UC-NRLF C 3 1S1 A REPORT UPON THE BOREAL FLORA OF THE SIERRA NEVADA OF CALIFORNIA BY FRANK JASON SMILEY UNIVERSITY or CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN BOTANY VOLUME 9 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 1921 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN BOTANY VOLUME IX WILLIAM ALBERT SETCHELL EDITOR UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA A REPORT UPON THE BOREAL FLORA OF THE SIERRA NEVADA OF CALIFORNIA BY FRANK JASON SMILEY LANDSCAPE \ ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN BOTANY Vol 9, pp. 1-423, plates 1-7, September, 1921 QKW1 LANDSCAPE ARCH. LIBRARY PAGE Introduction 1 Limits of the Sierran region 3 Petrology 4 Topography 8 Climatology 17 Life-zones of the Sierra Nevada 44 Statistical abstract from the Annotated List 60 Key to the families of the Annotated List 66 Annotated List of the species of vascular plants growing within the Boreal Eegion of the Sierra Nevada 72 Pteridophyta (Families 1-5) - 72 Spermatophyta (Families 6-51) 81 Gymnospermae (Family 6) 81 Angiospermae (Families 7-57) 88 Monocotyledones (Families 7-15) 88 Dicotyledones (Families 16-57) 148 Choripetalae (Families 16-43) 148 Sympetalae (Families 44-57) 282 List of new names and combinations 408 Literature cited 409 Index .. 417 072 The present paper constitutes a working flora for the high Sierra Nevada of California. It has been the intent of the author to present a list of all the plants now found within the higher portions of the Sierra with suitable keys for their determination. The reference to each species or variety includes the authority for the accepted name and reference to the place of publication together with a synonomy. There has been no effort to make the synonomy exhaustively inclusive, only those synonyms being listed which, in the writer's opinion, are apt to be met in the usually available literature and confused with the accepted name. Each specific or varietal reference in the list also includes the "type locality" where the plant was collected from which the original description was drawn; a statement as to the geographical range of the plant and one concerning its zonal position in the Sierra. The citation of all specimens examined by the writer has not been thought necessary; only those specimens are included which are believed to have some significance in showing the range of the plant within the limits of the Sierran region or to which attention is directed in the notes subjoined to many of the references. Prefixed to the Annotated List will be found sections descriptive of the geology, topography, and climatology of the range. A few words should be added concerning the inception of the study now in part completed and acknowledgment made of assistance received from numerous friends. My interest in the plants of the Sierran region goes back to the time when, for a number of years, I lived the greater part of each year near the line separating the great forest belt from the higher mountains and found opportunity from time to time to make excursions into the summit region. Subsequently while a student at Stanford University and Assistant in the Dudley Herbarium, it fell to me to work over the collections made by the late Professor W. R. Dudley preparatory to their incorporation into the Herbarium. Dr. L. R. Abrams suggested the possibility of using these collections as a basis for an extended study of the high mountain floras of the state. The work then begun required the examination of other 2 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 material than that in the Dudley Herbarium or preserved in the Herbarium of the University of California. Through the aid of the Harvard Club of San Francisco, I was enabled to spend a year and a half in Cambridge, working principally at the Gray Herbarium, where the types of many Californian and other western species are preserved. While at Cambridge, I had constant aid from Professor M. L. Fernald both in the critical examination of material and con- cerning questions of nomenclature ; to his unfailing readiness to help much of whatever merit this paper may possess is due. At the same time, Dr. B. L. Robinson and Miss M. A. Day generously aided me in every way possible, besides affording me free access to the collec- tions in their charge. While in the east, I was also enabled to visit the collections at the New York Botanic Garden and at the National Herbarium, in Washington. After returning to the Pacific Coast, residence at the University of California has permitted more detailed examination of the material in the Herbarium of the University, especially of the collections made by Dr. H. M. Hall and by Mr. and Mrs. Brandegee, and has afforded opportunity as well for conferences with them concerning localities, ranges, and special phases of the prob- lems connected with the Sierran flora. While at Berkeley, I have also had the advantage of consultation with Professor W. A. Setchell and Professor W. L. Jepson, the latter loaning me material from his private collection. To all of the above named persons, and to Drs. D. H. Campbell and G. J. Peirce, of Stanford University, my warmest thanks are due and extended, as well as to a number of other botanists, and to friends living near the region the plant life of which is here considered. The field work carried out in connection with the present report has involved visits of varying duration to several sections of the range, both for collecting material for herbarium study and for making'' field examination of the vegetation of selected parts of the range. The first of this series of visits was made in the summer of 1911 and the last in 1917. All sections of the Sierra Nevada have been visited except the extreme north in Plumas County, the Kern River region of Tulare County, and the eastern flank of the southern Sierra west of Owens Valley. 1921 ] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California LIMITS OF THE SIERRAN REGION California may be divided into six major provinces of which the Sierra Nevada region is the second in size. The boundaries of these divisions are not sharply defined, even the most clearly marked and largest division, the Great Central Valley, rising gently to the north and passing into the rolling foothills of the Klamath and Cascade mountain systems. Of the other provinces, the Sierran region is the best defined, being clearly limited on the west by the central valley and on the east by the fault lines which are the chief structural features of the range. The north and south limits are more or less arbitrary: at the north the metamorphosed sediments of the Sierra are seen to pass beneath the lavas of Lassen Peak just beyond the North Fork of Feather River and this stream may be adopted as the northern limit of the region-. 1 At the south the normally horizontal Tertiary strata of the Sierra meet the folded sediments of like age belonging to the Coast Range at Tejon Pass, and this line of contact, which has been regarded as a fault, is generally accepted as the southern boundary. 2 The distance between these limits is about 370 miles in a northwest- southeast line extending from the fortieth to the thirty-fifth parallel. In width the Sierran region is quite unif onn : the distance from the Sacramento Valley on the west to Honey Lake, lying at the foot of the east slope in Lassen County, is about 80 miles, while near the southern end, the distance across the range, through the High Sierra, from the foothills bordering the valley of the San Joaquin east of Tulare Lake to Owens Valley, is nearly 70 miles. The rectangular region so defined has a base area of about 28,000 square miles. The heights of the several crests of the range vary from 6,000 to 8,000 feet at the north and south limits to over 13,000 feet in the High Sierra, the average height of the watershed being approximately 9,500 feet. The ratio of the superficial area to the base area appears never to have been estimated and varies considerably in different parts of the range; in the mountains to the south of Yosemite Valley, a region of bold relief, the surface is comparable in ruggedness to that of the Alps and may exceed the base area by 60 to 100 per cent. Nearly all of the area covered by the present report lies above the 6,500-foot contour line, with which, in the north, the lower limit of th- 4 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 Canadian element in the boreal flora of the Sierra roughly coincides. All of the region lies within the State of California save the Carson Range just east of Lake Tahoe. PETROLOGY Both sedimentary and igneous rocks are included in that part of the Sierra Nevada which is inhabited by the boreal flora. The sedimentaries are now reduced to isolated fragments of what was once probably a continuous terrane beneath which the intrusive magmas were irrupted. Most of the sediments date from paleozoic and early mesozoic time and are now for the most part metamorphosed to slates and schists. They are most abundant in the north, decreasing in amount southward as the general height of the range rises, and becoming restricted, in the high mountains, to the crests and summits save at a few exceptional stations where they appear to have formed massive blocks which sank in the still unconsolidated magma and have so been preserved from the extreme disintegration to which similar rocks at higher and more exposed situations have been subjected. Included in the sedimentary rocks are shales, sandstones, lime- stones, and extensive areas of altered clastic rocks : schists, slates, and quartzites. The strike of the beds conforms to the trend of the range, that is, from northwest to southeast, but the dip varies. While in the Sierra as a whole the beds dip to the east, and generally at angles between 40 and 90 degrees, 3 in particular districts the dip is in the opposite direction, as at Mineral King in the mountains west of Mt. Whitney, where the beds dip to the southwest at an angle of 85 degrees. 4 The angle of dip has an important bearing on rock weathering. The shales and their metamorphic products, slates and schists, contain pyrite which stains the outcrops in tones of red and yellow brown, causing them to stand out in contrast with the prevailing rock tint given to the higher mountains by the light colored granitic rock. In some places the slates are highly silicious, becoming converted to cherty rocks. In the valley of Fallen Leaf Creek, west of Lake Tahoe, there are exposures of dark colored banded silicious slates dipping nearly vertically. On the east face of Mt. Tallac and farther west on Jacks Peak, these same rocks appear. To the west and northwest of Lake Tahoe similar rocks are exposed, changed in places to schists Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 5 carrying abundant mica, as on the northeast side of Ward Peak. In the region between the upper Tuolumne and the headwaters of Kings River, slate forms the summits of many of the higher peaks, as Mt. Lyell, and covers a considerable area west of the Sierra crest in the high mountains of Fresno County. Mt. Goddard and peaks to the west are of slate. 5 In the southern Sierra, slates and phyllites occur about Mineral King, Tulare County, in a belt some two miles wide and fourteen long. Kaweah Peaks, the highest summits west of the main crest in Tulare County, include the largest group of meta- morphic sediments in the southern section of the range. 6 Sandstones and quartzites are often found interbedded with the shales and slates but sometimes form isolated patches; the summit of Mt. Dana is a sandstone though the bulk of the mountain is slate and altered lava. 7 Quartzitic rocks occur in the Tahoe region near Suzy Lake and on the headwaters of Rubicon River in Rockbound Valley. 8 Quartz porphyry is exposed in the Mineral King region at 8500 feet elevation. 