BULLETIN OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ASTOn L,ENOX A>rD TILDEN rOUNDATIONS ^ % JANUARY 1907 Volume XI • Number 1 Repoht for December, and Summary for Julv-December List of Works relatinc to Muiiammrdan Law List of Jewish Drama Principal Accessions in Decemher Principal Donors in Df.cembeh 3-7 8-17 18-51 52-55 56 NEAV YOlUv 1907 BOARD OF TRUSTEES William W. Appleton. Alexander Maitland. John Bigelow. J. Pierpont Morgan. John L. Cadwalader. Morgan J. O'Brien. Andrew Carnegie. Stephen H. Olin. Cleveland H. Dodge. Alexander E. Orr. John Murphy Farley. Henrv C. Potter. Samuel Greenbaum. George L. Rives. H. Van Rensselaer Kennedy. Charles Rowland Russell. John S. Kennedy. George W. Smith. Edward King. Frederick Sturges. Lewis Cass Ledyard. George Brinton McClellan, Mayor of the City of New York, ex officio. Herman A. Metz, Comptroller of the City of New York, ex officio. Patrick F. McGowan, President of the I3oard of Aldermen, ex officio. OFFICERS President, Hon. John Bigelow, LL.D. First Vice-President, Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D., LL.D. Second Vice-President, John S. Kennedy, Esq. Secretary, Charles Rowland Russell, Esq., 425 Lafayette Street. Treasurer, Edward King, Esq., Union Trust Company, 80 Broadway. Director, Dr. John S. Billings, 425 Lafayette Street. BRANCHES— KEFEKENCE Lafayette Street, 425. (Astor.) Fifth Avenue, 8qo. (Lenox.) CIRCULATION MANHATTAN. East Broadway, 33. (Chatham Square.) East Broadway, 197. (Educational Alliance Building.) Rivington Street, 61. Le Roy Street, 66. (Hudson Park.) Bond Street, 49. Near the Bowery. 8th Street. 135 Second Avenue. (Ottendorfer.) loth Street, 331 East. (Tompkins Square.) 13th Street, 251 West. Near 8th Avenue. (Jackson Square.) 22d Street, 230 East. Near 2d Avenue. (Epiphany.) 23d Street, 209 West. Near 7th Avenue. (Muhlenberg. Department Headquarters.) 34th Street, 215 East. Between 2d and 3d Avenues. 40th Street, 501 West. Between loth and nth Avenues. (St. Raphael's.) 42d Street, 226 West. Near 7th Avenue. (George Bruce.) 50th Street, 123 East. Near Lexington Avenue. (Cathedral.) 51st Street, 463 West. Near loth Avenue. (Sacred Heart.) 59th Street, 113 East. Near Le.xington Avenue. 67th Street, 32S East. Near ist Avenue. 69th Street. 190 Amsterdam Avenue. (Riverside. Travelling Libraries.) 77th Street. 1465 Avenue -\. (Webster.) 79th Street, 222 East. Near 3d Avenue. (Yorkville.) 8ist Street. 444 Amsterdam Avenue. (St. Agnes. Blind Library.) 96th Street, 112 East. Between Lexington and Park Avenues. looth Street, 206 West. Near Broadway. (Bloomingdale.) :ioth Street, 174 East. Near 3d Avenue. (Aguilar.) 123d Street, 32 West. (Harlem Library Branch.) 125th Street, 224 East. Near 3d Avenue. 135th Street, 103 West. Near Lenox Avenue. 145th Street, 503 West. (Hamilton Grange.) 156th Street. 922 St. Nicholas Avenue. (Washington Heights.) BRONX. 140th Street, 569 East, cor. Alexander Avenue. (Mott Raven.) 176th .Street. 1866 Washington Avenue. (Tremont.) 230th Street. 2933 Kingsbridge Avenue. (Kingsbridge.) RICHMOND. Tottenville. Amboy Road, near Prospect Avenue. Port Richmond. 12 Bennett Street. BULLETIN OP THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBBABY ASTOR LENOX AXD TILDEN FOXJXDATIOXS Vol. XI. January, 1907. No. 1. REPORT FOR DECEMBER, AND SUMMARY FOR JULY-DECEMBER. The following table shows the operations of the Reference Department of the New York Public Library for December, 1906, with the corresponding figures for the last six months, as compared with the corresponding six months of 1905: No. vols, purchased, accessioned No. vols, given, " No. pams. purchased, No. pams. given, " No. vols, actually received by purchase No. vols. " " " gift . No. pams. " " " purchase No. pams. " " " gift . No. prints " " " purchase No. prints " " " gift . No. maps " " " purchase No. maps " " " gift . No. vols, received in exchange No. pams. " " " No. vols, sent out .... No. pams. " " . No. vols, sent to outside binders No. vols, sent to Library binder No. maps mounted by Library binder No. books catalogued No. pams. catalogued No. cards written .... No. slips written for copying machine No. cards from copying machine No. readers and visitors . No. readers. ..... No. readers, desk applicants No. vols, consulted by desk applicants Daily average of readers . No. readers, periodical department . Daily average " " No. periodicals consulted . (No. taken from rack) No. readers, Russian department (No. works consulted) During the calendar year ending December 31, 1906, the number of volumes actually received was 30,966 and of pamphlets 70,401, of which 13,381 volumes and 29,113 pamphlets were gifts, and 6,916 volumes and 36,404 pamphlets were received by exchange. 3 LAST CORRESPONDING DEC. 6 MONTHS. 6 MONTHS. 1906. 1906. 1905. 1,012 6,369 7,040 850 5,484 6,184 131 537 425 474 2,714 4,448 822 5,445 5,134 792 6,920 4,608 220 2.374 1.996 1,374 11,255 13,554 3 564 26 807 445 34 14 38 295 388 104 539 31,045 33 5,797 54,751 2 624 24,651 4,662 4,790 5,169 924 3,105 3,068 97 509 574 I 2 2,940 13.538 17,068 2,545 15.152 18,170 7,930 39.177 40,350 2,218 13,260 17,08s 11,401 61,190 85,395 19.536 98,426 92,466 17,500 85.711 75,291 16,063 82,189 73,166 61,772 331,314 313,856 698 611 491 2,797 15.336 13,692 III 97 87 21,360 116,654 106,386 4,288 24,376 21,586 1,371 7,658 4,937 1,889 10,519 8,539 4 REPORT FOR DECEMBER The number of volumes catalogued was 30,335, and of pamphlets 33,044. There are now on the shelves of the Astor and Lenox branches of the Library, available for readers, 696,365 volumes and 268,712 pamphlets. These with the 570,789 volumes in the circulation department give a total of 1,535,866 pieces in the whole system. The total number of readers and visitors during the calendar year was 210,065 ; the number of desk applicants was 180,782, and the number of volumes consulted by these desk applicants was 802,874, as shown by the following table: DESK VOLUMES. APPLICANTS. AsTOR day service : total 146,328 684,530 monthly average 12,194 57,044.16 volumes per reader, 4.67. Astor evening service : total 20,925 43,361 monthly average i, 743-75 3,613.41 volumes per reader, 2.07. Astor day and evening: total 167,253 727,891 monthly average 13,937-75 60,657.58 volumes per reader, 4.35. Lenox (9 a.m. to 6 p. m.) : total 13,529 74,983 monthly average 1,127.41 6,248.58 volumes per reader, 5.54. Astor and Lenox: total 180,782 802,874 monthly average 15,065. 16 66,906.16 volumes per reader, 4.44. In 1905 the total amounted to 160,172 desk applicants and 677,946 volumes, an average of 13,346.83 desk applicants and 56.495.5 volumes per month, each reader using an average of 4. 23 volumes. Increase of 1906 over 1905 amounted to 20,610 desk applicants and 124,928 volumes. During the calendar year ending December 31, 1906, the Circulation Depart- ment (36 branches) circulated for home use 4,973,078 volumes; the number of readers consulting books from the shelves was 632,182; the adult reading-room attendance was 512,847, the total of such attendance being 807,289; the number of volumes accessioned was 96,770, giving a total of 570,789 on the shelves. During the year four new circulation branches were opened, three of which provided new buildings for already existing branches, and one a new branch for the lower West side — the Hudson Park branch at 66 Le Roy Street, opened on January 26. The new building for Muhlenberg was opened at 209 West 23d Street on February 19, for St. Agnes at 444 Amsterdam Avenue on March 26, and for Webster at 1465 Avenue A on October 24. The assembly rooms of the Hudson Park, Tompkins Square, 125TH Street, and Tremont branches were used experimentally by the Board of Education for the spring season of the evening free lectures; these same four branches have been used for the same purpose since the beginning of the winter courses, in all cases the Library remaining open for half an hour after the lecture to enable the hearers to withdraw books should they so desire. REPORT FOR DECEMBER CIRCULATION STATISTICS FOR DECEMBER. BRANCHES, MANHATTAN. East Broadway, 33 East Broadway, 197 Rivington Street, 61 Le Roy Street, 66 Bond Street, 49 8th Street. 135 Second Avenue loth Street, 331 East 13th Street, 251 West 22d Street, 230 East 23d Street, 209 West 34th Street, 215 East 40th Street, 501 West 42d Street, 226 West 50th Street, 123 East 51st Street, 463 West 59th Street, 113 East 67th Street, 328 East 69th Street. 190 Amsterdam Avenue. Travelling Libraries 77th Street. 1465 Avenue A 79th Street, 222 East 8ist Street. 444 Amsterdam Avenue. Blind Library 86th Street. 536 Amsterdam Avenue. q6th Street, 1 1 2 East looth Street, 206 West I loth Street, 1 74 East 123d Street, 32 West 125th Street, 224 East 135th Street, 103 West 1 56th Street. 922 St. Nicholas Avenue . BRONX. 140th Street and Alexander Avenue. . . 176th Street and Washington Avenue. Kingsbridge Avenue, 2933 RICHMOND. Tottenville Port Richmond CIRCULATION. HOME USE. (VOLUMES.) Totals. 12,151 24,025 19.974 7.285 8,154 i6,354 18,502 8,327 1,940 11.475 6,359 3,034 10,185 5,286 4,281 8,812 13,221 10,974 63.755 17,747 20,249 14,922 845 23,177 14,268 18,878 7,357 10,349 17,100 8,252 17,223 15.834 1,936 2,400 5,626 450,257 HALL USE. (readers.) 2,360 3.762 10,129 4,042 901 2,259 3.65s 1,132 13 4,936 2,512 1,299 498 261 1. 413 1,219 910 248 2.483 1,900 131 1,424 2,938 5.436 376 1,725 979 2,494 665 485 1,849 723 419 65.579 NEW REGISTRA- TIONS. 202 805 610 III 163 312 463 105 27 296 98 37 19S 95 106 213 279 152 363 265 559 7 363 269 385 246 252 305 149 287 253 15 21 75 8,oS6 READERS IN READING ROOM. 2,911 13,060 1,852 2,440 3,350 2,860 1.524 193 262 2,853 574 3.599 79S 2,919 1.542 310 1,270 1,548 1,821 1.379 68 1 1,139 968 4,602 15,666 5,471 3,824 3,660 3.326 1.553 147 51,388 260 505 2.853 2,951 5.974 2,515 6,546 2,100 399 2,563 1,883 4,230 1,587 935 2,767 3,568 2,278 531 82,549 VOLUMES ACCES- SIONED. 381 728 78 77 680 510 821 113 94 61 177 113 199 118 181 441 135 463 201 207 278 210 203 93 100 354 252 144 106 76 31 83 122 28 "7 227 8,202 6 REPORT FOR DECEMBER Among the books received during the month may be mentioned those from the American Philosophical Society, volume i of its " Record of the celebration of the 2ooth anniversary of ihe birth of Benjamin Franklin," at Philadelphia, April 17-20, 1906; from the University Library of Breslau, 5 volumes and 72 pamphlets, dissertations for degrees, etc. ; from Theodore L. De Vinne, his " Practice of typography," 4 volumes; from Mrs. Henry Winthrop Gray, a copy of the report of the trial of Prof. John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Nov. 23, 1849; from the Universitiits Bibliothek of Jena, 10 volumes and 89 pamphlets, being dissertations for degrees; from Lady Meux, her elaborate issue of the Ethiopic text and translation into English of the life and miracles of Takla Haymanot (1905); from Daniel F. Cohalan "Annals of the Four Masters," edited by John O'Donovan, Dublin, 1851, 7 volumes. At the Lenox branch the exhibition of photographs of Italian paintings, selected from the A. A. Hopkins Collection, remained on view, as did also the exhibit of etchings by Adolphe Lalauze. At the Astor branch the exhibition of plates and text from the "Etcher" (1881) remained unchanged, as did also the print exhibits at the various circulation branches. Picture bulletins and temporary collections of books on special shelves at the circulation branches were as follows: East Broadway, Books on Japan, Music and musicians. Visits from St. Nicho- las, VVhittier; Rivington Street, Indoor games; Hudson Park, Henry D. Thoreau, Western life. College sports; Bond Street, Spain, Constantinople, Foods; Tompkins Square, Snow; Jackson Square, Story hour; Muhlenberg, Railroads, Sports; George Bruce, Sea stories, Manhattan new and old. The drama. The horse; 67TH Street, Santa Claus and his workshop, North Ameri- can Indians, Hiawatha; Riverside, Babyhood, Tales of the sea, Indians, Animal friends. Sports for women, Dutch boys and girls; St. Agnes, Automobile stories; 96TH Street, Buildings in New York, Reading lists; Bloomingdale, A British liner, His Majesty's navy; 125TH Street, Volcanoes, Child labor, College and school. Coal and coal mining; Mott Haven, Michael Angelo, Some great explorers; Tremont, Colonial customs. Constitution, Dewey in Manila, Dickens, Friendship of books, Hague tribunal. Home life in the Philippine Islands, In the days of Elizabeth, Monroe Doctrine, Panama Canal, Winter; Port Richmond, Polar regions; Tottenville, Reproduction of famous pictures of Madonna and child. In addition there were bulletins on Christmas at twenty-two branches, on new books at seven branches, on the new year at five branches, on December birthdays of celebrated men and women at two branches, and on winter at two branches. The collection of menus, formed largely by Miss Frank E. Buttolph, amounted at the close of 1906 to 15, 194 pieces. Of this total 3,305 represent American daily bills of fare, priced; 363 belong to the group of foreign dailies; 239 were issued by railroads, and 5,041 for Atlantic and Pacific steamers. Among menus for special occasions 1,026 are classified as complimentary banquets, and 388 as mili- tary and naval banquets, and 337 as menus for national events. Patriotic societies number 393, and social clubs 534; commercial organizations number 616, and school and colleges 255. REPORT FOR DECEMBER 7 At the meeting of the Board of Trustees held on January 9, 1907, the following minute on the services of Philip Schuyler was unanimously adopted; " Philip Schuyler died suddenly, as the result of a railway accident, on November 29, 1906. He was essentially and by inheritance a distinguished citizen of New York. His ancestry was remarkable and distinguished on both sides. Major-General Philip Schuyler of the Continental Army and a Senator of the United States was his great-grandfather, as was Alexander Hamilton upon his mother's side. He was entitled from such progenitors to the possession of unusual qualities and to become himself in turn a marked American. " Mr. Schuyler was born in the City of New York, on June 20, 1836. He spent some years at Harvard at the Lawrence Scientific School, afterwards attended scientific lectures for some time in Berlin, and subsequently entered upon the study of the law. "The breaking out of the war, however, put a definite end to thoughts of a civil life, and he soon sought to place at the service of his country the training he had acquired in the Seventh Regiment, and in April, 1861, in response to the call of the President, marched as a private with his company for the protection of Washington. "Toward the close of this temporary service he promptly sought service in the regular army, and his commission, signed by Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Cameron, then Secretary of War, as a First Lieutenant in the Fourteenth Regiment of Infantry, bears date August 17, 1861. In the service of the United States, with the perti- nacity which distinguished him in life, he clung to the particular service in which he had enlisted, and remaining with his regiment or on the staff, served through the war as a regular, always faithful and distinguished, becoming Captain July i, 1864, and Brevet-Major in the Army of the United States, April 9, 1865, — "for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of the insurgent army under General R. E. Lee" — after which he retired from the service. It is not possible here to refer at length to his army record, which is a part of the history of the country. " He brought into exercise in private life the same qualities which distinguished him as a soldier. He was capable, public-spirited and efficient, with liking and capacity for public affairs, and with temperament and manner making him a charming co-worker and companion. He was able to accomplish results by gentle insistence and kindly interest where others might fail, and in the effort he endeared himself to all with whom he came in contact. " He became a Trustee of the Astor Library on February 14, 1894, and a Trustee of the New York Public Library on its formation, and was a most enlightened, useful and attractive member of the Board. He bore his full share of service on various committees and always with the same efficiency and in the same spirit. "This minute cannot assume to deal with his personal qualities, his capacity for friendship, his charming social spirit, his sweet conception of the character of a host and of a friend. He has left nothing but kindly recollections, with thank- fulness for his services and respect for his memory.'' LIST OF WORKS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY RELATING TO MUHAMMADAN LAW. Prepared by Miss I. A. Pratt under direction of Dr. Richard Gottheil. Order of Arrangement : BlBLIOGR.^PHV. HiSTORV. General Works. Various Schools: Hanafite. Malikite. Shafi'ite. Minor schools. Regional: Egypt. North Africa. India. Malay archipelago. Turkey. ? 8^6 L Bibliography. Ahlwardt (\V.) Die Jurisprudenz. (In his; Verzeichniss der arabischen Handschriften der koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Berlin, 1887- 99. Bd. 4, pp. 1-372.) Berg (L. W. C. van den). [Bibliography.] (In his: Principles du droit musulman selon les rites d'Abou Hanifah et de Chafi'i. Alger, 1896. 8°. pp. 16-19.) Bibliotheque Khediviale. Fiqh. (In; Bib- liotheque Khediviale, Fihrist al-Kutub [catalogue]. Cairo, iSSS-()3. 7 v. in 8. 8°. v. 3.) Blumhardt (J. F.) Muhammadan law. (In his: Catalogue of the Hindustani books in the Library of the India Office. London, 1900. 8° pp. 36-S.) Brockelmann (Carl). Al Fiqh. (In his: Ge schichte der arabischen Litteratur. IVeiniar, 1S98- 1902. S°. Bd. I, pp. 168-1SS, 372-406; Bd. 2 pp. 78-108, 163-164, 175-176, 1S5-1SS, 196-200 220, 246-248, 264, 310-325, 374-375, 3S7-390, 403- 406, 411-412, 416-417, 430-438, 460, 485-48S, 496.) Fluegel(Gustav). Rechtswissenschaft. (In his Die arabischen, persischen und tlirkischen Hand- schriften der kaiserlich-kOniglichen Hofbibliothek zu Wien. IVien, 1S65-67. 4°. Bd. 3, pp. 194- 267.) Jurisprudentia. (In ; Leiden, Universiteit, Bibliotheek. Catalogus Codicum Orientalium Bib- liotheca; Acadeinia; Lugduno Batava;. Lugduni Balavorum. 1851-1877. 8°. v. 4, pp. I03-183.) Jus canonicum et civile. [Codices ad jurispru- dentiam pertinentes.] (In: British Museum. Cata- logus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium. Pars 2 [et supplementum]. Londini, i^^b-Ti. C. pp. 116- 142, 407-416.) Lambrecht (E.) Jurisprudence. (In his: Cata- logue de la Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des langues orientales vivantes. Tome i. Paris, iSgT. pp. 324- 340, 449-450.) Loth (Otto). Law. Principles of jurisprudence. (In his: Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the Library of the India Office. London, 1S77. 4°. pp. 51-83.) Perreimond (Victor). Bibliographie. (In his: De la protection juridique des incapables en droit musulman. Paris, 1903. 8°. pp. 7-12.) Rieu (Charles). Law. (In his: Supplement to the catalogue of the .\rabic manuscripts in the Brit- ish Museum. London, 1894. i°. pp. 168-266.) Slane (William Mac Guckin de). Droit. (In: Bibliotheque nationale. Dept. des raanuscrits. Catalogue des manuscrits arabes, 1883-95. f°. pp. 170-21S.) SteTvart (Charles). Jurisprudence. (In his: A descriptive catalogue of the Oriental library of the late Tippoo Sultan of Mysore. Camiridge, iSog. 4°. pp. 144-157.) History. Houdas (O.) Sahnoun un jurisconsulte musul- man du iii<5 siecle de I'hegire. (In : Ecole des langues orient, viv. Centenaire 1795-1895. Recueil de memoires. Paris, 1895. f°. pp. 295-304.) Kazem Beg (Mirza). Notice sur la marche et les progres de la jurisprudence parmi les sectes orthodoxes musulmanes. (Journal asiatique. 4. ser. v. 15, pp. 15S-214. Paris, 1850.) Mac Donald (Duncan B.) Development of jurisprudence. (In his; Development of Muslim theology, jurisprudence and constitutional theory. A'c-w York, 1903. 12°. pp. 65-117.) Ribera Tarrago (Julian). Origenes del jus- ticia de Aragon. Con un prologo de Francisco Codera. Zaragoza: Tip. de Comas hermanos, 1897. .\ix. 2 1., 472 pp. 16°. (Coleccion de estudios arabes. v. 2.) Sachau (Karl Eduard). Zur aeltesten Ge- schichte des muhammedanischen Rechts. (Kais. Afcad. d. Wissensch. Philos.-Hist. CI. Sitzungsb. Bd. 65, pp. 699-723. Wien, 1870.) General Works. Abd al-Kadir ibn Muhammad al-MakkawI. Der iiberfliessende Strom in der Wissenschaft des Erbrechts des Hanefiten und Schafeiten. Arabischer Text. . .uebersetzt und erlaiitert von L. Hirsch. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, l8gi. xiv, 122 pp. 12°. LIST OF WORKS ON MUHAMMADAN LAW General Works, cont'd. Abd al-Salam ibn Shu'aib. L'esprit de la philobophie du droit musulman par Abdesselam Ben Choaib. TUniccn:T. Desbonnet,\^o\. i p. 1. ,33pp., I 1. nar. 8°. Abdari (Muhammad ibn al-Hajj al-). Kitab al-madhal. Cairo, iq02. 3 v. 8°. Abu Muhammad ibn Abu Zayd. First steps in Muslim jurisprudence, consisting of excerpts from Bakurat al-Sa'd. . .with Arabic te.xt, English translation, notes, and a short historical and bio- graphical introduction by A. D. Russell and Ab- dullah al-Ma'mun Suhrawardy. London: Liizac &" Co., 1906. xxi (i), 3-121 pp. 8°. Ahmad ibn Ardun. Al-kitab billa'ik li muallim al-wathaik. [On obligations according to Muham- madan law.] Fez, 189S. pp. 1-8, numbering re- peated 27 times (216 pp. in all). 8°. Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Umar Ibn al-Hay- yat. Ilashiyah ala sharh al-Khirshy. [Glosses on the commentary of al-Hirshi to the Fara'idof Halil.] Fez, n. d. pp. 1-8, numbering repeated 23 times (1S4 pp. in all). 8'. Al-Sirajiyyah; or, The Mohammedan law of inheritance, with a commentary by Sir \V. Jones. (In : Jones' works. London, lio"]. 8°. v. 8, pp. 197- 322.) All ibn al-.'Vhwazi (Abu al-IIasan). Kitab al- ._- tibr al-munsabik fi tadbir al-malik. [.\ mirror of kings and princes.] Cairo, 1900. 52 pp. 12°. Amir Ali (Maulawi Sayyid). The law relating to gifts, trusts, and testamentary dispositions among _ the Mahommedans. (According to the llanafi, ~' Maliki, Shafei, and Shiah schools.) Compiled... r» with explanatory notes... and an introduction on ■^^ the growth and development of Mahommedan juris- "7- prudence. Calcutta: Thacker, Spink &= Co., 1SS5. xxii, I l.,635 pp. 8°. (Tagore law lectures, 1884.) Mahommedan law; compiled from authori- ties in the original Arabic, by Syed Ameer Ali. Calcutta: Thacker, .Spink &• Co., 1S92-94. 2. ed. 2 V. 8°. (Tagore law lectures, 1884.) V. I. Law relating to gifts, wakfs, wills, pre-emption and bailment. V. 2. Personal law of the Mahommedans. Containing the law relatmg to succession and status. The personal law of the Mahommedans. (According to all the schools.) With a comparative sketch of the law of inheritance among the .Sunnis and the Shiahs. London: IV. //. Allen &= Co., 18S0. xii. 430 pp., I 1. 8°. Asir (Vusuf al-). Sharh ra'id al-fara'id. [A treatise on Muhammadan law.] Beirut, 1873. 268 pp. 12°. Becker (C. II.) Tabari's sogenannte Cate- chesis Mahometana. (Deutsche morgenland. Ge- sellsch. Ztsch. v. 55, pp. 96-97. Leipzig, 1901.) Belin (F. A.) Extrait d'un memoire sur I'origine et la constitution des biens de mainmorte en pays musulman. (Journal asiatique. 5. ser. v. 2, pp. 377- 427. Paris, 1853.) Berg (I.. W. C. van den). De beginselen van het Mohammedaansche recht, volgens de imam's Aboe Hanifat en Sjafe'i. Batavia: Ernst &' Co., 1878. XV, 269 pp. 2. ed. 8°. Principes du droit musulman selon les rites d'Abou Ilanifah ef de Chafi'i. Traduit du hoUand- ais. . .par R. de France de Tersant. . .avec la col- laboration de M. Daraiens. . . Alger: A. Joiirdan, 1896. vii, 278 pp., I tab. 8°. Clavel (E.) Droit musulman. Le wakf ou habous. d'apres la doctrine et la jurisprudence (rites Hanafite et Malekite). Le Caire: Imprimerie Diemer, 1S96. 2 v. S'. Cobn (Emil). Der Wucher (riba) in Qor'an, Chadilh und Fiqh. Ein Beitrag zur Entstehungs- geschichte des muhammedanischen Rechtes. Mit einem Nachwort von J. Koehler. Berlin : R. v. Decker, iqo;^. Iv, 34 pp. 8°. (Berliner juristische Beitrage zuni Civilrecht. lift. 2.) Dabusi (Umar ibn Isa al-) Kitab tasis al- nazar. [Questions of law as decided by the different schools, with an extract from the Alam al akhyar wa taj al-tarajim of Abu al- Hasan al-Karhi.] Cairo, n. d. 2 p.l., 4, 88 pp. 8°. Dairabi (Ahmad al-). Ghayat al-maksud. [A compendium of Muhammadan law relating to marriage according to the four orthodox schools.] Cairo, 1906. 104 pp. 12°. Dimishki (Muhammad ibn Abd al- Rahman al-). Kitab rahmat al-ummah fi ikhtilaf al-a'immah. [On the agreements and disagreements between the chief legal authorities, and especially the founders of the four orthodox sects. On the margin, 'Abd al- Wahhab al-Sha'rani's Mizanal-hidriyyah.] Bulak, 1883. X74> 2 PP- 4°- Ettouati (Mohammed Elbachir). Recueil de notions de droit musulman (rite malekite et rite hanafite) et d'actes notaries, judiciaires et extra- judiciaires. . .traduit et annote par J. Abribat. Tunis: B. Barrel, 1896. 