Stack 500 8086 The CONQUEST OF FEAR A Jewish Science View-Point By RABBI MORRIS LICHTENSTEIN Published by the SOCIETY OF JEWISH SCIENCE 610 West 163rd St., New York PRICE 25 CENTS Copyright 1922 Society of Jewiih Science Stack Annex 90% THE CONTROLLING FACTOR THE more science searches into the origin of disease, the more it becomes convinced that the root of physical ailments lies in mental disturb- ance. The body, of itself, possesses, we find, all the elements that make for health and strength, and if these were not interfered with, man's life upon earth would be untainted with pain or suffering. Interference with the state of the body usually emanates from the mind. The mind is not a mere organ of the body; it is the power-house, the source from which all the organs draw their vitality and their ability to function. The influence of the mind over the body is absolute. Every one is familiar with the fact that bashfulness or em- barrassment, purely mental sensations, will cause the blood to rush into the face; while fear, on the other hand, will cause it to recede. Joy expresses itself in bright glances, in a "glow of happiness," worry is readily recognized in the drawn mouth and puckered brow. Anger, sorrow, astonishment, all mental states, in fact, bring forth corresponding physical manifestations. These are but some of the superficial aspects of the control of the mind over the body. Physiologists tell us that joy creates a secretion within the body which stimulates the heart and prompts the individual to greater action, while worry creates a secretion of opposite tend- ency, which retards the inner processes and im- pedes the efforts of the individual. Chronic 5008086 diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure, are to be traced, eminent physicians of to-day tell us, to fear and its offspring, worry. These are only a few of the admitted instances of the influence of thought over physical processes. The body itself without the direction of the mind is a useless and helpless instrument. Of all mental disturbances which play havoc with the human body, fear is the most deadly. It over- powers the understanding, it shuts the mind to logic and common sense, it plunges the emotions into a state of turmoil and confusion. This turbulent state of mind finds an outlet in the body ; the poison generated collects itself in one part of the system or another and breaks out into one or another form of disease. And yet, as a rule, the disasters that we fear prove to be but figments of the imagination, and the suffering engendered through fear, greater than that of any actual disaster. Man has inherited a tendency to fear, from his primitive ancestors. But so has he received other deleterious characteristics which, however, he has succeeded in destroying through a process of re- pression. Man possesses in his potential make-up all the proclivities of his countless progenitors, from the dweller of the cave to the citizen of the civilized world ; and yet he retains only those which best fit him for the environment in which he finds himself. The other propensities are starved out through lack of nutriment and encouragement. Fear in prehistoric ages, when men and beast met in sudden and fatal encounters, had a vital function. But to-day it has outlived its protective significance and serves only as a generator of sickness and de- stroyer of mankind. The persistence of fear in man is simply due to man's failure to arm himself against it and drive it from the domain of his con- sciousness. II THE BEGINNINGS OF FEAR WE are so overpowered by the force of fear, that we are unable to look upon it objectively. We continue to encourage the existence of this arch enemy of man, and indeed begin very early to impress it upon the tender mind of the young. We bring up our children under the shadow of fear. We inculcate fear from the very earliest stages of their training. We teach them to fear the heat, the cold, the wind and the rain. We teach them to look upon strangers with suspicion and apprehen- sion. We teach them to shrink from our domestic animals; it is no uncommon sight to see a child cower with terror at the approach of a friendly dog. We attempt to exact instant obedience through shocking tales of goblin and bogey men, torturing their placid, suspectible imaginations with the most dreadful fears. Above all, we teach them to fear pain and sickness, and thus infest their minds with poisonous germs long before they contract them from any physical source. No good purpose has ever been served by disturb- ing the nerves of our little ones with the emotion of fear. A child, for example, may suffer more from the fear of a fall than from the fall itself. While it is true that the early steps of a child must be watched, and its early experiences guided, yet a guardianship based on the instilling of fear into the young soul, is far more harmful than any baleful experience which the unguarded child may en- counter. It is seldom that an accident befalls a child through its own lack of care or experience; the instinct for self-preservation works strongly end unconsciously from the very earliest stages of childhood. God has created His creatures with the