4 Limestone is a rare rock in that part of the Sierra the plant population of which is considered in this report, but is found in lenses of varying size both in the northern and southern sections of the range. The magmatic rocks of the Sierra Nevada include both intrusives and extrusives, the former being vastly in excess both in area exposed and in absolute amount. The intrusive rocks constitute the batho- lithic core of the range and were probably once completely overlain by the sedimentaries. The stratified rocks have now been reduced by erosion to a relatively small amount, exposing the granitic rocks which form far the larger part of the surface of the higher mountains, the region inhabited by the boreal flora, The Sierran batholith contains several well defined rock species of granitoid type varying from normal granite to gabbro, its largest constituent being a rock of intermediate character between granite and diorite, known as granodiorite. This is the prevailing rock in a broad belt from Genessee Valley, in Plumas County, southward to the headwaters of Kings and Kern rivers. Granodiorite, as stated by Lindgren," is distinguished mineralogically by having its soda- lime feldspar at least equal to twice the alkali feldspar. Analyses 10 of samples from different parts of the range indicate that this preva- lent rock species maintains a fairly constant character throughout the Sierra. The analyses show the relation to granite and diorite, 6 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 the two most nearly allied rock types; though less silicious than true granite, with respect to the silica content, it is distinctly nearer to granite than to diorite and, of course, still less resembles gabbro. The lime (CaO) content is high for a granitoid rock though here again granodiorite more nearly approaches true granite than the more basic plutonics. In color granodiorite is of a light gray tone varying accord- ing to the changing per cent of hornblende and biotite. The structure is medium to coarse-grained and crumbles easily to a coarse light yellowish-gray sand. Associated locally in the north with the granodiorite is a rock approaching normal granite, granitite or biotite granite. In the north- ern section of the range, this rock is confined to the higher ridges and summits ; in the southern Sierra it becomes more widely developed, and granodiorite is reduced in amount. The structure of the rock is coarse on account of the usually large alkali feldspar crystals. A large part of the Pyramid Peak Range, west of Lake Tahoe, is com- posed of this coarse granite. The immense sand slopes on the east side of Angora Peak, in the same district, have been formed by its decay. A large part of the crest about the headwaters of the Tuolumne and northward from Mt. Conness to the ridges about High- land Lakes and the Blue Lakes, in Alpine County, is composed of this coarse granite. 11 The same variety is found on the slopes of Mt. Whitney, the orthoclase prisms becoming 8 to 9 cm. long 12 ; else- where in the country between Kern Caiion and the crest there is found a similar porphyritic granitite with pale flesh-colored crystals of orthoclase averaging 4 cm. in length over wide areas. The fresh rock is harder and firmer in texture than the granodiorite, and the outcrops are more highly colored with iron stain. Other granitic rocks of the high mountains include diorite, a dark green, medium to coarse-grained rock composed of green hornblende, a little black mica, and white soda-lime feldspar. Dioritic areas are not extensive but by no means uncommon, especially in the northern half of the range. The most basic of the intrusive rocks of the Sierra occurring in any quantity is gabbro ; it is found in small patches, the total area of the gabbro exposures being vani shingly small as compared with the diorite, the least abundant of the rock types so far mentioned. Rocks derived from extruded magmas still cover large areas in the north and on the western flank of the Sierra; in the southern mountains such rocks are less abundant within the high mountain region though present in certain districts. As is well known there 1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 1 appears to be a definite succession for the lavas which produced these volcanics. Ehyolitic flows preceded the more abundant andesitic extrusions, with basaltic lavas as the last member of the series. Residual portions of these consolidated lavas are to be found in the higher mountains capping the granite and sedimentaries. As a result of the sequence of the extrusions, the older lava rocks were buried beneath later products of eruption and become exposed as erosion removes the younger rocks. The soils derived from the weathering of these volcanics appear in bands along the sides of the valleys or encircle the summits in bands of irregular width. Rhyolite, as it appears in the Sierra, is a light colored gray or pinkish rock, usually of fine grain but occasionally becoming vesicular ; it is most abundant as a surface soil-forming rock in the central part of the range, as in northern Placer County about Soda Springs and Summit Valley, where it forms the country-rock over considerable areas. Andesite and andesitic breccias are present in greater amount than the rhyolite, which they overlie ; they are present throughout the range and form the country-rock west and southwest of Lake Tahoe and also in the southern Sierra on the east slope of the range near the headwaters of Owens River. Andesite is reported 12 to be the surface rock of the crest between Owens River and the head of the North Fork of the San Joaquin. Near Mineral King large bodies of sheared andesite occur on Crystal Creek at 10,000 feet elevation. 4 In color andesite varies from dark gray to reddish. Like rhyolite, the andesite may be vesicular and in this condition weathers more readily than when fine grained; the breccias naturally weather more rapidly than the massive rock. Basalt is widespread in the Sierra and ex- posures are known in all sections of the range from Plumas County (Mt. Ingalls) to Tulare County, where the most recent extrusions appear to have taken place. 13 Basalt is generally darker and more compact than either rhyolite or andesite but in places becomes vesicu- lar or scoriaceous. In many places within the higher mountains there are surface rocks derived from lava rocks or tuffs through changes subsequent to solidi- fication or deposition. Turner 2 believed that "it is now plain that the chief part of the rocks laid down on the geologic map as porphyrite and amphibolite schist are altered forms of original surface lavas and tuffs corresponding to modern basalts and andesites." Other alter- ation products of igneous rocks present in the Sierras include some serpentine, which is found on the crest of the Grizzly Mountains in Plumas County, and also on the Dardenelles in Alpine County. 3 ' 15 8 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 A feature of high mountain rocks which has a most important bearing on their disintegration, and also on the vegetation growing on them, is the jointage. Over wide areas all the rocks will be found jointed, the slates and schists more minutely than the granites. In other places the granite appears perfectly massive. The joint planes sometimes appear to be in systems, coinciding in direction and angle over several square miles; in other places no such regularity can be made out. On the high summits and on the walls of cirques the rock is apt to be jointed in three planes, the whole being divided up into more or less cubical blocks, which are often freely movable on the exposed peaks and aretes. Becker 15 noted in the region north of Yosemite, where horizontal jointage predominates, that the granite mountains appeared somewhat terraced ; in his opinion the fissures are really minute faults. In the Yosemite region Matthes 10 finds distinct areas of massive and jointed granites. On the south slope of Mt. Raymond, Madera County, the coarse-grained granodiorite is so regu- larly jointed that the blocks appear as if squared for rough masonry. On Kuna Crest, above Tuolumne Meadows, in the Yosemite district, the granodiorite is also regularly jointed. (See plates 1 and 3, show- ing jointage.) TOPOGRAPHY* While the present surface of the boreal region of the Sierra is highly diversified, in this complexity of topographic form are certain indications of a general symmetry. Viewed from a distance the in- equalities appear to blend into fairly regular contours ; plate 1 shows the summit region of the southern Sierra. This feature of jthe high Sierran topography has been studied in detail by Lawson 6 for the southern Sierra of Tulare County, and by Lindgren 17 and Reid 18 for the Tahoe district; the results of their investigations indicate an old erosion surface. Above this surface the highest summits of the exist- ing range projected as a range of low mountains. With the pro- gressive elevation of the region along the eastern margin, the result of movement along the fault lines differentiating the Sierra from the * The following maps ("quadrangles"), issued by the United States Geo- logical Survey, cover the region considered in this paper. The sequence is from north to south. 1, Lassen Peak; 2, Honey Lake; 3, Bidwell Bar; 4, Downieville; 5, Sierraville; 6, Coif ax; 7, Truckee; 8, Pyramid Peak; 9, Carson; 10, Marklee- ville; 11, Dardanelles; 12, Bridgeport; 13, Yosemite; 14, Mt. Lyell; 15, Mariposa; 16, Mt. Morrison; 17, Kaiser; 18, Mt. Goddard; 19, Tehipite; 20, Bishop; 21, Mt. Whitney; 22, Kaweah; 23, Olancha. 1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 9 Great Basin, the rivers were rejuvenated and deep canons trenched in the old plateau. The period of alpine glaciation in the Pleistocene widened many of these valleys in the higher mountains, giving to them the characteristic U-shape of glaciated valleys, and deepened the heads of these valleys by cirque cutting into the divides. The details of the surface now seen in the high Sierra Nevada are the results of this process of weathering and erosion upon the several terranes constituting the surface. The rock species weather differentially. The small areas yet remaining in the high mountains of the early Mesozoic sedimentaries offer the most bizarre topographic forms, their minutely jointed and faulted condition making them peculiarly subject to the alpine erosional factors. Since, for the most part, they lie along or near the higher crests, many of the sharpest pinnacles and thinnest aretes are formed of these vestigial metamorphosed sedi- ments; Mt, Ritter (13,096 feet), Red-and- white Peak (12,840 feet), the Palisades (14,000 feet), are conspicuous examples of many true dents along the crest. About their bases are slopes of scarcely altered rock debris of fairly uniform size, 2 to 3 inches in diameter. Vastly more important in the topography are the granodiorite and granite areas. The latter rock disintegrates more abruptly than the granodiorite because of the usually coarse macrocrystalline texture. The rock becomes friable, crumbling to sand in which nearly fresh crystals of quartz and feldspar may be found. The resulting sand- slopes are a constant feature in the granite localities about Lake Tahoe and above Yosemite Valley, and Knopf and Thelen report the same thing for the Mineral King district in the southern Sierra. In cross- ing these slopes one sinks deeply. Since the fragments often lie at the angle of repose for such material, it is easy to start small slides which carry downward many of the plants found growing in such places. The upper reaches of these slopes are excessively dry and sterile, the large size of the constituent particles causing the pore space to be too great for capillarity to overcome. "Water falling on the surface immediately sinks; there is no run-off in even the hardest showers. This