SERIES OF ADVENTURES, &c. IN LETTERS TO A LADY. d.A SERIES OF ADVENTURES IN THE COUR SE OF A VOYAGE UP THE RED-SEA, ON THE COASTS OF ARABIA AND EGYPT; AND OF A ROUTE through the Defartsof THEBAIS, HITHERTO UNKNOWN TO THE EUROPEAN TRAVELLER, IN THE YEAR M.DCC.LXXVIL IN LETTERS TO A LADY. BY EYLES IRWIN, ESQ^ IN THE SERVICE OF THE HONBle. THE EAST-INDIA COMPANY. ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS AND CUTS. INFANDUM, REGINA, JUBES RENOVARE DOLOREM. Virgil. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. DODSLEY, PALL-MALL. M.DCC.LXXX. TO THE HONOURABLE Jl'l^^ THE EAST INDIA COMPANY, THIS WORK, CONTAINING THE PARTICULARS OF A JOURNEY UNDERTAKEN ON THEIR SERVICE, IS,. WITH GREAT DEFERENCE, INSCRIBED, BY THEIR MOST FAITHFUL AND MUCH OBLIGED SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. London, ift February 1780. «-fr T VI 3 ADVERTISEMENT. N the publication of a work of this nature, foniething may be expeded by way of prelude. If the plaudit of the public is not to be purchafed, their indulgence may pofTibly be fecured. But nei- ther of thefe motives has influenced the author to trefpafs upon their time. He would deprecate their pardon, not for having given birth to this produdlion, but for having introduced it immaturely to the ob- fervation of the public. What little polifh would the clofe application of two years throw upon a body of this magnitude ! And yet, amid a variety of other avo- cations, two years only has the author been allowed to tranfcribe, correct, and finifh it. He fays, allowed, as neceility prefcribes the term, and his duty calls him to a diftant part of the globe, to perform other engagements, to pay other debts, than what the deflre of pleafing prompts, or the love of fame exads from him. Under this conviction, therefore, he waits fllently the probe of criticifm. But the candid critic, like the fkilful furgeon, is fparing of the knife, and, but 10 in ADVERTISEMENT. vui in defperate cafes, is inclined to proceed to extremi- ties. Into fuch hands it may be the lot of the author to fall. Where the eye takes more delight in beauty thkfi in deformity, where the difpofition is more apt to praife than to cenfure, no doubts could deter an author from appearing at the bar of criticifm. In a defcription of countries little travelled, and of men little known^ there may poflibly be miftakes that have arifen from milinformation, or even mifconception of things. In a detail of adventures committed often to paper in moments of peril and diftrefs, there may, indcedj be a repetition of fentiment, and fometimes a contradi6lion of opinions before advanced, which the greateft attention, during a two years revifal, has not been able to correal. But if impartiality has uni- formly diredled his pencil, and his pictures are not even fo highly coloured as nature would have per- mitted ; if he has rather confulted the public amufe- ment, than the gratification of his own vanity, this early publication, with all its imperfedtions, will not want an advocate among the literati. And here he was about to congratulate himfelf on having gained fo cflential a point. To the private approbation of Mr. Reed of Staples-Inn, was the author conlirmed in the hope of fuccefs, and to his open recommendation of this work to fome who knew the value of Mr. Reed's judgment, the reader, pro- 3 bably, ADVERTISEMENT. ix bably, owes that it is now fubmitted to his view. To the friendfhip of Mr. Braithwaite of the Poft-Office, he may place this, and other material helps he has experienced in the courfe of publication. But he fhould afk thefe gentlemen's forgivenefs, for involving them in a queftion, where their names are ufed lefs to their advantage than to that of the author. It behoves him to fay a word or two on the head of the Plates. His knowledge of drawing is fo confined, that more than a fketch of the places through which he paffed, exceeded the author's art. The antiquities? of Egypt have given employment to the pencils of aj Norden and a Pococke, and were not to be expeded- from the title of thefe travels. But drawings of par-^ ticular fcenes, in which he was engaged, and repre- fentations of the fingular cuftoms of the country,, would have brought them forward to the. reader's eye. He mufi: ever lament the deficiency of his work in; this refpedt : but he is happy at the fame time to ob- ferve, that there is a remedy at hand, for thofe who delight in novel pidlures. The reputation of Mr.- Dalton, his Majefty's antiquarian, was efbablifhed bv the work which he produced in 1752, confiding of plates of various antiquities in Greece and Egypt, The connoifTeurs, therefore, are not likely to be dif- appointed in the Supplement to that work,, which Mr. b Dalton X ADVERTISEMENT. Dalton is about to publifli. The defigns which re- late to Egypt, obtained as they muft have been with great difficuhy, and executed as they are with great fpirit, will prove fuch an elucidation to his labors,' that the author muft beg Mr. Dalton's pardon, if he prefiimes to recommend thofe defigns to the reader, which are fo peculiarly adapted to this work, that nothino; but its unworthinefs fliould divide them from each other. He has but one thing more to add, which concerns the companions of his travels. To the two gentle- men who accompanied him to Europe, he trufts an apology is necdlefs, as they will readily acquit him of a delign to pay any but a proper tribute to their characflers. By the other perfon, whom the hand of mifchance feparated from their company, he would wi(h to be underftood. The circumftances which produced that feparation fhould have been buried in oblivion, had not a regard for his own honor obliged the author to place the intentions of his companions and himfelf in their true light. The narrative of that affair — as it appears in this work — was figned by Major Henry Alexander, Mr. Anthony Hammond, and the au- thor, and tranfmitted to India at the time. The paper may have mifcarried, but the parties are alive to teftify the fad. All that delicacy and humanity could fug- 5 geft. ADVERTISEMENT. xi geft, has been obferved on the occafion. The name of the unhappy perfon is fupprefled, and felf-vindica- tion alone could have induced him to revive a fub-' » jed:, w^hich more nearly afFeded the author and his companions, than all their fubfequent misfor- tunes ! To conclude. Were books, any more than men,, to be judged only by their good intentions — 'Were no regard to be paid to the figure which they make in the world — this work would have a better chance to maintain its ground. But as there are other points to be confidered ; as truth can only be rendered effica- cious in an amiable drefs, and as the juftefl defcrip- tions muft be difgraced by inelegant language, the author cannot diveft himfelf of certain fenfations, which muft difturb the firmeft mind, on the eve of committing its thoughts to the difcufTion of the public b 2 CON- C O N T E NTS. LETTER I. Page i. yl DDR ESS — T&e author purfues his voyage from Madras to Suez '^ — Tedious pajfage acrofs the Indian ocean. — Makes the ijland of Socotra, Cape Guardafoy, the Arabian Jhore — Enters theRedfea by the Jl raits of Babelmandel — Hard Gale — Arrival in Mocha road — Occurrences at that city — Embarks again — Contrary winds — The vejjel driven by currents on the Arabian coajl — In imminent danger •of being wrecked among the Jhoals and breakers — Obliged to put into It he port of Tambo for a pilot — The author y &c. feduced ajhore, and made prifoners by the vizier of that place — Incidents during their confinement — The craft and villainy of the Arabs apparent in their attempts to pojfefs t hen f elves of the vefj'el — Stratagem for that purpofe — Its fuccefs — The vejfel brought into the harbor , and the author, ^c. return aboard under a guard, until an anfwer is received from the Xerif of Mecca, touching their dejiiny — A defer iption of ■the town and environs of Tambo — Interviews with the vizier — In- fiances of his duplicity and pride — Various difappointments in the hope of a fpeedy anfwer — The Jhawbunder of fudda at length ar- rives, charged with powers from the Xerif, to difpofe of the vejfel and crew — Negociations on that head — The veffel is carried to fud- da, under charge of an Arabian pilot, and the author and his felhw-t ravcllers are allowed to proceed— -Prefents to the vizier on .this cccafion — Egregioiifly impofed upon by this minifier in the hire of a vejfel — Thty embark on an open I oat for Suez. 7 Journal CONTENTS. xlii 'journal of the boat Impofition — Detained by contrary winds at the month of the harbor — Alarm at the fiidden difappearance of one of the author's fellow-travellers and the interpreter — They are fent back to the boat by the vizier — The boat fails to the northward, and puts into a bay on the coaji — Encounters two barks bound to the fouthward — Unhappy Jympto?ns of a difordered mind appear in thegen- . tlcman who abfconded — He awakens the apprehenfons of the Arabs ^ who infjl on his quitting the boat, and returning on one of the barks to fuddii — The abfolute necejjity of complying with this requifition — The dijlrefs of the author and his companions on this melancholy oc- cafion — The boat fails again — 'Difficulties of this extraordinary na- vigation — Touches at fever al ijlands on the Arabian csajl — Tedious pajfage to the gulf of Akaba — Strange injlance of the notion of the dominion ofevilfpirits — Makes thefiore adjacent to Mount Sinai — Cape Mahoitiet — "Enters the gulf oj Suez — The boat is run over to the Egyptian fiore in the night, and injlead of Suez, by the trea- chery of the Arabs, is carried to Cofre, a port of Upper Egypt, near four degrees to the fouthward, of Suez — The -vexation' of the author and his companions — Conch fion. LETTER II. Page 119. ^ D D RES S — The author, &c. land at Co/ire — Their reciption and accommodation there — Occurrences at that place — The de- mands of the government for its proteBion of our travellers — Unac- countable behavior of the Arab Jliaik — They fet out with the cara- van for Ghinnah on the Nile, under the care of the Jhaik^s fon — Part with the caravan — Alarm — Inconveniency of this mode of travelling — Intenfe heat of the fun — They replenijh their /kins atjbme fprings — Purfue their way, and experience extreme di/lrefs from thirjl, heat, and fatigue — Relieved by their arrival at the Nile-— Surprized at being carried to Banute injlead of Ghiunah — Remon- Jirate with the young Jhaik, who confents to take them to that city — Set XIV CONTENTS. Set out accordingly, and infix hours arefnfely houfed at Ghinnah-^ Tlje '■cillainy of their hojl and his family — Are vifted by the vizier of the place — Attempts to choufe them out of their money and effeSls — Find thenifelves chfe prifoncrs — T^hcir baggage fe arched and re- peatedly pillaged by the hojl and his affociates — Vifit from the ha~ . keem of the city, by the order of his majier, the Shaik Ul Arab-— Enquiry into their wrongs — Tumult in the houfe on that account-^ Uncommon inflance of courage and fidelity in an Arab domeftic — 'The hakeem removes our travellers to his own habitation — He is fup~ planted in his office by an Abyffinian, who, at the exprefs commands . of the Jliaik, takes them under his protedlion — The meannefs and rapacity oftbisfave — Advice comes to Ghiiinah of a robbery and murder committed on their late inhuman hojl, in a difpute with the young paik of Cofire about his ill-gotten booty — RefeSlions on fhis^ tragical event — The arrival of the Shaik Ul Arab — His interview with our travellers — His perfon and character defcribed — His po- ll tenefs and humanity — Exemplary injlances of his impartiality and jujlice — Unhappy Jiate of the country of Egypt — Rebellion on the- Nile — The paJJ'age to Cairo by the river flmt up — Doubts how to- proceed — Our travellers refolve to purfue their route through the defarts ofThebais — Are confirmed in this intention by the good Jloaik, who provides them with a conductor, and ejfentially interefis himfelf in their f of ety — They take leave of their generous benefaSlor, and enter the defarts with a body of fix teen — The rugged and mountain- ous face of the country — Unexpectedly fall in with a party of ca- mels, which proves to be a band of robbers, journeying from the Red- fea towards Cairo — A treaty concluded with the captain of the rob- bers — An Arab feafi — The two parties proceed in company — Diffi- culties of the road — Continual ranges of mountains every where pre- fent themfelves to the traveller — Sudden tranfit ions from heat to cold in the courfe of the journey — Replenijh their water-fiiins twice in the defart — Provifions begin to fail with the author and his companions. — Readily CONTENTS. XV '—Readily relieved by the robbers — Their forbearance and Jiri^ ob- fervance of their word — Halt in the neighborhood of the Nile to procure water— Alarm — Strike iiito the defart, andpafs over rocks cf granite or Thebaic marble — Obtain a fght of the Nile, and come upon the encampment of the- robbers — The author, &c. part ivith thefe fingular people — 'Remarks on their kofpifality- and good faith — ■ Rejoin the Nile — Travel on its banks — Pafs the villages ofVel'Ha- die and Ifcour, and difcern the pyramids to the wejiw'ard of the river —Halt at Tinnah, and engage a boat to convey them the rchiaining Jliort dijlance — foyfuUy embark for the capital— Happy arrival there, ajtd friendly reception by the Company's agent. Occurrences at Grand Cairo — Curfory obfervatioJzs on the city and its antiquities — Concife narrative of the late revolution in Egypt-— Our travellers return letters and prefenfs to the worthy Shaik Ul Arab by the camels, and em bark for Alexandria — Delightful voyage down the Nile — Review of the tow?ts and cowttry on its banks — Arrive at Rofetto — Beauty of its fit uation — The road to Alexandria infejied with robbers — Reimbark in a boat bound to that port — Critical fituation at the bogage, or mouth of the Nile — The boat Jlrikes the fands, but luckily efcapes, and enters the Mediterranean—- Dreary appearance of the coaji of Egypt — They fafely reach Alexandria, after a pajfage of fixteen hours — Some account of thitt city, a?id the elegant remains in its neighborhood — Droll anecdote offome Englijlj captains-^ AffeSling Jiory of the death of the late French Conful of Alexandria — Occurrences at that city — The au- thor and his companions embark on a French Jhip for Marfeiller- •—Conclufion — Pojlfcript. APPENDIX. Page 394. ■0 yJN Ode to the Defart, and another to the Nile, referred n this place from the body of the Work, ERRATA. Page 17. Line 2. for cab'm read cabbm. — -^ do. —— — 8. for fhipwrecked read wrecked. 123. 10. for vif.rors read vifitors. 178. — — 12. for eat read eaten. — — 238. ig.for human read humane. ■ 267. 21. for were readv/zs. ■ 356. 10. for Neiburh read Nicbuhr.. 'Lately Publi/hed for J. Dodsley, By the Author of this Work, Saint Thomas's Mount, a Poem, 2 s. 6 d» Bedukah, a Poem, 2 s. 6d. Eaftern Eclogues, a Potm, 2 s. 6 d. A SERIES OF ADVENTURES, &c. IN THE YEAR M.DCC.LXXVII. IN LETTERS TO A LADY. LETTER I. MADAM, WERE ability fubfervient to inclination, were the efforts of the heart to be feconded by the efforts of the ima- gination, I fhould with lefs fcruple begin upon the tafk which you have allotted me. But the feas which I have paffed, and the fands which I have wandered over, appear now to have been fraught with lefs danger than the adventure I am about to engage in. Once launched into the literary world, what has not a poor author to fear from the blalls of ridicule, and the rocks of envy ! But as the want of an oflentatious dif- play has fecured my footfleps from the affault of the wild Arab, fo may I hope, that the modefty of my pretenfions may prove my paflport through the wafte of criticifm. Happy at all events, in the profpedt of your influence, to protect the flrain that is guided by truth, and owes its exiftence to the commands of friendfliip. B The [ ^ ] The occunences of our voyage from Madras to Mocha, are like the generality of fea-affairs, too trivial to become intereft- ing, and too unvaried to afford amufement. Since the fables of the ancients have been banifhed our creed, a modern voyager finds it difficult to diverfify or embellifli his journal. Neptune ceafes to affert his empire over the waves, and Amphitrite no longer fkims the furface of the deep, feated in a coral chariot drawn by Mermaids, and furrounded by a choir of mufical Nereids. A ftorm therefore lofes the majefty which a Divinity would give it ; and our calms are really dull, for want of the company of fuch a beautiful Goddefs. I queftion whether the voyage of iEneas, if deprived of thefe fiflitious ornaments, would not become equally infipid with thofe publilhed by recent difcoverers, whofe heroes vifited people more ftrange, and feas more remote than JEneas, and encountered gulphs far more dangerous than Scylla or Charybdis ! There was nothing remarkable in our paffage to Mocha, but the length of it. We were above eight weeks in efte6ting a pafiage, which frequently requires but three. The latenefs of tlie feafon made us apprehenfive of delays, but not the continual ones we met with. At feveral periods we thought of nothing lefs than of getting to Suez by water. My fellow-travellers and myfelf were, however, refolved to profecute our journey by land, fhould the fnow Adventure reach any port in the Red- Sea. But the fight of land prefented us witli better pro- fpe(5ls. Wc had been two-and-foity days in crofling the wide ocean which divides India from Africa, when on the 31ft of March we faw indiftin6lly the ifland of Socotra, which lies about 35 leagues from the main. On the 2d of April we made Cape Guardafoy, which is a prodigious mountainous and craggy fliore. From hence we flood over to the coaft of Arabia, and by A 3 ] by an eafterly current, were driven fo far towards the ocean, tliat it was the 6th before we part Cape Aden. Here the re- mains of a Portuguefe fort are ftill vifible, which is an humi- liating monument of their former fuperiority in thefe parts. On the 9th we ran through the flraits of Babelmandel, with, a fine gale, which, joined to a ftrong current, fet us through in a quarter of an hour. There is a very ugly, fea in thefe ftraits, and they being the ufual entrance into the Red-Sea, I have annexed a plate of them, which was drawn upon the fpot. Velfels may pafs to the weftward of the iiland, but this is at- tended with danger. The gale encreafed to fuch a degree, that we were fain to run under the land at noon, in a bay about half-way between the ftraits and Mocha. Here we rode out a very violent ftorm, and thought ourfelves lucky in being fo well flieltered from the fury of it. The wind abated a little at day-break on the loth, when we weighed and ftood for Mocha. Though ftill boifterous, the wind was fortunately fair, and we were not many hours in running the diftance. At twelve o'clock we dropped our anchor in Mocha road, but were obliged to wait until the weather moderated, before we ventured to de- bark. The month of April was advanced, but we went afliore at Mocha the fame evening, in full confidence of being agreeably accommodated to Suez, on board the Adventure. We looked only upon the brighter fide of the perfpeftive ; as the difficulties and dangers annexed to a journey of 11 or 1200 miles by land, along a barren and barbarous coaft, could afford us no very pleafmg reflections. Mocha, the ancient capital of Arabia Felix, is fituated upon a fandy foil, about 12 leagues from the ftraits of Babelman- del, and in the latitude of 13° 15' north. This city is of great antiquity, and difplays a very handfome appearance to- wards the fea. But its beauty will not bear a clofe inlpcclion. B 2 Like [ 4 ] tj'ike the deformities which are fo frequently difcovered beneath a fair exterior, the infide of its buildings is by no means an- fvverable to the expe6lations which they raife. To furvey the defart on which it ftands, a ftranger muft be furprized at the plenty which reigns in the markets. There is not a tree within ken, that produces any fruit, but the dale, or herbage of any kind, to fupport the cattle which are daily expofed for fale. But to the fimplicity of the Arabian manners this circumftance is to be attributed. Where the natives are content with the coarfeil food that a country produces, it is no wonder that the more delicate viands are readily procured, by the few Europeans who vifit their fliores. And indeed, when we are informed that the fheep which are fold here, are all brought from the oppofite coaft of AbyfTmia, and the fimpleft vegetable, at no lefs a dif- tance than fifteen miles from Mocha, conjefVure would lofe itfelf in accounting for fuch plenty, were a clue not given to unravel the myftery. ■ Mocha is under the authority of a governor, as the Imaun, who unites the offices of high-prieft and king of Arabia Felix, always refides at Sennaa, a city about ten days journey from hence, delightfully fituated in a valley, with which this moun- 'lainous country abounds. The Turks have loft the influence which they formerly poffefled in this kingdom. They feem content, at prefent, to receive their proportion of the duties of the other provinces of Arabia, without pretending to exert the arbitrary fwray, which marks their government in the diftrifts that are more imsdiately within the reach of their arms. There is one privilege that the Imaun claims here, which cuftom has rendered familiar to the fubje6ls of a defpotic ftate, however op- jbreflive it may appear to the ideas of an European. He has an^'indifputable property in all horfe-flefli. So that if a ftranger takes a liking to an horfe, it is of no confequence to whom it [ 5 ] it belongs, provided he be content to pay the price, which the governor may fix on it in the name of his mafter. But the owner is feldom expofed to the mortificacion of being obliged to part with his property : the value of the beaft, however beau- tiful it may be, feldom proving in the leaft adequate to the price which is demanded for it. In their horfes the chief pleafure and pride of the Arabs confift. Pampered to an excefs that renders them fitter for Ihew than ufe, they ftand in the ftable, or are picketted at the doors of their mafters, from one fabbath-day to another. But on this feftival, they are adorned with a load of rich and un- wieldy furniture, with which they parade the ftreets from morning to night : and they now receive the only exercife which they are permitted to take. The governor's flud, which confifts of a number of choice horfes, are particularly drawn up in the fquare before his houfe. They are oppofed to each other in fquadrons, and at the word of command, the riders fet off at full gallop, and as they pafs each other, dart the pike or fpear with great dexterity. We paid a cuftomary vifit to the governor on our landing, and found him to be a grave and elderly man, meager in his body, and flovenly in his apparel. But with this unpromifing appearance, he has the chara£ler of being a very good and in- telligent man ; and much more inquifitive after the manners and difcoveries of European nations, than the generality of his coun- trymen. This peculiarity in his difpofition plainly evinces itfelf in the furniture of his audience chamber, which is ornamented with a broken figured clock, a French thermometer, and an Englifh quadrant. He received us very politely, and is a pro- feffed friend of the Englifh nation, whofe genius and fpirit he affects to admire. This piece of intelligence we obtanied from our refident here, who at the fame time communicated to us an [ 6 ] \n anecdote of his life, which is not unworthy of mention. "It not only carries with it an evidence of the intriguing temper of %e Arabs, but fets off to advantage the character of a man, to whom the Englifli are materially obliged. In the reign of the father of the prefent king of Sennaa, this man was the vizier and favorite. So univerfally was his ad- miniftration approved of, and fo neceflary did the old king think him to the welfare of the Hate, that he recommended him on his death-bed to the protection of his fon, in the moft earneft terms. The prince was deeply impreffed with a charge delivered to him at fo folemn a moment, and promifed his fa- ther, to make the knowledge and advice of the vizier the fole guides of his future life. And to this promife he veiy faithfully adhered, for fome years after his acceflion to the throne. In the courfe of this time, the young monarch had formed in- confiderate attachments for courtiers of his own age and difpofi- tion. Though this did not immediately interfere with the mi- nifter's influence in matters of government, it neverthelefs fug- gefted, to a difcerning mind, the approaches of negleft and dif- *^ace. To prevent the execution, therefore, of what he confi- "dered as inevitable, fhould he continue in his prefent office, he very wifely formed the refolution of retiring from court. A re- folution infpired by the foundeft philofophy, wavered not un- til an opportunity offered to put it into practice. One day when he was alone with the king, he took the li- berty to fpeak of the length of his fervices, and of the decline of his life. He touched modeftly upon his known affeflion, and zeal for the honor of his fovereign ; and befpoke his ma- jefty's indulgence for the petition which he was about to prefer. He concluded with an humble defire, that he might be per- mitted to refign his truft to one, whofe faculties and health c were [ 7 ] were more vigorous, and able to tranfadt the important affairs, in which he had been fo long employed. The better to cover his delign, he afFe6ted an inclination to vifit Mocha, where he purpofed to remain until his name was forgotten, and that time fhould weaken the malice of a faftion, which is the infeparable attendant of the belt adminiftration. It was not without reluc- tance, that the king complied with this unexpefled requell. He had a particular value and refpe6l for the minifter, and was not prepared to forego his fervices, although the latter had been artful enough to recommend for his fucceffor, one of the chief favorites of his mafter. The ftruggle, however, was of no long continuance. The king's pride was touched at the idea of being at a lofs for a fervant, and he haftened to inveft the very favourite who had been pointed out to him, with the dignity of the abdi- cated miniiler. But little did the minifter dream of the confequences of this refignation. Little did he forefee, that his fucceffor would lay hold of the wifli which he had expreffed to vifit Mocha, to load him again with the cares of government ; where his in- fluence would be confiderably leffened, though bis dignity would appear greater than before. No fooner had the new vizier poffeffed himfelf of his office, than he was determined to re- move for ever, fo virtuous an obferver of his adminiftra- tion. Poifon or the fword, was too dangerous an implement, againft fuch a charader. He had recourfe to a remedy which wholly anfwered his intentions ; and, by blinding the eyes of his fovereign, and advancing the opinion of his principles among the vulgar, muft be held as a maftcrpiece of courtly artifice. With the greateft appearance of warmth, therefore, he repre- fented to the king the outcry which would be raifed againft him, ftiould he fuffer an old fervant of his father's, and the guardian [ 8 ] guardian of his own youth, to vifit Mocha, without being dif- tinguiflied by fome public charader. He then infinuated the lucky occafion which prefented itfelf, to reward his fenaces with the government of that city. It was impoffible to fufpefl the treachery of this advice ; and it is not wonderful, that the monarch greedily took the bait. He that very day forwarded a commiflion to Mocha, which the old man had the mortification to find, on his arrival here. To him, however, the trick was obvious. He readily dived into the fcheme of his fucceffor, who, judging of others from himfelf, had taken an unnecelTary ftep to detach him fi'om the vanity of court-favor. The vexation of the governor is not to be defcribed. But rather than difturb the peace of his mafter with complaints, he has the virtue to encounter the fatigues of bufinefs, though repugnant to his in- clinations ; and is content to live a voluntaiy exile from his na- tive place, fecure of the afFe6lion of the people, and confcious of the elleem of the king. A king ! who flill continues under the delufion of having preferred a faithful fubje<5l, agreeably to his own choice. What a leflbn fhould this be to the fovereigns of more enlightened nations ! who may juftly apprehend the in- trigues of defigning men, when the refinements of party prevail within the narrow fcope of Arabian poUtics 1 The women in Arabia are kept in much flricler confinement, than thofe of their religion in India. The females of rank are Ihut up in their apartments, and never ftir abroad, except now and then, to accompany their huibands on an excurfion to the vallies. They are vailed at thefe times from head to foot, and fent off upon horfeback under cover of the night. But this fim- ple recreation does not fall often to their lot. The civilized Arabs are, of all nations, the Icaft incHncd to action; and it is to be fuppofed, that women born here, hve and die, without ftirring out of the walls of Mocha : fuch is the tax that is laid on r 9 ] on birth and greatnefs, even in the remote country of Arabia, How then can we be furprized at the vexations, which cloud the lives of the followers of a powerful court ? if female beauty be doomed to folitude in thefe rude parts, is not the liberty which is allowed it in more polifhed countries, too often the fource of calamities more grievous than confinement, of perfecutions more intolerable than the commands of an imperious mafler ? I doubt not, but there is many a toaft that blazes in the circle of St. James's, that fighs for the privilege of obfcurity, and would willingly hide the remains of a fliattered reputation in an Ara- bian feraglio ! To thofe of a lower degree, there is fome deviation permitted from the feverity of this cuftom. Though there are no public Hummums for the women to refort to as in Turkey, they are in- dulged with the freedom of vifuing their neighbors, when the dulk of the evening can Ikreen their perfons from obfervation : for the thick vails in which their faces are buried, utterly pre- clude the poflibility of diftinguifhing their features. We have met them ourfelves in the ftreets, and have conceived a favora- ble idea -of their faces, from the fymmetry of their figures. Incontinence is held much more criminal among the fingle than married females. Though adultery is punifhed with a heavy fine, the feduftion of a virgin is attended by a more feri- ous correction. In this they differ from the laws of more en- lightened kingdoms, where an injury of this nature, is not only unpunifliable by any courfe of law, but the matter itfelf is treated in a very light manner. And here the chara6ter of the Arabian legiflator rifes far beyond the boafted policy of European ftates. To his juftice it is owing, that the deftruclion of innocence is held in fuch abhorrence ; and to his re6litude of thinking, that the mere accompUce of a lewd woman fliould encounter lefs ri- gorous treatment, than the mean betrayer of unexperienced fim- C plicity. [ 10 ] plicity. How juft this obfeivation may be, I fubmlt with plea« Aire to the decifion of a lady, who can fo charitably diflinguifh between the follies and vices of her fex ; and who can feparate the errors of inexperience from the impulfes of a depraved in- clination ! We v^^ere furprized at the number of Chriftian renegadoes that refide at Mocha. Not, that the apoftacy of men, who- perhaps had no fenfe of religion until they profelTed Mahome- tanifm, could provoke our wonder; but how their worldly inte- refts could be advanced by the change. Reduced to a pitiful fub- fiftence, and held in deferved contempt by the natives, we fliould have furmifed their defeftion to be merely the effedls of defpair ; and that the fugitives from juftice alone, fought their fafety at this price, had not the example of a Greek prieft fomewhat fhaicen our opinion. This prieft, by name Ananias, I remember to have heard mentioned in Bengal, as a miracle of piety. And yet in the feventieth year of his age, did he publicly abjure the Chriftian religion, in the courfe of a pilgrimage to Mount Sinai. He was circumcifed, and received into the Mahometan church j and, to crown the whole of this ftrangc proceeding, was led about the city for three days, according to cuftom, mounted on an, afs, to receive the alms of the faithful, which eveiy convert is entitled to on his admiffion to their myfteries. This happened during our ftiort ftay at Mocha ; and is one of the greateft in- ftances of the infirmity of human nature, which has come within the fphere of my obfervation. The Englifli are the only nation who have a refident here ; and this is but a late regulation. The Eaft India Company were accuftomed to fend a fliip here eveiy feafon ; but now the coffee is tranfported on country bottoms to Bombay, from whence our Indiamen convey it to Europe. By this plan they are eafed of a confiderable expence ; as the appointments of fupercargoes to this [ " ] this ftation, and the heavy duties of this port, mull: have leffened the advantages which refult from this trade. No better means could have been devifed to ingratiate ourfelves with the natives, than the appointment of a refxdent among them. It is a plea- fure to me to add, that nothing could have better enfured the end in view, than the choice of the prefent gentleman who fills that poft. His mild demeanor cannot fail to engage the efteem of the people ; as his acknowledged abilities will lead him to im.prove every occafion, to reftore this drooping branch of com- merce to its original value. Neither is the prefence of Mr. Horfeley at Mocha, of lefs moment to the interefts of travellers, who prefer this fliort cut to Europe, to the old track by the Cape of Good Hope. Hofpitality and politenefs are acceptable in all places, but doubly fo to the way-worn traveller, who the leaft expe6ls to meet with them in a remote and uncivilized region. I have annexed a view of the town and fuburbs of Mocha, which I took from our vefTel on the day of our arrival here. There is a wall runs round the town, but there are no cannon mounted on it, except a few on a battery towards the fea. The northern and fouthern extremities of the town are flanked by two callles of a circular form, which are likevvife ornamented with guns, and were meant as a defence to the place. How much thefe Arabian engineers were miilaken in their ideas of fortifica- tion, will clearly appear from a circumftance, which occurred here about fix or feven years ago, and will fet their pretenfions to power in a proper light. The captain of a trading veffel from India, was afliore at the Englifli faftory, and correcting a flave for fome fault or other, the boy ran away, and took refuge in an Arabian houfe, where he was prevailed upon to become a Mahometan. In this countiy no Chriftian is permitted to keep a flave of this perfuafion. The boy availed himfelf of this privilege, and went abroad again, C 2 without [ 12 ] without any fear of his mafter's refentment. One day, how- ever, as he ventured to pafs the fa(5lory, he was obferved by the captain, whofe Enghfli blood boiled with indignation at this feeming infult. Unheedful of his fituation, he gave way to a- fudden impulfe of paflion, and ordered his fervants to feize the boy, and flog him feverely within the yard of the fadlory. This rafh aftion could not efcape notice, and was attended by con- fequences which he little expe6led. The fa6loiy was at that time uninhabited, except by the fupercargoes and captains during their fliort fl:ay here. It was not in the beft repair, and but little calculated to make a defence. The mob, which now gathered about it, eafily forced the gates ; and not finding the objedl- of" their refearch, whom they meant to have facrificed