necessary provisions for the protection of life. Many of the bumps, both actual and figurative, which the child receives, are nature's method of gently preparing the child for the greater hard- ships, the heavier blows that she may ask him to encounter adequately later in life. And yet we see mothers endlessly warning their children not to jump, not to run, lest they fall; not to do this, not to do that, lest they be hurt, subduing the child with the fear of hurtful consequences, and crippling their development by barring them from necessary experiences. The child will not be hurt by countless falls, but the fear of the fall which has been bred into him, will leave an indelible and hurtful impress upon his nervous organism. It is God's intent that man be free from fear, and it is therefore that the soft babe from the day of its birth, is filled with trustfulness, and is free from fear and forebodings ; but man, it seems, refuses to trust himself to higher forces, and prefers to harbor fear for himself and transmit it to his posterity. Ill EDUCATION THROUGH FEAR THE lessons of fear which the child receives from its parents are intensified by the methods em- ployed at the school in which he receives his education and life-training. We glory in the fact that we have made great strides in the science of education, that we are more practical in the choice of subjects for study, that we have a deeper insight into the soul of the child. And yet, in our method of imparting knowledge and in the relations between teacher and pupil, we can boast of but little progress. We still look upon the child as a more or less unwilling receptacle that must be stuffed with learning. The teacher is still a being to be feared, the school room still a prison house, and learning a punishment. Our system of education is still based on reward and punishment. A high mark is still the encouragement for zeal in study, while the backward student is haunted by the prospect of a low grade. The child, under present methods, prepares his lessons either in order to gain the reward of a high mark, or for fear of the contempt and humiliation that accompanies a low grade. In other words, he works not because of the intrinsic interest of his work but in the hope of reward or in the fear of punishment. The first motive breeds the harmful spirit of competition in the young mind. To be pointed out as an example to the rest of the class is a source of keen satisfaction, yet it is a reward that has a deep punishment hidden within it; it undermines the finer elements of character, it teaches one child to regard himself as better than another, it arouses keen rivalry and jealousy, and often generates a silent bitterness. The second motive may generate fear and cowardice; it en- courages untruthfulness and dissimulation. By the system of punishment and reward, the child may be stimulated to the acquirement of much knowledge and much information on various subjects; but he will not necessarily be educated. His inner life, his character, will not attain that height which will shape him into a builder of, or even a worker towards an ideal social life. The object of education is or should be, to prepare the child to adjust him- self to and improve his environment; to meet ade- quately the intricacies of life, to face its difficulties and solve its problems ; more than this, to so shape and mould his character, that he will become a con- tributor to social progress. A method of education based on reward and punishment can but imper- fectly achieve this aim. Is there no way of impart- ing knowledge but through a method that puts the child under a bondage of fear? Everything in nature, every form of existence enjoys absolute spontaneity and freedom, except man. In the very early stages of his existence, he is put into chains, and passes through life from one stage or system of coercion to another. One of the reasons why the human mind is the least active of all his organs, why man is so frequently lazy to think, is because the faculty of thought was not permitted spontaneous exercise in the early steps of its training. It has become accustomed to work only under coercion or fear. Why should a child be crammed with learning against which his mind revolts? Why should he be compelled to absorb knowledge against which his soul offers resistance? Children are not indolent by nature. Watch them at their games and see how much energy they expend, how much strength they lavish, and how much work they perform, and yet how much joy they derive from this expenditure of vitality. Why cannot knowledge be imparted by a method which will transform their play energy into learning energy? Why should they feel exhausted at the end of a lesson, and yet full of glee at the end of a game? Apply to a game the method you now apply in the class-room, and you will find that the children will abhor it and will quickly tire ; while, if, on the other hand, you apply to a class-room lesson the method employed in a game, the minds of the pupils will be exhilarated, and they will love their work. Children love play because it furnishes an adequate outlet to their superabundant physical energy. Knowledge likewise can be imparted in a way that will furnish an adequate outlet to their equally abundant mental energies. Children can be made to master a lesson with the same joy with which they master a new game. Fear and coercion defeat the aims of education, for its impress on the mind becomes a handicap to the child and lessens his fit- ness to meet the greater issues of life for which education was originally intended. 