2 p.l., 280 pp., I 1. 8°. Gatteschi (D.) Real property, mortgage and wakf according to Ottoman law. Translated from the Italian by E. A. Van Dyck. London: IVyman fr" Sons, 1SS4. 2 p.l., 96 pp. 8°. Gebir(l. de). Suma de los principales manda- mientos y devedamientos de la ley y ijunna. (In: R. Acad. Hist. Mem. v. 5. Madrid, 1853.) Gbazali (Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-). Kitab al-wajiz. [On the principles of Arabic law.] Cairo: Soc. pour I'impression des outrages arabes, 1899. 2 V. in I. 4°. Gillette (Charles). ■ Traite de droit musulman. Bihie: Dagand, 1854. i p.l., vii, 112, 129-190 pp. 5 ms. leaves inserted, following p. U2. 8°. Grasshoff (Richard). *Die suftaga und ha- wala der Araber. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Wechsels. Albertus-Univcrsitat zu Konigsberg i. Pr. Gbttingen, 1899. iv, 98 pp., i 1. S". Das Wechselrecht der Araber. Einc rechts- vergleichende Studie Uber die Ilerkunft des Wechsels. Berlin: 0. Liebmann, 1899. iv, 95 pp. 8°. Haneberg (I). B. von). Das muslimische Kriegsrecht. (In: K. B. Akad. d. Wiss. Abh. Philos.phil. cl. Bd. 12. Miinchen, 1871.) Harington (J. H.) Remarks upon the au- thorities of Musulman law. «. /.-/. \^London,'\ 1811. pp. 475-512. 8°. Repr. from: Asiatic researches, v. 10. Helou (Rahmin). Etude sur la condition juri- dique des femmes musulmanes. Paris : V. Giard &' E. Briire, 1896. 2 p.l., iv, 182 pp., I 1. 4°- lO LIST OF WORKS ON MUHAMMADAN LAW General Works, cont'd. Hilli (Abu al-Kasim al-)- Kitab al-fara'id min shara'i al-islam. [On Muhammadan law; with a commentary on the margin.] Lahore, 1871. 58 pp. 8°. Hoogerwoerd(Selim Khan Keun de). Kvi- tische Studien zur P^infuhrung in das Recht des Islam. Erlangen : E. T. Jacob, 1901. xii, 64 pp. 8°. Huart (Clement). Jurisprudence. (In his: A history of Arabic literature. Loudon, 1903. 8°. Short histories of the literatures of the world, v. 11. pp. 233-254.) La jurisprudence. (In his: Litterature arabe. Paris, igo2. 8°. Histoires des littera- tures. pp. 233-253.) Les Zindiqs en droit musulman. (In: In- ternat. Cong, of Orientalists. Acts...Sess. 11. Paris, 1S99. 4°. Sec. 3., pp. 69-80.) Hughes (T. P.) The law. (In his: A dic- tionary of Islam. Neiu York, 1885. 8°. pp. 2S5-292.) Kalasadi (.Ali ibn Muhammad al-). Bughyat al-muhtadi \va ghunyat al-muntahi. [On inheri- tance in Muhammadan law.] Fez, n. d. pp. i-S, numbering repeated 13 times (104 pp. in all), fol- lowed by I leaf. 8°. Kern (Friedrich). Tabari's Ihtilaf alfuqaha. (Deutsche morgenland. Gesellschaft. Ztsch. v. 55, pp. 61-95. Leipzig, 1901.) Kohler (Josef). Moderne Rechtsfragen bei islamitischen Juristen. Ein Beitrag zu ihrer Lo- sung. W/irsiiirg: S/a/ie/, iSS$. ip.l.,2opp. 8°. Rechtsvergleichende Studien uber islami- lisches Recht, das Recht der Berbern, das chinesi- sche Recht und das Recht auf Ceylon. Berlin: C. Heynianns, 18S9. 3 p.l., 252 pp. 8°. Eremer (Alfred von). Aus Mawerdi's moslimi- schen Staatsrecht; Auszuge aus Ibn-osch-Schih- ne's Geschichte von Haleb; Die Medreseen von Haleb. (In: K. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Sitzungsb. Phil. -hist. CI., V. 4. Wien, 1850.) Das Recht. (In his: Culturgeschichte des Orients unter den Chalifen. Wien, 1875-77. 2 v. 8°. V. I, pp. 470-547.) Kuduri (Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-). Insti- tuts du droit mahometan sur la guerre avec les infideles, ou, Extraits du livre d'.'\bou-I-Hosain- Ahmed-el-Kodouri, sur le droit et de celui de Seiid Ali el Hamadani intitule: Tresor des rois; traduits de I'arabe en fran9ais par C. Solvet. Paris, 1829. 40 pp. S°. Loutfy (Omar Bey). De I'inviolabilite du do- micile en droit musulman. Le Caire: J. Barbier, 1896. 8 pp. 12°. Ijuciani(j. D.) Traitedes successiones musul- manes (ab intestat). Extrait du Commentaire de la Rhabia, par Chenchouri. De la glose d'EI-Bad- jouri et d'autres auteurs arabes. Avec une preface par M. Zeys. Paris: E. Leroiix, 1890. 2 p.l., iii, xvi, 573 pp., I 1. 8°. Mahomedan (The) law of succession to the property of intestates in Arabick, engraved on cop- per plates from an ancient manuscript, with a verbal translation and explanatory notes. (In: Sir Wm. Jones' Works. London, 1807. 8°. v. 8, pp. 159- 196. II facsim.) Markby (Sir William). An introduction to Hindu and Mahommedan law for the use of stu- dents. Oxford : Clarendon Press, igo6. 2 p.l., 172 pp. 8°. IMtuhammad ibn Ali, called Ibn al-Nakkash. Fetoua relatif a la condition des Zimmis, et particu- lierement des Chretiens, en pays musulmans, de- puis I'etablissement de ITslamisme, jusqu'au milieu du viii^ siccle de I'Hegire; traduit de I'arabe par M. Belin. (Texte arabe de la deuxiime partie.) (Jour- nal asiatique. 4. ser. v. 18, pp. 417-516; v. 19, pp. 97-140. Paris, 1851-52.) Muhammad Kadri Pasha. Du wakf... tra- duit de I'arabe. . .par Abdulaziz Kahil Bey. Le Cnire: Jmpriinerie Nationale, 1896. 309 pp. 8°. Muhammad Siddik Hasan Khan Bahadur (Naw- wab of Bhopal). Sharhal-duraralbahiyat. [Com- mentary on al-Shaukani's Al-durar al-bahiyat, a manual of Muhammadan law.] Biilak, 1879. 8,4, 417 pp. 4°. Arabic text. Husul al-maraul. [On the principles of Muhammadan jurisprudence, founded upon a larger work on the same subject by Muhammad ibn Ali al- Shaukani, entitled Irshad al-fuhul.] Constantino- ple, 1S79. 6,214 PP- 8°- Nauphal (I. de). Etudes orientates. Legis- lation musulmane. Filiation et divorce. St. PJ- tersboiirg: Trenke &' Ftisnot, 1S93. 416 pp., I 1. 4°. Etudes orientales. Systeme legislatif mu- sulman. Mariage. St. P/tersbourg: Trenk^ dr* Fusnot, 1893. 216 pp. 4°. Orcet (G. d'). L'evolution musulmane. (Rev. britannique. Annee 75, v. 3, pp. 161-184 Paris, 1S99.) Osborn (R. D.) Muhammadan law its growth and character. (Contemporary Review, v. 2g, pp. 1092-1111, v. 30, pp. 55-71. London, 1S77.) Padel (W.). and 'L. Steeg. De la legislation fonciere ottomane. Paris: A. Pedone, \()0^. 2 p.l., 350 pp.. I I. 8°. Perreimond (Victor). *De la protection juridique des incapables en droit musulman. Etude de droit compare. . .Paris: H.Joiive, 1903. 332 pp. 8°. Eibliography, p. 7-12. Pharaon (Joanny), and T. DuLAU. Etudes sur les legislations anciennes et raodernes. Premiere classe. Legislations orientales. Premiere partie. Droit Musulman. Pt. i. Paris: Vidccoq, 1839. 8°. Querry (A.) Droit musulman: recueil de lois concernant les Musulmans schyites. Paris, 1871- 72. 2 v. nar. 4°. R. (1..) De I'absence en droit musulman. Paris: Marclial iSr' Billard, 1S97. 46 pp. 12°. Rattigan (W. H.) The scientific study of the Muhammedan law. (Law Quar. Rev. v. 17, pp. 402-414. London, 1901.) Richard (Charles). De I'esprit de la legisla- tion musulmane. Alger: Tvp. Bastide,\?>^(). 31 PP- 16°. Rousseau (Samuel). A dictionary of Mo- hammedan law, Bengal revenue terms, Sanscrit, Hindoo and other words, used in the East Indies, LIST OF WORKS ON MUHAMMADAN LAW II Ceneral VVorks^ conCd. with full explanations. . .to which is added an ap- pendix containing forms of tirmauns, perwanehs, arizdashts. instruments and contracts of law, pass- ports. . .with a copy of the original grant from the emperor Furrukhseer to the English East India Company, in Persian and English. London : J. Sewell, 1S02. l.\iv, i'5-2S7 pp. 12°. Sautayra (E.), and E. Cherbonneau. Droit musulman. l)u statut personnel et des successions. Paris: Maisonnettve &• Cie., 1873-74. 2 v. 4°. V. I, Du statut personnel; v. 2, Des successions. Savvas Pacha. Le droit musulman e.xplique. Reponse a un article de M. Ignace Goldziher. . . paru dans le Byzantinische Zeitschrift, II., 2, pp. 317-325. 1893. Paris: Marchal if Billard, i8g6. 3 p.l., i6i pp., I tab. 12°. Etude sur la theorie du droit musulman. Paris : Marckal &• Bi/lard, i?i<)2-<)?>. 2 v. 12°. Le tribunal musulman. Paris .■ Marchal ^t Billard, 1902. 2 p.l., .xi, 180 pp. 12°. Schrant (Joannis Matthi.-e). *De conjugiis jure moslimico. Ltigduni Batavortiin, li^'i. 3 p.l., 116 pp., I 1. 8°. Sha'rani (Abd al- Wahhab ibn Ahmad al-). Mizan. [Muhammadan law as laid down by the four principal Sunni Imams, with special reference to points upon which they disagree. On the margin another work on the same subject entitled Rahmat al-ummah by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman al- Dimishki.] Cairo, 1900. 2. ed. 2 v. in i. 4°. Balance de la loi musulraane, ou esprit de la legislation islamique et divergences de ses quatre rites jurisprudentiels. Traduit de I'arabe par le Dr. I'erron. Alger: P. Fontana &■ Co., 1S9S. 2 p.l., Ixii. I 1., 5S7 pp., I tab. 8°. Sieye (V.) De la nouvelle organisation de la justice musulmane; ou, Commentaire du decret du loseptembre, 1S86. Oran: P. Perrier,\%%b. 72 pp. 8°. Siraji, al-. [On the Muhammadan law of in- heritance.] .SV. Petersburg : lithogr. Boraganski, 1895. 66 pp., I 1. 4°. Arabic text. Snouck Hurgronje (C.) lets over verjaring in het Moehammedaansche recht. (Tijdschrift voor Indische taaU, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 39, pp. 431-457- Batavia, 1897.) Islam und phonograph. (Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 42, pp. 393-427. Batavia, Igoo.) Le droit musulman. (.\nnales du Muse'e Cuimet. Rev. de I'hist. des religions. Paris, i8g8. 8°. V. 37, pp. 1-22, 174-203.) Stahl ( ). Memoire sur la legislation arabe. (Journal asiatique. 2. ser., v. 6, pp. 120-152. Paris, 1S30.) Steel (C. D.) Facts of interest, and curious points in Mohammedan law. (Imper. & Asiatic Quar. Rev. ser. 3, v. 21, pp. 12-21. Woking, 1906.) Su^raisi (Abd al-Rahman al-). Mukhtasar al- fatawi al-mahdiyyah. [.\ collection of Fatwahs. edited by Ahmad Rishwan and Abd al-Alim Salih.j Cairo, 1900. igi pp. 8°. Tornaii (Xikblai Yegorovich), baron. Le droit musulman expose d'apres les sources; par N. de Tornauw; traduit par M.Eschbach. Paris: Cotillon, 1S60. 2 p.l., 314 pp. 8°. Musulmanskyoye pravo. Si. Petersburg, 1866. 25S pp. 4°. Weickhmann (Wilhelm Heinrich .Alexander von). Die Vielehe deutscher Reichsangehoriger in muhammedanischen Staaten. Greifswald : J. Abel, 1S95. 50 pp. 8°. Worms ( ). Recherches sur la constitution de la propriete territoriale dans les pays musulmans, et subsidiairement en Algerie. (Journal asiatique. 3. ser., V. 14, pp. 225-2S2, 321-398; 4. ser., v. I, pp. 126-178, 285-341; 4. ser., V. 3, pp. 61-90, 160-186. Paris, 1842-44.) Zaili (Abu al-Laith ibn Muhammad al-). Hadi- yat al-suluk sharh tuhfat al-muluk. [A treatise on Muhammadan law.] Kasan, ig02. 264 pp. 4°. Various Schools; Hanafite. Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad, called Shaikhzadah. Majma al-anhur fi sharh multaka al abhur. [A commentary on Ibrahim al-Halabi's Multaka al-abhur.j Constantinople, i85g. 4P-1-, g4S pp. f°. Abu Hanifah. Al-Jami al saghir redacted by Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaibani. [On the margin of Yakub ibn Ibrahim's (Abu Yusuf) Kitab al kharaj. Biilak, 1S86. 136 pp. 4°.] Amin Hindiyah. Ahkam al-shariyat. [.\ digest of Muhammadan personal law according to the Hanafite school.] Cairo, 1900. 2 p.l., 112 pp. 4. ed. 8°. Baillie (N. B. E.) The Moohummudan law of inheritance, according to Aboo Huneefa and his followers. With an appendix containing authori- ties from the original Arabic. Calcutta : Baptist Mission Press, 1S32. ix, 1 1., 173. 116, 174-177 pp. The Moohummudan law of sale according to the Huneefeea code: from the Futawa .\lum- geeree, a digest of the whole law, prepared by com- mand of the Emperor .Vurungzebe .\lumgeer. Se- lected and translated from the original .-Vrabic.with an introduction and explanatory notes. London: Smith, Elder &' Co., 1850. i p.l., v-l.\ii, i 1., 352 pp. 8°. _ Belin (F. A.) Etude sur la propriete fonciire en pays musulmans, et specialemcnt en Turquie (rite hanelite). (Journal asiatique. ser. 5. v. 18, pp. 3go-43 1, 477-517; V. 19, pp. 156-212, 257- 358. Paris, 1861-62.) Bukhari (Abd al-Aziz al-). K.ishf al asrar. [In the form of a commentary on al-Pazdawi's Usui which is printed on the margin.] Constantinople, iSSg. 4 v. in 2. 4°. Clavel(E.) Droit musulman: Du statut per- sonnel et des successions, d'apres les differents rites et plus particuliirement d'apres le rite hana- fite. Ft. 1-2. Paris: L. Larose, l%qS. 2 v. 8°. Pt. I, Du statut personnel; Pt. 2, Des successions. Droit musulman. Le Wakf; ou. Immobilisation d'apres les principes du rite hanafite traduit de I'arabe par.. .B. Adda ct E. D. Ghalioungui. Suivi 12 LIST OF WORKS ON MUHAMMADAN LAW Hanafitt School, cont'd. d'un recueil de legislation et de jurisprudence. Alcxandrie: F. H. Mizrahi, 1893. ix, 344, 41, I 1., V pp.. I 1. S°. Du Caurroy (A. J.) Legislation musulmane sunnite, rite han^fi. (Journal asiatique. 4. ser. , V. 12, pp. 5-44; V. 13, pp. 120-T63; V. 16, pp. 476- 519; V. 17, pp. 211-255, 5&S-5gi; v. iS, pp. 290- 321; V. 19, pp. 519-550; 5. ser., V. I, pp. 39-91; V. 2, pp. 471-528. Paris, 1848-53.) Eherecht, Familienrecht und Erbrecht der Mohamedaner nach dem Hanefitischen Ritus. VVUn, 1SS3. 194 pp., I pi. 8°. Haskafi (Muhammad Ala al-Din al-). Durr al- mukhtar scharh tanwir al-absar. Bombay, 1891. 4 pts. in 2 V. 8°. Arabic text. Paging continuous. Kadri Efendi al-Hanafi (Abd al-Kadir ibn Yusuf). Wakiat al-muftin. [A collection of Fat- was according to the Hanafite rite.] Biilak: al Maiba'at al Miriyyah,iii'},. 2, 240 pp. 4°. Arabic text. Krcsmarik (J.) Das Wakfrecht vom Stand- punkte des Sari'atrechtes nach der hanefitischen Schule. Ein Beitrag zum Studium des islamitischen Rechtes. (Zeitschrift der Deutschen morgenlan- dischen Gesellschaft. v. 45, pp. 511-576. Leip- zig, 1S91.) Kuduri (Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-). Kitab al-Kuduri. Kazan, i8g6. 136 pp. 4°. Loutfy (Omar Bey). De Taction penale en droit musulman. Rite hanefite. Paris: Marchal &• BillarJ, 1S97-99. 2 v. in I. 12°. Luknavi (Abu al-Hasanat Muhammad al-). Al-Fara'id al-bahiyyah fi tarajira al-hanafiyyah. Kasan, 1903. 324 pp. 4°. Arabic text. Mahmud ibn Hamzah. Kitab al-tarikah al. wadihah. Damascus, 1S83. 2 p.l., 252 pp. 8°_ Marghinani (AM ibn Abu Bakr al-). The Hedaya; or, Guide, a commentary on the Mussul- man laws: translated by order of the Governor- General and Council of Bengal, by Charles Hamil- ton. London, 1791. 4 v. 4°. Ubaid Allah ibn Mas'ud. Sharh wikayat al- riwayah. [Commentary on Mahmud ibn Ubaid Allah's Wikayat al-riwayah, an abridgment of al- Marghinani's Hidayah.J Lucknow, 1872. i p.l., 400 pp. 4°. Lithographed. KuHUSiANi (Shams al-Din Muhammad al-). Jami al-rumuz. [A commentary on the Nukayat of Ubaid Allah ibn Mas'ud, an abridgment of Mahmud ibn Ubaid Allah's treatise on Muhamma- dan law according to the Hanafite school entitled Wikayat al-riwayat, itself an abridgment of al- Marghinani's Hidayah. With an historical intro- duction by Kadi-zadah Sharif Makhdum and mar- ginal glosses chiefly selected from the supercom- mentary of Fakhr al-Din ibn Ibrahim al-Kazani entitled Ghawwas al-bahrain.] Kasan, 189S. 4 pts. in 2 V. 4°. muhammad ibn Faramarz, called Maula Khuskau. Durar al-hukkam fi sharh ghurar al- ahkam. [Commentary by Maula Khusrau upon his own Ghurar al-ahkam.] Constantinople, 18S2- 83. 2 pts. 3, 767 pp. 8°. Muhammad Kadri Pasha. Droit musulman. Statut reel, d'apres le rite hanafite, mis en articles d'apres le systeme des codes egyptiens. . .Traduit de I'arabe . .par Abdulaziz Kahil Bey. Le Caire: Imprimerie iVationale, 1S93. v, I 1., 319 pp. 8°. Kitab murshid al-hairan. [The law of con- tracts according to the Hanafite system arranged according to the European system for the School of Law at Cairo.] Bulak : Gov't. Print. Press, i8qi. 157, 6 pp. 8°. Appendix. Bulak, 1S91. 7 pp. 8°. Nabulusi (Abd al-Ghani ibn Ismail al-). Rasha- hat al-aklam sharh kifayat al-ghulam. Cairo, 1904. 98 pp. 4°. Nakuri (Abu al-Fath Rukn ibn Husara al-). Nuskhat fatawa. [A collection of fatwas, or legal decisions.] Calcutta: Asiatic Lithographic Press, 1S25. I p.l., 907 pp. 8°. Nasafi (Abd Allah ibn Ahmad al-). Kanz al- daka'ik. [A compendium of Muhammadan law according to the Hanafi school, being an abridg- ment by the author of his larger work entitled al-Wafi. Accompanied by al-Aini's commentary on the margin, and with interlinear notes on the first part of the work as far as the Kitab al-wakf from Mustafa al-Ta'i's commentary and on the lat- ter part, from al-Samarkandi's commentary.] Bom- bay, 1%^^. 424 pp., I 1. f'. Lithographed. Kashf al-asrar. [A commentary on his own Manar, a treatise on the principles of ^Iuhammadan law according to the Hanafi school, followed by an- other commentary entitled Nur al-anwar by Ahmad ibn Abi Said, called Shaikh Jiwan. On the margin a supercommentary on the Nur al-anwar, entitled Kamar al-akmar by Muhammad Abd al-Halim.] Cairo, 1S9S. 2 V. in I. 4°. Pazdawi (.\li ibn Muhammad ibn Husain al-1. Usui. [On the margin of Bukhari (Abd al-Aziz al) Kashf al- asrar. Constantinople, 1899.] 4 v. in 2. 4'- Rumsey (.■\.) Moohummudan lav/ of inheri- tance and rights and relations affecting it. Sunni doctrine; comprising. . .with much collateral infor- mation, the substance, greatly expanded, of the author's " Chart of family inheritance." London: W. H. Allen b' Co., iSSo. xxviii, 470 pp. 8^ Shurunbilali (Hasan ibn Ammar ibn Ali al-). Kitab maraki al-falah sharh nur al-idah. [Religious duties and observances according to the Hanafite school. Accompanied by the author's commentary, Maraki al-falah, with annotations selected from the supercommentary by Ahmad al-Tahtawi.] Cairo, 18S6. 2. 197 pp. 4°. Tarabulusi (Ali ibn Khatil al-). Muin al- hukkam. [.\ manual of practical Muhammadan jurisprudence according to the Hanafite school, with special reference to the disposal of civil cases. On the margin another work on the same subject by Abu al-Walid Ibrahim Muhammad called Ibn al- Shihnah, entitled Lisan al-hukkam.] Cairo, lSg2. 4, 345, 2 pp. 4°. ITa'kub ibn Ibrahim (Abu Vusuf). Kitab al- Kharaj. [A treatise on the fiscal administration of the Caliphs. On the margin Abu Hanifah's al- Jami al-saghir redacted by Muhammad ibn al-llasaa alShaibani.] Bulak, 1SS6. 136 pp. 4°. LIST OF WORKS ON MUHAMMADAN LAW llaiiafite School, cont'd, Zain al'Abidin ibn Ibrahim ibn Najim al- Misri. Bahr al-raik sharh kanz al-daka'ik. [A commentary on al- N'asafi's Kanz al- daka'ik or.trea- tiseon Muhammadan law according to the Hanafite school. On the margin the comments of Muham- mad Amin called Ibn Abidin entitled Minhat al- khalik ala al-bahr al-raik.] Ca;>o, 1893. 8 v. 4°. Kitab al-ashbah wal nazza'ir. BiiUtk, 1S80. 8, 232 pp. 4°. Malikite. Ashmawi (.\bd al-Bari al-). Al-mukaddimat al- ashmawiyat, commonly called al-ashma\viyat. [An introduction to Muhammadan religious observances according to the school of Malik. On the margin a commentary entitled al-mahasin al-bahiyyah fi madhhab malik imam dar al-hijrah al-nabawiyyah by Abdal-Majid al-Sharnubi.] Biilak, i()02. 48 pp. 3. ed. 12°. Sakati (Yusuf ibn Said al-). Ilashiyat saniyat \va tahkikat bahiyat. [A supercommentary to the commentary of Ahmad ibn Turki, entitled al- Jawahir al-zakiyat, upon al-Ashmawi's introduc- tion to Muhammadan law according to the Maliki school, entitled al-Mukaddimat al-ashmawiyat. Ahmad ibn Turki's commentary is on the margin.] Cairo, 1904. 176 pp. 4°. Fagnan(E,) Al-shafi al- dalil ala nass Sayyidi Khalil. Concordances du Manuel de droit de Sidi Khalil dressees d'apres I'ordre des racines sur I'edi- tion de Paris. Alger: P. Fontaiia et Cie,, 18S9. 4p.l.,368pp. 8°. Fasi (Umar ibn Abdallah al-). Sharh lamiyat Ali al- Zakkak. [A treatise on Muhammadan law according to the Malikite school.] /vj-, iSgS. pp. 1-8, numbering repeated 42 times (336 pp. in all). 8°. Khalil ibn Ishak al-Jundi. Code musulman par Khalil. (Kite malekite. Statut Reel.) Texte arabe et nouvelle traduction. Par N. Seignette. Conslantine: L. Arnolet, 1S98. 4 p.l., Ixvii, 749 pp. 8°. Compte rendu, par K. Dareste. (Jour- nal des savants. Annee 1882, pp. 253-265. Paris, 1882.) Precis de jurisprudence musulmane ou, Principes de legislation musulmane civile et religi- euse selon le rite malekite. . traduit de I'arabe par M. Perron. Paris: /mj>. A'ationah-, iS^S-S2, 6 v. 4°. (Explor. scien. de I'AIgerie, 1840-42. Sci. hist, et geog. v. 10-15.) Table analytique et alphabetiquc. . . par M. Perron. Paris : Imp. ImpcriaU, 1854. 2 p.l., ii, 194 pp. 4°. Precis de jurisprudence musulmane, suivant le rite malekite. Paris: Soc, asiatiqiie, ifill. 2 p.l., ii, 234 pp. 4. ed. 8°. Same. Paris: Soc. asialigtie, iSS^. 2 p.l., ii, 234 pp. 5. ed. 8°. IJARDiR (Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-). Akrab al-masalik. [An introduction to Muhammadan law according to the Malikite school, founded upon the Mukhtasar of Khalil ibn Ishak, with the author's commentary and a supercommcnitary entitled Bulghat al'Salik by Ahmad al-Sawl. The com- mentary of the author is printed on the margin. Cairo, 1903-5. 2 v. 4°. H.MiASHi (Muhammad ibn Abd Allah al-). Sharh al-muhakkik. [A commentary on Khalil ibn Ishak's al-Muhtasar or, Compendium of Muhammadan law according to the school of Malik. On the margin a supercommentary by Ali ibn Ahmad al-Adawi.] B:t/,U-, 18S2. 8 V. 4". Iji (Abd al-Rahman Adud al-Din al-). Sharh al-kadi ala muhtasar al-muntaha. [A commentary on Ibn al-Hajib's Muhtasar al-muntaha.] Constati- tinople, 1889. 2 pts. 15,496 pp. 8°. Karafi (Ahmad ibn Idris al-). Anwar al-buruk. [A series of disquisitions, juridical, philosophical and philological, with reference to points of prac- tical jurisprudence according to the Maliki school. On the margin a commentary, entitled Idrar al- shuruk, by Ibn al-Shatt.] Tunis, 1885. 4 v. 8'. Einani (Abd Allah al-). Al-ikd al-munazzam. [With special reference to civil cases. On the margin of Yamari (Burhan al- Din al-) Tabsirat al hukkam.] Cairo, 1883. 2 v. 4°. Malik ibn Anas. Al-Muwatta. [In: Zurkani (Muhammad ibn Abd al-Bakial-) Sharh alamuwatta. Cairo, 1S62.] 4 v. in 3. f°. Meysonnasse(V.) Code civil musulman sui- vant le cadre du code civil franfais. Rite malekite. Paris: A. Chevalier-Marescq et Cie., 1898. 3 p.l., 3-242 pp., I 1. 8°. muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Asim. Tuh- fat al-hukkam. [A treatise on the principles of law written in Rajaz verses with the commentary of Muhammad ibn .^hmad called Mayyarah of Fez. On the margin the glosses of Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn Rihal al-Madani.] Cairo, 1897. 2 v. 4°. Tuhfat al-hukkam fi nukat alukud wal ahkam. Traitede droit musulman. La Tohfat d'Ebn Acem. Texte arabe avec traduction fran9aise, commentaire juridique & notes philologiques par O. Iloudas et F. Martel. Alger: G. Saint-Lager, 1882. X, 918 pp. 8°. Shatibi (Ibrahim ibn Musa al-). Kitab al-mu- wafakat. Tunis, 1884. 4 v. in 2. 8°. Sijilmasi (Abu Abd Allah Muhammad al- Filali al-). Kitab fath al-jalil al-samad. [Metri- cal treatise, with a commentary.] Tunis, 1S73. 553. I P- 8°- Vincent (M. B.) Etudes sur la loi musulmane (Rit de Malek). Legislation criminelle. Paris: Joubert, 1S42. 127 pp. 8'. Yamari (Burhan al-Din al-). Tabsirat al-huk- kam. [On the functions of a Malikite judge and the cases which come under his jurisdiction. On the margin al-Kinani's al-ikd al-munazzam.] Cairo, 1883. 2 V. 4°. Zeys (E.) Traite elementaire de droit musu/ man algerien (Kcole malekite) spccialement redige" . . .i I'usage des candidats an ccrtificat infcrieur de legislation algcrienne et dc coutumes indigenes. .■Mger: .-l. Jotirdain, 18S6. 2 V. 4'". Zurkani (Muhammad ibn Abd al-Baki al-). Sharh ala sahih al-muv.atta. [Text of and com- mentary on the corpus juris of Malik ibn .Vnas ac- cording to the recension of al-Masmudi.] Cairo, 1S62. 4 V. in 3. f°. 14 LIST OF WORKS ON MUHAMMADAN LAW Shafi'ite. i^hmad ibn al-Husain ibn Ahmad. Precis de jurisprudence musulmane selon le rite chafeite, par Abou Chodja. Publication du texte arabe avec traduction et annotations, par S. Keijzer. Leyde: E. J. Brill, 1859. xxxii, 47, 117 pp. 8°. Bahuti (Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Abd al-Muta' al-). Kitab al-matalib al-muhimmat fi ahkam al- ibadat .[On the margin the same author's Hawwash latifah wa tahkikat munifah.] Biilak: al Hairiyyah, 1892. 4, 128 pp. 4°. Banani (Mustafa ibn Muhammad al-). Hashi- yah ala sharh al-Mahalli. [Glosses on the com- mentary of Muhammad al-Mahalli on the Jam al-jawami, or principles of Muharamadan law, of Abd al-Wahhab ibn al-Subki. With the commen- tary are printed notes by Abd al-Rahman al- Sharbini.] Cairo, 1890. 2 v. in i. 4°. Dimyati (Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad Shata al-). lanat al-talibin, [Glosses to the Fath al-muin, a treatise on Muhammadan law according to the Shafiite school by Zain al-Din al-Malibari. On the margin the Fath al-muin is printed with the addi- tions of Sayyid Bakri.] Cairo, igoi. 4. ed. 4 v. in 2. 