mm ^s> 7 'If I k THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^JT AN INDEX Of ENGLISH BOOKS, TON DON : Gll.liKIiT AND RIVINGTON, PRINTKltS, ST. John's square. AN INDEX ENGLISH BOOKS, PRINTED BEFORE THE YEAR MDC, AS ARE NOW IN THE ARCHIEPISCOPAL LIBRARY LAMBETH. PUBLISHED WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, BV THE REV. S. R. MAITLAND, F.liS. & F.S.A. LIBRARIAN TO HIS GRACE, AND KEEPER OF THE MSS. AT LAMBETH. LONDON: FRANCIS & JOHN RIVINGTON, ST. Paul's church yard, & waterlog place. 1845. PREFACE. It would be a great benefit, not only to tliose who are engaged in particular lines of enquiry, but to the cause of literature in general, if those who have the custody of books which are not common, would furnish such lists of them as, without being large or expensive, would be sufficient to make known their existence and the places where they may be actually seen. To make a complete catalogue of a great library with proper care and accuracy is a laborious, tedious, and expensive business ; but I am only speaking of concise lists, comprehend- ing exclusively such books as are not commonly to be met with. Their titles might be selected from larger catalogues, or even copied from the books themselves (which are not likely to be numerous) with little trouble ; and the lists thus formed might be printed at a very small expense. No great bibliographical knowledge would be required. The date, if one were to be found, might be a sufficient guide ; or, if that were wanting, the safety of inserting doubtful cases would be so obvious as to prevent all embarrassment ; and the worst evil of error on such a point would be, that the list might contain a small quantity of superfluous matter. There are few 946563 vi I'RKIWC'E. collections, except our great public libraries, which contain so many English books printed before the year KJOO (I might perhaps better say before the llebellion) as to make a mere list of them very voluminous ; and a mere list is all that we absolutely want. If wo can get full and accurate catalogues of such collections, so much the better ; for every w ork of that kind is not only valuable intrinsically for the information which it contains, but as a correction of mistakes and mis-statements which have been made and copied by one bibliographer after another. But all, I repeat, that we can reasonably ask for, and almost all that we really want for practical purposes, and as the first step towards something in the nature of a more full and cor- rect history of English literature, are mere lists to tell us where we may actually see scarce books, and books only known to have existed by defective or incorrect descriptions, or others not known to have existed at all. Indeed if I were not fully aware that it contains errors and defects, and sensible that my words might be taken in an invidious sense, I should say that the following Index is a specimen of the sort of list wiiich I have been attempting to describe. Yet I know not why I should hesitate to say this, as it obviously makes no pre- tension to learning or critical accuracy, such as should charac- terize a regular Catalogue. Its aim is to give as briefly as possible such a description of the book as may identity it ; and to attest the existence of that book in the Lambeth Library. For such a purpose, full and critical descriptions are not necessary. As it respects their authors and contents, many books may be as clearly identified, — indeed, one may say as fully described, — by two words as by twenty lines. What need we add to such titles as " Polichronicon," or " The PkKFACK. vii Ciiolden Legend," or " Chaucer's Works T' and as respects the edition, when we have stated the particulars of its size, and its place, printer, and date, or its want of any of those marks, wliat more need we say i If all these things, or the want of them, leave the book doubtful, it is just one of those cases for w hich we want such lists, — a case for specific enquiry ; and the only further information of any use, is that conveyed by telling us where we may actually see the book. With this view of the matter I have generally set down books, according to their obvious pretensions, as printed at Rome, Strasburgh, Basil, Roan, Waterford, &c. without inquiring whether they were really printed at the places of which they bear the names. In one or two of them I have ventured to suggest that not only the place, as is obvious, is false, but that Singleton*'s mark, which some have treated as genuine, is a forgery. But for the most part I have merely given the places as they stand, the object being that the reader should know what book is meant with as few words and as little trouble as possible. I have, therefore, not been careful to preserve all the varieties of obsolete spelling, and have abridged the titles, especially where I have had it in my power to refer to a notice of the book in Herbert's edition of Ames's Typographical Antiquities. I nmst, however, caution the reader that by these references I do not vouch for the accuracy of all the descriptions to which I refer, though it would be inconsistent with the design of these pages to enter into any criticism or correction of them. Where Herbert described a book that lay before him he deserves all praise for the care and fidelity with which he did it ; but many of those descrip- tions, which he very properly took from other sources, are defective or incorrect, and some are quite absurd. The PREFACE. reader, therefore, who looks out the reference will sometimes had only a few words, and most of them incorrect ; or perhaps longer descriptions only diifering by containing more blunders. For instance, Dr. Matthew Sutcliffe's book, " De Presbyterio, ciusque nova in Ecclesia Christiana Politeia," &c. printed by George Bishop and Ralph Newbery, in 1591, is not proved by Herbert's work ever to have been printed at all. We only learn that licenses for it were granted by the Stationers' Company to those two printers. The former is recorded at vol. II. p. 1154, simply by these words, "Dr. Sucklif de Presbyteriu, &c. ;" and the latter, at page 918, by these, " Dr. Syklif De Presbiteriu."" The book which stands in this Index as " The Fanne of the Faithful,"" printed by Thomas Marsh in 1578, is (one can scarcely doubt) the same which is only mentioned cursorily in a list made in the year 1591, of copies which had belonged to that printer, as " The Fame of the Faithful." The " Straunge Sonet intituled Gordon^ or the wonderfull yeare," (Herbert II. 1180,) will be found restored to its true title Gorgon ; and " Sfabbe Peter a high Jermayne borne, a Sorcerer, who in the likeness of a Wolfe comited many murders 25 yeres together," (vol. II. p. 1222,) is re-instated in the less characteristic name of Stuhbe. Some readers have probably been puzzled by the brief title under which a book was licensed to Thomas Woodcock in the year 1581, " Eiphnapxia, sine Elizabetha," (Herb. II. 1112,) and, indeed, any but a (rreek CKdipus might be startled by such a word. The true title (as the reader may see by turning to the name Ocland in this Index) is " EIPHNAPXIA sine Elizabetha. De pacatissimo Angliic statu, imperantc Elizabetha, compen- diosa Oratio,''"' &c. ; and I mention it here, because, though the title occurs again in Merbert (Vol. II. p. 1081) more PREFACE. ix fully, and in some points more intelligibly ; yet those who have a little Latin and no Greek are more likely to be puzzled and misled, than even by the unintelligible Eiphnapxia, when they find " pacatissimo " changed to " peccatissimo." Some- times, indeed, the reference is so far from furnishing the reader with additional information, that the chief good of making it is to show that the work is in existence to amend the incor- rect or defective description. Thus one of the MarPrelate tracts (and I believe one of the rarest) is only mentioned by Herbert in these terms, which have I dare say puzzled many of his readers, and probably himself too ; for if he had possessed more information he would have given it : " Martins Minerals is reckoned among MarPrelate's pieces." (III. 1699, referring to Collier''s Eccl. Hist. II. 606.) I presume that it must refer to a bi'oadside bearing the following title — " Certaine Minerall and Metaphisicall Schoolpoints to be defended by the Reue- rende Bishops and the rest of my Cleargie Masters of the Conuocation House, against bothe Vniuersities, and al the Reformed Churches in Christendome. Wherin is layd open, the very Quintessence of all Catercorner diuinitie. And with all, to the preuenting of the Cauels of these wrangling Puritans, the persons by whom and the places where these misteries are so worthely maintayned, are for the most part set down to the view of all men, and that to the ternal prayse of the most reuerend Fathers." Again, careful and intelligent as Herbert was in the technical part of bibliography, his conjectures as to authorship and matters of Hterature in general are not always ''happy. At Vol. I. p. 434, he tells us that in the year 1539 Th. Berthelet printed a book, entitled " Expositio in L. Psalmos priores ;" and he adds, (one would like to know why,) " Probably by Thomas Aquinas." The reader who b X PREFACE. turns to the name of Sampson, Bishop of Chichester, in the following Index, will perhaps think it more probable that the work of that prelate was meant. These specimens will suffice to show that I do not mean to vouch for the correctness of all the descriptions in Herbert's work, to which I refer ; but at the same time let it not be supposed that I am blaming him. In all that he understood he may be depended on more than almost any other man. His diligence and care in seeing so many books, and describing so well what he saw himself, is exemplary ; and the next best thing that he could do was to give us what other and less careful people had said, just in their own words. Where I have not found a book mentioned by Herbert, I have prefixed this mark *, by which I do not mean to assert that the book was not known to him, or even not mentioned by him ; for who can say what may lie hidden under some of the grotesque titles to which I have alluded, which he copied from the books of the Stationers'' Company, and which in his work lie in confused heaps, almost useless for want of an index ? Some, indeed, I have lighted on there, and there only, as will be seen by my references ; but as to the asterisk, all that I mean to express by it is, that I have not found the book in Herbert's work, though (as I may venture to say, while setting before the reader about a thousand references to it) I have spent a good deal of time in turning over its pages. It will be observed, however, that the asterisk is not unfrequently accompanied by a reference to Herbert. This is intended to intimate that though the identical book is not mentioned by him, yet something connected with it may be found at that page of his work, — such as a fuller account of its contents from some other edition — or a title not exactly the same, yet so PREFACE. xi much like that of the book before me, that though I feel pretty sure of its not being meant for that book, yet I think it right that the reader should judge for himself, — or, in short, that for some reason or other which I trust to his sagacity to discover, it is worth his while, if he is interested about the book, to turn to that page of the Typographical Antiquities. In more than twenty articles the name of Herbert is followed by the word " Lambeth ;" and this intimates that he referred to the copy in this library as the source of his infor- mation. Considering his ardour and diligence, and that he owed his introduction to this library to a man of such know- ledge and congenial taste as Dr. jNIichael Lort, then one of the chaplains to the Archbishop, it is singular that ten times as many scarce and curious books escaped his notice. I am sorry to add on this point, that he mentions one book (BarlaamX Vol. III. p. 1405.) as being in this library, which I have not been able to find, though the catalogue confirms his statement. But there seems to have been some original error in the entry of the press-mark, to which, as it stands, there is not and does not appear to have been any corresponding number on the shelves. I have no doubt that the book is in the library ; but, as it consists of but nineteen leaves, it is probably bound up with other works, and I can only hope that it will be some day detected. It is much to be regretted that so cumbrous a method, and one so sure to breed error, was used in numbering the books ; but as I have somewhat re- trenched it in these pages for the sake of strangers who would be liable to be puzzled by seeing " 8vo " appended to the number of a book just described as a 4to or a 12mo, I ought, for the sake of those who may use this Index in the library, or compare it with the catalogues there, to add, that in all xii PREFACE. numbers on which a doubt can arise, the " 8vo " ought to be added to the press-mark, unless it is ah'eady distinguished by an " f. " These marks have no reference to the size of the books ; l)ut on that point I would make one remark. The reader must not lay too much stress on the distinction between octavo, small octavo, and sixteens, or even duodecimos. Those who are conversant with the class of books which form a large part of those described in the following pages are aware, not only that these distinctions have not been very consistently made by catalogue-makers, but also that it is a matter in which it is not easy to maintain consistency. It may be proper also to explain that the " List " which is in a few cases referred to, is a list of some of the early printed books in the library, which I printed about two years ago. It contains a more full account of all the English books which are in this Index of a date earlier than the year 1550; but it is only referred to in the following pages for certain " Frag- ments" which I found, chiefly as end-papers and fly-leaves, and of which I there gave some description ; and I ought perhaps to say, that for the reasons there assigned I have pursued the same course as I then did, and have not inserted in this Index the English Bibles and Prayer-Books. It will be seen that under the name of " English Books " I comprehend all books in the English language wherever printed, and all books in whatever language if printed in England. With the exception of a few of the earliest books printed at Westminster (and too well known to occasion any mistake), the reader will understand that all those books which are not stated to be without place, and have no other place mentioned, were professedly printed in London. ENGLISH BOOKS PRINTED BEFORE THE YEAR MDC, NOW IN THE ^mxibttt) Itifiraig, A. (E.) See France, Mornaye, Savoy. A. (R.) The Haven of Hope, containing godly prayers and medi- tations for divers purposes. Yarath James, 1585. sm. 12mo. Herbert H. 1211. HI. 1351 xxviii. 8. 31. Abbot (George). Qusestiones sex, totidem prselectionibus in Schola Oxonise habitis, discussse. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1598. 4to. Herbert III. 1407 xxiv. 2. 16. (Robert). A Mirror of Popish Subtleties. In reply to a book in defence of Paul Spence. T. Creede for T. Woodcocke, 1594. 4to. Herb. II. 1111. 1279 xxix. 3. 5. Abell (Thomas). Invicta Veritas. An answer that by no maner of law it may be lawful for the king to be divorced. Luneberg, 1532, in Maye. No printer. 4to. Herbert HI. 1540. ... xxviii. 1. 10. Abridgment (L') des Cases concernants les Titles [or Gregory's Moot-book] . Tho. Wiglit and B. Norton, 1599. 8vo. Herbert II. 1303, 1304 xvii. 9. 7. AcADEMiARUM quse aliquando fuere et hodie sunt in Europa Cata- logus. Geo. Bishop for R. Newbery, 1590. 4to. Herbert II. 915. 1151 xxii. 6. 24. B 2 ENfiUSIT BOOKS IX *AccEDENCE. Four pages, including the title, which is, " Here begynneth the Accedence diligently correcte and poynted." This is over a cut representing a schoolmaster and nine scholars. I cannot identify this fragment as belonging to any book described by Herbert or Dibdin See List, Fray. p. 289. AcHELLEY (Thomas). The Key of Knowledge. Wm. Seres, [1572.] sra. 12mo. Herbert II. 702 xxvii. 9. 30. *AcTE concerning the Kinges most gratious generall pardon. In a-d. Ric. Graftoni, 1548. fol .\.xiv. 4. 22. f. Acts. An Abstract of certain Acts of Parliament, her Majesty's Injunctions, &c. No date, place, or printer. 4to. Herbert III. 1759 xxxi. 5. 4. See Cosins. AcwoRTHUs (Georgius). De visibili Rom'anarchia ; contra Nich. Sanderi Monarchiam, &c. John Day, 1573. 4to. Herbert I. 655 xxiv. 4. 9. (3.) Adams. See Bodrugan. Admonition (An) direct to the trew Lordis. Jno. Day, 1571. 8vo. Herbert I. 652 xviii. 6. 20. (3.) (An) to the Bishops of Winchester, London, &c. Michael Wood, Roane, 1553. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1572. ... A. iv. 13. d. (4.) (An) to the Parliament. No place or printer, sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1631 xxvii. 9. 13. (A Second) to the Parliament. No place, printer, or date, 12mo. Herbert HI. 1632 xxvii. 9. 13. (2.) See Bradford. tElfredi Res Gestae. John D.ay, 1574. fol. Herbert I. 658 xxii. 2. 15. f. i^ilNGELRAMMUs (J). Pscudographica G. Gossenii, anno 1586. edita, detecta et refutata. John Jackson, 1587. 8vo. Herbert II. 1219. Lambeth xiv. 13. 25. Alablaster. See Fenton. Alane (Alexander). Of the Auctorite of the Word of God ; against the Bishop of London. No printer, place, or date. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1553 xxix.8. 22. (3.) Till': LAMMKI'II I.IMKAUV. 3 *Alba (Duke of). An Answer to a Letter lately sent by him to those of Amsterdam. Translated by T. W. H. Midilleton, n. d. l-2mo xl. 4. :i. Dcnham for Luk'! H;imsoii, 15()5. 4to. lluilii-it II. 925 x.\x. 5. 10. See Martiall. * Calvin (John). Of a faithful man dwelling among Papistes. Translated by R. G. Ipswich, by John Oswen, 1548. 12mo. Herbert 111. 1458 xxxi. 9. 'S. (()".) ■ Tnstitutionis Christianas Religionis Compendium. Per Edm. Bunnium. Geo. Bishop and Til. Vaiitrojlier, 157(J. iivo A. 4 23. See Launeus. Three Propositions or Speeches ; translated by T. W. T. Dawson for G. Bishop, 1580. sni. 8vo. Herbert II. 1118.... xxvii. 8. U). (5.) A Sermon on Hebrews xiii. 13. Translated out of French. Robert Waldegrave for Edward White, 1581. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1140, 11.98. xxvii. 8. 14. (7.) Two Sermons long since translated by Bp. Home and now published by A. M. Henry Car, 1.584. 12ino. Herbert III. 1337 xxvii. 8. 14. Cambria, the Historie of, translated by H. Lloyd, corrected, aug- mented, and continued by David Powell. R. Newbery and H. Dcnham, 1584. 4to. Herbert II. 911 xxxi. 2. 31. Camden. See Brook. Campion (Edmond). A brief Censure upon two books written in answer to M. Edmond Campion's offer of disputation. •Tno. Lvon, Doway, 1581. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1G55 xxxiii. 8. 14. An Advertisement for Truth against the colourers of his, and his confederats, treasons. No place or printer, 1581. 4to. Herbert III. 1654 xxxi. 6. 25. (2.) * A brief Answer to two Seditious Pamphlets defending him. By A. M. Edw. White, 1582. sm. 8vo x.xx. 8. 17. (9.) A particular Declaration of his vndutifull and traiterous affection, &c. Chr. Barker, 1582. 4to. Herbert II. 108! x.\.\i. 6. 25. (3 ) D 2 20 ENGLISH BOOKS IN Campion (Edmond). A true Report of the Disputation had with him in the Tower, Aug. 31, 1581. Chr. Barker, 1583. 4to. Herbert II. 1082 xxix. 1. 22. the same vi. 2. 23. tbe same xxxix. 6. 5. See Charke, Ellyot. Munday, Whitaker. C.ANTABRiGiENSis Academise, de Antiquitate libri duo. Ily. Binneman, 1568. 