CT ARD CATALOG SERIES UC-NRLF 5B 3^ flS3 STANDARD CATALOG BIOGRAPHY SECTION COMPILED BY CORINNE BACON THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY NEW YORK 1919 STANDARD CATALOG SERIES STANDARD CATALOG BIOGRAPHY SECTION ONE THOUSAND TITLES OF THE MOST REPRESENTATIVE, INTERESTING AND USEFUL BIOGRAPHIES COMPILED BY CORINNE BACON THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY NEW YORK 1919 fc PREFACE Scope. This section of the Standard Catalog contains about 1000 titles of the most representative, interesting and useful biographies, with descriptive and evaluative notes. Some biographies which few people care to read thru have been included because of their value in reference work. A few biographies hardly up to standard have been included because of the importance of the subject of the biography. The compiler has tried to consider all biographies appearing up to June 1st, 1919. Arrangement. Most of the titles listed are classed in 920-928, Collective biography, or 92, Individual biography ; but lives of artists, sculptors, musicians and actors have been classed with the 700s, Fine arts, altho listed here. Librarians are asked to bear in mind that many so-called "lives" of artists, musicians and writers partake more of the nature of criticism than of biography and will be found classed in the Fine arts and the Literature sections of the Standard Cata- log, rather than in the Biography section. Lives of Jesus, 232, have been in- cluded by request. Lives of Negroes and of Indians of today have been classed in 92 rather than in the numbers assigned by the Decimal classification. Lives of combatants in the European war, limited in scope chiefly to the war, will be included in the History section under European war. The scheme of arrange- ment will be found on preface page v. In Individual biography, the entries have been made under the names of the persons written about, in order not to separate two or more lives of the same individual. Index. A partial index of authors' names (p. 77) includes the authors of all biographies classed in 920-928, 232 and the 700s. It has seemed unnecessary to index the 92 section by author, as it is arranged alphabetically by names of biog- raphees. Method of Compilation. Questionnaires were sent out to a number of librarians, before beginning the work, dealing with its scope, form, and the data to be included. With these suggestions to guide her, in addition to her own experience in public libraries, large and small, and in one state library, the com- piler formed her plan of work. No attempt was made to go over in detail the ground so carefully covered by the American Library Association up to 1912, altho some of the books published prior to 1912 and not included in the A. L. A. Catalog and Supplement have been listed at the suggestion of collaborators. The chief sources used for the older books were the A. L. A. Catalog of 1904 and its Supplement (1904-1911) and the classified catalog of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Beginning with 1912, the compiler checked such titles as might be included in a library of 10,000 volumes, in the bulletins of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, the Cleveland Public Library, the Pratt Institute Library, the St. Louis Public Library, and the New York Branch Library News. During the past year, the Bulletin of the Brooklyn Public Library has also been checked. These bulletins were clipped and mounted on cards, together with material from a number of other sources, including bulletins of library commissions, notably that of Wisconsin, the New York Best Books, the Booklist, and two lists entitled "Fifty biographies for a small library," compiled by Mrs. Julia S. Harron, and "Lives and letters, a selected and annotated list," compiled by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. The file of book reviews accumulated by the Book Re- view Digest was constantly used. In this way a tentative list of some 1,300 titles was made and the galley proofs were sent to a few librarians and to a teacher of art for criticism and suggestion. Acknowledgments. The compiler wishes to acknowledge her indebtedness to the following librarians and editors who checked up the entire Biography sec- tion and gave much helpful advice: Mr. Hiller C. Wellman of the City Library Association of Springfield, Massachusetts; Miss Louise Hinsdale of the East Orange (New Jersey) Public Library; Miss Mary L. Jones of the Los Angeles County Free Library; Miss Mary Eastwood, editor of New York Best Books and instructor in the New York Library School ; Mrs. Julia S. Harron, formerly connected with the New York Best Books and with the Booklist, now editor of the Cleveland Open Shelf; Miss Mary Katharine Reely, present editor of the Book Review Digest, and Miss Margaret Jackson, instructor in the New York City Library School, whose work on the Century Cyclopedia of Names and as editor of the Book Review Digest has given her a wide knowledge of men, women and books. Valuable advice on the art biography was given by Miss Helen Jackson, instructor in art in Miss Hills' School in Philadelphia. The final decision as to inclusion or exclusion of any title has necessarily been made by the editor in accordance with the weight of evidence. Inasmuch as the selection has been made in this manner, the cooperators should not be held in- dividually responsible for the result. Data Given. The attempt has been made to enter biographers and biog- raphees under the more familiar forms of their names. Pretty full titles have been given, followed by number of volumes when more than one, edition, illustra- tions (when important), date (latest copyright date being given when easily ascer- tainable), publisher and price. The prices have been taken in the main from the Publisher's Trade List Annual of 1918, tho a few prices are of more recent date. Series notes have been given when important. A few out-of-print books have knowingly been listed and these are plainly indicated. Almost every title is annotated. A large number of these notes have been taken from library bulletins, the Booklist, the Book Review Digest, and other of the sources used in selection. Mr. G. B. Utley, Secretary of the American Library Association, has kindly per- mitted the use of notes from the A. L. A. Catalog and Supplement. Class num- bers have been given after each entry, because the same linotype slugs will be used later in the dictionary catalog. Selection. The selection has been made with both the small and large library in mind, some titles being listed here that will probably be dropped from the 10,000 volume dictionary catalog. Scholarly and expensive books have some- times been included in a note, but have often been listed because of their im- portance. Some valuable books have been omitted because they are not ordinarily called for in a library of 10,000 volumes. A few critical librarians will perhaps note the omission of some "books that no gentleman's library should be without." Others will note the inclusion of titles in their opinion too expensive or too "high- brow" for the smaller libraries. The compiler has tried to list not the ideally best books without regard to expense, availability or limitation of interest to a few scholars, but the best books that the average intelligent frequenter of our public libraries will actually read or study. In so doing she has assumed that the general level of intelligence is rising, and that a greater number of people than before the war, including our new women voters, are interested in worth while books. Uses. It is hoped that this Standard Catalog will be of use to librarians as a buying list, in reference work, and as a recommended list of the best reading for users of our public libraries ; also that it will meet the demand of the reader for a printed catalog that he may take home. Standard Catalog Series. This Catalog will later form part of a dictionary catalog of 10,000 of the best books for adults on all subjects that should be repre- sented in a public library of that size. As now printed, it probably includes more volumes than will be listed in the final Catalog. This section is issued in advance of the full Catalog in response to requests from public libraries and library com- missions. The Standard Catalog Series now includes the Children's Catalog, issued in three sizes, with its 1918 Supplement (1919 Supplement will be issued in the early fall) the Sociology section of the Standard Catalog (second printing), and the Biography section of the same. The Fiction section will be the next one issued. . June 30, 1919. Corinne Bacon. BIOGRAPHY Both collective and individual biography of artists, musicians and actors are classed in the 700s. A par- tial author index will be found on page 77. 920 Collective biography in general 920.7 Biography of women 922 Biography of religion 923 Biography of sociology 925 Biography of science 926 Biography of useful arts 928 Biography of literature 92 Individual biography Exclusive of artists, musicians and actors. Arranged alphabetically by the names of the biographies and not indexed. 232 Lives of Jesus Christ 709.92 Collective biography of artists 730.92 Biography of sculptors 759 Biography of painters 759.1 American painters 759.2 English painters 759.3 German painters 759.4 French painters 759.5 Italian painters 759.6 Spanish painters 759.9 Other painters 780.92 Biography of musicians 792 Biography of actors [v] Biography 920 Collective biography Collective biography is classified (920-928) and arranged alphabetically by authors under each class number. Books for reading and ref- erence appear in the same alphabet. About biography Burr, Mrs Anna Robeson (Brown) The autobiography. '09 Houghton $2.50 920 "A comparative and critical study of the origin, motives, ideals and psychological- im- portance of the autobiography." A. L. A. sup. Dunn, Waldo Hilary English biography. '17 Dutton $2 920 "The first book in English to make a detailed study of the origin and evolution of English biography as distinguished from autobiography, which has received a like handling from Mrs Anna Robeson Burr ('The autobiography,' Houghton, $2.50). The treatment is not only historical, but includes some valuable defini- tions of the function and place of biography in letters, and its relation to other subjects, notably fiction, and also some excellent critical material on specific biographies. The author is [19 16] professor of the English language and literature at the University of Wooster." Cleveland The appendix contains Biographical compila- tions_ in Latin; Biographical compilations in English; English autobiographies; Shakespeare in biography Lee, Sir Sidney Lazarus Principles of biography: the Leslie Stephen lecture delivered in the Senate house, Cambridge, on 13 May, 1911. '11 Putnam 60c 920 General works Benson, Arthur Christopher Leaves of the tree. '11 Putnam $1.50 920 "Portraits in finished style, drawn from life, of the personalities of Henry Sidgwick, J. K. Stephens, Frederick Myers, Henry Bradshaw, Charles Kingsley, Matthew Arnold, Professor Alfred Newton, and Bishops Westcott, Wilkin- son, Lightfoot and Wordsworth." N.Y. state lib. Birkhead, Alice Heroes of modern Europe. '13 Crowell $2 ( 920 "The figures from history chosen by the au- thor as the subjects of these sketches are: JLtante; Lorenzo the Magnificent; Savonarola: Martin Luther; Charles the Fifth; William the Silent; Henry of Navarre; Richelieu; Louis XIV; Peter the Great; Frederick the Great; Voltaire; Napoleon; Mazzini; Garibaldi; Napoleon III; Tolstoi." Book rev. digest Bolton, Mrs Sarah (Knowles) Famous leaders among men. '94 Crowell $1 920 Contents: Napoleon Bonaparte: Horatio Nel- son; John , Bunyan; Thomas Arnold; Wendell Phillips; Henry Ward Beecher; Charles Kings- Brooff" Sherman; C - H - Spurgeon; Phillips Lives of poor boys who became famous. 85 (< Crowell $1.50 920 "Inspiring examples of boys who achieved success m spite of obstacles." A. L. A. Booth, William Stone (ed.) Wonderful escapes by Americans, il '13 Houghton $2.25 920 "True stories from various writers recounting the capture of pioneers by Indians, escapes from Libby and Andersonville prisons, adven- tures in fighting fires and tornados, and other thrilling experiences." Pratt quarterly Bryce, James Bryce, viscount Studies in contemporary biography. '03 Macmillan $3 920 Beaconsfield, Dean Stanley, Anthony Trol- lope, J. R. Green, Parnell, Gladstone, E. L. Godkin, E. A. Freeman, Cardinal Manning, Lord Acton and ten other character estimates. Bullard, Frederic Lauriston Famous war correspondents, il '14 Little $2.50 920 "Biographical sketches of eminent war corre- spondents so arranged as to form practically a history of this branch of journalism." Pratt quarterly "Twelve timely and stirring narratives of such notable men as Sir William Howard Rus- sell, Archibald Forbes, Frederick Villiers, G. W. Steevens, James Creelman, etc., with two chap- ters on the 'covering' of the Civil and Spanish- American wars. Seventeen portraits, index." N.Y. state lib. Burton, Margaret Ernestine Comrades in service, il '15 Missionary educ. 60c; pa 40c 920 Contents: A servant of the city, Jacob A. Riis; Pilgrim of India, Chundra Lela; Man of the mountains, J. A. Burns; The Frances Wil- lard of Japan, Kaji Yajima; Man with a mes- sabe, Dwight L. Moody; A beloved physician, Li Bi Cu; Pacific pioneer, Thomas Crosby; Bishop of the Niger, Samuel Adjai Crowther; Believer in black folk, Frances Jackson Cop- pin; Ambassador in chains, Syngman Rhee; Story of a friend, Grace H. Dodge. "Eleven biographical sketches, interestingly told, of men and women who have found sat- isfaction in serving as teachers, social workers, preachers, and doctors. Useful in connection with Sunday school classes or missionary study classes." A. L. A. bkl. Clodd, Edward Memories, il '16 Putnam $3 920 "After giving us an interesting 'Fragment of autobiography,' Mr Clodd devotes the rest of his book to sketches of his friends Grant Al- len, Huxley, Du Chaillu, Mary H. Kingsley, Meredith, Gissing, Andrew Lang, Samuel Butler and many others. The recollec- tions are interspersed with letters, poems, and anecdotes, and as 'fireside talk' about a depart- ing generation they are widely sympathetic and genuinely pleasant." Pittsburgh "The writer's attitude toward religion will tend to limit the book's appeal." A. L. A. bkl. Elias, Edith L. In Georgian times, il '14 Little $1.25 920 Contents: The kingship: George the First; George the Second; George the Third; George the Fourth. The state: Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford; William Pitt the Elder; Charles James Fox; Edmund Burke; Warren Hastings; Wil- liam Pitt the Younger; Henry Grattan; George Canning. Army and navy: General Wolfe; Robert, Lord Clive; Horatio, Lord Nelson; Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington. Travel and invention: Captain James Cook; Mungo J^ark; Sir Richard Arkwright; James Watt; Sir Humphrey Davy. Religion and philan- STANDARD CATALOG Elias, Edith L. Continued thropy: George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne; John Wesley; John Howard; William Wilber- force. Painting and the fine arts: William Ho- garth; Sir Joshua Reynolds In Victorian times; with some reference also to the times of William IV. il '15 Little $1.25 920 Contents: The kingship: William IV; Vic- toria. The state: Lord Brougham; Sir Robert Peel; Lord Palmerston; Benjamin Disraeli; Richard Cobden; John Bright; William Ewart Gladstone; Charles Stewart Parnell. Empire building: Sir Henry Havelock; Lord Lawrence; General Charles George Gordon; Cecil J. Rhodes; Earl Roberts. Invention, discovery, and science; George Stephenson; David Livingstone; Charles Darwin; Lord Lister. Religion and philanthropy: John Henry Newman, cardinal; Charles Haddon Spurgeon; Antony Ashley Cooper; Florence Nightingale. Fine arts: J. M. W. Turner; Dante Gabriel Rossetti; G. F. Watts Eliot, Charles William Four American leaders. '06 Amer. unit, assn. 80c 920 "Brief, inspiring addresses on those quali- ties and ideals of Franklin, Washington, Chan- ning and Emerson which have influenced Amer- ican life and thought." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. Escott, Thomas Hay Sweet Great Victorians; memories and person- alities, il '16 Scribner $3.50 920 "A pleasant mixture of biographical details and personal reminiscences of men ranging from the Duke of Wellington and Palmerston to Sir Henry Irving and Lord Randolph Churchill." (Nation [London]) Pratt quarterly Gilbert, Ariadne More than conquerors, il '14 Century $1.35 920 "Sympathetic and intimate accounts of the author's heroes: Beethoven; Lamb; Scott; Irv- ing; Emerson; Agassiz; Thackeray; Livingstone; Pasteur; Brooks; Booth; Stevenson; Saint Gaudens; Lincoln. Good material for reading clubs." Wis. bul. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Contemporaries. 1900 Houghton $2.25 920 Contents: R. W. Emerson; A. B. Alcott; Theodore Parker; J. G. Whittier; Walt Whit- man; Sidney Lanier; An evening with Mrs Hawthorne; Lydia Maria Child; Helen Jack- son ("H. H."); John Holmes; Thaddeus William Harris; Visit to John Brown's house- hold in 1859; W. L. Garrison; Wendell Phil- lips; Charles Sumner; Dr Howe's anti-slavery career; U. S. Grant; Eccentricities of reform- ers; Road to England Hutton, Laurence Talks in a library with Laurence Hutton, recorded by Isabel Moore, il '05 Put- nam $2.50 920 "Personal and literary recollections including reminiscences and anecdotes of Edwin Booth, Henry Irving, Joseph Jefferson, Alma Tadema, St Gaudens, Du Maurier, Mark Twain, Dickens and many other well known people." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. "A miscellaneous collection of literary and personal gossip, a good deal of which is new and most of it decidedly interesting. In a general way it tells the story of Mr Hutton's life, of his first adventures in journalism, of his warm friendships with actors and literary people, and of his wanderings in other lands. The book is unusually rich in stories and anec- dotes." Pittsburgh James, George Wharton Heroes of California, il '10 Little $2.50 920 "Interesting chapters on some of the men to whom California is most indebted. Accounts are given of the Donner party, the scouts, the pony express riders, the gold seekers, the rail- way builders, and the lesser heroes of com- merce and politics." A. L. A. sup. Leupp, Francis Ellington National miniatures. '18 Knopf $1.50 920 " 'These papers have been appearing serially in the Nation for the last three years,' and have been 'prepared by one who has passed the larger part of his mature life at the national capital, brushing elbows almost daily with one or an- other' of the men of whom he writes. The> consist of brief intimate glimpses into the per- sonality, character and motives of men (and women) who figure prominently in national is- sues. A few of the personages the author re- veals to us are: President Wilson; William J. Bryan; Chief Justice White; Oscar W. Under- wood; Jeannette Rankin; Emma Goldman; Wil- liam J. Burns; Jane Addams." Book rev. di- gest " 'Tattler' is a professional artist, and these portraits are works of art. There is a light- ness of touch and withal a sureness that stamps these 'miniatures' as quite worth while." Spring- field Republican McCarthy, Justin Portraits of the 'sixties. '03 Harper $2 920 "Dickens, Thackeray, Carlyle, Tennyson, Cardinal Newman, and other notable people, drawn from personal acquaintance." A. L. A. Morris, Charles Heroes of progress in America, il '06 Lippincott $1.25 920 Contents: Roger Williams; John Eliot; Wil- liam Penn; James Oglethorpe; Benjamin Frank- lin; Patrick Henry; Samuel Adams; Thomas Jefferson; Robert Morris; Alexander Hamilton; John Adams; Eli Whitney; Robert Fulton; John Jacob Astor; Stephen Girard; John Mar- shall; Henry Clay; Daniel Webster; J. C. Calhoun; S. F. B. Morse; C. W. Field; Elias Howe; C. H. McCormick; Charles Goodyear; DeWitt Clinton; Horace Wells; W. L. Garrison; Wendell Phillips; Charles Sumner; Lucretia Mott; E. C. Stanton; S. B. Anthony; Dorothea Dix; George Peabody; Peter Cooper; Abraham Lincoln; W. H. Seward; J. G. Blaine; Horace Greeley; John Ericsson; T. A. Edison; F. E. Willard; Clara Barton; Andrew Carnegie; B. T. Washington Oliphant, Mrs Margaret Oliphant (Wilson) Makers of Florence: Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their city; il by Pro- fessor Delamotte. '97 Macmillan $4 920 Studies of Dante, Arnolfo, Giotto, Ghiberti, Donatello, Brunelleschi, Agnolo, Fra Angelico, Antonino, Savonarola, Fra Bartolommeo, Michael Angelo Osborn, Edward Bolland New Elizabethans: the first selection of the lives of young men who have fallen in the Great war. '19 Lane $4 920 Brief chronicles of the life and work of twenty-five young men, nearly all writers, schol- ars, or _ workers in the arts who died cheerfully for their country. Contents: Harold Chapin; Richard Moles- worth Dennys; Charles Lister; Anthony Fred- erick Wilding; Basil Hallam; Charles Hamilton Sorley; Brian Brooke; Dixon Scott; Robert William Sterling; Colwyn and Roland Philipps; Douglas Gillespie; Hugh and John Charlton; BIOGRAPHY Collective Osborn, Edward Bolland Continued Alan Seeger; Harry Butters; Donald Hankey; Ivar Campbell; Tom Kettle; Ronald Poulton; Thomas Vade-Walpole; William Noel Hodgson; Guy Drummond; Julian and Billy Grenfell Parkman, Mary Rosetta Heroes of today, il '17 Century $1.35 920 Contents; The laird of skyland, John Muir; The seer of Woodchuck Lodge, John Burroughs; The deep-sea doctor, Wilfred Grenfell; The cap- tain of his soul, Captain Scott; A modern vik- ing, Jacob Riis; A pioneer of the open, Edward L. Trudeau; "The prophet-engineer," George W. Goethals; A shepherd of "the great country," Bishop Rowe; A hero of flight, Samuel P. Langley; A poet-soldier, Rupert Brooke; A cit- izen of the world, Herbert C. Hoover "Short biographies of men who are fighting 'the unseen enemies of disease and pestilence; against the monster evils of ignorance, poverty and injustice.' " Pratt quarterly Ponsonby, Arthur, and Ponsonby, Doro- thea Rebels and reformers. '19 Holt $1.60 920 "We have tried here to tell quite simply the story of the lives of a dozen great men. There are many books about men of action, but it is not so easy to find any simple account of men who have used their minds and their pens, rather than the sword, in their work for the betterment of their country to which they have devoted their lives." Introduction Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas Roll call of honor; a new book of golden deeds. '13 Sully 920 "Nine biographical sketches of men and women whose devotion to some great cause or idea has won for them the position of national heroes." Pratt quarterly At present out of print Russell, George William Erskine Portraits of the 'seventies, il '16 Scrib- ner $3.75 , 920 "Gossip, pleasant and spicy without malice, about distinguished people: Justin McCarthy, Gladstone, Disraeli, Joseph Chamberlain, Par- nell, Lord and Lady Salisbury, Cardinal New- man, Lady Holland, Tennyson, Browning and many others. 'Our author has known every public man worth knowing for the last forty years, all those great men whom the rising generation never saw or only caught a glimpse of when they were past their best. He tells us exactly what impression they made upon their con- temporaries.' " (Spectator) Cleveland Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin Portraits of the seventeenth century, his- toric and literary; tr. by Katharine P. Wormeley. 2v il '09 Putnam $3.50 920 Contents: vi, Cardinal de Richelieu; Henri, due de Rohan; Cardinal Mazarin; Francois due de la Rochefoucauld; Anne-Genevieve de Bour- bon; Cardinal de Retz; Mademoiselle de l'En- C liVx Tallemant des Reaux and Bussy-Rabutin; Abb6 de Ranee; Anne-Genevieve de Bourbon; Mane-Madeleine de la Vergne; Henrietta Anne of England; Louis XIV; Louise de la Beaume le Blanc V2, History of the French academy; Corneille; Mademoiselle de Scudery; Moliere; La Fon- taine; Pascal; Madame de Sevign6; Bossuet; Boileau; Racine; Madame de Caylus; Fenelon; Comte Antoine Hamilton; Princesse des Ursins _ "In these volumes taken from the 'Causer- les du lundi,' the 'Portraits de femmes,' and the Portraits litt6raires,' some passages have been omitted; these relate chiefly to editions that have long since passed away, or to discus- sions on style that cannot be made clear in English. Also, where two or more essays on the_ same person have appeared in the different series, they are here put together, omitting rep- etitions." Translator's note Slosson, Edwin Emery Major prophets of today, il '14 Little $1.50 920 Contents: Maurice Maeterlinck; Henri Berg- son; Henri Poincare; Elie Metchnikoff; Wil- helm Ostwald; Ernst Haeckel "Biographical and critical sketches of a group of the foremost thinkers of the day." Pratt quarterly Several of the articles appeared in the In- dependent; each is followed by references for further reading Six major prophets, il '17 Little $1.50 920 "Clever, readable, popular exposition rather than criticism of Shaw, Wells, Chesterton, F. C. S. Schiller, John Dewey and Eucken. Aims to introduce readers to the character, scope and messages of these writers. Published in Inde- pendent. Bibliographies, portraits." N.Y. state lib. "Informal, good for study clubs." A. L. A. bkl. Strachey, Lytton Eminent Victorians. '18 Putnam $3.50 920 Contents: Cardinal Manning; Florence Night- ingdale; Dr Arnold; General Gordon "The portrait that suggests most doubt is that of Dr Arnold of Rugby. . . . The de- tails in Mr Strachey's essay may all be correct . . . but the perspective is all wrong, and the re- sult is caricature. . . . The pictures of Car- dinal Manning and Florence Nightingale are as distinguished as they are unconventional, and the story of the long tragedy of the mission and death of Gordon is a very fine piece of historical writing." Spectator 120:677 "Infused with sketches of almost Gibbonesque irony, these biographical studies of four dis- tinguished and famous personages present them in aspects which are more or less familiar." Athenaeum, 19 18 Thayer, William Roscoe Throne-makers. '99 Houghton $1.75 920 Studies of four 'throne-makers' Bismarck, Napoleon III, Kossuth, Garibaldi and of Car- lyle, Tintoret, Bruno and Bryant Walton, Izaak Lives of Dr John Donne, Sir Henry Wot- ton, Sir Richard Hooker, George Her- bert and Dr Robert Sanderson; ed. by Austin Dobson. (Temple classics) 2v Dutton $1 920 Webb, Mary Griffin, and Webb, Edna Lenore (eds.) Famous living Americans, il '15 C. Webb & co., Greencastle, Ind. $5 920 "Brief, readable sketches by authorities, ap- preciating and interpreting the life work of forty-three men and women of our day. The articles are introduced by suggestions on the preparation and delivery of biographical speech- es by H. B. Gough of De Pauw university and each is followed by a short bibliography of books and periodicals." Cleveland Among the men and women who form the subjects for sketches are Jane Addams, Alex- ander Graham Bell, Maud Ballington Booth, William Jennings Bryan, Luther Biirbank, John Burroughs, Andrew Carnegie and Helen Keller Yonge, Charlotte Mary Book of golden deeds of all times and all lands. '81 Macmillan 50c; (Golden treasury ser.) $1.25 920 "Stirring accounts of courageous deeds per- STANDARD CATALOG Yonge, Charlotte Mary Continued formed in fulfillment of duty. Based on care- ful study of authorities and with but little fictitious development. Latest event 1864." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Biographical dictionaries Boase, Frederick Modern English biography, containing many thousand concise memoirs of persons who have died since 1850. vl-5 1892-1912 Truro, Netherson 30s ea 920 vi-3, A-Z; Index V4-5 (supp. vi-2) A-K "A useful work, particularly for minor nine- teenth century names not included in the 'Dic- tionary of national biography.' Good subject index, including lists of pseudonyms, fancy names, class lists, e.g. actors, poets, pugilists, masters of hounds, suicides, etc." Mudge Century cyclopedia of names; a pronounc- ing and etymological dictionary of names in geography, biography, my- thology, history, ethnology, art, archi- tecture, fiction, etc. rev and enl ['11] Century $10 803 Also issued as volume 11 of the Century dictionary "A useful and reliable reference book for names. Gives brief articles and indicates pro- nunciation. This edition contains two alpha- bets, the first of which is a reprint of the orig- inal list of names in the first edition, with some revisions and changes, especially in statistics, population figures, etc., while the second is a reprint from the supplementary list of 3,000 new names and new matter about older names, which was appended to volume two of the 1909 supplement to the Century dictionary. Stars in the main alphabet refer to additional informa- tion about the same name in the supplementary alphabet and 'vice versa.' Contains appendixes: (1) Chronological table of the chief events of history; (2) List of rulers; (3) Genealogical charts; (4) Chronological outlines of European and American literature." Mudge Dictionary of national biography; ed. by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. vl-22 '08-'09 Oxford $5 ea 920 "The most important reference work for Eng- lish _ biography, containing signed articles by specialists, and excellent bibliographies. Articles are adequate, i.e. important names treated at great length, minor names more briefly, and are generally reliable and scholarly. Scope in- cludes all noteworthy inhabitants of the British Isles and the Colonies, exclusive of living per- sons; includes noteworthy Americans of the colonial period. The first supplement includes biographies of those omitted from the main part and of those who died before January 22, 190 1; the second supplement carries the record to De- cember 31, 191 1 ; the entire work includes 30,935 biographies. The index and the epitome serves a double purpose, i.e. it is both an index to the main work and the first supplement, and also an independent biographical dictionary, as it gives abstracts, each about one-fourteenth of the length of the original article. The main work and first supplement [were] published _ in two editions, the original edition in sixty-six volumes, and a re-issue, 1908, on slightly thinner paper, compressed into twenty- two volumes. This reprint incorporates in the articles the corrections noted in the volume of 'Errata' and is, to that extent, to be preferred to the original edition. Libraries buying the work now are recommended to purchase the reprint, but libraries having the original edition and the volume of 'Errata' do not need the reprint." Mudge Index and epitome; ed. by Sidney Lee. 2d ed '13 Oxford $7.50 920 Second supplement; ed. by Sir Sidney Lee. 3v '12 Oxford $5 ea 920 Second supplement, index and epitome; ed. by Sir Sidney Lee. '13 Oxford $1.25 920 Hyamson, Albert Montefiore Dictionary of universal biography of all ages and of all peoples. '16 Dutton $10 920 "A dictionary of the 'title a line' type; gives brief information, i.e. only full name, charac- terizing phrase and dates of birth and death. Includes no names of personages still living." Mudge Men and women of America; a biograph- ical dictionary of contemporaries. '10 Hamersly $10 920 "A second edition of 'Men of America,' 1908, including many new names, mostly those of women, but omitting some important names. Articles are somewhat longer than those in 'Who's who in America.' " Mudge Morgan, Henry James Canadian men and women of the time, a handbook of living characters. '12 Toronto, Briggs $5 920 "Contains 7,960 concise biographies. More comprehensive than the 'Canadian who's who.' " Mudge