AN ATTEMPT TO TEST THE THEORIES OF CAPILLARY ACTION lonUon: C. J. CLAY, M.A. & SON, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, 17, PATEKNOSTER Row. CAMBRIDGE: DEIGIITON, HELL, AND CO. LEIPZIG : F. A. BROCKIIAt s. AN ATTEMPT TO TEST THE THEORIES OF CAPILLARY ACTION BY COMPARING THE THEORETICAL AND MEASURED FORMS OF DROPS OF FLUID, BY FRANCIS BASHFORTH, B.D. LATE PROFESSOR OP APPLIED MATHEMATICS TO THE ADVANCED CLASS OF ROYAL ARTILLERY OFFICERS, WOOLWICH, AND FORMERLY FELLOW OF ST JOHN S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. WITH AN EXPLANATION OF THE METHOD OF INTEGRATION EMPLOYED IN CONSTRUCTING THE TABLES WHICH GIVE THE THEORETICAL FORMS OF SUCH DROPS, BY J. C. ADAMS, M.A, F.RS. FELLOW OF PEMBROKE COLLEGE, AND LOWNDEAN PROFESSOR OF ASTRONOMY AND GEOMETRY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. ^ Camfcrfocj? : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1883 Tie writers tfike this opportunity of returning ttieir thanks to tlie Syndics of the University Press for undertaking the expense of printing this ivork. INTKODUCTION. MANY years have elapsed since this work was commenced, and it is even now only partially completed. My object was to test the received theories of Capillary Action, and through them the assumed laws of molecular attraction, on which they are founded. To this end it was proposed to compare the actual forms of drops of fluid resting on horizontal planes they do not wet, with their theoretical forms. After some trials a satisfactory micrometrical instrument was constructed for the measurement of the forms of drops of fluid, but my attempts to calculate their forms as surfaces of double curvature failed entirely, and my undertaking must have ended here, if I had depended upon my own resources. But at this point Professor J. C. Adams furnished me with a perfectly satisfactory method of calculating by quadratures the exact theoretical forms of drops of fluids from the Differential Equation of Laplace, an account of which he has now had the kindness to prepare for publication. After the calculation of a few forms, application was made to the Royal Society for assistance from the Government grant in making the needful calculations. The following extracts from the application (Oct. 27, 1855) will explain the objects of the undertaking. " I have carefully examined all the published "experiments that I could meet with, but these have been generally made with " capillary tubes, and in consequence of the difficulties inherent in this mode of "observation they have not led to consistent and satisfactory results. " It appeared to me that the best test of theory would be obtained by making "careful measures of the forms assumed by drops of fluid resting on horizontal "planes of various solids " "At first I knew of no better mode of arriving at the theoretical forms than that given by geometrical construction, but I am indebted to Mr Adams for a "method of treating th,e differential equation ddz I dz Au u du 2 +-. 7-3-7-2** = b " when put under the form - + - sin <f> = 2 + 2zb* * = 2 + /9 * B. 2 INTRODUCTION. "which gives the theoretical form of the drop with an accuracy exceeding that of "the most refined measurements. Values of |, | and g have been calculated by this "method for values of * at intervals of 2| to 5, from = to = 145, for "values of equal to }, \, 1, 3, 6, 10 and 16. It is however very desirable that "calculations should be made for more numerous as well as for larger values of ft. "I also propose to make accurate measurements of the forms of the common "surfaces of two fluids that do not mix. The form of a drop of fluid (A) will "be taken when immersed in a fluid (), and also the form of a drop of the fluid " () when immersed in fluid (A), and for this purpose a plate-glass cell has been "constructed, so that the observations can be made whether the drops rest on the "bottom, or float in contact with the upper surface. The forms of drops of fluids "(A) and (B) will also be taken when resting on horizontal planes surrounded by the " atmosphere." "The objects of the experiments are "I. To compare the actual forms assumed by drops of fluid when resting on "horizontal planes composed of substances which they do not wet, with their theo- " retical forms. "II. To determine the effects of supporting planes composed of various sub- " stances. " III. To examine the effects of different degrees of roughness of the supporting "planes composed of various substances. "IV. To determine the effects of variations of temperature on the forms of the " drops of fluid from 32 to about 200 F. " V. To examine the mutual action of two fluids that do not mix, and the " effects of variation of temperature on them." The Royal Society voted a grant of 50, the sum applied for. These calcula tions were completed in 1857. And after the calculation of the theoretical forms and volumes of sessile drops had been carried as far as seemed needful, the money in hand was applied to the calculation of theoretical forms and volumes of pendent drops of fluids. The results of these calculations have been printed in Table IV. The delay in the publication of my results has arisen from the interruption of my labours, caused first by my removal in 1857 from College to a country living, and secondly by my appointment in 18G4 to the Professorship of Applied Mathematics to the Advanced Class of Royal Artillery Officers, Woolwich. As no systematic ex periments had then been made since the time of Hutton to determine the Resistance of the Air to the motion of projectiles, and those for round shot only, I was induced to turn my attention to the subject of Ballistics. The Results of my Experiments have beon published under the authority of the Secretary of State for War, ay follows I. Reports on Experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph to determine the Resistance of the Air to the Motion of Projectiles, 18G5 1870. London, W. Clowes and Sons, &c. &c. INTRODUCTION. II. Final Report on Experiments, &c. &c., 187880. London, W. Clowes and Sons, &c. &c. on And in connection with these Reports I published a Mathematical Treatise the Motion of Projectiles, 1873, and a Supplement to that work, 1881. Immediately after the completion, of these labours I turned my attention to the preparation for publication of a part of my work on Capillary Action, for I cannot now hope to be able to complete the work originally proposed. The Tables II. and III. appear to give all that is required in order to supply the means for filling up the intervals to five places of decimals for all values of /3 under 100, and of <f> under 180. The Table IV. for negative values of /3, although not so complete, will afford considerable assistance, and the deficiencies can be easily supplied by original calcu lation preparatory to interpolation. Table V. gives the theoretical forms of free capillary surfaces of revolution about a vertical axis, which was used in calculating the forms of drops of mercury shewn in the diagrams. Deficiencies may be easily supplied by the help of Table II. by interpolation. As a specimen of the work I proposed to do, I have given diagrams and co ordinates observed and calculated of forms of drops of mercury carefully measured in X863. These shew how correctly the calculated and measured forms of these drops agree, notwithstanding the very considerable variation in their outlines. Also, as I found my measuring instrument in good working order in 1882, I have made numerous measurements of drops of the same kind of mercury of 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24grs. in order to find the values of o and w. The values derived from each particular measurement vary considerably but the mean results for each weight of drop are satisfactory and appear to confirm the received theories of Capil lary Action. But as the Theories of Young, Laplace, Gauss and Poisson lead to the same differential equation, and therefore give the same form of drops of fluid, experi ments of this kind are not capable of deciding whether Poisson is correct in sup posing that a rapid change of density takes place near the free surfaces of fluids. But more definite information on this head may be expected when the values of a and &> at the common surfaces of fluids which do not mix, as well as the effect of variation of temperature on these quantities, have been determined according to the original scheme. Having given examples of the work I proposed to myself in the first instance, I must leave to others the further examination of this important question, for it still appears to me that this is the only way by which we can arrive at any definite results. I take this opportunity to return my best thanks to the Syndics of the University Press for having undertaken the publication of this work. 12 CHAPTER I. THE phenomena which arise from Capillary Action seem to contradict the laws of fluid equilibrium. In consequence, many worthless theories have been proposed with a view to explain apparent anomalies. After long groping in the dark, it was found to be desirable to discover by experiment what were the actual phenomena which required explanation. Hawksbee* found that the height to which a fluid would rise in a capillary tube of given radius was the same for all thicknesses of the tube. From this it was apparent that the attracting force of the tube was situated at or near the inner surface of the tube. But he does not appear to have taken account of the mutual attractions of the particles of the fluid. Jurin b also found that the height of the column of fluid supported by capillary action depended solely upon the interior diameter of the tube at the upper surface of the fluid. From this he con cluded that the column of fluid raised by Capillary Action was supported by the attraction of the periphery or section of the tube to which the upper surface of the fluid cohered or was contiguous. Clairaut was the first to attempt to explain capillary phenomena on right prin ciples, by referring them to the mutual attraction of the particles of the fluid, and to the attraction of the particles of the solid on the particles of the fluid ; and sup posing these attractions to depend upon the same function of the distance, he concludes that even if the attraction of the capillary tube be of a less intensity than that of the water, provided the intensity of the latter attraction be not twice as great as that of the former, the water will still rise in the tube (p. 121). Clairaut supposed that the attraction was sensible only at very small distances (p. 113). Shortly afterwards Segner d introduced the supposition that forces of attraction of both the particles of the solid and of the fluid vanished at sensible distances. He concluded that these forces gave a constant tension to the free capillary surfaces, and Phil. Traru., 1711 and 1712. > Commentarii Soc. Reg. Set. Gottingensis T 1 >> Ibid. 1718 and 1719. 1751. Thforie de la Figure de la Terre, 1743. Chapitre x. THEORETICAL EXPLANATIONS OF CAPILLARY ACTION. 5 thence he tried to calculate the forms of sessile drops of fluid with a view to com pare them with their measured forms. But in his calculations he took into account only the curvature of the vertical sections made by a plane passing through the axis of the drop. His measurements of the actual forms appear not to have been very precise. An important paper on the Cohesion of Fluids was read before the Royal Society by Dr Young a in which he pointed out the necessity of taking into account the curvatures of both of the principal sections of the drop, and clearly propounded the true principles on which the solution of the problem must depend. He arrived at the conclusions (1) that the tension of a free capillary surface would be constant, and (2) that the angle of contact between a given solid and fluid surface would also be con stant. He attempted to derive these hypotheses from physical considerations, but it is not easy to follow his reasoning. Even the editor of his works, Dean Peacock, observes on his Analysis of the Simplest Forms that "In the original Essay, the " mathematical form of this investigation and the figures were suppressed, the reasoning " and the results to which it leads being expressed in ordinary language : even in its " altered form the investigation is unduly concise and obscure " b . And respecting the appropriate angle of contact, Young confesses that "the whole of this reasoning on the " attraction of solids is to be considered rather as an approximation than as a strict "demonstration" . This may in part be urged as a reason why Laplace d did not more fully recognise the value of Young s labours. And although many of their results agreed, the processes by which they arrived at them were very different, except that they were much on a par in respect to the constancy of the angle of contact, which Laplace did not deduce mathematically from his theory. Very good accounts of Laplace s Theory were given by Petit e and Pessuti f , while it was attacked by others, as Young B , Brunacci h , Poisson J and others. Gauss k by a new and striking mathematical investigation obtained the same differential equation to the form of capillary surfaces as Laplace had done, and also supplied the defect of his work by obtaining an expression for the angle of contact of the fluid with the solid. Like Laplace he supposed the fluid to be homogeneous and incompressible. Bertrand has published a Memoir on Capillary Action, with a view to make known the method of Gauss, as well as some simplifications of which it is susceptible. In 1831, Poisson published his important work, the Nouvelle Theorie de I Action Capillaire. He strongly objects to Laplace s Theory because he has omitted in his calculations to take account of a physical circumstance, the consideration of which was essential; that is, the rapid variation of density which the liquid suffers near Dec 20 1804. g Quarterly -Review and Works, Vol. I., p. 436. b Works, Vol. i., p. 420 (note). " Bmgnatelli, T. ., 1816. c Ib 434 N uvelle Tlieorie, 1831. Mec. cei. supp.auXLivre,l80G,1801. * Princip. Gen. Theo. Fig. Fluid. Gott. Journal de Vecole Polytechnique. Cahier xvi, Dove s Repertorium, Bd. v., p. 49. Llouville xiii., p. 185. f Mem. Soc. Ital. T. xiv. 6 THEORETICAL EXPLANATIONS OF CAPILLARY ACTION. its free surface, and near the solid against which it rests, "sans laquelle les phe no- " raenes capillaires n auraient pas lieu " *. But he, in fact, arrives at a differential equa tion of precisely the same form as Young, Laplace and Gauss. It must be confessed that Poisson is probably quite right in supposing a rapid variation of density near the free surface of a fluid, and he has done good service in shewing how this sup posed variation of density near the free surface of fluids may be taken account of in the mathematical treatment of Capillary Action. The reader may be further referred to a Mtmoire sur la Theorie de F Action MoUculaire, par Jean Plana b . Nouvettf Thiorie, p. 5. b Turin Memoires, 2 S6rie, T. xiv. CHAPTER II. EXPERIMENTAL TESTS OF THEORIES OF CAPILLARY ACTION. MANY attempts have been made in recent times to test by experiment these theoretical explanations of capillary phenomena. For this purpose Haiiy and Tremery* at the request of Laplace made some experiments to determine the elevation of water and of oil of oranges, and the depression of mercury in capillary tubes. Their results appear to have satisfied Laplace that the elevation or the depression of a fluid in capillary tubes varied inversely as the diameter of the tube. A tube of one milli metre in diameter gave a mean elevation of 13 mm> 569 for water, and of 6 nun 738f) for oil of oranges, and a mean depression of 7 mm 333 for mercury. In the Supplement a la Theorie de V Action Capillaire, Laplace found the fol lowing expression for the approximate thickness (</) of a large drop of fluid resting on a horizontal plane b : q+ -.- = A/- sin + * ab V a 2 Soil sin - For comparison, Gay-Lussac measured the thickness of a drop of mercury one decimetre (2Z) in diameter resting upon a perfectly horizontal glass plane, and found it to be 3 mm 378 at a temperature 12 8C. In calculating the value of q Laplace neglects the value of ~r because it is an insensible quantity. He then supposes - = 13 square millimetres, and m = 152 grades = 13G 8 as determined by some previous experiments, and substituting finds q = 3 mra 39064, instead of the measured thickness 3" 378. Gauss merely refers to the results of Laplace, and gives the value of his a* which is equivalent to the - - of Laplace, equal 3 25 square millimetres. f&L Supp. au X Livre, p. 52, 53. b P - 64 - g EXPERIMENTAL TESTS OF THEORIES OF CAPILLARY ACTION. Poisson obtains the following expression for the approximate theoretical thick ness (*) of a drop of fluid resting on a horizontal plane: .f \ Here the a, and of Poisson are respectively the and *-<* of Laplace. Referring to a previous experiment, Poisson writes a cos = 4 5746 for a tempera ture of 12--8C., and for a first approximation he uses only the first term m (o). Thus & = ( a V2 cos ^ = a 2 (1 -f cos a/), or & cos &/ = (a 2 cos w ) (1 -f cos a> ). And writing for k, 3 mm "378, the experimental thickness of a drop of mercury of radius UIKT*, * a temperature 12 8C., as found by Gay-Lussac, he obtains (3 378) 2 cos ft/ = a 2 cos a/ (1 + cos &> ) = 4 5746 (1 + cos to ), which gives cos a/ = cos 48 nearly, or to = 48 nearly, and a 2 cos G> = a 2 cos 48 = 4 5746 now gives a or A/- = 2 mm G146. In the next place the term - -- only is neglected, because it is insensible : /* Z = Z + (v / 2-l)a = 50 + 1-083 = 51-083; and ^=3 mm -378. Substituting in (o), w is found to be 45 30 , which gives by the help of the equation a* cos a> = 4 5746, a* or - = 6 5262 square millimetres, and a or A/- = 2 mm> 5547. a V a Avogadro b made numerous experiments to clear up some doubtful points relative to capillary action. He carefully examined how far any air or moisture commonly supposed to adhere to the interior of glass tubes might affect the depression of mercury. With this object in view, he exhausted the air, and heated the glass tube when the mercury was not in contact with it, and he found that the depression of the mercury in the tube was precisely the same after as it was before these pre cautions were taken. In order however to determine the capillary constant a 2 or - , for mercury, he made use of a tube of copper 20 nun long, and 2 mm "80 in diameter , well amalgamated Nwvelle TUorie, p. 217. b Accad . p iti e Mat . Torino, T. 40 (1836). e Ibid. p. 221. EXPERIMENTAL TESTS OF THEORIES OF CAPILLARY ACTION. f) in the interior, and found it to be 5 56 square millimetres*, and, therefore, a or A/- =2 mm 357. Then substituting this value of a 2 in Poisson s b formula h= - - I7 2 *% a. b 8 ^ 3 -" and making h = 4 mm 69, a = radius of tube = O mm 9525, according to Gay-Lussac s ex periment, he obtained b = cos &> = O8440 or &> = 32 5 c = (180 147 5) nearly, instead of 45 5 given by Poisson. Substituting these two values a 2 = 5 5G and &/ = 32-5 in Poisson s expression (o), for the theoretical thickness of a large drop of mercury quoted above, he obtains 3 mm> 235 instead of the measured thickness 3 mm 378. Upon this he remarks that the smallness of this difference which corresponds to considerable differences in the values of a 2 and of cos &> , shews that this observation was little adapted to give, by its combination with the depression of mercury in capillary tubes, exact values of these quantities. Avogadro then determined to measure the depression of mercury in a capillary tube, so that he might obtain a value of &/ determined entirely from his own ex periments. His glass tube had a radius of O mm 80 d . He adopted a depression of 5 mm 125, that being the mean of a great number of careful observations. The tempera ture was between 10 C. and 14 C. This depression is rather less than that found by Gay-Lussac quoted above, when allowance is made for difference in the radii of the tubes with which they experimented. Substituting as before he finds w = 40 21 = (180 - 1 39 39 ). In the next place Avogadro substitutes the value of cos a/ just found = 07021 and a 2 =5-56, in Poisson s formula (o) quoted above, and finds 3 mra> 154 for the thick ness of a large drop of mercury instead of Gay-Lussac s measured thickness 3" 378. Desains 6 has deduced from Danger s experiments f a 2 or - = 67144, which gives a or A /- = 2 mm -5912 and = 37 52 33" =(180 -142 7 27"), which values appeared V a to satisfy best the whole of the experiments. He states however that for different sorts of mercury a or y/i varied from 2 mm 55 to 2 nim -61, and o> from 38 to 45 or from (180 -142) to (ISO 9 -135). Desains also obtained from experiments with large drops of mercury a or ^-2621 and = 41 36 30"=(180-138 23 30"). Still more recently Quincke has made very numerous experiments with a view to determine the capillary constants for a variety of fluids, and also for metals at P. 221. Nouvelle Theorie, p. 147. Acead. Fis. e Mat. p. 223. B. 227 8 EXPERIMENTAL TESTS OF THEORIES OF CAPILLARY ACTION. Poisson- obtains the following expression for the approximate theoretical thick ness (k) of a drop of fluid resting on a horizontal plane : / w a k = a V2 cos 5- - + Here the a, and of Poisson are respectively the \ and TT-^ of Laplace. Referring to a previous experiment, Poisson writes a cos = 4 5746 for a tempera ture of 12-8C., and for a first approximation he uses only the first term m ( Thus /. j V= (a V2 cos |-J = a 2 (1 4 cos a> )> or & cos a> = (a 2 cos &> ) (1 + cos a> ). And writing for k, 3 mm 378, the experimental thickness of a drop of mercury of radius J-WT*, * a temperature 12 8C., as found by Gay-Lussac, he obtains (3 378) s cos w = a 2 cos &> (1 + cos a/) = 4 5746 (1 + cos a> ), which gives cos &> = cos 48 nearly, or o> = 48 nearly, and a 2 cos = a* cos 48 = 4 5746 now gives a or A/ - = 2 mm G146. In the next place the term -- only is neglected, because it is insensible : 1 = 1 + 0/2-1) a = 50 + 1-083 = 51-083 ; and &=3 mm 378. Substituting in (o), &> is found to be 45 30 , which gives by the help of the equation a* cos a/ = 4 5746, a 2 or - = 6 5262 square millimetres, and a or A/- = 2 mm 5547. Avogadro b made numerous experiments to clear up some doubtful points relative to capillary action. He carefully examined how far any air or moisture commonly supposed to adhere to the interior of glass tubes might affect the depression of mercury. With this object in view, he exhausted the air, and heated the glass tube when the mercury was not in contact with it, and he found that the depression of the mercury in the tube was precisely the same after as it was before these pre cautions were taken. In order however to determine the capillary constant a 2 or - , for mercury, he made use of a tube of copper 20 nun long, and 2"" 80 in diameter , well amalgamated NouvelU TMorit, p. 217. b Accad . p ig . e MaL TorinOj T> 40 (1836) Ibid. p. 221. EXPERIMENTAL TESTS OF THEORIES OF CAPILLARY ACTION. J) in the interior, and found it to be 5 5G square millimetres*, and, therefore, a or A / - = 2 mm -357. Then substituting this value of a z in Poisson s b formula and making 7i = 4 mtn- 69, a = radius of tube = O mm- 9525, according to Gay-Lussac s ex periment, he obtained b = cos &> = 8440 or w = 32-5 c = (180 - 147 5) nearly, instead of 45 5 given by Poisson. Substituting these two values a 2 = 5 5G and = 32 5 in Poisson s expression (o), for the theoretical thickness of a large drop of mercury quoted above, he obtains 3 mm> 235 instead of the measured thickness 3 mm< 378. Upon this he remarks that the smallness of this difference which corresponds to considerable differences in the values of a 2 and of cos &/, shews that this observation was little adapted to give, by its combination with the depression of mercury in capillary tubes, exact values of these quantities. Avogadro then determined to measure the depression of mercury in a capillary tube, so that he might obtain a value of a/ determined entirely from his own ex periments. His glass tube had a radius of O mm 80 d . He adopted a depression of 5 mm -125, that being the mean of a great number of careful observations. The tempera ture was between 10 C. and 14 G. This depression is rather less than that found by Gay-Lussac quoted above, when allowance is made for difference in the radii of the tubes with which they experimented. Substituting as before he finds = 40 21 = (180 - 1 39 39 ). In the next place Avogadro substitutes the value of cos&> just found = 07G21 and a 2 =5-56, in Poisson s formula (o) quoted above, and finds 3 mm> 154 for the thick ness of a large drop of mercury instead of Gay-Lussac s measured thickness 3 378. Desains 6 has deduced from Danger s experiments f a 2 or - = 67144, which gives a or /l = 2 mm -5912 and &> = 37 52 33" = (180 - 142 7 27"), which values appeared V a to satisfy best the whole of the experiments. He states however that for different sorts of mercury a or ^ varied from 2 mm 55 to 2 nim -61, and from 38 to 4.5 or from (180 -142) to (180* - 135). Desains also obtained from experiments with large drops of mercury a or ^ = 2-621 and - 41 36 30"=(180-138 23 30"). Still more recently Quincke has made very numerous experiments with a view to determine the capillary constants for a variety of fluids, and al a P 221 " P " 227 ^ ,, vi - 117 e Ann. de Ch. Ph. [3] T. u. (1857). f W f I! ;;:; P p ^3 f Ann. de CH. Pk. [3] T. p. 501. c Accad. Jfis. e Mat. p. ^o. B. 10 EXPERIMENTAL TESTS OF THEORIES OF CAPILLARY ACTION. a temperature just above the melting point. He found that the values of a or decreased for the same drop of mercury a , according to the time it had stood in position. He also found that varied from 38 to 45 ob , or from (180 - 142) to (180 - 135). But other results were obtained far beyond these limits. For the mean value of a or J^ he adopted 2" in "8 c , and some of his experiments gave as * a high a value as 2 mm 9, both of which differ considerably from the previously .received value 2 -6. In 18G8-9 Quincke published 11 the results of some experiments made to deter mine the capillary constants at the common surfaces of two fluids incapable of mixing. In this case he pursued methods of experimenting in some respects similar to those I had suggested in my application to the Koyal Society in 1855. But the value of Quincke s results is very much diminished by the manner in which he carried out his experiments, and by his mode of determining the theoretical forms of sessile drops of fluid. Thus Quincke s method requires the measurement, with great precision, of the height of the vertex of a large drop above/ the largest horizontal section of the drop. But in my experiments I have found that only a rough approximation to this quantity can be obtained directly by the most careful measurement. The theoretical forms of Quincke are much the same as those of ner, for in the calculations of both, one of the two principal radii of curvature is supposed to be infinite. There is also a further objection to the use of large drops of fluid, which Quincke s methods of calculation necessitated, because they change their form slowly when a change in their volume is made. But only a slight change in the volume of a small drop will give a marked change in its form. The favourite method of testing the theories of capillary action has been by tin.- measurements of the heights to which fluids rise in capillary tubes. In cases where the fluid wets the solid, there is only one constant, a, to be determined, as the angle &> = 0. But experiments of this kind are very liable to be vitiated by irregularities in the bore of the tubes, or by impurities adhering to the inner surface of fine tubes, which do not admit of being cleaned. The layer of fluid which lines the tubes must make a sensible reduction in the radii of the finer upillary tubes. And the theoretical expressions for the height of the fluids in these tubes are approximations which are not strictly applicable to tubes of large diameter used in experiments of this kind. Some recent writers on capillary action have disputed the correctness of the arrived at by the earlier experimenters. Thus Simon 6 has concluded from 5 experiments of his own that the elevation of water in capillary tubes is ery far from varying inversely as their diameters, and that the height to which ter rises between parallel plates compared with that which takes place in tubes being as 1 : 2, is as 1 : 3, or rather as 1 to TT. r- Ann. Bd. cv., p. 35 (1858). a Pogg . ^ Bd . CXXXIX Ann. de Ch. Ph. [3] T. xxxvm. (1851). EXPERIMENTAL TESTtt OF THEORIES OF CAPILLARY ACTION. 11 Bede a comes to the conclusion that the depression of mercury and the elevation of water in glass tubes do not respectively vary inversely as the diameters of the tubes exactly, and that the thickness of the substance of the tubes has a sensible effect, or, in other words, that the molecular attractions are not insensible at sensible distances. Wolf b afterwards concluded from his experiments that the elevation of the same fluid in capillary tubes, all circumstances being alike in other respects, depends upon the nature of the tube. Laplace and Poisson considered that the only effect of a change of temperature was to change the elevation of a capillary column according to the change in density. Thus Laplace c says "L e levation d un fluide qui mouille exactement les parois d un " tube capillaire, est, a diverses temperatures, en raison directe de la density du " fluide, et en raison inverse du diametre interieur du tube." And Poisson d obtains for the elevation (h) of a fluid in a capillary tube of radius a Rr dr. He then supposes that by a change of temperature h, p and R are respectively changed into h , p and R , neglecting the change in a. And having found T-=- he remarks " L expeVience montre, en effet, que pour un meme liquide a differentes "temperatures, Felevation du point C croit proportionellement a la densite^ ce qui " donne lieu de croire que la force repulsive de la chaleur, ou du moins, sa " variation, que nous avons neglige e, n a qu une influence insensible sur 1 inte grale Very careful experiments have been carried out by Frankenheim and Sondhauss, and afterwards by Brunner, to determine how far the height of the capillary column depends upon the temperature. Frankenheim 6 found that the height to which water rises in a capillary tube l mm in radius at a temperature t C. is 15 ram -33G- 0-0275U - 000014 2 between -2 5 and 93-4C., and Brunner f . finds it to be 15 mm -33215 -0028G396* from to 82 C. Hence it appears that the elevation of fluids decreases with an increase of temperature much more rapidly than would be expected according of Laplace and Poisson. In the foregoing sketch of the progress of experiments made to determine capillary constants I have given attention chiefly to those where mercury was Savans Etr. Brux. T. xxv. (1853). Ann. de Ch. Ph. [3] T. XLIX. Supp. Th. de V Action Capillaire, p. 39. d Nouvelle TMorie, p. 106. Pogg. Ann. Bd. LXXII. (1847). f Disquisitio Phys. Exp., p. 34, 35 (1846). 22 12 EXPERIMENTAL TESTS OF THEORIES OF CAPILLARY ACTION. the fluid employed. Every experimenter finds that changes of form are constantly going on in capillary surfaces from one cause or another. Still something more definite is desirable in the results. But as the experiments have been conducted apparently with every precaution, it does not appear probable that any new experi ments of the same kind would lead to better results. When &> is determined by reflection its value must be obtained for a point at a short distance from the junction of the solid and fluid surfaces. The experiments on the thicknesses of large drops of fluid are not satisfactory because the theoretical expression is not exact, and because the thickness of the drop varies so slowly in large drops. Also the approximate theoretical thickness is given in terms of two unknown quantities a and to. During the time when I was able to use the Cambridge University Library, I made copious extracts from numerous papers on this subject, but it does not appear necessary for me to allude further to them in this place, especially as the late Professor Challis has published a very good and elaborate report on Capillary Action*. For numerous references to the works of early writers on the subject, reference may be made to the articles " Capillaritat," "Cohasion" and "Tropfen" in Gehler s Physikalisches Worterbuch. Recent experiments will be found referred to in Fortschritte der Physik 1845, &c. and in Jahresbericht, 1847, &c. von Liebig, Kopp, u. Will. See also the article on Capillary Action in the 9th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica by the late Professor Clerk Maxwell. Brit. Ass. Report, 1834. CHAPTER III. ON THE CALCULATION OF THE THEORETICAL FORMS OF DROPS OF FLUID, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF CAPILLARY ACTION, WHEN SUCH DROPS ARE BOUNDED BY SURFACES OF REVOLUTION WHICH MEET THEIR RESPECTIVE AXES AT RIGHT ANGLES. WE have already stated that various methods of obtaining the differential equa tion to the surface of fluid under the action of capillary forces have been given by Laplace and other writers on Capillary Action. The form of the equation obtained by these different methods is, however, in all cases the same. Perhaps the simplest way of obtaining the equation in question is to consider the fluid to be in equilibrium under the action of gravity and of a uniform surface tension. Let T be this uniform tension, R and R the principal radii of curvature at any point of the surface of the fluid, p the fluid pressure at that point. 1 1 p Then R + R ~T If z be the vertical coordinate of the point measured downwards, <r the density of the fluid, and g the force of gravity, then p = gcrz + C, where C is a constant. When two different fluids are separated by the capillary surface, p is the dif ference of the pressures in the two fluids at their point of meeting, and <r is the difference of the densities of the fluids. When a drop rests upon or hangs from a horizontal plane surface, the remaining surface of the drop being free, this free surface will evidently be one of revolution about a vertical axis, and it will meet the axis at right angles. Take the axis of revolution as the axis of z, and the point in which it meets the free surface as the origin. 