VD 05855 %Smni. 'ii^^m.-imf'^m" »*a^j«»ii '^jnt I BOCK-KEEPING B V s 1 N ( ; 1. 1: i: n i k v ■.UAPXiiil TO y^ O^'jinljiiirii ^iiStnii of |3uunaii5i)i)j. J. M I . 1->A. YSOISi 1; //m-/^/^'^ : VV B(i^'«»l*ri •' t '' iirt tf tli^^i.-l T '-^^ LIBRA R V UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ,GIF~T OF- Received l^C^. , rSf^. Accessions No. J^-%^'^^ Siuif No. BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. Jfor Comman Stljools. ADAPTED TO PAYSON, DUNTON & SCRIBNER'S COMBINED SYSTEM OF PENMANSniP. BY L. B. HANAFORD, A. M., AND J. W. TAYSON, PBINCIPAL3 OF THE BOSTON MERCANTILE ACADEMY. 10 8DUMER STREET. /f\P^ OF THB ^ ((miveesity] NEW YORK: WOOLWOHTH, AINSWORTH, AJSTD COJIPANY, is:i. i(.v> ^\rt3^ Entered accordinany. Folio. A page in a book, formerly two opposite pages. Guarantee. Assurance for the payment of a debt, or for the performance of a contract. Ju.«?c^^J^■^''>c^^^"y'€^/'i^^ ^ r e (? & r .^.; •r ^4i ■'^'' / CO ^ ,-4*'^ ^ ■i , .>• /. .,^.7" r J / '.y / ^.y J^rz^^-tr/. 7 / .^ /'^/-^p. ";-■; /-^/y^. /"Ji/- o^^i- ctxy/t, i / -ityu' >^/(^-c / MM. 3r ^ j£^ J->' z'/ / 7/ // 'ri. •^J^^i^' / r ^'f //: /■y yc\ o c /; / / £ / r'y O '/ / f^:j f-Jord^^^; :^^/M^: y^ y/:j v ) . z^-^^' re \ /'' ^ ../ 1 So }j' .. / /9, ///^^ '^X- /X ./, ■^(fe;2:^^^$^"'C.-//^<:i^iC?^2V^ /^ yez-<^7'^ - r / y ^ ^V-^ /■' / rJ^y-rw-::^' r^0/C--/z.y6<--^'- -«Z;/^ . t:d< ^ -zx^^/-./ ' ^'-2y,'-C't/r '• ^ > /, 'A- /J '9ry.J. ' -f.^ i-"--^. /'- rf?-. Z^' r ^^ W-a^d-'A- -/.^'i-- ,^'^/^y//' /<>/ a-fn-. ^'3 yo fjA O'- /r ^v / ./- -/■^ ^ ^ 1 • ft- » • ) 1 FIRST SET.- -LEDGER. 1 ^ ■# - - « 19 y:l: 9rwyy / 2/y/i"7^^yi ^ ud< -/jfi- ^ M / ^J r _ ^\/ J^ ■rc ^ I ^ ) r-i /y ( /■' ■ / /J / IS ^ 1 1 - i ■/ ^--r^ ■'C J 'C^9^'9n^^z<>'. /SSJ" , ?-■> ■^£, «L^ cy/i/lc/U^ ■>t^a-^. / ^d' /•'" ^ ^y^^ ^>: -:' ^7 .. so ^ <^J J:,o \o £ _ I = 21 i'J^ i 1L^fz^'J\ C^ //Zc/^, C /I i f > / y t^^A / ■J f f /^/7^ ' /^rf^A ' /'3 / SINGLE ENTRY. -SECOND SET. The books nsocl in this sot are the Cash-I>ook, Day- Bo6k, and Lodger. The Day-Book aud Ledger are similar to those in the first set. C ASn-B OOK. The main object of keeping a Cash-Book is to pre- vent mistakes in regard to the money, or to enable us the mc-o easily' to correct them, when they are made. All the money received, as weO as that paid out, should bo entered in the Cash-Book, specifying for what it was received or paid out, so plainly as to be perfectly understood, even by a stranger. Tbo amount of Cash on hand at the commencement of business, and all that which is received from day to day, is entered on the left-hand or Dr. side ; and that which is paid out is entered on the Cr. side. The difference between the two sides, at any time, will bo the sum which ought to he on hand ; and the amoixnt actually on hand, including that in the Bank, if any, should agree with this balance. If it does not agree, some mistake has been made, or a fraud com- mitted. ^ To balance tho Cash account at the end of Sept. 4, let us suppose tho amount in the Bank to bo §200, and tho amount in the drawer, or safe, $36.05. The amount in Bank, and that in the Safe, added to tho amount paid 26 out, should be equal to tho amount on hand at first, added to that which has been received since, as ibllows : Dr. Cash. Cr. 1858 j Sept. 1 To Stock . " 3 " H. Rand $250167 1500 $265'g7 Sept. 6|Bal. brought down(|?236|05 1858 Sept. 1 Ey Expense Bal.inB'k §200.00 " in Safe 36.05, $1937 1025 236:05 liS266|67 The Cash-Book 'sliould bo balanced daily, in order to find the