There has j ist pa-ssed from om. niiclst :in oW ni;u:, tor many yeaW resident iii \[aiU)oiOi'.gh (thougli of laU- bill iitl.l«» Iviiown outside his own imir.ediale cirole), the' stra.iigp ronienco and ndveiituros of whose life ins been equtlled oniy by its tragic sadness. Wo veier to the late Mr Kiuille Bent., who v.-us admitted to ttie Waiiau Hospiial on 22nd M;<-y, and dio<' (he .saii.e evening. Tht- j>toi-y of his ht"o, ^vi)tt'n by Mr James Covan Fron« ft-nt's, own manuscript records and {'^''"'•onal reminiscenxies, ' afford a. striiiir.;? illustration of the old adage t'-u*-. • 'truth is stra-nger ilian fiction." Hoin at liii^itport jn rthe State of Maine, l.S.A., in 1837, witli a strain ,>f N'>rth A.iiericau Indian Ulood i.;i his veins from his. another's wde, he ^servetl as a youth ;f(.r three yea.-,-; in trie American navy, .and, sidjsiexju^v-'.tly nnaiiig his wa-y Ut '.'England, erh.ied in ilie 57th He^g^- rient of Foe'. Toward.s the clcse. of • the great mutiny his regi nent was -Ordered to Irrdia, wliere it remained for two yenvh. Then ou the out- ■fcreak ■f>l' the rii;Hn-i War it wis tTan.s- ferred to lS(y.v- /.eiah-md. The voyag*^ ^to Aiickliird tn(»k nearly ;thre«v rxiunths, and o. ^irrival there the rt>gi- 'inent was i.mi'Kfdiat^-'ly despatched to IN '^ w 1' 1 y m 1 1 ! h . and e n ea m ped for , la .sliort time ou iVi^rshmd Hill. Of the lte.;t few ye:*.r;>' active .service it is needies-s tc> speak, except to say that the severe ■ii""e- proclaimed he •©n;i. get! fu>r,i the bush and a. rela- on^hvivored to pvrsiuuie hir. to leave New Zealand a-t once, and since then rcu-.:ive« in Maine have ,v;iinly rei'fi'ted their efforts to induco bin turn to -bi ; native land. M> to ^ alw.- ;-S pOMt refused to leave lh' mi • do- inc tirV. lau bc' ■ Ne. Mv- fo.. . kr^ -, ho-ff-'i oo:;'try uutil Ids name and cli.iractei "had been elenrefl of the charges for j w^'irh he ha.d been outlawed. The.^^M he :i^ways vk«»"»!mced a.s a ti.ssue oi nx.^.lidoa.'^ ai**! coAvardly faJselioods. fo'- which there was not only no ve-jti;'e of p could'V.telT disprore, if given the I opportunity. Even- ehorc tnade b\ ^yaio^thiseV"* on his lehilf in thi> rW--vt failed, Vind he has died wi( li- on. j.ettiiUg the chance to rel)iit th.' j;e''>ii-, ciiarges once made again.-^L hi-v. ISlorc sinned aga.mst than sin- whatovor laray lave been his i!-e« or wivjog-doings, he has paid '- for tlw^ni. Soon after jeturn- civdiscnl 'life, he found occupa- -.t "WanraH on the farm of the "^Ir Slaffard, with whom he had actiuaijited thnnigh .sonu^ Ishind n.itivcs. It; Mr and •tKifford a4!d tlK>ir family he the kindest Triends he had ever . in Xc'v Zeeland. and in their ble home he lr«.'« spent the .p_TCii»»£ ■oi" i^'^ d-'*^, liviTcJ u V'--ry quiet and retired life, but always' willing to talk over with anyone who , he always spoke in kindl\ Urms. The story of his care>er, a.s ' toild bv Mr Cov.aii, ,\ill ever be le- giuded as a cla.s,si<' of Maori life, as ifc was iift.v years ago, when th.e Maori wa.s at war witii the European, ani we slioiild strongly rtK'ommend anvone who has not yet done .so to tWid "The .Vdvcntures of .Kiiid>lo tient." The late Mr Bent wa.s 79 Vijars old at the lime of hi.i A REBEL OP;^ THE SIXTIES. KIMBLE BENT AND THE PATEA. 'liie recent adveuturous trip ol' 1(J0 milos down t]ie I'atea river in a flat- bottomed boat bv Jfour Eitliam young moti, brings to mind the .story of that rebel and Pakeha-Maori Kimble Bent, Avho for years had his home up the Pa tea river, where amongst the wild and rugged hills he thought himself safe from capture (writes "NV.K.H. in the Aucftand "Star"). Bent died at the Wuiroa Hospital about seven years ago fit a great age. His story is soon told. Ho belonged to the old 67th Regiment, joining it as long ago as 18o9. He came to New Zealand in 1863, and was in Taranaki the following year. At a small place between Patea and Hawera, BenC was sentenced to receive 25 strokes of the la&h for disobeying orders, showing how the severity of the Home rules had at that time been allowed to enter this young free country. From the moment Kimble Bent bared his hafk he was a rebel and an outcast, and tlie very first chance he got he deserted to the Maoris and lived with them for many decades, adopting their rough mode of living and becoming one of their number. He ronld never be captured, and his chief liiding-place was up the Patea river, wli'ch we now know to he one of the most inaccessible spots that anyone could imagine, being full of natural hid- ing-places that onTv the most skilled could find out. AMien public feeling against him died down a good deal, for be greatly aided the Maori in his war- fare against the pakeha, he came out of his hiding-place and made it luiowu that he wished to visit ciyilisati^i again, and no serious objection was made by the authoritios to his doing so. Sviiile in hiding he fashioned a canoe oF vpry fine design with the old-fashioned Maori stone axes of a bygone ago of a century before, and in this canoe he paddled down the rivor to tbc Patea wharf, a picturesque if a somewhat pathetic figure, chanting as he sailed a Slaori dirge which