits the admis- sion of light. Objects placed on the stage of the microscope, provided they transmit a sufficient quantity of light, may then be examined, and their spectra observed. If it is desired to compare their spectra with any other, provision is made for tne formation or* a second spectrum, by the insertion of a right-angled prism which covers one half of the above-mentioned slit and reflects up- j wards the light transmitted through an aperture in the side of the eyepiece. For ! the production of the ordinary spectrum, light is reflected into this aperture from a 1 small mirror carried at the side ; while for ' the production of the spectrum of any sub- SPERMATIA. [ 700 J SPERMATOZOA. stance through which the light reflected from the mirror can be transmitted, it is only necessary to place the slide carrying the section or crystalline film or the tube containing the solution in the frame adapted to receive it. In either case this second spectrum is seen by the eye of the observer alongside of that produced by the object viewed through the body of the microscope, so that the two can be exactly compared. Some care is requisite in the arrangement and number of the prisms according to the amount of dispersive power required. Crookes has devised a modification of this apparatus, in which the prisms and slit can be withdrawn and replaced without remo- ving the eyepiece. The spectroscope is of the utmost value in microscopic, as in other researches ; but its study is very difficult, and we have no space to enter into its minute details. BIBL. Sorby, Qu. Jn. Sc. ii. 198, Proc. Roy. Soc. xv. 433, Mn. Mic. Jn. xiii. 198 (blood-stains), and Beetle's How, &c. 269 j Lockyer, Phil. Trans. 1874, 481, and Spec- troscope ; Browning, Spectroscope ; Schellen, Spectroscope-, Proctor, Spectroscope; Hug- gins, Tr. Mic. Soc. 1865 ; Crookes, M. M. Jn. 1869, 371; Suffolk, Spectr. Analys.; Vierordt, Sp. Anal., quant., 1876: Ward, Jn. M. Soc. 1878, i. 326 (new spectroscope); Palmer, Mn. M. J. xvi. 277 (measurement) ; McMunn, Spectr. in. Med. 1881. SPERMATIA. The minute corpuscles supposed to represent spermatozoids in the LICHENS (PI. 37. figs. 3, 15, 16) and FUNGI (PL 26. figs. 2, 3, 4). SPERMATOZO'A OF ANIMALS. The form of the spermatozoa varies in dif- ferent animals (PI. 50) ; but they usually consist of a rounded or oval body or head, to one end of which is appended a move- able filament. This is their form in man (fig. 25), and the Mammalia generally (figs. 26-28) ; the former exhibit an undulating membrane (Gibbes). In Birds, the body is sometimes cylindrical, sometimes spiral or presenting a zigzag outline (figs. 29-31). In Reptiles, the body is usually cylindri- cal and straight ^fig. 33), sometimes spiral; they are very large in Amphiuma ; but in some of them, the straight or slightly undu- lating terminal filament is surrounded by a spiral fibre or Undulating Membrane (fig. 17). In some instances, the so-called undulating membrane consists of adherent portions of the formative protoplasm. In Fishes, the spermatozoa are usually very small, and the body rounded, al- though in some the body is spiral (fig. 34). In the Invertebrata, a distinct body and terminal filament are present in some ; while in others each spermatozoon forms a simple filament tapering at the ends (fig. 32). In some instances, the body seems to exist as a short cylinder or rod ; in others, the spermatozoa are represented by simple cells, or cells with radiating processes. The development of the spermatozoa is not agreed upon. In the higher animals, the protoplasm of the peripheral cells of the seminal canals grows inwards into finger- like processes, called spermatoblasts. In each of these, a nucleus is formed, constitu- ting the head of the spermatozoon, the pro- toplasm at the end of the process growing into the filament, so that each sperniato- blast produces 8 or 10 speimatozoa. Ac- cording to Kolliker, they are developed within the epithelial cells of the tubuli, nuclei or globules arising within these, in each of which a spermatozoon is found coiled up (PI. 50. figs. 35, 36). In some animals, the spermatozoa are formed in bundles, the bodies and filaments lying parallel with and opposite each other (fig. 37). Most spermatozoa exhibit active move- ments, produced by the action of the fila- ment, whence they were formerly con- sidered independent animals ; but these movements are comparable with those of the ciliated zoospores of the Algse, or the ciliated epithelium of animals; they are increased by the addition of caustic potash. In some animals, tubular sheaths are secreted around the masses of spermatozoa while contained in the seminal apparatus, and called spermatophores. These, when discharged from the organ, are fixed by the male to the posterior end of the body of the female by means of a glutinous secretion. The spermatozoa are the essential fertili- zing elements of the liquid in which they are contained. Spermatozoa may be best examined and preserved by washing them with distilled water, and drying them upon a slide. BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An. ii. ; id. Beitr. z. Kenntn. d. Geschlechts. d. wirb. Thiere; Czermak, Sieb. u. KolL Zeit. ii. ; Wagner, Todd's Cycl. iv., art. Semen ; id. Physiology, by Willis ; Leuckart, Wagner's Handwb'rt. d . Phys. iv. 819 ; Beneden, An. Comp. ; Owsiannikofi^ Mn. M. Jn. i. 312; Lankester, SPERM ATOZOIDS. [ 701 ] SPH^RIA. Qn. Mic. Jn, 1871; St. George, Strieker's Hist. ii. 141, and the Bill. ; Klein, Hist. ; Einer, Phys. Med. Ges. Wiirtaburg, vi. 93 ; Johnston, M. Mic. Jn. xvi. 61 (Amphittmo). SPERMATOZO'IDS, or ANTHERO- ZO'IDS. The terms applied to the struc- tures produced in the antheridia of the Cryptogarnia, regarded as analogous to the spermatozoa of animals, and as the agents of fertilization of the germ-cell. In the Mar- sileacese, Lycopodiaceae, Equisetaceae, Ferns (PI. 40. fig. 34), Mosses (fig. 33), Hepaticaa (fig. 32), and 'Characece (tig. 31), they are ciliated spirally-coiled filaments, exhibiting very active spontaneous motion. In the Fucoid Algae, they are globular cells bearing two unequal cilia moving actively. In the Florideae they are minute globular cells (PL 4. fig. 12 a), and neither cilia nor movement have been demonstrated. In the Lichens and Fungi the spermatia (PL 26. fig. 4; PL 27. fig. 23; PL 37. fig. 15) appear to represent the spermatozoids of the other classes, and they seem to be devoid of spontaneous move- ment. The details respecting these bodies are given under their respective classes. BIBL. Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat 3. xiv. 214, and xvi. 5 ; Schacht, Sperm, im Pflanz. 1864, & Qu. Mic. Jn. 1805. SPERMOGO'NIA. The supposed an- tlieridial structures of LICHENS (PL 37. figs. 2, 13, 15) and FUNGI (PL 26. figs. 1 and 4). SPERMOSI'RA, Kiitzing. A genus of Nostochaceae, growing in salt marshes, containing two British species ; known from the other genera by the disk-shaped or lenticular cells; but the filaments are liable to be mistaken for a Nostoc in the young state. Spermosira litorea, Kiitz. (PL 3. fig. 20). Filaments 1-3600" thick, straight] sh, aeru- ginous ; ordirary cells confluent, very short ; sporantn. Sc. Nat A. i.313; Braithwaite, Mosses-, Archer, Qu. M. Jn. 1875, xv. 107 (Chla- mydopyxia) ; Husnot, Sphag. Europ. 1882. SPHAGNOCCE'TIS, Nees. A genus of Jun^ermanniesB (Hepaticse), containing one species, S. (Jung.} Sphagni, an elegant little plant growing over Sphagnum and other mosses on bogs ; attaching itself by long radicles, numerous on the under side of the procumbent, nearly simple stem. The gem- miferous branches only have amphigastria. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt, 1. 113; Br. Jung, pi. 33, and Suppl. pi. 2 ; Ekart, Syn. Jung. pi. 6. figs. 43 & 48. SPHENE. See ROCKS. SPHENEL'LA, Kiitz A genus of Dia- tonmceae. This genus appears to consist of the de- tached frustules of Gomphonema. Kiitzing describes seven species. S. vulgaris (PI. 19. fig. 19). BIBL. Kiitz. Bacill. 83, Sp. Ala. 62; Rabenht. Ala. i. 282. SPHENODE'RIA, Schlum. A doubtful genus of Arcellina (Rhizopoda). It is allied to Euglyphe and Trinema. BIBL. Pritchard, 'infusoria, p. 557. SPHENOM'ONAS, Stein. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Free, surface hard ; flagella two, one long, one short ; a tubular pharvnx. Two species ; freshwater. (Kent, /wf.438.) 'SPIIEXOSI'RA, Ehr., Kiitz. A genus of freshwater Diatomaceae. DIATOMACE.E:, p. 244. S. catena (PI. 17. fig. 26). BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 68; Rabenht. Fl. Eur. Alg. i. p. 293. SPHINCTOC YS'TIS, Hass.,=CYMATO- PLEUBA, Sm. SPHINCTRFNA. A genus of Calyciei (Lichenaceous Lichens), with little stalk- like excipula and scarcely distinguishable thallus, growing on leave's or Pertusaricc. (Leighton, Lich. FL 38.) SPICULA (plural of spiculum). In some of the lower Invertebrata, firmness is given to the body by a kind of internal and external skeleton consisting of a number of curiously shaped microscopic bodies, many of which are of a needle-like form, often containing a cavity, and denominated spi- cula. They are met with in endless variety of form in sponges (see SPONGIDA) (PI. 45, the lettered objects), where they usually consist of silex, some being of carbonate of lime. They also occur as anchors &c. in the Echinodermata (PI. 45. figs. 1 h, i, k, I, and 19 a, b, c), the Foraminifera (PL 23. fig. 24), and in some of the Zoophytes (Alcyonium) and Mollusca (Doris), in these instances being calcareous. There can scarcely be doubt that spicula are homologous with the elements of shell ; but little or nothing is known of their development. They form very interesting microscopic objects, on account of their remarkable forms. To prepare them, the animal substance in which they are contained should be boiled with nitric acid if they are composed of silex, and with dilute solution of potash if they consist of lime-salts. They may be preserved by mounting in Canada balsam. They are commonly met with in sea- mud, and as fossils in some rocks. SPIDERS. See ABACHNIDA. SPILOC^EA, Fr. A genus of Torulacei (Conioinycetous Fungi). S. Pomi occurs upon apples, in contiguous efrused patches, from which the epidermis separates in frag- ments, exposing the simple globular spores, adherent to each other and to the matrix. Probably only a state of Cladosporium. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 360 ; Fries, Sum. Veget. 482. SPILONE'MA, Fries. A genus of Col- lemaceous Lichens. Char. Thallus filiform, branched, fruti- culose, granula gonima large, in transverse strata. Apothecia lecideine, lenticular. Spermatia shortly cylindrical. 3 species, on rocks. (Leighton, Lich. Flora, 10.) SPINAL CORD.-The spinal cord of man is that part of the central nervous system which extends downwards from the medulla oblongata, occupving much of the vertebral canal, and terminating in a conical extremity at the level of the first lumbar SPINES. [ 710 ] SPIRAL STRUCTURES. vertebra. The cord is composed of white substance, grey substance, and blood-vessels (PI. 52. fig. 7). The white substance () is mostly ex- ternal, and forms the antero-lateral and posterior longitudinal columns, besides the transverse anterior commissure at the end of the anterior longitudinal fissure. It is com- posed of nerve-fibres of large and medium size, of connective tissue, and blood-vessels. The grey substance (c) is internal, and in transverse section of the cord presents a shape which may be roughly compared with that of the letter H. On either side there is an anterior and posterior horn or cornu ; and the median line of the letter is represented by a soft grey commissure per- forated by a canal, which is central and lined with epithelium. Surrounded on all sides by the white substance, the anterior and posterior spinal nerves reach their re- spective cornua Dy crossing at different angles along two lines on either side of the ge- neral direction of the nerves of the white substance. The grey substance contains a large num- ber of very fine nerve-fibres, which are united in a plexiform manner with nerve- or ganglion-cells ; most of these fibres pass outwards and become spinal nerves, belong- ing then to the white substance or to di- stinct nerves. There is moreover granular matter with highly refractive globules, and extremely small nucleated cells surrounding the nerve-fibres and ganglion-cells. Much connective tissue exists in the neighbourhood of the central canal and in the posterior cornu. The examination of the spinal cord and the brain is so difficult and not likely to be the subject of general investigation, that we must refer to the BIBL. for further de- tails. BIBL. Todd's Cycl. An. $ Phys. ; Lockhart Clarke, Phil Tr. 1858, 1868 ; Strieker's Hist. ii. ; Frey, Hist., and the Bibl SPINES OF ANIMALS. These are pro- perly stout rigid and pointed processes of the integument, formed externally by the epidermis, and internally of a portion of the cutis or corresponding structure; but the term is frequently applied to stout rigid and pointed processes of the epidermis only. See HAIRS, and the notices of the struc- ture of the integument under the heads of the various classes. SPIRACLES or STIOMATA of animals. The external orifices of the tracheae of Insects and Arachnida. The respiratory tubes of these animals have no communica- tion with the mouth, but terminate exter- nally in orifices situated upon the surface of the thorax or abdomen. These are mostly rounded or elliptical (PI. 35. figs. 3, 7, 8, and 9 ), sometimes in the form of small clefts, and are often furnished with a kind of nioyeable valve, or bounded by a thick- ened rim ; sometimes a sieve-like structure (PI. 34. fig. 34) prevents the admission of foreign bodies, or they are surrounded by hairs or scales effecting the same purpose. They are often situated at the lateral and upper portions of the abdomen, at the posterior, lateral, and upper part of the thorax, &c. See ARACHNIDA, INSECTS, and the genera. SPIRAL STRUCTURES OF PLANTS. Among the most elegant of the microscopic objects furnished by the Vegetable King- dom are the various forms of the secondary deposits upon the walls of cells, vessels, and ducts, &c., which present the appearance of fibres coiled into perfect spirals, or of spiral fibres either with the coils detached and forming rings, or with the coils more or less connected by cross pieces, producing a re- ticulated structure. Under the head of SECONDARY DEPOSITS it is stated that this spiral-fibrous deposit may be taken as the character of a group of structures to be contrasted with those struc- tures described as PITTED ; and that the essential distinction in the nature of these two groups lies in the greater extent to which the primary wall is covered in the pitted structures. This is not quite absolute in reference to all spiral-fibrous structures, as in the true unrollable spiral vessels and similar organs the coils of the spiral fibres are often closely in contact, although not adherent to each other. It has been stated | that the various forms of the open spiral, annular, and reticulated deposits are modi- fications of the simple close spiral ; but this must be understood only in a morpholo- gical sense, since there is no actual change of condition ensuing with age, as has been assumed by some authors, the fibrous layers being always originally deposited on the primary wall in the form and pattern which they ultimately possess. There appears to be no real opening of the spirals or break- ing up into rings, in consequence of the expansion of the primary wall to which they are attached, SPIRAL STRUCTURES, [ 711 ] SPIRAL STRUCTURES. It will be convenient, in the first place, to speak of the distinct well-marked struc- tures ordinarily known as spiral cells and vessels, occurring in the stems, leaves, &c. of the higher plants, before describing cer- tain other forms found in special organs, and to reserve to the end some points re- lating to the ultimate constitution of the secondary membranes of cells. Spiral structures are usually divided into true spiral, annular, reticulated, and scalariform organs. Spiral cells and vessels are perhaps the most generally diffused of the forms. The name spiral vessel is given to elongated cylindrical cells tapering to a point at both ends, with a spiral-fibrous deposit lining the primary wall (fig. 659, and PI. 48. figs. 8, 11, 12). The spiral fibre may be either single, as is most common, double (fig. 659) ; or Fig. 659. Fig. 660. the internal organs they can only be ob- served in sections, or when extracted by maceration: in delicate vessels and petals they may often be observed through the transparent epidermis. The coiled spiral fibre is mostly elastic enough to bear stretching open like a wire spring ; in this case the primary wall is torn between the coils, and its ragged edges may sometimes be detected. The uncoiled fibres are often seen still unbroken when a hyacinth or similar leaf is broken across and the pieces gently drawn apart. Annular vessels closely resemble the preceding, except that the fibrous deposits are in the form of detached j rings (fig. 661) ; they are the rarest forms ; they are especially remarkable in the Equi- setaceae. The reticulated, again, have irre- gular spiral coils or rings connected more or less by perpendicular or oblique bars (fig. 662, and PI. 48. fig. 9) into a network. These two modifications are usually of larger diameter than the true spiral vessel, and the reticulated larger (also of later origin in the organs) than the annular. However, mixed forms occur not uncommonly, partly annular, partly spiral or reticulated (fig. 663) . They are found in similar situations, but generally do not extend into the more de- licate organs. Spiral, annular, and reticu- lated vessels may be prepared in most beau- tiful forms and large size from portions of the leaf-stalk of rhubarb, of the stem of the garden-balsam, the melon, &c. Fig. 661. Fig. 662. Fig. 663. Fig. 659. Fragments of spiral vessels from the Melon. Magnified 200 diameters. Fig. 660. Magnified diagram of a section of the base of a leaf-stalk arising from a Dicotyledonous shoot, showing the position of the spiral vessels in the leaf- stalk and next the pith of the shoot, the spiral fibres being uncoiled and a little drawn out. a number of fibres may run parallel (Mu- ,a, Nepenthes, Zingiberacece, Marantacece). These spiral vessels occur as the first vascu- lar formation outside the pith (MEDULLARY SHEATH) in almost all the Dicotyledons (fig. 660), and as the first vascular forma- tion in the vascular bundles of the stems of Monocotyledons also of all other vascular bundles, forming the ribs or veins of pe- tioles, leaves, bracts, sepals, petals, &c. In Fig. 661. Fragment of an annular vessel from the ified Melon. Fig. 662 Magnified 200 diameters. . Portion of a reticulated vessel from the Melon. Magnified 200 diameters. 3. Frag Magnified 200 diameters. Fig. 663. the Melon. ragment of a spiral and annular vessel from Spiral and other vessels are usually simple SPIRAL STRUCTURES. [ 712 ] SPIRAL STRUCTURES. at first (branched spiral vessels do occur, more rarely), but ordinarily unite together by a kind of fusion. The conical extremities overlap to a certain extent (fig. 659) ; and thus the articulation is more or less oblique. This fusion is much more evident and com- plicated in roots, rhizomes, and abbreviated stems than in stems with developed inter- nodes. The elementary cells are then gene- rally much shorter ; and the vessels formed from them branch out in various directions through the tissue. This is very well seen in the roots of many herbaceous plants, such as the dandelion, chicory, &c., and at the point of origin of the vascular bundles of adventitious roots generally. The above-mentioned confluent spiral vessels pass insensibly into the ducts, which are similar confluent rows of cells forming parts of the solid wood of stems, composed of cells with flat ends applied together. They may resemble in their markings the preceding forms, but in their varied con- ditions form a series leading towards the PITTED DUCTS. The scalanform vessels or ducts (fig. 664, and PI. 48. fig. 10), so called from the ladder-like markings, are a very regular form of the reticulated type this re- gularity appearing to depend, however, upon the relation between the markings of the ad- j acent organs. In the PITTED DUCTS we find the pits only opposite to other pits, therefore on the sides adi acent to other ducts or to cells ; in the scalariforin ducts a spiral-fibrous deposit is conjoined into a net- work by vertical fibres placed opposite the in- tercellular passages or the meeting angles of contiguous cells or ducts, leaving regular slit-like spaces opposite the cavities of the adja- cent cells. This form is especially charac- teristic of the Ferns ; but it occurs also com- monly in the Dicoty- ledons in a less regular form, passing quite in-F ragmen t 8 ofscalariform sensibly into PITTED vessels from a Fern. DUCTS, as in the wood Magnified 200 diameters, of Eryngium maritimum (PI. 48. fig. 21). The scalariform vessels of Ferns are often slightly unreliable. It is mentioned under PITTED STRUC- TURES, also, that a combination of the two Fig. 664. types sometimes occurs in the same cell. This is the case in the ducts of the Lime, Mezereon, and other plants (PI. 48. fie-s. 4, 13, & 19). Besides the generally diffused spiral and other vessels and ducts above described, cells, properly so called (that is, such as never become elongated very greatly in one particular direction), belonging to particular organs and plants, present the same kind of markings. The ducts and vessels, indeed, in many cases are formed of very short cellular elements ; but these may be distin- guished from proper cellular tissue charac- terized by spiral secondary deposits. Under this head may be cited first certain wood- cells. In the Cactacese, the prosenchyma- tous tissue of the stem presents remarkable spiral and annular cells, in which the fibre becomes so much thickened that it projects like a riband set with its edge against the cell-wall (PI. 48. fig. 7). The wood of the Mistletoe (figs. 665, 666) also exhibits spiral- fibrous cells : that of the Yew (TAXUS) is composed of true spiral-fibrous cells and others with bordered PITS and an internal spiral fibre in addition (PI. 48. fig. 4). In the stems of the Leguminosae, parenchy- matous portions occur in the midst of the wood, the cells of which exhibit spiral fibres (Ulex, Spartiutn). The cellular tissue near the surface of the roots of the epiphytic Orchids (PL 48. fig. 6) affords another ex- ample, as also some of the subepidernial cells of the leaves (fig. 667). The layers of Fig. 665. Fig. 666. Fig. 667. Fig. 665. Annular-fibrous cell from the stem of Mistle- toe. Magnified 200 diameters. Fig. 666. Cell intermediate between reticulated and pitted, from the Mistletoe. Magnified 200 diameters. Fig. 667. Spiral-fibrous cell from the leaf of an Orchid. Magnified 200 diameters. cells lining the ANTHERS of Flowering- plants are characterized by most varied patterns of spiral markings (PI. 40. figs. 1-5) ; m these cells, moreover, we sometimes see the connexion between the fibrous and ho- mogeneous deposits well illustrated, as the cells may have one or more sides marked with spiral fibres, while the remainder of SPIRAL STRUCTURES, [ 713 ] SPIRAL STRUCTURES. the wall is covered with a continuous layer. A similar structure, generally with perfect spiral fibres, occurs in the walls of the spo- ranges ofjunycrmminia, Marchantia (PL 40. fig. 35), and other Liverworts. With these j are nearly connected the structures called i ELATERS, which are found mixed with the I spores in the same plants. These are tu- bular cells containing a single or double elastic spiral fibre (PI. 40. figs. 36-38), exactly analogous to the spiral vessel in structure. Elaters of similar nature occur even among the Fungi, as in the sporange of THICHIA (PI. 40. figs. 39, 40). The ela- ters of the Equisetaceee (fig. 205, p. 300) are of different character, consisting of four short filaments with clavate ends, attached at one side of the spore and originally coiled round it, ultimately unrolling with elasticity. They appear to be formed by the deposition of a spiral-fibrous layer on the wall of the parent cell of the spore, within which the true (single) spore-men- brane is formed, unadherent ; and when the spore is ripe, the spiral-fibrous layer splits up and starts away from the inner coat. An elegant spiral and annular fibrous struc- ture is also met with in the large cells of the leaves of the SPHAGNACEJE (PL 48. fig. 25) ; this is exactly analogous to the similar de- posits in the higher plants. Spiral layers are found, less distinctly, in the radical hairs growing from the lower surface of the frond of MARCHANTIA. Nageli regards them as folds of an inner layer of mem- brane ; but they appear to be regular secon- dary deposits. Lastly, the hairs and similar epidermal appendages sometimes exhibit spiral -fibrous deposits. An unreliable spiral fibre is beautifully arranged in the cells forming the mealy coating of the seed of Cobeea scandens (PL 28. fig. 20). The seeds of many of the Acanthacese (figs. 21 & 24), Collomia (fig. 22), the pericarp of some of the Labiatae (fig. 23) and CompositaB (SENECIO) bear tubular hairs, consisting of cells with a spiral or annular fibre in their interior (see HAIRS of Plants). The structure of the hairs of Collomia, Ruellia, &c. has been much dis- cussed, but it seems very simple : they ap- pear to consist of a short tubular cell, upon the wall of which a closely coiled elastic spiral-fibrous layer is deposited ; during the ripening of the seed the primary membrane undergoes a metamorphosis into a substance related to amyloid (or bassorine ?), which softens and swells up when placed in water, allowing the spiral fibre to extend itself (PL 28. tigs. 21, 22 b, c). Sulphuric acid and iodine give the swollen gum-like envelope a purplish tint. Another and less distinctly marked spiral arrangement of the substance of the cell- walls occurs in the form of cracks or gaps in certain of the layers of the secondary deposits, running more or less round the cell, appearing like irregular spiral streaks ; these are sometimes present in the earlier secondary layers and not in the later, so that the " cracks " are covered in by the latter and converted into canals in the sub- stance of the cell -wall. These occur in the wood-cells of Hernandia sonora, in the pros- enchymatous cells of the vascular bundles of Caryota urens, Phoenix, Metroxylon, and probably in other cases. Something similar may be detected in the wood-cells of Finns (PL 48. fig. 1), especially after treatment with boiling nitric acid. In liber-cells a spiral texture is far more generally evident. In Vinca, for instance (PL 48. fig. 30), and other Apocynaceous plants, a delicate spiral striation of the wall is evident in its natural state, beautifully regular in its arrange- ment ; a similar 'appearance may often be detected in the walls of thickened hairs, especially when acids are applied, as in Cotton (PL 28. fig. 1 b), particularly in gun- cotton (fig. 1 c) sometimes with interme- diate slits, as in Urtica (fig. 8), &c. ; and by boiling with nitric acid, a minute spiral- fibrous structure may be detected in the secondary layers of the liber-cells of very many plants, as of Flax (fig. 2 b, c), Coir (fig. 5 a, b), Bcehmeria (fig. 25 b, c), &c. All these spiral structures belong to the secondary deposits of the cells ; they are mostly distinguishable from those previously described by being thinner places or lines left bare, instead of being lines of deposit. We have observed a somewhat similar spiral streaking of the walls of Hydrodictyon, depending on slits in certain of the laminae. Some of the genera of Oscillatoriaceap, as Ainactis (PL 8. fig. 15 b) and Schizosiphon (fig. 13 d, e), also present a spiral-fibrous de- composition of their cellulose coats when old ; and we have seen a spiral marking on the wall of Cladophora, as described by Mitscherlich. Agardh has stated that he detected a complicated spiral-fibrous struc- ture in the cell-wall of Confervas, extending, however, from one cell to another ; and he regards this as a proof of the spiral structure of primary cell-membrane generally; and SPIRAL STRUCTURES. [ 714 ] SPIRILLUM. says he has likewise detected an analogous spiral-fibrous structure in the primary cell- wall of the structures of the Phanerogamia. The delicate striation of the membranes of the Confervas and slightly thickened liber- or parenchyma-cells of many Flowering plants form a desirable object of investiga- tion for those accustomed to the delicate observation of the markings of the valves of the Diatomaceae. The use of reagents, such as nitric acid and solution of potash, boiling, maceration, and other means must be employed for this purpose, controlled always by a careful observation of the structures in their natural state and in diffe- rent stages of development. It is not im- possible that all secondary deposits may prove, as Meyen assumed, to have a fibrous constitution, and true membrane to be con- fined to the primary walls. One set of layers, however, seems always to resist the endeavour to resolve them into fibrils, namely those of the horny and fleshy AL- BUMEN of seeds. As to the mode of the formation of spiral secondary deposits, little is certainly known. Criiger attributes them to spiral circulation of the secreting protoplasm over the cell- wall in the position of the future fibres ; but this is a somewhat speculative notion. Others have asserted that they are formed by gradual collocation of visible granules ; this is certainly an error. We have observed the gradual formation of the spiral band in the elater of Marchantia, where it is at first a faint spiral trace with indistinct edges ; as it grows thicker, the edges become more and more defined ; and it is produced originally in the exact position and pattern which it subsequently retains. The actively moving spiral filaments or SPERMATOZOIDS of the Ferns, Mosses, Cha- racese, &c. have nothing in common, ex- cept the spiral form, with the structures de- scribed in this article ; they belong to the protoplasmic structures or cell-contents, as is also the case with the spirally-arranged green contents of SPIROGYRA ; while this article refers exclusively to cellulose struc- tures belonging to the cell-wall. See also CELL, Vegetable; SECONDARY DEPOSITS ; PITTED STRUCTURES ; and TIS- SUES, Vegetable. BIBL. General works on Vegetable Ana- tomy ; Schleiden, Ann. N. H. vi. 35, 1839 ; E. Quekett, Tr. Mic. Soc. i. 1 ; Ann. N. H. xv. 495 ; Mohl, Verm, Schrift. 285, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. xvi. 242; Veg. Cell, 14; Agardh, Cell. Vegetal. 1852 ; Criiger, Sot. Zeit. xii. 57, 833, xiii. 601 ; Caspary, Sot. Zeit. xi. 801; Tre"cul, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4. ii. 273; Schacht, Pflanzenzelle, 1852 ; Sot. Zeit. viii. 697 ; Unger, Linncea, xv. 385 ; Spencer, Linn. Tr. xxv. 405 ; Hofmeister, Handb. Sot. i. ; Sachs, Sot. 22. SPIRILLI'NA, Ehr. A doubtful genus of marine Infusoria, of the family Arcellina. Char. Shell siliceous, porous, forming a flat spiral. S. vivipara. Shell microscopic, hyaline, smooth, containing numerous em- bryo shells. Found in America. (Ehren- berg, Abh. Berl. Ak. 1841, 402, 422.) SPIRILLI'NA, Ehr., Rupt. Jones. A genus of Rotaline Foraminifera, near Pulvi- milina. Char. Shell hyaline, consisting of a single elongated chamber, coiled into a flat close spiral ; orifice simple, as wide as the tube. Two recent British species, S.perforata (PI. 24. fig. 5), and margaritifera ; also some fossil (Jurassic and Tertiary). BIBL. Williamson, Rec. For. 91; Car- penter, For. 180 ; Parker and Jones, Ann. ^#.4.^.386; ix. 221. SPIRIL'LUM, Ehr. A genus of Schizo- mycetous Fungi. "Char. Consisting of a colourless, tortuous or cylindrical spiral filament. These very minute organisms, found in infusions and decomposing liquids, are very interesting objects on account of the re- markable character of their corkscrew-like movements. They multiply by transverse division, separating into two portions while in motion. They are jointed or septate, but the joints are not alwavs easy of detection. They are insoluble in boiling potash. Their structure is best examined when they are preserved in a dry state. They are appa- rently related to the Oscillatoriaceous Algae, but are very different from Spirulina, with which they have been compared. Spiril- lum bryozoon consists of the spermatozoids of Mosses. Like the other Schizomycetes, they pro- duce decomposition in organic liquids. A species of Spirocliceta is supposed to be the cause of relapsing fever, and occurs also in certain purulent discharges. 8. tenue (PI. 7. fig. 17/). > Filament slightly tortuous, indistinctly jointed ; spiral of three or four turns ; movement active ; length 1-1000" ; diam. 1-12,000". 8. undula (PI. 17. fig. 17 g). Filament very tortuous, jointed; spiral of one or one and a half turns ; length 1-1500" ; diam. SPIROCHJETA. [ 715 ] SPIROGYRA. 1-120,000". Perty describes a red and a black variety. S. volutam (PI. 7. fig. 23). Filaments very tortuous, distinctly jointed, with a cilium at each end ; spiral of three, four, or more turns; length 1-1400"; diam. 1-14,000". S. plicatik (Spirochceta plicatilis, Ehr.) (PL 7. fig. 22). Filament very long, flexible ; coils numerous ; movement undulating ; length 1-180" ; diam. 1-12,000". BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 84; Dujard. Inf. 223; Rabenht, Aly. ii/72. SPIROCH^ETA, Ehr. 8. plicatilis = Spirillum plicatilc. SPIROCHO'NA, Stein. A genus of Peritrichous Infusoria, family Vorticellina. S. gemmipara (PL 32. fig. 35) is found upon the branchial plates of Gammarus pulexj where also its remarkable Acineta- form (fig. 36) occurs. S. Scheutenii is met with upon the feathery setae arising from the terminal joints of the post-abdominal legs of Gammarus. S. tintinnabulwn, on 7V#on-larv86. BIBL. Stein, Inf. ; Clap, et Lachm. Inf. 132; Kent, Inf. 660. SPIRODIS'CUS, Ehr. Under the name S. fulvus, Ehrenberg places among the In- fusoria, in the family Vibrionia, a brownish organism, consisting of a short discoidal or much- flattened helical spiral, 1-1200" in diameter, and found in Siberia. It exhi- bited a slow movement. Ehrenberg's figure greatly resembles that in PL 40. fig. 34 (the upper two), without the cilia, and magnified 200 instead of 400 diameters. (Ehr. Infus. Fig. 668. >PIROGY'RA (Zygnema, Agardh in part) (fig. 668). A genus of Zygneinacese (Confervoid Algaa), mostly very elegant, and all very interest- ing on account of their structure and modes of development. They are green filaments, floating unattached in standing fresh water. They consist of jointed tubes that is, rows of cylindrical cells, some- times of considerable size, in the interior of which the green co- lou~attS r is a,- S '^T ranged in one or more mamenta conjugating, spiral lines running Magnified 200 diameters, j round the walls, these spiral lines presenting bright points at inter- vals along their course (PL 9. figs. 17, 26, 27). The green lines consist of bands of proto- plasm coloured by chlorophyll. The bright points are in some stages composed of globules of similar substance ; but generally they are occupied by starch-granules im- bedded in the protoplasm j smaller starch- granules also occur at certain stages throughout the green band. A remarkable lenticular nucleus is also present, suspended in the centre of the cell by threads of proto- plasm running out to the primordial utricle lying against the cell-wall. Sometimes this nucleus is placed with its faces towards the side wall (S. nitida, PI. 9. fig. 26) ; sometimes it appears to be placed with its faces looking up and down, as it presents the appearance of a narrow ellipse when seen sideways (S. pettucida, PI. 9. fig. 27). The laminated structure of the cell-walls is also curious, but will be better understood after a sketch of the mode of development. The attractive appearance of the Spiro- gyra and the easily observed phenomenon of conjugation have caused much attention to be paid to this genus ; and many points of their history have been determined. The cells composing the filaments all multiply simultaneously when the plant is growing, each becoming twice its length and divided into two. It has been certainly observed by Braun and Priugsheim that the division is preceded by a division of the nucleus. From this interstitial mode of growth it is evident that the walls of the cells of plants actively vegetating must soon become com- posed of a number of layers belonging to di- stinct generations of cells. Thus, supposing we have an original cell , this encloses its progeny, two cells 2 & b ; and when these divide again and come to enclose respect- ively a 3 & .c and b' 2 & d, the parent cell , stretched to four times its original length, still encloses the whole. The laminae be- longing to the respective generations do not become very intimately blended; for by ma- ceration we may cause the outer membranes to soften and dissolve, and set free the younger cells intact. The older membranes seem to have become thinner by stretching, or by solution, midway between their septa, since on maceration we may often see them give way in the middle, and the young cells slip out* from them, leaving them as short hyaline tubes with a diaphragm in the mid- dle. The ends of the cells of some species present a curious appearance, which might SPIROGYRA. [ 716 ] SPIROGYRA, be compared to the "punt" of a bottle, produced by a circular fold thrown in from the cross septum. It is attributed to the excessive growth of the membrane of the young cells, confined in space by the outer parent-membrane. The filaments of Spiro- gyra are consequently very instructive in reference to vegetative cell-formation. In some cases the half-dissolved parent-cell membranes form a delicate but well- defined gelatinous coat on the tube (PI. 9. fig. 27s). The reproduction of this genus exhibits, besides the proper conjugation, other phe- nomena, the import of which is not yet fully determined. The conjugation itself has been observed by almost every microscopist. It consists essentially in the production of papillary elevations on the contiguous walls of the cells of two filaments lying side by side, the growth of these papillae until they come into contact, and their coalescence so as to form a canal of communication be- tween the two cells (fig. 668 ; PI. 9. fig. 18). When this is accomplished, the contents of one of the cells (the contents of both having meanwhile lost their characteristic arrange- ment on the cell-walls) pass through the cross tube into the other cell, when the contents of both become blended and form an ellipitical free body (PL 9. fig. 18), which acquires cellulose integuments and becomes a spore or zygospore, lying free in the parent cell. This process is accompanied by the death of the parent filaments, conjugation often taking place in the majority of the cells : the spores are sometimes set free by decay of the parent cell-wall ; but very often the latter remains undissolved until the germination of the spore (PI. 9. fig. 19). A modification of this mode of conjugation (PI. 3. fig. 24), occurs in some cases appa- rently as an abnormal process; for it has been observed (Braun) taking place in species which conjugate as above. It occurs in single filaments 'in which two contiguous cells produce papillae at the adjoining ends, growing towards each other and coalescing, the contents of one of the cells thus passing into the next cell of the same filament. Braun calls this "chain-like" conjugation, in contradistinction to the " ladder-like " conjugation above described. As the two forms occur associated, Kiitzing's genus Ehynchonema and others founded upon this are of doubtful value. The ripe spore or zygospore forms an elliptical body enclosed in three membra- nous coats, the outer of which is of deli- cate texture and separated by an interval from the next, which is brownish and of firm texture. The inmost coat or true spore-membrane, is again delicate. The spores appear to rest through the winter | after they are formed, and to germinate in | spring, in which process the middle coat j of the spore splits at one end, longitu- dinally, opening by two valves to allow the inner to grow forth, which bursts through the outermost sac, in the form of a tube (PI. 9. fig. 19) which soon acquires the characteristic appearance of the parent plants. The contents of the spore are brown and homogeneous during the stage of rest (fig. 21) ; in germination they become green again, and arrange themselves in the spiral bands (fig. 22), which become more distinct as the cell elongates. Certain other occurrences take place in the cell-contents of the Spirogyrce, the rela- tion of which to the reproduction is not so clear as the above. In filaments in an un- healthy condition, about to decay, such as are often seen when a collection of them is placed in a jar of water to keep for exami- nation, it is not uncommon to see the green contents gradually lose their spiral arrange- ment and break up into a number of globular portions (PI. 9. fig. 28) j we have sometimes observed these rolling over slowly in the cell. In one case we have observed the contents converted into sixteen distinctly organized biciliated zoospores (PI. 9. fig. 20), differing only from the ordinary zoospores of the Confervoids in the almost total absence of colour. They were somewhat crowded in the cell, and moved lazily about in it, the cilia vibrating. It is still more common to observe the contents of decayed filaments converted into encysted globules (PI. 9. figs. 24, 25), which appear to be a kind of resting-form of the zoospores. These globules, which have a tough spinulose coat, have been observed by Pringsheim as produced from the contents both of ordinary cells, and abnormally ? from the contents of a large spore (PI. 9. fig. 23) : the latter case might give colour to the idea that this was a sporange, had not its germination been observed. Pringsheim has further noticed that actively moving zoospores are produced from the small encysted bodies ; perhaps these may fulfil an antheridial function. Carter has observed in the cells of Spirogyra the bodies constituting the genus Pythium, and apparently connected SPIROGYRA. [ 717 ] SPIRORBIS. with the zoospore-like bodies just described (see PYTHIUM). The species of Spirogyra have been greatly multiplied by authors. The pecu- liar fold projecting from the septum appears to us to depend upon age and activity of growth ; and the length of the joints de- pends greatly on the stage of growth, as they continually divide into two equal parts. Spiral band single. S. tenuissima. Vegetating filaments 1-3000" in diani. ; joints four or five times as long as broad ; spiral band open ; spore oblong- elliptical (Hassall, pi. 32. figs. 9, 10). S. longata. Filaments about 1-1000" in diam. ; joints six or eight times as long ; spiral lax, spores oblopg-elliptical (Hass. pi. 31. fig. 394). S. injlata (S. gastroides, Kiitz.). Fila- ments 1-1680" in diam. ; joints four or five times as long ; turns of spiral about five ; fertile cells ventricose ; spores oblong- elliptical (Hass. pi. 32. figs. 6, 7). S. communis (fig. 668). Filaments 1-1440 to 1-2000" in diam. ; joints two or three times as long ; turns of spiral four, broad ; spores elliptical (Hass. pi. 28. figs. 5, 6). S. quinina (PI. 9. fig. 17). Filaments 1-600'' in diani. ; joints once and a half or twice as long; turns of spiral broad and dense ; spores elliptical (Hass. pi. 28. fig. 2). Varies in the length of the joints, which are sometimes twice to seven times as long. Spiral bands two. S. decimina. Filaments 1-720" in diam. ; joints two to foui' times as long; spiral bands lax, crossing so as to present the appearance of the letter X (IHiss. pi. 23. figs. 3, 4). S. elongata. Filaments 1-1320 to 1-1200" in diam. ; joints ten times as long; bands lax (Berkeley, Gkanings, 12, fig. 2). Spiral bands numerous. S. nitida (PI. 9. fig. 26). Filaments 1-360' ' in diam. ; joints twice or three times as long ; bands four, dense, closely veiled ; spores elliptical (Hass. pi. 22. figs. 1, 2). S. maxima. Filaments 1-200 to 1-300" in diani.; joints equal, once and a half or twice as long; bands lax; spores globular (Haas. pis. 18, 19). S. bellis. Filaments 1-400" ; joints equal or twice as long ; bands two or three, lax ; spores rounded; var. 8, spirals condensed (Hass. pi. 24). S. pellucida (PL 9. fig. 27). ^ Filaments 1-840" in diam. ; joints four or six times as long ; bands lax and slender ; fertile cells ventricose ; spores globose (Hass. pi. 25). & rimilaris. Filaments 1-2040" in diam. ; joints three or four times as long; spiral bands four, broad, dense (Hass. pi. 27). S. curvatum (Sirogonium stictitum and breviarticulatum, Kiitz.). Filaments 1-720" in diam. ; joints four or five times as long ; bands three or four, slender ; conjugation direct, without a cross branch, approaching Mougeotia. (Hass. pi. 26. figs. 1, 2.) BIBL. Hassall, Alg. 135; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 437, Tab. Phyc. v. ; Pringsh. Flora, xxxv. 465, Ann. N. H. 2. xi. 210 ; Braun, Verjilngung, Ray Soc. ; Vaucher, Conferves, 37 ; Agardh, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. vi. 197 ; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 232 ; Carter, Ann. N. H. 1880, vi. 207 ; Petit, Spirog. of Paris, 1881. SPIROLI'NA, Lamk. (SPIBULINA, Ehr.). Restricted. The long, narrow, crozier- like modifications of Peneroplis (P. (Sp.) austriaca, PI. 23. fig. 12) come under this title. Fossil and recent. BIBL. D'Orb. For. Foss. Vien. 137 ; Car- penter, Phil. Tr. 1859, 10 ; Parker, Jones, and Brady, Ann. N. H. 3. xv. 230. SPIROLOCULI'NA, D'Orb. A sub- genus of Miliola, among the Porcellaneous Foraminifera. Char. Shell regular, equilateral, com- pressed, oblong, oval, or elongated ; cham- bers concentric on two opposing faces, in the same plane, not embracing, all apparent and with simple cavities ; orifice single, situated alternately at the two ends of the longitu- dinal axis, simple or with a tooth, frequently prolonged into a tube. % planalata (PI. 23. fig. 7). Many species, recent and fossil. BIBL. D'Orb. Ann. Sc. Nat. vii. 298; Williamson, Rec. For. 82 ; Carpenter, For. 77 ; Parker, Jones, and Brady, Ann. N. H. 4. viii. 248. SPIROM'ONAS, Perty. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Char. Body leaf-like, compressed, rounded at both ends, and rolled spirally ; with one or two flagella. S. volithilis= Cyclidium distortum, Duj. Kent describes other species. (Perty. Lebensf. 171 : Kent, Inf. 297.) SPI'ROPLEC'TA, Ehr. See TEXTULABIA. SPIROR'BIS, Daudin, Lamk. A genus of Annulata, order Setigera. The elegant little milk-white flat spiral SPIROSTOMUM. [ 718 ] SPLACHNACE^E. shells of S. naidiloides (communis) (PI. 36. fig. 29) are frequently met with upon Fucus serratus, &c. The animal has six pinnate bran- chial filaments and a pedunculate operculuna. SPHtoS'TOMUM, Ehr. A genus of Heterotrichous Infusoria, family Bursarina. Char. Body ciliated all over, oblong or cylindrical and elongated, or flat ; mouth spiral, with neither teeth nor a tremulous lamina ; anus posterior ; freshwater. S. ambiguum (PL 31. figs. 77. 78). Body cylindrical and elongated, colourless, ob- tuse in front, truncate behind, prolonged anteriorly beyond and above the mouth ; length 1-12". S. teres. Body linear-fusiform ; length 1-60' '. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 332; Dujard. Inf. 514; Clap, et Lach. Inf. 231. SPIROT^E'NIA, Brdb. A genus of Desmidiacese. Char. Cells single, elongated, cylindrical or fusiform, straight, entire, not constricted ; endochrome spiral. Division oblique. In one species the endochrome is spiral at first, subsequently becoming uniform. S. condensata (PI. 14. fig. 59). Endo- chrome forming a single broad band ; length 1-208" ; common. S. obscura. Endochrome at first forming several spiral threads, afterwards uniform ; length 1-240". BIBL. Kalfs, Desmid. 178 ; Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1867, 186 ; Rabenhorst, Alg. iii. 145. SPIRULI'NA, Link. A genus of Oscil- latoriaceae (Confervoid Algae), consisting of minute spirally coiled geeen filaments im- mersed in a colourless gelatinous matrix, and having an oscillating motion ; forming extensive strata in lakes, brackish water, &c. The intimate structure and develop- ment of these curious organisms are not yet well understood; they are supposed to increase by the filaments breaking across : in some the filament appears continuous; in others it has striae, like the Oscillatorice, appearing beaded when badly defined. S. Jenneri (PI. 7. fig. 16). Filaments with striae, 1-6000" in diameter, usually of eight or ten coils, forming a thin aeruginous stratum. 8. oscttlarioides (PI. 7. fig. 15). Fila- ments not striated ; coils 1-7200" in diani. ; lax. Among Oscillatorice in stagnant pools. BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 236; Hassall, Alg. 277, pi. 75 ; Harvey, Mar. Alg. 229, pi. 27; Phyc. 105; Ralfs, Ann. N.H. xvi. 308, 2. viii. 205; Cohn, Nova Acta, xxiv. ; Rabenht. Alg. ii. 90. SPLACHNA'CE^E. A family of Funa- rioideae (Acrocarpous operculated Mosses), of broad and densely tufted habit, mostly found upon dung, with a very much branched, loosely-leaved stem (fig. 669). Inflorescence hermaphrodite, dioecious, rarely monoecious. Antheridial flower a capituliform, terminal bud. Antheridia large, club-shaped, rather Fig. 669. Fig. 670. Splachnum vaseulosum. Fig. 669. Nat. size. Fig. 670. Eipe capsule open, dried, and the apophysis shrivelled. Magnified 20 diameters. Fig. 671. Fig. 672. Fig. 673. Splachnum vaseulosum. Fig. 671. Calyptra. Magnified 20 diameters. Fig. 672. Young capsule and apophysis. Magnified 20 diameters. Fig. 673. Vertical section of an unopened capsule with its spongy apophysis. Magnified 20 diameters. curved. Archegonia narrow, long-apicu- late. Peristome, if present, of regularly SPLACHNACE^E. [ 719 ] SPLEEN. lanceolate, neither obtuse nor trabeculate, twin, rufescent, rather fleshy teeth. Colu- mella ordinarily projecting (fig. 670). Cap- sule on an apophysis (fig. 673), mostly fur- nished with stoinates. British Genera. (Edipodium. Calyptra soft, longish-nar- row, split almost to the summit, obtuse, somewhat lacerated at the base. Capsule subglobose, loosely reticulated, soft, with a very long colluin arising from a gradually thickened fruit-stalk, the mouth naked. Columella dilated at the apex. Inflores- cence monoecious. Tetraplodon. Calyptra smallish, hood- shaped, split to the middle, operculate, delicate. Capsule apophvsate, oval-cylin- drical. Apophysis obconical, obovate, or subovate. Columella scarcely dilated at the apex. Peristome of sixteen double teeth in fours, lanceolate, formed of two rows of cells, connate in pairs at the base, reflexed when dry, erect and incurved when moist, much shorter than the capsule. Antheridial flower sessile in the axil of a leaf, or termi- nal on a little special branch, in a capituli- forrn bud. Tayloria. Calyptra inflatedly conical, erect, split at one side, constricted at the base, lacerated around the margin. Peri- stome arising below the orifice of the cap- sule, of sixteen or thirty-two teeth j teeth single, approximated in pairs or coherent, often very long ; when moist incurved and involuted, when dry (in the ripe capsule) Fig. 674. reflexed, appressed to the capsule or tortu- ously bent down; very hygroscopic. Inflo- rescence monoecious. fcolumella mostly free, exserted from the ripe capsule, flattish*- apiculate. Dissodon. Calyptra inflatedly conical, erect, slit at one side, constricted at the base and torn or erose. Peristome arising at the orifice of the capsule. Teeth thirty- two, connate, in eight bigeminate or sixteen geminate teeth, lanceolate, smooth, trans- versely articulate, connivent into a depressed cone when moist, subincurved when dry. Inflorescence perfect or monoecious. Colu- mella included or exserted, flattish. Splachnum. Calyptra conical, rather small, entire or slit here and there at the base. Peristome of sixteen teeth, composed of a double row of cells, lanceolate, largish, yellowish, approximated in pairs and to some extent conglutinated, when dry re- flexed and appressed to the capsule, when moist erect and incurved at the apex. In- florescence dioecious, rarely monoecious. Columella ordinarily emerging, capitate. SPLACHNUM, Linn. A genus of Splachnacese (see above). & amputtaceum is not uncommon on the dung of animals on bogs, is a very handsome moss, with purple or red capsules. S. vasculosum (figs. 669- 673) is less common, occurring only in high mountain districts. SPLEEN. This organ appears to occur exclusively in the Vertebrate, but is not found in the Leptocardia and Myxinoids. The spleen is covered externally by the Fig. 675. Fig. 676. Fig. 674. Natural size. Portion from the middle of the spleen of an or, washed ; showing the bands and their arrangement. Fig. 675. Peculiar fibres from the pulp of the human spleen, belonging to the microscopic trabeculee. Magnified 350 diameters. Fig. 676. One of the same enclosed in a cell. Magnified 350 diameters. SPLEEN. [ 720 ] SPLEEN. peritoneum, except at the hilus, where the vessels are connected with it. Beneath the peritoneal tunic is a thin, semitransparent, firm, fibrous coat, which at the hilus accompanies the vessels, and forms sheaths around them. The spleen is traversed by fibrous bands or trabeculge (fig. 674), which arise from the inner surface of the fibrous coat and from the outer surface of the vascular sheaths, and, being connected with each other, form a number of irregular meshes or areolee, in which are situated the splenic corpuscles and the spleen-pulp. In reptiles they form stellate expansions, their connec- tive tissue becoming infiltrated with lyniph- corpuscles; and the connective tissue in this modified form occupies all the inter- spaces of the proper parenchyma of the organ. The fibrous coat and the trabeculae consist of ordinary connective tissue, with mostly parallel fibres, traversed by networks of fine elastic fibres, which become continuous with the coats of the veins. In certain animals, as the dog, cat, pig, &c., the fibrous coats and trabeculas contain also unstriped mus- cular fibres. These do not occur in man, unless they are represented in the micro- Fig. 677. scopic trabeculae by peculiar wavy fibres, about 1-500" in length, with lateral or stalked nuclei (fig. 675). Some of these are found enclosed in cells (fig. 676), from which they become liberated by the action of water. The splenic or Malpighian corpuscles f. 677) are white rounded bodies, imbed- in the spleen-pulp, and attached to the smallest arteries. They vary in size from 1-120 to 1-36", and cannot always be de- tected. They are either placed upon the sides of the arterial branch, or situated in the angles of their bifurcation. The splenic corpuscles consist of an enve- loping membrane (fig. 678 a) composed of connective tissue with fine reticular elastic fibres, and derived from the arterial sheath. They are traversed by capillaries and filled Avith a tenacious grey parenchyma. The parenchyma consists of cells 1-3000" in diameter, containing one or two nuclei, and free nuclei (fig. 104, p. 138). Sometimes the cells contain globules of fat or blood- corpuscles j and occasionally free blood-cor- puscles are met with. When the splenic corpuscles undergo amyloid degeneration, they produce the so-called sago-spleen. "the splenic pulp forms a soft reddish Fig. 678. Fig. 677. Portion of a small artery from the spleen of a dog, with one of the branches covered with Maloiehian bodies. Magnified 10 diameters. Fig. 678. Malpighian corpuscle from the spleen of an ox. a, wall of the corpuscle; 6, contents; e, wall of the artery upon which it is situated ; d, its sheath. Magnified 150 diameters. SPOLVERINA. [ 721 ] SPONGIDA, mass, and consists of three elements micro- scopic trabeculse, fibres, or bands, parenchy- ma-cells, and the smaller blood-vessels or of cells and an intercellular substance. The j trubeculte agree in structure with the larger ones. The fibres or bands are the termina- tions of the sheaths of the vessels ; they are indistinctly fibrous, and free from elastic \ tissue. The parenchyma-cells resemble those in the splenic corpuscles. Blood-cor- puscles are found enclosed in cells, from one to twenty in each, or surrounded by a transparent substance, their contents exhi- biting- various changes in colour and con- sistence. The arteries terminate in elegant tufts or penicilli, becoming continuous with a mesh work of capillaries. The blood-corpuscles from the blood of the splenic vein frequently contain crystals of haematoidine. In the examination of the spleen, the tra- beculae are best seen after washing away the pulp with water, the splenic corpuscles by tearing the spleen or boiling it, either in the pig or ox. The cells containing blood- corpuscles must be searched for in the pulp j unacted upon by water. The muscular fibres are most evident in the smaller trabeculae, especially after treatment with dilute nitric acid (one part to five parts of water). BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An. ii. and Todd's Cycl. An., art. Spleen ; Grav, A. Cooper's Prize Essay ; Saunders, Goodsir 's Ann. of An. 1851, i. ; Huxley, Qu. Mic. Jn. ii. 1854 ; Frey, Mikros. ; Miiller, Strieker's Hist, and the Bibl. therein. SPOLVERI'NA, Mass. A genus of Micro-lichens, parasitic on the thallus and prothallus of various crustaceous lichens. Char. Spores 1-2, large, globose-ovoid, simple, colourless, or yellowish. (Lindsay, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869, 344.) SPONDYLOCLA'DIUM. A genus of Deniatiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), analo- gous to Arthrobotryum, characterized by the erect filaments, with whorled multiseptate spores (PI. 27. fig. 15). (Mart., Fl. erl. 354 ; Link, Spec. 79; Hoffmann, Fl. germ. ii. pi. 13.) SPONDYLOM'ORUM, Ehr. A genus of Volvocineae. S. quaternarium. Cosnobium globose, composed of 8-12-16 cuneate green cells, each with a long cilium, and a dorsal red eye-spot, enclosed in a colourless gelati- nous envelope (PI. 3. fig. 23). In ditches. (Pertv, Lebemf. 