14 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. Let x be the horizontal and z the vertical coordinate of any point in a meridional section of the surface of the fluid, p the radius of curvature of the meridional section at that point, and (f> the angle which the normal to the surface makes with the axis of revolution. Then the length of the normal terminated by the axis is , and we have sin <f> mm ijf j.v . . sin and the above found equation becomes 1 sin <f> _ C + gcrz p x ~~T~ Let 6 be the radius of curvature at the origin, so that at that point we have both p = b, and limit \-^~. r )=6, Vsm <f>J Hence _=_ Wh and the equation becomes 1 , sin 6 2 flfo- 1 E = _ _1_ y_ . p x b ^ T J + ir 2+y ^- y- be called ft which is an abstract number. Also let , be the length of o ^ IlCriCllOIicU S6CL1OI1 TnpnQnT*Arl ff/\>v- 4-T- " i L wns id eratio the on S in and terminated at the Then j n < = /a cos dz = p sin , = For the sake of s i mplicity , we will ^ ,_ ,_ f ^ .^^ ^ f . ? o b b CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 15 which amounts to taking the quantity b as the unit of length, and we may at any time re-introduce the quantity b by writing x z p s . b b 6 a 6 lnsteac * f x > z > P an( J * Thus simplified, our equation becomes p Also when < = 0, we have z = 0, p = 1 and limit ( * ) = 1, hence the form of the \siu <p/ curve depends on the single parameter . The magnitude of the curve, or its scale, is proportional to b. The same equation is applicable to the case of hanging drops, but in that case 2 is to be measured upwards from the vertex, and /3 will be negative. Since _ . . . _ , \,dx dz and sin rf> = %L the above equation is equivalent to ~ + jl + (-} \ -^- = (2 +&z\ jl + dx { \dxj } xdx v (. a differential equation of the 2nd order. The two arbitrary constants which enter into the integral of this equation are to be determined by the condition that when x = 0, z = 0, and r-= 1. xdx We are unable either to find the general relation between x and z, by means i this equation, or to express these two quantities in terms of a third variable. We may, however, as in all cases where the differential equation to a curve is given, develope the increments of the coordinates in series proceeding according i<> ascending powers of the increment of the quantity chosen as the independent varial>l<-. Thus we can trace a small portion of the curve starting from a known point, and then we may make the point which terminates this portion a new starting point for tracing another small portion, and so on successively until any required portion of the curve has been traced. For instance, suppose the given equation to be d 2 u ,. (dy \ -j-y = j I -7 , y, tj, where / denotes any function of the quantities H , y and t. at 16 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. Then by repeated differentiations of this equation, and by substitution of the value of ^ in the successive results, we may find the general values of the higher rfr differential coefficients Jf W in terms of -J*., y and t. Hence if, for a given value t. of t, we know that y = y and -]- = [-2 ] , suppose, we can find the values of ^ and the higher differential coefficients of y, which corre spond to t = t . /d*y\ fd*u\ n Let these values be denoted by H^J , ^J , &e. Therefore if t, = t + Bt , and if y l and t-j) be the values of y and ^ which correspond to t = t lt we have by Taylor s theorem The increment & must be taken so small as to render these series convergent. The values of y^ and ( -j- ) being thus known, we may find ( -A ) , (-^} , &c., by vflc/j \dt J l \ut /j the same formulae as before ; and then if Hiid if y t and f-^J be the values of y and -JJ which correspond to = < x , we may simi larly find y t and f -^-J , and the same process may be repeated as often as we pl ease. ^ A similar process may be employed if we have any number of simultaneous ifferential equations, and the same number of dependent variables, such as, for instance, the following: dx %-/(*, y, t), CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 17 The method fails if any of the differential coefficients employed become infinite in the interval over which the integrations extend, and therefore the independent variable should be so chosen that no infinite or very large values of the differential coefficients will be introduced. The intervals adopted should be so small that a few of the terms of the series will suffice to give the results with all the accuracy that is desired. After a few points of the curve, in the neighbourhood of the starting point, have been determined by the foregoing or some equivalent method, it will usually be found more convenient to determine other points of the curve in succession by making use of a series of successive values of the differential coefficient which is given immediately by the differential equation, rather than by employing the values of the successive differential coefficients of higher orders which are found by means of the several derived equations. To fix the ideas we will suppose, with especial reference to our present problem, that the given differential equation is one of the first order, say dy / / ,\ J =-/&). Let ... _,, t_ z , t_ y t_ lt t , t lt &c. be a series of values of the independent variable t, forming an arithmetical progression with the common difference w. Let . .. y y y_ 3 > y,y y^t y& y^ < ^ c * denote the corresponding values of y, and let be the corresponding values of q, or of -~ , and suppose a> to be so small that the successive differences of these values of q soon become small enough to be neglected. Let t = t + nw, and suppose that we have already found the values of 2/-4 y~s> y~v y~i U P ^ y* and therefore also those of ... g_ 4 ,. q_ z> ?_ 2 , ?_ t up to q , and that the successive differences of these quantities are taken according to the following scheme : n q -4 q_ t _3 q 3 AY 2 ... &c. A ? _ 2 A ?_ t 2 o A q A q Q &c. A<7_i A 3 <7 1 <?_! A 2 ft q .j B. lg CALCULATION OF FOEMS OF DROPS. Then the general value of q found by the ordinary formula of interpolation, for any value of n, will be provided that n be taken between limits for which this series remains convergent. Hence the general value of y will be y = fadt = a) fydn, or, substituting the above value of q, and adding a constant to the integral so as to make y=y when =0, where all the integrals are supposed to vanish when n = 0. If, in particular, we put rc = 1, and substitute the several values of the definite integrals we shall have, by changing the signs throughout, 1 A 1 , 1 19 . 3 A5 863 _ &c __ 24192 3628800 1036800 Similarly, putting n = 1 and substituting the values of the definite integrals f l n(n + l)j / 1 n(r + l)(n + 2) J J T^~ ** J - 1.2.3 ~ dn > &C " we shall have 5257 ,17( )017 A 8 2082753 | ** 17280 ^ + 3628800 ^ + 7257600 q + C \ It will usually be found expedient to choose o> so small as to render it unnecessary to proceed beyond the fourth order of differences. The series last found gives the value of y l in terms of quantities which are supposed to be already known, that is, the value of the variable y which was tously known for values of the independent variable extendino- as far as t = t now becomes known for the value t = t + <o, or at the end of an additional interval a> CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 19 It will be remarked, however, that the coefficients of the series above found for y y_ l} after the first two terms, are much smaller and diminish much more rapidly than the corresponding coefficients of the series for y l y . Hence by taking into account the same number of terms of the series in the two cases, the value of y y_j will be determined with much greater accuracy than that of y^ y . In what has gone before, the successive values of y up to y are supposed to be already known, and therefore the equation which gives the value of y y_ t may be regarded as merely supplying a verification of former work. If, however, we suppose that the value of y is only approximately known, while the successive values as far as y_ v have been found with the degree of accuracy desired, we may use the equation for y y_^ to give the corrected value of y , in the following manner. Suppose that (y ) is an approximate value of y , and let y = 0/o)+ 7 ?> where 77 is so small that its square may be neglected. Also let (<? ) be the corresponding approximate value of q found from the equation by putting y = (y a ] and t = t . Then we may put q = (<? ) + krj, where k denotes the value of the partial differential coefficient ~ or , found dy dy by substituting (T/ O ) for y and t for t after the differentiation. Let A(g ), A 2 (^ ), A 3 (g ), A 4 (q ), &c. denote the values of the successive dif ferences formed with the approximate value (g ) and the known values q_ v q_ v &c. which immediately precede it, then we have A= A + * &c. = &c. But, by the equation before obtained, - \ A?o - ^ ^\~ 21 AS ?o - 720 A *?o ~ leo ^ " 60480 275 A7 33953_ .* 8183 , _ & ) 92 q ~ 3628800 q 1036800 " j Or, substituting for y ol q a , A^ , A 2 ^, &c. their values in terms of r, and known quantities, II l 19 c I -2~i2"24~726~ 32 o CALCULATION OF FOKMS OF DROPS. Hence if e denote the excess of the quantity -&c 12" w/ 24 - over the quantity (yj-y.v we shall have ,111 J9.-&C ~ 2 ~ 12 24 720 e w h_l_l_JL- 19 --& c which detennines 77, and therefore y = (#o) + 7 ?> and ?o = (<?o) + ^ both become known. If in finding e we stop at the term involving A 4 (q ), we shall have and 251 ke i 251 k ^m^ It will be observed that the coefficient of a>k in the denominator of these expressions is the same as that of A 4 (? in the expression for y l y a . This is no mere coincidence, as it is easy to shew that, generally, the coefficient of any term &)A r ^ , in the expression for y l y v is equal to the sum of the coefficients of the terms involving coq , a>bq , aA*j , &c. . . . a> A r ^ in the expression for y y_^ Hence if in finding e we also include the term involving A 5 (fl ), we shall similarly have e 17 = 95 and 95 An approximate value of y may always be found from the series of values y-v y.v 2/-t. y_, previously calculated, by taking the successive differences of four or five of the last terms of the series, and assuming that the last difference so found remains constant. CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 21 The numerical operations will be greatly facilitated by the use of Tables which exhibit the values of 19 4 3 . 5 8G3 720 160 60480 " for given values of A 4 g, A 5 <?, A 6 <?, &c. Such Tables have been formed by Mr Bashforth for this purpose, and are given at the end of this Chapter. Having made these preliminary observations on the general method of finding successive small portions of a curve by means of its differential equation, we will now proceed to apply the method to the problem under consideration, viz. to the tracing of the curve formed by a meridional section of a drop of fluid, by means of the equation above found 1 sin <b - + -- =2 + &z. p x First, suppose < to be taken as the independent variable. The above equation may be regarded as giving p as a function of the co ordinates x and z, and these latter quantities are to be found by the integration of the equations dx dz Also x and z vanish with <, and p is initially = 1. We will first find the form of the curve in the neighbourhood of the origin by developing p and the coordinates x and z in series of ascending powers of </>. Instead of employing the general method described at the outset, it will be found more convenient, in this particular case, to proceed as follows : Assume, as we evidently may do, p = 1 + Itf + btf + bjt + M>" + where & 2 , l v &c. are constants to be determined, then dx -, 1 , , _! __ A* CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. Substitute the assumed value of p and integrate, therefore 155 * - <wVo * + *" - - + &c, &c. Similarly and therefore + *c., &c. Also, we find - (V - 46A , > _ _ ftA + CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. sin $ /sn Also " and and from above + JPr/ i\rr* cvC.j vx\- Hence, by performing the division indicated, we may find + &c., &c. Substitute these expressions in the equation x 24 CALCULATION OF FOEMS OF DROPS. and equate the coefficients of corresponding powers of </>, and we shall find successively b- /j /j._ 5760 p 128 p 9216 l 6799 -- 8960 18432 "" 92160 81920 Pl = _ __ J_ 1469 14515200 p ^ 36288 p 442368 p 104513 4 _ 4882031 5529600 p 88473600 ^ which gives the value of p in terms of <f>, as far as < 10 . Again, substituting these values of b t , 1 4 , &c., in the expressions for - , x and *, we shall obtain ^ --R __ ?Lfl- 401 ff 8431 8960 P 30720 p 92160 P ~ 737280 /_233_ 17 1517 U4515200 P 725760 p f 2211840^ 7409 ff ,522091 2764800 P * 88473600 to the 10th order in WNW*^ " ( 39916800 145IT200 - 443821 22118400 88473600 to the llth order, and CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 25 V40320 49 67,,, + 7Q70Q P 9 -C 3628800 241920 ^ 184320 H 691 200 p 819200 1 269 7993 35j>J_ n ~ i 7/1,1 Qf>A.(\i\ r i oao* rnoA P ~OAO 41^^ 479001600 174182400^ 139345920^ 5308416 724007 4 4882031 265420800 P 1061683200 P to the 12th order. It is hardly necessary to remark that in these expressions the coefficient of each power of <f> thus found is exact, and not merely approximate. Also if s denote the length of the arc of the curve measured from the origin, 1 3 ( 1 1 53 - -- 80640 165888 829440 737280 233 _1 _**, _ 1469 *s, 104513 P p ^ p r + - - If] <f>" 1 t i c i A n " / /\ r\ " I V159667200^ 399168^ "4866048^ 60825600 443821 88473600 to the llth order in <. In order that the terms in these series which involve higher powers of <j> may be insignificant, $ must not exceed a certain limiting value which will, of course, depend on the value of 8. The larger the value of j3, the smaller will be this limiting O value of (f). To find the values of the coordinates for larger values of 9, we must proceed step by step according to the method described above, 9 being taken for t, and x and z in turn taken for y, the value of 9 being increased at each step by a given *l small quantity. 9 Let o> be the circular measure of the interval between two consecutive values of 9, then must be so chosen that the series above found will give sufficiently accurate values of the coordinates throughout several, say four or five such intervals. Suppose ...9_ 5 , 9_ 4 , 9_ 3 , 9- 2 > 9-!- 9o to be a series of consecutive values of 9, with the common difference &>, and let B. CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS, ^.o be the corresponding values of the coordinates, and ...p-*, P-4, P-S P-*> P-*> P the corresponding radii of curvature. The equations to be integrated are dx , -=pcos^ dz . , -=psm^ 1 sin0 _ b> Q where - + - - z f p*. jj *>u Suppose that the values of the coordinates, and consequently those of the radius of curvature, have been calculated for the successive values of up to $_ and we wish to fiud the values of the same quantities for < = < In the first place, we may obtain an approximate value of p in the following manner. Tabulate the calculated values of logp, and form their successive differences according to the following scheme: log p b Alogp_ 4 Alogp_ 3 A 3 logp_. A 2 logp_ 2 A \ogp_, Alog/3_ 2 AMogp., logp_ A 2 log p., A log p_, lo gP-, If o> is taken sufficiently small, the differences as we proceed to higher orders will rapidly diminish, and it will generally be easy by inspection of the two or three last calculated fourth differences, to fix upon an approximate value of the fourth A*logp immediately succeeding. Call this approximate value A 4 log(p ), and by successive additions form A 3 log(p ), A*log(/> ), Alog(/j ) and Iog(p ), thus _ t A logp., Alogp_, A 3 log(p ) AMog(p ) Alog(p ) CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 27 Form the values of ...cfo_ 5 , dx^, dx_ s , dx_ 3 , dx_ v dz - 5 , dz_ 4 , dz_ 3 , dz_ 2 , dz_ v and of their successive differences, according to the following scheme : cos 0_ 5 = dx_ cos <_ 4 = dx cos <_ 3 = rf^. cos </>_ 2 = c?^_ cos >_ = dx and sn _ 5 = _ sin $_ 4 = yp_ 3 sin <_ 3 = rf^_ w/D_ 2 sin <_ 2 = c?^ 2 c^ Aefc., ty/j^j sin <^>_ t = c?^_j If p were known, we might similarly form dx = cop cos ^ and dz = (ap sin , and the successive differences , A 4 c?a; , &c., , AV , &c., and then we should have, by what has been already proved, ^o ~ #-1 = d3c o ~ g Arf;r o ~ J2 ^ dx ~~ 24 A3 ^ ~ 720 1 1 1 19 and z - z_ t = dz - ^ Mz - A V* - ^ 3 and when X Q and z had thus been found, we should have the equation / o x o in verification of the value which had been used for p . 42 og CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. Now, let (dr.) and (dz ) be approximate values of dx and dz respectively, given by (d-x ) = ca (PO) cos <f) , (dz t ) = < (po) sin fa, and let the successive differences found by employing (dxj instead of dx v and (c instead of dz , be denoted by Hi HI \*"0 J \0 \ O/ respectively, and suppose that (a; ) and (a ) are given by the equations 00 - *_, = (dx ) - \ A (^ ) - 1 A 2 (ete.) - ^ A s (^ ) - ^ A 4 (^ ) - &c., () - ., = (dz ) - \ A (efe ) - ^ A 2 (& ) - i A 3 (dz ) - WQ A 4 (dz ] - &c. Also let [p ] be found from the equation and suppose that this gives [p ] = (p ) (1 -f e), where e is a very small known quantity. Then if the true value of p = (p 9 ) (1 + ??), the correction of the value of (efo ), and therefore also that of the values of A (dx^, A 2 (dx \ A 3 (dx \ A 4 (dz? ), &c. will be rja) (p ) cos ^> , and the correction of the values of (dz ), A (dz ), A 2 (c?^ ), A 3 (c/^ ), A 4 (da,,), &c. will be <7> (Po) sin 0o- Hence if we stop at the terms which involve differences of the 4th order, we shall have . , 251 #o - (*) = ^ (Po) cos fa and Hence, since 1 + 8 and we find 251 72l) ^ ^ s ^ u ^ I 7~~y^ + & I neai ly CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 29 but ^ )( 1 -^nearly, and _L = JL (1 _ e) nearl Hence T~\ [ e ??] = R^TJ ^w (PO) s i n $o ^ ? + $ nearly, and therefore 77 = - _ - , nearly. Hence 77 is found, and therefore the values of x and z , which were required, become known. In practice, the following slight modification of the above process will be found convenient. Suppose the assumed value of Iog(/o ) to be increased by 100 units of the last place of decimals employed, then while calculating the values of (dx \ (dz ), (x ), (z ) and the consequent value of [p ], note at the side of the work, the changes which would be severally caused in each of these quantities by such an augmen tation of log (p ). It may be remarked that the changes in (# ) and (z ) will be 251 times the changes in (dx Q ) and (dz ) respectively, when we stop at terms 251 involving A 4 , and that ^^ may be conveniently put under the form Now suppose that an increase of 100 units in log(/> ) causes a diminution of //, units in log [p ], and that the excess of log[/3 ] above log (p ) is X of the same units, then the correction to be applied to the assumed value log(/? ) will be 100 X - - such units, 100 + JJL and the correction to the value of log [p ] will be ^ such units, 100 and the proportionate changes required in the values of (da- ), (dz ), (a- ) and (Z Q ) will be at once found. If in findino- fa;) and (z) we include the terms which involve differences of O \ \ O/ the 5th order, the fraction \ , which occurs in the above, should be replaced by 720 95 288 3 V 96, We may, of course, change the value of to whenever the more or less rapid rate of diminution of the successive differences shews that it is expedient to increase or diminish the interval. It is only necessary, by selection from or interpolation between the values already calculated, to find the coordinates for a few val separated from each other by the newly chosen interval. 32 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. This circumstance makes it necessary, when /3 is negative, to choose a different independent variable. Suppose now that s, the length of the arc measured from the vertex, is taken as the independent variable. The equations to be integrated are d<b = - ds, P dx = cos cf) ds, dz = sin <j) ds, where the value of - in terms of x, z and < is given, as before, by the equation 1 sin <f> p x Also to determine the constants of integration, we have, when s = 0, 05=0, z = Q, </> = 0, and - = 1. We must first find the form of the curve in the neighbourhood of the vertex, by developing <, x and z in series of ascending powers of s. We have already found s as well as as and z in series of ascending powers of </>, and by means of Lagrange s theorem it is easy to transform these series so as to obtain the required series in powers of s. From the expression of s in terms of <f>, we find by transposition, 8+ 5S 2011 P - 80640 165888 829440 737280 233 _J__*, 1469 _fl.+ 104513 g , I " P p p "^ p T ___ _ 59667200 P 399168 p 4866048 p "^ 60825600 p T 88473600 - &c., or <f) = s + F(<j>), suppose, which is in the proper form for the application of Lagrange s theorem. Hence, we have CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 33 fl 1* fs Z Also if in the values of x, z, -j-r , -,- in terras of 6, we change <h into s. and dtp cLcp denote the results by f , f . (dx\ , (), (.), (^j and we have, by the same theorem, In this way, we obtain 487 _ 80(J40 5806080 5806080 737280 /J^3_ 7 17539 271 1 \ r V159er67200 p T 2851200 p r 851558400 p 47308800 p r 88473600 P / + &c., <fec. _ X ~ S 1 Q + JL a* Z_ ^ fc80 P 725760 p 82944 p ) 362880 4480 725760 .s, n s u p p 39916800 118800 319334400 15966720 2703360 &c., &c. 2 T^O T l ,- , ~T * /< I O T I fv~{\(\ _ -. ____ - 40320 64512 107520 73728 , ( i __ 19 *,_!i 8 i 9 ^_^ + . 3028800 403200 P + 58060800 P 7257600 p r 7372800 , 1 _2477_ 2917 2 1264267 479001600 1916006400 P 121651200 p 30656102400^ 42137 &, 1 P + 68124672UO M 1061683200 -f &c., &c. B. CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. Also, we have 1 _d<f> p ds I 629 487 -_ p _ 645120 045120 81920 ,/_233_ 7 17539 271 11 ^ 10 V14515200 p 259200 p 77414400 p 4300800 P 88473600 p J + &c., &c. As before, it may be remarked that the coefficient of each power of .9 thus found is exact, and not merely approximate. We may also find these series for <f>, x and z in terms of s independently, in the following manner : Assume, as we evidently may do, - = 1 + c/ + c/ + c/ + c/ + c 10 .s 10 + &c., therefore < = I - - = s + - c/ + ^ c/ + ^ c/ + - c/ + -- c 10 s" + &c., since < and s vanish together. Hence we may find cos (b = i - s ( 1 1 JL V40320 ~ 360 2 + 36 2 30 4 15 7 i i _ _ 3028800 mlO 2 432 2 162 2 600 4 ~ 30 * 50 4 ~42 C6+ 21 1,11 1 &c., &c., and /I 1 \ . . / 1 1 2160 ~ 2 108 2 162 2 120 " 4 15 24 14 " G / 1_ _1_ _1_ 2 _ 1 1 _1 V399168UO 120960 2160 324 c * + 3600 4 90 ^ JL .A _J J_ JL J_ + 90 2 f4 + 50 4 168 Cs + 21 C A + 18 8 11 ^ 10 &c., &c. CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 35 And therefore " C ,362880 3240 2 324 270 " ~ 1735 " 63 ( / __ 1_ 1 JL_ 2 1 J^ J^ V39916SOO 166320 2 + 4752 c * 1782 2 + 6600 4 330 550 *~ 462 + &c., &c., and 1 . /I 1 N , / 1 1 I =2 a 124- 12 C > +(720-36 C ^30 V40320 / 1 _ __ _ ^ V3628800 21600 Z 1080 2 f620 2 1200 4 150 -- 140 Ca / _ 1_ J_ 1 2 _ 1 8 1_ V479001600 1451520 2 25920 Ca 3888 C * + 43200 4 _ 2 _ 2 __ _ 1080 ^ 4 1080 2 C * + 600 4 2016 6 1 52 _L 1 + 216 C " ~ 132 C + &c., &c. Hence, we may find by division 4 8 41 2 52 2 16 172 4725 2 ~ 14175 * ~ 567 2 ~ 4725 4 " 4725 63 6 9 4 32 2 __ 532 3 __52_ J^ J^ 93555 C ~ 66825 ^ 467775 2 155925 4 3465 ^ 567 24 , 4_ J>96 8 1 ( jj, 1925 4 1485 C 10395 C2C(5 2 97 C>! 1 1 10 " &c., &c. 36 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. Substitute these expressions in the equation p x and equate the coefficients of corresponding powers of s, and we shall find successively, 3 c = 8 /9 2 4- ft 3 6 5760 p 1920 p r 9216 p __p + __ /9 .___, Q ., o 8 8960 p 645120 p 645120 P r 81920 p : 7539 271 _ P + 10 P ,3 _ _ _ _ 14515200 259200 77414400 4300800 88473600 which agree with the coefficients of the several powers of s in the value of - which has been already found in another way. Also by the substitution of these coefficients in the expressions for x and z given above, we shall obtain the same values of x and z as those which have been before found. By means of the above series, we may determine the values of x, z and $ for given values of s in the neighbourhood of the origin. As in the case where </> was taken as the independent variable, in order that the terms of these series which involve higher powers of s may be insignificant, s must not exceed a certain limiting value which will, of course, depend on the value of 8. The larger the value of 8, the smaller will be this limiting value of s. In order to find the values of x, z and < for larger values of s, we must proceed step by step, as in the former case, the value of s being increased at each step by a given small quantity, suppose. The interval &> should be so chosen that the series above found will give sufficiently accurate values of x, z and <j> throughout several, say four or five such intervals. The process to be followed is exactly similar to that explained before, except that in this case there are three quantities x, z and < to be determined by inte gration instead of the two x and z. It is this circumstance only which makes it preferable to employ < as the independent variable in the case where this method is applicable, viz. when 8 is a positive quantity. The present method is equally applicable whether 8 be positive or negative. CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 37 Now, suppose ...s_ 3 , s_,, s_ 3 , s_ 2 , s_ lt s to be a series of consecutive values of s, with the common difference to, and let ...$_ 5 , <_ 4 , $_ 3 , $_ 2 , t^, <f> be the correspond ing values of <f>, and the corresponding values of the coordinates, and P_5> p_ 4 , p_ 3 , p_ 2 , the corresponding radii of curvature. The equations to be integrated are <ty = l ds p dx dz -;- = sm <b, ds 1 sin <f> where - + - - == 2 + /S^. p a; Suppose that the values of <, x and 0, and consequently also the corresponding values of the radius of curvature p, are known for the successive values of s up to ._,, and we wish to find the value of each of these quantities for s = $ . In the first place, we may obtain an approximate value of in the following P manner. Tabulate the calculated values of - , and form their successive differences accord- P ing to the following scheme : P- 5 A-i- A 3 ?-4 A 2 P-3 -, P-* A 4 - P-4 A A 3 - p ~* P-s A- ^ T P- 2 A 4 ^ P- A A 3 - ^ P-a A 2 - P-i 38 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. If o) is taken sufficiently small, the differences as we proceed to higher orders will rapidly diminish, and it will generally be easy by inspection of the two or three last calculated fourth differences to fix upon an approximate value of the fourth difference A 4 immediately succeeding. Po Call this approximate value A 4 ( J , so that the approximate is distinguished from the true value by being inclosed in a parenthesis, and by successive additions form f l \ \ i l \ i i l \ ^ A" - , A and 1 , thus W W W -i L. A 2 - Vo 1 Pi A8/l\ r-i A 3 - P-2 A _ Vpo/ Po Form the values of ... dx_ 5 , dx_4, dx_ 3 , dx_ 2 , dx_^ ... dz_,, dz_ 4 , dz_ 3 , dz_^, dz_ lt and of their successive differences, according to the following scheme P-5 w P-4 w cos <_ 5 = o cos <_ 4 = w cos <>_ = &) cos <i = dx , ft) COS _ = CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 39 and co sin <>_. = dz_ 5 A 2 cfe dz (osm<j>_ t = dz_ 4 AVz_ 3 3 A 4 cfe_ 2 co sin <j)_ 3 = cfe_ 3 AV2 . AV* eo sin <^>_ 2 = dz_ z co sin <_j = tfe_j If -- and ^> were known, we might similarly form Po d(j) = - , dx Q = co cos (f) and dz Q = co sin ^ Po and the successive differences A 2 <r , A 3 dx , A 4 dx 0) &c., Afi 7 ^\ ft 7 /\ ft y t\7T* * _ ( ! , i^ Lv(Vj|| . * f .. , Utfuaj and then we should have, by what has been already proved, A rffc - A^ - Ay0 - &c., j7 - &c., - A^^ - A 2 c^ - 2j A 3 ^ - and when < , ^ and z were thus found, ought to agree with its assumed value, and the values of <, x and z should satisfy the equation which thus affords a verification of the value which was used for . Po Now, let (d(f> ) be an approximate value of dcf> , given by 1 Wo) = and let the successive differences found by employing (d(j) ) instead of d<f) be denoted by and suppose that (< ) is given by the equation 1 1 1 in - - A (d<p ) --- A 2 (Jc/> ) - 57 _ 1 w - I 40 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. Also, let (dx ) and (dz Q ] be approximate values of dx Q and dz respectively, given by (dx ) = co cos (< ), (dz ) = ft> sin ((/> ), and let the successive differences found by employing (dx^) instead of dx , and (dz ) instead of dz , be denoted by A (dx.\ A ((fe ), A s (cfe ), A 4 (fro). &c., and A (dz^ t A 2 (<fe ), A 8 (ek ), A 4 (d* ), &c., respectively, and suppose that (a- ) and (z ) are given by the equations 0*o) - *-i = (^o) - g A W - i 2 Ai W - 24 A(^ ) - ^ A 4 (^ ) - &c., (^ ) - ^ = (^ ) - 1 A ((fo c ) - 1 A 2 (^ ) - i A 3 (^ ) - A 4 ^ - &c. Also let be found from the equation and suppose that this gives Vo where e is a very small known quantity. Then, if the true value of =( ) + the correction of the value of (dd> a ], and Po W therefore also that of the values of A (d(f> ), A 2 (cZ< ), A 3 (<f</> ), A 4 (d$ ), &c., will be wrj. Hence, if we stop at the terms which involve differences of the 4th order, we shall have ^ /A \ 251 9o ~ (9o) = 251 Wherefore cos <f> cos (^> ) 0)77 sin 251 and sin fa = sin (< ) + 0)77 cos Hence the correction to be applied to the values of (<fo- ), A (cLr ), A 2 (cy ), 4 (^ ), &c., will be 251 8 . ,, ~ 720 w ^ Sm ^ ) CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 41 and the correction to be applied to the values of (dz Q }, A (dz u ), A 2 (cb ), A 3 (W2 ), A 4 (Wz ), &c., will be 251 2 72Q o>n cos Whence if, as before, we stop at the terms which involve differences of the 4th order, we shall have 251 sm , x /25i *o - (*) = ( Hence, since !-+= Po ^o and _Po we find 1 1 ) 251 sin (cfr ) ff 251 251 or 1 Ml sin (< ) J/251 y . /. \1_251 cos Po LPoJ (^o) 2 1\720 / j 720 (a n + P ^720 J ^7 cos (</> ) ; but 1 /1\ = 77, by supposition. V/ or which gives ?;. Whence the values of , </> , .-r and ^ become known. P 251 If terms involving differences of the 5th order be included, the coefficient 95 in the above expressions must be replaced everywhere by As in the former case, the following slight modification of the above process will be found convenient in practice. B. 6 42 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. Suppose [ ] the assumed value of to be increased by 100 units of the last place W P of decimals employed, then while calculating the values of (d<j> ), (< ), (dx ), (ok ), (# ), (z ) and the consequent value of , note at the side of the work the changes which would be severally caused in each of these quantities by such an augmentation of [ ) \rO As before, it may be remarked that if we stop at the terms involving A 4 the 251 changes in (< ), (# ) and (z ) will be j times the changes in (d</> ), (dx ) and (dz ) 251 respectively, and that =^-r may be conveniently put under the form l 12 ^ 251 If we also include the terms involving A 5 , the coefficient ^ must be replaced 95 1 Or - Now suppose that an increase of 100 units in I ) causes a diminution of u, units W in , and that the excess of above [ 1 is X of the same units, then the cor- LPoJ LPoJ W rection to be applied to the assumed value [ ] will be W 100 X such units. wi LPoJ such units, 100 + and the correction to the value of - | will be L * X//. ~ 100 + yU, and the proportionate changes required in the values of (d</> ), (< ), (dx ), (dz u ), (#) and (z ) will be at once found. A numerical example of the method, when s is taken as the independent variable, is given hereafter. As before, we may, if it is found convenient, increase or diminish the interval between the successive values of s. It may be remarked, as before, that when, by means of the appropriate series, we have found the values of - - for a sufficient number of small values of s, we can P form the corresponding value of d<j>, and thence derive the corresponding values of <j> by integration, and again by means of these we can find the corresponding values of dx and dz, and thence derive by integration the corresponding values of x and z without employing the series for those quantities, unless we choose to do so as a means of verification. CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 43 In the foregoing investigation, </> is supposed to be expressed in the circular measure, but in order to find cos $ and sin </> from the tables, < must be converted into degrees, minutes and seconds. This can be readily done by means of special tables for the purpose. Or we may, if we choose, express d(f> at once in seconds by multiplying by 20G2G4-8, the number of seconds in the unit of circular measure, and thence find the number of seconds in < by integration, without passing through the circular measure. Thus if $" denote the number of seconds in </>, and if 7 denote the number 20G2G4 S, we shall have w l j l a<p = - 7 as = - 7&>, where log 7 = 5 3144251. In conclusion, it may be worth while to say a few words in order to point out the distinction between the method of integration above explained and that which is commonly known under the name of " Integration by Quadratures." In this latter method, we have to find y from the equation where f(t) is a known function of t. If we regard q as the ordinate of any point of a curve corresponding to the abscissa t, then y will be the area included between the curve, the axis of t, the ordinate q, and some fixed ordinate. In this case the values of q can be found, a priori, for any given values of t, whereas in the more general case already treated of, where q is a function of y as well as of t, the unknown quantities y and q must be found simultaneously, and therefore we can only proceed step by step. As the simpler case is included in the more general one, we may, of course, still employ the same formula of integration that we have already obtained, but it will be more advantageous to use a slightly different one. If we denote the successive values of q by "?,,-2> ?