on the fpot, contented themfelves with plundering his effects. On the firft alarm, the captain wifely retreated to the terrace of the factory j and it was with no little difficulty, that he efcaped along the roofs of the houfes to the fea-fide, where he immediately took a- boat for his vefiel. This diflurbance was too fudden to have been checked under- the beft-regulated government ; but it might have been reme- died : fatisfa6Vion might have been made to the fufferer, had the governor been inclined to do him juftice. A deaf ear was turned to his remonftrances, and the captain was obliged to carry his complaint to Bombay : here, to the honour of the Britifh name, it was properly attended to. The councils were vigorous ; and two floops of war were diredlly fitted out for Mocha, to enforce redrefs. They accordingly appeared before the town, with all the implements for a bombardment ; and a meflage was fent afliore, to advertife the governor of their errand. It is impof- fible to conceive the terror of the inhabitants at thefe tidings. They deferted the caftles, which they had once confidered as im- pregnable, and were about to quit the city itfelf ; but this the governor r 13 J governor prevented. He thought proper to comply with the demands, which were made in the name of the fufFerer, and fent off 4,000 dollars to the commodore of the expedition j happy, to preferve the city from deftru6lion, and to appeafe the refentment of the Englifh, at fo cheap a rate. And even the money to make good this payment, was raifed unjuftly, though it was to fatisfy a juft demand. The Banian, or Gentoo mer- chants who are fettled h«re, and tranfaft all the bufmefs of the port, fell within the gripe of government on this occafion. They have alTured us more than once, that they were obliged to ad- vance the fum in queftion, for which they have not yet been fatisfied. It is necefiary to add, that this occurrence, fo dif- graceful in its nature, was antecedent to the adminiftration of the prefent governor j of whofe character I have had occafion to Ipeak in the moft favorable terms. To thefe Banians we were obliged for a part of our amufe- ments at this place. There is a wood of date-trees, which ex- tends from the fouthern fuburbs of Mocha, for fome miles towards the inland mountains. There is no mark of cultivation in this neighborhood befides ; and in this wood, one of the principal Banians has a country feat. We have no conveyance here, except affes, on which we ride about for our diverfion. In one of our excurfions we called at this feat, which is above three miles from the town, and on our way home, had an oppor- tunity of obferving a curious procefs in the vegetable world. It has already been taken notice of by naturalifts, but is too un- common to be known to readers of every clafs. The date-trees were now in blofTom j and we remarked the Arabs to be bufied about the branches. It is neceflary to ingraft all fruit-trees, to obtain good fruit ; but the propagation of the date is in another manner, and intimately refembles that of the animal creation. There is a male as well as female date- tree, which are diflinguifhed from [ 14 ] from each other by the color and (hape of the bloflbms. The male ti-ee yields no fruit ; but the gardener muft be careful, every fpring, to cull as many bloffoms from the male, as will ferve his purpofe. One of thefe at leaft he muft inwrap and bind up iti a bloflbm of the female tree ; without which ftie will prove as barren as the male. The Angularity of this operation is height- ened by its being difcovered by a people, who are at prefent groflly ignorant of every branch of natural philofophy *, It is to our refident that I am indebted for an ingenious conje6lure, relative to the barren coafts of Arabia Felix, with which I lliall clofe my remaks on this celebrated territory. For the fpace of fifteen or fixteen miles from the beach, the land rifes on a gradual afcent towards the foot of the mountains. Here the fcene fuddenly changes from a fandy wafte, to a ver- dant and fertile foil ; from a fcarcity of palatable water, to a profufion of chryftal fprings and running ftreams. In this defart barrier there are found quantities of fliells, and other produ6lions of the ocean, which feem to have lain there for many ages : this, joined to the fhelving appearance of the ground, renders the idea very probable, that this tra£l of land has been won from the fea, by the fecret operations of nature. There is, indeed, no informa- tion to be gathered of this event, among a people whofe annals carry no perfpicuity with them, beyond the days of their prophet. But the perpendicular fliores of the oppofite coaft of Africa, upon which the waters may have proportionably encroached, are an additional evidence in favor of this opinion. No ftranger, in traverfmg this Ihore, could polTibly conceive her right to the * There is little force in this compliment, v/hen it is known that the Egyptians have fo far improved on this mode, as to plant only a male date-tree in the middle of many females. The wind fcatters the male feed, which impregnates the female tree, without the trouble of the Arabian culture. title [ 15 ] title of Happy. But place him in her middle regions, beneath her balm -dropping woods, and amidft her delightful vales, where the fruits of every climate court his tafte, and the breezes of caffia refrefh his fenfcs, and he will pronounce, that fhe juftly retains the flattering appellation with which flie was honored by the antients- On the 1 6th of April we had completed our wood and water, and taken on board a fufRcient ftock of provifion to ferve us on our paflage. We chearfully embarked, therefore, on the Adven- ture, captain Bacon, and with an additional paffenger from India, Ipread our falls for the long-wiflied-for port of Suez. For fome days we were favored with a fair breeze, and moderate weather : but the wind changed fuddenly to the northward, and began to blow with great violence againft us. The moon was now at the foil, and we were to look for a continuance of the gale. In narrow feas the waters are foon agitated -, and we experienced fuch a difagreeable motion, from the inceflant working of the vefTel, that fome of my fellow-paffengers were again confined to their cabbins. As for my own part, I have had the good for- tune to be free from ficknefs during our tedious voyage, if I except an head-ach of four-days flanding, which I confider, in- deed, as a natural infirmity. Our hopes were once more revived, from the winds abating. We were by this time in the latitude of Judda ; and though the wind was flill contrary, we made a fhift to creep on daily towards our defired port. Our greateft progrefs was from ten to twenty miles in our way. We could not, with propriety, run more than thirty miles upon one tack ; and it was our cuilom to make one fliore about fun-fet, then to tack, and ftand for the oppofite fide, until day-break. We had beaten up in this manner, to the 24th degree of north latitude, and were within 150 leagues of Suez, when, in the afternoon of the 6th of May, we difcovered breakers ahead. The o veflel's 1 i6 ] vefTel's head was to the north-eaft, and the captain judged him*- felf, from his journal, to be in mid-channel. It may be fup- pofed, therefore, that this circumftance much alarmed us, as nothing but a ftrong eafterly current, could have thrown us among the rocks and ftioals, with which this part of the Arabian coaft abounds. Nor were our fears without foundation. The weather had been fo hazy all day, that we could fcarcely fee two leagues diftance. The veflel had been put about at the alarm before recited, aiKi we were failing with great fecurity towards the open fea, when the departing fun warned us of the de- ftru6lion on which we were running. The Iky cleared up for a moment as the fun fet, and prefented to our view, a line of rocks and flioals immediately before us, and on which, in a quarter of an hour, we muft have flruck, had not Providence, in this unexpected manner, delivered us from the ravenous deep. The moll experienced among us were appalled at this fight. We had breakers to tlie northward and weftward of us, and an un- known coaft to the eaft. Tlie wind fortunately favoring the only fafe courfe which was now left us, the veflel wore and ftood to the fouthwaid ; her two boats being fent a mile ahead to lead the way. In this manner we proceeded until midnight, when one of the boats fired a gun, as a fignal of diftrefs. Our fails were backed on this alarm -, and the boat prefently bore down to inform us, that flie heard the furf break clofe to her, and that there was no ground with fifty fathom of line. Our danger now became preffing. We were expofed to impending deftruction while the veflTel was in motion, and there was no probability of finding anchorage for her on this coaft. In this dilemma the vefiel's head was put towards the land. The weather happily continued moderate, and we made a fliift to fteer clear of the perils that encircled us, though not with- out frequent alarms . So defperate did our fituation appear, fo few [ ^7 ] few were the chances of fafety, that about two in the mornhig I retired to my cabin, and fecured what Httle money and va- luables I could conveniently carry about me. I loaded my pif- tols, and took out a packet of confequence from my cheft, which I kept by me, in expeflation of the vefTel's ftriking on the rocks. In cafe of fuch an accident, we were only to truft to our boats for our deliverance. This we had learnt from the captain and officers of the fnow Aurora, which was fhipwrecked on this part of the coaft, not fix months preceding our arrival. We met them at Mocha on their return to India ; and were advifed of the particulars of their difafter, which doubled our appre- henfions at the prefent crifis. The Aurora had been {landing, like us, for the Arabian coaft, and juft before day-break, fhe ftruck, without the leaft warning, on a funken rock. By the violence of the wind, flie was driven fo far upon the rock, as to bulge her bows, while at her ftern no ground was to be found with ninety fathom of line. It was impoffible that the veflel could hold long together in this pofition ; and the captain and crew had fcarcely time to take to their boats, when fhe feparated and went down. There was an ifland in view, to which they made, and which would have preferved them from fhipwreck, had the day broke but half an hour fooner. But we were at length re- lieved from our perplexity. With conftant founding we hit upon a narrow bank in fifty fathom, and joyfully dropped an anchor at four^in the morning. There was no ground, however, to be found by the boats that founded round the velTel. The bottom was rocky ; and fhould the wind frefhen, there was little dependance to be placed upon our anchor. Our fatisfadlion confequently was imperfe6l and precarious. The light, which had been fo long expefted, now dawned, and enabled us at leaft, to difcover the dangers that lurked around us. As the fun rofe over the coaft, we plainly difcerned the D mountains [ i8 ] mountains of Arabia j and to the fplendor of that glorious lu- minary, we were once more indebted for a gleam of hope, to revive our drooping fjjirits. We haftened therefore to take ad- vantage of this inteUigence. We weighed our anchor, with as much expedition as the depth of water would admit of, and u^ere rejoiced to get it fafe on board again. Our courfe was ftill di- re(Sed towards the land, which was often obfcured by the miils which hung over it. About noon we were clofe enough to dil^ tinguifh a large town, which, from our charts, we concluded to be Yambo. To this town we attempted to get. After various intricate traverfes, as the channel between the lands and rocks occafioned, we arrived at the mouth of the harbour, without which there is no ground, though the boats founded at the edge of the flioals. And now did we heartily congratulate ourfelves on the con- clufion of our troubles. We had heard at Mocha of the hof- pitality of this port, from the very perfons who had owed to the inhabitants, their life and freedom. Captain Adams, and the furvivors of the fnow Aurora before mentioned, had been re- leafed by the governor of Yambo fixsm the hands of the wild Arabs. Thefe banditti had feized them, on their reaching the continent in their boat, ftripped them of their cloaths, and brought them here with a view of felling them. Not content with this aft of humanity, he had furnifhed them with camels, and generoully fupplied them with money and neceffaries to carry them to Judda, where they were certain of finding Englifli veflels. Nay, the very commerce that is carried on between the Enghfli and the inhabitants of Judda, which, as well as Yambo/ is fubjedl to the Xerif of Mecca, difpelled any doubt which might arife concerning the good faith of thefe people. We knew that there were feveral Englifli veflels at Judda at the very time. We had landed a confiderable fum of money at Mocha, which was a prefent [ 19 ] prefent from the nabob of the Carnatic to the temple of Mecca ;■ and we doubted not of meeting with the mofl: favorable treat- ment at a place, which is in the neighborhood of Medina.' How dim is the perception of mortals ! What avails their boafted fagacity ! Their funds of lettered knowledge ! Their idle dreams of fecurity ! What appears the moft reconcileable to their judg- ment, turns out in the experiment, to have been trufted without caufe, and embraced without the evidence of convi6lion ! I have been the more particular in recapitulating the circum- fVances, on which we built a confidence in thefe people, as there are not wanting perfons, idle and malicious enough, to condemn even the fteps, by which their fellow-creatures have entailed mifery and deftruftion upon themfelves. The captain would have been cenfured for bringing his veffel into an un- civilized port, and the credulity of the paflengers held up in a ridiculous light, for trufting themfelves among a favage tribe, unverfed in the tender offices of humanity, and unreftrained by the laws of focial life. And to fuch this recital will be of ufe. While the generous breaft fliall plead our caufe, and make al- lowances for the frailty of our natures, thofe worfe than Arab fpirits fliall be robbed of the enjoyment of their fpleen, and of liberty to pafs fentence upon us, unheard. Entangled in a chain of fands and rocks, without a correal chart to direft us, or a leaman on board acquainted with the path of fafety, there re- mained no alternative but to enter a port, that feemed to open her friendly arms for our relief. We were certain there were pilots here who could condu6l us to Suez ; and to efcape fhip- wreck at fea, neceffity would have obliged us to hazard flaughter afliore, even had we not been taught to look for the moft hof-' pitable reception. It will appear in the courfe of this narrative, that had we not confidered the velTel's fafety prior to our own, our lives had probably never been endangered, and we had D z efcaped r 20 ] ♦fcaped a fund of trouble and difquietude. But to our ig- norance of the Arabian policy mull: our conduct be attributed, and that oppofition, which brought us to the brink of de- ftruclion. As the adventures which befel us in this place, were either im- mediately committed to paper, or as foon as I could regain a communication with the pen, I will beg leave to deviate from the mode which I have hitherto obferved, and keep a diary of our future tranfaclions. A tale of diltrefs is not only more intereft- ing when thus divided, but more capable of fpirit and accuracy. I afk not the colours of fidlion to heighten a pi6lure, which cannot fail to afFe6l, when reprefented by the fimpleft touches of nature ! W E D N E S D A Y, 7th May 1777. On the afternoon of this day we anchored at the entrance of Yambo harbor. We had fcarcely taken a view of the town through our glaffes, when we perceived a boat rowing towards us, which brought on board, an Arab of a venerable and plealing afpedt. His appearance befpoke him of no common rank, and we prefently found that he was a Shaik, and one of the members of government. This perfonage was charged with the compli- ments of the governor, or as he is here fly led, the Vizier of Yambo, and his congratulations on our arrival in a port, where we fhould want for nothing tliat was in his power to afford. Refrefliments we were in little need of. But our fpirits were elated with the proffer of a pilot, which the vizier juftly divined to be the motive of our errand. In a few minutes a fecond boat reached our vefTel, from which afcended an Abyffinian flave, handfomely cloathed and armed after the fafhdon of the country. He proved to be one of the C 21 J the vizier's guard, and came with an invitation from his maftet^ to favor him with our company on fliore. We were much taken with the freedom of thefe people's behavior ; and though they acknowledged to us, that no European veffel had put into their port before, we entertained no diftruft of their fmcerity, and readily promifed to take advantage of the vizier's politenefs. There were feveral of us in the fhip who talked the Moor lan- guage, and were equally deceived by the old fliaik, who was a Patau, and underftood it perfe6lly. He converfed with fuch eafe and gravity of face, that the eye of fufpicion might have been lulled afleep, and age itfelf relaxed of its feverity of opinion. After regaling them with coffee and tea, of which they wil- lingly partook, we difmiffed them with advice of our intentions to go on fhore in the morning. The preliminaries were adjufted ; and we agreed to falute the fort at fun-rife, when thefe meilen- gers promifed to come on board for us. . THURSDAY, 8th May. I was awakened this morning by the veflel's falute, whicli was irregularly returned by the fort. As foon as breakfaft was over, I went into the long-boat with the captain, two fupercar- goes, our interpreter, and three paflengers, who are bound for England as well as myfelf. We were accompanied by our fer- vants in a filher-boat, and about the middle of the harbor, were met by the old fhaik, the Abyffinian, and others of the vizier's train, who had been fent to condu6t us afliore. As we pafTed a decayed caftle on an angle of the fort, a very laughable incident occurred. A gun was fired from thence to welcome us to Yam- bo i but fuch a quantity of rubbifh fell down from the fhock, and fuch a duft obfcured the place, as immediately interrupted the [ 22 ] the falute, and Induced the garrifon to confult theii- own fafety, by an omiflion of the compliment intended us. Indeed, fo ruinous an appearance did the walls and buildings of this town exhibit, which had not probably been repaired fmce the days o£ Mahomet, that our contempt of it increafed to a degree, that would have ridiculed the idea of danger. At our landing we were met by fome officers of the viziers houlhold, and ufhered in great ftate to an apartment by the fea-ilde. Here were allem- bled fundiy of the principal inhabitants, who were feated on cai-pets, agreeably to the oriental cuftom. There were chairs provided for our reception, and we were ferved with coffee and perfumes. After an hour's delay, at which we were fomewhat furprized, but have fmce been able to account for, the vizier fent to ac- quaint us of his being ready to fee us. We were accordingly at- tended in the fame manner as before, to a building within the fort, and introduced to this minifter. He received us fitting ; it being unufual with the Arabs to rife up, to falute thofe of an inferior rank. We advanced however, towards him, by the di- re£lion of our interpreter j on which he put his right hand to his breaft with a flight inclination of his head, and gave it to each of us, as a token of his amity. Of all the Muffulmen whom I have yet feen, the vizier of Yambo is the faireft. With- out the mixture of red and white, that diflinguifties Europeans from Afiatics, his complexion did not yield to any of our com- pany. His eyes black and fparkling ; his nofe aquiline, and his countenance cxpreffive of great fweetnefs and fenlibilit}-. He feemed to be between thirty and forty years of age, and was not the leaft embarraffed by the prefence of ftrangers, whom he only knew by report. We had been furprized at the deportment of tlie vizier's fervants yefterday. But that was a fcene of little admiration, 3 [ 23 ] admiration, when compared with the audience we now obtained. The impreflion will never be effaced from my mind. The powers of Garrick would, if poflible, fall Ihort, to fupport the; countenance and addrefs of the vizier during an interview of two hours, in which fuch complicated deceit and villainy were ufed, as throw the crooked politics of Machiavel far behind ! After the firft ceremonies were over, and the coffee and per- fumes brought in, the vizier repeated his offers of afliftance. He profefled a great refpeft for the Englifh nation, and a regard for the nabob of Arcot — in whole fervice the captain had de- clared himfelf — for his generous attention to tlie poor of Mecca. He flattered us with the profpedl of getting eafily to Suez j, and as we were in want of a pilot, he fent for the captain of the port, to examine him in our prefence, touching our future paf* fage. Nothing could be more plaufible than this behavior. We were profufe In our acknowledgments of the minifter's goodnefs, and little imagined that the man who was fummoned before us, had been tutored for the purpofe, during our ftay at the fhaik's houfe. In a fhort time this ofKcer appeared, and was queflioned by the vizier himfelf on the certainty and length of our voyage to Suez. The particulars of this converfation were conveyed to us by our interpreter, who flood between them. It had long been our fear, that the foutherly winds were exhaufted, and that the northerly monfoon was about to fet in; which would inevitably prevent our further progrefs. And it was on thefe points that the pilot infifled. He expreffed his doubts of making the pafTage, and his apprehenfions of endangering an Englifh veffel ; the confequence of which he could not anfwen At length he pofitively declined the undertaking, as hazardous and impra6licable. Much argument did the vizier ufe to render him compHant. He threw out the lure of the reward, which his [ 24 ] his fuccefs woucl entitle him' to j and even afFeifled to be (hocked at his prelumption and pufiUanimity. He fubmitted the matter to ourfelves, and offered, if we pleafed, to fend the pilot in irons on board our veffel. To this violence it may be fuppofed, we univerfally diffented -, at the fame time that we declared our fenfe of this mark of tlie minifter's friendfhip. The head pilot was therefore difmifled, and another fent for, whom the vizier pretended to judge would be more tra6table. But with him we had no better fuccefs. He was equally backward with the former, to take charge of the veffel ; and after much futile per- fuafion, the minifler turned round to us in feeming trouble, and expreffed his regret at our bad fortune. The captain now totally abandoned all thoughts of proceeding further ; and was content with the promife of a pilot to carry him to Judda ; the port to which the fliip was ordered, in cafe of the lofs of her pafTage to Suez. The travellers deflined for Europe, now preferred their petition. We requefled a boat, to tranfport us to Suez with our baggage ; and informed the vizier of our being feverally charged with packets for tlae Eall India Company, both from the nabob of Arcot and the governor of Madras. To this he gave a gracious aflent j and the pilot en- gaged to fit out a boat for us in five days. Nay, the price of his trouble was fixed at 50 dollars, which apparently exceeded his ex- pectations. Our conference had been fpun out to a great length, and as our bufinefs was difpatched, we made a motion to retire. It was our intention to have repaired immediately to the veffel, where dinner was provided : but the vizier acquainted us at our departure, that he had directed refrefhmcnts to be prepared for vs at the fliaik's houfe, of which he hoped we vvoul<^ partake. As the day was pretty far advanced, and we travellers were anxious to adjuft the particulars of our voyage with the pilot, we unwittingly Ivvallowed the bait which was thrown out for 9 us. [ 25 ] US, and returned with the old fhaik to his houfe, little dream- ing that it would become the theatre of our troubles ! On a candid review of the foregoing fcene, even on the very day it occurred, I cannot charge my memory with a fmgle cir- cumftance, by which the fmcerity of the vizier was liable to fufpicion. So well was the plot laid, with fuch addrcfs did the principal chara6lers conduft themfelves, that never fiction fo happily afllimed the air of truth. The flightefl alarm would probably have prevented the confequences which enfued, as none of us imagine the fhaik or his attendants were authorized to oppofe our departure, had we made an effort to regain our boat, inftead of returning to the houfe of our conductor. But we were lulled into a fecurity, that was particularly ftrength- ened on the part of ns travellers, from an information which the vizier gave us. Two Englifh gentlemen had been recom- mended to his good offices by the Xerif his mafter ; and he had difpatched them with a packet to Suez, but a few days before our arrival. This circumftance encouraged our hopes. We conceived the packet to be the fame, which a captain Dibdin was charged with from the ufurped adminiftration at Madras ; and we were emulous of not being outftripped in a race, where we contended without reproach. We had not been half an hour at the fhaik's houfe, when a mefTenger came to fummon our interpreter to the vizier's prefence. This man was an Arab by birth, and had performed a pilgrimage to Mecca; an aft of devotion which every true Muffulman undertakes, either in perfon or by proxy, before he dies. From this he had obtained the title of Hadgy. He was a flirewd fenfible fell ow, and proved of infinite fervice to us in the fequel, by letting us into the defigns of his countrymen. He returned after a fhort abfence, with evident marks of fur- prize in his countenance, which foon communicated itfelf to E our [ 26 ] our breafts, by the meflage he brought. It imported, that the vizier could render us no afliftartce, until he received an order from the Xerif of Mecca concerning usj and that it would be advifeable for the captain to dire6l the officer on board, to bring the veffel into the harbor. Such a contradiction in his conduft immediately opened our eyes to the wrong that was in- tended us ; and we began to think of the beft method, to ex- tricate ourfelves from the fnare we had fallen into. A retreat to our boat naturally fuggefted itfelf : but our deliberations were foon interrupted, by one of the company obferving from a win- dow, that there was a guard upon the houfe. To be certified of this, I walked through an area that led to the gateway, which I found befet by a troop of foldiers. There was now no- thing left us, but to put the beft face on the matter. We fent the interpreter back to the vizier, with expoftulations on the duplicity of his behavior. We reminded him^of our having come afliore at his own invitation ; and that he could not de- tain us, without a violation of the law of nations, and of hof- pitality : for a regard to which the Arabs were uni\'erfally ce- lebrated. We demanded, what bufinefs he or his mafter could have with a vefl'el, which had not entered their port, and was in want of nothing but a pilot, which it was at their option to afford her. We obferved the odium that would attend fuch pro- ceedings towards the property of a prince, to whom the Xerif was fo much indebted, both in refpecb to the commerce which he carried on with the port of Judda, and the very valuable prefent that our vellel had brought for the temple of Mecca. Finally, we warned him, not to offer any infult to the Britifh flag, which the moft barbarous nations had been taught to refpect. The interpreter was likewife charged to demand an audience for the captain, that he might argue the matter with the vizier. But this effort was unfuccefsful. The poor fellow came back with a Z long [ 27 ] long face, and brought a ftii6l injundion to the captain, to or- der the veffel into the harbor, and a defire that we would make ourfelves eafy, until the orders refpe6ling us arrived, which would be in fix days at furtheft. The captain's fuit was declined, on pretence of the vizier's being engaged with company. We now confulted upon the fteps to be taken in this exi- gency. Our junftion with the fliip was infallibly cut off. The mariners who had been left to take care of the boat, had by this time, been fent to the place of our confinement. From them we learnt, that our boat was carried to an unknown part, at the moment of their feizure. Our own detention was confe- quently confirmed, and the efcape of the veffel from the hands of thefe robbers — for fuch we regarded them — was the point to which we turned our views. Indeed, we confidered her as the anchor by which our lives were held. It was JmpofTible to anfwer for the forbearance or humanity of people, who had broken through the mofl facred precept of their religion, in their treatment of us, fhould they once get the veffel into their poffefTion, by whofe means alone the circumflances of our de- tention could be brought to light. With our concurrence there- fore, the captain wrote a pofitive order to his chief mate, to weigh or flip his anchor, with the firfl favorable wind, make the beft of his way to Judda, and there communicate our flory to the captains of the Englifh vefTels. And even this fcheme appeared to us by no means as fafe or feafible. The veffel lay in a narrow channel, with fhoals and breakers on each fide of her ; and the northerly winds prevailed the greateft part of the day, which obfliu6f-ed her departure. Add to this, that her paf- fage to Judda was dangerous without a pilot ; to the chance of procuring which, the ofHcer mufl have trufted to the coafting boats. But all obflacles funk under the preffure of necefflty^ The captain and fupercargoes were more particularly interefled in the E 2 preiervation [ 28 ] jprefervation of the veffel and cargo ; and among the valuables that the paffengers had on board, I chiefly confidered a packet, which a noble friend * had entrufted to a fellow-traveller and myfelf. We wtre, perhaps, fingular in our concern for fome moveable or other. But we were unanimous in our defire, that the veffel li'hich contained it, fliould get beyond the reach of thefe fpoilers. While our interpreter was difpatched with this letter to the vizier, to give a very oppofite explanation of the contents, which their \itter ignorance of our language enabled him to do with fecurity, we fate down upon a carpet, to partake of a fru- gal meal which the old fhaik had fet before us. It confifted of flewed mutton, garniftied with raw onions. Flat cakes of flour were our plates, and our fingers fl:ood us in Heu of knives and forks. Notwithftanding the agitation of our minds, and this unufual method of eating, we made a fliift to clear the difli in a few minutes, to the no fmall admiration of the fliaik and his attendants. The natives of Arabia are very temperate in their diet ; and though we found that the lower clafs would drink fpirituous liquors to excefs, we have reafon to believe, that the better fort generally adhere to the precept of the Alcoran, which forbids the ufe of them. Pure water is their common draught, and with this we were obliged to crown our meal. Our watches had advifed us of its being paft five o'clock, when the interpreter returned with an order to the fliaik, to fend a boat off with the letter. It now occurred to us, that the captain had better proffer himfelf to execute the vizier's pleafure. His efcape would have proved an additional fecurity to the veffel ; and though we almoft defpaired of fuccefs, we omitted not our endeavors to carry this point. The captain and the two fuper- cargoes were feparately propofed to be the bearer of the orders ; but all that we could obtain, in the courfe of two hours folici- * The right honorable Lord Pigot. tation. [ 29 ] tation, was leave for a fervant to go off with the letter. It was now near eight o'clock, and we had the further mortifica- tion to be kept in fufpence an hour longer, before the boat was ready. We felt for the fituation of the officers on board, who had expe6led our return to dinner, and had received no intelli- gence from us fmce we had been afhore. We knew not what defigns might be concerting againft the vefTel, which lay within half a mile of the coaft ; and until the officers aboard were cau- tioned of the danger, our general fate was undetermined. Night had thrown her fable curtains around us, and treachery and ftrata- gem, which fhun the light, might now be bufy for our deftru6lion. We were entangled in thofe toils, with which the dauntlefs lion ftruggles in vain. The pale glimmering of a lamp ferved juft to afford us a fight of each other, and the pofture of a part of our guard, who had civilly intruded themfelves into the room, where gentlemen, fervants, and mariners, to the number of twen- ty, were crouded together. The fea furrounded three fides of our prifon, and the other was fecured by a ftrong body, armed with matchlocks, piftols, and fabres. Though it afterwards appeared, that our fituation could be more alarming than at this period, I fhould think fuch another hour clearly purchafed with the wealth of the eaft. I can truly affirm, that when death feemed unavoidable, when the miniflers of vengeance flood ready to perform its mandate, my thoughts were more collected, and my refolution more confirmed. So preferable is the knowledge of the worft which can befall us, to a ftate of uncertainty ! But our minds were at length relieved by the arrival of the boat, which took our fervant from the window of our apart- ment. A defperate fcheme now fuggefted itfelf for our efcape, but was rcjedled, on a conviiflion of its folly. There was a guard in the boat as well as in our room ; and we had obferved fol- diers planted on the walls, as fpies upon our motions. To have regained [ 30 ] regained our Avords, the only weapons we had brought afhore, we muil have betrayed our defign. To make the attempt un- armed, would have been worfe than madnefs. We therefore con- tented ourfelves with adding verbal inftru£lions to the fervant, for the officer's pofitive departure, and prepared to take that repofe, which the circumftances we were under, might allow of. But here, we reckoned without our hoft. Sleep and we were not fo near, as we expelled. The boat had not long left us, when we obferved fome of the domeftics remove the carpets, which had been fpread for our beds. We had not time to indulge our conje6lures on this incident, when the old flaaik appeared, and with much apparent concern acquainted us, that it was the vizier's order, we ihould be confined in an upper apartment of the houfe during the night. The place to which he pointed, was a tower, againfl which our very natures revolted. The or- der itfelf had a black appearance -, and though it turned out to be only meant for the better fecuring our perfons, it is no wonder that fome among us fliould attribute it to be a proje6l, for the readier perpetration of their villainous purpofes. In fliort, it was agreed upon to oppofe the execution of this order to the utmoft; and though a6lual refiftance was equally vain and hopelefs, we found the good efFefts of not tamely fubmitting to this indignity. The fhaik was charged to tell the vizier,, that we would not go to the dungeon allotted us, unlefs com- pelled by force of arms ; and again to warn him of treating us harfhly. And this commiffion was fo faithfully executed, that in about an hour, our carpets were returned to us, and we were delivered from further perfecution for the prefent.. Our fpirits were much raifed by the fuccefs of this meafure ; and we began to entertain hopes that no violence was intended us. Our late diftrefs became the fubjedt of mirth ; and we af- fe^ed to