/v^ UC-NRLF B ^ 567 ^31 ttr>r) •J^QIO^'7 Engravings and Etchings. fe •>^ No. 420. MAGGS BROS. 34 ® 35, Conduit Street, New Bond Street, LONDON. W. •*■ Av. ^^ ftTif Engravings can generally be sent en Approval, if desired, subject to all expenses of carriage being paid and decision made within two days of receipt. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE FOR SENDING ENGRAVINGS ON Al'PEOVAL TO AMEIUCA AND ABROAD. (For List of Current Catalogues, see inside baclc cover). Commissions undertaken at anv of the principal .Auctions. (.All prices are nctt, and ilo not include carriage.) FR0XTI5PTECE. No. 420. 1922. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS QF EUROPEAN CELEBRITIES.;! DECORATIVE ENGRAVINGS. ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS BY OLD ® MODERN MASTERS. ART REFERENCE BOOKS. Selected from the Stock of MAGGS BROS. (B. D. MAGGs, C. A. MAGGa, E. U. MAGGS), DEALERS IN FINE & RARE BOOKS, PRINTS & AUTOGRAPHS 34 ^ 35, Conduit Street New Bond Street, London, \A/. Telegraphii &' Cable Address: "Bibliolite, London." Tel.: "May fair, 5831." CQURICR PHe5S, k,lAMIMGTQN SPA. liuiiDHT lirHNS. ('(iiisiiis— Wiilkci- altiM- Nasiiiytli. See Iti'iii Nn. 7. PART I. Engraved Portraits of Men and Women, Famous in British and European History, (including Beauties of the Royal Courts and Literary Celebrities). Arranged under Countries. BRITISH ISLANDS. 1 ARGYLL (John Duke of, 1694-I/70). Whole length standing, robes and collar of the Thistle, right hand holding staff, left on coronet on pedestal to right; m background a vase, panelled wall and tree to left. Mezzotint by Jas. Watson after Thos. Gainsborough. Size 242 by 15 inches, with margins. 1769. Brilliant proof with Artists' names in scratched letters. £9 9s Grandson of Archibald, 9th Earl of Argyll; entered the Army, and served at Dettinyen and in Scotland in 1745. M.P. for Bute and Dumbarton. 2 BLOOMFIELD (Miss) Three-quarter length, standing, low dress, veil over head held up with right hand. Stipple engraving by A. Buck after Cheessman. .Size 12 by 8f inches, with margins. 1803. £3 15s 3 BRADDYLL (Mrs., died 1818). Half length, sitting, turban, ear-ring, fur-lined dress, right elbow on table to left, cheek leaning on hand. Mezzotint engraved by Wm. Ward from a picture painted by her son. Size 14 by 10 inches. Brilliant impression. Lettered Proof State. £8 10s .Jane, daughter of M. Gale, of Catgill Hall. Cumberland, married, 1776, Wilson Gale (who assumed the name of Braddyll), of Highhead, Conishead Priory. I\ i \ 2 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street. London, W. British Islands — continued. 4 BUCHANAN (George, 1506-1582). Half length in oval, emblems under. Line engraving by Houbraken after F. Pourfous. Size 14? by g inches, with margins. Fine proof impression. £2 10s S<^)t(ish historian anr\varr. Appointed Master of the Rolls, with a seat in the Privy Council, by the Whig Ministry/ of 1806. 4' MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. British Islands — continued. 14a CURRIE (Sir Donald, b. 182s). "The Knight of the Cruise of Mr. Gladstone." Full length, standing, holding Gladstone bag behind him. Original drawing in water-colours bv C. Pelligrini (Ape). June 21, 1884. Size 12 by 7] inches. £10 10s Head <>t the tinn of Donaltl Currio & Ci>. ; owner of the Castle line ot steamships between London and Sth. Atriea. On three occasions took the Kt. Hon. W. E. Glad- .stone long trips in his ocean steamers when h? was in need ot a voyage to restore him to healtli. 1; DALKEITH (Charles, Earl of, 1772-1819). I'uU length, as a boy, leaning on large slab towards left, right hand holding a large owl, towards left a dog with paw raised looking at the bird, landscape with sunset in distance. Mezzotint by Val. Green after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 20 by 14 inches, with margins. 1778. £9 9s Succeedexl his father as 4th Duke of Buccleugh. 1812. 16 DILETTANTE SOCIETY. I. Portraits of some of the members of this Famous Society. Lord Mulgrave, holding a glass; Lord Dundas; Lord Seaforth, holding u}) a gem; Hon. Chas. Greville, Charles Crowle, Esq., Sir Joseph Banks, touches glasses filled with wine; Duke of Leeds, with a ring on right hand. • Engraved in mezzotint by 0. Turner. Size 18J by 15I inches, with margins. II. Portraits, commencin^g from left of spectator, of Sir Watkin W. Wynn, Sir John Taylor, Mr. Payne Gallw^ay, Sir W. Hamilton, Mr. Richard Thompson, Mr. Stanhope, and Mr. Smith of The Heath. Engraved in mezzotint by W. Say. Size igi by 14^ inches, with margins. The pair, £12 12s The Society of iJilettante, established in 1734 by the Duke of Dorset and others, who were desirous of encouraging a taste for thi> fine arts in Gt. Britain. 17 DRAKE (.Sir Francis, 1540-1596). Aged 43. Half length in oval, with shield on which is represented naval engagement. Latin verses under. Line engraving by H. Golius. Size 6i by &,\ inches. £9 15s Circuninnvigator and Admiral; defeated the Spanish Armada, 1588. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 5 British Islands — contmued. 1 8 DUNDAS (William, 1762-1845). Half length, frill, dark coat. Mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds after J. Hoppner. Size 12 by 10 inches, with inscription margin. 180 1. Finely printed in colours. £7 7s Statesman, Secretary of State for War, 1804-6. 19 ELIZABETH (Queen, 1 533-1603). Half length, crown, ruff, low dress, jewels. Mezzotint by J. Simon after F. Hillyard. Size 12 by gi^ inches, with inscription margins. Fine impression. £12 12s 20 Ditto. A contemporary engraving. Full length, standing (said to be in the dress in which she went to St. Paul's to return thanks for the victory over the Spanish Armada, but more probably as she usually appeared at the opening of Parlia- ment), holding orb and sceptre, bible and sword on table, 12 Latin lines below. Line by C. de Passe, sen., after J. Olivier. Size 13^, by g| inches. Circa 1590. £21 21 ELIZABETH (Princess, 1770-1840). Three-quarter length seated, large hat, feathers, dress with white chemisette with frill, trees and foliage in background. Stipple by W. Ward after H. Ramberg. Size 13 by 9A inches. 1788. £7 7s Third daughter of George III. Married to Frederick Landgrave of Hesse-Honibiirg. Extremely Important " Raeburn Item." 22 ERSKINE (Henry, 1746-18 17). Nearly full length, seated, frill, plain coat, arms folded and lean- ing on arm of chair, landscape with mountain in distance to left. Mezzotint by Jas. Ward after H. Raeburn. Size 17!! by 14 inches, with margins. Brilliant impression of this extremely rare print, x^lmost unique. (See Illustration, Plate No. II.) £110 Lord Advocate; second son of Henry, 10th Earl of Buchan. He was admitted a meniber of the Faculty of Advocates in 1768, became a remarkably successful pleailer, and in 1783 was appointed Lord Advocate in the Coalition Ministry in the place of Henry Dundas, afterwards Lord Melville. According to Fergusson's Lf/e, he was not only endowed with a handsome presence, a fascinating manner and a sparkling wit, but he was by far the most eloquent speaker at the Scotch Bar in his time. 6 MAGGS BRUb., 34 i books and papers on table refer to " Commercial Intercourse with America," " Encouragement of Navigation," " Greenland Whale and Newfoundland l''isheries." 30 JOHNSON (Samuel, LL.D., 1709- 1784). Full half length, looking downwards to left, wig, plain dress. Very fine mezzotint by G. Townly after Opie. Size 13 by 1 1 inches, with margins. 1786. £14 14s 31 Another portrait. Half length, powdered wig, plain coat, vest buttoned up to throat. Very fine mezzotint by Wm. Doughty after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 16 by 13 inches, with inscription margins. (1799.) £6 6s Famous Lexicop;raphor ; termed the Colossus of Kii■ JONSON (Benjamin, i 574-1637). Short half length in decorative oval. Line by J. Houbraken, * Size 14^ by 9 inches, with margins. Fine proof impression. £5 15s Dramatist and Poet. 8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. British islands — continued. I}, KING (Peter, first Baron Knig of Ockham in Surrey, 1669-1734). In oval, short half length, long curled wig, Arms under. Mezzotint by J. Faber. Size 13 by 10 inches, with narrow margins. 1730. £1 15s Lord CJiaucellor. 172r)-33; procured substitution of En<,'lisli tor Latin in writs and similar documents. 34 KIPLING (Rudyard). Half length, seated, in profile, writing at a table. Etching by P. G. Matthews. Size 5^ by 6{, inches, with margins. £2 2s S5 LAMB (Peniston, William, and Frederick James). "The Affectionate Brothers." The eldest sitting supporting the youngest boy, the other stand- ing with one foot on a stone. Stipple engraving by F. Bartolozzi after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 16 by 11 inches, with large margins. (1791.) Fine impression. £21 The thrt'c sons of Sir IVniston Lanil), TJart., 1st Viscount Mdhourne 36 LAWES (Henry, 1596-1662). Half length, in oval frame of laurel. Line by W. Faithorne. Size 4-g by 3^ inches, with margins. £1 5s Musical composer. IJ MACDONALD (Sir Archibald, 1747-1826). Three-quarter length, seated in robes. Mezzotint by H. Meyer after George Romney. Size 17?, by 14 inches, with margins. 1816. Fine impression. £10 10s .lud-ic: [.ord Chief IJaron of the K\chc(|iKT, 17;).'5-1813. 38 MARLBOROUGH (John, istDukeof, 1650-1722). Half length in armour, lang curlcfl wig, sash. Mezzotint by J. Smith after G. Kneller. Size 14 bv 10 inches, with margins. 1690. Fine Impression. £10 10s (Ayy- ^ //'.''//,;,:,// EusKiNi; (Hon. ilr.Nuv). \V:.nl-Kaobmi.. See Item No. 22. Plate III. (j1old«mitu (Olivkr). Ahu-chi — Hcyaolds. See item Xo. 2y. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, \V. Q British Islands — continued. 39 NEWTON (Lord, Charles Hay, 1740-1811). To waist, sitting, wig, cravat, with long ondb, dark robe. Mezzotint by Chas. Turner after Sir H. Raeburn. Size 17 by I4§ inches, with margins. 1814. (See Illustration, Plate No. IV.) £32 10s Called to the Bar 1768; becainei Lord of Session l>^liti. 40 NEWTON (Sir Isaac, F.R.S., 1642-1727). Celebrated Philosopher. Half length, in ornamental oval, wig and mantle. Line by J. Houbraken after G. Kneller. Size 14] by SJ inches, with margins. Circa 1740. Brilliant proof before letters. £7 10s 41 PEMBROKE (Henry, loth Earl of, died i794)- Three-quarter length, standing in uniform, sash, right hand on hilt of sword, hat m left hand, cavalry in background. Large and fine mezzotint by Dixon after Sir J. Reynolds. Proof before letters in First State. Size 1 8] by 13 inches, and margin. (1769.) £10 10s Lieutenant-Geaieral in the Army. 42 SAINT GEORGE (Monsieur de, 1 745-1/99)- Half length, negro, white wig, rapier in hand, in background violin and sheet of music. Mezzotint by W. Ward after M. Brown. Size* 13:1 by lof inches, with margins. 1788. Early state before the verses under. £3 IDs Born at Guadeloupe. I'.tcentric- viulinist; pupil ut lA^chiir. 43 ST. VINCENT (John Jervis, Earl, 1743-1823). Half length, naval uniform, sash, star. Mezzotint by Robt. Laurie after T. Stuart. Size 13 by 11 inches, with full inscription anled an.l sent Nd-son to Aboukir. 10 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. British Islands — cout'inucd. 44 SHAKESPEARE (William. 1564-1616). Half length in oval, emblems below. Line by J. Houbraken. Size I4[ by g inches, with marfrins. 1743. Brilliant proof before letters. Very rare in this state. £14 14s 45 SHELDON (John, 1752-1808). Nearly whole length sitting, paper in right hand, statuette and medical preparations in background. Mezzotint by W. Barnard after J. Keenan. .Size 17^ by 14 inches, with margins. 1803. Printed in colours. (See Illustration, Plate No. V.) £31 10s AiiJitomist ; after lecturing uiul<>r William Hunter (1718-17S3) oarrieil on i)iivai<> anatomical school in London, 1777-88; Professor of Anatomy to L'o3-al Academy. 1782: snr^iH>n to Westminster Hospital, 1786; made voyage to Greenland to test method of ciitcliinp; whales; reputed first En<,'lishman to make balloon asoout. 45a THOMPSON (Sir Charles, 1740?-! 799). Three-quarter length, standing, naval uniform, telescope in right hand, sea and ships. Mezzotint by Earlom after Gainsboro. Size 13I by 11 inches, with margins. 1800. £4 4s Vire-Admiral ; <'ommandoil the Britannia and Sefond in t'ommand al Uattli- m (':i|i,. St. X'inceiit. 1797. 46 THORNTON (Samuel, M.P., 1755-1838). Nearly full length, seated, holding paper in right hand. Mezzotint by Chas. Turner after T. Phillips. Size 16 by 12 J, inches, with margins. Fine proof impression before all letters. £2 10s Directoi- of the Hank of Enj;land. 17Sll-1s:<;j, (lovcriuir of (ireenwidi. President Of Guy's Hospital. AUSTRIA. 47 ALBERT (Arclulukc of Austria. 1 559-i(.)2 1 ). ISABELLA CLARAE EUGENIAE OF SPAIN, HIS WIFE. Three-quarter lengths m elaborate costumes with large ruffs and jewels. Engraved by J. Muller after P. P. Rubens. ^^ Size 15 by iiA inches, with margins. The pair, £5 5s AIlxTt. Arcliduko of Austria, a Cardinal and Archbishop of Toledo. resii;ned an<> niarriwl lsalH^ll!a r)f Si)ain. l)ecoming Govornor of the Low Countries. l.WS; defeattnl by the Dutch at Xieuport, IGdO. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. II Austria — continued. 48 CHARLES LOUIS (Archduke of Austria, 1771- 184;). In oval, half length, powdered hair, sash, star. Mezzotint by V. Green after H. Schmidt. Size 13 by 9;^ inches, with margins. 1798. Finely printed in colours. £14 14s Coimnaiulpr-iii-t'liit'l' of tlie Austrian Aiiny. I)ot('atoil Xapoleoii at Asperiifi and Essiii;;. 49 CHARLES (Archduke of Austria, 1771-1847, *' Erzherzog Karl"). Nearly three-quarter length, embroidered coat, ruffles and frills, sash, order, right hand holding sword, left hat, flag above, in back- ground to left cavalry and foot soldiers. Very fine mezzotint by P. Dawe after J. S. Kirchoff. Size 20 by 13^ inches, with full inscription margin. 1801. £6 6s Field Marshal and Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army in Germany. Distin- guished Soldier. Defeated Napoleon at Asiwrne and Esising. 50 LICHTENSTEIN (Johann, Joseph, Prince of, 1760-1836). Half length, dark coat over armour, cross suspended round neck, sword, cavalry behind to left. Mezzotint by J. Pichler. Size 13 by 10^ inches, with inscription margin. £12 12s Austrian (Jeneral. Fought in campaigns of French Kevohuion ; signe<.l treaty of Presbnrg, 1805; abdicated 180(5; distinguished himself at Asijern and Kssling. 1S09; recoveretl his States, 1811. 3 1 MAXIMILIAN (Archduke of Austria and Duke of Burgundy, 1558-1620). In decorative oval, short half length, ruff, fur-edged cloak. Line engraving by J. Suyderhoof after P. P. Rubens. Size \yl by loij inclies. Circa 1660. F'ine impression. £3 3s 52 'MAXIMILIAN (Archduke of Au.-.tria, Duke of Burgundy, reigned from 1493 to 1519). .Short half length, within dccoratiye oval. Line by J. Suyderhof after P. P. Rubens. Size 15^ by loA inches. Circa 1640. £2 2s 12 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. BOHEMIA. 1^3 BOHEMIA. The Coronation of the King and Queen. Engraving in eight compartments, and Portraits of the King and Queen. By E. Kieser. Size 12 by 14^, inches. Circa lOig. £4 lOs 1 ri'ilerick V. Eletlor Palatine and King of Bohemia; latlior ol L'rince Rupert; born, l.'iOB; died. 1631. Elizabeth. Queen of Bohemia, the "Queen of Hearts"; daughter of James I.; born, ir.9G; died. 1(i(;2., DENMARK. 54 CHRISTIAN IV. 1588-1648. King of Denmark. Three-quarter length, standing, embroidered dress, ruff, sash, baton in right hand. Line engraving b}' J. Muller. Size 15 by lis inches, with inscription margin. 1625. £10 lOs 55 CHRISTIAN IV., King of Denmark, and his son Frederick Christian. Full lengths, standing, park with deer behind. X'erses under. Line engraving by Wm. de Pass. Size 1 I i by 8] inches. Cnca 1650. £14 14s FRANCE. 56 BURGUNDY (Louis, Duke of, 1682-1 712). In oval, half length, in armour, long wig, sash, Arms on tablet under, scroll above oval. MADAME LA PRINCESSE DE SAVOYE, DUCHESS OF BURGUNDY. Wife of the preceding. In oval, half length, hair dressed high m curls, with jewel, pearl necklace, low dress, jewel on left sleeve, ermine cloak on right dioulder. Arms under on tablet, scroll above oval. Pair of very fine line engravings designed and engraved by Simon Thomassin. Size 13',' bv lOA inches, with margins. i()o6-i698. The Pair, £6 10s Cnnidson of Louis XIV. Pr.ATE TV. Loitu Nkwton. 'I'liriior — H;n.'I)iini. Sec Item No, 39. Plate V. Pditrait i)f John Siiki.dox, iJi-intcd in colours. See Item Nos. lo ;iiii| L'o")!!. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London. W. 13 France — continued. 57 D'ARTOIS (Countess). Half length, in oval, directed to left, looking to front, low dress, cloak edged with ermine, hair dressed high, curl over left shoulder, Arms under. Very fine mezzotint engraving by R. Brookshaw. Size 15), by 11 inches. 1775. Beautiful impression in first state, with the engraver's name in scratched letters. :::i4 14s 58 FRANCIS i. (1494-1547). Half length in crown and armour. Line engraving by Agostino Yeneziano. Size 17 by 12 inches, with margins. 