-! In, &C., and if the corresponding values of y be denoted by y-*i y-i> #> &c -> and if, in a notation similar to that already employed, the successive differences of the quantities q be represented as in the following scheme : q *~ l " 3 A 5 A 7 A 9 Ag^, AV +! A 5 g )1+ , 3 AVy,, 44 * A 9 g n+ 62 44 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. then, as is before proved, we shall have y n ~~ y n -\ = fydt between the limits t = t Q + (n 1) w and t = t a + nw I . 1 1 19 . 3 A5 863 g. - A j. - A 275 33953 2492 " 8628800 Q 3183 1036800 A If we transform this series into one which contains only such differences as ; in the above scheme, occur in the same horizontal lines as q n and Ay M , we shall find that the coefficients of the successive differences ultimately diminish much more rapidly than before. When the differences of higher orders than the 9th are neglected, it is readily shewn that the above series is equivalent to 191 60480 ~ 12 191 1209 60 7 q + 3 24 72U 2497 3628800 2497 A <, ) ^ 7257600 ^ B+ * ;C J Similarly, by repeated applications of this formula, we have y^ ~ Vn-, = < {^i - \ A?^ - ^ A j. + i A g. + A^, i+1 - 191 6 191 7 60480 ^ t+2 + 120960 ^ &c., &c. _ 3628800 1 + + 24 A ?" 191 A6 191 2497 _ _ A v/ -I __ A n -I __ \ 60480 y " !+4 ^ 120960 ^ m+4 3628800 Adding all these equations, and observing that A + A + &c. + Ar = &c. &c. &c. _. 7257600 A 11 ^ m+3 " ^ + 720 11 1440 2497 _ _ _ A n _ <VP I y " +5 " &c. - A we obtain n y m = fadt between the limits = t + ?mo and t = t + nca, 24 720 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 45 2497 497 ) + 3628800 (A ^ ~ A?<7 - ) ~ 7^7666 (A ^ " A ^ ~ &c j in the first line of which expression 9Wi + ? m+a + &c. + q n - (q n - q m ) may be replaced by (? + 2.) + <7 m+1 + q^ + &c. + g n _ r Also, by substituting for the differences of odd orders in the series for y n y_, viz. by putting A <7= ? -?-!> A flu-A a^-A fr, &c. &c., we obtain (2. + (7^) - 2l ( A ^-i + A ^) + 14-40 (A ^ +Z + A4 ^ +l) 191 2497 120960 - 7257600 - - ~ and similarly, by substituting for the differences of even orders in the series for y*-y n > viz - b y putting &c. &c., we obtain /-i 1 1 c\ t \^^ In I ^"^ /n4-ty I c* A 24 v j m+iy 24 When, by means of the method before explained, we have found a series of successive values of q, viz. <? m . ?> &c - 9-i. <?> together with the differences of odd orders which are immediately contiguous to the horizontal lines through q m and q n , we may advantageously employ the formula just obtained in verification of the value of y n -y m previously found. 46 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. Weddle s approximate formula for the area of a curve which is divided into 6 portions by 7 given equidistant ordinates*, viz. has likewise been found to afford a convenient means of verification. NOTE. In the reference made at the top of p. 31 to Bertrand s paper, the page referred to should be 208 instead of 185, the latter being the page at which the paper begins. EXAMPLE OF THE METHOD, WHEN < IS TAKEN AS THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE. Suppose that j3 = 6, and that the values of x and z, and also that of p, have been already calculated for values of < at intervals of 2| from to 32^, and that we wish to find the values of the same quantities for = 35. Here &> = the circular measure of 2-|, = 0-04363323, log co = 8-6398174. In the first place calculate a table giving the logarithms of w cos <, &> sin ^> and sin <f) for values of $> at intervals of 2|. Thus for = 35 the calculation will be &) 8-6398174 8-6398174 cos< 9-9133645 sin 97585913 8-5531819 8-3984087 The following is a portion of the table. TABLE A. lo w cos log (a) sin log (sin </>) 30 8-5773480 8-3387874 9-6989700 321 8-5658466 8-3700339 97302165 35 8-5531819 8-3984087 97585913 37| 8-5392841 8-4242645 9-7844471 40 8-5240714 8-4478849 9-8080675 * Boole s Finite Differences, p. 39. CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 47 Next, collect in a table the values of log p for the successive values of < up to $ = 32, and find their differences to the 4th order, thus logp TABLE I. A A* A 3 A 4 25 30 2502 1869 1449 1049) - 633 420 - (400) 9-8858160 198034 9-8660126 - 1245 199279 9-8460847 + 624 -198655 9-8262192 + 2073 - 196582 9-8065610 (+ 3122) (- 193460) 35 (97872150) In order to find an approximate value of log p for < = 35, assume a value for the 4th difference immediately following those already found in the table, and by means of this form successively the approximate values of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st differences and of the log p for < = 35. These values are placed in parentheses to indicate that they are only approximate. In the above case, we have assumed the next 4th difference to be 4UO. Collect in a table the values of dx = pco cos < for the successive values of < up to = 32^, forming them by means of the known values of log p and the logarithms in the 1st column of Table A. Add to this table the approximate value of dx for <f> = 35, formed by means of the approximate value of logp just found, and find the differences of these quan tities to the 4th order, thus TABLI s II. 4- dx &dx A 8 efcc tfdx AUc 03099194 + 2802 -968 - 194464 + 2314 25 02904730 + 5116 -861 - 189348 + 1453 971 02715382 + 6569 - 585 - 182779 + 868 30 02532603 + 7437 (- 462) - 175342 (+ 406) 321 02357261 i (+ 7843) (- 167499) 35 (-02189762) 48 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. For <f> = 35 the calculation will be log (p) 97872150 log (&) cos 0) 8-5531819 log 8-3403969 + 100 (das ) -02189762 + 50 3 The change of (dx) in units of the last decimal place, which would be produced by an increase in log (p) of 100 units in the last decimal, is placed at the side. Similarly, collect in a table the values of dz = pa sin < for the same values of 0, forming them by means of the logarithms in the 2nd column of Table A. Add to this table the approximate value of dz for < = 35, and find the differences, as before, to the 4th order, thus dz TABLE III. Mz tfdz tfd 22J -01283728 - 13145 + 79 + 70770 + 1416 25 -01354498 - 11729 68 + 59041 + 1348 27^ -01413539 - 10381 - 86 + 48660 + 1262 30 -01462199 - 9119 (- 136) + 39541 (+ 1126) 32J -01501740 (- 7993) (+ 31548) 35 (-01533288) For </> = 35 the calculation will be log(p) 97872150 log (w sin 0) 8-3984087 + 100 log 8-1856237 (dz) -01533288 + 35 3 the change of (dz) for an increase of 100 units in log (p) is placed at the side. Collect in two other tables the successive values of x and z which have been already computed, and form the differences of these quantities to the 4th or 5th orders, by which means any error of consequence that may have crept into the work will at once become apparent. CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. From the values of (dx), (dz) and their differences, and from the known values of x and z for < = 32, find the approximate values of x and z for = 35, thus For < = 32|, x -45780303 For <f> = 32|, z -12246288 < = 35, (da:) 02189762 $ = 35, (dz] "01533288 - i A (dx] 83749,5 50,3 _ 1 A (<fe) - 15774 35,3 - TU A 2 (cfo) - G53,6 2,5 _ ^ A s (efe) 666,1 1,8 - 2 A! W ~ 16,9 - ,2 _ J T A (cfe) - 46,9 - ,2 -T*&A 4 (rf*0_ + 12,2 3) 52,6 -7>&A 4 (cfe) 3,6 3)^9 </> = 35, (x) -48053156 17,5 ( z ] -13764424,8 12^3 6_ 6 ft (z) 82586549 74 In order to prevent an accumulation of small errors, the quantities involving A, A 2 , A 3 and A 4 are carried to one place of decimals beyond those which are ultimately retained. At the side are calculated the changes of (x) and (z), in units of the 8th place of decimals, which would be required if log (p) were increased by 100 units of the 7th place of decimals. These changes are found by multiplying the corresponding changes of (dx) and (dz) already found by 251 = !ii + !fi-.! 720 3 \ r 20 { 12 Next, from (x) and (z) find ^ and log [p] by the formula 1 _ _ f . sin <f> , . i p: = A + p (z) p-r- , p being here = b. Table (A), log sin 35 97585913 2 + 6 (z) = 2 8258655 7,4 log (a?) 9-6817219 1,5 subtract 11936290 -_4,_ log 00768694 -_1,5_ 1 R N. 1-1936290 - 4, H log i. 0-2127831 3,0 or log [p] 9-7872169 - 3,0 log (p) 97872150 Difference 19 The numbers placed at the side are the changes which would be caused by the increase in log (p) before mentioned. B. 7 50 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. It should be remarked that in this last calculation the quantity 2 + 6 (z) is only carried to 7 places of decimals, whereas in the above calculation 6 (z) was given to 8 places. Consequently the change of 2 + 6 (z] or that of 6 (z) before found must be divided by 10, in order to reduce it to units of the 7th decimal. We see that the value thus found for log [p] exceeds the assumed value of log (p} by 19 units in the 7th decimal place. Hence the correction to be applied to log (p} will be in 100 19 x -^ = 18,4 such units, and the corrected value of log p for </> = 35 will be 9-7872168, which may now be added to the numbers in Table I. Similarly, the corrections to be applied to the values of (dx) and (dz) will be 50,3 x 184 = 9,3 and 35,3 x 184 = 6,5 respectively, in units of the 8th decimal, so that the corrected values will be etc = -02189771 and <fe= -01533294, which may be added to the numbers in Tables II. and III. The successive differences of log (p) will of course require the same correction as log(p) itself, and similarly for the differences of (dx} and (dz). Also, the corrections to be applied to the values of (x) and (z) will be 17,5 x -184 = 3,2 and 12,3 x "184 = 2,3 respectively, in units of the 8th decimal, so that the corrected values will be x = -48053159 and z = "13764427, which may be added to the Tables of the collected values of x and z respectively. The provisional values of log (p}, (dx) and (dz} and of their respective differences, which in the foregoing example have been inclosed in parentheses, may in the actual work be merely written in pencil, so that, when they have served their purpose, they may be easily effaced, and then replaced by the corrected values written in ink. The Volume V of the portion of the drop corresponding to </> = 35, is at once found by the formula 15 P CALCULATION OP FORMS OF DROPS. 51 thus, 1-6322367 P ^i 11936290 0-4386077 log 9-6420762 a; 2 log 9-3634438 TT log 0-4971499 9-5026699 ft log 07781513 log 8-7245186 V -05302963 In this as well as in the former part of the work of this example, b is supposed to be unity, so that in the general case the quantities above denoted by D T* P \> p, x, z and V will be replaced by j-, j, -= and ^ respectively. The following shews the application of the formula of correction 77 = , 251 l+ W> to this example. log x, 9-68172 251 2-39967 720 2-85733 9-54234 cos <f> 9-91336 (cr ) 2 9-36344 0-54992 N. 3-5475 6- 9-5475 log 0-97989 ( Po Y 9-57443 sin </> 975859 <u 8-63982 ff^ 9-54234 8-49507 031266 _! 1-031266 Hence ^=:___. nearly, which agrees very well with the result found by the other method. 72 52 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. EXAMPLE OF THE METHOD, WHEN s IS TAKEN AS THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE. Suppose that it is required to calculate the theoretical form of a pendent drop of fluid, where /3 = 5. As in the former example, we will suppose that 6 = 1. First, putting j3 = 5 in the general formula for - , we obtain for points near the origin - = 1 - 0-1875 s 2 + 0-01692,7083 s 4 - 0-00248,2096 s 6 + 0-00028,3075 s 8 - 0-00003,3537 s 10 + &c., which series is sufficient to give - to 9 or 10 places of decimals, provided s do not exceed 4. The value of - is the same for corresponding positive and negative values of s, so that if we put s 0, s = + 01, s = 2, s = + 3 and s = + 4 in succession, we may obtain s P o i- 0-1 0-99812,67 0-2 0-99252,69 0-3 0-98326,03 + 0-4 0-97042,33 Also tj>=l-ds = 8- 0-0625 s 3 + 00338,54166 s 5 - 0-00035,4585 s 1 + 0-00003,1453 s 9 - 00000,3049 s 11 + &c. Similarly, putting /3 = 0*5 in the series for x and z respectively, we obtain x = s- 0-1666 s 5 + 0-02083,3 s 5 - 00244,9157 s 7 + 00029,4734 s 9 - 0-00003,5199 s n + &c., z = 0-5 s 2 - 0-05729,16 s 4 + 0-00716,14583 s 6 - 0-00085,03747 s 8 + 0-00010,17165 s 10 - 0-00001,21847 s 12 + &c. From which we may find s (f) (in circ. measure). < (in deg. &c.) x z 0-0 0" 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-09993,753 5 43 33 596 + 0*09983,354 00499,428 0-2 + 019950,108 11 25 50 051 + 19867,330 01990,879 0-3 0-29832,065 17 5 33 051 G 29555,009 0-04454,110 0-4 +0-39603,409 224127*896 38954 ; 273 0-07856,212 CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 53 Now, let us suppose that the values of p, <, a; and z have been already calcu lated for s = 0"l, s = 2 and s = 3, and that we wish to find the values of the same quantities for s = 4 by the foregoing method of integration. Here we have <a = O l. From the given values of -- we may find the corresponding values of (< = -, and their successive differences, as shewn in the following Table : s (> - 0-3 0-09832,603 92,666 -0-2 0-09925,269 -36,668 55,998 -0,597 -01 0-09981,267 -37,265 +0,396 18,733 - 0,201 +,006 0-0 0-1 -37,466 +0,402 - 18,733 +0,201 -,006 0-1 0-09981,267 -37,265 +0,396 - 55 ; 998 +0,597 (-,018) 0-2 0-09925,269 -36,668 (+0,378) - 92,666 (+0,975) 0-3 0-09832,603 (-35,693) (-128,359) 0-4 (0-09704,244) If we supply another line of differences by supposing the 6th diffei ence to be constant, we shall obtain the quantities included in parentheses in the above Table. and the corresponding assumed value of .- .- for s = 4 will be 97042,44. From the values of (J<j>) and its differences, and the known value of < for s = 3. find the approximate value of <f) for s = 4, thus For s = 0-3, <f> -29832,065 5 = 0-4, d<f> -09704,244 - A d<f> + 64,179,5 100 in units of 8th decimal place - ^A"efc - ,040,6 - 7 V 9 oAU - ,010 -A 5 + ,000,4 (<) -39603,413 _33 or 22 41 27" 903 0" 068 The changes placed at the side correspond to an increase in ^- of 100 units in the 7th decimal place. As the interval &> is rather large, we have taken into account the terms in A 9 . 54 CALCULATION OP FORMS OF DROPS. With this value of (<) we calculate the corresponding values of (dx) and (dz), thus logcos(<) 9-9650125 -0,6 log sin (<) 9 5863199 +3,4 log a) 81] log &) 9 8-9650125 (dx) -09225980 -1,2 8-5863199 (dz) -03857624 +3,0. The small quantities at the side are the changes of the quantities opposite to which they stand, in units of the last decimals respectively employed, which would be caused by an increase of 0" 06S in (</>), or by an increase of 100 units in the 7th decimal place of (P) With these values of (dx) and (dz) and the previously calculated values of dx and dz for s=01, s = 2 and s = 3, we may form the following Tables: s dx Acfo tfdx A efo Sdx tfdx -0-3 09558,313 243,344 -0-2 09801,657 - 94,895 148,449 - 3,660 -01 09950,106 98,555 + 2,427 49,894 - 1,233 + 39 o- 1 - 99,788 + 2,466 49,894 + 1,233 -39 o-i 09950,106 98,555 + 2,427 - 148,449 + 3,660 (-181) 0-2 09801,657 - 94,895 ( + 2,246) - 243,344 (+ 5,906) 0-3 09558,313 (- 88,989) (- 332,333) 0-4 (-09225,980) s dz 0-3 --02939,154 0-2 - 01981,803 01 - -00997,712 0- -0 01 + -00997,712 0-2 -01981,803 0-3 -02939,154 0-4 (-03857,624) tfdz 957,351 984,091 26,740 -13,119 13,621 -502 997,712 - 13,621 502 997,712 - 13,621 502 -13,621 + 502 984,091 -13,119 (476) - 26,740 (+978) 957,351 (- 12,141) (-38,881) (918,470) CALCULATION OF FORMS OF DROPS. 55 Hence we find x and z for s = 4, thus For s = 3, x= -29555009 For s = 3, .z = -04454110 For , s = 0-4, efo = -09225980 For s = 4, dz -03857624 fAcfo 166166,5 - ^ ^ dz - 459235 T ^AUc 7415,7 ^ i. 2 dz 3240,1 - ^ A efce - 246,1 - ^ i s dz 505,9 - 7 y>_A 4 cb - 59,3 ~ T|^ *dz 25,8 -TfoA 6 ^ 3,4 -^ ?dz 8,9 0) -38954269 -0,4 0) 2) -07856210 -#s -03928105 0,5 The changes in (x) and (z) are found by multiplying those in (dx) and (dz) respectively, by -^ or 1 nearly. Next, with these values of (</>), (#) and (z), find p^ by the formula -, 8 bein here = -0 5. logsin(() 9-5863199 +3,4 2 + /3 (5) =1-9607189,5 -0,05 logO) 9-5905551 0,0 subtract "9902955 7,7 9 9957648 -M * o^^ -w N. -9902955 7,7 [p] but ri- =0-9704244 .-. difference = 9,5 It will be seen that in the above we have expressed the change of 2 + /3 (z) in units of the 7th decimal place instead of the 8th decimal as before, so that the number found before has been divided by 10. The value thus found for r^ is less than the assumed value of -r-r by 9,5 [p] (p) units in the 7th decimal place. Hence the correction to be applied to T-T will be \P) 100 9,o n n -^, = - 9 such units, 107,7o and the corrected value of : - will be 9704235. P Similarly, the correction to be applied to the value of ($) will be - -09 x " 068 = - "-006, so that the corrected value of (/> will be 22 41 27" 897. 56 CALCULATION OF FOBMS OF DROPS. Also the corrections to be applied to the values of (a?) and (z) respectively, will be . - -09 x - 0,4 and - 09 x 1,0 in units of the 8th decimal place, both of which are insensible. These results agree very well with the more accurate ones found before by the use of series. The Volume V is found by the formula TT /sin 1 F _ thus, 1 p log loff 0-9902954 0-9704235 _ _ 0-0198719 8-2982394 9-1811102 IT 0-4971499 7-9764995 9-6989700 log log V 8-2775295 -0189465 Application of the formula of correction 95 sin 95 to this example. lo 9-51833 8-51833 cos(< ) 9-96501 - i og 9-99570 8-51833 8-51409 2 8-48334 9-59055 8-89279 078125 002134 000502 080761 7-02818 2 log 0-30103 7-32921 Hence = _ _ 1-081 w) , log cos(c/> ) 9-96501 ~/8 9*69897 6-70064 which very nearly agrees with the result found before by the other method. TABLES FOR FACILITATING THE CALCULATION OF J.*y-i- O . K 726 A 160 A - B. 58 TABLES. Table shewing the value of A 4 which corresponds to each unit in the value of -L _/ A A - - 720 37-8947 A 4 . O I 2 3 456 7 8 9 o I 2 3 o 379 758 H37 38 76 114 4i7 455 493 796 834 872 1175 1213 1251 152 189 227 531 568 606 909 947 985 1288 1326 1364 265 303 341 644 682 720 1023 1061 1099 1402 1440 1478 o i 2 3 4 5 6 1516 1895 2274 : 554 1592 1629 : 933 J 97i 2008 2312 2349 2387 1667 1705 1743 2046 2084 2122 2425 2463 2501 1781 1819 1857 2160 2198 2236 2 539 2 577 2615 4 5 6 7 8 9 2653 33 2 34ii 2691 2728 2766 3069 3107 3145 3448 3486 3524 2804 2842 2880 3183 3221 3259 3562 3600 3638 2918 2956 2994 3 2 97 3335 3373 3676 3714 3752 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 3789 4168 4547 3827 3865 3903 4206 4244 4282 45 8 5 4623 4661 3941 3979 4oi7 4320 4358 439 6 4699 4737 4775 4055 4093 4131 4434 4472 459 4813 4851 4888 10 i.i 12 J 3 14 15 4926 535 5684 4964 5002 5040 5343 538i 54i9 5722 5760 5798 5078 5116 5154 5457 5495 5533 5836 5874 5912 5192 5229 5267 13 5571 5608 5646 14 5949 5987 6025 15 16 i7 18 6063 6442 6821 6101 6139 6177 6480 6518 6556 6859 6897 6935 6215 6253 6291 6594 6632 6669 6973 7011 7048 6328 6366 6404 6707 6745 6783 7086 7124 7162 16 17 18 19 20 21 7200 7579 7958 7238 7276 73M 7617 7655 7693 7996 8034 8072 7352 7389 7427 7731 7768 7806 8109 8147 8185 7465 753 754i 7844 7882 7920 8223 8261 8299 19 20 21 22 2 3 24 8337 8716 9095 8375 8413 8451 8754 8792 8829 9133 9171 9208 8488 8526 8564 8867 8905 8943 9246 9284 9322 8602 8640 8678 8981 9019 9057 9360 9398 9436 22 2 3 24 25 26 27 9474 9853 10232 95 12 9549 9587 9891 9928 9966 10269 i37 I0 345 9625 9663 9701 10004 10042 10080 10383 10421 10459 9739 9777 9815 10118 10156 10194 10497 10535 I0 573 25 26 27 19 The units of ^-^ A 4 are placed at the top of the Table, and the tens at the side. TABLES. 59 Table shewing the value of A 5 which corresponds to each unit in the value of A 5 = A 5 160 53-3333 O I 2 3 456 7 8 9 o I 2 3 o 533 1067 1600 53 107 160 587 640 693 II2O U73 1227 1653 1707 1760 213 267 320 747 800 853 1280 1333 1387 1813 1867 1920 373 427 480 907 960 1013 1440 1493 1547 1973 2027 2080 o i 2 3 4 5 6 2133 2667 3200 2187 224O 2293 2720 2773 2827 3 2 53 337 33 6 2347 2400 2453 2880 2933 2987 3413 3467 35 20 2507 2560 2613 3040 3093 3147 3573 3 62 7 3680 4 5 6 7 8 9 3733 4267 4800 3787 3840 3893 4320 4373 4427 4853 4907 4960 3947 4ooo 4053 448o 4533 4587 5013 5067 5120 4107 4160 4213 4640 4693 4747 5*73 5227 5280 7 8 9 to 1 1 12 5333 5867 6400 5387 5440 5493 5920 5973 6027 6 453 6 57 6 5 6 5547 5600 5653 6080 6133 6187 6613 6667 6720 577 5/6o 5813 6240 6293 6347 6773 6827 6880 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 6933 7467 8000 6987 7040 7093 7520 7573 7627 8053 8107 8160 7147 7200 7253 7680 7733 7787 8213 8267 8320 7307 7360 7413 7840 7893 7947 8373 8427 8480 J 3 14 15 16 17 18 8533 9067 9600 8587 8640 8693 9120 9173 9227 9 6 53 977 976o 8747 8800 8853 9280 9333 9387 9813 9.867 9920 8907 8960 9013 9440 9493 9547 9973 10027 10080 16 i7 18 The units of r A A 5 are placed at the top of the Table, and the tens at the side. 60 TABLES. Table shewing the value of A 9 which corresponds to each unit in the value of 863 60480 A = 70-0811 A a . O I 2 3 456 7 8 9 o I 2 3 701 1402 2102 7O 140 210 771 841 911 1472 1542 1612 2173 2243 2313 280 350 420 981 1051 II2I 1682 1752 l822 2383 2453 2523 491 561 631 1191 1261 1332 1892 1962 2032 2593 2663 2733 o i 2 3 4 5 6 2803 3S4 4205 2873 2943 3013 3574 3 6 44 37H 4275 4345 4415 3084 3154 3224 3784 3854 3925 4485 4555 4625 3294 33 6 4 3434 3995 4065 4135 4695 4766 4836 4 5 6 7 8 9 4906 5606 6307 4976 5046 5116 5677 5747 5817 6377 6447 6518 5186 5256 5326 5887 5957 6027 6588 6658 6728 5396 5466 5536 6097 6167 6237 6798 6868 6938 7 8 9 10 ii 12 7008 7709 8410 7078 7148 7218 7779 7849 79 J 9 8480 8550 8620 7288 7359 7429 7989 8059 8129 8690 8760 8830 7499 75 6 9 7639 8199 8270 8340 8900 8970 9040 10 ii 12 r 3 14 IS 9III 98ll I05I2 9181 9251 9321 9881 9952 10022 10582 10652 IO722 9391 9461 9531 10092 10162 10232 10792 10863 10933 9601 9671 9741 10302 10372 10442 11003 n73 IIJ 43 13 14 15 The units of 863 are placed at the top of the Table, and the tens at the side. TABLES. 61 Table shewing the value of A T which corresponds to each unit in the value of 275 , = _1_ 24192 87-9709 O I 2 3 456 7 8 9 o I 2 3 O 880 1759 2639 88 176 264 968 1056 1144 1847 1935 2023 2727 2815 2903 35 2 440 528 1232 1320 1408 2III 2199 2287 2991 3079 3167 616 704 792 1496 1583 1671 2375 2463 2551 3255 3343 343 1 o i 2 3 4 5 6 35 T 9 4399 5278 3607 3695 3783 4487 4574 4662 5366 5454 5542 3871 3959 4047 4750 4838 4926 5630 5718 5806 4135 4223 4311 5014 5102 5^0 5894 5982 6070 4 5 6 7 8 9 6158 7038 7917 6246 6334 6422 7126 7214 7302 8005 8093 8181 6510 6598 6686 7390 7478 7565 8269 8357 8445 6774 6862 6950 7653 774i 7829 8533 8621 8709 7 8 9 10 ii 12 8797 9677 10557 8885 8973 9061 9765 9853 994i 10644 I0 732 10820 9 X 49 9 2 37 93 2 5 10029 10117 10205 10908 10996 11084 9413 9501 9589 10293 10381 10469 11172 11260 11348 10 1 1 12 275 The units of A 7 are placed at the top of the Table, and the tens at the side. *J T -i I/ *J 62 TABLES. Table shewing the value of A 8 which corresponds to each unit in the value of 33953 1 3628800 106-87715 A 8 . O I 2 3 456 7 9 o I 2 3 o 1069 2138 3206 107 214 321 1176 1283 1389 2244 2351 2458 3313 3420 3527 428 534 641 1496 1603 1710 2565 2672 2779 3 6 34 374i 3848 748 855 962 1817 1924 2031 2886 2993 3099 3954 4061 4168 o i 2 3 4 5 6 4275 5344 6413 4382 4489 4596 5451 5558 5664 6520 6626 6733 4703 4809 4916 577i 5878 59 8 5 6840 6947 7054 523 5 J 3 5237 6092 6199 6306 7161 7268 7375 4 5 6 7 8 9 7481 8550 9619 7588 7695 7802 8657 8764 8871 9726 9833 9940 7909 8016 8123 8978 9 8 5 9 J 9i 10046 10153 10260 8230 8336 8443 9298 9405 9512 10367 10474 10581 7 8 9 33953 The units of ~ . A are placed at the top of the Table, and the tens at the side. Table shewing the value of A 9 which corresponds to each unit in the value of 8183 1 1036800 1267017 A 9 . O I 2 3 456 7 8 9 o I 2 3 o 1267 2534 3801 127 253 380 1394 1520 1647 2661 2787 2914 3928 4054 4181 507 634 760 1774 1901 2027 3041 3168 3294 43 8 4435 45 6 * 887 1014 1140 2154 2281 2407 3421 3548 3674 4688 4815 4941 o i 2 3 4 5 6 5068 6335 7602 5195 5321 5448 6462 6588 6715 7729 7856 7982 5575 572 5828 6842 6969 7095 8109 8236 8362 5955 6o8 2 6208 7222 7349 7475 8489 8616 8742 4 5 6 7 8 9 8869 10136 11403 8996 9123 9249 10263 10390 10516 11530 11657 11783 9376 953 9 62 9 10643 10770 10896 11910 12037 12163 9756 9883 10009 11023 11150 11276 12290 12417 12543 7 8 9 8183 X I X X The units of -A 9 are placed at the top of the Table, and the tens at the side. CHAPTER IV. COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED FORMS OF DROPS. (C Z THE coordinates j and j for the curves represented by Laplace s differential equation were calculated by the method of Professor Adams for values of <, 5, 10", 15 175, 180, and for values of & 1, , f, i; | , 1 ; H, 2, 2; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ; 10, 12, 14, 16; 20, 24, 28, 32; 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96 and 100. For /3=1 the calculations were made by Professor Adams, for ft = 10 by Professor W. G. Adams, and for the values of /?, |, , 3, 6, 16 and 32 by myself. The calculations for the remaining positive values of fi were made by Dr C. Powalky, who was recommended for the work by the late Professor Encke. T* Z Afterwards the values of - and corresponding to 6 = 5, and for the suc- b b cessive values of ft, 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40... 88 and 96 were arranged in order and differenced. Then the values of .- and -,- corresponding to the same value of <4, and b o to the values of (3, 3G, 44... 92 were found from the above by interpolation, arranged in order with the values of the same quantities for the values of {3, 0, 4, 8, &c. T 2 already calculated, and the whole differenced. Next the values of r and ~ corre sponding to < = 5 and to the values of /3, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, &c. were found from the above by interpolation, arranged in order with the values of the same quantities for values of /3, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, &c. already found, and the whole IT differenced. And in the same manner the values of -j and j corresponding to $ = 5" were found by interpolation for the values of /?, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, &c., arranged in order with the values of the same quantities already found for the remaining integral values of (3 up to 100, and the whole differenced. Further, the same process was gone through for values of <f>, 10, 15, 20.... 175 and 180. Finally the results were arranged as they have been given in Table II., with </> for their argument, and differenced to test the accuracy of the work. 64 COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED FORMS OJF DROPS. Y Values of j- z were calculated by the formula already given (p. 30) for the same T* Z values of /3 for which j and j were calculated, and the results have been given in Table III. Values of | and | corresponding to values of <f>, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 140, 145 and 150 were taken from Table II., and, the intermediate values having been supplied by interpolation, the results have been given in Table V. This Table is useful in calculating the theoretical forms of drops corresponding to given values of /3. x z V Other Tables were formed by interpolation of values of r , and inter- 6 6 6 mediate to those given in the above-mentioned Tables, but they are at once too extensive and yet too incomplete for publication in their present form. In this way X 2 Tables of values of j , j and p- were formed corresponding to values of /S, O O, 01, 0-2, 0-3 49-8, 49-9, 50 0, for values of tf>, 135, 136, 137, 138 153, 154", 155, which were extremely useful, as will be explained hereafter, in deducing the capillary constants from the measured forms of drops of mercury. But these Tables would have been still more convenient if they had been formed so as to five CC ^ V^ CO 2 log - , log and log p instead of ^ , ^ and p . /V f* The values of y and j vary so rapidly for low values of /3 and high values of </> that they could be obtained by interpolation correct only to four places of decimals from /3 = to ft = T9. Beyond that they were calculated to five places V of decimals, while the values of ^ were calculated, unfortunately, to only four places of decimals throughout. The rectangular coordinates of points in the outlines of drops of mercury were measured by the help of a microscope moveable on vertical and horizontal slides by micrometer screws. The microscope was focused by motion along a third slide parallel to the line of collimation. These three slides were parallel to three rectangular axes, two of which were horizontal. There was found to be a difficulty in arranging the cross lines of the microscope, so as to obtain a correct outline of the drop of fluid, because it would be difficult to judge when the crossing of ihe micrometer lines was exactly on the contour of the drop. Much labour was expended on the construction of a position micrometer, where the intersection of the middle of one micrometer line with a side of the other line was to be the centre, about which they turned. At each observation the micrometer COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED FORMS OF DROPS. 65 lines were to be turned so that the above-mentioned side of the micrometer line became a tangent to the contour of the drop, while the other line was a normal at that point. But this could not be considered a satisfactory arrangement, because there would be some error of excentricity, and the microscope would be liable to be slightly disturbed by the application of the force necessary to bring the cross lines into their proper position. This contrivance was therefore abandoned in favour of a more simple arrangement suggested to me by the late Professor W. H. Miller. This was to use two pairs of parallel and equidistant spider lines, one pair being horizontal and the other pair vertical, so as to form by their intersection a small square in the centre of the field of view (Fig. 1). This arrangement appears to be quite satisfactory, for it is easy to judge when a small arc of the contour of a drop of fluid passes through the middle of this small central square. The screws used to measure the vertical and horizontal coordinates of points in the contour of a drop of fluid were originally formed of one piece of metal. Great care was taken to obtain a screw of uniform pitch throughout, of about 53 turns to the inch. When however the screws were mounted, it was found that although each one was tolerably uniform, the two screws differed sensibly in their pitch. By the use of a micrometer ruled to the one-hundredth of an inch, the exact rate of both screws at every point was determined. In this way tables of the value of every turn were calculated for both the vertical and horizontal screws. In the following measure ments of the forms of five drops of mercury made in 1863, the original readings of the screws are given as they were entered in the observing book, as well as their values in inches obtained by the help of the above-mentioned Tables. The coordinates of numerous points in the contours of these five drops of mercury, which vary considerably in size, were measured, because it was desired to find whether the theoretical forms would agree satisfactorily with the true forms of drops of mercury. In Fig. 2, the theoretical forms of these drops are given on a large scale, and an attempt has been made to indicate by a cross the position of some of the points measured. UHI7BRSIIT B. COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED FORMS OF DROPS. No. I Original readings in turns of the screws Readings converted into inches The same when the origin of coordinates is at the vertex Calculated z" *," A- * z *. *; z *1 *, <t> z X inch inch inch inch inch inch inch in 13-282 23-416 30-288 : 0-2491 0-4410 575 0-0925 0-0650 0-0645 I44 48 0-0925 O O( 13-300 23-398 30-340 1 2495 4406 5715 0921 0654 6 55 T irV -n 13-400 13-500 23-270 23-170 30^40 3 54o 25 J 3 2532 4382 43 6 3 5733 5752 0903 0884 0678 0697 0673 0692 140 o 135 "09 1 1 "0892 "O o 13-600 23-072 30-625 255 1 "4345 5768 0865 07IS 0708 13-800 22-970 30-772 2588 4326 5796 0828 734 0736 I20 /"jQ *y "~> 14*000 22-879 30-876 2626 4308 5816 0790 0752 0756 wo o 14-200 22-797 30-950 2663 4293 583 753 0767 0770 14-400 22735 31-003 2701 4281 5840 0715 0779 0780 14-600 22*680 3 I<0 33 2738 4271 5845 0678 0789 0785 oo-o r\C\ *7 ^ 14-960 22-672 31-064 2806 4269 5851 0610 0791 0791 VJU \J OO2j O 15-200 22-687 3i 34 2851 4272 5845 0565 0788 0785 15-400 22-712 3 993 2888 4277 5837 0528 0783 0777 15-600 22*762 30-952 2926 4286 583 "0490 0774 0770 15-800 22-840 30-890 2963 4301 5818 0453 7S9 0758 16*000 22-925 30-826 3001 4317 5806 0415 743 0746 l6 2OO 23-010 30-720 339 4333 5786 0377 0727 0726 fin-n *C\ ^ *7 (~\ 16-400 23-128 30-590 3076 435 6 5762 0340 0704 0702 UU \J j7 "O i6 6oo 23-250 3 447 3 TI 4 4378 5735 0302 0682 0675 16-800 23-418 30-274 SJS 1 4410 5702 0265 0650 0642 A r"-o 17-000 23-620 30-090 3189 4448 5667 0227 0612 0607 45 0230 "O 17-200 23-860 29-865 3226 4493 5625 0190 0567 5 6 5 -?o-n 17*600 24 437 29-278 33 01 4602 5514 0115 0458 454 3 "OI 2O "O iS ooo 2 5 39 28-316 3376 4782 5333 0040 0278 0273 T C-0 18-214 *#* #** 3416 5060 5060 oooo oooo "OOOO I 5 33 "O Weight 4-57 grs. {3 = 2-334 a = 119-6 o = U4-48 b = 0-09878 in. Temp. 40 F. Error in calculation of V= + O OOO 035 cubic inch. COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED FORMS OF DROPS. 