was now more fafnili- ar to him than tjie words of his own forgotten. Arrived ot tlie Patea wharf he seemed to be engaged a good deal with his own thoughts, and sat in his boat for a long jpexnod, as was the custom of tlie old-time Maoris, whose ways ho had thoroughly imbibed. He was viewed Avith a good deal of sus- picion by his white brethren, and the feeling must have been mutual, for he could not be induced to say much about himself. One of the first things that he asked for was Abernctliy biscuits, and when he had eaten one he^said it was the sweetest morsel he had tasted for years. He looked a wild man, and there was a wild look in his eyes when he remembered that for some years a price had been put on his head as a deserter and a rebel, and ho was not happy when he came back to civilisji- tion, for he felt completely out of his element. He had lived too long amongst savage people, and had acted such a strange part, that he could not in a day reconcile himself to a civilised way of doing things. He soon paddled back, taking advantage of the incoming tide ' to h^p him, to his usual haunts up) the river, where it was said ho dis- i carded for ever his old blanket and flax loin cloth for a suit which had been i given to him by one -of the sailors from \ one of the steamers at the Patea wharf. He was not a lovable character, and had witnessed and taken part in many cannilialistic feasts, and this was an example of how easy it is for a x>^rson to slip away from a civilised to an un-., civili^ life. The old Taranaki set- ^ tiers hated Bent, among other reasons being the fact that he was a gi'eat friend and adviser of that old rebel and uiifair fighter Titokowaru, whoso dark deeds and treachery stain the blackest page in Taranaki's history. Probably the youths who recently sailed down the Patea River and weJe hardly able to find a flat piece of ground whereon to pitch their tents for the night knew little of Kimble Bent's his- tory, but from those picturesque heights the oW rebel must have basked in the sunlight to hide his own dark thoughts and to feel that, arch rebel though he was. he was still a human being who could enjoy the best of God's good gifts. /■^Z- THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT MAi- OF TAKANAKl, NEW ZEALAND. {allowing engagements in the Maori War) THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT A STORT OF IVILD LIFE IN THE NEW ZEALAND BUSH JAMES COWAN WITH ILLUSTRATIONS WHITCOMBE AND TOMBS, LIMITED LONDON MELBOURNE CHRISTCHURCH, WELLINGTON AND DUNEDIN, N.Z. 191 I PRINTED AND BOUND BY HAZELL, WATSON AND VINEY, LD., LONDON AND AYLESBURY. DLL 6^22 PREFACE This book is not a work of fiction. It is a plain narrative of real life in the New Zealand bush, a true story of adventure in a day not yet remote, when adventure in abundance was still to be had in the land of the Maori. Every name used is a real one, every character who appears in these pages had existence in those war days of forty years ago. Every incident described here is a faithful record of actual happenings ; some of them may convince the reader that truth can be stranger than fiction. Numerous instances are recorded of white de- serters from civilisation who have allied themselves with savages, adopting barbarous practices, and forgetting even their mother-tongue. In the old convict days of 'New South Wales escapees from the fetters of a more than rigorous " system " now and again cast in their lot with the blacks. Renegades of every European nationality have been found living with and fighting for native tribes in Africa 2072 ? 70 viii PREFACE and America and the Islands of Polynesia. But none of them had a wilder story to tell than has the man Avhose narrative is here presented — Kimble Bent, the pakeha-Mnori. Ever since 1865 — when he first " took to the blanket " — he has lived with the New Zealand Maoris. For thirteen years he was completely estranged from his fellow-whites ; he had deserted from a British regiment and a price was on his head. British troops and Colonial irregulars alike hunted him and his fanatical Hauhau companions. His hairbreadth escapes were many ; he had to risk death not only from British bullet and bayonet, but from the savage brown men of the forest with whom he lived. When at last he came out of hiding, and dared once more to face those of his own colour, he had almost forgotten the English language, and could speak it but with difficulty and hesitation. He has been out of his bush exile many years, but is still living with his Maori friends, and is still known by the Maori name, " Tu-nui-a-moa," which his chief Titokowaru gave him in 1868. When he writes to me, he usually writes in Maori, and he is practically a Maori himself, for he has lived the greater part of his life as a Maori, and he has assimilated the peculiar modes of thought and some of the ancient beliefs of the natives, as well as their tongue and customs. PREFACE ix One of the most remarkable portions of Bent's narrative is his account of the revival of cannibalism by the Hauhaus in 1868. Vague stories have been heard concerning the eating of soldiers' bodies