regret, that our ftory would not be enriched with the adventure [ 31 ] adventure of the round' tower. We betook oiirfelves, without repining, to our humble lodging on the ground ; and I enjoyed a very comfortable nap until day-break, although my noftrils were plentifully regaled with the fumes of tobacco, from the pipe of one of our guard, who had taken poll in the feat of a window above me. FRIDAY, 9th May. When I awoke this morning, I found our fervant had re- turned, with an anfwer from the chief mate ; which expreffed his concern for our fituation, and his intention to get away with the firfl favorable wind, agreeably to the captain's direc- tions. This was very pleafmg intelligence ; and we drank the coffee which was now brought us, without complaining of its being unpalatable. The Arabs never adulterate their coffee with fugar or milk. Thefe are quite an European addition; as is the cafe likewife with refpe6l to tea, which is drank pure in China. I muft acknowledge, that I prefer our method of pre- paring thefe articles of luxury; but were we to ufe tea and coffee in fuch quantities as the natives of thofe countries, we fhould neither find them pleafant nor falutary, when mixed , with other ingredients. There is fcarce an hour paffes in the day, that coffee is not ferved up here; and their coloons, or pipes, are never from their mouths, but when they are at meals or afleep. Our attention was engaged the whole morning towards our veffel, which we could fee very plainly from the windows of our apartment. The wind began to blow from the northward ac- cording to cuftom, and before noon encreafed with Tuch vio- lence, as not only to cut off the poffibility of her departure, but, even [ 32 ] even to alarm us for her fafety ; as fhe rode without the har- bor, and lay expofed to all the fury of the fea and weather. We now plotted for the recovery of our boat ; the abfence of which, with the prime part of her crew, might occafion the lofs of the veflel, in cafe of her parting her cable. For this purpofc we difpatched our interpreter to the vizier, who was entrufted to exprefs to him our doubts of the officer's obedience. We remarked that the wind blew into the harbor, and the velfel had made no motion to weigh her anchor and ftand in ; and we at- tributed the officer's backwardnefs to his entertaining a notion, that the orders which he had received, had been extorted front us. As a means, therefore, of fatisfying him, we propofed that the vizier would permit our boat and mariners to go on board, with a fecond order from the captain, and a declaration of our having done nothing by compulfion. At the fame time we in- fmuated, that the fight of our boat and people would overcome any fcruples, which the officer might have harbored in his breaft. The whole day was fpent in this negotiation, and we . began to think it would prove fruitlefs, when this crafty minifter was foiled at his own weapons, and allowed himfelf to be egregioufly duped. An Arab boat with a guard, however, was ordered to accompany ours ; and the captain wrote a fecond letter to the officer, conjuring him to depart by the firft opportunity, and to detain the fhip's boat, and return our fervant on the other. He alfo dire6led him to appear enraged at the contents of the letter, and to declare to the Arabs that he would fail at day- break. We took this opportunity to fend on board for a Ihift or two of linen j a convenience which we had been two days debarred of, and which, in other circumftances, would have been lufficiently diftreffing in a warm climate. I had feveral valuables 5 about C 33 ] about me ; but I had not a thought of prefervhig any thing from pillage, except the pi(5lure of a dear iifter, which I had worn for many years about my neck. From this bofom-friend did I now refolve to part ; and the moft fenfible pang which I en- dured in our captivity, was at the moment of my delivering this pidture into the hands of the fervant, who was going off to the veiTel. I was afliamed of my weaknefs, and retired to a window in order to conceal a tear, which rofe in my own defpite, from the fountain of afFeftion ! We were entertained by our hofpitable fliaik with a dinner^ fmiilar to that of yeflerday ; with the addition however of water- melons, which are much larger and finer here than in India. It is but doing him juftice to fay, that he has behaved to us with the greateft civility and attention j infomuch, that our food is frequently ferved up with his own hands. We were inquifitivc about the vizier's intentions, but could get nothing out of the old man, except exhortations to patience, and hopes of a fpeedy anfwer from Mecca. The fufpence we live in, is the greateft hardfliip which we labor under. In other refpefts, our fitua- tion is as comfortable as prifoners could expe6l. Our very guard are as civil as their manners will admit of -, and though their prefence is troublefome enough, we have hitherto met with none of thofe infults, which the petty tyrants of our own coun- try are fo apt to exercife over the poor wretches in their cuf- tody. Though we have fallen into the hands of an arbitrary government, we have not become the prey of its fervile and un- feeling inftruments. About nine o'clock at night we were advertized of the return of the Arab boat, but without our fervant or Hnen -, the Arabs having been fo intimidated at the officer's affeftation of anger, as to leave the vefiel with precipitation. This news was commu- F nicated [ 34 ] nicated to us by our hoft, who feemed much furprized at the prefumption of the officer towards his captain, which he could by no means reconcile to his own ideas, of fuboi dination to his -fuperiors. Our only concern was the want of the linen, and fome liquors that we had fent for. But we confoled ourfelves with the thoughts of procuring them in the morning by fome acci'- dent or other j and in the mean time compofed ourfelves to reH:. SATURDAY, icth May. - loTbe' lafl: raght was pafled in the fame manner as the firft, ex- .cept that we were lefs crouded, by the departure of our boat's crew j a circumflance not immaterial in an hot climate, where our apart- ment did not meafure more than fixteen feet by ten. I rofe be- »fore day-break, and going out on a fmall terrace bounded by the fea, for the benefit of the morning airi was furprized at' the found of female voices, which feemed at no great diftance. I looked up, and found it to proceed from the windows above me; ■the. lattices of which were now open, and filled with women. Thefe were members of the old fliaik's family, and I little ima- gined that we could meet with fuch treatment in the neighbor- hood of a feraglio. We had accefs to but one room in this^man- iionj the upper part of which was confeerated to beauty, under equal reftraint with ourfelves. Had we been polfefFed of the true fpirit of chivaliy, we fhould have gloried in our fate, that enabled us to wear the fame chains which enflaved the fair : and, rcgardlefs of our own dcftiny, we fhould only have refolved hov/ to deliver thefe captive damfels from their-enchanted caftle. But alas 1 tliere was no Quixote among us ; and we fliall remain as a fignal iaftance of the degeneracy of thefe latiter times. . I liilened attentively to thele females, who were very earneftly engaged; [ 35 ] engaged ; and though I am a flranger to the Arabic language, I judged from the motions wliich they made ufe of, that we were the fubje(5fs of their difcourfe. I even flattered. mylelf, that they were touched with pity at our fituation, from the tones of their voices at certain intervals ; and, though the romantic notions I entertain of tlie general tendernefs and benevolence of woman- kind, may have rendered me too fanguine in this particular, I have not the leaft doubt but they interefted themfelves in our fafety. and would have contributed towards our efcape. As the light dawned they found themfelves obferved, and retired from the windows, but not without many refpeftful obeifances and looks of commiferation. About {even o'clock the vefTel fired a gun and loofed her foretopfail, the cuftomary fignals for failing : and we received a letter from the officer to this eftc6f. This he had fent by our fmall boat with two failors, whom he could well fpare to pro-; vide for our neceffities, which were become prelfmg. We now go*: a meflage from the vizier, demanding the refult of the offi- ce's determination. To this we replied, that he ftill denied the captain's authority over him, and was on the point of failing for Judda, with the account of our detention. Had this defign been fortunately executed, the .end which we had in view, would probably have been anfwered : for feeing his prey efcape him, which, was the fliip, the vizier would, it is to be prefumed, have lent us after her in our boat, as lumber too unv/orthy to be vvith-held. By this time the veffel was in motion. T]:e rocks had cut her cable as her crew were weighing her anchor, and Ihe fwung bo- dily towards a reef of breakers, before they could bring her up with another anchor. At this moment we tafted the bitternefs- of anguilh. We plainly i'aw the veffel driving on deilruftion, and ifood idle fpectators of a misfortune beyond our power to F 2 avert. '[36 ] .avert. Our captain himfelf, a man of fkill and experience, gave her up as loft ; and we vented the ebulHtions of our rage, in impotent threats, and idle imprecations on the author of our diftrefs. The horrors of our fituation rufhed at once upon our minds. All hopes of relief would perifli with the veflel, and we be left at the mercy of a race, the profefled enemies of our religion. The fears of dete6lion might infpire them with the worft defigns ; and though our lives might be remitted us, the more grievous alternative of pining away our days in flavery,, cut off from a communication with our friends and country, might be our portion. Nor were thefe the weak fuggeftions of defpair. Every thing confpired to darken the profpeft be- fore us. Our hoft and guard had caught the alarm, and painted the danger of the veffel in fuch ftrong colors to the vizier, as induced him to permit us to fend our boat to her aflift- ance. We gladly availed ourfelves of this circumftance, though the immediate danger was over before the boat reached the vef- fel, which now rode at anchor within a fathom of the rocks. Had the wind encreafed as ufual, her refpite would have been but fhort. But Providence decreed otherwife. The weather proved fo moderate the whole day, as to allow the officer to warp her into her old birth again. While he was employed in a tafk that calmed the perturbation we were under, we obferved a ftrange boat pafs near him, and make towards the town. At the fame time we heard the report of muflcets, but could not diftinguifh, whether it came from the veflel or the boat. We cannot fay pofitively, whether it was a fcheme to entrap us, or that the vizier really fuppofed our people had commenced hoftilities againft the Arabs ; but fo it was : the boat had fcarcely reached the fiiore, when the vizier fent for our interpreter, to complain of the outrage, and to let us know that we had no right to expeft good treatment from 3 him [ 37 ] him hereafter. It was in vain, that we appealed to the teftimony of the mafter of the boat, who came to us of his own accord, and depofed, that our people had not fired at him. That they had only brought him to, with a mufket, and offered him money for a pilot, which he had refufed them. A formal demand was now made of our fwords } and we fufpe6ted there was fomething un- common in agitation, from the whifpers of our guard, and the frequent meffengers that came to and fro. One of our company obferved a body of foldiers marching towards the place, where our velTel lay ; and not a flone's throw from us, we faw them unlading a boat of ammunition, which they had tranfported acrofs an arm of the fea, that runs into the town at high water. Thefe preparations plainly indicated their defigns on the vefTel, againll which we had previoufly cautioned the officer to prepare himfelf. The Adventure carried eight 3-pounders, befides fwivels ; and we had not the leaft doubt of her repelling the whole of their force. But we were unacquainted with the policy of the Arabs, who trufl to craft for the accomplifhment of their wiflies ; and only afFe6l refolution, when they can do it with impunity. The hills now re-echoed with the found of cannon ; which we learnt was a fummons to the neighboring tribes to join the holy flandard, which is fet up in times of danger. And this was a prelude to a fcene, that threatened to end very tragically. We were ruminating on the ifTue of this extraordinary adventure, when the Arabian mufketry began to play brifkly on the vefiel. As a part of the fort fkreened the a6lion from our view, we re- tired to the front windows of our apartment, where we could better obfervc the veffel's motions. I had Thompfon's feafons hi roy hand, and had, inadvertently, caft my eyes on the fublime hymn which crowns that delightful work, when a band of ruf- fians rufhed into the room, and ranged themfelves directly be- fore us. Their appearance was rude, and their countenances very [ 33 ] very different from the people we had hitherto converfed with. Tlu-y were of the roving race, and promifed to prove worthy of the dark purpofe in which they were engaged. The matches of their pieces were hghtcd, and we tottered on the brink of fu- turity ! — The villaiiiy of the Arabs was now apparent. They were endeavoring to piovoke our mariners to return their fire ; and we well knew, that the dea-.h of one MufTidman is only to be atoned for, by the lives of ten Chriftians. This is a precept of their religion. But the officer on board, had reflexion enough to confidcr his countrymen afliorc. He felt for our diftrefs, and was ilo cool as to bear with their repeated infults for the fpace of two hours ; although the mulket-balls flew into the vef- fel, and he was continually urged by the crew, to pour a broad- flde among the troops, fome of whom were daring enough to wade into the fea, within pillol-fliot of the veflel. Nay, we afr tcrwards learnt our fituation had been fo critical, that nothing but threats of infl:ant death, could prevent the failors from tak- ing to their arms ; and the officer v^as obliged to parade the deck v/ith a loaded mulket, to intimidate them. But it is not ftrange, tliat we fliould apprehend other meafures. We knew not what- fleps they had taken, to facilitate the feizure of the velTel ; or how long the forbearance of our people would lafl: : and we ex- pe6led an engagement every nipment, to commence between her and the fliore. At this crins we held a conlultation together, and it was unanimoufly refolved, to demand a parley with the vizier, touching the delivery of the vefl'el into his hands. Our interpreter was difpatched to him, with this mortifying concef- fion. The matter was become too ferious to be trifled with. We had the evidence of our own eyes, to defpair of the poffibility of the veffel's efcape, without a pilot; nor could we aniwer for the blood, which might be fpilled through a fruitlefs obilinacy. In this r 39 ] . this awful interval I endeavored to collc^l myfelf fo, as to meet death with a becoming refignation. I breathed a prayer for the welfare of my friends, and can truly fay, that I fliould have died in peace with all mankind. But the greateft confola- tion which I found in this exigency, was derived from the fub- lime hymn that I before mentioned. I read it over with plea- fure, and felt my bofom filled with a prophetic confidence from the energy of the latter part ; which is fo analogous to the fitua- tion we were in, that I cannot refill tranfcribing it, though it is fo well known to perfons of taile. " Should Fate command me to the farthcfl verse Of the green earth, to diftant barbarous climes. Rivers unknown to fong j where firft the fun Gilds Indian mountains, or his fetting beam Flames on th' Atlantic illes ; 'tis nought to me : Since God is ever prefent, ever felt. In the void wafle as in the city full ; And where He vital breathes there mull be joy. When ev'n at laft the folemn hour fliall come. And wing my myftic flight to future worlds, I cheerful will obey ; there, with new powers. Will rifing wonders fing : I cannot go Where univerfal love not fmiles around, Suflaining all yon orbs and all their fons ; From feeming evil ftill educing good, &c." A full hour and more, did we rem/ain under the alarming cir- cumftances I have defcribed, before we obtained the fliadovv of a reprieve. The fire of the mulketry was ftill continued againfi: 1 the [ 40 3 . tlie veflel ; and the minifters of death flood over us, each feem- ing to have fingled out his prey, in a fixed pofture and a mute referve. At length our interpreter returned from his embafly to the vizier. He was accompanied by three Arabians of diftinc- tion, who were come to pledge their words for the fafety of ourfelves and veffel. The firft of thefe, was the general of the troops at Yambo; and the other two, were the chiefs of the Arab tribes, who had been fummoned to the vizier's afllftance. A writing was drawn up, and figned by them ; to the obferv- ance of which they fwore by their beards, the moft folemn oath that a Muflulman can take. The captain was now cited to the prefence of the viziei", to obtain a fimilar obligation from him. He Itaid only to drink a cup of coffee ; and brought back an hand- kerchief, which he had received, as a token of the rainifler's fin- cerity. Pledges of this nature among the Orientals, amount to the raofl ferious engagements. Whatever doubts we might entertain of their value, this was no feafon to exprefs them ; and we readily concurred in the captain's orders to the chief mate, to bring the vefTel into the harbor. We flated the matter to him, and furnifhed him with the afTurances which had been given us, for our general fecurity. The captain himfelf, harbored no fufpicions of their intention to plunder usj and I mufl own that I was of the fame opinion. There was nothing very im- probable in the vizier's floiy, now that we came to a right knowledge of it. This was the firft European veffel that had appeared on this part of the coafl -, and he had written to the Xerif, to know whether he fliould treat us as friends or not. It is not impofTible but he confidered us as fpies, who meant to pry into the poverty and weaknefs of the country. Given to deceit himfelf, he might have held our tale of a pilot, as fi£litious ; and our anchoring at the mouth of the harbor, as a fhallow [ 4t 1 a ftiallow artifice, through which he could clifcern. I would be as charitable in my conclufions, as a chriftian ought to be, but muft leave to the event, an explication of his condu6l. The good efFe6ls of our late corapliance were foon vifible. The troops were recalled from the beach, and our tremendous guefts withdrawn from our apartment. Hope once more dawned in our bofoms; and the difappointed looks of the ruffians, who retired without having earned the wages of iniquity, left us no room to doubt of their inhuman commifTion, The day was too far advanced to think of moving the velFel, as the channel into the harbour is very narrow. It was there- fore ftipulated, that a pilot fliould go on board at day-break, to fetch her in ; and that on her coming to anchor, her great and fmail guns, piftols and cutlafTes, fhould be delivered over to the cuftody of an officer, whom the vizier fliould appoint for that purpofe. This article was infifled upon by him, as the only means to quiet the minds of the inhabitants; who trembled for the fafety of the town, while the cannon were on board ; and could not conquer their fears of Europeans, who had arms of any kind in their polfefTion. This fhew of terror was, to be fure, a tacit compliment to the European name ; and we were at any rate content to fubfcribe to terms, by which alone we were ' permitted to return to the vefl'el. The boundary was pafled ; and we had no other refource, than to confide in people who held us in fubjeilion. We were heartily tired of being cooped up in a prifon, and wiilied to return to the veflel ; where we fliould at ^ leafl be rid of obfervance, and live agreeably to our own cufloms, although faddled v/ith the lofs of liberty. We fpent the evening far more cheerfully than ufual, and found the guard lefs watch- ful of our motions, fince the conclufion of the treaty. Our holl ' was particularly attentive to us -, and regaled us, for the firfl time, with a fupper. This is a meal almolt unknown in Arabia ; and G ' was [ At ] was confidered by us in the light of a friendly banquet. We re- ligned ourfelves, at our cullomary hour, to our carpets -, where our imaginations were again difturbed, by a review of the un- pleafing fcenes of the foregoing day. SUNDAY, nth May. This proved by far tlie mofl tedious day that we had pafTed in our confinement. We expected to have got on board to dinner, but were prevented by that indolent and perverfe difpofltion, which prevails among the Eaftern nations. At eight o'clock the pilot weighed the veffel's anchor, and before nine fhe brought up, within half a mile abreaft of the town. We now received a vifit from Mr. Walters, the chief officer, and were adveitifed by him of the particulars which I have before recited, refpedling the attack on the veiTel. Our thanks were juftly due to this gentleman, on whofe firmnefs and difcretion our lives had depended ; and I em- brace with pleafure, this public opportunity to declare our fenfe of his conduct. The captain gave him an order, for the de- livery of the arms to the vizier's officer, who now accompanied him in a boat to receive them. They were landed in great form. The fmall arms were lodged in the fort, and the cannon were mounted on a battery oppofite our vefTel. This was meant to in- timidate us ; though it was eafy to perceive, that a fingle dif- charge would reduce the wall to ruins. Our fwords were re- turned to us, with a compliment from the vizier; and we were in momentary expectation of permiffion to depart. But the little philofophy we poffefled, was yet to be exercifed ; and happy wa& he, who could the befl make a virtue of neceffity. Frequent were the vifits of our interpreter to the minifler in the courfe of this day : but no audience could he obtain. At noon he was retired to his liaram, where it was treafon to difturb him. [ 43 ] him. Now, he was engaged at dinner -, and now he had com- pany with him. As we faw every thing here through the me- dium of difcontent, we confidered thefe excufes as mere eva- fions of his word ; and fliould he fail in that part of the treaty, where our living on board the vefTel was fpecified, we had little reafon to expert his fulfilling the reft of it. Nay, the worft of their former fears recurred to fome of our party ; and though I was by this time pretty well reconciled to the malice of fortune, and did not torment myfelf by anticipating evils, I muft confefs, that appearances were not much in our favor. Our property, freedom, and lives, were in the hands of an imperious tyrant, who had fecured us by treachery, and might only be reftrained by fear, fi'om falfifying his engagements. And to this principle, by which his tribe are generally aftuated in political concerns, I trufted for our deliverance. The fails of commerce are ever bufy in this fea, and numbers of fmall veflels had arrived at, and departed from this port, during our fhort ftay. Should the vizier be inclined to keep the tranfadlion a fecret, his own reflexion muft fuggeft to him, that it muft needs tranfpire by a fea-con- veyance, fhould he have influence enough to bar the commmii- cation by land : and, whatever might be the tale he trumped up to deceive his mafter, the fa6l would at length reach him in its native colors. Such did I conceive to be the point, which was difcufled during this delay. I imaged to myfelf the minifter, fliut up with his creatures in dark cabal, and flattered myfelf that his intereft would teach him for once, to be honeft. Nor was I difappointed. The captain was fummoned to the pre- fence of the vizier, and returned with very gracious aflurances of prote6lion, and a licence to repair to the veflel. In the whole courfe of my life, I do not recoiled: to have received more ac- ceptable tidings. We could not have wiflied for a ftronger con- firmation of the minifter's fincerity -, and for my own part, I G 2 felt . [ 44 ] felt a certain confidence in the thoughts of being on board, al- though we were deflitute of arms, to prote6l us againft vio- lence, and there was a guard of foldiers to be ftationed in the veffel. But fo preferable is the notion of what we term bur home, to that of a foreign place, that even in the midft of danger and diftrefs, we derive comfort from the partiality, and find fomething therein, to flatter and to confole us. The fan was juft finking in the bofom of the deep, when we put off from the fliore. We had taken a very cordial leave of 'our hofpitable fliaik, and invited him to vifit us frequently on board, when we obferved the ladies of his family were aflembled to grace our departure. The old man's houfe was one of the largeft in the town, and furrounded on three fides by the fea : and the windows were now crouded with females, who waved to us with their handkerchiefs, unperceived by thofe be- low. The generofity of the fair fex might have atoned for the inhumanity of the men of Yambo, had we been able to benefit by their good-will. But what arms could they afiail our perfe- cutors with, whofe hearts were proof to the irrefiftible violence of female tears ? and what hope could we derive from their gentle interpofition in a Mahometan region, where petticoat-intereft is at the loweft ebb ? Still be the tenets of this abfurd faith con- fined to defart climes, and an ignorant race ! Let them expand themfelves through the Numidian wafte, and let the unlettered Arab cherifli them in his mind ! Never will they get footing in more enlightened lands ; never will they ufurp the poliflied breaft, which acknowledges the foft empire of womankind, and rejects all attempts to depreciate her worth, as tlie diftates of iTialice, folly, and pride ! The evening was fpent in a more agreeable manner, than we had of late experienced. We enjoyed our own cuftoms with double fatisfaftion, fince we had known the want of them ; and our ' [ 45 ] our minds were relieved from a load of fufpence, with which they had been opprefled. We had obtained the vizier's leave to write to our friends at Judda ; and we retired to our beds, with the pleafing expectations of being foon redeemed from captivity, by the good offices of our countrymen with the Xerif. MONDAY, i2th May. The captain this morning wrote a ftate of our cafe to captain Anderfon ; who he knew was at Judda, with a fliip in his charge, belonging to the nabob of Arcot. He entreated him to repre- fent our wrongs to the Xerif of Mecca, and to demand our im- mediate releafe, under pain of the refentment of the Englifli. This letter was fent to the vizier by his dehre, that he might in- clofe it in his packet. To guard againft the double-dealing of a man fo well known to us, we had the precaution to write a duplicate of this letter. This was folded up, and directed after the Arabic fafliion, by our interpreter j who fecretly delivered it to a pafTenger in the boat, that waited to carry the vizier's dif- patches to Judda. I have faid, that there was a fhip at Judda in the fervice of the nabob of Arcot, and that our captain had thought proper to declare the Adventure to be his property. It is not to be in- ferred from this, that the nabob is a maritime power, or is aim- ing to extend the commerce of his fubje6ls by an attention to naval affairs. The fafl is quite the reverfe. The trade qf India wholly exifts in the fpirit and induftry of the Englifh. While their vefTels are exploring the iflands that border on the Pacific ocean, and return with a freight that renders our fettlements the mart of oriental produflions, a fliip or two is fcnt yearly to Judda by the nabob of Arcot. Thefe velTels, indeed, carry a cargo, and import in exchange, the produces of Arabia. But this is [ 46 ] is the captain's care. The only benefit which the nabob looks for, is the prayers of two or three hundred pilgrims, who are tranfported at his expence, to perform their vows at the mofque of Mecca ! his fhips were fo crouded this feafon with thefe idle mendicants, that through the nabob's intereft with the owners, we had the company of above twenty of them in our vefTel. This was an honor we were by no means ambitious of; and from which we readily difengaged ourfelves at Mocha, where they were landed to profecute their journey in the beft manner they co\ild. The abufe of reafon in thefe ufelefs undertakings, is the leaft evil to be complained of. They are fuch an encouragement to idlenefs, and fo deftru6live to the welfare of a country, where thoufands of the inhabitants are feduced from their families and habitations by a fanatic call, that we may confider their tolera- tion as one of the ruinous principles of a Mahometan govern- ment. We have had an opportunity of obferving the effe6l, which thefe pilgrimages have upon the manners and difpofitions of thofe engaged in them. A froward fpirit and a brutal beha- vior, mark the herd of thefe pilgrims. And we have been affured from good authority, that their mutinous deportment rifes fometimes to fuch a pitch, that the captains of the fhips are obliged to put them in irons, for the prefervation of them- felves and crew. The occurrences aboard the Adventure being as unvaried, as may be imagined in a veiTel at anchor, I will omit the recital but of fuch days, as produced any particular events -, which may be ufeful in curtailing a journal already, I fear, too prolix to efcape cenfure. If we were uneafy at the reftraint we were un- der, we had no reafon to complain of fenfual entertainment du- ring th3 term of our detention. We were plentifully fupplied with provifions and vegetables, at an eafy rate i and Apicius him- felf. [ 47 ] felf, might have taken a voyage to the Red- Sea, to have feafted on the delicious fifh with which the harbour of Yambo abounds, without the leaft derogation to the merits of the lamprey of Baiac. MONDAY, 19th May. Our patience was pretty nearly exhaufted by this time. But on the evening of this day, we were permitted to wait on the vizier, after many vain foUcitations, to learn how foon we might expedl our releafe : the time appointed by him to obtain anfwers from Mecca, being expired. We went afhore about five o'clock, and were received by him In greater ftate, than at our firfl audience. The room was full of armed men ; and we could not but impute this ufelefs pre- caution, to the terrors of a bad confcience, which views every thing with a fufpicious eye. The evident alteration in the vizier's countenance and behavior, which were now marked v/ith in- quietude and referve, in fpite of his efforts to conceal them, con- vinced us of his having repented the ftep he had taken. He made feveral enquiries concerning the power and commerce of the Englifh in the Eafl. Nor was there occafion for our mag- nifying their influence, to awaken his fears. He feemed veiy attentive to the defcription of our fhips of force j and could not help exprefTnig his furprize, when our interpreter told him, that there were three men of war at Suez. As he was in an inquifitive mood, we would not mifs the opportunity to imprefs him with fentiments, that might ferve to regulate his future conduft. But his pride at length, got the better of his timidity. For in the courfe of our converfation, when the alliens of the Portugueze in this fea, and their fettlements on this coaft, were brought on the carpet, he informed us, that the Arabian hiftorians took notice. [ 43 ] notice of them ; and added, with an air of triumph, that the Portugueze were expelled Arabia by the great Sultan Selim. We were civilly difmifled by the minifter, with hopes of hourly intelligence from Mecca, and an invitation to take a view of the town, if agreeable to us. As there was a full hour to fun-fet, we readily embraced the occalion to fatisfy our curiofity, and to ufe a little exercife, of which we had been fo long deprived. We had an officer to attend us, befides two foldiers who had accom- panied us from the veffel. And we found this guard neceflary, to keep off the rabble that purfued us in our walk. The firfl arrival of a Cherokee Indian in Europe, could not have begotten half the wonder that our appearance did here. If the commonalty of Europe are not more mannerly, they are at leaft better in- formed than the rude Arab. Bred up in utter ignorance of other countries, and bigotted to the prejudices of illiberal do6lrines, he is at a lofs to account for the produclion of a Chriflian, whom his religion teaches him to hold in abhorrence and contempt. But if the rough minds of the men are hurried away into thefe ab- furdities, I mull once more bear witnefs to the moderation of the Mahometan females, who plainly evinced to us, that their bofoms were m.ade of " penetrable fluff." As we paffed through the flreets, the windows and terraces of the houfes were filled with women, who were infpired with' no illaudable curiofity to behold the flrangers. They neither treated us with fcorn, nor followed us with curies, like the favage throng beiow; but by their eagcr- nefs of obfervation, and attempts to engage our attention, be- trayed the fecret fymptoms of approbation. Nay, the facred thirfl of admiration, fo predominant in the fex, was not quenched in their breafls. We obferved many vails drop, as if by accident, as we paffed beneath their owners faces, which were overfpread with a vifible confufion, and verified the poet's idea 2 of zed in. and Is diately e Ara- 1 con- nation, eakers, 1 navi- tie has >, with which me to critical ly be a em on ons of e date- >f fand. diftant ; beau- degree. 1, feem of rude polity, nature t in fa- to the other. /'■V/r (/, ^^iiA <^X^^^ .JC/* ^ti^jCi^- .^u^ [ 49 ] of Mufidora's confolation in her diflrefs, at being furprized in. a naked fituation by her lover : " Ev'n a fenfe Of felf-app roving beauty ftole acrofs Her bufy thought." Yambo is fituated in the latitude of 24° 10' north, and is the port, from which the communication is more immediately carried on with Egypt. It is the general refort of all the Ara- bian veiTels that ply on this fea ; and has a very fafe and con- venient haven for their proteftion, in bad weather. Its fituation, behind an almofl uninterrupted chain of fhoals and breakers, has hitherto fecluded it from the knowledge of European navi- gators. But the charm is now broken -, and as fortune has thrown it in our way, I have annexed a view of Yambo, with the foundings of the harbor, taken from an aflual furvey, which Mr. Walters, chief officer of the Adventure, permitted me to copy from his draught. This will not only explain the critical fituation that our vefTel was in during the attack, but may be a guide to future mariners, whofe evil ftars may throw them on this inhofpitable fliore. The coaft here is infinitely more barren than the environs of Mocha, the foil being too ungrateful to produce even the date- tree or furze-bufh, and is throughout a fhining expanfe of fand. The eye meets with no interruption, until it reaches the diftant mountains, which bound the joylefs profpe^retion of a perfidious race, and with the profpe6l of a long and tedious cruize in an unknown fea — he may gather fome faint traits of the undertaking we were engaged in. As we fought the danger, there can be no vanity in fpeaking of it : as fomething more than an idle temerity, enforced the profecution of a voyage, the difficulties of which we were fufficiently apprized of. JOURNAL OF THE BOAT IMPOSITION FROM YAMBO TOWARDS SUEZ. TUESDAY, loth June. We were difturbed at day-break by the arrival of the nokidah, and pilot who is to navigate the boat, which, from the price we have paid for her, we have named the Impofition. They brought another Arab and three Abyffinian flaves with them, who made up her crew. And thefe are full fufficient to manage her. Could we confult our eafe before our fafety, we would willingly difpenfe with this addition to our numbers, which greatly ex- ceed the fize and convenience of our bark. We found no little difficulty, laft night, in providing for our repofe. Our chefts form a i'quare in the center of the boat, and my companions and I, each take up his lodging on his own cheft. Our fer- vants difpofed themfelves in fuch places, as they could obtain a footing upon ; but this increafe to our fociety, will reduce them to the neceffity of fecuring a poft for themfelves. 