BERKELEY CIVIC BULLETIN Published Monthly by the City Club of Berkeley At 2610 Regent St., Berkeley Entered as Second Class Matter. February 15, 1913, at the Post Office at Berkeley. Cal, under act of March 3, 1879 Subscription $1.00 Per Year o^^51 Single Copies 10 Cents Vol. II Berkeley, California, March 14, 1914 No. 8 City Planning (IL) Bibliography Of Material in the University of Csdifornia and Oakland and Berkeley Public Libraries, Compiled by Ella K. Walker Of the University of California Library. This is the report of the Bibliography Committee and the work has been done under the direction of H. L. Leupp, Associate Librarian of the University of California Library, chairman of the committee. Credit is hereby acknowledged to the staff of the University of California and the Oakland and Berkeley public libraries for their assistance in the collection of the material. ' EXHIBIT IN OAKLAND CITY HALL The City Planning Exhibition, toward which the City of Ber- keley gave $500.00, and for which Oakland and the other Bay Cities and the County Supervisors raised $3,000.00, will open in the new Oakland City Hall on Miarch 13 and continue for ten days. The Exhibit will be free to the public and the doors will be open from 11 a. m. to 10 p. m. There will be three lectures a day on City Planning and its several phases, including practically all the subjects upon which the City Club has been working or in which it is now interested. The tentative program is as follows: March 12 — Private Reception by the Mayors and the City Planning Committee; March 13 — Oakland Day — Grand opening of the new City Hall and Exhibit; March 14— ^-League of Bay Coqnty Municipalities' Convention, Special meetings of the City Attorneys* Association, Association of City Engineers, Association of City Health Officers; March 15 — Church Day to be organized by the ministers, Sunday Schools, and church people; Monday, March 16 — Berkeley Day; March 17 — Alameda Day; March 18 — Richmond Day; March 19 — Piedmont Day; March 20 — Unassierned; March 21 — University Day; March 22 — Unassjgned. The local exhibits will consist chiefly of a model of the Har- bor from San Leandro to Richrrjond, showing the ultimate de- velopment of the proposed Rees Plan, Dr. Hegemann's Outside Park, and Alameda's proposed new parks and docks. There will also be a drawing of Berkeley's proposed civic center and street studies. 281562 118 SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting of the Club members has been called for Monday evening, March 16th, at the Oakland City Hall for attendance at the Exhibit. The next regular meeting will be March 26. Subject: "The City Manager Plan." CITY PLANNING PROBLEMS "City Planning Problems" will be discussed in a series of public lectures to be given at 8 p. m. on successive Tuesday evenings in 101 California Hall under the auspices of the League of the Republic, the Architectural Association, and the University Extension Division. The remaining lectures will be as follows: March 17 — The Garden City, the Tenement, and Other Experi- ments in the Housing Problems, Dr. J. B. Peixotto, Assistant Professor of Social Economics, March 24 — The Development of Residence Districts under Wise Restrictions, Duncan McDuffie. March 31 — Railroad Facilities. April 7 — Playgrounds and Recreation Facilities, Outdoor and In- door, George W. Dickie, Superintendent of the Oakland City Playgrounds. April 14 — Gardens, Public and Private, and City Planning, J. W. Gregg, Professor of Landscape Gardening and Floriculture. April 21 — Wider Uses for the Schools, John J. Donovan, Superi- vising Architect for the City of Oakland. April 28— The Replanning of Small Cities, Dr. John Nolen of Cambridge, Mass., City Planner and Landscape Architect. CITY PLANNING BIBLIOGRAPHY This list follows in the main the plan of that compiled by the Library of Congress and the Department of Landscape Archi- tecture of Harvard University, and published in "Special Li- braries", for May, 1912. A considerable number of references to material in local libraries has been added, including periodical references of later date than April 1912; exigencies of space have compelled the omission of periodical references of earlier date, and of other material not contained in one or other of the co- operating libraries. The list accordingly makes no pretensions to completeness; it is suggestive merely. A card record of ad- ditional references may be consulted at any one of the co- operating libraries. List of abbreviations for names of libraries co-operating in this Bibliography U — University of California Library. O — Oakland Public Library. Om — Oakland Public Library, Municipal Reference Department (Now in main library, but soon to be moved to Cit" Hall, Oakland.) B — Berkeley Public Library. BIBLIOGRAPHY American city bureau. Selected list of municipal and civic books. New York, 1913. 56 p.— UOMB. American institute of architects. Journal. (Continues Quarterly bulletin.) v. 1— date, 1913— date. Washington, D. C, 1913— date.— U 119 • — - Quarterly bulletin, containing an index of ' literature from the publications of architectur-j al societies and periodicals on architecture and allied subjects, v, 1*13, Jan, 1900-1913. . Washington, D,C., 1900-1913. (Continued as Journal} U Art, Municipal: p. i.^-id; see aiso unuer ine neauings ri.iciii- tecture; Building laws; Parks; Playgrounds; Squares; Streets; Transit facilities. Chicago. Public library. Check list of books and pamphlets on municipal government found in the free public libraries of Chicago. Chicago, Chicago public library 1911. 44 p. — U ''Municipal art. City planning; garden cities": p 40-43. Chicago school civics and philanthropy. The housing problem. Literature in central Chicago libraries. Chicago, 1912. (Bul- letin 16, July, 1912.) 40 p.— UOM Frost, Harwood. Bibliography of roads, streets and pavements. (In his Art of roadmaking. New York, 1910. p. 505-533.)— U Harvard university. A guide to reading in social ethics and allied subjects. Cambridge, Mass., 1910. 265 p. — U B p. 81-9. Ford, James. Housing and town planning. Lfindemann, H. Zur litteratur iiber die wohnungsfrage. Archiv fiir soziale gesetzgebung und statistik. 1902, v. 17: 508- 40.— U Massachusetts. Metropolitan park commission. Report . . . Jan. 1, 1912. Boston, Wright & Potter printing co., 1912. 61 p.— U "A selected bibliography of city planning": p. 59-60. Municipal index, in which are listed and classified by subjects all articles treating of municipal topics ... in the leading peri- odicals. (Monthly, in Municipal journal. New York, 1907 — date.)— UOOM. New York. Public Library. Select list of works relating to city planning and allied subjects. New York. 1913. (Bulletin, Nov. 1913, V. 17, no. 11 :930-960.)— UOM Gives excellent comments on value or scope of many of the books listed. A classified list under headings: Biblio- graphy; Periodicals; City planning; Circulation and public works; Markets; Housing; Garden cities; Parks and Recrea- ation; Legal restrictions; Taxation and finance. Selected list of references, bearing on city plan of New York New York. 1913. (In its Bulletin,' May, 1913, v. 17:396-408.— U New York school of philanthropy. Library. Improved housing bibliography. New York, 1912. 3 p. (Its Bulletin, May, 1912, V. 5, no. 9; Library bulletin 6.)— UOM Social aspects of town planning; bibliography. New York, 1911. 3 p. (Bulletin of the New York School of philanthropy. Mar. 1912, v. 5, no. 7; Library bulletin, no. 5.)— UOMB 118 A special meet Monday evening, ; attendance at the I The next regu City Manager Plai CI "City Planning > public lectures to evenings in 101 Ca of the Republic, th Extension Divisior The remaining March 17— The G ments in the I Professor of S March 24 — The Development of Residence Districts under Wise Restrictions, Duncan McDuffie. March 31 — Railroad Facilities. April 7 — Playgrounds and Recreation Facilities, Outdoor and In- door, George W. Dickie, Superintendent of the Oakland City Playgrounds. April 14 — Gardens, Public and Private, and City Planning, J. W. Gregg, Professor of Landscape Gardening and Floriculture. April 21 — Wider Uses for the Schools, John J. Donovan, Superi- vising Architect for the City of Oakland. April 28 — The Replanning of Small Cities, Dr. John Nolen of Cambridge, Mass., City Planner and Landscape Architect. CITY PLANNING BIBLIOGRAPHY This list follows in the main the plan of that compiled by the Library of Congress and the Department of Landscape Archi- tecture of Harvard University, and published in "Special Li- braries", for May, 1912. A considerable number of references to material in local libraries has been added, including periodical references of later date than April 1912; exigencies of space have compelled the omission of periodical references of earlier date, and of other material not contained in one or other of the co- operating libraries. The list accordingly makes no pretensions to completeness; it is suggestive merely. A card record of ad- ditional references may be consulted at any one of the co- operating libraries. List of abbreviations for names of libraries co-operating in this Bibliography U — University of California Library. O — Oakland Public Library. Om — Oakland Public Library, Municipal Reference Department (Now in main library, but soon to be moved to Cit" Hall, Oakland.) B — Berkeley Public Library. BIBLIOGRAPHY American city bureau. Selected list of municipal and civic books. New York, 1913. 56 p.— UOMB. American institute of architects. Journal. (Continues Quarterly bulletin.) v. 1— date, 1913— date. Washington, D. C, 1913— date.— U 119 In both Journal and Quarterly bulletin see headings under City Improvement, Parks, Public Buildings, Railway stations and terminals. Town planning, for reference on City planning in current periodicals. American institute of architects. Journal. (Continues Quar- terly bulletin.) v.l — date, 1913 — date. Washington, D. C, 1913 — date. Bibliography of civic improvement. Chautauquan, Sept.. -Oct. 1905, V. 42:94-96, 172-174.— UO. Bibliography of civic progress. Chautauquan, June 1904, v. 39:398. 404.— UOB. Boston. Public library. City and town planning. (In its Bul- letin, June 30, 1910. Boston, 1910. 3d ser. v. 3, p. 180-199.)— U Brooks, Robert C. A bibliography of municipal problems and city conditions. 2d ed. — rev. and enl. Complete to Jan. 1, 1901. New York. 346 p.— U Also in Municipal affairs, 1901, v. 5:1-346. — U Art, Municipal: p. 12-13; see also under the headings Archi- tecture; Building laws; Parks; Playgrounds; Squares; Streets; Transit facilities. Chicago. Public library. Check list of books and pamphlets on municipal government found in the free public libraries of Chicago. Chicago, Chicago public library 1911. 44 p. — U "Municipal art. City planning; garden cities": p 40-43, Chicago school civics and philanthropy. The housing problem. Literature in central Chicago libraries. Chicago, 1912, (Bul- letin 16, July, 1912.) 40 p.— UOM Frost, Harwood. Bibliography of roads, streets and pavements. (In his Art of roadmaking. New York, 1910. p. 505-533.)— U Harvard university. A guide to reading in social ethics and allied subjects. Cambridge, Mass., 1910. 265 p.— U B p. 81-9. Ford, James. Housing and town planning, Lindemann, H. Zur litteratur iiber die wohnungsfrage. Archiv fiir soziale gesetzgebung und statistik. 1902, v. 17: 508- 40.— U Massachusetts. Metropolitan park commission. Report , , , Jan, 1, 1912, Boston, Wright & Potter printing co,, 1912, 61 p.— Q "A selected bibliography of city planning": p. 59-60. Municipal index, in which are listed and classified by subjects all articles treating of municipal topics , . . in the leading peri- odicals. (Monthly, in Municipal journal. New York, 1907 — date.)— UOOM. New York. Public Library. Select list of works relating to city planning and allied subjects. New York. 1913. (Bulletin, Nov. 1913, V. 17, no. 11 :930-960.)— UOM Gives excellent comments on value or scope of many of the books listed. A classified list under headings: Biblio- graphy; Periodicals; City planning; Circulation and public works; Markets; Housing; Garden cities; Parks and Recrea- ation; Legal restrictions; Taxation and finance. Selected list of references, bearing on city plan of New York New York. 1913. (In its Bulletin, May, 1913, v. 17:396-408.— U New York school of philanthropy. Library. Improved housing bibliography. New York, 1912. 3 p. (Its Bulletin, May, 1912, V. 5, no. 9; Library bulletin 6.)— UOM Social aspects of town planning; bibliography. New York, 1911. 3 p. (Bulletin of the New York School of philanthropy. Mar. 1912, v. 5, no. 7; Library bulletin, no. 5.)— UOMB 120 Nolen, John. Short list of books, papers and articles on city planning and related subjects. (In his Replanning small cities. New York, 1912. p. 205-218.— UOB Pittsburg. Carnegie library. Housing; a list of books and periodical articles in the library. Pittsburgh, 1911. — U (Monthly bulletin, Dec. 1911, v. 16:568-604.) The periodical articles cover the years from Jan. 1900- Oct. 1911 and supplement those in the Bibliography of municipal problems of R. C. Brooks, Ed. 2, 1901. Reynolds, James B., ed. Civic bibliography for Greater New York. New York, Charities publication committee, 1911. 