THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE FARMER'S GUIDE I N HIRING AND STOCKING FARMS. CONTAINING An Examination of many Subje&s of great Importance both to the common Hufbandman, in hiring a Farm ; and to a Gentleman on taking the Whole or Part of his Eftate into his own Hands. PARTICULARLY, The Signs whereby to judge of Land. The Points to be attended to in hiring a Farm. The Quantity of Land of every Sort proportioned to a given Sum of Money. The moft advantageous Method of difpofing of any Sum from 50 /. to 20,000 /. in Hufbandry on culti- vated or uncultivated Soils. The Means of rendering Agriculture as profitable to Gentlemen, as to common Farmers ; and as benefi. cial a Profeflion as any other. Hints to thofe Gentlemen who farm for Pleasure alone. ALSO, Plans of Farm-yards, and Seftions of the neceffary Buildings. IN TWO VOLUMES. By the AUTHOR of The FARMER'S LETTERS. VOL. I. LONDON: Printed for W. STRAHAN ; W. NICOLL, N 51. in St, Paul's Church-yard; B. COLL'INS, at Salifbaryj and J. BALFOUR, at Edinburgh. M,DCC,LXX. CONTENTS O F T H E FIRST VOLUME. BOOK I. Of hiring and flocking farms in culti- vated countries, - - Page i CHAP. I. Of the foil, 2 CHAP. II. Of the contiguity of the fields, 1.6 CHAP. III. Of the probability of increafmg the quantity of land, - 20 CHAP. IV. Of the comparifon between the covenants of the leafe and the nature of the farm, - 25 CHAP. V. Of the nature and fiat e of the fences, - 39 CHAP. VI. Of the buildings on a farm and their repairs, - - 4.8 CHAP. VII. Of roads and paths through a farm, - - - 57 CHAP. VIII. Of the fiat e of the public roads and diftancefrom the market, 6 1 CHAP. IX. Of the ty the, 65 CHAP. X. Of town charges. - 68 CHAP. XL Of the price of labour, ' - 70 CHAP. XII. Of fans other circumfianccs which a farmer JJjou/d attend to in hiring a farm, - - 72 U CONTENTS. CHAP. XIII. Of the Method of reducing the fubj eels of the preceding chapters to a regular account, - P. 76 CHAP. XIV. Remarks on the conduB of common farmers inproportioning their land to their money, ~ ~ 97 CHAP. XV. Of the moji advantageous meth od of difp ofing of$ o 1 . in farming, no CHAP. XVI. Ofthemoft advantageous method of difpofing ofiool. in farming, 125 CHAP. XVII. Of the mojl advantageous method of difpofing of any fum, from 150!. to 200 1. in farming^ - 142 CHAP. XVIII. Of the moft advanta- geous method on farms of 40 or 50 acres, of difpojing of from 200 1. to 300 1. in farming, - 173 CHAP. XIX. Of the mojl advantageous method, on farms of 60 or 80 acres of land) of difpofmg of from 300 1. to 400 1. in farming, 207 CHAP. XX- Of the difference between gentlemen and common famers in hiring and flocking farms, 246 CHAP. XXI. Of the mojl advantageous method of difpojing of from 500!. to 6ool. in farming, - - 280 CHAP. XXII. Of the mojl advantageous method of dijpofmg of any fum from 700 1. to loool. in farming. - 392 THE THE FARMER'S GUIDE. BOOK I. Of hiring and flocking Farms, in cultivated Countries. A VARIETY of materials, without fomethingof a regular arrangement, is liable to a confufion that would perplex every reader; and the defign of this work requires as much method as any, that thofe, who (hall think proper to confult it, may not be obliged to turn over more pages than neceflary. A point of no trifling importance to the common hufband- man. For the fake, therefore, of clearnefs, I divide the fubjecl into two principal parts. I. The hiring and flocking farms, in cultivated foils: II. The fame, in uncultivated ones. VOL. T. B Under Under thefe heads I fhall confider, all thofe circumftances which are in com- mon to both farmers aad gentlemen ; and, fecoiidly, fuch as are peculiar to the latter. The mention of thefe grand divifions is fuf- ficient here to give the reader a general idea of the defign; the fubdivifion will arife naturally out of the fubjecl:. CHAP. I. Of the Soil. T N the common courfe of bufmefs, it is * known fome time before a farm is va- cant ; and thofe who think of hiring it have more opportunities than one, of both view- ing and enquiring after it. The great point is the foil. Let us, firft, fuppofe it of a (tiff nature, clay or ftiff loam ... A judg- ment of this muft be formed according to feafons. Enquiries are commonly, and judicioufly, made into the crops the land has ufually yielded ; but let me remark, that this point, although not abfolutely to be flighted, yet is never to determine a man's deciiion. Crops are ( 3 ) are found every where to depend on ma-. nagement, fcarce ever on foil. A good far- mer gains great crops wherever he goes ; a bad farmer always poor ones. But as the rent is proportioned commonly to the foil, and as good hufbandry may be exerted on good as well as bad ones ; it is requifite to form an exact judgment of what every kind of foil is worth in rent. And here let me remark, that, whenever I fpeak of rent, I mean the amount of rent (commonly fo called), lights, the poor, church, conftable, furveyor's rates, repairs of buildings, covenants for work, &c. in a word, every article of annual expence,, to which the farmer is liable from the occupation of his farm. If he confiders the landlord's rent alone, he will, in numberlefs inftances, be wretchedly deceived, and fubjecl for ever to the worft of miftakes. All ftiff foils are viewed to moft advan- tage in winter : the general fault of them is wetnefs, which is in the greateft excefs at that feafon of the year. If the fields are level, and the water ftands in the land, notwithftanding the furrows are well ploughed and open, it is a certain fign that B 2 the ( 4 ) the clay is very ftiff, and of fo adhefive a nature as to contain the water like a difh : It is likewife probable, that draining of every kind will prove infufficient to cure the natural evil of ftich land. This kind of foil, likewife, mews itfelf in the breaking up of ftubbles for a fallow ; a very ftrong draught of cattle is then neceflary to work it. It breaks up in vaft pieces, almoft as hard as iron. When it is worked fine, it will run like mortar, with a heavy fpring or fummer fhower. Thefe foils will yield very great crops of beans, and wheat, &c. They muft, like others, be cultivated by fome body ; but I would advife every friend of mine to have nothing to do with them; never to be captivated with feeing large crops upon the land ; for he does not fee, at the fame time, the expences at which they are raifed. I do not, in mentioning this foil, any more than the reft, notice the weeds they produce : I have never found that fign worth a groat. For the different manage- ment of farmers, the purchafe of feed, the change of manures, &c. &c. all confound the ( 5 ) the natural conne&ian between weeds and foil. The next kind of ftiff foil I (hall men- tion is the mouldering, crumbling clay ; which is, of all other foils, the beft. If you obferve a field of this land in winter, it will lie perfectly dry, if well ploughed an4 water-furrowed. You may walk over a winter fallow, or wheat field of it, foon after rain, without adhering to your fhoes, and may eafily pufh it about, like garden moulds, with the foot. It will bear ploughing much earlier in fpring, than any other ftiff foil. If you view a ftubble of it, you will find with a fpade, that it will break up loofe and mellow. Any drains take full effect on this foil, and will, if ever fo wet, lay it perfectly dry: At the fame time, it does not run to mortar with fudden rains. Whenever a farmer meets with fuch a foil as this, it is of no confe- quence to enquire what crops it has yielded, or any fuch circumftances : He may depend on its bearing plenty of corn, with good management. If it has been defective, it muft infallibly be owing to a wrong method of culture. A flat fituation is, to all ftifF B 3 foils. foils, unfavourable; a fall, or inclination fome way or other, adds much to the value. Such a foil may exift unknown, for want of hollow draining; but then any little rifmg place, that is dry, will, in all pro- bability, prove an index to the reft. Twenty {hillings an acre, for this land, when drained, is a much deeper rent than 5*^. for the other clay. The next foil I mall mention is that of the ftiff loam, which is neareft allied to brick earth ; this is in general an unkindly foil, without plenty of manure. It is known in winter, by being very adhefive upon walking over it ; is not fo retentive of water as the firft-mentioned clay, being very eafily drained ; but is long in drying, even when little or no water is feen upon it : For which reafon, it is generally late in the fpring be- fore it can be ploughed. When quite dry, it breaks up neither fo hard and cloddy as the firft clay, nor near fo crumbly and mel- low as the fecond. If it is in ftubble, it is apt to be covered with a minute green mofs. There are many varieties of this foil, but all agree in moft of thefe circumftances, and in being what the farmers call poor, cold, hungry ( 7 ) hungry land. When hollow ditched, arid greatly manured, it yields any thing ; bat thofe who hire it fhould forget neither of thefe expences. It turns to the bcft profit laid down to grafs. The gravelly foils are numerous in their kind, and very different in their natures. Warm, dry, found gravelly loams, are eafily diftinguifhed in winter : They admit ploughing all winter through, except in very wet times ; always break up quite in a crumbly ftate of running moulds ; and if a Hubble, will dig, on trial by the fpade, in the fame manner. If under turnips, you may perceive, by walking through them, that it will bear their being fed off. This foil will pay well for manuring, but will anfwer very well in a good eourfe of management, without any. The wet, cold, fpringy gravel is a very bad foil ; it is known, in winter, by the wetnefs of it ; and in fpring, by its binding with hafty mowers : It never breaks up in a crumbly ftate, nor mews a meliowncis under the fpade. Hollow drains greatly correct its ill qualities, but it requires a B 4 prodigious ( 8 ) prodigious quantity of manure to ferti- lize it. Some gravels are fo (harp and burning, that they produce nothing except in wet fummers ; but fuch are known at any feafon of the year. Sands are as various as gravels, and are all eafily difcoverable in their natures : The rich black fand is, I believe, as profitable a foil as any in the world : It has, at all fea- fons, a dry foundnefs, and at the fame time a moifture without wetnefs, which fecures crops even in dry fummers. The fpade is fufficient to try it, at any feafon of the year. The light fandy loam is, likewife, an admirable foil ; it will bear ploughing, like the preceding, all winter long, and appears quite found and mellow when tried with the fpade. If it lies under a winter fallow, the beft way to judge of its richnefs, is to remark the fize of the furrows, and the degree of adhefion in the foil. In clay foils, the great excellency is the refembling fand in many circumftances ; and in the fandy ones, the fimilarity of clay. Thus ftiff land, being dry and crumbly, is a great perfection 5 ( 9 ) perfection ; and light land, being ftiff and adhefive, is an equally good fign. When therefore the farmer views a light fandy loam, whofe found drynefs is acknow- ledged, he may prefume the foil is rich^ in proportion to its ftiffnefs : If it falls flat in powder, and has no adhefion, it is much to be fufpecT:ed that it is a mere fand, A dry found land, that is pretty ftiff, is al- ways good. . However, fuch land being feldom without a crop of turneps, the fize of them (if they are not manured, which is very eafily feen) will mew, in many cafes, the richnefs of the land. The mere fandy foil, that has fcarce any adhefion, is alfo eafily known : Upon this land it is of importance to view the crop, or crops. Drynefs being the great charac- teriftic of that foil, a wet feafon ever proves the beft of all manures ; fo if a poor crop is found upon fuch land, in a wet year, there is a ftrong prefumption that the foil is nought, at leaft, in its prefent (late: And if the tenant is to be at the expence of marling, chalking, clay, or any other ex- traordinary manuring, the expence muft be confidered in the rent. A general ( 10 } A general rule with all Tandy foils is, that, if dry, the ftiffeft is the beft ; except the black moift fand, which exceeds them all. The white chalky foil is, in general, of a cold, wet, fpewy (as the farmers term it) nature ; will not bear ploughing in winter, unlefs the weather is very dry or frofry; runs exceflively to mortar with a heavy ihower, when in a pulverifed ftate. It is a cold hungry foil, of little profit, except with very peculiar management ; and an- fwers beil if tolerably dry laid down to fain- foine. The moory foils, in a ftate of cultivation, are too inconfiderable to mention parti- cularly, I am fenfible there are a multitude of other forts of land feemingly diftindl from thefe, which are here unnoticed; but it fhould be remembered that the feveral kinds of land, like the ihades of colours, blend into each other, till all diftindtion is loft. Thus many foils are found partaking of both clay and loam, in fo equal a manner, that it is difficult to aflign it to either. We fee the fame thing between gravel and loam* loam, chalk and clay, &c. &c.\ and befides thefe confufions of diftinclion, each fort of foil varies infinitely, and every quality in each foil the fame. An attempt to charac- terife each variation, as well as each foil, would be an endlefs, and an impracticable work : I have, therefore, purpofely pafled by feveral variations of which I have even had particular experience, and ftuck to the diftinguifhing marks alone. It muft un- doubtedly be left to the perfon who views a field, to determine which particular foil it is neareft allied to ; and what qualities, good or bad, are moft to be difcovered in it. In refpect to grafs lands, the marks for judgment are different. Thefe are beft examined by attending, firft, to the circum- ftances in which they are moft deficient; and then to fuch as are in their favour. The more feafons grafs fields are viewed in, the better ; though any one is fufficient for a tolerable judgment. One evil attending thefe lands is, that of being too wet ; the figns of which can never be miftaken, or overlooked, in any feafon of the year. In winter, it is at once per- ceived by walking on it; at all times of the the year, by the herbage which generally abounds on it, fuch as rufhes, flags, and a great quantity of mofs; and alfo by the colour of the grafs, which is moftly blue at the points; fometimes of a dirty yellow hue, and always coarfe. If the foil is the firft defcribed ftiff clay, and the furf ace level, the evil will be very difficult of cure; if of the other fort, of clay or (tiff loams, drain- ing will have great effects. To difcover the foil, the ditches fhould be examined ; and if tried here and there with a fpade, it will be the better. Another evil, to which grafs fields on thefe foils are liable, is that of being hide- bound and mofly, without an excefs of wet ; this is very perceptible in winter, and when fed. If a tenant is not allowed to plough fuch, they will require a great expence in manure. Grafs fields on gravelly foils are, if the gravel is fharp, very apt to burn (as the farmers call it), in dry fummers; it is a a fault, in fuch years, but they give great and fweet crops, in wet ones, provided it is a gravelly loam. An abfolute gravel fhould never be under grafs. A farmer fhould fiiould not, however, regret having a pafture or two of this fort in his farm, being of excellent ufe in winter, for feed- ing fheep and lambs on with turneps, &e. The low meadows, whatever the foil on the banks of rivers and brooks, are in ge- neral very good, but often fubjedl to the terrible misfortune of being overflown in fummer; which not only ruins crops of hay before they are cut, but carries them away perhaps when juft made. This is a mifchief which leflens the value of fuch lands greatly, and fhould always be en- quired into. Winter floods, if not too frequent, are beneficial. Some farms have the reputation of always rotting fheep, if they are fituated very low, and have much wet grafs land. The report may be very juft; but, I be- lieve, it will generally be found that this quality is but an attendant of others already noted ; and that the cure of common wet- nefs, by thorough draining, will at the fame time remedy this evil. Many grafs fields, on all foils, confift of fo bad an herbage as to be of little value. Made up of all forts of weed trumpery, and the the worft and coarfeft of grafTes, if a land-* lord will not allow fuch to be ploughed, the farmer fhould minute the rent accordingly. This fault is vifible at all feafons. As to a general poverty of foil, of what- ever fort, owing to bad management, fuch as perpetual mowing no manuring or a general inattention ; the degree of fuch a ftate will always be evident, whether viewed in winter, fpring, or fummer, un- der hay or fed ; but the favourablenefs, or unfavourablenefs of the feafon, fhould not be forgot in fuch a view. The 'vifible excellencies of grafs lands are recited in a few words. A good crop of grafs in a wet fummer is not to be relied on, but if it happens to be a dry one, the fign is by no means to be rejected. The goodnefs of the herbage is to be feen at all feafons, even in winter. Lying dry and found, holding a good verdure, and blotched with patches of yet deeper green ; thefe are, in winter, unde- ceiving proofs of excellent pafture. If fituated on a hill, or any fpot that gives fufpicion of burning, try it with a fpade. 4 A river A river that does not overflow, miming through a farm, is a very favourable cir~ cumftance, as it indicates a great probability of all the grafs fields being well watered ; that is, for cattle. Failures, that have neither a river nor ponds in them, are of little worth ; the inconveniencies of truft- ing cattle in fuch, are too great to be fuf- fered. There are, in many farms, very refufe wafte paftures, never mown ; over-run with mole and ant hills, bufhes, brambles, &c* for which very little rent is demanded, Such are by no means to be ranked in the tenant's chapter of evils ; for no farm would be more profitable than one confifting wholly of fuch. The hills cut up, and mixed with a little lime dung, afhes, chalk, or marie, make an admirable compofr. The bufhes and brambles are eafily grubbed up, and will pay for the work. Then the fields fhould be examined. If a light gravelly or fandy foil, they will pay very well under the plough ; and if a clay or loam, manure them well, which will difcover what the herbage is. If good, leave them in grafs ; if bad, convert them into tillage for a few years, years, under an engagement (if required) to lay them well down again. Such old and forfaken grafs fields are to be reckoned among the moft profitable paftures. But the rent mould not be above i o s. an acre. CHAP. II. Of the Contiguity of the Fields. COMMON farmers too often overlook this circumftance. If they attended to it as much as their profit required, we mould fee landlords reforming their eftates, in this particular, more than at prefent is the cafe. There is not a more expenfive perplexing circumftance in any farm, than the fields being in a ftraggling, disjointed fituation. The difadvantages are numerous and ftrik- ing. I. The farmer's bufmefs is in no refpects under his eye. He muft take a walk, and perhaps a ride, through other meus grounds-, to difcover or view any circumftance of which he wants to be acquainted. If fields in fuch a fituation are no further diftant than many of his contiguous ones, yet will they ( 17 ) they not be fo often viewed: A walk at home examines fomething, from the mo* jnent a man leaves his houfe ; but when hd has to crofs land indifferent to him, his dif- jointed fields will not have an equal fhare of his attention ; and every one knows the proverb of the Mqfter^s eye^ &c. II. All the operations of ploughing* harrowing, rolling, &c. &c. are performed with an encreafe of expence; the going and coming waftes time by degrees, and, in the period of a long leafe, amounts to a fum that would furprife one who never thought of the matter. Add to this, fuch fields cannot be manured but at an expence of double the reft of the farm, confequently they will never have any advantage of that fort. They could never have any amend- ment at all, unlefs they lay upon a bed of marie, chalk, or clay, which the farmer had fpirit enough to dig for, or folded with fheep. But then it is natural for a man to like to have fuch improvements, where he can enjoy the view without a walk or ride through other mens grounds: Befides, there are thoufands of fields of this fort where no fuch manure is to be had. VOL. I. G III. Aa~ III. Another confequence of disjointed fields, is the having an extraordinary quan- tity of fencing to keep in repair ; a cir- cumftance very troublefome and expen- five. IV. Such fields are, in general, much more expofed to depredations from neigh- bour's cattle, &c. &c. &c. than others that are contiguous to the home ones. In thofe, through which the mafter or fome of his people are conftantly paffing and repairing, accidents, it is true, may happen, but then they are prefently difcovered and re- medied. A gate left open, by carelefs- people, or broke in pieces by fox -hunters, very often does a farmer great mifchief at home; how much more pernicious muft it prove at a diflance, and where himfelf, or fervants come but feldom ? For thefe and many other reafons, I would never advife a man to hire a farm that was not contiguous at leaft. It is a circumftance very greatly in favour of a. farm that it is circular, or at leaft perfectly compact, with no other man's grounds- jetting into it. Numerous advantages at- tend fuch a difpofition of fields. One very important important is, the fencing fo many of yoiir fields yourfelf, and leaving the fhorter line of outward fence againft other farms. In a compact farm, a man never (except in the 1 ring-fence) hedges and ditches only one field at a time ; he neceflarily does two at once. But thefe advantages are too ap- parent, at the firft mention, to need eluci- dating. If the fields of a farm are in this conti- guous and compact fituation, a man mould value it in the rent he eftimates the land at: The circumftance is as much worth an annual payment, as any acre in any fafiri. Six-pence, or nine-pence, an acre (in- rich countries), fuch advantages muft be cheap at. This I know, I would give a milling, or eigh teen-pence, an acre more for a compact farm, than for a disjointed one of the very fame nominal value ; and this without fup- pofmg the evil fo great as it is found hi many farms. Some lands are fo little corr-r tiguous as not to be worth) of any man's money, half a crown an acre ; which, compact, would be cheap at twelve mil- lings, C 2 CHAP. CHAP. III. Of the probability of increafmg the quantity of Land. THE great object of farmers, whether gentlemen or common hufbandmen, (if they make it their bufmefs and profef- fion) is to advance their fortunes. Mer- chants and manufacturers, when they increafe in riches, enlarge their trade ; and farmers, in the fame manner, are defirous of a more confiderable bufmefs, as foon as they poffefs a fum of money beyond the amount of what is requifite for their pre^- fent farms. The moft common fault a man mould guard againft, in this cafe, is the wrong application of his profit. Unlefs his farm is perfectly improved and cultivated, he may ever depend on it almoft as a maxim, that it is more profitable completely to cultivate one farm, before he attempts ano- ther. Fields, of which he has experience, has obferved, and felt their defects, in which he lie has perhaps tried the effect of draining or manures, are much more likely to repay him for an additional expence, than others of which he has had no experience ; not becaufe the foil of one is more improve- able than that of the other, but by reafon of the greater (kill with which he will infallibly work upon the firft. Add to this, that one hundred acres, well cultivated, will pay more clear profit than two hun- dred indifferently cultivated. For thefe reafons, I venture to advife all farmers, when they have a fum of money ready to expend, always to view their farms before they think of additions ; and confider what improvements, either in draining, manuring with marie, chalk, clay, lime, town-manures, &c. &c. &c. can be made on their lands; and, if any are to be found that require all or near all his money, to expend it in fuch improve- ments, before he thinks of adding to his farm. All fuch improvements, let me add, are a much better and more fure method of difpofing money at interefl^ than any others that can be found. C 3 Bui But if, contrary to this ftate of the cafe, his farm is all under a complete culture, and a fum of money yet in his hand fuffi- cient for making an addition to his bu- fmefs ; hiring a frefh parcel of land then becomes abfolutely requilite, or a removal to a larger farm. Now, of thefe circum- ftances, the addition in general is moft pro- fitable, ten to one. I fuppofe his old farm in perfect order; fuch an one cannot be left without great fofs; in fpite of all eftimates, by which a new tenant may pay the old one for improvements, the latter will infallibly be the lofer. Further, he will probably have his work to do over again in his new farm, and, it may be, not with fo good a profpec~t of profit as be- fore. Add to this, the lofs of moving, which, in fome cafes, may be confiderable ; and, upon the whole, it will be found much more beneficial to make an addition to an old farm, than to move into a new one. For thefe reafons, it is a point of much importance, when a man hires a farm, to know that there is a probability of having additions made to it, in cafe he grows rich enough ( 23 ) enough to want them. This probability depends on many circumftances, which there is no neceflhy to overlook. A farm may be one among many con- tiguous belonging to one landlord ; in which cafe there is a better chance for an addition, than if it was the whole eftate of the landlord, or all he pofleffed in that neighbourhood. Since, if a neighbour's farm is vacant, no one can afford to give fo good a rent as a farmer contiguous to it j and, confequently, he has a better chance for iti than one whofe land is at a diftance. A farm may join up, or even be almoft enclofed, by one infinitely larger than itfelf, and too large for the occupier of the firft to think of hiring. In this cafe, the fmall farm is in a much greater probability to be thrown to the great one, than the great one to be annexed to the fmaller. Con- fequently this fituation is, in the refpecl: we are now confidering, a very unfavour- able one. For the fame reafon, it is very advan- tageous to hire a farm that joins upon many others not larger than itfelf, but rather fmaller. In this cafe there is an C 4 evident evident probability of acquiring an addition, and no danger of being converted into an addition one's felf. Sometimes farms are to be had of no determinate quantity of land ; but as much or as little as a man chufes to hire. Such are very favourable opportunities, and par- ticularly valuable. It then depends on the farmer alone to take juft the breadth of land which may be advantageoufly flocked, and conducted with the fum of money he is poflefTed of; by which means his for- tune is thrown into the moft advantageous road that is poffible : but then he ought to be efpecially upon his guard, not to take more than he can thoroughly command. A farmer fhould ever be ftronger than his farm. I mail, in thefe fheets, draw up fome cal- culations of the proportion between a given fum of money and quantity of land. All thefe circumftances, whether they exift in a greater or lefs degree, ought to be reduced to fome eftimate by the farmer, when he views the farm. If every point is not confidered, a juft idea cannot be gained of any. CHAP. , C H A P. IV. Of the comparifon between the covenants of the leafe, and the nature of the farm. MANY landlords are very tenacious of the covenants which they have ufually inferted in their leafes; fo that a man when he approves a farm, and agrees to the rent, may find the conditions of tenure propofed to him, fuch as are incom- patible with his intereft, his defigns, and even with good hufbandry. The merit or reafonablenefs of covenants muft be confidered always, on comparifon with the nature of the farm : It is for want of this confideration that unreafonable covenants are ever propofed. Many land- lords make it a rule to have all their leafes alike ; fo that the tenants, who farm fandy foils, are tied to the fame conditions as thofe who occupy clay ones ; than which nothing can be more abfurd. The beft way of treating this point will be to fpecify feveral common covenants, and remark the farms farms for which they are reafonable and proper. I. The tenant not to break up any grafs land. This covenant is reafonable when all the meadows and paftures of a farm are in per- fection, the herbage of the right fort, and free from noxious weeds, mofs, &c. &c. It would be abfurd to break up fuch grafs, except in one inftance ; the arable fields might, by a ftrange jumble of ill manage- ment, be all upon the clay part of a farm, and the grafs ones all upon the gravelly or fandy part; in which cafe, there can be no doubt but the whole ought to be reverfed. But the grafs fields, in many farms, fo far from being in a ftate of perfection, are in the very contrary ftate; over-run with mole and ant hills, bumes, brambles, and rubbifh of all kinds; infomuch that the nature of the herbage, whether grafs or weeds, is a perfect fecret. If the field is well managed, cleared, grubbed, levelled and manured, the furface may poffibly appear covered with rubbifh as noxious as before, though of a different fort ; but yet the ( 27 ) the farmer muft not plough it ; fuch a covenant is abfurd and intolerable. Some fanners, and even landlords, lay down fields for continued paflures with a large portion of ray-grafs, among other forts : A new tenant will find fuch paftures facred from the plough ; that is, he will have fields under what is called grafs, that will, in a few years, be not worth a groat an acre ; ftill he is not to plough them up. Do fuch covenants require any com- ment ? Many foils yield exceeding fine crops of grafs, for feven, eight, or ten years, and then decline, notwithftanding the beft ma- nagement : fuch fliould be kept alternately under grafs and ploughing. In grafs for ten years, then arable for four or five, and laid down again. But none of this bene- ficial husbandry can be pradifed, when a landlord will not allow any grafs to be ploughed up. For thefe and many other reafons, a tenant fhould be upon his guard, when he hires a- farm under this covenant, that he does not prejudife himfelf in fo material a point. Ancl as a means of not being crampt crampt with fuch a covenant, if he fees land that either does or will want to be broke up, he ihould offer to engage to lay down an equal quantity of land, to his landlord's approbation, before any is ploughed up ; a covenant fo very fair, that no rea- fonable landlord can, or will refufe his aflent. II. The tenant not to fecond, third* or fourth crop the arable lands. A covenant to one of thefe purpofes is almoft univerfal in every county in Eng- land ; and yet I will venture to aflert, that were they ftrictly adhered to, it would ruin the beft hufbandry of half the kingdom. A few remarks will prove this. To fummer fallow light fandy loams, fands, gravels, or any foil light and dry enough for turnips, is an antiquated cu- ftom, and by no means founded on modern real improvements. The moft advan- tageous, of common courfes, for fuch foils is, j. Turnips. 2. Barley. 3. Clover. 4. Wheat. Now Now if two fallows are fubftituted inftead of the turnips and the clover, the farmer will get no better crops of barley and wheat (probably not fo good) nor will the land be left in a better flate. This fad: holds true with all foils dry enough for turnips. I would by all means advife a farmer (if he defigns to obferve his leafe) never to leave any of thefe lands under fo abfurd and unprofitable a covenant. Let, me, however, remark, that this is only applicable to farmers who are enlightened enough to hoe their turnips thoroughly: As to the vil- lainous flovens who do not hoe, no matter what reftridtions they lie under. Upon dry, found, rich clays, as great crops of wheat are gained after beans in drills, well and completely hoed (the com- mon pradice in fome parts of Kent), as after a fallow : upon fuch foils, therefore, it is highly requifite that a farmer have the privilege of pradifmg fo excellent a mode of hufbandry : but, again, let it be un- der the provifo of thorough and complete hoeing ; three times, at leaft. Many landlords not only confider turnips (hoed) as a crop 'on all foils, but alfo clover: I have ( 3 > I have feen many leafes of farms oh ftrong clay foils that forbid the tenants fowing clover, unlefs it was ploughed up by the firft, or middle of June. Such a covenant is a great prejudice to a tenant, fmce no courfe is more profitable for fuch land, than 1. Beans* 2. Barley* 3* Clover. 4. Wheat. Another covenant too common is to or- dain that clover lhall only be fed : Whereas I know by experiment, among many other farmers, that better wheat fucceeds clover twice mown for hay, than fed the whole year. Peafe, tares, buckwheat, and other crops have alfo the quality of preparing admirably for corn; but thefe crops are more apt to fail than beans, clover and turnips ; con- fequently it cannot properly be decided whether they Ihould be followed by corn or not, until it is feen whether they fail or not. So that this (hould be in the far- mer's breaft ; but if the. leafe allows him not not to confider fuch crops as -a fallow, he will fcarcely fow them to take the chance. And here it will not be impertinent to add a- word or two to landlords on this fubject If they would allow turnips, beans, clover, peafe, &c. &c. &c. to be fallows, and at the fame time abfolutely interdict wheat, rye, barley, or oats being fown on each other, without the intervention of one of the above fallow-crops, I am con- fident they would as fecurely prevent their tenants from damaging their farms* as they at prefent do by directing only two or three crops to a furnmer fallow. Fdr if the fallow is fuch an one as too common ; viz. two or three flovenly ploughings, and then two crops of corn, he land will fuffer infinitely more than if cropped oftener, in the manner I have mentioned; and the? chance of being damaged with bad tenants is as great, under the common covenants, as under fueh as I venture to propofe. In a word, a farmer, when he bargains for a trad: of land, fhould confider well the covenants of this fort he is expected to obferve; for, if his landlord will not allow turnips, clover, &c. civ. to be reckoned a fallow, ( 3* ) fallow, he muft make large deductions from the rent he fixes in his own mind as the value of the land. If he thinks a farm worth 1 2 j . an acre, with a reafonable liberty of cropping, and he afterwards finds him- felf required to obferve the old farms, the value is funk 2 s. 6 d. and in many cafes 3-r. 4-r. and even 5 s. an acre. He had better farm fome lands with a requifite liberty in cropping, at 15 s. an acre, than at 7 j. 6 d. without fuch liberty. The following covenants, refpedting this article, no farmer need to fear. Wheat, rye, bar- ley, and oats never to be fown after each other, or themfelves. Clover, fed or mown, a fallow on all foils, provided it is on clay foils, fown with fpring corn that fucceeded a fallow, or a crop of beans. Turnips, hoed twice, and if requifite three times, to be confidered on dry foils as a fallow. Beans, peafe, potatoes, &c. fown in drills, and fome thoroughly hoed three times ; a fallow : A great crop of peafe in the broad caft way ; the fame with per- miffion. Such { S3 ) Such covenants are much more advan-^ tageous to landlords, as well as tenants^ than allowing barley or oats to fucceed wheat. III. Tenants not to dig up any grafs bor- ders .of folds ^ This is a very common covenant in many parts of England, and a more ridi- culous one cannot well find its way into a leafe* It is chiefly to be met with in rich countries, that is, precifely in thofe where it , is the m ft pernicious. In all wet foils* or fuch as are inclined to moifture, the borders of fields ihould be twelve inches at leaft lower than the fields themfelves, for the general purppfe of draining the furfaee, and likewife to fave the expence of ufelefs water furrows. Where borders are higher than t;he field, deep water furrows muft al- ways be kept open, parallel with them. So far from not digging them up, they ought to be -conftantly kept down by dig*- ging them frequently, for the turning of the ploughing inereafes the headland fo much> that a rifmg is found in a few years, which fhould always be dug up and carted on to the land ; and the whole border left VOL. I. D fo ( 34- ) (b low, that the water may fun out of every furrow acrofs it into the ditch. In fome parts of EJJeX) particularly between Brain- tree and Thaxftead and Hockeril, they dig away their borders in this manner, and find great advantages in the practice : If you view a farm in that country that has been in the hands of a floven, you will be fhewn the high grafs borders, as an ad- vantage to the new tenant in the manur- ing way. I have mentioned this covenant not as one of capital importance, but to remind the farmer to requeft, that the old barbarous tenure may be left out of his leafe. Note, however, that when I condemn this covenant, I do not plead for the tenant having a liberty of ploughing into the hedge, fo as the landlord mall not be able to take a ride round his own fields : there is no- thing reafonable in that : only that he may dig them up, and carry the earth on to the land ; after which, he mould fow them with hay feeds, and by the time a good turf is come, it will be proper to repeat the ftme work : But whether in grafs or not, the fpace to be left clear from the plough. IV. ( 35 ) IV. The hay made in each pafture to be fed in that pafture. This covenant I have known in more leafes than one ; and a more wretched one cannot be imagined. There is not a more pernicious cuftom than that of feeding the hay in the fields. The grafs is poached, there is no manure raifed, and the hay itfelf is half wafted. I would never fuffer a tenant to ftack a fmgle load in the field ; but infift on all being led home to the ftack- yard, I would not hire the beil grafs farm in England under fuch a covenant. V. Turnips not to be fed on the land. In countries that know any thing of the turnip culture, the very mention of this covenant is fufficient to raife a fmile of in- dignation : And yet I have reafon to infert it here, for it was actually put into my own leafe on a farm, part of it a dry gra- velly foil ; but I rejected it : It is, however, a common covenant in many leafes, and I fuppofe had its original among the Irifh, when they burnt their dunghills, and made their horfes draw by the tail. If a farm, however, is all a clay foil, and wet, this is no bad interdict ; but it would D 2 be ( 3* ) be as well to prohibit turnips, in that cafe, altogether. VI. A prohibition from f owing particular crops-t fuch as oats, ftax, rape^ teafils^ &c. &c. Thefe are common covenants through- out many eftates fituated on rich foils. Landlords areapprehenfive, that the virtue of their land will be exhaufted by them ; yet this idea is at beft but weak. It is un- reafonable that a tenant fhould have land in his hands, and be prevented from applying it to the beft ufe, without an injury to the owner; and his own intereft will force him, whether he would or not, to be at- tentive to the good of the land, in being careful of his own advantage. Except oats and rape, none of thefe crops will an- fwer without plenty of manure, and un- common tillage, in preparing as well as hoeing, weeding, .