177; Rabenht. Ala. iii. 98.) SPONGASTERIS'CUS,Hckl. A genus of Radio-flagellate Infusoria, with a silice- ous perforated carapace. 2 species; marine. (Kent, Inf. 229.) SPON'GIDA or PORIF'ERA. A Class of Protozoa. Char. Form variable ; fixed by a kind of root at the base, or incrusting ; consisting of a soft gelatinous sarcodic mass, mostly supported by an internal skeleton, composed of reticularly anastomosing horny fibres, in or among which are usually imbedded sili- ceous or calcareous spicula ; or sometimes the spicula alone form the skeleton. The horny fibres forming the skeleton of sponges, which may be well seen hi any common sponge, are cylindrical, and vari- ously united, so as to form a coarse network with roundish or angular microscopic meshes. In addition to these generally diffused meshes or intervals, large (to the naked eye) rounded apertures or oscula are scat- tered over the surface of most sponges, leading into sinuous canals permeating their substance in every direction ; and between these are other smaller apertures, just visi- ble to the naked eye, also the orifices of canals, which traverse the substance and communicate with the oscular canals. In the living sponge, this skeleton is covered with a glairy or gelatinous, colour- less, amorphous substance, resembling that of which Anwebce are composed; the proportion being variable in the different genera. This substance appears to be composed of minute masses, those on the surfaces being furnished with a long and slender flagellum, or forming collared monads; and during life, by means of these, water entering by the smaller apertures, and reaching the oscular channels, is ex- pelled from the oscula in currents, which may be rendered visible by sprinkling a little finely powdered charcoal over them. Hence Clark and Kent refer the Sponges to the Choano-flagellate order of the Infu- soria. The fibres of the common Sponges appear to be solid under the microscope ; and when treated with sulphuric acid, they are seen to consist of two parts, an outer tubular portion, which is contracted in length by the acid, and an inner cylindrical thread, which usually becomes elegantly wavy or spiral, frequently protruding from the cavity of the outer portion in broken fibres, and resem- bling PL 28. fig. 22. The spicula are of various forms (PI. 45, lettered figures), and either scattered through 3A SPONGIDA. [ 722 ] SPONGOCYCLIA. the substance or arranged in bundles form- ing spurious fibres; sometimes projecting more or less from the surface (PI. 45. 'fig. 8). In some sponges they are absent, and in one genus they are replaced by gravel. The calcareous spicula exert a much more powerful action upon polarized light than the siliceous spicula. In some sponges, an external membrane is present ; and this has been observed to exhibit a reticular or cellular appearance, from the presence of fine reticular fibres. Sponges are mostly marine, rarely fresh- water. In the natural state they often possess lively colours, which appear in some instances to arise from the presence of gra- nules of colouring matter, probably chloro- phyll, in others from iridescence. They usually grow in groups upon rocks, shells, zoophytes, sea-weeds, &c. Sponges appear to be propagated in four ways : by gemmation, from the interior of the canals ; by the formation of ciliated gem- mules (swarm-spores) ; by the formation of true sexual ova ; and by the production of bodies analogous to " winter-ova." The ciliated gemmules, which are not of general occurrence, are yellowish, oval, narrowed at one end, and covered, except at this part, by vibratile cilia. They are mostly formed in spring, and after swim- ming about for a time, become fixed to some suitable spot and undergo development. Of the other reproductive bodies, one kind consists of roundish or ovate masses containing spicula and resembling the parent in structure, either lying loose in its substance, or adherent to the horny fibres, and escaping at its death and solution, to acquire maturity. The " winter-ova " are round or ovoid seed-like bodies, with a funnel-shaped de- pression on the surface communicating with the interior. At first these lie in a cavity formed by condensed surrounding substance ; subsequently a membrane presenting a hex- agonal reticular structure is formed around them, upon which a crust of spicula is afterwards deposited. When expelled from the body of the parent, they are motionless j they then swell up, burst, and the minute locomotive germs escape. These exhibit Amoeba-like processes, and take on an inde- pendent life. The true ova are oval, and scattered through the general substance ; they have a distinct outer membrane, with a germinal vesicle and spot. The spermatozoa have an oval body and a filament ; they occur in minute cells, also diffused through the sub- stance. The germs are ciliated. Sponges are probably^ nourished by en- closing Algae &c. in their substance in the same manner as Amoeba. This has been seen to take place in the young animals developed from the winter-ova. According to the skeleton, the sponges are divided into three Orders : Myxospon- yice, in which it is absent (Halisarca); Fibro- spongice, in which it is horny or siliceous ; and Caldspongice, in which it is calcareous. Thread-cells have been found in the genus Reniera ; and Eimer states that he has even distinguished in some siliceous forms something like connective tissue and fusi- form muscular fibres. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Sponges ; Bowerbauk, Br. Spong.) Ray Soc. 1866 ; Huxley, Camp. Anat.; James-Clark, Amer.Jn.ofSci. 1871 ; Gray, Pr. Roy. Soc. 1867 ; Lieberkiihn, Miiller's Archiv, 1856, Ann. N. II. 1868, ii. 236; Thomson, Phil. Tr. 1869, and Deep-sea Dredging ; Ellers, Sieb.und Koll Zeit. 1871, xxii. 540; Eimer, Schuttze's Arch. 1872; Leidy, Amer. Nat. 1870; Agassiz, Butt. Harvard Coll 1869; Miklucho-Maklay, Mem. Acad. Petersbourg, 1870; Schmidt, Spongienfauna Atlan. Geb. 1870 ; Spong. Kilste Algier, Spong. d. Adriat. Meer. ; Car- ter, Ann. N. H. 1878, ii. 157 ; ib. 1879, iii. 284, 343 ; ib. 1879, iv. 374 ; Gosse, Mar. Zool. i. ; Haeckel, Kalkschwiimme,187'^ ; Vosmaer, Bronn, Klass. $c. t 1882 ; Kent, Inf. 143. SPONGIL'LA, Lam. A genus of fresh- water sponges. Two British species, S. fluviatilis and S. lactistris. Found attached to stones, old woodwork, &c. in still or slowly running waters ; green or grey. See SPONGIDA. SPONGIOLES. Many works on vege- table physiology still retain the old error that the extremities of roots are devoid of epidermis, and that the tissue then presents an open spongy character, whence the name of spongioles applied to the absorbing apices of roots. So far is this from being a correct account of the conditions, that, in reality, not only is the surface completely invested with a continuous epidermis, but the grow- ing point and principal absorbing surface is found a little above the absolute extremity, which is pushed forward by interstitial growth (fig. 679); See ROOTS. SPONGOCYC'LIA, Hckl. A g-enus of Radio-flagellate Infusoria. Several species ; marine. (Kent, Inf. 228.) SPONGOMONAS. [ 723 ] SPOREKDONEMA, Fig. 679. " c D Longitudinal section of the rootlet of an Orchis. C, C, Cellular tissue (cambium) in which development is still going on. FP, Fibro-vascular bundles gradually becoming organized from above downwards. Magnified 500 diameters. SPONGOM'ONAS, Stein. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Ovate or rounded j flagella two, equal ; immersed in a gelati- nous envelope. Four species ; freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 286.) SPORAN'GIUM and SPOR'OCARP. The term sporangium is applied to the structure immediately enclosing the spores of the Cryutogamia. The different forms and conditions are described under the classes of Flowerless plants. Abortive spo- rangia in Ferns, sometimes borne on the pedicel of the true sporangia, are called spo- rangiastra. Sporocarp or spore-fruit is the name given to the capsules or similar organs which contain the sporanges of the Mar- sileaceae (see PILULAIIIA). SPORENDONE'MA, Desm. A sup- posed genus of Sepedoniei (more properly belonging to Saprolegneae). It is a very common occurrence in autumn to find the house-fly, dead, adhering to walls, window- panes, &c., firmly fixed by its proboscis, and with its legs spread out, thus differing from dead flies in general, which have the legs contracted. In about twenty-four hours after death, a kind of fleshy substance of a white colour, is found in the form of a ring projecting between each of the rings, of the abdomen ; and in a day or two after, the whole will be found dried, and the surface of the wall or glass lightly covered in a semicircle, at about 1-2 to V from the fly's abdomen, with a cloud of whitish powder. The whitish fleshy substance is found on examination to consist of a vast number of short erect filaments growing out from the interior of the fly's body, be- tween the rings ; these filaments contain large oil-globules, often arranged in a row j and their having been mistaken for spores gave origin to the name Sporendonema applied to this fungus. Cohn has described its growth somewhat minutely, and chan- ged the generic name to Empusa, or rather Empusina, the first of these names being al- ready occupied. He correctly states that the vertical filaments terminate in the ab- domen in a continuous, often branched tube, and consist therefore of a single tubu- lar cell. The upper free end, however, be- comes cut off by a septum ; and the terminal cell acquires a campanulate form and a darkish colour ; when ripe, it is thrown off with elasticity ; and a number of these form the white cloud above mentioned. Cohn endeavoured in vain to make them germi- nate ; and nothing like them was found in the cavity of the abdomen of numerous flies in which the filaments were traced in their earlier stages. From our own obser- vations, we rather incline to regard them as peridioles or spore-cases, comparable perhaps to that of Pitobolus ; or they may be stylo- spores, like some of those *of the Uredinei, which after a stage of rest produce an inter- mediate mycelial structure, and then give birth to the ripe spores. The most remarkable point about this fly- fungus (to which, however, Cohn does not allude) is the circumstance that, when the body of the fly with the rings of fungi freshly developed is placed in water, ACHLYA prolifera is almost always, if not always, produced, and apparently from the filaments which in the air produce the bell-shaped deciduous body above described. We find the Achlya with its ciliated zoospores, and later with its globular sporanges filled with spores, apparently representing an aquatic form of the Sporendonema or Empusina. Cienkowski has recently confirmed the view that Aclilya is an aquatic form of the present plant, but Braun denies this ; he states that he has found a second species of Empusina on the common gnat (Qulex pipiens). Sporendonema Casei, Desm., is referable to TORULA. 3A2 SPORES. [ 724 ] SPORES. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl ii. pt. 2. 350 ; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 435, Sum. Veg. 594 ; Var- ley, Tr. Mic. Soc. iii. ; Colin, Nova Acta, xxv. 299 ; Berk, and Broome, Ann. N. H. 2. v. 460 ; Cienkowski, Bot. Zeit. xiii. 801 ; Braun, Akj. Unicell 105. SPORES, SPOBULES, SPOBIDIA, SPOBI- DIOLA, MlCBOSPOBES, MACBOSPOBES, &C. A number of nearly connected terms which are applied to the various organs which either really or apparently represent, in the Flowerless Plants, the seeds of the Flower- ing classes. The names have been mostly applied with the view of marking slight distinctions between organs supposed to be homologous. Of those placed at the head of this article, the first only should be retained, the second being merely a useless diminutive of it, and the third and fourth being superseded by the more definite no- menclature now applied to the reproductive bodies of the Cryptogamia. It may be desirable perhaps here, if merely for the sake of explaining the exact meaning of words constantly used in this work, to pass in review the various structures com- prehended under the general name of Spore. The definition of the word spore itself, as commonly used, may be stated thus : are- productive body, thrown off by a Flowerless plant to reproduce its kind, and containing no embryo at the moment when cast off by the parent. It is evident from this how lax is its application. The highest of the Flowerless plants, the Marsileaceae and the Lycopodiaceae, produce two kinds of spore one destined to produce sperinatozoids, the other archegonia and ultimately embryos growing up into new plants. These are sometimes distinguished as pollen-spores and ovule-spores or oospores ; the latter are large sacs with complicated outer membranes, the former simple cells with a double coat, like pollen-grains (see PlLULABIA, ISOETES, and LiYCOPODIACEJE). The Ferns and the Equisetaceae produce only one kind of spore, a simple cell with a double coat, the outer of which is generally elegantly marked in the former (figs. 232- 236, p. 321), and split up into elastic fila- ments or elaters in the latter (fig. 205, p. 300). In germinating, this spore pro- duces a kind of thallus, the prothallium (figs. 236-239, p. 321), on which antheridia and archegonia ultimately appear, and an embryo is formed, fertilized, and developed (see FEBNS and EQUISETACEJE). Fig. 680. In the above cases the spores are always formed in sporanges of various kinds, deve- loped directly from the axis or the leaves by a process of vegetative growth. In the Mosses and Liverworts the spores are mostly of one kind, consisting of a cell with a single or (generally) double coat, like a pollen-grain. The spores, unlike those above-mentioned, are formed in sporanges which are the product of fertilized arche- gonia, and more resemble the fruits of Flowering plants. The spores of Mosses germinate by emitting the inner coat as a Confervoid filament (fig. 680), which usually branches and gives origin to numerous stem-buds. The spores of the Liver- worts exhibit many modifications in the first stages of ger- mination, as illus- trated by the ac- companying figures Spores of a moss germinating. (figs. 682-684); Magn. 100 diams. the Marchantiae and other frondose kinds grow at once into thalloid fronds (see MOSSES and HEPA- TICJE). The systematic position of the Characeae is perhaps still an open question ; but there can be little doubt of the analogies between these red productive bo'dies and those of the other Cryptogamia. There is no sporange here, nor apparently any archegonia. The glolule^ (figs._ 121 & 122, p. 162) produces antheridia giving birth to spermatozoids. The nucule (fig. 120, p. 161) appears to be a spore (see CHABACEJE). In the Lichens, only one kind of organ has been termed a spore, namely the repro- ductive cells formed in the thecae (PI. 37. figs. 6 & 12), which are known to reproduce the plant when thrown off by the parent. Two other kinds of body connected with the reproduction occur ; these, the gonidia (PL 37. figs. 2, 3) and the spermatia (see LICHENS), have fortunately obtained and preserved distinctive appellations. The spores are simple cells or septate tubes, with a double membrane. In the Algae much confusion still exists, not only between different kinds of spore, but even between spores and sporanges; and this is not easily cleared away, since in certain cases the organs appear really capable of serving as one or the other, according to circumstances; the true spores are SPORES. [ 725 ] SPORES. always simple cells with a double or triple coat/ In the Florideae, the characters of the structures seem pretty clear ; we find spores (p. 327), TETRASPORES (figs. 248-250), which appear to represent the gonidia of the Lichens, and spermatozoids (see FLORI- DE^E). Among the olive-coloured sea- weeds (Fucoids), the FUCACEJE andDiCTYOTACE^E produce spores and spermatozoids ; but in the majority of the families, only a totally different mode of reproduction is known. The plants produce ovate sacs, commonly called spores, and chambered filaments ; from both are discharged actively moving ciliated cells, corresponding exactly to the ZOOSPORES of the Confervoids. Thuret re- gards the oosporanges a'ld trichosporanges (fig. 458, p. 501), as he called these sacs and filaments respectively, as merely different forms of one kind of structure. But it seems possible thac true spores may be dis- covered, even indeed that the oosporanges may be parent cells sometimes of zoospores and sometimes of spores. Fig. 682. Fig. 683. In the Confervoids we find true spores in very many cases, pro- duced generally after Fig. 681. some process of ferti- lization or of CONJU- GATION, in special cells (fig. 668, and PI. 9. figs. 16 & 18 : PI. 10. figs. 1-5). But the " spores " thus produced, while they sometimes germinate into new filaments, also sometimes pro- duce numerous bodies Of different kinds, connected in some way with reproduc- spores. tion ; this is the case Magn. 200 diams. in SPIROGYRA (PI. 9. fig. 23), perhaps also in CLOSTERIUM and other instances. Besides the spores proper, we have also in this family, ZOOSPORES the actively moving ciliated bodies which are regarded as gonidia and are further di- Fig. 684. *odulariaspuinigera. Pellia epiphylla. Preissia commutata. Blasia pusilla. Spores of Hepatic germinating. Magnified 200 diameters. vided into macrogonidia and microgonidia (HYDRODICTYON), the latter of which may perhaps have the function of sperma- tozoids (see SPH^EROPLE A andVAUCHERiA). In the Fungi the greatest confusion exists in the nomenclature. The Agarics and their congeners produce free naked cells at the tips of short filaments, whence they ultimately fall off, to reproduce the plant ; these are called spores or sporules, or distinctively BASIDIOSPORES (figs. 53-5o, p. 92). There is no essential difference between them and the spores produced by the Hyphomycetes, either singly or in rows or capitula (Bo- SPORES. [ 726 ] SPOROCHISMA. TRYTIS, figs. 77, 78, p. 116 ; figs. 685, 686; and PI. 26. figs. 5, 6, 15, 16) at the ends of Fig. 685. Fig. 686. Fig. 687. Fig. 685. Mystrosporium Stemphylium, Corda (Stem- phylium, Fries). Magn. 200 diams. Fig. 686. Stachyobotrys atra. Fertile filament with heads of acrogenous spores. Magn. 200 diams. Fig. 687. A head of spores. Magn. 500 diams. erect filaments ; these again appear to pass almost insensibly into the conidia or repro- ductive cells produced by the breaking-up of the mycelium, either wholly or in part, into free cells capable of continuing the growth (ToRULA, PI. 26. fig. 7, and OIDIUM, fig. 8) : on the other hand, the spermatia (figs ; 2, 0, 4), such as occur in some of the Coniomycetous forms of the Pyrenomycetous and Discomycetous Fungi, are closely re- lated, as far as structure goes, to the conidia of Torula &c. and the spores of the Hy- phomycetes; while the stylospores of the UREDINET and TREMELLIJN'I produce bodies resembling them, and still more like the basidiospores of the Agariciiii. The stylo- spores, another free form of spore, may be regarded probably as compound organs, formed of a row of cells contained in a persistent parent cell : it is surmised that they are merely metamorphosed asci (see SPHJERTA and STILBOSPORA, PI. 26. figs. 25-28) ; yet their mode of occurrence would lead to the idea that they are a distinct kind of organ. Lastly, we have the ascospores or thecaspores (fig. 42, p. 78), closely resembling those of the Lichens, consisting of free cells with a double coat, developed free in the cavity of a parent cell or sac. In the British Flora the terms spo- rule and sporidium are used synonymously in the sense of spore, and are applied to basidiospores, ascospores, stylospores, and to the bodies (found in Cytispora, Tuber- cularia, &c.) called by Tulasne spermatia. The term sporidiola is applied apparently to nuclei or granular masses occurring in the cavities of spores, or to the separate portions of contents of imperfectly septate stylo- spores. The sporangia of Diatomaeese are some- times called Auxospores. With regard to the homologies of the above structures, the spermatia are supposed to represent spermatozoids ; the conidia are regarded as corresponding to gonidia of Lichens j the stylospores are also connected with these through the medium of the tetraspores of the Florideae. In conclusion, a reference may be made to descriptions and figures like those given (figs. 688, 689) of free spores resting on the matrix and among the filaments. Such characters are totally out of date in the Fig. 688. Fig. 689. Fig. 688. Leptotrichum glaiicum. Free spores among the filaments of the matrix. Magn. 200 diameters. Fig. 689. Fusarium herbarum. Free spores resting on the matrix. Magn. 200 diameters. present state of science, and simply serve as indices of points requiring further in- vestigation. BIBL. See the heads of the classes of Cryptogamic Plants. SPORIpES'MIUM. A genus of Toru- lacei (Coniomycetous Fungi), growing upon Fig. 690. bark,' wood, &c. (PI. 27. fig. 12). The character of the spores seems to vary in different spe- s id ; smium paradoium . cies ; sometimes they are simply septate, sometimes cellular (fig. 690). See TORULACEI. SPOROCHIS'MA, Spores sessile on the matrix. Magn. 200 diams. Berk, and Br. A SPOROCHNAOE.E. [ 727 ] SPUMARIA. genus of Toriilacei (Coniomycetous Fungi), containing one species, S. mirabile, forming a black velvety stratum on rotten beech wood. See TORULACEI. SPOROCHJS T A'CE^E A family of Fu- coidea?. Olive-coloured, inarticulate sea- weeds, whose unilocular and septate spo- ranges are attached to external jointed filaments, which are either free or compacted together into knob-like or warty masses. Synopsis of British Genera. * Sporanaes attached to pencilled filaments is*n ing from the branches (Arthrocla- dieae). Desmarestia. Frond solid or flat, di- chotomously branched. Artkrocladia. Frond traversed by a jointed tube, filiform, nodose. Xtihphora. Frond filiform, tubular or solid, branched ; sporanges arising from necklace-shaped filaments collected in wart- like groups upon the frond. ** Sporanges produced in knob-like receptacles composed of whorled filaments compacted together (Sporochneae). Sporochnus. Receptacles lateral, on short peduncles. Carponntra. Receptacles terminal, at the tips of the branches. SPOROCH'NUS, Ag. A genus of Spo- rochnaceae (Fucoid Algae), containing one British species, S.pedunculatus (PI. 4. fig. 1), having a filiform, solid, cellular main axis (containing a central cord of dense tissue), ' bearing long slender branches arranged in a somewhat pinnate manner and clothed at intervals with elliptical fertile ramules, con- I sisting of an axis densely covered with whorl- ed horizontal branching filaments bearing ovoid sporanges, and terminating in a decid- uous pencil of byssoid filaments. Main stem 6 to 8" long, olive-brown, changing to yel- low-green on exposure. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 25, pi. 5 A ; Gre- ville, Alg. Br. pi. 6 ; Thuret, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xiv. 238. SPOROC'YBE, Fries. A genus of De- matiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), growing j on dead sticks, decaying stems, &c., forming ' usually a blackish stratum. Several British i species are recorded. They have a rigid, septate, simple or branched peduncle, ending | with a capitate head clothed with spores (figs. 691, 692). This genus is synony- mous with Periconia, Corda. Periconia, Tode, is an obscure form. Fig. 691. 1 Fig. 692. Sporocybe bulbosa. Fig. 691. Stratum upon a stick. Nat. size. Pig. 692. Two fertile peduncles, crowned with heads of spores. Magnified 100 diameters. BIBL. Berk. Br. Flor. ii. pt. 2. 333 ; Ann. N. H. vi. 433, pi. 13 ; Fries, Sum. Veget. 467 ; Syst. My col. iii. 340. SPOROT'RICHUM, Link. A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), grow- ing on decaying vegetable substances, dung, &c. The ibrms referable to this genus, according to the character, include a very heterogeneous assemblage ; indeed the cha- racter which omits the nature of the original attachment of the spores, is worth nothing. Fries has separated a genus TBICHOSPO- BIUM, including a number of species with distinctly acrogeiious spores ; this includes S. niyrum and S. geochroum of the Brit. Flora. The remainder are placed by him among the Sepedoniei, under Sporotrichum and another genus which he calls Physo- spora. These genera are very obscurely known, much resembling mycelia with de- tached conidia scattered on them. BIBL. Berk. Br. 2. 346; Fries, Sum. Veg. 492, 495, 521; Greville, Crypt. Flor. pi. 108. figs, 1, 2. SPUMAHIA, Pers. A genus of Myxo- mycetes, the peridia of which are divided internally into chambers by ascending folds, and in S. alba are either sessile and pass above into torn white laminae, or are stipitate and divided, and form corniculate peridiolea bursting above ; the latter is probably the perfect form. The whole plant looks at first like white froth ; it grows on grasses &c., generally at a little height from the ground. BIBL, Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 309 ; Gre- ville, Crypt. Fl. pi. 267; Sowerby, Fungi SPUMELLA. [ 728 ] STAINING. (Reticularid), pi. 280; Fries. Sum. Vey. 449. SPUMEL'LA, Cienk. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria. Minute, free or pedicled, rounded or ovate, mouthless, with 1 long and 2 short flagella. 8. cjuttula and 8. vim- para = Monas g. and v . , Ehr. In pond water and infusions. (Kent, Inf. 305.) SPUTUM. We omitted to notice under EXPECTORATION the occurrence of fibrinous casts of the smaller bronchi and pulmonary air-cells in the expectoration of pneumonia. They are best seen on mixing the sputa with water, forming dichotomous cylinders with rounded enlargements. They consist of fine filaments, and are mostly covered with gra- nule-cells, and are generally met with be- tween the third and the seventh day. Koch's. Bacillus tuberculosus of phthisis, also deserves special attention. BIBL. Remak, Diagn. fyc. Untersuch., Ed. Mn. Jn. 1847, vii. 350; Gibbes, Lancet, 1882, ii. 183 & 797 ; Jn. M. Sac. 1882, ii. 572. SPYRID'IA, Harv. A genus of Cerami- Spyridia filamentosa. Fragment with a favella and ramules. Magnified 25 diameters. aceae (Florideous Algae), containing one British species, S. filamentosa (fig. 693), having a dull-red, cylindrical, filiform, much -branched frond, consisting of a cham- bered tube, the articulations of which are short, and the walls of which are composed of small angular cells. It arises from a broadly expanded disk. The branches are clothed with setaceous ramules. The favella are stalked, gelatinous, and lobed, surrounded by a few ramules and contain two or three masses of spores. The tetra- spores occur attached to the ramules. An- theridia have not yet been observed. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 166, pi. 22 D. SQUAMA'KIA, DC. A genus of Placo- dei (Lichenaceous Lichens) . Six species, on calcareous rocks and earth. (Leighton, Lich. Fl. 157.) SQUAMEL'LA, Bory, Ehr. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Eyes four, frontal; foot forked; freshwater. 8. oblonga (PL 44. fig. 29). Carapace depressed, elliptical, or ovate-oblong, hya- line ; toes slender, long ; length 1-216". S. bractea. Toes short and thick. (Ehr. Inf. 479.) 'SQUAMULI'NA,Schultze. An obscure, small, parasitic, scale-like, opaque Forami- nifer, probably Nubecularian. BIBL. Schultze, Org. Polyth. 56; Car- penter, For. 67. STACHEI'A, Brady. An adherent Are- naceous Foraminifer, with numerous subdi- vided chambers, acervuline or in irregular lavers. Six fossil species (Carboniferous). (Brady, Carbonif. Foram., Pal. Soc. 1876, 107.) STAOHYLTO'IUM , Link. A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), nearly related to Botrytis, distinguished apparently only by the subpedicellate spores. Fries states that these are developed within a fugacious veil (?). BOTBYOSPOBIUM dif- fusum, Corda, is included here by most authors. S. bicolor and 8. terrestre, 'having quaternate sporiferous branches at the upper joints of the erect, simple filaments, grow upon decaying herbaceous plants and rotten sticks. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 341 ; Fries, Sum. Veg. 490; Greville, Crypt. Flor. pi. STAINING. The staining or dyeing process was introduced by Geiiach, after observing in his carmine injections, how differently the elements of the tissues were dyed by the colouring-matter. The general action of the dye is, that the nuclei and the protoplasm of the cells are deeply coloured, while the cell-walls are but little acted upon, and the intercellular substance is hardly at all affected. The cause of this difference in the dyeing effect lies partly in the physical and partly in the chemical condition of the organic matter. If the dye-liquor be too strong, or its action too long continued, the whole tissue will become confusedly coloured, and its elements undistinguishable. The dyes which have been used are very STAINING. [ 729 ] STAINING. numerous ; we will give a sketch of the principal and their uses. Among these are carmine, indigo-carmine, alkaline sulphindigotates, saffron, aniline blue, cosine, fuchsine, magenta, logwood, picric acid, ink, and Judson's dyes. Frey recommends that 3 to 6 grains of carmine (better cararinic acid ?) be dissolved in a few drops of Liq. Ammon., with an ounce of distilled water. To the filtered liquid is added 1 ounce of glycerine, and 2 to 3 drachms of alcohol. This solution may be used alone, diluted with water, or with glycerine. The duration of the mace- ration will vary according to the kind of tissue and the strength of the dye-liquor ; in some cases a few minutes are enough, in others 24 hours are required. The pieces of tissue are then washed with water or a very weak acid (an ounce of distilled water with 2 or 3 drops of acetic acid). Fresh tissues, or those hardened by alcohol are best; next those previously treated with chromic acid or bichromate of potash. Preparations to be .preserved in feebly acidi- fied glycerine require to be less dyed than those to be mounted in balsam. Gerlach used a concentrated solution of carmine in ammonia, and placed the sec- tions of brain and spinal cord, previously hardened by solution of chromic acid, in the carmine solution for ten or fifteen minutes. They were then well washed in water and treated with acetic acid ; subsequently the water and acid were removed by absolute alcohol ; and the preparations were then mounted in Canada balsam. Afterwards he found that better results were obtained by using dilute solution of carmine and ammonia for instance, two or three drops of the ammoniacal solution to an ounce of water. He advised also maceration in this solution for two or three days. Beale's carmine fluid for staining protoplasm is made as follows : Carmine 10 grains. Strong liquor ammonise | drachm. Price's glycerine 2 ounces. Distilled water 2 ounces. Alcohol | ounce. The carmine in small fragments is to be placed in a test-tube and the ammonia added to it. By agitation and heat the car- mine is soon dissolved ; then the solution is boiled for a few minutes and allowed to cool. After an hour any excess of ammonia will have escaped; the glycerine and water may then be added and the whole filtered. The clear fluid is to be kept in stoppered bottles ; and should any carmine be preci- pitated, a drop or two of liquor nmmomse should be added. Care should be taken that the solution and the tissue to be stained have not too alkaline a reaction; other- wise the staining will be too intense, and some of the tissue surrounding the proto- plasm will be destroyed. The permeating power of the fluid is increased by the addi- tion of alcohol and water. This is a most valuable staining agent, but requires care. Thiersch recommends: carmine 1 part, caustic ammonia sol. 1 part, distilled water 3 parts ; the solution is to be filtered ; oxalic acid 1 part, distilled water 22 parts. One part of the carmine solution is to be mixed with 8 parts of the oxalic acid solution, and 12 parts of absolute alcohol are to be added. Should the solution turn out orange-co- loured, more ammonia should be added. A solution of carmine in borax is some- times used 4 parts of borax dissolved in 56 parts of water, to which is added 1 part of carmine. The filtered solution is mixed with 2 volumes of alcohol. This solution answers well in dyeing cartilage. Frey gives the following formula for Thiersch's blue staining fluid : Oxalic acid 1 part, distilled water 22 parts, indigo-car- mine as much as the solution will take up. Another solution of oxalic acid and water in the same proportion is required; and one volume of the first solution is mixed with two volumes of the last and nine of absolute alcohol. An aniline-blue solution may be made as follows: Soluble aniline blue A grain, distilled water 1 oz., alcohol 25drops. This fluid is not acted on by acids or alkalies. Magenta colours rapidly, and hence it is very useful; but its effects are not permanent. Rutherford gives the following formulae : Crystallized magenta 1 grain, absolute alco- hol 100 minims, distilled water 5 oz. This is used for the tissues generally; and the following is for blood-corpuscles : Crystal- lized magenta 1 part, rectified spirit 50 parts, distilled water 150 parts, glycerine 200 parts. Very often nerve does not stain readily with carmine after hardening in a solution of chromic acid. This may be obviated by placing the section in absolute alcohol for a short time in order to get rid of the water ; then it is placed in a solution composed of water 300 to 600 parts, and chloride of pal- ladium 1 part. As soon as a pale straw- colour is seen on the section, it may be STAINING. [ 730 ] STAMENS. removed from tlie solution and washed, and then placed in a strong solution of carmine and ammonia. A very few minutes will suffice to stain the axis-cylinders red and the medullary matter yellow (Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 160). A blue staining agent, useful for treating specimens of the spinal cord, is formed by the reaction of molybdate of ammonia, iron filings, and hydrochloric acid (Qu. Mic. Jn, 1872,161). * A logwood staining solution, which con- sists of an ounce of saturated solution of logwood and alum mixed with two drachms of 75 per cent, alcohol, is useful for the nervous elements (Qu. Mic. Jn. 1873, 87, & The Lens, July 1872). Other staining agents comprise especially the chlorides of gold, potassium and palla- dium, oxide of uranium, nitrate of silver, and osmic acid. In these, except perhaps in the last, a secondary decomposition occurs before the colour is imparted to the tissues ; and the greatest possible care must therefore be taken to allow for the granular or striated condition which such precipitates may assume, and for their collecting in tubes and between tissues. An excellent formula for staining ganglion-cells especially is as follows: Bichromate of ammonia 1 to 2 per cent, solution in water. Place the fresh nerve-substance in it for 15 or 20 days. Then dip it, after having made sec- tions, in water 10,000 parts, double chlo- ride of gold and potassium 1 part ; wash in hydrochloric acid 1 or 2 parts in 3000 water. Then dip for ten minutes in the following mixture: Hydrochloric acid 1 part, and 1000 parts of a 60 per cent, solution of alcohol ; immerse in absolute alcohol, clear with oil of cloves, and put up in Canada or Dammar balsam. Staining with chloride of gold may be conducted as follows, the object being to stain nerve^fibres : Chlo- ride of gold \ part, distilled water 100 parts. Place pieces of fresh tissue in this for a few minutes until they become tinged with yellow, then in dilute acetic acid (1 to 2 per cent.), or in concentrated tartaric acid solu- tion for a few (10-15) minutes. Expose to light until a violet colour appears. Mount in glycerine. There is great uncertainty in the results of this process ; but care 'and experience overcome most of the difficulties and produce magnificent preparations ; nevertheless no results are worth recording which are obtainable by this process alone, and which are not the same as those visible wifh glycerine and carmine staining solu- tions. The discrepancies of observation of different and equally dogmatic observers are most instructive. In fact in some tissues the gold solution will stain many histolo- gical elements (see Klein, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 21 ; and Moseley, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1871, 58). Nitrate of silver for staining epithelial cement in capillaries, lymphatics, &c. The solution must be clear and weak, and of 1 part nitrate of silver to 200, 400, or 800 of distilled water. The fresh tissues must be macerated in the solution for one to three minutes, r. : :1 then in a solution of dilute acetic acid (1 to 2 per cent.) for a minute or two. Then place in glycerine and expose to the light ; or after removal from the nitrate-of-silver solution the tissue should be washed in distilled water, or in a weak solution of common salt before ex- posure to light. In examining the tendinous centre of the diaphragm of any of the smaller mammalia, the part should be placed in the nitrate-of- silver solution and brushed over with a camel's hair pencil and then removed and treated as above. Solution of osmic acid may be used as a hardening agent, also as a staining medium. Solution of 1 per cent., and usually of much less, blackens many tissues freely, especially the white substance of Schwann in nerves, and fat. It is very useful in investigating the minute anatomy of the Invertebrata. Many parts of animal tissues may be stained by maceration in a weak solution of acetate of lead, washing in water, and digesting with weak hydrosulphuret of am- monia. As usual, the nuclei are rendered very black and distinct, the whole tissue being rendered brown. Vegetable tissues may be stained in the same way as the animal structures. The aniline dyes answer best (Beatty, Mn. Mic. Jn. xiv. 57). BIBL. Beale, How $c. ; Strieker's Hist., Intro. ; Frey, Mikros. ; Rutherford, Hist. ; Jackson, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1874, 139; Ehrlich, Schultze's Archiv, 1873, xiii. 263; Gibbs, Hist.-, Tafani, Jn. M. oc. 1878, i. 82; Merbel, Mn. Mic. Jn. xviii. 242 ; Sternberg, Jn. M. Sc. 1882, ii. 571 (staining Bacteria] ; Schwartz, Sitz. Ber. Wien. Ak. 1867, Iv. 671. STAMENS. The fertilizing organs pro- ducing the POLLEN, surrounding the pistil in perfect Flowering plants, or occurring STARCH. [ 731 ] STARCH. alone in the barren flowers of the monoe- cious and dioecious genera. Stamens pre- sent a great variety of interesting points for examination under a simple microscope with a low power, in their forms, append- ages, pores, &c. For the compound micro- scope they afford good material for the study of development of cells in the pollen, the POLLEX-grains themselves, and the spiral- fibrous tissue of their ANTHERS. STARCH or AMYLUM. This substance, with the exception of the protoplasm, is the most generally diffused of all the products met with in the interior of vegetable cells, and occurs in the form of transparent gra- nules, of varied size and form and in varying quantity, in ;;11 classes of plants but the Fungi. * It has been stated that it sometimes exists in a diffused or formless condition ; but this seems questionable. All starch - grains appear when newly formed as mi- nute spherical bodies, and very many never advance beyond this stage ; but a consider- able proportion of the grains, in all cases where the starch becomes an important and considerable element in the cell-contents, increase in size, and acquire a more or less definite form, diverging from the spherical, and often characteristic of the particular plant in which the grain is produced. The grains in a single cell mostly vary very much in size, on account of their different degrees of development ; but the full-grown characteristic grains of the same species of plant agree tolerably well in size. One of the most remarkable peculiarities of starch is the fact that it assumes a blue colour when iodine is applied to it, which in most cases affords a ready means of detecting its presence. The smallest grains are almost too minute to measure, and even their de- termination by the application of iodine is sometimes unsatisfactory; the largest grains, such as those of Canna and the potato, for example, attain a length of more than 1-400". The starch-granule is a definitely organ- ized structure, although its existence in relation to that of the cell is transitory. It consists of assimilated food, deposited in a definite form insoluble in the ordinary cell- sap, through a process of organization ana- logous to that by which the development of the cell itself is effected. It is related closely to the cellulose structures of the cell- wall through the remarkable secondary layers found in the ALBUMEN of certain seeds, composed of the substance called amyloid, which sometimes takes a blue colour when iodine is applied to it, and, like starch, is ultimately dissolved and re- moved to furnish material for development. The structure of the starch-granule has formed the subject of much debate, which, however, seems to have originated rather through considerations relating to the deve- but when the granules acquire appreciable dimensions, concentric lines may be ob- served, more or less distinctly in different cases, which lines increase in number with the increase of size, in many cases, however, soon becoming excentrical from the pre- ponderating growth of one side of the granule. In freshly extracted granules the original centre usually appears solid or with a minute black point ; but if the starch is dry, the centre appears hollow, sometimes is even occupied by air; and some starch- grains, as in 3ris pallida,jlorentina, &c., have a large cavity. If strong alcohol is applied to fresh grains, the abstraction of water likewise produces a hollow in the central point of growth ; and in all these cases, cracks not unfrequently run out towards the surface. The point in question, the startkg-point of growth, solid or hollow as the case may be, is sometimes called the hilwn or the nucleus : the former term arose out of the mistaken hypothesis of its being a point of attachment to the cell-wall ; the latter term is admissible in a general sense as merely indicative of its precedence in age of the general mass of the grain. It is sometimes asserted that this point or nucleus is a pore or funnel-shaped cavity ; but this is altogether a mistake, as may be readily proved by gently roasting a few starch- granules of the potato on a slide, and ob- serving how the expanding air blows up the dextrine, into which the starch is changed, in the form of a bubble or bladder. Sometimes small granules occur in the potato with a large cavity and thin walls. The lines seen in the starch -granules are the boundaries of superimposed layers of its substance ; sometimes these are 'very di- stinct, sometimes very faint. Often more distinct lines appear at intervals in the series of the same granule (PI. 46. fig. 31); and in these cases even a thin vacancy, or in the dried granules a stratum of air, seems to exist between the layers. The markings have been described as " folds " on the STARCH. [ 732 ] STABCH. starch-granules; "but their dependence on the existence of the concentric layers is beyond doubt. They are seen in the proper relative positions when the granules are rolled over in all directions beneath the microscope j their relative numbers and forms correspond to the size and stage of development of the granules in the same plant ; and other characters connected with the physical structure confirm the conclu- sions from simple inspection. Starch is not chemically an individual substance, but consists of two independent isomeric substances : one of which, granu- lose, is soluble in saliva, is coloured blue by iodine, and is dissolved by weak solutions of chromic acid ; while the other, cellulose, which composes from 2 to 4 p. c. only of the grains, is not affected by saliva or iodine, and is soluble in solution of cuprate of ammonia, but not in chromic acid solution. Starch is usually stated to be unaffected by cold water, and this is generally the case ; but if the granules of Tous-les-mois are crushed before placing them in water, so as to expose the internal substance, the water is sometimes absorbed by the inner layers, and these, swell up considerably without the outer layers being affected. When dry starch-granules are heated gradually upon a slide, until some of them assume a yellowish colour, either the air-bubble above-men- tioned appears occasionally with a partial separation of the concentric layers through expansion of the films of air existing between them, while other parts become fused, or the general shape remains unchanged, and the striae gradually vanish, becoming melted into a mass, as it were, the starch itself being converted into dextrine. When starch-granules are heated in water to the boiling-point, they usually soften and "blow up " into a large sac, the inner part softening first, and pushing out the more superficial ; if the sac bursts, the inner sub- stance sometimes partly escapes in the form of cloudy flocks, but is not dissolved. Di- luted sulphuric acid acts somewhat in the same manner as hot water ; but if stronger acid is allowed to attack the granules locally or partially by flowing in from one side upon the object, very remarkable appear- ances present themselves : the acid touching ' certain parts of the granule first, or acting most quickly on softer portions, causes the softening internal layers to expand and bulge out the external layers at particular points (like hernice) until the entire grain is softened, when these coalesce and the whole expands into a thin sac. Gradual action of the acid causes a more uniform expansion, which is usually accompanied by a sudden crack running out from the nucleus into the substance (indicating the abstraction of water ?), followed almost immediately by a collapse of the wall above this crack, and a sudden expansion of the whole into a sac or an irregular gelatinous film. /Solution of potash produces much the same effect as dilute sulphuric acid. All the above appearances indicate that the starch-granule is composed of concentric " shells " of a substance of the same nature, but less dense and more rich in water in the interior layers, firmer, less hydrated, and more resisting in proportion to the distance from the starting-point of growth or nu- cleus ; and, according to modern views, the layers are alternately more and less hydrated. With polarized light, moreover, the starch- granule exhibits a black cross, and with a plate of selenite a beautiful coloured system, especially well seen in large grains like those of the potato or Tous-les-mois. Pure starch is coloured blue by iodine, whether in its natural state or softened by hot water, the depth of the colour depend- ing on the quantity of iodine ; where much is added, the colour is almost black. When dilute sulphuric acid has been added pre- viously, the colour is rather purple than blue, especially the faint tinge given at first by weak solution of iodine. When the starch grains are heated dry, the colour given by iodine changes, proportionately to the violence of the action, from blue to purple, red-wine colour, and finally brown ; the starch being converted into dextrine. The best application is the solution of iodine in iodide of potassium ; and this should be used very weak in investigation of starch. Starch-granules occur either isolated (PI. 46. figs. 8 & 21), or in groups (figs. 7, 10, 11) (in the latter case mostly with flat faces, so as to fit together into round, oval, or similar forms), or packed closely in the parent cell in such numbers that they press upon each other and appear like parenchymatous cells (PI. 46. figs. 3 & 12). In the actively vege- tating parts of plants, starch-granules occur very generally imbedded in the green glo- bules called CHLOBOPHYi.L-granules, either singly or in groups ; this is seen especially well in the cells of the Confervaceaa, of the Hepaticae, the prothallia of Ferns, in the leaves of aquatic plants, such as Vallisneria, STARCH, [ 733 ] STARCH. in autumn, &c. The free granules occur more particularly in the colourless organs of plants in tubers, rhizomes, roots, and the cambium region in the season of rest, in the endosperm of ovules, or the ALBUMEN or cotyledons of seeds, &c. The parenchyma- tously grouped granules are found in the albumen of seeds, especially of inaize and rice. The comparison of the states and of the course of development of the crowded granules of maize throws much light upon the manner in which starch-granules are formed. In the first place, two rival doctrines exist as to the order of development of the parts of the granule. Most authors assert that the granules grow by the superposition of layers from within outwards, consequently that the outermost layers are the youngest. Other authors, especially Nageli, comparing the granule to a cell, assert that the layers are formed internally, the older ones ex- panding to make room for them. There can be no doubt that the first view is cor- rect. In the next place a variety of notions have been put forth as to the origin of the starch-granule and its relation to the rest of the contents of the cell, especially the chlorophyll. It is curious to note the error into which earlier observers fell from the want of the guiding thread furnished by a knowledge of the function of the proto- plastic structures connected with the pri- mordial utricle. The idea that the starch- granule sprouted out from the cell-wall corresponded with the original view of the origin of the septum in cell-division ; while the hypothesis that starch is developed from chlorophyll, and the contrary notion that starch-granules form the nuclei of chloro- phyll-granules, both rest on actual pheno- mena, in which, however, the chlorophyll proper, that is the mere green colouring- matter, bears no important share. The development of the starch-granule is very beautifully illustrated in the gradual ripening of the seeds of Maize j and in im- perfect seeds, different parts of the same grain often exhibit various stages of growth. The tigs. 1 and 3 of PI. 4(3, show the gradual formation of the starch-granules by depo- sition from the internal surface of vacuoles in the protoplasm filling the cell, exactly in the same way as the primordial utricle secretes cellulose layers upon its outer sur- face. Fig. 28 shows minute starch-granules originating in the same way in the proto- plasm-current connected with the nucleus in the white lily ; and Criiger, who first published this view in a decided form, has shown that the large granules, with an ex- centric hilum, originate in a similar position, and owe the excentricity of their form to the fact of their remaining imbedded at the thicker end in the protoplasmic threads of the primordial utricle, while the small free end is gradually pushed out further from the nutrient mass. The existence of starch- granules in chlorophyll-masses is thus clearly enough accounted for, now that we know the chlorophyll-globules to consist of masses of protoplasm coloured green by^ the presence of an extremely small quantity of a sub- stance acquiring a green colour under the influence of light. Starch originates in vacuoles in this as in any other protoplasm. The groups of granules are formed through the simultaneous origin of a number, in vacuoles excavated in one large globule of chlorophyll or colourless protoplasm. We have tracedthis in the fronds of the Hepaticse. It remains to speak of the diversities of form and size of the large and perfect gra- nules in different plants. A glance at Plate 46 will give some idea of these, and an inspection of the individual figures will show how remarkably the characteristic forms may vary in ne'arly related nlants, even genera of the same family, as is the case with the ordinary Cereal grains. Thus in Maize (figs. 1,3,5), where the small grains are, as usual, originally roundish or oval (fig. 5*), they gradually press upon one an- other and become polygonal in the cells of the centre of the grain, where they are less densely packed, remaining with obtuse edges and angles (fig. 6), in the cells of the horny outer part of the grain, where they adhere more or less firmly together, forming an- gular parenchymatous masses (fig. 3). The central cavity is large here. In the grain of Wheat we find delicate, transparent, len- ticular granules (fig. 8), the striae faint ; in Barley (fig. 9) they are more irregularly discoid, with a thickened edge, the striae obscure j while in the Oat (fig. 10) the granules are of very small size, but of angular forms and packed together in large numbers, so as to form roundish masses with a smooth surface, which readily break down into their components when pressed ; the separate seg- ments all exhibit their separate black crosses in polarized light. In Rice (fig. 12) we find somewhat similar conditions to those in Maize ; but the granules are much smaller and more firmly united, whence the gritty STAURASTRUM. C 734 ] STAUROCARPUS. character of rice-flour. In the Leguminosae, and the pea (fig. 6 b*, p. 28), the granules are oblong, the striae distinct, and the hilum radiate. In the Potato the starch-granules (fig. 21) are larger than any of the above j they are numerous and closely packed in the cells (fig. 20) . Among the more remarkable forms of starch are the large grains of the Cannes (fig.25),Jfw$(fig.24),andinost of the Zingiberaceae (fig. 19). Some East-Indian Arrow-root (fig. 18) has compound grains of large size (mostly detached in the pre- pared farina). True West-Indian Arrow- root, from Maranta arundinacea, is repre- sented in fig. 26. Various other kinds are illustrated in PI. 46. DiefferibacMa Seguina (Araceae) has remarkable lobed granules. Here may be mentioned the so-called tannin starch-grains. These resemble ordinary starch-grains, but the cellulose is replaced by tannin, the .granulose being unaltered ; they are coloured blue-black by iron solution, and are found in wood, seeds, &c. Starch-granules are usually isolated by slicing the tissues in which they exist, and washing them out. When they are to be observed in situ, either delicate transparent structures (as in the Cryptogamia) must be selected, or sections very carefully made. The cells filled with starch of the potato (PL 46. fig. 20), &c., may be isolated by ma- cerating the structures in water for a day or two. Starch-granules may be preserved for a certain time in glycerine ; but they are, perhaps, best taken fresh from a store of dry granules, when required for examination. BIBL. Martin, Phil. Mag. iii. 277 ; Busk, Mic. Tr. i. 58 ; Allinan, Mic. Jn. ii. 163 ; Criiger, Bot. Zeit. xii. 41, Mic. Jn. ii. 173 ; E. Quekett, Ann. N. H. xvii. 193 ; Caspary, Jahrb. wiss. Botanik, i. 448 ; Trecul, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4. x. ; Nageli, Starkekorner fyc. ; and Sitzungsber. bayer. Ak. 1865 ; Sachs, Bot. 58 ; Henfrey-Masters, Bot. STAURAS'TRUM, Meyen. A genus of Desmidiaceae. Char. Cells single, constricted at the middle ; end view angular or circular, with a lobato -radiate margin, or rarely com- pressed with a process at each end. Spo- rangia generally spinous and often globose. Many British species. S. dejectum (PI. 14. fig. 26). Segments smooth, lunate or elliptical, constricted por- tion very short; end view with inflated awned lobes. Common ; length 1-830". 