296 p. (Russell Sage foundation publications.) — U. See Section V. Public works; VIII. Transportation and communication; X. Housing; XV. Recreations and social organizations. Routzahn, E. G. Partial bibliography of civic progress. Chaut- auquan, Aug. 1903, v. 37:526-532.— UOB St. Louis, Mo. Public Library. City planning and civic centers. Compiled and annotated by Jesse Cunningham. St. Louis, 1912. (In its Monthly bulletin. May, 1912, n. s. v. 10: 286-96.)— UOm Municipal reference branch. Grade crossing elimination in American cities. Legislation, work done and present tendencies. St. Louis, 1913. (Monthly bulletin, July, 1913: 157.174 )_UOm Seattle, Wash., Public library. Harbors and docks; a list of books and references to periodicals in the Seattle public library. Seattle, 1913. 40 p. (Reference list no. 5.)— U Om Municipal plans; a list of books and references to periodi- cals. Seattle, 1910. 13 p. (Reference list, no. 1.) — U Unwin, Raymond. Town planning in practice; an introduction to the art of designing cities and suburbs. London, T. F. Unwin, 1909, 416 p.— U Bibliography: p. 405-411. Ward, Edward J. Bibliography on social and civic centers. (In National municipal league. Proceedings of the . . , Conference for good city government and the . . . annual meeting of the National municipal league, Buffalo, _ 1910. p. 371-74.)— UOm Williamson, C. C. Selected references on markets and mar- keting. (Special libraries Indianapolis, April, 1913. v. 4; 49-52.) U PERIODICALS. The American city. New York, v. 1 — Date, 1909 — date. Monthly.— UOm v. 8— date, 1913— date.— B Art and progress. Washington, D. C. The American federa- tion of arts, 1911 — date. Monthly. — U Beautiful World (National society for checking the abuses of public advertising.) London, v. 1-9, 1893-1903.— U Deutsche bauzeitung. (Verband deutscher architekten und in- genieurvereine,) Berlin, v. 1 — date, 1867 — date. — U Landscape architecture. (American society of landscape archi- tects.) Harrisburg, Pa v. 1 — date, 191(> — date. Quarterly. — U Municipal affairs. A quarterl}^ magazine devoted to the con- sideration of city problems from the standpoint of the taxpayer and citizen. New York v. 1-6, 1897-1902. No more published. — U Bibliographies, v. 1:1-224, v. 5; 1-346 and quarterly lists sup- plementary thereto. 121 Municipal engineering. A monthly magazine devoted to the improvement of cities. Indianapolis, v. 3 — date, 1892 — date.— U Municipal journal. New York. Continues City government; Municipal journal and engineer.) v. 2-6, 10 — date. 1897 — date. Weekly.— U (1911— date,— OOm) National municipal review. Baltimore. National municipal lea- gue. V. 1 — date. 1912 — date. Quarterly. — UOm Revue generale de I'architecture et des travaux publics; journal des architectes, des ingenieurs des archeologues, etc., sous la direction de Cesar Daly, Paris, v. 1-45. 1840-1890.— U No more published. The Survey. New York. The charity organization society. (Continues Charities and the commons, which was preceded by Charities) v. 6— date, 1901— date.— UO; v. 11— date, 1903— date.— B. Town development. Chicago, The Town development co., 1913 — date. — Om GENERAL BOOKS. Adams, Henry Charles. Sewerage of sea coast towns. New York, 1911. 133 p.— U American institute of architects. The relations of railways to city development. Papers read . . . Dec. 16, 1909. Washing- ton, D. C, Gibson bros., 1910. 79 p. Bound with it Pro- ceedings of . . . annual convention . . . Washington, 1909. V. 43— U American scenic and historic preservation society. Annual report . . . to the Legislature of the state of New York. 16-18, 1911-13. Albany, Lyon, 1911-13.— U American year book, 1912. New York, Appleton, 1913. — UO Contains brief surveys by exoerts of city olanning problems and progress under the following headings; City planning, Housing; p. 203-7; Billboards; p. 218-19; Docks, wharves and waterfronts; p 274-6; Engineering — Bridges, Tunnels, Sub- ways, Street lighting, etc. p. 554-63; Landscape architecture — Public parks. City planning, Garden suburbs: p. 753-4. Andersen, H. C. Creation of a world centre of communication . . . Paris, Hebrard, 1913. 128, 102 p.— U "World-conscience"; an international society for the creation of a world center. Rome, H. C Andersen, 1913. 47 p. — U Anderson, Wilbert L. The country town, a study of rural evolu- tion, with an introduction by Josiah Strong. New York, The Baker & Taylor Co., 1906. 307 p.— UB Baker, I. O. A treatise on roads and pavements. New York, Wiley, 1913. 655 p.— UO Part n. Street pavements Chapter 9, street design, p. 307- 334. Baker, M. N. Municipal engineering and sanitation. New York, Macmillan, 1902. 317 p.— U Baumeister, R. Moderne Stadterweiterungen. Hamburg, J. F. Richter, 1887. 34 p.— U (Deutsche Zeit-und Streit-Fragen, n. s. V. 2, no. 7.) Beard, C A. American city government; a survey of newer tendencies . . . New York. The Century co., 1912. 420 p.— UOB Bentley, E. G. and Taylor, S. P. Housing, Town planning, etc. Act, 1909. A practical guide in the preparation of town planning schemes. London, G. Philin & Son, 1911. 159 p. — U Bieder, Curt. Platz und turm, im besonderen Piazza Erbe und 122 Piazza dei Signori in Verona^und Vicenza und umgestaltung des VVilhelmplatze in Frankfm-t a. Oder. Brauschweig, 1911. 61 D. (Thesis).— U ' Black, Madeleine. Terminal market system. New York, The Willett press, 1912. 32 p.— U Bournon, Fernaud A. M. La voie publique et son decor. Paris 1909.— U Bryant, J. M. and Hake, H. G. Street lighting. Urbana, 1911. 61 p. (Illionis university. Engineering experiment station. ^Bulletin, 51.)— U Bruere, Henry. New city government. New York, Appleton, 1912. 438 p— UOOmB City planning, p. 30. Public works administration, p. 233-62. Clay, S. H. City building . . . Cincinnati, Clark, 1913. 164 P--U ... Clerget, Pierre. Urbanism: a historic, geographic, and economic study. (From Smithsonian institution. Annual report, 1912: p. 653-67. Publication 2221.) Washington, Gov't, print, off., 1913.— UOm Culpin, E. G. The garden city movement up to date. Lon- don, The Garden cities and town planning association, 1913. 6Z p.— U Reviewed in Architectural record, Dec. 1912, v. 32:574-77. —UOm Curtis, H. S. The reorganized school playground. Washington, D. C, 1912. 23 p. (U. S. Bureau of education. Bulletin 1912, no. 16. Whole no. 488.)— U Droege, J. A. Freight terminals and trains, including a revision of Yards and terminals. New York, McGraw-Hill book co., 1912. 465 p.— U Eberstadt, R. Handbuch des wohnungswesens und der woh- nungsfrage. 2, aufl. Jena, 1910. 516 p. — U Eliot, C. W. Charles Eliot, landscape architect. Boston, Hough- ton, Mifflin CO., 1902. 770 p.— UB Evans, Richardson. The age of disfigurement. London, 1893. — U Frost, Harwood. The art of roadmaking. New York, The au- thor, 1910. 544 p.— U Pt. III. City streets and pavements. Chapter XHI. Design of city streets . . . Chapter XXH. The roadside (tree- planting, etc.) "Bibliography of roads, streets, and pavements": p. 505-533. Fuller, G. W. Sewage disposal. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1912. 767 p.— U George, W. L. Engines of social progress London, Black, 1907. 312 p.— U Gerhard, Wm. P. Sanitation and sanitary engineering. 2d ed., rev. and enl. of Sanitary engineering. New York, The au- thor, 1909. 175 p.— U Goodnow, Frank J. Municipal government. New York, The Cen- tury CO, 1909. 401 p.— UOB "Urban growth," p. 3-14. "Local improvements," p. 325-360. Hegemann, Werner. City planning, I. Introduction to his re- port to be made to the City club and City council of Ber- keley. City club of Berkeley. Berkeley civic bulletin, Jan. 15 1914, V. 2:82-99.— UOmB To be continued in later issues of the Berkeley civic bul- letin. Der Stadtebau nach den er-ebnissen der allgemeinen Stadte- bau-Ausstellung in Berlin, nebst einem Anhang: Die inter- 123 nationale Stadtebau-Ausstellung in Diisseldorf. Berlin, E. Wasmuth, 1911-13. 2 v.— U Helps, Sir Arthur. Public improvements. (In his Friends in council. New York, 1885, v. 1, p. 175-187.)— U Hoben, Allan. The city street, (In Chicago. Child welfare ex- hibit. The child in the city; a series of papers . . . Chi- cago, The Hollister press, 1912. p. 451-60.)— UOB Hodgetts, C. A. Housing and town planning. (Canada Commis- sion of conservation, 3d annual report, 1912, p. 130-148.) — U Horsfall, T. C. The improvement of the dwellings and surround- ings of the people. The example of Germany. Ed. 2. Man- chester: The University press, 1905. 193 p. — U Howard, Ebenezer. Garden cities of tomorrow (being the second edition of "Tomorrow: a peaceful path of real reform"). London: S. Sonnenschein & co., ltd., 1902. 167 p. — U Howe, F. C. The British city; the beginnings of democracy, New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1907. 370 p — Om The city the hope of democracy. New York; C. Scribner's sons, 1906. 319 p.— UOB "City beautiful; p. 239-248. European cities at work. New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1913. 370 p.— UOOmB Hungerford, E. The modern railroad. Chicago, A. C. McClurg, 1911. 476 p.— U Chapter VI. Passenger stations, p. 80*. Chapter VII. Freight terminals and the yards, p. 107* Hunter, Sir Robert. The preservation of places of interest or beauty. Manchester, 1907. 42 p. (In Manchester university lectures, no. 7.) — U Hurd, R. M. Principles of city land values. New York, The record and guide, 1903. 159 p.— UO International municipal congress and exposition, 1st Chicago, 1911. Municipal advance. Extracts from papers on various muni- cipal services. Chicago: The association of commerce, 1911. 167 p. Problems of city planning, C. R. Lamb: - 24-26; The Chicago plan, C. PI. Wacker; p. 39-40; What city planning means, R. B. Watrous: p. 50-3; housing motive in British town planning, Raymond Unwin: p. 53-4. — U Kaempflert, Waldemar. Ornamental street lighting . . . New York, National electric light association. Commercial sec- tion, 1912. 48 p.— U Kellogg, P. U. The civic responsibility of democracy in an industrial community. Housing, etc. (In National municipal league. Proceedings of the . . . Conference for good city government and the annual meeting of the National muni- cipal league, Pittsburgh, 1908: p. 392-412).— UOm Knox, G. D. All about engineering [1913] 366 p. (Contains chap- ters on Roads; Town planning; London — its water supply, sewers, & electric service; Concrete construction.) — B Kunz, G. F. American city parks. American scenic and historic preservation society, 16th annual report, 1911, Appendix I., p. 499_55i._u League of American municipalities. The book of American muni- cipalities; what is what in our cities; an authentic summary of civic progress and achievements. New York. The League of American municipalities, 1907. 116*p. — U The book of American municipalities; containing statistical tables of the revenues and expenditures of cities, and an authentic summarv of civic progress and achievements. Chi- cago, 1908. 144 p.— B The book of American municipalities in reference to what is 124 what in our cities; an authentic summary of civic progress and achievements. Chicago, Municipal information bureau, 1910. 128 p.— B Lichtenberg, Reinold, freiherr von. Haus, dorf stadt. Eine entwickelungsgeschicthe des antiken stadtbildes. Leipzig, R. Haupt, 1909, 280 p.— U Bibliography; p. 276-80. McVey, F. L. The making of a town. Chicago, McClurg, 1913, 221 p.— UOB "References:" p. 213-218. Marsh, Benjamin C. Introduction to city planning. New York, 1909.— U "Some good books on city planning": p. 153-156. Martin, John. Unearned increment in cities. (In National muni- cipal league. Proceedings of the . . . Conference for good city government . . . Buffalo, 1910, p. 346-52). — UOm Massachusetts..... Bureau of statistics. Homesteads for working- men. Boston, Wright & Potter, 1912. 46 p. (Its Labor bul- letin, no. 88.) Contents: I. Introduction. II. Chapter and scope of the principle projects for housing work people in various coun- tries. III. Citations of legislation providing public aid in housing of the working classes. IV Bibliography. Matheson, A. S. The city of man. London, T. F. Unwin, 1910. 315 p.— U "The garden city and its lesson": p. 141-62; "City building, past, present and future": p. 163-97; "A model municipality" (i. e. Glasgow) p. 198-229. Matthews, N., jr. Justification of city expenditure on parks and parkways — material for public education. (In National educa- tion association. Proceedings, 1903. Winona, Minn, 1903, p. 102-109.— UB Mawson, T. H. Civic art: studies in town planning, parks, boule- vards, and open s'^aces. London; B. T. Batsford, 1911. 384 p.— UB Meakin, Budgett. Model factories and villages. London: T. F, Unwin; Philadelphia, Jacobs, 1905 480 p.— UOB Morrison, B. Y. Street and hi,s:hway planting. Sacramento, State printing office, 1913. 119 p. (California state board of forestry. Bulletin, ser. 2, no. 4.) — UOmB Municipal year book of the United Kingdom for 1912, ed. by Al- bert E. Cave. London, Municipal journal, 1912. "Housing of the working classes and Town planning" (in- cludes Housing and and Town-planning act, 1909) p. 701- 779._UOm (1913. London, 1913 )—Om "Town planning, p. 787-819; Housing, p. 757-786. National conference on city planning. Planning the city. 1913. (Bulletin no. 4.) — Om National conference on city planning. Proceedings, 2d — date, 1910 —date. Boston, 1910— date.