&c.; infomuch that the moft exhaufting crop, in its nature, may eafily be turned into the moft ameliorating one. Lucerne, I thinfc, muft be of a very exhaufting nature ; for the roots are immenfe,. and the quantity of the produce prodigious; and yet it is well known by many ( 37 ) many experiments, that, when tranfplanted or drilled, it is a very improving one; which is wholly owing to hoeing, and weeding. As to rape and oats, they are not more exhaufting than many other common crops, fuch particularly as wheat, which I know from experiment to do more mifchief to the land than oats, or any other grain; not as I apprehend from any pe- culiarity in its nature, but from being on the ground fo much longer; on which ac- count fo many more weeds have time to grow, and perfect their feeds. And with oats I have little doubt but the effect of a collateral caufe is taken for that of the grain itfelf. Oats are generally fown the laft crop of a courfe, whether long or fhort, confequently they leave the land in a worfe condition than any of the preceding ones ; and this has been falfely attributed to the nature of the grain. Had it been cu ftomary to fow them like wheat, or barley, on -a fallow; no fuch idea would ever have fpread itfelf. But why mould landlords, for very tri- vial reafons at beft, oppofe the culture of fuch vegetables as the good of the country D 3 require ( 38 ) require to be fown ? It is high prices that fets the farmer upon cultivating uncom- mon crops. It is not beneficial for the manufactures of this kingdom that flax and teafils, for inftance, fhould be extrava- gantly dear ; but that farmers mould in- creafe the culture of them, as the beft me- thod of reducing their price. This cove- nant, therefore, is in diredT: oppofition to the kingdom's intereft; which, like all public matters, one would fuppofe to give place to private intereft ; but here it gives place to private caprice. There is no vegetable of fo exhaufting 9. nature, but may be cultivated to the mutual benefit of the tenant and landlord; if it is not fo, it muft be owing alone to a want of proper management. This covenant may in many cafes (except oats) be of no confequence to a tenant ; but there are others in which his agreement to it muft fubmit to a valuation per acre of deducted rent. It all depends on the foil of the farm. Thefe covenants might be. multiplied greatly, but the above are fufficient to cau- tion ( 39 ) tion the farmer of what he agrees to, without valuing all as fo much rent. CHAP. V. Mi Of the nature andjlate of the fences. article is a very important one ; JL infomuch that it is fufficient alone to render fome farms unprofitable bargains, which otherwife would be very beneficial ones. I divide fences into the following forts, viz. I. Alive hedges, II. Dead hedges. III. Alive hedges and ditches. IV. Dead hedges and ditches. V. Ditches, VI. Pales. VII. Walls. ' I mall firft mention hedges that are alive ; fuch are the only fences in many parts of England, and particularly in Hert- ford/Jjire. Be they ever fo good of their fort they form a very incomplete fence, as I have experienced to my coft. The only method of making them any at all is by D 4 plaihing; ( 40 ) plaming ; but, in that way, a gap is very poorly remedied, fmce the only means of flopping them is the bending down large flicks acrofs the open fpot ; which, if they happen to He fallows, willows, hafel, or any thing but ftrong bufhes, have the ef- fect of a rail, but not of pales ; fo that you often fee gaps with rails, that grow acrofs them, fufficient to flop horfes, ' cows, &c. but which are no fence againft fheep and hogs ; and a gap made in fuch hedges, foon after they are plafhed, is almoll irremedi- able. A farm that is fenced in this manner may fatisfy the tenants that have not been ufed to any thing better ; but one who moves from a country in which ditches are- deep and wide, will never be fatisfied with fuch imperfect fences. The confequence of which is the great expence of digging ditches over the whole farm ; a matter reduced to exact calculation prefently; fa that a farmer may know his expence at once : but never let him hire fuch a farm without remembering this article. My prefent farm in Hertford/hire had not a fmgle ( 41 ) fingle ditch over the whole, and I am not? t work in digging .them to every hedge. For thefe reafons, the fences of fuch countries, however good of their fort, yet require a great and immediate expence. But if even fuch fences are much out of repair, the new tenant will have an addi- tional expence in bringing them into good order. Perhaps he will find many of them to new-plant, a number of confiderable gaps in the reft to fupply with thorns, and others fo fhrubby, and ftinted in their growth, that many loads of bufhes will be wanted to form any hedge at all. All thefe points .muft be well attended to, and re- duced to calculation; which, by a man that is ufed to bufmefs, is done prefently, find with little trouble. II. Some farms I have feen that are fenced with dead hedges only, without any part of them living ; dead bumes in- terlaced among flakes drove into the ground: I would moft heartily advife every farmer, that has an opportunity of hiring a farm fo fenced, to avoid it as Jic would certain ruin. Though all other pircumftances were agreeable to him, this alone ( 4* ) alone would be fufficient to render it a rnoft pernicious bargain. The only calculation the cafe admits, is to plan a complete new inclofure of the whole farm, with ditches and banks, well planted with thorns, and fecured at top by dead hedges to defend the young quick. He may prefently calculate what the expence will be, and confequently know what rent the farm under that cir- cumftance is worth : but he will find, it will fo reduce the fum demanded, that no hope of agreement will remain. Leave fuch farms to the llovenly tenants that have been ufed to them, and to the indolent landlords, who can bear to poflefs fuch wretched eftates. III. Farms that are fenced with live hedges and ditches are fortunately circum^ ftanced in being, in this refpect, in per- fection. The hedge and the ditch are a mutual defence to each other ; and, when good of a fort, are impenetrable to man or beaft. When a farmer views a farm of this kind, he fhould principally attend to the hedges ; to obferve that there is plenty of green wood in them, and not many gaps fupplied ( 43 ) fupplied by that which is dead : for, if thefe circumftances are faulty, he will find his expences, in the courfe of a leafe, run very high, and his farm very ill fenced into the bargain. As to the ditches in a country where they are common, the worfe they are the better; for they are generally, in that cafe, filled up with the overflowings of the land, and the rotting of the hedge wood ; fo that the ditches are fo many dunghills, and will pay five times over the expence of cleaning and enlarging. The ftate of fences of this fort, upon the whole, are found under a great variety of circumftances : Calculations mould be made by the new tenant of thofe expences which are extraordinary, and beyond what may reafonably be expected in a farm, the leafe of which is run out. IV. Dead hedges with ditches are liable almoft to as many objections as dead hedges only : A man who hires a farm fo fenced, muft be fure not to forget the cx"- pence of planting all the banks with quick, find then new-making the hedges, or he, will Hfc.44 '), find himfelf involved in ruinous expences. V. There are many objections to fuch farms as are fenced with ditches alone. They muft be wet ones, or cattle will not be kept in by them ; and wet ditches are never found but in wet foils, which moft require draining; and confequently dry ditches, that is, fuch as the water runs freely out of. It is a moft pernicious thing in clays to be forced to keep the ditches half full of water, for the fake of making fences of them : For which reafon it is always advifeable, if the water can be car- ried off, to make banks to the ditches, and plant them, converting" the wet ditches into fuch fences as are ufed in countries fenced by hedges and ditches. This will be a great expence, but eafily reduced to exact calculation. VI. There are not many farms enclofed with pales, but fome I have feen. When fuch are to be hired, the farmer fhould be very attentive to their ftate; for, if he is to keep them in repair, the expence will be immenfe, unlefs he finds them in a per- fect condition j the pofts and rails all found ( 45 ) found and ftrong, and the pales the famej for, if they are the leaft unfound, and he takes a long leafe, his expences will run up almoft beyond calculation. In . this cafe, too much caution cannot be ufed. The beft agreement would he. to .engage, as fail: as the pales decay, to pull them quite up, aneeps Such excellent fences add greatly to the va~ lue of a farm, and ought to be calculated by a new tenant, as well as any difadvanr tageous circumftances I have mentioned. But ( 46 ) But the great point to be attended to is the nature of the walls ; for many that I have feen would coft as much to keep them in repair as almoft the worft of hedges. Such as are built of lime-ftones, and fhiver out of the quarry in fmall pieces, are very bad, and will fall upon very trifling aflaults, and even by high winds. Thefe walls are a rent-charge to tenants. On the contrary, thofe that are cut into the form of bricks, only larger and laid even together in courfes, will ftand as long as a brick-wall, though raifed without mortar. Likewife large pieces of rough grit ftone, that will not burn into lime, make excel- lent walls, and have a great firmnefs from their roughnefs, which holds them to- gether. A diftindion mould always be made be- tween thefe kinds ; the two laft will ftand an hundred years, as well as many hours; but the former fort are very expenfive in repairs. Proper eftimates, in thefe cafes, fhould always be made, that a farmer may know with fome regularity his future expences. Another ( 47 ) Another part of fences common to all thefe kinds is that of gates, gate-pofts, and ftiles. Thefe being expenfive to repair, fhould be viewed with attention, that the farmer may not be furprifed in a few years with expences of which he had no ex- pectation. Thefe are points of great confequence, let the fences be of what nature they may, and require exact eftimates, not only with an eye to a valuation of rent, but alfo to that calculation which a farmer ever makes of his ability to hire and ftock any farm that is offered him : For if expences -come in the courfe of his leafe which he did not expect or think of, they will probably come likewife without meeting a preparation to receive them ; which is, in every refpect, an unfortunate circumftance, and ought to be guarded againft with the utmoft fore- fight. &i^'V f . CHAP. VL Of the buildings on a farm-* and their repairs. INE E D not remark that this is fo importan$ an object to a man wfro hires a farm, . that it cannot be too much attended to. Firft, he mould view the dwelling-houfe, and examine whether it be fuch an one as the fize of the farm gives a man reafon to expedt; for no landlord can fuppofe that a farmer, who is able to hire 3 or 400 /. a year, will fubmit to live in a houfe pro- portioned to 30 or 40 /. a year. A fuffi- ciency of room for lodging conveniently a large family, and as many fervants as the farm requires, is abfolutely neceflary* However, as the dwelling is rather a matter of convenience and fatisfaction than pro- fit, it depends upon the difpofition of the man more than on any eftimates of profit and lofs. - Not fo, however, with the Offices. It is certainly of very bad confequence not to have all the proper conveniences ( 49 ,) requifite for a farm; and yet multitudes are without half; but the occupiers are fure to fuffer proportionally. This point vail be beft confidered by making a lift of fuch buildings as are abfolutely neceffary, ac- cording to the common practice of bufmefs ; of a perfect one in this refpect, it will be confidered hereafter. I. Barns. II. Stables/ III. Cow-houfe* IV. Granary. V. Hog-fties. VI. Hen-houfe* VII. Cart-lodge, VIII. Farm -yard. Thefe, every one will allow, are indif* penfable. I. As to barns, the cuftom of different counties varies greatly : In feme fcarce any barns are ufed, only thrafhing-floors, with yards around them, for building the ftacks of corn in. Thefe farmers have not fo much in this point to attend to, as they cannot expect, how much foever they con- demn the cqftom, that landlords will raife barns contrary to the cuftom of a country. VOL. T. E But ( 50 ) But where it is ufual to have barn-room fufficient for the crops, a man fhould at- tentively examine whethqr there is fuch room, and alfo take notice of what the barn-floors are laid : Many are even at this day made of clay ; fuch fhould be rejected, as a fine bright fample of corn cannot be had from off them. They ought to be of oak plank 2 or 3 inches thick. Another point he fhould not overlook, is the fize of the thrafhing-floors ; for if they are fmall, and he is at any time in a hurry to get his corn out, fo a's to fet feveral men in at a time, he will indubitably find them raife their price upon him for want of good room, and with great reafon. II. The article of {tables, or ox-houfes, is a very important one. If a farm has been cultivated by a fet of flovens, who have not given it above half the requifite tillage, nor ever thought of keeping a team for the carriage of manures, probably he will not find half the room requifite for the draught cattle he purpofes to keep : It is never to be taken, of courfe, that a farm has ftabling, &c. enough, becaufe the old tenant has not complained. He ihould therefore 8 therefore examine whether there is room enough for his teams, proper places for the hanging up the harnefs, alfo for the corn chefts. That there be a chaff- bing or houfe adjoining, fo that the chaff may not need to be carried, and confequently half loft and blown away ; the hay cham- ber or houfe adjoining. Thefe circum- fiances are not connected with any thing in a complete ftile : They are abfolutely re- quifite to all ftables for farms of 40 /. a year, as well as 400 /. III. A houfe for cows is actually necef- fary in all farms wherein that animal is kept ; and yet I have viewed many that have no convenience of this fort. The cow-houfe fhould contain yoaks, ties, hooks, or whatever other name they may be called by ; that is, places to faften each cow in for milking, fuckling, &c. one for every cow the farm will maintain. There mould alfo be in it bings, or fmall apartments for the calves, each large enough to hold three or four, or five, but not larger; adjoining, or over, fhould be a place for hay, and alfo another for ftraw* E 2 IV. Little IV. Little is neceflaTy to be added con- cerning the granary ; only to take care that there is one fufficient for the fize of the farm; and not only for part of one crop, but for all the wheat and barley of two crops at leaft; that, although a farmer may be obliged to thraih his corn on ac- count of feeding, his cattle with the ftraw, yet that he may not be forced to fell at a difadvantageous price, for want of room to flow his corn : This is a point of confe- quence. There are many other requifites for a good granary, but it is not to be ex- pected that landlords will alter and build more than is abfolutely reafonable. It is, however, much to be wifhed that the granary may be fo managed, as rats and mice may not be able to get in it. V. The conveniences for hogs are very deficient in many farms : a fufficiency for the fows that are kept, for each one ftie, and alfo another for the fatting hogs, arc abfolutely requifite. In a large farm, there ought to be cifterns for the wafh, butter milk, whey, malt-grains, &c. conveniently iituated, fo as to be emptied at once into the troughs, and a pipe or gutter from the dairy ( 53 ) dairy to it. In a large, or even a middling farm, the hog is an animal of great confe- quence, and proper places for keeping him muft on no account be overlooked. VI. The article of poultry is not one of the moft confequence in a farm, but it is of too much to be quite overlooked, VII. That of a proper covering for all the implements in general, both of draught and tillage, is abfolutely requifite. There is not a more wafteful ruinous circumftance, than the fuffering waggons, carts, ploughs, harrows, &c. &c. to He expofed to the weather. The expence of wear and tear will, under fuch management, run up 30 per cent, higher than with another man, who is always careful to keep them under cover, when not in ufe. For which reafon tjie farmer in viewing the' offices of a new farm, mould be fure to obferve whether there is plenty of room for all his imple- ments ; fmce the mifchief that will annu- ally enfue to him, if there is not, is fome-. what fufceptible of calculation, and he fhould eftimate it accordingly. VIII. But it is not fufRcient that thefe build- iftgs mould be found upon every farm j they E ihould ( 54 ) &ould likewife be fo placed as to form the walls or inclofure of one or more farm-yards, according to the fize of the farm. The neglect of this point in fo many parts of the kingdom is amazing. We fee many farms that have no inclofed yards, and yet many buildings fcattered about ; and, what is amazing, the infatuation of landlords building new ones without placing them in the manner I mention. In winter the cattle fhould always be collected, and kept in the yard or yards, to eat up the ftraw, hay, and fuch of the turnips as the fheep leave. By this ma- nagement the fields are not poached, the young fpring grafs not eat up to the damage of the enfuing crop, and the cattle kept warm and dry all winter. Thefe are effects of having convenient yards, and are of great confequence. I mall, in another place, give my ideas of a complete fet of farm-yards ; therefore I dp not, here, {ketch what a man would erect upon his own eftate, but only fuch parts as tenants mould expect upon every farm, and without which they will be muc h crampt and troubled in the practice of their bufmefs. ft ( 55 ) It is then necefiary always to have one yard at leaft, upon every farm, anc} upon, large farms two at leaft. They fhould he enclofed either by buildings, high w^lls, or clofe paling, that the cattle may be totally fecure from wind. The mouth of a pond fhould ever be in each yard, that the cattle may help themfelves to water, and not de- pend in any meafure upon the thought and care of fervants. Jt mould be well bottomed with ftone, gravel, or chalk, and not with a fall or defcent to the pond, but to the center ; an4 from thence not be allowed, in wet feafons, to overflow the pond, but have a defcent another way. The barns and other build- ings fhould be fituated around the yards, for the conveniency of giving the ftraw tc> the cattle, and that the dung from the fta- bles, or ox-houfes, cow-houfe, and hog- fties may be turned into it, and thereby mixed together. If there are any hay houfes (which are not however neceflary) cr a hay-ftack yard, it mould join one of the farm-yards, that it may be ready for feeding thofe cattle that are kept on it. ( 56 ) In proportion as tliefe circumftances are found among the offices of a farm, the more advantageous it will be. They are, upon the whole, of very great importance ; infomuch that a farm much wanting in them can fcarcely be a beneficial one, how- ever excellent all other circumftances are. I may certainly be miftaken in this matter, but I am clear that I would not hire the otherwife beft farm in England, if deftitute of thefe conveniencies, or very defective in them : A farm indeed may be advantageous, enough to induce the tenant to build, but that is a circumftance not to be taken into the prefent account. Having offered thefe hints upon the buildings neceflary, we muft next confider them with an eye to their repairs. In many countries this expence lies upon the tenant (with that of the dwelling-houfe alfo)j after they are put into repair by the landlord. It is in this cafe highly requifite that the new tenant views them with the utmoft attention ; that he may be able to form as exact an eftimate of the annual expence as- the nature of the thing will allow. AH ( 57 ) All the timbers fhould be examined ; the boarding, brick work, tiling, thatch, plaftering, paving, &c. &c. &c. every article viewed attentively; their duration eftimated, and the expence of the probable reparations reduced to calculation. If fuch cautions are net taken, a man may find him- felf in a few years in the midft of unex- pected expences ; than which nothing can be more fatal, unlefs he is (as indeed all ought to be) much ftronger than his farm. It is very eafy to calculate the Amount of the repairs during any given number of years, then to divide it into an annual fum ; and, laflly, to proportion it to fo much. an acre rent. This is the practice that ought in numerous inftances to be fol- lowed. CHAP. VII. Of roads and paths through a farm. AT firft fight this may appear a circmn- ftance too trivial to be confidered ; but that notion is a great miftake. I have feen fcen many farms fo interfered with thefe nuifances, as to reduce the land abfolutely one half in value. The inconveniences prefent themfelves by thoufands. The fields acrofs which roads lead are carted up from fide to fide, though it be only a farm or two that has a right of paf- fing. The fellows, who drive their teams, have no confideration for your fields ; they feek nothing but the plainer!, fmootheft track, and confequently do your land, every time they go over it, frefh damage. If it is pafture-ground, and the road not con- fined to one track by fences, it can never be mown ; but, whether it is proper or not, muft always be fed. If it is arable land, the mifchief is yet greater ; for the corn is not only deftroyed as it grows, but the foil fo cut up and poached in winter, that it is a long time after they vary their track before it will yield any profitable pro- duce; confequently, a great breadth of land is always in deftrudtion. I appeal to all thofe who have the plague of unconfined roads through their farms, whether I have exaggerated any one particular. If fuch $n one runs a mile through a farm, it in- evitably ( 59 ) evitably deftroys, or greatly damages, thirty acres of land. All paths are likewife attended with nu- merous evils; they often crofs corn and grafs fields, in which cafe the corn and hay are much trod- and fpoiled, on each fide the path, for a confiderable diftance. This mifchief never fails. A path that leads through a turnip field may be known by the peelings, fcat- tered ones, &c. half a mile before you comedo it. The idle, wandering, and other people that frequent thefe paths, are fure to flop at every field in ploughing, or any where that men are at work, to have a difh of dif- courfe with the fervants, or labourers ; to the no fmall detriment of the farmer, whofe teams ftand ftill as long as the converfation lafts. Hedges are broke down, ftiles damaged, and gates left perpetually open, from both roads and paths, wherever they are found. I know a farm of near 300 /. a year, in jLffeXj with a common path through the farm-yard. A more unfortunate circum- ftance could fcarcely happen j it was the rcfort refort of half the thieves and pilferers in the country, who made ufe of the oppor- tunity of pajjing on their oivn bufmefs to vifit the barns, wood yard, and poultry houfe, to the certain decreafe of the corn, wood, poultry and eggs. The liable-door was always the fpot for a goffiping party. A large farm, in a, rich country, can fcarcely be found without the inconvenience of one or two paths ; but if they happen to be numerous, or a road or roads uncon- fined through it, or a path through the farm-yard, I would, on no account, hire fuch an one, without a great and adequate, deduction of rent. When a farm is viewed, minutes fhould be made of all roads and paths through it, and {hewn to the tenant in a map of the farm ; and if they are nu- merous, and crofs feveral fields, let him, form an eftimate of the annual damage he expects to enfue, and calculate his rent ac- cordingly. If he, in hiring his farm, flights this matter as of little importance > he will affuredly repent it in a few years. "' - '.'-' r ; -vrvv -:;.' CHAP. VIII. Of thejlate of the public roads^ and dijlance from market. THIS is another objed: too often over- looked by farmers, and yet they are the perfons who, moft of all others, fuffer from bad roads and long carriage. It is no matter of wonder that farmers are not readily at the expence of mending roads when bad, but it is very aftonifhing that they will hire farms fituated in the midft of execrable ones, when they might, with as little trouble, fix themfelves in good ones. The ill confequences of bad roads are numerous, and of the worft kind; they inevitably occafion a great extraordinary annual expence, nay, a monthly one ; for every time the waggons go out with corn, wood, hay, ftraw, or to fetch manure of any kind, the horfes are proportionably weakened and jaded ; they mufl be fed ac- cordingly ; the waggon and harnefs are for ever coming in pieces, and constantly wearing out. Thefe expences are regular, and and without intermiflion : But there is an- other equally great, and that is, the lofs of carrying afmall load of every commodity, on account of bad roads, when a large one would be carried, were the roads good. This raifes the expences of every journey prodigioufly ; but very flight calculations will fhew this point in its true colours. The diftance from the market to which the corn is carried, is alfo a point of great confequence : Perhaps the average diftance over the whole kingdom does not exceed a day's journey, in going and returning. I believe the average diftance is not fo great ; as in many counties the neareft market- town is the place to carry to, as well as to fell at. A day's work may be reckoned ten miles, which is done with eafe. Now if a farm in this refped: is above the average of farms, the perfon who hires it mould con- ficler the evil in the rent he offers. In Suffolk and Effex, 25" miles are a com- mon diftance ; and the roads none of the beft. It is there two complete and hard days work, to carry I o quarters of wheat, or even barley, to market. The expence is enormous. t 63 ) enormous, as will appear from allight cal- culation. The ufe of 5 horfes, on fuch an occafion, is undoubt- edly to be reckoned at 2 /. 6 d. L s. d. a horfe per day - - 150 The two men are allowed for their expences - - 050 They carry with them a meal of bread and cheefe, and 2 or 3 quarts of ale; call it - - - 020 Their time - - - 040 Wear and tear of the wag- gon and harnefs ; this cannot be reckoned at lefs than - 030 Sundry fmall expences - o I o 200 It is true, they fometimes gain back- carriage of coals, for which 18 s. is paid;, but then the wear and tear, and ufe of the horfes, are greater, and confequently the profit by them the lefs. But back-carriage is, however, a mere uncertainty, and therefore not to be taken into any account. Here ( 64 ) Here we find the expence of carrying out the corn amounts alone to 2 s. a quar- ter, which js prodigious. Suppofe a far- mer raifes 500 quarters in a year, the ex- pence of the carriage runs up fo high as 50 /. full 30 L of which ought to be reckoned as extraordinary, and charged to the land with rent. Some favings may be made, it is true, by ufmg broad-wheeled waggons j for which reafon, they fhould ever be ufed on farms large enough for 9 or 10 horfes; but then others not fo large will raife greater quantities of corn than I have cal- culated, and confequently cannot have thofe machines for want of the proper number of horfes. Thefe hints, I apprehend, are fufficient to prove that goodriels of roads, and a moderate diftance from market, are cir- cumftances highly ueceflary to be attended to in the hiring a farm; and that, if they arc wanting, the rent ought to be estimated accordingly. ( 65 ) CHAP. I Of the tythe. THIS is fo considerable a point, that nd man, in hiring a farm, is forgetful, or inattentive of it, It is as much to be confidered as the rent itfelf, being in fad: a rent, and to be confidered as fuch. If a farm is tythe-free, the following remarks are confequently not applicable to it : fuch farms are in that refpecl: excellent, and cannot be too much valued. The land- lord's rent, indeed, is always proportioned ; but no matter, the certainty is the valuable circumftance ; uncertainties are perni- cious. A farmer, at the fame time that he hires his farm, fliould agree with the parfon for his tythe, if it is the cuftom to compound ; and by no means abfolutely agree with the landlord, until he knows, or can nearly guefs, what he is to expect from his eccle- fiaftical landlord. If the latter refufes pre- vioufly to agree with him, he mould then become acquainted with the general man- VOL. I. F near ( 66 ) ner of agreeing, and the terras in that neighbourhood, and expect to be dealt with as hardly as the hardeft. If this is not his account, he is very imprudent in- deed. In many places, (indeed more perhaps than compounded) the tythes are gather- ed. All farmers know well enough the oppreffive exorbitancy of this tax fo collected, which is not fixed in proportioa. to any given value, rent, product, &c. but increafing regularly with his induftry and improvements. A few words difcufles this point. On no account hire a farm where gathering the tythes is cuftomary, or where there is any peculiar probability of their being fo. This is a matter beyond the power of calculation, which will in- creafe upon you as long as you are induL trious ; will lay violent* tho' legal hands on the tenth, not of your rent, not of your expences, but of the whole of your produce, that is, of rent, labour, and ex- pences of every kind. In a word, it is a tax of 10 per cent, upon every milling of your expences, of what kind and fort foever. fbever. Avoid fuch an oppreffion, as you would a peftilence. Some compofitions are almoft as bad as the taking in kind': fuch are an annual agreement for every field, made a littk be- fore harveft. The parfon rides through your farm, and holds forth to the follow- ing purport. " Farmer, this is an excellent crop ! A noble crop of wheat, 'indeed ! You muft pay me 10 s. an acre for it. That is not quite fo good ; I will accept 8 s. for that. This barley is indifferent ; 5 s. an acre will be about the mark. Ha ! a noble crop of oats, truly ! well worth 6 j. an acre. Thefe are bad ones ; I will be con- tented with 2 s. 6 d. But there feems to be a very fine field of beans ; aye, in- deed, a very fine crop ! 7 s. muft be your tythe for them *." Thus will your crops be fcanned, and either without appeal, or gathered. Thus much, I think, is fufEcient to prove how important an object tythe is, and how much it behoves a man to gain a * This is a common practice about Chelmsford in Effex. F 2 thorough ( 68 ) thorough knowledge of what he is in this matter to expert, before he agrees with the landlord. CHAP. X. Of town charges. HES E comprehend rates of the poor, * church, conftable, and furveyor ; and the duty upon the highways. All thefe public expences vary prodigioufly in different parifhes ; and as they are to be confidered exactly in the fame light as rent, muft be known accurately before the agree- ment with the landlord is concluded. In fome places, particularly in towns, the poor-rates alone are fo high as 8 s. in the pound rent. Whatever they amount to, the fum for feveral years back mould be known, and the average of it expected in future ; unlefs fome peculiar circumftances give a reafon to look for variations. The fame attention is requifite to the other rates; and the ftate of the roads, refpe&ing the days of ftatute duty, exa- mined. *.. if If a farmer is neglectful in thefe matters, or takes them too much upon truft, lie may eafily be furprized with expences which he did not expect ; and I have often remarked, that, in many cafes, this is very pernicious. Nothing can be more fatal than the viewing thefe feveral charges in different and feparate lights, and not draw- ing them with the rent into one fum, that the total may be certainly known. There is no difficulty in procuring good intelli- gence of thefe points ; they are of fo pub- lick a nature, that a very little trouble will gain a complete knowledge of them. In many parts of the kingdom, they will, united, exceed the rent : how careful there- fore fhould a farmer be, to be well informed in each article ; that, when he has con- cluded the view of a farm, and the enquiries concerning it, he may fit down and calcu- late what will be the amount of his annual payments ? If he does not this, he will, at beft, be in the dark. It furely is needlefs to add, refpedting thefe charges, that he mould not forget the probability of being raifcd^ that is, of pay- ing more than the preceding tenant. It is F 3 no ( 70 ) no more than prudent, in general, to expefc to pay the real value... CHAP. XI. Of the price of labour. I SUP POSE, throughout thefe fheets, that my farmer defigns to cultivate his land in a 'clean, neat, and fpirited manner, to make the moft of his ground : If fuch is his intention, he will find labour his greateft expence, and much exceeding the rent. It is therefore evidently of great confequence, whether the price of this ne- cefTary is dear or cheap ; that is, higher or lower than what is common, or, per- haps, than what he has been ufed to. The variations of the prices of labour, in different parts of the kingdom, are fo great, that a man may find his expences in one farm run 20 per cent, higher than in ano- ther, though the acres be the fame, and every other circamftance of foil and marr nagement. It is therefore of very great importance to him, to know well the price s of of the country in which he purpofes to fettle. But an account of this may very eafily be taken, in a deceiving manner: The pay per day, of the different feafons, muft not only be taken, but alfo the price of fuch work, as is ufually done by the piece. A country may be very dear in day-work, but moderate in that done by the piece; the average, or balance, muft in this cafe be taken, which, though not to be done with minute accuracy, yet an idea tolerably clear may be gained of the truth, which is infinitely better than leaving it in the dark, and to chance. Suppofe the average earnings of a labourer is found to be I s. 2 d. a-day, the year round, piece-work included, upon any given farm, which being left by a man who moves to another, he takes a frem account of labour, and finds the fame ave- rage I s. $ d. a-day. We will fuppofe him to employ ten labourers, the difference of this 3 d. a-day will then amount to 45 / a year, which is certainly no trifle; and fhews that a farmer fhould be very atten- tive to this point, that he may be enabled, F 4 where where labour is cheap, to overlook the more unprofitable circumftances, in a farm beneficial upon the whole ; and where it is dear, that he may not lofe fight of fo ma- terial an expence among others, and deter-? mine, therefore, to reject a bargain which may be fo additionally unprofitable. Too much cannot be faid on this point, for no object is more important : but the evident confequence of it will, it is apprehended, plead ftronger with thofe who are upon taking new farms, than any thing more I can add. Let me, however, remark that the price of labour may very eafily make it better worth a farmer's while to give 15 s. an acre, in one place, for land, than 12 s. in another, fuppofing the utmoft fimilarity. CHAP. XII. Cffome other circumjlances 'which a farmer foould attend to in hiring a farm. 'TT'HERE are a few other points which Jl deferve mention, but which may be thought ( 73 ) thought by fome too unimportant to be treated of in ^chapters by themfelves. I. The number of acres in a farm is a very material 1 point; I mean, whether the fpecified number be conjectured or aflured. In fome leafes, in the recital of the acres, it is common to add more or lefs ; in others, the number is aflured, and the rent ftated per acre. The latter is much the faireft, and moft fatisfactory way ; for, in a long courfe of years, with the variations of fur- veys, the changes of lands, and the alte- rations of fields, miflakes very often creep into furveys ; and, upon trial, it has been found there has been a much lefs quantity of land than mentioned in the leafe. For this reafon, it is but prudent in the farmer to view the fields attentively, and to mea- fure thofe which appear to the eye to be the imalleft meafure; that is if the landlord infifts upon the farm being let for fuch a number of acres, more or I fs. II. When a farm is fituated contiguous, or near to the manfion-houfe of the land- lord, it is not an uncuftomary covenant, for the tenant to engage to do a given quantity of carting for the landlord every year. There ( 74 ) There is nothing to be impeached in fuch an agreement, but it ought to be carried, like all the reft, to account, and valued as fo much rent; and this remark is applicable to all other kinds of covenants, which con- tain an agreement to pay or perform any fum of money or fervice. III. Some landlords will not grant leafes at all ; others for only 3 or 7 years : This is a matter of fmall confequence to thofe tenants who purpofe conducting their farm In a flovenly negligent manner, never to expend any thing beyond abfolute necef- iities, and always to get from the land the utmoll. To Jitch, thefe maxims are very indifferent; for let them leave the farm when they will, they can lofe nothing by former expences, the land never owing them any thing ; but the cafe is furely different with a man who defigns to expend confiderable fums of money in bringing the land into perfect order ; a three, or a feven years leafe, is to him much the fame as none at all ; and he would be an egregious fool, to difpofe of his money upon any fuch uncertainties. If a man really means to be a good farmer, it can never anfwer to him to ( 7S ) to enter a farm with a fhorter than twenty- one years leafe ; nor can it ever be for the advantage of the' landlord to let his farms on fhorter. I am now fpeaking of rich countries : As to poor ones, to be inclofed, or marled, or chalked, &c. <&c. it is at once apparent that no man will hire them without a long leafe. But it may be faid, that farms are often very well managed by men that have no leales. This I readily grant ; but then they have, probably, been bred up on their farms ; they, as well as their family, may know their landlord ; and feveral gene- rations pafs without a leafe, and yet no- thing unreafonable happen. But this is a peculiar cafe ; I am fuppofmg a landlord and tenant, that are ftrangers, coining together ; in which cafe, caution is at leaft requifite. Befides, we often fee whole fets of old tenants trimmed up at once in their rents, not unreafonably indeed ; but fuffi- ciently to (hew, that the fanner with a leafe in his pocket is in a much more fecure fituation than another who has none. IV. A farmer mould be attentive, when he hires his farm, that he engages to leave it it as he found it in every circumftance; that is, to go out without the new tenant's having more advantage of him, than he himfelf has of the tenant he fucceeds; this principally concerns the payment for tillage, carting, &c. &c. V. It is ufual, in all rich countries, for the farm to find the farmer in firing; if it does not, the deficiency mould be noted- CHAP. XIII. Of the method of reducing the fubjects of the preceding chapters to a regular ac~ count. HAVING thus gone through the prin- cipal objects of the farmer's atten- tion, in hiring a new farm; it is neceflary, in the next place, to ftate the method that mould be followed in forming eftimates of the amount of each article, in fuch a man- ner, that the obfervations made may be reduced to oneconcife and clear view, from which may, at once, be deduced the point, whether any farm be advantageous, or the contrary. In ( 77 ) In doing this, the moft compendious,, and indeed the fureft rule (as it is founded on particular experience) is to fix upon a criterion, by which, analogically, to judge of firailar matters. For inftance, a farmer may fix upon his laft farm, or any other* of which he has a thorough knowledge, by way of a comparifon, to examine new ones. This will be exemplified in the following {ketches. It will be neceiTary here to afiume the language of a farmer, and fup- pofe myfelf in the jTituation of having viewed a farm, and^ deliberating upon the rent it is worth. gi * * i :fDiii *. 