by the bushmen of Ngati-Ruanui and Nga-Rauru and of rites of human sacrifices performed in the woods of Taranaki, but this account of Bent's is the first detailed description from an eye-witness of the man-eating practices in Titokowaru's camps. Many of Tito's Hauhaus are still alive ; but they are very reticent on the subject of "long-pig." I first met Kimble Bent in 1903. In that year Mr. T. E. Donne, now the New Zealand Govern- ment Trade Commissioner in London, had induced the old man to come to Wellington for the purpose of being interviewed and photographed ; and it is these interviews, very considerably expanded during a seven years' acquaintance with Bent, and carefully checked by independent Maori testimony, that are now embodied in this book. In confirmation and extension of Bent's story, I have gathered data at first-hand both from Tara- naki Maoris who fought under Titokowaru, and from soldiers and settlers who fought against him, and these particulars are incorporated with the old pakeha-Maori's narrative. The 1868-9 portion of the book is, therefore, practically a history of the Titokowaru war in X PREFACE Taranaki ; and it embraces a great deal of matter not hitherto recorded. Many of the settler-soldiers who survive from those wild forest days now farm their peaceful lands within sight of the battle-fields of Te Ngutu- o-te-Manu, and Pungarehu, and Moturoa, and Otapawa. With them the recollections of bush- marches and ambuscades and storming of Hauhau stockades are still fresh and vivid. But the younger generation know little of the dangers and troubles through which the pioneers passed. The available histories deal very meagrelj^ and often very in- accurately with the story of the Ten- Years' Maori War, even from the white side, while the Maori view-point is absolutely unknown to all but a few colonists. Therefore it is fortunate, perhaps, that one has been enabled to gather before it is too late from the old Hauhau warriors themselves the tale of their ferociously patriotic past, and to place on record this true story of wild forest life from the lips of one of the last of that nearly extinct type of decivilised outlander, the 7)aA:e^a-Maori. For information and assistance in regard to various engagements in Titokowaru's war I am indebted to Colonel W. E. Gudgeon, C.M.G., Colonel T. Porter, C.B., and other old Colonial soldiers. Tutange Waionui, of Patea, who was one of Titoko- waru's most active scouts and warriors, has given PREFACE xi me many details concerning the campaign from the Maori side ; and the Rev. T, G. Hammond, Wesleyan Missionary to the Taranaki Maoris, has also furnished assistance on the same subject. To Mrs. Kettle, of Napier, daughter of Major von Tempsky, I owe my thanks for permission to reproduce three of the illustrations in this book, copies of water-colour sketches by her celebrated father, representing scenes in the Taranaki campaign of 1865-6. The picture of the fight at Moturoa in 1868 is from a black-and-white sketch by a soldier-artist who took part in the engagement ; the original was in the possession of the late Dr. T. M. Hocken, of Dunedin, who allowed me to have it photographed for this book, J. C. \\' ELLINGTON, N.Z., Feb. 1, 1911. CONTENTS CHAPTER I THE DESERTER On the banks of tlie Tangahoe — Tlie runaway soldier — -A Maori scout — Off to the rebel camp . . . pp. 1-6 CHAPTER II KIMBLE BENT, SAILOR AND SOLDIER Kimble Bent's early life — An Indian mother — Service in the American Navy — Departiu'e for England — " Taking the Shil- ling " — British Army life — The flight to America — A sinking ship — Rescue, and landing in Glasgow— Back to the Army again — Soldiering in India — The 57th ordered to New Zealand — The Taranaki Campaign — A court-martial — At the triangles pp. 7-21 CHAPTER III THE CAMP OF THE HAUHAUS In the Maori country — Arrival at a Hauhau pa — Maori village scenes — The ceremonies round the sacred flagstaff — " Rire, rire, hau ! " — The man with the tomahawk — A white slave — The painted warriors of Keteonetea — The blazing oven pp. 22-33 xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER IV IN THE OTAPAWA STOCKADE The return from Keteonetea — The hill-fort at Otapawa — A korero with the Hauhaus — Bent's one-eyed wife — " The wooing o' 't " — Bent is christened " Ringiringi " . pp. 34-42 CHAPTER V TE UA, PRIEST AND PROPHET Te Ua and his gods — The Pai marire faith — " Charming " the British bullets — Bent's interview with the prophet — His life tapu'd — Preparing for battle — Life in the forest pa pp. 43-54 CHAPTER VI THE STORMING OF OTAPAWA British forces attack the stockade — The bayonet charge — Flight of the Hauhaus — Through the forest by torchlight — Doctoring the wounded — The tangi by the I'iver . pp 55-65 CHAPTER VII BUSH LIFE WITH THE HAUHAUS Wild days in the forest — 'J'hc Hauliau hunters — Maori wood- craft — Bird-snaring and birtl-spoaring — The fowlers at Te Ngaere — The slayer of Broughton — Another runaway soldier, and his fate — The tomahawking of Humphrey Murphy pp. OG-77 CONTENTS XV CHAPTER VIII THE HAUHAU COUNCIL-TOWN I,it'e in Taiporohcnui — A great praying-house — -The ritual of tho Niu — Singular Hauhau chants — " Matua Pai marire''^ — Bent's new owner, and his now wife — The tattooers — Another white renegade .... . pp. 78-91 CHAPTER IX A FOREST ADVENTURE The two eel-fishers — Bivouac in tho bush — A murderous attack — The Waikato's tomahawk — " Ringiringi's " escape pp. 92-101 CHAPTER X THE WAR-CHIEF AND HIS GODS The war-chief Titokowaru — Ancient ceremonies and religion revived — Uenuku, the god of battle — Titokowaru's mana-tapu — Bent makes cartridges for the Hauhaus — A novel weapon pp. 102-107 CHAPTER XI " THE BEAK-OF-THE-BIRD " The stockade at Te Ngutu-o-te-Manu — In the Wharekurn • — Singular Hauhau war-rites — The " Twelve Apostles " — The enchanted taiuha — The heart of the pakeha : a human bur it- ofTering — An ambuscade and a cannibal feast . pp. 108-1 18 h xvi CONTENTS CHAPTER XII THE ATTACK ON TURUTURU-MOKAI REDOUBT Haiuvhenua's war-party — A night marcli — Attack on Tin-u- turu-Mokai Redoubt — A heroic defence — The heart of the captain — Touch-and-go — Relief at last . . pp. 119-133 CHAPTER XIII THE KILLING OF KANE Bent and Kane brought before Titokowaru — Kane's flight- Captured by the Hauhaus — A traitor's end . pp. 134-138 CHAPTER XIV ADVENTURES AT TE NGUTU-0-TE-MANU In the midst of dangers — Bent stalked by Hauhaus — Old Jacob to the rescue — " Come on if you dare ! " — The wliite man's new Maori name — Government forces attack and burn Te Ngutu-o-te-Manu — A new use for hand-grenades pp. 139-144 CHAPTER XV A BATTLE IN THE FOREST ; AND THE DEATH OF VON TEMPSKY The second fight at Te Ngutu-o-te-Manu — Titokowaru's projDliecy — Tutang6 and his sacred war-mat — Bent's narrow escape — Government forces defeated— How von Tempsky fell — A terrible retreat — Colonial soldiers' gallant rearguard figlit pp. 145-179 CONTENTS xvii CHAPTER XVI THE CANNIBALS OF THE BUSH After the battle — Tlie slain heroes of Te Ngutu-o-te-Manu — A terrible scene on the marae — What Bent saw from his prison- hut — The sword of '' Manu-rau " — A funeral pyre — Priestly incantations — A soldier's body eaten — Why the Hauhaus became cannibals ...... pp. 180-194 CHAPTER XVII SKIRMISHING AND FORT-BUILDING Te Ngutu-o-te-!Manii abandoned — On the march again — Skirmishing on the Patea — Pakeha in pickle — A new stockade — Bent the pa-builder ..... pp. 195-200 CHAPTER XVIII THE FIGHT AT MOTUROA STOCKADE Katene's vigil — Attack on the stockade — Major Hunter's death — A Hauhau warrior's desperate feat — Over the palisades — Government forces repulsed — A rear-guard fight — An un- answered prayer — Scenes of terror — Tihirua's burnt-offering — A soldier's body eaten ...... pp. 201-225 CHAPTER XIX THE TAURANGA-IKA STOCKADE Another fighting-pa built — Scouting and skirmishing — The watcher on the tower — McDonnell and Titokowaru — How Trooper Lingard won the New Zealand Cross — Hairbreadth escapes — Pairama and the white man's leg , pp. 226-2.39 xviii CONTENTS CHAPTER XX A SCOUTING ADVENTURE The passage of the Okehu — A night's vigil — Mackenzie the scout — " Maoris in the bush ! " — Tlie watchers in the fern — A race for hfo ....... pp. 240-254 CHAPTER XXI THE FALL OF TAURANGA-IKA Shot and shell — The fort abandoned — Flight of the Hanhaus — The chase — The fight at Karaka Flat — Mutilation of the dead — The ambuscade at the peach-grove — The sergeant's leg — Rewards for Hauhau heads. .... pp. 255-261 CHAPTER XXII THE FOREST-FORAGERS Fugitive Hauhavis — Hard times in the bush — The eaters of mamaku — Bent's adventiu'c — Lost in the woods — Rupo to the rescue — The tapu'd eels .... pp. 2G2-269 CHAPTER XXIII A BATTLE IN THE FOG The surprise of Otautu — An early morning attack — Kimble Bent's dream — " Kia tu])ato !" — A gallant defence — Bravo old JIakopa— Flight of the Hauhaus . . . pp. 270-270 CONTENTS xix CHAPTER XXIV THE HEAD-HUNTERS The skiriiiisli at ^^ haUainara — Hauliaus on the run — Govern- ment head-hunters — IMajor Kemp's white scout — Sharp work in the bush — Barbarism of the Wlianganui — Kupapas — Smoke- drying the heads — A present for Whitmore — The heads on the tent floor — End of the war .... pp. 277-292 CHAPTER XXV THE LAND OF REFUGE Tlie flight from Rukumoana — Retreat to the Waitara — The Kawau pa — Life in the Ngatimaru country — Rupe and his white man — A Maori Donnybrook fair — A tale of a taniwha pp. 293-305 CHAPTER XXVI BUSH LIFE ON THE PATEA The return to Rukumoana — The forest-village — Bird-snaring and bird-spearing — Bent the canoe-builder — His third wife pp. 3U6-310 CHAPTER XXVII HIROKI : THE STORY OF A FUGITIVE Hiroki, the slayer of McLean — Strange faces at Rukumoana — A foi'ost chase — A meeting and a warning — Hiroki's wild bush life and his end . . , . . pp. 311-320 XX CONTENTS CHAPTER XXVIII OUT OF EXILE Canoeing on the Patea — The voyage to Hukatere — The white man's world again — Bent the medicine-man — Makutu, or the Black Art — Bent's later days — The end . pp. 321-332 Appendix pp. 333-336 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Sketch Map of Taranaki .... Frontispiece PAGK Mount Eomont, Taranaki . . . . . .15 A Taranaki Frontier Fort . . . . .17 Patara, a Hauhau Prophet ..... 