1536. £4 4s King of France. Met Henry VIIT. at the Field ol the Cloth of Gold. 59 JOSEPHINE (Empress, 1763-18 14). When Madame Buonaparte. Full length, seated at a table reading a letter, long feather in hair, pearls round neck, curtain to right. Contemporary line engraving. Size 11^ by 8 inches, with margins. Circa 179G. £3 15s Wife of Napoleon. Crowned Empres.=;. 1804; divorced, 1809. 60 LA VALLIERE (Duchesse de, 1644-1710). Nearly half length, low dress, hair in curls, necklace, large oval, ornamental border, Arms under. Fine line engraving by Cole after Ptaats. Size 14^ by 11^ inches, with margin. Circu 1700. Fine impression. £5 15s Mistress of Louis XIV., neglected for ^fadaiiie de Monie.-^piin ; became luiii. as Siller " Louise de la Misericorde." 1675. 6 1 Ditto. Another portrait. Full half length, low loose dress. long curls. Line engraving by the Master of the Monogram, H. B. Size I3;s by 9jj inches, large margin. Fine impression. £5 5s The tipautiful Mistress of Loui.s XIV. 14 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. ^TWnO^— continued . 62 LOUIS XY., KING OF FRANCE (1710-1774) Half length, when a boy, ermine robe, decorated with fleur-de-lys, collar and star, hat and feather, sceptre in right hand, in oval, crown above. Mezzotint by J. Faber. Size 14^ by 10 inches. Ctrca 1730. £6 6s 63 LOUIS XVI. (1754-1793). Half length, hair tied behind, cloak decorated with fleur-de-lys, sash. MARIE ANTOINETTE, his Queen (1755 1793). Half length, hair high and curled, pearls, veil, low rich dress, ermine cloak. Pair of beautiful ovals, with decorative borders of flowers, fluer- de-lys, etc., Arms under each. Engraved by R. Brookshaw, in mezzotint. Size 13! by 11 inches, with margins. Circa 1774. Pair, £10 lOs Kinp of France. 64 LOUIS XVI, 1754-1793. King of France. In oval, half length, uniform, star, sash, Arms under. Engraved after the picture by T. Boze« MARIE ANTOINETTE, 1755-1793. Queen of France. In oval, half length, feathered head-dress, powdered hair, low dress with jewels. Engraved by Curtis after Oufroe. Pair of stipples m brown. ^ Size 15 by lof inches, with margins. The pair, £9 9s 65 MAINTENON (Francoise D'Aubigny, Marquise de, 1635-17 19). In oval, half length, pearls round neck and in hair, low dress. Line by P. Giffart. Ctrca 1680. Size 15^ by 12} inches, with margins, £5 10s Secretly married to Louis XIV., l»>Si. 66 MARIE ANTOINETTE (Queen of France, 1755-1793). Nearly half length, in oval, low dress, decorated with pearls, hair high and curled with feathers, charming mezzotint. Size 13I by 9 J inches, with margins. 1778. £12 12s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 15 fmnCB — continued . Marie Antoinette (Queen of France)^ — continued. 67 Another portrait. Half length, within oval decorative border, hair dressed high in curls, pearls round neck, low dress. Arms on tablet under. Very fme line engraving by Croisey ( ?). Size 14 by 8§ inches, with margins. Fine impression. £9 95 68 MARIE DE MEDICIS (15/3-1642) Half length, hokhng a rose. Line engraving by Petrus de Jode after A. van Dyck. Size 5 1 by 4 inches. Circa i()40. Fine impression, printed on vellum. £3 38 Queen f>f Fnmct'. JMothi-r of Jiouis XI 1 1. 69 MARIE THERESE CHARLOTTE 07/8 1851). In oval, half length, powdered liair, cap, dark dress, with white collar. Mezzotint by J. Leon after Chas. Caspar. Size \2.% by 10] inches, with margins. 1796. £4 lOs Daujjhter of Louis XVI. 70 MAZARIN (Hortense, Duchess of, 1646-1699). Half length, m oval, low dress, hair in curls. Mezzotint engraving by A. de Blois after P. Leiy. Size 8| by 6] inches, with margins. Circa 1720. £3 3s Jiiece of the famous Cardinal Mazaiin, nuiiiied 1661 tlie Due de Meilloiayo but It'ft him and went ti> Eonus was afterwards under the protection of tho Duke of Savoj. /I NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE (Emperor of France, 1 769-1821). Full length, standing, uniform, right hand resting on drawn sword, left hand extended towards emblematic figure on right, whose left foot is placed on a helmet, left hand holding shield hung from palm tree, on which right hand has inscribed " Au 4inc De La Republiquc Francaise Armee D'ltal (lie)," etc., in distance a wooden bridge (the bridge of Arcole), with troops passing over to the attack. Mezzotint engraving by J. R. Smith after Appiani. Size 26 by 18 inches. 1800. Brilliant impression of this rare plate. (See Illustration, Plate No. VL) £63 1 6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. France — continued . Napoleon Buonaparte (Kmperor of France) — continued. 72 Another portrait. " Adieu Mai Maison." Full length, standing, in the garden of Malmaison, cocked hat, uniform, right hand slipped in vest, boots and spurs, view of the Chateau behind. Stipple by C. J. Linges after Isabey. Size 14! by loij inches, with margins. Circa 1806. Brilliantly printed in colours. £31 10s An ♦^xtrtMiii'l.v tine iiiipri'ssioii dl this rnre i)li*te. •73 Another portrait. Full length, standing in front of throne, embroidered coat to knees, sash, sword, collar, lace ruffles at neck and waist, plumed hat, draped curtain, showing large rooms of the palace in background. Arms under. MARIE LOUISE. Full length, standing, robes, low dress, coronet, necklace, right hand holding edge of robes, throne, curtain and pillar in background. Arms under. Pair of large and very fine stipple and line engravings by MeCOU after Isabey. Size 25 b\' 16:/ inches, with margins. Circa 18 ID. The Pair. £18 18s 74 Another portrait. Half length, uniform, white vest, dark collar, long hair. Mezzotint engraving by C. H. Hodges after Rusca. Size 16A by 1 i^ inches, with margins. 1797. £18 18s 75 Another portrait. Full length, teated on throne, regal dress, hat with long feathers drooping over shoulder, pillar to right, with curtain partly shown above. Large and very fine mezzotint engraving by W. Say after Goubard. Size 23 i' by 18.I inches, with margins. 1820. £16 16s ^6 Another portrait. Full length, standing in uniform, arms folded, sword, wooded landscape in background. Very fine aquatint in brown by F. Arnold after H. Dahling. Size 17 bv 12' inches. Circa 18 10. £10 lOs MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W 17 France — continued. Napoleon Buonaparte (Emperor of France) — contnutcd. yj Another portrait. In oval, half length, long hair, military uniform, under " N. Bona- parte, Luneville, an IX." Stipple engraving by C> P. Size 14 by 10 inches, with margins. Circa 1801. £7 10s Portrait of Napoleon when the peace of Luneville with Austria wa- (.uik hi«l«'n at tlu> JSattU- ot Waterloo. 87 Another portrait. Fulll length, standing, in uniform, battle in background. Engraving in colours by W. Heath. Size 17 by 12?, inches, with margins. 18 14. £3 10s MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 19 Germany — continued. 88 CHARLES V. (i 500-1 558). Half length, in oval, in the centre of a triumphal arch, with an emblematical female figure on either side, in the background to right a country landscape, and to left a battle scene. Very decorative line engraving by Aeneas Vico. In proof state. Size 2oi{ by 14?, inches. Circa 1550. £14 14s EiniHTor of Germany. Elected in 1519. Ketsiyned in l.").)(j. Sg FRANCIS II. (1/68-1835). Emperor of Germany and Austria. Half length, robes, Orders and decorations, pillar and curtain behind. Stipple by Bourgeois de la Richardiere after A. Dumont. Size 13 by lo^ inches, with margins. C'nca 1800. £1 15s His daugliter, Maria Loni*a, married to Napoleon; ho supported Napoleon in ths Rnssian Campaisn, 1812. rto FREDERICK II. "The Great" (1712-1786). King of Prussia. Full length, standing, in open landscape, uniform, two dogs at his feet. Mezzotint by D. Cunego after E. F. Cuningham. Size 2l\ by 15^ inches, with margins. Circa 1790. Fine proof impression before any letters. £15 15s 91 Ditto. Another portrait. Short half length in oval, uniform, star. Stipple by J. J. Tassaert after H. F. Tassaert. Size \o\ by 9 inches, with margins. 1790. £1 15s 92 FREDERICK V. Elector Palatine (i 596-1632). Full length, seated on horseback, town seeh across river in back- ground, twelve lines of verse below, Arms of Great Britain and the Palatinate near the head of the figure. Line engraving by R. Elstracke. Size 9^, by 8 inches, with margins. Circa 1620. Fine impression of this very scarce portrait. £7 lOs This portrait, with tlie companion i)late ■ IMincesse Elizalx^th," realifMxl t\m it Sothoby^s, Jiily. 1906. 20 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. Germany — continued. Frederick V. — continued. 93 Another portrait. Full length, standing, to right youth standing behind a tent. Angel of Fame above, and in distance to right battle scene, armorial shield under. Fine line engraving by J. M. Pobrst after A. Pesne. .Size 21] by 15.' inches, with margins. Circa 1760. £4 4s 94 FREDERICK WILLIAM, KING OF PRUSSIA, 1770 1840. Lull length, in uniform, left hand on sword, right hand pointing, battle scene behind. Engraving in colours drawn b\- W. Heath, and published July i, 1814, by J. Jenkins. Size 15). by 12 inches. £3 3s l{«cognisen. 1812. 95 HESSE-CASSEL (Frederick, Prmce of, 1720-1785). Three-quarter length, standing, wig, breastplate, sash round waist, ermine robe over left shoulder, right hand on helmet. Mezzotint by John Simon after 0. Rusca. Size i^^ by 9-,' inch(^s, with inscription margin. Circa 1740. £3 3s •Son of William VII. of He.sse-Cassel, and nephew to Frederick I., who became Kiin{: of Sweden. Married, 1740, -Princess Mary, 4th danshter of Georpre II.; sticceedetl his fatlier as Landgrave. 1760. 96 MANSFIELD (Ernst, Count, 1585-1626). Half length, in armour, sash. Line engraving by R. van Voorst after A. van Dyck. .Size 8} by 6^ inches, with margins. Circa 1630. £4 4s (JeruiiiH General, served in Hungary; not receiving his father's estates, joined King of Hohemiii, against the lOmpire; defeatinl a1 T'ragiic. KilO. at Dess.aii, 1626. 97 MARIA, Wife of Ferdinand ill., Emperor of Germany. Three-quarter length, seated, ruff, jewels, holding a fan. Lme by C. Galle after A. van Dyck. Size 94 by 7^ inches, with mscrij)tion and narrow margins. Fine impression in first state. £3 3s IiBiH the Morrison Collection. Plate VI. liro.NAi'Aicn; liisi (ON SI I. or IKAX r. .;;^,»:y^-//,».../-w-' '■"■■■■ XaI'oi.KoN. .1. H. Sinilli .\|.pi:iiii. See Jiom No. 71. Plate VII. Amoxanuek J. By I>.I5. I'lintcd in colours. 8ee Itoiu No. 140. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 21 Germany — continued. 98 MOELLENDORF (M. J. H. Von, 1725-1816). Three-quarter length, standing, in uniform, .-^ash, star, wig, right hand resting on sword, hat in left. Fine mezzotint by Chas. Townley art(M- F. C. Cunningham. Size 1 9I by 14 inches. 1786. £4 4s Prussian General. Governor of Berlin. 99 RUPERT (Prince of Bavaria, 1619-1682). Half length m oval, wig, lace cravat, cloak, Order, Arms under. Line by A. Blooteling after Sir P. Leiy. Size 15-4- by 11^ inches, with thread marginb. 1673. Fine impression. £18 18s Son of Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. Improved mezzotint engravitiff 100 JOHN FREDERICK, Duke of Saxony (1503-15541. Half length, fur-edged cloak, chains round neck, hat with featiiers. Line engraving by P. Galle. Size 15^1 by I2:| inches, with margins. 1543. £6 6s 101 SCHILLER (Johann C. F. Von. 1759-1805). Within engraved border, half length, long hair, head resting on right hand. Line engraving by F, G. Muller after A. Graff. Size I2il by 9^ inches, with margins. 17^3. £2 lOs Celebrated (Termini Poet and Historian HOLLAND. 102 BLEECK (Peter van, 1700-1764). Nearly full length, seated, palette on table before him. Mezzotint after P. van Bleeck. Size 12] b\- 10 inciic's, with margins. Brilliant proof impression before any letters. £5 5s ©utch Painter and Engraver. .■22 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W Holland — continued. .103 CORNELISZ (Jacob). Physician, born at Rotterdam, i(3o8. Threes-quarter length, seated. Lme engravinj^ by F. H. Vanden Hoove after C. de Visscher. Size 15 by \\% inches. £4 10s 304 DE WINTER (Admiral, 1750-1812). Half length, embroidered coat, stock, frill, powdered hair. Mezzotint by Hodges after Maasnamp. Size 13 1 by 10^. inches, with margnis. 1796. £4 4s Dutch Admiral. 105 ERASMUS (I)esidenus, 1467-1536). In oval, half length, cap, fur-edged robe. Line by C. Kotling after Holbein. Size 14] by 1 1 ^ inches, narrow margins. Circa 1650. Fine impression. £9 9s fireat re\i\f'r of Classic liitiTature. 106 FOKKS (S., 1712-1784). Three-quarter length, seated, powdered hair, frill, long coat and vest, right hand holding engraving, left elbow and arm resting on table to right, on which is portfolio. Mezzotint by J. Greenwood after J. Buys. Size 14 by iij niches. l'\ill inscription margin, narrow margin top and sides. Circa 1770. Proof impression before inscription, with artists' names only. £6 6s Dutcli (lo-ij^iici- and cn;;ra\('r. 10,7 HELST (Barthloineus Van der, 1O13-1O70). Half length, holding up miniature of a lady in right hand, brushes and palette in left. Mezzotint by A. Blooteljng alter B. Van der Heist. Size 22 by 16^ inches. £7 7s 3)utcli I'aintor. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London. W. 23 Holland — continued. 108 HEYN (Piet, 1 570-1629). In oval, half length, armour. Line engravinj::^. Size 8 by 5I inches. £1 10s Dutch Admiral; hcvoral times defeated the Spaniards and l'ortii<,'uesp, lG2t-20. loq MIREYELT (Michel Jans, 1568-1641). Half length, standing, palette and brushes on table to right. Line by W. J. Delff after A. Van Dyck. Size 91 by /y inches, with margin. Circa 1 630. £2 lOs Dntch Painth, star. Mezzotint by J. Greenwood after T. P. C. Haag. Size 12 by gf inches, with margins. Circa 1780. £4 10s 121 Another portrait (WilHam V., Prince of, 1 748-1 806). Full length, standing, as a child, sash, star, soldiers in back- ground, beyond sea and ships. Carolina (Princess). Full length, standing, jewels in hair and on robe^, ermine lined cloak. Pair of line engravings by P. Tanje after P. F. De la Croix. Size 17 by I2| inches, with inscription margins. 1755- The pair, £3 3s 122 ORANGE (Mary II., 1662-1694, when Princess of Orange, Consort of WiUiam III.). Nearly whole length seated, frieze of cupids and tiger to right. Mezzotint, R. Thompson exc. after P. Leiy. Size I2f by 10 inches, with inscription margin. £5 5s 123 ORANGE (Mary, Princess Royal, daughter of Charles I., wife of William II., Prince of Orange). Bust to right, oval border decorated with amorini. fruit, etc. Line by J. Suyderhoef after G. Honthorst. Size 17 by 14 inches. 1643. £4 4s 124 ORANGE (Maurice, Prince of, 1567-1625). Three-quarter length, standing, hat with feather, holding baton in right hand, armour in background to left, crowded hall ^een through opening to right. Line engraving by W. Delff after Van der Venne. Size 14I by 11^ inches, with margins. i(>2o. £10 10s Coiuit of Nassau, swond son of William I. (tho si!«>Mt), c^'lohraltvl «i.>iur;il ;uul Marshal of France; Minister ot War to iSapuleon. 1806. PORTUGAL. 139 CASTRO (John de, i 500-1 548). In oval, half length. Line engraving by Faithorne. -Size 9i- by 6 inches. , 18s Portu t«i left. Stipple engraving by Caroline WatSOn after Rosselin. • Size 9i by 8i inches. 1787. ^* ♦s 30 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 33, Conduit Street, London, VV. Russia — continued . 147 ELIZABETH I., Empress of Russia (1709-1762). Three-quarter length, standing, low dress, sash, star, small crown and iewels on hair, pearls i>n robe. Large mezzotint by J. Stenglin after Caravaque. Size 2o| by 14] inches, inscription margin. Circa 1750. £12 10s 148 KOURAKIN (Prince Alexandre). Full length, standing, velvet suit, sash, star, pointing with right hand to entrance of a Temple seen through opcMiing to left. Mezzotint by V. G. Kininger after J. B. Lampi. Size 25^ by 18A inches, with margins. 1809. £16 16s " CoiLseiller prive Actiiel de la premiere Classe. ^Memhio tin (.'cmseil d'Et;\t, Senateur. Chancollicr do tons les Ordres de Kussie." 149 PASKEYITCH (Ivan F.. Comte D'Lnvan, 1782-1856). Half length, uniform, cloak, star and orders. Mezzotint by H. Dawe after G. Dawe. Size 14] by 10] inches, with margins. BriUiant lettered proof impression. 1823. £1 10s Kiissiaii Field Marshal. 150 PETER I. ("The Great," 1672-1725). Czar of Russia. Half length, in oval, armour, cloak held b\' pearK and jewelled, clasps, inscription on tablet under. Mezzotint engraving b\ J. Smith after Kneller, Size 130 by 10 inches. Lire a 1700. £5 5s 151 Another portrait. In oval, half length, armour, sash. Line engraving by I. F. Bausse after Le Roy. Size 1 5-0 by \o\ inches, with margins. 1786. £5 5s 152 Another portrait. Half length, in oval, armour, cloak with jewelled clasp. Line engraving by G. Vaick after G. Kneller. Size 1 3?. by 10 inches, with margins. £5 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. ^i lltl8Sia — continued. 153 PETER III. (1/28-1762). Czar of Russia. Three-quarter length, standing. Large mezzotnit by J. Stenglin after G. C. Grooth. Size 20,s bv 13;^ inches, with inscription margin. Circa 1750. £15 15s 154 PLATOFF (Count, 1765-1818). Half length in uniform, sash, decorations, holding hat with cockade under left arm. Mezzotint by W. Say after T. Phillips, R.A. Size 16^ by 1 1 j; inches, narrow margms. 1814. Brilliant lettered proof impression. £3 15s Distinguished Russian General. Hetman ot the Cossacks; greatly harasseil the French flnring the retreat from Moscow, 1812. 