.r> } . iv'.: ER MlUiKEN. IN BROTHERS. MAIN D : I S: No. I! BROADWAY. Kl. \V YORK CIT^ WORKS NORTH SHORE. E Fl N ISl./ < ' Y. ALSO ;W1OK AKl' MUYAIVI S'l 15? i H: UK^.'KLYN.N UNIT l.D STA'i ' vMI UU 1905 : NEW YC . % r>i .-.:" ' 'h COO \>: : ... '. . ' . . '. - - . BA >N'DO*, CNI .<'<&? ' u 7- *^?R THK ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. SECOND EXPORT EDITION, 1905. : THIS CATAI.IM-.UK. is ALSO PUHI.I>HH> IN SPANISH, GERMAN AND FKJMH. This catalogue is copyrighted in the United States and all foreign countries, and all rights relative to the use of any of the tables, cuts or reading matter are reserved by Milliken Brothers ; and all parties are cautioned against the use of the same without their permission in writing. C'oi'N kn.n i 1905 MILLIKEN BROTHERS. ENTERED AT STAIKINKK* HMI, Luxunx, 1905. TF.MP1.F.T SHOP. VIKW SHOWING PARTIALLY COMPLETED NEW PLANT OF MII.LIKEN BROS., STATEN ISL/. V. POM 1C AMI I A\"l'l x||. An Si MI WORK DVSI..MH. I-'IKMSIHH AMI KRK i n> i.\ MIIIIKIN BROS. IMPORTANT NOTICE. In ordering material from this book through any importing or commission house, it is necessary for you to advise them that the work is to come from Milliken Brothers ; and refer particularly to the edition of this book, as the sections shown are liable to be changed, and sections made by other parties vary from sections as shown in this book. All sections of rolled steel and iron are sold by weight and not by measurement, therefore the sections aiv liable to vary slightly from the sections as shown in this work. We are often asked to send out general price lists. In this class of material, where the goods are specially designed for some particular work and the character of the work varies so largely, we find it impossible to make any general price list except for raw material, which is not manufactured. We therefore prefer to quote on each inquiry as received. The prices are subject to change from time to time according to the ruling market rates for raw material; and all quotations are subject to change without notice unless specifically stated in the estimate. All deliveries are contingent on strikes, delays and accidents beyond our control. 6 PREKACB. The. object of this catalogue is to give to foreign countries, as far as possible, a general idea of \viiat we are able to furnish in the way of iron, steel and other products for buildings, bridges, etc. So far as we know no other parties have ever undertaken to get up such a catalogue, and we trust that this work will meet with general favor As you are no doubt aware, the standard of measure in the United States is the English, namely : the inch, foot and yard; and the standard weights are pounds and tons. In nearly all foreign countries the standard of measure and weights is on the French metric system ; in this catalogue we have used both forms so that parties can instantly see the two forms of measures and weights. We have also published complete tables so that the equivalents of all measures and weights can be instantly transferred from one system to the other. It is now a well known fact that the United States of America leads all other countries in the production of iron and steel. It has been evident to our firm for some years back that it was necessary to find an outlet in foreign countries for our manufactured product. For many years back. England, Germany and France have held and controlled the trade of foreign countries in this product. Prices of iron and steel in the United States are much lower than in the above mentioned foreign countries, and in a number of instances we have 7 been able to successfully compete for delivery of our goods in these countries direct, therefore we feel that by properly presenting the class of goods which we manufacture to foreign countries that have no idea of the great variety of work that we turn out we may be able to still further increase our foreign trade, which in the last few years has increased very rapidly. Nearly all foreign countries prefer this class of work to come from the United States for a number of reasons. In the first place we are able to execute orders much more quickly than our foreign competitors in other words, we turn out the structural steel work for finished buildings in five or six weeks from date of order, while it takes our competitors as many months to execute a similar order, owing to the effective system that we have for getting out our work. Our work is all made by template ; that is, the piece is first executed in wood and then all similar pieces are made from the same wooden template. This insures accuracy and prevents trouble when work comes to be erected at its destination. This may seem to be a small and unimportant matter to those who have not had experience, but the amount of time wasted and the expense of having to alter work in a foreign country, where facilities are very often limited, is a matter of no small moment. Our system of marking and shipping the work we believe is also better than that of our foreign competitors. This makes it an easy matter to pick out the pieces and properly assemble the structure after it is received. We feel therefore, that even at even figures, the preference should be given to the manufacturer in the United States. The tables of sizes, weights, etc., will be found very useful in ordering raw material, and also to engineers in designing their work. 8 The use of rolled iron for structural purposes has been entirely superseded in this country by the use of rolled steel, which is cheaper to make and for a given strength is much lighter. Parties will pk-;ise understand therefore that all quotations and estimates are based on the use of steel unless otherwise specially specified. We can ship from stock almost all of the classes of raw material called for in this catalogue. Our principal business is the manufacture of all classes of iron, steel and other products that enter into buildings and bridges, but as will be noted we make a specialty of erecting buildings complete. It is almost impossible in this small work to go into the thousund-and-one articles that enter into the construction of, for instance, one of our tall office buildings, and considering all of the other classes of work which we manufacture, if parties do not find in this work any special form of construction or class of material, please remember we can probably make the same and that if you clearly state what is desired we shall be pleased to make sketches, specifications and estimates on receipt of full information. We have in our main office alone a force of about one hundred and fifty engineers and draftsmen who are emploved to make these drawings and specifications ; and we hope that, if you contemplate ordering any work in our line, you will allow us the privilege of making you a quotation on same. SH A MANUFACTURED BY MILLIKBN BROTHERS, 11 R ROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, U. S. A. Plate No. 1. Steel Bars standard sizes. Round %" Vie '/i 9-62. II II, 12-69, Vie %" "At < 3 Ae' Ve~ 'Vie ///" //" I Vie 1587. 1746. 1904, 2063. 2222. 2380, 2539. 2698. 2856. 30 IS. 10794, Ill-It. S'k~ 13334, I 'M \ \6% %' Vie" 'k~ fit" */i "/it" V" '%" Ve" 'Vie /' //' /'/, -52. ////, 12-69. 1428, 1587. 17-46. 1904. 2063. 2222. 2380. 2539, 2698, 2856. Ha/ft un "/,6 4. /2p( '4, fit" *, 1428, /SdZi l'k~ I'h" /%" /'A' 2380, 2539, 2856, 3174. 3491. 38 O9. l*/t" IV* 2'h" 2'/i' 4127. 4444, 5073, 57/4, 6349. 3" 3/2' 4" 76 19, 3889, 10159. All dimensions are given in millimetres and inches. 12 Plate No. 2. Steel Bars standard sizes. Flats. millimetres and inches. 18 Plate No. 3. Sfee/ Beams, standard sections. is fr f~^ K 96-73 104-17 111-61 ZVT, 73-62 L2&!' 513 All dimensions are given in millimetres, and inches. All weights are given in kilograms per metre, and pounds per lineal foot. All dimensions giren are for minimum weight of each section. 14 Plate No. 4. Steel Beams . standard sections. V 081 ' 20 57 119 OS 133 93 126 49 141 38 148 62 Ibs ec BO as H cc 1624 \ q 3 12 1047 | M( n \ 0( si ~2 "TTT1 ' J K 59 74 - IN 40 5< , 66 81 ) BS 46 66 All dimensions are giren in millimetres, and irches All weights are gtren m kilograms per metre, and pounds per Until fot All dimensions given are for minimum weight of each section. 16 Plate No. 5. Steel Beams, standard sections. " p r 266' 57-56 ', , All dimensions are given in millimetres and inches All weights are given in kilograms per metre and pounds per lineal foot All dimensions given are for minimum weight of each section 16 Plate No. 6. Maximum, intermediate and minimum weights and dimensions of steel Beams, standard sections. mm .- -.- inches we^pt pet ' M Kilogramme Hfeightperft /bs Width of flange mm Width of flanQeinches Thicknessof mo mm Thickness ol Hreb inches mm Oephofbeam inches Weight perM fd/ogtamme Heightperft Ibs. Width of flange mm Width of flanfemches Thicknessof ireomm Thickness of ireo inches 148 82 100 184 14 7254 19 1 0754 ai as SS 14254 5612 208 0822 141 38 95 18262 7192 175 0692 7441 SO 139 40 5489 n 7 0699 6O9S8 24 13393 90 181 09 7 131 160 O63I 3O479 6696 45 13629 S366 146 OS76 t 126-49 85 I73TS ' 7( 770 144 0570 "\ 59-52 40 /J 34 S250 (, O460 1 1/905 80 1777 ? 7t too 127 OSOO ^| I S3- 5? 40 /< 9-53 5099 A iff 0749 \ 14882 too I8SC q 7i 84 224 0884 j ;a 95 it >s 77 4952 / 52 0602 \ 141 38 95 /83l 3 71 '10 ZO-S 0/0 25 399 ,0 1 44 ,4 W /i 2 03 4-00& Jt t 5 O4SS \l J 13993 90 181 2 t 7-i?H ia-7 0737 * J \ P 7 ' 1 'J tf 'n 8 36 4660 _ ^ , 'S 03JO L 12649 85 17939 7063 168 O463 n \ t 52 CVi 95 / 1 '/ 20 4772 \ 186 0792 5 \ 70 U . 119 OS III 61 10417 9673 80 75 z 17779 I625S 16066 15874 7000 6399 632* 6250 /S2 /6S J46 127 06OO 0649 0575 OSOO 22i. 9-59 \ AI 37 31 37 ',4 M V ^ 90 21 25 S A A H 1C 7 2 '3 >8 OS 96 97 48 4-gM 444S 4330 4271 vt* ffi[ 13-7 0406 0290 0341 1 104-17 70 16896 6259 182 07/9 1 3422 23 /06 13 4179 II 4 0449 1 9673 66 IS 6 88 6 177 161 0637 203 /y 3050 205 103 79 4087 90 0367 457 19 19 \ 8929 60 164 -BO 6095 140 0*556 I 26 78 18 /Ol 59 4000 68 0270 1 8185 65 . 15239 6 OOP //g 0-460 -I _x" s. 2976 20 9824 3868 ii e 0468 14882 100 17205 6774 300 1/84 17779 7)i 2604 IfSI 9557 3763 89 0353 14138 95 16953 667S 275 I08S 2232 ,5 9296 3660 63 0250 13393 90 16704 6577 2SO 0987 2667 17-25 9080 3S76 120 0476 12649 86 16455 6479 226 0889 15239 ? 2195 14 7S 8767 34S2 Vf 0352 119 OS ao /62S5 6400 205 0810 18-23 4726 8458 3330 sa 0230 III 61 75 IS9-8I 6292 224 0882 y-- t47S 8366 3294 /28 0504 10417 70 IS732 6194 199 0784 /2 699 s ' '9\3 I27S 7992 3147 90 0357 39O99 15 9673 65 I54-Q3 609 17-4 0686 14 SI 975 r~\'> 30OO f-3 0210 8929 60 152 39 6OOO 149 0590 V. I IS 62 105 J 73 16 2880 IO4 0410 8/85 55 14594 5746 166 0656 1 14 13 95 7130 2807 8S 0337 7441 50 14346 S648 141 0558 IOI 59 4 \ 1264 as 6941 2733 66 0263 6696 45 14096 SSSO 116 0460 1 1116 76 6756 2660 48 190 6250 42 13969 5500 104 0410 1 11/6 7-5 6402 2S2I H ' 0-361 1 5208 36 129 16 5086 II 1 0436 76-/S 3 I 9 67 65 6/53 2423 94 0263 3O* /a 1* 1 4687 315 12696 5000 89 0350 * 818 64 5918 2330 43 0170 Plate No. 7. Steel Deck Beams, standard sections. All dimensions are g/ren in millimetres and inches. All weights are given in kilograms per metre and pounds per lineal foot. All dimensions given are for minimum weight of each section. 18 Plate No. 8. Steel Channels, standard sections. . : : XS' ' as. ^ -* * 0633-1 ISO- 1 All dimensions */ Qiren in millimetres end inches All weights are given in kilogram* per metre and poun'ds per lineal foot. All dimensions gt'reti are for minimum weight of each section 19 Plate No. 9. Maximum and minimum weights and dimensions of steel Deck Beams, standard sections. Depth of beam Depth of beam Weight per M. kilograms. Weightier ft Ibs. Width of flange m.m. Width of flange inches. Thickness of web m.m. Thickness of web inches. m.m. inches. minimum. maximum. minimum. maximum. minimum. maximum. minimum. msximum. minimum. maximum. minimum. maximum. 25399 10 40-5 53-13 2723 3570 13334 139 69 525 550 9-6 160 38 63 229*9 P -, 38 7 M 6 r -i 26 W rWW- 1/2*-47 r I2S'77<- 494 507 , //-/^ /4 4- r t4 57 x y- >. 20. 1-/9 30 3t 4 20 15 2448 J /iffa I3I-06\ 600 516 7'S nil r 31 47 \ r- 1 17 '79 / 2t 9 34 9 IS II 2346 12380 l29-63\ 487 5-10 78 /i 7 ?/ 54 1 M-J 15 wwi / 22 7 2', 3 IS 30 / J8$6 I\I'I2\ 115-05 w 1 sa 7-1 1C 9 ? 43 I i \ / i *~\ 1 -i 1 N ' *=* t VJ i 1 J fc tV ' ' Max, Hi intci 777/ /">/ fool All dimensions given are for minimum ure,ghr of each section. 21 Plate No. 11. Maximum intermediate and minimum weights and dimensions ofstee/Ang/es of standard sections. Equal legs. \ F n - n n ^3 R i N r ~N \ n n i i ~N /' N / ^ * K 3 1 ^ "> V; y, y. \ \ ^ \ % ; 5s $ b Is |E ft s, / r 7 ' m. Si ir. 1C S. * it || I i Siz ( m.r G 7. .)/ * .S. |l c^ ; m 1 ? She {/rjm S,z^ ins. 11 Id II , Size m.m. !> 5* f S [ 1 L \ ^* f f: e \ ft I S ^. 1$ 'I 5 7q N IS239 ,15239 6> 6 22-02 I48\ \7-9- -;, ( I0t-S9x 101 S3 4 U 1220 s-t 47 %e 6$ 49x63 -13 . VixZ'A 4-eo 37 47 %e 3809x3809 it,*i'/i 2-67 18 iih 7,6 15233x15239 ffi 6 2559 172 95 % \0te9x S9 4 c*' 1458 9S 6\ 'U 6349*6349 ?.'A xV'A 6-10 4-1 63 'A 3809x3809 v%L/% [ 357 M 1270 /2 I5239i /,* /OIS9x 01 $9 1 ^ 1681 113 79 ' !?< 6349x6349 2-^2'^ 744 SO 79 * 3809x3809 431 29 1422 Va 152-39' 15233 6> 3259 719' 7270 7, 10/59x10/53 ^-? 1904 I2t p ~~tt / % 6343x6349 fh-xi'A 878 59 95 % 3809x3809 /kxl'/i S&& 34 1600 % 15239> 1264 V > 63 *j 5714x57/4 2'/,x2'/4 535 36 ///? 9 e 8883x8889 3'' x3.' , 1458 38- 79 d 5714x57/4- 2'Ax2& 669 45 31 ^ 3174x3174 I'hxI'U 148 10 I2VO t 8883x8889 ydftj^ 1651 /// 95 * 5714x6714 ?'/* y-OV 803 S4 47 '/'S 3/74x31-74- /'/xlX, 223 IS 95 % 12699^12699 SxS 1830 123 14-22 s l s 8889x8889 3 x3; ! 16-30 12-3 1 [- *r 6-3 'U 3/74x31 -74 l'/txl'/4 290 19 1117 It 12699* 12699 SxS 2128 143 1600 f ' 8889x8889 Mx3 2038 136 4\7 5079x5079 2x2 370 25 1270 7, 12699*12699 SxS 2410 162 i n 63 a 50-79x5079 2x2 476 32 1422 %t 12699*12699 SxS 2693 /8I 63 /, 76-/9x 76/9 /* <3 729 49 7-9 % 5079x5079 2x2 595 40 1600 % 12699, 12699 SxS 2991 200 -79 s /< 6 76-19x7619 u -3 907 61 tv %^ 5079x50-79 2x2 7/4 48 1752 "lie 12699x12699 SxS 3274 2/8 95 'A 7619x7619 3x3 1071 72 19-04 % 12699, 12699 SxS 35-41 236 1117 7ie 7619x7619 3x3 I23S 83 47 y, e 4444x4444 l%xl% 3/2 21 2057 % 12699, 12699 SxS 3809 2S4 1270 /2 76l9x 7619 3x3 1398 94 63 '/, 4444x44-44 l%xl% 4/6 28 3-1 '/a 254x254 Ixl 1-19 08 2235 % 12699, 12699 SxS 4077 272 1422 9 g 76/9x 76/3 3x3 1547 104 79 s /ie 4444x4444 '%xl'A 5-05 34 47 '/,<; 254x254 Ixl 178 12 2387 % 12699*12699 SxS 4375 294 I6OO '/ ' 76/9*76/9 3x3 1696 114 95 44-44x4444 t'AxI'/. 610 41 63 * 254x25-4 Ixl 223 IS Plate No. 12. Steel Angles, unequal legs, standard sections. All dimensions are given in millimetres, and inches All freights are &iren in kilograms per metre and pounds per lineal foot. AH dimensions given are for minimum weight of each section. Plate No. 13. Maximum, intermediate and minimum weights and dimensions of steel Angles of standard sections. ^^ r^( Unequal /egs. \ / n ~T^ [\ p| S N n /^ 57 P 1 1 F P r^ to f \ i . ^ " * t ) ir, , 7 ] \ ^ (O $ ^ o ^ to * i 1 Is C v: \ # ze Si. r e \ \ |J < > 8 \n /Siz L_ i- \ 1.1 1. | g D . r/zi \ 3.* . % Size 1 1 I 6 t ^ '1 m. in S. ^ 1 'tp~~ | S 1' \rn.n J. i ft i 1 E !'* mm. ins V. V. 1" |l '1 m.m. . ins. f f 1 127 '- 17773* ages 7x 3'/< 2i 30 17-0 12-70 7, tS2-39xi 1889 fxd/2 22-76 753 77-52 "In I? i >3&x7 5x3 2544 17-1 63 k 76-19x507 9 3*2 - 6-/0 kl 1422 17773*8889 7x vA ft <27 190 1422 ,'6 15233x8889 6x3/2 25-44 77-7 19-04 m 12699x76-19 6*8 2782 185 79 s /ie 76/9x507 9 3x2 744 SO 16-OL : I '17779x8883 J 7x Vh 3125 21 teoo $/ /S?39x8889 6x3/2 2812 189 \ V L 95 Vi 76-13x5079 y? 878 JM I7S2. "/ 17779x88-86 7x3/2 3422 230 17-52 % 15233x8889 6x3'A 3065 206 79 s /,t 10159x76-19 4x3 1056 71 1117 7619x5079 3x2 10-11 63 19-04 i, 177-79x88-89 7x3/2 3690 249 19-04 % 152-39x8889 6x3'A 3318 223 9-5 % 10/-59x76/9 4x3 1264 8-5 1270 '/! 76-19x50-79 3x2 11-7 77 2057 y 17779, 8869 7x3/2 39-73 268 2057 f.y 152-39x8889 6x3'/2 3S7I 240 II 17 %t IO/-S9x76-/9 4x3 1458 98 2235 /, 17779x8889 7x l'/l 4256 287 2235 % 152-39x888% 6x3'A 3824 257 12-70 '/, IO/-S9x76-l9 4x3 1651 lit 63 '/, 76-19x6349 3x2/2 67 45 23-80 i '/a 17779x8889 7x3/2 4539 305 ~J Hi A / \\ 14-22 % 10159x76-19 4x3 1830 IT3. 79 S /I6 76-19x6349 3x2/2 8-18 5-5 2540 I 17779x8889 7x3/2 4807 323 95 % rzMSxt 1547 104 1600 % M 59x76/9 4x3 2050 139 9-5 'It 76-19x6349 3x2/J 982 ee ///7\ * I2699xi *)889\ \Sxm 1785 120 \ / \ 11-17 Vie 76/9x6349 3x2/2 1145 76 95 Y. 15239x10159 6x4 18-3 123 <27ff l/ 2 !269Sx8889\ \jSxfy. / 2023 136' 7-9 Kt 8889x76-19 3'/,x3 98 66 12-70 i 'h 76-19x6349 3x2/2 129 85 II 17 ft 15239x101-59 6x4 2128 143 VK w I2699x8889\, S*3'/2 I 2263 152 95 % 8889x76/9 3x3 1/60 w 1270 y> 15239x10159 6x4 2425 162 1600 % 12699x8889 5x311 2500 168 7/77 '/a 8889x76/9 3/2x3 1354 91 63 '/, 6349x5079 2/2x2 535 36 1422 y 15239x10/59 6x4 2693 181 I7-S2 "/,( 12699x8889 1x3/2 2723 IS3 12-10 'h 88-89x76/9 3/2X. t >532 102 7-3 S /,6 6349x5079 2/2X2 669 45 16-00 % J5239xlOI59 6x4 2976 200 I9 M/59 6x4 38-09 254 95 % 12699* 7619 5x3 1443 97 63 '/, 8669x6349 3%x2 # 729 4-9 2235 15239x10/59 6x4 4047 27-2 1117 Kr 12639x76/9 5x3 16-66 11-3 79 f/, e 8889x63-49 O/^ J/2 X C % 907 61 47 5079x3809 2xl'/i 3-12 21 1270 / 2 12699 x 76/9 Sx3 1904 128 95 % 8889x6349 3'6x2 'A IO72 7-2 63 50-79x38-09 2xl'/2 4-31 29 95 V, 15239x8839 6x3'/2 1740 1/7 1422 i r 12699x7619 5x3 21/3 142 Hi? % 8839x6349 "}// .- ^ ij/2 ^f- 1235 83 79 5079x3809 2x7/2 535 36 11-17 it 15233x8889 6x 'i','? 2009 13$ 1600 % I2699x 76-19 5x3 2336 IS-7 12-70 /2 8863x6349 3'Ax2 t 1398 94 95 5079x3809 ZxI'A 6SO 4-4 24 Plate No. 14. 5/ee/ Tees, standard sections. Equal legs. I ^CyJ All dimension* t firemn millimetres and mchtl All mights tie fire" in kilobit ms per metre tnd pounds per linetl fool 25 Plate No. 15. 3174 *l 535 K. 36 Ibs. S/ee/ Tees, standard sections. Unequal legs. >// iy. 47 4J4 *<3, 288K. I 9 Ibs ^ D n rvyh-jf-i t/f 1071 K. ' 72 Ibs. Alt dimensions aft given in millimetres end inches. All tve/ghfs are iven in kilograms per metre and pounds per finest foot. 997 K 67 IbS 2*' 69 84 i-f ___6i> 8 63 K 5 8 IbS 26 Plate No. 16. Weights and dimensions of steel Tees standard sections. Equal legs. Size in m m Size in ins. Thickness Thickness ins Wei&itperM Ki/ogrtma Weithtperft Ibi Size in m m. Size in ins. Thickness mm Thickness ins. Wc&tperM ffi/ogtams Weight per ft loT ftffnge S'tm flange Stem mm Ftange Stem Jlange Stem /0/S3 10159 8889 6889 7619 7619 634.9 6349 57-14 S7I4 101-53 IOt-59 8889 6869 7619 7619 6349 63-49 57 14 Si-It 4 4 M 3* 3 i 2ft 2* 4 f 3* M 3 2ft tfi 2% V. 12? to 14? 36 fn ll-l 117 to 14 2 9 S to ll-l II 1 to 127 74 to 9 5 9-Stoll-l 7tto9& 78to95 6 3 to 7 8 'Atott %*> Mr K to 9t ** fc %*to ft v** to to*, fit*,* V**>% htofo 2038 I620\\ 1740 l)9 13 SO 980 9 SO 818 729 610 137 109 1/7 92 91 66 64 5S 49 41 50-79 50-73 4444 4444 38-09 3809 31-7 317 254 254 5079 SO-79 4444 4444 3809 38O9 3/7 3/7 264 254 I f /# /* Ift Ih /# /* / / 2 2 t\ 1 n n /i /) / / ft * < 5 i I 7 8 to 95 S3 to? 8 S3to7S 46to63 6 3 to 71 4toSS 63 n 7-1 4 6 loSS 4ftoS5 31 to 39 IntoVt '**>#( **>'/* %tte* * to 9h Ht tofa *h%t **3t v, f f,vu '/lto%t 639 SB 460 357 379 287 30 23 18 13 43 38 31 24 IS 13 10 16 12 09 Weifr Vsi \ W d dimensions of steel Teet Unequal fegs. r standard sections. Size m m m Size in ins. Thickness Thickmts ins. HeithfpcrM Kilograms Weightperfi. Ib-T Size in mm Siz.e in ins. Thickness mm Thickness ins WeithtperM KHogiams "*%?' flange Stem Flange Stem m /T), Flange Stem Flange Stem. 101 S 9 10159 10153 tO/S9 8889 888$ 8889 8889 7613 7619 I2E99 I269S 7619 7619 10159 101 59 7619 7619 10/59 10159 4 4 4 4 3ft 3X 3ft 3f, 3 3 S S 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 127 to 14 '2 96 toll 1 9-5 to ll-l II ' 1 to 127 I27toi42 9 5 to III 127*142 95 to III ll-l to/2-7 &Stolll ft fo * %/to *t %A> Kr Vvtolfi ft *>*t %i*Vt ft 19 fa '/f toy* y>t*fi **>Xt 2321 I78& 1383 1517 1904 1473 1622 1244 1577 1384 156 120 93 I&2 128 99 109 8-5 I0 93 7619 7619 7619 7619 6349 6349 6349 6349 4444 4444 8889 8889 6349 6349 7619 7619 6984 6984 3174 3174 3 3 3 3 2h 2ft 2ft Zfi 1% 1% 3H 3* 2ft 2ft 3 3 2% 2% /A /* 1111,121 $Sfri/-f 95 to III 79to95 9 5 to III 7 9 to 95 9 5 to III 79to9S 9 5 to III 47toS5 f,tt^ Vile *t Vito Xt #tro * **>* Vh>* H to 7* V*to % Vt to VH '/HtoTu 1458 1264 1071 907 1071 907 997 863 535 288 98 as 72 61 72 61 67 58 36 19 Plate No. 17. Steel bulb Angles, standard sections. All dimensions are given in millimetres and inches All weights are given in kilograms per metre and pounds per lineal foot. 28 Plate No. 18. Depth of Angle mm ZS399 228S9 20319 17779 1 52 39 IS239 IS239 12699 Weights and dimensions of Bulb Angles. u Standard sections. u Depth of Angle ins Weight per M 3244 2860 27IS 2669 2045 1830 Weight per ft Ibs. 26SO 2180 1923 1626 1720 I37S 1230 10 f/sr/ge Width mm. 8889 8839 8889 7619 76-19 7619 76-19 6349 f/ange Width ins Web Thickness Web Thickness m m ins 048 044 041 044 OSO 038 031 031 Plate No. 19. Steel Z-Bars, standard sections. 23-2to3l-25 K. 15-6 to 21-0 Ibs ^ 3/2" '"SB-BIT" 2 ?/" f -6L8..,3 ' Os i i 9-97 to 12-5 K. -2 6-7 to 8-4 IbS. " - ' 2%' j '-68-r- 1 All dimensions are giren in millimetres and inches. All weights are given in kilograms per metre and pounds per lineal foot AH dimensions given are for minimum weight of each section. 30 Plate Maximum intermediate and minimum weights and dimensions of steel Z-Bars standard sections. Tftidtness mm MfC/tness ms Actual size in m.m Actual size in ins. Weiihrp g Weithtpeift It* Flange Web Flange Flange Wet> Flanfe Kilograms 634 * 6827 76/9 6827 2 3 2 "/it 997 67 794 ft 6984 7778 6964 2% 3'/>t 2* I2SO 64 95 127 142 : 3 s ' > i , 6627 6827 6964 7619 77-78 7619 6827 6984 6627 6984 2' ~* D2' 2 ft t (t l> 3 3 ft f t 2 ', 2 - >,'. * r 16-6 211 3 3 9-7 114 12 S 142 ] jl 7^ \ / 63 i t , 7775 /OP&9L \ 7778 3 \_J4 3 f 122 S2 L i\n 73 i (t 79-36 ,03-16 7936 f. t it ft 3 ft 153 2 103 J v- A \ v / 9S\ 7 * 8: 0? 104-77 8102 1^ (f f* 3 % 184 6 12-4 "\\ 1 1 \ / ii i < 7778 10139 7778 3 if \\ 3 , 20i 3 138 \\ 1 \/ I27\ 1 j 7936 103/8 7936 3 r n t* 3 -, 23. ' 153 \1 | l^_J I V 42 ? b S/02 K>+77 8102 3' b ft / V IS 8 r~ ft 7778 IOIS9 7778 31* 4 31* 2812 189 17*46 ' 7936 10318 7936 3Xt 4'/* 3 ', 3110 20-9 1904 N 8102 104-77 8102 31 b 41 ' 3 i, 3407 229 794 ft 8254 12693 82S4 3, 1 S 3* 1726 116 950 III! '', r 8407^ 6S69 ^8S2 13018 8407 8569 3% S 6\ rr 3* r r *%> 139 16-4 1270 ft 82S4 12699 82S4 3* 5 3 t 2448 176 1428 . ** \l 8407 12852 8407 3* Stt ', J006 202 1587 . <\ 6669 13018 SS-69 3* 5* 3 + 3363 226 1746 J\ ' 82S4 12669 8254 3'f, S 3 I ,3526 237 1304 2063 950 till % ft 9407 8569 8869 9042 12852 130-18 V?39 /S392 8407 8569 8869 9042 f, 3* 3* I \ 3 f ': -. 3669 27-tS 260 283 16-6 183 1270 % 9194 ISS57 9194 3* 6* 3 '/t 3125 210 1428 ft 8889 15239 8869 3) i 6 3* 3378 227 IS87 ft 9042 16392 9042 3V* ff t 3V* 3760 254 17-46 /<* 9194 /SS57 9194 3ft en 3'A 4166 280 1904 ft 8869 15239 8869 J* 6 M 43fO 293 2063 -y* 9042 IS392 9042 3' y Mb 3V* 4762 32O 2222 * 9194 ISSS7 9194 3* ft r 3% 5/50 346 81 Plate No. 21. Method of increasing sectional areas. The cross hatched portions repiesent the minimum sections and the blank portions the added areas. 32 Plate No. 22. Plate No. 23. Plate No. 24. <\j S 43 I t>. CVj 0 fs K .-. "3 Sf y> <0 5* jp N f, ^ <>> <5 91 IV Cx, IV. Oi ) 0> Ol O) 0> Oi 0> C?553 <>> Oj Plate No. 25. CM 'to^ xN^*- *S ^s> o^s: V "a , lO^O *S: fSi ^ 'i o?>'-S ^^^'^5^2:^ Isqa^s^ g^co ^o- ^a^s ^ D IS s g K Plate No. 26. s I S I 1 ,N H> 3 S 5* ~<% ^> I 1* ^5 Plate No. 27. ,Ilil^ : lti*l*kitkli Plate No. 28. Table of dimensions for l2"(3o*3mm)Z-Bar Columns. crzi Thickness of matal B H m.m ins mm ins mm. *T mm j* J ins ins. ins mm. ins 9S 127 IS8 ISO 222 7* 4&4 / 490 S 4616 4762 4826 '9 'h I9\ 19 /ti 19 1ST -I 1619 1619 1619 1666 1842 6*8 1746 1746 7'tt 67* 3 41 4 101 1016 1016 1016 1016 m S40 540 t& 640 S4 98i 920 3% 893 S20 3ft 3% 2794 2794 2794 2794. 2794 II II II II II 115 1619 1651 168-3 1714 1746 6'/2 6* 6% 6% 6' 6'/a~ Section: 4 Z-Bars IScW-ISS'Smm. deep. I Web Plate 2032 mm.x thickness of Z-Bars . Plate No. 29. Table of dimensions forlO"(2s* mm,) Z-Bar Columns. metal. B D m.m. m.m. ins. m.m. m.m. ins. m. ins. m.m. ins. m.m. ins. ins. 79 //I 14-2 174 206 % /* 4239 430-2 4222 4 IS 3 419-1 l6"/ 16% ISVe 130-9 I3S-7 135-7 136-7 1405 5 5% 3%, 3* 889 #89 38-9 * ] [ TJ ~~~"N n A\ p \ t <* [)( 1( \ 1 A \ ' 1 JU \ TJ . c ' ? > C \\ 1 i \\ G: J v L IJ L _J " LJ V_i 1 i L_I \i~ LJ ^ i x__ __x A /- of B c D G H i metal mm ms mm ins. mm. ,fIS mm ,na cs //* , mm ma. m/r? - L V>s. /TV"/ ins mm ins mm ins 63 '/i 3889 IS'fo 104-7 4f> 1635 gfc 920 3 869 3,2 4/6 / w 37,e 2540 /o 1079 4* 9S 3937 IS* I09S 1635 6>/* 92C 3* a9 3% 476 /J 6 869 3i : 2540 /o III l 4* 127 38S7 1. r* 1095 /)87 6%, MO 3% 8S9 3% 476 /:' i XM 3 '/i 2540 /o 1143 4'/t 158 3776 1 >* 1095 /SJS 6%t 3^0 J* 8S9 3t 476 /, 6 777 30, 2540 /<7 1174 4* 190 3841 IS'/ 1143 /fiS 61k 5? at 869 3% 41* /ft 909 3V,t 2540 10 120-6 4% | _J \i L3 iy \J LJ ^U U U U VAD ' Section: 4 Z * 4'/,' -Bars/OlS9-/04??mm deep 6ft 1 Web Plate I6S m m x thickness of Z- Bars II Plate No. 31. Table ofdimens/ons for6"(is239m. m .) Z-Bar Co/umns. Section: 4 Z-Bars 762-77-7 m.m. deep. I Web PI ate 146 mm. x thickness of Z-Bars. 42 EXPLANATION OF PLATES OF ROLLED SECTIONS. It will be noticed that on all of these plates the dimensions are given both in inches and in millimetres, and the weights arc given in pounds per lineal foot and in kilograms per metre. Plate \<> i and Plate No. 2 give the dimensions of the various bars and plates that we are able to furnish ; that is rounds, squares, half rounds and rectangular plates. The following plates, commencing with Plate No. 3 and extending to Plate No. 31, give the dimensions of the various classes of structural material. The sections as shown on these plates have been calculated for the lightest weights to which each shape or pattern can be rolled. It is possible to roll heavier sections as shown on Plates Nos. 6, 9, it, 13, 16, 18, ?o, 22, 73, -24, 25, 26 and 27. This is accomplished by means of separating or spreading the rolls, the method being clearly illustrated on Plate No 21. It is well to note that the extra heavy sections are not always kept in stock and are therefore obtained only by special rolling which requires an order of a sufficient weight to warrant the changing of the rolls. It is therefore advantageous for parties ordering to confine themselves as far as possible to the minimum weights, if quick delivery is required. In ordering rolled sections, it is necessary that the order be clearly written out to avoid any misunder- standing. The usual practice, as adopted in this country, and which we would like our customers to be 48 careful to follow to avoid any mistakes is to specify, first, the number of pieces wanted ; then the name of the piece required, and following this the dimension and the weight, and lastly the length of each bar. In describing rounds, the diameter is given. In describing squares, one side of the square is given. In describing half rounds, the diameter is given. In describing plates, the width and thickness are given. In describing beams, deck beams and channels, the" depth is given. In describing angles, the length of each leg is given. In' describing Tees,, the depth of stem and the width of the flange are given. It is very important in describing Tees with unequal legs to introduce a sketch on the order, to give the dimension of the vertical leg and of the horizontal flange so no mistake can be made. In describing Bulb angles, the depth is given. In describing Zee bars, the depth is given and the length of each horizontal flange. Phoenix and Zee bar columns are always ordered by drawings ; it being impossible to order them by any general description on account of the riveted connections, that is the cap and base plates. These with any intermediate connections should be shown on drawings to avoid misunderstanding. To clearly illustrate what we have mentioned above relative to ordering raw material, we give the following illustration of how an order should read, specifying the different classes of material, as ordered in feet, inches and pounds. 44 NfMUtK or I'll 6 5 3 10 4 8 5 12 12 4 4 6 4 1 'i K Kirni'N. DIMENSIONS ASH \Vt Bars, round '' in. diameter Bars, square 2 ' square Bars, half round ' ' " diameter Plates 2 5 " x ^ in. Beams '5 " 80 lbs. Deck Beams IO " 35 ^s. Channels 9 "25 lbs. Angles 6 " x 6 in., 33. i lbs. Angles 5 "x 3 " 8.2 " Tees :'--! Tees 4 4 "x 4 " 13.7 " " x 3 " 10.2 " ^-1 Tees j ~J~ 3 " x 4 " 10.6 " Bulb Angles 8 " 19.23 lbs. Zee Bars 5 " x 3 # in. x 3 # i 10 ft. 6 in. 8 '5 20 26 '4 21 27 16 8 '5 10 7 J 3 6 " o " 10 " 8 " 10 " ' 8 " 4 " 1 " 2 " All weights are given in pounds per foot. 45 TABLKS GIVING STRENGTH OF STEEL AND IRON WORK MANUFACTURED BY MILLIKE^N BROTHERS, 11 H ROAD WAY, NEW YORK CITY, U. S. A. Table No. 1. Safe Loads in Kit fors _r\ n n n n n n n \ i 'Ogi tee, ~\ ams and Pounds uniformly d/str/buted f f-B earns standard sections. ^ "S >(; . C c \ x C , 10 f Depth bfBea m >09i ~8r / ' / \ \ Depth of Beam 50 7-99 m. m. t jL 'So 5 ? Co Co tx Q 1 5; C 2297Z& C/-I609300 C 22249? CH56430Q C 2/6275 CI-I3S3500 S; C/-/30/200 "t: * * *: ^ . it; ^ * q~ ^i T ^ to ^ ^ T ^ to ^ ^ ic, t ^ * f ^co ^. *i 4: ^ <6 (jj ^ - ^ |_| ,| |,| ag" i c <4 IS 1^ tl" ^1 if fe . ^-8 1,^ i j ^ fc& S~* II -, *o i| ^^ K^CVi V |_|> v, , II 5 1.^ ^ ll 1 .> a a CN <1 ^ .-QO'J- i 58 < .0<0 lUo $ 'SoS; ^ Jo2? < 0^ ioi fe^ Oo^o %l i $ .11 *N -< |o .18 1^ ^0>5 ^ .Sp^j to^ .^oi ^ fo* ^ -C; ^ "^N .^i 'lol ^C5 ^o^ <, fc -.t 5 S> tb JB fc * J . JU "O o5 Hi &5 38922 /4$26 $37 1^62 ~2W94 figs 11700 /6s. 23603 10*798 TfS 21816 Was I9&SO I{SL yOOl 45 14764 73956 33546 70768 32100 67S75 30652 63872 28972 38646 17530 36521 16566 34400 15604 32384 14689 27487 12468 25988 1/788 22926 10400 21/60 3598 19392 8796 17643 8003 6 18404 66560 30192 63691 28890 60810 27583 57486 26075 34781 15778 32868 14909 30961 14044 29/45 13220 24738 1/221 23387 I060S 20636 3360 19043 8638 17451 79/6 16880 7203 66 IS044 60506 27447 57900 26263 55292 25080 52258 23704 31620 14343 29879 13663 28146 12767 26495 120/8 22488 10201 2/263 9645 18759 8509 17310 7852 15864 7/96 14436 6548 6 19685 55468 25/60 53076 24076 50681 22989 17904 2/729 28986 13/48 27390 12424 25800 11703 24286 110/6 206/5 93SI 19491 8841 17/96 7800 16869 7/98 14643 6596 13232 6002 66 21325 5/202 23226 48994 22223 46784 21221 44218 20057 26754 12136 25282 11468 238/6 /0803 22418 10/69 19028 8631 /799Z 8161 15873 7200 14644 6643 13424 6089 122/3 5540 7 22966 47544 2/566 45493 20636 43441 1970S 41061 18625 24 844 11269 23477 10649 22/14 10031 208/8 9443 17670 80/5 16706 7576 14739 6686 13602 6170 12467 5666 11342 5/45 75 24606 44373 20/28 42460 19260 40546 18391 38373 17383 23188 105/8 2/9/1 9939 2063S 9362 19429 88/3 16490 7480 15593 7073 13766 6240 12694 5758 1/636 6278 10587 4802 8 26-247 41601 18870 39806 18056 38011 17242 35928 16287 21739 9861 20542 93/8 19350 8777 18214 8262 IS46I 7013 14618 6631 12897 5850 1/303 6399 10308 4948 9925 4S02 86 27887 39/53 17760 37462 16993 35776 16228 338/4 15338 20461 9281 19334 8770 /82/Z 8261 17143 7776 I45SO 6600 I376S S24I 12138 6506 11201 5081 10267 46S7 9341 4237 9 29-528 36977 16773 35384 16050 33787 16326 31936 14486 19323 8766 18260 8283 17200 7802 16190 7344 13744 SZ34 12994 5834 11464 6200 10580 4799 9696 4398 8823 4002 95 31168 35031 IS830 33521 15206 32008 14519 30264 13723 18307 8304 (7300 7847 16294 7391 IS337 6951 130/8 5905 123/0 6684 I086O 4926 10022 4546 9/84 4166 8357 3791 10 32808 33280 15096 3/845 14445 30408 13793 28741 13037 17390 7888 /6433 7454 15481 7022 I4S72 6610 12368 56/0 11693 5304 10317 4680 9521 4313 8726 3958 7941 3601 ON o> >^ <*> > S3 ^b t^ *o U ex "3 I 1 M- 5 i 1 1 ^: >%i * ^ ts f- ^ ss ^ <*> **} ex 3 ^ Oi 5 v> 1 >0 \ \ ^ ? \ *o <*> ^ \ x >- XJ \ t^ "5 > x ^ CS ^> 6 ^> 5 *; i. ^i; 1 u if M V M - 1^ ^ ^ M ^1 ?u H.& p loS .,* -c 5 So* S^ goes )^ .)53 ^S 5o^ \ lo^ ^ s; 9o!f> ^ .|o^ .0^ F P '=- S I ^ > * 4; ' I ^ 1 i I A> ^ s ^ J 1 ^ ^ ^ 1 ^^ ^ ^^ i r 4 13123 ! 20192 /# mm tf&4 r (6600 ?53( /dJ 15338 iSi T IS 4921 37081 /(ffiio its 33261 , 3/070 Jffs fl'fi? ... /tx l$)82 E 26/3t ma //SS4 "~ 24272, iffios ~ * 22434 , 1S 11761 17950 8117. \ff3S4 74/8 14758 ffffff '3633 *6t94 J i ? 9561 278/1 ttfte 262/t f/89O 24626 VttTf 23/17 f0486 19598 6890 18/96 8264 I682J 76*1 J s 16401 16163 732? '4722 6678 13282 6025 '2250 5566 25 202 22248 10092 20970 9SI2 19700 8936 18191 8389 15678 7112 14566 6602 13460 6/05 55 18044 I168S 6661 \/3384 6071 12074 5477 HISS 060 3 9642 18510 84/0 17476 7927 16417 7447 15411 6991 13066 5927 12131 5503 //2I7 5088 6 19485 13461 6/06 '2268 5565 11069 S02I 10224 4638 35 11483 15895 72/0 14978 6794 14074 6384 13210 992 11/99 5080 10396 47/6 9612 4360 65 2/325 12426 5636 J/322 5136 10216 4634 9437 4281 4 13123 13906 308 13106 945 12312 5565 1/568 5243 9799 4445 9098 4127 84/2 38/6 7 22966 1/539 5231 IOSI3 4769 i'4Sb 4ms 816$ 39-6 1 , H 71764 12360 6601 JI649 S2B4 10945 4986 I027S\ 4661 87/0 3951 8086 3668 7478 3392 75 21606 10769 1885 9872 4451 8953 4016 8179 37/0 i 1(404 ufa S016 V0486 4766 9850 41SS 9245 s '94 7839 3556 7277 3301 6730 3052 8 26217 10096 1579 9200 4/73 83.00 3766 7669 347$ \ I It 18044 /0//X 4587 9530 4323 8935 4662 8405 3a'/3 7/26 3233 66/6 3001 61/7 2775 85 27887 9502 13/0 8660 3928 7813 3644 72/7 3274 c iseas 92 70 4205 8736 3963 8207 3723 7704 3495 6531 2963 6064 2751 5608 2544 9 29528 8975 4071 8/77 3709 7379 3347 68/5 3092 66 21325 8553 3880 8064 3668 7576 3437 7HI 3226 6000 2736 97 23S SI7& 2348 | 1 1 S \ S i 3> 4 1 | V 52 1 %> 1 1 \ % $ S ! i^ w y te|o !.!> li *- to 1.4 ||> Qj (O b 1 fe.^ fo| ^ ^" N QO ^> fto^ loS; -C *Vl -"50 cb -S. 105 Io5 i' % <^ J -9005 .505- > f[ to^ i .fo< I"S |oS >5 is .)< 50 s. 6887 Kgs. 3124 Ibs 6459 Xgs. 2930 Its. 4206 Kgs. 1308 Iks 3830 ms 1760 /6s. 3576 Kgs 1622 2 6561 14189 6436 12998 SSSd 1/8/0 5357 9843 4465 8854 4016 7864 3567 5805 2633 5485 2488 5167 2344 4845 2198 3155 1431 2910 1320 2680 1216 2-5 8-202 11349 5/48 10401 47/8 9449 4286 7876 3572 7081 3212 6296 2856 4643 2106 438? 1990 4131 1874 3875 1758 2522 1144 2328 1056 2165 97t 3 9842 9460 4291 8666 3931 7873 3572 6563 2977 5904 2678 5242 2378 3871 1756 3657 1659 3443 1562 3229 I46S 2103 954 1940 880 1788 811 35 11-483 8008 3678 7429 3370 6751 3065 5626 2552 5057 2294 4493 2038 3316 1504 3/35 1422 2949\ 1338 2769 1256 1803, 8/8 1662 154 1608 694 4 13123 7094 32/8 6499 2948 5905 2679 43ZI 2233 4427 2008 3332 1783 2302 13/7 274? 1244 2583 l/7 2422 /099 1577 7/5 1456 660 1340 608 45 14-764 6307 2861 B171 2621 5249 2381 4375 1985 3936 1786 3495 1585 2580 ini 2438 1106 22$S 1041 2/53 977 1402 636 1294 587 1190 540 5 16404 5674 2574 5200 2359 4724 2143 3937 1786 3540 1606 3148 142? 