6 IV RELIGION AND FEAR A GRIEVOUS error which the teachers of re- ligion have committed in ages past ,and to an almost equal degree to-day, is the fear of God which they have indelibly impressed upon young and old. "Fear thy God," has been the command to their followers, implying thereby that our God is a High Judge, a King, a despot even, watching closely the wrongdoings of his people, ready, with his messengers of punishment behind him in hosts, to mete out sickness and affliction and want upon those who violate the least of His injunctions or laws. In other words, we may say that, from this point of view, God has brought us into existence only that he might have greater multitudes to rule over, to command, and to direct. It was not at all the intention of the Jewish teach- ers and sages of old to teach the fear of God. Many of their utterances regarding the relationship between God and man have been greatly misunder- stood and therefore misinterpreted. This mis- understanding has been due greatly to the dual meaning of the Hebrow word, "Yirah." "Yirah" means both to reverence and to fear. This word, employed numerous times throughout the Pen- tateuch with reference to man's attitude toward God, may lead to the translation of either, "Fear thy God," or, "Reverence thy God." It is clear that the translators of the Bible did not consider the significance of the latter meaning and its import upon both the ethics and the character of the race. To revere our God means that we are to look upon him as a Father, a Shepherd, to guide our steps and watch over our destiny; it means that we are His children and His flock, that He has brought us into existence as an expression of His love. It means that the whole universe is an outflow of His love, and in response to His profound love, we revere His name. To say that God requests fear is to limit his powers, to lower Him to the level of an earthly king, who sways his people with the tyranny of fear. The true attributes of God are outlined in Exodus 34:6, "The Lord, the Lord God is merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth." The Psalmist conceives of God as his Rock and his Salvation, and therefore triumphantly exclaims, "Whom shall I fear?" God is his Light and his Stronghold, his Shield and his Place of Refuge, therefore those who rise up against him can do him no injury. God is more to him than an earthly parent even, "For though my father and my mother have forsaken me, the Lord will take me up." God is his consolation in the day of sor- row, his hope in the hour of depression, his fort- ress in the presence of difficulties. The Psalmist does not fear his God ; he has only trust in His love and protection. It is clear that the object of the founders of the Jewish faith was not to sow fear of God in the hearts of the people; to plant love rather than fear was their aim. Our great lawgiver states distinctly in Deuteronomy 6:5, "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might," and the devout Jew to this day repeats this impassioned injunction in his daily prayers. It is not conceivable that Moses in one passage would have commanded us to love our God, and in another to fear Him, for we never love those whom we fear. Reverence and love, on the other hand, are harmonious sentiments. In the very same chapter as that referred to, Moses enjoins his people first to love God, and then as a consequence, observe His law. A system of ethics may be based either on fear or on love, but not on both. When based on fear, 8 the letter of the law, as a rule, will be executed, but not its spirit. Because of fear, men may deal honestly with one another, but they will not neces- sarily be honest men, they may speak truthfully even and not be truthful. Fear develops a dual personality, one manifested in the presence of the object feared, the other, perhaps of extremely op- posite tendencies, unfolded in the secret chamber of the heart. In a system of ethics based on fear, man is persuaded that he is weak and untrust- worthy, that his nature is hopelessly corrupt, unable to master itself except at the lash of a Force lying outside himself. Man, it then would seem, is innately wicked; his wickedness must be chained by threats of divine wrath and punishment; he, of his own accord, would not walk in the path that is straight ; he must be forced into it by the gaps and ditches that are lurking dangerously outside this path. Such a system, in which man is convinced that he is unable to take care of himself, build his own character, merely tends to generate moral weakness and cowardice. A system of ethics based on love develops a unified personality, a oneness between thought and action. It enhances, more and more, the moral courage which is basic to man. Through love, man becomes conscious of the great