4°. Ghazzi (Muhammad ibn Kasim al-). Fath al- Qarib. La revelation de I'omnipresent. Comraen- taire sur le precis de jurisprudence musulmane d'Abou Chodja par...G. Texte arabe, public & traduit par ordre du gouvernement Neerlandais par L. W. C. Van den Berg. Leide: E.J. Brill, 1894. xvi, 742 pp. S°. Grasshoff (Richard). *Die allgemeinen Leh- ren des Obligationenrechts (Verpflichtungsfahig. keit, Stellvertretung, BUrgschaft, Konkursund \'er- gleich) sowie die Lehre vom Kauf-, Vollmachts-, Gesellschaftsvertrage und von den Realcontrakten nach der Rechtsschule des Imam Esch-Schafii. Ein abschnitt aus dem kitab el buju des Abu Ishak Esch-Schirazi.ubersetzt und commentiert. [Konigs- berg.] GStlingen: IV. F. Kdstner, ii()i. 139 pp., I 1. 8°. Haithami (Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-). Al- fatawi al- kubra. [A collection of Fatwahs, or legal decisions, according to the Shafiite school. On the margin are the fatwahs of Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Shihab al-Din Ahmad al-Ramli.] Cairo, iSgo. 4 V. in 2. 4°. Ibrahim ibn Ali al-Shirazi. Jus shafiiticum. At Tanbih auctore Abu Ishak as-Shirazi quem e codice I.eidensi et codice Oxoniensi edidit A. \V. T. Juynboll. Ltigduni Batavorum: E.J. Brill, 1S79. Ixxxviii, 350 pp. 8°. Juynboll (Th. W.) Handleiding tot de Kennis van de Mohammedaansche wet, volgens de leer der sjahitische school. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1903. xv, 396 pp. 8°. De hoofdregelen der Sjafiitische leer van hetpandrecht met eenonderzoek naar haar ontstaan en naar haren invloed in Ned. -Indie. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1893. V, 91 pp. 8°. Ealyubi (Ahm.id Shihab al-Din al-), and Umairah. Hawashi al-imamim al-muhakkikin. [.-\ supercommentary on Jalal al-Din Mahalli's com- mentary on the Minhaj al-Talibin of al-Nawawi ; on Muhammadan law according to the Shafiite school. Jalal al-Din's commentary is on the margin. J Cairo, 1888. 4 v. in 2. 4°. Keijzer (S.) Handboek voor het Mohamme- daansch regt. . . 's Gravenhage: Belinfante, 1853. 4 p.l., 426 pp., I 1. 8°. lyiavrardi (Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Habib al-). El Ahkam es Soulthaniya. Traite de droit public musulman. . .traduit et annote d'aprcs les sources orientales par. . . L. Ostrorog. Paris: E. Leroux, 1901. Tome I. 4°. Kitab al-ahkam al-sultaniy ah. Maverdii con- stitutiones politicre, ex recensione Maximilian! Engeri accedunt adnotationes et glossariura. Bon- iiiT: Aptid Adolphum Marcum, 1853. xvi, 64, ii, 432 pp. 8°. Arabic text. Kitab al-ahkam al-sultaniyah. Mawerdi's publiek en administratief regt van den Islam met een inleiding over de toepasselijkheid van dat regt in Nederlandsch Indie door S. Keijzer. 'j Graven- hage: H. C. Susan, 1862. xxxii, 253 pp. 8°. Mukri (Ismael ibn Abu Bakral-). Kitab unwan al-sharaf. [A compendium of Muhammadan law- according to the Shafii school, so written that the first and last letters of each line and two other per- pendicular columns form, when read from above downwards, four other treatises : On prosody; Oi» the Rasuli dynasty of Yemen ; On Grammar ; On rhyme.] Aleppo, 1S77. 114 pp. f°- Nawaivi (.•\bu Zakariya Yahya al-). Minhadj at talibin; Le guide des zeles croyants. Manuel de jurisprudence musulmane selon le rite de Chafii. Texte arabe public. . .avec traduction et annota- tions par L. W. C. van den Berg. Batavia, 1S82— 84. 3 v. 4". Ramli (Shams al din Muhammad al-). Nihayat al-muhtaj ila sharh al-minhaj. [A commentary on the Minhaj al-talibin of Abu Zakariya al-Xawawi, together with super-commentaries by Ali al-Shabra- millisi ; and Ahmad al-Rashidi.] Cairo, 1886. 8 v. 4°. Sachau (Eduard). Muhammedanisches Recht nach schafiitischer Lehre. Stuttgart: IV. Spemann, 1897. xxxii, 879, 27 pp. 8°. (Konigl. Friedr. Wilh. Univ., Berlin. Lehrbiicher des Seminars filr oriental. Sprachen. v. 17.) Muhammedanisches Recht nach schafii- tischer Lehre. Snouck Hurgronje (C.) Anzeigen. (Zeitschrift der Deutschen morgenlandischen Gesell- schaft. v. 53, pp. 125-167. Leipzig, 1899.) Salim ibn .Sumair al-Hadri. .Safinat al-naja. [A manual of .Muhammadan ceremonial law according to the Shafiite school, with a commentary, Kashifat al saja, by Muhammad Nawawi al-Jawi and al- Riyad al-badaiyah on the same subject by Muham- mad Hash Allah ibn Sulaiman.J CrtiVc, 18SS. 116, 2 pp. 4°. Sharbini (Muhammad al- Khatib al-). Mughni al-muhtaj. [A gloss to the Minhadj al-talibin, a work on .Muhammadan law, by al-Nawawi.] Cairo, 1S90. 4 V. in 2. 4°. Sharkawi (Abd Allah ibn Hijazi al-). Hashiyat ala sharh al- tahrir. [Glosses on the Tahrir, treat- ing of Muhammadan jurisprudence, of Abu Yahya Zakariya ibn Muhammad al-Ansari. On the margin a commentary on the Tahrir by Mustafa alDha- habi.] Bulak, 1891. 2 v. in I. 4°. LIST OF WORKS ON MUHAMMADAN LAW 15 Schafi^itt' School, conCd. Wuestenfeld (Heinrich Ferdinand). Der Imam el Schalii, seine Schiiler und Anhanjrer. 1-5. Goitingen, iSgo-gi. 4°. (Kbnigl. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. z. GOttingen. Abhandl. v. 36-37 ) X. Der Imam el Schafii, 2. Die unmittelbaren Schiiler des Schafii. 3. Die Anhanger des SchaBi bis zura Jahre 300 d. H. 4. Die gelehrten Schafiiteo des 4. Jafarh, d. H. 5- " _ " " " 5- " Uber das Leben und die Schriften des Scheich Abu Zakarija Jahja el-Nawawi nach hand- schriftlichen Quellen. Goitingen, 1850. 4°. (K. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. z. Gottingen. Abhandl. v. 4.) Minor schools. Huguet (Joseph Julien Aristide). .Sur le Kitab n Nil. (Soc. d'anthrop. de Paris. Bull, et mem. ser. 5, V. 4, pp. 381-391. Paris, 1903.) The Kitab n Nil is a compendium of the religious, civil and criminal law of the Muhammadan sect of the -■^badhites. Ibn Hanbal (.*\hmad ibn Muhammad). [Mus- nad, or collection of traditions. On the margin the Muntahib kunz al-ammal of Ala al-Din ibn Husam al-Din al-.Mutakki.] Cairo: Matba a lilainianiyyah, 1S93. 6 V. 4°. Arabic text. Jauziyah (Muhammed ibn Kaiyam al-). Al- turuk al-hikmiya fi al-siyasat al-shariya. [Hanbali school.] Ca/Vc, 1S99. 15, 3oSpp. 8'. Sacy (A. I. Silvestre de). Droit civil. Affaires des Druzes dont la connaissance est reservee au.x ministres unitaires. Manages et divorces. (In his: Expose de la religion des Druzes. Paris, 1835-38. 2 V. S°. V. 2, pp. 696-706.) Sachau (Karl Eduard). Muhammedanisches Erbrecht nach der Lehre der Ibaditischen Araber von Zanzibar und Ostafrika. nj.-p. Berlin, \'it)^. 159-210 p. 4°. Extr. : Ronglich Preussischen Akademieder Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Sitzungsberichte 8. Sadi (Jumayyil ibn Hamis al-). Kitab kamus al-shariah. [A complete system of Muhammadan theology and law according to the Ibadi school.] Zanzibar, 18S0-S3. 9 V. 4°. Yahya ibn Adam. Le livre de I'impot foncier public d'aprcs le manuscrit unique appartenant a Charles .Schefer. . . par Th. W. Juynbol!. Lcide: E.J. Brill, i8g6. x, 142 pp. 8°. Arabic text. Regional. Egypt. Hulls (E. de). Du pourvoi en cassation et de la revision en droit penal egyptien. Le Caire: /•'. Vieiner, 1S99. viii, 2 1., 321 pp. 8°. Kanun al Mahkamah al-Mukhtalitah. [Code of laws for the mixed tribunal in Egypt.] Biilak, 1S76. 6 pts. in I V. 8°. Kanun al-akubat al-ahli al-Misri. [The Egyptian penal code; February 14, 1904.] Cairo, 1904. 159 PP- '2°. North Africa. Abd al-Aziz. Droit Mozabitc. De la tutelle. Extraits traduits par Ilureaux. . .et annotc's par el Iladj Salah ben Mohammed. Alger: J. Lavagne. 1882. 16 p. 8°. Bidi (El). Nos justiciables musulmans. Faut il abroger le decret de 1SS9? Reforme de la justice criminelle. Usure et usuriers. Conslanline: D. Braham, 1902. 85 pp., i 1. 8°. Bompard (M.) Legislation de la Tunisie : recueil des lois, decrets et reglements en vigueur dans la regence de Tunis au i^r janvier, iSSS. Paris: E. Leroux, 1888. xxiii, 1 1., 543 pp. 4°. Goguyer (.\.) Choix splendide de preceptes cueillis dans la loi. Petit manuel de droit immo- bilier suivant les deux rites musulmans orthodoxes de la rtfgence de Tunis traduit sur la premiere edi- tion du texte arabe. . .et annote par A. G. Paris: Maisonneuve et Leclerc, 1S85. 2 p.l., 108 pp. 12". Hanoteau (Adolphe), and A. Letourneux. La kabylie et les coutumes kabyles. Revue et aug- mentt'e des lois et decrets formant la legislation actuelle. Paris: A. Challamel, 1893. 2. ed. 3 V. in 2. 4". Isaac (Pierre Alexandre Ildephonse). Rapport . . .[sur la] (Justice fran9aise et musulmane). Police et Securite [I'Algerie]. Paris: P. Monillot, 1895. 423 pp. 4°. (France. Senat: Session 1895. No. 36.) Laune (Etienne). Formulaire arabe d'actes de procedure. Oran: Paul Perrier, 1890. 22, 106 pp. 12°. Iiescure (Paul). Du double regime foncier de la Tunisie; droit musulman et loi fonciere. Tunis: F. B. Barrel, 1900. xviii, 378 pp., I 1. 8°. Manuel franjaise-arabe; ou, Recueil d'actes administratifs. judiciares& sous seing prive traduits en arabe par E. Laune. . .Alger: A. Jonrdan, 1897. xiii, I 1., 426 pp., 2 1. 8°. Martinet (A.) Organisation de la justice musulmane en Algerie. Recueil des lois, decrets, arretes. . .en vigueur, concernant la matiere. Con- stantine: E. Marie, 1900. 2 p.l., ix, 218 pp. 8°. Mercier (E.) Le code du hobous ou ouakf selon la legislation musulmane. Suivi de textes des bons auteurs et de pieces originales. Constantine: D. Braham, 1S99. 2 p.l., iii, 9-176 pp. 4°. Pharaon (Joanny). De la legislation fran9aise, musulmane et juive a Alger. Paris: 'P. Barrois Pils, 1835. 4 p.l., iv, 196 pp. 8°. Ta\7ati (Muhammad al-Bashir al-). Kitab al- majmu al-ifadah li ilm al-shahadah. [A treatise on laws of evidence.] Tunis, 1896. 11, 162 pp. 3. ed. 8°. Vassel (Philipp). Uber marokkanische Pro- cessjiraxis. (Mittheil. d. .Seminars f. oriental. Sprach. a. d. kbnigl. F'riedrich WilhelnisUniv. zu Berlin. Jahrg, 5, Abthei! 2. (West-asiat. Studien.) pp. 170-232. Berlin, 1902). Zeys (Ernest). Droit mozabite. Le Nil. Du mariage & de sa dissolution. Alger: A. Jonrdan, i8gi. Pt. I. (Du mariage.) 4°. Legislation mozabite. Son origine ses sources, son present, son avcnir. Le90n d'ouver- ture faite i I'Ecole de droit d'Alger. Alger: A. Jourdan, 1886. 69 pp. 4°. Kepr. : Revue slgirienne et tunisienne de legislation et de jurisprudence. i6 LIST OF WORKS ON MUHAMMADAN LAW Africa, cont'd. and Mohammed Ould Sidi SaId. Re- cueil d'actes judiciaires arabes, avec la traduction francaise et des notes juridiques. Alger: A. Jour- dan, iSS6. X, 1S5, 75 pp., 2 1. 12°. India. Baillie (N. B. E.) A digest of Moohummu- dan law on the subjects to which it is usually ap- plied by British courts of justice in India, compiled and translated from authorities in the original Arabic. London: Smith, Elder &= Co., 1875-87. 2. ed. 2 V. 8°. Pt. I. The doctrines of the Hanifeea code of jurisprudence; Pt. 2. The doctrines of the Imaraeea code of jurisprudence, on the most important of the same subjects. Grady (S. G. ) A manual of Mahommedan law of inheritance and contract, comprising the doc- trines of the Soonee and Sheea schools, and based upon. . .Sir \V. H. Macnaghten's Principles. ..with decisions of the privy council and high courts of the presidencies in India. .. London: IT. H. Allen (Sf Co., iS6g. Ivi, 2S5 pp. 8°. Macnaghten {Sir \V. H.) Principles and precedents of Moohumraudan law, being a compila- tion of primary rules relative to inheritance, con- tracts and miscellaneous subjects. ..With additional notes and questions for students by William Sloan. Eighth reprint with digest of cases revised up to :8y3. Madras: Higginbotham &" Co., 1897. xiii, lix, 619, xxvi pp. 8°. JVIahomed Yusoof Khan Bahadur. Mahome- dan law relating to marriage, dower, divorce, legi- timacy and guardianship of minors, according to the Soonnees. v. 1-2. Calcutta: Thacker, Spink &' Co., 1895. 2 V. 8°. (Tagore law lectures, 1891-92.) V. I. Te.Kts from the Quran and the Hadees, or traditions, as sources of law. V. 2. Marriage and other cognate subjects. Observations on the law and constitution of India, on the nature of landed tenures and on the system of revenue and finance as established by the Moohummudum law and Moghul government; with an inquiry into the revenue and judicial administra- tion and regulations of police... in Bengal. Lon- don: Kingsbury, Parbury &" Allen, 1825. xxiii, 404 pp. 8°. Sic£ (E.) Traite des lois mahometanes; ou, Recueil des lois, us et coutumes des Musulmans du Decan. Paris, 1S41. viii, 88 pp. 8°. (Journal asiatique. 3. ser.,v. I2,pp. 149- 187, 193-245. Paris, 1841.) Sircar (Shama Churun). The Muhammedan law; being a digest of the law applicable especially to the Sunnis of India. Calcutta: Thacker, Spink ^ Co., 1873. XV, 567 pp. 8°. (Tagore law lectures, 1873.) West {Sir Raymond). Mohammadan law in India: its origin and growth. (Jour. Soc. of Com- parative Legislation, n. s., no. 4, pp. 27-44. Lon- don, 1900.) Wilson (Sir Roland K.) A digest of Anglo- Muhammadan law. Setting forth in the form of a code. . .the special rules now applicable to Muham- madans as such by the civil courts of British India. London: IV. Thacker •ir' Co., 1895. xxxiii, 500 pp 8°. An introduction to the study of Anglo- Muhammadan law. London: IV. Thacker (^ Co., 1894. vi, I 1., 151 pp. , 5 1. 8°. Should Indian Mahommedans entail their estates? (Nineteenth Century and after. No. 347, pp. 114-123. London, 1906.) Malay Archipelago. Eeijzer (Simon). Het mohammedaansche straf- regt, naar arabische, javaansche en maleische bronnen. 's Gravenhage: H. C. Susan, 1857. xx, 176 pp. 8°. Kitab toehpah. Javaansch-Mohammedaansch wetboek. . .Uitgegeven van wege het koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Neerlandsch Indie, 's Gravenhage: K. Fuhri, 1S53. vi, 248 pp. 8°. Meursinge (A.) Handboek van het Moham- medaansche Regt in de Maleische Taal, naar oor- spronkelijke Maleische en Arabische Werken van Mohammedaansche Regtsgeleerden bewerkt. Am- sterdam : J. Miiller, 1S44. i p.l., xxxi, 404 pp., I 1. 8°. Arabic te.\t. Ophuijsen (C. A. van). Eenige opmerkingen naar aanleiding van de door Prof. L. W. C. van den Berg bezorgde uitgave van de Oendang-oend- ang Djambi. «. t.-p. ['.f Gravenhage, 1S96.] 153- 213 pp. 8°. Excerpt ; Bijdragen, kon. Inst, voor de Taal. Land- en Volkenkunde van Ned Indie, 6. Volg. v. 2. Roorda (T.) Kitab toehpah, een Javaansch handboek voor het Mohammedaansche regt... Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1S74. xvi, 200 pp. 2. ed. 8°. Winckel (C. P. K.) Essai sur les principes regissant I'administration de la justice aux Indes Orientales Hollandaises surtout dans les iles de Java & de Madoura & leur application. Samarang: G. C. T. Van Dorp &> Co., 1880. xil, 315 pp., I pi., I map. 8°. Turkey. Aristarchi Bey (Gregoire). Legislation ot- tomane; ou, Recueil des lois, reglements, ordon- nances, traites, capitulations & autres documents officiels de I'empire ottoman. Constantinople: Frcres Nicola'ides, 1873-8S. 7 v. 8°. Bianchi (Thomas Xavier). Khaththy Hu- maioun; ou, charte-imperiale ottomane du :8 fev- rier, 1S56, en fran9ais et en turc; suivie de la pro- nonciation du turc tiguree en lettres franjaises, de notes et d'explications;. ..le tout faisant suite. ..au nouveau guide de la conversation en franyaise et en turc. Paris, 1856. xiv, 25 pp. obi. 16°. Burgaki Efendi, and Tal'at Efeniii. Sharh kanun usul al-mahakamat. [A commentary on Turkish criminal law, translated from the Turkish into Arabic by Mustafa Efendi Rashid al-Rifa'i.] Pt. 1-3. Beirut, 1885-7. 8°. Capos (C.) Notions elementaires sur les suc- cessions en Turquie. (Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee. ser. 2, v. 4, pp. 649- 6S2. Bruxelles, 1902.) LIST OF WORKS ON MUHAMMADAN LAW 17 Turkey, confd. Dastur, al-. [A manual of Turkish law, trans- lated from the Turkish into Arabic by Naufal Efendi Naufal assisted by Khalil Efendi al-Khuri.] Beirut, 1SS4. 2 V. 8°. Filitti (Georges). La propriete fonciere dans la Dobrogea d'apr^s les lois ottomanes. Discours de rentree prononce le 16-2S aoiit 18S0, devant les Sections unies de la Haute Gourde Cassation et de Justice de Roumanie. Bucarest: F. Gobi, iSSo. 47 PP- S°. Krcsmarik (Johann). Beitrage zur Beleuch- tung des islamitischen Strafrechts; mit Rucksicht auf Theorie und Praxis in der Turkei. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1904. I p.l., 134 pp. 8°. Repr.: Zeitschrift der Deutchen morgenlandischen Gesell- schaft. Bd. 58. 1904. Mejelle. al-. [Ottoman civil law.] Conslan- //«('/> A-, 1 8S 7. 280 pp. 3. ed. 8°. Oledjelle (The); or, Ottoman civil law, trans- lated into Ei}glish by W. E. Grigsby. London: Stevens &' Sons, 1895. 2 p.l., x, 433 pp. 8°. Mejelle (The), translated by C. R. Tyser... !>. G. iJenietriades. . .and Ismail Haggi Eflendi A'icosia, Cyprus: Govt. Ptg. Off., igoi, 2 p.l., xxxx, 307 pp., 21 1. 8'. M[ouradja] d'Ohsson. Tableau general de I'Empire Othoman, divise en deux parties, dont I'une comprend le Legislation Mahomt'tane; I'autre, I'Histoire de I'Empire Othoman. Paris, 17S7-90. 3 V. f°. Ongley (F.) The Ottoman land code, trans- lated from the Turkish by F. O. revised and the marginal notes and index added by Horace E. Miller. London: IV. C/owes &" Sons, 1892. xii, 396 pp. 12°. Ranzi (C.) Das Verfahren vor den Civilge- richten des ttirkischen Reiches. Wicn, 1900. iv, 220 pp. 8°. Tchacos (G.) De la succession en droit otto- man. J'aris: A. Durand et Pcdone-Lauricl, 1893. 104 pp. 8°. Walpole (Charles George). The Ottoman penal code 28 zilhijeh 1274. Translated from the French text. Lottdon: W. Clowes &' Sons, 1888. xi, 134 pp. 12°. Young (George). Corps de droit ottoman. Re- cueil des codes, lois, reglements, ordonnances et actes les plus importants du droit interieur, et d'etudes sur le droit coutumier de I'Empire Otto- man. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1905. 3 v. 8°. V. I. Droit administratif. Droit judiciaire. Droit successoral. Droit de propriete immobiliere. V. 2. Droit des communauti^s privilegiees. Droit personnel. Droit interieur. Droit inilitaire. v. 3. Droit exterieur. Droit maritime. Droit sanitaire. Droit commercial exterieur. Zia (H. Kiazim). Expose du droit de succes- sion musulman ab intestat en Turquie. Lausanne: C. Paclie, igo2. 166 pp. 8°. LIST OF DRAMAS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY RELATING TO THE JEWS, AND OF DRAMAS IN HEBREW, JUDEO-SPANISH, AND JUDEO-GERMAN; TOGETHER WITH ESSAYS ON THE JEWISH STAGE. Prepared by Mr. A. S. Freidus, Chief of the Hebrew Department. Order of Arrangement: General Works. Dramas dealing with themes of Biblical and later Jewish history (in various languages, arranged CHRONOLOGICALLY BY SUBJECT-MATTER). Other dramas of Jewish life (in modern languages). Dramas in Hebrew. Hebrew compositions. Transl.\tions into Hebrew. Judeo-Si'anish DRAM.4. Judeo-Germax drama. Jude(.)-German compositions. Translations into Judeo-Ghrman. Judeo-German stage songs. The Hebrew stage. Index. Gener.-\l Works. Bell (Hillary). The Jew and the modern drama. (New York Press, I goo.) Reprinted in Hebrew Standard. New York, June 8. 1900, p. I. f°. From a reprint in Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Enteen (Joel). Die funf Theilen vun a Drama un seine drei Krafte. Gestutzt auf Gustav Freytag ...[Judeo-German.] (Der nayer Gayst. v. i, p. 239- 241, 2S9-292, 349-351. A'fTO York, iSgS. 4°.) Gordon (Samuel Loeb). Ha-Machazeh o ha- Drama. (In his: Torat ha-Sifrut, Warsaw, 1902. 8°. p. 198-212.) Landau (Judah Leo). Yisrael ben ha-Amin (Hebrew). [First article: on the Jewish dramatists who write in German.] (Ha-Eshcol. v. i, p. 44- 53. Krakau, 1S98. S°.) I, Felix Dorman. 2, Philipp Langmann. Modlinger (Samuel). Chayye Aristo. IVien, 18S3. sq. 8°. Chap. 7-8 deal with Aristotle's theory of Poetry and the Drama. Pantarhei. Ohne Drama. (Die Welt. v. 5, no. 7. IVien, 1901. 4°.) Das deutsch-jiidische Milieudrama. {Ibid. no. 39-) • — —Die judisch sprechenden 'Juden und' ihre Biihne. {Ibid. no. 41.) Die Forderung judischer Dramatik. (Ibid. no. 43.) Wordsworth (Charles), Wj., 1S60. 47 p. 8°. 47. More (Hannah). Moses in the bulrushes: a sacred drama in three parts. (In her: Sacred dramas. Boston, 18,11. 16°. p. 13-30.) (In her: Works, v. i, p. 77-81. New York, 1S52. 8°.) E.xodus. Rothschild (James de), baron. La sortie d'Egypte. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, public par le baron James de Rothschild, v, 3, p. xcvi-c. Paris, 1S81. 8°.) 48. Ezekiel, Alexandrine poet of the 2. cent. Die Fragmente des Drama's : Die Ausfuhrung Israel's aus iEgypten [Greek]. (In: Delitzsch, Franz. Zur Geschichte der judischen Poesie. Leipzig, 1836. 8°. p. 211-219.) Comp. ibid,, p. 28. The first drama written by a Jew, and also the earliest <]rama on a biblical subject. 49. Efaywyj;. Eductio Hebr^orum. [Greek and Latin.] 7 p. (In: Fragmenta Euripidis iterum edidit perditorum tragicorum omnium nunc primum coUcgit F. G. Wagner. Christus patiens, Ezechieli et Christianorum poetarum rcliquia: dra- matics. Ex codibus emendavit et annotatione critica instruxit F. Dubner. Parisiis: Firmin- Didot, 1878. 4'. The Ezekiel fragment in this work (ed. of 1847) is reviewed by Mangin in Jour, des savants for 1848. p. 193-208. Frankei. (Zacharias). Uebcr den Einfluss der palastinischen Exegese auf die alexandrinische Hermeneutik. Leipzig, 1851. 8°. p. 113-iig. Hp:rzfi;ld (Levi). Geschichte des Volkes Israel. V. 2, p. 517-519. Nordhatisen, 1857. 8°. Klein (Julius Leopold). Ezechiel. (In his: Geschichte des Drama's, v. 2, p. 262-263. Leip- iig, 1S65. 8°.) KuiPER (K.) De Ezechiele poeta Judjeo. (Mnemosyne, n. s. , v. 28, p. 237-2S0. Lugduni- Batavorum, 1900. 8°.) Contains the text of the fragments, with a translation. Le poete juif Ezechiel. (Rev. d. ittudes juives. V. 46, p. 48-73, l6t-l77. Paris, I903. 8".) A translation of the above article. ScHUERER (Erail). Ezechiel der Tragiker. (In his Geschichte des judischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi. 3. ed. Leipzig, 1898. 8". p. 373- 376.) 50. Vondel (Joost van den). Pascha, ofte de verlossinghe Israels uit Egypten. Tragi-comedi- scher-wyze een ieder tot leeringh op't tooneel gestelt. [In 5 acts and in verse.] (In his: Dich- terlijke werken. v. 4, p. 191-290. Amsterdam, 1820. 24°.) 51. Moses the liberator, arranged by Harris G. Hale and Newton M. Hall. Boston: The Pil- grim Press, 1906. iii, (i), 25 p. nar. 12°. (Bib- lical dramas. 3.) Joshua. 52. Burton (Richard). Rahab. A drama in three acts. New York: H. Holt &y Co., 1906. 2 p.l., 119 p. 8°. 53. Fischmann (Nachman Isaac). Sisera... [A drama in 2 acts and in verse; with an Introduc- tion by Jacob Bodek. Hebrew.] Lemberg: C/iawe Grosman, 1841. 70 p. 12°. Gideon. 54. Terr (Jacob). Milchemeth ha-Jehudim, Oder die geraubte Princessin. Historische Opera in 4 Akten, 6 Bilder. [Judeo-German.] New York, 1894. 2 p.l., 63 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. Jephtha and his Daughter. 55. Goeij (Roger de). Jephtah Victorieux ! Drame lyrique en trois tableaux. Paris: Fisch- bacher [1S9S?]. A-I, xiii, 14 p. nar. 12°. 56. Jephtha's daughter, a scriptural drama, in three acts [and in verse]. By a Lady. (In: Al- fieri (V.) Saul, a tragedy. . .Zx^'ii.'\ Krakati: J. Fischer,\%<^'i. 5 p.l., 13-46 p. 16°. German title: Ruth. Eiblisches Drama in 2 Akten. 67. Wolfir-Kassel(Ludwig). Ruth. Biblisches Schauspiel in einem Act. Berlin: G. P. Kruse [1884?]. 30 p. 16°. Saul. PicoT (Emile). La bibliographic des pieces. . . [sur I'histoire de Satil.] (In: Mistere du Viel Testa- ment, publie par le baron James de Rothschild. V. 4, p. xxiv-xlvij. Paris, 1882. 8°.) 43 titles. 68. Alfieri (Vittorio). Saul, a tragedy [in five acts and in verse]; translated from the Italian of Count V. Alfieri: and Jephtha's daughter, a scrip- tural drama. By a Lady. London: T. Cadell, i?:2i. 152 p. 8°. Acharit Shaul.. . [Specimens of Micah Joseph Lebensohn's Hebrew translation of Alfieri's Saul, from a German translation. First scene of the first act and end of third scene of the third act.] (In: Lebensohn (M. J.) Kinnor Bat Zion. IVilna, 1S70. 16°. p. 14-25.) Same. (In: Lebensohn (A. D. B.) & Le- bensohn (M. J.) Col Shire A. D. M. u- M. J. C. L. v. 6, p. 14-25. IVilna, 1895. 12°. ) 69. Ben-Zion (Benedix). Schaul ha-Melech. [A Drama in 5 Acts.] [Judeo-German.] {^Alexan- dria, Egypt, 1898.] 60 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 70. Efrathi (Joseph) of Tropplowitz. Meluchat Shaul... [A tragedy in 6 acts. Hebrew.] Wien: A. Schmid, i-jgj. 12 p.l., 1-57, 57^, 58-95 P-r 2 pi. 16°. [2. ed., edited by Isaac Baer Levin- sohn.] Lemberg: Matfesische Biichdruckery, 1820. 10 p.l., 82 f. 16°. Imperfect. Another ed. Wien: A. Edler v. Schmid, 1829. 10 p.l., 96 f. 12°. Another ed. lVarsa7v: L. Goldmann, 1885. 150 p. 12°. Meluchat Saul (Saul's Regieurung), ein Drama in 5 [«V] Akten. II. Akt, I. & II. Scene. David und Jonathan warden Freunde. IV. Akt, III. Scene. Saul's Wahnsinn. [Hebrew.] (In: Martinet (A.) Tiferet Visrael. Bamberg, 1837. 8°. p. 261-267.) Comp. H. Graetz, Geschichte der Juden, v. 11, p. 219; and! A. J. Paperna, Ha- Drama (1867), p. 12-16. 71. Heavysege (Charles). Saul: a drama, in three parts. A new and rev. ed. Boston: Fields, Osgood &• Co., 1869. 436, 5 p. 12°. A^ezv York : Lovell Print &f Pub. Co.