THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND MEMOIRS O F The Firft FORTY-FIVE YEARS OF The L I F E O F JAMES LACKINGTON. [ Price Five Shillings in boards. ] riti-n ('LVpldrim I'Vlic'ltiT MIISIIS, LACK ;::y G T o y , MEMOIRS O F The Firft FORTY-FIVE YEARS O F The LIFE O F JAMES LACKINGTON, The prefent Bookfeller in Chifwell-ftreet, Moorficlds, London, Written by Himfelf. In FORTY-SIX LETTERS. to a FRIEXD. With a TRIIV.E DEDICATION. 1. To the FUEL. 1C. 2. To RESPECTABLE ~\ 3. To SORDID j A NEW E D I T I O N. Corre&ed, and much enlarged; interipc rfcd with many original humourous Stories, and droll Anecdotes. " No youth did I in education wafte ; " Happily I'd an intuitive Tajie : tl Writing ne'er cramp'd the finews of my thumb, 41 No barb'rous birch did ever brufh my b . " My guts ne'er fulfer'd from a college cook, " My name ne'er euter'd in a butteiy book. " Giammar in vain the fons of Prifcian teach; " Gcod parts arc better than eight parts of fpeecli. " Since tliete declm'd, thofe undeclin'd they call ; 11 I thank my ft.irs, that I declm'd them all. " To Greek or Latin tongues without pretence, " I truft to Mother Wit and Father Senfe. " Nature's my guide; all ped:.ntry 1 fcornj " Pains 1 abhor, I was an Author born." fuch the vanity of great and fmal!, " Contempt goes round, and all men laugh at all." LONDON: Printed for the AUTHOR, No. 46 and 47, Chifoell-Strcet - and fold by all other Eookfellers. M DCC XCII. [Price 55. in Boards.] A TRIPLE DEDICATION.- - i. TO THE PUBLIC. *' In things indiff'rent Reafon bids us chufe, " Whether the whim's a monkey or a mufe." WORTHY PATRONS, WERE I ttfaddrefe you in the accuftomed declamatoiy firain which has long been adopted as the unmerfal Ian- guage of dedications,- viz. FLATTERY, I fhould not only merit your contempt, * for thus endeavouring to rmp'ofe upon your un- derftandings, ,but alib rerfder myfelf ridicu- loufly confpicuous, by a feeble attempt to perform that; for which, as well by nature as long eitablilhed habit/ I am totally dif- qualified. On the o'thef hand, I fhould efteefn myfelf equally meriting your cenfufe, as being guilty of a flagrant fpecies of ingratitude, were I to omit availing myfelf of fo favourable an op- A 3 portunity vi DEDICATION. portunity as now prefents itfelf of expreffmg the refpect and veneration I entertain for you, refulting from the very extenfive and ample encouragement with which you have crowned my indefatigable exertions to ob- tain your patronage, by largely contributing to the diffufion of fcience and rational enter- tainment, on fuch moderate terms as were heretofore unknown. Permit me to indulge the pleafing hope, that when I afiert my mind is deeply im- prelTed with the moft grateful fcnfe of the obligation, I fhall be honoured with credit. If this opinion be well founded, to enlarge on the fubject were fuperfluous if other- wife, the flrongeft arguments, the mo{l fplendid and forcible language could convey, would not enfure conviction ; I .therefore defifl, fully perfuaded that the moft fatisfac- tory demon ftration I can poffibly exhibit of the fincerity of this declaration, will bej an inviolable adherence to that uniform line of conduct DEDICATION 1 , fail condiiclt which has already fecured your ap- probation to a degree eminent as unprece- dented, and which is indeed daily rendered more evident, by a progrefiive increafe in the number and extent of your commands ; truft- ing, that fo long as you find my practice invariably correfpondent to thofe profeffions fo frequently exhibited to your notice (from which to* deviate would render me unworthy your protection) you will, in defiance of all malignant oppofition, firmly perfevere in the liberal fupport of him whofe primary ambi- tion it is, and during life fhall be, to diftin- guifh himfelf as, WORTHY PATRONS, Your much obliged, Ever grateful, And devoted humble fervant; Chifwell-Street, oaoben 79 r. JAMES LAGKINGTON, viii DEDICATION. 2. To that part of the numerous body of BOOKSELLERS of Great Britain and Ireland, whofe conduct JUSTLY claims the additional title of RESPECTABLE ; Whofe candour and liberality he has in numerous in- ftances experienced, and feels a fenfible pleafure in thus publicly acknowledging. And laftly (though not leail in Fame) 3. To thofe fordid and malevolent BOOK- SELLERS, whether they refplendent dwell in ftately manfions, or in wretched huts of dark and grovelling obfcurity j " I'll give every one a fmart lafti in my way." To whofe afliduous and unwearied labours to injure his reputation with their brethren and the public, he is in a confiderable degree indebted for the confidence repofed in .him, and the fuccefs he has been honoured with, produc- tive of his prcfent profperity, .THESE MEMOIRS , are, with all due difcrimination of the refpedhve merits . of each, Infcribed by THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. " To print, or not to print ? that is the queftion : * Whether 'tis better in a trunk to bury " The quirks and crochets of outrageous fancy, " Or" fend a well-wrote copy to the prefs, " And, by difclofing, end them ? " For who would bear th' impatient thirft of fame, " The pride of confcious merit, and 'bove all, . " The tedious importunity of friends " To groan and fweat under a load of wit ? " The Critics do make cowards of us all." JAGO. CUSTOM, it has been repeatedly obferved by many of my worthy (and fome per- haps unworthy) predeceflbrs in authormip, -has rendered a preface almoft indifpeniibly neceflary j while others again have as fre- quently remarked, that * e cujlom is the law of fools" Thofe confiderations induced me to hefitate whether I mould u/her my perform- ance into the world with a preface, and thus hazard xii P R E F A C E. hazard being clafTed with the adherents to that law, or by omitting it, efcape the op- probrium, for " who Jball decide vsnt ii * tlie molt expenfive amons; th ,;.: ', J wart'I -, v - , nor rm. iH/yn ogjsa rewaraea 310HJ iff- tnoe, I mall efteem myfelf amply bmHJfi fUiw rnsfU vlqqiJt TO gjaftUMR- I; had I, however, been difpofea .fis oiorw f&u^i Jbnlt^T 3iom flai/ra ,Ooop to be more attentive tp entertainment,. and. s^om fbwra t viJiw. jyiom nourn .joiaarai |els to veracity, 1 might, to many> have ren- , - , dereS it m^m^^ee^bl^^ fetisfadory to myfelf, as I believe the ob/ej- '/ iff 10 9IW isisiq X2" J l3ft!9l long fmce^ade^0 be 3 ^ are i_* JjJj-I J^tv> V*^ *^J'-'A> -* * ^' A ** I - i ** * may be gleaned from their perujiil. Should the insignificance of /;/y li^ diice any perjpn better ^lualinea the wofict with r Wj-abig. with . iatereftke tomniwahao yd bsf55H3 Sd Vrn iwWrWMlRBf tions of '^fcne any'fuccefs or emolument which can poflibly wife PREFACE. xvii arife from this, my firft, and mod probably laft, eflay as an author. If unfortunately any of my kind readers fhould find the book fo horrid dull and jlupidy that they cannot get through it, or if they do, and wifh not to travel the fame road again, I here declare my perfect readinefs to fupply them with abundance of books, much more learned, much more en- tertaining, much more witty, much more whatever they pleafe, they never lhall want books while L. is able to affifl them; and whether they prefer one of his writing, or that of any other author, he protefts he will not be in the fmalleft degree offended : let every author make the fame declaration if he can. Should my memoirs be attended with no other benefit to fociety, they will at leafl tend to mew what may be effected by a perfevering habit of induftry, and an upright confcientious demeanour in trade towards the public, and probably infpire feme-one, of perhaps fuperior a. abilities, M B B a honourable, ltd ; lid paoties ^ i the; -'poiMabn J6;w to my o t&fee of my dedication. This publication it is to be expe<5ted will ten^j^o excite fome degree of mirth in them. ; Qon- ^fcious that I have often been the caufe (however unihtentional on my part) of ex- lefs pleafing fenfations :in the^ t ,, fji w?Jl .' allow them full fcope ; however, ac- &cordigiiito the well known adage, ," r )IfS t ' them B B E I! & S- fao afefa&M I Mpe 'indulge ing,, if to, entitle them -to clafs .of ^- -ifoj th^amodi > ofi !co bprfBdi|-iawd ttoofdhodao f Qt large aai lo 33ig3b amol 33i person JbyJB ^*^^ a 2 weapons : . will J|iayetl^mf)r^cati(pp ^vhilft they become ^iefts of co^empt in the eyes of the as long af|jn^9ok, as . i^<^fenffi w ^ gff feniors though not 10 I will the ; rq^re 1; cgn^4^^ with a \yiflp |hat my readers >-nay-njoy the feaft with the lame good humour with which I have prepared it ; they will meet with fome folid though not much coarfe food, and the major part, I hope, 3HT Ught P R E F A C E. light and eafy of digeftion ; thofe with keen appetites ^"fffi' others mo^flffiSafl? forty-fix diflies of various ffiipffitdent of a modern ftrikin* likenefs of their Cook into the baltgiM, liurn a 3 THE .8 T M a T M O -Dfi ns |ninirfnoD iiinA3Bo aftfborfjgm 3.ri T' noivvnocL I' 7 ' ' 'v^^q Jnsocnnf yts^ A horrid fpeilre appears. Rendered harmlefs by, the ya- lour of our hero. His opinion of fupcrnatural .appear- ances. Story of a black and a ^ukite deviL J^s confe- quences prove fatal. A hoiifii haunted bajlinadoedj and publicly exhibited, haunted, and the ghoft difcovered. A^shp^.fcndc of poultry^ detected. Sagacious remarks ,Qn;,th fub^ecl:. An hpfpital haunted. page 68 JIIV JI3TT3J LETTER V. vlinivib "io ybuft srii ol noiisoiiqqK bjgn a'oiajrf iuC 1 he CAT /rf '.mtxftbe -bag. Mr. Higley's ghoWl " ^ur hero transfbnne^rmtoalfipiftdiM'^ertrnanacks. Is b'bifnd , .apprentice to- a fhcriihakertJivOhaf^er of- the family. Remarks on dull inanimate preachers. page 83 .XI .H3TT3J l iirf \d bsnsilfirf laftem aid noilubnoD ftt ' vtw bsd i3ffeo Farther particulars of the family. Contents of their li- brary. One of thEIfaiAfyTaoafrferted to methodifm. Converts another. Controverfies enfue. Our hero IJ feMis to read. f ;q ,i\ LETTER VII. The methodifts ofteft^?ain 5l: SJe 1 ^ace of mind of many very innocent people. Mcthodiftical conviction, a * dreadful ftatc. Should only take place in rafcals. A ' terrible inftance of a r,:al guilty confcicnce attended ar prophecy of the end of the world on a certain day. An~ y trfe?l:-voiq 9fto IsaioqioD oJ olcfiinsbiq $Li\h fetnam A .tiS^Ofti 'my* oxsd : ,?3n3mugifi tikf JTavoitno'J .^di! ttcvhq glr^oyiolSS) OTT o:q ibr-- LETTER XXIX. ; .riasgiq 01 aaibfi lolv^j A siclh ? f suii-i fn> iH ^io*Ttx in LETTER 009 ftifetoM -'jlu Muib <4 bsJlqqs van t tood ji boow A praoUce of bookfellers dejlroying great numbers of books, <. The author leiblves to adopt a mode for prefervingfi&m. Enmity created thereby. The happy confequcuces tc . }]im, ilje public, and bookfellers. page 346 .ixxx LETTER XXXV. bn Jnwnrtojajfi *.J .tiM .baraiAai avhmsn: aVttd inO Renoarks on purchafmg manufcripts . Bookfellers li-beral-ity 3iBftaeS- of k Authors form great expectations, lie ttiarkable -anecdotes. Authors publilhing and felling tjieir own prodaftions never anfweijs. Bookfellers often hurt the fale' rfMbtottO Ji* 8\a .iM IIuIBflbtf 3f a , sahra awAihirJ ^TnH.ttjttc .^DGsin^^padL A vaft increafe of cuftpmers. Attended with proportion- able expences. Enumeration of immensely large pur- chafes made, Author intimidated, refolves to difccn.- b contintti continue fuch purchafes. A torrent of bufinefs occafions him to alter that refolution, and perfeverein purchafing bility of meeting with a rival. page 361 cJX -H3TT3J LETTER XXXVII. bns ejfloiq auf gniteft lo abom H$w QUK of his ftudies. No pretender to erudition. His attention to theatrical entertainments. Translations of the daffies,. To novels. To natural philofophy. A rational aflembly. Eulogy on one of its members. Reflections on the difadvantages of want of education, and otherifldgej8l.TT3 1 page 367 >ih'$*vti a*iori3xJE ariT ensq zii^l^wSSraTOjsv lo g 3tb nobno >f theworli. ner of the author's .acquiring that knowledg . feller's hop an ex^llent fchool. Defcant on the variety x p^ ^iftf s r i|i pjjj(^a^ng of books. Sale of ^gpk^^ch affected by the ftate of politics. Farmers read. Ex- ceedingly encreafed of late years. Book clubs. Sunday fchools. If enlightening the lower orders will make them er. page moil mlbvini ni sio 3fi BETTER XXXIX 'to qill 7213; ^ k _ " \ o zisv'nb The" progrefs of the author's expences proportioned- ^ta^fis encreafe of income. Kind obfervations made thereon-. different modes of accounting for his profperity. The CONTENTS. The real caufe. Reflexions on the miferable lives and : "unhappy end of fome opttlent tradefmen, Addrefs to covet- ous tradefmen. Annual profits t>f the author. page 39^ - j .kvh s ffaiw snitoam lo vliiid LETTER XL. Ji/xxx The author's mode of ftating his profits and expences. Hints and mfmuations for him to decline bufmefe. Hti reafons for not doing it. His atfentiorf to poor -re- lations. Proofs that his mode of felling feas not* keen injurious, but beneficial to the trade. ?li }o ano no ^olu3 ^WmaRfi knoh^i A lo Jnsw lo aasjnfivbfilib ark no The author's travels. Remarks on marvellous travellers. Scarcity of valiltbYe x &&ks i^Wkrl^us parts of Great Britain. London the grand emporium. Induftry and remarkable crow's neft af Newcaffle: ' OF : a~^otfng " lady born deaf' and dumb. The Bi^rnk^ a remedy for fcolds, defcribed, with a cut. Propef Remarks, page 41 1 -x3 .DB31 ziami^'i .aobiloq llo 3Jft sd) ^d bof;>9fl ^fibnu2 .zduh AooQ, .aisay SJB! lo mark 33im Iliw ls( iW. in travelling from Darlington to Durham. FM- lofopbical reflections thereon, and-on ihe carelefihefs of drivers of ftages/ A lady killed. An unlucky flip of absm anoijBVisldo W\5l .smooni lo ,v3mqknq eid ic-lt 2^afo?o io zsbom b 2 , 9fl 1 CONTENTS. LETTER XLIII. The author's apology. Ladies allowed full licence to fcream on certain terms. His politenefs contrafted with that of Dr. Johnfon. Various anecdotes of the Doctor. Hints to the authors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica and Biographica Britannica. Remarks on Dr. Jokn- fon's prejudice againft the Scotch nation. The au- thor's opinion on that fubjech Defcant on the French Revolution. Edinburgh. North Britifh hofpitality applauded. page 431 LETTER XLIV. Panegyric on WOMEN. More handfome women feen in Scotland, among the higher clafles than elfewhere. Not fo with the inferior ranks. Curious mode of wafhing linen. Maid fervants in Edinburgh and Lon- don contrafted. page 449 LETTER XLV. Journey to Taunton, Wellington, &c. The author's viiits to his old mafters. Meets with abundance of old acquaintance whom he had never before feen. Is kindly received by the more refpectable inhabitants. Behaviour of fome petty gentry, real gentlemen act dif- ferently. A remarkable prediction. Another by an adept in palmiftry. Narrowly efcapes being killed by the explofion of powder mills. Unexpectedly meets with two very old friends in diftrefs. An affecting fcene. Symmonds's CONTENTS. xxxvii Syramonds's Barrow, near Wellington, brought by the devil in his leathern apron. Others in his glove, page 456 LETTER XLVI. Remarks on watering places. Abfurd pra&ices of many invalids attending them. Different modes of fpend- ing time. Powerful effedt produced on horfes. Ex- cellent academies for fervants. Vifit to Weymouth. Finds their Majefties there. Account of Mr. Hughes, manager of the theatre. The amphitheatre near Dorchefter, Camps. Fortifications. Barrows. tonehenge. Encomium on Mr. Keenan. A prayer. page 471 b 3 PREFACE ' 3 A "* 3 # 1 3HT OT VL o i T i a a a K o D 3 . ni- t ?.'3 ..iadj t sJnw oiiw siorij 10*5 JV nfsv ; . b'eiiq 3i'^9d:tli bnA * t ntBgB 9ihw ^grfi sno oJ nsJ eiT* '* t oisr* riiiw 13*0 Jt f)R3i ^9'di ftsril bnA >l "'.OTorfj 2rthf>B bnu , bf.> to alfib biiril a b'n- 1 b ** SEW ii i -luonorl bfl \(m SIB orlw nsiiw t b3fftilduq isnool on ni banobnam t j Juo bnuo^ ^ rf} "! wol b'n b o* 3ft ^Ino bnfi t anil 0} to th by letter and otherwife, have far exceeded my moft fan- guine and felf- flattering expedationg ; I very fenfibly feel' the obligation. Their ngfinerb- fity has ^overwhelmed me, I am overpaid, agg remain th$ir4abtar.;>l noiiftoqlib ,^* ^ai n ii warm overflowings of^a grateful heart : " Come good, cbme bad, wLIfe life or m8n*ry -lail, ^ I oi rnarft pm B i ^ii oiq rna pm^BKi o But, left I fhould be over vain, I niuft at the fame time declare, that I have received "JJJOflJiW 93Bl3lH ?.IuT t)DUIpUOD jOffflli;) Mr. Weney's people, merely becaufe I exrx.fed.^heir ridiculous principles 9n d abfurd praftices ; but .more particularly, for having Sinol P" 11 " 3 pulled off thofe theni^q ^rh fcrtE t 3t3mo:ftjJD ^sbnshlt The -numerous m^tmi I have demen,convlfl<*se the caufe of manly and rational chriftianity, nor was it ever my intention fo t^-Jfe) bn 3niir I here alfo prefent my cojri^lSs^i^^fii iancere thanks to my impartial' frfehcJ#/* \fl$ der the fecond clafs of my dedication, for the friendly difpofition they have fhewn, in freely distributing my Memoirs among their cuflomers, and they may be allured, that I will not let flip any opportunity of making them proper returns for all , . r t iiiBV T>VO 3Q bluorTl I Jlaf their favours, bs^v ispsi 2Yrl T ierfj a?fib2|& 3ni* 3f T cannbit conclude thi? Trelace wi r - r i^TOli 'i813JtQl. 3/riudE j 2JJp faying forriething about this fecond edition. iTT-ul olB03d -iYl^^rfkt 3 ^ 03 ^ \3>V3W -1 When I put the firlt edition to the prefs, L_ _ a^I/Tj'^niirr sirn^iinihit li^rf} JbslOGX I really intended to print but a fmall num- ber; fo that when I was prevailed on, by ; ^H fome Ixiv PREFACE TO fome of my friends, to print double the num- ber which I at firil propofed, I had not the leail idea of ever being able to fell the whole ; and of courfe had not any intention of printing a fecond edition. But the rapid fale of the work, and the many letters which I am continually receiving from Gentlemen, in va- rious parts of Great Britain and Ireland, who are pleafed to honour me with their appro^ bation and thanks, encouraged me to read the whole over with more attention, to correct fuch typographical errors as had efcaped my obfervation, and to improve the language in i_ i r i "^P 3 numberlefs places. 1 'V . In executing this plan, I perceived that I had omitted to introduce many things which would have been an improvement to the work , and while inferting them, others oc- curred to my memory, To that motf parts of the work is now very much enlarged. But although thefe additions have greatly increaf- cd the expences of printing arid paper, yet I hatfe not added any thing to the price. > To SECOND EDITION. Ixv To fuch as afk why thefe additions had not been printed feperately, to the end that fuch as purchafed the firft edition, might have had them without purchafmg the whole work over again ? I arifwer, had it been practical^, I would have done that -, but thofe additions being fo many, and fo various, rendered that method ridiculous, as every one who will take the trouble to compare the two editions, muft readily acknowledge ; jior can the purchafers of the former edition complain with refpecl: to the, price, it being . M equal in fize to moft new publications which are fold at Six Shillings. And although fome may think that the prefixed head is of no value, I can affure them, that 1 .am of a very different opinion, at kajl of the ori- ginal-, and I have the pleafure to add, that a very great number of my cuftomers have been highly pleafed to have fo ftriking a likenefs of their old bookfeller. Nor am I the firft bookfeller wfco has publifhe/1 his xlvi PREFACE, &c. head; Mr. Nicolfon (commonly called Maps,) bookfeller at Cambridge, two years fince, had his head finely engraven ; it is a good likenefs, and Is fold afc iosl 6dt Francis Kirkman, partner with Richard Hend (laft century) prefixed his portrait to a book, en- titled " The Wits, or Sport upon Sport.'- This Francis Kirkman alfo publifhed Me- moirs of his own Life, and probably led the way to John Duntpiv^m$^ng5&s Biogra- phical Hiftory of England, vol. iv. I could make" niUliyoThel 1 apologies " My judges are as merciful as juft : f< I know t,l^ai well, liafv'e oft their friendship try'd, l "~ C^ TT *VT W I HI I mm grubs'? adi riof dw laibi .tniia ariilio eldguodi 9iiJ oJ j bniM aril anaidsllns ludJ 3aio Y sriJ 10 fl3*l ad; *J moil fcB < 3iom sriJ Ln A SIB ijjomad bn esiuJndvbe auoiffi'/ inoY nsl*! flibodj.^M ^*dj ^o 3C;il 3/lJ lit ^fil^lib noidW * nfiM brtfi ,noT;3^ "io jnoigils^i 10 smsnl arf 1 > ,-xsd -,3.D A 1 3 fl 1 ballso ^Inommoo j nolIooiM .iM. < bead boog ti n i navsigna yfanft b^ad aid bd Mo Eui R b&l gEbnS j bnaH bisdoi^ dnw badllilduq dilfi nfimilii^ 3ioni1 eidT eiiom omw .vi .fov t bnfn3 lo ^lofli 9llJ(3' S INCE your ^S^ o yj^ conveys, . % u ^ e& { 1Jo 79ra as 37$ aagbu^M *' I . For irkerftoWBB!l%rttHlfe^ 'Tis a pleafing relief which the Feeling returas : For as dear as the Light to the thoughts of the Blind, Is the Pen, or the Voice, that enlightens the Mind ; And the more, as from Nature and Genius untaught Your various adventures and humour are brought, Which difplay all the farce of the Methodift Plan, The fhame of Religion, of Reafon, and Man ; While no Libertine Motives their Secrets difpenfe, Eat Propriety joins hand-in-hand with good Senfe. Oh; Ixviii VERSES ADDRESSED TO THE AUTHOR. Oh! with thee, could the Crowd view each fanftified fcency Where the Hypocrite oft wears Simplicity's mien ; Where youth, fecond-childhood, and weaknefs of Sex, Are objeft* they ever prefer to perplex j Like thee, they'd contemn, or indignantly leave, Whom Folly, and Knav'ry, combine to deceive ; And whofe Newgate-Converfions blafphemoufly paint The Wretch moil deprav'd, the moft excellent Saint. Go on ; and difcover each latent defigh, And your rivals expofe, who 'gainft Learning combine : O'er fuch craft mall fair conduct, like thine, ftill prevail. And an envy'd fuccefs lay them low in the Scale. But as Time is too fhort all your fteps to retrace, Let your LIFE fpeak the reft, and fucceed in their place : How Books mend the manners ; and now fo abound, Where Rudenefs and Ignorance lately were found. But plain Truth, for itfelf, it muft ftill be confeft, Is the faithfulleft advocate therefore the beft : So I rife from the Feaft with a fatisfied mind, That the fame every Tafte, and each Temper, may find. Still, to drop all comparifon, Mental's the fare, That needs only good-tafte to invite us to (hare ; Entertainment and Knowledge, the objects in view ; Then receive, as the Donor, the Praife that is due. C. H S, BURY ST. EDMUND'S, ' THE - " LIFE , O LJCKINGTON, BOOKSELLER. LETTER I. Others with wifhful eyes on Glory look, When they have got their pifture toward a book, Or pompous title, like a gaudy Sign Meant to betray dull fots to wretched wine, If at his title L - had dropt his quill, L - might have paft for a great genius ftill : But L - , alas ! (excufe him if you can) .. . ^_ Is now a Scribbler, who was once a man. YOUNG'S Love of Fame. DEAR FRIEND, JL OU have often requeued me to devote what few leifure moments I could fpare, in minuting down fome of the principal occurrences of my life, with a view, fooner or later, of exhibiting the ac- B . count 50 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. count to the public eye ; who, as you were pleafed to fay, could not but be fomewhat curious to learn fome well-authenticated par- ticulars of 'a man, well known to have rifen from an obfcure origin to a degree of notice, and to a participation of the favor of the Public, in a particular line of bufinefs, I may without vanity fay, hitherto unpre- cedented. This will appear more confpi- cuous if you confider, that I was not only poor, but laboured under every other dif- advantage. Ever willing to pay a becoming deference to the judgment of a perfon of your acknow- ledged merits, and whom I have the felicity of numbering among my firmeft friends, yet being lefs anxious to appear as an adventurer among the numerous tribe of authors, than to continue a confiderable vender of the pro- duce of their labours, I have continually de- layed complying with your kind wifhes. By the bye, docs the publication of a Cata- logue of Books entitle the compiler to the name of Author ? If it does, many Book- fellers LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 51 fellers have long had a claim to that diftinc- tion, by the annual publication of their Catalogues, and myfelf, as author of a very voluminous one every fix months. The reafon for my afking this queftion is', I lafl year obferved, that a certain bookfeller pub- limed his firft Catalogue with this intro- duction : " As this is the firfl Catalogue ever the AUTHOR made, and is done in great hafle, he hopes inaccuracies will be treated with lenity.*' But to return from this digreffion. I mould probably have ftill delayed compiling my narrative, if the editors of a certain peri- odical publication, who monthly labor to be witty, had not deemed me of fufficient confequence to introduce into their work, what they are pleafed to call a Portrait of me ! and though it was by them intended as a caricatura, yet 1 am perfuaded it will ap- pear to thofe who be know me, as a daub- ing more characteriftic of the heavy brum of a manufacturer of figns, than the delicate pencil of a true portrait-painter ; and on that B 2 account 52 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. account I mould moft certainly have con- fidered it as unworthy notice, had they not daubed me "with falfe features. This at once determined my wavering refolution, and I am now fully refolved to minute down fuch particulars of my pafTage through life, as, though not adorned with an elegance of {tile, will, I aflure you, poffefs what to you, I natter myfelf, will be a greater recom- mendation, viz, a ftricl: adherence to truth. And though no doubt you will meet with fome occurrences in which you . may find cauie for cenfure, yet I hope others will prefent themfelves, which your candour will induce you to commend. Should you be able % to afford the whole a patient perufal, and think the account meriting the public eye, I lhall cheerfully fubrriit to your deci- fion, convinced that you will not, " With mean complacence e'er betray your truft, " Nor be fo civil as to prove unjuft." John Dunton, a brother Bibliopole, long fince exhibited a whole volume of dulnefs, which he called his " Life and errors" The latter LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 53 latter term I believe might be a very proper appendage to the title page of the innume- rable lives which have been, and which will be publimed : For what man will dare to fay of himfelf, his life has not been loaded with errors ? That mine has been fuch, I readily acknowledge; and mould this nar- rative be publimed, many perhaps may deem that aft another (poffibly the greateft) error. To thofe I mall only obferve, that " to err is human, to forgive divine." As an additional ftimulus, I can afTure you as an abfolute fact, that feveral gentlemen have at different periods (one very lately) intimated to me their intentions of engaging in the tafk, if I any longer declined it. Of my firft-mentioned kind Biographers I mail take my leave, with a couplet, many years fmce written by an eminent poet, and not inapplicable to the prefent cafe. * f Let B charge low Grub-Street oam)*quill, " And write whate'er he pleafe, except MY WILL. 3 And 54 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. And of you, for the prefent, after inform- ing you, my next mall contain a faithful account of particulars relative to the early part of my life, with afluring you that I am, Dear Friend, Your ever obliged. LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 55 LETTER II. '* Why mould my birth keep down my mounting Spirit ? " Are not all creatures fubjeft unto time; " To time, who doth abufe the world, " And fills it full of hotch-podge baftardy ? " There's legions now of beggars on the Earth, " That their original did fpring from Kings ; " And many monarchs now, whofe fathers were " The riff-raff of their age ; for time and fortune " Wears out a noble train to beggary ; " And from the dunghill millions do advance ' To ftate ; and mark, in this admiring world ' This is the courfe, which in the name of fate " Is feen as often as it whirls about ; " The river Thames that by our door doth run, " His firft beginning is but fmall and (hallow, " Yet keeping on his courfe grows to a fea. SHAKES? EAR'S Cromwell. DEAR FRIEND, IN my laft I hinted that I fhould confine myfelf to a plain narrative of fadls, unembellifhed with the meretricious aid of lofty figures, or reprefentations of things which never had exiftence, but in the brain of the author. I fhall therefore not trouble you with a hiftory of predictions which foretold the future greatnefs of your B 4 humble 5 6 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. humble fervant, nor with a minute account of the afpefts of the planets at the very aufpicious arid important crifis when firft I inhaled the air of this buttling orb ; for, ex- traordinary as it may appear, it has never yet occurred to me, that any of the adepts in the aftrological fcience have made a cal- culation of my nativity ; 'tis probable this high honor is by the planets deftined to adorn the fublime lucubrations of the very ingenious Mr. SIBLEY, in the next edition of his {tup endous work ! And here, for the honor of the craft let me remark, that this moft fublime genius, has with my-' felf, to boaft (and who would not boaft of their genealogy in having a prince for their anceftor ?) in being a Son of the renowned PRIN 7 CE CRISPIN. A volume has been written with the title of " The Honor of the Taylors ; or the Hiftory of Sir JOHN HAWKWOOD." But were any learned writer to undertake The honor of the Shoemakers, or the Hiftory of , how infignifkant a figure would the LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 57 the poor Taylors make, when compared with the honorable craft ! ' Coblers from Crifpin boaft their Public Spirit, " And all are upright downright men of merit." Should I live to fee as many editions of my Memoirs publimed, as there have been of the Pilgrim's Progrefs, I may be induced to prefent the world with a Folio on that important fubjecl:. But to begin Were I inclined to pride myfelf in genealogi- cal defcent, I might here boaft that the family were originally fettled at White Lackington, in Somerfetmire, which obtained its name from one of my famous anceftors, and give you a long detail of their grandeur, &c. but having as little leifure as inclination to boaft of what if true would add nothing to my merits, I mall for the prefent only fay, that I W2S born at Wellington in Somerfetfhire, on the 3ift of Auguft, (old ftyle) 1746. My father George Lackington, was a Jour- neyman 5 8 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. neyman Shoemaker, who had incurred the difpleafure of my grandfather for marrying my mother, "vvhofe maiden name was Joan Trott. She was the daughter of a poor weaver in Wellington ; a good honeft man, whofe end was remarkable, though not very fortunate; in the road between Taunton and Wellington, he was found drowned .in a ditch, where the water fcarcely covered his face : He was, 'tis conjectured, " Drunk when he died." This happened fome years before the mar- riage of my Father and Mother. My grandfather George Lackington had been a Gentleman Farmer at Langford, a village two miles from Wellington, and acquired a pretty confiderable property. But my father's mother dying when my father was but about thirteen years of age, my grand- father, who had two daughters, bound my father apprentice to a Mr. Hordly, a mafter flioemaker in Wellington, with an intention of fetting him up in that bufincfs at the ex- piration LIFE OF j. LACKINGTON. $ 9 piration of his time. But my father worked a year or two as a journeyman, and then dif- pleafed his father by marrying a woman without a milling, of a mean family, and who fupported herfelf by fpinning of wool into yarn, fo that my mother was delivered of your friend and humble fervant, her firft- born, and hope of the family, in my grand- mother Trott's poor cottage ; and that good old woman carried me privately to church, unknown to my father who was (nominally) a Quaker, that being the religion of his anceftors. About the year 1750, my father having three or four children, and my mother prov- ing an excellent wife, my grandfather's refentment had nearly fubfided, fo that he fupplied him with money to open a mop for himfelf. But that which was intended to be of very great fervice to him and his family, eventually proved extremely unfortunate to himfelf and them ; for as fbon as he found he was more at eafe in his circumftanccs, he contracted a fatal habit of drinking, and of courfe 60 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. courfe his bufinefs was negle&ed ; fo that after feveral fruitlefs attempts of my grandfather to keep him in trade, he was, partly by a very large family, but more by his habitual drunkennefs, reduced to his old jftate of a journeyman moemaker : Yet fb infatuated was he with the love of liquor, that the endearing ties of hufband and father could not reftrain him : by which baneful habit himfelf and family were involved in the extremeft poverty. " To mortal men great loads allotted be ; , *' But of all packs, no pack like poverty." HERRICK. So that neither myfelf, my Brothers, or Sif- ters are indebted to a Father fcarcely for any thing that can endear his memory, or caufe us to reflect on him with pleafure. ft Children, the blind effefts of love and chance Bear from their birth the impreffion of a Slave. DRITDEN. My father and mother might have faid with Middleton, ' How adverfe runs the deftiny of fome creatures! " Some only can get riches and no children, " We only can get children and no riches ; ' Then 'tis the prudent part to check our will, " And, till our ftate rife, make our blood (land {till. But LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 61 But to our mother we are indebted for every- thing. " She was a woman take her for all in all, I mall not look upon her like again." Never did I know or hear of a woman who worked and lived fo hard as me did to fupport Eleven children : and were I to relate the particulars, it would not gain credit. I fhall only obferve, that for many years together, me worked generally nineteen or twenty hours out of every twenty- four; even when very near her time, fometimes at one hour me was feen walking backwards and forwards by her Spinning-wheel, and her midwife fent for the next. Out of love to her family me totally ab- ftained from every kind of Liquor, water excepted, her food was chiefly broth, (little better than water and oatmeal) turnips, pota- toes, cabbage, carrots, &c. her children fared fomething better, but not much, as you may well fuppofe. When I reflect on the aftonifh- ing hardfhips and fufferings of fo worthy a woman, and her helplefs infants, I find my- felf ready to curfe the hufband and father that 62 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. that could thus involve them in fuch a de- plorable fcene of mifery anc} diflrefs. It is dreadful to add, that his habitual drunken- nefs fhortened his days nearly one half, and that about twenty years fince he died, unre- gretted by his own children ; nay more, while nature med tears over his grave, reafon was thankful that the caufe of their poverty and mifery was taken out of the way. Read this, ye inhuman parents, ancU ihudder ! Was a law made to banifh all fuch fathers, would it not be a juft, nay even a mild law? Here, fir, permit me to drop fo gloomy a fubjeft, and again fubfcribe myfelf Yours, c. LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 63 LETTER III. Some venial frailties you may well forgive." FRANCIS'S Horace. DEAR FRIEND, J\$ I was the eldeft, and my father for the firft few years a careful hard-working man, I fared fomethmg hetter than my* brothers and fitters. I was put for two or three years to a day-fchool kept by an old woman ; and well remember how proud I ufed to be to fee feveral ancient dames lift up their hands and eyes with aftonifhment, while I repeated by memory feveral chapters out of the New Teftament, concluding me 'from this fpecimen to be a prodigy of Science. But my career of learn- ing was foon at an end, when my mother became fo poor that (he could not afford the mighty fum of two-pence per week for my fchooling. Befides I was obliged to fupply the place of a nurfe to feveral of my brothers and fitters. The confequence of which was, 64 LIFE OF J. LAC&INGTON. was, that what little I had learned was prefently forgot ; inftead of learning to read, &c. it very early became my chief delight to excel in all kinds of boyim mifchiefs ; and I foon arrived to be the captain and leader of all the boys in the neighbourhood, fo that if any old woman's lanthorn was kicked out of her hand, or drawn up a fign- poft, or if any thing was fattened to her tail, or if her door was nailed up, I was fure to be accufed as the author, whether I really were fo or not. But one of my tricks had nearly proved fatal to me. I had obferved that yawning was infectious ; and with a determination to have fome fport, I collected feveral boys together one market-day evening, and in- ftructed them to go amongft the butchers ; whither I accompanied them. We placed ourfelves at proper diftances, and at a fignal given, all began to yawn as wide as we could : which immediately had the defired effect ; the whole butcher row was fet a yawning ; on which I and my companions burft LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 65 burft out into a hearty laugh, and took to our heels. The trick pleafed us fo well, that two or three weeks after, we attempted to renew it. But one of the butchers, who was half drunk, perceiving our intention, fnatched up his cleaver and threw it at me, which knocked off my hat without doing me any harm. I was about ten years of age, when a mati began to cry apple-pies about the ftreets, I took great notice of his methods of felling his pies, and thought I could do it much better than him. I communicated to a neighbouring baker my thoughts on the fubjecT: in fuch a manner as gave him a very good opinion of my abilities for a pie-merchant, and he pre- vailed on my father to let me live with him. My manner of crying pies, and my activity in felling them, foon made me the favorite of all fuch as purchafed halfpenny apple-pies, and halfpenny plumb-puddings, fo that in a few weeks the old pie-merchant {hut up his fhop. I lived \\ith this Baker about twelve or fifteen months, in which time I fold fuch C large 66 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. large quantities of pies, puddings, cakes, &c. that he often declared to his friends, in my hearing, that I had been the means of ex- tricating him from the embarraffing circum- ftances in which he was known to be involved prior to my entering his fervice. During the time I continued with this Baker, many complaints were repeatedly made againft me for the childifli follies I had been guilty of> fuch as throwing fnow- balls, frightening people by flinging ferpents and crackers into their houfes, &c. I alfo happened one day to overturn my mailer's fon, a child about four years old, whom 1 had been driving in a wheel-barrow. Dread- ing the confequences, I immediately flew from my matter's houfe, and (it being even- ing) went to a glazier's, and procured a par- cel of broken glafs ; I alfo provided myfelf with a pocketful of peas ; and thus equipped made fine diverfion for myfelf and my un- lucky companions, by going to a number of houfes, one after another, difcharging a handful of peas at the windows, and throw- ing I LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 67 ing down another handful of glafs in the ftreet at the fame inftant, which made fuch a noife as very much frightened many people, who had no doubt of their windows being broken into a thoufand pieces. This adven- ture, together with throwing the child out of the wheel-barrow, produced fuch a cla- mour againft me amongft the old women, that I would not return to my mafter, and not knowing what elfe to do, I went home to my father, who, you may eafily conceive could not afford to keep me idle, fo 1 was foon fet down by his fide to learn his own trade ; and I continued with him feveral years, working when he worked, and while he was keeping Saint Monday r , I was with boys of my own age fighting, cudgel-play- ing, w refiling, &c. &c. I am, Dear Friend, Yours, &c. C 2 BETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. . LETTER IV. " Who gather round, and wonder at the tale " Of horrid apparition, tall and ghaftly, " That walks at dead of night, or takes his ftand, " O'er fome new-open'd grave : and (ftrange to tell I) " Evanifhes at crowing of the cock." BLAIR'S Grave. DEAR FRIEND, 1 Muft not forget an odd ad- venture that happened when I was about twelve years of age, as it tends to fhew in part my dauntlefs difpofition, which difco- vered itfelf on many occafions in the very early part of my life. I had one day walked with my father to Holywell lake, a village two miles from Wellington, where meeting with fome good ale, he could not find in his heart to part from it until late at night. When we were returning home by the way of Rockwell- Green, (commonly called Rogue Green, from a gang of robbers and houfe-breakers who formerly lived there) having juil paffed the bridge, LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 69 bridge, we were met by feveral men and women, who appeared to be very much frightened, being in great agitation. They informed us that they were returning back to Rogue-Green, in order to fleep there that night, having been prevented from going home to Wellington by