12mo. Herbert II. 9b'8 xviii. G. 9. Capgrave's Lives of the Saints. Wynkyn de AVorde, 1516. fol. Herbert I. 153 ii. 6. I. f. Captives. See Busset, Indulgence. Careless. See Ridley. Carlile (Christopher). A Discourse concerning two Divine Positions. Roger Ward, 1582. 12mo. Herbert II. 1191 xxx. 9. 11. [Carlile (C.).] A discourse of Peters Life, peregrination and death. Roger Ward, 1582. 4to. Herbert II. 1191 xxix. 1. 23. Carolus the fyfte Emperor, his answere to the letters of Paul IIL concerninge a general Council to be held at Trident. No place, printer, or date. sni. 8vo. Herbert I. 519 xxix. 8. 22. (2.) C[arpenter] (John). Remember Lot's Wife. Two godlie and fruitful sermons. Tho. Orwin, 1.588. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1243 xxx. 9. 6. (3.) Carrus (Nic). See Demosthenis. Carterus (Petrus). See Setoni. Cartwright (Thomas). The Second Reply against Dr. Whitgift's Second Answer. No place or printer, 1575. 4to. Herbert III. 1644 xxx. 6. 30. (2.) The rest of his Second Reply against Dr. Whitgift's Second Answer. No place or piinter, 1.577. 4to. Herbert HI. 1647 xxx. 6. 30. (3.) * An Answer to his Letter. London, 11. d. 4tn x.\ix. 2. 7. (2.) See Admonition, C. (T.), SutclifFe. THE LAMBETH f,H5HARV. 21 Casas (Barthol. de las). The Spanish Colonic, or brief chronicle of the acts and gestes of the Spaniards in the West Indies. Tho. Dawson for Wm. liromc, 15!i3. 4to. Herbert H. 1202 x.xxi. 1. 5. Case (John). Summa Veterum Interpretum in universam Dialecti- cam Aristotelis. Tho, Vautrollicr, 1584. 4to. Herbert II. 107.5 xxiii. 7. 15. Speculum Moralium Quaestionum in universam Ethicen Aristotelis. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1585. 4to. Herbert III. 139,0 x.\iii. 7. 17. Sphsera Civitatis. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1588. 4to. Herbert III. 140.3 .xxiii. 7. 16. Musices Apologia. Jos. Banies, Oxford, 1588. 12uio. Herbert III. 1403 xxii. 8. 30. Thesaurus CEconomiae, seu commentarius in fficono- mica Aristotelis. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1597. 4to. Herbert III. 1407 xxiii. 7. 14. Ancilla Philosophiae, seu epitome in VIII. libros Physicorum Aristotelis. Jos. Barnes, 0.\ford, 1599. 4to. Herbert III. 1409 .xxiii. 7. 13. (2.) Lapis Philosophicus. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, n. d. 4to xxiii. 7. 13. *Castilionis (Balthasaris) De Curiale sive Aulico libri quatuor, ex Italico sermone in Latinum conversi a Bartholomseo Clerke. Jno. Day, 1571. sm. 8vo -xxii. 9. 28. Castlk of Christianity. See Evans. CATbXHiSM. Set forth by Archbishop Cranmer. Nich*. Hyll for Gwalter Lynnc, 1548. 8vo. Herbert II. 752 xxix. 9. 1. the same xliii. 1.24. Brevis, omnibus ludiraagistris authoritate regia com- mendatus. RcgJ. AVolfe, 1553. sm. 8vo. Herbert I. ()02 xli. 4. 24. the same xliii. 4. 18. the same xiv. 13. 4. the same MSS. 1065,(3.) (A), or Institution of Christian Religion. John Day, 1572. sm, 8vo. Herbert I. 654 xxviii. 9. 16. (2.) 22 ENGLISH BOOKS IX *Catechism, a Shorte, for Housholders. [//«. by John Stock- wood ?] Jiio. Charlwood, 1583. sm. 8vo. See Herbert II. 1100 xxviii. 9. lb". (3.) Catholics. A consolatory Letter to all afflicted Catholics in England. Imprinted at Roan in NornKimly, no printer's name, n. d. 12mo. Herbert III. 1761 '. xxxi. 9. 6, (2.) the same xxxi. S). 8. English, a true, &c. Defence of those who suffer for their faith. No place, printer, or date, 8vo. Herbert III. 1G6'4 xxxii. 8. 8. Cathon, the book called ; only the three last leaves. Wm. Caxton, 1483. fol. Herbert I. 49 MS. No. 1092. (a.) *Causarum Explicatio quibus Regina permota est ad classem exer- citumque instruendum, &c. Chr. Barker, Deput. 1597. 4to xx.xi. 4. 5. (7.) Caxton's Chronicles of England. Wm. Ca.\ton, 1480. fol. Herbert I. 26 xv. 4. 11. f. Description of Britain. Wm. Ca.\ton, 1480. fol. Herbert I. 27 xv. 4. 11. f. Chaderton (Laurence). A Sermon preached at Pauls Cross, October 26, 1578. Chr. Barker, [1578.] 12mo. Herbert II. 1079 xxvii. 8. 2. . the same xxx. 9. 5. (5.) Chalonerus (Thomas). De Rep. Anglorum instauranda libri decern. Tho. Vautrollier, 1579. 4to. Herbert II. 1070 .x.xii. 6. 22. *Chamberlaine (Barthol ). A Sermon preached at S. James' before the Privy Council, April 25, 1580. Jno. Wolfe, 1584. 8vo x.xvii. 8. 15. (13.) Charke (William). An Answer to a Seditious Pamphlet by a Jesuit. Chr. Barker, 1.580. Herbert II. 1080 .xxvii. 9. 1.5. (4.) . the same xxx. 9. 2. (2.) A Reply to a Censure written against the two Answers to a Jesuites seditious pamphlet. Chr. Barker, 1581. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1081 .xxx. 9. 2. THE LAMBETH LIBRARY. 23 Charkr (William) and Meredith Ilanmer ; A defence of the Cen- sure of the books which they wrote against Campion. No place or printer, 1582. }!vo. Herbert IIL KiGO xxxiii. 8. 14. (2.) See Answer, Treatise. Charles IX. of France. See Declaration. Chastitie, Christian. See Hergest. Chaucer's Works. .John Rcynes, lo42. fol. ITcrbert L 415 xv. .3. 10. f. His "Works. A. Islip for T. Wight. 159!!. fol. Herbert IL 1287 xii. 6. 17. f. Chauncie (William). The rooting out of the Romish Supreraacie. Hy. Midtlletonfor Jno. Perin, 1580. 12n)o. Herbert H. 1058. xxviii. 8. 23. (7.) *Chedsey (Dr.) and Mayster Scott, Two Sermons by. John Herford, at cost of Robert Toye, 1545. 12mo xxx. 8. 14. (2.) Chrisptxe (Master). See Nichols. Christi Justitia, &c. Concio ad Academicos Oxonienses. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1597. 4to. Herbert HL 1407 xxx. 1. 1.0. (2.) Christian Faith ; whether it may be kept secret in the heart. Roane, 1553. sm. 8vo. Herbert HL 1572 A. 4. 1,3. d. (5.) *XPISTIANISM0Y (Troixelwuic, &c. Christianse pietatis prima institutio. Jno. Hay, 1575. 12mo. See Herbert I. 663 xli. 2. 18. Christopherson (John). An Exhortation to beware of RebeUion. John Cawood, 1554. 12mo. Herbert H. 789 xxxi. 9. 4. (2.) the same xl. 4. 33. Chrtsostom (John). An Exposition on the Epistle to the Ephe- sians translated out of Greek. Hy. Binneman and R. Newbery, 1581. 4to. Herbert IL 908 xxx. 2. 16. the same P. 1. 44. Church. A true description out of the Word of God of the Visible Church. No place or printer, 1589. 4to. Herbert HI. 166.5, 1685 xxx. 6. 9. (4.) the same xl. 2. 24. (3.) the same xl. 2. 26. (2.) 24 ENGLISH BOOKS IN Church. A plaine Confutation of the "Description of tlie Visible Church." Tlio. Scarlet for AVm. AV right, 1.590. 4to. llerbirt II. 11G4 xxx. (5. 20. of England, The State of, laid open in a Conference between Diotrephes, a Bishop, &c. [R. AValdcgravc,] [15!!!!.] 12mo. Herbert II. 114.5. III. 1G80, Seized at the printer's .and burned under a decree of the Star Chamber xxx. 9. I. the same xxix. 9. 2. (2.) the same xxix. 9. 6. (3.) See Confession. Churchson (John). A Treatise declaryng what and where the Church is, &c. John Cawood, 1556. 12mo. Herbert II. 794 xx.xi. 8. 26. (3.) ^Churchyard (Thomas). A wished Reformacion of wicked Re- bellion. The. East, 1598. 4to xxxi. 6. 30. (5.) Clapham (Henoch). The Sinners Sleep. Rob. Waldegi'ave, Edinburgh, 1596. r2mo. Herbert III. 1516. ... xxviii. 8. 26. Clarke (Thomas), A Seminary Priest; his Recantation made at Pauls Cross, July 1, 1593. Chr. Barkers Dep^ 1594. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 10!!8 xxx. 8. 17. (6.) Clerke (Earth.). See Castilionis. Clerke (Wm.). The Trial of Bastardie. Adam Islip, 1594. 4to. Herbert II. 1284 v. 4. 22. (4.) Clever (Wm.). See Glaucus. *Clinton (Purser and Arnold), to their countrymen wheresoever. Jno. Wolfe, n. d. 4to xxxi. 4. 19. (14.) Coat Armour of a Christian. See P. (I.) Cobham (Lord). See Bale. CocHL^us. See Morysine. CoLET (Dean). Convocation Sermon. Tho. Berthelet, n. d. 12mo. Herbert I. 460 xxx. .0. 22. Cologne (Archbishop of) ; his Declaration on his Marriage, with the Letter of Pope Gregory XIIL against the said marriage, translated by Thomas Delone or Deloney. Jno. Wolfe, 1583. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1172 DH. .0. 12. (2.) TFIE LAMBI-yni rJMRAUY. 25 CoLVNET (Anthony). The true History of the Civil Wars in France between Henry IV. and the Leaguers. Tho. Orwin for Tho. Woodcock, l.)!)!. 4to. Herbert II. 1110 xxxi. 2. 1.5. *CoMMYSsiON (A) sent to the bloudy Butcher Byshop of London by Sathanas the Devil of Hell. No place, printer, or date. r2mo xxx. 9. 4. (2.) sent to the Pope, &c. by King Sathanas the Devil of Hell. The. Purfoote, 1586. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1000. says, "forbidden by the Arch- bishop of Canterbury." xxix. 9. 4. the same vii. 2. 37. (2.) CoMPARATioN of a Vyrgin and a Martyr, translated by Tho. Paynell. Tho. Berthelct, 1537. 12nio. Herbert I. 429 xx.xi, 9. 3. (2.) *CoMPASs and Cyrcuet of the World, &c. Robert Wyer, n. d. 12mo xxviii. 8. 23. (11.) CoNDE (Prince of) ; a Declaration to shew the causes that have constrained him to take upon him the defence, &c. RowR Hall for Edw^. Sutton, 1562. 12mo. Herbert II. 802. 8. 10. (7.) The Treaty of the Association made by, &c. No place or printer, 1562. r2mo. Herbert III. 1606 xxx. 8. 10. (.t.) A second Declaration of, to make known the causers of the troubles, &c. Hy. Sutton for Edw^. Sutton, 1.562. 12mo. Herbert III. 1310. xxx. 8. 10. (2.) • A Christian Discourse upon certain points of Religion, presented to him ; translated by John Brooke. Tho. East, 1578. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1010 xxx. 9. 15. A Declaration, upon the Judgment of Rebel- lion, &c. Lucas Harryson, u. d. 12mo. Herbert II. 929 xxx, 8. 5. (2.) Conference at Westminster in March, 1559, the declaration of its proceedings. R"!. Jugge and Jno. Cawood, n. d. 12mo. Herbert II. 726 xxx. 9. 8. (5.) (A) about the next Succession to the Crowne of Eng- land. Published by R. Doleman, Imprinted at N. 1594. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1725. xxxiii. 8. 2. 26 ENGLISH HOOKS IN *CoNFESsiON, a brief Fourme of, newly translated into English. Jno. Fowler, Antwerp, 157(). 12ino xxxi..''. 10. * (A) of the Faults of the Churches of England. No place, printer, or date. 8vo DD. 9. 12. (4.) Conspiracy for pretended Reformation ; viz. Presbyterial discipline. A Treatise discovering the courses of William Racket, Edmund Coppinger, Henry Arthington, and others. Chr. Barker's Dep'. 1592. 4to. Herbert II. 1086 xxxi. 7. 22. A true Report of sundry horrible Conspiracies against the Life of Queen Elizabeth. Chas. Yetsweirt, 1594. 4to. Herbert II. 1131 xxxi. 4. 5. (4.) CoNSTANTiNE, A Treatise of the Donation of. The. Godfray, n. d. fol. Herbert 1. 321 xi. 4. 19. f. CoNTRA-GuYSE. See Guyse. Convocation. See Philpott. Cooper (Thomas, Bp. of Lincolne). A brief Exposition of the Lessons read at Common Prayer. Hy. Denham for R. Newbery, 1573. 4to. Herbert II. 901 xxx. 1.17. A Sermon preached at the Minster at Lincoln, August 28, 1575. H. Middleton for R. Newbery, 1575. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 902. xxvii. 8. 15. (2.) Certaine Sermons. Ralph Newbery, 1580. 4to. Herbert II. 907 xxx. 1. \G. s Chronicle. The. Berthelet, 1560. 4to. Herbert I. 465 .xxxi. 3. 3. ■ See Epitome. CooRTESSE. See Curteis. Cope (Michael). An Exposition of the Proverbs; translated by M. O. Tho. Dawson for Geo. Bishop, 1580. 4to. Herbert II. 1120 xxx. 2. 7. CoPEQuoT (Dr.) See Defence. Coppinger. See Conspiracy. Cornelius (St.) Two quarto leaves, each containing four v\^oodcuts. Probably those mentioned by Herbert as belonging to "The pardon grauntyd to (forj the fraturnyte of Seynt Cornelys at Westmynster, &c." vol. HI. p. 1760. Sec List, Fnu/. p. 2()3. TlIK LAMHKTII LIIJRARV. 27 CoRRANus (Ant.) See Ecclesiastes. Cortes (Hernando). The pleasant History of the Conquest of the West Indies atchieved by him ; translated by T[homas] N[icholas]. Hy. Binneman, [1578.] 4to. Herbert II. 983 x.\xi. 1.4. *CosBiE (Arnold), an Account of his Execution for murdering Lord Boorke. Wm. Wright, 1591. 4to xx.\i. 4. 19. (7.) See R. (W.) [CosiNS.] Answer to the two first and principall Treatises of a factious Libel entitled " An Abstract of certain Acts of Par- liament," &c. Hy. Deuham for Tho. Chard, 1584. 4to. 1. p. Herbert II. 958 xxxi. 5. 2. (Richard). Carmina funebria. Chr. Barker, Dep^ 1598. 4to. Herbert II. 1089 xxv. 3. 31. (2.) See Barlow. CoTTESFORD (Samuel). A Treatise against Traitors. E. A[llde] for Wm. Holme, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1239 xxvii. 9. 18. CovERDALE (Milcs). See Wickliff. Councils, Bishops of Rome, and Clergy — A Treatise concerning. Tho. Berthelct, 1538. 12mo. Herbert I. 432 . xxix. 8. 22. (6.) CouNTERCuFFE. See Marprelate. CouNTER-PoTSON (A) modestly written for the time. Rob. Waldegrave. 12mo. Herbert II. 1142 xxix. 9. 18. the same xxix. 9. 3. (4.) CoupER (Mary). See Barrel. CowELL (Dr.) Antisanderus. Duos dialogos continens, &c. Cambridge, 1593. 4to. Herbert III. 1420. xxiv. 4. 10. Cranmer (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury). Defence of the true and Catholic Doctrine of the Sacrament. Reynold Wolfe, 1550. 4to. Herbert I. 600 xliv. 2. 3, the same xxix. 2. 17. All his Submissions and Recantations. John Cawood, 1556. 4to. Herbert II. 794 xxxi. 6. 32. (2.) E 2 28 ENGLISH BOOKS IN Cranmer (Archbishop). The copy of certain Letters sent to the Queen and Doctors Martin and Story. No place or printer, 1556. 12mo. Herbert III. 1588 xxx. 8. 20. (4.) Two leaves containing the Prologue to Archbishop Cranmer's Bible, differing from each other. One belongs to the edition of December, 1541 ; the other I have not been able to identify with any known edition. See List, Frag. p. 250. See Catechisraus. Crompton (R.) L'Authoritee et Jurisdiction des Courts de la Maiestie de la Roygne. Chas. Yetsweirt, Esq. 1.594. 4to. Herbert IL 1131. xxxi. 5. 11. The Mansion of Magnanimitie. Wm. Poiisonby, 159.9. 4to. Herbert II. 1276 xxxi. I. 38, Cronycle (A breve) of the Bysshope of Rome's Blessynge, &c. Jno. Daye, n. d. I2mo. Herbert I. 676 x.xx. 8. 17. (5.) Crowley (Robert). The Confutation of the raishapen Aunswer of Myles Hoggard. Jno. Day and Wm. Seres, 1548. sm. 8v-o. Herbert I. 018 x.xxi. 8. 17. (2.) An Apologie or Defence of those English Writers which Cerberus the three-headed dog of hell chargeth with false doctrine. Hy. Binneman, 1.566. 4to. Herbert H. 9(iS xxix. 2. 19. A setting open of the subtyle Sophistrie of Thomas Watson. Hy. Denhani, 1509. 4to. Herbert II. 944 xxix. 2. 20. A Sermon made in the Chapel at the Gylde Halle in London, Sept. 29, 1574. Jno. Awdelcy, 1575. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 888 xxvii. 8. 15. (17.) An Answere to Six Reasons that Thomas Pownde, a prisoner in the Marshalsea, required to be an- swered. Jno. Charlewood, 1581. 4to. Herbert II. 1090 x.xix. 3. 18. A Replication to that lewde Aunswere which Fryer John Francis of Nigeon hath made to a letter that his mother caused to be written, &c. Jiu). Charlwood, 1580. 4t(.. Herbert II. 1099 xxx. 7. 16. (2.) THE LAMBKTH LI15RAKY. 29 CiiowLEY (Robert). A deliberate Answer made to a Rash Offer. Jiio. Chailwooil, 1588. 4to. llcibcrt II. 1100 xxix. 2. 19. (2.) See Epitome. CuRTEis, Curtis, or Coortesse (Richard, Bp. of Chichester). A Sermon preached before the Queen at Richmond, March 6, 1575. II. Binneman for II. Toy, 1575. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 97'J. •• xxvii. 8. 15. (4.) An Exposition of certain words of St. Paul to the Romaynes, &c. n. Jackson for Wm. Brome, 1577. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 1202.. .xxvii. 9. 18. (2.) * A Sermon preached before the Queen at Greenwich, March 14, 1573. Hy. Binneman for F. Coldock, 1579. sm. 8vo .xxvii. 8. 15. (5.) Two Sermons ; one preached at Paul's Cross, the other before the Queen. T. Man and W. Brome, 1584. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1331.... xxvii. 8. 15. (3.) D. (.1.) Dr. Bancrofts Rashness in rayling against the Church of Scotland, noted, &c. Rob. Waldegrave, Edinburgh, 1590. 12mo. Herbert III. 1509. xxix. 9. 9. (2.) the same A. 4. 13. g. (3.) Dade (John). An Almanacke for the year 1589. R. Watkins and J. Roberts, 1589. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1027. xxvi. 8. 13. (4.) * ■ 1595 ; A Prognostication for this year by John Dade. Richard Watkins and Jas. Roberts, 1595. 8vo .x.xvi. 8. 14. (2.) Dammanis Hadriani Schediasmata. Rob. Waldegrave, Edinburgh, 1594. 4to. Herbert III. 1509. Lambeth. xxii. 6.23. (10.) Dances, A Treatise of. No place or printer, 1581. 12mo. Herbert III. 1C55 xxviii. 9. 16. (5.) Dangerous Positions and Proceedings under Pretence of Reforma- tion. Jno. Wolfe, 1593. 4to. Herbert II. 1181 xxx. 5. 11. Danyel (John). See Jehovah. 30 ENGLISH BOOKS IN Darling. See Darrel, Gooderige. *Darrel or DoRREL (John). An Apologie or Defence of the pos- session of William Sommers. No place or printer, [1598.] 4to xxxi. 4. 19. (3.) * A brief Apology proving the posses- sion of Wm. Sommers. No place or printer, 1.599. r2mo xxviii, 8. 22. (2.) * A Discovery of his fraudulent prac- tices concerning W. Sommers, Thomas Darling, Katharine Wright, and Mary Couper. Jno. Wolfe, 1599. 4to xxxi. 4. 23. The Trial of, &c, [A defence of him.] No place or printer, 1599. 12mo. Herbert III. 17^57 xxviii, 8. 22. Davie (Sampson). The Confession and End of Thomas Norton. Sm. 8vo. Title-page lost, but Herbert ascribes it to Wm. Howe, 1570. II. 1037. XXX. 8.17. (11.) Deacon (John). A Sermon preached at Ridlington. H. Middleton for Andrew JMaunsell, 1580'. 12mo. Herbert II. 106'2, 1136. xxvii. 8. 19. (4.) *. A Treatise entitled Nobody is my name, &c. R. Waldegrave, n. d. 8vo xxx. 9. 10. *Dkarth. a new Charge to Justices of the Peace, &c. for the execution of sundry orders published for staie of dearth of grain. Chr. Barker's Dep^. 1595. 4to xxxLx. 6. 3. (6.) *Death's General Proclamation. Henry Sutton, 1561. 12nio xxviii. 8. 23. (2.) Declaratio Causarum quibus Serenissimse Maiestatis Angliae Classiarii adducti, quasdam naves ceperunt Junii 30, 1589. Chr. Barker, Dep^. 1589. 4to. Herbert II. 1085 xxxi. 2. 13. (4.) Declaration (A) of the Queen's Majesty conteyning the causes of her arming her subjects in defence of her own estate and of Charles IX. of France. Rd. Jugge and Jno. Cawood, 1562. 4to. Herbert II. 720 xxxi. 4. 6. (5.) *• of the French King and of the King of Navarre con- cerning the truce agreed upon, &c. j Rd. Field, 1589. 4to xxxi. 4. .9.(6.) THE r.AMRiyrii [.IBRARY. 31 Dke (Dr.) A Letter containing a most brief discourse apologetical for the Christian course of the ])hilosophical studies, &c. of a certaine studious gentleman. Peter Short, 1599. 4;o. Herbert III. 1738 xxxi. 7. 21. Defence of Peace, lately translated out of Laten into Englyshe. Rob. AVyer, 1535. fol. Herbert I. 371 xi. 4. 19. f. * (A) of the Ecclesiastical Regiment in England defaced by T. C. in his reply against Dr. Whitgift. Hy. Binneuian for Hunify. Toy, 1574. 12nio xxvii. 9. 17. (2.) the same xxviii. 9. 22. (1.) of the Reasons of the Counter-poyson, &c. against Dr. Copequot. No place or printer, 1586. sm. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1675 xxx. 9. 3. (6.) Delone or Deloney. See Cologne. Demosthenis Olynthiacse Orationes tres et Philippica3 quatuor, e Grseco in Latinum conversse, a Nicolao Carro. Hy. Denham, 1571. 4to. Herbert II. 947 xxiii. 6. 41. Dent (Arthur). A Sermon of Repentance. John Harrison, 1583. sni. 8vo. Herbert II. 1156 xxvii. 8. 18. (13.) Derby (Earl of). See Sermon. Dering (Edward). A Lecture on part of the Fifth Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Jno. Charlwood, 1583. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1097 xxvii. 8. 18. (7.) XXVIL Lectures on the Epistle to the He- brews. Tho. AVoodcock, 1583. 4to. Perhaps Herb. II. 1112, note x.xx. 2. 18. A Sermon preached before the Queen, Feb. '25, 1569. Jno. Charlwood, 1584. sm. 8vo. See Herbert II. 1095 xxvii. 8. 18. (6.) • A Sermon preached in the Tower, Dec. 11, 1569. Jno. Charlwood, 1584. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1100 xxvii. 8. 