47 A British Column on the March . . . . G9 The Scout 85 The Ambuscade . . . . . . .113 TuTANGE Waionui, A Hauhau Warrior . . .151 Major von Tempsky . . . . . . .159 Major von Tempsky . . . . . . .173 Major Kemp (Kepa te Rangihiwinui) . . .211 The Fight at Moturoa ..... 218, 219 A Hauhau Scout ....... 235 A Constabulary Officer in Bush-fighting Costume . 279 Kimble Bent, the Pakeha-Maori .... 32» THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT CHAPTER I THE DESERTER On the banks of tlie Taiigalioe — The runaway soldier — A Maori scout — Off to the rebel camp. On the banks of one of the many swift rivers that roll down to the Tasman Sea through the Taranaki Plains a young man in the blue undress uniform of a private soldier sat smoking his pipe. He was dripping with water, and a little pool had collected where he crouched in the fern, a few feet from the bank of the stream. He had plainly just emerged from the river. His clothes were torn, and he was capless. He was a man of about the middle size, spare of build, with sharp dark eyes and a bronzed complexion that told of past life under a tropic sun. Less than an hour previously he had left his com- rades' camp, the tented lines of Her Majesty's 57th Regiment, on the ferny flats of Manawapou. Left unofficially, and without his arms, strolling down 1 2 THE ADVENTURES OP KIMBLE BENT towards the Taiigalioe River as if for a bathe. A " shut-eye " sentry was on duty that morning ; and the deserter's tent-mates, too, were sympathetically blind to his departure. The Tangahoe was the border-line between the country covered by the British rifles and the unconquerable bush of the Maori rebels. Towards this rubicon he made his way through the thick, high fern, which soon concealed him from view. He attempted to ford the rapid, muddy river, but it was up to his waist, and almost swept him off his feet. Struggling ashore again, he took to the fern and travelled slo^^'ly and with great toil through it, keeping parallel with the course of the Tangahoe, and heading down stream. He forced his way through the thick fern " like a wild pig," to use his own simile. In this way he travelled something over a mile down the river, and then once more attempted to ford across, but it was too deep and swift. He crawled back up the bank again, and quite exhausted, with scratched hands and face and gaping half-buttonless clothes, he sat down to recover his breath and strength. His heart Mas thumping fearfully with his frantic ex- ertions in the closely matted, entanghng fern, and it was some minutes before he could command his trembling fingers to till and light his pipe. After the soldier had sat and smoked a while he rose, and making his way to a slight elevation on the banks where he could see over the top of the THE DESERTER 3 coarse rarauhe fern, in some places ten feet high, he looked around him. Directly across the river the bush began, the seemingly impenetrable forest solemn and dark, pregnant with danger and mystery Turning in the other direction, and facing the north- west, he could just discern in the distance the tops of a number of bell-tents — the camp he had left behind him. And as he looked his last on the tents of his comrades and his tyrants, he heard the sweet notes of a bugle sounding a call. The mid- winter air was very clear and still. It was the midday mess call — " Come-to-the-cookhouse-door," " No more cookhouse-door now, that's a moral," said the soldier aloud. " Pork and potatoes for you, me boy — or else a crack on the head with a tomahawk." Beyond the tents, another tent-shaped object took the soldier's eye. It was a lofty snowy moun- tain, ghttering in the midday sun. It was far away in the nor'-west, so far that its base was hidden by the intervening bush, and only the white symmetrical upper part of the vast cone, a wedge of white culminating in as perfect an apex as any beU-tent, was visible to the eye from this part of the great plains. It was the peak of Taranaki mountain, wliich the white man calls Mount Egmont. Satisfying himself that there was no one in sight and that he was not followed, the soldier 4 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT squatted down again and smoked his pipe medi- tatively. Suddenly he started up and listened intently. He heard something, and any noise meant danger. The sound was the trotting of a horse. Scrambling through the fern a little space back from the bank, he found that a narrow track wound through the tangle of tall brown bracken. Peering out from his shelter place he saw — first, the glitter of the muzzle of a long rifle above the fern ; then, next moment round a turn in the path came a mounted man, a Maori. He was a tall, black- bearded fellow, wearing a European shirt and trousers, but bare as to feet. Each stirrup-iron was thrust between the big toe and the next one, as was the universal Maori mode when riding bare-footed. In his right hand he held an Enfield rifle, of the pattern used by the white troops in those days ; the butt rested on liis thigh, cavalry- man fashion. Round his shoulders hung a leather cartouche-box ; there was another buckled round