force of goodness and virtue that lie within him. He knows that he is possessed of inherent goodness and godliness, if he knows that in himself is a spark of the divine, a force that makes for perfection. All he needs to do is to allow this divine spark to illuminate and permeate his whole being, and darkness and evil will dis- appear from his heart. The fear of God may have had its rise in the political system of days gone by when every step of man's mortal existence was shadowed by fear; when the earthly king who ruled him demanded abject fear and abject obedience from his subject, and who for infringement of his law could exact inhuman punishment; when the lords for whom he labored, the hem of whose garments he kissed with trepidation, had power of life and death over their body; when the generals under whom they drilled, made terror the weapon of their discipline, so that their glances were spears and their mere presence overwhelming to the men whom they led. Under such governance, men could not with read- iness conceive of God as good and merciful, long- suffering and full of loving-kindness. God's power, the mind would argue, extends far beyond that of an earthly king, for he is the King of kings; and if the heart sinks with trepidation before the ter- restrial king, and even before his high servants, who are mortals of the same flesh and blood, how much more, then, is one to be imbued with the fear of God! Man is now freeing himself from the chains into which he once placed himself. Kings have lost their might, lords are such but in name, warriors have lost their piercing looks. Man is almost free. He is beginning to see that the fear which has bound him for centuries was, after all, but an arbitrary force generated by the indifference of man and now destroyed by the will of man. The world, in man's mind, is beginning to lose its medieval aspect of a prison house, and is becoming more spacious and rainbow-hued. God has lost the traits that made man cower. He is no longer a tyrant and a mer- ciless judge; He has not brought us into existence to make us suffer, or to punish us for our misdeeds. No; He is the author of peace and happiness; He has instilled softness and tenderness in the human heart, calmness and serenity and order in the heart of nature. He is the fountain of mercy and loving- kindness. He is a Father and not a king. To fear Him is to misunderstand His relation to the universe and to man. 10 Through Jewish Science, religion becomes a force, not to weaken man, but to strengthen him; not to nurture, through fear, the debilities which prehis- toric ages have transmitted to him, but to endow him with the courage that will carry him to the summit in his climb from progress to progress ; not to depress him, but to fill him with new hope and vision that he may see life in truer and brighter colors. Man must conceive his God only as infinite goodness, infinite mercy and also as infinite freedom, and must emulate these divine attributes. God is the only model of perfection, and to become Godlike must be man's aim. Through love of God, not through fear of Him, can we come near to perfection. FEAR OF PUBLIC OPINION WHILE man is learning, we believe, to over- come his fear of God, he is still suffering from another form of thralldom the fear of Public Opinion. It seems that men are mortally afraid one of the other. Man, who has overcome the fear of wild or ferocious animals, who has con- quered them and driven them from his habitation, who has succeeded even in chaining and utilizing the forces of nature, is still helpless in the presence of his fellow-man. In former days, man was afraid of his neighbor's javelin and axe; now he dreads his neighbor's opinion. What will his neighbor think of his conduct, his dress, his children, his home, his gait, his speech, is the question which dominates the individual of to-day. Public Opinion, not intrinsic merit, seems to be the motivating factor of society. Unfortunately, too, the standard of public opinion is set up by the man of wealth. We all know that the rich man has no advantage in wisdom or spirituality over any other of his fellow mortals, 11 and yet it is he who, by reason merely of his riches, is the leader of society, and it is he whom the rest of the world is trying to imitate, and ingratiate itself with. And this adoration and aping of wealth is exceed- ingly costly. The desire to appear wealthy has ruined countless homes, the fear that poverty may be suspected has undermined the peace and health and happiness of countless lives. I am not among those who preach that poverty is a blessing; it would perhaps be a blessing for those to whom wealth is a curse, but it is by no means a blessing to those who feel its brunt and its oppression. But poverty or a lack of abundance is by no means a shame. Why a pretence of wealth when wealth is lacking? Is a man less wise, less moral, less sincere, less decent, because he has no superfluous riches? Does lack of wealth in any way affect the qualities of manhood? Why, then, instead of looking upon poverty as merely a discomfort, does one act as if it were a disgrace that must be covered up at any cost? Many a man (and particularly many a