a dreadful Appari- tion, which they had all feen in the hollow way, about a quarter of a mile diftant ; ad- ding, that a perfon having been- murdered there formerly, the ghoft had walked ever fince j that they had never before paid much attention to the well-known report ; but now they were obliged to credit it, hav- ing had ocular demonftration. My father had drank too large a quantity of ale to be much afraid of any thing, and I (who could not let ilip fuch an opportunity of mewing my courage) feconded matters for the poor terrified people to return with us ; and as I offered to lead the van, they were prevailed on to make the attempt once more ; but faid, that it was rather prefumptuous, and hoped that no dreadful confequence would C 3 eniue 7 o LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. enfue, as all the company, they trufted were honeft-hearted, and intended no harm to any perfon : they moreover added, that " God certainly was above the Devil." I then ad- vanced, and kept before the company about fifty yards, " Whittling aloud to bear my courage up." But when we had walked about a quarter of a mile, I faw at fome diftance before us in the hedge, the dreadful apparition that had fo terrified our company. Here it is ! (faid I) " Lord have mercy upon us !" replied fome of the company, making a full flop ; and would have gone back, but fhame pre- vented them. I ftill kept my diftance be- fore, and called out to them to follow me, alluring them that I was determined to fee \vhat it was. They then fell one behind another, and advanced in fingle files. As I proceeded I too was feized with a timid ap- prehenfion, but durft not own it ; {till keep- ing on before, although I perceived my hair to heave my hat from my head, and my teeth LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. '71 teeth to chatter in my mouth. In fact I was greatly agitated at what I law ; the ob- ject much refembled the human figure as to fhape, but the fize was prodigious. How- ever I had promifed to fee what it was, and for that purpofe I obfHnately ventured on about thirty yards from the place where I firft had fight of it, I then perceived that it was only a very mort tree, whofe limbs had been newly cut off, the doing of which had made it much refemble a giant. I then called to the company, and informed them, with a hearty laugh, that they had been frightened at the flump of a tree. This (lory caufed excellent diverfion for a long time afterwards in Wellington, and I was mentioned as an hero. The pleafure and fatisfa&ion I received from the difcovery, and the honour I acquired for the courage I porTefled in making it, has, 1 believe, had much influence on me ever after ; as I cannot recollect that in any C 4 , one 7 2 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. one inftance I have ever obferved the leaft fear of apparitions, fpirits, &c. fmce. What education did at firft receive, '* Our ripen'd age confirms us to believe." POMFRET. Not that I have always {readily diibelieved \vhat has been related, of fuch appearances, a few accounts of which feem fo well authen- ticated, as at leaft to make me doubt whether there might not exift in the fcale of beings fome of a more a*erial fubftance than man- kind, who may pofTefs both the inclination and the power of affuming our fhape, and may perhaps take as much delight in teaz- ing the human fpecies, as too many of our fpecies do in teazing and even tormenting thofe of the brute creation, " Some aftral forms I muft invoke by pray'r ; ' Fram'd all of pureft atoms of the air : " In airy chariots they together ride, " And fip the dew, as thro' the clouds they glide ; " Vain fpirits, You, that fhunning feeav'n's high noon, Swarm here beneath the concave of the moon, " Hence to the tafk affign'd you here below ! " Upon the ocean make loud tempefts blow j " Into LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 73 " Into the wombs of hollow clouds repair, " And crafh out thunder from the bladder'd air; * From pointed fun-beams take the mifts they drew, " And fcatter them again in pearly dew : " And of the bigger drops they dfjin below, " Some mould in hail, and others fift in fnow." DRYDEN. While I am on this fubjeft, I cannot refift the temptation of relating a truly ridicu- lous affair that happened about this time at Taunton. In the workhoufe belonging to the parifli of St. James, there lived a young woman who was an idiot. This poor creature had a great averlion to deeping in a bed, and at bed-time would often run away to a field in the neighbourhood called the Priory, where flie flept in the cowfheds. In order to break her of this bad cuftom, two men agreed to try if they could not frighten her out of it. And one night, when they knew that me was there, they took a white meet with them, and coming to the place, one of the men concealed him- felf 74 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. felf to fee the event, while the other wrap- ped himfelf up in the flieet, and walked backwards and forwards clofe before the cowfhed in which fhe was laid. It was fome time before Molly paid any attention to the apparition ; but at laft up fhe got. " Aha ! (faid fhe) a white devil !" and by her manner of expreffing herfelf ihe thought It was very flrange to fee a white devil. And foon after fhe exclaimed, " A black devil, too ! a black devil, too !" With that the man who had the fheet on, looked over his fhoul- der, and faw (or imagined he faw) a perfon all over black behind him ; the fight of which made him take to his heels. Molly then clapped her hands as faft as fhe could, crying out at the fame time, " Run, black devil, and catch white devil ! Run, black devil, and catch white devil !" and was highly diverted. But this proved a ferious adventure to the white devil, as he expired within a few minutes after he had reached his own houfe ; and from that time poor Molly was left alone to fleep in peace. About LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 75 About ten years after the above affair, at Wivelfcombe, nine miles from Taunton, a gentleman farmer's houfe was alarmed every night between twelve and one o'clock. The chamber doors were thrown open, the bed' clothes pulled off the beds, and the kitchen furniture thrown with violence about the kitchen, to the great terror of the family, infomuch that the fervants gave their matter and miftrefs warning to leave their places, and fome of them actually quitted their fer- vice. This dreadful affair had lafted about fix weeks, when a young gentleman who was there on a vifit, being in bed , one night, at the ufual hour he heard his cham- ber door thrown open, and a very odd noife about his room. He was at firft frightened, but the noife continuing a long time, he became calm, and laid frill, revolving in his mind what he had beft do. When on a iudden he heard the fpirit creep under his bed, which was immediately lifted up, &c. This convinced him that there was fome fubftance in the fpirit ; on which he leaped uot 76 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. out of bed, fecured the door, and with his oaken ftaff belaboured the ghoft under the bed as hard as he could, until he heard a female voice imploring mercy. On that he opened his chamber door, and called aloud for a light. The. family all got up as faft as poflible, and came to his room. He then informed them that he had got the fpirit under the bed ; on hearing which, moft of them were terribly frightened, and would have run off fafter than they came, but he allured them, they had nothing to fear : then out he dragged the half-murdered ipirit from its fcene of action. But how great was their furprife and fhame, when they difcovered that this tormenting devil was no other than one of their fervant girls about fixteen years of age, who had been confined to her bed feveral months by ill- nefs. This ghoft was no {boner laid, than two others alarmed the neighbourhood ; one of which for a long time fliook a houfe every night, and terribly diftreffed the family ; at length LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 77 length they all refolved one night to go over the whole houfe in a body, and fee what it was that fo agitated the building. They ex- amined every room, but in vain, as no caufe could be difcovered. So they very ferioufly as well as unanimoufly concluded, that it muft be the devil. But about a fortnight after this, one of the family being out late in the garden, faw a great boy get in at the window of an old houfe next door (part of which was in ruins) and foon after the houfe began to fhake as ufual, on which the family went out of their own habitation, and entered the old houfe where the boy was feen to get in ; yet for a long time they could not difcover any per- fon, and were juft turning to come out again, when one of the company obferved the boy fufpended above their heads, (hiding over the end of a large beam that ran acrofs both houfes. It was then apparent that the violent agi- tation of the adjoining houfe was occafioned by 7 8 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. by nothing more than his leaping up and down on the unsupported end of this beam. Another apparition had for a long time ftolen many geefe, turkeys, &c. and altho* it had been feen by many, yet nobody would venture to go near it, until at length one perfen a little wifer than the reft of his neighbours, feeing the famous apparition all over white ftealing his fowls, was determined to be fully fatisfied what kind of fpirit it could be that had fb great a predilection for poultry. He accordingly went round the yard, and as the apparition was coming over the wall, he knocked it down. This ter- rible ghoft then proved to be a neighbouring woman, who had put on her fliroud, in order to deter any perfons mould they by chance fee her, from coming near her. Thus, though me had for a long time fuccefsfully practifed this ingenious way of procuring poultry, the old fox was caught at laft. This LIFE OF J. I.ACKINGTON. 79 This is fo prolific a fubjeft, that I could fill many pages with relations of dreadful fpedlres, which for a while have reigned with tyrannic fway over weak minds, and* nt length when calm Reafon was fuffcred to aflame its power, have been difcovered to be no more objects of terror than thofe I have here noticed. But doubtlefs many fuch in- ftances rnufl have occurred to you. It has indeed often aftonimed me, 1 that in this enlightened age, there fhould yet re- main numbers, not in the country only, but even in the metropolis, who fuffer them- felves to be made miferable by vain fears of preternatural occurrences, which generally owe their origin to the knavery of fome ill- difpofed perfon, who has a fmifter purpofe to anfwer thereby, or to the foolim defire of alarming the minds of weak people : a practice fometimes (though intended as fun) productive of very ferious confequences. Now and then, indeed, thefe terrors are owing to accidental and ridiculous caufes. As an Jnflance, 8o LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. inftance, I mall give you the account of a ter- rible alarm which fome years fmce took place in an Hofprtal of this city, as related to me by a gentleman, who at the time refided in the houfe, for the purpofe of completing his medical education, and on whofe veracity I can confidently rely. For feveral nights fucceffively a noife had been heard in the lower part of the building, like the continual tapping againft a window, which led the night nurfes wifely to con- clude it muft certainly be occafioned by the Spirit of one of the bodies depofited in the dead-houfe endeavouring to efcape ; the found feeming to proceed from that.particular quar- ter. The dread of thefe fagaelous ladles at lafl became fuch, as totally to prevent their going from ward to ward to do their duty, and determined my friend to attempt to lay this perturbed fpirit ; which however he ap- prehended would more fpeedily, as well as effectually be performed by the afliftance of a good cudgel, than by cxorcifms ; he therefore inftead of confulting the Chaplain, gave LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 81 gave orders the next night as foon as the ufual dreadful found was heard, to give him notice. This you may fiippofe they did not negleft doing, though at the fame time they were mocked at his temerity, and apprehen- live for the confequences. Imprefled with an idea of the alarm being occasioned by fome fervant or patient in the houfe, he im- mediately fallied forth, with a candle in one hand, and a good tough twig in the other, accompanied by two of the men fervants of the Hofpital, accoutred in the fame manner, refblved that if detected, the party mould meet with an ample reward. The dead- houfe was patted ; the noife continued ; though it evidently proceeded from a win- dow at fome diftance in the area. When the cavalcade came near the Icene of acYion, the window fuddenly and violently broke, without any thing being feeii. This my . friend confefled, for a moment occafioned his making a halt j but as nothing vifible had efcaped through the area, it occurred to him fomething might have made an entrance that D way ; a LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. way ; accordingly he proceeded to the inter- nal part of the building, and on opening the door, the apparition immediately not only appeared, but difappeared, and that fo in- jftantaneoufly as not to afford time to apply the remedy intended. And what think you, was this dreadful fpirit ? That you may exercife your ingenuity at gueifing, I will here conclude with, Dear Friend, Yours, c. LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 83 LETTER V. ' . Were thy education ne'er fo mean, " Having thy limbs, a thoufand fair courfes " Offer themfelves to thy eleftion. BIN JOHNSON'S Every Man in his Humour. " Laugh if you are wife." MARTIAL. DEAR FRIEND, A CAT. An odd begin- ning of a Letter, by the bye but here highly important and proper, as tending to relieve you from the anxious thoughts which (no doubt) muft have filled your mind on the fubjecl: of the concluding part of my former letter. I muft give you one laugh- able inftance more, which lately happened. Mr. Higley, the bookfeller famous for felling odd volumes or broken fets of books, lived next door to a public-houfe in RufTell-courr, Drury-lane ; this public-houfe was feparated from his habitation only by a flight wainfcot partition, through which Mr. Higley caufed D 2 an .84. LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. an hole to be cut, and a flider put over it, fo that when he wanted any beer, he always drew back the flider and had it handed to him through this convenient aperture. The night after Mr. Higley's death, which happened a few months fince, the man who was left to take care of the corps, about twelve o'clock hearing the landlord and his family going up flairs to their beds, on a fudden drew back the flider and halloo'd through the hole, " Bring me a pint, of beer." This order the landlord and his family heard, and were terribly alarmed, as they really thought it had proceeded from the ghoft of their neighbour Higley ; the poor maid let fall the warming-pan, which came tumbling down the ftairs ; the land- lady being within the reach of her hufband's legs, caught faft hold of them, which in his fright he miftook for poor Higley. But the man burfting into a hearty laugh, reftored the fpirits of our hoft and his family. Having LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 85 Having now, I dare fay, had enough of Gbofteffes, I will proceed with my narration. During the time that I lived with the Baker, my name became fo celebrated for felling a large number of pies, puddings, &c. that for feveral years following, application was made to my father, for him to permit me to fell AlHianacks a few market days be- fore and after Chriflmas. In this employ I took great delight, the country people being highly pleafed with me, and purchafing a great number of my Almanacks, which ex- cited envy in the itinerant venders of Moore, Wing, Poor Robin, &c. to fuch a degree, that my father often exprefled his anxiety left they mould fome way or other do me a mifchief. But 1 had not the leaft concern, for pofleffing a light pair of heels, I always kept at a proper diflance. O, my friend, little did I imagine at that time, that 1 mould ever excite the fame poor mean fpirit in many of the bookfellers of London and other places ! but, 03 Envy 86 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. " Ewvy at laft crawls forth, from hell's dire throng, " Of all the direfull'ft ! her black locks hung long, Attir'd with curling ferpents ; her pale (kin " Was almoft drop'd from her fliarp bones within, ' And at her breaft (tuck vipers, which did prey Upon her panting heart both night and day, Sucking black blood from thence : which to repair, " Both day and night they left frefh poifons there. * Her garments were deep-flain'd with human gore, And torn by her own hands, in which (he bore tf A knotted whip and bowl, which to the brim, " Did green gall, and the juice of wormwood fwim ; " With which when (he was drunk, (he furious grew, " And lam'd herfelf : thus from th'accurfed crew, ' Envy, the word of fiends, herfelf prefents, " Envy, good only when (he herfelf torments." COWLEY. " The true condition of Envy is, " Dolor alienee felicitatis ; to have *' Our eyes continually fix'd upon another * Man's profperity, that is, his chief happinefs, ' And to grieve at that." I was fourteen years and a half old when I went with my father to work at Taunton, feven miles from Wellington. We had been there about a fortnight,- when my father in- formed our mailer, George Bowden, that he would LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 87 would return to Wellington again. Mr. Bowden was then pleafed to inform my fa- ther that he had taken a liking to me, and propofed taking me apprentice; I feconded Mr. Bowden's motion (having a better prof- pect in continuing with Mr. Bowden than in returning to Wellington with my father) as he offered to take me without any premium, and to find me in every thing. My father ac- cepted his offer, and I was immediately bound apprentice for feven years to Mr. George and Mrs. Mary Bowden, as honeft and worthy a couple as ever carried on a trade. " Religious, punftual, frugal, and fo forth ; " Their word would paf a iur more than they were worth." Porn. They carefully attended to their mop fix days in the week, and on the leventh went with their family twice to an anabaptifh meeting ; where little attention was paid to ipeculadve doctrines j but where found mo- rality was conftantly inculcated. D 4 For 88 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. For modes of faith let gracelefs zealots fight, " His can't be wrong whofe life is in the right.'* But in this, as in many other places of wor- fhip, it was performed in a dull fpiritlefs manner; Ib that the excellent morality taught there was not fo much attended to as it would have been had it been enforced, or re-enforced by the captivating powers of oratory. I well remember, that although I con- ftantly attended this place, it was a year or two before I took the leaft notice of the fer- mon, which was read; nor had I any idea that I had the leaft concern in what the minifter was (as 'tis called) preaching about. For, " Who a cold, dull, lifelefs drawling keeps, " One half his audience laughs, whilft t'other fleeps. ' Sermons, like plays, forne pleafe us at the ear, " But never will a ferious reading bear j ' Some in the clofet edify enough, That from the pulpit feem'd but forry fluff. " 'Tis LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 89 " 'Tis thus there are who by ill reading fpoil " Young's pointed fenfe, or Atterbury's ftyle ! " While others, by the force of eloquence, " Make that feem fine, which fcarce is common fenfe. " But fome will preach without the leaft pretence " To virtue, learning, art, or eloquence. " Why not ? you cry : they plainly fee, no doubt " A prieft may grow right reverend without." Art of Preaching. I am, Dear Friend, Yours, &c. LETTER 9 o LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. LETTER VI. " Youth is the (lock whence grafted fuperftition " Shoots with unbounded vigor.'* MILLER'S Mahomet. All rauft lament that he's under fuch banners, " As evil community fpoils our good manners." SlMPKIN. DEAR FRIEND, jL\T the time that I was bound apprentice, my mafler had two fons, the eldeft about feventeen years old, the youngeft fourteen. The eldeft had juft been baptized, and introduced as a member of the arianifti- cal dipping community where my mafter and his family attended. The boy was a very fober induftrious youth, and gave his father and mother much pleafure. The youngeft was alfo a good lad. Thus every thing continued well for fome time after I had been added to the family. Both of the boys had very good natural parts, and had learned LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 91 learned to read, write, keep accounts, &c. But they had been at fchools where no va- riety of books had been introduced, fo that all they had read was the Bible. My matter's whole library confitted of a fchool-fize Bible, Watts's Pfalms and Hymns, Foot's Tract on Baptifm, Culpepper's Herbal, the Hiftory of the Gentle Craft, an old imperfect volume of Receipts in Phyfic, Surgery, &c. and the Ready Reckoner. The ideas of the family were as circumfcribed as their library. My matter called attention to bufinefs and work- ing hard, " minding the main chance" On Sundays all went to meeting ; my Matter on that day faid a fhort grace before dinner, and the boys read a few chapters in the Bible, took a walk for an hour or two, then read a chapter or two more. " What right, what true, what fit we juftly call, " And this was all our care for this is all." We then fupped, and went early to bed, perfectly fatisfied with having done their duty ; 92 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOK. duty ; and each having a quiet confcience, foon fell into the arms of " Nature's foft nurfc ! fweet fleep." I cannot here omit mentioning a very fmgular cuftom of my matter's : Every morning, at all feafons of the year, and in all weathers, he rofe about three o'clock, took a walk by the river-fide round French- ware-fields, ftopt at an alehoufe that was early open to drink half a pint of ale, came back before fix o'clock, then called up his people to work, and went to bed again about feven. Thus was the good man's family jogging eafily and quietly on, no one doubting but he mould go to heaven when he died, and every one hoping it would be a good while firft. " A man (hould be religious, not fuperftitious." But, alas ! the dreadful crifis was at hand that put an end to the happinefs and peace of this little family. I had been an apprentice about LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 93 about twelve or fifteen months, when my matter's eldeft fon George happened to go and hear a fermon by one of Mr. Wefley's preachers, who had left the plough-tail to preach the pure and unadulterated Gofpel of Chrift. By this fermon the fallow ground of poor George's heart was ploughed up, he was now perfuaded that the innocent and good life he had led would only fink him deeper into hell : in mort he found out that he had never been converted, and of courfe was in a ftate of damnation, without benefit of Clergy. But he did not long continue in this damnable ftate, but foon became one of The fanaified band, " Who all holy myfteries well underftand." SlMPKIN. He perfuaded himfelf that he had paffed through the New Birth, and was quite fure that his name was regiftered in the Book of Life, and (to the great grief of his parents) lie was in reality become anew creature. " 'Tvvas 94 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. " 'Twas methodiftic grace that made him tofs and tumble, " Which in.his entrails did like jollup rumble." OVID'S Epift. Burlcfqued. George had no fooner made things fure for himfelf, than he began to extend his concern to his father, mother, brother, and me ; and very kindly gave us to underfland, that he was fure we were in a very deplorable flate, " without hope, and without God in the world," being under the curfe of the Law. In the long winter nights, as we fat at work together, he proved (in his way) that every man had original fin enough to damn a thoufand fouls ; and a deal was faid on that fubject : Quotations were made from fome deep author who had aflerted, that there were infants in hell but a fpan long ;"and that " hell was paved with infant fculls" &c. As to Morality, George allured us it was of no avail ; that as for good works, they were only fplendid fins ; and that in the heft good work that any creature could per- form, there was fin enough to fink the doer to the nethermoft hell ; that it was Jalth alone LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 95 alone that did every thing, without a grain of morality ; but that no man could have one particle of this myfterious faith, before he was juftined ; and that jufiification was a fudden operation on the foul, by which the mod execrable wretch that ever lived might inftantaneoufly be aflured of all his fins being- pardoned ; that his body from that very mo- ment became the living temple of the Holy Ghoft; that he had fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ; and, that Spirit was to be their conftant and infallible guide : " Whate'er men fpeak by this new light, " Still they were fure to be in the right. " This dark-lanthorn of the Spirit, " Which none fee by but thofe that bear it j " A light that falls down from on high, " For fpiritual trades to cozen by j " An ignis fatuus, that bewitches " And leads men into pools and ditches, tf This light infpires and plays upon *' The noife of Saint, like bagpipe drone, " And fpeaks through hollow empty foul, " As through a trunk, or whifpering hole, " Such language as no mortal ear " But fpiritu'l eaves-droppers can hear." My 9 6 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. My matter very feldom heard any of thefe converfations, but my good miftrefs would lit down for hours together, with her Bible in her lap, from which file would read fuch fcriptures as proved the neceffity of living a good life, performing good works, &c. me alfo did her heft to confute the tenets of Original fin, Imputed righteoufnefs, doctrine of the Trinity, &c. &c. Unfortunately the good woman had no great talents for contro- veriy ; however, George had a very tenacious memory, and employed all his thoughts on thefe fubje&s, fo that John his younger bro- ther, and I alfo (two competent judges no doubt) thought that he had the beft of the arguments on thefe edifying fubje&s, and about five months after George's converfion, John went to hear thofe only true AmbarTa- dors from Heaven, " Who ftroll and teach from town to town " The good old Caufe : which fome believe " To be the devil that tempted Eve ' With knowledge, and do ftill invite " The world to mifchief with new light." BUTLER. Thefe LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 97 Thefe devil-dodgers happened to be fo very powerful (that is very W/y,) that they foon lent John home, crying out, he fliould ,be damn'd ! he mould he damn'd for ever ! But John foon got out of the damnable flate, and aflured us that all his fins were forgiven, merely by believing that he had patted from death into life, and had union and communion with God. He now became as merry as before he had been forrowful,,and fung in Mr. Wefley's drain, " Not a doubt (hall arife To darken the Ikies, " Nor hide for a moment my God from my Eyes." John fung to me, and faid to me a deal in this wonderful drain, of which I did not compre- hend one lyllable. " His words were loofe " As heaps of fand. and fcatter'd wide from fenfe. " So high he mounted in his airy throne, " That when the wind had got into his head, '* It turn'd his brains to frenzy. E But 9 8 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. But thefe extraordinary accounts and difcour- fes, together with the controversies between the mother' and the fons, made me think they knew many matters of which I was totally ignorant. This created in me a deflre for knowledge, that I might know who was right and who was wrong. But to my great morti- fication, I could not read. I knew mofr. of the letters, and a few eafy words, and I fet about learning with all my might. My miftrefs would fometimes inftruct me ; and having three halfpence per week allowed me by my mother, this money I gave to John ( my matter's youngeft fon) and for every three- halfpence he taught me to fpell one hour ; this was done in the dark, as we were not allowed a candle after we were fent up flairs to bed. I foon made a little progrefs in reading ; in the mean time I alfo went to the Method- ift meeting. There, as " enthufiafm is the child or melancholy," I caught the infection. The firfr, that I heard was one Thomas Bryant, LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. QQ Bryant, known in Tauntcn by the name of the damnation preacher ; (he had juft left off cobbling foles of another kind.) His fermon frightened me moft terribly. I foon after went to hear an old Scotchman, and he allured his congregation, that they would be damn'd, and double damn'd, and ' treble damn'd, and damn'd for ever, if they died without what he called faith. This marvellous do&rine and noify rant and enthufiafm foon worked on my paflions, and made me believe myfelf to be really in the damnable condition that they reprefented; and in this miferable {late I continued for about a month, being all that time unable to v/ork myfelf up to, the proper key. At laft, by finging and repeating enthufi- aftic amorous hymns, and ignorantly ap- plying particular texts of fcripture, I got my imagination to the proper pitch, and thus was I born again in an inflant, be- came a very great favourite of heaven, had angels to attend all my fteps, and was as E 2 familiar loo LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. familiar with the Father, Son, and 4 Holy Ghofl, as any old woman in Mr. Wefley's connexion / which, by the bye, is faying a great deal. I am, Dear Sir, Yours. LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 101 LETTER VII. " No fleep, no peace, no reft " Their wand'ring and afflifted minds poflefs'd; " Upon their fouls and eyes " Hell and eternal horror lies, " Unufual fhapes and images, " Dark pictures and refemblaflces ** Of things to come, and of the worlds below, " O'er their diftemper'd fancies go : ' Sometimes they curfe, fometimes they pray unto " The gods above, the gods beneath ; " No fleep, but waking now was fitter unto death. BP. SPRAT. DEAR FRIEND, AT is perhaps worth remark- ing, that what the methodifts call conviction of fin, being awakened, &c. is often a moft dreadful ftate, and has the very fatne effecl: on fuch as have lived a very innocent life as it has upon the moft notorious offenders ; this conviction (as they call it) is brought about by the preachers heaping all the curfes in the Bible on the heads of the moft virtuous as well as 'moft vicious ; for, fay they, he who keepeth E 3 the io* LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. the whole law and offendeth but in one point, is as much in a ftate of damnation, as he that hath broken every one of the com- mandments, or committed robbery, murder, &c. io that they pour out every awful denun- ciation found in the Bible, and many not found there, againft all who have not the methodiftical faith : this they call lhaking the people over the mouth of hell. Thus are many who before poffefled " confciences void of offence towards God and mankind** tricked out of their peace of jnind, by the ignorant application of texts of fcripture. Their fears being once fo dreadfully alarmed, they often become in- fupportable to themfelves and all around them ; many in this ftate have put a period to their exiftence, others run mad, &c. If the above terror of confcience was only to take place in knaves and rafcals, there would be no reafon for blaming the metho- difts on that head ; " the wretch deferves the hell he feels." A terrible inflance of this LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 103 kind happened near London-bridge about two years iince : A perfon in a lucrative branch of bufinefs had put unbounded con- fidence in his head mopman, and well re- warded him for his fuppofed faithfulnefs. One morning, this man not coming down flairs fo foon as ufual, the fervant maid went up to call him, and found him hanging up to the bed-pott ; fhe had the prefence of mind to cut him down, but he being nearly dead, it was fome days before he perfectly recovered. On his matter coming to town he was informed what had happened to his favorite fhopman ; he heard the relation with the utmott aftonimment, and took great pains to difcover the caufe of fo fatal a refo- lution, but to no purpofe. However he en- deavoured to reconcile this unhappy man to life, was very tender towards him, and gave him more encouragement than ever ; but the more the matter did to encourage and make him happy, the more the poor wretch ap- peared to be dejected ; in this unhappy ttate of mind he lived about fix months, when E 4 . one io4 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. one morning not appearing at his ufual time, the fervant maid went to fee if he was well, and found him very weak in bed ; a day or two after, his matter came to town, and being told of his fituation, went up to fee him, and finding him in bed, and apparently Very ill, propofed fending for a phyfician, but the poor devil refufed to take any thing, and re- jeled every affittance, faying his time was nearly come. Soon after this the fervant informed her matter that he would not have the bed made, and that fhe had juft obferved fome blood on one corner of the meet. The matter then went up ttairs again, and by lift- ing up the bed-clothes found that he had ftabbed himfelf in feveral places, and that in this ftate he had lain three or four days, and on the furgeon's appearance, he refufed to have the wounds infpecled, and the furgeon being of opinion that is was too late to render him any kind of fervice, they let him lie ftill. The matter foon after this prefled him much to know the myfterious caufe of fo much nailery, and fo unnatural an end. The dying LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 105 dying wretch exclaimed, " a wounded con- fcience, who can bear." The mafter then endeavoured to comfort him, and afliired him that his confcience ought not to wound him, " I know you (continued he) to be a good man," and the beft of fervants." Hold ! hold ! exclaimed the wretch, your words are dag- gers to my foul ! I am a villain, I have robbed you of hundreds, and have long fuffered the tortures of the damned for being thus acon- cealed villain, every at of kindnefs fhewn to me by you has been long like vultures tearing my vitals. Go, fir, leave me, the fight of you caufes me to fuffer excruciating tortures ; he then mrunk under the bed-clothes, and the fame night expired in a fbite of mind unhappy beyond all description. Terrible as the above relation is, I afllire you that I have not heightened it : when an ungrateful villain is punifhed by his own reflections, we acknowledge it to be but jufL In Morton's Hiftory of apparitions arefcveral fliocking {lories of peribns, who by their abun cloned t io6 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. abandoned practices, brought on themfelves all the horrors of a guilty conference. *' O treacherous confcience; while (he fcems to fleep ' ' On rofe and myrtle, lull'd with fyren fong ; " While fhe feems nodding o'er her charge to drop ' On headlong appetite the flacken'd rein, " And gives up to licence unrecall'd, " Unmarked ; fee from behind her fecret ftand, " The fly informer minutes every fault, " And her dread diary with horror fills. " A watchful foe ! the formidable fpy, " Lift'ning, o'erhears the whifpers of our camp : ' Our dawning purpofes of heart explores " And fteals our embryos of iniquity. " As all rapacious ufurers conceal, " Their doomfday-book from all confuming heirs, " Thus with indulgence moil fevere flie treats, " Writes down our whole hiftory, which death mall read, " In ev'ry pale delinquent's private ear. Might Thoughts. But the cafe Is otherwife amongft the metho- difls, they work on the fears of the moll virtuous; youth and innocence fall victims daily before their threats of hell and damna- tion, and the poor feeble minded, inftead of being comforted and encouraged are often by LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 107 by them funk into an irrecoverable ftate of gloomy defpondence and horrible delpair. It is true that many of their hearers are not only method! ftically convinced, or alarmed, but are alfo hocus pacujly converted ; but with thoufands that is not the cafe, even with thofe who join their fociety, where ib much of divine love, allurance, and extafies are talked of, where enthufiaftic, rapturous, intoxicating hymns are fung, and befides the unhappy mortals in their own community, thoufands there are who have loft their peace of mind by occasionally heanipg their fermons. And even thofe among them who have arrived to the higheft pitch of enthufiafm, and who at times talk of their foretafte of heaven, and of their full affurance of fins forgiven, and of talking to the Deity as fa- miliarly as they will to one another ; (all which, and much more, I have heard a thoufand times) yet even thole very pre- tended favorites of heaven are (if we be- lieve io8 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. lieve themfelves) miferable for the greateft part of their time, having doubts, fears, horrors of mind, &c. continually haunting them wherever they are. Between twenty and thirty years fince, fome thoufands of them in London took it into their heads that the world would be at an end on fuch a night, and for fome days previous to this fatal night, nothing was attended to but rafting and praying, and when it came, they made a watch-night of it, and fpent it in prayer, &c. expecting every moment to be the laft ; and it is remarkable, that thoufands who were not methodifls gave credit to this ridiculous prophecy, and were terribly alarm- ed ; but the next morning they were afhamed to look at one another, and many durfl not appear in their fhops for fometime after- wards. But others of them faid that God had heard the prayers of the righteous, and fo fpared the world a little longer. Some years after that Mr. Wefley alarmed his people all over England, with the tail of a comet; great numbers were dreadfully ap- prehenfive LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 109 prehenfive left this comet mould fcorch the earth to a cinder ; but the faints by prayer made the comet keep a proper diftance. Charnock, of the laft century, in his dif- courfe on Providence, has proved (in his way) that the univerfe was created and kept agoing for the fake of the elect, and that as foon as their number is complete, the whole will be deflroyed. The fanatics in every age have found their account in making their followers believe the end of the world was at hand. In fome of the wills and deeds, by which eftates have been given to monafteries, &c. in France, they have exprefled their belief of the world's being nearly at an end, as a reafon for mak- ing fuch liberal donations to the church. But it is happy for us that in England fuch wills would be fet ande. A cafe of this na- ture occured while Lord Northington was at the head of the law department. Reilly the preacher, had wheedled, or frightened, an old woman (Mrs. Norton) out of a deed of i io LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. of gift of fifty pounds per year, but after the old woman's panic and fear of damnation was over, fhe had recourfe to Chancery, and his Lordmip annulled the deed of gift. His Lordmip's remarks on fuch kinds of impo- fition are very curious, and worth your read- ing. See Colle&anea Juridica, vol. i. p. 458. In fad, the very beft of the methodifts are like children, elated or depreffed by mere trifles ; and many who joined them while young and ignorant, quit their fociety as they attain to years of difcretion, or as their judgment is better informed. I am, Dear Friend, * Yours, &c. LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. in LETTER VIII. " Religion's luftre is by native innocence " Divinely fair, pure, and fimple from all arts ; " You daub and drefs her like a common miftrefs, " The harlot of your fancies ; and by adding " Falfe beauties, which {he wants not, make the world * f Sufpeft her angel face is foul within." ROWE'S Tamerlane. DEAR FRIEND, JL HE enthufiaiYic notions which I had imbibed, and the defire I had to he talking about religious myfteries, &c. anfwered one valuable purpofe ; as it caufed me to embrace every opportunity to learn to read, fo that I could foon read the eafy parts of the Bible, Mr. Wedey's Hymns, &c. and every leifure minute was fo employed. In the winter I was obliged to attend my work from fix in the morning until ten at night. In the fummer half year, I only worked as long as we could fee without can- dle ; but notwithstanding the clofe attention I was ii2 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. I was obliged to pay to my trade, yet for a long time I read ten chapters in the Bible every day/ I alfo read and learned many hymns, and as foon as I could procure fome of Mr. Wefley's Trafts, Sermons, &c. I read them alfo ; many of them I perufed in Cloacinas Temple, (the place where my Lord Chefterfield advifed his foil to read the daffies, but I did not apply them after read- ing to the farther ufe that his LordjChip hints at.) I had fuch good eyes, that I often read by the light of the Moon, as my mafter would never permit me to take a candle into my room, and that prohibition I looked upon as a kind of perfecution, but I always comforted myfelf with the thoughts of my being a dear child of God ; and as iuch, that it was im- poffible for me to eicape perfecution from the children of the devil, which epithets I very pioujly applied to my good matter and miftrefs. And fo ignorantly and imprudently zealous (being a real methodift) was I for the LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 113 the good of their precious fouls, as fometimes to give them broad hints of it, and of the dangerous ftate they were in. Their pious good old minifter, the Reverend Mr. Har- rifon, I called " a blind leader of the blind*" and I more than once allured my miftrefs, that both he and his whole flock were in a ilate of damnation, being " Grangers to the- - hope of Ifrael, and without God in the world." My good miftrefs wifely thought that a good {tick was the heft way of arguing with fuch an ignorant infatuated boy as I was, and had often recourfe to it ; but I took cafe to give her a deal of trouble ; for whenever I was ordered in my turn to read in the .Bible, I always felected fuch chapters as I thought militated againft Arians, Soci- nians, &c. and fuch verfes as I deemed favour- able to the doctrine of Original Sin, Juflifi- cation by Faith, imputed Righteoufnefs, the doctrine of the Trinity, &c. On fuch parts I always placed a particular emphafis, which puzzled and teazed the old lady a good deal. F Among ri 4 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. Among other places I thought (having fo been taught by the methodifts) that the fix- teentn chapter of Ezekiel very much favoured the dodtrines of original fin, imputed righte- oufnefs, &c. that chapter I often felected and read to her, and (he as often read the eighteenth chapter of the fame prophecy, for the fake of the parable of the Father's eating four grapes.