8. maraaritaceum (PI. 14. figs. 28, 29). Segments rough, tapering at the constric- tion, and with short lateral processes ; end view with five or more short, narrow, ob- tuse rays. Length 1-1176". S. gracile (PI. 14. fig. 30). Segments rough, elongated on each side into a slender process terminated by minute spines ; end view biradiate. Length 1-770 to 1-540". BIBL. Ralfs, Desmid. 119 ; Rabenht. Alg. iii. 199 ; Archer and Dixon, Qu. Mic. Jn. viii. 77 ; ib. xvii. 103. STAURIDIUM, Duj. A genus of Hydroid Zoophytes. Char. Stems simple or branched, rooted by a creeping filiform stolon ; polypes borne at the summit of the stems with several whorls of capitate tentacula in the form of a cross. S. productum. On marine algae. (Hincks, Hyd. Zooph. 67.) STAUROCAR'PUS, Hassall (Stauro- spermum, Kiitz.). A genus of Zygnemaceae (Confervoid Algae), growing in boggy freshwater pools ; distinguished by the re- markable quadrate spore formed in the cross branch produced by conjugation. Hassall enumerates six species. He speaks of, but does not describe or figure, the spores of S. ccerulescens as filled with zoospores. Thwaites, however, saw the spores of S. gracilis resolved into four portions ; and pos- sibly these may become converted into zoospores like the spores of BULBOCHJETE ; or probably they ger- minate directly, as in Spirogyra. S. gracillimus. Fila- ments 1-4200" to 1-3960" in diam. j spores acutely qua- drangular. S.gracilis (fig. 694, and 'PI. 9. fig. 16). Filaments thicker than in the last; spores cruciform. S. glutinOSUS. Fila- Conjugating filaments with ments 1-1800" to spores (zygospores). 1-1560" in diam. ; blu- Ma S nified ">0 diameters. ish green, lubricous; spores four-sided, with the 'angles rounded. S. ccerulescens. Filaments about the same size as the last j spores cruciate, with obtuse lobes. S. quadratus. Filaments 1-2400" in diam. ; spores between square and globose. 8. virescens. Filaments 1-3240 to 1-3000" in diam. ; spores cruciate, emarginate. BIBL. Hassall, Alg. 176; Kiitzing, Sp. Fig. 694. Staurocarpus gracilis. STAUROGENIA. [ 735 ] Alg. 437; Tab. Phyc. v. pis. 8 & 9; Thwaitee, Ann. N. H. xvii. 262; Ralfs, Desmid. p. 146 ; Braun, Verjiingung, Ray Soc. 1853, 287. STAUUOGE'NIA, Kiitz. A genus of Unicellular Algae. Char. Cubical, the cells arranged in groups of 4, 8, and 16. Propagation by tran- quil gonidia arising from repeated division of the cell-substance. S. quadratum (PL 62. tig. 21). In freshwater pools. BIBL. Rabenh. Alg. iii. 80. STAUROXETS, Ehr. A genus of Dia- tomaceoe ; including Staurostigma and Stau- roptera. Char. Frustules resembling those of Na- vicula, but the median nodule expanded into a transverse baud 01- stauros. Striae resembling those of Navidda, or intermediate between those of Navicula and Pi/tnularia; often in \isible by ordinary illumination. The species or forms are numerous. S. phcenicenteron (PI. 15. fig. 43. Valves lanceolate, gradually attenuated towards the somewhat obtuse ends ; stauros reaching the margins of the valves; strise faint. Freshwater; common; length 1-170" S.pulcMla (PL 15. figs. 44,45). Valves | oblong, ends obtuse; frustules in front view broadly linear, constricted in the middle, and rouuded-truncate at the ends ; striae distinct ; stauros not reaching the margins. Marine; length 1-70". BIBL. Ehreub. Ber. Berl. Ak. 1843; Kiitz. Bacill 104, and Spec. Ala. 89: Ra- benh. Alg. i. 244. STAUROSPER'MUM,Kutz.=SxAURO- CARPUS, Hassall. STEARIC ACID. The crystals of this fatty acid are represented in PL 11. fig. 16. STEGANOPOREL'LA,Sniitt. A gen us of Polyzoa = Metnbranipora pt. (Hincks, Polyzoa, 176.) STEMONI'TIS, Gled A genus of Myxomycetes, consisting of little, somewhat stamen-shaped plants, either separate or fascicidated, growing on rotten wood, &c. They appear at first in the form of a muci- laginous tiocculent expansion (fig. 695), from which the membranaceous peridia grow up (fig. 696). Many of these remain abortive ; others are raised upon stalks, ripen, and, on the separation of the fugacious peridium, display themselves somewhat in the form of DIACH.E A,but with a bristle-like columella and no remains of the peridium. The flat, cylindrical or globose, reticulated capilli- STENOGRAMME. Fig. 695. Stemonitis ferruginea. Mycelium overgrowing decaying pine-leaves. Fig. 696. Stemonitis ferruginea. Immature (fasciculate) peridia arising from the mycelium. tium is penetrated partly or through its whole length by a columella continuous with the peduncle ; the spores are inter- spersed in the reticulations of the capillitium. Capillitium and spores mostly of blackish colour. There are numerous British species ; & fusca is common. See ENERTHENEMA and DIACHJEA. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 317 ; Ann. N. H. i. 257, vi. 431, 2. v. 366; Greville, Crypt. Flor. pi. 170; Fries, Sum. Veg. 455 ; Syst. Myc. iii. 156. STENHE'LIA, Boeck. A genus of Co- pepodous Entomostraca. Two species, on Laminaria and in dredgings. (Brady, Copep. ii. 32.) STENOC'YBE, Nyl. A genus of para- sitic Micro-lichens found on the thallus of Thelotrema and Graphis Sphinctrina, Leighton. (Lindsay, Q. Mic. Jn. 1869. 146.) STENOGRAM'ME, Harv. A genus of Rhodymeniaceae (Florideous Algae), con- taining one very rare British plant, S. in- terrupta, characterized by stalked, flat, fan- shaped fronds, more or less divided dicho- tomously into riband-like lobes, 3-5" high, of a clear pinky-red colour. It is com- posed of a central layer of large globular cells, with a kind of rind of small cells. The conceptacles form a sort of sorus or dark STENTOR. [ 736 ] STEPHANOSPH^ERA. line resembling a rib, up the centre of each fertile lobe. Tetraspores and antheridia unknown. BIBL. Harvey, Marine Alg. 123, pi. 15 D. STENTOR, Oken. A genus of Hetero- trichous Infusoria, of the family Bursarina. Char, Body conical or trumpet-shaped, free, or sessile and attached by the narrow base, covered with cilia; anterior portion widened and fringed with a marginal row of longer cilia, with a spiral row of cilia extending from it to the mouth. Fresh- water. These Infusoria are among the largest and the most beautiful of the class. The body is very contractile and liable to varia- tion in form, often becoming ovate, oblong, or globular; the nucleus is moniliform or strap-shaped. Reproduction by oblique fis- sion, and by germs arising from the nucleus. The encysting process has been noticed in some of the species. According to Lachmann, in S. Mullen, polymorphus, and Itceselii, near the plane of the ciliary disk is a large contractile vesicle, from which a longitudinal vessel with several dilatations runs to the posterior ex- tremity of the body"; also an annular vessel round the ciliary disk, close under its row of cilia. S. Mutteri (PI. 32. fig. 3). Body colour- less unless from containing foreign coloured particles, with a fringe of cilia or a ciliated crest extending from the mouth to near the middle of the body; nucleus moniliform. Length 1-24" Several other species. Dujardin places this genus in the family Urceolarina. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 261 ; Stein, Infus., pas- sim; Pritchard, Inf. 581; Clap.'et Lach. Inf. 222; Kent, Inf. 588; Lankester, Qu. M. J. 1873 (col. matter}. STEPHANOC'EROS, Ehr. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Flosculariaea. Char. Eyes single ; rotatory organ divided into five tentacle-like lobes, furnished with whorls of vibratile cilia; body attached by the base to a cylindrical hyaline ca- rapace. 8. Eichhornii (PL 44. fig. 25). The only species. Freshwater ; length 1-36". This beautiful animal uses the lobes of the ro- tating organ to catch its prey, in the manner of Hydra. At a (fig. 25) are seen the tre- mulous bodies, above which is a row of roundish globules, called by Ehrenberg ner- vous ganglia. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 400; Pritchard, Inf. 668 ; Cubitt, Mn. Mic. Jn. iii. 240. STEPHANODIS'CUS, Ehr. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules discoidal, single ; valves circular, alike, not areolar (under ordinary illumination), and with a fringe of minute marginal teeth ; freshwater. S. berolinensis has the valves finely ra- diate, with mostly thirty-two teeth, and is 1-1150" in diameter. S. Niagara (PI. 18. fig. 26) ; 8. lineatm (fig. 27) ; S. sinensis (tig. 28) ; S. JEgyptiacus (fig. 29) ; S. Bra- maputrce (fig. 29*). BIBL. Ehrenb. Ber. Berl Ak. 1845, Ixxii. ; Kiitz, Sp. Alg. 21 ; Rabenht. Alg. i. 36. STEPHANOGO'NIA, Ehr. An obscure genus of fossil Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules resembling those of Mas- togonia, but with the apices of the valves truncate, angular, and spinous. Two species found in Bermuda and North America. S. polygona (PI. 18. fig. 30). BIBL. Ehrenb. Ber. Berl. Ak. 1844, 264; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 26; Pritch. Inf. 814. STEPHANO'M A = PANDOBINA. STEPHANOM'ONAS, K. A genus of Cilio-Flagellate Infusoria. Free, ovate, with an anterior circle of cilia, and a single flagellum. S. locellus; freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 466.) STEPH'ANOPS, Ehr. A genus of Ro- tatoria, of the family Euchlanidota. CJiar. Eyes two, frontal, foot forked; carapace depressed or prismatic; anterior part of body expanded so as to form a fron- tal hood ; jaws each with a single tooth. 8. cirratus (PL 44. fig. 28). Carapace with two posterior spines j freshwater ; length 1-240". of. muticus has the carapace without spines posteriorly, and the eyes have not been recognized ; whilst S. lamellatus has three posterior spines. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 478 ; Pritch. Inf. 699. STEPHANOPYX'IS, Ehr. A genus of Diatomaceae = Pyxidicula in part. STEPHANOSI'RA, Ehr. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules united into a short fila- ment, disk with radiating series of minute pun eta and a marginal crown of teeth. Allied to Stephanodiscus and Melosira. On trees. (Pritchard, Infus. 823.) STEPHANOSPELE'RA, Cohn. A ge- nus of Volvocineae (Confervoid Algae). S. pluvialis (PL 48. fig. 22) is nearly related to Pandonna t consisting of a large hyaline STEREOCAULON. [ 737 ] STICTEI. globe with eight biciliated green cells, placed at equal distances on the equator. BLBL. Cohii, Sieb. $ Kollik. Zeitechr. iv. 77, Ann. N. H. x. 321, pi. 6; Mic. Jn. vi. 131; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 100; Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1865, 116. STEREOCAU'LON, Schreb. A genus of Cladodei (Lichenaceous Lichens). S. fMtschale, the most distinct species, is abun- dant on rocks and stones in mountainous districts. Thallus greyish and rough, apo- thecia conglomerated, blackish brown j sper- mogonia in little brown heads, near the apothecia. Other species. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 237 ; Tu- . Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xvii. 197 ; Engl. Bot. pi. :>2 ; Leighton, Lich. Fl. 69. STEREOXE'MA, Kutz. A supposed Alga of the family PhaBoneineae (Kiitzing), stated by Cohn, however, to consist of the decaying stalks of ANTHOPHYSA. (Kutz. Sp. Alg. 160.) STE'REUM, Fr. A genus of Auricula- rini (Hymenomycetous Fungi), character- ized by its coriaceous substance, and even hymenium without bristles, as in Hymeno- chccte. The species are numerous, amongst which Stereitm hirsutum is one of our commonest Fungi. BLBL. Fr. Ep. 548: Berk. Outl t. 17. f. 7; Cooke, Handb. 316. STERIG'MATA. The term applied by Tulasne to the filaments forming the pedi- cels of the sperinatia in the FUN: Flor. ii. pt. 2. 356; An. N. II. vi. 355; Hooker's Jtl. of But. Stilbosporamacrosperma. iii. 322; Fries, Sum .Group of eonceptack-s breaking forth on a fi-ag- O f menfc O fwood; nat. size. . Z. Myc. ii. 63 ; The detached spores on Till a n P An ffr Nut the right-hand magnified luiasne, An. be. A at. 160 aS inetew> 4. v. 109. STIL'BUM, Tode. A genus of Stilbacei (Hyphomycetotis Fungi), containing a con- siderable number of species, forming little shining mildews, sometimes brightly coloured, on decaying wood, herbaceous plants, fungi, c. The stalk-like stroma is sometimes villous, sometimes glabrous and rigid, sometimes pellucid and soft; it is formed of conjoined filaments, the free ends of which bear the spores in a capitulum, which finally exhibits a gelatinous cha- racter. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 330 ; Ann. N. H. vi. 432, pi. 12 ; ib. 2. v. 465; Fries, Sum. Veq. 469. STILOPH'ORA, J. Ag. A genus of Sporochnaceae (Fucoid Algae), included by some authors among the Dictyotaceae. There are two British species, S. rhizodes and S. Lyngbyei, characterized by a branched, fili- form, at first solid, afterwards tubular frond, the former 6 to 24", the latter 2 to 4" long, arising from a small naked disk. The fruc- tification consists of little wart-like bodies scattered all over the frond, composed of tufts of moniliforni filaments, at the bases of which are attached either pyriform uni- locular, or tubular septate sp oranges. Thu- ret states that the specimens of S. rhizodes found a certain distance above low-water mark appear mostly to bear septate, those always under water simple sporanges, and those in an intermediate position exhibit both. The plants of the first kind are of paler colour than those of the second. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Ale/. 39, pi. 7 C ; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 6; thuret, Ann. So. Nat. 3. xiv. 238, pi. 38. STING OF INSECTS. The well-known sting of the females or so-called neuters of Hymenopterous Insects, as the honey-bee, the humble-bee, the hornet, the wasp, &c., appears to the naked eye to be a single needle-like organ ; but when examined un- der the microscope, it is seen to consist of 3B2 STINGS. C 740 ] STINGS. three pieces a short, stout, cylindrico-coni- cal outer piece or sheath (PL 34. fig. 14 a), cleft throughout its length on the under surface and obtuse at the end, within which are partly contained two long elbowed setae or lancets (PI. 34. fig. 15, one of them), thickened and furnished with teeth directed backwards near the end of one margin, the other margin sharp and cutting. These setae play within the sheath, being partially pro- trusile and retractile, as is the sheath itself. The poison-apparatus consists of two glan- dular elongated sacs, either simple (PL 34. fig. 14 ] SUDORIPAROUS GIANDS. the mouth: styles none; fr. wat. ; 1 ngth 1-140 to 1-20''. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 370 ; Stein, Inf. ; Clapa- rede et Lachm. 'inf. 1S4; Kent, Jn/. 71)0. STYLOPLO'TfiS, Stein = Stylonichia pt, STYLOSPOR'EI. Thesefungi were for- merly included in the CONIOMYCETES ; but their external resemblance to the PYRENO- MYCKTES, of which they are indeed forms, makes it desirable to give them a separate name. STY'LOSPOKES. Stalked spores of Coniomycetous Fun- gi, usually compound or septate, then pro- bably consisting of a row of independent spores connected by an adherent parent sac thus, structur- ally, metamorphosed asci ; they are some times appendaged above (fig. 711) (aee StylosporesofPestalozzia. SPORES and CONIO- Magnified 200 diameters. MYCETES). STYSA'NUS. A genus of Dematiei (Mucedinous Fungi), characterized by a stem consisting of an aggregation of threads, bearing above at their extremities simple or necklaces of spores. S. Caput-Medusce (fig. 346, p. 406). Fig. 712. SUBLIMATION. The application of this process in the detection of arsenic and antimony is alluded to at p. 73 ; but its utility has been further shown in regard to several other inorganic and organic sub- stances a little of the substance being placed in a cup-like hollow in a piece of platinum-foil, a cover laid on, and heat applied until fusion and sublimation takes place, when the characteristic crystals are found (ALKALOIDS). BIBL. Guy, Pharm. Jn. 2. viii. & ix. ; Helwig, D. Mikr. in d. Toxicologie, 1865, 64 microphotographs. SUCCINIC ACID. This acid, which occurs in amber, in all fermented liquids, and in the contents of JEchinococcus-cysts, is pretty soluble in water, readily in hot but with difficulty in cold alcohol, and but little in ether. The crystals belong to the ob- lique prismatic system, and are represented in PI. 11. fig. 21. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY. SUDORIP'AROUS GLANDS. These organs secrete the perspiration. They are found in most parts of the skin, but in variable numbers in different locali- ties. Thus it has been estimated that 417 exist in a square inch of the skin of the back of the hand, 1093 in an inch of the outside, and 1123 in the inside of the forearm, and 2736 in an inch of the palm of the hand. Each gland consists of a long tube coiled Fig. 713. Fig. 712. A sudoriparous gland, with its blood-vessels, a, proper gland; 6, duct; c, blood-vessels of a gland Magnified 35 diameters. Fig. 713. Portion of the tube foiming a sudoriparous gland from the hand, a, areolar coat ; b, epithelium ; c, cavity. Magnified 360 diameters. SUDORIPAROUS GLANDS. [ 746 ] SYCAMINA. into a knot near the closed end, which is situated in the subcutaneous cellular tissue, and forms the gland proper, and a straight, undulate or spiral duct, which traverses the skin perpendicularly, to terminate upon its surface between the papillae. In the glands of the axilla, the portion of the tube forming the gland proper is branched ; and sometimes the branches ana- stomose. Portion of a tube with a muscular coat, from the scro- tum, a, connective tissue ; 6, muscular layer ; c, epi- thelial cells, filling the tube and containing yellow granules. Magnified 350 diameters. The coiled portion or proper gland is sur- rounded and permeated by an elegant plexus of capillaries ; and some of them are sur- rounded by a capsule of connective tissue with spindle-shaped cells. The tube of the glands exhibits two forms of structure. In one of these there is^an outer coat of indistinctly fibrous connective tissue with elongated nuclei, sharply defined internally by probably a basement mem- brane, this being lined with one, two, or more layers of polygonal pavement-epithelial cells, mostly containing fat-globules and pigment-granules. In the other form, the fibrillation of the connective coat is tolerably distinct, the fibres longitudinal, sometimes also with an inner, delicate transverse layer, and both containing nuclear elastic fibres ; and within this coat is a layer of longitudinal, unstriped muscular fibres. The portion of the ducts traversing the cuticle is spiral. It is by no means an easy matter to ob- tain the sudoriparous glands in the entire state. The skin of the palm of the hand or the paw of a dog is best for the purpose j and before making sections with a Valen- tin's knife, the structure should be mace- rated in a mixture of 1 part nitric acid and 2 of water, or in solution of carbonate of potash. BIBL. Koliiker, Mik. An. ii. ; Todd and Bowman, Phys. An. : Biesiadecki, Strieker's Hist. ii. 238. SUGAR. This substance is liable to fraudulent adulterations; and the coarser kinds of brown sugar contain many im- purities, such as Acari, fragments of the cane, &c. Starch and flour are used to whiten and give dryness to inferior moist sugar ; and these may be detected by the microscope (STARCH). The crystals of sugar of milk are repre- sented in PL 10. fig. 12 ; and those of dia- betic sugar in fig. 13. (Hassall, Food $c. 12 j and the Bibl. of CHEMISTRY.) SURIREL'LA, Turpin. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules free, single, ovate, ellip- tical, oblong, cuneate or broadly linear in front view; valves with a longitudinal median line or a clear space, the margins winged, and with transverse or slightly radiating canaliculi or tubular striae. It appears that in the valves the margins of the depressions are fused together to form tubular channels open at the ends. S. bifrons (Ehr. 1833 = & biseriata, Bre'b. and Smith) (PI. 17. fig. 22). Frustules in front view broadly linear, with rounded angles ; valves elliptic-lanceolate, somewhat obtuse ; alae and canaliculi distinct ; fresh- water ; length 1-180 to 1-96". S. gemma (PI. 17. fig. 21). Frustules ovate ; valves elliptic-ovate ; canaliculi nar- row, inequidistant ; marine ; length 1-240". S. splendida. Frustules ovato-cuneate, ends rounded ; valves ovato-lanceolate ; alae and caualiculi distinct; freshwater; length 1-100". BIBL. Smith, J5r. Diatom, i. 30 ; Kiitz. Bac. 59, and Sp. Alg. 34 ; Rabenht. Ala. i. 51. SWARMING. This term has been ap- plied, from comparison with the swarming of bees, to the remarkable oscillating crowding movements of the spores of Con- fervae &c. while free in the cavity of the parent cell and preparing to break forth. The spores are hence often called "swarm- ing-spores." See HYDRODICTYON. SYCAMI'NA, v. Tieg. A genus of Volvocineae, composed of very minute spherical, biciliated cells, associated in large numbers to form a mulberry-like revolving mass, the protoplasm being black or brown, sometimes violet or reddish. S. nigrescens, found at the bottom of ponds and aquaria, forming a dark deposit, and producing the SYENITE. f 747 ] SYNDENDRIUM. decomposition of the organic matter. Reproduction by fission, and formation of resting spores. (V. Tieghem, Butt. Soc. Bot. J'V. LSSO. l>73; Jn. Mic. Soc. 1881, i. 97.) SYENITE. See ROCKS. S V M BIOTES = CHOBIOPTES. SYMBOLOPH'ORA, Ehr. A genus of Diatomacen. Char. Frustules single, disk-shaped, with incomplete septa radiating from the solid angular centre, and intermediate bundles of radiating lines. Marine and fossil. S. Trinitatis (PL 25. fig. 6). Valves with a triangular umbilicus, the transparent margins of which are crenulate, the rest of the disk covered with six bundles of very fine radiating lines. Diameter 1-2.30". America. S. acufa (PL 18. fig. 54) ; S. micrasterias (fig. 55) ; S. pentas (fig. 56). BIBL. Ehr. Her. Berl Ak. 1844, 74 j Kiitz. Sp. Ala. 131. SYMPHYOSI'PHON, Kiitz. = Scyto- ncma pt. SYM'PLOCA, Kiitz. A genus of Oscil- latoriacese (Confervoid Algae), perhaps not distinct from Symphyosiphon. SY r NALIS'SA. A genus of Collemei (Collemaceous Lichens), somewhat resem- bling Lichina, but with open apothecia. (Leighton, Lich. Fl. 13.) SYNAP'TA, Eschsch. A genus of ver- miform Echinodermata. The species of Synapta, which are not British, are of special microscopic interest, on account of the presence in their skin of remarkable anchor-shaped calcareous spi- cula, the bases of which play in perforated plates. These are situated upon minute pa- pillae of the skin, and serve to aid in loco- motion and adhesion. BIBL. V. d. Hoeven, Zool. i. 150 ; Vogt, Zool Briefe, i. 168 ; Quatrefages, Ann. Sc. N. 2. xvii. 19 ; Gegenbaur, Vergl. An. 216 ; Herapath, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1865, 1. SYNCEkE'TA, Ehr. A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eye single, cervical, rotatory organ furnished with styles; foot forked; jaws each with a single tooth. Some of the species are furnished with one or more so-called crests, which in some appear to correspond to the calcar. S. baltica (PL 44. fig. 26). Body ovate ; rotatoiy lobes four ; styles four ; a single median sessile crest; marine; length 1-108". Phosphorescent. Three other species. (Ehr. In/us. 436.) SYNCIIIT'RIUM, De Bv. & Woronin. A genus of parasitic Unicellular Alga), allied to CHYTRIDIUM, found under the epidermis of the leaves of Taraxacum and Succisa, and composed of aggregated orange- yellow cells, enclosed in an envelope, form- ing sori. BIBL. Rabenht. Aty. Hi. 284. SYNCORY'NE, Ehr. (par*). A genus of Corynidae (Hydroida). BIBL. Allman,.4n. N. H. 1864 ; Hincks, Hyd. Zooph. 48. SYNCRYP'TA,Ehr. A doubtful genus of Volvocineae (Confervoid Algaa), composed of organisms consistingof a hyaline spherical gelatinous envelope, enclosing a number of ovate green bodies placed at the periphery, and sending out a pair of free vibratile cilia from the surface of the envelope. Green bodies not attenuated at the posterior ex- tremity ; no eye-spot. S. Volvox (PL 7. fig. 14*6), globe 1-576" in diameter, bodies 1-2880" long; freshwater. This object, which we have observed in company with those represented in figs. 14 , 31 and 32 of the same plate, is most probably a young specimen of either Volvox or Pandorina. Kent places it among the Flagelliforna In- fusoria. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 60 ; Kent, Inf. 413. SYNCYC'LIA, Ehr. A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules cymbelliform, united in circular bands, immersed in an amorphous gelatinous substance. Marine. The nodules appear to be the same as those of Cymbella. S. salpa (PL 19. fig. 14). Frustules semiovate, unstriated (ord. ilium.), com- monly six together, united into a ring ; en- dochrome bright green. S. quaternaria. Frustules two or four together ; endochrome yellow or reddish ; length 1-860". BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 233; Ber. Berl. Ak. 1840, 32 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 61 ; Rabenht. ALg. i. 97. SYTTOEN'DRIUM, Ehr. -A genus of Diatomaceaa. Char. Frustules single, subquadrangular, destitute of a median umbilicus ; valves unequal, slightly turgid one smooth, the other with numerous spines or little horns branched at the ends, situated upon the me- dian flat portion, the margins being free from them. S. diadema (PL 18. fig. 59). Frustules lanceolate ; spines five or six, bifurcate or SYNECHOCOCCUS. [ 748 ] SYNTETHYS. tufted at the end, as long as the frustules are broad. Breadth 1-1150". Found in Peruvian guano. BIBL. Ehr. Ber. Bei'l Akad. 1845, 155; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 141; Pritchard, In/us. 866. SYNECH'OCOC'CUS, Nag. A genus of Unicellular Alga3. Char. Cells minute, oblong, single or con- joined in rows of 2-4 ; dividing in one di- rection only; endochrome Eeruginous or yellowish. S. ceruginosus (PI. 3. fig. 2(1). Common on damp rocks and banks. (Rabenht. Alg. ii. 59.) SYNE'DRA, Ehr. A genus of Diato- niacea3. Char. Frustules prismatic, rectangular, or curved ; at first attached to a gelatinous, sometimes lobed cushion, subsequently often becoming free; valves linear or lanceolate. The valves usually exhibit a longitudinal line, with a dilated median and two termi- nal nodules ; they are also generally covered with transverse strias ; in some species the median line and appearance of a median nodule correspond to a clear space, free from the transverse striaB. Species very numerous. 8. radians, Sm. (splendens, K.) (PI. 17. fig. 23 a, 6, c). Frustules elongated, in front view dilated and truncate at the ends ; valves gradually attenuated from the mid- dle to the obtuse ends. Freshwater ; com- mon; length 1-70". Frustules radiate upon the cushion. S. fulgens (Licmophora fulg. K.) (PI. 17. fig. 24). Frustules linear ; valves slightly dilated in the middle and at the rounded ends, arranged in a fan-shaped manner upon the branched cushion. Marine ; length 1-120". S. capitata (PI. 17. fig. 25). Frustules linear, truncate, ends slightly dilated; valves linear, ends dilated into a triangular head. Freshwater ; length 1-60". BIBL. Smith, Br. Diat. i. 69; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 40; Rabenht. Alg. i. 126; Gru- now, M. M. Jn. xviii. 166. SYN'GAMUS, Lieb. A genus of Nema- toid Entozoa. S. trachealis is very common in the trachea of poultry, producing the "gapes." (Dujardin, Helminthes, 260; Sie- bold, Wiegmanrfs Arch. 1835; Cobbold, Paras.) SYNOVIAL MEMBRANES. In minute structure these resemble serous membranes. Synovial membranes are occasionally fur- nished with appendages, some of which contain fatty tissue, others abound in capil- laries and form fringes where the synovial membrane is attached to the articular car- tilages. The latter consist of a basis of indistinctly fibrous connective tissue, co- vered by the synovial epithelium, with a few fat-cells, sometimes isolated cartilage- cells, and the capillaries. Attached to their margins are flattened, conical, stalked, smaller appendages (fig. 715), seldom con- taining blood-vessels, and composed of indi- stinctly fibrous areolar tissue, with scattered cartilage-cells, and a thick epithelial layer ; while some of the smaller ones consist almost entirely of epithelial cells or of areolar tissue. Fig. 715. From he synovial membrane of a finger-joint. A. Two appendages of the synovial processes, a, areolar tissue in its axis ; b, epithelium of the free margin : c, that continuous with the epithelium of the processes ; d, cartilage-cells. Magnified 250 diameters. S. Four epithelial cells from the synovial membrane of the knee-joiut, one of them with two nuclei. Magni- fied 350 diameters. BIBL. Brinton, Todd's Cycl. An. fy Phys. art. Serous Membranes ; Albert, Sti'icker's Hist. iii. SYN'TETHYS, Forbes. A genus of Tunicate Mollusca, of the family Botryllidae. Char. Mass sessile, gelatinous, forming a single system ; animal sessile, having simple SYNURA. [ 749 ] TABELLARIA. orifices, without rays. One species : S. He- bridicw. BIBL. Gosse, Mar. Zool. ii. 34. SYNU'RA, Ehr. A doubtful genus of Volvocineae (Confervoid Algae), consisting of a number of oblong corpuscles attached together by their prolonged filiform pos- terior extremities to form a globe ; flagella two ; no eye-spot. In S. Uvella the corpus- cles are yellowish, the tails three times as long as the bodies ; diameter of globea 1-iW. SeeVoLvox. (Ehr. Inf. 6 ; Kent, ////. 411.) SYRINGID'IUM, Ehr. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules single, terete; valves acu- minate at one end, two-horned at the other. Marine. 8. btcorne (PI. 18. fig. 32). Frustules oblong, smooth, not striated, turgid in the middle, one end attenuate, with two slight constrictions, and acuminate, the other sub- globose, turgid, and with two horns. Length 1-370". Coast of Africa. &0ofemo(PL 18. fig. 33). BIBL. Ehr. Ber. Berl. Ak 1845, 365; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 32 ; Pritehard, Inf. 866. SYRINGOSPR^E'RIDyE, Duncan. An extinct Order of Rhizopoda. Free, globular, sometimes 3" in diameter, consist- ing of congeries of tubes (1-1000 to 1-300 inch), in radial groups, with an interradial reticulation of inosculating tubes, some of which appear at the surface. Syringo- spheera, 5 species, and Stoliczkaria, 1 species, Triassic (?), N. India, known as "Kara- koram Stones." BIBL. Duncan, Ann. N. If. 5. ii. 297; Yarkand Miss.IS79 ; Qu.J. Geol. S. xxxviii. 60 ^SYSTEPHA'NIA, Ehr. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules circular ; valves alike, areolar, neither radiate nor septate, with a crown of spines or an erect membrane on the outer surface of each valve (not on the margin). Fossil. 8. corona (PI. 18. fig. 57); 8. diadema (fig. 58). One other species ; found in Bermuda. BIBL. Ehr. Ber. Berl. Ak. 1844, 264; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 126 ; Pritchard, Infus. 832. SYZYGITES, Ehrenberg (see PHYCO- MYCES). A genus of Mucorini (Phycomy- C3tous Fungi), containing two species, a kind of mould growing over decaying Agarics, remarkable among all the class to which they belong for the occurrence of the phenomenon of conjugation of the branches as a preliminary to the formation of the spores. Ehrenberg discovered the conju- gation in S. megalocarpus many years ago. The young filaments are simple, slender, rather rigid, pellucid and straight, soon becoming forked, thickish, whitish yellow (somewhat olive when dry). The rudi- ments of the peridioles spring out as papilla from the branches, becoming pear-shaped ; and when two come into contact, they cohere, and become confluent into a fusiform body. The contents of the filaments next ascend and accumulate in the peridiole, at length forming a black globule (sporange?). While this is ripening, the apices grow out into long simple filaments. Fig. 716. Syzygites megalocarpus. A branched filament, exhibiting the conjugation in various stages. Magnified 200 diameters. BIBL. Ehrenb. Verhandl. Naturf. Freund. Berlin, i. p. 91 ; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 329 ; Berkeley, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. p. 259; Van Tiegh. Ann. d. Set. Nat. 1873. T. TABELLARIA, Ehr. A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules tabular, attached, at first united into a filament, subsequently cohe- ring only by the angles, with longitudinal yittae interrupted in the middle; valves inflated in the middle and at each end, striated; freshwater. T. flocculosa (PL 17. fig. 27 a, 6). Septa 3-5 on each margin. Length 1-960 to 1-840". T. fenestrata. Frustules oblong; vittee two, opposite. Length 1-600 to 1-290". TACHIDIUS. [ 750 ] Five fossil species. BIBL. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. 118; Smith, Br. JDiat. ii. 44; Pritchard, In/us. 807. TACHID'IUS, LiUj. A genus of Cope- podous Entomostraca. T. brevicornis ; ma- rine. (Brady, Copep. ii. 19.) TACHYGO'NIUM, Nag. A doubtful genus of Palmellaceee. (Rabenh. Alg. iii. 36.) TADPOLE. See FROG. TJ2NIA (Tape-worm). A genus of Ces- toid Entozoa. Char. Body elongate, compressed, jointed. Head mostly broader than the very narrow neck, with 'four suctorial depressions ; and usually a median, imperforate retractile rostelluni, very frequently armed with one or two circles of minute recurved hooks, especially in the young state. Genital ori- fices situated at the margins of the joints or proglottides, either on one side only, or on both margins and on alternate joints. The TcenicBj of which the common tape- worm may be taken as the type, are found in vertebrate animals alone, and in these only in the alimentary canal. They are most common in birds, next in mammalia, then in fishes, and lastly in reptiles. The species are very numerous : Rudolphi enumerated 146 ; Dujardin 135. Tcenia solium,ihQ common human English species, varies in breadth from 1-50 to 1-40" at the anterior part, to about 1-3" at the middle and posterior part. At the anterior extremity is situated a central rostelluni, which is surrounded by a crown of small recurved hooks, as in PL 21. figs. 1 / & 10. Behind these are four suctorial depressions, which are not pervious at the bottom. The digestive system is ^wanting, and the worm absorbs by its surface; but according to Blanchard, it is represented by two tubes or lateral canals (PI. 21. fig. 14 a), having be- tween them a transverse canal at the sum- mit of each joint; these extend from the anterior to the posterior end of the body. In the cephalic portion, directly behind the suckers, there is a kind of lacuna or furrow communicating directly with these intesti- nal tubes ; and it appears that the nutritive matters respired by means of the suckers penetrate into this lacuna, and thence into the digestive canals. These tubes have di- stinct walls, and are best seen when the animal has been macerated in water, and is exami- ned by transmitted light, or after having been injected. But this is very doubtful. The 'vascular system, according to the above author, consists of four longitudinal vessels (PI. 21. fig. 14 V) situated a little above the intestinal tubes, and infinitely more slender. They traverse the whole length of the body; and between them are numerous transverse vessels (PI. 21. fig. 14). These so-called digestive and vas- cular canals are now considered as belonging to a water-vessel system ; the canals unite in the last segment in a receptacle. The male generative organ consists of a slender coiled tube, extending to near the principal ovigerous canal, where it is pre- ceded by some very small testicular capsules (PI. 21. fig. 14 c). The slender tube termi- nates in a duct (fig. 14 d), which opens into the lateral orifice, or sometimes it projects externally in the form of a spiculum. The ovary consists of a principal median canal, presenting slight flexuosities, and extending nearly from one end to the other of each joint. It presents C86cal branches on both sides, and opens by a slender oviduct (fig. 14 e) just within the genital orifice. The ova are innumerable ; one is figured in PI. 21. fig. 15. They consist of an outer delicate membrane, enclosing a gelatinous substance containing numerous highly re- fractive globules. Within this is another very delicate and transparent membrane, closely applied upon a brittle, dark-looking (by transmitted light, but white by reflected light), thick envelope, within which is the yolk or embryo, according to the state of development of the ovum. Very frequently the hooks of the young tsenia are seen im- bedded in its centre, as shown in the figure. The thick brittle coat of the ovum exhibits an appearance of radiating fibres (canals ?) ; and when broken, the fractures are radiant. When the middle of the outer surface of the brittle envelope is brought into focus, it presents a tolerably regular appearance, as if composed of cells; this arises, however, from the extremities of the fibres being brought into focus. The filiform spermatozoa are readily found, simply by picking any joint containing ova to pieces with needles. The young animal, consisting of head and neck only, was formerly considered distinct, and placed in a genus (Scolex). Among other species may be mentioned : Tccnia mediocanellata, the unarmed tape- worm of the ox ; T. crassicollis, in the cat ; T. echinococcus, in the dog and wolf ; T. serra'a, in the dog ; and T. nana, human, in Egypt. T.EXITIS. [ 751 ] TARGIONIA. The old genera Cccnurus, Cysticercus, and EC/H'HOCOCCUS are the larval or nurse-forms of Tcenia. BIBL. Weinland, on Tape-worms ; Som- mer, Geschlechtsory. v. T. sol. fy mediocanel- \ lut a ; Mejrnin, Compt. rend. 1870, 88, Ann. X. 11. 1870, iii. 317; Piutner, Bau fyr. 1880; Moiiiez, Cestodes, 1881; Stein, Ent- icick. n. Parasitism, menschl. Cestoden, 1882. TyENITIS,Sw. A genus of Gramniitidese (Polypodiaceous Ferns). Five species; tro- pical". (Hooker, Syn. 300.) TALC. See MICA. TAO'NIA, J. Ag. A genus of Dictyo- taci'se (Algie), containing one rare British species, T. a/omaria, which has a flat, mem- branous, fan-shaped, deeply cleft frond, 3 to 12" high, of brownish olive colour; marked on both faces, at intervals of 1-4 to 1-2", with concentric wavy lines, formed by rather crowded dark-brown lt spores," the interspaces being dotted over with scattered spores. The disk of attachment is covered with woolly filaments. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 38; Thuret, Ann. Sc. X. 4. iii. 7. TAPIIPJ'NA. A very low form of As- coinycetous Fungi, formerly included under EUINKUM, to which genus E. aureum, on Poplar, and E. clandestinum, on Hawthorn, are now referable. (Tulasne, Ann. d. Sc. N. ser. v. ; Greville, Crypt. Fl.} TAPHROCAM'PA, Gosse. A genus of llotatoria, of the family HydatiiiEea. Char. Rotatory organs absent ; body fusi- form, annulose, tail forked, gizzard oval. T.anmdosa. Freshwater; length 1-110". BIBL. Gosse, Ann. N. R. 1851, viii. 100; Pritchard, Inf. 002. TAPIOCA. A very pure fecula prepared from the liner particles of the starch of the Mandioc or Cassava plant (PI. 40. fig. 14). The starch-granules of tapioca of the shops appear to have undergone the action of heat, which disguises the characters. See STARCH. TAHDIG'RADA (Water-bears). An Order of Arachnida. These microscopic animals are found in stagnant fresh water, amongst water-plants, in patches of wet moss, in the gutters of houses, &c. Body soft, cylindrical or elongate -oval in outline, with four transverse furrows or in- distinct segments, and a fifth anterior, cor- responding to a head, short, conical, retrac- tile and with indications of two or three segments ; some times dilated at the end to form a sucker, or furnished with unequal, short, palp-like processes. Eyes two. The oral organs are represented by a tu- bular rostrum, through the sides of which, from without inwards, two calcareous styles or mandibles pass, and serve to wound the animals forming their prey. At the base of the rostrum is a gizzard with radiating muscular fibres, in Macrobiotus enclosing a kind of framework consisting of six parallel jointed cylinders. The alimentary canal is straight, and fur- nished with lateral csecal appendages. The ovary is a simple sac, behind which is situated a seminal vesicle containing sper- matozoa, both opening into a cloaca. But few eggs are produced at a time ; they are either smooth, rugose, or studded with points, and are usually deposited during the ecdysis, the exuviae serving as a protection to them, during the process of hatching. The young resemble the parents. The Tardigrada resemble some of the Ptotatoria in reviving after having been kept dried for years. Genera : Emydium, Macrobiotics, Milne- sium (Arctiscon, doubtful). BIBL. Doyere, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. xiv. 209, xvii. 103, xviii. 1; Dujardin, x. 185; Vogt, Zool. Brief e, i. 400 ; Kauffmann, Sieb. uud Kott. Zeitschr. iii. 220; Greef, Schultzes Archiv, i. 101 ; Lubbock, Metam. of Insects. TARGIO'NIA, Mich. A genus of Pel- liese (Hepaticas), characterized by the almost sessile globose capsule arising from the end of the midrib of the under face of the frond, which is somewhat fleshy, smooth, deep- green, purplish at the edges, and forms large patches on rather moist but exposed banks. The frond has an epidermis on both faces, with stomata and intermediate parenchyma ; the midrib is only apparent beneath, and has radical hairs, with purple scales. The perichaete originates from this rib, on the under surface, rising to the upper side (fig. 717). When mature, it is globose, of dark purplish colour and firm texture, and marked with a vertical prominent line or keel : at this line it ultimately splits into two valves (fig. 718). Hofineister's observations, how- ever, show that this envelope grows up after the fertilization of the archegone, which is originally naked in its upper half ; hence it would seem to be a perigone. Several archegones are found half-immersed in the end of the midrib ; and one of these is converted into a fruit ; the lower part be- comes spherical, and the neck forms for a TABGIONIA. C 752 ] TEA. Fig. 717. Fig. 718. Targionia hypophylla. Pig. 717. Lobe of a frond with fruit. Magnified 5 diameters. Fig. 718. Perichsete opened, showing the globular sporange. Magnified 20 diameters. Fig. 719. Vertical section of a very young sporange. Magnified 200 diameters. Fig. 720. A branched elater. Magnified 200 diameters. Fig. 721. Fig. 722. Figs. 721 & 722. Groups of four spores, not quite ma- ture. Magnified 400 diameters. Fig. 723. Parent cells of spores and imperfect elaters, from a more advanced fruit. Magnified 100 diameters. Fig. 724. The same. Magnified 200 diameters. Fig. 725. A single ripe spore. Magnified 400 dia- meters. long time a filiform point or style. This epigone bursts irregularly and vertically. The spherical capsule emerges from it, but is not protruded beyond the perichsete. The globular capsule bursts irregularly at the summit, and discharges spores and elaters resembling those of Marchantia (figs. 723 to 725). The antheridia are imbedded in the midrib, opening on papillse on the lower face. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 105 j Corda, Sturm's Deutschl, Fl. Jungerm. pi. 26 ; Nees, Lebermoose, iv. TARTARIC ACID. The crystals of this substance, which belong to the oblique- prismatic system, exhibit beautiful colours under the polariscope. A concentrated aqueous solution is useful in the chloride- of-gold staining process. TAYLO'RIA, Hk. A genus of Splach- naceae (Acrocarpous Mosses). T. serrata (fig. 474, p. 512), on Scotch mountains. (Wilson, Bry. Brit. 283.) TAXUS, L. Taxus baccata is the Yew tree, belonging to the Coniferee. Its wood (PI. 48. fig. 4), as also that of T. canadensis, shows the remarkable combination of spiral fibres with the coniferous pits. Its embryo- logy is also interesting. See CONIFEBJE and OVULE. TEA (the prepared leaves of Thea viridis and T. Bohea, Nat. Ord. Ternstrceiniaceae). This important article of commerce has afforded some of the most remarkable ex- amples of systematic fraud, practised not merely by the vendors in this country, but by the Chinese manufacturers. The principal adulterations of tea consist of re- manufactured exhausted tea-leaves, spurious tea made up of the dust of tea and other leaves, together with earthy matter, by the aid of gum, and of spurious tea made of leaves of other plants, the whole of these being prepared either for black or green tea by ( facing/ or imparting a colour or bloom with black-lead, indigo, prussian blue, mica, turmeric, &c. The leaves of tea may be distinguished when moistened and spread out, and still more decidedly, even in fragments, by the aid of the microscope, which shows the peculiarities of the epidermis of the upper or lower faces, &c. (PI. 2. fig. 1). Other leaves fraudulently introduced may be thus separated, and often identified by careful comparison with known kinds likely to have been employed. The spurious tea made up of agglutinated rubbish falls to pieces instead of unrolling when infused TEETH. [ 753 ] TEETH. with hot water. The 'facing' of the various kinds is mostly distinguishable with a com- mon lens, and when the tea is infused forms a sedimeut, the characters of which may be determined by the microscope and by che- mical analysis. BIBL. Hassall,Foorf#c.,268; Warington, Tr. Chem. Soc. 1851. TEETH. The teeth of the Mammalia are inserted in sockets or alveolar cavities of the jaws. The teeth consist of: a crown, or that portion which projects beyond the alveolar cavity and the gum ; the fangs, or the por- tions which are inserted into the bony structures ; and a neck, or narrower inter- mediate portion. The crown of the tooth contains the pulp-cavity, which is closed above, but prolonged below through the fangs. In regard to their structure, teeth are in part identical with bone, in part closely allied to it ; but in respect to their develop- ment, they must be regarded as formations of the mucous membrane, as modified papillae. The substance of human teeth consists of three parts : the ivory or dentine (fig. 726 d), Fig. 726. Molar tooth, human : longitudinal section. a, enamel; 6, pulp-cavity ; c, cement; d, ivory, with the ivory-tubes. Magnified 5 diameters. which constitutes the greater portion of their mass, and to which their form is mainly owing ; the cement, or bony portion (fig. 726 c), which forms an external cover- ing, principally of the fangs ; and the ena- mel ( fig. 726 a), which covers the crown. The ivory or dentine (figs. 726 d, 727 d) is whitish and of a silky lustre, and, excepting a small portion at the base of the fangs, forms the entire boundary of the cavity of the teeth. It consists of a homogeneous Fig. 727. Transverse section of the same; the references as above. Magnified 5 diameters. matrix enveloping numerous tubes or cana- liculi, called the ivory-tubes (fig. 729 a, b). The tubes are very fine, and pursue an un- dulating course, at first curving, then bifur- cating, throughout giving off numerous fine lateral communicating branches, which are best seen in a horizontal section (fig. 728), and ultimately ramifying and anastomosing freely. They commence at the surface of the pulp-cavity, in the crown following a somewhat radiating direction from its centre (fig. 726), whilst in the fangs their course is more horizontal. They have distinct Fig. 728. Transverse section of the ivory-tubes of the fang (a), fig. 729), showing their numerous anastomose*. Magnified 450 diameters. walls, about equal in thickness to their calibre, although in transverse sections (tig. 730) this thickness is generally exaggerated, on account of their being obliquely divided. They contain air in tl e dry state, which 3c TEETH. [ 754 ] TEETH. may be displaced by liquids. By removing the inorganic salts from a tooth with dilute Fig. 729. Ivory-tubes of a fane of a human tooth, a, inner surface of the ivory, with few tubes ; b, their branches ; c, their terminations in loops ; d, granular layer, con- sisting of small ivorv globules at the boundary of the ivory; e, lacunae of bone, one anastomosing with an ivory-tube. Magnified 50 diameters. muriatic acid, and macerating the remaining cartilage with acids or caustic alkalies until it forms a pasty mass, the tubes may be isolated from the basis. Fig. 730. Transverse section of the ivory-tubes, a, closely aggregated ; 6, wider apart. Magnified 450 diameters. In sections made from fresh teeth, high powers of the microscope (500 or 1000 diameters) being used, it is not difficult to recognize, especially in the centre of the Fig. 731. Perpendicular section of the apex of a human incisor tooth, a, pulp-cavity ; 6, ivory; c, curved contour lines with interglobular spaces ; d, cement ; e, enamel, with indications of the course of the fibres in various direc- tions ; f, coloured stripes of the enamel. Magnified 7 diameters. TEETH. TEETH. tooth, the fine, pale, homogeneous processes of the tooth-pulp or dentine-fibres. These may he stained by carmine. the ivory not unfrequently exhibits indi- cations of a laminated structure, forming, Fig. 732. Portion of the ivory, with ivory-globules and inter- globular spaces filled with air. Magnified 350 diams. in longitudinal sections, curved lines more or less parallel to the outline of the crown (fig. 731), appearing as rings in transverse sections, and called the contour-lines. Fig. 733. Ccmei t and ivory of the fang of a tooth of an old person, a, cavity ; b, ivory ; c, cement with lacunae ; e, Haversian canals. Magnified 30 diameters. Near the enamel (fig. 731) and the cement (fig. 7i ) 9 d) also, the ivory presents one or more irregular dark patches or bands, often continuous with the ends of the contour- lines, and exhibiting a coarsely cellular appearance. On careful examination, the dark appearance is seen to result from a number of irregular spaces filled with air (fig. 732 a) intervening between certain globules, called ivory-ylobules, the spaces being termed the interglobular spaces. In the recent tooth, these spaces are tilled with the organic basis of the ivory, containing tubes like the rest of that substance, in which, however, the inorganic matter has not been deposited ; hence this structure arises from imperfect development. Other, ill-defined iridescent stripes, run- ning parallel to the pulp-cavity, are some- times seen; these correspond to the primary curves of the ivory-tubes. The cement or bone of teeth forms the outer coating of the fangs (figs. 726 & 733, c), Fig. 734. Enamel-flbrep, isolated by the very slight action of muriatic acid ; human. Magnified 30 diameters. sometimes cementing them together. It commences as a very thin layer at the part where the enamel ceases, increasing in thickness towards the ends of the fangs. The cement does not differ from bone in structure, except in rarely containing Ha- versian canals. In the molar teeth of old persons, however, these are met with (fig. 733 e). The lacunae are frequently absent from the thinner portion of the ce- ment ; and it sometimes contains tubes like those of the ivory. The interlacunar sub- stance is sometimes striated, and exhibits a laminated structure. The enamel (fig. 72G a) covers the ivory 3c2 TEETH. [ 756 ] TEETH. of the crown of the teeth. It is thickest at the opposing surface, decreasing towards the neck, where it terminates. The cuticula is an extremely resistant investment to the exposed portions of the teeth, and which disappears when they are mature. It is separable after the action of muriatic acid, and may be tinted with a solution of nitrate of silver, which causes the appearance of figures like large epithelial cells. The enamel has a fibrous aspect, and appears of a bluish-white colour by reflected light, and of a greyish brown by transmitted Fig. 735. light. It is very brittle, and so hard as to strike fire with steel. It consists of nume- rous solid fibres or prisms (fig. 734), about 1-6000 to 1-5000" in breadth, mostly six- sided, more or less wavy, slightly varicose, and transversely striped. These usually extend throughout the thickness of the enamel, and are placed in a direction gene- rally perpendicular to the surface of the portions of the ivory which they cover (figs. 726, 731). The form of the fibres is best seen by viewing their ends in a trans- verse section (fig. 735). The prisms do not Fig. 736. Pig. 735. Surface of the enamel, with the ends of the enamel-fibres, from the tooth of a calf. Magnified 350 diameters. Fig. 736. Diagram showing the development of a milk-tooth, and the corresponding permanent tooth, a, furrow ; b, the same with the papilla ; c, the same closing, with the commencement of the reserve cavity ; d, the same, further closing; e, follicle completely formed, with the reserve cavity; /,the reserve cavity receding; g, the same, with a tooth-germ; A, the alveoli of both capsules formed, the milk-tooth being through the gum; i, the same further advanced, the neck of the capsule forming a solid cord. run exactly parallel with each other, but are arranged in groups or zones, the fibres of which cross each other. The fibres are readily isolated before they have be- come so developed as to be hard, and when very slightly acted upon by muriatic acid. It is doubtful if sometimes 'the ivory-tubes extend into the enamel. Two kinds of dark bands or stripes are seen traversing the enamel (fig. 731). The direction of one of these coincides pretty nearly with that of the fibres, and it arises from the crossing of the zones of fibres, allowing more or less light to pass through, the bands being light and dark. The other set (fig. 731, ff) consists of arched, brownish stripes, indicating the laminated structure of the enamel. Under the polariscope, a third set becomes visible, arising from the variable inclination of the axes of the fibres to the plane of polarization. The enamel is often traversed by cracks, mostly running parallel with the fibres, and containing air in dry teeth. Pulp. The pulp of the teeth is the vas- cular and nervous matrix of the dentine and the remains of the original tooth-papilla. It contains a few blood-vessels and nerves, being connected with the periosteum and base of the sockets of the jaw. The princi- pal part is made of indistinctly fibrous con- nective tissue, containing numerous cells; and it appears to be quite cavernous frcm the breaking up of the terminal capillaries. TEETH. [ 757 ] TEETH. The external layer is formed of large cells of el( nitrated form, provided with numerous processes called odontoblasts, which are arranged so as to form a kind of columnar epithelium. They are finely granular, but have no cell-wall. Three kinds of pro- cesses may be distinguished in these cells the dentinal, pulp, and lateral processes. The dentinal processes become the before- mentioned dentinal fibres of the ivory. Chemically, teeth consist of an organic, cartilaginous basis, agreeing in composition with that of bone, and of inorganic matter, consisting principally of phosphate of lime with a sm ill quantity of the carbonate. Dcirlopmcnt. At the beginning of the third mouth, the margins of the jaw form a slight ridge, which consists of a thickening of the embryonic connective tissue and epithelium of 'the mucous membrane of the mouth. The rudiments or germs of the first (milk) teeth are met with in the sixth week of foetal life, and consist of small papillfe, one for each tooth, which become visible in grooves of the mouth, afterwards forming Fig. 737. Lower jaw of a human nine weeks' foetus, a, tongue, turned hack ; 6, right half of the lower lip turned aside ; fc', left half of the lip cut off: c, outer wall of the gum ; d, inner wall of the gum ; e,f, g,h, papillae of the teeth ; ^, fold where the sublingual duct subsequently opens. Magnified 9 diameters. the alveolar processes. The epithelium forms the enamel, and the other tissue the dentine and cement. Processes from the sides of these dental grooves are then formed, and, approaching each other, en- close the papilla in distinct follicles, the margins of which gradually grow over the papillae, and uniting, convert them into | closed sacs or capsules. The pulps then be- come moulded into the form of the future teeth, the bases of the pulps dividing into as many portions as the teeth have fangs; and as the capsules increase at this stage faster than the pulp-s, a space is left be- tween them, in which a gelatinous-looking substance is deposited from the wall of the capsule forming the enamel-organ. By some recent authors, however, the existence of the dental grooves is denied. The capsule (fig. 738 a) possesses a con- nective coat with vessels and nerves; and from its base arises the tooth-germ or pulp (fig. 738 h). The pulp consists of an outer Capsule of the second incisor tooth of an eight months' human foetus, a, capsule; b, enamel-pulp; c, enamel- membrane: d, enamel; f, ivory-cells; h, papilla of tooth or pulp ; t, free margin of enamel-organ. Magnified 30 diameters. non-vascular layer of elongated nucleated cells, with filiform processes, in close appo- sition (fig. 739 a), covering the surface of the pulp the ivory-membrane (fig. 738 /"), not distinctly defined internally, but gradu- ally passing into the vascular parenchyma of the pulp. The inner part of the pulp consists of indistinctly fibrous connective tissue with nuclei, the vessels terminating in loops beneath the enamel-membrane (tig. 739 c). The enamel-organ (fig. 738 b) covers by its inner concave surface the pulp, its out- TEETH. [ 758 ] TEGEOCKANUS. side being in apposition with the capsule. It forms a spongy tissue, composed of ana- stomosing stellate cells or reticular areolar tissue; in its inside is the enamel-mem- brane, consisting of cylindrical epithelium (fig. 738 c). The enamel is formed by the direct cal- Fig. 739. Surface of the pulp of a newly-born infant, a, ivory- cells ; b, their appendages ; c, vascular part of the pulp. Magnified 300 diameters. cification of the epithelium, the prisms re- sulting from the calcification of the long cylindrical cells. Ossification commences by the deposition of calcareous matter in the cells of the ivory- membrane at the summit of the pulp ; this is soon followed by similar deposition in the cells of the enamel-membrane. By the fur- ther formation of new cells and fresh depo- sition, the structure of the teeth becomes more and more consolidated, the spongy tissue of the enamel gradually being ab- sorbed. When the entire enamel and a consider- able portion of the ivory have been formed in the capsules, these become too small to contain the teeth, which then rupture them, and continue to grow at the root, until the crown projects above the margin of the jaw. The remainder of the capsule then forms the periosteum of the alveoli, and, by depo- sition from the side next the tooth, pro- duces the cement. The permanent teeth are formed upon the same plan : the three last molars in the remains of the primitive dental groove ; the others in distinct sacs, called reserve sacs, and formed in the wall of the follicles of the milk-teeth. The teeth of animals present numerous interesting varieties, to which we can but briefly refer. Thus, in the Mammalia the enamel is often absent, the cement fre- quently extends over the crown, the three component structures are folded, the teeth are compound, the ivory contains Haver- sian canals, and the ivory-tubes enter the enamel. In Reptiles the teeth are often an- chylosed to the jaws. In Fishes the teeth are often solid ; the ivory is furnished with Haversian canals, sometimes isolated, and each surrounded by a layer of ivory and ce- ment, so that the teeth appear to consist of aggregations of little teeth; the vessels often branch and anastomose freely ; the ivory-tubes are often very large or absent, the ivory then consisting of a finely granu- lar base with numerous vascular canals, true enamel appearing to be absent. The oral and gastric teeth of the Mol- lusca (see TONGUE), Vermes, and Arthro- poda, are composed of chitine, which is some- times impregnated with lime or silica. The teeth of Echinida are composed essentially of thin leaflets aggregated into a radial lamina ; and they are composed of elongated prisms of carbonate of lime, somewhat curved at their extremities. These lustrous calcareous plates lie between the prisms, and present a fine plexus of anastomosing cana- liculi. It may be said generally that the teeth of the higher Invertebrate are to be re- garded as epithelial structures, and that in the lowest Vertebrata they are chiefly com- posed of peculiarly modified and ossified connective tissue. The method of making sections of teeth is described under PBEPABATION. They should be very thin, and preserved in the dry state. BIBL. Owen, Odontography, and TodcVs Cycl, iv. 864 ; Goodsir, Ed. Med. and Sure/. Jn. 1839, i. ; Tomes, Dental Surgery, and Phil. Tr. 1849, 1850; Hanover, Verh. Leopold. Carol. Ak. xxv. 2, Mic. Jn. 1857, v. 166; Huxley, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1854, 1855, 1857; Lankester, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1867 ; Boll, Zalin- pulpa, Arch. Mik. An. iv. 1868 ; Cutler, Den- tal Comos, 1867; Bolleston, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872; Waldeyer, Strieker s Hum. fy Comp. Hist, i.; White, Mn. Mic. Jn. vii. 263; Tomes, M. M. Jn. xiii. 85 ; Frey, Hist, and the lit. TEGEOC'RAKUS, Mich. A new genus TELOTROCHIDIUM. [ 759 ] TEST-OBJECTS. of Oribatea (Michael, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1879, 247: 1880,32, 177). TELOTROCIIID'IUM, Kt. A genus of Peritrickous Infusoria. Five, ovate or cam- panulate, no tail ; two ciliary rings ; anal aperture posterior. T. crateriforme ; freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 843.) TEM'ORA, Baird. A genus of Copepo- dous Eutomostraca, family Diaptomidse. Char. Thorax composed of five, abdomen of three j oints ; lesser antennae two-branched ; first four pairs of logs each giving off a two- jointed branch. T. finmarchica. On the British coasts. (Baird, Br. Entomostr. 227 j Brady, Cop. i. 37.) TENDON. See LIGAMENTS. TEXTHKE'DO, Leach. A genus of Hy- menopterous Insects, of the family Tenthre- diuidne (Saw-flies). The species of Tcnthredo and of the other genera belonging to the family, both of which are very numerous, are interesting on account of the remarkable structure of the ovipositor, which consists of two flattened and curved saw-like plates. These are used to saw the leaves of plants, for the deposi- tion of the eggs. The insects are found upon gooseberry- bushes, rose-bushes, the white thorn, the willow, alder, poplar, the plum- and other fruit-trees, cabbage, turnip, bramble, &c. The larvae are very destructive to agricul- tural crops. T. nassata is represented in figure 366 (P- 437). BIBL. Westwood, Introduction, ii. 90. TEREBEL'LA. A genus of Tubicolar Annulata. The animal forms a tube of sand and por- tions of shell, agglutinated by a secretion. Carpenter remarks that in the respiratory organs situated in the part outside the tube the head two liquids may be seen circu- lating: one colourless, containing numerous cell-like corpuscles, which can be seen in the smaller and more transparent species to occupy the space intervening between the outer surface of the alimentary canal and the inner wall of the body, and to pass from this into canals, which often ramify extensively in the respiratory organs, but are never furnished with a returning series of passages ; while the second is a usually red liquid containing few particles, and en- closed, in a system of proper vessels commu- nicating with a central propelling organ. In Terebella a distinct provision is made for the aeration of both fluids ; for the first is trans- mitted to the tendril-like tentacula which surround the mouth, whilst the second cir- culates through the beautiful arborescent branchiae situated just behind the head. The former are covered with cilia, the action of which continually renews the water in contact with them, whilst the latter are destitute of them. The colourless liquid is probably blood, and the red belongs to the water-system. BIBL. Huxley, Comp. An.} Carpenter, Microscope. TERPSIN'OE, Ehr A genus of Diato- macese. Char. Frustules tabular, obsoletely stalked, subsequently connected by isthmi, and with transverse, short, interrupted, capitate vittae; valves in side view with lateral inflations. T. musica (PI. 19. fig. 33, side view; PL 25. fig. 10, front view). Frustules very faintly punctate, in front view rectangular oblong ; side view equally inflated in the middle and at the ends, in older specimens constricted in the middle, inflated beyond the middle towards both ends, the apices produced and obtuse, the nodules separated by septa. Length 1-180". T. indica (Anaulus ind., E.). BIBL. Ehr. Abh. Bed. Ak. 1841, 402; Kiitz. Batill. 128 ; So. Ala. 119 ; Pritchard, Inf. 850. TESSEL'LA, Ehr. A genus of Diato- maceaa. Char. Frustules broadly tabular, not con- catenate, with crowded, longitudinal, alter- nate vittae, interrupted in the middle; stipes absent (?). Marine. T. interrupta (PL 19. fig. 35). Length of frustules 1-580; breadth 1-560 to 1-120". Found with Striatella. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 202; Kiitz. Bacill. 125; Sp. Alg. 114; Pritchard, Inf. 804. TESTAMCEBIFOR'MIA, Carter. Pa- rasitic, lobular, and wild-growing Forami- nifera, some nearly \ inch long. Holodad- nia and Cysteodictynia with calcareous, Ceratestina with chitinous test. Gulf of Manaar. (H. C. Carter, Ann. N. H. June 1880, 446.) TEST - OBJECTS. Test-objects are microscopic objects used to determine the value of object-glasses. We must presume that the reader has perused the remarks upon object-glasses in the INTRODUCTION (p. xvi), also the article ANGULAR APERTURE; otherwise the TEST-OBJECTS. [ 760 ] TEST-OBJECTS. observations made here will be unintel- ligible. The main points in which object-glasses differ from each other are four : viz. their magnifying power; their defining power; their penetrating power ; and their correc- tive adaptations. The magnifying or separating power scarcely requires notice ; it must be adapted to the size of the objects likely to come under examination. Usually, several object- glasses are kept, of different powers ; at all events, if scientific investigations are to be pursued, a power of 400 diameters must be accessible, and this without the use of the highest eyepiece. The magnifying power should be ascertained by MEASUREMENT, and not by j udging from the focal length. Good defining power is the most im- portant character of an object-glass ; and if good in respect to this, the dark boundary lines of the test-objects will appear clear, black, sharp, as if engraved, and quite free from colour. If this is ascertained to be the case, the higher eyepieces should be put on ; and it must be observed that although the sharpness of the outline is somewhat diminished, all the parts are clearly distinguishable as before. In this examination the light should be as direct as possible. The power of displaying the minute or internal structural peculiarities of objects, or the penetrating power, as it is called, de- pends upon two distinct circumstances the goodness of the defining power, and the magnitude of the angular aperture of the object-glass: the degree of obliquity of the light is also of great importance in con- nexion with the latter. Thus, in examining the scale of a Podura (PL 1. fig. 12 a, b, c), the magnifying power being sufficiently high, if the defining power be good, the wedge-shaped bodies will be clearly and sharply displayed by direct light, and whether the angular aperture be large or small. But if we examine a valve of Pkurosigma (PI. 1. tigs. 17 & 18) by direct light, the minute structure will be invisible, however small or large the angular aperture may be, or however perfect the defining power ; but if the light be thrown obliquely, and the aperture be sufficient, the striae will at once become evident. Thus there are two distinct kinds of penetrating power, one of which is the same as the defining power, the other depending upon a different cause j hence the term penetration or pene- trating power should be laid aside, as tending to cause confusion, the properties of object-glasses being reducible simply to their defining power and their angular aperture. In recent times, a new meaning has been assigned to the term penetrating power, viz. that of rendering a certain thickness of an object visible at one time. This de- pends upon the suiallness of the angle of aperture of the object-glass. It seeuis a useless innovation. The defining power should be tested upon the different objects mentioned below in connexion with each object-glass, and the angular aperture should be determined by measurement (ANGULAR APERTURE) ; for judgment founded upon the examination of the valves of the Diatomacese may be very fallacious to an unpractised observer, on account of the influence of the obliquity of the light, and of the correcting adjustment. If, however, an opinion is to ba formed in this way, the valves should be examined by ob- lique light thrown from all sides, as with the central stop in the condenser, so that the dots may be viewed; for an object- glass may show the lines very fairly,' but the dots very badly. The correcting adjustment is of import- ance in examining very delicate objects or structures with the high powers ; it should therefore always be present. We sub join "a list of a few of the objects which will be found most suitable for the purpose of testing an object-glass. 1 or 2-inch object-glass. Magnifying power 20 diameters. Test-objects: the pygidium of the flea (PI. 1. fig. 13 a), in which the general out- line and the hairs should be distinct ; the hair of the mouse (PI. 1. fig. 3). Also, as an opaque object, a piece of an injected preparation (PL 39. figs. 33-35). \-inch or %rds object-glass. Magnifying power 60 diameters. Tests: hair of Dcrmestes (PI. 1. fig 1); of the bat (fig. 2) ; of the mouse (fig. 3) ; the pygidium of the flea, the outline of the areolse being distinguishable under the high eyepiece (120 to 200 diameters), but not the rays. Also an injection, as a piece of lung. \-inch or fifths-inch object-glass. Magni- fying power 100 to 120 diameters. Tests : hairs (PL 1. figs. 1, 2, 3) ; the disks of deal (fig. 4) j the coarser scales of Le- pisma (fig. 6 a) ; the pygidium of the flea TEST-OBJECTS. [ 761 ] TEST-OBJECTS. (fig. 13 a, b), the entire structure visible under the high eyepiece ; a dark scale of Podura (PI. 1. fig. 12 A). \-inch object-glass. Magnifying power 220 diameters. Tests : hair of Dermestes ; the disks of d"al ; the salivary corpuscles (PI. 1. fig. 5), the moving molecules being clearly distin- guishable ; the smaller scales of "Lepisma (PI. 1. fig. 6 b, c) ; the scales of Podura : the filaments of Didymohelix (fig. 10 ) ; the pvgidium of the flea, and the scales of PtotfM brassica (PI. 34. fig. 24). fy.h-inch object-glass. Magnifying power 420 to 400 diameters Tests: the paler scales of Podura; the pvgidium of the flea ; the scales of Pontia brd*xic : ( iervais, Walckenaer's Apteres, ii. 165 ; Dufour, Ann. Sc. N. i. xxv. 279 ; Koch, Deutschl. Cntstac. ; Boisduval, Ent. Hort. 88 ; Murray, EC. Ent. 97. TETRAPE'DIA, Reinsch. A genus of Unicellular Algse. Char. Cells compressed, quadrangular or triangular, equilateral, becoming subdivided into quadrate or connate segments or rounded lobes, either by deep vertical or oblique markings, or by wide angular or rounded sinuses. (Archer, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 351.) TETRAP'LOA, Berk, and Br. A genus of Torulacei (Coniomycetous Fungi), com- prising at present a single species, T. aris- tata, a curious little fungus growing upon leaves of grass. See TORULACEI. TETRAP'LODON, Br. and Sch. A ge- nus of SplachnaceaB (Acrocarpous operculate Mosses). T. mnioides and angustatus, on dung in mountainous regions. TETRASEL'MIS, Stein. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Free, obovate or oblong; flagella four; protoplasm green, with an eye-spot. T. cordiformis, fresh- water. (Kent, Inf. 315.) TETRAS'PORA, Link. A gen us of Pal- mellace8e(Confervoid Algae), nearly related to the Ulvacese; indeed it is very difficult to draw any very distinct line of demarcation between Tetraspora and Monostroma, the fronds of both of which are membranous strata formed of a single layer of cells ; the latter, however, has its constituent cells crowded, while in Tetraspora the green cell- contents lie scattered, mostly in groups of two or four, in the gelatinous frond. Thuret states that the cells possess long cilia in the stage when they are imbedded in a contin- uous frond (PI. 7. fig. 10). Development by the ciliated cell-contents breaking out as swarming zoospores. Two recorded British species appear to be distinct, growing in stagnant pools. T. gelatinosa (PL 7. fig. 10). Frond gela- tinous, soft, of irregular shape and division, pale green; cells 1-10800 to .1-4200" in diameter (Kiitzing, Tab. Phyc. i. p. 28). T. lubrica. Frond green, elongated, me- sentery-shaped, lobed and sinuated, lobes often anastomosing; cells angulo-globose, 1-3600" in diameter (Kiitzing, /. c. pi. 30). BIBL. Hassall, Alg. 300, pi. 78 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 225; Tab. Phyc. i. ; Thuret, Ann. Sc. N. 3. xiv. 248, pi. 21 ; Nageli, Einzell. Alg. 71, pi. 2 ; Rabenht. Alg. iii. 38. TETRASPORES. See SPORES. TETRATAXTS, Ehr. A Valvuline Foraminifer, with four chambers in a whorl. Fossil ( Carboniferous). (Parker and Jones. Ann. N. H. 4. x. 259.) TEXTILE FABRICS. The components of these are noticed under the heads of silk, wool, fibrous and filamentous structures. BIBL. Wiesner, Techn. Mikr.-, Schle- singer, Mikr. Untersuch. d. Gespinntfasern, 1872; Button, M. M. Jn. vii. 259; Lat- teaux, Man. Techn. Micr. TEXTULA'RIA, Def ranee (TEXTILARIA, Ehr.). A protean genus of hyaline Fora- minifera, having typically a binary series of subglobular or subquadrate chambers ar- ranged alternately on two sides of a longi- tudinal axis, and usually increasing in size from the oldest (at apex) to the youngest, with a slit -like apperture in the wall of each chamber ( T. cuneiformis, PL 23. fig. 47). The shell is flattened in one direction in Vulvulina, with oblique chambers and ter- minal slit, V. gramen (PL 23. fig. 49) ; in another, in Cuneolina, with transverse cham- bers and a row of apertural pores in normal position. Irregularly alternate and biserial chambers, passing into a short linear row, with a necked and rimmed aperture, consti- tute Heterostomella ; Bigenerina has many uniserial chambers, with a terminal pouting mouth (B. agglutinans, PL 23. fig. 50). THALAMOPORA. [ 764 ] THECAMONADINA. Instead of the biserial form, frequently the shell begins with a triserial arrange- ment of chambers ( Verneuilina, with con- tracted aperture ; Candeina?, with perforate septa). The Verneuiline commencement is often succeeded by the usual two alternating rows (Gaudryina, G. pupoides, PI. 23.iig.48), or by a linear growth with terminal aperture ( Tritaxia). The triserial varieties are some- times twisted. If Vulvulina takes on the linear growth, we have Venilina. The early chambers of Textularia and its modifications are not unfrequently coiled (Spiroplecta) . Textularia (&P.) annectens (PI. 23. fig. 52), from the Gault, commenced spirally, proceeded biserially, and ended with uniserial chambers. Large Textularice are rarely porous and translucent; they usually become sandy (Plecanium). Common in all seas, and fossil in all formations from the Silurian upwards. BIBL. D'Orbigny, For. Foss. Vien. 245; Williamson, For. 75 ; Morris, Cat. Br. Foss. 43 ; Bronn, Index Pal. art. Text. ; Ehren- berg, Mikrog.; Schultze, Org. Polyth. 62; Carpenter, For. 189; Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. 3. xi. 91 ; 4. ix. 298, x. 189, 196, 259; Brady, Carb. For., Pal. Soc. 1876, 130. THALAMOFORA, Reuss. A large, subcylindric, zoophytoid Foraminifer, com- posed of superimposed chambers, with laby- rinthic and perforated walls, arranged around, and opening into, a central vertical cavity. Thalamopora exhibits characters of alliance with Polytrema, Carpentaria, Tinoporus, Cymbalopora, and, through the last, with Planorbnlina and others of the Rotalina. It is among the Perforata what Dactylopora is among the Imperforata. (Reuss, Geinifa's Elbthalgebirge, 1872, 139.) THALASSICOL'LIDA, Huxley. A family of Radiolarian Rhizopoda. Char. Composed of structureless cysts, single or aggregate, containing cellular ele- ments and sarcode, giving off' radiate pseu- dopodia, which sometimes run into each other and form a network. Nucleus present, but no contracting vesicle. Numerous yel- low cells occur scattered through them ; and occasionally a few may be seen suspended within the external gelatinous structure. The whole organism is permeated by spicula, or sustained by a fenestrated shell. The most common genera are Splicer -ozoum, Col- losphcera, and Thalassicolla. They are ma- rine, in tropical and subtropical seas. BIBL. Huxley, Ann. N. H. 2. viii. 1851, 489; Qu. Mie. J*. iv. 1856, 72; Miiller, Thalass.', Haeckel, Radiolarien, 1862 ; Wal- lich, Ann. N. H. 1869, iii. 97. THALES'TRIS, Claus. A genus of Copepodous Entomostraca. Ten species, marine. (Brady, Copep., Ray Soc. ii. 120.) THAMNO'LIA, Ach. A genus of Cla- dodei (Lichenaceous Lichens). T. vermicularis ; on mossy earth ; rare. (Leighton, Lich. Fl. 74.) " THAMNOM'YCES, Ehr. A genus of Sphseriacei (Ascomycetous Fungi). It has distinct asci and sporidia. (Berk. Br. Flor. ii. pt. 2. 284; Fries, Sum. Veg. 382.) THAUMAN'TIAS, Eschscholtz. A genus of Campanulariidse. Char. Stem simple (or branched ?), rooted by a thread-like stolon ; cells campanulate ; polypes with a funnel-shaped proboscis ; re- production by free medusiform buds. T. inconspicua, Forbes. Common off the Hebrides. (Hincks, Hyd. Zooph. 178.) THAUMATONE'MA, Grev. A genus of Diatomaceae. (Grev. Mic. Tr. 1863, 76.) THECA. A term used very loosely in the descriptions of Cryptogamic plants. In the case of the Lichens and Fungi it is syn- onymous with Ascus, a sac in which free spores are developed ; these are called theca- spores or ascospores, in contrast with BASI- DIOSPORES or stylospores. In the higher Cryptogamia, as Ferns, &c., it is used in the sense of sporangium. THECAMONADI'NA, Duj. A family of Infusoria (=Cryptomonadma and some Astasiaea, E.). Char. Usually coloured ; covered with a non-contractile tegument, which is either hard and brittle, or membranous; locomotive organs one or more flagelliform filaments. Many are Algee, or their spores. They are minute, usually green, but some are red ; and they often colour stagnant water from existing in vast numbers. They are mostly recognizable by their rigidity and the uni- formity of their motion. Dujardin subdivided them thus : A , i' Body ovoid or j Tegument hard and brittle 1. Trachelo "globular ( Tegument membranous 2 lliform Two Cryptomonas. with a tail-like prolongation 3. Phacus (Euglena pt., E.) folia'ceous 1 ; without a prolongation 4. Crumenula. (Two similar filaments 5. Diselmis (Chlamidomonas, E.). fil ml fa -, ne flagelliform filament, and j Body prismatic or boat-shaped 6. Ploeotia. 8- / one trailing retractile filament J Body ovoid or pip-shaped 7. Anieonei Several filaments Body prolonged into a point in front " *~ Anisonema. Oxyrrhit. THELIDIIM. C 765 ] THYRSOPORELLA. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. 323. THELID'IUM, Mass. A genus of Micro- lichens parasitic on the thallus of Lecanorae. Char. Spores subfusiform, 2-locular, co- lourless. (Lindsay, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1860, 346.) THELOCAR'PON, Nyl. A genus of Pyrenodei (Lichenaceous Lichens). Four species. (Leightou, Lich. Fl. 439; Lindsay, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869, 345.) THELOTRE'MA, Ach. A genus of Pla- coidei (Lichenaceous Lichens), containing two British species. (Leighton, Lich. Fl. 238.) THEO'RUS, Ehr. A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eyes colourless, more than three, cervical, in' two groups; foot forked; jaws each with a single tooth T. vi'rnalis (PI. 44. fig. 32). Toes small, frontal hook absent. Aquatic; length 1-140 to 1-120". T. uncinatus. Toes long, frontal (or rather cervical) region with hooks ; fresh- water ; length 1-240". BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 454 ; Pritchard, Inf. 690. THLIPSU'RA, J. & H. A Cytheroid Ostracode in the Silurian strata. (Jones and Holl, Ann. N. H. 4. iii. 213.) THO'REA, Bory. A genus of Batra- chospermeae (Confervoid Algae), of which one species (T. ramosissima) occurs in Bri- tain ; its fronds are olive-black, branched filaments, a foot or more long, about as thick Fig. 740. Thorea ramosissima. Horizontal section of a filament (halved). The semi- circular denser portion represents the axis, the loose spreading branches the villi. Magnified 25 diameters. as a crow-quill, with a villous surface. The filaments are composed of radiating branched cells, closely compacted into a kind of solid axis, from which proceed lax, radiating ra- niuli, forming the yillous surface. The spores or sporangia! cells arise from these ramules (fig. 740). BIBL. Kiitz. Phyc. yeneralis, pi. 16, Sp. Alff. o-,4 ; Enij. But. Supp. No. 2f>48 ; Has- sal], Alg. 64; Rabenht. AJg. iii. 418. THOREL'LIA, Boeck. A genus of Copepodous Entomostraca. T. brunnea, on Lamitutria. (Bradv, Copep. i. 9o.) ' THUIA'RIA, Flem. A genus of Polypi, of the Order Hydroida, and family Sertula- riidae. Char. Those of Sertularia ; but the cells closely pressed to or imbedded in the stem or branches. Two species : T. thuia. Cells ovate-elliptical, acutish ; vessicles pear-shaped. On shells from deep water. T. articulata. Cells ovate, obtuse or trun- cate, vesicles elliptical ; rare. BIBL. Johnston, Br. Zooph. 83; Gosse, Mar. Zool. ii. 23; Hincks, Hyd. Zooph. THU' JA, L. A genus of Coniferee (Gym- nospermous Plants), to which belongs the arbor vitce of gardens, Thuja occidentalism T. orientalis is placed by some authors under another genus, Biota. The characters of Coniferous wood, Gymnospermous ovules, &c., may be observed in these plants (see CONIFERS and OVULE). THURAM'MINA, Brady. A subglobu- lar Arenaceous Foraminifer (0-5 mm.), with perforate papillae; single and enclosing a smaller chamber or group, and adherent. Atlantic and Pacific. (H. B. Brady, Q. Jn. M. Sc. n. s. xix. 45.) THURIC'OLA, Kt. A genus of Peritri- chous Infusoria. Like Vaginicola, but sheath with a closeable valve. Three species ; salt and fresh water. (Kent, Inf. 718.) THY'AS, Koch. A genus of Hydrachnea (Acarina). Like Hydrachna, but legs formed for walking. T. venusta. (Koch, Uebers. ; Murray, EC. Ent., fig.) THYMELEA'CE^E. An order of Di- cotyledons to which the Spurge-Laurels (Daphne) belong. In D. Lagetto ( = Lagetta lintearia) the fibres of the liber are separated into lozenge-shaped meshes, arranged in such beautiful and easily-separable layers, as to have acquired for the plant the name of the LACE-BABK TREE. See LIBEB. THYRSOPOREL'LA, Giimb. Giimbel divides the Dactyloporideee (see DACTYLO- PORA) into (I.) those with chambers: 1. Haploporella ; segmented, annular, or cylindrical (piled rings), with large cham- bers and simple traversing canals (6 species, recent and Tertiary) : 2. Lactyloporella ; cylindrical, with large and subsidiary cham- bers, and branched traversing canals (4 species, Tertiary). (II.) Those without chambers : 3. Thyrsoporella ; cylindrical THYRSOPTERIS. [ 766 ] THYROID GLAND. with simple, swollen, traversing canals, and fascicules of smaller tubes (2 species, Ter- tiary) : 4. Gi/roporella ; cylindrical, with circular canals (14 species, Triassic and Neocomian) : 5. Utena ; annular, hollow, perforate (1 species, Tertiary). BIBL. Giimbel, Abhandl. k. bayer. Akad. Wiss. II. Cl. xi. 1872, p. 231. THYRSOPTERIS, Kunze. A genus of Cyathese (Polypodiaceous Ferns), with glo- bose, marginal sori, collected into a panicle Fig. 741. Fig. 742. Thyrsopteris elegans. Fig. 741. A fertile pinna. Fig. 742. A pinnule converted into a cup-like sorus. Magnified 20 diameters. distinct from the sterile pinnae. ^Capsules sessile, on a globose receptacle; indusium inferior, cup-shaped, the mouth entire. T. eleyans, tropical. (Hooker, Syn. 15.) Fig. 743. Fig. 744. Thyrsopteris elegans. Fig. 743. Vertical section of the same, with the spo- ranges removed from the columella. Fig. 744. Side view of a sporange. Magn. 100 diams. THY'ROID GLAND. The thyroid gland is one of the vascular glands, or glands with- out ducts. It consists of rounded, closed, glandular vesicles (fig. 745) surrounded by or imbedded in a fibrous stroma (a), and aggregated into roundish, elongate, or somewhat polygonal acini or minute lobules, these being grouped in secondary lobules, which unite to form G-landular vesicles from the thyroid gland of a child. a, intervening connective tissue; 6, basement mem- brane ; c, epithelium. Magnified 250 diameters. lobes. The vesicles are from 1-600 to 1-240" in diameter, the acini from 1-50 to 1-24' '. The stroma is condensed around the lobules, to form a fibrous coat. The stroma consists of ordinary interlacing bundles of connective tissue, with fine elas- tic fibres, at its outer surface containing fat- cells. Fig. 746. Glandular vesicles with colloid matter Magnified 50 diameters. The vesicles consist of a basement mem- T11YSAXURA. TIXTIXXUS. brane (fig. 7-45 //), lined by a single layer of polygonal epithelial eells (c),and containing a yellowish, tenacious, albuminous liquid. The capillaries form plexuses surrounding the vesicles. In goitre, the vesicles become greatly en- larged, and confluent, so as to form 'cysts containing colloid matter, with fat-globules and crystals of cholesterine. The same con- ditions, in a minor degree, are so frequently met with, that they can scarcely be regarded as abnormal. The epithelium is also often found loose in the vesicles (fig. 746). The minute arteries and capillaries are often finind varicose. BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. An. ii. 327; Forster, Pathol.An. ii. 233; Verson, Strieker's Hist. i. L><>7. THYSANU'RA. An Order of Insects (Spring-tails), to which Lepisma, Petrobius, Pod ura, and Lepidocyrtus belong. See IN- SECTS. BIBL. Lubbock, Thysanura, fyc., Ray Soc. 1873 ; Murray, EC. Ent. 401. TICHOTHE'OIUM, Fv. A genus of Microlichens parasitic on the thallus of many crustaceous and subfoliaceous h'chens. BIBL. Lindsay, Qu. Mic. Jn. 18G9, 347. TILLE'TIA, Tnlasne. A genus of Usti- laginei (Hypodermous Fungi), forming the Bunt, a kind of blight of various corn-grains, in which the ears are attacked, and the in- ternal substance of the grains is replaced by a foetid, black powder, consisting of the spores of the fungus. T. Caries ( Uredo Ca- ries, D.C.) attacks wheat and other grain. The interior of the ovaries of the corn is at first occupied by an interwoven mycelium, from which the globular spores arise on short stalks; as the latter grow, the ears become more or less deformed, the mycelium disappears, and the spores are set free as a pulverulent mass. The spores have a reti- culated surface ; and their pedicel is often found attached (PL 27. fig. 13). A distinct species is found in wheat in the United States. (See USTILAGINEI.) BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 375 ; Tu- lasne, Ann. Sc. N. 3. vii. 112, pL 5 ; 4. ii. 161. TILLI'NA, Gruber. A genus of Holo- trichous Infusoria. Free, renifonn, pha- rynx curved ; longer cilia round the mouth and the pharynx. T. magna ; freshwater. (Gvuber, Zeitsch. wiss. Zool. 1879, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1880 ; Kent, Inf. 514.) TIM'MIA, Hedw. A genus of Mniaceous Mosses, approaching Polytrichum in habit, and j\Iniinn in the form of the capsule. One British species, Tinuniu amtriaca, on rocks in Scotland. TIN'EA, Fabr. A genus of Lepidopterous Insects, of the family Tineidce. The small scales from the underside of the wings of T. vestianella, the common clothes' moth, have been proposed as test- objects; but they can hardly be regarded as such for object-glasses of the present day. The longitudinal lines form the test-struc- ture. BIBL. Westwood, Introd.; Staintou, nual of Butterflies. TltfOP'ORUS, Carpenter (De Montfort). A many-shaped Foraminiferal genus of the Globigerinida ; globular, subhemisphe- rical, lenticular, or stellate ; areolated, gra- nulate, and often spined (baculate). Com- mencing as a spiral Rotaline (like Calcarina), it soon heaps on each face subcyclical layers of quadrangular chambers, with cribrate floors and strong, perforated, radiating septa. The spines consist of " supplemental skele- ton," arising from some of the early septa, with an extension of the "canal-system." Gypsina, Carter, is an allied but less elabo- rate form. Recent, often in great abundance, as Tino- porus baculatus of the Australian seas and the Philippines. BIBL. Parker and Jones, Ann. N. H. 3. vi. 34 ; Carpenter, For. 223 ; Carter, Ann. N. H. 4. iv. 215 ; 5. v. 444. TIXTINXOD'EA. A family of Hetero- trichous Infusoria. Kent includes in this family, Tintmnus, Tintinnidium, Vasicola, and Strombidinopsis. TIXTIXXID'IUM, Kt. A genus of Heterotrichous Infusoria. Like Tintinnus, but contained in a mucilaginous cylindrical sheath, adherent to foreign bodies. Three species; marine and freshwater. (Kent, Inf. Oil.) TIXTINNOP'SIS, Stein. A genus of Heterotrichous Infusoria. Like Tintinnus, but with two independent rings of anterior cilia. T. beroidea, marine. (Kent, Inf. 617.) TINTIN'NUS, Schrank. A genus of Heterotrichous Infusoria, family Tintin- nodea. Char. Single ; body contained in a cylin- drical, sessile, bell-shaped carapace, to the bottom of which it is attached by a stalk. Many species. T. inqmlinus (PI. 32. fig. 4). Body hya- line or yellowish ; carapace cylindrical, hya- line. Marine; length 1-240". TISSUE. [ 768 ] TISSUES. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 294 ; id. Ber. Berl Ak. 1840 ; Duj. Inf. 561 ; Ann. N. H. 1879, iv. 21X); Clap, et Lach. Inf. 195; Kent, Inf. 603. TISSUE, FIBRO-PLASTIC. A term ap- plied by Lebert to imperfectly developed abnormal connective tissue. The separate elements are often found diffused through normal tissues, or products of inflammatory exudation. They consist of rounded or oblong cells, from 1-2300 to 1-1600" in dia- meter, in a more advanced stage becoming fusiform or angular, and finally forming di- stinct fibres ; hence resembling the elements of embryonic connective tissue (PI. 49. fig. 42). In some instances the development is arrested at one of the early phases, so that the tissue consists almost exclusively of the rounded or the fusiform cells; and in others, the cells enlarge and produce a number of nuclei or secondary cells (PI. 38. fig. 10 c). Fibro-plastic tissue or its elements are met with in inflammatory effusions upon the serous and synovial membranes (but rarely), in the interstitial effusions of pneumonia, especially when chronic, in cirrhosis of the liver, in the products of suppurating sur- faces, on the surface of chronic ulcers and non-malignant fungoid vegetations^ in the soft yellow vascular tissue occupying the cancelli of ulcerated bones, in certain tu- mours. &c. BIBL. Lebert, Phys. Path. ; Wedl, Path. Hist, ; Forster, Path. Anat. i. ; Rindfleisch, Path. Gewebel. TISSUES, ANIMAL. The following syn- optical arrangement of the principal animal tissues, according to their structure, is in- tended to facilitate reference to the various articles scattered through the work. A Simple. 1. Blast emic or protoplastic . Barcode. 2 Membranous .................. Basement membrane. ( Fatty tissue ; epithelium ; nerve-cells ; simple 3. Cellular .................... ^ cartilage; unstriated I. muscular fibre. ( Without secondary depo- I sit ; true cartilage. 4. Slastemic and celluMr < with secon dary deposit ; 5. Fibrous f Connectivetissue; tendon; \ ligament; elastic tis- L sue; muscle. 6 Fibrous and cellular ...... Fibro-cartilage. f Without secondary de- posit. Vessels. 7. Tubular ..................... < with secondary deposit. L Nerve-tubes. B. Compound. Glands; mucous and serous mem- branes ; skin synovial membrane ; teeth. BIBL. Leydig, Hist. 1856; Morel, Hist. 1864 ; Kolliker, 2c. Hist. 1865; Briicke, Elem. Organism. ; Beale, Simple tissues ; Exner, Leitf. thier. Gewebe, 1873; Ranvier, Hist. technique ; Thin, Hist. 1877 ; Schafer, Pi-act. Hist. 1877; Gibbes, Hist. 1880; Klein and Smith, Atlas Hist. ; Ork, Hist. 1881 ; Thierfelder, Atlm path. Hist. 1881 ; Satterthwaite, Hist. 1881; Stirling, Hist. 1881. TISSUES, VEGETABLE. The tissues of which vegetables consist are all composed of cellulose sacs or cells, most of them re- taining their primary form, constituting cellular tissue, which makes up the greater mass of plants; while others undergo com- paratively slight, yet characteristic modifi- cations in form, consistence, and in their mode of uniun to form other tissues. The tissues may be divided into groups on dif- ferent principles; but for our purpose a simple arrangement will suffice, based chiefly on the character of the compound tissues, leaving the secondary divisions to be determined by the nature of the compo- nent cells. Cambium tissue, occurring in the growing regions of all plants having stems, is com- posed of minute cells of variable form, densely filled with protoplasm, and without intercellular passages. It is a transitional structure, forming the first stage of all the rest. Parenchyma, or cellular tissue, is com- posed of cells in which the diameter is not excessive in any one direction, and the walls are comparatively thin. This is divided by authors into many sections, ac- cording to the form of the cells, the laxity of their coherence, &c. The only distinc- tions worth note are between : a. Parenchyma proper, where the cells have polygonal forms. b. Merenchyma, where the cells are round, oval : &c. c. Collenchyma, a form of cellular tissue where the walls are greatly thickened with softish secondary deposits ; it occurs beneath the epidermis of many herbaceous plants, in the fronds of the larger Algae, of Lichens, &c. d. Sderenchyma. Where the secondary deposit or thickening is hard, as in the bony cellular tissue of the shells, stones of fruits, &c. Prosenchyma. Cellular tissue, usually forming the mass of wood and various fibrous structures, where the cells are atte- nuated to a p^oint at each end, the cells, or fibres, being intercalated and applied side to side. Tela contexta. This name is used to TISSUES. [ 769 ] TONGUE. indicate the interwoven tissue formed by the ramified jointed filaments of the my- celium of Fungi, and the cottony substance in the interior of the thallus of many Lichens. Fibro- vascular tissue is composed of vessels, ducts, and prosenchymatous cells or "fibres" associated in various ways, forming fibrous or fibre-vascular bundles, which either re- main distinct or cohere to form masses of wood. a. Fibrous bundles, occurring in liber, in the outer part of many Monocotyledo- nous stems, and in the stems of Mosses, consist of cords formed of prosenchy- matous cells, which are often of great length. b. Fibro-vascular burdles, composed of vessels and ducts together with pros- enchyma, form the woody fibres of every part (except the bark) of all plants above the Mosses. c. Sieve-tubes or Clathrate tissue, found in the bark of Dicotyledons and in the vascular bundles of Monocotyledons. Laticiferous tissue and Reservoirs for Se- cretion, composed either of intercellular passages lined by a proper coat, or of lines of cells fused at their ends, so as to form continuous branched canals ; they occur in the bark, wood, and pith of the Flowering Plants. Epidermal tissue. Composed of cellular tissue, forming a continuous firm layer over the external surface of the higher plants. It is composed usually of a single layer of cells, and presents very varied appendages, such as HAIRS, GLANDS, &c., and is per- forated by STOMATA. Its outer surface is rendered dense by the deposit of CUTICLE. The epidermis is replaced, on stems, by the CORK or suberous layer of BARK. BIBL. Henfrey-Masters, Sot. ; Sachs, Hot. ; V. Tieghem, Sot. 1881; and the Bibl. of the above heads. Fig. 747. Tmesipteris tannensis. TMESIPTERIS. A genus oi Psiloteas (Lycopodiaceae), remarkable for its peculiar haoit and bivalved sporanges bursting by a vertical crack. See LYCOPODIACEJE. TOBACCO. The leaves of Tobacco (Ni- cotiana Tabacum and other species) may be distinguished from the leaves of the plants commonly used for adulteration by the pecu- liar structure of the EPIDERMIS with its hairs (PI. 2. fig. 16), and the form of the section of its Fibro-vascular bundles. Paper, which has been sometimes used, is still more readily detected. The epidermis of the dock-leaf (PI. 2. fig. 17), that of rhu- barb (fig. 18), and of colt's-foot (fig. 19), are also characteristic. As in other similar cases, the nature of a foreign ingredient can only be determined by careful compara- tive investigations. BIBL. Hassall, Food $c. ; Prescott, To- bacco and its Adulterations, 1858. TO'DEA, WiUdenow. A genus of Os- inundaceous Ferns (figs. 748-50). Four spe- cies. Exotic. Fig. 748. Fig. 749. Fig. 750. Todea afrieana. Sporanges closed and bursting. Magnified 40 diameters. TOLYPOTH'RIX, Kiitz. A genus of Oscillatoriacese (Confer void Algae), appa- rently not very satisfactorily defined. Has- sall describes six species as British, of which T. distorta (PI. 8. fig. 14) is said to be com- mon, adhering to sticks, stems, &c. in stag- nant water, forming tufts from 1-2 to 1" in height, dark green when fresh, verdigris- or blue-green when dry ; primary filaments 1-1800 to 1-1440" in diameter; joints about as long as broad. Tolypothrix Dittwynii = Desmonema, Eng. Bot. Supp. no. 2958. BIBL. Kiitz. % Alg. 312 ; Tab. Phyc. ii. pis. 31-33; Hassall, Alg. 240, pis. 68 & 69 ; Rabenh. Alg. ii. 273. TONGUE. We have only space here to notice the beautiful papillae of the tongue. The filiform or conical papillae (fig. 755) are whitish, very numerous, and occupy the intervals between the fungiform papillae. 3D TONGUE. [ 770 ] TONGUE. The papillaa of the mucous membrane at their bases (p, p) are conical, and covered either at the end only, or all over the sur- face with a number of smaller or secondary papillae ; the whole being coated by an epi- thelial investment (e) } terminating in a tuft Fig. 751. of free filiform processes (/). The inner layers of the epithelium agree in structure with that of the mouth, whilst the outer layers, and especially the epithelium of the processes, resemble rather the scales of the epidermis, in their hardness, small size, and Fig. 753. Fig. 752. Fig. 754. Fig. 751. Fungiform papilla, covered by the epithelium 6 on one side, and with the secondary or simple papilla; p. Magnified 35 diameters. Fig. 752. The same, with the vessels; the epithelium e represented in outline, a, artery; v, vein; d, capillary loops of the simple papilla ; c, capillaries in the simple papilla) of the mucous membrane at the base of the fun- giform papilla. Magnified 18 diameters. Fig. 753. Perpendicular section of a human circumvallate papilla. A, proper papilla ; JB, wall ; a, epithelium ; b b, nerves of the papilla and wall; c, secondary papillae. Magnified 10 diameters. Fig. 754. Follicular gland from the root of the human tongue, a, epithelium ; 5, papillae of the mucous mem- brane ; c, areolar coat ; e, cavity ; /, epithelium lining it ; gg, follicles in the thick capsule. Magnified 30 diameters. considerable resistance to the action of alkalies and acids. The papillae themselves consist of areolar tissue, with a large num- ber of undulating nuclear fibres, each con- taining a small artery () and vein (v), with intermediate plexus of looped capillaries, and numerous nerve-tubes. The fungiform or clavate papillae (fig. 751) are reddish, distributed over the entire sur- face of the tongue, and are very numerous at its point. Each has at its base a club- shaped mucous papilla, and is covered all over with simple or secondary conical pa- pillae (p,p) and a simple epithelial layer (e), without filiform processes. The vessels (fig. 752) are more numerous, but otherwise re- semble those in the filiform papillae. The circumvallate or lenticular papillae (fig. 753) consist of a flattened central pa- pilla (-4), surrounded by an elevated wall or ridge (B). The flat surface is furnished with crowded conical secondary papillae (c), the whole being covered with epithelium (a) free from processes. The wall appears as a simple fold of the mucous membrane, and also exhibits beneath its smooth epithelial coat numerous rows of simple, conical, se- condary papillae. In other respects these TONGUE. [ 771 ] TONGUE. papillae do not differ essentially in structure from the fungiform. In some of the papillse of the tongue, axial bodies are found resembling those in the papillae of the skin. The epithelial processes of the filiform papillae are often covered by a fungus (Lep- tothriv}, the mycelium closely surrounding them, whilst some of the filaments project from the surface. Fig. 755. Two human filiform papillse, one with epithelium. p, p, papillae; a, v, artery and vein, with the capillary loops ; e, epithelial covering ; f, its processes. Magnified 35 diameters. The glands of the tongue consist of mu- cous and follicular glands. The mucous glands resemble those of the mouth (MOUTH). The follicular glands are most numerous between the epiglottis and the circumval- late papillae, and are so superficially situated as to form projections of the mucous mem- brane. They form lenticular or globular masses, from 1-24 to 1-6" in diameter, im- bedded in the submucous tissue ; and in the middle of the free surface is the orifice (754 d) of a conical cavity (e), formed by a depression of the mucous membrane. Each gland forms a thick-walled capsule, sur- rounded by a fibrous coat (c) continuous with the deeper portion of the mucous membrane, and lined internally by a pro- longation of the mucous membrane with papillae and epithelium (b, a) ; and between the two are closed capsules or follicles (^), imbedded in a fibrous and vascular basis. The follicles are from 1-120 to 1-48" in diameter, rounded or somewhat elongate, whitish, composed of a coat of connective tissue without elastic fibres, and with grey- ish-white contents consisting of cells 1-60CO to 1-4000" in diameter and free nuclei. In the small portion of tissue constituting one of the papillae of the frog's tongue, Beale found striped muscular fibres, capil- lary vessels, purely sensitive nervous fibres forming an expanded terminal plexus at the summit of the papilla, motor nerve-fibres distributed to the muscle, nerve-fibres around the capillary vessels, and a few very fine nerve-fibres ramifying in different parts of the papillae. All of these are imbedded in and held together by connective tissue, forming the body of the papilla, the summit of which is surmounted by a peculiar epithe- lium-like tissue, perhaps connected with the nerves and belonging to nerve-texture, while its sides are covered with ordinary ciliated epithelium. The fur of the tongue, which is usually considered to be composed of epithelium, is stated by Butlin to consist of Schizomycetous fungi. BIBL. Todd and Bowman, Phys. ; Ward, Todtfs Cycl. An. $ Phys.\ Salter, ibid.-, Huxley, Mic. Jn. ii. 74; Beale, Phil. Tr. 1864, and How fyc. ; Hartmann, Mutter's Archiv, 1863 ; Klein and Verson, Strieker's Hist. v. 1: Butlin, St. Earth. Hosp. Rep. 1879,37. TONGUE OF MOLLUSCA. The tongue, odontophore, or palate of the Mollusca, has long formed an interesting microscopic ob- ject on account of the elegant horny or chitinous teeth situated upon it, in nu- merous rows and in various patterns. The tongue forms a shorter or longer ribbon-like structure, attached behind to the bottom of a sac or sheath, situated on the lower wall of the pharynx. It is supported by a cartilaginous cushion, over which it works backwards and forwards by muscular action. 