5 Wc [ 70 ] We weighed our anchor at 6 A.M. and ftood to the well- ward, with the wind at N. by W. But we had not got a league out, when the wind hauled round to N. W. This obliged us to run back again, and anchor at the mouth of the harbor, -"^ We had not been here long, when a boat pafled us, with Captain Bacon and his chief mate on board. They are bound for Judda, and we had but juft time to hail each other, and renew our wifhes for our reciprocal welfare. The wind will be fair for their boat, when they get clear of the harbor ; and their palTage promifes to be a fpeedy one, in proportion as the wind is unfavorable to us. The wind was ftrong all day from the N. W. In the even- ing we faw the Adventure, {landing towards us. There were but a few of her fails fet j and the Arabian pilots, to whofe charge ihe is committed by the Xerif s order, not being able to make any hand of it, brought her to an anchor again in the har- bor. This outfet proves the little knowledge of thefe pilots ; and it will be well if they cany her fafeiy to Judda, confidering the great difference between working her, and vefTels rigged for coafting voyages. I have annexed a chart of the Red-fea, from Yambo to Suez, that the reader may purfue the track of the boat as he reads the journal. WEDNESDAY, nth June. The nokidah and pilot flept upon the poop laft night. Our arrangement, therefore, is as follows. They have poffeffed them- jfelves of the ftern j my companions and myfelf occupy the mid- fpace, and our fervants and the crew keep in the fore-part of the boat. We have mounted a mulketoon upon tHe gunnel, and have our fufecs and piftols loaded. But as we are as yet, under [ 71 ] under the proteftion of the fort, we have not began to keep watch during the night. At 6 A. M. we weighed with the wind at S. W. and flood N. W. and ran about three leagues ; but the wind fuddenly veer- ing round to the weft and W. N. W. the pilot found he could not reach his intended anchoring-place, and, to our great mor- tification, ran back before the wind, to an opening between the rocks. Thefe rocks are a part of a reef, that extends from Judda to Cape Mahomet, and in which our vefTel was unfor- tunately entangled, when we were driven to the neceflity of putting into Yambo. We underftand there are particular places upon this coaft, which veflels are obliged to reach during the day, or elfe they muft, at times, run back to the birth which they left, for want of anchoring-ground. At one of thefe ftages, our boat brought to, at twelve o'clock, which is the propereft term that can be ufed on the occafion. As the boat approaches the reef, one of the crew jumps from the forecaftle, with a hook in each hand, and diving under the reef, faftens the hooks to the rocks, which are rendered porous by the water. The boat rides here in fmooth water, with her fides almoft touching the rocks. And here a veffel of confiderable burden, might ride ; as the water is fo deep, that we cannot find a bottom with fe- veral fathoms of rope. We took an obfervation at noon, and found ourfelves in the latitude of 24° 10' north. We have hitherto made little or no progrefs in our voyage; but are not to defpair, becaufe the winds have been contrary for two days. In the afternoon we faw the Adventure, ftanding to the fouthward. This denotes that fhe is clear of the harbor, but ihe feems to be going under a very eafy fail. THURSDAY, [ 72 ] THURSDAY, 12th June. The nokidah waded afhore during the night, in order to go to Yam bo for a fpar, to replace one which was carried away yefterday. He had not left us long, when a brifk breeze fprung up from the land, with which we might have made a ftretch to the northward, had our mafter been aboard. But this is only on a fuppofition, that thefe people work their boats in the night, which we have, indeed, but too much reafon to doubt. At day-break the wind fliifted to the N. W. fo that when the nokidah returned, he found that it was impoflible for us to ftir. He brought fome intelligence refpefting the Adventure. It feems that the Arabian pilots are fo unfkilful in the manage^ ment of a vefTel of her conftru6lion, that the fupercargoes and the officer who remain on board, are afraid of being caft away in the pafiage to Judda. They have already loft all her own anchors by their ignorance j and it is a great chance, if they fucceed better with the grapnels, which they have taken in, to fupply the lofs. The fituation of this veflel is very peculiar; She was reduced to her prefent diftrefs by the treachery of thefe barbarians j and is in danger of being wrecked by their ob- ftinacy, in not permitting Captain Bacon to take charge of her, when they carry her clear of the rocks. But vehgeance, no doubt, awaits the injured. This is not the firft time, that the Englifli flag has redrefTcd her fubjedls, even in this remote fea : and the hour perhaps will come, when the Xerif of Mecca will be forced to do juftice to the fufrerers on the fnow Adventuxe. About nine o'clock the wind changed to the fouthwarrd j but we could not take advantage of it, on account of the abfencc of fome of our company. Lieutenant * * * went aftiore at fix o'clock, on pretence of gathering famphire, and took Ibrahim our [ 73 ] our interpreter with him. We were a little furprized at their flay ; but when the wind became favorable, we difpatched a ma- riner into the country, to recal them to the boat. But how was our furprize increafed, when the meflenger returned, and informed us, that they were not to be found ! Various were our conjectures on this occafion. We at one time, fancied that they had wandered beyond their knowledge, and were gone towards the beach, by tracing which they muft at length find the boat. At another, we apprehended they had been furprized by the wild Arabs, and carried into flavery. The true caufe was the furthell from our thoughts. But fomething pofTefTed our nokidah to be- lieve, that the abfentees were gone to Yambo. Whether he had obferved Lieutenant * *" * 's difcontent at his fituation, and fuf- pe<5led that he was engaged in a bufinefs unfavorable to him, fo it was, the nokidah's penetration exceeded ours, and he de- termined to feek them at Yambo. It was about noon when he fet out for the town, which is about two leagues from hence ; and, that nothing might be wanting on our parts, to re- cover our friends, we diredted two mariners to take different routes in fearch of them, while we hoifted a fignal on our mainmaft, and difcharged our mufketoon repeatedly, in hopes of attra6ling theii' notice. At 3 P. M, the wind came about to the N. W* and blew from that point the reft of the day. Our mariners returned with as little fuccefs, as before. Our opi- nions now began to waver, and we fulpefted that Lieutenant * * * had taken fome extraordinary ftep. Ever fince our imprifonment at Yambo, his condu£l had been the reverfe to what we had known it. His prejudice againft the Arabs exceeded all bounds, and his apprehenfions of tliem feemed to have difordered his intellefts. He often exprefled fuch an abhon-ence of the voyage We' 'Were about to engage in, that we more than once prcfTed hinfi to for-'' bear accompanying us. We had obferved with concern," tH'at'* L he [ 74 ] he had betrayed fears for his life ever fince he entered the boat j and was always on the watch, while we llept in the fecurity which our fituation required. We were too near to Yambo, to expe6t danger from the country j and all refiflance would be vain, were harm intended us by the government. But the night before, he had declared, that our Arabs meant to murder* us at fupper. Then, that they had deferred it until midnight.- Thefe, and many other extravagancies which he committed, we attributed to the efFefls of diftruft, and contented ourfelves witii- laughing at them ; althoiTgh he frequently protelled, that he had overheard the Arabs debating on the manner of' our death's. The day thus pafl'ed over our heads^ while we labored under ^ weight of vexation and anxiety. We had miffed of as fair a wintV as could blow for us -, and were uncertain of the fate, which had befallen Lieutenant * * * and Ibrahim. At five o'clock we difcc- vei^ed camels and a guard of foldiers at a diftance, which actually turned out to be their efcort. Our looks mutually exhibited afto-- nifliment and confufion at this meeting. But we pitied the fitua- tion of our companion, and forbore to reproach him in the pre- fence of the guard. He feemed much agitated and fatigued, and- fpoke but little on his arrival. From our interpreter and the guard, we learnt the particulars of his expedition. It appears, that his dillruft of our Arabs had fo worked upon the mind of Lieu- tenant * * *, as to induce him to return, in a clandeftine man- ner, to the vizier of Yambo, and communicate his fufpicions; On their reaching the fhore, he artfully drew Ibrahim towards the town, and, on their getting about a mile, by threats and en- treaties, he perfuaded the fmiple fellow to accompany him. On their reaching the town, they were laid hold of by fome Arabs -, and carried, as they defired, before the vizier. They were re- ceived very politely by that minifter, and the complaint of Lieu- tenant * * * was fo far attended to, that. a guard was ordered to take [ 75 ] take the boat-people into cuftody. At this moment the nokidah arrived, and gave evidence of his innocence, by the relation of our behavior on the abfence of the accufer. The tables were now turned, and Lieutenant * * * was fent back to us, in the manner before recited. The vizier difpatched an Hindoo with him, to afliire us, in the Moor tongue, that we had nothing to fear from the boat-people, whofe lives ftiould anfwer for our fafety. We were obliged, in our own defence, to difown any knowledge of Lieutenant * * *'s intentions; and to thank the vizier for his candid behavior on this occafion. The guard then departed, with a gratification which we made them for their trouble. As accufations and repinings were equally vain, we determined among ourfelves, to be filent on this myfterious conduct of Lieutenant * * *, We, however, reprimanded Ibrahim very fe- verely, in his prefence, for the folly which he had been guilty of; and came to a general refolution, not to go on iliore on the continent, nor detain the boat for any one, who ventured to do id in future. After we went to bed, we obferved Lieutenant * * * go to the poop, and by. means of geftures, and the few words of Arabic of which he is mafler, hold a kind of difcourfe with the nokidah and pilot. He came to his fcrutoire once or twice, and we fufpe6l took out money. What he did with it, or what will be the iiTue of his unhappy turn of mind, we cannot determine. It was late when he laid down, and we have reafon to believe his reft is broken and unfound. FRIDAY, 13th June. Our boat got under fail at four o'clock this morning, with a light breeze from the land. Though Ihe is too large to row againft an head fea, we found the advantage of having oars on L 2 board. [ 76 ] board. The weather was fo moderate, we made ufe of them the greateft part of the morning. At nine A.M. the wind fhifted to the S. W. but proved very faint. We felt the rage of the fun to-day pretty feverely. While we are under fail, it is not polfible for us to put up a canvafs awning, with which we are furnilhed. But to advance quicker in our progrefs, we muft be content to be expofed in this manner. About 3 P. M. the wind came round to the favorite point, the N. W. which obhged us to run into fmooth water, and bring to, as before, betweea the breakers and the fliore ; from the latter of which we are about a mile diftant. The coaft here is rather low, but the mountains rife a few miles behind it. The fky was too hazy for us to take an obfervation at noon ; but by our reckoning, we have gained about three leagues to the northward in the laft run. Juft as the boat came to anchor. Lieutenant * * * 's infirmity plainly difcovered itfelf. We had been confirmed fince yefterday, in our fufpicions of his brain being touched. His appetite was gone, his looks were wild and difordered, and his converfation continually bordered upon madnefs. He told us, when the boat flood out to fea tliis morning, that the Arabs were carrying us there to murder us ; and, when Ihe flood into land, he changed his tone, and pronounced our deaths to be prepared for us here. We little regarded fuch flrange fancies ; but were alarmed much at his feizing his fword when we came to anchor, and bidding us to fland upon our defence. The Arabs were now juflly frightened at his extravagance, and we had much ado to perfuade him to lay by his fword. This circumflance had been overlooked, and we had determined only to keep a ftri6l eye on his conduft ; when the arrival of two boats, from the northward, in the cove we are in, opened a ftrange and unexpedled fcene. As they approached us, Lieutenant * * * betrayed the ftrongeft 9 fymptoms I 77 1 iymptoms of uneafinefs. He gravely bade us prepare for death 3 'b'and, unaccountably, made thefe new-comers privy to our fate. It was in vain that we affured him, they could have no intima- tion of any ill which was meant us ; ftrangers as they were, and accidental as our meeting had been. Such an unhappy prepof- feflion had he taken againft the Arabians in general, that no opinion, no reafoning of ours, could avail. We knew that he had but little knowledge of the Arabic language ; but every word ft' that had an affinity to thofe of wicked purport, was converted, by his diftempered imagination, into the very mifchief itfelf; as his infefted fight, in like manner, turned flicks into fpears, and knives into daggers. The ears of Ibrahim were open as well as ./his, and his ready apprehenfion of the language would have ad- :tii.vertifed us of danger, if any were at hand. It had been whifpered to us, that fome money had been given to our nokidah laft night ; and we were now not a little afto- -nifhed to find from Lieutenant » * * himfelf, that the fum was no lefs than y^ Venetians, which he had divided between the no- kidah and pilot, to fave his life. He lamented, however, that it was in vain ; for our deaths were fixed upon, and we fliould foon follow Captain Bacon and the gentlemen in the Adventure, who, he vehemently affirmed, had been maflacred fome days be- fore. To divert thefe ftrange thoughts as much as poffible^ a flave-boy of Major Alexander's played on the fiddle, while the Arabs in the other boats, joined us with their kinds of mufic. We had fupped, and were looking at feme fifh, which were play- ing about the boat, when Lieutenant * * * fuddenly fprang from his feat, with two fwords in his hand, and running to the ma-'' jor, gave him one fword to defend himfelf, and attempted to draw the other, as he faid his life was in danger, from a man near the mainmaft of the boat, who had a poniard in his hand. The boat was immediately filled with confufionj the crew erouded [ 78 ] crouded togetlier in the flern, and called out to the otiier boat, which pulhed away from us in hafle. The matter was too cri- tical to be trifled with; and the frenzy of our companion had become too confpicuous, to be palliated. He was accordingly feized, and difarmed by us ; and, in the fti'uggle, the major re- ceived a flight wound in the foot, from the other's fword. I We now began to be alarmed for ourfelves. The fl:range boats might judge from appearances, that we had hoftile inten- tions, and perhaps, attempt to fecure themfelves, in a manner not very agreeable to us. The nokidah of ours came to us, and pofitively declared, that he would not get under fail again, while Lieutenant * * * remained on board. It was to no pur- pofe that we offered to pledge our lives for the fafety of himfelf and crew ; and to keep a conftant watch on our: unhappy friend. The man was flartled at the mad freaks which had been committed ; and owned to us, that he thought our lives in equal danger with his own : as in his frantic fits. Lieutenant * * * would not be able to diflinguifli his friends from his imaginary foes. The reader may fuppofe that this inflnuation made no imprefllon upon us. Our repugnance in parting with our com- panion in fo melancholy a fituation, awakened all our elo- quence, and redoubled our efforts to keep him with us. For fome hours did we argue the matter with our nokidah and pilot, who had now joined him. But they remained deaf to our remonfl:rances. We found ourfelves reduced to the necef- flty of either foregoing our voyage, or complying with thefe fellows' demand, of defiring Lieutenant * * * to return to Yambo U43on one of the boats near us. This boat is afterwards to pro- ceed to Judda ; where he will find Captain Bacon, and be certain of being accommodated in his veflel. When we faw there was no alternative, but what had been popofed to us, we were fain to acquiefce, however fl:rong our 3 relu6lance [ 79 ] relu<5lance to fuch a meafure. But on a ferlous review of it. Lieutenant * * * 's intereft may have demanded it, as much as our own. The bufinefs we are engaged in, is of too great con- ffequence to be forgone ; and by his going to Judda, we are af- certained that he is likely to meet with the afliftance which his unfortunate cafe requires, from the furgeon of the Swallow floop of war. Whereas, by proceeding with us, his malady would daily encreafe, by the force o-f the terrors which he enter- tains of our Arabs. And fome months would perhaps elapfe before he could receive the advice of an European furgeon; The opportunity of removing him might never occur again ; and the idea of beholding him funk in the lafl ftage of mad- nefs, bound hand and foot, and out of the reach of medi- cine, prefents a pifture too diftrefllng to encounter, even in fan- cy. A letter was therefore written to Captain Bacon, with a fummary of the untoward affair. We requefted him to fuppiy Lieutenant * * * with the money which he had paid for his fhare of the boat ; for which Captain Bacon was to call on our attornies ^ in India. Our nokidah now hailed one of the boats, and induced it to draw near us again. He related the caufe of the late difturbance, and agreed with the mafter of it, to land Lieutenant * * * and his flave-boy at Yambo, and afterwards carry him to Judda. He was now afked the amount of the fum, which he had received the laft night from Lieutenant * * *. The nokidah and pilot produced. 25 Venetians, which they declared were all he had given them. It was impoffible to difcover the truth. Lieutenant * * * might perchance be miflaken, and they be apt to deceive us in fuch a point. It appears, however, of little mo- ment to our poor friend ; who is in a mood to give away all his money to the firft man he is diftruftful of. It was now midnight,, and Lieutenant * * * feemed defirous of C 80 ] 01 pafling the night with usj which he once more folemnly averred, was the laft which he or we fhould ever know. As we were not to pait until day-break, we readily affented to this defire. We prevailed on him to lie down on one of onr beds, as he was afraid to remain in his own. At his own requeft, and for the fatisfa6lion of our Arabs, Mr. Hammond and my- felf kept watch over him until morning. I do not remember to have ever been engaged in a more difagreeable office;. Our hu- manity was wounded by the objeft before us ; and our con- fciences were touched at a refolution, which we had been obliged to adopt in our own defpite. The reader of fenfibility will feel for our perplexity. Not a wink of fleep did our charge get during the night. He flarted up every moment in \m bed, or called out to us to know, what villain ftood behind him with a drawn fvvord ! He feemed not to apprehend danger from the other boats -, or to dream of allaflins, but among our own people. SATURDAY, 14th June. At day-break the fignal was made for failing. Lieutenant * * * ai'ofe, rather more compofed than ufual, and permitted his baggage to be put into the other boat, without complaining. He had rcfledlion enough at this moment, to fee the neceffity of our feparation j and allured us, that he held himfelf in no more danger in one place than another. It was his firm opinion that our deftiny was certain, whether in this veflel or that, at Yambo or at Judda. We paid for his palfage, and gave the mafler of the boat a verbal meflage for the vizier, to advertife him of our companion's fituation, and to requeft his good offices, in getting him conveyed fafely to Judda. Our letter for Captain Bacon, we committed to the ilave-boy, together with his mailers fwords C 8i ] fwords and keys. This is a flirewd honeft boy, who we make no doubt will be as careful as he can be, of his mafter, on this fhort paflage. We had the fatisfa6tion to perceive, that Lieu- tenant * * * left us much more readily, than we could have ex- pe6led. Though his antipathy to the Arabs is rooted in his pre- fent diforder, he diftinguiflies ours more particularly, in his diftrufl ; and perhaps, the quitting their Company, is a temporary relief to his mind. Fortvmate did we hold it, that not an angry word was requilite, to haften his departure i affefted as we were at the fituation of a perfon, whom we had fome regard for, and averfe to embittering the potion which was prepared for him. Our principal confolation arofe from the wind being fair for his return. It enfured his reaching Yambo in a few hours ; and might throw him even in the way of the Adventure, which we had feen at the mouth of the harbor but two days before. At all events, we depended on the vizier's treating him with the fame humanity as before ; and complying with the requefl, which we had made in his behalf. The boats had not long left us with Lieutenant * * *, when a breeze of wind came off the land. We prefently got under fail, and had made a good flretch along fhore, when the wind fuddenly came ahead, and blew fo ftrong, as to oblige us to tack about, and look for a fhelter from its fury. We ran back a good way on this defign, and at ii A. M. entered a large bay encircled by a reef of rocks, to which we faftened our boat, in the manner before defcribed. This bay is called Jeraboop, by tlie Arabians. In the middle of it there is an ifland, on which ftands a prieft's houfe. His name is Beridi, and we underfland, that he is vifited by all the faithful who pafs by, on account of his extreme piety and old age. We were too much taken up with the late misfortune which had befallen our fociety, to in- M dulge [ 8a ] dulge curiofity } and left our Arabs to pay their devotions on the ifland alone. We could get no obfervation at noon. The wind blew very violent the whole day from the N. W. but there is no fea in this bay, though it is two miles acrofs from the rocks to the fiiore, which is here as mountainous as ufual. We caught fome beau- tiful rock-fifli in the evening, with our hooks. They were well tafted, and encouraged us to hope for fuch refreihments, at other places on the coaft. The wind increafed during the night, and threatens a ftorm. SUrlDAY, 15th June. We cannot move this morning, as the wind ftill remains con- traiy : the weather is very boifterous without, but we may laugh at the ftorm, which idly fpends its rage on the reef of rocks, that rifes up, like the fevenfold fhield of Ajax, between us and danger. Never was a coaft fo provided by nature, with a barrier againft the hoftilities of the fea or of mankind. The very furge is not permitted to lafh it. And all the navy of Europe would be deterred by tliis formidable outwork, from approaching any fortification which might be erefted on the fhore. What a pity is it, that the country is not worthy of the difpofition, which has been made in its favor ! There is no occafion for armies to prote6l the coaft ; and it is certain, that Arabia Petrea is not indebted to this line of rocks, for her fecurity. She poured forth myriads of enthufiafts, under her v^'arlike fon Mahomet, in fearch of more fertile lands. Nor does it appear, that her defarts, in that interval, attrafted the avarice of foreign invaders. We amufed ourfelves during the morning in catching fiflii wiich readily take the bait here.- Some of them have a mouth like [ 83 ] like a parrot's beak, which our Arabs advife us not to eat. But whether from then- unfeemly form, or their being really unwhole- fome, Ibrahim could not difcover. At lo A. M. we faw a boat Handing towards us, which we fuppofe to be bound to Yambo. The people on board defcried us, and at eleven o'clock ihe run fo near the reef we were upon, as to be within hearing. We find flie comes from Suez, and learn that moftof the Englifh vcflels have left that port. This was all the converfation that we had with the boat, which put before the wind, and was foon out of fight. We gather this confolation, however, from the intelligence, that it is hkely the winds are about to (hift in this quarter. We can no otherwife account for the departure of' our Ihips from Suez, fo much earlier than we expcfted. Our voyage may therefore, be more profperous than it promifed to be. We had no obfervation at noon, and the wind remained in the N. W. quarter while we lay here. A poor woman waded, and fwam through the water to our boat in the evening, and was very thankful for fome meafures of rice which ftie took away. MONDAY, i6thJuNE. We were awakened at one o'clock this morning, by the boat getting under way. It is impolTible for the Arabs to perform this manoeuvre, without our knowledge ; and though we loft our reft by the noife on board, we were agreeably furprized at their taking advantage of the light breeze, which came from the land. With fail and oar, we made a fliift to go at the rate of a knot and a knot and an half an hour, the whole night. At day- break we faw a vefTel to the N. W. ftanding as we did. Our people fay, that fhe is alfo bound for Suez, and has been out no M 2 lef$ [ 84 3 left than twenty days from Yambo. At 9 A. M. we difcovered two more fail ahead. At ten we perceived a fhoal, which they call Morfa, feme leagues dillant -, and at noon, two of the boats appeared at anchor, within a point of land in the N. E. quar- ter. We flood for them j but the wind had now fliifted to the N. W. and it was the work of fome hours, to cany ourfelves within the reef where the largeft veiTel was lying. We hooked our boat clofe by her about 3 P. M. and underftand the bay we are in is called Banas, By our obfervation to-day it lies in the latitude of 24° 30' north. Cape Mahar within view to the northward. We are much difappointed at finding what little pro- grefs we have made fmce we left Yambo ; and particularly, after having been at fea to-day no lefs than fourteen hours. But our voyage bears an intimate refemblance to what the Greeks em- barked in of old ; and by our mode of coafting alone, we can eafily conceive UlyfTes to have been ten years rounding the fhores of Greece ; without the intervention of any enmity, but what the mariner may expe6l from the winds and waves. In the evening we went on board the veflel by us. Her bur- den and accommodations place her far above the ftile of our boatj and we could not but repine at our lot, which had thrown us into an open boat, when it is plain that fome of them are pro- vided with cabbins. We were received very civilly by her noki- dali, who tells us that he is going to Suez. He is fickly, and was very thankful for fome medicines we fpared him, which we brought with us for the complaint he is afflicted with. Thefe, the Arabians never fail to folicit of Europeans, when they have occafion for them, as they have a notion that we have one and all of us, a fmattering in phylic. The wind frefhened, and blew all night from the N. W. as ufual. TUESDAY, r ^5 1 TUESDAY, 17th JuNF. The wind is ftill contrary, and we cannot move this morning. It blew fo ftrong at day-break, that our Arabs made our boat faft with another rope, by a turn round a pointed rock. Where we he, a man of war might ride in great fecurity. There are ieveral fathoms of water clofe by the rocks, which break the force of the fwell that tumbles down from the N. W. the reef at low water is every where dry, and we then pick up plenty of fifh among the crevices of the rocks. While we have this fup- ply, we fliall'^not be at a lofs for provilions. We have ftill a iheep left, and fliall referve a few fowls which we got from the Adventure, for more neceflitous times. At 8 A. M. the nokidah of the large vefTel paid us a vifit. It was partly to return our compliment, but his principal bufmefs was to look at our chart of the Red Sea. Our Arabs tell us that he is one of the beft pilots of their nation. On a review of this chart we find it tolerably exd.£t, as to the names of the iflands and headlands on this coaft. It is our intention, in the courfe of our voyage, to correal it where it is faulty, and to point out all the reefs and (hoals between Yambo and Cape Mahomet. We have the advantage of being with pilots, who are acquainted with every creek and corner of the coaft ; and may gather fuch information of the track, as will prove of fervice to veiTels thrown by currents on this dangerous fhore. The fellow's furprize was very great, to hear places named by ftrangers, which only thofe of his own profeffion among his coun- trymen were acquainted with. They have no fuch thing as a chart } but his natural fagacity quickly made him comprehend the plan of ours. But as we are the firft Europeans whom he has heard of in this navigation, he cannot reconcile to himfelf,. 5 how r 86 ] liow the fituation of thefe iflands could have been taken by vef- fels that dare not approach them. He has not the leaft idea of the ufe of the quadrant -, and he conceived that we were rather making difcoveries in the heavens, than afcertaining our latitude below. We began to keep a regular watch to-night. Each gentleman and his fervant to take two hours in rotation. We fliall run no rilk, it feems, until we get among the iflands, but it is prudent to inure ourfelves in time to a neceflary habit. There were hard gales from the N. W. all day and part of the night. WEDNESDAY, iSth June. We were under way at 6 A. M. with the wind at N. by W. and. ftood out to fea. But the wind was too moderate to be of much fervice to us, againfl the heavy fwell which the late blow- ing weather has occafioned. We tacked therefore at lo o'clock, and the wind coming round more to the W- we were enabled, contrary to our expe6lations, to fetch a reef to the northward of Cape Mahar about 2 P. M. There is another boat at anchor about a mile to the northward of us, fuppofed alfo to be bound to Suez. Our boat beats better to windward than the two which were in company with us yefterday. The largeft of which has run into fliOre near a league to the fouthward, and the other within a mile of us. » We were difappointed of an obfervation to-day by the high lands to the fouthward, which obftrufled our view. Our pro- grefs however has been very little. Were not the full moon at ^land, we fhould look for little fuccefs in beating up fuch a coafl as this. A few days of a foutherly wind would give us a good ihove in the fliort diitance we are going ; and all our hopes reft on the influence of this ufeful planet. The gentle light which z flie [ 87 J file now affords us during the night-feafon, proves a great relief to us after the funfhine of the day, in this fultry month. But difficult as we find it to keep ourfelves cool in the day-time, it is no eafier matter to defend our bodies from the damps of the night, when the wind is loaded with the heavieft dews that ever fell. To be in readinefs for every change of wind in our favor, we are obliged to forego the benefit of the awning I mentioned. We lie expofed to the whole weight of the dews, and the cloaks in which we wrap ourfelves, are as wet in the morning, as if they had been immerfed in the fea. It is plain, however, that they are not impregnated with "the bad qualities, which render people fo fearful of the dew in moll parts of the world, or our conllitutions would have evinced the faft. The weather was very moderate during the night, and the wind remained in the ufual quarter. We relieved our watch re- gularly, as the night before, and find that a little practice will make it eafy to us. THURSDAY, 19th June. We got under fail at day-break with the wind at N. and ftood out to fea until 10 o'clock. The wind now heading us, we tacked and lay up along fliore. Our courfe was but flow, but we continued gaining ground until 2 P. M. when we ran into a fine bay, and brought to, on a reef within an hundred yards of the beach. We are not at all- difpleafed with the working of our boat. She has run her two conforts out of fight, and beat the boat which was a-head of us yeflerday. There was a con- tell between them the whole morning, and the viflory declared in favor of our boat, which has fetched a mile to windward of the other. However contemptible the prize, there is a feci-et fa- tisfaftion in being fuperior to our neighbors on every occa- fion. [ 88 ] fion. And I doubt, whether the winner at an horfe-race could have exulted more, than we did at our dexterity, in beating a veflel, much worfe found than ours. The bay we are in, is in the latitude of 24° 36' N. by an obfervation which we took to-day. To the W. it is defended by a reef of rocks, and the high land to the northward and eaftward, would fecure it from a ftorm in thofe points. There is water enough within for the largeft fhips ; but it is very un- certain, whether they could gain admittance within the reef that guards this coaft. It is not always that we difcern that reef to the weftward of us ; but there is every reafon to imagine, that we are ftill faihng within it ; and that the rocks are only more funken in thofe places, where the fea is not feen to break upon them. It was accident alone, that brought the Adventure tlirough this reef before our arrival at Yamboi and it would be the fame chance, that would fleer a veflel of her burden into this bay, clear of the dangers which impede the palTage. To atone, in fome meafure, for the want of exercife in our prefent fituation, we make a pra6lice of going into the water regularly before fun-fet. The coves we lie in, are very conve- nient for this purpofe ; and we find great benefit, as well as re- frelhment, from the fait water. FRIDAY, 20th June. We weighed at day-break, and ftood out to fea, with the wind atN. N. W. At 7 A. M. we faw the ifland of Hafana, bear- ing about N. N. W. at the dift-ance of eight leagues. At eight, we ran by a funken rock, above three leagues from the land j and at the fame time we difcerned breakers upon our lee-quarter, a league further in the fea. At ten we tacked with the wind at W. and ftood along the coaft. At eleven we came amiong a number of breakers. [ 89 ] breakers, that extend three or four leagues into the fea. Our pilot appears to be well experienced in this navigation. He difplayed his dexterity to-day, by running us through narrow channels, and almoft brufhing the rocks to the windward of the boat. This is as dangerous a part as we have {een of this coaft ; nor would it be poffible for a fliip, without an Arabian pilot on board, to ftoer through this net of rocks and llioals, except by a miracle. We proceeded under an eafy fail for fome hours. The weather was remarkably hot, and we were expofed, as ufual, to all the rage of a vertical fun. But we had the fatisfadlion to refleft, that we were gaining fomewhat on our way. And this ferved to alleviate the inconveniences to which we are fubjefted by our fituation. The fatisfadlion, however, was tranlient. The wind headed us at two o'clock, and we were obliged to run into fliore by