2321 1053 2193 996 206S 937 1331 879 1261 572 1164 528 1082 486 5-5 18044 5158 2340 4726 2144 4594 1948 3580 1624 321$ 1460 2661 1298 2109 957 1995 905 1876 851 1161 799 1146 520 1058 480 974 442 6 19685 4730 2/45 4333 1965 3937 1786 3281 1488 2952 1339 2621 1/89 1935 878 1828 829 1721 181 1614 732 1051 477 970 440 894 405 65 2I-32S 4365 1380 3999 1814 3633 1648 2994 1358 2722 1235 2418 1097 1785 810 1686 766 /S99 721 1490 676 970 440 895 406 824 374 93100 ex 5 "? 03 PO ex * <0 ^ " * X, 4 x O <0 * X) * ^ * V) * * * X) X) fc X) ^ X3 X3 * C/= Coefficient of strength for maximum fiber stress of I600O Ibs.per sy in. C - Coefficient of strength for maximum fiber stress of II 25 k^s per sp c.m For a single load concentrated at the centre of the beam take one half (i) the load given in the table. - Table No. 6. Safe Loads in Kilograms and Pounds for Phoenix Steel Columns. For Columns with Square End Bearings.- Segments A. /WjA/7e: Area I e*sf Radius orGyration Sf'ttS :, * i M in Hi 3SV38 37^7 3701? 3 24 9 ^ n . n A riSe&ments'Bl". ^ .., ,_ 7 Thickness ins mm \ 64\ 63 pwc \\ Vie 1 11 i 12 ' A ; 1/42 108 IS8 A: ,-, sq ms sqcm I \ f/3 403 \ 593,, I 68, 774 / 864 954 Least Radius ins 95 A 204 \ 209 2l 1 . / 218 1 223 ofGyration mm 495 508 1 518 53 4 i 541 A ,553 566 Length in Length in Safetodtt 'Stfetoad lafeLoad EmnEgw We Load Safeloa/l S&feLoad , j .t $9&lO6d ^mttS" Safetoad Safeload SafeLoad metres Seer inlbs in Kg ft: in Kg E in Kg mlbs "'' mil : in Kg inlbs inKt 3 9842 8/724 37070 99736 45240 1/7921 53489 U6IO+ 6/736 154506 70083 $02 78362 191/33 86697 35 11483 80419 36478 98159 44525 116/25 52674 134095 60825 152275 69071 170364 77276 188486 85496 4 /3/23 79101 35880 96582 43810 114329 S/8S9 132083 599/2 150044 68058 1679/9 76/67 185839 84295 45 14764 77783 35282 95005 43095 112633 5/044 130071 59000 /478I3 67045 I6S479 75060 183/62 83094 5 16404 76465 34684 93428 42380 110737 50229 128059 58088 /45S82 66032 f63039 73953 180545 81893 ft 18044 75147 34086 91851 41665 108941 49414 126047 57176 /4335I 6SOI9 160599 72846 177898 80692 6 19685 73829 33483 90274 40950 I07I4S 48599 124035 56264 14/120 64006 158/59 7/739 175251 79491 65 2/325 725/1 32890 88697 40235 105349 47784 122023 55352 138889 62993 155719 70632 172604 78290 7 22966 7/193 32292 87/20 39520 103553 46969 1200/1 5*440 /36658 6/980 153279 69525 169957 77089 75 24606 69873 3/694 85543 38805 WI7S7 46154 117999 53528 134427 60967 150839 68418 167310 75888 58 Table No. 7. Safe Loads in Kilograms and Pounds for Phoenix Steel Columns. 1/71 ( /V n ^ ' P ^\\ ^ Segr nenf. s Bt ?; ' 3 1 Thicknes J. ins. mm. * y/ F 75 % 9-5 \, 252 \\ y <2 ; '/ t / 1-2 K 158 Area. sq ins. 7-4 9 0-6 JL\ 13 8 /6 4 /7\ sq.cm. F 7 \_\ J 603 78-7 ffy $ 93 1096 LeastRadiL ins. 2-39 Z43 7-48 257~ T6I , 266 ofGyratioi 7. m.m 607 677 63 64 652 662 675 Length in i en ethin SafeLoaa SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoaa SafeLoad ^afaLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad metres. feet. inlbs. mKg. in Ibs. inK in Ibs. in af inlbs nKg. inlbs. i iKg inlbs. in Kg. inlbs. inKfc. 3 9-842 96/94 43633 117098 531/5 138119 62650 159326 72269 180421 8/838 201515 91406 222706 1010/8 35 h '483 94975 43080 I/S643 52455 136435 61886 157417 7/404 178301 80876 199192 90352 220193 99878 4 13-123 93756 42527 114188 5/795 / 3475 1 61124 IB55/0 70540 17.6181 79913 196869 89298 2/7680 98738 4-5 14764 92637 4/974 1/2733 SI/35 133067 6O36I 153603 69675 174061 78951 '94546 88244 215/67 97598 5 16404 9/318 41421 11/278 50475 13/383 59598 151696 688/0 17/941 77989 192223 87/90 212654 96458 ss 18044 90099 40868 103823 49815 129699 56835 149789 67945 169821 77027 189900 86136 2/0141 953/8 6 19685 88880 40315 108368 49/55 1280/5 58072 147882 67080 167701 76065 '87577 85082 207628 94/78 65 2I-32S 87661 39762 106913 48495 126331 57309 145975 66215 165581 75103 '85254 84028 205115 93038 7 22966 86442 39209 105458 47835 124647 56546 144068 65350 163461 74141 182931 82974 202602 9/898 7-5 24606 85223 38656 104003 47175 122963 55783 142/61 64485 16/341 73/79 180608 8/920 200089 90758 a 26247 84004 38103 102648 46515 121279 55020 140254 63620 IS922I 72217 '78258 80866 197576 89618 8-5 27887 82786 3755O 101093 45855 119595 54257 138347 62755 IS7IOI 7/265 '75962 798/2 I9S063 88478 Table No. 8. Safe Loads in Ki/ograms and Pounds for Phoenix Stee/ Co/umns. For Co/umns w/th Square End Bearings. ll\^\\ i- XL i N. SegrrietiteC' ' P zi r Thickness * 4fc i i * fb Vti 1 i 4 tf V, mm. 63 79 as III '? ' i 42 is a . sif ms 10 IZ-I 141 16 n i 1 9 /i W 2/3 sqtm 645 79-1 9,0 (09 i "6 ' i 14/3 Least Radios ins 284 288 ?'S3 197 \ \ 3 y/ 3 96 Sir ofGyrafion mm. 721 73'l 744 1 7S4 -fi 1 r?7 73 ff Length in Lr .'"' i SffeLoc, i Afeloaa StfeLoad 'iafetoad Safttpadpttelpgit WelMd *,%* WcLoaa 5 metres feet inlbs mKg inlbs '"fy 1 nibs in Kg r inlbs inlbs */^ ""% mlbs S 3 9842 13/5/4 59654 IS7985 71661 184522 83698 2IIOS7 95734 237629 107787 253648 116063 280352 127/66- 35 11483 130110 590 17 156324 70908 182619 82835 208911 94761 235246 106707 25/152 113921 277643 I2S937 4 13123 128706 58380 IS4663 70/55 180716 81972 206766 93788 232867 105627 248656 112789 274934 124708 4-5 14764 J27302 S7743 153002 69402 1788/3 81109 2046/9 92815 230486 IO4S47 246/60 11/657 272225 123479 S I64O4 /2S898 57106 IS 1341 69649 1769/0 80246 202473 91842 228/05 103467 2436(4 IIOS2S 2695/6 f222SO 55 18044 124494, 56469 149680 67896 175007 73383 200327 90869 22S724 1023/87 241168 109393 26680") J2I02I 6 19 685 J23090 55832 148019 67/43 173104 78520 198181 89896 223343 101307 239672 108261 264098 119792 65 21325 121686 5S/9S I463S8 66390 17/201 77657 J9603S 88923 220962 100227 236176 107129 261389 /I8563 7 22966 120282 54558 144697 65637 169298 76794 193889 87950 2/8581 99147 233660 105997 258660 117334 75 24606 /I8878 53921 143036 64884 167395 7593 / 191743 86977 216200 9S067 231164 04865 2S597/ /I6IOS 8 26247 117474 53284 141376 64131 165492 75068 /89S97 86004 2/3819 96987 128688 03733 253262 114876 85 27887 JI6070 52647 139714 63378 163589 74205 /8745I 85031 211438 95907 226192 WtWI 250553 /I 3647 9 29528 114666 S2OtO 138053 6262S 161686 73342 185305 840S8 209057 94827 223696 tows 247844 /I24I8 95 31/68 113262 SI 37 3 136392 61872 159783 72479 183159 83085 206676 93747 22/200 00337 245/35 IIII89 10 32808 11/858 60736 134731 611/9 157880 71616 181013 82/IZ 204295 92667 218704 9920S 242426 109960 /OS 34449 II04S4 SO099 133070 60366 /5S977 70753 178867 81139 201914 91587 216208 98073 2397/7 108731 II 36039 IO905 ) 49462 131409 59613 154074 69690 176721 SO/66 I99S33 90S07 113712 96941 23700 S I07S02 .Vi Table No. 9. Safe Loads in Kilograms and Pounds for Phoenix Steel Co/umns. For Co/umns wifh Square End Bearings. \i n 7 ~\ "/\~ Segments O. 1XHD F 7^ ^ \ 77? Ch ness. Uns i '/e / * 13 f ie % I f I'/e /'/* \ i mm. 174 L IS ~0 20V [ 222 2i * 28-S 31-7 | J L_ \ \ i *' so ins. 2 t-3 \ 2 " \ z 3-6 30-6 34-t 3v a 427 ~\ J Y7 sirea. y ^ , 'M 17 " ?4 1845 329 "" 331 22 *s 343 2503 357 2755 n n Lea. ft Radius, ins. V7 oft W ation. fri.m. 803 81-3 823 83-6 848 88-4 907 \ n v/ Leni {f/Hf> 'tfS~ Le ngthin lafeLoad Safeioad SafeLoad SGfeLoad] SafeLoad Safeioad Safeioad Safe Load Safeioad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoaa \ ' \~j \i mt feet. inlbs. in Kg inJbs.- Jin inJbs. in Kg. inlbs. isKg in Ids. in fa: inlbs. Eg in Ibs. inK. J L \ ^ - 3 9842 307031 139267 333748 /S/385 360567 163551 381421 I7S732 44/074 200068 495128 224S8S 549082 249059 35 11-483 304/05 137940 330607 149961 357232 162038 383896 174133 437161 198293 4908S8 222648 544474 246369 --, 4 13-123 301179 136613 327466 148536 353897 160525 380371 172535 433248 1965/8 486S88 220711 639866 244879 4-6 14764 298253 13S286 324325 I47III 350562 159012 376846 170936 42933$ 194743 4823/8 218774 535258 242789 5 16-404 295327 133959 32/184 145686 347227 157499 373321 169337 42S422 192968 478048 216837 530650 240699 s-s /8044 292401 132632 3/8043 144261 343892 155986 369796 167738 42/509 191/93 473778 2/4900 526042 238609 6 19-685 289475 13/305 314902 142836 340557 154473 366271 166/39 417596 1894/8 469508 2/2963 521434 236519 - &S 21-325 286549 129978 31 1761 I4I4II 337Z22 152960 362746 164540 413683 187643 465238 2/1026 5/6826 234429 7 22-966 283623 I2Q6BI 308620 139986 333887 IS/447 359221 162941 409770 185868 460968 209089 5/2218 232339 . 75 24606 280697 127324 305479 138561 330552 149934 355696 161342 40585? 184093 4S6698 207162 5076/0 230249 8 26-247 277771 125997 302338 137136 327217 148421 3521 71 159743 40/944 182318 452428 2052/5 503002 228159 8-5 27887 274845 124670 299197 1357 II 323882 146908 348646 IS8I44 398031 180543 448158 203278 498334 226069 9 29528 271919 123343 296056 134286 320547 145395 345/21 156545 3941/8 178768 443888 201341 493786 223979 9-5 31-168 268993 122016 292915 132861 317212 143882 341596 IS4946 390205 176993 439618 199404 489178 22/883 10 32308 266067 120689 289774 131436 3/3877 142369 338071 IS 3347 386292 175218 43634S 197467 484570 219799 10-5 34443 263141 119362 236633 130011 31.0542 140856 334646 IS 1748 382379 173443 431078 I95S30 479962 217709 II 36-089 260215 1/8035 283492 128586 307207 139343 331021 160149 378466 17/668 426808 193593 475354 2/5619 1 1 56 Table No. 10. Safe Loads m Kilograms and Pounds for Phoenix Steel Co/umns. for Co/umns with Square End. Bearings. n V n i n ~P [X " i " Segments t. CT 3 I] Thickness ins 'A r . ft 1 '''* r* .( Vt ~ mm 63 7 9 ' .9J />/ /i 7 11 i ise Area sqins i 65 1 1 9-1 i 7 247 j i "* -. i i US SlfCO sycm 106* li 3? /J5 , j w 17 '9 y- 9 21(1 ieasffed/i/s ins I 20 A \ . 25 4 '9 4 34 n f 436 1 *, 14$ i ' ofCyration. /nm 1066 1079 108 $ I/O! in 3 B t 1137 Length in /(?"A r '/ /' ; f^et Sefeload lafeloai Safeloatt ^afgLofd sn lod SafelaiO '.' .';.-/ 1 ft Load SjfeU ' i '.,* Lotd i' ivad Sa /, DM Safelootl WfTaa3 metres inlbs ""# in 166 in ,nlbs inKfi inlbs '""? inlb "5 ,' M i nibs ,nKA 3 3 8* tfton m.m. 1/4-8 IIS 8 \ 117- \\ \. i/e3 m 1 12? 9 I2S2 \ \ \ / Len th jn Le $$'" SafeLoad Safe Load 6a/l Lo u iS/e Q3d Slife oad SafeL tao\SafeLoad SB ft Load Safeio V Safe iotti Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load \ \ n \/ me tres inlbs mKg. ,nlbs \ ?/ '6 r 1 is. injfa '\ inlbs m Kg /" ib^. - ml inlbs i 0/1 f! tft/bs in Kg \1 u V 1 Tt 96 42 490240 222368 S3&088 24452S 573JB6S 2630<24 6/9/91 2S0864 697797 316517 77799 352880 858327 369329 L \ V / 35 1/483 487075 220932 535642 242963 576/89 261356 6/53/3 279104 693494 3/4565 773284 350755 853258 387030 4 13123 4839/0 219496 532196 24/400 572512 259688 61/435 277345 689/91 3126/3 768599 348630 848/89 384731 4-6 14764 480745 2/8060 528750 23983? 568835 258020 6075S7 275586 684888 310661 763914 346505 843/20 362432 S 16404 477580 216624 525304 238274 565/58 256352 603679 273827 680S83 308709 759229 344380 838051 380133 5-5 /6-044 47 ff/S ?15/8$ 521858 236711 S6148I 254684 99801 272068 676282 306757 '54S44 342255 832982 377834 6 19-685 47 rxo 2X37S2 518412 235148 S57804 253016 595923 270309 71979 304806 749659 3*40/30 827913 375535 6-5 2/326 46 80&5 2123/6 &I4966 233585 554/27 251348 5S2045 268550 667676 302853 745/74 338005 822844 373236 7 22966 46 4920 210880 5IIS20 232022 550450 249680 S8B 167 266791 663373 300901 740489 335880 8/7775 370937 75 246O6 461 755 2(19444 S08074 230459 546773 2480/2 584287 265032 669070 298949 735804- 333755 8/2706 368638 8 26247 458590 208008 504628 228896 543096 246344 B804II 263273 654767 236997 731/19 33/630 807637 366339 35 27-887 455425 206S72 &0/1 82 227333 533419 244676 576533 26/5/4 650464 2SS045 726434 329505 802566 364040 9 29528 452260 205/36 497736 225770 535742 243009 72655 259756 646/61 293093 72/749 327380 797499 36/741 9-5 3/168 449095 203700 494290 224207 S3206S 241340, 568777 257996 641858 291/41 7I7C64 32S2S& 792430 359442 10 32808 445930 202264 430644 222644 528388 239672 564399 25623? 637555 289189 7/2379 323/30 78736! 357143 /OS 34449 442765 200828 487398 221081 5247 II 238004 56/021 254478 633262 287237 707694 32/005 782292 354844 II 36089 439600 199392 483952 219518 521034 236336 557143 2527/9 628949 285285 703009 318880 777223 352545 //s 37730 436435 197956 480506 2/7955 5/7357 234668 553265 250960 624646 283333 698324 31 6755 772154 350246 /2 39-370 433270 196520 477060 216392 513680 233000 49387 249201 620343 281381 693639 314630 767085 347947 58 Table No. 12. Sdfe Loads in Kilograms 3nd Pounds for Phoenix -^ i -^ ^ ' -*w^^ i 1 "1 1 77 ~3 ~\ I"/ \ f q i // r \ Segments C r~~*\ 11 Tfrckness. ins rnm ** H '- *N W ,JL )* /U ] to f ^ I! 'r "/ Area sqms 54 /L\ ,56, T 03S 503957 I2IS730 561462 65 18-044 S8S543 310958 7377/0 334621 790985 358786 895101 4060/4W00667 453889 t/OSSZO ISO 1 590 12/0065 648884 6 19-685 682082 309388 7340/7 332946; 787059 357005 890709 404022 995820 45/695 H00602 499223 i204fOO 5463/6 06 21-325 678S2I 3078/8 730324 331271 783/33 355224 8863/7 402030 990983 449601 1095384 496866 1/98735 543748 7 22-966 675160 306246 726631 329596 779207 353443 881926 400038 986/46 447307 1090166 494489 1193070 541/80 76 24606 671698 304678 722938 327921 7,75281 35/662 877S33 398046 38/309 445U3 1084948 V92I22\//87405 6386/2 3 26247 668238 303108 7/9246 326246 77/355 349881 S 73 141 396054 976472 442919 1079730 4S9756V/8/740 536044 85 27887 664777 301538 7/S552 324571 767429 348/00 868743 394062 97/635 440725 /0745I2 487388 1176076 533476 9 29528 66/3/6 299968 711859 322896 763503 3463/9 864-357 392070 966798 438631 I06923t 485021 11704/0 630908 9-5 31-168 657855 298398 708/66 321221 759577 344538 859965 390078 961961 436337 1064076 482654 1/64745 528340 10 32808 664394 296828 704473 3/9546 7SS6SI 342757 856573 388086 957124 434/43 1058858 480287 1159080 625772 105 34449 650933 295258 700780 3/7871 751726 340976 asuei 386094 952287 43/959 IOS3640 477920 I/S34/5 523204 n 36089 647472 293688 697087 316196 747799 339/95 846789 384/02 947450 429765 1048422 4756S3 1/47750 520636 11-5 37730 644011 2921/8 693394 3/4521 743873 337414 842397 382 I/O 9426/3 427671 1043204 473I8E 1142085 5/8068 12 39370 640550 290548 689701 3/2846 739947 336633 838005 3801/8 937776 426377 '037986 470819^136420 SI5500 \ 00 Table No. 14. 'Stresses perSO/nlilOOO I fata, 4 / auic i// { J aic L CfCfUO IVt 1C. (j 0+qmmJ .~L ? at O wu/mis Mu 57] c- - *$/ iZ 6 I 1 * ysOrfdnt, ff>s'over90r#t I ? N D, D Jo* 'c; M , in * * U/ja.xAf Jtxperff 727 978 ties I37B 1621 weighr Kgperti 1082 I4S5 1763 2051 2412 Area Sq/rtS 2/4 288 34* 40S 4770 ' sqcm 1380 1858 224S 2612 3077 ieasfffadius ofGyrsfion ins mm 367 93ft _J77 r/ 3 IS 951 3*t S 934 364 924 Length ro i >'./' "" '.' ' S ,'- . ,! toMojd Saleioacf Sa t L K^ d St/'eloaa S*feLoad IM , Safeload isfrlattt hfcload metres. Ret inlbs '< -. irjlbs in Kg irilbs in 1:' ifllbS. inKg 9 , 26247 2S668I l/QtSO 3*5691 156769 4(757) 169410 485636 220374 S7?327 259606 ds '27887 2S4543 IIS40 345591 156758 4/7573 1694/C 462258. Z167SI S6S44S 256485 4 r 28528 246004 //?46 - 336948 IS283S 407482 164933 469$ ft 2/3 /SI $0ft? 2498/5 4? 3/168 241467 109529 628375 148950 997066 reo/os 457566 207561 S3(038 ?43I44 /f)6r/ngrf>3frtr9l WCT Thickness * 63 * 9S "i ,27 1 IS 9\ c \ n\ W Aft Haptifi 393 58 73 892 IM4 \ \ i na/gfir lift** ,, 3 " ,7 1 863 216 /096 263 1327 3/9 tf/9 J UziUu i , s'yins tea sqcm 729 1103 1412 I69e 2058 Least Radius ins 247 257 255 252 263 ofGyration mm 627 \ 652 647 64 668 length in metres .'/' i fief Safeloea inlbs Safeload SafeLoad inlbs SafelMO inlbs SafeUuo safeioM mlbs Safe Load mKgs Safelawt mlbs SafcLaad S-A 18045 /35S94 6ISOS 20S/60 93060 262634 1/9130 315458 143091 362791 tf? #633 6 19685 I3IS7S 69662 202649 91921 258681 1/7337 309014 140168 382H6 J73327 65 2I32S 126443 67364 ISS/77 88532 249038 112963 297314 134061 368498 J67/SO 7 . 12-966 I2I3II SSQ26 J8770S 85143 239395 108588 2856/4 I29SS3 354880 160973 75 2 4 06 It 6179 5269* 180233 81754 229752 104214 273914 124246 341262 154798 8 26247 II 1047 SO 370 172761 78365 220/09 99840 262214 118939 327644 148622 85 27887 /OSS/5 46O42 165289 74976 210466 96466 2505/4 /I3632 314026 142446 9 29628 100783 46 7 14 1678/7 7/687 200823 91092 238814 108 3?S 300406 136270 95 31-168 95651 43386 {6034$ 68198 191180 867W 227/J4 103018 286790 I3O094 10 32809 905/9 4IOS8 142673 64809 181537 82344 2/5414 97711 273172 123918 105 3 4-449 85387 38730 I3S40I 61420 171894 77970 2037/4 92404 2S9S54 117742 II 36089 802SS 36402 127929 58031 I622SI 73596 / 820 14 87097 245936 111666 IIS 37729 75/23 34074 120457 S4642 IS2608 69222 180314 81790 232318 IOS390 . 12 39370 69 A*/ 31746 1/2985 5/253 142965 64648 1686 * 76483 218700 99214 Table No. 17. Table of Safe Loads for 61/52 39 m . m .) Z-Bar Columns. bsfor Si] for 'engths oi '90 radii o lengths overgOrad ru >Ar. \J u Aiio* J saf ef > ec/6 'fac fre tor ssesf. 4: er sqcr 1 343- 070 'Kfs.forJ 5(l7lOO- engths of 57}) for It TA\ \ K The hness. ins. m.m. tf J * fc 79 3 i i 95 ^ II , 127 % ,4-2 Wo i A hi It&perft. 317 39-8 462 543 599 679 rrelgfrr. HgsperU. 472 592 687 808 891 101 . syins. 331 11-7 136 16 176 20 flrea. sqcrn. 60 75-4 877 1032 1135 129 LeastRadius ofGyration. ins. m.m. ,86 47-2 rtiO 492 /<88 477 193 49 /SO 482 /95 495 Length in Length in SafeLoad Ssfeioa d SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoad SafeLoaa SafeLoad SafeLoad Safeload metres. feet. inlbs. mKgs. in Ids. inKt >s inlbs. inKgs. inlbs. inK&s inlbs. inK&s. inlbs. inKf>S. 4 13-123 111600 SQ62I 140245 63616 163122 73992 191954 87070 2IIII2 9S760 239942 108837 4- 14764 108479 43206 137639 62433 159333 72273 189778 86083 207190 93981 238280 108083 S 16404 102864 46659 130730 59299 IS 121 3 68590 I8047& 81863 196789 89263 226767 102861 S > 18-044 97249 441/Z 123821 56/65 143093 64907 I7lt?3 77643 186388 84S45 2I52S4 97639 6 19-685 9/634 4I66& 116912 3031 /34973 6/224 161870 73423 I7S987 79827 203741 92417 65 21325 86019 3SOI6 110003 49897 126853 57541 IS2567 69203 166686 76/09 192228 87195 7 22966 80404 36471 103094 46763 1/8733 53858 143264 64983 I5SI8S 70391 180716 81973 7-5 24606 74783 33924 96/85 43629 1/06/3 SO/75 133961 60763 144784 65673 169202 76761 8 26247 69174 31377 89276 40495 102493 46492 124658 56643 134383 60955 IS7689 71529 85 27-887 63559 28830 82367 37361 94373 42809 II53SS S2323 123982 56237 146/76 66307 9 29628 57944 26283 75458 34227 86263 39/26 106052 48103 II3S8I S/S/9 134663 6/086 64 Table No. 18. Safe Loads in Thousands of Kilograms and Pounds t for . A / 1 - Homed sfresses nforofSffyy f: Mm la it ffi inlb 9r~ M .- $/*/ J j.inch i /*- 8C . i , y / | 7 1 t ''OUHL I f Cast Iron ID) Coi 'umns. ofi / NC 4\- r e (i I r , ti '' J ; o'l 1 P fressi M0 /* \n mt V in Ki/os r & .-' D cm. M A r / IT Outside d/am of Co/utnn <3S5Smm. \ , n \ dt diam of 'foJumn _J 3o/m.m. 0] u^ ill ij 408 2636 { \ ' 254 \ V* ' u * 318 AJ9 /* 4444 673, 1% 4864 sot 7S4 2 Aie, 2839^ 254 CJ 3484 317 ' . 4j04 361 Pf u 444 728 ^L H 5_09_ ft - . ... mm 317 hicta u "" mm / ' Length Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load. Safe Load Length Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Feer g* Ibs figs. /6s Q* #5 F Ibs Kg* /6s Uettes Feet Kjs Ibs Ibs KgS /to Kgs Ibs. It* Ibs 4 1 J/23 160 353 196 4 1 13) 00 &82 285 ] 6S/ \\ 4 13123 I7& rj& 215 fa AW ? 640 326 7l8 4S / 4764 154 340 189 -. 223 / 2SS 261 185 628 \\ , 44 14764 170 375 709 to 746 ,W ? - 620 3/6 696 5 I <>404 149 328 182 4" M <'. 245 540 274 605 \v f\ 16404 163 362 202 444 238 ^ 272 539 306 672 65 1 9044 143 314 I7S j M 454 235 5t9 ?H 580 \ Sf 18044 158 349 194 428 229 &tf 762 578 294 648 6 f. 1-685 137 301 168 36. t 197 434 225 497' 25t 556 6 19685 152 336 187 4(3 \ 220 flf 752 SS6 283 624 65 2 1325 131 289 161 XI 183 417 216 477 242 534 66 21325 146 JM 180 33( 2/2 467 242 534 272 99 7 2 2966 125 275 153 337 ISO 397 206 454 230 508 7\ 77966 146 3VS 172 we ?(! 447 737 612 260 574 75 2 4606 119 263 147 to m 379 t9f fV 2$0 405 M .4. . 134 ?4/t 1 IKf V .1 - AJQ ? . 40 / VJI ua 8 2 6247 114 250 139 307 164 360 187 413 310 462 _ n re?47 129 284 158 348 188 410 2/3 470 739 527 85 i 7881 108 238 133 292 156 344 178 393 200 440 85 27887 123 271 151 333 178 392 204 449 228 504 9 29527 118 259 144 318 170 376 184 429 218 481 Table No. 19. Allowed strg&es // Safe Loads in Thousands of/fi'/ogrdms and Pounds for u tor of daft //es Y \ b N \ L \l / ? 'Outsit fa diai 77. ofC olumn. J OWm, 77. \ [ sq n$. m 1 7/i 2&S \ 2229 343 1 2723 42-2 3192 49* 363-5 564 V 405-3 628 ins. I /# If! 1% 2 Jhicknes. /77./T7. 19-0 25-4 31-7 381 444 508 Length. Safe Load Safe Load. Safe Load. Safe Load. Safe Load Safe Load. Metres feet Kgs. Ibs. tfgs. Ibs. KS. ff K$s. Ibs (3& QS- * -/Ay. 35 '1-483 104 228 /35 297 164 36? 193 425 219 484 245 539 4 '3-123 99 218 129 284 158 347 185 407 t/b 464 235 517 45 '4-764 95 208 123 172 /SI 332 M. 389 201 443 224 494 5 '6404 90 198 117 259 143 3/6 168 370 191 422 213 470 5-6 18044 86 188 III 246 136 300 160 352 182 4ill 203 447 6 IH685 81 179 106 733 129 28\ > 151 333 172 390 192 423 65 21-325 76 163 100 221 122 26, \ 143 3/5 163 359 181 40I\ 7 22966 73 160 95 208 IIS 2Sf I3S 298 W 340 172 379 7-5 24-606 68 151 89 197 103 240 128 282 148 321 162 358 8 26247 6S 143 84 186 103 227 121 266 131 303 IS3 338 Metres. s/f.mi. sqcm 2432 254 Length. 4 45 5 S-i 6 65 JJ 75 S B-S Feet. 3-12, '4-76- 640' 18044 19685 2/32. Z2-966 24606 2624 27-88'i '3 Outs id 377 d- d/arn. in met* . L- length in metn ? diam. ofCo/umn. 330 Safe Load. Ibs. 3/9 306 293 280 267 254 241 104 229 217 206 2976 31-75 46-t Safe Load. m ,70 163 I5S 1 118 141 134- 727 m us /390 375 353 343 327 311 296 281 266 252 38-1 542 I'A Safe Load 208 200 191 183 174 I6G 157 149 14-2 134 Ibs 4S8 440 421 402 384 365 347 330 313 296 3990 44-4 Safe Load Kgs. 237 228 218 208 199 189 180 171 161 154 Ibs 523 602 481 4S9 438 417 396 376 357 338 Safe Load 264 254 244 233 222 211 201 191 181 167 /6s. 584 561 537 514 489 466 443 420 390 378 (ifi Table No. 20. Safe Loads in Thousands of Kilograms and Pounds A 1 loured stresses in Ibs per sq inch\ 1 /ot> %9 factor of Safety 6. \ a J a jj n n n m n / Allomed stresses m Kilos persa cm) 281 Round Cast Iron Columns. , f****. \ t*& i /ttfM ~ refits che* 1 ill ^Outside fJ/'e v m of c, y/ffu VL\I 254mm r 3 N \ D n f\ d- dan> ir> mttm ***** /rOutsidediam. of Column 273 4 i D nm. E 4* It L I82 283 1213 * tsa ,, LL 4S3S 323 8 502 *J ?^ ISSS 241 7026 ff/f 2471 3f3 448 X*4 sea 3f4S\ 5S5 JS ?A Er Mi ']f4f A 508 2 flWtnfl . mi. ja % J54 / 7 r 38J /* HlJe! m. 2 tanj Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load. Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Length Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load H-rres Fes' Kgs Ibs Kgs IbS Kgs Ibs Kgs IbS Kgs Ibs Kgs Ibs. He/res Fett "8 s its Kgs Ibs ft Ibs ft Ms Kgs /6s ft Ibs 35 1/483 80 176 104 229 126 277 146 323 166 366 184 405 35 11483 at 20? 119 263 145 320 170 375 193 426 214 473 4 13123 75 167 98 216 119 .' -.' :< $6~ r 384 v\ ' < -> 113 ISO 138 305 162 357 184 406 204 460 45 14764 71 157 92 203 112 .' n (9 i 288 '48 92t 361 \\ 4S ,4 W ' -: 10ft ;.- 131 289 153 338 174 384 194 427 5 16404 67 147 86 191 105 . i Z 269 138 30S 338 V 5\ 16404 78 '72 102 nt 274 145 320 166 364 183 404 SS 18044 62 131 81 178 98 ' t < t - 129 $ 3/6 \ SS 18044 74 162 96 in 117 258 137 302 155 343 173 380 6 I968S 58 128 76 167 92 ::. 107 . - 121 26 > 139 296 $ I968S ' JS3 96 199 110 243 129 284 146 323 162 358 SS 2/32S 54 120 71 156 86 189 /Of | V 113 24 1 IX 276 6-a 2/32S t.' 144 85 ifi IC4 228 121 267 138 303 153 337 7 22366 51 III 66 145 80 f76 93 I 105 232 if? 257 7| 22366 61 M 80 176 \37 214 114 251 129 285 143 316 75 24606 47 104 61 136 74 164 67 1 92 98 217 109 240 7-f 146K 56 127 - 166 Fl 202 107 236 122 268 135 298 8 26247 44 91 57 126 69 Mi 6t r?s 32 202 0)2 224 ff^- 26247 S4 . 119 70 ISS 86 189 100 222 114 252 127 279 8-S 21881 SI 112 66 146 81 178 94 208 107 73S 119 262 Table No. 21. Safe Loads in Thousands of Kilograms and Pounds for "VH&j -tresses 'nib ersj. neb] t 0000 -jr- n -^ wri d Cast Iron Columns. c^\ ' i iWwcpol stresses in HI/OS, per St, N cm N /^^ \factofof cff diam. w im 'hi 6 in ineht s \ 8 70 d II b Uj Uj factor of Safety 8 d- diam. in metres. 1= length in metres. 1 J l-i- J i' \Vj 6 Out Sit 1edt th. of Co 203'2 m, \ a 3' % fsic 'e didm of Column. LCoOm fc\\ ""] Ar a $s I/O 3 ni k 141-9 ~1\ Iff 03 / 5 1 ,, 221 [ 34*. 243V 377 2 y Area : fins jdte \25-l 194 ^W lo >-ff 25-1 LI 1361 30-4 I'Jt 2277 353 I'k 2 399 \Vf t4 ? ins. hicH ves. 19 25-4 31-7 361 44.44 SOS 19 254 31-7 381 4444 SO-8 Length. Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load. Safe Load. Safe Load Safe Load Length. Safe Load. Safe Load. Safe Load. Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load. Metres feet. figs. Ibs. K$s. Ibs. ffgs. Ibs. Kgs. Ibs. Kgs. Ibs. Kgs. Ibs. Metres Feet. Kgs. Ibs. %* Ibs. Kgs. Ibs. Kgs. fbs. Kgs. Ibs. Kgs. Ibs. 25 8202 6S-2 143-8 83-9 185-0 101 -1 2229 116-8 257-3 1308 28 8 S 143-8 3/7-1 VA / 3 9842 724 1598 938 266-7 1136 2504 131-9 2908 149-1 3286 164-3 3624 3- 9842 61 1 134-6 78-6 1732 946 2118-7, 109-3 240-9 1225 2701 134-6 2368 \\ / 35 11483 68-1 1502 881 192-3 1067 23S-3 1239 2732 1400 3088 154-4 3406 3-S 11-483 566 1249 72-9 160-7 878 193-6 101-4 2235 113-6 260-6 1249 27S4 \ V , 4-\ 13123 636 140-4 824 181-6 99-8 2200 116-8 2SS-4 130-9 2287 144-4 3184 4 13-123 2-3 IIS5 674 I486 81-2 1790 937 206-7 1050 2317 1165 254-7 \ / 4-S 14-764 592 1306 767 1690 929 204-7 1078 2377 121-8 2686 134-4 296-2 4-5 14-764 48-2 106-2 61-9 136-6 74-6 1646 862 190-1 .96-6 2/3-0 1062 2342 \ / i / S I 16404 55-0 1212 7/2 156-9 86-2 190-0 100-t 2206 113-1 2493 1247 275-0 S 16404 44-3 97-3 56-8 1252 684 150-9 790 1742 886 1953 97\3 2/46 ri 18044 51-1 112-8 662 145-9 \80-l 176-7 931 2052 1052 232-0 116-0 2558 55 18044 40-6 8S5 52 115-2 629 1387 726 1602 81-4 179-6 895 1374 6 19685 474 104-4 613 135-1 74-3 J63-6 862 1900 97-5 2/4-7 1074 236-8 6 19-KRf, a/-s 47-8 1064 57-6 mo 66-6 146-6 74-5 1643 819 180-6 6-& 21-325 438 966 567 /2SO 68-6 151-4 79-7 1758 90-5 198-7 993 2/9-1 7\ 0, O 4fl Z D r *>.A iic. 7 ri.c I4D 1 .'j i? ^ ??./* Ifft-B 9/9 7 n?.7 7-6 24-606 37-S 828 486 107-1 588 1297 68-3 150-6 772 170-2 851 187-7 68 Table No. 22. stresses in Ibs pv stf. inch. of Safety 8 d- diem m inches. If length in inches. Safe Loads in Thousands of Kilograms and Pounds MO*********/*,,,} for factor of Safely 8 Round Cast Iron Columns. *-.*,> *. L* length in mttres 6 Outside diam of Column / 9842 11483 13/23 14764 16-404 diam of Column 820! 98*2 II 48? 1 3 123 14164 16404 IP 044 1803 1658 ISIS 1378 1250 1131 1026 207-6 1908 1744 1(8* /430 Table No. 23. Sdfe Loads in Thousands of Kilograms and Pounds fi>r /oooo Safety S. ./jei ' f 3Jd y\ =r P 'JO yuan. ', ua in inches i i II \ of fide in mi fits. V \ h N I / 4"&0ufsi(/e 355.6 ^/^ K tat %Tm 3353. 52 4113 6375 4833 fer ^ 53.2 85.75 6/9.4 96 Jhicl-net, >; ZSA 1 3/7 38.1 fit 444 1% SO 8 Z Length. Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load. Metres Feet Kgs Ibs. Ks /&_ Ks. Ibs. Kgs. -Ibs. , gt Ibs. 4 13/23 III 465 285 570 304 671 348 767 389 8S8 45 14764 205 452 251 554 296 652 338 746 379 835 5 16404 199 439 244 538 28? 633 328 724 367 810 55 18044 193 42S 236 521 279 6/3 318 701 356 784 6 19-685 186 411 228 503 263 592 307 677 344 758 65 21-325 180 396 220 486 159 571 296 653 332 731 7 22966 173 382 212 168 2SO 550 285 629 319 704 75 24606 167 367 204 4SO 240 529 275 60S 307 678 8 26247 160 353 196 432 231 509 264 582 295 651 85 27887 154 339 188 4/4 222 488 253 559 284 625 ^//onect stresses inft//os.persq.c.m. factor of 'Safety 3. i = length in metres. S- width of side in metres. u /J>"o Outside 381 m.m. [\\; Ares. apfas sqcm 361.3 S6 443.5 b'S.75 S2Z& SI 5984 32.75 671 104 s ' ns / 1/4 f'/z / J /t 2 m.m ?S4 3/7 38.1 4444 50.8 Length. Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Metres feet Kgs Ibs gt. Ibs Kgs Ibs t$s Ibs. Kgs. Ibs. 4 13-123 230 508 283 623 333 734 381 841 428 943 45 14-764 225 495 276' 608 325 7/6 37 Z S20 4/7 920 5 16404 219 482 269 592 316 697 36Z 799 406 896 5-6 18-044 2/3 469 261 575 307 678 352 776 395 870 6 19-685 206 454 253 558 298 657 341 753 383 844 66 21325 200 440 245 510 289 C36 331 7Z9 3C9 813 7 2.2966 193 476 237 52? 779 6/S 320 705 359 790 75 24-606 IBS 411 229 504 270 594 309 680 346 763 8 26247 180 396 221 486 260 673 298 656 334 736 85 27887 173 382 2/3 469 251 552 287 633 3ZZ 709 9 29-528 167 368 205 451 241 531 216 609 3/0 683 70 Table No. 24. Safe Loads in Thousands of Kilograms and Pounds / for 1 Al A 422 409 395 234 219 617 SCO 484 i '258 607 588 568 314 304 134 692 671 648 351 340 329 774 750 724 386 374 361 tsi 814 797 5 16401 122 270 159 351 195 429- 228 593 260 SJ3 290 639 ss 16044 173 381 212 466 248 548 284 S2S 317 698 348 768 55 18044 117 259 153 337 187 412 219 483 250 550 278 613 6 t9686 /ff 37 204 443 239 527 273 601 305 en 335 739 6 19685 112 248 146 323 ITS 394 210 462 239 526 266 587 65 2/326 160 352 196 431 230 506 262 S78 293 (46 J!S 710 65 21325 107 337 140 309 171 377 200 442 228 503 254 561 7 22366 153 338 16 - 413 220 486 251 554 281 619 309 681 7 22966 102 226 134 163 360 W 422 218 480 243 535 75 71606 147 324 180 396 Hi , -f* 241 531 269 S93 Z3S SSI 75 24606 98 215 127 281 15,1 343 182 402 208 458 231 5/0 LJ 8 26247 141 310 172 379 202 -4S 230 508 258 568 Z8S 628 S 26247 93 205 121 267 148 327 174 383 198 436 220 487 85 27887 131 296 164 362 193 425 220 486 246 543 271 $97 71 Table No. 25. Safe Loads in Thousands of Kilograms and Pounds / for I / / 1 lowed stresses in Ibs pet sf inch. 10000 '* 32fo$* 1 6 71 i ^ qua re test Iron Columns. Allowed stresses in Kilos per sif cm. \ 7 3 Factor of Safety a. \ 1+JjA c ; < -fangtHini - tvjtafhlofsi iche, 4e in int hes. ( k r Y D / D !__. ! 1 L=l S-i en t VIC ttft in metres, ittt of side in men o t \ Q"v Outside 254 mm P \ n n\ //"n Outside ?734m.m. n( ^-\\ /fr a * 17* l /i 232 2 36 1 28226 4315 329 51 372-68 5775 4IZ9 64 u Area. . sqcm 1984 307S 258-1 40 3145 4975 3677 57 4177 647S 464 S 72 - 5 4 \ -^1 L I'M } \ | 1% 2 1 - i i, \ t /IL /h i&i* 2 * mm ff 254 31-7 'S/ 444 508 mm. 13 254 3/7 381 44-4 ' 508 Length. Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load. Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load. Length. Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load. Safe Load. Safe Load. Safe Load Metres Feet Kgs Ibs. Kgs. Ibs. Kgs Ibs. W* Ibs. KgS. Ibs *& Ibs. Metres Feet. ff#S /bs. tfr Ibs. Kgs. Ibs. K& /bs. Kgs Ibs Kp- Ibs. 3-S 1/843 107 236 139 306 169 j 71 196 433 222 430 246 543 ~ v / 35 11843 127 ?68 158 349 133 425 m 497 Z66 SM 285 628 4- 13/23 102 125 133 292 161 3 ff , et t \ 2/3 \ 469 23S 519 \ / 4 13-123 II7\ 268 152 336 IBS 409 217 478 ?46 43 J74 604 f 14-764 97 2/4 126 278 153 3. 33 179 334 Z02\ 446 224 43S M/ / 45 14-764 \IIZ 247 146 X?? 178 392 708 4se ?3fi 571 263 579 S 16404 92 204 120 264 146 3 21 no 374 192 4?< f 2/3 470 \ / S 16404 107 237 140 308 170 375 199 438 226 498 151 654- 56 18044 87 133 113 250 138 ^ 14 i& 364,- 182 401 21 12 444 \ 55 18044 102 226 133 ?93 162 358 190 4-18 716 475 239 528 6 1960S 83 182 107 23? 130 2 ?7 IS > 3fS\ 172 379 191 420 6 19685 \97 2/5 IZ7\ ?7S iff 340 180 398 205 45? m S03 6S 2/325 78 172 101 223 123 i 71 \ 14, ? 3 I6\ 162 358 180 396 65 2/325 93 204 1 20 26S 147 323 171 378 195 429 477 7 22366 73 162 95 W 116 2 '6 t a 2 flSl. -JS3 337 170 374 7 22-366 88 194 1/4 2S2 139 .30? 163 359 185 408 206 453 7-6 >ieo6 69 IS3 90 198 109 \ 41 12 7 2 81 -Jw 318 160 352 1 1 7-S 24-606 83 184 108 -7.39 132 231 I5Q 340 I7,f 387 195 430 8 7624? 65 144 85 187 103 227 120 264 I3S 299 150 332 8 26-24? 79 174 103 226 I2S 276 146 323 166 367 185 407 St> 27W! 75 165 38 214 lie 261 139 306 167 347 I7S 386 72 Table No. 26. A f, t S HoHtd stresse tttor of Sofaf - lenprh in ,nc -- wifrh ofsidt s in Ibs S . mine per "VS. ^ 8 incn. "uO Safe Loc 10000 ids in i rp1 T hou wrt 'sandt 'Cast *of for Im D y ftilc iCo : ^fdms < lumns. H/ M rf A tatfi ST 0Qfft ^ AHo*ed stresses in/ti/t f actor of Safety f 1 - length m mstrss S-wiWiofsidtinmetr itside Zffitimm. uptsf t rv - -n Si ( ^ W3* LJ * f jft utsiA ? /: T w f Am -'. . t 13 1 2/7S I80( L 2S4 " *ln 93K 5 391 I ;jj 3037 508 48 2 Ara t ] 1597 19 .'4 * 209-4 ^j H 2SO 317 /kJ 2903 3 >?-> 444 S075 ^ J 2 rmctiiM m* -^ TrvOtntt a "" mm t Length Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Length Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Safe Load Metres feet Kgs Ibs ffgs Ibs Kgs Ibs Kgs Ibs Kgs its Kgs Ibs Metres feet Ibs & Ibs y. Ibs tfgs Ibs Kgs Ibs fif Ibs 25 3 35 4 45 f 55 6 8202 9642 11483 13123 14764 16404 18044 I968S 86 82 77 72 68 63 58 54 190 181 170 159 149 139 129 120 III IOS 99 93 87 81 75 70 24S 232 219 205 192 ITS 166 154 134 127 120 112 IOS 98 91 84 m 260 264 247 232 215 200 186 ISS H7 139 130 121 113 105 97 3V 324 305 286 268. 243 231 215 174 383 165 363 ISS 343 146 321 136 300 127 279 118 259 109 241 191 181 m 160 149 I3S 129 120 420 39t 376 352 330 306 284 264 I] 45 S 55 f 65 1 \ 75 9847 il WJ 13123 14764 16404 18044 19686 2/326 22966 24606 97 92 87 82 78 73 68 64 60 56 213 203 192 181 171 161 IS/ 111 132 124 125 1/9 113 106 100 9* 88 83 77 72 276 263 249 235 721 208 195 182 170 160 nm ft 1/37 129 122 114 107 100 94 88 334 318 301 284 268 252 236 221 106 176 168 159 150 141 132 124 116 109 10? 388 370 350 330 311 292 274 256 240 225 198 189 179 169 159 149 140 131 123 IIS 437 417 394 372 351 330 309 289 279 254 219 209 197 IBB 176 165 154 145 135 127 482 460 *3S 411 387 364 341 3/9 298 280 - Table No. 27. Allowed stresses in Ibs. per sc/ inch \ laoo Factor of Safety 8 A /* 3ZOOS* s-Wdih of side in inches. I- length in inches. Safe Loads in Thousands of Ki/ograms and Pounds for. Square Cast Iron Columns. Allowed stresses in Kihs.persy.cm Factor of Safety 8 s^Widtt' of side in metres 1= length in metres. 204. 6 1896 174.6 I59i 144.5 /30.7 II8.Z Z/S.6 198.5 181.0 I64.Z 148.6 8.ZOZ S.S4E 11.483 ISO. 4 168.8 /S6.9 20Z.3 /S9.3 /7S.9 /6^7 /SO.O 1379 /^6.6 14.764 /6.4O4 18.044 74 EXPLANATION OF TABLES OF STRENGTH OF STEEL AND IRON SECTIONS, AS USED FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. Tables Nos. i, 2, 3, 4 and 5 give the loads which standard steel beams will safely carry. That is when UK- load is uniformly distributed over the length of the beam, the span meaning the distance between the points of support. These loads include the weight of the beam which therefore must be deducted in order to arrive at the net load which the beam will carry. If the load is concentrated at the centre of the beam take half the load as given in the tables. It is not desirable to use beams of a greater span than the span given in tlu-se tables when the under side of the beam is to be plastered, because the deflection of the beam would tend to crack the plaster. Inasmuch as the carrying capacity of beams increases largely with their depth, it is economical to use the greatest depth of beam consistent with the other conditions to which it is necessary to conform ; that is equal height, etc. Tables Nos. 