3i>2 TONGUE. [ 772 ] TONGUE. It exists in the Gasteropoda, the Ptero- poda, and the Cephalopoda. It consists of a central strip or band, called the rachis, and two lateral bands, the Fig. 755*. Tongue of Whelk ; with separate teeth f- Magnified 10 diameters, the teeth 40 diameters. pleurse. In the rachis, the teeth often rather resemble overlapping toothed plates, the teeth being straight, while the pleural teeth, or uncini of the lateral bands, are usually curved and more or less serrate. Fig. 755**. Kow of teeth of the tongue of the Periwinkle. Magnified 120 diameters. They may be easily examined in the lim- pet (Patella) , the whelk (Bucdaum), or in the freshwater snails, Lymnceus, Planorbis, &c. In the tongue of many terrestrial Gastero- poda, as the snail (Helix) and slug (Limax) the number of plates in each row is verj considerable, amounting to 180 in the large garden-slug (Limax maximus) ; whilst ii many marine Gasteropoda, such as the com mon whelk (Buccinum undatum), the tongue has only three plates in each row, one bear ing the small central teeth, and the two others the large lateral teeth. Generally speaking, the tongue of the terrestrial Gas teropoda is short, and contained within. th nearly globular head; but the closelyr'se rows of teeth are usually very numerous frequently more than 100, and in som species as many as 160 or 170 ; so that th total number or teeth may mount up, as i Helix pomatia, to 21,000, and in Lima maximus to 26,800. The transverse rows are usually more or less curved, whilst the ongitudinal rows are quite straight; and he curvature arises on each side from the central longitudinal row, the teeth of which ire symmetrical ; whilst in those of the late- ral portions of each transverse row, the prominences on the inner side of each tooth being suppressed, those on the outer side are increased, this modification augmenting in degree as we pass from the central line towards the edges. The tongue of the niarine Gasteropoda is generally longer, and its teeth larger ; and in many instances it extends far beyond the head, which may, indeed, contain but a small part of it. Thus in the common limpet (Patella) the princi- pal part of the tongue is folded up, but per- fectly free, in the abdominal cavity, between the intestines and the muscular foot ; and in some species its length is twice or even three times as great as that of the entire animal. In a large proportion of cases the tongue exhibits a very marked separation between the central and the lateral portions the teeth of the central band being fre- quently small and smooth at their edges, whilst those of the lateral are large and serrated. The tongue of Trochus zizyphinus is one of the most beautiful examples of this form not only the large teeth of the lateral bands, but the delicate leaf-like teeth of the central portion having their edges minutely serrated. A yet more complex type is found in the tongue of Haliotis, in which the central band of teeth has nearly straight edges instead of points, with on each side a lateral band consisting of large teeth shaped like those of the shark, and beyond this, again, another lateral band on either side, composed of several rows of smaller teeth. Very curious differences also present themselves" among the different species of the same genus. Thus in Doris pilosa the central band is almost entirely wanting, and each lateral band is formed of a single row of very large hooked teeth, set obliquely ; whilst in Doris tuberculata the central band is most developed, and contains a number of rows of perpendicularly conical teeth, like those of a harrow. In Dendronotus, the central and lateral teeth are very finely and beautifully serrated. In Littorina, the periwinkle, the tongue is 2^ inches long, coiled like a watch-spring, and contains about 600 rows of teeth. The tongues may be preserved either in the dry state, or in glycerine or in balsam . TONSILS. [ 773 ] TORULA. many of them in the latter medium forming beautiful polarizing objects. The imperfectly cleansed tongues, when stained with Judson's dyes, also form beau- tiful objects. BIBL. Carpenter, Microscope', Thomson, Todd's Cycl. An.SfPhys. iv. 1142; Ann. N. H. 2. vii. 86; Gray, ib. 2. x. 413; Macdonald, ib. 1868, ii. 236, 1869, iii. 113; Maplestone, 3f. Mic. Jn. 1872, 45 ; Hogg, Tr. Mic. Soc. 1868 ; LovSn, (Efversiyt Kongl. Vetensk. Ak. Forhandl. 1847 ; Troschel, Gebiss d. Schnec- ken (36 pis,), 1875 ; Woodward, Mollusca. TONSILS. These organs may be re- garded as consisting of from ten to twenty follicular glands, resembling those found at the root of the tongue, surrounded by a common fibrous coat or capsule. The blood-vessels are numerous, forming elegant networks around the follicles. (Kol- liker, Hist. ; Klein & Verson, Strieker's Hist.} TOPAZ. The crystals of this mineral consist principally of silicate of alumina, with the fluorides of aluminium and sili- cium. Sections of topaz &c. often exhibit micro- scopic cavities, frequently containing crys- tals and one or two non-miscible liquids, the latter sometimes including bubbles of gas or vapour. Brewster recommended the spherical cavities as the best objects for examining the aberrations of lenses, and as infinitely preferable to globules of mercury. BIBL. Brewster, Edinb. Phil. Tr. x. & xvi. ; Microscope, 186. TORQUATEL'LA, Lankester. A doubtful genus of Infusoria. Body rounded, with an anterior funnel-shaped frill of un- dulating membrane ; no cilia, vacuoles, or nucleus. Marine, in Bay of Naples. (Lan- kester, Qtt. Mic. Jn. 1874, 272.) TOR'TULA, Hedw. See BARBULA. TOR'ULA, Pers. A genus of Torulacei. The plants ordinarily referred here appear to be somewhat heterogeneous in their nature. In what may be considered the true species, the chains of spores form the principal bulk of the plants, little or no filamentous myce- lium existing. Other forms very generally included under this head agree in their characters with OIDITJM, which itself is a doubtful genus, probably founded on the conidiiferous states of more perfect kinds. But in T. sacchan (or cerevisice), the Yeast- fungus, usually referred here, we find both forms presented; for when actively vege- tating in fermenting liquids, it presents the characters shown in PI. 26. fig. 23, while, while the liquid becomes exhausted, por- tions of the fungus float to the top, and produce a filamentous structure, terminating in chains of spores, such as are represented in PI. 26. fig. 24, and in fig. 756. The simply beaded form is taken as the type of a genus Cnjptococcus by certain authors, some of whom consider it a Fungus, others Fig. 756. Torula sacchari (aerial form). Magnified 200 diameters. (Kutzing especially) an Alga. The same varieties of form occur in the Vinegar- plant ; and in both cases Penicillium glau- cum seems invariably to succeed the pre- ceding when kept at a moderate tempera - ture. Thus between all these various forms, together with Oidium lactis, there appears to be a relation, not yet clearly made out, indicating that they probably represent different states of the same plant grow- ing under different conditions of nutri- tion and temperature. Further remarks on this head are made under YEAST and VI- NEGAR-PLANT. A growth similar to T. sacchari presents itself sometimes in decom- posing urine (PI. 26. fig. 7) from healthy subjects ; and indeed scarcely any decom- posing animal or vegetable fluid, in which there exist fermentible elements, remains long free from Torula-like growths, if left exposed to the air (see FERMENTATION). We find it impossible to give definite characters for the species that have been enumerated. T. herbarum is a common form growing on decaying stems of plants ; TORULACEI. [ 774 ] TOEULACEI. it forms at first erect greenish tufts, which afterwards become blackish, ramify and form a black crust, the spores readily sepa- rating. T. Sporendonema, a form growing on decaying cheese, represents the Sporen- donema casei of Desniazieres. T. Fumago is now separated with other forms under the genus CAPNODIUM. T. alternata also is the type of the genus ALTEHNAHIA. BIBL. Berk. Sr. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 359 ; Ann. N. H. i. 263, vi. 439 ; 2. v. 460, xiii. 460 ; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. 499 ; Sum. 'Veget. 505 ; Fresenius, Beitr. z. Myc. Heft ii. 68, pi. 6. fig. 55 ; Oorda, Ic. Fungorum. TORULA'CEI. A family of Coniomyce- tous Fungi, forming moulds and mildews on decaying vegetable substances, or acting as ferments in decomposing vegetable and ani- mal fluids. They are compound microscopic Fig. 757. Fig. 759. Fig. 757. Speira toruloides. Magnified 200 diameters. Fig. 758. Gyrocerus ammonia. Magnified 200 diams. Fig. 759. Trimmatostroma salicis. Magn. 200 diams. cylindrical or beaded filaments, simple or ramified, the joints of which (all or part) separate from each other to form the spores. There is no definite receptacle here; the mycelium grows as a cottony web over or in the infected body, or forms clouds or flocks in liquids. Much obscurity prevails respecting the genera included below, and it is indeed doubtful whether any of them are independent productions. Some species of Torula, such as T. cerevisice (the Yeast- fungus), appear intimately connected with certain Hyphomycetous genera, perhaps merely representing their conidiiferous forms (see TOBULA). AcHORiOiSr, again, seems to be merely the spermogonous form of a Peni- cittium. Sporendonema is founded appa- rently on imperfect observation ; S. muscce, the true characters of which are given under that head, has been renamed Empma ; and its proper position is among the Saprolegnei ; but it would appear to be referable to the Mucorini. Dictyosporium, Speira, and Trim- matostroma appear to consist merely of the spores of some other genera; Gyrocerus cannot be regarded as a perfect form ; and indeed all the genera require a thorough examination in a fresh state. Synopsis of Genera. Torula. Spores in beaded chains, simple, readily separating, placed on a short con- tinuous or septate pedicel (PI. 26. figs. 7 & 23). Bispora. Resembling the last, but the spores uniseptate. Septonema. Resemblingthe preceding, but having several transverse septa in the spores. Alternaria. Resembling the preceding, but with cellular spores connected by a filiform isthmus. Sporidesmium. Spores in tufts, straight, subclavate or fusiform, shortly stalked or sessile, transversely septate or cellular. Tetraploa. Spores sessile, quadriseptate, coherent in bundles of four, each spore crowned with a bristle. Sporochisma. Filaments erect, simple, ex- ternal membrane inarticulate, cell-contents at length separating into spores, articulated in fours, emerging. Coniothecium. Spores without septa, col- lected in heaps, finally separating more or less into a powder. Echinobotryum. Spores rounded-apicu- late, collected in fascicles, attached on simple, erect, annulated filaments. Spiloccea. Spores globose, simple, adhering firmly together and to the matrix, forming spots laid bare by the separation of the epi- dermis of the subject infected. Sporendonema. Described as composed of erect filaments, containing single rows of spores in the interior. S. muscee (Empusa, Colin) really consists of short, tufted, erect, simple filaments, terminating in a bell- shaped cell (spore or sporange ?), thrown off with elasticity when mature. TOURMALINE. [ 775 ] TRACHELINA. Achorion. Mycelium somewhat ramose, articulated, joints terminating in round, oval, or irregular spores (conidia ?). Speira. Spores connate into concentric filaments, forming lamina? resembling a horseshoe, finally separating, Trimmatodroma, Spores more or less curved, multiseptate, chained in beaded rows, finally separating. Gyrocerus. Spores connate into spirally coiled filaments, finally separating. Dictyotponum. Spores tongue-shaped, re- ticularly cellular (fig. 172, p. 260). TOURMALINE. Sections of the crys- tals of this mineral, cut parallel to the axis, were formerly used as polarizers or ana- lyzers. They are now usually replaced by Nicol's prisms (INTRODUCTION, p. xx). Crystals of the quinine-salt (QUININE) form cheap substitutes for either. The crystals of tourmaline belong to the rhombohedric system. They consist principally of silica with alumina, containing also boracic acid, magnesia, iron, &c. j but their composition is not constant. Good tourmalines are transparent, brown- ish or pinkish j the colourless ones do not polarize. BIBL. Pereira, Polarized Light', Nau- mann, Mineralogie, 319. TOUS-LES-MOIS. A kind of fecula consisting of the starch of species of Canna, remarkable for the large size, great transpa- rency, and numerous striae of the granules (PI. 46. fief. 25). The mixture of any of the common kinds of starch with Tous-les-mois is readily detected by microscopic exami- nation. The granules are excellent sub- jects for studying the physical characters of starch, in particular the appearance with polarized light (PI. 39. fig. 40), &c. See STARCH. TOXOXIDEA, Donkin. A proposed new genus of Diatomaceae, the frustules of which resemble those of Pleurosiyma, except that the longitudinal line is curved on each side of the median nodule in the same direction, so as to resemble a bow. Two species. T. Grer/oriana (PI. 51. fig. 24). BIBL. Donkin, Micr. Jn. 1858, vi. 12 ; Rabenht. Alg. i. 243. TRACHE'A. See LUNGS. TRACHE'^E OF INSECTS, &c The re- spiratory tubes of Insects and Arachnida. Trachea (PI. 34. fig. 17 ; PL 85. fig. 2 h] are cylindrical tubes containing air. They are broadest at their origin from the spira- cles, afterwards branching freely, the minute branches being distributed to all parts of the body and anastomosing freely. By reflected light they appear white, with a metallic lustre, or slightly iridescent ; by transmitted light the smaller ones are black, the larger usually of a violet tint. The tracheae consist of two coats, between which lies a spiral fibre (PI. 34. fig. 17) ; in the larger trunks a second external envelope exists. The fibre becomes more slender and indistinct in the smaller trachea! branches, until it finally disappears. The outer mem- brane appears to arise from the confluence of cells ; for in the tracheae of caterpillars and other larvae of insects, the remaining nuclei are visible (PL 34. fig. 17). The inner coat forms a pavement epithelium. The spiral fibre arises from the splitting up of a homogeneous membrane deposited in the space bounded by the confluent cells of the outer membrane. In many insects the tracheae are furnished with dilatations forming air-sacs, in which the spiral fibre is absent. When larvae are fed with indigo or car- mine, or when the dorsal vessel is injected with colouring-matter, the tracheae become coloured, which some authors believe to arise from the nutritive liquid circulating between the membranes of the tracheae ; whilst by others this circulation, or the ex- istence of a space between the tracheal membranes, is denied. BIBL. That of INSECTS ; Newport, Phil. Tr. 1836, 529; Platner, Mullens Archiv, 1844, xxxviii.; Stein, VergL Anat. Insek- ten ; Agassiz, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xv. ; Bassy, ibid. ; Joly. ibid. xii. ; Blanchard, Compt. Rend. 1851 ; Ann. N. H. 1852, ix. 74; Du- four, Compt. Rend. 1851, Ann. N. H. 1852, ix. 435 ; Meyer, Siebold $ Kolliker's Zeitschr. i. 175 ; Moseley, P)>oc. Roy. Soc. No. 153. vol. xxii. 344, 1874 ; Gerstacker, Siebold fy Kolliker's Zeitschr. ii. 204, 1874; Landois, Zeit. iviss. Zool. xvii. TRACHEAE OF PLANTS. This name was formerly applied to the unreliable SPIRAL Vessels of Plants, from their resem- blance to the tracheae of Insects. TRACHELI'NA. A family of Holo- trichous Infusoria. Char. Body without regular spiral teeth or foot ; parenchyma excessively contrac- tile ; mouth and oesophagus very dilatable. BIBL. Clap. & Lachm. Inf. p. 291. TRACHELIUS. [ 776 ] TRAGACANTH. Synopsis of Genera. Mouth ter- minal. f Anterior part of / body with a conical appen- dage. ' Body more or less cylin- /Mouth on the summit drical, moving by-( of the appendage turning on axis. ( Mouth at its base , Body flat, swims without turning on axis !( No lMr,incr /'Body attenuate in front No inter- I cirri Pg 1 Body not attenuate in nal teeth. 1 ' \ front I/acrymaria. Phialina. Trachelophyllum. Enchelys. No conical ap-< \ Leaping cirri ^ pendage. ( Body attenuate in front Internal teeth -( Body not attenuate in Enchelyodon. \ front !CEsophageal teeth present. Mouth not A bundle of cirri, simulating a foot terminal. No cesophageal A row of spherical vesicles, each enclosing a very refractive body teeth. /No lateral j A branched intestine... Novesieles< l aimna - 1 No branched intestine . j A broad marginal lamina of compact 1 tissue Trachelius. Amphileptus. Lozovhvlhtm. TRACHE'LIUS, Ehrenb. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria, fam. Trachelina. Char. Mouth situated at the base of the trunk-like prolongation, alimentary canal apparently branched. No row of spherical vesicles or lateral lamina. T. ovum (Amphileptus ovum, Duj.), in bog-water. Trachelius lamella (PI. 32.' fig. is a Loxophylkim. (Clap. & Lachm. In: 345.) TRACHELOCER'CA, Ehr. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria ?= Lacrymaria. T. olorLacrymaria olor. T. viridis (PI. 31. fig. 33). Body green ; neck as in the last; freshw. ; length 1-120". BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 341 ; Clap. & Lachm. Inf. 295: Kent, Inf. 514. TRACHELOM'ONAS, Ehr A genus of Infusoria, family Cryptomonadina. Char. Body enclosed in a spherical or ovoid hard and brittle envelope, having a small aperture, from which a long flagelli- form filament projects; eye-spot present. Freshwater. T. volvocina (PI. 30. fig. 24 d, empty en- velope). Spherical, green, brownish, or red ; eye-spot red; length 1-865". T. nigricans. Ovate-globose, green, black- ish brown or reddish ; eye-spot brownish ; length 1-1730". T. cylindrica. Oblong-subcylindrical ; bright green; eye-spot red; length 1-1000". Other species. The bodies represented in PI. 30. fig. 24 (b to #), and which are commonly found in bog-water, probably belong here, with the genera Chcetoglena(a), Chcetotyphla (fig. 26), and Doxococcus (fig. 47). The margins of the red envelope appear as a bright red ring, on account of the greater thickness traversed by the light. They are probably spores of Algae. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Inf. 47 ; Kent, Inf. 388. TRACHELOPHYL'LUM, Clap. &Lach. A genus of Trachelina (Holotrichous In- fusoria). Char. Anterior part of the body with a prolonged appendage, which has no circlet of cirri ; body flat, without a lateral marginal lobe. Swims without turning on its axis. Two species ; freshwater. (Clap. & Lachm. Inf. 306.) TRACHYL'IA, Fr. A genus of Micro- lichens, parasitic on Pertmarice. Char. Thallus granular ; apothecia cu- puliform, sessile, black. Spores blackish, 1-septate. Three species, on old posts. (Lindsay, Qu. Mic.Jn. 1869, 146 ; Leighton, Lich. JP/470 TRACH'YTE. See ROCKS. TRADESCAN'TIA, L. A genus of Commelynacese (Monocotyledons), com- monly cultivated in gardens under the name of Spider-worts. These plants are cele- brated for having served as material for some of the most remarkable observations on the physiological processes of vegetables as the ROTATION of the cell-contents, and the multiplication of the cells, so well seen in the hairs of the stamens when young (PI. 47. figs. 8 & 9). The stems, petioles, &c. afford beautiful spiral, annular, and re- ticulated vessels, &c. TRAG'ACANTH. A gum derived from various species of Astragalus, not consisting of a formless exudation, but of partly dis- organized collenchymatous tissue which is extruded from the medullary rays. It is often used for fastening opaque objects, as, when dry, its surface is dull, unlike gum- TREBIUS. [ 777 ] TRICERATIUM. arabic. We have some of the solution which has been kept twelve years in a corked bottle with a piece of camphor, and it is as good as if freshly prepared. TRE'BIUS, Kroyer. A genus of Crus- tacea, order Siphonostoma, family Caligidaa. Char. Head in the form of a large buck- ler, with the large frontal plates destitute of sucking-disks ; thorax three-jointed, seg- ments uncovered ; legs four pairs, with long I plumose hairs, fourth pair slender and two- ! branched; antennae small, flat, and two- jointed; second pair of foot- jaws two- I jointed, and not in the form of a sucking- disk. T. caudatus. Found upon the body of the skate. Male much smaller than the female. BIBL. Baird, Entomostraea, 280 ; Thomp- son, Ann. N. H. 1847, xx. 248. TREMATO'DA. An order of Entozoa, containing the flukes. See DISTOMA. TREMELLI'NI. A family of Hyrneno- invi ctous Fungi, consisting of polymor- phous, often convoluted or lobed, more or less gelatinous masses, growing upon branches or stumps of trees, in crevices of the bark, or on the dead wood. The hymenium extends over the whole of the upper exposed surface, and, from the recent researches of Tulasne, appears to present remarkable characters. The gelatinous substance of these Fungi is composed of ramified filaments, with more or less effused mucilage between them. In Tremella a portion of the filaments terminate at the surface at first in expanded globular cells (PI. 27. Bgs. 3, 4), which become divided by vertical septa into four somewhat pyri- f orm cells (basidia) ; from each of these arises a slender filament (sterigma\ which terminates in a slender point tipped with a globular spore (stylospare or basidiospore). Other filaments coming to the surface in like manner ramify extensively, with short divergent branches, finally bearing nume- rous minute globular bodies (spermatia), solitary or in groups of four, which, like the basidiospores,f all off and rest on the hy menial surface, involved in jelly, but, unlike those, do not germinate. The basidiospores are about 1-3000" in diameter, the spermatia about 1-12000". In Tremella mesenterica the surface covered with basidiospores as- sumes a whitish colour, the layers of sper- matia and the jelly are orange. In Exidia the production of the basidio- spores is similar ; but the spores are reni- form and unilocular, about 1-2500" long and 1-5000" in diameter. Spermatia have not been detected. In Dacrymyces the basidia are represented by simple clavate or bifurcate branches at the hymenial surface, these terminating in points bearing single reniform spores ex- hibiting three septa (quadrilocular). In germination some of these spores produce a long filament from each loculus; others behave differently, producing the spermatia of the plant, each loculus sending out a short pointed process bearing a globular cellule exactly resembling the spermatia of Tremella. Other examples of JDacrymyces bear a different kind of reproductive bodies, apparently representing conidia. In these the peripheral filaments terminate in a mass of many-jointed Tbrw/a-like processes, which ultimately break up into the separate joints. (See DACRYMYCES.) BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl ii. pt. 2. 215; Ann. N. H. 2. xiii. 406, pi. 15. fig. 4 ; Tulasne, Ann. So. Nat. 3. xix. 193, pis. 10-12. TRENTEPOH'LIA, Mart. = Chantran- sia and Chroolepus sp. TREPOM'ONAS, Duj. A genus of Fla- gellate Infusoria, family Monadina. Char. Body compressed, thicker and rounded behind, twisted in front into two narrowed lobes, which are inflexed laterally, and each terminated by a flagelliform fila- ment, which produces a very lively rotatory and jerking motion. T. agilis (PI. 32. fig. 6). Body granular, unequal; length 1-1160". In decomposing marsh- water. (Dujardin, In/us. 294 ; Kent, Inf. 300.) TRIAR'THRA, Ehr. A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eyes two, frontal ; foot simply styliform ; body with lateral cirri or fins. Movement jerking. Jaws two; each bi- dentate. T. longiseta (PI. 44. fig. 30). Eyes dis- tant, cirri and foot nearly three times as long as the body ; length 1-216". T. mystadna. Eyes approximate; cirri and foot scarcely twice as long as the body. T. breviseta (Gosse). Cirri much shorter than the body. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 446 ; Gosse, Ann. N. H. 1851, viii. 200 ; Pritchard, Infus. TRICERA'TIUM, Ehr. A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules free ; valves triangular, areolar, each angle mostly with a minute tooth or short horn, TRICIIIA. [ 778 ] TRICHINA. T.favus (PL 17. fig. 29). Valves plane or convex, angles obtuse, with horn-like processes ; areolae hexagonal ; marine ; dia- meter 1-240' '. T. alternans. Angles of valves slightly elevated ; areolse circular ; marine. T. striolatum (?). Angles subacute ; areo- lation faint ; brackish water. BIBL. Ehr. Ber. Berl. Ak. 1840 ; Smith, Br. Diat. i. 26 ; Kiitz. Bacill. 138, and Sp. Alg. 139 ; BrightweU, Micr. Jn. 1858, 153; Rabenht. Alg. 'i. 315. TRIO'HIA, Hall. A genus of Myxo- mycetes (Gasteromycetous Fungi) growing upon rotten wood &c., characterized by a stalked or sessile, simple, membranous peri- dium, which bursts at the summit, whence the densely interwoven free capillitium ex- pands elastically, carrying with it the spores. The capillitium is composed of tubular fila- ments (Waters), containing spiral-fibrous secondary deposits, like the elaters of Mar- chantia (PI. 40. fig. 39). In some species the elaters bear numerous little spinulose processes. The genus is divisible into two groups. In the first (Hemiarcyria) the dehiscence of the peridium is obscurely cir- cumscissile (fig. 760), the capillitium dense ; these are always stalked, usually of reddish colour when young. Some species have the peridia fasciculate on a compound peduncle (fig. 760), others separate. In the other division ( Goniospora) the dehiscence of the peridium is irregular, the capillitium lax, the peduncle short or absent, the colour at Fig. 760. Trichia rubiformis. Magnified 25 diameters. first whitish, changing to yellow, and the spores rather angular. In T. serpula and reticulata the sessile peridia are irregular, flexuous, serpentine or annular bodies ; in most of the other species the peridia are pyriform, turbinate, or of some analogous form. The elaters (PL 40. figs. 39 & 40) are interesting objects, and form good tests for the defining-power of the microscope under very high powers. They must be mounted in a very thin stratum of liquid. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 319 j Ann. N. H. vi. 432, 2. v. 367 ; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. 182; Sum. Veg. 457; Greville, Crypt. Fl. pis. 266, 281 ; Henfrey, Linn. Tr. xxi. 221 ; Currey, Mic. Jn. iii, 15, v. 127. TRIC'HINA, Owen. A genus of Ne- matoid Entozoa. T. spiralis (PL 21. figs. 16,' 17, 18), as ordinarily seen, inhabits the human body, forming opaque white specks, visible to the naked eye, in the voluntary muscles. The worms usually exist singly within a cyst situ- ated between the muscular bundles (fig. 16). At each end of the cyst is a group of fat- cells resembling those of ordinary fatty tis- sue. The cysts are about 1-50"" in length, elliptical or oval, usually narrowed and slightly produced at the obtuse ends, and consist of numerous structureless laminae, in which are frequently imbedded minute granules consisting of fatty or calcareous matter. The worm is cylindrical, narrowed towards the anterior end, the posterior end being obtuse and rounded. The integument is transversely striated or annular, and ex- hibits an anterior and a posterior longitudi- nal muscular band. The mouth (fig. 17 a) is situated at the anterior extremity, from which a small papilla is sometimes protru- dedl The first part of the alimentary canal is very narrow, and leads to a broader sac- culated portion; this behind the commence- ment of the posterior half of the body ter- minates in a funnel-shaped expansion (fig. 18 e), the remainder of the canal being narrow and lined with pavement epithelium (fig. 18 d). The manner in which the pos- terior end of the alimentary canal terminates is doubtful whether directly continuous with the anal orifice, or free in the abdomi- nal cavity. Luschka describes three valves as existing at the posterior end of the body. At the commencement of the funnel-shaped portion of the alimentary canal (fig. 166) are two rounded glandular sacs. The re- productive organs are not well known. Just below the funnel-shaped portion of the alimentary canal is the caecal origin of a tubular sac (figs. 17 & 18 tf), containing a dark granular-looking body (fig. 17 d-, fig. 18 e} near its commencement ; this extends to the posterior end of the worm, where it either terminates in the anus or in the TRICHOCEPHALUS. [ 779 ] TRICHODACTYLUS. abdominal cavity. Luschka regards this as the male organ, and the dark-looking body as the testis ; but no spermatozoa have been detected. Some of the cysts and worms are found in a state of fatty degeneration, with gra- nules or globules of fat, and calcareous matter. Trichina is admitted to the human body with the food. It exists in two different conditions. In one it is sexually immature: and it then inhabits the muscles, of the pig or rabbit for instance, in vast numbers, each worm being coiled up in its capsule or cyst. It is incapable of further development under these circumstances. But if a portion of the muscle be eaten by a warm-blooded vertebrate animal and so introduced into the alimentary canal, the immediate de- velopment of young Tnctina is the result. The immature worms escape from the cysts, grow larger, develop sexual organs, and produce viviparously a numerous progeny. The young TrickbuB thus produced perfo- rate the walls of the digestive system, and after working into the muscles become encysted. It is important that every one should know the appearance of meat infected with this worm, as it produces serious disease, and even death. It is stated that 8 per cent, of the slaughtered American pigs contain Trichina. Three or four other doubtful species have been described. BIBL. Owen, Zool. Tr. i. 315 ; Luschka, Siebold # Roll. Zeitschr. iii. 69; Bristowe andRainey, Tr.PatA.Soc.v.274; Du].Ifel- mint/ies, 293 ; Herbst, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xvii.; Kobelt, Valentin's Rep. 1841 ; Leuckart,Pr. ; Bakody, Sieb. fy Koll. Zeit. 1872, 422 ; Vir- chow/Qw. Mic. Jn. 1861, 44; Cobbold, Parasit. 149 ; and the BIBL. of ENTOZOA. TRICHOCEPH'ALUSjGoeze. A genus of Nematoid Entozoa. Char. Body elongate, composed of two parts, the anterior longer and capillary, the posterior becoming suddenly broader ; spi- culum of male simple, long, and surrounded by a sheath. The species occur in the large intestine, principally the caecum of man and the mam- malia. T. fh'spar (PI. 21. fig. 19, the male: fig. 21, the female). Anterior portion of the body, spiral in the male, containing the oesophagus only, or the first moniliform portion of the intes*itine ; posterior portion containing the rest of the intestine and the reproductive organs. Anus situated at the posterior obtuse end of the body. Integument transversely striated, and with a longitudinal band studded with papillae (PI. 21. fig. 20). Oviduct termi- nating at the point of junction of the two portions of the body ; ova (fig. 21 a) oblong, covered by a resistant shell, with a short neck at each end. BIBL. That of ENTOZOA. TRICHOCO'LEA, Nees. A genus of Jungermannieae (Hepaticae), containing one British species, T. (Jung.} tomentella, grow- ing in moist places in the west and north of England, Scotland, and Ireland. It is re- markable for the character of the leaves, which are cut up into compound capillary segments, giving the plant a spongy texture. Colour pale. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 127 ; Br. Jung. pi. 36 ; Ekart, Synops. Jung. pi. 6. fig. 49 ; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Supp. 1. no. 472, 15. TRICHO'DA, Miill. A genus ofHolotri- chous Infusoria. Char. Free, ovate or club-shaped, trun- cate in front ; mouth anterior, with a lip or vibratile membrane; cilia very fine, oral larger. T. pur a, oblong attenuate in front ; in putrid infusions, of hay &c. ; length 1-720". T. carnium, in putrid-flesh water. T. pyrum, in pond water. T. angulata, Duj. (PI. 32. fig. 7), oblong, obliquely and irregularly folded or angular, with one or more superficial vacuoles ; fresh- water; length 1-700". BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 306; Dui. Inf. 395. TRICHODACTYLUS, Dufour. A ge- nus of Acarea (Acarina). Rostrum short, with minute setae j fourth pair of legs longer than the rest, without claws, but terminated by a very long seta. T. Osmice. Glabrous, pale red, with two marginal setae on each side ; legs and pos- terior part of the body darker ; length 1-50' '. T. Osmice, on an Ostnia ; T. Xylocopa, on Xylocope ; another species in hornets' nests. Murray unites the three genera, Hypo- pus, Trichodactylus, and Ifomopus into a family, Hypopidae ; while Me*gnin declares them to be the nymphse of Acarea. In all, the hinder pair of legs is rudimen- tary, hairs replacing claws. BIBL. Dufour, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. xi. 276 ; Gervais, Walckenaer's Aptires, iii. 266: Murray, EC. Ent.26l j Megnin, Paras. 146. TRIOHODECTES. [ 780 ] TRICHOGASTRES. TRICHODEC'TES, Nitzsch. A genus of Philopteridae (Anoplura). Char. Antennae filiform, three-jointed; maxillary palpi none or inconspicuous; mandibles two-toothed ; tarsi with one law. T. latus (PI. 35. fig. 6). Abdomen pale fulvous ; head and thorax ferruginous yel- low; head subquadrate, with two black spots in front, and a black lateral band on each side ;' abdomen oval. Common upon dogs, especially puppies. Other species, upon cattle, the horse, ass, deer, sheep, cat, &c. BIBL. Denny, Anoplur. 186; Murray, EC. Ent. 383 ; M^gnin, Paras. 80. TRICHODER'MA, Pers. A genus of Fungi, placed by Fries among the Gastero- mycetes. The plants are characterized by a roundish peridium composed of inter- woven, ramified, septate filaments, evanes- cent at the summit; the spores minute, heaped together, at first conglobated. T. viride, growing on fallen trees, has a white villous peridium, and dusky-green globose spores. The peridia appear as scattered spots 1-20 to 1-8" or more in diameter. It is a conidiiferous state of Hypocrea rufa. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl ii. pt. 2. 323 ; Gre- ville, Crypt. Fl. pi. 271 ; Fries, Sum. Veg. 417. TRICHODES'MIUM,Ehrenb. A genus of microscopic Algae, apparently belonging to the Nostochaceae, discovered by Ehren- berg to produce the red colour over large tracts in the Red Sea, and found also in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by Darwin and Hinds, and in the Chinese Sea. No vesi- cular cells or spermatic cells have been de- tected; hence the characters are as yet imperfect. Montagne has separated the plant of Hinds from Ehrenberg's ; and Kiit- zing characterizes two species in his Sp. Algarum, and figures them in his Tabuke Phycologicce ; but neither the figures nor the descriptions indicate any very marked diffe- rences. T. Ehrenbergii, Montagne. Blood-red (at length becoming green) ; bundles widish, confluent ; filaments 1-3000" in diameter, joints about twice as wide as long. Found floating in vast strata in the Red Sea by Ehrenberg and Dupont, and in the Yellow Sea (China). T. Hindsii. Blood-red, with a strong odour; bundles longish, slender; joints twice or thrice as broad as long, transversely granulated. See also on the species, and on the red coloration of the sea by plants, Montague's papers in the Ann. So. Nat. 3. ii. 332, vi. 262 ; 4. i. 81 ; Ann. N. H. 2. xix. 431 ; Rabenht. Alg. \\. 161. TRICHODI'NA, Ehr. A genus of Peri- trichous Infusoria, family Vorticellina. Char. No tail, nor pedicle; cilia absent from the surface of the conical or discoidal body, but forming a frontal crown or a tuft ; oral orifice not spiral. T. pediculus ( Urceolaria stellina, D.) (PI. 81. fig. 16). Body discoidal, the under and upper surfaces each with a crown of cilia. Parasitic upon Hydra vulgaris and viridis. Breadth 1-575 to 1-200". On the under surface is an annular undulatory membrane ; and within and at the base of this is a horny ring, with an outer and an inner row of teeth, forming an organ of adhesion. T. mitra. Parasitic upon Planaria torva. T. grandinella and T. vorax, on Halterina. T. tentaculata. Body discoidal, cilia large, forming a tuft; a styliform, tentacle-like process present ; diam. 1-290". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Inf. 265; Dujardin, Inf. 527; Siebold, Siebold und Kolliker's Zeitschr. ii. 361 5 Stein, Inf. 174; Claparede Lachmann, Inf. 128 ; Kent, Inf. 647. TRICHODINOP'SIS, Cl. and Lachm. A genus of Heterotrichous Infusoria. Free, conical ; an anterior oral ring of cilia, and a posterior suctorial disk. T. paradoxa, in the mucous cavities of Cyclostoma. (Clap. & Lachm. Inf. 133 ; Kent, Inf. 614.) TRICHODIS'CUS, Ehr. A genus of Rhizopoda, family Actinophryina, D. Char. Body depressed, stalkless ; seta- ceous tentacles forming a simple row at the margin of the body, T. sol (PI. 32. fig. 8). Body suborbicular, hyaline or yellowish, tentacles variable; diameter 1-432 to 1-216". BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 304. TRICHOGAS'TER, Sterki. A genus of Hypotrichous Infusoria. Free, ovate, ven- tral surface ciliated, a few larger cilia in front and behind. T. pilosus, freshwater. (Sterki, Zeits. wiss. Zool. 1878 : Kent. Inf. 764.) TRICHOGAS 'TRES {Puff-balls} .A fa- mily of Gasteromycetous Fungi, character- ized by the contents of the leathery peridium breaking up when mature into a pulverulent mass of spores and filaments, without a central column, the whole being expelled by the bursting of the case (see GASTEROMY- CETES). BIBL. Berkley, Ann. N. H. iv. 155 ; Tu- lasne, Ann. Sc. N t 2. xvii. 1, TRICHOMANES. [ 781 ] TRICHORMUS. TRICHOM'ANES, Linn. A genus of I Hymenophyllaceous Ferns, of elegant and i delicate habit. Fig. 761. Fig 762. Trichomanes alatum. Fig. 761. A pinnule. Magnified 5 diameters. Fig. 762. Section through a sorus, showing the vein prolonged as a columella, and continued out beyond the border. Magnified 25 diameters. Fig. 763. A sporange, with horizontal annulus. Magnified 100 diameters. Many species ; tropical. T. brevisetum (radicans'), British. (Hooker, Syn. 79.) TRICHOM'ONAS, Donne. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria. Char. Free, soft, ovate, with two anterior and one posterior flagella, and a dentate lateral undulating membrane ; no mouth. T. batrachortim, in the intestine of frog and toad. T. vagmalis (PL 32. fig. 9). Body glu- tinous, nodular, unequal, frequently be- coming agglutinated to other objects; move- ment vacillating; length 1-2500". Found in morbid vaginal mucus. T. limads (PL 32. fig. 10). Body ovoid, smooth, pointed at each end; movement forwards, by revolution upon its axis; length 1-1600". Found in the intestine of Limax agrestis. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. 299 ; Kent, Inf. 308. TRICHONE'MA, From. A genus of Cilio -Flagellate Infusoria. Free, ovate, variable j flagellum single; body with short cilia. T. hirsuta: freshwater. (Kent, Inf. 469.) TRICHONYM'PHA, Leidy. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria. T. agilis, in the intestine of the American white ant. (Leidy, Proc. Ac. Philadelphia, 1881 ; Kent, Inf. 533.) 'TRICHOPH'RYA, 01. & Lachm. A genus of Acinetina. Like Podophrya, but fixed without a pedicle j tentacles in scat- tered bundles; vesicles numerous; nucleus band-like. Two species ; on the stalk of Epistylis plicatilis, and on Entomostraca. (01. & Lachm. Inf. 386: Kent. Inf. 811.) TRICHOPH'YTON. See PARASITES. TRIC'HOPUS, Clap. & Lach. A genus of Hypotrichous Infusoria. Char. Body depressed, with a bundle of long ventral cirri near the posterior end of the body ; a tuft of caudal cilia, and a group of pharyngeal teeth. T. dysteria ; marine. (Claparede & Lach- mann, Inf. 338.) TRICHOR'MUS (Anabcma, Bory, Br6- bisson, Kiitzing, Montagne, i<>(/!e<-fa, in the Solent, Ilfraconibe, &c. (Hincks, Hyd. Zooph. 13.) TYD^EUS, Koch. A genus of Trombi- dina (Acarina). Transverse line present ; no eyes; legs six-jointed. T. mufabilis, very minute, on damp earth or moss. (Koch, Uebers.-, Murray, EC. Ent. 120.) TY'PHOID CELLS. In typhoid fever certain special uninuclear cells are formed, which contain more protoplasm and are larger than lymph-cells, pus-corpuscles, and white blood-corpuscles; these assume an irregular and often polygonal form. De- generative changes speedily commence, and the cells break up, mostly by fatty meta- morphosis, into oily debris capable of re- absorption. The cells are found not only in the intestinal structures, but also in other organs; forming medullary masses on the pleural surface, and inside the sarcolemma of muscles. BIBL. Rindfleisch, Path. Geweb. 317. TYM'PANIS, Fr. A genus of Phaci- diacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), consisting of horny bodies growing on branches of trees, breaking out through the bark. T. con- spersa (fig. 771) grows upon Rosaceous Fig. 771. Tympanis conspersa. A collection of perithecia, more or less mature, burst- ing through the bark. Magn. 10 diams. trees, T. saligna on -rx 779 the privet. In the former the perithecia are collected in tufts ; they are first closed, afterwards opening into cups, the disk of which is occupied by the hymenium, bear- ing long and broad asci containing nume- rous spores, and some- times also septate stylospores simulta- ^ neously. In T. saligna cup-like perithecia. the perithecia OCCUr Magnified 20 diameters. only two to four to- gether. Spermogonia exist (which are oblong or conical bodies) intermixed with the peri- thecia, perforated by a terminal pore (re- sembling perithecia of Sphcerici) ; these are lined with delicate branched filaments bear- ing minute corpuscles (spermatia), which sone of thepe TYPHLINA. [ 790 ] ULVACE.E. when mature escape from, the pore in a tendril (as in Cytispora) if moistened or pressed (see also CENANGIUM). BIBL. Berk. Br. FL ii. pt. 2. 210 ; Ann. N. H. 2. vii. 185 ; Hook. Jn. Bot. iii. 322 ; Tulasne, Ann. 8c. Nat. 3. xx. 143, pi. 16. figs. 15^ 16 . ;p r j eg? $ um y e 399 Q re _ ville, Crypt. Fl. pi. 335. TYPH'LINA, Ehr. An imperfectly ex- amined genus of Rotatoria, of the family Philodinaea. T. viridis (PL 44. fig. 33). Found in Egypt. (Ehrenberg, Inf. 483.) TYROO'LYPHUS. See ACARUS. TYRO'SINE. This substance is gene- rally found associated with leucine. It forms silky-white needles, often in stellate groups, difficultly soluble in water, and en- tirely insoluble in alcohol and ether. When warmed with sulphuric acid, and percMoride of iron is added, it is rendered violet. The little white grains found upon anatomical preparations preserved in spirit consist of tyrosine. (Hoppe-Seyler, Analyse Chim.: Frey, Hist. 51.) U. U'LOTHRIX. A genus of Confervacege (Conferyoid Algae), allied to Draparnaldia and Stiyeoclonium. They consist of un- branched filaments, adhering loosely toge- ther to form a mucous stratum, growing upon stones &c. in fresh water. The fila- ments are composed of short hyaline cells (PI. 9. fig. 6), the green contents of which are at first granular, adhering to the walls (a), then contracted into transverse bands (b). Contractile vesicles have been ob- served in the cells of some species. Ac- cording to recent observations, macrospores with four cilia occur singly or in twos, in certain cells ; while in others, numerous biciliated microspores are formed, which conjugate and produce resting spores ; these again give rise to zoospores, from which new filaments arise. U.zonata. Filaments 1-960" in diame- ter, joints about as long (JLyngbya zon. } Hass. pi. 59. figs. 2, 3, & 6). U.pectinalis. Filaments 1-1800" to 1-960" in diameter, joints half or a fourth the length ; fertile cells swollen (Hass. pi. 60. figs. 1-5). U. crispa. Filaments very long, 1-600" in diameter, joints half or a third as long {Con- ferva bicolor, Eng. Bot. p. 2288). U.floccosa. Filaments 1-2100" to ]800" in diameter, joints about as long (Lyngbya floccosa, Hass. pi. 60. figs. 1 & 2). U. punctalis. Filaments 1-3000' ' to 1-2500" in diameter, regularly torulose ; joints two and a half times as long as broad (Lyngb. punct. t Hass. pi. 60. fig. 4 j including per- haps L. virescens and L. vermicularis). U. speciosa. Filaments 1-780" to 1-420" in diameter, curled; sterile joints half or a third as long. U. mucosa, Thuret (PI. 9. fig/ 6). Pale green or yellowish, slimy ; joints usually as long as broad, sometimes shorter, 1-3000" in diameter. BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 345 ; Tab. Phyc. ii. ; Hassall, Alg. 219; Thuret, Ann. Sc. N. 3. xiv. 222, pi. 18 ; Rabenht. Alg. iii. 365 ; Cramer, Bot. Zeit. 1871 j Dodel, Pringsheirrfs Jahrb. x, 417. UL'VA, Linn. A genus of Ulvaceae (Confervoid Algae), here taken in the sense of Thuret. The plants are all marine, con- sisting of broad, green, simple, or lobed, membranous fronds, growing upon rocks and stones. The cells are rounded-angular (PI. 9. figs. 2 & 3), and are at first filled with amorphous green colouring-matter, which subsequently becomes collected into masses (), ultimately converted into nu- merous zoospores. Under the influence of light, those soon " swarm " and break out from the cells by a pore in the outer wall (fig. 3 b). The emptied cells give a pale colour to the parts of the frond where they are situated. The zoospores appear in two forms, some large and bearing four cilia (tig. 3 c), others much smaller and pos- sessed of only two cilia (fig. 2b). The fronds in which the latter occur are gene- rally of a yellower colour. Thuret has seen both kinds germinate. As defined by that author, the British species stand as fol- lows : U. Lactiica, L. Frond broadly ovate or oblong, 6 to 18" long, and several inches wide. /3. latissima. Frond 3' or more long, 18" or more wide ; found in the muddy water at the entrance of harbours (Phycoseris My- riotrema, Kiitz. Sp. Alg.} = 17. orbiculata. U. Linza, L. Frond linear-lanceolate, 6 to 24" long, A to 1J" wide. BIBL. Harvey, Mar. Alg. 216, pi. 25 B; Thuret, Mem. Soc. Cherbourg, ii. ; Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xiv. 224, pi. 20 ; Greville, Harvey, Kiitzing, Algce ; Rabenht. Fl. Eur. Alg. i. 316. ULVA'CE^E. A family of Confervoid Algae. Marine or freshwater Algae, con- sisting of membranous, expanded, saccate ULVINA. [ 791 ] UREDINE^. or tubular, sometimes filiform fronds, com- posed of spherical or polygonal cells, united together firmly into layers, either single or double. Reproduced 'by roundish spores formed from the whole contents of cells, or by ciliated zoospores formed in twos, fours, or many in each cell. Uh'fi. Frond plane, simple or lobed, formed of a double layer of closely packed cells, producing zoospores, latteromorp/ta. Frond hollow, simple or branched, of a single layer of closely packed colK forming a sac or tube; with zoospores. Mn ostroma. Frond flat or saccate, simple or lacerate-lobed, forming a single layer of evils scattered in a homogeneous membrane ; with zoospores. Pra*iola. Fronds membranous, lacerate- lobed, formed of a single layer of cells in simple or compound lines, or "in groups mul- tiples of four. Spores formed from the whole contents of the cells, motionless. ScJiKOf/oninm. Fronds filiform, dilated here and there into fiat ribands, containing two or four rows of cells ; spores formed from the whole contents, motionless. See PROTODERMA and SCHIZOMERIS. ULVJ'NA. See CRYPTOCOCCACE^. UMBILICA'RIA, Fee(%ro^om,Ach.). A genus of Phyllodei (Lichenaceous Li- chens). U. puziulata grows on rocks in various parts of Britain. It is remarkable for the tubercles or hollow papillae occurring on its surface. The apothecia are flat, at first black, at length tuberculate. Sper- inogonia also occur, in the form of little tubercles containing a nucleus of densely packed sterigmata, enclosed by a thin black rind. The species in which the disk of the apothecia is concentrically plicate form the proper Gyrophora of Ach. ; they occur on mountain-rocks. Several other species. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 223; Tu- lasne, Ann. Sc. Nat 3. xvii. 207, pi. 5. figs. 5-12 ; Schaerer, Ennm. crit. 25 ; Leighton, LicJt. Fl. 142. UMBONEL'LA =LEPBALiApt. (Hincks, Poh/zoa, 316). UNILOCULI'NA, D'Orbigny. A sub- genus of Miliola. Char. Shell regular, equilateral, globular; chambers completely embracing, regularly wound round the axis, one onty apparent, this making a complete revolution around the preceding ; cavity simple ; orifice single, with a tooth. In the other genera of the family, each chamber occupies only half the circumfer- ence, whilst here it forms a complete circle. One species, U. Indica (PI. 23. fig. 2). (D'Orb. For. Fos. Vien. 261.) URATES, See URIC ACID. URCEOLA'RIA, Ach. A genus of Par- meliacea) (Gymnocarpous Lichens), included under Parmelia by Fries, but agreeing in almost every particular with LECANORA. U. scruposa, the commonest species, STOWS on heaths, walls, and rocks. The disk of the apothecia is black, and the border crenated. The spores are cellular or multi- locular (PL 37. fig. 17). The spermogonia are scattered over the thallus, sometimes in the outer wall of the (thallodal) border of the apothecia ; they are very inconspicuous, on account of tlie light colour of their ostiole. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 175 ; Tu- la sne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. xvii. 172, pi. 4. figs. 5-14 ; Schserer, JEhmm. crit. 85. URCEOLARIA, Vuj.= Trichodma pt. U. mitra= T. mifra. URE'A. This substance occurs normally in the urine of man and the carnivora, in small quantity in that of the herbivora ; also in the amniotic liquid, and the vitreous and aqueous humours of the eye. Pathologi- cally, it is found in the blood, dropsical effusions, vomited liquids, and doubtfully in the saliva, the bile, and perspiration. When pure, it forms colourless four-sided prisms, sometimes longitudinally striated, and with one or two oblique terminal facets. The crystals are readily soluble in water and alcohol, but not in pure ether. When nitric or oxalic acid is added to a solution of urea, the nitrate or oxalate sepa- rates in the crystalline form. The nitrate of urea, when rapidly formed, consists of irregularly aggregated scaly crys- tals (PL 13. fig. 18c); when more slowly formed, rhombic or hexagonal plates, or distinct prisms (fig. 18 #, ft). The crystals of the nitrate of soda (PL 10. fig. 19) bear some resemblance to those of the urea salt. The crystals of the oxalate of urea some- what resemble those of the nitrate, the rhombic form being evident. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY, Animal. UREDHSfE^E. The genus Uredo is shown by Tulasne to have no satisfactory claim to a distinct existence, since the struc- tures which have represented it appear to be merely a form of the reproductive organs common to a number of plants, which, in their most perfect state, represent the genera Puccinia, Phragmidium, Uromyces, &c. TJREDINE^E. [ 792 ] UREDINE^E. Fig. 773. These constitute the genera of the family Uredinei. Of the genus Phragmidium, P. bulbosum (Puccinia rubi, Schser.) is a species com- monly occurring on the leaves of "brambles, forming reddish, then orange, and finally blackish rusty spots (fig. 773). The first signs of reproductive organs appear in the middle of the spots on the upper face of the leaf, consisting of a few minute unilocu- lar cavities (spermogonid) excavated in the leaf, with a little flat ostiole ; in these occur ovate sper- matia (see JEci- DIUM), which are accompanied by a yellowish mucous liquid, and are ex- pelled with this in the form of drops. Subsequently to this, the Uredo- fruits are deve- loped, mostly on the lower face of the leaf, at the back of the spermogonia, or more rarely on the upper face, in a circle around them. They are pulveru- lent patches (fig. 773), solitary or a few together ; and a ver- tical section (fig. 774) shows them to con- sist of paraphyses (fig. 775), and simple or branched short filaments bearing globose stylospores (fig. 776), which soon become detached, and in ripening acquire an echi- nate outer coat with numerous pores. Fig. 774. Leaf of bramble, " Uredo ruborum." the nat. sfze. with Half Vertical section of the same Uredo-fruit, with para- physes and imperfect stylospores. Magn. 460 diams. When these germinate, they produce merely a long slightly branched filament. Finally the perfect fruits (spores) appear on the same, or in distinct son (on the lower ftice of the leaf) in the form represented in fig. Fig. 775. Fig. 776. Fig. 775. Separate paraphyses. Fig. 776. Detached pedicels with stylospores. Magnified 460 diameters. Fig. 777. Vertical section of the sorus of " Uredo suaveolens,' with immature stylospores. Magnified 460 diameters. Fig. 778. Ripe stylospores of the same, germinating. Magnified 460 diameters. Fig. 779. Fig. 780. Deformed stylospores, with the spinulose coat deve- loped. Magnified 460 diameters. UREDINE^E. [ 793 ] URIC ACID. 565 (p. 594). The loculi of these have each three or four pores in the upper part of the side-walls, whence emerge in germination (in spring) short tubular filaments, which soon divide into four cells, from each of which arises a minute " sporidium " borne on a pointed sterigmatous process. Puccinia composite rum exhibits very simi- lar phenomena ; its Uredo-friut has been described as Uredo suaveolens. Fig. 777 represents a vertical section through an im- mature sorus of this ; fig. 778 some of the stylospores detached and germinating ; the Outer spinulose coat is here fully developed, and the tubular filaments are seen emerging from the pores. The spores of the perfect f raits of this genus differ from those of Phragmidium in being bilocular, or, by abor- tion, unilocular (see PTJCCINIA). In ^ECIDIIJM, CYSTOPUS, and some other genera, spermogonia and stylosporous fruits ( Uredo-fruits, Tulasne) have been observed. In Cronartium, spermogonia are unknown, but the Uredo-h-uit exists. In Podisoma both spermogonia and Uredo-fruits are un- known ; in both of these genera the perfect fruits are placed on a fleshy columella or ligula. We subjoin Tulasne's synopsis of the fa- mily ; but as his generic characters are too long to transcribe, the typical species only can be cited. I. Albuginei, white or pale yellow, hetero- sporous. Cystopus. Type, Uredo Candida. II. &cidinei, with a peridium, homceo- sporous. Cceoma. Type, Uredo euonymi; U. pinguis. AZcidium, Type, jEc. cichoracearum JE. tussilaginis, JE. violarum. Rcestelia. Type, sE. cancellation. Peridermium. Type, Per. pint. III. Melampsorei, solid, pulvinate, bif orm. Melampsora. Type, Uredo populina ; U. capreearum. Cokosporium. Type, Uredo rhinantha- cearum ; U. campanula. IV. Phragmidiacei, pulverulent, biform, infuscate ; centre of the family. Phragmidium. Types, Phragmidium, with Uredo ruborum ; Puccinia potentilla, with Uredo poten- tiUarum. Triphragmium. Type, T. idmarice. Puccinia. Type, Puccinia composita- n>m, with Ur. suaveolens ; P.graminis, with Ur. linearis. Uromyces. Type, Uredo Jicarice. Pileolaria = Uromyces ?, which itself may consist of species of Puccinia with spores unilocular by abortion. V. Pucciniei, fleshy, ligulate, or tremel- liform, naked and uniform in the fruits ; the largest plants of the family. Podisoma. Type, P. juniperi commu- nis. Gymnosporangium. Type, P. junipe- rinum. VI. Cronartiei, peridiate, biform, ligulate ; perhaps the most highly organized of all the genera. Cronartium. Type, Cr. asclepiadeum, with Uredo vincetoxici j C. paonice, with Ur.paonia. Genera cancelled by Tulasne : Uredo, Epitea, Podocystis, Trichobasis, Lecythea, Physonemttj Solenodonta. Genera referred to USTILAGINEI : Usti- lago, TiUetia, Thecaphora. Doubtful USTILAGINEI : Protomyces, Po- lycystis, Testicularia. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. arts. &cid., Puce., Uredo, $c. 5 Ann, N. H. i. 264, 2. v. 463 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. vii. 12, 4. ii. 77; Le"veille, ib. 3. viii. 369; De Bary, Brandpilze, 1853; Fries, Sum. Veg. 509; Unger, Exanth. Plant. ; and the BIBL. of the Genera. URIC ACID and URATES, or lithic acid and lithates. Uric acid may easily be procured in small quantities from human urine, by adding a few drops of dilute mu- riatic acid, and setting the liquid aside for some hours, when it subsides in crystals. In larger quantity it may be obtained by heating the excrement of serpents with ex- cess of dilute solution of potash, until the odour of ammonia has disappeared, and fil- tering the solution whilst hot into dilute muriatic acid, when it falls in a colourless state. Or the excrement may be digested, without heat, with excess of strong sulphuric acid, the mixture set aside that the impuri- ties may subside, and subsequently poured gradually into a large quantity of distilled water. It exists also in the excrement of birds, in the urine of Mollusca and Insecta, and of all the Mammalia, excepting those which are herbivorous ; it has also been found in the human blood, of which it is probably a normal constituent in minute quantity, al- though mostly secreted with the urine as soon as formed. URIC ACID. [ 794 ] URINARY DEPOSITS. In the natural state of solution in the urine, uric acid exists combined with soda and ammonia ; "but it is frequently found as an abnormal deposit in the human urine, and is often precipitated after the secretion lias been evacuated, from the occurrence of an acid fermentation. The crystals of the free acid are sometimes also met with in the urine or excrement of the lower ani- mals, as Insects, &c. Uric acid is l3ut little affected by water, alcohol, acetic or muriatic acid, slowly so- luble in solution of ammonia, but readily in solution of potash, from which it is re-pre- cipitated by a dilute acid. The crystals belong to the right-rhombic prismatic system. Their various forms are represented in PL 12. figs. 1-10, and fig. 1/5. Those in fig. 1 are frequently met with as natural deposits from human urine, although most of the same forms, with those in fig. 15, are also found in the artificially precipitated acid. The most common and characteristic form is the rhomb (), the side view being linear or rectangular. When the urine is strongly acid, the crystals often appear striated from the presence of linear fissures (c, d). Some- times they are narrower and more elongate, with a prismatic form (e). They are fre- quently aggregated, and either fused into twin crystals (/, #), or form aigrettes or tufts (&, /, m, , o). The other forms are noticed in the description of the plate. The crystals forming a natural deposit are almost invariably^ coloured, from combining with the colouring-matter of the urine ; sometimes their colour is very brilliant (fig. 4) ; they may also be coloured artifi- cially by precipitation from a solution of purpurate of ammonia (fig. 3), madder, &c. The test for uric acid is the production of the colour of purpurate of ammonia or mu- rexide, which may be effected by dissolving the crystals or suspected substance in a small quantity of dilute nitric acid, gently evaporating the solution to dryness, and adding a little ammonia to the residue, or exposing it to the vapour of ammonia, when the red colour becomes visible. But the rhombic form, when present, with the action of potash and dilute acid, would be sufficient to distinguish this acid from most sub- stances. The formation of the crystals of uric acid presents an interesting object for examina- tion. A drop or two of solution of uric acid in potash is first placed upon a slide and covered with thin glass ; a little dilute mu- riatic acid is then applied to the edge of the liquid, or a drop of strong acetic acid placed near its edge, so that the vapour may be absorbed by the liquid. The latter soon becomes turbid, from the formation of a pre- cipitate of numerous molecules and granules. If the turbid liquid be watched under the microscope, a minute crystal will presently be seen to form suddenly in some part of the field. The molecules and granules then slowly dissolve immediately around the crys- tal, leaving this in the middle of a clear space. The crystal now enlarges, and the surrounding molecules gradually disappear, until they at last entirely vanish from the field. By careful inspection, it may easily be seen that the crystal is not formed by the coalescence of the precipitated molecules, but is deposited from a state of solution. Some crystals of uric acid polarize light splendidly ; and some of the feathery crystals (Pi. 12. fig. 8 e) possess considerable ana- lytic power. The forms of the crystals and crystalline groups of the urates are represented in PI. 12. figs. 11-14 ; they are not very charac- teristic, and the aid of chemistry is required for determining with certainty the com- position of the respective crystals. The urate of ammonia may be prepared artificially by adding ammonia to a boiling mixture of uric acid and water j the urate of lime by mixing urate of potash with chloride of calcium ; the urate of soda by dissolving uric acid in solution of soda ; and the urate of magnesia by mixing solutions of sulphate of magnesia and urate of potash. The presence of an excess of uric acid in the blood is the chemical expression of gout ; it leads to an abnormal precipitation of urates in various parts of the body. In cartilage the cells are the chief depositories of the urates of soda and lime, and they form the centres of the stellate bundles of crys- tals by which the tissue is permeated. The appearance of cartilage thus affected is very characteristic ; and each cartilage cell is surrounded by radiating tufts of crystals which nearly or quite touch the extremities of other groups radiating from neighbouring cells. See URINARY DEPOSITS. BIBI,. Rindfleisch, Path. Hist. ii. 270; and that of CHEMISTRY, Animal. URINARY DEPOSITS. We shall give here a list of the deposits most commonly occurring in the human urine, with the re- ferences to the plates in which they are URINARY DEPOSITS. [ 795 ] UROCOCCUS. represented, and the articles in which they are described. Since the publication of the important paper by Vigla (E Experience, 1839), in which most of these deposits were first illustrated, the use of the microscope has constantly been called in to aid in their detection. In regard to the pathological indications afforded by their presence, upon which we cannot enter, it may be remarked that most of the deposits are* formed after tlit- vacuation of the urine. Uric acid. PI. 12. figs. 1, 2; and Urates, figs. 11 c, d, e, 13 a, 14 a (URic ACID and URATES). Oxalate of lime. PL 13. figs. 9, 10, 11, 12 (LIME, Salts of). The concretionary forms of this salt (figs. 11, 12) are more slowly acted upon by reagents than simple crystals. Ammonio-phosphate of magnesia, PI. 13. figs. 1, 2, 3, 4 (MAGNESIA, Salts of). Carbonate of lime. PI. 13. fig. 8 (LiME, Salts of). Cystic oxide. PI. 13. fig. 5 (CYSTIC OXTDE). Blood-corpuscles. PI. 49. fig. 21, espe- cially the form fig. 21 e (BLOOD). Mucous corpuscles. PL 1. fig. 6 (MotrTH, p. 518). Pus-corjw-sdes. PI. 38. figs. 4, 5 (Pus). Spermatozoa. PL 50. fig. 25 (SPERMA- TOZOA). These are found in the urine of the female for several days after intercourse ; and we have detected them in the uterus more than a fortnight after the same. Sarcina ? PL 7. fig. 5 (SARCINA). Ftnn/f. Pcnmllium (fig. 557, page 584 ; PL 26. fig. 15) and Torula (PL 26. fig. 7). The spores of Penicittium form the so-called small organic globules. Casts of the tttluli v. rinifcri. The extreme diameter of these is rather less than that of the tubules ; but they are often much more slender. They are* cylindrical, generally wavy, sometimes hollow, at others solid. Some are very transparent, finely granular, and are composed of fibrine ; others consist entirely of, or contain imbedded in them, renal epithelial cells, with or without glo- bules of fat either free or within the cells ; they sometimes also contain mucous and pus-corpuscles, with blood-globules; some of the epithelial cells occasionally contain lithates. The epithelium of the bladder agrees essentially in structure with that of the pelvis of the kidney. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY, Animal; Hoppe-Seyler, Chim. phys. fyc. ; Schmidt, Vermch. $c. ; Griffith, Urinary Deposits and Med. Gaz. 1843. URNATEL'LA, Leidy. A genus of freshwater Polyzoa. Not yet found in Britain. BIBL. Leidy, Pr. Ac. Philadelphia, v. & vii. ; and Allman, Polyzoa, 117. UR'NULA, Clap, et Lach. A genus of Actinophryina (Rhizopoda). Char. Sheath membranous and fixed to other bodies. U. Epistylidis (PL 52. fig. 15), attached to the pedicle of Episti/lis plica- tilts. (Clap, et Lach. Inf. 457.) UROCENTRI'NA., A family of Ciliate Infusoria. BIBL. Clap, et Lach. Inf. 134. UROCEN'TRUM, Nitzsch. A genus of Peritrichous Infusoria, family Urocentrina. Cltar. Free, no pedicle j tail awl-shaped ; cilia absent from the body, but forming an anterior crown ; mouth not spiral. U. turbo (PL 32. fig. 14). Body hyaline, ovate, trilateral, tail one third the length of the body. Freshwater ; length 1-430 to 1-290". (Cl. & Lachm. Inf. 134 ; Kent, Inf. 641.) UROCOC'CUS, HassalL A genus of Palmellacese (Confervoid Alg8e),remarkable for the peduncular processes formed by the gelatinous coats of the cells. The cells are invested by a gelatinous coat or membrane (like that of GLCEOCAPSA), which is ori- ginally simple ; but new gelatinous layers are successively produced on the immediate surface of the cell-contents ; and as each new one is formed the preceding layer is rup- tured on one side and partially thrown off, the cell with its new layer lying in the pre- ceding layer as in a cup ; by the repetition of this process the cup-like exuviae accumu- late, packed one within another so as to form a peduncle, the structure of which may be roughly compared to a pile of wooden washing-bowls or tea-cups standing one in another. When the cell-contents divide into two portions, the peduncles bifurcate (PL 7. fig. 7). The striae indicating the successively shed coats are more or less di- stinct in different species, and probably in different conditions of the same. U. flookwianus is represented in PL 7. fig. 7 ; U. insiffnis is very much larger ; U. All- ma mii and U. cryptophtia are much alike, and neither presents the striae. A green species is also described with the synonym (erroneous ?) of Clilorococcum muralf, Grev. Reproduction unknown. TJROCYSTIS. [ 796 ] TJRQTRICHA. BIBL. Hassall, Mar. Alg. 322, pi. 80; Braun, Verjungung (Ray Soc. 1853, 178) ; Rabenht. Alg. iii. 31. UROCYS T1S. See POLYCYSTIS. UROGLAUCINE. This substance, which was first detected by Heller, may be obtained by evaporating human urine with concentrated nitric acid (PL 13. fig. 20). Its true nature is unknown ; but it is probably a product of the decomposition of the colour- ing-matter of the urine; it has perhaps some relation with indigo. BIBL. Heller, Archiv phys. Chemie und Mikr. ; Lehmann, Phys. Chem. ; Funke, Atlas. UROGLE'NA, Ehr. A supposed genus of Volvocineae (Oonfervoid Algae), consist- ing of a family of zoospore-like individuals arranged at the periphery of a membranous sphere, as in Volvox, but said to differ from that genus in having only one cilium, and a basal prolongation or tail running toward the centre of the sphere. U. volvox forms a sphere, 1-95" in diameter, with yellowish bodies 1-1728" long, two lateral colour- bands, exclusive of the tail, which is three or four times as long. Inhabiting bog-pools. Kent places it among the Flagellate In- fusoria. (Ehr. Inf. 61: Kent, Inf. 414.) UROLEPTUS, Ehr. A genus of Hypo- trichous Infusoria, family Colpodina ; fresh- water. Char. Eye-spot absent; no tongue-like process or proboscis ; a tail present. U. piscis (PI. 32. fig. 15 ) = Oxytricha caudata, Duj. Body terete, subturbinate, gradually narrowed behind into a tail ; in- ternal granules green; length 1-288 to 1-144". U. lamella (PI. 32. fig. 166). Body de- pressed, hyaline, linear-lanceolate, flat and very slender ; length 1-216". Other species. (Ehrenberg, Inf. 358 ; Kent, Inf. 779.) UROM'YCES, Lk. A supposed genus of Uredinei (Coniomycetous Fungi), perhaps not properly separated from Puccinia, but distinguished from the ordinary state of that genus by the unilocular spores of the per- fect fruit (see UREDINEI and PUCCINIA). The genus Pileolaria, Cast., does not appear to differ from Uromyces in any essential particular. The Uromycetes are rusts oc- curring upon leaves, presenting at least two forms of fructification (spermogonia have not yet been observed), viz. 1. Uredo-fruits, consisting of stylospores unaccompanied by paraphyses, which have been described as species of Trichobasis, Lev. ; and 2. the per- fect fruit, resembling that of PUCCINIA, but with unilocular spores, unaccompanied by paraphyses. U. fcarice. Lev. ( Uredofi- carice, Alb. & Schw.) is not uncommon on Ranunculaceae, U. appendiculatus, Lk. (Uredo appendiculosa, Berk.), on various Leguminosae. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl ii. pt. 2. 380, 382 ; Tulasne, Ann. Sc. Nat. 4. ii. 145 & 185 ; Leveille, ib. 3. viii. 370 ; De Bary, Brand- pike, 33. URONE'MA, Duj. -A genus of Holotri- chous Infusoria. U. marina (PI. 32. fig. 16). Body colour- less, semitransparent, nodular, and with four or five faint longitudinal ribs ; mouth ventral, with a trap-like velum; marine; length 1-570". BIBL. Duj. Inf. 392; Clap. & Lach. Inf. 271 ; Kent, Inf. 546. URONYCH'IA, Stein. A genus of Hypotrichous Infusoria. Oval-oblong, with a carapace, truncate in front, with a mem- branous upper lip, with posterior hooks ; mouth excavated, with a band-shaped un- dulating membrane. U. transfuga=Plcesconia scutum, Duj. Salt water. (Stein, Inf. ; Kent, Inf. 797.) UROP'ODA, Latr. A genus of Arach- nida, of the order Acarina and family Ga- masea. Char. Palpi and rostrum inferior ; dorsal shield consisting of a single, broad, circular or oval piece ; legs nearly equal ; body fre- quently with a caducous anal peduncle. U. vegetans (PI. 6. fig. 25). Sixth joint of legs longest. The peduncle forms a horny filament, secreted rrom the anus, and serving to attach the body to Coleopterous insects, of which this animal is the parasite, although it is sometimes found under stones. Four other species, most of them doubtful. BIBL. Duges, Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. ii. 29; Gervais, Walck. Apt. 220. UROSTY'LA, Ehr. A genus of Hypo- trichous Infusoria, fam. Oxy trichina. Char. Body ciliated ; styles present in a small cleft on the ventral surface ; no hooks. U. grandis (PI. 32. fig. 17). Semicylin- drical, subclavate, rounded at the ends, slightly thickened in front; freshwater; length 1-44 to 1-96". (Ehr. Inf. 369; 01. & L. Inf. 142 ; Kent, Inf. 797.) UROT'RICHA, 01. & Lachm. A genus of Holotrichous Infusoria, family Trache- lina. Free, ovate, with a long posterior saltatory cirrus. UKTICA. [ 797 ] USTILAGO. Two species j freshwater. (Cl. & Lachm. Inf. 314; Kent, Inf. 504.) URTI'CA, L. A genus to which the .-tinging-nettle belongs (see STINGS). US'NEA, Ach. A genus of Bamalodei (Lichenaceous Lichens), with a somewhat crustaceous branched thallus, bearing pel- tate apothecia, which often have a ciliated margin. U. barbata is common on park- pales and old trees, U.florida vo&fiKeata in similar situations, mostly in mountainous regions. The pendulous fibrillous thallus and ciliated apothecia of U. barbata are very characteristic. BIBL. Hook. Br. FL ii. pt. 1. 230; Leigh- ton, Lich. FL 75. USTILAGIN EM. A family of Hypo- dermous Fungi related to the Urediuei, generally distinguished by their growing in the interior of the organs (especially the ovaries and anthers) of Flowering Plants, causing deformity, absorption of the internal tissue, and its replacement by a pulverulent substance consisting of the" spores of the Fungi. In the earlier stages, the infected organ exhibits either a grumous mass, or an interwoven filamentous mycelium, from which acrogenous spores arise ; finally the mycelium disappears, and a dark-coloured (often foetid) powder remains, composed entirely of the spores, which are simple, or Fig. 781. Fig. 782. Fig. 783. Fig. 784. Fig. 785. Thecaphora deformans. Compound spores, entire and broken up. Magnified 460 diameters. more rarely compound (figs. 784, 785), i. e. several coherent within a common coat, at length free (figs. 781-783), smooth or unequally echinate or reticulated. BIBL. Berk. Br. Fl, (art. Uredo) ; Tulasne, Ann. So. Nat. 3. vii. 5, ii. 157 ; De Bary, Brandpilze; Bauer and Banks, Cttrtis's Pract. Obs. on Br. Grasses, 1805; Unger, Exanthem. Plant. ; Fischer v. Waldlieim, Ustilaf/mt'i. USTILA'GO, Fries.- laginei (Hypodermous Fig. 786. -A genus of Usti- Fungi), forming Fig. 787. Fig. 786. Ustilago Carbo, on oats. Nat. size. Fig. 787. Ustilago Carbo, on barley. Nat. size. smuts, infesting the ears of corn and other grasses, the ovaries and anthers of other Flowering Plants, and in some cases the leaves and stems of plants. The interior of the organ infested by them presents at first a grumous-mucous whitish mass, which grows at the expense of the tissue and juice of the infested organ, and is finally con- verted into a pulverulent mass of simple spores, mostly of deep colour, and with a smooth, spiny or reticulated surface. The species growing upon leaves and stems occur on grasses, e. g. U. longissima ( Uredo longissima, Sow.), U. hypodytes ( Ur. hypodytes}, and U. grandis (or typhoides) ; they form linear patches, ultimately con- taining smooth black spores. The greater number, however, occur in the parts of flowers, especially of grasses Ust. Carbo (Uredo segetum, Pers.), form- ing the blight called smut of corn, com- monly infesting wheat, oats (fig. 786), barley (fig. 787), and other grasses, filling the ears with a black powder of smooth spores, about 1-5000" in diameter in corn, some- times about twice as large in the varieties attacking species of Bromus. The smut of UTERIA. [ 798 ] UVELLA. maize (U. maidis, fig. 788) has minutely echinate spores, 1-2500" in diameter. It is curious that when U. Anthe- rarum attacks a dioecious plant, as Lychnis dioica, it causes the abortive stamens to be developed, and then finds its place in the new anthers. Sedges are infested by Ust. wceolarum with dark-brown and Ust. olivacea with olive-coloured spores (Uredines, Br. Fl.) Fig. 788. Portion of a spike of Maize infested with Ustilago maidis. Some of the lower grains perfect and mature : above these, female flower with abortive ovaries. The projecting bodies are grains which have become de- formed by the Ustilago developed within them. Ust. antherarum, growing in the anthers of Caryophyllacese, has violet-coloured spores. Many other species are described by Tulasne, several of which have occurred in Britain. BIBL. Tulasne, Ann. So. Nat. 3. vii. 73, 4. ii. Io7 ; Berk. Br. Fl. art. Uredo; Ann. N. H. 2. v. 463. TJTE'RIA, Mich. See THYRSOPOBKLLA. U'TERUS. The substance of the uterus consists of longitudinal, transverse, and Fig. 789. oblique unstriated muscular fibres, inter- woven with imperfectly developed areolar tissue resembling that in the stronia of the ovary. Three layers of muscular fibres are de- scribed, but they are intimately connected. Those in the cervix are principally trans- verse or circular ; and immediately beneath the mucous membrane at the mouth of the uterus, the transverse fibres form, a sphincter. The muscular fibres are from 1-COO to 1-400" in length, fusiform, with elon- gate-oval nuclei, and very difficultly separable on ac- count of the large amount of areolar tissue intermingled with them. The epitheliumis simple and ciliated. The mucous membrane of the body has no papillae, but hero and there some folds, and con- tains numerous tubular or uterine glands resembling the Lieberkiihn's glands of the intestines, their caecal ends being simple, bifurcate, or spiral, and consisting ^ of a basement-membrane with cylinder-epithelium. ^ In the cervix are situated glandular depressions of the mucous membrane, which secrete a transparent tena- after parturition, cious mucus ; some of these S^J^Sjf? are closed, and form the y, globules of fat. OVUles Of Naboth. Magnified The lower third or half 350 diameters, of the canal of the cervix contains papilla covered with ciliated epi- thelium. During gestation the uterine elements, especially the muscular fibres, as also the vessels and probably the nerves, become enlarged and more numerous, from new formation (fig. 790). All three of the coats of the veins of the pregnant uterus contain muscular fibres. After parturition, many of the muscular fibres undergo fatty degeneration, and be- come absorbed (fig. 789). BIBL. Kblliker, Mikr. An. ii. ; Chrobak, Strieker's Hist. iii. UVEL'LA, Bory, Ehr. A genus of Flagellate Infusoria, fain. Monadina. Char. Bodies without an eye-spot, UVELLA. Fig. 790. [ 799 ] VALLISNEEIA. Muscular elements from a uterus at five months' ges- tation, a, formative cells ; b, young, c, fully developed muscular fibres. Magnified &30 diameters. moving by means of two flagelliform fila- ments, and aggregated into spherical revol- ving clusters. U. virescens (PI. 32. fig. 18). Bodies ovate, rounded at each end, with two lateral bright green bands. Diameter of clusters 1-288", length of bodies 1-2016" ; fresh- water. The life-cycle of a cercomonad. One of the Uvelke has been described by Dallinger and Drysdale. When mature it multiplies by fission for a period extending over from two to eight days. It then becomes pecu- liarly amoeboid ; two individuals coalesce, slowly increase in size, and become a slightly distended cyst. The cyst bursts, and incal- culable hosts of excessively minute sporules are poured out, as if in a viscid fluid and densely packed; these are scattered, and slowly enlarging, acquire flagella. Thev be- come active, attain rapidly the parent form, and once more increase by fission. BIBL. Dallinger and Drysdale, Mn. Mic. Jn. 187:;; Ehr. Inf. 19; Duj. Inf. 300; Kent, Inf. 400. < UVIGERrNA D'Orb. A genus of hya- line Foramiuifera, near Polymorphina. Shell made up of tliree series of inflated chambers, alternating irregularly on an elongate spire, often ribbed ; orifice central, round, tubular, and lipped. The triserial alternation passes sometimes into a biserial and even a uni- serial growth (Sagrina, restricted). Uviye- rina is world- wide in its distribution, and goes back to the Middle Tertiary Period. U. pygmaa (PI. 23. fig. 8). BIBL. D'Orbigny, Ann. Sc. Nat. vii. 269 ; Carpenter, For. 1C9 ; Parker & Jones, Phil. Tr. civ. 363. V. VAGINIC'OLA, Lamarck. A genus of Peritrichous Infusoria, fam. Vorticellina. Char. Bodies as in Vorticella, single or in pairs, in a membranous urceolate sessile sheath. V. crystallina (PI. 32. fig. 19) = Cothurnia crystalline Sheath crystalline, urceolate, straight, internal granules erreen ; length 1-216". Several species, salt and freshwater. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 295 ; Clap. & Lach. Inf. 126. VAGINULI'NA, D'Orb. A Stichoste- gian subgenus of Nodosarina, with oblique chambers. V. ladenemis, D'Orb. (PL 23. fig. 35). BIBL. Williamson, Foram. 21 (Dentalma) ; Jones, Parker, and Brady, Monogr. For. Crag, 63. VALKE'RIA, Flem. A genus of In- fundibulate Ctenostoniatous Polyzoa, of the family Vesiculariidse. Char. Variously branched; cells oval, irregularly clustered; eight tentacles, but no gizzard. V. cuscuta. Stem with subverticillate branches ; cells in clusters or opposite pairs ; on marine Algse, shells &c. V. uva. Stem creeping, irregularly branched ; cells scattered. V.ptutxdota. Dichotomous or alternately branched ; cells clustered, unilateral. V. tremella. Cells very small and slender. BIBL. Johnst. Br. Zooph. 373; Gosse, Mar. Zool. ii. 20; Hincks, Polyz. 551. VALLISNE'RIA, Mich. An aquatic genus of Angiosperrnous Flowering Plants, belonging to the family Hydrocharidacese. V. spiral-is, a native of the South of Europe, occurring wild also in North America, India, &c., is commonly grown in jars for the sake VALVULINA. [ 800 ] VASCULAR BUNDLES. of observing the ROTATION in the leaves. This plant is dioecious ; and the specimens ordinarily found in cultivation are the pistil- late forms, which often produce flowers, but the seeds, remaining unfertilized, never ripen j the plant increases rapidly, however, by runners, if in a healthy condition. We find it thrive well in any situation indoors near a window and not exposed to frost ; but it attains a far larger size in water kept at a high temperature, as in Fzetfona-tanks in Botanic Gardens. It is necessary, when STpwing it in jars, not to keep too many or too large snails in the water, as they destroy the leaves. See ROTATION. VALVULI'NA,D'Orb. A genus of Are- naceous Foraminifera. Typically it has a triserial, three-sided, pyramidal shell, with three chambers in a turn of its spire and a valved or tongued aperture. The trifacial compression disap- pears in a common trochoid form, which becomes scale-like and flat. If the cham- bers fail to make a coil, an obliquely semi- oval shell is produced, with a broad oblique septal plane and a large valve, which bridges over the crescentic aperture with bars. The triangular form sometimes becomes Bulimi- noid ; and often takes on a uniserial growth (Clavulina, restricted), either cylindric, tri- carinate, or five-angled. Numerous forms, recent and fossil. V. austriaca (PI. 23. f. 20). BIBL. Parker & Jones, Ann. N. H. 3. v. 467 ; Carpenter, Foram. 146 j Brady, Carb. For., Pal. Soc. 1876, 81. VAMPYREL'LA, Hckl. A doubtful genus of Radiolarian Rhizopoda. Body red, rounded, without nucleus or contractile vesicle, and with very slender pseudopodia. These animals perforate the cells of Spi- rogyra and Gompkonema,&nd feed upon their contents. In the encysted condition, they are stated to possess an outer nitrogenous and an inner cellulose coat. BIBL. Haeckel, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1869, 33 ; Schnitzel Arch. 1876, xii. 24. VARIOLA'RIA,Pers. A spurious genus of Lichens, founded upon imperfect forms of PERTUSARIA &c. BIBL. Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 172 ; Schae- rer, En. Grit. 229. VASCULAR BUNDLES. This title is applied to the fibrous cords which form the ribs, veins, &c. of the leaves, petioles and other appendicular organs of all plants rank- ing above the Mosses, and which by their confluence and more considerable develop- ment constitute the wood of stems and trunks. The vascular bundles of petioles (fig. 660, page 711), &c., running into leaves to form their ribs, and lying imbedded in parenchyma, resemble the bundles which form the rudiments of wood of the stem itself. The bundlesremain isolated as fibrous cords in the stemsof the herbaceous Monoco- tyledons, or are only combined into a wood, in the Palms &c., by the lignification of the cells of the parenchyma in which they are imbedded (fig. 461, p. 508). In the Dicotyledons, the rudimentary bundles are developed in a circle surrounding the pith (fig. 455, p. 495), and soon unite to form a tube of wood, with an external cambium layer and a true bark j and the Fig. 791. Monocotyledon. Transverse section of a nbro-vascular bundle of a Palm : the upper end is directed towards the centre of the stem, w, woody fibres resembling liber in struc- ture ; s. v, spiral vessels ; c, cambium (vasa propria) ; d, ducts ; p, parenchyma ; /, liber ; I. c, laticiferous canals. Magnified 150 diameters. cambium layer is the seat of renewed de- velopment of the vascular bundle in each successive year. On such characters of growth, Schleiden founded a division of the vascular bundles into classes which are con- venient in reference to microscopical inves- tigations, and affixed tolerably perfect syste- matic characters to them. In the higher flowerless Plants, viz. Ferns, Equisetacese, &c., the vascular bun- dles ate composed chiefly of ducts, sur- VASCULAR BUNDLES. [ 801 ] VASCULAR BUNDLES. rounded by elongated tubular cells, almost devoid of secondary deposits, the whole enclosed by a layer of tolerably firm prosen- chymatous wood-cells, especially developed in the Ferns. In the Ferns, the ducts are mostly of the kind called scalariform (fig. 664, page 712 j PI. 48. fig. 10), in the Equi- setacec'e annular (fig. 661, page 711), in the Lycopodiacese spiral (fig. 659, page 711 ; PI. 48. figs. 11 & 12). They are variously arranged in the different orders, but agree in the mode of development, namely in grow- ing only at the end next the punctum vege- tationi*, in proportion to the elongation of the stem and the evolution of leaves. Hence Schleiden called them simultaneous bundles ; their various elements ducts, tubular and prosenchymatous cells being formed si- multaneously. In the Monocotyledons, where the vas- cular bundles occur isolated, they originate in the punctum vegetationis, and are deve- loped with the growth of the stem, outwards and upwards into the leaves, and outwards and downwards towards the permanent cir- cumference of the stem, old and new bundles crossing each other in a more or less com- plicated manner (fig. 461, page 508). Here (fig. 791) the first trace of the vascular bundle consists of spiral vessels, followed on the outer side by spiral, annular, or reticulated ducts 5 next comes a collection of elongated tubular cells of delicate structure (vasa proprid), and in the outer part, at first, a cambium region, which is gradually con- verted into prosenchymatous woody struc- ture having the character of LiBER-cells. In this case, the development is not only gradual from the punctum vegetationis out- ward, but the inner side of each bundle is perfected first, and the conversion of the outer part into wood occupies a whole season of growth. Hence these are entitled progressive bundles ; but as no new develop- ment occurs in these in successive seasons, they are further distinguished from those of the Dicotyledons as definite bundles. The structure of the vascular bundles of Monoco- tyledons is very well seen, indifferent charac- teristic conditions, in vertical and horizontal sections of the stems of the white lily, of the large grasses,rhizomes of sedges and rushes affording well-developed examples in herba- ceous structures ; of the bamboo (an arbo- rescent grass), of the common cane or the partridge cane (both species of Palms), where the bundles are connected by lignified parenchyma* In leaves of bulbous Monoco- tyledons, &c., the bundles consist chiefly of spiral vessels ; in the palms, bananas, &c., the woody fibre extends also into the ribs of the foliaceous organs. In the Dicotyledons, the bundles of the stem appear first as a circle of cords com- posed or spiral vessels, around the pith, out- side whicn larger vessels and ducts, and subsequently woody fibre or wood-cells are developed, passing into the elongated pros- enchymatous liber (fig. 792). The develop- ' Fig. 792. Dicotyledon. Transverse section of a flbro-vascular bundle of a Melon stem ; the upper end next the centre of the stem. p, pith ; s. v, spiral vessels ; TO. r, medullary rays ; w, wood ; d, pitted ducts ; c, cambium ; I, liber ; I. c, lati- ciferous canals; c. e, cellular envelope of the bark; e, epidermis. Magnified 50 diameters. ment of the successive regions is progressive during the first season ; but here the cam- bium layer remains capable of renewed activity, and a new layer of wood (and of liber) is added on the outside of the bundle in each successive season j hence these bun- dles are distinguished as indefinite. These may be observed in sections and young shoots of any common tree (figs. 455 & 457, pages 495 & 496). Infinite variety of modification occurs in the character and arrangement of the vas- cular bundles within the limits above laid down, or very slightly overstepping them. A few remarkable cases may be mentioned here ; in the Orobanchaceae (parasites) no spiral vessels occur in the vascular bundles forming the wood; in Victoria regia the isolated bundles are composed of spiral vessels without any prosenchymatous wood- cells j other peculiarities, influencing more VASICOLA. [ 802 ] VAUCHERIA. especially the characters of WOOD, are given under that article. Vasculose, the sub- stance of which vessels are formed, is in- soluble in hydrochloric and sulphuric acid, and in copper solution, but is soluble in boiling caustic potash. (See also CAMBIUM and MEDULLA.) BIBL. Henfrey-Masters, J3ot.-, Sachs, Bot. VASIC'OLA,Tatem. AgenusofHetero- trichous Infusoria. Ovate, pointed behind ; mouth anterior, surrounded by long cilia; contained in a transparent carapace. V. ciliata-, pond- water. (Tatem, Mn. Mic. Jn. i. 117 j Kent, Inf. 613.) VAUCHE'EIA,D.O. An important and to the microscopist a most interesting genus of Siphonacese (Oonfervoid Algas), consisting of green filamentous plants growing in fresh and salt water and on damp ground, charac- terized by the continuity of the cavity throughout the branched tubular filament (sometimes several inches long) of which each plant is composed, and by the modes of reproduction, both by gonidia and by spores. FrtwcAmVemaybe gathered on damp borders in every garden, or by the sides of ditches, where they form fine silky green tufts ; they are very variable in form and size, so that the specific distinctions heretofore laid down appear to be worth little. The ordinarily occurring species presents itself as a tubular cell of comparatively gigantic dimensions, containing more or less protoplasm, coloured by chlorophyll in the form of minute gra- nules applied upon the wall or occupying more or less of the cavity. The green gra- nules may be seen to lie imbedded in a colourless protoplasm at the inner surface of the cellulose wall ; and it is curious to observe when the filament is accidentally or intentionally ruptured that the green granules which may escape are contained in a mucous investment, wnich soon rounds itself into a globular body, of size propor- tionate to the quantity of green granules extruded ; these globules sometimes even exhibit a slight rolling movement, but they appear ultimately to decay. Such globules sometimes occur inside the filaments, when the growth is unhealthy; and Itzigsohn calls them spermatospheres, stating that they pro- duce spermatozoids. This, like all this au- thor's observations, requires confirmation. If the Fawc^ma-filaments are gathered at a favourable epoch, or if they are cultivated in a vessel of water well exposed to light, the blind ends of the filaments (or rather of the ramifications of the filament) are found very ^ densely filled with green contents, ap- pearing almost black ; and if these ends are watched early in the morning, a remarkable series of phenomena is observed in them. The ends of the filaments about to produce gonidia are found swollen into a slightly clavate form ; the green contents of the club separate from the general contents of the filament, leaving a transparent space (fig. 793) ; then, having as it were acquired a definite independence, the isolated mass returns so as to fill up the transverse light space, but does not again coalesce with the lower mass of contents. Next, a light space is ^observed between the surface of the ter- minal body of contents and the cellulose Fig. 793. Fig. 794. Vaucheria Ungeri. Fig.- 793. End of a filament in which a gonidium is being developed. Fig. 794. GFonidium escaping from the filament. Magnified 50 diameters. wall surrounding it ; and the latter soon gives away at the apex, forming a passage for the escape of the contents. This mass of contents is now clearly recognizable as the gonidium or zoospore ; it gradually extri- cates itself from the tube, with a rotatory motion around its own axis ; and it exhibits a remarkable elasticity of structure, giving way and altering its form (fig. 794) to squeeze through the narrow orifice of es- cape. Sometimes it becomes "pinched " in this process into two independent gonidia of half the usual size. As soon as it has perfectly emerged, it assumes an elliptical form, increases much in size, and is seen to be covered with innumerable vibratile cilia (fig. 796), arising from its gelatinous (pro- toplasmic) coat (these are rendered much more distinct by applying tincture of VAUCHERIA. [ 803 ] VAUCHERIA. iodine) : no cellulose membrane exists at this time ; and the gonidium swims about actively inth e water, revolving on its long axis. The large number of cilia existing on Fig, 795. Fig. 796. Vaucheria Ungeri. Pig. 795. End of the filament from which the gonidium has escaped. Magnified 50 diameters. Pig. 796. G-onidium which has been treated with iodine and dried between two slips of glass, showing the cilia very clearly. Magnified 110 diameters. this gonidium distinguish it remarkably from all others ; but we are inclined to be- lieve that there is a nearer relationship than appears at first sight. The green substance at the surface of the gonidium presents a peculiar granular or globular appearance; and it appears not far-fetched to regard this body as composed of a densely combined family of ordinary two- or four-ciliated zoospores, such as would be formed by the swarrning-spores of Hydrodictyon if they remained in their primitive crowded con- dition. This, however, is a point requiring further examination. The end of the tube from which the gonidium has escaped ap- pears as a hyaline sac (fig. 795), which soon decays down to the point where the con- tents parted, where a septuni, now closing the tuoe, is developed. After swimming about for some time, from one to several hours (usually about two), the gonidium falls to the bottom of the vessel, its cilia disappear, and it assumes a spherical form, acquiring very soon a di- stinct cellulose coat ; after this it soon ger- minates by pushing out one or more tubular processes (fig. 797), which grow up into filaments like the parent. Sometimes the gonidium cannot maKe its escape ; sometimes half of it escapes and becomes pinched off, the other half being left behind : in these cases, the arrested body, or the remaining portion of the divided one, germinates in situ (fig. 798). It should be mentioned that the contents of the vegetative filaments have a remark- able tenacity of life ; for if the tube is slightly Fig. 797. Fig. 798. Vaucheria Ungeri. Pig. 797. Gronidia germinating. Magnified about 15 diameters. Fig. 798. Filament with gonidia germinating in the parent tube ; the left-hand figure, half a divided goni- dium. Magnified 25 diameters. injured at any point, the primordial utricle commonly retracts from the wound, and secretes a cellulose layer on its surface, shutting off the injured part. Filaments are sometimes met with having several living regions of this kind, shooting out into branches, separated from each other by dead, empty lengths of the filament. Besides the vegetative reproduction above described, the Vaucherice are reproduced by rres formed by the concurrence of two tinct kinds of reproductive organs. Fila- ments growing on damp ground ordinarily exhibit lateral organs of two kinds, asso- ciated together, but variously grouped and collected in varying numbers at particular points, apparently according to external conditions. The larger kind of organ, or sporangium, appears first as a pouch-like process, which expands into a short flask- shaped body, stalked or sessile, the neck of which is gradually turned over in the development, until it projects at one side j the form then somewhat resembling that of a bird's head (or a chemist's glass retort cut off short at the neck, PI. 5. fig. 12 A, B, s). Near this, on the main filament, or on a common pedicel with one or more of the spo- rangia, is developed another organ, the an- theridium, at first straight and tubular, but soon curving over into the form of a hook or scroll, without however expanding (PI. 5. fig. 12 A, B, a). The sporangium becomes filled with dense green granular matter, and cut off by a septum from the main filament. 3F2 VEGETABLE IVORY. [ 804 ] VEGETABLE KINGDOM. The upper part of the antheridium is like- wise cut on by a septum ; and when mature it bursts at the apex and discharges biciliated spermatozoids resembling those of Pucus, which enter the simultaneously opened neck of the sporange and fertilize its granular contents. The contents become isolated from the wall, secrete a proper coat, and form a free cell (spore) lying in the sporange, its green granular matter gradually becoming brown (PI. 5. fig. 12 c). Two coats, at least, are developed ; and the spore ultimately escapes by the decay of the parent filament and sporange. According to Pringsheim, about three months elapse before germina^ tion, in which process the outer spore-coat splits, and the inner grows out into a tube, forming the basis of a new ramifica- tion of the F producing l sporules/ with a distinct cellular coat (PI. 26. fig. 12), from which the sporules are discharged by a ter- minal dehiscence. Mohl found this body, very rarely, of spherical form. We have never seen this cellular coat j in the cases we have met with, the coat was certainly only punctate or tubercular ; probably the structure was not mature, nevertheless the ' sporules ' were distinctly evident. These phenomena, exhibited by the Vine- fungus, clearly agree with those exhibited by the Oidia always accompanying certain ERYSTPH Sphcerosira* clusters ) Cilia two. Without an eye-spot. . . Synura*. With an eye-spot. Common envelope spherical. Gonidia numerous, all \ ^ f .j nnr . over the periphery.../ V( Gonidia eight, in a cii Common envelope ellipsoidal, gonidia sixteen or thirty-two Pandorina. * Probably stages of development of VOLVOX or PAN- DOBINA. VOLVOX. [ 813 ] VOLVOX. See SPONDYLOMORUM and SYCAMINA. BIBL. See the genera. VOLVOX, L. A genus of Volvocinese (Confervoid Algae), of which only one spe- cies, V. globator (PI. 7. fig. 24), seems satis- factorily established. This organism, occur- ring not uncommonly and often in great abundance in clear pools on open commons, &c., appears to the naked eye as a minute pale-green globule gently moving about in the water ; its dimensions variable, but gene- rally about 1-50" when full-grown. When placed under a low magnifying power, it is found to be a spherical membranous sac or coenobium, studded all over with green points, the entire body rolling over in the water with a motion which is readily discerned to be caused by innumerable cilia arranged upon the surface of the globe. In the inte- rior of the sac are generally seen dense globes, in summer mostly of a green colour (PL 7. fig. 24) : sometimes the cavity is wholly filled up by a number of membranous sacs exactly resembling the parent but de- formed by mutual pressure (PI. 7. fig. 25) ; and inside these are seen smaller green bodies as in the former case. The cceno- biurn is also flexible, yielding to pressure and recovering its form, and in full-grown specimens is generally ruptured at one point, where the internal bodies escape, so that the number varies; usually, however, the original number is eight. The application of higher powers is requi- site to discover the intimate structure of Volvox, which, by the researches of Wil- liamson and Busk, most of whose observa- tions we have verified, has been pretty clearly made out. The outer envelope con- sists of a layer of cell-membrane, in all probability composed of a modification of cellulose, although we have never succeeded in producing more than a faint purple tinge with sulphuric acid and iodine. By the application of a sufficient magnifying power, the green corpuscles at the periphery are found to consist of zoospore-like bodies (go- nidia, PI. 7. fig. 28), which are seated inside the membranous envelope, each sending out its pair of vibratile cilia (figs. 24-30) through separate orifices in the external coat. The same investigation will reveal that the green gonidia have radiating processes ex- tending from their sides, and running from the different centres to meet each other in the light interspace, forming thus a kind of delicate network beneath the membrane. The gonidia are pyriform, have a transpa- rent anterior end bearing a pair of cilia, and contain a reddish-brown eye-spot and a contractile vacuole, thus exactly resembling those of Gonium, and indeed the zoospores of Confervoids generally. The radiating processes resemble those found in particular stages of PROTOCOCCUS pluvialis, running through the gelatinous coat, and probably may be compared to the radiating fila- ments proceeding from the nucleus of SPI- ROGYRA (PI. 9. fig. 26). There is somewhat more difficulty in determining the nature of the structure in which the gonidia are en- closed. There is a layer of soft consistence of some thickness within the external mem- brane; the green gonidia are wholly im- bedded in this ; and their radiating processes and cilia traverse the substance of it. We are inclined to believe that this presents a firm membranous layer again at the internal surface, looking toward the general cavity of the sphere. The nature of the soft layer has been the subject of discussion ; we be- lieve Busk's view to be correct, that it is not formed by the collocation of distinct membranous cells, like those of ordinary parenchymatous structures, but by the close juxtaposition of gelatinous envelopes of the individual green bodies, resembling those of Coccochloris, Glceocapsa, &c. We could never detect a true line of demarcation halfway between neighbouring gonidia : an appearance is indeed sometimes pre- sented in preparations kept in chloride of calcium, which might lead to an error on this point ; for the outer membrane is then sometimes swollen into papillae opposite each corpuscle (PI. 7. fig. 30), the furrows between which in certain foci give the ap- pearance of a septum running round each corpuscle (PL 7. fig. 29). Similar prepara- tions also often show the gonidium con- tracted and leaving an empty ring round it, separating it from the gelatinous coat, w 7 hicn runs undistinguishably into those of the neighbouring gonidia. But the strongest fact we have observed is that, by the appli- cation of solution of potash, the substance surrounding the gonidia is so entirely dis- solved that the oily substance extracted from the green bodies will run freely about beneath the external membrane (apparently confined internally by another film), in sheets extending over considerable segments of the sphere, yet leaving the gonidia and their radiating processes intact, or at least only shrunk and discoloured. If a true cell- membrane existed around each gonidium, VOLVOX. [ 814 ] VORTICELLA. forming septa dividing them, the above phenomenon couldnot display itself, since the potash would not so dissolve the structures. The modes of reproduction of Volvox have recently been entirely elucidated. In certain conditions, some of the gonidia ap- pear larger than the rest, and as if under- going division (PL 7. fig. 27) ; it is possible that some of the gonidia, or of such grouped gonidia, escape into the cavity, and there become developed into the large green bo- dies (PI. 7. fig. 24), which are rudimentary globes j but Williamson believes these are detached in an earlier stage : perhaps both modes of development take place. Forms with the grouped gonidia (PI. 7. fig. 29) would appear to represent Ehrenberg's Sphcerosira. Ehrenberg's genus Uroglena, again, would seem to be a Volvox either im- perfectly developed or decaying. The deep-green bodies (PI. 7. fig. 24), seen in the cavity of the spheres, are young Volvoces, and in an early stage they appear as spherical cells filled with granular green substance ; the green substance divides by segmentation (PI. 7. figs. 31, 32) until it forms a group of gonidia, on each of which a pair of cilia appears , the enclosing mem- brane expands, and they follow it and re- move apart, until they form a perfect Vol- mr-sphere, studded with the gonidia. As above mentioned, a second generation is sometimes met with in the parent sphere (PI. 7. fig. 25). We are uncertain whether to regard the objects represented in PI. 7. fig. 14, as the young of Volvox ; they would seemingly equally represent the genus Pan- donna, Syncrypta, or Eudorina, Ehr. Volvox, examined in autumn and early winter, often exhibits either the green bodies with a thick coat (PI. 7. fig. 33), or the inner globes are of an orange colour (PI. 7. figs. 26 & 34), which appear to be successive stages of development of a resting-spore. When mature, this possesses at least two coats, one immediately surrounding the granular contents, another at some distance outside the former, transparent, colourless, and as it were glassy and brittle, breaking with sharp-angled cracks when pressed (PL 7. figs. 34 & 35). We cannot detect any in- termediate substance or layer, which would be required to complete the analogy with the resting-spore of SPIROGYRA as described by Pringsheim (PL 9. fig. 21) j perhaps it does not exist in either case. Sometimes the outer coat of the enclosed yellow globes is tuberculated or covered with conical ele- vations (PL 7. fig. 36). The form with the | smooth yellow resting-spores (PL 7. figs. 26 | & 34) represents Ehrenberg's Volvox aureus, i and the form with the spines (PL 7. fig. 36) I his V. stellatus. The development of the ! resting-spores of Volvox has been fully de- scribed by Cohn, and presents an essential resemblance to the process in PANDORINA I and STEPHANOSPH-ERA. Some of the i gonidia become enclosed in special cyst-like | coats j and their contents are then converted j into spermatozoids, which break out and move actively in the interior of the spherical common envelope. These bodies fertilize other gonidia, which take on the function of spore-cells ; and after their impregnation the latter acquire the firm coats and yellow contents characteristic of the resting-spores. They are set free at first into the common cavity of the spherical envelope. A doubt remains as to the nature of the object described as Synura uvella ; it may belong here, or, not improbably, to the genus Uvella (PL 32. fig. 18), which itself may be no more than a complex form of PBOTOCOCCUS or Chlamidomonas (PL 7. fig. 2 ; PL 23. fig. 30), which doubtless in- cludes also Chloroyonium (PL 30. fig. 31), Cryptoglena (fig. 35), and Gyges (PL 50. fig. 14). When a pool contains Volvox, the indi- viduals are generally abundant, and may be readily seen by the naked eye, as pale-green globules, in a phial of water held up to the light ; but they are kept with difficulty, being devoured by ROTATORIA, &c. The cilia are best seen by drying and wetting them again, or by applying iodine. The gonidia are a good deal altered by chloride of calcium. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. ; Pritchard, Inf. ; Williamson, Tr. Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. ix. ; Tr. MM. Soc. 2.i. 45 ; Busk, ibid. 31 ; Cohn, Ann. So. Nat. 4. v. 323 ; Ann. N. H. 2. xix. 187 ; Rabenh. Alg. iii. 26 ; Cooke, Alga, 1882. VORTICEL'LA, Linn. A genus of Peritrichous Infusoria, of the family Vor- ticellina. Char. Body campanulate, with an ante- rior ring of cilia, stalked j stalk simple, spi- rally contractile. These interesting Infusoria are very coni- nionlv met with in decomposing vegetable infusions, as of hay, portions of dead flowers, &c. Their curious metamorphoses and modes of reproduction, are noticed under INFUSORIA. VORTICELLINA. [ 815 ] WATER. F. nebulifera (PL 32. fig. 21). Body conico-carnpanulate, colouiiess ; anterior margin dilated; body without rings when contracted. Length of body without the stalk 1-570 to 1-288". V. microstoma (PI. 32. fig. 26, body with gemmae). Body ovate, narrowed at the ends, greenish white; anterior margin not dilated, nor body ringed when con- tracted. Length of body 1-2000 to 1-250". r. convallaria. Body ovato-conical, whitish hyaline, annulate; expanded ante- rior margin slightly prominent. Length of body 1-430 to 1-240". Many other species. Dujardin unites the genera CarchexiKin and Zoothamnium to his genus V&rticetta. BIBL. Ehr. Inf. 269; Duj. Inf. 546; Lachmann, Ann. N. H. 1857, xix. ; Clap, et Lach. Inf. ; Greef, Ann. N. H. 1872, 105, 196, 384, 462 ; Allman, Mn. Mic. Jn. xiv. 178 ; Kent, Inf. 667. VORTICELLI'NA. A family of Infu- soria. Table of Genera. - -I Q Without a pos- terior crown I of cilia during 1 the greater part of life. \ Naked. Sheathed. (A. peduncle. INo pedun- c le . Peduncle contrac- tile G-EXUS. VorticeUa. Not branched /'Each branch haTing a Branched. J A ^Tta^hrf Sheath fixed by its base Cothurnia. A sheath. 4 JJeaS^ f Sheath fixed by its side Vaglnicola. Animal suspended freely in the sheath Lagenophrys. With a posterior ciliary crown during the whole of life; body free Trichodina. BIBL. Clap. & Lach. Inf. 93; AUrnan, Qu. Mic. Jn. 1872, 393. VORTICLA'VA, Alder. A genus of Hydroid Zoophytes. "Char. Polypes on simple stems, developed at intervals on a creeping filiform stolon ; tentacles in two dissimilar whorls, the oral short and capitate, the outer longer and filiform ; reproduction unknown. Two species, on stones and corallines. BIBL. Jiincks, Hydr. Zooph. 131; Wright, Qu. Mic. Jn. iii. n. s. 50. \nJLVULI'NA,D'Orb. SeeTEXTULAEiA. W. WART. The common hard wart con- sists of a circular group of elongated papillae with their free extremities slightly enlarged and bulbous, their vessels dilated and ex- tending close up to the epithelial covering. This presents its normal threefold division, inasmuch as a thick layer of transition-cells fills up all the interstices between the en- larged papillae, while the horny lamina in- vests the group of papillae with a common covering. (Rindfleisch, Path. Hist.} WASP. See VESPA. WATER. Under this head we might form a kind of index referring to a large proportion of the articles of which this volume is composed, since water, existing under different circumstances, forms one of the most fertile sources of microscopic objects ; but as our space and plan do not admit of such an enumeration, we must be content to dwell shortly upon two of the most important questions in which the mi- croscope is applied to the examination of the contents of water. Ordinary examination of water. Here it appears merely necessary to point out that the mode of examining the contents of sam- ples of water, for the purpose of ascertaining the extent to which organic beings are con- tained in them, should be very different from that pursued by the microscopist who is engaged in collecting specimens. We make this remark in consequence of the gross misrepresentations which have been made respecting the " animalcules " in water, carried to their most absurd extreme in the so-called " drop " of water shown by oxyhydrogen microscopes, where we often see the field covered with larvae of dragon- flies, of beetles, of gnats, &c., Entomos- traca, and worms of different kinds, not only preceptible without a microscope, but, in the case of the larvae, perhaps really more than an inch long. Less violent exagge- rations occur when water which appears cloudy is selected, allowed to stand for some WATER. WEISSIA. time, and the sediment examined. Very false results must also be obtained when water is exposed to the air for any length of time before examination, since Infusoria and microscopic Algae always appear in a short time, even in distilled water, when exposed to the atmosphere; and an un- covered water-butt or cistern will be found a very fertile source of microscopic objects. We regard the presence of most of those organisms which do not sufficiently affect the water to render its impurity discernible by the naked eye, as a matter of little con- sequence. Large numbers of Entomostraca, certain Rotatoria and Infusoria, and Oscil- latoriaceous Algae, generally very perceptibly clouding or colouring the water, of course indicate the presence of much decomposing organic matter in the water, which, how- ever, reveals itself very^ clearly in a short time when the water is kept, by a fetid odour. The presence of green Confervoid Algae is by no means a sure sign of impurity properly so called, in water ; for some will only grow in very clear and pure water, while many of them may be regarded as agents of purification. The presence of Zygnernaceae, Diatomacese, and especially the Schizonaycetes, is, however, particularly objectionable, as they become very fetid in decomposition, which generally takes place very soon when they are disturbed and injured. When large numbers of minute Algae appear in water, discolouring it over extensive surfaces, the microscope will en- able us to detect the nature of the object pro- ducing the appearance, but will scarcely be requisite to prove the impurity of the water. The microscope is also of great importance in detecting the presence of undigested and bile- stained particles of food, showing the admixture of sewage with water. Coloration of water. Under this head we shall refer to those plants and animals which most commonly produce such ap- pearances, premising that the commonest cases of coloration depend upon suspended mineral substances (mud), of different colours according to the soils washed by the water. 