7 * * MEMORANDUM. I calculate the rent <>f my old farm at X. Y* as follows. /. s. d. Rent, ^iiillDv; 300 o o Tythe, r-'- -- ?-'-'iA 50 o o Poor rates, -^ i^^^ tir. - 24 O o 35 Of a fine rich black fand, at 20 s. 35 o o 20 Of a dry loofe fand at S*> " ~ " 500 50 Of a light, dry found rich loam, a.t$os. - 75 o o 50 Acresof meadow ground, fubjecT: to be overflowed in hay time, at 20 /. - 50. o o 20 Ditto not fubjed to that evil, and the herbage re- markably fine, at 40 s. - 40 o o 12 Acres of dry found rich uplandgrafs, at 30 1. -'Hi.,., r 18 o o 6 Ditto of ditto, but richer and a better herbage, at4OJ. - ,*lJon*i? 12 o o 1 2 Rough grafs, at 14^. t&>( 880 400 * Total, 408 1 8 o * I am fenfibie I have here fketched many forts of land for cHffarm, but this was neceflary for the explanation of the idea. However, I have feen farms of 400 acres with as great variety, though pot of the fame kind as thefe. ( 8o ) Thefe prices are points of comparifon, by which I am to judge of the farm now before me. It confifts of the following acres of different foils, which I value as under. N i. 30 Acres of rich, found /. s. d. crumbly clay ; it has been hollow-drained, and, I think, is as good as that which I occu- pied in my laft farm ; rent, therefore, 26 s. - 39 o o N2. 17 Acres of fuch clay as N^ i. but, for want of draining, the water ap- pears much, nor is there fo good a fall to carry it off. It is not fo good as the other by 6 s. an acre : fay, therefore, at 20 J. - - - 17 o o 47 Carry over, 56 o o ( 8r ) 47 Brought over, /. 56 o o N 3 . 12 Acres of dry found red loam, has a good fall, and from it's not ad- hering to my feet in walking over it (it being winter), I judge it to be kindly land, and Wor,th as much as my 60 acres of gravelly loam, in my laft farm^ or 20 s. - - 12 6 6 i j* Acres of very flat wet fpewy clay, worfe I think can fcarce be met with, one acre of N 3 Worth 4 of it ; the rent 5 s. - "*** 3 Y $ - J y -> 74 Carry over, L 7 f 15 o Vot< I. G N 5. 74 Brought over, /. 71 15 o NO 5. 20 Acres of a flat, cold, loofe, woodcock, brick earth loam, very wet and poor. The 20 acres of reddifh brick earth in my laft farm better, I reckon, by i s. an acre ; therefore 7 s. - 700 10 Acres of light gravel has not fo much of the loam in it as the 60 acres in my laft farm: It will certainly burn in a dry fummer. It is worth, on comparifon with them, 15 s. - 7100 N 7 . 50 Acres of a cold, fpringy gravel, wetter I think than the 40 in the other farm; not worth fo much by 3 s. an acre ; : ' therefore at o s. - 22 10 o 154 Carryover, /. 108 15 154 Brought over, /. 108 15 o N 8. ao Acres of ditto, but wet only at places, to the amount of about 5 acres, the reft better land, but will burn : I value it at 1 1 s* - 1 1 Q N 9, t o Acres of a dry blowing fand, not fo good as the 20 I had before ; fay, 4 s. + $> o 6 N 10. 2 $ Acres of a black fandy loam; I take it to be 5 j. an acre better than the 35 in the other farm ; at 25 s. ***"' f x'- 3150 Nir. 20 Acres of a light, dry, found, rich loam ; much 229 Carry over, /. 153 Q o G 2 fuch ( 84 ) 229 Brought over, /. 153 o o fuch land as the 50 in the firft farm, but one part rather gravelly; however, as another is hlacker and more crum- bly, but at the fame time moift, I reckon it, upon a par, 30 s. 3000 N 12. 70 Acres of meadow land, low, but not fubjec~t to be overflowed ; the her- bage exceedingly good : I think it better grafs than any I had before, and worth 45 s. - 157 10 o 20 Acres of ditto, but fo very low that it will fcarce ever efcape being overflowed even in fum- mer; I value it at 18 s. the herbage is not good. - 1 8 319. Carryover, 1-35$ 319 Brought over, /. 358 10 N 14. I o Acres of dry found up- land grafs, on loam. It is rather better than the 12 in the other farm; at 32 j. - 160 150 Acres of very wild rough grafs, many parts of it on a burning gra- velly foil; others on a loofe wet loam, and ne- ver drained: The whole over-run with mole and ant-hills, bumes, briers, and fome whins ; if al- lowed to plough it, it is worth i o s. an acre. - 75 o o N Q 1 6. 2 1 Acres of white chalky arable; very wet and 500 Carryover, /. 449 10 o G 3 adhe- 500 Brought over, /. 449 IQ o adhefive : I have no experience in this land, but judge, from the view of it and what I can learn from enqui- ries, that it is not worth above j's. an acre. - 7 7 o. 500 /. 456 17 o So much for the farmer's private valua- tion of the land, which is drawn up on a ,fuppofition that all other circumftances are upon an average with farms in general ; thefe are next to be viewed, to difcover whether they are above or below fuch average, that in either cafe the excefs may be charged. The fences are various, in general live hedges and ditches; and though I remark many gaps and fliards in them, yet fuch muft be expected in all farms newly hired: but the 150 acres of rough ground having been once a park, is inclofed only with an old pale, much of it in that degree pf repair which renders it tenantable, but will never fupport it through the leafe : I mall fhall confequently be engaged in a great ex- pence (as I am to keep them in repair) before the expiration of it. It is a matter of difficult calculation, but the neareft eftimate I can make, on an exact view and meafuremenfi is that thefe 150 acres will coft me, in 2 1 years, in repairs of paling, the fum of /. 70 o o If the fence was a hedge and ditch like the reft of the farm it would coft me, befides the amount of wood gained - 20 o o Excefs of the paling, '& 50 o o which, in 21 years, is per annum, - **np:> _ 2 ^ ^ The i o acres' of upland pafture, and feveral of the arable fields, which mufl be under clover fome years, and fed, have no water for cattle : I muft fink 3 ponds at leaft : the fluff that comes out may pay; but as I fufpecl: one field being all gravel, I think it cannot pay: I Carry over, /. 2 7 7 G 4 therefore ( sfr..'): Brought over, /. 2 7 7 therefore reckon the expence of one pond, which will coft me I o /. at leaft, or per an- num, for 2 1 years, - 9 6 There is a road through one field of 50 acres, which, being, unconfined, I muft either fubmit to great an T nual lofs or fence it in ; this will coft me 1 8 /. or per an- num, - - - o 17 i Five fpot paths run thro* the farm for a confiderable reay, I would have com- pounded for two, mail there- fore charge three : they will inevitably do me 30 /. da- mage in one way or other ; or per annum, - I 8 6 The buildings are moft of them good, and pretty well contrived, but they form with pales only one farm- Carry over, /. 5 2 8 yard, ( 8? V Brought over, 7, 5 2, 8 yard, whereas two are in-* difpenfably neceflary to fuch a farm ; I cannot make an- other out with fuch an high pale as is neceflary under 15 /. or per annum, - - o 14 3 lunderftand that the land- lord will make no additions ; but there muft be a new chaff-houfe built, which will coft me 1 2 /. or per annum, - The intereft of thefe fums muft be reckoned, as I mail expend them directly ; they amount to 105 /. fay 100 /. at 4 per cent. - - 400 .10 84 Next, I muft examine fuch circumftances, in favour of the farm, as are fufceptible of calculation. In the firft place, the 500 acres are perfectly contigu- ous, even circularly fo; I know fcarce any farm of this fize, that lies fo well ; had I 500 (.90 ) I 500 acres in the common, /. s. d. or average degree of con- tiguity, I would give 50 were they laid together as thefe are ; I fhall therefore charge it at 50 /. or per annum^ 277 The roads , to market (which is diftant only 6 miles) are fo extremely good, being turnpike, that I can in any manner carry a fourth more corn at a time, than in com- mon roads; there are 400 acres of arable, fuppofe 1 60 of wheat and barley every year, and 4 quarters per acre on an average, I fhall then have 640 qrs. to carry to market; as I fhall have a broad -wheeled waggon, I muft calculate accordingly. In my laft farm I carried 30 facks on an average 10 miles, which coil me 9 d. a fack, or I s. 6 d. a quarter. Carry over, 277 I can ( 9' ) Brought over, /. 2 7 7 I can here carry 40 facks, or 20 qrs. at I s. a quarter, there is to be charged there- fore in favour of this farm 6d. a quarter on all corn carried to market, or - 1600 Upon viewing the offices attentively, I think them much beyond the common ones, and will fave me much labour in carrying the food of cattle backwards and for- wards, and alfo enable me to make a much larger quan- tity of dung than in moft yards. I value thefe circum- ftances at per annum, - 800 Total, - 2.6 7 7 Ditto the unfavourable articles, - - - 1084 In favour of the farm, - . 15 19 3 The farmer having proceeded thus far in his calculations, comes next to rent of various kinds : on this head the landlord mufl ( 92 ) muft be the laft perfon he treats abfolutely with. He goes firft to the parfon, and enquires his terms of agreement, in cafe he hires the farm : he is anfwered that no agreement of that fort will be made, nor until he has hired it. Alarmed at this anfwer, he next enquires into the proba- bility of the tythe being taken in kind; he finds nothing but compofitions around him, and no peculiar reafon for his being gathered any more than the reft: the average of the compofitions he difcovers to be 4-f. an acre all round. This fum he therefore writes down as his own tythe, or r - - - /. 100 o o Poor rates his predeceflbr paid to the amount of 60 7. a year, and as he finds no probability of his paying more, he writes that fum, - 60 o o Conftable's ditto, ti:r 3 Church ditto, 400 Surveyor's ditto, - jo o o Value of the ftatute work, - 700 Window tax, - - - 300 Carry over, . 1 87 o o ( 93 ) Brought over, .187 o 6 The repairs of the houfe and offices are calculated at - 900 Deduct from thefe articles 196 o o the amount of the balance of the former account in fa- vour of the farm, - - 15 1 9 3 Total rent hitherto brought to account, - - 1 80 His valuation of the land - amounted to, 456 17 o Deduct the above fum, - 180 o 9 .276 16 3 PoflefTed of this remainder, he is ready (and not till then) for the landlord. As this is precifely the fum he can afford to pay in landlord's rent, he knows the ut- moft to offer ; and if he gets it cheaper, the value of his bargain and if dearer, the amount of the excefs ; fo that he is abfolutely prepared, in point of all pre- vious knowledge, to treat to advantage. If any covenants are demanded of an annual payment of ftraw, of carting, or ( 94 ) or in any other form, they muft be added to the rent cafh, and the total confidered as rent. Let us, for the fake of the conclu- fions, fuppofe the landlord's total demand to come within the fum defigned to be agreed to ; and with that demand fome covenants in the leafe fpeeified that were not expected. For inftance, the tenant not to break up any grafs land, not even the 150 acres of rough ground. Clover not to be confidered as a fallow, in the crop- ping the fields, &c. <&c. Thefe, or any other covenants of the kind, muft then be valued. The 150 acres to plough were valued at 10 s. but to re- main in grafs they are worth but 5 j. the deduction therefore, - - 3210 o There are 150 acres (fup- pofe) the farmer will find it moft profitable to cultivate with clover as a fallow : if it is ftruck out, he mull fub- mit to much higher expences of all forts that relate to Carry over, -32 10 o tillage, ( 9S ) Brought over, . 32 10 o tillage, and at the fame time not get better, or perhaps fo good crops; this circum- flance leflens the value 3 s. an acre, -, t-^i, - 22 10 o 55 o o Rent before agreed to, ,- 276 1 6 3 Now to be deducted, - 55 o o .221 16 3 The remainder is what he is now to offer the landlord, in cafe the obnoxious covenants are infifted on. I have, in this manner, gone through the method of reducing every article to an eftimate ; and I cannot but apprehend die certainty attending fuch a method muft re- commend it infinitely more than hiring a farm upon a fuperficial view, and without any other eftimates than mere fleeting ideas. A man mould not only act prudently, but know wherein he does it, and to what degree. Let me, however, warn the perfon who is about to form fuch a calculation as the preceding, to give the value of the land he views fair play, and not, through avarice, eftimate ( 96 ) eftimate it below the real value: if he get* the farm below the amount he rates it at* fo much the better; he will then have the fatisfadion of knowing to what amount he has the better of the bargain : If he doesi not form fo exact an eftimate as to be deter- mined not to exceed it one milling, he leaves the treaty with his landlord to the common haggling way of making bargains, and will be loft in confufion, having no abfolute point to which he may advance, and no further. This regular method of arranging his ideas, of reducing every thing to calculation and certainty, will alfo give a man great advantages when a farm is to be hired at a mort warning, with fcarce any time for confideration. In that cafe, a man who takes no fuch guide rejects the bargain for want of time to reflect, to confult his friends, and to make an hundred trivial enquiries of r what fort of crops the laji tenant gained ? and other fuch trivial matters. But he who has made a regular eftimate of every article, can treat and conclude in five 1 minutes as well as five months; and con- fequentiy will have, in every cafe, the greateft ( 97 ) greateft probability of never lofmg a bene-* ficial bargain. CHAP. xiv. Remarks on the condufl of common farmer s+ in proportioning their land to their money* IT is neceflary to introduce the following calculations, by a few obfervations on the method generally followed by common farmers, of judging from their fortunes of the quantity of land they are enabled to hire. In the eftimates which I mall give, there will be found many Variations from the common conduct ; I mould, therefore, give my reafbns for fuch variations. It is univerfally known in every part of the kingdom, that farms are every day hired with much fmaller iums of money than the moft confiderate people would allot for the purpofe. It is not gentlemen and land- lords alone who think fuch fums too fmall ; even farmers themfelves will often own, that a larger fum of money is really neceflary, than often poflefled Upon the hiring of a farm ; and they will allow that it would be VOL. L H more more advantageous to cultivate 200 acres completely, than 300 indifferently, for want of plenty of money : And the practice of the moft enlightened ones prove the fame thing as the fentiments of the reft, however con- trary to their conduct; for we very often fee very large fums applied to the culture of farms, and fuch as render a fpirited practice neceflary to pay the intereft off. The caufe of fuch numerous deviations as we find from prudence, in this cafe, is the avarice of hiring a large quantity of land ; their great ambition is not to farm welly but much. Nine out of ten had rather cultivate 500 acres in a flovenly manner^ though conftantly cramped for money, than 250 acres completely, though they would always have money in their pockets^ And numerous are the inftances in which they would be richer at the end of a leafe of 200 acres, than of 400. But from whatever fource this error is derived, the fact, that it is an error, is indifputable. Farms are fometimes hired with fuch fmall fums, that many believe it to be almoft impollible to carry them on : and yet the farmers of fuch do manage to go on ( 99 ) on after a manner to the end of the leafe. Some explanation of this condud is ne^ ceflary. Let us fuppofe a man to hire a farm of 200 /. a year, containing as many acres, 40 of them grafs, and 1 60 arable : For how fmall a fum of money may a farmer hire fuch an oae ? Answer , for 422 /. In this manner : Implements. Thefe are all bought in fecond hand at low prices; /. s. d. 2 Waggons, - - - 15 o o 2 Carts, - - 1100 4 Ploughs, 250 2 Pair of harrows, ^ - i I o o i Roller, - - o 10 o Screen, bufliel, forks, rakes, fhovels, &c. &c. - - 2 10 o 20 Sacks, - - I 5* o Harnefs for S horfes, cart and plough, - - - 4100 Dairy furniture, &$x ~ 2 10 o Houfehold ditto, - Q>/r 30 o o Carry over, .7 o o H 2 Live Brought over, JT. 71 o o Live Stock. 8 Horfes, - - -4$ o o 5* Cows, - - - 30 o o 50 Sheep (old crones) 17 i o o Swine, --- - iioo -, 94 o o Seed. 40 Acres of wheat, ".24 o o 40 Of barley, - - 20 o o 10 Of oats and clover, 7 o o * 51 o o Labour. Three fervants (wages half a year) which, with himfelf or afon, makes one to each plough, . i o o o A labourer in harveft, 200 A maid's wages (if he has not a daughter grown up), - - - i 10 o 13 10 o Sundry articles. I ftippofe him to en- ter the farm at Michael- Carry over, . 229 10 a mas. /. s. d. Brought over, 229 10 o mas. His cows he will not buy till the winter is over: his horfes he turns into a ftraw yard, (his own, if he has agreed with his prede- ceflbr for the ftraw of the laft crop) but where- ever it may be, at i s. a week per horfe, 5 months, - - - .800 Corn and hay in fpringfowing2 months, at 3 s. a week per horfe, 9120 Houfe-keeping a year, (befides what the farm yields) that L>, fat hogs and wheat, - - 40 o o Half a year's rates, &c. at 3 s. 6 d. in the pound, -P T. - - 17100 Cloaths and pocket- money, - - - - io o o 85 2 o 314 12 o H 3 Thus ( 102 ) 1fhns we find that 314 /. 12 s. is fary to carry him through the firft half year, and, in fome articles, the \vhcle year; confequently fo much mult at firft be in hand; the further furn neceffary will beft appear from ftating his expences in half-year accounts. Second half-year. To half * year's /. s. By producl of 5 /. s. wages, - 13 10 Cows, - 30 O Ditto rates, - 1710 Ditto of Sheep, Blackfmith and the money dou- vvheel-wright, a bled, - - - 35 o year, 12 o Balance - 81 O Half a year's rent, IOO o Window lights, 3 Q .146 o . 146 o By this account we find a deficiency of 8 1 /. which muft likewife be fupplied by cafti for flock at firft. Third half-year. Wages, - - . 13 10 By 40 acres of Rates, - - - 17,10 whear, at4/. ^. 160 c Tythe, at 3 s. in By 40 of barley the pound, - 30 o r.t 3 /. - - I2O o Blackfmith and 20 Acres turnips wheel- vvright, 10 d fcld, - 35 Rent, - - - 100 o Rights, -.30 Carryover, /. 174 o Carryover, .315 o Brought over, . 174 o Brought over, . 315 o Seed wheat, 40 acres, 24 o Ditto 40 of barley, 20 o Clover with it, 3 O Ditto 20 acres of beans, - 12 o 20 Of oats, - 10 o 80 Sheep, - - 28 o Sundry fmall ar- ticles, 10 o 281 o Balance, 34 o -3 T 5 o . 315 o This half-year nothing is reckoned for houfe-keeping : A farmer, when once his land begins to produce, lives off his farm; I mean fuch an one as takes a farm as large as pomble ; the fwine furnifh him with meat; the fcreenings of his wheat with bread, and poultry and other fmall arti- cles with malt, and the few things he wants befides. Fourth half-year, Rent, - . 100 By cows, - < 30 o Wages and La- Sheep, - - - 56 O bour, - - - 15 o Balance of laft Rates, - 17 i'o half-year, - 34 o Wear and Tear, 14 o Balance, 26 10 > 146 10 In In this half-year we find another defi- ciency of 26 /. 10 s. which, Ife the former, muft be carried to the firft account of flock, Fifth half-year. Rent, . 100 o By 40 acres of Labour, - - 15 o wheat, - . 160 O Rates, - - - 17 jo 40 Of barley, - 120 o Wear and tear, - 15 o 20 Of beans, - 50 o Lights, - - - 3010 Of clover, hay Tythe, 30 o and feed, - 30 o Seed for 50 acres Balance, 129 10 of wheat, 25 o 30 Barley, --150 20 Oats, - 10 Q .230 10 .230 10 Sixth half -year. Rent, - - L- 10 % Cows - ; 30 Q Labour, - 20 o Sheep this year Rates, - - - 1710 for ftock to in- Wear and tear, - 20 o creafe, Balance, 2 o Balance of laft half year, - 129 10 J 59 i J 59 10 V/e are now come to the point, when it appears that our farmer may get up the frill with luck, but yet he continues in fuch a fituation, that any unforefeen accident, or failure of crop, will fit very heavy on him. His general yearly account will now ftand as under; Expences. Product. Rent, ~ 200 o Wheat, - - 160 Tythe, - - 3 o Barley, - - 120 Wages and la- Beans, - - 50 bour, 4 p 10 Acres of clo- Rates, - - - 35 o ver, or turnips, 2O Wear and tear, - 35 Sheep, - - - 100 Lights, 3 10 Cows * ' ' (in- Seed for 40 acres creafed to this of wheat, 20 number) - - 60 40 Barley, - - 20 o 40 Oats and beans, 20 Sheep, - - '- Tlslanrp 50 r n o n \. ('- ~ L- 5 10 o . 510 o The balance of 57 /. is, for all his private expences, his profit,the intereftof his money, and the chance of accidents, very inade- quate to thefe demands ; but, in a term of years, will increafe, from the expenditure of itfelf in part on the farm, and from the gradual increafe of ftock by breeding, as he has, befides the article of fheep charged, 56 /. worth for breeding, either in kind or cafh. Now if we go over thefe accounts, the fums wherewith the farm was flocked will appear to be as follows : The ( 106 } The firft cxpence, . 314 12 o The firft wrong balance, - 8100 The fecond ditto, - - 26 i o o Total, . 422 2 o Which is little more than two rents. This {ketch, in which a minute accuracy was not neceffary, -will ferve to mew the management whereby- farmers fometimes, with very fmall fvims : ,of money, get into large farms ; and it proves, at the fame time, (notwithstanding the poffibility of fucceeding in fuch attempts), that the ma- naging^ in this manner is very hazardous to the- farmer, and pernicious to the farm. If a bad year comes, or. any accidents happen to his ftock, he is ruined : With good years he can afford to do nothing in the way of improvement ; and he is fa weak in cattle and labour, that, in a few years, his fields muft inevitably be out of order for want of requifite tillage ; and better horfes muft be bought, and more men employed, or all will go to ruin. His implements bought in with an eye to cheapnefs alone, will foon be done with, and 107 and frefh fupplies demanded. All expences will multiply. In fuch a ftate, how is it poffible lie mould turn his land to the beft advantage ? A vein of the fineft marie may be under his fields ; he can have nothing to fay to it. He may be within 3 or 4 miles of a town, where dung and afhes are to be had on very reafonable terms ; but how is he to afford the purchafe. Nothing can be clearer than the infinite difadvantages of fuch a confined fituation. It would be abfurd to take any trouble to point out how farms fhould be flocked that are hired on thefe principles ; fuch a defign would be even pernicious; the reader muft not, therefore, expeft in the ehfuing calculations that I aim the leaft at enabling him to play the floven. I {hall fuppofe him defirous of laying out his for- tune in agriculture to the beft advantage ; which certainly muft be upon the principles of good, not bad hufbandry. The inftance I have given above, is a remarkable one; it muft not be fuppofed that a great many farms of 200 /. a year, are {locked with little more than 400 /. but in- ftances H fiances of >very bad management in this refped: are abundant, though not To exe- crable as this. In general, moft far- mers will be found very faulty, and par- taking more or lefs of this fpirit of avarice. When a man is in fearch of a farm, he mould be defirous alone of employing his money to the beft advantage: What is it to him, whether on aco acres or 2000; that quantity of land which to his fum of money is moft profitable, is the quantity to be defired ? One point cannot be attended to too much, which is, that the farmer be clear in the fum hepofifeffes, and not, on any account, in doubt, or depending for any on accidents. It is common for farmers to be deiirous, when they change their farms, of moving into one in the neighbourhood ; that they may not be at the lofs of felling their old flock, and buying frelh ; but this is a moft pernicious circumftance, and leads numbers to their ruin. When a fanner acts on this plan, (I am here fuppofmg him not to be a rich man, but in moderate circumftances, and depend- ant every year, fomewhat on the laft), he, in common with others, aims at as large a farm farm as he can grafp; but the peculiar mifchief here is, he reckons his acres of corn upon the ground, and the general produce of his farm the laft year, as fo much money (by calculation) towards flock- ing the new one, which he moves into directly: Now, upon entering into any trade or bufmefs whatever, the great point is to know to a milling the amount of a man's fortune, to reckon at fo critical a moment nothing upon contingencies, but have the fatisfaction, as well as necefTary accuracy, in knowing exactly the amount of his dependences. If he moves directly out of one farm into another, this cannot be the cafe; for it muft be hired fome time before he leaves his old one ; or, in other words, while his laft year's crop is on the ground. Now I would earneftly advife all in fuch actuation, not even to look at a new farm, till the whole product of their old one is converted into money. He then knows exactly what he has to depend upon, and can form a much more accurate judgment of the quan- tity of land proper for him to hire, than 6 while while he reckons his crops as money, be- fore they are reaped. Corn is fometimes very deceitful ; a man, in eftimating the product, may eafily be miftaken greatly : A very bad harveft, a blight, a mildew, an hundred things, may leflen the value greatly, and markets fink unexpectedly. He finds his product much lefs than he valued it ; but his new farm is hired, and he cannot withdraw the engagement, nor manage it with lefs money. Is not the ruin of fuch a fituation fufficiently evident ? CHAP. XV. Of the tnojl advantageous method of dif- of $ol. in farming. I Dedicate this chapter to the fervice of the fervant, labourer, and other poor men, who, faving or acquiring a fmall fum of money, are defirous to become farmers : But it is impoflible, in the title of this or any of the fucceeding chapters, to fpecify minutely the fum which will be proved ( "I ) proved in the calculations ; when I fay 50 /. I mean only a fum under or over that. It may vary from 35 /. to 65 /. nor is there any thing inaccurate or ufelefs in fuch want of previous limitations. It is more genuine to reject them, and mews that the eftimates are not warped to anfwer pre- ciiely a given point, but either extended or diminimed, according to the circumftances of the farm. I muft farther be allowed to premife, that I aim, in all things, at eftimations of good hufbandry; confequently, bad far- mers muft not quarrel with me for not fquaring my ideas to their practice. In all the preceding parts of this inquiry, gentlemen and common farmers have been upon the fame footing ; it would only have multiplied divifions for nothing, to have made any diftinctions between them : But, in the article of flocking, it is very dif- ferent ; a gentleman, as I mall {hew here- after, muft, in moft cafes, affign more money to any given parpofe, than a com- mon farmer : I (hall not, however, make any diftinction between them, while I fpeak only of lit tie farms, fmce gentlemen 2 can can have nothing to do with fuch but through curiofity; never for profit: And as to farms of pleafure, "viz. Experi- mental ones, I fhall treat fingly of them hereafter. When I come to middling and large farms, I fhall make diftindions be- tween thefe clafles. Little farms muft be on rich foils, or at leaft fuch as require no improvement. There are variations in thefe, which muft have various calculations. N I. Divifion of 50 /. in the flock^ &c. of a farm half grafs and half arable , on a clay or loam foil. Rent, &c. Rent of 1 6 acres of land, - - - - - - . 16 16 o Tythe at 4 s. ia the pound, - - - - . - - - 3 7 2 Rates of all forts, and ftatutework,4J.inditto, - - 3 7 2 Carryover, .23 10 4 Implements, &c. A cart with ladders, .8 o o /. s. d. A plough, - - - i 1 1 6 A pair of harrows, I I o o A barley roller, - I 10 o Cart and plough har- nefs for 2 horfes, 2 20 A fcreen, a bufhel, a fan, fieves, forks, rakes, a fhovel, fpade, pick- axe, fey the, &c. &c. I 10 o Tenfacks, - - - 150 Dairy furniture, - o 1 o o 17 18 6 Livefock. Two Horfes, - . 16 o o Four cows, - - - 20 A fow, - - - - Seed and tillage : Paid the preceding tenant for 3 acres of wheat, ploughed thrice, at4/. - - - - 1160 Seed, - - - - j 16 o Carryover, .5$ 5 6 VOL. I. I Sowing, ( 4 ) Brought over, .58 56 Sowing, - - - - o i 6 Water furrowing, -030 One ploughing for 3 acres of oats, - o 12 o Seed, - - - - i 10 o Sowing, - - - 009 Water furrowing and harrowing, - o I 6 _ 289 Sundry articles. Wear and tear, and fhoeing a year, - ' . 2 o o Houfe-keeping and cloaths a year, befides what the garden and farm yields, fuppofe a man, his wife, and 4 children, and alfo be- fides what the wife and children earn, - - 500 700 - 6 7 H 3 Thus the reader finds I have run up a calculation to above 67 /. and under the title of joT. but I know not, in hufbandry^ 7 a lei's a lefs farm than this, to have part of it arable, that can poffibly be fupporcd to anfwer in the leaft to the farmer. Bat, before I proceed, I muft make a few obfer- vations on fome of the preceding articles. Implements. Some of thefe I allow fo little a farmer to buy fecond-hand, but not to hunt out at a fale for the cheapeft fort, which are fo often the deareft in the end. The cart new would have come to 12 /.; the barley roller to 2 /. or 3 /. 5 s. the harnefs to 3 /. or 4 /. the mifcellaneous articles to 2 /. or 2 /. 5 s. but I fuppofe him to be pofleiTed of a fpade, pick-axe and fcythe. The facks, plough and harrows I do not alloy/ him to buy fecond-hand at all. Livejlock* Such a farmer as this, in common, would get the two horfes perhaps for 5 /. or 6. /. but fuch ftocking is nothing but ruin ; dog horfes eat as much as good ones, but will by no means do their work. With fuch a pair of horfes as I allow him, he may, in cafe he has an opportunity, and it does not interfere with his own work, do fome I 2 ploughing ploughing for any neighbouring gentleman or farmer that will employ him ; if he and his team can earn 4 or 5 s. a day, now and then, it will be an advantage; but fuch as he could never gain with 50 s. horfes. Four cows to 8 acres of land (with 2 horfes) is a large allowance, but he muft have a good ftock, or he can never live at all j befides, he may feed his horfes in a good meafure with an acre or two of clover, which he may eafily manage in a year or two. Seed and tillage. In this farm, and all the fucceeding ones, I fuppofe the farm entered at Ladyday^ and the preceding tenant paid for both the Michaelmas and fpring crops : and this me- thod I chufe preferably to any other be- caufe it will anfwer the entering both at Ladyday and Michaelmas. If it is the latter, the expences are, perhaps, the fame, only paid in horfe keeping, inftead of per acre to the farmer. This little farmer's yearly account will Hand thus : ( "7 ) ''" Expences. Rent, ^ i - ; Tythe, .;-' ' Town charges, Seed for 3 acres of wheat, Ditto for 3 of oats, " .- \ \Vear and tear, Houfe-keeping, &c. Produce. 3 Acres of wheat, - 12 o o 4 Cows, - - 20 o o 32 o o Expences, ^ra' [^Cui 33 J ^ 4 Product, - ' 3 2 Deficiency, (I -;-T , f ; .,; - i 16 4 Intereft of the flock, - - 4 u o Lofs, - - - - 674 This will not run him in debt, nor per- haps diftrefs him, becaufe he may difcharge it, either by felling a hog now and then, breeding up a calf, or earning a little money with his horfes and cart, or plough ; I 3 and ( "8 ) and thefe articles will probably amount to more than the deficiency, and leave him fomething that may be called profit. It muft be remarked, that 4 /, per acre of wheat, on an average, is a large produce, and beyond what is gained by moft little fanners ; and 5 /. a cow is not a low efti- mation. The reafon that I allow fuch fums, is the furplus of time upon the farmer's hands, befides what is requifite for the common tillage of his 8 acres ; which time I fuppofe him to beftow upon his land in fummer, in ploughing it much oftener than common, and in both fummer and winter in carting earth and ditch fluff unto it. He will have fufficient time to make good and deep ditches, throughout his farm, and alfo to cart away the earth that comes out of them. By thefe means I fuppofe him to get better crops than common with little farmers; and his grafs may be managed in the fame manner. His whole time will not, however, be taken up ; we may fuppofe him to go to day-labour a third part of the year, and earn 8 /. In that cafe the accqunt will be thus : Labour, ( "9 > Labour, - - \.* .800 Deficiency, -r. - - 674 . i 12 8 Whicfi will be all he has to anfwer the favings while he was a labourer, which muft be oppofed to the accidental produce of a pig, a calf, or work with his horfes. Now, fuppofing that the farm in one cafe maintains him, and the labour, in the other; fo far they are upon a par. But the labour is -liable to- no chances nor accidents; the farm to many. It is very evident, therefore, that a labourer, poflefled of 91 /. taking ftich a farm, is acting not only with imprudence, but even folly, and much .to his preju- dice. vr* ^nrvr* #i m :.(\ s%+ twv.' Jo CBifQjloq -tl N^a. Variation the firft. The arable part of the above farm to be laid doivn tp graft. Firft year. All expences the fame as before, ^.91 4 7 I 4 Second Second year. Sundry articles of expence, /. s. d. except that of feed, - 30104 Seed of 8 acres of oats, 400 Grafs feeds for ditto, - 1200 .46 10 4 Produce. 5 Acres of oats, - - 1500 4 Cows, - - - 20 o o Expences, - - - 46 10 4 Produce, - - - 35 o o Deficiency, - - - n 10 4 Original fum, - - 9147 Total, .102 14 ii Which total it is neceflary, at firft, to be poflefled of, when the plan is reducing the whole farm to grafs. When once the 8 acres of oats are in the ground, he may fell fome of his ftock, and with the produce purchafe more cows. For inftance, Plough, - ' - . i u 6 Harrows, - I 10 O Roller, - - i jo o Carry over, . 4 1 1 6 Harnefs Brought over, .4116 /. s. d. Harnefs for 3 horfes, i i o o Sundries, - i 10 o Sacks, - - 150 One horfe, * - 800 . 16 16 6 Which may be fold for 12 o o Which 12 /. will purchafe two cows and a young heifer. When the farm is in this iituation, the annual account will ftand thus: /. s. d. Rent, tythe, and town charges, 23 10 4 Shoeing of horfe, and wear of the cart, - - - o 15* o Houfe-keeping, &c. - 500 1-29 5 4 Produce. 6 Cows, **;' 30 o o Profit on breeding a heifer conftantly, - - Expences, Profit on the farm, - . i 14 8 * The horfe muft earn fomething, in being let, or fome other way ; for it will not anfwer to keep him all the year for the farm alone. But, Brought over, . i 14 8 But, as it is all grafs, and confequently very little labour required for it, he may do his ditches well, and carry the earth unto the land, and yet have full half the year to go to labour, and confequently we muft charge half a year; we will call it, 12 o 9 *3 H ~8 Deduct the intereft of the flock, 5 2 o Clear profit, - .8 12 8 Upon this account, one remark of great confequeace is, the vaft fuperiority of the graf& farm, which ought to be a leflbn to people who want little farms, to concern themfelves with arable land ; for it deprives them of all profit, and at the fame time lays them open to great and numerous loffes. N 3 . Variation the fecond. Divifton of 50 /. &c. in a grafs farm^ the foil clay or loam. Rent of 12 acres of grafs land at 25 s. 15 o o Carry over, jT. 15 o o Tythe, ( 1*3 ) Brought over, . 15 o o /. s. d. Tythe, at 4 /. - 300 Rates, &c. at 4 /, - 3 o o -- ' 21 o o Implements. A cart, 800 Forks, fcythes, rakes, &c. &c. - o 10 o Dairy furniture, - o 10 o JIarnefs, - - o 15 o -- 9 *S o . Livejlock. One horfe, - 800 4 Cows, .j, ^y,, - 20 o o A fow, ^ ^*>, ji ^ , o 15 o -- 28 tf . A Sundry articles. Shoeing and wear of cart, - - o Ij' 6 ^^f Houfe-keeping, &c. 500 -6* 5 o The annual account of this farm will be follows: Expences. Experices. /. s. d. Rent, &c. si o o Sundry articles, 5 1 S .26 15 o Produce. Four cows, - - - 20 o o Three quarters of a year's la- bour, 1800 38 o o Expences, - - .. - ... 26 15 o Profit, - "Ti } o Intereft of the flock, - 3 5 o Clear profit, - - .800 In thefe accounts 5 /. the wife and chil- drens earnings, and the farm (befides the ftated produce) in the articles of fwine, garden, milk, &c. are fuppofed to maintain the whole family, and I believe the calcu- lation is not at all ftretched. And, accord- ing to this account, he apparently is the better for his farm by 8 /. a year, and at the fame time liable to no lofles by bad crops : I fay apparently, becaufe it is not totally fo, as we may fuppofe him, before he took the farm, to fave fomething annually, which enabled him to hire it; confequently confequently that faving mould be deducted before the remainder is called the profit of the farm; but the amount of this faving will not admit of calculation. I fhall not extend thefe variations far- ther, as fuch very fmall farms will not admit near fo many as larger oaes. It is obvious, from thefe few, that a labourer is a poorer man after he hires a farm that requires a plough to move, than while he depends only on his labour ; but with a farm all grafs, the cafe is different j it anfwers to fuch an one to hire a farm partly arable, to lay it down to grafs ; but it appears to be much the moft profitable, notwithstanding the fuperiority of rent, to hire one that is all grafs, which may alfo be done for lefs money than an arable one. CHAP. XVI. Of the mojl advantageous method of difpojing ofiool. in farming. MANY obfervations ufed in the pre- ceding chapter are equally applicable to this : we are yet in the region of little farms. ( 1*6 } N i. of ioo/. in flocking a farm all arable^ the foil clay or loafa. Rent, &c. Rent of 25 acres at /. j. d* i /. i s. - . 26 50 Tythe, at 4 s. - 540 Town charges at 4 j. 5 40 36 13 o Implements. A cart, - - . 8 o o A plough, - i 1 1 6 A pair of harrows, - i 10 o A barley roller, - i 10 o Cart and plough har- nefs for 2 horfes, 220 Screen, bufhel, &c. &c. i 10 o Ten facks, - 15 17 8 6 Livejlock. 2 Horfes, - .1600 i Cow, - 500 A Sow, - o 15 o , 21 15 o Carryover, . 75 16 6 Paid ( 127 ) Brought over, . 75 16 6 Seed and tillage. Paid the preceding tenant, for ploughing 8 acres four times, at 4 J. . 6 8 9 Wheat-feed, for ditto, 4 16 o Sowing, ^j*^ ""Ca^ 040 Water-furrowing, -080 Ploughing 5 acres twice, 2 o o Barley-feed for ditto, 2100 Sowing, - 013 Water-furrowing, -026 Clover-feed, with ditto, I o o Sowing, - '- '"*"* o 13 Ploughing 3 acres once, 0120 Oat-feed for ditto, - i 10 o Sowing, - -009 Water-furrowing, - o i 6 - 19 15 3 Sundry articles. Shoeing, and wear and tear, - . g 10 o Houfe-keeping,cloaths, &c. befides the aflift- ance of the farm, and the earnings of the wife and family, 5008 10 o 104 i 9 Under ( "8 } Under the article feed and tillage > I ftate 8 acres of wheat, 5 of barley, and 3 of oats; which, on loams and clays, will form no bad courfe of crops ; that is, one third wheatj one third fpring corn, and the other third fallow and clover. Inftead of barley, it will be an advantage fometimes to fubftitute beans. The annual account of this farm will ftand as follows. Expences. I. s. d. Rent, &c. 37 13 o Seed for 8 acres of wheat, - 4 16 o Ditto for 5 acres of barley, or beans, - - - 2 10 o Ditto for 3 acres of oats, - i 10 o Wear and tear, - ... - 3 10 o Houfe-keeping, &c. --500 54 19 Produce. 