his waist, from which there hung also a revolver in its case. A Hauliau scout, evidently, venturing rather daringly close to the British camp. The white man hesitated only a moment. Then he boldly stepped out on to the track, directly in front of the startled Maori, who pulled his shaggy pony up sharp, and instantly presented his gun at the white man. THE DESERTER 5 Seeing the next moment, however, that the white man was unarmed and alone, the Maori brought his rifle-butt down on his leg again, and stared with wonder at the forlorn -looking white soldier before him. " Here, you pakeha ! " he cried, in mixed English and Maori ; " go back, quick ! Haere atu, haere atu ! Go 'way back to t'e soldiers. I shoot you suppose you no go ! Hoki atu ! " " Shoot away ! " returned the white man. " I won't go back. I'm running away from the soldiers. I want to go to the Maoris. Take me with you ! " " You tangata kuware ! " the Maori said. " You pakeha fool, go back ! T'e Maori kill you, my word ! You look out." " I don't care if they do," replied the soldier. " I tell you, I want to live with the Hauhaus." '' E pai ana'"/ ("It is well"), said the scout. " All right, you come along. But you look out for my tribe — they kill you." " I'm not frightened of your tribe," said the soldier. " What your name, pakeha ? " was the next question. " Kimble Bent," answered the pakeha. The Maori attempted the pronunciation of the name, but the nearest he could get to it was " Ki- rn ara Peneti." "Too hard a name for t'e Maori," he said. 6 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT " Taihoa ; we give you more better name — good Maori name. If " — he qualified it — " my tribe don't kill you." Then the swarthy warrior dismounted and ordered the pakeha to get into the saddle ; he saw that his prisoner was dead-tired. He turned the horse's head back towards the Maori country, and the strangely-met pair struck down along the banks of the Tangahoe, the Maori striding in front. For about three miles the track wound down through the fern and flax, parallel with the course of the river. Then the travellers came to a ford. They crossed safely, and clambering up the steep muddy bank on the other side, they marched on towards the blue hills of the rebel country. CHAPTER II KIMBLE BENT, SAILOR AND SOLDIER Kimble Bent's early life — An Jndian mother — Service in the American Navy — Departiu'e for England — " Taking the Shil- ling " — British Army life — The flight to America — A sinking ship — Rescue, and landing in Glasgow — Back to the Army again -^Soldiering in India — The 57th ordered to New Zealand — The Taranaki Campaign^A court-martial — At the triangles. While the runaway soldier is riding on to the camp of the brown warriors of the bush — a journey which is to be the beginning of a wild and savage life leading him for many a day, like Thoreau's Indian fighter, on dim forest trails " with an uneasy scalp " — there is time to learn something of liis previous history and adventures. Perhaps the impulse that led to his passionate revolt against civilisation and rigid army discipline came from his American Indian blood. ICimble Bent's mother was a half-caste Red Indian girl, of the Musqua tribe, whose villages stood on the banks of the St. Croix River, State of Maine, U.S.A. Her English name before marriage was Eliza Senter. She became the wife of a ship- builder in the town of Eastport, Maine ; his name 7 8 THE ADVENTUREJS OF KIMBLE BENT was Waterman Bent ; he worked at first for Caleb Houston, shipbuilder, but afterwards had a yard of his own. This couple had seven children, two sons and five daughters ; one of these sons was Kimble Bent. He was born in Eastport on August 24, 1837. The roving wayward element in young Kimble Bent's blood soon made itself manifest. When he was about seventeen, he ran away from home and went to sea. He shipped on a United States man-of-war, the training frigate Martin, and spent three years aboard her, cruising along the Atlantic Coast. He quickly became a smart young sailor and gunner, and from the rank of seaman he graduated to deckman, a sort of quartermaster. It was part of his duty during the last year of his service to instruct the boys who came aboard as recruits in the working of the muzzle-loading 6-pounder and 8-pounder guns. Paid off from his frigate at the end of his three years, Bent returned to his people as unexpectedly as he had left them. But he didn't stay in Eastport long. The prosaic life of the old town was no more to his liking than when first he had run away to follow a sailor's life ; so he soon took to the seas again. He gathered together what money he could — a considerable sum, he says, for his father was indulgent — and took ship across the Atlantic, in his head some such unexpressed sentiment as SAILOR AND SOLDIER 9 Robert Louis Stevenson long afterwards put into verse in his " Songs of Travel " : " TIic uiitcntcd Kosinos my abode I go, a wilful stranger, My mistress still the open road And the bright eyes of Danger." But no man-of-war life for him. He booked his passage in a barque sailing for Liverpool, resolved to see something