67 No. II Original readings in turns of the screws Readings converted into inches The same when the origin of coordinates is at the vertex Calculated " < *," 4 < * Z X, *. (rf) z X inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch 13-023 24-710 34-330 0*2443 0*4654 0*6467 0*1054 0*0907 0*0906 I -j- " 2 o 0*1054 0-09065 13-100 24*603 34-464 2457 4634 6492 1040 0927 0931 145; 1044 _ o 0921 13-200 24*489 34-596 2476 4612 6SI7 1021 0949 -0956 140^0 IO2O 943 13-300 24-356 34-678 2495 4587 -6532 IOO2 0974 0971 I 35 IOO9 0963 13-400 24*260 34-762 2 5 X 3 4569 6548 0984 0992 0987 13*600 13*800 24-146 24-040 34-904 35 010 2551 2588 "4547 4527 6575 6595 0946 0909 1014 1034 "1014 1034 I20*0 0938 1018 14-000 23-975 35*086 2626 45IS 6609 0871 1046 1048 14*400 23-867 35-I78 2701 4495 6626 0796 1066 1065 I4-73 2 23-848 35-203 2763 4491 6631 734 1070 1070 90*o -734 1070 15*000 23-866 35 -I 9 2 2813 "4495 6629 0684 1066 1068 15-400 23-950 35-105 2888 45 10 "6613 0609 1051 1052 15-800 l6 20O 24-072 24-270 34-989 34*782 2963 3039 "4533 4571 6591 -534 0458 1028 0990 1030 0991 6o f *o 0463 993 i6 6oo 24-534 34-5 15 3114 4620 6501 0383 0941 0940 -,8-78 17-000 24-906 34*162 3189 4691 6435 0308 0871 0874 45 " 3 X 5 Oo i o 17-400 17-800 25-361 33-078 3264 3339 4776 4893 6345 6230 0233 OI 5 8 0785 0668 0784 0669 3o o 0170 0687 18-000 26-368 32*688 3376 4966 6157 *OI2I 0595 0596 l8 2OO 26-867 32*165 3414 5060 6058 0083 0501 0497 o 18*400 27 54o 31*478 345 1 5187 59 2 9 0046 374 0368 X 5 " -0051 "394 18*600 28*637 30-348 3489 "5394 "57J6 *ooo8 0167 0155 18*642 -X-** *#* "3497 556i 556! *oooo *oooo *oooo Weight 9-523 grs. = 6-44 a=12G-2 u=148*28 6 = 0*1597Gin. Temp. 37 F. Error in calculation of V= +0*000 044 cubic inch. 92 68 COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED FORMS OF DROPS. No. Ill Original readings in turns of the screws Readings converted into inches The same when the origin of coordinates is at the vertex Calculated z" x" *." Z < X 3 Z *, *> <t> z X inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch 12-570 22-563 34*683 0-2358 0-4249 0-6533 O II27 0-1151 0-II33 I4i 0> 7i o l 127 0*1 142 12-900 13-000 13-400 22.282 22*232 22*024 35 5 35 112 35-326 2420 2438 4196 4187 -4147 "6602 ! 6614 6654 1065 1047 0972 1204 "1213 -I2 53 I2O2 1214 -1254 i4o oo i 3 5-oo I2O 0p OO 1121 I IOI -IO26 1150 1171 1228 14-300 21-863 i -2682 4117 6683 0803 1283 1283 90 n> oo O8l 3 1283 i6 - ooo 17-000 iS ooo 18-580 22.418 23-358 25^225 ##* 34-9 28 32-132 3001 3189 3376 3485 4222 4399 475 1 -5400 6579 "6401 6052 5400 0484 0296 "0109 OOOO 1178 IOOI 0649 oooo 1179 "IOOI 0652 oooo 6o-oo 4 C i 5 -oo 0527 0367 O2O6 0065 1202 1078 0865 0516 Weight 14-725 grs. 0=11-0 a = 118-2 w=141-71 6-0-21572in. Temp. 39 F. Error in calculation of V= + O OOO 057 cubic inch. COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED FORMS OF DROPS. No. IV Original readings in turns of the screws Readings converted into inches The same when the origin of coordinates is at the vertex Calculated z *i" *." z *, < Z x l x * <A z X inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch 12-985 19-918 33-865 0-2435 0-3750 0*6379 0*1168 0*1311 0-1318 i4o*o 0-1168 0-I3I5 13*000 13-100 19-900 19-812 33-9i8 34-010 2438 2457 3747 3730 6389 6406 1165 1146 1314 -I 33 I 1328 1345 i 3 5-oo 1148 1337 13-200 19725 34-093 "2476 3714 6422 1127 1347 1361 13-300 19*642 34-167 2495 3698 6436 1108 -1363 -1375 13-400 i3 5 !9"553 19-500 34 23o 34-30 25*3 "2532 3681 3670 6448 6461 1090 1071 1380 -I 39 I 1387 "1400 I2O*OO 1072 " T 394 13-600 19-440 34-362 2551 3660 6472 1052 1401 1411 13-800 19-360 34 4i2 2588 3645 6482 1015 1416 1421 14*000 19-294 34-486 2626 "3633 6496 0977 1428 1435 14-200 19-243 34 532 2663 3 6 23 6505 0940 1438 1444 14-400 i9 -I 95 34-548 2701 3614 6508 0902 1447 1447 14*600 14*800 19-182 19-200 34 5 6 34 5 6 2738 2776 3611 36l5 6510 6510 0865 0827 145 1446 1449 1449 9O oo 0856 145 15*000 19*226 34-545 2813 3620 6507 0790 1441 1446 15-200 19*277 34 52o 2851 3629 6502 0752 "1432 1441 15-400 19-307 34-45 6 2888 ^3635 6490 07*5 "1426 1429 15-600 i9"353 34-388 2926 3644 6477 0677 1417 1416 15-800 1 9 445 34-322 "2963 3661 6465 0640 "1400 1404 i6 ooo I9-539 34-228 3001 3679 6447 0602 1382 1386 6o oo *or 6 7 T l67 l6 2OO 19*652 34-107 "3039 3700 6424 0564 1361 1363 U U / 1 J U / 16-400 19*760 33-975 3076 3721 -6399 0527 1340 1338 i6 6oo 19*913 33-832 3 ll 4 3749 6373 0489 1312 1312 16*800 20*050 33-687 3151 3775 6345 0452 1286 1284 17-000 17*200 20*240 20*442 33H96 33-282 3189 3226 3811 3 8 49 6309 6269 0414 0377 1250 "1212 1248 1208 45" "0402 1239 17*400 20*653 33-036 3264 3889 6223 0339 1172 1162 17*600 20*902 32-792 "33 01 3936 6177 0302 -1125 1116 17*800 18*000 21*204 21-548 3 2 5 l6 32-178 3339 3376 3993 -4058 6125 6061 0264 0227 1068 -1003 1064 1000 3o-oo 0234 "1016 18*200 21-927 31-786 3414 4129 5987 0189 0932 0926 18*400 22*342 31-320 "345 1 4208 5899 0152 0853 0838 18*600 22-880 30-816 3489 4309 5804 0114 0752 0743 18-700 18*800 23-170 23"5 J 7 30 494 3 I 34 3507 "3526 4363 4429 5744 5676 "0096 0077 0698 0632 0683 0615 i5 n *oo 0078 0631 18*900 23"95o 29*762 3545 45 I0 5606 0058 05 5 1 545 19-000 24-436 29-205 3564 4602 5501 0039 0459 "0440 19-100 25" l6 5 28-522 3582 4739 5372 *OO2I 0322 0311 19-210 #** **# 3603 5061 5061 oooo oooo "OOOO 0*00 OOOO oooo Weight 19 77 ffrs. 13=17-5 o=116-9 w=140-00 6 = 0-27358 in. Temp. 38" F. Error in calculation of V + 0*000 012 cubic inch. 70 COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED FORMS OF DROPS. No. V Original readings in turns of the screws Readings converted into inches The same when the origin of coordinates is at the vertex Calculated jt - r / x" z x i x a 2 *1 X 2 < z X inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch 17732 21-555 36-516 0-3326 0-4059 0-6878 0-1174 0-1411 0*1408 i39 4i 0-1174 0-14095 1 7 - 8oo 21-492 36-603 "3339 -4047 6895 1161 "1423 -1425 T -> r--^ 17*900 21-398 36-702 "3357 4029 6914 -1143 1441 1444 *35 o 1156 .1429 iS ooo 21-333 36782 -3376 4017 6929 1124 -1453 -I 459 l8 2OO 1 8 400 21-189 21-068 36-910 37-005 -3414 345 1 "399 3967 6953 6971 1086 1049 "1480 *S3 1483 1501 I2O OO 1082 1486 18*600 20*986 37-094 3489 395 2 6987 ion 1518 -I 5i7 19-000 20-910 37-200 3564 "3937 7007 0936 1533 -I 537 !9 336 20-868 37 2I 4 3627 3929 7010 0873 "1541 "1540 ^_o ^Q f O 19*800 20-905 37 -I 94 37*4 3936 -7006 0786 1534 1536 90 oo OOOO I 54Q 20*209 2 1 OO6 37"095 3789 "3955 6988 0711 1515 1518 20*600 2I OOO 21-141 21-368 36-938 36-736 3864 "3939 3981 4024 6958 6920 0636 0561 1489 1446 1488 145 6o*oo 5 8l 1459 21-400 21-638 3 6 443 4014 4075 686 5 0486 -I 395 " J 395 , _o 2 I 800 22"OOO 36-084 4089 -4143 6797 0411 " I 3 2 7 1327 45 o 0417 "L33* 22 2OO 22*460 35- 6 4o 4164 4230 6713 0336 1240 -1243 22 6OO 23-031 35- 5 2 4239 "4337 6603 0261 " I: 33 "33 _ _n._ , _ / 23 OOO 23-788 34 3 12 "4314 4480 6463 0186 0990 -993 30 oo 0247 1 106 23-400 24-786 33-256 4389 4668 6264 01 I I 0802 "794 -r r- ^^- ~ o r 23-800 26-546 3! 57o "4463 5000 -5946 0037 0470 "0476 15 oo OOOO 0707 2 3 995 *#* *## 4500 5470 5470 oooo OOOO oooo o O Weight? /3=24-023 o=119-9 w=139-41 J = 31646in. Temp. 49 F. The theoretical forms of these five drops of mercury have been drawn to a large scale in Flo*. 2. where the measured points are indicated by small crosses. COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED FORMS OF DROPS. 71 The agreement between theory and experiment appears to be so far satisfactory. And if on more exact comparison any slight discrepancy between theory and experi ment should become apparent, it will be known that, this is not due to any error in the calculated forms. In adapting a theoretical form to the measured form of a drop of mercury, it would be sufficient to secure its passing through the vertex A (Fig. 4) and the two points B, C, for which < = 90, if it was possible to measure AO correctly. But this can be accomplished practically only with sufficient accuracy to give a rough first approximation to the value of /3, by finding OC+AO and referring to Table I. This value of /3, if erroneous, must be corrected by trial till a curve is found from Table II., which passes through D and E, the extremities of the base, or till two curves are found for consecutive values of /3, one of which falls outside, and the other within DE. Then by proportional parts the exact value of /3 required can be found. Let BC=2R, DE=2r, and AN = H. The following example will explain how the values of the capillary constants are obtained by means of these quantities. For the drop No. V. 2E = 03081 inch, H= 01174 inch, and 2r = 2819 inch. Having found by the help of Table I. and by trial that the proper value of $ lies between 24 and 24 1, we proceed to find b the radius of curvature at the vertex corresponding to /3 = 24 0. From Table II., when </> = 90, we find that I = R = Olo40_o = . 48692 and therefore 5 = _1|| _| ) which g ives log ft = 9-50020. That will suffice to secure a curve which passes through the vertex A and has the correct width BC. We wish in addition to secure a curve which passes through the two points D, E at the base of the drop, or through two points d, e near the base. log r = 914907 log H= 9 06967 log b = 9-50020 log b = 9-50020 log ~ = 9-64887 log p = 9-56947 (s : t/ and therefore J = 44552 and ~ = 37108. 6 6 And to find the theoretical form of this drop we use the manuscript Tables z H above referred to a . For ft = 24 the Table gives -r, = 37108 = p corresponding to = 139 36. And for the same value of d>, =0-4460S-(H)0050=0-44558. Hence 6 f -fi = and -?/ = - 0-00006, < = 139-36. " See note a on next page. 72 COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED FORMS OF DROPS. Again, corresponding to ft" = 241 we find in the same manner as before log b" = 9-50070, which gives p = 44501 and p=0 37066. And for & = 241 b the Table gives ^=0-37066 corresponding to </> = 139 5S, and ^ ; = 0-44481. Here we have ^ * =0; --^ = + 0-00020; <4 = ) 00 The required value of /S therefore falls between 24 and 241, and its exact value may be found as follows : P = 24-0 gives log b = 9 50020 ; error in = - 00006 ; and f = 139 36 " = 24-1 gives log I" = 9 50070 ; *= + 0-00020; and f = 139-58 Diff. + 0-1 + 0-00050 + 0-00026 + 0-22 Hence by taking proportional parts we must find such values of S/3 , 8 log 6 cc and 4> as will make the error in 7-, vanish. b & = 24-0 gives log b = 9 50020; error in |, =-0 00006 ; and = 139 36 8/3 =+ -023 5 log b = + 0-0001 2; Hence j3 = 24-023 log 6= 9-50032; ft +0-00006 ; 0-05 = 139-41 Hence 6 = 0-31646 inch, a=-,= ^-^ = 119 94, and iJ -= 01291 inch. Also J _ v CC the volume =6 3 x 0-2072 = 0-0065667 cubic inch, and the corresponding weight is 22 535 grains. IT / Nearly the same results might be arrived at by using the values of j and j in Table II. for ft = 24 and ft = 25, only the differences would correspond to a difference of 1 instead of 01 in the value of- ft, and to a difference of 5 instead of 1 in the value of 6. NOTE a . /3=24-0 X z <t> b b A A 138 44747 ,n Q 36942 , 139 44608 J4Q 37065 1 ion 140 44468 37185 + iJU &c. &c. &c. NOTE b . t-su X z b b A A 138 139 140 44700 _ 139 44561 JJJ 44421" 36874 36997]" 37117 + 120 &c. &c. &c. COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED FORMS OF DROPS. 73 It is evident that the above calculations would have been facilitated if the Tables referred to in the note had been calculated for log x - , log 2 and log ? rather x z V than for r > r arid j-g, as has been already remarked. The coordinates at the points of the theoretical curve at which the tangent is inclined to the horizon at angles of 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120,- 135 &c., are found by the help of Table Y. for values of , O O, 01, 2, 3 46 5, 46 6, 467. For instance for <f> = 135, /3 = 24-0 ; y = 0-45156; | = 36554 v b + 8/3 = 0-023 gives -11 -15 X =24-023; ?T = 0-45145 ; ^ = Q-36539 and 6 = 0-31646 inch. Therefore x = 6 x 45145 = 1429 inch, and = 6x0-36539 = 0-1156 inch. DETERMINATION OF CAPILLARY CONSTANTS OF MERCURY IN CONTACT WITH GLASS. The great impediment to the exact determination of capillary constants arises from the changes that usually take place at capillary surfaces when left undisturbed for some time. All careful experimenters have recognised this difficulty. It seemed therefore best to place a drop of mercury in position and to take measures of 2R, 2r and H as opportunity offered. Drops weighing 4, 8, 12, 1C, 20 and 24 grains were used, because it was expected that, if a and w were not really constant for mercury resting on glass, some indication of the manner in which they varied would thus be made manifest. The mercury was obtained as being pure from a leading philo sophical instrument maker about 1862. When any experiment was to be made, a sufficient quantity was taken from this store, and after having been used, it was treated as waste. Also the same glass plate table was used in all the experiments. The glass plate was cleaned with blotting paper or with the pith of the stalk of the artichoke. And after this, either the same or a fresh drop of mercur} T was placed in position and vibrated. In the following tables of experiments the operation of cleaning the glass and replacing the same drop of mercury is indicated by a dotted line But a change in the mercury used is denoted by a line across the table. The reading of the thermometer is given and also the time duritig which the drop had been in position when the measurement was made. The experiments were carried on in. a small workshop built in a garden apart from other buildings. The B. 10 74 DETERMINATION OF CAPILLARY CONSTANTS OF MERCURY. observing table rested on supports driven into the ground which were independent of the brick floor. There were public roads, used chiefly for light traffic, on two sides at the distances of 50 and 60 yards. The slow changes in the forms of drops of fluid appear to arise, (1) from some small change that takes place in the tension of the enveloping surface, (2) from changes of temperature between night and day, and (3) from slight tremors arising from passing vehicles, &c. The calculation of the capillary constants was carried on as the experiments were made. After all had been completed the reductions of the instrumental observations into inches were carefully examined, and the calculations of all the 145 experiments were repeated, so that the results given in the following tables may be considered to be quite correct. The variation in the value of the capillary constants deduced from drops of mercury of the same size was much greater than was expected. But, when the mean values of to and a derived from each form of drop were compared, the agree ment was surprisingly close. Hence so far as these experiments go the form of sessile drops appears to be that indicated by the Theories of Young, Laplace, Gauss and Poisson. Finally the values of a, o>, and V were calculated from the mean values of 2.R, 2r, and H for each size of drop of mercury. The results are given on the last page for comparison with the means of the values of a and &> derived from each experi ment for each size of drop of mercury. In order to carry out the original scheme, as sketched in the Introduction, many more experiments should be made, particularly for the purpose of finding the effects of variation of temperature on the values of the capillary constants. The calculations for negative values of /3 should also be greatly extended, so that the intervals between them might be readily filled up by interpolation, as we have done in the case of positive values of /3. The measuring instrument in its present form appears to be satisfactory. The microscope descends in a vertical direction by its own weight and is raised by the screw. A screw of about 50 turns to the inch is very suitable for experimenting with mercury. But a quicker motion will become desirable when experiments are made with a drop of one fluid immersed in another fluid, as the drops may be then much larger. All documents connected with these calculations now in my possession will be carefully preserved, and every assistance will be afforded to any person who may under take the completion of the work. MINTING VICARAGE, Oct. 1883. DETERMINATION OF CAPILLARY CONSTANTS OF MERCURY. 75 DROP OF 4 GRAINS OF MERCURY. No. of Observa tion J? H r a a> N/- V a Temp F Error in V Hours in position I 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 31 117 nS 119 I2O 121 122 I2 3 I2 4 !25 126 127 128 I2 9 I 3 IS* I 3 2 J 33- Means inch "07460 inch 0*09050 inch 0-05990 * 9 2 S 117-00 J 45 43 inch 0-1308 m. metres 3 32I 60 cubic inch + "OOOOO2 ? 7535 7 6 35 07610 09150 08950 08940 06040 "06170 06185 06165 I 922 2> 394 2-316 II4-54 130-70 128-52 J 45-65 146-67 145-48 1321 1237 1248 3-356 3-142 3-169 61 58 59 + 000039 + 000045 + 000036 12 18 ? 07600 08950 2*292 127-90 145-68 1251 3-176 61 + -000034 07475 07570 09040 08870 05965 06070 06050 06045 2-005 2 45 7 120-03 J35-42 146-70 148-11 1291 1215 3-279 3-087 60 58 + 000005 + 000013 \ *3 07580! 08930 07565 08895 2*400 2-424 132-84 134-18 148-52 148-47 1227 1221 3-II7 3-101 60 62 + "OOOO22 + "000014 8 22 07525 07595 07585 08950 06115 2-126 I2 3 59 144-68 1272 3-23I 63 + OOOOIO I r 3 15 08760 08790 06140 06160 2-670 2-549 142-61 138-41 14773 146-56 Il84 I2O2 3-008 3 053 62 64 4- "000005 + -000007 07585 08875 06090 2-472 !35 47 !47 97 1215 3-086 66 + "000017 3 07535 7545 07620 08795 08800 05940 05965 2-638 2-633 143-56 143-09 151-40 150-96 1180 1182 2-997 3-003 64 67 "000009 - "000005 34 36 08760 "06140 2 755 I44-77 148-57 1175 2-985 66 + "000014 21 07380 07430 07475 07490 07470 08850 08810 08770 08760 08925 05860 05960 05955 05975 05970 2T57 2-263 2-481 2-525 2-172 129-85 132-60 139-85 141-02 127-39 148-16 147-20 149-17 149-16 i47 32 1241 1228 1196 1191 1253 3-I52 3-119 3-038 3-025 3T83 63 62 61 63 61 "000048 - "000037 - "000030 - -000027 - "OOOOII O 24 4 8 7 1 88 07460 08970 08940 08880 08880 08850 05965 2-075 123-57 14677 1272 3-23I 61 000008 o 07480 75 I 5 07545 07550 06035 06040 06045 06040 2-104 2-305 2-391 2-467 124-15 !3i 33 !3373 !36 53 145-62 147-09 I47-94 148-49 1269 1234 1223 I2IO 3-224 3-I34 3-106 3-074 61 59 57 58 "000005 "OOOOO2 + "000007 f -000005 38 61 96 in 0-07531 0*08890 0-06041 132-03 I47-52 0-1233 3-I3I 102 76 DETERMINATION OF CAPILLARY CONSTANTS OF MERCURY. DROP OF 8 GRAINS OF MERCURY. Xo. of Observa R H r p a 0) V l\ Temp. f Error in y Hours in tion position inch inch inch inch m. metres cubic inch 2 0x39980 0*10100 0-08535 5-226 127-96 144-45 0-1250 3-I75 60 + OOOOOI ? 3 IOOOO "10090 08535 5-370 I2 9 57 145-10 "1242 3-156 60 + 000017 ? 4 09905 10360 08345 4H56 117-69 145-89 1304 3-3II 58 + 000030 ? 32 09915 "IO2IO 08380 4-878 124-28 146-11 1268 3*222 62 + 000004 I 33 09990 10070 08400 5-700 134-61 148-62 1219 3-096 61 4- OOOOOS 18 34 09990 lOIIO 08410 5-534 132-23 148*09 1230 3-124 62 + 000017 22 J 34 -09945 10295 08315 4-892 12374 148*18 1271 3^29 58 + 000037 5 135 IOOIO 10180 08350 5-52I 131-53 149-83 1233 3 >:[ 32 57 + 000043 21 136 10015 10180 08340 132-05 150-25; 1231 3-126 57 + 000046 29 137 09940 10290 08320 4^74 123-59 147-94 1272 3-231 58 + 000034 12 138 -09975 10265 08330 5-101 126-22 148*82 " I2 59 3*197 58 + 000045 22 139 09950 10230 08335 5-079 126-52 148-19 " I2 57 3 -I 94 56 + 000026 O 140 09960 J.O2OO 08335 5-228 128-51 148-67 1248 3-169 58 + 000023 IO 141 09960 IOI50 08390 5-280 129-29 147-51 1244 3-I59 55 + 000013 I 3 142 09980 IOI20 08420 5-423 130-89 147-44 1236 3-140 56 4- OOOOl6 2 3 143 09985 IOIOO 08445 5-464 1 3 I 3S 147-06 1234 3"!34 57 4- OOOOI4 37 144 09985 10090 08435 5-522 132*20 147-39 1230 3-124 58 + OOOOII 46 145 09965 IOI2O 08430 5 3 21 129-77 4675 1241 3-I53 58 + 000008 61 Means 0*09969 0-IOI76 0-08392 128-44 r 47 57 0*1248 3-i7i DETERMINATION OF CAPILLARY CONSTANTS OF MERCURY. 77 DROP OF 12 GRAINS OF MERCURY. No. of Obser vation R H r ft a (D V 11 a Temp. F Error in V Hours in position 5 6 7 inch 0-11720 JI 735 11763 inch 0*10900 10920 10785 inch O lOIIO 10230 10288 8-728 3-331 9-044 124-99 121-50 126-53 I47-27 144-48 I44 43 inch 0*1265 1283 I2 57 m. metres 3 2I3 3 259 3-I93 59 59 59 cubic inch "OOOOOI + "OOOOII - 000013 ? 2 20 35 36 11700 i 1810 I IO2O IO7OO IOO2O IOII5 8-267 10-592 12170 136-68 148-32 I50-66 1282 1210 3 256 3-073 62 64 + OOOO22 "000009 \ 38 37 33 11830 11810 IO8OO 10785 IOI05 IOII5 10-183 10-073 J 33 39 !33 7 I50-9I I50 20 1225 1226 3 IIO 3-H4 63 64 + -000035 + 000016 2 9 39 40 4i 42 11710 11810 11770 11770 II030 10750 10790 10760 10050 IOI 35 !oi35 10160 8 2OO 10-215 9-642 9-726 120*94 134-08 130-85 i3i 47 M7-83 149-89 148-58 148-10 1286 1221 1236 1233 3-266 3-102 3-140 3-133 62 63 62 64 + -000032 + 000006 -000005 "000015 i 12 J 3 16 43 44 45 46 47 11740 11675 11710 11740 11765 <I0 955 10915 10787 10820 10790 10005 10025 10035 10040 10025 8-925 8-588 9 59 9^46 9-969 126-11 124*84 131-22 130-81 J 33 35 150-17 148-15 149-54 150-04 151-26 <I2 59 1266 1235 1237 1225 3-I99 3 2I5 3-136 3" T 4i 3-111 63 63 63 64 65 + 000027 - -000025 - "000043 - -000014 - -000009 2 7 21 45 J 45 Means o"ii754 0-10844 O lOIOO 128-85 148-74 0*1247 3-166 DROP OF 16 GRAINS OF MERCURY. No. of Obser vation R H r ft a 10 \ /: a Temp. F Error in V Hours in position 8 9 inch 0-13298 13290 inch 0-11305 11283 inch 0-11645 11642 14703 14*809 I27-57 128*19 148-23 148-20 inch 0*1252 1249 m. metres 3-180 3-I73 59 59 cubic inch + "OOOOIO + "OOOOI2 6 7 10 1 1 13185 -I32I5 11370 11290 "535 "575 13-448 14-228 124*10 127*08 147-70 147-90 1270 1255 3-225 3-I87 55 5 1 - -000031 "000033 o 2 48* 49* 50* " I 3 2 75 "!3378 " I 3375 "11420 11250 11245 11675 11750 11760 I3-355 15-584 *5 S3 I23-77 129*73 I2 9 57 146-32 i47 94 i47 6 3 1271 1242 1242 3-229 3-I54 3-I56 67 66 66 + 000014 + 000028 + -000021 1 3 6 5i* 52* 133*5 13338 11285 11240 "745 11725 4-529 !5 3" 126*50 129*38 146-25 I47-57 I2 57 1243 3 -I 94 3-I58 65 63 *OOOOO8 000007 1 1 21 53 54 13225 -I 34i5 II 5 2 5 11115 11718 11823 11-853 16-922 115*62 134-30 143-46 147-72 13*5 "I22O 3-34I 3-100 62 62 + 000053 + 000037 47 55 56 13338 " I 33 2 5 11240 II2IO 11695 11665 15-472 15-758 130*06 131*48 148-31 148-89 "1240 1233 3 !5 3 -I 33 63 63 + 000028 + 000009 16 J 9 Means 0-13306 O II29I 0-11689 127-49 147-39 -1253 3-183 * Weight of this drop was 16*12 grains. 78 DETERMINATION OF CAPILLARY CONSTANTS OF MERCURY. DROP OF 20 GRAINS OF MERCURY. No. of Obser vation JS H r a 0) V 11 a Temp. F Error in V Hours in position 12 inch 0-14655 inch 0-11425 inch 0*13040 24-243 ^33 1 147*93 inch 0*1226 m. metres 3 II4 5i cubic inch - "000033 12 13 14 15 16 i7 14405 14420 i43 2 5 14420 -I 4435 11910 Il88o 12 100 11810 11820 12710 12740 12605 12680 12705 17-063 !7"373 15-018 18-438 18-387 n6 94 117-71 III IO 121*11 120*69 I47-47 147-28 147-16 149-04 148-76 *I 3 o8 -1304 1342 1285 1287 3-3 2 2 3"3n 3-408 3-264 3-270 5i 5i 5i 5i 5 2 - 000013 - "000016 + "OOOOO2 "000046 - "000031 2 3 ? ? ? 57 53 59 -I 45 6 3 1459 14803 11725 11695 11370 12980 13023 "13200 19-386 19-836 26-497 121-60 122-44 13572 i457i I 45 5 148-00 1283 1278 1214 3-258 3-246 3-083 61 61 62 + "OOOO2O + -OOOO27 + "000054 1 i 47 60 61 i445 8 14508 11785 11665 12720 12788 18-967 20-595 I22 II I26-03 149-11 149*26 1280 "1260 3-251 3-200 62 63 "000036 -000048 i 13 62 63 64 65 14528 I 4543 14520 I 45 I 3 11730 11685 11695 11695 12785 12785 I2 755 12790 20*184 20-937 20-671 20-330 I24 50 126-38 126-03 I25-I8 i49"58 150-17 150*27 i49 25 1267 *I2 5 8 1260 1264 3-219 3 -I 95 3-200 3-211 61 63 64 63 + "OOOOOI "000008 - "000023 "000029 4 19 24 29 66 67 68 14650 14775 14790 11580 11380 11360 >I 345 I3I93 13220 22-031 25-840 26-186 127-50 I 34 7i !35 24 146-98 i47 38 147-17 1252 1218 1216 3-181 3-095 3-089 63 61 60 + "000027 + 000037 + "000040 i 12 23 69 70 7i 14805 14758 14768 11380 11480 11472 13160 -I 3233 13223 26-769 23-662 24-065 136-29 129-80 130*62 148-99 145-48 146-04 *I2II 1241 1237 3-077 3-I53 3 -I 43 61 64 63 -r "OOOo6l + 000063 + "O00068 13 25 36 72 73 74 75 76 14618 14615 14675 14648 14640 "535 1153 11382 "SOS H550 12905 12935 13028 13043 13015 2 3" I 75 22-958 25-358 22-982 22-481 I 3 I 5 I 3 54 135-42 130*02 128-86 149*82 149-04 148-94 i47 3i !47 59 >I2 35 1238 1215 1240 1246 3-I38 3-144 3-087 3 -1 5 3 l6 4 65 65 66 66 67 OOOO2O 000023 000046 "OOOOI I OOOOOO 3 7 47 49 53 Means 0>I 4593 O Il62I i 2 935 126-95 148*05 0*1256 3-I9 1 DETERMINATION OF CAPILLARY CONSTANTS OP MERCURY. DROP OF 24 GRAINS OF MERCURY. 7 ( J No. of Obser vation R H r ft a to V /! a Temp. f Error in V Hours in position 18 19 20 inch 0-16085 16055 16060 inch O l 1800 11840 11820 inch 0-I4550 1455 US? 33 54i 32 OOO 3 2 2 33 127-29 125-23 125-47 i45 2 9 i44 3 6 144-07 inch 0-1254 1264 1263 m. metres 3-I84 3-210 3-207 54 55 58 cubic inch + "000241 + -000231 + 000225 22 23 35 21 15870 11825 14085 32-264 130-29 I5i-i5 I2 39 3 -I 47 56 -t- -000072 i7 22 23 15638 I5 6 45 I2OIO II925 J 3745 !373 28-249 29-889 125-08 128-08 152-70 I 53 63 1265 1250 3-212 3 i74 60 60 -000050 "000078 8 3 2 77 78 79 80 15835 I 597 !59 2 3 I 59 2 3 11830 H583 II582 II685 14243 14380 H453 !4455 30-584 37-232 34-856 32-75 126-26 134-9 132-01 128-58 146-41 i47 49 144-44 i43 97 I2 59 1218 1231 1247 3 i97 3-093 3-126 3-168 67 65 65 66 + "000024 + "000014 - "000039 + "000016 i 14 24 38 81 82 83 84 15845 15893 15908 15898 II770 II7IO 11615 "Il6lO 14215 14248 14210 14208 32-230 34 2i7 37-078 36-928 128-97 131-48 J3572 i35 67 147-64 148-28 150*00 149*82 1245 I2 33 1214 1214 3-163 3*133 3-083 3-084 66 65 63 63 "OOOOOI + "000008 OOOO2O - -000033 3 8 !9 3 1 8q 86 87 88 89 90 9 1 15675 15840 15908 -I 5945 !5938 1579 15855 II950 II7IO 11675 II570 I 1670 II9OO II825 14013 14280 14323 i43 2 5 14343 14320 1433 27-527 32-457 34 352 37-58o 34-99 1 27-462 30-109 123-08 129-43 i3i-45 135-84 I 3^ 99 121 lS 125-10 ^T S 1 146-13 146-95 148-28 147-22 143-09 144-80 1275 1243 1234 1213 1231 1285 1264 3-238 3 i57 3 >:[ 33 3-082 3-127 3-263 3-212 64 64 65 63 62 61 61 - -000061 -000038 4- "000005 OOOOIO + 000032 + 000009 + 000037 i 16 24 60 72 86 87 92 93 94 15683 15660 15640 II947 11895 II930 I 395 13985 13990 28-350 28-357 27-340 124-51 124-94 123*28 149-24 148-05 147-28 1267 1265 1274 3-219 3 2I 4 3-235 61 61 61 -QOOO49 OOOOgS "OOOIOO i 15 i7 95 96 97 98 -I 5795 !58o5 15780 -I 575 11805 II750 Il8l 5 H775 14040 14065 14053 14065 3 2 35 2 33 373 3I-695 3I-59 2 130-00 I3I-55 129-10 129-42 150*46 i5o-37 149-76 148-88 1240 1233 1245 1243 3-i5i 3 -I 32 3-161 3-I58 61 64 64 62 -000018 -000037 - -000033 -000081 6 26 3 1 45 99 15820 11830 14220 30-500 126-35 146-60 1258 3-196 63 + -OOOOI2 4 IOO 15760 11845 14120 29-962 126-35 i47 47 1258 3-196 6 5 000040 i 101 IO2 103 15785 15820 1583 11810 "755 -II 755 14163 i4i95 14200 30-681 32-I45 3 2> 333 127-24 129-23 129-39 147-21 i47 53 147*66 1254 1244 1243 3-184 3-160 3-I58 67 61 62 - -000033 - 000027 - "OOO02O 7 2 2 3 1 IO4 I5 1 06 107 1 08 top no III 15745 15785 1573 15810 15820 15785 15770 15765 11790 11785 11850 H795 11740 11740 -II 775 11760 14095 I4H5 14120 14250 14200 14210 14220 14225 30-860 3 I- 339 29-209 3o 5!7 32-372 3 I 39 I 30-263 3 348 128-21 128-40 i25 44 126-54 129*62 128*49 12673 126-96 i47 94 147-76 146-69 I45-75 147-48 146-34 !45 54 I45-37 1249 1248 1263 1257 1242 1248 1256 "55 3-172 3-170 3- 20 7 3"!93 3-155 3-169 3-J9 1 3-188 62 63 63 64 61 61 61 63 "000076 "000040 "000063 -OOOO2O - -000033 - 000072 - -000066 OOOoSl 1 12 26 36 5 74 98 146 112 JI 3 114 H5 116 !577o 15850 15820 15830 ^SS 11870 11710 11710 11700 11725 14120 14250 14220 14210 14260 29-761 33 077 32-692 33-261 32-668 125-82 130-32 130-16 130-95 129-63 147-61 147-13 147-11 147-66 146-82 1261 1239 1240 1236 1242 3-202 3 -I 47 3 <I 49 3 r 39 3^55 64 61 58 61 61 000013 -000025 000051 -QOO045 - -000019 i 10 34 59 81 Means 0-15825 0-11778 0-14199 128-52 147-46 1248 3-169 80 DETERMINATION OF CAPILLARY CONSTANTS OF MERCURY. SUMMARY OF MEAN KESULTS FOR EACH WEIGHT OF DROP OF MERCURY. Weight of Drop Laplace s a Error in a CO Error in CO J\ Error 5/j Error Grains inch inch m. metres m. metre 4 132-02 + 3 3! I 47 52 - 0-27 0-1233 -0015 3"i3i -0-038 8 i28 44 0-27 I47-57 O*22 1248 3-171 + O OO2 12 128-85 + 0*14 148-74 + 95 1247 OOOI 3-166 -0-003 16 127-49 1*22 M7-39 0*40 -I2 53 + 0005 3-183 + 0*014 20 126-95 1*76 148-05 + 0*26 1256 + -0008 3-191 + O O22 24 128-52 O lp 147-46 -"33 1248 3-169 Means 12871 i47 79 0-1248 3-169 VALUES OF a, w, &c., DEDUCED FROM THE MEAN VALUES OF R, If, AND r FOR EACH SIZE OF DROP OF MERCURY. Weight of Drop R H r * a CO A Error in V Grains 4 8 12 16 20 24 Means inch 0*07531 09969 "754 13306 " I 4593 15825 inch 0*08890 10176 10844 11291 11621 11778 inch 0*06041 08392 IOIOO 11689 >I2 935 14199 2-334 9-328 14*681 21-433 31*796 131*96 128*41 128*88 127*32 126-87 128*55 I47-5I 148-76 147*40 148*07 147-46 inch 0-1231 1248 1246 >I2 53 1256 1247 m. metres 3*127 3-164 3-I83 3-189 3-168 cubic inch + 0*000003 + OOOO21 + OOOOO2 f "000025 + OOOOOI 000013 128*67 J 4779 0*1247 3-167 The forms of these six drops are given in Fig. 3 on a large scale. (-} W< = 90 ft o I 2 "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o I 2 I OOOOO 15466 24507 02180 16546 25248 04149 17576 25967 05942 18562 26666 07589 19508 27345 09115 20418 28006 10542 21294 28650 11880 22138 29278 13140 22953 29890 14333 23742 30488 3 4 5 1-31072 36278 40615 31643 36745 41012 32201 37204 4M03 32748 37656 41789 33283 38100 42169 33807 38535 42544 34320 38963 42914 34824 39386 43278 353i8 39802 43638, 35803 40211 43993 6 7 8 i 44344 47621 5 55o 44690 47928 50827 45032 48232 51101 45369 48533 S^i 45702 48830 51640 46032 49124 51906 46358 49415 52169 46679 49703 52430 46996 49988 52689 473io 50270 52946 9 10 ii 1-53200 55 621 57852 53452 55851 58065 53702 56080 58277 53949 56307 58488 54194 56533 58698 54437 56758 58906 54678 56981 59112 "549*7 57202 59317 55*54 57421 5952 55389 57638 59722 12 13 14 i 599 2 3 61856 63667 60122 62042 63842 60320 62227 64016 60517 62411 64189 60712 62594 64361 60906 62776 64532 61099 62957 64702 61290 63136 64871 61480 633M 65039 61669 6349 1 65206 15 16 17 1-65372 66984 68512 65537 67140 68661 65701 67296 68809 65864 67451 68956 66027 67605 69102 66189 67758 69248 66350 67910 69393 66510 68062 69537 66669 68213 69681 66827 68363 69824 18 J 9 20 1-69966 71353 72678 70108 71488 72807 70249 71623 72936 70389 71757 73064 70528 71890 73192 70667 72023 73319 70805 72155 73446 70943 72287 73572 71080 72418 73698 71217 72548 73823 21 22 2 3 173947 75165 76336 74071 75284 76451 74194 75403 76565 74317 75521 76679 74440 75639 76792 74562 75756 76905 74684 75873 77017 74805 75989 77129 74926 76105 77241 75046 76221 77352 24 25 26 1-77463 78550 79600 77574 78657 79703 77684 78764 79806 77794 78870 79908 77903 78975 80010 78011 79080 80112 78119 79185 80213 78227 79289 80314 78335 79393 80415 78443 79497 80515 2 7 28 2 9 1-80615 81598 82550 80715 81695 82643 80814 81791 82736 80913 81887 82829 81012 81983 82922 81110 82078 83015 81208 82173 83107 81306 82268 83199 81404 82362 83291 81501 82456 83383 3 3i 3 2 i ^3474 84371 85242 83565 84459 85328 83656 84547 85414 83746 84635 85499 83836 84722 85584 83926 84809 85669 84015 84896 85754 84104 84983 85838 84193 85070 85922 84282 85156 86006 33 34 35 1-86090 86915 87719 86173 86996 87798 86256 87077 87877 86339 87158 87956 86422 87239 88035 86505 87320 88113 86587 87400 88191 86669 87480 88269 86751 87560 88347 ;868 33 87640 88425 c. (I) 11 (-} W^ = 90 ft o I *2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 36 37 38 ; 1-88503 89268 90015 88580 89344 "90089 88657 89419 90163 88734 89494 90236 888ll 89569 90309 .QQQQQ OOOOO 89644 90382 88964 89719 90455 89040 89793 90528 89116 89867 90600 89192 89941 90672 39 40 4i 1-90744 9*457 9 2I 54 90816 9J5 2 7 92223 90888 9*597 92292 90960 91667 92361 91031 W37 92429 9II02 91807 9 2497 9 ri 73 91877 92565 91244 91947 92633 91315 92016 92701 91386 "92085 92769 42 43 44 1-92836 9354 94158 92904 93570 94223 92971 93636 94288 93038 93702 94352 93105 93768 94416 93172 93833 94480 93239 93898 94544 93306 93963 94608 93372 94028 94672 93438 94093 94735 45 . 46 47 1-94798 95426 96042 94861 95488 96103 94924 95550 96164 94987 95612 96225 95050 95 6 74 96285 95 IX 3 95736 96345 95176 95798 96406 *95 2 39 95859 96466 95302 95920 96526 95364 95981 96586 48 49 5 1-96646 97239 97821 96706 97298 97879 96766 97357 97937 96826 97415 97994 96885 97473 98051 96944 97531 98108 97003 97589 98165 97062 97647 98222 97121 97705 98279 97181 97763 98336 5i 52 53 i 9 8 393 98954 99506 98450 99010 99561 98507 99066 99616 98563 99I2I 99671 98619 99176 99725 98675 99231 99779 98731 99286 99833 98787 99341 99887 98843 99396 99941 98899 9945 r 99995 54 55 56 2 00049 00582 OIIO7 OOIO3 00635 OII59 00157 00688 OI2II OO2II OO74O 01263 00264 00793 01314 00317 00845 01366 00370 00898 01418 00423 00950 01470 00476 01003 01521 00529 01055 01572 57 58 59 2 Ol623 02132 02633 01674 02183 02683 01725 02234 02733 01776 02284 02782 01827 02334 02831 01878 02384 02880 01929 02434 02929 01980 02484 02978 02031 02534 03027 02081 02583 03076 6a 6 1 62 2-03125 03610 "04088 03174 03658 04135 03223 03706 04183 03271 03754 04230 03320 03802 04277 03368 03850 04324 03417 03898 04371 03465 03945 04418 03514 03993 04465 03562 04040 04512 63 64 65 2-04559 05023 05480 04606 05069 05525 04652 05H5 05571 04699 05160- 05616 04745 05206 05662 04792 05252 05707 04838 "05298 05752 04885 05343 05797 04931 05389 05842 04977 05434 05887 66 67 68 2-05932 06 37 8 06817 05977 06422 06860 O6O22 06466 06904 06067 06510 06947 06111 o6554 06990 06156 06598 07034 06200 06642 07077 06245 06686 07120 06289 06729 07164 06334 06773 07207 69 70 ?i 2-07250 07678 oSlOO 07293 07720 08142 07336 07763 08184 07379 07805 08226 07422 07848 08267 07465 07890 08309 07508 07932 08351 07550 07974 08392 07593 08016 08434 07635 08058 08475 (2) (-} \2/(/> = 90 ft o "I *2 3 *4 5 6 7 8 *9 72 2-08517 08558 08600 -08641 08683 08724 08765 08806 08847 08888 73 08929 08970 09011 09051 09092 09133 09173 09214 09254 09295 74 9335 09375 09416 09456 09496 09536 09576 09616 09656 "09696 75 2-09736 09776 09816 09855 09895 09935 09975 10014 10054 -10093 76 10133 10173 IO2I2 10252 10291 10330 10369 10408 10447 -10486 77 10525 10564 10603 10641 10680 10719 10758 10796 10835 10873 78 2-10912 10950 10989 11027 11066 11104 11142 11180 11218 11256 79 11294 11332 II370 11408 H445 11483 11521 -II 559 11596 -11634 80 11672 11710 II747 11785 11822 11860 11897 H934 11972 12009 81 2*12046 12083 I2I20 12157 12194 12231 12268 12305 12341 12378 82 12415 12452 12488 12525 12561 12598 12634 12671 12707 12744 83 12780 12816 12852 12889 12925 12961 12997 i3 33 13070 13106 84 2-13142 13178 I32I4 13250 13285 13321 13357 13393 13429 13465 85 13500 13536 I357 1 13607 13642 13677 13712 13748 13783 13818 86 13853 13888 13923 13958 13993 14028 14063 14098 -I 4i33 14168 87 2-14203 14237 14272 14307 i434i 14376 14411 14445 14480 MSU 88 14549 14583 14618 14652 14687 14721 !4755 14790 14824 14858 89 14892 14926 14960 14994 15028 15062 15096 1513 15164 15197 90 2-15231 15265 15298 15332 15366 !5399 15433 15466 1550 15533 9 1 15567 15600 15633 15667 15700 15733 15766 15800 15833 15866 92 -I 5 8 99 I 593 2 15965 15998 16031 16064 16097 16129 16162 16195 93 2*16228 16260 16293 16326 16358 16391 16424 16456 16489 16521 94 16554 16586 16619 16651 16684 16716 16748 16780 16813 16845 95 16877 16909 16941 16973 17005 17037 17069 17101 17132 17164 96 2-17196 17227 i7 2 59 17291 17322 17354 17386 17417 17449 17480 97 17512 17543 I 7575 17606 17638 17669 17701 17732 17763 17795 98 17826 17857 17888 17919 17950 17981 18012 18043 18074 18105 99 2-18136 18167 18197 18228 18259 18290 18320 18351 18382 18412 100 18443 (3) 112 II /3= 0-125 0-25 0-50 075 I O < X 1 z ~b X I z I X ~b z 1 X ~b z ~b X ~b z ~b 5 10 15 08715 17357 25855 00380 01518 03402 08714 17348 25827 00380 01517 03397 08711 17332 25774 00380 01515 03386 08709 17316 25720 00380 01513 3375 08707 17300 25668 00380 01511 03365 20 25 30 34139 42141 49798 06014 09328 I33I4 34076 42022 49600 05997 09288 13232 33952 41790 49217 05964 09210 13075 33830 41564 48849 05932 09134 12925 337H 41344 48495 05900 09060 12781 35 40 45 57049 63838 70115 T7933 23142 28893 56749 63413 69545 17786 22899 28517 56173 62608 68478 17506 22441 27819 55628 61854 -67493 17242 22017 27183 55109 61146 66579 16993 21623 26599 5 55 60 75834 8^955 85445 35133 41807 48855 75104 80055 84371 34582 41033 47807 73752 78407 82427 33573 39637 45946 72522 76928 80706 32669 38408 44335 71394 75587 79161 31851 37312 42919 65 70 75 89278 92430 94889 56216 63826 71621 88033 91027 93348 54840 62067 69425 85807 88545 90647 52436 59042 65707 83859 86396 88332 50389 56511 62646 82127 84502 86305 48613 54342 60056 80 85 90 96644 97694 98042 79537 87508 9547i "94995 95974 96297 76850 84281 91656 92126 92998 93283 72372 78984 8549! 