errors, before it is too late to correct them ; but the ruling and footing need not be done on tho book every day. As no more Cash can be paid out than has been re- ceived (including the amoimt on hand at first), the amount of the Cr. side, if either, will always be the smallest ; and tho accomit will be balanced by entering the difference between the two sides on the Cr. side. The Cash-Book for this set is represented as balanced only at the middle, and at tho end of tho month ; but this is done to bring it within the space of two pages. Tho several items received, or paid out, during the week, are added, and the amounts are carried into the BOOKKEEPING. outside columns of tlic two pages, respectively. This might as well bo done every day, if the entries were numerous ; but each bookkeeper will suit his own taste or convenience in matters of this kind. The '■■ Balance on hand " should include the amount in the Bank, Avhicli should also he specified in the closing entry. It is customary, in retail business, to keep an account on a slate, or in a Potty Cash-Book, of the cash received for small sales, and to enter the whole amount on tlio Cash-Book, once a day. Such an account is supposed to be kept in this set, and the amount entered on the Cash-Book, once a week; and whenever the Cash ac- count is balanced, the amount on the Petty Cash-Book, if one is kept, must be added to the amount on the Cash-Book. DIRECTIONS FOR WRITING THE SECOND SET. The learner may now compare the Historij of the Business with the icritten Day-Book of this set, to see what the transactions arc, and the proper form in which to enter them in the Day-Book. "When he has become sufficiently familiar with this subject, he may proceed to write the entries in the blank Day-Book ; not merely copying them from the text-book, but referring, constantly, to the printed " History," instead of confining himself to the written Day-Book. The cash items must be transferred to the Cash-Book, as thov are met with, thus carrying the Dav-Book and Cash-Book along together, as in real business. Those cash items for which any person is to bo debited, or credited, must be entered in the Cash-Book and Day- Book also, so as to be posted from the Day-Book ; and in the Cash-Book the mark "D. B." should be placed opposite to each of these entries, to show that they are in the Day-Book. The following History is not to bo regarded as one of the books that would generally bo kept in business, but as given instead of the real transactions. The learner is to imagine that these transactions actually occurred, and make the entries corresponding to them in the Day and Cash Books following them. HISTORY OF THE BUSINESS. Cincinnati, September 1, 1858. I commence business with the following resources : Cash, 82o0.67 ; Merchandise, $2560 ; Notes duo me, §692.80 : Charles Smith owes me, on account, $83.52 ; James Carlton, $60.49 ; Henry Rand, $48.20 ; Orlando Palmer, 825..32. I owe as follows : On Notes, $175 ; to Preston and Evans, on account, $90.44 ; to Harlow & Co., $25.56. Sejit. 1 . Paid John Sawyer, for repairs on the Store, $19.37. Sold Orlando Palmer, on credit, a bbl. of Flour, for $7.25. =^?= 27 BOOKKEEPING Sept. 2. Sold James Carlton, on account, 12 gallons of Sperm Oil, at $1..J0 per gallon : * and 25 pounds Powdered , Sugar, at 10 cents per pound. . — 3 Bought of Ilarlow & Co., on account, 4 boxes Havana Sugar, 1642 pounds net weight, at 7i cents per pound. ti . Paid in Cash, for a set of Account Books, $10.25. 