of life in the Old World. When he landed in the big city he " made himself flash," to use his own expression, and went the pace with a few like-minded young fellows, and one way and another his stock of cash soon vanished, and he found himself stranded, friendless, and alone — his companions of the " flush " times had no more use for him. One day, as he wandered disconsolate along the streets, his eye was taken by the scarlet tunic and lively bearing of a smart recruiting-sergeant, and on the impulse of the moment he took the Queen's shilling and was en- listed in Her Majesty's 57th Regiment of Foot. This was in the year 1859. The young Eastport sailor soon bitterly regretted the day that his eye was dazzled by the Queen's scarlet. The British Army was less to his taste than life in Uncle Sam's Navy. He was sent to Cork with a draft of two hundred other recruits, and the interminable drill soon gave him an intense disgust for the routine of barrack-yard instruction. 10 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT Four months of recruit-drill — then one day Private Bent took a stroll down the Cork wharves and cast his eyes round for a likely craft in which to give the army, drill-sergeants, and all the slip. A Boston barque, the Maria, happened to be lying at one of the tees, and her skipper, one Captain Cann, Bent, to his joy, found to be an old acquaint- ance. He unfolded his dejected tale, and the sailor at once offered his assistance in rescuing a fellow- countryman from John Bull's grip. That evening Bent stole away quietly from the barracks, boarded the barque, and was stowed away safely below in the dunnage-hole. He did not show his nose above hatches for two days ; the barque by that time had left the harbour on her return voyage to Boston, and the deserter was able to appear on deck, a free man. But not for long. J^ent's misfortunes were only beginning. When about three hundred miles off the land a furious easterly gale began to blow, and the old barkey sprang a leak. Hove-to in the storm, all the crew could do was to stand to the pumps. The huge Atlantic seas came thundering on deck, and more than once washed the men away from the pumps. For six days and six nights they wallowed in the deep, all hands, sailors and pas- sengers, taking turns at the pumps, working for their lives. All those terrible days of storm and fear the SAILOR AND SOLDIER 11 Maria's hands had nothing to eat but hard biscuits soaked with salt water. There was no place to cook and no means of cooking, for the galley with all its contents had been washed overboard. While the crew laboured at the pumps, the captain tried to cheer them up and put a little life into their weary bodies and despairing hearts by playing lively airs on his concertina and singing sailors' chanteys. " One day," says Bent, " a German brig hove in sight and spoke us. Seeing our signal of distress she asked the name of our barque and the number of the crew. We signalled our reply, and she answered that she could not help us, there was too much sea. Then she squared away and left us. All this time we were labouring at the pumps to keep the old barque afloat. Next day another brig, a Boston vessel deep-loaded, from the West Indies, hailed us and stood by, signalling to us to launch our boats. This we did, after hard and dangerous work, and managed to reach the brig's side, where all the sixteen of us were hauled on board safely. About two hours after we left our ship we saw her go down." To Bent's intense disappointment he found that the brig that had rescued him was bound for the wrong side of the Atlantic. She landed the ship- wrecked mariners at Glasgow. Bent was walking about the streets one day, wondering however he 12 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT was going to get a passage home, for he had no money, when he was arrested as a deserter — recog- nised by the description which had been posted in every barrack-room and every poHce-station. He was taken to the mihtary barracks, and then sent under guard to Ireland and down to Cork, where he was tried by court-martial, and sentenced to eighty -four days in prison. When he had served his term he was shipped off to India with his regi- ment, landing at Bombay, and for some time did garrison duty at Poona. The 57th spent two years in India, only just recovering from the terrible throes of the Mutiny. Then news came of a serious war with a wild native race in a distant country called New Zealand, far away down in the Southern Ocean, and the regiment was ordered to hold itself in readiness to go route- marching to Bombay, thence to sea. Marching orders soon followed, and the headquarters of the regiment sailed for Auckland ; the company in which Bent was a private (No. 8 Company) was one of those left behind to look after the women and children of the regiment. Orders for them also quickly came, and they took the road for Bombay. The journey from Poona to Bombay took four days, or rather nights, for all the marching was done by night. Part of the way was through a dense jungle in which man-eating tigers swarmed. The troops marched