89685 90478 90736 68744 74756 80641 87559 88291 88539 65708 71259 76671 95 IOO I0 5 97698 96677 95001 1-03363 I III2I I-I8686 9598i 95047 935 2 4 98920 1-06015 1-12889 93007 92197 90886 9 l8 45 98002 1-03920 90488 89763 88595 86358 91870 -97145 88302 87640 86576 81909 86944 91747 no H5 I2O 92695 89793 86333 i 26ooo 1-33008 1-39656 9 r 443 88841 85759 1-19492 1-25777 1-31699 89109 86902 84306 1*09562 1-14892 1-19880 87018 85067 82782 1*02151 1-06863 1-11255 "85144 83377 81312 96293 1*00561 I-0453 1 I2 5 130 35 82360 77923 73082 1-45895 1-51678 1-56962 82243 78345 74122 1-37220 1-42301 1-46912 81366 78127 74637 1-24498 1-28722 I "3 2 53 I 80201 77365 74318 1-15309 i -19006 1-22333 78983 76428 73686 1-08189 1-11520 i i45 I 4 140 M5 150 67902 62460 56842 1-61710 1-65888 1-69469 69635 64953 60151 1*51026 1-54620 1-57681 70949 67117 63197 1-35912 1-38855 1-41354 71103 67765 64350 1-25280 1-27843 1*30020 70794 67793 64720 1-17165 1-19469 1-21428 i55 160 165 5H50 45497 40013 172434 1-74778 1-76511 553io 50514 4585 1*60203 1-62192 1-63665 59246 55321 51480 1-43412 1-45039 1-46252 60904 57472 54096 1-31815 1-33238 1-34304 61615 58516 55458 1-23045 1-24330 1-25296 170 175 1 80 34830 30080 25864 1-77663 1-78298 1-78487 41402 37245 33439 1-64653 1-65203 1-65372 47773 44247 40941 1-47076 1-47542 1-47688 50818 47672 44690 I-3503 2 I-35448 1-35579 52476 "49599 46853 i 25958 1-26338 1-26459 (4) II 0= i-5 2 2 5 3*o 3*5 <#> X 1 z ~b X I z ~b X I z ~b X b z b X b z ~b 5 IO IS 08703 17268 25564 00380 01507 03344 08699 17236 25462 00379 01502 03324 08695 17204 25363 00379 01498 03305 08691 17173 25265 00379 01494 03286 08687 17142 25170 00379 01490 03268 20 25 3 33479 40923 47826 05838 08920 12511 33255 40523 47203 05779 08787 12262 33039 40143 46619 05723 08662 12030 32830 39780 46071 05668 08543 11814 32628 39434 45553 05615 08430 11613 35 40 45 54M4 59848 64928 16533 20908 25560 53260 58681 63469 16117 20274 24658 52446 57621 62161 15739 19707 23863 51691 56651 60978 i539i 19194 23155 50988 55756 59898 15071 18726 22517 5 55 - 60 69385 73229 76478 30420 35427 40522 67636 71206 74203 29203 33851 38552 66089 69435 72231 28146 32503 36888 64703 67862 70492 27216 > 3 I 33 35454 63448 66448 68939 26387 30294 34199 65 70 75 79152 81277 82879 45655 50780 55857 76656 78596 80052 43261 47939 52552 74510 76305 77649 41262 4559 2 49847 72629 74308 7556i 39556 43604 47573 70956 72539 73718 38073 41886 45622 80 35 90 83987 84630 84838 60850 65724 70453 81055 81635 81822 57070 61466 65717 78572 79104 79275 54004 58038 61931 76420 76915 77074 5 I 442 55I9 1 58803 74523 74989 75137 49255 52771 56154 95 IOO I0 5 84640 84067 8315 75009 79371 83516 81645 81133 80314 69802 73702 77401 79 ir 3 78646 77899 65665 69224 72596 76924 76491 75801 62262 65556 68674 74998 74593 73948 5939i 62472 65386 no "5 I2O 81917 80402 78634 87427 91089 94487 79216 77868 76297 80886 84143 87162 76900 75674 74246 75768 78730 81474 74878 73745 72428 71605 74340 76873 73086 72027 70799 68122 70674 73 39 I2 5 130 i35 76644 74465 72128 97612 i 00453 1*03006 74531 72598 70525 89935 92456 94720 72642 70886 69004 83994 86283 88339 70948 69328 67590 79198 81310 83207 69417 67906 66284 75209 77182 78949 140 145 15 69663 67105 64482 1-05264 1-07229 1-08901 68339 66068 63738 96723 98467 99952 67018 64954 62834 90159 9*744 93 95 65758 63851 61893 84887 86350 87599 64574 62792 60963 80^19 81884 83050 155 1 60 165 61826 59167 56532 1-10284 1-11387 I - I22l8 61375 i 59303 56647 i - oii83 i o2i66 1-02910 60681 58518 56364 94217 95H3 95793 59901 57898 559 01 88636 89467 90097 59101 57223 55353 84020 84798 8539 170 175 180 53949 5M39 49026 I I2792 I-I3I23 ri3229 54329 52069 49885 1-03425 1-03723 1-03819 54240 52164 50151 96265 96538 96630 539 2 7 5 X 994 50116 90535 90790 90872 5350 51684 > 59 1 4 85802 86041 86117 (5) II /3 = 4-0 4 5 5*o 5 5 6-0 t X ~b z "b X I z I X b z I X lb z b X b z b 5" 10 15 08683 17112 25076 00378 01486 03249 08679 17082 24984 00378 01482 03231 08675 17052 24894 00378 01478 03213 08671 17022 24806 00378 01474 03196 08667 16992 24719 00377 01471 03179 20 25 3 32432 39102 45064 05564 08323 11423 32241 38784 44600 05515 08221 11244 32057 38479 44159 "05468 08123 11075 31878 38186 43738 05422 08030 10916 31704 3793 43336 05377 07940 10764 35 40 45 50329 54928 58905 14773 18298 21938 49710 54156 57986 14495 17903 21409 49127 53434 57133 14236 !7537 20922 48576 52755 56335 13993 17196 20472 48053 52116 55588 13764 16878 20055 5 55 60 62302 65165 67536 25642 29370 33^87 61249 63992 66258 24967 28538 32091 60275 62912 65086 24349 27781 31191 59370 61911 64005 23781 27089 30371 58525 60981 63001 23257 26454 29621 65 70 75 69453 70953 72069 36766 40383 439*9 68089 69518 70580 35602 39050 42414 66840 68208 69223 34555 37854 41071 65689 67004 67978 33606 36773 39860 "64625 65891 66829 32739 3579 38761 80 85 90 72832 73271 734II 47355 50676 53869 71306 71722 71856 45682 48837 51868 69917 70314 70441 44i9 2 47203 50095 68643 69024 69M5 42853 45737 48508 67468 67835 67952 41640 44414 47076 95 IOO 105 73279 72898 72290 56922 59825 62569 71730 71369 70792 54766 57518 60119 70322 69977 69428 52858 55482 57960 69032 68701 68176 5H53 53665 56036 67842 675 2 5 67021 49617 52030 54307 no "5 1 20 71478 70483 69326 65M7 67550 69775 70023 69081 67984 62563 64842 66948 685 95 67798 66753 60287 62457 64464 67475 66616 65617 58262 60337 62258 66348 65523 64564 56444 58436 60280 125 J 3 135 68026 66604 65078 71817 73672 75338 66753 65405 63960 68882 70639 72218 65581 64297 62920 66306 67979 69483 64496 63269 61950 64020 65620 67059 63487 62309 61043 61971 63508 64889 140 145 15 63467 61790 60065 76814 78101 79201 62433 60844 59207 73616 74837 75881 61466 59951 58391 70816 71979 72973 6^559 59109 57616 68334 69448 70399 59707 58314 56879 66114 67184 68098 1.55 160 165 5 8 3io 56540 54772 80115 80849 81407 57541 55861 54180 76748 77446 77974 56802 55i9 8 53593 73801 74466 74972 5 6 094 54555 53oi7 71192 71828 72315 554i6 53937 52457 68860 69473 69940 170 175 1 80 53021 51300 49623 81796 82022 82096 52515 50875 49278 78345 78561 78632 52001 50433 48902 75326 75532 75600 51489 49983 48511 72655 72853 72917 509 8 5 49535 48115 70267 70458 70520 (6) II /3= 6-5 7 7 5 8-0 S 5 <A X b z ~b X b z ~b X b z 1) X b z ~b X b z 1) 5 10 15 08663 16963 24634 00377 01467 03163 08659 16934 2455 00377 01463 03147 08655 16906 24467 00377 01459 03131 08651 16877 24386 00376 01456 03115 08647 16849 24306 00376 01452 03100 20 25 3 3 31534 37630 42951 05334 07854 10620 31369 37367 42583 05292 07771 10482 31208 37112 42229 05251 07692 1035* 3*05* 36866 41889 05211 07615 10225 30897 36628 41562 05172 0754* 10105 35 40 45 47556 1 5 I 5 11 54884 13548 16579 19666 47083 50939 54220 13344 16299 19302 46631 50395 5359i 1315 16034 18960 46199 49877 52995 12966 15784 18638 45785 49382 52428 12790 15546 *8334 5 3 55 60 57733 60 1 1 1 62065 22771 25868 28930 56988 59 2 95 61189 22318 25322 28291 56285 58526 60366 21994 24813 27697 55619 57801 59590 21497 24338 27M3 54987 571*5 58857 21123 23893 26624 65 73 75 63635 64857 65762 31943 34890 37756 62710 63892 64768 31209 34061 36834 61842 62989 63837 30528 33293 35983 61024 62139 62963 29895 32581 35*92 60252 61337 62139 29303 31917 34455 80 85 90 66379 66733 66846 40534 43209 45774 65364 6^706 65815 395*9 42105 44584 64415 64745 64851 38583 41088 43488 63524 63844 63947 377i6 40147 42476 62685 62995 63096 36911 39273 4*536 95 IOO i5 66738 66434 65949 48222 50547 5 2 74o 65712 65418 64949 46948 49*93 5*3" 64753 64467 64013 45777 47950 50001 63851 63574 63134 44696 46804 48792 63002 62732 62306 43693 45742 47673 no 115 120 65301 64506 63582 54799 56717 58492 64323 63556 62664 53 2 99 55151 56865 63407 62665 61802 51923 537i6 55375 62546 61827 60990 5o657 52395 54003 61734 61036 60223 49485 5i*73 52735 I 2 5 130 *35 62545 61410 60192 60121 61601 62930 61663 60567 5939 58437 59866 61151 60834 59773 58633 56896 58279 59522 60051 59022 57917 55479 56820 58027 593*1 583*1 57238 54*69 55472 56646 140 HS 15 58904 57563 56179 64111 65142 66023 58147 56851 555*4 62291 63286 64138 5743 56175 54880 60627 61590 62415 5675 55532 54276 59097 60032 60832 56104 54920 53699 57684 5 8 593 5937* 155 160 165 54769 53342 $1914 66758 67349 67800 5415 5 2 77i 51389 64848 65420 65856 53558 52222 50882 63103 63657 64080 52993 51696 50394 61500 62038 62449 5245* 51190 49924 60020 60544 "60944 170 75 1 80 50492 49091 47719 68115 68300 68360 50014 48657 47328 66161 66340 66398 49549 48233 46942 64376 64548 64605 49099 47819 46564 62736 62905 62960 48662 474*6 46193 61223 61389 6i443 (7) II /3= 9 o 9 5 IO*O I0 5 II O < X ~b z b X I z ~b X b z ~b X b z ~b X & z ~b 5 10 15 08643 16821 24228 00376 01448 03085 08639 16793 24151 00376 oi445 03070 08635 16766 24075 00375 01441 03056 08631 16739 24000 00375 01438 03042 08627 16712 23927 00375 01434 03028 20 2 5 3 3 748 3 6 397 41246 05135 07469 09989 30603 36173 40941 05099 07400 09878 30460 35955 40647 05063 7333 09771 30320 35743 40362 05028 07269 09668 30184 35537 40087 04994 07206 09569 35 40 45 45388 48909 51887 12623 15321 18046 45006 48457 S I 37i 12463 15106 17773 44639 48023 50877 12310 14902 i75i4 44285 47606 50404 12163 14707 17267 43944 47205 49949 12022 14520 17032 5^ 55 60 54387 5 6 463 58162 20771 23474 26137 53815 55843 5750 2 20438 23078 25678 53269 55252 56874 2OI2I 22703 25245 5 2 747 54688 56275 19820 22348 24835 52246 54148 55702 !9534 22OII 24446 65 7 75 595 22 60579 61360 28748 31295 33767 58829 59860 60622 28226 30711 33122 58171 59*1* 59921 27734 30l6l 32516 57543 58528 59254 27269 29642 31945 56944 57908 58618 26829 29151 3 J 404 80 85 90 61892 62194 62291 36158 38458 40661 61141 61435 61530 35453 37694 39842 60427 60715 60808 34791 36979 39074 59749 60030 60121 34167 36306 38352 59101 59377 59466 33578 35670 37671 95 TOO i5 62200 61938 61523 42760 44753 46632 61441 61186 60781 41888 43830 45661 60721 60472 60077 4I07I 42965 4475 2 60036 59793 59407 40303 42153 43899 59383 59!45 58768 39579 41388 43095 I 10 IJ 5 1 20 60967 60288 59497 48396 50038 51558 60239 59578 58807 47380 48979 50461 59549 58903 58151 46428 47989 49434 58892 58260 57525 45535 47060 48471 58264 57646 56928 44694 46186 47565 125 130 J 55 58609 57636 56592 5 2 953 54221 55363 57942 56994 55977 51820 53055 54167 57307 56382 55389 50760 51966 53050 56701 55798 54827 49767 5 944 52003 56122 55 2 39 5429 48832 49984 51019 140 145 15 55488 54336 53M7 56373 57258 58015 54900 53778 52618 55153 56015 56753 54339 53 2 43 52111 54013 54854 55575 53801 52731 51624 5 2 944 53767 5447i 53286 52239 5II57 5*940 52744 53433 r 55 1 60 165 51932 573 49470 58648 59158 59547 5M34 50235 49032 57371 57868 58247 50955 49784 48609 56l 7 8 56663 57034 50494 4935 48201 55060 55535 55897 5005 1 48931 47806 54010 54474 54829 170 175 1 80 48240 47025 45832 59820 59982 60034 47831 46645 45480 58514 58671 58722 47436 46277 45138 57294 57447 57497 47053 45920 44804 56152 56301 56350 46683 45573 44480 55078 55224 55272 (8) II = 1 1 5 I2 O 12-5 I3-0 13*5 < X b z 1) X b b X 1 z ~b X b & b X 1) *y I 5 10 15 08623 16685 -3855 00375 01431 03014 08619 16658 23784 00374 01427 03000 08615 16632 23714 00374 01424 02987 08611 16606 23645 00374 01421 02974 08607 16580 23577 00374 01417 02961 20 25 3 3035 1 35337 39820 04961 07145 09474 29921 35M2 39562 04929 07086 09382 29794 3495 2 393 11 04898 07029 09293 29669 34767 39067 04867 06973 09207 29546 34586 38829 04837 06919 09123 35 40 45 43 6l 5 46819 495 12 11887 i434i 16807 43296 46446 49093 H757 14170 16592 42988 46086 48689 11631 14005 16386 42689 45738 48298 11510 13847 16188 42400 45402 47921 H393 13694 15998 5 55 6j 51765 5363 ss^s 19262 21690 24077 5 I 34 53 J 34 54628 19002 21384 23725 50861 52657 54123 18753 21092 23390 5 433 52198 53638 18515 20813 23070 50020 51756 53 1 ? 1 18286 20546 22764 65 70 75 56371 57315 58010 26412 28686 ; 30892 55821 56746 57428 26015 28244 30406 55 2 93 56200 56870 25637 27824 29944 54787 55677 56335 25276 27423 29504 543oo 55*74 55820 2493 1 27040 29083 80 35 90 58483 58753 58840 33020 35068 37027 57892 58157 58241 32492 34498 36418 57326 57586 57667 31990 33957 35839 56782 57037 57H7 3 T 5 13 33442 35289 56259 5 6 5 10 56589 31056 32951 34765 95 TOO I0 5 58759 58526 58157 3^895 4^666 42336 58162 57934 57572 38248 39982 41618 5759 1 57366 57012 37634 39335 40938 57042 56822 56474 3/050 38717 40291 i 5 6 5 J 4 56299 55957 36494 38131 39675 no H5 120 57664 57359 56357 43901 45362 46711 57389 56497 55809 43i5 2 44582 45904 56538 55958 55283 42443 43843 45 J 43 56009 55440 54778 41768 43H2 44414 555 01 54942 54292 41126 42475 43723 I2 5 13 135 1 -55568 54703 53774 4795 1 49079 50091 55036 54189 53279 47119 48223 49216 54525 53695 52802 4633 1 47413 48388 54034 53220 52344 45583 46644 47601 5356i 52762 51902 44871 45913 46853 140 145 *S 52791 51766 50707 5 993 51783 52455 52316 S^n 50273 50099 50870 SI532 5 l8 59 50873 49855 49252 50008 50658 51418 5045 4945 1 48449 49191 49829 50993 50042 49061 47686 48415 49041 155 160 165 49624 48527 47424 53020 53475 53823 49212 48136 47055 52085 52531 52872 48814 47758 46698 51200 5^638 $ 1 97 2 48429 47393 4635 1 50361 5079 1 51119 48057 47039 46015 495 6 4 49986 50308 170 175 1 80 46324 45 2 36 44164 54066 54210 54256 45976 44908 43857 S3 111 53252 53298 45638 44589 43558 52207 5 2 346 5239 1 453 IJ 44280 43267 5 T 35o 51486 5i53i 44993 43979 42983 50535 50669 $07*3 B. (9) 12 II /3 = M . O I, rs 1^ )*0 l v 5 5 K ro </> X b z I X b z I X b z b X b z "b X 1 z b 5 10 15 08604 l6 554 23509 00373 01414 02949 08600 16529 23443 00373 01411 02936 08596 16503 23377 00373 01408 02924 08592 16478 23313 00373 01404 02912 08588 i6453 23249 00372 01401 02900 20 25 30 29426 344io 38598 04808 06866 09042 29308 34237 38374 04779 06815 08963 29192 34069 38155 04751 06765 08887 29078 3395 37942 04723 06716 08813 28967 33744 37734 04696 06669 08741 35 40 45 1 1 -42119 4577 47556 11281 13547 15815 41847 44762 47203 11172 13435 <I 5 6 39 41582 44456 46861 11067 13268 15469 : "41325 44159 46530 10964 13135 15305 41074 438/1 46209 10865 13007 *5*47 5 55 60 49622 51329 52721 18067 20289 22470 49237 50917 "52287 17856 20042 22188 48865 505 1 9 51867 17653 19805 21918 48504 5 OI 34 ! 5 I 46i 17457 19577 21658 48155 49761 51069 17268 19358 21408 65 70 75 53831 54691 55325 24601 26674 28682 53379 54225 54848 24285 26323 28298 52942 53775 54387 23981 25987 27930 52520 53340 53942 23689 25664 27577 52112 52919 535*3 23409 25354 27238 80 85 90 55756 56002 56080 30620 32483 34265 55271 55513 55590 30203 32036 337 8 7 54804 55042 55^8 29804 31607 33330 54353 54588 54662 29422 3"95 32892 53917 54148 54221 29055 30801 3 2 47i 95 IOO io5 56007 55795 55459 35963 37572 39089 555i8 553*0 54980 35456 "37037 38529 55047 54842 54517 3497i 36527 37994 54592 5439 1 54070 345 6 36038 37482 54152 53954 53639 34061 35569 36991 no "5 120 550" 54462 53824 40513 "41839 43066 54539 53999 53372 39928 41232 42439 54084 53553 52936 39370 40652 41839 53645 53122 52515 38836 40097 41265 53220 52705 52107 38324 39566 40716 I 2 5 130 135 53106 52321 5*476 44193 45217 46140 52666 51896 51064 43546 44553 45460 52242 5 I 484 50666 42928 439i8 44811 51832 51085 50280 42337 43312 44191 5*435 50699 49907 41771 42732 43596 I4O *45 153 50582 49648 48684 46959 47676 48291 5 l8 5 49267 48318 46266 46971 47576 49801 48898 47964 45604 46298 46893 49429 48540 47621 4497* 45654 46240 49069 48193 47288 44365 45 37 45614 155 160 165 47697 46696 45689 48805 49220 49537 47348 46363 45372 48081 48489 48801 47009 46040 45o65 4739 47792 48099 46680 45726 44766 46729 47 I2 5 47427 46361 4542i 44475 46096 46486 46784 170 175 180 44684 43687 42707 49760 49892 49935 44383 43403 42438 49021 49*51 49*93 44091 43126 42176 48315 48443 48484 43807 42856 41920 47640 47766 47807 43530 42593 1 41670 46994 47118 47158 (10) II = 16 5 I 7-0 I rs I< 3-o i< 3 5 4> X b z ~b X ~b z b X b z I X b z b X b z b 5 10 i5 08584 16429 23186 00372 01398 02888 08580 16404 23124 00372 oi395 02877 08577 16380 23063 00372 01392 02865 08573 16356 23002 00371 01389 02854 08569 16332 22942 00371 01386 02843 20 25 S^ 28857 33587 3753 1 04669 06622 08671 28750 33433 37333 04643 06577 08603 28645 33282 37!4o 04618 06533 08537 28541 33134 3695 1 04593 06490 08472 28439 32989 36767 04569 06448 08409 35 40 45 40830 "4359 1 45898 10769 12882 14994 40592 433i8 45595 10675 12762 14846 40361 43052 453oi 10584 12646 14703 40135 42794 45 OI 4 10496 12533 14564 399M 42542 44735 10410 12423 1443 5 55 60 "47816 49400 50689 17086 19146 21167 47487 49050 50321 16910 18942 20934 47168 48710 49963 16740 -18745 20709 46858 48379 49616 16575 18554 20493 46556 48057 49279 16415 18369 20284 65 70 75 S 1 ? 1 ? 52511 5309 8 23139 25^56 26913 5 T 334 I 5 2II 7 52696 22879 24769 26599 50962 51735 523^6 22628 24492 26296 50602 51364 5 T 9 2 7 22385 24224 26004 50252 51004 5!559 22151 23966 25723 80 35 90 53495 53722 53795 28702 30422 32067 ! 53387 533H j -53382 28363 30058 31678 52691 5 2 9 r 3 52982 28036 29707 3 I 334 52308 52526 52595 27720 29368 30944 5J936 5215 52219 27415 29041 30596 95 100 I0 5 53727 53532 53222 33634 35ii8 36520 533!5 53123 52818 33223 34685 36067 52916 52727 52426 32827 34269 35631 52529 52343 52046 32446 33868 35211 52153 51970 5 l6 77 32078 33481 348^6 no 115 I2O 52809 52301 51712 37833 3957 40189 52411 51910 5 J 33o 37361 38567 39683 52025 5 r 53i 50959 36907 38096 39196 5 l6 5o 51164 50599 36470 37642 38727 51286 50807 50250 36047 37205 38275 I 2 5 130 135 5i 5i 50325 49545 41228 42176 43025 50679 49962 49194 40707 41641 42478 -5 3i7 49610 48853 40206 41126 41952 49966 49269 48522 39723 40631 41446 49625 "48937 48200 39258 40153 40958 I4O M5 15 i -48720 -47856 46964 43783 44446 45 OI 3 48380 47529 46650 43225 43878 "44437 48050 47212 46344 42689 43331 43884 47730 46903 46047 42172 42807 4335 1 47419 46603 45758 41674 42302 42838 155 160 165 46051 45 I2 4 44192 45489 45873 46167 45750 44836 43916 44907 45285 45575 45456 44555 43648 44347 44720 45006 45*7 l 44282 43386 43808 44176 44459 44893 44016 43I3 1 43289 43653 4393i 170 175 1 80 43261 42337 41426 46375 46496 46536 42998 42087 41188 4578o 45900 45939 42742 41843 40956 45208 45327 45365 42492 41604 40729 44658 44775 44813 42248 41371 40507 44129 44244 44281 (II) 122 II /3= 19-0 19-5 20*0 2I O 22 O < X ~b z 1 X b z b X b z ~b X I z I X b Z b 5 10 15 08565 16308 22883 00371 01383 02832 08562 16284 22825 00371 01380 02821 08558 16261 22768 00370 oi377 02811 08550 16214 22655 00370 01371 02790 08543 16169 22545 00369 01365 02770 20 25 3 28339 3 28 47 36586 4545 06407 08348 28240 32707 36409 04521 06367 08288 28143 32571 36236 04498 06327 08230 27953 32306 359 01 04453 06250 08118 27769 32050 35579 04410 06177 08010 35 40 45 39699 42297 44464 10327 12317 14299 39489 42058 44199 10246 12214 14172 39283 41824 43941 10167 12113 14050 38885 41373 43443 10016 11919 13814 38505 40942 42969 09871 11736 *359* 5 55 60 46262 47745 48951 16260 18190 20081 45977 4744i 48632 16110 18017 19885 45698 47145 48322 15065 17849 19694 45161 46575 47725 15686 17528 *933o 44650 46033 47158 15423 17224 18987 65 70 75 49912 50654 51202 21924 23716 2545 4958i 5 3i4 50855 21705 23474 25186 49259 49984 505*8 21492 23240 24931 48640 49349 49870 21086 22793 24445 48053 48746 49255 20704 22373 23987 80 85 90 51574 51785 5 l8 54 27121 28725 30261 51222 5i43i 5*499 26836 28420 29937 50880 51087 5H53 26561 28126 29623 50223 50426 50489 26037 27565 29026 49600 49798 49860 25543 27037 28465 95 IOO I0 5 51789 51608 5 I 3 I 9 31723 33 IO S 34415 5*435 51256 50970 31380 32748 34038 51091 > 59 I 4 50632 31049 32400 33674 5043 50257 49982 30418 3*738 32981 49802 49633 49364 29825 31115 32330 no "5 I2O 5933 50460 49910 35640 36783 37839 ; 50589 50123 49580 35248 36376 374i8 50255 49795 .49258 34869 35982 37012 49613 49164 48640 34147 35233 ; 36239 49004 48565 48053 33470 3453i 35514 125 130 135 49 2 93 48614 47887 38810 39693 40488 , 48970 48300 475 82 38377 39249 40034 48656 47995 47285 37959 38820 39596 48052 47407 46714 37163 38005 38762 47478 46848 46170 36418 37240 37980 140 J 45 !5 47116 46310 45476 4U95 41814 i 42344 46821 46024 45201 40732 41343 41867 46533 45746 44933 40285 40889 41407 45979 45210 44417 39435 40025 40532 45452 44700 439 2 4 38639 39 2I 5 39711 55 160 165 44622 43756 42882 42789 ! 43148 43423 ; 44358 43502 42639 42307 42661 42933 44100 43254 42402 41841 42191 42460 43602 42775 41944 40955 41299 41560 43128 42319 41506 40125 40460 40717 170 175 1 80 42010 41143 40290 43618 43732 43769 41777 40921 40078 43i 2 5 43 2 38 43275 4i55 40704 39870 42649 42761 42797 41111 40284 39468 41744 41854 41889 40690 39881 39082 40897 41004 41039 (12) II = 2 3 24 25 26 27 $ X 1) z I X b z ~b X 1 z ~b X b z ~b X b z ~b 5 10 i5 o8535 16123 22438 00369 01359- 02750 08528 16079 22333 00368 oi354 02731 . 08521 16035 22230 00368 01348 02712 08513 *599 2 22130 00367 01343 02694 08506 *5949 22032 00367 01338 02676 20 2 5 3 27591 31803 35269 04368 06107 07907 27418 31564 3497i 04327 06039 07808 27250 3*333 34684 04288 5974 07713 27087 31110 34407 04250 05911 07622 26928 30894 34140 04213 05850 07535 35 43 45 38141 40529 42516 9733 11561 -I 3379 3779 1 40134 42082 09601 -II 395 -I 3i77 37455 39755 41666 09475 11236 12985 3^131 39390 41267 09354 11084 12802 36818 39039 40883 09238 10939 12627 5 55 60 44162 i 455*6 46618 I5I73 16937 18662 43696 450- 3 46102 -I 4936 16664 18355 43249 44551 45609 14711 16405 18063 42821 44099 45*37 14496 16159 17786 : 42410 43665 44684 14291 <I 59 2 4 17522 65 70 75 47493 48171 48670 20343 21976 2 3556 46960 47624 48112 20OO2 2l6oi 23148 46451 47101 47579 19678 21246 22761 45963 46601 47070 19370 20908 22395 45495 46121 46582 19077 20586 22047 8O : 49OO8 85 49201 90 49262 25078 26540 27937 48443 48632 48692 24638 26070 27438 47905 48089 48148 24221 25626 26966 47389 47570 47628 23826 25204 26519 46895 47073 4713 23452 24803 26094 95 IOD 105 49205 4939 48776 29268 30529 31718 48636 48474 48216 28741 29976 3II40 48092 47934 47682 28243 29453 30594 47573 47418 47170 27771 28958 30077 47076 46924 46680 27323 28488 29586 no JI 5 I2O 48424 47995 47494 32833 33871 34833 47872 47451 46961 32232 33249 34I9 1 47345 46931 46452 31665 32662 33585 46840 46434 45964 31127 32105 33010 46356 45958 45496 30616 31577 32465 I2 5 130 135 46932 46315 45651 357i8 36521 37246 -46410 45806 45^6 35057 35844 36554 459 11 453*9 44682 34433 35204 359 01 45434 44853 44228 33842 34599 35282 44976 44406 43793 33282 34025 34695 140 M5 15 44949 44214 43453 37891 38454 38939 44468 43748 43003 37185 37737 38212 44008 43302 42571 36519 i 37061 37526 , 43567 42874 42157 35888 36420 36876 43*43 42463 41759 35290 358i2 36260 155 160 I6 5 ! 42675 41883 41086 39345 39673 39925 42240 41464 40683 386tO i 38931 39 X 78 41823 41062 40296 379*5 38231 38472 41423 40676 39924 37258 37568 37805 41039 403^5 39566 36635 36940 37173 170 175 180 40287 39494 38712 40101 40206 40240 39900 39123 38356 39351 39454 39487 39528 38766 38014 38643 3 8 744 i 38776 39170 38422 37683 37973 38072 38103 38825 38090 37364 37337 37434 37465 (13) II p= 19-0 i9 5 2O O 2I O 22 O $ X b z b X b z 1 X b z b X ~b z b X 1) z b 5 10 15 ^08565 16308 22883 00371 01383 02832 08562 16284 22825 00371 01380 02821 08558 16261 22768 00370 oi377 02811 08550 16214 22655 00370 01371 02790 08543 16169 22545 00369 01365 02770 20 2 5 3 28339 32847 36586 04545 06407 08348 28240 32707 36409 04521 06367 08288 28143 32571 36236 04498 06327 08230 27953 32306 359oi 04453 06250 08118 27769 32050 35579 04410 06177 oSoio 35 40 45 39699 42297 44464 10327 12317 14299 39489 42058 44199 10246 12214 14172 39283 41824 4394i 10167 12113 14050 38885 41373 43443 10016 11919 13814 38505 40942 42969 09871 11736 I359 1 5 55 60 46262 47745 48951 16260 18190 20081 45977 47441 48632 16110 18017 19885 45698 47145 48322 15065 17849 19694 45161 46575 47725 15686 17528 19330 44650 46033 47158 15423 17224 18987 65 70 75 49912 50654 51202 21924 23716 2545 49581 50314 50855 21705 23474 25186 49259 49984 505*8 21492 23240 24931 48640 49349 49870 21086 22793 24445 48053 48746 49255 20704 22373 23987 80 85 90 51574 51785 51854 27121 28725 30261 51222 51431 5*499 26836 28420 29937 50880 51087 5H53 26561 28126 29623 50223 50426 50489 26037 27565 29026 49600 49798 49860 25543 27037 28465 95 IOO I0 5 5!7 8 9 51608 51319 31723 33108 ; 34415 5 J 435 5 I2 5 6 50970 31380 32748 34038 51091 S9 I 4 50632 31049 32400 33674 5 43o 50257 49982 30418 3*738 32981 49802 49633 49364 29825 3i"5 3 2 33o no "5 I2O 5933 50460 49910 35640 36783 37839 50589 50123 49580 35248 36376 374i8 5^255 49795 49258 34869 35982 37012 49613 49164 48640 34147 35 2 33 36239 49004 48565 48053 33470 3453i 355M 125 130 135 49 2 93 48614 47887 38810 3969.1 40488 48970 48300 47582 38377 39249 40034 48656 47995 47285 37959 38820 39596 48052 47407 46714 37163 : 38005 38762 47478 46848 46170 36418 37240 379 8 o 140 M5 15 47116 46310 45476 41195 41814 42344 46821 46024 45201 40732 41343 41867 46533 45746 44933 40285 40889 41407 45979 45210 44417 39435 40025 40532 45452 44700 43924 38639 39215 39711 *55 160 165 44622 43756 42882 42789 , 43 48 43423 44358 43502 42639 42307 42661 42933 44100 43 2 54 42402 41841 42191 42460 43602 42775 41944 40955 41299 41560 43128 42319 41506 40125 40460 40717 170 175 1 80 42010 4"43 40290 43618 ! 43732 : 43769 1 41777 40921 40078 43125 43238 43275 4i55 40704 39870 42649 42761 42797 41111 40284 39468 41744 41854 41889 1 40690 39881 39082 40897 41004 41039 (12) II /3 = _ / >3 24 25 26 27 <t> X b z 1) X b z I X b z b X ~b z ~b X b z ~b 5 10 15 08535 16123 22438 00365 01359 02750 08528 16079 22333 00368 oi354 02731 . 08521 16035 22230 00368 01348 02712 08513 >1 599 2 22130 00367 oi343 02694 1 08506 -I 5949 22032 00367 01338 02676 20 25 30 27591 31803 35269 04368 06107 07907 27418 31564 3497i 04327 06039 07808 27250 31333 34684 04288 5974 07713 27087 31110 34407 04250 05911 07622 26928 30894 34MO 04213 05850 07535 35 43 45 38141 40529 42516 09733 11561 J3379 3779 1 40134 42082 09601 H395 *3I77 37455 39755 41666 09475 11236 12985 37i3i 39390 41267 09354 11084 12802 36818 39039 40883 09238 10939 12627 5 55 60 44162 : -45516 46618 I5I73 16937 18662 43696 45023 46102 1J 4936 16664 18355 43249 4455i 45609 14711 16405 18063 , 42821 44099 45!37 14496 16159 17786 42410 43665 44684 14291 -I 5924 17522 65 70 75 47493 48171 1 -48670 20343 21976 23556 46960 47624 48112 2OO02 2l6oi 23148 46451 47101 47579 19678 21246 22761 45963 46601 47070 19370 20908 22395 45495 46121 46582 19077 20586 22047 80 35 90 49008 49201 49262 25078 26540 27937 48443 48632 48692 24638 26070 27438 47905 48089 48148 24221 25626 26966 47389 47570 47628 23826 25204 26519 46895 47073 4713 23452 24803 26094 95 TOO I0 5 49205 4939 48776 29268 30529 31718 48636 48474 48216 28741 29976 3II40 48092 47934 47682 28243 29453 30594 47573 47418 47170 27771 28958 30077 47076 46924 46680 27323 28488 29586 no ri 5 120 48424 47995 47494 32833 33871 34833 47872 4745 r 46961 32232 33 2 49 34I9 1 47345 46931 46452 31665 32662 33585 46840 46434 45964 31127 32105 33010 46356 45958 45496 30616 31577 32465 I2 5 130 135 46932 46315 45651 357i8 36521 37246 46410 45806 45156 35057 35844 36554 459 11 45319 44682 34433 35204 35901 45434 44853 44228 33842 34599 35282 44976 44406 43793 33282 34025 34695 140 J 45 15 44949 44214 43453 37891 38454 38939 44468 43748 43003 37185 37737 38212 44008 43302 42571 36519 37061 37526 43567 42874 42157 35888 36420 36876 43M3 42463 41759 35290 35812 36260 155 1 60 165 42675 41883 41086 39345 39673 39925 42240 41464 40683 386tO 38931 39!78 41823 41062 40296 37915 38231 38472 41423 40676 39924 | 37258 37568 37805 41039 403^5 39566 36635 36940 37 73 170 175 180 40287 39494 38712 40101 40206 40240 39900 39123 38356 3935 1 39454 39487 39528 38766 38014 38643 3 8 744 38776 39170 38422 37683 37973 38072 38103 38825 38090 37364 37337 37434 37465 (13) II p= 28 29 30 31 32 <f> X b z b X b z b X b z b X b g b X b g b 5 10 15 08499 i59 3 7 21935 00366 01332 02659 08401 15865 21841 00366 01327 02642 08484 15824 21748 00366 01322 02626 08477 15784 21657 00365 01317 02610 08470 15744 21568 00365 01312 02594 20 25 3 26773 30684 33881 04177 05792 0745 1 26623 30481 33631 04M3 05736 0737 26476 30283 33388 04109 05681 07292 26332 30090 33!53 04076 05628 07217 26192 29903 32924 04044 05576 07144 35 40 45 36517 38701 40514 09127 10800 12459 36226 38376 40159 09020 10666 12298 35944 38061 39816 089 [7 io53 8 12144 35671 37756 39485 08818 10415 11996 35408 37462 39 l6 5 08723 10296 11854 5 55 60 42015 43248 44249 !4095 15700 17269 41634 42847 43831 13907 15485 17028 41268 42461 43429 13727 15280 16797 40914 42088 43 4i 3555 15083 16576 40573 41729 42667 i33$9 14894 16364 65 70 75 45046 45661 46114 18797 20280 21714 44613 45 2I 9 45664 18529 19987 21396 44199 44794 45231 18274 19708 21093 43709 44384 44815 18029 19440 20803 43413 43989 44413 17795 19184 20526 80 85 90 4642 r 46596 46652 23095 24422 25690 45966 46138 46193 22754 24059 25305 45528 45698 4575 2 22429 23711 24937 45 I0 7 45 2 74 45327 22118 23379 245 8 5 447oi 44865 449 1 7 21820 23061 24248 95 I DO 105 46599 46449 46210 26897 28041 29119 46142 45993 45759 26491 27616 28674 457oi 45555 45325 26103 27209 28250 45277 45*33 44907 25732 26820 27845 44868 44727 44504 25377 26448 27457 no "5 120 45892 455 = 1 45 47 30131 31074 31947 45446 45061 44615 29669 30595 3!453 45 OI 7 44638 44200 29228 30139 30983 44604 44231 43800 28807 29703 30534 44206 43840 43415 28404 29286 30104 125 130 135 44537 43977 43374 3 2 749 33479 34137 44H5 43564 42972 32242 32960 33605 437o8 43166 42584 31758 32464 33099 : 433i6 42783 42210 31296 31991 32616 42937 42413 41849 30854 31538 32154 140 M5 153 42736 42068 41376 34722 35 2 35 35675 42345 41687 41008 34182 34686 35n8 41967 41320 40652 33666 34162 34587 4160^ 40966 40309 33 X 73 33662 34080 41251 40625 39977 32702 33183 33596 155 160 165 40668 39947 39221 36044 36343 36572 40311 39602 38888 35482 35776 36000 39966 39269 38566 34945 35 2 34 35455 39634 38947 38255 34432 34717 34935 39312 38636 37955 33942 34222 34437 170 J 75 180 38493 37770 3/056 36734 36829 36860 38172 3746i 36759 36160 36253 36284 37862 37162 36471 35612 35704 35735 37562 36873 36192 35089 35 J 79 35210 37272 36592 35921 34588 34678 347o8 (14) II P= 33 34 35 36 37 < X b z b X ~b z ~b X b z b X ~b z 1) X b z ~b 5" 10 15 08463 15704 21481 00364 01307* 02578 08456 15665 21395 00364 01302 02563 08449 15627 21311 00363 01297 02548 08442 15589 21229 00363 01293 02534 "08435 *555i 211^8 00362 01288 02520 20 2 5 3 J 26055 29721 32702 04012 05526 07073 25921 29544 32486 03982 05478 07005 2579 1 29371 32276 03953 05431 06939 25663 29203 32073 03924 05385 06875 25538 29039 3*875 03896 05341 06813 35 40 45 35*52 37177 38855 08631 10182 11717 34904 36901 38556 08542 10071 11585 34663 36633 38266 08456 09964 11458 34429 36373 37984 08372 09861 "335 34201 36120 377*0 08291 09761 11216 5 55 60 40243 41382 42306 13229 14712 16160 39924 41046 41956 13076 14537 15964 39615 40721 41618 12928 14368 15775 39315 40406 41291 12785 14206 *5594 39024 40101 40974 12647 14049 15419 65 7 75 43040 43607 44025 17570 18938 20260 42680 43239 4365! 17354 18702 20005 42332 42883 43289 17146 18474 *9759 41995 42539 42939 16945 18255 19522 41668 42205 42600 16752 18044 19294 80 85 90 443 9 . 4447 44522 21534 22757 23925 43931 44089 44140 21260 22464 23615 43565 43721 4377 1 20996 22183 23317 43211 43365 43414 20742 21912 23031 42868 430*9 43068 20497 21651 22756 95 TOO *5 44474 44335 44116 25037 26091 27086 44093 43956 43740 24710 25749 26729 43725 43590 43377 24397 25421 26387 43368 43235 43025 24095 25*05 26058 43023 42892 42685 23805 24801 2574* I 10 "5 120 43821 4346i 43 43 28018 28886 29692 4345 43095 42683 27648 28503 29297 43091 42741 42335 27293 28135 28918 42744 42399 41998 26951 27782 28554 42407 42067 41672 26622 27442 28204 I2 5 130 135 42571 42056 41501 30432 31105 31712 42218 41710 41163 30026 30689 31288 41877 41376 40836 29636 30290 30881 4*546 41052 40520 29262 29907 30489 41226 40738 40214 28903 29538 30112 140 45 *5 40912 40295 39656 32250 32724 33133 40583 39975 39346 31818 32285 32688 40265 39665 39045 3*403 31864 32261 39956 39365 38753 31005 3*459 3*850 39656 39074 38469 30622 31070 3*455 *55 160 165 39000 38335 37664 33473 33749 33961 38699 38043 37382 33023 33295 33504 38407 37760 37108 3259 2 32860 33066 38124 37486 36842 32177 32441 32644 37849 37219 36584 31778 32038 32239 170 175 180 36991 : -36320 35658 34108 34I9 8 34228 36718 36056 35404 33649 33738 33767 36453 35800 35*57 33209 33296 33324 36196 3555 2 349*7 32786 32872 32900 35946 353*1 34683 32380 32465 32492 (15) II ft = 38 39 40 41 42 # X b z 7> X b z ~b X 1 z 1 X ~b z ~b X ~b z !