18. (5.) A sparing Restraint of many lavishe Untruths which M. Doctor Harding dothe chalenge. Hy. Denham for H. Toy, n. d. 4to. Herbert II. 934 xxix. 1. 25. 32 ENOLTSII ROOKS IX DiALL of Dayes. See Lloid. Dialogue (A) concerning the chiefest ceremonies suppressed in England, and now set up again by the Bishops the imps of Antichrist. Mich'. Wodde, Roane, 1.5.54. 12mo. Herbert III. 1578, where for " Rose, led" read "noseled in the blynde superstitions."' .\xx. 8. 20. (f) ) against the Tyranny of the Papists ; translated by E. C. No place or printer, 1562. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1606 xxx. 9. 12. the same xl. 4. .'59. (12.) (A pleasant) or Disputation between the Cap and tlie Head. H. Denham for L. Harrison, 1564. sm. 8vo. Herb. III. 1608. xxvii. 8. 23. (5.) between a virtuous Gentleman and a Popish Priest. Robt. Waldegr.ave, 1.581. 12mo. Herbert II. 1140 x.xx. 9. I. concerning the Strife of our Church. R. Waldcgrave, 1584. 12mo. Herbert II. 1142 x.xx. 9. 1. (2.) the same x.xix. 9. .5. (2.) the same A. 4. 13. (A), wherein is plainly laid open the tyrannical dealing of L. Bishops against God's children. No pl.ace or printer, [1589.] sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1C87 x.xx. 9. 3. (7.) the same xxix. 9. 4. the same xxix. 9. 6. (4.) * (A) between the Foster, the Hunter, and the Deane. No place, printer, or date. sm. 8vo xliv. 2. 33. (4.) between a Knyght and a Gierke concernynge the power spiritual and temporall. Tho. Berthelet, n. d. 12mo. Herbert I. 460 xxvii. 9. 12. (8.) Dialog US de Fundamentis Legum Anglie (Doctor and Student). Jno. Rastell, 1528. sm. 8vo. Herbert I. 332 xvii. 9. 12. * ■ contra Papistarura Tyrannidem. No place or printer, [1562.] 12mo xv. 9. 16. (.5.) the same xiv. 13. 22. (2.) DiARiuM. See Moore. DicTES and Sayings of the Philosophers. \Vm. Caxton, n. d. fol. Herbert 1. 13 MS. No. 10.02. a. TIIK I-AMI$KIII MIJUArtV. 33 DiGBY (Everard), his Dissuasive. From taking away the lyvyngs and goods of the Church. R. Hobiiison and Tlio. Ncwinun, ii. il. 4to. Ileibcrt II. 1236 xxxi. .5. "21. De Arte Natandi, libri duo. Tho. Dawson, ir)87. 4to. Herbert II. 1126 xxiii. 6. ;{.>. DiGGES (Thomas, Esq.) An Arithmetical warhke Treatise named Stratioticos. Rd. Field, 1.1%. 4to. Herbert II. 1253 xxxi. 1. 16. ■ A Geometrical practical Treatise named Panto- metria. AbellJeffes, 1.591. fol. Herbert II. 1162 xv.2.21.f. Dillingham (Francis). A Disswasive from Poperie. Jno. Legat, Cambridge, I.VJ9. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1428. ... xxx. 8. 18. (2.) DioDORus Siculus, The History of the Successors of Alexander, taken from him, translated from the French by Thomas Stocker. Hy. Binneman for Hiirafrie Toy, 1569. 4to. Herbert II. 936 xxxi. 3. 19. DioTREPHES. See Church. Discipline, A ful and plaine Declaration of Ecclesiastical. Geneva, 1580. 8vo. Herbert III. 1654 xxvii. 9. 1. A brief and plaine Declaration concerning the desires of the ministers who seek for the discipline and reformation of the Church of England. Robert Waldegrave, 1584. 12mo. Herbert II. 1141 xxix. 9. 5. . . the same EE. 9. 6. the same xliv. 2. 33. (2.) A Defence of the Ecclesiastical Discipline, against a Replie of Maister Bridges. No place or printer, 1588. 4to. Herbert III. 1682 xxx. 6. 3. (2.) the same B. 3. 15. * An humble Motion with Submission to the Privy Council for Reformation of Ecclesiastical Discipline. No place or printer, 1590. 4to xxx. 6. 14. the same xl. 2. 23. (3.) the same L. 3. 47. (5.) * Of the certaine Form of Ecclesiastical Government. No place, ])rinter, or date. sm. 8vo xliv. 2. 33. F 34 ENGLISH BOOKS IX ^Discourse (Ane) touching the Estait Present. Rob. Li'kpreuik, St. .Vmhews, 1.57"2. sni. 8vo xxx. 8. 3. (2.) *DispuTATio inter Clericum et Milltem super potestate prelatis ecclesise atque principibus terrarum commissa. In spd. Th. Beitlicleti, n. d. 12mo x.wii. 9. 12. (7.) Dives and Pauper. Richard Pynson, 14,03. fol. Herbert I. 242 Ixi. 1. 1. Doctor and Student. See Dialogues. Doctrine and Erudition. See Necessary. D[olman] (N.) a temperate Ward-word to the turbulent and seditious Watch-word of Sir PVancis Hastings. [By Robert Parsons.] No place or printer, 15.99. 4to. Herbert III. 1737 xxviii. 2. 8. (3.) *DoRMAN (Thomas). A proof of certain Articles in Religion denied by M. Juel. •Tolin Latins, Antwerp, 1.5G4. 4to xxix. 4. 12. ■ See Nowell. DoRRELL. See Darrel. DoYSELL (Mounseer). A Copye of the Answer made by him to the Count Palatyne. No place, printer, or date. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. IfiOG xl. 4. 39. (13.) Drake (Sir Francis). See Newes, Norreysii. Dralymont. See Treatise. *Drant (Thomas). Impii cujusdam Epigrammatis quod edidit Richardus Shaklockus in Mortem Cuthberti Scoti, Apomaxis. Tho. Marshe, 15G.5. 4to xxx. .5. 10. Two Sermons, one preached at the Spittle on Easter Tuesday, 1570; the other at Windsor, .January 8, 1569. John Day, n. d. 12mo. Herbert I. C47 xxvii. 8. 17. (10.) A Sermon specially on Alms-giving ; preached on Easter Tuesday, 1572. .fno. Day, n. d. sni. 8vo. Herbert I. 653. Lambeth xxvii. 8. 17. (•''.) DuN.fius (Andreas). Eratosthenes; hoc est defensio Lysije pro caede Eratosthenis, prselectionibus illustrata. I Jno. l^egate, Cambridge, 1593. 8v(). Herbert III. 1421 xx. 8. 0'. TIIK LAiMBKTII LIBRARY. 35 Dygby. See Digby. Dyos (John). A Sermon preached at Pauls Cross, July 19, 1579. John Day, 1.579. l-Jnio. Herbert I. 0'60' xxvii. 8. 17. (.5.) EccLESiASTEs in Latinam linguam ab Antonio Corrano versa. Jno. Wolfe, 157.0. Herbert II. 1171 xl. 4. -28. the same xiv. 5. 12. Edward VI. See Injunctions, Olde. Eliot. See Elyot. Elizabeth (The Princess) ; A Godly Meditation of the Soul, trans- lated by her from the French. H>. Deuhani, n. d. limo. Herbert II. 963 xxvii. 9. 32. (Queen) ; Her Passage through London the day before her Coronation. R-i. Tottell, 15.58. 4to. Herbert II. 812 xxxi. 2. 25. (10.) Her honorable Entertainment at Elvetham by the Earl of Hertford in 1591. Jno. Wolfe, 1591. 4to. Herbert II. 1179 xxxi. 2. 25. (7.) * Treasons against Queen Elizabeth, a table gathered out of. No place or printer, 1572. Herbert III. 1630 xxx. 8. 16. (3.) See Conspiracies, Hake, Kyffin, Osorius, Petition, Treasons, Triumphalia. Elizabetheis. See Oclandus. Ellyot (George). A ver\' true Report of the apprehension of Edmond Campion, containing a controulment of a most untrue book set forth by one A.M. Tho. Dawson, 1581. I2mo. Herhert II. 1121 xxx. 8. 17. (8.) Elyot (Sir Tho.) The Castle of Health. Tho. Berthelet, 1539. 4to. Herbert I. 435 xxxix. 6. 3. * Preservative against Death. Tho. Berthelet, 1545. sm. 8vo xxxi. 9. 3. (5.) The Boke named the Governor. Tho. Berthelet, 1546. sm. 8vo. Herbert I. 450 xxviii. 8. 20. * The Banket of Sapience. Hy. Wykes, 1564. 12mo xxx. 8. 6. (2.) F 2 36 ENGLISH BOOKS IN Elyot (Sir Tho.) The Doctrinall of Priucis, made by Isocrates, translated. Tho. Bertbelet, n. d. 12mo. Herbert 1. 4(i2 xl. 4. 39. Embassage from Heaven. See Buckland. End of this World (Of the), and Second Coming of Christ. Tho. Gardyner and Tho. Dawson, for A. jMaunsell, 1577. 4to. Herbert H. 1116, 1135 XXX. 7.3. (2.) Epistle (An) of Comfort to those restrained in Durance for the Catholic Faith. Paris, n. d. 8vo. Herbert III. 1757 x.xxii. 9. 20. Epitome (An) of Chronicles, by Thomas Lanquet, Thomas Cooper, and Robert Crowley. Wm. Seres for Tho. Marshe, 1559. 4to. Herbert II . (592 vi . 1 . 23. Eratosthenes. See Dunseus. Erondelle (Peter). A Declaration and Catholic Exhortation to all Christian Princes, to succour the Church of God, and Realm of France. Edw. Aggas, 1586. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1167 xxx. 8. 5. (8.) Erudition. See Necessary. *EsQuiLLus (P.) Wonderful Newes of the Death of Paul III. Translated by W. B. dated xi. Nov. 1549. Tliomas Gualtier, n. d. sm. 8vo xxxi. 9. 3. (10.) Essayes. Religious Meditations. Places of Perswasion and Disswasion. [By Lord Bacon.] Jno. Windet for H. Hooper, 1597. sm. 8vo. Heibcrt II. 1232. ... xxviii. 8. 18. Evans (Lewis). A brief Admonition unto the new-made Ministers of England. j^,gid. Diest, Antwerp, 1565. sm. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1614 xx.xi. 9. 8. (3.) The Castle of Christianity. Hy. Denham, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 944 xxvii. 9. 15. See Rurimonde. EusEBius Philadelphus Cosmopolita. Dialogi. Jacobus Jamaeus, Edin. 1574. 8vo. Herbert III. 1497 xviii. 2. 1. the same, the Eirst Dialogue ix. 5. 23. the same, the Second Dialogue xix. 4. 32. and Theophilus. See Mirrour. TllK LAMliKTir I,II5KAI<^■. 37 Exhortation (An) to the Bishops to deale hrotherly with their brethren. No place or printer, sni. 8vo. Herbert HI. l(V,t2 xxvii. 9. 13. (4.) *ExPEDiTio illustrissimorum Germanise principum, &c. Jolin Wolfe, 1,5.01. 4to x.xxi. 4. !i. (8.) F. (.J.) See Mornaye. F. (W.) See Parme. Fabyans Chronicle. Wra. Rastcll, 1533. fol. Herbert I. 4V,0 xv. 4. 16. f. *Faith (The Old), or a Probation out of the Scriptures that the Christian Faith has endured since the Beginning of the World. Tbo. Vautrollicrfor A. Maunsell, 1581. 12nio B. 4. 30_ Faius (Ant.) See Propositions. *Fal of the Romish Church. No place, printer, or date. 12mo xxvii. 9. 12. Family of Love, Books relating to, placed in the order in which they are described by Herbert, vol. III. 1636, &c. They are all without any name of place or printer. The Prophetic of the Spirit of Love, set fourth by H. N. Sm. 8vo. 1574 xxix. 9. 20. (3.) A Publishing of the Peace upon Earth, &c. by H. N. Sm. 8vo. 1574 xxix. 9. 20. (4.) Revelatio Dei, by H. N, Sm. 8vo xxix. 9. 20. Evangelium Regni. A Joyful Message, &c. By H. N. n. d. 8vo B. 2. 24. A Latin version of the same xiv. 11.32. Proverbia H. N. Sm. 8vo xxix. 9. 17. Dicta H. N. Documental Sentences, &c. Sm. 8vo xxi. 9. 17. (2.) 38 ENGLISH BOOKS IN Family of Love. The First Epistle. By H. N. This volume contains Nine Epistles xxix. .*). 17.(3.) Another copy of the iMi'st Epistle xxix. 8. 18. Epistola XI. H. N. Sm. 8vo , xxix. 9. 20. (-J.) Introductio, by H. N. 8vo V. 2. 5. Fidelitas, by H. N. Sm. 8vo xxix. 9. 20. (6.) A Good and Fruitful Exhortation, by Elidad, a Fellow Elder with the Elder H. N. Sm. 8vo xxix. 9. 20. (7.) Exhortatio I. By H. N. ilvo xxix. 8. 18. (2.) A Brief Rehearsal of the Belief of the Good- . willing, &c. set forth anno 1575. Small sixteens xxix. 9. 17. (4.) * Three groundlie Refreines which H. N. hath set forth against his enemies. Oblong, 2i inches high, and 3.^ wide xxix. 9. 20. (5.) The displaying of an horrible Sect of grosse and wicked Heretics, the Family of Love, by J[ohn] R[ogers]. H. Middleton for G. Bishop, 1,579. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1057... xxx. 8. 18. (4.) Fanne of the Faithful. See B. (A.) *Fast. The Ordoure of the General Fast appointed by the Kirk of Scotland holden at Edinburgh December 25, 1565. Rob. Lekpreuik, Edinburgh, 1574. sm. 8vo xxx. 8. 3. (4.) Fecknam (John, Dean of Pauls). Two Homilies on the Three First Articles in the Creed. Rob. Caley, n. d. 4to. Herbert II. 832 x.xx. 3. 20. (.3.) An Answer to certain Assertions of his ; made by L. T. [" Query, Laurence Tomson." Herb.} H. Binneman for L. Harrison and G. Bishop, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 991. xxx. 9. 12. . the same xxx. 9. 14. • See Gough, Grey, Home, Stapleton. THK LAM lii: I'll r,lIiUARV. ;5!) *Felton. a piththy Note to Papists all and some, that joy in Felton's Martirdome. Jno. Alkie, 1.570. l-'iiu. xxx. fi. 17. (:'..) Fenner (Dudley). An Answere unto the Confutation of John Nichols his Recantation. Jno. Wolfo, for .Tno. llanison and Tlio. Manne, 1.583. 4to. Herbert II. 1156, 1172 xxix. 1. '21. * Sacra Theologia. No place or imnter, [1585] 8vo xv. .0.2. The whole Doctrine of the Sacraments, R. Schilders, Middlebiirgli, 1.588. sm. !!vo. Herbert III. 168:3. ... xxx. ,0. ."?. (,'{.) A Treatise on lawful and unlawful Recre- ations. R. Schilders, Middleburgh, 1.590. 12nio xxx. 9. 3. (4.) A brief Treatise on the First Table of the Law. No date. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1755 xxx. 9. 3. (5.) See Logick. Fenton (Roger). An Answer to W. Alablaster his Motives. F. Kyngstonfor AV. Aspley, 1599. 4to. Herbert H. 1295. III. 1384. xxxi. 7. 2.5. (3.) Ferdinand (The Emperor). See Grindal. Festialis, Liber. No place or piinter, 1486. fol. Herbert I. 63 xxxviii. 2. 23. f. Festivalis, Liber. Wm. Caxton, 1483. fol. Herbert I. 43 x. 4. 5. f. *Festyvall (The). Richard Faques, n. d. 4to v. 4. 26. FiAN (Dr.) Newes from Scotland declaring his damnable Life and Death. Tho. Nelson, [1591.] 4to. Herbert III. 13.50 xxxi. 4. 22. (4.) FiDELis servi, subdito infideli responsio, contra N. Sanderi de visibili monarchia, lib. vii. John Day, 1.573. 4to. Herbert I. 6,56 xxiv. 4. . Middlcton for G. Bishop, 1578. 12mo xvi. 9. 16. (4.) D. Heskins, D. Sanders, and M. Rastel, over- thrown and detected. Hy. Middleton for Geo. Bishop, 1579. 8vo. Herbert II. 1057 xxix. 8. 15. Ad Thomse Stapletoni Cavillationes, &c. Re- sponsio. Tho. D.iwson for Geo. Bisliop, 1579. 12mo. Herbert II. 1148... xiv. 10. G. (7.) A Retentive against the Motives of Richard Bristow. Also a Discoverie, &c. against Nicholas Sander. Tho. Vautrollier for Geo. Bishop, 1580. 8vo. Herbert II. 1071 xxix. 8. 17. TlIK LAMBETH LIRIJARY. 4.5 FuLKE (William). A Sermon preached in the Tower, March 12, 1581. T. Dawson for G. Bishop, 1581. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1121... xxvii. 8. 1,5. (8.) A true Report of a Conference had betwixt him and the Papists at Wisbiche Castle. Tho. Dawson for Tobie Smith, 1581. 12mo. Herbert II. 130G... xxx. .9. 2. (3.) A brief Confutation of a Popish Discourse by- John Howlet or some other bird of the night. T. Dawson for G. Bishop, 1581. 4to. Herbert II. 1121, lJ48...xxix. 3. 18. (7.) the same xxix. 3. 19. (2.) Defence of the English Translations of the Scriptures against Gregory Martin. Geo. Bishop and Hj. Binneman, 1583. 8vo. Herbert II. 988 xxix. 8. 14. • • De Successione Ecclesiastica Liber contra Thomae Stapletoni Principiorum Fidei Doctrinalium librum xiii. II. MidtUeton for G. Bishop, 1584. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1062 xiv. 13. 14. Liber Quartus ; in quo subsequitur Concio Gul. Fulsii in Latinum sermonem reddita per Joannem Foxium. No place, printer, or date. 8vo xv. 9. 9. (2.) See Bristow. G. (E.) Graecse Linguae Spicilegium. Hy. Binneman for F. Coldock, 1575. 4to. Herbert II. 919 xxiii. 6. 2. *G. (E.) A Present Preservative against the Poyson of privie Libertines. No place, printer, or date. 4to xxx. 6. 24. (4.) the same xxxi. 0'. 18. See Aschami. G. (I.) See Some. G. (J.) See Nosegay. G. (R.) A Letter superscribed " Salutem in Christo." No place, printer, or date. 8vo. Herbert III. 1628 xxxi. 8. 17. 46 ENGLISH HOOKS IN Gaping Gulf, The Discovery of, [by John Stubbs.] No place or printer, [but is 11. Singleton's,] 1579. sm. Svo. Herbert II. 743. XXX. 8. 10. (15.) • the same xviii. G. 20. (5.) *G.ARDiNER (Stephen, Bp. of Winchester). Oratio de Vera Obedi- entia. No printer, place, or date. 4to lix. 5. 17. ("2.) ^ another edition. Rome (falsely), with Singleton's mark (equally false), 1553. 12nio. Herbert II. 741 " xxxi. 9. 3. another edition. Roane, 1553. 12mo, Herbert III. 1573 A. 4. 13. d. (3.) A Detection of the Dev'ils Sophistry. Jno. Herfordc for R. Toye, 1546. 8vo. Herbert I. 578 xxxii. 8. 18. A Declaration of such true Articles as Geo. Joy hath gone about to confute as false. Jno. Hcrforde for R. Toye, 154(). 4to. Herbert I. 578 xxviii. I. II. An Explication and Assertion of the true Cathohc Faith. No place or printer, 1551. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1570 xxxii. 8. 19. See Rescuing. ■ *Gautius. Palma Christiana, seu Speculum veri status ecclesise, &c. Jno. Wolfe, 1.593. 4to xxxii. 6. 17. Gawayne (Sir). Four quarto leaves from an edition of the Jeaste of Sir Gawayne printed by Johan Butler. Sec List, Fra[/. p. 297. Gemma Fabri : Qua sacri Biblii margaritse fere omnes continentur. F. Kingston for I. Porter, 1598. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1293 ix. 3.5. Geneva, The Laws and Statutes of; translated by Robert Fills. Rowld. Hall and Tho. Hacket, 1562. 12mo. Herbert II. 802 xxviii. 8. 14. • The Form of Prayers and Administration of the Sacra- ments used in the English Church at Geneva, and received by the Church of Scotland. No place or ])riiiter, 1584. sm. 12mo. Herbert III. 1502 xxvii. 9. 24. Germany. See Fiston. TKK [,AMBKI'll (.IliRARV. 47 Gibbon (Charles). The Rcmedie of Reason. Tho. Orwin, 1.58.0. 4to. ITcibiTt II. 1'344 xxx. 4. 14. (2.) GiFFORD (George). Four Sermons upon the seuen chief Vertues, &c. Tho. Dawson for Tobic Cooke, 1582. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 112], l-2(Jl. xxvii. 8. 18. (12.) • A Sermon on the ii. Chapter of St. James. Roger Ward for Toby Cooke, 1583. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 1261. ..xxvii. 8. 18. (11.) A Sermon on the Parable of the Sower. Jno. Wolfe for Toby Cooke, 1.584. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 1145. ..xxvii. 8. 18. (10.) A briefe Treatise against the Sacrifice and Priesthood of the Church of Rome. H. Micklleton for Toby Cook, 1584. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 1262.. .xvii. 9. 15. (5 ) A short Treatise against the Donatists of Eng- land whom we call Brownists. Jno. Windet for Toby Cooke, 1590. 4to. Herbert II. 1229 xxx. 6. 12. (2.) A short Reply to the last printed Books of H, Barrow and I. Greenwood. The. Orwin for Tho. Cooke, 1591. 4to. Herbert II. 1262 xxx. 6. 11. See Greenwood. GiLBY (Anthony). A Commentarye on the Prophet Micah. No place or printer, 1551. I2mo. Herbert I. 627. agrees except that he gives a Colophon of John Day A. 4. 13. d. (8.) A pleasant Dialogue between a Souldier of Barwick and an English Captain. No place or primer, 1581. 8vo. Herbert III. 1657 xxix. 9. 8. (4.) See Psalms. GiLDAS, de Excidio et Conquestu Britannise. John Day, 1568. 12mo. Herbert I. 644 xli. 1. 36. G[ilpin] (B[ernard]). A Sermon preached at the Court at Greenwich the first Sunday after Epiphany 1552. H. Middleton for Tho. Man, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 1059.. ..xxvii. 8. 18. (3.) George. See Bee-Hive. Glaucus (James). A Knowledge for Kings; translated by Wm. Clever. Ridiard Jhoncs, 1576. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1041 xxx. 8. 8. 48 ENGLISH BOOKS IN *GoDLY and Fruitful! Treatise of Faith and Workes, wherein is con- futed a certaine Opinion of Merit hy Workes held by an Ad- versary of the Gospel in the Tower. Gregory Seton, 1583. sm. 8vo xxx. 9. 14. (2.) *GoLDEN Legend. Richard Pynson, 1507. fol i. 6. 21. f. another edition. Wynkyn de Worde, 1527. fol. Herbert I. 174 ii. 6. 2. f. Good ALE (John). The Lyberties of the Clergy collected out of the Laws of this Realm. Rob. Wyer, n. d. 12mo. Herbert I. 381 A. 4. 13. vol. v. (7.) GooDERiGE (Alice), a witch : Her Conviction at Darby. Also an Account of Thomas Darling who was said to be possessed. Jno. Oxenbridge, 1597. 4to. Herbert HI. 13G9. Lambeth. ... x.xxi. 4. 19. (4.) the same xxxi. 4. 22. Goodman (Christopher). How Superior Power ought to be obeyed ; with a Preface by William Whittingham, and Verses appended by William Kethe. John Crispin, Geneva, 1558. 12mo. Herbert III. 1597 xxvii. 9. 19. (3.) Good Manners, The Book of. Wm. Caxton, 14BC. fol. (Imperfect.) Herbert I. 64 MS. No. 1092. (a. 2.) GoRGON. See New Letter. Gospels (The) translated in the old Saxons tyme. John Day, 1571. 4to. Herbert I. G50 xxxiii. 3. 8. the same Y. 3.12. the same Int. MSS. GossENius. See .^ngelramnus. GouGH (John) ; His Answer to Maister Fecknam's Objections. Jno. Awdeley, 1570. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 886 xxx. 9. 12. GowER. Confessio Amantis. Wm. Caxton, 1483. fol. Herbert I. 45 xxxvii. 4. 9. another edition. The. Bcrthclet, 1554. fol. Herbert I. 456 Iviii. 3. 