8 Acres of wheat, - - 32 o o 5 Of fpring corn, - - 15 o o One cow, - - - 500 52 o o Expenoes, Expences, ;'.-^ .54 19 o Produce, -_'* ' .*. .53 o o .V\:,s\ _ _ Deficiency* '^V.i ,i*\*C* S *9 ^ This deficiency muft be fupplied ^by working for others with his team, or feme other method*; but not .by his own lar: bour, as this farm will not allow of fpare". time enough for that. Now as he maintained himfelf by his labour before, and faved fomething befides j and, as he does no more than maintain himfelf after he is a farmer, without ,fecu- rity from misfortunes of bad crops; ft is extremely evident, tHat he lofes the intereft of his money by turning farmer. But as all contingencies are hazardous, the lofs attending tnis farm is beft ftated - - f r, r , - - - . , , - thus: '-? V J #/ Deficiency, "3 id Lj O 2 Intereft of flock, > ^, -." 5- 7 o -..- - Total-, lofs, .8'6 o * He may (if he can get them) take fom'e cattle in to joift on ftraw, as'-'he will 1 have enough for that purporfe.- But this, being(an uncertainty, muft not be carried to account. VOL. I. -K N 9 sj. ( 130 ) N 9 2 .. 11 Variation thefirjt. Thc'-f&mkfam hcdfarabk and half graft. ' Reiit,>&c. - - - . 37 13' o Implements, - - 17 8 6 Lire ftock,;2.horfes^. 1,6. ,o o A fow, .-;-". - o 15 o 5 Cows, - 25 ' o o Bid vcl 'tis* "~"~~^ : 4 1 , ^./'I j23l)lbil / -.Lfr j^. ^ , ,} ' . . Seed and Tillage, , - . . /. ' " Ploughing 4 acres of .:: JT j c?- f5 ., ..wheajy - - - A,-j3 4 o vrt JXrlf , ~ . Seed, - - 2 S ,o 1 ' -' ^ffill|E . . . - . a 3 %e M urr OWi ng, . , c? 4 o P^ougfiing i acre barley, o "8 o - J o 100 o p.i , ;( . -006 for pats, . - o 1 2 o . . ; ia chri.? wool o^|r^ -li-pr-tt - I Io . ( ^.. Sowing, - ^ o o 9r Water-furrowing, - o i 6 ^ -- _JLLL_ Carryover, ^ I0 5 J 7 Wear Brought over, . 105 17 6 Wear and tear, - 300 Houfe- keeping, &e. - - - 500 113 17 6 Dairy furniture, o J o o IJ 4 7 6 The a-nnual account of this farm will be as follows : c <\ '*,. Seed ifor 4 acres of wheat, -^ $ Ditto for 5 * of fpring corn, - ''' 'k P b* WearMteaf, ' ,?S L ; ? ;' ; 3 ^d !f! d TT r i ^l3C3i^,Ilin C JI' - Houle-keein ccc. .. -. -- * o 6 TT r i Houle-keeping, . Produce. 4 Acres of wheat, - 1600 2, Ditto of barley or beans, *6" b i^ 5 Co ^s, '; 25 ^<| The arable part of this farm will allow him Carry over, . 47 o o * After the land is in tolerable order, wholly fallowing 3 \ acres will be fufficicnt. K si to ( 133 ) Brought over, * 47 o O to abfent himfelf at la- bour about ~ of a year ; we may therefore add, 600 53 o o Expences, 50 n o Profit, 390 Intereft of the ftock, - 5140 Profit, - -290 Lofs,. ' - - -3.5 The lofs remaining upon either of thefe , farms, is not probably the whole amount of their mifchievous effefts, as the farmer muft be fuppofed to have faved fomething annually, before he hired either. N 3 . Variation thefecond. The fame farm all grafs. Rent, at 25 /. - . 30 o o Tythe, at 4 s. 600 Rates, at4^. 600 '42 o o Implements. A c.irt^ - - ''. 8 oo Harnefs for i horfe, o_5 o Carry over, 8150 42 o o Sundry ( 133 ) Brought over* /. 8 15 o 42 Sundry fmall articles, o i o o 1 1 1 1 *" 1 - 9 5 ^ - ----- - T^*"- , -5i 5 o Ltyeflock. l Horfe, - - - & o i Sow, - * o 15 o 8 Cows, - - 40 o Shoeing, and wear of cart, o 17 o Dairy furniture, I IO O Houfe-keeping, <&c. 500 i ,. 107 7 The annual account 'will be : Expences. /. s. d. Rent, &c. "**f'f 42 o o Shoeing and wear, ' * o 17 o Houfe-keeping, &c. ~-"J 4 500 47 17 o Produce. /. s. d. 8 Cows, 40 o o Swine fold, and profit on two heifers always breeding, 2 O O Carry over, 4~ o K 3 Three ( '34 ) Brought over, . 42 o Three fourths of the year's labour, 18 o 60 o Expences, 47 J 7 Profit, 12 30 Intereft of the ftock, 5 7 o Clear profit, - .6160 This profit is confiderable, and makes it anfwer to take the farm ; which will always be tlie cafe with grafs ones, let the quan- tity of land be what it may. The article of the two heifers and fwine charged here is this : I fuppofe that 8 Cows, to maintain hogs', more than fufiicient for the family; fome are fold ; and I likewife fuppofe" two heifers alv;ays to be kept of his own breed- ing, the profit upon which, and the fwine fold, to amount to 2 /. I think, (confidering the rent) I do not exaggerate in fuppofing 8 cows, 2 young cattle, and i horfe kept on 25 acres of grafs ; but, if the horfe is put out to rlraw jii the winter, he may certainly (and aught) more more than pay it, in being let out, at leifurc times. >.'* **f^*'* jl O ,i <~? r; ..-' 'i fi5lrtnji?r N 4. Fariation the third. The fame all arable* -. QK a foil light enough for turnips. / r V,;~'' *' Rent, &c. as be%e, . ..57 13 r P Implements, .ditto, ^., r ' : ,^7 of } f v :, 6 Liveftock, ditto, r ^ ', .^ ' 2,f '^, p Add .% o^ore cows,. ^ njf ,.^ T n ;[j^0^ p. . o O J T ^'7/ V 8 10 o t-V-'J - 56 o o Produce. /. j. . H . -loibu Dairy 'furniture, - / o 15 Liyejlock. Q Horfes, 20 o Q : ^fcJMfiA ' 5 Cows, - - 25 o o A Sow, - i o o -- T 46 "o _ o Carry over, .123 i 6 Seed ( 144 ) Brought over, .123 i 6 Seed and tillage. Paid the preceding te- nant, for 4 plough- ings of 9 acres of wheat land, - .7 40 Seed, 580 Sowing, - - 046 Water-furrowing, . - o 90 Two ploughings of 6 acres of barley land, 2 80 Seed, - 300 Sowing, - - o i 6 Water-furrowing, 030 One ploughing of 3 acres of oat land, o 12 o Seed, - - i 10 o Sowing, - 009 Water-furrowing, - o i 6 Seed for 9 acres of clover, i 1 6 o Sowing, - 023 23 o 6 Labour. Affiftance in harveft. Suppofc Reaping 5 acres of wheat, . i 50 ico Carry over, 147 7 o A lad ( 145 ) Brought over, . i 5 o 147 70 A lad to affift in car- rying in the corn 10 days, at i j. o 10 o ' i 15 o 149 2 o Sundry articled Shoeing, and wear and tear* - >- 4 o o Houfe-keeping, and cloaths, &c. befides the affiftance of the farm, and the wife and chil- drens earnings, 2* -il'- 5 o o 900 .T^"7~^ There are fome variations, in feveral of thefe particulars, which it is neceflary to minute. Implements* It may appear odd to fome, that I fhould affign a farm two carts that keeps but two horfes ; but with one the bufmefs, in har- veft and hay time, would go on too (lowly : . VOL. I. L the ( 14* ) the method in which 2 carts are ufed, with only as many horfes, is this : In harveft, the fhocks, or ftooks of corn, are laid in clufters when reaped, inftead of the regular 1 manner of difpofmg them in rows; and when they are carried, one cart is fixed in the midft of a clufter, and loaded by a lad, while the other is drove off with the horfes to the barn; the filler (thill-horfe) being changed of one cart into the other. It is moft convenient, in carting dung, &c. as there is then no want of moving or being on the cart to lay the load. This method I have often feen ufed in both cafes ; but it is only in cafe the field is either at a diftance from the barn, or a hill is to go up to it ; otherwife, each horfe draws his cart alone, without changing. More than two horfes I mall not, on any account, allow fuch a farm as I am now confidering ; if any profit attends it, I am certain it can only arife by keeping no more horfes than was before kept on 25 acres, and making them work hard the year round for their living. But I mould remark, that, in the common management of little farmers, ( 147 ) farmers, four horfes are kept to 56 acre* of arable land; which is precifely the reafon why fuch farmers are as poor and miferable as the leaft of occupiers* Liveftock. The two horfes neceflary for this farm muft do more work than thofe affigned to the preceding ones ; it is but juft, there- fore, to allow a fomewhat greater price. Cows a little farmer mould always con- trive to keep, although his farm is all arable: thefe muft fubfift on clover and ftraw* Seed and tillage. tinder this head I ftate the coiirfd of crops, which it will be moft advantageous for fuch a farm to be thrown into; that is f one fourth fallow, a fourth wheat, a fourth fpring corn, and the remaining fourth clover ; by which means half his farm is what may be called fallow every year ; and, confequently, the whole kept in good order, no two crops of corn ever coming together. Befides which advantage, he will always L 2 have have a field of clover for his horfes and cows. Labour. The fum I have charged under this head does not include the affiftance he is likewife to hire at wheat fowing, which will amount to a few {hillings more : the whole will form a fum very fmall in the eyes of many; I mould, therefore, here explain how one man may cultivate 36 arable acres with fo little afliftance. Let us take every month in the year from the conclufion of harveft. Oclober. 9 Acres of wheat ploughed and fowed, (the feeds-man hired), and water-furrowed : This may be called days of work, - 15 9 Acres of laft year's wheat ftubble to be ploughed up, 9 _4 November. Thrafhing * 13 qrs. of wheat, 26 * Here I make the wheat yield 2-^qrs. per acre, and yet charge it only 4/./*racre; but fomething mufl be al- lowed for the fcreenings which the farmer ufes in his family (and which -are thraihed like the reft) and alfo on account of all his corn being fold at home, or at leafl to a neighbour; and alfo to the general attention of not cramping him in this Calendar, 'with charging lefs work than the reality. December. December. Thrafhing, 9^ qrs. of wheat, 20 Ditto 10 qrs. of fpring corn, 5 January. Ditto 26 qrs. of fpring corn, 1 3 Ditching 12 perches, 12 JL? February. Ditching 25 perches, rrx--. 25 March. Ploughing and fowing 9 acres of barley and oats, and water-fur- rowing, <- - 13 Manuring, - 13 -;a*i/ ^ni^/I AS*- ~E> AfrlL The fecond ploughing of 9 acres "* of fallow, " i Hiifj In " > I itfi 9 Sundry fmall articles of work, 1 7 ."26 May. The third ploughing of fallow, ; " 9 Ditching or manuring, &c. 1 7 "^6 June. Mowing, making, and carting 2 acres of clover hay, - 10 Thiftling or weeding the 1 8 acres of corn, - - - T7 1/ 27 . The fourth ploughing, of 9 acres of fallow, - q Carry over, 9 L 3 Mowing, Brought over, 9 Mowing, and harvefting 5 averts of fpring corn, - 1 2 Sundry {mall articles of work> 5 ^6 Augitfl. Reaping 4 acres of wheat, i o Harvefting ditto, 3 Mowing and harvefting 4 acres fpring corn, - - - 10 Sundries, - 3 .H! September. Mowing and making, &c. i acre of clover-hay, - - 6 The fifth ploughing of g acres of fallow, throwing it up for the winter, - g Chopping, and carting 9 acres of wheat ftubble, _3 "27 From this Calendar of the year's work, it is extremely evident that one man, with the affiftance I have fuppofed, is fully able more than to cultivate, and completely too, 3 6 acres of arable land. I have in no article pinched him for time; but in moft allowed hba more than a fufficiency for all forts of 6 wprk, work, and many weeks for trifling jobs unfpecified. I come now to the annual account of this farm. Expences. I. s. d. Rent, &c. - 50 8 o Seed for 9 acres of wheat, "580 Ditto for 9 of fpring corn, - 4100 Ditto 9 of clover, - i 16 o Labour, - - - I 15 o Wear and tear, and houfe- keeping, &c. - - 9 o o 7 2 17 Q Produce. 9 Acres of wheat, 36 o o 6 Acres of barley, - -1800 5 Cows, - * - 25 o o 79 o o Expences, ' -+ '^" f ' - 72 17 o Intereft of 156 /. - V*w M ^ 716 o Deduct, - - - 630 Lofs, - - - . i 13 o L 4 N 2. * Variation thefrft. The fame ) half grafs and half arable. Rent, - . 50 8 o Implements the fame as before, except one cart, - 18136 Livejlock. 2 Horfes, ~.r 1 6 o o i Sow, * v o 15 o 7 Cows, - 35 -. - 51 15 o Seed and tillage. 4 Earths of 44 acres of wheat land, - . 3 12 o Seed, 2 14 o Sowing, T ^-023 Water- furrowing, ' 046 3 Earths for 4^- acres of barley and beans ? i 1 6 o Seed, 250 Sowing, - o i i^- Waters-furrowing, 023 One earth for 3 acres of oats, ^ o 12 o Carryover, , n 9 IT I2 l6 ^ 2. eartha ( J53 1 ')' Brought over, . n 9 i-l iso 16 6 2 earths of if acre of peafe or beans, 0120 Seed for 47, 2 50 Sowing, " " o I if Water-furrowing, 023 14 9 6 Shoeing, wear and tear, and houfe-keeping, w ^ .,,- 8 10 o - J 43 16 o And the annual account will be : Exfences. /. s. d 9 Rent, &c. 50 8 o Seed for 4f acres of wheat, - 2 14 o 6 Barley, &c. - 300 3 Oats, - - - - i 10 o Shoeing, wear and tear, &c. - 8 i o o .66 2 o Produce. 4f Acres of wheat, - 18 6 Of barley, &c. fe^A r V 18 7 Cows, * ^!*,3s^y, 35 Carryover, .710 o T ( '54 ) Brought over, .71 o o To this muft be added fome part of his time at la- bour, which his farm will fpare ; and herein we muft be guided by the fame all , arable, and not the farms of the preceding chapters, which being conducted on fomewhat different princi- ples, the analogy muft not be the rule ; the proportion of the laft farm will give to this about a third of the year, or - - - 800 79 o "~o Expences, : '. . - - 66 ,2 o 12 18 o Pedud intereft of the flock, 730 Profit, * - - 5 15 o N 3 . Variation thefecond. The fame of s y applied to the dairy. Rent, &c. Rent of 36 acres, at 2 5 ' - - 45 o Carry over, 45 o o Tythe ( 155 ) Brought over, .45 ^ * & Tythe at 4 s. - 9 Rates at 4 s. '- 9 63 Q Implements. One cart, - -800 Cart-harnefs, - o 15 o Rakes, forks, fcythes, &c. - - o 15 o Dairy furniture, - i 10 o II Q Live Stock. One horfe, - 10 o o 12 Cows, - 60 o o 2 Sows, - I 10 o 71 10 o Sundry articles. Shoeing, and wear and tear, f lf ; , - I o o Houfe-rkeeping, &c. 500 600 . I5 1 I0 The ANNUAL ACCOUNT, E x fences. Rent, &c. - <- jC 6 3 Shoeing, wear and tear, }ioufe-keeping> &c. f ^ ^ 6 o Q ^69 o o Pro- Produce. L s. d. iz Cows, 60 o o Profit on 5 heifers always breeding, -, - 10 o o Swine fold, - 506 75 o o Add two thirds of the year's labour, - - 1600 91 o o Expences, - ~ - 69 o o 22 o o Deduct intereft of the ftock, 711 o Clear profit, . 14 9 o No one can imagine the product of this farm exaggerated, fince it is but a trifle more than 40 s. an acre, which, from land that rents at 25 s. an acre, is very trifling, and much more under the truth than over it. N 4 . Variation the third. The fame all grafs applied to fatting. Stock. 1. s. d. Rent, &c. - 63 4 o Dairy furniture, - o 10 o Carry over, . 63 14 o I Cow ( '57 r Brought over, .6314 o Livejlock. i. Cow, . - .5 . P o 40 Home-bred heifers bought in May, 120 "o o A fow, v - -, o 10 o : "- J> 125 10 o Houfe-keeping, &c. <3*i - 5 o o Horfe and cart hire for ditch earth, 3 o o w.tfrl ' J 97 4 o This farmer buys neither horfe nor cart r becaufe it will by no. means anfwer for the carting of manure~alone j the .hire is therefore charged. Home-bred heifers of about 3 /. each I take to be the moft pro- fitable branch of fummer-grazing ; but in cafe 40 pf them fhould not eafily be pro- cured, (which however, is not at all likely), then the number may be made up with fmall black cattle. The price I calculate them at, I apprehend, is about the average of feveral years. I "have known them from 40 s. to 5 /. The cow and the fbw is bought more with an eye to the fanner's houfe-keeping than to the flpck of thq farm. ( 158 ) farm. The annual account will ftand thus: Expences. /. s. d. Rent, &c. - 63 4 o 40 Heifers, - 120 o o Houfe -keeping, &c. 500 Horfe and cart hire, - 300 . I9 1 4 o Produce. 40 Fat heifers fold ia au- tumn, - 200 o o i Cow, - 5 o o 205 o o Four fifths of the year's la- bour, - 19 4 _ o 224 4 o Expences, - 191 4 _ o 33 Deduct interefl on flock, - 9 17 o Profit, - - . 23 3 o This account calls for fome very material obfervations. Firft, there is no common farmer poflefTed of 197 /. that would hire fo fmall a farm as 36 acres of land; and yet ( '59 ) yet we find that fum is here applied to a very profitable ufe in flocking fo finall a farm ; and the benefit depending on very few contingencies, and liable to no misfor- tunes of bad crops, &c. &c. &;c. Secondly, we find fatting to be more profitable than dairying, which is a cir-? cumftance of confequence, and muft be fur- ther examined in future calculations. Thirdly, the profit here charged I can- not fuppofe will be by any one objected to; 40 s. not being a confiderable difference between a lean heifer of 3 /. value, and a fat one: I think it can no where be reckoned at lefs when fatted upon land of 25 s. an acre. And the affigning 40 of them and a cow to 36 fuch acres, is certainly rather under than over the truth ; as I know, in a multiplicity of inftances, that fuch land will very well fat two fuch heifers per acre ; but one and an half would by moft have been allowed. But I like to cal- culate each article in all thefe eftimates low, to obviate objections. N jr. Variation the fourth. The fame all arable, the foil light enough for turnips. Rent, &c. as in N i. - 50 8 o Implements, ditto, * - 26 13 6 Live flock, ditto, - - 46 o o Seed and tillage. 4 Earths on 9 acres wheat, .7 40 Seed, 580 Sowing, - 046 2 Earths on 6 acres barley land, - 280 Seed, - - 300 Sowing, - - o i 6 i Earth on 3 acres of oat land, - 0120 Seed, - i 10 o Sowing, - -009 Seed 9 acres of clover, i 1 6 o Sowing, - - 023 22 7 e Labour. Afliftance in harveft as in N i. i 15 o Carry over, . i 15 o 145 8 6 Hoeing ( 161 ) Brought over, . i 15 o 145 8 6 Hoeing sjf acres of turnips twice, - o 15 o 2 10 o Sundry articles. As in N i. j_9_ 156"! 8 6 The difference of labour in this farm, and that upon the clay, is not fo great, but, with the above additional affiftance, may be very eafily executed by one man ; for, if the calendar of work I there inferted be examined, it will be found that the variation is a mere trifle. The other 6^ acres I propofe fhould be fown with white peafe, and kept clean hoed. The annual account will ftand thus : Expences. /. s. d. Rent, &c. - f? f ;" 50 8 o Seed for 9 acres wheat, ^-^ 580 Ditto for 9 barley and oats, 4 10 o Ditto for 6^ peafe, 350 Ditto for 9 clover, - ,.,,* i 16 o Ditto for 21. turnips, ' - " o i 6 Labour, - 2 10 Carry over, >T. 67 18 6 VOL. I. M Shoeings Brought over, .67 18 Shoeing, wear and tear, and houfe-keeping, &c. j) _ -(> Produce. 9 Acres of wheat, .36 o o 6 Of barley, 1800 61- Of peafe> 16 5 o 2^ Of turnips, 476 5 Cows, - 25 o o 99 13 6 Expences> 7 *& 6 .22 14 o Dedud intereft of flock, - 7 16 o Profit, - .14 1 8 o This profit is very confiderable, and fhews that arable land is advantageous, as well as grafs, when no more horfes are kept than really neceffary. If two horfes more are fuppofed, and confequently more labour^ wjiere will this 14 /. be found ? And yet fuch a farm as this is fcarce ever met v/ith that keeps but' two: fo little knowing are farmers in the very bufmefs of their lives. But the fuperiority of this farm -to that of the clay toil is fo great, that it fuggefts the the hint of a new variation, which is art increafe of crops, by fubftituting beans in drills inftead of the fallow : This I venture to make, as that method in fowing beans is common in many parts of the kingdom ; I mean amongft common farmers- for as to fuch improvements as are not commonly pradifed, to admit them in thefe eftimates, would be to extend them to infinity, hd, at the fame time, render them ufelefs to the common hufbandman. N- 6. Variation theffth. The fame all arable ', the foil clay , and beans made thefalloivi The whole article of flock /. s. d. will be the fame as before, or' 156 1 8 6 ANNUAL ACCOU"NT~ Rent, &c. . 50 8 o Seed, 9 acres wheat, 580 9 Barley and oats, - 4 10 o 9 Clover, . i 16 o 9 Beans, at 2 buihels, 312 o Labour, - - ^> i 15 o Carryover, .67 9 o M 2 Wear Brought over, . 67 o Wear and , tear, and houfe- keeping, &c. _ 9. a o 7 6 ~9~ Produce. 9 Acres of wheat, - - 36 o o 6 Of barley, - 1800 9 Of beans, , - - -22100 5 Cows, - - - 25 o o . 101 10 o Expences-, - . - - 76 9 o 25 i Deduct the intereft of the flock, 716 o Profit, . 17 5 o If the reader turns over the calendar of labour on the farm N i. of this chapter^ he will find the 9 acres of land now fown, was, in that farm, fuppofed to be fallow, and ploughed five times; now it is certain that, let the beans be ever fo well cultivated, the labour will not be more ; or, at leaft r a trifle more than the fallow. There is the fowing, and ploughing between the rows four times, and the harveft. But,, left it is reckoned too large an addition of labour, let us Hate it again thus : Profit Profit before mentioned, - .17 Sowing the beans, jf.o 4 6 Reaping them, - 250 Profit by this account, - .14 15 6 And here we find that this alteration of cropping renders the heavy foil as profitable as the light one. One remark, however, I muft make; which is, that no one mould be too hafty in concluding, that this method of hufbandry, proving very beneficial upon land of a guinea an acre rent, and with four horfe-hoeings between the rows (be- fides one hand-hoeing at leaft), fhould in the fame manner be profitable upon a poorer foil, and without fiich culture. Reafoning by analogy in matters of huf- bandry, unlefs the circumflances are all minutely attended to, will, in numerous in- inftances, prove very delufive. In jthe difpofition, therefore, of any fum of money, from 150 /. to 200 /. thefe farms appear in the following rank of profit : i. Thirty-fix acres, all grafs, /. s. d. and applied to fatting, which yields, - 23 3 o v '.-. M 3 2. Ditto, ( 166 ) 2. Ditto,- all arable, the foil /. j-. d. "light enough for turnips, 14 18 o 3. Ditto, all arable, the foil clay or loam, and beans, a fallow in the crops, - 14 15 6 4. Ditto, all grafs, and ap- plied to dairying, - 14 9 o . Ditto, half grafs and half arable, the foil clay, &c. - 5 15 q 6. Ditto, all arable, the foil clay, &c. and , the fourth of it a fallow, lofs, 130 The firft is not only fuperior to the reft in profit, but alfo in all thofe .chancesj which cannot be reduced to calculation ; and, at the fame time, takes much lefs time, expence and trouble, than a dairy : confequently the man, pofleffed of the fum requifite for thefe farms, had much better apply it to that ufe than to any other ; and from the following {ketch of the fums neceflary to ftock thefe farms, it appears that the difference between fe- yeral of them is fmall. N i. No i. The ftock, I1:> - r - I 97 4 -o 2. - "- * 156 18 6 3 kg o *? I56 18 6 4- 151 10 o 5- 143 6 o 6. ^/; 156 17 o The following is the intereft, &c. per cent, paid by thefe farms. /. s. d. N i. 16 4 o 2. ;V 14 12 3- 15 18 o 4- ?: *T J 4 II 5-. - i*'#r<-4-*9 I 6. _ ' ^V~ . _ q 18 o Thus we fee there is not lefs than about 1 6 7. difference in the profit of two farms that require the fame fum of money to hire ; than which nothing can be a flronger proof how very attentive a farmer fhould be in fixing himfelf in a new farm, and not run headlong, and in the dark, into the firft that offers ; becaufe the taking it will fave expences of fome fort or other, or becaufe it has fome favourable circum- ilances belonging to it. I apprehend fuch a fketch as this will pe of ufe in afliiling him to form an idea of M '4 the ( 168 ) the farm that will beft fuit him ; and when once he has gained a juft notion of that point, his bufmefs is only to find out that farm, among many, which approaches neareft to it. The grazing farm, in the above fketch, from the excefs of the amount of the ftock, feems to belong rather to another chapter ; but it is one of thofe in which proportion holds pretty exactly; fo that we may con- clude from it, that 1507. difpofed in the fame manner, will prove proportionably profitable. Such analogy will, however, do in no other cafe, not even the dairying farms : And the quantity of land being the fame, I am induced to place it here, as the moft proper place. Upon the three preceding chapters it ihould here be remarked, that there are innumerable variations among fuch farms^ of which no account is here taken. They might be multiplied ad mfinitum t but nei- ther for the curiofity of the reader, nor the real ufe of the farmer. Such very numer- ous ( 169 ) ous calculations might, perhaps, ierve only to perplex. The differences of foil are very great; but, in general, a little farmer fhould covet that which is extraordinary good, and never grudge a proportionable rent for it ; he had better pay even beyond the propor- tion, than cultivate a foil which requires any extraordinary amendments. Indif- ferent land (I am not fpeaking of that which is very bad, but in rich countries of 10 s. 12 s. 15 s. an acre) is much more hazardous in the produce ; befides, let him never forget that it coils him as much to plough, to harrow, to fow, to reap, &c. &c. a poor acre that yields but 20 s. pro- duce, as a rich one that yields as many pounds. Rent, compared to this article, is but a trifle. There are many countries (indeed moft) in which a plough never ilirs without four horfes, perhaps five or fix; and this not at all from neceflity, but mere cuftom. We muft fuppofe the farmers of fuch places to be deeply grounded in their delufion, and iconfequently that little farmers were in the fame predicament ; now, the reader has nothing nothing to do but to add to any of the preceding accounts the expence of two or three more horfes, and confeqr. ?ntly of one man (for in fuch countries e\ 7 ery plough has a driver) acA let him then dill: where the profit of any of them is to be found; but let him reverfe the medal, and, I warrant, he will find lofs enough. It .has appeared very plainly that la- bourers hiring feveral of the preceding farms was an injury to them ; being much poorer afterwards than before ; but to what a degree of mifery would they plunge, if^ inftead of two, they were to keep four horfes. In fuch countries little farms muil confift totally of grafs, or there muft be none at all. But unhappily fuch are to be found, to the mifery of many a deluded man, who, ambitious of being a farmer, hurries into ruin. It is alfo the cuftom through thofe parts of the kingdom in which oxen are ufed in draught, never to yoke lefs than four to a plough, but much oftener 6 or 8, This is a moft unprofitable practice, and totally ufelefs ; for a yoke of good oxen will-plough an acre of land in a day, as well as a pair of of horfes. However, while 4 are necef- fary, it effectually precludes fuch fmall farms as I am now fpeaking of; as the farmer can no more afford to keep 4 oxen fb* draught, than he can 4 horfes. Thefe eftimates mud therefore undoubt- edly be underftood to concern only fuch countries as ufe a pair of horfes in a plough and no driver; and, in other countries, only fuch men as have the fenfe and fpirit to acl: contrary to fuch ridiculous cuftoms. I have in eftimating the ftock of thefe farms ftated the fums neceiTary to carry the farmer through one year, which in fmall farms will, in moft cafes, be fufficient ; nor do I think it can be effectually done for lefs. There are fome minute^ variations in thefe accounts, which are too numerous to explain each feparately, but I do not think any can be found, which an attention to all the circumftances of the farm will not at once throw into a proper light. All that arife from rent, tythe and rates may be altered according to circumftances in a few minutes: Such are too numerous to be yaried here. CHAP. XVIII. Of the moft advantageous method, on farms of 40 or 50 acres, of difpofing of from 200 /. to 300 /. in farming. IMuft claim the fame latitude in this as in the preceding chapters; not to be tied abfolutely to the above fum: I fix on one as fomething of a mark to guide me by ; not that there is any more ufe in a calculation for that fum, than in any other which may arife, as a man is as likely to have 237 /. for inftance, to difpofe of, as 250 /. N i. Divifion of 250 /. in flocking a farm of 50 acres-> all arable, the foil clay or Ioam 9 and beans reckoned a fallow. Rent, &c. Rent of 50 acres at i /. 50 o o Tythe at 4 s. - 10 o o Rates, &c. at 4 s. - 10 o o 7 Carry over, . 70 o o 5 Imple- ( 173 ) Brought over, .^70 O O Implements. 2 Carts, - .1600 Plough, - - i ii 6 Harrows, - -200 Roller, - - i 10 o Harnefs for 2 horfes, 2 IO o Screen, bufhel, forks, &c. &c. - 200 Sacks, - - - i 10 o Dairy furniture, - i o o 28 i 6 Lmeftock. 2 Horfes, - - .24 o o 7 Cows, - - -35 o o i Sow, - - - - i o o Seed and tillage. Four earths on 124-' acres of wheat land, 10 o o Seed, - - r ~ - - 7 10 o Sowing, ----063 Water furrowing, - 0126 Two earths for 9 acres of barley land, 3 12 o Carryover, .22 09 158 i 6 Seed, ( 174 ) I 6 Brought over, . 22 o 9 158 Seed, - - - - 4 10 o Sowing, - - 2 3 Water-furrowing, - O 4 6 One earth on 3! acres of oat land, o H Seed, I 1 5 o Sowing, o ici Water-furrowing, - i 9 Seed for 12^ acres of clover, 2 10 Sowing, 3 IT n o Labour. 3 2 In harveft, * . 10 6 3 At fowing times, - 2 J3 i^ Pitching, 2 10 At other times, 7 H o 23 - --- 23 3 4| Sundry articles. Shoeing, and wear and tear, 4 J Q __ Carryover, ^T. 4 10 c 213 7 i^- * I am fenfiblc the fum total of this labour is not want- ing the firft year, but I charge it as in fucceffive years for feveral reafons ; the variation is not confiderable, as the article Seed and tillage includes only two feed times. In Backing, every thing ihould be rated high. Hou-fe-- Brought over, .4 10 o 213 7 14- Houfe - keeping, and cloaths, befides the advantages of the farm in fmall articles, fuchas garden, dairy, fwine, &c. and be- fides the earnings of the family, if any, 800 Hire of a horfe in har- veft for 14 days, - I o o Additions tohoufehold furniture, : ^&j 5 o o 1 8 10 o There are variations in this account from that in the preceding chapter, which re- quire an explanation. Rent, &c. The rent, no more than the tythe and parifh charges, is an article of great con- fequence to be minutely accurate in ; as any may eafily vary it according to private circumftances. However, I am to keep as . near the probability of truth as poffible, and . reckon that the fame land, as treated of in the preceding chapters, to let for i s. an 2 acre ( '76 ) acre lefs when in farms of 50 acres, than in thofe of 36. It is an undoubted truth, that, in rich countries, the lefs a farm is, the better the land lets : This abatement of I s. may not beprecifely exact, but I believe it is near the proportion, as the difference between 50 and 36 acres is not great. Implements. Some of thefe articles I increafe in price fomething in proportion to the work they muft perform, and add principally to fuch as beft admits it from the lownefs of the preceding rates. The fame obfervation is applicable to the article Lvueflock^ and par- ticularly in the increafed price of the horfes. Seed and tillage. Under this head is fpecified the divifiort of the land into wheat, fpring-corn, and clover ; when a tenant takes a new farm, he muft not expect to find it thrown into fo beneficial a courfe as he will afterwards do himfclf : This year a fourth is fallow, but it will afterwards be a fallow crop, that is beans in drills. Labour, Labour. This farm requires much afliftance in this article,and confequentlywemuftbe fomewhat accurate in explaining why the above fums are charged, and this can only be done by forming a new calendar of the work of this farm, as before of the other. Without this afliftance, we mall be in the dark through- out the whole chapter. We begin, as be- fore, after the conclufion of harveft* Otfober. Ploughing 124. acres of wheat (fowing hired), * Jajrs t 13 Ditto, 124. of laft year's ftubble, J3 To hire. I /. d< Sowing the wheat, > 063 Water-furrowing, - - o 12 6 November. Thraming 13 quarters of wheat, - - 3&.fsi 26 December. Ditto, * s>6 January. Either in December, January, or February, the opportunity of a dry time or a moderate froft mnft be taken to re-plough the VOL. I. N fallow-, ( '78 ) fallow; I may therefore charge it here, - wife'|f - days, 13 Water-furrowing ditto, - 6 Sundry imall articles of work, 7 "a6 February. Thrafhing 7 quarters of wheat,. - - 14 Ditto 26 quarters of fpring-corn, 13 "27 To hire. Manuring, . - - . I 5 o 50 Perch of ditching, at i s. 2 i o o -3 i5 o March. Ploughing 12'- acres of bean land (the fallow) - - 13 Ditto 124 the laft year's bean land for barley arid oats, - Tolnre. Sowing 1 2y acres of beans, ^. o 12 6 Water-furrowing, - 063 Ditto, the other 12^-, o 6 3 Thrafhing 13 qrs. fp. com, 012.0 dpril. Ploughing f 24. adits : 6f barley and oat land, - - "-flays,, ij Thrafhing 12 qrs. offering torii, i% Small articles, 2 5 7b Azr^. Sowing, 124. acres of fpririg corn, - . o 3 i| Water-furrowing, - 063 Thrafhing 25 qrs. beans, - I 5 o I 14 47 M^y. Ploughing between the rows of the beans, ' - 7 Manuring, - 8 Hand-hoeing 24- acres beans, - 10 "^5 June. Ploughing between the rows of the beans, - 7 Hand-hoeing 4 acres of beans, 15 Carting 3 acres of clover-hay, - 5 "Hz To hire. Hand-hoeing 6 acres of beans, - ; ,^V * Io O Mowing and making 3 acres of clover-hay, *-/ o 12 O- Carting ditto, 5 days, 063 Carry over, .283 N 2 Thiflling Brought over, . 2 8 Thiftling or weeding 25 acres of corn, - I c 3 J3 3 Ploughing between the rows of the beans, - days* ^ Carting, manure, and other jobbs, 20 27 Augujl. Carting 12^ acres of wheat, 4 Ditto of barley and oats, - 9 Ditto I2rfbeans, - - 9 Sundry fmall articles, - - ^5 27 Reaping 1 2^- acres of wheat, .$ % 6 Ditto of beans, - 3 15 o Mowing i zL acres of barley and oats, - - 0189 Turning, and harvefting, and carting, - - 2 10 o < 10 6 3 September. Mowing and making, and carting, 3 acres clover-hay, 10 Ploughing the bean-land, and throwing it up for the winter, 13 Carting 13^ acres ftubble, 4 , > . . O *] To hire y Chopping and raking, 12 i /./.* acres of ftubble. - o 18 9 The fum total of the labour hired is 23 /. 3 / 4l d. Sundry articles. Under this head fome additions are made relative to the increafe of bufmefs, and the article of houfe-keeping is increafed to bear a more regular proportion to the fub- ftance of the farmer ; for the fame reafon is 'the addition to the houfehold furniture, which I fuppoie him to have been pofiefled of before. The hiring a horfe in harveft-time is in very few places a difficulty, as that is not a buiy time for horfes ; and the al- lowance I make of price will eafily procure i < fJitl^T 1 .. ft i one. The annual account of this farm will be as follows : Rent, &c. ' ; ^ ^ .^-jo ^T#^ Seed for 12^ acres of i r> wheat, ^^*' /. 7 id o TN- C 1 Ditto 12^- acres of bar- , , ! fa^iUl ley and oats, * ^ 6 50 ; _ f Carry over, 13 15 o Carry over, . 83 15 o N 3 Seed Brought over, . 83 15 o Seed for 12^ acres, of clover, - 2 10 o Ditto, 124- of beans,. 5 .. . . 7 10 o Labour, ^ * 2 3 3 4-r Sundries, - *3 IO . 127 18 4:- Acres of wheat, - 50 o o 9 Of barley, - - 27. o . o 134. Of beans, - 37 10 o 7 Cows, - ' - S5 oo 149 10 o Expences, - - - * 2 7 l8 4r 21 II 74- Ded ucl. the Intereft of the flock, 11 n o Profit, ^. 10 07^ The refult of this account is remarkable : We. find in it that a man may, in foine inftanccs, increafe his flock, and propor- tionabl^ r enlarge his farm, and then find iimfelf poorer than he was before. The beans, in this account, are valued at more than in the lafl chapter, for reafons which need not be here fpecirjed ; and yet we fine} the profit, upon the whole, not more than half what it was with the lefs farm. This is owing to the labour; and fojnething ot 3 this thft kind will always be obferved in the dependence upon hired labour, inftead of the work of the farmer's own 'hands. Be- fore, he depended on himfelf alone, (a trifle excepted), but now, nearly, as much on another man as on himfelf. Nor is this out of proportion ; for, although the other farm was 36 acres, and this 50, yet the labour is much out of this proportion, which is owing to feafons. If the work was equally divided through the whole year, it would be a different cafe j but it comes at feafons, when, if a man does it not himfelf, it muft be done by another, and cannot wait for his having time to perform it himfelf. N2. Variation thefrfl. The fame > half arable and half grafs^ foil clay or loam. Stock. Rent, &c. as before, - . 70 o o Implements, ditto, W>2P* 28 i 6 Live-Jlock. 2 Horfes, 5 Cows, - . 20 oo 25 o o Carryover, . 143 i 6 N 4 i Sow, Brought over, . 143 j 6 I Sow, - .100 30 Home-bred heifers, 90 o o -- 91 o o and tillage, 6 Acres of wheat land, 4 earths, . 4 16 o Seed, ? 3 13 o Sowing, - -,030 Water-furrowing, 060 3 Acres of barley lane], 2 earths, - 140 Seed, - *? i 10 o Sowing, - -009 Water-furrowing, o I 6 3 Acres of oat-land, one earth, - 0120 Seed, - r- i ip o Sowing, * * p o g Water-furrowing, o i 6 Seed, 6 acres of clover., i 40 T*- 15 J ^ Sundry articles^ Shoeing, and wear ancl tear, r -r - 4 o, q Carry over ? X- 253 3 o Houfer Brought over, -*5$ 3 o Houfe-keeping, -800 Additions to furniture, 500 -- 13 o o This farm I fuppofe him to manage without afliftance; but he can fpare no time to work for others. ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Rent, &c. W[$ -^/ '7 o o 30 Heifers, :tV 2f/* ;''*** - go O O Seed, 6 acres of wheat, "&*% 3 12 o Ditto, 6 of barley and oats, - 300 Ditto, 6 of beans, ? ' 280 Ditto, of clover, '*** -;^f 140 Shoeing, wear and tear, and houfe-keeping, \ * \-xJl ^ jf- 182 4 o Produce. 30 Heifers, fat, .^/l .150 O 6 5 Cows, >^ 5^nw 25 o o 6 Acres of wheat, iv/prr., 24 o o 3 Of barley, - *\i&& 9 o ' o ^ Of beans, o ?c- : ? - 1800 o o Pro- Eroduce, - - - . 226 o o Expences, - t 182 4 o 43 l6 Bed udt the intereft-of the flock, 13 60 Profit, "- - , - .30 To o This profit is confiderable, and is a frefh proof" of the -great fuperiority of ; grafs to ^ribft land: If cows are fubftituted for the 25 acres of grafs, inftead of fatting cattle, the profit will be -much lefs-; for, according to the preceding calculations, we can allot but 8 or 9 ; which, at 5 /. is only, 45 /. produce ; /whereas the heifers gay 60 /.. nor Jhould.any.pne. object to 60 /. as the produce of --- 84 o o Imp/e- Brought over, .84 Q r o Implements, Dairy furniture.,, - ,,;- M< v'jTflb O. *! Uvtfiwk 2.Cpws,. rn ..-^ . 10 o o f ; ..fefcflfc; 1 SQW ' ,fi v ,-<8T 300 o o 2 Cows, >wt '-? f ^^Jjtm < IO o o i^lciofi ittiw .- Expences, . H a Mark hard upon his own farm, but not at all upon that of another man. This has nothing to do with calculation indeed ; but it has with human nature; and we mull not expert that every man will facrifice all his paflions to the grand object of profit. This farmer having nothing to do, may, however, keep himfelf lightly employed about his fences, in digging excellent ditches throughout his farm, in draining any wet fields he may have, and in other little improvements, to keep him out of idlenefs. But this ceflation of the farmer's \torking for others, when not fully em- ployed at home, makes a great variation in the profit of the farms taken at large, on comparing one with another. It is howe- ver remarkable, that this farmer, almoft in idknefs, makes double the profit of his brother, A T ~ -- - - brother, who occupies the fame quantity of* land, but all arable, notwith Handing he is conflantly employed. 3? .#.* . ;-s? Variation the third. "Divifion of 250 1. in Jlocking a farm of 40 acres all arable^ the foil clay or loam, to be laid doivn to grafs. Stock. Rent, at 20 s. - ".40 o o Tythe, at4-r. - 800 Rates, &c. at 4 s. - 8 o o 56 o o Implements. . Thefe the fame as before, - s8 i 6 Live Jiock. 2 Horfes, - . 20 o o 5 Cows, - - 25 o o i Sow, -^; i> -I* (.' j oo 46 o o Seed and Tillage. Four earths on 10 acres of wheat land, - 800 Seed, - .- __6 o o Carry over, . 14 o~o 130 i 6 Sowing, Brought over, . 14 o o 130 i 6 Sowing, - - 050 Water-furrowing, o 10 o Two earths on 7 acres of barley land, - 2 16 o Seed, . - 3 10 o Sowing, - 6 i 9 "Wafer-furrowing, -036 One earth on 3 acres of oat land, - o 12 o Seed, - - i 10 o Sowing, - 009 Water-furrowing, - o i 6 Seed for 10 acres of clover, - - 200 Sowing, * - o a 6 a* 13 o Labour. This article muft be calcu- lated with an eye to that of the 50 -acres all arable, but, not (as has been al- ready remarked) in exact proportion ; beeaufe the leaft quantity of land re- quires a kfs proportion of _ Carry over, . 155 14 6 afliftance : Brought over, .155 14$ afliftanoe: 50 acres re- quired 23 /. 3 s. 4! d-. At;* C that rate 40 acres weuld have i$ /.- 10 J. but we ^"Wi; fhall fay, as there are no beans* : - - &L 10 o O Sundry articles. Shoeing, and wear and tear, - 400 Houfe-keeping, - 800 Furniture, - - 5 o o 17 o 9 . 