absorptive quality of the upper reaches, with the attendant leaching effect, causes the lower levels to support a rich and varied flora of distinctly mesophytic shrubs and herbs, while at the bases marsh conditions may prevail The principal rock species of the range, granodiorite, is differ- entially affected by the forces of weathering accordingly as it is jointed or massive. The jointed rock is easily attacked by the erosional agents 10 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 along the lines of fracture, becoming divided to a varying depth into more or less cubical masses. If the rise is abrupt, these in time fall from place and become aggregated into talus slopes at the foot of the cliff. In many places such talus slopes rise nearly to the summits and support a characteristic vegetation. Where the granodiorite is massive weathering is mainly a process of exfoliation producing rounded sum- mits; 19 this is the origin of the many dome-like summits found in the higher mountains. Lambert's Dome, on the upper Tuolumne, Fresno Dome near Mt. Raymond, and Ralston Dome near Lake Tahoe (plates 6, 7), with surfaces bare of all vegetation except crustose lichens, are typical of many Sierraii summits. Though theoretically the granodiorite should disintegrate faster than the granite because of its larger content of mica and soda-lime feldspar, the coarser texture of the granite makes this rock the weaker. This relationship of texture to weathering depends upon one important character of alpine rock decay : the dominance of mechanical over chemical forces at high altitudes. Solution plays a subordinate part because of the relative deficiency of water and carbon dioxide and of the lower temperature. On the other hand, temperature changes in the higher mountains are both of considerable range and frequent in time; the consequent expansion and contraction quickly shatters a macrocrystalline rock. Where water can penetrate the rock, as between mica foils, the dis- ruptive freezing becomes especially effective. The rocks derived from extrusive magmas rhyolites, andesites, basalts show the effect of these stresses; areas of andesite are char- acterized by heaps of conchoidal sharply angular stones riven by freez- ing from the parent rock and often cast for a distance of two or three feet. 20 Such debris frequently form a true shingle, the fragments overlapping each other and excluding all vegetation formed of higher plants, as on the east slope of Mt. Tallac. Topographic form depends upon three factors: the character of the rocks, their position or structure, arid the subsequent changes induced by weathering and erosion. The characters of the high moun- tain rock species in the Sierra have been indicated; since the mass of the sedimentaries as compared to that of the magmatic rocks is so small, the Sierra Nevada is properly considered as a range composed of igneous rock. This description is all the more true when reference is made to the region considered in this report. As a consequence the high mountain region is practically devoid of that type of struc- ture produced by bedded rocks; nevertheless its structure is one of the most interesting features of the geology of the Sierra. Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California, 11 Sierran structure is determined by faulting and a number of well denned fault lines have been detected and traced for many miles, while other lines of displacement are suspected to exist. The fault lines trend northwest to southeast with displacement of varying amount. "West of Owens Valley the total movement is thought to be not less than 10 11,000 feet ; 21 the displacement is less in the north, amounting to some 3,000 feet in Plumas County. 22 In the Tahoe region there are three main lines of faulting, the two east and west of the Carson Range and the one on the west side of Lake Tahoe. 17 In addition to the great fault lines, there are within the range topographic details interpreted as the result of minor displacements. 15 Sierran faulting is of normal type, with small hade, large throw, and bold escarpments. Since, in addition to faulting, the region has also been revolved slightly on its long axis, the areas west of the fault plane are now tipped to the west and we find, almost without exception, that the west and southwest sides of elevations are of easy ascent compared to the more pre- cipitous east and northeast sides. This structure and accompanying topography affect the vegetation, particularly that of the highest mountains, for this tilting of the range brings the surfaces near the crest line into the position most favorable for insolation, with its accompanying higher temperatures of both air and soil, and also for rainfall (compare rainfall of Fordyce and Tahoe on opposite sides of the Tahoe fault). It is true that not faulting only is responsible for the relatively low gradients of west and southwest as compared to east and northeast sides of elevations. These steeper sides unques- tionably owe something of their greater abruptness to the fact that, as the leeward sides, the snow of winter drifts more deeply there while the opposite sides may be swept nearly bare. This deeper accumula- tion of snow, coupled with less melting because of lessened insolation, produced larger glaciers which cut their cirques deeper into the lee side of the ridges and summits. Today the only Sierran glaciers are on these protected slopes. All the high mountain region has been more or less profoundly modified by the Pleistocene glaciation. Within that region the evi- dences of ice action are everywhere present. In the early period of the study of Sierran geology it was generally believed that this glaciation was much more severe than later investigations have shown to be the case. In the extreme north Diller 23 and Turner 24 found but slight evidences of glacial ice, as might be inferred from the relatively low altitude of the Sierra in Plumas County. Widespread evidences 12 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 of glacial action are not found till the region of Gold Lake is reached in Sierra County. From this point southward to the Middle Kern, glacial phenomena give the tone to the high mountains. The Sierran glaciers were, as a rule, controlled by the topography. In the Grizzly Mountains of Plumas County, Turner found evidences of the former existence of glaciers on eastern slopes but none on west- ern or southern slopes. In the high Sierra of Tulare County, Lawson 6 noted that all evidence pointed to an ice control "entirely of an Alpine type." In the district between Yosemite Valley and Lake Tahoe there was some approach to the continental type of glaciation with a summit neve-field sending glaciers down both flanks, but even here the highest summits remained above the ice. In the central Sierra both altitude and rainfall were sufficient to send tongues of ice down the valleys on the western slope to about 4,000 feet, and on the eastern to 6,000 feet. In the southern section the lower level reached by the ice at Mineral King was about 7,000 feet. 4 In Kern Canon the trunk glacier ended just below the mouth of Coyote Creek at 6,450 feet. 6 It should be noted that these tongues of ice within the valleys reached far lower levels than the general glaciation and were able to reach such low altitudes only because of the great extent of the high mountain catch- ment areas; where such areas did not exist, the lower limit reached by the ice is less distant from the summits ; in Plumas County Turner 24 found on the northeast slope of Grizzly Hill glacial debris somewhat below 6,000 feet, though the summit of Grizzly Hill, the highest point nearby, is but 6,424 feet. With the exception of some debris in Bucks Valley not recognized as certainly glacial, this Grizzly Hill glacier had the least elevation of any glacier known to Turner to have existed in the Sierra during glacial time. In other words, at the northern limit of the Sierra the ice failed to reach as low as in the central part of the range and but little lower than in the extreme south. On the main Sierran crest, Cirque Peak, ten miles south of Mt. Whitney, is the most southern point showing signs of glaciation. 6 * On the eastern flank glacial phenomena are of much less magnitude. The topographic forms produced in the Sierra in this period of alpine glaciation are similar to those seen in other regions which have been subject to the same type of ice control. The upland surfaces were denuded of their soil and reduced in extent by cirque cutting * This for a long time was thought to be the most southern point showing glacial traces on the Pacific Coast. Recently certain obscure topographic forms on the north slope of the San Bernardino Mountains above 8500 feet have been referred to glacial ice,26 a conclusion not concurred in by others who have examined the same region.2? 1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra, Nevada of California 13 at their periphery. In many places along the crests two cirques at the heads of glaciers moving normal to the divide have intersected and produced a col. The debris thus removed was deposited in the great moraines lying at from 5,000 to 7,000 feet, on the lower edge of the boreal region. These moraines are generally sharp-crested, of very regular contour, and often of huge size. The moraines of the Fallen Leaf Glacier southwest of Lake Tahoe are 1,500 feet high and three miles long. Morainal deposits also occur in the higher regions, fre- quently as ground moraine filling the bottoms of the high lying valleys, as in the valley of the Tuolumne at Tuolumne Meadows. The morainal matter is composed of coarse sand, cobblestones, and angular rock fragments loosely compacted to porous soil. Much of the surface from which this debris was taken now lies absolutely bare of soil, forming true rock deserts. "Above this (morainal zone) extend vast stretches of bare rock surfaces, dazzling white smooth outcrops of granodiorite and reddish-brown slate areas." 25 These denuded rock surfaces un- doubtedly explain in part the relative poverty of the Sierra in the true ' ' alps, ' ' such as distinguish the Swiss mountains or may be found in the mountains of Washington and British Columbia. Plate 4 shows a typical glaciated valley in the central Sierra west of Lake Tahoe. Glacial phenomena in the higher Sierra Nevada are characterized by their fresh, scarcely altered appearance ; the rock surfaces preserve their striae sharp and distinct and even so superficial a character as glacial polish is only beginning to disappear. Many years ago Rus- sell 28 observed that the balance between the conditions favoring the formation of glaciers and those causing them to disappear is, in the region about Lake Mono, in nice adjustment. A slight alteration in the present climate would again cause the valleys to become filled with glacial ice, for to him it appeared probable that at no time in the glacial epoch could the climate of the Sierra have been of really arctic type. The glaciers were always controlled by the topography and the difference between the temperatures of the sun and shade sides of the ridges was, in his opinion, too small to cause such a control had the climate been truly arctic. A few years later G. F. Becker 15 called attention to the probable shortness of the time which has elapsed in California since the end of the Sierran glacial age : ' ' The period which has elapsed in California since the glaciers disappeared is a very brief one and the canon erosion has no doubt been correspond- ingly small." Professor A. C. Lawson 6 says that very late in Quater- nary +ime an epoch of alpine glaciation occurred in the Sierras and 14 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 he considered 1,000 years to be a reasonable estimate of the time which passed since the ice left the basin of the Upper