4 Ileury Rand has paid mo $15, on his old account. Sold Dr. George Hammond, on account, 30 pounds Crushed Sugar, at 10 cents a pound; and 50 pounds Brown Havana Sugar, at 8^ cents per jjouud. 6 Bought of Preston & Evans, on account, Goods amount- ing to $203.29. Paid them $150 in Cash. Bought of "Wm. Lord, for Cash, Merchandise amount- ing to $145.20. .lames Carlton has paid mo $20 on account. * The student should Cud the amount, himself. Sept. 8. Orlando Palmer has been painting in the store 4^ days, at $1.25 per day, for which I am to give him credit. And 1 sell him 2 pounds of Coffee, at 12J cents per pound; and 4 pounds Crushed Sugar, at 12J cents per pound. , 9 Sold Charles Smith, on account, a barrel of Flour for $7, and a barrel of New Orleans Sugar, weighing 234 pounds, — weight of cask 20, net weight 214 pounds, — at 6 cents per pound. 10 ; Paid Cash for provisions, for my house, $7.08. Sold James Carlton a barrel of Plour for $7, and 2 23ounds of King Yong Tea, at 45 cents a pound. Bought of him, 2 cords of Oak Wood- for the Store, at $5 per cord. 11 Tho amount of Cash received for Sales to this date, is $324.75. Sold Henry Rand a tub of Butter, CO pounds, — (tub 81,) 51i pounds net, — at 22 cents a jiound ; and IGJ pounds Cheese, at 13 cents a pound. 28 BOOKKEEPING. Sept. 13. Chai'les Smith has given me liis Note for $100, payablo in 30 clays, in part payment of his account. Paid Cash for I)ci5k, Chairs, Stove, &c., per bill, $26.50. Sold Dr. Geo. Hammond a barrel of Flour for $7.25, and 10 gallons of Sperm Oil, at $1.50 per gallon. He has presented his bill for "doctoring" my family for tho past year, amounting to $16.53, and has paid the balance of his account, $12.85, in cash. U ___^ Paid Harlow & Co. $100 on account. Received of Samiiel Carter the amount of his Note : prin- cipal $350, with interest for three months, $5.25. Bought of R. B. Simpson & Co. a bill of Mdse. amoiint- ing to $123.45, for which I gave my Note, payable 2 mouths from date. 15 Sept. 16. Sold Samuel Shipman a barrel of Flour, $7.50 ; a quintal of Fish, $4.25; 10 gallons Molasses, at 35 cents a gallon, and a pound of Black Tea, 45 cents. Received of Orlando Palmer, on account, $10. 17 James Carlton has given me an Order on Smitli &Farnum for Mdse., to the amount of $40 ; and they have de- livered me the goods. Wm. Grimes brought an Order from Charles Smith, re- questing mo to sell goods to Grimes, to tlio amount of $18.46, and to charge the same to his (Smith's) account ; and I have delivered the Goods. Paid my Note, No. 1, for $175, with interest, 6 montlm and 15 days, $5.69. Sold Dr. Hammond a tub of Butter, 56 pounds .net, at 21J cents per pound. ___^ 18 Bought Mdse. of Harlow & Co., on account, amounting to $167.19. Received of Henry Rand, on account, $17. Paid Cash for a ton of Coal, for the Store, $6.50. The Cash Sales this week amount to $207.38. 29 BOOKKEEPING. Sept. 20. Sold James Carlton a harrcl of N. 0. Sugar, 208 pounds net, at 5^ cents a ponn. Lunt $500, talcing liis Note at 60 days, for same. 21 Received of Orlando Palmer $7.25, on account. 92 Delivered to Stephen Williams, on Henry Rand's Order, goods amounting to $12. 23 . Charles Smith has paid me $25, on account. V- 24 Samuel Sliipman has sold mc 6 harrols of Apples,at $2.12| per barrel, and paid the balance of liia account in Cash, $2.95. Sejd. 27. C. F. Gerry's Note, No. 2, was paid in to-day, amounting to $342.80. « : Gave Harlow & Co. Charles Smith's Note, dated 13th of September, for $100 ; and also my Note, payable 60 days from this date, for $40. The Cash Sales last week amounted to $295.16. 