— UOm The proceedings of the first conference Washington, D. C, May, 1909, were published in Senate document 422, 61st Con- gress, 2d session. — UOm National housing association . . . Proceedings of the . . . National conference on housing. lst-2d, 1911-12. New York Academy of political science, 1912-13. — U City planning and housing, v. 1:125-135; Atterbury, G. Garden cities, v. 2:106-13; Discussion, v 2:232-239; Crawford, A. W. Where city planning and housing meet, v. 2:129-144; Discussion, v. 2:261-73. 125 Nearing, Scott. Social adjustment. New York: Macmillan & CO., 1911. zn p.— U Congestion of population: p. 115-121. Nettlefold, J. S. Practical housing. London, T. F. Unwin, 1910. 194 p.— U Chapter IX. explains the Housing and town planning act, 1909. Neville, Ralph. Garden cities. Manchester: At the University press, 1904. 22 p. (Manchester university lectures, no. 1.) — U Nolen, John. Replanning small cities; six typical studies. New York, Huebsch, 1912. 218 p.— UOB Contents: I. Replanning small cities: a freneral survey. II. Roanoke (Va.) III. San Diego (Cal.) IV. Montclair (N. J.) V. Glen Ridge (N. J.) VI. Reading (Pa.) VII. Madison (Wis.) VIII. Existing cities: how they may be replanned. Appendix: A list of some of the American towns and cities engaged in comprehensive planning and replanning. — Sugges- tive city planning legislation, some examples. — Short list of books, papers, and articles on city planning and related sub- jects. Northrop, Birdsey G. Village improvement. In Connecticut. Board of education. Annual report, 1877: 124*-128.*— U Parsons, Samuel. Landscape gardening. New York, G. P. Put- nam's sons, 1900. 329 p— UB Landscape gardening studies. New York, Lane, 1910. 107 p.— UO Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc. Laws . . . passed at the session of 1909. Harrisburg, Pa., Harrisburg pub. co., 1909 1042 p.— U No. 226. "An act authorizing townships . . . and bor- oughs of this commonwealth to acquire by taking and appropriating under the right of eminent domain, and extending, and maintaining public parks, parkways, and playgrounds . . . Approved May 3, 1909." p. 401- 405. Laws . . passed at the session of 1911. Harrisburg: C. E. Aughinbaugh, 1911. 1260 p.— U "An act authorizing boroughs to lay out, and maintain as public parks, land heretofore acquired outside of the borough limits. Approved. June 1, 1911": p. 544; "A supplement to an act entitled 'An act for the government of cities of the second class,' . . . creating and regulating a City plan- ning department . . . Approved, June 10, 1911": p. 872- 874. Pollock, H. M. and Morgan, W. S. Modern cities. Progress of the awakening for their betterment here and in Europe. New York and London, Funk and Wagnalls co., 1913. 418 p.— UOB Pray, J. S. and Kimball, Theodora. City planning; a compre- hensive analysis of the subject arranged for the classifica- tion of books, plans, photographs, notes, and other col- lected material, with alphabetic subject index. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard university press, 1913. 103 p. — U A city planning classification . . . Cambridge, Mass., Harvard university press, 1913. 11 p. — U Rankin, George A. An American transportation system; a criti- cism of the past and the present, and a plan for the future. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1909. 464 p. (Questions of the day )— UB Robinson, C. M. The improvement of towns and cities; or, The practical basis of civil aesthetics. 3d rev. ed. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1909. 313 p.— UB (1911).— Om 126 Modern civic art; 2d ed. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1904. 381 p.— UOB The width and arrangement of streets; a study in town plan- ning. New York: The Engineering news pub. co , 1911. 199 p.— UO Royal institute of British architects. Town planning conference, London, 1910. Transactions. London, The institute, 1911. 812 p. maps, plans, pi. — U Contents. — Part I. Record of the Conference. Part II. Papers and discussions. I Cities of the past; II. Cities of the pres- ent; III, City development and extension; IV. Cities of the future; V. Architectural considerations in town planning; VI. Special studies of town plans: VII. Legislative conditions and legal studies. Part III. Exhibitions of maps, plans, draw- ings and models. Sennett, A. R. Garden cities in theory and practice . . . London, Bemrose, 1905. 2 v. — U Solotaroff, William. Shade trees in towns and cities . . . New York, Wiley, 1911. 287 p.— U Spalding, F. P. A textbook on roads and pavements. Ed, 4. New York, Wiley, 1912. 408 p. Chapter XIII. City streets, p. 357-408.— U Thompson, W. The housing handbook . , . London, The National housing reform council, 1903. — U Thompson, W. Housing up-to-date. London, The National hous- ing reform council, 1907. 306 p. — U Tillson, G. W. Street pavements and paving materials. New York, Wiley, 1903. 532 p.— B Ed. 2. New York, Wiley. 1912. 651 p.— U Contains good historical survey of roads, paving and materials from the earliest times to the present. Tolman, William Howe Social engineering . . . New York, AIcGraw, 1909.— UOB Town planning: discussion led by Grosvenor Atterbury. (In Na- tional municipal league. Proceedings of the . . . Confer- ence for good city government and the . . . annual meeting of the National municipal league, Pittsburgh, 1908: o. 42-40).— UOm Triggs, H. L. Town planning, past, present, and possible. Lon- don: Methuen & co. 1909. 334 p.— UB Turneaure, F. E. Public water supplies ... 2d ed. New York, Wiley, 1911. 808 p.— UO Tyrrell, H. G. Artistic bridge design, a systematic treatise on the design of modern bridges according to aesthetic' prin- ciples. Chicago, Myron C. Clark pub. co., 1912. 294 p.— U U. S. Bureau of corporations. Report ... on transportation by water in the United States. v. 3. Water terminals. Washington, 1910. 436 p.— UO Bureau of foreign commerce. Streets and hir^hways in foreign countries. Reports from the consuls of the United States- Washington, Gov't. Drint off., 1891. 592 p, (Special consular reports, v. 3.) — UO Bureau of manufactures (Dept. of commerce and labor). Municipal art commissions and street lighting in European cities. Washington: Govt, print, off. 1910, 30 p. (Special consular reports, v, 42, pt. 1,) — UO Congress. Senate. Committee on the District of Columbia, City planning. Hearing. Washington: Gov't print, off. 1910. 105 p. (61st Cong, 2d sess. Senate Doc. 422,)— UOmB 127 Laws, statutes, etc. United States laws and re'>-ulations relat- ing to townsites, parks, and cemeteries (not applicable to Alaska.) Approved Aug. 7, 1909. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. 45 p.— U Unwin, Raymond. The town extension plan. Manchester, The university press, 1912. o. 31-62. (Manchester university lec- tures. 14.) — U Town planning in practice. London, etc.: T. F. Unwin, 1909. _ 416 p. Bibliography, p. 405-11.— U Veiller, Lawrence. Housing reform. A handbook for practi- cal use in American cities. New York, Charities publication committee, 1910. 213 o. (Russell Sage foundation.) — UOB A model tenement house law. New York, Charities publi- cation committee, 1910. 142 p. (Russell Sage foundation.) — U Vernon-Harcourt, L. F. Harbors and docks, their physical features, history, construction, equipment and maintenance . . . Oxford, Clarendon press, 1885. 2 v. — U Contents. — v. 1 Text. — v. 2 Plates (nlans of harbors, etc.) Wacker, C. H. The city nlan. (In Chicago. Child welfare exhibit. The child in the city; a series of papers . . . Chicago, The Hollister press, 1912. p. 461-81.)— UOB Waring, George E. Village improvement and farm villages. Boston: 1877.— U Waterhouse, Paul. Old towns and new needs. Manchester, The university press, 1912. 30 p. (Manchester university lectures, v. 13.) — U Watson, Hugh S. Sewerage systems. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1911. 310 p— UO Weber, A. F. The growth of cities in the nineteenth century. New York,, Macmillan, 1899. 495 p. (Columbia university studies in history, economics and public law, v. 11.) — UOB Webster, Angus D. Town planting and the trees, shrubs, her- baceous and other plants that are best adapted for resist- ing smoke. New York: E. P. Button & Co., 1910. 211 p.— U Weed, H. E. Modern park cemeteries. Chicago, Haight, 1912. 145 p.— U Whinery, Samuel. Municipal public works; their inception, con- struction and management. New York: The Macmillan co., ^ 1903. 241 p.— UOB Wiedenfeld, Kurt. Die nordwesteuropaischen welthafen. London Liverpool, Hamburg, Bremen, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Ant- werpen, Havre, in ihrer verkehrs und handelsbedeutung. Ber- lin, Mittler, 1903. (Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fiir meereskunde und des geographischen instituts an der Uni- versitats Berlin . . . hft. 3.)— U Wilcox, Delos F. City planning in Washington, New York, Chi- cago, Philadelphia, St. Louis and Boston (In his Great cities in America. N Y. Macmillan, 1910.) — UO Wiley, G. M. Comp. Ornamental trees and shrubbery. Albany, 1913. 56 p. (New York State. Education dept. Arbor day an- nual). UOm Reference list, p. 40-42. Wuarin, Louis. The problems of the urban community. (In International congress of arts and sciences, St, Louis, 1904. Boston, 1906, v. 7, p. 775-788 )—UB Zueblin, Charles. American municipal progress; chapters in municipal sociology. New York: The Macmillan co., 1902. 380 p. (The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology, ed. by R. T. Ely.)— UOB A decade of civic develonment. Chicago. The University of Chicago press, 1905. 188 p.— UB 123 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. American academy of political and social science. City life and progress. Philadelphia, 1905. 211 p (Its Annals, v. 25, no. 2.)— UO Housing and town planning: Philadelphia, 1914. 296 p. (Its Annals, Jan. 1914, v. 51, whole no. 140.)— UO "A town-planning library," John Nolen, p. 259-264. Public recreation facilities. Philadelphia, 1910. 266 p. (Its Annals, v. 35, no. 2.)— UOB The relation of the municipality to the water supply; a symposium — Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland, Buffalo, San Francisco, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Detroit, Washington, Providence, Duluth. (Its Annals, Nov. 1907, V. 30: 557-592.)— UO Are tenements necessary in all large cities? American city Sept. 1912, V. 7: 228-31.— UOm Arnold, B. J. The urban transportation problem: a general discussion. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Jan. 1911, v. 37:3-13.— UO Aronovici, C. Constructive housing reform. National municipal review, April 1913, v. 2: 210-20.— UOm Atterbury, G. Model towns in America. Scribner's magazine, July, 1912, V. 52:20-35.— UOB Ballou, W. H. The harbors of the Pacific Coast; terminal facili- ties for the Panama canal trade. Scientific American, Aug. 24, 1912, V. 107:160-1.— UOB The best species of trees for city streets. American city, March, 1912, v. 6:565-9.— UOm Billboard and other forms of outdoor advertising. City club of Chicago. Bulletin, Dec. 16, 1912, v. 5:393^408.— UOm Bradford, E. S. Commission government and city ^^lanning. Am- erican city, Aug. 1912, v. 7:113-16.— UOm Braucher, H. S. Kow to aid the cause of public recreation. American city, April, 1913, v. 8:367-71.— UOmB Reprinted in Playground, June, 1913, v. 7:100-4. — U Brown, F. C. Relation of the monumental bridge to the city plan. Architectural review. Mar., 1913, n. s. v. 2:30-1 — U Brunner, A. W. Readjusting a city for greater efficiency. Ameri- can city, July, 1912, v. 7:4-8.— UOm Burchard, E. L. A travel tour through some European social ex- periments. City club of Chicago. City club bulletin, Dec. 7, 1912, V 5:385-92.— UOm Cheney, C. H. A city planning program. Pacific municipali- ties, Feb., 1914, V. 28:94-96.— UOm Chittenden, H. M. Ports of the Pacific. American society of civil engineers. Proceedings, Sept. 1912, v. 38:1093-1158. Dis- cussion, Dec. 1912, V. 38:1765-78.— U City extension in relation to the planning of street railway systems. Engineering news, Aug. 1912, v. 68:212-215. — UOm City planning and excess condemnation. American city, April, 1912, V. 6:640-1.— UOm City planning studies for the National conference on city plan- ning. 24 p. Landscape architecture v. 3, April, 1913, supple- ment. — U Crawford, A. W. American art commissions. National munici- pal review, July, 1913, v. 2:494-6.— UOm Where city planning and housing meet. American city, Jan. 1913, v. 8:17-19.— UOmB Abstract of his paper read before the Second National con- ference on housing in America, Philadelphia, 1912. 129 Culpin, E. G. Impressions of city planning in America. Ameri- can city, May, 1913, v. 8:509-11.— UOmB Curtis, H. S. Need of a comprehensive playground plan. Ameri- can city, Dec. 1911, v. 5:338-40.— UOm The neighborhood center. American city, July, 1912, v. 7:14- 17; 133-7.