National cyclopedia of American biogra- phy. vl-15 in 16v il 1892-1916 White $10 ea 920 "Articles are not of a very high order but the entire work includes a great many names and is therefore useful, especially for names not given in Appleton. Includes living person- ages. Not arranged alphabetically, so must be used thru the index; V14-15 are supplementary volumes published 1910 and 1914-1916; not in- dexed in the Conspectus noted below. Issued in several editions, or printings, which vary somewhat, later issues showing some ad- ditions and rearrangements. Numbering of vol- umes is somewhat irregular, i.e. in some sets 14 is supplement vi, and in others V14, and two different volumes numbered as vis have been issued, one in 1914 and the other in 1916. The first vis is not found in all sets." Mudge Conspectus of American biography; being an analytical summary of Amer- ican history and biography, containing also the complete indexes of the "Na- tional cyclopedia of American biogra- phy;" comp. by George Derby. '06 White $10 920 "Contains both a personal and a topical index to vi-13 of the above, and in addition the fol- lowing chronological lists: Delegates to the colonial congresses; Presidents and vice-presi- dents; Cabinets; Candidates for presidency; Senators; Congressmen; Ambassadors; Heads of government departments; Judiciary; Presidents of religious organizations; College presidents; Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal church; Roman Catholic hierarchy; Bishops of other denominations; Presidents of scientific socie- ties; Directors of astronomical observatories; Commanders of army and navy in war; [Com- manders] of G. A. R.; U.S. Commissioners; Founders of religious sects; Public statues in the U.S.; Pseudonyms and sobriquets; Notable sayings, etc. The personal index is not absolutely complete and accurate, and must sometimes be supple- mented by indexes in the separate volumes." Mudge Preev, Zinovy N. Russian revolution and Who's who in Russia. '17 Bale & Danielsson 2s 920 "This little book, by the editor of the BIOGRAPHY Collective Preev, Zinovy N. Continued Twentieth century Russian and Anglo-Russian review, contains first an account of the revolu- tion (iop) and then a 'Who's who,' not con- fined to persons but containing explanations of phrases like 'Constitutional democrats,' 'Intel- ligentsia,' 'Zemstvo union,' etc." The Times [London] Qui etes-vous? annuaire des contemporains, 1909-10. '09 Lemcke $2 920 "First issue 1008; no more published. Biog- raphies are very brief, not equal to those in 'Who's who,' or 'Who's who in America.' " Mudge Smith, Sir William Classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography; rev. and in part rewritten by G. E. Marindin. '94 Little $6 920 Thomas, Joseph Universal pronouncing dictionary of bi- ography and mythology. 4th ed rev '15 Lippincott lv ed $10; 2v ed $15 920 "The most frequently useful of the general biographical dictionaries in English. Compre- hensive, includes men and women of all na- tions and periods, including many still living; names from the Greek, Roman, Teutonic, San- skrit and other mythologies are also included. Articles in general are brief; tho there are some long articles, pronunciation is marked and there is some bibliography, tho this feature is not im- portant. Appendixes: Vocabulary of Christian (or first) names, with pronunciation, and equiv- alents in the principal foreign languages; Dis- puted or doubtful pronunciations. The fourth edition tho revised so as to in- clude considerable new material is not reset but is printed from the plates of the third edition (iooi) with alterations in some of the older articles to bring them to date, omission of some minor articles, and inclusion of new names." Mudge Wer ist's? unsere zeitgenossen; zeitgenos- sen-lexikon. vl-7, 1905-13 Degener, 1905-13 9.50m ea 920 Edited by H. A. L. Degener. "Articles are concise and much abbreviated; not strictly limited to German biographyas some Austrian, Dutch and Swiss names are included. Contains also a list of German pseudonyms. Discontinued on account of the European war." Mudge Who's who 1918, an annual biographical dictionary, with which is incorporated "Men and women of the time." Mac- millan 1918 $7.50 920 "Issued annually since 1849. The pioneer work of the 'who's who* type and still the most important work of the kind. Principally English, but not limited to English- men, as a few prominent names of other_ na- tionalities are included. Biographies are reliable and fairly detailed; give main facts, addresses and, in case of authors, list of works." Mudge Who's who in America; a biographical dic- tionary of notable living men and women of the United States, vlO, 1918- 19. Marquis 1918 $6 920 "Issued biennially; first edition 1899. An excellent dictionary of contemporary bi- ography containing concise biographical data, with addresses and, in case of authors, lists of works. Additional sections are: Lists of pro- nunciation of difficult names; Educational sta- tistics; Geographical index." Mudge Who's who in New England; a biograph- ical dictionary of leading men and women; ed. by A. N. Marquis. 2d ed '16 Marquis $12.50 920 "First edition, 1909. Duplicates only a small portion of the names in 'Who's who in America'; includes 12,844 biographies of which 10,065 represent names not included in the more general work." Mudge Who's who in New York city and state; a biographical dictionary of contem- poraries. 6th biennial ed '14 Who's who in N.Y. city and state $10 920 Books of the same kind have been published for other states and cities Who's who of the colored race; a general biographical dictionary of men and women of African descent, vl '15 920 "Entries largely confined to the United States. Contains several pages of statistics and miscellaneous information in regard to the col- ored race in the United States and elsewhere." Cleveland Who's who yearbook, v. 1-14, 1904-17. Mac- millan 1904-17 50c per vol. 920 "A supplement to 'Who's who,' giving many miscellaneous lists which before 1904 were in- cluded in 'Who's who' itself. Contains: Lists of ambassadors, government officials, etc.; Clubs; Colleges; Peculiarly pronounced proper names; Pseudonyms; Societies; Specialists and experts; Steamship lines; University professors (subject lists); etc." Mudge Yale university Obituary record of graduates of Yale university, 1859-date. Yale univ. secre- tary's office 920 "Issued annually [since i860], about ten an- nual issues forming a volume or 'series'; there is a general name index to each series." Mudge There is no charge; can be obtained from Yale university secretary's office "For other American titles consult 'A check list of biographical directories and general cat- alogs of American colleges and universities' compiled by Eva Alice Cole and printed in the New York Genealogical and biographical record for January, 1915." Mudge 920.7 Biographies of women Abbot, Willis John Notable women in history, il '13 Wins- ton $2.40 920.7 "Brief sketches of seventy women, 'who in all ages, all lands and in all womanly occupa- tions have won fame and put their imprint on the world's history.' (Subtitle) The collection is adapted to the needs of the small library and useful to those preparing papers on the woman movement. Portraits poor." A. L. A. bkl. Contains six of the ten subjects in Adams and Foster's "Heroines of modern progress" l Adams, Elmer Cleveland, and Foster, Warren Dunham Heroines of modern progress, il '13 Sturgis & Walton $1.50 920.7 Contents: Elizabeth Fry; Mary Lyon; Eliz- abeth Cady Stanton; Harriet Beecher Stowe; Florence Nightingale; Clara Barton; Julia Ward Howe; Frances E. Willard; J. Ellen Foster; Jane Addams; Chronological outlines Portraits, chronological table and index Bolton, Mrs Sarah (Knowles) Famous leaders among women. '95 Crowell $1 920.7 Contents: Madame de Maintenon; Catherine II of Russia; Madame le Brun; Dolly Madison; Catherine Booth; Lucy Stone; Lady Henry Somerset; Julia Ward Howe; Queen Victoria STANDARD CATALOG Bolton, Mrs Sarah (Knowles) Continued Lives of girls who became famous. '86 Crowell $1.50 920.7 Contents: Harriet Beecher Stowe; Helen Hunt Jackson; Lucretia Mott; Mary A. Livermore; Margaret Fuller Ossoli; Maria Mitchell; Louisa M. Alcott; Mary Lyon; Harriet G. Hosmer; Madame de Stael; Rosa Bonheur; Elizabeth Barrett Browning; "George Eliot"; Elizabeth Fry; Elizabeth Thompson Butler; Florence Nightingale; Lady Brassey; Baroness Burdett-Coutts; Jean Ingelow Bonstelle, Jessie, and De Forest, Marion, (comps.) Little women letters from the house of Alcott. il '14 Little $1.35 920.7 "Selections from the letters and diaries of Louisa Alcott and her family connected by a sympathetic biographical narrative by the dramatizers of 'Little women.' Gives an at- tractive picture of the home life of the Alcotts. Illustrations from portraits and facsimiles." N.Y. state lib. Bradford, Gamaliel, jr. Portraits of women, il '16 Houghton $2.50 920.7 Contents: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu; Lady Holland; Miss Austen; Madame d'Arblay; Mrs Pepys; Madame de Sevigne; Madame du Deffand; Madame de Choiseul; Eugenie de Guerin Reprinted from the North American review, the Sewanee review and other periodicals Burton, Margaret Ernestine Notable women of modern China, il '12 Revell $1.25 920.7 "Interesting biographies of six Chinese wo- men who are doing valuable work for their coun- try, mostly as physicians and heads of hospitals connected with the Methodist missions. With two exceptions they were educated in America. ... A companion to the author's 'Education of women in China' and equally useful for study clubs and mission classes." A. L. A. bkl. Foster, Warren Dunham (ed.) Heroines of modern religion, il '13 Sturgis & Walton $1.50 920.7 Contents: Anne Hutchinson; Susannah Wes- ley; E. A. Seton; Lucretia Mott; Fanny Crosby; Sister Dora; H. W. Smith; F. R. Havergal; Ramabai Dongre Medhavi; Maud Ballington Booth Bibliography, P258-61; Chronological outline, P262-7 Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Leon Women of the Valois court; tr. by E. G. Martin. (Famous women of the French court) '93 Scribner $1.50 920.7 Sketches of Marguerite of Angouleme; Cath- erine de Medici; Diane de Poitiers; Marie Stuart; Elizabeth of France; Jeanne d'Albret; Elizabeth of Austria; Louise de Vaudemont "This and the following entries on the Ver- sailles court are examples of a long series of very popular French historic studies by the same author. They have no historic value but are said to be fairly accurate and are extremely readable." A. L. A. Lee, Elizabeth Wives of the prime ministers, 1844-1906. il '19 Dutton $5 920.7 "Biographical sketches of women of high posi- tion in English social and political life during the latter half of the nineteenth century. . . . The subjects of the sketches are Lady Caroline Lamb, Lady Peel, Lady John Russell, Lady Palmerston, Mrs Disraeli, Mrs Gladstone, Lady Salisbury and Lady Campbell-Bannerman. The book is illustrated with portraits and there is an index." Book rev. digest Parkman, Mary Rosetta Heroines of service, il '17 Century $1.35 920.7 Contents: Mary Lyon; A. F. Palmer; Clara Barton; F. E. Willard; J. W. Howe; A. H. Shaw; Mary Antin; A. C. Fletcher; Mary Sles- sor; M. S. Curie; Jane Addams "Short biographies of eleven women notable in educational, philanthropic, scientific and other fields." Pratt quarterly Photographic illustrations Spofford, Mrs Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott) Little book of friends. '16 Little $1.25 920.7 Contents: Annie Fields; Sarah Orne Jcwett; Anne Whitney; Celia Thaxter; Gail Hamilton; Mary Louise Booth; Jane Andrews; Louisa Stone Hopkins; Rose Terry Cooke; Louise Chandler Moulton "Interesting chronicle of the friendships of a coterie of gifted New England women, prom- inent in art and letters." N.Y. state lib. Woman's who's who of America; a bio- graphical dictionary of contemporary women of the United States and Can- ada, 1914-1915; ed. by J. W. Leonard. '14 Am. commonwealth co. $5 920.7 "Concise and adequate biographical sketches of about 10,000 women, including a large pro- portion of obscure names. Their attitude on the suffrage question is indicated where possi- ble." A. L. A. bkl. 922 Religion Baring-Gould, Sabine Lives of the saints, with introduction and additional lives of English martyrs, Cornish, Scottish and Welsh saints, and a full index to the entire work, new and rev ed; il by 473 engravings 16v maps '14 Edinburgh, Grant 42s 922 Butler, Alban Lives of the saints; with reflections for every day in the year. '13 Benziger 50c 922 "Compiled from the 'Lives of the saints'; to which are added lives of American saints placed on the calendar for the United States by special petition of the third Plenary council of Baltimore." Title page Farrar, Frederic William Seekers after God. '02 Macmillan $1.75; miniature ed 60 922 Contents: Seneca; Epictetus; Marcus Aurelius Hodges, George Saints and heroes to the end of the mid- dle ages, il '11 Holt $1.40 922 Contents: Cyprian; Athanasius; Ambrose; Chrysostom; Jerome; Augustine; Benedict; Gregory the Great; Columba; Charlemagne; Hildebrand; Anselm; Bernard; Becket; Lang- ton; Dominic; Francis; Wycliffe; Hus; Savonar- ola Saints and heroes since the middle ages. '12 Holt $1.40 922 Contents: Luther; More; Loyola; Cranmer; Calvin; Knox; Coligny; William the Silent; Brewster; Laud; Cromwell; Bunyan; Fox; Wes- ley Jacobus de Voragine Golden legend; lives of the saints; tr. by William Caxton; selected and ed. by G. V. O'Neill. '14 Putnam $1.10 922 "A series of biographies of the saints written in Latin by Voragine in the thirteenth century and translated and first printed in English by Caxton in 1483." Pratt alcove BIOGRAPHY Collective Kumm, Hermann Karl Wilhelm African missionary heroes and heroines, maps '17 'Macmillan $1.25 922 List of books of reference, P205-8 "Six lectures given before the College of missions, Indianapolis, which describe the work and lives of ten missionaries to Africa, Crow- ther, Krapf, Mary Slessor, Mackay, Livingstone and others. Will be of more value to mission- ary societies and classes than as literature or history." A. L. A. bkl. Walker, Williston Great men of the Christian church. '10 Univ. of Chicago press $1.50 922 Contents: Justin Martyr; Tertullian; Athanas- ius; Augustine; Patrick; Benedict; Hildebrand; Godfrey; Francis; Thomas Aquinas; John Wyclif; Martin Luther; John Calvin; John Knox; Ignatius Loyola; George Fox; N. L. von Zinzendorf; John Wesley; Jonathan Edwards; Horace Bushnell Additional reading at the end of each chapter 923 Sociology Bagehot, Walter Biographical studies; ed. by R. H. Hut- ton. '89 Longmans $1.25 923 Contents: Lord Althorp; Bolingbroke; Lord Brougham; Gladstone; Sir George Come wall Lewis; Sir Robert Peel; William Pitt; Adam Smith Barneveldt, Jan van Olden Motley, J. L. Life and death of John of Barneveld, advocate of Holland; with a view of the primary causes and move- ments of the Thirty years' war. 2v '02 Harper $4 923 "An" account of what is known in the Nether- lands as the 'Twelve years' truce.' It was a turbulent period of intrigues between the con- flict that for more than forty years had been raging in Holland, and that greater struggle which engrossed the energies of all central Europe for more than a quarter of a century." (C. K. Adams) Pittsburgh Bolton, Mrs Sarah (Knowles) Famous voyagers and explorers. '93 Crowell $1 923 Contents: Columbus; Marco Polo; Magellan; Sir Walter Raleigh; Sir John Franklin; Dr Kane; C. F. Hall; David Livingstone; M. C. Perry; General Greely Bradford, Gamaliel, jr. Confederate portraits, il '14 Houghton $3 923 "Character studies of J. E. Johnston, J. E. B. Stuart, Longstreet, Beauregard, J. P. Ben- jamin, A. H. Stephens, Robert Toombs, Raphael Semmes and a short chapter on the battle of Gettysburg. Companion volume to author's 'Lee