182 14 6 Having thus flocked his farm, and re- ceived it in the common ftate of crops, his next bufinefs will be to lay it down. The produce of the firft year will be as follows : I o Acres of wheat, ;.bi?^* 4O O O 7 Of barley, ^| 2i o o 5 Cows, - ^ 25- o o .36 o o The ftate of the farm, this firft year, is 10 acres of wheat ; 10 of barley and oats ; i o of an old clover lay ; and I o fallow : fecond year the account will vary : Expenccs. v *9 2 ) Expences. Rent, &e. - *- - . 56 o o Seed for 20 acres 01* if^ring- corn, - - 10 o o Ditto, grafs-feeds, - - 20 o o Labour, - - - 10 o o Sundry articles, - - 12 o o 108 o o Produce. 17 Acres o 5 Cows, Expences, Produce, Intereft of Lofs, - i barley, - . 108 ;6_ theftock, 10 X-5 1 25 o. o . 76 o o o o o 4 o o - -42 4 o This year the fields were 20 acres fpring corn with grafs-feeds, and 20 acres fallow. The next it will be, Expences. Rent, &c. - - . 56 o o Seed for 20 acres of fpring corn, - - 10 o o Carry over, . 66 c o Seed i ( 193 ) Brought over, . 66 o o Seed for 20 acres of fpring grafs, - - - 20 o o Labour, - - 10 o o Sundry articles, * - 1200 .108 o o Produce. 17 Acres of barley, 5 1 o o 4 Cows fold off, 20 o o 1 8 Acres of new grafs, mown for hay, flacked on the farm, and fold, 20 loads, at 30 s. -. 30 o O i Cow, Expences, - Produce, y+'b Intereft, - Lofs, - 106 o 108 o 106 o 2 ii 16 -13 16 o The next year's account will be as follows : Expences. Rent, &c. - 'ib-ffdl . 56 o o Labour now cannot be above, 300 Carry over, . 59 o o VOL. I. O Houfe- , Brought over, -5$ o Houfe-keeping, - i^ij; Boo 25 Heifers, - - 75* o o . 144 o o Produce. 25 Heifers, fat, - - 125 o o i Cow, 500 20 Loads of hay, at 30^. 30 o o Product of the implements and horfes re-fold ; they coft, 48 /. i s. 6 d* - 30 o o .190 o o Expences, J e '*~'. - 'i 1 142 o o 48 o o Intereft, 13 8 o Profit, . 34 12 o Having thus laid down the whole*, we muft next ftate the ANNUAL ACCOUNT, which will be as follows-: Expences. Rent, &c, " #* : . 56 o o Houfe-J^eeping, 800 50 Heifers, *\4^< - 150 o o Horfes and carts, for ditch- earth, - 300 . 217 o* o Produce. : oJ ir.' Produce* L i. 50 Heifers, fat, :* - 250 o i Cowy- : : ;* r ' ' -; -'* 5 *55~ Etfpences, -/-*' "r^ i t#? > 3 17 38 o o Intereft pf the ftock, /:,-*; 14 15 Q Profit, oMsv -cV-^ ]:>::;;? 23 5 __ o GENERAL 'ACCOUNT. Thefirftfto&k, --r .18214 6 Produce of the ftfft year, be- low the ex'pences of the fecondby -^i-*-^ S2 o o Ditto of the fecorid, below thofe of the third, .';,-j:,. 33 o o Ditto of the third, below the fourth, ,s w?i ?; rfc^i 36 O O Ditto of the fourth, below the fifth* &c. t::3i: j. 27 o Q Which total is the fum ne* ceflary for, .the farm, - jT. 299 14 6 The profit of this farm is fuperior to that from 50 acres of land, of th^iame fort, and fame foil ; which is owing to the difference of rent, and a few more incon^ fiderable circumftances. If the farmer's labour was now to be added, the profit O 2 upon Upon this farm would amount to a more confiderable fum ; but that is omitted, for the fame reafon as before mentioned. The method of calculation I have traced in this {ketch, is, I apprehend, that which will, in fimilar cafes, lead, in the fureft and xnoft accurate manner, to truth. Farmers, convinced of the fuperior value of grafs land in little farms, may be afraid of hir- ing an arable one, with a view to lay it down, left the expences fhould run up much beyond what they can afford : But, if they proceed in this manner in calcu- lating the expence, they cannot be deceived, and will difcover from it not only the fum of money requifite, but the times when it will be expended, and the amount of the annual benefit from it. But one thing they muft let me caution them well againft; which is, faving any thing (as they may call it) m the purchafe of grafs-feeds. Lefs than twenty fhillings worth will not lay an acre of land well: Nothing can be at- tended with more pernicious effects than any deductions from the fum I have allotted. ( 197 ) Variation thzfourtb. 50 Acres ) all arable^ the foil light enough for turnips. Stock. I. s. d. Rent, &c. as before, -.. 70 o o Implements, ditto, *- 38 i 6 Livefack. $ Horfes, * . 24. o o 3 Cows, - - 15 o o I Sow, - i o o 25 Home-bred heifers, fleers, old cows, or black cattle, at 5 /. 125 o o 165 o o - Seed and tillage. Four earths on 124. acres wheat land, . 10 o o Seed, - * : *'\' 7 10 o Sowing, ; 'jp*-^ 063 Two earths on 9 acres of barley land, - 3120 Seed, - 7 4 10 o Sowing, ^v: - 023 Carry over, . 26 o ~ Brought over, .26 p < 263 i 6 One earth on 3f acres of oat land, - o 14 o Seed, - "- i 15 o Sowing, j "" k .; - o o 10^- Seed for 13' acres of clover, - a 10 o Sowing, '* 3 X Y Seed for -12,4. ^cres of turnip land, -9 6 3 ,.,;} v - -- 3^ 9 I0 ii 4 Labour. ^TJ-QO At firft fight this ftould be lefs than in the clay farm ; for ^ths of that was always in corn, whereas or4y h^lf , of this is ; but then, pn the contrary, the turnip Ian4 in this farrnrequires^morq ploughing than the bean land in the other ; but again, to oppofe this cir- cumftance, is the horfe- hoeing the beans: The Carryover, . 294 114 hand ( 199 ) Brought over, . 294. 1 1 4 hand -hoeing to each is pretty equal, but allow- ance muft be made for 6 or 7 acres of clover in this farm mown twice, and alfo for the attend- ance on the fatting cattle : I fhall fuppofe thefe cir- cumftances to th^w the two farms on a par, - 23 3 4f Sundry artickt. Shoeing, and wear and tear, . 4 jo o Houfe-keeping, * 8 o Jrlire of a horfe 7 days in harveft, - o Additions to furniture, I fuppofe this farm to be thrown into an excellent courfe; that is, I. turnips; 2. barley; 3. clover; 4. wheat. I fuppofe the turnips to be drawn, and the heifers, or fteers, ftall-fed on them, and likewife to have 6 acres of clover-hay to feed on at Q 4 the ( 200 ) the fame time; that is, one cutting; the fecond is for feed. But, in many farm- yards, and efpecially- belonging to little farmers, it is twenty to one whether we find a houfe large enough tQ fat fuch a number of cattle; the fanner muft there- fore feed them in his farm-yard, for which purpofe he muft complete the inclofure of it (if it is not done already) with flacks of ftubble ; the expence of making which is but trifling; and they are perfectly effec- tual in keeping the yard warm : Next, he muft provide himfelf with long cribs, (that is, make them himfelf) or bings, of ftrips of pole, or rafts, nailed together in the form of a large manger, arid upon legs, for the cattle to eat the turnips out of. 1 2 Acres and t and 6 acres of clover-hay will un- doubtedly be fufficient to fat, one year with another, '25 beafts of /. value each. The annual expence of this farm will be as follows : Expenccs. L s. d. Rent, &c. - 70 o o ay Beafts, - 125 o o Seed for 13 7 acres of wheat, 10 o o Cany over, . 205 o 6 127 Acres, Brought over, jT. 205 o o 1 27 Acres of barley and oats, 650 127 Ditto of clover, - 2 10 o 127 Ditto of turnips, o 63 Labour, - 23 3 4 f Sundry articles, - - 13 o o Produce. I. s. 1 27 Acres of wheat, - 50 o o Barley 9 acres, - - 27 o o Clover feed 6 ditto, 4bufhels, at 15 s. - - - 1800 25 Fatbeafts, 175 o o 3 Cows, - - - 15 o o 285 o o Expences, - - - 250 4 7^ 34 15 47 Deduct intereft of the flock, 16 15 o 18 o 4t This profit, although not equal to that of grafs land, is fomething confiderable, and fuperior to that of the fame farm on a ftiff foil, by nearly double the amount. N 6. N6. Variation theffth. Thcfamc^ half graft mid half arable. The Stock. Rent, &c. - ' . , . ?0 o Implements, - *'. - yi - 28 i 6 Live Jlock. 2 Horfes, - .2000 30 Heifers, - go o o i Cow, *flj*" * 500 i Sow, - - o 15 o 12 Beafts, - 60 o o 175 15 o Seed and tillage. 6 Acres of wheat, 4 earths, '/V-.' v ' 4 16 o Seed, (T** - 3120 Sowing, - ""-" o 30 3 Acres of barley, 2 earths, - -140 Seed, [-s-jca. i 10 o Sowing, - - 009 3 Acres of oats, i earth, 0120. Seed, - i jo o Sowing, - -009 Carry over, .13 86 273 16 6 6 Acres Brought over, .13 8 6 273 $6 6 6 Acres of clover feed, i 40 Sowing^ - o I 6 6 Acres of turnips- feed, - 030 -- H *7 Sundry articles. Shoeing, and wear and tear, - . 4 o o Houfe-keeping, - 800 Furniture, 5 ^ -- 17 oo I charge nothing to this farm for labour, 35 he will be able to execute all the work of it with his own hands. The grafs land I ftocfc, as before, with home-bred heifers for fatting ; and the arable I throw in|o this'eotirfe : i. turnips ; 2. barley ; 3. clover; 4, whsat; fatting beafts upon the turnips. The AtfjuTAi, ACCOUNT. Expences. Rent, &c. - ' M -- ' . 70 o o 30 Heifers, - 7 -" c ; 90 o _ o Carry over,, . 1 60 o o 12 Beafts, ( 504 ) Brought over, .160 o 2 Beafts, - .;x*w...'. 60 p Seed for 6 acres of wheat, - 3 12 Ditto for 6 of fpring corn, - 3 o Ditto for 6 of clover, w..i ; 4 Ditto for 6 of turnips, o 3 o Shoeing, and wear and tear, - 4 o Houfe-keeping, 8 -*39 19 Produce* i Cow, - 5 o o 6 Acres of wheat, - 24 o o 3 Acres of barley, 9 p 30 Fat heifers, $*,&$?. - 150 o 1 2 Fat beafts, 84 o 272 o Expences, ^ - j - v ? 239 J 9 32 i o Intereft of the ftock, a 5 Profit, - - 16 16 RECAPITULATION. N J. Fifty acres all arable, the foil clay, yields an annual profit of, / J o o 74- Carry over, j* 7t 2. Fifty Brought over, . 10 o y N 2. Fifty acres half ara- ble and half grafs, - - 30 10 o 3. Ditto all grafs, - - 20 12 o 4. Ditto all arabte, the foil clay, and laid down to grafs, - - 23 5 o 5. Ditto all arable, the foil light enough for tur- nips,. - ijifclb - 1 8 o 4 6. Ditto half grafs and half arable, simy <* f- >(* ! 1 6 1 6 o It is from hence apparent, that the moft advantageous farm of thefe fix, each of 50 acres, is the clay one, half grafs and half arable. The next is the clay farm, all arable and laid down to grafs. The next is the clay farm, all of grafs. The next is the light foil, all arable. The next is the light foil, half arable and half grafs. And the laft is the clay, all arable. And the fums required for flocking thefe farms are as follow. (( * N e i. - 231 17 i' 2. - ;,{{ IT/ 266 3 O i- - sS.8 *5 o 4. - - 599 14 6 5- - 335 *4' 8 t 6. *" ^ A - - 305 13 6 The comparifon between thefe films and the profit, provds at once the importance df a man's considering well, before he engages in any fkrm. The difference between fome of them is prodigious ; nor can any thing better difplay the g*eat variations of profit from different ways of management : And the contrafts of thefe methods will yet fur- ther appear,- from thq following table of the proportion of the profit. Farms, ProduR. Profit per cent. N*i- -*i 'w ?t -9 5 o -. r 43 *4 l6 9 5. 35 o o 12 2 o 4- f- . 3 8 12 13 o 5. ^ 341547 10 7,0 6. - 32 i o 10 9^ o Here it appears that, one farm pays almoft double the intereft of another ; an immsnfe difference, and Claims, in the 5 ilrongeft ftrongeft manner, the attention of all far- mers about to fix themfelves. CHAP. XIX. Of the moft advantageous method, on farms of 60 or 80 acres of /and, of difpojing of from 3007. to 400 /. in farming. I Enter upon the fubject of this chapter, well convinced, before I form any cal- culations, that two horfes are fully fuffi- cient to perform all the ploughing of any farm thefe Turns can ftock; but, left I fhould lay myfelf too much open to cavil- ling objections, I mall allow three horfes to feveral of the fucceeding ones, not for the tillage of them, but the carting. I pre- mife this firft, as when I come to farms ; that require more than one plough, an hundred little variations will at once arife, that require frelh combinations of every kind. "DVO Ni. Divifion of from 300 /. to 400 /. in flocking 60 acres of arable land, the foil clay or loam *, Rent, &c. Rent, at 18 s. , 54 o o Tythe, at 4 s. - 10 16 o Town charges, &c. &c. 4 /. - - 10160 Implements. 2 Carts, - .1800 A plough, - i ii 6 Harrows, - -200 Roller, - - i 10 o Harnefs for 3 horfes, 400 Screen, bufhel, fans, fieves, &c. &c. &c. 400 Sacks, Dairy furniture, 3 Horfes, 8 Cows, i Sow, Carry over, . 186 18 It is ufelefs to fay beans the fallow, as that method was found moft advantageous. Seed ferought over, . 186 18 Seed and tillage. 4 Earths on 15 acres of wheat land, .12 6 Seed, - 900 Sowing, - -076 Water-furrowing, o 15 o 2 Earths on 10^ acres of barley land, - 4 4 Seed, - -' - 5 50 Sowing, <- - 027! Water-furrowing, and harrowing, - o 5 3 One earth on 4! acres of oat land, - o 18 o Seed, 256 Sowing, - - o i if Water-furrowing, &c. 023 Seed, 15 acres of beans, v*&\ v \' ^ Labour. Sundry times in the year, hired to the amount of 32 10 Carry over, . 260 15 VOL. I. P N. Brought over, .260 *5 N. B. i /. 13^.9^. is in- cluded in the above ; but the difference is too fmall to divide. Sundry articles. Shoeing, .- - .1160 Wear and tear, * - & 4 o o Houfe-keeping, &c. as before, - 10 o o Additions to furniture, I o o o 25 16 o . 286 ii o There are feveral variations in this account from the preceding, which require the like explanations as I gave before. Rent. This I have lowered 2 s. per acre on ac- count of the quantity of land. * Seed and tillage. I fuppofe the farm thrown into four parts, one wheat, one barley and oats, one clover, and one beans in rows. Labour. This article I have ftated, as particularly as pofiible, in the fame manner I did be- fore. fore. It is of fo great confequence, that I {hall infert a calendar of the whole that is wantiiig in the farm; which method is ab- foliitely rieceflary to follow with every chapter, while we treat of fuch farms as depend on the farmer for the total labour of one man. If we fup'pofe him to hire the whole^ we mull deducl: 24 /. from the profit of all the preceding arable ones ; what then will the remainder be ? However, it is felf-evident that we muft, in fuch farms as thefe, adhere to that fuppofition. Offober. Ploughing 15 acres of wheat land, - - days-) 15 Ditto of the laft year's Hubble, - 1 1 ~]6 To hire. Sowing the wheat, - .076 Water-furrowing, r o is o r a fW -iffj '* 2 6 November, Ploughing 4 acres of laft year's ftubble, 4 Thfafhing IIT qrs. of wheat, J?3 p^r- 1*2 December. Thrafhing, 13 qrs. of wheat, 26 P 2 To To hire. I s. d. Thrafhing, 13 qrs. wheat, i 60 January. Ploughing the laft year's ftubble a fecond time, days, 1 5 Water-furrowing ditto, 7 Sundry fmall articles of work, 5 To hire. Thrafhing 40 qrs. of fpring /. s. d. corn, 2 o o February. Manuring, 20 Thrafhing, 14 qrs. of fpring corn, 7 27 To hire. Thrafhirig, 6 qrs. fpring- corn, - .060 50 Perches of ditching, 2100 .TWo_ March. Ploughing the fallow of beans, 15 Ditto, 1 1 of the laft year's bean- land, for barley and oats, i r "26 To hire. Thrafhing 30 qrs. of beans, . i 10 o Sowing 15 acres of beans, o 15 o Carry over, .2 50 Water- 6 Brought over, . 2 50 Water-furrowing, ^t* ; > o 76 30 Perches of ditching, - I 10 o ~ April. Ploughing .15 acres of barley and oats, //^d fcf*.**^ 1 days> 15 Water-furrowing ditto, 'j/* 7 Sundry fmall articles, 5 _27 To hire. Sowing 15 acres of barley and oats, - - - . o 39 Water-furrowing, ditto. o j 6 jC-0 'i 3 M^X. Ploughing between the rows of the beans, / '*k> < - 8 Manuring^ ^** ,2/i.^dl- t < 18 26 To hire. 'Hand-hoeing the beans, . 3 15* o June. Ploughing between the rows of the beans - 8 Carting 4 acres of clover-hay, 6 Mowing and making ditto, :-." 7 Sundry fmall articles, - . -- _JT PS To hire. Affiftance in carting 6 days, . o 76 Thiftling, or weeding 30 acres of corn, - - i 10 o -l_I7J> jfufy* Ploughing between the rows of the beans, - - days, 8 Carting manure, and other work, 18 _26 Augujl. Carting 15 acres of wheat, 5 Ditto, 1 5 of barley and oats, 10 Ditto, 1 5 of beans, 8 Sundry fmall articles, - 3 M To hire. I. s. d. Reaping 15 acres of wheat, 3150 Ditto, of beans, - f'4 10 o Mowing 15 of barley and oats, i 26 Turning, harvefting, and carting, 3 IQ o i* *7 6 ber. Ploughing the bean-land, and throwing it up for the winter, ' * >> - 15 Carry over, 15 Carting ,( "5 ) Brought over, 15 Carting 1 5" acres of wheat-ftubble, - 5 Cartingj clover-hay, - ' - 7 To hire. Mowing, making, and carting, the clover-hay, - . o 15 o Carting the wheat-ftubble, 050 Chopping ditto, - I 2 6 Sundry articles. Thefe are all varied in the account, being increafed in proportion to the bufi- nefs and the fubftance of the farmer. ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. L s. Rent, &c. - ^ .* 75 i q Seed for 1 5 acres of wheat, - 9 Ditto for 15 of barley and oats, Ditto 15 of beans, Ditto for 9 of clover, - Labour, , Sundries, ' * ; % *< - ( 216 ) Produce. I. s, d* 15 Acres of wheat, 60 o o 15 Of beans, * 45 o o- 104. Of barley, 31 10 o 8 COWS, - - - 40 O O . 176 10 o Expenees, -? - - 149 8 9 27 i ~3 Deduct the intereft of the flock, 14 60 Profit, - ^ 'JJL-L1 _ 1 This profit is but fmall,. confidering the fize of the farm, and the completenefs of the pulture ; but three horfes and fo much labour is the explanation. i ,.-, , -'-ILCi. . _,, N^2 f Variation the firft, The fame all arable, the foil light enough for turnips, Stock. Rent, &c. j -*"- -75 ia o Implements, ^4 .6 6 ^Vr^, - : ^ cd 3 Horfes, , - - /,. 36 oo 2 Cows, - - - 10 oo Carry over, . 46 o~o 109 i8'6 ^~ i Sow, Brought over, JT. 46 o o 109 18 6 i Sow, - - - - i o o 30 Home bred heifers, fleers or black cattle, 1 50 o o -- 197 O Seed and tillage, Four earths on 15 acres of wheat land, . 1 2 o o Seed, ^; i-.' ,- - 900 Sowing, , - i; -v. ;-.--" o 76 Two earths on io~ acres s,f j of barley land, 4 4 o Seed, ^d-r- lc3j5k't -..5 50 Sowing, - - - o a 7^ One earth on 4! acres of oat land, - 0180 Seed, iV*ff 25-0 Sowing, ,{'./"' ^ o i 14- Seed for 15 acres of clover, - -300 Sowing, - - 039 eed 1 5 acres of turnips, o 7 6 Carryover, . 344 13 o Labour. Brought over, . 344 13 This article I charge here as in the laft chapter ; that is, the fame as in the clay farm, :^ - - 32 10 g Sundry articles. Thefe the fame as in the clay farm, :*-.- ~ * 25 16 o *'; -402 ijT~9 The reader perceives here that I aflign the 15 acres of turnips to the fatting of beafts : That number, with 7 acres of clover-hay, will be fufficient for 30 of them. The ANNUAL ACCOUNT, Expences. L s. d. Rent, &c. 75 12 o 30 Beafts, - 150 o o Seed for 15" acres of wheat, - 900 Ditto, for 1 5 acres of fpring- corn> 77 Ditto for 1 5 of clover, - 300 Ditto for 15 of turnips, 076 Carryover, . 245 6 6 Labour, ( 2I 9 ) Brought over, 245 6 6 Labour, 3 2 IO 9 Shoeing, wear and tear, and houfe-keeping, JLLJ^. Pn?^#. 15 Acres of wheat, . 60 o o joi Of barley, 3* i 7 Acres of clover feed ; 21 o o 30 Fat beads, 210 o o 2 Cows, io o Q 332 10 o Expences, - - 2 _93__L3 3 .38" 16 9 Jntereft on the flock, 20 2 o Profit, - - - . 1 8 14 9 This profit is much fuperior to that of the clay farm. Some may, perhaps, ob- ject to thefe eftimates of the turnip foil ; that root is a precarious crop, being often deftroyed by the fly, confequently that fo large a produce mould not annually be calculated ; But, in anfwer to this, I muft remark that wheat, barley, oats, &c. &c. and, in a word, all forts of crops, are pre- carious; they are fubjecl: to blights, fmut, being laid, the dolphin, &c. &c.j and tho* 2 turnips ( 220 ) turnips may be more infecure, yet, if I was to think of reducing the chance of failure to calculation in one cafe, I fhould likewiie do it in another, which would be an endlefs work, and but a jumble of con- fufion at laft. Another point to be conii- dered is the value of the crops I have Hated, which I do not think exceeds the average value of feveral years, all failures included : For I fuppofe good hufbandry to be prac- tifed on all, much tillage, good manuring with the earth out of ditches, &c. and the ameliorating crops, fuch as turnips and beans, well hoed and ploughed; all thefe particulars are fuperior to common manage- ment. N3- Variation thefecond. The fame> half arable and half graft, foil light enough for turnips. Stock. \ &VS. d. Rent, &c. as before, ^j.; 75 12 o Implements as before, 34 66 LiveJlocL 2 Horfes, - . 24 o o a Cows, v-v>t 10 o o Carry over, .34 o o 109 18 6 i Sow ) Brought over, -34 IO 9 l8 6 i Sow, - - . x . * 40 Heifers, - , - I3O ; :O .o 12 Beafts, - 6 o o *^-- . 215 o o - 3*4: 'i3. 6 Seed and tillage. Four earths, on 74 acres of wheat-land, .6 o o Seed, 4 IP o Sowing, s?9 - -3 9 Two earths on 4^ acres of barley-land, - i 16 o Seed, <---> 2 5 ^ Sowing, yi i ?^J3 eOfict.- I Y One earth on 3 acres of oat-land, <<>&.! o 12 o Seed, ^-- ' * * I0 Sowing,. 4^ %mi^i rburo 9 Seed for 7^ acres of clover, Pf^j .#i 10 o Sowing, - : a.nosir,i 9 Ditto of turnips, - A o? 39 ' Carryover, . 343 i t->M^ ( 222 j Brought over, .343 12 7 Labour. I fuppofe the chief of the work of this fariii to be executed by the farmer himfelf, - - - j 13 g Sundry articles. Shoeing, : -v .146 Wear and tear, - 300 Houfe-keeping, - 10 o o Furniture, - 10 o o - 4Btr - 24 4Q 373 9 4^ The article in this account which moft wants explanation is the labour. We now approach to that farm which can exadly be managed by one pair of hands, without the lofs of any time, and without hiring any affiftance : Such a farm is a point on which we mould fix our eye, as a guide to undifcovered countries. I muft here ex- plain in what manner a man can do moft of the bufmefs of 60 .acres of land, half grafs and half arable; and I mall do this by fo proportioning the work, that we may, at the fame time, fee how much more than 30 3O arable acres will come into the account.- Were I fcrupuloufly to adhere to the terms of my enquiry, I mould rejecl: all affiftance ; but thefe meets are drawn up for ufe, not curiofity. It might be an entertaining dif- quifition, to fearch for the minutely accu- rate proportions of one pair of hands, but it never would be profitable in practice to adhere to fuch accuracy : There are many times in the year, when it is much more beneficial, even for a very little far- mer, to hire affiftance than to do all his work himfelf. I mall therefore, in this inquiry, adhere, not to terms, but to a practical utility : I fuppofe the farmer him- felf to perform the bulk of his work, fuch as ploughing, thraming, hand -hoeing, feeding of cattle, &c. It belongs to a future chapter, to difcover the moft pro- fitable farm that can be hired by a man, who will always keep himfelf em- ployed on that work which moft requires him. The two kinds of arable farms hitherto chiefly confidered, are the clay, and the foil light enough for turnips. In the firft, the fallow is beans, in rows on 3 plough- ings, ings, and in the fecond turnips on 6, Now, to fave the repetition of inferting two calendars of work, we muft difcovcr the proportion of the labour between thefe fal- low crops. We will flate the account of one acre. Beans. Three ploughings, 3 days /. s. d. at i s. - - 030 Sowing i day *, - - o i o Water-furrowing, 7 a day, -006 Ploughing, between the rows, 3 times, 2 acres in "" a day, - - o i 6 Once hand-hoeing, - -060 Reaping, - - 060 Harvefting, (2 men 2 acres a day) - - - 020 Thrafhing 2 qrs. at I s. - - o g o 1 2 o Barley, on this land, fown on the third ploughing. * It does not take up the whole, but by fo much the beft part, that the reft (as in ploughing) is of little value. Turnips { 225 ) ^urnifs. L s. d. 6 Ploughings, - 060 2 Harrowings, - - 002 Sowing, - - - o o 3 Two hoeings, - - 076 Carting them from the field to the farm-yard. This article muft not be calculated for one acre ; the beft way of coming to the truth is, to fuppofe that a man, with 2 horfes and a cart, will fully attend a given number of teafts ; that is, bring the turnips from the field, and throw them into the cribs or bings, and have an eye to the cattle every now and then, to fee that all goes well among them, and like- wife take care of the two horfes. I apprehend a man might eafily manage from 30 to 40 beafls in this man- Carry over, . o 13 ii VOL. I. O ner j Brought over, . o 13 XI iler ; fuppofe^ or 1 7 * acres, ahd that they took the months of November, De- cember, January, and Fe- bruary, and half of March* to fat in, or 19 weeks; that is, 5 /. 14 s. or per acre, o 7 o Expence of fehe beafts* * j W 2 o of the turnips, - r o 1 1 Excefs of the former, . o i i Now this difference fe fo trifling, that it is not worth- making a diftinclion between- thefe methods of fallowing. And it is, ait the fame time, a con-firm ation of the fuppofition I made in a preceding chapter, when I wrote the fame amount of labour to- the light land farm, as to the clay one. As it therefore appears, that no diftinc- tion, in this eftimate of one man's labour, is to be made between the light and heavy foils, I mail proceed to the particulars, fup- pofmg it a" clay farm. I fhall begin the work after harveft as before. Suppofe the quantity 30 acres. * The reader muft not forget that we are confidering fmall farms ; consequently, the field near the farm yard. Oftober. ( 227 ) Oftober. Ploughing 77 acres of wheat land, - day*) yt Ditto, 10 of laft year's ftubble, 7t Sowing the wheat, 3 Small articles of work, - 2 Thrafhing, 3 qrs. of wheat, 7 2 J_ November : Water-furrowing, - 1 1 Thrafhing 8 qrs. of wheat, 16 27 December. 1 1 Perches of ditching, 1 1 Thrafhing 77 qrs. of wheat, - 15 "26 'January. Manuring, - 10 Ploughing the laft year's ftubble, a fecond time, - - 7 Water-furrowing, 5 Sundry fmall articles, r . r?' 4. 76 February. Thrafhing 45* qrs. of fpring corn, ::ii* - Sr;* ; - 22 5 Perches of ditching, - 5 H March. Third ploughing of the fal- low, __7 Carry over, 7 i Third ( 228 ) Brought over, days^ 7 Third ploughing the bean land for barley and oats, - 7 Water-furrowing, - -& 5 Sowing the beans, - 7 Jr April. Ploughing the barley and oat- land* - 7 Water-furrowing, 3 Sowing, - - 2 9 Perches of ditching, - 9 Manuring, - ^ Wrl - 3 _4 May. Ploughing between the rows of the beans, - - - 4 Hand-hoeing ditta, 74 acres, - 23 j2 j^. Ploughing between the rows of the beans, ;.*;- - - 4 Carting 2 acres of clover -hay, 3 Mowing and making ditto, - 4 Thiftling 15 acres of corn, *>*> v . 15 AiTiflance in carting the clover hay, - . o 46 " . Ploughing between the rows of the beans, - - days, 4 Sundry articles, manuring, &c. 22 "76 jt. Carting, 7 4- acres of wheat, 3 Ditto, 77 of barley and oats, - 5 Ditto 7t of beaus, 4 Reaping 77 acres of wheat, - jj 70 Reaping 77 acres of beans, ".2 50 Mowing 77 of beans and oats, 0113 Harvefting, r vjtf v/l 2 50 September. Ploughing the bean-land, throwing it up for the winter, 7 Carting clover-hay, - - 3 Ditto 74. acres of wheat ftubble, 3 Mowing and making the clover, 5 Chopping the ftubble, ^ ' 9 ~~27 To hire. Affiftance in carting, . ,p 70 From From hence it appears, that a man may with the afliftance of 5 /. 1 2 s. 9 d. laid out in labour, cultivate 30 acres of .arable land, the whole cropped either with beans, wheat, clover, and barley, or with turnips, barley, clover, and wheat, The annual expence of this farm* Expences. I. s. d. Rent, &c. - - 75 J2 o 40 Heifers, - *%"** 120 o 12 Beafts, -!V ;> - tf5aj 60 o 6 Seed for 74- acres of wheat, - 4 10 o Ditto for 7^- of barley and oats, 3 15 d Ditto for 74. of clover, - i 10 o Ditto for 74 of turnips, * Q 3 9 Labour, *. -,- \^ $ 12 9 Sundry articles, V^,, r J 4 4 ~ Produce. 74- Acres of wheat, <- . 30 o o 44. Of barley, f,^,/] ^ > 13 jo o 2 Of clover-feed, * -r 600 2 Gows, - ^ - 10 o o 40 Fat heifers, * J?oo o o 12 Ditto beafts, ^ 84 o o 10 o Produce, ' -'^TJV rM**\ . 343 10 o Expenses, .r * z 285 7 6 58 2 6 Deduft the iatereft of the ftock, 1813 o Profit, - ,~- . 39 9 6 We find, upon coming to a tolerable proportion in the point of labour, that the profit is increafed confiderably ; and this will be further illuftrated in fucceeding Chapters. N 4 . Variation the third* fhefame* all grafs y the foil clay or loam. Stock. Rent of 60 acres, at I /. 3,5. ' ^'' .66 O O Tythe, at 4 s. ,]*'' 13 40 Rates, &c. &c. 4 s. 13 40 -' - - Q2 8 o / r i?ijfn ?' 1 '>"?:-*! #t ; $iJ$ >ii^fi / >E Implements. Dairy furniture, , i 10 o Sundry fmall articles, i o o - : -- 2 10 O Carryover, -94 *$ Brought over, .94 18 o Llvejlock. 1 Horfe, - 10 o o 2 Cows, - Jo o o i Sow, - o 15 o 75 Home-bred hei- fers, - 225 oo 245 15 o ^, Sundry articles. Shoeing, and wear and tear, - i o O Houfe-keeping, - 10 o o Additions to furniture, i o oo sV' " 21 O O 36i 13 o When the ftock of only one farm is flated, it is very eafy to be confident ; but in drawing up that of a progreffive num- ber, it is extremely difficult to keep pro- portion conftantly in one*s eye. I have charged this farm with a horfe, although it is all grafs, and none of it to be mown ; but, in fuch farms, many of the farmers will undoubtedly keep a riding horfe; and though not 'abfolutely neceflary before, yet, as it is an addition which muft be made fbmewhere, it will come in here with with the greateft propriety ; as expenccs of that and other forts muft be fuppofed to hold a proportion to the fubftance of the man. And yet there is no doubt but he might walk to the fairs, as well as ride to them : and I profefs not to guide myfelf (among little farmers) by what is, but by what ought to be ; yet one cannot carry on a rigid adherence, even to one's own rules, without wounding the common practice too much. And here it may not be amifs further to remark that I eftimate the article of cloaths, houfe-keeping, pocket-money, &c. as low as the mere neceffity, for a very material reafon : fo much, is a part of the neceflary expences of the farm, like wear and tear* &c. &c. but if I was to calculate it in a varying manner, to hit off the real ex- pences of farmers, I mould have no rule by which to conduft myfelf, and my efti- mates would be at beft but ufelefs. I there- fore ftate the neceflary fum; and the reft muft come out of the profit, in the dirpo- fition of which I do not concern myfelf: It is either fpent in family expences, in pri- vate ones, in improvements of the farm, or ( 534 ) or lent at intereft. I (hall, in a chapter by itfelf, confider the confequences of ex- pending it, or a part, at leaft, in improve- ments. ' The reader muft excufe my going fo often out of my way, to explain and anfwer objections : It is a difagreeable tafk, but often times a necefiary one. *-'-*\ \I"1-3 J3**3 'iiiO JO*^ ' 4 . .. The ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Vxpcnct*. L s. d. Rent, &c. - . - V." 92/8 o 75 Home-bred heifers, - 225 o o Shoeing, wear and tear, and , houfe-keeping, -^.' - n o o Produce, \iujj uiAfc im+t. jig!! nn . .I iu . 2 Cows, iA-^or dAW^I lab? IO 75 Fat heifers, .uimft ^ j 375 385 o o Expences, - ^.^328 8.0 , I - -- 56 12 O Dedud the intereft of the flock, 18 i o Profit, i -Wi - - . 38 1 1 o 335 ci Variation the fourth. Seventy acres all graft, foilcky w $oar& Stock. Rent, &c. Kent,' -of 70 acres, at /. * o Tythe, at**. - 15 8 ates,c.&c.&c.4*.i5 8 - 107 jo o Implements as before, ,. * -_ 2100 Live Jlock. 1 Horfe, .10 op 2 Cows, - ,.jo o o I Sow, - , ^- ,,^8-^W- 87 Home-bred hei- fers, ^^Vi 1 -^ 1 ' \ - . - , - 281 15 o Sundry articles as before, j 21 o o -4*3 i o ACCOUNT* o Expencrs. JSlent, &c. . 107 16 o 187 Heifers, 261 o o Sundry articks, ^T n- ^ o 379 l6 Produce. Produce. L s. d. 2 Cows, - - ** - 25 o o Labour, - - - 20 o o Sundry articles, - - 14 io o . 142 o o Produce. (( -240 ) Produce. 21! Acres of barley, - .64. 10 o 2 Cows, - - ! * 10 o o 74 io Q Expences, - -142 o o Produce, ^-^ 74 i o 67 io o Interefl of the ftock, 13 2 d "~ The third year the crops are 25 acres of fpring corn with grafles, and 25 acres of grafs, new laid. The account, Expences. Rent, &c. - 70 o o Seed for 25 acres of fpring corn,. - - 12 io o Ditto graffes, - 25 o o Labour as before, . 20 O O Add for additional help in hay-time, - 3 *o - 23 io o Sundry articles, >* ; - I 4 io o io o Produce. ( 241 ) Produce. L S* ;.; 180 o o . 265 12 Q Produce. 60 Fat heifers, - . 300 o o 2 Cows, - - - 10 o o 310 o o Expences, * "- ? ; 265 12 Q Interefl, Profit, ( 243 ) General account ofjlocL Hrft ftock, . 207 16 7$ Produce of the firfl year, in- ferior to the expences of the fecond, - - 5^ o" 6 Produce of the fecond year, inferior to the expences of the third, - 71 o d Produce of the third year in- ferior to the expences of the fourth, - 63 5 o Produce of the fourth year inferior to the expences of the fifth, && 48 2 o - 445 3 74- Which total is the fum requifite for this farm. RECAPITULATION* N i. Sixty acres all arable* the foil clay, or loam, yields an annual profit of . 12 15 3 a. The fame, all arable, the foil light enough for tur- nips, ditto, - - ^ 1 8 14 9 R * 3. The N3- The fame; half arable and half grafs, the foil light enough for turnips, ditto, .39 96 4. The fame, all grafs, the foilcky or loam, ditto, -38 II o 5. Seventy acres, all grafs : the foil clay, - - . 44 1 1 o 6. Fifty acres all arable, the foil clay, and laid down to grafs, .22 30 Next, we muft bring into one view the fums requifite to flock thefe farms. They are as follow : Ni. -^1">' - .286 ii o 2. \-. 402 19 9 3- - - 373 9-4r 4 361 *3 5- - "A 1 4 r 3 I & f; f- 1 445 3 74- To profit by thefe particulars we muft, in the next place, view the produce of thefe fums, and the rate per cent, of the profit. Farms* ( 245 ) Farms. Produce. Per. cent. proft. N ( ? i. *? i 3 .9 9 /"' 2. - 38 16 9 9 12 3- 58 2 6 15 II 4- 56 12 o 15 5 O 5- 65 4 o 15 15 6. - 44 8 o 9 19 o From thefe tables it appears, Jirft^ that the beft way of difpofmg of any fum of money from 373 /. to 413 /. is by hiring either a farm of 60 acres, half grafs and half arable, the foil light enough for tur- nips; or one of 60 acres, a ftiff foil and all grafs ; or, laftly, one of 70 acres, all grafs ; thefe three farms paying a better intereft than any of the reft. But there is this difference between them, that the two laft require fcarce any work, a man being at liberty, notwithftanding his farm, to apply to many other forts of bufmefs, and make advantage thereof. Of thefe, therefore, the grafs farms are the beft. Secondly, The other three farms, viz. 60 acres, all arable, heavy foil 60 acres all arable, light foil and 50 acres, all arable, but laid to grafs, are nearly upon an equality in their profit. R 3 We We may, therefore, pronounce the laft of the three, or the grazing one, to be much the beft ; as that takes up fcarce any of the farmer's time, but leaves him for other profitable avocations; whereas the two arable ones demand not only all his time, but alfo continual hard labour. CHAP. XX. Of the difference between gentlemen and common farmers, in hiring and flocking farms. WE are now come to fuch a fum of money as requires an equal atten- tion to the gentleman and the farmer. In a former chapter, I hinted that a divifion of the fubjecT:, for this purpofe, would create fuch a multiplicity of fubdivifions, as to throw the whole in that confufion which often arifes from an excefs of me- thod. The plained way of treating this double fubjecT: will be to ftate, in each chapter, firft, the calculations for the common farmer, and then fuch variations as arife between him and the gentleman ; and ( 247 ) and alfo fuch eftimates as are peculiar to the latter. In the execution of this defign, I fhall take no notice of farming for mere conve- nience, pleafure, or curiofity; however entertaining, or even ufeful fuch prac- tices may be, there are no permanent con- clufions to be drawn from eftimates and calculations of matters guided by fancy and caprice. I fhall hereafter confider the point of experimental farms. But the chief purport of this chapter is, to give my reafons for making any diftinc- tion at all between gentlemen and common farmers, in hufbandry, for profit. It is my aim, in thefe fheets, to ftate all circumftances as near to the truth as poflible. I have, in the preceding chapters, made a multitude of variations not only according to the foil and number of acres^ but to the wealth and fubftance of the far- mer; becaufe fuch caufes are attended in the general with correfponding effects ; and, to carry on a calculation upon the fame principles, for a poor as a rich man, would be evidently abfurd. I have, in every article, Sketched the profit which fuch a farmer as P 4 I de- I clefcribe in it may make, if he acts con- fiftently with his fituation, and as a good hufbandman. When I fuppofe him to work hard all the year, he may, it is true, be idle half his time, but fuch variations are rather thofe of reality from my calculations, than of my calculatiqns from reality, I ftate what he ought to do, and what he muft do, if he would grow rich ; his not doing it is his fault, not my error. It would be abfurd to form variations to particular, and thofe vicious, exceptions. Now if I was to calculate for the gentle- man and the farmer upon the fame prin- ciples, it would be acting contrary to all thefe ideas ; for, in fome inftances, I fhould ftate a profit impoffible for a gentleman to arrive at ; and, in others, fuch a balance as not one farmer in a thoufand would ever fee at the bottom of his accounts. Gentlemen and farmers have, in huf- bandry, peculiar advantages and difadvan- tages, which muft never be confounded, if we would preferve a clear and accurate idea of the whole fubject. Before I endeavour to ftate thefe diftinc- tions, it will be necefTary juft to explain my ( 249 ) my expreffion, gentlemen farming for pro- ft. There are few in whom it is a real pro- feflion, bufmefs, and dependence: I wifh there were more ; as I am confident their talents would be applied to as ufeful a pur- pofe to mankind in general, and to their country in particular, as if exerted in com- merce, as if destroying the human fpecies in phyfic, tything it in divinity, or ruin- ing it in law. But there are many who live in the country upon fmall fortunes, that engage in hufbandry with a view to improving their incomes ; others, that have been educated to profeffions they difliked, rather than lead an idle life, fettle in the country, and apply to farming. In any cafe, however, there is no difference be- tween their taking a portion of their own eftates into their hands, or hiring part of their neighbours: In one, they bargain with another man ; in the other, they fettle accounts with themfelves : And here I muft fuppofe the latter as true to reality, and as fair an engagement, as the former ; and admit none of thofe defpicable deceptions, too .often met with, of rating the land at its laft laft rent, or any but fuch as it would ab- folutely bring between men of fenfe and underftanding. I have heard of many boafts of profit, when the rent allowed for the land is not above two thirds, perhaps, of what a neighbouring farmer would give for it. But, whatever the motive may be for a gentleman's farming, it is certain that a diftinction muft be made between their profit and that of common farmers ; and this for divers reafons. In fmall farms we find the profit de- cided by the labour of the farmer ; and no wonder, fmce 25 /. a year is the intereft of 500 /. fo that a farmer may eafily beat a gentleman on a fmall farm ace and deuce, as the value of his labour may be more than the whole fum employed by the gentleman. And we mould remember, that there are few little farmers but what work more or lefs themfelves. In the preceding calcu- lations, if the reader turns to any of the arable farms, and deduds from the profit the value of a man's labour, he will find but a fcanty remainder ; in many of them, none at all. Now Now if a little farmer, with all poffible induftry, finds it a matter of vaft difficulty to make any thing by his bufinefs (inde- pendent I mean of his labour), how much more difficulty will a gentleman find it, if he farms with no fuperior advantages ? Here, I muft own, I feel a croud of ideas, all unfufceptible of calculation, and which will, on that account, puzzle me extremely in the enfuing chapters. A farmer's labour is in part reducible to eftimate, and in part not. He goes out to plough, in a little farm that keeps a pair of horfes, ftirs his acre of land, and comes home : this labour we may value pretty tolerably, becaufe the time is much the fame as that of a labourer. But he is mafter of four horfes and 2 ploughs ; confequently a man works with him : here, at once* the affair is changed ; and his labour is in part unfufceptible of eftimate. He not only ploughs his own acre, but fees that his man ,does the fame; and if the horfes of the latter move quicker than his own, fo