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 give the safe loads for Phoenix columns of the sections and lengths given. It is not desirable to use columns of a greater length than that given in the table, unless the shaft of the column is supported sideways (so that it will not bend) at points not further apart than the length given in the tables. For loads which are greater than those given in the tables it is desirable to construct the column using filler bars between the segments to increase the area of the column by the amount of metal required to carry the load. Tables Nos. 14, 15, 16 and 17 give the safe carrying capacity of Zee bar columns. The same explana- tion as given above for PhciMiix columns holds good for this class of material. Tables Xos. 18 to 27 inclusive, give the safe carrying capacity of cast iron columns. It is not desirable to use columns of greater length than those specified in these tables because in some cases it would be impossible to cast them. 7S STANDARD SPECIFICATION OF QUALITY AND FINISH FOR ROLLED STEEL AND CAST IRON AS USED IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. RULES GOVERNING INSPECTION OF SAME. No specific process or provision of manufacture will be demanded provided the material fulfills the requirements of this specification. All rolled shapes and plates are to be of medium steel: rivets of rivet steel, and bolts and nuts may be of iron or steel. STRUCTURAL STEEL. Tensile strength, elastic limit and ductility shall be determined from samples cut from finished material, and the test pieces shall not be less than ]i square inch (3.22568 sq. centimetres) in sectional area and about 12 inches (30.479 centimetres) long. All broken samples must show a uniform silky fracture of a steel grey color, free from lustre or black casts. Slight variations in the shapes of the pieces from that shown on the drawing will be allowed to 77 accommodate the use of stock material, but in all such variations the area of cross-section of the pieces substituted shall be equal to or greater than that originally specified. The variation in cross-section or weight of more than 2*4 per cent, from that specified will be sufficient cause for rejection, except in the case of sheared plates, which will be covered by the following permissible variations. Plates 12^ pounds (5.669 kilograms) per square foot or heavier, up to 100 inches (254 centimetres) wide, when specified to weight, shall not average more than 2]4 per cent, variation above or 2^ per cent, below the theoretical weight. When 100 inches (254 centimetres) wide and over, 5 per cent, above or 5 percent, below the theoretical weight. Plates under i2 l / 2 pounds (5.669 kilograms) per square foot, when specified to weight, shall not average a greater variation than the following. Up to 75 inches (190.5 centimetres) wide, 2 l / 2 per cent, above or 2 l i per cent, below the theoretical weight. 75 inches (190.5 centimetres) wide up to 100 inches (254 centimetres) wide, 5 per cent above or 3 per cent, below the theoretical weight. When 100 inches (254 centimetres) wide and over, 10 per cent, above or 3 per cent, below the theoretical weight. For all plates specified to gauge, there will be permitted an average excess of weight over that corresponding to the dimensions on the specification equal in amount to that specified in the following table. 78 ALLOWANCES FOR OVER-WEIGHT OF RECTANGULAR PLATES WHEN SPECIFIED TO GAUGE. Plates J 4 inch (.635 centimetres) and over in thickness. WIDTH OF PLATE. TllIC K Up to 75" 75 to loo Over 100" to 115" Over 115" 7 I.HI 6 . . 8 10 '3 1.26,, 5 7 9 12 V.6 I-4'X 4'-- ... 6K 8'. II -S8; 4 6 8 10 Over 1-587 3#... 5 6^ 9 Plates under > 4 inch (.635 centimetres) thickness. WIDTH OK PLATE. THICKNESS Up to 50" 50 ' to 70" Over 70" OF PLATE. (127 cm.) (127 to 177.8 cm.) (177.8 cm. > In. cm. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. ft lip to) .317 . Vj, -397 10 . . . . '5 20 s/pllpto) .397 .476 ... sy, .... >4 7 3/ l6 up to) .476 .635 7 10 '5 The weight of one cubic in. (16. 387 en. cm.) is assumed to be .2833 pounds (.1285 kilograms) 79 MEDIUM STEEL. Medium steel shall have an ultimate strength when tested in samples in the dimensions above stated, of 60,000 pounds to 70,000 pounds per square inch (42184 kilos to 49212 kilos per 10 square cm.) an elastic limit of not less than one-half the ultimate strength. Percentage of elongation ^ '.400.000 - n g j nc j ies (20.319 cm.) except for pin steel which shall have an elongation of 5 per cent. less. RIVET STEEL. Ultimate strength 48,000 to 58,ooo pounds per square inch, (33747 to 40778 kilos per 10 square centimetres). Elastic limit not less than one-half the ultimate strength. Percentage of elongation Bending test, 180 degrees flat on itself, without fracture on outside of bent portion. STRUCTURAL CAST IRON. Quality. All castings must be of the very best quality tough grey iron. Sample pieces I inch square (2.54 centimetres sq.) cast from the same heat of metal as used for the work, in sand moulds, are to be capable of sustaining on a clear span of 4 feet 6 inches (137.16 centimetres) a central load of 500 Ibs. (226.80 kilograms) when tested in the rough bar. Finish. All castings must be true, smooth, straight, out of wind and of a uniform thickness, and must be entirely free from honeycombs, blow holes, cracks, cinders, seam marks or other defects. Cores for all 80 columns, i inch ( 2.5400 centimetres) thick or less, must be accurately spaced so that the metal in the shaft of the column will n<>t vary more than ,'s inch (.317 centimetres), in other words, if the metal on one side of a column shows a variation of more than ' s inch (.317 centimetres) thinner than called for on the drawings, although the opposite side of the shaft may show a thickness | s inch (.317 centimetres) greater, it will be sufficient cause for rejection. For all columns thicker than i inch ( 2.5400 centimetres) the core must not shift over ; H. inch, (.476 centimetres) as provided for above. All holes required to be cored must be carefully cored in their correct position. All holes required to be drilled must be drilled out of the solid metal as shown on the drawings. All columns and bases required to be faced, unless otherwise specified, must be faced at right angles to the axis of the shaft and the parts so faced must exhibit the full surface of metal. All faced surfaces must be coated with white lead and tallow immediately after facing. Variation in Weight After the castings have been carefully cleaned the same must be weighed and the shipping weight must be as close as possible to the figured weights. The following variations in weight will be allowed : Lintels 2 ' 2 Bases 3/ Columns i inch and over (2.54 cm. & over) in thickness ... 2%X Columns 3 + inch thick and less than i inch ( 1.905 cm. and less than 2.54 cm.) 3* Columns less than 3^ inch ( i .905 cm.) X The calculated weights are intended to cover all of the metal in the pieces including fillets and are based on one cubic foot of cast iron weighing 450 pounds (720865 kilos per cu. meter). 81 INSPECTION. All facilities for the inspection of material and workmanship will be permitted to the owner or his representatives, without additional charge, but such inspection must, for the raw material, be performed at the rolling mills or foundries where the rolled steel or the castings are manufactured, and the inspection for workmanship must be performed at the shops before the material is shipped, and such inspection and acceptance must be final at these points. For specification of quality and Workmanship Railway and Highway Bridges see pages 296 and 320. Table No. 28. Srandcrrd spacing, -and dimensions of rivet and bolt holes through flanges of I beams, channels and angles. flte" Table No. 29. Standard Cast Separators for Beam Girders. L cngfh Variable 7 "0 s ' 7 1 ' ; i a 47 i Mark ^_ b A c d 6" mlm //75 mlm //7J mfm ins m/m ins m/m mt N- 9 1Z8 .59 3 57.1 zi Z9O 13 171.4 &% 1 14-3 4i _J\I ? [0 25,3 99 10 G3.5 Zi Z9.0 li 184-1 7i. 126.9 s /VV2 304 79 IZ as-9 jf 508 2 E28.6 9 126-9 5 >s 30 39 15 35. E H S7. i z< 304.8 |Z I9O.6 74 N* 507 S9 SO 101 -6 4 joa z 406 4 16 304* 12 A/5 24. 6O9.58 24 114.3 4* 3.5 Zi 60SO 20 381.0 15 W 18 457 19 15 76 2 3 31-7 14 36S-3 Mi 3048 12 'mens/ons ars gi\ipn in mt/l/mff/ms and in c/imensions are given in mi/limelnes ana/ incJres . 84 Table No. 30. Standard Beam Connections. /4//d/mertsior>s are given in millimetres ond inches. A// rirets are /9 m////metrs(f) d/f meter 2q.6mi///mptref(il 'd 2 '. 6- * 4' * j 3' . Weight /far Brackets & Bolts 7/ifc Height /ftor Brockets A 8o/M IOI6 *3 6' x 4.' xj' 5' . Srocbefs <5 ffo/ts /?.3/As figs /SI 4 if. 1016*95- ISOS /ong & * 4- * r' 7$' . Weight /fttir Brockets & Bo/ts f7S /Ai .& /5?4 > me > 3s son long g/es /S2.4 ?vf- * ^ Weight /Pff/r Sracftfts &Oo/h 73G/bs If 7(J" 2-' Connections fbr 4S7./9 , 3O1.99 , 6O0 39 /** beams should be designed for the food that /he beam is in tended to carry. /si.4 *me*9s-6ss t e- * *-->f ? tVeight / F*r Brockets & Bo/ts 6 l/os 2 Arg/es 152.4 x /0/.6 x*5 - . 6' x *-*}' J- . tVeijtrf /Fb/r Brackets & do/ts /?3/As 6- > /for Brackets Ot 0o/ts f?$/bs Table No. 31. Sections of Ri vetted Columns. H 86 Table No. 32. Table of meters equivalent to feet. Zl 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 3017345 095890 9/43835 1219178 1523972 1828767 2133561 2438356 2743150 30473 335274 6400S8 \944863 124966 IS 5445 185925 216404 246884 277363 6095 36575 67054 97534 12 6014 158433 166973 2I94S2 24 $3 31 280411 9/43 3 9623 70/02 100582 /3/062 161541 192020 22 2500 252979 28 3459 12/91 42671 7 3150 10-3630 134/10 J64S89 195068 225548 256027 286507 15239 4 67/9 76198 106678 J3 7/58 16-7637 19 8116 Z2-8S96 ZS9075 289565 18287 48767 79246 103726 140206 17 0685 201/64 231644 262/23 292603 2/335 5 I8IS 82294 1/2774 143253 173733 2042/2 234992 76 S 171 29 565 1 24383 5-4863 8-5342 II 6822 14 6301 17-6781 20 7260 23 7140 2687/9 298699 27431 SJ9II 88390 It 8870 143349 179829 210308 246788 Z?t267 301747 Table of feet equivalent to meters. f] m / 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 32808$ 656/79 984*69 1312360 1640450 I968S40 7296629 2624719 2952809 37803 360899 688989 101 708 134517 167326 200136 232944 265 753 298562 656/8 39-3708 721798 104989 137798 170607 203416 236225 269034 30/843 98427 42 65 17 754607 108270 14/079 173888 206697 239506 2723/5 305/24 13/236 4S9326 787416 III 561 144360 177169 209978 242787 27S596 308405 I6404S 492/35 82022S 114 831 147640 180449 2/3268 246067 278876 31/686 196854 524944 853034 /te-itz 150921 183730 216539 249348 282167 314366 229663 557759 885843 121 393 164202 187-011 219820 252629 285438 3/S247 262472 590662 918652 124 674 IS7483 190292 223 101 2SS9/0 288 7/9 321 528 295281 623311 95 1461 127955 160764 193573 226382 269191 292000 324809 Table No. 33. Table of Meters equivalent to each TOO of an inch. Inches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /O II o. 025400 050799 076199 10/598 126998 152397 177797 203196 228596 253995 279395 01 000264 025654 051063 076453 101852 / 27 252 I526SI 178051 203450 228860 264249 279649 02 000508 025908 OS/307 076707 102106 127506 152905 178305 203704 229/04 254603 279903 1 03 000762 026/62 OS/56! 076961 I0236O /27760 153/59 t786S9 203958 2293S8 264757 280167 v / x. \ -04 0010/6 0261-15 051814 077214 1026/3 /280/3 1S34/2 /788I2 2042/1 22S6I/ 2650/0 280410 frTl \ os 06 00/269 OOIS23 026663 026923 062063 OS23ZZ 077468 077722 102867 103/21 /2S267 I28S2/ 153666 153920 179066 179320 204465 2047/9 229866 230119 255264 26S5/ff 280664 2809/8 [~ \ w ^ 07 00/77? 027177 052576 077976 103376 /2S776 /64I74 179674 204973 230373 265772 28/172 L-, *- N \v/ 08 00203/ 027431 062830 078230 /03629 /29029 154428 /7982B 206227 230627 266026 28/426 r ' n \ ^^ \ / 09 002285 02768S 053084 078484 103883 i29283 154683 180082 20648,' 230881 26B280 28/680 \\ ] \/ 10 002S39 027939 053339 078738 104/37 I2953S /S4336 180336 206735 23II3S 266634 281934 \\ n V n II 002793 028193 053592 078992 /0439t 129791 155/90 180590 206989 23/383 266788 282/88 1 i \\ i . U J 12 003047 028447 063846 079246 10464S 130045 155444 180844 206243 231643 257042 282442 J i_ V ' 13 003301 028701 054/00 079500 /04899 130299 155698 18/098 206497 23/897 257296 282696 14- 003566 028956 054354 079754 105153 /30553 /5S9SZ 181362 206751 232/5 / 257550 282950 IS 003809 029209 054608 080008 IOS407 130807 156206 18/606 207005 232405 257804 283204 re 004063 029463 054862 080262 IOS66I /3/06/ 166460 /8/860 207259 232659 258058 283458 I7\ 001317 0297/7 0551/6 0805/6 106915 /3/3/S 1567/4 /82II4 207SI3 2329/3 268312 283712 18 001-571 029971 OSS 370 080770 106/6$. 13/569 /6696d 182368 207767 233167 258566 283366 13 O04826 030225 055624 08/024 /06423 /3/023 /S7222 182622 208021 23342 1 258820 284220 20 005079 030473 055879 OS/278 106677 132078 157476 182876 208275 233675 259074 284474 21 005333 030733 056/32 OS/532 106931 (32331 /S7730 /83/30 208629 233929 259328 284728 22 005587 030987 056386 08/786 /07/as 132585 IS7984 /S3384 208783 234/63 259582 284982 23 00584/ 031241 056640 082040 107439 132639 158238 /8363S 209037 234437 259836 285236 24 006095 0314-95 056894 082294 107693 133093 168492 /838S2 20919/ 234691 260090 285490 2S 006349 031743 057/48 082548 107947 133347 /S8746 184146 209546 234945 260344 28574-4 2G 006603 032003 OS7402 082802 108201 133601 159000 /84400 203799 235/99 260598 285998 27 0068S7 032257 067656 083056 108455 /338SS ff92S4 184654 2/0063 235463 260852 286262 28 00? HI 032SII 0579/0 0833/0 108709 134/09 159508 /84908 210307 235707 261106 286506 29 007366 032765 OS8/64 083564 106963 134363 159762 186/62 2IOS6I 235961 26/360 286760 30 007619 0330/9 0584/8 0838/8 1092/7 1346/8 160016 /8S4/6 2/08/6 236215 2616/4 2870/4 31 007873 033273 058672 084072 109471 / 34871 160270 /85670 2/1069 236469 26 1860 287268 32 008/27 033527 058926 084326 109725 135/25 160524 186924 2/1323 236723 262/22 287 S22 12 inches - Ifoot = -304794 mefres 88 Table No. 34. Table of Meters equivalent to each ds of an inch. - 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 33 008381 03378/ 063180 084580 109979 135379 160778 186178 21/677 236977 262376 287776 31 008635 03403S 069434 004834 1/0233 I3S633 161032 186432 2I/83/ 237231 262630 288030 3S 008889 034289 059688 086088 /1 048 7 136887 16/286 186686 2/2085 23748S 262884 288284 36 >009I4S 034S4i 059942 085342 1/0741 /36/4J 161540 186940 2/2339 237739 263J38 288538 \ \ f "N ' 37 009391 034797 060196 08559S 1/0996 13639$ 161794 16.7/94 2/2 f 93 237993 263392 288792 1 r\\ \ 38 009661 036051 060450 086850 III 249 /369 I6Z048 187448 1 126,4. 23824? 263646 289046 u \ / 39 \00930A 035303 060704 OBSI04 II ISO 3 136903 162302 187702 't/3tOi 23S60I 2S3900 289300 1 L\/i 40 0/0169 035 659 060958 O863SS III 757 f37IS7 I62SSB I8795S 2/3365 Z387S5 264164 289554 s l>- N \V/ 41 0/04/3 0358/3 061212 066612 1120 It /374II /628JO 188210 213609 23900S 264406 269808 r r\\ \ \ / 42 0/0667 036067 061466 0368(6 //226S 137665 163064 W8464 1/36(63 233263 264(62 290062 \\ \/ 43 0/0921 036321 06/720 067I20 II2SI9 f379/S 163318 / 687/8 2/41/7 239 S/7 264916 2903/6 \ n V b 44 011/76 03S676 06/974 087374 112773 138/73 /63S72 188972 214371 23S 77 / 2f/7ff 290570 b \J i LhU 45 '0/142$ 036829 OS2228 687628 113027 138427 / 6 382 b 189226 2/4626 240025 266424 290824 ^^ i^f 4f 011683 037083 062482 087882 //328/ /3868I 164080 189480 2/4879 240279 266678 29/078 47 011937 037337 062736 088/36 1/3536 138936 164334 189734 2 IS/38 240533 266932 28/332 46 0/2191 037S9I 062990 088390 1 137 89 139189 164688 189988 215387 240787 266/86 291586 49 0/2446 037845 063,244 088644 //4043 139443 164842 190242 21S64/ 2fJ04l 26440 291840 SO 012699 038039 063498 088698 1/4297 J396S7 /6SQ96- /90496 2IS89S 24/296 2B6694 292094 51 012953 038363 063752 083/S2 //4SSI I3985J /6S35C 190750 216149 241648 266948 292348 S2 0/3 to? 03860; 064006 089406 114805 f4026S 165604 191004 216403 24/863 {267202 292602 S3 OJ346/ 038861 OE4260 0896SO IISOS9 J401S0 resesa HI 258 2I66S7 242957 267456 292856 54 0/37/5 033//6 0645/4 0899/4 IIS3I3 M07/3 166/12 18 IS 12 il6$ll 2423/1 ^267710 293110 ss 0/3969 039369 061768 090/68 II5S67 /40967 166366 19/766 217/65 242S6S 267964 293364 56 01*213 038623 065022 060422 //582I 141221 166620 192020 2/74/9 2428/9 2682/8 2936/8 67 0/4471 039877 065276 090676 116076 .'4/+?S f66674 132274 2/7673 243073 268472. 293872 S8 0/4 731 040131 06S530 090830 116329 t4f729 187128 192524 2/7827 243327 2487X 294/26 69 0/4985 04038S 065784 09//84 1/6683 141983 167382 192782 2/8/81 243581 268980 294380 60 0/5239 040639 066038 091438 116837 I4Z237 /67636 193036 2/8435 243836 269234 294634 61 0/5493 040893 066292 091692 1171091 142491 / 6 7890 /93290 218689 244089 269486 294888 62 015747 041/47 066546 09/946 1/7345 142745 /eg/44 193644 2/8943 244343 269742 295/42 63 O/600I 041401 066800 092200 1/7599 142999 168398 / 937 9 8 2/9/97 244597 2S9996 29539t 64 0/6256 041655 067054 092254 II78S3 143253 168652 194062 219461 244851 270250 29S6SO 66 9J6S08 041909 067308 092700 118 107 143507 I68S06 I9430S 219706 245/05 270604 295904 12 inches : /foot - 3O4794 metres. 89 Table No. 35. Table of Meters equi/a/entfo each TOO of an inch. Inches / 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /o II 66 0/6763 042/63 067562 09296'; 118361 143 761 169/60 /94560 2/9959 245359 270758 296/68 67 0/70/7 0424/7 0678/6 0932/6 1/8615 1440/6 /ff94/4 /948/4 220213 245613 27/0/2 2964/2 68 0/727 / 042671 068070 093470 1/8869 144269 /69668 195068 22046? 245867 271266 296666 69 0/7625 042925 068324 093724 119123 /44523 169922 195322 220721 246/21 27/520 296920 70 0/7779 043179 068578 093978 119377 144777 J70I76 /9S576 220975 246375 27/774 297/74 1 7/c- fff/ffi 133 04 3433 OS&832. -$94231 119631 -146031 /7043& -J3S830 22+229 jL?Ci f rO&!7 272028 29742$ 1 N . ^ \ 7't 0/8 7 37 Off368? OtS9v86 0$4%8t ' 1/9885 .. 45285 I? 166+ '/36084 221': '-83 2 $883 272282 297632 1 1 . . \ 7c 0/8, -41 046941 0]6934C 094740 J20/39 fS*3, 1 /7: 7V38 / 9,633 ^ 121 73? 247/37 '272636 297936 I \ I ?} 0/8. W 'on/as 0\69594 094994 /2839i 16793 /; ,'!92 19,659?. 221, 19' 247391 272790 298/30 [_ A/-J 76' 0191 >49 044449 OfS84t 035248 /2064? 16047 n Ae '/9684S >22 745 247645 2^3044 298444 u \ V / 76 0/9. 303 (044703 '07u/02 09553i /2090, / f&30Y >7M 107/09 ', '22- 99 247 8& 9 273298 298698 -I ( ^^P 1 A / T) 0/9, 55? 04 f9S7 030356 Q8&?fJ /2//S6 4SS5f /7I9S4 \9735f '.22 753 248/53 273^5-2 2939S2 \\ \ / 7t 0/9t Ill 0452// Off 06/6 MffOa /2/409 46809 mm f9?608 2231 <07 248407 27383S 299206 \ n y 1 i 5 020 065 04S46S fJ7f) R fi4 096261 12/663 47063 /7\&2 I9786\ 223261 248661 274066 299460 s \< i . u v V 1 80 VZffSti Oft r ?/9 07/r/8 0966/8 72/3/7 I7T7I6 /98//6 2235 IS 248S/6 2743/4 Z997/+ 1 L_ V ' 81 020573 045973 071372 096772 I22I7I 14757 / 172970 198370 223769 249/69 274568 299968 82 020827 046227 07/626 097026 122425 147825 173224 198624 224023 249423 274822 300222 83 02/081 046481 07/880 097280 122679 I 48079 173478 198878 224277 249677 275076 300476 84 021335 046735 072/34 097534 122933 148333 /73732 199/32 224531 249931 275330 300730 85 ^621: '89 04 6989 072388 097786 '/23/W7 ! -18587 173986 79938$ 22 f 785 250/85 2J5584 -300984 86 5e/< 143 04 72T3 072642 093042 /234\ 14834-1 174-240 1993*0 225039 50433 175838 30/238 87 OK, 73? 04 7497 072896 098296 /23695> 149035 /74494 /99994 225293 250693 '276092 30/492 88 Q2\ 351 01 7751 073/5,0 098550 123949 148349 174748 200148 22SS1-7 250947 276346 30/746 89 022 "05 048005 073404 09880- 124203 149603 17S002 200402 225301 25 1201 '276600 302000 90 L'2285$ 048259 073658 \9S\SS 124457 i 49857 175256 2V0656 226055 2 5/4&S 2? 854 302254 91 t >?&//$ 0485/3 -0739/2 OS99/2 1247 1/ / S9III \7tS/6 W09IO 2\6%09 2 51 7 OS \77I08 302508 92 L'233,6? 048767 OTfMA 09956S : /24965 / 50.365 I757S4 201/64 226563 2 5I9S3 277362 302762 93 Q2361Q 049021 ^>74^2J> 099820 /25Z/9 f 506/9 50/8 yff/ffa 22W7 2 522/7 -2776/6 3030/6 94 023875 049Z75 074674 100074 /2S473 /50873 /7627Z "20/672 227071 252471 277870 303270 95 024/29 049529 074928 100328 /2S727 /S//27 /76S26 20/926 227325 252726 278/24 303524 86 024383 049783 075/82 100582 /2598I /5I38I /76780 202/80 227579 252979 278378 303778 97 024637 050037 075436 /00836 126235 i '5/635 177034 202434 227833 253233 278632 304032 99 024891 050291 075690 10/090 126489 /5/8S9 /772S8 202688 228087 253487 278886 304286 99 025/45 060545 075944 10/344 126743 162/43 177542 202942 228341 253 741 279/40 304540 /2 inches : /foot - -304 794 mefres. 90 Table No. 36. Table of Kilograms equivalent to each A of Pounds Aw/rdupois. Xvof/ (ilograms equivalent to 6 y / y ffi /I 7G/6 *Awim 'upois A % > ~h 2' a 4 3 6 7 ^ s I 19 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 r rapt? 907I8S3 1360780 t8 14371 7267963 272IS56 31 75149 3628741 4082334 463593 498952 952545 140614 185973 23 1332 276691 32 2051 367410 41 2769 M7/B S443I2 9979t4 145/50 190509 235868 28/227 326587 371946 417305 \I3\078 S 88671 10 4326 149686 195045 240404 285763 33 1122 376482 42 1841 18/437 635030 1088(2 /S4222 199681 244940 290199 935668 38/0/8 426377 226796 680390 t/3398 IS87S7 204117 249476 294835 340194 385554 43 09/3 272K6 7-25749 II 7934 / 6 3293 208653 264012 239371 344730 390090 435449 3l75)s 771*09 12 ^4?i) 16 7829 213/89 258548 303907 349266 394626 439S85 \MZtf& e>467 12 100 6 172365 21 7725 263084 308443 353802 393162 444521 408233 8(18^7 13-1542 176901 222260 267620 312978 358338 403697 449057 D 91 Table No. 37. Table of Kilograms per meter equivalent to Pounds per foot. Pounds toot 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 /8 19 1 f 3 4 6 6 T 8 I 14882 29764 44-646 S9628 74410 89232 1-04/74 1-19056 I 3393 1-4882 1-6370 I-73S8 1-3346 2-0634 22323 23811 2-5299 26787 28276 2-9764 3-1252 32740 3-4228 3-57/6 3-720 S 3-8633 4-0/81 4-1669 4-3/67 44646 46134 4 7622 4-9110 5-0598 S-2087 S-3675 S-6063 5-6551 58033 5-9528 S 1016 62504 6-3932 6-5480 66969 68457 6-3945 7-1433 7-2921 744/0 7-SS98 ' 1:?336 78874 80362 8-/85I 8-3339 84827 86315 87803 8-9292 90780 ' 9-2268 9-3756 9-5244 9-6733 9-8221 99709 10/197 102685 10 417 10 565 10 714 10-863 l\01\ 11-161 11-310 1/456 If 607 11-756 11-905 12-053 42-202 1 \2-35l , 12500 : 12649 12-797 12946 13-095 13-244 13-393 13-541 13-690 13839 13388 14-138 14285 14-434 14583 14-732 14882 16030 15-179 15-328 J5-477 15626 ' /5-7M /S-923 16-07-2 16221 16-370 16518 1666? 16-8/6 16-966 17114 n-262 17-411 > 7-660 17709 17858 18-006 18155 18-304 18453 /8-602 /8-750 18899 19-048 I9-/97 19-346 19494 19-643 '19-792 19-341 20090 20-238 20-387 20-53S 20-685 20634 20982 21/31 21-280 21429 2/578 21-726 21-875 22-024 22-173 22-323 22471 22-620 22769 22-9/8 23-067 23-2/6 23-364 23 SI 3 23-662 238/1 23-959 2410$ 24-257 24406 24555 24703 24852 25-001 25/50 25299 25447 2S-S9B 2S74S 25894 26043 26 191 26340 25489 26638 26787 26935 27084 27<232 27-382 27-531 27679 27-828 27-8-77 28-I2B 2B27S 28423 28-572 28-721 28870 290/9 29167 29316 294SS 296/4 tj L_l 1 1 1 1 1 I -- i i i L_I u i i i_i i_i >. / Pounds eer foot. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 29764 29312 30-061 30210 30-359 30-508 30-656 30805 30954 31/03 3/252 31-400 31543 3/698 3/847 31-336 32144 32293 32-442 32 SSI 32-740 32888 33037 33186 33335 33484 33632 33781 33930 34079 34228 34-376 34525 34674 34823 34972 35-/20 35269 35-4/8 35-567 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5-7/6 , 6460 6-60& 6757 906 7056 37-205 ^7-353^ 37502 37651 37805 \ 37349 3809? 3824S \ 38-33* 38-544 38693 3&B4{ 38990 39/39, 39288 39437 -38-585 \ 39734 39883 40-032 40-/8I _ 40329 40478 40627 40-776 (0S25 4/673 41222 4/371 41-520 41-669 -41-8/7 41-966 42-115 42264 / 42-413 1 42-661 / 42-7/0 / 42659 43-008 43157 r 43 305 43454 43603 M$ 4&90I 44M& 44/36 44Jf7 44406, 44646 44794 44943 45-092 1 4s-m < 4S93\ 45S38, 4568'A 45836^ 4S48S 46-134 46282 46431 46-580 46729 46873 47-026 47/75 47324 ~^7-fy3 4 M k 4t 46 4t 4t 4i 4i 4t '22 '-7M '9/9 1-068 !-2/? Mffff ^ S\2 1-3&I 49-i \*\ ^ 49* 49-5 497 496 ' SO-L SO/ \ SO'i \ 50-4 10 &8 07 SS 05 54 02 SI CO fS 50-598 50446 SOWS 5/-044 51-193 ' 5J342 51 400 51-630 51788 5/33? 52087 52-235 52-384 52533 52-682 52-831 52-973 53-128 53277 j-f3-426 53-575 53-723 53-872 54021 54-170 54-313 54467 546/6 54-765 54-914 55-063 55-2/1 55-360 55-509 SS658 55807 55-955 56-104 56253 56402 56-551 56699 56848 56-997 57-146 57295 57443 57592 57-741 57890 58039 58187 58336 58485 53634 58783 68-931 59080 59229 S3 378 founds &. 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 SO 65 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 WO 25 so 75 59528 59300 60272 to 644 62504 62876 63248 63620 63992 64364 64-736 65108 65480 65-852 66224 66-596 66-969 67-341 67-7/3 68-086 68457 68-829 69201 69S73 69945 70-317 70689 7/061 71-433 71-805 72-177 72549 72-921 73293 73665 74037 744/0 74782 75-154 75-526 81851 82-223 8259S 82967 83292 89664 90-036 90-408 96733 97-105 97477 97-849 /04I74 104546 104-9/8 105290 I//-6/S 11/987 t/2353 1/2731 119056 1/9-428 119800 120-172 126-497 126869 127-241 127-6/3 /33-93S 1343/0 134-682 /35#54 14/379 141-751 142-123 142-495 148820 149/92 149564 149936 92 EXPLANATION OF TABLES. STANDARDS FOR ITNVHIXG, STANDARD CAST SEPARATORS, STANDARD BEAM BRACKETS AND EQUIVALENTS OF ENGLISH AND METRIC SYSTEMS. Table No. 28 gives the standard dimension for punching the flanges of beams, channels and angles, and will be very useful in laying out and designing work. Table No. 29 gives the dimensions and details of cast iron separators as used between beams when they are placed together to form girders. Table No. 30 gives the standard dimension for brackets at the ends of beams where the}' connect one with the other. Table No. 31 shows the different forms of columns which may be constructed by riveting together different classes of rolled steel. An infinite number could be made by making different combinations but those shown are the ones most commonly used. Tables 32 to 37 inclusive will be found very useful for transferring weights and measures from the Metric to the English system or vice-versa. 08 Plate No. 32. 94 Plate No. 33. tm-g-SUt ' Y * u J q f* gJLjjJPI i, i| i^i.g g 8 ri B iHjjglJ^ U Plate No. 34. Plate No. 35. 97 Plate No. 36. n Plate No. 37. D llil Plate No. 38. 100 Plate No. 39. 101 Plate No. 40. OOOIOOOO Plate No. 41. D D U (^J Plate No. 42. 104 STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK AS USED IN OFFICE BUILDINGS, STORES, WAREHOUSES, ETC. Owing to the large quautity of perishable goods stored in buildings, and to the number of lives often at stake, it has become the custom now in all large cities, to construct important buildings in a fire-proof manner. Due to the cheapness of steel and to the skill with which it is made use of in buildings, its use is becoming more and more general; as a result, buildings, properly designed of steel construction are practically indestructible, and will last for an indefinite number of years. The very latest method of using steel for high buildings is distinctively American, and is known as the Skeleton Construction Plan, which will be described in detail later on. This method of construction, moreover, lends itself to a rapid erection of the building, which is an item of great importance to an owner. It not only enables an owner to occupy a new building in the shortest possible time, but it saves interest on the cost of the investment during the building of it. Another important matter for an owner to consider, is the question of insurance. Outside of the question of the insurance on the building itself, when built in a fire-proof manner, is the question of the insurance on the goods stored in the building. The difference in the cost of insurance between a fire-proof and a non-fire-proof structure, will often pay for the small difference between steel and wood construction. 105 In tropical countries woods suitable for building purposes are unknown, and have to be imported, and in many countries wood so rapidly decays and rots, that the life of a wooden structure is limited, while a steel structure is practically indestructible. In countries which are subject to earthquakes, our experience teaches us that the only suitable and proper building is the one constructed of steel on a skeleton principle. In this building, the structure is entirely tied together, the same as a railroad bridge, and it is next to impossible to pull it apart or to get the building out of plumb. Generally, the construction of a fire-proof floor is made by supporting the floor on columns, which may be either of cast iron or rolled steel of various sections, as shown in table No. 3 1 . We do not recommend cast iron columns for export work, for reasons that will be given later on. The columns that support the floors rest in turn on foundations composed usually of brick or concrete. The foundations are usually capped with a large stone, dressed straight and smooth, on which the shoe of the column rests. This stone should be considerably larger than the base of the column, the exact size depending on the load to be transmitted. The kind of material which should be used in the construction of the part of the foundation immediately below the stone, and also the thickness of the stone itself, can only be determined by calculation, and depends largely on the load to be carried, and the exact nature of the soil on which the building rests. In cases of extra heavy loads, and where the earth is not very hard or compact, or where there is any moisture or water, it is customary to use a grillage composed of steel beams set close together, and carefully encased in concrete. This is clearly shown on Plate No. 35. The shoe of the column then rests on top of these beams, the idea being to distribute the load borne by the column over a sufficiently large surface of the soil. Sometimes it becomes necessary owing to the nature of the soil, to sink caissons, to carry the foundations down to rock. 106 These caissons are usually made of heavy steel plates, circular or square in form, similar to construction shown on Plate No. 38. After the caisson is sunk, the earth or soil should all be removed from these cylinders or tanks, and the entire inside of same filled with concrete, and on this concrete foundation, grillage beams rest. In cases where large quantities of water are found, or where quicksands occur, or where the depth that the caisson has to be sunk is very great, compressed air is resorted to, and the excavations made under air pressure. Grillage foundations are often more or less complicated. Sometimes owing to the combination of the load to be carried and the nature of the soil, it is neccessary to make what are called Continuous Grillage Foundations. These are shown on Plate No. 37. It is often necessary in supporting the side walls or columns of a structure, where there is an adjoining building, to support these outside loads by cantilever construction. This is clearly shown on Plate No. 36. While the sketches which we have shown in connection with grillage foundation work are all shown as composed of solid rolled beams, it is often necessary, where very heavy loads are to be carried, to resort to the use of riveted girders. The question of the kind of columns to use, is determined more or less by the load the column has to carry, and what the building is intended to be used for. Cast iron columns are sometimes employed and the outside can be ornamented to any extent desired, as fully explained in the latter part of this catalogue, but we do not recommend them for export work. The shafting of the column can be either plain, as shown on Plate No. 41, in which case the shaft of the column is left exposed to view in the building, or it may be surrounded by some form of fire-proofing, such as cement or some of the harder kinds of plasters, which latter are often finished in imitation marble. Of course, cast iron columns can be furnished, either round or square. (See Plate No. 42 showing the details of square cast iron columns). 107 We do not advocate using cast iron columns, for several reasons. First because it is almost impossible to manufacture a perfect column in this metal, as cast iron is more or less liable to have flaws or imperfections it is impossible to detect. Our second reason is, because in shipping this class of goods out of the country, castings are very apt to be handled during transit in a rough manner and get broken, and if the break happens to be a bad one it is impossible to fix it, and the column has to be duplicated, thereby losing, in most cases, valuable time. We therefore strongly recommend the use of steel columns fabricated of rolled steel sections, which are not open to the objections as named above. Owing to the difference in weight, it will be found that the price of steel columns is about the same as that of cast iron ones. Of the different kinds of rolled steel columns that are generally ixsed, we recommend columns formed of either angles and plates, channels and plates, the Zee bar column, or Phoenix column. All of these columns lend themselves to building construction. The details of the columns are fully explained in the preceding plates. If the Phoenix columns are used, we would recommend what is known as the " Cross Pintle Connection," shown on Plate No. 40. The floors of the building are constructed by spanning beams from column to column, or if one single beam will not carry the load, then use two beams, or a riveted girder of either single web or box construction Sketch of the single web girder is shown on the upper part of Plate No. 32, and the open-work or lattice girder is shown on the lower part of the same plate. Sketch of the box girder is shown on the upper part of Plate No. 33. If two beams are used to make a girder, it is necessary to connect them by means of cast iron separators. These are detailed in Table No. 29. The use of these separators is shown on the central and lower part of Plate No. 33 and on Plate No. 34. There are several different methods of securing floor beams to the girders. Sometimes the floor beams 108 It on top of the girders and are simply secured to the girders by means of bolts through the flanges. We do not consider this good construction, as it does not stiffen the floor, and it also takes off from the height of the room lx.