— UOm Davidson, K. W. Man and nature in the making of three great harbors: New York, Liverpool, Yokohama. Journal of Geog- raphy, Nov. 1913, V. 12:82-6. (Short bibliography, p. 86.)— U Downing^ F. B., comp. River and harbor notes from foreign lands. Professional memoirs, 1912, v. 4:613-627. — U Dunn, S. O. Problem of the modern terminal. Scribner's magazine, Oct. 1912, v. 52:416-42.— UOB Dunning, A. W. Ideal playgrounds. Municipal engineering, April, 1913, V. 44:317-21.— U Effect of parks and playgrounds on real estate valuation. Municipal engineering, Feb. 1913, v. 44:143-4. — U Elliott, Huger. Modern city gates. Architectural review, May, 1912, n. s. V. 1:49-55.— UOmB Extract from report of a committee on town planning as read before the American institute of architects, Dec. 1912. En- gineering news, Feb. 27, 1913, v. 69:400-1.— UOm Farley, John V/. A questionnaire on markets. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Nov. 1913, v. 50: 139-152.— UO Fels, J. Taxation, housing, and city planning. American city, Nov. 1913, V. 9, 425-7.— UOmB Ford, G. B. Digginp- deeper into city planning. American city, Mar. 1912, v. 6:557-62.— UOm The housing problem. Brickbuilder, Feb. Sept. 1909, v. 18:26- 9, 76-9, 100-4, 144-7, 185-8.— UO Scientific city planning. Engineering and contracting, May 14, 1913, V. 39:548-9. Paper read at the Fifth National Con- ference on city planning, Chicago, 1913. — U Same, condensed, in Engineering record. May 17, 1913, v. ^7'. 551-2.— U Ford, James. Some fundamentals of housing reform. American city. May, 1913, v. 8:473-80.— UOmB Fosdick, R. B. Big billboards in big cities. American city, Dec. 1912, V. 7:511-17.— UOm Future of garden cities in American. Craftsman, Mav 1912, V. 22:117-22.— UOB (jrardner, E. C. Planning the commercial portions of cities. American cit^^ May, 1912. v. 6:724-7. — UOm Githens, A. M. Recent American group plans. The Brickbuilder, Oct.-Dec. 1912, v. 21:258-60, 283-8, 313-16.— UO Gregory, J. S. The coming city. World's Work, May, 1913, V. 26:82-99.— UOB Grey, Elmer. The new suburb of the Pacific Coast. Scribner's magazine, July, 1912. v. 52:36-51.— UOB Grimes, J. L. Relation of sidewalks to shade tree planting. American city. May, 1913, v. 8:499-501.— UOmB Heldemann, B. A. Control of municipal development by the zone system and its application in the United States. Ameri- can city, Sept. 1912, v. 7:222-5.— UOm The planning of city streets. Engineer's club of Philadelphia. Proceedings, 1913, v. 30:143-65; discussion, 165-171.— U Abstract in Engineering and contracting, May 14, 1913, v. 39: 544.48.— U Harmon, Wm. E. Commercial value of parks. Survey, Feb. 26, 1910. V. 23:814-16— UOOmB 130 Reprinted as "Playgrounds pay for themselves by increas- ing land values." New York, Playground association of America, n. d. — O Commercial value of playgrounds. Survey, Dec. 11, 1909, v. 23:359-61.— UOOmB Haupt, L. M. On the best arrangement of city streets. Franklin institute journal, Apr. 1877, v. 103:252-7.— U Hay, A. Bringing country beauty to the city streets. Craftsman, June 1912, v. 22:271-80.— UOB Haynes, R. How a community may find out and r*lan for its rec- reation needs. National Education Association, Proceedings, 1912: 230-34.— UOB Hornbostel, Henry. Ancient city planning. City club of Chi- cago. City club bulletin. Mar. 1912, v. 5:63-65.— UOm Howe, F. C. Cities that think. Outlook, Sept. 28, 1912, v. 102: 209-18.— UOB In defence of the American city. Scribner's magazine, Apr. 1912, V. 51:484-90.— UOB Remaking of the American city. Harper's monthly, July, 1913, V. 127:186-97.— UOB Ihlder, J. Housing at the Los Angeles conference. National municipal review, Jan. 1913, v. 2:68-75. — UOm An important American city-planning exhibition American institute of architects. Journal, Oct. 1913, v. 1:449-450. Excellent outline of scope of New York City-planning ex- hibition, 1913. Kimball, Theodora. A brief survey of recent city-planning re- ports in the United States. Landscape architecture, April, 1913, V. 3:119-34.— U King, F. B. Importance of street plans and grades for towns that expect to be cities. American city, Sept. 1913, v. 9:233-5. — UOmB Koester, Frank. American city planning. American architect, 1912-13, V. 102:141-46, 201-206; v. 103:65-70, 129-34, 201-206, 208; V. 104:13-19, 89-94, 96, 161-67.— U Bridges and bridge approaches American city. May, 1913, V. 8:467-72.— UOmB Docks and harbor improvements. American city, July, 1913, V. 9:33-8.— UOmB Electric lighting, police and fire alarms. American city, Feb. 1913, V. 8:162-7.— UOmB Street fixtures and furnishings American city. Mar. 1913, V. 8:245-51.— UOmB Water supply and civic fountains. American city, Jan. 1913, V. 8:3-9.— UOmB Lane, F. V. Z. and Nolen, J. City planning and distribution costs. American academy of political and social science. An- nals, Nov. 1913, V. 50:240-6.— UO Lay, C. D. Playground design. Landscape architecture, v. 2:63- 75.— U Leavitt, G. W. Suburban drainage, inter-communication, and water supply. American city, Dec. 1912, v. 7:563. — UOm Lewis N. P. The engineer in his relation to the city plan. En- gineer's club of Philadelphia. Proceedings, July, 1912: 198- 215; discussion, 215-20. — U How city planning bills are to be paid. American city, July, 1912, V. 7:31-5.— UOm Need of a systematic paving program. American city, July, 1913, V. 9:8-11.— UOmB 131 Long, Percy V. The doctrine of excess condemnation. Pacific municipalities, Oct. 1912, v. 26:485-9.— UOm MacDonald, M. Return of the market place. Craftsman, Nov. 1913, V. 25:131-42.— UB MacFarland, J. H. How to improve railroad stations and their surroundings. American city, Nov. 1913, v. 9:440-4. — UOmB Magee, W. A. Organization and functions of a city planning commission. American city, June, 1913, v. 8:581-3. — UOmB From an address before the Fifth National conference on city planning, Chicago, May, 1913. — UOmB Same, condensed: Engineerinp- news, May 8, 1913, v. 69:976- 7; Engineering record, May 17, 1913, v. 67:552. — UOm Maltbie, M. R. Transportation and city planning. American citv, June, 1913, v. 8:586-90.— UOmB From a paper read at the Fifth National conference on city-planning, Chicago, May, 1913. — UOm Same condensed: Engineering news, May 15, 1913, v. 69:1025- 6; Engineering record, July 19, 1913, v. 68:65-6 — UOm Mathews, E. R, Town planning from an engineering aspect. Architect and contract reporter, Oct. 11, 1912, v. 88:220-23.— U Matson, E. The garden city idea the world over. Craftsman, Jan. 1913, v. 23:420-31.— UOB Miller, Cyrus C. Wholesale terminal markets. American city, April, 1913, V. 8:355-363.— UOmB Model village in a city. Independent, May 1, 1913, v. 74; 996-7.— UOB Moody, W. D. City-planning and the public schools. American city. May, 1912, v. 6:720-3.— UOm Municipal art in the United States. (In American art annual, 1905-6. New York & London, 1906, v. 5, d. 132-147.)— U New York's Citv planning exhibition. American city, Dec. 1913, V. 9:504-12.— UOmB Nolen, John. The factory and the home.. American city, Jan. 1913, V. 8:19-21; also in briefer form in Survey, June 7, 1913, V. 30:354,364.— UOmB Abstract of his paper read before the Second National con- ference on housing in America, Philadelphia. 1912. Improvement of a country town. American city. May, 1912, V. 6:733-6.— UOm Putting a city plan into action. American city, Dec. 1911, V. 5: 332-334.— UOm Notes from the city-planning conference in Chicago. American in- stitute of architects. Journal, June, 1913, v. 1:245-50. — U Notes from the housing reform exhibit at the Chicago club. American institute of architects. Journal, June, 1913, v. 1:251-2.— U Olmstead, F. L., Sr. Public parks and the enlargement of towns. Journal of social science, no. 3, 1871. p. 1-36. — U Olmstead, F. L., Jr. A city planning program. American insti- tute of architects. Journal, June, 1913, v. 1:231-39. — U Paper read at the Fifth National Conference on city plan- ning, Chicago, 1913. How to organize a citv planning campaign. American city, Oct. 1913, V. 9:303-9.— UOmB Peabody, R. S. Making our cities more beautiful. Architect and engineer of California, Nov. 1912, v. 31:67-72. — U The Philadelphia housing conference. City club of Chicago. City club bulletin, Dec. 20, 1912, v. 5:409-17.— UOm Plans for the development of a tract on the outskirts of a growing city. American city, June, 1913, v. 8:583-5. — UOmB 132 Pratt, E. E. Garden cities in Europe. American city, Dec. 1912, V. 7:503-10.— UOm Prize-winning plans for laying out a quarter-section of urban land. American city, April, 1913, v. 8:421-3.— UOmB Public wharves and terminals. Railway and engineering review. May 11, 1912, v. 52:415-17.— U Purdy, C. T. and others. Height of buildings. American society of civil engineers. Transactions. New York, 1900, v. ;4: 449.474._U Railway terminals in large cities and the latest Chicago terminal project. Engineering news, Feb. 27, 1913, v. 69:427-9. — UOm Ramey, A. Shade trees for city streets. Craftsman, Sept. 1913, V. 24:611-21.— UOB Reed, J. H. Street ornamentation. California outlook, Mar. 25, 1911, V. 10, no. 13:14-15— Om The regulation of building heights American city, Dec. 1913, V. 9:513-17.— UOmB Rennie, K. G. Street lighting. Municipal engineering, Mar 1913, V. 44:259-62.— U Richardson, W. S. The terminal — the gate of the city. Scrib- ner's magazine, Oct. 1912. v. 52-401-16.— UOB Robinson, C. M. The city planning course at the University of Illinois. Landscape architecture, April, 1913, v. 3:97-144. — U Recent city planning reports. National municinal review, Jan. 1913, v. 2:160-6.— UOm Recreation from a city planning standpoint. Playground, Sept. 1913, V. 7:220-7.— U Roewade, A. J. Taste and knowledge in town planning. Ameri- can city, May, 1913, v. 8:511-2.— UOmB Routzahn, E. G. The American league for civic improvement. Chautaquan, Aug. 1902, v. 35:501-6.— UOB Ruttan, H. N. The physical construction of cities. American municipalities, Sept. 1913, v. 25:178-179.— U Scherzer, A. H. Relation of rivers to city plans. American city, Sept. 1912, V. 7:219-21.— UOm Schuchardt, W. H. The fibre of the nation; some observations on the housing problem in this country and in Europe. Ameri- can architect, March-Oct., 1913, v. 103:137-44, 269-76; v. 104: 2>2,-Z7, 81-6, 153-7.— U Shaw, H. D. Street grades and street drainage. American city, April, 1912, V. 6:654-6.— UOm Shepard, H. N. Municipal liousekeeping in Europe and America. American city, May, 1912, v. 6:708-13.— UOm ShurtlefT, A. A. The present state of city planning in America. T. Civic centers. Architectural review, Jan. 1910, v. 17:1-3.— UOm Simpson, John. Aesthetics and police power. Laws recognizing right of city to control aesthetics appearance of streets. Municipal journal and engineer, July 7, 1909, v. 27:15.— U Souza, Robert de. Espaces libres, resume historique. Paris. Le musee social. Memoires et documents, Julv, 1908 p. 177- 185.— U Staniford, C. W. Report on physical characteristics of European seaports. Professional memoirs (U. S. Engineer School), 1912, V. 4:55-87. Reprint of New York (City) Department of docks and ferries. Report No. 9. New York, 1911. — U Streich ,W. F. Plan for multiplying the utility of business thoroughfares. American city. Mar. 1913, v. 8:275-6. — UOmB The suburban railv/ay station, American city, Sept. 1912, v. 7:226-7,— UOm 133 Suplee, H. The five-stofied street and congested traffic. Cassier's magazine, June, 1913, v. 43:57-60. — U iTaylor, G. R. Satellite cities. Survey, Oct. 5. 1912, v. 29:13-24; Nov. 2, 1912, V. 29:117-31; Dec. 7, 1912, v. 29:287-301; Feb. 1, 1913, V. 29:582-98; Mar. 1, 1913, v. 29:781-98; luuz 7, 1913, v. 30:337-50.— UOB Comments on these articles by C. M. Robinson and other experts in city planning will be found under heading "Satellite cities from various viewpoints," Survey, June 7, 1913, v. 30: 350-4.— UOB To limit building heights. Architectural record. May, 1913, v. 33:472-3.— U Town and city planning. American institute of architects. ^ Journal, Oct. 1913, v. 1 :448-52.— U Tribus, L. L. City economic; study of economic and physical problems of cities. American city, Dec. 1912, v. 7: 517-9.— UOm Twining, W. S. Investigation of traffic possibilities of proposed subway lines. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Jan. 1911, v. 37:59-67.— UO Tyrrell,H. G. Esthetic treatment of city bridges. American city, Nov. 1913, V. 9:404-11.— UOmB Wagner, O. Development of a great city. Architectural record. May, 1912, v. 31 :488-500.— UOm Watts, M. T. Why and how of a park in a small town. Ameri- can city, June, 1912, v. 6:869-70.— UOm Whinery, S. Width of paved roadways in city streets. Ameri- can city, Aug., 1912, v. 7:151-3.— UOm Wilkes, J. E. Preparation of town planning schemes. The Sur- veyor and municipal and county engineer, Aug., 15, 1913, v. ^ 44:248-52.— U Wilkins, W. G. English and continental town planning City club of Chicago. City club bulletin, June, 8, 1912, v. 5: 248-51.— UOm Williams, F. B. The street as the basis of districting. Ameri- can city, Dec, 1913, v. 9:517-18.— UOmB INDIVIDUAL CITIES AND TOWNS— BOOKS AND PERIODICAL ARTICLES. UNITED STATES. Alameda, Cal. Gutleben, J. S. The parks and playgrounds of Alameda. Paci- fic municipalities, April, 1912, v. 26:167-175.