155 SUVAROW (Alexander Vassilovich, Count Rymniski, Prince Italinski, 1730-1800). Full half length, powdered hair, military coat, sash. Mezzotint by H. S. Goed (C. H. Hodges). Size i8i by 13?. inches, with margins. Brilliant impression. 1 799. £9 9s Celebrated Russian Fiekl ^Marshal. 156 WORONZOW (Lieut. -Gen. Count Michael, 1782-1856). Nearly three-quarter length, standing, fur cloak, arms folded, star and orders, landscape. Large and fine mezzotint engraving by H. Dawe after G. Dawe. With inscription in Russian and English. Size 22 by 16 inches, with margins. Brilhant lettered proof impression. £9 9s Russian General and Diplomatist. J -J Ditto. Another portrait. Three-quarter length, standing, uniform, cloak. Mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds after Sir T. Lawrence. Size 17 by 13 inches, with margins. 1823. Fine impression. *' '^ 32 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W, Russia — i()>i/inucd . 158 THE WORONZOW CHILDREN. Whole lengths in an oval. Stipple by C. Watson after R. Cosway. Size /i by 5^,' inches, full inscription, but margins cut at bottom and right s'ide. 1786. £8 8s Son and daughter of Simon, Counf Woronzow, a Eussian nobloiiiaii : thp lady married in 180S r;oor<;e. eleventh Kail of I'embroke; she died 1856. SPAIN 159 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de, 1547-1616). Three-quarter length, standing. Line engraving by D. F. Selma after D. I. Ferro. Size iif by 7^ inches, with margins. 15s Spanish novelist and poet. Author of Don Quixote. 160 MARGARET OF AUSTRIA (Queen of Spam, Mother of Philip IIL).' Full length, seated on horseback. Etching by Goya after Velasquez. Size 13^ by 12] inches, with margins. 1778. £10 lOs 161 MARIE-THERESE OF SPAIN (born 1726). In oval resting on tablet, half length, low dress, embroidered with jewels, ermine lined cloak, hair in curls. Line engraving by Wille after Klein. Size 9^ by 7 inches. Cina 1750. £2 2s 162 ISABELLA DE BOURBON, Queen of Spain (Mother of Philip IV.). Full length, seated on horseback. Etching by Goya aftc r Velasquez. Size 13J, by \2l inches, with margins. 1778. £6 6s 163 PHILIP I. (1478-1506). King of Spain. Short half lengtii, within decorative oval. Line by J. Suyderhof after P. Soutman. .Size i6| by 1 i inclics, with innrgins. Circa 1640. £2 2S Plate X. ;2.x Plate XI. ^ 0^ « +J ^ >^ z &H s .b q; --S ~- 0^ ^-' ^ CO ::: O MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 3? Spain — continued. 164 PHILIP II., King of Spain (i 527-1 598). In decorative oval, short half length. Line by J. Suyderhof after A. Moor. Size 15I by lof inches. Circa 1640. £3 3s 165 Another portrait. Short half length m oval. Arms under. Line by C. Visscher after Titian. Size 15! by \\% inches. Circa 1650. £1 5s 166 PHILIP III. (1578-1621) King of Spain. In decorative oval, half length, ruff, armour. Order of the Golden Fleece. Line by I. Souderhof after P. Soutman. Size 15I by 10^ inches. Circa 1620. £2 10s 167 PHILIP lY. OF SPAIN (1605 1665) Half length, cloak, Order of the Golden Fleece. Line engraving by P. Pontius after P. P. Rubens. Size i7j by 13 inches, with margins. 1632. £7 7s SWEDEN. 168 CHARLES XII. (1697-1718). King of Sweden. In oval, half length, armour, long curled wig, lace cravat. Mezzotint by J. Smith after D. Craft. Size 12 by 10 inches, with margins. 170 1-2. Fine impression. £14 14s 169 CHRISTINA (Queen of Sweden. 1626-1689). Daughter of Gustavus Adolphus. Three-quarter length, seated, hair in curls, orb in left hand. Line engraving by J. Sandrart. Size 12 by 8^ inches, with margins. £15 15s 170 GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS (1560 1632) King of Sweden. In oval, half length, lace ruff. Line engraving by H. Honduis. Size 14A by 11?. inches, with inscription margin. 1629. £12 12s 34 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. Sweden — continued . Gustavus Adolphus — continued. 171 Ditto. Another portrait. Full length, on horseback, on battlefield. Death aiming at him with bow and arrow. Etching. Size 5:} by 3^. inches. £3 10s 172 GUSTAVUS IV., Count Gottorp (1778-1837) Half length, plain dark coat, white cravat. Mezzotint by Wm. Ward after Huet Villiers. Size io?> by 8:[ inches, with margins. 18 14. £3 10s (Tiistavus IV. Adolphus. tlie ex-King of Sweden, who was compeilleil to abdicate the throne in 1809, assumed the title of Count Gottorp. 173 HEDWIG ELEONORA (Queen of Sweden, Wife of Chas. X.). In oval, half length, ermine cloak. Line engraving by J. Sandrait. Size 12} by 8] inches, with margins. Circa 1660. £1 16s 174 Ditto. Another portrait. Elizabeth, his Wife, Daughter of Henry IV. of France (1602- 1644). Both half length, m arched border. Line engravings by P. Pontius after P. P. Rubens. Size 17J by 13] inches. 1632. The pair, £5 5s SWITZERLAND. 175 HAULER (Albert von, 1 708-1 777). Three-quarter length, seated, table at his side, left hand resting on open book, curtain in background. Line engraving by P. F. Tardieu after E. J. Handmann. Size 9i by 6i inches. 1757. £1 Is Swiss Physician. Ilip father of moderTi physiolop;y. 176 PARALGELSUS (Philipp Aureolus Theophrastus, 1493-1541). Half length, surrounded by emblems, Coat of Arms, and inscrip- tion in German. Line engraving. Size 10 by 8 inches. Very scarce. Circa 1600. £14 14s Swiss TMiysic'ian. Alclii'iiiist and Astrologer. " Opora " printed 1580-90. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London. W. 35 PART II. Choice Decorative and Sporting Engravings. 177 BARNEY (Joseph). The Cottage Firestcfe. Group of two' \oung women, one nursing a child, and a man seated round open fireplace, from which a large cauldron is suspended. The Diary. Two young women, one with mob cap, low dress, working at .1 churn, the other holding pan of cream, young girl nursing a child. Pair of stipples by and after Joseph Barney. Size 12 by g^ inches, with margins. Finely printed in colours. The pair. £52 10s 178 BARTOLOZZl (F ) Comedy. Full length, a female figure in loose robes, holding mask and crook, cupids dancing, juvenile satyr playing pipes, trees behind. Tragedy. Full length, a female figure in loose robes, standing, leaning on wall, dagger in right hand, cupids lying asleep on ground, one holding a mask, crown, wreath, trumpet, etc. Stipple engravings b\ Bartolozzi after Cipriani. Size 15-2- by i2o inches, with margins. 1788. Brilliant proof impressions in brown. The Pair. £12 12s 1 7Q Donald and Jessie. Shepherd and Shepherdess seated in a landscape, .Scotch costumes, he is playing on a pipe, his companion holds a distaff. Oval stipple in biow^n b\ Bartolozzi after R. Cosway. Size 9 by /f inches, with margins. 1790. £4 4s 36 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. Bartolozzi (F.) — cont'uiued. 80 Flora. Ceres. Pomona. Series of three oval stipples in red representing beautiful female figures in rural surroundings. By Bartolozzi after A. Kauffman. Size 12 by lof inches, with margins. 1782. Fine impressions. £18 183 181 Love and Fortune. Two cupids, one holdmg up a wreath. Stipple b\ F. Bartolozzi after I. B. Cipriani. Size I of by 8^ inches. 1789. Brilliantly printed in colours. £27 10s 1 82 Playing at Thread the Needle. Playing at Marbles. Pair of charming stipple engravings by Bartolozzi after Hamilton, depicting children playing amid rustic scener\-. Size 9 by 8 inches. Circa 1790. The Pair, £15 15s 183 Royal Academy of Arts. Certificate appointing John Francis Rigaud as member, and signed by Sir Joshua Revnolds, R.A., Prest., and F. Milner Newton, R.A., Secy. Inscription on tablet, which is surmounted by a decorative circle, showing emblematical female figures. Line engraving b\' F. Bartolozzi after Cipriani. Size 25 by iSj inches. 1772. £2 2s 184 Thei Spirit of a Child, arrived in the Presence of the Almighty. Stipple by F. Bartolozzi after Rev. W. Peters. Size 19^ by 15 inches, with margins. 1801. Printed in colours. £14 14s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 37 185 BEECH EY rSir Wm.\ Children Relieving a Beggar Boy. "Here, Poor Boy without a Hat, take this Ha'penny." Boy and girl standing under a tree, the latter giving money to a beggar boy, dog at then- feet, landscape. Stipple by C. Wilkin after Beechey. Size 18 by 15 inches, with margins. 1796. Fine proof impressions, with inscription in etched letters. £14 14s 186 BUCK (Adam). What's that, Mother? Young boy standing on a hill, pointing with right hand, feathered hat in left. Aquatint in colours by Agar and Bluok after A. Buck. Size log by Sh inches, with margins. 1808. Finely printed in colours. £42. 187 BUNBURY (H. W.) Bunbury's Shakespeare. Very fine series of eleven plates engraved in brown stipple by Thos. Macklin after Bunbury. Oblong folio, 3 vols., paper wrappers. 1792. The Series, £16 16s Contents. Falstaff's Escape. Sir Andrew Ague^'heek, Sir Toby Belch, and the Clown. Macbeth and the Murderers. Helena in the Dress of a Pil<(rim. Jacques Discovered by the Duke. Fluellen making Pistol Eat the Leek. Dick the Butcher, and Smith the Weaver, Seizing the Clerk of Chatham. Falstaff Playing the Prince, the Prince IMaying the King. Prospero Disarming Ferdinand. Falstafi at Herns Oak. Falstaff with Hotspur on his Back. 1,88 Military Costume. Series of eight stipple engravings by F. D. Soiron after H. Bunbury. Size 14;^ by loj inches, with untrimmed margins. 1791. The Series, £10 10s Light Horseman. .\ Sergejint of- Infantry. Life Guardsman. A Pioneer. A Grenadier. Foot Soldier. Light Infantry Man A Drummer. ^8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. iSq burke :Tho>/. Alexander giving up Campaspe. She is seated between two young men in Grecian attire, one holding paint brush, painting materials on table behind. Circle stipple engraving in brown by Thos. Burke after A. Kauffman Size 16 by 12 inches, with margins. 1786. Brilliant proof impression. £10 10s 190 CIPRIANI (G B). Venus. Charming female figure m loose draperies, holding up scarf and dancing on a cloud. Pair of charming stipple engraxings b_\- Henry Richter after G. B. Cipriani. Size 15 b>' io| inches, with margins. i/QQ- Finely printed in Colours. Ihe pair, £14 14s iQi COSWAY R The Hours Crowning Virtuous Love. Small circle, nearly whole lengths, three young children almost nude, the one in centre, Lo\e, with bow and arrows, the child to the left crowning Love with wreath of roses. Stipple engraving by T. Ryder after R. Cosway. With margin. 1786. Proof before letter>. £5 lOs Said to 1)0 Portrait- ol cliiliireii ot Col. Hnuklyl. iQ2 CRUIKSHANK George The First Appearance of Wm. Shakespeare, on the Stage of " The Globe," surrounded by part of his Dramatic Company, the other members coming over the hiHs. Shakespeare is represented as a baby in a cradle, famous char- acters from his plan's grouped around liini. Printed in colours b\- the Autotype Co. from an original water- colour drawing by Geo. Cruikshank. 1864-5. Size iS\ by i},}, inches. £5 5s IQ3 DICKINSON W The Gardens of Carlton House, with the Neapolitan Ballad Singers. \ Garden with high trees, beneath which elegantl_\' attired ladies and gentlemen are promenading and sitting, among them George IV. when Prince of Wales,- and Mrs. Fitzherbert, to left halhid singers. Large and fine stipple engraving after Bunbury. Size 20 by 25,^ inches, with margins. 1785. Very fine proof impression in brown. £30^ MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 30 IQ4 EARLO'M (Richard). A Flower Piece. A Fruit Piece. Pair of mezzotints by R. Earlom after Van Huysum. Size ig| by I5g inches, with margins. 1778- 1781. Brilliant early proofs with artists' names and line of publication in etched letters and before the motto in the Arms. (See Illustration, Plate No. VIII.) The pair, £150 1Q5 Lady with a Watteau Hat. Half length, looking to left, holding rose, aquatint border round subject. Stipple printed in colours by Earlom after G. B. Cipriani. Size II by 8:^ inches, with margins. 1787. Brilliant impression. £27 10s ig6 EDWARDS (S. Arlent). Anne of Cleves. Three-quarter length, standing, elaborate jewelled headdress and robes, hands clasped. Engraved and printed m colours b\- Arlent Edwards after Rem- brandt. Size 165^ by 105 inches, with margins. Signed proof impression. £17 rQ7 Sask'ia. Three-quarter length, standmg in profile to left, large hat with feather, elaborate dress with jewels. Engraved and printed in colours b\ Arlent Edwards after Rem- brandt. Size 19 by 12A- inches, with margins. Brilhant proof signed by the Artist £21 iq8 FABER a- J'--)- Shephertfesses. I. Three-quarter length, sitting, rose in hair, low dress, holding garland of flowers, crook across lap, lamb to left. II. Three-quarter length, sitting, crook across lap, dog to left. Two mezzotints by J. Faber after Henry Pickering. Size 14 by gj, inches, with margins. Brilliant proofs before all letters. . 1 he Pair, £27 10s 40 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 3^, Conduit Street. London. W. igg GREEN rVal.)- The Young Mendicant. In. oval, half length, >oung girl, hat tied under chm. dark dress. Mezzotint by Y. Green after J. BoycJell. Size 81 by 7§ inches, inscription margin. , ^ , ^, ^ , „.- Proof with inscription and artists' names m etched letters. ^177^^ 200 HAMILTON (W.). Children and Pigeons. . Charmmg group of x oung children feedmg pigeons, dovecoat to lett. Oval stipple by J. Barney after W. Hamilton. Size 8 by gh inches. 1789 ^^ ^^ Fine impression. -01 " Hebe." , , , . ,. Whole length, standing on mountam top, yoimg H>' ^.^ 'J'ase tied with ribbon and pearls, low white dress, jewelled belt, sash, vase, held m right hand, presenting cup to eagle with lelt. Large and very fine stipple engravmg by J. Eginton after Wm. Hamilton. Size 22I by Hi mches, with margms. i;9i- Choice impression. Brilliantly printed in colours. fc*^ 202 The Months. , Complete set of twelve choice stipple engravings representmg th( Months of the Year, by most charmmg rural ^"bjects. Oval stipple engravmgs b> F. Bartolozz. after W. N. Cardmer afte Hamilton. Size 14 bv 1 1 i inches, with large margins. 1 7bb. All fine impressions, six being open letter proofs. (See Illustration. Plate No. IX.) ihe bet, *.ix 203 HODGES (C H ) Children Spouting Tragedy A group of five children seated and standing on the steps of tl e.xterior^of large buildmg, one standing with outstretched hand. Mezzotint by C. H. Hodges after R. M. Paye. Size Tj] by 21 ^ inches, with margins. 1785. Printed in colours. . Plate XII. Y. !- _ < — (M p: c iM v. ~ H r d J. s '^ a< ^ o :_» .:^ (U a> Ch CC 42 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 210 LAURIE (Robt.). Amelia. Surprising her Husband and Miss Matthews as they aro leaving the Prison. Mezzotint by R. Laurie after Singleton. Size 15I b\- 20a inches, with margins. 1790. £5 15s 211 McARDELL Jas ) Fiamingo, Italian Sculptor. Half length, wide hat, long hair, white collar, right hand holding statuette of three armorini. Very fine mezzotint by Jas. McArdellJrom an original picture. Size 1 1 by 9 inches, with margins. Brilliant Proof before all letters. £17 17s MORLAND (GEORGE). Printed in Colours. 212 African Hospitality. Scene on the sea shore; negroes rescuing a faniih' and mariners, rocky cliffs in background. Slave Trade. Coast scene. A party of slave-traders with their victims about to embark, hills, palm trees and native huts in fjackgrouncl. Pair of mezzotints by J. R. Smith after G. Morland. Size i8i by 25! inches, with margins. 1814. Brilliantly printed in colours. The pair, £52 10s 213 Breaking the ice. Wintry scene: outside thatch and snow-covered shed, a man draw- ing water from a frozen pond, wdinan and child at his side, donke\" at fence. Large mezzotint by J. R. Smith, Jun., after G. Morland. Size 17] by 2i| inches, with large margins. 1798. £35 214 A Conversation. Rustic scene : a bo\ stands witli hands resting on handle of spade looking toward dog which stands on heap of straw; donke>- on right and pigs lying b\' trough, thatched hovel to left. Mezzotint b\ J. R. Smith after Morland. Size i/h b\ 2if inches, with margins. 1803. £31 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 43 Moriand (George) — continued. 2 1 s Delia in Town. Young lady seated, at a table, hair in curls falling over her slioulders, large hat with feathers, trees seen through window to left. Oval stipple by J. R. Smith after Geo. Moriand. Size ii:i by 8A inches. Fine impression in brown. £25 216 The Hard Bargain. Interior of ccwhouse. At open door a farmer holds a calf. His custoimer leans against a lintel. Toi lef t a cowboy sits in manger, dog lying by. In foreground a bulldog. Mezzotint by W. Ward after C. Moriand. Size \Z\ by 23,; inches, with inscription margin. 1803. Fine impression. ' £57 ICs Printed in Colours. 2 1 7 The Horse Feeder. Exterior of a thatched shed, man in smock carr\"ing a basket, halter, etc., entering doorway followed b\- two horses and dog. The Corn Bin. Interior of stable, two horses in separate stalls tied to mangers, their heads are turned watching two men taking corn from a bin. Pair of mezzotints by J. R. Smith after Moriand. Size 18 by i/j inches, with large untrimmed margins. 1797. Brilliantly printed in colours and of exceptional quality. (See Illustration, Pl.^te No. X.) The pair, £350 Printed in Colours. 