Kern. 0. H. Hershey 29 has stated that in his opinion Sierran glaciation must have been short and comparatively recent, interesting for its alpine features but insignificant in the matter of geological time: "In the Klamath region, I have not seen a trace of any glacial action older than the Wisconsin epoch and I have not heard of anything in the Sierra Nevada region which can be referred to the lowan or any older glacial epoch." More recently, F. E. Matthes 30 has described the fresh appearance of the glacial evidences in the Yosemite district : ' ' It seems as if it were only yesterday that the ice had left them. Fresh and unweathered, like new quarries, are the cirque walls, while smooth, glassy 'glacier polish,' the result of long-continued grinding and 'sand-papering' by the debris-laden ice, still shines upon their bare rock floors." Matthes considers Sierran glaciation to have been recurrent, the last phase but recently ended: "Indeed, in one sense it has not ended yet, for on the Sierra crest a few small ice bodies still hold their own. The uppermost cirques, there is good reason for believing, have only just been released from the dominion of the ice, but the lower canyons have been free for a considerable lapse of time and subject to normal weathering and stream erosion. ' ' Glacial scour and deposition produced such profound changes in the drainage that today the boreal region is preeminently a lake dis- trict. These bodies of water are of all sizes from mere pools but a few yards across to lakes several miles in length. They were long ago 28 divided into two classes : (a ) those retained by moraines, and, (&) those occupying rock basins. The morainal lakes, for the most part, lie in and below the Canadian life-zone. The smaller rock basins are characteristic of the higher levels. The morainal lakes I are being rapidly invaded by vegetation and changed into meadows onto which the forest advances, while the rock basins are nearly barren of plant life and are being very slowly filled. Around the lakelets of the higher region are usually found narrow beaches of white sand and just beyond the characteristic ' ' rock-ramparts" formed of boulders of all sizes and walling in the basin. The relative immunity of the rock basins from plant invasion seems to depend in part upon the forces which form the rampart. The high mountain lakes freeze and thaw repeatedly during the year. After an ice cover has formed over the water, a sharp drop in temperature will cause the ice to contract and split, the cracks become filled with water from below and this 1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 15 water on freezing expands, causing lateral thrust upon the shores. The result of many such temperature changes is to drag the rocks upon the bottom or sides of the basin and ultimately shove them upon the beach. 31 This process impedes the development of higher plant life within the zone of drag. There is reason to think that the moun- tain lakes affect the local climates, a subject considered later. The high mountain lakes are the catchment basins from which issue the brooks that unite to form the many rivers draining the boreal region. The drainage of the High Sierra may be divided into the channel drainage, which prevails below tree-line, and the surface drainage characteristic of the true alpine zone. In that zone the surface of the ground during spring and early summer is, as a rule, wet. The water derived from the snow-cover spreads out in the shallow soil or trickles over the rocks and this condition of saturation persists till the drifts are melted. Very gradually this percolating water is gathered into small rills that feed the lakes and form the sources of the great rivers of lower levels. With the disappearance of the snow-cover a complete change is effected ; the shallow soil soon dries out, the small vernal pools disappear, and a period of aridity ensues only slightly ameliorated by the frequent light summer showers. The vegetation in this alpine zone is then subject to a wet and cold vernal period followed by a dry aestival phase. Near tree-line are the beginnings of definite water channels. The high gradient of the boreal region reduces all streams to typical mountain torrents broken by cascades and rapids. Though mention has been made of a long axis of the Sierran region about which the whole range has been slightly revolved, there is no single crest-line throughout the summit region. In the north in Plumas County the range has three crests. The western crest runs from Bucks Mountain (7,231 feet) and Mt. Pleasant (7,111 feet) through Spanish Peak (7,047 feet) with a crest continuously above 6,500 feet ; southeast from Spanish Peak the ridge line lowers, being below 5,000 feet for ten miles before reaching Clermont Hill (7,014 feet). Here the Middle Fork of Feather River cuts through this axis, which has its prolongation southward in the ridge, continuously rising to or above the 6,500-foot contour line that runs from the head of Camp Creek through Eureka Peak (7,490 feet) and Mt. Elwell (7,846 feet) to Sierra Buttes (8,615 feet). Between Clermont Hill and the northwest end of this Camp Creek-Sierra Buttes crest, the gap below the .6,500-foot contour is approximately nine miles wide. To the 16 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 southwest of this interrupted height of land stretching from Bucks Mountain to Sierra Buttes there are a number of distinct summits and ridges rising to or above 6,500 feet the very irregular crest north and east of Onion Valley and curving southeast to include Pilot Peak (7,505 feet) and Blue Nose Mountain (7,300 feet) ; the high ridges about Mt. Fillmore (7,816 feet) and Rattlesnake Peak (7,000 feet) but they are separated by gaps of varying width and depression. The second of these north Sierran crests begins with Houghs Peak (7,254 feet) and continues south through the Grizzly Mountains to Grizzly Peak (7,578 feet) with westerly offshoots to Mt. Jackson (6,625 feet) and Penman Peak (7,280 feet), south of which the upper Middle Fork of Feather River cuts through to its head in Sierra Valley. The third of the crest-lines is that which curves from Mountain Meadows through the summit of Diamond Mountain (7,000 feet) and Thompson Peak (7,752 feet), running southeast past Honey Lake and including McKesick Peak (7,083 feet) and Adams Peak (8,200 feet). This third crest has a higher crest-line than either of the other two but breaks down to below the 5,000-foot contour at Beck- with Pass, where a gap of ten miles separates the 6,500-foot contours on the north and south sides of the pass. Of these crest-lines only the first may be said to be continuous with the high mountain region west of Lake Tahoe and this is inter- sected by the deep but narrow canon of the North Fork of North Fork Yuba River. It has some significance for the study of the route by which the " Glazialpflanzen " invaded the Sierras that only on the northeast flank of this ridge are there well defined and extensive glacial deposits comparable to those found in the mountains of Nevada County and to the southward. The discontinuity in the high level surface at the north of the range may have a bearing upon the colonization of the Sierra by rep- resentatives of the boreal flora; within the range itself, once the elevated region west of Lake Tahoe had been reached, these elements were less hindered in their gradual occupation of the country yet the progressive falling off in the number of species with high northern affinities seen in going from north to south suggests that within the range other gaps may occur across which the advance southward has been difficult. These gaps, in addition to whatever significance may attach to them in the study of plant distribution, are of interest to all who traverse the higher mountains, since advantage is taken of them to pass the divides and on the maps of the region they appear 1921] Smiley: Flora, of the Sierra Nevada of California 17 as passes, as Dormer Pass, Tioga Pass. These places where the con- tinuity of the summit region is interrupted are numerous but to only a few can much significance be reasonably ascribed as barriers to plant invasion from the north. The first depression which seems significant is that through which the railroad passes from Sacramento to Truckee (Donner Pass, 7,000 feet) ; a number of forms present in the northern Sierra do not appear to the southward. The second of these possibly significant depressions occurs about 120 miles to the southeast, inter- secting the summit east of Yosemite Valley; Tioga Pass, 9,941 feet, breaks the continuity of the arctic-alpine life-zone for a distance of about three miles. The last gap reasonably to be considered as effective in this connection is some 25 miles southeast of Tioga Pass. This last pass has not been visited by me but Professor J. N. Le Conte describes 32 the High Sierra breaking down completely at Mammoth Pass (9,350 feet), where the crest consists of rolling hills and the forest belt crosses the range for a space of 20 miles. CLIMATOLOGY CLIMATE OF THE SIEEEA NEVADA The data bearing upon the climate of the higher Sierra, and especially of the region included within the limits of this report, are still so fragmentary that only general statements are warranted. The section across the range, through which the Central Pacific Eailroad passes, has been longest studied and its central position permits cer- tain general conclusions to be drawn concerning the climate of the Sierra as a whole. In very recent years there has been an increasing interest in the climate of the California mountains and numerous stations of record have been established. The climate of the Sierra is conditioned by its northwest-southeast trend across the track of the winds blowing from the Pacific. All elements of its climate are effected by this geographic position. TEMPEEATUEE The area whose vegetation is here considered is surrounded on all sides by districts of much lower altitude and quite different tempera- tures. Within the high mountain region of the Sierra the similarities and contrasts in temperature follow as a consequence of its position 18 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 paralleling the Pacific. The recorded temperatures of La Porte, in Plumas County, near the northern limit of the region, and of Sum- merdale, Mariposa County, in the southern half, are in close agree- ment (table 1). These stations are both well up in the Transition Zone. In the central Sierra, Cisco and Truckee are stations twenty miles apart but on opposite sides of the divide (table 2). An inspec- tion of these curves indicates that north and south distance has but little influence on the local temperature; the northern station has a slightly lower mean monthly temperature throughout the year and monthly extremes a little below those of Summerdale. On the other hand, location on opposite flanks of the range shows a marked differ- ence in the monthly extremes and a significant difference in the yearly means; Truckee is subject to winter minima far below the minima at Cisco, and to summer maxima exceeding those at the western station. The same relation is seen to exist between the temperatures at Tamarack and Bodie (table 3). While very low minima or high maxima are not common in the Sierra Nevada, they are by no means unknown. Above the transition zone, minimum temperatures comparable to winter temperatures in the eastern United States are recorded from some district of the Sierra every season. The tables show the recorded extremes for a period sufficiently long to give some conception of the probable range. Data about winter minima from the very high mountain region are avail- able from only three points. On Mt. Rose, 33 10,800 feet, the highest but one of the peaks in the Carson Range, during the years 1905-06, 1906-07, instruments recorded a minimum for the first year of -5F.; for the second, --10F. On Mt. Lyell, 13,090 feet, a minimum thermometer was left for two years July 1897 to July 1899. 