— UOm Albany, N. Y. Pollock, H. M. What the City plan association of Albany is ac- complishing. American city. Mar., 1913, v. 8:313.* — UOmB Ashland, Oregon. Day, W. H. Park system of a Pacific Coast town. Ashland. American city, Nov., 1913, v. 9:460-1.— UOmB Baltimore, Md. Baltimore Burnt district commission. Report to Mayor, April- Sept. 11, 1906. Baltimore, Bulany, 1906.— Om Scott, S. S. Baltimore the city of parks. Municipal engineer- ing. Mar., 1913, v. 44:178-182.— U Berkelev Cal. City club of Berkeley. Committee on city planning. The move- ment to secure increased playground facilities for Berkeley. (Its Berkeley civic bulletin, Jan. 15, 1913, v. 1:45-59.)- UOmB - Committee on water supply. Report . . . 1913. Its ^^< Committee -on water- supply, ^Repoi^t 191^ Its- Harbor development. Papers by Col. T. H. Rees, H. A. Lafler and C. D. Heywood with appendix by Wells Drury. City club of Berkeley. Berkeley civic bulletin, Dec. 15, 1913, V. 2:65-80.— UOmB Hegemann, Werner. City planning, I. Introduction to his re- port to be made to the City club and City council of Berkeley. City club of Berkeley. Berkeley civic bulletin, an. 15, 1914, v. 2:82-99.— UOmB 'o be continued in later issues of the Berkeley civic Bul- letin. Hodghead, B. L. A brief history of the Hetch Hetchy pro- ject. City club of Berkeley. Berkeley civic bulletin, Nov. 15, 1912, V. 1:20.— UOmB Olmstead, F. L., sr. Report upon a projected improvement of the estate of the College of California at Berkeley . . . by Olmstead, Vaux & Co. New York, Wm. C. Bryant, 1866. 26 p. Cover — title: Berkeley neighborhood. — U Billerica, Mass. Manning, W. H. The Billerica town plan. Landscape archi- tecture, April, 1913, V. 3:108-18.— U Binghampton, N. Y. Robinson, Charles M. Better Binghampton; a report to the Mercantile press club of Binghampton, N. Y., Sept. 1911. Cleveland, O., Printed by The J. B Savage Co., 1911. 105, 35 p.— UOm Boston, Mass. Boston Transit commission. Annual report . . . 2 — date, 1896— date Boston, 1896— date.— U (3-9, 1897-1903.— B) Brown, F. C. Progress in civic improvements in Boston. Craftsman, Sept., 1913, v. 24:599-610.— UOB Child, Stephen. Civic centers and the grouping of public build- ings, with a suggestion for Boston. Association of engineer- ing societies. Journal, Jan. 1908, v. 40:1-21. — U Discussion: p. 21-27. Massachusetts. Joint board of the Metropolitan park commission and the state board of health . . . Report upon the im- provement of Charles River from the Waltham line to the Charles River bridge. Boston, State printers, 1894. 42 p.— U Joint board upon improvement of Charles River. . . . Re- port . . . May . . . 1896. Boston: Wright & Pot- ter printing co., 1896. 52 p. — U Metropolitan park commission. Report . . 20, 1912. Boston, Wright and Potter printing co., 1912. 61 p. — U Pope, R. A. A housing experiment in Boston. American city, Nov. 1912, V. 7:422-4.— UOm Shurtleff, A. A. Boston zoological park. Landscape architec- ture, Oct. 1912, V. 3:1-14.— U Wheelwright, Edmund M. Municipal architecture in Boston. Ed. by F. W. Chandler. Boston: Bates & Guild co., 1898. 2 v.— U Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn. Committee on city plan. Story of the work of the Brooklyn committee on city plan , . . with maps . . . and details of recommendations of Edward H. Bennett, ad- vising architect. Brooklyn daily eagle, Jan. 18, 1914. City plan section, — Om Staniford, C. W. and Guise, P. The new South Brooklyn freight terminal. New York harbor. Engineering news, Mar. 7, 1912, V. 67:421-9— .UOm 135 Buffalo, N. Y. Study for unification of all freight terminals at Buffalo. Engineer- ing record, Oct. 11-18, 1913, v. 68:414-16, 431-2.— U California. Beach, Everett C. The playground movement in California. Sunset magazine. May, 1911, v. 26:521-526.— UOB Same. Reprinted from Sunset. — O California. Laws, statutes, etc. Cahfornia street laws; a dis- cussion of the general laws of California relating to the opening of streets within incorporated cities and towns . . . by Ernest Stoddard Page. San Francisco, Bancroft- Whitney CO., 1911. 1299 n._U Street laws of California. Sacramento, 1911. — Om Legislature. Joint committee on harbors. Report and rec- ommendations, March, 14, 1907 , . . Sacramento, W. W. Shannon, 1908. 55 p.— U Cheney, C. H. How California cities can profit by active city planning. Pacific municipalities, Jan. 1914, v. 28:31-35. — UOm Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Robinson, C .M, Report with regard to civic affairs in the city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with recommendations for city im- provement and beautification. Cedar Rapids: The Torch press, 1908. 14 p.— U Originally published in the Cedar Rapids Evening gazette. Includes a plan of the proposed extensions, with illustrations. Roth, L. What Cedar Rapids has done in five years under com- mission plan of government. Municipal engineering, May, 1913. V. 44:448-50.— U Chestnut Hill, Pa. Price, C. M. Architecture and the housing problem. Architec- tural record, Sept., 1913, v. 34:240-7.— U Chicago, 111. Chicago. City council. Committee on local transportation. Recommendations and general plans for a comprehensive passenger subway system for the city of Chicago, made and submitted . . . Jan. 1911. Chicago, 1911, 75 p.— U Report on the engineering and operating features of the Chicago transportation problem ... by Bion J. Arnold . . . Nov. 1902. New York, McGraw pub. co., 1905. 2 v. Supplementary volume contains 14 maps. — U Report on transportation subways. Chicago: Printed by R. R. Donnelley & Sons co., 1909. 3 vols.— U Harbor and subway commission. Joint report on compre- hensive system of passenger subways. Chicago, 1912. 14 p. — U Harbor commission. Report. Chicago Press of H. G. Adair. 1909. 383 p.— U "Special reports to the Harbor commission" (p. 59-242); — The development of commercial ports, J. Paul Goode. — Ob- stacles to Chicago's water shipping development, George C. Sikes. — The volume and trend of traffic to and from the central West, George G. Tunell. Report on the Chicago dock problem by George C Sikes. Chicago, 1909. 81 p.— U Plan commission. Chicago's greatest issue; an official plan prepared under the direction of the Commission. Chicago, The Chicago plan commission, 1911. 93 p. — U Special park commission. Report on the subject of a rnetro- politan park system. Chicago: W. J. Hartman co., printers, 1905, 149 p.— U 136 Chicago freight subway. Electric railway journal, Oct. 5, v.40: 589-91.— U Chicago subways. Western society of engineers. Journal, Nov. 1913, V. 18:881-928. plans.— U City club of Chicago. The city club bulletin, v. 1-5, 1907-12. Chicago, 1907-12.— UOm Fixmer, H. J. Street and roadway widths with especial reference to conditions in Chicago. Engineering and contracting, Nov. 22, 1911, V. 36:561-2.— U Garland, H. The new Chicago. Craftsman, Sept. 1913, v. 24: 555-65.— UOB Hunt, A. Landscape architecture in and about Chicago. Archi- tectural record, July 1912, v. 32:53-64.— UOm The Lake Front contract. City club of Chicago. City club bul- letin. May 18, 1912, v. 5:147-77.— UOm New terminal plan for Chicago. Scientific American supplement, Jan. 18, 1913, v. 75:37-8.— UOB New Union station at Chicago. Cassier's magazine, July, 1913, v. 44:88-90.— U A plan for a 40-acre playground. American city, Sept., 1913, V. 9:251-2.— UOmB Plumbe, G .E. Chicago; its natural advantages as an industrial and commercial center and market. Chicago, 111.: The Civic-industrial committee of the Chicago association of com- merce, 1910. 71 p.— U "The Dlan for a new city"; p. 66-71. Proposed subway system for Chicago. Engineering magazine, Nov., 1912, v. 44:251-4.— UOB Proposed West Side playground sites. City club of Chicago. City club bulletin, May 15, 1911, v. 4:101-111.— UOm Railway terminals in large cities and the latest Chicago terminal project. Engineering news, Feb. 27, 1913, v. 69:427-9. — UOm Sattley, R. C. Proposed plan of one central railway terminal for Chicago. Railway and engineering review, July 12, 1913, V. 53:666-71.— U Teller, Sidney A. Chicago's recreation centers. Municipal en- gineering,^ Nov., 1912, V. 43:297-98.— U Transportation conditions in Chicago. Electric railway journal Oct. 5, 1912, V. 40:519-24.— U U. S. Engineer dept. Chicago harbor and adjacent waterways . . . report of preliminary examination and survey of harbors and rivers at or near Chicago, 111., for the pur- pose of reporting a plan for a complete, systematic and broad improvement of harbor facilities for Chicago and adja- cent territory. Washington, D. C. Gov't. Ptg. Off., 1912. 75 p. (U. S., 62d Cong. 2d sess. House doc. 710.)— U _ Wacker, C. H. Chicago; "a city set in a garden." Municipal engineering, Jan. 1913, v. 44:45-47. — U Chicago: its plan for a new city. (In Plumbe, G. E. Chi- cago, the great industrial and commercial center of the Mississi-npi Valley. Chicago, Association of commerce, 1912. p. 137-44).— UOm The Chicago plan. Western society of engineers Journal. Jan., 1913, v. 18:15-21.— U White, L. Park drives and boulevards in Chicago. Munici- pal engineering, Feb. 1913, v. 44:89-95.— U Zinn, G. A. Chicago waterways in their relation to transporta- tion. Western society of engineers. Journal, April, 1912, V. 17:285-95: discussion, 296-330.— U 137 Cincinnati Cincinnati's playgrounds. Municipal engineering, Jan., 1913, v. 44:9-14.— U Cleveland. Cleveland. Park dept. Report, 1911. (In Annual reports of the City of Cleveland, 1911. Combined reports. Cleveland, 1911).— Om Public service dept. Engineering division. River and har- bor. (In Reports for the City of Cleveland, 1911. Cleve- land, 1911).— Om Price, C. M. Study in civic planning and municipal architecture. International studio, Apr., 1913, v. 49: supplement, 36-42. — UOB Strong, H. What kind of homes? How a chamber of com- merce has helped solve the housing problem. American city, April, 1912, V. 6:630-5.— UOm Colorado Springs, Colo. Robinson, C. M. Report for the city of Colorado Springs & El Paso good road association on the development of the streets. 1905. 22 p.— U Columbus, Ohio. Columbus, O. Plan commission. The plan of the city of Colum- bus. Columbus, 1908, 55 p.— U Concord, N. H. Concord commercial club, Concord, N. H. Concord, the city beautiful . . . Concord, Rumford press, 1909. 64 p. — B Dallas, Texas. Kessler, G. E. A city plan for Dallas. Issued by the Park board. To which is added the annual report of the Park board. Dallas, Park board, 1911. 58 p.— U Denver, Colo. City of Denver, v. 1— date, 1912— date. Denver, Col., 1912— date. Continues Denver municipal facts. — UOm Denver, Col. Public utilities commission. Denver water supply and works. Denver, 1910. — Om Denver municipal facts, v. 3-4, 1910-12. Denver, Col. 1910- 12. Continued as City of Denver. — U Plans for developing Denver's civic center, American city, Aug, 1913, V. 9:109.10.— UOmB Detroit, Mich, Detroit. Dept. of parks and nlaygrounds. Annual report . . . 16. 1904-5. Detroit, 1905.— U Board of commerce. Improvement of the city of Detroit; reports made by F. L. Olmstead, Jr., and C. M. Robinson to the Board. Detroit, 1905. 67 p.— U x^roposed Washington ways at Detroit. Cassier's magazine Sept. 1913, V. 44: 165-6.— U Dubuque, la. Robinson, C. M. Report on the improvement of the city of Du- buque, la., Dubuque, 1907, 32 p. — U East Cleveland, Ohio. Bolton, C. E. A model village of homes. Boston, 1901. — U East St, Louis, 111. Taylor, G. R. Satellite cities. IV. East St. Louis. Survey, Feb. 1, 1913, V. 29:582-598.— UOB Enid, Oklahoma. Bradfield, F. A dumping place which became a city park. Ameri- can city, Jan. 1913, V. 8:34-36.— UOmB Fairfield, Ala. Miller, G. H. Fairfield, a town with a purpose, American city, Sept., 1913, V, 9:213-19.— UOmB 138 Forest Hills Gardens, N. Y. Atterbury, Grosvenor. Forest Hills Gardens, Long Island , . . The Brickbuilder, Dec. 1912, v. 21:317-318.— UOOm Howe, Samuel. Forest Hills Gardens. American architect, Oct. 30, 1912, V. 102: 153-5.— U Fort Wavne, Ind. Fort Wayne, Ind. Board of park commissioners. Annual report . . . 8th, 1912. Fort Wayne, 1912.— B Robinson, C. ivi. Report for Fort Wayne civic improvement as sociation. Fort Wayne, Ind.: Press of Fort Wayne printing CO., 1910. 123 p.— UOm Steiss, C. J. tort Wayne's civic awakening. American city, May, 1912, v. 6:714-9.— UOm Gary, Ind. Taylor, G. R. Planning recreation in an industrial community. Playground, Aug. 1913, v. 7:196-200.— U Satellite cities. V. Gary. Survey, Mar. 1 1913, v. 29:781- 98.— UOB Glen Ridjre, N. J. Nolen, John. Glen Ridge: a model borough in New Jersey. (In his Replanning small cities. New York, 1912, p. 79-90.) —UOB Granite City, 111. Taylor, G. R. Satellite cities. IV. East St. Louis and Granite City, ill. Survey, Feb. 1, 1913, v. 29:582-598.— UOB Hartford, Conn. Carrere and Hastings, architects. A plan of the city of Hart- ford. Preliminary report ... to the Commission on the city plan of the city of Hartford, Conn . . . Hart- ford, 1912. 117 p.— U Ford, F. L. The grouping of public buildings in Hartford, Conn. City club of Chicago. City club bulletin, Nov. 20, 1907, v. 1:247-53.