28 Henr^' Rand has passed a Note to mc, which he had pre- viously received of Zenas Upham, for $25. . 29 Gave Preston & Evans my Note, on demand, for the balance due them, $93.73. 30 Paid Preston & Evans $50, on account. ^0 Paid a l)ill for Clothing, for myself, $23.95. Paid Harlow & Co. $50 on account. Sold James Carlton a barrel of Molasses, containing 30 gallons, at 28 cents per gallon, and took his Note, on demand, for the balance of his account, $38 73. Paid my Clerk's salary for the month, $30. Cash Sales for this week, $169.48. The Butter which I sold to Henry Rand on the Uth day of this month, not proving as good as I thought it was, I have made him a deduction of $1.50. Having taken an Inventory of the goods in the store, I find the amount to be $2543.21. I have Notes against various persons, amounting to $563.73. I owe Notes amounting to $257.18. 30' SECOND SET. — DAY-BO OK. ?\ €>-'>^'7 7 7 zy: ■T'-Z-'C-^-^'' A'-l-Crd-^-^-T^'^^ '^-^-^Z-^^- ■ J^^£d-<^,^ '. .^A-<^i^ '.y> '>pz'f-e>-/' ^ '^ / :Jj^~ VJ"'^^- V^' ,^-/ x/ 4/ y^^l^^ y' _>^ ^ ?^ IJ'^"'- /rr ^ •• /.•.;^ . /-> 3e €>^>1^^^(Z^^, -^^^^ -/,X ,/(fo\ ^^r?^^ d-A^ a-. '-^^ //6 6lf7rrA .-^X,^ ' '-/-/^^^i^Z-^Z^-' ' /yy./'r/-^/ ^.-l^^ ' I ,^ry--. .-: /- ^ ^ /f^ 38 •^ / '71^ r^^<^'^m^{y £4,/^^^ n,^^ '' 'r/a^ ^kz. ^^■rr-rT^' r f .. .M^y^/^-^ / ^<9 <9r^' ■d ,: ^ O I /c-/ A ' '^Cy^Z-^'-C^fT-^K^-' /^^ '. /■ - - '(u'-n^ciuJ. y '///J' / 7-1^. '. ''^^ ■(?/>i^'Zylf/- (Jy'Z^^ri-^^^y, n^A ■ ^■^■^ y/,J /il-K "c/ y^-/'^/ ^o ^r 39 "T r •^^-^-^-^.^ ^^^^//^/ ^f %l^J^^-7^^'' PiU7^tz , .^'. /j'.()aks lire uted? "Why il) hjbness-men keep a Casli-Book? "Wliat if entered in it? Why? What is put on tlio left-hand side ? Whtjt on the right-hand, or Cr side? Wliijt will the diffevenco between tlio two sides show? Wl^t must agrco vitli this amount? If tt'daos not agree, what is tlie conduKion? Pj/aso state the wliole process of balancing the Cash-Book. Hi6w often should tlic Cash-Book l)0 balanced? Why? What is said of tlic ruling and footing ? Can the amount paid out ever exceed that received ? Which will bo the largest, if cither, the amount received, or that wliich is jxiid out? IIow often is the Cash-Book in this set balanced? Wliy? Wliat sliould be included in the "Balance on hand " ? For what is t!io Potty Cash-Book used ? IIow often is the amount transferred to the Cash-Book? • IIow often in tliis set? Wliat is said of Iiahmcing? IIow will j-ou commence the study of tliis sc^t? IIow sliould the entries be made in the Ijlaiik Day-Book? What is said of the Cash items? IIow shoulil Cash on account bo entered, and how marked? What is said of the " History " ? Is such a book now generally kept? Wliat is the first record in tlie history ? What is the first transaction wliich is recorded? In which book sliould it lie entered ? What is the second transaction, and liow should it bo recorded ? SECOND SET (SINGLE). Please state how each of the records in ihe History should be entered in the Day or Cash Book ? What statements are made at the end of the Day-Eoolc? What is the lirst account in the Ledger? Why is this put first ? What entries are to bo omitted in posting ? What length of time is covered by this set? Would the hooks be opened and closed in tlic same manner if the time were longer? How often arc the personal accounts balanced by bookkeepers? On what accounts are the balances in my favor? On