2)8 MORLANO George) and WARD. Inside of a Country Alehouse. Interior, man, great-ccjat, hat, carr\ing whip, holds up rabbit m left hand, at which another man seated at table looks, dogs at his feet. Behind, young girl with mug of ale. To right near fireplace, a country - man, little girl between his knees, spade at side. Outside of a Country Alehouse. Open landscape, inn to right, a woman leans against post, hand on child's shoulder, n;an on bench, master of hounds bends to take glass from bo\-, behind him another huntsman, mounted, drinks from tankard, hounds in various attitudes. Pair of mezzotints by W. Ward after J. Ward. Size i8i b\- 23^ inches, with thread margins. i7()i-7. Brilliantly printed in colours. i^See Illustration, Plate No. XI.) The pair. £350 44 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Morland (George) — continued. Printed in Colours ?ig A Land Storm. A stormy landscape across which a four-horse coach is being driven at a gallop towards the left. Mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds after C. Morland. Size ig-^ by 233- inches, with margins. 1801. Fme impression, printed in colours, exceedingly rare in this state. £72 Printed in Colours. 220 Partridge Shooting. Sportsman standmg in a field, loading gun, two dogs, one holding partridge, cottage in distance. Stipple b\ C. Gatton after G. Morland. Size 12^ by I4§ inches, with margins. 1792. Finely printed in colours. £72 Printed in Colours. 221 The Sportsman's Return. Exterior of Bell Inn. Sportsman enters holdmg up hare in right hand showing it to lad in little wooden hut at side of door, two dogs at sportsman's heels. To right large spreading tree, circular seat under it. A countryman, whip in hand, fastens saddled horse to branch by reins. Mezzotint by W. Ward after G. Morland. Size 18 by 23! inches, with margins. 1792. Most brilliant impression, purely printed in colours. Exceedingly rare in this choice state. (The centre of inscription has been slightly damaged but is skilfully repaired). (See Illustration, Plate No. XII.) £375 Printed in Colours. 222 The Thatcher. Open landscape. To left an inn, the roof of which a man is repair- ing, mounted on a ladder, another man at the, foot. A boy is on a dark horse with sprig of tree in his hat. A light horse with bag on its back. 'I'o right woman approaches, carrying bundle and basket. To left boy with bowl of water. Mezzotint by Wm. Ward after Morland. Size 18J by 23,^; inches, witli '-inch margins all round, showing artists' names. Brilliant impression, finely printed in colours. See Illustration, Plate No. Xlll. £250 Plate XIV. r. ._; Z-f. Plate XV. ■< S^^, V. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 45 223 NUTTER (William). Narcissa and Miss Williams find the Miniature. Two young ladies elegantly attired, one holding miniature, stand- ing beside an arbour; gentleman, dress of the perif>d, standing halt hidden by trees. Charming stipple engraving b>- Nutter after Grass. Size 8^ inches, circle showing narrow margins, artists' names only. Circa 1790. Finely printed in colours. £27 10s 224 REMBRANDT. Man with a Knife. Half length, a man seated, holding knife in right hand, left iiand raised to face. Mezzotint by R. Houston after Rembrandt. Size I if by gf inches, with margins. Fine impression. £12 12s 225 An Officer of Justice. Three-quarter length, seated, vehet cap, robes, chain round neck, hands holding swoid. Very fine mezzotint by J. C. Haid after Rembrandt. Size 18 by 14 inches, with margins. 1765. Brilliant proof impression. Artists' names etched onK". £30 226 Old Woman Plucking a Fowl. Mezzotint by Houston after Rembrandt. Size I2f by 9I inches, narrow margins. Brilliant proof before all letters. £12 12s 227 Rembrandt's Wife. "In the character of a Jew Bride." Nearly full length standing, low dress, flowing \ei!, flowers held in right arm. Mezzotint b\ Wm. Pether after Rembrandt. Size 14 b\- iO;i inches, full inscnjition and narri>w margins top and sides. 1763. Fine impression. £9 9s 46 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Rembrandt — continued. 228 Woman Cutting her Nails (Portrait of Rembrandt's Mother) Mezzotint by J. C. Haid after Rembrandt. Size 18 b\' 14 indies, with inargins. Brilliant proof impression before inscriptian. Artists' names only in etched letters. £52 10s 22Q REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua). The Mask. Two young girls, one holding up a mask, curtain in background. A Ghost. A boy with sheet o\er his head stands in front of two girls, the younger clinging to the elder girl in terror. Pair of stipples by L. Schiavonetti after Sir Joshua Reynolds and R. WestaH. Size /ij \)\ 9I indies, with margins. i/QO. Brilliantly printed in colours. The pan, £105 The i)bin-e uro portraits of tlio cliildieii of George, 3ril J)uloung girl. Line engraving. Size 14^ by I2;l inches, with margins. Circa 1750. Fine impression. £7 7s 289 AUDOUIN (Pierre). Berry (Charles Ferd, Due de, 1778-1820). Half length in oval, military uniform, with sash, star, Arms under. Line by Audouin after AugUStJn. Size 14 by 94' inches, witii margins. Circa 1820. £1 5s 290 AUORAN (Benoit). Amusements Champetres. Two ladies and their gallants seated under trees, to right two children playing, buildings in distance. Line by B. Audran after Watteau. Size I2.\ b\- 17.1 inches, with inscription margin. £4 4s 291 BASAN (F.). Ballet Danse au Theatre de I'Opera dans le Carnaval du Parnasse. Line by Basan after G. De St. Aubin. Size I I by 14 inches, with margms. £10 10s 292 — La Guinguette. Ladies and gallants dancing ni n garden. Line by F. Basan after De St. Aubin. Size 11! by 14 inches, with margins. £12 12s 6o MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 293 BEAUVARLET (Jacques Firmin). Moliere (J. B. de, 1622- 1673). French Dramatist and Poet. .Half length, seated, long curled wig, right arm resting on table. Line by Beauvarlet after S. Bourdon. Size 17} by 13 inches, narrow margins. Circa 1760. £7 7s 294 La Confidence. Two young ladies seated at an embroidery frame conversing, brocaded curtain behind, open window to left, trees in distance. Line engraving by J. Beauvarlet after C. Vanloo. Size I7i by 13I inches, with margins. Circa 1760. £4 10s 295 BOUCHER (F). Girl with Bird. Young girl standing in front of a cage holding up bird in right hand. Charming stipple in red by Demarteau I'Ain^ after Boucher. Size 12] by 8 J inches, with margins. Circa 1750. £17 17s 296 CHEYILLET (Juste). La Jeune Sultane (Mademoiselle d'Hannetaire). Three-quarter length, seated, playing harp. Line by Chevillet after Le Gendre. .Size 15 by 12 inches, with margins. Circa 1760. £6 6s 297 CHEREAU (Francois). Princess Louisa Maria Stuart (Daughter of James IT). In oval, half length, low dress with jewels, ermine cloak. Line by Chereau after A. S. Belle. Size 14^ by lOg inches, with margins. Circa 1700. £3 10s ;298 COCHIN (C. N). Ceremonie du Mariage de Louis Dauphin de France avec Marie Theresa Infante d'Espagne. Pompe Funebre d' Elisabeth Theresa de Lorraine Reine de Sar- daigne en I'Kglise de Notre Dame de Paris le XXIIe Septembre M.DCC.XXXXI. Pair of line engravings by Cochin. Size 26I by ijl, inches, with margins. Circa 1745. The pair, £4 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, VV. 61 299 DAMBRUN (J ). La Partie de Wisct. A party of ladies and gallants playing cards in a garden. Very decorative line engraving by J. Dambrun after J. M. Moreau le Jeune. Size I of by 9 inches, with margins. 1783. Fine impression. £17 17s 300 DEBUCOURT (Louis Philibert). Les Chevaux de Bateau. Two horses straining at a rope, a driver seated upon one of them, another man pulling at the rope, an old man endeavouring to pass underneath. Aquatint in colours by DebuCOUrt after Vernet. Size 12^ by 16 inches, with narrow margins. Circa 1 790. £7 7S 301 • — La Danse des Chiens en Desordre. Young street musician with performing dogs, which are breaking loose, an old cobbler and pedestrians looking on. Aquatint in colours by Debucourt after Vernet. Size I if by 15I inches, with part of inscription margin. Circa 1790. £9 9s 302 Les Aveugles. Route de St. Cloud. Route de Poste. Route de Poissy. Series of 4 aquatints in colours by Debuoourt after Carle Vernet. Size 12 by 15^ inches, with margins. Circa 1790. The .SLt. £9 9s 303 Marohande de Vin des Environs de Rome. A peasant seated m a cart laden with barrels. Aquatint in colours by DebUGOurt after C. Vernet. Size 12I by i6| inches. Ctrca 1790. £2 2s 304 Route de St. Cloud. A two-wheeled vehicle containing four passengers drawn by an antiquated horse. Aquatint in colours by DebUGOUrt after C. Vernet. Size iii by 15:^ inches, with part of inscription margin. £2 lOs 62 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 305 DESPLACES (Louis). Becaille (Marguerite). Nearly full length, seated, cap, flowing robes. Line engraving by L. Desplaces after N. de Largilliere. Size i6f by 13] inches, with inscription margin. I/IS- £1 lOs " Veuve de llaxiinilien Titon." 306 DREVET (Pierre Imbert). Serre (Maria). ' Half length, in medallion, within engraved border, resting on pedestal, curtain and pillars behind. Large line engraving by Drevet after Hyacinth Rigaud. Size 18 b>- 14 inches, with margins. Circa 1770. £2 lOs A portrait of the luutlier of the painter, Hyacintli l!ij;aiul. 307 DUTHE. Le Diner des Moissonneurs. Group of men and women seated in a cornfield, two men threshing to left, landscape. Stipple engraving by Duthe after Lambert. Size g by 10,; inches. Circa 18 10. Printed in colours. £9 9s 308 EDELINCK (Gerard, 1640-1707). Blye (Jean Baptiste De). Senator. Short half length, ermine cloak, long wig, large superb oval. Line engraving by G. Edelinck after Ladam, ornamental border. Size 17.1 b\- 13 j inches, with margins. Circa 1680. £3 3s 309 Colbert (jean Baptiste, Marquis de Seignelay, 1619-1683). In oval, half length, long curled wig. Arms under. Line by Edelinck after Mignard. Size 18^ by I3{. inches, with margins. Circa 1700. £12 12s Celebrated Freiu-h Statesman. 310 Des Cartes (Rene du Perrot, 1596-1650). Half length in oval, tablet and Arms under. Line by Edelinck after F. Hals. Size II by 18 inches, witli margins. Circa 1660. Fine impression in first state. (R. D. 181 L). £18 18s Frenfli ijhilnsopher. mat hfiiiat ician ; died at Stockholm. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 63 Edelinck '^Gerard^ — continued . 311 James Francis Edward Stuart (termed the Old Pretender, 1688- 1765). As a child, m oval, half length, hat with plumes. Line by Edelinck after De Largilliere. Size log by 12] inches. 1692. £7 7s 312 EISEN (C). The Three Graces. Etching by C. Eisen. Size By by 4I inches, with margins. i/Q/- £3 3s 313 FREUDEBERG (S ). L' Occupation. Interior, elegantly attired lady seated at an embroidery frame, gallant by her side; maidservant in background placing flowers in a bowl. Line by Lingee, J. H. E. ino., S. Freudeberg del. Size 14 b\' 10 inches, with margins. 1774. £17 17s 314 GAILLARD (C F) La Tete de Circe (Lille). Very delicate line engraving, India proof, full margin. Size 7^ by 5 inches, mounted on toned paper. Circa 1870. £4 4s 315 GAILLARD (R ) L'Agreabie Legon. Le Mouton Favori. Pan- of line engravings by Gaiilard after F. Boucher. Size 171 by 14} inches, with margins. The pair. £10 lOs 316 GREUZE (J. B.V La Mere en Courroux. Interior, two women, the elder seated, pointing to the younger, who stands in attitude of dejection, young child with doll. Line engraving by P. E. Moitte aftc J. B. Greuze. Size 15! by 11 inches, with margins. Brilliant proof in first state. £15 15s 64 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. Greuze (J. B.) — conlnmed. li-j L'Oiseau Mort. Young girl weeping over a cage on \vhicli rests a dead bird. Line by J. J. Flipart after Greuze. Size 14^ by 10^ inches, with margins. £5 5s With the signature of Greuze on tlie hnck. 318 HABERT (Nicolas). Scorailie de Roussille (Marie Angehque, Duchesse de Fontanges, 1661-1681). In oval, half length, hair in curls, low dress with lace edging, large pearl earring, necklace, open cloak, with clasps. Large line engraving by Habert after Mignard. Size 20 by 16^ inches, with narrow margins. Circa 1680. £4 4s Favourite of Loui^ XIV. 319 LARMESSIN (Nicholas de). Louis (Dauphin of France, 1661-1711). In oval, three-quarter length, as a youth, full wig, lace cravat, sash, crown on table to left, Arms under. Line by De Larmessin after Beaubrun. Size 15I by 13^ inches. Circa 1670. £8 8s Eldest son of Louis XIV. iiud j,'r;iiKlfiitlKM- df Louis XV. 320 LAVREINCE (N). Qu'en Dit L'Abbe? Line engraving by N. De Launay after N. Lavreince. Size 15] by 12 inches, with margins. £15 15s 321 LE BAS (J. P.). La Comete. Interior, two ladies and their gallants playing cards, servant with tra\- in background. Line by J. P. Le Bas after Ch. Eisen. Size 13 by Qi inches, with margins. £3 lOs 322 MARTINI (P A ) Declaration de la Grossesse. Young elegantly attired lady, seated between a lady and gentle- man, young maidservant looking in at doorway, her finger to her lips. Line engraving by P. A. Martini after J. M. Moreau. Size 10^ by 8^ inches, with margins. Fine impression. £15 15s I Plate XX. •3 '^■ r. — c ^ Plate XXl. I I' f \i '! > y. y ^ MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, VV. 6$ Martini (P. A.) — con tinned. 3^5 — — — " Les Aveux Sincere ou les Accords de Mariage." Interior, showing group of two ladies and three gentlemen, all in fashionable costume. Fine hne engravmg with decorative borders bv Martini after Queverdo. Size 14I by lOj inches, large margins. Circa 1760. Choice impression. £16 16s 324 MASSON (Antoine). Ann of Austria, 1601-1666. Half length, in oval, hair in curls, crown, pearls round neck, ermine cloak with jewels. Line engravmg by A. Masson after P. Mignard. Size 19 by i6i inches. 1665. ^ £17 17s Queen of Franee; married Louis XIII., ItJl"). 325 Colbert (Jacques Nicholas, 1654-1707) In oval, half length, Arms under. Line by and after Ant. Masson, Size 14^ by ii-^> inches, )-in. margins. Fine impression of the 2nd state. (U. 18.) 1672. £12 12s French prelate. Archbishop of Rouen. 326 Emanuel Theodosius de la Tour D'Auvergne. In oval, half length. Arms under. Line by A. Masson after N. Mignard. Size I3§ b\- 10'. inches, narrow margins. 1665. Fine impression in first state. (U. 14.) £15 15s 327 Oliver le Fevre D'Ormesson. In oval, half length, long curled wig. Line by and after A. Masson. Size 14I by lo.l inches. 1065. (D. 58.) £12 12s 328 Masson (Antoine, 1636-1700). French Engraver. In oval, short half length, long curled wig. Line engraving b\ A. Masson aftc i- Mignard. Size 14P by i 1 .1 inches. (D. i.) Circa M^jo. £9 9s t)6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 329 MOITTE (B. E.). Le Catechisme. Le Confessional. Pair of very decorative line engravings by P. E. Moitte after Pt A. Baudouin. Size 13 by i6j| inches. Fine impressions in first state. The pair, £10 lOs 330 MORIN (Jean). Thou (Jacques Auguste de, 15 53-161 7). In oval, half length, ruff. Line engraving by Morin after Ferdinand. Size 12^ by gi inches, thread margins. Fine impression in first state, three wrinkles on forehead. Circa 161;. £10 10s Freiu-li i)i;i!'ist I'ati' and Instnriaii. 331 MORRET (J. B.). Caffee des Patriotes. Interior, group of men standing and seated around a man who reads from a document, other groups seated at tables drinking, etc. Aquatint, brilliantly printed in colours by Morret after Swebach des Fontaines. Size II by 21 j inches, with margins. La Promenade du Jardin Turc. Crowded assembly of fashionable ladies and gentlemen promen- ading on the terraces of the gardens. Aquatint in colours by Jazet after J. J. de Bz. Size 12^ by 2 if inches, with margins. Circa 1790. The pair, £142 10s ROBERT NANTEUIL. 332 Amelot (Michael, Bishop of Tours). In oval, half length, clerical robes, Arms under. Line engraving by Nanteuil. Size 15I by \2\ inches, with margins. Circa 1660. Fine impression. (D. 20 II.) £12 12s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 67 Nanteuii (Robert) — continued. 333 Barbarin (Cardinal Antoine). Short half length, within octagonal border. Line by R. Nanteuii. Size 13 by loi inches. 1664. (R. D. 30.) £10 10s 334 Denis Marin de la Chataigneraye. Conseiller d'Etat. In oval, short half length, dark gown, cravat. Line by Nanteuii after Dieu. Size 13 by 9§ inches. Fine impression in first state. (D. 170.) £8 8s 335 Colbert (Jean Baptiste, 1619-1683). Short half length in oval, clatk, lace cravat, Arms under. Line by Nanteuii after Champaigne. Size \2,\ by g;4 inches, with margins. £4 10s French Statesman. 336 Foucquet (Nicolas, Vicomte de Melun et de Vaux, Marquis de Belle-isle, 1615-1680). In oval, short half length, tablet and Arms under. Line by Nanteuii. Size 13 by 10 inches, with margins. 1661. Fine impression. (R. D. g8 II.) £21 French financier; served Cardinal Ma/.ariii. who niaile liiiii Sutn'riiiteiuh'iit of Finance.- 33; Gassendi (Pierre, 1592-1655). Half length in oval, resting on tablet. Line by Nanteuii. Size w'i by "j'i inches, with margins. i()58. Brilliant impression in first state. (R.I). 101 I.) £18 18s From the Alfred Hubert Collection, Paris. French Philosopher and Astronomer; termed ' tiie little Doctor. 