> 5 10 15 08428 I55 r 4 21069 00362 01283 02506 08421 15477 20991 00362 01279 02492 08414 i544i 20914 00361 01274 02478 08407 15405 20838 00361 01270 02464 08400 !5369 20764 00360 01266 02451 20 25 3 25416 28879 31682 03869 05298 06753 25297 28723 3*494 03842 05256 06694 25180 28570 31310 03816 5 2I 5 06637 25065 28421 3H3 1 03790 05175 06582 24953 28275 30956 03765 05136 06528 35 40 45 3398o 35875 37445 -08213 09665 II 101 33764 35637 37187 08137 09571 10990 33554 35405 36936 08063 09481 10882 33349 35 T 79 36691 07991 09393 10777 3315 34959 36454 07922 09308 10676 5 3 = 5 60 38742 39805 40667 12514 13898 1525 38468 395*7 40369 12385 >I 375i 15086 38201 39238 40079 12260 13610 14928 37941 38966 39797 12139 *3473 14775 37689 38702 39523 12022 13340 14627 65 70 75 4i35 2 41882 42271 16565 17841 19374 41045 41568 41952 16384 17644 18861 40747 41263 41643 16210 17454 18656 40457 40967 4134- 16041 17270 18458 40175 40679 41050 158/8 17092 18266 80 85 90 42536 42685 42733 20261 21400 22490 42213 42361 42408 20033 21158 22233 41900 42046 42093 19813 20924 21986 41596 41739 41787 19601 20698 21747 41300 41442 41489 19395 20479 21516 95 TOO !5 42688 42559 42355 23525 24508 25436 42364 42237 42035 23256 24226 25142 42049 41924 41724 22996 23954 24858 41743 41621 41422 22745 23691 24583 41446 41325 41129 22502 23437 24318 no "5 120 42081 41745 41355 26305 27115 27866 41764 41433 41048 26000 26799 27540 41457 41130 40749 25705 26495 27226 41158 40835 40459 25420 26201 26923 40868 40549 40177 25M5 25917 26630 I2 5 130 35 4091 5 4-2434 39916 28556 29183 2975 40614 40139 39627 28222 28841 29400 40321 39852 39346 27899 285!! 29063 40036 39573 39073 27587 28192 28738 39760 39302 38808 27286 27884 28423 140 MS i5 3 39366 38791 38194 30253 30695 3 I0 75 39084 38516 37927 29897 3 334 30709 38810 38249 37667 29554 29985 30356 38543 37989 37414 29223 29648 30015 38284 37736 37168 28903 29323 29685 155 1 60 165 37582 36960 36333 3!394 31651 31849 373 2 3 36708 36088 31023 31278 31473 37071 36464 35851 30666 30918 31111 36825 36226 35620 30321 30570 30761 36586 35994 35395 29988 30234 30423 170 175 1 80 35703 35 76 34456 31989 32072 32099 ; 35467 j 34847 34235 31611 31693 31720 35237 34625 34020 31247 31328 31354 35 OI 3 34408 338n 30895 30975 31001 34795 34197 33606 30556 30634 30660 (16) II P= 43 44 45 46 47 < X 1} z b X !) z ~b X I z I X b z I X I z ~b 5 10 i5 08393 15334 20691 00360 oi26r 02438 08387 15299 20619 00359 01257 02426 08380 15265 20548 00359 01253 02414 08373 15231 20478 00358 01249 02402 08366 15197 20409 00358 01245 02390 20 25 3 24843 28132 30785 03741 05098 06475 24735 27992 30618 03717 05061 06424 24629 27855 30455 03694 05024 06374 24525 27721 30296 03671 04989 06326 24423 27590 30140 03649 4955 06279 35 40 45 3 2 955 34744 36223 07855 09225 10578 32765 34535 35997 07789 09144 10482 32579 34330 35777 07725 09066 10389 32398 34131 35562 07663 08990 10299 32221 33936 35353 07602 08916 IO2II So 55 60 37443 38445 39 2 5 6 11908 13211 14483 37204 38194 38997 11798 13086 >J 4344 36971 37950 38744 11691 12965 14209 36744 37712 38497 11587 12847 14078 36522 37480 38256 11485 T2732 I 395 65 70 75 39901 40399 40766 I57I9 16920 18080 39634 40126 40489 15566 16753 17900 39374 39861 40220 15418 16591 17725 39121 39602 39957 15274 16434 17556 38874 39350 39701 i5 T 33 16281 I739 1 80 85 90 41013 4H53 41199 19196 20268 21292 40733 40872 40917 19003 20063 21075 40460 40598 40643 18816 19864 20865 40195 40332 40376 18634 19671 20661 39937 40072 40116 18458 19484 20463 95 IOO r 5 4H57 41037 40844 22267 23191 24061 40876 40757 40566 22039 22952 23813 40603 40485 40295 21818 22721 23572 40336 40219 40032 21604 22497 23339 40076 39960 39776 21396 22279 23113 no US I2O 40586 40270 3993 24879 25641 26346 40311 39999 39636 24621 25375 26072 40044 39734 39376 24371 25117 i 25807 39783 39477 39123 24128 24867 25549 395*9 39227 38876 23894 24624 25299 I2 5 130 135 39491 39038 3855 26995 27586 28119 39229 38781 38298 26713 27298 27824 38973 38530 38053 26440 27019 27539 38724 38286 37814 26175 26748 27262 38481 38048 37581 25919 26485 26994 140 MS 150 38032 3749 36929 28593 29008 29366 37786 37250 36695 28293 28704 29058 37546 37016 36467 28002 28409 28760 37312 36788 36245 27721 28123 28470 37084 36566 36028 27448 27846 28189 i55 1 60 165 36353 35768 35175 29666 29909 30096 36126 35547 34961 29354 2 9595 29780 35904 35332 34752 29052 29290 29473 35688 35122 34548 28760 28995 29176 35477 34916 34349 28476 28709 28888 170 75 180 34582 33991 33406 30228 303 5 3033 34374 3379 33211 29910 29986 30011 34172 33593 33021 29602 29677 29702 33974 33401 32835 29303 29378 29403 33780 33213 32653 29014 29088 29113 E. (17) 13 II 0= 48 49 50 52 54 <t> X ~b z 1) X b z ~b X 1 z ~b X b z ~b X b z ~b 5 10 15 08360 15164 20342 00358 01241 02378 08353 iS^i 20276 00357 01237 02366 08347 15099 2O2IO 00357 01233 02355 08333 -I 5035 20082 00356 01225 02334 08320 14972 -I 9957 oo355 01217 02313 20 2 5 3 24323 27461 29987 03627 04921 06232 24225 | 27335 29837 03605 04888 06187 24128 272II 29691 03584 04856 06143 23940 26971 29406 03543 04794 06058 23758 26740 29133 03504 04734 05976 35 40 45 32048 33746 35!48 07543 08843 10126 31879 3356o 34948 07485 08773 10043 3I7I3 33378 34753 07429 08704 09962 31392 33026 34375 07320 08571 09805 31084 32689 34013 07216 08445 09656 5 55 60 063^5 37254 38022 11387 12621 13826 36094 37034 37793 11291 12513 13705 35887 36818 37570 11198 12407 13588 35487 36400 37138 11018 12204 13363 35105 36000 36725 10847 1201 I 13148 65 70 75 38633 39104 3945 1 14997 16133 17231 38398 38865 39207 14865 ^5989 17075 38169 38630 38969 14736 15849 16924 37725 38178 38510 14488 i558o 16634 373oi 37745 38071 T4253 15324 >l6 359 80 35 90 39685 39819 39862 18287 19302 20271 "39439 39572 39614 18121 19126 20084 39199 39331 39373 J 7959 18954 19903 38736 38865 38906 17649 18624 19555 38293 38419 38459 17355 18311 19225 95 IOO 105 39822 39707 39525 21194 22068 22893 39575 3946o 39280 20998 21862 22679 39333 39220 39041 20808 21663 22472 38867 38756 38581 20442 21281 22074 38422 38313 38141 20095 20919 21697 no "5 I2O 39281 38982 38635 23667 24388 25056 39039 38743 38400 23445 24159 24820 38803 3 8 5 10 38170 23230 23937 2459 1 38347 38060 37726 22817 23510 24152 379 11 37630 37302 22426 23106 23736 125 I 3 135 38244 378i5 37353 25670 26230 26734 38012 37588 37I3 1 25428 25982 26481 37786 37366 369*4 >2 5 r 93 2574i 26236 3735 36938 36494 24743 25280 25765 36933 36528 36092 24316 24843 2 53 I 9 I 4 J 45 15 36862 36349 35817 27183 27577 27916 36645 36137 356n 26926 27316 27651 36433 35930 35409 26676 27062 27394 36023 35530 35 l8 26197 26575 26902 3563 35*47 34644 25743 26114 26436 155 1 60 165 35271 347i6 34154 28201 28431 28608 35070 345 20 33964 27934 28161 28337 34873 343 2 9 33778 27674 27898 28073 34492 33958 334i8 27176 27396 27567 34127 33603 33073 26705 26921 27089 170 175 1 80 33591 33030 32475 28733 28807 28831 33406 32851 32301 28461 28534 28557 33225 32675 32131 28196 28269 28291 32875 32335 31801 27688 27760 27782 32540 32009 31485 27207 27278 27300 (i 8) II p= 56 53 60 62 64 <#> X 1 z b X b s 1> X 1 z b X b z b X ~b z ~b 5 10 *5 08307 14910 19836 0^354 01 2 10 O2292 08294 14849 19718 00353 01203 02272 08281 14790 19603 00352 01 196 02252 08268 14732 19491 00352 01189 02233 08256 14675 19382 00351 01182 02215 20 25 3 235 82 26516 28870 03466 04677 05898 23411 26300 28617 03429 04622 05823 23246 26092 28372 03394 04569 05751 23086 25891 28136 03360 04518 05682 22930 25696 27908 03327 04468 05616 35 40 45 30787 3^364 33665 07117 08324 9S 1 S 30502 32052 3333i 07022 08209 09380 30227 3i75 2 33010 06931 08099 09250 29963 31463 32701 06844 07994 09126 29707 31185 32404 06760 07892 09007 So 55 60 34738 356i7 36329 10684 11828 12944 34386 3525 3595 10529 11653 12749 34048 34897 355 8 5 10380 11485 12563 33723 34558 35234 10237 H3 2 5 12386 33409 34231 34897 TOIOI 1 1172 12216 65 70 75 36894 37331 37651 14029 15081 16097 36505 36934 37249 13816 14849 15848 36131 36553 36863 13612 14628 15610 35773 36187 36492 13418 14417 15383 35427 35835 36135 13232 14215 15166 80 85 90 37869 37993 38032 17075 18014 18912 37463 37585 37623 16809 I773 1 18614 37073 37193 3723 16555 17462 18329 36698 36816 36853 16313 17205 18058 36338 36454 36491 16081 16959 17799 95 IOO io5 "37995 37889 37720 19766 20575 21339 37586 37482 373 l6 19453 20249 20998 37194 37092 36929 19*54 19937 20674 36818 36717 36557 18869 19639 20365 36456 36357 36199 18597 19355 20069 no 115 I2O 37494 37218 36896 22055 22723 23342 37094 36823 36507 21702 22359 22967 36711 36444 36133 21366 22012 226lO 3 6 343 36079 35774 21045 21681 22269 35988 35729 35428 20739 21364 21943 125 13 135 36534 36136 357^8 23911 24429 24897 36I5 1 3576o 35339 23526 24035 24495 35783 1 35399 i 34985 23159 23660 24II2 35429 ! -35051 34644 22809 23302 23747 35 89 34717 343 1 6 22475 22960 23398 I4O 145 15 35254 34779 34285 25313 25678 25993 34893 34426 33940 24904 25263 25572 34546 34086 ; 33609 245 T 4 24867 25171 34212 33759 33290 24142 24490 24789 3389 1 33445 32983 23788 24130 24424 155 160 165 33778 33262 32741 26257 26470 26635 33442 3 2 935 32422 25831 26041 26203 : 33H9 32620 32116 25426 25633 2579 2 32808 32317 31821 25040 25243 25400 32508 32025 3 I 53 6 24671 24872 25026 170 175 180 32218 31697 31181 26751 26820 26842 31909 31397 30889 26318 26385 26407 31611 31107 30607 25905 25971 25993 353*3 30827 30335 255 11 25576 25598 31046 3 557 30072 25135 25199 25221 (19) 132 II /3= 66 63 70 72 74 <!> X b z ~b X b z 1 X ~b z ~b X ~b z ~b X b z ~b 5 10 15 08243 14619 19276 00350 01175 02197 08231 14564 19172 00349 01169 02180 08219 14510 19070 00349 01162 02163 08207 M457 18971 00348 01156 02147 08195 14405 18874 00347 01150 02131 20 25 3 22779 255 7 27688 03295 04420 05552 22632 25324 27474 03264 04374 0549 1 22488 25U5 27267 03234 04330 05432 22349 24972 27066 03205 04287 05374 22213 24804 26871 03177 04245 o53 l8 35 40 45 29460 30917 32117 06680 07794 08893 29221 30657 31840 06602 07700 08783 28990 30406 3 J 572 06527 07610 08678 28766 30162 31312 06455 07523 08576 28549 29926 31061 06385 07439 08478 5 55 60 33107 339 J 7 34572 09970 11025 12053 32815 33613 34259 09845 10884 11897 32533 33320 33956 09724 10749 11747 32260 33036 33664 09608 10618 11603 31996 32762 33381 09496 10492 11464 65 70 75 35094 35495 3579i 13054 14021 14958 34773 35i68 35459 12883 13836 14758 34463 34852 35*39 12718 13658 14567 34163 34547 34830 12560 13487 14383 33873 34252 34531 12408 13322 14206 80 85 90 3599 1 36105 36142 15860 16723 i755i 35656 35769 35805 15647 16498 I73I3 35333 35444 3548o 15442 16282 17085 35022 SS^i 35166 15246 16074 16865 34721 34828 34862 15057 15874 16654 95 IOO I0 5 36107 36010 35 8 54 18336 19083 19786 3577i 35675 35522 18087 18822 I95I5 35446 35352 35 2 oi 17848 18572 19255 35*33 35040 34891 17618 18332 19005 34830 34738 34591 17397 18101 18765 no 115 I2O 35 6 46 3539 1 35095 20446 21061 21631 35317 35066 34774 20165 20771 21333 34999 34752 34464 19896 20493 21047 34692 34448 34164 19637 20226 20772 34395 34154 33874 19388 19970 20508 125 I 3 135 34761 34395 34000 22155 22633 23064 34445 34084 33695 21849 22320 22745 34139 33783 334oo 21556 22019 22439 33844 33493 33H5 21274 21731 22144 33558 33212 32839 21004 21454 21861 I4O 145 ISO 3358i 33142 32687 23449 23786 24075 33282 32849 32401 23124 23456 23741 32993 32566 32125 22812 23139 23421 32714 32293 31857 22512 22835 23113 32444 32029 31598 22224 22543 22817 155 160 165 32219 3*743 31261 24318 245 X 7 24668 31940 3i47i I -30996 23981 24176 24325 31670 31207 30739 23657 23849 23996 31409 30952 30491 23346 23535. 23681 31156 30705 30250 23047 23234 23378 170 175 1 80 30778 30296 29818 24775 24839 24861 30519 30044 29573 24431 24494 245 I 5 30269 29801 29336 24101 24163 24183 30027 29565 29107 23784 23845 23865 29792 29337 28885 23479 23539 23559 [20) II /3= 76 7 8 80 82 84 < X b z ~b X ~b z ~b X b z I X ~b z ~b X ~b z ~b 5 10 15 08183 14353 18780 00346 01144 02115 08171 14303 18688 00346 01138 O2IOO 08159 14253 <l8 597 00345 01133 02085 08147 14204 18508 00344 01126 02070 08136 14156 18421 00343 OII2I 02056 20 25 3^ 22081 24640 26681 03149 04205 05265 21952 24481 26497 03123 04166 05213 21826 24326 26318 03097 04128 05162 21703 24175 26144 03072 04091 05113 21583 24028 25974 03047 04055 05066 35 40 45 28338 29697 30817 06318 0735 8 08383 28134 29476 3 58i 06252 07280 08291 27935 29260 30352 06189 07204 08203 27742 29051 30129 06127 07131 08118 27554 28847 29913 06068 07060 08035 S^ 55 60 31740 32496 33io7 09388 10371 11330 3M9 2 32238 32842 09284 10254 II20I 31251 31988 32584 09183 10141 11076 31018 31746 3 2 334 09086 10032 I0 955 30791 31510 32091 08992 09927 10838 65 70 75 3359 2 339 6 7 34242 12261 13164 14036 33323 33690 33962 I2I2O I30II 13872 33057 33422 33690 11984 12863 13713 32801 33162 33427 11853 12720 I 3559 32553 32909 SS 1 ?! II725 12582 I34II 80 5 90 34429 34535 345 6 9 14875 15681 16451 34146 34251 34285 T4700 15495 16256 33872 33976 34009 r 453i 15316 16067 33606 33709 33741 14368 15*43 15885 33348 33450 33482 I42IO 14976 15709 95 IOO I0 5 34537 34446 3430 1 17184 17879 i8534 34253 34163 34019 16979 17665 l8 3 II 33978 33889 33747 16781 17458 18097 337H 33623 33483 16590 17258 17890 3345 2 33365 33227 16406 17066 17690 no 115 120 34107 33870 33593 19149 19723 20254 33829 33594 33321 18918 19485 2OOO9 33559 33327 33058 18696 -I 9255 19773 33297 33068 32802 18481 19033 -I 9545 33043 32817 32554 18274 18819 19325 125 130 r 35 33282 32940 32572 20743 21188 21589 33015 32676 32314 20491 20931 21327 32755 32421 32063 20249 20684 21075 32503 3 2I 74 31820 20015 20445 20831 32258 3*933 31583 19790 20214 20596 140 M5 T 5 32182 31772 3*347 21947 22262 22533 31928 3!5 2 3 31104 21680 21991 22259 31682 31282 30868 21424 21731 21995 3M43 31048 30639 21177 21480 21740 31211 "30821 30416 20938 21237 21494 155 160 165 30911 30466 30017 22760 22944 23087 30673 30234 29790 22484 22665 228o6 30443 30009 29570 22217 22396 22535 30219 29790 29356 21960 22136 22273 30001 29577 29148 2I7II 21886 22021 170 175 1 80 29565 29115 28669 23186 23245 23265 29344 28899 28459 22904 22962 22982 29130 28690 28255 22632 22690 22709 28921 28487 28057 22369 22428 22446 28719 28289 27864 22Il6 22174 22192 II p= 8 6 38 i 50 < ?2 ( H < X I z b X b z b X b z b V b z b X b z b 5 10 i5 08124 14109 18336 00343 01115 02042 08113 14062 18253 00342 OHIO 02029 08101 14016 18172 00341 01104 02016 08090 I397 1 18092 00340 01099 02003 08079 13926 18013 00340 01094 01990 20 25 30 21466 23885 25809 03023 04021 05020 21352 23745 25648 03000 03987 04975 21240 23608 2549 1 02977 03954 04931 21131 23475 25338 02955 03922 04889 21024 23345 25188 02933 03891 04848 35 40 45 27371 28649 29703 06010 06991 07955 27192 28456 29498 05955 06924 07877 27018 28268 29299 05901 06859 07802 26849 28085 29105 05849 06796 07729 26684 27907 28916 05798 06735 07658 5o 55 60 30571 31281 31855 08901 09825 10725 30356 3 I0 5 8 31626 08812 09726 10616 - 3 OI 47 30842 3!403 08726 09630 10510 29944 30631 31186 08643 09537 10408 29746 30425 30975 08562 09446 10308 65 70 75 32312 32663 3 2 9 2 3 11601 12449 13268 32077 32425 32681 11482 12320 13130 31849 *3 2I 93 32446 11366 12195 12997 31627 31967 32217 11254 12074 12867 31411 31747 31995 11145 11956 12741 So 85 90 33 97 Wg 8 33230 14057 14815 <:r 5539 32854 32953 32985 13910 14659 -I 5374 32617 32715 32747- T3767 14508 15214 32387 32484 32515 13629 14361 15060 32163 32258 32289 13494 14218 14910 95 IOO I0 5 33200 33H4 32978 16228 16880 17496 32955 32870 32736 16055 16700 17309 32716 32633 32501 15888 16526 17127 32485 32403 32272 15726 16357 16952 32260 32179 32049 15569 16193 16782 no "5 120 32796 3 2 573 32313 18074 18612 19112 3255 6 32335 32078 17880 18413 18907 32322 32104 31850 17693 18220 18708 32095 31879 31628 17511 18033 18516 31874 31660 31412 17335 17851 18329 I 2 5 I 3 135 32020 31699 3!353 19572 19991 20369 31789 3i47i 31129 19362 19776 20149 3 I 5 6 4 31249 30911 19158 19567 19936 3*345 31034 30699 18960 19365 19730 31132 30824 . 30493 18768 19169 1953 140 45 ISO 30986 30600 30199 20707 21002 21256 30766 30385 29989 20483 20775 21027 30552 30176 29784 20267 20555 20805 30344 29972 29584 20057 20342 20589 30141 29773 29389 19853 20136 20380 J 55 160 165 29789 29370 28946 2I47I 21644 21777 29583 29169 28750 21238 21410 21542 29383 28973 28558 21013 21183 21314 29187 28782 28372 20795 20964 21093 28996 28596 28190 20584 20751 20879 170 175 180 28522 28097 27676 2I87I 21928 21946 28330 27910 27494 21635 21691 21709 28142 27728 27316 21407 21461 21479 27960 27550 27M3 21185 21239 21256 27782 27376 26973 20970 21023 21040 (22) II 1 p= 96 97 98 99 IOO <!> X b z ~b X b z I X z ~b X I z ~b X ~b b 5" 10 15 08068 13882 17936 00339 01089 01978 08062 13860 17898 00339 01086 01972 08057 13839 17860 00339 01084 01966 08051 13817 17823 00338 01081 01960 08046 13796 17786 00338 01079 20 25 30 20919 23217 25042 02912 03860 04808 20867 23154 24970 02901 03845 04788 20816 23092 24899 02891 03830 04769 20765 23031 24829 02881 03815 04749 20715 22970 24760 02871 03801 04730 35 40 45 26522 27733 28731 05748 06676 07589 26443 27648 28640 05723 06647 7555 26364 27564 28551 05699 06618 07522 26287 27481 28463 05675 06589 07489 26210 27398 28376 05652 06561 07456 5o 55 60 29553 30225 30769 08483 09358 IO2II 29458 30127 30668 08445 09315 10164 29364 30030 30568 08407 09273 10117 29271 29934 30469 08370 09231 10071 29180 29839 30372 08333 09190 IO025 65 70 75 31200 31533 31778 II039 I 1842 I26l8 31097 31428 31672 10988 11786 12558 30995 10937 11731 12499 30894 31222 31463 10887 11677 12441 30795 31121 31361 10837 11623 12383 80 85 90 31944 32039 32069 13364 14080 14765 31837 31931 31961 13301 14012 14694 31825 31855 13238 13946 14624 31626 31720 3175 13176 13880 14555 31616 3 1 646 13816 14487 95 IOO I0 5 32041 31960 31831 I54I7 16035 16617 31933 31853 3 I 7 2 4 15342 15957 16536 31827 31619 15269 15881 16457 31722 31642 15196 15805 16379 31618 31539 3I4I2 I 5 I2 5 15731 16302 I IO 115 I2O 31658 3 J 447 31201 17164 17675 18148 31552 31342 31098 17080 7589 18059 31448 31239 30996 16998 17504 17972 3!345 3H37 30895 16917 17420 17886 31036 30795 16838 17338 17801 I2 5 130 30924 30620 30292 18582 18979 19337 30822 3 OI 93 18491 18886 19242 30722 30420 30096 18402 18795 19149 30622 30322 30000 18314 18705 19057 30226 29905 18227 18616- 18966 140 MS 15 29944 29579 29200 19656 19936 20177 29847 29484 29107 19560 19838 20078 29752 29390 29015 19465 19742 19980 29657 29297 28924 19371 19647 19884 29564 29206 28835 19279 19554 19790 160 165 28811 28414 28013 20380 20545 20671 28720 28325 27926 20280 20444 20569 28630 28237 27840 20182 20344 20469 28541 28150 27755 20085 20246 20371 28453 28064 27671 19989 20150 20274 170 175 180 27609 27207 26808 "20761 20814 20831 275 2 4 27124 26727 20659 20712 20729 27440 27042 26646 20558 20611 20628 27357 26961 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1-15003 89565 92207 94478 140 145 15 3*579o8 3-63503 3-67521 3-23802 3-28928 3-32703 2-74404 2-78818 2-82159 2*39631 2 435 r 9 2-46508 2*13460 2*16942 2-19648 1 76201 1-79091 1-81367 1-50631 1-53108 i-55 76 1-31831 1-34001 I-35736 i i7352 1-19284 1-20837 96396 97983 99266 155 160 165 3-70248 3*7i978 372980 3*35352 3-37109 3-38189 2-84588 2-86270 2-87361 2*48725 2-50294 2-51341 2*21679 2*23139 2*24126 1-83104 f84373 1-85250 1-56591 1-57712 r 5 8 495 1-37081 1-38083 1-38789 1-22046 1-22953 i 23595 1-00274 1-01035 1*01580 170 75 1 80 3*73493 373705 373756 3-38785 3-39 56 3-39122 2-88002 2-88315 2-88398 2 5 I 973 2-52292 2-52382 2-24735 2*25048 2*25138 1-85802 1-86092 1-86178 1-58994 1-59261 I-59340 1-39244 1-39488 1-39562 1-24011 1-24237 1-24305 1*01935 1*02129 1-02188 (24) Ill v+v </> 5 6 7 8 IO I 2 H 16 2O 24 5 10 J 5 00005 00068 00317 00004 00067 00309 00004 00066 00302 00004 00066 00296 00004 00064 00283 00004 00063 00272 00004 00062 00262 00004 00060 00252 00004 00058 00235 00004 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52640 55880 43689 46722 4955 1 393 10 41998 44507 3 2 733 349*9 36959 28022 29859 31574 24477 26057 27533 21710 23095 24388 17672 18777 19809 14867 I5 7 82 16637 no H5 I2O 67560 70736 73592 58867 61589 64041 52161 5454i 56686 46822 48935 50841 38844 40565 42121 33 r 59 34608 35919 28898 30147 31277 25584 26679 27672 20764 21640 22435 17429 >l8 i55 18815 125 130 135 76126 78345 80258 66220 68131 69783 58596 60274 61727 52540 54034 55330 435 10 44734 45799 37091 38126 39028 32289 33 l8 4 33965 28561 29348 30036 23147 23780 24333 19408 19934 20395 140 145 15 81879 83227 84321 71187 7 2 357 73311 62965 63999 64845 56436 57363 58x21 46 710 47475 48104 39801 40452 40989 34636 35202 35669 30627 31127 3 54 24810 25214 25549 20794 21131 21412 155 160 165 85185 85841 86313 74067 74643 75059 655 J 6 66030 66402 58726 59189 59526 48607 48994 49277 41419 4I75. 1 41994 36044 36335 36548 31873 32131 32320 25819 26029 26184 21639 21816 21947 170 175 1 80 86623 86792 86846 75334 75487 75534 66649 66786 66829 59750 59875 59913 49466 49571 49604 42157 42249 42277 36691 36772 36798 32448 32520 32543 26289 26348 26367 220^6 22086 22102 (25) Ill v+v * 28 32 40 48 56 64 72 So 88 9 6 IOO 5 10 15 000042 000539 002077 000041 000520 001964 000040 000488 001773 000040 000459 001617 000039 000434 001487 000038 000412 001381 000037 000392 001283 000036 000374 OOI2OI 000036 000358 031 129 000035 OJ0343 001066 000035 000336 001037 20 25 3 004943 009159 014616 004596 008408 013290 004032 007227 011249 003596 006339 009750 003245 005646 008600 002958 005089 007689 002717 004631 006950 002513 004248 006337 002338 003922 005821 002185 003642 005381 0021 15 003516 005184 35 40 45 021157 028608 036796 019095 025671 032866 015974 021279 027045 013721 018149 022938 012015 015803 019884 010678 013980 oi75 2 5 009602 012522 015648 008717 011329 OI4I2I 007977 010337 012854 007348 009497 011786 007068 009124 OII3I2 5 55 60 045555 054728 064170 040538 04855 1 -056782 033162 0395 2 5 046042 027999 033 2 49 038614 024184 028635 3WS 021252 025103 029025 018929 022314 025756 017045 02OO57 023117 015486 018194 O2O944 OI4I75 016632 019125 013596 015942 018322 65 70 75 73745 083334 092824 065118 073454 081698 052625 059198 065689 044024 049418 054739 037747 042300 046790 032970 036896 040764 029216 032657 036045 026191 029247 032254 023705 026446 029144 021625 024107 026550 020708 023077 025408 So 85 93 IO2I2T IIII36 119798 089768 097592 105107 072037 078187 084093 059940 064976 069812 051175 055419 059495 044541 048196 051705 039353 042553 045624 035189 038028 040752 031776 034322 036765 028931 031235 033446 027680 029878 031987 95 100 I0 5 128345 I35 82 7 143103 112261 119012 125327 089715 095022 099987 074415 078761 082828 063374 067037 070466 055045 058199 061153 048548 051310 053897 043347 045796 048091 039090 041288 043347 035550 037538 039401 033994 035891 037669 I 10 "5 120 149845 156033 161657 131180 136556 141444 i4593 108826 112680 086602 090074 093237 073650 076579 079249 063895 066421 068724 056299 058512 060531 050224 052189 053982 045261 047024 048634 041134 042730 044188 039321 040845 042237 125 I 3 J 35 166714 171208 i75*5 2 145842 149755 ^SS Q 1 116151 119243 121963 096088 098631 100871 081659 083810 085706 070804 072661 074300 062356 063986 065425 055603 057052 058332 050089 05I39I 052542 045507 046687 047730 043495 044622 045619 140 145 150 178562 181459 183870 156166 158697 160806 124322 126332 128010 102814 104474 105862 087353 088761 089939 075725 076943 077965 066677 067749 068648 059447 060402 061203 053545 054404 055125 048640 049420 050075 046487 047232 047858 i55 1 60 165 185823 187349 188479 162515 163853 164845 129374 130443 131238 106991 107878 108538 090899 091655 092218 078798 079453 079943 069382 069960 070392 061857 062374 062760 0557*5 056180 056529 050611 051034 05I35 1 048371 048775 049077 170 175 1 80 189246 189682 189820 165519 165904 166027 131779 132088 132186 108989 109247 109329 092603 092823 092894 080278 080470 080532 070688 070858 070913 063024 063177 063225 056768 056906 056950 051569 051694 OS 1 734 049287 049407 049445 (26) IV 0= -o-i /3 = -0-2 s b < X ~b z 1 V V s b < X 1} z I V ? o / // , n O l 5 43 44 099834 004996 O OOOI 1-6 86. 18. 10 1-034980 1-017458 2-2189 2 II. 27 . 12 198670 019929 O OOI2 17 91. 0.56 I 037303 1-117403 2-5565 0- 3 17. 10 . 10 295526 044639 0-0062 1-8 95-36.45 i o3i5o6 1-217208 2-8924 4 22.52.22 389443 078864 0-0190 1-9 100. 5. 9 1-017835 1-316243 3 2i95 0-5 ! 0-6 28. 33- 33 34-13- 29 479501 564827 122239 174310 0-0451 0*0901 2 2 I 2 2 104. 25 . 35 108. 37. 25 112 . 39. 46 996592 968134 932865 i 4i3937 1-509779 1-603330 3 53i2 3-8221 4-0881 0-7 39-51-57 644608 234533 0-1597 O ~..,, 0-8 45. 28.42 718100 302289 0-2589 P 3 0-9 | 5 1 - 3-3 2 784634 376891 0-3917 / // O l 5-43-39 099834 004995 O OOOI I O 56. 36. 16 843623 457591 5602 2 1 1 . 26 . 31 198672 019919 0-0012 IT 62 . 6 . 41 894566 543597 0-7648 3 17- 7-52 295538 044590 O-OO62 I 2 67-34- 37 937 5 2 634081 1-0037 0-4 22.46. 55 389493 078713 O-OigO i 3 72 - 59- 5 2 970764 728188 i 2733 0-5 28 . 22 . 56 479651 121883 0-0449 i 4 78. 22 . 17 995474 825049 i 5679 0-6 33-55- J 5 565192 -173602 0*0896 i 5 83. 41 . 41 1-011047 923792 1-8806 o-7 39-23- 9 645381 233286 0*1587 1-6 S8-57-53 1-017438 1-023553 2-2035 0-8 44 . 46 . i 719570 300283 0-2572 i*7 94. 10. 41 i 014689 1-123480 2-5281 0-9 5- 3-14 787210 37388 9 0-3889 i -8 99 . I 9 . 51 1-002922 1-222752 2-8459 I O 55- 14- 13 847851 45336i 0-5562 1-9 104.25. 8 982342 1-320578 3-1492 I l 60 . 18 . 27 901148 537936 0-7599 2 109 . 26 . 10 953 22 5 1-416211 3 43" 1*2 65-15- 2 5 946855 626844 0-9988 O ,-.._ i 3 i"4 70- 4-37 74-45- 38 984825 1-015003 7 r 9323 814631 I*2703 1*5701 p = 02 i 5 79- 17- 59 1-037420 912059 1*8929 / // r6 83.41 . 13 1-052187 1*010938 2-2324 O l 5-43-41 099834 004995 O OOOI i 7 87.54.55 1-059484 i iio649 2*5820 2 11.26.52 198671 019924 0-0012 1-8 9 1 - 58.33 i 595S4 1*210628 2*9350 3 17-9. I 295532 044615 0^0062 1-9 95-5 I -35 1-052696 i 3 I0 373 3*2849 0*4 22 . 49. 38 389468 078788 0*0190 2 99- 33 25 1-039258 1-409449 3*6258 0< 5 28 . 28 . 14 479576 122061 0-0450 2 I 103. 3 . 18 1-019627 1-507487 3-9526 0-6 34- 4-21 565010 173956 0-0898 2 2 IO6 . 2O . 22 994228 1-604194 4*2609 07 39- 37 -3 T 644996 233909 0-1592 2 3 109. 23 . 30 9635*9 1-699349 4 5477 0-8 45- 7- lS 718838 301286 0-2581 2 4 112 . I I . 2O 927992 1-792815 4-8106 0-9 5- 33- l8 785928 37539 3 0-3903 2*5 114.42. 7 888167 I-8S4534 5 0484 I O 55-55- 5 845749 455478 0-5583 2-6 116.53.35 844606 i 97454i 5-2609 IT 61 . 12 . 19 897879 540775 07624 27 118 . 42 . 49 7979 I 3 2*062965 5 4484 1*2 66. 24. 39 941991 630481 I 0014 2 8 120. 5.59 748753 2-150045 5-6122 I 3 7i 3 1 - 43 977853 723794 1-2720 2-9 120 . 58 . 6 697878 2-236135 57538 I 4 76. 33- i3 i-oo53 2 5 819913 1-5694 3-0 121 . 12 . 37 646154 2-321719 5-8753 i S 81 . 28. 48 1-024357 918054 1-8874 3 1 120 . 41 . 5 594624 2-407419 S 979 (27) 142 IV /3=-o- 4 0--0-4 s b O l O 2 3 $ X ~b z b V P s b * X b z 1) V 5 43 36 11.26.11 17. 6.42 099834 198673 295544 004995 019914 044566 O OOOI O OOI2 O OO62 4-0 4 i 4-2 / // 79-26. 59 75- 9-20 7i- 4- 3 690340 712338 74i4i7 3-3449I7 3 442443 3-538100 8-1825 8-333^ 8-49*5 0-4 o S 0-6 22 . 44 . ii 28. 17 . 39 33-46. 10 389518 479725 565374 078638 121706 173249 0-0190 0-0448 0-0894 4 3 4 4 4 5 67. 15. ii 63 44 45 60.33. 6 777026 818532 865284 3-631525 3-722488 3-810872 8-6604 8 8422 9-0388 07 0-8 0-9 39- 8.51 44-24- 5 49-33- 22 645764 720297 788479 232663 299280 372386 I 5 8 3 0-2563 0-3875 4-6 4 7 4 8 57-39- 26 55- 2.16 5 2 -39- 43 916662 972104 1-031116 3-896652 3 979 8 65 4-060587 9-2525 9-4855 9-7398 I O i i I 2 54-33-40 59-25. 3 64. 6.54 849929 94373 951646 45 1 238 535082 623171 0-5542 07573 0-9961 4 9 5-o 5 i 50. 29.49 48 . 30 . 40 46. 40. 30 1-093278 1-158232 1-225683 4-138912 4-214938 4-288758 10-0173 10-3198 10-6492 I 3 i 4 i 5 68.38.35 72.59-3I 77- 9- I2 991680 1-024505 1-050232 714779 809212 905824 1-2682 1-5701 1-8972 5 2 5 3 5 4 44- 57- 42 43-20. 53 41 . 48. 51 1-295386 1-367139 I-440775 4-360458 4-430106 4-497760 11*0070 " 3947 11-8135 1-6 17 1-8 81. 7. 3 84. 52. 34 88. 25 . ii 1-069048 i o8i2o8 1-087023 1*004017 1-103257 1-203072 2*2440 2-6047 2-9736 5 5 5 6 57 40 . 20 . 32 38.55- 4 37-3J-43 1-516162 1-593180 1-671741 4-563461 4-627237 4-689105 12-2646 12-7487 13-2666 1-9 2 O 2 I 91 . 44. 19 94.49. 23 97-39-38 1-086851 1-081094 1-070186 1-303058 1*402880 1-502273 3 - 345 37138 4-0754 5-8 5 9 6-0 36. 9-5 1 34-48.58 33-28.38 1751766 1-833186 I> 9 1 5945 4-749069 4-807122 4-863251 13-8185 14-4043 I5--0239 2*2 2-3 2-4 100 . 14 . 19 102 . 32. 31 104. 33. 12 i 05459 2 1-034805 1-011338 1-601041 1-699057 1-796259 4 4259 47622 5-0820 6-1 6-2 6-3 32. 8.32 30. 48. 22 29- 27- 57 1-999991 2-085277 2-171758 4-9*7435 4-969645 5-019850 15*6763 16-3605 17-0749 2> 5 2-6 27 106.15. 9 107. 36. 58 108.37. 4 984733 955558 924411 1-892651 1-988298 2-083323 5-3838 5-6668 5-9306 6-4 6 5 6-6 28. 7. 8 26. 45 .48 25-23-53 2-259392 2-348138 2-437953 5*068014 5-114098 5-158062 17-8175 18-5857 !9"3765 2-8 2-9 3-0 109. 13. 38 109. 24. 39 109. 7.59 891926 858782 825711 2-177899 2-272246 2-366619 6-1757 . 6*4029 6*6132 6 7 6-8 6-9 24 . 1.22 22. 38. 14 21 . 14. 32 2-528793 2-620615 2-713369 5 >I 99 8 65 5-239468 5-276832 20-1862 21 0107 21-8454 3-1 3-2 3-3 108 .21.30 107. 3.13 105 . ii . 40 793504 763016 735i67 2-461290 2-556527 2-652566 6-8081 6-9893 7-I585 7-0 7 i 7-2 19. 50. I 9 18 . 25 . 40 17. 0.39 2-807009 2-901483 2-996736 5 3 I i9 I 9 5-344696 s^ys^i 22-6848 23-5235 24 3548 3 4 3 5 3-6 102 . 46 . 17 99-47- 57 96-19- 2 5 710926 691284 677195 2749576 2-847616 2-946603 7 3m 7-4689 7-6i43 7 3 7 4 7 5 15-35- 25 14. 10 . 4 12. 44. 45 3-092714 3-189358 3-286610 5-403198 5-428875 S 452145 25-1718 25-9673 26-7334 3 7 3-8 3 9 92 - 25 .33 88. 13. 18 83 -5 -54 669515 668915 675814 3-046290 3-146265 3-246002 7756i 7-8965 8-0379 7-6 77 7-8 ii. 19.37 9-54-49 8.30. 32 3-384410 3-482694 3 5 8 i403 5-472997 5-491426 5 50743i 27-4620 28-1440 28-7710 (28) IV 13= -o- 4 /=-<> 5 > , X z V s X z V ~b_ 9 b b b 3 b 9 & ~b P 7 9 8-0 8-1 ; // 7- 6.55 5-44- 9 4 . 22 . 26 3-680473 3-779842 3-87945! 5-521021 5-532210 5-541018 29 - 3334 29-8220 30-2273 3 3 96 . 25 . 45 94- 5- 48 92-54-5 1 991863 981987 975!7i 2-485650 2-585158 2-684920 77054 8-0097 8-3097 8-2 8-3 8-4 3- i-55 i .42 .47 o. 25. 14 3-979240 5-547473 5 55 l6 o9 5 553466 30-5400 3 7505 30-8494 3 4 3 5 3-6 90.39. 17 88. 5.59 85.17. 18 972012 973058 978790 2784864 2-884851 2-984676 8-6071 8-9040 9-2024 j S=-o- 5 37 3 "9 82.15.54 79- 4-42 75 .46. 36 989603 1-005790 1-027542 3-084078 3-182747 3-280338 9-5046 9-8129 10*1296 O l 0*2 5 43 34 ii . 25 . 50 J 7- 5-33 099834 198673 -29555 004994 019909 044541 O OOOI 0-OOI2 O-OO62 4*0 4*2 72 . 24 . 22 69 . o . 26 65 36 52 1-054942 1*087976 1-126547 3-376496 3-470867 3-563113 10-4567 10-7968 11*1518 0-4 0-6 22 . 41 . 28 28 . 12 . 22 33-37- 7 -389543 "479799 565554 078562 121528 172896 0*0189 0*0448 0*0892 4-3 4-4 4-5 62 . 15. 13 58.56.37 55-4I.49 1*170487 1-219580 1-273575 3-652926 3740030 3-824184 ii-5237 11*9141 12*3247 0-7 0-8 0-9 44 . 3 . 46 49 3-40 646144 721016 789734 232041 298278 370883 0-1578 0-2555 0-3860 4-6 4 7 4-8 52 . 31 . II 49- 24- 5 2 46. 22. 47 1-332202 1-462225 3-905180 3-982842 4-057021 127563 13-2097 13-6851 I O I l I 2 53 53 - 24 58.32. 8 62.59. 6 851981 907553 956362 449110 532214 619464 0-552I 0-993I 4 9 43-24.47 40. 30. 37 37.40. o 1-533062 1*607419 1-685034 4-127589 4-194438 14-1820 14-6996 15-2360 I"4 67- 13-35 71 . 14 . 54 75- 2.27 998419 1-033831 1*062789 710165 803663 899359 1*2657 I- 5 6 93 1*9002 5 3 5 4 34- 52-41 32. 8.24 29. 26. 59 1-765652 1-849028 1-934924 4-316628 4-371823 4-423010 15-7887 16-3548 16-9301 1-6 1-7 78.35-37 81. 53-51 84.56-35 1-085557 1*102461 1-113880 996716 1-095263 I i94597 2-2534 2-6243 3-0079 5 5 5 7 26 . 48 . 14 24. 12. 5 21 . 38 . 26 2*023109 2-113361 2-205460 4-470142 4-513188 17-5097 18*0878 18-6577 1-9 2 87.43. 14 90. 13. 15 92.26. o 1*120238 1-121993 1-119635 1-294385 1-394362 1-494328 3*3993 3-7944 4-1891 5-8 5 9 6*0 19. 7.18 16.38. 43 14. 12.45 2-299194 2-394357 2-490747 4-586943 4-617643 4-644239 I9 2I2I 19*7428 20*2408 2 2 94-20. 53 95-57- 16 97. 14. 27 1-113677 1-104653 1-093117 I-693734 1793064 4-5803 4-9654 5-3423 6-1 6-2 6-3 ii .49-3 1 9.29. 9 7. 11.50 2*588172 2-686442 2785378 4-666758 4-685240 4-699739 20-6966 2 I 0999 21*4403 2-6 2-7 98. ii . 45 98.48.31 99. 4. 6 1-079638 1-064803 1-049215 1-892151 1-991044 2-089821 5-7098 6-0671 6-4138 6-4 6-5 6*6 4-57.44 2.47. 6 o . 40 . 7 2*884810 2-984576 3*084526 4710322 4-717068 4720072 217070 21*8890 21-9753 2-8 2-9 3-0 98.57-55 98. 29.34 97-38.49 1*033490 1-018260 1-004169 2-188577 2-287410 2-386412 67503 7-0770 7-3949 IV fi= -o- 6 13= -o- 6 s b * X I ~b V P s ~b < X b b V b s 0*1 O*2 0- 3 5 43 3i ii . 25 . 30 17. 4. 24 099834 198674 295556 004994 019904 044517 O OOOI O OOI2 O OO62 4-0 4 i 4 2 1 ii 59. 17. 28 55-5- 12 52 . 20 . 49 1*442300 i-4959 2 3 I- 5S4559 3-337875 3-422265 3 5 325 i3-oi55 13-5873 14*1787 4 5 0-6 22.38.45 28. 7. 6 33-28. 5 389568 479873 565734 078487 121350 172543 0*0189 0-0447 0-0890 4 3 4 4 4 5 48. 50. 13 45-19- I0 41 . 48. 18 1*618032 1*686121 1758573 3-580504 3-653721 3-722623 14*7890 15-4164 16*0581 0-7 0-8 0-9 38. 40. 23 43 42 -47 48. 34. 10 646522 721731 790978 231419 297277 369380 0-1573 0-2546 0-3846 4-6 4 7 4-8 38.18. 7 34-49- 5 3i- 21.35 1-835107 1*915420 1*999192 3*786962 3-846516 3-901099 16*7102 17-3676 18-0240 i o 1*1 1*2 53-13- 27 57-39- 42 61.52. 2 854009 910690 961005 446979 5 2 9333 615727 5499 0-7518 0-9899 4 9 5-o 5 i 27.56. o 24- 3 2 . 4i 21.12. 2*086091 2*175776 2*267903 3-950552 3-994752 4-033608 18-6717 19-3017 19-9037 i 3 i 4 i 5 65-49- 37 69 . 31 . 44 72.57.43 1*005040 1-042979 1-075088 705487 797992 892681 1*2628 I-5679 1-9019 5 2 5 3 5 4 17.54. 18 14-39-57 II . 29 . 22 2*362126 2*458103 2-555499 4-067063 4 - o95 93 4-117708 20*4664 20-9772 21-4230 r6 i"7 1-8 1-9 76. 6.55 78.58.46 Si .32.43 83.48. 14 1-101704 1-123223 1*140092 1-152797 989061 1-086707 1-185266 1-284449 2*2609 2*6409 3-0377 3 4475 5 5 5 6 5 7 5-8 8.22.55 5-2i. 3 + 2 . 24 . 10 - o . 27 . 19 2-653989 2 753262 2-853023 2*952999 4 i3495 4-146893 4-153640 4-I55326 21-7898 22-0633 22*2292 22-2731 2 Q 2-1 85- 44- 5i 87.22. 5 1-161856 1-167812 1-384033 1-483852 3-8667 4-2924 (B=-o- 7 2*2 2 3 2 4 88-39-33 89-36- 5 9- 13-39 1-171230 1-172688 1-172776 1-583792 1-683780 1-783779 4-7220 5-I535 5-5856 O l O"2 0-3 5 43 2/ 8 ii. 25. 9 17- 3- 15 099834 198675 295562 004994 019899 044492 O OOOI 0*0012 o - oo6i 2 5 2-6 27 90 . 29 . 46 90.25. 3 89- 59-31 172094 171246 170839 I-883777 I-983773 2-083772 6-0175 6-4488 6-8795 0- 4 0-5 0-6 22 . 36 . 2 28. 1.51 33-19- 5 389592 479947 565913 078412 121173 172191 0*0189 0*0446 0*0888 2-8 2-9 3 89-13- 24 88. 7. 4 86 . 41 . ii I7U74 173746 1-178232 2-183769 2-283742 2-383639 7 3i3 7-7421 8 i759 07 0-8 0-9 38. 26. 14 43. 21 . 56 48. 4.5! 646897 722438 792208 230798 296276 367876 0-1569 0-2537 0-3831 3 1 3 2 3 3 84-56.37 82. 54.31 80.36. 16 1-185485 1-196025 1*210325 2-4833/1 2-582809 2-681774 8-6 I34 9-0561 9-5 59 I O I I I 2 52-33-49 56.47.44 60 . 45 . 40 856012 913783 965574 444843 526440 611960 0-5478 07489 0-9866 3 "4 3 5 3-6 78. 3-25 75- 17.41 72. 20. 52 1-228805 1-251821 1-279657 2-780044 2-877349 2-973385 9-9648 10-4348 10-9179 I 3 I 4 I 5 64 . 26 . 42 67-5. 