the American' and shows the same careful research and considered judgment. Appeared in large part in the Atlantic monthly. Por- traits." N.Y. state lib. Union portraits, il '16 Houghton $1.75 923 Titles of books most frequently cited, P297-8 "Character studies of McClellan, Hooker, Meade, Thomas, Sherman, Stanton, Seward, Sumner and Samuel Bowles, displaying the clear insight, careful judgment and fluent style of the author's 'Confederate portraits.' " NY state lib. Crook, William Henry Thru five administrations; ed. by M. S. Gerry, il '10 Harper $2 923 "Intimate and interesting reminiscences of Lincoln s body guard, full of anecdotes of the president and his visitors. Last part of the book treats in a similar manner the administra- tions of Johnson, Grant, Hayes and Garfield." A. L. A. sup. Davis, Richard Harding Real soldiers of fortune, il maps '06 Scribner $1.50 923 "Brief life stories of six modern adventurers: Major General Maclver, Baron Harden-Hickey, Winston Spencer Churchill, Captain McGiffin, General Walker, Major Burham, chief of scouts." A. L. A. sup. Dodd, William Edward Statesmen of the old South; or, From radicalism to conservative revolt. '11 Macmillan $1.50 923 "Political and biographical essays on Thomas Jefferson, John C. Calhoun and Jefferson Davis. They are readable, fairly accurate, and, on the whole, valuable contributions to the lit- erature of political evolution." A. L. A. sup. Fitchett, William Henry Nelson and his captains: sketches of famous seamen. '02 Scribner $1.75 923 Contents: Nelson, a character study; Men of Nelson's school; Sir Edward Berry; Captain Edward Riou; Sir Henry Blackwood; Sir Thomas Troubridge; Sir Benjamin Hallowell (Carew); Sir Alexander Ball; Sir James Sau- marez; Sir William Parker; Sir Edward Pellew (Lord Exmouth); Sir Thomas Foley; Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy Forbes, Bertie Charles Men who are making America, il map '17 Forbes $3 923 "Short biographies, in most cases built around an interview, of the fifty foremost business and financial leaders selected by questionnaires. They describe the man, his struggle and method of success and something of his business. They are written in a popular style and will often save the trouble of searching for magazine ma- terial. Appeared in Leslies." A. L. A. bkl. Frothingham, Jessie Peabody Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut. '02 Scribner $1.35 923 "Stirring events in the naval careers of Drake, Tromp, De Ruyter, Tourville, Suffren, Paul Jones, Nelson and Farragut." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Greely, Adolphus Washington Explorers and travelers. (Men of achievement) '02 Scribner $1.50 923 Mainly American exploration; sketches Joliet, Le Moyne, Carver, Gray, Lewis, Clark, Pike, Wilkes, Fremont, Kane, Hayes, Hall, De Long, Du Chaillu and Stanley Haydon, Arthur Lincoln (comp.) Book of the V. C. il '06 Dutton $1.50 923 "Spirited account of the exploits by which the Victoria Cross has been won, and the names of the recipients of the badge of honor." A. L. A. sup. Hopkinson, Leslie White Greek leaders. '18 Houghton $1 923 Contents: Solon; Themistocles; Pericles; Al- cibiades; Socrates; Agesilaus; Dionysius the Elder; Epaminondas; Demosthenes; Alexander the Great; Aratus; Summary of Greek history "Biographies of manageable length which combine attractive literary form with real merit as history. . . . Each of these subordinates tendencies, movements, enterprises, collaborators to a dominant personality in a way that makes them intelligent and interesting . . . and gives seriousness and significance to its subjects by exhibiting them at work on the most momentous STANDARD CATALOG Hopkinson, Leslie White Continued problems of their own people, state and age. . . . The book is edited by William Scott Ferguson, professor of ancient history at Harv- ard." Book rev. digest Johnston, Charles Haven Ladd Famous cavalry leaders. '15 Page $1.50 923 Contents: Attila; Saladin; Genghis Khan; Chevalier Bayard; Count Pappenheim; Gustavus Adolphus; Prince Rupert; Old Father Ziethen; Frederick William Baron von Seydlitz; Francis Marion; Marshal Ney; Joachim Murat; Jeb Stuart; Phil Sheridan; George Armstrong Cus- ter Famous discoverers and explorers of America. '17 Page $1.50 923 Contents: Leif Ericson; Christopher Colum- bus; Amerigo Vespucci; Juan Ponce de Leon; Vasco Nunez de Balboa; Hernando Cortfis; Ferdinand Magellan; Giovanni Verrazano; Francisco Pizarro; Hernando de Soto; Samuel de Champlain; Henry Hudson; Pierre Esprit Radisson; Father Marquette; Robert de La Salle; Robert Edwin Peary Famous frontiersmen and heroes of the border. '13 Page $1.50 923 Contents: Daniel Morgan; James Harrod; Robert McLellan; Colonel Benjamin Logan; George Rogers Clarke; John Slover; Lewis Wetzel; Samuel Colter; Meshack Browning; "Bill" Bent; Thomas Eddie; Jim Bridger; "Old Bill" Williams; "Big Foot" Wallace; Captain Jack Hays; Bill Hamilton; Uncle Job Wither- spoon; Henry Shane; Poor Jerry Lane; Song of the moose; Retrospect Famous scouts. '10 Page $1.50 923 "The adventures of trappers, pioneers and soldiers of the frontier during the period of the wars for the white conquest of the American continent. Includes: Israel Putnam; Daniel Boone; Simon Kenton; Lewis and Clark; Davy Crockett; Kit Carson; William F. Cody and others." Cleveland Johnston, John Thomas Morris World patriots, il '17 World patriots CO., inc., 489 5th av., N.Y. $1.50 923 Contents: Abraham Lincoln, United States; Simon Bolivar, South America; Napoleon Bona- parte, France; Peter the Great, Russia; Otto von Bismarck, Germany; William Pitt, England; Hirobumi Ito, Japan; Camillo Benso Cavour, Italy; Gustavus Adolphus, Sweden; George Washington, America; Ten commandments of patriotism; Robert E. Lee; Thomas Jefferson; Thomas Hart Benton Johnston, Robert Matteson Leading American soldiers, il '07 Holt $2 923 Contents: The Revolution: George Washing- ton; Nathaniel Greene. From the Revolution to the Civil war: Andrew Jackson; Zachary Taylor; Winfield Scott. The Civil war: North: Ulysses S. Grant; William T. Sherman; Philip H. Sheridan; George B. McClellan; George Gordon Meade. South: Robert Edward Lee; Thomas Jonathan Jackson; Joseph Eggleston Johnston "In spite of the number of contradictions and many inaccuracies in this book, the arrangement is scholarly, brief, precise, and contains in a very few pages the most important events which have made the men whose lives are described from the point of view of the American reader, historical characters." N.Y. Times 12:711 Larned, Josephus Nelson Study of greatness in men. '11 Houghton $1.35 923 "Fresh, stimulating analyses of character and motive, marked by high ideals. Asserts that greatness depends upon the combination of great endowments, great opportunities, and great motives, and tests by this definition the lives of Napoleon, Cromwell, Washington and Lin- coln." N.Y. state lib. Laut, Agnes Christina Pathfinders of the West, new ed il maps Macmillan $2.25 923 "Romantic and adventurous lives of Radis- son, Le Verendrye, Hearne, Mackenzie, Lewis and Clark. Not merely authentic, founded on original documents, but vivified by the touch of an artist." (Dial) A. L. A. sup. First published in 1904 Lossing, Benson John Two spies; Nathan Hale and John An- dre, [and] Anna Seward's Monody on Major Andre. '86 Appleton $2.25 923 "Based on Stuart's 'Hale' and Sargeant's 'Andre.' Makes a strong presentation of An- dre's courage. Merit of book lies in author's illustrations from nature." A. L. A. McCarthy, Justin British political portraits. '03 Unwin 7s 6d; popular ed 3s 6d 923 Contents: Balfour; Lord Salisbury; Lord Rosebery; Chamberlain; Labouchere; John Morley; Lord Aberdeen; John Burns; Sir Michael Hicks-Beach; John E. Redmond; Sir William Harcourt; James Bryce; Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman Moran, Thomas Francis American presidents. '17 Crowell 75c 923 "Short sketches of the presidents in three groups, from Washington to Jackson, from Jack- son to Lincoln, from Lincoln to Wilson, show- ing their individualities and their contributions to American progress. An interesting study of the ethics of the presidential campaign is added." Wis. bul. Morris, Charles Heroes of discovery in America, il '06 Lippincott $1.25 923 "Brief, popular sketches of more than forty men, from Leif Ericson to Marcus Whitman." A. L. A- sup. Heroes of the army in America, il '06 Lippincott $1.25 ' 923 "Short sketches of American soldiers from Washington to General Miles, the Sioux and Apache Indian fighter. Among others, _ in- cludes Israel Putnam, the ranger and warrior; Ethan Allen, the chief of the Green mountain boys; Anthony Wayne, the stormer of Stony Point; Henry Lee, the Light Horse Harry of '76; William Henry Harrison, the hero of Tippecanoe; Samuel Houston, the winner of Texan independence, and the principal Civil war leaders on both sides." Pittsburgh Heroes of the navy in America, il '07 Lippincott $1.25 923 Contents: Jeremiah O'Brien; Nicholas Bid- die; J. P. Jones; Richard Dale; John Barry; Benedict Arnold; Samuel Tucker; Joshua Bar- ney; Thomas Truxton; Edward Preble; Wil- liam Bainbridge; Stephen Decatur; Johnston Blakeley; Isaac Hull; Jacob Jones; James Law- rence; Charles Morris; David Porter; O. H. Perry; Thomas Macdonough; S. C. Reid; Charles Stewart; M. C. Perry; D. G. Farra- gut; D. D. Porter; W. B. Cushing; George Dewey; R. P. Hobson Oman, Charles Seven Roman statesmen of. the later re- public. '02 Longmans $1.75 923 Contents: Later days of the Roman republic; Tiberius Gracchus; Caius Gracchus; From the Gracchi to Sulla; Sulla; Crassus; Cato; Pom- pey; Caesar "Makes a trite subject not only interesting, but often new, by his insight, lively style and BIOGRAPHY Collective Oman, Charles Continued independence of his judgments." (Athenaeum) A L. A. "Midway between history and biography. . . . One of the most readable books which have recently [1902] appeared on the subject of the later Roman republic." (Nation, 1902) Pittsburgh Parkman, Mary Rosetta Fighters for peace, il '19 Century $1.50 Sketches of King Albert of Belgium; Marshall Joffre; Captain Guynemer; Marshall Foch; Pre- mier Clemenceau; David Lloyd George; General Maude; General Allenby; Victor Emanuel and his armies; General Pershing; Admiral Beatty; President Wilson Parry, D. H. Victoria Cross: its heroes and their valor, new and enl ed il '13 Funk $1.75 923 "A new edition of a work originally pub- lished in 1895. Contains forty-two chapters which accurately describe the splendid courage by which, thruout all the British campaigns or engagements from 1854 to 1904. the Victoria Cross has been won. A list of its recipients with the occasion for the award is appended." Wis. bul. Parton, James Captains of industry. 2v '84-'91 Hough- ton $1.35 923 "Short studies of over seventy men, pre- senting chief points of interest in each man's career." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Radziwill, Catherine (Rzewuska), princess Sovereigns and statesmen of Europe, il '16 Funk $2.50 923 "Vivid, clear cut portraits, largely personal estimates of the movers in the present game of war, [1916], kings, statesmen and diplomats rather than fighters." Cleveland Raymond, E. T. Uncensored celebrities. '19 Holt $2.50 923 "Critical studies of about forty prominent British public men, among them being the prime minister, Mr Asquith, Mr Balfour, Viscount Grey of Falloden, Lord Milner, General Smuts, Lord Northcliffe, Mr Bonar Law, and others." Brooklyn Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. 6v (Bohn's histor- ical lib.) '93-'99 Macmillan $10.50 923 Volume one revised From Matilda of Flanders to the wives of Henry VIII Wilson, James Grant (ed.) Presidents of the United States, from 1789-1914; by John Fiske, Carl Schurz, Robert C. Winthrop, George Ticknor Curtis, George Bancroft, John Hay and many others. 4v il '14 Scribner $7.50 923 Some of the articles were written originally for Appleton's "Cyclopedia of American biogra- phy," while others particularly the later ones were written especially for this work The author has added brief notices concern- ing the women who have reigned in the White House during each administration The appendixes contain in tabular form the cabinets of each president and the popular and electoral vote for each White, Andrew Dickson Seven great statesmen in the warfare of humanity with unreason. '10 Century $3 923 "Scholarly and inspiring biographical essays on Sarpi, Grotius, Thomasius, Turgot, Stein, Cavour and Bismarck men who waged a 'war- fare of humanity with unreason' and 'especially to be studied by those who aspire to serve their country in any way.' " A. L. A. sup. Wolf, Simon Presidents I have known from 1860 to 1918. 2d ed '18 S. Wolf $2.50 923 "Personal reminiscences, not only of the pres- idents (beginning with Buchanan and ending with Wilson), but also of some of the leading men in Washington official life. Illustrated." Brooklyn 925 Science Ball, Sir Robert Stawell Great astronomers. 2d ed '07 Lippincott $1.75 925 Contents: Ptolemy; Copernicus; Tycho Brahe; Galileo; Kepler; Isaac Newton; Flam- steed; Halley; Bradley; William Herschel; Lap- lace; Brinkley; John Herschel; The Earl of Rosse; Airy; Hamilton; Le Verrier; Adams Gibson, Charles R. Heroes of science, il '12 Lippincott $1.75 925 Mr Gibson gives "an account of the lives, sacrifices, successes and failures" of such sci- entists as Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Frank- lin, Dalton, Faraday, Darwin and others "The whole field of science is well covered, and the interdependence of the various learned men, and the steady advance of knowledge from pre-Christian times, are traced right up to the achievements of the lights of science who have most recently left us, for the careers of the living are not considered." Athenaeum 926 Useful arts Hubert, Philip Gengembre, jr. Inventors. (Men of achievement) new ed Scribner $1.50 926 Contents: Benjamin Franklin; Robert Fulton; EH Whitney; Elias Howe; S. F. B. Morse; Charles Goodyear; John Ericsson; C. H. Mc- Cormick; T. A. Edison; A. G. Bell; American inventors, past and present First published in 1896 "Disappointments and triumphs, daily life and personal character, with something concern- ing their inventions." A. L. A. lies, George Leading American inventors, il '12 Holt $2 926 "Sketches of the lives of John and Robert Livingston Stevens, Robert Fulton, Eli Whit- ney, Thomas Blanchard, Samuel Morse, Charles Goodyear, John Ericsson, Cyrus Hall McCor- mick, Christopher Latham Sholes, Elias Howe, Benjamin Chew Tilghman, and Ottmar Mer- genthaler, with interesting and clear descriptions of their inventions. Portraits, diagrams, index." N.Y. state lib. Smiles, Samuel Lives of the engineers. 5v new rev ed '05 Scribner $7.50 926 Contents: vi, Early engineering; Vermuyden; Myddelton; Perry; James Brindley. V2, Har- bors, lighthouses, bridges; Smeaton and Ren- nie. V3, History of roads; Metcalfe; Telford. V4, Steam engine; Boulton and Watt, vs, The locomotive; George and Robert Stephenson 928 Literature. Authors Books that some readers may expect to find in this section will be entered in the Literature section of the Standard Catalog. It has been 10 STANDARD CATALOG Literature. Authors Continued almost impossible to draw any exact line of de- markation between literary criticism and literary biography. The compiler has tried to exclude from this section of the Catalog so-called biog- raphies which are mainly criticism. Adams, Oscar Fay Dictionary of American authors. 5th ed rev and enl to '05 Houghton '05 $4.50 928 "Brief accounts of authors, including dates, biographic and critical facts, and list of works. There is a supplement of 146 pages containing more than 2,800 additional names. This is about 1,300 more names than in the supple- ment to the fourth edition." Mudge Allibone, Samuel Austin Critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors, liv- ing^and deceased, from the earliest ac- counts to the latter half of the nine- teenth century. 