338 Guenegaud (Henri du Plessis, 1609-16/6). In oval, half length. Arms under. Line by Nantueil after Champaigne. Size \2\ h\ 9,i inches. Circa i()()0. £3 10s 68 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. Nanteuil (Robert) — continued. 339 Lionne (Hughes de, Marquis de Berni). Line engraving by Nanteuil. Size 6A by \% inches. Fine impression in first state. £9 9s 340 Ditto. Another impression in second state. £7 lOs 341 Mazarin (Cardinal, 1 602-1661). In oval, half length, cap, clerical robe. Arms under. Line by Nanteuil. Size I3f by \o% inches, narrow margins. 1658. (D. 182.) Fine impression. £14 14S " P. Mariette, 1B.58 " on back. Celebrated Cardinal and Statesman of the period of Louis XIV. 342 Ditto. Another portrait. In oval, within decorative armorial border, half length, cap, Car- dinal's robe, pillars and curtain in background. Line by R. Nanteuil after P. Mignard. Size 14 by 17 inches, with margins. 1660. (R.D. 186.) £12 12s 343 Ditto. Another portrait. In oval, short half length, cap, Cardinal's robe. Line by R. Nanteuil after Mignard. Size 1 3| by 10?, inches. 1661. First state. (D. 18;.) £10 10s 344 Turenne (Henry de la Tour d'Auvergne, Yicomte de, 1611-1675). Marshal of France. Half length in oval, armour, sash. Arms under. Line by Nanteuil after Champaigne. Size 14,;: by lo'^' inches. (R.D. 232.) Circa 1650. £9 9s 345 RIGAUD (Hyacinthe). Auvergne (Louis de la Tour, Comte d'Fureux). Nearly full length, standing, in armour, long curled wig, sash, left hand resting on baton, battle in background. Line engraving by Georges F. Schmidt after H. Rigaud. .Size i6| by 12^ inches, with margins. 1739. Fine impression. £8 8s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 69 346 ROULLET (J. L). Luliy (Jean Baptiste de, 1633-1687). In oval, half length, long curled wig, lace cravat and ruffles, gown, holding scroll of music in right hand. Line by J. L. Roullet after P. Mignard. * Size ig| by 13^ inches, thread margins. Fine impression. £11 lis French musical composer; patronised by Lonis XIV.; friend of ^tolithe. 347 THOMASSIN (Henri Simon). Louis XIY. (i638-i;i5). Nearly half length, in armour, long wig, cloak. Line engraving by Thomassin. Circa 1700. £3 3s 348 VANDREBANC (Pieter). Monmouth (James Scott, Duke of, 1649- 1685). In oval, half length, wig, lace cravat, armour. Line by P. Vandrebano after G. Kneller. Size \gl by 14! inches, with margins. £21 Natural son of Charles II. Born at the Hague; served against the Dutch. 1672 and 1673, and against the French at Ostend and ^Mons, 1678. 349 VAN SCHUPPEN (P.). Louis de France, "la Grand Dauphin," son of Louis XIV. Half length in oval. Line by P. van Sohuppen after F. de Troy. Size \7\ by 15 inches. 1684. First state before the medallions in the corners. £24 350 VERMEULEN (C ) Nicolas Catinat de la Fauconnerie (1637-1 7 12). In oval, half length in armour, long curled wig. Line by C. Yermeulen. Size 17! by 13} inches, with margins. £9 9s Frencli Marshal; defeated Victor Auiadeiis of Savoy at Staifarde. 16f>ft, (U^feated by Prince Eugene at Carpi, 1701. 70 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 351 VERNET (Carle). French Street Cries. Series of 12 charming lithographs in colours b\' Delpeck after Carle Vernet. Size lOj by 8] inches. Circa 1790. The Set, £6 6s Miirchiinde do Monchoir.s. • Marehaiid de cliaincs de Siuete. Marchand de Lamier. Marchand de Tisaune. Marchand de Fromages de Marolles, Marchand de Chiens. Marcliande tie Cerises. Marchand d'Encre. Marchande d'Oranges. Tondeur de Chiens. Scieur de Pierre. Decrottcur. 352 WATTEAU (A ) Le Printems. L'Este. L'Autonne. L'Hiver. Series of 4 hne engravings by Audran, Faissar, Desplace, Renard du Bos after Watteau. Size 154 by 5;s inches, with margins. Circa 1750. The Set, £12 12s 353 Retour de Campagne. Line by N. Cochin after Watteau. Size \2% by 17^ inches, with margins. Circa 1750. £2 2s 354 WILLE (J. G.). Louis Phelypeaux, Comte de Saint Florentin. Nearly full length, seated, wig, richly ornamented coat. Line engraving by Wille after Louis Tocqu6. Size 17 by 13 [ inches, with margins. 1749. £3 lOs First lettered state witii the word " Miiiistre.". 355 Saxe (Hermann Moritz, Count of, 1696-1750). In stonework engraved border, half length, wig, armour, sash, star. Line by J. G. Wille after H. Rigaud. Size !/§ by 12^ inches, with margins. 1745- £7 7s Marshal of France; illegitimate son of Angustus 11.. King ol IViland. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 71 PART IV. Etchings. MARIUS BAUER. 356 A Bazaar in Smyrna. Size 3f by 5J inches, with margins. £2 18s 357 Benares. Size 9^- b\' 6J inches, with margins. Signed. £3 lOs 358 Entrance to a Temple. Size 6f by 4! inches, with margins. Signed with initials. £4 4s 359 Fantasy. Men on horseback outside the Entrance of a Mosque. Size 1 1 by 14]- inches, with margins. Signed with initials. £9 9S 360 A Persian Festival. A procession of men on horseback and carrying banners, passing along by a mosque and entering a doorway. Size 18:^ by 20j inches, with margins. Signed Artist's proof. £10 10s 361 Procession with Camels. Size 17 by lof inches, with margins. Signed. £6 6s 362 A Visit. Size 4f by 6^ inches, with margins. Signed " M. B." £3 18s D. Y. CAMERON. 363 Arran Peaks. Magnificent impression. Size 10 by 13! inches. Signed. (See Illustration, Plate No. XIX.). £38 72 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Cameron (D. Y.) — continued. 364 La Roche. Size 6f by 8^ inches, with margins. Signed. £32 10s 365 A Lady of Genoa. Fine impression. Size 45 by 2 inches, with margins. 1896. Signed. (R. 217). £9 9S 366 Nithsdale. Wide river winding through flat country, cottages and trees. Brilhant impression. Size 6 by 12^ inches Signed. £38 367 Shuna. Size 4 by 7 inches, with margins. Signed £15 15s 368 Tintoret's House. Size gi- by ^\ inches. Signed. (R. 209.) . £16 16s 369 The Village Store. Size 9 b>- 3 inches. Signed. (R. 80.) £25 " Foui- or five iiiiiHossiims only." — L'in'dkk. 370 Waterloo Place. Fine impression. Size 7\ by 9 inches, with margins. 1 899. Signed. (R. 290.) £21. AUG. DELATRE. 371 Souvenirs. Six Pointes-Seches. Si.x etchings enclosed in original case. Presentation Copy to A. Legros with the Artist's signed autograph inscription. 1871. £6 6s Only 30 .>ets piiiitwl. NORBERT GOENUTTE. 372 Une Entree des Jardins Publies, Venice. Size 1 I by 8 inches, with margins. 1890. Signed. £1 lOs Plate XXII. "< a Plate XXIII. I:' i '\ /■ fi\ ' ' r ii '^V'i iiffiilBSS:''" Ori«iii;il litliofrmph by Wiiisti.ei?. Stuoy See Item i\o. 463. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 73- SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR HADEN. 373 Battersea Reach. Size 6 by 9 inches, with margins. Signed. £14 14s Undescribed impression of the second state (showing two monkeys which Harrington describes as being the earlie.st state). This proof shows in dry point the word> "a Burty " (Ph. Bnrty, the famous art critic and friend of Haden). 'ITiis inscrip- tion was undoubtedly scratched on the copper at some time when Burty was visiting the artist in his studio, who, after printing off the impression, erased the words. 374 Breaking up of the Agamemnon; Size 7| by 16^ inches, with margins. Intermediate proof. With the Seymour Haden stamp. (D. 128.) £21 375 Fulham. Size 4-1 by 1 1 inches, with margins. Brilliant impression in first state. Signed. (D. 18.) £21 376 Grim Spain, Size 6 by 9 inches, with margins. 1877. £8 8s 377 The Herd. Size 5^ by 81 inches, with margins. 1862. (D. 115.) £6 6s 378 Isleworth. Size 6 by 4} inches, with margins. Signed. (D. y6.) £4 4s 379 Moat House. Size 5^ by 8^ inches, with margins. Signed. 1866. £4 10s 380 Mounts Bay. Size 5* by 81 inches, with margins. Signed. (D. 114.) £7 7s 381 Opposite the inn, Purfleet. Size 5^ by 81 inches, with margins. 1870. (D. 123.) £2 2s 382 Stems. Size 5I by 4-^ inches, with margins. Signed. (D. 27.) £4 10s 74 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London. W. HADEN (Sir Francis Seymour) — continued. 383 Sunset on the Thames. Size Ss bv 8'j inches, with margins. Second state. (D. 83.) £27 10s 384 Twickenham Church. Size 5 J; by 8} inches, with margins. 1862. (D. 95.) £2 2s 385 Whistler's House at Old Chelsea. Size 7 by 13 inches, with margins. 1863. Signed. Trial proof C. (D. 47.) (See Illustration, Plate No. XX.). £36 ALBANY E. HOWARTH. 386 Richmond Castle, Yorkshire. Size "/% by 9I inches, with margins. Signed. £4 4s 46 proofs only. JULES FERDINAND JACQUEMART. 387 Oriental Porcelain. Size 8} by 6 inches, with margins. £1 Is AUGUSTUS E. JOHN, A.R.A. 388 A Girl's Head (E.). Size 6| by 5^ inches, with margins. Signed (CD. 65). Onh- state. £6 18s 389 A Girl's Head (H.). The Flowered Toque. Size 8 by 5 inches, with margins. Signed. (CD. 68.) Only state. £8 8s 390 Fruit Sellers. Size 4§ by 3^ inches, with margins. Signed (CD. 88) ITT. £7 lOs 391 The Little Camp. Size 3 by 4 inches, with margins. Signed. (CD. 127.) Only state. £3 18s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 75 A. LEGROS. 392 Les Bouleaux: Bord de I'eau (Effet du Martm). Size 5 by 8 inches, with margins. Signed. £6 6s 393 La Ferme Sur ia Riviere. Size 4I by 8^^- inches, with margins. Signed. £10 10s 394 Le Haut du Coteau. Size 5 by /f inches, with margins. Signed proof. £12 12s Six proofs only. 395 Paysage au Bateau. Size /A by 16 inches, with margins. Signed. £21 396 La Ferme de Brieux (Effet d'Orage). Size 7] by 13 inches, with margins. Signed. £21 397 Le Pecheur au Saumon. Size 10] by 14] inches, with margins. Signed Artist's proof. (C. 223 II.) £9 9s 398 Le Petit Lac. Size 7I by /h inches, with margins. Signed. £7 7s 399 Le Soir: Coucher du Soleil. Size 3^ by 4'^ inches, with n^argins. Signed. £12 12s 400 Le Triomphe de ia Mort: les Bouches Inutiles. Size iio by 17] inches, with margins. Signed. £9 9s Fourth state, very rare, only two or thie^ proofs; of the first eitjht states ol tlie pUilt> there were only eighteen proofvS altogether; afterwards tho plate was cut down, tiie horse and its rider burnished out, and nujnerous alterations made in it. 401 Portrait of G. F. Watts, R.A. Size 7| by 5} inches, with margins. £1 Is 402 Portrait of E. J. Poynter, R.A. Size 8A by 6] inches, with margins. £2 2s 76 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. JAMES McBEY. Brilliant Proofs. Signed by the Artist. 403 A Deserted Oasis. Size 6| by 10^, inches, with margins. IQIQ. £^6 "^^S 404 Francais Inoonnus. Size 6 by 10 inches, with margins. IQI/. £19 19s 405 The Crucifix, Boulogne. Size 6 by 8 inches, with margins. igi6. £25 406 Sunset. Wadi-um-Uukhsheib. Men and camels resting in an Oasis. Size 7 by 13 inches, with margins. igig. Signed. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXL). £27 10s 407 View from the Gate, Tetuan. Size 9 by 5] inches, with margins. 191 2. £9 9s 408 Thanet, from Richboro'. Size 5^ by 1 1 vl inches, with margins. 1912. £13 13s 409 Ditto. Size /I by 12 inches, with margins. £10 lOs CHARLES MERYON. 410 L'Arche du Pont Notre Dame. Size 5 by 6§ inches, with margins. 1853. (W. 9.) £25 411 La Galerie de Notre Dame. Size II by Gh inches, with margins. (W. 10.) £15 15s 412 Le Petit Pont. Fine impression of the Fourth State. (L.D. 24 IV.), on old Whatman paper. £12 12s From the Morrison Collpction. DuuER. Le Grand Cheval. See Item No. 523. Pl\te XXV. X MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. TJ MERYON (Charles) — continued. 413 Partie de la Cite de Paris, Vers la Fin du XVI |e Siecle. Size 5^- by \\\ inches, with margins. (\V. 31 II.) £15 15s Fine impression in second state from the Sir Sevmoiir Hadeii Collection and .si>'U€«l S. H. 414 Ditto. Another impression in third state. £5 5s 415 Le Pavilion de Mademoiselle. Size 51 by gf inches, with margins. L.D. 9 III. £7 15s From the Benrdelev Collection. 416 La Riviere de Seine et I' Angle au Mail. Size 4f by 9^ inches. L.D. II. £5 5s From the Benrdelev Collection. 417 La Pompe Notre Dame. Size 60 by 10 inches, with margins. 1852. (W. 15 II.) Fine impression from the Alfred Morrison Collection. £31 10s 41 8 Le Pont Neuf et La Samaritaine de dessous la lere Arche du Pont au Change. Size 5^T by 7} inches, with margins. Circa 1850. (W. 29.) £31 10s 419 Rue des Chantres. Size I \\ by 4^' inches, with margins. 1862. (\V. 25.) £17 17s 420 La Rue des Toiles, a Bourges. Size 8A by 4!!; inches, with margins. 1853. (VV. 35 I.) Fine impression in first state from the P. Burty Collection. £45 42 1 La Salle des Pas-Perdus. Size 10?. by 17I inches, with margins. W. 7(» 11. £3 3s 422 La Tombeau de Moliere. Size 2J by 2^ inches, witli margins. L.D. 40. £S 6s 423 Le Tombeau de Moliere. Second state. L.D. 40 II. £2 2s From the Benrdelev Collection. 78 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. SAMUEL PALMER. 424 Death of Daphnis. Size 4 by 6 inclies, with margins. £2 2s 425 The Early Ploughman. Proof on handmade paper and signed by the Artist. Size 7i by 10 inches, with margins. £7 15s " A very perfect exniaple ot Samuel Palmer's manner of work."— Vide Hamertoai's Etchings and Etchers. 426 Evening Repast. Size 4 by 6 inches, with margins. £2 2s 427 The Herdsman. Size 5] by 8 inches, with margins. Early proof. Signed. £15 15s 428 Ditto. Another impression. Unsigned. £5 5s 429 Milking Time. Size 4 by 6 inches, with margins. £2 2s 430 The Morning of Life. Size 5^ by 8] inches, with margins. £2 2s 43 1 The Rising Moon. On India paper. Size 4;^ by 7^ inches. £3 10s 432 The Skylark. Size 3^ by 24 inches, with margins. £2 2s 433 Waning Moon. Size 4 by 6 inches, with margins. £2 2s 434 Young Moon. " Ripe Apples are our Supper, cream unstirred." Virgil. Size 4 by 6 inches, with margins. £2 2s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 79 J. PENNELL. 435 Charing Cross before the Fall. Evening scene, the bridge spanning the river to right. Lithograph. Size 6'i by 10 inches, with margins. Signed. £4 4s 430 Charing Cross Underground. Night. Etching and mezzotint. Size 7 by 9 inches, with margins. Signed. £4 4s 437 Goldsmith's Grave. Size II by 8 inches, with margins. Signed. £4 4s 43 S The House in which Whistler Died, 74, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea. Signed proof. £4 4s 439 Long Palace, Hampton Court. Size 5o b\" 12 inches, with margins. Signed. £3 3s 440 St. Paul's. Evening. Seen from across the river, boats in front. Etching and mezzotint. Size 7 by 10 inches, with margins. Signed. £4 4s GEO. BATTISTA PIRANESI (1720-1778) 441 Vedute di Roma: A Series of loo large and magnificent Etchings. Genuine Original Roman Impressions on thick paper (not folded), bound in 2 vols., large oblong atlas folio, full russia. Circa 1770. £48 Unusually iiue impressions of these famous etiliiii{;s, wliicli include tlie interior and exterior of St. I*eters; tlie Pantheon, Campo Vatcino, 'J'eniple of Concord, tlie lart;e Views of the Coliseum, the Arches of Cuiistaiit inc. and of Seplinms Severiis. ic, Ac H. MACBETH RAEBURN. 442 St. Paul's from the Surrey Side. Size 7 by 12 inches, with margins. Signed. £2 12s 6d T. C. ROBINSON. 443 Coringdon Heath and Pool Harbour. The heath seen across dark bushes and trees, the harbour with small sailing ships behind. Size 8 by 12 inches. Signed. £4 4s So MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. WM. P. ROBINS. 444 Payne's Farm. Size 5 b>" 10^ inches, with margins. Fine impression on green paper. Signed. £9 9s W. STRANG. 445 The Brickfield. Size 4} by 10 inches, with margins. Signed. £4 4s 446 Invitation Card to Exhibition Etchings. A group of peasants standing behind a stone slab. Size 6 by 5 inches, with margins. Signed. £3 3s One of 10 proofs. 447 The Moat House. Size ]\ by 8 inches, with margins. Signed by the Artist. £8 8s 448 Norman Farm. Size 6 by 10 inches, with margins. Signed by the Artist. £7 7s 449 The Rehearsal. A man singing, behind him three musicians and a woman. Size 7 by 8A inches, with margins. Signed. £6 6s One of 6 proofs. E. M. SYNGE. 450 Venice. Bridge with steps leading down to the water, on which are gondolas. Size 7 by 10 inches. 1906. Signed. £4 4s WILLIAM WALKER. 45 1 Notre Dame, Paris. Size 15 b}- 14 inches, with large margins. 191 2. Signed. £6 6s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 81 C. A. WALTNER. 452 Head of a Rabbi. Etching after Rembrandt. Size 20 by 16J inches, with margins. Signed Artist's proof on vellum. 1867. £6 6s J. A. McNEIL WHISTLER. 453 " The Adam and Eve," Old Chelsea. Size 7 by 12 inches, with margins. Very fine impression. (W. 144 II.) (See Illustration, Plate No. XXII.) £42 454 Billingsgate. Size 6 by 8| inches, with margins. 1859. £14 14s 455 Florence Leyland. Size Sh by 5^ inches. (W. 96II.; K. no IX.) £12 12s 456 Limehouse. Size 5 by 8 inches, with margins. (VV. 37; K. 40 III.) 1859. £21 457 The Forge. Size 7f by i2h inches, with margins. (W. 63 II.; K. 68 III.) 1866. ' £16 16s 458 The Little Pool. Size 4^- by 5 inches, with margins. 1861. (K. 74I.) £12 12s First state, printed by Delatire himself in Bond Street, witli liis initial o« margin of print. 459 The Little Putney. Size 5] by 8 inches, with margins. W. 146. £10 lOs 460 Reading by Lamp Light. Size 6§ by 4^ inches, with margins. £12 12s 461 Soup^ a Trois Sous. Size 6 by 9 inches, with margins. K. 49. £12 12s 82 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. WHISTLER (J. A. Mc>^e\\)— continued. 462 Thames Police. Size T) b}" 8,i inches, with margins. 