* Whenever I read in St. Paul's Epiftles on juftiflcation by faith alone, my good miftrefs would read in the Epiftle of St. James-, fuch paflages as fay that a man is not juftified by faith alone, but by faith and works, which often embarraffed me not a little. However I comforted myfelf with the conceit of having more texts of Scripture on my fide of the queftion than (he had on her fide. As to St. James, I was almoft ready to conclude, that he was not quite orthodox, and fo at laft I did not much mind what he faid. Falfe LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 115 ct Falfe opinions rooted in the mind, " Hoodwink the foul and keep our reafon blind. " In controverted points can reafon fway, " When paflion or conceit hurries us away ?" Hitherto I had not frequented the metho- dift meetings by the confent or knowledge of my matter and miftrefs ; nor had my zeal been fb great as to make me openly violate their commands. But as my zeal iricreafed much fafter than my knowledge, I foon dif- regarded their orders, and without hefitation ran away to hear a methodijftical fermon as often as I could find opportunity. One Sun- day morning at eight o'clock my miftrefs feeing her Ions fet off, and knowing that they were gone to a methodiil: meeting, deter- mined to prevent me from doing the fame by locking the door, which me accordingly did; on which in a fuperftitious mood, I opened the Bible for direction what to do (ignorant methodifts often practife the fame fuperfti- tious method) and the firft words I read were thefe, " He has given his angels charge con- cerning thee, left at any time thou moulded: F 2 dafli n6 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. dafh thy foot againft a ftone." This was enough for me ; fo without a moment's hesitation, I ran up two pair of flairs to my own room, and out of the window I leaped, to the great terror of my poor mif- trefs. 1 got up immediately, and ran about two or three hundred yards, towards the meeting-houfe ; but alas ! I could run no farther; my feet and ancles were mofl into- lerably bruifed, fo that I was obliged to be carried back and put to bed ; and it was more than a month before I recovered the ufe of my limbs. I was ignorant enough to think that the Lord had not ufed me very well, and refolved not to put fo much truftin him for the future. This my ram adventure made a great noife in the town, and was talked of many miles round. Some few admired my amazing ftrength of faith, but the major part pitied me, as a poor ignorant, deluded and infa- tuated boy; which did not at all pleafe, Dear Friend, Yours, &c. LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 117 LETTER IX. ' One makes the rugged paths fo fmooth and even, " None bur an ill-bred man can mifs of heaven. " Another quits hi- ftockings, breeches, Ihirt, ' Becaufe he fancies virtue dwells in dirt : " While all concur to take away the ftrefs, '* From weightier points, and lay it on the lefs." STILLING Ft EET on Converfation. * " 'Gad I've a thriving traffic in my eye, " Near the mad manfions of Moorfields I'll bawl ; " Friends, fathers, mothers, fitters, fons and all, " Shut up your (hops, and liiten to my call. FOOTE. DEAR FRIEND, JLN the fourth year of my ap- prenticefhip, my matter died ; now although he was a good hulband, a good father, and a good matter, &c. yet as he had not the mtthodiflical faith, and could not pronounce the Shibboleth of that feft, "I pioujly feared that he was gone to hell. My miftrefs thought that his death was battened by his uneafy reflections on the F 3 bad n8 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. bad behaviour of his fons, after they com- menced methodifts, as before they^fvere con- verml each was dutiful and attended to his trade, but after they became faints they attended fo much to their fpiritual concerns that they acted as though they fuppofed they were to be fed and cloathed by miracles, like Mr. Huntingdon, who informs us in his book called " The Bank of Fa/ith," that the Lord lent him a pair of breeches, that a dog brought him mutton to eat, fifri died at night in a pond on purpofe to be eaten by him in the morning ; money, and in mort every thing he could defire he obtained by prayer. Thus as Foote fays, " With labour, toil, all fecond means difpenfe, * ' And live a rent-charge upon providence. To give you a better idea of metho- diftical ignorance and neglect of ordinary means of living, &c. I will relate one inftance more. Mary "Hubbard (an old woman of Mr. Wefley's fociety) would often wafli her linen, hang it out to dry, and go away to work in the fields, or to Taunton LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 119 Taunton marker, four miles from her houfe ; and whefc blamed, me would anfvver "that the Lord watched over her, and all tr^lhe had, and that he would prevent any perfon from ftealing her two old fmocks, or if he permitted them to be ftolen, he would fend her two new in their ftead." And I feriouily allure yon, fir, that there are many thouland Mary Hubbards amongft the methodiits. As I had been bound to my miltrefs as well as my mailer, I was of courfe an appren- tice (IS1L But after my matter's death I ob- tained more liberty of confcienre (as I called it) fo that I not only went to hear the me- thodift fermons, but was alfo admitted into their fociety ; and I believe they never had a more devout enthufiaftical member; for feveral years I regularly attended every fer- monand all their private meetings. As you are probably unacquainted with the nature of thefe private meetings, a fhort account of them may perhaps afford you fome amufement. F 4 ' The 120 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. The late Mr. Wefley inftituted amongft his people, befides the public pr*ichings, feve^l kinds of private meetings ; and as the prayer-meeting is the leafl private of any of them, I will firft take notice of that. To the prayer-meetings, which were in general held in private houfes, they often invited people who were not of their fociety. An hymn was firft fung, then they all knelt, and the firft perfon who felt a motion, made an extemporary prayer ; when he had done another began, and fo on, for about two hours. But it fo happened fometimes, that one of the brethren began to pray without having the gift of prayer (as they call it), and then he often ftuck faft, like fome of the young orators at Coach-maker's Hall, &c. Prayer- meetings were held in fnch high efteem amongft them that they aflerted, more were "born again" and more " made free from all the remains of fin," or in other words of their own, " mate perfett as God is perfect," m thefe LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 121 thefe kinds of meeting, than at public preach- ing, &c. Thus, as Pomfret fays, * " The fpirits heated will ftrange things produce." But it is impoffible for yon, my friend, to form any juft idea of thefe aflemblies, except you had been preferit at them : one wheedles and coaxes the Divine Being, in his addreffes ; another is amorous and lufcious ; and a third fo rude and commanding, he will even tell the Deity that he mufl be a liar if he does not grant all they afk. In this manner will they work up one another's imaginations until they may actually be faid to be in a ftate of intoxication, and whilft in this intoxicated flate, it often happens that fome of them recollect a text of fcripture, fuch as, " thy fins are forgiven thee," or " go and fin no more," &c. and then they declare themfelves to be born again, or to be fanc\ifled, &c. They have another kind of private meet- ing after the public preaching on Sunday evenings, in which the preacher meets all the 122 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON, the members of the fociety, \vho ftay behind after the general congregation is difmifled. To fliis fociety the preacher gave fuch advice as he deemed better fuited to a godly few than to a promifcuous multitude of " outward court worihippers." Their Love-jeq/l is alfo a private meeting of as many members of the community as pleafe to attend ; and they generally come from all parts, within feveral miles of the place where love-feafts are held. When all are met they alternately iing and pray; and fuch amongft them as think that their experience (as they call it) is remark- able, (land up in their place and relate all the tranfadions between God, the devil, and their fouls. At fuch feafons as this I have heard many of them declare they had jufl received the pardon of all their fins while Brother fuch-a-one was in prayer ; another would then get up and affert that he was juft at that inftant made perfectly free from fin. At LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 123 At thefe times the Spirit is fuppofed to be very powerfully at work amongft them ; and fuch an unifon of fighipg and grdaning fucceeds, that you would think they had all loft their fenfes. In this frantic ftate, many apply to themfelves fuch texts of fcripture as happen to come into their heads. In the Love-feaft they have buns to eat, which are mutually broken between each brother and fifter, and they have alfo ivater to drink, which they hand from one to another. Thefe meetings begin about feven o'clock, and laft until nine, or ten. In London, Briftol, and other large places, they have fome private meetings, unknown to the community at large. Thefe meetings confift of all married men at one time, young and unmarried men at another time : the married women by themfelves, and the {ingle women by themfelves ; and to each of thefe claffes Mr. Wefley went, and gave fuch advice or exhortations as he thought fuitable to their fituation in life, feldom fail- ing 124 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. ing to fpeak much in praife of celibacy, to the Maids and Bachelors under his paftoral care. I will in my next give you an ac- count of their watch-nights, clafs- meetings, bands, and other particulars. I am, Dear Friend, Yours, &c. LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 125 LETTER X. Here Gamaliel fage * Trains up his babes of grace, inftrufted well " In all the difcipline of prayer j " To point the holy leer : by juft degrees " To clofe the twinkling eyes expand the palms, " To expofe the whites, and with the fightlefs balls " To glare upon the crowd : to rife, to fink " The docile voice; now murm'ring foft and flow, " With inward accent calm, and then again, " In foaming floods of rapt'rous eloquence " Let loofe the ftorm, and thunder thro' the nofe " The threatened vengeance." SOMERVILLE. DEAR FRIEND, A H E Watch-night begins about feven o'clock. They fmg hymns, pray, preach, {ing, and pray again; then exhort, ling and pray alternately, until twelve o'clock. The hymns which they fing on . thofe nights, were wrote for fuch occalions, and abound with gloomy ideas, which are increafed by the time of night ; and it muft be remarked, that the major part of thofe who 126 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. who attend thefe no&urrial meetings having fafled the whole of the day (according to Mr. Wefley's orders) are in a very proper ffote of mind to entertain the moft extrava- gant whims or enthufiaftic notions that can poflibly enter the heads of any vifionaries. So that fuch nights are often very prolific, as numbers are faid to be born again, and become the temples of the Holy Ghoft on watch-nights, which makes thofe nights efteemed by them. Mr. Welley, in every place where his peo- ple were numerous, had divided them into claffes, confuting of twelve or fourteen bro- thers or fitters. Sometimes men and women met together in the fame clafs (as they called it) and other clafles confifted of all men or all women. Each of thefe clafles had one in it who was called the leader. In fuch clafles where men and women meet together, the leader was always a brother : and fo of courfe when the clafs confided of men alone. But in LIFE OF J.'LACKINGTON. 127 in the women's clatfes a fitter was always the leader. When they met together, the .leader firft gave out an hymn, which they all fang ; after the hymn they all knelt, and their leader made an extemporary prayer ; after which they were feated, and when the leader had informed them of the ftate of his own mind, he enquired of all prefent, one after another, how they found the ftate of their fouls. Some he found were full of faith and affurance, others had dreadful doubts and fears; fome had horrid temptations ; others complained of a lukewarm ilate, &c. In thefe meetings, fome of the members fpoke of themfelves, as though they were as pure as angels are in heaven, but with the generality of them, it was far otherwife, and nothing was more common among them than to hear the major part exclaiming againft themfelves, and declaring that they were the mod vile and abandoned wretches on this fide hell, that they wondered why the earth did not open and ia8 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. and fwallow them up alive. But they gene- rally added, that " the blood of Chrift cleanfes from all fin," and that " where fin abounded there would grace much more abound." Indeed it was eafy to remark that the reafon why they painted themfelves in fuch odious colours, was only to boaft of an aftoniming quantity of grace that God had beftowed on them, in thus pardoning all their abomina- tions and numbering them with the houfehold of faith, who ought to have been fhut up in the nethermoft hell. To each of thefe the leader gave a word of comfort, or of correc- tion in the beft manner he was able. They then fang and prayed again. This lafted about one hour. And every one in Mr. Wefley's connexion did, or was expected to meet, each in his own clafs once in a week. In thefe claiTes each made a weekly contribu- tion towards the general fupport of the preachers, &c. Such as were very poor con- tributed a penny per week, others two-pence, and fome who couW^fford it iixpence. This money was entered in a book kept for that purpofe, LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 129 purpofe, and one in every clafs called the fteward, had the care of the cam. I now come to fpeak of the Bands, which confifted only of jujllfed perfons ; that is fuch as had received the affurance of their fins being pardoned. In the claffes, both the awakened (as they call them) and the jufti- fied, and even thofe that were made perfeft met all together, as did the married and the fingle, and often men and women. But none were admitted into any band but fuch as were at leaft in a juflified flate, and the married of each fex met by themfelves, and the fingle by themfelves. About ten was the number generally put in one band ; all thefe muft belong to and meet in fome clafs, once a week, when not hindered by ficknefs, &c, and they were alfo to meet weekly in their band. When met, they firft fung, then made a fhort prayer ; that done, the band- leader informed them of the ftate of his mind during the laft week, &c. He then made in- quiry into the flate of all prefent, and each G related i 3 o LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. related what had paiTed fince they laft met ; as what vifitations they had received from God, what temptations from the devil, the flefh, &c. And it is a maxim amongft them that expofing to one another what the devil has particularly tempted them to com- init, will make the old fellow more careful how he tempts, when he knows that all his fecrets will be told the next meeting. In the claffes they only confefled in general terms, that they have been tempted by the world, the flem and the devil. But in the bands they confeifed the particular fins which they had been tempted to commit, or had actually committed. The laft time I met in band was in Lon- don, where an old man (near feventy years of age) informed us that he had for feveral weeks together laboured under a very griev- ous temptation of the devil, who all this time had been conftantly tempting him to commit adultery; he farther informed us, that having let too much of his houfe to lodg- ers, LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 131 gers, they were obliged to put the maid's bed in the room where he and his wife flept ; and that one morning he had feen the maid lying afleep, nearly or quite uncovered, and he again affured us that ever fince that time the devil had been every day tempting him to do that which was nought with the maid. I could not help thinking the old gentleman was right in charging it on the devil, as there was little reafon to think it was any tempta- tion of theflejh. Permit me to add, that this old buck had a wife about half his own age. I have been informed that fome young men of the brotherhood, have at times difguifed themfelves in women's clothes, and have fb got into the women's bands ; it may be very curious to hear the confeffions of the holy fitters. By this time I fuppofe you have had enough of band-meetings. Mr. Wefley inftituted another kind of pri- vate meeting for the higheft order of his peo- ple, called the Jelett bands; to which none were admitted but fuch as were fanctified, or G 2 made i 3 2 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. made pcrfeft in love, and freed from all the remains of fin. But as I never profeffed^r- feftion, I was not permitted to enter into this holy of holies. But I have known a great number of thefe perfect faints, of both fexes ; and I alfo lived in the fame houfe a whole year with one of thefe intire holy fitters. A few days before I came to live in Chifwell- Street, one of thefe perfect fitters was de- tected in ttealing coals out of the med of one of the fan&ified brothers, but me, like the old fellow above mentioned, faid it was the devil that tempted her to do it. Four times every year new tickets are dif- tributed to all Mr. Wefley's people through- out the three kingdoms. Their ticket is a very fmall flip of paper, with a text of fcrip- ture on it, which is exchanged every quarter for fome other text. Such as are only in a clafs, have a different text from fuch as are in a band, fo that no one can be admitted into a general meeting of the bands, appointed by any of the preachers when he intends to give them an exhortation, nor into any particular band, LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 133 band, by a common fociety ticket. On the common tickets are fuch texts as thefe : 44 Now is the accepted time." " Awake thou that fleepefl," and fuch like. But thofe for the bands arc in a higher ftrain ; as, " Be ye perfect as your heavenly father is perfea." " Go on unto perfection."-" Ye are children of the light." " Your bodies are temples of the Holy Ghoft;" and other texts of a fimilar tendency. For thefe tickets, each poor perfon paid one (hilling, fuch as were rich paid more ; indeed the money feemed to be the principal end of ifiuing tickets, at leaft in country places, the members in the community being fo well known to each other, that they fcarce ever (hewed their tickets in order to gain admittance. I forgot to inform you that prayer- meetings, clafs- meetings, band-meetings, &c. were in gene- ral held in private houfes, belonging to iome of the brethren. 1 am, dear Friend, Yours, &c. G q LETTER 134 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. LETTER XL " StifF in opinions, always in the wrong ; ** Was every thing by ftarts and nothing long." * * * * * * tf Then all for women, panting, rhiming, drinking, *' Befides ten thoufand freaks that died in thinking." DEAR FRIEND, JL OU now fee what fort of a fociety I was got into. In country places par- ticularly, they confift of farmers, hufband- men, fhoemakers, woolcombers, weavers, their wives, &c. I have heard Mr. Wefley remark that more women are converted than men ; and I believe that by far the greatefl part of his people are females ; and not a few of them four, difappointed old maids, with fome others of a lefs prudifh difpofition. Lavater in his effay on phyilognomy fays, " Women fink into the moft incurable me- lancholy, as they alfo rife to the moft en- raptured LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. i^ raptured heights " In another place he fays, *' By the irritability of their nerves, their incapability for deep inquiry and firm deci- fion, they may eafily from their extreme fenfibility, become the moil irreclaimable, the mofl rapturous enthuiiafis." There are thoufands in this focicty who will never read any thing befides the Bible, and books published by Mr. Wefiey. For feveral years I read very little elfe, nor would I go (at lead very feldom) to any other place of worfhip ; fo that inftead of hearing the fenfible and learned miniflers of Taunton, I would often go four, five, or fix miles, to fome country village, to hear an infpired huibandman, fhoemaker, blackfmith, or woolcomber ; and frequently in froft and fnow have I rofe a little after midnight (not knowing what time of night it was) and have wandered about the town until five o'clock, when the preaching began; where I have often heard a fermon preached to not more than ten or a dozen people. But fuch 04 of j 3 6 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. of us as did attend at this early hour, ufed afterwards to congratulate each other on the great privilege we enjoyed, then off we went to our work, Ihivering with cold. I was firfl converted to methodifm when I was about fixteen years of age, from that time until I was twenty-one I was a very fin- cere enthufiaft, and every fpare hour I enjoyed I dedicated to the ftudy of the Bible, reading methodiftica! books, learning hymns, hearing fermons, meeting in focieties, &c. My me- mory was very tenacious, fo that every thing I read I made my own. I could have repeated ieveral volumes of hymns; when I heard a fermon, I could have preached it again, and nearly in the fame words ; my Bible had hundreds of leaves folded down, and thou- fands of marks againft fuch texts as I thought favoured the doctrines (or whims) which I had imbibed. So that I flood forth as the champion of methodifm wherever I came. But alas ! my godly ftria life at length fuffered interruption. I will give you a far- ther LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 137 farther account of the methodifts when I come to the time when I finally left their foci cry. The election for two members of Parlia- ment was ftrongly contefted at Taunton, juft as I attained my twenty-firft year ; and being now of age, the fix or feven months, which I had to ferve of my apprenticefhip were . purchafed of my miftrefs by fome friends of two of the contending candidates ; fo that I was at once fet free in the midft of a fcene of riot and diffipation. " Prefent Example gets within our guard, " And afts with double force, by few repell'd." YOUNG. " Nor (hame, nor honour could prevail, " To keep rae thus from turning tail." As I had a vote, and was alfo poffefTed of a few ideas above thofe of my rank and fitua- tion, my company was courted by fome who were in a much higher fphere; and (probably what they partly intended) in fuch company I foon forgot my godly or methodiftical con- riedions, 138 LIFE OF J. LACK'INGTON. ne&ions, and ran into the oppofite extreme : fo that for feveral months moil of my fpare hours were devoted to the " Young-ey'd God of Wine ! Parent of joys ! " Frolic and full of thee, \vhile the cold fons *' Of temperance, the fools of thought and care, " Lay ftretch'd in fober flumbers." MALLET'S Eurydice. Here I had nearly funk for ever into meannefs, obfcurity and vice ; for when the ele&ion was over, I had no longer open houfes to eat and drink in at free coft. However I did not fink quite fo low as the commonalty of journeymen fhoemakers, but in general worked very hard, and fpent my money in better company. Notwithstanding, at times I was very un- eafy, and although I had not been at any methodiftical meeting during the time that I had lived this diffipated life, yet my mind xvas not freed intirely from the fuperflitioUs fears I had there imbibed ; fo that whenever any perfon afked me, vrhat would become of me LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 139 me (that had lived fuch a holy life) if I mould die in the ftztt of back/tiding from " the good old way ? >J 1 always acknowledged that I fhould be eternally damn'd, were that to be the cafe. But I muft confefs that I was not much afraid of dying in fuch a ftate, as I was too much prepoffefled with the methodifKcal notions of free grace, that would not let me finally be loft, prefuming that I muft wait as it were for zfecond call to repentance, juftifi-* cation, &c. which I had been taught to be- lieve might take place inflantaneoufly, and put the devil to flight in a hurry, and fo matters would be all right again. I often privately took the Bible to bed with me, and in the long fummer mornings read for hours together in bed, but this did not in the leaft influence my conduct. As you know great events often arife from little caufes, 1 am now going to relate a cireum- ftance, trivial in itfelf, though productive of a more confiderable change in my iituation, than any I had yet experienced. I was 14-0 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. I was twenty-one years of age the i ith of September 1767, the election was over the latter end of March 1 768. It was in this year that my new matter's wife infilled on my purchafing milk of a milk-maid who was a cuftomer at the fhop ; which command I refufed to comply with, as I had a fmart little milk-maid of my own. But as my miftrefs ivore the breeches, my matter was obliged, by his wife's order, to inform me that I mutt comply with her mandate, or get another matter. I left him without hefita- tion ; and the fame afternoon went to Wel- lington, took leave of my father and mo- ther, and informed them of my intention to go to Brittol. After two or three days, I returned back to Taunton, where 1 ttayed a day or two more. In which time I be- came enamoured with, or infatuated by, the beautiful Nancy "Trott : and although I faw the impropriety of the meafure, yet I could not refitt the fair tempter, who prevailed with me to permit her to accompany me in my journey. " Reafon LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 141 " Reafon was given to curb our headftrong will, " And yet but (hews a weak phyfician's. flcill ; " Gives nothing while the raging fit does laft, " But ftays to cure it when the worft is paft. " Reafon's a ftafFfor age, when Nature's gone ; " But Youth is ilrong enough to walk alone." DRYDEN'S Con. of Gran. We refted a week in Bridgewater, where I worked and got money to convey us to Ex- bridge, fe ven teen miles on this fide Briftol; and there I faw my conduit in fuch a point of view as made me refolve to leave her. " The many their labours employ; . " When all that is truly delightful in life, " Is what all, if they will, may enjoy." After having worked on fluff- work in the country, I could not bear the idea of return- ing^to the leather branch ; fo that 1 attempted and obtained a feat of Stuff in Briftol. But better work being required there than in, King{bridge, &c. I was obliged to take fo much care to pleafe rny mafter, that at firft I could not get more than nine millings a week, and my wife could get but very little^ as LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 197 as flie was learning to bind ftufF-moes, and had never been much ufed to her needle ; fo that what with the expence of ready-furniflied lodging, fire, candles, &c. we had but little left for purchafmg provifions. To increafe our ftraits, my old friend being fbmewhat difpleafed at our leaving him and his relations, took an early opportunity to tell me that I was indebted to him near forty (hillings, of two years {landing. I was not convinced of the juftice of the claim, but to avoid difpute, I paid him in about two months, during nearly the whole of which time it was extremely ievere weather, and yet we made four millings and fixpence per week pay for the whole of what we con- fumed in eating and drinking. Strong beer we had none, nor any other liquor (the pure element excepted) and inftead of tea, or ra- ther coffee, we toafted a piece of bread ; at other times we fried fome wheat, which when boiled in water made a tolerable fub- flitute for coffee ; and as to animal food, we L 3 made I 9 8 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. made ufe of but little, and that little we boiled and made broth or. During the whole of this time we never once wiflied for any thing that we had, but were quite contented, and with a good grace, in reality made a virtue of neceffity. We " Trembled not with vain defines, " Few the things which life requires." FRANCIS'S Horace. And the fubjel of our prayer was " This day be bread and peace our lot, " All elfe beneath the fun, Thou know'ft if beft beftow'd or not, " And let thy will be clone. I am, dear Friend, Your, &c. LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 109 LETTER XVIII. ct This fame Monfieur Poverty is a bitter enemy." JOHN DORY. " In adverfe hours an equal mind maintain.'* FRANCIS'S Horace* DEAR FRIEND, J.N a few days after we had paid thelaft five {hillings of the debt claimed by my friend Mr. Jones, we were both to- gether taken fo ill as to be confined to our bed, but the good woman of the houfe, our landlady, came to our room and did a few trifles for us. She teemed very much alarmed at our fituation, or rather for her own, I fuppofe, as thinking we might in fome mea- fure become burthenfome to her. We had in cafh two (hillings and nine-pence, halt crown of Which we had carefully locked u] in a box, to be laved for a relburce on any extraordinary emergence. This money fup- L- 4 ported 200 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. ported us two or three days, in which time I recovered without the help of medicine ; but my wife continued ill near fix months, and was confined to her bed the greateft part of the time ; which illnefs may very eafily be accounted for. Before fhe came to Briflol, me had ever been ufed to a very active life, and had al- ways lived in the country, fo that in coming to dwell in a populous city, fhe had exr Changed much exercife and good air for a iedentary life and very bad air ; and this I prefume was the caufe of all her illnefs from time to time, which at length, as unfor-? tunately as effectually, undermined her con^ ilitution. Daring her firft fix months illnefs, 1 lived many days folely on water-gruel 5 for as 1 could not afford to pay a nurfe, much of my time was taken up in attendance on her, and moft of my money expendec} in procuring medicines, together with fuch trifles as me could eat and drink. But what added extremely to my calamity was the being LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 9 oi being within the hearing of her groans, which were caufed by the excruciating pains in her head, which for months together de- fied the power of medicine, It is impoflible for words to defcribe the Jieennefs of my fenfations during this long term ; yet as to myfelf, my poverty and being obliged to live upon water-gruel gave me not jhe leaft uneafiuefs, " In ruffling feafons I was calm, " nd frail'd when fortune frown'd." YOUNG. But the neceffity of being continually in the fight and hearing of a beloved object, a young, charming, handfome, innocent wife, ' Who n*ck in bed lay gafping for her breath j * Her eyes, like dying lamps funk in their fockets, ' Now glar'd, and now drew back their feeble light ; ' Faintly her fpeech fell from her fault'ring tongue ' In interrupted accents, as (he drove ' With ftrong agonies that fhook her limbs * And writh'd her tortur'd features into forms f Hideous to fight." BE IYER'S Injur'd Innocence, How 200 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOfr. How I fupported this long dreary fcene, I know not ; the bare recollection of which is exceedingly painful, even at this diftance of time. At laft, when every thing that feemed to promife relief had been tried in vain, fome old woman recommended Cephalic fnuff. I own I had not much faith in it; however I procured it, and in a fhort time after me was much relieved from the intolerable pain in her head, but yet continued in a very bad flate of health ; her constitution having fuf- fered fuch a dreadful mock, I thought that no means could be ufed fo likely to reftore it, as a removal to her native air. Accordingly I left my feat of work at Briftol, and re- turned with her to Taunton, which is about feven miles from Petherton, her native place. But in Taunton 1 could not procure fo much work as I could do ; fo that as foon as I thought (he could bear the air of Briftol, we returned thither, where me foon relapfed, and we again went back to Taunton. This remov- ing to Taunton was repeated about five times in little more than two years and a half. But LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 203 But at laft, finding that (he had long fits of illneis at Taunton alfo, as well as at Briftol, with a view of having a better price for my work I refolved to vifit London ; and as I had not money fufficient to bear the expences of both to town, I left her all the money I could fpare, and took a place on the outride of the flage coach, and the fecond day arrived in the metropolis, in Auguft 1773, with two ihillings and fixpence in my pocket ; and re- colleding the addrefs of an old townfman, who was alfo a fpiritiial brother. " Whofe hair in greafy locks hung down, " As ftrait as candles from his crown, " To (hade the borders of his face, *' Wnofo outward figns of inward grace " Were only vifible in fpiteful " Grimaces, very ftern and frightful." BUTLER'S Pofth. Works. This holy brother was alfo a journeyman {hoe-maker, who had arrived at the fummit of his expectations, being able to keep a houie over his head (as he chofe to exprefs himfelf) that is by letting nearly the whole of 204 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. of it out in lodgings, he was enabled to pay the rent. This houfe was in White-crofs- ilreet, which I found out the morning after my arrival, where I procured a lodging, and Mr. Heath, in Fore-ftreet, fupplied me with plenty of work. I laugn'd then and whiftl'd, and fang too moft fweet, Saying, juft to a hair I've made both ends to meet. Deny-down. I am, Dear Friend, Yours, &c. LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. e LETTER XIX. " I'll travel no more I'll try a London audience. " Who knows but I may get an engagement." Wild Oats. " When fuperftition (bane of manly virtues !) " Strikes root within the foul ; it over-runs " And kills the power of Reafon." PHILIPS of, Gloucefter. DEAR FRIEND, jL\.T this time I was as vifion- ary and fuperflitious as ever I had been at any preceding period, for although, I had read fome fenflble books, and had thereby ac- quired a few rational ideas, yet having had a methodiftical wife for near three years, and my keeping methodiftical company, together with the gloomy notions which in fpite of reafon and philofophy I had imbibed during the frequent, long, and indeed almoft con- flant illnefs of my wife, the confequence was, that thofe few rational or liberal ideas which 3*6 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. which I had before treafured up, were at my coming to London in a dormant Hate, or borne down by the torrent of enthufiaftic whims, and fanatical chimeras. *- Oh ! what a reafonlcfs machine " Can fuperftition make the reas'ner man !" MILLER'S Mahomet. So that as foon as I procured a lodging and work, my next enquiry was for Mr. Wefley's Gofpel-Jhops : and on producing my clafs and band tickets from Taunton, I was put into a clafs, and a week or two after admitted into a band. But it was feveral weeks before I could firmly refolve] to continue in London ; as I really was flruck with horror for the fate of it; more particularly on Sundays, as I found fo few went to church, and fo many were walking and riding about for pleafure, and the lower clafs getting drunk, quarrelling, fighting, working, buying, felling, &c. I had feen fo much of the fame kind in Briftol, that I often wondered how God permitted it to LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 307 to (land ; but London I found infinitely worfe, and ferioufly trembled for fear the meafure of iniquity was quite full, and that every hour would be its laft. However I at length concluded, that if London was a fecond Sodom, I was a fecond Lot ; and thefe comfortable ideas reconciled me to the thought of living in it. Befides, fome of Mr. Wefley's people gave me great comfort by affuring me, that " the Lord had much people in this city :" which I foon difcovered to be true, as I got acquainted with many of thofe righteous chofen faints, who modeftly arrogate to themfelves that they are the pecu- liar favourites of heaven, and confequently that any place they refide in muil be fafe. In a month I faved money fufficient to bring up my wife, and flie had a pretty tole- rable {tare of health ; of my m after I obtained fome fhifF-moes for her to bind, and nearly as much as me could do. Having now plenty of work and higher wages, we were tolerably eafy in our circumftances, more fb than *o* LIFE OF J. LACKtNGTOtf. than xve ever had been, fo that we foon pro* cured a few cloaths. My wife had all her life before done very well with a fuperfme broad cloth cloak, but now I prevailed on her to have one of filk. Until this winter I had never found out that I wanted a great coat, but now I made that important difcovery ; and my landlord fhewed me one made of a coarfe kind of Bath- coating, which he purchafed new at a fhop in Rofemary-lane, for ten {hillings and fix- pence ; fo that the next half guinea I had to ijpare, away I went to Rofemary-lane (and to my great furprife) was hauled into a fhop by a fellow who was walking up and down before the door of a flopfeller, where I was foon fitted with a great coat of the fame fort as that of my landlord. I afked the price ; but how great was my aftonifhment, when the honeft flopman told me, that he was fb taken with my clean, honeft, induftrious looks_ that he would let me have it cheaper than he would his own brother, fo in one word he would LIFE OF J. LACKINGTQN. 209 would oblige me with it for five and twenty (hillings, which was the very money that it coft him. On hearing this, I crofled the (hop in a trice, in order to fet off home again, but the door had a fattening to it beyond my comprehenfion, nor would the good man let me out befoue I had made him an offer. I told him, I had fo little money about me that I could not offer any thing, and again defired that he would let me out. But he perfifted, and at laft I told him that my landlord had in- formed me that he had purchafed fuch ano- ther coat for ten millings and fixpence ; on which he began to give himfelf airs, and allured me that however fome people came by their goods, that for his part, he always paid for his. I heartily wifhgd myfelf out of the mop, but in vain ; as he feemed deter- mined not to part with me until I had made fome offer. I then told him that I had but ten millings and fixpence, and of courfe could not offer him any more than I had got. I now expected more abufe from him, but in- ftead of that the patient good man told me, M that 2io LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. that as he perhaps might get fomething by me another time, I fhould have the coat for my half guinea, although it was worth more than double the money. About the end of November I received an account of the death of my grandfather ; and was alfo- informed that he had left a will in favour of mygrandmother-in-law's relations, who became pofferTed of all his effects, except a fmall freehold eftate, which he left to my youngeft brother, becaufe he happened to be called George (which was the name of my grandfather) and ten pounds a piece to each of his other grand-children. So totally unacquainted was 1 with the modes of tranfa&ing bufmefs, that I could not point out any method of having my ten pounds fent up to London, at leaft no mode that the executor of the will would approve of; it being fuch a prodigious fum, that the greateft caution was ufed on both fides, fo that itcoft me about half the money in going down for it, and in returning to town again. This LIFE OF j. LACKINGTON. 