5v '91-'96 Lippincott $22.50 928 Classified subject index "A standard work very useful in spite of the fact that it is not entirely accurate and so must often be checked, for important points, by reference to some other authority. Based in part upon Watt's 'Bibliotheca Britannica' and reflects Watt's inaccuracies. Arranged alpha- betically by authors, giving for each brief bi- ographical sketch, full list of works with dates, and references to critical comments or reviews." Mudge Brailsford, Henry Noel Shelley, Godwin and their circle. (Home university lib.) '13 Holt 60c 928 Bibliography, P252-4 "A study of the influence of the French rev- olution on English political and social ideals as represented by Thomas Paine, William Godwin, Shelley, and Mary Wollstonecraft, author of the 'Vindication of the rights of women.' " Cleveland Cousin, John W. Short biographical dictionary of English literature. (Everymans lib.) '12 Dutton 70c; lib. binding 90c 928 Emerson, Edward Waldo Early years of the Saturday club, 1855- 1870. '18 Houghton $7.50 928 "Contains memories and recollections of a bygone Boston that are a part of our literary history, and it is rich in pen portraitures of the great men of American literature." Boston Transcript Erskine, John Leading American novelists, il '10 Holt $2 928 "Biographical and critical studies of Charles Brockden Brown, Cooper, William Gilmore Sims, Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Bret Harte." A. L. A. sup. Fields, James Thomas Yesterdays with authors; illus. with pho- togravure portraits and autograph let- ters. 1900 Houghton $2.25 928 The Boston publisher's personal reminiscences of Thackeray, Hawthorne, Dickens, Words- worth, Miss Mitford, and Barry Cornwall Frank, Maude Morrison Great authors in their youth, il '15 Holt $1.35 928 Contents: Walter Scott; Robert Louis Stev- enson; William Makepeace Thackeray; Charles Dickens; Robert Browning; Elizabeth Barrett Browning; Alfred Tennyson; Charlotte Bronte; Charles Lamb; Jane Austen; John Ruskin Gosse, Edmund William Portraits and sketches. '12 Scribner $2 928 Contents: Swinburne; Philip James Bailey; "Orion" Home; Aubrey De Vere; A first sight of Tennyson; Visit to Whittier; The author of "John Inglesant"; Mandell Creighton; Andrew Lang; Wolcott Balestier; Carl Snoilsky; Eugene Melchior de Vogue; Andre Gide "Vivid, pictorial studies from personal ac- quaintance, of literary men of varying distinc- tion." N.Y. state lib. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Carlyle's laugh and other surprises. '09 Houghton $2.25 928 "Twenty-four essays, mainly illuminating 'footnote' sketches of literary friends and con- temporaries, including Thoreau, Bancroft, Ed- mund Clarence Stedman, Emily Dickinson, Julia Ward Howe, William J. Rolfe, and others, and of an earlier generation, Cooper and Charles Brockden Brown." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. Johnson, Samuel Six chief lives from Johnson's Lives of the poets, with Macaulay's Life of Johnson; ed. with a preface and notes by Matthew Arnold. '92 Macmillan $1.50 ' 928 Contents: Life of Johnson; Milton; Dryden; Swift; Addison; Pope; Gray Kernahan, Coulson In good company. '17 Lane $1.50 928 "Short, readable personal appreciations and recollections of Swinburne, Lord Roberts, Stephen Phillips, Edward Whymper, Oscar Wilde, S. J. Stone, and five chapters on Watts- Dunton, whom the author knew very well." A. L. A. bkl. Lee, Sir Sidney Great Englishmen of the sixteenth cen- tury, il '04 Scribner $1.75 928 "Studies of the characters and careers of More, Sidney, Raleigh, Spenser, Bacon and Shakespeare, with a chapter on the spirit of the sixteenth century." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. Somerville, Edith Anna CEnone, and Mar- tin, Violet (Martin Ross, pseud.) Irish memories, il '18 Longmans $4.20 928 "Delightful volume of reminiscences, letters and family history of the two cousins whose lit- erary partnership was productive of so many inimitable tales of Irish life. Both writers were great-granddaughters of the 'silver-tongued' and 'incorruptible' Chief Justice Bushe, of Ireland, from whom besides a love of the arts, they in- herited a gift of vivid and racy speech. Their fruitful collaboration extending over almost thirty years, was broken in 1915 by the death of Martin Ross. Altho her name appears on the title page, the book is really a memoir of her by her cousin." Pittsburgh Stephen, Sir Leslie Studies of a biographer. 4v '98-'02 Put- nam $6 928 Contents: vi, National biography; Evolution of editors; John Byrom; Johnsoniana; Gibbon's autobiography; Arthur Young; Wordsworth's youth. V2, Story of Scott's ruin; Importation of German; Matthew Arnold; Jowett's life; Oliver Wendell Holmes; Life of Tennyson; Pascal. V3, The Browning letters; John Donne; John Ruskin; William Godwin's novels; Walter Bagehot; Thomas Henry Huxley; James An- thony Froude; In praise of walking. v 4 , Shake- speare as a man; Southey's letters; New lights on Milton; Emerson; Anthony Trollope; Robert Louis Stevenson; The cosmopolitan spirit in lit- erature BIOGRAPHY Individual 11 Symons, Arthur Figures of several centuries. '16 Dutton $4 928 Contents: Saint Augustine; Charles Lamb; Villon; Casanova 'at Dux; John Donne; Emily Bronte; Edgar Allen Poe; Thomas Lovel Bed- does; Gustave Flaubert; George Meredith as a poet; Algernon Charles Swinburne; Dante Ga- briel Rossetti; Note on the genius of Thomas Hardy; Leon Cladel; Henrik Ibsen; Joris-Karl Huysmans; Two symbolists; Charles Baudelaire; Walter Pater; The Goncourts; Coventry Pat- more; Sarojini Naidu; Welsh poetry "Twenty-three brief essays, markedly beau- tiful in style and rare in their critical acumen. The selection ranges from Augustine to Sarojini Naidu, the genius of the poet-critic endowing the work of some of the authors with a glamour which a perusal of their work dispels." Cleveland Vedder, Henry Clay American writers of today. '94 Silver $1.50 928 Contents: E. C. Stedman; Francis Parkman; W. D. Howell; Henry James; C. D. Warner; T. B. Aldrich; Mark Twain; F. M. Crawford; F. H. Burnett; Charles Egbert Craddock; E. S. Phelps; A. D. T. Whitney; Bret Harte; E. E. Hale; Edward Eggleston; G. W. Cable; R. H. Stoddard; F. R. Stockton; Joaquin Miller Vincent, Leon Henry American literary masters. '06 Houghton $2.25 928 "Biographic and critical studies of nineteen men of letters from Washington Irving to Walt Whitman, each of whom produced some notable book between 1809 and i860." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. Dandies and men of letters. il '13 Houghton $3.50 928 "Twelve sprightly biographical sketches of English dandies, or men of letters inclining to be dandies, of the early nineteenth century and thereabout. They are written in an in- formal, anecdotal vein, and show evidence of considerable research into little-known aspects of such well known authors as Byron, Disraeli, and Bulwer-Lytton. Others treated are Brum- mel, D'Orsay, Samuel Rogers, Thomas Moore, Thomas Hope, Beckford, Peacock, Charles Kirk- patrick Sharpe and Henry Crabb Robinson. Portraits of each." A. L. A. bkl. 92 Individual biography Lives of individuals are arranged alpha- betically under the names of the persons written about. Abbott, Lyman Reminiscences, il. '15 Houghton $4 92 Bibliography, pis Appeared in the Outlook, V106-10, Jan. 24, 1914-Aug. 25, 1915 "An intimately personal record of Dr Abbott's service as preacher, author, and editor, reflect- ing the religious, political, economic and social development in America during his life of nearly eighty years." N.Y. state lib. "These papers are reminiscences, not history. They lay no claim to accuracy. I have never kept a diary or journal. I have always been more interested in what is going to happen to- morrow than in what happened yesterday. . . . The reader will find few dates and many in- accuracies in these papers. They are simply a record of the impressions left on the mind of a man who has passed the three-score-years-and-ten as he endeavors to recall some of the personages and incidents of a somewhat busy but not ad- venturous life." Chapter one Abdul Hamid II, dethroned sultan of the Turks Pears, Sir Edwin. Life of Abdul Hamid, (Makers of the nineteenth century) '17 Holt $2.25 92 "An authoritative and popular history of the administration of the deposed Sultan of Turkey, 'whose title to fame is that he was the maker of ruin for his country.' The chapters are topical, which makes useful the chronological table of events at the end of the book. The author is English and weaves into the history the part played by British diplomacy." A. L. A. bkl. "Will be the standard biography of the worst of all the Sultans." Spectator 119:717 Adam, Mme Juliette (Lamber) Stephens, Winifred. Madame Adam (Ju- liette Lamber), la Grande Franchise, from Louis Philippe until 1917. il '17 Dutton $5 92 "A delightful biography of the warmhearted, brilliant French woman who played so considerable a part in French journalism and politics from the days of the second empire. As the mistress of a leading political salon, as the founder and edi- tor for twenty years of La Nouvelle revue (1879-99), Mme Adam did much to consolidate the third republic and to stimulate the revival of the French national spirit. She numbered as her friends Gambetta and Thiers among French ministers, and such eminent writers as George Sand, Flaubert, Victor Hugo, Pierre Loti and Maurice Barres." Pittsburgh "She is here presented to us by one who has lectured and written a good deal about France and French history, and who has had the ad- vantage of Mme Adam's personal acquaintance and interest in the present work. Her main au- thority, however, is, of course Mme Adam's seven volumes of 'Souvenirs.' " Times (Lon- don) lit. sup. Adams, Mrs Abigail (Smith) Richards, Mrs L. H. Abigail Adams and her times. '17 Appleton $1.35 92 "Well written account of a lovable and in- dividual woman, the wife of the second presi- dent of the United States and the mother of John Quincy Adams. Contains extracts from let- ters and from John Adams' personal diary." ' Pittsburgh "It makes more vivid the background of the times than the figure of Mrs Adams herself." Cleveland Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886 Adams, C. F., jr. Charles Francis Adams, by his son. (American statesmen) 1900 Houghton $1.35 92 "Tells little of personal traits. Narration of services while minister to England; sheds valu- able light on relations between England and America during the Civil war." N.Y. state lib. Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915 Charles Francis Adams, 1835-1915; an au- tobiography. '16 Houghton $3.50 92 "Record of a life notably successful in busi- ness, public service, and historical writing, given a sombre tinge by his critical attitude towards his father, himself and some of his contempo- raries. 'Interesting as a Human document and for sidelights on famous personages and history." N.Y. state lib. Contains also a memorial address, delivered Nov. 17, 1915, by H. C. Lodge Adams, Henry Brooks Education of Henry Adams; an autobiog- raphy; with an introd. by H. C. Lodge. '18 Houghton $5 92 "A type of autobiography which seems to stand absolutely in a niche of its own. Its wise philosophy of life, its deep understanding of hu- man nature, its pervading charm of style and of mood, will surely entitle it to an abiding place 12 STANDARD CATALOG Adams, Henry Brooks Continued among those rare volumes that are the perennial joy of cultured minds." F. T. Cooper in Publishers' weekly 94:1307 "An important autobiography, interesting in itself and because it is a criticism of cherished American institutions as they affected a brilliant man who had every advantage they could give. His association with his father in England dur- ing the Civil war and his lifetime acquaintance with men and affairs here and abroad make the record valuable as history. Privately printed in 1905; it was written as a sequel to his 'Mont- Saint Michel and Chartres'." A. L. A. bkl. Adams, John Morse, J. T., jr. John Adams. (American statesmen) 1900 Houghton $1.35 92 "Graphic portraiture and excellent study of our politics in the days of Adams, of the for- tunes of the Federal party and attitude of its two hostile forces, represented by Adams and Ham- ilton." (Hartford courant) A. L. A. Adams, John, and Adams, Mrs Abigail (Smith) Familiar letters of John Adams and his wife Abigail Adams, during the Revolu- tion, with a memoir of Mrs Adams. '76 Houghton $2.25 92 "Takes its place by the side of the most valuable documents of our revolutionary his- tory." (Nation) A. L. A. Adams, Mrs John. See Adams, A. S. Adams, John Quincy Morse, J. T., jr. Joh Quincy Adams. (American statesmen) '95 Houghton $1.35 92 "Trustworthy in details; chief merit in its comprehension of essential character of Adams and its sympathetic interpretation of the man and his work." A. L. A. Adams, Samuel Hosmer, J. F. Samuel Adams. (American statesmen) '99 Houghton $1.35 92 " 'Interesting and appreciative, setting forth fairly the man, his work and times.' (Nation) Furnishes substantially a compact history of oc- casions and manner of opening of Revolution- ary war." A. L. A. Addison, Joseph Courthope, W. J. Addison. (English men of letters) '94 Harper 75c 92 Agassiz, Louis Agassiz, Mrs E. C. Louis Agassiz; his life and correspondence. '93 Houghton $ 3 . . 92 "This biography by his wife gives pictures of his early life in Switzerland, tells of his friendships with Cuvier, Humboldt and other distinguished scientists, of his scientific work, particularly in geology and ichthyology, of his work at Harvard, including the founding of the Agassiz museum." Pittsburgh Aksakov, Sergiei Timofieevich A Russian gentleman; tr. from the Rus- sian by J. D. Duff. '17 Longmans $2.40 Russian classic published in 1856 and trans- lated now for the first time into English "Half imaginary memoirs centering about the author's paternal grandfather and describing his parents' courtship and early married life. The narrative closes with the day of the writer's own birth. It is accepted in Russia as a faithful pic- ture of the conditions which prevailed in the district of Orenburg under Catherine the Great." Pittsburgh A Russian schoolboy; tr. from the Rus- sian by J. D. Duff. '17 Longmans $2.40 92 "The third volume chronologically, of the au- thor's recollections, covering his school and home life from his eighth thru his fifteenth year, 1807- 1815. It is a simple, quiet narrative but one of absorbing interest." Cleveland Contains numerous pictures of peasant life, and open-air scenes of Virgilian beauty Years of my childhood; tr. from the Rus- sian by J. D. Duff, il '16 Longmans $4 92 "Tho this account of what he saw and felt between the ages of five and eight was not writ- ten until the year before his death at sixty- seven, it takes none of its color from later ex- perience. We have what happened to the child, told so well indeed, that it has become a Rus- sian classic, but giving us only a child's account of what he saw, felt and thought." (Spectator) Cleveland This childhood began in eastern Russia in 1791; part of it was spent on large estates and the rest in a provincial town Albert I, king of the Belgians MacDonnell, J. de C. Life of His Majesty Albert, king of the Belgians. '15 Stokes $1 92 "Mr MacDonnell, who writes frankly as a Royalist and a Roman Catholic, has had the ad- vantage of a residence in Brussels, and we gather that his work was submitted to the King and passed by him for publication." Spectator 114=547 "Tho fragmentary and quite eulogistic, the book is a good one of the popular kind. No in- dex." A. L. A. bkl. Alcott, Louisa May Cheney, Mrs E. L., ed. Louisa May Al- cott; her life, letters and journals. 