34 The lowest temperature for the first winter was 13.6, and for the next, 17.6 F. On the summit of Mt. Whitney, 35 maximum and minimum thermometers left in September, 1909, showed a record of 55 and 23, respectively, when read on May 24, 1910. They were reset on September 26, 1912 and by the following spring, a maximum of 65 and a minimum of -- 35 had been recorded. The data given in the temperature tables show that minima, comparable to these from the highest peaks, are annual or nearly so, at Tamarack and Bodie, some four to six thousand feet nearer sea level. The daily range of temperature in the High Sierra appears, from the data at hand, to be considerably less than has been reported from other similar regions in different parts of the world. A comparison 1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of Calif orma 19 of the local climates of Summit (7,017 feet) and of Tamarack (8,000 feet), made for the purpose of determining what effect a difference of 1,000 feet might have on temperature, disclosed that for the period of record, eight years, the greatest daily range of temperature observed in each month was as follows (data arranged in the order of months from the first of the year) : Summit 35 46 31 30 39 43 47 48 48 50 45 42 Tamarack 64 64 54 58 46 50 47 48 58 54 48 52 There are a few observations which tend to show that the daily range of temperature in the alpine region of the Sierra follows the general rule for alpine climates with a maximum near noon and low night temperatures. At Mountain Camp, 11,600 feet, near Mt. Whit- ney, during the twelve days between August 22 and September 2, 1881, inclusive, Langley 36 found the temperature averaging at 8:15 A.M., 41.0 F. 12:35 P.M., 56.7 8:15 P.M., 30.6 On the summit of Mt. Whitney at the beginning of September he found day maxima of 62.5 and morning minima of 22.5 F. ; the coldest period of the day was between 3 and 6 A.M. On the same summit on July 8, 1903 the temperature rose from 51 at 9:30 A.M. to a maximum of 55 one hour later. 37 The daily range of tempera- ture suggested by these meager data is far less than the daily ranges reported from other alpine heights, nor does this small range appear to be too exceptional. From a study of conditions on the summit of Mt. Rose, Church 38 concludes that "The most notable characteristic of the temperature on the summit is the smallness of the mean daily range. ' ' The summer summit temperatures recorded from Mt. Whitney are supplemented by data from Mt. Kose ; on this peak from June 29 to August 4, 1905, the extremes were 24 and 72 F. ; between August 4 and September 4, the maximum was 70.8. The following year similar periods showed minima of 22 and 29.5 and maxima of 71 and 68. 8 . 38 These summit data appear to show that as far as tem- perature extremes go the Sierran alpine heights are subject to about the same winter extremes and summer minima as stations thousands of feet below but that their summer maxima fall far short of the maxima of lower levels. Inspection of the graphs (table 3) of the monthly extremes for the, three stations Summit, Tamarack, and Bodie shows that even 20 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 in the Canadian, the lowest of the boreal life-zones, all months are subject to frost; little significance is to be attached, however, to the rubric "killing frosts," when referring to high mountain stations, for the sufficient reason that though the plants may be frozen they may still survive. 39 RAINFALL Though the Sierra Nevada lies to the south of the majority of the storms entering the continental atmosphere from the North Pacific area, the position of the range, athwart the track of the moisture-bearing winds blowing landwards, ensures to the western side of the mountains sufficient rain not to exclude tree growth away from the water courses, even at the base of the mountains except near the southern end of the region. The Blue Oak (Quercus Douglasii H. & A.), the Interior Live Oak (Q. Wislizenii A. DC.), and the Digger Pine (Pinus Sabim- ana Dougl.) grow on the foothills east of the central valley but little above the valley floor. On the eastern flank no such lowering of the "dry tree-line" exists; west of Honey Lake, Lassen County (3,849 feet), this line runs at about 2,500 feet above the lake, rising south- ward to near 8,500 feet west of Owens Valley. The rainfall on both flanks constantly diminishes to the southward: Western slope stations: La Porte, Plumas County, 5,000 feet 89.2 inches Bowmans Dam, Nevada County, 5,500 feet 75.6 " Blue Canon, Placer County, 4,695 feet 74.2 " Crockers, Tuolumne County, 4,452 feet 55.0 " Summerdale, Mariposa County, 5,270 feet 55.1 " Tehachapi, Kern County 10.62 " Eastern slope stations: Truekee, Nevada County, 5,819 feet 27.1 " Taboose, Inyo County, 6,200 feet 14.0 " Bairs, Inyo County, 6,100 feet 8.7 " *o This difference in the mean annual precipitation between the wind- ward and leeward sides of the range is even more clearly seen by com- paring nearby stations : West side: Bowmans Dam, 5,500 feet 75.6 inches East side: Boca, 5,535 feet 20.14 " The altitude of greatest rainfall in the Sierra is between 5,000 and 6,500 feet on the western flank. The line for a time rises to the south- ward, the higher mountains of the southern half of the region appear- ing to cause an increased rainfall at a constant level. The rainfall 1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 21 of the summit region varies from about 70 inches in Plumas County to 47 inches at Summit and probably 40 to 30 inches west of Owens Valley. Above the zone of maximum rainfall on the western slope there appears to be a fairly constant decline with increasing altitude, amounting to 0.40 inches per 100-foot rise. On the eastern slope the crest is the altitude of greatest rainfall and there is a constant decline to the floor of the Great Basin and of Owens Valley. Between Sum- mit and Boca the rate of decrease is approximately 1.85 inches per 100 feet of descent. In the southern Sierra, Lee 40 found the rate to be about .40 inches per 100 feet. The rainfall of the Sierra is markedly seasonal; winter has the maximum amount and summer the minimum. In this strict seasonal distribution of precipitation the Sierra is peculiar among the high mountains of western America. Table 4 shows the graphs for repre- sentative Transition and Boreal stations. There appear to be two winter maxima: a major in January and a minor in March. Aside from the small amount of rain falling on the eastern side there is the further difference that this amount is more evenly distributed through- out the year; the graph for Bodie is flatter than that of any other station. A feature of the high mountain rainfall, contrasted with that of the Transition life-zone, is the more copious summer showers; at LaPorte and Summerdale, July and August are practically rainless, while Bodie has over half an inch and Tamarack nearly an inch in July. SNOWFALL Kecords of snowfall in the Sierra from the central division cover a period of over forty years ; at Summit there is a continuous record since 1870. At that station 86 per cent of the total precipitation falls as snow. 41 The total seasonal fall varies within wide limits about a mean of 443.5 inches. During the period of record at Summit the extremes in five seasons were : MAXIMA 1879-80 783.0 inches 1889-90 776.0 " 1894-95 685.0 " 1892-93 1906-07 634.0 602.0 1880-81' 1884-85 1888-89 1897-98 1882-83 MINIMA 153.5 inches 202.0 " 261.0 " 262.0 " 299.0 " These maxima are among the largest, if not the largest, ever reached in the United States. 42 22 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 At Summit, during a period of thirty-five years, July was the only month with no snow. August showed only a trace in one year. The snow season begins in September but, throughout that month and the next, snow melts as fast as it falls, the snow-cover not appearing till the first week in November. This appearance of the ground-cover normally marks the beginning of winter and the complete cessation of the vegetative period at least for herbs and low shrubs, as its dis- appearance marks the beginning of the local "spring" for these plants. The cover increases to a maximum in March when melting becomes dominant and thereafter the snow-cover diminishes steadily to zero in the first ten days in July (table 5). The snow-cover plays such an important part in the biology of the high mountain region that its fluctuations are of considerable moment. The graph presented in table 5 shows the normal accumu- lation and dissipation of the snow-cover at Summit. The data given below show the average condition of the surface, at the first, middle, and end of each month, from the beginning of the snow season to the snow maximum in March, and, at the right, the varying condition of the surface observed once or oftener on the same dates (data in inches). Period, 1906-07 to 1917-18 inclusive. Nov. 189 06 032 034 Fordyce Dam Dec. 9 28 39 35 60 74 Nevada County Jan. 40 75 85 69 15 100 8 161 6,500 feet Feb. 86 91 103 9 158 27 157 44 154 Mar. Ill 108 103 45 165 58 154 67 154 47 32 70 32 26 178 2 218 27 240 23 215 38 276 50 262 55 29 101 8 125 25 178 20 274 45 407 42 434 79 440 62 338 Summarizing the data for this element of the high mountain habitat, we note that on the first of November, at all three stations, the ground may either be bare of snow or may already have received the beginning of the snow-cover. At all three places in the majority of years, the ground has not yet received its winter blanket by November first. By the middle of November, in the m'ajority of years, a light Nov. 2/3 9 11 4 Summit Dec. 10 27 40 31 Placer County Jan. 44 93 118 87 7.017 feet Feb. 118 117 121 2 228 Mar. 127 137 115 26 222 Nov. 7/10 13 13 6 Tamarack Dec. 17 39 53 55 Alpine County Jan. 60 107 145 8 125 8,000 feet Feb. 154 163 170 20 320 Mar. 176 180 172 44 443 1921 ] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 23 covering of snow has appeared though, in exceptional seasons the ground may still be bare (in the twelve years, this occurred five times at Fordyce Dam, four times at Summit, three times at Tamarack). By the end of November, at all three stations, the ground has become covered except in very exceptional years (in the period under con- sideration, the ground was bare of snow at the end of November in two seasons at Fordyce and Summit, and once at Tamarack). The beginning of December found the ground bare of snow once in the period at all three stations and in the same season, that of 1907-08. An extraordinary condition occurred in December, 1907, at Fordyce and Summit, where, at the end of the month, no snow lay upon the ground and but eight inches was present at Tamarack, 1,000 feet higher. Even January first has found the ground at Fordyce free of snow (season of 1910-11) and Summit with but four inches, though Tamarack reported two feet. The winter of 1917-18 was unprece- dented in the failure of precipitation; January first saw no snow at Fordyce and Summit and but eight inches at the highest station. Even as late as the first of February in this winter there were but two inches of snow at Summit, a snowfall of over two feet which had occurred about the middle of January having been almost completely melted or evaporated. The conditions at Summit appear to be fairly typical for the Canadian zone throughout the Sierra. Melting of the snow-cover proceeds at the rate of four inches per day at the middle of May. At the beginning of June, 1911, there was about 38 inches of snow at 6-7,000 feet; by the twelfth, bare ground was visible in spots, and within a week all snow was gone except in north-facing ravines and on the higher peaks. 