woman), will, in the fear of appearing poor, deprive himself of absolute necessities, even undermine his health, or go into debt, in order to acquire the things that will disguise from those wealthier than he, his actual condition. The imitation of wealth, as well as the craving for wealth, is becoming so potent a factor in human nature, that man will violate not only the basic rules of society, but also the finest propensities of his own soul in order to reach that petty goal. The desire to secure the good opinion of the world for oneself leads also to many vanities and not at all harmless foibles. Note the many faces hidden under a coat of cosmetics, fearing to disclose the lines which time has furrowed upon them. Man is too eager to retain the period of his youth. Youth is actually worshipped; and where it cannot be re- 12 tained, it is imitated, often in ridiculous fashion. Why do we fear to grow older? Why do we strive to appear youthful when that glory has fled ? Every period in man's life has its beauty and its particular strength. Childhood has its innocence, youth its ambition, and maturity its wisdom. Every stage is beautiful when it comes ; to endeavor to prolong one period at the expense of another, is a failure, on the one hand, to comprehend the fundamental prin- ciple of existence which is a progressive onward movement, steadily advancing from one height to another ; and a lack, on the other hand, of the reali- zation that the power of nature is mightier than the will of man. Man may deceive his neighbor, and even there he is not always successful, but he can never deceive the law of nature. The current, time, carries away everything that may be placed to obstruct its course. It is more becoming to man to advance in age, and endeavor to live up to his age, than to advance in years and conduct himself as if the current of his life had remained stationary. The chief rea- son why men and women fear to lose their youth is that maturity implies serious-mindedness, and they are unwilling to regard life seriously. All that is necessary to youth is to feel, to crowd the days and years with all manner of pleasurable sensations. A steady flow of excitation and emotion replaces the need for actual thought and a serious perspective of life. But such a process, in those of maturity, is a futile self-deception. We may not be willing to walk with time, but we are carried just the same. The fear 'of appearing old, which is absurdity, will give place to pleasure at the advance of age, if only man will himself advance with his years. In many further fields of human relations than we have treated, does the fear of public opinion lay its grip. If men would fear the admonitions of their own conscience as they fear the censure of their 13 neighbors, what a perfect world this would be in which to live. VI FEAR OF ILLNESS THE fear of illness is a form of depression which torments the spirit of man, and is, in many cases, actually responsible for the inroads of disease. In the days of superstition, sickness was regarded as the work of evil spirits which gained entrance into the human body and deranged or destroyed some of its vital elements. In our age, of course, the fear of spirits has lost its hold com- pletely, but in its stead the theory of germs and microbes is holding us in equal terror. We avoid, with justice, the presence of pestilential insects, but our exaggerated dread of these germ-carriers only gives them added strength. For microbes and germs have little effect upon a healthy individual whose mind is free from fear; this, because man possesses within himself all the forces necessary to combat successfully the invasion of these destructive intruders; but when man is depressed by fear, the vitality of his protective forces is lowered, the body is consequently weakened, and the invaders find easy access to the vital organs. The fear of sickness is the greatest of all sick- nesses. The subconscious mind grasps a thought or an attitude of fear quite readily and actuates it in the body. One amenable to suggestion, the mere description of some ailment will set to discovering identical symptoms in his own being. He will be filled with anxiety lest he too may succumb to the dangerous illness. Such a fear will actually under- mine his vitality and impair his health. Some there are who at the slightest indisposition already see themselves at death's door, and even go so far as to see distinctly the pitying eyes around their bed, 14 and the weeping and mourning of their surviving friends. Naturally, such a state of mind, com- mingled of fear and self-pity, works havoc upon the body. Many a man and woman have spent sleepless jiights, driving healing slumber away with their imaginings and terrors at the fancied encroachment of some dread disease. We must realize the true nature of health, and then we may be able to cope with illness. Health is the natural state of man, illness is the exception. Man is essentially a healthy being. God, the fountain of life and health, created man in his own image; but man, through failure to realize this truth, fol- lows paths which lead to bodily deterioration. Sickness does not mean that the divine in man is