^ 1876. 436, 5 p. 12°. ' 72. Eoenig (Eberhard). Konig Saul. Trauer- spiel. Berlin: H. Costenoble, 1903. 3 p.l., 166 p. 12°. 72a. Lamartine (Alphonse Marie Louise de Prat de). Saiil; tragedie [en cinq actes eten vers, inedite]. Precede d'une notice par C.-A. Sainte- Beuve. Paris: C. Levy, 1879. 2 p.l., 210 p. 8°. 73. Rueckert (Friedrich). Saul und David. Ein Drama der heiligen Geschichte [in 5 acts and in verse]. Vorspiel: Saul's Erwahlung [in 3 acts and in verse]. [1843.] (In his: Gesammelte poe- tische Werke. v. 9, p. 3-218. Frankfurt a. M., 1S69. 12°. ) 74. Storrs (Lewis A.) The tragedy of Saul. . . New York: G. IV. Dillingham Co. [1904.] 124 p. 12°. 75. Voltaire. Saiil, drame [in five acts], traduit de I'anglais de M. Hut. [1763-] (In his: Oeuvres completes, v. 46, p. 315-363. i-f^'fhl.l 17S5. 8°.) (In his : Oeuvres completes, v. g, 223-284. Paris, 1S29. 8°.) LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 23 Jonathan. PicoT (Emile). Les pieces modernes. .. dont. .. [Jonathas] est I'heros. (In: Mistere du Viel Testa- ment, public- par le baron James de Rothschild. V. 4, p. xlviij-liij. Paris, 1882. 8°.; X2 titles. 76. Duch^ de Vancy (Joseph Fran9ois). II Gionata, tragedie [in three acts]. Tradotta dal Francese da L. B. G. (In; Teatro ebraico. v. 2, p. 111-166. Venezia, 1751. 8°.) David. PicOT (Emile). La liste des compositions dra- matiques tirtes de I'histoire de David. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, publie par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 4, p. Ivij-xcij. Paris, 1882. 8°.) 97 titles. 77. Eppelberg (W. H.) David in der Wiiste Oder Goliath ha-Plisohti. Historische Operette in 5 Akten mit 12 Bilder. [Judeo-German.] War- saw: J. A lapin, 1%'i'i,. 64 p. 8°. 78. Klopstock (Friedrich Gottlieb). David. Ein Trauerspiel [in 5 acts]. Leipzig : G. J. Goschen, 1806. i66p. 8'. (In his; Werke. v. 10.) 79. More (Hannah). David and Goliath. A sacred drama, in five parts. (In her : Sacred drama. Boston, 1811. 16". p. 31-71.) (In her; Works, v. i, p. 82-92. N'ew York. 1852. 8°. So. Scarselli (Flaminio). II Davidde peni- tente. [.\ tragedy in five acts and in verse.] (In: Teatro ebraico. v. 3, p. 105-176. Venezia, \1^'Z. 8°.) 81. Wilkinson (Florence). Two plays of Israel: David of Bethlehem, Mary Magdalen. New York: McClure, Phillips iSr' Co., 1904. 2 p. I., 233 p. 12°. Uriah the Hittite. 8ia. Lebensohn (Abraham Dob Baer). Uriah u- Bat Sheba. . .(In his Shire .Sefat Kodesh. v. 2, p. 98-104. Wilna, 1869. 16°. ) Same. (In: Lebensohn (A. D. B)& Leben- sohn (M. J.) Col Shire A. D. M. u- M. J. C. L. V. I, pt. 2, p. 9S-104. Wilna. 1895. 12°. ) Amnon and Tamar. PicoT (Emile). Episode d'.-Vmnon et de Thamar. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, public par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 4, p. xciij-xcv. Paris, 1882. 8°.) 8 titles. 82. Priede (Hans). SUnde. Drama in dre Aufztigen von II. P'riede (Jerta Schultz). Stutt- gart: Slrecker if Schnu/er, 1905. 51 p. 16*. S3. Slargulies or Margolis (.Aaron) . Semel ha-.\habah weha-Kinah. . . [.\ tragedy in 4 acts and in prose; with a preface by the publisher, Abraham Zuckermann at Warsaw. Hebrew.] Wien: G. Brog &= P. Smolensky, \%']ii. 70 p. 12°. With the author's autograph dedication to Leon Mandel- stamm. German title : Liebc und Eifcrsucht. Tragodie in vier Acten. Nach der Uibel. Von A. Margulies. Absalom. PiCOT (Emile). Episode d'.'Vbsalon. (In: Mis- tere du Viel Testament, publie par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 4, p. xcv-cv. Paris. 1882. S°.) 28 titles. 84. Bank (Joshua). Tebusat Absalom. [A tragedy in 30 scenes and in verse; together with other poetic miscellany. Hebrew. 2. ed., enlarged.] Odessa: L. Nilsche, \'il'i. iiSp. 8°. The drama is on p. 1-39. 85. Calderon de la Barca (Pedro). Los cabel- los de Absalon. (In his: Obras dramaticas. v. 5, p. 105-155- n. p., n. d. 4°-) (In his: Comedias. v. 8, p. 105-155. Ma- drid, 1726. 8°.) (In his: Comedias. v. 4, p. 193-217. Leip- siqiie, 1830. 4°.) (In: Biblioteca de autores espaiioles. v. 9, p. 421-441. Madrid. 1S51. 4°.) ■ Die Locken Absalons. Bruchstuck einer Ubersetzung. (In; Schlegel (A. W. von). Spanisches Theater, v. i,p. 307-322. Leipzig, 1845. 16°. ) 86. Duch^ de Vancy (Joseph Fran9ois). L'Assalonne, tragedia [in five acts]. Tradotta dal Francese da L. B. G. (In; Teatro ebraico. v. 2, P- 237-320. Venezia, 1751. 8°.) 87. Sachs (Hans). Ein tragedi, mit vierzehen personen zu agieren, der auffrhtirische Absolom mit seinem vatter, konig David, hat flinflf actus. (In his: [Werke]. Hrsg. von A. von Keller, v. 6, p. 86-111. Tubingen, 1872. 8°. (Litterarischer Verein in Stuttgart. Bibliothek. v. no.) 88. Vondel (Joost van den). Koning David in ballingschap. Treurspel [in 5 acts and in verse]. (In his; Dichterlijke werken. v. 2, p. 317-410. Amsterdam. 1820. 24°.) 89. Koning David herstelt. Treurspel [in 5 acts and in verse]. (Ibid. v. 3, p. 3-86.) 90. Vondel (Joost van den). De gebroeders. Treurspel [in 5 acts and in verse]. (In his; Dich- terlijke werken. v. 3, p. S7-180. Amsterdam, 1820. 24°.) Adonijah. PicoT (limile). Les compositions dramatiques tirees de I'histoires d'Adonia"".. (In; Mistere du Viel Testament, publie par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 4, p. cviij-cxj. Paris, 1882. S°. 5 titles. gi. Vondel (Joost van den). Adonias of ramp- zalige kroonzucht. Treurspel [in 5 acts and in verse]. (In: his Dichterlijke werken. v. 3, p. iSl- 270. Amsterdam. 1820. 24^.) Solomon. PicoT (Emile). Les pieces tire'es de I'histoire de Salomon. (In; Mistei-e du Viel Testament, publie par le Baron James de Rothschild, v. 4, p. cxx- cxxxvj. Paris, 1SS2. 8°.) 43 titles. 92. Armstrong (George Francis). The tra- gedy of Israel, [pt. 3.] King Solomon. London: Longmans, Green, Peader, and Dyer, 1876. 2 p. 1., 240 p., I 1. 16°. 24 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 93. Calderon de la Barca (Pedro). La sibila del Oriente, y gran reyna de Saba. (In his: Come- dias. V. 5, p. 32S-363. Madrid, 1730. 8°.) Founded on his auto entitled: *' EI Arbol de la Viaa.*' (In his: Comedias. v. 3, p. 200-2 iS. Leip- siqtu, 1S29. 4°.) (In: Bibliotecadeautoresespanoles. v. 14, p. 199-212. Aladrid, 1850. 4°.) 94. Heyse (Paul). Sulamith. [Or the wisdom of Solomon. A drama in 5 acts. Translated into Hebrew by Samuel Loeb Gordon.] Warsaw: " Tiischijah," 1S96. II4 p. 12°. 95. HoroTvitz (Moses). Schelomoh ha-Melech; Oder, die Liebe von Schir ha-Schirim. [Judeo- German.] [.Wrc York, 1S93.] i p. 1., 36!. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. [Selikovitsch (George).] Prinz un Pastuch. Schelomoh ha-Melech in Thalia Theater. A Blattil idische Geschichte. [Judeo-German.] Signed ; Astheticus.] (Arbeiter Zeitung. v. i, nos. 37-39, 41. New York, 1S90. {°.) 96. Keim (Franz). Schoschanah, oder Aha- bath Schilomoh. A Tragodie in 5 Akten un 10 Bilder. Nach'n Deutschen ubersetzt und bearbeitet vun Benedix Ben-Lion, [fudeo German.] \^Odessa,\ 1883. 44 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 97. Klopstock(Friedrich Gottlieb). Salomo. Ein Trauerspiel [in 5 acts]. Leipzig: G.J. Goschen, 1S06. 192 p. 8°. (In: his Werke. v. 9.) MAcH.\L (Jan). O dvou ceskych Komediich biblickych z xvi. stoleti. V Praze, 1902. 14 p. 8°. (Kon.-bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Classe f. Philos. Gesch. u. Philol. Sitzungsb. 1902, no. 2. Prag, 1903.) On the two Bohemian dramas of the i6th century treating of Solomon and Elisha. g8. Sachs (Hans). Ein comedi, mit acht per- sonen zu recidiren, juditium Salomonis. (In his: [Werke]. Hrsg. von A. von Keller. Tubingen, 1S72. 8^ V. 6, p. 112-136. (Litterarischer Ve- rein in Stuttgart. Bibliothek. v. no.) (In his: Werke. Hrsg. von Dr. Ar- nold. Berlin u Sltiltgart [1SS4]. 12°. v. 2, p. 144-168. (Deutsche National-Litteratur. v. 21.) 99. Vondel (Joost van den). Salomon. Treur- spel [in 5 acts and in verse]. (In his: Dichterlijke werken. v. 3, p. 271-361. Amsterdam, 1^20. 24°.) Song of Solomon. 100. Coutts (Francis). The song of songs. A lyrical folk-play of the ancient Hebrews arranged in seven scenes. With illustrations by Henry Os- povat. London: J. Lane, \qob. 67 p., 6 pi. sq. 24°, loi. Hille (Peter). Hirtenliebe. Biblische Szene. (In: Ost und West. v. i, col. 611-618. Berlin, 1901. f°.) 102. Horowitz (S.) Das Hohe-Lied. Das alteste dramatische Gedicht aus dera Morgenlande, nach einer neuen Eintheilung des Textes raetrisch ubersetzt und mit erklarenden Anmerkungen ver- sehen von S. Horowitz. IVien : C. Gerald's So/:n, 1863. xviii, (i), 48 p. 12°. 103. Rabener (Mattathiah Simchah). Sula- mit; oder. Das Hohe-Lied Salomo's, als ein drama- tisches Singspiel dargestellt. . .nebst ebraischem Vriexte. . .yassy: H, Goldner, 1880. 2 p.l., viii, 22; xiv, 22 p. 8°. Text also in Hebrew. "Song of Songs" (The) as a poetic drama. (Current literature, v. 40, p. 629-630. Xew York, 1906. S°.) Elijah. 104. Schleyer (Johann Martin). Elias, der Prophet. BiblischesDrama in 5 Aufziigen ..[and in verse.] Konstanz: Verlagdes Wellsprache-Zen- Iraliiiiro's, 189I. 74 p. 8°. Elisha. 105. Sachs (Hans). Comedia mit 6 personen, das witfrewlin mit dem olkrug, und hat drey actus. (In his: Werke. Hrsg. von Dr. Arnold. Berlin u. Slu/lgartY\ii:\\. 12". v. 2, p. 376-391. (Deutsche National-Litteratur. v. 21.) MAcHAL (Jan). O dvou ceskych Komediich biblickych z xvi. stoleti. V Praze, 1902. 14 p. 8°. (Kon.bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Classe f. Philos. Gesch. u. Philol. Sitzungsb. igo2, no. 2. Prag, 1903.) On the two Bohemian sixteenth-century dramas treating of Solomon and Elisha. Jehu. 106. Giupponi (Daniele). Geu, tragedia [in five acts]. (In: Teatro ebraico. v. 3, p. 177-25S. Venezia, 1752. 8°.) Athaliah. 107. Franco Mendes (David Ben Abraham). Gemul Athaliah. . . [.Athaliah's retribution. A drama in 3 acts and in verse; adapted from Racine's Atha- lie and Metastasio's Gioas. With the approbations of Solomon Salem, rabbi of the Sephardim at Am- sterdam, and of Saul Loewenstamm, rabbi of the Ashkenazim there, and the eulogies of Simchah Calimani, rabbi at Venice, Abraham Ximenes Pere- ira, Samuel Baruch Benavente, Mordecai Tama, and Isaac ha-Cohen Belinfante, who read the proofs, the latter all at Amsterdam. Hebrew.] Amster- dam: G.J. Janson, 1770. 7 p.l., 5-37 f., I 1. 12°. Comp. the commendatory letter of Salomon Jacob Cohen at the beginning of *'Geza Yishai," M. Letteris's free Hebrew translation of Racine's Athalie (which see), in which he ex- presses his preference for the latter work on account of the greater freedom which Letteris used in following the original. Gemul Athaliah. . .[3. ed., reprinted from the first ed. ; with notes by David Slucki.] Warsaw: S. D. Zvsberg is' Konip., i860. 2 p.L, 66 p., I 1. 8°. With the approbations, but without the eulogies. 108. Horo'witz (Moses). Athaliah oder die Kronung von Konig Joas. Biblischer Schauspiel in 4 Akten. [Judeo-German.] Krakan: A. Faiist, Podgiirre [printed'\, 1903. 30 p. 8°. log. Metastasio (Pietro Antonio Domenico Bonaventura). Gioas re di Giuda. Azione sacra • ■ • 1 735. (In his: Opere. v. 6, p. 265-310. Lon- dra, 1782. 16°. ) (In his: Opere. v. 7, p. 265-310. Man- tova, 1817. 16°. ) (In his: Opere scelte. v. 5, p. 149-181. Milano. 1 820. 8°.) (In his: Opere drammatiche. v. 14, p. 185-223. Milano, 1824. 32".) LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 25 no. Racine (Jean Baptiste). Athalie._Trage- die [in ; acts, and in verse], tiree de lEcriture Sainte, 1691. (In his: (ICuvres completes, v. 4, p. 107-246. Paris, 1822. 8°.) Same. (In his CT^uvres. v. 3, p. 549- 705. Paris, 1865. 8°.) Comp. his Remarques sur Athalie, i6id. v. 5, p. 205-212. For bibliography sec v. 7, p. 386-389. TroU-OPE (Henry M.) Athalie. (InhisiCor- neille and Racine. F.diiiliiigh, ii>il. 12°. p. 193-214. (Foreign classics for English readers. Edited by Mrs. Oliphant.) Geza Yishai. .. [Athalie freely trans- lated into Hebrew verse by Meir Letteris. With commendatory letters by Salomon Jacob Cohen and Solomom Loeb Kapoport] IVien: A. Edler von Schniid, 1835. xvi, 144 p. 12°. L'Attalia, tragedia. Tradotta in versi italiani dal Padre Bonifacio CoUina. (In: Teatro ebraico. v. i, p. 73-174. Venezia, 1751. 8°.) Jonah. 111. Ritchie (John). The life of Jonah, the prophet. [.A dramatic poem.] London: Partridge (s' Co. [1872.] 4S p. 12°. Ahab, Jezebel, Naboth. 112. Cohen (Salomon Jacob). Maaseh Nabot ha-Vizreeli. [A drama in 2 acts. Hebrew and German.] (In his: Mattae Kedem. Frankfurt a. M., 1S07. 12°. p. 83-156.) Ahaz, Hezekiah. 739-695. 113. Terr (Jacob), [.'^mnon we-Thamar.] Der Flirst vun Jerusalem iin der Passtuch vun Bethle- chem. Ein Tragi-Komiidie in 5 Akten un 12 Bilder. [Judeo-German.] A'ostov on the Don, ii%2i' 91 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. An adaptation of A. Mapu's " .-Vhabat Zion." Amnon we-Thamar. «. /. /. [New York, 1890.] 74 p. sq. 8°. MS. German cursive characters. 114. Fischmann (Nachman Isaac). Kesher Shebna. . . [A drama in 5 acts and in verse. With a dedicatory poem to Sir Moses Montefiore. Hebrew.] Lemberg: S. Stricks (Sf J. Rohalin, 1870. 3 p.l., X, 145 p., 2 1. 12°. Comp. Aaron Dornzweig in Ha-Shachar, v. 2, p. 127-128. yVitn, 1871. 8°. Manasseh. Middle of 7th Century, B. C. 115. Granelli (Giovanni). Manasse, re di Giuda. Tragedia [in five acts]. (In: Teatro ebraico. V. I, p. 273-368. Venezia, 1 751. 8°.) Jeremiah, Zedekiah. 607-586. 116. Granelli (Giovanni). Sedecia, ultimo re di Giuda, tragedia [in five acts]. (In; Teatro ebraico. V. I, p. 175-272. Venezia, 1751. S°.) 117. Levi (David). II profeta ; o, I.a passione di un popolo. Dramma. Torino: Soe. Tipografica Editrice, 1S66. Ixxxiv, 374 p. 8°. Esther. Ge.neral W()kks. Abrahams (Israel). The Purim play and the drama in Hebrew. (In his: Jewish life in the Mid- dle Ages. London, iSg6. S°. p. 260-272.) Queen Esther on the English stage. (In his : Festival studies. London, 1906. 12°. p. 124-131.) Geiger(Ludwig). Der Estherstoff in der neuen Litteratur. (Ost und West. v. i, col. 27-34, '01- IIO. Berlin, 1 90 1. 4°.) Lipsky (Louis). The Purim plays. (In New Era. V. 6, p. 385-387. Neio York, 1905. 8°. Picot (Emile). Les ccuvres principalesauquelles ... [I'histoire d'Esther] a donne naissance. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, public par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 6, p. xiij-lxiij. Paris, 1891. S°.) 109 titles. Steinschneider (i^L) Dramen. (In his ar- ticle " Purim und Parodie," in Monatschrift f. Gesch. u. Wissenschaft d. Judenthums. v. 47, p. 84-89, 169-70; V. 48, p. 242-243. Breslau, 1903- 04. 8°.) Individual Plays. 118. ...Ahasverus Spiel. Ein schon neu Ahasverus Spiel . . . mit . . . Klag Liedern. . ,1708. [Judeo-German. Anon.] (In: Schudt(J. J.) Judische Merckwiirdigkeiten. pt. 3, p. 202-225. Franck- furt. 1714. 4°.) Comp. ibid. pt. 2, section 2, p. 316 ; and M. Steinschneider in Monatschrift f. Gesch. u. Wissenschaft d. Judenthums, v. 47 (■903). P- 86. 119. Cohn (Herman). Der Barbier von Schu- schan. Parodistisches Purimspiel mit Gesang in fiinf Akten. Mit einem Noten-Anhang. Frank- furt a. M.: J. Kaiiffmann, 1894. 59, (i), 24 p. 8°. 120. Esther ha-Malkoh oder Haman's Mapoloh. Eine historische Drama in drei Akten. [Anon. Judeo-German. n. p. 1890?] i p.l., 51 p. sq. 8°. MS. German cursive characters. 121. Gitelewicz (Gedaliah). Hadassah o Or Chadash. . . [A drama in 12 acts. Hebrew.] IVar- saw: A. Gins, 1875. xxi, (3), 132, (2) p. 12°. 122. Goldfaden (Abraham). Theater von KOnig Acliaswerosch oder Konigin Esther. Bib- lischeOperetten in 5 Akten und 15 Bilderen. Lem- berg: M. Necheles, i8go. 56 p. 8°. Konig Achaswerosch. . . New York: B. A'aiiiiojvilz [ii)oo7]. 48 p. 12°. 123. Goldschmidt (William). Hadassah, or the Persian queen. Operetta in three acts. Music by Sigmund Sabel. n. p., cop. 1S91. 35 p. 8°. 124. Grillparzer (Franz). .'\us einem unvol- lendelcn I'rama Esther. (In his: Siimtliche Werke. V. 6, p. 269-309. Stuttgart, 1872. 12°.) Esther. Drama in fUnf Aufzligen. F. Grillparzers Fragment erganzt von R. Krauss. Stuttgart: Muthsc/ieVerlags/iandhing, 1903. nip. 12°. LiiDi.iNSKi (S.) Grillparzers "Esther" und " Rahel von Toledo." (In his: Jlidische Charaktere bei Grillparzer, Hebbel und Otto Ludwig. . . ^i-;-- tin, 1899. 120 p. 12°. p. 97-120.) 125. Herz (Joseph). Esther oder die belohnte Tugend. Einc Posse in vicr Abschnitten, in jUdisch- 26 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA deutscher Mundart. Fiirth: M. Zirndorfer, 1827. 2 p.l., 92 p. 16'. Esther... 2. Aufi. Hrsg. von M. Muller. Wien : A. Edler v. Schmid, 1849. 105 (l) p., I pi. 16°. Esther. . . nebst einigen noch nicht ge- druckten Gedichten. 2. \sic\ vermehrte Aufl. Fiirth: F. B. Gusdor/er, 1854. 2 p.l., 128 p. 24°. 126. Jacobson (Janie). A maid of Persia. A Purim plav in four acts. [AViy Yori^ 1905. 14 p. 8°. 127. lieibson (Jacob J.) Too much Haman- A Purim comedy. A'e-v York: Block Pub. Co. [cop. 1903.] 13 p. 8°. 128. [Levy] (Clifton Harby). Haman and Mordecai, a Purim-play, in five acts. Cincinnati: Block Pub. Co.. iSS6. 21 p. 12°. 129. DIanzoni (Francesca). L'Ester, tragedia [in five acts]. (In: Teatro ebraico. v. 2, p. 5-110. Venezia, 1751. 8°.) 130. Blendes (Henry Pereira). Esther: a Purim play. Xevj York: P. Cowen, l8gg. 23 p. 16°. Repr.; Amer. Hebrew. 131. Sloses (Mrs. Annie Jonas). Esther. A drama in five acts. Cincinnati: Block Pub. Co., 1SS7. 27 p. S°. 132. Ochs (Julius). The Megilla; or, The story of Esther: an operatic medley. Cincinnati: Block Pub. Co. [igo-?] 32 p. nar. 12°. 133. Polack (Elizabeth). Esther, the royal Jewess; or. The death of Haman ! An historical drama in three acts. London: S. Frenck [iS- ]. 30 p., I pi. 12°. (French's Acting edition. V. 120.) 134. Racine (Jean Baptiste). Esther, tragedie [in 3 acts, and in verse] tiree de I'Ecriture Sainte, i68g. (In his : CEuvres completes, v. 4, p. 1-105. Paris, 1822. 8°.) (In his; Oiuvres. v. 3, p. 3gg-547. Paris, 1865. 8°.) For bibliography see v. 7 (1870), p. 384-386. L'Ester, tragedia del Racine, tratta dalla Sacra Scrittura. Tradotta in versi toscani dal... Bonifacio Collina. . .(In: Teatro ebraico. v. 3, p. 259-334. Venezia, 1752. 8°.) 135. Rapoport (Solomon Loeb). Sheerit Ye- hudah. . . [.\ drama in 4 acts and in verse; partly translated from Racine's Esther. Hebrew.] VVien: A. Edler V. Schmid, 1827. 84 p. 12°. Repr.: Biccure ha-Ittim, v. 8. 136. Ros^e (Adolphe). Esther und Haman. Ein Purim-Lustspiel in einem Aufzuge. iVien : J. Schlesinger, 1884. 32 p. 12°. 137. Sachs (Hans). Comedia. Die gantze hystori der Hester zu recediren, hat .xiij person unnd drey actus. [In verse.] (In his: [Werke]. Hrsg. von A. von Keller, v. i, p. 111-113. Tii- bingin, \%1Q. 8°. (Litterarischer Verein in Stutt- gart. Bibliothek. v. 102.) Abrahams (Israel). Hans Sachs' "Esther." (In his : Festival studies. London, 1906. 12°. p. 132-138.) 1 38. Willner (WolflT). The book of Esther dramatized. . . Cincinnati: Amcr. Heb. Pub. House, 1892. 32 p. S=. Daniel, Babylon. PicoT (Emile). Les compositions dramatiques dont le sujet a ete emprunte au livre de Daniel. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, publie par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 5, p. Ij-lxvj. Paris, 1885. 8°.) 41 titles. 139. Daniel in the lions' den. A sacred drama. In five acts. London [1871 ?]. 36 p. (In: P. Three plays... For male characters only. Trans- lated from the French . . By Br. P. London [1871 ?]. I2°.) 140. Ermite (L') de la Rue Gauvin. Daniel. Tragedie. Le Mans: Leguicheu.x Gallienne, 1S69. 36 p. 16°. 141. Lateiner (Joseph). Daniel in den Low- engrube. Biblisch Oper in 4 Akten und 10 Bilder. [Judeo-German.] A'c-v York\\%cj-'i\. 33 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 142. Illilman (Henry Hart). Belshazzar [dra- matic poem]. (In his: Poetical works, v. I, p. 239-357. London, 1839. 16°. ) 143. More (Hannah). Belshazzar. A sacred drama, in three parts. (In her: Sacred dramas. Boston, 181 1. 16°. p. 73-106.) — (In her: Works, v. i, p. 92-101. New York. 1852. 8°.) 144. Daniel. A sacred drama, in seven parts. (In her: Sacred Dramas. Boston, 1811. i6°. p. 107-138.) (In her: Works, v. i, p. loi-iog. New York, 1852. 8°.) 145. Sanseverino (Carlo). Ciro in Babilonia, tragedia [in five acts]. (In: Teatro ebraico. v. 3, p. 5-104. Venezia, 1752. S°.) Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. PicoT (Emile). Les pieces qui ont pour sujet I'histoire des trois jeunes gens jetees dans la four- naise. (In: Mistere du V'iel Testament, publie par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 5, p. Ij-lij. Paris, 1SS5. 8°.) Susanna. PicoT (Emile). Histoire de Susanne. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, publie par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 5, p. Ixvj-cxj. Paris, 1S85. 8°.) 79 titles, aside from editions and translations. PiLGER (Robert). Die Dramatisirungen der Susanna im 16. Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des deutschen Dramas. (Zeitsch. f. deutsche Philologie. v. 11, p. 129- 217. Lfalle, iSSo. 8°.) Babylonian Exile and the Return. 536-1516. 146. Gamsu (Judah Loeb). Ezra o Shibat Zion. [.\ drama in 5 acts and a prologue, and in verse. Hebrew.] Nyzehin: Wenger, l?ic)i. I p.l., g5(l)p. 8°. Reviewed by S. Schub in Ha-Meliz. v. 39, nos. 7, 19, 20, III, 141. St. Petersburg^ 1899. i°. Corap. the author's replies /^/. 1%- ^^ 2p.l., 5S(l)L 8°. Ms. (translator's autograph). German cursive characters. Dedicated to Hirsch Pinto. 155. Sachs (Hans). Ein comedi, mit 16 Per- sonen zu recidiren, die Judith, unnd hat ftinf actus. (In his: [Werke]. Hrsg. von A. von Keller, v. 6, p. 56-85. Tubingen, 1872. 8°. Littera- rischer Verein in Stuttgart. Bibliothek. v. no.) Maccabees. [Beauvallet (Leon and Frantz). Israel, a French tragedy in 5 acts and in prose.] Lapommeraye (Henri de). Israel, drame bib" lique. (Univers israeUte. v. 35, p. 245-247. Paris, 18S0. 8°.) Maccabees. 156. Bliden. Ha-Chashmonaim. [A play in 5 acts, dramatized from Isaac M. Wise's novel. The first of the Maccabees, by Dr. Bliden. Trans- lated into Hebrew by I. Epstein. Jerusalem {printed ] .• ^cole de Filles de Saffed, 1 893. nip., I 1. 16°. French title: Les Asmon^ens, drame en cinque actes, en prose, tire du roman The first of the Maccabees de Isaac M. Wise par .\I. le docteur Bliden. Traduction par I. Epstein. 157. Calderon de la Barca (Pedro). Judas Macabeo [in three acts.] 20 f. (In his: Obras dramaticas. v. i. n. p., n. d. 4°.) (In his; Comedias. v. 2, p. 101-140. Madrid, 1726. 8°.) (In his; Comedias. v. i, p. 332-352. Leipsique, 1827. 4°.) (In: Biblioteca de autores espanoles. V. 7, p. 311-327. Madrid, 1851. 4°.) 158. Houdart de la Motte (Antoine). I Macabei, tragedia[in five acts]. (In: Teatro ebraico. V. 2, p. 167-236. Venezia, 1751. 8°. 159. Jacobson (janie). For liberty. A Cha- nucah play in four acts. n. t.-p. \_New York: Stetliner Kros.,'\ cop. 1905. 16 p. nar. 8°. 160. Lerner (Joseph Judah). Chanuka. A historische drama in 4 akten in 7 bilder. [Judeo- (ierman.] Warsaw: Baumrilter &> Gonsior, 18S9. 54 P- 12°. i6r. Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth). Judas Maccabaeus. (In his ; Poetical works, v. 6, p. 9-44. Boston, 1891. 16°. ) Yuda Makkavei. Drama. [Translated into Russian by P. Weinberg.] (In : Yevreiskaya Bibli- oteka. v. 5, p. i-33- St. Petersburg, 1875. 8'. 28 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 162. Ludvpig (Otto). DieMakkabaer. Trauer- spiel in fiinf Akten. (In his: Gesammelte Schrif- ten. V. 3, p. 2S7-423. Leipzig, 1891. 12°.) Die Makkabaer oder Jehuda lia-Makkabi. An istorische Tragodie in 5 Aktn und 8 Kartines. Ubersetzt vinem Deutsclien vin O. Ludwig und baarbeitet far der judischer BUhne vin Benedix Ben-Zion. [Judeo-German.] [Oa't-wa,] 1882. ip.l., loi p. sq. S°. Ms, German cursive characters. Szenen aus der Dichtung: Pie Makkabaerin. (In his: Gesammelte Schriften. v. 3, p. 424-456. Leipzig, 1S91. 12°. ) LuiiHNSKl(S.) OttoLudwig's Makkabaer. (In his: Jiidische Charaktere bei Grillparzer, Hebbel und Otto Ludwig. Berlin, iSgg. 12°. p. 61-95.) Schmidt (Heinrich Julian). [Ludwig's Makka- baer.] (In his: Bilderaus dem geistigen Leben un- serer Zeit. v. 4, p. 179-1S5. Leipzig, 1875. 8°.) 163. Mendes (Henry Pereira). Judas Macca- baeus. A Chanuka play for Sunday school children. New York: P. Co-ven, i8g8. 19 p. i6°. 164. Stein (Leopold). Die Hasmonaer. Drama in funf Acten. Prag : J. B. Brandeis [1S97?]. 141 p. 24°. (Jiidische Universal-Bibliothek. 39.) 165. Lateiner (Joseph). Iseho Roo (Die schlechte Frau). Operette in 4 Akten. [Judeo- German.] Lemheig: B. Munk, PodgSrze ^printed"], 1904. 71 p. 8°. Alexander Jannseus. io6 B. C. 166. Landau (Judah Leo). Dam tachat Dam. A tragedy in 5 acts. Edited with an introduction by Jacob Samuel Fuchs. Hebrew.] Krakau : J. Fischer, 1897. xiv, 160 p. 16°. 167. Terr (Jacob). Alexander Jannai der ver- stossene Prinz, Historische Opera in 4 Akten und 9 Bilder. [Judeo-German.] NewYork,\'ir)'i. ip.I., 64 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 168. Kether Malchuth oder Ketten und Kronen. Historische Opera in 4 Akten. New York, 1899. 