1. Producing a general green colour, or a thick film on the surface. PROTOCOCCUS ( Chlamidomonas, Ehr., Diselmis, Duj.), very common in the spring ; and various Nosto- chaceous Algae, as TRICHORMUS, OONIO- PHYTUM, &c. (see NOSTOCHACE^E ; many with a bluish tinge); CLATHBOCYSTIS (form- ing a granular verdigris-green layer), Mi- CBOHALOA, and various other PALMELLA- | CEJE and CONFERVACE^ EUGLENA viridis, &c. The DESMIDIACE^E form greenish patches at the bottom of water or on plants, as do certain OSCILLATORIACE^E. 2. Producing a red colour in fresh water. ASTASIA hcematodes, Ehr. ; species of DAPHNIA. TUBIFEX produces a red colour on the mud in shallow water. Red forms of species of PROTOCOCCUS (see also RED SNOW). In salt water, DISELMIS Dunalii, Duj.; TRICHODESMIUM. 3. A brown cloudy appearance often ap- pears in masses near the source of small springs of water flowing out of blue clay, or in pools on peat-bogs. This mostly con- sists of peroxide of iron ; but sometimes a similar brown appearance is produced in pools by collections of amorphous granular decaying organic matter, in which occur great abundance of certain OSCILLATORS, DIATOMACE^,!NFUSORIA, and ROTATORIA. The obscure mycelioid structure called by Kiitzing LEPTOTHRIX ochracea produces a yellowish-brown tint ; DIDYMOHELIX also gives abrown colour to water. Diatomaceae often form a yellowish-brown coat on mud at the bottom of water. Many Rotatoria and the larger Infusoria (PARAMECIA, &c.), when abundant give water a slightly milky appearance. The ordinary method of separating the organic bodies from water, is to place it in a conical glass, and allow them to subside. A little spirit or osmic acid should be pre- viously added to prevent growth or repro- duction. The bodies are then removed with a pipette, or separated by filtration through Swedish paper. The above list is undoubtedly very im- perfect, but may afford some useful hints. Microscopists who meet with such colora- tions will naturally examine them carefully ; they will find further information under the heads of the articles cited. BIBL. Macdonald, Soc. Sci. Congress, 1877 ; Scott, Jn. Mic. Soc. 1877, Mn. M. Jn. xviii. 237 ; Church, Water, 1877 ; Fox, Food fyc. 1881; Cohn, Seitr. z. Biol i. 108; Blyth, Food $c. 1881; Frankland, Water- Analysis. WATER-BEARS. See TARDIGRADA. WEBBI'NA, D'Orb. (Restricted.) A subgenusof Trochammina ; adherent, single- celled, moniliform, or alternating. Recent and fossil. BIBL. Parker and Jones, Phil. Tr. civ. 435; P..J., & Brady, Monog. Crag For. 25. WEISSIA, Hedwig.-A genus of Pot- WESTWOODIA. [ 817 ] WHALEBONE. tiaceous Mosses, variouslydefined by authors, related to Gymnostomum. W. controversa ( W. viridula, Mull.) is common on banks. Wilson includes Blindia here, and separates W. fug ax and denticulata as Rhabdoweissia. (Wilson, Bryol Br. 46.) WESTWOODIA, Dana, = Arpacticus pt. W.nobilis=Arp.nob.', marine. (Brady, Copep. ii. 140.) WHALEBONE. In whales the teeth are rudimentary ; and arising from a depres- sion in the upper jaw on each side are a number of parallel horny plates, many feet in length, which project downwards: these platf.-, which are technically known as fins or blades,constitute whalebone ; and through them the water containing the animals upon which the whale lives is strained, and the food thus obtained. These plates are situ- ated upon a vascular membrane, folds of which enter a cavity at their base, which is the portion connected with the jaw. Whalebone may be pretty easily divided into longitudinal laminso and fibres ; but these are only secondary forms resulting from the aggregation of a number of cells of which whalebone wholly consists. On examining a transverse section of a blade or plate of whalebone with the naked eye, or a lens, two structures are readily distinguishable an inner porous-looking medullary portion, surrounded by an outer compact or cortical substance. A longitu- dinal section through the plate exhibits a number of dark lines or stripes, from about 1-100 to 1-150" in diameter, parallel to each other and to the axis of the plate, and cor- responding to the pores seen in the trans- verse section. These stripes, which have been called whalebone-canals, but which we shall denominate medullary lines, are seen to be surrounded by a paler substance. With a higher power ( inch), the trans- verse section exhibits in the centre a num- ber of rounded apertures or circles corre- sponding to the pores (PI. 22. fig. 31), sur- rounded by very fine, concentric, interrupted dark lines, whilst towards the circumfer- ence these lines run parallel to the surface of the plate. In the longitudinal section, viewed with this power, the medullary lines are seen to consist of a number of cells (PL 22. fig. 30), mostly arranged in single longitudinal series, and, in dried whalebone, having a very dark appearance by trans- mitted light, from the presence within them of a large quantity of pigment and air. These are the medullary cells. The substance between the lines of medullary cells exhibits very fine longitudinal striae, and, in parts, the ends of divided laminae. On macerating whalebone for twenty- four hours in solution of caustic potash, it becomes soft ; and on afterwards digesting it in water, the cortical portion resolves itself into numerous large transparent cells from 1-230 to 1-310" in length, and from 1-500 to 1-330" in breadth (PI. 22. fig. 33). These contain a variable number of gra- nules of pigment, of a deep brown colour, also some small globules of fat, which are especially numerous in those portions near- est the base of the plate. These cells in the natural whalebone are laterally compressed or flattened ; and the transverse axes of those surrounding the medullary lines are arranged tangentially to the latter, whilst in the cortical portions these axes are par- allel to the surface of the plate. The con- centric lines seen in a transverse section arise principally from the pigment-granules within those cells which surround the me- dullary cells becoming arranged in a linear series by the flattening of the cells enclo- sing them. This may be shown by treat- ing a transverse section of whalebone' with caustic potash, and then adding water and watching its resolution into cells. As these expand, the interrupted lines are seen also to expand as it were, and to become re- solved into a number of distinct pigment- granules existing within each cell. The lines seen in a longitudinal section arise from the unequal refraction of light by the laminae of compressed cells surrounding the medullary lines. The medullary cells contain a large quan- tity of pigment, as do also those compressed cells which immediately surround them j in the former these granules are frequently aggregated. In the common dry whale- bone of commerce the medullary cells also contain air, which has been mistaken for fat, and hence the cells denominated fat- cells. The air is readily displaced by liquids. Between the compressed cells, minute ca- vities containing air, sometimes assuming a linear form, at others representing mere dots, are seen both in the transverse and longitudinal sections ; these are distin- guished by the displacement of their con- tents. Hence ordinary whalebone closely resembles hair or horn in its structure ; and. the fibres which are seen projecting from the margin of the blades as found in com- merce have a remarkable similarity to hair WHEAT. [ 818 ] WOOD. (PL 22. fig. 32). Chemically, it consists of a proteine compound, and is therefore co- loured by Millon's and Pettenkofer's test- liquids. Whalebone polarizes light like horn. BIBL. Hunter,PM. Trans. 1787; Bonders, Mulder's Phys. Chemie^ Lehmann, Phys. CJiem. WHEAT. The STARCH of the grain of wheat (Triticum wily are and other species and varieties) presents itself in the form of delicate little flattish lenticular bodies, very characteristic (PL 46. fig. 8). Wheat is subject to various BLIGHTS, which are re- ferred to under that head, depending on the growth of parasitic Fungi, especially TILLETIA, attacking the ear, PUCCINIA attacking the straw, &c. In other cases the ear is found infested with a minute worm (ANGUILLULA tritici) remarkable for its tenacity of life. WINGS OF INSECTS. The arrangement of the veins or nerves of the anterior wings of the Hymenoptera is sometimes used to form the basis of systematic arrangement ; and the several veins and interspaces have received distinct names, which may be illus- trated by reference to PI. 34. fig. 11, repre- senting the anterior wing of the humble- bee (JBombus terrestns) : , costal nerve ; b, hind margin ; c, inner margin of wing, with the fold (K) for the attachment of the hooks ; d, postcostal nerve j e, externo-me- dian ;/, anal ; the nerve between 3 and 10, the trans verso-median ; A, anterior or outer mar- gin ; I, the subdiscoidal ; s, stigma ; 1, costal cell ; 2, externo-median cell ; 3, interno- median ; 4, anal ; 5, radial or marginal ; 6, first cubital cell ; m, m, m, second, third, and fourth cubital cells; 10, first discoidal cell; 11, second ditto; 12, third ditto; 13, first, and 14, second apical cell. See INSECTS, wings. BIBL. That of INSECTS; Jurine, Nou- velle Methode ; Shuckard, Tr. Entom. Soc. i. ; Staveley, Miss, Neuration, Linn. Trans. xxiii. 125; Semper, Siebold KolUker's Zsitschr. viii. 326. WINTE'RE^E. A section of the Dico- tyledonous family Magnoliaceae (DniMYs, Tasmannid), remarkable for the character of the elementary structure of the wood, approaching closely to that of the Conifene, It consists, as in that family, wholly of pitted prosenchymatous cells without ducts, the cells having two or three rows of bor- dered pits as in ARAUCARIA. A distinc- ion exists, however, in the character of the medullary rays, which are very numerous in Wintereee, occurring both large and small, six or seven in the breadth of 1-12" in a vertical section at right angles to the rays some of them being thin, composed of one or two parallel layers of cells, extending to a vertical extent of about ten cells, others much larger, ten or twelve cells thick (or broad), and of a vertical extent of eighty or a hundred cells ; the latter are very evident on the surface of the wood when the bark is removed. The medullary rays here tra- verse all the annual layers of wood, which is not the case in the Ooniferse. BIBL. Goeppert, Linncea, xvi. 135 (1842) ; Ann. Sc. Nat. 2. xviii. 317. WOOD. The mode of origin of wood is explained in the articles CAMBIUM, ME- DULLA, MEDULLARY RAYS, and VASCULAR BUNDLES, while the characters of the ele- mentary organs of which wood is composed are described under the heads of CELL ; FIBROUS, PITTED, and SPIRAL STRUC- TURES ; and SECONDARY DEPOSITS. Pe- culiar composition of the wood in certain classes, families, or genera of plants is also noticed under their special heads, which will be referred to presently. In this article the principal modifications of the wood, as a whole, occurring in these and certain other cases, are to some extent classified, in order to indicate their relations, and to furnish a guide to microscopists seeking to observe the most remarkable varieties of structure, occurring in this substance. The elements entering into the composi- tion of wood are : 1, FIBRO-VASCULAR BUNDLES, which in their most complete form contain SPIRAL and other VESSELS, PITTED DUCTS, PROSENCHYMATOUS cellular tissue with thickened walls (ivoody fibre) ; and in the Monocotyledons, vasa propria, as they are called by Mohl, viz. elongated tubular cells of membranous structure oc- curring in the centre of the bundles. 2, MEDULLARY RAYS in the Dicotyledons, or a generally diffused medullary parenchyma in the Monocotyledons. 3, Woody PAREN- CHYMA, which is found under different con- ditions and in different quantities in differ- ent cases. The GYMNO SPERMS may be considered in the above enumeration as agreeing with the Dicotyledons. The less-generally dif- fused structures connected with Secretion are here left out of view. In classifying the kinds of wood, we may commence with the less perfect forms. WOOD. [ 819 ] WOOD. Monocotyledons. In our native plants of this class the stem is mostly herbaceous, and the woody structure then occurs sim- ply in the form of u fibres " (Jibro-vascular bundles, fig. 456, p. 495), the structure of which has been described elsewhere (fig.791, p. 800). The same kinds of elements are arranged in nearly the same way in most of the arborescent plants of this class, such as Palms for example, in the Cocoa-nut Palm, in the common Cane (Calamus), or the various striped solid canes (all Palms) used for walking-sticks, c. The solid woody texture depends in these upon the inter- space between the fibro- vascular bundles being filled up with woody parenchyma ; i. e. the general medullary substance, which in such stems as that of the White Lily is soft and spongy, in the Palms &c. becomes soli- dified by the great deposition of secondary layers upon the walls of the cells ; thus the bundles, at first "fibres," are bound together into a solid wood. The thick woody walls of the hollow Bamboo cane are constructed on the same plan, being highly developed and lignifiea forms of the structure which is exhibited in a soft and herbaceous condition in our common Grasses. Certain Monocotyledons present a struc- ture which differs from the above in the appearance presented by transverse sec- tions. In the Sniilaceae, and some of the Dioscoreaceae, the fibro -vascular bundles are arranged in more definite order in one or two circles ; but there is no distinction of pith, medullary rays, and bark here; the bundles are bound together by woody par- enchyma, and there is no cambium-region beneath the rind. The anomalous growth exhibited by the stems of other Monoco- tyledons, such as Draceena, Yucca, &c., cannot be regarded as depending on the formation of wood in the proper sense j in them, layers of fibrous structure are formed between the central region of the stem (containing the original vascular bundles) and the rind, which take their origin from the ends of the vascular bundles at the periphery of the stem beneath the rind, and extend down in a kind of false cambium layer beneath the rind. Interesting objects illustrating the above structures are furnished by longitudinal and transverse sections of the trunks of large Palms and of the large woody leaf-stalks of these, of canes of different kinds, of Bamboo canes, the rhizome of Sarsaparilla plants (Smilax), Ruscus, the harder parts of the stem often found attached to imported Pine-apples, &c. Sections of silicified fos- sil Palm-stems, prepared by the lapidary, can also be obtained from the dealers in objects. Dicotyledons. In this class we meet with a remarkable diversity in the character of the wood, which moreover here exhibits, from the indefinite power of growth of the FLBRO-VASCULAR BUNDLES, a much more extensive and perfect development than in the Monocotyledons. In the articles ME- DULLA (fig. 455, p. 495), MEDULLARY RAYS (fig. 457, p. 496), and VASCULAR BUNDLES (fig. 792, p. 801) are described the condi- tions of ordinary Dicotyledonous stems in the first year of their growth ; it is stated in the account of the vascular bundles, that a new layer of wood is developed in the cambium layer in each succeeding season (fig. 457, p. 496). The nature of the ele- mentary structures in such cases is illus- trated by the accompanying figures from the Maple (Acer campestre, figs. 807 & 808), Fig. 807. Transverse and vertical section of a segment of a fibres; PC, cellular envelope of the bark; 8, corky layer of ditto. Magnified 60 diameters. 3G2 WOOD. Fig. 808. [ 820 ] WOOD. I me c f v f c t in. Transverse section of Maple-wood three yearo old. The figures 1, 2, 3 indicate the annual rings of wood ; the rest is bark, m, medulla ; t, spiral vessels ; v, ducts ; /, woody fibre ; c, cambium ; me.medullary parenchyma ; I, liber. Magnified 40 diameters. of which the former represents sections of a shoot at the begining of its second year, when the cambium layer (c) is swelling, the latter a shoot of three years' growth, the portions belonging to each year being indicated by the figures. The only differ- ence between the structures developed in each succeeding season is the absence of a layer of spiral vessels (medullary sheath, in the first year) at the point where each year's growth commences. Here, as is seen, the body of the wood is composed chiefly of prosenchymatous cells (wood-cells or woody fibre,/), with a few pitted ducts (v) near the commencement of each annual layer ; the medullary rays are narrow in this wood. In the Hornbeam (Carpinus Betulus) the wood is of very similar composition ; the wood-cells, however, are more thickened, and the ducts exhibit a spiral marking ; the annual layers are not very clearly defined in sections under the microscope. This is the case, again, with the excessively hard wood of the Box (Bujcus sempervirens), which is of analogous composition. The Birch (Betula alba) has the same structure. Other com- mon timber-trees exhibit an additional structure in their wood, namely masses woody parenchyma interspersed in various ways among the ordinary prosenchymatous structure of the wood. A very small quan- tity of this occurs in scattered groups in the common Oak (Querctts pedunculata) ; here also the ducts are very large, appearing as open holes to the naked eye in cross sec- tions ; the larger medullary rays are like- wise very evident. In the Beech (Fagu sylvaticd) there is a small quantity of woody larenchyma, but greatly thickened prosen- hyma prevails ; the ducts are rather small ; >ut the broader medullary rays are very evident, appearing to the naked eye as }rown streaks in longitudinal sections. The Chestnut (Castanea vesca) differs from this chiefly in wanting the broader medullary ays. In the Elm (Ulmus campestris) the prosenchyma is interposed between bands }f woody parenchyma and wide ducts, which renders the distinction of the annual ayers obscure. The Walnut-tree has no woody parenchyma j the Apple- and Pear- trees have alternate bands of prosenchyma and woody parenchyma; these exist, but are narrower, in the Plum and Cherry. In the wood of most of the Leguminosee (Robinia, Ulex, Genista, Gleditschia, &c.)the woody parenchyma appears in bands of con- siderable size ; but the walls of its cells are less thickened than those of the prosenchy- matous cells. Woody parenchyma occurs extensively in Mahogany and Kose-wood, 4 producing a peculiar variation of colour in the wood ; the large holes are the orifices of the very wide ducts. The wood of the Poplars (Populus), and Willows (Salix), has the prosenchymatous cells little thickened. The Hazel (Corylus Avellana), and the Alder (Alnus glutinosa), present a peculiarity : the wood appears to the naked eye to have broad medullary rays ; but under the microscope these rays are found to be portions of the wood devoid of ducts, intervening between segments with closely-pitted ducts placed at particular points in the annual rings. The Lime (Tilid) and the Horse-chestnut (^Esculus) have wood of soft texture, the prosenchy- matous cells being only slightly thickened, while the ducts are large and numerous (these exhibit a spiral band, very evident in the Lime). The wood of the Plane (Pla- tanus occidentalis) has strongly marked medullary rays ; the prosenchymatous cells are greatly thickened; and mingled with them are very numerous ducts, and a small quantity of woody parenchyma. The stem of the Vine (Vitis viniferd) has likewise long and broad medullary rays ; the wood is composed of prosenchymatous cells, with a spiral-fibrous deposit on their walls, while the cells of the woody parenchyma are devoid of this ; the ducts are very long, and exhibit every gradation of form, from spiral, reticulated, and scalariform to pitted ducts. The various species of Clematis have strongly marked medullary rays, and wood chiefly WOOD. [ 821 ] WOOD. composed of pitted ducts, as is the case also in the common Rose. In many of the above trees, the wood acquires a special peculiarity when it attains a certain age; the prosenchymatous cells generally become more solid, year by year, through" the filling-lip of their cavities by the increasing thickness of the secondary deposits on their walls: in the lighter- coloured and softer woods, such as the Lime, there is no distinct line of demarcation between the older and younger part of the trunk the alburnum or sap-wood and the duramen or heart-wood ; but in nanny cases, as in the Ebony (Dwspyros), Lignum vitae (Guaiacum), to a less extent in the Elm, Oak, &c., the duramen assumes a remark- able solidity and a deeper colour, so that after a certain time the colours of the dura- men and alburnum are very different. This appears to arise from a chemical alteration of the substance of the secondary deposits of the prosenchymatous cells. A great degree of regularity and agree- ment of structure exists between the woods of the Dicotyledons above mentioned. It remains to direct attention to various kinds which depart more or less from the type thus selected. In the various parasitical Dicotyledons, such o.&Lathrcea, Melampyrum, Cuscuta, &c., there is no layer of spiral vessels corre- sponding with the medullary sheath ; and in the Mistletoe ( Viscum} only annular ducts occur in this situation; the wood in the latter is largely composed of woody paren- chyma, the cells of which are punctated, or possess spiral-fibrous layers (figs. 665, 666, page 712). The stem of Myzodendron also exhibits some remarkable anomalies. In the Bombacese (Bombax, Carolinea, c.) the mass of structure corresponding to the wood is chiefly composed of mem- branous parenchymatous cells, with scat- tered isolated prosenchymatous cells, and large pitted ducts. The wood ofAvicennia is principally composed of large pitted ducts, with narrow interspaces filled up with small pitted parenchymatous cells. The wood of the Cactaceae (Mammillaria, Melocactus] is composed of dotted ducts, together with a kind of cell, apparently re- ferable to parenchyma, the walls of which have a remarkably "broad spiral-fibrous band (PL 48. fig. 7). The wood of the Casuarinee exhibits a curious structure : it is composed of long prosenchymatous cells, the walls of which, together with those of the numerous large ducts, have bordered pits (PI. 48. fig. 2) ; while concentric lines of cellular tissue appear at intervals in the cross sec- tion, consisting of plates of parenchyma extending from one medullary ray to the next, and connecting them. The stems of some of the Menispermaceae have likewise concentric processes of parenchymatous tis- sue. In the WINTEKE^E, a section of the Magnoliaceae, the wood is wholly composed (with the exception of the medullary sheath) of pitted prosenchymatous cells resembling those of Araucaria (PI. 48. fig. 5), without any ducts. In certain families of Dicotyledons a remarkable appearance arises from the ar- rangement of the bundles in several circles, almost as in the Monocotyledons ; but this results in a very different kind of structure, on account of the unlimited growth of the cambium in Dicotyledons. Examples of this kind of wood occur in the Chenopo- diaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Piperacese, &c. In Pisonia, which has been supposed to grow I in the same way, the result is a solid mass | of wood, composed of prosenchymatous cells ', and ducts, with isolated perpendicular cords of parenchyma (exactly the reverse of what occnrs in the Monocotyledonous stems). The woods of Phytocrene and Nepenthes may be further cited as offering remarkable peculiarities. It would exceed the space which we can allow to this article to enter into a descrip- tion of the anomalous Dicotyledonous stems of the tropical lianes or climbing trees, of the JSignoniacecs, Menispermacece, Malpighi- | acea, &c. ; the irregularities of the wood I of which depend upon deviations from the j normal type arising in the course of the i growth of the stems, which, from the obser- | vations of Treviranus, Criiger, and others, appears to be mostly regular when quite j young. Isolation of one or more fibro-vas- ! cular bundles from the central cylinder of ! wood, producing distinct centres of develop- i ment, is the most common cause of irre^u- larity. The wood of Dicotyledons must be exa- mined by transverse sections, and perpendi- cular sections parallel with and at ri^ht angles to the medullary rays. The same applies to the wood of Gymnosperms. The mode of cutting these sections is stated elsewhere. Sections of recent woods are best pre- served wet in chloride of calcium. Fossil wood, if silicified, is cut by the lapidary's WOOD, [ 822 ] WOODWARDIA. wheel; wood in the state of coal in like manner (see PREPARATION, FOSSIL WOOD, and COAL). Gymnosperms. In this division of the Flowering Plants we also meet with two types of structure : Coniferce. Here the character of the wood agrees in general with that of the typical Dicotyledons, with certain distinc- tions ; namely, although the medullary sheath of spiral vessels exists, no ducts or vessels occur in the mass of wood external to this, which is wholly composed of pros- enchymatous cells, with "bordered pits, in single (Plate 48. fig. 4) (usually), double, or treble (Araucaria) rows (fig. 6) ; in Taxus accompanied in part by a spiral-fibrous band (fig. 4). The particulars of these forms are given under CONIFERS. It may be men- tioned that the " woody parenchyma " of Dicotyledons seems to be represented here by the cords of parenchymatous cells in some cases traversing the prosenchyma, ulti- mately filled with resinous deposits (" cords of secretion-cells"). Cycadacece. The earliest condition of the stems here appears to resemble that in Coniferse ; but no annular rings are formed. Concentric layers are produced at intervals, however, separated by parenchymatous layers. The true mode of origin of these does not appear to be clearly made out. The wood is composed of pitted prosenchy- matous cells (PI. 48. fig. 20), without ves- sels or ducts, excepting in the medullary sheath of spiral vessels. Some elaborate and interesting researches on the peculiar intimate structure of wood and tissues have been published by Har- ting, Sanio, Na'geli, and Hanstein ; but we have no space to analyze these long papers here. For further details on the markings of the ducts, &c., see PITTED and SPIRAL STRUCTURES. BIBL. Lindley, Intr. to Sot. ; DeCandolle, Organographie, i. 161 ; Meyen, Pflanzen- phys. i. 331; Goeppert, Struct. Conifer. 1841, Linntea, xvi., xvii., Ann. So. Nat. 2. xviii. 1 & 317 ; Brongn. Veget. Fossiles, 1828, et seq., Ann. So. N. 1. xvi. 589; Hooker, Flor. Antarct., Ann. So. Nat. 3. v. 193; Gaudichaud, Recherches Anat., and Ann. Sc. Nat. 3. passim; Meneghini, Ricerche sulla Slruttura Monoc. ; Schacht, Pftanzen- zelle, 193, Das Baum, 94 ; Criiger, Sot. Zeit. viii. 99, x. 465 ; Tr- DULPHIA ? BIBL. Ehrenberg, Abh. Berl. Ak. 1839, 131 ; Kiitzing, Bacill 138, and Sp. Alg. 139 ; Eabenh. Alg. i. 310. ZYGODAC'TYLA, Brandt. A genus of Campanulinidae (Hydroid Zoophytes). Char. Capsules with an operculum formed by many convergent and acuminate seg- ments; polypes cylindrical, tentacles webbed below; reproduction by free me- dusiform gemmae. Z. vibrina, Ilfracombe. (Hincks, Brit. Zooph. 191.) ZYGODES'MUS, Corda. A genus of Sepedoniei (Hyphomycetous Fungi). Z. fuscus occurs upon bark of fallen branches. Berkeley thinks it possibly may be a form ZYGODON. [ 829 ] ZYMOMES. of some Thelephoroid Fungus. Currey has shown that Corda's figure (fig. 812) is not completely accurate, since he finds the Fig. 812. Zygodesmus fuscus. Magnitied 400 diameters. points at the apex of the fertile pedicels each crowned by a spore j and the normal number of sterigmata is probably four, so that the structure would resemble a basi- dium of Hymenomycetes. The above figure is after Corda. BIBL. Berk. Crypt. Bot. 298; Currev, Micr. Jn. v. 126. " ZYG'ODON, Hook, and Taylor. A genus of Orthotrichaceous Mosses, deriving its name from the yoking of the teeth in pairs ; the species are mostly found in mountainous districts and rarely in fruit. ZYGOGO'NIUM, Kite. A genus of Zygnemaceae (Confervoid Algae), consisting of filamentous plants, growing on damp ground or in water, green or yellowish when fresh, purple or brownish when dry. Kiitzing includes here all HassaU's species of Tyndaridea (ZYGNEMA) which produce the spore in the cross branch. Z. ericetorum, Kiitz. Filaments 1-2160 to 1-1440" in diameter, joints as longer half as long again, cylindrical or torulose (fila- ments sometimes slightly branched). Con- jugation rare, apparently mostly 'chain-like,' from one cell to the next in the same fila- ment. Contents green when growing in water, purple when growing on wet heaths (Hass. pi. 41; Greville, Sc.Crypt. Fl. pi. 261. fig. 1). Conferva ericetorum, Dillw. See ZYGNEMA. BIBL. Hassall, /. c. ; Greville, /. c. ; Kiit- zing, Sp. Alg. 445, Tab. Phyc. v. pi. 10 ; Eng. Bot. pi. 1553 ; Eabenh. Alg. iii. 251. ZYGOMYCETES. A group of Fungi, in which conjugation takes place, corre- sponding to the Conjugatae of the Algae, as in the Mucorini &c. (Brefeld, Schimmel- pilze, 1872 ; V. Tieghem, An. Sc. N. 5. xvii.; Sachs, Bot. 268.) ZYGOSEL'MIS, Duj. A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Euglenia. Char. Form variable j movement effected by two flagelliform filaments, incessantly in action. Z. nebulosa (PI. 32. fig. 23). Body colour- less, sometimes globular, at others variously expanded so as to become pyriform or top-shaped, turbid from the presence of numerous granules. Freshwater; length 1-1100". BIBL. Dujardin, Inf. 369; Kent, Inf. 417. ZY'GOSPORE or AUXOSPORE. The result of the union of conjugating Algae. ZY'MOMES =MICROZYMES. THE END. I'UINTED BY TAYLOR AND tKANCIS, KED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. THE MICROGRAPHIC DICTIONARY; A GUIDE TO THE EXAMINATION AND INVESTIGATION OF THE STRUCTURE AND NATURE OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. BY J. W. GRIFFITH, M.D., &c., MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ; AND ARTHUR HENFREY, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c., PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. FO UR TH EDITION. EDITED BY J. W. GRIFFITH, M.D. &c.; ASSISTED BY THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., AND T. RUPERT JONES. F.R.S., F.G.S., LATE PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY, SiAFF COLLEGE, SANDHURST. ILLUSTRATED BY FIFTY-THREE PLATES AND EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN WOODCUTS, CONTAINING FIGURES OF 2680 OBJECTS. VOL. II. PLATES. LONDON : JOHN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCLXXXIII. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, 11E1) LION COURT, FLEET STREET. ALEKR A FLAMMAM. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. The diameters which each object is magnified, are expressed in the Plates by small numbers placed beneath the object. PLATE 1. Test-Objects. Figure 1. Hairs of the larva of the so-called Dermestes lardarius, viewed in balsam. 2. Hairs of the common bat (Vespertilio pipistrellus), in balsam, a, 6, coloured hairs ; r, a white hair. 3. Hairs of mouse (Mus musculus), in balsam. 4. Pits of coniferous wood, common deal (Abies excelsa), viewed dry. 5. Mucus- (or salivary) corpuscles, seen under different powers. 6. Scales of Lepisma saccharine^ dry. 7. Scale from the wing of Morpho Menelaus, dry. 8. Scale from underside of wing of common clothes-moth (Tinea pellionella), dry. 9. Scales of Hipparchia janira. a, dry, and by oblique light; 6, in balsam, by direct light; c, dry, after Schacht. 10. Didymohelix ferruginea, under different powers ; >, with imperfect correction or adjustment, c with perfect correction and adjustment ; c, separate fibres. 11. Didymopriiun Borreri, empty cells. 12. Scales of Podura (Lepidocyrtus), under different powers, dry ; a, 220 diameters : c, portion of scale left hand, three markings as seen when the adjustment of the object-glass is correct and the markings in focus ; right hand, showing the markings dividing when the adjustments are correct and the focus altered the least possible either way. 13. 'Pygidium of flea. 14. Frustule of Grammatophora manna (diagram), a, front view ; 6, side view. 15. Frustule of Grammatophora subtilissima (diagram). a } front view ; 6, side view. 16. Pleurosigma angulatum ; dry valve showing the dots. 17. Pteurosigma attenuatum; dry valve showing the lines. 18. Pleurosigma elongatum ; dry valve showing the lines. 1 ( J. Bacillus subtilis. 20. Bacterium termo. PLATE 2. Adulterations. Figure 1. 2-11 4. 5. 7. |1 a li 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. p 16. 5 17. Si SI 18. p 19. || Tea. a, point of leaf ; 6, under surface, with stomata and hairs ; c, epi- dermis of midrib with raphides ; d, sclerogen cell from inside the leaf. ISloe. a, point of leaf ; 6, upper surface, showing hairs and striated parenchyma. Elder, a, point of leaf ; 6, upper surface ; c, under surface of leaf, with sinuous striated cells and glandular hairs. Cocoa, a, epidermis of husk ; 6, cells containing mucilage and raphides ; c, hexagonal cells beneath the mucilage layer ; d, parenchymatous granular cells, forming the inner layer of husk ; e, endosperm-cells containing starch -grains. Coffee, a, prosenchymatous cells of investing membrane of berry ; 6, thick-walled cells of endosperm, containing oil-globules. Chicory, a, laticiferous vessels ; 6, pitted tissue ; c, cellular tissue. Acorns, a, portion of husk ; b, cells of endosperm filled with starch. Carob or locust-beans, a, 6, characteristic tissues in pod ; c, wedge- shaped, and d, sphaerenchymatous cells of bean containing dark nuclei. Date-stones. Sclerogen-cells of albumen. Figs. , laticiferous tissue ; 5, cellular tissue ; c, a hair ; cZ, woody L tissue ; e, sphaeraphides ; /, characteristic tissue in fig-seed. Mustard, a, b, c, tissues in the husk ; d, substance of the seed con- sisting of granular matter and oil-globules. f Pepper, a, 6, c, characteristic tissues in the husk ; d, cells containing starch-granules. J Cayenne Pepper, a, very characteristic tissue ; b, skin. I Linseed. , epidermis ; 6, c, second and third tissues ; d, endosperm with oil-globules. ^Rice-husk, a, chief tissue of husk ; 6, the same broken up. C Tobacco. Epidermis of under surface of leaf, with glandular hairs. Dock. Epidermis of under surface of midrib, showing unicellular twisted I hairs. ] Rhubarb. Epidermis of leaf, showing short unicellular pitted hairs. | Coltsfoot. Epidermis of leaf, showing peculiar jointed hairs with long ^ whip-like appendages. PI. 2. London . John Van Voorst PLATE 3. Algae. Figure 1. Agonium centrale. 2. Aphanocapsa virescens. 3. Aphanothece microscopica. 4. AmpTiithrix papillosa. 5. Aster oihrix Pertyana. 6. Chamcesiphon confervicola. 7. Ohroolepus aureum, b, the zoospores escaping. 8. Ccelastrum Naeyelii. 9. Ooniophytum Thompson!. 10. Craterospermum Icetevirens. 11. DictyospTicerium Ehrenbergii. 12. Microcystis progenita. 13. Polyedrium spinosum. 14. PTiysodictyon graniforme. 15. Pilinia ramosa. 16. Schizoclilamys gelatinosa. 17. Schizomeris Leibleinii. 18. Protoderma viride. 19. Prasiola calophyUa. 20. Spermosira litorea. 21. Sphcerotilus natans. 22. Sorastrum spinosum. 23. Spondylomorurti quaternarium. 24. Pleurocarpus mirabilis. 25. Stiehococcus bacillaris. 26. Synechococcus ceruginosus. 27. Zygogonium ericetorum. 28. Ghcetoococcus violaceus. 29. Palmodictyon viride. 30. Botryococcus Braunii. 31. Pdlmodactylon varium. 32. Bulbotrichia botryoides. ALGAE PI 3 .11 . I ij'/iiM/ e~ ' * London: John Van Voors t . PLATE 4.- Algas Florideae. Figure 1. Sporochnus pedunculatus. a, portion of branch ; ft, receptacle ; c, spores and filaments. 2. Dictyota dicTiotoma. a, portion of frond ; ft, sorus ; c, section of the same with spores. 3. Poly ides rotundus. a, frond with warts ; 6, favellidia from wart ; c, section of frond and wart ; d, spore. 4. PhyllopTiora rubens ; 6, spores ; c, a nemathecium ; e, filaments from the same. 5. Delesseria sanguinea ; ft, spores ; c, a tetraspore ; d, capsule ; 0, branch with coccidia. 6. Nitophyllum punctatum ; &, a tubercle ; c, a tetraspore ; rf, spores. 7. Microcladia glandulosa ; 6, favella ; c, tetraspore ; d, branch with favella. 8. Rliodymenia Palmetto, ; 6, portion with sorus ; c, tetraspores ; d, coccidium. 9. Dasya arbuscula. a, portion of frond ; 6, branchlet with stichidia ; c, a cera- midium. 10. Plocamium coccineum ; 6, branch with tubercles ; c, branch with sporophylls ; d, tetraspore ; e, spore. 11. Rytiphlcea pinastroides ; 6, branch with ceramidia; c, stichidium; d, cera- midium. 12. Nemaleon multifidum. a, spermatozoa adherent to trichogyne ; 6, antheridia ; c, carpogon. 13. Odonfkalia dentata \ b, stichidia ; c, ceramidia ; c?, tetraspore ; e, spore. 14. Sphcerococcus coronopifolius ; 6, portion with tubercles ; c, a tubercle ; t^, spores. 15. Bonnemaisonia asparayoides ; b, portion with ceramidia ; r, ceramidium ; d, spore. 16. Ptilota plumosa ; 6, c, favella ; d, tetraspore. 17. Gigartina acicularis ; b, c, tubercles with favellidia. 18. Naccaria Wigghii b, swollen ramuli with spores ; c, filaments with spore. 19. Bryopsis plumosa ; 6, portion of branch magnified. 20. Polysiphonia fastigiata ; 6, portion magnified. 21. Catenella opuntia. a, nat. size; 6, magnified 10 diam. ; c, tetraspore. ALG& FLORIDE/E . PI.*. 1 onion .- John Van "Vo or s t . PLATE 5. Unicellular Algae, etc. Figure 1. Hydrocytium acuminatum. a, young plant ; 6, more advanced ; , junction of filaments. con KI:K\ MDI-; K PI 8 I. London ; Jolm Van Vbor PLATE 9. Confervoidese. Figure 1. Monostroma bullosum, Thuret. a, fragment of frond, with some cells empty ; b, ciliated zoospores from the cells ; c, zoospore germinating. 2. Ulva Lactuca, L. a, fragment of frond ; 6, small ciliated zoospores from ditto. 3. Ditto, a, fragment of frond ; b } ditto, with the cells nearly empty, showing the orifices by which the zoospores escape ; c, large zoospore ; d, zoospores ger- minating. 4. Enteromorpha claihrata, Grev. a, fragment of frond ; 6, zoospores from ditto ; c, the same in germination. 5. Stigeoclonium protensum, Kiitz. a and 6, fragments of branched filaments, b, emitting zoospores, c, c ; c, germinating zoospores. 6. Ulothrix mucosa, Thur. a, 6, fragments of filaments ; c, zoospores ; d, e, ditto germinating. 7. CEdogonium vesicatum, Link, a, fragment of a filament ; 6, ditto, breaking up and emitting a zoospore ; c, zoospore with a crown of cilia ; d, e, germinating zoospores ; /, membrane of a zoospore which has burst by a lid and discharged small zoospores immediately after germination ; # $^M ' I ; iva. PLATE 10. Confervoidese. Crystals. Figure 1. Cosmarium margaritiferum, Turp. ; conjugating pair with imperfect sporange. 2. Cosmarium botrytis, Bory ; conjugating pair with sporange, enveloped in jelly. 3 A. Closteriwn acerosum, Schrank. a, b, c, different stages of conjugation ; d, frustules apparently produced from a sporange. 3 B. Closterium lunula, Miill. ; the contents converted into globular bodies. 4. Fragilaria penicillata, Lyngb. a and b, successive stages of conjugation. 5 A. Surirella bifrons, Ehr. ; conjugating pair, with intermediate large sporangial frustule. 5 B. Surirella bifrons, Ehr., with the contents converted into globular bodies. 6. Epithemia turgida, Ehr. a, b, c, d, e, successive stages of conjugation producing pairs of sporangial frustules. 7. Meloslra (Aulacosira) crenulata, Thw. , filament with two conjugating pairs of cells and perfect sporangial frustules ; 6 and c, large filaments produced by sporangial frustules. 8. Melosira varians, Ag. a, small filament producing sporangial frustules by con- jugation ; 6, large filament developed from sporangial frustules. 9. Orthosira Didciei, Thw. Successive stages of production of sporangial frustules after conjugation. 10. Pinnularia viridis, Sm., with the contents converted into globular bodies. 11. Pediastrum granulatum, Ktz. , a frond with most of the cells empty, three full, and the contents of another swarming out as zoospores ; b, c, d, swarm of zoospores producing a new frond. 12. Crystals of sugar of milk. 13. diabetic sugar. 14. indigo, sublimed. 15. oxalate of soda. 16. sulphate of lime. 17. phosphate of lime. 18. sulphate of strontia. 19. nitrate of soda. 20. allantoin. 21. antimoniate of soda. 22. protoxide of antimony. 23. butyrate of baryta, a, rapidly, b, slowly formed. 24. hydrofluosilicate of baryta. 25. sulphate of baryta, a, precipitated from concentrated, 6, from very dilute solution. 26. carbonate of potash. CQNFKKV, sulphocyanide of brucia. 2. Cinchonine. 3. Sulphocyanide of cinchonine. 4. Narcotine. 5. , b, Strychnine. 6. Sulphocyanide of strychnine. 7. Morphia. 8. Sulphocyanide of quinine. 9. Muriate of ammonia. 10. Purpurate of ammonia (murexide). ' 1 Nitrate of potash (ANALYTIC CRYSTALS). 13. Benzoic acid, a, crystalKzed from water; b, sublimed. 14. Lithofellinic acid. 15. Margarine. 16. Stearic acid ; a, margaric acid. 17. lodo-disulphate of quinine. 18. Hippuric acid. 19. Lactate of lime. 20. Lactate of zinc. 21. Succinic acid crystallized from water. 22. Creatine. 23. Creatinine. 24. Compound of creatinine and chloride of zinc. Pl.ll. *!* London. V>%'* * .>/, i ,-j-- ,y.m ^*aT ; / - 1A *V; fc=^ e 'A PLATE 14. Desmidiacese. Figure 1. Hyalotheca dissiliens, front view. 2. Hyalotheca dissiliens, side or end view. q 1 ^ > Hyalotheca dissiliens, conjugating cells, with sporangia. 5. Didymoprium Orevillii, front view. 6. Didymoprium Grevillii, side view. 7. Desmidium Sivartzii, front view. 8. Desmidium Swartzii, side view. 9. Sphcerozosma vertebratum, front view. 10. Sphcerozosma vertebratum, side view. 11. Micrasterias denticulata, cell dividing. 12. Micrasterias denticulata, sporangium. 13. Micrasterias rotata. 14. JEuastrum verrucosum. 15. Euastrum oblonyum. 16. Euastrum didelta. 17. Euastrum didelta, cell free from contents 18. Cosmarium pyramidatum. 19. Cosmarium pyramidatum, empty cell. 20. Cosmarium crenatum. 21. Cosmarium margaritiferum. 22. Cosmarium tetraophthalmum. 23. Xanthidium armatum. 24. Xantkidium armatum, empty cell. 25. Xanthidium fasciculatum. 26. Staurastrum dejectum. 27. Arthrodesmiis convergent. 28. Staurastmm margaritaceum, front view. 29. Staurastmm margaritaceum, side view. 30. Staurastmm gracile, front view. 31. Staurastrum gracile, side view. 32. Didymocladonfurcigerus, front view ; fig. 56, end view. 33. Tetmemorus granulatus. 34. Tetmemorus granulatus, empty cell. 35. Tetmemorus Icevis, in conjugation. 36. Penium Brebissonii. 37. Penium margaritaceum, empty cell. 38. Docidium truncatum. 39. Docidium baculum. 40. Closterium lunula. 41. Closterium acerosum, 42. Closterium acerosum, in conjugation. 43. Closterium moniliferum. 44. Closterium didymotocum. 45. Closterium setaceum. 46. Closterium setaceum, in conjugation. 47. Ankistrodesmusfalcatus, 48. Pediastrum Boryanum. 49. Pediastrum granulatum, empty cell. 50. Scenedesmus quadricauda. 51. Scenedesmus obliquus. 52. Aptogonum desmidium, side view ; fig. 55, front view. 53. Scene.desmus obtusus, just after division. 24. Scenedesmus obtusus, ordinary state. 55. Aptogonum desmidium, front view ; fig. 52, side view. 56. Didymocladonfurcigerus', a, end view; fig. 32, front view. 57. Closterium Oriffithii. 58. _ 59. Spirotcenia condensata. lH-:SMim.\< K K- '- - Lcmdoru Jakn. Van. Yo ors t J.Basire, sc. PLATE 15. Diatoinaceae. The figures represent the prepared frustules or valves, except when otherwise stated. Figure 1. Pinnularia nobilis, side view. 2. Pinnularia viridis, side view, with endochrome. 3. Pinnularia oblonga, side view. 4. Pinnularia radiosa, side view. 5. Pinnularia radiosa, front view. 6. Navicula cuspidata, side view. 7. Navicula cuspidata, front view. 8. Portion of the valve of a Navicula, showing the transverse rows of dots. 9. Navicula didyma, side view. 10. Pleurosigma balticum, side view. 11. Hoop of the same, side view. 12. Pleurosigma strigilis, side view. 13. Pleurosigma hippocampus, side view. 14. Pleurosigma acuminatum, side view. 15. Pleurosigma attenuatum, side view. 16. Pleurosigma attenuatum, front view. 17. Pleurosigma Spencerii, side view. 18. Pleurosigma lacustre, side view. 19. Pleurosigma littorale, side view. 20. Pleurosigma distortum, side view. 21. Pleurosigma fasciola, side view. 22. Pleurosigma macrum, side view. 23. Pleurosigma prolongatum, side view. 24. Pleurosigma tenuissimum, side view. 25. Pleurosigma formosum, side view. 2.6. Pleurosigma decorum, side view. 27. Pleurosigma obscurum, side view. 28. Pleurosigma speciosum, side view. 29. Pleurosigma strigosum, side view. 30. Pleurosigma rigidum, side view. 31. Pleurosigma elonyatum, side view. 32. Pleurosigma delicatulum, side view. 33. Pleurosigma angulatum, side view. , with endochrome ; b, variety (3 ; c, variety y, end of. 34. Pleurosigma quadratum. 35. Pleurosigma cestuarii. 36. Pleurosigma intermedium. 37. Pleurosigma, transversale. 38. Pleurosigma transversale. 39. Portion of valve of P. balticum. 40. Portion of valve of P. strigosum. 41. Portion of valve of P. angulatum (DIATOMACE^E). 42. Portion of valve of P. littorale. 43. Stauroneis phcenicenteron, side view. 44. Stauroneis pulchella, side view. 45. Stauroneis pulchella, front view. 46. Pleurosigma angulatum, showing the dots as pearls. 47. Isthmia enervis, portion of. 1 1 1. vrn.M A( -KJ-: PL 15 Magnified PLATE 16. Diatomaceae. Figure 1. Achnanthes longipes ; the front view of the frustules is visible. 2. Achnanthes longipes, side view, upper valve. 3. Achnanthes longipes, side view, lower valve. 4. Achnanthes exilis. 5. Achnanthidium microcephalum, side and front views. 6. Achnanthidium fleocellum, front and side views. 7. Amphipleura pellucida. a, side view of frustule ; ft, single valve ; c, Amphi- pleura sigmoidea. 8. Amphiprora alata. a, side view ; ft, front view. 9. Amphitetras antediluviana. a, frustules united ; ft, side view ; c, front view ; d, perspective view. 10. Amphora ovalis, front view ; 10 a, transverse section. 11. Amphora membranacea, front view of single valve. 12. Arachnoidiscus Ehrenbergii^ side view. 13. Arachnoidiscus Ehreribergii, portion of valve from the centre to the circumference. 14. Bacillaria paradooca. a, front view of conjoined frustules ; ft, side view ; c, front view of single frustule. See also PL 18. fig. 17. 15. Biddulphia pulchella, front view, a, frustule dividing, front view. 16. Campylodiscus costatus, side view, ft, front view. 17. Cocconeis pediculus. 18. Cocconeis scutellum, single valve (side view). 19. Cocconema lanctolatum. 20. Cocconema lanceolatum, single vatye (side view). 21. Cyclotella operculata. #, side view; ft, front view. 22. Cyclotella Kutzingiana, front view. 23. Cymatopleura solea. a, side view ; ft, front view. 24. Cymatopleura elliptica, side view. 25. Denticula obtusa. ft, front view ; c, side view of single frustule ; c?, front view of the same. 26. Diatoma vulgare, connected frustules. , side view ; ft, front view of single frustule. 27. Diadesmis confervacea. a, front view ; ft, side view. 28. Meridion constrictum. a, connected frustules forming a coil ; ft, front view of single frustule. 29. Doryphora amphiceros. , side view of frustule with endochrome; ft, front view ; c, prepared single valve. 30. Eupodiscus argus. a, side view ; ft, front view ; c, fragment, more highly magnified. 31. Eupodiscus sculptus^ side view. 32. Epithemia turgida. a, side view ; ft, front view. 33. Fragilaria capucina ; side view of frustule, front view of the same, and frus- tules united into a filament. 34. Qomphonema acuminatum. a, filiform stipes ; ft, side view, c, front view of frustule. 35. Grammatophora marina, connected frustules. ft, single frustule, front view ; c, side view. 36. Himantidium pectinale, united frustules, front view, a, side view of single frustule ; ft, side view of variety f> ; c, sporangial frustule. London John Van Voorst PLATE 17. Diatomacese. Figure 1. Hyalosira rectangula, front view of connected fmstules. 2. Isihmia enervis, front view. 3. Licmophora splendida. b, side view ; c, front view of single frustule. 4. LitJiodesmium undulatum. #, front view : &, side view. 5. Melosira nummuloides, front view. 6. Melosira varians, front view, a, side view. 7. Meridian circulare. a, fmstules united into a coil, front view ; b, side view of single frustule. 8. Micromega parasiticum, natural size. 6, portion of a filament containing the fmstules ; c, side view, d, front view of a frustule. 9. Nitzschia sigmoidea. a, side view ; 6, front view. 10. Nitzschia lanceolata. a, front view ; 5, separate valve ; c, side view of frustule ', 10 d, portion of valve, showing the dots. 11. Nitzschia longissima. a, side view ; b, front view. 12. Nitzschia reversa, front view of single valve. 13. Nitzschia. a, tcenia ; 6, acicularis. 14. Odontidium turgidulum. a, fmstules united, front view ; 6, single valve, side view. 15. Orthosira Dickieii. a, front view ; b, side view. 16. Pododiscus jamaicensis. a, side view; 6, front view. 17. Podosphenia Ehreribergii. a, front view ; ?>, side view of single frustule. 18. Rhabdonema arcuatum. a, united frustules, front view; b, side view of single frustule. See also PI. 18. fig. 69. 19 . RhipidopTiora paradoxa. 6, front view of single frustule ; c, side view of the same. 20. Striatella unipunctata. a, front view ; 6, the same ; c, side view. 21. Surirella gemma, a, side view ; 6, front view. 22. Surirella bifrons. a, front view ; 6, side view. 23. Synedra radians, a, attached frustules; b, side view of prepared frustule; c, front view of the same. 24. Synedra fulgens. a, side view ; 6, front view of a prepared frustule. 25. Synedra capitata, side view. 26. Sphenosira catena. , united frustules, front view ; b, side view of single frustule. 27. Tabellariaflocculosa. a, united frustules, front view ; 6, side view of single frustule. 28. Tetracyclus lacmtris, united frustules, front view ; a, side view. 29. Triceratium favus. a, side view ; b, front view. 30. Tryblionella scutellum, side view. 31. Tryblionella gracilis, front view. 32. Tryblionella gracilis, diagram of transverse section. DIATOMACF. I 1M.I7 PLATE 18. Diatomaceae, etc. Figure 1. Actiniscus tetrasterias. 2. Actiniscus pentasterias. 3. Actiniscus quinarius. 4. Actiniscus discus. 5. Actiniscus rota. 7. Anaulus scalaris. 8. Actinogonium septenarium. 9. Arthrodesmus minutus. 10. Amaroucium proliferum : a, nat. size ; b, individual body magnified (TuNi- CATA). 11. Amphicampa eruca. 12. Amphicampa mirdbilis. 13. Asellus vidgaris. 14. Aster ioneUa formosa. 15. Asteromphalos Beaumontii. 16. Biddulphia rhombus. 17. Bacillaria paradoxa (compare PI. 16. fig. 14). 18. Bacteriastrum curvatum. 19. Bowerbankia imbricata : , nat. size ; b } portion magnified ; c } single body. 20. Botryllus polycyclus : a, nat. size ; b } separate body (TUNICATA). 21. Coscinodiscus (Craspedodiscus) pyxidi- cula. 22. Gammarus pulex. 23. Mastogonia : a, crux ; b, actinoptychus. 24. Mastogonia prcetexta. 25. Mastogonia hexagona. 26. Stephanodiscus Niagara. 27. Stephanodiscus lineatus. 28. Stephanodiscus sinensis. 29. Stephanodiscus dEgyptiacus. 29* .Stephanodiscus Bramaputrce. 30. Stephanogonia polygona. 31. Hercotheca mammillaris. 32. Syringidium bicorne. 33. Syringidium palcemon. Figure 34. Biblarium castellum. 35. Biblarium compressum. 36. Biblarium compressum. 37. Biblarium elegans. 38. Biblarium elhpticum. 39. Biblarium emarginatum. 40. Biblarium emarginatum. 41. Biblarium strumosum. 42. Biblarium stella. 43. Biblarium speciosum. 44. Biblarium rhombus, 45. Biblarium linear e. 46. Biblarium lancea. 47. Biblarium glans. 48. Biblarium follis. 49. Stylobiblium clypeus. 50. Stylobiblium : a, b, clypeus ; c, divisum ; rf, eccentricum. 51 . Halionyx undenarius. 52. Odontodiscus eccentricus. 53. Omphalopelta areolata. 54. Symbolophora acuta. 55. Symbolophora micrasterias. 56. Symbolophora pentas. 57. Systephania corona. 58. Systephania diadema. 59. Syndendrium diadema. 60. Auliscus pruinosus. 61. Dicladia antennata. 62. Dicladia bulbosa. 63. Dicladia capreolus. 64. Dicladia -capreolus. 65. Dicladia clathrata. 66. Periptera tetracladia. 67. Periptera capra. 68. Dictyolampi'a stella. 69. JRhabdonema arcitatwn; compound frus- tule. FOSSIL DIATOMACEJE,&*. zso-300 duime&r^wiless otherwise, expressed, P118 66 i > n iW i CJarrnan sc PLATE 19. DiatomaceaB and Entomostraca. Figure 1. Acroperus nanus. 2. Acroperus harpce. 3. Alieutha depressa. a, first pair of legs. 4. Alona reticulata. 5. Alona quadrangularis. 6. Anomalocera Patersonii, male. 7. Anehorella uncinata. a, arms ; b, abdomen ; c, ovarian tubes. 8. Berkeleya fragilis. a, natural size ; 6, portion of a branch containing frustules ; c, side view, d, front view of a single frustule. 9. Biddulpha aurita. Prustules undergoing division : #, hoop of original frustule, to which two new halves (c) have been formed ; the hoop of the new frustules is seen at b ; the hoop of the parent has separated from the two frustules d d, which are perfectly formed, each with its new hoop. 10. Encyonema prostratum. a, frustules contained in a gelatinous tube, side view ; 6, front view ; c, separate frustules, side view. 11. Rhaphidoglcea micans. a, natural size ; 6, group of frustules ; c, single frustule, front view. 12. Schizonema Dillwynnii. a, natural size ; >, filaments containing frustules ; c, front view, cZ, side view of frustule. 