impaired, but it means simply that the divine flow of health, the fountain of strength, has been brought to a standstill. If man would but realize that he is essentially a spiritual being, that his body is but the vesture of the individualized spirit, that his life is a portion of the great Spring of life which fills the world, he would at once discard the constant fear of ill-health to which he is a prey. The organs of the body are but the visible instruments whereby the spirit expresses itself, the senses are but mediums, and the brain is but a tool, and all the other processes are but messengers to carry out the injunction from the higher center of man, from his mind. Sickness in the body is a symptom of some disturbance in the mind-center; bodily sickness is the signal of some form of mental depression, conscious or uncon- scious. It is the spirit in man, therefore, the invis- ible, the mind, which must be considered first in avoidance and treatment of illness. Spirit cannot be reached through physical channels, it must be reached through divine methods. When one fears the approach of illness, let him commune with the divine in him ; let him, in order to stimulate the flow 15 of health and courage within him deliver himself completely to the care of God. Let him affirm with all sincerity and devotion "I am a divine being, the flow of divine health is circulating through my body," or, "The divine fountain of Health within me is yielding new strength with every hour." The stream of health will then resume its natural route through the body, and the fear of illness, like a phantom at the sight of the sun, will steal away. Many good people believe that sickness, is a punishment, a purgative to cleanse us of our sins, God's way of showing His wrath, and wreaking vengeance upon his lawbreakers. But the philo- sophy of Jewish Science holds such theories utterly groundless. By us, God is conceived as a loving and merciful Father. There is no vengeance in the heart of a father. The child is a very part of him- self, just as we are a very part of God who gave us being. God showers mercy and love upon us, not punishment. On the contrary, sickness is in- variably a punishment which man inflicts upon him- self, ignorantly or willfully. And even then, the power of God, the source of health, is always within us, ready to restore us to well-being, if we but earn- estly seek His help and invoke that power within us. VII THE VIEWPOINT OF JEWISH SCIENCE IN the sacred Scriptures, fear is regarded as a bondage of the soul, and freedom from it is hap- piness. When the prophet Isaiah pictures the ideal future which the remnant of Israel will enjoy, he exclaims "And it shall come to pass in the day, that the Lord shall give thee rest from thy travail and thy fear." To the Psalmist, fear is a destroyer of calmness and peace of mind ; therefore, he prays, "Hear my voice, O God, in' my prayer ; preserve my life from fear." 16 But, the same Psalmist tells us, those who take refuge in God have no cause for fear, for God is with them always, watching over them, that no evil may befall them. Absolute trust and confi- dence in God is the best shield against fear. "The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?" "The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" "Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear." This intense faith carries the Psalmist safely through all danger and affliction. He is surrounded with an aura which transforms all darkness into light, before which the thought of peril and danger take wing. Face to face with dire want, the thought of starvation does not apall him. He wards off this fear by affirming in all confidence, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Confronted by death, his faith does not fail him, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me." The author of Proverbs likewise finds that reliance upon God is the best protection against fear: "Be not afraid of sudden terror . . . for the Lord will be thy confidence, and will keep thy foot from being caught." Faith in God, we see thus, is given as the antidote to fear. This faith must be genuine; it must be felt as sincerely as did the Psalmist. God must be conceived as the vitalizing force of all reality, as the essence of all existence. He is the soul of the world, and permeates every particle of its sub- stance. He is therefore the soul of every being; He is the very soul of man. And the fact that He resides in man, is the best assurance that man is protected against the invasion of forces hostile and destructive to his existence. God dwells in man, His presence is a tower of strength and a shield to guard him from all ill. Man must realize 17 this truth, and the realization of it will drive out all fear. Fear takes its inception from the fact that man feels himself to be alone in this world. When con- fronted with danger, he believes that the task of extricating himself from imminent peril lies upon himself, and at the same time regards himself as too feeble and insignificant to avert the impending calamity. In the face of adversity and difficulties, which, as a rule are monstrously exaggerated in his mind, his helplessness apalls