another boat, which is faid to be bound for Suez. We had the mortifica- tion ftill not to keep the ground which we had fo happily attain- ed. The pilot did not like the birth, and ran back again to the fouthward, in fearch of another. It is impoffible to portray the countenances which we exhibited during this manoeuvre. We could not contain our vexation, and remonftrated pretty warmly with the pilot, on his fporting with our good fortune, and throw- ing away the advantages which we fo feldom obtained. He lent a deaf ear to our complaints ; and went near a league, before we ar- rived at the bay where he intended to pafs the night. Here we came to on a reef, at 4 P. M. and found the water not deep enough to admit vefiels of any burthen. Ourobfervation at noon brought us into the latitude of 24° 46' N. The wind was moderate all night from the N. W. N S A T U R- f 90 ] SATURDAY, 21ft June. Wc were rouzed at three this morning by the boat getting under way. Our beds take up the breadth of the boat, and were we ever fo much overpowered with lleep, the tramphng of the ma- riners' feet upon our bodies, would foon chafe away all inclina- tions of that nature. There was a light breeze from the land, and the moon being at her full juft before it fprang up, flatters our hopes of more favorable winds for fome days to come. We went cafily along until day-break, when the high land of Hafana ap- peared, bearing N. W. at the diilance of fix leagues. This ifland is in the form of a fusrar-loaf, and rifes like an exhalation from the fea. At 9 A. M. a fine breeze fprung up from the S. E. and at noon we anchored in a fmall bay, off the northernmolf point of Hafana, We were much out of humor at this delay, but found it impoflible to prevent the Arabs flopping, for purpofes unknown to us. It is an hardfliip on us, to lofe the benefit of a fair wind, with a month's provifion and water on board. But we are obliged to confider the refolutions of thefe people as law, in every tiling that refpe5t their departure a moment be- fore their own time. It is more than probable, that the fnow Aurora was wreck- ed on the back of this ifland in the month of December ; a cir- cumftance which has been already noticed in this work. The captain's journal places the ifland in this latitude; and we have fufhcient proofs of a wreck being in this neighborhood. The beach is covered with a number of * teak-timbers, knees, and bolts of a vefTel ; and a fine Englifli-built cutter lies upon the ftrand, which is new, and in good repair. * The teak-tree is a native of India, and its timber refembles oak fo much, that it is ufed throughout the Eaft for Ihip-building. It is thought to furpafs oak in point of duration. N 2 At [ 92 ] At nine we weighed, in company with five boats, and flood to the eaflward, with little or no wind. At ten a fine breeze fprung up from the S. W, and we ran by a number of fhoals and breakers to the windward of us, that are four or five leagues from the main. At eleven we pafTed a fandy ifland, from which there ap- pears to ftretch a connefled line of breakers to the ifland of Ha- fana. Within this line we have made our run to-day. At 2 P. M. we anchored to the eaflward of the ifland of Harama, which lies about fix leagues to the northward of Hafana. We had no ob- fervation at noon, but we conclude it from our reckoning to be in the latitude of 25° 20' N. This is a low fandy ifland, extend- ing about two miles in length, and half a mile in breadth, and fituated about a league from the main. There are a few huts near the place we are anchored at, which ferve to fhew the po- verty of the inhabitants, and that we have little to fear from them, though we perceive that there are boats belonging to the ifland. From this day's navigation we are convinced, that no fliip can approach this part of the coafl of Arabia, with any degree of fe- curityi as the fea is all along foul with fhoals and rocks, and we frequently faw breakers to windward of us, which could not be lefs than fix or feven leagues from the land. The wind was va- riable during the night, but blew chiefly from the weflward. MONDAY, 23d June. ',«- We weighed at day-break, after taking on board a couple of fheep, which we purchafed here for three dollars each. There was a brifk breeze from the E. N. E. with which we flood along the coafl. At feven o'clock we pafTed the fmall ifland of Abu- mellie, which is furrounded by breakers. Here v/e difcovered an Arab family afhore, and a boat put off with fome of the men, to vifit [ 93 ] vifit our people. This ifland is bare of every thing but a few bufhes, and does not lie half a league from the main. At eight the wind came round to N. which obliged us to Hand out more to fea. Our bark is, indeed, a prime failor, and no veffel which we have met with, can keep pace with her. But this is rather a difadvantage to us, as our pilot daily foregoes the fuperi- ority he has gained, to keep company with the other boats. He now inclined more to the weftward than was neceffary. His in- tention was evidently to loiter for our conforts. We cannot pre- vent the delay which this plan mufl occafion, during our difa- greeable voyage. Our Arabs feem refolved to grant their coun- trymen the proteftion which our company may afford them ; and at the fame time, they are not wanting to perfuade us, that our fecurity confifts in going together. The run to-day has been very clear, and the coaft appears more fertile, than we have feen it on this fide of Mocha. At 2 P. M. we tacked and ran into fhore. To our great difappointment, we could not weather a bluff point ahead j and the pilot ran back near a league, before he could find a fecure birth. At length he came to, on a reef clofe to the fliore before four o'clock, where we were prefently joined by two of our fleet. We could get no obfervation at noon, on account of the high land to the fouth- ward ; but, by our reckoning, we take the place which we now lie in, to be in the, latitude of 25° 38' N. We had more exercife for our phyfical fkill this evening. There is a boy. lying fick of a fever, on board one of the boats near us 5. and on application for relief, we fent him fome cooling draughts, to be repeated according to the directions which we received. But fome bowls of weak tea, which the boy more readily took, produced an immediate perfpiration, and feem more likely to promote his recoveiy. Our fuccefs will not fail to recommend us to the Arabs. The wind blew from the S. W. a great part of the night. TUESDAY. ['94 ] TUESDAY, 24th June. We got under fail at day-break, with a fine breeze from the land, in company with the two boats. The other three appear- ing above a league aftern. We kept about half a league from the fliore, but found the water fo fliallow, that we hold it im- poflible the annual Judda fliip fliould go to Suez in this track. There were breakers the whole way, fome leagues without us. Several fandy iflands are fcattered about this part of the coafl, which are laid down in the chart. The fhore is now covered with undei'wood, and interfperfed with date-trees ; but no inha- bitants have come into view. At 8 A. M. the wind died away, and our crew took to their oars and rowed out to fea, in hopes of meeting with the fea- wind. The channels liere, in many places, will fcarcely admit our boats between them ; and the rocks around us, fland out of the water, and are covered with the largeft birds which were ever feen. The Arabs call them Meriah. They have a pro- digious long bill and long legs, which enable them to catch fifli in near a fathom water. The current feems to be for us, but we have no opportunity to try it. At nine we came up with the fouthernmofl point of the ifland of Naaman, which is laid down in the chart in 26° 6 ' north ; with fands about it. But this we find to be an error. The ifland begins in the latitude of 25" 50' and extends to 26' 6 'north; and although at a dif- tance, it might be taken for a number of different iflands, on a Hearer view, it proves to be one continued land, overflown in feveral quarters at high water. We run between this ifland and the main, through very clear and deep water, with a fl:rong breeze at W. S, W. Latitude per obfervation 25° 50'. At 3 P. M. we opened a cove within a reef of rocks, and anchored [ 95 ] anchored clofe on the Arabian coaft, where one of our fleet had ah-eady arrived. The reft we fairly ran out of fight to-day, ex- cept a boat of cur own fize, commanded by our pilot's brother ; which ftopped at Naaman to procure a fupply of wood. By our reckoning, we take our anchoring-place to be in the latitude of 26° north. At fun-fet our nokidah weighed his anchor, and ran out into deeper water, to prevent a furprize from the wild Arabs, who frequent this neighborhood. The other boat fol- lowed our example. Theie were calms and light airs the whole night. WEDNESDAY, 25th June. We weighed our anchor at day-break, with a light breeze from the land. The two boats were in company, and we went under an eafy fail for fome hours. At 8 A. M. a fine gale fprung up from the fouthward, and agreeably quickened our courfe. We ran by feveral fandy illands, within a league and an half of the main, and in fpite of the hot weather, entertained our imaginations with the fairnefs of the wind, and the novelty of the navigation. We had been a fortnight on board yefter- day, and though we were advanced not a third of the diftance to Suez, we had the fatisfaition to refle6t, that we had gained. aJl our ground in the laft four or five days. For the firft week our progrefs had been delayed by the misfortune of our com- panion, and the ftrength of contrary winds. The winds are now variable, and promife to be fo until the change of the moon. It only depends upon our Arabs, to improve the occafion which fortune prefents to us. On fome of the iilands which we pafTed, were feveral birds, larger even than thofe we faw yefterday. We pofitively mif- took them for men at a diftance, wading in the fea ; and oiife of [ 96 ] of them was fo bold, as not to be feared at a fhot, which was fired at it from our boat. At 1 1 A. M. the wind veered round to the weftward, and our pilot thought fit to run under the lee of a fandy ifland, where the other boats foon came to, like- wife. With this wind we might have gone a great way fur- ther to the northward, were we not in a manner fliut up among fhoals and rocks, by keeping fo dofe to the fhore. By our obfervation this ifland is in the latitude of 26° 7 'north. Here our people gathered a quantity of eggs, which the birds lay upon the fandy reefs. They tell us thefe eggs are well-tafl:ed and wholefomej but we are not driven to fuch flreights, as to be obliged to put up with all kinds of food. The boy is much mended in his fever, and entertains a great opinion of the virtues of tea. There were light airs from the fouthward, and calms, during the night. THURSDAY, 26th June. We got under fail at day -break, in company with the two boats. The wind was at S. E. and we ran eafily for fome hours, through very foul water, with fandy iflands on each fide of us. At 9 A. M. we came to, under a fmall ifland; where our noki- dah tells us we muft wait for the refl: of the fleet, in order to pafs fome iflands ahead, which are haunted by piratical Arabs. The caution of this man begins to communicate itfelf to our minds. Were there not fome danger lurking near us, he could not be fo uniform in his behavior, or fo folicitous for the jiun6lion of the boats behind us. As the wind frefliens from the fouthward, we have hopes that the refl: of the fleet will join us in a few hours. But this is little confolation to perfons in our fituation, who are anxious to conclude our voyage, and are obliged to forego a fair wind in a contrary raonfoon. This ifland [ 97 ] ifland is about four leagues from the main, and by our obferva- tion, is in the latitude of 26° 8' N. There is a prieft dwells upon it, called Morbeck, to whofe cell our Arabs are gone, to pray for a fair wind, at a time that they are trifling one away ! -To the fouth of this ifland there is a remarkable rock, which ap- pears at a diftance, like a lion couchant. One of the boats • is anchored by us, the other is gone to the continent to cut wood. At noon we difcovered two boats to the fouthward, and be- fore 2 P. M. we were joined by all the fleet, except one boat which is a bad failor, and lags behind. We immediately got under fail, and fl:ood to the N. W. with a fine fea bi'eeze. We ran briflcly through deep and clear water, until pafl: four o'clock, when the wind coming round to the northward of wefl:, the whole fleet flreered into fliore, and anchored clofe on the Arabian coaft. The hindermofl: boat came up within a mile of us, fo that we are now fix fail in company. This place, by our ac- count, lies in the latitude of 26° 16 'N. ^" We had fcarcely come to an anchor, when we difcovered ca- mels and a number of women moving towards us. They proved to belong to a wandering tribe of Arabs, who are wont to come down in a friendly manner, to fell ftieep and water to vefl'els that touch on the coaflr. Their appearance was truly miferable ; and we could perceive but little difference between the human and brute creation, whom nature had bred in this defart region. Their wants, their appetites, and their infenfibility, bore an in- timate refemblance together. And they were as much below our envy, as above our compafllon. Light airs from the wefl: all night. \ \ O FRIDAY, I[ .98 1 FRIDAY, 27th June. ;. We were difturbed in our firft fleep, by the fleet of boats get- ting under way at one this morning. There was a light breeze from the land, and with the help of our oars, we made a fhift to go between two and three knots an hour. Our run was through very foul and fliallow w^ater. At 11 A. M. we palTed a fandy ifland, which is lofty, and makes like the ruins of a caftle (land- ing in the water ; the fides perpendicular and appearing like walls, and at one end, the face refcmbling a decayed tower. The rocks in this fea are often thrown into fantaflic fhapes. Some we have feen like boats under fail, and fome like animals and men. A fine breeze now fprung up from the S. W. and at noon we ran by another ifland, fandy like the former, and lying within four leagues of the main. By our obfervation, this iiland is in the latitude of 26P 26' N. From hence we continued our courfe through cleai' and deep water, until 3 P. M. when the wind heading us, we flood into fliore, to fetch our pilot's brother, whofe boat got the flart of us to-day, ai->d had come to an anchor under the land. This was the boat that went for wood yefterday, and we were afloniflied to fee a fine timber on board, which fhe had picked up afliore. It is of teak, and being about 30 feet long, we conje£lure it to be one of the beams of the un- fortunate Aurora, which the fea has cafl up again. The Arab tthinks to get a good price for it, at fome of the ports in this jfea. This place, by our reckoning, is in the latitude of 26' 36' N. Here we found an opening in the land, which difclofed a very ^jdeep and romantic valley, where the fea, at times, appears to tflow in to a confiderable depth. . Tlie fame chain of mountains r V9 ] ftill continues within land, that" we have traced from "^'an^bo. They only vary in the line, which in feme places, approaches nearer to the coaft than in others. Four of our fleet not bein^ able to reach us, bore away for anchoring-ground, which is not in fight. This is no fmall mortification to us, who will be un- der the neceffity of waiting for them. The wind blew from the weilward during the night. "'- / SATURDAY, 28th June. "^- There was a fine breeze fprang up from the land before day- break, but we did not weigh, in expeftation of being joined by Jiie other boats. At 5 P. M. they came in view, but the force of the wind was fpent, and we failed with little or no wind. At 8 the wind came round to the N. W. and began to blow fo frefh, that our pilot was fain to run under a reef of breakers, which lies more than three leagues from the main. Here our pilot's brother was already arrived, but none of the refl: of the ■fleet could come up. Our fituation is very eligible. We are heire defended from the violence of the weather, and are ready to flip out, fliould the wind veer again to the eaft or fouth quarters. As we advance on oiu- voyage, we have daily frefli matter of .iurprize, and behold the intricacies of a navigation, which we had no idea cauld exift in any corner of the globe. By our ob- iervation, this reef is in the latitude of 26° 40' N. Cape Sellah bears due north, at the diftance of fix leagues. • This fea abounds with the large mother-of-pearl oyfters i and our nokidah to-day gave us a proof of his agility, by jumping out of the boat when under fail, and bringing up one of thefe oyfters in two fathom water, in time to catch a rope from tlie boat's quarter. Thefe fellows' dexterity in fifliing cannot be fufticiently admired ; and wherever we are, we may depend ■'■^- O 2 upon upon our mafter for a difh of excellent fifli. At low water the reef appears fome feet above the level of the fea, and our table was not unprovided with its ufual fervice. This circum- ftance is very favorable to this coafting voyage ; as, whatever other hardfhips they may endure, the want of provifion is not felt by the mariners. There were hard gales all day from the N. W. fo that we could not quit our ftation. As the moon enters into her laft quarter to-day, this contrary wind betides us no good, and we apprehend there will be no change until the new moon. We are become very fkilful in the influences of this planet ; but how are they to be pitied, whofe fuccefs depends upon fo inconftant a power ! The weather was more moderate during the night;. TChe wind in the fame point. - * SUNDAY, 29th June. At half paft fix this morning a light breeze came off the land, and flattered us to leave our ftation. We weighed in company with the other boat, and ftood to the N. N. W. but the wind fhifting fuddenly to the W. N. W. and an ugly fwell being againft us, before we had got a league, both the boats were obliged to tack, and run back to their former birth under the reef. Here we were joined by three more of our fleet at 9 A. M. They had luckily made fuch a ftretch to fea, as to be able to reach this reef, when the wind changed to the weftward. There was now jbut one miffing boat, and at 10, we difcovered her at anchor upon the reef, • about a league to the fouthward. Our fears of the weather, axe now confirmed. We rauft look for delays for fome days to come ; which, joined to fome circumftances of our fituation, call forth all our fortitude to combat with cheer- fully., -i-i:.,- ij.iK ; i,- "If- .. > The The v/esther was very tempeftuous, and there were frequent gales from the N.W. during the day. The night was more mo- derate ; but we had a difturbance of another nature on board our boat, which alarmed us at firft, but turned out to be a ludi- crous, rather than a ferious adventure. Befides our nokidah and pilot, there is another Arab on board, as I have faid before. The reft of the crew are Abyfliniaiu", During the firft watch at night, which it was my turn to keep, this Arab, who was talking with his companions, fuddenly fell upon the deck in the ftern of the boat, and to all appearance, was feized with a convulfive fit. We were immediately in mo- tion, and offered to adminifter fuch relief to him, as we had fcen pra6lifed in the fame cafes. But our aftoniftiment was great, when we found the Arabs would not permit any afliftance to be given him. They declared, that he was only difordered in mind, and that an evil fpirit poffefled him, who could only be expelled by the force of prayer. Accordingly the nokidah. began to pray over liim aloud, while two men held the un- happy creature down, to prevent, as they faid, the ill effeds of the temporary influence which over-ruled him. They told us ftorie? of men in tliis fituation, who committed murder, and every other atSl of defperation. This idea appeared fo extrava- gant to us, that we treated it with ridicule ; and could not but pity the ignorance of a people, who were fuch flaves to fuperftir- tion. The notion was certainly imbibed from the demoniacs of Paleftine, who are mentioned in the New Teftament. We have fcriptural authority to believe their exiftence at a certain period. But to fuppofe they have ftill liberty to enter into human bodies, and that man has the fame power, as our Saviour pofiefTed over fupernatural beings, are tenets worthy of a weak and unen- lightened mind. We were much furprized,^ however, at the kngth of the fit, which continued between two and three hours; andj . it ,J02 ] aad, from the fttorig agitations of his body, left the Arab in a flate of imbecillity for the reil: of the night. But the devil was at length exorcifed, and the nokidah remarked to us with tri- umph, the great efficacy of prayer f la ,Ij MONDAY, 30th JoNE. ^ " We weighed at fix this morning, in company with the four boats, with a light breeze from the N. N. E. The other boat i\ood after us at a diftance. Our run to-day was through very deep and clear water, and, by the long and ugly fwell w^hich tumbled in upon us from the N. W. we conje<5lure there is no reef of rocks without this part of the coaft, and that a large vefTel might iland in, without danger. Latitude, per obfervation, ^6" 44' north. At twelve o'clock the wind hauled round to the N. V/. and the whole fleet tacked and flood into fhore. At 4 P. M. we ran into a fmall inlet, defended from the fea by a reef, and hooked ourfelves to a rock, within two fathoms of the beach. Here we were joined by the reft of the fleet, ex*- cept one boat which cannot keep up. As we came in here, our nokidah told us to prime our fire- arms, and prepare ourfelves for the reception of the wild Arabs. He had fcarcely fpoken, when our old pilot leaped into the water and fwam alliore, and with all the agility of youth, afcended an eminence that juts into the fea, to learn if there was any immediate danger. This inlet opens into a valley, on each fide of which we have planted a centinel. The country has refumed its barren appearance, and yields only a bruili-wood, with which our fleet have fupplied themfelves. This place is called Jebul, or Mount Lebel, and by our reckoning, lies in the latitude of 26' 46 'north. ^r .:> About half an hour after our arrival, a man and woman I came [ I03 1 came down to us in a friendly manner, and aflured us we had nothing to fear, as there were no buddoos in that neighbor- hood at prefent. But our Arabs pay little attention to this information -, and are fo fufpicious of this flation, that ws doubled our watch during the night, and perhaps, would have made an enemy repent of an intrufion at fuch a feafon. The Weather was moderate during the night, but the wind {till re- liiained in the N. W. quarter. TUESDAY, ift July. we have reafon to think a fl^ip might ftand clofe into the Arabian coaft in this latitude. This is, in fa£l, but a matter of opinion, founded upon fuch evidence, as the reader has before him. We are neither mafters of our time, nor the motions of our velTel, and our remarks can only arife from a fuperficial view of things. At I P. M. we anchored under a point of land on the main, which we take, by our reckoning, to be in the latitude of 27° 12' north. From hence we faw another ifland, bearing to the weft- ward of Shaur. We are now approaching to the fcenes of dan- P ger. [ io6 ] ger, with which we have been fo long amufed by our Arabs ; and have fome hopes that we fliall not be awaked to the reaUty of our apprehenfions. We were foon joined by the reft of our little fleet. The wind blew from the N. W. during the day, but very moderately. Towards the clofe of the evening, we difcovered a couple of wo- men and fome canicls in the countiy, with the help of our glades. This was fufHcient to put us more upon our guard, to prevent ovir being furprized by thefe roving tribes. There were calms and light airs from the northward, for the firft pait of the night. FRIDAY, 4th July, ■ We weighed at one A. M. with a light breeze from the land, in company with the other boats. At fix a fine breeze fprung up from the S. E. with which we ftood along the Arabian coaft. At eight we ran by the ifland of Shaur or Sufcha, whofe fhores are very fteep, and refemble decayed walls at a diftance. This ifland is about two leagues in length, lies about two leagues from the main, and by our reckoning, is in the latitude of 27° 20' N. A reef of breakers extend from the. ifland to the N. W. on which we faw the wreck of the annual Judda fhip, faid to have been loft here in a gale of wind in the year i774> on her way to Suez. Her ftem and ftern, and many of her ribs, ftill appear above the water, and pronounce her to have been of prodigious magnitude. Indeed, the accounts of this Arabian galleon's bur- den, are fo extravagant, that it might feem to offend credibility to repeat tliem. I Ihall only obferve, that flie fails from Judda m the month of March, and by following the track which we have gone, as near as polTible, fhe is generally fifty days, or two montlis, on her voyage to Suez: and, as it has happened this year, from fome accident or other, Ihe fometimes gets no further 2 than [ 107 ] than Tor. To fail in the performance of fo ftiort a voyage, in the mofl favorable feafon of the year, would be an inexplicable circumflance to a mariner, unacquainted with the navigation of this extraordinary coaft. To us, who are no ftrangers to the courfc, the wonder is, how a veffel of her great burden and un- wieldy ftru6lure, can accomplifli the paflage at all. At lo A. M. the wind hauled round to the weftward, and we flood N. N. W. until eleven, when all the fleet bore away for the land. After we had pafled the ifland of Shaur, an ugly fwell came tumbling upon us from the N. W. Our run to-day was through fhallow water, until we reached Shaur i but we found very deep water between the ifland and the main. At noon we anchored under a reef of rocks, above two miles from the Ara- bian coaflr. Latitude, per obfervation, 27' 28' N. There is a pro- digious high mountain inland, fome leagues to the northward of us, on the top of which are two remarkable fpires, that refemble a bull's horns. We faw a fire afliore, but no people. The wind was W. all day, and part of the night. SATURDAY, 5th July. We weighed before one this morning, with a light breeze from the land. The other boats were in company. At day-break the wind came round to the S.E. with which we flood along the fliore. There was an heavy fwell from the N. W. which confider- ably impeded our progrefs. Our run to-day was through clear and deep water. We looked out ahead for Mount Sinai, and flood on until noon, when the wind Ihifting to the weftward, we tacked, and the whole fleet flood into the land. Our latitude, per obferva- tion, was 27° 49 'N. We now difcovered a large town ahead, which our Arabs call Moilah. There is little doubt but it is the fame place, which our chart erroneou fly lays down in 27° N. ahout 50 P 2 miles f ['9gc ] roi miles to the fouthward. We faw an ifland to the N. W. which our pilot tells us is Sanafir. At i P. M. we plainly difcerQed tli^i; high land, which we take to be adjacent to Cape Mahomet, bea&r,.; in§ W. N, yy.,..,At three the wind veering round to the Wy;^r whole fleet anchored within a reef of rocks to the northward '©£,♦/ Moilah, and about one league aiad an half from the fhore. The mountain mentioned yellerday with the remarkable top, , lies behind this town, which appears through our glaflbs to be a" regular fortification, of a fquare figure. Our nokidah gives the 'inhabitants a very bad character, and tells us a ftory of their. ^p*-:"-; cently feizing, and plundering a Judda boat, w hich put into the . road through ftrefs of weather. At fun-fet, the fliore to th? Ntv/ of the gulf of Akaba bore W. by N. Cape Mahomet we takcvtoso bear due weft, as we have entered the gulf. By our reckonings • this reef is in about the latitude of 27° 58 'N. The vvp>4;iQ<^ltilt^.• n^ed at W. the remainder of the day. - ,t ' a When the evening clofed in, all the boats run out into fix fi^nll thorn water, on account of the vicinity of Moilah, of which placed our Arabs have a very unfavoux'able opinion. After it was dark, 1 we faw many fires on the Arabian fliore, but. every thing, remain- ed quiet during the night. The wind inclined towards the fouthTr;* ward; - j o?ni(|93b ' 'V ' . ''•'^' SUNDAY, 6th July. We got under way at two this moniing, in company with the otlver boats, with the wind from the S. S. W. At day-break wq,, fa\V the iiland of Sanafir, bearing W. by N. at the diftance of four leagues and upwards. There are breakers without us, which pro- bably extend, with little interruption, from the ifland of Shaur to Sanafir. At 10 A. M. v/e came up with the latter ifland, and . caiiife i6» Ulidfer it, to wait for iibme boats wluch fail worfe than.; . ni ?On,ol ,i:;:u ; v ::«oi.:/--.r' k'J :;;- ^H n^^ ^'^ ^^ -^^^^ • ours: This Iflaiid is nothing but a high barren rAck; and hes in" the latitude of 2S" 3 'N. We faw a turtle-fhell on the beach, but could not procure a turtle here, or in any of the iflands we have pafTed. At half paft ten we flood to the northward, in companjf' with the whole fleet, and on opening a ftrait that divides this' ifland into two parts, we difcovered two boats at anchor under the land. On their perceiving us, they immediately got under fail, flood towards us for a time, then- flackened their fail, and after having amufed us for an hour and more, ran back into their former flation. By thefe manoeuvres we concluded them to be pirates, which was confirmed by their not anfwering the fignals, which were made them by the rear of our fleet. Our nunfbers only prevented their engaging us, and our Arabs bade us expe(5l: to;fdU in with more veflels of this kind. The fliore of Sanafir is very bold, and would admit of a large Ihip running clofe to it. At noon we faw the ifland of Tiran bearing due weft, and the ifland of Barkan N. W. The wind was ft:ill at S. S. W. when we bore away for the ifland of Barkan. Thefe iflands are botli laid down ' too far to the fouthward in the charts, as is the coaft adjacent to Cape Mahomet. Latitude, per obfervation, 28" 7.' N. At 2 P. M. ' the whole fleet anchored in a cove at Barkan. By running fo deep into this gulf, we could not fl:and with this wind for Cape Mahomet, which mufl: bear S. W. of this ifland. We have here obtained a convincing proof of the neceflity, which boats are un- der to fail in fleets on this coaft. Not more than five months ago, four boats from Suez to Judda, were plundered at this, very ifland of Barkan by pirates, and fome Greek and Turkifh paflen- gers cut off by thefe barbarians. This ftory was confirmed by the teftimony of fome of our fervants, who were aftiore, and faw quantities of wheat and coffee fcattered about the beach. The ■ wind hauled round to the S. E. at fun-fet, but. we di4 not move, . the palfage to the Cajpe being too hazardous, we find, to rifk in I the [ no ] the dark. We were induced, from concurrent circumftances, to double our watch during the night ; the belt part of which the wind was from the fouthward. MONDAY, 7th July. We weighed at four this morning, in company with the other boats, with a light breeze from the S, E. At day-break favv a veflel fome leagues to the fouthward, {landing as we did. At ten o'clock palled an illand within three leagues of the main, which our pilot tells us, is Tiran. This information much furprized us, as in our chart, Tiran lies fome leagues to the fouthward of Cape Mahomet, whereas, by our reckoning, this illand lies in 28° 15', which is confiderably to the northward of the given la- titude of the Cape. There is indeed an head-land to the north- ward of this illand, which we took for Cape Mahomet ; but our pilot tells us, that the Cape beai's S. W. of us, at the diftance of feven or eight leagues. By our run yelterday and to-day, thecoaft from the Cape to the top of the gulf of Akaba, runs nearly N. and S. though our chart lays it down two points more wellerly. This is not the only millake. This gulf is twice as broad as the chart makes it, or we have been failing on dry ground the whole dav. Latitude, per obfervation, 28° 14' N. At I P.M. the wind hauled round to the S.W. and all the fleet bore away to a reef of rocks that we had before paft, and anchored under them, within 3 or 4 leagues of the main. It is a mortification to us indeed, to be baffled in doubling the cape with a wind, which we have fo anxioufly wiflied for, and which is become foul inftead of being fair, by our having run up fo high into this gulf, when we might have flood over dire^l from Moilah to Cape Mahomet. At [ 111 ] At fun-fet the wind, to our great joy, came round to the E. S. E. as it induced the whole fleet to get under fail, which we had never before; done at night In weighing her anchor, the largefi boat among us was near driving upon the rocks. The wind bl w frefh upon them, and it is probable fhe would have been ftranded in a few minutes, had not one of our people fwam off to her in time with a rope, with wliich we towed her out of the danger that threatened her. By the advice of our nokidah, we primed our fire-arms anew, and fate up the whole night, to be the better prepared for the reception of the pirates, who, he afliues us, are acciiftomed to lurk in great numbers about Cape Mahomet. This was doubtlefs a troublefome circumftance, but our minds were fo taken up with our approach to the Gulf of Suez, that there was not room left for difagreeable reflexions. With the prefent wind we were in hopes of making the harbour of Tor fome time to-morrow, and if a chance then appeared of our having a tedious pafTage by water, we refolved to proceed by land to Suez, as captain Dibdin's officers had purpofed to do, which the removing of the cargo of the Judda fliip would, m all likeli- hood, afford us a good opportunity of efFe6ling. The night was ferene, and we flood on with the coaft under an eafy fail. TUESDAY, 8th July. About two this morning the wind fhifted to the N. N. W. and we flood to the weflward, at the rate of three knots an hour. We have left the reef of rocks behind us, or our Arabs would not go on fo boldly on a foul coafl. Jull before day-break we laid down, to take a fhort nap after our watching. By 7 A. M. we were awake, and upon enquiring for Cape Mahomet, were much fur- prized when the pilot pointed it out to us, bearing to the ibuth- ward of us at the diflance of twelve or fourteen leagues. Our difappointment [ 112 ] difappointtiient was great at this information. We expelled to have rounded the Cape before this, and had recourfe to our chart, which only plunged us into frefh perplexity. We could only folve the difficulty by fuppofing, that we had gone much higher up the gulf of Akaba than we imagined ; and were now obliged to fland to the fouthward, in order to double the Cape. At eight we opened a gulf, which they tell us, is the gulf of Akaba, and the head-land which we have come round, and took yefter- day to be Cape Mahomet, muft be the true ifland of Tiran. This coaft has been bolder than any other \vt have pafled ; and what is remarkable, we did not fee aflioal or breaker, the whole morn- ing. Our latitude, per obfervation, was 27' 42' N. We were above half a degree to the fouthward of yefterday, and this tended to convince us, that we had been much deeper in the gulf of Akaba than we fufpefted. We ftood W. and fometimes W. by S. as the wind permitted. At i P. M. we faw two fail to the fouthward, one of which our pilot fuppofes to have been the large boat, which parted company with us long fince. At two the wind Ihifted again to the fouthward, and all the fleet bore away for the land to the weftward of us. At five we anchored under a rocky iiland, within a league of the main, where we found a flrange boat at anchor. None of the fleet, but the pilot's brother, fetched this iiland befidesj but we are told they will eafily join us when the wind changes. Oxir vexation is infinite, that our fituation will not admit of our taking advantage of