13. THE LAiMHKTII r,II5RARY. 4.0 *Grace (A speciall) to have been said after a Banket at York on the Accession of Queen Ehzabcth. Jno. Kingston for Nic. England, 1558. 12nio xxviii. f{. 23. (.3.) Grace and Peace from God, &c. No place or jninter, Ll.)72.] sm. 8vo. Ilcibcit [II. l(i.32 xxvii. 9. 13. (3.) *Grammar, a short Introduction to. (Only the first sheet.) [q. ReynolJ Wolfe.] 1548. 4to See List, Frcui. p. 426. Granada (Louis de). Of Prayer and Meditation. Translated from the Spanish, Tho. Brumeau, Paris, 1582. 8vo, Herbert JII. 1G60 xxxii. 9. 12. '• A Memorial of a Christian Life. Geo. Loyselet, Rouen, 1599. 8vo. Herbert lU. 1740 xxxii. 9. 13. A Spiritual Doctrine ; translated from the Spanish. Laurence Kellain, Louvain, 1599. 8vo. Herbert HL 1740 xxxii. 9. 14. Gravet (William). A Sermon on the Holy Scriptures preached at Paul's Cross, June 25, 1587. Arnold Hatfield, 1587. 8vo. Herbert II. 1212 xxvii. 8. 19. *Grat (Walter). An Almanack for the year 1589. Richard AVatkins .and James Roberts, 1589. sm. 8vo xxvi. 8. 13. (3.) 1595. An Almanack by Walter Gray. Riclid. Watkins and Jas. Roberts, 1595. 8vo xxvi. 8. 14. (4.) Green (Robert). A Maidens Dream. On the Death of Sir Christo- pher Hatton. Tho. Scarlet for Tho. Nelson, 1591. 4to. Herbert III. 1351, ... xxxi. 2. 10. (3.) Greenwood (John). An Answer to George Gifford's shorte Trea- tise of the Donatists, &c. No place or printer, 1.5.90. 4to. Herbert HI. 1713 xxx. 6. 9. (3.) the same xxx. 6. 12. (3.) the same B. 3. 16. (2.) the same L. 3. 47. (6.) . See Barrow, GifFord, Some. Gregorys Mootbook. See Abridgment. Gregory XIIL See Reniger. H 50 k.\(;lisii books in Grky (the Lady Jane). An Epistle to a learned Man ; and her Communication with Master Feckenham. No place or printer, [1554.] 12m(). Herbert III. 1.57() x.\x. 9 4. (8.) Gribalde (Matthew). An Epistle concerning the terrible Judgment of God, &c. Hy. Denham for Win. Norton, n. d. 12mo. Herbert H. 879 xxx. 8. 7. (3.) Grimoaldus (Nicolaus). Oratio ad Pontifices, in ^de Paulina, an. 1553. habita, in Synodo publica. Hy. Binneman, 1583. sm. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1799 xiv. 10. 6. (3.) In P. V. Maronis IV. libros Georgicorum Paraphrasis. fieo. Bishop and R. Newbery, 1.591. sni. 8vo. Herbert IT. 9I(> xxiii. 8. 26. Grindal (Edmund, Archbishop). A Sermon at the Funeral of the Emperor Ferdinand at St. Pauls, Oct. 3, 1564. Jno. Day, ]5(i4. 4to. Herbert 1. (i38. Lambeth xxx. 1. 20. Gualter. See Melancthon. Guevara (Anthonie de). The Mount of Calvary. Adam Islip for Edw. White, 15.95. 4to. Herbert H. 1200, 1285.... xxviii. 1. 12. GuicciARDiNi (Franc.) Two Discourses which are wanting in the III. and IV. Books of his History. Wm. Ponsonby, 1595. 4to. Herbert H. 1275 xxxi. I. 34. Guise. An History of what has happened since the Departure of the House of Guise, &c. from the Court. No place or printer, 1562. 12mo. Herbert HI. 1606 xxx. 8. 10. (8.) — Family. The Centre Guyse, wherein is deciphered the pre- tended Title of the Guyses. .Tno. Wolfe, 1589. 4to. Herbert TI. 1176 xxxi. 2. 22. (2.) — The Contre-League and Answer to certaine Letters sent to the Maisters of Renes, &c. Jno. Wolfe, 1.589. 4to. Herbert H. 1176 xxxi. 2. 16. — (the Duke of) ; The Destruction and Sacke of Vassy by, March 1, 1562. Hy. Sutton for Edw. Sutton, n. d. 12mo. Herb. H. 845. III. 1310... xxx. 8. 5. An Epistle concerning : wants title-page. XXX. 8. 5. THE LAMMKTIl MIJKARV. 5] Guise. See France. GwYNNKTH (John). A playne Demonstration of John Frillit; lack of Wit and Learning'. Tho. PoAvell, 1557. 4to. Herbert U. 871 x.xxi. (i. 10. (2.) A Declaration of the State wherein all Heretics do lead their Lives. Tho. Berthelet, 1554. 4to. Herbert I. 45G .\xxi. 6. 19. the same xxxi. 6. 18. (3.) Gybbon (Charles). Our Trust against Trouble. Jno. Charlcwood, 158;), sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1101 xxviii. 8. 23. (10.) Gybson (Thomas). A Sermon preached at Occham in Rutland- shire, November 2, 1583. Rob. Waldegrave, 1584. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1141 xxvii. 8. 13. (5.) Gyffard and Gyfford. See GifFord. Gylbie. See Gilby. *H. (E.) De Fide : contra P. Baronis Stempani prselectionem. Edwd. Allde, 1.5,92. Tiaio xiv. 9. 9. (7.) H. (F.) See Viret. H. (L) The first part of the Life and Reign of Henry IV. Jno. Wolfe, 1599. 4to. Herbert II. 1184 xxxl 2. 29. (2.) the same xxxi. 2. 36. Hacket (Roger). A Sermon preached at Pauls Cross, Feb. 14, 1590. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, n. d. sm. 8vo. See Herbert III. 1404... xxvii. 8. 12. (3.) See Arthington, Conspiracy. Haudoni (Gualteri) Lucubrationes collectse et editse studio et labore Thomae Hatcheri. Wm. Seres, 1567. 4to. Herbert II. 6.98 .v.xiii. 5. 28. H ADDON (Walter) and John Fox. Contra Hieron. Osorium Responsio Apologetica. John Day, 1577. 4to. Herbert I. 663 xxiv. 3. 25. H 2 52 ENGLISH BOOKS IN H ADDON (Walter). See Osorius. Hake (Edward). An Oration pronounced on the Queens Birth- day in the Guildhall of New Windsor. Ed. A;jgas, n. d. 4to. Herbert II. 1108 xxxi. 2. 25. (8.) the same xxxi. 2. 26. (2.) * A joyful continuance of the Commemoration of the Reign of Queen Ehzaheth. Rd. Jliones, [1579.] sin. 8vo xxx. 8. 11. (6.) Hakluyt (Richard). The principal Navigations, &c. G. Bishop, R. Newbery, and R. Barker, 1598. Herbert II. 917, 1092, 1152 ' xiv. 4. 6. f: The second volume of the principal Navi- gations. Geo. Bisliop, R. Newbery, and R. Barlver, 1599. fol. Herbert II. 917, 1092, 1152 xiv. 4. 7. {. Hales (Judge) ; The Communication between him and my Lord Chancellor. No place or printer, 1553. 12mo. Herbert III. 1.572 A. iv. 13. d. (6.) Hall (Edward). The Union of the two noble and illustre Families of Lancaster and York, &c. Richard Grafton, 1550. fol. Herbert I. 530 xv. 4. 44. f. (Joseph, Bishop of Exeter). Virgidemiarura, six books. R. Bradocke for R. Dexter, 1598. sm.Bvo. Herbert II. 1268, 1299.. ..M. 1. 60. Hanmer. See Answere, Charke, Treatise. Harding (Thomas). An Answer to Master Juels Challenge. Wm. Sylvius, Antwerp, 1565. 8vo. Herbert III. 1609 xxxii. 8. 12. * A brief Answer touching certain Untruths with which M. John Juel charged him. JEg\d. Diest, Antwerp, 1565. 12nio xxxi. 9. 8. (4.) ■ A Confutation of Jewels Apology. Jno. Laet, Antwerp, 1565. 4to. Herbert III. 1611 xxi.\. 5. 3. A Rejoinder to M. Juels Reply. Jno. Fowler, Antwcr]), 1566. 4to. Herbert III. 1619 xxix. 5. 1. another edition. Jno. P'owler, Louvain, 1567. 4to. Herbert III. 1623 xxix. 5. 2. TIIK LAMHKTil I.iaKAKV. .53 Harding (Thomas). A Detection of sundrie foul Errors, &c. uttered by M. Juel in his Defence of the Apology. Jno. Fowler, Louvain, 1568. 4to. Herbert III. 1624 xxix. .5. 4. See Bull, Dering, Jewel. Harmony of the Confessions of the Faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches. Tho. Tliomas, Cambridge, 1586. 8vo. Herbert III. 1417 xliii. 5. "21. Harrison (R.) Three Formes of Catechismes conteyning the most principal points of Religion. No place or printer, 1583. linio. Herbert HI. 1G62 x.\x. J). 18. (3.) A little Treatise upon the first verse of the 122 Psalm. No place or printer, 1583. 12mo. Herbert III. 1662 xxx. 9. 3. (2.) the same A. 4. 13. a. (3.) Hart. See Rainoldes. Hartley (Wm.) See Weldon. Hartwell (Abraham). Regina Literata ; sive de Reginse Eliza- bethse in Academiam Cantabrigiensem adventu, Aug. 5, 1564. Wm. Seres, 1565. sni. 8vo. Herbert II. 697 xviii. 6. 22. Harveii (Gabrielis) Rhetor. Hy. Binneman, 1577. 4to. Herbert II. 981 i. 4. 22. Smithus. Hy. Binneman, 1578. 4to. Herbert II. 981 i. 4. 22. H[arvey] (J[ohn]). A discursive Problerae concerning Pro- phesies. J. Jackson for R'l. Watkins, 1588. 4to. Herbert II. 1026, 1219 xxxi. 4. 27. An Almanack for the vear 1589. Rd. Watkins and J. Roberts, 1589. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 1027... xxvi. 8. 13. (,>.) (Richard). An Astrological Discourse on the Conjunc- tion of Saturne and Jupiter, April 28, 1583. Hy. Binneman, 1,583. 8vo. Herbert 11.988 A. 4. 13. e. (2.) Harward (Simon). Two godlie and learned Sermons. J. Charlwood and R. Jhones, 1582. 8vo. Herb. II. 1044, 1096...xxvii. 8. 17. (8.) 54 ENGLISH BOOKS IN Harward (Simon). The Solace for the Souldier and Saviour. Tho. Oiwiii for Till). Wight, 1592. 4to. Herbert II. 1248 x.\xi. (!. .SO. (7.) Hastings (Francis). See Dolman. Hatcherus (Thos.) See Haddoni. Hatchet of Heresies. See Hosius. *Hatton (Mr.) ; A Copie of a Letter addressed to him from Ant- werp, 26 June, and delivered at Spaw, July 5, 1573. No place or printer. 8vo xxx. 8. 16. (4.) * Certain important points added by the abridger of the Treatise, after the delivery of the table to Mr. Hatton's hands, &c. (See before Elizabeth, Treasons.) No place or printer. 8vo xxx. 8. 16. (,).) See Green, Oxoniensium. Havisin of Hope. See A. (R.) *Haunce (Everard). A true Report of his Arraignment and Exe- cution for treason. Hy. Binneman, 1581. sm. 8vo x.xx. 8. 17. (10.) Heilandus. See Aristotelis. Henry VH. See Alexander. Henry VHI. Literarum quibus . . . Henricus VHI. . . . respondit ad quandam epistolam M. Lutheri . . . et ipsius Lutheranae quoque epistolse exemplum. In ajdibus Pynsonianis, 1527. 12mo. Herbert I. 279 xxiii. 9. 11. (5.) A Protestation made for the King, &c., wherein it is declared that he, &c. is not bound to attend the pretended Council indicted by Paul, Bishop of Rome, at Mantua. Th. Berthelet, 1537. 12mo. Herbert I. 430 xxvii. .9. 12. (13.) ad Carolum Csesarem Augustum, &c. Epistola. Ad- ditus est libellus de Mantuanensi Concilio. Tho. Berthelet, l.-)3U. sm. 8vo. Herbert I. 432 xxiii. 9. 1 1. (2.) An Epistle of, to the Emperours Maiestie, to all Christen princes, &c. In red. Tho. Berthelet, 1538. sm. 8vo. Herbert I. 432 xl. 4. 39. the same xxvii.9. 12. (11.) TIIK LAMUKTll IJIJRAKV. 55 *11knry VIII. Illustr. ac Potentiss. Regis, &c. Senteiitia de eo Concilio quod Paulus Episc. Ro. Mantuae futuruni sinmlavit. Th. Rcithelet, 1538. sm. fivo .\xiii. 9. 11. (3.) Acta in Curia Romana Domini Reg. Hen. VIII. per se vel per alium, ubi habentur excusationes regis per Ed. Karne. Tho. Bertlu'lct, n. d. 8vo. Herbert I. 464 B. 4. 9. the same xvii. 8. 1. See Abell, Indulgence, Supplication, Universities. *Henrici III. Regis Francise, de Csede, Epigrammata. Jos. Barnes, O.xford, 1.589. 4to xxxi. 4. 5. (9.) Henry IV. of France ; The Order of his Coronation, Feb. 27, 1594 ; translated by E. A. Jno. Windet, n. d. 4to. Herbert II. 1-233 xxxi. 4. 9. (12.) See H. (I.) Hkrgest (William). The right rule of Christian Chastitie. R^. Jugge and Jno. Cawood, 1559. 4to. Herbert II. 717 xxxix. 6. 1. (5.) Innocent VII. See Alexander. Institutio, pia et catholica, Christiani hominis. Tho. Berthelet, 1544. 4to. Herbert I. 445 iv. 6. 25. Institution of a Christen Man. Tho. Bcrlhelet, 1537. 4to. Herbert L 428 xl. 3. 2. the same xxviii. 1. 13. the same xxxix. 6. 1. *Institutio Compendiaria totius Grammaticse. Tho. Berthelet, 1540. 4to //i<. MSS. *Instruction (A short and faithful) for those who intend to receive the Holy Supper of the Lord. No place, printer, or date. 12mo xxx. 9. 18. (Certain brief and special) for Gentlemen, &c. em- ployed in services abroad. Jno. Wolfe, 1589. 4to. Herbert II. 1175 xxxi. 4. 4. Interlude ; Two leaves of a satirical one, in which the speakers are Somebody, Avarice, and Mynyster. See List, Fra(j. p. 280. Johnson (Francis). See Brownists. Jones (John). The Art of preserving the Body and Soul in Health, &c. Hy. Binneman, 1579. 4to. Herbert II. 98.5 xxx. 4. 14. JosiAH. See Reformation. JoYE (George). Letters which John Ashwell Prior of Newnham Abbey sent secretly to the Bp. of Lincoln in 1527 accusing George Joye. No printer, date, or place, sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1536 xxvii. 9. 12. (5.) ■ See Gardiner. 62 ENGLISH 1500KS IX Joyful News out of the new found World, declaring the Virtues of divers Herbs, Trees, &c. Englished by John Frampton. E. Alldee bv the assigne of B. Norton, 1590'. 4to. Herbert II. 1240, 130-2. vi. 1. 28. (3.) Ireland. A Letter from I. B. to R. C. on the Peopling of the Ardes taken in hand by Sir Thomas Smith, &c. H. Binneman for A. Kitson, n. d. 12mo. Herbert II. D.Ol xl. 4. 39. tlie same x.\x. 8. 8. *Is.\BELLA Clara Eugenia, Soveraigne Princesse of the Nether- lands, A Proclamation by. Jno. Wolfe, 1599. 4to x.xxi. 4. 4. (8.) IsocRATES. See Elyot. Judgment (The) of a most reverend Man concerning a threefold Order of Bishops. No place or printer, [1580.] 8 \'o. Herbert III. 1654 xxix. 9. 8. tbe same xxix. 9. 6. (2.) JuLii Ceesaris Commentarii. Arnold Hatfield, 1590. 12mo. Herbert II. 1211 xxv. 8. 4. *JuLius of Milan. Of the Christian Sabbath; translated by Thomas Langley. Wni. Reddel, 1552 xxx. 9. 5. (2.) Justice of the Peace, The Book for, &c. Rd. Tottyl, 1569. 12mo. Herbert II. 818 xvii. 9. 13. * The Execution of, in England. No place or printer, 1583. 4to xxxi. 4. 6. *K. (F.) An Epistle sent to divers Papistes in England, proving the Pope to be the Beast in the xiii. of the Revelations. Ily. Marsh, l.)85. 12nio xxviii. 8. 23. *K. (M.) The Conversion of a Sinner; translated out of Italian. Tho. Creedc for I. P. ii. d. 12mo xxviii. 8. 26. (2.) *Kalender (The) of Shepardes. Wm. Powell, 15.')6. fol xlix. 1.20. Karne (Ed.) See Hen. VIII. TIIK I,AMBKTII LIIIUARY. 65 KATIIXI2M0S >) TrfHoTt) TTulhvaic, &c, Reginald ■\Voltr. 157;$. md. !!v,.. lUihcit 1. Oil xv. 4. 14. the saiue xvi. 9. .'>. Keltridge (John). An Exposition of part of Luke xi. \Vm. How for Al)">. Vcalc, 1.57!i. 4to, lleilieit IT. 77'). . xxx. 3. !). ■ Two Sermons preached before the Jesuits, &c. in the Tower, on May 7 & 21, 1581. Rd. Jhoncs, n. d. 4to. Ilcrbtit II. 1044 xxx. 1. 16. Kkthe (William). A Sermon preached at Blanford Forum. .John Day, 1571. sm. «vo. Herbert I. (i50 xxvii. 8. 13. (12.) See Goodman. Kett (Francis, M.D.) The glorious and beautiful Garland of Man's Glorification. Roger Ward, 1585. 4to. Herbert II. 1192 xxx. 4. 17. . . the same vii. 1. 33. (4.) Key of Knowledge. See Achelley. Keylway (Robert). See Anderson. KiTCHiN (John). Le Court leete et Court Baron. R<1. Tottell, 1587. 8vo. Herbert JI. 82,5. xvii. 9. 8. Knell (T.) Certain true Marks whereby to know a Papist. Jno. Alldee, n. d. 8vo. Herbert II. 894 xxx. 9. 12. Knewstub (John). A Sermon preached at Pauls Cross on Good Friday, 1579. Tho. Dawson for Rd. Sergier, 1579. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 1117.. xxvii. 8. 18. (8.) Lectures on the xx. chap, of Exodus, Tho. Woodcock, 1584. 4to. Herbert II. 1107 xxx. 2. 10. Knight and Clerk. See Dialogue. Knowlage, Of that which maketh a wise man. A Disputacion Platonike. Tho. Berthclet, n. d. 12mo. Herbert I. 423 xxviii. 8. 13. Knox (John). A godly Letter sent to the Faithful in London, Newcastle, Barwyke, &c. Professedly printed at Rome, but has the device of H. Singleton, 1554. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 741 xx.\i. 8. 13. (7.) A Confession and Declaration of Prayers added thereunto. Professedly printed at Rome, but with H. Singleton's mark, 1554. sm. 8vo. Herbert 11.741 xxxi. 8. 13. (8.) C4 KXGIJSH BOOKS IN Knox (John). The first Bhist of the Trumpet against the mon- strous Regiment of Women. No place or printer, 1558. 12mo. Herbert HI. 1596 xxvii. 9. 19. A Sermon preached at Edinburgh, Aug. 19, 1565. No place or printer, 156(). 12mo. Herbert HI. 1619 .x.Yvii. 8. 21. (2.) the same .\.\vii. 8. 14. (5.) The Historie of the Church of Scotland. No place or printer, in the usual imperfect state. 8vo xxviii. 8. 4. An Exposition on Matt. iv. Rob. Waldegrave for Tho. jNIan. sin. 8vo. Herbert II. 1 141. ...xxvii. fi. 14. (6.) An Answer to a great number of blasphemous Cavillations written by an Anabaptist, &c. Tho. Charde, 1591. 8vo. Herbert II. 1196 iii. 7. 37. KyrFiN (Maurice). The Blessedness of Brytaine. On occasion of Queen Elizabeth's entering the xxx'^ year of her reign. .Jno. WinJet, 1587. 4to. Herbert II. 1226 .xxxi. 2. 2. L. (I.) The Birth, Purpose, and Mortal Wound of the Romish holy League. The. Cadman, 1589. 4to. Herbert III. 1323. Lambeth .xxxi. 2. 26. (5.) L. (N.) See Lopes. L. (T.) See Prosopopeia. Lambardus (Guilielmus). APXAIONOMIA. John Day, 1568. 4to. Herbert I. 644 xxxi. 5. 7. A Perambulation of Kent. Ralph Newbery, 1576. 4to. Herbert II. 902 i. 3. 27. The Duties of Constables, Borsholders, &c. R. Newbery, 1594. 8vo. Herbert II. 911 A. 4. 13. e. Lamentable Complaint of the Commonalty to the Parliament for a learned Ministry. No place or printer, 1585. 8vo. Herbert III. 1667 xxix. 9. 3. the same xxix. 9. 26. (3.) Lamentation, in which is shewed what Ruyne and Destruction Cometh of seditious Rebellion. Tho. Berthelet, 1536. 4to. Herbert I. 427 xxix. 3. 17. (3.) THE LAMIJKTII LIBRARY. 65 Lamentacion (The) of England. No place or printer, [1558.] sm. 8vo. Herbert HT. 15,9.9 xxx. 9. 4. (5.) Langley (Thomas). See Julius. Lanquet (Thomas). See Epitome. Lanspergius. An Epistle in the person of Christ to the Faithful Soule. Antwerp, 1595. sra. 8vo. Herbert HI. 17'27. Lambeth xxxii. 9. 5. Larum, a Friendly. See Phillip. Latimer (Hugh, Bp. of Worcester). Concio quam habuit 9 Junii. Jacobus Nicolai for Jno. Goiigli, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herb. L 493...xxiii. 9. 11. (4.) A Sermon preached before the King, 1550. John Day, [1550.] 12mo. Herbert I. 623 xxvii. 8. 11. (2.) See Ridley. Latin Syntax. Four leaves of some work on that subject, in verse. See List, Frag. p. 294. Vocabulary in verse ; two mutilated leaves. See List, Frag. p. 294. Latterbury (Johannes). Liber Moralium super Trenis leremie Prophete. No place or printer, 1482. fol. Herbert HI. 1.394 x. 4. 13. f. Launeus (Gulielm.) Institutionis Christianae Religionis a J. Cal- vino conscriptse Epitome. Tho. Vautrollier, 1583. 8vo. Herbert IL 1073 xiv. 10. 3. *Laurentius (Andreas). De Morbis Melancholicis Tractatus. Lingua Gallica in Latinam conversus studio Thomse Mounde- fordi. F. Kingston, 1599. 8vo. See Herbert II. 1294 xvii. 3,24. * (Johannes). Politica, Decorum, Commentationes. Tho. Orwin for Jno. Higin, 1590. 8vo xviii. 1.26. *League, An Answer to the, written by a French Gentleman. Eihvd. Aggas, [1585.] 12mo xxx. 8. 5. (3.) • A politick Discourse by a French Gentleman against those of the League. Jno. Wolfe, 1589. 4to. Herbert II. 1175 xxxi. 2. 22. K 66 EXfilJSII BOOKS IN *League. a Catholic Apology against tlie Libels, &c. published by those of the League, &c. by E. D. L. L C. Ed\vist, Fnuj. p. 296. *Legacy or Embassate of Prester John to Emanuell King of Por- tugal. W. Rastell, 1533. 8vo xxxi. 9, 2. (2.) Legend. See Golden. Leicester (The Earl of) ; A Letter to him ; written before, but delivered after his return from the Low Countries. Cbr. Barker, 1586. 4to. Herbert II. 1083 x.\.vi. 2. 34. A brief Report of his Military Services in the Low Countries. Arnd. Hatfield for Geo. Seton, 1587. 4to. Herbert II. 1212 xxxi. 1. 37. * A brief and true Report of his Proceedings for the Relief of the town of Sluce. Rd. Field, 1590. 4to xxxi. 1. 16. Leigh (Richard). See Mendoza. Lelandus (Johannes). Na^nia^ in Mortem Thomse Viati Equitis. Kcg'i. Wolfe, 1.W2. 4to. Herbert I. 597 xxii. 2. 7. ■ Genethliacon illustr. Eaduerdi Principis Cambriae, &c. Reyd. Wolff, 1543. 4to. Herbert I. 5.07 xxii. 2. 7. (2.) " tlie same L. 1. 43. Assertio inclytissimi Arturii Regis Bri- tannia3. Jno. Herford, 1.544. 4to. Herbert I. .577 xxii. 2. 7. (3 ) THE I.AMBETII MURAUV. 67 Lelandus (Johannes). EFKiiMlON r?7c etpi'iyriQ. Laudatio pacis. Rcynol.l Wolfe, l.UC. 4to. lli-ibert I. 598 xxii. 2. 7. (4.) His Laborious Journey, &c. by Johan Bale. Emprented at I/Ondon by Johan Bale, 1.54!). 12mo. Herbert III. 1565. xl. 4. 3.9. A learned and true Assertion, &c. of King Arthur ; translated by Richard Robinson. Jno. Wolfe, 1582. 4to. Herbert U. 1172 vi. 1. 25. Leo X. See Indulgence. *Letter written by a true Christian Catholike to a Romaine pre- tended Catholike. Jno. Windet, 1586. 4to xxx. 4. 14. (3.) the same xxx. 7. 