211 This was in extremely hard fro fly weather (I think fome time iti December) and being on the outfide of a ftage-coach, I was fo very cold, that when I came to the inn where the paflengers dined, I went directly to the fire, which ftruck the cold inward, fo that I had but a very narrow efcape from death. This happened in going down. In returning back to town, I had other misfortunes to encoun- ter. The cold weather ftill continuing, I thought the bafket warmer than the roof, and about fix miles from Salifbury, I went back into the bafket. But on getting out of it, hi the inn yard at Salifbury, I heard fome money jingle, and on fearching my pockets, I difcovered that 1 had loft about fixteen (hil- lings, two or three of which I found in the bafket, the reft had fallen through on the road ; and no doubt the whole of what I had left of my ten pounds would have gone the fame way, had I not (for fear of highway- men) fewed it up in my cloaths. The lofs of my filver I bore with the temper of a ftoic, and like Epictetus reafoned, that I could not M 2 have 212 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOK. have loft it, if I had not firft had it ; and that as I had loft it, why it was all the fame as though it had never been in my poffeflioiu But a more dreadful misfortune bcfel me^ the next morning; the extreme fevere wea- ther ftill continuing, in order to keep me from dying with cold, I drank fome purl and gin, which (not being ufed to drink any thing ftrong) made me fo drunk, that the coachman put me infide the carriage for fear I mould fall off the roof. I there met with fome of the jovial fort, who had alfo drank to keep out the cold, fo that I found them in high glee ; being afked to fing them a fong, J immediately complied, and forgetting that I was one of the holy brethren, I fung foug for long with the merriefLof them ; only fe- veral times between the afts, I turned up the whites of my eyes, and uttered a few ejacu- lations, as " Lord forgive me !" " O Chrift I What am I doing ?" and a few more of the fame pious fort. However after eating a good dinner, and refraining from liquor,. I became nearly LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOK. 213 nearly fober, and by the time I arrived in town quite fo; though in a terrible agitation of mind, by reflecting on what I had ten and was fo afhamed of the affair, that I con- cealed it from my wife, that I might not grieve her righteous loul with the knowledge of fo dreadful a fall: fo that ftie with great pleafure ripped open the places in my clothes, which contained my treafure, and with an heart full of gratitude, pioufly thanked pro- vidence for affording us fuch a fupply, and hoped that the Lord would enable us to make a good ufe of it. I am. Dear Friend, Yours, &c. M 3 LETTER 2i4 LIFE OF J. LACKING-TON^ LETTER XX. *' Now fince thro* all the race of man we find, "| Each to fome darling paffion is inclin'd, > ** Let BOOKS be ftill the b,ias of my mind." J Anonym, * Fixt in an elbow chair at cafe, " I chopfe companions as I pleafe." SWIFT. PEAR FRIEND, VV ITH the remainder of the money we purchafed houfhold goods, but as we then had not fufficient to furnifh a room^ we worked hard, and lived ftill harder, fo that- in a ihort time we had a room furniflied witr^ pur own goods; and I believe that it is not pofiible for you to imagine with what plea-r fure and fatisfa&ion we looked round (he roorr^ and furveyed our property : 1 believe that Alexander the Great never reflected on his, immenfe acquifitions with half the heart-felt- enjoyment which we experienced on this a pital attainment. LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 215 After our room was furnifhed, as we {till enjoyed a better ftate of health than we did at Briflol and Taunton, and 'had alfo more work and higher wages, we often added fome- thing or other to our flock of wearing apparel. Nor did I forget the old-book fhops : but frequently added an old book to my fmall collection, and I really have often purchafed books with the money that fhould have been expended in purchafmg fomething to eat ; a (inking inftance of which follows : At the time we were purchafmg houmold goods, we kept ourfelves very mort of money, and on Chriftmas-eve we had but half-a- crown left to buy a Chriftrr-as dinner. My wife defired that I would go to market, and purchafe this feilival dinner, and off I fet for that purpofe; but in the way I favv an old- book mop, and I could not refill the temp- tation of going in ; intending only to expend fixpence or ninepence out of my half-crown. .But I ftumbled upon Young's Night Thoughts down went my half-crown and M 4 I battened 216 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. I haftened home, vaftly delighted with the acquifition. When my wife afked me where was our Chriftmas dinner ? 1 told her it was in my pocket. " In your pocket (laid (he) that is a flrange place. How could you think of fluffing a joint of meat into your pocket ?" I allured her that it would take no harm. But as J was in no hafte to take it out, (he began to be more particular, and en- quired what I had got, &c. On which I began to harangue on the fuperiority of intel- lectual pleafures over fenfual gratifications, and obferved that the brute creation enjoyed the latter in a much higher degree than man. And that a man, that was not poflefied of intellectual enjoyments, was but a two-* legged brute. f I was proceeding in this flrain : " And fo, (laid (he) inftead of buying a dinner, I fup- pofe you have, as you have done before, been buying books with the money ?" I then con- fefied 1 had bought Young's Night Thoughts: " And I think (laid I) that I have aded wifely ; LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 217 wifely ; for had I bought a dinner, we mould have eaten it to-morrow, and the pleafure would have heen foon over, but mould we live fifty years longer, we fhall have the Night Thoughts to feaft upon." This was too powerful an argument to admit of any farther debate j in mort, my wife was con- vinced. Down I fat, and began to read with as much enthufiafm as the good doctor poffeffed when he wrote it ; and fo much did it excite my attention as well as approbation, that I retained the greateft part of it in my me- mory. A couplet of Perfius, as Englifhed, might have been applied to me : " For this you gain thofe meager looks, " And facrifice your dinner to your books." Sometime in June 1 774, as we fat at work in our room, Mr. Boyd, one of Mr. Wefley's people, called and informed me that a little mop and parlour were to be let in Featherftone-ftreet ; adding, that if I was to take it, 1 might there get fome work as a matter. I without hefitaticn told him that 2 iS LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. that I liked the idea, and hinted that I would fell books alfo. Mr. Boyd then aiked me how I came to think of felling books ? I informed him that until that moment it had never once entered into my thoughts ; but that when he propofed my taking the (hop, it inftantaneoufly occurred to my mind, that for feveral months paft I had obferved a great increafe in a certain old- book mop ; and that I was perfuaded I knew as much of old books as the perfon who kept it. I far- ther obferved, that I loved books, and that if I could but be a bookfeller, I mould then have plenty of books to read, which was the greateft motive J could conceive to induce me to make the attempt. My friend on this aflured me, that he would get the mop for me, and with a laugh added, " whenpw are Lord Mayor, you mall ufe all your inte- reft to get me made an Alderman." Which J engaged not to forget to perform. My private library at this time confined of Fletcher's Checks to Antinomianifm, &c. 5 volumes; LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 2 , 9 5 volumes ; Watts's Improvement of the Mind ; Young's Night Thoughts ; Wake's Translation of the Apoilolical Epiftles ; Fleetwood's Life of Cbrift ; the firfr. twenty Cumbers of Hinton's Dictionary of the Arts gn4 Sciences; fome of Wefley's Journals, and fome of the pious lives publifhed by him ; and about a dozen other volumes of the latter fort, befides odd magazines, &c. And to fet me up in ftile, Mr. Boyd recom- mended me to the friends of an holy brother lately gone to heaven, and of them I pur- chafed a bagful of old books, chiefly divinity, for a guinea. With this flock, and fome odd fcraps of leather, which together with all my books were worth about live pounds, I opened ihop on Midfummer-day, 1774, in Feathe- flone-flreet, in the parifh of St. Luke ; and I was as well pleafed in furveying my little (hop with my name over it, as was Nebu* chaduezzar, when he faid " Is not this great Babylon thaS J have byijt ?" and my good wife 220 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON, wife often perceiving the pleafure that I took in my fhop, pioufly cautioned me againft fetting my mind on the riches of this world, and affured me that it was all but vanity. ** You are very right, my dear (I fome- times replied) and to keep our minds as fpiritual as we can, we will always attend our clafs and band meetings, hear as many fermons, &c. at the Foundery on week days as poflible, and on fabbath days we will mind nothing but the good of our fouls : our fmall beer mall be fetched in on Satur- day nights, nor will we drefs even a potatoe on the fabbath. We will frill attend the preaching at five o'clock in the morning ; at eight go to the prayer meeting ; at ten to the public worfhip at the Foundery; hear Mr. Perry at Cripplegate, at two ; be at the preaching at the Foundery at five ; meet with the general fociery at fix; meet in the united bands at feven, and again be at the prayer meeting at eight ; and then come home and read and pray by ourfelves." I am, dear Friend, yours, &c. LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOtf. *2i LETTER XXI. " Strange viciflitudes of human fate ! ** Still alt'ring, nevr in a fteady ftate ; " Good after ill, and after pain delight ; " Alternate, like the fcenes of daj and night. " Since every one who lives, is born to die, " And none can boaft intire felicity : " With equal mind what happens let us bear, " Nor joy, nor grieve too much for things beyond our care. " Like pilgrims, to the appointed place we tend : '* The world's an Inn, and death's the journey's end. DRY DEN'S Palemon and Arcite, BEAR FRIEND, JN Otwithftanding the ob- fcurity of the ftreet, and the mean appear- ance of my (hop, yet I foon found cuftomers for what few books I had, and I as foon laid out the money in other old trafh which was daily brought for fale. At that time Mr. Wefley's people had a funi of money which was kept on purpofe to lend out, for three months, without intereft to ftft2 LIFE 6F J. LACKINGTOK. to fuch of their fodety whofe characters wefe good, and who wanted a temporary relief. To increafe my little flock, I borrowed five pounds out of this fund, which was of great fervice to me. In our new fituation we lived in a very frugal manner, often dining on potatoes, and quenching our thirft with water, being abfo- lutely determined if poflible to make fome provifion for fuch difmal times as fkknefs, fhortnefs of work, &c. which we had been fo frequently involved in before, and could fcarce help expecting to be our fate again. My wife foreboded it much more than I did, being of a more melancholy turn of mind. A fad prophetic Spirit dwells with woe." I lived in this ftreet fix months, and in that time increafed my flock from five pounds, to twenty-five pounds. " London-* LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 2 1$ " London the public there are candid and generous, and before my merit can have time to create me enemies, 111 fave money, and a fig for the Sultan and Sophy." ROVER. This immenfe flock I deemed too valu- able to be buried in Featherftone-Street ; and a (hop and parlour being to let in Chifwell- Street, No. 46, I took them. This was at that time, and for fourteen years afterwards a very dull and obfcure fituation : as few ever pafTed through it, befides Spitalfield weavers on hanging days, and methodifls on preaching nights ; but flill it was much better adapted for bufmefs than Featherftone-Street. A few weeks after I came into Chifwell- Street, I bade a final adieu to the gentle craft, and converted my little flock of leather, &c. into old books ; and a great fale I had, con- lidering my flock ; which was not only extremely fmall, but contained very little variety, ns it principally confifled of divi- nity ; for as I had not much knowledge, fb I feldom ventured out of my depth. Indeed, there 224 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. there was one clafs of books, which for the firft year or two that I called myfelf a book- feller, I would not fell, for fuch was my ignorance, bigotry, fuperflition (or what you pleafe) that I confcientioufly deftroyed fuch books as fell into my hands which were written by freethinkers ; for really fuppcfmg them to be dictated by the devil, I would neither read them myfelf, nor fell them to others. You will perhaps be furprifed when I in- form you, that there are in London (and I fuppofe in other populous places) perfons who purchafe every article which they have occafion for (and allb many articles which they have no occafion for) at ftalls, beggarly fhops, pawnbrokers, &c. under the idea of purchafmg cheaper than they could at ref- pedlable mops, and of men of property. A confiderable number of thefe kind of cuf- tomers I had in the beginning, who forfook my mop as foon as I began to appear more refpedlable, by introducing' better order, pofleffing more valuable books, and having acquired LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 225 acquired a better judgment, &c. Notwith- landing whichj I declare to you, upon my honour, that thefe very bargain-hunters have given me double the price that I now charge for thoufands and tens of thoufands of vo- lumes. For as a tradefman increafes in refpeclability and opulence, his opportunities of purchafmg increafe proportionably, and the more he buys, and fells, the more he be- comes a judge of the real value of his goods* It was for want of this experience and judg- ment, ftock, &c. that for feveral years I was in the habit of charging more than double the price I now do for many thoufand arti- cles. But profeffed bargain- hunters often purchafe old locks at the ftalls in Moorfields, when half the wards are rutted off or taken out, and gire more for them than they would have paid for new locks to any reputable ironmonger. And what numerous inftances of this infatuation do we meet with daily at fales by auction, not of books only, but of many other articles ! Of which I could here adduce a variety of glaring inftances : but N (not 226 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOtf. (not to tire you) a few of recent date mail fuffije. At the fale of Mr. Rigby's books at Mr. Chriftie's, Martyn's Di6tionary of Na- tural Hiftory fold for fifteen guineas, which then ftood in my catalogue at four pounds fifteen Jhill'tngs ; Pilkington's Dictionary of Painters, at feven guineas, ufually fold at three; Francis's Horace, two pounds eleven JbiHings, and many others in the fame man- ner. At Sir George Colebrook's fale, the olavo edition of the Tatler fold for two guineas and a half. At a fale a few weeks fince, Rapin's Hiftory, in folio, the two firft volumes only (inftead of five) fold for upwards of five pounds \ I charge for the fame from tenfoiltings andfixpence to one pound ten fallings ; and I fell great numbers of books to pawn- brokers, who fell them out of their windows at much higher prices, the purchafers be- lieving that they are buying bargains, and that iiich articles have been pawned ; and it is not only books which pawnbrokers pur- k chafe, but various other -matters, and they always purchaie the worft kind of very arti- cle. I will even add that many {hops which are LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 227 are called pawnbrokers, never take in any. pawns, yet can live by felling things which are fuppofed to be kept over time. I went on profperoufly until fome time in September, 1775, when I was fuddenly taken ill of a dreadful fever ; and eight or ten days after^ my wife Was feized with the fame diforder; At that time 1 only kept a boy to help in iny (hop, fo that I fear,- while I lay ill, my wife had too much care and anxiety on her mind. I have been told that before fhe was confined to *her bed fhe walked about in a delirious ftate ; in whifch fhe did not long continue* but contrary to all expectation died, in enthufraftic rant, on the ninth of No- vember, furrounded with feveral methodiftical preachers; " Invidious death! how d oft thou rerU in furuler " Whom love has knit and fympathy made one ? *' A tie fo ftubborn." BLAIR'S Grave. She was in reality one of the bed of wo- men ; and although for about four years (he was ill the greateft part of the time r which N 2 involved 22 8 LIFE OF j. LACKING-TON: involved me in the very depth of poverty ami diftrefs, yet I never once repented having married her. " . ftill bufy meddling memory, " In barbarous fucceffion, matters up " The paft endearments of our fofter hours, * Tenacious of his theme." BLAIR'S Grave, *1 is true file was entbufiaftical to an ex- treme, and of courfe very fuperflitious -and vifionary, but as I was very far gone myfelf, I did not think that a fault in her. Indeed me much exceeded me, and moft others that ever fell under mf obfervation, as (he in reality totally neglected and difre- garded every kind of pleafure whatever, but thofe of a fpiritual (or vifionary) nature. Methinks I here fee you fmile : but I affure you me made no exception ; but was a com- plete devotee, and what is more remarkable, without pride or ill-nature. " Intentions fo pure, and fuch meeknefs of fpirit, ** Muft of courfe, and of right, Heaven's kingdom inherit.*' SlMKIt*. I am, dear Friend, yours. LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 229 LETTER XXII. ** I've ftrange news to give you ! but .when you receive it, " 'Tis impoflible, Sir, that you (hoald believe it ; *' But as I've been told this agreeable ftory, " I'll digrefs for a raome-nt .to lay it before j r e/* I >EAR SIR, Z\ Friend of mine, of whofe veracity I entertain the higheft opinion, has favored me with an account of a lady, who has to the full as much, indeed more of the fpirit, but without the good-nature of Nancy Lackington. The facl is as follows; " J Tis true 'tis pity : and pity 'tis it's true." Mr. R t, a genteel tradefman with whom I am acquainted, having loft his fecond wife early in 1 790* courted and married one of the holy fitters a few months afterwards. They had lived together about nx months, when Mr. R t, one Sunday, being a fober reli- gious man, took down Doddridge's Lectures, And began to read them to his wife and family. N 3 But 230 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. But this holy After found fault with her hufr band for reading fuch learned rational dif? courfes, which favoured too much of human reafon and vain philofophy, and wifhed he would read fomething more fpiritual and edi- fying. He attempted to convince her that Dr. Doddridge was not only a good rational divine, but to the full as fpiritual as any di- vine, ought to be ; and that to be more fpiri- tual he mufl be lefs rational, and of courfe become fanatical/ and vifionary. But thefe obfervations of the hufband fo difpleafed his fpiritual wife, that me retired to bed, and left her hufband to read Doddridge's Lectures as long as he chofe to his children by a former "Wife. The next morning while Mr. R t was out on bufmefs, this holy lifter, without lay- ing one iyliable to any perfon, packed up all her clothes, crammed them into a hackney coach, and away fhe went. Mr. R t, poor foul ! on coming home difcovered his immenfe Ipfs, and in an aimoft frantic flate, fpent the N 4 firft LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 231 nrft fortnight in fruitlefs attempts todifcover her retreat. ** Three weeks after her elopement, I was *' (fays Mr. R t) going down Cheap- 66 fide one day, and favv a lady fomething " like my wife, but as me was fomewhat " difguifed, and I co'uld not fee her face, I *' was not fure. At laft I ventured to look " under her bonnet, and found, that, fure " enough, it was fhe. I then walked three " times backwards and forwards in Cheap- *' fide, endeavouring to perfuade her to re- *' turn with me, or to difcover where me " lived : but me obftihately refufed to re- " turn, or to let me fee her retreat ; and *' here (fays Mr. R t) I begged that me " would grant me a kifs j but Ihe would not " willingly. However after fome buftle in *' the flreet, I took a farewel kifs. Poos *' dear foul ! ffigh'd he) me is rather too " fpirhual I for notwithstanding I bid by *' her fide near fix months, me never would *' be prevailed upon to do any thing carnal j " and although I did all m my power to get M 4 the 232 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. " the better of her fpiritual fcruples, yet me " was always fo in love with Chrift her hea-r " venly fpoufe, that when me eloped from, " me, file was, I affure you, as good a vir- " gin as when I married her." I muft give you one more frory of the fame nature with the preceding. A gentleman of London happening to be on a vifit at Briftol about three years fmce, fell in love with a handfome young lady who was one of the holy fifterhood ; after a few weeks acquaintance he made her an offer of his perfon and fortune, and the young lady after proper inquiry had been made into the gentleman's family, fortune, &c. confented to make our lover happy. They were foon after married, and the fame day fet off in a poft-chaife towards London, in order to fleep the firft night at an inn, and fo fave the lady the blufhes occanoned by the jokes com- mon on fuch occafions ; this happy couple had been in bed about an hour when the cry of murder alarmed the houfe, this alarm pro- ceeding Lira OF J. LACKINGTON. 233 ceeding from the room that was occupied by the bride an4 bridegroom, drew the company that way ; the inn-keeper knocked at the door and demanded admittance, our Benedict appeared at the door, and informed the hoft that his lady had been taken fuddenly ill in a kind of fit he believed, but that fhe was bet- ter ; and after the innkeeper's wife had been fent into the room to fee the young lady, and had found her well, all retired to bed. They had, however, not lain more than two hours, when the cry of murder, fire, &c. 9gain alarmed the houfe, and drew many out of their beds once more, Our young gentleman then drefTed himfelf, and opening the door, informed the company that he had that morning been married to the young lady in bed, and that being married, he had infifted on being admitted to the pri- vilege of an huiband, but that the young lady had talked rnuch about the good of her poor foul, her fpiritual hufband, &c. and t^at inftead of granting what he conceived to 2 3 4- LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. to be the right of every hufband, me had thought proper to difturb all in the houfe, He added, that having been thus made very ridiculous, he would take effectual care to prevent a repetition of the fame abfurd conduct, He then ordered a poft-chaife and fet off for London, leaving our young faint in bed to enjoy her fpiritual contemplations in their full extent, nor has he ever fince paid her any attention. Some time fince being in a large town in the Weil, (he was pointed out to me by a friend, as me was walking in the ftreet. The above puts me in mind of what Ovid fays was pradlifed by young maids on the feftival of the celebrated nymph AnnaPerenna^ thus tranflated by I know not who : *' With promifes the amorous god (he led, " And with fond hopes his eager paflion fed, At length 'tis done, the goddefs yields, (he cry'd; ** My pray'rs have gain'd the viftory o'er pride, < With LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 235 f f With joy the god prepares the golden bed j ? Thither, her face conceal'd, is Anna led, f ( Juft on the brink of blifs, ftie ftands confefs'd ; * The difappointed lover is her jeft, L f* While rage and fharne alternate fvyell his brezrft. J I am informed from good authority that there are now in Mr. Wefley's fociety, in London, Ibme women who ever fince they were converted, have refufed to deep with their hufbands, and that fome of thofe will not pay the lead attention to any temporal concern whatever, being as they term it, wholly wrapped up in divine contemplation, having their fouls abforbed in divine love, ib as not to be interrupted by the trifling con- cerns of a huiband, family, &c. . I am, Dear Friend, Yours, LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON, LETTER XXIII. < Women that leave no ftone unturn'd, " In which the caufe might be coocern'd." " The man without fin, the methodift Rabbi, " Has perfectly cur'd the chlorofis of Tabby : f And if right I can judge from her fhape and face, '* She foon may produce an infant of grace. * Now they fay that all people in her iituatkm * Are very fine fubjefts for regeneration." New Bath Guides DEAR FRIEND, BECAUSE fome of the holy fitters are in their amours altogether fpiritual, you are by no means to underftand that they are all totally divefted of the carnal propenfity. Some of thefe good creatures are fo far from thinking that their huflbands are too carnal in their afFelions, that they really think that they are not enough fo ; and in- fiances are not wanting, in which, owing to their LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 237 their having hufbands too fpl ritual, they have been willing to receive affiftance from the hulbands of other women. It is but about a year (ince a certain cele- brated preacher ufed to adminifter carnal con- folation to the wife of his clerk. This holy communication was repeated fo often, and fb open, that at lafl it came to the clerk's ears, who watching an opportunity, one day fur- prized the pious pair at their devotion, and fa belaboured the preacher with his walking- flaff, that the public were for near a month deprived- of the benefits refulting from his remarkable gift of eloquence. As I am got into the {lory- telling way, I cannot refill the temptation of telling ano- ther. A certain holy fifler who lately kept a houfe in a country village, within ten miles of London ; and took in (as they called it) Mr. Weiley's preachers, by taking in is only meant, that when they came in their turn to preach * 3 8 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. preach in the village (he ufed to fupply each with victuals and a bed ; (no doubt but they flept alone.) This lady was fo very remark- able for her fplrltual experience and divine gifts, that fhe attracted many to her houfe, betides fuch as came In the regular courfe of their duty, and among the former a preacher from London, from whom I learnt the af- fair. This preacher happening to want a wife, and being very fpirituallyrmindedj actually married her in December 1790, merely for her great gifts and grace, as her fortune was not above the fiftieth, part as much as his own j and as to perfon, {he is fcarce one degree above uglinefs itfelf \ although her hufband is well-proportioned^ and upon the whole a handfome man. They had not been married a week, when this fim* pie preacher difcovered that his gifted gra* cious faint was an incarnate devil, who had married him only to rob, plunder, and him, and in a few months between her and -her gallants, they bullied him out of a fettlement to the amount of four times the fum LIFE OF j. LACKINGTOK. 23? fum me brought him, and the poor pious preacher thinks that he has cheaply got rid of her. " Ah, foolilh woman ! may (he one day fee " How deep (he 's plung'd herfclf in infamy, " And with true penitence wa(h out the ftain ; But mifchief on't why Ihould I pray in vainj "" For (he's but harden'd at the name of grace, " No blufh was ever feen t' adorn her face." GOULD,, The reafon why I interefl myfelf in his behalf is, becaufe I am confident that he re- ally is an honed well-meaning man at the bottom ; but withal one that does not poflefs the greateft {hare of under/tending, and who being formerly but a mean mechanic, never had any education ; but although he is a great enthufiaft, yet he is one of the good- natured inoffenlive fort, who will do no harm to any perlbn, but on the contrary all the good in his power. I am only forry, as he lately was an honeft ufeful tradefman, that he mould have fo much fpiritual quixotiim in him, as at thirty years of age to fhut up his (hop and turn preacher, without being able 240 LIFE 0$ J. LAGKINGTON, able to read his primer; which I can afTure you is the cafe. But here, my friend, you fee I forgot that thefe heavenly teachers only Ipeak as the Spirit giveth utterance, and that of courfe all human learning is entirely fuperfluous. " ~ " As he does not chufe to cull, " His faith by any fcripture rule j c But by the vapours that torment tf His brains, from hypocondria fenr, *' Which into dreams and vifions turn, " And make his zeal fo fiercely burn, " That reafon lofes the afcendant, ' And all within grows independant, " He proves all fuch as do accord " With him the chofen of the Lord ; ' But that all others are accurft, ' 'Tis plain in Canticles the firft." BUTLER'S Pofth. Works. A few years fince the methodift-preachers got footing in Wellington (the famous birth- place of your humble fervant) and eftablifhed a fociety there, foon after which one of their preachers (at Collompton, a neighbouring town) happened tq like a young fervant girl, who was one of the holy fillers, ihe having gone LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 241 gone through the new birth, better than his wife, becaufe me was an unenlightened, un- converted woman. But this fervant girl happening to be with child, the news foon reached Wellington ; and a very wealthy gentleman who entertained the, preachers there followed the preacher of Collompton's example, and got his own pious maid with child. " Blefled ftie tbo* once rejefted, " Like a little wandering flieep ; ' Poor maid, one morning was eleftcd By a vifion in her fleep." After this fome of the fociety in Welling- ton began to have all things in common, and feveral more of the holy fitters proved proli* fie , which fo alarmed the parifh, that fome of the heads of it infifted that the preachers mould not be permitted to preach there any longer. " For, if (faid they) the methodift- fociety continues, we lhall have the parifh fullofbaitards." / O A fimilar 242 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. A fimilar affair happened at a country town, ten or twelve miles from Oxford, about two years fince, where a very hand- fome powerful preacher made converts of a great number of women, both married and fingle, who were wonderfully affected, and great numbers flocked to his ftandard ; but he had not laboured there more than a year, before the churchwardens were made ac- quainted with his powerful operations on fine young female faints, who all fwore baf- tards to this holy, fpiritual labourer in the vineyard ; upon which the gentlemen of the town exerted thernfelves, and prevented the farther propagation of methodifm ; as " The ladies by fympathy feem'd to difcover " The advantage of having a fpiritual lover. " They were fadly afraid that wives, widows, and mifles " Would confine to the all their favors and kiffes." The author of a letter to Dr. Coke and Mr. More, publimed fince the rft edition of my Memoirs, informs us, that a gentle- man of Chefham had a daughter about feven- teen years of age, which he put into the hands LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 24.3 hands of a methodift parfon, to have her con- verted, and was exceedingly kind and liberal to him ; and we are informed that this rafcal converted her firfr, and debauched her after- wards. So you fee, my dear friend, by the above examples (were it neceflary, I could give you many more) that not all the converted and fanclified females are thereby become fb ab- forbed in the fpiritual delights of the myfti- cal union, as to have loft all relifli for carnal connections; as we find that many among them are blefTed with a mind fo capacious, as to be able to participate in the pleafures of both worlds* I am, Dear Friend, Yours. O 2 LETTER 244 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOK, LETTER XXIV. " It was not good for man to be alone : " An equal, yet the fubjeft, is defign'd ' For thy foft hours, and to unbend the mind." DRYDKK, " Woman, man's chiefeft good, by heaven defiga'd '* To glad the heart, and humanize the mind ; " To footh each angry care, abate each ftrife, " And lull the paflions as we walk through life." Art of Living in London. DEAR FRIEND, A.FTER a long digreffion, I mufl now return to my own affairs. I continued in the above-mentioned dread- ful fever many weeks, and my life was def- paired of by all that came near me. During which time, my wife, whom I affectionately loved, died and was buried, without my once having a fight of her. What added much to my misfortunes, feveral nurfes that were hired to take care of me and my wife, proved LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 245 proved fo abandoned and depraved as to have loft all fenfe of moral obligation, and every tender feeling for one who to all appearance was juft on the point of death : feveral of thefe monfters in female fhape robbed my drawers of linen, &c. and kept themfelves drunk with gin, while I lay unable to move in my bed, and was ready to perifh, partly owing to want of cleanlinefs and proper care. Thus fituated, 1 muft inevitably have fallen a vidYim, had it not been for my fifter Doro- thy, wife of Mr. Northam of Lambeth, and my fifter Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Bell in Soho. Thefe kind fillers, as foon as they were informed of the deplorable flare in which I lay, notwithstanding fome mifun- 4erftanding which fubiifted between us, and prevented me from fending for them, ha- tened to me, and each fat up with me alter- nately, fo that I had one or the other with me every night ; and, contrary to all expec- tation, I recovered. But this recovery was in a very (low manner. O 9 As 246 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. As foon as I was able to enquire into the {rate of my affairs, I found that Mr. Whee-, ler, fack and rope-maker in Old-ftreet, and Meffrs. Bottomley and Shaw, carpenters and fam-makers in Bunhill-rovv, had laved mo from ruin, by locking up my mop, which contained my little all. Had not this been done, the nurles would no doubt have con- trived means to have emptied my mop, as effectually as they had doqe my drawers, The above gentlemen not only took care of my fhop, but alfo advanced money to pay fuch expences as occurred ; and as my wife was dead, they affifted in making my will in favour of my mother. Thefe worthy gentlemen belong to Mr. Wefley's fociety (and notwith {landing they have imbibed many enthufiaftic whims) yet would they be an honour to any fociety, and are a credit to human nature. I hope that I never fhall recollect their kindnefs without being filled with the warmeffc Sentiments of gratitude towards them, v. He LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 247 *' He that hath Nature in him muft be grateful ; " 'Tis the Creator's primary great Law, " That links the chain of being to each other, " Joining the greater to the lefler nature, " Tying the weak and ftrong, the poor and powerful, *' Subduing men to brutes, and even brutes to men." On my recovery I alfo learnt that Mifs Dorcas Turton (the young woman that kept the houfe, and of whom I then rented the fhop, parlour, kitchen and garret) having out of kindnefs to my wife, occafionally aflifted her during her illnefs, had caught the fame dreadful diforder, {lie was then very dangeroufly ill, and people fhunned the houfe as much as if the plague had been in it. So that when I opened my mop again, I was flared at 'Us though I had actually returned from the 'other world ; and it was a confiderable time before many of my former cuftomers could credit that 1 really was in exiftence, it having been repeatedly reported that I was dead. Mifs Dorcas Turton, was a charming young woman, and you muft now be made O 4 farther 2 4 8 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. farther acquainted with her. She is the daughter of Mr. Samuel Turton of StafFord- fhire ; her mother by marriage, ftill retained her maiden name, which was Mifs Jemima Turton, of Oxfordshire. Mr. Samuel Turton had a large fortune of his own, and about twenty thoufand pounds with his wife Mifs Jemima, but by an unhappy turn for gaming he diffipated nearly the whole of it, and was obliged to have recourfe to trade to help fupport his family. ' *Tis loft at dice, what ancient honour won, ' Hard, when the father plays away the fon ! He opened a mop as a faddler's ironmonger, but as he was but little acquainted with trade, and as his old propenfity to gaming never quitted him, it is no wonder that he did not fucceed in his bufmefs ; and to crown all his other follies, he was bound for a falfe friend in a large fum ; this completed his ruin. His wife died in Jan. 1773, and his final ruin eniued a few months after j fo that from that LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 549 that time to his death he was partly fuppor- ted by his daughter Mifs Dorcas Turton, who cheerfully fubmitted to keep a fchool, and worked very hard at plain work, by which means (he kept her father from want. The old gentleman died a, few months after I came into the (hop. Being partly ac- quainted with this young lady's goodnefs to her father, I concluded that fo amiable a daughter was very likely to make a good wife; I alfo knew that fhe was immode- rately fond of books, and would frequently read until morning; this turn of mind in her was the greateft of all recommendations to me, who having acquired a few ideas, was at that time reftlefs to increafe them : fo that I was in. raptures with the bare 'thoughts of having a woman to read with, and alfo to read to me. '* Of all the pleafures, noble and refin'd, " Which form, the tafle and cultivate the mind, " In every realm where fcience darts its beams, *.' From Thale's ice to Afric's golden ftrearns, " From climes where Phoebus pours his orient ray, ' ' To the fair regions of declining day, " The 2 5 o LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. " The " Feaft of Reafon" which from READING fprings " To reas'ning man the higheft folace brings. " 'Tis BOOKS a lading pleafure can fupply, " Charm while we live, and teach us how to die." LACKING-TON'S Shop Bill; I embraced the firft opportunity after her recovery to make her acquainted with my mind, and as we were no grangers to each others characters and circumftances, there was no need of a long formal courtmip ; fo I prevailed on her not to defer our union lon- ger than the 3oth of January, 17/6, when for the fecond time I entered into the holy flate of matrimony, " Wedded Love is founded on efteem, " Which the fair merits of the mind engage : *' For thofe are charms that never can decay, ,'* But Time, which gives new whitenefs to the fwan, " Improves their luftre."' FEN TON. I am, Dear Friend, Yours. LETTER i. LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 251 LETTER XXV, " Reafon re-baptiz'd me when adult : " Weigh'd true from falfe, in her impartial fcale* tf Truth, radiant goddefs ! Tallies on my foul ! " And puts delufion's duflcy train to flight." YOUNG. ff All the myftic lights were quench'd." LEE. DEAR FRIEND, .LAm now in February 1776, arrived at an important period of my life. Being lately recovered from a very painful, dangerous, and hopelefs illnefs, I fonnd my- felf once more in a confirmed ftate of health, furrounded by my little flock in trade, which was but juft faved from thieves, and which to me was an immenfe treafure. Add to the above, my having won a fecond time in a game where the odds were fo much againft me ; or to ufe another fimile, my having drawn another prize in the lottery of wed- lock, and thus like John Buncle repaired the lofs 252 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. lofs of one very valuable woman by the a quifition of another (till more valuable. " O woman ! let the libertine decry, " Rail at the virtuous love he never felt, " Nor wifh'd to feel. Among the fex there are ** Numbers as greatly good as they are fair; Where rival virtues ftrive which brightens moft, " Beauty the fmalleft excellence they boaft ; 4< Where all unite fubftantial blifs to prove, ' And give mankind in them a tafte of joys above," Reflecting on the above united circum- ftances, I found in my heart an unufual fen- fation, fuch as until then I had been a ftranger to : my mind began to expand, intellectual light and pleafure broke in and difpelled the gloom of fanatical melancholy ; the four- nefs of my natural temper which had been much increafed by fuperflition, (called by Swift, " the fpleen of the foul/') in part gave way, and was fucceeded by cheerful- nefs, and fome degree of good-nature. It was in one of thefe cheerful moods that I one day took up the Life of John Buncle j and it is impoffible for my friend to imagine with LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 253 with what eagernefs and pleafure I read through the whole four volumes of this whim- fical, fenfible, pleafing work ; it was written by Thomas Amory, Efq. (who was living in the year 1788, at the great age of 97) and I know not of any work more proper to he put into the hands of a poor ignorant Lrigotted fuperiVitious methodift ; but the misfortune is, that fcarce one of them will read any thing but what fuits with their own narrow notions, fo that they fhut themfelves np in darknefs, and exclude every ray of intellec- tual light ; which puts me in mind of the enthufiafts on the banks of the Ganges, who will not look at any thing beyond the tip of their nofes. By the time I had gone through the laft volume, " My foul had took its freedom up.'