a foutherly wind. When we have doubled the Cape, we may look for this wind in vain. The pilot points it out to us, at the diftance of three or four leagues, and talks of getting to Tor in the morning. Juft as the fun fet behind the coaft we were upon, the ma- riners of the ftrange boat obfer\'ed a couple of turtles, fwimming from the reef we lie on, and immediately rowed out to fea after them. "f "3 ] them. It is common to turn thefe animals upon their backs, when they are afleep on the fwtfface of the water } but it was a new tiling to us, to fee them taken when awake, in their own element. We could not but laugh at the attempt, but we had foon reafon to condemn our own incredulity. The dexterity of the Arabs was equal to it. One of them jumped out of the boat with a rope in his hand, purfued, overtook, and after a ftruggle under water, faflened a hook to the head of the largeft turtle in four fathom. Itwas,w'th equal facility, run up into the boat, and brought in triumph on board our vefTel. This creature weighs about two hundred weight, and will furnifli a plentiful meal for the whole fleet. The wind kept to the fouth moft of the night. WEDNESDAY, 9th July. The other boats came up to us at two this morning, when we weighed with a fins breeze from the N. W. At three the gale, encreafed fo much, as to fend us at the rate of fix knots an hour. This made us uneafy, as we doubted the pofTibility of doubling the. Cape. When the day broke, we faw high land to our right, which we ftill took to be the Arabian coaft ; as we had not, to our knowledge, parted with it. But as the fun rofe, we were not a little aftoniflied at his fituation, which was quite the reyerfe of what it ufed to be. We loft no time in calling upon the pilot, to explain this phenomenon. He replied without emotion, that we had pafled the Caps during the night, and that Tor itfelf was a confiderable way behind us. We had no compafs on board, but from the fun's pofition, we were certain that we were going to the fouthward. We could not divine the reafon of this, except that the bay in which Tor lies, was deeper than the chart defcribes it. This idea fatisfied us for awhile -, and under this delufion we. flood on at the fame rate, fometiraes doubting the fidelity of our Arabs, and fometimes hoping that we were in the right courfe. Q^ But C 114 ] But we were at length awakened to a convi6lion of our fufpi- cions. By our obfervation at noon, we found ourfelves to be in the latitude of 26" 35' N. which is above a degree to the fouthward of what we were yefterday. The deceit was too glaring, to be fur- ther concealed from us. We had been looking out the whole morning for the Egyptian fhore, as the gulf of Suez is not reck- oned to be ten leagues in breadth. We were inftantly afcer- tained that we were upon the Egyptian fliore. It now ftruck us, that our boat was originally bound for Cofire, and that the vizier of Yambo had put us on board of her, for the fake of referving the major part of the freight to himfelf, which he adlually did re- ferve, by the confefllon of the nokidah during the pafTage. So that we got to Cairo, he did not care by what route. He had perform- ed the Xerif 's orders, in difpatching us from Yambo, and as there is a frequented track from Cofire to Cairo by the river Nile, it is a fufficient referve for the confcience of an Arab. The vizier had often prefied ns to go by the way of Cofire, which we had as often rejefled, from the idea of its being a more uncommon and dangerous road, than that by Suez -, and as we were not compli- ant, he had thus tricked us into what we had determined to •1 ftd nr paflage to Cofire, we might have been tranfported here at a trifling expence, on any of the numerous boats that trade between Yambo and this place. SATURDAY, 12th July. We were furprized this morning with an early vifit from the Arabian fliaik, attended by the chief people of the town. He is an elderly man, of a good countenance and a polite addrefs, and in every refpe6l anfwers to the idea which an European would form of one of thefe leaders. He confirmed the tenders of fervice, and promifes of protection, made us by his fon ; and feemed willing to difpatch us immediately to the Nile with the few camels he had here, provided we were content to leave our baggage behind, to be fent after us by the great caravan. Though our living on the Nile until our baggage came up, would be more agreeable in refpe(5l to the fituation, and the cheapnefs of provifion, when compared with this place, we determined to wait for the caravan, which we now found was not expelled thefe eight days. And this not only on account of fecurity, but as it appeared to be the v*. ifh of the fliaik, vi^ho declared his intention of accompanying us himfelf, or putting us under the protedtion of his fon during the journey. When this point was fettled, we requefted the fliaik to furnifli us with a camel to carry a letter to the Nile, from thence to be forwarded to the India Company's agent at Cairo, that he might be advifed of oUr arrival in thefe parts. To this the fliaik chearfully confented, and we addrefl"ed the following letter to Mr. Baldwin, and delivered it to the Arab. To C 127 ] To G E O R G E B A L D W I N, Efq. "SIR, <' We take the liberty to acquaint you of our arrival at this place on the i oth inftant. A concurrence of accidents has obli- , ged us to undertake this uncommon route, although it was our intention to have proceeded to Cairo by the way of Suez. As we are charged with difpatches of the utmoft confequence from the prefident of Madras to the Court of Dire6lors, we flatter our- felves, that this circumftance will be a further inducement to your humanity, to intereft yourfelf with the bey of Cairo in our behalf, that he may immediately iffue paffes to Ghinnah and Jirje, for our better fecurity in going down the Nile. We have a prote6lion from the vizier of Yambo to the Arab flraik of this diftrift, who has treated us with great civility, and promifes to fend us to the Nile, under charge of his fon, by the return of the caravan, which is expelled here in a few days. It is with his affiftance that we are enabled to forward you this intelli- gence of our fituation. When we have the pleafure, Sir, of feeing you at Cairo, we fhall do ourfelves the honor to deliver the letters we are charged with to your addrefs, which we confider of too much importance to you to be trufted to this conveyance. " In the hopes of meeting with you in a fliort time, and of cxprelling our fenfe of the fervices which your influence in tlm country may afford us, we remain, S I R, Your very obedient, &;c." " Cofire, on the coaft of Upper Egypt, I2th July, 1777." When the fliaik and his courtiers had taken their leave, we had a continual levee the whole morning, and the durbar of an eafl:ern prince [ 128 3 prince could not be more crouded than our apartments. We treat- ed our vifitOrs with coffee only, as it is the cuftom of the country for every one to carry his principal entertainment about with him, which is the pipe. It fupplies the place of meat and drink, and even thought itfelf ; though they tell you here, that the pipe is the befl; friend imaginable to meditation.' Be this as it may, the Arabs do not feem to benefit by it in this refpeft ; though never did I fee a paflion carried to fuch excefs as this. At noon the young fliaik accompanied us in a walk about the town, and as we palled the fort, we were faluted with one gun : a compliment for which we made a fmall donation to the gunner. In this excurfion we gathered nothing, but a nearer view of the poverty of the people, and the dreaiy face of the country. At our return home we had another vifit from the fhaik, to acquaint us, that the carriage of a letter to Cairo wovild be very heavy, and that we might as well omit fending it. When he named 60 dollars for the trouble, we were not a little flartled at the fum, and fhould have been well inclined to drop the matter, had we not held it of great moment to our concerns. We declined, however, giving fuch an extravagant price, for what we told the fhaik was of little confequence in itfelf. He was called away by fome bufmefs in the midfc of this conference, and our nokidah offered to follow him, and to bring him to reafon in his demand. The fellow accord- ingly went on this embafly to the fliaik, who confented at length to take 20 dollars for die difpatch of the letter. The money was immediately advanced, and the camel was that night fent off to the Nile, if any reliance could be placed on the word of an Arab. The attempt to impofe on us in a charge of this kind, was only confidered by us as an eflay 01 the ftrength of our purfes ; and we are in hopes, from our having lowered them fo confiderably in thejr prices, that we fliall be the lefs liable to impofition, iu our future dealings with the natives of Egypt. Our [ 129 ] Our evening, as ufual, was pafTed in receiving company, among whom we faw feveral people who were to be our fellow-travel- lers. There was a merchant, in particular, who was very intel- ligent, and offered to accommodate us with his houfe, on our arrival at Ghinnah, a large city on the Nile, to which the cara- van is to carry us. He tells us, to our great fatisfadion, that we fhall find no difficulty in procuring boats for our pafTage down the Nile j and that at the eafy expence of 25 dollars. So that our money holds out to Cairo, we muft be content to pay for every inch of the road, through this ftrange and remote country. We have been obliged to make feveral little prefents to the great people already ; but thefe have been confined to pieces of Indian handkerchiefs, and bottles of European liquors. Thefe the Turkifli commandant carried away under his garment,, with all the gravity peculiar to his nation ; and, to heighten the joke, he was pleafed to let the fpirits pafs under the denomina- tion of phyfic. The weather here is remarkably pleafant for this time of the year. This muft be owing to the prevalence of the northerly winds, that blow acrofs the Red Sea to this coaft. Neither are the dews fo heavy and troublefome, as we found them on the. fliores of Arabia. A lucky circumftance to travellers, who have been fo long accuftomed to the magnificent and fpacious canopy of the (ky, that they cannot fleep within doors, or be confined beneath the low and contrafted roof of a chamber. We have a good yard belonging to the houfe, where we pafs the nights. SUNDAY, 13th July. Our charges are confiderably augmented by the price of water, which is become fo fcarce, that we are at times at a lofs for a draught of it. The people here drink of a bad fort, which they S bring [ 13° 1 bring from a fpring at above a league's diftance, it not being in their power to pay a quarter of a dollar per fkin, for fo con- fiderable a neceffary of life. The northerly wind continues to blow fo flrongly, that we have great reafon to think we fhould have been much longer beating our paffage to Suez, than we Ihall be in getting to Cairo by the route we have ftumbled upon. The charafter of our nokidah begins to be again doubtful. After all his promifes to flay by us until our departure, and to fee us provided with good camels, he came to us this evening with the fhaik, and, after a parade of his attachment towards us, pretended to regret the neceflity which called him away. He even perfuaded the old man to declaim in his behalf; to acquaint us that the letter which the vizier of Yambo had fent by the nokidah, was of the utmofl: moment to our interefl ; that we were thereby entitled to the fhaik's prote6tion, as far as his life would afford it j and that he hoped we would remember him, now he was about to leave us. Notwithftanding our indignation was rouzed at the prevarication of this fellow, we did not hold him worth our at- tention, nor did we chufe to let the fhaik into the reafon of our defiring his flay. It was our bufmefs to appear to place an un- limited confidence in the man, whom chance had made the mafler of our fates. And indeed he a6led very impartially on the occafion, and concluded his harangue, with intreating us to confult our inclinations only, when we fixed on a recompence for the nokidah's fervices. We thanked him for his goodnefs, and carelefsly added, that we would think on this fubjedt in the morning. There is no doubt but the nokidah's waiting our motions, might be prejudicial to his affairs which fummon him to Yambo ; but it was our declared intention to have m^de him a very handfome confideration on this account. To have fent advices to our friends in India of our fafety, and of our depar- ture I 131 ] ture for the Nile, was a matter which we had much at heart. This very fellow had promifed to accomplifh it. He has un- doubtedly forfeited all further pretenfions to our favor, fo that the prefent which we give him will be very trifling. MONDAY, 14th July. The greateft part of the morning was fpent in a converfation with the nokidah, and in writing a letter to the vizier, in tefti- mony of this fellow's good treatment of us. His condu£ting us to this place appears to have been more the vizier's crime than his ; and, in fpite of his recent abufe of our confidence, our diltrelTes had not deprived us of the principle of forgivenefs, fo far as to permit us to deny him a requeft of this nature. The fafety of his family, who were in the vizier's power, depended, as he aflured us, upon our word. The addrefs was extraordi- nary enough, to a man who had been the primary caufe of our misfortunes ; and it may be expefted that we did not raifs the opportunity to give a vent to our indignation. But, irritated as we were againft the minifter, we difdained even to expoflu- late with him on his unfair proceedings. We were determined not to afford him matter of triumph, and concealed the effefls which his detefted policy had been attended with. The letter was. exprefled in general terms ; and we bore witnefs to the conduct of the nokidah, as far as regarded his attention and refpeft to- wards us. With this he feemed better fatisfied than with the prefent we made him. We affigned but ten dollars for himfelf and the pilot, of whom I have made fuch frequent mention in the journal of the boat. This was a fufficient mortification to people, whofe expeftations had been raifed by the rewards we promifed them on our fafe arrival at Suez, and whofe ideas of our wealth were fo extravagant. The feveral trifles we had left S 2 in [ 132 ] in the boat amounted to no inconfideiable fum ; but the value of thefe were already forgotten. We were more liberal to the boat's crew, who came at the fame time to take leave of us ; as they had been the innocent inftruments in the execution of the plot, which was devlfed againfl: us in the town of Yambo. We perceive a jcaloufy fubfifts between the Turk and Arab on our account, wliich we have no reafon to be concerned at. As the prefence of the former will prove an Infallible check on the motions of the fliaik, we fliall rather be defirous of fomenting the difference, by paying an equal attention to thefe chiefs, than, by attaching ourfelves to one, run the chance of incurring the refentment of the other. The government of the diftri6t is un- doubtedly in the hands of the fliaik, who holds it from the man- date of the bey of Cairo ; and to his influence we muft commit ourfelves in our journey to the Nile. But the oftenfible dignity lies with the Turkilh officer, who commands the fort of Cofire in the name of the bey, and is placed here as a fpy on the con- duct of the fliaik. They never meet at our houfe but by acci- dent; and then nothing but common civility pafles between them. The Arab, in particular, is uneafy at the frequent vifits of the other, and it is no longer ago than this morning, that he cautioned us to truft to him alone for the fupply of our wants. While the Turk, on the other hand, let us this afternoon into the knowledge of every thing that* we wanted to be informed of. The cuftomary price of camels to the Nile will be but trifling, and we hope, by his means, to efcape the impofitions which we fliould otherwife incur from the poverty of the Arabs, who, in many refpe(fts, are of no unamiable chara6ter. We have found them to be decent in their manners, and temperate in their diet ; addidled to no warmth or levity of temper, refpe6lfal in the laft degree to their parents, charitable in their difpofitions, and humane [ 133 ] humane to their dependents : flriftly attentive to all the forms of their religion, and wholly unacquainted with the unnatural vices which originated in the Eaft, and have long difgraced the Chrif- tian empire. But this affemblage of good qualities is thoroughly tainted by the lull of lucre, which no bounds are forcible enough to reftrain. Their command of mind is applied to facilitate the bafeft purpofes of gain, and their pretended fanclity often ferves to cover fome fcheme of fraud. It muft be owned, the neceffities of people, who almofl live in a (late of nature, muft bear hard on the innate principles of goodnefs which they may pofTefs ; and when the prejudices of their religion, which inculcate the practice of deceit towards Chriftians, are thrown into the ba- lance, it will not be fo much wondered at, that the fcale of in- juftice prevailed againft us : that we were fo maltreated in Ara- bia, or that we fhall be obliged to win our way through the de- farts of Thebais to the Nile, by dint of gold. The young fliaik, after his father had left us, took a liking to a very good fpying-glafs which we had brought with us. As he is likely to be our fellow-traveller, we begged his acceptance of it. At the fame time our nokidah came to take his leave ; and we parted on good terms, notwlthftanding what had paflcd between us. TUESDAY, 15th July. This morning a jar of water was brought to us from the fhaik, which had juft arrived from the mountains. He had heard us complain yefterday of the want of fweet water, and very politely fent this jar to our houfc, which had come for his own drinking. We were content to pay three dollars for the carriage, as we fet an higher value upon water, in our prefent circumftances, than if it were wine. We had an early vifit from the old man, to whom [ 134 ] whom we prefented a piece of Indian chintz for his women. Had we been apprized of our going this road, we might have brought numbeilefs trifles from our veffel, which would have appeared of fome eflimation in the eyes of a people, to whom all foreign articles have the charms of novelty. This man however has feen more of the world than the gen'erality of his country- men. He has been twice at Conilantinople ; and at Alexan Iria, he tells us, he went on board an Englifh man of war of fixty guns, from which he feems to have derived an high idea of the power and dignity of the Britifli nation. He has been comfort- ing us with the hopes of the caravan's not exceeding the time appointed for its appearance ; which now approaches, to our great fatisfadlion. There is nothing to be feen here but fea, mountain, and fky ; and we long to be coafting the banks of the Nile, and to become eye-witneffes of the fci tility and beauty of a country, fo celebrated by hiftorians, and confirmed in our ad- miration by the teftimony of the people here, who are never tired of repeating its praifes. We learn that our boat, and four others, failed this morning for fambo; and that three larger ones remain here to receive their lading from the caravan. The paflage to Yambo can be made with eafe in four or five days. What a contraft to the long and tedious voyage that we ex- perienced to this place ! Nothing is a greater proof of the warlike difpofitions of the Arabs, than the pleafure they take in the infpedlion of arms of all kinds. Our fwords, guns, and piftols, have undergone a thoufand examinations ; and been honored with a profufion of applaufes, not, we fufpe6l, without hopes, on their fide, of pro- fiting by our politenefs. Were a fword or fpear to be put into the hand of an Arab, whatever difguife he might be in, his bent of mind would as quickly betray itfelf, as did Achilles', when he handled the arms which UlylTes placed before him. He is al- 9 ways [ ^3S ] ways armed as if going to battle ; and we never fee any one, whofe profefTion allows of it, unprovided with a pair of loaded piftols in his girdle, a fabre and a dagger by his fide, and a fpear of about fix feet in length in his right hand. In his left he al- ways carries a pipe, which, moderately fpeaking, is not five mi- nutes together from his lips in the courfe of the day. Though this general praflice of carrying fire-arms on peaceable occa- fions, is totally repugnant to the ideas of civilized minds, there is nothing but what may be reconciled to us by the force of habit ; and we now view this threatening apparatus of war with- out the fmalleft emotion. In the evening the fhaik brought us a plate of unripened limes, which, indifferent as they were, we underfland have come from the neighborhood of the Nile, WEDNESDAY, i6th July. We are very fortunate in refpeft to the owner of the houfe we live in. He is an old Arab, of a civil demeanor and a quiet temper ; and if ever a mortal pafTed away an inoffenfive life, it is this hoft of ours. His worldly cares extend not beyond the little ceconomy of an humble roof, and the fale of a few articles, with which he makes fhift to provide for the calls of nature. The only luxury he tafles of, is his pipe of tobacco and his cup of coffee ; and his fole enjoyment, is the tendance of a milch goat, that follows him about with the docility of a dog. The milk of this animal he kindly referves for our ufe; and, indeed, it is ferviceable to us, in a miferable place, where milk is not to be procured. In the courfe of fuch a fimple life, it is not hkely that he fhould imbibe the errors which higher ftations are apt to betray their poflelTors into i anl there is no doubt but the prayers of this poor Arab are acceptable to the Almighty difpofer of all things. Content carries along with it the afpeft of every virtue ; and [ 136 ] and not to repine at the deftiny which Heaven has allotted us, is certainly of more folid importance to mankind, than the at- tainment of a thouHind dazzling talents, which, by fitting us to the admiration of this world, too often render us indifferent to the acquifition of a more glorious recompence. The fliaik and the commandant are become very regular in their vifits to us. By this particular attention we conceive hopes of the caravan's approach, as we do not think they would thus court us through mere form. The Turk is by much the more modeft of the two, which muft be attributed to a more general knowledge of the world. He has afked for nothing but the li- quor before mentioned ; and has received nothing from us, but a piece of muflin handkerchiefs, which we prefented him with lail night. The Arab does not maintain this decency in his con- du6l, though he is by no means open in his demands. He is continually afking us, through the channel of our interpreter, of the things we poifefs ; and this morning defired to look at a curious pair of pillols of mine, which I had carefully concealed from his knowledge. Though I could not learn in what man- ner he had difcovered them, I was obliged to promife them to him on our arrival at the Nile ; when we fondly flattered ourfelves to be delivered from the neceflity of (landing upon our guard. Thefe piftols have a flop upon the cocks, which muft render them fafer to an Arab, who is accuftomed, on a march, to fleep with them in his girdle. The weather was hotter to-day than we have before expe- rienced it, which we attribute to an alteration in the wind, that has blown from the land, though very faintly. Were it not for the conftant gales which prevail in thefe feas, the coafts would be intolerably hot, as the foil is nothing but rock and fand. THURSDAY,. L 137 3 THURSDAY, 17th July. The fliaik brought us this morning a bottle of cinnamon-water under his cloak. We were prevailed on to tafle it, out of com- pliment to him, who fliewed us the example, but we heartily re- pented of it. Whether owing to the ftill, or whatever caufe it might be, there was a copperas tafte in the liquor, that did not agree with our ftomachs. This will be a caution liow we make free with foreign liquors, among a people, whofe ignorance may be impofed on by the venders of thefe articles. We have difcovered an amiable trait in the character of the old man, which has confiderably heightened our opinion of him. He has a paternal regard for his fubjefts, and feems to fliare in any innocent recreation they can take. It was no longer ago than laft night, that a flave-boy, belonging to our company, was playing on the fiddle for the entertainment of the fhaik. The novelty of the found brought a crowd about the gate of the yard, where we were fitting on carpets to enjoy the cool of the evening. The old man perceived them to be pleafed with the mufic, and alked our per million to let them come in. This was no fooner granted, than the yard was filled with people of all ranks, v/ho exprcfled great fatisfaftion and furprize at the fkill of a boy, who might be put on a footing with the blind fiddlers that fet a country wake in motion. The ideas of the better fort of a fimple people, cannot be expedled to be more refined than thofe of the lower clafs of a poliflied nation. Nature is the fame in every climate, and betrays its want of cultivation, by an un- diftinguifliing tafte in the feveral degrees of perfedlion to which the arts and fciences may be carried. The notes of a violin or flute may touch a rude ear with fenfations of delight, although not regulated by the paufes of time ; or how can we pretend to T receive [ U8 ] receive pleafure from the wild notes of the wood-lark or night- ingale ? The truth is, we look not for any excellence in the bird, but what nat\ire has afforded. The fweetnefs of his pipe makes ample amends for the irregularity of the meafure ; and we drink the melody, without feeling the want of correftnefs. We had a vifit as ufual from the Turk, who watches his time, and comes always after the departure of the fliaik. He informs us, that he has juft had a meffenger, who brings advice of the immediate departure of the caravan from the Nile. If this ac- count be true, it muft arrive within two days at fur theft. The Turk fliewed us a chop or fignet, that he received from Ibra- him Beg, the bey of Cairo, nominating him to the command of the fort of Cofne. He is a very obliging and good-humored plan ; and it will be our inclination, as well as intereft, to culti- vate his friendfhip. It is not often that we venture out of the doors of our gateway, except by moon-light, when we ftray down to the fea- fide, which is the only profpect from this place that can bear obfervation. There was doubtlefs fome appearance of cultiva- •tion, when the country was better inhabited, as the moft ftubborn foil cannot refift the efforts of induftry. But as the power of tlie Turks began to decline in thefe parts, commerce failed apace ; the inhabitants of this populous city removed by degr.'es to the more fertile banks of the Nile, and have left it a prey to poverty and defolation ! FRIDAY, i8th July. We received very difagreeable tidings this morning relative to the caravan. The road is fo infefted with Buddoos, or wild Arabs, that its progrefs Is delayed, until a reinforcement arrives from the Nile. It feems that a Ihaik of the mountains, through which [ '39 3 which tlie caravan palles, has lately difappeared -, fo that the fe- curity which the countiy was in from his influence, no longer fubfifts. It is cuftomary for the caravan to pay a tribute to thefe chiefs, for a paffage through their diilri6ts. They are only rob- bers of a larger growth, and openly fet their protedtion to fale, to defend the traveller from the rapine of their tribes. Diftrefiing as this circumftance is, we are habituated to difap- pointment, and are arrived at that happy temper of mind, which rejects complaint in things unavoidable. As foon as a fufficient number of camels arrive, to tranfport ourfelves and baggage to the river, we are determined to fet out, in company with the fhaik or his fon ; our number and fire-arms being fufficient, in our opinion, to put any band of robbers to flight. We fliall, at leaft, make up fifteen camels ; not to mention the Chrifl:ians and others, who might be glad to join us on fuch an expedition. But it is likely we fhall not be reduced to take this ftep, which, at any rate, mufl be attended with rifk. The caravan may come before any further intelligence, as it only waited for the difperfion of the Buddoos, who are between it and this place ; and the pradlice of giving notice of its approach, by lighting fires on the hills, has been difcontinued, fmce the arrival of thefe troublefome neigh- bors. The boats that waited for grain by the caravan, are now refolv- ed upon failing, as its appearance is fo uncertain. The mafter of a boat belonging to Judda, came to us this morning to know our commands. As he feems to be a good fort of man, and this is the only opportunity we may have of advifing our friends in India of our fituation, we are determined to write by him, to the care of Mr. Horfeley at Mocha, who has his letters very pun6lually for- warded to Suez per viam Judda. The Arabs are beggars from the highefl: to the loweft. Indeed, fo facred is the flate of poverty among them, that they hold its T 2 votaries [ HO ] votaries as under the peculiar direftion of Providence. And this humane notion is the fource of that charity, which is the moft general virtue they poflTefs. It is not, therefore, to be v^'-ondered at, that an Arab feels not the Ihame which overfpreads the cheek of an European petitioner. He afks, without fcruple, for what he thinks his poverty entitles him to ; and intrudes himfelf in his rags into the prefence of his fuperiors, from v^^hich he feldom or never experiences a repulfe. A fon of a Ihaik of Yambo is about to return thither on one of the boats, and came to-day to demand a prefent of us. As we were at a lofs what to offer him, the old fhaik flood our friend on this occafion, and gave him two gold pieces in our name, called mauheboops, of the value of one dollar and an half each. Thefe we are to give him credit for when we fettle accounts with the fliaik. In the evening the man came for our letters, which we delivered to him. SATURDAY, 19th July. The air was fo bleak during the night, that we were glad to retire into the houfe, though the place we fleep in is defended from the wind, by the height of the walls. This is one of the fineft climates under the fun, the air ferene and wholefome, and the fky always unclouded. The i^ays of the fun are tempered by the refrefliing breezes from the fea, which conftantly blow during the hotter months of the year. The foutherly winds prevail only in December, January, and February ; and at the changes of the moon, they are fometimes felt for a day or two in the other months. From our experience of this fea, we do not think it pradlicable for a veffel to get up to Suez later than March. But then file may always reach Cofire, whence her packets, and even her goods, may be conveyed at an eafy expence to the Nile. Ghin- nah, a city of Upper Egypt, is fituated about 1 30 miles W. N. W. of [ HI ] of Cofirej thither the caravan goes, and there boats maybe had hi great plenty for Cairo, which is 500 computed miles from thence. This route can be only recommended to a packet-boat with difpatches from India, or to a veflel that lofes her paflage to Suez; as the e.xpence of boat-hire down the river, and the cuf- toms of this port, would prove a confiderable draw-back on the profits of the voyage. But in fuch a fituation, we doubt not that velfels would find their account in coming here, inftead of repair- ing to Judda, as the fnow Adventure had orders to do, to the great lofs of her owners. A treaty of commerce might as readily be effected with the princes of Upper Egypt, as with the bey of Cairo ; if the India Company do not confider this trade as pre- judicial to their interefls. It is not my intention, at prefent, to enter into a difcuflion of this matter, as I acknowledge myfelf but an incompetent judge of it. But if the fpecies of goods which are carried to the Cairo market, and the channels into which they are afterwards thrown, be confidered, it does not appear, that the eftablifliment of this commerce would operate materially to the Company's lofs. The cargoes for this track are chiefly of the fineft afibrtment, and their circulation confined to the ports of the Mediterranean ; fo that it is not to be feared they will inter- fere with the fale of the Company's merchandife*. The Arabs here are much lefs referved in converfation than in Arabia. The fliaik himfelf has mentioned his wives to us more than once, though it is a fubje£l on which his countrymen at home preferve the ftricleft filence. But in proportion as they are re- moved from the land of their Prophet, it would feem that they throw off the aufterity which is infeparable from bigotry. Their features are confiderably relaxed here, of the folemnity that they * It is not unlikely that this queftion will be decided by the Turks themfelves, whofe ficklenefs and rapacity may lead them tooverfet an infant commerce, by means more forcible to thofe engaged in it, than the authority of the legiflature itfelf. afFed [ 142 ] afFe6l at Yanibo j and the old mail reliflies a joke with as much glee as ourfelves. He has juft now gamed much upon our con- fidence by an inftance of forbearance, which bcfpeaks him fome- what div'efted of the rapacious fpirit of his tribe. My European fervant was imprudent enough to venture out in the duflc, into the quarter of the town where the/i/ks dejoie refide. He was difco- vered by the patrole, and after having fufFered fome indignities, was hurried away to the guard-houfe, whence he was releafed by the Ihaik's order, as foon as the report was made to him. This hap- pened two nights ago, and was kept from our knowledge. The old man was very backward to mention the fubjefl to us, which he did at length, on account, we believe, of the mifchief that might enfue to the foolifli fellow, were he ever caught by the na- tives in fuch a place again. Had this incident occurred at Yambo, or even at Mocha, where Grangers are lefs liable to impofitions, there is no doubt but the fervant would have been detained in prifon, until his liberty was purchafed at the price of three or four hundred dollars. The fhaik brought us word this evening, that he had juft re- ceived certain intelligence of the caravan having left the Nile. While he was fitting with us, an exprefs arrived, intimating that a parcy of Buddoos were ia the neighborhood, and had feized a camel and four alTes belonging to the town, which had gone out this morning to fetch charcoal. The old man immediately fignified his refolution to fally forth with a few attendants, and obferve their motions. For this end he borrowed the pair of piftols belonging to me, which he had long fixed his eye upon, and which I had promifed to prefent him with on our arrival at Ghinnah. Fires were now lighted on the different eminences which overlook the town, and the drum beat to arms. Nor were thefe precautions ufelefs, in fuch a defencelefs place as this, which might be plundered with great eafe by a refolute and well- 5 , acroutered [ H3 ] accoutered band. But thefe robbers are reported not only to be indifferently armed, but to be void of all fpirit when they meet with refiflance. The third part may be furniflied with match- locks, ^nd the reft with fpears and fwords. A miferable race, wandering from hill to hill, and fubfifting on the pilfer of ftrag- gling paflengers. We prepared our fire-arms for their reception, lliould they venture to affault our caftle ; and there was little oc- cafion for our keeping a regular watch, as it was not pofTible to obtain a found nap during the night, whofe •' dull ear" (as Shake- fpear denotes it) was deafened by the rattling of the drum, and the chorus of a war-fong. Thefe the Arabs continued until the morning dawned, and, delivering them from their fears, permit- ted us to take an hour's repofe. SUNDAY, 20th July. We find that the Turkifh commandant had every thing in rea- dinefs in the fort, to have done execution among the Buddoos. The gunner this morning was fpunging the few pieces that are mounted on the walls, having drawn, we fuppofe, the charges of powder, which may ferve on a future occafion. The Turk breakfafted with us, and magnified, with the rhodomontade of his nation, the ftrength of his citadel, and the valor of his troops ; both of which, however, we muft confefs, might with- ftand the attack of an army of fuch vagrants, as thefe have been reprefented to us ! Even in this remote corner of the globe the chara6ter of the Turks ftrongly difplays itfelf. Sufpicious of ftrangers, and jea- lous of obfervation, they endeavor to conceal their weaknefs un- der an oftentatlous language. Though he has never invited us into his fort, the commandant frequently talks of the impor- tance of his charge ; and though the contempt which the fhaik entertains [ 144 1 entertains for him is too vifible to efcape our notice, he is wilHng to infpire us with an idea of his own fuperiority. Confcious that his power is daily mouldering away in thefe parts, the Turk grows more and more diftruftful of the Arab ; while the latter can no longer fupprefs the rancor which he has conceived againft his tyrannical mafters. To what lengths this mutual averfion will cany them, time alone can difcover. But this appears pro- bable : (hould a favorable conjun<5lure prefent itfelf to the Arabs, to recover the territories of Egypt, it will not pafs by unheeded. This conqueft of their Prophet's family may return into their hands, and then, by a natural courfe of things, revert to the do- minion of the original pofTeffor. Thus, by a retrograde motion, the chains of bondage may be unloofed, and the rights of the native be reftored to him. One of the prefent fubjefts of our apprehenfion is, that the houfe we live in will not laft our time, fhould the caravan meet with further delays. The rafters are of the date-tree, and in- flead of plank or tiles, the floor is compofed of ruflies laid clofe together. On this loofe fand is placed, and over all tile coarfe matts of the country. Materials of this fort muft have a won- derful elafticity in them ; and every ftep we take, is attended by an univerfal tremor of the houfe. Neither would a ftranger ima- gine that we were better provided in regard to the roof. This is formed of nothing flronger than rufhes, on which flones are heaped, to prevent their being fcattered by the winds. But in this fettled climate the native requires no defence, but againft the rays of the fun ; thunder and lightning being almoft un- known to him ; and even rain a very uncommon vilitor. By the accounts of the inhabitants, no rain has fallen at Cofire for thefe three years paft ; nor does it ever exceed a Ihower or two, when it comes. Of this the ftru6ture of their remaining houfes is an unqueftionable proof j for being rebuilt with mud, and half thatched [ 145 ] thatched with rufhes, one day of rain would mix them with theii- mother earth. MONDAY, 2ift July. Old and defolate as this town is, cats are the chief and almofl only nuifance which we have found here. But we are infelted with thefe vermin to fuch a degree, that no provifion can be fe- cured from their talons during the night. It is to no purpofe to lock the door, when the roof is fo unable to withftand their aflaults, A droll adventure happened laft night, in confequence of the voracioufnefs of thefe animals, which may not be unwor- thy of remark. We had been prefented with a difli of nice cakes by one of our Chriftian acquaintance, which a fervant, out of his great wifdom, hung up. in the room where one of our companions flept. Though the doors and windows were flung open on account of the heat, he thought the cakes would be fafer here than in any other place ; and for the greater fecurity, fuf- pended them over the gentleman's bed. But the very reverfe fell out. When all was quiet, the cats, which had been attradled in great numbers by the favory fmell of the cakes, rufhed in at once from all quarters, and, without the leafl refpecSt to the intended guardian of them, and direfted by inftintSt to their booty, flew in a tumultuous manner towards it. Our companion was awakened by the growling of two of thefe ferocious creatures, who were difputing for a prize on his pillow ; and, finding by the noife which affailed his ears, that the combat raged with equal fury on all fides, he ran to a flick that flood near him, and with an adivity equally new and furprizing, lay about him with fuch fuccefs, that his perfecutors made off" at length with the re- mains of the plunder. We, who took up our lodging in the yard, were difturbed by this uncommon tumult, which did not U continue f 146 ] contirtue Icfs than a quarter of an hour. It Immediately recalled to our minds an adventure of Don Quixote's, with this diffe- rence only, that the prefent was not a preconcerted one. It was perhaps happy for our friend, that the cats had fomething forcible enough to draw their attention from him, or his face and body might have fuffered equally with the knight's of facetious memory. Our mirth was increafed however according to the innocence of the diftrefs, which deprived him of his fleep during the whole night. This was every moment broken by the mewing of thefe animals, that hovered around the fcene of action until the day broke, and difclofed to the unfortunate hero the caufe of his perplexity. ■^ Should we remain here much longer, we fhall not have where- with to fupply the cravings of thefe people, who are continually importuning us for powder, ball, flints, and every article that they fix their eyes upon. Empty bottles are particularly acceptable to them ; and the fhaik himfelf did not difdain to requeft a dozen for his own ufe. Even fuch trifles as thefe have given rife to jealoufies in this Ample place : nay, one of the fhaik's guards has gone fo far, as to throw out threats of vengeance againft our fei*vant Ibrahim, becaufe the preference of a few bottles was given to another. To punifli his infolence, we took upon us this morning to forbid this fellow the houfe. Since our firfl: ar- rival he has been remarkably ofiicious, and profufe of his tenders of fervice ; but as we have always confidered him in the light of a fpy, we did not regret the opportunity which permitted us to rid ourfelves of fo troublefome a vifitor. Sfii m ^o ' TUESDAY, 22d July. ixi \lno iib A boat arrived lafl: night from Tor, in the gulf of Suez, >^hich brings intelligence that there are four Englifli veflels ftill 4 ^.u:?:-j^::l. at t H7 ] at Suez. We may therefore flatter ourfelves with tlve hopes of relieving our friends in India from their apprehenfions for our fafety : the accounts we tave hitherto fent being unfatisfadiory, and their conveyance uncertain. Our fhatk hkewife informed u?, in the courfe of his vifit this morning, that two Europeans had arrived in a boat at Tor, and had fet out on camels for Suez without any efcort, about a month ago. Thefe we know to be the gentlemen already mentioned to have touched at Yambo, and who had the charge of the packet which Captain Dibdin brought from Madras. We could not but congratulate ourfelves on, be- ing carried by this road inftead of that by Tor, which would infallibly have been the furtheft port that our boat could have reached in the Red Sea, at this feafon. Our fituation appears to us in every refpe£l more eligible than theirs. The country be- tween Tor and Suez is efteemed the moft uncivilized in all Ara- bia. There is no regular caravan, and we cannot but tremble for the fecurity of thefe adventurers. Their appearance indeed is a powerful circumftance in their favor ; and it might be better for us, if we were as bare of baggage and money as they are re- ported to be. The fhaik informs us, that another camel and fome afles have been taken by the buddoos, which occafioned his fending an ex- prefs laft night to meet the caravan, and warn it of the danger. The alarm which thefe robbers have fpread through the country, has certainly been the caufe of its extraordinary delay, which is fo grievous to the inhabitants of Cofire, that the Turkifti com-, mandant juft now told us, he has difpatched a camel to Ghin- Tiah, to requeft that an additional guard may be fent after the caravan, to condu£l it hither. A fcarcity of every article of life has been felt here for fome time, and famine itfelf can only be warded off for a few days longer. he jfioci /"' There is a trait in the charader of the Arabs, which is very U 2 difgufting; r 148 ] dllgufting ; but no more peculiar to them than to MufTulmen in general. They are fo dirty in their linen, that though they take great pains to adorn themfelves in gay apparel, this habitual uncleanlinefs cannot be concealed. Their fhirt is of the coarfeft linen, and much refembles the Englifh {hift. Their drawers are loofe, and ufually of filk, and their under garment of dyed linen, except on particular occafions, when it is exchanged for a more coftly one of filk. Over this they throw a cloak of broad- cloth, which is edged with fattin or fur. They wear flippers orr their feet, and. turbans on their heads, of much lefs magnitude than the other followers of Mahomet. The drefs of the women varies little from that of the men. Their fliirt and drawers are the fame, but their whole habit confifts of a loofe gown, which- is gathered up and fattened at the breaft. They take the greateft pride in their hair, which falls down their necks in numerous plaits. But this is concealed when they go abroad by a part of their vails, with as much care as their faces. The vail is di- vided into two pieces, and joins by a clafp on the forehead, which is either of gold or of precious ftones : fo that the fore- head and eyes are entirely expofed to public view. The com- plexions of the females are much fairer than thofe of the men, which mufli be attributed to the care which is taken to preferve them from the fun. In this particular they feem to be a diftinft fjpecies from their fwarthy mates j and are really fo in refpect to the neatnefs of their drefs, and the liberality of their principles. This encomium is but due to their merit, and falls ftiort of the aflillance which we experienced from them in the hour of our- greateft diftrefs. WEDNESDAY, C 149 ] WEDNESDAY, 23d July. We were agreeably ftruck this morning with the appearance of three camels, which were haftening to the town. They brought the news of the caravan's approach. It left the river in three divifions, and travels by eafy ftages towards Cofire. The firft divifion fell in with the wild Arabs who were lately in this quarter, and was attacked by them, and plundered of forty ca- mels loaded with merchandize. It happened to be the fmalleft, and unprovided with a proper guard. The two larger divifions will not be here before to-morrow, and are faid to confift of one thoufand or twelve hundred camels. But the danger we learn is now over, as thefe banditti are gone towards Suez, which is the road to their own country. This is the intelligence which we received from the Turk at breakfaft, and it was confirmed by the fliaik, when he came to wifli us joy of our fpeedy departure. By thefe camels there is little come belides wheat, and we are ftill diftreffed for good water. We have been obliged to drink the water of this place for thefe two days paft : it is very brackifh and unpalatable : but we take the precaution to boil it- for our ufe ; and this has probably prevented its difagreeing with us. One of the plagues of Egypt feems to be renewed to-day, to - our extreme annoyance and regret. We had been quite free from the infe6ls which are continually engendered in hot climates, when a warm foutherly wind has brought fuch a fwarm of flies along with it, as to prevent the pofTibility of obtaining our cuftomary nap after dinner. The whole houfe is filled with them, and not a moment's fatisfa6tion is to be found within doors. This is the firft time that the wind has been in the- foutherly quarter fince our arrival at Cofire -, and confequently 5. is [ 150 ] is the fiifl fair wind that we {hould have met with, had our boat purfued her voyage to Suez. The gulph of Suez is fo narrow, that the wind m\ifl be veiy favorable to carry up a boat fo badly fitted out as ours ; and all attempts on our part to beat up the channel, muft have proved fruitlefs. Though the charge of duplicity againft tlie vizier and the nokidah of Yambo, remains unrefuted, this prevalence of contrary winds is no impeachment of their experience of this fea. The weather is confiderably changed by the alteration of the wind ; and had we a thermome- ter to announce it, I am convinced that it is hotter by many de- grees, than it was yeftcrday. We are the more incommoded by the lieat, as our houfe has not a window towards the fea. V/J THURSDAY, .4th JOLlf.^'*' "? '."""" '''', The jQiaik this morning propofed to us a fcheme of getting expeditioully to the Nile, though he could not but take notice of the heavy charges that would attend it. We had been repeat- * ing our complaints of the delay of the main body of the cara- van, and of the detriment which our Hay here, would be of to our affairs. This was a fine opening for him to benefit by our . necefiity, which he judged was too prefling, to admit of hefita- tion in point of expence. He offered to procure us as many ca- mels, as would tranfport us and our baggage, from thofe which arrived yefterday. For thefe, however, we were to pay double the price of camel-hire to Ghinnah, on account of the fcarcity of thefe animals at prefent. To this meafure we would readily haVe fubfcribed, had not the price he demanded, exceeded trebly what it ought to have done from his own calculation. When he even reduced it, at our remonftrance, to eight dollars per camel, we were ftill at a lofs how to adt. We found that we could not manage without eighteen jcamels, for the accommodation of our- ' 10 .oiriJ Y^fni/oj 1U0 i f^iy^^^ felves, the (haik, and an efcort of ten foldiers, \vli5di'Ife tl-iihSsIs" the fmalleft we can have, and for vvhofe attendance we ftauft pay lixty dollars. As it is impofllble for ns to afcertain the charges that we fliall incur on the way to Cairo ; as the impofitions that we may meet with on the Nile may equal, if not exceed thofe which wc have already experienced, it was but prudent to have an eye to our purfes, which may be exhaufted before we find a friend to replenifh them. But our deliberations on this head, were put an end to by the advice of the other principal people of the town, who came upon us at this critical moment. They re- prefented to us the danger that we fliould run, in travelling with fo fmall a body ; that the caravan's delay was certainly occafioned by alarms on the road ; and that, at all events, it was better for us to wait for intelligence from the caravan, before we attempted to proceed. Nay, they even went fo far as to reprobate the con- du6l of the fhaik, which, in this refpeft, favoured of temerity, ' and an inattention to our interefts. Though we gave not an entire credit to the infmuations of thefe people, whofe jealoufy of the fliaik's good fortune was palpable enough, we had heard too much not to be guided by reafon, which pointed out to us the fafeft path to purfue. Rejoiced as they would have been, to have enjoyed the opportunities which the old man had to pillage us^^ daily, their malice confirmed our refolution, which began to waver, of waiting for the caravan. To our great relief, fome afles which we fent to the moun- tains, are returned this morning, with fix Ikins of water. This we may drink without fear, as its quality is good j but it is ra- ' ther more unpalatable than that we have been ufing of late. The tafte is oily, from the {kins having been newly foaked in that difguftful liquid, to prevent their leaking. We have the agreeable profpe6t before us, of being furnifhed with this be- " verage during our journey through the defart ; as the Arabs, whoft [ 152 ] whofe bufinefs it is to keep the fkins in orde., are too lazy to at- tend to the cleanlinefs of the infide of them. FRIDAY, 25th July, This morning the fhaik brought the mafter of the Tor veflel to pay us a vifit. It feems, that he went in company with the Eu- ropean gentlemen from Tor to Cairo, where he carried his own coffee for fale. We have the pleafure to be eafed of our fears on their account, by this intelligence of their fafe arrival at that ca- pital. It is rather extraordinary, that we fhould have remained fo long ignorant of thefe circumftances, and that the adventures of our countrymen fliould have been related to us by halves. But this has been more the effe6t of accident than defign. The Arabs give us credit for the fang-froid which is the prmcipal ingredi- ent in the compofition of their own minds ; and were carelefs of the communication of an incident of fuch little importance to us, as the fafety of thefe ftrangers. Great events are fometimes ex- hibited to mark the chara6ter of an individual ; while a trait like this will fuffice to fix that of a nation ! From the mafter of the vefTel we enquired feveral particulars of a journey, fo new to our experience, and fo fimilar, in our idea, to the one which we were about to undertake. But little could be gathered from a man, whofe imagination was wholly engroffed by felf-intereft, that could contribute to our inftruftion or amufe- ment. The road, he tells us, lies through a continued defart, on which they travelled for fifteen days ; and, to their agreeable fur- prize, they met not with any interruption or alarm. In the courfe of the converfation we learnt, that this man's veffel is the proper- ty of the fliaik's brother, who is a merchant of Cairo. This con- Keftion of his may be a bond for the old man's good ufage of us j as, over and above his dependence on the bey, his brother might dearly [ 153 ] dearly anfwer any complaint which we might prefer on our arri- val at Cairo. At noon a camel arrived, with intelligence of the caravan's long- expeifled approach. It had halted during the heat of the day in a valley about two leagues diftant, and will be here in the evening. The fhaik confirmed this news in a vifit in the afternoon, and gave us afiurances, that we fliould fet out the day after to-morrow at furtheft. At fun-fet about 200 camels came in, and the reft are expelled during the night. We fent a meffage to the fliaik, to defire he would provide us with camels, and give the neceffary or- ders concerning our departure. This brought him to our houfe again. But the prologue to the fcene was the demand of a loan of twenty dollars, which he was in want of to purchafe coffee. As he was to accompany us to the Nile,. an adventure of this kind would make it the better worth his while, and give him fome em- ployment during his abfence. Thefe were arguments not to be conteftedj at leaft, we fliould have been willing to keep the old fellow in humour, had it been at the expence of double the fum in queftion. For as to any difcharge of the debt, it was the laft thing we looked for. We had been too long acquainted with the ge- nius of the Arabs, to confider fuch a demand in any other light, than a new fpecies of begging. The crafty veteran received the money with many profeffions of gratitude ; and while he proraifed to expedite our journey, we obferved a fmile of exultation on his countenance, which feemed to portend us no good. S A T U R D AiY, 26th July. The morning was ufliered in by a vifit from the fliaik, who was attended by the principal Arabs of the town. We foon difcovered the errand they came upon, which was, agreeably to the national maxim, to fee Vv^hat they could ftrip us of before our departure. X Every [ 154 ] Evtry eye appeared enlivened with expeftation, and devoured in idea the contents of our baggage, which was piled up in one cor- ner of the room. Whatever might be their diffenfions in other matters, they were evidently unanimous on the prefent occafion. We were determined to bring them to the point at once, and de- manded of the fhaik the fum total we were to pay for getting to Ghinnah. This, after fome hefitation and wrangling among thcmfelves, they fixed at 205 dollars. The paper which they delivered to us to explain matters, will evince the knavery and ex- tortion of this race : efpecially when it is known, that the ufuat hire of a camel is but two dollars, and that money bears ten times its original value, in a country where fpecie is fo fcarce. The tranflation is literally as follows : To the government of Cofire for its prote6tion Dollars 1 00 To twelve camels from hence to Ghinnah - - - 80 To pay for two afkaries or foldiers, to guard you - - 10 To a prefent to the fhaik for his company - - - 15 Dollars 205 This fum, added to our other expences, will occafion our be- ing fufferers to the amount of 500 dollars fince our arrival here j which may alfo be placed to the account of the vizier of Yambo. We paid it down, however, on the fpot, and difmiffed our vifitors, who appeared to be well pleafed with the fuccefs of their nego- tiation. While we were employed in^ packing up our baggage, and pre- paring for our expedition, a man of a good mien, and a creditable appearance, entered the room without ceremony, and requefted a private audience on bufinefs of moment to ourfelves. He was of the race of the Seids, who pretend to be the defendants of Ma- homet, and, as fuch, are univerfally refpedted among the follow- ers [ iS5 ] crs of that fuccefsful impoftor. The generality of thefe Seids tread in the footfteps of their founder, and have as flender a title as himfelf to the homage which they demand from the dehided multitude. But fo prevalent is the blindnefs of man, that the fhadow fhall outweigh the fubftance in his fight ; and thefe hy- pocrites, under the garb of a fpecious name, fliall obtain pen* fions from Mahometan princes, who were never guilty of reward- ing merit or virtue during their reigns. I have myfelf known more than one inftance of this kind, while I refided in India ; and was once told by a Seid, who came to folicit charity of me, that he had rejedled with fcorn a purfe of 300 rupees, or 40I. which was offered him by the nabob of Arcot, who was fain to purchafe his prayers at a larger price ! With fuch a confidence, which would lead him into every fecret, and fuch a prote^Sion, which would fecure him from any chaftifement, it is no wonder that the man who now vifited us, fliould have become acquainted with the intrigues of the Arabs, or that he fhould have had refp- lution enough to warn us of them. After alking pardon for my digrefllon, to this man we will now return. When the fervants were difmifled, and the door was fliut, the Seid profefled to us his concern at finding us in that inhofpitable region. That he had heard of our former adventures with fur- prize, and was filled with admiration to conceive, how we fhould furmount the dangers which now encompaffed us. That as our foes were numerous, our conduct could not be too circumfpe6l j and that, above all things, we fhould decline, to the utmoft of our power, any propofal to travel in a body diftin6t from the main caravan : for, as he was convinced there were defigns formed againfl us, the only chance to fnaflrate them, was to keep our perfons and baggage with the croud. However bitter and alarm- ing this communication was, we could not but pay our hearty ac- knowledgments to the author of it. We confidered him as a good X 2 fpirit. [ 156 ] fpirit,' who had aflumed this form to aflift in our prefervation, . and we promifed to hold his friendly caution in faithful remem- brance. The yard was full of people, who were fewing up our trunks in bags, and the fhaik himfelf was fometimes among them .to give direftions. This circumftance obliged the Seid to fhorten our conference, who took his leave for fear of obfervation ; but not before he had recommended us to the protedlion of his Pro- phet, whofe votaries, at the very moment, were plotting our de- ftruftion. Scarce had our humane monitor left the room, when the (haik came in to excufe himfelf from accompanying us. He lamented that fome affairs of importance required his prefence at Cofire, becaufe he fhould be deprived fo foon of our company. But as to our convenience and fafety, they would equally be confulted by his fon, who would attend us on the road. He found no diffi- culty in perfuading us of the truth of this conclufion. Our pre- fent views were to get, in the bell: manner we could, to fome civi- lized place, whofe extent would fcreen us from notice, or whofe government would fecure us from further depredations. In the immediate temper we were in, the ferviccs of the fon feemed to promife us full as much fincerity as thofe of the father. SUNDAY, 27th July. We were employed the whole morning in preparing for oui" departure, which is fixed for four o'clock this afternoon. After all the money we have paid, the principal article of our journey is yet to be provided at our expence : and this is water. Ten new flcins, that hold from three to four gallons each, were accordingly purchafed for the ufe of ourfelves and fervants. And this flock ftood us in no contemptible fum, in a country where good water is dearer than any other neceflary of life. We furniflied ourfelves with [ 157 ] with a kind of biflcet to fatisfy the calls of hunger, and added to .the ftore a mutton-pye of our own making: for cookery was a knowledge to which we had been indebted more than once, for a comfortable meal, fmce we left the fnow Adventure. Our old hoft is almoft the only reafonable being we have met with here. While the reft of his countrymen are racking us to the utmoxt, he is very well contented with a gratification of fif- teen doliar.s, for the time that we have refided in his houfe, which is upwards of a fortnight. We take a pleafure in beflowing on this good man the little trifles we leave behind us, fuch as chefts, beds, and old linen, in gratitude for his fervices, which were not the flighteft to people in our fituation -, impofed upon as we Ihould have been in every neceflary of life, but for his timely interpofir tion. We were obliged, however, to obferve great fecrecy in this donation j which, mean as its intrinfic value may appear, might have excited the attention of his fuperiors, and induced the fliaik himfelf to difpute it with him after our departure. At four o'clock we put on our Arabian drefies, which we had provided for the journey. As we have fuffered the hair to grow upon our upper lips for fome months paft, we are each provided with a tolerable pair of whiifkers; and as our complexions are by this time pretty well tanned by the fun, we hope the more eafily to efcape obfervation. But there is a peculiar charaderiffic in the individuals of every nation, that will diftinguifli them through the difguife of drefs and language. This is exemplified daily amid the neighboring ftates of Europe, whofe habits and manners are nearly the fame j and cannot fo much excite won- der in our cafe, where the whole temperature of our minds and bodies was fo contrary to that of the people, whom we endea- vored to perfonate. Our landing on this coaft, it is true, was known, and our progrefs was every where preceded by the he- rald of rumor. But neither of thefe caufes confpired towards 5. the [ 158 ] the difcovery of our origin, however they might have operated in the feizure of our effects, and the detention of our perfons. Every eye immediately pronounced us to be aUens to the land, and did not require any further fupport of this opinion, than its own penetration. The Turkifh commandant had been very fparing of his vifits of late, which we had imputed to his fhame of feeing us, after the fcene of extortion he had been concerned in. Though we gave him credit for a principle which the Arabs are wholly de* void of, it appears, that we did him great injuftice in our con-^ clufion. In the divifion of the fum demanded of us for the ufe of the go-rernment, the Arabs had not only excluded him from a fliare, but had kept the whole tranfaftion from his knowledge. This we learnt from his own mouth, in a farewell vifit that we now received from him. Whether he really was our friend, or Was over-reached by the fhaik and his adherents, we cannot pre- tend to determine ; and if we thought favorably of this Turk, It arofe from his perfonal civilities towards us, and could not be juftified by the general deportment of his nation towards Chrif- tians. This Turk, and an Arab merchant, were the only people in whofe profeffions we trufted ; though it happened, that their good wilhes were all they could beftow on us. The merchant ^as a refident of Judda, and was here on a commercial fcheme. He had contra6led an affcdion for the Englifh in his native place, and cautioned us frequently againft the knavery of his countrymen, though he was afraid to difclofe his good-will to- wards us openly. To him we entrufted letters direfled to the care of Mr. Horleley at Mocha, advifmg our friends in India of our departure to Ghinnah. The fhaik's avaricious difpofition feems to equal that of his countrymen in general. He has thrown off at laft the mafk of diffimulation, and a^s in his native chara^er. Wliile it an- 9 fwered [ 159 ] fwered his purpofes, he affe6ted the humane patron -, and now he plays the unfeeling tyrant with as good a grace. Our depar- ture is deferred until the morning, on account of the caravan's not being in readinefs ; and the fhaik has taken this opportunity to infmuate to us, that the camel-drivers are not fatisfied with the price we have paid them ! Gracious Heaven ! of what lati- tude is the confcience of an Arab, which is not content with three times the value of his beads' labor ! for three times are we already charged, to what the native pays for the hire of a camel. We are bent upon not complying with this further impofition, unlefs this man fhould be bafe enough to obftru6l our departure. The old fellow and we parted for the night on bad terms ; and he was particularly irritated at our declining to accept of a centry to guard our baggage, which was piled up in the yard. This was- done by the advice of our venerable hoft, who told the fhaik, that his walls were a fufficient defence for our property. This diverted the fhaik's attention from us, and he let drop fome words fignifi- cant of our reliance on a foolifh dotard, who might not be able to prote6l our effefts from the attempts of the town's people. We paid no other regard to this fpeech, than by fpreading our carpets around the baggage, and taking our pofts on the ground, ready to defend it againft the deligns of fecret or avowed enemies, MONDAY, 28th July. *• All's well that ends well," fays the old proverb ; and this, if ever, was verified with us. The fhaik came early in the morning, and looked gloomy. His ordinary falutation was even omitted, and convinced us, that his difcontent was great, and not to be re- moved, but by a compliance with his humour. When a Muflul- man fails in the modes of politenefs, the worft is to be apprehend- ed from his power, which will carry by force the point whicli his addrefs [ i6o ] addrcfs was nnable to nccomplifh. All ceremony was now laid afide, and he told us in plain terms, that he mufl: have more mo- ney. He condefcended, indeed, to place this requifition to the account of the people of the town and country, who had been pef- tering him for buxies, or prefents, from us. That it was our misfortune to be confidered by thefe people as men of vaft wealth, whofe trunks were filled with gold, precious ftones, and rich merchandize, on which it was their cuftom to levy a tax. It was in vain that we remonftrated againft this demand, which was as wanton as unjuft. It was in vain that we referred to the fhaik's own knowledge of our efFe6ls and profedion, neither of which fubjecled us to the taxation impofed upon merchants and their goods. It was in vain that we appealed to the government of Cofire for its interpoiition in this matter, as we had paid fo largely for its prote6tion. The dependants of the fhaik were yet to receive their mite, and he declared in a determined tone, that he could not pretend to fend us in fafety to the Nile, until he had received orders from the bey of Cairo, unlefs we fatisfied the hill- people with a donation of twenty-five dollars. Hard as the ex- tortion was, we panted too much for a return to our friends and country to hefitate long about it j and the fliaik was content with the fum of twenty-three dollars, vv^hich we had kept about our perfons for the extra expences of the road. And lucky it was for us that this money was referved from our baggage, which, in its prefent fituation, could not have been opened for a fupply, with- out expofmg our real treafure, which was not inconfiderable, to the eyes of the fhaik. Sufpicion of our concealed money was the only ground on which he proceeded in his demands ; but a con- viction of it might have operated more materially to our detri- ment. The cloud which had loured in the countenance of the fliaik, was in a moment difpelled, and, with a tone of infinite good- humour, he ordered the camels to the door to take up our lug- gage. [ i6i ] gage. The hopes of our departure were now for the firft time certain, and while we gave orders to the fervants in what manner to difpofe of the things, our fpirits infenfibly returned to us, and chafed all ideas of animofity and complaint. It appeared that during our altercation the caravan had left the town, but was to halt in a valley at a fmall diftance, to be joined by all ftragglers. To avoid the impertinence of the mob that furroundcd the houfe, the fiiaik advifed us to quit the town, and wait for our camels at the weft angle of the fort. After a very cordial and moving feparation with our good hoft, we reforted to the houfe of the Judda mer- chant, and partook of a breakfaft which he had prepared for us. Having embraced him, as a friend who had been raifed up to us from the tribe of our enemies, we haftened to the appointed fpot. Here, as we fat beneath the wall, our other friend, the Turk, ap- peared on the ramparts, and bade us adieu ! At this inftant the camels came up, and we found that they had only provided us with ten inftead of twelve, for the eighty dollars. Nor was the Ihaik prefent to reftify this wilful miftake. To increafe my own hardfhip, my companions happened, as luck would have it, to be beforehand with me, and to poffefs themfelves of the two only riding camels that were in our train. I was, therefore, fain to put up with one of the beafts which carried the baggage ; and not finding my feat fo eafy as I could have wilhed, I confoled my- felf with beftowing an hearty malediction on the Ikaik, for this parting proof of his kindnefs. Soon after we had moved onwards, we were overtaken by the young fhaik and the two guards, who were to be our efcort on the road. They brought us the compli- ments of the fhaik, who had grace enough left to Ihun an inter- view, after this laft fcene of his political farce. The young man endeavoured to palliate the offence, by afibring me it was a mif- take, which fhould be redtified when we joined the caravan. Be- fides the aforefaid Arabs, our company confifled of Major Alex- Y ander. • if J.*^ ] ander, Mr. Ilammomi, and myfelf, my European fervant, two flaves belonging to tlie major, our interpreter Ibrahim, an Arab fervant named Abdul Rullar, whom we had hired at Cofire, and an Indian fakeer, whom we permitted to ride on a baggage-camel, to afllflhim on his route to Cairo, wheie he was bound on a reli- gious penance. We had a couple of mulkets, as many blunder- bulies, and two pair of" piftols among outfelves^ with plenty of cartridges which we had prepared. The fliaik's fon and his attendants were much more completely armed, as were the camel- drivers, who followed us on foot. At two o'clock in the after- noon we joined the caravan, which we found in a valley two hours journey from Cofire. The diflance I computed to be five miles, as, by the beft obfervation I could make now and during our journey, a camel goes at the rate of two miles and an half an hour. Here a fcanty ftream waters the thirfty foil, and about an acre around is covered with date-trees. Under thefe we made a delicious repaft, upon the mutton-pye which we had brought with us. The water is brackifli in this fprmg, and is what the inhabitants of Cofire generally ufe. In this valley we had a glimpfe of the friendly Seid, and it was the laft we got of him. Some of the camels were in mo- tion long before ours, and he pafled us on ane of them. At three o'clock, we moved off the ground, and were not a little ftartled to find that our whole colledive force did not exceed forty camels. The caravan had departed, it feems, when the Seid went by, and the conviftion of this brought his vain pre- cautions to our minds. We could not help expoftulating pretty fevercly with the young Ihaik on this negle6l of his, which might fubjedt us to rilk. But as he laughed at any idea of dan- ger to fuch a body as we were, and talked of overtaking the ca- ravan before it reached the next ftage, we were under the ne- ceffity of becoming quiet, to avoid the appearance of fe^r, which which would have funk us in their eftimation. It was our in- tereft to conceal, as much as poflible, the real motives of our apprehenfion, and to appear to place a confidence in the man, who was become our condudlor. Our party was the fourth of this httle company, and we kept in as compact a body- as the road would allow of, to fecure us the better againft the effe<5ls of treachery or furprize. We continued our way through the valley, which foon became defart and ftony like the hills above it. At fix o'clock we halted to drink coffee, and to feed our cattle. This flage v/as three hours, or feven miles and an half. At eight o'clock the fignal was given for marching, but juft as we had mounted our camels, an alarm was fpread of the approach of the wild Arabs. In the confufion which this naturally occa- sioned, we immediately difmounted, and affembling our fervants, marched diredly to the quarter where our Arabs had fet up a war-cry, and whence the difcharge of feveral matchlocks had reached our ears. On the road we met with the young Ihaik and his attendants, who were feeking us out, and feemed not a little furprized at our alertnefs, and the good countenance we af- fumed in this ugly affair. This we underftood from an expref- fion which he dropped in the hearing of our Ibrahim ; which, joined to the fudden ceffation of the tumult, convinced us that he was at the bottom of it. But whatever he and his affociates intended, the trick failed of any other purpofe, than that of let- ting them fee we were ready to repel any infult. They gave fome trifling reafon for the buftle, which they told us was owing to the unexpected appearance of one of the hill-people, who had threatened to pillage us while at Cofire. As we neither faw this man, nor received any fatisfaftory account of the matter, we attributed it to a defign to try our mettle, and to make what advantage they could of our fears. But we lent a' deaf ear to their demands of buxies or prefents, which v^-e mortified them in Y 2 fayingj [ 'i64 1 faying, were not due to the timidity that they had betrayed. When all was calm we mounted again, and moved on ; our only light the ftars, which fhone very bright. We continued to traverfe the fame valley as before, until two o'clock in the morn- ing, when we halted beneath the hills, and fpread our carpets to take fuch repofe, as our time, and the peculiarity of our circum- ftances, would admit of. The laft llage was fix hours, or fifteen miles, and by our reckoning, we are twenty-feven miles from Cofire. TUESDAY, 29th July. At five o'clock the Arabs rouzed us to get ourfelves ready. We were foon mounted, and began our march ; fading, and not recovered from yefterday's fatigues. We were very folicitous for a jun6lion with the caravan, but from the laft evening's ma- noeuvres, and our difappointment at night, we are by this time afcertained that our feparation had been intended, and confe- quently, that a meeting would be unlikely before our arrival at Ghinnah. In this uncomfortable fituation, our only hope I'efted upon the knowledge which the caravan had of our being in the defart, which we flattered ourfelves would deter our conductors from any open outrage. Befides, we numbered the camels and merchandize of a merchant of Ghinnah among our body, which we ccnfidered as a kind of proteftion ; though whether we owed this union to accident or defign, we could not determine. This merchant, by name Mahomet, travels with us j and we under- ftand, that we are to be lodged in his houfe during our fhort ftay at Ghinnah. He is the brother of one Ally, who profeffed a great regard for us at Cofire j and who is the caufe, we fuppofc, of the invitation which the merchant has given us. The country as we advance, ftill wears the fame barren face. Here [ 165 3 Here and there a dwarf date-tree appears, and the trufle-bufh is frequent on the road, to the great deUght and benefit of the poor camel, who devours it very greedily. Among thefe bufhes we found feveral deer, who muft necefTarily live many days without water in the depth of this defart ; except that, like the rein-deer, who digs with certainty for provender beneath the fnow, they fupply themfelves with water from a fimilar practice. The Arabs find fprings in particular fpots, and I doubt not but nature has implanted in thefe poor animals the inftin6l to fatisfy one of her loudeft calls. We likewife faw numbers of quail, and feve- ral earths of an unknown animal ; probably of the hare and gerbua, which are common in the defarts of Arabia, but did not come within our view. This country would be truly romantic, were it covered with verdure. The variety of flopes and declivi- ties with which it is interfperfed, the frequent viftoes which the openings between the hills afford, would prefent the beautiful fcenes of nature, were the foil fertilized, as they do the fublime, in their rude and fterile ftate. The mountains contain both ala- bafter and marble, of which many pieces lie fcattered upon the road. We made a long and fatiguing march, and at eleven o'clock halted in a pafs between the mountains, where the Arabs dig for frefli water, and find it very good. They have nothing indeed to do, but to remove the dirt with which the fpring is choaked up ; and as the water is drawn before its tranfparency returns, we ftrained it through a cloth to take off the foulnefs. The moun- tains here are fo perpendicular, and approach fo clofe together, that at noon there is a fliade on the fouth fide for travellers to repofe under. We had centinels on the heights during our flight repafl, as this place has the charadter of being very dangerous. The lafl flage was fix hours, or fifteen miles. At one o'clock we moved onwards with a plentiful fupply of water, and went near a mile through this pafs, which winds about like the entrance of an. [ i66 ] an Indian fortrefs ; and where an handful of men might check the progrefs of a large army, were the country worth difputing for. The wind was very hot from the vicinity of the rocky mountains, and this day's journey proved very laborious to us, who had led a fedentary life for fo many months paft. Our minds indeed had been fufficiently exercifed, but our limbs were enfeebled from eafe and ina6livity. We had no refrefliment, but fome bifcuit and water, during the day, though our conduclor, who was well mounted, puflied on frequently before us, and had his cup of coffee with his friends, beneath the fhade of fome projedting hill, that afforded fuel for a fire. This our camels would by no means admit of our doing; and though coffee would have been the beft recruit which our fpirits could have received, we could only repine in iilence at the young man's neglefl. At five o'clock we halted on a plain to refrefli ourfelves. This ftage was four hours, or ten miles. At feven o'clock in the evening we moimted again, and for the firft time afcended an eminence by a very eafy approach. We quickly regained the level country, and advanced at a fafter rate than by day, through the vallies in which we are conftantly bu- ried. The night was as bright as the lafl, and we Ihould think it a lucky incident were we to lay by in the day, and to travel only by night. At two o'clock in the morning the moon rofe, which was the fignal for us to halt. And much indeed did we fland in need of repofe, after a journey of fuch a continuance. Befides, we luffered greatly from the uneafy motion of the ca- mels, which nothing but habit could reconcile to a man. For my own part, I am fo particularly aggrieved by the faddle of the camel on which I ride, that the fmall of my back is Uripped of its fkin. This arifes from my flill being furnifhed with a bag- gage-beaft, notwithftanding the fine promifes of the young lliaik. Authors are much miftaken in their particular ideas of this ani- lo mal. [ i67 ] mal. His being able to go from i oo to 1 50 miles in the twenty-four hours, is a very fable. Perfeverance and hardinefs are the qua- lities which diftinguifli him above all other quadrupeds, and pe- culiarly adapt hihi to the barren countries, where he is found in the moil vigorous ftate. His common pace does not exceed three miles an hour, at which rate he will go fixteen hours out of the twenty-four, for a journey of a month and upwards. But put him beyond his ufual fpeed, and he foon tires. For a day indeed it may be quickened to five, and even fix miles an hour ; but he fliortly grows obftinate, and refufes to proceed at a rate fo dif- proportioned to his abilities. He is however very docile, and when trained to a caravan, requires neither a rein to guide, nor a whip to forward his motions. To a ftranger nothing can be fo ineligible as this mode of traveUing ; tedious and fatiguing to the laft degree, and efpecially in thefe parts, where we could not pro- vide ourfelves with litters, to defend us from the fcorching rays of the fun. Our courfe yefterday and to-day was generally to the northward of weft, and fometimes weft and by fouth, and due v^^eft. The laft ftage was feven hours, or eighteen miles, and by our reckoning we are nov/ feventy miles diftant from Cofire. V/ E D N E S D A Y, 30th Jult. At five o'clock this morning we were wakened from our fleep, which had been very found, notwithftanding the fufpicious com- pany we are in. We got up more alTured of the good faith of our conduftor, feeing that no attempts had been made to furprize lis, at a feafon when exhaufted nature had left us at his mercy. At a moment of fuch alarm, there was fomethiug particularly aggravating in our fituation. Worn out vv^ith the labors we had undergone. Deep infenfibly ftole upon the moft determined eye; and the common fatisfaftion of keeping a watch at leaft upon tlie motion [ i68 ] motions of an enemy, was denied us. Short as our nap was, it -gave us fpirits to purfue our journey. But this might not long have proved the cafe, if we were to obtain but two hours repofe out of the twenty-four, in travelling to any confiderable diftance. Before we had gone far, my European companions and my- felf began to find our bowels greatly afFecled by the water which we got yefterday. This, at all times, is an alarming complaint ; and nothing but our fuppofed vicinity to Ghinnah, could have adminiftered confolation to our diftrefs. We entered, after an hour's march, upon a large plain, fterile and flony like the moun- tains which we now left behind us. It is a circumftance worthy of remark, that we never crofTed any confiderable acclivity in our paflage through this defart ; though at every point of view, the traveller fuppofes he has a laborious height to afcend, and that he muft make his way good, by conquering the ftupendous precipices which continually prefent themfelves before him. But indulgent nature has accommodated the country to the neceflities of the native. Throughout the hilly region, which extends it- felf from the Red- Sea to the Nile, fhe has fcooped out a line of vallies for the paflage of the caravan. The foil is a mixture of flone and fand, which, beaten down by the conftant tread of the fplay-footed camel for many centuries paft, affords an even and firm pavement to the beafts that travel over it. The road is wide enough in feme places for an army to pafs in a line ; and in others, will not admit above two or three camels abreafl:. This country muft have experienced a fad reverfe, were it ever fo fruitful as the antients have reprefented it. For the laft fifty miles we have not met with any tree but the hawthorn, or any verdure but what the fweet-fcented fhrubs faintly afford the fight ; and now that we are within a few leagues of the Nile, the profpcct is not mended for the better. At eleven o'clock we halted under a fpreading hawthorn to breakfaft ; but had not as 3 yet [ 1^9 ) y€t a gllmpfe of the Nile, or any token of our being in the neighborhood of fo fine a river. The laft ftage was fix hours, or fifteen miles. Here, to our great aftonifliment, we found that our water was expended. This muft have been owing, as much to thefts in the night, as to the impudence of the camel-drivers, who, as we go along, draw water from our fkins in defpite of us, though depending from the beafts on which we ride. The info- lence of this tribe is furprifing. Though their camels are hired by us, they pretend to a right of mounting them themfelves, when they are weary of walking. Thus, do the poor baggage- beafts groan, at times, under the additional burden of a man's weight. It was as much as I could do to keep my camel-driver from getting up behind me j and my friend, the major, was not fo fortunate, whofe driver once effe6led a feat on his camel, in defiance of his remonftrances, and threats, to deter him from iuch a piece of afiTurance. At one o'clock, the young fhaik moved forward, to procure lis a fupply of water from fome fprings which lie out of the road ; and we propofed to remain here during the heat of the day. But we prefently difcovered fomething that made us haflen our depar- ture. There was a certain Arab, whom I have already mentioned to have rendered himfelf very difagreeable to us, during our abode at Cofire. This fellow had been appointed by the lliaik as one of our guard ; and was at this very time under the fliade with us. By his afllduity on the road, he had tried to efface the unfavorable idea we bad of him ; and as our friend, he now in- finuated to us, that it was better for us not to truft ourfelves at Ghinnah, where the inhabitants were profefied rogues, and would plunder our efFe6ts. Nay, he went fo far. as to propofq to condu6l us to Banute j a town a few hours higher up the river, where he could enfure us the beft reception, and a choice of boats to tranfport us to Cairo, This circumftance was too Z barefaced [ 170 ] barefaced not to alarm us, and we determined to pufii on, through an almoft infupportable heat. But our conduflor was abfent, and we were left in the hands of our gtiard and the ca- mel-drivers ; a force which indeed we did not fear, but would have been glad to be quit of in a folitary and inimical place. This refolution was confirmed by Abdul Ruflar, our Arabian fervant, who was entitled to credit from his paft behavior. He advifed us by no means to liften to, or remain with thefe rafcals; but to follow the young fhaik, whom they had the confidence to tell us was a foolidi youth, who did not know our interefts. Ac- cordingly, at two o'clock, we mounted our camels, in fpite of their importunities to wait until the evening, and moved on, in the moft fultry day I had ever felt in the Eaft. We foon re- joined the merchant's camels, which had taken fhelter under a thorn-tree at fome diftance, and were ready to attend us. While united with this body, we did not fear going aftray ; and purfued our coui'fe, under a full fecurity of being on the road to Ghin- nah. We had no water, but what our earthen guglets contained ; and this was foon expended. It is impoflible to defcribe what we fuffered from heat and thirft during this ftage. A mouthful or two of dirty water, which one of our guai'ds gave me, made me forget for the moment his recent infolence ; and all our for- mer apprehenfions were infenfibly fvvallowed up in the more painful idea of falling viftims to thirft. Our tongues actually became parched to our palates ; and we were obliged to wet them every now and then, with fpirituous liquors, to prevent fufFoca- tion from the clouds of duft which continual whirlwinds threw' around us. This expedient was but tranfitory, and ferved in- deed to encreafe the rage of thirft. It was our common mif- fortune alfo to labor under a violent complaint in our bowels j and to the want of the bad water that occafioned it — a want which we had lamented in the moft eameft manner — our pre- fervatian [ 171 I fervatlon was probably' owing. I was fo afflided myfelf with this diforder, that i could fcarcely fit my camel through excefs of pain. The wind and duft had equally afFedled our fight, fo that we wan- dered on in agony and darknefs. There is no doubt that our Arabian companions partook in fome meafure of our fufFerings ; but they were too much accuftomed to the fun, to feel all the ef- fefls of his fury ; and we had fome reafon to fufpeft, that their ftock of water lafted long after ours had failed us. To crown this Icene of diflrefs, we at length overtook the fliaik, who, we learnt, had been difappointed in replenifhing his fkins, by the appearance of wild Arabs about the fprings. This news founded like the knell of death in our ears ; not from the neighborhood of thefe robbers, who were once fo formidable to our fears, but from the abfence of a fluid, on which we fuppofed our lives to depend. Faint and fpiritlefs, therefore, we toiled on until eight o'clock at night, when we halted, without having encountered any foe in the way. But far different was this halting-place from any other we had come to. Without a draught of water to moiflen our throats, it was impra6licable to force down a morfel of bread ; and the pain and wearinefs under which our bodies labored, were too extreme to admit of a momentary repofe. Overwhelmed with hunger, thirfl, and fatigue, we fat ourfelves upon tiie ground, and revolved our melancholy fituation in filence. Every fkin was alternately ranfacked by us for water, and not an article left un- tried that was likely to produce the leafl moiflure. My compa- nions and I had unluckily recourfe to raw onions, which were among the baggage. But no fooner had we tafted of this potent root, than we repented of our raflinefs. The effect was quite con- trary to our hopes ; and our drought was irritated to the highefl degree. This flage was fix hours, or fifteen miles. At nine o'clock the word was given to refume our march. The doubtful light of the ftars, and the evils we endured, prevented Z 2 our t 172 1 bur feeing clearly what was going forward. But our Arab fer- vant foon alarmed us with the inteUigence of our having-left the merchant's camels upon the ground ; and by fome words which, the drivers had let drop in his hearing, that they had but a bad opinion of the fhaik's intentions refpecling us. The fcene was now become very critical, and a cataftrophe not very happy, appeared likely to enfue. We rode up immediately in a body to our fraudulent conductor, and charged him with treachery to» Wards us. We inftanced his firft having parted company with, the caravan, and then with the merchant's camels, which being both bound for Ghinnah, plainly indicated his unfriendly defiga of canying us to another place. To our great furprize, he ac- knowledged the charge of deceit towards this particular, but endeavoured to diveft it of any fuiifter motives. That it was his father's opinion, as well as his own, that our departure might be retarded at fuch a city as Ghinnah, from the rumor of our riches, which would induce the officers of government to vi- fit our baggage. That he had it in command from him to leave the caravan at the firft ftage, and to cany us by another route, without awakening our fufpicions, which he muft confefs his countrymen had given too much caufe to be directed againft them. That the merchant's camels, from which we had juft parted, would reach Ghinnah m a few hours ; and that we fliould arrive about the fame time at Banute, a village fomewhat higher up the Nile, where we might embark fecretly, and without moleftar tion for Cairo. There was fomething as plaufibie in the fub- ftauce of this defence, as engaging in the delivery of it. That eoolnefs of temper, and ready eloquence, for which the Orientals are fo confpicuous, were fully exerted on this occafion. From the former declarations of our guard, and the prcfent confeflion of the fhaik, we were aiTured there was a combination againft us ; but whether it had any ill tendency, we could not fo eafily deter- mine. f ^7^ ] mirie. In truth, we Were now in the power of our guides, and our deliberations could only terminate in a refolution, to fell our lives as dearly as poffible, fhould they attempt to play us falfe. There was but little variety in the fcene during the remaindei' of this ftage. The night was too dark to favor our obfervation of the objects around us, if our misfortunes had not extinguiftied every fpark of curiofity within our breafts. Hour fucceeded hoiu', without a veftige of fertility appearing, to announce a fpeedy pe- riod to our troubles ; and we were almoft funk into a fit of de- fpair, when the fight of a camel, bearing two fkins of water, raif- ed us in a moment to the pinnacle of joy ! Colors would be faint to exprefs the tranfports of wretches half-dead like us of thiifl, at fuch a change 1 We owed this fupply to the good-nature of the fhaik, who puflied on before us to the river, to relieve our diftrefs ; and I muft do him.the juftice to own, that no fervice could have been more material than what he rendered us on this occafion. Nor pafs unrewarded. It reftored him to our good graces, and we renewed our promife of an handfome donation on his putting us into a boat. Before I ventured to diink, I had the precaution to wafh my mouth, and to gargle my throat feveral times. I recommended the fame method to my companions, and" I: do not believe it was unferviceable, as the extreme drynefs of our palates would otherwife have obliged us to fwallow a quantity that might have proved fatal to us. But ftill we drank with great eagernefs and pleafure. And it is not to be wondered atj conlider- ing the goodnefs of the water, and our long abftinence. We were now within a mile of the Nile, and at three o'clock arrived at a village compofed of tents and huts. We made no difturbance in unlading our baggage, and having flretched our carpets upon the ground, betook ourfelves to a fliort, though found, repofe. The lafl ftage was fix hours, or fifteen miles ; fo that we travelled yef- terday no lefs than eighteen hours, or forty-five miles ; an amaz- ing Ing ftretch, if our calamitous fituation be confidered. This part of tlie^Ni4e-, hy our reckoning, lies 115 iniles to the weft of Gbfire. THURSDAY, 31ft July. We awoke this morning long after the fun had rifen, and, upon looking around us, had the pleafure of feeing the Nile, which now began to be gilded with his early beams. We'v^'^re tiear a ■quarter of a mile from the river, and could only obtain a view of the water through different openings in the bank. Here the bor- ders are adorned in fevera4 places with the date and other fruit- trees J though the cotintry around wears the fame dreary afpefl as before. In one of thefe verdant fpots lies the village of Banute ; the place we are in, being lonely and uncultivated, and confiding of a clufter of cottages, the property of fome camel- drivers. No- tliing can more evince the magnificence of this celebrated river, than its breadth at this diftance from the fea. It appears to our eye not much lefs than a mile wide ; though, with its windings, it cannot run acourfe of lefs than 700 miles, from its leaving Ba- hilte, until it difcharges itfelf into the Mediterranean. The young fliaik was abfent fome hours, and brought us the difagreeable tidings, that no boat could be procured in this neigh- bjrhood. We were now reduced to the indifpenfable neceffity of leeking one at Ghinnah ; and the fhaik left us, to get frefli camels to carry us to that city. We are again inclined to doubt the er- rand on which \^'e came here ; but whatever may have been the view of our conduclor and his aifociates, a folution of their odd conduft cannot be very remote. While our patience is thus ex- ercifed in refpeft to our mhids, it is not lefs fo in a cafe of equal importance to our bodies. Though we have fafted, in a manner, for three days paft, we are afraid to fend to Banute for a fupply of 1 meat [ 175 1 meat and fruit : the inhabitants, we learn, are impudent beggars, who would not wait our beftowing alms upon them, (hould they happen to be apprifed of our fmall number. A pretty fpecimen, indeed, of a place which has been recommended to us by our guard ! But the humble diftance which the fliaik keeps, fhews plainly his opinion of it. A pair of pigeons which this place af- forded, ferved julf to allay the appetites of our company; and as we had no money at hand, the (haik lent us a couple of dollars to pay for them and fome dried dates, which we took with us to eat ijpon the road. \ At three o'clock , in tlie afternoon we quitted this miferable village, and fet out for Ghinnah, in tolerable health and fpirits. Whether we owe ovir recovery to the falubrious water of the Nile, or to a ceflktion of fatigue for the laft twelve hours, we arofe this morning with a perfect freedom from our late com- plaint. Our faces were now turned to the north, and we went for the moll part of this ftage in the fame direction. This was no unpleafmg circumftance, as we thereby prefented our backs to the fun, which had fo dreadfully annoyed us yefterday. At four we entered a fandy valley, where we faw an herd of deer. When we mounted the hills beyond it, we had a glance, for the firft time, of a cultivated country. The Nile appeared about two miles to the weilward, wailiing the foot of the mountains by which it is fkirted on that fide. To the eaftward, the whole fpaee between us was laid out in plantations of grain, which were watered by inlets from the river. There was as extraor- dinary a contrail in the profpe6l before us, as could pofiibly occur in the wantonnefs of nature. The fcene to our left, ver- dant, and crouded with clumps of ilately trees, which were bounded by a fine river ; while that to the right was barren as before, and offered nothing but fands and ilony mountains to the eye. Ouj* t 176 1 Our company was reduced by the abfen<:e of our guard, who had got the flart of us on the road by the. (haik's orders, fo that we could not mufter above ten camels, had we been in the way of danger. At five o'clock we palled by the ruins of a large village, which our guides tell us has long been abandoned, on account of robbers, who were continually plundering the pro- perty of ;the inhabitants. Here we were alfo deferted by the fliaik, who gave us notice of his intention to pufti on to the city, to prepare an houfe for our reception. He aflured us, that he could anfwer for our fafety on the road, and at Ghinnah, where he would introduce us under cover of the night, and pre- vioully provide for our embarkation. Whatever relu6lance we might have towards this ftep, it was impoffible to fruftrate it, and he put his camel on at fuch a trot, as made us lofe fight of him prefently. We were even worfe provided with cattle than before, and on ^ur endeavoring to mend their pace to keep up with the fliaik, we received remonftranees from the owner againft hurrying his camels. This fellow attended us, and was as furly a dog as I ever met with in my life. When he found that my companions and I paid little regai'd to his words, he had the impudence to make Abdul Ruffar, our Arab fer\'ant, and the poor Hindoo, alight, and trudge along on foot, under pretence that the beafts they rode, were overladen. When we were apprized of this circumftance, we rated the owner foundly for his uifolence. But he remained inflexible, and I know not to what a pitch our difference would have arifen, if Abdul Ruf- far had not wifely urged us to acquiefce in a thing, which he now pretended was a matter of choice. He had great merit for his prudent interference, at a time when we were about to for- get the reftraint we were under in this Mahometan region. And happy would it have been for the Fakeer, if he could have yielded to circumftances with equal temper. But his fpirit was 7 fo [ 177 ] fo wounded at the indignity which had been offered him, that he took the firft opportunity of remounting his camel, unob- ferved by the owner. We were at this junilure fome hundreds of yards ahead, and were not a Httle furprized to hear the moll lamentable outcries in our rear. Thefe proceeded from the un- fortunate Fakeer, whom we beheld under the difcipline of the Arab's flick, but urging his beaft forwards, without betraying the leaft defign towards quitting his feat. As we approached him, his confidence feemed to redouble, and he began to pour forth the vileft abufe on his antagonill in the Moor language. It was perhaps conducive to his fafety, that the Arab did not under- ftand him, who, at our inftance, not only defifted from the affault, but left him in quiet poffeffion of the camel. This fo elevated the fpirits of tlie Hindoo, that giving more credit to his own vo- ciferation than to our fupport, he defcanted largely on his own courage and rank in life, which he averred was formerly a Sube- dar, or commander of Sepoys in the Engliih fervice. As this man had hitherto kept a centinel on his lips, we did not regret the rude manner in which they had been put off their guard ; as the many ftories which now fell from them, ferved, in fome meafure, to banilh painful reflexions. But, indeed, the fcene v^hich now difclofed itfelf, quickly abforbed our attention. After a fix months confinement in a fliip, and in barren countries, it was not with- out an exquifite fatisfa6lion that I beheld the earth cloathed again in green, and adorned with her faireft ornaments of wood and water. The captive, who has long pined in a gloomy dungeon, could not experience more joyful emotions at the fight of day, than animated me on this occafion. I looked about me with fen- fations unknown before. I called to my camel-driver to gather every bloffom that the bullies afforded, which my imagination fupplied with fragrance ; and this part of the Nile, which would appear contemptible when "oppofed to the rudeft banks of the A a Thames, [ I7S ] Thames, was to mc fraught with numberlefs beauties. We now, for the fuft time on our journey, beheld the marks of agricul- ture. The people were in fome places tending their cattle, and in others following the plough. The river difcovered itfelf at va- rious breaches in the banks, about two miles to our left ; and we faw wells that were worked by * pacotahs, as in India. Water- channels now interfe^led the road, to fupply the country to the risrht of us, which here besran to be cultivated. At thefe channels our poor camels halted, and drank with the eagernefs and perfe- verance of creatures unaccuftomed to quench the heavieft call of nature, which I may fafely pronounce to be thirfl. I can truly fay, that, during the laft three days, I have not eat an ounce. Meat we had not, and I could never get down above a mouthful or two of bread. My companions were nearly in the fame fitua- tion ; which can only be attributed to our ftomachs having been overcharged with the quantities of water, which the heat andduft obliged us to fwallovv. Between the time of our feeing the ruined village and fun-fet, we counted not lefs than a dozen defolated towns, which we were given to underftand had been unpeopled on the fame account : fome large, and the houfes ftill {landing ; and others defended by walls and towers, whofe remains are ftill refpeftable. Were a traveller allowed to indulge a conje6lure on a curfory view of things, I fliould rather fufpe6l that thefe ruins were of far greater antiquity than the modern inhabitants of Egypt imagine; and that time, the grand deftroyer of all human fyftems, had depopulated thefe parts, and not the dread of the roving Arabs. When the • A,pacotah is a machine of a very fimple conftruftion. By the means of a long bamboo, fixed acrofs a maft, a fingle man will raife water from the depth of ten or twelve feet, by walking up and down the bamboo. During this leifure movement, the man above encourages himfelf with a fong, in which he is accompanied by his fellow, vho flays below, to diftribute the water as it comes up in the bucket. Saracens I ^79 ] Saracens over-ran Egypt, whole cities muft have yielded to the deftraflive tide ; and while the bloody conteft fubfifted between them and the Turks, the reft were involved in the general wreck of this country's grandeur. I particularly remarked the ruins of one town, fituated on two hills to the right of the road, and join- ed together by a wall which runs acrofs the valley. The front of this town ftili extends itfelf a mile, and its towers and hum- mums, which are of ftone, are many of them in tolerable repair. Our guides had, indeed, names for this, as well as fome of the reft of thefe places ; but being of Arab derivation, they could throw no light on the fubje6l of our enquiry. The night was very bright, from the countlefs hoft of ftars which are wont to lliine with unclouded luftre in this ferene he- milplieie, A full hour before we reached Ghinnah, we left our northern dire6lion, and travelled due weft. The many gardens and plantations that we pafted, announced our vicinity to the city, where we arrived at nine o'clock. At our entrance we went by a large mofque, which was illuminated, and full of people, who were attending divine fervice. We faw many good houfes and ftreets, before we reached the lodgings that had been provided for us. Here we were houfed at half paft nine, without having met with any adventure that could tend to a difcoveryof ourperfons. The manfion feems large and commodious, and belongs to the merchant whofe camels accompanied us the greateft part of the way. He welcomed us with great cordiality, and, having feen our baggage carried up ftairs, lighted us himfelf to our apartment, where fome new bread and frefh dates were ferved up to us. Dur- ing our repaft the merchant Mahomet, his brother Ally, and the Ihaik, attemled us, and on their wifhing us a good night, we remind- ed them of our anxiety to be gone. The laft ftage was fix hours, or fifteen miles, fo that we have come 130 miles fmcewe leftCofire,. though the dired diftance muft fall fomewhat ftiort of that A a 2 number. [ i8o ] number. While we were going to bed, we were thrown into fome confufion by Major Alexander mifllng his Indian fabre. The bag- gage was rummaged for it in vain ; fo that we were obliged to call up our hoft to lay the complaint before him. The major now re- membered having left it below ftairs, and, as it could not be found, the fufpicions of our hoft immediately fell upon the fol- dier, who had been fo long the objefl of our averfion. This fol- dier he now fallied forth at this late hour to feek j and bidding the major to be of good cheer, alTured him that the fword fliould be recovered, if ftill within the precin6ls of the city. FRIDAY, ift August. I awoke at day- break to-day after a very found repofe. One night's] reft had perfe6lly reftored me to myfelf, if I may ex- cept a languor upon my limbs, which fo laborious a journey might occafion to a conftitution that is none of the ftrongeft. "When I had got on my Arabian habit, I perceived a pair of ftairs that led to the top of the houfe. As I conceived myfelf to be fuf- ficiently difguifed, I made no fcruple to afcend them, in order to take a view of the city. Ghinnah, or Cana, as the antients called it, is pleafantly fituated on the eaftern banks of the Nile, in that