-ln\v, besides the girder projects below the floor beams. It is usual to attach the floor beams to the web of the girder, or to other beams by means of brackets, as in detail. Table Xo. 30. Two brackets are required for each beam connection. These brackets are in the sketch on Plate No. 34. The brackets are usually bolted to the beams and girders. When the top of the floor beams and top of the girder are level, it is necessary to cut out the flange of the floor beam. This is called coping, sketch of which is shown on Plate No. 34, the lower right hand sketch. When the beam is dropped below the flange of the girder, or other beam, the coping is not necessary. The same is shown on Plate No. 34. the lower left hand sketch. It is always advisable in designing a floor, to have one of the floor beams come opposite to the column connection, so as to stiffen the column at the floor level. In the case of a low building, in which the loads are not very great, it is advisable to build the walls of the building of brick or stone, and to allow the floor beams to rest on the wall, but where the building is of considerable height, and the floor loads great, it is always advisable to have a line of beams or girders just inside the wall, to support the end of the floor beams on such beam or girder, and thus make the walls of the building independent of the floor construction. In other cases where the building is very high, it is desirable to not only support the floor independent of the walls, but in addition, to carry the walls themselves on the steel work, which is known as full skeleton construction. The walls in this case are supported at each floor level, by the iron work, and the walls are simply a shell, to keep the weather out, and the mason work does not therefor carry any loads. See Plate Xo. 3Q. which shows a portion of a building, illustrating generally, matters regarding the above. It will be noticed from this Plate that the mason work projects outside of the girders at the floor level, 109 usually to the extent of about four (4) inches, and this is necessary in order to thoroughly fire-proof the girders. In other words, protect them from fire in an adjoining building. The floor itself, in order to be fire-proof, must be constructed of some indestructible material. Later on in this catalogue, we give full information on this particular siibject. The construction of the floor itself, and the loads to be carried, both dead and live load, determine the distance that the floor beams should be spaced apart. The following are the loads which we recommend for different classes of buildings, that is, the load which the floor should be figured to sustain, not including the weight of the construction of the floor itself, or the weight of the beams themselves, both of which must be added in making calculation of the sizes required for the floor beams and girders. 70 Ibs. per square foot for floors of dwelling houses and offices, equal to 341.7825 kilos per square metre. 125 Ibs. per square foot for floors of churches, theatres and ballrooms, equal to 613.3257 kilos per square metre. 200 to 250 Ibs. per square foot for floors of warehouses, equal to 976.5215 to 1220.6519 kilos per square metre. 250 to 400 Ibs. per square foot for floors for heavy machinery equal to 1220.6519 to 1953.043 kilos per square metre. 110 Plate No. 43. in Plate No. 44. 112 Plate No. 45. D 113 CONSTRUCTION OF COMPLETE FIRE-PROOF OFFICE BUILDINGS, STORES, WAREHOUSES, ETC. In extending our business for furnishing structural steel and iron work for foreign countries, we have been constantly reminded by our foreign customers, that while they understand the theory of fire- proof buildings, and while it is possible for them to purchase the structural steel and iron work, it is a difficult thing for them to intelligently explain to the other contractors who are required to complete the building, just how their portion of the work has to be done, particularly when it comes to skeleton steel constructed buildings ; in other words, it is easy enough to get the steel frame, but it is a difficult matter to get the balance of the work, and have the balance of the work agree with the steel work, and produce a building such as constructed in the United States. In order to overcome this trouble, we have in the last few years made it a practice to not only design, but actually to wholly construct and furnish completed buildings, embracing all the different classes of work that enter into the construction of same, and have added to our regular engineering force, departments with specially skilled engineers, who have charge of such classes of work as fire-proofing, mason work, carpenter work, plumbing, heating, lighting, ventilating, etc., etc., and we are now fully equipped and prepared to undertake the furnishing and erecting of completed buildings in any foreign country. By this means we are enabled to give our foreign customers not only a completed building, but to give 114 them all of the thousand and one ingenious American devices that are used in the construction of office buildings, stores, warehouses, etc., etc., for which the American people are so celebrated. Anyone- who has visited New York City will admit that the American methods of plumbing, heating lighting and ventilating are second to none in the world. For office buildings particularly the Americans have many conveniences which are not used in any other country. We are prepared, where customers desire, to take the land just as we find it and erect on the same a completed building, including the excavation, the necessary foundations, building of the cellar, building of vaults, water-proofing, floor construction, walls, including cut stone if necessary, all of the carpenter work, roof work, interior iron work including stairs, grills, etc. elevators, plumbing, lighting, heating, ventilating, and in fact, turn the building over absolutely completed, including the decoration if necessary. \\e are also prepared to submit drawings and specifications covering all of these different classes of work, or will be glad to estimate on plans and specifications as furnished to us, making such suggestions as we think advisable to meet with the best American practice. A large part of our foreign business extends to tropical countries, where the climatic conditions are peculiar. We have had a very large experience in constructing buildings in the tropics, and have introduced a number of novel features in some of these buildings. It is a well-known fact that in the tropics the nights are comparatively cool, as compared with the temperature of the day-time. In order to protect the interior of the building from the heat of the sun, we have designed the peculiar construction known as hollow walls. The outside wall is composed of concrete reinforced with metal; immediately back of this wall is an air space, and then inside of this, light iron frame work on which plaster is placed, the idea being to prevent, by means of the air space, the heat radiating through the wall. Confined air is one of the best non-conductors of heat and we find that this air space back of the wall ttt prevents the heat of the sun, during the day-time, penetrating to the rooms. The outside of the building is finished in concrete and made as ornamental as desired. Of course the outside of the building can be made of cut stone, brick or any other material that is desired. This form of construction is shown on plate No. 44. In tropical countries the contents of buildings often suffer from moisture and mildew. The air space in the wall prevents the moisture striking through the wall and leaves the inside of the building perfectly dry. The upper story of the building is also protected from the heat of the sun on the roof by means of hanging the ceiling in the upper story and forming an air space between the ceiling and roof. In tropical countries and in fact all countries, it is a very difficult matter to construct a roof that is thoroughly water-tight and which will remain water-tight an indefinite length of time. We believe we have solved this problem by a special form of construction that we use, for not only making the upper surface of the roof water-tight, but protecting it from the rays of the sun, and at the same time finishing it so that persons can walk on it without damage to the water-proof surface. This is all clearly shown in plate No. 44. It is very desirable especially in tropical countries to arrange the building so that there is a free circulation of air. This is accomplished by arranging the windows and doors so that the air can enter, carrying the windows up to the underside of the ceiling and ventilating the entire building through an open court in the centre, which open court acts on the same principle as a chimney. It is absolutely necessary in order to construct a fire-proof building to have the steel work so protected that even in case the contents of the building should burn, the heat will not be communicated to the steel work itself. This is done by encasing the columns that occur in the walls in concrete material. In the floors we advocate the use of concrete in an arch form. The arch is formed by using the centre of either wire work or corrugated sheet iron on which the concrete is placed. After the concrete is set the metal centre is not necessary as far as strength is concerned. The underside of the flanges of the beam is protected by concrete as shown in plate No. 43. In the case of a flat level ceiling, plaster is applied on furring and wire lathing 116 stretched on the underside of the beam flanges, as shown in plate No. 44. The advantages of this last named form of construction are many: It not only gives a flat ceiling, which is a better effect for offices, but it introduces ;iu air space which is a good non-conductor of heat and cold, and makes the floors more sound proof, and is a convenient place for the running of mains for water, gas and electric light The upper surface of the floor can be finished with wooden sleepers and boards as shown in plate No. 45, or it can be finished in plain cement. This last we advocate as it removes any danger of fire from the wooden floor. Where more ornamental effects are required, tile, marble, mosaic and terra/za can be used on top of the concrete. In tropical climates we advocate the omission of all wood particularly as wood is likely to be destroyed by insects. \\ e have lately introduced some novel features in the way of sliding windows and shutters, that are not only absolutely fire-proof but are practically indestructible and give a maximum amount of air, light, etc. We also advocate in tropical countries, to prevent moisture rising from the ground, to have cellars to the buildings, and to water-proof these cellars, so that the cellar will be as dry and as light and clean as any other portion of the building. \Ve have lately finished the construction of the largest building in the City of Havana, pictures of which are shown on pages 120 to 127. This building occupies an entire block and is by far the tallest building in the city. It is constructed with hollow walls with arched floors and flat ceilings. It has a water-proof cellar the only one in the City of Havana, and the cellar is as dry and as light as any other part in the building. This building, by actual experience, is three or four degrees cooler than any other building in Havana. The entire interior of walls, ceilings and partitions of this building were finished at great expense in Portland cement, and the same can be washed down and cleaned without fear of injuring the construction. A number of pictures are given showing this building during construction. 117 ANGLO-SWISS CONDENSED MILK Co. "s BUILDING, BROOKLYN, N. Y. - MILL1KEN PATENT ROOF CONSTRUCTION, SHOWING WIRE WORK AND WOODEN CENTERS BEFORE CONCRETE WAS IN PLACK. 118 .\N'.I n-Stt I-- I'liNHI N-l II Mil K ('i).'s Hi H.IHNi.. HROIIKI.VN, N. V. Mll.llkIN I'VIIVI l-o.il i i>\>-| RTCTION AKTKK liiN'RKTK IS IX PLACE. 119 FLOOR ARCHING, HAVANA CIGAR FACTORY. Taken during Construction, showing Method of Constructing Floor Arches with Reinforcing Metal and Flooring in Concrete. WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED ISY MILLIKEX BROTHERS. 120 FIRK PRIKH t'niiM;, HAVANA CKIAK FACTORY. Taken during Construction, showing part Plastered and balance with Reinforcing Metal Work. \\iiKK liKSIii.NKH. It -K.MSIII II AM. KUIl II U |:V MII.I.IKKN ItKOTIIKKS. I SI FIRE-PROOI- PARTITION, HAVANA CIGAR FACTORY. Taken during Construction, before Plastering is applied, showing Reinforcing Metal Work. WORK DKSIC.XKD, VURXISH 1C]) AND KKKCTKD T!Y MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 122 \V\ii-. HAVANA CICAR FACTORY. T;iki-ii during Construction, showing MmiUls lioklin^ Concrete \ValN WORK ]IKSII;\KII, rruMsnr.n AND EKKITKH P.Y MII.I.IKKN IIROTIIKW-. ita HAVANA CIGAR FACTORY, HAVANA, CUBA. ENTIRE BUILDING DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED I)Y MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 124 INTKKIUK VIKW, HAVANA CIOAR FACTORV. Showing Finished Floor and Ceiling, with Specially Designed Windows and Blinds. \\<>KK DKS|i;\KD, I I KMSHKI) AND ERECTED BY MILUKEN BROTIIKRS. 1-2,1 ARCADE STREET FRONT, HAVANA CIGAR FACTORY. VIEW SHOWING PORTAL COLUMNS. WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 126 ll\\\s\ CIGAR KM \K\ HUILIHNC., HAVANA, i INIIKK liriUHV. D, < INSFRUI III' \M n: KMMI I l> ( )M IM I I I |:V MIIMKCN l:K"|n 187 ACKER, MERRALL & CONDIT COMPANY WARKHOUSE, 430 STREET, NEW YORK CITY. ENTIRE BUILDING DESIGNED, CONSTRUCTED AND FURNISHED COMPLETE 1!Y MU.I.IKEN BROTHERS. SIH.II. I'I.MI^K BuitDINO, ism AM. Kjiii SIKIIIS \\n SIXTH A. VENUE, XKU YORK Cm. \\li STEE1 WORK KfRM-HH) \M> ERRCTED l:N MIII.IKKX I:K')1IHK- 129 HOTKL MAJESTIC, 720 STREET AND CENTRAL PARK WEST, NEW YORK CITY. STEEL WORK DESIGNED AND FURNISHED I!Y MILLIKEX ISROTIIEUS. 180 II'. in R\ M.TON, 431) SIKH i MM; SIMM .\\i\ii, Xiu VHKK Crrv. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 131 DOME OF NEW YORK CLEARING HOUSE, NEW YORK CITY. STEEL WORK FURNISHED AND ERECTED 11Y MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 132 Pi \KI SIKIM STATION, KM^IS KIUTRIC Ii.i.. Co., N*i\v YOKK CITY. STF.KI. \VOKK HKSIC.NKIi AMI I r k \ I -il H-' I > 1:Y MII.I.IKI'S I!U< i I 1 1 l-'KS. 1M GAS HOLDER GUIDE FRAME, NEW YORK CITY. STEEL WORK FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 134 R. I'.OKKK & Co. Hi ii. HIM;, Nbxuo ('in, MKXICO. SII I I. \\OKK 1 rUMSIIICI) AND ERECTED BY MII.I.1KKN HKOTIIKKS. us WAINWRIGHT BUILDING, ST. Louis, Mo. PHtENIX COLUMNS SHOWING SKELETON CONSTRUCTION. 136 in I'RIVATK. DWELLING, H. O. HA\ KMKYKK, NEW YORK CITY. IKON \VUKK UKSICNED AND CONTRACTED FOR BY MII.I.1KKN BROTHERS. 187 R. G. DUN BUILDING, READE STREET AND BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. STEEL WORK FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 138 R. BOKKR & Co. WAREHOUSE Mixun C'nv, Mixno. STKKI. \\DKK KrKNISIII-ll) AM) KRKITEI) I'.Y MII.I.IKEN DROTHKKS. 139 LONG ISLAND R. R. Co. 's TERMINAL PASSENGER STATION ROOF, LONG ISLAND Crrv, NEW YORK. IRON WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN liROTHERS. 140 H \\WARI. Hun. DIN.., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. STEEf, WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILI.IKEN BROTHERS. WATERSIDE STATION, 38TH-39TH STRKKTS AND FIRST AVKNUK, NKW YORK CITY. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKKN BROTHERS. 142 STORK Bin. DIM;. PORT <>i SPMN, TRINIDAD. STEKL WORK MESICXED AND 1 I'KMSIIED BY MILLIKEN BROTIIKRS. 143 ECKSTEIN BUILDING, JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA. X J - i;* ? v \ . . ,\ . . * ' ' '. k' limn -ill I mil I Li " ">- ' STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 144 C\ri TIMI^ Mm. DIM.. t'vri TOWN, Soriii Ai ku \. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILI.IKEN BROTHERS. 145 ARONSON BUII.DINI;, SAN FKAN'CISCO, CALIFORNIA. STEEL WORK FURNISHED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 146 , ARONSON BUILDING, SAN FRAKCISCO, C..M IM; STEEI. WORK FURNISHED VY MII.LIKF.K DROTIIF.RS. W. J. JAGGER & COMPANY'S BUILDING, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AKRICA. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 148 Ml\l. \N <;.\ I KNMI M X V I li IN VI I'OST ()| | I, 1, Ml Ml ClTV. STEEI. WORK rUKMSUKI) AND ERECTED BY MILL1KEN BROTHERS. 149 MORNINGSIDE DORMITORY AND APARTMKNT BUILDING, NKW YORK Crrv. S'l ,TEEI. WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED I!Y MII.l.IKEN BROTHERS. <'i \klHK Hi II lil\(., C.M'l TIIWN, SIM ill Alkii \. STEF.I. WORK OKSir.XEO, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. in . TWENTY-SIX STORTVOl'KICE BUILDING FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION, No. 60-62 WALL STREET, NEW \OKti ClTV. STEEL WORK FURNISHED AND ERECTED HY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 153 MANUFACTURING BUILDINGS, SHEDS, MARKET BUILDINGS, CEMENT MANUFACTORIES, ETC. FIOI Owing to the low price of steel work it has been proven that roofs, and buildings in general can be >tructed in nearly all cases as cheaply in steel as they can in wood, and have the additional advantages of being fireproof and much more durable. Probably the simplest form of this class of construction is passageways shown on Figure 2. These are used for access from one building to another, or on docks or any other place where a covered passageway is required to protect either persons or goods from the weather. The roof is usually covered with corrugated galvanized -heet in>n. Another simple form of construction is a shed over a sidewalk, as shown in Figure 3. which reaches from a building to the curb and is also used for the protection of persons and goods A larger form of construction is for the roofs of buildings which have brick or stone walls as shown in Figure 4. In buildings in which the walls are not of brick or stone but composed 153 KlCI-RK FliifKK 4. FlOURE 5, of iron, it is often advisable to have projecting awnings, as shown in Figure 5, to protect the inside of the building from the weather, in cases where there are openings or doors in sides of building, especially when the main roof of the building is at any considerable height. The roofs in these cases are usually covered with corrugated galvanized sheet iron. The most complicated form in which steel is used for roof trusses is shown on Figure 6. Buildings of this class are generally used for Armories, Drill Halls, Railroad Depots and Exhibition Halls, or places where a large amount of space is required, with height between the floor and the truss, and at the same time unobstructed by any columns or supports. The form of truss shown in this Figure is known as the Three Hinge Arch Truss. The covering of these roofs is generally made of wood on which is laid tin, copper or some other weather protecting material. Plate No. 43 shows a very economical and efficient design for a Railroad Station, which gives plenty of light and air, at the same time protecting the passengers and the cars from the weather. Many other designs could be given arranging for either more or less tracks than are shown on this plate. We have made a specialty of designing and building, for a number of years past, machine shops, foundries and shops for the manufacture of all classes of goods. Plate No. 46 shows the design for a shop where heavy material is to be manufactured. The central or main span of the roof covers a traveling crane which is used for the moving of heavy material. In this country these cranes are universally moved either by hand for small manufactories, or in the larger works by electric power which gives absolute and quick movement, and these cranes are made to lift almost any load. Many are FUJI-RE 6. 154 now in use which lift 100 tons (91,000 kilos.) \Ve are prepared to include in estimates for this class of work the cranes complete with all their mechanism. The crane is usually operated by one man who sits in a cage directly under the crane girders and operates the crane by means of levers and switches. The side walls of these manufacturing buildings are often built of brick or stone as shown on Plate No. 47, but in many other instances we construct the sides entirely of corrugated galvanized sheet iron. The two leantos on either side of the main span are usually for the manufacture of lighter articles than those handled under the main span, and in some cases we design the buildings with an additional floor making two stories of this part of the building. For the easy movement of the goods under these K-antos we usually furnish hand trolleys, by which the load can be raised or lowered from the floor by differential blocks and moved along the trolleys by hand, thus saving the lal>or of lifting them bodily and transporting them on trucks. Several pictures appear in this catalogue of manufacturing buildings of this class, with both the single and the double floor underneath the leantos. \Ye have also given a great deal of attention to the designing and building of market buildings, especially for countries in warm climates. A view of such a market is shown on Plate No. 48. The frame of the building is constructed entirely of steel from the foundations up. The roof is covered with corrugated galvani/ed sheet iron, and the sides of the building are constructed of open iron work, with a panel of sheet iron work 'near the ground. The particular objects that we have in view in making the designs are perfect \vntilation, and each part designed so that the market can be easily and quickly cleaned and all parts are arranged so that neither dirt nor refuse can accumulate and decay and thus cause trouble. In furnishing this work we are prepared to furnish the construction of the stalls themselves for the sale of the goods together with the counters, cash drawers, etc. Also fountains, clocks and the other ornamental 165 and useful accessories that go with such a building. \Ve are also prepared to furnish elevated water tanks so that water can always be obtainable to completely wash the market each day, all of which is fully explained later on. Plate No. 49 shows a design for a building to be used for various purposes where it is desirable to seat a large number of people and it is arranged so that each person will have a perfect view of the stage or centre of the building as the case may be. This form of building is so arranged that it has the advantage of being particularly adapted for the use of assemblies, conventions, theatre performances, circuses, athletic games, bull fights, etc. The stage is usually located at one end of the building but is so constructed that it can be removed when desired. The centre of the building or main floor is arranged with seats when the performance is taking place on the stage, but when used for a circus these seats are removed. At least two or more balconies of seats can be arranged around the sides of the building. In front of these seats, stalls for the accommodation of a number of people in one party cau be arranged. Access to any part of the building can be had under these balconies without crossing the arena of the building. In case it is not possible to get light from the sides of the building, owing to adjoining buildings, ample light can be afforded from the roof. We have lately made a specialty of designing and constructing buildings for the manufacture of cement. On pages 235, 236, and 259, 260 will be found views of some of these buildings. We wish to call your particular attention to the part of this Catalogue devoted to the subject of tanks and the photographs shown in connection with this work on page 255. Nearly all the manufactories of cement require large tanks for the storage of rocks, cinders, ground cement, coal, etc., all of which class of work is manufactured by us. 156 Plate No. 46. 157 Plate No. 47. 158 Plate No. 48. 159 Plate No. 49. D D 160 I\,.iu-'Hi SiKi.i'\vi DRII.I. (.'". M\III\I SIKIC. KA-ION, PA STEEL WORK 1M--K ;\TI i. I fRXISIIEH AMI I.KI.( TKH I'.V Ml I.I. I KEN BROTHERS. ir.i EDISON ELECTRIC ILL. Co., 66xH STREET POWKR STATION, BROOKI.VX, X. Y. ^aS* 5 -- ' - -'~ " . ...- " " '.*.'**'* STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 162 Kin IKI. Co. "a M \iniM Sum', \V \ I'M -MM., X. J STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 168 T3'i'H REGIMENT ARMORY, BROOKLYN, N. Y. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILI.fKEN BROTHERS. 164 RK.IMKM ARMOKV, BK<>nki.\N, N. Y STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED ANp ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. MS ATLAS PORTLAND CKMKXT Co. Pui.\ KRIZKK BUILDINI;, NORTHAMPTON, PA. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 166 Bl I I VI ii Si Kl I I R Ml U \\ C'>. PMWK.K Si A I II i\, Hi I I VI O, N. Y. I \\<>KK HKSIiiNKIi. H KMSI1KD AND ERECTED BY MILI.IKI.N BKOTHBB& 167 BROOKLYN WATKR WORKS COAI, STOKA(;K. HOUSK, BROOKLYN, N. Y. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 168 \V\kKIN F..I SDK1 I'.III.DIM., I'll I I.I.I I'-IH Kii, N. J. STEEL WORK DESIC.N KH, I I'KMSHED AND ERECTKI) ItV M I I.I.I Kl- X Illioilll KS 169 MILLIKKN BROTHERS' BRIDCK SHOP No. 3. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKKN BROTHERS. 170 IRON WORKS FOUNDRY Bun. HIM., H \w\n\\ I-i \M.~ STEKI. WORK DKSH.NKI), l-TKN 1>II Kli AM) ERECTED BY M1I.I.IKKN I'.Ki > I HERS. 171 HONOLULU IRON WORKS MACHINE SHOP, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 173 II, .\.. i rit IKON WOKK> MACHINK SHOP, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. STEEI. WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BV MILUKEN BROTHERS. 1 71! HONOLULU IRON WORKS FOUNDRY BUILDING, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 174 C'.p\. MI II MI., C'vri Tou\, Sol in AKKH \. STEEL WORK DI:SI;M:I>. IIKNISIIKD AND ERECTED BY MILI.IKEN BKOTIIERS. IT.'. CKNTKAI, R. R. OF N. J. CAR RKPAIR SHOPS, ELIZABETHPORT, N. J. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 170 CM KOMI Si 1 1 1 COMPANY'S I'i \M, CARTKRET, N. J. I. WORK l>K-K.\r.li. I ri;\IMII 1> AND ERECTED BY MILMKEN BROTHERS. m RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT MACHINE SHOP, PORT ARTHUR, SIBERIA. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 178 M"\MI.M r IKON \Yokks Pi \s i, Hi MI, H. I. STEEI. \MIKK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 179 STKKF.T CAR SHOPS FOR MKXICAN STRF.KT RAILWAY, MKXICO CITY. STEEL WORK FURNISHED BY MILI.IKEN BROTHERS. 180 Ml \l. \N <: \~ \\H Kl I < I KU CM I 1 \N\ I'oWl k Si \ I I. IN, Ml XU I'l M. *' ^5f !*_"*kxr^' ^^ ^fruQ^j** ' "^^ ^ -. te-*v 5rv*7*r ^-i* w ^ f fe:v *."-* '* - ri, :^v^. ' - '..; .^. / ^'Tj^-rg^ - -. STEEI. WORK I>KSIC,M:I) \\n i IKNISIIKD BY MILI.IKEN BROTHKRS. CANE AND BEET SUGAR MILL BUILDINGS. Probably no class of buildings demands greater attention, owing to the valuable machinery which they contain, than sheds and buildings covering cane and beet sugar mills, and probably no class of buildings is so liable to suffer from fire on account of the combustible nature of the material stored in them and in their immediate vicinity. An owner can hardly estimate the loss and delay occasioned by fire, especially just before he is ready to grind, as such an accident means the loss of his entire crop, in addition to the loss of his buildings and machinery. Some years ago it was customary to design cane sugar mills with low buildings extending over a considerable area of ground. The apparatus was installed either on ground level or on platforms a few feet above the ground. The latest design for cane sugar mill buildings calls for more or less of the apparatus to be elevated at a considerable height, and steel is almost universally used for the entire frame work of such buildings, for three reasons: FIRST The cost. Steel is now very cheap and with proper engineering skill a building can be designed with a minimum amount of material. Wood is expensive; it does not last long- and requires all of the skilled labor to be sent to the building site to frame it and put it in place. SECOND A sugar mill of all places should be light and airy, and above all, clean. None of these points can be accomplished by the use. of a wooden structure. THIRD Steel buildings are fire-proof, while wooden buildings are not. 182 \Vt_- will now briefly describe the main buildings that go to make a complete cane sugar mill plant: We first have the cane shed. This is a steel constructed building covered on the top with sheet metal, open on the sides and of sufficient length and width to contain the cars of cane and the cane conveyer. The roof trusses can be made strong enough to support a cane unloader, if the same is desired. The next building is the grinding house, containing the crusher, grinding mills and engine. This building is constructed of steel and covered with sheet metal. Its sides and ends are entirely closed in; they are supplied with plenty of windows and louvres for ventilation. Inside of this building there should be a hand-traveling crane, to be used for changing the rolls of the grinding mill, or to make any necessary repairs to the engines. These cranes will be found to pay for themselves simply on installing the mills and engines, not to speak of their usefulness in case of an accident to the grinding rolls. These cranes are fully described later on in this catalogue. The next building is the boiler house. This structure covers the boilers, economixers and bagasse floor. In a number of plants which we have built the bagasse floor is above the ground. The space underneath the floor is used for getting draught to the boilers. This building is also enclosed in sheet metal \\ork. special attention being given to ventilation. A steel stack is usually required for the boilers. These stacks are fully described later on in this catalogue. We cannot recommend too highly the use of a properly proportioned, self-supporting, steel smoke stack. Its first cost is very much less than a brick stack, and it can be erected in one-quarter of the time. The next building to be considered is the boiling house. This is by far the largest and most important one of the group. It is constructed entirely of steel frame work, the outside of sheet metal, with plenty of windows for light and ample ventilation. It is usually about three stories in height. On the upper floor rest the- strike pans and tanks; below this floor rest the crystallizers, and again below this, the centrifugals. The bag filter, juice weighing machine, defecators, liming tanks, and other parts of the machinery rest on floors of 183 different levels. These heights and levels are to a great extent determined by the exact class of machinery installed, and a wing to the building forms the sugar room and sometimes a separate room for the storage of sugar ready for shipment. In the latest and best designed sugar plants the floors on which the machines rest are constructed of steel beams. These floors form a portion of the building itself, and so brace the entire structure, which is clearly shown in a number of photographs given in this book. In many cases owing to the enormous size and weight of the machines it would be impossible to support them safely on wooden construction. The floors between the steel beams are usually constructed of temporary wooden planks laid on top of steel beams until all the piping is definitely located; we then suggest that the wood be removed and the permanent floor constructed of concrete, (such as is described in the first part of this catalogue) and the Diamond Pattern. ' Rib Pattern. FIGURE 7 Checkered Potter n. top surface of this concrete finished with asphalt, to make the same water-proof. The floors can then be properly washed and kept absolutely sweet and clean. We have constructed floors in sugar mill buildings in which steel floor plates were furnished by us, which rested directly on top of the steel floor beams. This makes a non-combustible floor and one which is light and can easily be kept clean. Figure No. 7 shows the patterns in which these floor plates are rolled. Access from floor to floor in the boiling house is had by means of stairs, and in some cases we have furnished elevators. In order to avoid any danger of fire we recommend that the wooden window frames be entirely encased in sheet metal, and that all large openings be protected by rolling steel shutters instead of wooden doors. 184 \\'e are prepared to estimate and furnish all kinds of staging and framing required for the support of the numerous marhiiies used in sugar mill buildings, like Defecators, Clarifiers, Condensers, Tanks, Vacuum puns, Crystalli/ers, Centrifugals, etc., etc., but in new plants, as we have stated above, these usually rest on floors which are specially designed to take the loads. In and around every sugar plantation there are numerous other buildings and structures which require steel, such as cooling towers, steel troughs, aqueducts, tanks, bridges, power plants, pumping plants, electric light plants, round houses for the storage of locomotives, machine shops, turn tables, etc., etc. All of this work we make a specialty of designing and constructing. We will now give a short description of some few of the important plants which we have lately built, nearly all of which are illustrated by photographs and drawings. The picture on page 189 shows the completed Oahu Sugar Mill that we recently built in the Hawaiian Islands. This mill has a capacity of 1200 tons of cane, equivalent to 150 to 175 tons of sugar ever)' 24 hours. The picture on page 190 shows the structural steel frame work of the grinding house and boiler house- before the same is covered with the sheet metal work. The photograph on page 191 shows the structural steel work for the boiling house in process of erection. The end of the boiler house is shown at the extreme right, and in this case, this building is covered with the .slu-et metal work. The photograph on page 192 is of the completed mill looking at the building from the cane receiving shed end. The picture on page 193 is a view of the completed plant looking at it from the sugar room and shipping shed end of the boiling house. The photograph on page 194 is taken inside the cane receiving shed which shows the arrangement of the conveyer etc. for receiving the cane. 185 The photograph on page 195 is taken in the interior of the grinding house and shows clearly the arrangement of the hand traveling crane over the crusher, sugar mills and engine. The photograph on page 196 is an interior view of the boiling house and shows at the extreme top the strike pan floor, underneath it the crystallizers and again underneath these the centrifugal and the lower floor of course, is used for sugar shipping. The cut on page 197 shows the completed plant of the Waialua Sugar Mill which we erected in the Hawaiian Islands. The capacity of the mill is 1200 tons of cane, equivalent to 150 to 175 tons of sugar every 24 hours. The photogragh on page 198 shows the mill nearing completion and is taken from the cane shed end of the building. The photograph on page 199 is taken at the end of the boiling house and shows the arrangement of the strike pans, crystallizers, etc. The photograph on page 200 is taken near the boiler house and shows the starting and method of erecting the smoke stack. The cut on page 201 shows the completed plant of the United Fruit Co. at Banes, Cuba. The capacity of this mill is 150 tons of sugar every 24 hours. The photograph on page 202 was taken during the erection of this w-ork. The cut on page 203 shows the completed plant of the Olaa Sugar Mill which we erected in the Hawaiian Islands. The capacity of this mill is 1200 tons of cane equivalent to 150 to 175 tons of sugar every 24 hours. The photograph on page 204 is of this mill during erection looking toward the boiling house and grinding house and shows very clearly the arrangement of the floors in the boiling house. The photograph on page 205 is the same as the above, only taken in another direction. 