* GREEN. I alfo received great benefit from reading Coventry's Philemon to Hydafpes ; it con- iifts of dialogues on falle religion, extrava- gant devotion, &c. in which are many very curious remarks on vifionaries of various ages and 2$4 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. and fects. The works is complete in five parts o&avo. There has alfo been a decent Scotch edition, publiflied in twelves, both editions are now rather fcarce. I now began to enjoy many innocent plea- fures and recreations in life, without the fear of being eternally damn'd fora laugh, a joke, or for fpending a fociable evening with a few friends, going to the play-houfe, &c. &c. In fhort I faw that true religion was n way incompatible with, or an enemy to ra- tional pleafures of any kind. As life (fays one) is the gift of heaven, it is religion to enjoy it. " Fools by excefs make varied pleafure pall, " The wife man's moderate, and enjoys them all." VOLTAIRE by Franklin. I now alfo began to read with great plea- fure the rational and moderate divines of all denominations : and a year or two after I be- gan with metaphyfics, in the intricate though pleating labyrinths of which I have occafion- ally LIFE OF, J. LACKINGTON. 255 ally flnce wandered, nor am I ever likely to find my way out. ber Lot's wife.'* Another would interrupt rne in my bufinefs, to tell me, that " he that putteth his hand to the plough, and looketh back, is unfit for the kingdom.' 1 Another had juft called as he was palling by, to caution me againft the bewitching fnares of profperity. Others again called to know if I was as happy then as I was when I con- ftantly fought the Lord with my brethren, in prayer meeting, in, clafs, in band, &c, When I allured them that I vyas more happy, they in a very folemn manner aflured me, that I was under a very great delufion of the devil ^ and when I by chance happened to, lavgh LIFE OF J. LACKJNGTON. 263 laugh at their enthufiaflic rant, fome have run out of my (hop, declaring that they were afraid to ftay under the fame roof with me, led the houfe mould fall on their heads. Sometimes I have been -acceded m. fuch an alarming manner as though the houfe was on fire, with " Oh ! brother! brother i you are fa ft afleep 1 and the flames of hell are taking hold of you I JJ> A certain preacher allured me, in the pre- ience of feveral gentlemen, that the devij, would foon toCs me about in the flames of hell with a pitchfork. This fame eloquent mild preacher ufed occafionally to ftrip to fa is fhirt to dodge the devil.. Mr. E. a gentleman of my acquaintance, going through fome alley, one Sunday, hear- ing a very uncommon noife, was led by curiofity to the houfe from whence it pro- ceeded, and there he faw -elevated ahove an aflembly of old women, .&c. this t ay lor, ftript in his fhirt, with his wig off, and the collar dof his hir unbuttoned, fweating, foaming P 4 ^ 264. LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. at the mouth, and bellowing like a baited bull. In the above manner it feems he would often amufe himfelf and his congregation for near two hours, " Curflng from his (Veating tub, " The cavaliers of Belzebub." BUTLER'S Poflh. Works. Some of the Tabernacle faints allured me, that I never had one grain of laving grace, and that when I thought myfelf a child of God, I was only deluded by the devil,, who being now quite fure of me, did not think it worth his' while to deceive me any longer. Others advifed me to take care of linning againft light and knowledge, and pioufly hoped that it was not quite too late ; that I had not (they hoped) commuted the unpar- donable fin againft the Holy Ghoft. Others again, who happened to be in a better hu- mour, often told me that they mould fee me brought back to the true fheepfold, as they really hoped I had once been in a ftate of grace, and if fo, that I always was in grace, LIFE OF J. LAGKINGTON. 265 hi fpite of all I could do : the Lord would never quit his hold of me ; that I might fall foully, but that it was impoffible for me to falljina/fy, as in the end I fhould be brought back on the moulders of the everlafting gof- pel, for when God came to number his jewels, not one would be miffing. One of thefe righteous men, after paffing fome encomiums on me for my moral cha- lafter, aflured me that J had by no mean* fallen fo low as many of God's dear children had fallen, but fall as low as they poffibly can, faid he, they are ftill God's children, for altho' they may " be black with (in they are fair within/' He then read to me the following paflage out of a pamphlet written againfl Mr. Fletcher by Mr. R. Hill. " David *' flood ascompkrely juftifiedinthe everlafting f righteouihefs of Ch rift, at the time when f he caufed Uriah to be murdered, and was *' committing adultery with his wife, as he f ' was in any part of his life. For all the fins f* pf the cleft, be they more or be they lefs, " be 2 66 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. *' be they paft, prefent, or to come, were " for ever done away. So that every one < of thofe eltft ftand Ipotlefs in the fight of " God." Is not this a very comfortable kind of do&rine ? The pernicious confequences of fuch tenets imprelTed on the minds of the ignorant followers of thefe quacks in reli- gion, muft be obvious to every perfon capa- ble of reflection, They have nothing to do but to enlift themfelves in the band of the elect, and no matter then how criminal their life! Thus, my dear frien'd, I was for a long time coaxed by fome, threatened with all the tortures of the damned by others, and con* jftantly teafed fome how or other by all the xnethodifts who came near me, ' Surrounded by foes, as I fat in my chair, " Who attacked like dogs that are baiting a bear." I at laft determined to laugh at all their ridiculous perverfions of the fcripture, and their fpiritual cant. The conference (as might LlfrE OF J. LACKINGTON. 267 might be expelled) was, they pioufly and charitably configned me over to be tormented by the devil, and every where declared that ,1 was turned a downright atheiil. But the afperfions of fuch fanatics gave me no con- cern, for * If there's a power above us, " (And that there is, all nature cries aloud " Through all her works) he muft delight in Virtue ; " And that which he delights in muft be happy." ADDISON'S Cato. And no matter " when or where,** After relating fuch ridiculeus ftufFas the above, I think that I cannot conclude this better than with Swift's humorous and fatirical account of the day of judgment ; fo humorous that J would not have quoted it had it not been written by a divine of the Church of England, With a whirl of thought opprefs'd., they are enraptured with the profpect of a joyful flight " to the expanded arms of a loving Saviour longing to embrace his long loft children." Surely this is not the way (hu- manly fpeaking) to check the alarming pro- grefs of moral depravity ; to which, one would think no kind of encouragement ought ro be given." Q 1 muft 274 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON, I muft obferve farther, that the unguarded manner in which the methodift preachers make tenders of pardon and falvation, has induced many to join their fraternity, whofe confciences wanted very large plaifters in- deed ! many of thofe had need to be put under a courfe of mortification and penance, but they generally adopt another method ; a few quack noftrums, which they call faith and affurance, drys up the wound, and they then make themfelves as hateful by affecting to have fqueamifh confciences, as they really have been obnoxious, for having confciences of very wide latitude indeed. And notwith- ftanding the affecled change, they often are as bad, or worfe than ever. As a friend, permit me to advife you never to purchafe any thing at a (hop where the mafter of it crams any of his pious nonfenfe into his fhop- bill, &c'. as you may be affured you will nine times .out often find them, in the end, arrant hypocrites, and as fuch, make no fcruple of cheating in the way of trade, if poffible. This LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 275 This puts me in mind of one of thefe pious brethren in Petticoat-lane who wrote in his mop- window, " Rumps and Burs fold here, and Baked Sheep's heads will be con- tinued every night, if the Lord permit" The Lord had no objection : fo Rumps, Burs, and Baked Sheep* s heads were fold there a long time. And I remember to have feen on a board, near Bedminfter-down, " Tripe and cow-heels fold here as ufual, except on the Lord's-day, which the Lord help me to keep" And on my enquiring about the perfon who exhibited this remark- able mew-board, at the inn juft by, I was informed that the pious Tripe-feller gene- rally got drunk on Sundays, after he returned from the barn-preaching; which accounts for his not felling tripe on that day, having full employment (though poffibly not fo inoffenfive) elfe\\here. I alto fa\v in a village near Plymouth in Devonfhire, " Roger Tuttel, by God's grace and mercy, kills rats, moles, and all forts of Q 2 vermin 276 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. vermin and venomous creatures." But I . need not have gone,fo far, as, no doubt you muft remember that a few years fince, a cer- tain pious common-council man of the metro- polis, advertifed in the public papers for a porter that could carry three hundred weight andferve the Lord. Of the fame worthy perfonage I have heard it allerted, that fo very confcientious is he, that he once ftaved a barrel of beer in his cellar, becaufe he de- tected it working on the fabbath-day, which brought to my recollection four lines in drun- ken Barnaby's Journey : " To Banbury came I ; O prophane one .' " Where I faw a puritane one, '* Hanging of his cat on Monday, " For killing of a raoufe on Sunday. Mr. L e, a gentleman of my acquaint- ance informs me, that a methodifbneighbour of his, in St. Martin's-lane, who keeps a parcel of fowls, every Saturday night, makes a point of confcience of tying together the legs of every cock he has, in order to prevent LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 277 prevent them from breaking the fabbath, by treading the hens on Sundays. I have a few more obfervations to make on this remarkable feft, but fearing I have already tired you, mall refer ve them for my next. *' Seeming devotion doth but gild the knave, " T^0fc neither faithful, honeft, juft, or brave, " But where religion does with virtue join, " It makes a hero like an angel fliine f " WALLER, I am, Dear Friend, / Yours. LETTER 278 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON, LETTER XXVIII. * ' Under this ftone refts Hudibras, " A Knight as errant as e'er was : ' The controverfy only lies, *' Whether he was more fool than wife ; " Full oft he fuffer'd bangs and drubs, f* And full as oft took pains in tubs : *' And for the good old Caufe flood buff, ' 'Gainft many a bitter kick and cuff, ' Of which the mpft that can be faid, " He pray'd and preach'd, and preach'd and pray'd." BUTLER'S Poflh. Works, DEAR FRIEND, JlT is very remarkable that while I was writing the laft five lines of my former letter to yon, on Wednefday the 2d of March 1791, I received the news of the death of Mr. John Wefley, who I am in- formed, died that morning at his own houfe, in- the City-road, Moorfields, in the Eighty- eighth year of his age. He had no illnefs, but the wheels of the machine being worn out, it ftopt of courfe. As I am on the fub- jeft LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 279 jet of methodifrn, I hope you will not deem it impertinent, if I devote a few lines to this great parent of a numerous feel, whom I well knew, and feel a pleafure in fpeaking of with Ibme refpe6h Several days preceding his interment, being laid in his coffin, in his gown and band, he was expofed to the view of all who camejflUid the public ; and I fuppofe that- forty or fifty thoufand perfons had a fight of him. But the concourfe of people was fo great, that many were glad to get out of the crowd without feeing him at all; and al- though a number of confcables were prefent, yet the pick-pockets contrived to eafe many of their purfes, watches, &c", To prevent as much as pofiible the dread- ful effects of a mob, he was interred on Wednelday March the Qth, between five and fix o'clock in the morning, in the burial ground behind his own chapel in the City- road. After which Dr. Whitehead (the phyfician) preached his funeral fermon ; but Q 4 not- 280 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. notwith (landing the early hour, many thou- fands attended more than the chapel would hold, although it is very large. As foon as it was known that Mr. Wefley was deceafed, a lumber of needy brethren deemed it a fair opportunity of profiting by it, and each immediately fet his ingenuity to work to compofe what he chofe to call a life of him ; and for fome weeks fince ftfe fune- ral the chapel-yard and its vicinity has exhi- bited a truly ludicrous fcene, on every night of preaching, owing to the different writers and venders of thefe hafty performances exerting themfelves to fecure a good iale; one bawling out, that his is the right life, a fecond with a pious make of the head, declares his the real life, a third protefh he has got the only genuine account ; and a fourth calls them all vile cheats and importers, &c. fb that between all thefe competitors, the faints are fo divided and perplexed in their opinions, that fome decline pur chafing either ; others willing ; to try all, and keep that which is good, LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 28 good,'* buy of each of thefe refpe&able venders of the life and laft account of that celebrated character ; while the uninterefted pafTenger is apt to form a conclusion that the houfe of prayer is again become a den of thieves. Thus we fee thofe holy candidates for heaven are fo influenced by felf-intereft that it " Turns meek and fecret fneaking ones " To Raw-heads fierce and bloody bones." HUDIBRAS. I cannot help thinking that Mr. John Wefley, the father of the methodifts, was one of the moft refpectable enthufiafts that ever lived ; as it is generally thought that he believed all that he taught others, and lived the fame pious exemplary life, that he would have his followers praftife. The fale of his numerous writings produced nett profits to the amount of near TWO THOUSAND POUNDS per annum; and the weekly collec- tion of the clafles in London and Weftmin- fter amounted to a very large fum ; belides this, great fums were collected, at the facra- ments 282 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. meats and love-fenfis, for quarterly tickets, private and public fubfcriptions, &c. &c. In a pamphlet which was publilhed in the beginning of this year 1792, by an old mem- ber of their fociety, it is aflerted that for the laft ten years, the fums collected in Great Britain and Ireland, have amounted to no lefs than FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS per annum, Befides the above, many private collections are made in all his focieties throughout the three kingdoms, fo that Mr. Wefley might have amaiTed an immenie for- tune, had riches been his objecl, But in- flead of accumulating wealth, he expended all his own private property : and I have been often informed, from good authority, that he never denied relief to a poor peribu that afked him. To needy tradefmen I have known him to give ten or twenty pounds at once. In going a few yards from his ftudy to the pulpit, he generally gave away an handful of half-crowns to poor old people of his fociety. He was indeed charitable to an extreme, as he often gave to unworthy objects, LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 283 objects, nor would he keep money fufficient to hold out on his journies. One of his friends informs me that he left but ^4. i os. behind him : and I have heard him de- clare that he would not die worth twenty pounds, except his books for fale, which he has left to the " general methodift fund, for carrying on the work of God, by itinerant preachers,'* charged only with a rent of eighty-five pounds a year, which he has left to the wife and children of his brother pharles. His learning and great abilities are well known. But I cannot help noticing that in one of his publications (ftepping out of his line) he betrayed extreme weaknefs and cre- dulity, though no doubt his intentions were good. What I allude to is his " Primitive Phyfic, a work certainly of a dangerous ten- dency, as the majority of remedies therein prefcribed are moft affuredly inefficacious, and many of them very dangerou's, if ad- miniftred. The confequence of the firft is, that 284 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. that while poor ignorant people are trying thefe remedies, (befides the very great pro- bability of their miftaking the cafe) the dif- eafes perhaps become fo inveterate as to refill: the power of more efficacious remedies pro- perly applied, and with regard to thofe of a highly dangerous nature, how ram to truft them in the hands of fuch uninformed peo^ pie as this book was almoft folely intended for, efpecially when fanctioned by the name of an author whofe influence impreffed the minds of the unfortunate patients with the moft powerful conviction. Many fatal effects, I fear, have been produced by a blind ad- herence to this compilation ; which carries with it more the appearance of being the production of an ignorant opinionated old woman, than of the man of fcience and education. One melancholy inftance is frefh in my memory ; a much efteemed friend having fallen an immediate facrifice to an imprudent application of one of thefe re- medies. A very LIFE OF J. LACKlNGTOtf. 28$ A very worthy phyfician to whom the community is highly indebted for his inde- fatigable and fuccefsful exertions in the caufe of humanity, publimed fome very judicious " Remarks on the Primitive Phyfic," which however, for obvious rea- fons, were not fo generally noticed as the. fubjecl: deferved ; as almoft all the admirers of Mr. Wefley's work confifted of his fol- lowers, (fufficiently numerous indeed to en- fure a very extenfive fale) thefe were too bigoted to condefcend to perufe any pro- duction tending to enlighten their under- ftandings ; and the public at large, not hav- ing paid much attention to it, did not con- ceive themfelves fo materially interefted in the " Remarks," though I am firmly of opinion, if they are perufed with that can- dour with which they appear to be written, they will have a very beneficial tendency in guarding the public againft the milchief too frequently arifing from the *' Primitive Phyfic," and other quack publications, as abfurd as they are injurious. Permit 286 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. Permit me juft to give yon one fpecimen of the author's wonderful abilities, by quoting a receipt, which if not an infallible remedy, mult at leaft be acknowledged to be a fingu- lar one. " To cure a windy Cholic." " Suck a healthy woman daily ; this (fays Mr. Wefley) was tried by my father.*' Should you, my dear friend, be defirous of perufing a variety of remedies, not equally judicious as well as efficacious with thofe of Mr. Wefley, you will meet with ample fatis- fa&ioti by turning to " Dom Pernety*s Voyage to the Falkland I/lands," page 153 to 162. quarto edition. Some of the receipts there inferted are fo truly curious, 1 can fcarce refrain from treat- ing you with a fpecimen or two, but being at the fame time not very delicate, I muft decline inferting them, for like Simpkin, " I pity the ladies fo modeft and nice." Should LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 287 Should. you, however, deem it worth the trouble of turning to the volume, I am con- fident the fubjedt muft excite a fmile at the amazing credulity of the writer, as well as his folly in expofing fuch wretched tram to the public eye, indeed I can hardly perfuade myfelf he could be ferious when he wrote them. The two following receipts I muft give you, one being no doubt an effectual remedy for a grievous complaint of that ufeful qua- druped the horfe, the other at lead equally certain for the cure' of one of the moft dan- gerous diforders human nature is fubjedt to. " To Cure a Foundered Horfe.'* " Let him take one or two fpuonfuls of common f alt in half a pint of water !" u For a malignant Fever." " A live tench applied to the feet for twelve hours) then buried quietly, or thrown down the houfe of office , and the patient wi 1 foon recover." But 288 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. But as I well know you do not poffefs the faith either of a methodift or a papift, to put implicit truft in whatever the teachers of either choofe to write or fay, I fear left I have beftowed on you labour in vain, I therefore decline quoting any more of thofe extraordinary remedies. It was a circumftance peculiarly happy for the practitioners of phyfic, though no doubt a terrible misfortune to the public, that the difference in religious principles of thefe two reverend gentlemen proved an effectual bar to the union of their medical abilities, which appear fo exactly correfpon- dent ; had fuch an event taken place, that horrid monfter dlfeafe might by this time have been banifhed from the earth, and the fbns.of ./Efculapius WQuld be doomed to feed on their own compofitions or ftarve ! The Rev. Dr. Fordycc, in a late publication, has alfb given the world a remedy for the cramp, as delicate as efficacious. But here, I think I fee you fmile at my cenfuring Mr. Wefley forjtepping. out of his line, LIFF OF J. LACKINGTON. 289 //#, when at the very moment I am com- mitting the fame error by obtruding my judgment upon the fcience of phyfic. I fhall only reply, Many thought I did the fame when I commenced bookfeller ; and a friend once taught me the adage, (be not offended, 'tis the only fcrap of Latin I mall give you) " Ne Sutor ultra crepidam" But the event has proved it otherwife, and 1 flat- ter myfelf every candid and judicious perfon capable of judging will think with me on the above fubjed. But to refume my narrative. What a pity that fuch a character as Mr. Wefley mould have been a dupe and a rank enthufiaft ! A believer in dreams, vifions, immediate revelations, miraculous cures, witchcraft, and many. 'other ridiculous ab- furdities, as appears from many paffages of his Journals, to the great difgrace of his abilities and learning; which puts me in mind of Sir Ifaac Newton's Expofition of the Revelations, Milton's Paradife Regained, Dr. Johnfon's unmanly Devotions, &c. &c. R and 290 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. and (to compare fmall things with greater) J. L.'s turning author. However, we may fafely affirm that Mr. Wefley was a good fin- cere and honeft one, who denied himfelf many things ; and really thought that he disregarded the praife and blame of the world, when he was more courted, refpe&ed, and followed than any man living, and he ruled over a hundred and twenty thoufand people with an abfolute fway, and the love of power feems to have been the main fpring of all his a&ions. I am inclined to believe that his death will be attended with confequences fomewhat fimi- lar to thofe which followed the death of Alexander the Great. His fpiritual generals will be putting in their pretenfions, and foou divide their matter's conquefts. His death happened at a time rather critical to the me- thod i ft s, as the Swedenborgians, or New Jerufatemifts, are gaining ground very faft : Many of the^methodifts, both preachers and hearers, are already gone over to their party, many more will now, undoubtedly, follow ; and the death of that great female champion of LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 291 bf methodifm, the Countefs of Huntingdon, which has fince happened, will in all proba- bility occafion another confiderable defe&ion. from that branch of methodifts, and an addi- tional reinforcement to the Swedenborgians ; a proof of the fondnefs of mankind for no- velty, and the marvellous, even in religious matters. I mall conclude my remarks on the metho- difts in my next. I am, Dear Friend, Yours. R 2 LETTER 292 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. LETTER XXIX. * More haughty than the reft, the race, " Appear with belly gaunt, and famifh'd face : " Never was fo deform'd a babe of grace." DRYDEN, Their fermons " Are olios made of conflagration, ' Of gulphs, of brimftone, and damnation, ' Eternal torments, furnace, worm, " Hell-fire, a whirlwind, and a ftorm ; c< With Mammon, Satan, and perdition, - . " And Belzebub to help the dim on j " Belial, and Lucifer, and all " The nicknames which Old Nick we call. DEAR FRIEND, ALTHOUGH Mr. was poffeffed of a very great fhare both of natural and acquired abilities, yet I fuppofe it fcarcely neceflary to inform you, that this is by no means the cafe with his preachers in general ; for although there are among!! them fome truly fenfible, intelligent men, yet the major part are very ignorant and ex- tremely illiterate : many of thefe excellent fpiritual LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 293 Ipiritual guides cannot even read a chapter in the bible, though containing the deep myfte- ries which they have the raflinefs and p-e- fumption to pretend to explain. Many others cannot write their own names. But fo great is the ignorance of Mr. Wefley's people in genera], that they often negleft the more rational and fenfible of their preachers, and are better pleafed with fuch as are even defti-? tute of common fenfe ; really believing that the incoherent nonfenfe which they from time to time pour forth, is dictated by the Holy Spirit ; for which feveral reafons may be affigned. It is always obfervable, that the more ig-? norant people are, the more confidence they poffefs. This confidence, or impudence, paffes with the vulgar, as a mark of their being in. the right; and the more the ignorance of the preachers is difcovered, the more are they brought down to their own ftandard. Again, the more ignorant preachers having very con- traded ideas of real religion and manly vir- tue, of courfe fupply the want of it with a R 3. ridiculous. 294 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. ridiculous fufs about trifles, which paries with the ignorant for a more fan&ified de- portment, and hence arifes much of the mifchief which has been fo juftly charged on the methodifts. For by making the path to heaven fo very narrow, and befet with ten thoufand bugbears, many defpairing to be ever able to walk in it, have thrown off all religion and morality, and funk into the abyfs of vice and wickednefs. Others have their tempers fo foured as to become loft to all the tender connexions of hufband, wife, father, child, &c. really believing that they are literally to hate father, mother, &c. for Chrift's fake. Many have in a fit of defpon- dency put a period to their exigence, it hav- ing become a burthen too intolerable to be borne. Some have been fo infatuated with the idea of failing to mortify the flem, that their ftricl: perfeverence in it has been pro- ductive of the moft ferious confequences : Two iuftances of which lately occurred in one family, in the City Road The miftrefs was deprived of her fenfes, and the rnaid literally LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 295 literally failed herfelf to death ; and Bedlam and private mad-houfes now contain many, very many melancholy inftances of the dread- ful effects of religious defpondency ; not to mention the hundreds that have died from time to time in fuch places, and the nu- merous fuicides which have been traced to the fame fource. Mr. Berftley fays, in his letter to the members of the houfe of commons, dated May i2th, 1791, that although he had a fortune of one thoufand pounds, and natu- rally liked good living, yet that he lived on horfe and afs flefh, barley bread, (linking butter, &c. and when he found that his eat- ing fuch things gave offence to his neigh- bours, he left off eating afs flefh, and only lived on vegetables, as the common fort of food by their dearnefs hurt his conicience. A few years (luce I faw in a field not feven miles from China-hall, a man toffing up his bible in the air. This he often repeated, and raved at a flrange rate. Amongft other R 4 thing?, 296 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. things, (pointing to a building at fome diftance) "That (faid he) is the devil's houfe, and it fhall not ftand three days longer!" On the third day after this I faw with furprize an account in one of the pub- lic papers of that very building having been fet on fire, and burnt to the ground, and thus the poor itinerant difciples of Thefpis loft the whole of their wardrobe and fcenery. This religious maniac foon after preached very often in Smithfield and Moorfields ; but he did not wholly depend on the operations of the Holy Spirit, as at laft he feldom began to preach until he was nearly drunk, or filled with another kind of Ipirit, and then he was " a very powerful preacher indeed." But the good man happening feveral times to exert himfelf rather too much, had nearly tumbled headlong out of his portable pulpit; thefe accidents the mob uncharitably afcribed to the liquor that he had drank, and with iTiul, ftones, dead cats, &c. drove him ofF every time he came, until at laft our preacher took his leave of them with faying " that he LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 297 he perceived it was in vain to attempt their converfion, as he faw that God had given them over to the hardnefs of their hearts.'^ But although this holy man deferted them, yet other fpiritual knights-errant were not wanting, fo that a little time before the heaps of ftones which lay for years in Moor- fields were removed for the purpofe of build7 ing on the fpot, I have feen five or fix in a day preaching their initiation fermons from thofe elevated fituations, until they could collect a fufficient fum of money to purchafe pulpits. Some of thefe excellent preachers received the whole of their divine education and took up their degrees in Moorfields, and in due time, after having given ample and fatisfa &c. " O how long, ye Jheep> will ye be the prey of wolves who fleece and devour you at pleafure ! and, yzfoois, be the dupes of knavery and hypocrtfy ? " Open your eyes, and behold the villain and hypocrite unmafked, in inftances of the moft fla- gitious crimes, and deeds of the blackeft dye ! perpetrated by wretches, whom you tamely fuffer to devour your fubftance, and whom you cheer- fully contribute to fupport in idlenefs and lux- ury, which brings into contempt the gofpel, and \vhofe example has done more harm to religion, than that of the moft abandoned and profligate open linner : admitting at the fame time that there may be, and I hope there are, fome honeft and fincere men amongft them, " To begin then with the late Rev. J. Wefley. As the founder and head, he muft be confidered as the primum mobile, or firft mover of this mighty machine of hypocrify, fraud, and villainy ! Yet \vere his motives originally laudable in their in- tention, virtuous in their objeft, but unhappy in their confequences. This I will endeavour to make appear, by an impartial review of his life, character, and conduft. I flatter myfelf that I am in fome meafure qualified, being totally di- vefted LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 311 vefted of prejudice, and having no intereft either in reprefenting him as zfaint or a devil. " From what I have obfervcd during near twenty-eight years that I have known him, I have uniformly found him ambitious, imperi- ous, and pofitive even to obftinacy. His learn- ing and knowledge various and general, but fu- perficial; his judgment too hafty and decifive to be always juft his penetration acute; yet was he conftantly the dupe to his credulity and his unaccountable and univerfalgood opinion of man- kind. Humane, generous, andjuft. In his private opinions liberal to a degree inconfiftent with ftrift Chriftianity ; in his public declarations rigid al- moft to intolerance. From this obfervation of the inconfiftency of his private opinions and pub- lic declarations, I have often been inclined to doubt his fmcerity, even in the profeffion of the Chriftian faith. In his temper impetuous, and impatient of contradi&ion ; but in his heart, a flranger to malice or refentment ; incapable of particular attachment to any individual; he knew no ties of blood or claims of kindred ; never vio- lently or durably affecled by grief, forrow or any of the paflions to which humanity is fubjeft , fuf- ceptible of the grofleft flattery, and the moft ful- fome panegyric was conftantly accepted and re- warded. In his views and expectations, fanguin^ and unbounded, but though often difappoimed, S 4 Dever 312 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. never dejeled ; of his benevolence an J charity much has been faid ; but it is to be obferved, bene-? volence is but a paffive virtue, and his charity was no more than bribery ; he knew no other ufe of money but to give it away, and he found out that an hundred pounds would go farther in half crowns than in pounds; fo that his charity was little more than parade, as he hardly ever eflen- tially relieved an obje6l of diftrefs : in fa6t his cha- rity was no more than putting his money to in- tereft, as the example excited his followers to the practice of the fame virtue, and doubled their fub- fcriptions and contributions. In his conftitution warm, and confequently amorous ; in his manner of living luxurious and ftrictly epicurean and fond of difhes highly relifhed, and fond of drinking the richeft wines, in which he indulged often, but never to excefs. He was indebted more to his commanding, pofitive, and authoritative manner, than to any intrinfically iuperior abilities. " Having thus given the outlines of his cha-. rafter, I fhall only oblerve, that he appears to, have been more a philofopher than a chriftian : and fhall then proceed to fome anecdotes and, circumftances which will corroborate my afler- tions, and juftify my conclufion. As the work of God, as it is called, was the fphere of aclion in which he was more particularly and LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 313 and confpicuoufly engaged, and as I have ven- tured to queftion the fincerity of, his profefiions, it is proper that I mould ftate my reafons for fo doing. Firft then of converfion : in the metho- dijlical fenfe of the word, for in the true fenfe, I apprehend to be neither more or lefs, than for- faking vice and praftifing virtue; but however, the methodiftical fenfe imports quite a different thing, and it is in ^hat fenfe we mall view it. I have made it an invariable obfervation, that Mr. Wefley, although he was often in the company of fenfible men, who were capable of forming an opinion, and prefumed to judge for themfelves by the light of nature, the evidence of the fenfes, and the aid of reafon and philofophy ; but of fuch, he never attempted the converfion. In his own family and amongft his relations, he never attempted, or if he did attempt, he never fuc- ceeded : except now and then with a female, in whom he found a heart fufceptible of any impref- fion he pleafed to give. It is remarkable, that even the children of Mr. C. W. were never con- verted becaufe they, and moft of his relations, pofleffed fenfe enough to difcover hypocrify, and honefty enough to reject the advantage they might have derived from affuming it. But what is ftill more extraordinary, is, that out of fo many hundred, who have been educated at Kingfwood, in the moft rigid difcipline of methodifm, hardly $ny have embraced their tenets, or become members 3 i4 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. members of the fociety. The reafon is pretty obvious, they.were taught too much to imbibe the ridiculous prejudices the founder wifhed to be inftilled into their minds : philofophy and metho- difm, are utterly incompatible. When the human mind is informed by the ftudy of philofophy, it expands itfelf to the contemplation of things* " It is true indeed, the work was fometimes at- tended with power among the children at Xing/- wood. Conversions were frequent ; but never dura- ble. I myfelf was converted fome ten or a dozen times; but unluckily, my clafs leader was detected in having ftolen a pair of filver buckles. This was a dreadful ftroke to the work, and a glorious triumph to the -wicked one. The whole fabric of faith, grace, and all its concomitant vices, as hypocrify, &c. &c. experienced a total overthrow ! The ferious boys, as they were called by way of eminence, fell into the utmoft contempt, and ever after, the leader of a clafs was ftiled Captain of the Gang : a con-vert and a thief, were fynoni- mous terms. " A general converfion among the boys, was once effected, by the late excellent Mr. Fletcher: one poor boy only excepted, who unfortunately refitted the influence of the Holy Spirit; for which he was feverely flogged, which did not fail of the defired eflfecl;, and imprefled proper notions of LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 3x5 of religion on his mind. Unhappily thefe opera- tions of the Spirit, though violent, were but of fhort duration. " As the converfion of men and women, is a more ferious concern than that of children, I will defcribe one, to which I was an eye witnefs among the poor Colliers at Kingfwood. One of thofe prefumptuous and impious fanatical wretches, who afiume the character of minifters of God, and take upon them in his moft holy name, to denounce his curfes and vengeance againft tfeofe who are far lefs guilty than thetn- felves : a fellow of this defcription, of the name of Sander/on, preaching to a congregation of igno- rant, but harmlefs people ; this fellow, took upon himfelf in the name of God, to condemn them all to eternal damnation, painting their deplorable ftate in the moft dreadful colours : fome of his hearers were foon evidently affe&ed by this difcourfe, which he took care to improve, and taking the advantage of the kindling fpark, addrefled himfelf more particularly to them, whom he foon " made roar for the diftjuietude of their fouls." The whole congregation were quickly affecled in the like manner, one and all exclaimed " What (hall I do to be faved ? Oh! I'm damned! I'm damned! I'm damned to all eter- nity! What (hall I do ? Oh! Oh! Oh! Our performer obferving to what a ftate he 316 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. he had reduced his audience, redoubled his threats of divine wrath and vengeance, and with a voice terrible as thunder, demanded, " Is there any backfliders in the prefence of God ?" A dead and folemn patife enfued till he exclaimed " Here is an old grey-headed finner:" at the fame time ftriking with his hand violently on the* bald pate of an honeft old man who fat under the defk ; the poor man gave a deep groan ; whether from conviclion, or from the pain of the blow, I know not, for it was far from being gentle. The farce was not yet concluded : when they were ftrongly conmdfed with thefe convictions, he fell down upon his knees, and with the greateft fer- vency, accompanied with abundance of tears, he intreated the Lord' in mighty prayer, to have compaffion on the poor defponding finners whom he had brought to a proper fenfe of their danger : the prayer continued about ten minutes, accom- panied by the fighs and groans of the converted and alarmed finners, in concert making a moft divine harmony : when fuddenly flatting up, he pre- tended to have received a gracious anfwer to his prayer, and with* a joyful and fmiling counte- nance, pointing towards the window, exclaimed : Behold the Lamb ! Where ! Where ! Where ! was the cry of every contrite and returning finner, (and they were all of that defcription) There! (continued the preacher, extending his arms towards the window where he pretended firft to have LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 317 have efpied the Lamb.) In Heaven ! In Colo ! making interceffion for your fins ! And I have his authority to proclaim unto you " your fins are forgiven depart in peace." O, my deareft bre- thren, how fweet is the found of thofe extatic