— UOm Hoirestead, Pa. Byington, M. F. Homestead; the households of a mill town. New York, Charities pul)lication committee, 1910. 292 p. (The Pittsburgh survey, ed by P. U. Kellogg.)— UO Honolulu Hawaii. Robinson, M. The beautifying of Honolulu. Honolulu, 1907, 39 p.— U Hudson Co., N. J. Hudson County, N. J. Park commission. Annual reports, 1903 — date.— B Jamestov/n, N. Y. Robinson, C. M. Report outlining a plan for the establishment of a city park system. (In Jamestown, N. Y. Board of park commissioners. Annual report, 1st, 1908. Jamestown, 1908. p. 13-35.)— U Jersey City, N. J. Efficiency in city planning maos American city, Feb. 1913, V. 8:139-43.— UOmB Goodrich, E. P. and Ford, G. B. Suggested plan of procedure for a city-planning commission. Engineering and contract- ing, Aug. 26, 1913, V. 40:229-31.— U Abstract of such portions of their Report on city plan for Jersey City, as relate to streets. Kansas City, Mo. Bowles, G. H. What Kansas City has done towards an orna- mental street lighting system. American city. May, 1912,. V. 6: 781-787.— UOm 139 Gabelman, F. Roadway and lawn space widths and maintenance of boulevards and streets in Kansas City, Mo. American city, Oct. 1912, V. 7:350-2.— UOm Kessler, G. E. How the parks and boulevards of Kansas City are financed. American city, June, 1913, v. 8:575-81-. — UOmB Lowry, J. H. Kansas City park system. Municipal engineering, Jan. 1913, v 44:2-7.— U Lubschez, B. J. Beautifying Kansas city union station surround- ings. Municipal engineering, May, 1913, v. 44:453-4. plans. — U Mandigo, C. R. The Kansas Cit" municipal wharf. Engineering news, Jan. 25, 1912, v. 67:141-44.— UOm Kinkaid, 111. A city built to order. Construction work planned and in pro- gress for the industrial city of Kincaid, 111. Engineering and contracting, Nov. 5, 1913, v. 40:42-3.— J Lebanon, O. Lebanon trust: an experiment in small parks for small cities. Survey, Mar. 1, 1913, v. 29:749-53.- UOB Los Angeles, Gal. Arnold, Bion J. Preliminary report upon the transportation problem of Los Angeles. California outlook, Nov. 4, 1911, supplement, v. 11:2-20. — Om Reviewed in National municipal review, Apr. 1912, v. 1:265- 66.— UOm Bartlett, Dana W. The better city; a sociological study of a modern city. Los Angeles, The Neuner company press, ^ 1907. 248 p.— UOB Fries, A. A. Los Angeles harbor. Professional memoirs, Jan.- ^ Feb. 1912, V. 4:1-35.— U Griffiith, J. Parks, boulevards and playgrounds. Los Angeles, Cal., Prison reform league pub. co., 1910. 80 p. — U Heinly, B. A. Completion of the Los Angeles aqueduct. Muni- cipal engineering, April, 1913, v. 44:289-98.— U Construction and completion of the Los Angeles aqueduct. Engineering magazine, April, 1913, v. 45:1-17. — UOB Municipal progressiveness and the Los Angeles aqueduct American city, April, 1912, v. 6:662-4. — UOm Remodelling of a city square in Los Angeles. American city, May, 1912, v. 6:728-30.— UOm Los Angeles. Board of public utilities. Water supply of Los Angeles, 7th annual report, 1912. Los Angeles, 1912. — Om Bureau of the Los Angeles aqueduct. Annual report, 1 — date, 1907— date. Los Angeles, 1907— date.— UOm Housing commission. Fourth report . . . July 1, 1910 —March 31, 1913. Los Angeles, 1913.— Om The commission was abolished in 1913; its work is continued by a bureau of the Plealth department. Park commission. Suggestions for a comprehensive system of parks and boulevards for Los Angeles, and the report of L. D. Cox on the Arroyo Seco parkway. Los Angeles, Cal., 1911. 20 p. Supplement to California Outlook. Nov. 18, 1911, v. 11, no. 21._UO Playground commission. Annual report, 1906-12. Los An- geles, 1907-13.— U 1910-12. Los Angeles, 1910-12.— Om Public service board. . . . Annual report, 11, 1912. Los Angeles, 1912.— Om 140 Municipal art commission of Los Angeles, Cal. Report, Los Angeles: W. J. Porter, 1909. 45p.— U Parks for the people. Craftsman. Aug. 1912, v. 22:518-24.— UOB — UOB Robinson, C. M. The city beautiful; suggestions. Together with plans and pictures illustrative of his subject. (In Municipal art commission of Los Ano-eles. Report . . . Los An- geles, 1909. p. 5-37.)— UOm Times-Minor printing and bindincr house. Historical sketch of the Los Angeles aqueduct. Los Angeles, 1913. — Om U. S. Board appointed to locate a deep water harbor ... at port Los Angeles or at San Pedro, Cal. Deep water har- bor at Port Los Angeles or at San Pedro, Cal. . . . Re- ports . . . Washington, D. C, 1897. 330 p. (U. S., 55 Cong. 1 sess. Senate doc. no. 18.) — U Watson, H. H. and others. Port Los Angeles (Santa Monica Bay), California, U. S. A. Report of Board of marine sur- veyors, and miscellaneous information. San Francisco, H. S. Crocker co., 1893. 47 p., fold. map. — U Madison, Wis. Nolen, John. Madison: a model city. Boston, Mass., 1911. 168 p. Reviewed in Architectural record, June, 1911, v. 29: 513-514.— U Madison (Wisconsin): a state capital and university town. (In his Replanning small cities. New York, 1912. p. 121« 149.)— UOB Massachusetts. Foster, N. D. The Massachusetts homestead commission. Na- tional conference of charities and corrections. Proceed- ings, 1912: 419-23.— U Titus, E. K. Suburban and mountain parks in Massachusetts. American review or reviews. May, 1907, v. 35:561-9. — UOB Minneapolis, Minn. Benton, H. G. Establishment of industrial and residential dis- tricts by ordinance in Minneapolis. American city, Dec. 1913. v. 9:519-21.— UOmB Lakes and parks of Minneapolis. World's Work, Oct. 1913, V. 26:714.— UOB Minneapolis. Board of park commissioners. Annual report, 1902, 1906, 1909, 1911. Minneapohs, 1902-1911.— Om General plan for improvement of Minneapolis Parkway, Lake Harriet . . . Sheet nos. 1-7, Report 1911. — Om Minneapolis park system. Municipal engineering, Jan. 1913, V. 44:28-33.— U Strong, H. The street beautiful in Minneapolis. American city, Sept. 1913, V. 9:227-9.— UOmB Montclair, N. J. Nolen, John. Montclair (New Jersey): a residence town subur- ban to New York. (In his Replanning small cities. New York, 1912. p. 57-75.)— UOB The suburban railway station. American city, Sept. 1912. V. 7:226-7,— UOm Nanticoke, Pa. City of poured houses. Scientific American supplement, Apr. 27, 1912, V. 73:260.— UOB New York City. The accidental beauty of New York. Craftsman. Sept. 1913., V. 24:577-86.— UOB 141 American scenic and historic preservation society. Annual report ... to the Legislature of the state of New York. 16-18, 1911-13. Albany, Lyon, 1911-13.— U Besides matter of general interest, these reports contain a good deal relating especially to the ^ parks and historic lo- calities of New York City and vicinity. Barney, W. J. Dock facilities in New York city; present facili- ties, proposed improvements and enlargements. Society of naval architects and marine engineers. Transactions. 1911. p. 37-57. New York, 1912.— U Blachly, F. F. Streets of New York City. National municipal review, Oct. 1913, v. 2: 605-16.— UOm Creating a subterranean river 90 miles in length: how Catskill water is brought to New York. Scientific American, Mar. 1, 1913, v. 108:198-200.— UOB Cresson, B. F. The problem of the lower west side Manhattan water-front of the port of New York. (American society of civil engineers. Proceedings. New York, 1912, v. 38:3- 17.)— U Crossway, civic improvement for New York city. Architec- tectural record, Nov., 1912, v. 32:483-5. — UOm Fisher, F. Shall Wall Street have a fifteen million dollar park? Moody's magazine, Dec, 1912, v. 14:427-31. — U Gilbert, G. H. and others. Subways and tunnels of New York, methods and costs. New York, Wiley, 1912. 372 p. — U Hall, E. H. History of Central Park in the City of New York. American scenic and historic preservation society. 16th annual report, Appendix G, p. 379-489. — U . Hungerford, E. Greatest railway terminal in the world. Out- look, Dec. 28, 1912, v. 102:900-11.— UOB Hunt, F. Practical detail of city planning: street widening in old New York. American city, Nov. 1912, v. 7:411-15. — UOm Lay, C. D. A wasteful competition. Landscape architecture, April, 1913, V. 3:101-107.— U Lindenthal, G. Proposed Hudson river bridge. Engineering magazine, Feb. 1913, v. 44:779-81.— UOB McFarland, J. H. New York billboard situation. National muni- cipal review, Jan., 1913, v. 2:166-7. — UOm Merchants' association of New York. Committee on en- gineering and sanitation. Passenger transportation ser- vice in the city of New York; a report. New York, 1903. 216 p.— U New civic center for New York City. Outlook, April 13, 1912, V. 100: 799-800.— UOB New Grand Central terminal in New York. Bankers maga- zine, Jan., 1913, v. 86:38-53.— U New York (City) Art commission. Catalogue of the works of art belonging to the city of New York. New York, The Gilliss press, 1909.— U Commission on additional water supply. Report. New York: M. B. Brown co., printers, 1904. 980 p.— U Commissioner of accounts. A report on an investigation of billboard advertising in the cit- of New York ... by Raymond B. Fosdick. New York, 1912. 39 p.— UOm Department of docks and ferries. Annual report. 28, 30, 38 —date, 1898, 1909— date. New York, 1899. 1910— date.— U Report on transportation conditions at the port of New York ... by Calvin Tompkins. July, 1910. New York, 1910, 23 p. plans.— U 142 Department of parks. Report . . . 1902, 1908-10. New- York, 1902-10.— U Mayor's billboard advertising commission. Report, Aug. 1, 1913. New York, 1913. 151 p.— Om Mayor's committee on public baths and public comfort sta- tions. Report. New York city, 1897. 249 p.— U Bibliography: p. 219-235. New York (State) Public service commission. 1st district. Dual system of rapid transit for New York city. New York, 1912. 54 p.— U History and description of rapid transit routes in New York city, adopted under the Rapid transit act, embracing routes constructed, under construction, and validated for construc- tion. (Appendix A of its Annual report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1909, n. 165-274. New York city, 1910.)— U New subways for New York . . . New York, 1913. 83 p.— U Report, 1— date. Albany, 1908— date.— U New York. Chamber of commerce of the state of New York. Rapid transit in New York city and in other great cities. New York, Blumenberg press, 1905. 295. p. — U New York's subway problem: a review. Outlook, June 22, 1912, V. 101:384-8.— UOB Pratt, E. E. Industrial causes of congestion of population in New York City. New York, 1911. 241, 249-59 p. (Colum- bia university studies in history, economics and public law. V. 43, no. 1, whole no. 109.)— U Proposed Hudson river bridge and tunnels. Engineering magazine, June, 1913, v. 45:422-4.— UOB Proposed Hudson River bridge and tunnels to connect New York and New Jersey . . . Engineering record, Apr. 5, 1913, v. 67:384-7.— U Reynolds, James B., ed. Civic bibliography- for Greater New York. New York, Charities publication committee, 1911. 296 p. (Russell Sage foundation publications.) — U Spear, W. E. City tunnel of the Catskill aaueduct. American city, Oct. 1913, v. 9:341-2.— UOmB Springer, J. F. Providing for ten million. Cassier's magazine, July, 1913, V. 44:55-62.— U Wilgus, W. J. Proposed new railway system for the trans- portation and distribution of freight by improved methods in the city and port of New York. (In New York (State) Public service commission for the 1st district. Annual re- port, 1908, V. 1, Appendix D, p. 357-375.)— U "Bibliography of transportation facilities on water front, Manhattan island," p. 373-5. New York (State.) Planning commission authorized for all cities and corporated villages in New York State. American city, July, 1913, V. 9:79.— UOmB Newark, N. J. Efficiency in city planning, maps. American city, Eeb. 1913, V. 8:139-43.— UOmB Norfolk, Va. Norfolk, Va. Industrial commission. Norfolk, Virginia . . . Comp. by B. A. Banks. Norfolk, Va. 1910: 80 p.— U Norwood, O. Taylor, G. R. Satellite cities. III. Norwood and Oakley. Sur- vey, Dec. 7, 1912, v. 29:287-301.— UOB 143 Oakland, Cal. Hegemann, Werner. City planning, I. Introduction to his report to be made to the City club and City council of Berkeley. City club of Berkeley. Berkeley civic bulletin, Jan. 15, 1914, v. 2:82-99.— UOmB To be continued in later issues of the Berkeley civic bul- letin. Oakland. Board of playground directors. Annual report, 1-2, 1912-13. Oakland, 1912-13. (Typed copies)— OOm Engineer. Oakland water front maps . . . Oakland, 1910- 12.— Om Park commission. The park system of Oakland, Cal. Oak- land, 1910. 156 p. Pt. 1. Report of Park commission. Pt. 2. Report of Playground commission. — UOmB Later reports of the Park commission will be found in Oak- land, Auditor. Reports. Chamber of commerce. Annual reports, 1907-08, 11-12, 14 (Typed copy) Oakland, Cal., 1907— date.— OmB Pamphlets on Oakland. Oakland, 1869-1899. 4 v. Collection of miscellaneous pamphlets dealing with subjects of water- supply, parks, harbor and water-front, etc., of Oakland. Chiefly of historical interest. — U Robinson, C. M. A plan of civic improvement for the city of Oakland, California. Oakland, Enouirer pub. co., 1906. 20 p. — UOm Oaklev, O. Taylor, G. R. Satellite cities. III. Norwood and Oakley. Sur- vey, Dec. 7, 1912, v. 29:287-301.— UOB Pasadena, Cal. •^- Parks for the people. Craftsman, Aug., 1912, v. 22:518- 24.