185'Q. (W. 42.) Fine impression from the Goulding Collection, with his signature. £32 10s WHISTLER LITHOGRAPHS. 463 Study. Female figure wearing a hght dress; seated in armchair; erron- eously supposed to be a portrait of Madam Sara Bernardt. Signed. (W. 3.) (See Illustration, Plate No. XXIll.) £150 Unly 12 printed. From the Printer's (Thomas T. Way) own Collection; an early proof especially selected by him. for his own personal portfolio. 464 La Robe Rouge (a Portrait of Miss Whistler). A lady dressed in dark material seated at the end of a draped settee; panelled wall behind. Signed. (W. 68.) £12 12s One of 23 original impressions. From the Printer's (Thomas T. Way) own Collection; an early proof especially selecteil by him for his own personal portfolio. 465 The Smith's Yard. A sunny scene with two white horses, their tails to the spectator; to the left of the horses the smith and his boy are standing. Signed. (W. 88.) £12 12s . One of the 35 original impressions. From the Printer's (Thomas T. Way) own Collection; an early proof especially selected by him for his own personal portfclio. 4OG The Fair. A very busy scene at night time in Lyme Regis, with groups of figures round two booths which are lit inside, above them some build- ings are indicated. Signed. (W. 92.) £22 10s Signed in pencil " The Fair " Lyme Kegis by Way. From the Printer'*^ (Thomas T. Way) own Collection; an early proof especially selected by him for his own personal portfolio. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 83 WHISTLER LITHOGRAPHS— t^;///w/^^/ 46; Little London. The curve of the river seen from the top of the Savoy Hotel, looking eastward; In foreground below the first arch of Waterloo Bridge. Signed. (W. 121.) £75 Signed " Little London " by Way. t !)nly 30 printed. From the Printer's (Thomas T. Way) own Collection; an early proof especially selected by him for his o^vai personal portfolio. 468 Waterloo Bridge. The first three arches of the bridge seen from a high point. The broad road of the Embankment full of vehicles passing under first bridge is continued in the distance, to right river with barges. Signed. (W. 123.) £58 Signed in pencil " Waterloo B. Mar. 23" by Way. Only 26 printed. i'Tom the Printer's (Tlromas T. Way) own Collection; an early proof especially selecte, inches, verses under. Circa 1660. The set, £7 7s Loger les Peleriiis. Donner a marger a ceux qui ont fain. Visiter les Malades. Donnei" a boire a ceux ont Soif. Vestu les Niids. Visiter les Prisonniers. Ensevelir les Morts. 502 Courtiers and Ladies. Series of 7 plates, showing gallants and ladies ui picturesque costume standing in decorative interiors. Line engravings. Size 11^ by f% inches, narrow margins. Fine impressions. The Scnc-, £10 10s 88 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. BOSSE (Abraham) — continued. 503 The Four Ages of Man. Series of 4 plates, the first showing a group of young children, the second, gallant and lady standing in a garden, the third, a family at table feasting, the fourth, an aged couple seated before a fire. Size io| by I2f inches. The Set, £7 7s 504 The Parable of Dives and Lazarus. Series of three plates, the first showmg a party at the rich man's table feasting, the second the rich man expiring, the third, the poor man's death-bed. Size 10] by 13 inches. The three plates, £6 6s 503 The Schoolmaster. Interior, schoolmaster seated at desk, children standing and seated. Size 10 by I2v inches. £4 4s 506 The Seasons. Series of 4 very decorative plates showing ladies and gallants in picturesque costume — in spring and summer on verandah in gardens; in autumn revelling in a vinery; and in winter m an interior, feasting. Size lol by 13 inches. The Set, £9 9s HANS BURGKMAIR (1473-1559). 507 A Saint. One of the series of i ig woodcuts. " Images de Saints et Saintes issus de la Famille de I'Empereur Maximilien." Fine early impression. Size 9i by 8;4 inches. (B. 82.) £7 lOs CLAUDE GELLEE (called Lorraine) (1600-1682). 508 Shepherd and Shepherdess. Seated on rocks, cattle, sheep and landscape in background. Size 8 by loi inches. Circa 1660. First impression in first state. £20 Plate XXVIII. ij'*??'- rt.ATE XXIX. I3k.\nt (Josi;rn). " 'I'ayadaxkkc: \." J. H. Sinilii — Koinncy. Sec IhMii Ni). (il2. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 89 GEL LEE (Claude) — continued. 509 The Shipwreck. Vessels driven ashore in a storm, ruined castle to right, men pulling in small boat. Size ^\ by 7] inches. Circa 1660. £3 3s LUCAS CRANAGH (i4;2-i553) 5 1 o Boy on horseback. Woodcut. Size 7i by 4I inches. 1506. (B. 116.) £3 3s 5 1 1 The Crucifixion. Wood engraving. Size \Q)\ by 6f inches. Circa 1520. (B. 21.) £2 10s 5 1 2 Marcus Curtius. On horseback, his horse falling into a chasm. Woodcut. Size 13I by 9} inches. (B. 112.) £10 10s 513 St. George and the Dragon. Woodcut. Size 6i by 5 inches. (Bvii. 64.) £1 lOs 5 1 4 St. Jerome en Penitence. Woodcut. Size 13I by 9 inches. 1509. (B. 63.) £14 14s 515 St. John Preaching in the Desert. Chiaroscuro. Size 13^ by 9g inches. iqi6. (B. 60.) * £3 10s From, the Sir J. Reynolds Collection. 516 Venus and Cupid. Woodcut. Size iij by 7^ inches, with margin.s. 1506. (B. i 13.) £6 6s 517 The Virgin and Child with St. Anne. Woodcut. Size 9.1 by 6;:; inches. Circa 1520. (B. 68.) £4 4s From the Foimtain Wnlkor nud W. W. .rdluistoiu- Cullpftinns QO MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. MARCUS DE BYE (1612-1670). 518 Cows, Oxen and a Pig. Set of eight etchings by M. de Bye after P. Potter. Size 4] by ^l inches, narrow margins. 1657. The set. £4 4s 519 Sheep. Set of si.xteen etchings. Size 4J by 5;^ inches, narrow margins. £5 5s T. de BRY (1528-1598). 520 The Triumph of Bacchus. Size 4^ by 1 1 inches. £4 4s From the Fisher Collection. STEPHANUS ETIENNE DELAUNE (151S 1595). 521 Combats et Triomphes. Set of 12 very decorative hne engravings of triumphal proces- sions; battles between Roman soldiers, satyrs, etc. All fine impressions in first state. Size 2^ by Sji inches, narrow margins. Circa 1570. (R. Dumesnil 281-292.) The set, £9 9s ALBRECHT DURER (1471-1528) Copperplate Engravings. 522 The Dream. ^ Size /'i by 4^' inches. (B. 76.) £14 14s 523 The Great War Horse. Size 6^ by 4^' inches. 1505. (B. 97.) Fine impression. (See Illustration, Pl.^te No. XXIY.) £57 10s 524 The Little War Horse. Size 6\ by 4! inches. 1505. Brilliant impression. £45 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 91 DURER (Albrecht) — continued. 525 The Knight and the Lady. Size ;f by 4f inches. (B. 94.) £18 18s From the W. B. Scott Colliection. 526 The Little Courier. Size 4] by 3^ inches. (B. 80.) £9 9s 527 Philip Melancthon. Size 6| by 5 inches. (B. 105.) £15 15s From the Dent Collection. 528 St. Genevieve. Size 7 Jj. by 4;:; inches. (B. 63.) £12 12s 529 The Three Genii with Helmet and Shield. Size 4§ by 2 J inches. (B. 66.) £21 From the " Cabinet Louis Galechon." 530 Three Peasants. Size \\ by 3 inches. (B. 86.) £6 6s 531 The Virgin on the Crescent. Size 4^ by 2 i inches. 1514. (B. 33.) £4 10s Woodcuts. 532 Calvary. Size 8^, by 5^ inches. (B. 59.) £4 lOs 533 The Crucifixion, the Virgin and St. John at the foot of the Cross. Ornamental border round. Woodcut. Size 11 by 8; inches. (B. 56.) £9 9s 534 Coats of Arms of Hector Pomer, Prevost de S. Laurent. Size 11^ by 7^' inches, with mari^ins. (1^. 1(13.) £7 12s 6d 535 Eight Patron Saints of Austria. SS. Quirenus, ]\hi-ximihan, Florian, Severinus, Colomanus, Leo- pold, Poppo, Otto, all full lenj^ths, standing, in robes, armour, with pastoral staffs, shields, spear, etc. Size 6^ by 14! inches. (B. 1 lO.) Circa 1510. £2 2s 92 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. DURER (Albrecht) — continued. 536 Herodias Receiving the Head of John the Baptist. Size /§ by 5 i inches. 1511. ('B. 126.) £7 7s 537 The Holy Trinity. Size 154- by 11 inches. (B. 122.) £9 9s 538 The Knight and the Lansquenet. Size 1 5| by III inches. (B. 131.) £5 5s 539 The Magdalene Transported to Heaven. Size 8^ by 5| inches. (B. 121.) Fine impression from the R. Fisher collection. £10 10s 540 The Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand. Size 15I by ii.l inches. (B. 117.) £5 5s 541 Saint Barbara. Size 9^ by 6^ inches. (B. 24.) £2 10s 342 St. Catherine. Seated in profile to right, broken wheel beside her. Size 9^ by 6-^. inches. £2 lOs 543 St. Stephen, St. Gregory and St. Law/rence. Size 8-4 by 54 inches, with margins. (B. 108.) £2 2s 544 The Three Bishops. Size 8i by 5§ inches. (B. 118.) £4 4s 545 Virgin with the Apple. Size Hi by 8| inches. 15 18. (B. loi.) ■ £5 5s 546 The Virgin with the Rabbits. Size 15I by 11 inches. (B. 102.) £7 7s AALBERT FLAMEN (b. 1633). 547 Set of Birds. Kleven very decorative line engravings depicting wild birds in their natural haunts; also title " Livre d'Oyseaux." Size 3I by 'j\ inches, with narrow margins. Circa 1660. The set, £5 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 93 ALBRECHTGLOCKENDON (fl 1485). 548 The Entombment of Christ. Size 5I by 3A inches. (B. 11.) • £4 10s Slightly cut at sides. HENDRIK GOLTZIUS (1558) 549 The Standard Bearer. The Halberdier. Pair of line engravings. Size iij by yh inches. 1587. Very fine impressions. The pair, £9 9s From the Mariette Collection, and with his name on the back. W. HOLLAR. 550 Antwerp Cathedral. Size 18 by 13 inches, with inscription margin. £8 8s With the address of Gilles Hendriex. 551 Battalia (Francis), a Roman Youth who Swallowed Stones. Size 8| by 4f inches. 1641. £3 10s From the Bindley Collection, at the sale uf which it realised £7 7s. 552 By Islington. (P. 916.) Waterhouse by Islington. (P. Q19.) Ye Waterhouse. (P. 920.) On the North Side of London. (P. 918.) Series of 4 plates. Size 3i by 4I inches, with margins. 1665. The 4 plates, £4 4s 553 Catherine Howard, Queen of Henry YMI. Fur cloak and muff. BriUiant impression. (P. 17 12.) 3 by 2jViriches. £3 10s 554 View of Groenendael Abbey. Size 5^ by 8i inches, with margins. (P. 849.) 12s 6d 555 The North Prospect of Canterbury. Size 7 by 22 inches. (P. 961a.) 16s 6d 94 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. HOLLAR (W.) — contimied. 556 Great Chalice. Elaborately decorated with figures, angels, cherubs' heads, scrip- ture scenes, floral and other decorations. Very finely executed etching by W. Hollar, inscribed " Tabulam hanc olim ab Andrea Mantenio cum penna delineatam et nunc Londini in ^ibus Arundelianis conservatum Wenceslaus Hollar Bohem." Size 18?, by Q.\ inches, with margins. 1640. £10 10s 557 View of Greenwich. Fine impression of the third state, with 4 lines of Latin under. Size 5§ by 32?. inches. 1637. Engraved on two sheets. £6 6s 558 Heads. Portraits of ladies showing various types of headdresses. 13 small engravings on three sheets. Average size 3,4 by 2^,' inches. 1636-1646. The Series, £5 15s 559 Hollar (Portrait of Himself). Half length, seated at a table, on which are drawing materials, holding a portrait, landscape seen through opening to right. Size 6 by 4A inches. Brilliant proof impression. £5 lOs • 560 King's Lyn. The Prospect of King's Lyn from the West, also The Ground Plat of King's Lyn. Size \i\ by 16I inches. (P. 987.) 18s 561 Marie de Medicis. Head and bust. Cap, earring, necklace. Size 3 by 2] inches. 1648. (P. 1709.) £1 10s 562 The Mole. .Size 2'-\ by 5 3, inches, with margins. 1646. (P. 2106.) £3 3s 563 Muffs, Gloves, Lace, etc. Size 4] by 8 inches, with margins. 1^)47.. (P. 1951.) £5 lOs MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London. W. q5 HOLLAR (^.)~-conthntcd. 564 Ornatus Muliebris Anglicanus, or The Severall Habits of English Women from the Nobilitie to the Country Woman as they are in these times. Series of 26 engravings and title. Size 5 1 by 2|- inches. 1638-40. The Set. £9 9s 565 Paedo Paegnion Sive Puerorum Ludentium Schemata Varia Pictorum Usui Aptata Nobiiissimo Domino D. Georgio ab Ettenhard. A series of twenty-five beautiful plates, containing a great number of figures of cupids, cherubs, etc., some playing musical instruments, also goats, tiger, Bacchus, birds, flowers, fruit, landscapes, etc. By W. Hollar after Van Avont. Brilliant impressions. Size 5:4 by S] inches. 1647. £5 5s 566 The Portraiotures of King Edward the 3rd with the first 25 Knights Com- panions in the Habit of the Order and Surcoats of their Armes. The Procession of Queen Elizabeth and Knights of the Garter at the Feast of St. George. Pair engraved by Hollar. Marcvis Gerard inu. Size I if by 14:^ inches. 1666. (P. S/8-580.) The Pair, £4 lOs 567 Prague. Large panoramic view on three sheets (joined). Size 1 1 inches by 3 feet 8 inches. With Key to the principal buildings and places of interest. 1640. (P. 880.) ' £4 4s 568 Richard il. of England before the Madonna, with Attendant Saints, St. Edmund, Edward the Confessor, and St. John. The Virgin with Child in her arms, surrounded with angels, one of whom carries a banner, Latin verses under. On two separate plates, from the original picture at Wilton House, near Salisbury. Size of each \ol by S\ inches. 1639. • £4 4s D. HOPFER (fl 13S6). 569 Panel of Ornament. Showing above, the Virgin adored by two angels, below, the Vir^rin and St. John at the foot of the Cross. Size 1 3. I by 4 inches. (B. 100.) £7 7s 96 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. H OFFER (D.) — continued. 570 Portrait of Martin Luther. In profile to right. Woodcut by Hopfer. Size g by 6^ inches, with margins. 1523. (B. 86.) £2 2s 571 The Three Mamelukes. Mounted on horseback, carrying banners. Size 8f by 6^ inches. (B. 57.) £2 10s 572 The Three Good Jews (Josue, David, Judas Maccabee). The Three Good Heathens (Charles-magne, Artus roi d'Angleterre and Godefroi de Bourgogne). Size 6^ by 8| inches. (B. 53-4.) The Pair, £4 4s From the Dent Collection. 573 The Widow's Mite. The interior of a church, with scene representing the parable of the Widow's Mite. Size 11^ by 8 inches, with margins. Circa 1520. Brilliant impression. (B. 27.) £6 6s JEROME HOPFER (fl 1530). 574 Portrait of Erasmus. Short half length in profile to right. Etching. Size 8?, by 6i inches, narrow margins. (B. 62.) £5 5s LUCAS VAN LEYDEN (1494 1533). 575 Adam and Eve. Seated either side of the Tree of Life. Eve holding the apple in her hand, the devil with a human head in tree above. Etching on copper. Size li by 4f inches. (B. 7.) (1508.) £4 4s 576 Christ Presented to the People. Size 6f% by 3 inches. 1421. (B. 50.) £3 lOs Plate XXX. Plate XXXI. M a o >-i •^ ^, ^" CO ^ »^ o y< 5 o c ? d o J^ f- -A g O H S 2 O '»4 1— 1 4^ a> O X MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. 97 LEYDEN (Lucas Van) — continued. 577 La Promenade. A lady and gentleman walking in wooded landscape. Size 4^ by, 3 inches. 1420. (B. 144.) £3 10s 578 Samson and Delilah. She is seated on a mound by the recumbent figure of Samson, cutting his hair; in background armed Philistines are waiting to seize Samson; rocks and trees behind. Size 11^ by 7; inches. CB. 25.) ^^t^ fine impression of this scarce plate. £40 FRANCIS LILIENSTRAUS. 579 Luther (Martm, 1493-1546). German Reformer. In oval, half length, Bible held in right hand, hair composed of small letterpress in German, tablet with Arms and inscription under. Very curious line engraving on vellum. Size 25^ by 20! inches. 1693. £2 2s JOHN LLOYD. Early English Mezzotinter. Fl. Circa 1650. 580 Two Men Playing Cards, another looking on. Mezzotint. Size I of by 8i^ inches. 1676. £3 3s MASTER OF THE DIE (fl c 1532) 581 The Virgin Crowned by Angels. Size 9^ by ]l inches. (B. 8.) Fine impression. £4 lOs JAN MULLER (b. iS/O). 582 Minerva Arming Perseus. Line engraving b\- Muller, Size 21 i by 15^ inches, and inscription margin. Proof before all letters. £4 4s PETRUS MYRiCINUS (fl 1650) 583 The Seven Cardinal Virtues. Series of 7 plates b\ Myricinus after Brughel. Size 8;:: by i 1 [ inches. Brilliant impressions. The 7 Plates, £10 10s q8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. ADRIAEN J. VAN OSTADE (1610-1685). 5.istin}; of the Title and (Continued over) 100 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. STRADANUS (Joannes) — continued. ]Jedication, surrmmded by Sporting Subjects, and 104 copperplate engravings of the Hunting, Snaring, etc., of large and small Game, also of i'^ishing, Whaling, etc.; original impressions, 1578. In addition are — Passio, Mors, et I?esurrectio dn no^tri Jesu Christi; 40 plates, circa 15S0. Ditto, a smaller series, engraved by P. Galle; 10 plates. Victories and Tjiumplis of the IMedici Family; 18 plat-es, 1583. Equile; two series, cimtiiining 72 spirited copperplate engravings of Horses (with landscape views in the backgrounds); circa 1580. Americae Petectio. .V siM'ies of 4 finely engraved plates, i.e. — , 1. A Globe, showing America, with small inset portraits of Columbus and Vespucius. 11. Christopher Columbus Ligur; full leugtli figure of the Admiral in armour standing in the bows of his vessel, looking towards the Islands of America. III. Amoricus Vespuccius Plorentinus; full length on his vessel. IV. Ferdinandes Magalanes Lusitanusi; full length on board his ship, with nautical instruments. Nova Reperta ; 20 plates illustrating Arts and Inventions, including Vespucius land- ing in America; I'orging of Cannon; "^ Lapis Polaris Magnes"; Printing of Books; " Hyacum, et Lues Venerea"; ]\Iaking of Clocks and Watches; Culture of Silk- worms; Water and Wind Mills; Invention of Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; Printing and Engraving. Etc. The Four Seasons. The Seven I'lanets. Hunting the Wild Poar; a large engraving with elaborate bordc And other pieces. REMBRANDT (1G08-1669). 