words. " Behold the lamb of God, who taketh away the fins of the world!" But could you but feel the peculiar energy, the divine force, the rapturous and cheering import of the original, your mouths would be filled with praife, and your hearts with divine joy, holy exultation, and un- fpeakable gratitude. Only mark the found of the words, even that will convey an inexpreflible pleafure to your fouls, " Head Hangus Dei I Ki dollit pekkaltus Monday /" The fchool-boys (who were feated in a pew detached from the congre- gation on account of their prophane and contemp- tuous behaviour during fervice) immediately burfl into a loud laugh, on one of the congregation faying, " O the bleffed man ! We lhall fee him again on MONDAY." In fome pages following we have an ac- count of the methodift preacher's firft con- verting his benefactor's daughter, and then debauching her ; alfo of a preacher at Be- verly, in Yorklhire, that collected fifteen pounds for a poor man in great diftrefs, and gave 3 t8 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOK. gave him only fifteen {hillings, referving to hi mfelf fourteen pounds five (hillings for the trouble of collecting it, with which, and twenty pounds more he was entrufted with, he decamped the next day, to the aftonim- ment of the fimple on whom he had impofed. I wifh the author as he propofes may foon give us a more particular account of the me- thodifts, preachers, and people, and alfo of fome of Mr. Wefley's private opinions, &c. This pamphlet concludes with very cu- rious letters written by Mr. J. Wefley, and he informs us in a note that the publifher has his addrefs in order to direct any perfon to the author where they may fee the original letters. I here give you the whole of thefe extraordinary letters. Page 50, &c. " DEAR SIR, FOR your obliging letter which I received this morning, I return you thanks. " Our opinions for the moft part perfectly coincide refpecling thfi {lability of the connexion, after LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOtf. 319 after my head is laid in the duft. This, however, is a fubjeft, about which I am not fo anxious as you feem to imagine; on the contrary, it is a matter of the utmoft indifference to me ; as I have long forefeen that a divifion muft neceflarily enfue, from caufes fo various, unavoidable and certain, that I have long fince given over all thoughts and hopes of fettling it on a permanent foundation. You do not feem to be aware of the mod effective caufe that will bring about a divi- fion. You apprehend the mofl ferious confe- quences from a ftruggle between the preachers for power and pre-eminence, and there being none among them of fufficient authority or abili- ties to fupport the dignity, or command the ref- fpecl: and exact the implicit obedience which is fo neceffary to uphold our conftitution on its prefent principles. This is one thing that will operate very powerfully againft unity in the connexion, and is, perhaps, what I might poffibly have pre- vented, had not a ftill greater difficulty arifen in my mind : I have often wifhed for fome perfon of abilities to fucceed me as the head of the church I have with fuch indefatigable pains, and aftonifh- ing fuccefs eftablifhed; but convinced that none but very fuperior abilities would be equal to the undertaking, was I to adopt a fucceflbr o/jhis defcription, I fear he might gain fo much influ- ence among the people, as to ufurp a (hare, if not the whole of that abfolute and uncontrolable power 320 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. power, which I have hitherto, and am determined I will maintain fo long as I live : never will I bear a rival near my throne. You no doubt, fee the policy of continually changing the preachers from one circuit to another at fhort periods: for Ihould any of them become popular with their different congregations, and infinuate themfelves into the favour of their hearers, they might poffibly obtain fuch influence, as to eftablifh themfelves in- depe'nderitly of me, and the general connexion. Befides the novelty of the continual change, excites curiofity, and is the more neceflary, as few of our preachers have abilities to render them- felves in any degree tolerable, any longer 'than they are new. The principal caufe which will inevitably effect a diminution and divifion in the connexion after my death, will be the failure of fubfcriptions and contributions towards the fupport of the caufe, for money is as much the finews of religious, as of military power. If it is with the greateft difficulty that even I can keep them together, for want of this very neceffary article, I think no one elfe can. Another caufe, which with others will effeft the divifion, is the difputes and contentions that will arife between the preachers and the par- ties that will efpoufe their feveral caufes, by which means much truth will be brought to light, which will reflecl: fo much to their difadvantage, that the eyes LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 321 eyes of the people will be opened to fee their motives and principles, nor will they any longer contribute to their fupport. when they find all their pretenfions to fanclity and love are founded on motives of intereft and ambition. The con- fequence of which will be, a few of the moft po- pular will eftablifh themfelves in the refpe&ive places where they have gained fufficient influence over the minds of the people ; the reft muft revert to their original humble callings. But this no way concerns me : I have attained the object of my views, by eftablifhing a name that will not foon perifh from the face of the earth ; I have founded a fet which will boaft my name, long after my difcipline and doctrines are forgotten. " My character and reputation for fanftity is now beyond the reach of calumny ; nor will any thing that may hereafter come to light, or be faid concerning me, to my prejudice, however true, gain credit. " My unfoil'd name, th' aufterenefs of my life, Will vouch againft it, And fo the accufation overweigh, That it will ftifle in its own report, And fmell of calumny." Another caufe that will operate more power- fully and effe&ually than any of the preceding, is the rays of philofophy which begins now to pervade all ranks, rapidly difpelling the mifts of T ignorance, 322 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. ignorance, which has been long in a great degree the mother of devotion, of flavifn prejudice, and the enthufiaftic bigotry of religious opinions : the decline of the papal power is owing to the fame irrefiftible caufe, nor can it be fuppofed that methodifm can (land its ground, when brought to the teft of truth, reafon, and philofophy. I am, &c. I. W." City Road, Thurfday Morn. .Our Author informs us that the following was written to a very amiable and accomp- lifhed lady, fome years ago* The lady was about three and twenty years of age. " MADAM, " IT is with the utmoft diffidence I prefume to addrefs fuperior excellence : em- boldened by a violent, yet virtuous paffion, kindled by the irrefiftible rays, and encouraged by the fweetly attractive force, of tranfcendent beauty, the elegant fimplicity of your manners, the fafcinating melody of your voice, and above all, the inexpreflible fire of an eye, that the extra- vagance of the Mufes has given to the goddefs of love : but which Nature has beftowed on you alone. " They fparkle with the right Promethean fire !" " Believe LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 323 " Believe me, my dear Madam, this is not the language of romance ; but the genuine exuberant effufions of an enraptured foul. The impreffion of your charms was no lefs inftantaneous than irrefiftible : when firft I faw you, fo forcibly was I ftruck with admiration and love of your divine perfections, that my foul was filled with fenfations fo wild and extravagant, yet delightful and pure ! But I will not indulge in declaring what are my real fentiments, left I Ihould incur a fufpicion of flattery. Your mind, fuperior to fulfome pane- gyric, unfufceptible of the incenfe of affefted adu- lation, would, with juft indignation, fpurn at thofe impertinent compliments, which are commonly offered with a view to impofe upon the vanity and credulity of the weaker part of your fex: I will not attempt it ; but confine myfelf to the dictates of fmcerity and truth, nor mail a compliment efcape my pen, that is not the fentiment of a de- voted heart. " As beauty has no pofitive criterion, and fancy alone directs the judgment and influences the choice, we find different people fee it in various lights, forms, and colours, I may there- fore, without a fufpicion of flattery declare, that in my eye you are the molt agreeable object, and moft perfect work of created nature : nor does your mind feem to partake lefs of the divi- nity than your perfon. T 2 "I view 324 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. " I view thee over with a lover's eye ; No fault haft thou, or I no fault can fpy." " The reafon I did not before declare myfelf, was the profound and refpeftful diltance I thought it became me to obferve, from a confcious fenfe of my own comparative unworthinefs to approach, much lefs to hope for favour from, the quint- eflence of all female perfection. Forgive me, my dear Eliza, and compaflionate a heart too deeply imprefled with your divine image, ever to be erafed by time, nor can any power, but the cold hand of death, ever obliterate from my mind the fond imagination and fweet remembrance of Eliza's charms ! Nor can even death itfelf divide the union that fubfifts between kindred fouls. "' Yefterday, my dear Eliza, the charms of your converfation detained me too late to meet the penitents, as I had promifed to do ; but " With thee converfing, I forget All times, all feafons, and their change." " I hope however, the difappointment of my company did not deprive them of a blefling. " This being my birth-day, reflexions on the revolution of years and the fhortnefs of life, na- turally intrude on my mind. I am now eighty-one years of age, and I thank God I enjoy the fame vigor of conftitution I pofTeffed at twenty-one f None LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 325 None of the infirmities that ufually accompany years, either corporal or mental; and I think it not impoflible that I may fulfil my hundred years, the refidue of which fhall be devoted to love and Eliza. I. W." I fent a perfon to the author of the above pamphlet, to deiire him to give me a fight of the original of the preceding letters ; but he returned for anfwer, that he ha4 Cent them back to the perfons to whom they were written. I am, \ Dear Friend, Yours. T 3 LETTER 3:6 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. LETTER XXXI. Paffion, 'tis true, may hurry us along ; Sometimes the juft may deviate into wrong." VOLTAIRE by Franklin, DEAR FRIEND, JVJ.Y new wife's attachment to books was a very fortunate circumflance for us both, not only as it was a perpetual fource of rational amufement, but alfo as it tended to promote my trade : her extreme love for books made her delight to be in the mop, fo that me foon became perfectly acquainted with every part of it, and (as my {lock Increafed) with other rooms where I kept books, and could readily get any article that was afked for. Accordingly, when I was out on bufmefs, my (hop was well attended. This conftant attention, and good ufage, pro- cured me many cuftomers ; and I foon per- ceived that I could fell double and treble the quantity of books if I had a larger flock. But how LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 327 how to enlarge it, I knew not, except by (low degrees, as my profits fhould enable me; for as I was almoft a ftranger in London, I had but few acquaintances, and thefe few were not of the opulent fort. I alfo faw that the town abounded with cheats, fwindlers, &c. who obtained money and other property, under falfe pretences, of which the credulous were defrauded, which often prevented me from endeavouring to borrow, left I mould be fufpected of having the fame bad defigns. I was feveral times ib hard put to it, for cam to purchafe parcels of books which were offered to me, that I more than once pawned my watch, and a fuit of cloaths, and twice I pawned fome books for money to purchafe others; but I foon was tired of pawnbrokers, and at that time they were not fo reflricted, as now, in refpect to intereft, and thinking my- felf impofed on, by being charged more than was reafonable, I never redeemed the laft par- gel at all; for, indeed, they were books that I T 4 had 328 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. had bought extremely cheap, fo that I bor- rowed more money on them than they coft me, and in fo doing repaid myfelf what I had been overcharged. " I confefs we were poor ; but, while that is the worft our enemies can fay of us, we are content.*' Soon after I commenced bookfeller, I became acquainted with what Pope calls *' the noblefr, work of God," an HONEST man. This was Mr. JOHN DENIS, an oil- man in Cannon-ftreet (father of the prefent Mr. John Denis, bookfeller.) This gen- tleman had often vifited me during my long illnefs, and having feen me tranquil and ferene when on the very point of death, he formed a favourable conclufion that I too muft be an honeft man, as I had fo quiet a confcience at fuch an awful period. Having retained thefe ideas of me after my recovery, and being perfectly well acquainted with my circumftances, he one day offered to become a partner in my bufinefs, and to advance money in proportion to my flock. This, confidential LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 329. confidential offer I foon accepted ; early in 1778 he became partner ; and we very foon laid out his money in fecond-hand books, which increafed the flock at once to double. I foon after this propofed printing a fale catalogue, to which, after making a few ob* jections, Mr. Denis confented. This cata- logue of twelve thoufand volumes (Tuch as they were) was publifhed in 1779. My partner's name was not in the title-page, the addrefs was only " J. LACKINGTON and Co, No. 46, Chifwell-ftreet," This our firft publication produced very oppofite effects on thofe who perufed it ; in fome it excited much mirth, in others an equal proportion of anger. The major part of it was written by me, but Mr. Denis wrote many pages of it; and as his own private library confifted of fcarceold myftical and alchymical books, printed above a century ago, many of them were in bad condition ; this led him to infert neat in the catalogue to many articles, which 33 o LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. were only neat when compared with fuch as were in very bad condition; fo that when we produced fuch books as were called neat in our catalogue, we often got ourfelves laughed at, and fometimes our neat articles were heartily damned. We had alfo a deal of trouble on another fcore ; Mr. Denis in- ferted a number of articles without the authors names, and affured me that the books were well known, and to mention the authors was often ufelefs. The facl: was, Mr.. Denis knew who wrote thole articles; but was foon convinced that many others did not, as we were often obliged to produce them merely to let our cuflomers fee who were the authors : we however took twenty pounds the firfl week the books were on. fale, which we thought a large fum. The increafe of our flock augmented our cuf- tomers in proportion j fo that Mr. Denis, finding that his money turned to a better account in bookfelling than in the funds, very foon lent the ftock near two hundred pounds, which J ftill turned to a good account* LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON, 331 account. We went on very friendly and profperoufly for a little more than two years ; when one night Mr. Denis hinted that he thought I was making purchafes too faft, on which I grew warm, and reminded him of an article in our partnerfhip agree- ment by which I was to he fole purchafer, and was at liberty to make what purchafes I fhould judge proper. I alfo reminded him of the piofits which my purchafes produced, and he reminded me of his having more money in the trade than I had. We were indeed both very warm ; and on my faying, that if he was difpleafed with any part of my conduit, he was at liberty to quit the partnerfhip, he in great warmth replied that he would. The above paffed at Mr. Denis's houfe in Hoxton-fquare, I then bade him good night. When Mr. Denis calkd at the Ihop the next day, he afked me if I con- tinued in the fame trind I was in the prece- ding night ? I allured him jhat I did. He then demanded of me whether I infifted- on his keeping his word to quit the partnerfhip ? 1 replied, 332 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. J replied, I did not Injljl on it, as I had taken him a partner for three years, nearly one third part of which time was unexpiredj but, I added, that, as I had always found him ftrictly a man of his word, I fuppofed he would prove himfelf fo in the prefent inftance, and not affert one thing at night and another in the morning. On which he ohferved, that as he was not provided with a (hop, he muft take fome time to look for one. I told him that he might take as long a time as he thought neceflary. This was in March 3780. He appointed the twentieth of May, following. On that day we accordingly diflolved the partnermip ; and, as he had more money in the trade than myfelf, he toolc my notes for what I was deficient. We parted in great friendmip, which continued to the day of his death ; he generally called every morning to fee us, and learn our con- cerns, and we conflantly informed him of all that had pafTed the preceding day ; as how much cam we had taken, what were the profits, what purchafes we had made, what bills LtFF OF J. LACKINGTON. 333 bills we had to pay, &c. and he fometimes lent me money to help to pay them. At his death he left behind him in his private library the beft collection of fcarce, valuable, myftical, and alchymical books, that ever was colledted by one perfon. la his lifetime he prized thefe kind of books above every thing; in collecting them he never cared what price he paid for them. This led him to think, after he became a bookfeller, that other book-collectors mould pay their money as freely as he had done his, which was often a fubject of debate between him and me, as I was for felling every thing cheap, in order to fecure thofe cuftomers al- ready obtained, as well as increafe their numbers. Mr. Denis was, at the time of his death, about fifty years of age. He informed me that in his childhood and youth he was weakly to an extreme, fo that no one who knew him ever thought he could live to be twenty 334 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. twenty years of age ; however he enjoyed an uninterrupted ftate of health for nearly the laft thirty years of his life ; this he afcribed to his ftrictly adhering to the rules laid down by Cornaro and Try on in their books on Health, Long Life and Happinefs. His unexpected death was in confequence of a fever caught by fitting in a cold damp room. O'er the fad reliques of a friend fincere, The happieft mortal, fare, may fpare a tear. I am, Dear Friend, Yours, LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 335 LETTER XXXII. " There Is a tide in the affairs of men, " Which taken at the flood leads on to fortune, " Omitted, all the voyage of their life " Is bound in ftiallows and in miferies ; " On fuch a foul fea are we now afloat, " And we muft take the current when it ferves, " Or lofe our ventares." SHAKESPEARE'S Julius Caifar. DEAR FRIEND, XT was fome time in the year feventeen hundred and eighty, when I re- folved from that period to give no perfon whatever any credit. I was induced to make this refolution from various motives : I had obferved, that where credit was given, moft bills were not paid within fix months, many not within a twelvemonth, and fome not within two years. Indeed, many tradefmen have accounts of feven years {landing ; and , fome bills are never paid. The lofles fuf- ' tained by the interefl of money in long cre- dits, and by thofe bills that were not paid at alf; 336 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON, all ; the inconveniences attending not having the ready-money to lay out in trade to the beft advantage, -together with the great lofs of time in keeping accounts, and collecting debts, convinced me, that if I could but eftablifh a ready-money buiinefs, without any exceptions, I mould be enabled to fell every article very cheap. When I communicated my ideas on this fubjeft to fome of my ac- quaintances, I was much laughed at and ri- diculed j and it was thought, that I might as well attempt to rebuild the tower of Babel, as to eflablifh a large bufinefs without giving credit. But notwithflanding this difcourage- ment, and even Tou, my dear friend, ex- preffing your doubts of the practicability of my fcheme, I determined to make the expe- riment ; and began by marking in every book the loweft price that I would take for it ; which being much lower than the common, market prices, I not only retained my former cuftomers, but foon increafed their numbers. But, my dear Sir, you can fcarce imagine what difficulties I encountered for feveral years LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 337 years together. I even fometimes thought of relinquifhing this my favorite fcheme al- together, as by it I was obliged to deny cre- dit to my very acquaintance ; I was alfo un- der a necefllty of refuting it to the moft refpe&able chara&ers, as no exception was, or now is made, not even in favour of nobility ; my porters being ftri&ly enjoined, by one general order, to bring back all books not previoufly paid for,, except they receive the amount on delivery. Again, many in the country found it difficult to remit fmall fums that are below bankers notes, and others to whom I was a ftranger, did not like to fend the money firft, as not knowing how I fhould treat them, and fufpe&ing by the price of the articles, there muft certainly be fome deception. Many unacquainted with my plan of bufinefs, were much offended, until the advantages accruing to them from it were duly explained, when they very readily acceded to it. As to the anger of fuch, who though they were acquainted with it, were ftill determined to deal on cre- U dit 33 8 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. dit only, I confidered that as of little con- fequence, from an opinion that fome of them would have been as much enraged when their bills were fent in, had credit been given them. I had alfo difficulties of another nature to encounter ; when firft I began to fell very cheap, many came to my (hop prepoffeffed againft my goods, and of courfe often faw faults where none exifted ; fo that the beil editions were merely from prejudice deemed very bad editions, and the bed: bindings faid to be inferior workmanmip, for no other reaforc, but becaufe I fold them fo cheap ; and I often received letters from the country, to know if fuch and fuch articles were REALLY as I flated them in my catalogues^ and if they REALLY were the bejl editions, if REALLY in calf', and REALLY elegantly bound; with many other r sally s. Oh my friend ! I really was afraid for fome years that I mould be really mad with vexation. But thefe letters of reattys have for years hap- pily ceafed, and the public are now really and LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 339 and thoroughly convinced that I will not afTert in my catalogues what is not really true. But imagine, if you can, what I muft have felt, on hearing the very beft of goods de- preciated, on no other account whatever, but becaufe they were not charged at a higher price. It is alfo worth obferving, that there were not wanting among the bookfellers, fome who were mean enough to aflert that all my books were bound in flieep ; and many other unmanly artifices were praclifed,, all of which fo far from injuring me, as bafely intended, turned to my account; for when gentlemen were brought to my mop by their friends, to purchafe fome trifling article, or were led into it by curiofity, they were often very much furprifed to fee many thoufands of volumes in elegant and fuperb bindings. The natural conclufion was, that if I had not held forth to the public better terms than others, I mould not have been fo much envied and mifreprefented. So that whether I am righteous or not, all thefe afflictions U 2 have 340 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. have worked together for my good. But I affure you, that my temporal falvation was not effe&ed without " conditions" As every envious tranfa&ion was to me an additional fpur to exertion, I am therefore not a little indebted to Mefirs. ENVY, DETRACTION, and Co. for my prefent profperity ; though I affure you, this is the only debt I am de- termined not to pay. Green fays, ' Happy the man who innocent, *' Grieves not at ills he can't prevent : " And when he can't prevent foul play, " Enjoys the follies of the fray." SPLEEN. I am, Dear Friend, Yours. LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 341 LETTER XXXIII. " Conftant at (hop and Change, his gains were fure: * His givings rare ; fave half-pence to the poor." DEAR FRIEND, IN the firft three years after I refufed to give credit to any perfon, my bufmefs increafed much, and as the whole of my profit (after paying all expences) was laid out in books, my ftock was continually enlarged, fo that my Catalogues in the year feventeen hundred and eighty -four, were very much augmented in fize. The firft contained Twelve thoufand, and the lecond Thirty thoufand volumes: this increafe was not merely in numbers, but alfo in value, as a very great part of thefe volumes were better, that is, books of an higher price. But not- withftanding the great increafe of my buuV nefs, I flill met with many difficulties on account of my felling books cheap j one of thefe I confefs I did not forefee : as the more convinced the public were of my acl> U 2 ing 34* LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. ing ftrictly conformable to the plan I had adopted, the more this obje&ion gained ground, and even to the prefent day is not entirely done away. This difficulty was, in making private purchafes of libraries and par- cels of books, many of my cuilomers for fe- veral years had no obje&ion tc buying of me becaufe I fold cheap, but were not equally inclined to Jell me fuch books as they had no ufe for, or libraries that were left them at the death of relations, &c. They reafoned (very plaufibly, it muft be confefled) thus : " Lackington fells very cheap; he therefore will riot give much for what is offered him for fale. I will go to thofe who fell very dear ; as the more they fell their books for, the more they can afford to give for them." This mode of reafoning, however fpecious it feems at firft, will on due reflection appear nugatory and erroneous, for the following reafons : 1 believe no one ever knew or heard of a covetous man that would fell his goods cheap* But LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 343 But every one has heard of ftich characters felling very dear ; and when a covetous per- fon makes a purchafe, is it likely that he Should offer a generous price ? Is he not when buying influenced by the fame avari- tious difpofition as when felling ? And on the other hand, I cannot help thinking (I am aware of the inference) that one who has been conftantly felling cheap for a feries of years muft poflefs fome degree of generofity ; that this difpofition has prevailed in me when I have been called to purchafe, and when libraries or parcels of books have been fent to me, thoufands in the three kingdoms can witnefs. And however paradoxical it may appear, I will add, that I can afford to give more for books now, than I could if I fold them much dearer. For, were I to fell them dear, I mould be ten times longer in felling them ; and the expences for ware- houfe-room, infurance from fire, together with the intereft of the money lying long in a dead flock, would prevent my giving a large price when books were offered for fale. U 4 But 344 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. But it did not appear in this point of view to the public in the more early ftages of my bufinefs, until being often fent for after other bookfellers had made offers for libraries,- and finding that I would give more than they ha5 offered, it was communicated from one to another until it became publickly known ; and the following method which I adopted fome years fince has put the matter beyond the fhadow of a doubt. When I am calle^ upon to purchafe any library or parcel of books, either myfelf or my affiftants carefully examine them, and if defired to fix a price, J mention at a word the utmoft that I will give for them, which I always take care mall be as much as any bookfeller can afford to give : but if the feller entertains any doubts reipecling the price of- fered, and choofes to try other bookfellers, he pays me five per cent, for valuing the books; and as he knows what I have valued them at, he tries among the trade, and when he finds that he cannot get any greater furri offered, on returning to me, he not A only LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 345 only receives the price I at firft offered, but alfo a return of the five per cent, which was paid me for the valuation. But to fuch as fix a price on their own books I make no charge, either taking them at the price at which they are offered to me, or if that appear too much, immediately de- clining the purchafe. This equitable mode I have the pleafure to find has given the public the utmofl fatisfa&ion. I am, Dear Friend, Yours. LETTER 346 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. LETTER XXXIV. " Behold, Sir Balaam, novr a man of fpirit, " Afcribes his gettings to his parts and merit." POPE. " Weak truth cannot your reputation fave, " The knaves will all agree to call you knave : " Wrong'd (hall he live, infulted, o'er oppreft, " Who dares be lefs a villain than the reft." Satyr againft Man. BEAR FRIEN 7 D, \VHEN I was firft initiated into the various manoeuvres practifed by bookfellers, I found it cuflomary among them, (which practice ftill continues) that when any books had not gone off fo rapidly as expelled, or fo faft as to pay for keeping them in ftore, they would put what re- mained of fuch articles into private fales, where only bookfellers are admitted, and of them only fuch as were invited by having a catalogue fent them. At one of thefe fales I have frequently feen feventy or eighty thou- fand volumes fold after dinner, including books LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 347 books of every defcription, good, bad and indifferent j by this means they were diftri- buted through the trade. When firft invited to thefe trade fales, I was very much furprifed to learn, that it was common for fuch as purchafed remainders, to deflroy one half or three fourths of fuch books, and to charge the full publication price, or nearly that, for fuch as they kept on hand $ and there was a kind of {landing order amongft the trade, that in cafe any one was known to fell articles under the publica- tion price, fuch a perfon was to be excluded from trade files ; fo blind were copy-right^ holders to their own intereft. For a fhort time I cautioufly complied with this cuftom, but I foon began to reflect that many of thefe books fo deftroyed, pof- fefled much merit, and only wanted to be better known ; and that if others were not worth fix millings, they were worth three or two, and fo in proportion for higher or lower priced books. From 34 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. From that time I refolved not to deftroy any books that were worth faving, but to fell them off at half, or a quarter of the pub- lication prices. By felling them in this cheap manner, I have difpofed of many hundred thoufand volumes, many thoufands of which have been intrinfically worth their original prices. This part of my conduct, however, though evidently highly beneficial to the com- munity, and even to bookfellers, created me many enemies among the trade j fome of the meaner part of whom, inflead of employing their time and abilities in attending to the in- creafe of their own bufinefs, aimed at reducing mine; and by a variety of pitiful insinuations, and dark inuendoes, {trained every nerve to injure the reputation I had already acquired with the public, determined, (as they wifely concluded) thus to effect my ruin ; which indeed they daily prognosticated, with a de* mon-like fpirit, muft inevitably very fpeedily follow. This conduct, however, was far from intimidating me, as the effect proved directly oppofite to what they wifhed for and expected, LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 34.9 expected, and I found the refpeft and confi- dence of the public continually increafing, which added very confiderably to the num- ber of my cuftomers : It being an unqueftion- able fact, that before I adopted this plan, great numbers of perfons were very defirous of pofleffing fome particular books, for which however (from various motives) they were not inclined to pay the original price ; as fome availed themfelves of the opportunity of borrowing from a friend, or from a cir- culating library, or having once read them, though they held the works in efteem, might deem them too dear to purchafe ; or they might have a copy by them, which from their own and family's frequent ufe (or lending to friends) might not be in fo good a condition as they could wifh, though ra- ther than purchafe them again at the full price, they would keep thofe they had ; or again, they might be defirous to purchafe them to make prefents of; or they might have a commiffion from a correfpondent in the country, or abroad, and wifh to gain a fmall 350 LIFE OP J. LACKINGTON. fmall profit on the articles for their trouble, not to mention the great numbers that would have been given to the poor. Thoufands of others have been effectually prevented from purchafing, (though anxious ib to do) whofe circumftances in life would not permit them to pay the full price, and thus were totally excluded from the advan- tage of improving their underftandings, and enjoying a rational entertainment. And you may be aiTured, that it affords me the moft pleafing fatisfadion, independent of the emo- luments which have accrued to me from this plan, when I reflect what prodigious numbers in inferior or reduced fituations of life, have been eirentially benefited in con- fequence of being thus enabled to indulge their natural propenfity for the acquifition of knowledge, on eafy terms: nay, I could almoft be vain enough to affert, that I have thereby been highly inftrumental in diffufing that general defire for READING, now fo prevalent among the inferior orders of fo- ciety ; LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 351 ciety; which moft certainly, though it may not prove equally inftrucVive to all, keeps them from employing their time and money, if not to bady at leaf! to kfs How happy fhould I have deemed myfelf in the earlier ftage of my life, if I could have met with the opportunity which every one capable of reading may now enjoy, of obtaining books at fo eafy a rate : Had that been the cafe, the Catalogue of my juvenile library, with which I prefented you in a former letter, would have made a more refpe&able appearance, and I might poffibly have been enabled when I purchafed Young's Night Thoughts for a Chnjlmas dinner^ to have at the fame time bought a joint of meat, and thus enjoyed both a mental and corpo- real feaft, as well as pleafed my wife, (which I need not inform you the ladies fay every good hufband ought to do.) But after all, quere, Whether if I had enjoyed fuch an advantage, fhould I ever have thought of commencing bookfeller I If not, fhould I have 352 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. have been the great man I now feel myfelf, and hope^/0# acknowledge me to be ? Jn my next I will make a fewobfervations onpurchafmg manufcripts, bookfeller's liberality, author's turning publifhers, &c. in the mean time, I am, Dear Friend, Yours. LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 353 LETTER XXXV. " High in the world of letters, and of wit, " Enthron'd like Jove behold opinion fit ! " As fymbols of her fway, on either hand " Th* unfailing urns of praife and cenfure ftand ; '* Their mingled ftreams her motley fervants fhed " On each bold author's felf-de voted head." HAYLET. DEAR FRIEND, JL Promifed in my laft to give you a few remarks on purchafing manu- fcriptsj and as I feldom make fuch pur- chafes, and but rarely publifh any new books, 1 think you may fairly credit me for impar- tiality. Nothing is more common than to hear authors complaining againft publishers, for want of liberality in purchafing their manufcripts. But I cannot .help thinking that moft of thefe complaints are groundlefs ; and that were all things confidered, publifliers (at leaft many of them) would be allowed to poflefs more liberality than any other fet X of 354 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. of tradefmen, I mean fo far as relates to the purchafing manufcripts and copy-right. Not to trouble you with a. long enumera- tion of initances in confirmation of this afler- tion, I fhall barely mention the following : It is owing to the encouragement of book- fellers that the public is poflefied of that valuable work Johnfon's Dictionary ; and the fame liberality to the doctor in refpect to that publication, his edition of Shakefpeare, and the Englifh. Poets will always reflect honour on the parties. So fenfible was the doctor of this, that he aflerted bookfellers .were the beft Macaenas's. The late Sir John Hawkins, Dr. Cullen, the prefent Dr. Robertfon, Mr. Gibbon, Dr. Knox, &c. &c. are all ftriking inftances of the truth of my obfervation. As I feel a pleafure in mentioning acts of liberality wherever they occur, fuffer me to. quota LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 355 quote the following paflage from Sir John Hawkins's Life of Dr. Johnfon. " The bookfellers with whom Mr. Cham- bers had contracted for his dictionary, rind- ing that the work fucceeded beyond their expectations, made him a voluntary prefent of, I think, 500!. Other inftances of the like generofity have been known of a pro- feffion of men, who, in the debates on the queftion of literary property, have been de- fcribed as fcandalous monopolizers, fattening at the expence of other men's ingenuity, and growing opulent by opprefilon." It is confidently aflerted, that the late Dr. Hawkefworth received fix thoufhnd pounds for his compilation of Voyages, if fo (and I have never heard it contradicted) I leave it to any conHderate perfon to judge, whether in paying fo enormous a price, the publishers did not run a great rifk, when it is conlldered how great the expences of bringing forward fuch a work, muft have been.. I have alfo X 2 been 35& LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. been informed that David Mallet, Elq. was offered two thoufand pounds for Lord Bolingbroke's Philofophical Works, which he refufed. It ought alfo to be confidered, that fre- quently the money which is paid for the copy, is but trifling, compared with the expence of printing, paper, advertifing, c. and hundreds of inftances may be adduced of publishers having fuftained very great lories, and many have been made bankrupts, through their liberality in purchafing manu- fcripts and publifhing them; and on the other hand, it mull: be acknowledged that fome publishers have made great fortunes by their copy rights, but their number is compara^ tively fmall. It mould alfo be remarked that authors in general, are apt to form too great expecla- tions from their productions, many inftances of which I could give you, but I will only produce one. A gen- LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON, 357 A gentleman a few jears fince (hewed a manufcript to a publimer, which he refufed to purchafe, but offered to be the publifher if the gentleman would print it, &c. at his own expence, which he readily agreed to do, 'the publifher then defired to know how many copies fhould be printed, on which the gentleman began to compute how many families there were in Great Britain, and allured the publifher that every family would " at leqft purchafe one copy, but the publisher not being of the fame opinion, our author then faid that he would print fixty thoufand copies only^ but added, he was afraid that another edition could not be got ready as foon as it would be wanted. However, after a long debate, the publisher prevailed on him to print only twelve hundred and fifty , inftead of Jlxty thoufand, but promifed in cafe another edition mould be wanted in hafte, to make the printers work night and day in order not to difappoint the public. This work was foon afterwards publifhed and ad- X 3 Vertifed 358 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. vertifed at a great rate and for a long time, but to the -infinite mortification of our au- thor, not one hundred copies were fold, not even enough indeed to pay for the advertife- ments. In the preceding inftance I am per- fuaded the publisher did his be ft to promote the fale of the work ; but in general where authors keep their own copy- right they do not fucceed, and many books have been configned to oblivion, through the inat- tention and mifmanagement of publifhers, as moft of them are envious of the fuccefs of fuch works as do not turn to their own ac- count ; very many juft corr plaints are made on this head, fo that I am fully of opinion that for authors to fucceed well they fhould fell their copy-rights, or be-previoufly well acquainted with the characters of their pub- Lihers. As I have before obferved, there are fome nhors who become their own publifhers, but that mode will feldom or never anfwer, as fifty to one might be fold by being ex- pofed LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 359 pofed to view, and recommended in book- fellers mops, where ladies and gentlemen are continually calling to purchafe fome books, and to turn over others, and often by dipping into publications are led to purchafe fuch as they had no intention to buy. But authors mould be reminded that there are many who would not go to private houfes to look over books when they are not certain to purchafe, and where, if they do purchafe, they are to take them home in their pockets, or be at the trouble of fending for them, which is not the cafe when they purchafe at a bookfeller's ihop. And all authors mould be fure to give the full allowance to the trade, or their works can never have a great fale, as no bookfeller can reafonably be ex- pected to promote the fale of a work 111 which he is abridged of his ufual profits, and the more liberality authors exercife to- wards the trade, the greater will be their profits in the end. For it is inconceivable what mifchief bookfellers can and often will X 4 do 360 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. do to authors, as thoufands of books are yearly written for to London that are never lent ; and in thefe cafes many plaufible rea- fons are afligned by them for fuch omiffions, and in fuch cafes, what redrefs can an author have for fo effential an injury ? I am, Dear Friend, Yours, LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 3 6t LETTER XXXVI. Thofe who would learning's glorious kingdom find, The dear-bought treasure of the trading mind, From many dangers muft themfelves acquit, And more than Scylla and Charybdis meet. Oh ! what an ocean muft be voyaged o'er, To gain a profpecl of the finning ftore ! Refitting rocks oppofe th* enquiring foul, And adverie waves retard it as they roll. The little knowledge now which man obtains, From outward objects and from fenfe he gains; He like a wretched flave muft plod and fweat, By day muft toil, by night that toil repeat, And yet, at laft, what little fruit he gains, A beggar's harveft glean'd with mighty pains I" POMFJLET. DEAR FRIEND, ALTHOUGH the of the plan which I adopted for reducing the price of books, as mentioned in my laft, was a vaft increafe of purchafers, yet at the fame time I found a prodigious accumulation of my expellees ; which will not appear ft/range, when I inform you that I made pro- 362 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. proportionably large purchafes, fuch as two hundred copies of one book, three hundred of another, five hundred of a third, a thou- fand of a fourth, two thoufand of a fifth, nay, fometimes I have purchafed fix thou- fand copies of one book, and at one time I actually had no lefs than TEN THOUSAND COPIES of Watts's Pfalms, and the fame number of his Hymns in my poiTeffion. In addition to thefe, I purchafed very large numbers of many thoufand different arti- cles, at trade fales of all forts, as bankrupt fales, fales of fuch as had retired from bufi- nefs, others caufed by the death of bookfellers, fales to reduce large flocks, annual fales, &c. that you may form fome idea, I muft inform you that at one of the above fales, I have purchafed books to the amount of five thou- fand pounds in one afternoon. Not to men- tion thofe purchafed of authors, and town and country bookfellers, by private contract, &c. to a very confiderable amount. My expences were alfo exceedingly increafed by the ne- ceffity J was under of keeping each article in a variety LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 363 a variety of different kinds of bindings, to fuit the various taftes of my cuftomers : Be- fldes paying my bills for the above, I was always obliged to find ready money to pay for libraries and parcels of fecond-hand books, which after a while poured in upon me from town and country. So that I often look back with aftonifhment at my courage (or temerity, if you pleafe) in purchafing, and my wonderful fuccefs in taking money fuf- ficienf to pay the extenfive demands that were perpetually made upon me, as there is not another inftance of fuccefs fb rapid and conftant under fuch circumftances. Some indeed there have been, who for two or three years, purchafed away very faft, but could not perfevere, as they were unable to fell with equal rapidity : for no one that has not a quick fale can poflibly fucceed with large numbers. For fuppofing that a book- feller expends a thoufand pounds in the pur- chafe of four articles (I have often done that in only one article) and thefe are bought at a quarter the ufual price, the intereft of the money 364 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. money is fifty pounds a year ; befides which fome allowance mull be made for warenoufe- room, infurance from fire, &c. fo that grant- ing he might fell a few of each article every year at four times the price he firfl paid for" them, yet if he does not fell enough to pay the intereft and other expences of thofe that remain, he is, after all, on the lofing fide 5 which has been the cafe with the major part of fuch as have purchafed a large number of one book, and I have known many inftances of bockfellers purchafing articles at a quarter the price, and felling them at the full price, and yet have not ha.d two per cent, for their o>t^ For feveral years together I thought I fhould be obliged to defifl from purchafing a large number of any one article ; for although by not giving any credit I was enabled to fell very cheap, yet the heavy .