that his acre (we will fuppofe) is done the fooneft, the farmer fees and remedies it ; he finds, at once, that his man has fkimmed the fur- face, ). face, inftead of ploughing it; he gently rebukes him at firft, but takes efpecial care, that the abufe is not repeated. He is ploughing in feed- time, or in any other bufy feafon ; the weather is precari- ous ; clover to be fown ; harrowing to be done only while the land is dry, and rain expe&ed; or, in a word, a thouiand circumflances of the fame fort. He thinks it a great benefit to plough an acre ; IT is DONE. Why mould the man, or labourer at plough with him, objed to it ? If they are not employed at that work, they will upon fome other, and perhaps a more laborious one ; they are not afraid of a want of time to take care of their horfes ; the far- mer does that work all himfelf. In a word, his only confideration is his horfes ; if he overworks them, he feeds them in propor- tion, and fo the matter ends. Now, pafs the hedge of this farm, and enter that of a gentleman, who thinks, like the farmer, that as the feafon is fine he mould make good ufe of it, and get his barley-feed into the ground as faft as pof- fible; he therefore allows his horfes each two pecks of corn more in a week, and 2, better ( 253 ) better chaff : Will his work be done ? Not it. He does not take care of his own horfes, but his man, labourer, horfe-keeper or what not, who will take, he may be af- fured, plenty of time to attend the horfes ; which is but a matter of idlenefs, and gof- fopping in the flable. He will be told, that the cuftom of the country is to plough but an acre a day : that that quantity is done ; that there would not be time fufficient to take care of the horfes, if more was done : that Bald wants a fhoe that the chaff muft be got home from the barn that the hay is done and, in fhort, a million of trivial excufes mere evafions, but which will be too powerful for him to conquer, manage as he pleafes. In harveft or hay-time, a farmer who drives his own horfes will clear twice the ground that a gentleman's fervant will do. In carting dung, clay, marie, &c. &c. let the gentleman and the farmer compare notes ; whofe tally will have the moft notches ? It is filled perhaps by the load ; the farmer drives away his : the gentle- man is purfuing a fox ; or reading by his fire- fire- fide ; whofe loads will contain the faireft meafure ? Bad weather comes, too wet to employ the horfes : let the gentleman remark what fort of a day's work he has on fuch occa- iions out of his horfe-keeper. Perhaps the farm is fituated within reach of town-dung ; the weather is too wet to plough; the farmer harneffes his horfes, and goes for a load of manure. What does the gentleman's horfes ? Some hay or ftraw is bought; the di- ftance will admit of going about twice a day, v with tolerable diligence: We well know what the farmer will do : Can you fay the fame of the gentleman ? After the horfes are taken care of, fome cattle require being looked to let to water &c. &c. &c. The farmer cer- tainly will not neglect fuch a bufmefs. The gentleman's man is abfent : where is he ? no body knows. He appears. " Well and where have you been?" " At the blackfmith's, Sir, with this " plough-ihare!" At the end of the year, the gentleman and the farmer review their accounts ; the firft firft finds a farrier's bill as long as his Lon- don taylor's. The other has been his own phyfician. The firft is furprifed at his neighbour's luck ; but, without being accufed of enchantment, he might conclude his anfwer, as the Roman farmer did, meas vigilias et fudores. But the fweat of the fervant was probably employed more in abufing than curing his mailer's horfes. It would be endlefs to multiply inftances ; in one word, the contrail holds through all the work of a farm. If we could reduce it exactly to calculation, what a vail difference $er cent, in profit would appear ! But although we cannot reduce the whole of thefe matters to calculation, let us attempt a few of them, upon probable fuppofitions : if the reader rejects the data upon which I build my eilimates, it is but his paffing over a page or two, and he will be never the worfe for it. Let us fuppofe a farm to employ 4 horfes, which are kept conftantly at work. This is no improbability, for I had fix horfes, which in three years never were abfolutely idle three days, except Sundays. Suppofe Suppofe the difference in ploughing be- tween the farmer's plough and the gentle- man's to be a quarter of an acre in a day ; this I am confident is not below the mark, if we take into the account extraordinary times, when the farmer does greatly more than the gentleman, and alfo the difference of the ploughing ; for the gentleman, moft certainly, will not have his land ploughed fo well as the farmer, if he has near the fame quantity done. Many gentlemen are much more folicitous for deep ploughing than farmers, but then they afluredly fufFer proportionably in quantity. Upon the whole, there can be no doubt but that a farmer who ploughs with his men will have one fourth more done, either in quan- tity or quality, than the gentleman. Now this, upon one article, is a difference 25 per cent. In carting dung, clay, marie, compofts> &c. there can be no doubt but the farmer? driving his own team, and paying his la- bourers by the fcore, that he may not wait for them, will carry 6 loads in 20 more than the gentleman; and if leaving work in flight rains, or for other unneceflary occa- ( =57 ) fions, and alfo the difference of meafure, that is of feeing every cart fairly filled, I have no doubt but the whole difference amounts to 7 in 20. Again, in hay-time and harveft, the farmer driving his own team will forward all the carting-work fo much, that I think little difpute will be made of his clearing 30 acres as foon as the gentleman does so. In all carting, where it is a point whether the waggon goes once or twice a-day, the difference between the farmer and the gentleman is juft 50 per cent. The numerous" fmall articles of work done at home, fuch as carting ftubble, wood, herdles, turnips, ftraw, hay, (in winter) &c. &c. will be all infinitely in fa- vour of the farmer; and, for a very plain reafon, he will croud, them together, and make out a complete day's work; whereas the gentleman's fervants will divide them yet more, to have -the more broken idle loitering days. I rate this article at 70 per cent. Thus we find the difference between the gentleman's horfes and the farmer's, in thefe few articles of work, to be very great. In VOL. I. S ploughing, ( =58 ) ploughing, 25 per cent.\ in carting ma- nure, 35 per cent.; in carting in hay-time and harveft, 66 per cent.\ in carting, whe- ther one or two journeys a^day, $vper cent.\ in fundry fmall articles, 70 per cent. The three firft of thefe articles include the principal work of the year ; but I will take the laft into the account, as it is not fo high as one of the reft. The average of thefe rates is 44. per cent. But then the proportion of the quantity of each work is not taken into the account. 1 . Suppofe hay and harveil to employ the horfes , Ifo ~ ~ Weeks, 6 2. Carting, (whether one or two jour- neys a-day) - - - - 2 3. Such articles as the gentleman is in refpecT: of time on an equality with the farmer, fuch as carrying corn to a diftance, and a few others, 3 4. Sundry fmall articles at home of carting, ^jfy , - . ^c: - 4 .5. Carting manure, 5 6. Ploughing, harrowing, rolling, &c. that are in the fame proportion as ploughing, - 32 li N i. ( W N Q I. is ^tlis. /?n ; -' ! '' ' v '"' ' 2. is a soth. V -] T ,V.,CI 3. is a lAth. ' ' T, ' :ir ' 1 I::I -wjfelJJ V,*#fv,bflu aL^nooBriw VI- 5. is a isthandyVa. r ":. p Smoa/sE h8IflJl* fT'f^l 6. is ^ths. M/i'iit *~^/it M r *** * "^ fri rrr**i Pi*'! *MtL i* * \* Now to bring thefe matters to a decifive .i'-f/Qi.fll ' ii'"" r ''l^U'i r ~'' Oil' I point, we muft calculate tlie expence 'of 4 horfes, and the labour attending them. Two men muft, in nineteen inftances cut of twenty, be absolutely engaged; and in numerous ones, fuch as feed-time, manur- ing, | harveft, &c. three, four, five and even fix men. However, to avoid any 'impu- tation of partiality, I will fuppofe the labour of only three men to be guided in their work by the horfes *. As both the gentleman and farmer has the option of either fervants or labourers, we will fuppofe the former, and value j their wages, board, warning and lodging, at 20 /. a year each ; the total of this article, therefore, is 60 /. The expence of horfes is various, rifing from 5 /. a year to 1 5 /. but as there are * There are many inftances where only 2 men are kept to 4 horfes, but I fuppofe the horfes [no* as in common] to be affigned to a proper quantity of land. S 2 not ( 20*0 ) not many farmers fo high as the latter fum, I will fuppofe it 10 I. which (confidering the great breadth of land afligned them in my calculations) is under rather than over the mark : Four, at this rate, come to 40 /. total loo /. This fum divided in the above proportions, will appear as follows. xn> r jrtff, "^ !?; *' " V ^'ri fi: 5 J * 4- - - 7 13 I0 , biovfi 1 ^ Profit, - . - . IPO o IT The ele\ r en- pence is a fraction, but the error too flight to be worthy of remark. The difference per cent, of the work, as before laid down, will be as follows. N i. - . 10 ii o 66 $er cent, on it. 6 19 3 17 10 3 2. - .3 10 4 50 per cent. - i 15" 2 Equality, Carry over, ^9 Brou 70 per cent. * '-ff < ' '.'" 5S "fercent. I'.', 1 ". .;'".. /> t6 ght over, 7 !f3 5 7 9 I2 3 7 . 8 3 3 29 13 ^ia 18 7 ,'V-"* '1 'M0"i"> 19 6 6. ir.J -jfiBfl * j r.6i IO 8 '.lit , ^rrr'^ rr J 25 per cent\ 15 B&jl 8 fbii ir>> f >jh llvtffff (^ OJ 'w^lb* 7 6 18 4 Total, and the average diffe- rence, 32 /. 17 J./>r cent.. 132 17 n That there is this difference between the work of four horfes in a farmer's hands, who drives them himfelf, and a gentle- man's, I am well convinced; but if we confider the vaft importance of catching feafons, particularly in feed-time, harveft, and hay-time, any one muft be fenfible that the difference of gain and lofs is prodigious, and beyond the power of calculation. Whole crops, in a manner, depend on it : How often do we fee no other (liftindion in thofe of fpring-corn, but the fields fown late or early; a point often fufficient to S 3 balance - gi Ot * "-ayo kJvov r balance every other *, and in which the farmer has all the chances on his fide. And thefe confiderations are fo very impor- tant, that they fhould influence us to in*, creafe the difference, were I not fearful of lanching too far into ideal eftimates. Nor have I taken into the account the difference the farrier makes .in it, nor fome other articles that would, if reduced to fo much per cent, run it up much higher, I fhould obferve, that the proportion be- tween the farmer a,nd the gentleman is the great thing in this calculation; for that holds equally good whether horfes coft /, a year or io/.; or whether the expence of a fervant be 2O /. or 30 /. In this refpecl: the above fuppofed 100 /. is a mere imagi-r nary fum; an algebraic fign, identically nothing hut the means of drawing forth, the proportion, In feveral parts of the kingdom with which I am acquainted, it ;s pretty near the truth ; it was therefore * We do not, however, think with thex)Id proverb of the Roman farmers , 34 -i 6 And 2 horfes, - 26 o o Suppofe they bring Expences, Intereft of ftock, * Profit, The Annual Account will be : Expences. Rent, &c. - - loo 16 o Shoeing, - o 12 o Houfe-keeping, - 10 o o 50 Perches of ditching, and hire of carts, &c. to carry the earth on to the land, - 515 o 100 Home-bred heifers, - 300 o o -417 3~ Produce. ico Fat heifers, - 500 o o 2 Cows, - 10 o o Pro- ( 288 ) Produce, . 510 o o Expences, - 417 3 o 92 17 o Intereft of ftock, 2 9 X 3 o Profit, - - 67~T~o General Account of thefe four years. The firft ftock, -316 7 6 Product of the firft year, fhort of the expences of the fecond, - - 38 16 o Product of the fecond year, fhort of the expences of the third, - - 39 16 o Produd of the third year, ftiortof the expence of the fourth, - - 64 6 O Product of the fourth year, fhort of the expence of the fifth, &c. - 1 34 3 o Which total is the fum he- ceflary to ftock this farm, . 593 8 6 With a gentleman this account will ftand thus : Stock. Rent, &c. as before, - .10016 o Implements, ditto, - 36 i 6 Carryover, . 136 17 6 Live ( 289 ) Brought over, & 136 17 6 Live flock, as before, - 76 o o Seed and tillage, ditto, - 51 10 o Labour : This article before was 25" /. or one man's; but as the gentleman does nothing himfelf, we muflrftate the account thus : - . 25 o o Another man, 2 5 o o ~~ o o * 27 per cent, on.tfiis, 13. 10 , , An T <-\ O' Sundry articles. Shoeing, - - . 2 O Wear and tear, - 5 V'.r* ~~ 7 o o 334 i7 6 See the note, page 267 : As the expences of horfes are not in this eftimate thrown by themfelves, the difference in labour and horfes, between the gentleman and farmer, are thrown together, and charged under the article labour : hot as an abfolutely accurate fum, but one very moderately calculated, and to mew that fome allowance of this nature ihould in private eftimates be made. VOL. I. U Produce Produce the firft year. This the fame as before *, . _ Second year's account. Expences. Rent, &c. jC- IO l6 Seed (the fame as the farmer) 42 o Labour, - - ^3 IO Sundries, - * - The fame, - - . 163 o o Expences, - - - 213 6 o Produce, - - 163 o o 50 6 o Intereft of flock, - 20 i _ o Lofs, . 70 7 Q Account of the third year. Expences. L s. d. Rent, &c. . 10016 o Seed for 40 acres of fpring- corn, - 20 o o Carryover, . 120 16 o * The produft of cows comes into this article: Now this is very different between a gentleman and a farmer indeed infinitely fo ; but as the fanner reaped belides advantages from his dairy, and as I allow the gentleman none, nor charge his fwine tQ account, this will fomewhat balancs the account between them. 4 Seed ') Brought over, . 120 16 o Seed for grafies, -- ! 40 o o Labour, ^ * - 63 io .-9 Sundries, - 7 .231 6 o Produce. The fame, - . it>5 10 o Expences, - - - 231 6 o Produce, - > 165 10 o .65 16 o Intereft of flock, - Jl ** * 2390 gt^ - - - ^."90" 5 o Account of the fourth year. Rent, &c. - - - . ico 16 o Seed for 20 acres of fpring- corn, - 10 o o Ditto of grafs feed, - , 20 o p Labour; farmer's . 10 o o Add, - - 10 o o . 20 o o 27 percent, on it, 3 80 -- 25 8 o Shoeing, and wear and tear, 400 25 Heifers, 75 235 4 o U 2 Produce. I. 's. d. The fame, 283 o o Expences, - - 235: 4 o InterefVof ftoek, Profit, The ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expjtces. Rent, &c. - . 100 16 o ; Shoeing, - - o 12 o Ditching and carts, - - 515 i oo Home-bred heifers, - 300 o o -47~ 3 o Produce. The fame, . -' '. 510 o o Expences, - 407 3 o 102 17 o "Intereft of flock, 33 4 o Profit, - . 69 13 o GENERAL ACCOUNT. Firft flock, . 334 J 7 6 Produce of the rirfl year, below the expences of the fecond, 67 6 o Carry over, . 402 3 6 - Produce ) Brought over, . 402^- '3- 6 Produce of the fecond year, below the.expences of ttat '. . i -a* ' sd third, ;q:A I rcniS .6877 nE*Ji Produce of the third 'i.year^.i iljhy fx>fi3 r^ftehrvv he,expences of thr^i .MI ' fourth j:; ;3icjsrf afiust^dj "io Produce of the fourth, :be r A 0.1 r ib - 4ow the expences of the; LnU sd fth^j&c^:::.'S4 i fa[uC*r^k s i34.":&--~:Q Which total ist neceffsry { fpjcr:ol;nos B ilj.i, ' . 6641 -&r 16 t-l-'^cirlT .r: < ~ ^'"^"^ Thus we find, accordmg^to,this account, a gentleman fhould have above 70 /. more than a farmer, to ftock.So acres of "arable land to be laid- down to .grafs. But allow T ances in favour of the latter, in matters unfufccptible of calculation, mould be made in the .mind of the reader: Perhaps, 100 /. would be near the truth'j'kut this is a mere conjcaure. , 1- have flippofed the one- tp tniy as cheap and fell as dear as the other : - a large ijippofitipn at Icaft. The iuperiority of the gen tl era an, in an-r nua] profit, ariies from the circu: ^ 3^ ( =94 ) of houfe-keeping : It was certainly proper to charge that tp the farmer ; but it would be as improper to charge it to the gentle- manV whofe farm I Aippofe totally, uncon- nected with hi$ hotife : but this is a no-W- ad vantage in favour of the farmer, for with fhe afliftance of the farm before uVand the fum of 10 /. with, what his family may earn, he and th^y are all maintained :* fuclvan feftimate would be wide-of the truth with a gentleman, but then the omiffion )f t&e 10 /. in his account, forms fo mikch a~greater balance to the farmer. This cafe is a difficulty, and an unavoidable one, in thefe eflimates. If we fuppbfe the gentleman's houfe- keeping to receive fbrne advantages from the farm; yet thofe of the fanner will be proportionally larger, beficics the 10 /. To pafs over the difference of this 10 /. would be to al!d\V a palpable error to run through feveral of the fucceedin accounts. The way in v^h 1 ! I think it may be bed remedied, wilt be to ihte both the farmer's and gentleman's account ; the one with Fuch an allowance, the other without it ; but, in the CQ:n^rlJbn^ to dedutfrthe fum al- lowed lowed to the farmer for houfe-keeping, from the amount of the gentleman's profit ; this will throw them fo far upon an equality. According to this account, the gentle- man's profit, on the farm before us, will be 59 /. 13 s. per annum. The largenefs of which is owing to the farm being all grafs, in which the gentleman has no peculiar difadvantages, any more than the farmer, as no labour is wanting. Variation the Jirjl. Sixty acres, all arable, the foil clay or ham, find laid doivn to grafs. Stock. Rent, &c. &c. as in N I. Ch. xix. - . 75 12 o Implements, ditto - 34 66 . 109 18 6 Live Stock. 3 Hdrfes, - - . 36 o o 2 COWS, - f - - 10 o o I Sow, - - - - o 15 o 46 15 o Carryover, . 156 13 6 U 4 Sctd Brought over, .156 13 6 Seed and Tillage. Four earths on 15 acres of wheat land, - 12 o o Seed, - - 900 Sowing, - -076 Water-furrowing, o 15 Q Two earths on 10-iacres of barley land, -440 Seed, - - 550 Sowing, - - o 2 7,1 \Vater-furrowing, &c. 053 One earth on 4^- acres of oat land, - 0180 Seed, - 250 Sowing, - o i i-l Water-furrowing, -023 35 5 9 Labour. This quantity of land, all tillage, in N i. took in la- bour 32 /. iq .r. 9^. but 1 3/. 3 j. of it was for the bean and clover crops, which I therefore deduct, - J 9 7 9 {Sundry articles, as in N i. 25 16 o 2 37 3 Q The ( 297 ) The firft year, the crops are I $ acres of wheat and 15 of fpring corn; and the other 30 fallow. The produce of which is, 15 Acres of wheat, ^f Life $&i 1 107 of barley, -gfafr a* c '3 1 , IO 2 Cows, if^.r,. - JJi.fl 1 -- ' iQ-fi.; . 101 10 o The fecond'year, 30 acres are fallow, and 30 of fpring corn with giraffes amongft ft. The account as follows. >>T . Ex fences. Rent, &c. -75 Seed for 30 acres of fpring corn, - ... Ditto grafTes, .-&; -Uk*r^ labour, Sundry articles, Produce. 25 L Acres of barley, - 7 1O 5 Cows, I0 : J? h6 10 o Expences, - - - J 55 J 5 9 .Produce, 86 10 o 69 5 9 Int^reft ( =98 ) Brought over, . 69 5 9 Intereft of the ftock, - . 14 i o Lofs, . 83^6 9 The third year 30 acres will be in grafs, and 30 in fpring-corn with grafFes amongft it. The account as follows : Expences. /. /. d. Rent, &c. - - 75 12 o Seed for 30 acres of fpring corn, Ditto, ditto of grafles, Labour as before, .19 Add for hay-making, 6 H5 Sundry articles Shoeing, -. i o o Wear and tear, - .1100 Houfe- keeping, - 10 o o 12 10 J 58 9 9 Produce. 257 Acres of barley, - . 76 10 o 2 Cows, - jo o o 30 Acres of hay, i load per acre, at 30 s. in the flack, 45 o o - Expences, ( 299 ) Expences, - . 158 9 o Produce, - *"-j- - 131 10 o r/3^ T - 26 19 9 Intereftofftock, 17 13 o The fourth year it is all grafs, half mown and half fed with heifers : The account as follows. Expences. L s. d. Rent, &c. - .-rt&v^ 75 12 o Mowing, making,-and flack- ing 30 acres, the-affift- ance, .rrU*'- rej^s 800 Shoeing and houfe-keeping, 10 12 o 37 Home-bred heifers, in op .505 4 "o 30 Tons of hay as before, /". 45 o o 2 Cows, - : -.:t ( 10 o o 37 Fat heifers, - ^^ 185 o o Sale of implements and 2 horfes; they coft56 /. 6 s. 6 d. 30 o o 270 o o Expences, : /^M - - 205 4 o 64 16 o Interefl of ftock, - 21 7 o Profit, - .'^3" 9 o The The fifth ahd fucceeding years it will be grafsr and all fed: the account thus : Expences* Refit>- &, ^T. 75 12 o .Shoeing and houfe-keeping, 10 12 o 75 Heifers, - - 225 o o Hire of carting for ditch- earth, 500 -3 l6 4 o Produce. 2 Caws* - - 10 o c 75 Fat heifers, - - 375 9 385 o o _. X Expences, - - 310 4 o ~68"l6~8 Inter-e-iV 24 13 o Profit, - /T4^.~^o And the general account of flock is as follows : The original fum, >C* -3 7 3 The nrft year's produce be- low the fecond year's ex- pences, by 54 5 9 The fecond year's produce below the third year's ex- pence - 71 19 9 Carry over, .- 363 8 6 7 The Brought over, jC-3^3 8 6 The third year's produce, below the fourth year's expence, ( \ - "r ; * 73 H The fourth -year's produce, . below the fifth year's ex- pence, - " - 4&, '4P '6 Sum total requifite for this - -' '- * - - 483 & 6 It is to be remarked, that although this fum is neceflary to have in command, yet it is no.t a}l wanting at firfl, confequently parts of it may remain at intereft ; that is, the farmer need not call in his money fafter than he wants it ; and this progreflion of intereft on the flock is calculated throughout this eftimate, as well as others, :< ^i The gentleman's account of this farm will be as follows : - Stock. Rent, &c. the fame, - . 75 12 6 Implements, ditto, - 54 6 6 Live flock, ditto, - 46 15 o Seed and tillage, ditto, - 35 $ 9 Carryover, . 191 19 3 Labour ; Brought over, . 191 19 3 Labour ; before, - 19 79 Add one man, - 25 o o -44~ 7 9 2 7 /tf r J. i T oo 55 7 9 Shoeing, - i 16 o Wear and tear, - - 4. o o 253 3 Q Produce of the firft year. The fame, - - . i.Qi 10 o Account of the fecond year. Expences. Rent, &c. ^. 75 12 o Seed, - - 45 o o Labour, - - 55 7 9 Shoeing, &c. * 5. 16 o ^C- ]81 15 9 Produce. The fame, - , - ^. 86 10 o Expences, - - - 181 15 9 Produce, - - 86 10 o ~95 5 9 Intereft of ftock, - ^ 16130 Lofs, r . in 18 9 Account Account of the third year. Expences. Rent, &c. - 75 ** Seed, - 45 o Labour: before, .25 79 Add, - 25 o_Q - 5 7 9 S7 percent. - 13- Io 63 17 9 Shoeing, and wear and tear, _ 2 IQ 9 jf. 186 10 9 *** - . . Prc?^/^. The fame, - ^'IiL 10 Expences, ^^ 186 19 9 Produce, ^ ^B 1 IQ Q ~V 55 9 9 Intereft of flock*. y^ix: gi ^3 Account of the fourth year. Expences. L s* d. Rent, &c. 75 ! 2 o Labour: before, . 8 o o Add, - 800 27 p^r cent. - 4100 : : - 30 IO O Carry over, .96 2 o Shoeing, ( 304 ) Brought over, . 96 Shoeing, and wear and tear, - 37 Heifers, Produce. The fame, Expences, Intereft of flock, Profit, 210 III . 209 12 o /.~ d. 270 o o 209 12 O 60 8 o 25 ii o 34 17 o The ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. Rent, &c. . 75 12 o Shoeing, and wear and tear, 210 o 75 Heifers, - - 225 o o Labour for ditching, - 10 o o Hire of carts, - - 500 Produce. The fame, Expences, Intereft of ftock, Profit, .318 2 jC- 385 o o 318 2 .66 18 o 2800 /,. 38 18 o GENERAL GENERAL ACCOUNT. Firft expence in ftock, 2 53 3 Firft year's produce below the fecond year's expences by - 80 5 9 Second year's produce be- low the third year's ex- pences by - - 100 9 9 Third year's produce below the fourth year's expence 78 2 o Fourth year's produce be- low the fifth year's ex- pence, - 48 2 O Total neceflary for this farm, ~ v* 560 2 6 The profit upon thefe two farms, both to the farmer and gentleman, is confiderable ; and much greater, every thing confidered, even to the farmer, than the fame quantity of arable land would yield: but, to the gentleman, the difference is immenfe, as we mall prefently fee. If he keeps a bailey upon the laft farm, who cofts him 40 /. a year, the loweft he can be rated at, that fmgle expence more than fwallows up all the profit of the VOL. I. X farm. ( 5P.6.. ), farm. If he does the .fame on the former farm, he will receive but 19 /. profit. N S . Variation thefecond. Om hundred acres, all arable, the foil clay or loam. Stock. Rent, <&c. TOO Acres, at 17 s. . 85* o o Tythe, at 4 s. - 17 o o Rates, &c. &c. at 4 s. 1 7 o o ug o a Implements. One waggon, ,25 o a 2 Carts, - 20 o o S Ploughs, 3 3 o 1 Pair of harrows> % 10 o 2 Rollers, - 300 Harnefs for 4 horfes, 600 Screen, bufhels, forks, rakes, &c. &c. 8 o a 20 Sacks, 3 oo Dairy furniture, - 300 Carryover, .192 13 o 5 Live ( 307 ) Brought over, .. 192 13 o Live flock. 4 Horfes, - jf . 60 o o 10 Cows, - - 50 o o 1 Sow, - - i o o I II O O Seed and tillage. 4 Earths on 25 acres of wheat land, .20 o Seed, 15 oo Sowing, - -"0126 Water-furrowing, 150 2 Earths on 164- acres of barley land, - 6 12 O Seed, "-, 850 Sowing, - - o 4 i-J- Water-furrowing, o 83 ]-** One earth on 8-1 acres of oat land, ><~i 14 Q Seed, - 4 -5 o Sowing, .*- - o" 2 IT Water-furrowing, 043 Clover-feed, 25 acres, 500 Sowing, -063 Harrowing, i 5 o 65 3 6 Carry over, / X 2 Labour* Brought over, . 368 1 6 6 Labour. I make a variation here from any of the pre- ceding farms : With this quantity of land it is neceflary to cal- culate the whole la- bour of the farm into one fum,from which, a deduction of one man's labour may be made for the farmer, if he works, and no deduction if he does not, viz. 25 Acres of wheat, ploughed fix times, at I s. ps r acre, . 7 10 o One harrowing, at I d. o q i Sowing, - - o 12 6 "Water-furrowing, I 50 Weeding, - -150 Reaping and harveft- ing, at 6 d. - 7100 Carryover, . 18 47 -,68 16 6 Thraihing ( S9 ) Brought over, . 18 47 368 16 6 Thrafhing the crop, 3 quarters per acre, at 2 /. 7100 Carryingitoutioquar- ters at a time, I day each time, of 2 men, call it, - o 16 o 25 Acres of fpring corn, ploughed 3 times, 3 : .I o Three harrowings, o 6 Q . ^ Sowing, - o 6 Q xTr r ? Water-furrowing, o 12 6 Rolling, at 1 < ft^i fr^p^ift ^ Carting ditto to farm- ' : L : '!f;')' 'Hi" r..* yard 4 days work, r hinr-rniBioiit 2 men, - ~p So ifa^fe Mowing and making - . B -V ^ ,B^J> 7 acres of clover ^frs^niiiri ?^t into hay, - -x : .. 8 .0 Loading, carting ditto. ^ ..'vb Jj; .^nt home, and ftacking, ' - ,W- 4 days work of 6 i D'ft 3*JS^'0^fD I men, at i s. 4 d. I I5Z ,:p- J Ditching 200 perches,- . ti s/lj lo f3;lr>m at i s. - vio l)Qi!9?b;:o[ ci The old ditch, if filled up, may be made 4 J gfthdrn ><>!: feet wide at top, 3 rftiao nriJ LTS feet deep, and 18 :SW aiS/fj 130 inches wide at bot- ittJj ^fi Wf>*3 tom, for the above . f '>'j|lO "ipV'O price, but if it is of AM te ^fc^J any fize then 5 feet by 4. In either cafe ?] 8d^ 5l:r!l there will come out jfKol t .i ^ j.u of it 3 loads of earth per perch, or 600 loads, half of thefe Carry over, . 85 6 io 368 16 6 X 4 to ( 3'* ) Brought over, . 85 6 104. 368 16 6 to be carted into the farm-yard ; 20 load a day are 15 days, 3 d. a load the fill ing and i s. ' 3 d. the man driv- ing, at 6s. 3 ,,,,,, ,, Cutting 40 bufhels of chaffer week for the horfes, fuppofe 2 months, as the reft of the J.4*i.W ) ..iSC*-- JKi. crop will do for the reft of the winter, 320 bu- fhels, att< o 13 4 Carting home the faggots which a- rife in the ditch, fuppofe 2 days a men, : - ;^ 040 20 Days employed in bringing ma- nure from the neareft town, i load a day; 2, men, - 200 Sundry fmall arti- cles of labour, Carryover, .99 18 n^. 368 16 6 fuch Wighrover, .:99 : i8 ii^'^S 16 6 fuch as cleaning out hogs, bring- ing up the cbws$ ' " " goingof errands, frightning ver- min, &c. &c. rwnorf oilt i 1 &c. thefe will - {0frr: be beft eftimat- ed by fuppofmg them to amount to the pay of a boyat6^.a-idayTj_ o <> ^J^lPltil Suppofe the farmer earns, - 15 o - o Sundry V3 articles. . % t Shoeing, ' ''-'' . 2 8 r> Wear and tear, 15" o Houfe-keeping, 20 Market expences, 3 o 20 Loads manure, , at 5 s. 5 o A -* 8 o Cafh in hand to anfwer ) 508 3 54- , incidental expences, $ - o ^558 3 5i- There There are numerous- variatibns" in this account from the preceding ones, \tfhbh it would be endlefs to' !e-fcrjlain particularly, but fome deviations are tbo flrong to be paffedWerV^ RenW This article I have funk a little, as the 'farm increafes in fize :-- not, however, that this is to be a maxim, for it will not hold Implement:- It was necefTary, as I allowed four horfes to the farm, to charge a waggon ; the pur- chafing- that implement mould always de- pend on the numbdr of horfes. The reft of the articles under this head are increafed in price fomewhat in proportion to the bu- fineis of the farm. Livejtock. Where four horfes are kept, it is abfo- lutely neceflary that they mould be good ones : more fo by far than when only two or three are the number, as a waggon fhould be employed at all leifure times in the purchafe of manures, which cannot be done to advantage unlefs the horfes are flrong ones. Sheep C 316 } Sheep wototd have been, in many refpeU, a much more advantageous flock for fueh a farm than cc>ws; but then the artiele of manure, required that the ftraw of a farm ffiould be confuraed on it, as much dung is thereby raifed; which, upon an arable farm,, can only be done by cows, for beafts will riot fat on clover. If the farm ie fhuated where cattle can be had at joift in the ftraw yard, that way of confuming the flraw will be more advantageous than by cows. Seed and tillage. I throw this farm, like the preceding ones of the fame kind, into four parts; one, is cropped every year with wheat ; another with beans in drills for fallow; the third with fpring-corn; and the fourth with clover. The fprmg corn I divide into bar- ley and oats > of the latter enough to feed four horfeSi and the quantity I calculate as follows. I fuppofe them to be fed. with corn through the months of October, No- vember, December, January, February, March, April, and May ; there is no fort of occafion (nor is it ever done as I at pre- fent know) to give a horfe oats while he is in ( 317 ) in good clover. Through thofe months, that is 34 weeks, I allow the four 8 buftiels a week, or 272 buftiels;' which, at 4 but 4t muft not be:-. I fhall, however, pay due reverence to the maxim What has been^ may be. ' \" J ^ - \ T T - . A - , Y 3 ( 3*6 ) Variation the fourth. 50 Acres, all arable, the foil clay or loam\ upon improved principles. Stock. Rent, &c. I s. d. Rent at i /. . 59 Ty the, at 4 s. - i o Rates, &c. 4 s. - 10 Implements. 2 Carts, - . 20 o o A Plough, - - i ii 6 Harrows, - 200 Roller, - - i 10 o Harnefs for 2 horfes, 300 Screen, forks, rakes, lines, &c. - 4 Sacks, 2 Dairy furniture, 10 2 Horfes, 12 Cows, Carry over, jf . 90 00114 i 6 12 Beafts, i 327 ) Brought over, . 90 00114 i (. 12 Beafts, - 60 o o 3 Sows, - -300 153 o c Seed and tillage. Four earths, on ia4- acres of wheat- land, - . 10 o o Seed, - - 7 10 o Sowing, - ^063 Water-furrowing, o 12 6 Two earths for 12^- acresof fpringcorn, 4 6 o Seed, - - 650 Sowing, - - o 3 i Water-furrowing, 063 47 Acres of clover- feed, and fowing, o 19 IT 8 Acres of cabbage feed, - 140 31 i* 3 Sundry articles. Shoeing, and wear and tear, .5 o o 12 Loads of ftraw, 900 14 o o Carryover, .312 13 9 Y 4 Labour. -. Brought over, .312 13 g Labour. J?ive earths on 8 acres of cabbage land, '.2 o o Pigging the feed-bed and fowing, - 030 Planting at 5 s. 2 o Q Jour horfe hoeings, at 6 d. - 0160 Two hand hoeings, at Ss. -* - 340 Cutting the cabbages, and carting home at 5*. 200 five earths pn 1 2 acres fallow, 5- 300 Weeding 127 acres of wheat, - - o 12 6 Heaping and harvefting at 6 s. r- - 3 i. o fhrafhing the crop, 27 qrs. per acre, at 2 s. 320 flowing and harv^ftr- Jng, 121. acres of firing-corn, at 4 ^ 2 10 o Carry overj .23 2 6 312 13 9 Thrihing ( 3*9 ) Brought over .23 26312139 Thrafhing, 4 quarters per acre, at I s. 2 i6~o Chopping and raking- 124- acres of wheat ftubble, at i j. 6 wf fns rigtiiw loads, 12 a day of 3 men, fcfij^i <*t 7*1 2' o,p Turning it over, o 12 6 Carting home faggots, o I 6 Hollow ditching 12 ^{J acres of fallow, 32 inches deep, 4 inches Carryover, .35 9 3 12 J 3 9 -% wide { 330 ) Brought over, .35 69 312 13 9 wide at bottom, and 1 8 at top Digging, filling up, materials, carting, &c. at 9 d. a perch, 80 per a- cre, 960, - 36 o o Sundry fmall articles of work, - 300 -74 69 27 per cent* * 19-11 Q 93 *7 9 ii 6 The defign of this farm is to have it re- gularly cropped with 12, acres of lucerne, 8 of cabbages, 1 5 of clover, 1 2 '- of wheat, and I2T of fpring corn: The 12 acres which are this firft year under fallow are defigned for lucerne the next fpring ; but as that vegetable is by no means in perfec- tion the firft (or even the fecond) year, I have fuppofed under half the ftock of cattle now bought: The 12 cows it will main- tain the firft year very well ; 4 acres of cabbages will (with the afliftance of the ftraw) winter-feed that number. The iq 4 beafts ( 33' ) beafls charged are to be fatted upon the other 4 acres. As fo large a flock of cattle are kept, it is neceflary to purchafe fome flraw every year; I have fuppofed 12 loads, but the more is bought, the more dung will be raifed, and confequently the greater crops of all forts. The produce of this firfl year will be as follows : /. s. d. I2f Acres of wheat, - 5 o o 9 Ditto of barley, ^ a-d'efT- 2 7 12 Fat beafls, - - 84 o o . 161 o o The fecond year the land will be thus cropped in the proper order, and the ac- count fland thus : Exjpences. Rent, &c. i a Cows, - - - 8 Beafls, 3 Sows, - Seed, i2| acres of wheat feed, Ditto 124 fpring corn, Ditto 5 of clover, Ditto 12 of lucerne, Carryover, . 191 70 Labour. ( 33* ) Brought overj -191 7 *> Labour. One earth on ^ acres of clover land, ..056 Three ditto 6n 74. flubble, *- 126 Sowing, - o 6 3 Water-furrowing, o 12 6 Weeding, reaping, harvefting, and thrashing, as be-- fore, - 79*> Two earths on 12^- acres of fpring- corrt, - l^o Sowing^ * o 3 14. Water-furrowing,* 063 Mowing, harveftV ing, and thraih- ing, - - '5 oO Chopping, raking, and carting ilub- ble, - i6 5 Mowing,making and carting clover, 140 Carryover, . 19 o 44. 191 7 6 Ditching ( 333 ) Brought over, . 19 o 4! 191 7 o Ditching and carting the earth, and mixing dung, 7,2 6 ,rti>iV lur* Carting faggots, o i -6 Sundry fmall articles of work, &... 3 o o Labour as before on 8 acres of cab- bages, 10 3 ; Two earths on 'ife ~ acres of lucerne land, % 140 '>^\ ^ c ^ Harrowing, " "~- cT 3 9 Drilling : The 'ex- pence by hand- work would be fo great, that theonly way of -effecUng this, work, is by . buying a drill- plough, 8 o Re-fold after fowing, 400 - 4 o o Carryover, -44 J 4 4>- 191 7 o f 334 ) Brought over, . 44 14 4^ 19! 7 o Labour, drilling at 6 d. per acre, o 60 Four hand-hoeings, at 6 s. - 1480 Cutting three times, at i s. 6 d. - 2140 Raking together, loading and cart- ing home, at i s. 6d. - 2 14 o . 64 16 4^ 2 7 /tfr cf A - 17 30 8 1 19 4*. Sundry articles. Shoeing, wear and tear, and ftraw, - 14 o o Produce. i2j- Acres of wheat, at 5 /. 9 Acres of barley, - 12 Cows, - 8 Fat beads, Expences, ( 33* ) Expences, Produce, Intereftoffiock .-'i .108 844- O i, 1 , r This firft year or the lucerne- being thus carried through with good and fufficient culture, upon the moderate allowance of maintaining a cow per acre, will the next yield a fuffieient produce for 2 cows and fatting a hei&r befides, per acre. The 8 acres of 1 tfabbages (which I fuppofe to im- prove for fome time) will alfo winter-feed (with fhe afMance of the ftraw) the cows, and fat befides a heifer or fleer, per acre, to the improvement of 40 s. The account of the third year will ftand thus : Expences. L s. d. $ent, &'c; **> -? - ft ". .70 o o ^ Beafts, - r ^ r : . 40 o o f2 Heifers, - 36 o o" Seed for 1 2f acres of wheat ; 1 2 A f fpring corn ; 5 of clover"; and 8 of cab- bages, 15 19 o* Carryover, . 161 190 Labour ( 336 ) Brought over, . 161 19 o Labour as before on every articje but lu- cerne, - . 39 7 4 t Three hand-hoeings, 10 16 o Four horfe-hoeings, I 40 Cutting, raking, load- ing, and carting, at 3 s. five times, - 9 o o . 6~77t $j per cent. - 16 a o - 76 9 4f Sundry articles, - - 14 o o . 25_2__8 jt 'Produce. I. ,. d. 127 Acres of wheat, 62 10 o 9 Of barley, 27 o o 24 Cows, - 1 20 o o 8 Fat beafts, - 56 o o 12 Ditto heifers, - 60 o o 325 jo o Expences, - - 252 8 44. Intereft of flock, Pro-fit, la ( 337 ) In the fourth and fucceflive years fome variations mould be made, for allowing for the improvement of the crops. Thd lu- cerne will be much better ; confidering that fo large an expence in hand-hoeing, befides horfe- hoeing is allowed; and remem- bering that the foil is a dry found rich clay, the putre folum, which this vegetable de- lights in, it would be a low eftimation to affign to each acre the feeding three cows through the fummer, and efpecially as many lucerne plantations, now in being throughout different parts of the kingdorm do actually yield a much greater produce; yet, to keep within bounds, and lay thefe calculations open to as few objections as poffible, I (hall fuppofe the regular produce ta be feeding two cows, and fatting two fmall heifers, which is not equal to the feeding three cows. The cabbages alfo, as the culture im- proves, and the manure increafes with the cattle, will become annually more bene- ficial ; the wonders that have been done in fome parts of England with this vegetable, VOL. I. Z are ( 333 ) are too much beyond any thing in the com- mon hufbandry to allow me to fuppofe any imaginary gentleman fully to equal. Cab- bages have been cultivated over whole fields in Yorkfhire, &c. up to 30 L and even 40 /. value. I have, in experiments not fo large, carried their value to 10 /. and 12 I. per acre ; nor can I eftimate them here at lefs than I o /. per acre ; the rich- nefs of the foil, the great expence of drain- ing, notwithftanding any former drains^ and the thorough manuring the cabbage land gets every year. ,1 mail calculate the 8 acres of cabbages to winter-feed, with the' aijiflance of the itraw, the 24 cows ; which is three cows per acre; but it is well known that an acre of cabbages will winter (with . plenty of ftraw) 6 or 8 cows, for lean cattle are t only to have ftated portions every day, inftead of hay : I mail further fuppofe each acre of cabbages to fat 2 beafts of 5 /. value to 2 /. improvement. The clover is partly provided for the young hogs to graze in, to bring them to a proper fize for felling advantageoufly at market. It is almoft furprifmg the number a. fmgle acre will fo feed ( 339 ) feed. The following and every fucceffive year's account will ftand thus: Ex fences, 1, j, d. Rent, &c, - -/- jt" . 70 oo 16 Beafts, 'V- '~"]*~ '."* 80 o o 24 Heifers, - - 72 o o Seed for wheat, fpring-corn, clover, and cabbages, .^.rV J 5 *9 Labour^ T - - 7^ 9 44- Sundry articles, ,r M * ! 4 - - __i i - - jC- 3^8 8 44 124. Acres of wheat, - ^. 62 10 o 9 Of barley, v ^r - 27 o o 24 Cows, "' - MV - 120 o o 16 Fat beafts, - 11300 24 Ditto heifers, ;^ - J20 o 441 10 o Expences, v*''.' r $ ^. 328 8 4! U3 * 74- Intereft of ftock, j ; . 29 2 o Profit, - ^' General Account, Firft flock, '_* \ -4 6 * 6 Carry over, . 406 i 6 Z ^ Produce ( 340 ) Brought over, . 406 i 6 Produce of the iirft year, below the expence of the fecond, - - 126 6 47 Produce of the fecond be- low the expence of the third, &c. 46 1 8 4^ Produce of the third year below the expence of the reft, - - 2 18 44. Total requifite to flock this farm, > . 582 4 74. Which fum pays 197. 8 s. per cent. COMPARISON. Gentleman's ftock in a com- mon farm of 100 acres, . 582 u 5^- A farmer's ditto, . 538 3 57 Gentleman's on an improv- ed farm of 50 acres, - . 583 47^- Profit of the farmer from 100 acres, - . 94 j 07 Ditto of the gentleman, . 48 9 oj- Ditto of ditto from 50 acres, . 84 2 y-J- The farmer's profit per cent. on 1 00 acres- - . 