which are they against mo? Whicli accounts arc settled in full? Which lias but one ilcm on each side? With what capital did I commence? What is the value of the JIdse. i-cmaining unsold? How much cash is there on hand ? Wliat IS the amount of the notes duo me? How much does Henry Band owe me ? — Orlando Palmer ? — Dr. Hammond ? Wliat is the wliole amount of my assets ? IIow much do I owe ? Of what items do my debts consist ? W hat is ray presrait not capital ? How much have I gained by the business ? How much have I spent for my ovm use? Should tliat bo counted as a part of the gain? Why? Wliat is said of the first two .sets of Boolcs? AYhy is there no stock account in this set? How may the net C!f[>ital always bo found ? How the gain or loss ? 46 BOOKKEEPING. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (adapted to the business of FAHMEIiS AND MECHANICS.) The following iiistoiy of supposed transactions is given to afford the learner more practice, not only in posting and balancing the accounts, but also hi making the original entries in the Day and Cash Books, which should be made in a style similar to that in the fore- going sets. Let the Day-Book first be written out from tlie history ; then posted to the Ledger : and, finally, let the accounts be balanced, and the whole work be proved, as in the preceding Sets. Worcester, October I, 1858. My Farm and Buildings are valued at ... Stock of Cattle, Sheep, Horses, Swine, &c.. Carriages, Farming Tools, &c., .... Household Furniture, Clothing, (tc, . . Produce of various kinds, on hand, . Cash, on hand, $4500 950 325 275 480 50 $6580 Oct. L. James Murray lias commenced to work for me, at $22 a month, boarding himself 2 Sold- Daniel Warren, on account. 40 bushels of Corn, at $1 a bushel, and 25 bushels of Oats, at 42 cents. Oct. 4. Sold Edward Sumner, on account, 10 bushels Potatoes, at 75 cents ; 2 bushels White Beans, at $2.25 ; and 10 bushels Wheat, at 90 cents. . 5 ' Bought of George Pierce, on account, 50 pounds Brown Sugar, at 8 cents ; 20 pounds White do., at 10 cents; 2 pounds Black Tea, at 45 cents; and 10 pounds Ground Coliee, at 15 cents. • 6 ^ Sold George Noyes, 2 cords Maple Wood, at $5.50, and 1 cord Pine do., at $3.25. Paid, in advance, for a Newspaper, 9 Received of Daniel Warren, Cash, on account, u Balance of Cash on hand, $77. 11 Paid J. S. Smith, for a Wheelbarrow, $5.25. 13 Bought of George Pierce, on account, 1 bbl. Molasses, containing 33 gallons, at 26 cents. 47 BOOKKEEPING Oct. 15. Paid John Kelly, Cash, for 5 days' labor, harvestiug, at 90 cents per day. 16 Sold Owen Taylor, on acct., 2 tons Clover Hay, at $15; 1 ton Rye Straw, $6; and 50 bushels Oats; at 40 cents. I owe Charles Woodman, for 4 days' labor, building Fence, this week, at .$1 per day. Amount of Cash on hand, $67.25..- "" 18 I owe Edward Sumner, for mending my Ox Cart, $4.62. 20 I have ploughed for Lyman Capcn 3 days, self, 1 man, and 2 pairs of oxen, at $3.25 per day. 21 Paid Charles Woodman, in past. f' Bouglit of Daniel Warren, on account, — 1 piece Sheeting, 31 yards, at 8 cents per yard. 22 yards Ticking, at 15 cents. 10 yards print, at 12J cents. ■ 48 Oct. 22. Bought of Edwin Wyman, 1 pair thick Boots, $2.50 ; 1 pair Ladies' Kid Slippers, 75 cents; and 1 pair Boys' Boots, $1.75. ^23^ Paid for Shoeing my Horse, 80 cents. Charles Woodman has worked lor me, this week, 5 days, at $1. Paid him Cash, in full. QSlx on hand, $57.45. 25 Bought of Daniel Warren, on acct.,- 10| yards Print, at 14 cents. 