41 Here snow may linger till late in summer or, after years of exceptional snowfall or in unusually cold summers, persist in drifts throughout one season. Very rarely does such a drift survive a second summer. On the summit of Mt. Whitney, snow drifts among the summit rocks last till the first of September. 37 Unfortunately there is no Hudsonian station, but the record at Tamarack throws some light on conditions in the higher zone. The snow-cover appears at Tamarack in the latter half of October ; by the last of that month, on the average, 30 inches of snow has fallen and winter has begun. "Spring" comes in the first or second week of July ; by the middle of the month, the ground at 10,000 feet is com- monly free from snow; the first of August finds only patches and drifts in sheltered places. 24 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL, 9 From the studies of J. E. Church 43 it appears that the density of the snow-cover increases with altitude and method of deposition, i.e., whether wind-laid or in sheltered drifts. At 8,000 feet in Jones Pass on Mt. Hose, Church found a protected drift with a density of 26.6; at the summit (10,800 feet) a wind-laid deposit showed a density of 39.5. The weight of the snow-cover mechanically influences the growth-forms of high mountain plants. This weight increases as the season advances and is greatest near the end of March, when melting has begun to raise the water content of the snow. At Summit in January, 1916, weighings made on the twenty-fourth and twenty- seventh of different levels in a cover of 168 inches showed increasing weights per cubic foot as follows : First cubic foot (surface) 10 Ibs. Three feet from surface, cubic foot 14 ' ' Six feet from surface, cubic foot 18 ' ' Ten feet from surface, cubic foot 22 " Bottom of cover, cubic foot 28 " 4 * In March the water content of the snow has greatly increased and the bottom of the cover is a slush that weighs heavily upon the vege- tation beneath ; in March, 1916, the cover was ten feet thick, the first foot contained 56 per cent of water ; at the depth of five feet the snow was 63 per cent water, and at the bottom, 66 per cent. In the boreal region snow conditions are complicated by several factors: the diminished precipitation decreases the total snow; the usually bold relief favors the accumulation of drifts on lee sides of peaks and crests but increases the power of wind to sweep large areas bare; the increased direct insolation plus the large amount of heat reflected from the snow-fields below often causes the high peaks and ridges to exhibit spring phenomena before the lower levels. The relative effect of protection from wind and sun is indicated by certain measurements taken at Tahoe City (6,225 feet) in the winter and spring of 1910 : 43 Treeless Meadow Pine-Fir Forest Fir Forest Jan. 7 snow 24.6 inches 23.8 inches 25.0 inches Jan. 19 41.6 " 40.4 " Mar. 11 29.8 " 31.4 " 30.4 " Mar. 21 20.0 " 24.0 " 24.5 " Apr. 10-13 0.0 " Apr. 20 1.3 " Apr. 20 7.1 " At the beginning of the period the three types of surface had approxi- mately equal amounts of snow ; at the end the meadow had been bare 1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 25 a week, the mixed forest retained about 3 per cent of its maximum, and the denser fir forest 25 per cent. Still more indicative of the com- parative aridity of open slopes, this time for the alpine zone, are the comparative measurements made on a talus slope and on a forested slope on Mt. Eose: Talus slope (unforested) : Slightly protected slope below observatory 52.5 inches Wind-swept slope 8.1 " Protected slope 78.1 " Average of talus slope 40.8 " Forested slope 88.6 " The influence of the snow-cover on the seasonal temperature is well brought out in the curves for stations on the opposite flanks of the range. The eastern side, deficient in rainfall, has winter temperatures below the western slope; with the return of spring there is required less heat to melt the accumulated snow on the eastern side and the monthly means for spring are higher than on the Pacific side. That this milder spring temperature on the leeward side is due to the lessened amount of heat required for melting is borne out by the fact that, as soon as the snow-cover is melted from the western flank, its mean temperature immediately rises above that of the desert side. It will also be noted that in winter, when no melting occurs, the west- ern side is the warmer (tables 2 and 3). Data concerning relative humidity in the higher Sierra Nevada are extremely meager and somewhat contradictory. McAdie 45 observed that on Mt. Whitney, ' ' During the mid-day hours the humidity would rise as a rule to above 80 per cent, while between 2 P.M. and 5 P.M. extremely low humidities were recorded, ranging from 3 to 11 per cent. ' ' This diurnal change in the content of atmospheric vapor with a maximum about noon followed by cloud formation and rain in the afternoon is normal for all high mountain climates. 46 McAdie also noted that there were ' ' marked changes in short intervals in the amount of water vapor present," a characteristic of the alpine climate.* In August, 1913, the condition of atmospheric humidity in the high mountains west of Lake Tahoe was comparable to that observed by McAdie. At Glen Alpine Springs, Eldorado County, the humidity *L'humidite relative est sujette en montagne aux variations les plus brusques et, en apparence, les plus capricieuses. Ces variations augmentent avee 1 'altitude. A des periodes de seeheresse, ou, la perce gerce et les ongles cassent eomme dans un desert, succedent, avee une bouffee de vent ascendent, des brouillardes pene- '47 26 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 would increase hourly to a maximum about 2 P.M., a heavy shower of rain or hail would sweep across the country and, thereafter, the water vapor in the atmosphere rapidly diminish. It is somewhat surprising to find Langley 's observations, made also in the high mountain district of Tulare County, at considerable variance with the later report : during his twelve-day stay at Mountain Camp, near Mt. Whitney, he noted mean humidities as follows : 8 :15 A.M. 27.6 per cent 12:36 P.M. 20.6 per cent 8:15 P.M. 40.9 per cent In this period the absolute maximum was 67.5 per cent at 8 :15 P.M. and the minimum at 8 :15 A.M. was 4.4 per cent. The evening maxi- mum decreased as a rule during the night, though some of the morn- ings showed high humidities ; he found no evidence of a regular mid- day maximum. "That no such law was observed on Mt. Whitney is again to be attributed to the extraordinary dryness of the climate. ' ' 36 In the Sierran boreal region the sky is distinctly more cloudy than at lower levels : Emigrant Gap, 5,230 feet, clear days 241.8; part cloudy 24.0; cloudy 96.5 Cisco 5,939 feet, clear days 273.2; part cloudy 5.0; cloudy 86.5 Summit 7,017 feet, clear days 226.2; part cloudy 11.1; cloudy 122.7 Tamarack 8,000 feet, clear days 189.2; part cloudy 78.8; cloudy 99.5 This increase in cloudiness in the higher mountains is a sequel of the rapid change in atmospheric humidity noted above and is character- istic of alpine climates. Wind in the higher mountains is a major element in the climate. It affects the plant population both indirectly as modifying the soil and directly by its importance as an agent in the distribution of propagative bodies and through its formative influence upon the grow- ing plant. In the Sierra the prevailing winds blow from the west or southwest, the storm winds, particularly, blowing from that direction. There is some difference between the two slopes of the range with regard to the constancy of wind direction; on the western slope the air movement will be constant for days or even weeks at a time (dis- regarding those minor air movements determined by topography noted below) ; on the eastern slope there is less uniformity of direction, though the prevailing wind is still the west wind, yet occasionally winds of considerable velocity blow from the desert. In the boreal 1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 27 region the force and direction of the wind are the controlling factors in giving shape to the vegetation. The velocity of the winds increases with altitude. On the summit of Mt. Rose the velocities of 40 to 50 miles per hour have been recorded. 33 In the spring perpendicular winds (Chinook winds) may occur which rapidly melt the snow from the higher altitudes. In addition to these general winds there are "mountain and valley winds," day and night currents, induced by diurnal and nocturnal temperature changes on the higher peaks and ridges, which flow up and down the gorges, at times attaining con- siderable force if the topography favors convergence of several minor currents into a general movement. The valley or night wind flowing down the slope undoubtedly plays a part in plant distribution; just what, if any, importance in this connection is to be attached to the feebler ascending day current is obscure. An account of the climate of a region with so diversified a topo- graphy as that of the Sierra Nevada must take cognizance of the fact that in only a very general sense is there a climate of the region as a whole ; rather, there exists a number of local climates determined by position. In the case of the Sierra, with its contrasted flanks, the complexity becomes all the greater. It is apparent to even the casual visitor that the vegetation is unlike in different parts of the range; on either flank there is a change with altitude and a significant differ- ence exists between the flanks in the aspect of the vegetation. The general characters of the high mountain climate have now been given but it has also seemed possible to arrive at some more definite under- standing with regard to the unlikenesses in the plant life of the range by making a study of the climates of certain stations known to possess distinct assemblages of plants. The data are supplied by publications of the Weather Bureau in which information is given concerning the mean monthly tempera- tures, the monthly extreme temperatures, amount of precipitation, amount of snow upon the ground at the end of each month, number of rainy, clear, part clear, and cloudy days, and the prevailing direc- tion of the wind. In order that the effect of the climatic elements, as modified by position and topography, should be comparable and serve as the basis for deduction about the vegetation, it is obvious that the data should meet certain conditions: the stations should be as close together as possible and still possess those contrasts in position and topography which may be presumed to influence the local climate ; the data should cover the same years. 