22 12 o The ( 341 ) The gentleman's ditto, JT. 13 4 o The ditto on 50 acres, J 9 80 Upon this companion, it is in general to be remarked, that the {mail farm is, in the hands of the gentleman, almoft as advan- tageous as the larger one in thofe of the farmer, which is a great difference ; for if the gentleman, by means of thefe improve- ments, gains fo large a produce as to pay all the difadvantages he is charged with in comparifon with the farmer, and yet fecure a profit nearly equal to his, and at the fame time effects this upon half the num- ber of acres, whereby his attention is contracted, his trouble much leflened, and his whole bufmefs fimplified ; if he can do this, the method, undoubtedly, is much worthy attention. I have not here proved that this is pof- fible, becaufe I am not at prefent regiilering experiments; but I draw up thefe calcu- lations on the foundation of experiments which I have either made myfelf, or been acquainted with of others. All that is here luppofed has undoubtedly been ex- ceeded in real practice. Z 3 One ( 34* ) Orie circumftance, at leaft, is in favour of thefe eftimates ; the reader no where meet& with marvellous relations of profit, by which a fortune is at once to be made from pof- fefling a few hundreds: I by no means profefs to teach any one how to make a great eftate in a few years : all fuch pre- tences are mere quackery. Whoever expects to make a fortune in farming from a fmall capital, is but in a dream. Fortunes may certainly be made in it ; and as large as in any bufmefs, but I much queftion whether the fiock necefTary is not as great as for a merchant to do it in commerce. But of this more hereafter. The moft that is made in thefe three farms is 22 per cent. now this muft be reckoned but moderate profit in a bufmefs wherein fo fmall a fum as perhaps 100 /. is the capital in trade. Branches of traffic, in which a fmall -capital maintains a family^ muft have large profits^ and 20 per cent, is certainly a confiderable profit, take every profeffion and bufmefs in one view ; but by no means fo, if only fuch as I have deicribed are taken into the account. In my pri- vate opinion, no lefs profit than 30 per cent. 3 fhould ( 343 ) fhbuld be thought, in agriculture, great, or even fufficient. There are no infurances in farming* It appears from the preceding comparifpn*' that if gentlemen think of equalling the profit of the farmer, it muft be by ex- pending as large a fum of money upon half the land, and exerting his attention upon fuch improved crops as yield a much greater profit than any common ones. Variation theffth. One hundred acres, half graft, and half arable, the foil clay or loam. Stock. r> "" x t i ro *rf"^ * Rent, or. /. s. d. loo Acres, atly/. . 85 o o Tythe^ at 4 J. ' ^ *fr- ; - 17 o o Ratesj at 4 s. 17 o o 119 o o Implements. 2 Carts* &|O- ^.20 o o A plough, i ii 6 Harrows, - - i? 10 o Roller, V *p - 2 o o Harnefs for 3 horfes, 3 10 o Carry over, . 29 n 6 119 o o Z 4 Screen, ( 344 ) Brought over, . 29 11 6 119 o o Screen, buihel, forks, rakes, lines, &c. &c. &c. - 3 10 o Sacks, - - 300 Dairy furniture, - 300 39 * 6 Livejlock. 3 Horfes, * . 45 oo 5 Cows, ** 50 o o i Sow, * ' i o o 5 Steers, - 35 o o 55 Heifers, ^J 165 o o 296 o o Seed and tillage. 4 Earths, on 127 acres of wheat land, . IO Seed, ;;* o . ^ -""_' 7100 Sowing, * ~ 063 Water-furrowing, o 12 6 Two earths, on 12 1 acres of fpring-corn land, 500 Seed, - 650 Sowing, - - o 3 it Water-furrowing, 063 Carryover, . 30 3 if 454 i 6 1 2~ Acres ( 345 Brought over, .30 lat Acres of clover, and fowing, Harrowing, Two earths on ist acres of bean-land, Seed, Sowing, Water-furrowing, Labour. If the farmer works conftantly, as he may be fuppofed to do, upon only 50 arable acres, this will a- mount to the fame fum as N$ i. ch. xviii. or 23 / 3 * 4t C- 60 8 7 t COM-* ( 349 ;) COMPARISON. Gentleman's ftock, . 571 30 Farmer's ditto, - -. 542 3 o Superiority of the latter, . 29 o o Produce of both equal. Profit per cent, of the farmer, ".19 n o Ditto of the gentleman, - 14 30 Superiority of the latter, .5 80 N 6. Variation thefixth. One hundred acres all grafs^ the foil clay qr loam* Stock. Rent, &c. Rent of 100 acres, at 20 s. - . 100 o o Tythe, at 4 s. 20 o o Rates, &c. &c. at 4 s. 20 o o 140 o o Implements. Onefmall three wheel- ed cart, - . '6 6 o Harnefs for one horfe, i i o o Dairy furniture, - i 10 o Spades, fhovels, &c. o 15 o 10 i o Carry over, . 150 i o Live ( 35 ) Brought over, . 150 i o Livejlock. 1 Horfe, - . 12 o o 2 Cows, - ,- 10 o o i Sow, - - o 15 o i25Homebredheifers,375 o o Jo Steers, - - 70 o o 467 1$ o Labour. Ditching 200 perches, at 3 s. for digging, carting the earth on to land, and fpreading it, 30 o o Mowing, making, and carting 3 acres of hay, i 50 o c , .i02 .PS 3i 5 The farmer earns f 10 o o 2150 Sundry articles. Shoeing, and wear and tear, - i o o Houfe-keeping, - 20 o o Market expenees, - i 10 o 22 10 o .661 n o The ( 35i } The ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Kent, &c. 140 o o 125 Heifers and 10 fteers, 445. o Labour, 3 745 o o, 116 3 o Interefl of flock, ^fa+tg* 33 J Q Profit, - - s ^C 83 20 This profit is .confiderable ; but it does not ar.ife from any exaggeration of pro- duce ; for fo cgniiderable a. breadth and change of paflure as 100 acres allow, will enable it to carry a greater proportionable flock than a fmaller quantity of land. The chief bufinefs of the horfe is the carting the ditch earth on to the land : that work I fuppofe put out to th labourer to -dig the ditch, and cart andjpread the earth, having the ufe of the horfe at 3 /. a perch, the fame ( 35* ) fame ditch as already defcnhed. This is a method I have followed with little three wheeled carts, and found it very beneficial employment for an odd horfe. The gentle- man 'saccountjin this farm, willbe as follows. Stock. L s. d. Rent, &c. - - 140 o o Implements, - 10 i o Live ftock, ' ~- 467 15 o Labour; before, . 31 50 27 percent. - 870 39 12 o Sundry articles, f -. f ^ \ - 2 10 o . 659 18 o The ANNUAL ACCOUNT. TZxpences. Rent, - . 140 o o 125 Heifers, and lofteers, 445 o o Labour, npU#E - - 39 12 o Sundries, - 2 10 o .627 2~o Produce. The fame, Expences, Jntereft of (lock, - ot^-^^ ^^ Profit, aw^if. refUx- ^.4 19 o This ( 353 ) This profit is beyond doubt an object with many gentlemen : To increafe an in- come 85 /. a year, from the employment of fuch a fum as 660 /. is no trifle to a gentle- man of fmall fortune: It is true, he is under fo many difadvantages in buying and felling ftock, that deductions may be made in the reader's mind, but cannot be by me eftimated ; however they are not one tenth of thofe that mould be made on all arable farms. The difference between them is very great: In cultivating 100 acres of grafs, the trouble and attention are fcarcely to be mentioned, and the profit confider- able; but, upon that quantity of arable land, both are endlefs ; the profit lefs, more hazardous, and open to more deduo tions. Surely this fhould caution gentle- men from having much to do with the plough in common hufbandry. Comparifon. L s. d. The gentleman's ftock, 659 18 o The farmer's, - - 641 no Superiority of the latter, . . 1 8 7 o Produce equal. VOL. I. A a The ( 354 ) The farmer's profit, raw c-i 103 20 The gentleman's, - ?- 84 ig o Superiority of the former, .18 3 o The farmer's profit per cent. 21 i o The gentleman's, - 17 15 o Superiority of the former, .360 This difference is no confiderable matter; an equality in common hufbandry that can no where happen but in grafs farms; and 1 7 per cent, is no trifle for any gentleman ever to make of farming. N^ 7. Variation thefeventh. Eighty acres, all arable, the foil light enough for turnips* Stock, Rent, &c. Of 80 acres at 18 s.. 72 o o Tythe, at 4 s. 1480 Rates, &c. at 4 s. 14 80 . 100 i 6 o Carryover, . 100 16 o Implements . ( 355 ) Brought over, Implements. One waggon *, -25 Two carts, 20 Two ploughs, *- 3 Pair of harrows, ~ 2 Two rollers, ; - 3 Harnefs for four horfes, 6 Sundry fmall articles," 6 qo Sacks, - 3 Dairy furniture, 2 . 100 16 o 3 I0"0 o o o o 7n 15 6 Stock. 4 Horfes, - - .60 o o 2 COWS, - ^ - 10 |b^" I Sow, - - - -""' o 15 o loo Sheep, at 16 s. 80 o o 30 Heifers or fteers, 150 o o Carry over, -472 40 * I pafs many variations from Jeeming rules, without explaining the reafons ; it would be endlefs : 80 acres may be cultivated with 2 horfes and 2 carts: Here I fup- pofe '4, and a waggon befides ; but there is no contradiflion in this, if we make the a/additional horfes work well for their living ; andviewing the fame objefl .from difFeren c ' points, we mall the better difcover every light and {hade of k. A a 2 Seed ( 356 ] Brought over, .472 40 Seed and tillage. One earth on 20 acres of wheat land, . 4 o o Seed, --- - 13 o o Sowing, - - - - o 50 Harrowing, i/-*^ I o o Water-furrowing, o 10 o Three earths on 20 a- cres of fpring-corn land, - 12 o o Seed, - - - - 10 o o Sowing, - - -- o 50 Harrowing, - I o o Water-furrowing, 050 20 Acres of clover- feed l ' J i" ' " - .' 4 o o Sowing, :-_' .* 050 Two earths on 20 acres of turnjp land fallow, 800 53 10 Labour. One earth on 20 acres of wheat, Sowing, - - ; - Harrowing, Water- furrowing, Carry over, Weeding ( 357 ) Brought over, .200 525 14 o Weeding, - I o o Reaping and harveft- ing, at 6 s. - 600 Thrafhing, 3 qrs. per acre, at 2 s. -600 Carrying out 10 qrs. at a time, I day of 2 men, - - o 12 o Three earths on 20 acres of fpring-corn, 300 Sowing, - -050 Harrowing, - 050 Water-furrowing, 050 Rolling, atJL< - o o 10 Mowing and harvefling at4-r. - - 400 Thrafhing the crop, 4 qrs. per acre, at i s, 4 o o Carrying out 12 acres of barley, 4 qrs. per acre, 48 qrs. 1 2 at a time, i day of 2 men, 080 Sowing 20 acres of clover, - - 050 Carry over, . 28 o 10 525 14 o. A n A a 3 Four ( 358 ) Brought over, .28 o 10 525 14 o Four earths more on 20 acres of turnip- land, - - 400 Four harrowings, o 68 Sowing, c T; ;> - o 5 o Hoeing twice, 7 s. 7 o o Drawing the turnips and carting them, at 7 s. 6 d. - 710 o Chopping and raking 20 acres of wheat ftubble, at i s. 6 d. i 10 o Carting ditto to farm- yard, 3 days work of 4 men, - 080 Mowing and making . 4 acres clover into hay twice, - I 12. Q Loading, carting, and flacking, 3 days work cf 6 men, at i j. 4 d. 140 Ditching 100 perch, at i J. - 5 . o .o Carryover, 5*6 16 6 525 14 o Carting ( 359 )> Brought over, '. 56 16 6 525 14. o Carting 3 loads of earth per perch into farm-yard, 15 days, at 6 j. 3 d, 4 J 3 9 12 Loads of dung each on 36 head of cattle, or 43 2 loads; mixing thefe and the ditch earth under them together, 732 loads, at i d. - 3 I o Pilling and fpreading, 37 days, at4-r. 3 C-53i i3 ~7 Produce. 1. s. d. The fame, - - 626 o o Expences, - - 531 *3 7 94 6 5 Intereft, - - 37 10 o Profit, - - . 56 1 6 5 No gentleman has reafon to find any fault with fuch a farm as this ; which pays 4 5 ( 365 ) 5 per cent, for his money, and leavea a profit of near 57 /. a year. But I fhould here repeat my old warning ; not to have him too confident in thefe common arable farms ; for his buying and felling to fb large an amount, as cheap and as dear as the common farmer, is very equivocal in reality. COMPARISON. /. s. d. Gentleman's flock, - . 750 i 7 Farmers, - - 710 15 7 Superiority of the latter, . 39 6 o Produce equal. Farmer's profit, - - 91 a 5 Gentleman's^ "' - > - ,\ o 5616 Superiority of the former, .34 6 o The farmer's money pays him profit per cent. j 7 j 7 o The gentleman's, - if? 10 o Superiority of the former, " . $ "7" o N Q 8. Variation the eighth. Eighty acres, fixty grafs and twenty arable, the Jirfi foil heavy, the latter light. This farm I purpofe fetching, upon the plan of appropriating the whole of it to to fatting cattle, to difcover if a greater pro- fit does not attend that kind of grazing, which is carried on through the winter as well as the rummer upon the fame cattle, than upon that which is done only in fun>-~ mer. \"^Htbck. Rent) fee. I. s. d. &entof 80 acres, at I /. i: "-^ 80 o o Tythe, at 4 s. -- 1600 Rates, &c. at 4 s: - 1600 .112 O O Livejlock. Two horfes, .24 o o 30 Oxen at 10 /. 300 o o o o Implements. n a ? i One cart, - . 9 o o Harnefs, /- - 400 i Plough, - i ii 6 Pair of harrows, -pA Roller, i Sundry fmall articles, i IQ II Carry over, , 455 1 1 6 Brought over, . 45-5 ijt[ 6 Seed and Tillage. -uniUM" Two earths on 20 acres, - .800 :0 -;\ r> a . ? Seed, for 20 acres tur- nips, - o i o o - 8 10 o Labour. Four earth.s more on 20 acres, - C1 ^- .-4 o Harrowing, > ' 050 Sowing, - * 050 Hoeing twice, *>^ 7 o o Drawing and carting home, - -7 10 o Attendance upon 30 head of cattle, I o o Ditching 100 perches, 5'-'- o o Carting the earth, 300 loads into yard ; 1 2 a day, 25 days 4*. 3 d. 5 63 Turning over 3 84 loads of dung, and 300 loads, of earth, 684, at i d. ,\- 2170 Carry over, . 33 33 464 i 6 Filling Brought over, .33 3 3 464 I 6 Filling and fpreading 684 loads, i a a day, at 3 s. a fcore, 520 57 days driv- ing, - - 3 ii 7 8 13 7 Carting home faggots, 020 . 41 '8 io Farmer earns, - 15 o o 36 18 io Sundry articles^ Shoeing, - -".1*40 Wear and tear, - .2100 Houfe-keeping, 20 o o Market expeHces, - 2 o o 20 Loads of barley, or oat ftraw, 40 Loads of ftubble, 5 Ton of hay, 6 Qrs. of oats, CaQi in hand. 15 16 IO 3 40 m~mmm Q O O 120 o o no 6 o . 601 6 4 AN- ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. I. s. d. Rent, &c. iif? o o 30 Oxen, - 300 o o Turnip feed, ,- o 10 o Labour, "'- 26 18 10 Sundry articles, Produce. 30 Fat oxen, Expences, Intereft of ftock, Profit, 70 o o 509 T 4 I Q /. s. d. 600 o o 509 14 10 90 5 2 30 i o - 6 4 2 The reader doubtlefs remarks, that in this account there are variations not found in any of the preceding ; this farm required fuch : for inftance, it would by no means anfwer to this farmer, to throw his fields into a various courfe for the fake of raifmg his own oats, which are no great quantity, as his horfes are not near employed; nor would it be worth the trouble and confufion to alter fo equal and correfponding an arrangement of the farm for raifing five tons of hay : That quantity is not for the VOL. I. B b horfca ( 37* ) horfes alone, but to give the oxen a fmall bundle every day with their turnips. As to the management of the beafts, they may either be bought in the fpring, and fold from the turnips ; or at autumn, and fold from the grafs : this muft be according to the rife and fall of prices in the country where the farmer lives, but he mould be attentive to it, as felling his beafts when beef is f d. a pound dearer than common, will be to him a confiderable difference. The advance upon them of doubling the original price is certainly not extravagant: It is highly requifite that a man mould do that, when he keeps his oxen the year thro', and gives them turnips and hay befides their ftraw. The gentleman's account of this farm will be as follows : Stock. I. Rent, &c. 112 isfaag Implements, 19 ii 6 Live ftock, - 3^4 o o Seed and tillage, r - 8 10 O Labour: before, 41 18 10 27 per cent. ii 6 o * '"* "? A IO Sundry articles, 90 6 o 6 - 607 12 4 AN- ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences* . 1. & Rent,- &e. - 112 o 30 Oxen, - - v ;. * 300 Turnip feed, ' Labour, W^ 53 Sundry articles, 50 6 ' o " Produce. Expences, , 7) * r Intereftv r >f^*'^ si^UIj Profit, -. ''*rs . 53 12 This profit coming fo near that of the farmer, is plainly owing to the fmall. quan- tity of arable land in the farm : but the difference will be beft feeri in the follow- ing COMPARISON. /. s. d, The gentleman's ftock, 607 12 4 The farmer's, 581 6 4 Superiority of the latter, .26 6 o Produce equal. B b 9 The ( 37* ) /. t. The farmer's profit, 80 4 The gentleman's, - 53 12 The former fuperior, - . 26 1 2 o The farmer's money pays him per cent. - 18180 The gentleman's, - 13 1 6 o The former fuperior, . 5 2 o Having thus endeavoured to fhew what profit both the farmer and gentleman have reafon to expect from fuch a tract of land on a light foil, all arable, and alfo from a part of it grafs and a part arable, I fhall here throw in a variation for the ufe of gen- tlemen alone, that the method may in this, cafe be known of one party making an interefl at leaft equal, if not fuperior to the other : that gentlemen may know according to the foil how to apply their money to fuch im- proved methods, as will give them a better profit than what the common farmer en- joys. ( 373 ) N"9- Variation the ninth. Thirty-two acres of arable land? either all light loam ; or a fart light > and u fart heavy loam. This farm I propofe being cropped with lucerne and carrots, to be jointly applied to the fatting of cattle; neither of them are very particular in their foils ; lucerne will thrive on any that are dry, except mere fands, and carrots on all but clayey wet loams. I may fuppofe, from the vaft va- riety of land to be met with in moft farms, the lucerne to be raifed on a dry found ftiff loam j and the carrots on a lighter one. Stock. I t. d. Rent of 32 acres, at 21 s. - .33 12 o Tythe, at 4 s. - 6120 Rates, &c. &c. at 4 /. 6 1 2 p > ... 46 1 6 p Implements. 2 Small three wheeled carts, * - 12 X 2 o Harnefs for 2 horfes, 400 I Plough, - i u 6 Carryover, . 18 3 6 46 1 6 Q B b 3 Harrows, ( 374 ) /. s. d. L s. d. Brought over, 18 3 6 46 6 o Harrows, -200 Sundry fmall articles, 2 o o 22 3 6 Livejlock. 2 Horfes, -24 o Q Tillage. O One ploughing on 32 acres, " 6 8 o Labour. One earth on 32 acres three times in the fame furrow, half an acre a day, .3 40 Three common ditto, 4160 Ditching 50 perch, 2 10 Q Carting 3 loads per perch, or 150 loads, 25 a day, at 2 d. a load filling, and I 3 d. a day driving, Carting wood, Sundry fmall articles, 27 percent. Parry over i S { 375 ) Brought over, . n8 13 6 Sundry articles. Shoeing, ^- T - . i 40 Wear and tear, 2 o o Keeping 2 horfes a year, calculated at 20 o o 23 4 o Account of the fecond year. Expenccs. /. X. d. Rent, &c. 46 15 o 23 Home-bred heifers, 69 o o 27 Heifers or fleers, .135" o Seed for 9 acres of carrots at6j. ' G g -."?'. 2 14 Ditto for 23 of lucerne, ,~ ;155V rp ". \ land, . 2 6 O Three harrowings,. - 017 3 Drilling: Coft of a drill plough, 800- Refold for, 400 4 o Carry over, .7 3 3 260 7 o B b4 Labour Brought over, .7 3 3 260 70 Labour in ditto, at 6d. . o II 6 Four hand-hoeings, at 6 j. - - 27120 Cutting 3 times at I s. 6d. 5 3 6 Raiking together, load- ing and carting, at is.6d. - S 3 6 One ploughing for 9 acres of carrot land, 090 Sowing, - - 069 Harrowing, - 023 Hoeing, at 3 /. - 27 o o Digging up, at 20 s. 9 o o Carting home, at 5 s. 2 50 Ditching 50 perches, 2100 Carting the earth to farm-yard, - I 12 6 Mixing ditto with 400 loads of dung, at I d. 2 6 q Carting and fpreading the whole on the land, - - 600 Carry over, ".97 53 260 7 o Carting ( 377 ) Brought over, .97 53 *6o 7 o Carting home faggots, o 2, o Sundry fmall articles of work, including at- tendance upon the cattle, ~ 7 104 7 3 27 per cent. ' 'r :< ' 3$ J _ ^- 132 8 3 Sundry articles. Shoeing and wear and tear, - 3 4 30 Loads of ftraw, 20 o o j?o Loads of ftubble, 800 4 Tons of hay, 00 39 43 1 23 Heifers, 27 Steers, Expences, - 43 1 J 9 3 Produce, - 33^ o . 100 19 3 Intereft, ~ - - g8 I 3 jx>fs, - : >C- 129 12 3 AN- ( 378 ) ANNUAL ACCOUNT. /. 55 Beafts, . 23 46 1 6 o o o Seed for 9 acres of car- rots, - - 3 j^ Labour on ditto as be- fore, - 39 3 g Three hand-hoeings of the lucerne, at 5 j. 17 5 o Four horfe-hoeings ; a reckoned as one ploughing, o 6 o Cutting 5 times, at i s. 6 d. 8 12 6 Raiking together, load- ing, and carting home, at i s. 6 d. 8126 Ditching, carting the earth, mixing and re-car ting as before, 12 10 6 Sundry fmall articles, 7 ..o o 95 9 6 21 3 o -- 116 12 6 - 39 4 o 430 ^ 6 Pro- ( 379 ) Produce. ^ J**.- d. 55 Beafts, ^ ?-!.. "jodi'-i $S1 rfa'G Expences, . - .iteja \-yfj :. 480 6 6 .69 13 d Intereft, ?- u 4I fij k'jfc/j 36 3 Q Profit, TS >8^ i>3s! jC- 33 J Q 6 . The reader may poflibly think the fup- pofition of 9 acres of carrots and 23 of lu- cerne, largely calculated to fat 55 beafts to the improvement of 5 /. 'each, which is yielding a produce of 275 /. or better than 8 /. an acre : but if the vaft expence of the carrot crop is cofifidered, (which rifes to about 6 /. per acre) no one would think 10 l m per acre too large an allowance for that, and the lucerne is then reckoned at 8 /. both which prices are either very moderate, or thefe vegetables not worth the culture. The general account of this farm is as fol- lows. /. s. d. Firft ftock, \ r- **<: 141 17 6 Second year's expences, it>i. 431 19 3 Produce of ditto below the expences of the third, -r 149 6 6 33 Which fum pays 9 /. 13 s. per cent. From the fmallnefs of which profit, it is plain the crops fhould be rendered propor- tionally more productive ; or that it will not anfwer to employ fuch large fums of money upon fuch fmall tracts of land, fo well as upon larger. Some fituations may indeed render it highly beneficial ; for inftance, in the neighbourhood of great cities, for the keeping of cows ; for which purpofe both lucerne and carrots are admir- ably adapted. General Recapitulation of this Chapter. Stocks requifitefor the preceding farms* N J. Eighty acres all ara- ble, the foil clay or loam, and laid down to grafs, r - . 593 8 6 Ditto a gentleman, v . 664 6 6 2. Sixty acres all arable, the foil clay or loam, laid down to grafs, - . 483 6 6 Ditto a gentleman, - . 560 2 6 3. One hundred acres, the i foil clay or loam, all arable, .558 3 57 Ditto a gentleman, - -582 n 5f 4. Fifty 4. Fifty acres, all arable ; the foil clay or loam : cul- tivated upon improved principles in cabbages and lucerne, -5%2 4 74- j. One hundred acres, the foil clay or loam ; half grafe and half arable, . 562 3 o Ditto a gentleman, - .571 & o 6. One hundred acres all arable; the foil clay or loam, - - .661 I j, o Ditto a gentleman, ri:3 n rjl? jT, 659 180 7. Eighty acres all arable, the foil light enough for turnips, . 730 15 7 Ditto a gentleman, - . 750 i 7 8. Eighty acres ; 60 grafs, and 20 arable ; the firft a heavy foil, the laft light, .601 6 4 Ditto a gentleman, - . 607 12 4 9. Thirty-two acres of ara- ble, the foil all light, or part of it light and part heavy land; the culture improved in carrots and lucerne, -723 33 5 Annual produce of theft farms, expenc&s paid. N9i. - - .9! 17 o Ditto a gentleman* .102 17 o 2. . 68 16 o Ditto a gentleman, - .66180 3. - - - . ioi 19 oi. Ditto a gentleman, - . 77 n 07 4- - - * I1 3 ' T 74- 5- - -90 i 74 Ditto a gefcitleman, - jT. 81 i 74- 6. . n<> 3 o Ditto a gentleman, - . 117 18 o 7- 107 ia 5 Ditto a gentleman, - . 94 6 5* 8. . 90 5 2 7' i Ditto a gentleman, - . 83 19 2 9- 6 9 13 6 Pr oft per cent, on thefe farms. N J. _ - "5 13 <* Ditto a gentkman, - . 15 10 o 2. - . 14 5 o Ditto a gentleman, - .12 o o 3- - - - 18 4 o Ditto a gentleman, - . 13 80 ( -3*3 ) ' 4. - 19 8 o 5- - " '-^ 16 oo Ditto a gentleman, - '. 14 30 6. - - : . 17 ii o Ditto a gentleman 1 , :: *- ' - ; . 1 7 2 o 7. . 14 12 o Ditto a gentleman, - - . 12 10 o 8. >- .); . 14 19 o Ditto-a gentleman, - 4 ' i 'i.i3 16 o 9- Zli:n iV r/:! ^ ^C ; 9 13 Comparlfon between gentlemen andfarmers^ in their profit per cent, on the preceding farms. L s. d 9 N^ i. The farmer, - 19 14 o The gentleman, - 15 10 o Superiority of the former, - -4 40 2. The farmer, . - 19 o o The gentleman, .^j: 12 o o Former fuperior by ?>'? .7 o o 3. The farmer, - 22 1 2 o The gentleman, - 13 8 o Former fuperior by - . 9 ^ o 5. The farmer, - 19 u o The gentleman, - 14. 3 o Former fuperior by - .580 "67 The 6. The farmer, .21 o o The gentleman, 17 2 Former fuperior by - 3 I 9 7. The farmer, - 17170 The gentleman, 12 10 o Former fuperior by - 5 70 8. The farmer, 18 18 o The gentleman, - 13 16 o Former fuperior by . 5 20 The progreffion of the farmer's farms, in order of profit, is as follows: N 3- 18 40 6. . 17 ii o 5. - - .1600 i- - - I 5 X 3 8. . 14 19 o 7. - . 14 12 o 2. - - . 14 5" O From this little table it is obfervable, that the farmer makes better intereft of his money from off 100 acres of the clay foil, all arable, than from any of the reft. The next beneficial farm is the 100 acres all gcafs. The third, half grafs and half arable. Next comes the 80 acres of arable, laid down to grafs. The The fifth in profit is the grazing farm, 80 acres, 60 grafs, and 20 arable. The fixth is the 80 acres all arable, the foil light enough for turnips. The laft is the 60 acres arable, laid down to grafs. A few circumftances fhould here be re- marked. The difference between the two firft, that is, between 100 acres all in grafs or all arable, is but 13 s. per cent, which may, in fuch a calculation, be called an equality ; but this equality is in thofe points only that are reducible to calculation. In all others the grafs farm has infinitely the advantage : The labour of the farmer is nothing; confequently he has leifure to apply to whatever other bufinefs he can turn to account; which, in many cafes, may be of confiderable importance. He is alfo liable to fewer chances and accidents of evil; his profit more fure, lefs dependant on the feafons; and his whole bufmefs- in every refpecl: vaftly more fimple and eafy. For thefe and many other reafons, the grafs farm claims the preference, notwithftanding the rank above afligned : One muft adhere. in calculations to figures ; deviations unre~ VOL. I. C c ducible ( 386 ) ducible to eftimate, muft be confidered in another light. The 100 acres half grafs and half arable and the Bo arable acres laid down to grafs, are likewife on a par ; that is but 7 s. per cent, difference. For the preceding rea- fons, the latter is the moft beneficial. The three laft farms are alfo upon an equality ; one 80 acres, 60 grafs, and 20 arable ; one all arable ; and the other 60 arable, laid down to grafs. The laft certainly the beft. The variations, in the fum required to ftock thefe farms, are fome of them pretty confiderable ; thefe do not affect the profit per cent, but muft be regarded in the en- quiry, 'what fum is requifiteforfuch a farm ? To have fquared the calculations fo as each fum might have been the fame, might have been done ; but the eftimates would not have been fo genuine, nor would the proportions between the methods on a given number of acres, appear near fo dear as at prefent ; a point which is not a little ufeful. 1 8 /. 4 s. per cent, which is the greateft profit made in any of thefe farms is not con- fiderable ; not fo much indeed as I think it ought ( 387 ) ought to be ; but this fcale of farms I do not think fo profitable in themfelves as the fucceeding ones ; but herein I may be miftaken. The progreffion of the gentleman's farms, in the order of profit, is as fol- lows. N 4 . .';*!.; 19 80 6.' - !*>rr r -17 2 1. - . Ij 10 o 5- - .' *' -14 3 8. . 13 16 o 3- ~ 13 8 7. - v'~. . 12 10 O 2. - : '&-" .12 00 9. MV:;, . 9 13 O From this fcale it is very apparent that the 50 arable acres cultivated in cabbages and lucerne, are much the moft beneficial farm, even more advantageous than 100 acres of grafs, which is fecond. Eighty acres all arable, but laid down to grafs, comes next ; and is a frefh proof of the great benefit of grafs farms to gen- tlemen. N 5, 8, and 3, are nearly alike that is, 100 acres, half and half 80 acres, C C 2, 60 ( 388 ) 60 grafs and 20 arable and 100 acres of clay, all arable; but the very men- tion of the laft, in which the gentleman is neceffarily under fo many difadvantages not to be eftimated, is fufficient to tell us that mould be rejected: the 60 grafs and 20 arable I mould prefer, having fo much lefs labour, and fewer chances againft it. N 7. and 2. that is, 80 acres all light arable, and 60 laid down to grafs, are likewife upon a par : there can therefore be no com- parifon between them ; the latter muft in every refpecT: be preferable. The 32 acres cultivated in carrots and lucerne, are the leaft beneficial of any, (under the circumftances recited in that eftimate) ; but this proceeds from fo large a fum of money being expended on fo fmall a tract of land ; thofe vegetables, in a due proportion to the flock, will hereafter be found as beneficial as moft, and to yield a profit much fuperior to that of the common farmer. I did not ftrike out the calculation, that gentlemen might fee that they are not to reafon too much by analogy in tillage farms, and to conclude that, becaufe 50 acres are very profitably employed upon a 2 large ( 389 ) large fcale, that 50 may be equally To on a fmaller. It is evident that the joint application of cabbages and lucerne to the feeding of cat- tle, is a moft profitable farm to a gentle- man, and from the firnplicity of the bufi- nefs, being drawn as it were to one point of buying and felling, (an object of great importance to a gentleman) is open to a few objections, and chances of being cheated and deceived, as any tillage farm can be; for the deduction of 27 per cent, on the labour in thefe improved farms, anfwering at leaft a principal part of the objections relative to that quarter ; and the fimplicity of the bufmefs of them, in comparifon with a corn one, removing many others, leaves thefe farms very beneficial ones : Here is no feed to buy, and to trufl through fervants hands no critical feafons to be caught in fowing, reaping, harvefting, &c. where a fmall lofs in labour is attended with great confequences : and almoft all the labour that is required, is in a pretty regular path, and open to few impofitions. In the buy- ing and felling cattle, 'the gentleman cer- tainly is inferior to the common farmer; but C c 3 then ( 39 ) then "he is equally fo in grafs farms, which every one who occupies, whether gentle- men or farmers, find fo greatly profitable : In one word, I cannot but recommend the cabbage and lucerne farm to a gentleman, preferably to any of the reft. The next profitable farm to a gentleman is that which is all grafs : m thefe he nearly equals the farmer in thofe ^oints not re- ducible to calculation, as well as in fuch as are to be eftimated. No gentleman, if he is in hefitation whether to farm or let it alone, need to fear a grafs one ; he cannot (I might almoft fay) lofe by it,* but he may make very confiderable profit. I know not by what means or in what fund he will be able to make 1 7 per cent, of his money ; and at the fame time, build only upon common foundations, following a profeffion which is .known to be profitable ; and de- pending upon no novelties ; I think he may be contented, and truft to agriculture as fecurely as fo many do to commerce, for much lefs but more hazardous profits. I here addrefs myfelf to fuch men as re- ject the idea of purfuing any thing out of the common road j who would much rathe? ( 39 1 ) rather farm in the common ftile for is per cent, than upon new improvements for 20. Such people, it is true, have but little that is rational in them, but we muil addrefs even that little : To thofe who are fenfi- ble that the world is not yet arrived at its higheft perfection in hufbandry, and that practices may be profitable though ne c w^ we may venture to ufe a different language, and calculate lucerne and cabbages, for in- ftance, to yield a more confiderable profit than wheat or turnips. But the utility of thefe vegetables, as well as fome others of the fame kind, is by no means ideal ; though not common in every part of England, yet they have been cultivated, and in large too, with great fuc- cefs by many. In the next clafs I made, viz. N 5, 8, and 3. the more grafs we find in a farm, the more profitable it is ; a new proof how important it is to gentlemen to prefer that to all common hufbandry : the fame obfer- vation is applicable to N 7, and 2. In the comparifon between the gentle- man and the farmer, the reader will find C c 4 frefh ( 392 ) frem infiances of the fuperiority of grafs to arable, for gentleman's culture. CHAP. XXII. Of the moft advantageous method of difpofing of any fum from 700 /. to 1000 /. in farm- ing. I CAN NOT enter on any chapter, without previoufly remarking what numbers of variations I arn in each obliged to make, that are too inconfiderable for particular ex- planations : Now, one part of thefe papers ending where the other begins the laft chapter, for inftance, extends to 700 /. and even higher than that fum ; and the pre- fent one, begins, as it were, with 700 /. hence the reader may fay, ivhy is a varia^ tion made between a man who farms with 700 /. and another with 750 /. This is very true ; and I feel the force of the ob- jection ; but when fhould variations be made ? Muft none come into the account but fuch marking ones as thofe of 1000 /. and joo /. ? Colours may be mixed fo as to J)e difficult to pronounce upon ; and fo as the ( 393 ) the eye, though not defcription, can fepa- rate. It is the fame with fuch an afcend- ing feries as I am in at prefent. Ni. One hundred and feventy acres-) arable ; the foil clay or loam. I call this farm, arable^ but 176 acres of it are the arable part ; and I fuppofe 10 acres of grafs about the houfe, for the utility of convenience : Such variations are too inconfiderable to notice. Stock. Rent, &c. I s. & 1 70 Acres, at ijs. . 144 10 o Tythe, at 4 s. \ - " 28 18 o Rates, &c. 4 s. - 28 18 o 202 6 o Livejlock. 6 Horfes, - . 90 o o 5>o Cows, " 100 o o 3 Sows, :*r<^ - 3 10 o ^ IQ3 TO O Carryover, -395 J 6 Implements* ( 394 ) Brought over, . 395 16 o Implements. One waggon, .25 o o 2 Carts, - 24 o o 3 Ploughs, - - 4 14 6 A pair of harrows, 2 10 o Two rollers, 400 Harnefs for 6 horfes, 8 o o 20 Sacks, - 300 Sundry fmall articles, 10 o o Dairy furniture, 20 o o 101 4 6 Seed and tillage. Four earths, on 40 acres of wheat- land, - . 32 o o Seed, - - 20 o o Sowing, - -loo Water-furrowing, 2 o o Three earths on 40 acres of fpring corn land, - 24 o o Seed, - - 20 o o Clover ditto, - 800 Sowing, - - i oo Water-furrowing, I o o Carryover, .109 o o 497 o 6 Two ( 395 ) Brought over, . 109 o 6 497 o 6 Two earths on 40 acres of bean land, 10 Seed, y* ' 1 6 Sowing, - 2 Water-furrowing, * I Harrowing 40 acres, 2 ! Labour. One earth on 40 acres of wheat land, . 2 Harrowing, - o Sowing, o Water-furrowing, - 2 Weeding, - 2 Reaping and harveft- ing, at 6 s. - 12 Thrafhing the crop, 3 quarters per acre, J20 at 2 J. - 12 o o o o o o 146 o o O IO 10 O o o o o Carry over, .31 o o 6 13 o 6 The preceding farmer's clover crop ftands a fecond year, which is effected by his fowing the wheat on the fal- low inftead of the clover, as he perhaps might not fow beans. It is to be remembered that farmers are defirous enough of fallows when they are paid for ploughing. Carrying ( 396 :) Bror^M ov"- " J43 Carrying ou, to q a time, 2 men ; ua\ i 40 Three earths on 40 acres of fpring corn land, - 600 Harrowing, - o 10 o Sowing, - - o 10 o Water-furrowing, - - i iq o Mowing and harveil- ing, at 4 .r. - , 8 o ,o ThraJQiing, 4 qrs. per acre, 1 60 - quarters, at 15. o Carrying out 30 acres of barley, 4 qrs. per acre, 120 qrs. 12 qrs. at a time, 2 men i day, - i Three earths on 40 acres of bean land, 600 Sowing, - 200 Water-furrowing, I o o Hand-hoeing once, at 6 j. - 1200 Carryover, . 78 40 643 o 6 Horfe- ( 397 ) Brought over, . 78 40 643 Horfe-hoeing 3 times, at 6 d. 3 o o Reaping and harvefting at 7 s. 14 O o Thrafhing 3 qrs. per acre, 120 quarters, at i j. - -.600 Carrying out 9 qrs. at a time, 2 men i day, i 8 o Chopping and raking 40 acres of wheat .-,, ; ftubble, - 300 Carting ditto home, 8 days, 5 men, -200 Ditching 200 perches, at i s, JO o o Carting the earth, 600 loads into the farm- yard, 20 load a day, $d. a load filling, and I s. 3 d. a day driv- ing, i o day s, 6 s. 3 d. 326 26 Head of cattle, at 12 load, 312 loads Carry over, . 120 14 6 643 06 mixing ( 398 ) Brought over .120 14 6 643 o 6 mixing with 600 of earth, 912, at i d. 3 16 o Carting 912 loads on to the land, 20 a day, 45 days, 3 s. a fcore, or day, filling and fpreading, and I /. 3 d. driving, 4. s. 3 d. 9 1 1 3 Mowing and making 10 acres of grafs into hay, at 5 s. 2 IO O Carting ditto home, and flacking 3 days of 7 men, at I s. ^d. i 80 Cutting 5 bufhels of chaff per week, 2 months, 400 bu- fhels, atiJ. - o 16 8 Carting faggots, -050 The preceding work I calculate to employ the team 245 days ; we may therefore fuppofe 40 days em- Carry over, .139 i 5 643 06 ployed ( 399 ) Brought over, . 139 * 5^43 ployed in bring- ing manure from the neareft town, 2 men a day, - 400 N. B. This is work which does not re- quire fine weather, but may be done when tillage cannot go on. Otherwife 385 days, out of 313, would be too large an allowance, as a few trifling jobs are not taken into the account. Sundry fmall articles of work, to the a- mount of a boy at 6 d. a day, - 9 o O Suppofe earns, 153 the farmer - 12 i 5 o o C]arry over, J 4 U L 5 .783 * ii Sundry ( 400 ) Brought over, .783 i 1 1 Sundry articles. Shoeing, .3 12 o Wear and tear, - 20 o o Market expences, -300 40 Loack of manure, 10 o o Cafh in hand to anfwer incidental expences, - 50 o o 86 12 o .869 13 ii ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. I. s. d. Rent, &c. - - 202 6 o Seed for 40 acres of wheat, 40 of fpring-corn, 40 of clover, and 40 of beans, - 64 o o Labour, - 240 I r Sundry articles, - 36120 7442 19 5 Produce. I. s. d. 1 20 Quarters of wheat, - 240 o o 120 Quarters of barley, i6s. 96 o o Carryover, . 336 o o 120 Qrs. Brought over, . 336 o o 130 Qrs. of beans, at 32*. - 192 o o SO Cows, ico oo 628 o~o Expences, - 44 2 *9 5 185 o 7 Intereft, 43 5 Profit, - f-rt } .- .141 iT7 The profit of this farm is 2 1 /. 7 j-./^r cent. which is certainly confiderable : The bufi- nefs, though large, is yet fimple, and con- ducted upon an advantageous plan. Thefe proportions of 40 acres of wheat, 40 of fpring corn, 40 of clover, and 40 of beans in drills, are very beneficial, with the aflift- ance of 10 acres of grafs. The wheat and beans yield plenty of ftraw for litter, and alfo of ftubble for fpreading in the farm yard to convert into dang, at the fame time that it keeps the cows dry, and warm lodged all winter : the barley and oats af- ford ftraw for feeding the cows in winter, and the grafs, hay both for them and the horfes. The clover and the after-feed of the grafs are an ample provifion for the VOL. I. D d cows ( 403 ) cows and horfes in fummer : In a word, all parts of a farm of this fize afford to each other a mutual affiftance. I mould remark that I make cows the flock, and not fheep, upon account of having a winter-flock for the flraw : Allotting qo cows to be princi- pally fed upon clover, will alarm many farmers not ufed to fuch hufbandry ; all I can fay to them is, that I know many farms whereon dairies of cows are kept, that have not a fmgle acre of grafs; but the 10 acres in the farm in queflion is a full anfwer to fuch objections as the farmers, in fuch countries as admit but a partial ufe of clover, allow it to be an excellent food for cows, if they are lodged every night in a natural grafs field. However the objec- tion j even if it had weight in general, would have none here, as the great point is the product of the clover, which will not yield lefs than I have flated, be it managed as it may : and, in breeding countries, there is no neceflity of applying it to the dairy *. * The reader doubtlefs remarks that I have left out houfe-keeping in this account : It is now time to drop that article, for reafons too numerous to infert : It is too various now to calculate. The ( 403 ) The gentleman's account of this farm will be as follows : Stock. I. s. d. Rent, &c. 2C2 60 Live ftock, as before, - 193 10 o Implements, ; -.## , >}tH-'.> - 101 4 6 Seed and tillage, - 146 o o Labour, JT. 152 i 5 27 per cent. 41 o o --- 193 i 5 Sundry articles, 8612 o ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. L s. d. Rent, &c. &2JMfl 202 6 o Seed, - 64 o o Labour, 193 15 Sundry articles, 36 12 o Produce. The fame, Expences, - 132 o 7 Intereft, 45 18 o Profit, _^86"~77 D d 2 The The gentleman receives 14 /. 7 s. per cent, for his money in this farm, which is as much as he has reafon to expect from any arable one, managed in the common form : but let it always be remembered that his difadvantages in thefe are numerous, be- fides that of labour deducted in his account. If all of them were reducible to eftimate, the remaining profit would be found of wondrous lightnefs : The fmgle articles of labour gives the farmer, in the account of this farm, 7 /. per cent, fuperiority, which is a vaft difference. NO 2. Variation, thefirft. One hundred and ten acres arable ; the foil light enough for turnips. The ten acres of this farm I fuppofe to be grafs. Stock. Rent of 100 acres, at 1.8 '. -99 oo Tythe, at 4 s. - 19 60 Rates, &c. at 4 .r. - 19 60 Carryover, - 137 12 o JJtvt ( 4*5 ) Brought over, .137 12 o Li'vejlock. Four horfes, - . 