1900 Little $1.50 92 "Home life of the author of 'Little women,' her experiences as an army nurse, struggles as an author, etc." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. See also "Louisa May Alcott, dreamer and worker," by Belle Moses, 1909, Appleton, $1.35, written especially for girls, which will also in- terest many adults Aldrich, Thomas Bailey Greenslet, Ferris. Life of Thomas Bailey Aldrich. il '08 Houghton $3.50 92 " 'Mr Greenslet has brought to his work delicacy and reticence, together with a skill in words that reproduces something of the charm of one who made refinement the end of all his labor. He tells just enough of the child's sur- roundings at Portsmouth, of the clerk and youth- ful editor in New York; he follows the man sympathetically thru his Boston years of pros- perous toil and golden ease, to the honored close. It is a happy life gracefully told.' (Con- densed from Nation) There is abundant proof of his pleasant humor in these pages. Aldrich's letters are full of it. He is not an artificial 'literary' letter- writer; his merit is that he is natural, spon- taneous and always light of wit. 'I was fifty- nine yesterday,' he writes. 'It is unpleasant to be fifty-nine; but it would be unpleasanter not to be, having got started.' " (Athenaeum) Pitts- burgh Alexandra Feodorovna, ex-czarina of Rus- sia Mouchanow, Marfa. My empress. '18 Lane $2.50 92 "Twenty-three years of intimate life with the empress of all the Russias from her marriage to the day of her exile." Subtitle Pictures the Czarina as wife, mother and empress. Does not touch on political affairs BIOGRAPHY Individual 13 Alexander the Great Wheeler, B. I. Alexander the Great; the merging of the East and West in uni- versal history. (Heroes of the nations) 1900 Putnam $1.50 92 "Story of Alexander's aims and achievements told with considerable detail and admirable clearness." (Nation) A. L. A. See also Hogarth's "Philip and Alexander of Macedon" Alfred the Great Besant, Sir Walter. Story of King Al- fred. (Library of useful stories) '01 Appleton 50c 92 "Best brief history of the career of Alfred and the position of England in the 9th century." (Athenaeum) A. L. A. Plummer, Charles. Life and times of Alfred the Great. (Ford lectures) '02 Oxford $2 92 Appendix: Sermon on the death of Queen Victoria Bibliography, pref. pio-11 "Tells everything known about Alfred, with abundant references to previous discussions of debatable matters and acute comments on all points of controversy." (Nation) A. L. A. See also B. A. Lees' scholarly study, based largely on primary sources, published by Put- nam, 1915, $1.90 Allier, Roger Allier, Raoul, and Allier, Mrs Raoul. Roger Allier; tr. by H. H. King. '19 Association press $1.25 92 "This volume is a family book, not intended for publicity, written to preserve the memory of a young man, Roger Allier, a subaltern in the Chasseurs Alpins, who in the first year of this great war, with quiet heroism, laid down his life for France. The book is by his father, a professor of Protestant theology, in Paris. . . . The great interest of the book lies in the fact that it vividly sets forth the moral preparation which made this youth and his fellows able to check the flood of German aggression in the first two months of the war." Theodore Roose- velt in Introduction Amiel, Henri Frederic Journal intime; tr. with introd. by Mrs Humphry Ward, new ed '15 Macmillan $1.50 92 "Amiel has been much compared with Ober- mann and Maurice de GueVin, but he is far nearer to us than either. . . . There was in Amiel that deeper seriousness which we characterize by the word Puritan. It is for that type of religious mind, of which there are very many among English speaking peoples, even tho they disavow the name, that the book will have the strongest attraction." (Nation) Pittsburgh Andersen, Hans Christian Story of my life. 71 Houghton $1.25 92 "The absolute candor with which Andersen lays bare his soul, the complete intentional or unintentional self-revelation, gives a psycholog- ical value to the book which no mere literary grace could bestow. . . . Andersen remained, until the day of his death, a child. His innocence was more than virginal; his unworldliness simply in- conceivable. ... He conceived of his life as a fairy-tale. . . . The feeling of the marvellous pervades the book from beginning to end." (H. H. Boyesen) Pittsburgh The autobiography brings the narrative down to 1869. An account of his later years will be found in Bain's "Hans Christian Andersen," published by Dodd and now out of print. Antin, Mary Promised land. '12 Houghton $2 92 Appeared in the Atlantic monthly, v 108-9, October 19 11 to April 19 12 "Autobiography of an immigrant who was born less than thirty years ago (1912) in Polotzk, Russia, a town in the Jewish pale, and spent her childhood there. Her family being driven by the pressure of poverty to immigrate, when she was twelve years old she was brought to America, where she made a brilliant progress thru the public schools of Boston and thru Barnard Col- lege. The story of her life is absorbing in its human significance, remarkable for its literary distinction and convincingly hopeful in its view of the immigrant problem in America." Pitts- burgh Arblay, Mme Frances (Burney) d' Diary and letters (1778-1840) with notes by W. C. Ward, and prefaced by Lord Macaulay's essay. 3v (Chandos clas- sics) Warne $2.80 92 "Fanny Burney's social advantages were great and the years of intercourse with brilliant peo- ple gave her unusual knowledge of the world. Shortly after the publication of 'Evelina,' she became keeper of the robes to Queen Charlotte. Her 'Diary and letters' gives us one of the best historical pictures of that time, the everyday life at court, King George Ill's increasing insanity, and her own story of discomfort in uncongenial companionship. 'As a diarist Miss Burney is with Pepys and Evelyn, as a letter writer with Walpole and Chesterfield. And unlike all of these, except Horace, she is a novelist as well.' (George Saintsbury) Some readers may prefer the selections from her diary and other writings, edited by L. B. Seeley and entitled 'Fanny Burney and her friends.' " Pittsburgh Temporarily out of print Another delightfully written book is Con- stance Hill's "Fanny Burney at the court of Queen Charlotte," 19 12, Lane, $5 Arnold, Benedict Stimson, F. J. (J. S. of Dale, pseud.) My story; being the memoirs of Bene- dict Arnold, il '17 Scribner $2 92 "Author and publisher have given to this book every mark of a genuine autobiographical work, yet have made no pretense that it is other than a work of fiction. It purports to be the life story of Benedict Arnold, written by his own hand, with tHe purpose of justifying his career in the eyes of the British king. Events of his public and private life are closely followed." Book rev. digest "Tho presented in the guise of a novel, one of the most important as well as most graphic his- torical books of the year, (1917)." Springfield Republican, November 18, 19 17 Arnold, Matthew Letters, 1848-88; ed. by G. W. E. Russell. 1900 Macmillan $2.25 92 "The greater part of these letters are ad- dressed to the members of the family, whence their perfect frankness and absence of posing The early letters to his elder sister are full of his reading and political views. After his mar- riage they give us many details of his work ana wanderings in inspecting schools. Still later his visits to the continent give occasion for descrip- tions of places and vivacious sketches of ad- venture. The playfulness and tenderness of his nature are revealed in his allusions to his chil- dren. Above all the letters contribute toward an appreciation of Arnold's character, opinions and literary work. 'These letters are a gift of sunshine to the world. ... In his published writings there were at times a not unbecoming hauteur, a happy malice of the pen, and even something which, while really dexterity in saying things difficult to utter, might be mistaken for affectation. In these letters a more intimate side of his charac- ter is revealed to the public; they are abso- lutely simple and real; wholly free from strain; rich in the temper of enjoyment; unfailing in the spirit of genuine affection; and behind their 14 STANDARD CATALOG Arnold, Matthew Continued kindness and their brightness we can discern strength, and even something of unostentatious heroism; loyalty to duty; loyalty to truth; loy- alty to an ideal of life.' " (Edward Dowden) Pittsburgh Arnold, Thomas, and Arnold, Matthew Fitch, J. G. Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their influence on English educa- tion. (Great educators) '97 Scribner $1.25 92 "The author of this biography was a colleague of Matthew Arnold in educational work, and he aims to present those characteristics of both father and son which are of special interest to teachers." Pittsburgh Audubon, John James Life and adventures of Audubon the nat- uralist; ed. by Robert Buchanan. (Everyman's library) '13 Dutton 70c; lib. binding 90c 92 Consists chiefly of extracts from his diary Bibliography of Robert Buchanan, P13; bib- liography of John James Audubon, pn "Contains an introduction by John Bur- roughs in which he speaks of Audubon as 'One of the most striking figures in our history, while the service he has rendered to ornithology sur- passes perhaps the work of any other one man who ever lived.' " Pratt quarterly Audubon, Mrs L. B. Life of John James Audubon the naturalist. (American men of energy) 1900 Putnam $1.50 92 Short biography written in 1867 Herrick, F. H. Audubon the naturalist; a history of his life and time. 2v il '17 Appleton $7.50 92 Bibliography, 2:401-56 Appendix contains many hitherto unpublished documents "A notable biography containing a wealth of interesting new material, particularly on Audu- bon's boyhood in France and experiences in the West. Combines scholarliness with a popular style and is enhanced by many fine illustrations. The author is professor of biology at Western Reserve university and is himself an authority on ornithology." Cleveland See also "Audubon and his journals," ed. by M. R. Audubon, 1897, Scribner, 2v., $7.50 Augustine, Saint, bishop of Hippo Confessions of St Augustine; tr. by E. B. Pusey. (Everyman's library) '09 Dut- ton 70c; lib. binding 90c 92 "These confessions were written at the end of the fourth century by the most distinguished of the Latin fathers as a revelation of his spiritual experience. They have been a source of re- ligious inspiration thru the centuries." Pratt alcove The Latin text with parallel English transla- tion is published by Putnam in the Loeb clas- sical library, 2v, $3.60 Augustus, Caius Octavius Firth, J. B. Augustus Caesar and the or- ganization of the empire of Rome. (Heroes of the nations) '03 Putnam $1.50 92 "A volume of very solid worth . . . the only biography of Augustus in the English language." (Nation, 1909) Pittsburgh Austen, Jane Austen-Leigh, William, and R. A. Jane Austen, her life and letters; a family record, il '13 Dutton $3.50 92 Works referred to, pio; Chronology of Jane Austen's life, p 13-15; Bibliography, P421-8 "By the son and grandson of James Edward Austen-Leigh, a nephew of Jane Austen and author of the memoir published in 1869. (Mac- millan, 1906, Eversley series). The present work is a careful rearrangement of her letters with connecting comment and explanation and some added material on her social and family life." Cleveland Cornish, F. W. Jane Austen. (English men of letters) '13 Macmillan $1 92 "The two biographical chapters are excellent, saying neatly and concisely all that need be said. The comments are to the point; those devoted to the novels are apt in description and criticism, and include some timely corrections of popular misconceptions. The last chapter is somewhat disappointing in that it gives no details of the style, which is surely a chief merit of the novels." (Condensed from Athenaeum) Pitts- burgh Smith, Goldwin. Life of Jane Austen. (Great writers) '90 Scribner $1.40 92 Bibliography, apx. pi-5 "The first and best chapter contains an excel- lent sketch of Jane Austen's life; the other chap- ters analyze her novels with delicate taste and fine critical faculty." (Athenaeum) Pittsburgh Avary, Mrs Myrta Lockett, ed. A Virginia girl in the Civil war, 1861-65. '03 Appleton $1.50 92 "The thrilling experiences of the young wife of a Confederate officer related dramatically and with humor. As interesting as a novel in its true account of adventures and privations, but it is nevertheless a part of the intimate material which makes a background for scholarly history of the period." Cleveland Bagehot, Walter Barrington, Mrs E. I. W. Life of Walter Bagehot. '14 Longmans $4 92 "Life of a distinguished English banker, economist, journalist, and man of letters. Inter- esting as a revelation of the brilliant and at- tractive personality which lay hidden beneath the seriousness of his public career." Pittsburgh "A delightful and truly interpretive, if over- discursive biography of the English economist and journalist of whom President Wilson wrote in 1905., 'He had social imagination. For minds with this gift of sight, there is a quick way opened to the heart of things. His fame is sin- gularly disproportionate to his charm.' " Cleve- land Baldwin, William Henry, jr. Brooks, J. G. American citizen, il '10 Houghton $1.75 92 "Inspiring character study of a sincere, large- hearted railroad official, who succeeded in busi- ness yet maintained his moral integrity and sub- ordinated big private enterprises to active interest in the race problem and social reform." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. Balzac, Honore de Sandars, M. F. Honore de Balzac: his life and writings. '14 Lane $1.50 92 "The Nation says of the first edition (Dodd, ipos), 'In Miss Sandars' work is presented, for the first time, an exhaustive account of Balzac's The story is told simply, directly, with sympathy, and not infrequent humor.' A satis- factory reprint at half the price, with the type somewhat more compact, but readable, and the number of illustrations increased from four to nine." A. L. A. bkl. Bancroft, Mrs Elizabeth (Davis) Letters from England, 1846-1849. '04 Scribner $1.50 92 "Letters written to the members of her fam- ily _ by the wife of George Bancroft, the his- torian, during his ministry to England. 'She saw everything with American eyes, commenting and contrasting, always with generous apprecia- tion and with a laudable desire to profit by her splendid social opportunities, but still retaining the old longing for home ways and home peo- ple.'" (Dial 1904) Pittsburgh BIOGRAPHY Individual 15 Bancroft, George Howe, M. A. D. Life and letters of George Bancroft. 2v il '08 Scribner $4 92 "Recounts his experiences as student at Got- tingen, 1818-20, as secretary of the navy, min- ister to England in 1846, and as minister to Ger- many, 1867-74. Reminiscences and anecdotes of many notable persons, American and European." A. L. A. sup. Bancroft, Hubert Howe Retrospection, political and personal. 