16. (A Christian) of certaine English Protestants to Mr. R. Hoo[ker]. Noplace or printer, 1599. 4to. Herbert III. 1737 xl. 2. 26. tlie same xl. 2. 25. (4.) *Letters (Certain) concerning the Peace attempted by the Lords and States of Holland and Zealand in 1574. Tho. Marshc, 1576. 8vo xl. 4. 39. (3.) and Conferences (A Collection of) between certaine preachers and two prisoners in the Fleet. No place or printer, 1590. 4to. Herbert III. 1711 xxx. 6. 9. (2.) Lever (Thomas). Three fruitful Sermons made a. d. 1550. J. Kyngston for H. Kirckliam, 1.572. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 838...xxvii. 8. 18. (4.) A Treatise of the Right Way from Danger of Sin. Hy. Binncman for G. Bishop, 1571. 12mo. Herbert II. 970....xxvii. 9. 15. (2.) Lhuyd (Humfrey). The Breviary of Britain ; translated by Thomas Twyne. Rich d. Johnes, 1573. sm. 8vo. Ileibcrt II. 1040 xxviii. 8. II. De Mona Druidum Insula Epistola. Hy. Binneman for Humfy. Toy, [1573.] 4to. Herbert II. 935.... xxii. 2. 9, (2.) *Libellus Sophistarum ad vsum Cantabrigien. Wynkyn de Worde, 1524. 4to xxiii. 7. 24. * Sophistarum ad vsum Oxonien. Impressus Londiniis per Winan dc Worde, 1530. 4to xxiii. 7. 24. (2.) K 2 68 ENGLISH BOOKS IN LiBELLUs supplex Imperatorise Maiestati, &c. nomine Belgarum, &c. in comitiis Spirensibus exhibitus. John Day, 1571. «vo. Herbert I. 649 A. 4. 13. d. LicHEFiELD (Nic.) Scc Lopcs. LiGHTFooTE (William). Complaint of England. Jno. Wolfe, 1587. 4to. Herbert II. 1173 xxxi. 2. 13. (6.) *LiLius (Guilielmus). Epigrammata. In aed. Pynsonianis, 1521. 4to xxii. 6. 33. See Hormanus. *LiNGHAM (John). A true Relation of English Captains, &c. slain in the Low Countries. Roger Warde, 1584. 12mo xxx. 8. 4. (4.) Lively (Edward). Annotationes in quinque priores ex minoribus prophetis. Geo. Bishop, 1587. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1149 xiii. 4. 17. A true Chronology of the Times of the Persian Monarchy. F. Kingston, for Tho. Man, J. Porter, and R. Jackson, 1597. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1292, 1334 xxviii. 8. 9. Lloid (Lodowick). The first part of the Diall of Daies. Roger Ward, 1590. 4to. Herbert II. 1194 xxxi. 1. 24. * Regum Gemmae Sacris Bibliis desumptse. Jno. W^indet, n. d. 12mo xli. 2. 36. Llotd (H.) See Cambria. *LoARTE (Jaspar or Caspar). The Exercise of a Christian Life. No ])lacc, printer, or date. 8vo xxxi. 8. 22. * The Exercise of a Christian Life. Translated into English by L S. No place, printer, or date. sm. 8vo xxxi. 8. 23. * Instructions how to meditate the Mysteries of the Rosary of the most holy Virgin Mary. No place, printer, or date. sm. 8vo xxxi. 8. 24. L[ocke] (H[enry]). Ecclesiastes, compendiously abridged, and paraphrastically dilated in English Poesie. Richd. Field, 1597. 4to. Herbert II. 1258 xxxi. 2. II. LoGiK and Rethorike, The Arts of, [by Dudley Fenner. Herb.'] R. Schildcrs, no place, 1584. 4to. Herbert HI. 1663 xxxi. 6. 18. (2.) TIIK I.AMUK'I'II LIliRARY. 69 London, A briefe Discourse declaring the necessary and inviolable Maintenance of its laudable Customs. H. Midilleton for R. Newbeiy, 1584. 12ni(). Herbert II. 911. ... xxx. 8. 8. (5.) LoNGLONDi (Joannis, Ep. Lincoln.) Sermones. Ricli'i. Pynson, n. (1. fol. Herbert I. 2.')4 i. (J. 14. f. A Sermonde made before the Kynge on Good Friday, 1538. Tho. Pctyt, n. d. 4to. Herbert I. 553 xxix. 3. 17. (2.) LoNGUEviLLE (Duke of). See Aumalle. Lopes (Hernan). The first Book of the History of the Discovery and Conquest of the East Indies. Translated from the Portu- guese by N[icholas] L[ichefild] Gent. Thomas East, 1582. 4to. Herbert II. 1013 xx.xi. 1. 4. (4.) LoQUE (Bertrand de). A Treatise of the Church; translated by T. W. Richd. Langton, 1581. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1349 x.wiii. 9. 14. LoRAiNE (The Cardinal of). A short Discourse of the Means that he useth to hinder the stablishing of Peace. Hy. Bynneman for Lucas Harrison, 1568. r2mo. Herbert II. 925... xl. 4. 39. (5.) *LoRDS Prayer (the), xii Articles of Faith and x Commandments, A Treatise on. Tho. Dawsou for Geo. Bishop, 1580. sm. 8vo xxx. 9. 14. (6.) LovE (Family of). See Family. *Low Countries. Certayne Newes of the whole Description, Aide, and Help of the Christian Princes, &c. gathered together for the Help of the poor Christians in the Low Countries. Printed at Dordrecht, 1574. Translated out of Dutch into English the 12 of April. Bynneman's device. 12mo xl. 4. 39. (7. ) the same xxx. 8. 4. (12.) * A brief and necessarie Discourse concerning the Means to preserve their Religion and Estate. The. Charde, 1584. 12mo xxx. 8. 4. * A Declaration of the Causes moving the Queen of England to give Aid to the People in the Low Countries. Chr. Barker, 1585. 4to xxxi. 2. 13. (3.) the same x.xxi. 2. 21. (4.) 70 ENGLISH BOOKS IN Low Countries. A true Copy of the Transportation of, &c. done by the King of Spain : translated by H. W. I[amcs] R[obcrts] for Paule Linley, n. d. 4to. Herbert II. 1035. III. 1377. xxxi. 2. 25. (6.) See Bastingius, Leicester, Lingham, Palmer, S. (L) LuciANi opusculum Trepl ^ixpuSijjv ; Henrico BuUoco interprete ; et Oratio ejusdem cum Annotationibus. Cantab. Joan. Sibercli. 1521. 4to. Herbert III. 1412 xxxiii. 7. 13. (2.) LupTON (Thomas). The Christian against the Jesuit. Tho. Dawson for T. ^Voodcockc, 15»2. 4to. Herb. II. 1108, 1123.. .xxix. 2. 21. A Dream of the Devil and Dives. Jno. Cliarlvvood for Henry Car, 1584. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1337. licensed "provided he get the Bishop of Londons allowance to it." xxviii. 8. 23. (9.) Luther (Martin). A Sermon on the Coming of Christ to Judg- ment ; translated by T. B. .John Day, 1578. sm. 8vo. Herbert I. 6"65 xxvii. 8. 14. (2.) See Melancthon. Lutherans. See Barlow, W. Ltndesay (Sir David). Ane Dialog betwix Experience and ane Courteour. No place or printer, 1552. Herbert III. 1485 xxxi. 2. 12. The Dreme. No place or printer, 1.552. Herbert III. 148,5 xxxi. 2. 12. (4.) The Tragedie of the umquhyle Abp. of Sanctandrous. No place or printer, 1552. Herbert III. 1485 xxxi. 2. 12. (2.) The Testament and Complaint of our Sovereign Lords Papingo. No place or printer, 1552. Herbert III. 1485 x.xxi. 2. 12. (3.) Lyndewode. Constitutiones Provinciales, linperfect,bnlai)i)arciilly WynliyndcWonle, 1496. 12nio. Herb. I. 103. xli. 9.28. * another edition. Wynlvvn de W'orde, 149.'). sm. 8vo xvii. 9. 4. another edition. Tho. Marshe, 15.57. sm. ovo. Herbert II. 850 xvii. 9. 3. THE LAMUKTir [JIJltAHV. 71 *M. (A.) A View of sundry Examples. Reporting many strange Murders from that of M. Saunders by Geo. Browne and of Abel Bourn. Wm. Wiiglil, [1580.] 4to xx.\i. 4. 19. (9.) See Calvin, Campion, Elyot, Savorine. *M. (G.) A compendious Treatise in Metre on Sacrifice. .Ino. Cawooil, 1,554. 4to xxx. 4. US. M. (I.) See Method. Machab^us (Joannes). Enarratio in Dcuteronomium. Rowl()()KS IN Martiall (John). A Treatise of the Crosse. Joliii Latins, Antwerp, lalU. )ivo. Ili'ilicrt III. l(i()9. [.ainbcth xxxii. 8. 17. A Reply to M. Calfhills blasphemous Answer to the Treatise of the Cross. Jno. Bogard, Loiivain, ]56(). 4to. Herbert III. 1G19 xxix. 4. 1. Martiloge (The). AVyiikyn de Wordc, 1526. 4to. Herbert I. 173 xxv. 2, 7. Martin (Gregory). A Treatise on Schism. Jno. Fowler, Douay, 1578. sm. 8vo. Herbert HI. 183fi xxxi. 9. 15. (3.) the same xxx. 8. 12. (2.) ■ A Discovery of the manifold Corruptions of the Holy Scriptures by the Heretics of our days. John Fogny, Rliemes, 1582. 8vo. Herbert III. 1G58 xl. 4. 17- A Treaty se of Christian Peregrination. No place or printer, 1583. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1GG2 xxxiii. 8. \C<. See Fulke. (Thomas). A Traictise against the Marriage of Priests. Hob. Caly, 1554. 4to. Herbert 11. 830 xxix. 5. C. See Cranmer, Marriage, Ponet. *Martyr (Peter). Tractatio de Sacramento Eucharistiae. Reynold Wolfe, 1549. 4to xxxi. 4. 18. A Letter to the Duke of Somerset. Translated by Thomas Norton. Walter Lynne, 1550. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 754 xxx. 8. 14. Loci Communes. .Ino. Kyngston, 1576. fol. Herbert II. 83.9 xxxiii. 5. 6. f. See Melancthon. Martyrs, Certain most godly fruitful and comfortable Letters of. John Day, 1564. 4to. Herbert I. 639 xxxi. 3. 10. Maria, Scotorum Regina (De), totaque ejus contra Regem conju- ratione, &c. Tragica Historia. No place, printer, or date. sm. 8vo. Herb. III. 1629, 1791 xviii. 6. 20. (4.) the same xl. 4. 35. Mary, Queen of Scots. The Copie of a Letter written by one in London, &c. No place or ])rinter, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1491 xxx. 8. 3. the same A. 4. 13. b. 4. TUK [.AM15KTH MHRARV. 75 Mary, Queen of Scots ; A Defence of her Execution. Jno. Wiiulct, n. d. 4to. Ilcibcrt II. 12-J() xxxi. 4. 5. A Discourse touching the pretended Match between her and the Duke of Norfolk. No place, printer, or date. sm. iJvo. Herbert IH. 162() xxx. 8. 3. See Philippes, Traitors. Magdalene. See W. (S.) *Mass, a plaine and godly Treatise concerning. No place, printer, or date. 12mo xxxi. 9. 15. The V. Blasphemies contained in the. Iniperfect, therefore uncertain. Herbert I. 599 xxxi, 9. 3. A new Dialoge called the Endightment agaynst Mother Messe. Wm. Ilyll and AVm. Seres, 1548. sni. 8vo. Herbert II. 690.... xxxi. 9. 3. (7.) An Answer to Letters enquiring whether it be lawful to be present at it. No place or printer, [1557.] sni. 8vo. Herbert III. 1596 xxx. 9. 4. (6.) Matth^us Paris. Historia Major. Regd. Wolfe, 1571. fol. Herbert II. 611 xxii. 2. .0. f. Westmonasteriensis. Flores Historiarum. The. ]Marslie, 1570. fol. Herbert II. 859 xxii. 2. 14. f. Maunsell (Andrew). Catalogue of English printed Books. Jno. Windet and Jas. Roberts for A. Maunsell, 1595. fol. Herbert II. 1137. xix. 4. 8. f. *Maximilian, King of Romans, &c. A brief Rehersal of his Coronation. No place, printer, or date. 8vo EE. 9. 1. (2.) *MAyDENs of London, A Letter sent by, to the Matrons and Mis- tresses of the same. Hy. Binnemau for Tho. Ilacket, 1567. 12mo xxx. 8. 8. (4.) Mayne (Duke de). See France. Mayo (John). The Anatomie of Pope Joan. Rd. Field, 1594. 4to. Herbert II. 1254 xxxi. 4. 19. The Popes Parliament. Rd. Field, 1594. 4to. Herbert II. 1254 xxix. 3. 18. (3.) Melancthon (Philip). Acts and Lives of Luther, CEcolampadius, and Zwinglius, englished by Henry Bennet Callesian. Jno. Avvdely, 1561. 12nio. Herbert II. 885 x.xx. 8. 7. L 2 76 KXOLISII IJOOKS I\ Melancthon (Philip). Whether it be mortall Sinne to transgress Civil Lawes, &c., the Judgment of Ph. Melancthon. Also the Resolution of Bullinger, Gualter, Bucer, and Martyr con- cerning Apparel. Rd. Jugge, n. d. sm. 8vo. llcrbiit II. 7-27 A. 4. 13. b. (5.) A newe Work concerning both parts of the Sacrament. Translated out of the Latin. No place, printer, or date. sm. fivo. Herbert II. 727 xxix. 8. 22. (4.) Melvinus (Andreas). 2TE(&ANISKI0N. Robt. Waldcgiave, Edinburgh, l.WO. 4to. Herbert III. 1508... ..\xii. C. 23. (9.) Mendoza (Don Bernardin de). Copy of a Letter to, found in the Chamber of Richard Leigh, a Seminary Priest lately executed for Treason. J. Vautrollier for R. Field, 1588. 4to. Herbert II. 1075 xxxi. 4. 6. (10.) the same xxxi. 2. 21. (3.) *Method (A brief) teaching all Men, to serve God. Translated from the Spanish by L M. No place, printer, or date. 12uio xxxi. 8. 21. MiDDLEBOROw. A brief Rehearsall. Rd. Jhones, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1040. III. leS") xl. 4. 39. (15.) the same xxx. 8. 4. (8.) Miles Christianus ; a just Apology, &c. for them who take pains to build up the Church of Christ in this age ; against Miles Mosse's Short Catechism. Jno. Wolfe, 1590. 4to. Herbert II. 1177 -xxx. 4. 10. (3.) *MiNisTERs, A Remembraunce for the Maintenance of. Wm. Seres, 1551 xxxi. 9. 3. (15.) MiNisTERY of the Church of England, A Treatise of. No place or printer, [1595.] 4to. Herbert III. 1726 xl. 2. 25. MiRROUR of Gold for the synfull Soule. Wynkyn de Wordc, 1526. 4to. Herbert I. 173 xxx. 4. 18. (2.) of the Church. Wynkyn de Worde, 1521. 4to. Herbert I. 162 xxx. 4. 18. of oure Lady. Richuio. IIltIrtI II, lOa!) xli. •„'. 44. See Foxius, H addon. Otho and Octhobone, Constitutions. Itobt. ReduKui, 1534. 1-Jiiio. Herbert I. 3.02 xxviii. }{. 21. O Vtinara. Rd. Yardley and Peter Short tor Jno. Pcnnic, 1591. 12mo. Herbert II. 120(;. x.\x. 8. 17. (4.) *OvERTON (William). A Godly Exhortation made to the Judges and Justices of Sussex at the Assizes. R. Newbcry and II. Binneniaii, n. d. sin. {Jvo xxvii. !!. 15. ((J.) OuTis Benthalmai. A Warning to England to repent. [By Bar- tholomew Traheron.] No place or printer, 1558. sni. 8vo. Herbert HI. 15.0J) xxx. 9. 4. (7.) *OxoNiENSiUM Sreray/jot sive Carmina in obitum D. Chr. Hattoni militis. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1.5!)2. 4lo xxii. 6. 23. (7.) *P. (I.) The Coat Armour of a Christian. Jno. Harrison, Jun"". 71. d. 12nio xxviii. 8. 29. P. (R.) A Book of Christian Exercise ; accompanied with a Treatise tending to Pacification by Edm. Bunnv. London, 1585. This seems to be one of the " two editions" mentioned by Herbert III. 13.09 ii. 4. 36. P. (W.) See Voyage. Page (Master, of Plymouth). See Murders. Palma Christiana. See Gautius. Pantometria. See Digges. Papa Confutatus. Tho. Dawson for Rd. Sergier, 1580. 4to. Herbert H. 1120. ... xxxi. 3. 11. (2.) Pappe with a Hatchet. See MarPrelate. Papystycall Exhortation, An Answere to. No printer, date, or place, sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1834 xxix. 8. 22. (5.) Parker (Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury). An Apology or Answere in Defence of the Church of England. Rcg'l. Wolfe, 15G4. 8vo. Herbert I. 608 xxix. 8. 10. M 2 84 ]:.\(;i,isii iJooKs in Parker (Matthew, Arclibishop of Canterbury). The Life of the 70 Archbishop of Canterbury. No place or printer, 1574. ISmo. Herbert III. 16;W xliii. 3. 7. the same xxx. 9. .5. (4.) The whole Psalter, translated into English Metre. Jolin Day, ii. d. 4to. Herbert I. G78 lix. 4. 1. See Psalter. — (Sir Henry, Lord Morley). Exposition of the Psalm ' Deus ultionum Dominus.' Tho. Berthelet, 1.539. Herbert I. 434 xxxi. 9. 3. (3.) — (John). See Brewer. *Parma (Prince of). A Letter to the Borrowmaisters, &c. of Ant- werp ; with their Answer. Edw-d. Aggas, 1585. 12mo xxx. 8. 4. (13.) * Co])y of a Letter from him to the General States of the Low Countries. Rich''. Jhoncs, n. d. 12mo xxx. 8. 4. (14.) (Duchesse of). A brief Request presented to her by the Lords of the Low Countries, englished by W. F. .Tno. Kyngston for Tho. Humble, 1566. 12uio. Herb. H. 837.. .xxx. 8. 4. (10.) (Duke of). See France. Parrie (H.) See Ursinus. (Dr. William), The intended Treason of, against the Queen. Henry Car, [1584.] Herbert HI. 1337 x-x-xi. 6. 25. (7.) A Declaration of his Treasons, Arraignment, Conviction, Execution, &c. by C. B. C. 15. London, [1584.] 4to. Herbert II. 1082 xxxl 4. 6. (<».) Parsons (Robert). A Christian Directorie, guiding Men to their Salvation. Laurence Kellam, Louvain, 15.08. sni. !ivo. Herbert III. 1737. ... x.xxiii. 8. 7. See Dolman. Pasqi il's Apology, Countercuffe, Return. See MarPrelate. ^Pathway into the Holy Scripture. Jno. C'harlwood, 15()4. 16mo xxvii. .'). 23. to perfect Knowledge. See Wickliffe. Patten (W.) The Expedicion into Scotland, of the Duke of Somer- set in the first year of Edward VL R'>. Grafton, 1548. sui. 8vo. Herbert I. 525 x.wii. .'). 14. (2.) THE i.AMBKTH IJBRARY. 85 Patten (W.) See Calendar. Paul's Church, The Burning of, on June 4, 1561. Wm. Seres, l.%"3. Herbert H. 6% xxviii. 8. 3. Paulus (Marcus) ; his most noble and famous Travels. Translated by John Frampton. Ralph Newbery, 1579. 4to. Herbert IT. 907 xxxi. 1. 4. (2.) Paynel (Thorn.) See Comparation. *Penri (John). A View of some part of the Wants and Disorders in Wales in the service of God. No place, printer, or date. sm. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1682 xxix. 9. 13. (3.) the same DD. 9. 3. A Defence of that which hath been written in the Questions of the ignorant Ministerie. No place or printer, [1588.] sm. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1G83 xxix. 9. 13. (2.) An Exhortation to the Governors and People of Wales to labour to have the Gospel planted among them. No place or printer, 1588. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1683 xxix. 9. 13. (5.) the same DD. 9. 3. (3.) His Appellation to the High Court of Parliament from the bad and injurious dealing of the Archbishop of Canterbury. No place or printer, 1589. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1686 xxix. 9. 13. (P.) A Treatise proving that Reformation and those that favour it are unjustly charged as enemies to Her Majesty. No place or printer, 1590. 4to. Herbert III. 1712 xxx. 6. 24. (8.) the same .\x.\. 6. 14. . the same xl. 4. 6. the same L. 3. 47. (4.) See Greenwood, Some. Pepper, A short Discourse of the three kinds in common use. [By Walter Bailey.] No place or printer, 1588. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1680 xxx. 8. 11. Percevall (Plain). See MarPrelate. Percyvall (Richard). Bibliotheca Hispanica. A Grammar and Dictionary of the Spanish language. Jno. Jackson for Rd. Watkins, 1591. 4to. Herbert II. 1219 xxiii. 6. 3. Peryn (William). Three godly and notable Sermons of the Sacra- ment of the Altar. Jno. Herford for Rob. Tov, n. d. ovo. Herbert I. 579 xxxi. 8. 19. 8« ENCLISII BOOKS IN Peryn (William). Spirituall Exercises. John Waley, 1557. !Jvo. Herbert II. 731 xxxi. J!. 20. Pestilence, A little Treatice very necessary and behouefull to ])re- serve the People from. Tho. Gibson, 153(). 4to. Herbert 1. 4!)0 xxxix. 6. ',',. {2.) Petition (The humble) of the Cominunaltie to Queen Elizabeth. No place, jirintcr, or date. sni. }ivo. Herbert III. U;8'_* xxix. 9. l,"'.. (4.) ■ (A) directed to her most excellent Majesty. No ])lace or printer, n. d. 4to. Herbert III. 1715 xl. 2. 23. *Pktrus (Frater Galfridus). De Vita, &c. S. Nicholai de Tollentino Comedia. Probably R. Rodman ; it lias Pynson's device, n. d. r2mo xiv. 9. 13. (5.) PniLBERT of Vienne. The Philosopher of the Court; enghshed by George North. Hy. Binncman, for L. Harrison and G. Bishop, 1575. 12mo. Herbert II. 027. XXX. 8. 6. (3.) the same MS. 10()5. (5.) Philippks (Morgan). A Treatise concerning the Defence of the Honour of Mary Queen of Scots. Gualterius Morberius, Tjicge, 1571. 8vo. Herbert III. 1(528 xxx. 8. 1. • A Treatise touching the Right, Title, and Interest of Mary Queen of Scots. Gualterius Morberius, Liege, 1571. 8vo. Herbert III. 1()27 xxx. 8. 1. (2.) Phillip (Barthol.) The Counseller, a Treatise of Counsels and Counsellers of Princes ; englished by I[ohn] T[horius]. John Wolfe, 1589. 4to. Herbert II. 1175 xxxi. (i. 9. * (J.) A Friendly Larum. W'm. How for Rich''. Jones, n. d. sui. 8vo xxx. 8. 1(1. (II.) Philobiblon Richardi Dunelmensis, opera et studio T. I. Jos. ISarnes, Oxford, 159,9. 4to. Herbert HI. 1408 xxiii. 4. 10. (2.) the same K. 1. 4. Philfott (John). The trew Report of the Disputation in tlic Con- vocation-house, October 18, 1554. Alex. Edmonds, Basil, [1554.] sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1574. ... xxx. 9. 4. (14.) tho same A. 4. 13. b. (2.) *PiE (Thomas). An Hourglass, containing a Computation from the beginning of time, &c. Jno. Wolfe, 1597. 4to xxx. 4. 19. THR I;AMr5KTll LIRRARY. 87 PiKRCKs Supererogation, or a new prayse of tlie old usse. .Ino. Wolfe, 1593. 4to. ilciluif H. 11!!1 xxx. (5. 21!. (2.) Pipers Plowman, The Vision of. li()l)t. Crowley, 15o0. 4to. Ilcrlicit II. 7o!i xxxi. 4. 18. PiLKiNGTON (James, Bishop of Durham). Aggeus the prophete declared by a large Commentary. Wm. Seres, laGO. sm. 8vo. Herbert 11. 0.92 xxviii. 9. 11. An Exposition upon certain chapters of Nehe- miah. Tho. Thomas, Cambiidjrc, 1585. 4to. Ilcibert III. 1416 xxx. 1. 12. — — See Oppression. *PiNELLi (Luca). Brief Meditations of the most Holy Sacrament. No pl.nce, printer, or date. 12ino .