3 70.55- o 1*011544 1*051949 1*087127 700748 792206 885801 1-2595 1-5657 1-9024 3*7 3 8 3 9 69 . 14 . 46 66 . i . 7 62. 41 . 32 1-312526 i 355 6 o 1-393822 3-067816 3-160286 3-250429 n 4i59 11-9306 12-4634 r6 1-7 1-8 73 -40. 5 6 76 . 7.16 78. 13-31 1*117483 1-143483 1*165634 981072 1-077625 I-I75I35 2*2664 2-6543 3*0629 (3) IV =-07 ,3= -o-S s I O X 1) z I V 1, \ <t> X Z 1} V ; // I n 1*9 79- 59- 13 1-184483 1-273339 3-4891 5 27-56- 3 6 480020 120996 0-0445 2*0 81 . 24 . 2 1-200603 1-372028 3-9302 0-6 33-iQ. 6 566091 171838 0-0886 2-1 82 . 27 . 40 1-214589 1-471044 4-3839 7 38. 12. 9 647270 230177 0-1564 2*2 83- 9*55 1-227048 1-570264 4-8486 0*8 43- I- 10 723141 295275 0-2528 2 "3 83.33.40 1-238597 1-669595 5-3229 0*9 47- 35 42 793427 366371 0-3817 2 4 83. 29. 56 1-249857 1-768959 5-8062 1*0 51-54- 28 857992 442704 0-5456 2 5 83- 7-54 1-261446 1-868285 6-2981 1*1 55 . 56 . 15 916833 523534 0-7460 2-6 82. 24. 51 I -273976 1-967496 6-7989 1*2 59.40. i 970070 608165 0-9830 2-7 81.21 . 18 1*288044 2-066500 7-3092 i 3 63. 4.48 1-017931 69595 i -2 55 8 2-8 79-57-55 1-304227 2-165180 7-8299 i 4 66. 9.48 i 060741 786310 1-5628 2-9 78. 15-33 1-323071 2-263385 8-362! 1-5 68.54. 17 1-098904 878731 1-9017 3 76. 15 . 16 1-345^87 2*360926 8-9072 1-6 7i-i7- 38 1-132892 972771 2-2698 3 i 73- S 8 . 17 1-373739 2-457573 9-4668 1-7 73- X 9- 20 i -163229 1-068052 2-6646 3-2 7i 25- 57 1-433437 10-0424 1-8 74. 58. 56 1-190485 1-164263 3 834 3 3 68. 39. 44 1-434528 2*647052 10-6354 1-9 76. 16. 8 1-215257 1-261144 3-5240 3 4 65.41. 9 1*473291 2*739221 11-2471 2*0 77 .10.42 1*238168 1-358482 3-9842 3 5 62. 31 . 43 i 5 l6 933 2-829181 11-8785 2-1 77-42. 33 r-259 8 54 1-456102 4-4628 3 6 59- 12.57 1-565583 2-916533 12-5300 2*2 77- 5i -42 1-280958 i 553 8 5o 4-9584 3 7 55-46. 19 1*619300 3*000863 13-2014 2 3 77.38.18 1*302122 1-651585 5 4705 3 8 52.13. ic 1*678063 3-081756 13-8917 2 4 77- 2 43 1-323983 1-749165 5-9990 3 9 48 . 34 . 47 1*741787 3-158801 14-5989 2 5 76. 5.24 1-347162 1-846441 5443 4-0 44- S 2 . 21 1*810317 3-231603 15-3198 2*6 74-47. 3 1-372258 I-943239 7-1061 . x o C. 41. 6.37 1*883442 3-299787 16-0499 2 7 73- 8.29 I-399837 2-039357 7-6060 8O , Q 4 2 37- 19-35 1*960897 3-363010 16-7832 2-8 71 . 10. 44 1*430428 2-I34558 -2040 4-3 33- 3i ii 2-042370 3-420962^ 17-5121 2-9 68.54- 57 1*464511 2-228563 8-9032 4 4 29 .42 . 37 2*127514 3-473^72 18-2272 3-0 66 . 22 . 26 1-502507 2-321055 9 5- : 124 4 5 25-54- 42 2*215948 3-520017 189177 3 i 63- 34-37 I-54477I 2-411673 10*2030 4-6 22 . 8.15 2*307271 3-560719 19-5710 3 2 60.32 . 56 1*591588 2*500024 10*8852 47 18.24. 3 2*401064 3 59535 3 20-1732 3 3 57.18.56 1*643162 2-585683 11-5887 4-8 14. 42. 50 2-496903 3-623835 20-7092 3 4 53-54- 8 1-699618 2-668205 12-3125 4*9 ii . 5 . 21 2-594364 3-646149 21-1627 3 5 50.20. 3 1*760995 2-747I33 I3 544 5 7 . 32. 22 2*693032 3-662320 21-5169 3-6 46 . 38 9 1-827252 2-822009 13-8110 5 1 4- 4-35 2*792505 3*672424 21-7550 3 7 42.49. 51 1-898268 2-892387 14-5777 o. 42 . 43 2-892404 3-676587 21-8597 3-8 38- 56- 3 2 1-973848 2-957839 I5 3478 3*n 34 59 3 1 2-053726 3-017968 16*1133 y 4-0 O^ 3s *J 3 1 - 3 2-137577 3-072419 16-8638 /3=-o-8 ~ 4 i 26. 59. 23 2-225024 3-120885 17-5876 4*2 22. 58. 4 2 2-315649 3-163111 18*2706 4 3 18.59. 7 2-409001 3-198907 18-8974 4 4 15- i-47 2*504611 3-228145 19*4510 0*1 0*2 5 43 26 ii . 24 . 48 17 . 2 . 6 22. 33. 20 099834 198676 295568 389617 004993 019894 044468 078337 O OOOI O-OOI2 o"oo6i 0-0189 4 5 4-6 4 7 4-8 ii. 7.47 7.18.11 + 3-34- o -o. 3-43 2 602OOO 2-700692 2-8OO226 2*900164 3-250762 3-266764 3-276219 3-279260 19*9134 20*2659 20-4897 20-5664 (31) IV 0=-o- 9 0=-o-9 s b < X b z b V ^ s 7> 4-0 4-1 4-2 # X b z b V V O l O 2 0-3 o / // 5-43- 2 3 ii . 24 . 28 i7- o-57 099834 198677 295574 004993 019889 044443 O OOOI O OOI2 0*0061 / (/ 18.27. 46 14 . 20 . 42 10. 16. 45 2-415467 2-511378 2-609059 2-878636 2-906865 2-928175 17-3722 17-9095 18-3474 0-4 o*S 0-6 07 0-8 0-9 I O I I I 2 22 .30. 37 27 . 51 . 22 33- i. 9 37-58. 7 42 . 4-j. 30 47- 6.45 5 1 - 15-25 55- 5-i4 58.35- 4 389641 48:1093 566268 647641 723837 794632 859947 919839 974493 078262 i 20820 171487 229558 294276 364867 440562 520619 604344 0-0189 0-0444 0-0884 I 559 0-2519 0-3802 0-5433 0-7429 0-9792 4-3 4-4 4-5 6. 17. 17 +2. 23.38 -i. 22. 57 2-707998 2-807693 2-907671 2-942567 2-950119 2-950983 18-6660 18-8455 18-8667 /3 = - i -o O l O 2 0- 3 / n 5-43-21 n . 24. 7 16. 59.48 099834 198677 2 9558o 004993 019884 044419 O OOOI O OOI2 0-0061 i 3 i 4 i 5 6i.43- 57 64.31. i 66.55.34 1*024202 1-069354 i iiO4i8 691099 780314 871486 1-2518 I-5592 1-8997 0- 4 0-5 0-6 22.27. 56 27.46. 8 32. 52. 14 389666 480167 566444 078187 120643 171136 0-0188 0-0444 0-0881 1-6 1 7 1-8 68.57. 2 70-34- 5 6 7I-48.57 1-147924 1-182454 1-214627 964180 1-058026 1-152707 2-2712 2-6717 3-0992 07 0-8 0-9 37-44- 8 42. 19. 57 46.37- 59 648009 724528 795826 228939 293277 363362 o-i555 0-2510 0-3786 1-9 2 2 I 72.38.55 73- 4-45 73- 6.35 1-245087 1*274495 i 335 I 9 i 247954 I- 34353 2 1-439227 3 55 T 9 4-0285 4-5280 I O I l I 2 50-36- 4i 54- 14- 4 2 57-3- 50 861878 922823 978844 438416 517693 600498 0-5411 0-7397 0-9753 2 2 2 3 2 4 72. 44. 41 71. 59. 28 7o.5i.35 1-332823 1-363060 1*394863 1-534837 1-630155 1-724962 5- 499 5 5939 6*1602 I 3 I 4 I 5 60 . 24 . 7 62 . 53. 40 64-58- 5 1-030357 1-077790 1-121669 686196 774222 864075 i 2473 i 5549 1-8965 2 5 2-6 27 69 . 21 . 48 67.31. 7 65. 20. 39 1-428832 1-465530 i 5 a 547 1-819012 1-912031 2-003702 67490 7-3608 7-9960 r6 i"7 1-8 66.39. 5 67.54- 2 68. 43. 31 1-162579 I 2OI 151 1-238047 955320 1-047579 1-140523 2-2707 2-6757 3-1101 2-8 2-9 3-0 62. 51. 43 6. 5-43 57- 4-io i 549 I0 3 1-596812 1-648903 2-093672 2*181546 2-266894 8-6551 9 3378 10-0435 1-9 2 O 2 I 69. 7.29 69. 6. 5 68-39-39 1-273948 I-3 9543 i 3455!7 1-233856 1-327307 1-420612 3 57 2 7 4-0627 4 579 2 3 1 3-2 3 3 53-48.38 50 . 20 . 46 46 . 42 . II I70559 6 1-767023 1-833223 2-349254 2-428145 2-503072 10-7710 n sm 12-2799 2 2 2 - 3 2 4 67 . 48 . 42 66. 33. 56 64 . 56 . 16 1-382541 1-421258 1-462276 1-513505 1-605704 1-696900 5-1221 5-6913 6-2866 3 4 3 5 3-6 42. 54-33 38. 59- 3 34- 58-36 i -904146 1-979648 2-059505 2*573544 2-639084 2-699241 13-0525 13-8283 1 4 59 8 5 2 5 2-6 27 62. 56.48 60. 36. 47 57-57-39 1-506155 1-553395 1-604426 1786753 1-874884 1-960873 6-9082 7-5559 8-2290 37 3-3 3 9 30. 53- 28 26.45- 37 22 .36. 33 2-143412 2*231000 2*321842 2753603 2-801812 2-843566 15-3521 16-0759 16-7548 2-8 2-9 3-0 55- -58 51 . 48. 32 48. 21 . 36 i 659597 1-719167 178330 2-044263 2-124568 2*201275 8*9264 9*6460 10*3846 (32) IV ,8 = -1-0 /S=-i-S s b o X b z b V S b 4- X z b V / // / n 3-1 44. 42 . 27 1-852061 2-273859 ii i375 2-5 35-22. 7 1-823965 1-577109 6-9703 3-2 40. 52. 45 1-925412 2*341800 11-8983 2-6 31. 20.34 1-907458 1-632107 7"57 JI 3 3 , 36. 54. 21 2-003218 2*404588 12-6589 2-7 27. 7.29 1-994690 1-680955 8-1546 3 4 32.49- 5 2*085245 2-461748 13-4086 2-8 22-45-55 2-085332 1723135 87054 3 5 28.38.47 2-171177 2-512848 I4 i35 2-9 18.18.55 2-178948 1-758221 9-2057 3-6 24. 25 . 16 2*260622 2 -5575i5 14-8233 3-0 13-49- 35 2-2750I5 1-785899 9-6361 37 20 . 10 . 19 2-353123 2-595448 i5 45 66 3 i 9. 20. 58 2-372953 1-805975 9-9758 I5-55-42 2-448181 2-626423 16-0166 3 2 4-56. 3 2-472154 1*818392 10*2038 3*9 H-43- 7 2-545264 2-650304 16-4834 3 3. o . 37 . 44 2-572013 1*8232-24 10-2994 4-0 7.34.I-5 2-643831 2-667043 16-8364 fi= 2 *O 4 1 3 3- 46 2*743344 2-676683 17-0552 4-2 -o. 25 .49 2-843289 2 679353 / // O l 5.42.55 099834 "004990 o-oooi Q /* o O 2 II . 20 . 42 198685 019835 O OOI2 /3=-i 5 o 3 l6 . 48 . 22 295639 ; -044176 o - oo6i / // o 4 22 . I . 6 389907 -077440 0-0186 O l 5-43- 8 099834 004991 O OOOI 0-5 26 . 54 . 28 480881 118885 0-0436 2 11.22.25 198681 019860 O OOI2 0-6 31 . 24. 23 568158 167646 0-0860 3 16.54- 4 295609 044298 o oo6i 0-7 35-27- is 651557 222786 0-1508 0-4 22 . 14 . 28 389787 077813 0-0187 0-8 39- - 5 731122 283336 0*2420 0-5 27 . 20 . 10 480526 119763 0*0440 0-9 42 . o . ii -807098 348339 0-3631 0-6 32- 7-59 567311 169387 0-0871 I O 44- 25.33 879913 416869 0-5166 0-7 36 35 2 649812 225854 0-I53I i i 46 . 14 . 41 950142 488052 0-7041 0-8 40 . 38 . 44 727894 288295 0*2466 I 2 47- 26.37 1-018473 561062 0-9265 0-9 44. 16. 50 801609 355843 0-3710 I- 3 48. 0.56 1*085668 635122 1-1842 I O 47. 27 . 26 871181 427656 0-5292 i 4 47-57-44 1-152528 709484 1-4768 I l 5- 8.57 736986 502942 0*7228 * 5 47- 17.39 1-219857 783422 1-8037 I 2 52 . 20. 8 -999526 580964 0*9529 1-6 46. 1.51 1*288423 856211 2*1633 1-3 54- o. 7 1-059409 661047 1*2198 17 44 . 1 1 . 5 7 ! 358932 927117 2-5535 I 4 55. 8.18 1-117316 742573 1-5233 1-8 41 . 50. 8 1*431991 995388 2-9709 1-5 55-44- 27 1-173979 824970 I 8632 1-9 38 . 58 . 59 1-508082 1-060257 3-4110 1-6 55 . 48 . 38 1-230159 907697 2*2388 2 Q 35-4I-32 i 5 8 7543 1-120948 3-8675 1-7 55- 2I *7 1-286618 990234 2-6494 2-1 32. i . ii 1-670544 1-176691 4 33 l8 i 8 54-23. 9 1-344100 1-072060 3-0942 2 2 28. 1.38 1757087 1-226753 47932 1*9 52.55-i8 1-403308 1-152645 3-57I8 2*3 23-46- 5 2 i 847006 1-270458 5-2384 2 O 50.59. 8 1-464883 1-231433 4*0807 2 4 19 . 21 . 2 i 939974 1-307226 5^519 2*1 48. 36. 19 1-529382 i-37 8 43 4*6185 2 5 14 . 48 . 24 2*035536 I-336597 6*0157 2 2 2 3 2 4 45.48.52 42.39. i 39. 9 . 12 1-597265 1-668872 1-744414 1-381259 1-451044 5*1819 5-7662 6-365I 2 6 2-7 2 8 10. 13. 17 I . 12 . 36 2*i33i34 2^232150 2-331946 1-358260 1-372067 1-378044 6-3106 6*5163 6-6132 B. (33) 15 IV /3=-2- 5 /8=-3 D s b 4> X b z b V b 3 s ~b * X b z b V b 3 i it i ii O l 5 . 42 . 42 099834 004988 O OOOI i 3 37-13- 59 1*130361 582291 1-0937 2 11.19. 198689 019810 O-OOI2 i 4 35-i6- 13 1*210941 641502 1-3486 0- 3 16 . 42 . 40 295668 044054 0*0061 i 5 32-39- 19 1*293823 697437 1-6240 0-4 21. 47. 49 390026 077068 0-0185 1*6 29-27- 34 1 379437 749087 1-9136 5 26 . 29 . i 481229 118012 0-0432 1*7 2 5 45 59 1*468001 795487 2-2087 0-6 30 . 41 . 26 568983 165917 0*0850 1*8 21 . 40. 15 I 5595 I 4 835750 2*4980 07 34-20. 53 653244 219737 0-1484 1*9 17. 16. 33 i - 653759 869111 2*7680 0-8 37- 2 3-57 734212 278404 0-2374 2 12. 41 . 25 1750328 894977 3^0028 0-9 39-47- 55 812298 340862 o-355o 2*1 8- i-35 1*848671 912956 3-1850 I O 41 . 30. 51 888093 406089 0-5034 2*2 + 3- 23. 42 1*948148 922891 3-2967 1*1 42 . 31 . 36 962313 473104 0-6838 2*3 -i. 5.42 2*048103 924869 3-3206 1*2 42 . 49 . 48 1-035760 540968 0-8967 I- 3 42. 25. 50 i io9265 608769 1-1417 =-3\ i 4 41 . 20. 49 183643 675609 1-4177 r S 39-36.39 259645 740593 1*7222 ; // 0*1 5.42. 16 099834 004985 O OOOI r6 37- 15-54 3379 I 5 802822 2-0519 0*2 ii . 15 .36 198697 019761 O*OOI2 17 34- 21 . 49 418953 861394 2-4013 0-3 16.31. 22- 295725 043812 0-0060 1-8 30-58- 15 503087 915418 2-7632 0-4 21.21. 31 390259 076329 0-0183 1-9 2 7- 9-35 i 5945i 964038 3-1282 5 25-38-54 481907 116280 0-0424 2 O 23. 0.38 i 68o98i 1x106464 3H843 0*6 29 . 17 . 23 5/0571 162489 0*0829 2 I 18-36-35 1774423 1^042010 3-8170 0-7 32.12. I 656450 213701 0-1437 2*2 14. 2.50 1-870360 1-070133 4-1097 0-8 34. 19. 6 740000 268640 0*2281 2 3 9 24 53 1^968244 1-090463 4 3 44-2 0*9 35-36.I5 821882 326041 0*3382 2 4 4.48. 14 2-067449 1-102826 4-5016 2 5 o. 18. 16 2-167325 1-107258 4-5631 I O 36. 2.27 902892 384669 0-4754 1*1 35 37 57 983890 443315 0-6394 o 1*2 34- 24- 22 1-065717 500795 0*8290 P= -3< D / // i 3 32- 24. 32 1*149131 555941 1*0414 O*I 5.42.29 099834 004986 O OOOI i 4 29-42- 3 1-234737. 607610 1*2718 2 ii . 17 . 18 198693 019786 O OOI2 i "5 26.23. 23 1-322940 654700 1-5*35 0- 3 16.37. o 295697 043933 o - oo6o 1-6 22 . 33. 17 1*413911 696178 17571 4 21. 34-37 390144 076658 0*0184 1 7 18.19. 4 i-5 7579 73"33 1*9909 5 26. 3.50 481571 117144 0*0428 1*8 13 . 48. 12 1*603642 758821 2*2008 0-6 29.59. 6 569787 164197 0-0839 1*9 9. 8. 28 1*701615 778716 2-3709 07 33 15 48 654875 216708 0-1461 2*0 + 4- 27- 49 1*800884 790551 2*4842 0-8 35-5. 18 737170 273505 0*2328 2*1 o . 6 . o 1-900786 794331 2-5241 0-9 37-39-S 8 817223 333427 0*3467 I *O 38.43 . 12 895745 395347 0*4896 1*1 38.59.28 973546 458I7 1 0*6621 1*2 38. 29. 14 1-051477 520835 0*8640 (34) IV /?=-4 o /3=-4 o S . X z V S . X z V b 9 b ~b b 3 ~b (t) b ~b ~b* I ii / u O l 5 . 42 . 4 099834 004983 O OOOI I O 33-28.25 909560 374082 0-4608 O 2 ii. 13. 54 198701 019737 O OOI2 I l 32. 26.47 993395 428593 0-6158 0-3 16. 25. 44 295754 043692 0*0060 I 2 3- 34- 42 1-078583 480959 0-7923 0-4 21 . 8 . 30 39 374 075961 0-0182 i 3 2 7 S 6 . 35 1-165764 529924 0-9858 o*5 25. 14. 14 482236 115420 0-0420 i 4 24. 38. 10 i 255369 574290 1-1898 0-6 28.36. 18 571336 160791 0-0818 i 5 20 . 46 . 27 i 347574 612947 I-3952 0-7 3i- 9-3 1 657973 210715 0-1413 1-6 16 . 29 . 22 1-442295 644937 1-5902 0-8 32. 50. 18 742707 263813 0-2233 i 7 " 55-31 r539 20 3 669502 17612 0-9 33- 36-42 826286 318716 0-3296 1-8 7- 13-56 1-637780 686145 1-8925 t 1-9 2-33-44 1737388 694666 1-9680 (35) 152 V ft 15 30 45 60 90 X ~b z J> X b z 1 X ~b z ~b X 1) z ~b X ~b z ~b + O O O l O 2 25882 25860 25838 03407 03403 03399 50000 49838 49679 !3397 1333 13264 70711 70232 69770 29289 28972 28666 86603 85673 84794 50000 49078 48217 I OOOOO 98421 96976 I OOOOO 96321 93113 o*3 0-4 o S 25816 25795 25774 03395 03390 03386 ; 49522 49368 49217 13200 i3 T 37 13075 . 69324 68894 68478 28372 28090 27819 83962 83174 82427 47412 46657 45946 95648 94422 93283 90285 87764 8549! 0-6 07 0-8 25752 2573 25710 03381 03377 03373 49068 48922 48777 I3 I5 -I2 955 12896 68075 67684 67305 27558 27306 27062 81715 81035 80384 45275 44640 44038 92217 91215 90271 83423 81529 79786 0-9 ro ri 25689 25668 25647 03369 03365 03360 48635 48495 48357 12838 12781 12725 66937 66579 66231 26827 26599 26378 79760 79161 78585 43465 42919 42397 89377 88529 87722 78173 76671 75268 i ; 2 ! 3 i "4 25626 25606 25585 03356 03352 03348 48221 48087 47955 12670 12616 12563 65892 65562 65241 26164 25957 25756 78031 77496 76979 41898 41420 40962 86953 86218 85513 73954 72719 71554 i 5 1-6 i 7 25564 25543 25523 03344 03340 03336 47826 47698 47571 12511 I246O ! I24O9 64928 64622 64323 25560 2537 25185 76478 75994 755 2 6 40522 40098 3969 84838 84189 83564 70453 69410 68418 r8 r 9 2 O 2553 25482 25462 03332 03328 033 2 4 47447 47324 47203 "12360 I23II , 12262 64032 63747 63469 25004 24829 24658 75072 74631 74203 39297 38918 38552 82963 82383 81822 67475 66576 65717 2 I 2 2 2 3 25442 25422 25402 03321 *33i7 03313 47084 46965 46848 I22I4 I2l67 I2I2I 63196 62929 62668 24491 24328 24169 73787 73382 72988 38198 37855 37522 81280 80755 80247 64895 64109 63353 2 4 2 5 2-6 25383 25363 25343 03309 03305 03302 46733 46619 46507 12075 12030 ! 11986 62412 62161 61915 24014 23863 237!5 72605 72231 71866 37200 36888 36585 79754 79 2 75 78810 62628 61931 61260 2 7 2-8 2 9 25324 25304 25285 03298 03294 03290 46396 46286 46178 11942 11899 11856 61674 6i437 61205 23570 23429 23290 71510 71 162 70823 36290 36004 35726 78358 77919 7749 1 60613 59989 59386 3*o 3 i 3 2 25265 25246 25227 03286 03282 03279 46071 45966 45861 11814 H773 11732 60978 60754 60534 23155 23022 22892 70492 70168 69851 35454 35189 34932 77074 76667 76270 58803 58240 57694 3 3 3 4 3 5 25208 25189 25170 03275 03271 03268 45757 45655 45553 11692 11652 11613 60318 60106 59898 22765 22640 22517 69540 69236 68939 3468i 34437 34199 75883 7556 75*37 57165 56652 56i54 3 6 37 3-8 *5 X 5 25132 25113 03264 03260 03256 45453 45355 45 2 57 H573 "535 11497 59693 5949 1 59292 22397 22279 22163 68647 68361 68080 33966 33739 33517 74776 74423 74078 55672 55202 54745 (36) V ft 120 135 140 M5 150 1 z b X 1 z ~b X b z b X 1 Z I X b z b O O O l O 2 8660 8641 8602 1*5000 1*4152 7071 7276 7380 1-7071 1-5062 6428 6718 6898 1-7660 1-6462 5736 6175 6413 1-6862 1-5875 5000 5905 i -8660 17238 1-6198 0-4 8549 8490 8431 1*2897 1*1988 "7432 7457 7464 1-4355 1-3762 1 3 2 53 7005 7064 7095 i-475o 1*4122 -6559 6652 6712 1-5090 I "4439 1-3885 6103 "6233 6320 1-4707 1-4*35 0-6 0-7 0-8 8370 8309 8248 1*1614 1*1280 1*0979 7458 7442 7421 1-2808 1-2414 1-2061 7109 7111 7106 1*3129 1-2718 1-2350 6749 6771 6781 1-2979 1-2599 6379 "6420 6447 1*3639 1-3202 1-2812 0-9 I O i i 8189 8131 8075 1*0705 i 0453 1*0221 7396 7369 7340 1-1742 I-I45 1 1-1185 7095 779 7060 I 20l8 1-1716 I-I 439 6783 6779 6771 1-2257 1-1947 1-1663 6464 6472 6474 1-2461 1-2143 1-1852 I 2 I"4 8020 -7966 79*4 I OOOS 9809 9623 739 7277 -7 2 45 1-0939 1-0711 1-0499 739 7016 6992 1-1185 1-0950 1-0731 6759 6744 6728 1-1401 1-1158 I- 933 6472 6467 -6459 1-1584 1-1105 1-6 "7863 "7814 7766 9449 9285 9131 7213 7181 7148 1-0301 1-0115 9941 6966 6940 6914 1*0526 1*0335 1-0154 6711 "6692 6671 1*0723 1-0526 1*0341 6448 6435 6421 1-0890 1-0689 1-0501 1-9 2 O 7719 7674 76297 8985 8847 87162 7116 7085 70525 9776 9620 94720 6888 6861 68339 9985 9824 96723 "6650 6629 66068 1*0167 1*0003 98467 6406 6390 63738 1-0323 1-0154 99952 2 2 75866 75445 -75035 85916 84728 83595 70212 69903 69599 93318 91985 90714 68072 67806 67541 "95280 93909 92603 65848 65626 65402 96988 95582 94243 63565 63387 63205 98443 970-09 95643 2-6 74636 ! 74246 73865 82512 81474 80479 69299 69004 68712 89500 88339 87227 67278 67018 66760 "9*354 90159 89016 65178 64955 64732 92965 90575 63021 62834 62647 94340 93095 91904 2-7 2 8 2-9 73494 73I3I 72776 79525 78608 77725 68425 68142 67864 86161 85137 84153 "66504 66252 66003 87921 86870 85859 64510 64289 64069 89454 88378 -87344 62459 62271 62082 90762 89666 88613 3-0 3 1 3 2 72428 72088 71756 76873 76052 75260 67590 67321 67055 83207 82295 81415 65758 655*6 65276 84887 8395 1 83048 63851 63635 63421 86350 85392 84468 61893 61705 61518 87599 86623 85682 3 3 3 4 3 5 7 T 43 71111 7799 "74495 73755 73039 66794 66537 66285 80566 79745 78951 65039 64805 64574 82176 8i334 80519 63209 62999 62792 83577 82716 81884 61332 61147 60963 84774 83897 83050 37 70493 70193 69898 72345 71673 71022 66036 65791 6555 78182 77438 76717 64346 64122 63901 7973 1 78968 78228 62588 62385 62183 81080 80300 79544 60780 60599 60419 82230 8x437 80669 <37) V (3 15 30 45 60 90 ^r z b X 1 z b X b e b X 1 z ~b X 1 z b + 3*9 4 o 4 i 25094 25076 j 2 557 03253 03249 03245 45160 45064 44969 11460 11423 11386 59 97 58905 58716 22050 21938 21828 67805 67536 67272 3330 33087 32879 73741 734U 73088 543oi 5386 9 53448 4-2 4 3 4 4 2 5 39 25021 25002 03242. 03238 03234 44875 44783 44691 JI 35o 11314 11279 58529 58345 58164 21721 21615 21511 67011 66756 66505 32676 32477 32282 72771 72460 72155 53038 52638 52248 4 5 4 6 47 24984 24966 24948 03231 03227 03223 44600 445 10 44421 11244 i 1209 11175 57986 57810 57637 21409 21309 2I2IO 66258 66016 65778 32091 31903 31720 71856 71562 71274 51868 5 J 497 5 IJ 34 4 8 4-9 5-o 24930 24912 24894 03220 03216 03213 44333 44246 44159 11141 11108 11075 57466 57298 57*33 2III2 2IOl6 "20922 65543 653!3 65086 31540 3*364 31191 70991 70713 70441 50780 50434 50095 5*i 5 2 5 3 24876 24858 24841 03209 03206 03203 44073 43988 43904 11042 IIOIO 10978 56969 56807 56647 20829 20738 "20648 64863 64644 64428 31021 30854 30690 70173 69909 69650 49764 49440 49122 5 4 5 5 5 6 24823 24806 24788 03199 03196 QS^S 43821 43738 43656 10947 10916 10885 56490 56335 56182 20559 20472 20386 64215 64005 63798 30529 30371 30215 69395 69145 68899 48811 48508 48210 57 5 8 5 9 24771 24754 24736 03189 03186 03183 43575 43495 43415 10854 10824 10794 56031 5588i 55733 20301 202l8 20136 63595 63394 63196 30062 29912 29765 68657 68418 68183 47918 47632 47351 6-0 6-1 6-2 24719 24702 24685 03179 03176 3 I 73 43336 43258 43180 10764 >I0 735 10706 55588 55444 55302 20055 J9975 19896 63001 62809 62619 29621 29479 29339 67952 67724 67500 47076 46806 46541 6 3 6-4 6-5 24668 24651 24634 03170 03166 03163 43 I0 3 43027 4295 1 10677 10648 10620 55i6i 55021 54884 19818 19741 19666 62432 62247 62065 29201 29064 28930 67279 67061 66846 46280 46024 45774 6-6 67 6-8 24617 24600 24584 03160 03157 03154 42876 42802 42729 10592 10564 10536 54748 54614 5448i 19592 19518 19445 61885 61708 6i533 287.98 28668 28540 66634 66425 66219 45528 45286 45048 6-9 7-0 7*i 245 6 7 2455 24534 0315 3*47 03M4 42656 42583 42511 10509 10482 I0 455 54350 54220 54091 -I 9373 19302 19232 61360 61189 61020 28414 28291 28169 66016 65815 65617 44814 44584 44357 7-2 7 3 7 4 245!7 24500 24484 03141 03138 03134 42440 42369 42299 10429 10403 I0 377 53964 53838 537 J 4 19163 19095 19027 60853 60688 60526 28048 27929 27812 65422 65229 65039 44134 439*5 43700 7 5 7 6 77 24467 2445 1 24434 03131 03128 03125 42229 42160 42091 10351 10326 10300 5359i 53469 53349 18960 18894 18828 60366 60207 60050 27697 275 8 3 27471 64851 64666 64483 43488 43280 43075 (38) V 120 135 I40 145 150 X Z b X b 8 ~b X b z b X z b X 1 z b 3 9 69609 70390 65312 76017 63683 775 11 61985 78811 60241 79924 4-0 69326 69775 65078 75338 63467 76814 61790 78101 60065 79201 69048 69178 64848 74678 63254 76138 6i597 774*1 59890 78499 4-2 68775 68598 64621 74037 63045 7548i 61405 76741 597*7 77817 4 3 68506 68033 64398 73413 62838 74842 61216 76089 59545 77*54 4*4 68242 67483 64178 72807 . 62634 74221 61029 75454 59375 76509 4 5 67984 66948 63960 72217 62433 73616 60844 74837 59207 75881 4 6 67730 66427 63746 71642 62234 73027 60662 74236 59040 75269 47 "67480 65918 63535 71082 62038 72453 60481 73650 58875 74673 4 8 67233 65421 63327 70536 61845 71894 60302 73079 58712 74092 4 9 66991 64937 63122 70003 61654 71349 60126 72522 58551 73526 66753 64464 62920 69483 61466 70816 59951 7*979 5839* 72973 5 1 66519 64002 62721 68975 61280 70296 59778 7*449 58232 72434 5 2 66288 6355 1 62525 68479 61096 69788 59607 70931 58075 71908 5 3 66061 63110 62331 67996 60915 69292 59439 70425 57920 7*393 5 "4 65837 62679 62139 67523 60736 68808 59273 69931 : 57767 70890 5 5 65617 62258 61950 67059 60559 68334 59109 69448 57616 70399 5 6 65400 61846 61764 66606 60384 67871 58947 68976 57466 69919 57 65187 61442 61580 66163 60211 67417 58787 68514 573*7 69449 64977 61046 61399 65730 60041 66973 58628 68061 57*69 68989 5 9 64769 60659 61220 65305 59873 66539 58470 67618 57023 68539 6 o 64564 . 60280 61043 64889 59707 66114 583*4 67184 56879 68098 6 i "64362 59908 60868 64482 59543 65697 58160 66759 56736 67666 6-2 64163 59544 60696 64082 65289 58008 66343 56594 67243 6 3 63967 59186 60526 63691 59220 64889 57858 65935 "56454 66828 6 4 63773 58836 60358 63307 59061 64496 577*0 65534 563*6 66421 6 5 63582 58492 60192 62931 58904 64111 57563 65142 56*79 66023 6 6 63394 58154 60028 62561 58749 63733 574*7 64757 ;5 6 44 65632 67 63208 57823 59866 62199 58596 63362 57273 64379 559*0 65248 6 8 63024 57498 59706 61844 58445 62999 57*3* 64008 55777 64871 6 9 7-0 7 1 62843 62664 62487 57179 56865 56557 59547 59390 59235 61495 61151 60814 58295 58147 58001 62642 62291 61946 56990 56851 567*3 63643 63286 62935 55645 555*4 55385 64501 64138 63781 7 2 7 3 7 4 62312 62140 61970 56254 55956 55663 59082 5893 1 58781 60.183 60157 59837 57856 57712 57570 61608 61276 60949 56577 i 56442 j "56308 62590 62251 61918 55257 55*30 55004 6343 63085 62747 7 5 7 6 77 "61802 "61636 "61472 55375 54813 58633 58487 59522 59214 58910 57430 5729 1 57153 60627 60311 60000 56044 559*4 61590 61268 60951 5488o 54756 54634 62415 62088 61766 (39) V 15 30 45 60 90 X b z b X b z ~b X ~b z b X ~b z b X b z b 7-8 7 9 8-0 244T8 24402 24386 03122 03118 031*5 42023 4*956 41889 10275 10250 10225 53230 53*12 52995 18764 18701 18638 59895 5974* 5959 27360 27251 27*43 64302 64123 63947 42872 42672 42476 8-1 8 2 24370 24354 24338 03112 03109 03106 41822 4*756 41691 I02OI "10176 IOI52 52764 5265* 18576 *85*5 18454 59440 59*45 27037 26932 26828 63773 63600 6343 42282 42091 4*903 8-4 8-6 24322 24306 24291 03103 03100 03097 41626 41562 4*498 IOI28 IOI05 IOo8l 52539 52428 523*8 *8394 18275 59000 58857 58716 26725 26624 26524 63262 63096 62932 4*7*8 4*536 4*356 87 8-8 8-9 24275 24259 24244 03094 03091 03088 4*37* 41308 10057 10034 IOOII 52208 52100 5*993 18217 18159 18102 58576 58437 58299 26425 26328 26232 62769 62608 62449 41179 41004 40831 9-0 9-1 9 2 24228 24213 24*97 03085 03082 03079 41246 41184 41122 09989 09966 09944 51887 5*782 5*677 18046 17990 *7935 58162 58027 57893 26137 26043 2595 62291 62135 61981 40661 40493 40327 9*3 9 4 9 5 24182 24167 24151 03076 03073 03070 41061 41001 40941 09922 09900 09878 5*574 5*472 5*37* 17881 17827 *7773 5763* 57502 25858 25767 25678 61829 61679 6153 40163 40001 39842 9 6 9*7 9-8 24*36 24121 24105 03067 03064 03062 40882 40823 40764 09856 09835 09813 51270 5*17* 51072 17720 17668 17616 57374 57247 57121 2559 25503 25416 61382 61236 61092 39685 39529 39375 9-9 IO O 24090 24075 24060 03059 03056 03053 40705 40647 40589 09792 09771 09750 50974 50877 50781 *7565 17464 56997 56874 56753 25330 25245 25161 60950 60808 60667 39223 39074 38926 I0 2 I0 4 24045 24030 24015 0305* 03048 03045 40532 40475 40418 09729 09709 09688 50686 5059* 50497 *74*4 17364 *73*5 56632 565*2 56393 25078 24996 249*5 60528 60391 60255 38780 38636 3 8 493 * 0> 5 io 6 107 24000 23986 23971 03042 03039 03037 40362 40306 40251 09668 09648 09628 50404 503*2 50220 17267 17219 17172 56275 56159 56044 24835 24756 24677 60121 59988 59856 38352 38212 38074 10-8 I I O ii i ** 3 23942 23927 239*3 23898 23884 03034 03031 03028 03025 03023 03020 40196 40141 40087 40033 39979 39926 09608 09589 09569 09550 0953* 09512 50*29 50039 49949 49860 49772 49685 17*25 17078 17032 16986 16941 16896 55929 55702 55590 55479 55369 24599 24522 24446 2437* 24296 24222 59725 59595 59466 59338 59212 59087 37938 37804 3767* 37539 37409 37280 11-4 *5 n-6 23869 23855 23841 03017 03014 03011 39873 39820 39768 09493 09474 09456 49598 495*2 49427 16851 16807 16763 55261 55*53 55046 24*49 24077 24005 58963 58840 587*9 37*53 37027 36903 (40) V ft I 20 I 35 I 40 I. *5 I 50 P X b z ~b X 6 z ~b X b z b X b z b X b z b + 7-8 7 9 8-0 61310 61 149 "60990 54539 54269 54003 58199 58057 579*7 58611 58317 58027 57017 56883 5675 59694 59393 59097 55785 55658 55532 60639 60333 60032 545 I 3 54394 54276 61449 61138 60832 8-1 8-2 3-3 60833 60678 60525 53741 53484 53230 57778 57641 57505 57742 5746i 57185 56618 56488 56359 58805 58518 58236 55407 55283 55161 59735 59443 59155 54158 54041 53926 60531 60235 59943 8-4 8-5 8-6 60373 60223 60074 52981 52735 52493 5737i 57238 57106 56913 56645 56381 56231 56104 55978 57958 57684 57414 55040 54920 54801 58872 58593 58318 53812 53699 53587 59655 5937i 59092 87 8-8 8-9 59927 59782 59639 52254 52019 51787 56976 56847 56719 56120 5586 4 556n 55854 55731 55609 57148 56886 56628 54684 54567 5445 * 58047 5778o 57517 53476 53366 53256 58817 58546 58279 9-0 9-1 9-2 59497 59356 59 2 i7 51558 5!33 2 51110 56592 56467 56342 55362 55n6 54874 55488 55368 55249 56373 56122 55875 54336 54223 54110 57258 57003 5675 1 53M7 53039 52932 58015 57755 57499 9*3 9 4 9 5 59 79 58942 58807 50891 50675 50461 56219 56097 55976 54635 54399 54167 55i3i 55oi5 54900 55631 55390 55*53 53998 53888 53778 56502 56257 56015 52826 52721 52618 57247 56998 56753 9-6 97 9-8 58673 58541 58410 50250 50042 49837 55856 55737 55620 53938 "537" 53488 54786 54673 5456i 549 J 9 54688 5446o 53669 5356i 53454 55776 5554i 55309 52515 52413 5 2 3 12 56511 56272 56037 9-9 IO O IO - I 58280 58151 58023 49634 49434 49236 55504 55389 55275 53268 53 5o 52835 5445 54339 54230 54235 54013 53794 53348 53243 53138 55080 54854 54631 52211 52111 52012 55805 55575 55349 IO 2 I0 3 io 4 57897 57772 57648 49041 48849 48659 55*62 5505 54939 52623 52414 52207 54122 54014 53907 53577 53363 53152 53034 52932 52831 544H 54194 53979 S I 9*4 51817 51720 55 I2 6 54905 54687 i 5 io 6 10-7 575 2 5 57403 57282 48471 48285 48102 54828 547i8 54610 52003 51801 51602 538oi 53696 53592 52944 52738 52535 5 2 73i 52631 52532 53767 53558 53351 51624 5i5 2 9 51435 5447 1 54258 54048 10-8 io 9 II O 57163 57045 56928 47921 47742 47565 54503 54396 54290 51406 51211 51019 53489 53387 53286 52334 52136 5*940 52434 52336 52239 53*46 52944 52744 5*342 5 I2 49 5H57 53840 53635 53433 in I I 2 ir 3 56812 56696 56582 47390 47218 47047 54186 54082 53978 50829 50642 5 45 6 53i85 53085 52986 5*746 i 5 I 554 i 51365 i 52143 52048 51953 52546 52351 52158 51066 50976 50886 53233 53035 52839 11-4 "*S n-6 56469 56357 56246 46878 46711 46546 53876 53774 53674 50273 50092 499 1 3 52888 5279 1 52695 51178 l 50993 50810 51859 51766 5*674 51968 51780 1 S I 594 50796 50707 50619 52646 52455 52266 (41) 1G V I 5 f\ J A -5 e c )0 p X b z ~b X b z ~b X b b X b z b X b z 1> + 117 n-8 11-9 23826 23812 23798 03009 03006 03003 39716 39664 39613 09437 09418 09400 49343 49259 49176 16720 16677 16634 54940 54835 5473 1 23934 23864 23794 58598 58478 58359 36780 36658 36537 I2 O I2 I I2 2 23784 23770 2 375 6 03000 02998 02995 39562 395 12 3946i 09382 09364 09346 49093 49011 48930 16592 l6 55 16509 54628 54525 54423 23725 23657 23589 58241 58124 58008 36418 36300 36183 I2 3 I2 4 I2 5 23742 23728 237*4 02992 02989 02987 394H 39361 393 11 09328 09311 09293 48849 48769 48689 16468 16427 16386 54322 54222 54123 23522 23456 23390 57893 57779 57667 36067 3595 2 35839 I2 6 127 12-8 23700 23687 23673 02984 02981 02979 39262 39213 39164 09276 09258 09241 48610 48531 48453 16346 16306 16266 54024 53926 53829 23325 23260 23196 57555 57444 57334 35727 35616 35506 I2 9 13-0 !3 -I 23659 23645 23632 02976 02974 02971 39116 39067 39019 09224 09207 09190 48375 48298 48221 16227 16188 161/19 53733 53638 53543 23*33 23070 23008 57225 57H7 57010 35397 35289 35 l8 2 13-2 i3 3 13*4 23618 23604 23591 02969 02966 02964 38971 38924 38876 09173 09156 09140 48145 48070 47995 16111 16073 16035 53449 53356 53263 22946 22885 22824 56904 56798 56693 35076 3497i 34867 i3 S 13-6 i37 23577 23563 23550 02961 02959 02956 38829 38782 38736 09123 09107 09090 47921 47847 47774 15998 15961 15924 53171 53079 52988 22764 22704 22645 56589 56486 56383 34765 34663 34562 13-8 13-9 14*0 2 3536 23523 235 9 02954 02951 02949 ! 