186 The photograph on page 206 shows the buildings when practically completed. The view is taken at the end of the cane receiving shed. The photograph on page 207 is an interior view of the crushing and grinding rolls, showing the end of the overhead hand traveling crane. The cut on page 208 shows the completed sugar mills building for the Maui Sugar Mill that we built in the Hawaiian Islands. This factory is without question the largest one of its kind in the world. The mills, of which there are three sets, have a capacity of 3600 tons of cane, equivalent to 550 tons of sugar every 24 hours. The photograph on page 209 shows this extensive mill when Hearing completion, the photograph being taken on the rear end of the boiling house and bag and filter house. The photograph on page 210 is an interior view showing the crushing and grinding rolls and overhead traveling crane. The photograph on page 211 shows in the upper part the strike pans. Below this, the crystalli/.ers, below this the centrifugals, sugar storage room and shipping shed. The photograph on page 212 is taken on the strike pan floor. The cut on page 214 represents the completed plant of the Kauai Sugar Mill Building which we built in the Hawaiian Islands. This has a capacity of 1000 tons of cane, equivalent to 120 to 125 tons of sugar ever}- 24 hours. The photograph on page 215 shown on the left hand, the new portion of the sugar mill buildings. ( )n the right hand end are the old and original buildings of this plant. The cut on page 216 shows the completed plant of the Francisco Sugar Co. at Guayabal, Cuba. This plant has a capacity of 1200 tons of cane, equivalent to 150 to 175 tons of sugar every 24 hours. 187 The cut on page 217 shows the completed plant of the Molokai Sugar Mills in the Hawaiian Islands. This plant has a capacity of 1500 tons of sugar cane, equivalent to 150 tons of sugar every 24 hours. The cut on page 218 illustrates the completed plant of the Ewa Sugar Mill which we erected in the Hawaiian Islands. There are two mills connected with this plant and their combined capacity is equivalent to 2400 tons of cane or 300 to 350 tons of sugar every 24 hours, These buildings were erected over existing buildings and during the grinding season, which shows that old plants can be remodeled and made up to the latest standard without interfering with the grinding of their crops. The photograph on page 219 shows the Sugar Mill Building which we built in Yngo. Elizalde in Cuba. The photograph on page 220 shows a roof over a storage house for the American Beet Svigar Co., California. The photograph on page 221 shows the completed building of a store house which we designed and built in New York City. The photograph on page 222 shows the steel frame work for this building before it was covered with the sheet metal. This form of a store house is particularly adaptable to plantation work for the storage of sugar or any other material that requires to be housed in a fire-proof building. The photograph on page 223 shows the completed sugar mill plant for the Cape Cruz Sugar Company in Cuba. 188 SII.AK Co., HUSOI i i r, H. I. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FI/KMSIll.l. AM) ERECTED BY MILI.IKEN BROTHER;!. IM OAHU SUGAR Co. BOILER HOUSE AND GRINDING MILL, HONOLULU, H. I. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTKD BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 190 OAHU SUCAK Co. Bon IM; IIooi, H.ISOI n i , II. I. STEEI. WORK IiKSICNKH. 1 I KMSIIED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 191 OAHU SUGAR Co. CO.MPI.KTE BUILDINGS, HONOLULU, H. I. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED P.Y M1LLIKEN BROTHERS. 192 OAHU SrtiAR Co., Hov>i t n, H. I. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MII.I.IKEN nROTHERS. 198 OAHU SUGAR Co. CANK CAKRIKR SHKD, Hoxoi.n.r, H. I. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILI.IKEN BROTHERS. 194 UNIVERSITY V^*' tf 3*y OAHI Si CAK Co. HONOLULU, H. I. MI ii. \\OKK DKSK.M.II, i IKMSIII:II AND KKKCTKD r.v MILLIKKX I'.KOTIIKKS. 108 OAHU SmiAR Co. CKYSTALLIZEK AND CENTRIFUGAL FLOORS, HONOLULU, H. I. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTKU BY MILI.IKEN BROTHERS. 196 WAIAI.UA SUGAR Co., HAWAIIAN ISI.AM>~. STEEL WORK DliSKJNKI), FL'KNISHEI) AND ERECTKD I'.V MII.I.IKI.X I'.KOTIirRS. 107 WAIALUA SUGAR MILL HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. STEEL WO UK DI-S1GNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 193 \V\i\it\ SI-.AK Mill, HAW \II\N I-i \M>-. STEEL \\OUK I)I:SK;M:II. i n AND KHKCTKH r.v MM.LIKKN I:I>TIII-:KS. 199 WAIALUA SUGAR Co., HAWAIIAN ISI.,\M. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 200 r\ini. FKI M Co., BANKS, Cii:\. STEEL WORK DESIGNED AND FURNISHED BY MILUKEN BROTHERS. '.'ill BANES SUGAR MILL, CUBA. STEEL WORK DESIGNED AND FURNISHED BY MILLIKEX BROTHERS. 202 OI.AA SIT.AR Co , HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. STEEI. WORK DKSKJXKD, 1-T K\ ISM I I > \M> I Kl < Ill) IIY MII.I.IKKN I1ROT1II I. ~ OLAA SUGAR Co., HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. m STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. OLAA SUGAR Co., HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. STEEI. WORK in :-I.,M -in. I-TK.MHII-.II \\i> ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. ons OI.AA SUGAR MILL Bun, DINKS, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. OI.AA Sn;.\R MIII. HAWAIIAN ISLAND:-, Simwixi; CKTMIINI; PLANT. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FL'K MSII KI i .\\|> ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 207 HAWAIIAN COMMERCIAL AND SUGAR Co. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 208 HAWAIIAN I'.IMMKKCIAL AND SUCJAR Co. STIiKL WORK I >!.> li ,M:i i, I t'KNISIl I.I) AM) KKK( II. H I!Y MILLIKEN BROTHERS. HAWAIIAN COMMERCIAL AND SUGAR COMPANY'S PLANT, H.'L, SHOW.NT: CRUSHING MILLS. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILUKEN BROTHERS. H.\U \II\N OlMMI K. I \l \M> Sli.\K COMI'AN\'- 1'l.AST, H A W A 1 1 \ N I-IANI1-, SllM\\IN(. SlIII'I'INi. SlIMl. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 211 HAWAIIAN COMMERCIAL AND SUGAR COMPANY'S MILL, STRIKK PAN FLOOR. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 212 II \U\MVN I'..M\II KI IAI. \M> SU<;AR C % O\H'AN\'- SI..AR MII.I., HAWAIIAN IM.ANKS STEEL WORK r>KSI<;M.t>, Fl'RMSIIF.n AND ERECTED DY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. MAKEE SUGAR Co., HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. STEEL WORK DESIGNED AND FURNISHED BY MILLIKEN ISROTIIEUS. 01 i MAKI i Si >.AR COMPANY'S SUCAK MII.I. PLANT, HAWAIIAN ISI.ANH-. Sli:i 1. \\OUK DI.SIC.NKI) AMI I rKNISII I-.P ]!Y M 1 1.I. I K KX DROT1IICKS. W8 FRANCISCO SUCAR Co., GUAVAHAI,, CUBA. STEEI. WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED HY MILLIKEN UROTHERS. MOI.OKAI SU<;AR Mn.i.s, HAWAIIAN I>i ASH-. S!l I.I. \\oKK 1)1 >li,\l -.11 \Mi II KM.-IIKlJ I'.V MII.I.IKIIX UUO'I II KUS. '17 EWA SUGAR MII.I,, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 01 c YNOO EI.IZALUE, CUIIA. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FrKMSIII.I) AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 219 AMKRICAN BKKT SUCAR Co. BOILER HOUSK, CHINO VAI.LKV, CAI, STEEL WORK DESIGNED AND FURNISHED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 220 \V\KMI.M-I, \Vi-i 5 s " 1 SIKFM, NKW YORK Cm. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY Ml M.I KEN ItROTHERS. Ml WAREHOUSE, WEST 58 STREET, NEW YORK CITY. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILMKEN BROTHERS. 222 CAPE CRUZ SUGAR Co., CUBA. STF.EI. WORK DESIGNED AND FURNISHED BY MILUKEN BROTHERS. SHEET METAL WORK. The tise of corrugated Galvanized Sheet Iron is becoming very general in Foreign Countries, owing no doubt to the fact of its very extensive use in this country. Plate No. 50 gives the thickness in inches and ni/ms. for the corresponding gauge number as used in the United States. In specifying for sheet iron work the gauge number represents the thickness of the iron before it is galvanized. After it is galvanized it will increase in thickness about one-half the difference between the numbers given, for instance No. 22 United States Standard when galvanized will be intermediate in thickness between No. 20 and No. 22 before it is galvanized. The center part of Plate No. 50 gives the distance center to center of the corrugations, and also the approximate depth of the corrugations which, however, is liable to change slightly. In specifying for corru- gated sheet iron the distance from center to center of corrugations is always given and not the depth of the corrugations. For instance in specifying for the second one shown in illustration one should specify for 63.50 m / m which would correspond with the 2^2 inches English corrugation and this, by the way, is the one which is most commonly used in the United States and the one which we find gives the greatest amount of strength and rigidity, as well as security in keeping out the water. The 3 inch English (76.20 m / m ) corruga- 224 tiou is not very often used and the i ' + inches English (31.75 m /m) is usually used for ornamental doors and finishing work of this kind. The same with the >., inches English (15.88 m /m)- Plate No. 50 gives the standard covering capacity in width of the sheets when laid on the roof. Some parties desire to lap the corrugations on the side two full corugations instead of one as shown on this Plate. In this case of course the covering capacity of the sheets is reduced that much. The advantage gained is that the chance of the water beating in over the top of the end or seamed corrugation is of course much less. The sheets as carried in stock are given on this plate but intermediate lengths can always be had if time is given to cut them. When the lengths of sheets are not specified we always send sheets 8 feet net or 2.4 4 m long. As the depth of the corrugation is likely to vary, in ordering any corrugated iron through Commission Houses customers should be very careful to inform them that the same must be furnished by Milliken Bros, in order that the corrugations of the sheets furnished may match those originally shipped. I'H;IIRK 8. The corrugated sheet iron is attached to the purlins by different methods. Figure 8 shows a very common way of attaching the sheet iron to the purlin, by means of what we call a clip. We do not recommend this in the least because it allows the sheet to spring and in time- it may become loose. Figure 9 and Figure 10 represent other ways of executing the work, in which the clip is passed partially around the purlin, but the method recommended by us and invariably used by us is shown in Figure 11, in which the clip passes entirel}- around the purlin and is fastened at both ends. Figure n. shows an angle purlin but the . 230 Plate No. 51. 231 Plate No. 52. n n r i r\ n HP n A n 232 \^IM\X (.'., 5X111 SIRIIT NKAK NOR in RIVKK, Xi \v YORK Cirv. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED DY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. EASTMAN Co., 58TH STREET NKAR NORTH RIVKR, NEW YORK CITY. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY M1LLIKEN BROTHERS. 234 O MI M Co., NORTHAMPTON, PA. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILI.IKEN BROTHERS. M ATLAS CKMKNT Co., NORTHAMPTON, PA. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILI.IKEN BROTHERS. 236 Sll-k Mil. I., SCRANTON, PA. STEEI, WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 237 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR SHEET METAL WORK. Quality of material. The iron or steel used in the manufacture of sheets is to be of "best bloom" uniformly rolled. In the case of galvanized material, care is to be taken to see that it is first carefully pickled and cleaned from all scales and acids. Sheets are then to be heavily galvanized, using good quality zinc. NOTE. Galvanized sheets should never be painted until after they have been exposed to the weather for several years, as the paint will not adhere. All galvanized work will be shipped unpainted. Size of sheets, corrugations, etc. Corrugated sheets can be furnished in 26 inch or 2-j l / 2 inch (66.038 / m or 69.848 c / m ) widths, and in lengths not exceeding 10 feet (3.0480 meters). Corrugated iron can be furnished in 2]/ 2 inch or 3 inch (6.350 / m or 7.620 / m ) corrugations. The 2*4 inch (6.350 c / m ) corrugations should be approximately s/ inch (1.588 c / m ) deep, and the 3 inch (7.620 / m ) corrugations approximately 3| inch (1.905 c / m ) deep. For general practice, 2 l / 2 inch (6.350 c / m ) corrugations are most extensively used. The contractors have the option of deciding the exact width of sheets and width of corrugation. 238 Gauge and Thickness of Sheets: I . 5. Standard.) Approximate thickness Approximate thickness in inches. in centimetres. <> ................................... -875 .................................... -0476*5 No. 24 ................................... -025 ................................... .0635 No. ti .................................. -<>3 I2 S -79375 No. 20 ................................. .0375 ................................... .09525 No. 18 .............................. .05 .1270 Spacing of purlins for roofs. Roof purlins and siding girts designed to receive corrugated covering should not as a rule be spaced an}- further than 5 feet or 6 feet (1.5240 or 1.8288 meters) centers, and the gauge of the corrugated sheets should be proportioned to the loads to be sustained. Application of corrugated iron. The siding sheets can easily be taken of a lighter gauge than the roofing sheets. However, in no case shall sheets be used of less than No. 26 gauge, as sheets lower than this gauge are not serviceable. In applying corrugated sheets for roofing purposes the sheets shall be designed or laid out so they will have an end lap of not less than 5 inches (12.70 c / m ), and a side lap of not less than \ l / 2 corrugations. The siding sheets must be arranged so as to give a minimum horizontal lap of 3 inches (7.62 c / m ), and a vertical lap at sides of at least one (i) corrugation. The roofing sheets must be secured to roof purlins by means of wrought iron galvanized straps of No. 14 x 3^ inches (.19844 x 1.905 / m ) wide, spaced not over 12 inches (30.479 c / m ) apart, and each strap must pass entirely around the purlins, and provided with holes so they can be riveted at both ends to corrugated sheets with tinned rivets. The siding sheets are to be secured with single galvanixed clips of ' s inch x 3 + inch (.317 c / m x 1.905 c / m ) metal, which, however, do not need to pass entirely around the girts. These also are to be riveted to the corrugated sheets with tinned rivets. The roofing sheets when erected in place on the building are to be riveted together at horizontal laps at each corrugation, and the vertical seams at every 6 inches (15.240 c / m ). The siding sheets are to be riveted together at horizontal laps at every other corrugation, and at vertical seams every 6 inches (15.240 c / m ). Tinned rivets are to be used throughout, and all riveting must be done at tops of corrugations and not in the valleys. Ridge rolls. To be formed to suit pitch of roofs, and to be of No. 24 gauge galvanized iron. When setting, the edges are to be hammered to fit into corrugations of roofing. Ridge when erected in place is to be riveted to roofing sheets with tinned rivets. Casings, etc. Outside casings for doors, windows, corners and baseboards to be of No. 24 gauge galvanized iron, and must be formed to required shapes and sections, and secured to corrugated iron with tinned rivets, or to the wood trim, etc.. with tinned nails. Flashings, etc. Flashings at intersections of roofs and monitors, gable ends, eaves, etc., to be of No. 24 gauge galvanized iron, formed to suit pitch, etc , and secured to corrugated iron with tinned rivets. Gutters and Leaders. Gutters along eaves can be made of either half round section or moulded, but should in no instance be made of less than No. 24 gauge galvanized iron. Gutters are to be arranged with a sufficient pitch to carry off water, and bent to true form and section. Leaders are to be made of corrugated section, not less than No. 24 gauge galvanized iron. The size of gutters and leaders is determined by roof surface and the quantity of water they are to carry off. Valley gutters are to be made of No. 24 gauge galvanized iron and are to be supported on corrugated sheets, which in turn are supported on bar straps secured to purlins. Gutters and straps are to be formed to give correct pitch, shape, etc. 240 Louvres. Louvres for monitors are to be made of No. 24 gauge galvanized iron, bent to shape so as to prevent water from driving in, and are to be supported by angles and bar frames, bent to true forms, this method of construction being used where louvres are continuous. Louvres used in connection with wood sash in monitors are to be arranged with wood core frames, the slats being set in between, presenting a finished appearance in connection with window casing. Louvres not otherwise specified are made stationary, but in special cases can be made movable and operated with chains or gearing. Skylights. Skylights are to have bars formed for the support of glass, made of No. 24 gauge galvanized iron, with iron core bar, the size of same depending upon the span; these skylight bars to be pmvided with condensation gutters and capping pieces. Cross bars to be furnished at joints. In connection with the skylights, flashing must be provided at sides, top and bottom. Glass for .-kyli^hts should not be less than 3 /, 6 inch (.476 c / m ) ribbed, and can be furnished in ' 4 inch or }*, inch or .953 c /m)- An excess of \o'< of glass will be furnished over actual amount required. Ventilators. In case building is designed without monitors, and ventilation is desired, this can be accomplished by circular ventilators from 12 inch (30.479 c / m ) diameter, upwards, so designed as to promote circulation of air and at the same time prevent water from getting into the building. Wood backing. At corners and bases of buildings, etc., where required to make a firm backing for the casings, rough spruce joists and boarding will be provided, with the nails, screws, etc., required for setting. The necessary holes in iron framework will also be provided. Marking, and Erection Drawings. All individual pieces are to have distinguishing marks to agree with corresponding marks on our drawings, and as we furnish "erection drawings" for our work, this will facilitate the erection and avoid the possibility of mistakes. 241 Boxing. All sheet metal sections are "nested" and carefully crated. Crates are secured at corners with band iron. All rivets, bolts and small pieces are boxed. Glass is boxed separately. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR WINDOWS, DOORS, SHUTTERS, ETC. WOOD WINDOWS. Stationary windows. Have sashes fixed in frame with stop beads, no inside trim. Pivoted windows. Have sashes arranged to swing on pivots, placed centrally, either on the sides so sashes will swing on horizontal axis or on the top so sashes will swing on vertical axis. Sashes will be provided with division bars for glass. Windows will be provided with jamb, head and sill, outside casing and stop beads for sashes. No inside casing will be provided (excepting when specified). Cords, catches, hooks, etc., for operating sashes will be provided. Hinged windows. These have sashes hinged along top, bottom or sides, to suit conditions, and in general detail are similar to pivoted windows. Double hung windows. These have two sashes which move up and down in parallel grooves in the frame. The sashes are balanced by means of cord and pulleys attached to iron counter-weights moving inside the frame which is of box shape. Sashes will be provided with division bars for glass. Windows 242 will hu provided with box side frames, head, sill and stop beads. Cords, weights, pulleys and hardware will IK- provided. Special operating device. In the case of continuous lines of windows in roof monitors, or where sa-hes are placed so they cannot be readily reached, "worm gear" or other special operating device will be provided where specified, so that sashes may be operated from floor. General. Sashes and frames are made of white pine wood. Sashes only will be primed. For shipment, sashes will be assembled and several packed in one crate. Frames for sashes will be "knocked down", that is, taken apart and then crated. In connection with windows, we will furnish all the rough lumber for blocking, as well as necessary >crcws. washers and nails required for assembling and setting. Glass, putty, etc. When glass is required for sashes we will furnish good quality, single thick, clear American glass (unless a different kind is specified), with an excess of \o%. Glass will be cut to exact si/e. With glass \\e will also furnish the points required for glazing, as well as a sufficient quantity of "Glaziers Linseed Oil Putty. 1 ' All material will be carefully boxed. IRON WINDOWS. For certain classes of buildings it is desirable to have iron windows on account of their greater strength, durability and fire-proof qualities. These can be furnished in wrought iron, or of cast iron re-enforced with wrought iron, depending upon the sixes, general lay-out, etc. Cast or wrought iron windows are provided with frames and sills and are made with vertical or 243 horizontal pivoted sashes, either for the whole opening or in sections. Sashes can also he hinged on the sides or top ; all arranged as may best snit conditions. Pivots, hooks, locks, and operating devices for sashes are always furnished. Cast or wrought iron double hung windows are never used. Sashes are made with bars to suit glass divisions and are provided with holes and pins for securing glass. All iron work will be painted one coat of metallic paint. DOORS. Doors are of various kinds. (a) Hinged panel wooden doors, about 3 feet, o inches (.9144 meters) wide, 7 feet, o inches (2.1336 meters) high, are ordinarily provided for entrance doors, or if a wider entrance is desired, double doors about 5 feet o inches (1.5240 meters) total width x 7 feet o inches (2.1336 meters) high are furnished. (b) Sheet metal covered doors are excellent for fire resisting purposes. These doors are made with a wood core, covered entirely with galvanized sheet iron. These doors are usually furilished in the same size as wooden doors. (c) Sheet iron doors are in common use. They are made of crimped iron, on a bar or angle frame, the doors being hung on wrought iron strap hinges, or they can be arranged to slide on overhead track if so desired. (d) Large storehouse or factory doors, of sizes from 6 feet o inches (1.8288 meters) wide x S feet o inches (2.4384 meters) high, up to 20 feet o inches (6.0959 meters) wide x 20 feet o inches (6.0959 meters) high, are commonly made of tongue and grooved sheathing on heavy wooden frame, covered on the outside 244 with Hat galvanized iron to resist fire, if desired. These doors can be made to hinge in two folds, to slide on overhead track, or to slide vertically by means of counterbalance weights. Or they can be made of angle framework covered on outside with crimped or corrugated iron. In connection with "swing doors" we furnish jambs, head, hinges, locks and saddles, and for " sliding doors " the tracks, hangers, sheaves, latches, etc., complete. Corrugated Steel Rolling Shutters. These can be furnished for small windows or doorway openings, but are more frequently used in place of the large storehouse and factor}* doors heretofore described. These are more convenient, and when rolled up do not interfere with anything, leaving a perfectly clear opening. For very large openings, shutters are constructed with a center post for stiffening, which is arranged so it can be very easily removed. All shutters are made "Spring rolling" so they can be operated by hand, no winch or gear being required. Shutters are furnished with shafting, brackets, guides and fittings complete, and are given one coat of paint. Folding Shutters. In cases where no sashes are required, outside hinged shutters are sometimes furnished. These can be made of plain wood or metal covered. These shutters are also made of crimped iron on bar frames. Shutters are provided with locking device and rods for holding them open. Guards. In buildings where no sashes are required and it is not desired to close openings, wrought iron bar guards or wire mesh guards can be provided, thereby protecting openings and at the same time permitting ventilation. Marking. 'The marking to be done in accordance with the standard practice adopted by the Contractor." 245 SMOKE STACKS. It has been found that, owing to the low price of steel, it is considerably cheaper to build smoke stacks of any considerable height or diameter, in steel. In addition to this they can be furnished and put up much more quickly than brick and stone chimneys can be built. There is hardly any limit to the height and diameter to which these stacks can be made and yet be self-supporting. The only re- quirement is that the foundations must be ample to prevent the stack being overturned in a wind storm, These stacks are usually constructed as shown on plate No. 53. In order to gain access to the top, a ladder is supplied up the side. An ornamental top is also furnished to give a pleasing appearance. The bottom of the stack is securely held in place by long bolts and beams buried in the foundation. Opening is made in the mason work below the stack for the boiler flue connection, and also doors to clean out the soot and ashes which ordinarily accumulate at the bottom of a large stack. At a point near the top we usually furnish a band on which a trolley is fastened, so that when the stack needs painting all that is necessary is to arrange a block and fall on this trolley and a man can be pulled up and down the stack, and by means of the trolley can push himself around to any point that he may desire to reach for painting purposes. This is clearly shown in illustration on page 253. Where the bottom of the stack is a considerable distance from the boilers, it is not necessary to line the stack, as the products of combustion are sufficiently cooled to obviate corrosion ; but in cases where the boilers 24G are near to the base of the stack, it is advisable to line the stack, in some cases with fire brick and in some ca>es \\itli common brick, for at least two-thirds of the distance up the stack; but we recommend a cheaper, and what we consider a better, form of construction, that is, our patent slab construction which has already been referred to in the previous part of this catalogue. This lining has the advantage over brick in that it takes up less room; consequently the diameter of the steel stack can be less, and further, it is not porous like ordinary brick, hence the gases of combustion do not get at the steel shell. For the convenience of our customers we give on Table Xo. 38 the diameter and height of stacks corresponding to the nominal English horse power for boilers; also the effective area and the actual area of stacks of different diameters, and on Table Xo. 39 we give the equivalent French horse power to English horse power, so that the table Xo. 38 may be used for the English or the metric system. \Ve are also prepared to furnish stacks which are not self-supporting; in other words, guyed stacks. Illustration of four of these stacks is shown on page 253. \\ e are also prepared to furnish very ornamental stacks. An example of this is shown in the photograph on page 252, where a circular stair is used to gain access to the balcony or platform on top, which has a very ornamental railing. The extreme top of the stack is also supplied with an ornamental railing. This class of work is usually furnished for cities where the stack is intended to be in keeping with the building. 247 Plate No. 53. 248 Table No. 38. Dimensions of Chimney Stacks forBoi/ers of different Horse Power (English). b Height of Chimney Stack in metres and feet. rf/>>,7JJ/ j| ! J iT P ift - ft. if" . . Iff - . . - ^>ar/r? , ^/ ES . - /25ft. 38C33T - U ;: : 17. 532 i , fff, 225 958^ ff#S? .. - 2S: 7S/\ 9ff m VSft. . S 5 / / Comn wcial Hors > OfJIMf. r( itf 1 Sh). \ 1 Sfferf. Sf.n&rt _ / 25 '7 \ 3 09'1 OSOI 1*14 '/ .'. -' - 38 M A \ r ~\\\ 1 47 1366 241 . i .- - S\ a 62 A 1 \ 208 1932 314 KB - ; 6 '8 S3 \ ; 1 278 2581 S39 , $ - 8 10 107 iK. \_^^ 3-S6 332S 491 4SSI . .. JL 133 14 ' i LJ 447 4162 591 36 03143 141 IS2 163 173 182 547 5081 707 6568 0990S 183 196 206 219 657 6103 830 77/0 -. IC667 216 231 246 258 271 776 7209 962 8937 4ff 12191 311 330 346' 365 389 1044 9698 12-67 1-167 137 IS 402 427 449 472 503 SSI 1361 1265 1690 1477 60 16239 r-60S r S3 $6$-, ft - -\ 632 r \ 6S2 r~ 74* r- " -> 1698 1677 1964 1-824 66 16763 65 694 ' .- J 776 \ \a49j 981 2083 1935 2376 2207 ; 18287 \ 79 .' a - \ 934 > <023 \l v 181 n / 2508 2329 2827 2626 - 1-9611 \ 995 - 1107 \> : ttty 100 / 2973 2761 33 18 3082 .-- 21336 \ 1163 .- \ 1294 IS 1 S3? // 3476 3228 3848 3574 80 22859 K^ 1344 1416 1496 ' 1770 1 993 40/9 3-733 44 18 4 104 36 24383 IS32 re/f 1720 2027 2 167 4601 4-274 SO 27 4670 102 25907 1739 1623 1944 . : 2300 2459 5221 4851 6674 5271 108 27431 \ 1969 20S4 2190 . : 269,1 2770 5882 S-465 6361 690S 114 2S9SS \ 2192 2"i 9& 2451 I 29 ' 3/00 6583 6116 7068 6585 120 30479 2438 2SSJ 272S ' 3225 3448 3657 \ n 73-11 6-802 7864 7296 126 t97 2828 3016 3 3S6S 3814 4046 81- 7626 8659 8044 132 33527 2969 3114 3320 3637 3928 4199 4454 8917 8-286 9503 8828 138 3256 3413 3639 3986 4306 4603 4882 9764 9081 10386 9-648 144 36S7S 3553 3727 3973 4352 4701 6026 5330 56/8 1067 9914 11309 10506 150 3865 4053 4321 4733 51/3 6466 579? 61/0 11606 10783 12271 J/393 39623 4/89 4394 1684 5131 5512 6926 6284 6624 6946 12680 II 688 13273 12330 162 4-1147 4527 4748 5061 5644 5988 6402 6790 7157 7505 1369 12629 143 13 13296 168 4879 6117 5454 5975 6454 6900 7318 77/3 8089 8450 I46SI 13 611 15393 14302 174 44196 5242 5497 5860 6420 6934 7413 7863 8287 8691 9079 11624 165 13 16340 180 56/3 S893 S282 6881 7433 7916 8428 8883 9217 S732 16872 15675 17671 16416 249 Table No. 39. Table of English Horse Power equivalent to French Horse Power. French Horse ' ';,; '-,' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n 9863. 7 ~i-97>26~7 295901 3-34535 4-93168 591802 690436 789063 887703 to 3-86337 10849 ? 11-8360 128224- I380&7 \l4V$SI 15-78/4 \6-isn l^s ft 187404 20 1972675 207/3 1 7.16994 226857 236721 24-6584 25-6448 '2663/1 27,61 74 $8-6038 30 2959010 $0-5764 ,31-6623 32-6491 33S3S4- \34)S%8 3S-SOSI 364945 3746 OS 334671 40 39-46347 404398 41-4261 B2-4/W 43398S 443852 4537/5 46-3578 473442 48330S 50 49-3/683 50-3032 5/2895 SM7S8 532622 542485 6S-2349 5622/2 572075 58-1938 60 59-/S020 60-1665 6I-/529 621392 63-1255 64-1 'IIS 650982 660846 670709 680572 70 6304357 100193 7 1 -0/62 72-0026 729889 13-97S3 749616 759479 7&S343 779206 80 78&aB3 73A93-3 803796 818663 82-8523 83:8386 848250 . 85 8 f 13 867976 877840 90 8877030 897566 90-7430 91-7293 92-7/56 937020 946883 956747 966610 976473 >e of, r f em ^ffisMwer equivalent if, ' English Horse Power. _L i i / / tneli HJrs PQK h e r. r 9 ~n E , (I 4- ^ '5 6 7 J <5 ! 9 \ l[Oh38S 2-02170 304/56 405540 5-069Z5 6-08310 709696 8-11080 9/2465 10 >/OV3 K II-IS24- 12-1662 /3-/80/ 141339 15-2078 1622/6 17-2355 182493 132632 2C 20\770 2/2309 223047 233I8B 243324 2S3463 26-3601 27-3740 28-3878 2940/7 36 304155 31-4294- 32-4432 324571 34-4709 36-4848 36-4986 37-5/25 38-5763 395402 \ D 40 405540 41-5679 4258/7 435956 44-6094 45-6233 46-6371 47-6509 486648 496787 SO S0692S 51-7064 52-7202 537341 547479 557618 567756 577895 58-8033 598/72 60 6083/0 6/8449 62-8587 638726 648864 659003 66-9141 67-9280 894/8 699S57 70 709695 71-9834 729972 740111 750249 760388 770526 780665 790803 800942 80 811080 821219 83/357 84/496 85-1634 86/773 87-/9/I 882050 892/88 902327 90 912465 92-2604 932742 94-2881 95-3019 963/58 973296 983435 993573 100 371 250 OAHU SI-<;AR Co., HOSOI.II.I-, H. I. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. EDISON ELECTRIC ILL. Co., NEW YORK CITY. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 252 KIM -<>s Km' IKK Iii. Co., Niw YORK Cm. STEEI. .WORK DESIGNED, FURMSHF.I) AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. m WAIALUA SUGAR Co., HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 254 TANKS. In nearly every manufacturing business, for one thing or another, tanks are used for the storage of water or liquids of some kind, and they are often used for the reception and storage of rock, coal, or other classes of raw material used for manufacturing purposes. Tanks are usually round or square, as shown on Plate No. 54. In some cases the bottoms are flat, supported on wooden floors or often on steel beams. In other cases the bottoms of the tank are hopper or cone shaped in order that all of the material can be dis- charged from the tank and be discharged from one given point. At this point a valve is often introduced and sometimes an automatic weighing machine to carefully weigh the material that passes through the opening. A large number of hopper shaped tanks are shown in the photograph on page 259. Platforms and stands are often required to elevate the tanks. These are fully illustrated and explained in other parts of this catalogue. In electric light stations and large steam generating plants it is often required to store large quantities of coal. These coal bins or tanks are usually situated in the upper part of the building and the coal is discharged directly by gravity to the boilers. These bins are built of different shapes, usually with a hopper or cone shaped bottom, and their design depends largely on the size and character of the building where they are intended to go and also the number of boilers for which they are intended to supply coal. This class <>t work calls for special design. We give in Tables Nos. 40 and 41 the capacity of round and square tanks in gallons and litres. This will be found very convenient for instantly getting at the capacity of any sixe tank of any ordinary depth. \Ye also make all kinds of riveted steel pipes. 