13. Zygoceros rhombus, a, front view ; 6, side view. 14. Syncydia salpa ; frustules immersed in a gelatinous mass. 15. Homceocladia anglica. a, portion of the natural size ; 6, part of a filament con- taining two frustules ; c, front view, d, side view of a prepared frustule. 16. Dickieia alvoides. a, natural size ; 6, portion of frond containing frustules ; c, d, /, prepared frustules, front view ; e, side view. 17. Frustulia saooonica ; frustules immersed in a gelatinous mass. 18. Gymbosira Agardhii. a, united frustules ; 6, front view, c, side view of pre- pared frustules. 19. Sphenella vulgaris. a, front view ; 6, side view. 20. Spermatozoa of a Cypris. 21. Cetochilus septentrionalis, dorsal view. 22. Notodelpliys ascidicola, female. 23. Lepeophthirus pectorcdis, female. 24. Lerneonema spratta, female. 25. Macrothrioc laticornis, female. 26. Moina rectirostris t female. 27. Sida crystallina. 28. Nebalia bipes. 29. Polyphemus pediculus. 30. Evadne Nordmanni. 31. Peracantha truncata. a, superior antenna. 32. Pleuroxus trigonellus. 33. Terpsinoe musica : front view, PI. 25. fig. 10. 34. Podosira hormoides, front view. 35. Tessella interrupta, front view. 36. Nicothoe astaci. a, ovaries. 37. Cythere lutea. Poison-gland, a, and urticating organ, b. DlATOMACEjC & ENTOMOSTRACA PJ19 London John'Van Vjorst PLATE 20. Entomostraca. Figure 1. Argulus foliaceus, seen from beneath, a, anterior, b, posterior antennae ; c, rostrum ; d, suckers, representing the first pair of legs ; e, second pair of legs ; /, four posterior pairs of legs. 2. Bosmina longirostris ; 2*, the same, natural size. 3. Branchipus stagnalis. 4. Camptocercus macrourus. 5. Cypris reptans ; 5 a, inferior antenna. 6. Canthocamptus minutus ; 6 a, inferior antenna; 6 &, first pair of foot-jaws 6c, second pair of foot-jaws. 7. Chydorus splicer icus. 8. Cyclops quadricornis, male, a, b, superior antennae 9. Cyclops quadricornis, female, a, superior, b, inferior antennae. 10. Cyclops quadricornis, inferior antenna. 11. Cyclops quadricornis, mandible; a, body; 6, serrated seta ; c, filaments of palp. 12. Cyclops quadricornis, first pair of foot-jaws. 13. Cyclops quadricornis, second pair of foot-jaws: 13 a, internal portion; 136, external portion. 14. Cyclops quadricornis, first pair of thoracic legs. 15. Cyclops quadricornis, fifth pair of legs. 16. Cyclops quadricornis, recently hatched. 17. Cypris tristriata. 18. Cypris tristriata, superior antenna. 19. Cypris tristriata, inferior antenna. 20. Cypris tristriata, mandible. 21. Cypris tristriata, first pair of jaws ; a, basal plate ; b, branchial lamina. 22. Cypris tristriata, second pair of legs. 23. Cypris tristriata, first pair of legs. 24. Cypris tristriata, second pair of legs. 25. Cypris tristriata, lateral half of the abdomen. 26. Cythere inopinata. 27. Daplinella Wingii. 28. Daphnia pulex. a, superior antennae ; &, inferior antennae ; c, heart. 29. Daphnia pulex, first pair of legs. 30. DapTinia pulex, second pair of legs. 31. DapTinia pulex, third pair of legs. 32. Daphnia pulex, fourth pair of legs. 33. Daphnia pulex, fifth pair of legs. 34. DapTinia pulex, mandible. 35. Daphnia pulex, labrum. 36. Daphnia pulex, jaw. 37. Daphnia reticulata. a, ephippium. 38. Diaptomus castor. 39. Eurycercus lamdlatus. ENTOMOSTRACA. 2 PI. 20. G.J*rnvm sc. LondoT) . John Va.n Voorst. PLATE 21. Entozoa. Figure 1. Echinococcus veterinorum (hominis) ; 1 a, in the contracted state ; 1 b, hooks ; 1 c, d, f, in the expanded state ; 1 e, imperfectly developed individual. 2. Echinococcus veterinorum (liominis), cyst reproducing by external gemmation. 3. Cysticercus cellulosce, a, nat. size ; 3 b, C. fasciolaris, head of. 4. Anguillula fluvia tilis. 5. Anguillula aceti. 6. Anguillula tritici. a, b, ova ; c, mature individual ; <#, imperfectly developed individual. 6 e. Dochmius (Anchylostomum) duodenalis, male; #, head of female; + , male, t, female, nat. size. 7. Gyrodactylus auriculatus, 8 diameters. 8. Ascaris vermicularis ; 8 a, head; d, stomach; 0, oesophagus; g, anus; h, ovaries ; k, oviduct. 9. Ascaris lunibricoides ; , front view of head; 96, tail of male, with spicula ; 9 c, side view of head. 10. Ccenurus cerebralis, portion of a cyst, 12. Tcenia solium, head of, side view ; two of the suckers only are visible. 13. Tcenia solium, head of, front view ; all the four suckers are visible. 14. Tcenia solium, a single joint, injected, a, gastric (?) canals ; 6, vascular canals ; c, testicular capsule ; d, spermatic duct ; e, oviduct ; the dark ramified organ is the ovary. 15. Tcenia solium, ovum of. 16. Trichina spiralis, lying within its cyst, imbedded in muscle. 17. Trichina spiralis, removed from its cyst. 18. Trichina spiralis, internal organs. 19. Trichocephalus dispar, male. 20. Trichocephalus dispar, portion of the neck. 21. Trichocepl talus dispar, female ; 21 a, ovum. 22. Monostoma verrucosum, ovum of. 23. Tcenia variabilis, ovum of. 25. Gregarina sipunculi. 26. Gregarina sipunculi, with two enclosed cells. 27. Caudate pseudo-navicula, from the abdominal cavity of Sipunculus nudus. 28. Gregarina Sieboldii. 29. Young pseudo-navicula cyst of Gregarina scenuridis, from testis of Scenuris variegata, consisting of loosely connected ovate cells, without an outer envelope. 30. The same, with an outer envelope. 31. More advanced pseudo-navicula cyst of the same Gregarina, with two cells containing rounded pseudo-naviculse. 32. The same, with elongated pseudo-naviculse ; the cyst has three cell-like bodies on its surface. 33. The same with a single cavity, containing elongated pseudo-naviculaB. 34. Two Gregarince s&nuridis, adherent by their ends. 35. EchinorTiynchus anthuris, head, 25 diameters. ENTOZOA PI 21. \ PLATE 22. Fish-scales, etc. Figure 1. Scale of sturgeon, perpendicular section. a, outer spongy portion ; 5, inner laminated portion ; 1 e, transverse section of outer portion. 2. Skin of thornback skate (Raia clavata), viewed from above. 3. Large spine of skate, side view. 4. Portion of transverse section of large spine of skate (fig. 3 b). 5. Longitudinal section of tooth of a small spine of skate (fig. 2). 6. Scale of perch (Perca fluviatilis). 7. Perch-scale, portion of (fig. 6 a), more magnified. 8. Perch-scale, portion of (fig. 6 6), more magnified. 9. Scale of sole (Solea vulgaris). 10. Scale of roach (Leuciscus rutilus). 11. Scale of roach (Leuciscus rutilus*), portion of surface more highly magnified. 12. Scale of roach (Leuciscus rutilus}, perpendicular section. 13. Scale of minnow (Leuciscus phoxinus}. 14. Feather of finch ; shaft with medullary cells. 15. Feather of goose (Anser cinereus). a, pinna3 with hooks ; b, pinnae with teeth ; c, barbs. 16. Separate pinnae, a, with hooks ; 5, with teeth. 17 1 ' I Feather (downy), free barbs of. 18. J 19. Skin of eel (Anguilla vulgaris), with stellate pigment-cells, and indications of subjacent scales. 20. Scale of eel (Anguilla vulgaris). 20 a, portion, more magnified. 21. Calcareous corpuscles from the same, left after red heat. 22. Scale of jack or pike (Esoce lucius). 23. Scale of dace (Leuciscus vulgaris). 25. Leech (Hirudo medicinalis), anterior sucker of. 26. Leech, jaw of, side view. a, b, teeth ; c, fibro-cartilagmous substance of jaw ; d, pigment-cells. 27. Leech, jaw of, the free margin turned towards the observer. 28. Leech, teeth of. a, side view ; 5, front view. 29. Horn of cow. a, section parallel to surface ; 6, cells softened by potash ; d, con- taining pigment ; e, perpendicular section ; /, cracks between lamina ; g, edges of divided laminae. 30. Whalebone, longitudinal section. 31. Whalebone, transverse section. 32. Whalebone, longitudinal section of hair of. 33. Whalebone, cells of, resolved by potash. 34. Fish, crystals from scales of. 35. Muscular fibres of lobster (Astacus marinus). 36. Muscular fibrillae, various appearances presented by (p. 525). 37. Large spine of skate, outer portion of. &t , M \ - fc> PLATE 23. Foraminifera, etc, Figure 1. Miliola obesa (young or " Adelosine" condition). 2. Uniloculina indica. a, side view ; b, end view. 3. Biloculina ring ens. 4 a, b. Triloculina trigonula. 5. Quinqueloculina seminulum, a, b. 6 a, b. Quinqueloculina Brongniartii* 7. Spiroloculina planulata. 8. Hauerina compressa, a, b. 9. Articulina gibberula, a, b. 10. Vertebi'alina striata. 11. Peneroplis pertusus, a, b. 12. Spirolina austriaca, a, b. 13. Cornuspira foliacea, magn. 8 diameters. 14. Trochammina incerta, magn. 25 diameters. 15. Alveolina fustformis. 16. Alveolina rotella, a, b. 17. Orbiiolites complanatus, a, b. b, natural size. 18. Lituola difformis, side view, somewhat abraded. 19. Orbiculina adunca. 20. Valvulina austriaca. 21. Nubecularia rugosa, a, b. 22. Lagena lavis ; b, transverse section. 23. Entosolenia globosa, a, b. 24. Lagena striata (apiculate). 25. Lagena semistriata. 26. Lagena squamosa. 27. Lagena scalar if ormis. 28. Olandulina lavigata, a, b. 29. Nodosaria raphanus, var. 30. Marginulina raphanus. 31. Marginulina raphanus (inside of the shell). 32. Marginulina raphanus (sarcode, without the shell). 33. Dentalina communis. 34. Cristettaria simplex. 35. Vaginula badenensis, a, b. 36. Ch'thocerina quadrilatera, a } b. 37. Cristellaria cultrata, a, b. 38. Flabellina rugosa, a, b. 39. Frondicularia spathulata (fragment). 40. Polymorphina communis, a, b. 41. Polymorphina Orbignii (tubulosa). 42. Polymorphina oblonga. 43. Polymorphina compressa. 44. Uvigerina pygmcea. 45. Cassidulina Icevigata, a, b. 46. Bulimina pupoides. 47. Textularia cuneiformis, a, b. 48. Gaudryina pupoides, , b. 49. Vidvulina gramen, a, b. 50. Bigenerina agglutinans, a, b. 61. Clavulina ( Valvulina) parisiensis, a } b. 52. Textularia annectens. 53. Dactylopora eruca. 54. Dactylopora reticulata. 65. Polystomella crispa, the body (sarcode) of. 56. Coccospberfca, a; coccoliths, ft, c, d; highly magnified. rORAMINIFERA Pi. 23 . Tufferf'Afest del. Lonbcm . John VITI Voorst PLATE 24. Foraminifera. Figure 1. Orbulina universa. 2. Globigerina bulloides. 3. Ditto, seen by transmitted light, with air in the cells. 4. Sphceroidina austriaca. 5. Spirillina perforata. 6. Planorbulina Haidingeri, a, b. 7. Discorbina rosacea, a, b. 8. Patellina corrugata. 9. Truncatulina lobatula, a, b. 10. Planorbulina mediterranensis. 11. Pulvinulina vermicularis. 12. Planorbulina veneta (living). 13. Rotalia Beccarii, a, b. 14. Ditto ; sarcode, without shell. 15. Fusulina cylindrica, a, b, c. 16. Pulvinulina repanda, a, 6, c. 17. Cymbalopora Poyei, a, 6. 18. Nonionina crassula, a, 6. 19. Polystomella striato-punctata. 20. Polystomella crispa, a, b. 21. Nummulites radiata, a, b. 22. Nummulites acuta, section. 23. Operculina arabica, nat. size. 24. Ditto, enlarged horizontal section of portion. 25. Ditto, enlarged transverse section of part. } 26. Ditto, portion of fig. 25, highly magnified. J 27. Calcarina Spengleri. 28. Amphistegina Hauerina, a, b. f<'< >K. \MiNlFER A PI. 24. 'MlVoOTSb PLATE 25. Fossils. Figure 1. Mesocena octogona. 2. AsterompJialus HooTcerii, side view. 3. Hemiaulus antarcticus, front view. 4. Heliopelta Leeuwerihoeclcii, side view. 5. Asterolampra marylandica, side view. 6. SymbolopTiora trinitatis, side view. 7. Coscinodiscus craspedodiscus, side view. 8. Coscinodiscus craspedodiscus, half a valve. 9. Climacosphenia moniligera. a, side view ; b, front view. 10. Terpsinoe musica, front view : side view, PI. 19. fig. 33. 11. AmpTiipentas alternans, side view. 12. Bodies found in flint, nature doubtful (see PYXIDICFLA). 13. Pyxidicula major, front view. 14. Moss-agate, a, a, silicified fibres of sponge ; 6, gemmules ; c, branched fibre ; d, spicula. 15. Crystalloids of coccolithic chalk, a, simple rings ; 6, radiately striated rings ; c, disks. 16. Actinoptychus senarius. a, side view ; 6, front view. 17. Actinocyclus undulatus. a, side view; 6, front view. 18. Campylodiscus clypeus. 19. Dictyocha gracilis, oblique view. 20. Dictyocha gracilis, side view. 21. Dictyocha gracilis, front view. Fossil bodies from flint, so-called Xanthidia, but consisting of the sporangia of the Desmidiaceaj. 27. 28. 29. Vertical (radial) section of coal from Disco, consisting of Coniferous wood (Finns}. 30. Transverse section of the same coal. 31. Splinter of the same. 32. Vertical section of silicified wood (Pinus) from Virginia. 33. Vertical section of silicified wood (Araucaria ?) from Australia. " SSILS del .IftTJ- Si, PLATE 26. Fungi. Figure 1. Vertical section of a leaf of black currant, infested with ^Ecidium yrossularice. sp, spermogonia ; JK>, perithecia. 2. Sterigmata (si} and spermatia (sp) from the spermogonia of ^Ecidium euplwrbi&. 3. Ditto, from Radium berberidis. 4. Vertical section of a spermogonium of Radium berberidis. 5. Botrytis infestans, young plants growing out from a stoma of a potato. 6. Full-grown plants of the same. 6 a, spore of ditto. 7. Torula, growing in urine (not diabetic). 8. Grape-fungus, conidial form (Oidium Tucker i) as commonly found on the leaves and fruits. 9-11. Conidia of the same, germinating. 12. Sporiferous form (Cicinobolus). 13. Spores from the same. 14. Hop-mildew, Erysiplie (Sphcerofheca) Gastagnei. a, Oidial form ; 6, b, form resembling Cicinobolus ; c, d, Erysiphal form ; e, spores. 15. Fragment from the summit of a fertile filament of Penicillium glaucum. 16. Spores of ditto, a, two still united ; 6, one detached. 17. Section of a conceptacle of Cenangium fmxini, containing st, stylospores, and s, spermatia. 18. Ergot of rye, Claviceps purpurea, Tulasne ; fruits sprouting from the ergot. 19. Vertical section of the head of one of the fruits, bearing conceptacles in its periphery. 20 Vertical section of a conceptacle containing asci. 21. Asci removed from the same. 22. Spores from the interior of the asci. 23. Yeast-fungus (Torula cerevisice), large form at the bottom of liquid. 24. Ditto, minute form, appearing as a white mealy substance on the surface of stale beer. 25. SpTiceria inquinans (a) with Stilbospora macrosperma (&) in the bark of an elm- tree. 26. A portion of the common matrix separating the two, with the stylospores of Stilbospora (b) above, and the asci of Sffhana () below. 27. Spore of Stilbospora macrosperma. 28. Spore of Sphceria inquinans. F1.26. 1 I ^ ^JiS^:-::^i^' * AHtnfrei.dtl J.Bafire. , PLATE 27. Fungi. Highly magnified. Figure 1. Part of hymenium of Agaricus trechispora, with sporophores, spores, and cysti- dium. , spore. 2. Sporophore with spores of Agaricus nebularis. 3. Fertile threads of Tremella mesenterica, with lobed sporophores and elongated spicules, one of which bears a spore. 4. Threads of the same, bearing conidia. 5. Spores of Dacrymyces sebaceus, producing secondary spores. 6. Sporophore of Geaster rufescens, with its spicules and spores. 7. Sporophore of Cyathus striatus, with spores. 8. Sporophore of Rhizopogon luteolus, with spores. 9. Threads and cysts containing spores of Enerthenema elegans. 10. Germinating spore and amoeboid of Stemonitis cibtusata. 11. Spores springing from the wall of the perithecium in Hendersonia elegans. 12. Spores of Sporidesmium atrum. 13. Germinating pseudo-spore of Tilletia caries. a, further development of anastomosing threads ; 6, the same producing a secondary spore. 14. Zoospore of Cystopus oandidus. 15. Thread with spores of Spondylodadium fumosum. 16. Peronospora curta. 17. Zoospore of Peronospora umbelliferarum. 18. ASCIIS and paraphysis of Peziza hydnicola ; a, conidia. 19. Stylospores of Oenangiwm fraocini ; a, spermatia of same. 20. Conidiiferous threads of SpTiceria cupulifera ; a, sporidia. 21. Mucar (AscopJiora} rhizopogonis, with an entire and ruptured vesiole with its columella ; a, spores of same. 22. End of filament of male plant of Saprolegnia dioica. 23. Spermatozoids. 24. Oogonium of same. 25. Tip of male plant of the same, producing globular bodies filled with spermatozoids. 26. Young oogonium of the same, with antheridium attached. 27. Zoospore of Saprolegnia lactea. FUNG] PJ 27 J.Berfc I PLATE 28. Hairs, Fibres, Glands, &c, of Plants, Figure 1. Cotton, a, normal condition ; 6, portion treated with sulphuric acid and iodine ; c, a fragment of gun-cotton ; d, transverse section of cotton-fibre. 2. Flax, a, normal fibre ; b, portion boiled with nitric acid ; o, treated with nitric acid, and afterwards with sulphuric acid and iodine. 3. Jute, a, normal fibre ; 6, c, portions boiled with nitric acid. 4. Coir (cocoa-nut fibre), bundle of fibres. 5. Ditto, a, 6, portions of fibres boiled with nitric acid. 6. Hemp, a, normal fibre ; 6, portions boiled with nitric acid. 7. Manilla hemp, a, normal fibres ; 6, fragment boiled with nitric acid, 8. Sting of Urtica urens. 9. Surface of the cuticle of Helleborus fcetidus. 10. Ditto of CaJcile americana. 11. Imbedded gland of Euta graveolens, vertical section. 12. Glands of Magnolia, seen from above. 13. Hair of Siphocampylus bicolor, the cuticle detached by sulphuric acid. 14. Glands of hop. , side view ; &, from above. 15. Stellate body from the air-spaces in the leaf of NupJiar lutea. 16. Hair of Delphinium pinnatifidum. 17. Hair of Anchusa crispa. 18. Hair of Pelargonium. 19. Branched hair of Verbascum Thapsus. 20. Scale-like hairs from the seed of Gobcea scandens. 21. Annulated hairs from the seed of Ruellia formosa, in water; 6, detached cell-wall. 22. Spiral-fibrous hairs from the seed of Gollomia grandiftora, in water. 6, c, frag- ments showing the cell-wall and free fibre. 23. Hair from the seed of a Sdlvia. 24. Hair from the seed of Acanthodium spicatum. >, a fragment of a branch. 25. Chinese grass-cloth fibre, a, normal fibre ; 5, fragments boiled with nitric acid ; c, afterwards treated with sulphuric acid and iodine. 26. Puya fibre, a, normal fibre ; 6, fragments boiled with nitric acid ; c, after- wards treated with sulphuric acid and iodine. 26*. Stellate hairs from the epidermis of Deutzia scabra. 27. Stellate hair of ivy-leaf. 28. Stellate hair of Alyssum. 29. Horizontal stalked hair of Gfrevittea lifhidopTiylla. 30. T-shaped hair of garden Crysanihemum. 31. Eamentum or scale from a germinating fern. 32. Hair from the bulbil of Achimenes. 33. Hair from the corolla of Digitalis purpurea. 34. Hair from the corolla of Antirrhinum majus. 35. Branched hair from the epidermis of Sisymbrium sophia. 36. Forked hair from Capsella bursa-pastoris. 37. Branched hair of Alternanthera axillaris. 38. Gland of Dictamnus fraocinella. Epidermis of Dictamnus fraxinella. a, 6, hairs ; c, gland vertically divided. 40. Glandular hair of Lysimachia vulgaris. 41. Glandular hair of ScropTiularia nodosa. 42. Glandular hair of Bryonia alba. 43. Scale of Beqonia 'platanifolia 44. Glandular hair of CfUia tricolor. 45. Vertical section of papilla of Mesem- bryanthemum crystallinum. 46. Seta of a rose. 47. Tufted hair of Marrubium creti- cum. HAIRS. FIBRES.& GLANDS OF PLANTS PL. 28 A.Henfrey.Del. London . John Van Voors L. R^M. Coll ing. PLATE 29. Hairs of Animals. Figure 1. Human whisker, white ; air partly displayed from medulla. 2. Human hair, transverse sections. 3. Human hair, foetal, with imbricated scales. 4. Monkey, Indian (Semnopithecus}. 5. Lemur. 6. Bat, Indian. 7. Bat, Australian. 8. Mole (Talpa europcea). 9. Lion (Felis leo) ; a, by transmitted, 5, by reflected light. 10. Bear ( Ursus arctos). 11. Wolf (Cams lupus}. 12. Coatimondi (Nasua}. 13. Seal, Falkland-Island (Phoccena falklandica}. 14. Horse (Equus caballus). 15. Elephant (Elephas indicus), segment of a transverse section. 16. Pig (Sus scrofa). 17. Cheiropotamus. 18. Camel (Camelus bactrianus). 19. Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius). 20. Deer, moose- (Cervus alces). 21. Deer, musk- (Moschus moschiferus). 22. Wool, sheep (Ovis aries). 23. Sloth (Brady pus didactylus). 24. Armadillo (Dasypus sexcinctus). 25. Beaver (Castor fiber}. 26. Shrew (Anvphisorex rustwus}. 27. Mouse (Mus musculus}. 28. Ditto, treated with potash. 29. Guineapig (Cavla cobaya}. 30. Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris}. 31. Rabbit (Lepus cuniculus}. 32. Sable (Mustela zibellina). 33. Mink-sable (Mustela lutreola). 34. Badger (Meles taxus}. 35. Chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera}, 36. Kangaroo (Macropus}. 37. Opossum (Didelphys virginiana}. 38. Ornithorhynehus paradoxus. a, entire hair ; 6, c, ^, and 38*, portions, more magnified. 39. Crab (Cancer mcenas), from antenna of. 40. Spider (Lycosa saccata). 41. Spider (Mygale}. 42. Spider from South America. HAIRS London. J. Van Voorst PLATE 30. Infusoria. Figure 1. Acineria incurvata, Duj. 2. Acineria acuta, D. 3. Acomia vitrea, D. 4. Acineta tvberosa, Ehr. Sa.Podophryajixa, E. j 5 6, the same, or the Podophrya-Bt&ge of Vorticella ? 6. Actinophrys viridis, E. 7 a. Actinophrys Eichornii, E. ; 76, Actinophrys sol, E. 8. Alyscum salterns, D. 9. Amceba dijftuem, E. ; 9 a, expanded ; 9 6, contracted. 10. Amphileptus fasciola, E. 10 a, dorsal view ; 10 6, side view. 11. Amphimonas dispar, D. 12. Anisonema stdcata, D. 13. Anthophysa Mutteri, Bory, Duj. (Epistylis vegetans, E.) ; 13 , entire organism ; b, single body. \ka.Arcella wdgaiis, E., dorsal view; 14 &, Arcella acideata, E., under view; 14 c, Arcella dentata, E., under view. \5a.Aspidiscus lynceus, E., under view ; 15 b, Asp. denticidata, E., side view. 16. Astasia hcematodes, E. a, contracted j b, c, (7, in different states of expansion. 17. Astasia limpida, D. (^L. pusilla, E.). , expanded ; b, altered in shape. l8a.Bodo ffrandis, E. ; 18 b } c, Bodo socialis, E. 19. Bursaria vernalis, E., under surface. 20. Carchesium polypinum, E. 21. Carchesium polypinum, E., separate body. 22. Cercomonas acuminata, D. 23. Cercomonas crassicauda, D. 24. Various forms of Trachelomonas, arranged by Ehrenberg in the genera Trachelomonas, Chcetoglena, and Doxococcw. See TRACHELOMONAS. 25a.Chcetomono8 globulus, E. ; 25 6, Ch. constricta, E. 26. a, 6, Cheetotyphla armata, E. ; c, CA. aspei'a, E. 27. Chilodon cucidMuSj E. a, under view ; 6, side view. 28. Chilomonas granulosa, D. 29. Chlamidodon mnemosyne, E., ventral surface. 30. Chlamidomonas pulviscidus, E. (Diselmis viridis, D.), in various stages of development. 31. Chlorogonium enchlorum, E., (upper and lower figure) in different stages of development. 32. Colacium vesiculosum, left-hand figure j C. stentorium, right-hand figure. 33. Coleps hirtus, E. (a, after Ehr., 6, after Duj.). 34. Crumenida texta, D. 35a. Cryptoglena conica^ E. ; 35 b, Cr. pigra, E. SGa.Cryptomonas ovata, E. ; 6, C. kntimdaris, E. ; c, C.fusca, E. ; d, C. globulus^ D. ; e, C. incequalis, D. 37a.Cyclidiiim distortum, D. ; 6, C. abscissum, D. ; c and c?, C. glaucoma, E. : c, side view ; d, dorsal view. 38. Cyphidium aureola, E. a, dorsal view ; in b the expansion is seen. 39. Dtfflugia proteiformis } E., a and b. 40. Dileptus folium, D. 41. Dmobiyon sertularia^ E. 42. Dinolryon petiolatum, D. 43. Diophrys marina, D. a, under view ; 6, side view. 44. Discocephalus rotatonus, E. , dorsal view ; b, side view. 45. Disoma vacUlans, E. 46. , Distigma proteus, E. ; 6, D. viride, E. 47. a, Doxococcus ruber, E. ; &, Z). pulvisculus, E. 48. Enchelys pupa, E. 49. Enchelys nodulosa, D. 50. Epipyxis utricidus, E. 51a. Epistylis anastatica ; 51 6, single body of j&. branchiophUa ; 51 c, less magnified. 52. Ervilia legumen, D. (&gyria kg., Cl. & L. ; Euplotes monostylus, E.). a, under view ; b, side view. 53. Euglypha tuberculata, D. 54. Euglypha alveolata, D. 55. Amblyophis viridis, E. INFUSORIA. P1.3Q ' 3 PLATE 31. Infusoria. Figure 1. Euglena pyrum, E. 2. Euglena viridis, E. a, b, in different states of contraction and extension. 3. Euglena longicauda, E. (Phacus longi- cauda, D.), with the body twisted. Fig. 63, the same, after Duj.; the body flat. 4. Euglena acus, E., undergoing longitu- dinal division. 5. Euplotes patetta, D. a, under view ; b, lateral view. 6. Euplotes vannus, E., under view. 7. Gastrochcetafissa, I). 8. Glaucoma scintillans, E. 9. Peridinium cinctum, E. 10 a, b. Glenodinium cinctum, E. ; 10 c (be- tween figs. 49 50), Glenodinium apiculatum, E. 11. Peridinium fuscum, E. 12. Peridinium tripos, E. 13. Peridinium fusus, E. 14. Glenomorum tingens, E. 15. GromiafluviatiliS) D., with its expan- sions extended. 16. Trichodina pediculus, E. a, side view ; b, under view. 17. Heteronema marina, D. 18. Himantophorus charon, E., under view. 19. Himantophorus charon, E., side view. 20. Hexamita nodulosa, D. 21. Holophrya brunnea, D. 22. Holophrya ovum, E. 23. Ichthydium podura, E. 24. Chcetonotus larus, E. 25. Colpoda cucidlus, E. 26. Kerona pustulata, D. (Stylonichia p., E.). 27. Kerona mytilus, D. (Stylonichia m. t E.), under view. 28. Kerona mytilus, D. (Stylonichia m., E.), side view. 29. Stylonichia histrio, E., under view. 30. Stylonichia lanceolata, E. a, under view ; 6, side view. 31. Kondylostoma patens, D., under view. 32. Kondylostoma patens, D., half side view. 33. TracMocerca viridis, E. 34. Amphileptus papillosus, E. 35. Lagenella euchlora, E. 36. Cryptomonas (Lagenella, E.) inftata, D. 37. Leticopkrys striata, D. 38. Leucophrys patula, E. a, dorsal, &, ven- tral surface. Figure 39. Loxodes rostrum, E. (Pekcida rostrum, D.). 40. Loxodes dentatus, D. 41. Loxodes bursaria, E., under view. 42. Loxophyllum (Amphileptus, E.) melea- gris, D. a, dorsal view ; 6, anterior portion twisted. 43. a, Microglena punctifera, E. ; i, TfeT. monadina, E. 44. . Monas lens, D. ; 6, the same (?) with two anterior cilia ; c, M. attenuata, D. 45. Nassula elegans, P], ; 6, teeth. 46. Nassula aurea, E. 47. Opalina (Bursaria, E.) ranarum, Purk. and Val. 48. Ophrydium versatile, E., portion expan- ded by compression. 49. Ophrydium versatile, E., marginal por- tion, in the natural state. 50. Ophrydium versatile, E., isolated body. 51. Ophryoglena atra, E. 52. Oxytricha pellionetta, D. 53. Oxytricha gibba, F., side view. 54. Oxyrrhis marina, D. 55. Panophrys chrysalis, D. 56. Paramedum aurelia, E., dorsal view. 57. Paramedum aurelia, E., side view. 58. Pantotrichum lagenula, E. 59. Peranema olobulosa, D. 60. Phialina vermicularis, E. 61. Phialina viridis, E. 62. Phacus (Euglena, E.) pleuronectes, D. 63. Phacus (Euglena, E.) longicauda, I). 64. Plagiotoma lumbrici, D. 65. Planariola rubra, D. 66. Pleuronema chrysalis, D. 67. Pfeo^m v^re, D. 68. Polyselmis viridis, D. 69. Polytoma uvella, E. 70. Prorocentrum micans, E. 71. Prorocentrum micans, E. ; side view. 72. Prorodon teres, E. 73. Prorodon teres, E., teeth. 74. Scyphidia ruc/osa, E. 75. Spathidium hyalinum, D. (Leucophrys spathula, E.). 76. Spathidium hyalinum, D., anterior part twisted. 77. Spirostomum ambiguum, E. 78. Spirostomum ambiguum, E. ; posterior end more magnified. INFUSORIA PI 3 L. / A^esbdel London . John VsnVoors t PLATE 32. Infusoria. Figure 1. Tegument of Paramecium aurelia, dried, showing the depressions at different foci, &e. (!NTK. p. xxxvii.) 2. Paramecium aurelia. a, with globules of sarcode ; 2 b, free globule of sarcode, with numerous vacuoles ; 2 c, the same, become reticular. 3. Stentor Mulleri^ E. 4. Tintinnus inquilinus, E. 5. Trachelius lamella, D., a and 6. 6. Trepomonas ay His, D. 7. Trichoda angulata, D. 8. Trichodiscus sol, E. 9. Trichomonas vaginalis, D. 10. Trichomonas limacis, D. 11. Trinema acinus, D.,= Euglypha pleurostoma, Cart. 12. Trochilia sigmoides, D., ventral view. 13. Trochilia sigmoides, D., dorsal view. 14. Urocentrum turbo, E. 15. Uroleptus piscis, E., a ; ft, Z7. lamella, E. 16. Uronema 'marina, D. 17. Urostyla grandis. E. 18. Uvella virescens, E., a and 6. 19. Vaginicola crystallina, E. 20. Cothurnia imberbis, E. 21. Vorticella nebidifera, E., ; 21 6, body separated by division; 21 c, body of V. microstoma, showing the mouth, the nucleus (auct. ; testis, E.), and the contractile vesicle (vesic. seminal., E.). 22. Zoothamnium arbuscula, E., a ; 22 b, separate body of Z. affine. 23. Zygoselmis nebnlosa, D. a, b, in different states of contraction. 24. Arcella vulgaris, E., half side view of young, with expansions extended. 25. Acineta-stage of Opercularia articulata, E. a, dendritic nucleus ; b, envelope ; c, tentacles; d, vacuoles ; e, group of fat-granules ; /, enlarged stalk. 26. Vorticella microstoma, E., full-grown, a, oesophagus; b, peristome; c, con- tractile vesicle ; d, nucleus ; e, gemma or bud ; /, mature bud. 27. Vorticella microstoma, E. (old), encysted upon its extended stalk, with its nucleus, contractile vesicle, and retracted cilia. 28. Vorticella microstoma, E. (young), encysted upon its contracted stalk. 29. Vorticella microstoma, E., encysted and stalkless. a, cyst ; c, contractile vesicle ; d, nucleus. 30. Isolated nucleus of an old Vorticella microstoma. 31. Actinophrys-st&ge of Vorticella microstoma. The cyst is partly separated from its contents ; the nucleus and contractile vesicle are visible. 32. Two of the above in conjugation. 33. Two Podophrya-stages of Vorticella microstoma in conjugation. 34. Cyst of Vorticella microstoma discharging its brood of germs, a, gelatinous substance, containing b the germs ; c, neck-like orifice of parent vesicle ; d, cyst ; e, parent vesicle. 35. Spirochona gemmipara, Stein, a, peristome with its funnel-shaped process ; b, nucleus ; c, gemma or bud. 36. Acineta-stage of the same, a, tentacles ; b, nucleus ; c, mature swarm-germ. 37. Paramecium chrysalis, E., undergoing longitudinal division. 38. Glaucoma scintillans, E., undergoing transverse division. l\'l ! SORIA PI.32. Tu,TerWst iL Johr. Van Voorst PLATE 33. Insects. Figure 1. Head of Blatta orientalis, from before, a, antennae, cut off; b, epicranium ; c, eyes ; d, clypeus ; e, labrum ; g, maxillae ; h, maxillary palpi j k, labial palpi. 2. Head of Blatta orientalis, under portion, a, stipes ; h, palp of maxilla ; , palpiger ; k, palp ; I, mentum; * paraglossa of labiuni ; m, submentum and gula; x occiput. 3. Head of Hydrous piceus, under view, a, antennae; c, eye; e, labruin; /, mandible; g, maxilla ; h, maxillary palp ; i, ligula ; k, labial palp ; I, mention ; m, submentum ; n, gula ; X occiput. 4. Ocelli of Agrion fulvipes. 5. Portions of cornea of eye of Acheta domestica. a, with hexagonal, 6, with quadran- gular facets. 6. Perpendicular section of part of the eye. c, faceted cornea ; g, ganglionic expansion of n, the optic nerve ; ?', bacilli arising from the ganglion, surrounded by choroid pigment. 6*, cornea! lenses c, with bacilli r ; from eye of a beetle. 7. Antenna, setaceous (Achetidse, &c.). 8. Antenna, ensiform (Locustidse). 9. Antenna, filiform (Carabidae). 10. Antenna, moniliform (Tenebrionidae, c.). a, scapus ; 6, pedicella ; c, clavola. 11. Antenna, serrated (Elateridae). 12. Antenna, imbricated (Prionidae). 13. Antenna, pectinated (Lampyridae). 14. Antenna, bipectinated (Bombycidae). 15. Antenna, flabellate (Elateridae). 16. Antenna, clavate (Coleoptera). 17. Antenna, capitate (Coleoptera). 18. Antenna, lamellate and perfoliate (Melolontha). a, scapus ; b, pedicella ; c, clavola ; d, lamellae. 19. Antenna of Glolaria. a, scapus; 6, pedicella; c, clavola; d, capituluin. 20. Antenna, plumose (Muscidae). 21. Antenna, plumose (Culex pipiens, male). 22. Trophi of Blatta orientalis. a, labrum ; b 6, mandibles ; c, maxillae (f lacinia, * galea) ; d, internal tongue ; e, labium. 23. Tongue of cricket (Acheta domestica'). a, b, c, parts of a fibre more magnified. 24. Head of mason-bee (Anthophora retusa), front view. , antenna ; 6, ocelli ; c, eye ; d, clypeus ; e, labrum ; /, mandible ; g, maxilla ; h, its palp ; , palpiger or part of the ligula; k, labial palp; * ligula, commonly called the tongue ; x, paraglossae. 25. Maxillae and labium of honey-bee (Apis mettificd). g, maxilla ; h, its palp ; k, labial palp ; /, mentum ; * ligula, commonly called the tongue. 26. Trophi of water-scorpion (Nepa cinerea). * lingua ; /, mandibles ; g, maxilla ; *, labium. 27. Trophi of bug (Cimex lectularius). a, mandibles united ; 6, maxillae ; the median organ is the labium. 28. Antlia of red admiral butterfly ( Vanessa atalanta). a, separate papilla ; b, end of antlia extended ; c, transverse section of antlia near its root; *f tracheae ; t tube ; , entire organ with two maxillae slightly separated at the end ; e, tooth ; /, section near the end, showing the position of the papillae *, and the canal X . 29. Proboscis of the blow-fly (Musca vomitoria). a, maxillary palpi ; c, lobes of labium. 29 a, portion of margin more magnified. 30. Trophi of female gnat (Culexpipiens). a, antennae ; d, tongue ; e, labrum ; //, man- dibles ; g g, maxillae ; f, labium. 31. Setae of the same, more magnified, d, tongue ; e, labrum ; /, mandible ; g, maxilla. 32. Trophi of flea (Pulex irritans). d, labrum ; /, mandibles or lancets ; g, maxilla ; h, maxillary palpi ; k } sheaths corresponding to* labial palpi. 33. Trophi of flea, more magnified, d, labrum ;/, end of mandible ; k } sheath ; /, labium j m, mentum. INSECTS PLATE 34. Insects. Figure 1. Gizzard of cricket (Acheta domestica). 2 a. Under membrane of elytrum of cockchafer (Melolontha vulgaris) ; 26, separate hair or spiniform papilla (ELYTRA). 3. Scale of Lepisma saccharina, in liquid, showing air-bubbles imprisoned by the longitudinal ridges. 4. Hind leg of neuter honey-bee (Apis mellifica), with pollen-brushes on the first joint of tarsus, a ; c, tibia ; d, femur ; e, trochanter. 4 6, outside of tibia hollowed out. 5. Leg of middle pair of Gyrinus natator. a, tarsus; c, tibia; d, femur; e, trochanter. 6. Anterior leg of male Dytiscus marginalis. a, tarsus, the first three joints with the suckers ; b, one of the smaller ones more magnified ; c, tibia. 7. Leg of fly (Musca domestica). a, tarsus ; c, tibia ; d, femur ; e, trochanter. 7 6, ear of cricket. 8. Tarsal pulvillus of blow-fly, with hair-like suckers. 9. One of the hair-like suckers of the same, more magnified. 10. Anterior wing of male cricket (Acheta domestica). a, drum ; b, file (fig. 12, the file more magnified). 11. Anterior wing of humble-bee (Bombus terrestris). n, fold over which the hooks of the posterior wing play. (See INSECTS, wings, and WINGS.) 12. Pile of cricket (compare fig. 10, 6). 13. Costal nerve of hind wing of humble-bee (Bombus terrestris\ with the hooks (See INSECTS, wings.) 14. Sting and poison-apparatus of mason bee (Anthophora retusa). a, b, sheath of sting ; c, reservoir ; d, duct ; e, /, secretory organs. 15. Single sting of wasp ( Vespa vulgaris). 16. Spinning-organs of silkworm (Bombyx mori). 17. Trachea of a caterpillar; lower part of the branch containing air. 18. Internal reproductive organs of male mole-cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris). a, testes ; 6, vasa deferentia ; c, c', prostate (blind tubes) ; d, root of penis, with ca?ca (Cowper's glands) at the upper part. 19. Pemale organs of the same, a, a, ovaries; b, b, oviducts; c, receptacle of semen (blind sac), the very slender tube of which, c', opens into the vagina d. 20. Battledore scale of Polyommatus argiolus, dry ; 20 a, a portion immersed in water, and more magnified. 21. A scale of the same seen in Canada balsam. 22. Scale from the wing of the gnat (Culex pipiens). 23 a. Scale from the wing of male Pontia rapce, dry ; 23 b, portion of wing of the same, showing the attachments of the two kinds of scales, a and b. 24. Scale from wing of male Pontia brassicce, dry. 25. Scale from underside of wing of clothes-moth (Tinea pellionella). 26. Portion of wing of Pontia brassicce, dry, showing the imbricated arrangement of the scales, and the wrinkling of the epidermis at their insertions. 27. Hair-like scales from clothes-moth, dry. 28 a. Scale from wing of Lasiocampa quercus, dry ; 28 &, upper portion of the same, more magnified, dry. 29. Scale from wing of Papilio Paris, dry. 30. Scale from larva of Attagenus pellio, dry. 31. Portion of the above, more magnified. 32. End of one of the posterior legs of the larva of a Sphinx. 33. Anterior leg of the same. 34. Spiracle of Dytiscus marginalis, with one of the marginal processes more mag- nified. 35. Portion of outer membrane of the ovum of the blow-fly (Musca vomitoria). loader. Jr PLATE 35. Insects. Figure 1. Larva of gnat (Culev pipiens). 2. Organs of larva of Agrion puella. a, ocelli ; 6, oesophagus ; c, gizzard ; c?, sto- mach ; e, Malpighian vessels truncated ; /, intestine and rectum ; g, caudal branchiae ; 7t, tracheae. 3. Clothes-louse (Pediculus vestimenti). 4. Hcematopinus suis ; 4*, leg more magnified. 5. Philopterus (DocopTiorus) communis. 6. Trichodectes latus ; 6*, labium and labial palpi. 7. Liotheum (Menopon) pallidum. 8. Gyropus ovalis. J 9. Pulex felis (flea of cat), female, a, spiracles ; b, head ; c, thorax ; d, maxil- lary palpi ; 0, setae ; /, epimera ; g, coxae ; h, trochanter ; {, femur ; ^, tibia ; Z, tarsus ; X , pygidium ; 9 a, separate antenna. 10. Part of Pulex canis (dog's flea), a, prothoracic setae ; 5, cephalic setae. 11. Head of flea from common bat (PFLEX). 12. Antenna of flea from pigeon (PTILEX). 13. Posterior end of abdomen of pigeon's flea ; male (PULEX). 14. Head of larva of Dytiscus marginalis. a, eyes ; 6, antennae ; c, mandibles ; d, maxillae ; e, maxillary papi ; /, labial palpi. 15. Pupa of Ephemera vulgata. a, abdominal branchiae. 16. Larva of Acilius sulcatus (formerly Dytiscus sulc.). 17. Pupa of Agrion puella (LiBELLULma;) ; 17*, caudal branchial plate. 18. Lepisma saccTiarina. 19. Larva of Gyrinus natator. 20. Rectum of ^Eschna grandis ; 20*, portion more magnified (LIBELLULID^E). 21. Pupa of Calepteryx virgo. 22. End of abdomen of Libellula ferruginea. 23. Sheep-tick (MelopTiila ovinus). 24. Flea of the mole (PULEX). 25. Head of Geophilus longicornis (one of the MTEIAPODA). 26. Head of a LithoUus (one of the MTBIAPODA). 27. Fibres of silk-worm's silk. 28. Three lobes of the fatty body of the larva (caterpillar) of Saturnia carpini. 29. End of abdomen of JEschna grandis. 30. Epidermis of cricket (Acheta domestica). 31. Fat-body of /c7m6wwJ^ : CC /pv-v , - ,- .'- ( {*JLJ i '\ * /V" / -7 >: London: John. Van Voorst J.Safire jc. PLATE 41. Polypi and Polyzoa. Figure 1. Areolar tissue of sea-anemone (Actinia mesembryanihemum)', with spicula, cells, and fibre-cells. 2. Spicula from the same. 3. Alcyonella stagnorum. a, entire polyzoary ; b, perpendicular section, showing tubes and ova ; c, back view of polype with tentacles ; d, ova. 4. Campanularia volubilis. a, growing upon a piece of Plumularia falcata ; 6, portion of polypidom more magnified ; 4 c, cell of Laomedea dichotoma with ova ; eZ, medusa-germ or gonozoid of Clytia. 5. Canda (Cellularia) reptans, portion of polypidom of. 5 a, Bicellaria (Cellu- laria) ciliata ; 5 6, the same more magnified, * a bird's-head process ; 5 c, pos- terior view of a cell of Canda rtptans, with its appendices ; 5 d, three appen- dices to a cell of the same ; 5 e, polype expanded; 5/, perforated septum. 6. Corallium rubrum ; axis with polypiferous crust. 7. Spicula from the crust. 8. a, transverse section of the axis of red coral, from the furrowed exterior towards the centre ; b, longitudinal section. 9. Body of Cristatella mucedo. 10. Ova of the same, seen from above. 11. Branch of Sertularia rugosa. 12. Portion of the same, magnified, with cells a, and vesicles b. 13. Sertularia pumila. 14. Portion of the same, magnified, a, cell; b } vesicle. 15. Sertularia operculata. 16. Portion of the same, magnified, a, cells ; 6, vesicles. 17. Lepralia variolosa. 18. Membranipora pilosa. 18*, polypes protruding from the cells ; 18 a, cell ; 5, valve through which the ciliated tentacles c protrude ; e?, oesophagus ; e, pouch containing the stomach, liver, &c. ; /, place of gyration of particles in intestine ; g, rectum. 19. Piece of Flustra carbasea. 20. Cells of the same, magnified. 21. Hydra viridis, attached to Lemna. 22. Stinging organs of Hydra vulgaris. a, capsule with the spines and filament enclosed ; 6, capsule with the spines and filament protruded ; c, very minute capsules ; c?, capsule imbedded in a globule of the sarcodic substance of the body. 23. Tentacle of Hydra viridis. a, stinging organs in situ. 24. Hydra viridis, with spermatic capsules a, and ovarian capsule b. 25. Ovum of Hydra, with the young polype bursting through its shell. 26. Bird's-head processes of Flustra avicularis. 27. Spiculum of a Gorgonia. 28. Spicula of Alcyonium digitatum. 29. Globules of sarcodic substance of a crushed Hydra viridis. a, one containing a small vacuole and several green granules ; the latter are more magnified below ; b, a globule greatly distended by the formation of a large vacuole. 30. Tubulipora, with a polype protruding from a cell. POLYPI & POLYZOA. ( BRYOZOA . PI 41 Tuf fen West .Dd I.oadon.JbhnVan Voorst R M Col!m| PLATE 42. Rocks. Figure 1. Fluid-lacunas in quartz, magnified 120 diameters. 2. Glass-lacunas in triclinic felspar. Lava of A.D. 1607 ; near Raudazzo, Etna '> 77 diams. Crossed Nicols. 3. Trichites in obsidian. Yellowstone district, U. S., 250 diams. 4. Crystallites in obsidian. Mexico, 30 diams. 5. Microliths (belonites) of augite, in pitchstone. Corriegills, Arran, 55 diams. 6. Spherules in obsidian. Lipari, 25 diams. 7. Perlite. Buschbad, near Meissen, Saxony, 18 diams. 8. Fluxion structure around sanidine crystals in obsidian. Lower Geyser basin, Yellowstone district, Colorado, U. S., 18 diams. 9. Granite. Cornwall, 25 diams. Polarized light. (Orthoclase, plagioclastic fel- spar, quartz, and biolite.) 10. Syenite. Hemsbach, Germany, 30 diams. Polarizer only. (Hornblende, ortho- clase, quartz, and magnetite.) 11. Minette (mica trap). Seifersdorf, Saxony, 55 diams. 12. Felstone (halleflinta). Schiesshyttan, Sweden, 120 diams. Grossed Nicols. 13. Trachyte. Drachenfels, Rhine, 55 diams. Polarized light. (Sanidine, oligoclase sphene, eo \^ n--ry ad ruit PLATE 47. Vegetable Tissues. Figure 1. Embryo-sac, and supporting cells, of Orchis rnorio. 2. The same, more advanced. 3. The same, with a germinal vesicle at its apex. 4. The same, with three germinal vesicles, just before impregnation. 5. The same, after the pollen-tube ( p t} has reached it, one of the germinal vesicles (e) already being developed to form the embryo. 6. The same, more advanced, showing the first cell of the suspensor ($) at the upper end. 7. Embryo-sac of Lathrcea squamaria before the origin of the germinal vesicles ; p, amorphous protoplasm ; e, protoplasm in course of development into endo- sperm-colls. 8. 9. Apices of very young hairs of the filaments of Tradescantia virginica ; n, n, nuclei, containing nucleoli ; p, protoplasm. 10. Cylindrical cell from which are formed the parent cells of the spores of Mar- chantia polymorplia ; p, primordial utricles of the parent cells. 11. The same, converted into a string of cells. 12. One of the parent cells isolated, with four primordial utricles of the spores. 13. The four spores free. 14. Transverse section of pith and internal wood of elder ; d, porous duct. 15. Epidermis of the leaf of the pine-apple, seen from above. 16. Vertical section of cork. 17. Transverse section of ditto. 18. Transverse section of stellate parenchyma of rush-pith. 19. Cellular tissue (parenchymatous) of the leaf of Orihotrichum pulchettum . 20. Cellular tissue (prosenchymatous) of the leaf of Hypnutn decipiens. 21. Section of the albumen of the seed of Areca Catecliu. 22. The same, after treatment with sulphuric acid and iodine. 23. Section of the bony albumen of vegetable ivory, a, cells and pits filled with air ; 6, cells filled with Canada balsam. 24. Cell-membrane of Hydrodictyon utriculatum. I, the laminae of the cellulose coat ; p, protoplasm. 25. Vertical section of the epidermis of a mistletoe-branch several years old. 26. The same, after boiling in solution of potash and treatment with iodine. 27. Transverse section of a liber-cell of the oak, after long boiling in nitric acid and treatment with iodine. 28. Vertical section of the upper face of the leaf of Cycas revoluta. a, cuticle, extending over the epidermal cells, which, like the deeper-seated cells, have pitted secondary deposits. H.47. PLATE 48. Vegetable Tissues. Figure 1. Wood of Pinus sylvestris. a, radial vertical section ; b, tangential section of the walls of two contiguous pitted wood-cells. 2. Tangential section of the wood of Casuarina equiseti folia, a, pitted wood-cells ; 6, duct ; c, cells of a true medullary ray ; d, cells of one of the concentric medullary layers. 3. Vertical section of wood-cells of box. 4. Vertical (radial) section of wood-cells of the yew. 5. Vertical (radial) section of wood-cells of Araucaria imbricata. 6. Spiral-fibrous cells from the roots of Dendrobium alatum. 7. Wood-cells of Mammillaria, with broad spiral bands. 8. Spiral and annular vessels of rhubarb. 9. Reticulated duct from the same. 10. Scalariform duct of a tree fern. 11. End of a spiral vessel of the white lily. 12. Fragment of a larger and looser one. 13. Pitted duct of the lime (Tilia parvifolia).' 14. Wall of a pitted duct of Gassyta ylabella. 15. Walls of pitted ducts of Bombax pentandrum. a, next another duct ; 6, next cells. 16. Wall of a pitted duct of Laurus Sassafras. 17. Wall of a pitted duct of Chilianthus arboreus. 18. Walls of pitted ducts of clematis (Clematis Vitalba). 19. End of a spiral-fibrous duct of Daphne Mezereon. 20. Walls of pitted wood-cells of Cycas. 21. Fragment of the wall of a large pitted duct of Eryngium maritimum. 22. Vertical section through a stoma of Aloe feroos ; the darkly shaded part repre- sents the cuticular layer. 23. Fragment of a latex-duct of Euphorbia antiquorum, the latex containing starch- grains of peculiar shape. 24. Epidermis of the petal of the daffodil, from above. 25. Fragment of the leaf of Sphagnum cymbiforme. a, empty cells with spiral fibre ; 6, interstitial colls with chlorophyll. 26. Vertical section of the upper face of the leaf of Parietaria officinalis, with a cystolith ; magnified 100 diameters. 27. A similar section from the leaf of Ficus elastica magnified 100 diameters. 28. a and 6, sections of the cellular tissue of an onion-bulb, containing raphides. 29. Stomata and epidermis of Equisetum ; the siliceous coat remaining after the destruction of the organic matter. 30. End of a liber-fibre of the periwinkle ( Vinca major), with fine spiral stria?. 31. Branched liber-cell of the radicle of Rhizophora Mangle. 32. Siliceous cast of the inside of a duct of unknown fossil wood ; the peculiar concentric concretions of the silica imitate to a certain extent the so-called glandular markings of Coniferse. VEGETABLE TISSUES. PI .48 ' -- '''' I ( i - . i! ilPPl : pr/fl &&aJM* ml & a m n 'F " w h L- JBr ' 400 I __ // t /<[ ' , on, Jcia Va PLATE 49. Various Objects. Figure 1. Mixtures of oil and water (!NTK. p. xxxvii). a, water in oil ; b, c, oil in water. 2. Oceania cruciata (ACALEPH.-S;), epidermis of. 3. Oceania cruciata. a, b, stinging-capsules with filament included ; c, with fila- ment expelled. 4. Diphyes Kochii (ACALEPH.E) ; organs of adhesion upon tentacles. 5. Oceania cruciata, portion of margin of disk, slightly magnified. a, ovary; b, muscular bundles ; c, transverse vessel coming from the stomach ; d, mar- ginal vessel ; e, /, tentacular filaments ; g, auditory organs. 5*, spermatozoa. 6. Infusorial embryos of ACALEPH.ZE. 7. 8, 9, 10. The same, further developed. 11. Strobile-segments; a, magnified ; 6, natural size. 12. Epidermis of Triton cristatus (water-newt). 13. Ciliated epithelium from frog's throat. 14. Alderia apiculosa. 15. Alderia pyriformis. 16. Hcemocharis, epidermis of. "^ 17. Hcemocharis, transverse section of muscular fibres. 18. Hcemocharis, muscular fibre, showing the sarcolemma. LANNULATA 19. Hcemocharis, margin of cephalic disk, with branching mus- [ cular fibres c ; and, a, b, d, glands and ducts. 20. Aphrodita aculeata, hair of, treated with potash. J 21. Blood-corpuscles, human, a, d, surface view at different foci ; c, side or edge view ; b, colourless or lymph-corpuscle ; e, coloured corpuscles altered, either spontaneously or by mixture with foreign matters, as urine, &c. ; /, corpuscle changed by tannic acid. 22. Blood-corpuscles of the goat (Capra hircus). 23. whale (Balcena). 24. ostrich (Strufhio}. 25. pigeon (Columba). 26. stickleback (Gfasterosteus aculeatus). 27. loach ( Colitis fossilis) ; 6, colourless corpuscle. 28. frog (Rana temporaria) ; 6, colourless corpuscle ; c, d, the same altered by water. 29. triton (Triton cristatus) ; 6, colourless corpuscle ; c, c?, e, /, altered coloured corpuscles. 30. Siren', 6, colourless corpuscle. 31. crab (Carcinus). 32. spider (Tegenaria domestica^). 33. cockroach (Blatta orientalis). 34. 99 worm (Lumbricusterrestris). a, corpuscle partly drawn out, as occurs with the bodies of some Infusoria. 35. '' garden-snail (Helix asjpersa). 36. human, coloured, undergoing division. 37. Blood, human, in coagulation ; b, colourless corpuscle. 38. Cartilage of the ear of a mouse ; the fat is partly removed from the cells. 39. Cartilage of human rib. 40. Cartilage of human epiglottis. 41. Connective tissue, human, with fat-cells. 42. Formation of connective tissue from cells. VAKIOFS (W.IK(TS. . PLATE 50. Various Objects. Figure 1. Chlorogonium euchlorum, E., undergoing oblique division. 2, Elements of the chyle, a, molecules ; b, free nuclei ; c, chyle-corpuscles ; d } one of the same with processes. 8. Coccudina costata, D. 4, Anystis ruricola. 6. Bacilli and cones of the retina of animals, a, /3, from the pigeon, a, bacillus ; a, pro- per bacillus; b, its pale inner extremity; c, line of demarcation at the boundary of the bacillar layer ; d, corpuscle of the outer granular layer. /3, cone ; c, as above ; e, bacillus of cone ; f, proper cone ; g, globule of fat in the same ; h, expansion of cone, y, from the frog, letters as above. 8, from the perch, letters as above ; i, part at which the cone usually breaks off; k, radial fibre ; I, expansion of inner granular layer, e, twin cones. 6. Frmtnlia membranacea. a, valve ; b, front view of frustule. 7. Emydium testudo. 7 a, isolated style ; 7 b, claw of leg. 8. Macrobiotus Hufelandii ; X ovary. 80. (Esophageal bulb ; X its framework, 9. Milnesium tardigrada. 9 a, pharynx, with -f internal buccal lobes, and f styles ; 9 b, right posterior leg, seen from beneath, 10. Eucampia zodiaca. 11. Halteria grandinella, P., seen from above, 12. Halteria grandinetta, D., side view, 13. Kerona polyporum, E. 14. Gyges granulum, E. 15. Lacinularia socialis, E. ; 15 a, the same, more magnified, 16. Mask (labium) of JSschna (LIBELLULIDJE), 17. Spermatozoa of Triton cristatus. 18. Sarcolemma of muscle, twisted. 19-24. Navicula amphirhynchus in conjugation, Fig. 19, side view of valve of parent frustule ; 20, frustules in an early stage of conj ugation ; 21, sporaugial sheath ; 22, eporangial sheath with parent frustules attached; 23, sporangial frustule (front view), with sheath and one parent frustule ; 24, side view of sporangial sheath, 25. Spermatozoa, human ; one exhibiting the so-called spermatozoal membrane, 26. Spermatozoa of rat (Mus rattus), 27. Spermatozoa of field-mouse (Arvicola (Hypudteui) arvalis), 28. Spermatozoa of rabbit (Lepus cuniculus). 29. Spermatozoa of goldfinch (Fringilla (Carduelis) elegans). 30. Spermatozoa of blackbird ( Turdus merula), 31. Spermatozoa of wood-shrike (Lanius rufus), 32. Spermatozoa of a Coleopterous Insect. 33. Spermatozoa of frog (Rana temporarid). 34. Spermatozoa of perch (Percafluviatilu). 35. Spermatic cyst of rabbit, with five globules, a, separate globule. 36. Spermatic cyst of rabbit, the cells or globules containing each a spsrmatozoon. a, separate globule. 37. Spermatic cyst of the common creeper (bird, Certhiafamiliaris), containing a bundle of spermatozoa. 38- a, 6, c, Staurosira construens, E. 39. Biblarium crux (leptostauron), E. 40. Goniothecium gastridium, E, 41. Periptera chlamidophora, E. 42. Periptera chlamidophora, E, 43. Aulacodiscus crux, E, 44. Goniothecium odontetta, E. 45. Actiniscus sirius, E. 46. Khizoselenia americana, E, 47. Chcetoceros didymus, E. VARIOUS OBJECTS. 'A," J^dC lffi & * ""^ ' I London -lclm\in Voorst PLATE 51. Various Objects. Figure 1. Coscinodiscus radiatus, 2. Cymbella Ehrenbergii. 3. Arachnoidiscus indicus. 4. Arachnoidiscus nicobaricus t 5. Dictyocha fibula. 6. Epithemia gibba. 7. Podocystis americana. 8. Arihrogyra guatemalensis. 9. Acanihocystis turfacea. c, forked spicula ; d, granuliferous tentacles. 10. Acanthometra bulbosa. 11. Acineta mystacina. 12. Acineta patula. 13. Actinophrys pa radoxa, with capitate (a) and acfciniform (b) tentacles. 14. Cladoyramma californicum. 15. CoscinospTicera discoploea. 16. Disiphonia australis* 17. LiostepTiania rotula. 18. Goniolhecium Anaulus. 19. Gonioihecium barbatum. 20. Goniothecium didymum. 21. Goniothecium monodon. 22. Goniothecium navicula. 23. Goniothecium Roger sii. 24. Toxonidea Gregoriana. 25. Rhizoselenia alata. 26. Mastogloia lanceoldta. 27. Eanotia tetraodon. , side view ; 6, front view. 28. Carpenteria balaniformis. 29. Campylopus paradoxus. 30. Cadium marinum* 31. Capillaries : a, cells of ; 6, nuclei. 32. Cercaria furcata. 33. Clavularia Barbadensis* 34. Cylindrotheca Gerstenbergeri. 35. Cymatosira Lorenziana. 36. Genicularia spirotcenia. 37. Gonatozygon Ralfsii. 38. Cosmocladium pulchdlum. 39. Attheya decora. 40. Hydrosera triquetra. 41. Plagiogramma Wallichidnum. 42. Perizonium JSraunii. 43. Dimorphococcus lunatus. s 01UECTS. PI 51 PLATE 52. Various Objects. Figure 1. Freia elegans. 2. Gerda glans. 3. Gomphogramma rupestre. 4. Heibergia Barbadensis. 5. Hydrianum ovale. 6. Hydrocoleum helveticum. 7. Transverse section of the SPINAL COED, after Lockhart Clarke, a, antero- lateral columns (white substance) ; 6, posterior column ; c, posterior cornu (grey substance) ; c, anterior cornu ; 0, posterior commissure : in front is the central canal and the anterior commissure ; /, posterior nerves ; g, anterior nerves. 8. Hypheothrix, species of. 8*. Anacystis marginata. 9. Mastigocladus laminosus. 10. Mastigothrix ceruginosa. 11. Metopus sigmoides. 12. MiscJiococcus confervicola* 13. Liradiscus JBarbadensis. 14. Limnodictyon Rcemerianum, 16. Urnula epistylidis. 16. Pttalopus diffluens. 17. Plagiophrys cylindrica. 18. Pleurococcus vulgaris. 19. RhoicospJienia : a, curvata 6, marina. 20. Schizopus norvegicus. 21. Staurogenia quadrata. 22. StepTianosphcera pluvialis. V \KIOI S OH.1KCTS. PI. PLATE 53. Various Objects. Figure 1. Actinomonas mirabilis. 2. Amphidinium. operculatum, with nuclear prolongations. 3. Eriosoma lanigerum. 4. Anchylostoma dysenterica, fern. 5. Amylobacter ; portion of cell of the pith of the fig-tree, lined with Amylobaeter. 6. Anophrys sarcophaga. 7. Phylloxera vastatrix. 8. Atractonema teres. 9. Asfhmatos cillaris. 10. Bicosoeca lacustris. 11. Capsosira Brebissonii. 12. Chelifer cancroides. 13. Cheyletus eruditus. 14. Colpodella pugnaac, attached to a cell of Protoeoccug. 15. Godosiga botrytis. 16. Ccelomonas grandis. 17. Cyaihomonas spissa, 18. Herpetomonas Lewisi. 19. IchthyopTiihirius multifiliis. 20. Goblet cells (p. 439). 21. Lagenceca cuspidata. 22. Mastigamoeba aspera. 23. Noctiluca miliaris. 24. Phytoptus tilice. 25. Salpingceca amphoridium. 26. Trypanosoma sanguinis. VARIOUS OR* 3 PI 53. ^;fc tym London: Jokn Van Voorst