{lock of books in meets often difheartened me, fo that I more than once refolved to leave off purchafing all fuch articles where the number was very large. But, fomehow or other, a torrent of bufinefs LIFE OF J. LACKING-TON. 363 bufinefs fuddenly poured in upon me on all lides, fo that I very foon forgot my refolu- tion of not making large purchafes, and now find my account in firmly adhering to that method ; and being univerfally known for making large purchafes, moft of the trade in town and country, and alfo authors of every defcription are continually furniming me with opportunities. In this branch of trade it is next to impoffible for me ever to have any formidable rivals, as it requires an uncom- rnon exertion, as well as very uncommon, fuccefs, and that for many years together, to rife to any great degree of eminence in that particular line. This fuccefs muft be attained too, without the aid of novelty, which I found to be of very great fervice to me : And mould any perfon begin on my plan and fucceed extremely well, he could never fuperfede me, as I am ftill enlarging my bufinefs every year, and the more it is extended the cheaper I can afford to fell ; fo that though I may be purfued, I cannot be pvertaken, except I mould (as fame others have 366 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. have done) be fo infatuated and blinded by profperity, as to think that the public would continue their favors, even though the plan of buflnefs were reverfed. But as the firft king of Bohemia kept his country moes by him, to remind him from whence he was taken, 1 have put a motto on the doors of my carriage, conftantly to remind me to what I am indebted for my profperity, viz. " SMALL PROFITS DO GREAT THINGS." And I affure you, Sir, that reflecting on the means by which I have been enabled to fup- port a carnage, adds not a little to the plea- fure of riding in it. I believe I may, with- out being deemed cenforious, affert, that there are fome who ride in their carriages, who cannot reflect on the means by which they were acquired with an equal degree of fatisfadion to that experienced by, Dear Friend, Yours, LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOK. 367 LETTER XXXVII. ' BOCKS, of all earthly things my chief delight j * My exercife by day, and dreams by night ; ' Difpaffion'd matters, friends without deceit, " Who flatter not ; companions ever fweet ; " With whom I'm always cheerful, from whom rife. ' ImprovM and better, if not good and wife; " Grave, faithful counfellors, who all excite, " Inftruft, and ftrengthen to behave aright ; " Admonifh us, when fortune makes her Court, " And when (he's abfent, folace and fupport. ' Happy the man to whom ye are well known. f c 'Tis his own fault if ever he's alone." ANONYMOUS. DEAR FRIEND, AT has been afked, times in- numerable, how I acquired any tolerable degree of knowledge, fo as to enable me to form any ideas of the merits or demerits of books ; or how I became fufficiently ac- quainted with the prices that books were commonly fold for, fb as to be able to buy and fell ; particularly books in the learned and 368 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. and foreign languages. Many have thought that from the beginning I always kept fhop- men to furnim me with inftrucYions necelTary to carry on my bufinefs ; but you and all my old friends and acquaintances well know that not to have been the cafe ; as for the firft thirteen years after I became a bookfeller, I never had one fhopman who knew any thing of the worth of books, or how to write a fingle page of a catalogue properly, much lefs to compile the whole. I always wrote them myfelf, fo long as my health would permit : Indeed I continued the practice for years after my health was much impaired by too conftant an application to that and reading'* and when I was at laft obliged to give up writing them, I for feveral catalogues flooc^ by and dictated to others ; even to the pre- fent time I take fome little part in their compilation ; and as I ever did, I flill conti- nue to fix the price to every book that is fold in my mop, except fuch articles as. are both bought and fold again while I am out of town. I have now many affiftants in my LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 369 {hop, who buy, fell, and in fhort tranfaft the major part of my bufinefs. As to the little knowledge of literature I poflefs, it was acquired by dint of applica- tion. In the beginning I attached myfelf very clofely to the ftudy of divinity and moral philofophy, fo that I became tolerably acquainted with all the points controverted between the divines ; after having read the great champions for chriftianity, 1 next read the works of Toulmin, Lord Herbert, Tin- dal, Chubb, Morgan, Collins, Hammond, Woolfron, Annet, Mandeville, Shafteftmry, D*Argens, Bolingbroke, Williams, Helve- tius, Voltaire, and many other free-thinkers. I have alfo read moft of our Englim poets, and the beft tranflations of the Greek, Latin, Italian and French poets; nor did I omit to read Hiftory, Voyages, Travels, Natural Hiftory, Biography, c. At one time I had a ftrong inclination to learn French, but as foon as I was enabled to make out and abridge title- pages, fo as to infert them right in my cata- Y logues, 370 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. logues, 1 lefc off for what appeared to me more pleafing as well as more neceffary pur- fuits ; reflecting that as I began fo late in life, and had probably but a very fhort pe- riod to live, (and I paid fome regard to what Htlvetins has aflerted, viz. that " No man acquires any new ideas after he is forty-five years of age.") I had no time to beffow on the attainment of languages. I therefore contented myfelf with reading all the tranf- lations of the dailies, and inferting the ori- ginals in my Catalogues as well as I could ; and when fometimes I happened to put the Genitive or Dative cafe infteacTof the Nomi- native or dccufative,- my cuftomers kindly confidered this as a venial fault, which they readily pardoned, and bought the books not- withflanding. As 1 have indefatigably ufed my heft endeavours to acquire knowledge, I never thought I had the imalleft reaion to be 'afhamed on account of my deficiency, cially as I never made pretenfions to er tion, or affected to poflefs what I knew I was LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 371 Was deficient in. Dr. Young's couplet, you will 'therefore think equally applicable to many others as well as myfelf : " Unlearned men of books aflame the care, " As eunuchs are the guardians of the fair." Love of Fame. I had like to have forgot to inform you, that I have alfo read mofl of our beft plays, and am fo fond of the Theatre, that in the winter feafbn I have often been at Drury- Lane or Covent-Garden four or five evenings in a week. Another great fource of amufe- ment as well as knowledge, I have met with in reading almoft all the beft novels ; by the beft, I mean thole written by Cervantes, Fielding, Smollet, Richardfon, Mifs Burney, Voltaire, Sterne, Le Sage, Goldfmith, and fome others. And I have often thought, -with Fielding, that fome of thofe publica- tions have given us a more genuine hiftory of Man, in what are called Romances, than is fometimes to be found under the mere refpe&able titles of Hiftory, Biography, &c. Y 2 In 372 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. In order to obtain fome ideas in Aflro- nomy, Geography, Electricity, Pneuma- tics, &c. I attended a few lectures given by the late eminent Mr. Fergufon, the prefent very ingenious Mr. Walker, and others ; and for fome time feveral gentlemen fpent two or three evenings in a week at my houfe, for the purpofe of improvement in icience. At thefe meetings we made the beft ufe of our time with globes, telefcopes, microfcopes, electrical machines, air pumps, air guns, a good bottle of wine, and other phi- lofophical inftruments The mention of which revives in my me- mory the lofs I fuftained by the premature death of a worthy philofophical friend, whom you have met, when you occafionally did us the honor of making one of the even- ing party, and benefiting us by your inftruc- tions. I could fay much in his praife, but (hall forbear, as another friend, who was alfo one of this (I may truly fay) rational tjfembly has compofed what I think a juft character of him, free from that fulfome panegyric LIFE OF J. DACKINGTON. 373 panegyric which too often degrades thofe it is meant to celebrate, and conveys to all who knew the parties, the idea of having been defigned as a burleique inftead of an encomium ; however, as you may not have leen it (though in print) and it will engrofs but a very little of your time to perufe, I fliall here beg leave to infert it. " On Sunday, May 24, 1789, died at his " houfe in Worfhip-flreet, Moorfields, aged " 50, Mr. Ralph Tinley ; one who had not "ing 418 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. ing in the year 1785, when they took quiet pofleffion of their freehold, rehuilt the pre- mifes, and reared another family. This they repeated the three following years with equal, fuccefs, and when I was there in the year 1 790, much of the neft remained, but the crows had forfaken it. The above occur- rence, though to many it may appear incre- dible, is an undoubted fact. That crows Ihould come into the center of a populous town to build their nefts, is of itfelf remark- able ; but much more fo, that they fhould prefer a weathercock to any other fituation, where the whole family, and their habita- tion turned round with every puff of wind, though they were perfectly fecured from fal- ling, by the fpike of iron which rofe above the fane, around which the whole made their revolutions ; and as on one fide the nefl was higher than on the other, that part being always to windward, by this ingenious con- trivance of the feathered architects, the infide of the neft was conftantly kept in a proper degree of warmth. I never recoiled thefe various LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 419 Various circumftances, without being loft in admiration at the extraordinary fagacity of thefe birds. In this town however, I met with a greater curiofity, as well as a more amiable fubjecT: of it than a crows neft, to excite my afto- nimment. In my firft journey, Mr. Ft/her the book- feller introduced me to his daughter, a charming young lady, who being unfortu- nately born deaf, was confequently dumb, till a gentleman a few years fince taught her to underftand what was faid to her by the motion of the lips. I had the pleafure of converging with her feveral times, and found that (he had much of the Scotch accent, which as Mr. Fimer informed me, (he ac- quired of the gentleman who taught her not only to underftand the converfation of others buttojpeak, he being a native of that coun- try ; he remarked alfb, that me never had fpoken the Newcaftle dialed. This young lady, I was alfo informed, dances exceedingly Bb 2 well, *2o LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. well, keeping exact time with the muiic, whether it is played flow or qvu'ck. When it is confidered what an intenfe application muft have been ufed, both on the part of the teacher and his fair pupil, to produce fuch a happy effect, it furely reflects great credit on each of the parties. . In the year 1790, when I again vifited Newcaftle with Mrs. Lackington, this young lady became the frrft object of inquiry, and we were both introduced to her. 1 have lately been informed of a lady now in London, who although fKe is deaf, takes great delight in mu/tc, and when afked how me is affected by it, me anfwers that (he feels it at her breajl and at the bottom of her feet. Being on the fubject of Curio/ities, and having juft related the pleafure I experienced on account of a lady acquiring the ufe of Ipeech, permit me now to prefent you with another rarity indeed ! fomewhat connected with the former, no doubt, but intended as an effectual remedy (temporary r at leaft) for an LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 421 an oppofite complaint of the lame organs, viz. too great a volubility of fpecch, with which, (as it is faid) many females are fo infected, as fometimes to lead them to exceed the bounds of due moderation and female deco- rum, and even difplay itfelf in the utterance of fuch harfh (though frequently inarticu- late) terms, as tend too much to difgrace the unhappy patient, and violently affect the au- ditory nerves of all perfons within a confide- rable diftance. To quit metaphor. At the town-hall I was fhewn a piece of antiquity called a brank. It confifts of a com- bination of iron fillets, and is fattened to the head by a Jock fixed to the back part of it ; a thin plate of iron goes into the mouth, fuf- ficiently flrong however, to confine the tongue, and thus prevent the wearer from making any ufe of that reftleft member. The ufe of this piece of machinery is to punim notorious/^fr. I am pleafed to find that it is now confidereq merely as a matter ofcuriofity, the females of that town hap- pily having not tiie fmalleft occafion for the B b 3 appli^ 422 LIFE OF J, LACKINGTON, application of fo harfh an inftrument : whe- ther it is that all females apprehenfive of being included in that defcription, have tra- velled fouthward, to avoid the danger of fo degrading an exhibition, or whatever other reafon is affigned, I forgot to enquire. It however affords me pleafure to reflect, that the ladies of Newcaftle are left at liberty to adopt a head-drefs of their own encoring, confident that they porTefs a more refined tafte than to fix upon one by no means calculated to difplay their lovely countenances to advan- tage, as I am perfuaded the brank would caft fuch a gloom on the faireft of them, as would tend much to diminifh the influence of their charmSj, and give pain to every beholder. It may be prudent, notwithftanding, frill to preferve it in terrorem, as who knows what future times may produce ? As I efteem it a very ingenious contrivance, and as there may be parts of the country ftill to be found, where the application of fuch a machine may be ufeful in fome chriftian families (I will not fay in , a//, having fufricient grounds for afferting LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 423 aflerting the contrary) I here prefent you with an accurate fketch of it, together with the manner of its application : that if any ingenious artift mould be applied to, he may not he at a lofs how it is to he made. I would, however, advife fuch a one to be cautious in offering them to public fale, and by no means to advertife them (efpecially if a married man, or having any views to- wards matrimony). J am, dear Friend, Yours. 424 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON> LETTER XLII. " O, land of cakes ! how oft my eyes te Defirc to fee thy mountains rife ; " How Fancy loves thy fteeps to dimb, " So wild, fo folemn, fo fublime." " All the ftage-coaches that travel fo faft, " Muft get now and then an unfortunate caft." DEAR FRIEND, 1.N my firft journey to Scotland I fometimes travelled poft, but often entered the different, ftage-coaches, &c. for aftage or two, when I happened to fee any fetting out fo as to fuit my time and inclination : but at laft I had pretty nearly paid dear for it, as the driver of the diligence from Darlington to Durham happened to be much inebriated and before his quitting Darlington had almoft overfet us ; not obferving the man was drunk, we attributed the fault to the horfes, we were however very fpeedily undeceived in that refpect by many concurrent circumftances, fo that LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 425 that we were one minute nearly in the ditch on the right hand, and the next but juft efcaping that on the left ; at other times we experienced^/7>/#g- proofs of the inability of our condu&or againft the numbers of one- horfe coal-carts, not to mention their fre- quently running foul of us for being on the wrong fide of the road ; (for drivers of coaches and carts can be to the full as favage towards each other in the country, as in London) : however notwithstanding all thefe ** hair-breadth efcapes," we retained our feats, till we arrived within three quarters of a mile of Durham, when at lengh the fpecific gra- vity of the driver's head preponderating over all the other parts of his frame united, preci- pitated him with violence from the elevated ftation he had, till then (though with diffi- culty) poflefled to his parent earth. There were three unfortunate paffengers in the car- riage, left to the difcretion of the horfes, viz. a gentleman, an innkeeper's wife, and your humble fervant : the lady in ftricT: compliance with the practice of her fex in fimilar fitua^ tions, 426 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. - tions, on feeing the rapid defcent of our cha- rioteer, immediately honoured us with a loud and mrill fhriek ; the quadrupeds^ not accuftomed to this pretty female note fo much as the fonorous voice of a coachman, miftook for a fignal to mend their pace, and they, habituated to pay all due obedience to the commands of their fuperiors of the biped creation, when underftood by them, and finding no check, inftantiy proceeded to a full gallop ; and we, however reluctantly, followed them down a gentle defcent, not at a gentle rate, but with prodigious velocity. As I was quite calm and collected, I coolly reconnoitred the road before us, and obferv- ing that it was perfectly clear, as for half a mile not a coal- cart was to be feen, although we had lately pafled feveral fcore, I began to reafon with my companions, and they fpeedily became calm enough to affift in holding a council what was befl to be done in our cri- tical fituation. Our debates were quickly ended, as we were unanimous in opinion that if we once entered the city of Durham, the carriage LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 427 carnage muft inevitably be torn to pieces, owing to the variety of turnings and obftruc- tions we fhould have to encounter, we there- fore entered into an immediate refolution, nem. con, that to open the doors, and exhibit our agility by leaping out, was, of " two evils, choofing the leaft ;" this we inftantly did, in as careful a manner as poffible ; we firft alighted on our feet, and next compli- mented the ground with our nofes, without receiving much injury. Our female compa- nion indeed, by being rather too precipitate, alighted in a manner which on any other pccafion would not have appeared ftriclly decent, of which (he, poor lady ! was fb fenfible, that fhe immediately " hoped (if how we were both married gentlemen;'* which was quickly replied to by both in the affirmative ; and thus we faved our fair one the trouble of exerting herfelf in another fcream, and ouf-felves the punimment of hearing it. Being 428 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. Being no longer parties concerned in the danger, it afforded us fome entertainment to obferve the progrefs of our vehicle now coil*- iiderably lightened by our efcape from it, and becoming every moment flill lighter by the exclufion of fmall trunks, boxes, parcels, great coats, &c. they, in imitation of our example making leaps, fome from the infide of the carriage, and others from the boot ; whether occaftoned by the repuljlon of the carriage and its appendages, or the attraction of the earth, I am not fufficiently verfed iu philofophy to decide. Pofterity when they perufe my labours, no doubt will determine this weighty point, and tranfmit it to the remoteft period of time, properly dignified by F. R. S. in Phil Tranf. The horfes finding themfelves lefs incum- bered and urged on by the noife of the door, continually flapping, increafed their fpeed : happily however the carriage was flopped before it entered the city, and no damage was fuftained either by the horfes or the carnage. Before LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 429 Before we left the inn, our careful Jon of the whip arrived, not in the lead injur- ed, but rather benefited by his difafter, being fuddenly transformed into a ftate of perfe*5l lobriety ; after him followed two countrymen laden with the feveral articles which had been fo violently ejeded. As I reflected that this unguarded man might not always be equally fuccefsful,, either to him- felf or his paflengers, as in the prefent in- ftance, I obtained a promife from the inn- keeper never to permit him to drive any car- riage in future, in the management of which he had any concern. It is aftonifhing what a number of fatal accidents continually happen from careleilhefs and the want of fobriety in this thoughtlefs race of beings. I was informed that only two days previous to my arrival at Durham, a coachman quitting his box to ftep into an adjacent houfe, in his abfence the horfes be- gan to move gently, and a lady in the car- riage giving a loud fcream, the noife occa- fioned 430 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOlSf. fioned the horfes to fet off full gallop, in con* fequence of which a lady of Durham, hap- pening unfortunately at that inftant to be croffing the way, was thrown down, and the wheels pafling over her, fhe died on the fpot. One of the many melancholy effects refult- ing from the ridiculous practice of fcreaming. But I crave pardon of the ladies ; when I begin paffing cenfure on them, it is high time to clofe my epiftle (which if not very long will perhaps be deemed fufficiently im- pertinent) with, 1 am, Dear Friend > Yours. LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 43, LETTER XLIII. *-* O that the too cenforious world would learn '* This wholefome rule, and with each other bear ! " But man, as if a foe to his own fpecies, " Takes pleafure to report his neighbour's faults, " Judging with rigour ev'ry fraall offence, " And prides kimfelfvh fcandal." HAYWOOD'S D. of Brunfwick. " A nation fam'd for fong, and beauty's charms ; fc Zealous, yet modeft, innocent, though free : Patient of toil j fincere amidft alarms ; ** Inflexible in faith : invincible in arms." 3EATTiE'sMjnftrel, DEAR FRIEND, AT is reported of a very emi- nent author, that he never blotted a line of what he had once written : on which it has been remarked, that it was a pity he had not blotted a thoufand. Now though my ex- treme modefly will not -permit me to put myfelf on a level with that great man as an author, whatever the impartial world may think of our comparative merits, I muft confefs 43* LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. confefs I do not like to blot what I have once written, fearful left when I begin, (another proof of my modefty,) I fhould deface the major part of my manufcripts, and thus deprive the public of the great advantages which may refult from them. What I allude to, is an unfortunate flip of the pen in my laft ; however, as " confef- fion of a fault makes fome amends," and I immediately checked myfelf, craved pardon, abruptly clofed my letter, and threw the offending pen from me with fome degree of auger, I hope thofe lovely fair ones, who might think I meant to affront them, will with their accuftomed benignity forgive, and indulge me with a fmile on my future la- bours; and as a convincing proof how fen- iible I am of their kind condefcenfion, I here engage never more to exprefs my diflike of t\\z\t Jer earning, except they fhould omit pur- chafing books of me, which I am fure every candid fair (and what fair one is not candid ?) will think fufficiently provoking. But LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 433 But in order to remind them that every great character does not always conduct him- felf with equal politenefs towards the ladies, I beg permiffion to introduce a very great man to them : no lefs a perfonage than Doctor JOHNSON. Of whom indeed fo much hath already been fung and faid, that the fubject may be fuppofed to be nearly exhaufted ; which is, however, fo far from being the cafe, that notwithftanding two quarto vo- lumes of his life by Mr. Bofwell are juft publifhed, we are taught to expect another life by a different hand. Indeed until fome other great man makes his exit (myfelf out of the queftion) we are likely to be enter- tained with frefh anecdotes of him ; but when that period once arrives, then farewel Johnfon I The Doftor, whole extreme fondnefs for that agreeable beverage tea, is well known, was once in company with a number of ladies aflembled to partake with him of the fame refrefhment. The lady of the houfe happened to be one of thofe particularly at- C c tentive 434 LIFE OF J. LACKINCTON. tentive to punctilio, and had exhibited her fmeft fet of china for the entertainment of her gueftsj the Doctor, who drank large quantities, and with considerable expedition, could not always wait with becoming pa- tience ceremonioufly to aik for and receive in due form the addition of a lump of fugar when neceffary; he therefore without per- miflion put his finger and thumb into the fugar-difh, tumbling the contents over, till he met with a piece of the proper fize ; the lady kept her eye fixed on him the whole time, and deeming his conduct a great breach of decorum, refolved to make him fenfible of it, by immediately ordering the fervant to change the fugar-difh. The Doctor, tho' apparently attentive only to his tea, noticed it, and as foon as he had emptied the cup, put it together with the faucer under the fire-place, with due care, however, not to break them. This was too fevere a trial for the poor lady, who, apprehenfive for the fate of her dear china, after a decent fcream, with warmth demanded the reafou of his treating LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON, 435 treating her in fo rude a manner. " Why, " my dear madam, (replied he) I was " alarmed with the idea that whatever I " touched was thereby contaminated, and " imprefled with anxious defire to contri- " bute towards your felicity, I removed the " object fo defiled from your prefence with " all poflible expedition." This reply, tho' it extorted a fmile from all the company prefent, did not fatisfy the lady to whom it was addreffed, who notwithftanding me ex- erted herfelf to appear in good humour, was too much offended to forget the affront. This anecdote has been related to me with fome addenda which heighten the flory, though more to the difadvantage of the Doctor ; but I believe as here related, it may be depended on as the real fact. During my continuance in Scotland, which was about three weeks the firft time, and about a month the laft, I often reflected with pain on the illiberal, not to fay brutal treatment the inhabitants received from the Doctor. At Edinburgh I heard various anec- C c 2 dotes 436 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. dotes related of him, which were perfectly novel to me, and in all probability will be fo to you. I mall therefore give you a fpecimen. Being one day at a gentleman's houfe in Edinburgh, feveral lav-lies and gentlemen came in to pay their relpects to him ; and among others the then Lord Provoft went up to the Doctor, bowing repeatedly, and exprefling the higheft refpect for him ; to all which the Doctor paid not the lead atten- tion. Exceedingly hurt at fo flagrant a mark of difrefpect, he turned round, and put a {hilling into the hand of the gentle- man of the houfe. -On being aiked what the milling was intended for, he replied, "Have not 1 feen your bear?" The Doctor being drinking tea at another gentleman's houfe, the lady afked him if he did not choofe another cup : It feems fhe had forgot her having before afked him the fame queftion ; and on her repeating it he replied, " Woman, have I not already told you ILIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 437 you that I had done?" On which the lady anfwered him in his own gruff man- ner. During his continuance in her houfe fhe always talked to him without ceremony, and it was remarked that me had more influence with him than any other perfon in Scotland. I was much pleafed with the politenefs of the gentleman who related to me this ftory of the Doclor, as he appeared anxious to ex- cufe him for his want of due decorum, and thus to palliate a moft obvious blemifh in the character of one of the moft eminent of my countrymen. I could wifh the compilers of the biographical department of that truly great and ufeful work, the " E-ncyclopoedia Britannica" would obferve the fame polite- nefs and impartiality. And I hope that this hint will alib induce them in fome fubfequent edition, when I am gone to " That Bourne from whence no traveller returns," to do juftice to my great and qftoni/Jjing me- rits, by way of compenfation for having fal- C c 3 leu 438 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. len fhort in fpeaking of other great men\ and fhould I happen to be out of print by the time the editors of the Elographia Erltannka ar- rive at letter L. (which feems extremely pro- bable, according to the very deliberate pro- grefs of that work,) I hope they will not flightly pafs me over. If they fhould,, let them take the coniequence ; as 1 here give them fair and timely notice, and they have not to plead as an excufe, the want of materials. I will give you one anecdote more of the great Doctor, becaufe it relates to a Scotch- man very eminent in the literary world. I had it from Mr. Samuel, who was one of the party. Dr. Johnlon being one afternoon at the houfeof Mr. Samuel's uncle, (whofe name I have forgot) who lived in one of the flreets that leads from the Strand to the Thames, a number of gentlemen being prefent, they agreed to crofs the water and make a little excurfion on the other fide ; in ftepping into the LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 439 the boat one of the company faid, Mr. Hume, give me your hand. As foon as they were feated, our Doctor afked Mr. Samuel if that was Hume the Deift. Mr. Samuel re- plied, that it was the great Mr. Hume, the deep metaphyiician and famous hiftorian. Had I known that (fajd the Doctor) I would not have put a foot" in the boat with him. In the evening they had all agreed to fup together at a houfe near St. Clement's Church in the Strand, and Doctor Johnfon coming in after the reft of the company had fometime been met, he walked up to Mr. Hume, and taking him by the hand, faid, " Mr. Hume, I am very glad to fee you," and feemed well pleafed to find him there ; and it appeared to Mr. Samuel, that the Doctor had thus chofe to atone for his hafty expref- flon before related. As I do not recollect any thing being re- corded reflecting the Doctor's pugiliftrl abi- lities, (excepting his knocking down Ofborn the bookfeller, be confidered as fiich) I lhall beg leave to relate another anecdote which I C c 4 received 440 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. received from the gentleman who favoured me with the preceding one. Dr. Johnfon being at the water fide when fome ladies had julr. quitted a boat and were endeavouring to fettle the fare with the wa- terman, this fon of the Thames, like too many of his brethren, infifted on much more than his due, accompanying his de- mand in the ufual ftile of eloquence, with abufive language, the Doctor kindly inter- fering, furnifhed the ladies with the oppor- tunity of retreating, and transferred the whole abufe to himfelf, who finding that argument had made no impreflion on the waterman, tried what he could effect by the flrength of his arm, and gave the refractory fellow a hearty drubbing, which had the defired effect. + One word more concerning our great Lexi- cographer. It mu ft be allowed by every candid and impartial perfon, that the extreme contempt and prejudice he entertained to- wards onr friends of North Britain, reflected a very LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON, 44.1 a very flrong fhade on his charafter, which his warmefl admirers cannot juftify. Were I, as a South Briton, called upon to give my fair and unprejudiced opinion refpecl:- ing the national character of the natives of Scotland and thofe of England, and I flatter myfelf I have had ample opportunities of ob- ierving the peculiar traits of both countries, I would fay, that if we in England excel them in fome virtues, they no lefs mine in others ; and if the North-Britons poflefs fome peculiar frailties and prejudices, we of the South are not intirely free from ours ; fo that were the virtues and vices of a certain num- ber of each country placed in an hydroftatical balance (it muft however be a pretty large one,) I believe it very difficult to prognofti- cate which of the two w r ould preponderate. It is true, I have met with one very great villain in Scotland, in Mr. S. vvhich only tends to prove there are probably fcoundrels to be found every where, and that without taking the trouble which Diogenes did, in fearch of an honcjl man ; and I am much afraid, 442 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. afraid, were I to enquire of fome North Britons, they could without any great diffi- culty point out to me fome of my own countrymen as bad. I deteft all national prejudices, as I think it betrays great weaknefs in the parties who are influenced by them. Every nation of the habitable globe, nay each particular pro- vince of thofe countries has certainly fome peculiar traits belonging to it which diftin- guilhes it from its neighbours. But if we are difpofed to view one another with the feverity of criticifm, how eafy, nay how frequent it is to difcover fuperior virtues (as we think) as well as abilities in that particu- lar fpot which gave birth to ourfelves, and equally diverted of that fbricl: impartiality which alone can enable us to judge properly, difcover proportionable blemifhes in the na- tives of other countries. " But travellers who want the ov/// *' To mark the fhapes of good and ill, " With vacant ftare thro' Europe range, " And deem all bad, becaufe 'tis ftrange, Tfcco 1 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 44$ " Thro' varying modes of life, we trace " The finer trait, the latent grace, tr Quite free from fpleen's incumb'ring load, ' At little evils on the road ; " So while the path oflife I tread, " A path to me with briars fpread ; " Let me its tangled mazes fpy, " Like you, with gay, good humour eye, *' And be my fpirit light as air, " Call life a jeft, and laugh at care." Ill faying thus much, I do not mean to infer, that we ought not to be infpired with a laudable ambition to excel, not thofe of other countries only, but even thofe with whom we are more intimately connected : but that mould be done without drawing in- vidious companions of the merits or deme- nts of others. In mort, let it be the earned endeavour of each country, and every indi- vidual of that country in particular, united under our amiable monarch, to ftrive which mail have a fuperior claim to the title of be- ing GOOD MEN, ufeful members of fociety, friends to the whole human race, and peace- able fubjec"ts of a government, which though not abfolutely in a flate of perfection (and can 444 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. can that man be really deemed wife who ex- pe&s to meet with perfection in any human eftablimment ?) is flill happily fuperipr to every other in the known world, not forget- ting our neighbours the French, our natural enemies, according to the long adopted lan- guage of national prejudice : but I hope that narrow minded difpofition will henceforth ceafe ; certainly nature never defigned us as enemies, it has placed our ftations near to each other, and furely there is not fo great a diffimilarity in our national traits of charac- ter, as to occafion us to be in perpetual en- mity ! The contrail now is lefs than ever. Like Britons, they have caught the fpark