3d ed rev '12 Bancroft co. $2 92 "Contains much more than the recollections of a long and active life, giving the author's fearless and often caustic comment on practically every matter of vital concern to the country specially those problems connected with the West, past and present. His early life in Ohio, migra- tion to California, accumulation of the Bancroft library and writing of his historical works com- prise the more personal chapters. Written with- out regard^ to matters of style and somewhat garrulous, it is nevertheless full of interest for students _ of United States history and for any reader interested in Pacific coast matters." A. L. A. bkl. "As a work of history or of contemporaneously critical value no very high rank can be given to this 'Retrospection' from Mr Bancroft's pen. But as a human document, as impressionistic testi- mony, the book has a value of its own, coming as it does from a man who reached San Fran- cisco in 1852 from an eye-witness of events in California thru six decades." Amer. hist. rev. 20:211 Barclay, Sir Thomas Thirty years: Anglo-French reminiscen- ces (1876-1906). il '14 Houghton $4 92 "The book is not only an intimate record of an important period of diplomatic history, but contains many good stories of the important peo- ple of the times. The author, as Paris corres- pondent of the London Times, President of the British Chamber of commerce in Paris, and organizer of the International brotherhood al- liance, did valuable work in establishing friendly relations between France and England." Cleve- land Barr, Mrs Amelia Edith (Huddleston) All the days of my life; an autobiogra- phy, il '13 Appleton $4 92 Writer is an Anglo-American novelist "The simple personal memoirs of a brave, faithful woman and industrious and successful writer, now past eighty. The story is full of human nature and speaks frankly of 'those spir- itual experiences which are the most potent fac- tors of life.' " Cleveland Mrs Barr's "Threescore and ten, a book for the aged," 1915, Appleton, $1.75, should be read in connection with the above Barrie, Mrs Margaret (Ogilvy) Barrie, J. M. Margaret Ogilvy. '96 Scribner $1.35 92 "Barrie's tender tribute to the memory of his mother, in which appear all his gifts of delicate humor, sympathy, and understanding of the femi- nine mind and heart." Pratt alcove Barrows, Samuel June Barrows, Mrs I. C. the biography of S. Little $1.50 "Tho handicapped by poverty and deficient education, Mr Barrows became an accomplished linguist, writer and leader in reform movements, holding many positions of trust. He was for ten years secretary of the New York Prison as- sociation." N.Y. state lib. "An admirable biography of a brilliant and gifted man and many-sided philanthropist, who will be best remembered as a penologist of en- lightened vision and great practical ability." Cleveland A sunny life; J. Barrows. '13 92 Barton, Clara Epler, P. H. Life of Clara Barton, il '17 Macmillan $1.75 92 "Comprehensive biography, published with the assistance of Miss Barton's literary executors. To serve as the official biography during the ten years or more required for the preparation of the larger 'Life and letters' from papers and documents left by Miss Barton for this purpose. Unpublished war diaries and letters, together with her conversations; observations by eye-wit- nesses, and the records of the Red cross society are the author's original sources." Pittsburgh Bashkirtseff, Marie Marie Bashkirtseff, the journal of a young artist 1860-84; tr. by M. J. Serrano, new and rev ed '19 Dutton $2.50 92 "It is not alone the outspoken wit, longing, and opinions of a girl writing for her own heart and poising for her public at the same moment, but the self-revelation of a gifted and forceful nature, working itself out through successive phases of a life which, concentrated into a few short years, leaves an impression almost complete in its distinctness." (Atlantic monthly, 1889) Pittsburgh "New in that it has been enlarged by im- portant additions from the original French and a complete revision made of the text." Preface Bebel, August Bebel's reminiscences; tr. from the first German ed. by Ernest Untermann. '11 Rand book store 75c 92 "It contains an excellent account of the de- velopment of modern German political parties, as seen by a convinced democrat, and is indis- pensable to students of the history of socialism." (Nation [London]) Pratt quarterly "This autobiography of the famous leader of the German Social-democratic party (1840-1912) embodies the history of German socialism from its rise to 1878, when the present instalment of his recollections closes." Pittsburgh Beecher, Henry Ward Abbott, Lyman. Henry Ward Beecher. '03 Houghton $2 92 Bibliography, pref. pi 7-38 "Portrays the great preacher from long ac- quaintance, as a man, as pastor, as reformer and as patriot." A. L. A. Bennett, Arnold Truth about an author; new edition with preface. '11 Doran $1 92 "The ruthless realism of the life of letters as Mr Bennett sees it is presented in a series of chapters describing the author's ten years' ap- prenticeship to the rapid mastery of journalism, editorship, dramatic and literary criticism, play- writing, story-writing, and novel-writing. It is the commercial side of it all that chiefly exhibits itself in its disillusioning and seamy aspect to the reader." Dial Benson, Robert Hugh Confessions of a convert. '13 Longmans $1.25 92 First published serially in Ave Maria, 1906-7 "The study of Monsignor Benson's progress thru the various phases of Anglican thought and finally into the Roman Catholic church. 'A clear and beautiful narrative which as a record of psychological experience is a fit companion to the 'Apologia' of Newman.' " Cleveland Benson, A. C. Hugh; memoirs of a brother, il '15 Longmans $1.75 92 "Not a formal biography, but intimate sym- pathetic recollections of the vivid personality of Robert Hugh Benson as he revealed himself to the family circle. Concerned with the details of home and scholastic life, and does not 16 STANDARD CATALOG Benson, Robert Hugh Continued discuss Father Benson's public career. Excel- lent photographs." N.Y. state lib. "This account is an altogether and rarely de- lightful one." Catholic world 101:818 Father Martindale's "Life of Benson," 2y, 19 16, Longmans $5, is called by the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh "the authoritative life" Beresford, Charles William de la Poer Beresford, 1st baron Memoirs of Admiral Lord Charles Beres- ford, written by himself. 2v '14 Little $7.50 92 "Story of the author's career in the British navy from the time he entered as a cadet of fif- teen in 1859 to his retirement in igii.^ The two volumes present a view of the evolution of Great Britain's sea power thru half a century, and relate many excellent anecdotes and nu- merous stories of action and adventure." Cleve- land Bismarck-Schonhausen, Otto Eduard Leo- pold, fiirst von Headlam, J. W. Bismarck and the foun- dation of the German empire. (Heroes of the nations) '99 Putnam $1.50 92 "Best general survey of public life and char- acter. Tells little of personal affairs." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Robertson, E. G. Bismarck. (Makers of the nineteenth century) '19 Holt $2.25 92 Bibliography, P506-12 "Study of Bismarck's statecraft and of Bis- marck himself as one of the makers of modern Europe and of the German nation and empire. Conclusions and judgments expressed were formed before the outbreak of the European war and based on exhaustive study." (Con- densed from preface) Pittsburgh "Both historically and psychologically, it is a work often brilliant, always enlightening; writ- ten neither from the professorial chair nor the journalistic desk, but instinct with a full and inner knowledge both of documents and transac- tions." Saturday rev. 125:893 Boone, Daniel Bruce, H. A. B. Daniel Boone and the Wilderness road. '10 Macmillan $1.50 92 "As a biography this work offers nothing of importance not already covered by Thwaites' "Daniel Boone," on which it is partly based. As a popular review of Boone's career, and an estimate of his character, his pioneer associates and his influence, it will, however, serve a some- what different purpose. There is a good map of the early West and numerous portraits and views." A. L. A. bkl. Thwaites, R. G. Daniel Boone. '02 Ap- pleton $1.25 92 "Defines Boone's place among western pioneers in the light of manuscripts in Wisconsin his- torical society library." (Nation, 1902) A. L. A. Booth, William Bateman, C. T. Life of General Booth. '12 Assn. press 60c 92 Borrow, George Henry Lavengro, the scholar, the gypsy, the priest; a new ed. containing the unal- tered text of the original issue, some suppressed episodes, ms. variorum, vo- cabulary and notes by the author of the life of George Borrow. '14 Putnam $2 92 "Account of the author's wanderings thru the British Isles < as a champion of religious liberty. He relates his experiences among gypsies and his conversations with chance acquaintances. The interest in the narrative is maintained by a con- tinuous thread of mystery." Pratt alcove Jenkins, Herbert, comp. Life of George H. Borrow, il '12 Putnam $3.50 92 "A thoroly satisfactory life of the author of 'The Bible in Spain,' containing, however, no im- portant new matter not given in the biography by W. I. Knapp (1899) except Borrow's own ac- count, from St. Petersburg, of the difficulties surmounted in translating and printing the New Testament in Manchu. Details of Borrow's 'happiest years' (1833-40) are especially full, and new details of his relations with his employers, the British and Foreign Bible society, are given. Illustrations from portraits." A. L. A. bkl. Additional material may be found in C. K. Shorter's "George Borrow and his circle," 19 13, Houghton, $3.50 Botchkareva, Maria Yashka: my life as peasant, officer and exile. '19 Stokes $2 92 "The autobiography of the commander of the Russian women's battalion of death, as set down by Isaac Don Levine. Includes a full account of her four years' service in the ranks, and a vivid picture of Bolshevism." Brooklyn Brandes, Georg Reminiscences of my childhood and youth. '06 Duffield $2.50 92 "Dr Brandes, who (19 10) is one of the fore- most of living critics, gives here a frank and inti- mate revelation of the unfolding of his intel- lectual life, to his thirtieth year and the shaping of his ideas about modern literature which he has enforced with so much impressiveness in his books. The vigor and vitality which characterize his treatment of other writers are equally char- acteristic of this account of his own career. His reminiscent pages throw interesting light on con- temporary happenings in the sixties as well as on famous men, among them Ibsen, Bjornson, Taine, Renan and Mill, with whose friendship the young critic was honored." Pittsburgh Breshkovskaia, Mme Ekaterina Blackwell, A. S., ed. Little grandmother of the Russian revolution; reminis- cences and letters of Catherine Bresh- kovsky. il '17 Little $2 92 "The dramatic account of the life of the revo- lutionist, affectionately nicknamed 'Baboushka' (dear little grannie), who has spent 30 of her 73 years in exile in Siberia. Alice Stone Blackwell, the editor, has gath- ered her material from three sources: Madame Breshkovsky's own account of her childhood and youth dictated to Dr Abraham Cahan and pub- lished serially in Yiddish in the New York Jewish daily forward in 1904; letters to her son and others, most of them written since 1904, and her account of her prison life given to Ernest Poole and published in the Outlook. The letters form the most interesting part of the book, revealing as they do a personality of un- usual sweetness and strength, and giving inti- mate pictures of peasant life." Cleveland Brevoort, Henry Letters to Washington Irving; ed. with an introd. by G. S. Hellman. '18 Put- nam $3.50 92 "Covering with considerable interruptions, the years from 18 11 to 1843, the letters chronicle the literary and personal news of the moment, or touch briefly upon the political events of the time." (Nation) Pratt quarterly Bridgman, Laura Elliott, Mrs M. H., and Hall, Mrs F. H. Laura Bridgman; Dr Howe's famous pupil and what he taught her. '03 Lit- tle $1.50 92 Bibliography of Laura Bridgman and the blind deaf-mutes of her time, P383-4 BIOGRAPHY Individual 17 Bridgman, Laura Continued "Drawn from Dr Howe's written notes and the journal and letters of the blind, deaf and dumb girl." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Bright, John , Trevelyan, G. M. Life of John Bright, il '13 Houghton $5 92 Some books on John Bright, pn "The principal subjects treated are the Anti- corn-law league, Bright's resistance to the Crimean war and to European entanglements generally, his support of the northern cause dur- ing the American Civil war, his early advocacy of Irish church and land legislation, and above all, the winning of the vote for the working-men, the cause to which the best years of his life were given. His private life, with glimpses of old industrial Lancashire and the Quaker community of seventy years ago, is not neglected." Pitts- burgh "Well illustrated with contemporary portraits and cartoons, and well indexed." A. L. A ; bkl. "Mr Trevelyan ... is singularly well equipped for the writing of the story of the struggles of the man who was probably the best loved and most widely respected of Victorian statesmen." Amer. hist. rev. 19=35' Bronte, Charlotte Gaskell, Mrs E. S. Life of Charlotte Bronte; with introd. and notes by C. K. Shorter. 1900 Harper $1.60 92 "Best edition of the standard biography." (Johnston) A. L. A. "In the whole of English biographical litera- ture there is no book that can compare in wide- spread interest with the 'Life of Charlotte Bronte' by Mrs Gaskell. ... As far as mere readers are concerned, it may indeed claim its hundreds as against the tens of intrinsically more important rivals. Mrs Gaskell was herself a popular novelist, who commanded a very wide audience. She brought to bear upon the biog- raphy of Charlotte Bronte all those literary gifts which had made the charm of her seven volumes of romance. And these gifts were employed upon a romance of real life, not less fascinating than anything which imagination could have furnished. ... It is quite certain that Charlotte Bronte would not stand on so splendid a pedestal today but for the single-minded devotion of her ac- complished biographer." (Clement K. Shorter) Pittsburgh Shorter, C. K. Charlotte Bronte and her sisters. (Literary lives) il '05 Scribner $1.25 92 "Brief, enthusiastic biography, supplementing Mrs Gaskell's 'Life' by including later material. His larger work, 'The Brontes' (Scribner, 1908, 2v.) incorporates the material in this volume and adds over 700 letters, making it the most com- plete biography in print." A. L. A. sup. Sinclair, May. Three Brontes, il '12 Houghton $3.50 92 Key to the Bronte works, P241-47 "Biographical and critical study of the sis- ters which weighs the opinions of their other biographers in the light of the author's inter- esting, if somewhat prejudiced point of view. Emily is plainly Miss Sinclair's favorite of the three sisters and her critical selection and ap- preciation of Emily's poetry is one of the best parts of the book." Pittsburgh Wood, Butler, ed. Charlotte Bronte, 1816- 1916: a centenary memorial prepared by the Bronte society, il '18 Dutton $4 92 "The essays here collected are from the pens of Mrs Humphry Ward, Messrs Edmund Gosse, G. K. Chesterton, A. C. Benson, and Halliwell Sutcliffe, Sir Sidney Lee, Dr Richard Garnett, and others, and treat of Charlotte Bronte's novels, the home of the Brontes, Charlotte Bronte in Brussels, and kindred topics." Athenaeum, 19 18 "A memorial volume prepared by the Bronte Society of Great Britain in honor of the hun- dredth anniversary of Charlotte Bronte's birth. In addition to contributions written especially for the public meeting held at Haworth the volume includes selections from the Transactions of the society, among them appreciations from Dr Richard Garnett, Sir Sidney Lee, Professor C. E. Vaughan, and others. . . . The book is illustrated with pictures and maps." Book rev. digest "Next to Mrs Gaskell's biography, this is per- haps the most interesting book yet published about the Bronte sisters." Spectator 120:185 Brooks, Phillips Allen, A. V. G. Life and letters of Phil- lips Brooks, abr ed '07 Dutton $3 92 "A loving hand has traced the outline of a very human life, and the honesty, the uncom- promising truthfulness, of the subject has en- tered into the disposition of the biographer. . . . We welcome this 'Life and letters' as not only a very notable contribution to the small class of really worthy American biographies, but as the prolongation of one of the finest influences that have been moulding American character, espe- cially in the field of spiritual development. . . . The letters which Brooks wrote are very expres- sive of a certain side of his nature, that sunny side which made so large a part of his great- ness, but they rarely are more than superficial disclosures of his temperament. ... Dr Allen . . . looked for Brooks in his sermons, and there he found him." (Atlantic monthly, 1901) Pitts- burgh Dutton also publishes an edition in five volumes at $25 Brown, Demetra Vaka Child of the orient. '14 Houghton $1.35 92 "Demetra Vaka tells the story of her own childhood in Turkey. She was a little Greek girl, brought up with a reverence for Greek tradi- tions and a hatred for the Turks, but she made friends with a little Turkish girl and was ad- mitted into Turkish households. The story fol- lows her thru three year's schooling in Paris and describes her arrival in America." Book rev. digest Brown, John Du Bois, W. E. B. John Brown. (Amer- ican crisis biographies) '09 Jacobs $1.50 92 Villard, O. G. John Brown, 1800-1859. il '10 Houghton $5 92 "An exhaustive, unbiased biography, likely to remain the most complete and satisfactory study of this remarkable personality. Essentially a biography for the student: for popular use Du Bois* 'John Brown,' is the best brief volume." A. L. A. sup. "Author has written one of the great biog- raphies of our literature." (J. T. Morse, jr. in Atlantic 106:662) N.Y. state lib. Browning, Mrs Elizabeth (Barrett) Letters; ed. with biographical additions by F. G. Kenyon. new ed 2v in 1 '99 Macmillan $1.50 . 