598 Abraham's Sacrifice. Etching. Size 6^ by 5] inches. 1655. (H. 283.) Fine impression. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXVI.). £52 10s 599 The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds. Etching. Size lol by 8[; inches, thread margins. 1634. (M. 191.) (See Illustration, Plate No. XXVII.). £42 Cc^o Bust of an old man with flowing beard and white sleeve. Etching. Size 2^4 by 2\ inches, with margins. (M. 63.) £8 8s Go I Christ and the Samaritan Woman. Etching. Size \l by 6} inches. 1658. (M. 253.) £10 10s O02 The Flight from Egypt. Etching. Size 3:^^ by 5;^ inches. (M. 240.) 1O54. £10 10s i MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. Londbn. V/. loi REMBRANDT— r^;///;///^^ 603 Head of an old man (probably Rembrandt's father). Etching. Size 2 J by 2^ inches. (M. 39.) £5 5s From the Piltzer Collection. 604 Head of Rembrandt and other Studies. Etching. Size 4 by 4^ inches. (M. 136.) £16 16.9 605 Jesus Christ Disputing with the Doctors in the Temple. Etching. Size 3f by 5 J inches. 1654. (M. 245.) £8 81 606 Johannes Lutma. Three-quarter length seated in high back chair, holding in right hand a statuette, on table to left, scallop shell, a bo.x of gravers and a hammer. Etching. Size 7j by 5 J inches, narrow margins. 1O5O. (M. 171.) £16 16s 607 Johannes Uijtenbogaerd, 1557-1644. Half length, seated at a table, calotte, fur-edged gown, ruff, books on table. Etching. Size g'i by 7§ inches. 1635. (M. 114.^ £12 12s 608 Joseph and Mary, The Flight from Egypt. Etching. Size 5 by 4.^ inches, with thread margins. (M. 227.) £7 7s 609 Joseph Telling his Dreams. Etching. Size 4.% by 3] inches, narrow margins. (M. 205 II.) £8 8s 610 Landscape with a Cow Drinking. Etching. Size 4I by 5] inches. (M. 318.) Fine impression. (See Illustr-MIOx, Plate No. XW'TII.). £35 611 The "little" Circumcision. Etching. Size 3 A by 2 1 inches. Circc7 1630. (M. i79-^ *S ^^ 612 The Martyrdom of St. Stephen. Etching. Size 3| by 3;^:^ inches, with margins. 1635. (M. 197-) *9 ^s 102 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. REMBRANDT — continued. 613 Portrait of a Man with a Crucifix and Chain. Etching. Size 6| by 4-^- inches. 1641. (M. 147.) Second state. £25 614 Presentation in the Temple. Etching. Size 8y by iijl inches. (M. 208.) £25 615 The Raising of Lazarus. Etching. Size 14! by 10^ inches. Circa 1633. (M. 188.) £18 18s 616 The Resurrection of Lazarus. Etching. Size 6 by 4^ inches. 1641. (H. 198.) £17 17s 61; Virgin on the Clouds. Etching. Size 6i by 4I inches. (M. 211.) £21 618 Virgin and Child with the Cat, St. Joseph at the window. Etching. Size 4f by 5| inches, with margins. 1674. Fine impression in first state, from the Sir Seymour Haden collec- tion and with his signature on the back. (H. 275.) £25 ROBETTA (born Circa 1450). Florentine Engraver. O19 The Adoration of the Kings. Size I \\ by 10;^ inches. £9 9s Flourished in Florence from about 1190 tc 1520; worked after Filippo Lippi tiiul Sandio Botticelli. Robelta liad an i-xcellent fancy and composed with facility PETER PAUL RUBENS (1S77-1640). 62c St. Catherine Standing on a Wheel. Etching. Size 1 I J, by 8 inches. £4 lOs PRINCE RUPERT (161Q-1682). 6. 1 Head of the Executioner of St. John the Baptist. Early mezzotint. Size 5i by 6^ inches. Circa 1650. With the monogram. £17 17s Presentation Copy " From O/.ias Humphrey to Miss Carolrne Watstni," etc. Prince Kupert was at one time the suppo«>ed inventor of mezzotint engraving and his prints aic cxtri'iiiely scarce and correspondingly valuable. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 103 AEGIDUIS SADELER (15/5-1629). e22 Ferrara (Duchess of). Three-quarter length, standing, left hand on shoulder of negro page. Line by Sadeler after Titian. Size I if by 9^ inches, with margins. Brilliant proof before all letters. £9 9s From the Marietta Collection, with his signature and date 1660. PIETER SCHENCK (1645 1715). 6.>3 Lady Playing Violincello. Mezzotint by Schpnok after N. Vissoher. Size 13] by 9f inches. Circa 1680. £3 lOs TOBIAS STIMMER (born 1539). 624 The Nativity. Interior of stable, in centre the Virgin kneels before the Infant, to right St. Joseph spreads his hands over a fire, to left two men kneeling, another looking in at open doorway. Woodcut. Size 9j by 6^ inches. Circa 1560. £7 7s J. THOMAS, OF YPRES (1610-1673) 625 Portrait of Titian, 1477-1576. Half length in profile to left, cap, beard, fur collar on coat, chain over right shoulder, with inscription under. Very fine mezzotint by Thomas of Ypres. Size 12 i by 9j inches, showing full plate mark. 1661. A remarkably fane impression of this very rare plate. £65 Thomas of Ypres, one of the earliest known Afezzotinters, probably learned \\\t~ an from Prince Kupert in 1657, and this portrait of the ctilebrated Venetian painter is generally regarded as his masterpiece. The present impression is from the Morrison Collection. WALLERANT VAILLANT (1623 1677). (One of the earliest mezzotint engravers, he is said to have visited England in the suite of Prince Rupert; and to have learnt from that Prince the then newly discovered process of scraping in mezzotint.) 626 Portrait of Melchiorj Lydel. In oval, half length, clerical gown, cap. Mezzotint by Vaillant. Size \Q>\ bv 7:4 inches, inscription and thread margins top and sides. ^6 10s 104 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. WALLERANT VAI LL ANT— a; ;///// /^^^/ 627 Bust of a Warrior. Turning to right, long beard, armour. Very fine mezzotint engraving. Size 7I by 5^- inches. Circa 1660. £3 3s GERALD VALCK (born 1625) 62 S Trumpeter Presenting Letter to a Lady. Mezzotint by Yalok after G. Terburg. Size 15 by 12 inches, narrow margin. Circa 1650. Fine impression. £10 10s P. VAN SOMER (1649) 629 Ferdinand Maria, Duke of Bavaria, and his Secretary. Half length, seated at table, cloak with ermine, his Secretary writing by his side. Mezzotint by P. Van Somer after Raphael. Size I if by 9?. inches. 1670. £7 7s J. VAN SOMER (born c. 1640). 030 Maximilian (Ferdinand, 1 573-1651). Elector of Bavaria. Half length, in oval, long curled hair, laurel wreath, robes. Mezzotint engraving by J. Van Somer. Size I2| by 8j inches, narrow margins. 1668. Very early specimen of mezzotint engraving, most brilliant impression. ' £13 13s WILLEM VAN SWANERBURGH (1580-1612). 63 1 Series of 4 line engravings, viz.: — The Anatomy School. The Library. The School for ]Militar\- Exercises. The Academy of Horticulture. J. C. Woudahus delin., W. Swanburg sculp. Size I2ii' by 15 J, inches. i(jio. The set, £7 7s AENEAS VIGO (1520 1567) 632 The Academy of Baccio Bandinelli. Interior of a studio with students at work. Line engraving by Vico after Bandinelli. Size 12 by i8f inches. Fine impression in first state. (B. 49.) £5 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 10s CORNELIUS VISSCHER (1629-1658). 633 The Pancake Woman. Dutch interior with peasant family seated round fireplace. Line by Visscher. Clement de Jonghe exc. Size 17 by 13^ inches, with margins. Fine impression before the address of Clement de Jonghe. £8 8s "This print is oue of Vissclier's best works, and fine impressions before flie acklress are very rare."— W. Smith. Catalogue of Vissclier's Works. 634 The Rat Catcher. Size I4,i by 12^ niches, narrow margins. Circa 1650. £4 4s JAN JORIS VAN DER VLIET (1610 1635?) 635 Head of a man with curly hair. Etching after Rembrandt. Size 9 by "jl inches. 1634, £2 2s Jan du Vliet was one of tlio piijnls of Eenibraudt. whose style lie imitated. 636 Lot and his Daughters. Etching after Rembrandt. Size lOj by 8j inches, inscription margin. 1631. £2 2s bi] Monk with Book and Hour Glass. Etching. Size 13A by '^l inches. (B. 14.) £2 10s 638 Oriental Head. Etching after Rembrandt. Size 9 by '/\ inches. £2 12s 6d 639 St. Jerome Praying in a Cavern. Etching after Rembrandt. Size 14] by ill inches, with margins. 1631 £3 3s 640 Woman Reading. Etching after Rembrandt. Size 10; by 9 inches, with margins. Circa 1630. £2 2s io6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W PART VI. Americana. Portraits, Views and Political Cartoons. PORTRAITS. 641 America. Series of Five Rare Early Portraits relating to the History of America. Engraved in Line by Crispin de Pass, all within emblematic borders. Verses under each. Average size 5;^ by 3^' inches. Circa 1598. £10 lOs Viz. :- Christopher Cohimbiis, 143(j?-150(). Ferdinand Majfellan, 1470-1521. Americus Vespucius, 1451-1512. Francis Pizarro. 1475-1541. Thomas Cavendish, 1560-1592. 642 American Indians. Tayadaneega. (Brant, Joseph, 1742- 1807.) Three-quarter length, standing, head-dress of feathers, gorget, hunting-dress. Mezzotint by J. R. Smith after G. Romney. Size 1/5 by 13; inches, with margins. 1779- Brilliant impression in first state with the inscription in etched letters. ;See Illustration, Plate No. XXLX.) £63 .\ celebratetl Indian Chief; was at the head of the Inrjuois Confederacy or " Six Nations," so called, in the State of New York 643 Franklin (Benjamin, 1706-17Q0). Half length, seated at a table, reading papers, lettering under "The Politician." Line engraving by T. Ryder after S. Elmer. Size 13^ by \\\ inches, with margins. 1824. £3 3s CeleUnitetl American Statesman and IMiildsophcr. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 107 PORTRAITS — continued. Franklin (Benjamin) — continued. 644 Another portrait. Short half length, m oval, resting on tablet lettered " D. Ben- jamin Franklin, et vita Americanos acta, et magnes electricitatis periculis clarus. Mezzotint by J. E. Haid. Size 8 by Si inches, with margins. 1778. £3 3s 645 Another portrait. In oval, half length, wig, vignette under of a building struck by lightning. Stipple by J. Chapman. Size 7 by 40 inches, with margins. 1806. Printed in colours. £3 3s 646 Another portrait. Short half length, long hair, oval line engraving, with ornaments and emblems by T. Pelicier. Size gf by 6{. inches, with uncut margin. 1782. £3 3s 647 Another portrait. Short half length m oval, with ornaments and emblems. Line by T. Pelioier. Size 9^ by 6^ inches, with uncut margin. 1782. £3 3s 648 The Art of Making Money Plenty in Every Man's Pocket; by Doctor Franklin. A curious hieroglyphic broadside in colours, containing 13 lines of symbolical designs and portrait of Franklin. Size 12 by 8] inches, with margins. Circa 1780. £1 10s 649 Monckton (Hon. Robert, 1 726-1 782). Three-quarter length, standing, uniform, gorget, right hand mi hip, left holding hilt of sword, hat under arm, rock to left, in distance a town and fort, with river and cannon in front. Fine mezzotint. Size 14 by 10 inches, with margins. Circa 17O5. £18 18s Second son of first Viscount Galwey. Was (Jovi'iiior of Nova Scotia in 175.'>. and obtained many .'siicces.ses against the French a.nd (heir Indian .Mliee. Was second in command to Wolfe at Quebec, where he was woiunUnl. Was (Governor of New York. Governor and 'W.V. tor I'ortsniouth. io8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. PORTRAITS — continued. 650 Paine (Thomas, 1736-1809). Half length in square border, dark coat, ruffles, right hand holding placard on knee lettered " In the course of Liberty and My Country," books in background. Mezzotint by J. WatSOn after C. W. Peale. Size II by 9 inches, with margins. 1783. £14 14s Emigrated to America, 1775. Became acquainted with rranklin ; commence*! publi- cation of his works at Philadelphia; " Common-Sense" and the " American Crisis" appeared in 1776. "Rights of Man" were published in London, 1771-2. "Age of Reason," 1794-."). Went to France with Colone.1 Lorrens in 1781 and passed through many adventures there and in England; finally retuined to America in 1802. and died in New York, 18(19. 051 Pearson (Sir Richard, 173 i -1806). Thrfee-quarter length, naval uniform. Mezzotint by Jas. WatSon after Chas. Grignion. Size- 14 by 11 inches, with margins. (1780.) £9 9s Captain in the Navy; captured by John Paul Jones wliile commanding the Serapis; knighted for his brave resistance to superior force. 652 Seabury (Samuel, D.D.). Three-quarter length, m clerical robes, right arm resting on book on rock, landscape in background. Line engraving by Sharpe after T. L. Duche. » Size i8ij' by 14^, inches, with margins. 1786. £5 5s liishop (jf Connccf icu( . 653 Smith (Sir John, Bart., 1734-1837). Half length in oval, with Arms. Mezzotint by J. R. Smith after J. Opie. Size 13A by 11 inches, with margins. £14 14s Colonel Conmm.udant, Koyal Artillery; served under Sir WiMiam Howe and C'linton in North America. Captured at Yorktown, 1781. 654 Smith (Sir Thomas, i588?-i625). Half length in oval, hat, ruff, fur-edged cloak, holding map let- tered "Russia, Virgi — " etc., in right hand. Arms and inscription under. Line engraving Simon Pass, Sculp Compt. Holland, excud. 1617. £14 14s Merchant; treasurer of Virginia Cunipany, 1H20. i;ii'c1ed first (iovernor of East India Company, IKOO, and Aniba^s:i(li)r to |{u^sia from .lame-s 1. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 109 PORTRAITS — continued. 655 Tarleton (Lieut. -Col., 1754-1833). Whole length, standing, with left foot on cannon, on which hes a standard, uniform, hands holding the hilt of sword, to left two horses' heads, with a soldier holding the bridle. Large mezzotint by J. R. Smith after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 25} by 15^ inches, with inscription and thread margins top and sides. £27 10s The inscription margin has been slightly repaired. Distinguished soldier. Served with much distinction in the American War in 1776-81 under Lord Cornwallis. Published in 1787 a "History of the Campaign in the Southern Provinces." ^f.P. for Liverpool. 656 Washington (General George, 1 732-1 799). Full length, in uniform, on horseback, advancing to right, battle in distance. Mezzotint, "Done from an original drawn from life\by Alex. Campbell, of Wilhamsburgh, m Virginia. Published as the Act directs, 9 Sept., 1775," by C. Shepherd. Size 12^ by 9^- inches, with margins. £21 Brilliant impression. 657 Another portrait. Half length, wig, dark coat, lace cravat. Stipple engraving by W. Nutter after C. G. Stuart. Size 9 by 7j inches, with margins. 1798- £8 8s 658 — Another portrait. Full length, standing, in uniform, roll of papers in right hand, table and papers, horse and black servant behind, camp in distance. Line engraving by Le Mire after Le Paon. Size 19] by 13', inches, with margin. Circa 1780. £6 6s 659 Another portrait. Half length in oval border, military coat, vignette under, "Journee Memorable du 19 October, 1781, a York en Virginie." Line engraving after N. Pichle. Size 7^ by 5^ inches, with margins. 1781. £2 15s no MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. PORTRAITS — continued. Washington (General George) — continued. 660 Another portrait. Short half length in small oval, wig, cravat, flags, and emblems of battle. Stipple by P. Roberts after W. Birch. Size g^ by 12 3, mches. Cnca ijpo. £2 15s 661 Another portrait. Nearly half length, in uniform, oval line engraving, with view under of the "Event of the igth of Oct., 1781, at York town in Virginia," by T. Holloway. Brilliant impression. Size 9I by 8;^. inches, with margin. 1794. £1 lOs 662 Wolfe (General James, 1 726-1 759). Half length, wig, uniform, hat under left arm, plan " Quebec " to left, battle scene and town behind. Mezzotint by R. Puroell after F. Turin. Size I \]i by 8§ inches, inscription margin only (line of publication gone). Circa 1777. ' £12 12s Commander in X. j^meric-a; killed at Siege of Quebec. 663 Another portrait. In oval, half length, profile, looking to left. Mezzotint by R. Houston after J. S. C. Schaak. Size 12 by 9^ inches, with margins. Circa 1760. Slight damage to top portion, but has been skilfully repaired. £12 12s VIEWS. 664 Boston. A South-East view of the great town of Boston, in New England, in America. Large oblong plate, the river in front, with shipping flying the British flag, the town, showing principal buildings, with quays in mid distance, landscape beyond. Line engraving by J. Carwitham. Size II by 17^ inches, with margins. Circa 1750. Brilliant impression in colours of this rare plate. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXX.). £40 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London. W. ill N\EyN^—co)iliniied. 665 Charlestown. A Plan of the Attack of Fort Sullivan, the Key of Charlestown, in South Carolina, on the 28th of June, 1776, by His Majesty's Squadron, Commanded b\' Sir Peter Parker. With Letterpress under. " The following Description of the At- tack on Fort Sullivan was received in a Letter from Sir Peter Parker to Mr. Stephens, Secretary of the Admiralty." Size 20 by 15I inches. 1776. £7 7s Shows the positions of the " Provincial Army/' the British Forces under General Clinton, also the positions and names of the VesseJs engaged. 