him, for he thinks that the burden of solving his perplexities rests upon his shoulders alone, and his powers, he feels, are not equal to the task. This sense of helplessness it is that gives rise to overwhelming fear. But man in reality, is not alone, he is not a stray leaf to be blown about by every breeze, not a fragile twig to be bent or broken by every storm, not a deserted barge to be carried by every current; no, man is a vital factor in the divine scheme, he is an essen- tial portion of the divine universe; without him, God's world is incomplete. The power that satur- ates the universe is also with him; God, who fills the world, dwells also within the innermost depths of his being, and therefore he has no cause to feel alone or unsupported; the reservoir of divine power within him will aid him in overcoming all the per- plexities which he may encounter in life. This is the philosophy of Jewish Science. Jewish Science destroys fear from the heart of its adherents by cultivating in them absolute trust and confidence in God. God, it teaches, is the es- sence of all reality; He saturates the heart of nature and the heart of man. Man must, therefore, not look upon himself as a segregate being destined to suffer sickness or endure privation to the end of his days; he must, on the contrary, regard him- self as an integral portion of the universal and divine whole which embraces all reality he must 18 look upon himself as a part of God. It follows, there- fore, that he is not placed here to suffer "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," but to express the will of God. He has no cause for fear, for the divine in him will never fail him. Jewish Science shows how man, from his earliest childhood, may be trained to live without fear. Children may be taught, and very early, of the presence of God and His ways. The divine con- sciousness will grow and develop in them, and this consciousness is the best assurance of fearless and righteous conduct in life. At the very entrance of life, they will begin to look upon themselves as beings brought here for the sublime task of ex- pressing the divine will, which is equity, justice, goodness, kindness and love. Jewish Science stresses the commandment, "Love the Lord thy God," and adds the injunction, "Do not fear Him." He lavishes His goodness and love upon us ; He deals with us as a merciful father ; why then fear Him and hide ourselves from His pres- ence? We must atune our senses to the reception of divine love, so that they may be reached by its vibrations. Love your God and love your fellow- men, for they are created in the image of God. Jewish Science combats the fear of poverty by emphasizing the fact that true wealth lies in the acquisition of spiritual riches. Material riches is not life, it is only a means for living. To value life by wealth is to degrade it. Trust in God and He will satisfy all your needs. He has prepared susten- ance for all those to whom He gave life. He has placed it within their reach and has given them the power to go and obtain it. Just as He has prepared sustenance for all the birds, but, having given them the means of obtaining it through their own efforts, has not thrown it into their nests; so, with the same end, He has endowed man with the necessary tools to dig and labor for his bread. It is the pro- 19 cess of obtaining his necessities that develops man and makes life interesting. A life of simple com- fort, obtained through one's own efforts, a life free from forebodings and fear, is a goal to be desired more ardently than a superabundance of wealth and luxury. By effecting complete harmony between body and mind, instilling the truth that God, the fountain of health, dwells within man, ready to pour forth its abundance whenever it is invoked, Jewish Science overcomes depression, drives out fear, and conquers illness. Centuries of persecution and affliction have developed in the heart of the Jew the tendency to fear. While, on the one hand, it has developed his power of endurance, it has, on the other hand, intensified a timorous attitude toward life. The Jew, in order to emancipate himself from the grasp of fear, must redevelop within his consciousness that absolute faith in God that gave hope and cheer to the Psalmist and prophets of our race; he must reclaim this old religious devotion and thereby free himself from the anxieties of the day and the terrors of night. Jewish Science aims to rebuild and restore this religious consciousness in the Jew, free him thus from fear, and make him strive and hope and rejoice in the presence of God; and those who have already become its adherents have felt its influence for health and happiness. 20 MN1V, OF CALIF. LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES \\7 P E hold services every Sunday * * morning at 11, at the Hotel McAlpin (Blue Room) to which all are cordially invited. Lecture and devotional meeting every Wednesday evening at 8:30 at the Young Women's Hebrew Association, 31 West 110th Street. We have Healing Hours daily from 2-6 P. M. at 610 West 163rd Street for those who seek Health through the channels of Religion. We offer Health and Happiness to the Jew through his own Religion.