3 P-1-. 73 P- sq. S°. Ms. German cursive characters. The same as the preced- ing. 169. Horo'nritz (Moses). Bath Cohen; oder der Mishpat vor Alexandra ha-Malkah... Historische Oper in 4 Akten — 6 Tablohu. [Judeo-German.] \^New York, 189-] 34 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. Herod. 170. Calderon de la Barca (Pedro). El mayor monstruo los zelos, y Tetrarca de Jerusalem [in three acts]. (In his: Comedias escogidas. v. 2, p. 277-417. Madrid, 1828. 16°. ) (In: Biblioteca de autores espanoles. V. 7, p. 4S1-501. Madrid, 1851. 4°.) 171. Fenton (Elijah). Mariamne. A tragedy. 2. ed. London: T. Astley,'il2'&. 104 p., i 1. 16°. London: J. R. Tonson, 1760. 3 p.l., 9-22 p. 12°. Imperfect. London: J. Bell,\1^\. 88 p., i pi. 8'. (Bell's British theatre, v. 26 ?) 172. Hebbel (Friedrich). Herodes und Ma- riamne. Eine Tragodie in fiinf Acten. . . [1850.J (In his: Samtliche Werke. [l. Abt.] Bd. 2, p. 195- 365, 413-475- Berlin, 1901. 8°.) ■ Herodes und Mariamne. . . Edited with in- troduction and notes by Edward Stockton Meyer. New York: //. Holt if Co., 1905. xxxviii (2), 192 p. 16°. LUBLINSKI (S.) Herodes und Mariamne. (Id his: Jiidische Charaktere bei Grillparzer, Hebbel und Otto Ludwig. . .Berlin, 1899. p. 39-59. 12°. ) 173. Ilio\7izi (Henry). Herod : a tragedy. Minneapolis, Minn. : \ Tribune Book Roomsi\ 1884. 80 p. 8°, 174. Landau (Judah Leo). Hurdos. [A trag- edy in 5 Acts. Hebrew.] Lemberg: Der Verfasser, 1887. xl, 184 p. 12°. German title: Herodes.'Dramatisches Gedicht in fiinf .\cten. Reviewed by A. S. R. in Ozar ha-Sifrut. v. 2, p. 352-357. Krakau. 1888. 8°. Also by J. J. L'nger in Monatsschrifi f. d. Lit. u. Wissenschaft d. Judenthums. Hrsg. von A. S. Weiss- mann. v. i, p. 299-301. H'ien, 1889. 8". 175. Konig Hurdus. A historische Drame in 5 Akten. . . [verfasst. . .hebraisch. . .und jetzt iiber- setzt in Jargon.] [Judeo German.] London: K. Mazin [igoi]. 3 p.l., gg p., i port. 8°. 176. Osborn (Laughton). Mariamne, being the third of the tragedies of Jewish and Biblical history, and the second in continuation of volume vi. of the dramatic series by L. O. New York: LP. L. Hinton, 1873. 2 p.l., 167-269 p. 8°. 177. Phillips (Stephen;. Herod. A tragedy. London: J. Lane, 1901,. 128 p. 12°. 178. Rives (Amelie), Princess Troubetzkoy. Herod and Mariamne. A tragedy. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, title, p. 305-389. 8°. (Lippincott's Monthly Magazine. September, 1SS8.) Same, separate. 179. Rueckert (Friedrich). Herodes derGrosse, in zwei Stiicken. B>stes Stiick: Herodes und Ma- riamne [in 5 acts and in verse]. Zweites Stiickr Herodes und seine Sohne [in 5 acts and in verse]. [1844.] (In his: Gesammelte poetische Werke. V. 9, p. 219-479. Frankfurt a A/., lS6g. 12°. ) 180. fSeiffert (Moses).] Miriam ha-Chash- monaith. [Drama in 4 acts. Judeo-German. iVew York, i8gi.] 66 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. Copied by Jacob Terr. 181. Voltaire. Mariamne, tragedie [en cinq actes]. Representee, pour la premiere fois, le 6 mars, 1724. Revue et corrigee par I'auteur en 1762. (In his ; Giuvres completes, v. I, p. 187-292. [A'ehl,] 1785. 8°.) (In his : Qiuvres completes. v. 3, p. 237-356. Paris, 1828. 8°.) La Marianne, tragedia. Tradotta in versi italiani dal Co: Gasparo Gozzi. (In: Teatro ebraico. V. I, p. xiii-xvi, 1-72. Venezia, 1 751, 8°.) John the Baptist. 182. Hey^vood (Joseph Converse). Herodias. A dramatic poem. AV?// York: L/iird &^ L/oughton, 1867. 251 p. 16°. 183. Pellico (Silvio). Erodiade, tragedia [in 5 acts and in verse]. (In his: Opere. v. 2, p. 445— 510. Parigi, 1S35. 12°. ) (In his: Opere complete, v. 2, p. 1S9-267. Brusselle, 1857. 16°. ) LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 29 184. Sudermann (Hermann). Johannes. Tra- gOdie in funf Akten und einera Vorspiel. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Bttchhandlting Nachf., lSg8. 15S p. 12°. 185. Wilde (Oscar). Salome. A tragedy in one act. Translated from the French. (The John Lane version.) (The Evening Sun, New York, Oct. 6, 1906, p. --S. f°.) Salome. Drama in einem Aufzuge. Ins Deutsche Ubertragen von Dr. Kiefer. Leipzig : Ph. Rectum, jr. [1904.] 40 p. 24'. (Universal- Bibliothek. 4497.) Originally written in French in 1892. See Sherrard (R. H.) The Life of Oscar Wilde. New York, 1906. 8*. p. 362-363, Jesus Christ. Dramas of the life of Jesus Christ will be found in the Inde.KCatalogue under the head of Passion plays; See also Miracle play ; Mysteries. Mary Magdalen. 186. Heyse (Paul). Mary of Magdala. An historical and romantic drama in five acts. The original in German prose. . . The translation freely adapted and written in English verse by W. Winter. A'ew York : Macmillan Co., 1903. 135 p. 12°. 187. Wilkinson (Florence). Two plays of Israel; David of Bethlehem; Mary Magdalen. Xew York: McClure, Phillips &» Co., 1904. 2 p.l., 233 p. 12°. B. (G.) " Maria von Magdala" und das Juden- thum. (Dr. Bloch's Oesterreichische Wochenschrift. V. 20, p. 265-266. IVieu, 1903. 4°.) Lewin (M.) Maria von Magdala. (Allg.Zeitung. d. Judenthums. v. 67, p. 340-341. Berlin, 1903. 4°.) 188. Lienhard (Fritz). Ahasver. Tragodie. Stuttgart: Greiner Ss' Pfeijj!er,\^o'\,. 63 p. 12°. I. Ahasver in Jerusalem. In einem Autzuge. II. Ahasver an Khcin. In zwci Aufziigen. Weasel and the Well. 189. Goldfaden (Abraham). Sulamith oder Bath Jerusalem. Eine musikalische Melodrama in Reimen — in 5 Akten und 15 Bilder. [Judeo-Ger- man.] {Chicago, 10 Jan., 1SS6.] (58) p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. Copied by Joseph Man- delkern. Sulamith. . .in 4 Akten und in 15 Bilder. Warsaw: Bauniritter Cj' Gonsior, 1886. 64 p. 8°. Sulamith. . . IVarsaw: Baumritter &' Gon- sior [i8gi]. 64 p. 8°. Sulamith. . .Brooklyn, JV. Y.: Hebrew Pub- lishing Co., 1902. 64 p. 8°. Sulamith. . . Warsaw: J. Lidski, 1905. 64 p. 8°. (Goldfaden's Theater Magazin.) R. Ein judisches Winkeltheater. (Die Welt. V. 7, no. 48. Wien. 1903. 4°.) Salome. 190. Hey wood (Joseph Converse). Salome. A dramatic poem. A'c^v York: I/urd &' Houghton, 1867. 222 p. 12'. 191. Kossarski (Julius). Titus oder die Zer- storung Jerusalems. Historisch-dramatisches Ge- dicht in vier Akten. Leipzig: L. Schnauss, 1855. 2 p.l., 1S9 p. 12°. 192. Landau (Judah Leo). Acharit Verushala- yim. [A tragedy in 5 acts. Hebrew.] Lemberg: A. Wajdowicz, 1885. 6 p.l., 166 p. 12°. German title : Die Zerstorung Jerusalems. Dramatischcs Gedicht in fiinf Acten. 193. Milman (Henry Hart). The fall of Jeru- salem, a dramatic poem. AViw York : L. <&- F. Lockwood, 1S20. iSo p. 16°. (In his: Poetical works, v. i, p. xi- xvii, 1-114. London, 1839. 16°. ) 194. Vondel (Joost van den). Jerusalem ver- woest. Treurspel [in 5 acts and in verse]. (In his : Dichterlijke werken. v. 4, p. 89-103. Ani- sterdatn, 1820. 24°.) Berenice and Titus. 195. Corneille (Pierre). Berenice, tragedie en cinq actes [and in verse]. 1670. (In his : Theatre, avec les commentaires de Voltaire, v. II, p. 193- 2S4, I pi. Paris, 1797. 8°.) Tite et Berenice, comedie heroTque. 1670. (In his : fEuvres, avec le commentaire de Voltaire sur les pieces de theatre, et des observa- tions critiques sur ce commentaire par le citoyen Palissot. V. 8, p. 341-437, I pl- Paris, 1801. 8°.) (In his; Qiuvres, avec le commentaire de Voltaire et les jugements de La Harpe. v. g, p. 93-204. Paris, 1S21. S°.) (In his : Qiuvres. Nouvelle cd. par M. Ch. Marty-Laveaux. v. 7, p. 183-276. Paris, 1862. S°.) For bibliography see Picot (Emile). Bibliographle corneli- ^nne. Paris, 1876. 8°. nos. 87, 88, 374, 375, 621, 873, 1002- o4. 1174, 1469-7'- Taschereau (Jules Antoine). [Tite et Berenice.] (In his: Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de P. Corneille. Paris, 1855. 16°. p. 212-217.) ig6. Ot'way (Thomas). Titus and Berenice, a tragedy. . . [in 3 acts and in verse] (In his; Works. V. I, p. 201-252. London, 1757. 16°. ) A close imitation of Racine's Berenice. First produced in 1676. Titus and Berenice ... (In his ; Works, v. i , p. 161-201. London, 1813. 12°. ) 197. Racine (Jean Baptiste). Berenice, trage- die [in 5 acts and in verse]. 1670. (In his : Giu- vres completes, v. 2, p. 293-401. Paris, 1822. 8°.) (In his : CEuvres. v. 2, p. 341-444. Paris, 1865. 8°.) Berenice, de Racine. [With a preface and commentary by Voltaire.] (In; Corneille (Pierre). Theatre avec les commentaires de Voltaire. V. II, p. g3-lg2. Paris, I7g7. 8°.) En-Gedi, Palestine. 198. Pellico (Silvio). Ester d'Engaddi, trage- dia [in 5 acts and in verse]. Venezia. . . 1821. (In his ; Opere. v. 2, p. 121-204. Parigi, 1835. 12°. ) (In his ; Opere complete, v. i, p. 147-244. Brusselle, 1837. 16°. ) Esther vin En Gedi. . . Vinem Italienischen hat Ubergisetz Bcnedix Ben-Zion. [Judeo-German prose.] Odessa, 1881. I p.l., 78 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. Ester iz En-Gedi. . . [Translated into Rus- sian prose.] {Odessa, 1885.] 59 1. sq. 8°. Ms. ^o LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA Ishmael b. Elisha, captive at Rome, igg. Walch (Maurice). Les captifs. Drame judeo-romain en quatre actes et un tableau. Paris: A. Durlachcr, 1SS4. 2 p.l., iv, 104 p. 12°. Bar Cocliba. 200. Goldfaden (Abraham). Bar Kochba (der Suhnvondem Stern); oder die letzte Tagvun Jeru- sciiolajim. Eine musikalische Melodrama in Reimen, in 4 Akten un ein Prolog niit 14 Bilder. . .[Judeo- German.] 2. ed. Warsaw: I. Alapin,\%f)0. 84 p. 8°, 3. ed. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Heb. Pub. Co. [190-] So p. 8°. 201. Landau (Judah Leo). Bar-Cocliba. [A tragedy in 5 acts. Hebrew.] Lemberg: A. Wajdo- jwjVi, 1884. 5 p.l., 114 p. 12°. German title; " Bar-Cochba. Dramatisches Gedlcht in fiinf Reviewed by David Frischmann in Ha-Asit. v. 2, p. 458- 463. Warsaw, 1885. 8°. 202. IMCendes (Catulle). Le fils de I'etoile. Drame musical en cinq actes. Musique de Camille Erlanger. Paris: Soc. NouvelU d'^dilions Musi- <-(2/tM [1904]. cop. 1903. 2 p.l., 80 p. 16°. CORALNIK (A.) Catulle Mendes' neues Drama. (Die Welt. v. 8, no. 18. Wien, 1904. 4°.) Levin (Moritz). Barkochba in der Dichtung. (AUg. Zeitung d. Judenthums. v. 65, nos. 2-5. Berlin, 1901. 4°.) Elisha ben Abujah. 203. Goethe {Johann Wolfgang). Ben Abujah. Goethe's Faust, eine Tragbdie, in einer hebraischen Umdichtung von M. Letleris. Nebst erlauternden Anmerkungen. Wien: Der Verfasser, 1S65. xv, (l), 232 p. 12°. Another copy, with Ms. corrections, obviously intended for a new edition, by M. Let- teris. Smolensky (Peter). [Hamlet and Faust com- pared; a criticism.] (In his novel: Simshat Chanef, chap. 20-21, first published in his mag. Ha- Shacher, v. 3. Wien, 1872. 8°.) 204. Gordin (Jacob). Elisha ben Abujah. A historische Drama in vier Akten. [JudeoGerman.] New York: Internal. Library Pub. Co., 1906. 16°. Judah ha-Nasi. 205. Kuniz(Moses). Maaseh Chakamim. [Pt. i, entitled Bet Rabbi, a drama of the life of Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi, in 6 acts and in prose; preceded by a biographical sketch of the Rabbi.] Wien: Ge- druekt tiiit Hrasehan:.kysehen Schriften, 1S05. 79 f. 12°. No more published. Preface dated: Ofen, 1797. 180-192, Rome. 206. Friedlaender (Moriz). Marcia. Trauer- spiel in fiinf Aufzugen. Wien: J\I. Waizner, \Sig. 2 p.l., 119 (i) p. 8°. Mar Zutra H. 512-520. 207. Horo^tz (Moses). Beth Dawid (Der Stamm Dawid's). Historische Operette in 4 Akten. Lemberg: B. Muni, Podgorze [printed^, 1904. 50 p. 8°. Chazars. 960. 208. Horowitz (Moses). Die Lieder von Kuzri. [Judeo-German.] New York: J. Kaizenelenbogen [1896]. 2I. 8°. Rashi. 1040-1105. 209. [Kaizenelenbogen (S. Joseph).] Rashi. A drama in 5 acts, with songs and dances. [Judeo- German.] Odessa, Oct. 3, 1882. 40 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. Title in Russian. 1192 or 1 193. Jerusalem. See Lessing's Nathan der Weise in section II. 1 194. England. 210. Ben-Zion (Benedix). A varumglucktes Autoda-fe oder Rebecca die iS jahrige Mechasche- foh. Drame in 5 Akten und zwolf Bilder. Die Maasse is arausgenumen vam Walter Scott's Ro- man "Ivanhoe" (Englisch) iibersetzt, arrangirt und baarbet far der judischer Buhne. [Judeo-Ger- man.] Odessa, 1882. i p.l., 88 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. II95. 211. Diamante (Bautista Juan). Comedia famosa, titulada La Judia de Toledo. (Biblioteca de autores espanoles. v. 49, p. 1-18. Madrid, 1859. 4°.) RUBENSTEIN (Charles A.) Jewish characters in the Spanish drama. (Jewish Comment. Baltimore, May 30, 1902, p. f>-8. f°.) Alfonso VIII. and Raquel Fermosa of Toledo. 1195. 212. Garcia de la Huerta (Vicente Antonio). Raquel, tragedia [in 3 acts and in verse], [1778.] (In his: Obras poeticas. v. i. 6 p.l., p. 1-16. A/adrid, lySt. 24°. Theatro hespanol. v. 17.) 213. Grillparzer (Franz). Die Jiidin von Toledo. Historisches Trauerspiel in fiinf AufzUgen. (In his; Sammtliche Werke. v. 7, p. 165-270. Stuttgart, 1872. 12°. ) Ge'iger (Ludwig). Die Jiidin von Toledo. (In: Allg. Zeitung d. Judenthums. v. 64, nos. 2-4. Berlin, igoo. 4°.) LuBLiNSKi (S.) Grillparzers " Esther und Rahel von Toledo." (In his: Jiidische Charaktere bei Grill- parzer, Hebbel und Otto Ludwig. Berlin, 1899. 12°. p. 97-120.) 214. Vega Carpio (Lope Felix de). Las paces de los reyes, y judia de Toledo. (Biblioteca de autores espaiioles. v. 41, p. 567-587- Madrid, 1857- 4'-) Klein (Julius Leopold). Las paces de los reyes. . .(In his: Geschichte des Drama's, v. 10, p. 276-289. Leipzig, 1874. 8°.) Beginning of 14. century. 215. Goldfaden (Abraham). Almasadda; oder. Die Juden in Palermo. Judische historische Ope- rette in 5 -Vkten un 11 Bilder. .. [Judeo-German.] 30 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. Doktor Almasada oder die Juden in Paler- mo. Historische Operetta in 5 Akten un in 11 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 31 Bilder. Bearbeitet nach einem deutschen Roman . . . IVarsaw: Baumritter &^ Gonsior, 1887. 62 p,, I 1., I port. 8°. A''ew York: J. Saphirstein, 1893. 62 p. 8°. 14. century. 216. Scholz (Wilhelm von). Der Jude von Konstanz. Tragodie in vier Aufziigen mit einem Nachspiel. Miinc/u-n: G. Miiller, itjO-,. 187 p. 12°. 1349- 217. Lazarus (Emma). The dance to death; a historical tragedy in five acts. (In her: Songs of a Semite. Nc-w York, i?,?,2. 8°. p. 1-48.) (In her: Poems. Boston, 1885. 12°. V. 2, p. 69-173.) Levi (Harry). " The dance to death." (In his: Jewish characters in fiction. English literature. Philadelphia, 1903. 12°. p. 90-96.) 1356-70. 2i3. Eppelberg (\V. H.) " Esterka." Drama in 5 .\kten mit g Bilder, nach verschiedene Quellen bearbeitet. [Judeo-German.] Warsaw: Schuld- ier^ Bros., 1S90. 2 p.l., 76 p. 8'. Esterka. 2ig. Eozloski (Stanislaw). Masa Ester. ["Es- terka," a historical drama in 6 acts. First appeared in the feuilUton of Gazeta Polska and reprinted, Warsaw, 18S6. Translated into Hebrew by Israel Frankel.] (lla-.\sif. v. 5, section of fiction, p. I-I08. ]Var.uiu\ 1S89. 8°.) 220. Philippson (Ludwig). Esther. TragOdie in fiinf Akten... Ubersetzt in der judischen Sprache und arangiert flir der Buhne von N. B. Basalinski. [Judeo-German.] Odessa, \i%\. 84p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 15. century. 221. Weissman (Ruben). Die Nekomoh.oder •die Ileldin vinem I5ten Jahrhundert. Istorische Drama in 5 Akten und 8 Kartines. [Judeo-Ger- man.] [Odessa,] 1882. 32 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. I414. 222. Scribe (Augustin Eugene). La Juive, opera en cinq actcs. Paroles de M. Scribe; mu- sique de M. Halevy; divertissements de M. Tag- lioni: Represc'nte pour la premiere fois a Paris sur le Theatre de I'Academie Royale de Musique, le 23 fcvrier, 1835. [Paris: J. Didol I' Aini, 1835.] 47-66 p. 8°. JSdinden. Opera in fem Acter. . .oversat af T. Overskou. :8 p. (In: Det Kongelinge Theatres Repertoire. . .Kjobenhavn, 1828-45. nar. 8°. V. 5.) Rachel ha-Yehudiyyah. . .[La Juive, trans- lated into Hebrew verse by S. Marik.] Wilna: Widow &• Brothers, Romni, 1886. lo3 p. 12°. Shidowka. Die Judin. A TragOdie in fUnf Akten. Nach verschiedene Quellen bearbeitet vun J. J. Lerner. [Judeo-German.] Warsaw: Baum- ritter &> Gonsior, 1889. 68 p. 8°. 3. ed. Warsaw: J . Lidski, 1903. 68 p. 12°. WiNZ (Leo). " Eleazar," "Shylock" und " Nathan der Weise." (Ost und West. v. I, col. 661-672. Berlin, 1901. 4°.) 1450. 223. Aguado (Miguel R.) Sarah y Joseph. Drama en 3 actos, y en prosa. . .Oran: V. Collet, 1880. 4 p.l., 7-34 p., I pi. sq. 8°. (Galeria par- ticular.) 1469. 224. Terr (Jacob). Der Mored be-Malchuth Oder die Judenin Portugal. Historisch-romantische Opera in 4 Akten. [Judeo-German.] New York, 1899. 64 p. sq. 3°. Ms. German cursive characters. First produced in 1899. 1470. [Endinger Judenspiel (Das).] Geiger (Ludwig). Das Endinger Judenspiel. (In: Zeitschrift f. d. Gesch. d. Juden in Deutsch- land. V. 2, p. 358-360. Braunschweig, [8S8. S°.) 1482-92. 225. Chaschkes (Moses). Abarbanel. [.\ drama in 4 acts. Translated into Hebrew blank verse from the author's Russian prose manuscript and revised by Judah Loeb Gamsu.] Warsaw: Halter &r' Eisensladt, 1S93. 114 p. 8°. 226. Hugo (Victor Marie). Torquemada. [A drama in five acts, and in verse.] (In his; CEuvres completes. Ed. definitive. Paris, 1S80-89. 8°. Drame. v. 5, p. 1-152.) Comp. Isidore Loeb in Revue des l^tudes juives, v. 4, p. 306-308 (Paris, 1882. 8°); also G. Selikovitsch in Ha-Maggid, V. 26, p. 202 (Lyck, 1882. £"). 227. Meyer (Louis). Vorspiel und Plan zu: Abarbanell oder Das E.xil der Juden aus Spanien. Dramatisches Gedicht in zwei Theilen. (In his : Hinterlassene Schriften. Berlin, i87t. S°. pt. 2, p. 1-22.) Abarbanell, oder: Die letzten Tage der Juden in Spanien. [.A drama in 4 acts and in prose. ] {Ibid. p. 23-So.) 22S. Nossig (Alfred). Abarbanel. Das Drama eines Volkes [in three acts]. (Die Welt. v. 10, nos. 13-14. Jiiiln, 1906. 4°.) Third act only. Beginning of 16. century. 229. Horowitz (Moses). Don Judah Abravanel. Operetta in 4 Akten. [1S8-?] 35 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. .\fter 1 541. 230. Shaikewitz (Nahum Meir). Die spanische Inquisition. A Tragodie in fUnf .■Xkten. [Judeo- German.] NewYork: B. Kal/inowilz[it)Oo\. 74 p. 8°. A dramatization of his own novel Chatan Damim. Written in 1884 and first produced at Nikolayev in 1885. The author named it "Cain oder der Brudermorder," but the New York actors re-named it " Die spanische Inquisition," in spite of the fact that the place of the action is laid in Portugal; which title has been retained in the printed play (preface). Beginning of 17. century. 231. Foner (Meir). Joseph dclla Reina. . . [A tragedy in 5 acts.] St Petersburg: L. Kahinovitch, 1903. 136 p. 12'. Supplement to Ha-Meliz, v. 43, no. 290. Title also in Rus- sian. 32 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 1608. 232. Vrchlicky (Jaroslav). Der hohe Rabbi Low. (Rabbinerweisheit.) Lustspiel in drei Auf- ziigen. Autorisirte Uebersetzung von E. Gri'in. /'rug: /. B. Bmiiiic-is [iSfjb]. loop. 16°. (Jiidi- sclie Universal-Bibliothelf. 15.) *'Den Biihnen gegeniiber Manuscript." Also Separate. Middle of 16. century. 233. Goldfaden (Abraham). Rabbi Joselmann Oder die Gserot vin Elsass. Ilistorische Oper in fiinf Akten in drei un zwanzigBilder. . . [Judeo-German.] Lemberg: H. N^echiles, 1892. 68 p. 8°. *'Zum ersten Mai aufgefiihrt in Lemberg 16 Jiinner, 1891." Meliz Joscher oder Rabbi Joselmann. A historische Opera vun die Gserot von Elsass in 5 Akten un 23 Bilder... [Judeo-German.] Neiv York: B. Rabino'toitz, 1900. 72 p. 12°. English title: Rabbi Yoselman. Uriel Acosta. 234. Gutzkcw (Karl Ferdinand). Uriel Acosta. Trauerspiel in funf Aufzugen [and in verse]. [1847.] 100 p. (In his : Dramatische Werke. 4. Gesammt- ausgabe. v. i, pt. 2. Jena. 1S81. 12°. ) Uriel Acosta, a tragedy in five acts. Trans- lated from the German by M. M. New York: M. Ellinger is' Co., i860. 104 p. 12°. Uriel Acosta. . . [A tragedy in 5 acts. A Hebrew adaptation by the teachers of the school for Jewish girls at Jaffa.] Jerusalem: Office of "Hashkafah" 1905. 60 p. 16°. Uriel Acosta. A Tragodie in 5 Akten. . . far der judische Szene iibersetzt und arrangirt vin . . . [J. J. Lerner.] [Judeo German.] \Odessa,^ 1883. 103 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. Uriel Acosta. . .iibersetzt un arrangirt vun J. J. Lerner. [Judeo-German.] St. Petersburg : I. S. Levi &> Co., 1888. I p.l., 45 p. 8°. 3. ed. Warsaw: J. Lidski, 1903. i p.l., So p. 8°. 1648-49. 235. Minsk! (N.), Pseud. d/NiKOLAl Maximo- VICH WiLKNKiN. Osada Tulchina [The siege of Tulchin. A historical drama of the times of Bohdan Chmielnicki. In five acts, with a prologue. Rus- sian]. (In : Voskhod. v. 8, no. i, p. 3-82. St. Petersburg, 1888. 8°.) Die Belagerung vun Tulchin... Ubersetzt vun Russischen durch A. Reisen. [Judeo-German.] Minsk: Verlag "A'lillur \Krakau, printed, I905]. 88 p. 8°. 236. Terr (Jacob). Rabbi Sabbathai Cohen; or, The merits of Holy Sabbath. Historical Drama in 5 acts and 15 tableaux of the time of the persecution of the Jews in [164S-1649]. . . [Judeo-German.] \_New York, 1S97.] 2 p.l., 71 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. Spinoza. 237. Caroline (Louise). Baruch von Spinoza. Drama in 5 Aufziigen. Berlin: F. Schneider &■ Co., 1855. 147 p. 12°. In verse. 1674. 238. Terr (Jacob). Judith die Perle vun Orient Oder die Geheimnisse vun dem terkischen Harem. New York, 1902. i p.l., 57 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. Title from cover. 18. century. 239. Ludwig(Otto). Der Jacobsstab. Trauer- spiel in fiinf Aufziigen. (In his : Gesammelte Schriften. v. 4, p. 77-122. Leipzig, 1891. 12°. ) First act only. Middle of 18. century. 240. Lateiner (Joseph). Bliimele oder die Perle von Warschau (Alilath Dam). Operef.e in 5 Akten. [Judeo-German.] Krakau: A. Faust, Podgirze \printed'\, 1903. 63 p. 8°. AUe Lieder vun die. . . Theater-Stuck Blii- mele... [New York: J. Katzenelenbogen, 189-.] 2 1. 8°. Die Lieder von " Bliimele". . .. New York: J. Katzenelenbogen [189-]. 2 1. 8°. Ben Ezra. Ein Abend in Jargon-Theater. (Die Welt. v. 8, no. 24. Wien, 1904. 4°.) 1750-73- 241. Terr (Jacob). Der Zwilling (Theomim). Eine Drama in 5 Akten in 10 Kartines. Rostov on the Don, 1882. 76 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 1779- 242. Stein (Leopold). Der Knabenraub zu Carpentras. Drama in 4 Aufziigen. Berlin: C. Heymann, 1863. viii, 91 p. 12°. Prag: J. B. Brandeis [1897]. 102 p. 24°. (Judische Universal-Bibliothek. 30.) Moses Mendelssohn. 243. [Mueller (Hugo)?] Ha-Dod Mosheh ben Menahem. . . (A Hebrew translation of his; "Onkel Moses," a play in one act; by Baruch Jekuthiel Sussmanowitz.] Warsaw: M. J. Halter, 1893. 36 p. 12°. Der Vetter Moses Mendelssohn. A drama- ■ tisches Bild in ein Akt. Nach dem Deutschen far der judischer Bilhne bearbeitet vun J. J. Lerner. [Judeo German.] Warsaw: Baumritter &■ Gon- sior, 1889. 26 p. 12°. 17S0. 244. Mosenthal (Salomon Hermann von). Deborah. Volksschauspiel in vier Akten. Halle a. d. S.: 0. Hendel [iS,- ]. 82 p., i port. 12°. Deborah. [Translated into Hebrew by D. Radner.] Wilna: Widow &r' Bros. Romm, 1884. 114 p. 12°. Leah, the forsaken. A play in five acts. [A translation of Mosenthal's Deborah by \V. Ben- neux, adapted] By A. Daly. London: S. French [18- ]. 44 p. s°. The adapter has set back the time of the action to the early part of the i8th century. First produced in Boston, 1862. Prompter's copy, interleaved. Ms. notes. Becks bequest. Same. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 97.) Same. New York: S. French if Son [18- ]. 44 p. 12°. (French's .Standard Drama, the acting edition, no. 389.) LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 33 Deborah ; or, the Jewish maiden's wrong! A drama in three acts. [Adapted] By Charles Smith Cheltnam. London: T. H. Lacy [i8- ]. 3S p. nar. 12°. (Lacy's acting ed. of plays, v. 63.) First produced in London. 1S64. Same. Prompter's copy. Ms. notes. Title-page mutilated. Becks bequest. r.efore I7g5. 245. Wedel-Jarlsberg (F. C), Friherre. Joden Philip og Bonden ; eller, Naturens Discipel. Original Skuespiel i tre Akter. Kjobenhavn: C. Slten, 1S16. xvi, 104 p. 12°. 1794- 246. Parvi (Zenon). Rok 1794. (Berek Jose- lowicz.) Dramat na tie historycznem w pie9iu aktach, orj'ginalnie wierszem napisany. . . Z winieta tytutowa podtug pastel rysunku S. Wyspianskiego. Krakow: D. E. FriedUin, 1904. 2 p.l., 87 p., i 1. 8°. 1S27. 247. [Axenfeld (Israel).] Der erste judische Rekrut in Russland im Jahre 5587 (1S27) am Tage der Publicirung des betreffenden Ukases. Ein komish-tragischer Roman in judisch-deutschem Jargon. {^Leipzig, 1S62.] 58 p. 8°. Comp. Wiener (L.) The History of Yiddish Literature (1899), p. 142-145. 248. [Abramowitsch (Shalom Jacob).] Der Prisiw. A drama in funf Akten. Gedruckt be- Hischtadluth Mendeli Mocher Sforini. Si. Peters- burg: I. Zederbauin , 1884. iii, 87 p. 8°. 184S. [Sudermann (Hermann). Der Sturmgeselle Sokrates.] Franzos (Karl Emil). Die Juden in Suder- mann's Komodie. (Allg. Zcitung d. Judenthums. V. 67, p. 546-549. Berlin, 1903. 