38690 -38644 38598 09074 09058 09042 47701 47628 47556 15887 15851 15815 52898 52809 52721 22586 22528 22470 56281 56180 56080 34462 34363 34265 14-1 14-2 *4 3 23496 23482 23469 02946 02944 02941 38553 38508 38463 09026 09010 08994 47484 47413 47343 15779 15744 I 579 52633 52546 5 2 459 22413 22356 22300 5598o 55881 55783 34168 34072 33976 14-4 14*5 i4 6 23456 23443 23429 02939 02936 02934 3 8 4 l8 38374 38329 08979 08963 08948 47273 47203 47*34 15674 !5639 15604 52373 52287 52202 22244 22188 22133 55686 55590 55494 3388i 33787 33694 147 14-8 14-9 23416 23403 23390 02931 02929 02926 3828 S 38241 38198 08932 08917 08902 47065 46997 46929 5570 15536 15503 52117 52033 5*95 22078 22024 21971 55399 55305 55211 33602 335 11 33420 5*0 iS 1 15 a 23377 23364 23352 02924 02922 02919 38155 38112 38069 08887 08872 08857 46861 46794 46727 15469 15436 15403 51867 < 5 I 784 51702 2IQl8 21865 2l8l 3 55ii8 55026 54934 33330 33241 33*53 T 5 3 i5-4 15 5 23339 23326 233!3 02917 02914 02912 38027 37984 37942 08842 08828 08813 46661 46595 46530 15370 -I 5337 iSSoS 51621 5*541 51461 "21761 21709 21658 54843 5475 2 54662 33065 32978 32892 (42) p I 20 I i r 3D It 1-0 I 45 I 50 p X b b X b z 1) X b z b X b z b X b z I + 117 1 1 -8 11-9 56136 56026 55917 46383 46222 46062 53574 53475 53377 49736 49561 49387 52599 52504 52410 50629 5045 50274 51582 5 r 49* 51401 51410 51228 51048 50532 5 445 50359 52079 5*894 51712 I2 O I2 I I2 2 55809 55702 55596 45904 45748 45594 53279 53182 53086 49216 49047 48879 523*6 52223 52I3 1 50099 49926 49755 5*3*1 51222 5 II 34 50870 50694 50520 50273 50188 50104 51532 51354 51178 I2 3 I2 4 I2 5 5549i 55387 55283 4544i 45290 45*40 52991 52897 52803 48713 48549 48387 52040 5*949 51859 49586 49418 49252 51046 50959 50873 50348 5 OI 77 50008 50020 49937 : 49855 5 I0 03 50830 50658 I2 6 127 12-8 55i8o 55078 54977 44992 44845 44700 52710 52617 52526 48226 48067 47910 51769 51680 < 5 I 59 2 49088 48926 48765 50787 50702 50617 49841 49676 495 13 49773 49692 [ 49611 50488 50320 5 OI 54 12-9 13-0 13-1 54877 54778 54679 44556 44414 44273 52435 52344 52254 47754 47600 47447 51505 51418 51332 48606 48449 48293 50533 5045 50367 4935 * 49191 49033 4953i 4945 1 49372 49991 49829 49669 13-2 I3 3 J 3 4 5458i 54484 54388 44134 43996 43859 52165 52077 51989 47296 47M7 46999 5 I2 47 51162 51077 48139 47987 47836 50285 50203 50122 48876 48721 48567 49294 49216 49*38 495 10 49352 49196 J 3 5 13-6 137 54292 54197 "54*03 43723 43589 43456 51902 51816 5*730 46852 46707 46563 50993 50910 50827 47686 47538 4739 1 50042 49962 49883 48415 48264 48115 49061 48985 48909 49041 48888 48737 13-8 13*9 i4 o 54009 539 l6 53824 43325 43195 43 66 51645 51560 5*476 46421 46280 46140 50745 50663 50582 47246 47102 46959 49804 49726 49648 47967 47821 47676 48834 48759 48684 48587 48438 48291 14-1 14-2 I4-3 53732 53641 5355 1 42938 4281 1 42686 5 r 39 2 5 I 39 51227 46002 45865 457 2 9 55 01 50421 50342 46818 46678 46539 49571 49494 49418 47533 4739 1 47250 48610 48536 48463 48145 48000 47857 14-4 M-S i4 6 5346i 53372 53283 42562 42439 42317 5*145 51064 5 983 45594 4546i 45329 50263 50185 50107 46402 46266 46131 49342 49267 49192 47110 46971 46834 48390 48318 48246 47716 47576 47437 147 14-8 14-9 53195 53 108 53022 42196 42076 HI957 50903 50824 5 745 45*98 45068 44939 50030 49953 49877 45997 45865 45734 49118 49044 48971 46698 46563 46430 48175 48104 48034 47299 47162 47027 *5 iS i !5 2 52936 52851 52766 41839 41722 41606 50666 50588 55 10 44811 44685 44560 49801 49726 4965 1 45604 45475 45347 48898 48826 48754 46298 46167 46037 47964 47895 47826 46893 46760 46628 !5 3 i5 4 J 5 5 52682 52598 52515 41491 41378 41265 5 433 50356 50280 44436 44313 44191 49576 49502 49429 45220 45095 44971 48682 48611 48540 45908 4578o 45654 47757 47689 47621 46497 46368 46240 (43) 10 2 V ft 15 30 45 60 90 X b z b X ~b z ~b X 1 z ~b X b z ~b X b z 1) + 15-6 157 15-8 23300 23288 2 3 2 75 02910 02907 02905 37900 37858 378i7 08798 08784 08769 46465 46400 46336 15273 15241 15209 51382 5*303 5*225 21607 21557 21507 54573 54484 54396 32807 32722 32638 15-9 i6 o 16-1 23262 23249 23237 02902 02900 02898 37775 37734 37693 o8755 08741 08727 46272 46209 46146 15178 I5H7 15116 5**47 51069 50992 21457 21408 21359 54308 54221 54135 32554 3247 1 32389 16-2 16-3 i6 4 23224 23211 23198 02895 02893 02890 37652 37612 3757 1 08713 08699 08685 46084 46022 45960 15085 15054 15024 509*5 50839 50764 21310 21262 21214 54049 53964 53879 32308 32227 32147 16-5 16-6 167 23186 23*73 23161 02888 02886 02883 3753 1 3749 1 37451 08671 08657 08644 45898 45837 45776 14994 14964 14934 50689 50615 50541 21167 "2 1 1 2O 21073 53795 537H 53628 32067 31988 31910 16-8 i6 9 17-0 23148 23136 23124 02881 02879 02877 37412 37372 37333 08630 08617 08603 45715 45655 45595 14904 14875 14846 50467 5 394 50321 2IO26 20980 20934 53545 53463 53382 31832 31755 3x678 17-1 17*2 *7 3 23112 23099 23087 02874 02872 02870 37294 37255 37217 08590 08576 08563 45535 45476 45417 14817 14788 14759 50249 5 OI 77 5 OI 5 20888 20843 20798 533oi 53220 53*40 31602 3i5 2 7 3U52 17*4 i7 5 i7 6 2 3 7S 23063 23050 02868 02865 02863 37178 37*40 37102 08550 08537 08524 45359 453 01 45243 i473i 14703 14675 5 00 34 49963 49893 20753 20709 20665 53061 52982 52904 3*378 3*304 31231 17-7 17-8 17-9 23038 23026 23014 02861 02859 02856 37064 37026 36989 08511 08498 08485 45185 45128 45071 14647 14619 *459* 49823 49754 49685 2O62I 20578 20535 52826 52749 52672 31*58 31086 3*0*5 18-0 18-1 18-2 23002 22990 22978 02854 02852 02850 3695 1 369*4 36877 08472 08459 08446 45 OI 4 4495 8 44902 14564 14537 14510 49616 49548 49480 20493 20451 20409 52595 5 2 5 I 9 52443 30944 30874 30804 18-3 18-4 18-5 22966 22954 22942 02847 02845 02843 36840 36803 36767 08434 08421 08409 44846 4479 44735 14483 *4457 1443 49413 49346 49279 20367 20325 20284 52368 52293 52219 30734 30665 30596 18-6 18.7 18-8 22930- 22919 22907 02841 02839 02836 36730 36694 36658 08397 08384 08372 44680 44626 4457 2 14404 M378 <I 435 I 49213 49*47 49081 20243 2O2O2 20l6l 52M5 52072 5*999 30528 30460 30393 18-9 i9 o 19-1 22895 22883 22872 02834 02832 02830 36622 36586 3655 1 08360 08348 08336 445;8 44464 44410 14325 14299 14273 49016 4895 1 48886 2OI2I 20081 2OO4I 51926 5 l8 54 51782 30327 30261 30*95 I9 2 i9 3 19-4 22860 22848 22837 02828 02825 02823 36515 36479 36444 08324 08312 08300 44357 443 4 44251 14248 "14222 14197 48822 48758 48695 20002 19963 19924 "Si?" 51640 5 I 5 6 9 30130 30065 30001 (44) V ft 120 135 140 45 150 X b z b X b z ~b X 1 z b X b z b X 1 z ~b + 15-6 157 15-8 52432 5 2 35 52268 4H53 41043 40933 50204 50129 50055 44070 4395 43831 49356 49284 49212 44848 44726 44604 48470 48400 4833 1 45529 45405 45282 47554 47487 47420 46113 45987 45862 15*9 i6 o 16-1 52187 52107 52027 40824 40716 40609 49981 49907 49834 43713 43596 43480 49140 49069 48998 44484 44365 44247 48262 48193 48125 45*59 45037 44916 47354 47288 47222 45738 45614 4549 1 l6 2 16-3 i6 4 > 5 I 947 51868 5 I 79 40503 40398 40293 49761 49689 49617 43365 43252 43139 48928 48858 48789 44130 44014 43898 48057 47990 47923 44797 44679 44562 47157 47092 47028 45369 45249 45!30 i6 5 16-6 167 51712 51635 51558 40189 40086 39984 49545 49474 49403 43026 42915 42805 48720 48651 48583 43783 43670 43558 47856 47790 47724 44446 44331 44217 46964 46901 46838 45 OI 3 44896 44780 16-8 i6 9 17-0 51482 51406 51330 39883 39783 39683 49333 49263 49194 42695 42586 42478 48515 48447 48380 43446 43335 43225 47659 47594 47529 "44103 4399 43878 46775 46712 46650 44665 4455 1 44437 17-1 17-2 *7 3 51255 51180 51106 39584 39486 39389 49 I2 5 49056 48988 42372 42266 42160 48313 48247 48181 43116 43008 42901 47465 47401 47338 43767 43657 43548 46588 46526 46465 443 2 5 44214 44103 17*4 i7 S 17-6 51032 5 959 50886 39292 39196 39101 48920 48853 48786 42056 41952 41850 48115 48050 47985 42795 42689 42584 47275 47212 4715 43439 43331 43224 46404 46344 46284 43993 43884 43776 177 17-8 17-9 50814 5 742 50670 39006 38912 38819 48720 48653 48587 41748 41646 41546 47921 47857 47793 42480 42377 42274 47088 47026 46964 43H9 43014 42910 46224 46165 46106 43669 43562 43456 18-0 18-1 18-2 50599 50528 5045 8 38727 38635 38544 48522 48457 48392 41446 41347 41249 47730 47667 47605 42172 42071 41971 46903 46842 46782 42807 42704 42602 46047 45989 4593 1 4335 1 43247 43M4 18-3 18-4 18-5 50388 50319 50250 38454 38364 38275 48328 48264 48200 4H5 1 41054 40958 47543 47481 47419 41871 41772 41674 46722 46662 46603 42501 42401 42302 45873 45815 45758 43041 42939 42838 18-6 187 18-8 50181 5 OII 3 50045 38186 38098 38011 48137 48074 48011 40863 40768 40674 47358 47297 47236 41577 41481 41385 46544 46485 46426 42203 42105 42007 457oi 45644 45588 42738 42639 42540 18-9 ig o 19-1 49977 49910 49843 37925 37839 37754 47949 47887 47825 40581 40488 40396 47176 47116 4705 6 41290 4H95 41101 46368 46310 46252 41910 41814 41718 45532 45476 45420 42442 42344 42247 19*2 i9 3 19-4 49777 49711 49 6 45 37669 37585 375 01 47764 47703 47642 40304 40214 40124 46997 46938 46879 41008 40915 40823 46195 46138 46081 41623 41529 41436 45365 453 10 45255 42151 42056 41961 (45) V o I 5 3 A 5 t >0 c p X ~b z I X ~b z b X b z b X b z 1) X b z b + i9 5 22825 02821 36409 08288 44199 14172 48632 19885 5*499 29937 i9 6 22814 02819 36374 08276 44M7 14147 48569 19846 5M29 29873 197 22802 02817 36339 08264 44095 14123 48507 19808 5*359 29810 19-8 22791 02815 : 36305 08253 44043 14098 48445 19770 51290 29747 19-9 22779 02813 36270 08241 4399 1 14074 48383 19732 51221 29685 2O O 22768 02811 36236 08230 43941 14050 48322 19694 51*53 29623 2O I 22756 02808 36202 08218 43890 14026 48261 19657 5*085 29562 2O 2 22745 02806 36168 08207 43840 14002 48200 19619 51017 29501 20 3 22734 02804 36134 08195 43789 13978 48140 19582 5095 29440 20*4 22722 02802 36101 08184 43739 *3954 48079 *9545 50883 29380 20-5 22711 02800 36067 08173 43689 *393 48019 19509 50817 29320 2O 6 22700 02798 36034 08162 43640 13907 47959 *9473 5075 1 29261 20*7 22688 02796 36000 08151 43590 13883 47900 19437 50685 29202 20-8 22677 02794 35967 08140 43541 13860 47842 19401 50620 29143 2O 9 22666 02792 35934 08129 4349 2 13837 47783 19366 50554 29084 2I O 22655 02790 3590! 08118 43443 13814 47725 19330 50489 29026 2I I 22644 02788 35868 08107 43395 i379i 47667 19295 50424 28968 21 2 22633 02786 35835 08096 43347 13769 47609 19260 50360 28911 21 3 22622 02784 35803 08085 43299 13746 47552 19225 50296 28854 21 4 22611 02782 35770 08075 4325 1 *3723 47495 19191 50233 28797 2I- 5 22600 02780 35738 08064 43203 13701 47438 19156 50170 28741 21 6 22589 02778 35706 08053 WS 6 13679 47382 19122 50107 28685 21-7 22578 02776 35674 08042 43109 13657 47325 19088 5 00 45 28630 21-8 22567 02774 35642 08031 43062 13635 47269 19054 49983 28575 2 I 9 22556 02772 35611 08021 43 01 5 13613 47213 19021 49922 28520 22 O 22545 02770 35579 08010 42969 i359i 47158 18987 49860 28465 22 I 22534 02768 35547 08000 42923 -I 357o 47 I0 3 18954 49799 2841 1 22 2 22524 02766 355*6 07989 42877 13548 47048 18921 49738 28357 22 3 22513 02764 35484 07979 42831 13526 46994 18888 49677 28303 2 2 4 22502 02762 35453 07969 42786 I355 46939 18855 49617 28250 22 5 22491 02760 35422 07958 42740 13484 46885 18822 49557 28197 22 6 22481 02758 3539! 07948 42695 13463 46831 18790 49497 28144 22 7 22470 02756 35360 07938 42650 13442 46778 18758 49438 28092 22-8 22459 02754 35330 07927 -42605 13421 46724 18726 49379 28040 22 9 22449 02752 35299 07917 42561 13400 46671 18694 49320 27988 23-0 22438 02750 35269 07907 42516 *3379 46618 18662 49262 27937 23-1 22427 02748 35239 07897 42472 13359 46566 18631 49204 27886 23-2 22417 02746 35208 07887 42428 13338 46513 18599 49146 27835 23 3 22406 02744 35178 07877 42384 133*7 46461 18568 49089 27784 (46) V 120 135 HO 145 150 X b z b X 7> z b X b z b X b z b X b b *9 5 ig 6 197 49580 495*5 49450 374*8 37336 37254 47582 47522 47462 40034 39945 39857 46821 46763 46705 40732 40641 4055 1 46024 45968 459*2 4*343 41251 41160 45201 45*47 45093 41867 4*774 41682 19-8 19-9 2O O 49386 49322 49258 37*73 37092 37012 47402 47343 47285 39770 39683 39596 46647 4659 46533 40462 40373 40285 45856 45801 45746 41069 40979 40889 45039 44986 44933 4*590 41498 41407 2O I 2O 2 20-3 49*95 49069 36933 36854 36775 47226 47168 47110 395*0 39425 39340 46476 46420 46364 40197 401 10 40024 4569* 45637 45583 40800 40712 40624 44881 44828 44776 41227 41138 2O 4 20-5 2O 6 49007 48945 48883 36697 36619 36542 47053 46996 46939 39256 39172 39089 46308 46253 46198 39938 39853 39768 : 45529 45475 45422 40537 40450 40364 44724 44672 44621 41050 40962 40875 2O 8 48822 48761 48700 36465 36389 363*4 46883 46826 46770 39006 38924 38843 46143 46088 46033 39684 39600 395*7 45369 45263 40278 40193 40109 44570 445*9 44468 40789 40703 40617 2I O 21 2 48640 48580 48520 36239 36165 36091 46714 46659 46603 38762 38682 38602 45979 45925 4587* 39435 39353 39272 45210 45*58 ! 45106 40025 39942 39859 444*7 44367 443*7 40532 40447 40363 21 4 48461 48402 48343 36017 35944 35871 46548 46493 46439 38523 38444 38365 45818 45765 457*2 39191 39111 39031 45054 45003 44952 39777 39695 39614 44267 44217 44168 40280 40197 40115 2 I 6 21-7 21 8 48285 48226 48168 35799 35727 35656 46385 4633* 46277 38287 38210 38133 45660 45608 45556 38952 38873 38794 44901 i 44850 44800 39533 39453 39373 44119 44070 44021 40033 39952 39871 22 22 I 48110 48053 47996 35585 35444 46224 46170 46117 38056 37980 37905 45504 4545 2 38716 38639 38562 i -4475 44700 44650 39294 39215 43972 43924 43876 3979* 397*1 39632 22 2 2 2 4 47939 47883 47826 35374 35305 45236 46064 46012 45959 37830 37755 3768i 4535 45299 45248 38486 38410 38334 44601 44552 44503 39059 38982 38905 43828 43733 39553 39475 39397 22 6 22 7 47770 47659 35100 35033 45907 45855 45804 37607 37534 37461 45*98 45098 38259 38184 38110 44454 44405 44357 38829 38753 38678 43686 43639 43592 39242 39166 22 8 23-0 47604 47549 47494 34966 34899 34833 ! 45753 45702 4565 1 37389 37246 45048 44998 44949 38036 37963 37891 44309 44261 44214 38603 38528 38454 43545 43499 43453 39090 39014 38939 23-2 2 3 3 47440 47385 4733 1 34767 3470* 34636 45601 45550 4550 37*04 37034 44900 44851 44802 37818 37746 37674 44166 44119 44072 38380 38307 38234 43407 433*5 38864 38790 38716 (47) V 15 30 45 60 90 X ~b Z ~b X ~b z ~b X ~b z I X 1} I X ~b z ~b + 23 4 23 5 23-6 22396 -22385 22375 02742 02740 02739 35148 : -35118 i 35088 07867 07857 07847 42341 42297 42254 13297 13277 I 3 2 57 46409 46357 46306 18537 18506 18476 49031 48974 48917 27734 27684 27634 237 23-8 23-9 22364 22354 22343 02737 2 735 02733 35059 35029 35000 07837 07827 07818 42211 42168 42125 13237 13217 I3I97 46254 46203 46152 18445 18415 18385 48861 48804 48748 27585 27536 27487 24*0 24-1 24-2 22333 22323 22312 02731 02729 02727 34971 34942 34913 07808 07798 07789 42082 42040 41998 i3i77 13158 i3!38 46102 46051 46001 18355 18325 18296 48692 48636 48581 27438 27389 27341 24 3 24-4 24-5 22302 "22291 22281 02725 02723 02721 34884 34855 34826 07779 07769 07760 41956 41914 41872 13118 13099 13080 4595 1 45902 45853 18266 18236 18207 48526 48471 48417 27293 27245 27198 24-6 247 24-8 22271 22260 22250 02720 02718 02716 \ 34797 34769 34740 07750 07741 07732 41830 41789 41748 13061 13042 13023 45803 45754 45705 18178 18149 18120 48363 48309 48255 27151 27104 27058 24-9 25-0 25-1 22240 22230 2222O 02714 02712 02711 34712 34684 34656 07722 07713 07704 41707 41666 41626 13004 12985 12967 45657 45609 4556i 18092 18063 18035 48202 48148 48095 27012 26966 26921 25-2 2 5 3 25-4 222IO 222OO 22190 02709 02707 02705 34628 34600 34572 07694 07685 07676 41585 HI544 41504 12948 12929 12911 455!3 45466 454i8 18007 17979 *795i 48042 47990 47937 26875 26830 26785 25-5 25-6 257 22l8o 22170 *22l6o 02703 02702 02700 34544 345i6 34489 07667 07658 07649 41464 41424 41385 12892 12874 12856 45370 453 2 3 45276 17923 17896 17868 47885 47833 47782 26740 26695 26651 25-8 2 5 9 26 22150 22140 22130 02698 02696 02694 3446i 34434 34407 07640 07631 07622 41345 41306 41267 12838 12820 12802 45230 45183 45137 17840 17813 17786 47730 476/9 47628 26607 26563 26519 26-1 26 2 26-3 22120 22III "22IOI 02693 02691 02689 3438o 34353 34326 07613 07604 07596 41228 41189 4H5 1 12785 12767 12749 4509 1 45045 44999 17759 17732 17706 47577 475 2 7 47476 26476 26433 26390 26 4 26-5 26-6 22091 22081 22071 02687 02685 02684 34299 34272 34245 07587 07578 07569 41112 41073 41035 12732 12714 12696 44954 44908 44863 17679 17652 17626 47426 47376 47327 26347 26304 26262 267 26-8 26 9 22O62 22052 22042 02682 02680 02678 i 34219 34192 34166 07561 07552 07543 40997 40959 40921 12679 12661 12644 44818 44773 44729 17600 !7574 17548 47277 47228 47179 26220 26178 26136 27-0 27-1 27-2 22032 22O22 22013 02676 02675 02673 34Mo 34113 34087 07535 07526 07518 40883 40846 40808 12627 12610 -I2 593 44684 44640 44596 17522 17496 17471 47130 47082 47033 26094 26053 26012 (48) V i; >0 i; > r )5 It 10 IL 15 1 = ;o p X b z I X b z ~b X b z b X b z ~b X ~b z 1> + 23 4 23 5 23-6 47277 47224 47171 34571 345 7 34443 4545 454oi 4535 1 36964 36895 36826 44754 44706 44658 37603 37532 37462 44025 43978 43932 38162 38090 38019 4327 43225 43180 38643 38570 38498 2 3 7 23-8 2 3 9 47118 47066 47 OI 3 3438o 34317 34254 45302 45253 45205 36757 36689 36621 44610 44562 445 1 5 37392 37322 37253 43*886 43840 43794 37948 37877 37807 43135 43091 43 47 38426 38354 38283 24 24-1 24*2 46961 46909 46858 34I9 1 34129 34067 45^6 45108 45060 36554 36487 36420 44468 4442 1 44374 37185 37 JI 7 37049 43748 43703 43658 37737 37668 37599 433 42959 42915 38212 38141 38071 24 3 24-4 24-5 46806 46755 46704 34005 33944 33883 45012 44964 44916 36354 . 36288 36223 443 2 7 44281 44235 36981 36914 36847 43613 43568 43523 37530 37462 37394 42871 42828 42785 3800.1 37932 37864 24 6 24-7 24-8 46653 46603 46552 33823 33763 33703 44869 44822 44775 36158 36093 36029 44189 44M3 44098 36781 36715 36649 43478 43434 43390 37326 37259 37192 42742 42699 42656 37796 37728 37660 24-9 25-0 25 i 46502 46452 46402 33644 33585 33526 44729 44682 44636 35965 359oi 35838 44053 44008 43963 36584 3 6 5 I 9 36454 43346 43302 43258 37126 37060 36994 42614 42571 42529 37593 37526 37460 25-2 25 3 25 4 46353 46303 46254 33467 33409 3335 1 44590 44544 44498 35775 35712 3565 439*8 43873 43829 36390 36326 36262 43215 43*72 43129 36929 36864 36800 42487 42445 42403 37394 37328 37262 25 5 25-6 257 46205 46157 46108 33293 33236 33*79 4445 2 44407 44362 35587 355 2 5 35464 43785 43741 43 6 97 36199 36136 36074 43086 43043 43000 36736 36672 36609 42362 42321 42280 37*97 37132 37067 25-8 2 5 9 26 46060 46012 45964 33122. 33066 33010 443 1 7 44273 44228 35403 35343 35282 43653 43610 43567 36012 35950 35888 4295 8 42916 42874 36546 36483 36420 42239 42198 42157 37003 36939 36876 26 ! 26 2 26-3 459*7 45869 45822 32954 32899 32844 44184 44140 44096 35222 35162 35 I0 3 43524 4348i 43438 35827 35766 35705 42832 42790 42748 36358 36296 36234 42117 42076 42036 36813 3675 36688 26*4 26-5 26-6 45775 45728 45681 32789 32734 32680 44052 44008 43965 35044 34985 34927 43395 43353 433 11 35645 35585 35525 42707 42666 42625 36173 36112 36051 41996 41956 41916 36626 36564 36502 267 26-8 26 9 45635 455S8 45542 32626 32572 > 3 2 5 I 9 43922 43879 43836 34868 34810 34752 43269 43227 43185 35466 35407 35348 42584 42543 42503 3599 1 3593 1 3587i 41877 41837 41798 36441 36380 36320 27 O 27-I 27 2 45496 4545 45405 32465 32412 32359 43793 4375 43708 34695 34638 3458i 43*43 43102 43061 35290 3523 2 35174 42463 42423 42383 35812 35753 35694 41759 41720 41682 36260 36200 36141 (49) 17 V 5 30 A r*O 4D 60 90 30 b b X b z 1) X b z b X b z ~b X b b + 2 7 3 27-4 27-5 22023 ^1993 21983 02671 02669 02667 34061 i 3435 i 34009 07510 07501 7493 40771 40734 40697 12576 >I2 559 12542 44552 44508 44464 *7445 17419 *7394 46985 46937 46889 2597* 25930 25889 27-6 27-7 27-8 21974 21964 21954 02666 02664 02662 33983 3395 s 33932 07485 07476 07468 40660 40624 40587 I2 5 2 5 12509 12492 44421 44378 44335 17369 17344 *73*9 46841 46794 46746 25849 25809 25769 27-9 28-0 28-1 21945 21935 21926 02660 02659 02657 33936 33881 33855 07460 745 * 07443 4055 40514 40478 12475 12459 12443 44292 44249 44207 17294 17269 17245 46699 46652 46605 25729 25690 25651 28-2 28-3 28-4 21916 21907 21897 02655 02654 02652 3383 338^5 3378o 07435 07426 07418 40442 43407 40371 12426 12410 12394 44164 44122 44080 17220 *7*95 17171 46559 46512 46466 25612 25573 25534 28-5 28-6 28-7 21888 21879 21869 02650 02649 02647 33755 3373 33705 07410 07402 7394 40335 40300 40264 12378 12362 12346 44038 43997 43955 *7*47 17*23 17099 46420 46374 46329 25495 25457 254*9 28-8 28-9 29*0 21860 21850 21841 02645 02644 02642 33681 33 6 5 6 33631 07386 07378 07370 40229 40194 40159 12330 12314 12298 439*3 43872 43 8 3i 17075 17052 17028 46283 46238 46193 2538* 25343 25305 29 ! 29 2 2 9 3 21832 21822 21813 02640 02639 02637 33607 33582 33558 07362 7354 07347 40125 40090 40055 12282 12267 12251 43790 43750 437 9 17004 16981 i6957 46148 46104 46059 25268 25230 25*93 29-4 2 9 5 29^6 21803 21794 21785 02636 02634 02632 33533 33509 33485 07339 0733 1 07323 40021 39986 39952 12235 I222O 12204 43668 43628 43588 16934 16911 16888 46015 4597* 459 2 7 25*56 251*9 25082 29-7 29-8 29-9 21775 21766 -2I 757 02631 02629 02628 3346o 33436 334i 2 073*5 07308 07300 39918 39884 39850 12189 I2I74 I2I59 43548 435 8 43469 16865 16843 16820 45883 45839 45796 25046 25009 24973 30-0 30-1 33-2 ; -21748 21738 21729 02626 02624 02623 33388 33364 33343 07292 07285 07277 39816 39783 39749 I2I44 I2I29 121 14 43429 43389 43350 16797 16775 16752 45752 45709 45666 24937 24901 24865 30-3 3 4 3 5 21720 7171 1 21702 02621 02620 02618 333*7 33293 33269 07269 07262 07254 397*5 39682 39649 12099 12084 12069 433 1 * 43272 43233 16730 16707 16685 45623 45580 45537 24829 24794 24759 30-6 3 0> 7 30-8 ^21693 21684 21675 02616 02615 02613 33246 33222 33*99 07247 07239 07232 39616 39583 3955 * 12054 12040 12025 43*95 43*56 43*18 16663 16641 16620 45495 45453 454** 24724 24689 24654 3 9 31-0 31-1 21666 ; -21657 21648 02612 026:0 02608 33*76 33*53 33*3 07224 07217 07209 395*8 39485 39453 I2OIO 11996 IigSl 43079 4304* 43003 16598 16576 i6555 45369 45327 45285 24620 24585 2455* (50) ft 120 135 140 145 150 X b z I X b z I X ~b z I X b z I X b z I + 2 7 3 27-4 2y5 45359 453 T 4 45269 32307 32255 32203 43665 43623 4358i 34525 34468 34412 43020 42979 42938 35H7 35060 35003 42343 42303 42264 35636 35578 35520 41643 41604 41566 36082 36023 35964 2J 6 277 27-8 45224 45180 45*35 32152 32100 32049 43539 43498 43456 34356 343 01 34246 42897 42856 42816 34946 34890 34834 42224 42185 42146 35463 35406 35349 41528 41490 4H5 2 359o6 35848 35790 27-9 28-0 28-1 45091 4547 45 00 3 3 X 99 8 3*947 3i897 43415 43374 43333 34192 34137 34083 42776 42736 42696 34778 34722 34667 42107 42068 42029 35292 35235 35*79 41414 41376 41339 35732 35675 356i8 28-2 28-3 28-4 44969 44916 44872 31847 3 r 797 31748 43292 43 2 52 43211 34029 33975 33922 42656 42616 42577 34612 34557 34502 41990 41952 41914 35 I2 3 35067 35 012 41301 41264 41227 3556i 35505 35449 28-5 28-6 287 44829 44786 44743 31698 31649 31600 43*7i 43W 43091 33868 338i5 33762 42538 42499 42460 34448 34394 34340 41876 41838 41800 34957 34902 34848 41190 4H53 41116 35393 35338 35283 28-8 28-9 29*0 44700 44658 44615 3I55 1 31502 3*453 43051 43012 42972 33710 33658 33606 42421 42382 42344 34287 34234 34182 41762 41724 41687 34794 ! 34740 ; 34686 41080 41044 41008 35228 35*73 35ii8 29 ! 29 2 29 3 44573 445 3 1 44489 31406 31358 S^ 11 42933 42893 42854 33554 33503 3345 1 42306 42268 42230 34129 34076 34024 41650 41613 41576 34633 34580 ; 34527 40971 40935 40899 35064 35 OI 34956 29-4 29 5 29*6 44447 4445 44364 31263 31216 31169 42815 42776 42737 33400 33349 33299 42192 42154 42116 3397 2 33920 33869 41539 41502 41465 34474 34421 34369 40864 40828 40792 34902 34849 34796 297 29-8 29-9 443 2 3 44282 44241 31 122 31076 31029 42699 42660 42622 33249 33*99 33*49 42078 42041 42004 33818 33767 337i6 41428 41392 4i35 6 343*7 34265 34213 ! 40757 40722 40687 34743 34691 34639 30-0 30-1 30-2 44200 44159 44119 30983 3 937 30892 42584 42546 42508 33099 3305 33001 41967 41930 41893 33666 33616 33566 41320 41284 41248 34162 34111 34060 40652 40617 40582 34587 34536 34484 30-3 3 4 3 5 44078 44038 4399 s 30846 30801 30756 42470 42433 42395 32952 32904 32855 41856 41819 41783 335 l6 33466 33417 41212 41176 41141 34009 33959 33909 40548 40513 40479 34433 34382 34331 30-6 37 30-8 43958 439i8 43879 30711 30667 30622 42358 42321 42284 32807 32759 32711 41747 41711 41675 33368 333*9 3327 41106 41071 41036 33859 33809 33763 40445 40411 40377 34281 34230 34180 3 9 31-0 3* * 43839 43800 4376r 30578 30534 30490 42247 42210 42173 32664 32616 32569 41639 41603 41567 33222 33*73 33125 41001 40966 40931 337H 33662 33613 40343 40309 40275 34130 34080 34031 (50 172 V ft 15 30 45 60 90 X 1} - z b X b 1 X b z ~b X J> z 1) X ~b z ~b + 31-2 3 1 3 3 I- 4 21639 21630 21621 02607 02605 02604 33107 33084 33061 07202 07194 07187 39420 39388 3935 6 11967 "953 11938 42965 42928 42890 16533 16512 16490 45244 45202 45161 245 1 7 24483 24449 3i-5 31-6 3 I- 7 21612 21604 21595 02602 02600 02599 33038 33 OI 5 32992 07180 07172 07165 39324 39292 39260 11924 11910 11896 42852 42815 42778 16469 16448 16427 45120 45079 45038 24415 24381 24347 31-8 3! 9 32-0 21586 21577 21568 02597 02596 02594 32970 32947 32924 07158 07151 07144 39229 39197 39 l6 5 11882 11868 11854 42741 42704 42667 16406 16385 16364 44998 44957 449 1 7 243*4 24281 24248 32-1 32-2 32-3 21560 21551 21542 02592 02591 02589 32902 32879 32857 07136 07129 07122 39 J 34 39102 39071 11840 11826 11813 42631 42594 42557 16343 16323 16302 44877 44837 44797 24215 24182 24149 3 2 4 32-5 32-6 21533 21524 21516 02588 02586 02584 32834 32812 3279 07115 07108 07101 39040 39009 38978 11799 11785 11772 42521 42485 42449 16281 16261 16240 44757 44718 44678 24117 24085 24053 3 2 7 32-8 3 2 9 21507 21498 21490 02583 02581 02580 32768 32746 32724 07094 07087 07080 38947 38917 38886 11758 11744 11731 42413 ; 42378 42342 16220 16200 16180 44639 44600 44561 24021 23989 23957 33 33 i 33 2 21481 21472 21464 02578 02576 02575 32702 32680 32658 07073 07066 07060 38855 38825 38794 11717 11704 11690 42306 42271 42235 16160 16140 16120 44522 44483 44444 23925 23893 23861 33 3 33 4 33 5 21455 21447 21438 02573 02572 02570 32636 32615 32593 07053 07046 07039 38764 38734 38704 11677 11664 11650 42200 42165 42130 16101 16081 16061 44406 44367 44329 23830 23799 23768 33 6 337 33 8 21429 21421 21412 02569 02567 02566 32571 3255 32528 07032 07026 07019 38674 38645 38615 11637 11624 11611 42095 42060 42026 16042 16022 16003 44291 44253 44215 23737 23706 23675 33 9 34 o 34 i 21404 21395 21387 02564 02563 02561 32507 32486 32464 07012 07005 06998 38585 38556 38526 11598 11585 11572 41991 41956 41922 15983 15964 -I 5945 44177 44140 44102 23645 23615 23585 34 2 34 3 34 4 21378 21370 21361 02560 02558 02557 32443 32422 32401 06992 06985 06978 38497 38468 38439 -II 559 "547 "534 41887 41853 41819 15925 15906 15887 44065 44028 4399 1 23555 235 2 5 23495 34 5 34 6 347 21353 21345 21336 02555 02554 02552 32380 32359 32338 06972 06965 06958 38410 38381 38352 11521 11509 11496 41785 41752 41718 .15868 i5 8 49 15831 43954 439 1 7 43880 23465 23435 23405 34 8 34 9 35 21328 21319 21311 02551 02549 02548 32318 32297 32276 06952 06945 06939 38324 38295 38266 11483 11471 11458 41685 41651 41618 15812 15793 -I 5775 43844 43 8 o7 43771 23375 23346 23317 (52) V ft 120 135 140 145 150 X ~b z ~b X 1 z 7) X b z b X b z ~b X 1> ~b + 31-2 31-3 3 I- 4 43722 43683 43645 30447 30403 30360 42137 42100 42064 32522 32475 32429 41531 41496 41461 33078 33030 32983 40896 40862 40828 33564 335 l6 33468 40242 40208 40175 3398i 33932 33883 3i S 31-6 317 43606 43568 43529 30317 30274 30231 42028 41992 41956 32382 32336 32290 41425 41390 41355 32936 32889 32842 40794 40760 40726 33420 33372 33324 40142 40109 40076 33835 33787 33739 31-8 3 I- 9 32-0 43491 43453 43415 30189 30146 30104 41920 41884 41849 32244 32199 32154 41320 41285 41251 32795 32748 32702 40692 40658 40625 33277 33 2 3 33183 40043 40010 39977 33691 33644 33596 32-1 32-2 32-3 43377 43340 43302 30062 30020 29979 41813 41778 41743 32109 32064 32019 41216 41182 41147 32656 32610 32564 4059 1 40558 40525 33*36 33089 3343 39945 39912 39879 33549 335o 2 33455 3 2 4 32-5 32-6 43264 43227 43*9 29937 29896 29855 41708 41673 41638 3!975 3*930 31886 41113 41079 41045 32518 32473 32428 40492 40459 40426 32997 3295 1 32905 39847 39815 39783 33409 33362 33315 327 32-8 32 9 43*53 43116 43079 29814 29773 29733 41603 41569 41535 31842 31798 31755 41011 40977 40944 32383 32338 32294 40393 40360 40327 32859 32814 32769 39751 39720 39688 33269 33223 33178 33 33 i 33 2 43043 43006 4297 29692 29652 29612 41501 41466 41432 31712 31669 31626 40911 40877 40844 32250 32206 32162 40295 40262 40230 32724 32679 32634 39656 39625 39593 33*33 33087 33042 33 3 33 4 33 5 42934 42898 42862 29572 2953 2 29492 41398 41364 41330 31583 3*541 3 I 49 8 40811 40778 40745 32118 32075 32032 40198 40166 40134 32590 32546 32502 39562 39531 395oo 32997 32953 32908 33-6 337 33-8 42826 4279 42755 29453 29414 29375 41297 41263 41230 3M56 3*414 3*372 40712 40679 40647 31989 31946 31903 40102 40070 40038 3245 8 32415 32371 39469 39438 39408 32864 32820 32776 33 9 34 o 34 i 42719 42683 42648 29336 29297 29259 41196 41163 41130 3*330 31288 31246 40615 40583 4055 1 31860 31818 31776 40006 39975 39943 32328 32285 32242 39377 39346 393i6 32732 32688 32645 34 2 34 3 34 4 42613 42578 42543 29220 29182 29144 41097 41064 41031 31205 31163 31122 40519 40487 40455 3 I 734 31692 3*650 39912 39881 39850 32199 32157 32114 39285 39254 39224 32601 32558 32515 34 5 34 6 347 42508 42473 42439 29106 29068 29031 40998 40965 40933 31082 31041 31001 40423 40391 40359 31608 31567 31526 39819 39788 39757 32072 32030 31988 39*94 39*64 39*34 32472 32430 - 3 2 3 8 7 34 8 34 9 35 I 42404 42369 42335 28993 28955 28918 40900 40868 40836 30961 30921 30881 40327 40296 40265 3M85 3*444 3*403 39726 39695 39665 3*947 3*905 31864 39 I0 5 39075 39045 32345 32303 32261 (53) V 15 30 45 60 90 X b Z b X b z b X b z b X 1) z b X 1) z b + 35 i 35 2 35 3 : 2I33 21295 21286 02547 02545 02544 32255 32235 32214 06933 06926 06920 38238 38209 38181 11446 1*433 11421 41585 41552 415*9 15756 15738 15720 43735 43699 43663 23288 23259 23230 35 4 35 5 35 6 21278 21270 21262 02542 02541 02540 32194 32174 32153 06914 06907 06901 38152 38124 38096 11408 11396 11384 41486 41453 41421 15702 15684 15666 43627 4359 1 43555 23201 23172 23144 357 35-8 35 9 21253 21245 21237 02538 02537 02535 3 2I 33 32113 32093 06895 06888 06882 38068 38040 38012 11371 "359 1*347 41388 41356 41323 15648 15630 15612 43520 43484 43449 23115 23087 23059 36-0 36-1 36-2 21229 2I22O 2I2I2 02534 o 2 533 02531 32073 32053 32033 06875 06869 06862 37984 37957 37929 1*335 11323 11311 41291 41259 41227 15594 15576 15559 434U 43379 43344 23031 23003 22975 36-3 3 6 4 36 5 21204 21 196 2II88 02530 02528 02527 32013 3 r 993 3*973 06856 06850 06844 37901 37874 37846 i 1299 11287 11275 41195 41163 41131 i554i 15523 15506 4339 43 2 74 43240 22947 22920 22892 36-6 36 7 36-8 2Il8o 2II72 2Il64 02526 02524 02523 3*954 3*934 3*9*4 06837 06831 06825 37819 3779i 37764 11262 11251 11240 41099 41068 41036 15488 i547i *5453 43205 43*7* 43*36 22864 22837 22810 36-9 37 o 3T* 21156 2II48 2II4O 02521 02520 02519 31894 31875 31855 06819 06813 06807 37737 37710 37683 11228 11216 11205 41005 40974 40943 T5436 15419 15402 43102 43068 43034 22783 22756 22729 37 2 37 3 37 4 "21 132 2II24 2IIl6 02517 02516 02514 31836 31816 31797 06801 06795 06789 37656 3763 37603 11193 11181 11170 40912 40881 40850 15385 15368 i535i 43000 42966 42932 22702 22675 22649 37 5 37 6 377 2IIO8 21 IOO 21093 02513 02512 02510 31778 3i75 8 3*739 06783 06777 06771 37576 37550 37523 11158 11147 i"35 40819 40788 40758 15334 I53 1 ? 15300 42899 42865 42832 22622 22595 22569 37 8 37 9 38-0 21085 21077 21069 02509 02507 02506 31720 31701 31682 06765 06759 06753 37497 3747 1 37445 11124 11113 IIIOI 40727 40697 40667 15284 15267 1525 42799 42766 42733 22542 22516 22490 38-1 38-2 38-3 2Io6l 21054 21046 02505 02503 O25~O2 31663 3 l6 44 31625 06747 06741 06735 37419 37393 37367 I 1090 11079 11067 40637 40607 40577 15234 15217 15200 42700 42667 42634 22464 22438 22412 38-4 38-5 38-6 21038 2IO3O 21022 02500 02499 02498 i 31606 31587 3i5 6 9 06729 06723 06717 37341 37315 37290 11056 11045 11034 40547 40517 40487 15184 15167 *5*5* 42601 42569 42536 22386 22360 22335 387 38-8 38-9 2IOI5 21007 20999 02496 3I55 02495 3 1 53* 02493 3*5*3 06712 06706 06700 37264 37238 37213 11023 IIOI2 IIOOI 40458 40428 40398 >I 5 I 34 15118 15102 42504 42472 42440 22309 22283 22258 (54) V 120 135 I40 H5 150 X b z ~b X b z ~b X b z b X b z b X b _j ~b + 35 i 35 2 35 3 42301 42267 42233 28881 28844 28807 40804 40772 40740 30841 30801 30762 40233 40202 40171 31362 31322 31282 39634 39604 39574 31823 31782 3I74> 39 OI 5 38986 38956 32220 32178 32136 35 4 35 5 35 6 42199 42165 42131 28771 28734 28698 40708 40677 40645 30722 30683 30644 40140 40109 40078 31242 31202 31162 39544 395*4 39484 31701 31660 31620 38927 38898 38869 32095 32054 32013 357 35-8 35 9 42098 42064 42031 28662 28626 28590 40614 40583 4055 1 30605 "30566 30528 40047 40016 39986 31122 31083 3*044 39454 39424 39394 31579 31539 31499 38840 38811 38782 31972 31932 31891 36-0 36-1 36-2 41998 41905 41932 28554 28518 28483 40520 40489 40458 30489 3045 1 30413 39956 39925 39895 3*005 30966 30927 39365 39335 39306 3M59 3I4I9 3*380 38753 38725 38696 3*85 31810 31770 36-3 3 6< 4 36-5 41900 41867 41834 28447 28412 28377 40427 40396 40365 30375 30337 30299 39865 39835 39805 30888 30850 30812 39276 39247 39218 3*340 31301 31262 38667 38638 38610 31730 31690 3*650 36-6 3 6 7 36-8 41802 41769 41737 28342 28307 28273 40335 40304 40274 30261 30224 30186 39775 39745 397*5 30774 30736 30698 39189 39160 39 I 3 I 31223 31185 31146 38581 38553 38525 31611 3*572 3*533 36-9 37 37 i 41704 41672 41640 28238 28204 28169 40244 40214 40183 3 3I 49 301 12 30075 39685 39656 39626 30660 30622 30584 39102 39074 39045 31108 31070 31032 38497 38469 38441 3*494 31455 3*4*7 37 2 37 3 37 4 41608 41576 41544 28135 28101 28067 40153 40123 40093 30038 30002 29965 39597 39568 39539 30546 30509 30472 39017 38988 38960 30994 30956 30919 38414 38386 38358 31378 3*340 31302 37 5 37-6 377 41512 41481 41449 28033 27999 27966 40063 40034 40004 29929 29893 29857 395 10 3948i 39452 30435 30398 30361 38932 3 8 903 38875 30881 30843 30806 38330 38303 38275 31264 31226 31189 37-3 37 9 38-0 41418 41386 41355 27932 27899 27866 39975 39945 39916 29821 29786 29750 39423 39394 39366 30325 30289 30253 38847 38819 3879 1 30769 30732 30695 38248 38221 38194 3H5 1 3"i3 3*075 38-1 38-2 33-3 41324 41293 41262 27833 27800 27767 39887 39857 39828 29714 29679 29643 39337 39309 39280 30217 30181 3 OI 45 38763 38735 38707 30658 30622 30585 38167 38141 38114 31038 31001 30964 38-4 38-5 38-6 41231 41200 41170 2 7735 27702 27670 39799 39770 3974i 29608 29573 29538 39252 39224 39196 30109 30074 30038 38679 38652 38624 30548 30512 30476 38087 38060 38034 30927 30890 30854 387 38-8 38-9 4H39 41109 41078 27637 27605 27573 397 J 3 39684 39656 29503 29469 29434 39168 39*40 39112 30003 29967 29932 38597 38570 38543 30440 30405 30369 38007 37980 37953 30817 30781 30745 (55) V ft 15 30 45 60 90 X b z 1) X b z ~b X "b z b X b z b X b b + 39 39 1 39 2 20991 20983 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02470 02468 31220 31202 31185 06609 06603 06598 36813 36788 36764 10829 10818 10808 39937 39909 39881 14851 14835 14820 41939 41909 41878 21866 21842 2l8l8 40-8 40-9 41*0 20853 20846 20838 02467 02465 02464 31167 3 IT 49 3H3 1 06592 06587 06582 36739 36715 36691 10797 10787 10777 39853 39825 39797 14805 14790 14775 41848 41818 41787 21795 21771 21747 41-1 41-2 4i 3 20831 2O823 20816 02463 02461 02460 3 iri 4 31096 31078 06576 06571 06565 36667 36643 36619 10766 10756 10746 39769 39742 39714 14760 *4745 1473 41757 41727 41697 21724 2I7OO 21677 41-4 4i-5 4i 6 20808 2O8OI 20793 02458 02457 02456 31061 3 I0 43 3 I02 5 06560 06555 06549 36595 3657! 36547 10736 10726 10716 39686 39659 3963 1 I47I5 14700 14685 41667 41637 41607 21653 21630 21607 4i7 41-8 41-9 20786 20778 20771 02454 02453 02452 31008 30990 3973 06544 06538 06533 36524 36500 36477 10706 10696 10686 39604 39577 39550 14671 14656 14641 41578 41548 4*5*9 21584 21561 21539 42 O 42-1 42-2 20764 20756 20749 02451 02449 02448 3 95 6 30938 30921 06528 06522 06517 36454 36430 36407 10676 10666 10657 39523 39496 39469 14627 14612 14598 41489 41460 41430 2I5I6 21493 2I47I 42-3 42-4 42-5 20741 20734 2O727 02447 02446 02444 30904 30887 30870 06511 06506 06501 36384 36361 36338 10647 10637 10627 39442 39416 39389 14584 14569 *4555 41401 41372 41343 21448 21425 21403 42*6 427 42-8 20719 2O7I2 20705 02443 02442 02441 30853 30836 30819 06495 06490 06485 363*5 36292 36269 10617 10608 10598 39362 39336 39309 i454i 14526 14512 > 4i3 I 4 41285 41256 2I 3 8l 2I35 8 21336 (56) V ft 120 135 140 145 150 X b z I X b z b X J Z I X b z I X n z ~b + 39 39 i 39 2 41048 41018 40987 2754 27509 27477 39627 39599 39570 29400 29366 29332 1 1 -39084 39056 39028 29897 29862 29827 38516 38489 38462 30334 30299 30263 37927 37901 37874 30709 30674 30638 39 3 39 4 39 5 40957 40927 40897 27445 27414 27382 39542 39513 39485 29298 29264 29230 39000 38973 38946 29792 29758 29724 38435 38408 38382 30228 30193 30158 37848 37822 37796 30602 30566 3053 1 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25912 ; ^ISI 27652 37641 28118 37*09 28525 36558 28879 447 39453 25885 38126 27623 37617 28089 37086 28496 36535 28849 44-8 39427 25859 38102 27595 37593 28060 37062 28467 28819 44 9 394oi 25833 38077 27567 37569 28031 37039 28438 36489 28789 45 39376 25807 38053 27539 37546 28002 37016 28409 36467 28760 45 * 39350 2578 38029 275 11 37522 27974 36993 28380 36444 28731 45 2 39325 25754 38005 27483 37498 27946 36970 2835* 36421 28701 45 3 39299 25728 37981 27455 37475 27917 36947 28322 36399 28672 45 4 39274 25702 37957 27427 3745 1 27889 36924 28293 36377 28643 45 5 39249 25676 37933 27399 37428 27861 36901 28265 36355 28614 45 6 39223 25650 37909 27372 37405 27833 36878 28236 36333 28585 457 39198 25625 37885 27344 -37381 27805 36856 28207 363** 28557 45-8 39*73 25599 37861 273*7 -37358 27777 36833 28179 36289 28528 45 9 39148 25574 37838 "27289 -37335 27749 36810 28151 36267 28499 46*0 39123 25549 37814 27262 -37312 27721 36788 28123 36245 28470 46 ! 39098 25523 37790 27235 37289 27693 36765 28095 36223 28442 46*2 39 73 25498 37767 -27208 37266 27666 36743 28067 36202 28413 46-3 39048 25473 37743 27181 37243 27638 36720 28039 36180 28384 46-4 39023 25448 37720 27154 37220 27610 36698 2801 1 36158 28356 46-5 38999 25423 37697 27127 37197 27583 36676 27983 36136 28328 46-6 38974 25398 37673 27100 37174 27556 36654 27956 36114 28300 467 28950 25373 ! l 37650 27074 37152 27529 36632 27928 36093 28272 (59) Cambridge : I KINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AND SON, AT THU UNIVERSITY PRESS. GENERAL RE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. , books are subject to immediate recall. LIC fill $lBRARY LOAM Piec d UCB A/M/ SFF V i1Q^ JUL 29 1977 > r- i* n r i i REC. CIR.AU6 2 77 . y INTERLI&PARY |_O, jf^ciRC APR 2 3 1985 1 FEET 2"3 1979 oftV^S uL-rrrn 1 ^ "R-i i n % % : - { igjjc\. **- m \ * Q CD j Hi ol 0, - fr C -< Q > x PEC.CIR. MAY 1 - 5C; RJl !0 LD21 32m 1, (S3845L)4970 75 General Library University of California Berkeley GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY BDDDflDES51 QC < THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY