,0^^Mv,^^ 'W^ ^p^ >• j^^^»Ni ^ ^ I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE LOWER HALL OF THE BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY IN THE CUVSSKS OF M' of Josephine. [Cop. 1879.] 559-32 Historv of king Philip, chief of the Wampanoags. 1875. ■ 579-7 History of Louis XIV. [Cop. 1870.] 559-27 Hist'ir-y of Louis Philippe. 1871. 559-29 Mi--tiirN ol M.iJ.ime Roland. fCop. i8;o.J 559.34 History of Maria Antoinette. [Cop. 1849.] 559.30 Histor>' of Napoleon Bonaparte. [Cop. 1855.] 2 v. 601. 1 History of Napoleon III. Boston, 1869. 603.6 History- of the Civil war in America. 1863, 66. 2 v. 292.12 Same. 1865-67. 2 v. 292.15 Itaiv and the war for Italian independence, including a sketch of Pius IX. Boston, 1871. 915-0 Italy. [Cop. i860.] 917.10 Kings and queens. 1872. 1517.13 I nrii.nis. — Josephine iind Mari.i Lx>uisa. Ixiuis Philippe. I L-r' of Cough's life and work. In Cough's Platform echoes. 1121.7 Abd-ul-Med]ld, sultan of Turkey, 1822-1861. GI150N A. The czar and the sultan. 1854. 918.16 Abderahman I (Abou-Motrif-el-Safar), king of the house iif Omeya, 731-787. iRVlNi;, \V. Spanish papers and other miscellanies, vol. 1. 1815.5.1 Abdy, Edward S. Journal of a residence and tour in the United States, 1833, 34. London, 1835. 3 v. . 629.7 A Becket, Thomas. See Thomas a Becket. A Beckett, Gilbert Abbott. The comic history of Rome. London. Illus. 9569 Ab61ard. See Abailard. Abepcpomby, Sir Ralph, 1734-1801. .\liHKi,KoMliV. J., ist b.iron Dunfermline. A memoir. 1861. 577- 1 a Gl Kli: G. R. Lives of British military commanders, vol. 3. 388.3.3 l..il":i. I-:, Portraits, vol. 8. 815.1.8 Aberdeen, Earl of. See Gordon, G. H. Abernethy, John, 1764-1831. M.MIIWUN, G. Memoirs of .\berncthy. 1853. 588.8 Ri sM It. W. 1-li.cenlric personages. 1866. 5''9-'9 Ablngton, Frances, born Barton, I73i?-i8i5. Mai rili-.ws, B., and Huttun, L. Actors and actresses of Gr.-.ii Urilain and the United Stales, vol. i. 1540.65.1 Abode, The, of snow. Himalayas [in 1875]. Wilsim, A. 1695.11 Aborlg'lnes of America. See Indians of America. Abou '1 Hassan ibn Hallawl. See Jehuda Levi bfii S.imucl, cl Kastili. Abou-Motpif-el-Safar. See Abderahman I. About, LJinonJ Fraiigois Valentin. Greece and the (jreeks of the present day. N. Y., 1857. 918.15 The Roman question. Trans, by H. C. Coape. N. Y., 1859. 1098.26 Rome of to-day. N. Y., 1861. 665.10 PiCTRUCCELI.l DKLI.A GaTTINA, F. Rome and the papacy [etc.]. Commentaries on "The Roman question" of E. .\bouI. [1872.] 957-13 Abraham a Sancta Clara (Ulrich Megerle), 1642-1709. Hkdgk, F. H. Prose writers of Germany. 1852. 545.1 Abroad again. Guild, C. 1877. 1647.1 Ab-sa-ra-ka; or, Wyoming opened. Carrington, Margaret I. 1890. 248.13 Abyssinia. HAKF.K,Sir S. \V. The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. 1868. 1692.9 Brick, J. Travels and discoveries in Abvssinia [1768-73]. 640.5 GoBAT, S. Journal of three years' residence in Abyssinia [1830-36] . ' 697.7 lOHNSTON. C. Travels in southern Abyssinia. 1844. 697.1 Parkyns, M. Life in .Abyssinia. 1854. 697.6:697.5 Rl'ssKLL, M. Nubia and Abyssinia. [1833.] 810.61 Acadia. See Nova Scotia. Acadie, L' : or, seven years' explorations in British Americ.i. Alexander, Sir J. E. 1849. 626.8 Acamapitzin, 1st king of Mexico,— 1389. Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians. 1869.1.5 Achievements of youth. Steel, R. 1890. 1554.24 Ackland, Ladv Ciiristina Harriet Caroline. 1750- 1815. Ellet, Elizabeth F. The women of the American revolu- tion, vol. I. 538.13.1 Acland, Charles. A popular account of the man- ners and customs of India. New ed. London, 1 861. 889.2 Across Africa [1872-76]. Cameron, V. L. 2 v. 1699.18 Across America and Asia [1860-65]. Pumpellv, ,R. 1623:5 Across America ; or, the great West and the Pa- cific coast. [1866-67.] Rusling, J. F. 1649.1 Across Patagonia. Dixie, Lady Florence C. 1881. 1641.19 Across the Atlantic. Haeseler, C. H. [1868.] 1667.3 Across the border ; or, Pathan and Biloch. Oliver, E. E. 1890. 681.16 Across the continent [in 1865]. Bowles, S. 644.14 Acton, Thomas C, 1823-. BiNGAV, G. W. Traitsofrepresentative men. 1882. 1534.13 Acton Bell, pseud. See BrontS, Anne. Actors Adams AetoFS. Brown, T. A. History of the American stage, T733-1870. 1364.14 BYERLEY, T., and ROBERTSON, J. C. The Percy anecdotes. [Anecdotes of the stage.] 1822. 2009.1 Lewes, G. H. On actors and the art of acting. 1875. 1366.9; 1389.6 Ludlow, N. M. Dramatic hfe as I found it. 1880. 1360.1 MaRSTON, J. W. Our recent actors. 1888. 1540.67 Matthews, B.,and Hutton, L. Actors and actresses of Great Britain and the United States from the days of David Garricli. 5 v. [1886.] 1540.65 MURDOCK, [. E. Tlie stage; or, recollections from an ex- perience of lilty years. 1880. 1364.15 SIKES, Olive. The mimic world, and public exhibitions. 1871. 1562.4 Winslow, Catherine M. Yesterdays with actors. 1887. 1540.36 See also American actor series. Drama. English drama. Theatre. Names of actors. Actor's tour, An. Bandmann, D. E. 1885. 1697.20 Acts iif the anti-slavery apostles. Pillsbury, P. 1884. 290.2 Adalbert Heinrleh Wilhelm, prince of Prussia. Travels in the south of Europe and in Brazil. [1842.] With introd. by Baron von Humboldt. London, 1849. 2 V. Maps. 633.11 Adam, Ale.xander, LL.D., 1741-1809. Roman an- tiquities : or, an account of the manners and cus- toms of the Romans. 7th ed., with notes bv L. L. Da Ponte. N. Y., 1836. Illus. ' 954-7 Adam, Gripme Mercer. An outline history of Canadian literature. In Withrovv's Abridged his- tory of Canada. 1887. 265.7 Adams, Abigail, 1744-1818. Familiar letters of John and Abigail Adams during the Revolution. With a memoir of Mrs.. Adams, by C. F. Adams. N. Y., 1876. Portr. i539-i2 Letters. With memoir by C. F. Adams. 2d ed. Boston, 1840. 2 V. Portr. Fac-siinile. 1546.18 Ellet, Elizat>eth F. The women of the American revolu- tion, vol. 2. 538.13.2 Adams, Abigail, daughter of John Adams. See Smith, Abigail. Adams, Brooks. The emancipation of Massachu- setts. Boston, 1887. 240.2 Adams, Charles, D.D., 1808-. Life sketches of Macaulay. N. Y., 1880. Portr. 1538.4 Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886. Life of John Adams. Begun by J. Q. Adams. Completed by C.F.Adams. 1871. 2 v. 519.15 Carroll, H. Twelve Americans. 1883. 1534.16 Welles, G. Lincoln anti Seward. Remarks upon the me- morial address of C. F. Adams on Seward. IS36.7 Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-. A chapter of Erie. Boston, 1869. 238.20 Chapters of Erie, and other essays. By C. F. Adams, jr., and Henry Adams. Boston, 1871. 238.21 Contents. — A chapter of Erie, by C. F. Adams, jr. The New York gold conspiracy, by H. Adams. An Erie raid, by C. F. Adams, jr. Captaine John Smith, by H. .'Vdams. Tlie Bank of England restriction, by H. .■\dams. British finance in 1816, l)y H. Adams. The legal- tender act, by F. A. Walker and H. Adams. The railroad system, by C. F. .'\dams, jr. Adams, Charles Kendall. A manual of historical literature, with suggestions as to historical study. N. Y., 1882. 1403". I Adams, Francis Colburn. Siege of Washington, D. C, written for little people. N. Y. [Cop. 1867.] Illus. 288.9 Adams, George Burton. MediiBval civilization. N. Y., 1883. [History primers.] 920.9 Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832. The history of the Jews from the destruction of Jerusalem to the nine- teenth century. Boston, 1812. 2 V. 949-6 Memoir, by herself. Boston, 1832. Portr. 599.3 A view of religions. 2d ed. Boston. 1099.5 Wise, D. Some remarkable women. 1887. 1556.21 Adams, Henry, 1838-. Chapters of Erie, and other essays. By C. F. Adams, jr., and Henry Adams. Boston, 1871. 238.21 For contents, see Adams, C. F. History of the United States of America during the first and second administration of Jefferson. [1801- i8og.] N. Y., 1889, 90. 4 V. Maps. 240.9 John Randolph. Boston, 1883. [American states- men.] - 1533-5 Adams, Henry Gardiner. David Livingstone: the weaver boy who became a missionary. New ed. London, 1875. Portr. 1527.10 Same. The weaver boy who became a missionary. N. Y., 1868. 1527.11 Adams, John, 2d president of the U. S., 1735-1826. Works. Boston, 1850-56. 10 v. Portrs. 283.1 Contents. — i. Life, by C. F. .^dams. 2. Diary; Notes of debates in Congress, 1775 and 1776; Autobiography; Ap- pendix. 3. Autobiography, continued; Diary; Notes of a debate in the senate of the United States ; Essays; Appendix. 4. Novanglus, or a history of the dispute with America, from 1754; Works on government, 1776. 5. Government. 6. Gov- ernment ; Letters. 7-10. Correspondence. Familiar letters of John and Abigail Adams during the Revolution. With a meinoirof Mrs. Adams, by C. F. Adams. N. Y., 1876. Portr. 1539.12 Letters to his wife [1774-1801]. Ed. by C. F. Adams. Boston, 1841. 537-3 AliliO tt, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents. 1522.12 Adams, J. Q. The life of John Adams. 1871. 2 v. 519.15 Chamberlain, M. John Adams, the statesman of the American revolution. 1884. 1531.10 GlBBS, G. Memoirs of the administration of Washington and John Adams. 2 v. 285.5 Morse, J. T., jr. John Adams. 1885. i533-ii Stoddard, W. O. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 1887. 1558.3 Trescot, W. H. The diplomatic history of the adminis- tr.ations of Washington and Adams, 1789-1801. 297.5 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic. 1850. 513.13 Wood, J. The suppressed history of the administration of John Adams. 1846. . 309.7 Adams, John, a mutineer of the " Bounty." See Smith, Ale.xander. Adams, John Quincy, 6th president of the U. S. Life of John Adams. Begun by J. Q. Adams. Completed by C. F. Adams. Phila., 1871. 2 v. 519.15 Memoirs, comprising portions of his diary, 1795- 1848. Ed. by C. F. Adams. Phila., 1874-77. 12 v. Portrs. 1512.4 Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents. 1880. 1522.12 Morse, 'j. T., jr. John Quincy Adams. 1882. I533-I Qliinxv, J. Memoir of lohn Quincy Adams. 1858. 512.1 Seward, W. H. John Quincy Adams. [Eulogy, April 6, 1848.] In Seward's Works, vol. 3. 294-7-3 - Life and public services. 1849. 517-25 Stoddard, W.O. Madison, Monroe, and Adams. 1887. 1558.5 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic. 1850.513.13 Adams, Nehemiah. A south-side view of slavery. Boston, 1854. 127.21 A voyage around the world [1869-71]. Boston. [1871.] 708.24 Adams, Oscar Fay. A brief handbook of Ameri- can authors. Boston, 1884. 1403.20 A brief handbook of English authors. Boston, 1884. 1403.19 3 Adams Dear olJ slor>-tdlers. Boston. [1889.] Portrs. 1400.26 I oriirii!*. - Homer. The ArahUn night*, .tiop. Mother i^..vc-. iVrruull. The btoiher* Linnim. La Kont.iinc. Ldttouidve. Antlrrken. Ueloe. L» Motle Fouqu«. The •uthor ui " ("aul and Virginu." Adams. Roh , rn Africa, i860. 3 v. 088.18 N»! t . bcoutins lur Manley in luui Africa. [1890.] 1698.IS > Abminia. Ilurrur. Nilr. Nurtharn Africa. il of a tecond expcdilion inio the j6.] 61)3.8 1. 1. U. llic aJvcnIures of Gerard, the lion ► , 697-M a,.;... 1. Wiinderingi in North .\frica. [1852-53.] 697.3 OlitR. F. A. The Knockabout club In North Africa. [1890.] 653.13 Wernk. y. .Mtuan wanderings. 1B53. 409.39 See alvo .\li:itr<. Kjivpl. Morocco. Nubin. S;ili;im. Soudan. South AfVica. 1 sDf.K, Sir J. E. An CKpedilion of discovery inio the ,.( Africa. 1838. 3 v. 688.4 .^ . . ■ I r r,. .\gami ; or, explorations in South » ;■) 693.2; 697.4 h . aive of a visit to the M.iuritius and Soulli .\Mc.i. IiSji 41.) 692.13 liALIiwIN, W.C. African hunting from Natal 10 the Zambesi, 1853-60. 684.15 Broom K, Marv .•\.,l.idy. Life in South Africa [1875-76]. 1693.14 -Same. A year's hoiisckccpinR in South .\frica. 1699.19 CaMI'BEI.I, '|. Travfls in Soulli Africa. [1812-14.] 692.12 CarkY-Hobson. Mrs. M. A. The farm in the Karoo. 1883 1696.13 Casalis. E. The Basutos ; or, twenty-three years in South Africa. 1861. 673.10 CL'MMISi;. R. G. Five years of a hunter's life in the far in- terior of South .Africa. [1843-48.] 2 V. 69713 Fkoi 1)K, J. .v. leaves from a South African journal. In his Short studies on great subjects^ vol. 3. 1815.15.3 Kknnedy, U., jr. Kennedy at the Cape. 1819. 1695.21 Llvlsr.sToNE, D. Cambridge lectures. 1858. 894.4 - Livingstone's travels and researches in South Africa. [1840-56.] 1694.12 - Missionary travels and researches in South Africa. [1840- 56.1 691.1 - A narrative of [his] discoveries in South-Central Africa, 1849-56. 1699.10 - A popular account of missionary' travels and researches in South .Africa. 1861. 1694.2 LfCAS, T. J. Tlic Zulus and the British frontiers. 1879. 980.17 ,\Iartin, Anne. Home life on an ostrich farm. 1891. 1698.16 NaIMKR, E. H. D. E, Excursions in Southern .Africa. 1849. 2 V. 692.15 Taylor, B. Travels in South Afi-ica. [1817-71.] 699.25 TROt.t.orE, A. South Africa. 1878. 1699.20 \V(LI.1A.MS, C. Narratives and adventures of travellers in Africa. 1694.4 Sec also Cape Colony. Cape of Good Hope. Karroo. Natal. Western AfWca. Carnjis, J. A. A voyage from Boston to the west coast of Africa. 1852. ' 698.16 Crouch, A. P. On a surf-bound coast; or, cable-laying in the African tropics. 1887. 1698.8 Dlt CttAlLl.L'. P. B. Lost in the jungle. [1870.] 1699.12 - My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara. [1871.] 1699.13 - Stories of the gorilla country. 1868. 1699.8 - Wild life under the equator. 1869. 1699.6 Hutchinson, T. J. Narrative of the Niger, Tshadda & Binuc' exploration. 1855. No. 2 in 1655.9 Laino, A. G. Travels in Western Africa. [1822.] 692.4 Thomas. C. W. Adventures and observations on the west coast of Africa and its islands. [1855-57] 697.20 Thomi^ON, G. Thompson in Africa; an account of mis- sionary labors, at the Mendi mission. [1848-50.] 2095 6 WlLiON, J. L. Western Africa. I856. 938.1 After icebergs with a painter. Noble, L. L. [■859-] 634.5 After school series. Namely : — Wilkinson, W. C. Classic French course in English. 1883. 583 '7 - College Greek course in English. 1888. 383.13 -College Latin course in English. 1886. 383.16 - I>reparatory Greek course in English. 1885. 383'2 - iVeparatory Latin course in English. 1885. 383.11 After shipwrecU. Owen, Jane A. [1889?] 1630.21 After the storm; or, Jmiathan anj his neighbors in i.V)S 6. Skinner, .J. E. H. 2 v. 1636.19 Afterglow, Tlie, of European travel. Harrington, A. L. [i»82.] 1665.22 Agrapida, Fr.ty Antonio, pseud. See Irving, Wash- ington. Agasslz, Elizabeth Gary. Louis Agassiz : his life .inj correspondence. Boston, 1885. 2 v. 1530.18 Agassiz, Louis Jean Rodolphe. A journey in Brazil. B\- Professor and Mrs. Louis Agassiz. [1865-66.] Boston, 1868. Illus. 1623. 1 Lake Superior; with a narrative of the tour by J. E. Cabot. [1848.] Boston, 1850. Illus. 624.1 AOASSIZ, I-Jizabeth C. Louis Agassiz. 1885. 2 v. 1530.18 liOl.TON, Sarah K. Famous men of science. 1889. 140.69 Wllll'i'LE, li. P. Character and characteristic men. 823 18 - Recollections of eminent men. 1887. 1542.47 WRKJiir, Henrietta C. Children's stories of the great sci- entists. 1888. 140.60 Age of Anne. Morris, Edward E. [1876.] 1985.6 Age of Louis XIV. Martin, B. L. H. 1865. 2 v. 933-2.13.14 Agnolo da Siena, -1348? V.\s.\Ki, (1. l.ivis of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vol. 1. 848.6.1 Agostino da Siena, -1350? VaSARI, G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects. vol. I. 848.6.1 Agricola, Cnaus Julius. 1. Mills. Works. Vol. 2. 834.17.2; 872. II. 2 Agrippina II, mother of Nero, A.D. i5?-59. Sliii;i.i: m>: \'i:rf., M. The great empress. 1870. 1517.11 Agueeheelc, pseud. See Fairbanks, C. B. Aguesseau, Henri Franfois d', 1668-1751. lilO(;R.\PinES of eminent men, vol. 3. 839.6.3 I,i-,i;.\kfe. H. S. Writings, vol. 2. 1846. 872.3.2 Aguilap, Grace, 1816-1847. The women of Israel. N. Y., 1871. 2 v. 766.12 Ah-Chin, Le, pseud. See Swazey, John B. Aikin, John, M.D., 1747-1822. .\IK1N, Lucy. Memoir. 1824. 575.6 Aikin, Lucy, 1 781-1864. Correspondence of Wil- liam Ellery Ch.inning and Lucy Aikin, 1826-1842. Ed. by Anna L. LeBreton. Boston, 1874. 1536.10 Life of Addison. Pliila., 1846. 584.2 Memoir of Anna Littitia Barbauld. In Mrs. Bar- bauld's Works. 1826. 888.5 Memoir of John Aikin. With a selection of his pieces. Phila., 1824. 575-6 Memoirs of the court of Elizabeth. 6tli ed. Lon- don, 1826. 2 V. 554-3 Memoirs of the court of James the first. 3d ed. London, 1823. 2 v. Portrs. 552.8 Aikman, James. Life of archbishop Leighton. In Leighton's Works. 1852. 1083.6 Ainger, Alfred. Charles Lamb. N. Y., 1882. [Englisli men of letters.] i544-5o Ainslie, Hew. A pilgrimage to the land of Burns. [Anon.] Deptfort, 1822. illus. 645.6 Ainslie, Philip Barrington. Reminiscences of a Scottish gentleman, commencing in 1787. By Philo Scotus [pseud.]. London, 1861. 644.2 Ainsworth, William Francis. Researches in Assyria, Babylonia and Chalda?a. London, 1838. Maps. 946.5 Ainsworth Alexander Travels and researches in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, and Armenia. London, 1842. 2 v. 688.5 Travels in tine track of the ten thousand Greeks ; account of the expedition of Cyrus, as related by Xenophon. London, 1844. Map. 687.12 Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805-1882. HORNE, R. H. A new spirit of the age. 1844. 878.23 AlFd, Thomas. Memoir [of D. M. Moir]. Portr. In Moir's Poetical works, vol. i. 1852. 327.7 Airy, Osmund. The English restoration and Louis XIV, from the peace of Westphalia to the peace of Nimwegen. N. Y., 1889. Maps. [Epochs of modern history.] 1996.2 Akenside, Mark, M.D., 1721-1770. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets, vol. 2. 398.2.2 BUCKE, C. On the life, writings, and genius of Akenside. 586.16 DyCE, A. Life. In Akenside's Poetical works. 3I9-I Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. 582. II. 3; 586.20; 586.22.3; 589.26.2 TUCKERMAN, H. T. Characteristics of literature, ser. i. 548-S-i ALASKA. Aldrich, H. L. Arctic -Alaska and Siberia, or, eight months with the Arctic whalemen. 1890. 1630.23 Ballou, M. M. The new Eldorado: a summer journey to Alaska. 1890. 1635-38 - Same. Tourist's ed. 1891. 1636.24 Dall, W. H. Alaska and its resources [1866-67]. 1636.21 Ellio'IT, H. W. Our Arctic province : Alaska and the Seal islands. 1866. 631.7 Jackson, S. .Alaska, and missions of the North Pacific coast. [1880.] 1637.16 SciIWATIvA, F. Along Alaska's great river. [1885.] 1640.4 SciDMORE, Eliza R. .Maska : its southern coast, and the Sitkan archipelago. [1885.] 1630.10 Whymper. F. Travel and adventure in Alaska. 1869. 1636.14 Wright, Julia M. Among the Alaskans. [1883.] 1633.22 Alba, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, duque de. James, G. P. R. Memoirs of great commanders. 557-6 Albany, Louise Maximiliane Caroline Emanuel, countess of, 1752-1824. Paget, Violet. "The Countess of Albany. 1884. 1532.19 Albee, John. New Castle [N. H.]. Boston, 1844. 229.24 Albemarle, Duke of. See Monk, George. Alberoni, Giulio, 1664-1752. James, G. 1'. R. Lives of foreign statesmen, vol. 4. 388.7.4 Albert Edward, prince of Wales, 1841-. CORNVVALLIS, K. Royalty in the new world ; or, the prince of Wales in America, i860. 638.15 McCarthy, J. Modem leaders. 1872. 1512.3 RUSSELL, W. H. The prince of Wales' tour; a diary in India. 1877. 1653-3 Albert (Francis Albert Augustus Charles Eman- uel), prince consort, 1819-1861. Principal speeches and addresses, with outlines of his character. Leip- zig, 1866. Portr. 1839.2 Clari-ce, F. L. The childhood of the Prince consort. [1883.] 1534-24 Grey, Hon. C. The early years of the Prince consort. 1867. 1556.1 Martin, Sir T. Life. 1875-80. 5 v. iS35-iS Reviewed by Gladstone in his Gleanings of past years. [1548.16.1] Albert!, Leon Batista, 1404-14V2. Vasari, G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vol. 2. 848.6.2 Albertinelli, Mariotto, 1474-1515. Bax'IEK, Lucy E. Era Bartolommeo [and Mariotto Alber- tinelli, and Andrea d'Agnolo]. 1881. '543-73 Vasari, G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vol. 2. 848.6.2 Albigenses. Points of history. 1108.17 Simonde de Sismondi, T. C. L. History of the crusades against the Albigenses. 1843. 949-5 Alboni, Marietta, 1823-. Ferris, G. T. Great singers, vol. 2. i88i. 1549.42.2 Albret, Jeanne d'. See Jeanne d'Albret. Aleeste, ship. MLeod, J. Narrative of a voyage in His Majesty's ship Aleeste, to" the Yellow sea [etc., 1816-17]. 696.11 Aleibiades, 450? -404 b. c. Goodrich, S. G. Famous inen of ancient times. 549-39 i 1539-10 Plutarchus. The boys' and girls' Plutarch. S32.13 - Greek higtory, in a series of lives from Plutarch. 946.10 - Lives, vol. 2. S41.10.2 Aleobapa, Monastery of, Portugal. Beckford, W. An excursion to the monasteries of Alco- ba9a and Batalha [in 1784J. In his Italy, Spain, and Por- tugal. 675.18 Alcock, Sir Rutherford. -The capital of the Ty- coon : three years' residence in Japan [1859-62]. N. Y., 1863. 2 V. lllus. 698.28 Aleott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888. Concord days. Boston, 1872. 909.23 Ralph Waldo Emerson. An estimate, in prose and verse. Boston, 1882. lllus. I547.i6 Aleott, Louisa May, 1832-1888. Hospital sketches. [American civil war.] Boston, 1863. 307.10 Same. And Camp and fireside stories. Boston, 1886. 729. II Louisa May Aleott : her life, letters, and journals. Ed. by Ednah D. Cheney. Boston, 1889. Portrs. Fac-similes. 1554.21 Bolton, Sarah K. Lives of girls who became famous. 1538.29 Cheney, Ednah D. Louisa May Aleott. 534-21 Aleott, William Alexander. Forty years in the wilderness of pills and powders. [Anon.] Boston, 1859. Portr. 536.10 Alden, Isabella McDonald. Bolton, Sarah K. Successful women. [1888] 1554.16 Aldrich, Herbert L. Arctic Alaska and Siberia ; or, eight months with the Arctic whalemen. Chi- cago, 1889. lllus. 1630.23 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. From Ponkapog to Pesth. Boston, 1883. 1657.16 Bolton, Sarah K. Famous American authors. 1557.21 Rideing, W. H. The boyhood of living authors. 1557.25 Aldridge, Reginald. Life on a ranch. Ranch notes in Kansas, Colorado, the Indian Territory, and northern Texas. N. Y., 1884. lllus. 1631.15 Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 1 522-1605. |.-\R1JINE, Sir W. Memoir. In his Naturalist's library, vol. 17. 179-1-17 Aleck, and the mutineers of the Bounty ; or, thrill- ing incidents of life on the ocean. Being the his- tory of Pitcairn's island. New ed. Boston, 1855. lllus. 2089.3 Alembert, Jean le Rond d', 1717-1783. Biographies of eminent men, vol. 3. 839.6.3 Alexander, of Abonotichos. Froude, ]. A. A Cagliostro of the second century. In his Short studies on great subjects, vol. 4. 181515. 4 Alexander the Great, 356-323 B. C. Abbott, J. History of Alexander. No. 2 in 550.3 ; 549. i Dodge, T. A. Great captains. 1889. 530-44 Freeman, E. A. Historical essays, vol. 2. 1826.4.2 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. 549-391 1539-10 Herbert, H. W. The captains of the old world. 948.8 Mahaffy, J. P. The story of Alexander's empire. 940.34 Plutarchus. The boys' and girls' Plutarch. 532-13 - Greek history in a series of lives from Plutarch. 946.10 - Lives, vol. 4. 541-10.4 Schlegel, C- W. F- von- Cfesar and Alexander, 1796. In his Lectures on modern history. 848.1 Sterling, J. Essays and tales, vol. i. 1848. 886.1. i WILLIAMS, J. Life and actions. 1829. 399-12 Alexander Alleghany Alexander I. of Russia, 1777-1825. 1» ■ ' it-t 0/ Alexandrr, and Ihr nrsi .l.lv^ ot N 547- >6 Ale.-...;.-.. III. '. SM>tl:inJ, Ii4i-ii8s. l%ii>K i'.K. 1 jM ■^ •! >.iiiinti wonhicj. vol. I. 599.9.1 Alexander. \',hih.ilJ. BioKr.ipliical skeKhes of thclon! Ill) Tcniiciit J, and priiKipal alumni of thf 1 . Princeton, N. J.. i84<;. io8»).8 Alexander, 1 i.iiuesca. Christ's folk in the Apeii- ninc. Iorii Burr, i78)-i8ij. Pakio.n. |. K.iriKHi> Amcncans of rcceni limrt. l5»a-7 Altavona; l.ut and tktion from my life in the HiKlil.iiiJs. BLickie. J. S. 1SS2. 1656.21 Alton, tJwarJ. Among the law-makers [at Wash- ington]. N. Y., 18S0. Illus. 220.38 Alva. Duke of. See Alha. Amari, Mithele. Historv of the war of the Sicilian \ espcrs. bJ. by the earl of Ellesmere. London, iSso. i V. Q15.6 Amaru, Tupac. See Tupac-Amaru. Amazon river. Ei>WAki>^. \V. H. A voyace up Ihc .Amnion [in 1846]. 635.15; 889.15 Orton, J. The Andes and Ihc Amazon [In 1867]. 16378 United STATKS. Sa\y department. Exploration of tlic valley of the .Amaton, made by V\'. L. Hcmdon and L. Gibbon, a v. 1853. 54. 62J.1 Tlie ni.ip» 10 accomp.tny this report are on 6aa.2. War KIN, J. E. I'.ira; or. scenes and adventures on the tMnks of the .\maxon. 1851. 636.30 Ambler, Is.iac VV. ' Truth is stranger than fiction.' The llle of Sergeant I. W. Ambler. Boston. [1873.] Illus. 1531.3 Ambolse, George d', cardinal, 1460-1 510. Ckow 1, 1:. E. Lives of foreign statesmen, vol. i. 388.7.1 Amboyna, Massacre of. EwAl.li, A. C. Stories from the state p.-ipers. 1882. 980.41 Ambrose, St., bishop of Milan, 340-397. CALDWtLL, S. L. Cities of our faith. 1890. 1081.17 WlLso.N. W. The popular preachers of the ancient church. AMERICA. ''^''"^ Books under this hcidinj; nlaic princlpallv to the early discov- eries on this continent, and lo .itumpis at coloniz.illon previ- ous to the seventeenth century; those dealing with colonial history will be found under .American colonies ; and those trcalinR of the revolutionary period as well as of later times under United States. The words .America and Americans are very generally used when the United .States and its inhabitant's are In 'reality meant. Many works, therefore, apparently on America, will be found under the heading United States. Ab1)i>|-|, J. S. C. The adventures of La Salle and his com- panions. 1875. 1527.13 Andekso.n, R. B. America not discovered by Columbus The discovery by the .Norsemen in the tenth cefitury. 1877! Baldwin, J, U. Ancient America, in notes on American archx-ology. [.1871.] 211. 14 Ba.xley, H. \\ . What I saw on the west coast of South and .North .Amenta and at the Hawaiian islands. 1860-62. Bell, Nancy. Heroes of American discovery. [1885!] ^ BEI.I.OV, A., marquis de. Christopher Columbus and°the discovery of the new world. 1889. -42 22 puNSTER, H. P. The discoveries of Columbus and of the English in America. [1492-1750.] 269.2 Everett, A. H. America : or a general surv'ey of tlie political situation of the several powers of the Western con- tinciil. 1827. C^DRicil, S. G. Lighu and shadows of American history. GORDON T. F The history of America. Contain'in^the history of the Spanish discoveries prior to 1520. 2 v. Irq q HELPS, Sir A. The Spanish conquest in America, vol. 1-3. HIGCINSON, T. W. A book of American explorers [^85- - Travellers and out-laws. 1889. '220 24 Holmes. A. The annals of America, 1492-1826 2 v noj o HOWITT, Mary. Vignettes of American history. [1876.] JONES, G. (Count lohannes). The history of andim America [to B. c. 332^ ; proving the identity of iheaborigines with the Tynans and Israelites. The Tynan Era 18411 f-1, KiN.isroN, W. H. G. The Western Ur\d 187^ \?3^ll 10 KOHL, J. G. A popular history of the discovery of America [983-1850]. a V. 308.^ L<>Ni:. Cj. The geography of .America and the West Indies. '*•»'• 365.3 Mortimer, F. L. Far off. Hirt a: .Africa and Amfric.^ clescnbed. 1856. 939.10.3 .Ml KRAV. H. Historical account of discoveries and travels In .Nonh .America. 1839. a v. 625.14 PkIiE. Sit R. L. The two Americas; an account of sport and travel [1874-75]. 1641.11 RoiiKRITiON, W. T he historv of the di5cover\' and conquest Po');;"v^"v f'3^f-';'52)- , -Miridged. ■ 830.S ; 943.4., KOiii.Ns, t,. laics Irom .American historv. 1833. 3 v. 1859.7 RoiilNSON, C. .An account of discoveries in the West until 1519. and of voyages to and along the .Atlantic coast of North .America, from 1520 to 1573. 625.1 SMIllI, J. T. The discovery of .America by the .Nonhmcn In the tenth century. 1842. 309.6 Trimbi'I.I., II. filslory of the discovery of America, ol the landing of our forefathers, at Plymouth, and of their engage- ments with the Indians [etc.], 1620-1669. '810. 245.7 W RIGHT, H. C. Children s stories in American history. '885. 210.44 ^<|^.:E, Charlotte M., and W|;LI), H. H. Aunt Charlottes stories of .American history [968-1865]. 210.30 See also Columbus. Explorations and discoveries. In- dians of America. .Northmen In .America. British America. .ALEXANDER, Sir J. E. L'Acadie ; or seven years' explora- tions in British .America. 1849. 2V. 6268 Harnebv, W. H. Life and labour in the far, far West : tour in British Columbia, Manitoba, and the Nonh-west ter- ritory [in 1883]. ,630.2 Keating, W. H. .Narrative of an expedition lo the source of St. Peter's river. Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods &c., in 1823. 2V. 624.11 MlRRAY, H. An historical and descriptive account of British .America. 1848. 2 v. 820.8 SlMI'SON, T. Narrative of the discoveries on the north coast of America; by the officers of the Hudson's bay com- pany, 1836-39. 625.2 Central America. ClIAKNAV, D. The ancient ciiles of the New worid : voy- ages and explorations in Mexico and Central America 1857-1882. 631.21 Crowe, K. The Gospel in Central America. 1850. 1087.4 l-ROEBEL, J. Seven years' travel in Central America [etcl . [1850-55.] 622.4 Lang, J. M. .Ancient religions of Central America. In Faiths of the world. 1882. 2100.5 Mokelet, .a. Travels In Central America. 1871. 634.22 Sanborn, Helen J. A winter in Central America and Mexico. 1886. 1634.31 Squier, E. G. Notes on Central -America. 1855. 263.1 Tkollope, a. The West Indies and the Spanish main. i860. 1649.13 Vincent,?. In and out of Central .America. 1890. 1635.39 Wells, W. v. Explorations and adventures in Honduras, and histor)' and resources of Central .America. 1857. 621.2 South America. BiSHor, N. H. The Pampas and .Andes. A thousand miles' walk across South .America. [1854-55.] 1637.5 Brackenridge, H. M. Voyage to South .America, 1817- 18, in the frigate Congress. 2 v. 633.19 CHA.\ti'NEV, Lizzie W. Three Vassar girU in South Amer- ica. 1885. 662.11 Dahlgrkn, Madeleine V. South sea sketches. A narra- tive [of a residence In South .America in 1867]. 660.19 GoiTSCHALK, L. M. Notes of a pianist, during profes- sional tours in the United States and South America. 1881. 1633,9 Hi ELD. Mary. Glimpses of South .America. 1882. 660.25 HINCHLIFF,!". W. South American sketches. 1863. 673.8 Humboldt, F. H. ,A.. Frelherr von. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America, 1799-1804. 3 "■ , 816.13 - Researches, concerning the institutions and monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America, with descriptions of scenes in Ihe Cordilleras. 1814. 2 v. 256 2 Hutchinson, T. J. The Parani; with incidents of the Paraguayan war, and South Amiirican recollections, 1861- 1868. 1623.3 Kno.k. T. W. The boy travellers in South America. 1886. 1630.14 America American Mackenzie, R. South America. In his America. 1882. 210.10 Myers, H. M., and Myers, P. V. N. Life and nature under the tropics. [1867-69.] 637.29 ORTON, J. The Andes and the Amazon [in 1867]. 1637.8 Ramsey, Mrs. V. G. Evenings with the children ; or, travels in South America. 1871. 1495.14 RUSCHENBERGER, W. S. W. Three years in the Pacific; including notices of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia and Peru. 1834. 633.22 Vincent, F. Around and about South America [1885- 1887]. 632.17 WaTERTON, C. Wanderings in South America [etc.] , in 1812, 1816, 1820 and 1824. 633.16; 1648.14 Spanish America. Curtis, W. E. The capitals of Spanish America. 1888. 631.24 Hassaurek, F. Four years among Spanish Americans [1861-65]. 1637.2; 1637.20 Humboldt, F. H. A., Freiherr von. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America. 1799-1804. 3 V. 816.13 Amepiea, yacht. Coffin, R. F. The America's cup ; how it was won in 1851 and has been since defended. 1885. 1186.11 America and American methodism. Jobson, F. J. [1857.] 625.22 America and France. The influence of the United States on France in the XVIIIth century. Rosenthal, L. 1882. 210.16 America and the American people. Raumer, F. L. G. von. 1846. 297.1 Amepiea and the Americans. Baxter, W. E. 1855. 629.30 America and the Americans. Murat, N. A. 1849. , 297.20 America before Europe. Gasparin, A. E., comte de. 1862. 634.9 America revisited. Sala, G. A. H. [1880.] 631. i American, An, pseud. See Bruen, Rev. Matthias. Cal-vert, George Henry. Cooper, James Feni- more. Palmer, John Williamson. Wright, Hart- ley Hezekiah. American actor series. Namely : — Barrett, L. Edwin Forrest. 1881. 550.16 Clarke, Asia. The elder and the younger Booth. 1882. 550-14 Clement, Clara E. Charlotte Cushman. 1882. 550-12 Field, M. Kate. Charles .Albert Fechter. 1882. 550.15 IRELAND, 1. N. Mrs. Duff. 1882. 550-13 Winter, W. The Jeffersons. 1881. 55o.lI American biography. Belknap, J. 1842-51. 3 V. 820.58 Devoted mainly to the early discoverers and navigators. American church. The, and the American union. Caswall, H. 1861. 1116.3 American citizen. The: his rights and duties. Hopkins, J. H. 1857. 134.17 American citizen's manual. Ford, W. C. 1882, 83. 2 V. 210.20 American civil war. See United States. History. Civil war, 1861-65. AMERICAN COLONIES. BaNVARD, J. Pioneers of the New world and the old French war. [1881.] 218.8 Charters of the old English colonies in America. 1850. 305-3 Coffin, C. C. Old times in the colonies. [1880.] 212.9 DOYLE, J..A. English colonies in America. 1882,87. 3 V. 211.9 Graham, J. The history of the United States from the plantation of the British colonies till their assumption of national independence. 1850. 2 v. 304-3 Johnson, E. R. A history of the French war, ending in the conquest of Canada [1689-1763]. 210.18 Kip, W. I. The early Jesuit missions in North America. 1846. 1088.12 Lodge, H. C. A short history of the English colonies in America. 1881. 212.10 Moncrieff, R. H. The heroes of young America. 1877. 1648.10 Parkman, F., jr. France and England in North America. 7 V. 306.1 Sanford, E. a history of the United States before the Rev- olution. 1819. 305.1 SCHELE DE Vere, M. The romance of American history. Early annals. 1872. 228,21 Thwaites, R. G. The colonies. 1492-1750. 1891. 220.60 See also Braddock's defeat. Canada. Indians of America. American commonwealth, The. Bryce, J. 1888. 3 V. 213.4 Same. 1889. 2 v. 213.6 American commonwealths. Namely : — Barrows, W. Oregon. 18S4. 230.6 Browne, W. H. Maryland." 1884. 230.7 Carr, L. Missouri. 1888. 230.14 Cooke, J. E. Virginia. 1883. 230-5 COOLEY, T. M. Michigan. 1885. 230.9 Dunn, J. P., jr. Indiana. 1888. 230.15 Johnston, A. Connecticut. 1887. 230.13 King, R. Ohio. i838. 230.16 Roberts, E. H. New York. 1887. 2 v. 230.12 ROYCE, J. California, from 1846 to [1856]. 230.11 Shaler, N. S. Kentucky. 1885. 230.8 Spring, L. W. Kansas. 1885. 230.10 American criminal trials. Chandler, P. W. 1844. 2 V. 297.17 American crisis. The. Peyton, J. L. 1867. 2 v. 276.15 American e.xplorations in the ice zones. Nourse, J. E. [1884.] 1705.19 American factories and their female operatives. Scoresby, W. 1845. 196.21 American family, An, in Germany. Browne, J. R. 1871. 1665. 1 American family. An, in Paris. Ticknor, AnnaE. 1869. 1669.2 American four-in-hand. An, in Britain. Carnegie, A. 1884. 1651.6 American girl. An, abroad. Trafton, Adeline. 1872. 645.24 American hero-myths. Brinton, D. G. 1882. 2100. u American humorists. Haweis, H. R. [1883.] 1899.12 American, The, in England. iVlackenzie, A. S. 1835. 2v. 658.15 American, An, in Iceland. Kneeland, S. 1876. 1678.15 American liberty and government questioned. Ryle, T. 1855. I34-I5 American literature. See United States. Litera- ture. American literature and other papers. Whipple, E. P. 1887. 381.5 American medical biography. Thacher, J. 1828. 523.11 American medical biography. Williams, S. W. 1845. 523-12 American men of letters. Namely : — Beers, H. A. N. P. Willis. 18S5. 1514-28 Frothingham, O. B. George Ripley. 1882. 1514-23 Higginson, T. W. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 1884. 1514.25 HOLMES, O. W. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1885. 1514.26 Lounsburv, T. R. James Fenimore Cooper. 1883. 1514.24 MacMaster, J. B. Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters. 1887. 151429 Sanborn, F. B. Henry D. Thoreau. 1882. 1514.22 SCUDDER, H. E. Noah Webster 1882. 1514.20 Warner, C. D. Washington Irving. 1882. 1514-21 Woodberry, G. E. Edgar Allan Poe. 1885. 1514-27 American notes. [Travels in 1842.] Dickens, C. 1629.2 ; 1629.3 ; 1629.4; 1629.5 ; 1641.7 11 American Andersen American notes. Change for the American notes (lit l)kUcnsJ. By nn American laJy. 184). 1655.27 American orators and oratory-. Whitman, G. M. UVS4. 891.12 American party. WiCiM \ I. K. A defence of the Amerie.in policy, us iclimrnis of foreiKH influence and .lice of the papacy. [1856.] 388.5 Americiiii ;■ itri.'tism : speeches, letters, and other p.i|> 555-49 American religious leaders. Namely : — Al Ll s. A. \-. G. Jonathan Edwards. 1889. i553'lo NtwiiiN. W. \V. Dr. Muhlenberg. 1890. IS53-" American Revolution. See United States, His- tory : Ri-\()lution. American state, The, and American statesmen. Dix, W. G. 1876. 248.6 American statesmen. Namely : — AUAMS, H. John Randolph. 1883. '533-5 Gay. S. H. James Madison. 1884. tS33to Oilman, D. C. James Monroe. 1883. 1533-6 H1M.ST. H. E. von. John C. Calhoun.' 1882. 1533-3 HOSMKK. J. K. Samuel .Adams, 1885. •533>3 Loix.K. H. C. Alexander Hamilton. 1882. '533-2 - Daniel Webster. 1883. 1533-8 - George \\-ashinglon. 1889. 2 v. '533- '9 McLaughlin, .A. C. Lewis Cass. 189'. 153322 Maoruoer, A. B. John .Marshall. 1885. '533-12 Morse, J. T., jr. Benjamin Franklin. 1889. 1533.20 -John Adams, 1885 1533.11 - John Quincy Adams. 1882. '533-' - Thomas Jcrtcrson. 1883. '533-7 Pellew, W. G. John Jav. 1890. 1533 21 Roosevelt, T. Thomas H. Benton. 1887. 153314 SCHURZ, C. Henry Clav. 1887. 2 v. '533-15 SHEPARD, E. M. Martin Van Buren. 1888. '533-18 Stevens, |. A. Albert Gallatin 1884. '533-9 Sumner, W. G. Andrew |ackson. 1882. '533-4 - Gouverncur Morris 1888. i533-'7 Tyler. M. C. Patrick Henry. 1887. '533-16 American woman, An, in Europe. Urbino, Laviiija B. 1869. 1667.7 American's guide. The. Phila. 299.7 Contents. — The declaration of independence. The articles of confederation. The constitution of the United Slates. The constitutions of the several stales. Americans in Japan. Tomes, R. 1857. 708.5 Ames, Hisher, 1758-1808. Works. Ed. by Seth Ames. Boston, 1854. 2 v. Portr. 524.85872.4 Reviewed by George Lunt in his Three eras of New England [888.7]. Ames, Mary Clemmer. See Clemmer, Mary. Amherst, Jeffrey, ist baron Amherst, 1717-1797. Lodi;e, E. Portraits, vol. 8. 815. 1.8 Amiel, Henri Frederic. Amiel's journal. Trans. by Mrs. Humphrey Ward. London, 1885. 1540.34 Arnold, M. Essays in criticism, 2d series. 1888. i897.:4.2 LEir.iiroN, Caroline C. A Swiss Thoreau. 1890. 1557.29 Amman, Daniel, 1820-. The Atlantic coast. N. Y., 1883. Maps. [The navy in the civil war. 2.] 220.21 The old navy and the new. With personal letters from General Grant. Phila., 1891. Portrs. Amon^ the Arabs. Adventures in Algeria. Naph- egvi, li. 1861J. 1675.9 Among the Arabs : ad\ entures in the desert, and sketches of life and character. London, 1875. lllus. 1699.15 Among the holy hills [Palestine]. Field, H. M. 18S4. 1697- 17 Among the law-makers [at Washington]. Alton, H. 1886. 220.38 Among the pines: or. South in secession-time. ( iilniore. J. R. 1862. 298.15 Among the sons of Han. Notes of a residence in Chiii.i .ind Formosa [1874-80]. Hughes, Mrs. 1". F. 1694.21 Amoor river. Collins, P. M. Overland explorations in the great Amoor river country [1856-57]. 683.10 - A voyage down the Amoor ['856-57]. 677.33 Same as Ihe preceding work. RAVENsniN, E. G. The Russians on Ihe Amur. 1861.924.6 Amory, Thomas, 1691 ?-i788. Hah.i-.v, J. B. Modern Methusclahs. 1888. 562.8 Amos, Sheldon. Fifty years of the English consti- tution. 1830-80. Boston, 1880. 980.31 Ampere, Andrt: Marie. Jamis, 11., jr. Kreneh poets and novelists. 1878. 383.8 Ampere, Jean Jacques Antoine, 1800-1864. llAMl KION, P. G. Modern Frenchmen. 1878. '544-'3 Jami s, H., jr. French poets and novelists. 1878. 383.8 Anabasis. See Xenophon. Anam. China : with some account of Ava and the Burmese, Siam, and Anam. 1853. 825.8 See also Tonquin. Ancient and honorable artillery company. Whitman, Z. G. The history of the Ancient and honorable artillery company. 1842. 294.6 Ancient cities and empires. Gillett, E. H. [1867.J 1958.9 Ancient cities of the New world. Charnay, D. 1SS7. 631.21 Ancient city. The. Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. US74- 1957-4 Ancient classics for English readers. Namely: — Collins, C. W. Plato. 1880. 1817.29 Donne, W. B Euiipides. 1872. 1817.28 Ancient empires of the East. Sayce, A. H. 1884. 950.12 Ancient history for colleges and high schools. Namely : — Al.LEN, W. F. Ashorthislory of the Roman people. 1890. 9'o-53 Myers, P. V. N. The E,-istern n,itions and Greece. 1889. 910.52 Ancient history from the monuments. Namely : — Birch. S. Egypt from the earliest times to B. C. 300. '958.5 Palmer, H.S. Sinai. From the fourth Egyptian dynasty to the present day [1878]. 950-2 Smith, G. Assyria from the earliest times to the fall of Nineveh. 1958.6 Ancient legends, mystic charms, and superstitions of Ireland. Wilde, Jane F. S., lady. 1887. 2 v. 1984.12 Ancient regime, The [to 1788]. Taine, H. A. 1876. 2006.5 Other books covering this period will be found under France, History. Ancients. Biography. See Classical biography. Plutarchus. Ancus Marcius, 4th king of Rome. I.AINO, Caroline H. B. The seven kings of the seven hills- 1872. 959 15 Andersen, H.ms Christian, 1805-1875. In Spain and a visit to Portugal [1862-66J. N. Y., 1870. 675.20 12 Andersen Angelico Pictures of travel in Sweden, among tlie Hartz mountains, and in Switzerland [1831-57]. N. Y., 1871. 668.22 A poet's bazaar. Pictures of travel in Germany, Italy, Greece, and the Orient [1840-41]. N.Y., 1871. 657.21 The true story of my life. Trans, by Mary Howitt. London, 1847. 546.23 Brandes, G. M. C. Eminent authors of the nineteenth century. 5304 Anderson, Fortescue L. M. Seven months' resi- dence in Russian Poland in 1863. London, 1864. 928.16 Anderson, John Jacob. A school history of Eng- land [B. C. 55-A. D. 1870]. N. Y., 1879. Illus. 980.15 Anderson, Jotham. Ware, H. Recollections of J. Anderson. In Ware's Mis- cellaneous writings, vol. i. 1846. 117.4. i Anderson, Mary Antoinette, 1859-. Matthews, B., and HuTTON, L. Actors and actresses of Great Britain and the United States, vol. 5. 1540.65.5 Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn. America not discovered by Columbus. The discovery of America by the Norsemen, in the loth century. Chicago, 1877. 210.24 Norse mythology. 3d ed. Chicago, 1879. 2100.16 -and others. Viking tales of the North. Also, Tegner's Fridthjof's saga. Chicago, 1877. 1082.8 Contains a short sketch of tlie life ofTegn^r. Anderson, Rufus. The Hawaiian islands : their progress under missionary labours. 3d ed. Boston, 1865. Illus. 264.11 Anderson, T. S. My wanderings in Persia. Lon- don, 1880. Illus. 1696.4 Anderson, William, LL.D., 1799-1872. GiLFILLAN, G. Modern literature and literary men. 1851. 548-3 Andersonvllle prison. GOSS, W. L. The soldier's story of his captivity at Ander- sonvllle, Belle Isle, and other rebel prisons. [1866.] 276.3 Hamlin, A. C. Martyria ; or, Andersonvllle prison. 1866. 276.1 Andersson, Charles J. Lake Ngami ; the wilds of South-western Africa [1850-54]. 2d ed. London, 1856. Illus. 692.2 Same. N. Y., 1857. 697.4 The Okavango river : a narrative of travel, explo- ration, and adventure [1858-60]. N. Y., 1861. 683.16 Andes mountains. Bishop, N. H. The Pampas and Andes. [1854-55.] 1637.5 Head, Sir F. B. Rough notes during journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. 1861. 889.22 ORTOiN.J. The Andes and the Amazon [in 1867]. 1637.8 Rickard, F. I. A mining journey across the great Andes [in 1862]. 635'24 Andr6, John, major, 1751-1780. Grant, J. The traitor and his victim. In his Constable of France. [1866.] 1958.20 LossiNG, B. J. The two spies, Nathan Hale and John Andrd. [Also] Anna Seward's Monody on major Andrfi. 1886. 1542.45 Andrea del Sarto. See Sarto, Andrea d'Agnolo. Andrea Pisano, 1 270-1 345. Vasari, G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vol. I. 848.6.1 Andreini, Isabella, 1 562-1604. Trollote. T. A. A decade of Italian women. 1859. 543.14.2 Andrew, John Albion, governor of Massachusetts, 1818-1S67. Browne, A. G., jr. Sketch of the official life of John A. Andrew. 1868. 1529.3 Chandler, P. W. Memoir. 1880. 1523-25 Clarke, J. F. Memorial and biographical sketches. 1878. i5't4-3 Stowe, Harriet B. The lives and deeds of our self-made men. 1869. 542-21 - Men of our times. 1869. 1522.8 WHIPrLE, E. P. Success and its conditions. 1871. 895.21 Andrews, Ale.xander. The eighteenth century ; or, the manners and customs of our grandfathers. Lon- don, 1856. 988.2 Andrews, Christopher C. Brazil : its condition and prospects. N. Y., 1887. 631.9 Minnesota and Dacotah : letters descriptive of a tour through the North-west, in 1856. 2d ed. Wash- ington, 1857. 237.10 Andrews, Elisha Benjamin. Brief institutes of general history. 2d ed. Boston, 1888. 910.50 A bibliography precedes each chapter. Brief institutes of our constitutional history, English and American, on shelf no. 4329.121. Andrews, Sidney. The South since the war : travel and observation in Georgia and the Carolinas. Boston, 1866. 276.7 Andrews, William A. A daring voyage across the Atlantic ocean [in 1878]. N. Y., 1880. Illus. 1656.19 Andrews, William P. Memoir of Jones Very. In Very's Poems. 1883. 1353.8 Andrews, William W. Eulogy [on John Cotton Smith] before the Connecticut historical society, 1846. In Smith's Correspondence and miscellanies. 898.6 Andrews railroad raid. PiTTENGER, W. Daring and suffering. 1863. 298.29 Andros, Richard Salter Storrs. The United States customs guide. Boston, 1859. 309.13 Anecdote biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. N. Y., 1875. Facsimile. 1529.13 ANECDOTES. BiGELOW, L. J. Bench and bar ; a digest of the wit, humor, asperities and amenities of the law. 1867. 1816.10 - Same. 1871. 1816.23 Boyd, M. Reminiscences of fifty years. 1871. 567.11 Brown, W. H., compiler. Witty sayings by witty people. [1874.] 1897-39 Bverley, T., and Robertson, J. C. The Percy anecdotes. 20 V. ■ 909.7 - Same. Added, American anecdotes [by F. Hunt] . 1858. 2 V. in I. 892.4 Edwards, C. Pleasantries about courts and lawyers of New York. 1867. 1816.11 Forney. J. W. Anecdotes of public men. 1873. 1524.2 Jennings, G. H. An anecdotal history of the British parlia- ment. i38i. 980.33 - and Johnstone, W.S. A book of parliamentary anecdote. 876.20 Keddie, W. Cyclopaedia of literary and scientific anec- dote. 1859. 394'i King, W. Political and literary anecdotes of his own times. 1819. 888.19; No. I in 588.5 Kikkland, F. Cyclopaedia of commercial and business anecdotes. 1864. 2 v. 901.8 - Same. 1868. 90i-9 Mason, J. Great triumphs of great men. 1875. 1539.8 NiMMO, W. P. Clergymen and doctors : curious facts and characteristic sketches. 1819.18 Ramsay, E. R. Reminiscences of Scottish life and char- acter. 1856, 61. 2 V. 395-8 - Same. [Series i.] 1861. • 1907. i Rogers, C. Familiar illustrations of Scottish character. 1861. 864.3 TlMBS, J. .Anecdote biography. 1S60. 2 v. 587-15 - English eccentrics and eccentricities. 1866. 2 v. 1553.3 - Oddities of history, and strange stories. 1872. 909.16 Watkins, I. B. Anecdotes for youth. 1825. 1829.5 Angelico da Fiesole, Fra Giovanni, called Fra Angelico, 1387-1455. Phillimore, C. M. Fra Angelico [and the early Floren- tine painters of the fifteenth century] . IS43-7I Vasari, G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vol. 2. ' 848.6.2 13 Angell Apologists Angell, George Thomdike. Autobiograpliical sket»:hcs .uiJ personal rcLollettions. Boston, 1884. Illus. 1530.20 Angrelo. Francesco J', called Cecca, 1447-1488. Va^ari. li. Ijvcs of the paintera. iculplun, unci arcliiicels, vol. 1. 848.6.3 Angrelo, Mi,;h;iel. See Buonarroti, Michelangelo. An^lo- American literature and manners. Chasles, V. Ti. I*. iSiJ. 404-1 1 Anglo-Saxon chronicle, Tlie. In Bede's Ecclesi- astic. il historv of Ent^land. 846.1 Anglo-Saxonlreedom. Hosmer, J. K. i8c/3. 198;. 16 Anglo-Saxons. MiLLKK, 1'. lliiiory of Ihc .Anglo-Saxons. 1853. 988.8 - S»mc. 1856. 835.6 PaLURAVE, Sir K. History of Ihe Anglo-Saxons. 1837. 389.17 Tt^RNF.R, S. The liislor) of ilic Anglo-Saxons. 1836. 3 v. 965.1 See also .\nglo-Saxon chronicle. England, History. Animal magnetism. M\Yi>. II. On the truths contained in popular superstitions, with an aLCount of iiicsnicrisni. 1851. 1099.3 Anna, Comnena, daughter of emperor Alexius I, Comnenus, 108J-1148. James, G. P. R., ed. Memoirs of celebrated women. 1876. 1528.18 Annals of America. Holmes, A. 1829. 2 v. 304.9 Annals, The, of England [to A. D. 1714]. Flaherty, VV. E. 1855-57- 3 V. 979-7 Same. 1876. 1951.6 Annam. See Anam. Annan, Robert, 1834-1867. MalIIIKkson, J. The Christian hero. 1872. 569-31 Anne, queen of England, 1664-1714. Farmer, Lydia H. Thu girls' book of famous queens. 11887.] 1557-20 Lodge, E. Portraits, vol. 7. 815.1.7 Morris, E. E. The age of .-Xnnc. [1876.] 1985.6 Strickla.si), Agnes. Lives of the queens of England, vol. II, 13. 592. 1. II, 12 Anne Boleyn, 2d queen of Henry Vlil, 1507-1536. Bi:Nc.i;k, Kliiabeth O. Life. 554.1 - Memoirs. 594-15 Dlxu.N, \V. H. History of two queens. 6 v. in 3. 1538.8 Jameson, .Anna B. Lives of celebrated female sovereigns. 569.28 Lodge, E. Portraits, vol. i. 815.1.1 Rl'SSELL, W. Extraordinary women. 598.19 Anne Hyde, queen of James II. See Hyde, Anne, duchess of Yorl\. Anne, of Bohemia, ist queen of Richard II, 1 366-1 394. STR1CKL.\NL), .\gnes. Lives of the queens of EngKand, vol. 2. 592- 1-2 Anne of Denmark, queen of James I, 1574-1619. Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of England, vol. 7- 592-1-7 Anne, of Warwick, queen of Richard 111, 1456- 1485. Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of England, vol. 3- 5921-3 Annesley, James, claimant to the earldom of Anglesea, 1715-1700. Chamhers, W. Stories of remarkable persons. 1878. 1548.4 Another budget; or things which I saw in tiie East. Hames, Jane A. 1855. 688.17 Anselm, St., archbishop of Canterbury, 1033-1109. ClIL'KCII. R. W. Saint .Anselm. 1888. 2103.26 A shorter sketch by same author is in Historical selections, by Elizabeth XL Sewall and Charlotte M. Yonge [1817 20] . Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs in religious history. 1881. 2101.16 Anson, George, viscount Anson, 1607-1762. A voyage around the world in 1740-44. Ed. by D. L. Purves. London, 1878. 640.4 U Adams, W. H. D. Eminent sailors. 1540.41 - Nt-piunr's lu-ioes. 578.19 Ot.ii'ilASr, .Margaret O. W. Historical sketches of the ri-ign of Cieorge II. 983-4 Anspach, Margravine of. See Elizabeth, born Berkeley, margravine of Brandenburg, Anspach and Baireuth. Ansted, David T. The world we live in ; or, first lessons in physical geography. Phila., 1868. 163.32 - ed. Black's Guide to the Channel islands. Ediiib., 1866. Illus. 1659.17 Anthon, Charles. A manual of Greek literature. N. v., 1853. 403.5 Anthon, Charles E. A pilgrimage to Treves. N. Y., 1S45. 667.12 Anthony, St., 251-356. llMiiv, j.B. .Modern Mcthuselahs. 1888. 562.8 Antietam, Maryland. I'At.FREY, F", W. The Antietam and Fredericksburg. 1882. 230.6 Antlgnostikus ; or the spirit of Tertullian. Nean- der. J. A. \V. 1851. 848.9.2 Antigone. ( )\vi N. Mrs. O. F. The heroines of domestic life. 599-16 Antilles. See West Indies. Antiquities. liALiiUiN, J. L). Pre-historic nations. 1869. 19572 Brand, J. Observations on popular antiquities. 1841-42. 3 V- 949-8 - Same, with additions. 1849, 77. 3 v. 846.8 ClIAMHKKS, R. The book of days. 2V. 1888. R.R. Desk 37 Myers, I'. V. N. Remains of lost empires. 1875. 1951-3 Ruins of sacred and historic lands. 1853. 949.10 See also Catacombs. Caves. Classical antiquities. Indians of America. Mounds and mound builders. Prehistoric times. Pyramids. Names of countries of antiquity. Anti-slavery. See Slavery. Anti-slavery d.iys. Clarke, J. F. 1884. 290.1 Anti-slavery recollections. Stephen, Sir G. 1854. 1089.17 Antommarchi, Francesco. The last days of N.tpoieon. 2d ed. London, 1826. 2 v. in i. 602.7 Anton, Peter. Masters in history. Gibbon, Grote, Mac.iuLiv. Motlev. EJinb., 1880. 1548.11 Antonello da Messina, i4i4.'-i493? Vasaki, G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vol. 2. 848.6.2 Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, 121-180. .AUNOLD, M. Essays in criticism. 1897.14 Brooks, E. S. Historic boys. 1531-7 Myers, F. W. H. Essays. Classical. 1898.13 Watson, P. B. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. 531-8 Antonius, St. See Anthony, St. Antonius, Marcus, the triunnir. Pl.u lARCHUS. The civil wars of Rome, - n. c. 30, vol. 5. 547 24-5; 850.1.5 Antwerp, Siege of, 1584,85. Schiller, J. C. F. von. 830.36.2 ; 818. 10; 930.6 Apache Indians. BoUKKE, J. G. An Apache campaign in the Sierra Madre. 1883. 1641.24 Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country. [1863-65.] ' 1687.4 Cozze.ns, S. \V. The marvellous country, or, three years in Arizona and New Mexico, the Apaches' home. 1873. 1633.7 Apelles, of Cos, fl. B. c. 325. Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. 1852. 549.39; 1539.10 Apes, William. Indian nullification of the uncon- stitutional laws of Massachusetts, relative to the Marshpee tribe. Boston, 1835. 249.3 Apologists. Watso.n, F. The defenders of the faith ; or, the Christian apologists of the 2d and 3d centuries. [1878.] 2101.4 I Apostles Arctic Apostles. Fleetwood, ]. The life of Christ, and his apostles, etc. In The light of the world. 1871. 1081.2 FraMPTON, Louisa C. A short account of the lives and martyrdom of the apostles [etc.]. i860. 1 159.12 Lives of the apostles and early martyrs of the church, 1834. 1859.1 RENAN, J. E. The apostles. 1866. 1102.24 Apostolic fathers, The. Holland, H. S. 1878. Apparitions. CaLMET. A. The phantom world. 1850. Appeal, An, to Ciesar. Tourgee, A. W. iio5.6 1884. 210.40 This book deals with American political questions, princi- pally those connected with the South, and urges government aid in the education of the freedmen. Appleton, Thomas Gold. Boston Museum of the fine arts. A companion to the catalogue. Boston, 1877. 1207.19 Life and letters. Prepared by Susan Hale. N. Y., 1885. Portr. A Nile journal [in 1874]. Boston, 1876. 17.20 151 Illus. 1695.18 1647.2 States. N. Y., 631.15 Syrian sunshine. Boston, 1877. Appleton's atlas of the United 1888. Appleton's companion hand-book of travel: the United States and the Canadas. N. Y., i860. Maps. 638.14 Appleton's general guide to the United States and Canada. N. Y., 1879. lUus. R.R., H.3.1 Appleton's guide to Mexico, including a chapter on Guatemala. N. Y., 1884. Illus. 1631.11 Appleton's hand-bool< of American travel. North- ern and eastern tour. N. Y,, 1872, Maps, 638.24 - Southern tour. N. Y., 1872. Maps. 638.25 - Western tour. N. Y., 1872. Maps. 1636.17 Appleton's illustrated hand-bool< of American summer resorts. N. Y., 1876. Maps. 1648.3 Appleton's illustrated hand-book of American travel : the United States and the British provinces. N. Y., 1857. 639.17 Appleton's new and complete United States guide book, embracing Canada, Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick, etc. N. Y., 1850. illus. 639.11 Appleton's northern and eastern traveller's guide. Newed. N. Y., 1853. Illus. 639.12 Appleton's short-trip guide to Europe. N, Y., 1868, Map, 1659.14 Same. 1869. 1659,13 ARABIA. Among the Arahs, 1S75, 1699.15 Burton, .Sir R. F. Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. [1852.] 689.10; 1699.2 Crichton, A. The history of Arabia. [1833.] 2 v, 810.67 -Same, 1852. 938.12 Fogg, W, P, Arabistan : or the land of " The Arabian nights." Travels through Egypt, Arabia, and Persia, to Bagdad. 1875. 1695.23 Green, S. The life of Mahomet ; with notices of the history of Islamism and of Arabia. 1840. 389.4 I^ABOKITE, L. E. S. I., marquis de. journey through Arabia Petra^a, to Mount Sinai [in 1828]. ' 685.8 Lane, E. W. ,\rabian society in the middle ages. Studies from tlie Thousand and one nights. 1883. 1694.25 Robinson, E., and Smith, E. Biblical researches in Palestine, Mount.Sinai and Arabia Petraja : travels in 1838, 3 V. 684.4 - Biblical researches in Palestine and the adjacent regions ; travels in 1838 and 1852. 3 v. 1103.7 Taylor, B. Travels in Arabia [1760-1863]. 707-24 Wellsted, J. R. Travels to the city of the caliphs. In- cluding a voyage to the coast of Arabia. 1840. 2 V. 693.3 Wise, D. Boy travellers in Arabia. 1885. 1697.22 Apabistan : or the land of " The Arabian nights." Fogg, W. P. 1875. 1695.23 Apago, Dominique Francois Jean, 1786-1853. Biographies of distinguished scientific men. Trans. London, 1857. 54i,3 Contents. — The history of my youth : an autobiography. Bailly. Herschel, Laplace, Joseph Fourier, Carnot, Malus. F>esnel, Thomas Young, James Watt, History of my youth. Trans, by B. Powell. Lon- don, 1855. 548.20; No. 2 in 1655.17 Aragona, Tullia d', 1510-1565. Trollote, T. A. A decade of Italian women. 543.14.2 Apblay, Frances d', formerly Miss Burney, 1752- 1840. Diary and letters. 1788-1840. Ed. by her niece. Vol. 1,2,4-7. London, 1842-46. 6 v. Portrs. 596.1 Same. Ed. by Sarah C. Woolsey, Boston, 1880, 2 v, Portr, 1524,5 Fanny Burney and her friends, select passages from her diary and other writings, Ed, by L, B, Seeley, N, Y,, i8go, Portrs, 1554-23 Illustrated after Reynolds, Gainsborough, Copley, and West, Cone, Helen, G,, and Gilder, Jeannette L, Pen-portraits of literary women, vol. i. 1557. 22.1 Crosland, Camilla. Memorable women. 1539.4 Kavanagh, Julia. English women of letters, 589-30 Macaulay, Critical and historical essays, 409,20 ; 1966.3.5 - Critical and miscellaneous essays. 863.1 ; 867.4.5 - Madame d'Arblay. In his Oliver Goldsmith. 1544-9 Apc, Joan of. See Dare, Jeanne. Apchseoiogy. See Antiquities. APCheP, Thomas. Decisive events in history. 3d ed. London. [1878?] Illus. 921. 11 Apehep, The, and the steppe ; or, the empires of Scythia. Grahame, F, R, 927,15 Archipelago, Grecian, AULDJO, J. Journal of a visit to Constantinople and some of the Greek islands in 1833. 685.4 Emerson, J. Letters from the /Egean. 1829. 683.4 Field, H, M, The Greek islands and Turkey after the war, 1885. 1697.23 Howard, G. W. F., 7th earl of Carlisle, Diary in Turitisfi and Greek waters, 1835. 683-12 SONNINI DE Manoncourt, C, N, S, Travels in Greece and Turkey, undertaken by order of Louis XVI. 1801. 2 v. 683.9 TovVNSEND, G. F. A cruise in the Bosphorus, and in the Marmora and .-Egean seas. [1875.] 16S7.7 Apchitects. Cunningham, A. Lives of eminent Brhish painters, sculp- tors, and architects, vol. 4. 379.9-4 Apchiteetupe. Clement, Clara E. .^n outline history of architecture. 1886. 190.89 Smith, T. R., and Slate:k, J. Architecture, classic and early Christian. 1882. 1204.26 See also Church architecture. ARCTIC REGIONS. Barrow, Sir J- A chronological history of voyages into the Arctic regions for the purpose of discovering a polar passage between the .\tlantic and Pacific. 1818. 702.16 - Voyage of discovery and research within the Arctic regions, from 1818 to [1846]. 709-13 Belcher, E. The last of the Arctic voyages in search of Sir John Franklin, 1852-54. With notes. 2 v. 702.1 Bello T, ]. R. Memoirs. With his journal of a voyage in search of'Franklin [1851-52]. 2 v. 617.13 Blackwood, F. T. H. T., ist earl of Dufferin. Letters from high latitudes ; a voyage in the yacht " Foam " in 1856. 708.1 ; 1666.3 -Same, A yacht voyage. Letters from high latitudes [etc.]. 708.21 ; 1705.2 Blake, E. v., ed. Arctic experiences [1871-73]. 1705-7 Brown, J. The northwest passage, and the plans for the search for Franklin. 1858. 701. 11 Browne, J. R. The land of Thor. 1867, 1687,2 C., S. T. 'The little Fo.\ : or, the story of Captain M'Clin- tock's .Arctic expedition. For the young. 1867, 1708-20 15 Arctic Arkwright Cii ^. A. L. Perils in ilic pol«r itm. For the »o.; 1705-5 Cuu Markham'i whnline rxperiencFS; Msrkham's Arctic ticdging experiences. In Heroic adventure, [1B83.] 1696.13 Coxe, \V. Account of Ruuian discoveries between Asia and America. Added, llic conquest of Siberia. 1803. 702.17 Dankniiower. J. \V. Narrative of the "Jeanncitc" h87»-«i). 170516 E.NMLlill explorer*. The. With chapter on Arctic explom- llons. 1875. 1705-8 Fra.nklin. Sir J. Narrative of a journey to the shon-sof the poUr sea. i8'ii>-a3. 70^-S GiLKKK. \V. II. Ii.r-p.ick and tundra. .\n account of tlie search for the leannciic and a sledge journey through Siberia. [iSBi-Sa.l 1705-'S - Schualk.t's search. Sledging in the Arctic in quest of the Kninklin records. [1878-80.] 1705 10 Gr|-;ki.Y, .\ \V. Three years ol .Xrclic ser\ice : an account of the Uuly Franklin hay expedition, 1881-84. a v. 1705.23 Hai.F hours in the far .Norlli. 1875.* 1669.6 Hall. C. F. .Vrclic researches and life among the Esqui- maux : expedition in search of Franklin, 1860-62. 701.14 Hawks, F. L. Uncle Philip's conversations with the chil- dren about the whale fishery and polar seas. 1836. 3 v, 1859.19 Hayes, I. I. .An .'\rclic boat journey, in the autumn of 1854. 706.19; 706.22 - The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage towards the North pole. [1860-61.] 1705.1 Hyde. .\., and others. The frozen zone and its cxplottrs : n record of voyages in the Arctic regions for one thousand years. 1874. 1705.6 IN the polar regions. 1882. 173-3* Kane, E. K. The U. S. Grinncll expedition in search of Franklin. [1850.] 702.3:702.2 - Arctic explonilions : the second Grinncll expedition in search of Franklin, 1853-55. 703 5 ; 703.1 Knights of the frozen sea. A narrative of Arctic discovery and advi-nlure. 1867. 656.15 Knox, T. \V. Adventures of two youths in the open polar sea. 1885. 1661.17 LaNMan, C. Farthest north ; or, the life and explorations of licut. J. B. Lockwood, of the Greely Arctic expedition. 1885. 1705.22 Lesbazeilles, E. The ma^^'cls of the polar world. 1884. 1705.17 Leslie, a. The .Arctic voyages of Nordcnskiiild. 1858- 1879. 1705.9 Leslie, Sir J., and others. Narrative of discovery and ad- verture in the polar seas and regions. 1868. 810.15 M'Clintock, Sir F. L. Voyage of the "Fox." Fate of Franklin and his companions. 1859. 706.13 -Same. i860. 706.14 Markiiam, C. R. a life of John Davis, the navigator, 1550-1605, discoverer of Davis straits. 1889. 1555.20 MavNE, F. Voyages and discoveries in the Arctic regions. 1855. No. 3 in 1655.7 Melville, G. VV. In the Lena delta. A narrative of Ihe search for DeLong and his companions, followed by an ac- count of Ihe Greely relief expedition. 1885. 1705.20 NordeNSKiOld, a. E. The voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe [1878-80]. With a historical review of previous journeys along the north coast of the Old world. 1705.11 NOURSE. J. E. -American explorations in the ice zones. [1884.] 1705.19 OSBORN, S. Stray leaves from an Arctic journal ; or, eighteen months in the polar regions, in search of Franklin's expedition, 1850-51. 709.7 Realm of the ice king. A narr.-itive of Arctic exploration to 1883. 1666.21 ; 1705.18 Richardson, Sir J. Arctic searching expedition : a journal of a boat-voyage in search of Franklin [1848-50]. 704.8 Sargent, E. Arctic adventure by sea and land to the last expeditions in search of Franklin [1855]. 704.11 - Perils and escapes among icebergs. The wonders of the Arctic world : with a history of the Polaris expedition by W. H. Cunnington. [1873.] 1705.3 Schley, W. S., and SOLEV, J. R. The rescue of Greely. 1885. 170^.21 Scij MUCKER, S. M. Arctic explorations and discoveries during the nineteenth century. 1857. 704.17 SCHWatka, F. Nimrod in the north ; or, hunting and fishing adventures in the Arctic regions. 1885. 170.25 16 SCORESIIY, W. .An account of Ihe .Arctic regions. 1820. 702.10.1 SiMMONDS, p. L. Sir John Franklin and the Arctic regions. 1855. 1708..- Simpson, a. The life and travels of Thomas Simpson, th. Arctic discoverer. 1845. 704.21 TiLLOTSON, |. .Adventures in the ice; a comprehensive summary of .Arctic exploration [-1845]. 1708.3 TYTLER, p. F. Historical view of the progress of discovery on the more northern co,asts of .America; with sketches \. Travels into Bokhara; also narrative of a voyage on the Indus, 1831-33. 3 v. 694.11 Ferrier, J. P. Caravan journeys and wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Beloochistan. [1845 ] 694-3 In the guise of a dervish : Arminius V5mb6ry's travels in Central Asia; Prejevalsky's explorations in Eastern high Asia. In Heroic adventure. [1882.] 1696.12 Taylor, B. Central Asia. Travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet, and Central Asia. 1874. 1695.9 VaMfry, A. Arminius Vaint)4ry : his life and adventures. Written by himself. [1884.] 543-19 Asia Minor. AiNSWORTH, W. F. Travels and researches in Asia Minor. 1842. 2 v. 688.5 Chandler, R. Travels in Asia Minor and Greece [1764- 66] . • 683.5 Fellows, Sir C. Travels and researches in Asia Minor, particularly in the province of Lycia [1838-40]. 687.6 Field, H. M. The Greek islands and Turkey after the war. 1885. 169723 Freese, J. R. The Old world. Palestine, Syria, and Asia Minor [in 1867]. 683.17 Geary, G. Through Asiatic Turkey [in 1878] . 1680. i Hamilton, W. J. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia [1835-37]. 2 v. 694.14 LaYARD, Sir A. H. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon ; with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the desert. [1849-51.] 685.12; 685.13 - Nineveh and Babylon. Abridged [from the above] . 1696.2 Rich, C.J. Narrative of a residence in Koordistan, and on the site of"^ancient Nineveh. With a voyage to Bagdad, and a visit to Shirauz and Persepolis. 1836. 2 v. 694.7 Roberts, Sir R. H. The Eastern question. Asia Minor and the Caucasus. 1877. 1957-29 Taylor, B. The lands of the Saracen ; or, pictures of Palestine, Asia Minor [etc., in 1852]. 686.15 Asiatic Turlcey. See Asia Minor. Aslcew, Anne, 1 521-1546. Adams, W. H. D. Stories of the lives of noble women. 1517-1 Hodgson, W. The lives of some of the reformers and martyrs. 2085.9 Owen, Mrs. O. F. The heroines of domestic life. 599.16 Assassination. SiKES, W. W. Studies of assassination. 910.19 TOWLE, G. M. Memorable assassinations. In his Glimpses of history. I977-I Assassins, the sect. Keighti.eY, T. Secret societies of the middle ages. 1848. 850.13 Assep, John, bishop, -883. Annals of the reign of Alfred the great, 849-887. In Giles, J. A. Six old English chronicles. 846.4 Assyria. Eraser, I. B. Mesopotamia and Assyria, to [1841]. 820.54 Keary, Annie. The nations around [Palestine]. 1875.940.3 MaspERO, G. C. C. Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. 1892. 950-30 Ragozin, Z. a. The story of Assyria from the rise of the empire to the fall of Nineveh. 1887. 940.35 Sewell, Elizabeth M. Ancient history of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylonia. 1862. 945-9 Smith, G. Assyria from the earliest times to the fall of Nineveh. 1876. 1958.6 Astie, Jean F. Louis fourteenth, and the writers of his age. Trans, by E. N. iCirk. Boston, 1855. 1008.10 Contents. — The age of Louis XIV. Pascal's Provincial letters. Corneille. F^nelon. La Fontaine. Boileau. Racine. Moli^re. Pascal's Thoughts. Aston, Walter, ist lord Aston, 1584-1639. Lodge. E. Portraits, vol. 4. 815.1.4 AstOP, John Jacob, 1763-1848. McCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made. . 515*14 Men who have risen. S5i-i8 ; 557-3 Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. 1522.7 - Life. Appended a copy of his last will. 1865. 569.10 AstOP family. Chambers, W. Stories of remarkable persons. 1878. 1548.4 Astoria ; or, anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains. Irving, W. No. I in 377-I-8; 407-1 ; 625.5 Astrea, pseud. See Behn, Aphra. Astronomers. Morton, E. J. C. Heroes of science. [1882.] 140.24 Astronomy. Grant, R. History of physical astronomy. [1852.] 146.10 Proctor, R. A. Astronomy and the Jewish festivals. In his Great pyramid. 1883. 1696.14 At home and abroad : a sketch-book of life, scenery, and men. Taylor, B. 2 v. 1866. 688.14 At home and abroad ; or, first lessons in geography. Laughton, J. K. 1878. 1647.7 At home and abroad. Ossoli, marchesa d', born Margaret Fuller. 1856. 654.5 At home and in war, 1853-1881. Vereshtchagin, A. V. .920.20 At home in Italy. Bianciardi, Elizabeth D. R. 1884. 1664.15 At home in the Transvaal. Carey-Hobson, Mrs. M. A. 1884. 2 V. 1692.16 At last: a Christmas in the West ladies [1869-70]. Kingsley, C. 627.26 Atahualpa, last inca of Peru, -I533- Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians. 1869.1.5 ATHENS. Bancroft, G. Economy of Athens. In his Literary and historical miscellanies. 1855. 873.1 BOECKH, A. The public economy of the Athenians. 1857. 9S3-I Reviewed by LegarS, in his Writings, vol. 2. 1846. [872.3.2.] Bulwer-LYTTON, 1st baron Lytton. Athens : its rise and fall [to B. c. 429] . 957-11 ; 957-7 Capes, W. W. University life in ancient Athens. 1877. 1999.25 Cox, Sir G. W. The Athenian empire. 1876. 1958-24 Eddy, D. C. Walter in Athens. 1870. 708.23.6 Freeman, E. A. The historians of Athens ; The Athenian democracy; First impressions of Athens. In his Historical essays, vol. 2, 3. 1826.4.2, 3 MUELLER, C. O., and others. Attica and Athens. 1842. 955-7 Patterson, J. B. An essay on the national character of the Athenians, i860. 946.8 Phillips, J. L. T. A glance at the site and antiquities of Athens. 1875. 1683.2 Stuart, J., and Revett, N. The antiquities of Athens and other monuments of Greece. 1858. 835.17 Wordsworth, C. Athens and Attica: journal of a resi- dence there [1832-33]. 683.6 Atkinson, Emma Willsher. Memoirs of the queens of Prussia. London, 1858. 546.1 Contents.— Sophia Charlotte. Sophia Louisa. Sophia Dorothea. Elizabeth Christina. Frederica Louisa. Louisa. 19 Atkinson Australasia Atkinson. Joseph Bf.ivinRton. Overbeck. N. V. I'^S-'. [IlluslrateJ bingraphies of the grent artist>. 1 l54)-77 Atkinson, Thomas Witlam. Oriental and western Sitvria : seven years' explorations and adventures. London, i8s8. Illus. 701.1 Atlanta, Georgia. Cox. 1. l>. .Mlanta. 1882. aao.9 Atlantic and transatlantic sketches. Mackinnon, I.. B. iSs.:. 2 V. 628.9 Atlantic coast guide, The. Between Newfoundland and C.ipe .N\.iv. With an account of all summer resorts. N. Y., 1873. Maps. 16)8.13 Atlantic coast, The [in the Civil war]. Ammen, 1). 1883. 220.21 Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. Benj.imin, S. G. VV. 1878. 1641.14 Atlantic ocean. .\MiKKWS. \V. .\. .\ daring voviiK<- mctoss the .\llanlic ocr.u) [in 1678). 1656.19 Atlantic telegraph. rirlP 11. M. lliblon' of Ihc .\tianlic niit;r;il)h. 1866. 183.10 Atlantic, The, to tlie Pacific. Lester, J. E. 1873. , 1656.15 Atlantis: the antediluvian world. Donnelly, I. iSiSj. i(;s6.8 Atlases. LAHUIiKION, k. 11. .\n luslorical alias. 1885. 911. 2 - New historical atlas anil gincral history. 1886. 911.5 HlIlLll'S' handy general atlas of thcworld. 1883. R.R. Desk Philips' handy volume atlas of the world. 1B87. R.R. Desk, 36 Attach^, The, in Madrid ; or, sketches of the court of Isabella II [1853-54]. Calderon de la Barca, F. E. 675.10 Atterbury, Francis, bishop of Rochester, 1662-1732. l-oDUK, li. Ponraits, vol. 7. 815.I.7 MacaL'Lay, T. B., baron. Biographical and historical sketches. 884.19 - Biographies contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 587.14 - New biographies of illustrious men. 547.7 - William Pitt, Atterbury. 1966.5 Attica. Mueller, C. O., and others. Attica and Athens. 1842. 9SS-7 Wordsworth, C. Athens and Attica: journal of a resi- dence there [1832-33]. 683.6 AttUa, king of the Huns, 434-453. Goodrich, 8. U. I'amous men of ancient times. 1852. 549.39; 1539.10 Aubertln, J. J. A flight to Mexico. London, 1&S2. lUus. 1633.12 Aubign^, Jean Henri Merle d'. See Merle d' Aubi^iie. Jean Henri. Auckland islands. Raynal, F. E. Wrecked on a reef; or, twenty months among the Auckland isles [1863-64]. 1697.8 Audubon, John James. Life, ed. by his widow. N. Y., 1869. 524.23 Story of Audubon. London, 1876. [Lessons from noble lives.] 1539.17 Bolton, Sarah K. I'amous men of science. 140.69 Famois boys and famous men. 555-8 St. John. Kirs. H. Audubon; his adventures and dis- coveries. 1864. 529.2 Smiles, S. Brief biographies. 589.18 TiTKFRMAN, H. T. Mental portraits. 55710 AuJfray, Edith, born O'Gorman. Trials and perse- cutions. [Convent life unveiled.] Hartford. [1871.] 1105.23 Augereau, Pierre Franjois Charles, due de Casti- glione, 1757-1825. Hf.adi.ky. J. T. Napoleon and his marshals, vol. I. 605.2 Aughey, John H. The iron furnace: or, slavery :inj secession. Phila., 186). 21)5.6 Autfusta Treverorum. See Treves. Augustine, Sister. See Lasaulx, Amalie von. Augustlnus, Aurelius, St., 354-430. L'l.AKk, U . k. Saint .\ugustine. [1878.] 2101.3 Clarke. J. I-. Events and epochs in religious history. 1881. 3101.1G Dale, T. P. .\ life's motto. 1528.7 SCHAKF, P. Life and labors. 1854. 544 17 Wll.so.N. W. The popular preachers of the ancient church. 5.SS-»5 Auldjo, John. Journ.il of a visit to Constanti- nople, and some of the Greek islands, in 1833. London, 1835. 685.4 N,irrati\e of an ascent of Mont Blanc, 1827. 3d ed. l.imjon, i.Ss6. No. 2 in 1655.1 Aulicus Coquinarlse. Heylin, P. 1811. 552.6.2 Aulne, Baron de I'. See Turgot, Anne R. J. Aunt Ch.irlotte's stories. See Yonge, Charlotte M. Aunt hslher, pseud. See Smith, Mrs. John A. Austen, Jane, 1775-1817. Letters. Ed. by Ed- ward, Lord Brabourne. London, 1884. 2 v. Portr. 540. 1 3 Cone, Helen G., and GlLDER, Jeanette L. Pen portraits of literary women, vol. i. 1557.22 1 I'AWCETl", Millicent G. Some eminent women of our limes. •554-25 Kavanagh, Julia. English women of letters. 589.30 Mai.dkN, S. 1-". Jane .\ustcn. 1889. 1532.36 KlTCIIlK, .Vnnc I. .-V book of sibyls. 1883. 153223 Austin, — . Henry Irving in England and America, 1838-84. By Frederic Daly [pseud.]. N. Y., 1884. Portr. 15 '7. 23 Austin, Benjamin. Constitutional republicaii.sm, in opposition to falL^cious federalism. Boston, 1803. 2Q7- 1 1 Austin, George Lowell. Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow. Boston, 1883. Illus. 1532.24 The history of Massachusetts. [1620-1875.] Bos- ton, 1876. Portrs. 222.7 The life and times of Wendell Phillips. New ed. Boston, 1888. Portr. 530-29 The life of Franz Schubert- Boston, 1873. Portr. 1528.8 Austin, James Trecothick. The life of Elbridge Gerry. Boston, 1828, 29. 2 v. Portr. 513.11 Austin, Jane Goodwin. Nantucket scraps. Bos- ton, 1883. 1657.15 Austin, Sarah Taylor, 1793-1867. Germany, 1760- US14. London, 1854. 667.15 Goethe and his contemporaries. 2d ed. London, 1836. 3 v. 897.9 Austin, William, 1778-1841. Letters from London, 1802 and 1803. Boston, 1804. 647.2 Literary papers. With sketch, by J. W. Austin. Boston, 1890. Portr. 902.6 Contents. — Biographical sketch. Peter Rugg, the missing man. The late loseph Natterstrom. Martha Gardner. 'I he man with the cloaks. The sufferings of a country schoolmaster. Letters from London. The human character of Jesus Christ. Oration at Charlestown, June 17, 1801. AUSTRALASIA. BairI), J. The emigrant's guide to .Australasia. 1868,71. 2 v. 696.22 Knox, T. W. The boy travellers in .Vustralasia. 1889. 1661.22 MUNDY, G. C. Our antipodes ; or, residence in the Austral- asian colonies [1846-51]. 705-1 Vincent, F., jr. Through and through the tropics. Travel in Oceanica. Australasia, and India [1869-71]. 1634.29 WILKINS, W. Australasia: account of the Australian and New Zealand colonies, Tasmania, and the adjacent lands. 1888. 1698. 1 1 20 Australia Aytoun AUSTRALIA. Ballou, M. M. Under the Southern cross. 1888. 1697.24 Broome, Mary A., lady. Letters to Guy. 1885. 1696.16 Chequered career, A; or, fifteen years in Australia and New Zealand. 1881. 661.14 DiLKE, Sir C. W. Greater Britain : a record of travel durins'1866-7. 1654.12; 1654. II Earp, G. B. What we did in Australia. 1853. 709-27 Fitzgerald, J. F. V. .Australia. 18S1. 660.8 Grey, Sir G. Journals of tsvo expeditions of discovery in north-west and western .Australia, 1837-39. 2 v. 7°S-4 Hargraves, E. H. .\ustralia and its gold fields. 1855.938.7 Harris, A. Settlers and convicts; or, recollections of the Australian backwoods. 1852. 850.10 Haygarth, H. W. Recollections ofbush life in Australia. 1861. 889.21 Hughes, W. The Australian colonies: their origin and present condition. 1853. 409.11 ; No. i in 1655.13 Lancelott, F. Australia as it is. 1867. 938-19 Lang, J. D. Freedom and independence for the golden lands of Australia. 1852. 936.10 LUMHOLTZ, C. Among cannibals, an account of four years' travels in .Australia and of camp life with the aborigines of Queensland. 1889. 691.17 Massary, Isabel. Social life and manners in .Australia. 1861. 696.17 Mortimer, F. L. Far off. Part i : Asia and Australia described. 1856. 939-io.i PUSELEY, D. The rise and progress of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. 1857. 705-15 Sidney, S. The three colonies of Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia. 1853. 705-2 Taylor, J. E. Our island continent : a naturalist's holiday in Australia. 1S86. 1696.23 Trollope.A. Australia and New Zealand [1871-72]. 1654.7 TVVOPENY, R. E. N. Town life in Australia. 1883. 1663.2 See also Oceanica. Victoria. Voyages and travels. Australian ballot system. Wigmore, J. H. 1889. 132.24 AUSTRIA. Abbott. J. S. C. The empire of .Austria. 927.11 COXE. W. Historyof the House of .Austria, 1218-1792. 3 V. 828.2 Eden, Lizzie S. My holiday in Austria [in 1868]. 1665.6 Kay, D. Austria-Hungary. 1880. 660.1 Kelly, W. K. History of the House of Austria, from [1792] to the Revolution of 1848. In continuation of Coxe. Added, Genesis, or details of the late Austrian revolution. By [Count Hartig] . 828.3 Kohl, J. G. Austria. Vienna, Prague, etc. 1844. 667.2:667.22 Pp 1-170 of 667.2 are identical with 667.22. Leger. L. A history of .Austro-Hungary from the earliest time to the year 1889. 940.42 MICHIEI.S, I. A. X. Secret history of the Austrian govern- ment and of its systematic persecutions of protestants. 1859. 928.11 New, A. H. The history of Austria to [1859]. 927.16 Peabody, Elizabeth P. Crimes of the House of Austria against mankind. 1852. 1956.7 Russell, J. A tour in Germany, and some of the southern provinces of the Austrian empire, 1820-22. 663.5: 830.43 Spencer, Captain E. Sketches of Germany and the Ger- mans, with a glance at Poland. Hungary, and Switzerland, 1834-36. 2 V. 663.7 STILES, W. H. Austria in 1848-49. 2 v. 924.2 Sutton, R. The Lexington papers ; or, some account of the courts of London and Vienna, at the conclusion of the seventeenth century. 975-iJ TURNBULL, p. E. Austria. 1840. 2 v. 667.1 Vehse, C. E. Memoirs of the court, aristocracy, and di- plomacy of Austria [1493-1835] . 2 V. 927.10 Wilde, Sir W. R. .-Austria: its literary, scientific, and medical institutions. 1843. 667.17 Austrian dungeons, The, in It.ily. Orsini, F. 1856. 919.7 Austro-Hungary. See Austria. AUTHORS. Adams, O. F. .A brief hand-book of American authors. 1884. 1403.20 - A brief hand-book of English authors. 1884. 1403-9 - Dear old story-tellers. [1889.] 1400.26 B.\RROVVS,C. M. Acts and anecdotes of authors. 1887. 1400.15 Bolton, Sarah K. Famous American authors. [1887.] 1557-21 - Famous English authors of the nineteenth century. [1890.] 1555-36 Brandes, G. M. C. Eminent authors of the nineteenth century. [1886.] 530.4 Cleveland, C. D. A compendium of .American literature, with sketches of authors, and selections. [1859.] 404.3 Cone, Helen G., and Gilder, Jeannette L. Pen portraits of literary women. [1887.] 2 v. 1557.22 Disraeli, I. Miscellanies of literature. 1841. 897.5 DuYCKINCK, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopaedia of American literature. 1855, 66. 3 v. 392.2 - Same. \'ol. i. 1856. R.R., A. 1.5 Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. 1888. 885.22 Gilder, Jeannette L., and Gilder, J. B. Authors at home. Sketches of well-known .American writers. [1888.] 1554.15 Great authors. Period ist, [2d] . 1887,88. 2 v. 1400.19 Grisvvold, Hattie T. Home life of great authors. 1887. 1556-9 Griswold, R. M. Prose writers of .America. 1857. 872.12 Hargreaves, J. G. Literary workers. 1889. 382.14 Harris, Amanda B. American authors for young folks. [1887.] 1557-24 - Pleasant authors for young folks. [1884.] 1524.16 Higginson, T. AV. Short studies of .American authors. 1880. 1548.10 Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers. 1850. 586.13 Jerrold, W. B. Days with great authors. 18S3. 1836 3 Johnson, E. R. Authors. Biographical sketches of the authors represented in [Little classics]. 1875. 1839.7. 16 Mason, E. T. Personal traits of British authors. 1885. 4 v. 1524.21 NiMMO, AV. P. Books and authors: curious facts and characteristic sketches. 1819.17 Powell, T. The living authors of England. 1849. 586.9 RiDEING, W. H. The boyhood of Hving authors. [1887.] 1557-25 Russell, A. P. Characteristics. Sketches and essays. 1884. 1898.16 Stevenson, R. L. Familiar studies of men and books. 1886. IS57-6 Underwood. F. H. A hand-book of English literature. American authors. 1881. 1404-25 - - British authors. 1871. 395 28 A'INCENT. G. E. Some Italian authors and their works. [1887.] 1557-23 AValsh, W. S. Authors and authorship. 1882. 1406.14. i - Pen pictures of earlier Victorian authors. 1884. 1406.14.3 - Pen pictures of modern authors. 1882. 1406. 14.2 Whipple, E. P. Authors in their relations to life. In his Lectures on literature and life. 1850. 875.13 - Same. 1871. 1818.6 Autobiography (series). See Choice autobiog- raphies. Autobiograpliy, The, of a beggar-boy. Burn, J. D. 1859. 589-24 Autobiography, Tlie, of a working man. Ed. by E. Eden. London, 1862. 599-19 Autobiography of an actress. Ritchie, Anna C. 1854. 538.17 Autographs. MORI.EV, H. Of English literature in the reign of Victoria. [With fac-similes of the signatures of many contemporary authors.] 1881. 1404 27 - Same. 1882. 1404.26 Sprague, AV. B. Visits to European celebrities. 1855. 648.9 AVitli fac-similes of autographs. Ava. See Bunnah. Avon river. THORNE, }. Rambles by rivers, vol. 3. 1845. 850.18.3 Ayerst, "William. The Jews of the nineteenth century. London, 1848. 115. 15 Ayrton, Matilda, born Chaplin. Child-life in Japan, and Japanese child-stories. London, 1879. Illus. 671.1 Ayseough, Anne. See Askew, Anne. Aytoun, William Edmondstoune, 1813-1865. The life and times of Richard the first, Cceur-de-Lion, king of England. London, 1840. Portr. 379.1 21 Azar Bagehot Azara, Fdix J', 1746-1811. I vKi'iNK, Sir \V. Memoir. In hii Naluralisl's library, vol. 19. 179119 Azegllo, Giuseppe Maria Girolamo Raffaele Mas- simo Taparclli, marcliese d'. 'IX'CKKRMAN. II. T. Mental [lortraiis. 1853. S57-'o Azores islands. lUKKR. C. A. A summer in the .Arorfs, wilti a glimpse of .Madeira. iSSa. 1648.33 Bok>:k:> i>e Krku as llKNRiyi:»is, M. A lri|> to the .Azores or Western islands [in iSbd]. I699-I Bt'Llj\R, J., and 1U^LI.AR. H. A winter in the Azores [1838-39] ; and n summer at the baths of the l-'urnas [in 1839]. a V. 634.1 Aztec land. Ballou, M. M. |8<^. 1630.25 Aztecs. Bl ART, L. 'ITic Aztecs : their history, manners, and customs. 1887. 1635-35 B., M. E. P. See Bouligny, Mrs. M. E. Parker. B.. K. I.. See Storer, Harriet (J. Babbajre, Charles, F.R.S.. 1792- 1871. I.K\Ms 1. ('. Hi-roes of science. Mechanicians. 1884. 140.6 Babson, John James. Histor\' of Gloucester, Cape Ann, including; KocUport. Gloucester, i860. Map. 225.5 BABYLON. KKARY, .Annie. The nations around [Palestine]. 1875. 940.3 I-AYARD.Sir A. H. Oiscovcrics among the ruins of Nineveh and liibylon [1849-51]. 685.12 ; 685.13 - Nineveh and li^ibylon. .Abridged [from the above]. 1696.2 Racozin. Z. A. The story of Media, llabylon. and Tersia. 1888. 940.38 Rich, C. J. Narrative of a journey to the site of Babylon in 1811. 694.8 Seweli., Eliiabelli M. Ancient history of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylonia. 1862. 945-9 Baccio della Porta. See Bartolommeo di San Marcii. I'ra. Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Barnard. C. The tone masters, vol. 3. 1871. 766.19.3 Boi RNE, C. E. The great composers. [1887.] 1524.23 Ferris, G. T. The great German composers. 1878. 1544.10 Poot.E, R. L. Sebastian Bach. 1882. 1548-34 ' Bache, Sarah, born Franklin, 1744-1808. ICl.i r. r. ICli/abcth K. The women of the American revolu- tion, vol. I. 538.13.1 Bachelder, John R. Illustrated tourist's guide of the United States. Popular resorts, and how to reach them. Including Gettysburg. Boston, 1873. Illus. 1638.12 Popular resorts, and how to reacli them. [2d ed.] Boston, 1874. 1656.16 Bachelor kings of England. SrRlCKI.ANIi, Agnes. Lives. 1841. 554-9 Backhouse, James. A narrative of a visit to the Mauritius and South Africa [1838-41]. London, 1S44. Illus. 692.13 Bacon, Delia Salter. liACoN. T. Delia Bacon. A biographical sketch. 530.48 Bacon, Edwin Munroe. Bacon's dictionary of Bos- ton. With historical introd. by G. E. Ellis. Bos- ton, 1886. 230.3 King's dictionary of Boston. With historical introd. by G. E. Ellis. Cambridge, 1883. 230.1 An earlier cd. of the preceding. Bacon, Eliza Ann Munroe. Memoir of Rev. Henry Bacon. Boston, 1857. 535-13 Bacon, Francis, baron Verulam and viscount St. Albans, 1561-1626. Moral and historical works. With dissertation and notes. By J. Devey. Lon- don, 1884. Portr. 858.9 ADAMS. W. H. D. Records of noble lives. '553-2 Biographies of eminent men, vol. 2. 839.6.2 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, vol. 5. 840.10.5 CAMPnKl.L. lord. Life. 1853. 586.26 CliUKCll, R. W. B.tcon. 1884, 1540.56 Craik. G. L. B^icon; his writings and his philosophy. 184(1,47. 3 V. 840.13 Ul.XON, \V. 11. Personal history of Lord Bacon. 1861. 587.21 , 1579 3 Fowler, T. Bacon, 1881. I54i'i9 Great authors, ist period. 1888. 1400.19. i 1jii)<;k, K. Portraits, vol. 3. 815.1.3 MacaI'I.ay. Critical and historical css.iys. 1966.33 ; 409.20 - Critical and miscellaneous essaVs. 867.42; 8631 Mo.srA<;i'. B. Life In liicon's \Vorks. vol. i. 1852. 901. 2.1 NIUKl.t.KK, Max. Chips from a German workshop, vol. 3, 3007.28.3 PoiTER.A. Bacon and l^cke. In Bacon's Essays. [1841.] 820.65 SPAUiING, W. Francis Bacon. In New biographies of illustrious men. 547-7 Willi Tl.K, E. P. Literature ofthe age of Elizabeth. 1373.5 Bacon, George Blagden. Siam, the land of the white elephant, as it was and is. N.Y., 1873. 1656.10 Bacon, Rev. Henry, 181 3-1856. Memoir [of Charlotte A. Jerauld]. In her Poetry and prose. 1853. 1326.10 Bacon. 'Eliza A. M. Memoir of Rev. Henry Bacon. 535.13 Bacon, Henry, artist, 1840-. Parisian art and artists. Boston, 1883. Illus. 200.18 A P.irisian year. Boston, ,1882. Illus. 1668.16 Bacon, John, 1740-1799. Cunningham, A. The lives of the British painters, sculp- tors, and architects, vol. 3. 379-9 31 810.19.3 Bacon, Leonard, 1802-1881. Life of Richard Bax- ter. In Ba.xter's Select practical writings, vol. i. 1831. 1094.8.1 l-OWI.ER. H. The American pulpit. 1856. 534-9 Bacon, lord. See Bacon, Francis. Bacon, Nathaniel, 1630-1677. Wakk. W. M> moir. 1848. 529.1.13 Bacon,' Sir Nicholas, 1 510-1579. LoiH^E, E. Porlrails, vol. 2. S15.1.2 Bacon, Roger, friar, 1214-1292. CAl>INi:r portrait gallery of British worthies, vol. 1. 840.10. i Bacon, Tlieodore. Delia Bacon. A biographical sketch. Boston, 1888. Portr. 530.48 Chapter 10 contains the article : " William Shakespeare and his plays, an inquiry concerning them." Baddeck, and that sort of thing. Warner, C. D. 1.S74. 1829.24 Badeau, Adam. Aristocracy in England. N. Y., 1886. 130.85 Grant in peace. From Appomattox to Mount Mc- Gregor. Hartford, 1887. Illus. 530.28 MilitaryhistoryofUlvsses S.Grant, 1861-65. N. Y., 1868,81. 3 V. Maps. 1513.8 Bagdad. Rich. C. J. Narrative of a residence in Koordislan. With a voyage to Bagdad. 1836. 2 v. 694-7 Bage, Robert, 1 728-1801. Si:i)TT, Sir W. Lives of the novelists, vol. 2. 1825. 586.19.2 Bagehot, Walter. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen. London, 1858. 563.9 Contents. — The first Edinburgh reviewers. Cowper. Gib- bon. Bishop Butler. Shakespeare. Shelley. Hartley Coleridge. 'I'he character of Sir Robert Peel. Macaulay. Literary studies. 2d ed. London, 1879. 2 v. Portr. 891.9 Contents. — I. Memoir, by R. H. Button. The first Edin- burgh reviewers. Hartley Coleridge. Shelley. Shake- speare. Milton. Lady Montagu. Cowper. Appendix: Letters on the French Coup d'iStat of 1851 (1852). Cajsarism as it existed in 1865. |ames Wilson. 2. Giljbon. Bishop Butler. Sterne and Thackeray. The Waverley novels. Dickens. Macaulay. B6ranger. Clough's poems. Henry Crabb Robinson. Wordsworth. Tennyson, and Browning. Appendix: The ignorance of man. On the emotion of con- viction. The metaphysical basis of toleration. The Public worship regulation bill. 22 Bagenal Baldwin Bagenal, Philip Henry Dudley. The American Irish and their influence on Irish politics. Boston, 1882. 210.14 Largely occupied with the phase of the Irish question be- tween 1879 and 1882. Bagg, Lyman Hotchkiss. Ten thousand miles on a bicycle. By Karl Kron [pseud.]. N. Y., 1887. 642.4 Bailey, Anna, born Warner. Ellet, Ehzabeth F. The women of the American revolu- tion, vol. 2. 538.13.2 Bailey, George W. A private chapter of the war. (1861-5.) St. Louis, 1880. 277.7 The story of an attempted escape from a Southern prison. Bailey, Jacob, 1731-1808. Bartlet, W. S. The frontier missionary. 1853. S34-S Bailey, James Montgomery, 1841-. England from a back-window ; with views of Scotland and Ireland. Boston, 1879. 1665.4 Bailey, John Burn. Modern Methuselahs. Lon- don, 1888. 562.8 Contents. — " Long-lasting." St. Anthony the great. Joan- nes Cantacuzenus, emperor of the East/ George Gemisthus Pletho. Luigi Cornaro. Titian : tlie painter. Titian : the man. Fontenelle. Thomas Amory. A group of far-ad- vanced nonagenarians. Eva Maria Garriclc. Caroline Lu- cretia Herschel. iVIary Somerville. Sir Moses Montefiore. Martin Joseph Routh. Mr. Thom's investigated cases of centenarianism. A group of unquestionable centenarians. A few recent and probable cases of centenarianism. Con- clusion. Bailey, Theodorus, 1803-1877. Headi.ey, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders, 1861-65. 272.7 Baillie, Lady Grizel, born Hume, 1665-1746. CocirRANE, R. Gallery of notable men and women. 1547.2 Baillie, Joanna, 1762-1851. Cone, Helen G., and Gilder, Jeannette L. Pen-portraits of literary women, vol. i. 1557. 22.1 Fawcett, Millicent G. Some eminent women of our times. 1554-25 HOWITT, W. Homes and haunts of the British poets, vol. 2. 896.1.2 Baillie, Rev. John, -1890. Life-studies ; or, how to live. N. Y., 1857. 548.12 Contents. — Bunyan. Tersteegen. Montgomery. Perthes. Mrs. Mary Winslow. The missionary of Kilmany : a memoir of Alexander Paterson. With notices of Robert Edie. 14th ed. Edinb., 1859. 1098.32 Baillie, Robert, D.D., 1599-1662. Carlvle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays, vol. 4. 867.1.4; 893.3.4 Irving, D. Lives of the Scotish writers. 586.13 Baillle-Gpohman, William A. See Grohman, William A. Baillie. Bailly, Jean Sylvian, 1 736-1793. Arago, D. F. J. Biographies of distinguished scientific men. 541.3 Baily, Francis, 1774-1844. Herschel, J. F. W. Essays. 144.1S Bain, Ale.xander. James Mill : a biography. N. Y., 1882. Portr. 1537.8 John Stuart Mill : a criticism, with recollections. N. Y., 1882. 1537.9 Bainbpidge, William, commodore, 1774-1833. Cooi'ER, J. F. Lives of American naval officers, vol. i. 527-S-i H ARRIS, T. The life and services of commodore Bainbridge. 527.1 Baines, Edward, 1 774-1848. A visit to the Vau- dois of Piedmont. London, 1858. No. 4 in 1655.7 Baines, Edward, 1800-. Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen. 1861. 555-7 Baird, Henry Martyn. History of the rise of the Huguenots of France. N. Y., 1879. 2 v. 990.2 Modern Greece. N. Y., 1856. Illus. 918.11 Baipd, James. The emigrant's guide to Austral- asia. London, 1868, 71. 2 v. Maps. 696.22 Contents. — i. Australia. 2. Tasmania and New Zealand. Baird, James Skerrett Shore. The classical man- ual : an epitome of ancient geography, Greek and Roman mythology, antiquities, and chronology. Phila., 1852. 1829.22 Baird, Robert, D.D., 1798-1863. Impressions and experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849. Phila., 1850. 628.6 Religion in America. N. Y., 1856. 113. 2 Sketches of protestantism in Italy. Including the Waldenses. Boston, 1845. 1096.13 Fowler, H. The American pulpit. 1856. 534.9 Baireuth, Margravine of. See Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina. Baipeuth, Germany. Wagner, W. R. Art life and theories. With drawings of the Bayreuth opera house. 1S75. 1536.16 BakeP, Charlotte Alice. A summer in the Azores, with a glimpse of Madeira. Boston, 1882. 1648.22 Baker, D. W. C. A Texas scrap-book. N. Y. [1875.] Illus. 1641.8 Bakep, Mary, the " princess of Javasu," 1791-. Remarkable women. 547-5 Baker, Sir Samuel White, 1821-1873. Eight years in Ceylon [1845-53]. New ed. London, 1884. 695.20 Ismailia: a narrative of the expedition to Central Africa [1869-73] for the suppression of the slave trade. N. Y., 1875. Illus. 1692.10 The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, and the sword hunters of the Hamran Arabs. Phila., 1868. 1692.9 The rifle and the hound in Ceylon. Phila., 1869. Illus. 695.19 Wild beasts and their ways. Reminiscences of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. London, 1890. 2 V. Illus. 171.35 Adams, W. H. D. " In perils oft." 1542.44 Cochrane, R. Lives and discoveries of famous travellers. 1547-5 Frost, T. Modern explorers. 661.20 Bakewell, Frederick C. Great facts: most re- markable inventions during the present century. N. Y., i860. Illus. 187.22 Balance of military power in Europe. Maurice, J. F. 1888. 911.14 Balboa, Vasco Nunez de, 1475-1517. Lives of Vasco Nuiiez de Balboa, Hernando Cortes, and Francisco Pizarro. 539-21 Baldovinetti, Alessio, 1424-1499. Vasari, G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vol. 2. 848.6.2 Balduinetti, Alessio. See Baldovinetti. Baldwin III, fifth of the Latin kings of Jerusalem, 1 1 30-1 163. Brooks, E. S. Historic boys. 1885. 1531-7 Douglas, Amanda M. The heroes of the crusades. 950.25 Baldwin, Rev. George Colfax. Representative men of the New Testament. N. Y., i860. 2095.19 Contents. — John the Baptist. Herod. Peter. Judas. John. Thomas. Nicodemus. Ananias. Stephen. The nameless moral young man. Agrippa. The jailor, or the converted man. Paul. Baldwin, Henry, 1779-1844. Brown, D. P. The forum; forty years at the Philadelphia bar, vol. 2. 1856. 294.4.2 Baldwin, John Denison. Ancient America, in notes on American archeology. N. Y. [Cop. 1871.] Illus. 211. 14 Pre-historic nations. N. Y., 1869. 1957.2 Baldwin, Joseph G. The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi. San Francisco, 1876. 1648.9 23 Baldwin Baratier Baldwin, M;iry Briscoe, 1811-1877. I'll MAS. Knima R. Mission lilc in (Jrfccc and Palcsline. MfinuruN. (1881.) «<>9S-»7 Baldwin, S. D. Armageddon : or the overthrow of Romanism and monarchy. Rev. ed. Cincinnati, |86}. 1116.19 Baldwin, William Charles. African hunting from N.it.il to the Zambesi. 1852-60. N. Y., iw)). 684.15 Balestler, Charles Wolcott. James G. Blaine : a sketch. With a brief record of John A. l.oRaii. N. Y.. 1S84. Portrs. iS-JS-Jo Balfour, Robert, i55o?-i625.'' iRViSi;. 1). I.lvl•^ 1)1 .Stoiisli wrilcR. 586.13 Balize, Central America. Crouk. K. The gos|)cl in Central America; history of the Baptist mission in British Honduras. 1850. 1087.4 Ball, Benjamin Lincoln. Three days on tlie Wliite mountains. Being [his] perilous adventure on Mcnmt WashiiiRton [Oct., 1855]. Boston, 1877. 238.5 Ball, John. Peaks, passes, and glaciers. Excur- sions by membersof the Alpine club. London, 1859. lllus. 666.12 Same. 5th ed. London, i860. Maps. 1666. i For itie 2(1 series, see Kennedy, itidward S. Ballantine, William, i555?-i633? See Bellenden, Willi.im. Ballantine, William, 1812-. Some experiences of a barrister's life. By Mr. Serjeant Ballantine. N. Y.. 1882. 5J3-I8 Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Man on the ocean. A book about boats and ships. London, 1874.1636.18 Six months at the Cape ; or, letters to Periwinkle from South Africa. London, 1880. lllus. 1692.15 Ballantyne, Thomas. Biographical memoir of Thomas Carlyle. In Carlyle, T. Passages selected fnuii his writings. 1855. 885.12 Ballendan, John. See Bellenden, John. Balloon travels of Robert Merry and his young friends o\er Europe. Goodrich, S. G. 1855. 1678.1 Balloons. See Aeronautics. Ballou, Re\'. Adin, 1803-1800. Memoir of Adin Augustus Ballou, by his father. Hopedale, 1853. 539-9 Ballou, Rev. Hosea, 1771-1852. Ballou, .M. M. Biography of Hosea Ballou. 1852. 535.11 Safford, O. K. Hosea Ballou: a marvellous life-story. 1889. 1553.8 Ballou, Hosea, 2d, 1796-1861. The ancient history of Universalism [90-1500]. 2d ed. Providence, 1842. 1099.12 Ballou, Maturin Murray. Aztec land. Boston, i8go. 1630.25 Biography of Hosea Ballou. Boston, 1852. 535.11 Due North ; or, glimpses of Scandinavia and Russia. Boston, 1887. 1669.26 Due South ; or, Cuba past and present. Boston, 1885. 1630.12 Due West; or, round the world in ten months. Boston, 1884. 1663.1 Footprints of travel. Boston, 1889. lllus. 1663.7 History of Cuba. Boston, 1854. lllus. 266.5 The new Eldorado : a summer journey to Alaska. 4th ed. Boston, 1890. 1635.38 Same. Tourist's ed. Boston, 1891. Maps. 1636.24 Under the Southern cross ; or, travels in Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Samoa, and other Pacific islands. Boston, 1888. 1697.24 Balmes, Jaime Luciano. European civilization. Protestantism and catholicity compared, igth ed. Baltimore. [1850.] Portr. 1081.5 Balsamo, Giuseppe, known as Cagliostro, 1743- 1795. Caklyi.e, T. Count Cagliostro. In his Critical and mis- cellaneous essays. 863.7 i 867.13 ; 893.3.3 RlssKLL, W. Eccentric personages. 569.19 Baltic sea. Hil.l., S. S. Travels on the shores of the Baltic. 1854. 687.20 MAa,KEi;<)R, J. The Rob Roy on the Baltic: a canoe cruise. 1867. 1687. 1 Balzac, Honore de, 1799-1850. I AMI s. 11., jr. French poets and novelists. 383.8 SI Kill FN, I,. Balzac's novels. In his Hours in a library. 1828.18 Bamford, Samuel, 1788-1872. SMili--. S. Brief biographies. 1861. 589.18 Bancroft, Aaron, D.D., 1755-1839. The life of (jeorge Washington. Phila. 519.2 Bancroft, George, 1800-1891. General index to Bancroft's History of the United States. [Boston, 1875.] 302.2 This is an index to the copy on 302.1. History of the formation of the constitution of the UnitedStates. N. Y., 1882. 2 v. 301.1 History of the United States [to 1782]. Boston, 1852-74. 10 V. 302.1 Same. [Centenary edition.] Boston, 1876. 6 v. 277.1 Literary and historical miscellanies. N. Y., 1855. 873.1 Martin Van Buren : to the end of his public career. N. Y., 1889. 1553.7 Bancroft, Marie Effie, born Wilton. M AiniFUs, H.. and HiriON, L. .Actors and .actresses of ( irual Hrilaiii and the United States, vol. 5. 1540.65 5 Bancroft, Squire Bancroft. Maiihews, B., and llUTTON, L. Actors and actresses of Great Bril^iin :uul llie UnitedStates, vol. 5. 1540.65.5 Bandinelli, Baccio, 1489-1559. Vasari, G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vol. 4. 848.6.4 Bandinelli, Bartolommeo. See Bandinelli, Baccio. Bandmann, Daniel E. An actor's tour; or, sev- enty thousand miles with Shakespeare. Boston, 1885. Portr. 1697.20 A tour in .Australia, India, China, etc. Bank of England. I'UANCis, J. History of the Bank of England. [1845?] :; V. 136.13 Banks, Sir Joseph, bart., 1743-1820. Biograi'HIES of eminent men, vol. 4. 839.6.4 Lodge, E. Portraits, vol. 8. 815.1.8 JARDINE, Sir W. Memoir. In his Naturalist's library, veil. 38. 179. 1.38 Banks, Nathaniel Prentice, 1816-. Sa\'AOE, J. Our living representative men. 527.19 Thayer, W. M. The bobbin boy. 527.20 Banks, Thomas, 1735-1805. Ci:n.nin<;iiam, .'\. Lives of the British painters, sculptors, and architects, vol. 3. 379*9'3; 810. 19.3 Banks. HlLDKF.TU, R. The history of banks. 1837. 136.24 Banvard, Joseph, 1810-. The American states- man : or, the life and character of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1853. lllus. 526.24 Pioneers of the new world and the old French war. Boston. [1S81.] lllus. 218.8 Plymouth and the pilgrims. Boston, 1853. 228.14 Soldiers and patriots of the American revolution. Boston. [1876.] 218.9 Baptists. I;k.m;i>K'1', D. Fifty years among the Baptists, i860. 114.9 Baratier, Johann Philipp, 1721-1740. Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets and sundry emi- nent persons. 586.20 24 Barbadoes Baron-Wilson Barbadoes. SCHOMBURGK, Sir R. H. The history of Barbados. 1848. 264.1 Barbapelli, Giorgio, called Giorgioiie. See Gior- gione. Barbarism of slavery. Sumner, C. i860. 299.17 Barbarossa, Frederick. See Frederick I, emperor of Germany. Barbary states. Chateaueki.\nd. Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary, 1806-7. 685.7 Hay, J. H. D. Western Barbary : its wild tribes and savage animals. 1844. 889.20 Poole, S. L. The story of the Barbary Corsairs. 1890. 930.8 Russell, M. History and present condition of the Barbary states. 1846. 810.70 SUM.NER, C. White slavery in the Barbary states. 1853. 127.36 - Same. In his Orations and speeches, vol. i. 866.7.1 Barbauld, Anna Laetitia. AIKIN, Lucy. Memoir. In Mrs. Barbauld's works, vol. i. 888.5.1 Fawcett, Millicent G. Some eminent women of our times. 1554-25 Ritchie, Anne I. .A book of sibyls. 1532.23 Robertson, E. -S. Englisli poetesses. 1524.14 Barber, Jolm Warner. Historical collections, re- lating to every town in Massachusetts. Worcester, 1848. Illus. 223.8 The history and antiquities of New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. 3d ed. Hartford, 1847. Illus. 237.5 Thrilling incidents in American history. Phila. [1866.] Illus. ' 218.20 Barber, Josepli. War letters of a disbanded vol- unteer. Embracing his experiences as honest old Abe's bosom friend and unofficial adviser. [Anon.] N. Y., 1864. 308.10 Barbou, Alfred. Victor Hugo and his time. With drawings by Victor Hugo [and others]. Trans, by Ellen E. Fr'ewer. N. Y., 1882. Portrs. 533.17 Victor Hugo ; his life and works. From the French, by Frances A. Shaw. Chicago, 1881. 533-12 Barbour, George M. Florida for tourists, in- valids, and settlers. N. Y., 1882. Illus. 660.18 Barbour, John, archdeacon of Aberdeen, 1316?- 1395- Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies, vol. 2. 399.9.2 Barclay, James T. The city of the Great King; or, Jerusalem as it was, as it is, and as it is to be. Phila., 1858. illus. . 684.3 Barclay, John, poet, 1 582-1621. IR\'ING, D. Lives of Scotish writers. 586.13 Barclay, John, 1 758-1826. jARDiiNE, Sir W. Memoir. In his Naturalist's library, vol. 24. 179. 1.24 Barclay, William, jurist, 1 546-1606. Irving, D. Livcsof Scotish writers. 586.13 Bards, The, of the Bible. Gilfillan, G. 1851. 1 18.2; 2095.5 Bar^re de Vieuzae, Bertrand, 1755-1841. Macaulay. Biographical and historical sketches. 884.19 - Biographical essays. 589.27 - Critical and miscellaneous essays. 867.4.5; 863.1 Barham, Richard Harris. (Thomas Ingoldsby.) Life and letters : with a selection from his miscel- laneous poems. By [R. H. D. Barham]. London, 1870. 2 V. Portr. 1528.13 Memoir [by R. H. D. Barham]. in his Ingoldsby legends, vol. i. 1864. 345-6-1 Personal reminiscences. N. Y., 1875. [Bric-a-brac series.] 1535.16 HORNE, R. H. A new spirit of the age. 1844. 878.23 Jerdan, W. Men I have known. i866. 1522.9 Baring, Harriet Mary, born Montagu, lady Ash- burton, -1857. MiLNES, R. M., lord Houghton. Monographs personal and social. 1528.14 Baring-Gould, Sabine, 1834-. Curious myths of the middle ages. London, 1877. Illus. 1825. i Same. Boston, 1880. Illus. 1826.1 The American edition omits two chapters and appendices. Germany present and past. London, 1879. 2 v. 1665.8 Old country life. London, 1890. Illus. 1673.18 The story of Germany. With the collaboration of A. Gilman. N. Y., 1S86. [Story of the nations.] Portrs. Illus. 920.16 The vicar of Morwenstow. A life of R. S. Hawker. 3d Am. ed. N. Y., 1882. .Portr. 560.2 Barker, Edward Harrison. Wayfaring in France. London, 1890. Illus. 663.22 Barker, Fred Coshin, and Danforth, John Samuel. Hunting and trapping on the Upper Magalloway river and Parmaclienee lake. Boston. [1882.] Illus. 173.23 Barker, Mary Anne, lady. See Broome, Mary Anne, lady. Barlee, Ellen. A visit to Lancashire, in 1862. London, 1863. 644.8 Barnard, Charles, 1838-. Camilla : a tale of a violin. Being the artist life of Camilla Urso. Bos- ton. [1874.] 1535-15 The tone masters. A musical series for young people. Boston, 1871. 3 v. 766.19 Contents. — I. Mozart and Mendelssohn. 2. Handel and Haydn. 3. Bach and Beethoven. Barnard, Henry, 1811-. National education in Europe. 2d ed. N. Y., 1854. 137. i Barnard, John Gross. The Peninsular campaign and its antecedents, as developed by the report of McClellan, and other documents. N. Y., 1864. Map. 308.12 Barneby, William H. Life and labour in the far, far West: a tour in the Western states, British Columbia. Manitoba, and the North-west territory. London, 1884. 1630.2 Barnes, Albert, 1798-1870. Fowler, H. The .American pulpit. 1856. 534-9 Barnes's one-term series. Steele, J. D. Brief history of ancient peoples. [.Anon.] 1881. 950-S -Brief history of France. 1877. 2006.9 - Brief history of Greece. [1883.] 95o-i° - Brief history of the United Slates [to 1871] . 218.5 - and Steele, Esther B. Brief history of Rome. [1885.] 950.18 Barneveld, Jan van Olden, 1 547-1619. Crowe, E. E. Lives of foreign statesmen, vol. i. 388.7.1 MOTLEY, J. L. Life and death of John of Barneveld, with the causes and movements of the Thirty years' war. 1874. 2 v. 1531-2 Barney, Captain Chester. Recollections of field service with the Twentieth Iowa infantry volunteers. Davenport, 1865. 244.12 Barney, Joshua, 1759-1818. Biographical memoir. Ed. by Mary Barney. Boston, 1832. Portr. 513.7 Barnum, I^hineas Taylor. Life, written by him- self. N. Y., 1855. Illus. 526.6 Struggles and triumphs : or, forty years' recollec- tions. Hartford, 1869. Illus. 1562.2 Barnwell, Robert Gibbes. A sketch of the life and times of John De Witt, grand pensionary of Holland ; added, his Treatise on life annuities. N. Y., 1856. Portr. 545- 16 Baron- Wilson, Margaret. See Wilson, Margaret Cornwell Baron. 25 Barretier Basil Barreller, John Pliilip. Sec Baratier, Johaiin Barrett, Joscpli H. Life of Abraham Lincoln. CiiKinn.iti, lSiiaJliism in China. London, 1884. \\.\y. 2100.23 Beall, Robert Augustus. Mil.l.KR, S. F. The bench and barof Georgia, vol. I. 1858. 297-3-t Bear-wopshlppers, The, of Yezo and the island ot K.ir;iliito (.S.i>;h:ilin). Greey, E. 1884. 662.4 Beard, George Miller. The psychology of the Salem witchcraft excitement of i6p'2 and its practical application to our own time. N. l'., 1882. 1123.19 Beard, John Reilly, D.D. Toussaint L'Ouv erture : a biography and autobiography. Boston, 1863. 614.7 B^arn, Florence, vicomtesse de, 14th century. I1i>';ak. J. G. Noble dames of ancient story. 569.27; 599.24 Beaten paths: or, a woman's vacation [in Europe]. Thompson, Ella \V. 1874. 1638.17 Beaton, Da\ id, cardinal archbishop of St. Andrews, "494-1546. I.'iIX-.K, K. Portraits, vol. i. 815. i.i Beaton, Patrick. Creoles and coolies ; or, live years In Mauritius. London, 1859. 997.6 Beatoun, David, cardinal. See Beaton, David. Beattie, James, LL.D., 1735-1803. IJM I . .\. .Memoir. In Beattie's Poetical works. 319.2; 1316.2 Beauchesne, Alcide Hy.acinthe Du Bois de. Louis -Wll. His lite — his suffering — his death: the capti\itv of the royal family in the Temple. Trans, by W. H:i7jitt. N. Y.. 1853. 2 v. Portrs. 615.5 Beauelerk, Lady Diana De Vere, afterwards Lady HuJJlestoii. A summer and winter in Norway. 2d ed. London, 1868. lllus. 1679.4 Beauelerk, Harriot, born Mellon, duchess of St. Albans, 1777-1837. Wilson, M. C. B. Memoirs of Harriot, due. is of St. Albans. 1840. 2 V. 598.20 Kkmakk AliI.K women. 547-5 Beaufort, Raphael Ledos de. The abbe Liszt. London. 1886. Portrs. 1517.22 Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de, 1732- 1799. LOM^NIE, L. L. de. Beaumarchais and his times. 1857.615.4 Beaumont, Francis, 1585-161 5. Dl.nham, S. a. Lives of eminent men of Great Britain, vol. 2. 398.3.2 v\ iiifi'i.E, E. P. The literature of the age of Elizabeth. 1373-5 Beaux. Tii(>Ntsi>.N, Katherine and J. C. Wits and beaux of society. i860. 2V. 555.1 - Same. 1861. I5,,5.8 Beccafumi, Domenico, 1484-1549. V'ASARI, G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vo'- 4- 848.6.4 28 Becher, Alexander Bridport. The landfall of Co- lumbus on his first \ ny.ige to America, with a trans- lation of baron Bonnefoux's History of his previous life. London, 1856. Chart. 625.13 Becker, Wilhelm Adolf. Charicles; or, illustra- tions of the pri\ate life of the ancient Greeks. Trans, by F. Metcalfe. 4th ed. London. 1874. 957.1 Gallus : or, Rom;in scenes of the time of Augustus. Trans, by F. Metcalfe. [2d ed.] London, 1849. Plans. 957.2 'lliesc two works are in Ihc form of fiction. Becket, Thomas ;'i. See Thomas ;i Becket. Beekford, William, 1760-1844. Italy, with sketches ol Spain and Portugal [1780-87]. Phila., 1834. 2v. 679.6 Italy, Spain and Portugal ; with an excursion to the monasteries of Alcobaja and Batalka [in 1784]. N. v., 1845. 2v.ini. 675.18 TUCKERMAN, H. T. Characteristics of literature ,scr. a. 548.5.2 Beckmann, Johann, 1739-1811. •A history of inseiitiiHis, discoveries, and origins. Trans, by W. Johnston. 4th ed. London, 1846. 2 v. Portrs. 818.8 Beda Venerabilis, 673-735. The Venerable Bede's Ecclesiastical history of England [to A. D. 731]. Also The An^lo Saxon chronicle [to A. D. 1154]. Ed. bv J. A. Giles. 2d ed. London, 1849. 846.1 Bede, Cutlibert, pseud. See Bradley, Edward. Bedford, Countesses of. See Russell, Anne and Lucy. Bedford, Dukes of. See Plantagenet, John. Rus- sell, Francis, John, and William. Bedford, Earls of. See Russell, Francis and John. Russell family. Bedford, Henry. Life of St. Vincent de Paul. N. Y., 1.S5X. 1557.4 Beecher, Henry Ward. Freedom and war. Dis- courses on the times. Boston, 1863. 307.8 The life of Jesus, the Christ. N. Y., 1871. 2103.4 ABBOTr, Lyman. Henry Ward Beecher. 530.20 Beecher, W. C, and ScoviLLE, S. A. Biography of Beecher. 530*42 Bu.NT.AY, G. W. Traits of represenl.itive men. 1534-13 Fowler, H. The American pulpit. 534-9 HOWARII, J., jr. Life. 530.51 McCaBE, |. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made. " S'S-'4 Parton, J. Beecher and his church. In his Famous Americans of recent times. 1522-7 Stowe, Harriet B. The lives and deeds of our self-made men. 542.21 - Men of our times. 1522.8 THOMPSON, N. L. The history of Plymouth church, 1847 to 1872. 1082.7 Beecher, Lyman, 1 775-1863. Autobiography,"cor- respondence, etc. Ed. by Charles Beecher. N. Y., 1804, 65. 2 v. lllus. 536.23 Beecher, Thomas Kennicutt. Our seven churches. N. Y., 1S70. 2108.27 Beecher, William Constantine, and Scoville, Sam- uel. A biography of Henry Ward Beecher. By Wm. C. Beecher and Samuel Scoville, assisted by Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher. N. Y., 18S8. lllus. 530.42 Beeehey, Henry William. Memoir of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Portr. In Reynolds's Literary works, vol. I. 1852. 858.4.1 Beekman, Cornelia, born Van Cortlandt, 1752- 1847. Ellei, Elizabeth F. The women of the American revolu- tion, vol. 2. 538.13.2 Beerbohm, Julius. Wanderings in Patagonia ; or, life among the ostrich-hunters [in 1877]. N. Y., 1879. Map. 1649.20 ia(<- Beers Beers, Henry Augustine. From Cliaucer to Tenny- son. English literature. With selections from thirty authors. N. Y., 1890. 383.4 Natlianiel Parln a tour, at Newport, and here and tluir. f iiller, H. |8<;«. 635-22 Bellenden, Mm. arcliJeaci>n of Morav. 14110? 1550. Ikvisi:. 11. I.ivrt ol'ScoIish wrilt-rs. s8^-'3 Bellenden, William, 1555?- 1633? Ikvim;. L>. l,ive> of Scoiiili writers. 586.13 Bellicl, Giambattista. See Bellucci, Giovanni Battist.i. Bellini, Giovanni, 1426-1516. Vasari, G. Lives of Ilic |>ninlcr:>, sculptors, and .irchitccts, vol. a. 848.6.3 BellOC, Bessie R. Parkes. Vignettes. Twelve hloRraphical sketches. London, 1866. 1516.11 Contciiis. — Matlaiiu' Swctcliinc. Socur Rosalie. Madame Plipe-Carpiintier. .Mailanie dc l.:imartine. Madame Luce. Governor W'inthrop's wife. Cornelia Kni^'ht. Uianca Milesi .Mojon. .Mrs. Uelany. Harriot K. Hunt. .Miss Bos.tnquet. Mrs, Jameson. Bellot, Joseph Rene, 1826-185). Memoirs. With Journal ol a snyage in the polar seas, in search of Sir John Franklin [1851-52]. London, 1855. 2 v. 617.13 Grosf.r, W. H. Men worth imit.iting. 557.*° Bellows, Henry Whitney. The Old world in its new lace. Impressions of Europe in 1867-68. N. Y., i8<)8, 6g. 2 V. 1654.5 Belloy, Auguste, marquis de. Cliristopher Colum- bus and the disco\ ery of the New world. New ed. Phila., iS«9. Illus. 542-22 Bells t)f the sanctuary. O'Meara, Kathleen. 2 v. 1873, [87?] 1548-3 Bellucci, Giovanni Battista, 1506-1560. Vasari, G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vol. 4. 848.6.4 Belsham, William, 1753-1827. Memoirs of the reign of George III, 1802-20. London, 1824. 2 v. Beltrami, Giacomo Constantino. A pilgrimage in Europe and America [1821-23], leading to the dis- covery of the sources of the Mississippi and Bloody river; with a description of the Ohio. London, 1828. 2 V. Map. Illus. 625. iS Belzoni, Giovanni Battista. Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries in Egypt and Nubia. 3d ed. London, 1822. 2 v. Portr. 693.12 St. John, J. A. The hvcs of celebrated travellers, vol.3. 810.47-3 Self t.iught men. 1538.5 Benares, Hindostan. Davis, Sir J. 1". Vizier Ali Khan; or, the massacre of Benares. 1844. 939-8 Benbow, John, vice-admiral of England, 1653-1702. AitAM^, W. H. D. Neptune's heroes. 578.19 Eliuak, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes. 558.16 Bench and bar: a digest of the wit, humor, asperi- ties, and amenities of the law. Bigelow, L. J. 1867. 1816.10 Same. 1871. 1816.23 Bench and bar of Georgia. Miller, S. F. 1858. 2 v. 294.3 Benedetto da Rovezzano, i48o?-i55o? Vasari. G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vol. 3. 848.6.3 Benedict, St., of Monte Cassino, 480-543. Caldwell, S. L. Cities of our faith and other discourses. 1890. 1081.17 Benedict, E. L. Stories of persons and places in Europe. N. Y. [1887.] Illus. 642.2 Benedict, Erastus Cornelius. A run through Europe. N. Y., 1S60. 665.5 Benedict, Sir Julius. Sketch of Feli.x Mendelssohn Bartholdy. London, 1850. 54S.4 Weber. N. Y., 1881. [The gre.at musicians.] 1548.25 I'p. 134-176 conl.iin ,-> catalogue of Weber's works. Benefactors. Ur.vKK. S. A. Our great Ix-nefactors. 53t.H GuoiiRICII. S. G. Lives of henefaclors. 1869. 1.4 Bengal. C'xiKK. li. VV. China and Lower Bengal, 1857-58. 709.30 DUNLOr. .M.ndeline A. W.. and INVEKARITV. Kosulind .\l. \V. The timely retreat; or. a year in Bengal before the mutinies. 1858. 3 v. 695.10 Benger, Elizabeth Ogiivy, 1778-1827. Life of Anne Bolcyn, queen of Henry VIII. l^hila., 1822. 554.1 Same. Memoirs of Anne Boleyn. 2d Am. ed., with a memoir of the author by Miss Aikin. Phila., 1852. Portr. 594.15 Memoirs of Elizabeth Hamilton. With a selection from her correspondence and other unpublished writings. London, 1818. 2 v. 599-6 Memoirs of Mary queen of Scots. London, 1823. 2 V. 594.9 S.inie. Phila., 1851. 2 v. 594.2 Benham, Willi.im, 1831-. The dictionary of relig- ion. An encyclopa-dia of Christian and other relig- ious doctrines, denominations, sects, ecclesi.istical terms, etc. London, 1887. Illus. R.R. Desk 29 Beni M'zab. N'aphi cvi, G. Ghardaia; or. ninety days among the B'ni Muzab. I'Sji. 686.36 Benjamin, Samuel Green Wheeler. The Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. N. Y., 1878. 1641.14 The multitudinous seas. N. Y., 1879. Illus. 1168.9 Our American artists. Boston. [1879,81.] 2 v. Illus. 200.12 Contents. — I. \V. H. Beard. A. F. Bellows. R. S. Ciifford. W. .M. Chase. S. R. GitTord. W. Shirlaw. J. J. Enncking. T. W. Wood. S. Colinan. Wortlsworih Thompson. G. L. Brown. D. N'eal. 2. John Lafarge. Arthur Quartley. Daniel Huntington. Thomas Hill. E. L. Weeks. J. W. Champney. G. Inness. J. S. Hartley. C. S. Reinhart. Lady illustrators. A. V. S. Anthony. Architecture. These biographies are republished in Art for young folks [200.1]. The Story of Persia. N. Y., 1887. [The story of the nations.] Illus. 940-3' Troy : its legend, history, and literature. N. Y. [1880.] Map. [Epochs of ancient history.] 1958.38 The Turk and the Greek. N. Y., 1867. 916.20 The world's paradises : or, sketches in noted sani- taria. N. Y., 1880. 1668.2 Benjamin ben Jonah, of Tudela, -11 73? Travels, A. D. 1160-1173. In Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine. 846.7 Bennet, Henry, earl of Arlington, 1618-1685. Lodge, E. Portraits, vol. 6. 815.1.6 Bennet, James Henry, M.D. Mentone, the Riviera, Corsica and Biarritz as winter climates. 2d ed. London, 1862. 674.15 Bennett, Andrew J. The story of the First Mas- sachusetts light battery, attached to the Sixth army corps. A glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, 1861-64. Boston, 1886. Illus. 213.15 Bennett, James Gordon, 1800-1872. McCabe, J. D.. jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made. 515-14 Fariiin. J. Famous .Americans of recent times. 1522.7 Bennett, John C. The history of the saints; or, an expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism. Boston, 1842. 115. 14 30 Bennington Bertie Bennington, Vt., Battle of, 1777. DkaKE, S. A. Burgoyne's invasion of 1777. 1889. 210.65 Benson, Eugene. Art and nature in Italy. Bos- ton, 1882. 1667.32 Contents. — In Giorgione's country. In Titian's country. Raphael's birthplace. A royal seat. Tintoret and his con- ception of Satan. A great day at St. Peter's. Perugia. Assisi. Majolica in Italy. Bellini and Pesaro. San Gi- migna'no. Ferrara at dawn. Serravalle. Fortuny's art — what does it mean ? Out of Rome. Benson, Joseph, 1748-1821. GORRIE, P. D. Lives of eminent Methodist ministers. S35.14 Benson, M. E. The story of Russia. London, uss^. Illus. 920.18 Bent, Samuel Arthur. Familiar short sayings of great men. 6th ed. Boston. [1887.] 1897.38 Short sayings of great men. 2d ed. Boston, 1882. 1897.25 An earlier edition of the preceding. Bentham, Jeremy. 1 748-1832. BlOGIJAl'IIIKS of eminent men, vol. 4. 839.6.4 HAZi-in, W. The spirit of the age. 888.17:867.2.5 Bentinek, George William Pierrepont. Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen. 555.7 Bentley, Richard, D.D., 1662-1742. BloGKAPniES of eminent men, vol. 3. 839.6.3 De QtilNCEY, T. Essays on philosophical writers. 895.20.2 jElili, R. C. Bentley. ' 1544-Si Benton, Thomas Hart. Thirty years' view; or, a history of the working of the American government, 1820-50. N. Y., 1854, 56. 2v. Portr. 282.1 Roosevelt, T. Life. i533-i4 Benue, river. Hi-iTClIINSON, T. J. Narrative of the Niger, Tshadda, and liinui- exploration. 1855. No. 2 in 1655.9 B6rangeF, Pierre Jean de, 1780-1857. Bageiiot, W. Literary studies, vol. 2. 891.9.2 Berard, Augusta Blanche. School history of Eng- land. N. Y. [1861.] 980-45 Berdan, David, 1803-1827. Sewaru, \V. H. David Berdan. [Eulogy. July 21, 1828.] In Seward's Works, vol. 3. 294-7-3 Bepengaria of Navarre, queen of Richard I. Jameson, Anna B. Lives of celebrated female sovereigns. 569.28 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of England, vol. 2. 592.1.2 Berens, Edward. The history of the prayer-book of the Church of England. London. [1866?] 2089.23 Bergh, Henry, 1823-1888. Bungay, (i. \V. Traits of representative men. 1534.13 Berington, Joseph, 1746-1827. The literary history of the Middle ages. London, 1846. 404-9 B^Piot, Charles Auguste de, 1802-1870. Ferris, G.T. Great violinists and pianists. [i8Si.] 154943 Bepkeley, George, bishop of Cloyne, 1685-1753. Butt, Isaac. Berkeley. In .-\fternoon lectures on litera- ture and art. 3d series. 1866. 1839.6 Fraser, a. C. Berkeley. 1881. 1537-2 Oliphant, Margaret 6. W. Historical sketches of the reign of George II. 983-4 Bepkeley, George Charles Grantley Fitzhardinge. A niiinth in the forests of France. London, 1857. 654.4 Berkeley men. The, pseud. See Lester, Charles E. Bepkley, E. The Pharaohs and their people. Old Egyptian lile .-tnd history. N. Y. [1883.] 940.16 Bepkshipe, England. Murray, J. A hand-book for travellers in Berks, Bucks, and Oxfordshire, i860. 645.20 Bepkshipe county, Mass. Field, 1 1. D. A history of the county. 1829. 227.9 Smith, ). E. .\. Taghconic; the romance and beauty of the hills.' 1879. 1648.15 Berlin. Lander, Sarah W. Spectacles for young eyes. Berlin, 1865. ' 1638.4 Norton, Minerva B. In and around Berlin. 1889. 1668.31 ViZETELLY', H. Berlin under the new empire. 1879. 2 v. 1661.8 Beplioz, Louis Hector, 1803-1869. Autobiography, 1803-65. Trans, by Rachel and Eleanor Holmes. London, 1884. 2 v. 1538.14 Selections from his letters, and aesthetic, humorous, and satirical writings. Trans, and preceded by a biographical sketch of the author by W. F. Apthorp. N. Y., 1879. 1543.41 Bourne, C. E. The great composers. [1887.] 1524.23 BePlyn, Peter, and Fowlep, Charles. The crystal palace: its architectural history and constructive marvels. London, 1S51. Illus. 205.6 Bepmudas. Dorr, Julia C. R. Bermuda: an idyl of the Summer islands. 1884. 1631.19 Godet, T. L. Bermuda: its history, geology, cUmate [etc.], with hints to invalids, i860. 265.5 Jones, J. M. The naturalist in Bermuda. 1859. 177-37 McQuADE, |. The cruise of the Montauk to Bermuda, the West Indies and Florida. 1885. 1630.7 Bepna, Italian painter, -1381? Vasari, G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vol I. 848.6.1 Bepnadotte. See Charles XIV, of Sweden. Bernapd St., abbot of Clairvaux, 1091-1153. Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs on religious history. 1881. 2101.16 Dale, T. P. A life's motto. 1528.7 Harrison, F. Choice of books. 1886. 1400.8 A review of Morison's Life and times ofSt. Bernard [3555.23; 3555.62] . Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe. 555-3 RatiSBONNE, M. T. The life and times of St. Bernard. [1878.] 2101.5 Bernapd the wise, English Benedictine monk. Voyage, A. D. 867. In Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine. 846.7 Bernapd, Charles de. See Du Grail de La Villette.C. Bepnapd, John. Retrospections of America, 1797- 181 1. Ed. by Mrs. Bavie Bernard, with notes by Laurence Hutton and Brander Matthews. N. Y., 1887. Portrs. 1637.27 Most of the book is devoted to theatrical matters. Bepnapd, William B. The life of Samuel Lover, with selections. N. Y., 1874. Portr. 1517.21 Bepnhapd Capl, Herzog von Sachsen Weimar Eisenach, 1792-1862. Travels through North America, 1825, 26. Phila., 1828. 623.11 Beppien, John Macpherson. Miller, S. F. The bench and bar of Georgia, vol. i. 1858. 294.3.1 Beppy, Marie Caroline Ferdinande Louise de Bour- bon, duchesse de. Dermoncourt, general. The duchess of Berri in La Vendee. 1833. S69-8 Beppy, Mary, 1763-1852. A comparative view of the social life of England and France [1660-1830]. London, 1828, 31. 986.4 Milnes, R. M.. baron Houghton. The Berrys. In his Monographs, personal and social. 1528.14 BePthieP, Louis Ale.xandre, prince de Wagram et de Neufchatel, due de Valengin, 1753-1815. Headley, ]. T. Napoleon and his marshals, vol. I. 605.2 BePthoUet, Claude Louis, comte, 1748-1822. Brightwell, Cecilia L. Heroes of the laboratory and the workshop. 551-7 BePtie, Montague, 2d earl of Lindsey, 1608-1666. Lodge, E. Portraits, vol. 5. 815.1.5 BePtie, Robert, ist earl of Lindsey, 1582-1642. Lodge, E. Portraits, vol. 4. 815. 1.4 31 Bertrandon Bible Bertrandon de Lii Brocqulfire, Travels, A. I), uj.', jj- III WriKht, 1. E;irly travels in P;ilcstiiie. 846.7 Besant, Walter. i8i8-. Captain CiviU. London, iS(>o. Portr. [English men of action.] s5o.6o The eulogy ol RiLliarJ Jctleries. N. Y., 1888. ISS4I') Fifty years ago. London, 1888. Illus. ii)8i.<) " .\ picture of society as It was when the queen .asceniled the throne." Gaspard de Colignv. London, i87(>. Portr. [New Plutarch.] 1543-33 Same. N. Y., iSyt,. Portr. 1544-32 The life and achievements of Edward Henry Palmer. }d ed. London, 1885. Portr. i537-i6 Conl-iins ihri-<- .iniH-nilKes: i. I'.ilnicr's work iis an orienl.il scholar. Iiv (i. K. Nicholl. 3. " Tumulo supcnidditc car- men " 3. I.i'>l of l".ilnier's works. Rabelais. Edinb. [1879]. [Foreign classics for English readers.] 1549-4' His life, mil an anal.t-sis of his works, including extracts, -and Rice, J.tines. Sir Richard WhittinRton, lord mavor of London. N. Y., 1881. [New Plutarch.] 1543-72 Bessd, Alfred von. The Turkish empire. Trans. In- E. J. Morris. Phila., 1854. 689.12 Bessemer, Sir Henry, 1813-. IKXNS. W. 1'. I'hi- creators of the .ige of Steel. 1884. 190.66 Bessi^res, Jean Bapliste, due d'Istrie. 1768-1813. Ilniiliv, I. T. .Napoleon and his marshals, vol. 2. 605.2.2 Besson, Charles Jean Baptiste, 1816-1861. 1.1 AK. Henrietta L. S. A Dominican artist. 1871. 578.23 Best, Mrs. M. C. Abroad and how to live there. Three ve.irs' residence in Gerinany and Switzerland. London, i860. 669.17 Best of all good company. See Jerrold, W. B. D.ivs with great authors. Betham, .Mary Matilda, 1776-1852. Edwards, Matilda B. B. Six life studies of famous women. 1523- 14 - The famous women lihrary. 1523.3 1.6 Betham-Edwards, Matilda. See Edwards, Ma- tilJ 1 R:irb,ir.t Betham. Bethune, iJavid, cardinal. See Beaton. D.niJ. Bethune, < jeorge Washington, D.D., 1805-1862. I'OWLliK, H. The .\mcric.in pulpit. 1856. S34-9 Bethune, John Drinkwater, 1762-1844. A history of the siege of Gibraltar, 1779-1783. With a de- scription. London, 1844. 889.14 Bethune, Maximilien de, due de Sully. See Sully. Bettany, George Thomas. The conquerors of the world : being a popular account of the peoples and races of Europe. London, 1889. Illus. 1698.13 The teeming millions of the East: being a popular account of the inhabitants of Asia. London, 1889. Illus. 1698.12 Bett.y, William Henry West. Maithews, B., and HUT-fON, L. Actors and actresses of Great Brit^iin and the United States, vol. 2. 1540.65.2 Beverly, M«ss. Sro.vE, E. M. History of Beverly, 1630-1842. 227.3 Bewick, Thomas, wood engraver, 1753-1828. Groser, W. H. Men worth imit.iting. 557-20 JARDINE, Sir W. Memoir. In his Naturalist's library, vol. 10. 179.1.10 Beyle, Marie Henri (Stendhal), compiler. Tlie life of Havdn, in a series of letters [by G. Carpani] ; the life of Mozart [by A. H. F. von SchlichtegrollJ, with observations on Metastasio and the present state of music in France and Italy. From the French of L. A. C. Bombet [pseud.]. With notes by W. Gardiner. Providence, 1820. 545-20 32 Same. Boston, 1839. 545-19 HaYWARI>, a. Selected ess.ays, vol. I. 1879. 1897.7 Beyond the Him.ilavas. Travel and adventure in the wilds of Thibet. Geddie, J. 1882. 1696.8 Beyond the Sierras ; or, observations on the Pacilji- 1. 1.1st. Tevis, A. H. 1877. 1649. i() Beyond the west. Pine, G. W. 1871. 623.25 Blanchi, ijirolamo, called Da Carpi, 1501 -1556. VasaRI, G. Lives of the piiintcrs, sculptors, and arehitccis, vol. 4. 848.6.4 Btanclardi, Mrs. Elizabeth D. Rice. At home in It.iK. Boston, 1S84. 1664.15 Blanconl, Charles, 1786-1875. SMili^. S. Men of invention anil industry. 1885. 1538.17 Biarritz, Fr.ince. I!i N.M.f. J. li. Mentone, the Riviera. Corsica and Biarritz as winter climates. 1862. 674.15 Blart, Lucien. The Aztecs. From the French by J. L. Garner. Chicago, 1887. Illus. 1635.35 BIBLE. Gack, \V. L. The land of sacred mystery, or the Bible read in the light of its own scenery. 1871. I103.9 (iooDRlCll, C. A. A geography of the chief places men- tioned in the Bible, and the principal events connected with them. 1856. 1089.28 C;rf,f..n',S.G. Pictures from Bible lands. 1879. Illus. 651.10 HuiailvS, H. The remarkable scenes of the Bible. 2109.33 Krno. I. Scripture lands. 1850. 815.7 McCLUitE, A. W. The translators revived; a memoir of the authors of the English version of the Bible. 1853. 548.10 March, D. Night scenes in the Bible. 186S. III4-3 SlANLKV, A. 1'. The Bible in the Holy Land. 1862. 2109.22 Thomson, W. M. The Land and the Book; or, biblical illustrations drawn from the Holy Land. 1869. 2 v. 1103.8 Biography. Baldwin, Rev. G. C. Representative men of the New 'testament, i860. 2095.19 r-'KOTIIlNi'.llAM, O. B. Stories of the patriarchs 1117.24 GlI.I-ll,l.,\N, G. The bards of the Bible. 1851. 118.2; 2095.5 Hai>I.EV, Caroline. Stories of old, or Bible narratives suited to the capacity of young children. New Testament. 128.24 Headley. P.' C. The girls of the Bible. 1866. 2098.8 - Sacred heroes and martyrs. 1871. 541-12 HUIUIK, H. Female characters of Holy Writ. 1866. 2098.10 Hunter, H. Sacred biography- 1844. 541-4 L[ rri.EWOOn, W. E. Bible biograpliies ; or, stories from the Old Testament. 1878., iii3-4 Reade, C. Bible characters. 1889. 2086.4 S'l'EELE, Eliza R. The sovereigns of the Bible. 1869. 2108.4 Williams, H. L., jr. The boys of the Bible. 1866. 2098.9 Young men of the Bible. 1859. 544-24 History. BONOMI, J. Nineveh and its palaces. The discoveries ol Botta and Layard, applied to the elucidation of Holy Writ. [1852.] 685.10 -Same. 1853. 1693.1 -Same. 1857. 835.14 Butler, .Annie R. "In the beginning;" or, stories from Genesis. [1889?] 2086.5 CONDER, T. The literary history of the New Testament. 1845. 1085.5 Cowi.ES, H. Hebrew history, from the death of Moses to the close of the Scripture narrative. 1875. 2099.31 Gleig, G. R. The history of the Bible. 1878. 2 v. 810.14 Hall, J. Scripture history. .Abridged by G. H. Glasse. 1107.9 Headlev, J. T. Sacred mount.ims, characters, and scenes in the Holy land. 1867. 2091.10 Interesting chapters in Scripture history and Bible illus- tration. [1870.] 2i09<5i ].\IIN, J. C. Biblical archaeology. 1853. 1^03.5 KriTO, J. An illustrated history of the Bible. 1868. 1092.17 Kurtz, J. H. History of the old covenant, 1859. 3 V. 1092.8 - Same. Vol. 1. 2. 1104.2 - Manual of sacred history. i86o. 1 104.17 Maclear, G. F. Outlines of Old Testament history for youth. 1869. 2089.16 Marsh, Anne. Bible history for the use of children. 2108.2 Rawlinson, G. The origin of nations. 1881. 940.6 Bible Biography Sayce, a. H. Fresh light from the ancient monuments. A sketch of the confirmations of the Bible, from recent dis- coveries. 1884. 950.14 Sears, R. A new and complete history of the Bible. 1085.4 Smith, VV. The New Testament history. 1868. 2094.4 Stowe, C. E. Origin and history of the books of the Bible. (The New Testament.) 1868. 2102. i Stuart, M. Critical history and defence of the Old Testa- ment canon. 1095.30; 2103.2 Thayer, W. M. Soldiers of the Bible. 1864. 2105.6 Thomson, D. W.. Youth's illustrated Bible history. 1092.19 Turner, S. The sacred history of the world, attempted to be philosophically considered. 1848. 3 v. 1095. 11 YONGE, Charlotte M. Aunt Charlotte's stories of Bible history. 2106.27 YOU.NG people's illustrated Bible history. 1871. 1092.18 See also History, .'\ncient. Bible, The, in Spain. Borrow, G. 889.4 ; No. I in 673.1 Bible, The. in the Levant. Prime, S. 1. 1859. 688.9 Bicci, Lorenzo di, -1459. Vasari, G. Lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects, vol. I. 848.6.1 Biekersteth, Elizabeth and Frances. Doing and suffering : memorials of EHzabeth and Frances Biekersteth. By their sister. [4th ed.] London, 1862. IIIQ.I BiekePSteth, Henry, baron Langdale, 1783-1851. Essays from the London Times, vol. 2, 1852. 899.14.2 Biekersteth, John Lang, 1832-1847. Memoir. London. 189.34 Bickham, William D. Rosecrans' campaign with the Fourteenth army corps : with official reports of the battle of Stone river [1862-63]. Cincinnati, 1863. 307.3 BiekmoPB, Albert Smith. Travels in the East In- dian archipelago [1865-66]. N. Y., 1869. 1695.7 Bieyele and tricycle. Bagg, L. H. Ten thousand miles on a bicycle. 1887. 642.4 Chandler, .\. D. A bicycle tour in England and Wales. 1879. 1665.17 Pennell, J., and PenneLL, Elizabeth R. A Canterbury pilgrimage. 1885. 1673.14 - Two pilgrims' progress. 1887. 1664.25 Stevens, T. Around the world on a bicycle. 2 v. 642.1 Biddle, Nicholas, 17S6-1844. History of the expe- dition under Lewis and Clarke to the sources of the Missouri, thence to the Pacific ocean, 1804-1806. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. Maps. 820.52 Written from the explorers' material by Nicholas Biddle, and conducted through the press by Paul Allen. Biddle, Mrs. Rebecca. Ellet. Elizabeth F. The women of the .'\merican revolu- tion, vol. 2. 538.13.2 Biernatzki, Joliann Christoph. Biographical sketch. In his Hallig. 1856. 884.1 Bigelow, Andrew, D.D., 1795-1877. Travels in Malta and Sicily, with sketches of Gibraltar, in 1827. Boston, 1831. lllus. 676.2 Bigelow, Jacob, M.D., LL.D., 1787-1879. A history of the cemetery of Mount Auburn. Boston, i860, lllus. 229.10 Ellis, G. E. Memoir. iSBo. 530.17 Bigelow, John. France and the Confederate navy. 1862-1868. N. Y., 1888. 210.57 Bigelow, Lafayette J. Bench and bar : a digest of the wit, humor, asperities, and amenities of the law. N. Y., 1867. Portrs. 1816.10 Same. 1871. 1816.23 Bigio, Francia. See Franciabigio. Biglow, William, 1773-1844. History of Natick, Mass., 1650-1830. Boston, 1830. 224.12 Bin, Ledyard. A winter in Florida. Added, a brief historical summary. N. Y., 1869. lllus. 1639.21 Bill of rights, 1688. Hosmer, }. K. A short history of Anglo-Saxon freedom. 1890. ' 1985.16 Billings, Josh, pseud. See Shaw, Henry Wheeler. , Billington, Elizabeth, i768i>~i8i8. Ferris, G. T. Grrat singers, vol. i, 1880. 1549. 42.1 Biloehes. Oliver, E. E. .\cross the border; or, Pathan and Biloch. 1S90. 681.16 Bingham, Hiram. A residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich islands. Hartford, 1847. 934-4 Binney, Rev. Thomas. Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton. A study for young men. [Added] The wife ; or, a mirror for maidenhood. London, 1853. 588.10 Same. A study for young men ; or, a sketch of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton. Boston, 1856. 588.21 Binning, Robert B. M. A journal of two years' travel in Persia, Ceylon," etc. [1850-52]. London, 1857. 2 V. 685.1 Binue, ri\er. See Benue, river. Biographies of eminent men from the thirteenth century, vol. 2-4. London. 3 v. lllus. 839.6 Biographies of musicians. Namely : — NOHL, L. Beethoven. i88i. ' 1548.21 - Haydn. 1883. 1548.35 - Liszt. 1884. 1541.24 - Mozart. 1880. 1523.9 - Wagner. 1884. 1547 19 BIOGRAPHY. Collections. The contents of most of these collections are given under the authors. Adams, W. H. D. " In perils oft: " romantic biographies illustrative of the adventurous life. 1542.44 - Records of noble lives i553'2 Allen, G. Biographies of working men. 1884. 1542.39 Baillie, J. Life-studies; or, how to live. 548.12 Bayne, p. Essays in biography and criticism. 2 v. 885.1 Belknap, J. American biography. 1842,51. 3 v, 820.58 Devoted mainly to the eafly discoverers and navigators. Biographies of eminent men from the thirteenth century, vol. 2-4. 839.6 Brightvvell, Cecilia L. Byepaths of biography. 555'i9 Brooks, E. S. Historic boys. 1885. 1531-7 Brougham, lord. Lives of men of letters and science in the time of George in. 18^5. 547-3 Calver, Amelia J. Every-day biography : brief biographies for every day in the year. 1890. 560.3 Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essavs, vol. 2-4. 1847. ' 867.1 - Same, 1850. 863.7 - Same. i860. 4 v, 893.3 Chambers, W. Stories of remarkable persons. 1548.4 Clarke, j. F. Memorial and biographical sketches. 1878. " 1544-3 Clissold. Rev. H. Lamps of the church. 1863. 2107.17 Cobb, J. F., and japp, A. H. Stories of success. 1546.21 Cochrane, R. Earnest lives. 1881. 1547-7 - Gallery of notable men and women. • 1547-2 - Great achievements of military men, statesmen, and others. 1879- 1547-3 Cooke, Frances E. Guiding lights : lives of the great and good. 1876. 1559-7 Curwen, H. Plodding on. Illustrated life-stories. 1879. 1523-15 Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised them- selves from povertv to eminence or fortune. 379-13 De Quincey, T. Biographical essays. 1851. 895.7 - Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters. 1854. 2 V. 895.20 Dyer, T. F. T. The loves and marriages of some eminent persons. 1890. 2 v. 543-22 Edgar, 1. G. The boyhood of great men. 549-30; 548.13 - Footprints of famous men. 548.16; 551.13 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 1850,52. 2 V. 548 22; 548.18 EWART, H. C. Leaders upward and onward. 1889. 1554.9 Farmer, LydiaH. The boys' book of famous rulers. 1542.46 Field, M.B. Memories of many men and of some women. 1874- 1535-8 33 Biography Bismarck Kirrv cclcbralrd men. 5*9->3 Gil nil AN <"•. Mnrirm liii-raiiire and liierarv mm: a -I 5-»8.4 i &H.. .,,. .. _ .1 .tiu inu tiiiirs. ->49-39. «S39'«> GUI MM, H. F. Ijlcmlure. 3V7!» GuisK.K. \V. H. Men wonh imii.iiiiij;. [1071?] SS7'» Hai.i S. l". a book iif memories oI great men and women. 1871. ' 1523.18 llA^lirr, W. 'Hie spirit of the uge : or. coiiiemporary ponmiii. 1846. 888.17: 867.3.S MK\vi.>:rr. H. O. I '■•• ' •■! Kiimpe. Too-1700. 555.3 IIITCIUtK.'K. T. I I .i( men of genius. 1557'3» Hiwn, K r. Hie 11 H'l'V. 185a. 878. a4 lloRNK. R. II. A n.» -i'lrii .1 llieage. 878.13 K1N>;. Alice. A clu>i.T nl hv.s. I53*'-" l-ITri-KWOOli, W. K. Lovely in their lives. [1875.] 1549.6 L(!CAS, S. fclminent men and popular hooks. 1859. 549'33 MAfAi't AV T. H., baron. Biographical and hisiorical »k.^ ■ ■ i. 884.19 -1 • ssiiys. 589.27 - 11, , .inthbuicd 10 the Eneyclop.x-dia nrilannica. 1800. 587.14 McCaRTHV, J. Modem leaders. 187a. i5"-3 Ni.Ai.KfF.N, Nf. Celebrities of the past and present. 1536.13 Maci.isk, D., and .Mai;inn. \V. The Maclise poomit- galler)' of "illustrious literary characters." 1883. 1537.17 NiKN who have risen. S57'3 NiK.N who were earnest. 549-40 Mll.SK-S. R. M.. baron Houghton. Monographs, personal and social. 1873. 1528.14 Ml'Ei.l.KR. Max. Biographical essays. 1884. 1527-18 New biographies of illustrious men. 547-7 Par ION. j. People's book of biography. [1868.] 1522.10 Paul, C. liv. Biographical sketches. 1883. 1534-iS Rl'SSEl.l.. W. Extraordinary men : their boyhood and early life. [1853.] 557-7; 879.15 SeI-F-talt.iit men : a series of biographies. 1876. 1538.5 Sl<".oi'KNEV, Lydia H. Examples from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 1857. 548.17 SMILI.S, S. Brief biographies. 589.18 STEKI., R. The achievements of youth. i8go. 1554.24 STYI.K5, |. Early blossoms; or, individuals distinguished by their genius, who died in their youth. 1819. 878. n Sl'CCESSFUI. men of modern time* S5l.i6 Thackeray, \V. M. The English humorists of the eigh- teenth century. 586.1 1589.25 TlLLOTSON, j. Our untitled nobility. 577-14 TlMBS. J. English eccentrics and eccentricities. 1866. 3 V. 1553-3 - School-days of eminent men. 1858. 589-3 - Same. i860. 557-15 - Same- 1864- 554-13 Tow I.E. G- M. Certain men of mark. 18S0- 1523-20 Tl'CKERMAN, H- T. Characteristics of literature, illustrated by the genius of distinguished men. 2 v. 548.5 - Mental portraits. 557-10 TWEEDIE, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 555.13 Whipple. E- P. Recollections of eminent men. 1542.47 WHITTIER, J. G. Old portraits and modern sketches. 1850. 887.6 See also Bible, Biography. Classical biography. Declara- tion of independence. Eccentric personages. Ecclesiastical biopaphy. Genius. Great Men Industrial biography. Military biography. Monstrosities. Plularchus. Seamen. Self-made men. \Vomen. Various professions, employments, trades, etc. Dictionariea. AlLIBONE, S. a. .a critical dictionary of English literature, and British and American authors. 1870,71- 3 V. R.R.,.\.i.9 Two supplementary volumes by John I-'oster Kirk are at Ihe Bates H.1II desk. Blake. J. L. A biographical dictionary. 1856. R.R., ,A.i.8 Dictionary of contemporary biography. 1861. 555.4 Gorton, J. A general biographical dictionary, vol. i, 2. 1851. 'R.R., A.3.13 Hale, E. E. Lights ol two centuries. 1887. R.R. Desk 31 HOLK.C. A brief biographical dictionary. 1866. R.R., B.3.11 Men of the time. 1852. 548.1 - Same. [1881.] R.R. Desk 16 PHILLIPS, L. B. The dictionary of biographical reference. 1871- R.R., B.2.2 Sanders, L. C. Celebrities of the ccntun'. 1887. R.R. Desk 28 Thomas. E. A. Comprehensive dictionary of biography. [1883.] RR- Desk 13 Birch, S.imiK?!. Egypt from the earliest tinus to B. I'.- 500. London. [1875.J [Ancient history from the monuments.] 1958.5 BIrchall, James. EnelanJ under the Normans .iiid Pl.tnt-iRenets [1066-1377J. London. [1858.] 998.2 Bird, Edward, 1772-1819. CUNNlMillAM. .A. 'Hie lives of the British painters, sculp- tors, and architects, vol. 2. 379-9-2; 810- 19.2 Bird, l-redericU Spencer. The land of dykes and wiiiJinills; or. lite In Holland. London, 1882. 660.2) Bird, Isahella L., afterwards Mrs. Bishop. The ;ispects of religion In the United St.ites. By the author of " The Englishwiiman In America." Lon- don, i8s<). 2iot;. II The Golden Chersonese and the way thither. N. Y., i88j. lllus. 1697-15 .\n account of Canton and of a journey thence to the Mahay peninsula. The Hawaiian archipelago. Si.x months among the Sandwich Islands. 3d ed. London, 1880. 1085.6 A ladv's life in the Rockv mountains. N. Y., 1871). lllus. 1641.18 Unbeaten tracks in Japan. N. Y., 1881. 2 v. lllus. 1661.10 Bird, Joseph. Gleanings from the history of music, to the eighteenth century. Boston, 1850. 209.3 Birds (if a feather flock together; or, talks with Scitheni- De Fontaine, F. G. 1878. 1545-26 Birlcbeelc, Morris. Lettersfrom Illinois [1817, 18]. Phil.i., i«i8. Maps. 629.21 Notes on a journey in America, from Virginia to Ill- inois [in 1817]. 2d ed- London, 1818. Map. 625.17 Fearon's Sketches of America [624.15] contains remarks on these works. Birrell, Augustine. Life of Charlotte Bronte. London, 1887. [" Great writers."] 530.27 .Appended is a bibliography. Obiter dicta. N. Y., 1885, 87. 2 v. 1898.26 Contents. — i. Carlyle. On the alleged obscurity of Mr. Browning's poetry. Truth-liunting. .Actors. A rogue's memoirs. The via media. Kalstaff. 2. Milton. Pope. Johnson. Burke. The muse of history. Charles Lamb. Emerson. The oflicc of literature. Worn-out types. Cam- bridge and the poets. Book-buying. Biscay, Florence, countess of. See Beam, Florence. Bisect, Jeanne, 1601-1604. Hkkoines of charity. 1878. '544-23 Bishop, Nathaniel Holmes. Four months in a sneak-box. 2,600 miles down the Ohio and Missis- sippi rivers, and along the Gulf of Mexico. Boston, 1879. lllus. 1641.16 The Pampas and Andes. A thousand miles' walk across South America [1854-55]. iithed. Boston. [Cop. 1868.] lllus. 1637.5 Voyage of the paper canoe ; from Quebec to the (iulf (if Mexico, 1874-5. Boston, 1878. lllus. 1641.13 Bishop, William Henrv. Fish and men in the Maine islands. N. Y., 1885. lllus. 1631.20 Old Mexico and her lost provinces. A journey in Mexico, Southern California, and Arizona bv way of Cuba. N. Y., 1883. lllus. 1633.19 Bismarcit-Sehoenhausen, Otto Eduard Lenpold, Fiirst\(in. Bismarck inliiiK-. The iron chancellor in pri\ ate life. Bv a fellow-student. Trans, by Henry Hayward. N. Y., 1890. Portrs. 540.10 BuscH, M. J. H. Bismarck in the Eranco-German war, 1870-71. 2 V. 1544.25 -Our chancellor; sketches for a historical picture. 1884. 2 V. in I. 531 6 IlKSKKlEI., I. G. L. Life, private and political. 1870- 1593-1 Towle, G-M. Certain men of mark. 1880. 1523-20 34 Bisset Blake Bisset, Robert, LL.D., 1759-1805. The history of the reign of George 111. 2d ed. London, 1820. 5 v. 976.5 Bits of travel at home. Jackson, Helen M. 1878. 1649.18 Bits of travel [in Europe]. Jackson, Helen M. [1872.] 909.21 Bjornson, Bjornstjerne, 1832-. Bkandes, G. M. C. Eminent authors of the nineteenth century. 530.4 Black, Alexander. The story of Ohio. Boston. [1888.] lUus. [Story of the states.] 250.2 Black, Jeremiah Sullivan. Brown, D. P. The forum : forty years at the Philadelphia bar, vol. 2. 1856. 294.4.2 Black, John R. Young Japan. Yokohama and Yedo. A narrative of the settlement and the city, 1858-79. N. Y., 1883.' 2v. 1691.14 Black, Joseph, chemist, 1728-1799. Biographies of eminent men, vol. 4. 839.6.4 Brougham, lord. Lives of men of letters and science, in the time of George in. 1845. 547.3 Edgar, J. G. p'ootprints of famous men. 548.16; 551.13 Black, William, 1S41-. Goldsmith. N. Y., 1879. [English men of letters.] 1544.40 Black and white: land, labor, and politics in the South. Fortune, T. T. 1884. 210.42 Black Forest, Germany. Manning, Mrs. Anne. .An English girl's account of a Mo- ravian settlement in the Black Forest. 1858. 2101.20 Black Hawk, chief of the Sac and Fox tribes of In- dians, i768?-i84i. Life of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia- kiak, or Black Hawk. Dictated by himself. Bos- ton, 1834. 539.6 Drake, B. The great Indian chief of the West. 1857.539.7 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated .American Indians. 1869.1.5 Black man, The. His antecedents, his genius, and his achievements. Brown, W. W. 1863. 536.22 Black sea. Spencer, E. Turkey, Russia, the Black sea, and Circassia. 1854. 687.21 " Blackbipding " in the South Pacific. Church- ward, W. B. 1888. 632.12 Blackbirding is the practice of stealing the natives from the islands and selling them for labor m the Peruvian silver mines. Blackburn, Henry, 1830-. Artists and Arabs; or, sketching in sunshine. Boston, 1874. lUus. 1667.11 Breton folk: an artistic tour in Brittany. Boston, 1881. lllus. ■ 1667.26 Normandy picturesque. istAm.ed. Boston, 1873. lllus. 1667.10 Blackie, John Stuart. Altavona ; fact and fiction from my life in the Highlands. Edinb., 1882. 1656.21 Contains a list of works on the Highlands. Homer, hi New biographies of illustrious men. 547-7 Blackmore, John, lieutenant, R. N. The London by moonlight mission ; an account of midnight cruises on the streets of London. With a memoir. London, 1861. 2109.12 Blaekmope, Sir Richard, - 1729. Bell, R. English poets, vol. 2. 398.2.2 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. 582.11. 2; 586.20; 586.22,2: 589.26.2 Black's guides. Namely: — Channel islands. 1866. 1659.17 Cornwall. 1865. 1659.16 Dublin and the Wicklow mountains. 1865. 1659.19 Gloucestershire. 2d ed. 1865. 1659.15 Hereford and Monmouth. 2d ed. 1865. 1659.18 Norway. 1867. 1659.20 These books were published in Edinburgh, and have maps. Blacksheap, David. Miller, S. F. The bench and bar of Georgia, vol. i. 1858. 294.3.1 Blackstoek, E. Frazer. The land of the Viking and the empire of the Tsar. N. Y., 1889. 1678.27 Blackstone, Sir William, 1723-1780. Brightwell, Cecilia L. Memorials of great lawyers. 1866. 1516.13 R(_>scoe, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers. 1830. 388.4 Blackwood, Adam, 1 539-161 3. IKAING, I>. Lives of Scotish writers. 1850. 586.13 Blackwood, Frederick Temple Hamilton Temple, ist earl of Dufferin. Letters from high latitudes ; a voyage in the yacht " Foam " to Iceland, Jan Maven, and Spitzbergen, in 1856. London, 1857. lllus. 708.1 Same. 4th ed. London, 1858. lllus. 1666.3 Same. A yacht voyage. Letters from high lati- tudes [etc.]. Boston, 1859. 708.21 ; 1705.2 Blackwood, Harriot Georgina, marchioness of Duft'erin and Ava. My Canadian journal, 1872-78. Extracts from my letters home. N. Y., 1891. 1635.41 Blaikie, Rev. Alexander. The philosophy of sec- tarianism ; or, a classified view of the Christian sects in the United States. 2d ed. Boston, 1855. 1115.4 The schools ; or, a comparative statement of the schools of Presbyterians in the United States. Boston, i860. II 1 5. 1 1 Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-. Eulogy on Gar- field, Feb. 27, 1882. Boston, 18S2. Portr. 1524.8 Twenty years of Congress [1860-80]. Norwich, 1884, 86. 2 V. Portrs. 233.6 Balestier, C. W. James G. Blaine; a sketch. 1525.30 Sl'OWE, Harriet B. The lives and deeds of our self-made men. 542.21 Blair, Francis Preston, 1821-1875. Lives of Horatio Seymour and Frank P. Blair, jr. 1529.4 Blair, Hugh, D.D., 1718-1800. Hill, J. An account of [his] life and wrhings. 1808.575.10 Blair, John, -1782. Chronological history. In Thomson's Youth's illustrated Bible history. 1870. 1092.19 Chronological tables. Revised to April, 1856, by J. W. Rosse. London, 1856. 836.2 Blaisdell, Albert Franklin. Stories of the Civil war. Boston, 1890. lllus. 277.11 Blaise, Jean Louvois Marie. Russell, W. Eccentric personages. 569.19 Blaize Bury, Madame. See Blaze, Marie. Blake, Euphemia Vale. Arctic experiences: con- taining Capt. G. E. Tyson's wonderful drift on the ice-tloe, a history of the Polaris expedition, the cruise of the Tigress, and rescue of the Polaris sur- vivors [1871-73], Added, a general Arctic chronol- ogy. N. Y., 1874. lllus. 1705.7 Blake, Homer C, U. S. N., 1822-1880. Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders, 1861-65. " 272.7 Blake, John Lauris. A biographical dictionary. Mthed. Phila., 1856. R.R., A.1.8 Blake, Mary Elizabeth. On the wing. A trip to the Pacific. Boston, 1883. 1633.16 - and Sullivan, Margaret F. Mexico : picturesque, political, progressive. Boston, 1888. 1633.26 Blake, Robert, admiral, 1599-1657. Adams, \V. H. D. Eminent sailors. 154041 - Neptune's heroes. 578.19 - Records of noble lives. I553'2 Biographies of eminent men, vol. 2. 839.6.2 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, vol. 6. 840.10.6 Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes. 558.16 Hannay, D. Admiral Blake. 1886. 1519-9 35 Blake Bohemia Johnson. S. Lives o( tlif English poei» and sundry cml- nrnt j»rr»on». 586.30 Blake, William, i7S7-i827- Ci NMMIIUM. .A. Uv« of Ihr British piiinlers. sculplors. an.l .it.lin.vi>, vol. a. 379-9-3: 810.19.3 Blanc, Jean Josepli l.nuis. The liistory of ten ve.^r^. i>*iO 1840. Lnnjon, 1844, 45. 2 \-. 1002.S Blanc, Mount. See Mont Blani.. BUmchiird, I iinan. See Blanch.irJ, Samuel L.iman. Blaiiehard. Uufiis. The Jiscoverv and conquests ul the Niirthwest. And pioneer life In the reRion of the great lakes and tile Mississippi valley. Chi- ..ij;.!. 1S.S3. Ijlus. 251. 1 Blanchard, S.imuel l.aman. Sketches from life, td. u nil a memoir bv Sir Edward Bulwer Lvtton. N. v.. i«4«. ^77- 1« Bland, Thom.is A., M.D. Life of B. F. Butler. Kost,.!!. 187.). Portr. 154?-?" Blaqulere, Edward. The Greek revolution ; with remarks on the religion, national cliar.icter, etc., of the Oreeks. 2d ed. London, 182s. Map. 918.1 Narrative of a second visit to Greece, includinu facts connected with the List days of lord Byron, etc. I.niidon, 182s. Fac-simile. 68j.ii Blaze, M.irle Pauline Rose. Memoirs of [Elizabeth 1 the princess Palatine, princess of Bohemia. Lon- don, 1853. 545.15 Moliere, and the French classical drama. London. 1846. No. 2 in 840.4 Racine, and the French classical drama. London. 1845. No. I in 840.4 Blaze de Bury, Madame. See Blaze, Marie. Bleeckep, Ann Ellz.i. born Schuyler, 1752-1783. i;[.i.i:r, ICliz-ihcth F. The women of the American revolu- tion, voi. 2. 538.13.2 Blennerhassett, Harman, 1767-1851. SxKHiKH, W. H. Life. 1853. SI7-12 Blessed Paul of the Cross. See Danei, Paolo KraiKesco. Blessington, Countess of. See Gardiner, Mar- garet. Blewitt, Octavian, 1810-1884. A handbook for travellers in Southern Italy. 2d ed. London, 1855. Maps. 649. 3 Blind, Mathilde. George Eliot. Boston, 1883. [Famous women.] 1532.13 Madame Roland. Boston, 1886. [Famous women.] 1535.24 Memoir of Shelley. In Shelley. Selection from [Ills] poems. 1872. 1339.32 Blind, The. MlLBURN, W. H. Songs in the night, or the triumphs of genius over blindness. In Kane, Annie. The golden sun- set. 1867. 1536.5 Bliss, Philip Paul. Memoirs. Ed. by D. W. Whittle: contributions bv E. P. Goodwin, I. D. Sankey, and G. F. Root. N. Y., 1877. Portrs. 1541.4 Contains also songs, sotne with the music. Song victories of " The Bliss and Sankey hymns," [with] biographical sketches. [1877.] 1117.19 Nason.R E. Life. In his American evangelists. 2102.16 Bliss, William Root. Paradise In the Pacific ; travel, adventure, and facts in the Sandwich Islands. N. Y., 1873. 1685.2 Blochwitz, Johannes. 1842-. The Eastern ques- tion. A brief history of Turkey. From the German. Boston. 1877. Maps. 1957.26 Block Island. LivERMORE, S. T. A history of Block island, 1514-1876. 23814 Blockaded family, A : life In southern Alabama during the civil war. Hague, Parthenia A. 277.10 Bloomtleld, Georgian.!, baroness, 1822-. Remi- niscences (ii court and diplomatic life. [1841-1871.] Leipzig, 1883. Portr. 1537.12 Bloomtleld, Robert, 1766-1823. Ski.i -TAUi;iir men. 1876. 1538.5 Bloss, C. A. Ancient history [B. C. 3600-A. D. 476). Rev. by J. J. Anderson. N> Y., 1873. 948.20 Blouiat, Paul. (.Max O'Rell.) Jacques Bonhomme. John Bull and his Island. N. Y., 1884, 1654.15 John Bull, junior ; or, French as she is traduced. N. Y. fi888.] 2064.37 John Bull on the continent. N. Y. [i88<).] 1664.30 Skilchi-s of French life. Jon.ithan .ind his continent. (Rambles through American society.) N. Y. [1889.] 1634.39 Blount, Charles, earl of Devonshire, 1563-1606. I.imciE. E. Portraits, vol. 3. 815.1.3 Blue jackets of '76: a history of the naval battles of the Revolution. Abbot, W. J. 273.17 274.1 273.14 Blue jackets of 1812. Abbot. W. J. Blue j.ackets of '61. Abbot, W. J. B'ni Mnzab. See BenI M'zab. Boaden, J.imes, 1792-1860. Memoirs of John Philip Kenible. Including a liistory of the stage, from the time of Garrlck. London, 1825. 2 v. 597.5 Boadicea, queen of the Iceni. ) wiisoN, ,\nna B. Lives of celebrated female sovereigns. 569.28 Boat life In Egypt and Nubia. Prime, W. C. 698.8 Boating life at Oxford. London, 1868. 180.102 Boating trips on New England rivers. Fellows, H. P. 1884. 1633.21 Bobbin boy [N. P. Banks]. Thayer, W. M. 527.20 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375. Campdei.l, T. Life and limes of Petrarch. With notices of Hoccaccio and his contemporaries. 1843. 2 v. 543.6 Bodley, Rachel Littler, lioi. ION, Sarah K. Successful women. [1888.] iSS4.l6 Bodley, Sir Thomas, 1544-1612. l,<>[ii;v., K. Portraits, vol. 3. 815.1.3 Bodley grandchildren, The, and their journey In Holland. Scudder, H. E. 1882. 661.19 Boeee, Hector. See Boethlus, Hector. Boeekh, August. The public economy of the Athenians. Trans, by A. Lamb. Boston, 1857. Portr. 953.1 Boehme, Jakob, 1575-1624. llr.uCE. 1'. H. Prose writers of Germany. 545.' MAKrE.NSRN, H. L. Jacob Boehme: his life and teaching. 1885. 1113.21 Boeis, Hector. See Boethlus, Hector. Boerhaave, Hermannus, 1668-1738. Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets and sundry emi- nent jicrsons. 586.20 Boethlus, Hector, I47o?-i55o? iRVINii, D. Lives of Scotish writers. 586.13 Bogart, William Henry, 1810-. Who goes there? or, men and events. By "Sentinel" [pseud.]. N. Y.. 1866. 1516.3 Contents. — W'ashington. Lafayette. From Hamilton to (ienet. From Eleazer Williams to H. R. Storrs. From Erastus Root to John Randolph. From Josiah Quincy to Thomas Moore. Edward Everett. From' Webster to Z. TaN'lor. Bogen, Rev. Frederick W. The German In America, or advice for German emigrants. [Ger- man and English.] Boston, 1851. 629.33 Boggs, Charles Stuart, rear admiral, 181 1-. Headlev, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders, 1861-65. 272.2 Boliemia, princess of. See Elisabeth, princess of Bohemia. 36 Bohemian Book Bohemian days. Tadlock, Clara M. 1889. 1665.9 Boileau-Despp^aux, Nicolas, 1636-1711. AsTiiS, |. F. Louis XIV, and the writers of his age. looS.io Boisslep, Marie Louis Antoiiie Gaston. MaJaine Je Sevigiie. Trans, by M. B. Anderson. Chicago, 1S88. [(jreat French writers.] 600.1 Bokhara. Bt^RNES, Sir A. Travels into Bolihara, 1S31-33. 3 V. 694.11 Kh.\nikoff, N. Bokhara: its ami'r and its people. 1845.694.4 Boleyn, Anne. See Anne Boleyn. Bolingbpoke, ist Viscount. See St. John, Henry. Bolivar y Ponte, Simon, 1783-1830. BlOGKAPHIES of eminent men, vol. 4. 839.6.4 HOLSTEIN, H. L. V. D. Memoirs of Bolivar, president liberator of Colombia ; and of his principal generals. 2 v. 539.1 Boiler, Henry A. Among the Indians. Eight years in the far West: 1858-66. Phila., 1868. 245.13 Belles, Albert Sidney. The financial history of the United States, 1789-1860. N. Y., 1883. ' 214.8 Bolton, Abby, 1827-1849. Bolton, Robert. The lighted valley : or the closing scenes in the life of a beloved sister. [Anon] N. Y., 1S50. 539.38 Bolton, Sarah Knowles. Famous American au- thors. N. Y. [1887.] Portrs. i557-2i Contents. — Emerson. Longfellow. Irving. Prcscott. Haw- thorne and iris family. Holmes. Lowell. Higginson. Stoddard. Stedman. Howells. Aldrich. Gilder. Carle- ton. Cable. Clemens (Mark Twain). Warner, Famous American statesmen. N. Y. [1888.] Portrs. 1554-4 Contents. — Washington. Franklin. Jefferson. Hamilton. Jackson. Webster. Clay. Sumner. Grant. Garfield. Famous English authors of the nineteenth century. N. Y. [1890.] Portrs. 1555-36 Contents. — Scott. Burns. Byron. Shelley. Carlyle. Tennyson. Dickens. Ruskin. Browning. Famous men of science- N. Y., 1889. Portrs. 140.69 Contents. — Galileo. Newton. Linnaeus. Cuvier. Sir William and Caroline Herschel. Humboldt. Sir Humphrey Davy. Audubon. Morse. Lyell. Joseph Henry. Agassiz. Darwin. Buckland. How success is won. Boston. [1885.] Portrs. [Little biographies. 3d series.] 1517-19 Contents. — Peter Cooper. Gough, Whittier. Wana- maker. Stanley. Johns Hopkins. W. M. Hunt. Elias Howe, jr. A. H. Stephens. Edison. Dr. Morton. Rev. J. H. Vincent. Lives of girls who became famous. N. Y. [1886.] Portrs. 1538.29 Contents. — Harriet Beecher Stowe. Helen Hunt Jackson. Lucretia Mott. Mary A. Livermore. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. Maria Mitchell. Louisa M. Alcott. Mary Lyon. Harriet G. Hosmer. Madame de Stael. Rosa Bonheur. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. " George Eliot." Elizabeth Fry. Elizabeth Thompson Butler. Florence Nightingale. Lady Brassey. Baroness Burdett-Coutts. Jean Ingelow. Successful women. Boston. [1888.] Portrs. 1554.16 Contents. — Juliet Corson. Mary Louise Booth. F^ ranees E. Willard. Mrs. G. R. Alden (■' Pansy "). Mary Virginia Terhune (" Marion Harland "). Margaret Gaffney Haughery. Ella Grant Campbell. Rachel Littler Bodley. Candace Wheeler. Clara Barton. Alice E. Freeman. Bomarsund, Fort, Aland island. Siege of Bomarsund. 1854. Journal of operations of the artillery and engineers. 1856. 206.19 Bonaparte, Elizabeth, horn Patterson, 1785-1879. Life and letters. [Ed.] by E. L. Didier. N. Y., 1879. 1544-33 Bonaparte, Joseph, 1768-1844. Confidential cor- respondence of Napoleon Bonaparte with his brother Joseph. 1856. 2 V. 605.7 Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I. Bonaparte, Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul, prince, called Prince Napoleon. McC.\KTHY, J. Modern leaders. 1872. 1512-3 Bonaparte family. Court, The, and camp of Bonaparte. 1870. 810.39 Court, The, and camp ot Napoleon. 1868. 379.11 Lester, C. E. The Napoleon dynasty. A history of the Bonaparte family. 1873. 611.6 Bond, Henry. Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Watertown, Mass., including Waltham and Weston. Boston, 1855. Illus. 224.1 Bond, John Wesley. Minnesota and its resources. Appended, Camp-fire sketches, or from St. Paul to Pembina. Chicago, 1856. Illus. 237.8 Bondone, Angiolotto, called Giotto. See Giotto. Bonheur, Rosa, 1822-. Bolton, Sarah IC. Lives of girls who became famous. 1538.29 Bonlngton, Richard ParJ Books .ind autluirs. Nimino, \V. P. 1819.17 Boone, Daniel, 17)5-1822. .^bBini. I. S. C. Uanicl Boone, the pioneer of Keniucky. 15*7.0 Ellis. E. S. Life and times. [1884.] '5^-t9 Hill, G. C. Daniel Hoone the pioneer of Kentucky. TnKKKMAN, H. T. Menial portraits. 55;-'o Booth, Arthur John. Saint-Simon and Saint- Simonism ; a ch.ipter in the history of socialism in France. London, 1871. 152.6 Booth, Edwin Thomas. Hi suAV. (1. W. Trails of representative men. iS34-'3 Cl.AKKK, .Asia. The elder and the younger Booth. 550-I4 McCaiik, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and liow they were made. 5'5''4 Matthews. B., and HurmN, L. Actors and actresses of Great Bnlam and the United States, vol. 5. 1540 65.5 Booth, Junius Brutus, i7()6-i852. Cl-ARKK, .\sia. Booth memorials. P.issages. incidents, and anecdotes in the life of Junius Brutus Booth. 1866. 569.26 - The elder and the younger Booth. S5°-'4 Cl-ARKE, 1. F. Memorial and biographical sketches. 1544.3 Goui.l), T. R. The tragedian; an essay on the histrionic genius of Booth. 1868. 'SSg-S Mai rilEWS, B.. and HuiTON. L. Actors and actresses of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. 3. 1540.65.3 Booth, Marv Louise. History of the city of New York. N. Y., 1859. Illus. 232.7 Bolton, Sarah K. Successful women. [1888.] 1554.16 "Boots and saddles;"' or, life in Dakota with General Custer. Custer, Elizabeth B. 1630.9 Border reminiscences. Marcy, R. B. 1872. 638.22 Border wars of the American revolution [1783- (;Sj. Stone, W. L. 2 v. 820.62 Bordoni, F.iustina. See Hasse, Faustina. Borges de Freitas Henriques, Manuel. A trip to the Azores [in 1866]. Boston. 1867. 1699.1 Borgia, Lucrezia, duchessa di Ferrara, -isig.' King. Alice. A cluster of lives. 1536.12 Borneo. HORNAD.W, W. T. Two years in the jungle. 1886. 1692.18 KEPPEL, H. The expedition of H. M. S. Dido for the sup- pression of piracy. 1846. 707.14 Borromeo, Carlo, St., archbishop of Milan, 1538- 1584. THOMPSON, E. H. Life. 1870. 1557-5 Borrow, George, 1803-1881. The Bible in Spain; or, the adventures and imprisonment of an English- man in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the peninsula [1835-42]. London, 1843. 889.4 Same. 13th ed. N. Y., 1851, No. i in 673.1 Wild Wales. London, 1862. 3 v. 644.6 The Zincali ; or, an account of the gypsies of Spain. Phila., 1843. 935.3 Same. N. Y., 1851. No. 2 in 673.1 Same. New ed. London, 1872. Portrs. 889.5 These contain several gypsy songs and poems. Smiles, S. Brief biographies. 1861. 589.18 Bosanquet, Mary. See Fletcher, Mary. Boscan Almogaver, Juan, 1 500-1 543. Montgomery, J., and others. Lives of litt-rary and scien- tific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, vol. 3 398.1.3 Bosnia. k.vNKE, F. L. von. The history of Servia. With a sketch of the insuirection in Bosnia. 1853. 827.1 Bossuet, J.icques Benigne, bishop of Meau.x, 1627- 1704. Bii>i;rapiiies of eminent men, vol. 2. 839.6.2 Bost, Jean .Auguste. History of the Moravians. Trans, from the French and ;ibrldged, with .111 ap- pendix. New ed. London, 1862. Porlr. 2107.19 Boston, England. TlloMl'Siis, 1*. The history and antiquities of Boston, and ihr vill.igfs of Skirbeck, Fishtoft, I'rfiston. 1856. 962.1 Boston, Massachusetts. Catalogue of the city councils of Boston, i822-. j v. Illus. ]. Portrs. 550.4 Conlenu. — Hcvsc. .Xntli-rsi'ii. lolin Sliiarl Mill. Kenan. Tegnir. KUiubcrt. I^llu33-ii Ai:.\s.M/. I.. J. K. and Klizal>eth C. A journey in Brazil. [1865-66.] 1633.1 .\m>rkws, C. C. Brazil: its condition and prospects. 1887. 631.9 .\rmitai;k. J. The history of Brazil, 1808-1831. 3 v. 363.6 C. Ellfn H. The Book and its slon-. lo^.u: 1115-8: atoo.ia British battles on lanJ ;inJ sea. Grant. J. (i88o«.'.] J V. 9)1-} British cabinet. The. in 18s j. London, 185). 5og.O British citizen. Tlie. RoKers. J. E.T. 1885. i<;87.4 British colonics in America. See American colonies. British Columbia. The Qiiren's highway from ocean to 631.10 ST. MAlR.Susiin M. Impressionsof a tenderfoot, inscarch of »i>ori in llir tir West. 1890. iSSS-sg WKI.I.diMK, H. S. The story of Mftliikahlla. 1887. 1630.19 .•\n account of William Duncan's work in civilizing some r\inislitMn Indians, British museum. Ul.l.is, Sir II. The IClgin and Phigalcian marbles. 1846. a V. 839.9 IvONG, G. The Eg>TJtian antiquities in the British museum. 1846. 2 V. 839.7 Masson, D. Tlie Urilish museum : historical and descrip- tive. 1850. 307.24 British resident of twentv years in the East. See Sl, ILttiie r. Home life of gre.at authors. 1556.9 I.liCAS, S. I'.minent men and popular books. 1859. 549,33 Mason, li. T. Personal traits of British authors, vol.4, 1885. 1524.21.4 KK-ili. T. W. Charlotte Broni*. 1877. 1545.21 SMllll. i;. B, Poe(,s and novelists. 1876. 1546.8 \\'ai>1i, W. S, Pen pictures of earlier \'ictorian authors, 18S4, 1406.143 Bronte, Emily, 1818-1848. KiiiUNSiiN. .\. .\iar)' F. Emily Bronte. 1883. 1532.14 Brontd family. Sn'AKi, J. A. li. The Bronte country. 1888. 1654.26 Bronte sisters. BaY.ni:, P, Essays in biography and criticism, ser. 1.885.1.1 Conk, Helen G. and GlI.DEK.'jeannettc I.. Pen portraits of literary women, vol. 2. 1557.22.2 Fawceit, Millicenl G. Some eminent women of our times. >554-25 \\"|SI'.. D. .Sonic remarkable women. 1887. 1556.21 Brook, Sarah, pseud. See Stephen, Caroline E. Brook Farm to Cedar mountain, 1861-62. Gordon, .N, T. Memorial. In Mrs. Browning's Last poems, vol. 4. 1862. 1326.34 WaI-sn, \V..S. Pen pictures of modern authors. 1406.14.2 Browning, Orestes Augustus. The spirit-rapper ; ;in autobiography. Boston, 1854. 1-5-3 .■\ study of occult forces under the guise of fiction. Browning, Oscar. An introduction to the his- tory of educational theories. N. Y., 1882. 130.22 Modern England. 1820-1874. N. Y., 1879. [Epochs of English history.] 980.6 Browning, Robert, 1812-1889. Bagehot, W. Literary studies, vol. 2. 891.9.3 BOI.TON, Sarah K. Eamoiis English authors of the nine- teenth century. [1890.] 1555-36 COOKK, G. \V. Poets and problems. 1886. 1352.25 GOSSE, E. W*. Robert Browning. Personalia. i8go. 1555.26 Griswoi.I), Hattie T. Home life of great authors. 1556.9 Sharp, W. Life of Robert Browning. 1890. S30-S4 SMILES, S. Brief biographies. 1861. 589.18 STEUMAN. E. C. Victorian poets. 1355.18 W^AI^H. \V. S. Pen pictures of modern autliors. 1406.14. 2 Brownlow, William Gaiin.away. Sketches of the rise, progress, and decline of secession. With per- sonal adventures among the rebels. Phila., 1862. Illus. 634.10 Bruce, Charles. The book of noble Englishwomen. London, 1875. Portrs. 1546.9 Bruce, Edward Caledon. The Tiber and the riiames. [Anon.] Phila. [1876.] Illus. 1673.12 Bruce, Henry. Life of General Oglethorpe. N. Y. [1890.] [" Makers of America."] Portr. 540.25 Bruce, James, 1730-1794. Travels and discoveries in Abyssinia. [1768-73.] London, 1878. 640.5 Enci.ish esplorers. 1705.8 H EAD, Sir F. B., bart. Life and adventures of Bruce. 1859. 820.32 Jardine, Sir W. Memoir. In his Naturalist's library, vol. II. 179.1.11 St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers, vol. 2. 810.47.2 Bruce, James, 1808-1861. Classic and historic portraits. London, 1853. 2 v. '553-1 Contents. — i. Sappho. /Esop. Phythagoras. Aspasia. Milto. Agesilaus. Socrates. Pl.-ito. Alcibiades. Helen of Troy. .-Mexander the Great. Demetrius Poliorcetes. Scipio Africanus. Sylla. Cleopatra. Julius C-KSar. Augustus. Tiberius. Germanicus. Caligula. Lollia Paulina. Ca^sonia. Boadicea. .^grippina. Popp:iia. Otho. Commodus. Caracalla. Heliogabalus. Zenoliia. Julian the Apostate. 2. Eudocia. Theodora. Charlem.igne. Abelard and Heloise. Elizabeth of Hungary. Dante. Robert Bruce. Ignez dc Castro. Agnes Sorel. Jane Shore. Lucrezia Borgia. Anne Bullen. Diana of Poitiers. Catha- rine de' Medici. Queen Elizabeth. Mary queen of Scots. Cervantes. Sir Kenelm Digby. John Sobieski. .Anne of Austria. Ninon de TEnclos. Mademoiselle de Mont- pensier. The duchess of Orleans. Madamede Maintenon. Catharine of Russia. Madame de Stael. Bruce, James, 8th earl of Elgin, 181 1-1863. Ol.Il'IIANT, L. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan, 1857-59. 701.12 Bruce, Robert. See Robert 1. Bruce, king of Scot- land. Bruen, Rev. Matthias, 1793-1829. Essays, de- scriptive and moral ; on scenes in Italy, Switzerland, and France. By an American. EJinburgli, 1823. 679.5 Brummell, George Bryan, called Beau Brummel. Jesse, \V- Life. 1844. i574-i 4(j Brummel Buckle kussKLL, W, Eccentric personages. 569*19 Thomson, Katherineand J. C. Wils and beaux of society, vol. 2. i860. 555-I-2 Same. 1861. IS4S-8 WiNSOR, H. Montrose, and other biographical sketches. 1861. 555-12 Brunei, Isambard Kingdom, 1806-1859. ril.LiiTSON, 1. Our untitled nobility. 577'i4 Brunei, Sir Marc Isambard, 1769-1849. |l',KiiAN,W. Men I have known. 1522.9 Tii.i.OTSON, J. Our untitled nobility. 577-14 Brussels. LECAKfi, H. S. Diary ofBrussels [in 1833]. In his Writings, vol. I. 1S46. 872.3.1 Brutus, Marcus Junius, 85-42 B.C. Plutarchus. Tlie civil wars of Rome, vol. 5. 547.24.5; 850.1.5 Bruyn, Blandlna, born Elmendorf, 1753-1832. Kl.I.KT, Elizabeth V. The women of the American revolu- tion, vol. 3. 538-13 3 Bruys, Pierre de, -ii47- Hodgson, W. Lives of some of the reformers and martyrs. 2085.9 Bryan, Micliael, 1757-1821. A biograpliical and critical dictionary of painters and engravers. New ed. London, 1853. Illus. R.R., B. 1.5 Bryant, Williain Cullen. Letters from tlie East [written in 1852 and 1853]. N. Y., i86g. 1675.13 Letters of a traveller ; or, notes of things seen in Europe and America. 2d ed. N. Y., 1850. 658.12 Same. 2d series. N. Y., 1859. 666.9 Life, character, and genius of Washington Irving. In Warner, C. D., and others. Studies of Irving. 1880. 1523.7 Godwin, P. A biography of Bryant, with extracts from his private correspondence. 1883. 532.2 Griswold, Hattie T. Home life of great authors. 1556.9 Powers, H. N. William Cullen Bryant. In The homes and haunts of our elder poets. 59i-'2 Symington, A. J. William Cullen Bryant. A biographical sketch. 1880. 1523.21 Walsh, W. S. Pen pictures of modern authors. 1406. 14.2 Whipple, E. P. Literature and life, 1871. 1818.6 - and Gay, Sidiigy Howard. A popular history of the United States. Vol. 1-4. N. Y., 1876-81. 221.5 Bryce, James, D. C. L., prof, in O.xford Univer- sity, 1 838-. The American commonwealth. Lon- don, 1888. 3 v. 213.4 Same. 1889. 2 v. Map. 213.6 Constantinople. N. Y., 1878. 1958.37 Brydges, Sir George, ist baron Rodney, 1718-1792. Adams, W. H. D. Eminent sailors. 1540.41 - Neptune's heroes. 578.19 Biographies of eminent men, vol. 3. 839.6.3 Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes. 558.16 Lodge, E. Portraits, vol. 8. 815.1.8 Brydges, Harold. Uncle Sam at home. N. Y., 1888. Illus. 1634-37 Sketches of the United States and its people. Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton, bart. An essay on tlie genius and poems of Collins. In CoIIins's Poetical works. 1830. 329.1 Brydone, Patrick. A tour through Sicily and Malta. N. Y., 1813. 679.11 Bryson, Mary Isabella. Child life in Chinese homes. [London]. 1885. Illus. 1696.17 Bubbles and ballast. Life in Paris during the em- pire ; a tour through Belgium and Holland, and a sojourn in London [1867-68]. Bouligny, Mrs. M. E. Parker. 1657.9. Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau. Head, Sir P. B., bart. 1834. 667.18 ; 667.19 ; 663.17 Buccaneers. E-KQITEMELIN, A. O. The history of the buccaneers of America. 1853. 254.3. -Same. [Abridged.] In Pyle's Buccaneers and marooners of America. 245.23 Pyle, H., ed. The buccaneers and marooners of America. 1891. 245.23 See also Filibusters. Buchanan, Claudius, D. D., 1766-1815. Pearson, H. N. Memoir. nog.22 Buchanan, George, 1 506-1 582. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, vol. 4. 840.10.4 Irving, D. Lives of Scottish writers. 586.13 KiNGSLEY, C. Health and education. 1874. 1826.11 Buchanan, James, 15th president of the U. S., 1791-1868. Abbott, I. S. C. Lives of the presidents. 1522.12 Curtis, G. T. Life. 1883. 2 v. 532.10 Morton, R. G. Life and public services. 1856. 517.10 Stoddard, W. O. ... James Buchanan. 1888. 1558.7 Buchanan, Robert Wilfiam. The land of Lome; or, a poet's adventures in the Scottish Hebrides, including cruise to the outer Hebrides. N. Y., 1871. Portrs. 655.17 A look round literature. London, 1887. 397.22 Contents. — From .-Eschylus to Victor Hugo. The character of Goethe. A note on Lucretius. Free thought in America. .'V note on Dante Rossetti. Thomas Love Peacock. Syd- ney Dobell, and the "Spasmodic school." Tire Irish " national " poet. Heine in a court suit. A talk with George Eliot. The literature of spiritualism. The modern stage. Flotsam and jetsam. From Pope to Tennyson. A last look round. Smith, G. B. Poets and novelists. 1876. 1546.8 StedmaN, E. C. Victorian poets. i355-i8 Buchanan, Sarah, born Ridley, -1831. Ellet, Elizjibeth F. The women of the American revolu- tion, vol. 3. 538-I3-3 Bucke, Charles, 1781-1847. The life of John, duke of Marlborough. London, 1839. 379-5 On the life, writings, and genius of Akenside. London, 1832. 586.16 Ruins of ancient cities. London, 1840. 2 v. 379.6 Same. N. Y., 1848. 2 v. 820.38 Bucke, Richard Maurice. Walt Whitman. Phila., 1883. Illus. 1534-17 Buckeye abroad, A. Cox, S. S. 1859. 658.9 Buckingham, 2d Duke of. See Villiers, George. Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of. See Grenville. Buckingham, James Silk. America, historical, statistic, and descriptive. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 624.4 Refers to New England and the Middle States. Buckingham, Joseph Tinker. Annals of the Massachusetts charitable mechanic association. Boston, 1853. Portrs. 294.5 Personal memoirs and recollections of editorial life. Boston, 1852. 2 V. Portr. 525-21 Buckingham, William A., 1804-1875. Stowe, Harriet B. Men of our times. 1522.8 Buckinghamshire, ist duke of. See Sheffield, John. Buckinghamshire, England. Murray, J. .\ handbook for Berks, Bucks, and O.xford- shire. 1860. 645.20 Buckland, Anna. A record of Ellen Watson. London, 1884. Portr. 1534-25 Buckland, Francis Trevelyan, 1826-1880. Bolton, Sarah K. Famous men of science. 1889. 140.69 Buckland, William, dean of Westminster, 1784- 1856. Jerdan, W. Men I have known. 1522.9 Buckle, Henry Thomas. Biographical sketch. Portr. In his Essays, 1863. 123.16 History of civilization in England. N. Y., 1858, 61. 2 V. 942.2 47 Buckley Bunker Buckley, Arabella Burton, afterwards Mrs. Fisher. History of EciKlaiiJ for beirinncrs. With aJJitions by P. H. I .ihberton. l.otiJon, 1887. Maps. ii>8i.6 A- vof n.'itiiral science an J the progress of from the time of the Greeks. N. Y., iS;!.. iiUi-.. 1147.11 Buckley, James Monroe, 18)6-. The miJniRht Mui, the Tsar an J the Nihilist: adventures and obser\ .itions in Norway, Sweden and Russia. Riistiin. fiS8KION..\. Metnoirb. In Buck- nunsirr'N \%iiiks. vol. i. 1839. 117.5.1 Buckstone, John Baldwin, 1802-1879. MArniKWS, B.. and HurroN. L. Actors and actresses of 2. 14 Bundle of letters from over the sea. Robinson, Louise B. 1666.26 Bundy, Jonas Mills. The life of J. A. Garfield, N. Y., 1880. Portrs. 1523-11 Bungay, George Washington. Crayon sketches and off-hand takings of distinguished American[s]. Boston, 1852. 1529.28 Traits of representative men. N. Y. [1882.] 1534.13 Contents. — Lowell. Theodore Thomas. Phillips. Beeeher. [ohn Hall. Longfellow. Weed. Evarts. Cyrus W. Field. Tliaddeus Stevens. T. C. Acton. E. Booth. Burritt. R. H. Stoddard. Eastman Johnson. Emerson. C. ]. Folger. F. Douglas. Bergh. S. R. Wells. E. S. Porter. C. F. Deems. Choate. Sir John A. Macdonald. Swing. R. .s, Storrs. E. Egglcston. Morgan Dix. F. E. Spinner. J. M. Howard. J. A. M. Chapman. R. Collyer. John T. Lewis. Grant. P. H. Hayne. Bunkerhill, Battle of, 1775. Cooi.IDGE, G. .\. Brochure of Bunker hill. [1875.] 237.26 Drake, S. A. Bunker hill: the story told in letters from the battle field by British otTicers engaged. 1875. 231.6 Ellis, G. E. History of the battle of Bunker's [Breed's] hill. 1875. 231.5 48 Bunker Burmah FROTHINGHAM, R. The centennial: battle of Bunker hill. 1875- 237-25 - History of the siege of Boston, and of the battles of Lex- ington, Concord, and Bunker hill. 214.2; 231.2; 231.4 Hudson, C. Doubts concerning the battle of Bunker's hill. 1857. 2089.11 Memorial. [Poem, by O. W. Holmes, and oration, by James M. Bugbee.] [1875.] 231.7 PULSIFER, D. An account of the battle of Bunker hill. With Burgoyne's account. 1872. Z37'24 Wheildon, W. W. New history of the battle of Bunker hill. 2d ed. 1875. ' 231.8 See also Charlestown, Mass. Bunker hill monument. FROTHINGHAM, R. History of the siege of Boston [etc.]. Also, an account of the Bunker hill monument. 214.2; 231.2; 231.4 WEBSTER, D. Address at the laying of the corner-stone, 1825 ; address on completion, 1843. (In his Great speeches and orations.) 281.4 Bunkley, Josephine M. The testimony of an escaped novice from the sisterhood of St. Joseph. N. Y., 1855. 1098.11 Bunn, Alfred, i796?-i86o. Old England and New England, in a series of views taken on the spot. London, 1853. 628.10 Refers to the United States only. Bunnep, E. History of Louisiana. N. Y. [1841.] 820.69 Bunsen, Christian Carl Josias, Freiherr von. Life of Martin Luther; with an estimate of Luther's character and genius, by Carlyle. N. Y., 1859. 551.4 Signs of the times : letters to Arndt on the dangers to religious liberty. London, 1856. 113. 3 Mueller, Max. Chips from a German \sorkshop, vol. 3. 2097.28.3 Bunsen, Frances, Freiherrin von, 1 791-1876. Hare, A. J. C. The life and letters of Frances, baroness Bunsen. 1879. 2 v. 1543.37 Simon, D. W. Baroness Bunsen. In Ewart's True and noble women. 1537.28 Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. Baillie, J. Life-Studies. 548.12 Brown, J. John Bunyan : his life, times and work. 531.16 The appendix contains a bibliography of Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress, and a list of biographies and personal relics. Cheever, G. B. Lectures on the Pilgrim's progress, and on Bunyan. 1844. 1094.6 Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity. 830.28.2 Froude, J. A. Bunyan. 1880. 1544-44 Great authors, ist period. 18S8. 1400.19.1 HILL, M. D. Our exemplars, [i860.] 1528.16 Macaulay. Biographical and historical sketches. 884.19 - Biographical essays. 589.27 - Biographies contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 587-14 - Critical and historical essays. 409.20; 1966.3.2 - Critical and miscellaneous essays. 867.4.1 ; S63.1 - John Bunyan. In New biographies of illustrious men. 547-7 - In his Oliver Goldsinith. 1544-9 - Reviews and essays from " the Edinburgh." 1816.28 Largely devoted to a review of Southey's edition of Pilgrim's progress, and his Life of Bunyan. Southey, R. Cromwell and Bunyan. 1844. 88g.ii TULLOCK, J. English puritanism and its leaders. 1861. 997-7 Venables, E. Life of John Bunvan. 1884. 540-14 WHITTIER, J. G. Bunyan in Bedford jail. In Brave old English confessors. 567.6 - Old portraits and modern sketches. 1850. 887.6 Bunyiu Nanjio, 1849-. MUELLER, Max. Biographical essays. 1884. 1527.18 Buonappottl, Michelangelo. Cheney, Ednah D. Gleanings in the field of art. 206.28 Clement, C. Michelangelo. 1880. 1543-54 Cooke, Frances E. Guiding lights. 1876. 1559-7 DUPPA, R. Michel Angelo. 1846. 835.7 Foa, E. Boy artists. I599-I Grimm, Herman. Life. 1865. 2 v. 573-1° Harford, John Scandrett. Life ; with translations of poems and letters. 1857. 2 v. 543-2 Jameson, Anna B. Memoirs of the early Italian painters, vol. 2. 1845. 840.23.2 Burekhardt, Johann Ludwig, 1784-1817. JARDINE, Sir W. Memoir. In his Naturalist's library, vol. 40. 179.1.40 St. John, J. A. The lives of celebrated travellers, vol. 3. 810.47.3 Bupdett-Coutts, Angela Georgina, baroness, 1814-. Bolton, Sarah K. Lives of girls who became famous. 1538.29 Bupdette, Robert Jones, 1844-. William i'enn (1644-1718). N. Y., 1882. [Lives of American wortliies.] 1526.26 BuFgess, Edward, 1848-1891. A testimonial to Charles J. Paine and Edward Burgess, from the city of Boston, for their successful defence of the America's cup. 1887.' 191.20 Burgess, Thomas, D. D., bishop of Salisbury, 1756-1837. JERD.IN, W. Men I have known. 1522.9 Bupgh, Allatson. Anecdotes of music. London, 1814. 3 V. 209.8 Bupghley, Lord. See Cecil, William. Burgoyne's invasion of 1777. Drake, S. A. 1889. 210.65 Burgundy, Charles the Bold, duke of. See Charles the Bold. Buried alive. Dostoevsky, F. M. 1881. 1668.12 Buried cities of Campania. Adams, W. H. D. 1873. 1927.1 Burke, Bridget, born Meares. HILL, M. D. Our exemplars, [i860.] 1528.16 Burke, Christian. Roses and lilies of Christen- dom'; or, some of the saintly women of the first thirteen centuries. London, 1889. lllus. 2090.1 Burke, Edmund, 1730-1797. Biographies of eminent men, vol. 4. 839.6.4 BiRRELL, A. Obiter dicta. 2d series. 1887. 1898.26.2 Brougham, lord. Historical sketches of statesmen, vol. i. 1845. 840.5.1; 568.7.1 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. 548.16; 551.13 Gilfillan, G. a third gallery of portraits. 1855. 548.4 Great authors. [2d period.] 1887. 1400.19.2 Macknight, T. History of the life and times of Burke. 1858. 2 V. ■ 572-4 Maurice, J. F. D. The friendship of books. 1880. 1897.31 Morley, J. Burke. 1879. 1536.24 PRIOR, Sir J. Memoir of Burke, with specimens of his poetry and letters. 1854. 2 v. 588.17 TIMES, J. Anecdote biography, i860. 587.15.1 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature, ser. 1. 548-5-1 Burke, John W. Life of Robert Emmett; with his speeches, &c. 2d ed. Charleston, S. C, 1852. 598.16 Burke, Robert O'Hara, 1820-1861. Adams, W.H.D. Records of noble lives. '553-2 Burke, Ulick Ralph. The great captain [Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordova] : eventful chapter in Span- ish history. London. [1877.] 1549-27 Burleigh, Lord. See Cecil, William. Burleigh, William Henry, 1812-1871. Sketch of his life, by Celia Burleigh. Portr. In his Poems. 1871. 376.12 Burlington, Earl of. See Boyle, Richard. Burmah. Bell, H. G. A narrative of late operations in the Birmese empire. 1827. No. 2 in 830.29.2 China : with some account of Ava and the Burmese. 825.8 Gouger, H. A personal narrative of two years' imprison- ment in Burmah, 1824-26. 695-^3 KNOWLES, J. D. Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Judson. In- cluding a history of the American baptist mission in the Burman empire. 1831. 539-2° 49 Burmah Busk White foreigners from over Ihe water. The stor)- of the \fn(-riran mission to the Burmese and the Karens. 1699.11 Burman, i'u-ur. 1660-1741. JhUnmin. >. rill- lives of the English poets and sundry eniint-nt persons. 586.30 Burn, James Dawson. The autobiography of a hcKK-ir N.iy. 4th eJ. London, 1859. 589-24 Burnaby, PrcJerii;k Gustavus. A ride to Khiva : travels and adventures in Central Asia [1875J. N. Y., 1877. Maps. 1695-14 Burnap, Gei)rge Washington. Life of Leonard C.iKort. lnSparl .tmous Kngluh authon o( ihr ninc- !«-. .) 1555 36 liAi 810,10 Gai .-u oI HIcuington. A journal o( con. n- 1817.14 (iiii-. -1. Moil |.rii.'-..phy of Byron's life ; moral spirit of Bvr..n 1 (;•. SS nil p.iper5 on • llie prog- re»»o(Greece (H.-.-ce." 1880. .X0.5 MacaULAV. 1 il essays 1966.3.1 ; 409.30 - Criticnl !»ml I. -. 867^.1; 863.1 - 1.' ■• ■". 1549-35 - K iIk' ICdinburgh." 1816.28 A F" ■ ' lUri>n. MAl>i>KN. K. 1. ll.c iiilirmilies of genius. 1833. 887.7 MASt>N. 1- T. Personal ifiiils of British authors, vol. 1. 1885. I524ai' NUkikf., T. Inciters and journals of lord B)Ton: with notices of his life. 1830. a v. 53*-" - Some. 1808. 2 V. 585.7 - Ijfc <)( Bvron, with his letters and journals. 1855. 585.3 Many of Byron's letters arc in the 3d volume of an edition of his works on 333.3. .NICHOI, J. Hvron. 1880. 1543.61 fARTON."). IVoplc's book of biography. [1868.] 1533.10 WlllITl.K, E. P. lissays and reviews, vol. I. 875.13.1 Byzantine empire. KlM_*v. G. History of the Byiantinc empire from 71610 1057. 956.7 - History of the Bvianline and Greek empires, 1057-1453. 955-5 FREEMAN, E. A. Historical essays, vol. 3. 1836.4.3 KlNr.SLEY,C. The Roman and the Teuton. 1879. 950.4 C, S. T. The little Fox ; or, Captain M'Clintock's Arctic expedition. For the young. N. Y., 1867. Illus. 1708.20 C, T. E. Battle-fields of the South, from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh [1861-62]. By an English combatant. N. Y., 1864. Maps. 272.19 C — de la B— , Madame. See Calderon de la Barca, Frances E. Caballero, Fernan, pseud. See Arrom, Cecilia. Cabinet pictures of English life. Saunders, J. 1845. 850.9 Cabinet portrait galler>', The, of British worthies. London, 1845-47. '2 v. 840.10 Cable, George Washington. The Creoles of Louisi- ana. N. Y., 1884. Illus. 261. 1 The Silent South ; together with Thefreedman's case in equity and The convict lease system. N. Y., 1885. Portr. 210.45 War diary of a Union woman in the South, 1860- 63. In hfs Strange true stories of Louisiana, i88