— UOB Philadelphia. Brabazon, T. Our earliest civic center: the Independence Hall group in Philadelphia. Architectural record, July, 1913. v. 34:1-19— U Pennsylvania. State railroad commission in the m.atter of the Complaints against the Philadelphia rapid transit company. Report to the Commission by Ford, Bacon & Davis, Mar. 7, 1911 2 v.— U V. 2, Tabulated statements, maps and diagrams. Philadelphia. Department of public works. Annual report, 1910. Philadelphia, 1911. Improvement of the city plan: p. 75- 85.— U Mayor. Annual report, 1908.— U Fourth annual message of John E. Reyburn, Apr. 6, 1911, Philadelphia, 1911.— U Truslow, A. Stoyan Tsanofif and the plavground movement. Outlook, Mar. 26, 1898, v. 58:772-775.— UOB Philippine Islands. Arnold, J. R. Municipal market building in the Philippines. American city, June, 1913, v. 8:591-5.— UOmB Pittsburgh. Arnold, B. J. Report on the Pittsburgh transportation problem. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Republic bank note co., 1910. 202 p.— U J. R. Freeman and F. L. Olmsted. City planning for Pittsburgh, outline and procedure. Pittsburgh, 1910. 31 p. — U Includes especially a discussion of all public utilities. Burns, Allen T. and George R. Wallace. The municipal situa- 144 tion in Pittsburg. Cit^- club of Philadelphia. City club bul- letin, Oct. 21, 1909, V. 1:3-10.— UOm Dermitt, H. M. Pittsburgh anti-bill-board campaign National municipal review, Oct. 1913, v. 2:696-8.— UOm Holdsworth, J. T. Report of the economic survey of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, 1912. 229 p.— U Recreation facilities, p. 171-183. Economical use of land, p. 205-9. Reinforced concrete arches in Pittsburgh. Municipal engin- ^ eering, Mar. 1913, v. 44:167-174.— U Wilkins, W. G. The Pittsburgh subway problem. (Engineers' society of western Pennsylvania. Proceedings, May, 1913, V. 29:155-220.)— U Portland, Ore. Stamford, C. W. and others. Design of harbor works at Port- land, Oregon. Engineering news, Oct. 10, 1912, v. 68:654- 9.— UOm Providence, R. I. Kirk, William, ed. A modern city: Providence, Rhode Island, and its activities. Chicago, University of Chicago press, 1909, 363 p.— O Rhode Island. Metropolitan park commission. Annual report. 1st — date. Providence, R. I., E. L. Freeman & Sons, 1905 — Date.— U Pullman, 111. Taylor, G. R. Satellite cities. II. Pullman. Survey, Nov. 2, 1912, V. 29:117-31.— UOB Reading. Pa. Neubling, E. L. Utilization of the grounds surrounding the plants of Reading's water works system. American city, Sept. 1912, V. 7:249-52.— UOm Nolen, John. Reading (Pennsylvania): a small industrial city. ((In his Replanning small cities. New York, 1912. p. 93- 117.)— UOB Richmond, Cal. Haviland and Tibbitts, San Francisco. Report on Richmond harbor project, with supplementary report on tunnel and roadway, to the Council of the city of Richmond, Sept. 1912. Richmond, Cal. 1912. 229 p.— U U. S. Engineer dept. . . . Richmond harbor, Cal. . . . Washington, Govt' print. oiT. 1914. 40 p. fold. map. (63rd Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 515.) Ridgewood, N. J. Robinson, C. M. The improvement of Ridgewood, N. J. Re- port to the Board of trade. Ridgewood, 1908. 32 p. — U Roanoke, Va. Nolen, John. Roanoke (Virginia) : a small city of the new south. (In his Replanning small cities. New York, 1912. p. 9-30.) —UOB Roland Park, Md. Residence section planned on nature's lines: the laying out of Roland Park. American city. Aug. 1913, v. 9:115-20.— UOmB St. Louis, Mo. Bowen, S. W. Municipal bridge approach, St. Louis. Engineer- ing pews. Jan. 16, 1913, v. 69:94-100.— UOm St. Louis. Mayor. Message . . . with accompanying docu- ments . . . 1909— date. St. Louis, 1909— date.— UOm Contains reports of Consulting landscape architect. Park, Sewer and Water commissioners, etc. 145 Municipal bridge and terminal commission. Report . . . V. 3, including Preliminary report and recommendations on St. Louis bridge and terminal facilities, by Robert Moore and A. T. Perkins. St. Louis, 1906. 35 p.— U St. Louis plans a central traffic parkway. Municipal engineer- ing, July, 1913, V. 45:77-80.— U Tarn, D. E. Co-operative group planning. Architectural record, Nov. 1913, V. 34:467-75.— U St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul. Board of park commissioners. Annual report . . . 1889, 1895. (In Annual report of city officers and city boards, 1889. 1895. St. Paul, 1889, 1895.)— Om 1899. St. Paul, 1900.— U San ^iego, Cal. Nolen, John. San Diego, a comprehensive plan for its improve- ment. Boston: G. H. Ellis co., 1908. 109 p.— UOm "Short list of books and reports relating to civic improve- ment." p. 108-109. San Diego, (California): a Pacific coast resort and future sea- port. (In his Replanning small cities. New York, 1912. p. 33-53.)— UOB Robinson, A. D. San Diego — the city beautiful. Overland, Mar. 1912, n. s. V. 59:259-60— UOB San Diego. Park commission board. Report, Dec. 31, 1912. San Diego, 1913.— Om. U. S. Engineer dept. . . . San Diego harbor, California, and entrance thereto . . . Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908. 16 p. fold map. (60th Cong., 1st sess. House. Doc. 961). San Francisco, Cal. Arnold, Bion J. Report on relief of traffic congestion on lower Market street. San Francisco, 1912. 21 p. (Preliminary re- port, no, 6.) — U Bound with this are his Preliminary reports 7-8, 10 pt 2, 11, 13 pt. 1, 19 on the transportation problem in San Fran- cisco. Report on the improvement and development of the transpor- tation facilities of San Francisco, submitted to the Mayor and the Board of supervisors. San Francisco, 1913. 475 p. — U Burnham, D. H. and E. H. Bennett. Report on a plan for San Francisco. Ed. by E. F. O'Day. Sept. MCMV. San Fran- cisco: Sunset press, 1905. 211 p. — U A comprehensive report taking into consideration the sur- rounding country. California. Board of state harbor commissioners. Biennial report, 1906-1910. Sacramento, 1906-1910.— UO Dept. of engineering. San Francisco harbor front. (In its 3rd Biennial report. Sacramento, 1912. p. 95-98.) Lee:is!ature. Joint committee on harbors. Report and rec- ommendations, Mar. 14, 1907 . . . Sacramento, W. W. Shannon, 1908. 55 p.— U Control of San Francisco harbor. Reoorts by J. H. Rosseter and others. Commonwealth club of California. Transactions, Mar. 1912. v. 7:1-68.— UOB Crane, L. P. Proposed suspension bridge over San Francisco Bay. Overland, April, 1913, n. s. 61:374-7.— UOB Federated harbor improvement association, San Francisco. San Francisco harbor, its commerce and docks, with a com- plete plan for development, being the report of the en- gineers , . . Luther Wagoner and W. H. Heuer. San Francisco: Britton & Rey, 1908. 60 p.— U 146 Freeman, J. R. On the proposed use of a portion of the Hetch Hetchy, Eleanor and Cherry valleys ... as reservoirs . . . for the water supply of San Francisco, Cal., and neighboring cities ... a report to ... mayor of San Francisco . . . with letter of transmission to the . . . secretary of the interior . . . and the Advisor-"^ board of army engineers. San Francisco, The Rincon pub. CO., 1912. 401 (i. e. 420) p.— UB Graupner, A. E. San Francisco's great civic center. Crafts- man, Sept. 1913, V. 24:588-98.— UOB Hetchy-Hetchy water supply. Commonwealth club of California. Transactions, Nov. 1909, v. 4: 315-414.— UOB Hodghead, B. L. A brief history of the Hetch Hetchy project. City club of Berkeley. Berkelev civic bulletin, Nov. 15, 1912, V. 1:20.— UOmB Howard, J. G. San Francisco's civic center. Architect and en- gineer of California, July, 1913, v. 33:47-61.— U Manson, Marsden. Report to the Mayor and Committee on recon- struction on those portions of the Burnham plans which meet our commercial necessities, and an estimate of the cost of the same; fire avenues and thoroughfares, lowering Rin- con Hill, auxiliary fire svstem, water front improvements. San Francisco, 1906. Vl p. — U Mendell, G. H. Report on the various projects for the water supply of San Francisco, Cal., made to . . . the Board of Water commis^-ioners. San Francisco, Spaulding and Barto, 1877. 223 p.— U Miller, Clement H. Hetch Hetchy. Address . . . before the San Francisco center of the California Civic League on the use of He<:ch Hetchy ... by cities bordering on San Francisco Bay. — Om Pamphlets on San Francisco lands. San Francisco, 1854-81. 6v. — U Reports of city Board of engineers and other pamphlets relating to street grades, widening of streets, public squares, water front, etc. Philopolis; published for those who care. v. 1 — date. Oct. 1906 — date. San Francisco, 1906 — date. Monthly. — UO "It is the purpose of Philopolis to consider the ethical and artistic aspects of the rebuilding of San Francisco." The port of San Francisco, Commonwealth club of California. Transactions. Jan. 1906, v. 2:1-67.— UOB Rapid transit and highway tunnels for San Francisco. Engineer- ing news, Dec. 5, 1912, v. 68.— UOm San Francisco. Board of park commissioners. Annual report, 40, 42, 1910, 1912. San Francisco, 1910, 1912.— U 31, 40, 1902, 1910.— B San Francisco. Board of supervisors. Acquisition of water sup- ply. (In its Municipal reports, 1909-10, p. 1228-75.)— UOm Reports on the water supply of San Francisco, California, 1900-1908 . . . C. E. Grunsky, city engineer, 1900-1903. Marsden Manson . . . city engineer, 1908. San Fran- cisco, Britton & Rey, 1908. 230 p.— U Engineer. Hetch Hetchy water supply. Report of city en- gineer. (In San Francisco. Board of supervisors. Muni- cipal reports, 1909-10, p. 546-60.)— UOm Engineers in charge to devise and provide a system of sewer- age for the city and county of San Francisco. Progress report . . . 1893. San Francisco, 1893. 104 p. C. E. Grunsky and Marsden Manson, Engineers in charge. San Francisco against the nation. Independent, July 31, 1913, v. 75:238-9.— UOB 147 San Francisco. Civic center: municipal building on the old City Hall site. (In its Municipal reports, 1896, p. 269.)UOm Spring valley water company, San Francisco. The future water supply of San Francisco . . , San Francisco, 1912. 506 p.— UB State vs. local control of harbors, reports by Allen G. Wright and Eustace Cullinan; plan for harbor district by C. T. Wright. Commonwealth Club of California. Transactions, Dec. 1912, V. 7:515-54.— UOB Steele, Rufus. The city that is; the story of the rebuilding of San Francisco in three years. San Francisco: A. M. Robert- son. 1909. 101 p.— U U. S. Congress. House. Granting use of Hetch Hetchy to city of San Francisco. Report. (To accompany H. J. res. 223.) Washington: Govt, print, off., 1909. 28 p. (60th Cong. 2d sess. House Rept. 2085.)— U Committee on public lands. Hetch Hetchy grant to San Francisco. Washington, D. C, 1913. 43 p. (63rd Congress, 1 session House rept. 41.) — UOOm Engineer dept. Hetch Hetch^^ Valley. Report of the Advi- sory board of army engineers to the Secretary of the Interior on investigations relative to sources of water supply for San Francisco and bay communities. Washington, Gov't, print, off., 1913.— Om Water supply for San Francisco. Commonwealth Club of Califor- nia. Transactions, June 1907, v. 2:263-372.— UOB San Jose, Cal. Robinson, C. M. The beautifying of San Jose; a report to the Outdoor art league. San Jose, 1909. 39 p. — UOm Santa Barbara, Cal. Robinson, C. M. Report . . . regarding the civic affairs of Santa Barbara, California. Also the report of the Committee of eleven on the improvement of the city street. Santa Barbara, Civic league, 1909. 36 p. — U Seattle, Wash. Cotterill, R. Parks, playgrounds, and boulevards of Seattle. American city, Sept. 1912. y. 7:204-7.— UOm Estep, H. Cole. Improving railway terminals at Seattle. Rail- way age gazette, Nov. 24, 1911, v. 51:1044-9. — U Kidston, W. L. Harbor development in Seattle. Engineering record, Aug. 23, 1913, v. 68:221-3.— U Robinson, C. M. Planning for Seattle's future. Architectural record. Feb. 1912, v. 31 : 164-70.— UOm Seattle. Municipal plan commission. Plan of Seattle. Report . . . submitting report of Virgil G. Bogue . . . 1911. Seattle: Lowman & Hanford Co., 1911. 191 p.— UOm Park commissioners. Parks, playgrounds and boulevards. Seattle, Pacific press 1912. 160(?) p.— Om Report, 1911 Seattle, 1911.— Om Seattle's new idea in city planning. World's work, Mar. 1912. V. 23:599-600.— UOB U. S. Engineer dept. . . . Puget Sound-Lake W^ashington waterway, Washington . . . Washington, Gov't. Print, off., 1908. (60th Cong., 1st sess. House. Doc. 953.) 29 p. fold map. Torrance, Cal. Bartlett, D. W. Industrial garden city: Torrance, Cal. American city, Oct. 1913, v. 9:310-14.— UOmB Bennett, R. The industrial citv of Torrance, California. En- gineering news, Oct. 30, 1913, v. 70:870-3.— UOm 148 Willard, W. Movine the factory back to the land; Torrance, California. Sunset, Mar. 1913, v. 30:299-304.— UOB Washington, D. C. Bryce, James. The nation's capital. National geographic maga- zine, June, 1913, V. 24:717-50.— UB Curtis, H. S. Washington sites available for playgrounds. Chari- ties and the commons, Mar. 7, 1908, v. 19:1699-1703.— UOOmB Reprinted in Playground association of America. Proceed- ings of the 2d annual playground cono^ress and Yearbook, 1908, p. 386-93.