4°.) From his: Deutsche Dichtung. Friedbp.kg (M.) Ein Rabbiner auf dem mo- dernen Theater. {Ibid. p. 502-504.) Geiger (Ludwig). H. Sudermann: der Sturm- geselle Sokrates. (Monatsschrift f. Gesch. u. VVis- senschaft d. Judentums. v. 50. p. 446-447. Bres- lau, 1606. 8°.) 1853. 249. Moos (II. M.) Mortara; or, The Pope and his inquisitors. A drama. Together with choice poems. Cincinnati: Block iSf Co., i860. 171 p. 16'. 1 86-. 250. Goldfaden (Abraham). Moschiach's Zeiten?! Epochen- Bilder der nissischen Juden, als SchauspicI mit Gesang un Tanze, in 6 Akten, 4 Verwandlungen un 30 bildern. [JudeoGerman.] Krakau: J. Fischer, igoo. 100 p. 8°. German title: A. Goidfaden's dramatische Werke. Mes- sias Zeiten. GoRnoN (Jacob). Idische Theaters un idische Dramaturgen [Judeo-German]. (Arbeiter Zeitung. V. 3, no. 40. New York, 1892. f°.) 1870. 251. [Goldenberg (N.)] Chaira I, gromo- verzhetz . . . [.\ drama in 5 acts and a prologue. Rus- sian.] ii2p. (In; YevreiskayaBiblioteka. v. 8. St. Petersburg, 1880. 8°.) Author's name signed S. S. (in Russian characters). 252. Atlass (Joshua). Ha-Nirdaf me-Erez Russia. [A tragedy in three acts and in verse. Hebrew.] Przemysl: Zupnik, Knoller &" L/am- merschmidt, 1884. 60 p. 8°. (Jerman title: Der Verfolgte von Russland. Eie Trauer- spiel in drei Aufziigen, als Bild der sudrusslandischen Judenverfolgungen, von Osiass Atlass. 253. Chirikov (Yevgeni). Yevrei. ..[A drama in four acts. J Milnchen: J. ALarchlewski &" Co. [1904?] 128 p. 8°. The Jews. A drama in four acts. . .(Mac- cabaean. v. 9, p. 175-1S3, 228-236. 285-292; v. 10, p. 23-27. New York, 1905-06. 4°. Die Juden. Schauspiel in 4 Aufziigen. Deutsch von G. Polonskij. Miinchen: J. Alarch- lewski &• Co., 1904. 112 p. 12°. Juden. Piece in 4 Akten. Ubersetzt durch I. Bermann. [Judeo-German.] IVarsaw: " Haze/irtih," iqot. 105 p. 8°. (Verlag " Zeit- Bibliothek," no. 8.) Synopsis. The chosen people. A drama- tic portrayal of Jewish life in Russia in three acts. Staged and presented by the St. Petersburg Dramatic Co. P. N. Orleneff, director. [A'qT. Ss'p. 8°. Croker (Thomas Francis Dillon). The stage Israelite, p. 70-72. 8°. Clipping from the Era Almanack (London), jS8i. Dreyfus (.\braham). Le Juif au theatre. Conference. . .(In: Soc. des Etudes juives. Actes et conferences, i*"'':- annee (7= annee de la soc.) p. .xlix-l.x.\i. Paris. 1886. 8°.) Klein (Julius Leopold). Giudate, Judenspiele. (In his; Geschichte des Drama's. v. 4, p. 239- 240. Leipzig, 1866. 8°. Levi (Harrj-). Jewish characters in fiction. English literature. Philadelphia, Pa.: The Jewish Chautauqua Society [1903]. 140 p. 12". (The Jewish Chautauqua Society. The Chautauqua system of education. Course book.) Mabon (Charles B.) The Jew in English poetry and drama. (In: Jewish Quarterly Review. V. II, p. 411-430. London, 1S99. 8°.) Philipson (David). The Jew in English fic- tion. Cincinnati: P. Clarke 6-' Co., 1889. 2 p.l., 156 p. 12°. New ed., rev. and enl. Cinciyinati: R. Clarke &= Co., 1903. 2 p.l., iii-iv p., 1 1., 5- 207 p. 12°. Rubenstein (Charles A.) Jewish characters in the Spanish drama. (Jewish Comment. Balti- more. May 30, lgo2, p. 6-8. f°.) Stage Jew (The). (Saturday Review, v. 62, p. 451-452. London, 1886. f°.) Winz (Leo). " Eleazar," " Shylock " und " Nathan der Weise." (Ost und West. v. i, col. 661-672. Berlin, igoi. 4°.) Individual Plays. [Adamus (Franz), pseud, of Prof. Bronner.] Upkimny (J.) Ein zionistisches Theaterstuck. (Die Welt. v. 9, no. 10. Wien, 1905. 4°.) A review of " Schmelz der Nibelunge" by Franz Adamus. 256. An-ski (S. A.), pseud, of Rapaport. Otetz i syn. [Father and son. A drama in one act.] (In: Voskhod. v. 26, Jan., p. 35-5S. St. Petersburg, 1906, 8°.) 257. Aretino (Pietro). 11 marescalco, comedia. (In: Teatro italiano antico. v. 5, 167-370, 1 pi. Londra, \1%1. nar. 16°.) II marescalco. (In his: Commedie. Milano, 188S. 12'-. p. 21-76.) Klein (Julius Leopold). Der Jude in der Kom- mbdie. (In his: Geschichte des Drama's, v. 4, p- 5I3-5I4- Leipzig, 1866. 8°.) •'Vielleicht ist dieser Haadelsjude der Erzvater aller fol- genden Komodienjuden." 25S. Berg (O. F.), pseud, of Ottokar Franz Ebersberg. Finer von unsere Lent'. Posse mit Gesang in drei Acten. . .[ Jl'ien: L. Sommer, 1S5-?] 39 p. 8°. (Weiner Theater — Rep. No. 194.) Corap. Maggid Mishneh, v. 2. p. 70, 74. Lyck, 1880 f**. 259. Boisson (Marius), and Lucien Ricaille. La vengeance du Juif. Drame social en 5 actes et 8 tableaux. Extrait du roman de J. W. Rochester (W. Krijanowsky). Musique de scene de Rene de Santerne. Paris: P. V. Stock, i()OS. 204 p. 16". 260. Cumberland (Richard). The comedy. .Ve-w iork: S. Campbell, 1795. I 1. 12'. The Jew. A comedy. Performed in Lon- don, and by the Old American Company in New York. . . AV-t' York: S. Campbell, 1796. 54 p., I 1. sm. 12°. The Tew. A comedy in five acts. 7". H. Lacy ["iS— ]. i p.l., 5-4S p., i pi. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 84.) The Jew. A comedy in five acts. Jew, a 54 P-, London: nar. 12°. ..With a fine engraving. London: J. Cumberland [18 — ]. 47 p. nar. 16. Prompter's copy. The Jew. A comedy in five acts. 16 p. (In: London stage, v. i. [1S24.] 8°.) Ish Yehudi. [The Jew, translated into Hebrew by J. Brill.] Wilna : L. Matz, 1S78. 2 p.l., 84 p. 16°. Der Jud Menachem, oder, die bescheidene Tugend. Komodiein 5 Akten. Ubergesetzt vinem Englischen vin Benedix Ben-Zion. [Judeo-Ger- man.] Odessa, \'i%2. 36 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. The Jew. (Ha-Yom, v. 2, 1887, no. 172.) Levi (Harry). " The Jew." (In his: Jewish characters in fiction. English literature. Phila- delphia, 1903. 12°. p. 37-41.) Philipson (David). Cumberland's "The Jew." (In his: The Jew in English fiction. Cincinnati, 1903. 12°. p. 54-69.) [Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von).] TucH (Gustav). Die Juden im Goetheschen Faust. Nach Louvierscher Erklarung. (Die Welt. V. 9, nos. 2-3, 5-6. Wien, 1905. 4°.) 261. Heijermans (Herman), yV. The Ghetto. A drama in four acts. Freely adapted from the Dutch. . .by Chester Bailey Fernald. London: W. Heinemann, 1899. 4 p.l., 144 p. 12°. Comp. Jewish Comment. Sept. 15, iSgg. Ghetto. Ein Trauerspiel in 3 Aufzugen . . . Deutsch von Franziska de Graaff. Leipzig: K. F. Koehler, 1903. 107 p. 8°. Geiger (Ludwig). Heijermanns " Ghetto." (Monatsschrift f. Gesch. u. Wissenschaftd. Juden- tums. v. 50, p. 445-446. Breslau, 1906. S°.) Nacher (Max). Herman Heijermans. (Die Welt. V. 80, no. 20. Wien, 1904. 4°.) 262. Hilarius (Justus), pseud, of S. W. SCHIESSLER. Der Anherr. Schwank in einem Aufzuge. (In his: Frische Judenkirschen. p. 67- 98. Meissen, 1S27. 24°.) 263. Irgens(Hanna). Moses i Tonden. Lyst- pil i een Akt. Kjobenhavn: C. Steen, 1822. i p.l., 67 p. nar. 24°. 264 Lessing (Gotthold Ephraim). Die Juden. Lustspiel in einem Aufzuge. Verfertiget im Jahre 1749. (In his: Lustspiele. Peutlingen, I'So. 16°. p. 151-212.) Also in the various ed. of his works. It was first printed in 1754 in his Schriften, v. 4. Ha-Yehudim . . . [Die Juden, translated into Hebrew by Jacob Simeon Kahan.] Warsaw: E. I. Schapira, 1S74. 62 p., I 1. 16°. LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 35 Ha-Yehudim. . . [Die Juden, translated into Hebrew verse by Zebi Eleazar Teller.] IVien: G. Brog \_Verlag d. Vereins " Aloria," Botosatii], 1880. xxvii, g6 p. 12°. German title : Die Juden . . . metrisch Ubersetzt von H. L. Teller. Die Iden. Ein Lustspiel in drei und zwan- zig Vorstellungen. . .ubersetzt in JUdisch Deutsch (Jargon) durch Erau Ch. E. Abramowitz. H'ihia: lVitio~ai (St" Bros. Romm, 1879. 6S p. 16°. 265. Nathan der Weise. Ein dramatisches Gedicht in flinf Aufzugen. 1779. (In his: Saramtliche Schriften. v. 22. 2p.l., 54 p. Ber- lin, 1827. 24°.) Nathan der Weise... mit Annierkungen von H. Deiter. Sltillgart: /. G. Cotla, I'i'&b. viii, ig6p. 16°. (Schul-Ausgaben deutscher Klassiker.) Nathan der Weise. . .2. rev. ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, \%^-i. Ivi, 301 (3) p. 16°. (Ger- man classics, ed. by C. A. Buchheim. v. 6.) Nathan den Vise. Dramatisk Digt i fem Acter. 55 p. (In: Det Kongelige Theaters Reper- toire. . .Ay«fc«/iaz'«, 1S2S-45 ? nar. 8°. v. 8.) Nathan the Wise, a dramatic poem; trans- lated by Ellen Frothingham; preceded by a brief account of the poet and his works [by Henry Holt]; and followed by an essay on the poem, by Kuno Fischer. NewYork: Leypoldt S^ IIolt,\'ii,?>. .\xiii, 259 p. 12°. Nathan the Wise. . .translated by W. Tay- lor. Emilia Galotti. . .translated by C. L. Lewes. Leipzig: B. Taiichnitz, 1S6S. 2 p.!., 298 p., i 1. 16°. (Collection of German authors, v. g. ) Nathan the Wise. . .translated into English prose by Isidor Kalisch. .Vew York: Waldkeimer &• Zenn, 1869. I p.l., ix, 212 p. 16°. Lessing's Nathan the Wise, translated into English verse by E. K. Corbett, with an introduc- tion and notes. London: Kegan Paul, Trench (Sr" Co., 1883. Ivi, (2), 185 p. 12'. Nathan he-Chacham. . . [Hebrew translation by Simon Kacher.] Wien: J. Sehlossberg, 1866. xiv, (2), 207, (3) p. 12°. German title: Nathan der Weise. Dramatisches Gedicht in fiinf Aiifzti^en . . . Ins Ebraische libersctzt von S. Bachcr. Comp. Allg. Zcitung d. Judenthums, v. 31 {1867). no. 30. Same. (In; Bacher (S.) Shaar Shimeon. V. 3. I p.l., 266 p. Wien, 1894. 8°.) Nathan heChacham . . . [Hebrew translation by Abraham Baer Gottlober.] Wien: Spitzer &• Holzwarlh Jr., 1874. xxix, (i), 272, (2) p. 12°. Comp. Ha-Shachar, v. 4 (1873). p. 393-399; v. 5 (1874), p. 496. Nathan he-Chochom. Eine dramatische Unterhandlung. . .in 5 Erscheinungen. . .frei Uber- setzt... vun I. J. Linetzki. [Judeo-German.] Odessa: P. A. Leleni, 1684. Sop. 8°. German title: Nathan der Weise. Ein dramatisches Gedicht in 5 AufzUgen . . . rrei-bearbeitet im Jiidischcn von I. J. Ltnelzci [sic], Nathan der Chochom. . .Bearbeitet in a Erzahlungs-Forme vun B. Gorin. [Judeo German.] AVw York: Kalzcnclenbogen &* Kabinowitz, [goo. I p.l., 71 p. 8°. Carrutii (William Herbert). I.ossing's treat- ment of the story of the ring and its teaching. (Modern Language Assoc. Publications, v. 16, p. 107-116. Baltimore, 1901. 8°.) Leumann (Emil). Lessing in seiner Bedeutung ftir die Juden. Vortrag. . .(In his: Gesammelte Schriften. Berlin, iSgg. 8°. p. 235-256.) Mueller (David Heinrich). Toledot Nathan he-Chacham [Hebrew]. (Ha-Shachar. v. 4, p. 39- 53. Wien, 1S73. 8°.) Mynster (J. p.) Over Lessings Nathan den Vise. (In: Det skandinaviske Litteraturselskabs Skrifter. V. 13, p. 136-186. Kjiihenhavn, 1S14. 16°. ) Sauer (August). Uber den funffiissigen Iambus von Lessing's Nathan. (Kais. Akad. d. Wissen- schaften. Philos.-hist. CI. Sitzungsb., Bd. 90, p. 625-717. Wien, iSjS. 8°.) Schmidt (Erich). Nathan der Weise. (In his: Lessing. v. 2, p. 4S6-581. Berlin, 1S92. 8°.) Schmidt (Heinrich Julian). [Lessing's Nathan.] (In his: Geschichte der deutschen Litteratur von Leibniz bis auf unsere Zeit. v. 2, p. 343-347. Berlin, 1886. 8°.) Smolensky (Peter). [The story of the ring fav- orable to Judaism, which we know to be the origi- nal of the three religions !] (In his novel; Simchat Chanef, chap. 21, first published in his mag. Ha- Shachar, V. 3. Wien, 1872. 8°.) Trosien (E.) Lessing's Nathan der Weise. Vortrag. Berlin: C. Habel, 1876. 32 p. 8°. (Virchow & Holtzendorff's Sammlung gemeinver- stiindlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrage. Serie xi, Heft 263.) WiNZ (Leo). " Eleazar," "Rhylock"und "Na- than der Weise." (Ost und West. v. i, col. 661- 672. Berlin, 1901. 4°.) 266. [Mannheimer (Adolf).] Festspiel zu Ehren des Directors der Realschule der israeliti- schen Gemeinde zu Frankfurt am Main... Dr. Hermann Baerwald, aufgefllhrt bei seinem fUnf- undzwanzigjarigen Amtsjubilaum, am 3 August 1S93. Frankfurt a. M.: Kump und Reis, 1S93. 36 p. 8°. 267. Marlowe (Christopher). The Jew of Malta. (In: Dodsley's Select collection of old plays. V. 8, p. 299-395. London, 1780. 16°. ) ■ The Jew of Malta. (In his: Works, v. i, p. 227-349. London, 1850. 12°.) Davidson (Israel). Ha-Yehudi be-sifrut ha- anglit. [Hebrew.] [i. The Jew of Malta.] New York: A. /I. Rosenberg, 1?>()S. 15 p. 8°. Repr.: Ner ha-Maarabi, v. i, nos. 6-7. Eng. title; The Jew in Knghsh fiction. Shylock and Barabas: a study in character. [^Sewanee, 1901.] I p.l., 14 p. 8°. Repr.: Sewanee Rev. v. 9, no. 3. Klein (Julius Leopold). The Jew of Malta. (In his: Geschichte des Drama's, v. 13, p. 667- 708. Leipzig, 1876. 8°.) Levi (Harry). " The Jew of Malta." (In his: Jewish characters in fiction. English literature. Philadelphia, I903. 12'. p. 13-20.) PllILlPSON (David). Marlowe's" Jew of Malta." (In his: The Jew in English fiction. Cincinnati, 1903. 12°. p. 19-33.) Ward (.-Vdolphus William). [Marlowe's Jew of Malta.] (In his: A history of English dramatic literature, v. i, p. 185-192. London, 1875. 8°.) 36 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 26S. Nordau (Max Simon). Doktor Kohn. Biirgerliches Trauerspiel aus der Gegenwart in vier Aufzugen. 2. Aufl. Berlin: E. Hofman Ss' Co., iSgg. 200 p. 8°. 269. Ottolenghi (Lazzaro). II matrimonio misto, scene di famiglia divise in otto quadri. Acqui, 1S73. (Educatore Israelita. v. 21, p. 161- 171, 193-203, 225-235, 257-268, 321-329. Ver- cdli, 1S73. S°,) 270. Petersen (E.) De kristne Joder. Et Skuespil i tre Acter. Sidestykke til Vor Handter- ing. KJohenhavn: The Author, liib. 2p.l.,40p., I 1. 16°. 271. Rosenzweig (J.) Natlian Schlemiel oder orthodoxe und reformirte Juden. Ein Tendenz- Lustspiel in 3 Acten. . .Pressburg: C. Angermeyer, 1873. 2p.l.,47P- 8°. 272. Sachs (Hans). Eio fasznachtspil mit flinff personen: Dat teuffel nam ein alt weib zu der ehe. (In his; [Werke]. Hrsg. von A. v. Keller u. E. Goetze. v. 21, p. 17-34. Tiibiiigen, iSg2. S°. (Litterarischer Verein in Stuttgart. Bibliothek. v. 195.) 273. [Sessa (Karl Borromxus Alexander).] Unser Verkehr. Eine Posse in einem Aufzuge. . . [and in prose]. 8. Aufl. Mit einer Originalzeich- nung von Th. Hosemann. Berlin: 0. Janke [18- ]. I p.l., 73 p.. I pi. 16°. See Petersen (E.) De kristne Joder. Et Skuespil ... Sides- tykke til Vor Handtering. Kjobenhavn, 1816. 16°. (No. 270 above.) Geiger (Ludwig). Ueber den Verfasser der Posse: Unser Verkehr. (.•Mlg. Zeitung d. Juden- thums. V. 67, p. 7S-S1. Berlin, 1903. 4^-) 274. Shakespeare (William). The most ex- cellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreame crueltie of Shylock the lewe towards the sayd Merchant, in cutting a iust pound of his llesh; and the obtayning of Portia by the choyse of three chests. As it hath been diners times acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his Seruants. At London: Printed by 1. R. for Thomas Heyes, and are to be sold in Paules Charch-yard, at the signe of the Greene Dragon, 1600. 38 1. 4°. The Excellent History of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreme cruelty of Shylock the Jew towards the saide Merchant, in cutting a iust pound of his flesh. And the obtaining of Portia, by the choyse of three Caskets. Written by W. Shakespeare. Printed by J. Roberts, 1600. 40 1. 4°. Merchant of Venice: the First (tho worse) Quarto, 1600, a Facsimile. (Griggs & Furnivall.) London [1S81]. 4°. Merchant of Venice: the Second (and bet- ter) Quarto, 1600, a Facsimile. (Prsetorius and Furnivall.) London, 1S87. sm. 4°. The most excellent Historie of the Mer- chant of Venice [etc.]. London: Printed by AL P. for Laurence Hayes, and are to be sold at his Shop on Fleet bridge, xb-i"]. 36 1. 4°. The most excellent Historie [etc.]. London: Printed for IVilliam Leake, and are to be solde at his shop at the signe of the Crown in Fleet street, between the two Temple Gates, 1652. 36 1. 4°. (In his: Works. V. 2, p. 247-330. Lon- The Jew of Venice. London: Printed for Ber.Lintolt at the Post-/{ouse in the Middle Temple- Gate, Fleet street, i-]Oi. 48 p. 4°. The merchant of Venice. A comedy. Glas- gow : R. Duncan, 1790. 72 p. 12°. The merchant of Venice. A comedy. Lon- don : J. Roach, 1804. 71 p. 16°. Prompter's copy. Ms. notes. ■ The merchant of Venice; a comedy. (In: Inchbald (Mrs. E. S.) British theatre. London, 1808. V. 2.) The merchant of Venice, a comedy. London: IV. Simpkin &■ R. Marshall, 1S20. i p.l., 11 p., I 1., 66 p., I port. 12°. (New English drama, edited by W. Oxberry. v. 10.) — — The Gallery of Shakespeare (Series IV.), Merchant of Venice. London, 1832. obi. 18°. The Merchant of Venice. A comedy. New York, 1848. 12°. The merchant of Venice. The text revised by A. Dyce. London, 1857. 8*".) The Most Excellent Historie [etc.]. don: Low, i860, vii, 95 p. 4°. New York : D. Appleton b' Co. [i860] vii, 95 p. 4°. The Merchant of Venice. By Mr. William Shakespeare: The Te.xt from the Folio of 1623: with Notices of the known Editions previously is- sued. London: Printed for L. Booth, 1862. 4°. Shakespeare's comedy of The merchant of Venice as produced by Edwin Booth. Adapted by H. L. Hinton. Ne'io York: Hurd &• Houghton [cop. 186S]. 88 p. 8°. (Booth's series of acting plays, no. 3.) Select plays. The merchant of Venice. Edited by W. G. Clark and W. A.Wright. Oxford: Clarendon Press,i%b'i. xxiii,i3op. 16°. (Clarendon Press Series.) The Merchant of Venice. New York. 1S70. 4°- Shakespeare's Comedy of The Merchant of Venice. Edited, with notes, by William J.Rolfe.A.M. New York: Harper &' Bros., 1871. vi, 178 p. 16°. A'^ew York: Harper &• Bros. ,i%-2. vi, 1 1., g-168 p. 16°. The Merchant of Venice. [In five acts.] Edited by W. G. Clark and W. A.Wright. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1874. xxiii, 130 p. 8°. (Shakespeare's Select Plays. Clarendon Press Series.) The merchant of Venice. . .as presented. . . under the management of H. Irving... London: Chiswick Press, iSSi. 3-74 p. 8°. The merchant of Venice. (In his: Complete works. Harvard ed. By H. N. Hudson, v. 3, p. 107- 235. Boston, 1881. 12°. ) The Merchant of Venice. [In five acts.] Edited by W. G. Clark and W. A.Wright. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 18S4. xxiii, 130 p. 8\ (Shakespeare Select Plays. Clarendon Press Series.) The merchant of Venice. (In his: Works. Edited by H. Irving and F. A. Marshall. with notes and introductions. . .by F. A. Marshall. . .and. . . illustrations by G. Browne, v. 3, p. 241-32S. Lon- don, 1888. sq. 8°.) LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 2>7 A new variorum edition of Shakespeare. Edited by H. H. Furness. v. 7. The merchant of Venice. Philaddphia: J. B. Lippfncott Co., 1S88. xii, 479 p. S°. Merchant of Venice; annotated. . .by S' Thurber. Boston, 1892. 12°. The merchant of Venice, with an introduc" tion and notes by E. E. Hale, jr. New York: Uni- versity Pub. Co. [1901] xxii, 89 p. 12°. (Stand' ard literature series, no. 49.) The merchant of Venice. [London? 18 — ] 5-63 p. 12°. Prompter's copy, interleaved. Ms. notes. Marked from C. Kean's prompt-book. The Merchant of Venice; a comedy. Lon- don : T. //. Lacy [iS — ]. 64 p. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 25.) The merchant of Venice. A comedy. Lon- don: r. //. Lacy [iS—?]. 64 p. 12°. Prompter's copy, ioierleaved. Ms. notes. The merchant of Venice; a tragedy, in five acts. London: A'alional Acting Drama Office\i?> — ]. 54 p., 1 pi. 12°. Prompter's copy, interleaved. Ms. notes. Shakespeare's play of The merchant of Venice. With historical and explanatory notes by Charles Kean. . .3. ed. London: J. K. Chapman &' Co. [iS— ] 2 p.l., 9-85 p. 12°. Prompter's copy, interleaved. Ms. notes. The merchant of Venice. A comedy in five acts. New York: S. French [18 — ?]. vi, 9-63 p. 8°. (French's standard drama, no. 61.) Prompter's copy. Ms. notes. Le marchand de Venise de TAnglais de Shakespeare. 1768. 6 p., I 1., 125 p. 8°. Le marchand de Venise: comedie en 3 acts; [traduit par A. V. de Vigny]. (In: Vigny (A. V. comte de). Theatre. . .CEuvres completes, v. i. Paris, 1839. p. 225-350. 8°.) Shylock Oder der Kaufmann von Venedik \sic\ Ubersetzt vun J. Bovshover. [Judeo-German.] A^ew York: J. I^alzenelenbogen, 1S99. 1 16 p., I port. 8°. English title: The merchant of Venice. A comedy . . . Rendered into Yiddish by Basil Dahl [pseud.]. "rhc first 3 acts appeared first in l>er nayer Gayst {New York, 1898. 4°.) O Mercador de Veneza. Drama. TraducjSo Livre. Lisboa, 1879. 8°. Aid in the study and teaching of Lady of the Lake, Evangeline, and Merchant of Venice. Com- piled by a committee. . .appointed by Kings County Institute. .. 1898. San Lrancisco : IVhilaker &' Kay Co., 1902. 56 p. 8°. (Western educational help, no. 2.) Basset (Rene). L'origine orientale de Shylock. (Keleti szemle. Revue orientale pour les etudes ouraloaltaiques, v. 2, p. 182-1S6. Budapest, 1901. 8°.) Boas (A. T.) ture. . .Adelaide. 8°. Rcpr.; "University Shakespeare Journal." Bonus (A.) Shylok, zur Judenfrage. 8 Briefe an eine JUdin. (Preuss. JahrbUcher 83 (1896): 412- 437.) Comedie traduite L.ondres [Paris '/\ The merchant of Venice. A lec- W. K.Thomas ^ Co., I'i.'ib. 14 p. Bkandes (Georg Morris Cohen). Kobmanden af Venedig. (In his: Samlede Skrifter. v. 8, p. 174- 199. KJobenhavn, igoi. 8°.) The merchant of Venice. (In his: William Shakespeare, v. I, p. 178-202. New York, 1898. 8°.) Brooke (Stopford Augustus). The merchant of Venice. (In his: On ten plays of Shakespeare. London, 1905. p. 127-154. S°.) Campbell (/. baron), John Campbell. The merchant of Venice. (In his: Shakespeare's legal acquirements considered. A'ew York, 1859. p. 59- 63. 12°. ) CoHN (Oswald). Uber Shakespeare's Kaufmann von Venedig. (In: Philanthropin. Frankftirt a.M., 1904. pt. 2, p. 249-302. 4°.) Conway (Moncure Daniel). Shakespeare's "Mer- chant of Venice ": an atonement. (Jewish World. London, Jan. 16, 1880. f°.) An abstract of M. D. Conway's lecture. Croker (Thomas Francis Dillon). The stage Israelite, p. 70-72. 8°. Clipping from the Era Almanack (London), 1881. p. 70-72. 8°. Davidso.'^ (Israel). Shylock and Barabas : a study in character. [Sewanee, 1901.] 1 p.l., 14 p. 8°. Repr. ; Sewanee Rev. v. g, no. 3. DuTORT (Paul). Le marchand de Venise. (In his- Essais litteraires sur Shakespeare, ou analyse raison- nee, scene par scene, de toutes les pieces de cet auteur. Paris, 1828. v. 2, p. 96-140. 8°. Gervinus (Georg Gottfried). The merchant of Venice. (In his: Shakespeare commentaries. Trans- lated. . .by F. E. Burnett. London, 1875. p. 230- 247. 8°.) Gettemy {Mrs. Mary Ellen Ferris). [A study of The Merchant of Venice.] (In her: Outline studies in the Shakespearian drama. Galeshiirg, Lll., 1904. p. 101-123. I2°.) Graetz (Heinrich). Shylock in der Sage, im Drama und in der Geschichte. 2. Aufl. Krotoschin: B. /-. Monasch Sf Co., 1899. i p.l., 36 p., I 1. 8°. Comp. his Geschichte der Juden, v. 10 (1897). p. 132; and M. Steinschneider in his Hebraeische Bibliographic, v. ai (1881), p. 12-13. [GuizOT (Guillaume). Confe'rence sur le " Mar- chand de Venise."] Kahn (Mathias). La conference de M. Guizot sur le " Marchand de Venise." (Univers Israelite, v. 39, p. 443-450. Paris, 1884. 8°.) Prague (H.) La conference Guizot. (Archives Israelites, v. 45, p. 86-87. Paris, 1884. 4°.) Hales (J.W.) Shakespeare and the Jews. (Eng. Historical Rev. v. 9, p. 652-661. London. 1894.) Harris (Maurice Henry). Shylock. (In his: Selected Addresses: second series. Neiv York, 1895. p. 7.) Hawkins (Frederick). Shylock and other stage Jews. [Followed in the next number by a symp- osium on the character of Shylock, by Theo- dore Martin, .\n Actor, F. J. Furnivall, F'rank Marshall, James Spedding, Israel Davis, David 38 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA Anderson, and Frederick Hawkins.] (Tiie Tlieatre. New ser., v. 3, p. 191-198, 253-261. London, 1S80. 8°.) The two nos. containing these articles are for Nov. and Dec, 1879. Same, reprinted in American Hebrew, v. i, nos. I, 2, 7-9. Ne7u York, 1879-80. f°. Hazlitt (William). The merchant of Venice. (In his Characters of Shakespeare's plays. 4. ed. London, 1S48. 16°. p. 264-272.) Heine (Heinrich). Jessika Porzia. (Der Kauf- mann von Wenedig.) (In his Englische Frag- mente und Shakespeare's Madchen und Frauen. P- 307-334- Hamburg, 1876. 16°. Saaramtliche Werke. Bd. 3.) Jessica. Portia. [The merchant of Venice.] (In his' Florentine nights . . . and Shakespeare's maidens and women. p. 377-401. A'ew York, 1891. 12°. Works translated from the German by C. G. Breitmann.) Lathrop (Elise). The merchant of Venice. [Where the merchant traded.] (In her Where Shakespeare set his stage. Nev York, 1906. 8°. p. 83-103, 2 pi.) Lee (S. L.) The original of Shylock. (Gentle- man's Mag. V. 246, p. 1S5-200. London, 1880. 8°.) Comp. Jewish World, Feb. 20, 1880, p. 10. Lehmann (Emil). La verite sur Shylock. (Univers Israelite, v. 35, p. 327—332. Paris, 1880. 8°.) Translated from Lehmann*s German article in the Dres- dener Zeitune by La'.are Wogue. Levi (Harry). "The merchant of Venice." (In his: Jewish characters in fiction. English litera- ture. Philadelphia. 1903. 12°. p. 2I-2g.) LfeVY (Hyppolite). A William Shakespeare. (.Archives Israelites, v. 49, p. 40S-410, 416-418. Paris, 1888. 