12 yards Silk, at 75 cents. 2 yards Ribbon, at 20 cents. 27 Bought for Cash, a Hat for $3.75 ; a' pair of Kid Gloves, $1 ; and a Black Silk Cravat, $1.50. 28 Sold, for Cash,— A tub of Butter, 48 pounds net, at 19 cents. 12 bushels Corn, at 95 cents. 20 bushels Oats, at 40 cents. 29 Paid my taxes, aniounling to $41.67. BOOKKEEPING. Oct. 30. John Kelly has worked for me, this week, 6 d.iys, at 92 cents. Sold him 3 hushels Potatoes, at 65 cents. Nov. 6. Paid for labor this week, $15; — Cash on hand, $50.05. 8 Sold James Murray, 6 bushels Potatoes, at 60 cents ; 2 bushels Corn, at 90 cents ; 1 bbl. Apples, $2. 9 George Noyes has painted my house, for which I am to give him $36, as agreed. . 11 Bought of J. S. Smith, for Cash, a Market Wagon, for $45. ^9. Samuel Rockwood has Lathed and Plastered a Room, the basement of my house, 47 square yards, at 18 cents. n Received of Owen Taylor, Cash on acct., $25. (I Paid George Pierce, Cash, on acct., $10. ii Cash on hand, $53.05. Nnvpm.bp.r 1. Bought of Lyman Capen, a quarter of Beef, weighing 185 pounds, at 7 cents. 3 Sold John Kelly, 2 bushels Corn, at 90 cents. 4 Received of Edward Sumner, on acct., $12. 5 Bought of George Pierce, 1 quintal of Fish, $3.50; 10 gallons Sperm Oil, at $1.25 ; | povmd Nutmegs, 75 cents ; 2 pounds ground Cinnauion, at 40 cents ; ^ pound Allspice, 35 cents ; 1 pound Black Pepper, 25 cents; 2 pounds Ginger, at 18 cents. Sold Edward Sumner, 20 bushels Corn, at 95 cents ; J ton Hay, $7.50 ; 10 bushels Oats, at 40 cents. , 13 Sold for Cash, 3 tons -Hay, at $15 ; 2 tons Oat Straw, at $9 ; 64 bushels Oats, at 40 cents. Sold Samuel Rockwood, 4 bbls. Winter Apples, at $2.25 ; 1 1)1 il. Sweet do., $2.50. Paid for Labor, $12.50 ; — Cash on hand, S A^^ 49 7/-' BOOKKEEPING. Nov. 15. Horace Cutter has made mo a " Suit of Clothes," for $35, for which I am to pay him in Produce. \ . IG Edwin Wyman has made me a pair of Calf Boots, for $4; and 2 pairs Boys' Shoes, at $1.25. 17 James Murray owes me, for Pasturing his Cow 3 months, $1.50; and for 4 pounds butter, at 20 cents. 18 Paid for Threshing Grain, $11.75 " " Mending Plough, 2.37^ MJl. Sold Daniel "Warren, a tub of Butter, 40 pounds, at 20 cents ; a quarter of Lamb, 9 pounds, at 7 cents ; \ bushel beans, $1.25. • 19 Sold George Pierce, 1 ton Hay, $15 ; 15 bushels Corn, at 88 cents; 25 bushels Oats, at 42 cents; 20 bushels Potatoes, at GO cents. 20 Paid my Subscription for the support of Preaching, $15. Amount of Cash now on hand, if^-fid Daniel Warren has given me his Note, payable three months from date, for the amt. he owed me. Nov. 22. Sold George Noyes, 2 bbls. Apples, at $2.37 J ; 12 bushels Potatoes, at CO cents ; 4 gallons Apple- Sauce, at 20 cents. Samuel Eockwood has had my Horse and Wagon 2 days, at 75 cents. 23 Paid Cash for 8 Thousand No. 1 Shingles, at $2.75. " " " 50 pounds Nails, at 5^ cents. 24 Sold Horace Cutter, 6 bushels Corn, at 88 cents; 5 bushels Potatoes, at 62 cents; 18 pounds Butter, at 20 cents. Received of Owen Taylor, Cash, in full, of his acct. Settled with Lyman Capen. Balance p:iid in Cash. 25 . Sold Edwin Wyman, 10 pounds Butter, at 20 cents. 26 Edward Sumner has been Shingling my Barn, 3 days, self and 2 men, at $3.50 per day. . It Paid James Murray, Cash on acct., $10. 50 BOOKKEEPJNG. h Nov. 26. Sold Edwin Wyman, 25 pounds Salt Pork, ;it 11 cents; 1 bushel beans, at $2.50 ; 2 gallons Vinegar, at 17 cents. -27 Paid, for Mending Harnesses, $1.25. " " a pair of Buckskin Gloves, $1.50. 