28 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 The five stations selected, their geographical position with respect to each other, and the distinctive character of the local topography, are: (1) Summit, Nevada County, 7,017 feet elevation, lies at the top of the divide, about 300 feet above Summit Valley and nearly 1,100 feet above Donner Lake (5,939 feet), a glacial lakelet three miles long, draining into Truckee River. Lower Canadian life-zone (Pinus Jeffreyi the characteristic tree). (2) Fordyce Dam, Nevada County, 6,500 feet elevation, and about nine miles northwest of Summit. The station lies just below Fordyce Lake, a small glacial lakelet receiving drainage from the northwest side of Castle Peak and the south- west slopes of Mt. Lola. The lake lies 1,500 feet below the divide, on the western slope of the range, and drains into the South Fork of the Yuba through Fordyce Creek. The zonal position is middle Canadian (Abies magnified and some Pinus Murray ana on the slopes above the lake.) (3) Tamarack, Alpine County, 8,000 feet elevation, lies on the headwaters of the Mokelumne River in a glaciated region with many small lakes, the largest being the Blue Lakes, two glacial basins, each about one-half mile long. The station is distant from Summit about 50 miles to the southeast and is in the upper part of the Canadian life-zone (Pinus Murray ana dominant tree). (4) Tahoe, Placer County, 6,230 feet elevation, lies on the northwest shore of Lake Tahoe, the largest lake of the Sierran region, some 21 miles long and 12 wide and very deep; it never freezes over in winter. The main divide of the Sierra lies six or seven miles west of the station and the crest is 2,500 to 3,000 feet above the lake. Transition life-zone (Libocedrus decurrens, Abies concolor, some Pinus ponderosa). (5) Bridgeport, Mono County, 6,500 feet elevation, lies on the east side of Bridgeport Valley, a large mountain valley nine miles long and four wide at the widest part, drained by the East Walker River and receiving the drainage from the east slope of the Sierra through Big Buckeye and Robinson creeks as well as some small amount from the arid mountains north of Mono Lake. About 95 miles southeast of Summit and in the upper Sonoran life-zone near the boundary of the Transition. The data studied cover the years 1914-1917 inclusive. This quad- rennium has been chosen for study since data from all five stations exist for this period only. Inspection of temperature data shows that the means of the quadrennium differ but slightly from the means of much longer periods at three of the stations and that the maximum variation, a December excess of 6.4 over the mean of the 12 years' record, occurred at Tamarack. In no other monthly mean throughout the year is the variation half as large. It is believed that deductions made from the data of this period concerning the local climates of the several stations are not invalidated by the brevity of the record. The diagram summarizes the relative temperatures of the several stations and shows that in the coldest part of the year Summit is the warmest station though the highest in altitude of any except Tamarack. 1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Neiwda of California 29 a I 1 1 H P ET 8 o 1 co 3 f o y cr Bridgepo Tamarac H P 8 O 1 << 8 co S p- ~ cr Bridgeport Tamarack o Fordyce Summit March H P co ^ S a. H P s- a 51 V P o B "<; (0 o fi cr H o CO H a E! P P o 3 8 I & * to Tamarack o I P cr S Summit Bridgeport 8 Tamarack o S. n fB H P V Summit Bridgeport e_ o 5 ra (D Tamarack Bridgeport Summit H 8 * O Of o -i a o a E S a H P E 5* o 3. H f CO I b o g - 30 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 The data given in the temperature table (table 7) shows that little difference exists in the first month of the year between the mean temperatures of Summit and Fordyce, the slightly higher mean tem- peratures of Summit being due to the fact that, though the monthly maxima are never as high at this season as at Fordyce, the monthly minima are always higher than at the lower station. That this rela- tively mild late winter at Fordyce is not due to its comparatively low altitude is shown by comparison with Bridgeport which, at the same altitude, is the coldest of the five stations. Indeed, this contrast be- tween localities of equal altitude but on opposite sides of the range is observed within much shorter distances than that separating For- dyce and Bridgeport. In the quadrennium here considered, Tahoe, though 270 feet lower than Fordyce, has a lower mean temperature through January, February, and March, and practically the same mean temperature in April; not until May is there much difference between the monthly means of Fordyce and Tahoe in favor of the latter place. Study of the diagram indicates that, as the year advances, Fordyce becomes relatively colder until in late summer and early fall it is the coldest station of the series. On the other hand, Bridgeport, the coldest station through all the winter months (November to March) becomes the warmest station immediately after the end of the winter precipitation season. The vegetation at Bridgeport passes from a mean monthly temperature in March, 7.3 below freezing, to a mean temperature 7.8 above the zero point, in April. The diagram shows that at no other point is the transition to the vernal season so abrupt. Plant physiologists are agreed that vegetation may endure consider- able absolute range of temperature with less injury if the change be graduated over a period of some length than an abrupt change of less absolute amount. The gradual change in the position of Fordyce in spring and summer has been referred to; in the fall this locality again shows a relative rise. The temperature element in the local climate of Fordyce has a yearly range the most moderate of any of the stations; it is the only locality where minima less than freezing are not recorded while its summer maxima are no higher than those of Tahoe. The ratio of the mean of the coldest month to the mean of the warmest month at Fordyce is less than at any other station 100 :184.5. A study of the temperature conditions at Tahoe shows, as indicated in the diagram, that this station is also for one month in the year the 1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 31 warmest locality but this time the advantage comes at the height of the growing season (August). All through the first half of the year Tahoe is cold or cool: in January, February, and March, this lake station is colder than Fordyce or even Summit, though the latter place is 800 feet higher ; in early spring Tahoe becomes warmer than these two stations, being, after Bridgeport, the warmest station, but as soon as the snow-cover melts from about Summit its monthly mean temperature rises and becomes greater than that of Tahoe till August, when, as stated above, the vegetation at Tahoe is the most favorably situated as respects heat of any of the plant populations resident at this series of mountain stations. In the fall and early winter Tahoe is warmer than the high station of Tamarack and warmer than Fordyce and Bridgeport. If the diagram be considered with regard to the relative climate of Summit, it will be noted that at the beginning of the year and in the fall and early winter Summit is the warmest station; for seven months in the twelve its mean temperature is the highest and, in the most favorable part of the year for growth, Summit is next to the most favorable place. Its spring temperature clearly shows the chilling effect produced by melting; in March when the snow-cover attains its maximum thickness (table 5) and before melting begins, Summit is relatively warm but, with diminution in the snowfall combined with the higher mean temperature of April and the resulting thawing, Summit becomes, next to the high mountain station at Tamarack, the coldest locality. As the spring advances and the accumulated snow becomes less, the mean temperature rises and causes Summit to become relatively warmer than the other stations till by the end of summer it is the warmest of the series, a position of advantage maintained for the rest of the year. The highest station whose climate is to be considered is Tamarack. Its altitude prevents Tamarack from ever becoming warm for very long; unlike the other stations, at no time in the year is its climate the warmest of the series. At the beginning of the year, the coldest station except Bridgeport, it becomes the coldest in April as a result of the relative rise of Bridgeport and remains the station with the lowest mean temperature till August, when it becomes warmer than Fordyce and in late fall and early winter (October-November), warmer than both Fordyce and Bridgeport, but it closes the year the next coldest station. 32 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 The local climates so far considered have but one major variable, temperature. At all four stations, Tahoe, Fordyce, Summit, and Tamarack, the total precipitation is abundant though varying within rather wide limits. This large annual rainfall (or snowfall) with accompanying cloudiness reacts upon temperature, reducing the extremes. When, however, we study the local climate of Bridgeport, the always deficient and irregular rainfall is attended by the greatest temperature ranges, both daily and monthly, found within the series. When the rainfall (snowfall) at Bridgeport sharply declines by the end of February, the thin snow-cover is entirely melted in March and relatively high temperature immediately follows in this mountain valley of the eastern slope (to a less degree, the same thing occurs in the valley of the Truckee at Tahoe, also on the east slope). Bridge- port during the next four months (April- July) is the warmest station but it will be observed by study of the temperature data throughout this period when its mean is the highest, low temperatures are con- stantly recorded (6 to 20 degrees of frost). The vegetation at Bridge- port and on the east slope generally must adjust itself to two sets of extremes: temperature and precipitation. It is this necessity for a twofold accommodation which explains the poverty of the east slope flora at an elevation which, on the more favored western side, supports a plant population both floristically and ecologically more highly diversified. We have so far mainly considered the mean temperatures of this series of stations, but localized plant populations are believed to be more directly influenced by temperature extremes ; at least it has been known for a long time that the several functions of the single plant have different temperature ranges and that a station may be subject to such a temperature range that a given species may be excluded, or, if admitted, one or more of its functions impeded or prevented. Unfortunately, within our region little has yet been done to exactly determine the effects upon the plants of the temperature extremes known to occur but a study of the possible temperatures at a given station with a definite plant population may be suggestive. In this connection it should be remembered that temperature ranges have very unequal effects upon plant life accordingly as they include or exclude the freezing point. While many boreal plants at the height of the growing season can withstand freezing and thawing, other kinds are not so tolerant and may not survive such change. 1921 ] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 33 Considering that part of the year within which the mean monthly temperature is above freezing, we see that it is of unequal length : Tahoe, March to November inclusive. Fordyce, April to November inclusive. Bridgeport, April to November inclusive. Summit, April to November inclusive. Tamarack, April to October inclusive. But the vegetative season is more limited, especially for low shrubs and herbs ; in spring, limited by the disappearance of the snow-cover ; in fall, by the general fall in temperature combined with the scant water supply that, as a rule, then exists in the Sierra. "With regard to the disappearance of the snow-cover, the data show that at Tahoe, in two years of the quadrennium, the ground was already bare by the end of May and in the other two years (1915, 1917) seven inches and one inch lay on the ground; by the first week in June "spring" is well advanced at Tahoe and vegetation has resumed active growth. In this same period (1914-17), the end of May found on the average 12.75 and 10.25 inches of snow on the ground at Fordyce and Summit, respectively; a month later the ground is practically bare. 41 At Tamarack also the end of June finds the winter's snow about to dis- appear and active growth initiated. It appears that the station at Tahoe, near the upper edge of the Transition life-zone, enjoys a vegetative period approximately a month longer and that this exten- sion comes when the conditions for plant growth are best: abundant moisture and most daylight. In the higher mountains, the brevity of the period of growth is, in part, made up by the higher temperature which prevails when growth is resumed in June, the mean tempera- ture of Tahoe is 50.6 ; in July, at Tamarack the mean temperature is 55.5 resulting in an acceleration of the life processes in the higher mountains. It is this acceleration which causes the boreal vegetation to pass from a dormant condition to the state of active growth so rapidly, changing the aspect of the high mountain region with abrupt- ness often astonishing to the visitor. Just as it is necessary to bear in mind that the climate of the Sierra is a composite, made up of many local varieties of the general climate of the range, so upon smaller areas defined by topographic details, the resident plant populations are subject to more or less peculiar very local climates determined by inequalities of slope and exposure, the distribution of the plant com- munities being correspondingly diversified. 