4°.) LoGEMAN (Henri). Notes on The merchant of Venice. (Englische Studien. v. 33, p. 193-215. Leipzig, 1903. 8°.) Mayer (Louis). Shylock was not a Jew. (Jewish Review and Observer, v. 28, no. 18. Cleveland, 0., Nov. 6, 1903. f°.) Reprinted from the Modern View of St. Louis. MuHR (A.) Der Kaufmann von Venedig. (AUg. Zeitung d. Judenthums. v. 2, p. 285-287. Leipzig, 1838. 4°.) Philipson (David). Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice." (In his The Jew in English fiction. Cincinnati, 1903. 12°. p. 34-53.) S.vlaman (Charles Kensington). Shylock, from a Jewish point of view. (In his Jews as they are. London. 1882. 12°. p. 211-255.) ScHUDT (Johann Jacob). JiJdische Merck- wUrdigkeiten. v. i, p. if)\-i()i. Franek/iirt, 1715. 4°- Gives two pound-of-flesh stories, in one of which a Christian was the claimant against a Jew before Pope Sixtus V. No reference is made to the Merchant of \'enice. Seyoni'i [pseudonym of Isaac P. Noyes?]. The name "Shylock." A critical e.xamination of the characters in the Merchant of Venice. (Religio- Philosophical Journal, devoted to spiritual phil- osophy. V. 38, no. 23, p. I, 8. Chicago, Aug. i, 1SS5. £°.) Si.MROCK (Karl Joseph). Zum Kaufmann von Venedig. (In his Die Quellen des Shakespeare in Novellen, Marchen und Sagen, mit sagengeschicht- lichen Nachweisungen. v. i, p. 181-254. Bonn, 1872. 12°. ) The merchant of Venice. (In his The re- marks of M. Karl Simrock, on the plots of Shake- speare's plays. With notes and additions by J. O. Halliweli. London, 1850. 8'. p. 45-63.) SoKOLo\v(Nahum). Novelli-Shylock. [Hebrew.] (Ha-Zefirah. v. 29, no. 243. IVarsaw, 1902. f°.) On the acting of Ermete Novelli. Ward (Adolphus Ward). The merchant of Venice. (In his A history of English dramatic literature... v. i, p. 389-393. London, 1875. 8°.) Warde (Frederick). Shylock. A study. (Jewish Ledger. AVw Orleans, Oct. 30, 1903. p. 22-23. l\) Weiss (Louis). Origin of Shakespeare's Shylock. (In his Talmudic and other legends. New York, 1S88. 12°. p. i-io.) WiNZ (Leo). " Eleazar," "Shylock" und " Nathan der Weise." (Ost und West. v. i, coL 661-672. Berlin, 1901. 4°.) Young (James). Relative to Mr. James Young's lecture on Shylock. \^New York? 1901 ?] 24 p. 16°. 275. Sheridan (Richard Brinsley). The Duenna. A comic opera [in 3 acts and in prose]. [1775-] (In his Dramatic works, v. 3, p. 91-183. NewYork, 1883. 8°.) Levi (Harry). " The Duenna," by Richard Brinsley Sheridan. (In his Jewish characters in fiction. English literature. Philadelphia, 1903. 12°. p. 30-36.) 276. Stein (Leopold). Haus Ehrlich, oder, DieFeste... Drama in funf Aufzugen. Leipzig: jVies'sche Buchdruckerei, 1863. viii, 160 p. 8°. (Institut zur Forderung derisraelitischen Literatur. Schriften. 8. Jahr, 1862/63.) 277. TuUidge (Edward W.) From under the Curse, in 5 acts. J. C. Graham, 1S75. 52 p. 8°. 27S. "Wohlbrueck (W. A.) I'Ebrea. Der Templer und die romantische Oper in 3 Aiifziigen. In Musik gesetzt von H. A. Marschner. VoUstand. Klavierauszug . . . Neue Ausg. nach der 2. Bearbeitung, mit deutsch. & ital. Te.xte. Leipzig: F. Hofmeister [iS— ?]. I p.l.. 230 p. f°. 279. Yushkevich (Semion). Der Hunger. A Drame in vier .Akten. \'un russischen ubergesetzt [vun] Olgin. [Judeo-Germar.] Warsaxo: Druck " Ifeze/trah," Verlag " Die JVelC" [IVilna], 1906. Ill p. 8°. Koswen (M.) S. Yushkevich i " Golod." [S. Yushkevich and his ger." Russian.] (YevreiskayaZhizn P- 1 5 5- '74- ■^'- Petersburg. 8°) 280. Zametkin (Michael). A Russian Shylock. A play in four acts. New York: [The author,] igo6. 12". [Zangwill (Israel). Children of the Ghetto.] Deitscii (Gotthard). Zangwill's Ghettokinder auf der Biihne. (AUg. Zeitung d. Judenthuni. v. 64, p. 152-153. Berlin, 1900. 4°.) Ben Israel; or. Salt Lake City : II Templario e Jlidin. Grosse yevo piesa play " Hun- Alay, 1906. LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 39 [Zapolska (Gabryela v.)] Landai; (Saul Raphael). Ein jildisches Prole- tarierdrania. " Malka Schwarzenkopf " von Ga- bryela V. Zapolska. (In; Welt. v. 2, no. 5, p. 15-16. IVieii, 1898. 4°.) Dramas in Hebrew. Comment. Klein (Julius Leopold). [Die dramatische Form . . .vermisst man bei dem Volke Gottes.] (In his: Ceschichte des Drama's, v. I, p. 88-90. Leipzig, 1865. S'.) Macdonald (Duncan B.) The drama in Se- mitic literature [and, especially, in the literature of the Hebrews]. (In: Biblical World, n. s. v. 5, p. 16-28. Chicago, 1S95. 8°.) '' 'I'he result of the inquiry will be almost purely negative." Paperna (."Vbraham Jacob). Ha-Drama bi- Kelal ^vehalbrit bi-Ferat. [The drama in general and the Hebrew drama in particular. Published by the editor of Ha-Meliz.] Odessa: L. Nitzsche &■ A. Zederbaum, 1S67. i p.l., 26 p. 8°. Sup. to Ha-Meliz, v. ig. Steinbkrg (Joshua). En Mishpat. . . Wilna: S. J. Fiinn &' Rosenkraiiz,\%b?i. 24 p. 24°. Repr. : Ha-lvarmel. v. 7 (1S6S), p. 56-57, 63-66. [I.EUKSoilN (.Abraham Dob Baer).] Tokachti la-Hekarim, meet Shalom b. Shelomoh Friedmann [pseud.]. IVilna: Ji. 2\/. A'omm,lii(j?>. 28 p. 12°. Individual Plays. 251. Andermann (David Meir). Emunah we- Haskalah. . .Z)ri//jwi!i)'cc.- ^. H. Ziipnik, 18S7. 72, xi, (1) p., 2 1. 16°. German title: Emina W'haskula (Glauben and Wissen). Allegorisches Drama in fiinf Acten. 252. Apfel (Samuel Abel). Kishron ha-Chokmah u- .Mappach Nefesh . . . [.'\ tragedy.] Csernoivitz: E. Heilpern, 18S2. lo, 67, (9) p. German title: Kischron Hachochma, dramatisches Gedicht. 253. Hirschbein (Pharez). Weite und no- hente: Bilder in 4 Akten. Judisch [von] A. A. Ben Gur. IVilna: " Die Welt," ii)Ob. 68, (l) p. 16°. 254. HoreHk (M.) Ha-Chamsan ha-Katan. [A play for children in 5 acts.] Warsaw: " Tu- s c hi Ja h, " 1 1)02. 2g p. 12°. (Li-Bene ha-Neurim. 82.) 285. Kesher Bogedim. . .[An .inonymous trag- edy of the life of Maximilian, emperor of Mexico, in 4 acts and in verse.] IVilna, iSyr. i p.l., 96 p. 12 . 2S6 Landau (Judah Leo). Yesh Tikwah. [A drama of contemporary Jewish life in 3 acts. With A preface by Judah Loeb Pilpel.] Krakau: L. Pilpcl. 1893. 48 p. 8°. German title: Jesch-Tikwah. Schauspiel in 3 Acten aus dem judischen I.eben in der Gegenwart. Wurdc das erste Mai auf der Stadtbiihne in lirody [in 1893] aufgeftihrt. 286a. Luzzatto (Moses Chayyim ben Jacob Ch:i\). 0/ Padua, 1707-47. La-Yeshariin Tehillah . . . [ I'raise for the upright. A drama in 3 acts and a prologue, and in verse. Written in honor of his pupil Jacob ben .Moses di Gavis on the occasion of his wedding to Rachel da Vega Enriques.] Ms. Amsterdam, n. d. 4 p.l., 25, (l) f. 8°. A copy of the first ed. (.\msterdam, 1743) ? Sq. char, and the pref. in Rashi char. Hand-made paper. Was presented in 1859 by its owner, Jacob Meir Lehren at Amsterdam, to another man (Getschlik ben Suesskind ?) of the same city. La-Yesharim Tehillah. .. [2. ed., with a preface by Solomon of Dubno.] Berlin, 17S0. 42 1. 12°. Another ed. [With an approbation signed by Joseph ben Jacob Isaac Hochgelehrnter, Rabbi at Samoscz, and Abraham ha-Cohen Chasid of Am- sterdam; reprinted from Isaac Aryeh ha- Levi Mar- galiot's ed. of Lemberg, 1799.] Joze/ow: D. S. I. Wax, 1S26. 92 p. 12°. The publisher remarks that he was loath to ask the rabbis of his own generation for approbations, as he knew them to be generally opposed to poetical writers; wherefore he reproduces instead the rabbinical approbation given in a previous edition. Another ed. Wilna: R. M. Romm, 1S49. xii, 60 p. 12°. Another ed. Warsaw: I. Goldman, 18S4. Sop. 12°. La-Yesharim Tehillah (dem Verdienste seine Krone), ein allegorisches Drama in 3 Akten. [Hebrew.] (In: Martinet (Adam). Tiferet Yisrael Oder: Hebraische Chrestomathie. . .Bamberg, 1837. 8°. p. 268-323.) . ..Laj'scharim T'hillah ins Deutsche uber- setzt von J[eremiah] Musen. . .[Hebrew and Ger- man.] Lemberg: S. L. Ktigel, lilA- 109 P- 12. Buch La-Yesharim Tehillah iibersetzt vun Leschon Kodesch. . .vun Gedaliah ben David ha- Cohen Berger mi-Dubno. [Ms. Judeo-German.] [Dubno?] 1S76. Si p. 16°. German cursive characters. Only to.the beginning of the 5. scene of the 3. act. Delitzsch (Franz). Zur Geschichte der judi- schen Poesie. Leipzig, 1836. S°. p. 88, 91-92. Paperna (Abraham Jacob). Ha-Drama . . . Odessa, 1867. 8°. p. 6-8. POLLAK (Chayyim Joseph). Cheker ha-Mech- kar ha-Mitboded]. [A commentary on the 2. scene of the 2. act. Hebrew.] (Ha-Mebasser I'Galizien. Edited by A. I. Menkes, v. i, p. 69-71. Lemberg, 1861. f°.) Sr.ouscH/. (Nahum). La renaissance de la litte- rature hebraique. Paris, 1903. 12°. p. 13-16. 287. Malbim (Meir Loebusch ben Jehiel Mi- chel). Shire Kodesh we-lahem Mashal u- Melizah . . . [.\ dramatic poem in 4 acts and in verse. Pro- vided with vowel-points and published, with a note at the end in lieu of a preface, by Jehiel Bril.J Paris, iSCiT. i p.l., 142 p. 24°. Shire Kodesh we-lahem Mashal u Melizah ...[2. ed., enlarged.] Warsaw: N. H. Herzog, 1877. 156 P- 24''- Mashal u- Melizah. . .[3. ed.] Warsaw: Lewin-Epstein Bros., 1%K)\. 156 p. 16°. 287a. Monassowitz (NL) Neshef-Purim. [A play for children in i act.] Warsaw: " Tuschi- jah, " ir)02. 19 p. 12". (Li-Hene ha-Neurim. 81.) 288. Ta-vejew (Israel Chayyim). Bi-Mekom Der.asha. [A play for children in l act.] War- .taw: " Tuschijah," 1902. 25 p. 12°. (Li-Bene ha-Neurim. 80.) 40 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA Translations into Hebrew. 289. Berquin (Arnaud). MusarNaar Ra. [A play for children in iS scenes. Translated from the French by I. M. Salkind.] Warsa-w: " Tu- schijak," iq02i. 54 p. 12°. (Li-Bene ha-Neurim. 83-S4.) 290. Gessner (Salomon). Eldad we-Tirzah Oder Erast.-.ins Hebraische iibersetzt von David Samoscz. (In: Samoscz (D.) Esh Dat. v. i, p. 83-127. Breslau, 1834. 12.) Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von). Faust. He brew translation by M. Letteris. See Section V, Elisha ben Abujah (end of first and beginning o second centuries). 2gi. Lessing (Gotthold Ephraim). Abinadab ... [A free Hebrew translation of Lessing's Philo- tas, by Joel Berisch Falkouitsch.] Odessa: L. A'ilzc/u&' A. Zfderbaiim, libi. 28 p. 8°. German title: Abinadab nach G. E. Lessing Philotas, ein Trauerspiel in einera Aufzug, in's Hebraische frei iibersetzt in Dubno . . . 1S20. Die Juden. Nathan der Wise. See Sec- tion II. 292. Sarah Bat Simson. [Miss Sara Sampson. A drama in 5 acts; translated into Hebrew prose by Peli-Israel Frenkel.] Warsaw: M. Leivinski, 18S7. 90, (i)p. 8". 293. Maffei (Francesco Scipione). Merab. La Merope. Tragoedia. .quam ex Italico sermone in linguam sacram classicam convertit. . .S. A. Ro- manelli. Nunc primum cum prrefatione et notis. . . edita e manuscripto autographo translatoris. . . editoris T. A. Weikert. .. Italian and Hebrew. Jioma: F. Pi(slt-t, \()0^. .\vi, 205 p., i facsim. 8°. 294. Salkind (I. M.), translator. Ha-Aniy- yim. [A play for children in i act and 5 scenes; freely translated from the French.] Warsaw : " Tuschijah" 1903. 23 p. 12°. (Li-Bene ha- Neurim.) 295. Shakespeare (William). Hamlet... [Translated from the English into Hebrew by Chayyim Jehiel Bornstein.] (Ha-Zetirah. v. 27- 28. Warsaw, 1900-1901. f°.) [Hamlet's monologue; translated by Judah Loeb Gordon.] (In: Col Shire J. L. Gordon. V. 5, p. 81-82. Wilna, 1S98. 8°.) Smolensky (Peter). [Hamlet and Faust com- pared, a criticism; with a translation of several passages from Hamlet, including the monologue.] (In his novel: Simchat Chanef, chap. 20-21, first published in his mag. Ha-Shachar, v. 3. IVien, 1S72. 8°.) 296. Ha-Melec Lear... [King Lear. A tragedy in 5 acts. Translated from the English into Hebrew blank verse by Samuel Loeb Gordon. Warsaw: " Tuschijah" 1S99. 2 pt. in i v. 12'. (Bibliotheca Ibrit. 61-62.) 297. Macbeth. [A tragedy in five acts. Translated into Hebrew verse from Friedrich von Schiller's German translation, by Isaac Barb.] Drohobycz: ZtipnikSs' Knoller,l%%-i. 123(1) p. 8°. 298. Ithiel ha-Cushi mi-Venezia. ..[Othello. Translated into Hebrew blank verse by Isaac Elie- zer Salkinson. With an introduction by Peter Smolensky.] Vienna: Spiizer &' Hohiuarth, Jun., 1S74. .\.\xv, (i), igS, (2). 12°. English title: Othello . . . Translated into Hebrew by J. E. S. Edited by P. Smolensky. Comp. P. Smolensky in his Ha-Shachar, v. 5, p. 295-296. (Wien, 1874. 8°.) 299. Ram we-Jael... [Romeo and Juliet. Translated into Hebrew blank verse by Isaac Eliezer Salkinson. With a letter to the translator by Peter Smolensky.] Wien: G. Brog, 187S. xii, 167, (i) p. I2^ English title: Shakespeare's Romeo andJJuHet.^Translated into Hebrew by J. E. S. Comp. P. Smolensky in his Ha-Shachar, v. 9, p. 232, 287- 2S3. ^46-351. 406-408. (Wien, 1878. 8°.) [Sudermann (Hermann). Johannisfeuer.] Klausner (Joseph). Esh Johanan. [A re- view. Hebrew.] (In: Ha-Dor. v. i, no. 17, p. 13-15. Krakaii, I901. f°.) 300. Vulpius (Christian August), Lahakat ha- Shodedim... [" Rinaldo Rinaldini, der Riiuber- hauptmann eine romantische Geschichte unseres Jahrhunderts" (Leipzig, 1798), combining simple narrative with dialogue, and interspersed with songs; translated from a Polish translation by Chayyim Goldstein of Piotrkow. With the appro- bation of Aryeh Judah Jacob Meisels, rabbi of Piotrkow. Published by the translator's son, Jacob Goldstein.] Warsaw: N. Schriftgisser, 185S. 2 pt. in I V. 12°. Judeo-Spanish. 301. Behar (Jakim). La fami[li]a misteriosa. Teatro in 4 actos in poesia. \Wien: J. Schles- in^er.] 649 [1SS9]. 56 p. 12°. Rashi characters. The only drama in this dialect known to Max Gruenbaum. See his Jiidisch-spanische chrestomathie. \Frank/urt a. M.,\%tfi. 8°. p. 145-146.) Judeo-German Dramas. Original and adaptations. 302. [Abramowitsch (Shalom Jacob).] Die Taxe, Oder die Stodt-Baale-Toboth. Gedruckt be- Hischtadluth Mendeli-Mocher-Sforim. Wilna: S. J. Filnn if A. Z. Kosenkranz. 1872. 88 p. 8°. Die Taxe. AVio York: J. Katzenelenbogen, 1899. 99 p. 8°. 303. Avramovitz (Max). Mein Theater-Maga- zin. Eine Erziihlung iiber Schmendrik's Gluck und UnglUck, seine ganze Lebens-Biographie, zusam- mengesetzt aus 237 Namen von Theater-Stticke seit idisches Theater existirt vun 1S77 bis 1895. New York: E. Zunser [1895]. 12 p. 8°. English title: My theatrical magazin. 304. Axenfeld (Israel). Mann un Weib, Schwester un Briider... a Theaterstuck in 2 Akten. Odessa: M. Berlinson. 1867. 68 p. 8°. 305. Beckermann (Simeon). [Hadassah] Die Ch'luzah. A Drama in vier Akten. Odessa, 1883. loS p. sq. 8. Ms. German cursive characters. Hadassah die Ch'luzah. . .Varfasst auf dem Art von Schemer. rFarj(7-t'.-_/. Untcrhendler, 1S84. 112 p. S . 306. Ben-Zion (lienedix). A Familien-Drame Oder die falsche Kiduschin. A Drame in fiinef Akten. An emethe Geschichte, far der judischen Biihne ausgearbet. . . Odessa, 1S83. I p.l., 85 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 41 307. A grosser Sod. A Melo Drama in vier Akten. AVtu Kt^r* [iSgg]. i p.l., 124 p. sq. 8°. Ms. in lead pencil. German cursive characters. 30S. Die umzufriedene Gliickliche. Komo- die in 4 Akten. [OJissa.] 1SS3. 35 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 309. Der Zwua'k. A komische Komodie in vier Akten und Bilder mit Gesang und Tanz. Nach Quellen bearbet vin Mosche Silberman. [Actu- ally written by B. Ben-Zion.] [OJt'ssa, 1S83.] i p.l., 39 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. An adaptation of Moliere's Lc Tartufe. 310. Bernstein (S.) Reb Jochze Dal Geeh. A Komodie mit a Roman in 5 Akten... Kishinev: L. Charik, 1884. 32 p. 8°. 311. Eppelberg (W. H.) Die verbittene Joz- roth. .V Lustspiel in ein Akt. Warsaw: A. Un- terhendhr, iSijo. 16 p. 8°. 312. [Ettinger (Solomon).] Serkele oder die falsche Johrzeit. Komodie in funf Akten. Geschehn in Lemberg. New ed. IVarsaiu: J. Lebensohn, 1875. So p. 8°. 313. [Falkowitsch (Joel Berisch).] Reb Cha- jimil der Kozin. Ein Theater in 4 Akten. Bear- beitet nach K... Odessa: M. E. Belinson, 1866. 166 p. 8°. Written in St. Petersburg, 1864. Rochele die Singerin. Ein Theater in 4 Akten. Bearbeitet nach S. & R. K. von B. B". Zhitomir: A. S. Szadow, 186S. 125 p. 8°. 314. Gnib (J. D. H.) Das Chanuka-Trenderl. Ein antiques Familien-Stiick von unsere Leut'. In 2 Aufzligen. Renovirt von J, D. H. Gnib. Wien: J. Schtossberg, 1884. 30 p. 12°. In German characters. 315. Goldfaden (Abraham). Die Bobe mit dem Enikel oder Bonzie die Knotlechlegerin. Melo- drama in 3 .'Kkten mit Gesang. Warsaw: Baum- ritter if Gonsior \\ii:j\\. 40 p. 8°. Die Bobe mit dem Enikel . . . New York: J. Saphirstein, 1S93. 40 p. 8°. Die Bobe mit dem Enikel... Warsaw: J. Lidski, IQ05. 40 p. 8". (Goldfadens Theater Magazin.) 316. Fanatik; oder, Die 2 Kunie Lemils- Komiidie in 4 Akten und 7 B[ilder]. [18S-?] 55 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. Der Fanatik oder die Beide KuniLemil Opereta in 4 Akten un in 8 Bilder... IVarschaw: Baumritter if Gonsior, xSiy. 62 p. 8°. Der Fanatik. ..A'c'ic York: J, Saphirstein, 1S93. 62 p. 8°. 317. Die beide Kni-t,cmil. .. Warsaw: J. Lidski, 1905. 62 p. 8°. (Goldfadens Theater Magazin.) 318. Die kaprisne Kallah-Maud oder Kab- zensohn et Hungermann. Melodrama in 4 Akten un in 5 Bilder. Warsaw: Baiimrilter &' Gonsior, 1887. 46 p. 8°. Die Kaprisne Kallah-Maud. New York: J. Saphirstein, 1S93. 46 p. 8°. 319. Die Kischufmacherin (Zauberin). Op- eretta in 5 Akten un in 8 Bilder. .. Warsaw: Battm- ritlcr is' Gonsior, 18S7. 66 p. 8°. Die Kischufmacherin. . . Warsaw: Baitm- ritter &^ Gonsior [iSgi]. 64 p. 8'. Die Kischufmacherin. .. Warsaw: J. Lid- ski, 1905. 64 p. S°. (Goldfadens Theater Maga- zin.) 320. [Schmendrik.] Die Komische Chathunah von Schmendrik mit die Kallah in drei Akten. . (Ein Lust Spiel in ein Akt von dem Kater.) [By A. Goldfaden.] (Lied vun Feitel Narr mit Notki Gannaw. Ein Lust Spiel in drei Akten. [Anon.] [Lemberg: B. L. Recheles, 1875.] 68 p. 24°. Schmendrig oder die Komische Chathunah. A Komodie in 3 Akten . . . Warsaw: J. Lebensohn, 1890. 40 p. 8°. 321. Das zehnte Gebot, " Lo Thachmod." Komische Operetta (Zaubermahrchen) in 5 Akten, 10 Verwandlungen in 28 Bildern... Krakau: J. Fischer, iSg7[-9S]. 8°. Played first in Xew York in 1887. 322. Gordin (Jacob). Gott.Mensch und Teuwel. Drama in 4 Akten mit a Prolog. Ne-M York: In- ternal. Library Pub. Co., 1903. 102 p., i port. 16°. [Same, under the title:] Das Geld. Drama in 4 Akten aus dem Jiidischen. [German.] (In: Die Welt. v. ro, nos. 1-4, 6-g. A'bln, 1906. 4°. Souvenir programme. Grand benefit per- formance of J. Gordin's play, Gott, Mensch und der Teufel for the East Side Janitors' .Society, Thalia Theatre, May 19. [English.] \^iVew Yo?k, 1903.] 15 p. 8°. 323. Die Jethomah. Drama in 4 Akten. Speciell geschrieben fiir... Madame K. Lipzin. \_iVew York: A'. Lip:in, cop. 1903.] 47 p. 8°. 323a. [Der jiidischer KOnig Lear. Le- bensbild in 4 Akten.] Aronstein (Philipp). Shakespeare in Gali- zien. (Allg. Zeitung d. Judenthums. v. 66, p. 368-370. Berlin, 1902. 4°.) Der jiidischen Konig Lear. B'nai Brith (Independent Order of). — George Jessel Lodge. Special performance of Jacob Gordin's The Jewish King Lear by Jacob P. Adier and his company. Given under the auspices of George Jessel Lodge... at Grand Theatre. .. New York. .. on. . . Dec. 19, 1905. \New York: Bcrkowitz &' Proper, 1905.] 19, (3) p., I 1. 8°. [Die Kreutzer Sonata.] Lli'SKY (Louis). Die Kreutzer Sonata. Ameri- can Hebrew. New York, Jan. 31, 1902. f°.) 324. Medea. A Iiistorischc Tragedie in 4 Akten, bearbeitet f(ir der judischer I!i\hne . .fUr. . . Madame K. Lipzin. [With a preface by M. Bucan- sky. ] New York: Jiidischer Tdglic her Herald yiZsyj. 47 P- 8°. An adaptation of F. Griliparzer^s Medea. 325. .. .Mirele Efroth die idische Konigin Lear. A Lebensbild in 4 Akten. Speciell ge- schrieben fur Madame K. Lipzin. New York, 1898. 48 p. 8°. [Siberia.] Cahan (Abraham). .Siberia in Union Theatre. (Arbeiter Zeitung. v. 2, nos. 47-48. New York, i8gi. 8°.) 42 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 326. Die wilde Prinzessin oder Medea's jugend. A historische Drama in 4 Akten. Speziell geschrieben fiir Madame K. Lipzin. New York: Daily Jeifish Huald, 1S98. 55 p. 8°. Herz (Judith), /jcr/i/. c/Mrs. Mary Duni.op McLean. East Side Jewish plays and playrights. Jacob Gordin, the leader of the Russian realistic school, and some of his work. (New Era Illustrated Mag. v. 4, p. 31-3S, Neu> York, 1903. 8°.) Jacob Gordin and the Kreutzer Sonata. (Cur- rent literature, v. 41, p. 520-421. New York, igo6. 8°.) Souvenir zu Jacob Gordins zehn-jahrigen Ju- bilaum. N'ew York [J. Lipshitz\, igoi. 40 p. 8°. [Gorin (Bernard). Der Wilner Baal-Habess'l.] (Announcement in: Der Nayer Gayst. v. i, p. 372. Ncii' York. iSg8. 4°.) 327. Gottlober (Abraham Baer), J Der Deck- tuch oderzwei Chuppes in ein Nacht. A Kombdie in drei Akten. Warsaw: J. Werblenski, 1S76. 72 p. l6.°. 328. Heller (Jacob M.) Die Wolf in Fell von Schaf. A Komodiein fiinf Akten. \^Odessa?'\\%%\. ip.l.,53p. sq. S°. Ms. German cursive characters. 329. Kalmus (Ulrich). Geschichte vun a sel- tenem B'rith un a genarrte Chathunah. Theater in 4 Akten. Warsaw: N. Schriftgiesser [1883?]. 72 p. 8°. 330. Schmerele Trostinetzer. Theater in drei Akten. Warsaw : I. 0. Alapin, 18S3. 50 p. 12°. 331. Katzenelenbogen (Joseph). Das Pflege- kind. Ein originelles Lustspiel in 5 Aufziigen und 9 Bildern mit Gesangen und Tanzen...aus dem Volksleben. [Oa'«.fo, 1S8-?] 30 f. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 332. Lateiner (Joseph). David's Fiedele (David's Geige). Lebensbild in 4 Acten. Krakait: A. Faust, PoJgdrze [prin/ed'\, 1904. 66 p. 8°. Mammon der Geld-Gott oder Korachs Ozeroth. Historische Operette in 4 Akten. Krakau: A. Faust, PoJgilrze [printei/], 1904. I p. I., 59 (l) p. 8°. 333. Lerner (Marie). Die Agunah. A Drama in 4 Akten un 6 Bilder. (In: Haus-Freund. Hrsg. vun M. Spektor. v. 2, p. 27-7S. Warsaw, 1896. 8°.) 334. laibin (Z.), pseud, of Israel Hurwitz. [Die zubrochene Herzer.] Broken hearts. A drama in four acts. Argument of the play. Synopsis of acts ; cast of characters. [English.] \^NewYork: Lipshitz Press [190-] 2 1. 8°. 335. Mali (P. H.) In der Finsterniss. ADrama in 4 Akten. Odessa: A. Dychno, 1S98. 72 p. 8°. 336. Marks (Rudolph). Der Bowery Tramp; oder, der Geld-Schidech. Lebens Drama in 5 Akten und 7 Tabloen. [AVro York, 189-] i p. I., 54 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 337. Chajim in Amerika; oder, der Nacht Dieb. Drama in 5 Akten mit Gesange und Tanze. l^N'ew York, iSqo?] i p.l., loi p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 338. Der Silver Konig. Drama in 6 .^kten —n Tabloen. [AVti/J'd//!-, 18S9.] 47 I. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 339. Die zwei Schwester. Salon Drama in 4 Akten und 11 Bilder. [A'cie York, iSgo?] 38 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 340. Mendelssohn (Ludwig). Intimes aus de Liliengass'. Ein Buchdrama in i Akt. Berlin : J. L. V. Laverrenz [1S9-?]. 62 p. 12°. In German characters. 341. Minikes (Chanan Jacob). Zwischen In- dianer, oder der Country-Pedler. Komischer Vaude- ville in I Akt mit Gesange und Tanze. . .A^ew York: J. Katzenelenbogen. 1895. i p.l., 21 p. 8°. 342. Perez (Isaac Loeb). Bei dem fremden Chuppah-Kleid. A Szene vun warschauer Leben. (In his: Schriften. Warsaw, i<)oi. p. 114-126. 8°.) 343. A Literatur-Szene. Gewidmet Theil junge Dichter. (//>id. p. 105-113.) 344. Pinski (David). Eisik Scheftel.ein jiidisches Arbeiterdrama in drei Akten. Autorisierte Ueber- tragung aus dem jiidischen Manuskript von M. Buber. [German.] Berlin: Jiidisclier Verlag[\>re{, 1904]. 6 p.l., 15-103 p., I I. 12°. 345. [Rabinow^itsch (Shalom).] Die Assefah. A " reine Komodie '' vun Schulamith. (In his: Judische Volks-Bibliothek. v. 2, p. 205-220. Kiev, 18S9. 8°.) 346. Der Get. A Kombdie in 3 Bilder vun Shalom Alechem. (In: Hausfreund. Hrsg. vun M. Spektor. Warsaxo, 1S94. v. i, p. 45-62. 8°.) Der Get. Szenes vun'm amoligen jiidischen Leben, Vun Shalom Alechem. (In I Akt und 3 Bilder.) Warsaw: J. Edelstein &' Co., 1905. 32 p. 12°. (Biicher far AUe. 13-14.) 347. Judische Gazetten un Journalen. A Phantasie vun Shalom Alechem. (In : Judische Volks-Zeitung. A'rakau. 1903. v. 2, no. I. 4°.) 348. Rackow (Nahum). Der Griiner in Lon- don; oder, der Missionar. Volks Stuck in fiinf Akten. [^London, 1S90.] 50 I. sq. 8'. Ms. German cursive characters. 349. Richter (Moses). Reb Herzele Mejiches, oder Jejkele ]!al Hagule. Lebensbild in 4 Akten, mit Epilog und 8 Bilder. Lemherg: Munk &' Koth, Podg< Schrifisel- zer, iSSl. 44 p. 16'. 372. Wolfssohn (Aaron). Leichtsinn und Frommelei: ein Familien Gemalde in drei Aufzu- gen. 2. ed. Amsterdam: Johann Levi Rofe b' his son Benjamin [1798 ?]. 79 p. 16°. 373. Yissurim. Drama in ein Akt. (In: Russ- lander sozial-demokratische Arbeiter Partei. Im Kampf. p. 16-31. Geneve, 1900. 16°. ) 374. Zahik (David). Die Rosa zwischen Diir- ner. Ein Theater in 4 Akten. Piotrkow : F. Belchatowski, 1884. 80 p. 12°. Translatio.ms into Judeo-German. 375. [Ben-Zion (Benedix), translator.'\ Das eiferstlchtige por Volk. A Komodie in 4 Akten. Ubersetzt vin Deutschen M. .Silbermann. [Actu- ally translated by B. Ben-Zion.] \Odessa,'\ 1883. 