\xxi. D. 16. PisTELS. See Pystels. Pith IE and most earnest Exhortation concerning the Estate of Christiandome. By a Germaine Gentleman. Antwerpe, 1583. 12mo. Herbert III. 1662 xxx. 8. 15. the same xxx. 8. 10. (12.) Pius V. (Pope) See Reniger. Plague ; Orders thought meete by her Majesty, &c. to be executed in places infected. Also an Advise by the best learned in physic. Chr. Barker, ii. d. 4to. Herbert II. 1086 xx.^ix. 6. 3. (3.) Play FERE (Thomas). The Pathway to Perfection. A Sermon preached on Wednesday in Easter Week, 1593. Orwiu's Widow for A. Wise, 15.06. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1251...xxvii. 8. 19. (2.) • The Meane in Mourning, a Sermon preached in Easter Week, 1595. T. Orwin's Widow for A. Wise, 1596. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1251. xxvii. 8. 19. (,3.) Plays and Theatres. See Anglo-phile. *Plowden (Edmund). Un Report fait per un uncerteine authour del part de un argument del Edmund Plowden. 15.94. fol. See Herbertll. 1131 xxiv. 4. 19. f (2.) * La second part de les Reports ou Commen- taires, &c. Yetsweirt, Esq. 1594. fol. See Herbert II. 1131 xxiv. 4. 19. f. Les Commentaires ou Reportes de. Tho. Wight ami B. Norton, 1599. fol. Herbert II. 1303, 1304.. ..xxiv. 4. 18. f. R« KN'GLTSil HOOKS IN PoiNTZ (Robert). Testimonies for the real Presence. Jiio. Fowler, Antwerp, 1566. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. KiiO xxxii. ,0. 22. PoLANus. See Preceptor. Pole (Cardinal). A Treatise of Justification. Jolin Fowkr, Louvain, 1.569. 4to. Herbert III. 1626 xxix. 5. 12 The seditious and blasphemous Oration of ; trans- lated by Fabyane Withers. Owen Rogers, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. !i7G xxx. 8. 1-1. (7.) See Tunstall. POLICHRONICON. Wynkyn tie Worde, 14,05, fol. Herbert I. 121 xv. 4. 4o. f. Pollard (Leonard). Five Homilies. No place or ])rintcr, 1556. 4to. Herbert III. 1797 xxx. 3. 20. PoNET (John). A short Treatise of Politick Power. No place or printer, 1556. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1594 xxix. 9. 8. (3.) the same. xxxi. 8. 13. (4.) Apologie in reply to Thomas Martin on the Mar- riage of Priests. No place or printer, [1556.] sm. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1587 xxxi. 8. 13. (3.) See Ochine. Pont (Robert). A Newe Treatise of the right Reckoning of Years and Ages of the World. Rob. Waldejrr.ave, Edinburgli, 1599. 4to. Herbert III. 1,520... xxx. 4. 19. (2.) PoNTici Virunnii Britannicse Historipe, libri sex correcti, &c. per Davidum Pouelum. Edm. Bollifaut for II. Denbani and R. Newbcry, 1585. sm. 8vo. Herbert 11. 912, 1215 -'"iviii. 6. 1.5. Poor (A) Man's Benevolence to the afflicted Church. Alexr. Lacy, 1,566. 12mo. Herbert H. 1005 xxx. 9. 8. (2.) Mans Garden. See Northbrook. Pope (The) confuted ; translated by James Bell. Tho. Dawson for Rd. Sergier, 1580. 4to. Herbert II. 1120 xxxi. 3. 11. Popes, A solemn Contestation of. John Day, n.d. sm. 8vo. Herbert I. 678 xxviii. 9. 18. (2.) Popery ; A most necessarie Treatise declaring its beginning and ending. .Ino. Charlcwood, 1,588. 4to. Herbert II. 1100. licensed xxix. 3. 18. (6.) PoRDER (R.) See Athenagoras. TITK T.AMIiKTII LIBRARY. 89 Post (The) for divers parts of the World. Tho. East, 1576. 8vo. Herbert II. lOOR A. 4. 13. c. (5.) Potter (Thomas). See Bullinger. Powell (D.) See Cambria, Pontici. PowNDE (Thomas). See Crowley. Practises of Prelates (The unlawful) against Godly Ministers, the maintainers of the Discipline of God. No place, printer, or date. Svo. Herbert III. 1G87 xxix. 9. <). (2.) the same xxix. 9. 2(5. Pr^ecepta in Monte Sinai data, &c. translata in linguam Latinam per Philippum Ferdinandum Polanum. . . . cum licentia omnium primariorum virorum in inclyta et celeberrima Cantabrigiensi Acaderaia. Jno. Legatt, Cambridge, 1597. Herbert III. 1426 xxxii. 7. 3. Prayer. Le Livre des Prieres Communes, De I'administration des Sacramens et autres Ceremonies en I'Eglise d'Angleterre. Traduit en Francoys par Francoys Philippe, seruiteur de Moun- sieur le grand Chancelier d'Angleterre. Tho. Gaultier, 1553. 4to. Herbert II. 766 xxv. 2. 13. Liber Precum Publicarum. RegJ. Wolfe, [1560.] 4to. Herbert I. 605 xxv. 2. 17. ■ another edition. Tho. Vautrollier, 1574. 8vo. Herbert II. 1067 xli. 7. 36. A Form to be used twice a week, and an Order of Fast every Wednesday during the mortality. Rd. Jugge and Jno. Cawood, 1563. 4to. Herbert II. 721 xxx. 3. 16. (2.) ■ the same xxx. 3. 17. the same Collection, Int. MSS. Vol. I. * and Thanksgiving fit for this present ; and to be used in the time of Common Prayer. Chr. Barker, 1587. 4to lix. 4. 8. A Forme of, necessary for the present time and state. Chr. Barker's Dep*. 1588. 4to. Herbert II. 1084 xxx. 3. 17. (4.) the same xxx. 3. 16. (10.) * the same title. Chr. Barker's Deps. 1590. 4to lix. 4. 8. (2.) * (Certaine) to be used for the good Successe of the French King. Chr. Barker's Dcp^ 1590. 4to lix. 4. 8. (3.) N m ENOUSII HOOKS IN Pkavkr, An Order for, and Thanksgiving (necessary to be used in these dangerous times) for the Safety and Preservation of her Majesty and this Realm. Chr. Barker's l)cl)^ 1.5,04. 4to. Herbert II. 10!i8 xxx. 3. 17. (.').) the same xxx. 3. 16. (!•.) (Certain) set forth by authority, for her Majesty's Forces and Navy, Chr. Barker's Dep^. 1,597. 4to. Herbert II. 1088 xxx. 3. 16. (8.) (A) for all Kings, &c. which do profess the Gospel. Chr. Barker, 11. d. 4to. Herbert II. 1090. qii xx.xi. 6. 25. * A Form of, for the xvii. of November. Chr. Barker, n. d. 4to. See Herbert II. 1079 xxx. 3. 16. See Bunny. A Form to be used in Common Prayer on Wednesdays and Fridays for Christians invaded by the Turke. R"^. Jugge and Jno. Cawood, n. d. Herbert II. 725 xxx. 3. 16. (4.) * An Order for public Prayers to be used on Wednesdays and Fridays in the province of Canterbury. Chr. Barker, n. d. 4to xxx. 3. 17. (2.) the same xxx. 3. 16. (7.) * A Form to be used every Wednesday and Friday in the citie and dioces of Norwich. Jno. Waley, n. d. 4to xxx. 3. 16. (3.) *Prayers, A Book of. Wynkyn de Worde, n. d. 4to xxv. 1. 23. of the Bible, &c. and Savonarola's Exposition of the Psalms Miserere and In te Domine speravi. Robt. Redman, n. d. Herbert I. 402 xxiv. 9. 11. * (Christian) and Godly Meditations on the Epistle to the Romans, from the Italian. AVm. Griffith, 1,569. sm. 12nio xxvii. 9. 31. A Manual of. Printed at Calice, 1599. 12mo. Herbert III. 1738 xxiv. 9. 9. * A Manual of, newly gathered. No place, printer, or date. 8vo xxiv. 9. 4. A Book of the form of Common Prayers, Administration of the Sacraments, &c. agreable to God's Word, and the use of the Reformed Churches. R. Schilders, Middleburg, 1.586. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1677 xxix. 9. 12. tlie same xxviii. 9. 33. TIIK LAMBETH L-liiUAKV. 91 Prayers. Another edition. The same place and printer, 1587 DD. 9. ,5. another edition. R. AV.ilikgrave, n.d vii. 2. 37. (3.) Prayse and Commendation of such as sought Commenwelthes. Antli>. Scoloker, n. d. 12mo. Herbert II. 748 xl. 4. 39. Preachers, A Copy of a Letter to. R'l. Grafton, 1548. sm. 8vo. Herbert 1. 527 x.\xi. 9. 3. (8.) Prester (John). See Legacy. Primer in Englysshe, and in Laten. No place or printer, 1538. 8vo. Herbert 1.396 xxiv. 9. 1. or Boke of Prayers, &c. Imperfect, but no doubt of the edition of Nic. Bournian, 1540. r2mo. Herbert I. 594 xxiv. 9. 5. Five leaves belonging to one of which I find no account. Ed. AVhitcliurche, 1551 See List, Fnuj. p. 257. of Sarysbury use set out along. Robertus Valentinus, Rotlionia;,'i, 1555. sm. 8vo. Herb. III. 1579... xxiv. 9. 3. * An uniform and Catholic, in Latin and English. Jno. Wavland, 1555. 4to vi. 1.29. the same xxxix. 5. 14. (The) in Latin and English after the use of Saruni. Jno. A\'a3 land, 15.55. 4to. Herbert 1. 5G2 xxv. 1. 22. of Salisbury use, set out a long. In aedibus Roberti [not Florent.] Valentini, Rouen, 1556. Herbert III. 1589. xxiv. 9. 2. *. (The) or Office of the Blessed Virgin in Latin and English. Arnold Conings, Antwerp, 1599. 12mo A. 4 36. in English and Latin with Savonarola's Exposition on Psalms li. and xxx. Rob. Redman, n. d. 4to. Herbert I. 390 xxxix. 2. 6. Priscus (Joannes). Historiee Brytannicse Defensio. H». Binneman for Humfy. Toy, 1573. 4to. Herbert II. 935 xxii. 2. 9. *Problema Indulgentiarum quo Lutheri errata dissolvuntur. In sed. Pynsonianis, n. d. 4to xxviii. 2. 23. Proclamation — By the Mayre of London against forestalling and regrating ; with a List of Prices of Provisions. Apparently belonging to the reign of Hen. Vlll. A broadside. See List, Frag. p. 284. N 2 92 KNGLISII BOOKS IN *PKOCLAMArioN. The Kingis Majesties, with certain Actes of Par- liament anent the enemies of the Evangel. Jno. Ros, Edinbuigli, 1580. 4to xxxi. G. 24. (G.) Proclamations — All such as have been set forth by the King from the last day of January in the first year of his reign to the last day of January in the fourth. Rich'', (irafton, LmO. sra. 1]vo. Ilcibcrt I. 533 xliv. 5. 43. * of Edward VI. against the Rebels. Kxcusum Londini in iEdibus Richardi Graftoni Regii Impressoris Mense Maij xxiij. 1549. A broadside. Not included or noticed in the preceding article. Proctor (John). The History of Wyats Rebellion. Rob. Caley, 1555. 12mo. Herbert II. 830 xxxi. 9. 4. (3.) Promptorium Parvulorum. Four leaves (b iii & iv and n ii & iii) of Julian Notary's Edition. See List, Fruff. p. 293. Propositions and Principles of Divinitie disputed at Geneva by Students of Divinity under Theodore Beza and Anthonie Faius. No place or printer, 1595. 8vo. Herbert III. 1727 xxx. 9. 17. Prosopopeia, containing the teares of the holy, blessed, and sancti- fied Marie the Mother of God. by T. L. (not L. T.) PI White, 159G. 12mo. Herbert II. 1200 xx.xi. 8. 2G. (2.) Protestants of the north parts of Holland ; A brief and true rehearsal of their victory against the Duke of Alba's ships 12. October, 1573. H. Middleton, 1573. 8vo. Herbert II. 1056 xxx. 8. 4. (6.) Proverbes, A Commentary on the Book of, [by Thomas Wilcoxe.] The. Orwin for Tho. Man, 1589. 4to. Herbert II. 1244 P. 1. 45. Provinces (United). See Spaniards. Psalms of David truly opened ; translated from the Latin of Beza by Anthony Gilbie. Hy. Denham, 1.581. 12nio. Herbert II. 9.52 Q. 3. 29. * in Metre, with divers Notes. Tho. Vautrollier, 1587. 8vo xxviii. 9. 3. ■ An Exposition upon the whole Book of, [by Tho. Wilcoxe.] 1591. 4to. Herbert II. 1246 P. I. 46. See Parker, Abp. THE LAMBETH LlllRAUY. 93 Purser. See Clinton. Pylbarough (John). Comraemoration of the inestimable Graces and Benefits of God, &c. Tho. Beithclct, lo4(). 4to. Herbert I. 437 B. 1. 13. PrsTLES and Gospels of every Sunday and holy day in the yere. No plane or printer, 1538. !{vo xxiv. 9. 1 . (3. ) ■ another edition. In Officina Robert! [not Floreuti] Valentini, Rouen, 1.55.5. sni. (ivo. Herbert HI. 1579 xxiv. 9. 3. (2.) another edition. Paris, 1538. sm. 4to. size, eights .\.\xi. 8. 18. (2.) another edition. WylliamHyl, n. d. Herbert H. 757 vi. 1.29. (2.) QuERiMONiA Ecclesise. Jno. Windet, 1592. 4to. Herbert U. 1229 x.\iv. 4. 3. R. (G.) See Navarre. *R. (I.) De Hypocritis vitandis. Jno. Legatt, Cambridge, 1595. 4to xxxii. 7. 3. (3.) . the same xxxi. 7. 25. (2.) *R. (O.) An easie Entrance into the chief points of the Christian Religion. R. "Waldegrave, n. d. sm. 8vo xxviii. 9. 16. R. (R.) See Arthur. R. (W.) The most horrible and tragical Murther of Lord Bourgh, by Arnold Cosby, &c. written by R. R. R[obert] R[obinson], 1591. 4to. Herbert II. 1237 xx.xi. 4. 19. (12.> Racster (John). A Book of the Seven Planets or seven wandering motives of William Alablaster's wit. Peter Short for And". Wise, 1598. 4to. Herbert II. 1210 7. 25. Rainoldes (John), and John Hart ; the Sum of the Conference between them. Jno. Wolfe for Geo. Bishop, 1584. 4to. Herbert II. 1149, 1172. ... xxix. 1. 21. De Roraanaj Ecclesise Idololatria. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1596. 4to. Herbert HI. 1406 xxiv. 2. 33. 94 ENGLISH BOOKS IN Rainolds (John). A Sermon on part of Pj-alni xviii. preached August m, 1586. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1586. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1400 A. 4. 13. sr. (4.) ■ (William). A Refutation of sundry Reprehensions, Cavils, and false Sleights by which M. Whitaker had laboured to deface the Rhemish translation of the New Testament. Paris, 1583. 8vo. Herbert 111. KJO'l xxxiii. 9. 10. Rami (P.) Dialecticae libri duo scholiis G. Tempelli illustrati, &c. The. Thomas, Cambridge, 1584. sin. 8vo. Herbert III. 1414 xvii. 1. 2(1. See Scribonius. Rastell (John). A Confutation of a Sermon pronounced by M. Juel at Pauls Cross on Passion Sunday, 1560. Mgid. Diest, Antwerp, 15G4. 8vo. Herbert III. 16'08 xxxii. 8. 14. ■ A Reply to his Defence of the Truth. ^gid. Diest, Antwerp, \.%5. 8vo. Herbert III. IGIO. Lambeth... xxxii. 8. 13. A brief Shew of the False Wares packed together in his Apology. Jno. Fowler, Loiivain, 15(J7. sm. 8vo. Herb. III. 1622. Lambeth... xxxii. 8. 15. See Fulke. Rebels ; A Message sent by the King to those in Devonshire. Richd. Grafton, 1.54.0. 12mo. Herbert I. 52.0 xxxi. 9. 3. (12.) the same xl. 4. 39. ■ A Copy of a Letter containing the Articles and Requests of those in Devonshire and Cornwall, No place or printer, 1549. 12m(). Herbert I. 546 xxxi. 9. 3. (1 1.) Rebellion. See Lamentation. Recorder of London, his Declaration concerning the Attempts of her Majesty's seditious subjects. Jolm Day, 1571. 12mo. Herbert I. 650 .\xx. 8. 17. (1.3.) Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum. John Day, l.")71. 4to. Herbert I. 651 xxiv. 4. 14. Reformation (The) of Religion by Josiah a commendable example. No date, place, or printer, sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1755 A. 4. 13. g. * An earnest Persuasion to the Pastors of Christes Church. No place, printer, or date. 12mo xxviii. 8. 23. (8.) See Dan2:erous. THE I-AMIiKIII LIBRARY. 95 *Rkformation. Tlie public Reformation of a Church. No place, [printer, or ilatc. A broailsidc xxx. ()'. 24. (().) Rkformki) Churches. See Prayer. Rkgistrum omnium Brevium. Jane Yctsweirt, 15,0,5. fol. Herbert II. 113-2 xxiv. 4. .0. f. Relation (A brief) of what is hapned since the last of August, 1598, by the coming of the Spanish camp into the Dukedom of Cleve, &c. Jno. Wolfe, 159.9. 4to. Herbert II. 1185 xxxi. 4. 4. (4.) Remonstrance (A), or plain Detection of some of the Faults in the book entituled " A Demonstration of Discipline." Geo. Bishop and R. Newbery, 1590. 4to. Herbert II. 915, 1151 xxix. 2. 5. Reniger (Michael). De Pii V. et Gregorii XIII. Rom. Pont, fu- roribus contra Elizabetham Reginam. The. Dawson for R«i. VVatkins, 1582. 8vo. Herb. II. 1025, 1123... xviii. 6. 12. the same xvi. 5. 17. Reply (A), with the occasion thereof, to a railing, &c. libel of the Papists set upon postes and also in Paules Church. H. Singleton, n. d. 4to. Herbert II. 740. q xxix. 3. 18. (5.) Requests (Court of) ; its ancient State, Authority, and Proceedings. No place or printer, 1597. 4to. Herbert HI. 1733 xxxi. 5. .0. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam. G. Bisbop, R. Newbery, and R. Barker, 1596. fol. Herbert II. 1091, 1152. xxii. 2. 2. f. Rescuinge of the Romish Fox devised by Steuen Gardiner. (The first leaf wanting ; this title is taken from Herbert.) Basil, 1543. the 14 Scpt^. 12mo. Herbert III. 1557 xxx. 8. 14. (5.) Reynolde (William). A Treatise on the Holy Sacrifice and Sacra- ment with a Reply to Robert Bruces Sermons. loachim Trognesius, Antwerp, 1593. 8vo. Herbert III. 1722. Lambeth. xxxiii. 9. 9. RhjESUs (lo. Dav.) Cambrobrytannicse Cymraeceeve linguse Insti- tutiones. Thomas Ortwin, 1592. fol. Herbert II. 1247 xviii. 1. 8. f. Rhegius (Urbanus). A Sermon of Angels. Translated by Ri[chard] Ro[binson] . Jno. Charlwood, n. d. sra. 8vo. Herbert II. 1101 xxvii. 8. 14. (8.) Rhymes. See Mar Prelate. 96 KNGLlSll 1$()()KS IN RiBAULD (Captain). The whole and true discovery of Terra Florida. Set forth in English, May 30, 1563. Roiil.iiul JIfill for T. H.icket, n. d. 12nio. Herbert II. 1122 xxx. 8. .5. (4.) Rice (Richard). An Invective against Vices, taken for Virtue. .Ino. Kyngston for H>'. Kirkham, n. d. 12mo. Herb. II. 839...xxviii. 9. 15. (2.) Richard II. See Bellewe. RicHE (Barnaby). The true Report of a late practise enterprised by a Papist with a young Maiden in Wales. Robt. Walley, 1582. 4to. Herbert II. 734. and see Dib(;in IV. 278. xxxi. 4. 1.9. (5.) A Path-way to Military Practise. Jno. Cbarlewood for Rob. Walley, 1587. 4to. Herb. II. 7:35, 1100. xxxi. I. 25. Ridley (Nicholas, Bishop of London) and Hugh Latimer, Con- ferences between. No place or printer, 1556. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1588 xxxi. 8. 13. (5.) A Friendly Farewell. John Day, 1559. r2mo. Herbert I. (531 xxx. 8. 7. (2.) A Pituous Lamentation of the miserable estate of the Church of Christ in England ; with Letters of John Careles annexed. Wm. Powell, n. d. 12mo. Herbert II. 739 xxxi. 8. 13. (•).) Rikes (Richard). See Savorine. Robin Hood. Two leaves belonging to some Poetical History of him. See List, Frag. p. 305. Robinson (Richard). See Leland, Rhegius. Rogers (John). See Family of Love. (Thomas). Tlie English Creede, consenting with the true ancient Catholic and Apostolic Church. Jno. Windet for And". .Maunsell, 1585. fol. Herbert II. 113fi xii. 4. 14. f. An Historical Dialogue touching Antichrist. Jno. Windet, 1589. 8vo. Herbert II. 113G, 1228 x.\x. 8. 15. (5.) A Sermon on Rom. xii. 6 — 8. Jno. Windet, 15.90. 4to. Herbert II. 1228. Lambeth xxx. 1. 20. (5.) RoLLOCus (Hercules). De Jacobi VI. Scotorum Regis et Annse Danorum Regis filise Conjugio. Ily. Charteris, Edinburgli, 1589. 4t(>. Herb. III. 1507. Lambeth. .. xxii. C. 23. (8.) (Robertus). In Epistolam ad Ephesios Commentarius. Rob. Waldeprave. Edinbnrpli, 15.00. 4to. Herbert III. 1.508 xxi. 7.23. TUK LAMRETII LIBRARY. J)7 RoLLOcus (Robertus). In librum Danielis Commentarius. Rob. Waldegrave, Eiliiiburgli, l').')l. 4to. Herbert III. lolO xxi. 7. 22. *RoMANS (The Epistle to) A compendious Introduction, Prologue, and Preface to. Jno. Cliailcwood, ir)()4. 16mo xxvii. 9. 2."?. (2.) *RoME — " To the Church of Rome." Jno. Wolfe, 1590. 12mo DD. 9. 12. (.5.) * A terrible Deluge or Overflowing there. Jno. Wolfe, 1599. 4to xxxi. 4. 9. (4.) *RuLE (A Short) of Good Life. No place, printer, or (late. 12mo xxxi. 9. 22. the same (imperfect) No press-mark. RuRiMUNDE (William, Bp. of). Certain Tables translated by Lewis Evans, and intituled the Betraying of the Beastlines of Heretics. ^,gid. Diest, Antwerp, 1565. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1613 xxx. 8. 13. (4.) RussE Commonwealth, or Maner of Government by the Russe Emperor. T[homas] D[a\vson] for Tho. Charde, 1591. 8vo. Herbert 11. 1128, 1196. xxviii. 8. 5. S. (C.) A brief Resolution of a right Religion. Touching the con- troversies that are now in England. Roger Ward for Jno. Proctor, 1590. 4to. Herbert II. 1193 xxx. 4. 14. S. (I. Gent.) A Tragical Historie of the Troubles and Civil Wars of the Low Countries. Jno. Kyngston for Tobie Smith, [1583] 4to. Herbert II. 841, 1307 xl. 4. 3. * A newe Revenge for an old Grudge. Hy. Wykes for F. Coldocke, n. d. 12mo xxviii. 8. 2.3. (4.) See Loarte. S. (J.) Truth tried, very comfortable to the Faithful. Henry Sutton, 1562. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1310 xxviii. 8. 23. (6.) See Viret. S. (L.) Resurgendum ; a notable Sermon on the Resurrection preached not long since at the Court. Jno. Wolfe, 1593. 4to. Herbert II. 1181 xxx. 1. 20. (3.) o 98 FA'OLISTI ROOKS IN *S. (R.) A brief Discourse to prove the necessitie and excellence of the use of Archerie. Rd. Johnes, 1596. 4to xxxi. 1. '20. S. (W.) An Answere to the Proclamation of the Rebels in the North. Wm. Seres, 1569. )2mo. Herbert II. 701 xxx. 8. 11. (7.) A compendious or briefe Examination of certayne ordinary Complaints of divers of our Country men, by way of Dialogue. Tho. Marshe, 1581. 