666 New York. A South West View of the City of New York, in North America. A South East View of the City of New York, in North America. Pair of line engravings "Drawn on the spot by Capt. Thos. Howdell, of the Royal Artillery, engraved by P. Canot." London, Printed for John Bowles . . . CornhiU. With Key to the places of interest and buildings under. Size 12-0 by 19J inches, with margins. Circa 1750. Brilliant impressions of these rare and early views of New York. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXXI.). The pair, £150 667 Large and very fine panoramic View of the City, Harbour, and Shipping. Line engraving by C. Mottram after J. W. "Hill. Size 2 feet 5 inches by 4 feet 2I inches, with margins. Brilliant open letter proof impression. 1855. ^^^ ^^^ 668 New York Hamm och Redd Fran Brooklyn pa Longisland. View of the town seen across the harbour with shipping. Aquatint by A. Krell after Klinckowstrom. Size 8f by g§ inches, with margins. Circa 1830. £14 14s 669 — View of New York taken from Weahawk. Lithograph by Deroy after Milbert. Size 7 3, by 1*1] inches, with margins. 1830. £2 2s 670 The Scenery of the Hudson, View near " Anthony's Nose." Lithograph by F. Palmer. Size 15 by 20 j inches, with margins. Circa 1850. £3 lOs 112 MAGGS BROS., '34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, VIEWS — continued. 67 1 Philadelphia (The East Prospect of the City of). With small inset Views of the State House and the Battery. Line. Size 6\ by ig.^. inches, with margins. Circa 1790. £3 3s 672 Tarry Town where Major Andre was Captured. Lithograph by Biohebois after Milbert. Size 7'- by ii[ inches, with margins. 1830. £2 2s 673 The Theatre of War in North America with the Roads and a Table of the Distances. Also letterpress under " A Compendious Account of the British Colonies in North America" and "A Table of the Population of the British Colonies, 1765." Pubhshed by Sayer & Bennett, 1776. Size of sheet 29 by 22-2 inches. £4 4s 674 A Design to Represent the Beginning and Completion of an American Settlement or farm. Line engraving by Jas. Peake after Paul Sandby. Size I2§ by 2%\ inches, with margins. £3 3s BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 675 Montreal. A View of the City of Montreal and the River St. Laurence from the Mountain. Aquatint by John Bluck after E. Walsh. Size 14 by 2o| inches, with margins. 181 I. Printed in COlours. A most brilliant impression of this excessively rare and interesting plate. £63 676 Quebec. Plan der Stadt Quebec Haupstadt in Neu Franckreich oder Canada, 1759. Plan in colours with View of Quebec. Size 8?; by 14 inches. 1759. £2 2s ^T] View of part of the Town, with River and Shipping. Line engraving by Leizelt. Size \2\ by 16^ inches, with margins. 1760. Coloured impression. £1 Is With tlu' tiOe above' tlio jii-int on<;r;iveil in tlie reverse. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 113 y\EyN^~co?itTnued. Q uebec — c ontinned. 678 An Authentic Plan of the River St. Laurence from Silkry to the Fall of Montmorenci: with the operations of the Siege of Quebec, 1759. Plan m colours, with small insets, " Part of the Upper River of St. Lawrence " and A View of the Action gained bv the English near Quebec, 1759. ' £4 4s 679 St. John's. A View of St. John's, upon the River Sorell, in Canada, with the Redoubts, Works, etc. Taken in the year 1776, during the late War in Canada. Line engraving. Size J% bv 16 inches, with margins. 1789. £4 4s 680 Newfoundland. St. John's. View of the Town and Harbour. Taken from Signal- Hill. ^ Aquatint by H. Pyall after W. Eagar. Size 15! by 22^ inches, with margins. 1 831. Printed with blue tints. £10 lOs POLITICAL CARTOONS. 681 America to her Mistaken Mother. Britain to America. A curious pair of hieroglyphic broadsides containing i 7 lines of symbolical designs and words referring to the relations between America and Great Britain. Size 14 by 10 inches, with margins. 1778. The pair, £4 10s 682 The American Rattle Snake. A large snake coiled up round regiments of soldiers lined up in square. Inscription in snake's mouth: " To Bntisli Armies I liave thus Burgoyn'd, and Room for more I got behind." Line engraving. Size 8f by I2i^ inches', with margins. 1782. £3 3s 683 Boston Tea Tax. A New Method of Macarony Making, as Practised at Boston in North America. Two men, one holding a teapot, about to hang a man who is covered with feathers. Mezzotint. Published h\ Carington Bowles. Size 6 b\- \l inches, with margins. Circa 1773. £7 7s 114 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. POLITICAL CARJOOUS—cofi/uiued. 684 Bunkers Hill, or America's Head Dress. Half length female wearing enormous head-dress, on which are shown soldiers with guns storming and defending forts, flags, with caricature emblems, on the under portion 3 ships in action. Etching by M. Darly. Size 9I b\' 7 inches, with margins. 1775. £10 lOs 685 The Bull Over-drove, or The Drivers in Danger. In centre a bull^ forefoot on prostrate man, kicking up hind legs, on right figure of American Indian, Frenchman and Spaniard, to left more figures. Contemporary line engraving. Size 9^ by 13 inches, with margins. 1780. £1 10s " By Gar, MY FEIEND AMERICA, I must leave you. Dis Bull vil play le Diable."- Fren Chilian. " I fear, ^lonsienr, T shall get little by your Friendship." — American Indian 686 John Bull Triumphant. Bull tossing man m the air, American Indian in native dress, and Frenchman to right. Curious etching. Size 92 by 13! inches, with margins, verses under. 1780. £1 Is " The Bull see enrag'd has the Spaniard engag'd. And gave him a terrible tos.s. The Yankee and Monsieur, at this look quite (jueor For they see that his .strength will prevail." Etc 687 Poor Old England endeavouring to Reclaim his Wicked American Children. " And therefore is England maim'd and forc'd to go with a .Staff." — Shakespeare. The Atlantic Ocean separating .a group of Americans from Eng- land (with a crutch and whip) who is trying to pull them over with cords attached to hooks in their noses. Etching by M. Darly. Size 9f by 13^ inches, with margins. 1777- £5 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 115 PART VII. Art Reference Books, ®c. 688 BARTSCH (Adam). Catalogue Raisonne de Toutes les Estampes qui forment Toeuvre de Rembrandt, et ceux de ses principaux imitateurs. Compose par les Sieurs Gersaint, Helle, Glomy et P. Yver. With 6 illustrations. Large Paper Copy. 2 vols, in i, small 4to, half morocco, gilt back, gold lines on sides. Vienna, I7g7. £4 4S 689 BRANGWYN (Frank). Catalogue of the Etched Work of Frank Brang- wyn, containing numerous reproductions of his works. 4to, original half vellum, uncut, t. e. g. London, igi2. £6 6s 690 BRYAN (Michael). Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. Best Edition, Revised and Enlarged by Geo. C. Williamson. Witli numerous plates {portraits and examples of the Artist's luork). 5 vols., imperial 8vo, original buckram. London, 1920. £7 17s 6d 691 CAMERON (D. Y.). Rinder (Frank). D. Y. Cameron, an Illustrated Catalogue of his Etched Work. With Introductory Essay and Descrip- tive Notes on each plate. The Edition de Luxe. With an Original Signed Etching (" The Lion and the Unicorn ") by Cameron, and numerous illus- trations of his etchings on Japanese vellum. 4to, original half vellum, uncut, t. e. g. Glasgoiv, 1912. £17 17s One of 200 c(>pie>s ot this Special Issue. 692 Wedmore (Frederick). Cameron's Etchings. A Study and Catalogue. With a large number of finely executed photographs from Cameron" s etcJiings loosely inserted. 8vo, full red morocco gilt, uncut. London, 1903. £4 4s One of 155 copies printed. Ii6 MAGGS BROS., 34 &: 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 693 COLLECTORS' MARKS. Les Marques de Collections de Dessins & D'Estampes. Marques estampillees et ecrites de collections particu- licres ct publiques, etc. Avec des Notices Historiques sur les Collec- tionneurs. Par Frits Lugt. 2 vols., imperial 8vo, c/o//i. IQ21. £6 lOs 694 FRANKAU (Julia). Eighteenth Century Colour Prints. Frontispiece. llhistrated luilh 52 beaiiliful pictures printed in colours from copperplates. Folio, original cloth, uncut. London, igoo. £18 18s Contains Portraits and Fancy Subjects by Bartolozzi. T. Burke, T. Clieeseman, T. Gautiain, Nutter, J. R. Smith, Toinkiiis, "W. Ward, etc. 695 HADEN. The Engraved Work of Sir Francis Seymour Haden. An Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue by H. N. Harrington, with 109 plates containing reproductions of 250 etchings. The Special Issue, 4to, original half morocco, uncut, t . e. g. Liverpool, 1910. £22 lOs Otic of "•') copies oidy. 696 HAMERTON (P. G.) Etching and Etchers. 11'//// 35 illustrations. First Edition. Royal 8\o, half morocco gilt, uncut , t. e. g. London, 1868. £14 14s An uncut copy is an unusual state; neaily all the copies were issued with the leavo cut and gilt all round. 697 Etchings and Etchers. With 48 plates. Third Edition. Im|)erial 8\u, original Jialf roxburgJi, uncut . London, 1880. £12 12s *** Tlu' most complete llditioii. witii ^iddit iomi 1 pliilfs. jiiui t lie otlieis all re-eny;raved. 698 JAMES (R. N.). Painters and their Works. A Dictionary of great Artists who are not now ali\e, giving their names, lives and the prices paid for their works at Auction. Frontispieces. 3 vols., thick crown 8vq, original cloth, gilt. L.ondon, 1896. £3 10s r ^ \ MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 117 6gcj LAWRENCE (H W.) and DIGHTON (B. L) French Line Engravings of the late XVI Nth Century. Illustrated zvith 81 finely reproduced plates. 4to, original art linen gilt, uncut, t. e. g. London, 19 10. £10 lOs 700 MERYON (Charles) Dodgson (Campbell) The Etchings of Charles Meryon. With 47 illustrations of his Works. 4to, original half vellum gilt, uncut, t. e. g. London, 1921. £2 2s 701 A Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of Drawings and Etch- ings by Charles Meryon, formed by the Rev. J. J. Heywood. Crown 8vo, original paper covers. London, 1880. 6s Only 75 copies privately printed. 702 PRIDEAUX (S. T.). Aquatint Engraving; a chapter in the History of Book Illustration. Illustrated by an original aquatint, 2 collaty pe plates and numerous half-tone plates. Thick 8vo, original cloth, uncut, t. e. g. London, igog. £2 2$ 703 REMBRANDT. Middleton (Chas. H). A Descriptive Catalogue of the Etched Work of Rembrandt Van Rhyn. Illustrated ivith 12 plates. Royal 8vo, original half roxburgh, uncut, t. e. g. London, 1878. £9 lOs 704 SINGER (H W ) and STRANG (William) Etching, Engraving, and other Methods of Printing Pictures. Illustrated with 14 fidl-page illustratio)is {10 of luhich are Original Plates by W . Strang). Small 4to, original cloth, uncut, t. e. g. London, 1897. £4 18s 705 Ditto, the Special Issue. With the frontispiece signed by Strang. I of 50 copies only. Small 4to, original buckram, uncut, t. c. g. London, 1897. £8 15s I 18 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 706 SLATER (J. Herbert). Engravings and their Value, a Guide for the Print Collector. Fifth Edition, revised and enlarged. Illustrated with frontispiece and 15 f tales, besides 300 facsimile reproductions of Engravers' Marks. Thick 8vo, original cloth. London^ ig2i. £2 2s 707 SMITH (J. R.). Frankaii (Julia). John Raphael Smith, his Life and Works. Containing 30 beautiful photogravures. 8vo, original buckram, uncut, t. e. g. Londoti, 1902. £3 lOs 708 WARD (William, 1766-1826, and James, 1769-1859). Their Lives and Works, by Juha Frankau. With 30 photogravure plates on Japan paper. Imperial 8vo. Accompanied by large portfolio containing 40 engravings in mezzotint and stipple, printed in monochrome and colours. 2 vols, (text imperial 8vo, plates atlas folio)^ original binding as issued, as new. 1904. £16 I6s Only a small number of copies issued. * * * It is important to note that the kirye plates ot this magnificent worlv are actual engravings, no process or mechanical methods have been u-sed. The work contain« a Catalogue Itaisonne of the plates engravetl by William and James Ward (num- Ijering 349), descriptions of the plates in their various states, and short biographies of the persons represented. The following well-known plates are includeil : — Mrs. Ben well, after Hoppner. Thoughts on Matrimony, desigmnl l)y Countess of Mexborougli, after Hoppner. J. K. Smith (colours). Alinda (colours), designed by William Hesitation (colours), de^signed by Ward. Ward. Coiitemplatiim, after Morlanil. The Cyprian Votary (colours), designed Le Billet Dou.x (colours). by William Ward. Domestic Happiness. Lucy of Leinster (colours), designed by Choice (colours). William Ward. Morning, dewigned by Want (coh>urs). Limisa (colours), designeil by William Evening. iit\signetl by Ward (colours). Ward. Snake in tiie Gra-ss, after Keynoi!ds. IJetirement, painted by J. K. Smith Miranda, after Hoppner. (cdlours). Etc., etc., etc. 709WEDMORE (Frederick). Studies in English Art. Second Series. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1880. 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 119 710 WHISTLER. Pennell (E. R and J ) The Whistler Journal. Containing numerous illustrations, cotnprising photogravures, re- productions of Etchings, Draivings and Pastels. Special Issue, the portraits of the Authors, bearing their Auto- graph signatures. Small 4to, original half vellum, uncut, t. e. g. Philadelphia, iQ2i. £3 5s Oiip of one hundred and fifty copies. "It is the story of the life Whistler lived with ns during the three years. After he asked ns to write it, and the story he told ns of the 66 previous years of his troubled triumphant career. . . . The foundation upon which the biography was built up. But, in a biography the intimate tone of a journall is not appropriate, and only certain portions could be used."' Preface. 711 Ditto. The ordinary Edition. Small 4to, original half cloth. Philadelphia, 1921. £1 18s 712 WHITMAN (Alfred) The Masters of Mezzotint; the Men and their Work. With 60 full-page portraits and subjects. 4to, original cloth, gilt, uncut, t. e. g. London, 1898. £7 7S 713 ZORN (Anders). Asplund (Karl). Zorn's Engraved Work. A Descriptive Catalogue, translated by E. Adams-Ray, containing numerous finely reproduced plates. 2 vols., 4to, original wrappers. Stockholm, 1920. £42 One of .'JDO ct)pies only. 714 DURER (Albert). Drawings by Albrecht Durer, reproduced in facsimile and edited by Dr. F. Lippman. 99 finely reproduced plates from the Royal Print Room, Berlin, W . Mitchell, John Malcolm, and Frederick Locker Collections. Royal folio, original art linen, g. e. Berlin, 1883. £18 18s One of 100 copies only. 120 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. With the Rare Mezzotint Engraving by Prince Rupert. 715 EVELYN CJohn). Sculpture: or the History and Art of Chalcography and Engraving in Copper, with an ample enumeration of the most renowned Masters, and their Works, to which IS annexed A new manner of Engravings, or Mezzo 'I'int communicated by His High- ness Prince Rupert to the Authour of this Treatise. Frontispiece and a fine genuine Impression of the very Rare Mezzo- tint Engraving by Prince Rupert of " The Little Executioner y First Edition. Small 8vo, morocco, g. e. London, 1662. £42 * * * This work by John Evelyn is the first English book treating on the then newly discovered art of Mezzotint Engraving, which Prince Rnpert introduced into England. The Mezzotint Engraving of The Executioner's Head, known as " The Little Executioner," was especially scraped by tiie Prince for this book. Evelyn informs us that it was presented to him by the Prince himself, as a specimen of the newl\-invented art. 716 JACKSON (John). A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Prac tical. W ith upwards of 300 illustrations, ejigraved on luood. Thick royal 8vo, full morocco gilt, g. e. London, 183Q. £3 3s 717 THE KIT CAT CLUB, done from the Original Paintings of Sr Godfrey Kneller, by Mr. Faber. A Complete Set of the 47 Original Mezzotint Engravings, by J. Faber after Sir G. Kneller, together ivith the engraved Title and Dedication. Very Fine Impressions, all neatly hinged on stout paper and bound in a folio vol., full levant morocco gilt, g. e. London, 1735. £52 lOS The portraits include : — Sir G. Kneller ; Duke of Somerset ; Duke of Richmond ; Duke of Grafton ; Duke of Marlborough; Duke of Kingston; Duke of Newcastle; Earl of Lincoln; Duke of Manchester ; Duke of Dorset ; Marquis of Wharton ; Earl of Stanhope ; Lord Cornwallis ; Sir John Vanbrugh ; Earl of Berkeley ; William Congreve ; Sir S. Garth; Sir R. Steele; Joseph Addison; Jacob Tonson ; etc., etc. 718 LAWRENCE rSir Thomas). Engravings from the Choicest Works of Sir Thomas Lawrence. Portrait of the Artist, and 50 large and finely engraved portraits in mezzotint by Samuel Cousins, John L.ucas, G. H. Phillips, S. 11 . Reynolds. Folio, original half red morocco gilt, g. e. London, published by Henry Graves & Co., 1841-6. £42 The portraits include : — xi, • Lady Lyndhurst ; Master Hope ; Master Lambton ; Lady Peel ; Countess of Klessing- ton; Tiady Dover; Lady Georgina Fane; Sir Walter Scott; Sir John Moore; etc., etc. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. ~~OUr 7 1934 r^ov 10t93& ^AugSUuC 19JuJ51i)f LD21-100m 7.'33 YD 31906 ^735i5 t(£''JO UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Engravings and Etchings. No. 420. MACiGS BROS. 34 ® 55. Conduit Street, New Bond Street, LONDON. W.