92 "Abounding in glimpses of persons, of judg- ments of men and books, political ardors and per- sonal relations." A. L. A. Browning, Robert Chesterton, G. K. Robert Browning. (English men of letters) '03 Macmil- lan 75c 92 "Mr Chesterton belongs to a generation of readers younger than any of those who were familiar with Browning's presence and ... is to be welcomed as bringing to his task the fresh- ness and the different perspective of youth. He brings also a remarkable degree of instinctive sympathy and congeniality of mind_ with the writer who is his subject . . . qualities some- 18 STANDARD CATALOG Browning, Robert Continued what akin to Browning's own ... an unpruned fertility of healthy and manly thinking, and a readiness to express his meaning in any rough- and-ready phrase that comes to hand." (Times [London] lit. sup.) Pittsburgh Dowden, Edward. Robert Browning. (Everyman's lib.) '04 Dutton 70c; lib. binding 90c 92 "Specially interesting as a study of his poems, narrating events of life as related to and inter- preting them." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. Orr, Mrs A. L. Life and letters of Robert Browning. 1900 Houghton $2.50 92 "Authorized by the poet's family." A. L. A. See also W. H. Griffin's Life, 19 10, Macmil- lan, $3.75, which is based partly on more recent material than that to which Mrs Orr had access Browning, Robert, and Browning, Eliz- abeth (Barrett) Letters of Robert Browning and E. B. Barrett, 1845-1846. 2v '99 Harper $5 92 "These are all the letters that ever passed between Mr and Mrs Browning, and date from some time before their first meeting to their de- parture together for the continent a week after their marriage. Before his death Mr Browning destroyed all his correspondence except these let- ters which he left to his son to do with as he liked." Pittsburgh "A remarkable revelation of beautiful char- acter. The sense that so intimate a set of let- ters should not be laid bare to the public has been gradually overcome by the perception of their singular charm." (Leslie Stephen) A. L. A. Bryant, William Cullen Bigelow, John. William Cullen Bryant. (American men of letters) '90 Hough- ton $1.35 92 "Author, a warm personal friend, was asso- ciated for many years with Mr Bryant in the management of the Evening post, and he has written a compact and readable life." Pittsburgh Burke, Edmund Morley, John. Burke. (English men of letters) '87 Harper 75c 92 "A different work from author's 'Edmund Burke,' 1867. Narrative of Burke's career as statesman, author, orator and as a figure in so- ciety." A. L. A. Burnett, Mrs Frances (Hodgson) One I knew the best of all; a memory of the mind of a child; il. by R. B. Birch. '93 Scribner $1.50 92 "Relates author's childish impressions; valu- able as a record of development of an imagi- native child's mind." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Burns, Robert Blackie, J. S. Life of Robert Burns. (Great writers) '88 Scribner $1.25 92 Bibliography, 41 pref. p. Lockhart, J. G. Life of Robert Burns. (Everyman's lib.) '07 Dutton 70c; lib. binding 90c 92 Burr, Aaron Merwin, H. C. Aaron Burr. (Beacon biographies) '99 Small 60c 92 Parton, James. Life and times of Aaron Burr; enl. ed. with numerous appen- dices, containing new information. 2v '92 Houghton $6 92 "Adds something of real value to our knowl- edge of Burr and shows clearly that he had been unjustly judged in many particulars." A. L. A. Burroughs, John Barrus, Clara. Our friend John Bur- roughs, il '14 Houghton $2.25 92 "Nearly half of the book is compiled from a series of letters, autobiographical in character, written at the request of Miss Barrus, with bits of interviews to fill in the gaps. The other chapters describe the naturalist and his haunts with an appreciative human touch that is full of charm." A. L. A. bkl. Burton, Isabel (Arundel), lady Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton; the story of her life, told in part by herself and in part by W. H. Wilkins. '97 Dodd $3.50 Lady Burton's Life of her husband, 92 Sir Richard F. Burton, traveller, orientalist and writer, is now out of print Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th baron Life, letters and journals of Lord Byron; a complete ed. collected and arranged with notes by Sir Walter Scott. '08 Murray 7s 6d 92 "One of the most delightful and entertaining biographies in our literature a companion vol- ume, in every way, to Boswell's 'Johnson' and Lockhart's 'Scott.' " Pratt alcove Nichol, John. Byron. (English men of letters) '80 Harper 75c 92 "Competent and sympathetic life which, how- ever, does not spare the poet's weaknesses." A. L. A. Caesar, Julius Fowler, W. W. Julius Caesar, and the foundation of the Roman imperial sys- tem. (Heroes of the nations) '92 Put- nam $1.50 92 "Embodies results of recent investigations and preserves an excellent perspective in esti- mating Caesar's character and influence." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Froude, J. A. Caesar; a sketch. 79 Scribner $1.50 92 "Careful study of 'the conversion of the Ro- man republic into a military empire.' Gives a good outline picture of Roman life and con- ditions at the time of Caesar." A. L. A. Calhoun, John Caldwell Hoist, H. E. von. John Caldwell Cal- houn. (American statesmen) '09 Houghton $1.35 92 "Deals chiefly with public relations; valuable as history of the slavery question rather than as personal biography." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Hunt, Gaillard. John C. Calhoun. (American crisis biographies) '08 Jacobs $1.50 92 "The best biography for the public library, scholarly yet popular. Unlike Hoist's biography it gives personal history as well as a full survey of his political career." A. L. A. sup. Calvin, John Walker, Williston. John Calvin. (Heroes of the reformation) il '06 Putnam $1.50 92 "Critical as well as sympathetic, carefully citing authorities, and candidly exhibiting both the lights and the shadows of a masterful char- acter and career." (Outlook) A. L. A. sup. Campbell, Reginald John A spiritual pilgrimage. '16 Appleton $2 92 "The former minister of the City Temple, London, the conspicuous exponent of the 'new theology,' here tells us of his soul's journey to the priesthood of the Church of England. The BIOGRAPHY Individual 19 Campbell, Reginald John Continued simplicity and charm of the narration recall Newman's 'Apologia,' and the author's considera- tion of many of the important theological themes of the past quarter-century makes the book of wide appeal." Cleveland "It stands alone in the realm of spiritual biog- raphy. It reflects neither the heat of inner war- fare, as does Newman's 'Apologia,' nor the bit- ter revolt and sarcasm of Robert Benson's 'Con- fessions.' " Springfield Republican, January 14, 1917 Carlyle, Mrs Jane Baillie (Welsh) Letters and memorials; prepared for publication by Thomas Carlyle; ed. by J. A. Froude. 2v '83 Scribner $3 92 "They take up the story of her life where it was left in Froude's 'Thomas Carlyle; a history of the first forty years of his life.' " (Athe- naeum) A. L. A. "Thru the medium of these frank, pungent, witty letters is revealed a personality of rare charm, vivid and magnetic. Carlyle too stands out as a living figure, and the whole circle of their friends the most interesting figures of the day move thru the pages." Pratt alcove Carlyle, Thomas Reminiscences; ed. by J. A. Froude. '81 Scribner $1.50 92 Froude, J. A. Thomas Carlyle; a history of his life in London, 1834-1881. 2v '84 Scribner $3 92 "An unsparing revelation of Carlyle's self and his intimate relationships, set forth from his own papers with almost painful fidelity to facts and with little effort to soften the failings in his dis- turbed life." Pratt alcove Garnett, Richard. Life of Thomas Car- lyle. (Great writers) '87 Scribner $1.25 92 "Mr Garnett has given a singularly good ac- count of Carlyle, man and work. . . . We do not know that anything important . . . in Carlyle's biography is here omitted, while his successive works meet with criticism which is more or less sympathetic and discriminating. Mr Garnett is most emphatically right in .insisting on the altogether incalculable importance of Car- lyle as an ethical influence on the last half of the nineteenth century." (Saturday rev., 1887) Pittsburgh Bibliography, apx. pi-28 Carlyle, Thomas, and Emerson, Ralph Waldo Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872. 2v '84 library ed Houghton $3.50 .92 "A nearly complete record of their friendship. Its special charm lies in its being human rather than literary." (G. E. Woodberry in Atlantic 51:560) A. L. A Carroll, Lewis (pseud, of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) Collingwood, S. D. Life and letters of Lewis Carroll. '98 Century $2.50 92 Bibliography, P431-43 "Interesting biography of the Oxford don who lectured on mathematics and created the immor- tal Alice. The author quotes many entertaining letters to and from children, of whom Lewis Car- roll was very fond, and gives some interesting details about 'Alice in Wonderland,' 'Through the looking-glass' and 'Sylvie and Bruno.' Illus- trated by sketches and remarkably fine photo- graphs." Pittsburgh Carson, Christopher (Kit Carson) Abbott, J. S. C. Christopher Carson, known as Kit Carson. (American pio- neers and patriots) '01 Dodd $1.25 92 "Vivid picture of adventurous life of the trapper." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Sabin, E. L. Kit Carson days (1809- 1868). il '14 McClurg $3 92 "Fully documented and authenticated biog- raphy of the famous old Indian fighter and Civil war soldier and a history of his times and companions illustrated by many rare- prints." (Dial 57:343) N.Y. state lib. Catherine of Sienna, Saint Saint Catherine of Sienna as seen in her letters; tr. by V. D. Scudder. '05 Dut- ton $2.50 , 92 "Selections from the _ letters, excellently edited, and with interesting forewords giving glimpses of the young saint's various corres- pondents. Gardner's 'Saint Catherine of Sienna' (Dutton, 1907, $5) is a sympathetic, reverent and very complete story of her life and work." A. L. A. sup. Gardner, E. G. Saint Catherine of Si- enna: a study in the religion, literature and history of the 14th century in Italy. '07 Dutton $5 92 "This is no conventional biography of a can- onized saint, but a study in Italian history cen- tered in the work and personality of one of the most wonderful women who ever lived, the truest and most single-hearted patriot of her age. . . . Mr Gardner has done for St Catherine what Paul Sabatier did for St Francis. . . . Rarely do we find the critical faculty so happily blended with enthusiasm." (Nation, 1908) Pittsburgh Cavour, Camillo Benso, comte di Martinengo-Cesaresco, E. L. H. C, con- tessa. Cavour. (Foreign statesmen) '98 Macmillan 80c 92 Chief authorities, P221-2 _ "Might be used as a syllabus by any one wishing to master this most fascinating period; but it differs from other syllabi in being full of sparkle and interest." (W. R. Thayer in Amer. hist. rev. 14:725) A. L. A. Thayer, W. R. Life and times of Cavour. 2v (Riverside popular biographies) il maps '11 Houghton $5 92 Abbreviated titles of works frequently re- ferred to, V2, ps 10-15 "This important work, twenty years in prepa- ration, follows the author's 'Dawn of Italian in- dependence' and covers the growth of modern Italy and Cavour's part in it, 1848-1861. 'The most important work on the making of modern Italy which has been published in English, and the most complete critical study of Cavour which has appeared in any language. . . . Mr Thayer is completely saturated with Cavour's thought. . . . He has vividly reproduced the Italian spirit of the time (and) has followed with par- ticular minuteness the intricacies of European diplomacy in which Cavour was the master mind from 1858 to 1861.' (Nation 93:546) Illustra- tions (chiefly portraits) and maps." A. L. A. bkl. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; a memoir il '13 Oxford $3 92 "A succinct account of all the now authen- ticated main facts of the life of the author of 'Don Quixote', with its many trials and troubles. . . . This plain narrative, free from all critical mention of his works, and told in direct lan- guage, supplies a striking portrait and a clear insight into the nature of a man who, genius as he was, was in everyday affairs his own effective enemy." Athenaeum Schevill, Rudolph. Cervantes. (Master spirits of literature) '19 Duffield $2.25 92 This volume by the professor of Spanish, in the University of California, rehearses the chief events of Cervantes' life, and gives an estimate of his work. In chapter six, Professor Schevill 20 STANDARD CATALOG Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Continued shows the "relation of Cervantes to the culture of the renascence and the fiction of the six- teenth century." Bibliography, P373-6 Chaffee, Adna Romanza Carter, W. G. H. Life of Lieutenant General Chaffee, il '17 Univ. of Chicago press $2.50 . . 92 "An appreciative biography of the military life of the only man who has risen from the lowest to the highest rank in our army. General Chaffee fought in the Civil war, in Cuba, China, and the Philippines." A. L. A. bkl. "Well written and forms a welcome addition to American military biography." Springfield Re- publican, March 17, 19 18 Champlain, Samuel de Sedgwick, H. D. Samuel de Champlain. (Riverside biographical ser.) '02 Houghton 75c; school ed 60c 92 "Champlain's life and surroundings in France dwelt on at unusual length and nobility of his character well presented." A. L. A. Charlemagne, emperor of the west Davis, H. W. C. Charlemagne, the hero of two nations. (Heroes of the nations) 1900 Putnam $1.50 92 "I have endeavored to give some idea of the first western emperor's personality and influence upon European history. I have limited myself, in dealing with institutions and social and lit- erary developments, to those facts which seemed to throw light on his career. I have thruoui based my narrative on a study of the chronicles, diplomata and literature of the period." Preface Eginhard. Life of Charlemagne; tr. from the text of the "Monumenta Ger- maniae" by S. E. Turner. (Harper's school classics) Am bk 30c 92 Life of Eginhard, p