28 John "Kelly has worked for me three days more, at 80 cents per day. Paid him Cash, in full. Received George Pierce's Note, on demand, for the balance of his acct. 29 Paid Edwin Wyman, for the balance of his acct. (1 Sold Horace Cutter a Cheese, 28| pounds, at 10 cents: 3 cords Hard Wood, at $G ; 1 cord Pine do., $3.50. Received of him the balance of the acct. in Cash. 30 Settled with James Murray. He has worked for me 2 months, at $22. Paid him Cash for the balance of his acct. , II My Farm and Buildings are now worth . . . $4G00 Cattle and Personal Property, 1700 Produce on hand, 365 Cash, DAY-BOOK AND LEDGER COMBINED. After writing up this set in the common form, the learner is advised to go through it again, in the follow- ing form, which will be found very convenient for Farmers, Mechanics, Professional Men, -^:^^. V ^ yjyjSj.. (i/,^-^/z-^t^- '^c ^■€^^y ^«^yyu•-€--fr^.■'L^Ay ^^ /yf/, r Sacr Jiecetfit ifi. /Til/ /y 'C><^^>'^'Z^^^''-'U^- ^ r -ayi^^/^y^^Z-^ ,y / j^ / ■ ' -'J . // 4^'Zi'y '^'l^f;: !/ ^/ //^. /^ r>c-'^--i^/i^yt^'i>'C>c-t^. //V^ -^p^^r. r r 6 / FrumiPxorv A/'/j- ~Z/s///f/ /ern / M '"^■7'//^^: , y-' Xotr i>n drfftojid / / -^ y- ^ / "r^ ' r H' ^Ttte /Ajrrt /'/<•• if I _F/on/ / (/ /y >■( / / z -^: t/-A '^^yyi^V U/-i yO^ '^/■i-/:- ^'/^-z-Ti^^/fc^if-^V^--^^^-^'' /^^ y^-^-l^t^C^^ ^-U^'-^A.-^^'-^i^^yC^i^ Jfbtr' for JWuisyhti/tM . ■^A-t-€Zyf C-.-^^^^t^ ^S^ y/ifS'7' ^>^/- // ^ v^r :x^/- ' /'Z/T//' r/ a-.// a 'y/^i^i/y ■1/ v. ■' '/ ''y / Jbte tor J/tssouri . yr^. //, yM'i .^'M..^iil^fl // ■i£^- ■■W/z-<('C'' C^'^i. ./^i^/ /-i^ y/c-(!''/'^C^Jy-Zi'>'occcds or avails. The Note itself is taken and kejJt by the Bank, till it is paid l>y the original signer. Days of Grace. — Generally three days, called days of grace, are allowed to the payor, in additiJfi to the time specified in the Note, in which to pay it ; and if it is not paid at the end of this time, it is protested. The process of protesting is as follows: An officer, called a " Notary Public," takes the Note, calls on the signer, and requests him to pay it. If he refuses or neglects to do it, the Notary notifies the endorser, in writing, of the non-payment, and the Bank then looks to the endorser for the payment of the Note, with the cost of protesting, , j^ ( Days. 5 6 7 153 184 212 8 243 9 273 10 304 11 12 ' 1 334 365 i 31 2 61 3 92 4 122 September.-! JJ^^^'^^" ( J >ays. 4 5 122 i 153 6 7 181 212 8 242 9 273 10 303 11 334 12 365 1 30^ 2 3 61 91 October. \ JI""*^" Days. 3 4 92 1 123 5 ' 6 i 7 8 9 10 151 1 182 1 212 243 273 304 11 335 12 365 1 31 2 61 November. 1 J?™*''- 2 01 3 4 5 92 1 120 151 6 181 7 8 212 242 9 273 10 11 304 : 334 12 1 365 30 T-i^ „,. „„ ( Months. 1 De(;ember. - t\ n. Days. 31 2 62 3 90 4 121 5 151 6 182 7 8 1 9 212 243 , 274 10 304 11 ! 12 335 i 365 Exi'LASATioxs. — Til llnil ihc numlitr of months or days from Ajiril 1 to .Tuly 1, look for April in the column at tht; left, ami follow that line to tlie ri;:lit, lilt under .Tuly,* at the top, will lie tounil 3 for the months, and 01 for the days. The lime from .luly 1 lo the preceding April 1 is found In the same maimer ; that ia, proceed from the earlier lo the later date. How many days from March 10 t ■ ?"pt. 16? Opposite March, ami un.ler S-plemhcr, you will find 1S4, to which add 6, the numher from the 10th to tlie Ifllh, and the whole number will be 190. An». "What is the numlxir of tl:iy3 fn)in June 12 lo August 8 ? Opposite June, and under Au^ist^ find Gl, which is the number from Juuc 12 to Auf^st 12, inm which .tub tract 4, because the second