— U District of Columbia. Commissioners. Report upon improvement of valley of Rock Creek, from Massachusetts avenue to mouth of the creek. Washington: Govt, print. ofT.. 1908. 33 p. (U. S. 60th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 458.)— U ■ Department of playgrounds. Report 1911-12. The play- ground movement in the District of Columbia by Edgar C. Martin, Washington, 1912. (U. S. 62d Cong. 2d sess. Senate doc. 937.)— U Harbor committee . . . Improvement of the harbor front of Washington, D. C. Washington Govt, print, off., 1908. 29 p ^ (60th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 519.)— U Mechlin, Leila. The proposed Lincoln memorial. Century, Jan. 1912, V. 83:367-76.— UOB Municipal matters in the District of Columbia. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1898. 62 p. (U. S. 55th Cong. 3d sess Senate. Doc. 38.)— U Papers relating to the improvement of the city of Washington, District of Columbia. Comp. by Glenn Brown. Washington: Govt print, off., 1901. 91 p. (U. S. 56th Cong. 2d sess. Sen- ate. Doc. 94.)— U Powers, S. L. A more beautiful Washington. Speech in the House, March 1, 1904. Congressional record, 58th Cong. 1st sess., V. 38, pt. 3: 2618-2621.— UO Root, R. R. Intensive park development American city, Nov. 1912, V 7:417-21.— UOm Schuyler, M. New Washington. Scribner's magazine, Feb. 1912, V. 51:129-48.— UOB Smith, F .W. National galleries of history and art. The aggran- dizement of Washington. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1900. 3 pts. in 1 vol. (U. S. 56th Cong. 1st sess. Senate Doc. 209).— U Taggart, Hugh T Improvement of the Anacostia flats . . . Letter from the commissioners of the District of Columbia transmitting the report of H. T. Taggart . . . Washing- ton: Govt, print, off., 1910. 19 p. (U. S. 61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 462.)— U U. S. Congress. House. Reservation of square no. 857, Wash- ington, D. C, for use as an avenue . . . Report to accom- pany S. j. r. 82. Washington: Govt, orint. off., 1911. 6 p. (61st Cong. 3rd sess. House. Rept. 2258.)— U Senate. Committee on the District of Columbia. The im- provement of the park system of the District of Columbia. I. Report of the Senate Committee on the District of Colum- bia. 11. Report of the Park Commission. Ed. by Charles Moore. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1902. 179 p. (57th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Rept. no. 166.) — U -Washington, 1913. 27 p. 20 pi. (U. S. 63rd cong., 1 sess. Senate doc. 16.) — U This is an abridgement of the former edition (Senate report 166), but includes later information as to man-*'- projects. 149 Papers relating to the Washington market company . . . and the removal of the Washington market to south of Maryland avenue and B street b. W. and between Third and Four-and-a-half streets S. W. . . . Washington: Govt, print, off., 1908. 76 p. (60th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 495.)— U Engineer dept. Annual reports, 1905 — date. — U Fine arts commission. Annual report, 1 — date, 1911 — date. Washington, D. C, 1911— Date.— U Office of public buildings and grounds. Plans for treatment of that portion of the District of Columbia south of Pennsyl- vania avenue and north of B street S. W., and for a con- nection between Potomac and Zoological parks. Washing- ton: Govt, print, off., 1900. 9 p. (56th Cong. 2d sess. House. Doc. 135.)— U Waterloo, Iowa. Robinson, C. M. The well-being of Waterloo. A report to the Civic association. Waterloo Iowa: M. Parrott & Sons co., 1910. 39 p.— U West Ewing, N. J. West Ewing improvement association. Proceedings, 1880 and other valuable matter. Trenton, N. J., 1880.— U FOREIGN CITIES. Great Britain. Adams, Thomas. The British town -lanning act. City club of Chicago. City club bulletin. May 29, 1911, v. 4:126-232.— UOm Dewsnup, E. R. The housing problem in England, its statistics, legislation, and policy. Manchester, At the University press, 1907. 327 p. (In University of Manchester Publications, no. 25; Economic series, no. 7.) — U Chapter XV. The municipality and the supervision of urban building extension. Chapter XVI. Some social aspects of housing by voluntary enterprise. Transportation facilities and the housing problem. Dock, Mira L. A summer's work abroad in school grounds, home grounds, parks and forests. Harrisburg, 1900. 33 p. (Pennsylvania. Dept. of agriculture. Bulletin, no. 62.) — UB Howe, F. C. Garden cities of England. Scribner's magazine, July, 1912, V. 52:1-19.— UOB Mawson, T. H. Town planning in England. City club of Chica- go. City club bulletin, Nov. 21, 1911, v. 4:265-9.— UOm Municipal control of city planning in England. Engineering record, Aug. 16, 1913, v. 68:175-6.— U Risler, Georges, Les nouvelles cites-jardins en Angleterre; le soleil et I'habitation populaire. Reforme sociale, Jan. 16-Feb. 1, 1910, V. 59:97-109; 180-191.— U Smith, J. R. The British system of improving and administering ports and terminal facilities. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Nov. 1904, v. 24:507-24. — UO Unwin, Raymond. Garden cities in England. City club of Chi- cago. City club bulletin, June 7. 1911, v. 4:133-140.— UOm Vivian, Henry. Co-partnership housing and garden cities. City club of Chicago. City club bulletin, Oct. 1912, v. 5:281-89. —UOm Garden cities, housing, and town planning. Quarterly review, April 1912, V. 216:493-515.— U Bournville. Berlepsch-Valendds, H. E. von. Englische Arbeiterdorfer. 1. Bournville. Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, 1907, v. 10:185- 228.— U 150 Priestman, M. T. Co-operative village for working people. Craftsman, July 1906, v. 10:494-506.— UOB Hampstead. B. . E. Co.-partnership in housing; being some account of the three Hampstead tenants' societies . . . with a foreword by Raymond Unwin. London, The Co-partnership publishers, ltd.. 1911.— U Berlepsch-Valendas, H. E. von. Hampstead. Eine studie iiber stadtebau in England. Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, 1909, v. 12:241-284.— U The new Hampstead Garden suburb. Its recent extension and new development. Architectural review, Nov. 1912, n. s. v. 1:126-8.— UOB Hull. The garden village, Hull. The Builder, Feb. 7, 1913, v. 104:183- 4.— U Letchworth. Purdom, C. B. The Garden city; a study in the development of a modern town. London, J. M. Dent & Sons, ltd., 1913. XII, 329 p. Liverpool Garden Suburb. A Liverpool suburb as it is and the undesirable conditions that might have been. American city, Oct. 1912, v. 7:328-9. — UOm Review of Sutclifife, G. L. The Liverpool Garden suburb. The Builder. London. Booth, Charles. Improved means of locomotion as a first step towards the cure of the housing difficulties of London. Lon- don, Macmillan, 1901. 24 p.— U Cecil, Hon. Mrs. Evelyn. London parks and gardens. 1907. — B Chancellor, E. B. History of the squares of London. London, 1907. 420 p.— U Cross, A. W. S. The awakening of London. American architect, Oct. 16, 1912, V. 102:133-6.— U Curzon, G. N. C. 1st baron. London beautiful. Nineteenth Century, Feb. 1913, v. 73:384-92.— UO London. County council. Parks dept. London parks and open spaces. London: printed by Southwood, Smith and co., ltd., 1906. 91 p.— U Mitton, Geraldine. Maps of old London. London, 1908. — UB Steadman, W. C. Overcrowding in London and its remedy. A speech with the text of the Housing of the working classes act, 1900. London, 1900. (Fabian tracts, no. 103.)— U Swinton, G. S. C. London congestion and cross-traffic. Nine- teenth century and after. May, 1903, v. 53:821-833.— UO Wroth, W. W. The London pleasure gardens of the 18th cen- tury. London, Macmillan, 1896. 335 p. — U Port Sunlight. Berlepsch-Valendas, H. E. von. Englische Arbeiterdorfer, II. Port Sunlight. Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, 1907, v. 10:352- 378.— U Preston. Mawson, Thomas. The laying out of public parks. Report to the Preston, England, corporation. Surveyor and municipal county engineer, London. Jan. 10, 1913, v. 43:47-48. — U Scotland. Housing and town planning in Scotland Architect and contract reporter, April 18, 1913, v. 89:391-2.— U 151 BRITISH COLONIES. Canada. Ford, J. First Canadian town planning congress. Survey, Aug. 31, 1912, V. 28:682-4.— UOB Calgary, Alberta, Lemon, G. W. City sense in Calgary. American city, Aug. 1912, V. 7:108-11.— UOm Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia's town planning and shade tree acts. American city, Sept. 1912, V. 7:231-2.— UOm St. John. N. B. St. John, N. B. awakened after 150 years. World's Work, May, 1913, V. 26:117-18.— UOB Toronto. Toronto, Ont. — harbor and water front works. Engineering news, May 29, 1913, v. 69:1116-9.— UOm Australia. Canberra. America's plan for Australia's capital. Literary Digest, June 22, 1912, V. 44:1298-9.— UOmB Australian federal capital competition. American architect, Feb. 26. 1913, V. 103:127-8.— U Davidge, W. R. The new Australian capitol. Architect and con- tract reporter, Nov. 29, 1912, v. 88:333-4.— U _ Same condensed: The Builder, Jan. 3, 1913, v. 104:15-17.— U Griffin, W. B. Canberra, the new capital of Australia. Architec- tural record, Nov. 1912, v. 32:423-30.— UOm Lusk, H. H. Australia's new capital. Forum, Nov. 1913, v. 50: 631-40.— UOB National capital made to order. Outlook, Oct. 5, 1912, v. 102: 240-1.— UOB Plans for Australia's capital. Architectural record, Oct. 1912, v. 32:389-90.— UOm Plans for Australia's new capital city. American city, July 1912, V. 7:9-12.— UOm Slosson, E. E. Hunting for the capital of Australia. Indepen- dent, Sept. 12, 1912, V. 73:590-605.— UOB India. Delhi. Leslie, B. Delhi, the metropolis of India: how shall the new Indian capital be built? Scientific American supplement, Feb. 1, 1913, V. 75.72-4.— UOB AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Vienna. Lotz, A. Projekt zur schaffung eines Kaiser Franz Josef-Jubil- aumsplatzes in Wien. Oesterreichischer Ingenieur und Archi- ^ tekten-Verein. Zeitschrift, Jan. 11, 1901, v. 53:17-22.— U Philippe, Rene. Travaux d'assainissement et d'embellissment de la ville de Vienne. Genie civil, Sept. 7, 1901, v. 39:297-303.— U Wellisch, Sigmund. Der Behsel'sche plan von Wien. Oster- reichischer Ingenieur und Architekten-Verein. Zeitschrift, Nov. 16, 1900, V. 52:715-717.— U EGYPT. Heliopolis. Heliopolis, a suburban miracle. Review of Reviews, Sept. 1913, V. 48:366-8. (Review of articles by Sydney A. Clark in Subur- ban Life, Aug. 1913.)— UOB 152 FRANCE. Paris. Alphand, J. C. A. Les promenades de Paris. Paris, 1868-70.— U Germain, P. E. A. Paris, port de mer . . . Paris. Challamel, 1912. 439 p.— U Henard, Eugene. Les espaces libres a Paris . , . Paris. Le musee social. Memoire et documents, July 1908; 186-196. — U Smith, E. R. Baron Haussmann and the topographical transfor- mation of Paris under Napoleon III. Architectural record, Aug.-Nov. 1907, V. 22:121-133, 227-238, 369-385, 491-506: Jan. 1908. V. 23:21-38.— U The topographical evolution of the city of Paris. House and garden, Aug-Dec. 1904, v. 6:49-59, 129-142, 190-203, 227- 239, 275-289. Extensive bibliography at end of each article. — U GERMANY. The garden city movement and German women. American review of reviews, Feb. 1912, v. 45:239-240.— UOB German garden villages. American city, Feb. 1911, v. 4:90-91. — UOm Gurlett, C. German city planning. Architectural record, Aug. Nov. 1908, v. 24:135-148, 350-363.— U Hinz, R. R. Vom einfluss der bauordnungen in Preussen auf die bauliche entwicklung der bauerdorfer. Berlin, Berliner Baup- lan-Vereinigung, 1911. 99 p.— U Horsfall, Thomas C. The improvement of the dwellings an4 surroundings of the people. The example of Germany, Ed. 2. Manchester, The Universitv press, 1904. 193 p. — U Howe, F. C. City building in Germany. Scribner's magazine. May 1910, v. 47:601-14.— UOB Levin, D. Wholesale terminal markets in Germany and their effect on food costs and conservation. American academy of political and social science, Annals, Nov. 1913, v. 50:153- 165.— UO Lunn, H. S. Municipal lessons from southern Germany. London, 1908. 139 p.— U Berlin. Berlin. Magistrat. Die strassenbrticken der stadt Berlin. 1902. 2 v.— U Ford, G. B. City planning exhibition in Berlin. American city, vSept. 1910, v. 3:120-124.— UOm Lindemann, A. Markthallen Berlins. Ihre bauliche anlagen und betriebseinrichtungen. Berlin, 1899. 90 p. (Berlin Magistrat,) — U Park development in the German capital. American city, June 1913, V. 8:627.— UOmB Breslau. Markgraf, Hermann. Die strassen Breslaus nach ihrer geschichte und ihren namen. Breslau, E. Morgenstern, 1896. 244 p. (Mittheilungen aus dem stadtarchiv und der stadtbibliothek zu Breslau. 2. Hft.)— U Essen. Deubner, L. Workmen's colonies of the Krupp company at Esseij. International studio. Sept. 1913, v. 50:199-206.— UOB Krupp's chejguesstahlfabrik, Essen a. d. Ruhr. Wohlfahrtseinrich- tungen der gu^sstahlfabrik von Fried. Krupp zu Essen a. d. Ruhr . . . '3. ausgabe. Essen a. d. Ruhr, F .Krupp, 1902. 3 v.— U Hamburg. Clapp, E. J. The Dort of Hamburg. New Haven, Yale university press, 1911. 220 p. The result of a two-years' study of Ger- man waterways and ocean terminals. — U (iaylord Bros. Makers vSyracuse,N. ^^ PAT, JAN. 21, 1908 281562 UNIVKRSITY OF CAIvIFORNIA lylBRARY