4to. Herbert II. 869 xxx. 7. 3. (3.) Sack (The) of Rome, executed by the Emperor Charles armie. Translated from the Spanish. Abell Jeffes for Roger Ward, 1590. 4to. Herbert 11. 1162 xxix. 3. 18. (4.) Safeguard of Society. See Barston. Salesburius (Henricus). Grammatica Britannica. Tho. Salesburius, 1593. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1278 xxii. 9. 36. S[alesburye], W[illiam]. The Baterie of the Popes Botelereulx. Rob'. Crowley, 1550. 12mo. Herbert II. 761 xxxi. 8. 17. (4.) Salisbury. See Primer. Salutem in Christo, &c. This is the head-title of a Letter begin- ning on the signature A 3, and having no title-page. It is dated xiii. October, 1571, and signed R. G. Herbert III. 1628 xxxi. 8. 17. (21.) Sampsonis (Ric. Ep. Cicest.) in priores 50 Psal. Dauiticos familiaris Explanatio. Tho. Berthelet, 1539. fol. Herbert I. 434 xi.4. 17. f. Sampson (Thomas). A Letter to the Parishioners of AUhallows Bread Street, Strasburgh, 1554. 12mo. Herbert III. 1575 xx.v. 8. 20. (8.) Brief Collection of the Church, &c. Hy. Middleton forGeo. Bishop, 1581. 12mo. Herb. H. 1148.. 8. 15. (2.) Sander (Nicholas). The Supper of our liOrd set forth. Jno. Fowler, Louvain, 1566. 4to. Herbert III. 1618 xxix. 4. 15. A Treatise of the Images of Christ ; against Bp. Juel. J. Fowler, Louvain, 1567. Herbert III. 1622. Lambeth xl. 4. 19. the same xxxiii. 9. 6. The Rock of the Church. Jno. Fowler, Louvain, 1567. sin. 8vo. Herbert III. 1622 xxxiii. 9. 7. IIU'; LAMBKTll LIBRARY. 99 Sander (Nicholas). A brief Treatise of Usury. Jno. Fowler, Louvain, ISO'S, rjmo. Herbert III. 1625 xxxi. !). .5. (-2.) See Acworthus, Bridges, Fidelis, Fulke, Nowell, Whitakerus. Sands (Edwin, Archbishop of York). Sermons. H. Middleton for Tho. Charde, 1585. Herbert 11. 1062, 1195.. .xxx. 1. 12. (2.) Sanford (James). See Brocard. Sara VIA (Hadrianus). De diversis Ministrorum Evangelii Gradibus. G. Bishop and R. Newbery, 1590. 4to. Herbert II. 918 xxiv. 7. 1. ■ Three Treatises. I. Of the diverse degrees of the Gospell, &c. 2. Of the Honour due to Priests. 3. Of Sacrilege. Jno. Wolfe for Jno. Perin, 1591. 4to. Herbert II. 1178 xxx. 6. 22. ■ De Imperandi Authoritate. E-xe. Reg. Typ. 1593. 4to. Herbert 11. 1086 xxiv. 7. 3. *Saunders (George). A brief Discourse of his Murder. Hy. Binneman, 1573. sm. 8vo xxix. 9. 28. See M. (A.) Savonarola. An Exposition after the manner of a Contemplation upon the li. Psalm called " Miserere mei Deus ;" and a Medi- tation on Psalm xxx. "In te Domine speravi." Nicolas le Roux, no date or place. 8vo. Herbert III. 1837 xxiv. 9. 1. (2.) ■ another edition. No printer, Paris, 1538 xxxi. 8. 18. See Prayers, Primer. ♦Savgrine (Adrian). The true Image of Christian Love; trans- lated 60 years ago by Richard Rikes ; and now published by A.M. Jno. Charhvood, 1587. sm. 8vo xxvii. 9. 15. (3.) Savoy (Duke of). An Admonition given to him by one of his Council against enterprising against France ; translated by E. A. Jno. Wolfe, 1589. 4to. Herbert II. 1175 xxxi. 4. 9. ScALA Perfectionis. Wynkyn de Worde, 1533. 4to. Herbert I. 185 xxviii. 1. 2. Scory (John). An Epistle to the faithful in prison in England. No place or printer, 1555. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1523, 1583... xxxi. 8. 13. (()'.) o 2 lUO ExXGLlSII BOOKS IN Scot (Reynold). A perfite platform of a Hoppe Garden. Hy. Denbam, 157C). 4to. Herbert II. 948. gives a description agreeing, except tbat the date is 1578, and it bas GO pages, wbile this bas 63 xxxi. 1. 35. Scotland. The Confession of the Faith believed by the Protestants of Scotland. Robt. Lckprewik, Edinburgb, 1561. 12mo. Herbert HI. I486.. .xxxi. 9. 8. (5.) ■ Actes and Constitutiounis of the Realme of Scot- land. Rob, Lekpreuik, Edinburgh, 1566. fol, Herbert III. 1489 xxiv. 5. 2. f. The Ordoure of Excommunication and publict Re- pentance used in the Church of Scotland. Robt. Lekprevik, Edinburgh, 1569. sm. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1492.. .xxx. 8. 3. (3.) • An Admonition direct to the true Lordis. [By G. Buchanan.] Robt. Lekpreuik, Striviling, 1571. siu. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1493.. .xxx. 8. 3. (5.) • Ane Declaration of the Causes mouing vs of the Nobilitie of Scotland and others, to repair to his Hienes pre- sence, &c. Striuiling, no printer, 1582. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1501 xviii. 6. 20. (2.) Declaration of the Kind's Maiesties intentioun and Meaning toward the lait Actes of Parliament. Tho. Vautrollier, 1585. 4to. Herbert HI. 1504 xxxi. 6. 24. (5.) Confession of Faith subscribed by the Kingis Maiestie and his houshold, &c. Robt. Waldegrave, Edinburgh, 1590. 4to. Herbert HI. 1507... xx.xi. 6. 24. (4.) Lawes and Actes of Parliament maid be Kinsr lames the First and his successors Kings of Scotland, Rob. Waldegrave, Edinburgh, 1597, fol. Herbert HI. 1517 xxiv. 5. 1. f. See Alesii, D. (J.), Fast, Geneva. Scott (Mayster). See Chedsey. ScoTUS (Cuthbertus). See Drant. *ScRiB0Nius (Guil. Adolph.) Triumphus Logicse Rameae. Tlio. Vautrollier for G. Bishop, 1583. 8vo xl. 2. 28. (2.) Scuii'TURE History, Four leaves from a work in Latin verse; they contain those " De Araalech," " De Og," " De VII, Explora- toribus," " De Botro." See List, Fraf). p. 295. Sedition, A Remedy for. Tho. Berthelet, 1536. 4to. Herbert 1. 427 xxix. 3. 17. (4.) THE LAMBKTll I.IIJHARY. 101 Sequentiarum Expositio secundum usum Sarum. Julian Notaiy, 1505. 4to. Herbert I. 305 xxv. 1. 17. (1) Sermon (A) preached at New Parke, before the Earl of Darbie, January 2, 1577. Thomas East, 1577. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 100!) xxvii. 8. 13. (13.) (A fruitful) on Rom. xii. 3 — 8. Robt. Waldegiave, 1584. l'2mo. Herbert II. 1141 xxix. 9. 5. (3.) (A) preached at Pauls Cross, November 17, 1583. Tho. Orwin for Tho. Chard, 1589. 12mo. Herbert II. 1196 xxvii. 8. 20. the same A. 4. 13. g. (5.) preached before the Queen, March 2nd, 1575. Herbert says, " By Dr. John Young, Bp. of Rochester." Rd. AVatkins, n. d. 12mo. Herbert II. 1024 xxvii. 8. 12. (A godly and learned) preached before an honourable auditorie, February 26, 1580. 11. Middleton for Tho. Man, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 1059...x.xvii. 8. 15. (10.) Sermons (Certain) appointed by the Queen's Majesty to be read by all Persons, Vicars, and Curates. Rd. Jugge and Jno. Cawood, 1562. 4to. Herbert II. 720 xxx. 3. 19. (Certain) appointed by the Queens Majesty, &c. Edw. Alldee, 1595. 4to. Herbert II. 1240 xx.x. 3. 18. • or Homilies (Three) to move compassion towards the Poor. Set forth by authority. J. Windet for A. Maunsell, 1596. 4to. Herb. II. 1137, 1231... xxx. 3. 17. (6.) the same xxx. 1. 22. (3.) Serranus (Johannes). A Commentary on Ecclesiastes translated by John Stockwood. Jno. Windet for Jno. Harrison, Jun^. 1585. 8vo. Herbert II. 1159, 1224. xxxi. 8. 6. Setoni (Joannis) Dialectica ; annotationibus Petri Carteri explicata : huic accessit Gulielmi Buclsei Arithmetica. Tho. Marsh, 1577. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 866 xvii. 1. 28. Seyton (Alexander) and William Tolwyn. Declaration made at Poules Cross on the 4th Sunday in Advent, 1541. Rychard liant, n. d. 12nio. Herbert I. 589 xxxi. .9. 3. (4.) Shacklock (Richard). See Drant, Hosius, Osorius. Sheep. Certayne Causes gathered together shewing the decay of Englande by the multitude of sheep. Heugh Sjngleton, n. d. 12mo. Herbert II. 745 xl. 4. 39. (16.) 102 K.NGLlSll BOOKS IN Shepherd's. See Kalendar. Sherrye. See Marcellus. Sherwine. See White. Sherwood (William). See Hobson. Shield of our Safety. See Anderson. Shute (John). See Viret. *SiCK, A new book containing an Exhortation to the Sick, &c. Wm. Copland, 15G1. l'2mo xxx. 9. 8. (7.) Sidney (Sir Philip). Peplus. Illustrissirai Viri D. P. Sidnaei supre- mis honoribus dicatus. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1587. 4to. Herbert III. 140-2. Lambeth xxii. 6. 23. Exequiae illustrissimi Equitis D. Ph. Sidnaei gratissimse memorise ac nomini impensae. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1587. 4to. Herbert 111. 1402 xxii. C. 30. See Nevillus. Sinners Sleep. See Clapham. Skeltonical Salutation (A). Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1589. 4to. Herbert 111. 1403 xxxi. 4. 6. (7.) Slade (John) and John Bodye, two obstinate and notorious Trai- tours, their executions and confessions. Printer's name cut off. I suppose Ric. Jones. 1583. sni. 8vo. Herbert II. 1044. says, " the tract was suppressed, and the author punished." ... xxx. 8. 17. (14.) Slander. A Plaine Description of the Auncient Petigree of Dame Slaunder. Jno. Harrison, 1573. 12mo. Herbert II. 1155 xxx. 8. 8. (2.) * A compendious Treatise of. Richard Lant, n. d. 12rao xxx. 9. 4. Smith (I.) The Doctrine of Prayer in general for all men. Adam Islip, 1.595. 4to. Herbert II. 1285 xxx. 7. 19. ■ (Sir Thomas). De Republica Anglorura. II. Middleton for G. Seton, 1.584. 4to. Herbert II. 1061, 1326 xxxi. 2. 29. * • De Republica, &c. libri trcs, Joannis Buddeni diligentia de sermone Anglicano in Latinum conversi. Pro Officina Nortoniana, n. d. 8vo A. 4. 38. the same xviii. 6. 14. See Ireland. TirE r.AMHF/ril library. 103 Smyth (Richard). A brief Treatise setting forth divers truths, Tho. Petit, 1547. sni. Jivo. Ileibeit I. .5.56 xxxiii. 8. 12. A Defence of the Sacrifice of the Masse. Wm. Middleton, 1.547. 8vo. Herbert I. 575. Lambeth xxxiii. 8. 13. The Assertion and Defence of the Sacramente of the Aulter. Jno. Hcrford for R. Toye, 1546. sm. 8vo. Herbert L 578 xxxiii. 8. 11. His Retractation at Pauls Cross, May 15, 1547. Reynold Wolfe, n. d. 12mo xl. 4. 39, ■ the same A. iv. 13. vol. 5. (6.) A Boucher of the Catholic Faith. Rd. Tottell, n. d. 12mo. Herbert H. 827. Lambeth .\xxiii. 8. 12. The second part of the Buckler of the Catholic Faith. Rob. Caly, 1555. 12mo. Herbert H. 8.30. Lambeth xxxiii. 8. 12. (2.) Smythe (Sir John). Certain Discourses concerning the Formes and Effects of divers sorts of Weapons. Richd. Jolmes, 15.90. 4to. Herbert H. 1047 xxxi. 1. 1.9. Soldier of Barwick. See Gilby. Some (Richard). A Sermon preached at St. Mary's, Cambridge, in March, 1580. H. Middleton for Geo. Bishop, 1580. sm. 8vo. Herbert H. 10.58. xxvii. 8. 18. (9.) (Robert). A Godly Treatise of the Church. Tho. D.awson for Geo. Bishop, 1582. sm. 8vo. Herbert H. 1124,1148. XXX. 9. 14. (4.) A Godly and short Treatise of the Sacraments. T. Dawson for Geo. Bishop, 1.582. sm. 8vo. Herb. H. 1122... xxx. 9. 14. (5.) A Godlie Treatise containing and deciding some questions touching the Ministerie, &c. Chr. Barker's Dep'. 1588. 4to. Herbert H. 1084 xxx. 6. 12. — the same xxx. 6. 13. the same lix. 4. 19. A Godlie Treatise wherein are examined and con- futed many execrable fancies of Barrow, Greenwood, and others. Chr. Barker's Dep^. 1589. 4to. Herbert H. 1085 xxx. 6. 1.5. . the same L. 3. 47. (2.) 104 ENGLISH BOOKS IX Some (Robert) laid open in his colours ; wherein the reader may see how wretchedly he hath handled the cause against M. Penri. By I. G. No place or printer, [1589.] sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1G86 xxix. 9. 9. See Oppression. Somerset (Protector). See Martyr, Patten. SoMMERs (W.) See Barrel. SoPHisTARUM. See Libellus. SoPHRONisTES ; A Dialogue persuading the People to reverence and attend the Ordinance of God, in the ministery of their own Pastors. Tho. Orwin for Tho. Man, 1589. 4to. Herbert II. 1245 xxxi. 6. 20. (2.) the same xxx. 4. 8. (3.) Spain (King of) ; a Supplication to him by the Prince of Orange and States of Holland, &c. ; translated by T. W. H. Middleton, 1573. sni. 8vo. Herbert II. 105G xxx. 8. 4. (9.) Certain Advertisements out of Ireland of the losses by the Spaniards on the west coast of Ireland. I. Vautrollier for R. Field, 1588. 4to. Herbert II. 1075 xxxi. 4. (i. (11.) the same xxxi. 2. 21. (2.) (the King of) ; an Account of his receiving in Valliodolid and in the Inglish college there. No place or piiiitcr, 15.02. sui. 8vo. Herbert III. 1721 xxx. 8. 2. * Ad Regem Hispanum. No place, printer, or date. 4to xxxi. 4. 6. (8.) See Newes. Spaniards. The Coppie of the Anti-Spaniard ; proving that the Spanish King is the cause of the troubles in France. Jno. Wolfe, 1590. 4to. Herbert II. 1177 xxxi. 4. fi. (12.) * A briefe Discourse dialoguewise contradicting the reports which affirme the Spaniards intended invasion to be for the re-establishment of the Romish Religion. R'<. Field, 1590. 4to xxxi. 4. 6. (4.) * A brief Discourse of their cruel dealings in the Duke- domes of Gulick and Cleve. Jno, Wolfe, 15.99. 4to xxxi. 1. .19. (.1) THK liAMlil-'/ril LIBRARY. 10.5 *Spaniards. a Proclamation of the Lords of the General States of the United Provinces, whereby the Spaniards and all their Goods are declared to be lawfuU prize. Jno. Wolfe, 1,-).')!). +to xxxi. 4. 4. (.5.) Spanish Lyes, A Pack of. Chr. Barker's Dep^ 1588. 4to. Herbert II. 1084 xxxi. 4. 6. (13.) Spectacle (A) for a blind Papist. Jno. Charlewood forEdwd. White, n. d. 12mo. Herb. II. 1103....xxviii. 9. IG. (7.) Speculum Vite Christi. Wm. Ca.vton, n. d. fol. Herbert I. 86 ii. 6. 3. f. Christiani. Wm. de Machlinia, n. d. 4to. Herbert I. 113 xxvii. 5. 2. Spence (Paul). See Abbot. Spies, (The xii.) See History. *Spiritual Conflict (The), translated from the Italian. No place, printer, or date. 12mo .xxxi. 9. 26. Stafforde (Henry Lord) ; The true diiference between the Regal Power and the Ecclesiastical, translated by him. Wm. Copland, n. d. r2mo. Herbert I. 354 xxviii. 9. 18. Stanley (Sir Wm.) See Allen. Staphylus (Fredericus) ; His Apology on the right understanding of Scripture, translated by Thomas Stapleton. John Latins, Antwerp, 1565. 4to. Herbert III. 1609 xxix. 5. 13. Stapleton (Thomas). A Fortresse of the Faith. John Laet, Antwerp, 1565. 4to. Herbert III. 1612 xxix. 3. 25. A Returne of Untruthes upon M. Jewelles Reply. Jno. Latius, Antwerp, 1566. 4lo. Herbert III. 1619 xxix. 5. 14. A Counterblast to M. Homes vain blast against M. Feckenham. Jno. Fowler, Louvain, 1567. 4to, Herbert III. 1623 xxix. 5. 15. See Bede, Bridges, Fulke, Staphylus, Whitakerus. *Star. A Letter sent by a Gentleman of England to his Friend, relating to the miraculous Star now shining. The. Marshe, 1573. 12mo xl. 4. 39. (4.) ♦Statutes, from Henry 111. to 1. Henry VHL No place or printer, 1577. fol xxiv. 5. 6. f. P 106 ENOLISTI BOOKS TN Statutes xxi Hen. VIII. No place, printtT. or (late. sm. iivo. Ileibeit I. .398 xvii. 9. 1 1. ("2.) xxij Hen. VIII. Rob. Redman, ii. d. sm. 8vo. Herbert 1. 40.') xvii. 9. 11. (,'?.) xxiii Hen. VIII. Rob. Redman, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herbert I. 3.98 xvii. 9. 1 1. (4.) xxvj Hen. VIII. Rob. Redman, n. d. sm. 8vo xvii. 9. 11. ((>.) made in the Parliament begon at Westminster the 4 day of November, i. Ed. VI. In Jed. Ric. Graftoni, 1548. foj. Herbert I. 524 xxiv. 4. 22. f. ii. & iii. Mary and Phihp. Jno. Cawood, 1555. fol. Herbert U. 793 xxiv. 4. 22. f. An. 1. Eliz. R^. Jugge, 1559. fol. Herbert H. 718, not exactly xxiv. 4. 22. f. (3.) Reginse Elizabethse. An Acte of two fifteenes, &c. granted by the Temporaltie. No place, printer, or date, fol xxiv. 4. 22. f. (4). An. xxiii. Eliz. Chr. Barker, 1581. fol. Herbert U. 1081 x.xiv. 5. 10. f. Anno xxvii. Eliz. Cbr. Barker, 1.585. fol. Herbert H. 108.3 xxiv. 5. 10. f. (2.) An. xxix. Eliz, Chr. Barker's Dep^. 1.587. fol. Herbert H. 1084 xxiv. 5. 10. f. (3.) An. xxxi. Eliz. Chr. B.arker's Deps. 1589. fol. Herbert H. 108.5 xxiv. 5. 10. f. (4.) An. XXXV. Reginae Elizabethse. Cbr. Barker's Deps. 1593. fol. Herbert H. 1087 xxiv. 5. 10. f. (5.) The whole volume of Statutes at large, to the xxix. Eliz. Chr. Barker, 1587. fol. Herbert H. 1084 xxiv. 5. 8. f. The Abregement of the. Rob«. Redman, ii. d. sm. 8vo xvii. 9. 11. (5.) Stella (F. Diego de). The Contempt of the World. Translated from the Italian. No place or printer, 1584. 12mo. Herbert TH. Ifi64. liambeth xxxii. 9. 4. Stocker (Thomas). See Diodorus, Viret. TIIK LAAIIiKTll LIBRARY. 107 Stock WOOD (John). A Sermon preached at Paul's Cross, Aug. 24, 1578. Hy. Binncnian, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 982 xxvii. 8. 13. (9.) the s;ime xxvii. 8. 16. • • ■ A Sermon preached at Pauls Cross on the 10th of May last. Tho. Dawson forGeo. Bishop, 1579. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 1117.. ..xxvii. 8. 1.3. (8.) the same xxvii. 8. l(i (2.) • A Sermon on the Destruction of lerusalem. Tho. Dawson, 1584. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1125 xxvii. 8. 13. (10.) A Sermon of the Necessitie, Properties, and Office of a good Magistrate. J. C[harlwood] for Tho. Butter, 1584. sm. 8vo. See Herbert II. 1096. .\.\vii. 8. 13. (11.) See Beza, Catechism, Serranus. Stoics, The Moral Philosophy of; written in French, and Englished by T[homas] I[ames]. T. Kingston for Tlio. Man, 1598. 12mo. Herbert II. 1293 x.xxi. 9. 1. Stokesley (John) See Tunstall. Story (Dr.) A Declaration of his Life and Death. Tho. Cohvell, 1571. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 931 .\xx. 8. 17. (18.) A Copy of a Letter lately sent by a Student in the laws concerning him. No place or printer, [1571.] 12mo. Herbert III. 1628 xxx. 8. 17. (17.) See Cranmer. Stoughton (Thomas). A generall Treatise against Poperie. Jno. Legat, Cambridge, 1598. 8vo. Herbert III. 1427 xxix. 8. 12. Stow (John). Annales of England. R. Newbery, 1592. 4to. Herbert II. 915. qu xxxi. 3. 1. f. A Summarie of the Chronicles of England. Rd. Bradocke, 1598. 12mo. Herbert II. 1298 xxvii. 9. 21. Stratioticos. See Digges. Stubbe (Peter, a wicked sorceror) ; a true Discourse declaring his damnable Life and Death. Edwd. Venge, [1.5,90.] sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1222 xxix. 9. 28. (4.) Stubbs (John). See Gaping. (Philip). Two wonderful and rare Examples. Wm. Wright, [1581.] 4to, Herbert III. 1345 xxxi. 4. 19.(8.) p 2 108 EXCLISir BOOKS I.\ Stubbs (Philip). The second part of the Anatomie of Abuses. Roger Ward for Wm. Wright, i:.83. sm. 8vo. Herb. 111. 134.5.. .xxix. 9. 7. (2.) ■■ the same xxx. 8. 18. (3.) Subscription, A Trial of. No place or printer, 1599. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1737 xxix. 9. 9.(3.) . the same A. 4. 13. g. (8.) Sum of the Actes and Decrees made by divers Bishops of Rome. Tho. Gybson, n. d. 12mo. Herbert I. 490 xxvii. 9. 12. (4.) *SupPER of the Lord after the true meaning of the vi. of John, &c. No place, printer, or date. 8vo. See Herbert II. 762 xxvii. 9. 12. (14.) Supplication (An humble) unto God for the restoring of bis Holy Word, unto the Church of England. Strasburgh, 1554. 12mo. Herbert HI. 1578 xxx. 8. 20. (7.) (A) to Hen. VHI. No printer or place, 1544. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. I55G xxvii. 9. 12. (12.) • to the Queen's Majesty. John Cawood's name falsely, [1555.] 8vo. Herbert 11. 793 xxx. 8. 20. (3.) (An humble) to her Majesty. No place or printer, 1595. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1727 xxxi. 9. 6. (3.) the same A. 4. 13./. (2.) Survey of the pretended Holy Discipline. Jno. Wolfe, 1593. 4to. Herbert II. 1181 xxx. 5. 11. (2.) SuTCLiFFE (Matthew). A Treatise of Ecclesiastical Discipline. Geo. Bishop and R. Newbery, 1590. 4to. Herbert II. 916, 1151 xxix. 2. 6. De Presbyterio. Geo. Bishop and R. Newbery, 1591. 4to. Herbert II. 918 xxiv. 4. 4. An Answer to a Libel put forth under the name of A Petition directed to her Majesty. Chr. Barker's Dep^ 1592. 4to. Herbert II. 1086 xxix. 2. 6. (2.) De catholica, orthodoxa, et vera Christi Ecclesia libri duo. Chr. Barker, 1.5,92. 4to xxiv. 4. 7. The Practice Proceedings and Lawes of Arms. Chr. Barker's Dep». 1593. 4to. Herbert II. 1087 xxix. 2. 11. An Answer to a Letter published by Job Throkmorton. Chr. Barker's Dcp\ 1595. 4to. Herbert II. 1088 xxx. 6. 17. (2.) TlIK LAMBI<:T1I I.inKARY. 101) SiTCLiFFE (Matthew). The Examination of M. Thomas Cartwright's late Apologie. Chr. Barker, Dcp*. 