of freedom, and nobly emancipated themfelves from a ftate of abject and degrading ilavery, to a diftinguifhed and honourable rank among nations. Long as time (hall laft, may they, with us, enjoy the bleffing fo glorioufly ob^ tained, with that due moderation which al- ways properly diftinguifhes between liberty and hcenlioufnefs ! The friends of liberty me^ LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 445 rit the full enjoyment of every advantage at- tending it; thofe of licentioujnefs are unwor- thy the fmalleft (hare of it. But whither am I travelling f I am imper* ceptibly got into the road of politics. Coach- man ! turn off immediately into another road. *Tis done, and happy am I to get out of fo dangerous a track unhurt, which has broke the necks of numbers of clever fellows, and deprived many a bright genius of that fupe- rior part of HIM from whence all his bright efTuiions for the good of his country were emitted. For patriotifm (as you know) is always the motive which impels thofe wor- thies to fuch hazardous expeditions as have fo frequently in the event proved fatal to them. For proofs we need not confult hif- tory ; inftances are, alas ! frelh in our me- mories: witnefs London, 1780, and Bir- mingham, 1791. At all events, it is certainly too rugged a road for a bookfeller to travel, it being al- ready 446 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOtf. ready crowded with many much abler adven- turers. And whilft Mr. Burke, of the " Monarchy" (late of the ' Fox") Inn, and Mr. Paine, at the fign of " the RIGHTS of MAN" provide rich and ample entertain- ment for " men and cattle," let the public take their choice, or if they pleaie (which indeed appears to be the moft rational mode) try them both, as fome conflitutions find one kind of food more eafy of dlgejllon^ Ibme the other : and I remain fully fatisfied with the fubordinate character of continuing an hum- ble distributor of the viands provided by thofe and other very able caterers, and that upon eafier terms than the admirers of fuch food will meet with elfewhere, according to the elegance or plainnefs of the d/JJxs they are ferved up in. Some preferring rich foreign china, elegantly gilt ; others, good fubftantia! Englifh porcelain ; others, 2gain being pleafecl with Queen s ivare ; and many more content with a Welch di/Ii, or common earthen ware. I am now fuddenly conveyed again to Edinburgh. The old town, fo called, has not LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 447 not much to bonft of; but the new town is by far the moft compleat and elegant I ever faw. In various towns of England and Scot- land, I have indeed feen fome good ftreets, and many good houfes, but in this the whole is uniformly fine; not one houfe, much lefs a whole flreet that can be termed indifferent in the whole town. And here let me do juftice to North- Britim hofpitality, and their very polite at- tention to fuch Englishmen who happen to travel to the " land of cakes." I can truly fay, that the polite and friendly behaviour of the inhabitants towards Mrs. Lackington and myfelf, claims our warmeft gratitude and fincereft thanks. This the more civilized part of my countrymen will readily believe ; and as to thofe of another defcription (hap- pily but a comparatively fmall number, I truft) are welcome to treat my aflertion with that contempt ufually attendant on prejudice, which is the refult of ignorance. The 448 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. The fubjeft I now mean to enter into being a delicate one, permit me here to clofe my letter ; thus affording you a mort refpite, and myfelf a little time for confideration on the propriety of fubmitting my ideas (as you feem determined all thofe I fend you mall be) to public notice. I am. Dear Friend, Yours. LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 449 LETTER XLIV. ' Set woman in his eye, and in his walk, " Among daughters of men the faireft found, " Many are in each region paffing fair " As the noon fky, more like to goddeffes " Than mortal creatures ; graceful and difcreet, ft Expert in amorous arts, inchanting tongues : " Perfuafive, virgin raajefty, with mild " And fweet allay 'd, yet terrible to approach ; f( Skill'd to retire, and in retiring', draw " Hearts after them, tangl'd in amorous nets ; " Such objects have the power to foften and tame " Severed temper, fmooth the rugged'ft brow, " Enerve and with voluptuous hope diffolve ; " Draw out with credulous defire, " At will, the manlieft refoluteft breaft." MILTON'S Samfon Agoniftes. DEAR FRIEND, J.N my laft I exprefTed fbme diffidence refpecling the propriety of com- mitting to paper my thoughts on a particular fubjecT: ; I have fince weighed it with due caution, and the confideration of my having during the long courfe of my epiftolary cor- D d refpondencc 450 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. refpondence always declared my fentiments freely on every fubjec"l, foon determined me not to degrade myfelf by fhrinking back, now it is fo near drawing to a conclufion. The fubject then is that bright lovely- part of the creation, WOMAN! the fource of all our joys, the afTuagers of all our griefs ; deprived of whofe powerful and at- tractive charms, man would be a wretch indeed. But alas ! the utmofl efforts of my abilities are far inadequate to do juftice to their merits; happily that pleafing theme has engaged the attention of the ableft and worthiefl of men, from the remoteil period down to the prefent time ; and I truft ever will, nay muft, fo long as a fpark of virtue remains to dwell in the human breaft. And when I reflect, that " They are not only FAIR, but j UST as fair/' 1 have nought to fear. I therefore proceed with cheerfulnefs to fay, that in Edinburgh, Glaigow, Stir- ling, LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 451 ling, &c. there are more really fine women to be found than in any place I ever vifited. I do not mean to infer, we have not as many handfome women in England ; but the idea I wifh to convey is, that we have not fo many in proportion : that 'is, Go to any public place where a number of ladies are aflembled, in either of the above towns, and then go to any place in England where an equal number are met, and you will no- tice a greater number of fine women among the former, than among the latter. It muft be obvious that in making this declaration, I allude to the genteeler part ; for among the lower clafles of women in Scotland, by being more expofed to the inclemency of the wea- ther, the majority are very homely, and the want of the advantages of apparel, (which thofe in a higher fphere can avail themfelves of, and know how to apply) together with their fluttim and negligent appearance, does not tend in the leail to heighten their charms. D d 2 Having 452 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. Having both read and heard much related of the manner of warning their linen, which I muft confefs I would not credit without having ocular demonftration, during my continuance at Glafgow, curiofity led me to the mead by the river fide. For the poor women here, inftead of the water coming to them, as in London, are obliged to travel loaded with their linen to the water ; where you may daily fee great numbers warning, in their way ; which if feen by fome of our London prudes, would incline them to form very unjuft and uncharitable ideas of the mo- defty of thefe Scottim lafTes, Many of them give a trifle to be accommodated with the ufe of a large wam-houfe near the water, where about a hundred may be furnifhed with every convenience for their purpofe. But by far the greateft part make fires, and heat the water in the open air, and as they finifh. their linen, they fpread it on the grafs to dry ; which is the univerfal mode of drying throughout Scotland. Here the '* Maidens bleach their fummer fmocks." I had LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 453 I had walked to and fro feveral times, and began to conclude that the cuftom of getting into the tubs and treacling on the linen, either never had been pracHied, or was come into difufe ; but I had not waited more than half an hour, when many of them jumped into the tubs, without fhoes or {lockings, with their fhifts and petticoats drawn up far above the knees, and ftamped away with great compofure in their countenances, and with all their ftrength, no Scotchman taking the leaft notice, or even looking towards them, conftant habit having rendered the fcene perfectly familiar. On converting with fome gentlemen of Glafgow on this curious fubject, they aflured me that thefe fingular laundreiTes (as they ap- peared to me) were ftridly modeft women, who only did what others of nnblemimed re- putation had been accuftomed to for a long feries of years \ and added, that at any other time a purfe of gold would not tempt them to draw the curtain fo high. By way of contraft, let me obferve that many of our D d $ London 454 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. London fervant-flw/^/j, though not always fo nice in other refpefts, would not be feen thus habited in public on any terms, lefl their precious characters fhould be called in queftion. A ftriking inflance of the power- ful influence of habit ! Pom fret fays, " Cuftom's the world's great idol we adore, " And knowing that we feek to know no more.'' Mod of the female fervants in Edinburgh, Glafgow, &c. do all their work, and run about the town the fore part of the day with- out flays, fhoes or ftockings ; and on Sun- days I faw the country-women going to Ward's Kirk, in the fame manner (ftays ex- cepted ;) however they do not go into kirk, till they have drefled their legs and feet j for that purpofe they feat themfelves on the grafs, fomewhere near, put on their fhoes and ftockings, and garter up very delibe- rately, " Nor heed the paflenger who looks that way." Moft of thefe poor young country-women go without any caps or hats ; they have in general LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 455 general fine heads of hair, many plait it, others let it hang loofe down their backs; and I afliire you, my friend, they look very agreeable. I returned each time through Buxton, where flaying a week or two, I vifited Caftleton, and fpent feveral hours in ex- ploring that ftnpendous cavern, called The Devil's A in the Peak. I aifo furveyed Poole's Hole, near Buxton, and purchafed a great variety of petrifactions. In our way home I faw the great marble manufactory at Afton, in the water, fpent fome days at Matlock, the moft romantic village that I ever faw, but the fight of it coft me dear ; as we were conveyed there in an old crazy poft-chaife, in which I caught a violent cold, the lining being very damp. J am, Dear Friend, Yours. D d 4 LETTER 456 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. LETTER XLV. " Good fcen expefted, evil unforefeen, " Appear by turns as fortune mifts the fcene : " Some rais'd aloft come tumbling down amain, " Then fall fo hard, they bound and rife again." DRY DEN'S Virgil. " New turns and changes every day *' Are of inconftant chance the conftant arts; " Soon fortune gives, foon takes away, * She comes, embraces, naufeates you, and parts. t( But if me ftays or if me goes, ' The wife man little joy or little forrow knows; " For over all there hangs a doubtful fate, ' And few there be who 're always fortunate. '* One gains by what another is bereft : f The frugal deftinies have only left * A common bank of happinefs below, " Maintain'd, like nature, by an ebb and flow." How's Indian Emp. PEAR FRIEND, JL Did not intend to trouble you or the public with an account of any more of my wonderful travels , but being now at Lyme, for want of other amufements this rainy LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 457 rainy morning, I thought that a mort ac- count of this journey might afford you fome entertainment. My ftate of health being but indifferent, and Mrs. Lackington's ftill worfe, I was in- duced to try what effect a journey would pro- duce ; it being immaterial what part I travel- led to ; and as I had not for a long time feen my native place, and perhaps might not be furnimed with another opportunity, we re- folved to vifit it. *' And many a year elaps'd, return to view " Where once the cottage ftood, the hawthorn grew, " Rememberance wakes with all her bufy train, " Swells at my breaft ' > which is the term made ufe of by journeymen in that ufeful occupation, when feeking employment. Mod of thofe honeft men had quite forgot my perfon, as many of them had not feen me fince I worked for them : fo that it is not eafy for you to conceive with what furprize and aftonifhment they gazed on me. For you muft know that I had the vanity (I call it humour) to do this in my chariot, attended by my fervants ; and on telling them who I was, all appeared to be very happy to fee me, And I aflure you, my friend, it afforded me much real pleafure to fee fo many of my old acquaintances LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 459 acquaintances alive and well, and tolerable happy. The following lines often occurred to my mind : " Far from the madding crowd's ignoble ftrife, " Their fober wifhes never learn 'd to ftray : *' Along the cool fequefler'd vale of life " They keep the noifelefs tenor of their way." At Taunton and Wellington it feemed to be the unanimous determination of all the poorer fort, that I mould by no means be deficient in old acquaintance. Some poor fouls declared that they had known me for fifty years (that is, years before I was born ;) others had danced me in their arms a thou- fand times ; nay, better dill, fome knew my grandmother ; but, bed of all, one old man claimed acquaintance with me, for having feen me many times on the top of a fix-and- twenty round ladder, balanced on the chin of a merry Andrew ! The old man was how- ever egregioufly miftaken, as I never was fo precarioufly exalted, my ambition, as you well know, taking a very different turn. But that was of no confequence : all the old fellow 460 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. fellow wanted was a JhUllng and I gave it him. No matter (as Sterne fays x ) from what motive. I never examine into thefe things. This I obferved, that none of them were common beggars, but poor ufeful labouring people. Giving to common {hollers is but encouraging idlenefs and every other vice. And as f mall matters made many happy^ I was fupremely fo, to be the means of con- tributing to their comfort. And indeed who would hefitate at being the means of dif- fufing happinefs on fuch eafy terms, and with fo little trouble ? The bells rang merrily all the day of my arrival. I was alfo honoured with the at- tention of many of the moft refpedable peo- ple in and near Wellington and other parts : Some of whom were pleafed to inform me, that the reafon of their paying a particular attention to me was their having heard, and now having themfelves an opportunity of obferving, that I did not fo far forget my- felf, as many proud upftarts had done ; that the notice I took cf my poor relations and old LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 461 old acquaintance merited the refpect and ap- probation of every real gentleman. They were alfo pleafed to exprefs a wifti, that as foon as I could dilpofe of my bufinefs, I would come down and fpend the remainder of my days among them. This reception was the more pleafing, as I have fometimes obferved a contrary conduft pra&ifed by fome, who have been pleafed to ftile them- felves gentlemen, and on that fcore think that they have a right to treat men of bufi- nefs (however refpectable they may be) as by much their inferiors; and it too often happens that one of thofe petty gentry who poflefles but a hundred or two per armum, will behave in a haughty manner to a man in bufinefs who fpends as many thoufands ; but fuch mould be told, that a real gentle- man in any company will never either by word or action, attempt to make the meaneft perfon feel his inferiority, but on the con- trary. They mould be informed alfo how highly impolitic and unjuft it is to attempt to fix a ftigma 462 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. a ftigma on trade and commerce, the very things that have caufed England to rife fo high in the political fcale of Europe. *Tis true that even in England you may fee great numbers of very opulent tradef- men who have not an idea but what they have acquired behind the counter ; but you may alfo find many thoufands of the fame clafs of life who are pofleiTed of very liberal ideas, and who would not commit an action that would difgrace a title. For my part, 1 will endeavour to adhere to the advice given by Perfius as it is tranflated : " Study thyfelf what rank, or what degree :f The wife Creator has ordain'd for thee : " And all the offices of that ftate " Perform ! and with thy prudence guide thy fate." William Jones, Efcj. of Foxdowne, near Wellington, informed me of a remarkable prognofication in my favour ; he told me that when I was a boy, about twelve years of age, Mr. Paul, then a very confiderable wholefale Jinen-draper, in Friday-ftreet, London, (I believe LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 463 believe ftill living) pafling by my father's honfe one day, flopped at the door and afked various queftions about fome guinea-pigs which I had in a box. My anfwers it feems pleafed and furprized him, and turning to- wards Mr. Jones, faid, " Depend upon it, Jtr, that boy 'will one day rife far above thejituatlon that his prefent mean circumftances feem to pro- mife" So who knows what a great man I may yet be ? perhaps " A double pica in the book of fame." Give me leave to introduce another pre- diction, though not altogether fo pleafing as that juft related. An Italian gentleman, and if we may judge by appearance, a perfon of rank, was fome years fince looking at fome books of palm //try in my {hop, and at the fame time endeavoured to convince me of the reality of that fcience. In the midft of his difcourfe, he fuddenly feized my right- hand, and looking for fome time with great attention on the various lines, he informed me that I had twice been in danger of lofmg mv 464 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOK. my life, once by water, and once by a wound in my head. He was certainly right, but I believe by chance, as I have many other times been in very great danger. He ad- ded, that I had. much of the goddefs Venus in me, but much more of Mars ; and allured me that I mould go to the wars, and arrive at great honour. He like wife informed me, that I mould die by jire-arms pointed over a wall. How far the former part of this gentleman's prediction may be relied on, I will not pretend to decide, but the laft part of it was lately very near coming to fuch a de- cifion as would have proved the fallibility of that part of his prognoftication, though even in that cafe he might have pleaded his being pretty near the matter of facl, only fubfti- tuting gunpowder inftead of 'Jire-arms, and I hould not have had it m my power to con- tend the point with him. I will endeavour to render this intelligible : On Tuefday the fifth of July, 1791? I very nearly efcaped being blown up with the powder-mills be- longing to Mr. Bridges, at E well, near Mer- ton LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 465 ton in Surry. A quarter of an hour before that event took place, I was riding out with- in one mile of the mills, and having en- quired of Mr. Rofe, atCoom-Houfe, for the way that leads round by the mills, I actually rode part of the way, with an intent of vifiting them. But fomehow or other, I fcarce knew why, I turned my horfe about, and a few minutes after I had done fo, I law the fatal cataftrophe ; which happening by day, refembled a large cloud of fmoke, of a very light colour, and the report reached my ears immediately after. I inftantly con- cluded, it could be nothing lefs than the powder-mills blown up ; and on my return to my houfe at Merton, I foon learnt that it was the identical powder-mills that in all probability I mould have been in, or clofe by, at the time of the explofion. By this accident it feems four men were killed, fome of whom had large families. The bodies were fo much mangled by the explo- fion, that they could not be diflinguifhed E e from 466 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. from each other, and the head of one of them .was thrown to a great diftance. But to proceed with my journey. I efteem myfelf peculiarly happy, on one account in particular, that I undertook it; and have only to regret it did not take place fooner, as it tended to undeceive me in a matter in which I had long heen in an error. The cafe was this : I had for feven years jpafl fup- pofed that the parents of my firft wife were dead ; and on enquiring after them of Mr. Cafli at Bridgewater, he confirmed the re- port. However, as we pafled through South Petherton, being but a mile from the place where they formerly lived, I could not help flopping to find out the time when they died, and what other particulars I could learn re- lative to them, but to my very great furprife, I was informed that they were both living at Newton, two miles diftant. On this in- formation I gave the coachman orders to drive us there, but flill could fcarcely credit that they really were alive. But, O my dear Friend, LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 467 * Friend, it is utterly impoffible for me to defcribe the fenfations of Mrs. Lackington and myfelf, on entering " The cobweb'd cottage, " With ragged wall of mold'ring mud," which contained them ! " Then Poverty, grim fpeftre, rofe, " And horror o'er the profpeft threw." AMWBLL, There we found two * r Poor human rains, tottering o'er the grave !" The dim light on our entrance feemed a little to flaih in the focket, and every moment threatened to difappear for ever ! while their " pale wither'd hands were ftretched out towards me, trembling at once with eager- nefs and age." Never before did I feel the full force of Shakefpear's defcription, Laftfceneofall " That ends this ftrange eventful hiftory, ** Is fecond childifhnefs ; and mere oblivion : * San teeth, fans eyes, fans tafte : fans every thing." e 2 From 468' LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. From fuch a (late of poverty and wretched- nefs, Good God, deliver every worthy character. The old man is ninety years of age, and the good old woman eighty. The old man's intelledls are much impaired ; he for a mo- ment knew me, and then his recollection forfook him. The old woman retained her fenfes and knowledge during the whole of the time we were with them. On inquiry I found, that what little property they had poffeffed had been all expended for fome years. * c How many once in Fortune's lap high fed, " Solicit the cold hand of Charity ! " To fhock us more folicit it in vain !" Dr. YOUNG. Amidft this dreary fcene, it was fome alle- viation to learn that their' pious fon had given them weekly as much as he could afford from his own little family, and I have added enough to render them as comfortable as their great age can poffibly admit of. But for your fake and my own, I will drop this gloomy LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 469 gloomy fubjeft ; which to me proved one of the moft affecting fcenes that ever I expe- rienced in the whole courfe of my life. During our continuance at Wellington, I one morning rode over to Black Down, on purpofe to inipe6l an immenfe heap of ftones on the top of the hill, ftrait before the town, which I remembered to have feen when a boy. The diftance from Wellington is about two miles. Thofe ftones cover about an acre of ground, and rife to a great height. The country people informed me with great gravity, that " the Devil brought them there in one night in his leathern apron" But the name of it, as well as the form, prove what it was. It is called Symmon's Borough or Barrow ; which, you know, iignifies a burial-place. I mould not have taken any notice of it here, had I ever feen any Barrow of Jones befides this, and five other fmaller Barrows, about half a mile from the large one. The country people in- formed me that the devil brought the five E e 3 heaps 470 LIFE OF J. LACONGTON. heaps in his glove. I alfo obferved the re- mains of a large camp near the fpot. Cam- den has taken notice of a large camp at Roach Caftle, three or four miles from hence ; it is ftrange that neither he nor Gough mould take any notice of fo fingular a Barrow as this certainly is. 1 remain, Pear Friend, Yours, LETTER LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 47 r LETTER XLVI. " Ye who amid this feverifh world would wear '* A body free of pain, of cares the mind, Fly the rank city : fhun its turbid air : *' Breathe not the chaos of eternal fmoke " And volatile corruption from the dead. " The dying, fickening, and the living world *' Exhal'd : To fully Heaven's tranfparent dome " With dim mortality. It is not air " That from a thoufand lungs reeks back to thine, " Sated with exhalations, rank and fell, " The fpoil of dunghills, and the putrid thaw ** Of Nature : when from fhape and texture (he " Relapfed into fighting Elements ; " It is not air, bat floats a naufeous mafs " Of all obfcene, corrupt, offenfive things, M Much moifture hurts : here a fordid bath, " With daily rancour fraught, relaxes more- f The folids than fimple moifture can," ARMSTRONG'S Art of Health. Lvme, Sep. 4, 1791. DEAR FRIEND, JjEING now at one of thofe places ufually called watering-places, that is, a place where invalids refort in great num- bers for the real or pretended purpofe of J e 4 drinking 47* LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. drinking the waters for which each particu- lar fituation is in repute, and bathing in them with a view to the reftoration of their health ; I fhall trouble you with a few obfervations which have occurred to me on the fubject. I cannot entertain a doubt but that m,any by this practice have been highly benefited ; but at the fame time I muft obferye that fuch relief is only to be reafpnably expected where the parties poflefs a fufficient mare of pru- dence to conform to thofe rules which are laid down to them by thofe who are befl ac- quainted with the nature of the feveral com- plaints, the flrength, or weaknefs of their conflitutions, and the different virtues thofe feveral waters poflefs, fo as properly to adapt them to each particular cafe, by drinking the waters at proper ftated periods, as well as in proper dofes ; befides conforming' to fuch a regimen as {hall co-operate with them ia producing the defired effect. But where invalids negledt all, or indeed any of thoie rules, is it not rather an abfurdity to expect relief :?!- will endeavour to explain myfelf i Thofe LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 473 Thofe waters either poffefs powerful vir- tues, or they do not. If they do, is it not obvious that fome judgment and caution is neceffary in the ufe of them ? which muft either produce good or bad effects, according to the prudence with which they are applied, If on the other hand, they are of fo iufigni- ficant a nature, that they may be ufed at any time, and in any proportion without injury ; and that too in diforders and conftitutions very much varying from each other, then furely the inference muft be, that no depend- ance is to be placed on them, and confe- quently it matters not if they are never ufed at all. For what purpofe then do fuch numbers put themfelves to the inconvenience, expence, and trouble pf travelling (frequently from diftant part? of the kingdom) and that too when many of them are in fo debilitated a ftate, that their very removal is attended with extreme danger, and fometimes proves fatal ? But that thofe -waters are not inactive, I am well convinced, having; fecn the bad efFeds arifmg from the im-j pruden| 474 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. prudent ufe of them, in many inftances, as well as the happy confeqiuences attending their being ufed with due caution, I was firft led into thefe reflections by having been highly diverted, when I vifited Buxton feveral fummers, with the prepofte- rous and abfurd conduct of forne of the com- pany who reforted thither for the purpofe of reftoring their health. I remember fix or jfeven gentlemen informing me, that they were violently afflicted with the gout and rheumatifm, and had undertaken thisjour-; ney in hopes of receiving benefit by the wa* ters. Thefe gentlemen often rode or \A alked about the cold dreary hills, in very damp we mornings, and afterwards drank claret from three o'clock in the afternoon to three the next morning : But I did not continue there long enough to be a witnefs of the happy effects which muft inevitably be produced by a perfeverance in fuch a judicious regimen. I alfo vifited Freeftone, near Boftou in Lincolnlhire : to which place a number of tradefmeu. LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 475 tradefmen and farmers reforted with their wives, in hopes of receiving benefit from the ufe of the fait water, in a variety of com- plaints; which they had been advifed to do by the faculty, for a month, with particu- lar directions to bathe every other day, and on the intermediate days to drink half a pint of the water in the courfe of that day. But thefe wife people on duly confidering the matter, were fully convinced that this would detain them from their families and bufinefs longer than was altogether convenient ; and ,alfo (which they fuppofed their medical friends never thought of) that they could bathe the full number of times, and drink the prefcribed quantity of the water, in a week or a fortnight at farthefl, and thus not only expedite the cure, but likewife enable them to return to their families and bufinefs fo much earlier, as well as fave the neceffapy expences attending their continuing for fuch a length of time at the watering place. Thefe united confiderations appeared to them fo confident with prudence and oeconomy, that 476 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. that they refolved to put them into imme- diate practice. I remonftrated with feveral of thefe good people on the impropriety of their conduct ; but whether they concluded 1 was a party Jnterefted in detaining them on the fpot, or whether they deemed my judge- ment inferior to their own, I know not ; but I obferved that fome of them bathed feveral times in a day, and drank fait water by the quart, the confequence of which was, that they left the place when the time expired which they had prefcribed to themfelves, much worfe than they came. Some indeed were fo very weak, that I am perfuaded they could with difficulty reach their homes alive. And in thefe cafes the want of fuccefs, in-* ftead of being attributed to the folly of the patients, is generally transferred to the wa- ters, and to the want of judgment in thofq who advifed the ufe of them. I affure you, my dear friend, this is pretty much the cafe at Lyme. My rooms com- manding a view of the fea, I have this and feveral other days noticed many decent look- ing LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 477 ing men going down the beach three or four times in as many hours, and drinking a pint of water each time. I have made the fame obfervation at Seaton^ Charmouth and other places, fo that the obfervation of Crabmaw's- nurfe in " the adventures of Sir Lancelot Greaves" has frequently occurred to me : " Blefled be G (faid me) my patient is in a fair way ! his apozem has had a bleffed effect ! five and twenty ftools fince three o'clock in the morning !" Relating thefe particulars to a medical friend, he informed me that fuch fpecimens of ignorance and obftinacy were by no means confined to the watering places; as he had in the courfe of his practice met with re- peated inftances,, where patients with a vieto of haftening the cure, and getting out of the doftors hands (whom the vulgar charitably fuppofe wim to retain them there as long as poflible) have fwallowed a half pint mixture intended for feveral dofes at once, and a vWole box of pills in the fame manner. The conferences of which have been, that from the 478 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. the violence of the operations they have re- mained in his hands a considerable time, fome fb long as We (thus foolimly trifled with) lafted. But here are many of another clafs ; fome of whom, though not all, came on purpofe to bathe, but during the whole of their con- tinuance here, never found time to bathe once. Some haften to the billiard-room as foon as they are out of their beds in the morning, and there they continue until bed- time again. A few of thefe are indeed much benefited, being cured of confutations In their purfes, while others become proportionably as much emaciated. And a great number, both of ladies and gentlemen devote the whole of their time to dreffing, eating, and playing at whifr.. Charming exercife it muffc be ! as they frequently fit ftill in their chairs, for eight or ten hours together. Here are others again, who, like the gen- tlemen at Buxton, fit drinking until three ,r four ,in the morning; making a delightful noife. LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 479 noife, to compofe thofe in the fame houfe who are real invalids, and who defirous of obtain- ing reft, retire early, though frequently to very little purpofe. I have alfo obferved, that all the above places are as healthy for horfes, as they are for their mailers. For as the innkeepers de- pend almoft entirely on the feafon, they take great care, and do all they can to make thele places comfortable. So that if gentlemen, have fat, lazy, prancing horfes, and want to reduce them in fize and temper, th^y may be fure to have it done in fome of the inns and ftables at the various watering places : Where fuch hay is procured as mufl infalli- bly anfwer the purpofe even though they be allowed a double portion of corn. There is yet another very great advantage (which I had like to have forgot) refulting from attending the watering places. Such gentlemen who happen to have fervants too honeft, too induftrious, too attentive, too cleanly, too humble, too fober, &c. by tak- 480 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. ing them to any of thefe places, where they have fo much leifure time, and where thefe party-coloured gentry meet together fo often, and in fuch numbers, no one can go away unimproved, except he is a very dull fellow indeed. This is not merely my own obfer- vation : for feveral gentlemen of my ac- quaintance allured me that they had always found their fervants improved prodigioufly after each of thefe excurfions. We purpofe fetting out for Wey mouth in a day or two: but as I intend that this lhall be my lafl epiftle, I will riot conclude it un- til I arrive at Merton, " If into diftant parts I vainly roam* " And novelty from varied objefts try, *' My bufy thoughts refeek their wonted home*, And ficken at the vain variety/' Merton, Sept. i jth* We arrived here fafe laft night, being my birth- day. At Wey- mouth we had the honour of walking feveral evenings on the Efplanade, with their ma- jeflies and the four princefles. His majefty feems LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 481 feems in perfect health and fpirits, and dif- fufes life and fpirits to all around him. Long, very long may he continue to enjoy the fame degree of health and happinefs ! But I could not help pitying Mr. Hughes, the manager of the Theatre there ; as the company in general feem to pay hut very little attention to plays, while they can par- take of the pleafure of walking and breathing the fea air with fo many of the roval family. But his majefty, whofe humanity is by no means the lead of his many virtues, will no douht confider Mr, Hughes, who is induftri- ous to an extreme, as he is fcarce a moment idle. For betides managing his company, performing himfelf fix, fometimes eight cha- racters in a week, he paints all his own fcenes, and attends to many other fubjeds ; and although he has had a large expenfive family (nine children,) the theatre there, and that alfo at Exeter is his own. Wey- mouth theatre he rebuilt about four years fince ; every thing is very neat ; his fcenes are fine, and his company a very good one. I faw them perform four pieces with a deaj Ff of 482 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 1 ' of pleafure; notwithstanding I had often feen the fame in London, I remarked here as I had long before done at Bath, that the parts were more equally fupported than they often are at Drury-lane and Covent-garden ; for although at thofe places we have many iiril-rate actors and actreffes, yet fometimes parts are given to fuch wretched performers as would difgrace a barn, which I never faw done at Bath or Weymouth. In our road home, within half a mile of Dorchefter, we ftopt and fpent half an hour in looking round the famous Roman AmphU theatre. It is clofe to the road, on the right hand fide, and covers about an acre of ground. It is judged that ten thoufand people might without interruption have beheld fuch exer~. cifes as were exhibited in this fchool of the ancients ; it is called Mambury, and is fup- pofed to be the compleateft antiquity of the kind in England. I alfo amufed myfelf, as I travelled through Dorfetfhire and Wiltfhire, in fur- veying many of the numerous camps, fo'r- tifications, LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 483 tifications, and barrows; which lafling mo- numents of antiquity are to be feen in abun- dance in thefe counties, a great number of them remain in a perfect ftate. Nor could I any longer omit the opportu- nity of feeing that ftupendous piece of anti- quity on Salifbury Plain, the famous Stone* henge, two miles from Amefbury. We ipent near two hours there in aftonimment ; and had not night came on, we fiiould not have been able to have parted from it fo foon. We found a very good inn at Amefbury, which proves very convenient to fuch whom cu- riofity may detain on this wonderful fpot until it is late. It is remarkable, that al- though fo many able antiquaries have de- voted their time and attention to the invefli- gation of Stonehenge, it remains ftill a mat- ter undecided when and for what purpofe this amazing pile was formed j nor is there lefs caufe of admiration, how tones of fuch magnitude were brought hither ! I (hall not prefume, either to decide on this curious point, or offer any conjeaures of my own. F f z I have 484 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTOtt. I have now, fir, not only given you the moft material circumftances of my life, but have alfo fuper-added a fhort fketch of fome of my travels. And mould the fine air of Merton preferve the flock of health and fpirits which I have acquired in this laft ex- curfion, I intend during the fummerto fpend a few hours in the middle of three or four days in every week in Chifweli-ftreet, devot- ing the mornings and ' evenings to my rural retreat, " Where cheerfulnefs triumphant fair, " Difpels the painful cloud of care, " O, fweet of language, mild of mien, ** O, Virtue's friend, and pleafure's queen ! ** By thee our board with flow 'rs is crown'd, " By thee with fongs our walks refound ; *' By thee the fprightly mornings ftiine, " And ev'ning hours in peace decline." During the winter I purpofe fpending moil of my time in town ; where I hope again to enjoy the company of you, fir, and fome others of our old philofophical friends. In the mean time, I am, Dear friend, yours. P.S. LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. 485 P. S. I mould deem myfelf deficient Jin point ofjuftice to the ingenious artift who painted the portrait from whence the engrav- ing affixed as a frontifpiece to this volume is taken, if I did not embrace this opportunity of acknowledging the approbation it has been honoured with by all who have feen it, as a ftriking likenefs. The following circumftance, though to many it may -appear in a ludicrous point of view, yet as it is a fad which does not depend folely on my afTertion, I mall not hefitate to mention it. Before the portrait was finimed, Mrs. L,ackington, accompanied by another lady, called on the painter to view it. Being intro- duced into a room filled with portraits, her little dog (the faithful Argus) being with her, immediately ran to that particular por- trait, paying it the fame attention as he is always accuftomed to do the original ; which made it neceflary to remove him from it, left he mould damage it ; though this was not accomplished without expreflions of difTatis- faction on the part of poor Argus. Thofe 486 LIFE OF J. LACKINGTON. Thofe who are converfant in hiflory will Hot doubt the fa6t ; feveral fimilar inftahces being recorded of the fagacity and nice dif* crimination of thefe animals. A PRAYER, " may my work for ever live ! " (Dear friendj this felfifh zeal forgive s) <{ May no vile mifcreant fancy cook " Prefume to tear my learned book, " Xo fmgehis fowl for nicer gueft, " Or pin it on the turkey's breaft. " Keep it from paftry bak'd, or buying, " From broiling (leak, and fritters frying j " From lighting pipe or wrapping fnuff; " Or cafing up a feather muff; " From all the feveral ways the grocer " (Who to the learned world's a foe, Sir,) " Has found in twifting, folding, packingj " His brain and. ours at once a racking " And may it never curl the head " Of eithef living block, or dead. " Thus when all dangers they have paft> " My leaves like leaves of brafs (hall laft. t( No blaft fli?.ll from a critic's breath, " By vile infection caufe their death,