1 p.l., 67 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 376. Flotte Burschen; oder, Hanzel .Schu- ster. Operette in 2 Akten. Ubersetzt vin M. .Sil- bermann. [Actually translated by B. Ben-Zion.] {Odessa,^ 1883. 14 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 377. Lumpazius Vagabundus ; oder, das grossa Gawinnst. A Komodie in 3 Akten, uber- setzt vinem Deutschen vin Moses Silbermann. [.\ctually translated by B. Ben-Zion.] \Odessa,'\ 1883. I p.l., 65 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 378. Die ungliickliche Ehe. Vun Deutsch Ubersetzt. NewYork\\i) — ]. i p.l., 98 p. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 379. Zehn Madchan und kein Mann. Ope- retta in 2 Akten. Ubersetzt von M. .Silbermann. [Actually translated by B. Ben-Zion.] \Odessa^ 1883. 19 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. [Brachvogel (Albert Emil).] Souvenir pro- gramme. Grand benefit performance of Brochfo- gel's [sic] Solomon Kaus. the inventor, by Mr. & Airs. Jacob P. Adler and their Company, given under the auspices of the EmanuEl Brotherhood, at Grand Theatre. .. Dec. 5, 1904. .. [English.] \New York.\ I904. 1. 8°. 380. Buechner (Georg). Danton's Tot. A Tragbdie in 3 Akten. Obersetzt vun A. Frumkin. London: Verlag, " Arbeiter Freiind," 1905. Sop. 12°. 381. Chekhov (.Anton P.avlovich). (i) Der Bar. [.X Komudie in ein Akt. | (2) Der Schiduch [A Kom5die in ein Akt.] Uebersetzt vun Abraham 44 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA Frurnkin. London : Gruppe "Arbeiter Freund" igo5. I p. I.. 36 p. 8°. (Vun Frerade Lescho- noth. No. I.) 3S2. Goethe (Johann Wolfgang). Faust von Goethe bearbeitet von A. Tannenbaum. Brooklyn, N. Y.: H€b.Puh.Co.{\^o-\ 38 p. 8°. 383. Hauptmann (Gerhard). Die Weber. Drama in 5 Akten [and in prose]. . .iibersetzt vun Jacob Milch. New York: Ililfs-Verband der Polnischen Sozial. Pariei, 1905. 2 p.l., (i), iii- vi, 102 p. 12°. English title: The weavers. Die Weber. . .Judisch vun A. A. Ben-Gur (pseud.). Wilna: Vir'lag" Die IVelt," igob. 109, ii p. 8°. 354. Ibsen (Henrik). Geister vun jener Welt. Familien Drama in 3 Akten. Ubersetzt vun Joel Enteen. .Ve7v York: Iiiternat. Lib. Pub. Co., :go6. 16°. 355. Nora oder_ a Lialkes Hans. Drama in 4 [read: 3] Akten. Ubersetzt vun Morris Win- chevsky. New York: M. Alaisel, 1906. I p.l., 107 p., I port. 16°. Eng. title: A doll's house. Translated by M. Winchevsky. 386. Die Stutzen_ vun der Gesellschaft. Drama in vier Akten. Ubersetzt vun Abraham Frumkin. London: Verlag " Arbeiler Freund," 1906. 109 p. 12°. 387.^ Der Volksfeind. Schauspiel in 5 Ak- ten. Ubersetzt vun Saul Yanovsky. New York: Progressive Library, 1906. i p.l., 13S p., i port. 12°. BiRNBAUM (Nathan). Mathias Acher, pseud. Henrik Ibsen and the Jewish view of life (Hebrew). [Translated from the author's German manuscript by S. I. Posner.] (In: Mimizrach Umimaarab. V. 4, p. 6S-78. Berlin, 1899. S'.) Ibsen and Judaism (Russian). [Translated from the German by K. K.] (In: Yevreiskaya Zihzn. St. Petersburg, July, 1906. p. 158-160. 8°.) Hermalin (David Moses). Henrik Ibsen (Judeo- German). (In: Minikes' Yomim Noraim un Suc- coth Blatt. New York, 1906. f°.) 388. Lemoine. Der feine Kabzon. Ein melo- drama mit Gesangen und Tanzen in funf Akten. Nach dem Sujete " Der Muttersegen" fur die idi- sche Biihne bearbeitet von N. N. \Odessa? 18S-.] 40 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 389. lierner (Joseph Judah), translator. Mut- ter Liebe ; oder, Zwei Chatunoth in ein Tog. Melo- drama in 5 .\kten. Uebersetzt von Lerner von Franzosischen. [iSSG.] 52 1. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. Copied by M. Nechamkus. 390. Shakespeare (William). Julius Casar, Eine istorische, trahedische Drama. . .in 5 Erschei- nungen. . .frei ubersetzt und bearbeitet in'm prost- judischen Jargon [in prose] von Bezalel Wischne- polski. . . IVarschau: A. Gins, 1886. 148 p. 12°. German title: Julius Casar. . . frei uebersetzt und bearbeitet in der neu jiidischen Sprache von C. E. Wischnepolski. 391. Der KOnig Lear oder Die undankbare Kinder. Bearbeitet noch .Shakespeare's Tragodie vun A. S. Ilalperin. Mit Bilder. IVarsaw: A. Gins, 1904. 43 p. bibliothek.) ' A prose tale from Shakespeare's drama Merchant of Venice. See of Jewish life," .f. v. Shakespeare. 16°. (Zuckermann's Volks- ' Other Dramas JfDEO-GEKMAN Stage Songs. 392. AUe neueste judische Theater und Volks- Lieder. . .von. . . J. Lateiner, A. Goldfaden, S. Mogulesko und R. Marks. . .A^ew York: N'. Kala- schiner if Co. [18 — ] 47 p. 12°. 393. AUe neueste Theater-Lieder und Couple- ten. . .35 Lieder. . . New York : J. Katzenelenbogen [189—]. 50, (16) p. 12°. 394. Avramovitz(Max). A Biintele Blumen. Gevvahlte Coupleten und Volkslieder. . . Neiu York: Katzenelenbogen Cs' Kantro7uitz [1894]. 4, 12 p. 12°. 395. Buentele Blumen (A) in vier Theilen ...Nev York: J. Katzenelenbogen, 1896. 6, 8, 12, (4), 32 p. 12°. 1. Alle Lieder vun Akedath Jizchkak vun Abraham Goldfaden. 2. Coupleten un Volkslieder von Max Avraraowitz. 3. Alle Lieder vun Kuzri vun Prof. Horowitz. 4. Anekdoten vun G. Braude. 396. Goldfaden (Abraham). " Hozmach's Kromel" vun verschiedene Antiken. 25 jiidische Volkslieder, was senen gesungen geworen in Gold- fadens jiidischen Theater. Zusammen geklieben vun Abraham Jizchak Tanzmann . . . Warsaw : M. M. Ziickermann, 1891. 88 p. 12°. 397. Die neueste Goldfadens judisch Thea- ter-Lieder. . .AVw Kor;t.'_/. Katzenelenbogen, 1893. 26, (I) p. 12'. Die neueste Goldfaden's jiidische Theater- Lieder. . .und einige Volkslieder. . .von E. Zunser, M. Rosenfeld und W. Ehrenkranz. New York: J. Katzenelenbogen, ii,()2i- I p.l., (i). 37P-. 5 •■ 12°. 1896. (I), 37 p., 8 1. 12°. 398. Die beriihmte Lied von " Steh auf mein Volk "... [New York: J. Katzenelenbogen 189- ] 3 p. 16°. 399. Idische Eiihne (Die). Jubilaum Aus- gabe. New York: J. Katzenelenbogen, 1S97. 2pt. Unpaged. 12°. 2. Abth. Volkslieder, Theater Lieder, Konzert Lieder, Ar- beiter Lieder, Deklamationen . . . Eng. title: I'he Jewish stage . . . Pt. 2 . . . theatrical coup- lets, labor songs and popular songs, and recitations . . . Com- piled by J. Katzenelenbogen . . . ■ Same. [Pt. 2., enlarged.] Brooklyn, N. Y., 1903. 12°. 400. Judische Konzert- und Theater-Lieder ...von A. Goldfaden, E. Zunser, S. Moguleski und Arbeiter-Lieder. AVa; York: J. Katzenelen- bogen, 1890. 54 p. 12°. 401. Judische Theaterlieder. . .N'ew York: J. Katzenelenbogen [1S9-]. 54 p. 12°. Judische Theater-Lieder in 4 Theil. . .25. ed. Ahw York : J. Katzenelenbogen, 1894. ip.l.,(l), 74 P- 12°. Another copy. 26. ed. AVw York: J. Katzenelen- bogen, 1897. (i), 74 p. 12°. LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 45 402. Judische Theater-un Volks-Lieder . .. 2. Theil. Die Harfe . . . New York : J. KalzeneUn- bogen [1892]. p. 57-88. 12°. £Dgli5h tille: The harp. Hebrew songs. Die Harfe. . . Brooklyn, New York : Heb. Ptib. Co., 1902. V. p. 12°. 403. Katzenelenbogen (S.Joseph). Judische Melodien oder VolliS-Lieder. . . ausgewahlte l.ieder, Coupleten un Fabeln vun seine.. . Theatersttick. . . Alilna: A. //. KatzeneUnbogen, 1887. x,(l), 86 p. 24°. 404. Lieder-Album (Der). A Sammlung vun alle idische Theater-Lieder, Koncert-I.ieder, Coupleten un Volks-Lieder... Brooklyn, N. Y. : Heb. Pub. Co. [igoi] vii, 245 p. 12°. English title: The song album, containing all theatrical couplets. labor songs, popular songs and recitations. 405. Liieder Buch von Cupleten. [AVw York, 189-?] I p.l., sSf. sq. 8°. Ms. German cursive characters. 406. marks (Rudolph). Rudolph Marks' r.ibliothek. . . Ein Auswahl von. . . Coupleten und Deklamationen. . . Verfast und gesungen von R. Marks. New York : M. Prickles, 1896. 32 p. 12°. 407. Mogulesko (Sigmund). Coupleten, komi- sche und humoristische, filr der judischer BUhne. . . Odessa: M. Belinson, 1881. pt. I. 32 p. 12°. 40S. Souvenir. Der Album enthalt alle neueste Theater-Lieder, Coupleten un Duetten. New York; J. KatzeneUnbogen [1900?]. 13 p. 8°. 409. Neuste (Die) judische Konzert und Theater Lieder. 10. Aufl. New York : J. Kat- tenelcnbogen, 1894. 63 p., I port. 12°. 410. Neuste (Die) Theater und Volks Lieder. . . New York : J. K'atzenelefibogen,\%qS' 18 1. 12°. English title: The latest people's stage songs. 411. Reingold (Isaac). Die neueste Reingold's Theater- und Volkslieder gesungen mit englische Melodien. In 2 Theil. Chicago: J. Lidskin [1896]. I p.l., 21 1. 12°. 412. Der Phonograph Komische Coupleten und Theater-Lieder mit bekannte englische Melo- dien .. . Chicago : J. Lidskin [189-]. I p.l., 7 1. 12°. 413. Reingold's Liederbuch . . . Parodien nach die. . . popularste englische Lieder, gesungen mit de neueste Melodien. New York: J. Katzen- eUnbogen [189-?]. no. I. I p.l., 6 1. 4°. English title: Reingold's songster. 414. Reingold (Isaac), and others. Die Strune. Auserwiihlte Theater- und Volkslieder mit bekannte englische Melodien... in 2 Theil. Chicago: J. Lidskin [1894 ?]. 23 1. 8°. 415. Verschiedene Deklamationen und Theaterlieder in 5 Theilen. . . New York : J. Kat- ztnelenbogen [1S9-]. I p.l., 16 1. 12°. The Stage. Abrahams (Israel). Jews and the theatre. (In: fewish Chronicle. London, Nov. 13, 1891, Jubilee supplement, p. 21-23. f°.) The Jews and the theatre. The Purim play and the drama in Hebrew. (In his: Jewish iS. New York, 1892. den idischen Theater. life in the Middle Ages. London, 1896. 8°. p. 251-272.) Bernheimer (Charles S.) The Russian Jew in the United States. . . Philadelphia : The J. C. Winston Co., I905. 8°. Chap. VII. Amusement and social life (p. 22T-254I. New York, by A. H. Fromenson; Philadelphia, by Mrs. Simon N. (Charlotte Kimball) Patten; Chicago, by I, K. Friedman. Bril (Isaac Leep). Development of the Viddish stage. (In: Jewish Comment. Baltimore, Oct. 17, igo2. p. I. f".) Buber (Martin). Eine jungjildische Buhne. (Die Welt. v. 5, no. 45. IVien, 1901. 4°.) Cahan (.Abraham). Der idischer Theater un die amerikaner Romanen. [Judeo-German.] (Ar- beiter Zeitung. v. 3, no. f°.) A Debatte iiber (Ibid. no. 24.) Dramatische Welt (Die). A monatliche Schrift vun Literatur, Kritik un dramatische Neues, speciell gewidmet dem judischen Theater. Re- daktirt vun Jacob Gordin. [Judeo-German.] New York, 15 July-i6 Oct., 1904. 4 nos. f". No more published. English title: The Dramatic World. Fein (M.) Was lehrt der Thalmud ilber Schauspielkunst, Musik und Gesang ? (Ben Chan- anja. v. 4, p. 25-27. Szegedin, 1861. 4°.) Franzos (Karl Emil). Der Pojaz. Eine Geschichte aus dem Osten. Mit einem Portrat. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta, 1905. 4S6 p., I port. 12°. Freie judische Volksbiihne (Die). Redaktirt vun Joel Enteen. . . A'ew York: N. M. Shaikewitz, 1897. 34 p. S°. Frischmann (David). Judisch Theater. (In: Sammelbuch " Kultur." Warsaw, 1905. 12°. p. 17-32.) Gordin (Jacob) Der Suget vun mein zu- kiinftige Drama. [A satire in verse. Judeo- German.] (Arbeiter Zeitung. v. 3, no. 21. A'ew York, 1892. f°.) Idische Theaters un idische Dramaturgen. (/bid. no. 40.) Comp. the letters of Jacob Milch and Louis Miller, ibid. nos. 41, 43, 44. Hapgood (Hutchins). The stage. Theatres, actors and audience. Realism, the spirit of the Ghetto theatre. The history of the Yiddish stage. (In his; The spirit of the Ghetto. AVw York, 1902. 8°. p. 113-176.) Zur Geschichte des Jargontheaters. (Die Welt. v. 8, nos. 6-7. IVien, 1904. 4°.) From " Spirit of the Ghetto." Hebrew Actors' Protective Union of New York. Journal. Herausgcgeben vun die judische Aktoren Union zu seiner 4ten Jahresfest. New York, den 27 December, 1903. \_New York: Lipschitz. 1903.] :3 p., I port. 8°. Horovitz (Josef.) Der Mimus in judischen Quellen. (In his: Spuren griechischer Mimen ini Orient. Berlin, 1905. 8°. p. 89-95.) Idische Buhne (Die). Jubiliium Ausgabe. [Judeo-German.] New York : J. KatzeneUnbogen, 1897. 2 V. in I. 12°. 1. Abth. Artiklen: Geschichte, Kritik. Bclletristik. Skiz- zen, Pocsic. 2. Abth. Volks Lieder, Theater Lieder, Konzert Lieder. 46 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA Arbeiter Lieder, Deklamationen. Beilage: Business Notizen, Witzen, AnekdoteD. Eng. title: The Jewish stage. Pt. i . . . a collection of ar- ticles and stories . . . Edited by C. H. J. Minikes. Pt. 2 . . . theatrical couplets, labor songs and popular songs, and recita- tions . . . Compiled by J. Katzenelenbogen . . . Issued in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the Jewish stage. Reviewed by Jacob Gordin in Freie judische Volksbuhne. p. =9-3+.) New York, 1897, Jaffa (Isaac). [Judeo-German.] Kalender. . . von A't-M York, 1895. Jastrcw ,(M.) Derjudischer Theater wie er is. (Judisch-amerikanischer Volks- A. Harkavy. v. 2, p. 60-62. I2°.) Les Ludim ou Ludai. (In: juives. V. 17, p. 30S-310. Revue des Etudes Paris, 1888. 8°.) Comp. Krauss (S.) Griechische und lateinishe Lehn- worter, .f. v. ludira. K. (P.?) The Jewish Theatre. (Ha-Meliz. v. 38, no. 287. St. Petersburg, 1898. f°.) Kayserling (Meir). (Antonio Enriquez Go- mez als Dramatiker.] (In his: Sephardim ..Leip- zig, 1859. 8°. p. 226-243.) Kohut (Adolph). Biihnenkiinstler und Buhn- enleiter. (In his: Beruhmte israelitische Manner und Frauen. v. i, p. 161-259. Leipzigliijoo]. S°.) Karpeles (Gustav). The Jewish stage. (In his: Jewish literature and other essays. Philadel- phia, i?,^)^. 12°. p. 229-24S.) Loew (Leopold). Was lehrt der Thalmud iiber Schauspielkunst, IVIusik und Gesang? II. [Sup- plementing the article of M. Fein, see supra.] (In his: Ben Chananja. v. 4, p. 37-40, 64. Ssegedin, 1861. 4°.) (In his: Gesammelte Schriften. v. 4, p. 108-132. Szegedin, i%()i. 8°.) Das Schauspiel. (In his: Die Lebensalter in der judischen Literatur. p. 295-300. Ssegedin, 1875. 8°.) IHteisacfa (Joshua). Bamat Yischak o Masa Ge Chizzayon. [On the Jewish stage. Hebrew.] H'arsii-a: /iatimritter &' Gonsior, l&&g. 40 P- I^i'- Menkes (Hermann). Jiidisches Theater in Galizien. (Allg. Zeitung d. Judenthums. v. 57, p. 526-52S. Berlin, 1893. 4°.) Miller (Louis). Ueber idische Kunst. [Judeo- German.] (Arbeiter Zeitung. v. 3, no. 17. New y'ori, lSg2. f°.) Perles (Joseph). Etymologische Studien zur Kunde der rabbinischen Sprache und Alterthiimer. (Monatsschrift f. Gesch. u. Wissenschaft d. Juden- thums. V. 19, p. 494-500. Breslau, 1870. 8°.) Rappoport (Solomon Loeb). Ed (Ludi Secu- lares). [Hebrew.] (In his: Erech Millin. Pragae, 1852. sq. 8°. p. 30-33-) Richards (Bernard G.) Yiddish theatre in Boston. (Jewish Home Journal, v. 3, p. 15-19- Boston, 1904. 8°.) S. (F.) Das Theater und die Juden. (Die Welt. V. 3, nos. 7, 9, 15, 23. Wien, 1899. 4°.) Sachs (Michael). [Was zur Zerstreuung und Lust von offentlichen Schaustellungen iiblich war . . . [und] in den beiden Talmuden erwahnt... [ist].] (In his: Beitraege zur Sprach- und Alterthums- forschung. Aus jiidischen Quellen. Heft l,^p. 123- 124; Heft 2, p. 121. Berlin, 1S51-54. 8°.) Schach (Fabius). Das judische Theater, sein Wesen und seine Geschichte. (Ost und West. v. I, col. 347-358. Berlin, igoi. 4°.) [Selikovitch (George).] Der idischer Roman und Theater. [Judeo-German.] (Arbeiter Zeitung. v. I, nos. 27-29. NewYork, 1890. f°.) The article is signed " Sambation.'^ Shalom Alechem, pseud, of Shalom Rabino- WITSCH. Shimeli. [A story of the life of a Jewish actor. Hebrew.] (In: Ha-Asif. v. 5, depart- ment of fiction, p. 49-64. Warsaw, I'iA'). 8°.) Theater Journal (Der). Erscheint ein Mol in zwei Wochen. B. Gorin, Redaktor. [JudeoGer- man.] Neio York: Oct. I, 1901-Feb. 15, 1903- 8° and 4°. No more published. Wiener (Leo). The Jewish theatre (In his: The history of Yiddish literature in the nineteenth century. '.Yew York, 1899. 8°. p. 231-243.) Zangwill (Israel.) The jargon players. (In his: Children of the Ghetto, v. i, p. 375-384- Philadelphia, 1892. 8°.) INDEX. This index includes only those dramas of which the complete text is represented in the preceding list. The arrangement is alphabetical by authors. Abramowitsch (Shalom Jacob). Der Prisiw. 248 Die Taxe. 302 Aguado (Miguel R.) Sarah y Joseph. 223 Ahasverus Spiel. 118 Aldrich (Thomas Bailey). Judith of Bethulia. 151 Alfieri (Vittorio). Abele. 14 Saul. (>8 Alle neueste judische Theater- und Volks-Lieder. 392 Alle neueste Theater-Lieder und Coupleten. 393 Andermann (David Meir). Emunah we-Haskalah. 281 Angela F'ortunata. Aseneth. 26 An-ski (S. a.) Otetz i syn. 256 Apfel (Samuel Abel). Kishron ha-Chokmah u-Mappach Nefesh. 282 Aretino (Pietro). II marescalco. 257 Armstrong (George Francis"). The tragedy of Israel. 9^ Atlass (Joshua). Ha-Nirdaf me-Erez Russia. 252 Avramovitz (Ma.\). A Biintele Blumen. 394 Mein Theater-Magazin. 303 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA 47 AXENFELD (Israel). Der erste jlidische Rekrut in Russland. Mann un Weib. Bank (Joshua). Tebusat .Vbsalom. BAOUR-Lormian (P. M. F. L.) Omasis. Beckkrmann (Simeon). [lladassah] Die Ch'luzah. Behar (Jakim.) La familia misteriosa. Ben-Zion (Benedix). Das eiferstichtige por Volk. A Familien Drame. Flotte Burschen. A grosser Sod. Lumpazius Vagabundus. Schaul ha-Melech. Die umzufriedene Gliickliche. Die unglOckliciie Elie. A varumglucktes Auto-da-fe. Zehn Madclien und kein Mann. Der Zwua'k. Bernstein (S.) Reb Jochze Dal Getih. Berquin (Arnaud). .Musar Naar Ra. Berg (O. F.) Einer von unsere Leut'. Biblical dramas, arranged by 11. G. Ha Newton M. Hall. Blidrn. Ila-Chashmonaim. BoissoN (Marius) and LuciEN RicAlLLE. La vengeance du Juif. Brown (Charles Hovey). Moses. BuECHNER (Georg). Danton's Tot. BuENTELE Blumcn. Burton (Richard). Rahab. Byron (Lord). Cain. Caloeron dela Barca (Pedro). Autos sacramentales. Los cabellos de Absalon. Judas Macabeo. El mayor monstruo los zelos. La sibila del Oriente. Caroline (Louise). Baruch von Spinoza. Chasciikes (Moses). .•Vbarbanel. Chateaubriand, Vicomte de. Moise. CiiAYYiM Abraham ben .\ryeh Loeb. M ilchamah be-Shalom. Gedulat Joseph. Chekhov (Anton I'avlovich). Der Bar. Chester pl.iys. CiiiRiKov (Yevgeni). Vevrei. Cohen (Salomon Jacob). 247 Maaseh Nabot ha-Yizreeli. 112 304 Cohn (Herman). Der Barbier von Schuschan. iig 84 CoHN (Isaac Jehoiada). Boaz we-Ruth. 64 27 Corneille (Pierre). Berenice. 195 305 CoUTTS (Francis). The song of songs. 100 301 Crippen (T. G.) Joseph in Egypt. 29 375 Cumberland (Richard). 306 The Jew. 260 376 307 377 69 Daniel in' the lion's den. 139 Diamante (Bautista Juan). La Judia de Toledo. 211 308 DucHE de Vancy (Joseph Fran9ois). 378 L'Assalonne. 86 210 11 Gionata. 76 379 Ebb (Sophie R.) 309 Joseph. 30 Ebersberg (Ottokar Franz). Ste Berg (0. F.) 310 Efrathi (Joseph). Meluchat Shaul. 70 289 Eppelberg (W. H.) David in der WUste. 77 258 Esterka. 218 ale and Die verbittene Jozroth. 3" I L'Ermite de la Rue Gauvin. Daniel. 140 156 EstilVE, Abbe. Moise sauve des eaux. 46 259 Esther ha-Malkoh. Ettinger (Solomon). 120 44 Serkele. EZEKIEL. 312 380 'E^aywyj;. 4S-49 39 5 Falkowitsch (Joel Berisch). Reb Chajimil der Kozin. 313 52 Fenton (Elijah). Mariamne. 171 15 FiscHMANN (Nachman Isaac). Kesher Shebna. 114 2 Sisera. 53 85 FoNER (Meir). 157 Joseph della Reina. 231 170 Franco Mendes (David ben Abraham). 93 Gemul Athaliah. Friede (Hans). 107 237 SUnde. Friedlander (Moriz). 82 225 Marcia. Gamsu (Judah Loeb). 206 45 Ezra. GarcIa de la Huerta (Vicente Antonio) 14O 28 Raquel. 212 28 Genlis, Comtesse de. Isaac. 22 3S1 Gessner (Salomon). 3 Eldad we-Tirzah. GlTELEWicz (Gedaliah). 290 253 lladassah. 121 48 LIST OF JEWISH DRAMA GlUPPONi (Daniele). Geu. io6 Gnib(J. D. H.) Das Chanuka-Trenderl. 314 GoEij (Roger de). Jephtah victorieux. 55 Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von). Faust. 203, 382 GOLDENBERG (N.) Chaira I, gromoverzhetz. 251 GOLDFADEN (Abraham). Akedath jizchak. 20 Almasadda. 215 Bar Kochba. 200 Die beide Kni-Lemil. 317 Die Bobe mit dera Enikel. 315 Fanatik. 316 Hozmach's Kromel. 396 Die Kaprisne Kallah-Maud. 318 Die Kischufmacherin. 319 Moschiach's Zeiten. 250 Die neueste Goldfaden's judische Theater- Lieder. 397 Die beriihmte Lied von " Steh auf raein Volk." 39S Rabbi Joselmann. 233 Schmendrik. 320 Sulamith. 1S9 Theater von KOnig Achaswerosch. 122 Das zehnte Gebot " Lo Thachmod." 321 GoLDSCHMiDT (William). Hadassah. 123 GORDIN (Jacob). Elisha ben Abujah. 204 Gott, Mensch und Teuwel. 322 Die Jethomah. 323 Der jlidischer Konig Lear. 323a Medea. 324 Mirele. 325 Die wilde Prinzessin. 326 Gordon (Samuel), am/ Nahum Rackow. Captain Dreyfus. 255 GOTTLOBER (Abraham Baer). Der Decktuch. 327 Granelli (Giovanni). Manasse. 115 Sedecia. 116 Grillparzer (Franz). Esther. 124 Die Jiidin von Toledo. 213 Groot (Hugo de). Sofompaneas of Joseph in 't hof. 31 Grotius. See Groot (Hugo de). GuTZKOW (Karl Ferdinand). Uriel Acosta. 234 Hale (Harris G.), oki/ Newton M. Hall. Biblical dramas. i Moses the liberator. 51 Story of Jacob. 25 Story of Joseph. 40 Hall (Newton JL) See Hale (Harris G.) Harfe. 402 Hauptmann (Gerhard). Die Weber. 383 Heavvsege (Charles). Saul. 71 Hebbel (Friedrich). Herodes und Mariamne. 172 Judith. 152 Heijermans (Herman), jr. The Ghetto. 261 Heller (Jacob M.) Die Wolf in Fell von Schaf. 328 Herz (Joseph). Esther. 125 Heyse (Paul). Marj' of Magdala. 186 Sulamith. 94 Heywood (Joseph Converse). Herodias. 1S2 Salome. IQO Hilarius (Justus). Der Anherr. 262 HiLLE (Peter). Hirtenliebe. loi Hirschbein (Pharez). Weite und nohente. 283 HORELIK (M.) Ha-Chamsan ha-Katan. 284 Horowitz (Moses). Athaliah. 108 Bath Cohen. 169 Beth Dawid. 207 Don Judah AbravaneL 229 Die llieder von Kuzri. 208 Schelomoh ha-Melech. 95 Horowitz (S.) Das Hohe-Lied. 102 Houdart de la Motte (Antoine). I Macabei. 15* Hugo (Victor). Torquemada. 226 Hurwitz (Israel). See LiBiN (Z.) Ibsen (Henrik). Geister vun jener Welt. 384 Nora. 385 Die StUtzen vun der Gesellschaft. 386 Der Volksfeind. 387 Idische Buhne. 399 Iliowizi (Henry). Herod. I73 Joseph. 32 Irgens (Hanna). Moses i Tonden. 265 Issachar Baerman. Mechirus Joseph. 33 Jacobsohn (G. ) Ruth. 65 Jacobson (Janie). For liberty. " 159 Joseph and his brethren. 34 A maid of Persia. 126 Jephtha's daughter. . .By a lady. 5& Joseph and his brethren. 35-3. Log of H. M.S.Andromeda, 1904-1906, by A. C. Spooner. [London : The IVestmins/er Press,] igo6. 5 p.l, 226 p., 3 I., 30 pi., 2 port. 12°. (The Log series, no. 24.) Hoepner ( ). Der Wert unserer deutschen •Schlachtllotte. Ein weiteres Wort zur Aufklarung filr unser Volk, von " Hansa " (Kapitan zur See a. D. Hoepner.) Altona: J. I/arder, 1906. 44 p. 8°. PRINCIPAL DONORS IN DECEMBER. VOLS. I I I 4 I I I 12 3 72 13 Amer. Institute of Architects Amer. Philosophical Society Amory, W. M Avery, S. P Bahamas, Colonial Sec. . Belgium, Min. de la Justice . Bolivia, Min. de Justicia . Breslau, Ger., Universitats- Bibliothek 5 British Columbia, King's Printer 2 Cambridge Univ. Dept. of Agriculture Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington 3 Chase, W. E 1 Cohalan, Daniel F. . . . 7 Crane, C. R. & Freeman, J. R. Davos Public Interests Assoc. i Delteil, Loys (7 prints) . De Vinne, Theodore L. . . 4 Drenthe, Netherlands, Corn- miss, of Province ... 5 Ecole Braille a Saint-Mande Franc, Louis Gancia, Mme i Gardini, Dr. Carlo ... 2 Gardner's Trust for the Blind i Gill, Mass., Town Clerk. Gray, Mrs. H. W Great Indian Peninsula Ry. Co Grenada, Colonial Sec. . Harris Institute Library . Harrisburg, Pa., City Clerk Heidelberg Universitats-Bib liothek 9 Historical Soc. of New Me.xico 6 Hull Blind Institution . . 2 Janet, Charles 2 Jena, Ger., Universitats-Bib- liothek 10 89 Kansas Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F I Kendal, Eng., Town Clerk . 2 Kimball, James P 2 Konigl. Georg-August-Uni- versitat zu Gottingen . . 4 Lamarche, Pierre .... i Lancaster County Council . 24 3 36 3 I IS 2 I 2 2 I 2 19 VOLS. PMS. Logan, Estate of Walter S. . 65 5 Loubat, Due de . . . . i Lyon, France, M. le Maire . 2 Malone, Walter Manitoba, King's Printer Martyn, Charles Mass. State Library . Meux, Lady .... Middlesex Count)' Council . Midland Institution for the Blind Moran, Wm National Bd. of Trade . National Electric Light Assoc New Brunswick, Legislative Assembly New Jersey, Custodian of the Capitol New York Produce Exchange New York State Library . New York State, Tompkins County Supervisors Newbury, Eng., Town Clerk Pickering, Prof. Wm. H. Redeke, Ernest W. ... 6 Republican State Committee Robinson, Wm Royal Leamington Spa, Eng., Town Clerk 2 Scientific American ... 76 Sellstedt, Lars G i Sigma Alpha Epsilon ... 10 South Carolina, State Bd. of Health .... .3 Steele, Rev. James D. Stewart, Charles .... Straits Settlement, Col. Sec. i Swinton, Mrs. John ... i U. S. Supt. of Documents . 89 U. S. War Dept., Surgeon Gen. Office 14 Victoria University of Man- chester 4 Weymouth, Eng., Town Clerk Whitney, J. Parker ... i Worcester Polytechnic Insti- tute 7 Zeeland, Neth., Sec. of the Province 4 15 I 75 •OS I I 5° 90 273 IS 28 Published monthly by The New York Public Library, No. 425 Lafayette Street, New York City. Subscription One Dollar a year, single numbers Ten Cents. Subscriptions may be sent to I. Ferris Lockwood, Business Superintendent. No. 425 Lafayette Street, New York. Entered at the Post 0;Bce at New York, N. Y., as second-class matter, January 30, iSq7, under Act of July 16, 1894. 56 \J\J\J \^\* < Syrocuse. N. V. Stockton, Calif.