15%'. 4to. Herbert II, 1088 xxix. 2. 7. * . De Pontifice Romano. G. Bishop, R. Ncwbery, and R. Barker, 1599. 4to xxiv. 4. 1. * adversus Bellarmini de Purgatorio Disputa- tionem hber unus. G. Bishop, R. Newhery, .ind R. Barker, 1599. 4to xxiv. 4. 2. (2.) Sutton (Robert). See Weldon. Swinburne (Henry). A brief Treatise on Testaments and last Wills. Jno. Windet, 1590. 4to. Herbert II. 1229 xxxi. 5. 10. T. (I.) See BuUinger. T. (T.) See MarPrelate. Tacitus. The end of Nero and beginning of Galba, and the life of Agricola. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, for R''. Wright, 1.591. fol. Herbert III. 1404.. .xiv. 4. 9. f. Taverner, the Summe or Pith of the 150 Psalms of Dauid reduced to a form of prayers and meditations. Jhon Byddell, 15,39. 12mo. Herbert I. 488 -xxviii. 8. 24. Tayler (Francis). A Sermon on Rom. x. 18 — 21. T. Dawson for T. Woodcock, 1583. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 1109...xxvii. 8. 13. (7.) Tempkllus (G.) See Rami. ♦Tenures, Six leaves on, without title, or colophon. Uncut, folio Int. MSS. No. cclxx. 1. *Termes of the Lawes, An Exposition of, &c. Rd. Tottell, 1579. sm. Bvo xxxix. 4. 31. Testimonib (A) of Antiquity, shewing the Auncient Faith in the Church of England. Jno. Day, [1567.] 12mo. Herbert H. 642 xxvii. 8. II. Thomas (William). The Historie of Italic. Tho. Berthelet, 1549. 4to. Herbert I. 452 xxxi. 4. 18, * Principal Rules of the Italian Grammar. Hy. Wykes, 1567. 4to xxiii. 6. 7. Thorius (Joan.) See Phillip. no KNOr.ISH HOOKS IN Throckmorton (Francis). A Discourse of the Treasons practised and attempted by him. No place or printer, 1584. 4to. Herbert III. 16'()5 xxxi. 6. "25. (6.) See Sutcliffe. TiMME (Thomas). A plaine Disco verie of Ten Enghsh Lepers very noisome and hurtful to the Church and Commonwealth. Peter Short, 1592. 4to. Herbert II. 1207. Maunsell xxx. 4. 8. (4.) Tithes to be paid in London, The Decree for. Tho. Eiist for Gab'. Cawood, 1580. sm. 8vo. Herb. III. 1328.... A. 4. 13. (2.) *To all my faithful Brethren in Christe Jesus. No place, printer, or date. sm. 8vo xliv. 2. 33. (3.) *ToKENS (XV.) preceding Domesday. Wm. How for Wm. Pickering, n. d. 12nio xxviii. 8. 23. (13.) ToLWYN. See Seton. *ToMKYs (John). A Sermon preached at Shrewsbury on May 26, 1584. R. Waldegrave, for Wm. Ponsonby, 1586. sm. 8vo .\xvii. 8. 12. (4.) ToMSON (Laurence). See Fecknam. (William). In Canticum Canticorum Explanatio. Robt. Waldegrave, 1583. 12mo. Herbert II. 1141 i.x. 8. 25. (2.) ToNSTAL (Cuthbert, Bp. of Durham). Sermon on Palm Sunday before Henry VIIL In ffid. Tho. Berthelet, 1539. Herbert I. 434 xl. 2. 27. TooKERUS (Guilielmus). Charisma sive Donum Sanationis. Jno. Windet, 1597. 4to. Herbert II. 1232 xxiii. 6. 26. Traheron (Bartholomew). An Answer made to a privie Papist. No place or printer, 1558. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1597 x.xx. 8. 20. the same xxx. 9. 4. An Exposition of Rev. iv. No place or printer, 1,588. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1596 x.xx. 8. 20. (2.) the same xxx. 9. 4. (4.) See Outis. *Traitors. a Declaration of tlie favourable dealing of her Ma- jesties Commissioners appointed for their Examination. No place or printer, 1583. 4to xxxi. 4. 6. (2.) A short Discourse concerning those executed 20 and 21 September, 1586. Geo. Robinson for Ed. White, n. d. 4to. Herbert 11. 119,0, 1237. Lambeth. xxxi. 2. 26. (7.) THE LAMRF/ril LIBRARY. Ill Traitors. A short Ueclaration of the ende of Traytors. Wherem are also briefly touched sundry offences of the Scotch Queen. Jno. Charlewood for T. Ciubbin and T. Ncwnian, 1587. 4to. Herbert IT. 10.09. xxxi. 4. 6. (3.) A briefe Treatise discoursing in substance the offences, &c. of the 14 Traitors condemned Aug. 26, 1588. Jno. Wolfe for Hy. Cur, lof)8. sm. 8vo. Herbert U. 1174 xxx. H. 17. (12.) See Munday, Whetstone. Travers (Walter). An Answer to a supplicatorie Epistle of G. T. for the pretended Catholics. Tobie Smith, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herbert H. 1.307 xxix. 9. 16. ♦Treason pretended against the King of Scots by certaine Lords and Gentlemen. Tho, Nelson, 1585. sm. Bvo xxx. 8. 16. the same xxx. 8. 3. Treasons against Queen Elizabeth, A Treatise of. No place or printer, 157'2. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 1630 xxx. 8. 16. (2.) ♦Treatise (A) declaring how Christ by perverse preaching was banished out of this realm. Robt. Caly, 1554. 4to xxx. 4. 18. (A brief) containing many proper tables and easy rules. Jno. Waley, [1573.] sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 733 -xxvi. 8. 12. against the Defense of the Censure given upon the books of W. Charke and Meredith Hanmer, &c. Tho. Thomas, Cambridge, 1586. 8vo. Herbert III. 1416 xxix. 8. 13. (A) Parsenetical : shewing the meanes to resist the Cas- tilian King. By a Pilgrim Spaniard. Translated into French by I. D. Dralymont, and now Englished. Wm. Ponsonby, 1.598. 4to. Herbert II. 1276 xxxi. 2. 21. (A). Dyuers Articles which have been a special cause of the division that is betwyxt the spiritualtie and temporaltie in this realme. In a^d. Thomse Bertheleti, n. d. 12mo. Herbert I. 461. qy. . xxx. 9. 4. (11.) (A) of the principles of Christ his doctrine ; and of the principles of Antichristes doctrine. Tho. Orwin for Tho. Man, n. d. 16mo. Herbert III. I.'5.32 xxviii. .0. 26. (A) with a Kalendar and the proofs thereof. No place, printer, or date. sm. 8vo A. 4. 13./". (4.) 112 ENGLISH BOOKS IN Triades or Trinites of Rome. Tho. Godfiay, n. d. 12ino. Herbert I. 324 xl. 4. UP. Trigge (Francis). An Apologie, or Defence of our days wherein they are proved to be more happy than those of our fore- fathers. Jno. Wolfe, 1589. 4to. Herbert II. 117-5 xxxi. 2. 26. (3.) * Noctes Sacrae, seu lucubrationes in primam partem Apocalypseos. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1590. 4to xxi. 6. 28. Triumph ALIA de Victoriis Elizabethse contra Classem Phihppi His- paniarum regem. No date, place, or printer. 4to. Herbert III. 1684 x.xxi. 4. 10. TuNSTALL (Cuthbert) and John Stokesley, their Letter to Cardinal Pole. Reg<'. Wolfe, 1554. 12mo. Herbert I. 605 A. 4. 13. b (3.) *TuRCOPAPisMo, De. G. Bishop, R. Newbery, and R. Barker, 1599. See Herb. III. 1737 .xxiv. 4. 2. Turks. See Newes, Prayer. Turnbull (Richard). An Exposition upon the Epistle of St. James. Jno. Windet, 1591. 8vo. Herbert II. 1229 xxix. 8. 20. An Exposition upon the Epistle of St. Jude. Jno. Windet, 1591. 8vo. Herbert II. 1229 x.xix. 8. 21. Turner (William). A Preservative or Triacle against the Poison of Pelagius. And". Hester, 1551. 12mo. Herbert I. 568 xxx. 9. 4. (9.) TwiNus (Johannes). De Rebus Albionicis, &c. Commentarius. Edwd. Bollifant for R. AVatkins, 1590. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1027, 1216. xviii. 6. 15. (3.) TwTNE (Thomas). See Lhuyd. Tye (Christopher). The Acts of the Apostles translated into Eng- lish metre. Nic. Hyll for Wm. Seres, 1553. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 690, 710. ..Int. MSS. 1160. Tymme (Thomas). The figure of Antichriste with the tokens of the End of the World. Era'. Coldocke, 151)6. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 921 x.\x. 9. 12. See Jerusalem, Tyndale (WilHam). An Exposycyon on St. Matt, v, vi, vii. No date or place Int. MSS. T[IH LAMHKTII T.IHKARY. Tyndale (William). See More. Frith, and Barnes ; their whole Works. John Day, 1.573. lol. Ilcihert I. 054. xiii. 4. 9. f. Practyse of Prelates. Marborch, l.WO. sm. !!vo. Herbert III. 1.538 xxvii. 9. 1-2. (,').) Pistle to the Christen Reader. The Revelation of Anti- Christ. Antitheses. Hans Lut'l, Marlbomw, 1.5-29. sni. Dvo. Herbert HI. 1.538 x.xix. 8. l'^. Ubaldino (Petruccio). A Discourse concerning the Spanish Fleet invading England in 1588. Arnd. Hatfield for A. Rithcr, 15.90. 4to. Herbert U. 1-212 xxxi. -2. 24. Le Vite delle Donne lUustri. del Regno D'Inghilterra, et del Regno di Scotia, &c. .Ino. Wolfe, 1.591. 4to. Herbert H. 1178 xix. 4. 1. Udall (John). Peters Fall; two Sermons. Jno. Wiiulet and The. .ludson for Nirh*. Lvnc;, 1584. 12mo. Herbert H. 1-224. xxvii. 8. 17. (;5.) A Demonstration of the truth of that Discipline which Christ hath prescribed. No ])lare or printer, n. d. sm. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1684 xxix. 9. 6. (2.) the same xxix. 9. 2. the same A. 4. 13. Universities of Italy and France, their determinations respecting Henry VIII. 's Divorce. Th. Bcrthelet, 1.531. 8vo. Herbert I. 418 xiii. (J. 35. the same xxxii. 9. 15. Unwritten Verytes, Of. Tho. Raynalde, 1548. I-2mo. Herbert I. .583 xxvii. 9. 1-2. (U.) Urban US Regius. A lytle Treatise after the manner of an Epystle. Gwalter Lynnc, 1548. 12iiio. Herbert II. 753 xxxi. 9. 3. (9.) Ursinus (Zacharias). The Sum of the Christian Religion, trans- lated by Henry Parrie. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1.587. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1402 xxix. 8. '2. Urso. See Baconis. Q 114 ENGLISH BOOKS IN Usurers, A General Discourse against. Jno. Kingston for A. IVlaiuisi'll, 1578. 4t(>. Ilciln-rt II. 113.') xxx. 5. 9. Varamundus (Ernestus). De Furoribus Gallicis, Narratio. Ily. Binueman, 1573. 12mo. Herbert II. 972 xviii. 8. '22. (4) *Vaughannus (Guilielmus). EPilTOOAirNlON Pium, contincns Canticum Canticorum, &c. Rich. Jolines, 1597. 12mo xiv. 7. 12. (7.) *Vaux (Laurence). A Catechisme or Christian Doctrine necessary for children and ignorant people. No pl.ace or printer, 1590. I2mo. See HerluTt III. K.'S.i, l(i'44. ... xxxi. 9. 19. Veron. See Zwinglius. ViRET (Peter). The principal Points in Controversy concerning the Holy Supper; translated by J[ohn] S[hutp]. Chr. Barker, 1,'")79. sni. !Wo. Herbert II. 1080 xxx. 9. 14. (.1) A faithful and familiar Exposition of the Lords Prayer, translated by John Brooke. H. Middlrton for R. Sergier, 1582. 4to. Herbert II. 10(50 xxx. 4. .■}. The World possessed with Devils, in two parts. Translated from the French by T[homas] S[tocker]. Tho. Dawson, for .Ino. Perin, 1.583. 8vo. Herbert II. 1124 xxix. 9. ^^. An Epistle to the Faithful. Englished by F. H, Esquire. [Tbo. Dawson] for Tobie Smith, 1582. sin. 8vo. Herbert II. 112.'?. x.wiii. 9. 1(1. (9.) The first part of the Christian Instruction ; trans- lated by John Shute. Jno. Day, n. d. 4to. Herbert I. <)40 xxx. 4. 4. Virgil. See Grimbaldus. Vita Christi. Wynkyn de "Worde, 1525. 4to. Herbert I. 168 xxviii. 1. 3. Vitas Patrum. Wynkyn de Worde, 1495. fol. Herbert I. 123 i. G. 20. *VoLusiANi (D.) Epistolaj duse ad Nicholaum Papam L Ily. Binueman, 15(i9. 12nio xv. 9. lO". (9.) Vowel. See Holinshed. VoYAGK, Description of a, made by certain ships of Holland into the East Indies. Translated out of Dutch by W. P. .Imo. Wolfe, 1598. 4to. HerUit II. 1183 xxxi. 1.7. Tin; i,AMiM;Tir i.imuarv. 11.5 W. (G.) See Traitors. W. (H.) See France, Holland, Low Countries. W. S. — Marie Magdalens Funerall Teares. A. I[effes] for G. C[awood,] 15.94. sm. 8vo. Herbert III. 132«. ... .\xviii. !!. 25. *\V. (T.) A Sermon preached at Pauls Cross, December 9, 1576. F. Coldock, 1578. 12mo .\xvii. 8. 17. * A Sermon preached at Pauls Cross, Nov. 3, 1577. Vr. Coklock, 1578. r2mo .x.wii. 8. 17. (2.) A Form of Preparation to the Lord's Supper. R. Waldegrave for Wm. Bourne, n. d. 12mo xxviii. 9. lO". (4.) — See Alba, Calvin, Spain, Loque. Wagenar (Luke). The Mariners Mirrour : fitted with necessary additions for the use of Englishmen, by Anthony Ashley. No place or printer, [1583.] fol. Herbert III. 1G81 xv. 3. 3. fol. M'^AKFELDus (Rob.) Oratio de Laudibus Linguarum Arabicse Chaldaicfe et Hebraicse. Wynkyn dc Wordc, n. d. 4to. Herbert I. 226 xxiii. 2. 19. (2.) * . Syntagma de Hebrseorum codicum Incor- ruptione. Wjiikvii de Wordc, n. d. 4to xxiii. 2. 19. Wales. A Treatise containing the sequity of a Supplication to be exhibited to her Majesty and the Parliament, for preaching the Gospel in Wales. Jos. Barnes, Oxford, 1587. sm. 8vo. Herbert HI. 1403 xxix. 9. 13. ■ the same D. 9. 3. See Penri. Walsal (John). A Sermon preached at Pauls Cross, October 5, 1578. Hy. Middletou for Geo. Bishop, n. d. sin. 8vo. Herb. II. 1147. ... xxvii. 8. 13. the same xxvii. 8. 16. (3.) Walsingham (Thomas). Ypodigma Neustriae. John D.iy, 1574. fol. Herbert I. 658 xxii. 2. 15. f. Historia brevis. Hy. Binneinan, 1574. fol. Herbert II. 974 xxii. 2. 1,5. f. Warham (Abp.) See Indulgence. q2 IKi ENGLISH BOOKS IN Waterhouse (Agnes). The Examination and Confession of certain Witches at Chelmsford, July 26, 1566. Wm. Powell for Wm. Pickeriiige, 1566. sni. iivo. Herbert III. 1316. XXX. 8. 11. (3.) The Second Examination with the Questions and Answers of Agnes Browne, the 27th July, 1566. As the prccediiiir xxx. 8. 11. (4.) The End and last Confession of Mother Waterhouse, which was at her death the 29th July 1566. As the two preceding; but not in Herbert xxx. 8, 11. (5.) Watson (Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln). Two notable Sermons made before the Queen on the 3rd and 5th Fridayes in Lent last past. Jno. Cawood, 1554. 12mo. Herbert II. 791 xxxi. 9. 17. Holsome and Catholyke Doctrine concerning the Seaven Sacraments. Rob. Calcy, 15,58. 4to. Herbert II. 831 xxviii. 1. 4. See Crowley. * 1595. A new Almanac by Robert Watson. Rd. Watkins and Jas. Roberts, 1595. 8vo x.^cvi. 8. 14. (5.) Webley (Thomas). See Awfield. Weldon (John), William Hartley, and Robert Sutton ; a true report of their execution for High Treason, Oct. 5, 1558. RJ. Jones, 15!i8. 4to. Herbert II. 1046 xxxi. 6. 25. (9.) Wenefryde (St.), Life of. AVni. Caxton, n. d. fol. Herbert I. 06 MS. tccvi. 188. Westhawe. 1595. An Almanack by Robert Westhawe. R'i. Watkins and Ja^. Roberts, 1595. 8vo. Herbert II. 1028. ... xxvi. 8. 14. (6.) Whetstone (George). The Censure of a loyal subject on the Speech and Behaviour of xiv notable Traitors at their Execu- tions by G. W. R'l. Jones, 1587. 4to. Herbert II. 1046 xxxi. C. 25. (10.) Whip for an Ape. See MarPrelate. Whitakerus (Guilielmus). Responsionis ad decem illas rationes quibus fretus Edmundus Campianus, &c. Defensio, &c. H. Middleton for Tho. Chard, 1583. 8vo. Herbert H. 1061 xv. 1. 4. TIIR LAMBETH UBIJARV. 117 Whitakehus (Guilielmus). Ad Nicholai Sanderi Demonstrationes quadraginta, Responsio. Tho. Vautrollier for T. Chard, 1583. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1073 xv. 1. (i. Disputatio de Sacra Scriptura. Tho. Thomas, Cambrid;,'e, 1588. 4to. Herbert HI. 1418 xxiv. 3. 8. Adversus T. Stapletoni Defensionera ecclesiasticse authoritatis Duplicatio. Jno. Lcgatt, Cambridge, 1594. fol xxxiii. 4. 1. f. Prselectiones. *_ Jno. Legat, Cambridge, 15.9!). 4to. Herbert HI. 1427 xxiv. 3. 10. See Hornius, (which should be Homus,) Jewel, Rainolds. White (Joannes). Diacosiomartyrion. Rob. Caly, 1553. 8vo. Herbert II. 828 xxii. 5. 30. (P[eter]). A Sermon against Idolatry preached at Eaton Socon, January 15, 1581. Fr. Coldock, 1581. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 921 xxvii. 8. 13. (6.) An Answer unto certain crabbed Questions pre- tending a Real Presence, &c. Together with a Discoverie of the Jesuitical Opinion of Justification uttered by Sherwine at his execution. John Wolfe and Ur. Kirkham, 1582. 12mo. Herb. II. 1171... xxx. 8. 15. (3.) Whitgift (John, Abp. of Canterbury). An Answer to the "Ad- monition to the Parliament." Hy. Binneman, for Humfry Toy, 1572. 4to. Herbert II. 934 xxx. 5. 12. A Sermon preached before the Queen at Green- wich, March 26, 1574. Hy. Binneman for Humfry Toy, 1574. sm. 8vo. Herb. II. 974. ... xxvii. 8. 15. The Defence of the Answer to the Admonition against the Replie of T. C. Hy. BinneuKUi for Humfry Toy, 1574. fol. Herbert II. 935 xii. 4. 13. f. An Examination of his Censures contained in two Tables set before his Defence, &c. No place or printer, sm. 8vo. 1575. Herbert HI. 1644 xxvii. 9. 13. (5.) See C. (T.), Cartwright, Defence. Whitney (Geffrey). A Choice of Emblemes and other Devises. Fra'. Rapbelengiiis in the house of Chris. Plantyn, Leyden, 1586. 4to. Herbert III. 1675 xxxi. 2. 5. Whittingham. See Goodman. 11 « ENGLISH BOOKS IN Whytforoe (Richard). The Pype or Tonne of the I.yfc of Per- fection . Rob'. Rcdinan, 1532. 4to. Herbert I. 390 x.wiii. 1. (J. WiCKLiFFE (John) ; A true copy of a Prolog written by him, called also a Pathway to Perfect Knowledge. Rob'. Ciowley, 1,5.50. sm. fivo. Herbert U. 7')0 xli. 10. 1. WiCKLiFFES Wicket, overseene by Miles Coverdale. No place, printer, or date. 12mo. Herbert HI. 1564 Int. MSS. 1065. WiLcocKS or Wilcox. See Proverbs, Psalms. Williams (John). See Kaconus. (Sir Roger). A briefe Discourse of War. Tho. Orwin, 1590. Herbert H. 1-245 xwi. 1. 37. (3.) • See Newes. Wilson (Thomas). A Discourse upon Usury. R''. Tottell, 1572. 12mo. Herbert H. 819 .\.\ix. 9. 31. Wimbledon (R.) A Sermon preached at Pauls Cross on Quinqua- gesima Sunday, 1388. Juo. Cbarlvvood, 1584. sm. 8vo. Herbert II. 1098 .\.\vii. 8. 18. WiRTzuNG (Christopher). Praxis Medicinse universalis. Trans- lated, corrected, and augmented by Jacob Mosan. Edm. Bollifant, 1598. fol. Herbert II. 1217 xiv. 4. 15. f. Witchcraft. See B. (G.) *WiTCHES. The Apprehension and Confession of three notorious Witches executed at Chelmsford July 5, 1589. EdvVi. Allde, 1589. 4to xx.\i. 4. 22. (3.) See Waterhouse. Wither (George). A View of the Marginal Notes of the Rhemish Testament. Edm. Bollifant for T. Woodcocke, n. d. 4to. Herb. II. 1109, 121G...xxix. 2. 18. Withers (Fabyan). See Pole. *WooD (Johannes). Practicse Mediciuce liber, vocatus Amalgama. Humphrey Hooper, 15.')(). 4to .\.\iii. G. 34. Wright (Catharine). See Darrel. (Leonard). The Hunting of Antichrist. Jno. Wolfe, 158.0. 4to. llrrbtrl II. 1 17G x.\ix. 3. 16. (2.) THK LAMHKTH LIBRARY. II!) Wright (Leonard). A Summons for Sleepers. N.> ])l:icc 01- i.riiitcr, l.")}i,'l. 4to. Herbert III. Ki)!? .\xx. (>. 2'.',. (.•").) tlie same .\xix. 3. 16. (4.) ■ A Friendly Admonition to Martin Mar- Prelate. Juo. Wolfe, lo90. 4to. Herbert II. 1176 xxx. 6. •_';!. (.1) The Pilgrimage to Paradise. Jno. Wolfe, 1591. 4to. Herbeit II. 117« x.vx. 4. 10. (2.) the same xxix. .'?. 16. (.'5.) Wyatt. See Proctor. *Wyll of the Devil and last Testament. Humfrey Powell, n. (1. ]2mo xxx. .9. 8. *Year books. De Termino Hillarii an. xvii. Edward III. RJ. Tottell, n. d. fol xxiv. 4. 3. f. * De Termino Hillarii an. xviii. Edward III. Rd. Tottell, n. (1. fol xxiv. 4. 3. f. (2.) * xxi. Edward III. Rd. Tottell, 1584. fol xxiv. 4. ,"5. f. (?,.) * • De Termino Hillarii xxii. Edward III. Rd. Tottel, 1585. fol xxiv. 4. 3. f. (4.) * De Termino Hillarii xxv. Edward III. Rd. Tottel, 1585. fol xxiv. 4. 3. f (5.) * De Termino Hillarii xxix. Edward III. Rd. Tottel, 1585. fol xxiv. 4. 3. f. (6.) * De Termino Hillarii, xxx. Edward II I. Rd. Tottel, 1585. fol xxiv. 4. 3. f. (7.) * De Termino Hillarii, xxxviii. Edward HI. Rd. Tottel. 1585. fol xxiv. 4. 3. f. (8.) * De Termino Hillarii xxxix. Edward III. Rd. Tottell, 1.585. fol xxiv. 4.3. f (9.) * An. 5. Edward IV. Rd. Tottell, 1587. fol xxiv. 4. 7. f. * Anni decern priores Edwardi HI. Jane Yetsweirt, 1596. fol xxiv. 4. 2. f. * De Termino Michaelis xi. Hen. IV. — De Term. Mich. vi. Ed. IV.— An. i. Ric. HI,— An. i. Ed. V. No place, date, or printer, fol. See Herbert II. 810, 826. ..Int. MHH. No. u l,xx. 1-JO EXGIJSIT HOOKS IN TTTE I,AMBETII TJHRARV. Young (Bishop). See Sermon. Youth, Thenterlude of. Four loaves of an edition wliicli I have not found described. Sec List, Frag. p. m). Zealand. See Letters, Orange. ZwiNGLius (Huldrich). A short Pathway to the right Understand- ing of the Scriptures. Transhited by John Veron. John Oswin, Worcester, 1550. sni. «vo. Herbert III. 1460 xli. 10. 1. (2.) See Melancthon. ^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. I'urni L9-y7m-3,'57(C5424s4)444 Maitland_=_ 2002 ^n index of such ygfli English books Z 2002 M28i UCLA-Young Research Library Z2002 .M28i y L 009 553 304 8 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 244 627 4