255 Plate No. 54. n 256 Table No. 40. Capacity of Round Tanks in Gallons and Litres Capacity /nidi Diameter /nsiJ* Depth Capacity Inside Damefir Inside Depth Capacity Insidt domtrtr tnsfdt Dffth Ga/ltni litrei ft ' In Vrf-ei Ft In Mttres Gallons < :>rr- Ft In Metres ft In Mr'-r: Go/Ions Litres Ft In ^,'r Ft In ,\'r'-r, 158 S98 S 314 3 314 4945 18718 10 3048 8 S 2.S6S tint sstso IS t 4.724 10 S 3.200 321 jtr f&S 2223 f I2& 1514 4\ i \0 , , <>4r 2 IS 73J 980 i 4 10 10 6 6 3?l 3.26 t J 3 *\ "y 1 f, ^: S ~J6, 5 IS i) e e lr r * 7 ir 12 '- f F ~r f ^ t? c 632 2392 6 1819 J \0 3,4 IS\ 10 S A 3 \ 1 95 1 '5667 S.I *,i It *t ,0 e j. Mtfk tro S4S 3/98 6 I.S19 4\ i M Z30\ e 10 K J.2Q i > \ t '.' 867^ 70 -.,< .'6 4.87\7\ :? g 3.810 334 6 l.8\9 [ s s 1 esi a II 336J j 1 - V 31 4 t '/ess 8207- I 16 4877 ^ M, 2 SO 5 S e 1.981 J 9J4, 2943 10761 II JJS3 4f o 1 ft t 6660 63061 :fi 6\ SO 29 "o l , ?oe 3.1 393 3 7S9 6 6 1.981 4\ o 1.213 4561 172k II 33S3 \6\ 1. ."5 F 9864 7SISI IS 6 5.029 12 6 J.< "A 863 HSI t847 ' 3267 43S7 ess/ 7 -f o uu tJ34 ZI34 3\ J e i C .914 1.2/9 Sfwr- 7405 233 1 28029 8S23 ft 761 II II II 6 e X3S3 3SOS 3.SOS | I 3.260 .3,4 /,^ 23064 17821 2IZ33 S7S04 67480 803-7*3 16 /; Tl ' 11 5029 SJSi -iwfc 14 i : e 1*1 ^* Jt 3 *09 to 990 3747 7 6 2286 3 .9/4 4985 /f869 II 1 3JOS 6 s 1.356 24619 93/90 17 5.182 14 F 4.420 1322 3004 7 e 2286 4 1.219 8093 30634 II t 3.505 10 6 3.200 27733 104975 17 5.182 16 F 5029 2120 8015 7 e 2.286 6 s 1.356 2538 9607 12 ' 3.658 3 314 18892 71512 17 F 5.334 10 f 3.200 1127 42SS t 2438 3 .314 3384 12809 12 3.6S8 4 I.ZI9 22490 85131 n 6 S334 12 F 38/0 1500 2031 5671 76iS 8 2.438 2438 4 S \ n zsr ^5428 8802 BOS**] ffioM 12 12 I 3fS8 3.658 p- i*l 3.200 26089 ^ 2938T 111/235 17 17 6 f S.334 S334 14 16 f 4420 5029 1781 10511 a 2.438 7 s i '.261 2754 19424 12 e 3.810 Lj \0\ 314 13827 / fsosi 18 5486 10 F 3200 1273 48/9 8 s Z.S9I 3 o .9/41 3672 13893 12 c +3.910 4 \0\ /. ^ l | 9 23473 88860 18 S.486 12 F 3810 1697 6423 t 6 2J9I 4 9 .219 5890 22295 12 1 3.8/0 6 \s\ /.9SS 27211, 103264 18 c S48S 14 F 4420 2239 8702 8 6 2.591 S 5 i 651 9638 36482 12 1 3.8/0 10 1(1 3.200 31087 f/7669 18 S.496 16 f 5029 3148 1/9/6 8 6 2. SSI 7 i i 261 6370 241/2. 13 3.962 6 S I.9S6 20944 79279 18 F 5639 10 F 3200 /42S S394 3 2743 3 c .9/4 10420 39442 13 t 3362 10 e 3.200 2479S 33860 18 1 S.639 12 f 3810 1300 7132 9 2.743 4 \ .213 6870 26004 13 f. 4. IIS Ic IS\ t.95 32836 I242SS 18 I 5639 16 6 SO 23 3053 I/SS7 9 2.743 6 s /9se 11150 42205 13 1 4.1 IS ~ML e 3.200 22093 83 p.- 1 19 5791 10 t 3200 4004 ISIS7 9 2.743 8 s 2.565 7388 279SS 14 e 4.267 S s 1.956 30399 II 5070 19 5.791 14 1 4.420 1590 eoia 9 6 2896 3 .3/4 11995 45403 14 t 4.267 10 6 3.200 38883 147182 19 S79I 18 F 5639 2120 8025 9 6 2.89B 4 1.219 14298 S4I2I 14 4267 12 6 3.8/0 23271 88088 19 F 5944 10 F 3200 34O2 12873 9 6 289B 6 s 1.956 128KB 41700 14 F 4420 10 S 3.200 32018 121 198 19 1 5944 14 F 4420 4992 I889S 9 e 289 9 s 2870 15326 58012 14 6 4420 12 e 38/0 40954 ISS03I 19 1 5.944 18 e 5639 1761 6670 10 3048 3 .314 13778 S2I52 IS 1 4.572 10 6 3.200 24480 92664 20 t 6096 10 r 3200 2341 SS88 10 3.04S 4 I.ZI9 16413 62126 IS t 4.572 12 s 3.610 33684 127509 20 1 6.096 14 e 4420 3770 14270 10 3.048 6 s I.9S6 I9OS7 72134 IS 4.572 14 e 4420 43085 163102 20 6096 18 F S639 257 Table No. 41. Capac/fy of Square Tanks in Gallons and Litres. Capacity Side of Square Inside Depth Capacity Side of Square Inside Depth Capacity Side of Square /nside Depth Gallons Litres Ft. In. Metres Ft In Metres Gallons Litres Ft. In. Metres Ft. In. Metres Gallons Litres Ft. In. Metres Ft In. Me/res 21 2 j 65 g 9 '4 J 6358 24068 10 3,048 8 6 2.591 18870 114-28 15 6 4.724 10 6 3.200 41 /' 86 |l l.i '9 3 6 2 *74> ysss 10 6 3.200 3 ~\\ .914 22463 85028 T fl 4.724 IZ 6 3.810 74 \ / 2| 131 (\ 1.5 ?4 4 3 299 I24S6 10 6 1* 10 4 \o\ I.ZI9 26057 98634 IS 6 4.724 14 6 4.420 80S / J( 58 t ' t 1.8 ?5 3 5 360 ?0?S3 10 6 3.200 s 6 I.3SI 0/06 76104 16 4.877 10 B 3.200 1077 I /' 77 t (I 1.8 >3 4 tcta 7 ?J# 2863+ 10 6 -3.2DO 9 6 Z.89S 3336 30605 16 4.877 12 t 3.610 I4i \\ I S{ -oe 1 /.Si =5 5 6 g 10277 II 3i\ 53 3 o .9/4 7766 105100 ie a 4.877 14 6 44-10 94 \ 1 ^* 98 t ( ' 1.9, ?/ J .9/4 3620 137O3 II 3, 53 4 \ 1.219 21383 80941 te 6 S.019 10 6 tern 'SI A I '' 8S i (? 1.9 11 4 1.219 S883 22268 II 3 f3 6 6 1.381 25455 96352 IB 6 5.029 12 e 1.810 t 10 46 0\ f \ ta 64 49 , 2.1 34 34 i 4 .914 1.219 9503 2968 35969 11234 II II 6 3, 3.St 53 IS 1C 3 \| 3.200 .9/4 29528 2269Z 11/770 85318 16 6 17 5.029 5.182 14 W 6 6 4.4-20 3 SCO 2382 9017 7 ~ 2.134 6 6 1.981 3957 14761 II 6 3.505 4 1.219 Z702Z /ozssz n 5.182 12 6 3.810 1262 4777 7 e 2.286 J .9/4 6430 24340 II 6 3.5 OS 6 6 1.9 81 31345 1/8646 17 5.182 14 6 4410 1683 6371 7 6 2286 4 I.S 19 10387 39318 II 6 3.SOS 10 e 3. ZOO 3SS68 13502% 17 5.1 SZ 16 6 S.OE.9 2735 10352 7 6 2.28 C e 6 1.981 3231 I2S30 IZ 3.658 3 314 240S3 3/048 17 6 5.334 10 6 3 ZOO 1436 5436 8 2.438 J .914 4308 16308 12 3.658 4 1.213 28634 108390 17 6 5.334 /2 e 3.8/0 I9IS 7249 8 3.438 4 > 1.213 7001 Z65CI 12 3.658 6 1.981 33216 IZS730 17 6 S.334 14 6 4.4^0 2633 9967 8 ^.43S S \ 1.676 11309 42808 12 3.658 10 \ 3.200 37797 143068 17 6 5.334 16 6 5023 3S90 /3S89 8 .438 7 6 2.286 3506 /3Z69 IS e 3-8/0 3 \ .914 25447 seszi 18 5.486 10 6 3200 I6Z/ 6136 ff S 2.S9/ J .314 4675 17697 /2 6 3.810 4 A 1.219 30294- 114668 IS 5.486 12 6 3.810 2162 6/84 S e 2.S9I 1.219 ' 7537 28756 /2 3.8/0 6 A 1.981 3514 1 /330/S 18 S486 14 6 4420 2972 11250 8 6 2.591 J e 1.676 I227Z 464-52 /2 6 3.8/0 10 B 3.200 J9988 /5I3SI 18 5.486 16 6 S.C2S 4053 /S343 8 6 2.591 7 6 2286 82 IT 31103 /S 3.962 6 A 1.981 Z6S80 101749 18 6 5.639 W e 3.200 1818 6855 3 2.743 j .914 I3S73 SOZ42 13 3.962 10 4 3. ZOO 32000 121 130 18 6 5639 IS 6 3.8:0 2424 9/76 9 2.743 4 1219 8861 33541 13 e 4.1 IS 6 J 1.981 42240 /598SS 18 6 5.639 16 6 023 3938 14907 9 2.743 6 -s ''I.98T- 14314 54I8Z 13 e ''4.1 IS 1 6 3.200 Z8353 107326 19 5.791 10 e 32CO S/50 19433 S 2.743 8 6 LS9I 9530 36076 14 4.267 6 6 1.981 39154 148213 19 5.791 14 e 4420 '.0 'S 7666 3 6 2.896 3 .314 15394 58270 14 4.267 to 6 3.200 49955 189038 19 5.791 18 G S639 2700 10220 3 5 2.896 4 /.2/S 18326 69369 14 4267 12 6 3.810 29865 113044 19 6 5.394 10 6 3.200 4388 166/1 3 B 2.896 6 6 1.381 /es/3 62509 14 6 4.4ZO 10 6 3.200 41242 156108 19 B S994 14 e 4.420 64/3 24275 3 6 2.896 9 6 2.S96 19658 74408 14 s 4.420 12 e 3810 S26I9 200308 19 B S.994 fS 6 .639 ZZ44- 8495 10 3.048 J .914 17672 66993' IS 4.572 10 6 3.200 314/6 /I92/6 20 6096 10 e 3.200 2992 11327 10 3.048 4 1.2/9 2/038 79635 15 4.572 12 6 3810 43384 164217 20 ease 14 6 4.420 4862 18405 10 3.048 6 6 1.981 24404 SZ376 IS 4.572 14 6 4.420 SS352' 209513 SO 6.0BB IS e S.639 258 AM A- CKNUNI WORK--, XOK i H A \ii' i ON, I'\. K II Sill 1. \\MKK IfKMSIIKD AND F.KK(TKI) I!Y MII.I.IKKN 11ROTHERS. 259 ATLAS CEMENT WORKS, NORTHAMPTON, PA. STEEL WORK FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 260 KIOSKS, OR PUBLIC MUSIC STANDS. In nearly all Southern countries, and in fact, in a great many of the Northern countries, it is customary to have located in the center of the principal parks, Kiosks, or Public Music Stands, where bands play at certain times. It is almost impossible to give any details relative to this class of work as it depends entirely on the size of the stand, which is largely governed by the number of men in the orchestra or band, and the detailing of the work depends entirely upon the amount of ornamentation required. Page 262 shows a photograph of one that is rather simple and plain in design. Page 263 shows one somewhat more ornamental, and page 264 still more ornamental. When the stands are as ornamental as shown on page 262 it is desirable to have the parts which are exposed to the weather electro-bronxed^ which will prevent their rusting. Special designs will be submitted on application showing any desired amount of ornamentation. 261 263 CRANES AND DERRICKS. On Plate X<>. 55 we show a very useful and inexpensive crane for the unloading of merchandise from cars or wagons, by means of a portable hoisting engine. This apparatus is so constructed that it can be easily changed from place to place, and is a handy article in storage yards, railroad stations, sugar plantations, etc. 1'late Xo. ><> shows a traveling crane which has not only the transverse movement of the trolley, but the entire era IK- mvcs longitudinally on an elevated steel track. A picture of one of these cranes is shown on page 2-2. This particular crane was arranged with two trolleys so that work could be going on at two (liffeivnt points at one and the same time. \\'e have supplied a large number of cranes of this kind for work in shops and particularly over the crushing and grinding mills in sugar cane factories. Accidents are always liable to happen to the rolls and as they are of very considerable weight it is awkward and difficult to quickly move them from their position and place new rolls in the mills. With this apparatus it is very easy for a few men in a short time to remove a roll and put a new one in position. The load is raised and lowered by a differential block, which is operated by hand chains reaching to the floor. The cross motion of the trolley is also operated by means of hand chains which run to the floor. The longitudinal motion of the entire crane on the track is controlled by two chains, one at either end of the crane which operate a longitudinal shaft, which in turn is geared to the driving wheels at either end and thus moves the crane along. It is entirely possible to have all three of the mechanical move- ments, that is, the hoist, the transverse motion and the longitudinal motion in operation at one and the same time. These cranes can easily be built to span sixty feet, or even greater if necessity demands, and of course^ the length of the track is unlimited. Nearly any ordinary load can be lifted, but, of course, the greater the load the slower it has to move with a given number of men. About the largest load to be lifted as a rule in sugar factories is from ten to fifteen tons. 265 It is necessary, on account of the transverse motion, to have the track girders securely held in position. It will be noticed that on Plate No. 56 the column supporting the track girders is shown different on the right hand side of the drawing than on the left. The left hand drawing is intended to represent a form of construc- tion which braces the track girders and is used in places where no brace to any rigid structure can be had. The column on the right is intended to represent the form of column to be used where the track girders can be braced to some existing structure, for instance in a building. It will be noticed in the photograph on page 272 that this particular column was used, but in this case the track girders were braced sideways to the building. This prevents the structure swaying when the cross motion of the crane is used. Plate No. 57 shows the same class of machine as Plate No. 55 only for much heavier loads and to be operated by hand. Of course steam power can easily be employed in order to get quicker motion or raise larger loads. We also construct large derricks to be operated by either hand or steam power. Plate No. 58 shows a derrick of this kind of very large capacity. This derrick is arranged with an automatic block on the back of the mast. This block is weighted and the derrick is so rigged that the main hoisting rope will descend auto- matically after the load has been raised and lifted. We are in a position to make prices on derricks with a boom of almost any length and of almost any capacity. We have constructed a number of these derricks, one of which is the largest in the world and has been working most satisfactorily for a period of five or six years. This is shown in a picture on page 273. These derricks have wire guys from the top of the mast, which must be securely fastened to immovable points. Plate No. 59 shows a derrick constructed on the same general principles as the derrick shown on Plate No. 58, except that it is intended to be used on docks or wharfs where it is impossible to run guy lines in front of the derrick ; consequently the mast has to be held in position by two stiff legs securely fastened to founda- tions. This form of construction is specially used in Government wharfs, ship yards, etc., where boilers and engines have to be raised from vessels. A mechanical arrangement is used at the foot to revolve the derrick by power. This is also shown in this view. These derricks can also be made with any length boom and of any capacity. 266 Plate No. 55. 267 Plate No. 56. Plate No. 57. - ' 269 Plate No. 58. 270- Plate No. 59. 271 OAHU SUGAR Co. HONOLULU, H. I. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 273 C. E. TANMOK & Co., GRAXITK QUARRY, HAKKK, Yi WORK .Mi' AND PDRMI8HKO BV MILLtKEH BROTBCR8. 273 TANK AND BELL TOWERS. On sugar plantations and in cities it is often advisable to have a light, ornamentally constructed tower containing a platform at the top, and a bell to be used for fire alarms. Plate No. 60 shows this class of work in detail. The platform is reached by a ladder running up the side and the top is covered with an ornamental corrugated galvanized iron roof. In cases where it is desired to protect the person on watch, the sides of the top of this tower are enclosed with glass windows, and a door for access. Plate No. 61 shows the same general form of construction for the use of elevated tanks. It is often desirable, in order to obtain water pressure, to elevate the source of supply. This is very desirable for fire purposes. Any height can be reached and any size tank can be carried. 274 Plate No. 60. 275 Plate No. 61. : : : 1 f : > ! liyULLL f . : ' IP 276 T.IUIK, I'i>~i\i Tn KtiRAiMi COMPANY, SANHV HOOK, N. J. WORK DKMi.M H. |-CK\I>HI-.I \M> 1 Kl i I Kit IIY MII.I.1KKX f.KOTIIKKS JT7 STEEL WATER TANK AND TOWER, MILLIKEN BROTHERS WORKS, STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTH IRS. 278 DOCKS PIERS. In Southern countries where the teredo and other insects which attack wood are very active, the use of wood for piles has to be done away with and some other form of construction used. Occasionally cast iron, and in a number of instances, wrought steel columns are employed, which are sunk or driven into the . 006 f~\ 1 5) lo ) ( W** 6<90C> r*\ /sooo o ) Q zc Ci ) S~\ 20000 \\ )( N O O ^ ) ( ^> O Q O Cb o |o )C s i"00C7 iha. per l/neal foot of track. Z98O Hga. metre * ) ^ f N 1 P 9. As. 'S 3 ' f i '//i etl A Ttt p d b <7/ O/ t//- ' / r ]) \i /!- ^ Feof. 10 S fO s 10 10 S IO jr ^ f^ 24 OOO , ) ^ ^> ( <~S IO88* f-\ 24OOO ) Fig ^7 r \~J I36OS f~\ 3OOOO i ) F ^ ^ ^ r ig. 10. 1 ^00^> /A. per lineal foot. ^ 5970 It g*. " " metre Metres. 3.0S 132 IJ2 3.0S I.5Z 1.5! 3.0S 3. OS /5? J.0^ AS? /tf? AS? Q ^ Z.C ^-/ 9070 Hga. f~\ 4OOOO \\ "X OOOOtr V_> Of/fff (~\ OOOOf \-S Otrl9l /O ,,. | ) r\ aoooo <-S I360S ^ r\ 30000 00i ^^ I36OS ) Feet IO f s .5 IO 5 S S IO /O 5 S 5 10 s S ,5 S F&l 1. Metres. 3.0S 1.52 1.52 A5? 3.0S I.SZ I.S2 I.S2 3.0S 3. OS 1.52 1.52 1.52 3.0S 132 1.52 /!5? 1.52 Type - four Driver Locomotive. 287 Plate No. 66. Vertical Ordinates oeooooooooooc K*B3iliO4 ec o> ei MM 5 ei w o* ?_....** ' "!E^^^" : ^^ : -^:! : ;;;s^^^:^r i:^- ;^>:r:;-::.:;r] : :; : .: .i^j:^^ :i^o|- ^. '^^^&^ 288 Plate No. 67. Vertical < > , .1 , ,, .. t . - namnMNNWNAoi o M 8 I i I s 'at I K I S a 2 1 289 Table No. 42. Coefficients of Impact. Wind Pressure. AMERICAN-I* METRIC-I- 9.8 L + AMERICAN P- L Feef L Metres I L Feet L Metres 5 6 7 8 4 (0 // 12 (3 (4 (5 (6 17 18 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 I -Impact Coefficient. Y- Ve(ocify/r> feet (66) per L - Length of (oaef in feet. Iff f.83 2/3 2.44 274 3.05 3.35 3.66 3.36 4.27 4.57 4.88 S.I8 S.43 5.73 6.10 6.40 6.71 7.01 732 7.62 7.32 8.23 8S3 834 364 .958 .951 944 .938 .332 .925 .319 313 .907 .901 .894 .888 .883 .878 .872 .866 .860 .855 .850 .844 .833 .834 .828 .823 30 31 32 " 35 36 37 38 33 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 43 50 51 52 53 54 second. LFeef .8/8 .8/3 .80S .804 .800 .796 .731 .786 .78/ .776 .77Z .768 .763 .759 .755 .751 .747 .742 .738 .734 .730 .727 .723 .7/9 .715 L Metres 55 56 57 S8 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7, Vs 73 74 75 76 77 78 73 [\ /6.76 /7.07 J737 J7JB8 17.98 18.29 1859 1890 /9.20 (9.51 /9.8/ 20.12 2042 20.73 21.03 2f.34 21.64 2/.9S 22.25 22.56 2ZS6 23.16 2347 23.77 24.08 I' Impact Coefficient. V* Ye/oc/f? jn fief res (2O. l) per second Length of foaef in metres. .711 .707 .704 .700 95 .693 .689 .686 .682 .679 .675 .672 .668 .665 .662 .659 .656 .652 .649 .646 .643 .640 .637 .634 .63 1 L Feet L Metres 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 (OO (05 /JO (20 24.3S 24.69 24.99 ZS30 15.60 25.91 2621 26.52 26.82 27.13 2743 27.74 28.04 2835 28.65 28.96 29.26 29.57 29.87 30.18 3048 32.00 33.S3 35.05 3658 .628 .625 .622 .60 17 .614 .611 .608 .606 .603 .600 .597 .595 .592 .590 87 .585 .562 .580 .577 .575 .563 .557 .540 .529 L Feef L Metres (25 /30 (35 /40 (45 (SO (55 160 (65 170 (75 180 185 /90 05 200 ZIO 20 230 240 250 260 270 38.10 33.62 41.15 42.67 44.20 45.72 47.24 48.77 50.23 51.82 53.34 54.86 56.39 57.91 59.44 60.96 64.01 67.06 70.10 73.15 760 73.25 82.30 .5/9 .509 .500 .491 .482 .474 .466 .4S8 .450 .443 .436 .429 .422 .4/6 .409 .403 .392 .381 .370 .360 .351 .342 .334 P-Pressure /n pounds per square toot. '= ye/ocity /n m/fes per hour. METRIC P- V 2 133 - Pressure in /ti/ograms per square meter. V' Ye/ocifyin kilometers per hour. V m/7es per hour P Jbs.per sp. foot V li/hffiefers per hour P kg per s 29.5 Z8.0 25.0 22.0 20.5 /9.0 /7J /4S in feet in metres in metre} /n metres .032 .058 .031 098 ./// J20 JZ6 ./^7 ./Z7 JZ3 J/8 ./// JO/ 9/ 080 1747 873 502 437 349 9/ 250 /94 /75 /59 /46 /35 /25 /06 I02Z 9.78 334 830 846 8J)Z 7J8 7.14 6.70 626 S82 538 4.94 430 0096 JDZ4/ 0Z94 .0333 .0361 J0378 JD385 .0385 .0376 0361 .03/4 .0286 .0254 T Vt 0/me#er of /f/'i*f nineties. I 33 38 A2 47 36 6 .7/ 5 33 38 " 49 55 .64 .70 .76 .8? Z 2 .73 .80 .86 33 METRIC Dfduc/r'iv Areas m sfiare c.m. ofmttf/ 6.4 8Jf 9S /43 /53 /7.S 19J 20.7 ZZX Diameter off?ivet tn m.m 15.9 /.2f 2.73 3J33 3t 395 427 4S8 /9.I /.42 /.77 S./3 248 234 1/5 335 4/6 455 490 530 222 t.03 241 2JB2 323 3.63 4.04 47/ SJS 538 538 291 Table No. 44. Permissible Compress/ ve Si rains. AMERICAN. METRIC. r - /east radius of gyration in inches. 1= /ength tr? /nches, r = least r&of/t/s of gyration in mil/i'meters. 2* length in m/l/irriei-ers. Pounds per sq. inch, Hi/Ogr&rrt'S persq. c. m. i r zoooo- sol zoooo- 100} 20000- 13 O\ "r 70000-60} zoooo- tool 2OOOO-IZO} i l4-06-S,e- r 14-06- 7,03} /406-9.I*} i P 1*06-5.6 - r l4O6-'?.O3i /4O6-9./4-, 10 ' 19200 19000 /8700 68 /4560 I32OO II 160 10 135 O I33& /3I5 68 1025 928 784 12 t9O40 18800 18440 70 /4400 13000 IO9OO /2 /339 1322 /2S>6 70 JO/4 914 766 14 /8880 I86OO 18180 72 14240 12800 IO64O 14 1328 /303 1278 72 IOO3 900 748 16 18720 /84OO 179-20 74 I4O8O 126OO IO38O 16 131 6 1293 /2.60 74 992 886 730 18 18560 18200 I7>660 76 /3920 /2400 IO/20 18 1305 /279 124 1 76 980 872 7/2 20 18400 18000 17400 73 /3760 12200 >860 20 1294 1265 /223 78 969 858 603 22 /824Q 17800 I7I4O 80 I36OO I20OO 9600 22 1283 1251 /2O5 80 958 844 675 24 /B080 I76OO 16850 82 13440 uaoo 9340 24 1272. 1237 1187 82 947 830 656 26 17920 1 74-OO 16620 84 I328O I160O 9080 26 I26O 1223 1169 84 936 816 638 28 17760 I72OO 16360 86 I3I2O 114-00 8820 28 1249 1 2O 9 1150 86 924 801 620 30 I76OO I7OOO I61OO 88 12960 II20O 856 O 30 /Z36 1 /9S 1/32 88 913 787 601 32 17440 16800 15840 90 12.800 1 IOOO 8300 32 1227 1/81 // A3 90 9O2 773 583 34 17280 16600 15580 92 12640 10800 8040 34 J2I6 IJ67 IO95 92 891 759 565 36 17120 16400 15320 94 12480 I06OO 7780 36 /204 1153 IO77 94 880 745 54"? 38 16960 16200 15060 96 12320 /04OO 7520 38 /I93 \N39 /058 96 868 731 5?9 40 /680O I6OOO 14800 98 I2I6O IO2OO 7260 40 //62 I\I25 /O40 98 857 717 510 4? /6640 158 00 14540 100 12000 IOODO 70 OO 42 1/71 //// IO22 100 846 703 492 44 16480 IS 600 14280 IDS neoo QSOO 635O 44 1160 1097 /004 105 818 668 ^h4 A6 I632O 15400 14020 110 11200 s>ooo 5700 46 1148 1083 986 110 700 633 401 48 16160 15200 13760 115 10800 85 OO 5OSO 48 1137 IO69 967 115 762. 598 3S5 5C 16000 15000 13500 120 10400 500O 4400 50 \hr?6 IO54 949 120 734 562 309 52 IS 840 I4-8OO 13240 125 IOOOO 75OO 375 O S2 /IIS IO40 931 125 706 527 264 54 15680 14600 12980 130 96OO 7OOO 3100 54 1104 1026 913 130 678 49Z 218 56 IS520 144-00 12720 135 9200 650O 2450 se> 1092 IOI2 895 135 650 458 172 SB IS360 I42OO I246O 140 8800 eooo 1800 58 /OS/ 998 876 140 622 422 126 60 15200 14000 I22OO 145 8400 5500 1160 60 JO70 <2>84 858 145 594 386 81 6? I5O4O J380O 1 I&4O 155 7600 4-500 62 IO59 <2>70 839 I5S 538 316 64 14880 I36OO 1 168O 165 6800 3500 64 /O48 <2>se 821 165 482 246 66 14720 I34OO 11420 175 60OO Z50O 66 W36 942 803 175 426 176 292 Table No. 45. AMERICAN Maximum Bending Moments and Bearing Values of Pins. METRIC mftt extreme fibre stress of ?50OO pounds per square inch and bearing ya/us of 28000 pounds per square inch. trifh extreme fibre stress of 1758 kilograms per square centimeter and bearing value of/968 kilograms per square centimeter Dtamefer Areaofftn Moments donrtgWue Diameter Area of fin Moments Bearing Wuc Diameter Area of Moments Seamxbtoc Diameter Area of Momenta Oaring tobc of '/ >> //7 SQUSfG in inch Gy- 1 tfjfj) ffajt. of Pin in sousrc in tr?cn far] pith IfffrL of Pin Pm in i/t fy-lK/flfj^il of Pm Ffn in in br54cjntnci ches inches pounds. nesaofPUe, in inches. inches. founds. pesaofFH* in c.m. square am Jtg. c.m. *,639\ 210/00 '. 58*00 a / '-f^ 7 4790 35000 Jj 1 77.7P/I zesooo / 330 00 3.175 7.92 5520 /6000 /i .065 M433\ 393000 60400 5 1 /.fJS 6380 38500 4\ 18.665 284400 /36500 3.493 9.58 7350 17500 /t.383 /20.42 328000 62000 ft /R 67 8280 42000 5 19.635 306800 /40000 3.8/0 )l.40 3540 19100 / 2.700 /^66^ 353400 63600 /i r \ 2474 /OSOO 45SOO 5j 20.629 350400 /43SOO 4.128 73.38 12100 20700 13,019 /33.09 381000 SUM Q \ 2.405 /stop 43000 $1 21 48 355200 \/ 470 00 4.445 15.52 15200 22300 / 3.335 / 3 9.66 409000 '\6t300 li 2J6I J /6tOO 52500 s i 22S91 38JJOO 1 5 OSOO 4.763 17.11 1ST 00 23900 / 3.653 /46.S9 439000 68400 2 3.142 /9600 56000 si 23768 408300 /54000 5.060 20.27 22600 25400 /3.970 /S328 470400 70000 V 3347 23600 59500 5j 24J850 436800 / 57 500 5398 22S8 27200 27100 /4.28S 16032 503000 7/600 3 3976 28000 63000 Si 25367 466600 /6IOOO 5.715 25.65 32300 28600 /4.60S /6T.53 537500 73200 4 4.430 32900 66500 si 27.109 497700 164500 6.033 28.58 37900 30200 /4.923 /74J9 574000 74800 ?i 4909 38400 70000 6 ?8.274 530200 / 6 6000 6.350 3 (.67 44300 3/8ft-i /S.240 / 82.41 610900 76400 ?J i 5.41? 44400 73500 6j 29465 S64030 /7/500 667 34.92 S1200 39490J / 5.558 190.10 650000 78000 5 5940 SI 000 77000 30.680 S992PO / 7 5000 6.985 3832 58800 35001 I5J675 197.94 690300 79600 3 ' &492 58300 80500 6\ \313I9 635900 / 7 8500 7.303 4/.S6 67200 36600 16.193 20533 733000 8/200 3 7.069 66300 84000 B\ 33.753 674000 /82000 7.620 45.61 76400 38200 /6 JfO 2/4.07 776400 62600 3i 7.670 74900 87500 6f 34472 713700 /85500 7.938 49.48 86300 39600 16.628 22240 612000 84400 3. 8296 64300 91000 6j 36.785 754800 169000 8.255 S3.&2 97000 41400 17.145 230X7 669500 86000 3j 8946 94400 94500 6} \yuz2 797500 J92SOO 6.573 577? 106800 42900 239.50 318000 87600 3; 92I /05200 98000 J 7 \J 38.485 64/900 /96000 8.890 62.07 121 HO 44500 17.780 24829 969900 89200 3 IO32I /1 6900 101500 7i 44.179 /035400 210000 9.208 66.59 134800 46/00 /9.050 285.03 //92800 95600 3 IIJ04S 129400 IOSOOO 8 50265 /2S6600 224000 3.525 71.26 143000 47700 20.320 324.29 1448000 102000 3 ' 11.793 /42800 106500 si 56.745 /507300 238000 9.843 76.08 /64SOO 49300 f/J9ff 366./0 1736000 /08400 / I2J566 J 57 tOO S/ZOOO 9 63/7 / 7 892 00 252000 10.160 81.07 /8IOOO S0800 22.860 410.43 206/000 t/4500 4 13364 /72300 //SSOO IO rtJ540 2454400 280000 / 0.478 86.22 198500 52500 25400 S06.7I 2827000 /27300 4 14.186 /88400 /1 9000 II 9SJ33 3266800 308000 / 0.795 91.52 2/7000 54 100 27.940 6/3.72 3763000 /40000 4 75033 205500 /22SOO 12 113.097 424/200 336000 I/.//9 96.99 236800 55700 30480 729.66 4886000 / S3 000 IM Table No. 46. Permissible Shearing Strains on Web Plates, AMERICAN. P = 15000-100 f METJ?JC. P= /055 -7.03 / P Permissible Strain in pounds per square inch. P Permissible Strain in ki/ograms per sauare centimeter d Unsupported distance between chord angles or stlffeners in inches. d Unsupported distance between chord ang/es or sf/ffeners in mi///'mefers. i Thickness of Web in Inches. 1 1 |~\ t Thickness of Web in millimeters, d t in inches. d t in m.m. Ill 1 \ 1 J in inches S/16 3/s 7 /l6 i/z 9/16 3/6 3/A 7/8 in m.m. 8.0 9.5 n. i 12,7 14.3 15,9 19.1 22.2 24 7300 86OO 9500 10200 /0700 11200 II80O /2300 610 52O 605 67O 715 755 785 830 860 26 6700 8100 9/00 9800 10400 10800 11500 12000 &60 475 570 640 695 735 765 815 845 28 6OOO 7500 860O 9400 10000 10500 11300 11800 711 420 530 605 660 705 740 795 830 30 54OO 7OOO 8200 9000 0700 10200 II 000 11600 762 380 490 575 630 6SO 720 775 815 32 4700 6500 7700 8600 9300 9900 10700 11300 8/3 335 450 540 600 655 695 755 79S 34 4100 5900 7200 8200 9000 9600 10500 II 100 864 285 415 SOS 570 630 675 735 780 36 3500 5400 6800 7800 8600 9200 IO200 10900 914 245 380 475 550 6/5 650 720 765 39 25OO 4600 6100 7200 8100 8800 9300 10500 990 175 325 43O 505 570 615 6&0 740 42 1600 3800 540O 6600 7500 8300 9400 10200 1067 /OS 265 380 465 530 585 660 715 45 600 3000 4700 6000 7000 7800 9000 9900 //43 45 2/0 330 420 495 550 635 695 48 2200 4OOO 5400 6500 7300 8600 9500 1219 > /5 285 380 455 515 605 670 51 1400 3300 4800 5900 6800 8200 9200 1295 95 235 340 420 485 580 645 54 600 2700 4200 5400 6400 7800 8800 1372 40 185 295 380 450 550 620 5? 2200 3600 4900 5900 7400 8500 I44B y /40 255 345 415 520 595 60 I3OO 3000 4300 5400 7000 8100 IS24 n \ 90 2/0 \ 3/5 380 495 575 64 2200 3600 4800 6500 7700 1626 I/I 155 255 335 455 540 68 1400 2900 4100 5900 7200 172? ( \\ 100 205 200 420 510 72 600 2200 3500 5400 6800 /8?9 u U 45 155 245 380 475 76 1500 2800 4900 6300 /930 105 200 345 445 80 800 2200 4300 5900 2032 55 155 305 410 84 1600 3800 5400 2134 110 270 380 88 900 3300 5100 2235 65 235 350 92 2700 4500 2337 195 3 IS 96 7200 4000 2438 155 285 100 1700 3600 2540 120 250 294 Table No. 47. Shearing and Bear ing Va/ue offfivete. AMERICAN. -..., / tJfflfm Ontft a/ KOOO/ba. Bearing Were for Difh rent Tntc/r/resses in Inches at 240ffOlbs psr ayuart inch. f >y '/t X <_ * 7,6 & tip f %s % % Vl * 1 M >.//tff Azo etst ; I 81 o 3380 szso } \ 1360 Z360 300t i 37 SO 4500 6000 : '' ! 2 . . p \ \ ^^~~\\ 3070 3680 3759 4680 56ZO 6570 7500 8430 9360 \\ V I2Z .4420 J i_j .60/0 5300 4500 szso 56ZO 6750 7870 9000 /OIZO 1IS40 '37 9 /J 5 Off 1 \\ "L, 6560 7880 9tOO 10500 tiaio /3ltO /44SO /S750 /7060 18370 /96SO .7850 9430 6000 7500 9000 10500 JfOOO /3500 /5000 ,'6500 lacno /9500 ZIOOO SZ500 S4000 METRIC D/amefer ofKiref in mm Area of Riref in sy. c.m. Single She* at B44kg. Bearing Mafoe for Drfferenf 77t/cAnesxs in Mrffmefers af 1687 fr straight bridges, DEAD + LIVE + LIVE IMPACT + WIND + WIND IMPACT + TRACTION. For curved bridges, DEAD + LIVE + LIVE IMPACT + WIND *- WIND IMPACT + TRACTION + CENTRIFUGAL. 36. Direct and Bending Combined. Members subject to both direct stresses and bending stresses shall be proportioned for the full direct stress plus one-half the bending stress or for one-half the direct stress plus full bending stress, the greater being used. 37. Alternate Stresses. Members subject to alternate stresses of tension and compression shall be proportioned to resist either kind of stress or the sum of the greater plus three quarters of the lesser, the maximum result to govern. 38. Dead Load Counteracting Live. Where the dead load produces stresses opposite to those from the live load 8 /i of these dead stresses may be deducted from the live load stresses and the mem- ber proportioned for the difference. m 39. Compression Members. Members in compression shall be proportioned so that the max- imum strain per square inch gross area shall not exceed the following : AMERICAN. (See table No. 44.) METRIC. (See table No. 44.) In pounds per square inch. In kilograms per sq. c. m. Both ends fixed 20,000- 80^ Both ends fixed 1,406-5.62- One end fixed, other end hinged 20,000-100^ One end fixed, other end hinged 1,406-7.03- Both ends hinged 20,000-130^ Both ends hinged 1,406-9. 14^- In which In which /=length in inches. /=length in m.m. r=least radius of gyration in inches. r=least radius of gyration in m.m. Members which are connected at the ends by rivets shall be considered as having fixed ends and the length "/" shall be taken as the distance center to center of nearest rivets. Members connected by pins shall be considered as having hinged ends, the length being taken as the distance center to center of pins. 40. Max.-. For any member or flange in compression subject to impact, the length divided by the least radius of gyration shall not exceed ^ for moving live loads other than wind, in which / = impact coefficient as determined by preceding formula. For members subjected to wind strains only, the length divided by the least radius of gyration shall never exceed 175. 41. Tension Members. Members in tension shall be proportioned so that the maximum strain shall not exceed 20,000 Ibs. per sq. inch (1406 kg. per sq. c.m.) net section. 308 42. Bending. The extreme fibre strain in members subject to bending shall not exceed: AMERICAN. METRIC. In pounds per sq. inch. In kg. per sq. c.m. Pins (See table No. 45) 25,000 Pins (See table No. 45) ',758 Rolled shapes 20,000 Rolled shapes ',406 Cast steel 1 5,000 Cast steel ',55 43. Shear. The maximum shearing strain for web plates, net section shall not exceed: AMERICAN. (See table No. 46.) METRIC. (See table No. 46.) In pounds per sq. inch. In kg. per sq. c.m. 15,000-100? '055-7-03^ Where Where ./ unsupported distance in inches between chord e inserted without drifting. All holes in medium steel which is over fjj of an inch (16 m. m.) thick, shall be drilled or reamed ', uf an inch (; v - m. in.) larger in diameter than the punched holes, so as to remove all sheared or burred edges. Wherever possible all rivets will be machine driven by direct acting machines, operated by com- pressed air, steam or hydraulic pressure. In cases where this is impossible pneumatic hammers shall be u.sed wherever practical. 71. Eye Bars. The heads of eye bars shall be made by rolling, upsetting, or forging into shape. Welds in the body of the bar are debarred, eye bars must be free from flaws and shall be care- fully annealed. Eye bars must be perfectly straight before boring, and pin holes must be in center of heads and on the axes of the bars. Bars of the same class and belonging to the same panel shall be bored at the same temperature and the lengths must not vary more than '/ 3 2 of an inch (0.8 m.m. for each 30 ft. (9.1 M.) of total length, and bars which are to be placed side by side in the structure shall, if piled on each other, allow the pins to pass through at both ends without driving, 817 The diameter of the hole shall not exceed the diameter of the pin more than '/ 32 of an inch (0.8 m. in.). 72. Adjustable Members. Tie rods or counters shall be fabricated with the same care and precision as is prescribed for the bars. Screw ends shall be upset so as to insure that the attached members will break in the body of the bar. Sleeve nuts, devices, etc., used for adjustment, will be of sufficient strength to break the bar to which they are attached. 73. Pilot Nuts. Pilot nuts must be used during the erection to protect the threads of the pins. 74. Sheared Edges. All sheared edges in medium steel over ^ of an inch (16 m. m.) thick shall be planed and all edges exposed in the finished piece that are rough or burred must be properly dressed, either by grinding or otherwise. 75. Floor Beams and Stringers. Floor beams and stringers framing in between posts or floor beams to be faced off true and square to the correct lengths. 76. Abutting Surfaces. All abutting surfaces in heavy compression members shall be truly faced to a bearing. 77. General. All workmanship shall be first class in every particular. 78. Painting. All metal work before leaving the shop shall be thoroughly cleaned from all loose scale and rust and given one good coat of pure linseed oil, well worked into all joints and open spaces. 318 Iii riveted work, the surfaces coming in contact shall each be painted before being riveted together, and all parts of the structure which will be difficult of access after assembling shall receive two coats of paint before being assembled. Pins, bored pin holes and turned friction rollers and all planed surfaces shall be coated with white lead and tallow immediately after facing and before being shipped from the shop. Painting of the completed structure after erection is not included in this specification. 79. Inspection. All facilities for the inspection of material and workmanship will be permitted to the owner or his representatives, without additional charge, but such inspection must, for the raw material, be performed at the rolling mills or foundries where the rolled steel or the castings are manu- factured, and the inspection for workmanship must be performed at the shops before the material is shipped, and such inspection and acceptance must be final at these points. 80. Draw Bridges, Etc. Draw bridges, turn-tables, high trestle towers, eta, will be considered as special structures but will be designed on the same general lines and using the same unit stresses, loadings, quality of material and other limiting conditions as given in the foregoing specification. BID STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HIGHWAY BRIDGES. GENERAL DATA REQUIRED. 1. General. In order to make a correct design the same general data should be furnished as noted in Railway Bridge Specifications, such as the heaviest load which will pass over the bridge, the clear span, various heights from high water, the skew angles, widths of intermediate piers, clearances required, etc., etc. It will also be necessary to know the clear width of roadway and whether sidewalks for pedestrians are to be provided for. The uses for which the bridge is intended should also be specified, stating whether it is to be located in a city which would require heavy traffic and electric cars, or whether it is to be located in the country and subject to only the conditions of ordinary light highway traffic. The general construction of the floor should be specified, that is whether it is to be a concrete or a plank floor. In the absence of information to the contrary the bridge will be assumed as being in the country and having a plank floor. TYPE OF BRIDGE, 2. Unless otherwise specified the type of the bridge generally adopted will be as specified for single track railway bridges, except that rolled beams may be used for spans up to 50 ft. (15.25 M.) LOADINGS. The various parts of the structure will be proportioned for the following loads, using the following combinations of loadings, DEAD + LIVE -+- LIVE IMPACT + WIND. 3. Dead Loads. The dead load shall consist of the actual weight of all metal in the structure, plus the weight of all materials used in the flooring. Unless otherwise specified the weight of the floor constniction in bridges having concrete floors shall be taken at 100 Ibs. per sq. ft. (488 kg. per sq. M. ) and for bridges having plank floors, the weight shall be taken at 20 Ibs. per sq. ft. (98 kg. per sq. M. ) 4. Live Loads. Unless otherwise specified, double track city bridges will be proportioned to carry a 12 ton (24,000 Ibs.) road roller on an}- part of the roadway and electric cars 30 ft. (9.15 M.) center to center on each track, tracks to be 10 ft. (3.05 M.) center to center transversely. Single track bridges will be proportioned to carry electric cars 30 ft. (9.15 M.) center to center as above and a road roller at any point on the bridge. The roller shall be distributed as follows : 6 tons on the front axle and 6 tons on the rear axle, the axles being 10 ft. (3.05 M) center to center; one roller on the front axle 3 ft. (.92 M.) wide and two rollers on the rear axle, each i ft. 6 in. (.46 M.) wide and 4 ft. (1.22 M.) center to center transversely. An electric car shall be considered as weighing 18 tons (36,000 Ibs.) distributed equally over 4 points, spaced 10 ft. (3.05 M.) centers longitudinally and 4.7 ft. (1.43 M.) transversely and occupying a floor space 8 ft. x 30 ft. (2.4 M. xg.15 M.). In addition to either of the above loadings, the structure will be proportioned to carry a uniformly distributed live load of 100 Ibs. per sq. ft. (488 kg. per sq. M.) over the entire remaining surface. Country bridges will, unless otherwise specified, be proportioned to carry a 5 ton (10,000 Ibs.) road roller, the load being equally distributed over 2 axles 6 ft. (1.83 M.) centers, assumed as 3 ft. (.92 M.) wide, and in addition a uniformly distributed live load of 75 Ibs. per sq. ft. (366 kg. per sq. M.) over the entire remaining surface. 5. Impact. For city bridges the impact coefficient shall be taken as l / 2 and for country bridges YT, of that specified for railway bridges. 6. Wind Pressure. Wind pressure shall be taken the same as specified for railway bridges except that no wind impact need be considered. 7. Quality of Material, etc. Quality of material, tests, etc. and all items under headings " Proportioning Sections," " Details of Construction," " Workmanship," and " Inspection," shall be as specified for railway bridges, with the following exceptions ; the depth of longitudinal riveted girders shall generally be ! /i6 of the span for bridges having concrete floors and l /^ of the span for bridges having plank floors. The depth of rolled beams when used as longitudinal girders shall generally be l /^ of the span for bridges having concrete floors and '/ 3 6 of the span for bridges having plank floors. The minimum thickness for metal in any part of the structiire except filling pieces, etc. shall be *4 inch (6.4 m.m.). The holes for field connections need not be reamed to an iron template but must fit as accurately as practicable. 8. Railings. A strong and substantial hand railing shall be provided for each side of the bridge, well secured to the superstructure. Plate No. 68. 323 Plate No. 69. 324 Plate No. 70. ' - 325 Plate No. 71. .r.3. .3.*1' . it n 326 Plate No. 72. 327 Plate No. 73. 328 Plate No. 74. 329 OVERHEAD FOOT BRIDGE CROSSING TRACKS OK CENTRAL R. R. OF N. J. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED 1!V MII.I.1KF.X 11KOTI1KKS. 330 <>\I-KHI-MI Hn.nu\\ HKIDCK C'ko^isi. 'I'k \< KS OK CKNIKAI R. R. OK N. J. STEEI. WORK l>i:-lc;\l.l>. 1 IKMSHI I) AM KRKCTKI) IIY MII.I.IKK.V IIKOTIIKKS. 331 HIGHWAY PI.ATK GIRDER BRIDGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I. DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 332 HII;II\\A\ I'ns'i THIS- HK i, PI.AINKIF.LI>, N. J. HI -MLS! Ii. MKMSMi:!) AMI l-.UKi 11:1) H\ .MII.I.IK1 \ I:KII| IIKKS. HIGHWAY TRUSS BRIDGE, THREE BRIDGKS, N. J. DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MII.LIKEN I5ROTIIEKS. 388 A KTON STREET CROSSING, CENTRAL RAILROAD OK N. J., PHM.I.II-.IURC., N. J. 2v * HI-SI..M-:ii. I -I'KMMII .1) AMI ERECTED BY MII.UKEN BROTHERS. 334 90 FT. PLATE GIRDER PAN FOR PLANT SYSTEM OF RAILWA\S. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 335 90 FT. Pl.ATK CilRHKR Sl'AN KOR PLANT S\ S I I \l iH RA!|.U\\-. 1 . -* ! STEEL WOK K Drsnixi-iv ITKVISIIKI) \NI> riu-i nn r.v MII.I.IKIV I-.MI i IIF.RS. IN 150 FT. DECK RIVETED TRUSS R. R. BRIDGE WITH PLATE GIRDER APPROACHES FOR CHOCTAW, OKLA. & GULF RAIL ROAD. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED P.Y MII.LIKEX P.KOTIIKKS. 337 150 Fi. PIN CO\M, 1 1 n IH. k RAIIUAV BKIDCK WITH TRKSTI.K BENT API-ROACHES FOR CUHA Co., CM \ I. \\|>KK DESIGNED AM) I- . 'UN ISIIi-.H \:\ MIM.IKIN I'.Uolllll;- 338 no FT. PONY TRUSS RIVETED R. R. BRIDGE FOR N. J. TERMINAL R. R. Co., RAHWAY, N. J. STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MIELIKEN BROTHERS. 339 175 I*" 1 - Tnki:S1<;\KI>. 1'TKMSII Kl i AM) I l< I ( I I I > 1^ MII.I.IKKX l:Ki i I H 340 250 FT. CAMEL-BACK PIN CONNECTED RAILROAD BRIDGE FOR CHOCTAW, OKLAHOMA & GULF R. R. S'lEKL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEX BROTHERS. 341 STEEL WORK DESIGNED, FURNISH Ell AND ERECTED BY MII.UKEM BROTIIKKS. 342 685 FT. BRIDCE CROSSING Rio GRANDE IN COSTA RICA. CENTRE ARCH 450 FT. STKliL WORK DESIGNED AND FURNISHED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 343 68s F' r - Bui'"' 1 Cuosailip Rio CiK\M'i IN COM- \ Ri. \. (,'ISIKK ARCH 450 FT. DESIGNED AND 1 I KMMII -.1) HY M1LLIKKN BROTHERS. :t44 685 FT. BRIDGE CROSSING Rio GRANDE IN COSTA RICA. CENTRE ARCH 450 FT. STEEL WORK DESIGNED AND FURNISHED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 345 Sn.>i-"K " Ki \m IOK SIIII-MINI. (,'..-i\ l Six i ii A\ i M i . Ni w YORK. IRON \\OKK I I'NMMll D \ \ I ) I ! V MII.I.IKI V l'.l > I II IvKS 358 GATES, LAMPS AND FOUNTAINS. Gates can be made of various designs, either folding, swinging or lifting. On Plate No. 78 is repre- sented folding gates which we have furnished at the ground floor entrance of elevators in an office building. These gates are divided in the centre and slide each way, the halves being connected overhead at the back of the transom by pulleys and an endless chain so arranged that when one-half of the gate is opened the other opens at the same time automatically; in this way the entire front of the elevator car is thrown open to allow free entrance or exit of passengers. These gates are also connected by an automatic attachment on top of the car so that they can only be opened when the car is opposite the gate. These gates are made of solid bronze but we can also furnish them of wrought iron or steel either painted or electroplated in imitation of bronze. They can be used either for elevator gates or for entrance doorways. On page 355 we show a photograph of plain folding gates made of steel, for shipping entrances On Plates Nos. 79 and So are indicated designs of ornamental folding gates for private residences. These gates can be furnished either of wrought iron or of bronze. The gate shown on Plate No. So is made of wrought iron with hammered leaf work of the highest quality and finish, equal to the best examples of French workmanship. On page 372 we show a sample of wrought iron stationary grille work for private residence which is 359 finished in " Verde Antique " of various shades of green in imitation of old copper, oxidized by exposure to tin- weather ; this presents a very rich effect. < )n Plate No. 81 we give designs of iron lamps which we have recently furnished for a building in Mexico. These lamps have beveled plate glass on six sides and can be finished either for electric light, g:ts or oil, and can be made of any size from 2 to S feet in height ; they can also be furnished in solid bronze. We also furnish lamp posts with globes at the top, either for electric light or gas. as indicated on Plate Xo. 82 On this same plate we give design of a fountain, which can be furnished in any size from 8 to 30 feet in height, suitable for private gardens or for public parks. These fountains are made of cast iron, painted, or if required can be electroplated in imitation of bronze, or can be finished in " Verde Antique" in imitation of oxidized copper. Plate No. 78. ,1 361 Plate No. 79. ' "' v .' ' ' 7? .^ ' 362 Plate No. 80. 363 Plate No. 81. 364 Plate No. 82. 365 <>u\ \\IINIM Fkox i Ksik\N(i- Civil. Ki SIDI si I-, Ni.u VOI^K Tin. WORK DKSIi;\KI, FI-KMSIIKIi ANIi I.Uli II II |:V MM.I.IKEX HKO'I II ! U.-. ORNAMENTAL FRONT ENTRANCE GATES. RESIDENCE, NEW YORK CITY. WORK DESIGNED, FUUNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 367 OKNAMKNTAI F. N. i \M BNTKANCI W>KK. MR. K..IIKIN> > RntDCNCK, Ni V..KK CITY WORK DESIGNED. FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 368 DRIVEWAY GATES, WINDSOR ARCADE, NEW YORK CITY. WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 369 BALCONIES, PORTICOS. MARQUISES, CANOPIES AND PORTE-COCHERES. I mn balconies of cither plain or ornamental design can be furnished for the outside of private or pub- lic buildings. On Plate No. 83 we show sketch of a simple balcony with corrugated iron roof, wrought and cast iron posts, wrought iron scroll braces and cast iron railing. The iron railing can be furnished of any design and may be either of wrought or cast iron. See Plates Nos. 84, 85, 86 and 87. The floor of the balcony is shown of wood supported on wrought iron brackets bolted through the wall. The floor can be furnished of cast iron or of steel plates if desired. On page 372 we give a photograph of a canopy or portico enclosure over stone terrace for private house. This portico has a glass roof and is supported on a wrought iron ornamental framework with ham- mered leaf ornaments. The cornice and roof bars supporting the glass are of copper. The glass at the side of enclosure is removable and can be taken out in summer and put back in winter. Similar canopies can be furnished for entrances to either private residences, stores or office buildings, supported on columns or brackets. Porte-cocheres also can be furnished over driveways supported by columns, with solid roof covering instead of glass. Plate No. 83. tytlttllllUliilliiiililiiliii! 371 NOKRIK KIMMNCK, 15 EAST &4Tt\STREl i, (IKK. IKON WORK FrKXISIir.il ANN I Kl< I KD BY MII.MKKX BROTHKKs. 372 PORTE-COCHERE AND RAILINGS FOR HOTEL MARLTON, Wl-ST 8lH STREET, NEW YORK ClTY. WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MII.I.IKEX BROTHERS. 373 M\K., HIM \MI SIDKM Vi s i 11:1 i K i "K Tm\iki MMIMII, Niu YOKK (.'in. \\HHK HI -H,\l li. II KM-III I) A\l> I.KKCTEU BY MII.I.IKKN HKOTHERS. 374 PORTE-COCHERE FOR THEATRE MAJESTIC, NEW YORK ClTV. / r"** I _ WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 375 'nK 1 I -I'm III Kl liiK IlolM \A\\KKI, .;S'I M S I I; H I AMI Sl\l\lll A V I N I I , X I \\ VokK ClTV. \\MKK DESIGNED. II NM-IIlll \M> KKKITKI) I!V MII.I.IKIN II Kc < I II I- I;- 376 RAILINGS. We furnish railings of various materials and designs, either of cast iron, brass or bronze. On Plates Nos. 84, 85 and 86, we show designs of plain and ornamental railings. On plate No. 87 we show designs of wrought iron railings furnished by us for a private house. These railings are ornamented with hammered leaf work, double faced, of very fine workmanship and equal to the best work of French artisans. These railings can be made of iron, electroplated in imitation of bronze or painted. A dull black finish with the tips of the leaves gilded gives a very rich and beautiful effect. On Plate No. 88 we show design of cast iron railing for stairs executed by us ; and on pages 386, 387 and 388 wrought iron railings for stairs which are electroplated in imitation of bronze. Pipe railings can be furnished either in bronze, brass or wrought iron, with plain or ball fittings, and if desired, ornamented with scroll work. Pipes or tubes from i inch to $ 1 4 inches outside diameter for either posts or rails. 377 Plate No. 84. ^ r : 5 ^oo ,= & >CMKXX. rrr 4c ^ ^.^.-v - M^ = ^ 378 Plate No. 85. 279 Plate No. 86. . , . ~ I Plate No. 87. 381 \\IINI M IK. IN I-'K.INI I"i \< i \\n M\k..HiM. Mi;. DMMII'- KI-IIUM i, Niw VCIKK C'IM. IKON WOKk .NI l>, II KNI>!II I) \ND IKM III. K\ MII.I.IKI-N I1KOIMKRS. in STAIRCASES. We furnish iron staircases of any design, either of wrought or cast iron. Circular stairs are made with a center supporting column and are from 4 feet to 7 feet in diameter. Plain stairs can be furnished for factory or mill buildings with channel iron strings or carriages, cast iron or wooden treads, with bar iron or pipe railings. We furnish stairs of ornamental character for stores and office buildings, also for private houses. On Plate No. 88 we show design of 36 nights of stairs which we have furnished for a large store and loft building in New York City. These stairs are built entirely of cast iron with the exception of the treads. The entire work is electroplated in imitation of bronze. We give a photograph of office building stairs on page 388. These stairs have cast iron strings or carriages with cast iron risers, newel posts and fascias or aprons to cover over floors. The railings are entirely of wrought iron. On page 386 we give a photograph of a staircase of special construction which we have furnished for an office building. This staircase is 13 stories in height and is constructed without any horizontal sup- ports at the platforms or floor levels ; and in this respect this staircase is unique and different from any other stair in this country. The great weight of the carriages or stair strings, with the railings and steps, in addition to the moving load, is carried by the risers, each of which acts as a cantilever and transmits the load directly t<> the wall strings. These wall strings are reinforced at various points to withstand the unusual strains imposed. The curves or ramps, where the stairs turn, are built to a perfect line notwithstanding the great difficulty of moulding and casting. We give a photograph on page 387 of these same stairs, looking down from the top of the building, which gives a good illustration of the difficulties encountered in building them without any supports at floors. These stairs are electroplated in imitation of bron/e. A very ornamental stair railing is shown on Plate No. 87 which we have furnished for a private resi- dence. This stair is of wrought iron with hammered leaf ornaments, double faced. On page 398 we show a photograph of staircase which we have built for a store building. These stairs extend around the elevator shaft thus economi/.ing space in the store and also lessening the cost of the elevator enclosure, as the stair railing becomes a portion of the enclosure. This design is economical and yet presents an ornamental and very pleasing effect. A unique and decidedly beautiful staircase is shown on Page 393. This stair, on account of the curved ramps, etc., is one of the most difficult to build, requiring careful fitting by expert mechanics. \Ye have a special corps of expert designers to detail each scroll, ornament, etc., to actual full sixe as fast as the work progresses in the shops. Plate No. 88. 385 ( >i i K f Hi ii i>iM., 85 LIIIKKM Si KIII, Xiw YORK. IRON \\OKK Fl UMSHI I) AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 386 BOURNE OFFICE BUILDING, 85 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. IRON WORK FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 387 DUN BUILDING, RKADE STREKT AND BROADWAY, Ni-w YORK. r IKON WORK FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MH.UKEN HKOI 388 STAIRS FOR DAYSIDE NURSERY, NEW YORK CITY. WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY M1LLIKEN BROTHERS. 3S9 ink I)IIK\II HIKV, ijisi Sikiii VXD A\i> i i KI> \.M A\ IM i , NKW VDKK CITV. \\nKK I>KSIi;\i:i>. I I l(\l>lll.l> AND KKIXII.H I:V MII.UKKN BHOTHKKS. 390 GRAND UNION HOTEL ANNEX, 42ND STREF.T, NKW YORK CITY. WORK DESIGNED. FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 391 O.MMIK. i u. Hi iiniN-., MMMLOMIKN SIKHI, JIKMV ClTY. WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MII.I.I KKX I!K( ) I II I I(S. 392 CIRCULAR STAIRS, YALE CLUB, WEST 44TH STREET, NEW YORK Cn \VORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 393 ENCLOSURES FOR ELEVATOR SHAFTS. Owing to the large increase of elevators in recent years, especially for office buildings, in both this country and abroad, the method of enclosing the elevator shafts so as to prevent accident has been a mat- ter of increasing stud}', both as to construction and ornamentation. We have furnished many enclosures of wrought and cast iron, also of bronze. On Plate No. 89 we show a design of enclosure for two elevators which we have furnished for a store building. The gate is in the center of shaft and is made in two parts, each half of the gate slid- ing automatically by means of chains and overhead pulleys. When one-half of the gate is opened the other half slides of its own accord. The base of the enclosure, up to a height of 3 feet, is built of cast iron. The giille work above is of wrought iron of a close design surmounted by an ornamental cast iron transom. The upper portion of the enclosure between the transom and ceiling, is filled with open grille work sufficiently strong to prevent anyone from falling out of the car. \Vu show a similar design on Plate No. 90, excepting that the gate is smaller, and only one-half of the front slides while the other half remains stationary. We show a photograph on page 398 of an elevator enclosure in connection with a staircase for a store building, which is economical in cost as well as ornamental. 894 The elevator enclosure shown on page 404 is constructed with a cast iron framework, and the openings are filled with wrought iron grilles and frames backed up with ground glass, preventing any noise or draught from the shaft. The iron work of this enclosure is all electroplated in imitation of bronze, with all the high flat surfaces polished. The enclosure shown on page 399 is built, entirely of solid bronze with automatic folding gates. This enclosure, as to design and finish and the large amount of bronze used in its construction, is one of the finest ever made. We also give a photograph of a counter screen for business offices, on page 404. This is built en- tirely of solid bronze with small wickets or gates suitable for banking offices, with a glass shelf projecting on the outside supported on bronze brackets. This counter screen can be furnished either of bronze, cast or wrought iron painted, or of wrought iron electroplated in imitation of bronze. 395 Plate No. 89. 396 Plate No. 90. 397 MoRtiKNTHAU Bt'll.lMV., IQTII S'lKKH AND SlXTII A\KM1, X I \\ VoKK. IRON WORK FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 398 DUN BUILDING, READE STREET AND BROADWAY, NEW YORK. BRONZE WORK FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 399 Ak.M'i. Fniii AM-M-I, 47111 HI 4*111 SIKHI-. Niw YUKK ClTV. \\OKK FUKNISHKI) AMI KKI.l IKH 1!V M1I.I.IKI.N HK( H II KKS. 400 ELEVATOR ENCLOSURE, MORNINGSIDE DORMITORY, NEW YORK CITY. WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS 401 Hi t\ \II-K I-'N. MI-I Kt . I'.IMMI ki i u. Biiim.Nc;, JKR^KV C'm. WORK DKSIi.M.D. rrUMSHKD AND ERECTED BY MII.MKKN HROTlll KS ELEVATOR ENCLOSURE WORK FOR BROWN APARTMENT HOUSE, NEW YORK CITY. WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 403 DUN BUII.DINC, RK. MM SIKMI \M> I!KOM>WAV, NKW YORK. BROX/I \\MKK KCKMMIKI) \M) IKK I HI IIV MII.I.IKKN IIKOTHERS. 404 ORNAMENTAL SHEET METAL WORK. Sheet metal work of an ornamental character has come into general use in recent years, to take the place of stone or iron, for cornices, balustrades, consoles, panels, fascias, mouldings and work generally of this nature. This work can be furnished at a low cost and presents a fine architectural appearance. We show on Plate No. o/T'cornices, columns and balustrades, which are all of the purest classic style. The top story of the building, around which the columns are placed, is used as a summer roof garden and is entirely open at the sides but roofed over. In cold weather removable glass partitions are placed behind the columns and balustrades, enclosing the sides. Total height of this work is 18 feet, and it is made entirely of sheet copper supported on iron framework. We can also furnish material of this character of galvanized iron with zinc ornaments in place of copper. We can furnish cornices of any size and of any thickness, from No. 16 to No. 28 guage, as may be required. On Plate No. 92 is shown elevation and section of a cornice which we have furnished for a large store building in a foreign country. This cornice is 10 feet high and is made entirely of sheet copper, excepting the inside panels of the fascia, which are filled with marble slabs. We also furnish sheet copper or galvanized iron ornamental ridging for roofs, hammered metal ceilings, casings and pediments for outside of windows, covering for bay windows, and if desired the entire front of building can be made of sheet metal with any required amount of ornaments. 405 Plate No. 91. 406 Plate No. 92. 407 \VIMHIU-, Nii, \Vi~i ;.;KI> STKMI, N i \\ VOKK I'IIN WORK DESH-.NF.n, FfRMSIIED AND ERECTED BY MILUKEX BROT1IKRS. 1M FIRE PROOF DOORS. We furnish doors of sheet iron, with or without frames, or of wood covered with tin, galvanized iron or copper; plain or paneled, of any desired size. See Plate No. 93. These doors can be furnished with over-head tracks, fire fuses and complete self-closing attachments so that in case of fire the fuse will burn and the doors will close automatically by their own weight, the tracks being placed on a slight incline. These doors are very serviceable for factory buildings and for doorways between buildings. When the doors connect two buildings, the sills are placed 3 inches above the floor so as to prevent the water going from one building to the other, thus causing damage. We also furnish Safe Doors, single or double, plain or ornamental, with or without combination locks. On the above Plate we show an elevation and plan of a safe door, the inner door being made in two folds and the outer door in one fold, hung on a cast iron frame. These can be furnished of any width or height desired, and the face of the outer door and frame can be moulded, decorated and painted. 409 Plate No. 93. 410 METAL WINDOW SASHES AND FRAMES. Windows and frames made of metal have largely superseded wood windows for use in factories, office buildings, warehouses, etc., where high fire-proof qualities are desired. The windows can be gla/ed with plate glass or wire glass (that is, glass fused over a wire mesh fibre) in which case they afford practical fire-proof protection. Metal windows can be made either of wrought or cast iron construction or formed of galvanized sheet iron similar in appearance to wood sash. The sheet metal windows are preferable in cases where it is desired to have the sash double hung, i.e., vertical sliding in pairs with counterbalanced weights. We have a special type of double hung sheet metal window largely used in office buildings which permits the sash to pivot in addition to the vertical sliding motion, thereby enabling the windows to be easily cleaned from the inside. Cast or wrought iron construction affords, of course, the most durable form of window and these are furnished either stationary or with pivots or hinged sash. We have equipped a number of large power houses and factories with these windows both of cast and of wrought iron and they give entire satisfaction. The sashes are usually hinged and pivoted in small sections and the opening and closing may be regulated by a lever arm and gearing on the inside of each window. This operating device can also be arranged so that the windows can be opened in sets as may be desired. Glass can be furnished either clear, ribbed or wired. Ribbed glass is usually supplied 3/ l6 inch or y inch (4.8 m.m. or 6.4 m.m.) thick. Clear glass of double thick American quality about 5 / 3 2 inch (4 m.m.) thick. Wire glass % inch or 5 /i6 inch (6.4 m.m. or 8 m.m.) thick. The photographs on pages 412 and 413 illustrate some cast iron sash in use. 411 IkON \YlM>>U>, " \V\TKKM [>K " I'u\\ I k SlAMON, N T KW YoKk C'll\. WORK DKSK;.\KI), FURNISHED AND KRECTED BY KTUJKEN ISKOTIIKRS. IRON WINDOWS, " WATERSIDE" Pmvi.R STATION, NKW YORK Crrv. } ?.i * vmR j \VORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MILLIKEN BROTHERS. 413 . I.v addition to work described and shown on the preceding pages, we furnish other material, a partial list of which is ivcn below: CHIMNKY C\rs. cither of cast iron or steel ; plain or ornamental. ELEVATORS, either passenger or freight, with cars, guides, ropes and machinery for same, either for hytuaulic or electric power. Hand power elevators for sidewalks ; also dumb waiters. FIRE ESCAPES of wrought iron, plain or ornamental, for store or factory buildings. FLAG POLES of steel or wood with halliards and fittings complete, including gilded balls and braces. GATES. Automatic wooden safety gates for front of freight elevators, counter-balanced, self-closing and operated automatically by car. GEARING \\i> OPENING DEVICES for iron or wooden sashes or transoms. GRATINGS of cast or wrought iron for sidewalks and areas ; also steel bar or wire gratings for top of elevator shafts to prevent machinery from falling down the shaft. GI'ARDS, either ornamental or plain, of iron, brass or bronze, for windows and doors. MARHI.E TREADS AND PLATFORMS for staircases, either of white Italian, grey or white American. SLATE TREADS AND PLATFORMS for staircases, either black, purple or green. SHUTTERS for outside of windows, specially adapted for fire protection; can be made either of sheet iron, with or without iron frames, or can be furnished of wood covered with tin. Snt'TTEK EYES for building into walls to support shutters; can be either painted or galvanized 414 SADDLES OR SILLS of cast iron, brass or bronze, for entrance doors or elevator doors. SNOW GUARDS for pitched roofs. WHEEL GUARDS AND FENDERS for protection of driveway entrances, either solid cast iron or of wrought iron bars. Also cast iron plain or ornamental fenders or bases, 6 inches to 5 feet in height, for protection of interior columns. WiRE GUARDS with frames, either painted or galvanized. WOODEN SASH AND FRAMES for windows, including cords, pulleys, weights and glass ; also wooden doors and frames, with hardware for same. WOODEN HANDRAILS for staircase railings, either of oak, ash or mahogany. 415 ORNAMENTAL FIRE KM \IM>, BROOKS Bun HIM., Xi Y<>KK Cm. l\ \ ill ! WORK DESIGNED, FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY MII.I.IKEN IIRIH II I- U*. 416 CABLE CODE. In attempting to get up a telegraphic cable code it is quite evident that it is impossible to make such a code as to allow people to order entire buildings or any and every class of material which we furnish that enters into buildings. We have therefore endeavored in the following pages to give simple requests for prices, information, and answers thereto, and also code words representing certain classes of raw material. It is therefore understood that this code is only partially complete and is intended to be used in connection with Lieber's Standard Code or any of the codes given on cover of this catalogue. Parties desiring estimates on complete iron structures will therefore be obliged to send in drawings and specifications, or send us such information as will enable us to make up drawings and specifications from which to make estimates on the work in question. At all times, however, we should be very pleased to use this code as far as possible in order to save time, and we expect from time to time to increase this code so as to cover as large a class of information as it is possible to cover in a work of this nature. It will be noted that we have divided the code under headings. First, phrases embodying information that customers desire us to furnish them with, and immediately following that are phrases in answer to these questions. We believe that this method will help our customers in finding the correct phrases that they wish to use in cabling. 417 INDEX TO CABLE CODE. Acceptance of quotations Jes ..................... :is Bulb Angles Changing, Suspending and Canceling Orders.. PAGE. 4* 4*4 4S. 426 4*6 422 Channels ........................................ 4*7, 4*8 Deck Beams ............................. 4*7 Flats and Bars ................... ' ........ 4* 6 , 4*9. 43 Inquiries for Prices and Answers .................. 4" 9 Length in feet .................................. 43'. 43* Length in inches ................................. 43*> 433 Length in metres ................................ 433 Length in decimal parts of a metre ................ 434 Marking, Freight and Shipping Instructions Miscellaneous Phi-nix Columns Prices per pound in cents 436, Round and Square Bars Sheet Iron Shipments Tees Terms of payment Thickness of Metal Weights in pounds Weights in kilograms PAGE. 421 4*3 4*7 437, 43 43. 43' 4*3 4*i. 4** 4*9 420 434 435 435 REVERSE INDEX. Code Words beginning with A 4*4 B 4*5. 4*6 C 4*7, 4*8 D 4*7 E 434 I" 43', 43* G 4*7 H 435 1 43*, 433 Code Words beginning with L .............. 419, 420, " " " M ................... " " " N " " " O " " " P. " " R& S ........ 436, W. 421, 422 433, 434 4*3 4*3 437, 438 43, 43' 4*9 4*9. 43 418 1. Inquiries for Prices, Deliveries, etc. Code Word. Labor Lace Lack Laconical Laconism Lactine Lading Ladle Lady Laird Lamb Lame Laminate Lamp Telegraph lowest net price f. o. b. cars or vessel N. Y. Harbor. Telegraph lowest net price and earliest time of deli very f. o. b. cars or vessel N. Y. Harbor. At what price will you furnish from stock Can you reduce your price of Can you supply additional material at same price? At what price will you supply additional material? When could you deliver f . o. b. cars or vessel N. Y. Harbor? Can you make earlier delivery? Delivery must be made promptly. Delivery may be made at yoiir convenience. How long will you hold price open? We cannot allow you to enter order unless you will ship by We cannot allow you to enter order unless you will reduce your price. We will give you until to ship. Code Word. Landau Landloper Landrcl Languor Lap Lapel Larboard Larch Large Lariat Larrup Lastly Lately Latent Latin Latitude Latrant ANSWERS TO No. I. Our lowest price f. o. b. cars or vessel N. Y. Harbor is In accordance with your letter of In accordance with your telegram of We can deliver complete in We can furnish complete from stock. We cannot furnish from stock. We cannot reduce our price of We will reduce our price We cannot make better delivery. We cannot make estimate from information sent. We will supply additional material at same price. We will supply additional material at We cannot supply the material you ask for. We do not make the sizes you ask for. Can furnish Cannot hold price open. Must accept immedi- ately by wire. Will hold price open for Our lowest price f. o. b. vessel N. Y., or other port at our option with freight and marine insurance prepaid by us to is 419 2. Acceptance of our Quotations, etc. Code Word. Laura Levttr l.aissuit ify Leak Leanly Leaf /.ti> ruing /.< a sing I. , tiring l.iction in/ Lett Legal Legality We accept your quotation of We cannot accept your quotation of l 'an accept your quotation, if you will deliver in Time of delivery is satisfactory, but prices are ton high. Prices are too high. Can offer you ANSWERS TO No. 2. Wo accept your order on the terms stated. \\Y cannot accept your order on the terms stated. \\\ accept your offer of We cannot accept your offer of We cannot execute your order until further details are received. Code Word. Legation Lemon Lesion Lethal Let/lean / , :-eler Lever Levity Lexical Liable Liability Liar 3. Terms of Payment, etc. What terms of payment will you accept ? Will arrange satisfactory terms of payment. Net cash on delivery of shipping papers in New York City. Arrange bankers' credit or letter of credit on New York. Advise us name of your agents here who will make payments. Must have payments arranged before we exe- cute your order. Your terms of payment are satisfactory. Your terms of payment are not satisfactory. 4. Code Word. Libel Lib clous Liberal Liberalism Libertine Liberty Libratory Licentious Lichen Lickerish Licorice Lictor Lifeboat Lighter Lignite Likelihood Likewise Marking, Freight and Shipping Instructions. Send immediately full marks for material. Send immediately full shipping- instructions. Send us name of your shipping agents. How shall we ship ? Are shipping instructions we have correct ? Send immediately full marks and shipping instructions. Wire us immediately full marks and shipping instructions. Must have them to make shipment. ANSWERS TO No. 4. Mark material as follows. Ship material as follows. Our shipping agents are Shipping instructions will by- Shipping instructions will be given you later. Shipping instructions you have are correct. Mark the goods as follows , and ship them via be given you 5. Code Word. Liking Lily Limb Lime Limitable Limpsey Linden Link Linger Lingual Linguist Lining Linnet Linseed Linstock Lion Lithe Litigant Inquiries about Shipments of Orders. Have you shipped order When will you ship order When will you ship balance of order ? When will you make next shipment ? Can you ship order from stock ? ANSWERS TO No. 5. We have shipped order complete. We shipped order complete - We will ship order complete We will ship balance of order We will make next shipment- Cannot say when we can make shipment Cannot ship order from stock. Can ship order from stock. Can ship from stock in following sizes. 421 6. Shipments delayed Pieces Lost. Code Word. Litigate Lilians Lively Code Word. Living Lizard Li'iiitstonc Local i -at ,'i't/ Loiterer I on^itndc Shipment of - not received. What has delayed shipment of Trace last shipment. Shipment of - lost. Please duplicate. pieces lost on shipment of Please duplicate pieces marked ANSWERS TO No. 6. We will trace shipment We do not know what ment Loom Loosely >hlf has delayed ship- will duplicate shipment immediately. will duplicate lost pieces immediately. W*.- cannot duplicate lost pieces. Send marks of lost pieces and date of ship- ment. -Changing, Suspending and Can- celing Orders. Can we make change in order ? Can we change size(s) of material ? Change necessary in order. Lowermost Loyal Lubricous Lucifer Lucky Luff Luggage Lull Lunacy I. ii nation Lunch Lung Lure Lusory Lye cut> Lye Lynx Lvrical Change necessary in size of building. Order entirely changed. Suspend all work. Order slightly changed. Await further in- formation. Suspend all work on order. Suspend work until new details are received. Cancel order of Continue work on order. Change will not be made. ANSWERS TO No. 7. We cannot make change in order. We can make change in order. We cannot make change without additional expense. We can make change without expense. Material cut. Too late to make change. Have suspended work on order. Have suspended work awaiting new details. Have canceled order. Cannot cancel order. Have continued work on order. 8. Names of Articles, Phrases, etc. Code Word. Nadir Naivete Naked Natant Naval Navy Nazaritc Neap Necessary Nectarial Needful Negotiable Negus Neither Nephew Neuter Newfangled Newspaper Nighness Nightly Bronze work electroplated. Bronze work solid. "Knocked down" for shipment. Milliken Patent floor construction. Ornamental iron work. Painted one shop coat. Riveted steel girders. Riveted steel trusses. Rolling steel shutters. Sheet iron No. 10. Sheet iron No. 12. Sheet iron No. 14. Sheet iron No. 16. Sheet iron No. 18. Sheet iron No. 20. Sheet iron No. 22. Sheet iron No. 24. Sheet iron No. 26. Sheet iron No. 28. Corrugations i % inches wide. Code Word. Nitrate Nocuous Noggin Nomad Xoiielcct Nothing Not hurt Notional Novel Numerous Nun Nut Nutria Nymph Oak Oar Oats Oblige Obsequious Obtainable Corrugations 2}4 inches wide. Corrugations 3 inches wide. Corrugations 5 inches wide. Galvanized not painted. Galvanized and painted. Black not painted. Black and painted. Smoke stack self supporting. Smoke stack guyed. Structural steel work. 423 Steel Angles. Code Word. Aback AbatHS Abaft Abating . I bate men t Abbcttor Abolish Abin-e A breast Absence Abundant Abuse EQUAL LEGS. Size in inches. 6x6 Size in millimetres. 152.39 x 152.39 i 26 99 x i 26 99 Code Word. Adjacent Adjoin A if jut or . I dmissible Adobclt Adopt . I i/oft 'ion- . I iii-aiic e . \di-antage Affix UNEQUAL LEGS. Size in inches. 7 X 1 1 A Size in millimetre*. 177.79 x 88 89 152.39 x 101.59 152.39 x 88.89 1 26. 99 x 88.89 126.99 x 76. 19 101.59 x 76. 19 88.89 x 7 6 - '9 88.89 x 63.49 76. 19 x 63.49 76. 19 x 50.79 63.49 x 50.79 50.79X 38.09 6x4 A 5 4x a 101.59 x 101.59 88.89 x 88.89 6 x 3# 5 x 3^4 \ V^ x i ^A 76 lox 76 10 c x \ 3 x 3 2 14 X 2 1 A 67. 4O X 6 T JO 4x3 . . . 8 1^ 3C 9m S7. 14 X S7. 14 3 1 A X 7. CO 7O X CO 7O 3/4 x 2^4 *A J4 X -1.1 44 i'/4 x i '/4 18.00 x ^8.00 3x2 I ^ X I \ 11. 74 X 1 1. 74 2^ X 2 ' 74 * l /4 I X I 2S.4 X 2S.4 2 x i J4 See table for thickness farther on. Code Word. Baby Bacon Bad Baggage Bagnio I Bailable Bailee Bailing Bake man Bald Baldrick Ball Ballister Ballooning Ballotry Bamboo B ambus t Banana Bandogcrt Bandoling Bang Bankable Bankbook Depth in inches. 24 . . . Weight per foot in pounds. . . . 100 . . . . Depth in milli- metres. . . 609.58 . . 609.58 . . . 609.58 . . . 609.58 . . . 609.58 . C.O7.qq Steel I Weight per metre in kilograms. .... 148.82 , 141.38 J33-93 .... 126.49 119-05 .... 148.82 141.38 ' 133-93 .... 126.49 .... 119.05 .... 1 1 1. 61 .... 104. 17 .... 96.73 .... 104.17 96.73 .... 89.29 81.85 .... 148.82 141.38 T 33-93 .... 126.49 .. 119.05 1 1 1.61 Beams. Code Word. Bans Barberied Barefaced Barge Bark Barley Barleybarn Barmy Barn Barouclic Barrel Barren Basesel Bassoon Bastiled Bateau Bayou Beautijier Became Because Bed Bcdasser Bedfellow Depth in inches. 15 . . . I r Weight per foot in pounds. . . . 70 6s Depth in milli- metres. 380.99 . . . 380.99 . . . 380.99 380.99 . ^80. qq . Weight per metre in kilograms. .... 104.17 96.73 .... 89.29 .... 81.85 74.41 24. CK 24. OO I 5 .. I c ... 60 c c; 24 . . 8S 24 . . ... 80 I C =10 20 . IOO 15 . . . '5 I 2 AC ?8c. qo .... 66.96 .... 62.50 .... 81.85 74.41 .... 66.96 .... 59.52 .... 52.08 46.87 59-52 .... 52.08 44.64 "?7. 2O 20 . OS 507.99 . 5 7-99 57-99 - 507-99 57-99 507-99 507-99 A C7. I Q ... 40 C C. 380.99 . 3 4-79 304.79 304-79 2QJ. 7Q 20 OO 20 8e I 2 CQ 20 . . . ... 80 I 2 4^ 20 7 <; I 2 4O 20 70 12 . . . 12 . . . 10 . . . IO . . . TO . . . . .. 35 ... 31.5 .... . . . 40 - -- 35 50 3 4-79 304-79 2 53-99 2 53-99 253-99 2 C, 7. QQ 20 . . 65 18 7O 18 6c 457-19 457-19 jc 7 i Q 18 ... 60 18 re IO . . . Q . ... 25 ... . ?< I C IOO 380.99 . . . 380.99 . .. 380.99 . 380.99 - 380.99 . . 180. qq . 228. E;Q q2.o8 I C . qc q "*o .. 228.59 .. 228.59 . . 228. 59 . . 203.19 . 2O3. IQ . .... 44.64 37.20 .... 31.25 37-94 34.22 I c OO 2 ^ I C 8s q . 21 I C ... 80 . . . . 8 . . . 8 . . .. 25.5 .... 2T, i >; . 7S 425 Steel I Beams Continued. 1 )epth Weight per 1 ii-pth in Weight per Depth Weight per Depth in Weight per in foot milli- metre in in foot milli- metre in (.'ulc Word. inches. in pounds. metres. kilograms. Code Word inches. in pounds. metres. kilograms. In i/l ill 8 . . ... 20.5 .... . 203.19 30-5 Behalf 5 '2.25 . 126.99 18.23 l>c5*-39 11.9 I III >f>V 2O . 228.59 29.76 Carnallv c . 1 1. S . 126.99 1 7. 1 1 ' 'f^^if , 1 ' I c . 228.159 . 22.32 Cart 1 J J .... 9 ww 126.99 . / .... '3-39 ( an ton . . . 9 . . . 13.25.... . 228.59 . 19.71 i i 'ar/>,f 5 ---. 6.5 77 126.99 .... 9.67 Cap s . . . ... 21.25... 203.19 31-62 ( arry 4 - 7-25 101.59 . .... 10.78 ( ,if>al>/i 8 . . . ... 18.75.... .. 203.19 27.90 ( arrnt 4 - 6.25 101.59 . 9.30 (. W/V s . . . 1 6. 25. . . . . . 203. 19 . 24.18 ( 'artagf 4 5-*5 101.59 . 781 ( 'apstaii s . . . '3-75 203. 19 .... 20.46 C 'artriiigt- 3 .... 6 76.19 .... 8. 92 ( 'attain 8 . .. 11.25.... 203.19 '6-75 C 'nsf 3 76.19 - 7-44 Cfptttryst 7 . . . ... 19.75 177.79 29.39 Caschardtn 3 76.19 5-95 Caraji 7 ... . .. 17.^5. -- .. 177-79 25.67 , 488 Steel Tees. Code Word. Tabid EQUAL LEGS. Size in inches. 4x4 Size in millimetres. 101. 59 x 101. S9 1 Code Word. Tamper UNEQUAL LEGS. Size in inches. 4 x e Tableau 3^ x 3^ 88.89 X 88.89 Tampion 4x3 ... Tackling 76. 19 X 76. iq Tan 3 1 A X 4 Tactics O O ' 2 y 2 x 2^ 6'?.4Q X () ;..iij Tapioca 3/^ x 3 Taffrail S7. 14 X Talent \y x \y . . 38.09 x 38.09 Tarpaulin 2*A X 1 Tallow I Vt. X I 1 / 31. 70 x 31.70 Tarry 2*A X 23/{ Tallyman I X I 2S.40 X 2S.40 Tassel 1 3/ x i y. Size in millimetres. 101.59 x 126.99 101.59 x 76-19 88.89 x i OI -59 88.89 x 76-19 76. 19 x 101.59 76. 19 x 63.49 76. 19 x 88.89 63.49 x 76. 19 63.49 x 69.84 See table for thickness farther on. Words for Ordering Flats and Plates. Sizes one inch and under use words given in table farther on headed "Thickness of Metal." WIDTHS. WIDTHS. WIDTHS. WIDTHS. Mill-- Milli- Milli- Milli- Code Word. Inches, metres. Code Word. Inches. metres. Code Word. Inches. metres. Code Word. Inches. metres. Wade \}k . . 28.56 Waive 2 X 57-14 Wanness sH 95-24 Watch 7 177-79 Waft i^ 31-74 Wall 2 >2 . . 63.49 Warehouse 4 101.59 Watcher 8 .. 203.19 Wages \y 2 . . 38.09 Walleye 2^ . . 69.84 Wares 4K 107-94 Water 9 228.59 Waon l5/8 . . 41.27 Wallop 3 - 76.19 Warm 4/4 . . 114. 29 Watermelon 10 2 53-99 Wain I ?4 . 44.44 Wampum 3% 82.54 Warranty 5 126.99 Waver II . . 279.39 Waist 2 - - 5-79 Wan 3% . . 88.89 Wash 6 .. 152.39 Weaken 12 . . 304.79 429 WIDTHS Words for Ordering Flats and Plates Continued. WIDTHS. WIDTHS. WIDTHS. *> 1 1/1 1 !.-. Mllli- Miin- : Milli- Milli- Code Word. Inches. metre--. Code Word. Inches, metres. Code Word. Inches. metres. Code Word. Inches. metres. Wealth 13 33. '9 / f \-llbeing 19 482.59 Wharf 30 761.98 Whinny 60 ..1523.97 Wtaumd >4 355-59 Westerly 20 507-99 W liar f age 35 . . 888.98 Whiten 66 . . 1676.37 Weather 15 380.99 Westward 21 . . 532.38 Whatsoever 40 . . 1015.98 Wholesale 72 ..1828.77 Wttd 16 406.39 West}' 22 55 8 -79 / 1 'lienever 45 1142.98 Wider 78 ..1981.16 Weekday "7 43'-79 Wtx 23 .. 584.18 Whereat 50 ..1269.97 Widespread 84 ..2133.56 Weigh 18 457-9 Whaleman 24 . . 609.58 Wherefore 55 '396.97 Round and Square Steel Bars. Code Word. Code Word. Code- Word. Code Word. Rounds. Squares. Size in inches. Size in millimetres. Rounds. Squares. Size in inches. Size in millimetres. g c / n c 2 Ransomer Saltpetre i 3-16 30. 15 i\aecoon Radial .V/*"//< III Sage 7 1 7 16 11.11 Ransomless Same ? 3'-74 Radiator / y f 1 2.69 Rap , 5-16 33-32 Radix Sailloft / 9 -16 14.28 Rapidly Sanhedrin 1) 34-9' A 1 ' ti < r ni > r bailor i< 15.87 Rapine i 7-16 36.5 "& ttarrc Sake 1 1 -i f\ 17.46 Rasurt Safer , i 38.09 i\.ags Railway Salaceous T? f .9-04 Ratan iJ 4 41-27 ^ Rai in bolt Salamagen I 7-16 20 6* Rate SaPuriJie 44-44 3 I0 A' , - , ii 7, 22. 22 Rather I * . . 47.62 Rake SaUaw y i 23.80 Ratling Saturn 2 50-79 Salt ] 2 1 ). i'l Ratoon Saturine 2 53-97 A'/? itrnti f Sn/tt rii 28.C6 Raucity Salable ,' 57-'4 430 Round and Square Steel Bars Continued. Code Word. Code Word. Rounds. Squares. Ravesty Scannel Size in inches. Size in millimetres. 2^ 60.32 Code Word. Code Word. Rounds. Squares. Reassign Seclant Size in inches. Size in millimetres. Ravish Scanron 2 */j 6"?. 4Q Reassure 444 Ravishment Scarce 2^ . . 66.67 Rebaptist Secmart Rawlicad Schemer 2^A 60.84 Rebel y Razor Schoolman 2 % 7^.O2 Rebellion Second 4 3 /i Reaction Schooner T. 76. 10 Recapture 12"? 82 Readily ? V 70. T. 7 Receivable c . . I 26 or) Readjust Scraggy T.VL 82.1:4 Receiver Readmit A A -54 ?% 8s. 72 Recency Reannex Scrutoir 3^ . 88.89 Recentness c.y. Reappoint 3^6 9 2 -7 Reclicat 6 I c 2 7O Rearguard Scupper 7 i/f 0^.24 Reclwose I eg 7 , Reason Recognize 6^ i 6c of j Reasonable Secederal 4 101. SO Recollect 6ti 171 A.A Reassert 4 Mi 104-77 Length in Feet. Code Word Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Facet i Fagend 6 Faldstool ii Family 16 Fang I ess 21 Facing 2 Failure 7 Fall 12 Famine i? Fare 22 Facsimile 3 Faint is h 8 Falsely 13 Fan 18 Faring 23 Fact 4 Fair 9 Falter 14 Fancy 19 Farmer 24 Factionist 5 Faith 10 Famed iS Fang 20 Farrago 2 5 431 Length in Feet Continued. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Farrier 26 Fathomless 36 Felony 46 Fewness 55 F&ngt 64 J-iirri>;>- *7 Fatness 37 Fencing 47 Fiat 5<> Filthily 6 5 Farthing 28 Faulty 3 /'cinaii 8 Fibber 57 Financier 66 l-iiscienlar 29 Fanny 39 l-'err -eons 49 Fieriness 58 I'liiencss 67 ittity 3 Favor 40 Fertile 5 Ft/cr 59 l-'tnis/ier 68 Fastday 3i Favorable 4" Fervency 5' I-igilatc 60 l-'irelock 69 Fasten 3* Fearful 42 Fervidly 5* I'igment 61 Firmly 7 i'atal 33 Feastful 43 Fetid 53 1- illation 62 l-'irtnness 7' Fated 34 Fcdition 44 Feudalism 54 Filigree 63 l-'ishing 7* Fathom 35 Feeder 45 Ibex Iceberg Icincss Igncsccnt Igniferoiis Illiberal Illicit Ulna lure Illogical Ulstarred ruwitt H H Length in Inches. Imaginable \YI Implacable tji Improbable 4% Ineisure Imagine i ft Implead 3 Improper 4ft 1 licit a nt Imbosom >K Implex Improve 4% Incite Immaterial i# Implicit 3# Impure 4ft /nc/asp Immigrate 2 Impolite 3^ Impiintv 4% Inclose Immoderate 2>6 ImporoHS 3^i Inaction 4H Inclusion Immm-ablc 2 M Import 3ft Inadequate 5 Income Impanel 2fh Impregnate 3K Inane S/4 Incurious Impassive *% Imprimis 3^i Inaposite 5% hid i cent Impawn 3 ft Imprint 4 Inapt sft Indeed Impersonal *X Imprison 4^ Inarch 5>* Index 482 Length in Inches Continued. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Indian 7 Inertia 8>6 Infold 9 1 A Inkiness io> Insnare Indicate 7>6 Inertness 8% Inform 9K Inland IO M Insolvent Indorse iH Infamy 8^j Infuse 9^i Inlet 10^ Inspire Indue ifa Infant 9>y 2 Ingot 9% Inmost 10^ Instance Inebriate 7/2 Infer 8/8 Ingulf 9/8 Inning 10^4 Instead Inedited 7/8 Inferior 8% Inhere 9M Insecure 10% Insurable Ineffective 7 % Infernal 8J-6 Injure 9?^ Inside io^i Insurance Ineligible 7^ Infix 9 Ink 10 Insist 1 1 Insure Inequality 8 Length in Metres. Machinery i Makebate \ ^ Manifest '3 Maranatha 19 Marshy 25 Madrepore 2 Mallard 8 Manlike { 4 Marcid 20 Martinman 26 Magi 3 Mallows 9 Mantua iS Marital 2 I Masonic 27 Mahogany 4 Malmsey 10 Manurtal \ 6 Mar Ian t 22 Mayday 28 Mainmast 5 Manage I I Maple J 7 Marline 23 Mazarine 29 Major 6 Mangle I 2 Mappery 18 Marmorean 2 4 Meaning 3 483 Decimal Parts of a Metre. It Word. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Measly .100 Mediation .700 Melody .040 Mend .090 Mttk 005 Measure .200 Mediator .800 Melon .050 Menhaden .001 Methodical .006 Meat .300 Meed .900 Memorable . 060 Merchant .002 Metropolis .00; Mt\' Illinium . 400 Mflt'f .010 Memorandum .070 Mercy .003 Mew .008 Mechanist . 500 M clod eon .020 Memorize .080 Mi rrifst .004 Mezzo .009 Medal .600 Melodrama .030 1 ll Thickness of Metal. In In milli- inches. metres. 1 17 I'ltves In In niilli- inche>. metres. 7-16 1 1 . 1 I l-.d\etion Iln In milli inches. metres. VL 10. Of. Fbrition 1 A 12.7 Effective i; Hi . 20.62 I/ A -I A Edge ma H 1 111 14.28 Effectual ^ Z2.22 / (i \ticard 74 U -J4 5- 1 6 7 O 7 Edsrint fi 15.87 Egression I S- 1' 1 22.81 Easv /-Vo *i o.>;2 Edomant 1 1-16 17-46 Egrctte i o-o 25.4 For Weights in Pounds and Decimal Parts of a Pound only. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. : Code Word. II Code Word. Habeas I.OO Hair 7.00 Handbill 3 Hard/tack .90 Harrow O? Habitable 2.OO Hallow 8. oo Handcuff .40 Hardy .01 Harvest J .06 Habitual 3.00 Halo 9. oo Handier 5 Harmonica .02 Hash .07 Hades 4.00 Halter o. oo Hank .60 Harmonious .03 Haste / .08 Haft 5.00 Halyard . \ o Happier . 70 Harness 4 Hatchet .09 Hail 6.00 Hammock . 20 Harbor .80 For Weights in Kilograms and Decimal Parts of a Kilogram only. Hatchway I.OO Haivker 7.00 Headway .30 Heat '/i .qo Heirloom . o s Hatter 2.OO Hazardous 8. oo Healthily .40 Hector .01 Heifer .06 Hanncli 3.00 Hazel 9.00 Healthier 5 Hedgehog .02 Hemsticli .07 Hauteur 4.00 Headstall o.oo Hearsay .60 Heifer 3 Hemlock .08 Haven 5.00 Headstone . i o Hearse .70 Heinous .04 Henceforth .09 Havoc 6.00 Headstrong .20 | Heartless . .80 435 Prices U. 5. A. Code Word. 1 "aeliti Price per Price per pound kilo in cents. in cents. I - 1 O .22 Code Word. I'ayiiiiiit Price per Price per pound kilo in cents. in cents. i 4- 10 7.08 Code Word. Pickpoeket Price per Price per pound kilo in cents. in cents. 2. ?5 C.6| Package I\iliitiiu' X -'15 2-IO A A l\acc PffttStU >^ 3-3<> l6-IO 1. S2 PUot Pilot a -^ e 26-10 572 *V6 5.77? Pallia^ M 1 A si PtticU 1 ; K ^. <>7? Pinch 2.65 . 5.8 1 \iltid 74 j 3- 1 o 66 Pelisse 1 7- IO 1. 74 Pine 27-IO S.Q4 Pandect f6 .825 Penknife \y. 3.85 1 'irate 24i . 6.0IJ Pantalets 4-10 .88 l\'ntagra/>li i 8-10 ;.M'> Piratical 28-10 . 6. 16 l\intal{>i'>is 1 A 1. 10 Peony i "s .i.i-'; Pitchpipe 2.8<: 6.27 1 n n tit fist 6- 10 ''3 2 Percentn 'L I 0- IO 4. l8 1'it Hess 24& 6. 12? Pant/ier I ? 7 c Perhaps 2 4.4 Placeman 2 Q-1O 6 ^8 I\it>acv 7 - 1 O 1 S J. Perimaii 2. O5 4. ?I Plague 2. OS 6. 4O /'ti/rrus ^ i 6* Peristyle 2 I -IO 4.62 Plainly 6.6 Paradise 8-10 1.76 Perjure 2'A 4.675 Plaintiff *. o? . 6. 7 i Parallax 6 I.O2S Petition 2. I C 4. 7 J /'/on 31-10 6.82 Parasol 9-iO 1. 08 Petroliinn 2 2-IO 4.84 Plantain ; ' . 6.875 Parcel 2 2 Phaeton 2. 25 4.Q5 Plantult 1. I 5 6.Q* Partntltst 1 - 1 O 24"* J'hariscf 2 V IO 5. 06 Plastnatie t 2-1O . 7.O4 Parliament : 2. J7 5 Philiffie 2. ^5 . 5. 17 Plateau ^, 2? 7. I S Passbook 2- I o 2 64 Plnhnii 1 ' - s.225 Platitude 1 V1O 7. 26 Passenger y* 2. 7 c Phosphoric 24-IO 5. 28 Platonic 7. 1C . 7.77 Pass for I 3-10 2.86 Pliotogcn 2 JC e tO Platter : - .7.42? Parable 1^6 *.02 Piantic 2 '/ . . Plavfelloic ^ 4-10 . 7.48 Prices U. 5. A. Continued. Code Word. Pleonastic Price per Price per pound kilo in cents. in cents. 3. AC 7 so Code Word. Pomp Price per Price per pound kilo in cents. in cents. 4 3 /i< 0.62"; Code Word. Postmark Price per Price per pound kilo in cents. in cents. ? 7-10 . . 1 1.66 Plexiform -,y, 77 Ponder A 4- I O O. 68 Postpone ^. 3 ? 11.77 Plinth ?. ^<; 7.81 Pony 4.4 1 ; Q. 70 Potash S^ 11.82^ Ploughman T. 6-IO 7-02 Popish 4 V? Q.Q Pratiguc 54-10 1 1.88 Plumb line 754 . 7.07=; Poplin 4. ?<; 10.01 Praycrless "5.4 1 ; I I.OO Plu t nip ed Plural 3-65 8.03 J7-IO 8. 14. Poppy Population 46-IO IO. I 2 4 5/i I O. I 7 $ Precaution Preclusion $ l /2 12. I EC. ^^ 12.21 Plush T.YA . 8.2S Populous 4.6? I O,2* Predaccous 5 6-10 1 2.32 Plutonian i 8-10 8.^6 Porcli J. 7- I O 1 O T4. Predality C S/Q 12 27 C Pluvial T.8q 8.47 Porker i 3/ J o. a ? Preference ^.6=; 12. a^ Pneumonia iH 8.C2S Poringer 48-10 . . 10.56 Prefigure ^ 7- IO I 2. 5 J. Podag ? o-io 8. s8 Porosity j S r i o 67 Prehensible C^i I 2 6q Podded ^-0^ 8.60 Porter 4 Z^ I O. 7 2 S Prelatical 58-10 12.76 Poise 4 8.8 Porterage 4 q-l o IO. 78 Prclatist S.8q 12.87 Polemic 4. O ? 8 Q I Porthole J Q C I O 8Q Prelude =; ^ I 2 O2C Police 4I-TO O.O2 Portion cr II. Premature =; o-io 1 2.08 Politican 4 Mi Q.O7 t; Poser ?.O? .11.11 Premier ^.0^ I 1.OQ Pollard 4. 1 1; . o. i \ Position ^I-IO 11.22 Premium 6 .13.2 Polyhedron d 7-IO Q. 24 Positively tr 1/6 11.27^ Preoccupy 6.oc; i ^. ^ i Polypus 4. 2ns/i' Prick Prickling Priestly Prim Primarily |>er Price per pound kilo in cents. in cents. 6 2-10 13-64 6 X '3-75 63-10 13.86 6-35 '3-97 6fi "4-025 6 4-19 14.08 6.45 ..14.19 6J4 -14-30 6-55 '4-41 6 6-10 14.52 Code \V..i,l Primordial Princ, /r Prism Prisoner Pit in ti/y Priratire Probably Proceeds i Pi ici per Price per pound kilo in cent-. in cent-. 6H 14.575 6.65 14.63 67-'0 1474 6# 14.85 68-10 14.96 6.85 15.07 6# 15. 125 69-10 15. :8 6.05 '5-29 Code Word. I 'recreate l^rodigious Produce Profession Profitable Profitless Prognostic Prone Price per pound in cents. 7 7# T/4 1* 1% IX 7X Price per kilo in cents. .15.40 '5-675 5-95 .16.225 .16.5 "6-775 '7-05 7-3*5 .17.6 INDEX. A. PAGE. Allowable variation weight of plates 79 Angles, bulb, dimensions and weight 29 " bulb, sections 28 " dimensions and weight (table) 22, 24 " method of increasing areas (illustrated) 32 " punching of flanges (table) 83 " sections (table) 21, 23 Apartment House (illustrated) 150 Application of corrugated iron work 239 Arch fire-proof floors (illustrated) 1 1 i-i 13 Armories 154 Armory (illustrated) 1 64, 1 65 Automatic wooden safety gates 414 B. Bagasse floor, sugar mill . Balconies Band stands Bars, sections " table, limit of sizes. Baseboards . . 37; 183 371 261 12 '3 227 PAGE. Bay window (illustrated) 408 Beam connections (illustrated) 96 Beam girders (illustrated) 96 Beams, deck, dimensions and weight (table) 20 deck, sections 1 8 dimensions and weight (table) i 7 eye, sections (illustrated) 14-16 method of increasing areas (illustrated) 32 punching of flanges (table) 83 punching webs for separators (table) 84 standard connections 85 strength of (table) 47-52 Beet sugar mill buildings 182-188 Beet sugar plant (illustrated) 220 Bell towers 274 " (illustrated) 275 Boiler house for sugar mills 183 Boiling house, sugar mills 183 Bridge shop (illustrated) 170 Bridges, railway, clearances and dimensions (illus- trated) 286 Bridges,. railway and highway 285 " railway, specification for 296-310 Bronze bay window (illustrated) . '. 408 439 Building construction, Standard Specification rolled steel 77-8J Building fronts (illustrated) 357, 358 Buildings fur manufacturing purposes '53-'5<> Bulb angles, dimensions and weight (table) 29 sections (illustrated) 28 c. Cable Code " index Caissons, foundations (illustrated) Cane shed for sugar mills Cane sugar mill Canopies (illustrated) Car repairing shop (illustrated) Casings Cast iron columns, details (illustrated) " " " ornamental " round, strength of " " square, strength of Cast iron ornamental fronts for buildings Cast iron Standard Specification Cement manufactories, Cement works (illustrated) 166, Centrifugal coefficients (table) Centrifugal force railroad bridges Channels, dimensions and weight (table) method of increasing areas (illustrated) .. . . punching of flanges (table) 417 418 100 83 182-188 37<> 372 176 240 103, 104 35 65-69 7 74 356 77 -' 53-<5<> 235. 236 291 302 20 32 83 Channels, sections Checkered steel floor plates Chimneys Chimney caps Circus building (illustrated) Clips for corrugated sheet iron work Coal storage (illustrated) Code Cable Coefficients of impact (table) Columns for fire-proof buildings " sections of riveted (illustrated) " Phoenix sections, dimensions and weight (illustrated) : Columns Zee bars, sections and dimensions (table) . . . Complete fire-proof buildings, how constructed Concert hall (illustrated) Construction complete buildings Conventional rivet signs (illustrated) Corner and baseboards Corner boards Cornice work (illustrated) Corrugated iron (table) " sheet iron work " steel rolling shutters Cranes (illustrated) D. Dead load railway bridges Deck beams, dimensions and weights (table) PAOC. '9 184 246 414 1 60 225 168 417 290 107, loS 86 33 38 34 42 114 117 60, 175 "4 117 349 241 227 406, 407 230 224-229 245 265, 266 267, 269 300 20 440 Deck beams, method of increasing areas (illustrated). " beams, sections (illustrated) Derricks " (illustrated) 270, Details of construction, railroad bridges Diamond steel floor plates Docks ' ' (illustrated) Dome (illustrated) Doors ' ' fire-proof " fire-proof (illustrated) " Standard Specification of Double hung windows Draw bridges Drawings " (illustrated) Drill halls Driveway gates (illustrated) Ductility structural steel Dumb waiters. . E. Elastic limit, structural steel ....................... Electric light plant (illustrated) .................... " power station (illustrated) ......... 133, 142, " traveling cranes ........................... Elevation of outer rail (table) ...................... Elevators ......................................... 3 2 18 265, 266 271, 273 3 T 3 184 279, 280 281-284 132 244 409 410 242 242 3 J 9 348 349 154 369 77-82 414 77-82 181 162, 167 265, 266 291 414 Elevator shaft enclosure 394 " shafts (illustrated) 396-404 Enclosure for elevator shaft 394 Engine loadings and trains (illustrated) 287 Exhibition buildings 154 F. Factory doors 244 Feet, table of, equivalent to metres 87 Fenders 415 Fire escapes 414 " escapes (illustrated) 416 Fire-proof buildings, construction complete 1 14-1 1 7 ceiling (illustrated) doors doors (illustrated) floors for buildings floor (illustrated) partition (illustrated) wall of building (illustrated). . . Flag poles ... Flashings " for sheet iron work (illustrated). Flats, sections Floor construction (illustrated) loads in buildings. 121 409 410 116 i 20 I 22 123 4'4 240 226 '3 I II-II3 I IO Floors in fire-proof buildings 108, 109 Folding shutters 245 Foundry (illustrated) 174 441 Foundry building (illustrated) 169, 171 Fountains 359 " (illustrated I 365 it entrance gate (illustrated) 366, 367 Front work, cast iron, for buildings 356 G. Galvanized corrugated iron (table) 230 < ia* holder guide frame (illustrated) 134 GaU-s 359 " (illustrated) 361-363 Gauge and tlvckness of sheet iron, U. S. Standard. . . 239 Girden, beam (illustrated) 96 " box (illustrated) 95 " lattice (illustrated ) 94 " plate (illustrated) 94 Glass 243 Gratings 414 Grillage descriptive 107 " foundation (illustrated) 97 -100 Grinding house for sugar mills 183 Guards 245,414 Gutters and leaders 240 Gutters for sheet iron work 226 H. Hand cranes (illustrated) 268, 269 Hand power elevators 414 Havana Cigar Factory (illustrated) 120-127 PACK. Highway bridges 285 (illustrated) 33 1 impact 322 lattice truss (illustrated) 325 loadings 321 pin connected pony truss (illus- trated) 333 Highway bridges, pin connected through span (illus- trated ) 3333 Highway bridges, quality of material 322 " " Standard Specification of 320-322 " through truss (illustrated) 324 " " wind pressure 322 Hinged wood windows 242 Hollow wall construction 115 Horse power, table of equivalents, English and French 250 Hotels (illustrated) 130, 131 I. 35* 290 Illuminating patent lights for sidewalks Impact, coefficients of (table) " highway bridges " railroad bridges 301 Index to Cable Code 48 Inspection, cast iron 77 Hz " railroad bridges 319 " rolled steel 77-82 Iron windows 243 " windows (illustrated) 412, 413 Iron works plant (illustrated) 179 K. PAGE. Kilograms, table of, equivalent to each '/ pound avoirdupois 91 Kilograms, table of, equivalent to pounds avoirdupois 91 " table of, per meter equivalent to pounds per foot 92 Kiosks . . 261 L. Lamps 359 " (illustrated) 364 Leaders and gutters 240 Length of span, railway bridges 298 Live load, railway bridges 300 Loadings, engines and trains (illustrated) 287 highway bridges 321 " railway bridges 300 Lookout tower (illustrated) 275, 277 Louvres 241 M. Machine shops 154 shops (illustrated) 158, 161, 163, 172. 173, 178 Manufacturing buildings JSS-'S^ Marble treads and platforms 414 Market buildings I 53~ 1 S6 " buildings (illustrated) 159 PAGE. 93 80 411 8? -90 Marquises 373 (illustrated) 374, 375 Maximum bending moments and bearing values of pins, table of 293 Maximum bending moments, table of 288, 289 Measurement, English and metric systems compared. Medium steel, quality Metal window sashes and frames Metres, table, equivalent to feet " equivalent to feet, each '/ I00 of an inch. " of kilograms per metre, equivalent to Ibs. per foot 92 Milliken Brothers plant (illustrated) Frontispiece Milliken patent roofing (illustrated) 1 18-1 19 Monitor windows 227 Music stands 2 6 1 " stands (illustrated) 262-264 o. Observation tower (illustrated) 277 Office building (illustrated) 138, i 52 " Cape Town (illustrated) 145 " Johannesburg (illustrated) 144 San Francisco (illustrated) 141, 146, 147 " " St. Louis (illustrated) . . . Opening device, windows Ornamental cast iron columns " u.i columns (illustrated) ' " front work for buildings '36 243 35 35" 356 44:! ( irnamcntal elevator shafts 394 fence (illustrated) 368 gates (illustrated) 368,363 railings 377 railings (illustrated) 378-38* ' slu-ct metal work 45 staircases 383 stairs (illustrated) 3 8 5~393 Overhead crane (illustrated) 267-269 foot bridge (illustrated) 330 " travelling cranes 965, 266 P. I 12 140 35* 292 294 Partitions, fire-proof buildings (illustrated) P.iNM.-iijjer station root (illustrated) Patent lights Permissible compressive strains, bridge work shearing strain on web plates, table of. . . Phoenix columns, sections, dimensions and weights (illustrated) 33~3 8 Phoenix columns, strength of (table) 53-6o Piers *79. * 8 (illustrated) 281-284 Pintle connections. Phoenix columns (illustrated). . . . Pivoted windows wood windows Plate girder highway bridge (illustrated) Plates, sections '.table) Pony truss highway bridge (illustrated) 227 242 332 '3 Porte-cocheres 370 " " (illustrated) 373 -376 Porticos 370 Post Office, Mexico (illustrated) Private residence (illustrated) Proportioning of parts for railroad bridges Public music stands Punching of beam connections (illustrated) " of beam flanges, beams, channels and angles (table) " of beam separators [illustrated) Putty (Duality of material, highway bridges . ' " railroad bridges .. " " sheet metal work. R. Railings. '49 '37 3<>7 261 84 *43 3" 3>4 '38 377 (illustrated) 37 8 -3 8 ' Railroad arch bridge (illustrated) 343 347 Railroad bridges, centrifugal force 3* deck span (illustrated) 337 .1 " details of construction 313 ' impact 3' lit Railroad bridges, inspection of 319 " " loads 300 " pin connected deck span (illustrated) 338 " " pin connected through span (illus- trated) 341, 342 plate girder span (illustrated).. 326, 334-336 " " pony riveted truss (illustrated) 339 ' " pony truss (illustrated) 327 " " proportioning of parts . 307 " quality of material 304 " " through pin connected truss (illus- trated) 328 " through riveted truss (illustrated). . 340 " " traction 304 " " wind pressure 302 " workmanship 316 " cranes 269 depots 154 draw bridges 319 " elevated structure (illustrated) 329 " train shed (illustrated) 157 trestle towers 319 turntables 319 Railway bridges 285 " clearances and dimensions (illus- trated) 286 " specification for 296 Reduced areas, punched work (table) 291 Ribbed steel floor plates 184 Ridge rolls 240 " rolls for corrugated sheet iron work 226 PAGE. Rivet steel, quality 80 Riveted columns, sections of (illustrated) 86 Riveted steel pipe 255 Rolling shutters 227, 228 " steel shutters (illustrated) 231 Roofs 1 53-156 " hinged arch truss 154 " of fire-proof buildings (illustrated) 112 Round cast iron columns, strength of 65-69 Round tanks, table of capacities 257 s. Saddles. . Safe load Phoenix columns 53~6o " " round cast iron columns 65 69 " " square cast iron columns 7~74 " " steel beams 48-52 " " Zee bar columns 61-64 Sashes and frames, metal windows 411 Saw tooth roof (illustrated) 232, 237. Shearing and bearing value of rivets, table of 295 Shed building's '53-156 Sheet iron doors 244 " metal covered doors 244 " metal work 224-229 " " " ornamental 405 " " " Standard Specification 238-245 Shutter eyes 414 Shutters 414 445 Shutters, Standard Specification. Sick-walk lights lights (illustrated). Silk mill (illustrated) Sills. . I'AOE. 242-245 352 354, 355 Skeleton construction (illustrated) Skylights 228, Slate treads and platforms Smoke stacks " (illustrated) ... 248, " " table of dimensions for given horse power Snow guards Spacing purlins on roof for sheet iron work Specification Standard, for highway bridges " " " railway bridges " rolled steel " " " sheet metal work Square cast iron columns, strength of tanks, table of capacities Staircases Stairs (illustrated) Standard beam connections (table) cast separators for beams (table) punching (table) Specifications, highway bridges " railway bridges " rolled steel " sheet metal work windows, doors, shutters. . . . Steamship docks 329, 101 241 414 246 249 4'5 239 320-322 296-319 77-82 238-245 7-74 258 383 385 393 85 320 332 296-319 77-82 238-245 242-245 279, 280 Steel derrick (illustrated) ' docks and piers ' docks and pier (illustrated) flag poles ' floor plates plant (illustrated) ' riveted pipe ' structural, inspection of tanks Store (illustrated) ' building, Trinidad (illustrated) ' Cape Town (illustrated) ' Mexico (illustrated) Street car shops (illustrated) Strength of sections, explanation of tables " Phoenix columns " round cast iron columns " square cast iron columns ' ' steel beams " Zee bar columns Structural steel work, descriptive Sugar mill (illustrated) 189 " cranes (illustrated) " " overhead crane (illustrated) T. Table of angles, dimensions and weights. " " " punching of flanges " " " sections. . 270, 271 279, 8o 281-284 414 184 77 55 77-82 255 129 >43 >5 '35, '39 1 80 75 53- 6 65-69 70-74 48-52 61-64 105-1 10 220, 223 268 272 22, 24 3 21, 23 446 Table of beams, deck, dimensions and weight 20 " " " dimensions and weight 17 " " " punching of flanges 83 " " " punching webs for separators 84 " " " strength of 47~5 2 " " bulb angles, dimensions and weight 29 " " capacity round tanks 257 " " capacity square tanks 258 " " centrifugal coefficients, bridge work 291 " " channels, dimensions and weights 20 " ' channels, punching of flanges 83 " " coefficients of impact, bridge work 290 " " column Zee bars, sections and dimensions. . . 39-42 " " deck beams, dimensions and weights 20 " " deductive areas, punching 291 " " elevation of outer rail for bridges 291 " " English horse power, equivalent to French horse power 250 ' " French horse power, equivalent to English horse power 250 " " feet equivalent to metres 87 " " kilograms equivalent to I / IO Ib. avoirdupois.. 91 " " " equivalent to Ibs. avoirdupois.... 91 " " " per metre equivalent to Ibs. per ft. 92 " " maximum bending moments, bridge _work .. 288, 289 " " maximum bending moments and 'bearing values of pins 293 " " metres equivalent to each '/ I00 of an inch. . . 88-90 " " metres equivalent to feet 87 " " permissible compressive strains, bridge work 292 " " permissible shearing strain on web plates. . . 294 PAGE. Table of Phoenix columns, strength of 53 -60 " " plates, sections 13 " " punching of beam flanges, beams, channels and angles 83 " " shearing and bearing value of rivets 295 " " size of smoke stacks for given horse power. . 249 " " standard beam connections 85 " " " cast separators for beams 84 " " " punching 83 " ' weights, steel deck beams 20 " " steel eye beams 17 " " " tees 27 " " " zees 31 " " wind pressure for bridge work 290 " " Zee bar columns, dimensions 39~4 2 " " " bar columns, strength of 61-64 " " " bars, dimensions and weights 31 Tank towers 274 " towers (illustrated) 276 Tanks 255 " (illustrated) 256, 259, 260 " round, table of capacities 257 " square, table of capacities 258 " table of capacities 257 Tees, dimensions and weight 27 " sections (illustrated) 25, 26 Tensile strength structural steel Ti~% 2 Theatres (illustrated) '60 Tower cranes (illustrated) 267-269 " for bell (illustrated) 275 " for tanks (illustrated) 276 447 Tower for water tank Towers, tank and bell Traction, railroad bridges. Trestle towers Turntables . MO1 2 7 8 274 V. Variation in weight, structural steel and cast iron. Ventilators . . 3 '9 3'9 77-82 228, 241 w. Walls for buildings in tropics 1 1 5, 1 1 6 for fire-proof buildings (illustrated) 112 Warehouse (illustrated) 128, 221, 222, 233, 234 Cape Town (illustrated) 148 Water pipe 255 tanks 255 tower (illustrated) 278 Weights, angles 22, 24 bulb angles 29 Phoenix columns (illustrated) 33-38 " steel deck beams (table) 20 steel eye beams (table) 17 Weights, tees (table) " /.ccs (table) Wheel guards Wind pressure for bridges (table) " " highway bridges " " railroad bridges Windows, iron iron (illustrated) metal sashes and frames pivoted Standard Specification of wood Wire guards Wood windows Wooden handrails for staircases ' ' sashes and frames for windows. Workmanship, railroad bridges 3' 290 3" 302 *43 413 4" 227 242 242 45 242 4'5 45 Zee bar columns, dimensions (table) 39~4* " bar columns, strength of (table) 61-64 bars, dimensions and weight (table) 31 " bars, method of increasing areas (illustrated) .... 32 " bars, sections (illustrated) 30 mtisafcc RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MflR 1 2QQ1 12.000(11/95) YD