34 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 The end of the vegetative season in autumn is less easy to define since not only at that time of the year is temperature falling but, in the Sierra, the water available to plants is less, due to several causes seasonal distribution of the rainfall, drainage from the slopes, and lowered soil temperature with increasing difficulty of root absorption (physiological dryness). 48 Little has yet been done to satisfactorily determine when the vegetative season may be considered to close ; the appearance of the snow-cover marks the appearance of winter but before this, the vigor of plant life, as interpreted by growth, has lessened. At present the most satisfactory date to regard as closing the vegetative season is in October for, just as the spring resumption of growth in the higher mountains follows a large increase in the monthly mean temperature (Tahoe, May, 42.6, June, 50.6 ; Tama- rack, May, 36.4, June, 46, July, 57.2), so in the autumn, the marked fall in temperature in October to November (Tahoe, 45.0-36.5 ; Tamarack, 43.6-34.8) indicates the time of change from active metabolism to the nearly static plant life of winter. In this connec- tion it is interesting to note the concentration of effective tempera- tures at the higher stations; at Tahoe, considering the vegetative season to last from June to October and that the effective temperatures may be gauged by the sum of the monthly mean temperatures with sufficient accuracy for comparison, we find that July and August have 44.3 per cent of the total heat, but that in the shorter season of the upper Canadian life-zone, as represented by the climate of Tamarack, in the same two months is concentrated 55.3 per cent of the total. Within the vegetative season the temperature extremes vary con- siderably; at all stations and in all months frost occurs. Tahoe, in the period 1914-17, was subject to minima in July of 35, 30, 31, and 35 degrees, and in August of 33, 37, 30 and 35 degrees. Fordyce, though the next coldest station in July and the coldest in August, has^ mini- mum temperatures little lower than Tahoe : in the quadrennium the low for July and August were 38, 34, 28 and 32, and 35, 38, 28 and 32 respectively. The data show that the higher stations Summit and Tamarack had in these warmest months of the vegetative season dur- ing these four years, minimum temperatures as follows : Summit, July, 35, 27, 34, 41; August, 30, 29, 33, 33; Tamarack, July, 32 (1915 not given) , 37, 34 ; August, 32, 30, 40, 36. The east slope station of Bridge- port in the same two months had lows of 35, 27, 34, 41, and 30, 29, 33, 33. Maximum temperatures vary through wider limits than minimum temperatures; at Tahoe, the maximum recorded in the four years, 1921 ] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 35 92, occurred on July 11, 1917 ; the day after the same temperature was recorded at Fordyce and 86 at Summit, these temperatures not being exceeded at these places again in the quadrennium. The same date (July 11) was the year's warmest day at Bridgeport with 85. Bridgeport attains to higher maxima earlier in the year than the other stations : in May, day temperatures of 82, 80, 74 and 60 are recorded and in the same month lows of 26, 18, 16 and 18. The highest station of the series, Tamarack, has its highest recorded temperature on October 5, 1915, 92, with a low of 22 a week later. The data presented in the temperature table concerning the climate of Tamarack show that the local climate of high altitude valleys in the Sierra conforms to the rule: 46 the diurnal range of temperature at Tamarack is higher than that of any other station except Bridge- port, whose exceptional climate has been referred to. The average daily range at Tamarack for the year is 51.8, which is 19.6 per cent greater than the daily range at Fordyce and 38 per cent greater than the range at Summit. In the general discussion of the rainfall of the Sierra, attention was directed to the great contrast which exists between the two flanks of the range. This contrast is seen within the mountains and because of it the east side of the major crest-lines receives less rainfall than the west slopes; Tahoe, though less than twenty-five miles from Fordyce, receives less than one-half as much rain. Bridgeport receives less than one-fourth as much as Tahoe and only about one- tenth as much as Fordyce, though the altitude of all three stations is similar and of Fordyce and Bridgeport equal. The seasonal distri- bution of rainfall has been referred to and the variation seen in the distribution on the eastern slope where a larger proportion of the scant total falls in the summer months; at Bridgeport 26.5 per cent of the total mean annual rainfall for the years 1914-17 fell in the six months from May to October inclusive ; at Fordyce in the similar half-year 14.7 per cent. Though the summer months have a greater percentage of the total rainfall on the east slope, yet the west slope receives even in summer a larger amount ; in the six months from May to October Fordyce received, in the years 1914-17, on the average 9.77 inches and Bridgeport 1.95 inches. This inequality with respect to summer rain is seen within the range; the east slope of the Great Western Divide, west of Lake Tahoe, receives at the station of Tahoe 2.76 inches; Fordyce, on the west slope of the same divide, has the amount mentioned above. Generally then the west slopes of the 36 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 mountain divides receive more rain than the eastern slopes since the storm winds come prevailingly from the west ; it is a common experi- ence in the higher mountains to find shelter from driving rain by descending some steep eastern slope. As regards soil moisture, how- ever, the west slopes are, as a rule, less favored in the higher moun- tains, partly because they are the insolated slopes in the warmer part of the day and also because the winter winds sweep the snow over the ridges and cause the deepest drifts to form on the east and north- east facing slopes, where they persist longest in the summer and yield moisture to the ground below. TABLE 1. MONTHLY TEMPERATURES, F. (MEANS AND EXTREMES) OF TRANSITION STATIONS IN THE NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN SIERRA NEVADA. Summerdale, Mariposa County, 5,270 feet. 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 -LaPorte, Plumas County, 5,000 feet. \ Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 37 TABLE 2. MONTHLY TEMPERATURES, F. (MEANS AND EXTREMES) OF TRANSITION STATIONS ON THE EASTERN AND WESTERN SLOPES OF THE SIERRA NEVADA 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 3D T] *uckee, Nevada County, 5,818 feet (east). . ^ -'' *** ^ / x \ -^. x V X s \ x ,. -' 7 ^, \ / / \ / ^ ^ \ , ' / \ -^ ^ , ' / x ^, ^ .' S / / x^ ^v S^. r"- .- / " ^^v s 2 s\ --' x \ s \ ''/ x^ /^ \ \ \ \ = ~-n ^" = ^_ y / \ \ 'v x z * - \, ^ / / \ x "' / // / \ \ \ / /^ V \ *s ^ -* / \ s* / / \ / i 5 ^ / / \ 1 1 s ) 1 \ Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 38 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 TABLE 3. MONTHLY MEAN AND EXTREME TEMPERATURES, CANADIAN ZONE (F.). 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 IK g c imarack, Alpine County, 8,000 feet, die, Mono County, 8,248 feet. -> l -^ / B .^-; ^ - ! .^ \ / ^_ ^ ^ "^ " k ^ \ \ / \ / / / / X N \\ i / - / s ** A \ -/- / \ X < \, / ,t // s " , V ^ -- ^ -/' - 7 / / ^ ^^ . \ \ ' -. / s / x X~ S \ / ' / / / x ^ \ ,' // / / X s V \ \ / ^, ' / s \ \ ^ ^ /, ^ V s "\ x ^ *^ / , / ~ . ? ^-. \_ N \ \ ! -- .- / *s ' S ^ \ \ \-~ \ / / ... s \ N / / / / ^ '' V \ \ "S, \ / s . \ \ / \ \ / / / \ \ . 2 / s 1 ^>. v l ^ \ s ., / / / / ^ ^ \ / / A A / **/ / V / / i V ^^ k ^- ^--^ ^y., vx x J *\ , x \ - V. 3> -"" vv - July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June 40 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 TABLE 5. DEPTH OF SNOW AT THE CANADIAN STATION OF SUMMIT, PLACER COUNTY, 7017 FEET. (Derived from data covering five years, during which time the mean annual snow-fall was 90.3% of the normal of 44 years. Data in inches.) 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 s Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. 1921 1 Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 41 TABLE 6. MONTHLY SNOWFALL AT SIERRA NEVADA STATIONS. (Data in inches.) -v v v LaPorte, Plumas County, 5,000 feet. Summerdale, Mariposa County, 5,270 feet. Summit, Placer County, 7,017 feet. Tamarack, Alpine County, 8,000 feet. 3 Bodie, Mono County, 8,248 feet. 160 150 140 130 120 no 100 ' 90' 80 70' 60 50 40 , / \ i \ I \ i \ / \ / \ \ 1 \ i \ 1 \ \ \ 1 ! \ \ / 1 1 \ / I I '. \ / 1 1 ( \\ / \ t 1 \\ / \ / 1 \\ / \ / 1 i / ^^ \ \ 1 i i-^\ \ \ / 1 ^~*^ \ / i / v, \ \ ]/ \ \ \ i / / \ \ / / / Vi 30 ?0, / / / ,'- s /' X ,-- \v / / '' \ \, ^> ' " v / / "2. ! <. \ 10, i / / ^ t ^_ --' ^^ .^__ x ^ i^^ \ ^ ^.y^ .-'**' -~.^ \ \ \ \ ^ K^-- /' ^^ .-^ * \ ?-- ^~ ; ~~ '--^ Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June 42 University of California, Publications in Botany [VOL. 9 4 k 3 j 9 3 5 1 1 m : CO m t- CD : : co : : CD CN OS : : co : : O CN : : O OS i : ** CO : : in co to 6 Q m oo IN Tj< CO CO CN oo^ O! 8 CO m co * t^ co co CO O co >o (N J d i-o m CN CN in CO m o m us o co oo * CO CO CO CN CN CN to CN CO O 2 O CN 00 co I to CO O in * CD CO m m cocococo^,^ CO 00 CD t~ m CD m CD o co co CO O CN CN CO cb IN in CO o m O O 00 OS N S CN * CO OS 10 ori co CO CO CO E i H M 2 D H a 5 H -4 4 H 2 ! H I 9 4 s -i 1 > H H J 1 i H 4 5 J J H j 4 LI 1 i! -i 1 | q 5 1 J co CN CN i-c CN 00 IN m CN . <". . co co OS- OS 2 J. to SS CO CN m coooosoocoo'in'* O CN CO >o 00 S bt * CN CN m to in co m co co co S o o m ^ ^ co in to m in CN d CO d OS CO * oo x 00 "3 1-5 8 l CN CN CO CD in m co ' ^ W cs in co as IN m ^^09S c o co -* CO CN 05 00 co in 00 m 4) 9 CO o m CN OS in * CO CN in CN CN CN ^ ">. . CN CO OS CO CN CN C^ m co CN CN g * S5 -H 00 00 (- oo m S55;5!gs^ CN CO CN CN m in m m m 00 * CN 00 00 co CN CN CD m 8 CO oo CN m co o N J5 iSi g co d 00 00 d CO S a CO O CN o * ^ CO OS CN CO CN CO 00 2 S 00 CO -H IN o s CO So CD I??o3c?gg5 co ! co ^ CD 00 CO o to CN co m m CO CN CD O ' r-l r-l 00 00 > |2 ' r^cN t. CN to J_ 00 in * co h- oo m in CN m 1-icoincoosoo^oo m o oo m co 1 in as IN CD CN CO CN CN CN in 00 9 co * t^ oo m in 00 CD CN g in CO d o! 1-5 00 Jt CN 00 * t- CN CN IN in 7 CO co co CO CN n O CO O rH ^ ^ ooeor^Oi-itNjjto b- to m co CN CO CD (N c?op in os CN St TAHOE Monthly mean Greatest Least Range: Greatest daily Greatest monthly Least monthly Mean monthly FORDYCE Mean 23 years Monthly mean Greatest Least Range: Greatest daily Greatest monthly Least monthly Mean monthly BRIDGEPORT Monthly mean Greatest Least Range: Greatest daily "a 1 "s O Least monthly O a a 1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 43 g 1 CN co : CM : i co CO 1C 1C 1C : i oo : <*" CO : : ic : 1C 8 P 1C O CO CM CM O 1-^ co co 00 CO CM CM "* CM i S o 1C CO OS 00 1-1 1C * CM CN CO N to