60 o o 20 Cows, - 100 o o 2 Sows, - ! & 2 o o 50 Heifers or fleers, 250 o o 412 o o Implements. A waggon, - .25 oo Two Carts, - 20 o o Two ploughs, - 330 Harnefs, - -800 Harrows and rollers, 400 Sacks, - - 300 Dairy furniture, - 12 o o - Sundry fmall articles, 10 o o 85 3 o .Seed and Tillage. Four earths on 25 acres of wheat land, . 20 o o Seed, - - 12 10 o Sowing, - o 12 6. Water-furrowing, - o 12 6 Two earths on 25 acres of fpring corn land, 10 o o Seed, - 12 10 o Carryover, . 5^6 5 o 634 15 o D d 3 Sowing ( 406 ) Brought over, .56 5 o 634 15 o Sowing, - 063 Seed clover, - 500 Sowing, - -063 Harrowing, - 150 Rolling, - 050 Water-furrowing, -063 One earth on 25 acres of fallow, 5 o o Seed 25 acres of tur- nips, o 12 6 69 6.3 Labour. One earth on 25 acres of wheat land, . i 50 Sowing, - 063 Harrowing, 063 Water-furrowing, -063 Weeding, -150 Reaping and harveft- ing, at 6 s. 7 10 o Thrafhmg the crop, 3 qrs. per acre, 75 qrs. at 2 J. - 7 10 o Carry over, . 18 8 9 704 13 9 Carrying ( 407 ) Brought over, . 18 89 704 i 3 Carrying out 10 qrs. at a time, call it 8 journeys, - 0160 Three earths on 25 a- cres of fpring-corn land - 3 15 o Sowing, - - 063 Harrowing, - 063 Water-furrowing, -063 Rolling, - o i o Sowing clover, - 063 Mowing and harveft- ing, at 4*. - 5 o o Thrafhing the crop, 4 qrs. per acre, 100 qrs. at i s. - 500 Carrying out 18 acres of barley, 72 qrs. 12 at a time, 6 jour- neys, o 12 o Five earths on 25 acres of turnip land, - 650 Sowing, - 063 Harrowing, - 063 Hand-hoeing, at 7 s. 8 15 o Carry over, . 50 10 3 704 13 D d 4 Drawing Brought over, .50 103 704 i Drawing the turnips and carting -them home, at 7 s. 6 d. - 9 76 Mowing, making, cart- ing, and flacking 10 acres of grafs, - 3 18 o Cutting 3 oo bufliels of chaff, - o 12 6 Chopping, &c. &c. 25 acres of ftubble, - 1176 Carting home, - I 10 o Carting faggots, - 040 Ditching, 130 perches, 6 10 o Carting the earth 390 loads to farm-yard, 20 a day, 3 d. a load and is. 3 d. driving, fay 20 days, 6 s. $d. 650 68 Head of cattle at 12 loads, 816 loads, 1206 in all : mixing at i d. - 506 Carry over, . 85 15 3 704. i 3 Carting Brought over, . 85 15 3 704 13 Carting 1206 loads, and fpreading, 3 s. a fcore,iJ.3^.driving, 45. 3 d. 60 days, - 12 15 o Sundry fmall articles, 900 jr. 107 10 3 Farmer earns, - 12 o o - 95 io S Sundry articles.- Shoeing and wear and tear, - 15 Market expences, - 3 o o 30 Loads of ftraw, 20 o o Cam hi hand, - 5 88 o o .887 n"6 ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. L s. d f Rent, &c. 137 12 o 50 Heifers, - - 250 o o Seed, - - 30 12 6 Labour before, . 95 10 3 Add for thrafhing, and carrying out 6 bufhels/^r acre more Carryover, . 95 10 3 418 46 wheat, Brought over, .95 10 3 418 4 6 wheat, and i quar- ter more barley, -390 9 8 19 3 Sundries, - 38 o o 555 3 9 Produce. 7, s. /, 25 Acres of wheat 94 qrs. 169 O o 1 8 Acres of barley, 90 qrs. - 72 20 Cows, - I CO o o 50 Fat beafts, 350 o o 691 Expences, - 5*55 3 9 135 16 3 Intereft, - 44 7 Profit, - i _'-?.\;v 9i 9 3 The capital pays 15 /. 6 s. per cent. Upon this account I fhould remark, that the reader fhould not be furprifed at this variation in the value of the crops, as the fuperior quantity of manure makes it ne- cefiary to raife the produces. Half this farm is every year manured at the rate of 24 loads per acre. The gentleman's ac- count is as follows : Stock. ( 4" ) Stock. I * d. Rent, &c. 137 12 o Live ftock, 412 Implements, 85 3 Seed and tillage, 6 9 6 3 Labour, - . 107 10 3 ,27 percent. 28 17 o 136 73 Sundry articles, - 88 9* 8 8 6 ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. / J. d. Rent, &c. 137 13 o 50 Heifers, 250 o o Seed, 30 12 6 Labour, . IIQ I 9 3 2 7 per cent. - 29 19 140 18 3 Sundries, - - 3& - 597 2 9 Produce. /. s. d. The fame, 691 o o Expences, 597 2 9 93 i7 3 Intereft, ^^\ 46 8 o Profit, .47 93 The capital pays 10 /. 2 /. /w cent. Ns. ( 412 ) Variation thefecond. One hundred and 20 acres y all graft. Stock. 'Rent, &c. I. t. d. Rent of 1 20 acres, . 120 o o Tythe, at 4J. - 24 o o Rates, &c. at 4 s. - 24 o o 168 o o Implements. One fmall three wheeled cart, - Sundries, including harnefs, * . 181 o o Livejlock. Onehorfe, - . 15 o o 120 Steers, at 5/. 600 o o 615 o o Labour. 100 Perch of ditching, and carting it on to tfheland, at 3 s. .15 o o Carry over, .15 o o 796 o o . Sundry ( 413 ) Brought over, . 15 o o 796 o o Sundry fmall articles, 400 *9 Suppofe the farmer earns as before, 1 2 o o -- 7 Q O Sundry articles. Shoeing, and wear and tear, i 5 Market expenccs, - i o a Cafhmhand, - 30 o o --- 33 50 AHNUAL ACCOUNT. Rent, &c. - . 168 o o ^20 Steers, - 600 o o Labour,^ - 700 Sundries, - -250 --- 777 5 Produce. ISO Fat fleers, at 8 /. 960 o q Expences, - _777 5 . . 182 15 'o Itereft> & 4 1 ^5 o profit, '^L The t 414 ) The capital pays 20 /. 14 s. per cent. which is a new proof of the great benefits refulting from grafs farms. The gentle- man's account of this is as follows : Stock. I. s. d. Rent, &c. - 1 68 o o Implements, - - 13 o o Live flock, - -61500 Labour, - - 19 o o 27 per cent. - 520 -- 24 2 O Sundries, - 32 5 o ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. Rent, &c. 120 Steers, Labour, Sundries, The fame, Expences, Produce. /. s. d. 168 o o 600 o o 24 2 O 2 5 o I. s. d. 960 o o 794 7 o 165 13 o Intereft, ( 415 ) Intereft, - - 42 12 o Profit, . 123 10 ~The capital pays, 19 /. 9 s. per cent. N3- Variation the third. One hundred and ten acres arable, the foil clay or loam y and laid down to grafs. This, like the preceding farms, is called an arable one, but I mould remark that ten acres are fuppofed te be old grafs. I fup_ pofe all the arable unfown by the preceding tenant ; and, for the fake of variations in the calculation, fhall throw the whole expence into one view. Stock. Renf, &c. Of no acres at 17 s.. 93 10 o Tythe, at 4 s. 18 14 o Rates, &c. at 4 s. 18 14 o 130 18 o Livejtock. 4 Horfes, - . 60 o o Carry over, . 190 18 o Implements. , ( 4*6 X_ Brought over, . 190 18 g Implements. 2 Carts, '24 o o 2 Ploughs, - 330 Harnefs, - 6 o O Harrows and Rollers, 3 10 o Sundry fmall articles, 500 4! I 3 O Seed and tillage. Four earths on 25 a- cres of fpring-corn land, - . 20 O o Seed, --- -12100 Sowing, ----063 Water-furrowing, -150 Harrowing, - 150 Rolling, - "030 Grafs feed for 25 acres, 25 o o Sowing, - 150 61 14 3 Labour. Six earths on 75 acres of fallow, - . 22 10 o Mowing-and harvefting 25- acres of fpring corn, at4-f. - 500 ^^__ Carry over, . 27 10 o 294 5 3 Thrafhing ( 417 ) Brought over, .27 10 o 294 5 3 Thrafhing the crop, 4 qrs. per acre, 100 qrs. at i /. - 500 Carrying out 18 acres of barley, 7 2 qrs. 12 at a time, 6 jour- neys, - o 12 O Mowing, making, cart- ing, and ftacking, 5 acres of hay, - 3 O O Sundry fmall articles, 3 10 o 38 12 o Farmer earns, -A ; l % -- 26 13 o Sundry articles. Shoeing, and wear and tear, - .3 K> O Cam in hand, - 30 o o -- " 33 * .q Firft year's expences, - . 354. 7 3 Second year. L s. d, Rent, &c. - - 130 1 8 o Seed for 75 acres, . 37 10 o Grafs feeds ditto, - 75 o o --- 112 10 o Carry over, . 143 bo VOL. I. E e 5 Cows Brought over, .143 So 5 Cows, and dairy furni- ture. - 28 o o Labour. Mowing* making, and flacking 25 acres of t new grafs, - . u o o Three earths on 75 acres, - - - n J* o Sowing, - - o 1 8 g Harrowing, - 0189 Rolling, - - 060 Sowing grafs feeds, - 3 15 o Water-furrowing, - 3 15 o Mowing and harvdl- ing, at 4 *w - 1500 Thrashing, 4 qrs. per acre, 300 qrs, at i s. 15 o o Carrying out 67 acres of barley, 268 qrs. 12 at a time, 23. journeys, 2 60 Sundry fmall articles, 3 10 o 67 14 6 farmer earns, - 12 o a -- - 55 *4 6 Carryover, . 227 26 Sundry ( 419 ) Brought over, . 227 26 Sundry articles, - ' "- 3 10 o Second year's expences, - jf. 230 12 6 Third year. I. s. d* Rent, &c. TT"!^ " J 3 *8 o 1 8 Home-bred heifers, - 72 o o Mowing, making, and flacking 75 acres of new grafs, - . 31 17 o Sundry fmall articles, 3100 35 7 o Farmer earns, - 12 o o 23 7 o Sundry articles, - - 3100 Third year's expences, - -229 15 o Fourth year. 1. s. d. Rent, &c. - - 130 18 o no Steers, - 550 o o Labour. Mowing, making, and flacking, i acre hay, 070 Carryover, . o 70 680 18 o E e 2 80 Perch Brought over, . o 70 680 1 8 o 80 Perch of Ditching and carting earth on to land, at 3 s. - 12 o o Sundry fmall articles, 3 10 o 15 17 o Farmer earns, - 12 o o 3 17 o Sundry articles. Shoeing, and Wear, and Tear, * 150 A fmall three wheeled cart, - - 700 Sundries, - ~2 o o I0 5 o 695 o o Produce. Firft year. 72 Quarters of barley, at 16 s. . 57 12 o Second year. /. s. d. 268 Quarters of barley, - 214 80 5 Cows, - - - 25 o o 25 Tons of hay, - - 50 o o Third Third year. /. s. d. 5 Cows fold, - - 35 o o 75- Tons of hay, - - 150 o o 1 8 Fat heifers, - - 108 o o Sale of 3 horfes, implements of tillage, &c. they coft 80 /. * 35 o o GENERAL ACCOUNT. Expence of firft year, . 354 7 3 Intereft, - - 17 14 o Expence of fecond year, - 331 12 6 Intereft, t ^,*- 34 5 o Expence of third year, - 229 15 o Intereft, - - - 45 14 o Expence of fourth year, - 697 o o .17 07 9 Produce of the firft year, - 57 13 o -- of the fecond, - 289 8 o -- of the third, - 318 oo . 665 o o Total expence, - - 1710 79 - Produce, - - 665 o o Total neceflary to flock? r this farm, \ ^S 79 E e 3 AN- ( 422 ) ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. Thofe of the fourth year, except the cart, r 690 _ o Q Produce. no Ste_er,s, Expences, Intereft, . . - Profit, - . 137 The capita) pays 18 /. i s.per cent, which is confiderable. The gentleman's account of this farm is as follows : Stock* ->& /. s. d. Rent, &c. Live flock, 130 18 o 60 o o Implements, Seed and tillage, Labour, - 4i 13 o 61 14 3 3B 12 o 2 7 per cent. Sundries, 10 10 O 49 2 33 10 o 376 17 3 Second Second year. . Rent, &c. Seed, 5 Cows, &c. Labour, 27 per cent. ,O& Sundry articles, v2 Third year. Rent, &. Heifers, Labour, 27 /> Sundry articles, Fourth year. Rent, &c. Steers, Labour, 27 /* Sundry articles, The produce the fame as before. E e 4 GE- ( 424 ) GENERAL ACCOUNT. Expence of firft year, - . 376 173 Intereft, - - - 18 17 o Expence of fecond year, - 362 46 Intereft, - - - 36 19 o Expence of third year, - 251 40 Intereft, - - - 49 10 o Expence of the fourth year, 711 60 1806 17 9 Total produce, - 665 o o Total neceflary to ftock, - . 1141 17 9 ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. I. s. d, Thofe of the fourth year, the cart excepted, - - 704 6 o Produce. L s. d. The fame, - - 880 o o Expences, - - - 704. 6 o 175 H o Intereft, - - 57 2 o Profit, . 118 12 o The capital pays 15 /. 9 s. per cent. ( 4*5 ) . N5- Variation the fourth. Fifty-three acres all arable ; the foil all light) or fart light and partjlijf. This farm I fuppofe to be either all a light foil, or part light and part heavy : the firft to be cropped with carrots, and the fecond with lucerne, for the joint fatting of cattle ; but I may remark that thefe are both vege- tables which will thrive on various foils, carrots on loams that are only more inclin- able to lightnefs than to heavinefs, and lucerne upon light loams as well as clays. But variations of foil are fo great upon fmall trads, even in fmgle farms, that it is no wild or improbable fuppofition to flate the lucerne part of the farm dry and found, but ftifF loam ; and the carrot part dry and light loam. Any dry foil, from abfolute fand to a ftiffim loam, will do for carrots : but no clays : I have cultivated them with great fuccefs on a good wheat loam. Stock, .* { 4*6 ) Stock. Rent, &c /, s. d+ Rent of 53 acres, at i / i J. -55 J 3 o Tythe, at 4 J. n o o Rates, &c. &c. at 4*. u o o 77 13 o Livejlock. 4 Horfes, - . 60 o o 45 Steers, &c. at 5 /. 225 o o 285- o o Implements. . One waggon, . 25 o o Two fmall three wheel- ed carts, 13 One plough, Harrows, Harnefs, Sundry fmall articles, 50 12 o Seed and Tillage. Four ploughings, 10 acres of land for wheat, but not fown, 8 Water-furrowing, - o Carryover, .8 50413 5 2 Ploughs ( 4*7 ) Brought over, . 8 5 o 413 50 2 Ploughs on 5 acres oat land, but not fown, ; - . a Q o Carrot feed for 15 acres, at 6 j. - . T ^ 4100 . 14 15 o Labour. Ploughing 38 acres fallow, fix times, . u 80 Thrice harrowed, - o 96 Ploughing 15 acres for carrots once with 4 horfes, and 3 men ; j twice in a furrow, : -i 7 acre per day, 30 days, - - . 4 10 o Hoeing, at 3 1. per acre, 45 o o Digging up, at i/. 15 o o Carting home, at 5 s. 3150 Ditching 50 perches, at i s. - 2 10 o Carting 3 loads of earth per perch, or 150 Carry over, .82 12 6 428 o o 3 loads ; Brought over, . 8-2136428 oo loads; 25 loads a day, 2 d. a load fil- ling, and i s. 3 ^. a a day driving, - I 12 6 Mixing thefe 1 50 loads with 200 of dung in yard, 350 at I d. I 10 o Filling, fpreading* and driving away, - 400 Carting home faggots, o I O 150 Days employed in bringing manure, from the neareft market town, I load a day, 2 men, - 15 o o 104 16 o 27 per cent. - 27 10 o 132 6 o Sundry articles. 30 Loads of ftraw, .20 o o Shoeing, - 280 Wear and tear, - 6 10 o 150 Loads of manure, 37 10 o Carry over, . 66 8 o 560 6 o Cam ( 429 ) Brought over, .66 80 560 6 o Cafh in hand to anfwer incidental expences, 30 oo Keeping 4 horfes a year, calculated at 40 o o f ^ 136 8 o Total, * . 696 14 o ' , ' ' ** * ^ ** Produce thefirft year. 45 Steers, at 8 s. 8 d. - . 37 8 The account of the fecond year will be as follows. Rent, &c. 77 13 75 Heifers or fleers, v n 375 Seed for 3 8 acres of lucerne, - 1 1 8 o Ditto for 15 acres of carrots, - 4 10 Q . 468 1 1 o Labour. Two ploughings 38 acres of fallow for lucerne, 3 J 6 o ' Three harrowings, -096 Carry over, .4 5 6 468 1 1 o Drilling : ( 430 ) Brought over, .4 5 6 468 1 1 Drilling: Goftof a drill plough, 8 o o Refold for - 400 4 o o Labour in ditto, at 6 d* - o 19 o Four hand-hoeings, at ^ s. - 4 12 O Cutting 3 times at I s. 6d. 8 II o Raking together, load- ing and carting home at i s. 6 d. - 8 1 1 o Ploughing 15 acres for carrots, once with four horfes and three men, twice in the fame furrow, at the rate of half an acre a day, 30 days - 4 10 o Hoeing, at 3 1. per acre, 45* o o Digging up, i /. - 15 oo Carting home, at 5 _j. 3 15 o Ditching 50 perches, 2 10 o Carryover, . 142 13 6 468 no Carting ( 43* ) Brought over, . 142 13 6 468 n O Carting 150 loads of the earth into farm yard, t r, . jfi I 12 6 Mixing thefe 150 loads of earth with 500 loads of dung, 650 at i d. rjrtf/tocJ$i Filling, fpreading, and driving away, - 7 o o Carting home faggots, o a o Cutting 6 months chaff for the horfes, -^cfa'jG O 150 Load manure, brought as before, 15 o o Sundry fmall articles of n . - work, including the attendance on the cattle, - 10 o o 181 2 o 37 percent, - 48 17 o 229 19 p Sundry articles. As before, - . 66 8 o 5 Tons of hay, - 10 o o 76 8 o ^774 18 o ( 43* ) Produce ofthefecondyear. 75 Heifers, &c. ' - . 900 o o I write this calculation for the ufe of the few who can form ideas of what the united powers of tillage and manuring can per- form ; but there is fo much more done for this fmall tract of land than ever yet was known, that I do not venture it to the rea- der in the fame manner as many other of thefe calculations : but let me remark that I am myfelf confident, from the refult of experiments on a fmaller fcale, that there is nothing here fuppofed but what might, and eafily too, be reduced to practice. GENERAL ACCOUNT. /. /. d. Expence of the firft year, - 696 1 4. o Intereft, - - -- 34 16 o Expence of the fecond, - 774 18 o . 1506 8 o Produce of the firft, 378 o o ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. L s. d. Rent, &c. - - 77 13 o 114 Heifers or fteers, - 456 o o Carry over, -53* T 3 Q 30 Beaits, ( 433 ) Brought over, . 533 13 o go Beafts, *- ' - 120 o o Seed for 15 acres of carrots, - 4 10 o Labour. Labour on 15 acres of carrots as before, . 68 50 Horfe-hoeing 38 acres of lucerne four times, 6 d. - ; r^, 3 16 o Two hand-hoeings, at 10 s. - - 19 o o Cutting four times, at is. 6 d. - II 80 Raking, loading, and carting, is. 6 d. - 1 1 80 Ditching and carting, &c. as before, - 13 18 6 Cutting chaff, r - ; g o 12 6 150 Loads manure, 15 o o Sundry fmall articles as .before, - 10 o o 27 per cent. ls **' i: 41 6 o -- ; - I94 14 o Carry over, . 852 17 o VOL. I. F f Sundry t 434 1 _ Brought over, .852 170 Sundry articles. Straw, - - 20 o o Shoeing and wear and tear, -* 7 10 O Manure, Z $ ' - 37 10 o -- 65 o o " 17 o Produce. 114 Fat heifers, - 79^ 30 Beafts, - ; .*> - 24 1038 o o Expences, - ' b - s ^^ 9*7 *7 120 30 Intereft, - ; -^c ^.D -fcrr 56 8 o Profit, i - - , c^' 6 3 J 5 o The capital pays 10 /. I2x. />^r cent: but that profit is by no means equal to the fpirited manner in which this little farm is cultivated; from whence We may venture to conclude, that the proportions here Sketched are not fo advantageous as the culture will admit : this will be clearly feen from further enquiries. ( 435 ) o;;> J^P g t Variation the fifth, fine hundred and ten acres arable; t)j.e foil clay y cultivated on improved principles ; cabbages, ma courfe. The "ten acres I fuppofe to be grafs near the houfe. StocK c o - c^ .. Rent* &c. O of < ' Rent of no acres* at i$s. .99 o o Tythe, at4/. *" 19 16 o Rates, &c. at 4 J. 19 16 o 138 t2 6 "Liyejlock. 4 Horfes, " - X ^ 20 Cows, -\ fc ^ loo o o Q SOWS, - * 2 O O 70 Beafts, ' - c 350 o o r O O Implements. A Waggon, - .95' 0/6 ; Two carts, - 20 o 6 , 10 C3'JO*i t '- .: I" Two ploughs, - 33 Harrows, and rollers, 3 10 o Carry over, .51 13 o 650 12 F f a Haj:nefs< ( 436 ) Brought over, .51 13 o 650 13 o Harnefs, 800 Sacks, - - 300 Sundries, - Q o o Dairy furniture, - 500 72 13 o Seed and tillage. Four earths on 25 acres of wheat land, . so o o Seed, - - 12 10 o Sowing, - - o 12 6 Water-furrowing, -150 Two earths on. 25 acres of fpring-corn land, 10 o o Seed, - - 12 10 o Sowing, c - _.- o 63 . Water-furrowing, - o i 2 6 Seed clover, - 500 Sowing, - o 63 Harrowing, - 150 One earth on 25 acres of fallow, - coo , Water-furrowing, - i 50 Seed for ac acres of * cabbages, - 400 74 12 6 z .Carryover, .797 17 6 Labour. ( 437 ) Brought over, . 797 17 6 Labour. One earth on 25 acres of wheat, - . i ' $ o > -s Sowing, - -3^-0 63 Harrowing, ~ 050 Water-furrowing, - 150 Weeding, - - i 50 Reaping and harveft- * c -* ing, - - 500 Thrashing the crop 3 qrs. per acre, 75 qrs. at 2 j. - - 7100 Carrying out 8 jour- neys, -". -'- 0160 Three earths on 25 acres of fpring corn, - 3 15 o Sowing, ^ -T- - o 63 Harrowing, - 063 Sowing clover, - 063 Water-furrowing, - 150 Mowing and harveft- ing, at4J. *** b o Thrafhing the crop, 4 qrs. per acre, 100 qrs. at i s. _- "$ o o _______ Carryover, .33 n o 797*17 6 F f 3 Carrying ( 433 ) Brought over, . 33 11 o 797 17 6 Carrying out 16 acres of barley, 64 qrs. at a time, 5 journeys, o 10 o Four earths on 25 acres of cabbage land, - 5 o o Digging the feed bed and fowing, - 070 Planting, at 5 /, - 6 50 Four horfe-hoeings, at 6s. - - 2 10 o Two hand - hoeings, at 8 s. - 10 o o Cutting and carting, at 5 s. - 650 Mowing, making, cart- ing, and flacking 10 acres of grafs, -.4 Q- O Chopping, raking, and carting 25 acres flub- We, - 3 15 o Ditching 150 perch, 7 10 Carting 450 loads at 3 * fillin S> and * * 3 d. carting, 6 j. 3 d. a day for 23 days, 730 \ V! Carry over, .86 J ^ 797 I 7 6 94 Head ( 439 ) Brought over, . 86 16 o 797 176 94 Head of cattle,. 1128 load mixing with 450, in all 1578, at i d. f 6 ii 6 Carting 1 5 78 loads, and fpreading, 78 days, at 4 J. 3 d. - 16116 Carting faggots, - 040 Cutting chaff, ir~; o 12 6 Sundry fmall articles, 600 116 15 6 27 per cent. - 31 n o 148 6 6 Sundry articles, Shoeing, and wear and tear, ,15 o o 40 Loads of draw, 30 o o Cafh in hand, 40 o o _ 85 o o ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. I s. d. Rent, &c. ^te* - - 138 12 o 70 Beafts, - - . j$5Q o o Carryover, ^7^88 12 o F f 4 Seed ( 440 ) Brought over, . 488 12 o Seed for 25 acres of wheat, 25 of fpring corn, 25 of clover, and 25 of cabbages, - 34 o o Labour, v.--d ^ - 175 O o 16 Of barley, 72 at 16 j. - 57 12 o 20 Cows, > - 100 o o 70 Fatbeafls, at 7 /. 15^. - 542 10 o Expences, r %ou i"v/ 715 iB 6 159 3 6 Intereft, - o^ 5 Sw 51 no Profit, - - - . 107 12 6 Capital pays 15 /. 8 s. per cent, which is a very confiderable profit to a gentleman in whofe account 2 7 per cent, is charged upon all labour, and proves ftrongly the great advantages of t;his culture. - The change from eftablifhed modes is not very great, being only in one crop out of four; i but _ ( 441 } but yet it is a change, and for that reafon we muft not fuppofe a common farmer to have any thing to do with it. This is the advantage of the gentleman ; he, from the enlargement of his views, may befuppofed to know very foon the fuccefs that any where; attends a new practice, and from the ac- count, may judge of the probability of its being beneficial upon his land : Whatevei: fuccefs attends him,the neighbouring farmers will copy himfo very flowly, that father, fon and grandfon, mufl fucceed on the fame land before their neighbours will come into the fcheme. It was fo with clover, turnips, and, I doubt not, was once fo with wheat, and will be fo with cabbages. They will however make their way in time. J o _ I N 7. Variation thejtxth. One hundred and ten acres arable ; the foil light, cultivated upon improved principles; carrots in a courfe. J iVrf 5 : a&- f l The ten acres I fuppofe, as in the laft farm, to be grafs near the houfe: The courfe I throw the arable into, is i. car- rots; 2. barley; 3. clover; 4. wheat; which ( 442 ) which is beyond doubt for light lands an incomparable good one. Stock. /. s. d. Rent, &c. as in the laft farm, sfcf&n&w: - 138 12 o Jive ftock, ditto, - - 51200 Implements, ditto, srsq -. 7- *3 Seed and tillage, On 25 acres of wheat as before, - -34 7 6 Ditto on 25 of fpring corn, w|pO;MiP' 30 o o Seed for 25 acres of carrots, ** * - 7 10 o 71 17 6 Labour. One earth on 25 acres of wheat, - _ i 5 Sowing, -J A - 063 Harrowing, - 050 Water -furrowing, -150 Weeding, - I 5 Reaping and harveft- ing, - - 7 10 o Thrafhing, 3 <{. per acre, 75 qrs. at 2 s. 7 10 o Carryover, . 19 6 3 795 26 Carrying ( 443 ) Brought over, .19 6 3 795 2 6 Carrying oat 8 joui-- neys, ~^ o 1 6 Labour as before on 25 acres of {jpring^orn, 16 89 One earth on 25 acres : of cafrot land, trench ploughed with four horfes r 3 men half an acre a day,, , , ;T A. $ 10 o Sowing, - ~,,^..1 A .5 o Harrowing, - o 63 Hand-hoeing, at 3 /. 75 o o Digging up, - 25 " o o Carting home, at5/.' J . $ '^ o Mowing, making, &c. 10 acres of grafs, 4 o o Chbppiftg, &c. &c. 25 - acres of ftubble, - 3 15 o Labour on ditching, ... carting, and re-cart- ing^ -as before, - 37 1 6 o CartingTaggots, fc -,. : ,p c 4 o Cutting chaff, j o 12 6 . c Car^ry over, ^ 198 4 9 795 26 Sundry ( 444 ) Brought over, .198 49 795 2 6 Sundry fmall articles, 6 o o 204 4 9 27 per cent. - 55 i o 259 5 9 Sundry articles. The fame as in laft farm, - 85 o o jr. 1139 8~i ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. L s. d* Rent, &c. - , - 138 12 o -D n 70 rJeatts, - 25 Seed for 2^ acres of y wheat, 25 of fpring corn, 25 of clover, and 25 of carrots, - 37 10 o Labour, 259 5 9 Sundry articles as be- fore, - 45 o o 830 7 9 Produce. 25 Acres of wheat, 877 /. s. d. qrs.at40J. - - 175 o o Carry over, . 1 75 o o ( 445 ) Brought over, >T. 1 75 o o 25 Acres of barley and oats, 125 qrs. deduct 36 oats, 89ati6*. ^i*kH - 71 4 o 70 Beafts, - 3 - - 630 o o 20 Cows, . -,, : ?, -\ . " 100 o o 976 4 o Expences, <'*- - 830 7 9 J 45 16 3 Intereft, - - - 56 19 o Profit, -88 17 3 The capital pays, 1 2 /. 1 1 *.; a profit not equal to the expence of the culture which is fo great as to deduct much from the be- nefit of the practice : I have elfewhere remarked, that carrots are cultivated to pro- digious profit in the neighbourhood of Woodbridge in Suffolk, where three hoeings are executed for 155. and the crop drawn for much lefs than I have fuppofed ; but I mean to extend thefe eftimates to all light foils, though not fands; and upon loams the hoeing and diggings muft be more expen- five than on a loofe fandy foil. I mall, in the next place, prefent a calculation of the carrot ( 446 ) tafrot culture in a courfe, 'under the fup- poiition of the work being done much cheaper, though not quite fo low, as^where it has been fo long eftablimed. o" Variation the f event h. One hundred and ten acres^ the foil light ', cul* ti*vated r witb carrots^ in a coiirfe, at a lower expence. Stock. I. s. d. Rent, &c. as before, '_ 138 12 o Live ftock, ditto, - - 512 o o Implements, ditto, - 72 13 6 Seed and tillage, ditto *ptt.' 71 17 6 Labour on the corn, ditto, - 36 ii o Ditto labour on hay, ftubble, manure, &c &c. &c. 52 7 6 Ploughing carrot land .as before, - 7 10 o Sowing, - - o 12 6 Harrowing, - 063 Hand-hoeing at 20 s. 25 o o .Digging at 10 s. - 12 10 o Carryover, . 134 17 3 795 2 6 Carting ) Brought over, *34 *7 3 795 * -6 'Carting home, - 50 141 * 3 27 # 8 i o 179 3 3 Sundry articles, as before, -85 o o 59 yiO ^ ANNUAL ACCOUNT. Expences. L s. d. Rent, *>-*" - I3 8 I2 70 Beafts, -3* i;:v,Hl^Lv3*f;: 350 oo Seed, - r^il : ;:..^ ---..' 37100 Labour, . "r - ^OKJO 179 33 Sundries, - - . )%:o 45 lot Produce. The fame as before, Expences, - ,*^i "j Intereft, .^- - Profit, > .^ /-*"^ The capital pays 21 /. 6 j.^r r^w/. which great profit is a proof that carrots, not ap- pearing in the preceding calculation fo ad- t vantageous 7 '* ( 448 ) vantageous as cabbages, has not been owing to any deficiency in the value of the crop, but to the height of the expences at which I am obliged to eftimate the labour, and to thefe high prices I muft adhere, or my readers not accuftomed to the culture would often find their profit much lefs than I ffcould ftatc. GENERAL RECAPITULATION OF THIS CHAPTER. Stock requifttef&r the preceding farms. N I. One hundred and fe- " -gj venty acres arable ; the foil clay or loam, - . 865 13 1 1 Ditto a gentleman, - .918 13 u 2. One hundred and ten acres all arable, the foil light enough for turnips, - < . 887 1 1 6 Ditto a gentleman, - . 928 8 6 3. One hundred and twenty acres all grafs, ' - ". 835 5 o Ditto a gentleman, - . 852 7 o 4. One hundred and ten acres, the foil clay or loam, laid down to grafs, . 1045 7 9 Ditto ( 449 ) Ditto a gentleman, - . 1141 17 9 5. Fifty-three acres all ara- ble, .the foil all light, or part light and part ftiff, cultivated in car- rots and lucerne, .1128 80 6. One hundred and ten acres arable, the foil clay, cultivated on im- proved principles, cab- bages in a courfe, - .1031 4 o 7. One hundred and ten acres arable, the foil light, cultivated on improved principles, carrots in a courfe, . 1139 3 3 8. One hundred and tea acres arable, the foil light, cultivated on im- proved principles : car- rots in a courfe at a lefs - ; expence than N 7. . 1059 5 9 Annual produce of thefe farms, expences paid. N i. . 185 o 7 Ditto a gentleman, . 132 07 VOL. I. G g N* a* f- .135 16 3 Ditto a gentleman, - . 93 17 3 3- l8 2 15 Ditto a gentleman, - . 165 13 o 4. . 190 o o Ditto a gentleman, - . 175 14 o 5- I2 3 6 - - ; Su ' '59 3 6 7- ' H5 l6 3 8. . 225 18 9 Profit per cent, on thefe farms* N I. .21 70 Ditto a gentleman, - . 14 70 2- -,.. - ; J 5 6 O Ditto a gentleman, - -1 2 O 3. - . 20 14 o Ditto a gentleman, - J 9 90 4- i 1 Ditto a gentleman, - . 15 90 f. . 10 12 o 6. - ^ : - .15 80 7- - r^-V >C- 12 ii o 8, .21 60 Comparijon Comparifon between the gentlemen and far- men, in the profit per cent, on tbeje farms.. I. s. d. N? i. The farmer, - si 7 o The gentleman, - 14 7 o Superiority of the former, - . 7 o o 2. The farmer, - 1560 The gentleman, 10 20 Superiority of the former, - .5 40 3. The farmer, 20 14 o The gentleman, - 19 9 o Superiority of the former, - . i 50 4. The farmer, - 1 8 i o The gentleman, - 1590 Superiority of the former, - . 2 12 o Progrejfion of the farmer's prof tin the above farms. 3- X 20 14 o 4. -' >C. 1 8 10 2. - - . 15 6 o G g 2 ( 452 J Progreffion of the gentleman's profit in the above farms. N 8. - .21 6 o 3- - - .19 90 4- - - &* .15 90 6. i^^nKi - J 5 80 i. * .14 70 7, . 12 II O 5. * ^' . 10 12 O ^ - ^^' 10 20 Thefe general ftates of the account re- quire a few obfervations to render them of practical ufe to the reader. Firft, refpet- ing the common farmer, His greateft profit is from the clay ara- ble farm, which pays him fo confiderably as 21 /. 7 s. per cent. Arable farms, with infinite attention and good conduct, are certainly very profitable, and the common farmer certainly gives the firft, and may eaftly be flippofed to poflefs the latter. The next profitable farm is the grafs one : fuch are vafrly beneficial to whoever cul- tivates them; and, as I have often obferVed* are liable to fewer lofles and evil chances than any. There are certain proportions which ( 453 ) which render fome arable farms more a.d- vantageous than grafs ones, but in the ge- neral, the latter will prove mofh fo, and will in every account rank very high in the fcale of profit. The next in order is that laid down to grafs, which, like thofe already in grafs, are highly profitable, and pay better than many arable ones. The next and lafl is the arable farm on a foil light enough for turnips ; which, under fome circumftances and proportions* is more profitable on clay farms, but in others, lefs variations indifferent fized farms arife from varied proportions. If a man has a thoufand pounds to difpofe of, it may be moft profitable to expend it upon a clay foil ; if he has twice that fum, it may be better on a light one, and vice verfa. No^ thing is therefore fo deceitful, in fuch af- fairs as thefe, as reafoning by analogy: A clay farm of 103 acres is not fo beneficial as a light loamy one : why mould not the rule hold good with five times the land, conducted on the fame principles? This qucftion may doubtlefs be afked with fome . G g 3 appearance ( 454 ) appearance of reafon ; and to reply only in generals cannot be anfwered ; but minute every particular, and variations will infen- fibly appear, which alter the proportions perhaps of every article. In the gentleman's fcale of farms, the firft is that conducted on improved principles ; carrots in a courfe, but cultivated at a lefs expence than the prices I generally minute, though not fo low as in countries where they are commonly cultivated. The profit is 21 I. 6 s. per cent, no twith (landing the whole labour is increafed as ufual 27 per cent. This fajm fhews the importance of gentlemen's procuring their work to be done at low prices, for in the other carrot farm, which is farmed in every refpec"t in the fame manner, and differs only in the price of labour, the profit per cent, is but 12 I. us. A rife of thefe prices is attended with fo great confequences that too much attention cannot be given to it. The carrot culture in a courfe for light foils is evidentjy a moft beneficial one where the labour can be performed at moderate prices. This part of the calculation muft therefore be variable ( 455 ) variable according to circumftances, like every other in thefe fheets : for no one can fuppofe every variation to be minuted here. I might give a complete eftimate of each farm varied to every price of every article of labour, and to every article of produce in varied quantity and price ; but fuch a work would be fo voluminous, that 30 folios would be requifite for an index to it. Without fplitting fuch hair-breadths, we may be allowed to pronounce that the carrot is an excellent vegetable for the field culture, and the moft profitable to introduce in a courfe, of any, for light foils, Next to this carrot farm comes the grafs one : fuch will ever be particularly high in the gentleman's account. This farm is only 25 5. per cent, below the farmer's in profit : Grafs, with proper management* (pofleffing the requifite firm to flock) re- quires fcarce any labour, which is the gen- tleman's weak part, confequently he mould always take fpecial care to direct his at^ tempts in that field where he is ftrongeft. In arable farms, even when cultivated on improved principles, there are a thoufand narnelefs deductions to be made in points 6 where ( 456 ) where the gentleman cannot poflefs the farmer's advantages, .particularly the cuK ture of corn ; in every thing concerning which, he is fo open to be cheated, deceived, buying and felling to difad van- tage, &c. &c. &c. that all farms in which corn is an article of confequence, inuft, more or lefs, be on that account difadvantageous, In the above carrot farm a profit appears of above 20 per cent, but half that farm is every year under corn ; which circumftance at once fhould remind the reader of thofe difadvantages which I have fo often men- tioned, but which cannot be reduced to eftimate: Hence a grafs farm that leaves 15 per cent, on the foot of its account may eafily be more advantageous to a gentleman^ than an arable one that appears to yield 20. The third farm ip this table is that laid dow r n to grafs : a frefh proof of the profit of thefc farms ; and {hews, that if a gentle- man does not chufe to occupy an arable one, it will anfwer greatly to him to hire one with a view of converting Jt into a grafs one. The fourth is that wherein cabbages are introduced in a courfe every fourth year : This ( 457 ) This, although an arable one, and confe- quently liable to many objections, is an excellent culture for a gentleman, particu- 1 rly in the crop of cabbages (the fourth of the farm) being in many cafes convertible into the fame produce as the clover, ftraw, hay, &c. &c. that is, into the fame cattle which, for numerous reafons, is a point of much importance to a gentleman. If cab- bages are not cultivated upon this farm, beans muft be fubftituted; which, befides the inferiority vifible in the above table, has all the difadvantages attending corn crops, in themfelves fo prejudicial to gentlemen. There is, for this reafon, a much greater difference between a farm in which cab- bages are one crop, and another in which beans are one, than apparent in thefe ac- counts. Nor is it poffible in fuch eftimates to reduce every thing to calculation : I rather ftrained a point in calculating the difference between a gentleman and farmer in labour at 27 per cent. I might have done the fame in that of being cheated in the minutiiZ of the bufmefs of paying arti- zans too much of buying and felling to difadvantage of having bad crops through c want want of judgment ; but fo many ideal efti- mates would, in the eyes of fome, have car- ried too fictitious an appearance : for this reafon I confined myfelf to that point the Jeaft fuppofititious ; and took care in that to keep within bounds. The fifth in the fcale is the clay a- rable. The fixth the light foil arable farm, cul- tivated upon improved principles, carrots in a courfe. The feventh, carrots and lucerne. The eighth, the light foil farm. The inferiority of carrots and lucerne, in this view, proves nothing againft thofe vegetables in other variations : There can be no doubt but a farm cultivated merely for railing food for cattle, muft, to a gentle- man, be more profitable than moft common ones ; but in this the winter vegetable is carrots, under the difadvantages of the ex- penfive culture I before mentioned, and probably the fcale of this farm will here- after be found too fmall for this manage- ment. . END of the FIRST VOLUME* Jttft fullijhtd, written ty tat Author of the foregoing Work, In Four Volumes, Oftavo, Price 1 1. fewed, or 1 1. 45. bound. Illuftrated with twenty-fix Copper- plates of fuch new-invented Implements of Hufbandry, as deferve to be generally known, and Views of fome Pilurefque Romantic Scenes, which occurred to the Author in the Courfeof his Journey; A S I X M O N'T H S TOUR THROUGHOUT THE NORTH OF ENGLAND CONTAINING An Account of the prefent State of AGRICULTURE, MANU- FACTURES and POPULATION in feveral Counties of this Kingdom. PARTICULARLY, I. The Nature, Value, and Rental , which might and ought to be of the Soil. cultivated. i VI. II. The Size of Farms, with Accounts of their Stock, Pro- dufts, Population, and various Methods of Culture. III. The Ufe, Expence, and Profit of feveral Sorts of Manure. IV. The Breed of Cattle, and the refpeclive Profits attending them . V. The State of the Walte Lands The Condition and Number of the Poor, with 'their Rates, Darnings, &c. VII. The Prices of Labour, Provi- fions, and the Proportion between them. VIII. The Regifter of many curiout and ufeful Experiments in Ajri- culture. INTERSPERSED With Defcriptionsof SEATS of the NOBILITY andGENTRY; and other remarkable Objects. Printed for W. Strahan ; W. Nicoll, No. 51. St. Paul'* Church-yard; B.Collins at Salisbury; and J. Balfour at Edin- burgh, and fold by all the Bookfellers inTown and Country. N. B. In the Minutes of this Tour are regiftered the Parti- culars pfaboveTn REE HUNDRED ORIGINAL EXPERIMENTS on various Points of Hufbandry; communicated by many of the Nobility and Gentry; particularly on Cabbages, Carrots, Potatoes, Lucerne, Sainfoine, Burnet, Graffes gathered by Hand, Madder, Grain, and Pulfe drilled and horfe-hoed, Manures, Draining, &c. &c. &c. Kf 3 " The Defign of this Tour is to fpread ufeful Know- ledge of all Sorts, to difplay to one Part of the Kingdom the Practices of the other, to remark wherein fuch Practice 13 hurtful, and wherein it is commendable. To draw forth Spirited Examples of good Hufiandry from Obfcurity, and difplay them as the proper Objefts of Imitation. " The Farmers in one Place grow rich by Methods that would enrich their Brethren in another; but remain quite unknown. II. A IT. A SIX WEEKS TOUR THROUGH THE SOUTHERN COUNTIES of ENGLAND and WALES, D E S C R I B 1VfG PARTICULARtV, IV. The various Prices of Labour and Provifions. V. The State of the working Poor in thofe Counties, wherein the Riots were moft remarkable. I. The prefent State of Agriculture and Manufactures. II. The different Methods-of culti- vating the Soil. , JIT. The Succefs attending fome late ExperimentsonvariousGrafles, &c. DESCRIPTIONS W and COPPERPLATES Of fuch new invented IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, as deferve to be generally known : INTERSPERSED With Accounts of the SEATS of the NOBILITY and GENTRY, and other Objects worthy Notice. Handfomely printed in Octavo. Price 55. fewed, 6s. bound. The fecond Edition, corrected and enlarged. K^In this fecond Edition, the Author has inferted fome frefh Informations he received of new Improvements in Hufbandry in the neighbourhood of the Rout, with other confiderable Additions, which he hopes will render it more acceptable to the Public ; and be found to co-operate entirely with his ori- ginal Defign of extending theKnowledge of Britifh Agriculture. The following PaJJage, charafteriftic of this Work, is tranf- latedfrom a foreign Literary Journal. " The Title of this Work is. long, but we find the Work hfelf too fiiort. It is full of ufeful and interefting Obfervations upon divers Subjects mentioned in the Title. The Author, who is profoundly verfed in every Thing that concerns rural Oeconomy and Agriculture, is alfo a Man of Wit and Tafte: and the Defcriptions which he gives of many fine Seats in the Country, fhew that he has a great Knowledge of the fine Arts, and particularly of Architecture." Billiatb. des Scien. &c. Tom vingt-aeuvieme^rem.part.p. 21 , 111. Handfomely printed in Octavo. Price 55. fewed, 6s. bound, The fecond Edition, corrected and enlarged, OF THE FARMER'S LETTERS PEOPLE OF E "N L G L A N D. Containing The Sentiments of a Pra6\ical Hufbandman on various Subjects of great Importance ; particularly, the Exportation of Corn. The Balance of Agri- culture and Manufactures. The prefent State of Hufbandry. The Cir- cumftances attending large and fmall Farms. The prefent State of the Poor. The Price of Provifions. The Proceedings of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. The Importance of Timber and Planting. Emigrations to the Colonies. The Means of promoting the Agriculture me! Population of Great Britain, &c. &c. To which is added, SY tv/E } cr, Occafional Trades on Hu&andry end Rural Oeconomics. 3 1158 00779 0834 ,.l!.?. U E RN R EG'NAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000007842 8