through this jungle by torch- SAILOR AND 80LDIER 13 light, winding along a narrow track through the densely -matted vegetation. The growling of the tigers was heard all round at night, but the blazing torches kept them away. Embarked in a troopship at Bombay, Bent and his fellow-soldiers sailed not unwillingly for a land spoken of by report as a country which, though wild and new, was a pleasanter place to live in than scorching sun-baked India. After a voyage of eighty-nine days, the troopship anchored in Auckland Harbour, and her soldiers spent their first week on New Zealand soil in the old Albert Barracks, where the bright flower- gardens and tree-groves of a beautiful park now crown the hill that in those troubled days was girt with a massive crenellated wall, and was alive with all the martial turmoil of campaigning-time. Then the new arrivals were sent down to Taranaki by sea to join the headquarters of the 57th, and went into new barrack life on Marsland Hill, New Plymouth. Kimble Bent's longing for a free independent life became stronger than ever in this new country. He would gladly have exchanged camp-life for even the perilous occupation of a frontier settler, so that he were free. The parade ground was a purgatory, and the restraint of discipline and the ramrod-and-pipeclay system of soldiering were irksome beyond words. He was sick to death of 14 THE ADVENTURES OP KIMBLE BENT being ordered about by sergeants and corporals. Eigliting would have been a relief, but there was none yet. He endeavoured to get his discharge from the regiment, but without success ; and his impatience of discipline led him into various more or less serious conflicts with the regimental au- thorities. So opened Kimble Bent's life in the new land, the land in which he was to roam the forests an outlaw for more than a decade. In those war-days of 1860-70 dense forests covered the wide plains of this Taranaki province, where now most of the dark old woods have been hewn away, and have given place to the pastures and homesteads of dairy farmers. It was a wild but beautiful land. The coast curved out and round in a great sweeping semicircle from Waitara in the north to Wanganui in the south ; the inter- vening region of forest, liiU, and plain was the theatre of war. High and central, Taranaki's great mountain-cone, which the pakeha calls Eg- mont, swelled to a height of over 8,000 feet, its base hidden in the forests, its snowy peak ghttering far above the broad soft swathes of clouds, the sailor's landmark a hunch'ed miles out at sea. Remote from all other higii mountains it soared aloft — " lonely as (Jod and uliite as a winter morn," as Joaquin Miller wrote of his beloved Mount Shasta. SAILOR AND SOLDIER 15 On all sides Taraiuiki — the holy mountain of the Maoris — sloped evenly and gently to the plains, and from its recesses sprang the head waters of many a beautiful river. The mountain, huge yet exquisitely symmetrical, was revered by the old- school Taranaki Maori as the mighty symbol of his nationality, and regarded as being in some mystic fashion the source of his tribal mana. MOUNT EGMONT, TARANAKI. Under the shadow of Taranaki began the Ten Years' War ; here the Hauhau fanaticism took its mad rise in 1864. From Taranaki's foot set out the Hauhau apostles, preaching a strange jumble of Scriptural expressions and pagan Maori concepts, promising their converts that no pakeha bullet should harm them if they but repeated their magic incantations ; and brandishing before the ranks of their devotees the dried and smoked heads of 16 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT slain wliite soldiers. The relapse into bai-barism was more marked in Taranaki than anywhere else, and even to this day the hatred of the white man lingers there, amongst the remnants of the old Hauhau stock. Te Whiti, the Prophet of Parihaka, until his death in 1907, held his court under the shadow of lofty Taranaki, and preached his old mysticism fortified by the towering presence of his mountain-god, cold and immutable, and all unmindful of the pakeha\s nuirch through the plains below. In March, 1804, the 57th were ordered from New Plymouth to Mana\\apou (not far from the present town of Hawera), near the Tangahoe River. The fanatic Hauhau faith had just been born amongst the Maoris, whose palisaded pas dotted the out- skirts of the great forests on the farther side of the Tangahoe, and whose war-songs could some- times be heard from the white soldiers' camp. At Manawapou the regiment went under canvas, and now began the regular round of sentry-go and outpost duty, and all the preparations for an advance on the rebel positions. Meantime there was fighting in tlie northern and western parts of the Taranaki province, between the 57th camp and New Plymouth. There was the disastrous affair at Te Ahuahu, where Captain Lloyd and several soldiers were killed ; their heads SAILOR AND SOLDIER 17 Mere cut otf and smoke-dried by the Hauhau savages, and were carried away to distant tribes by Kereopa, Patara, and other rebel emissaries, the Hauhau recruiting officers. Another momentous affair which happened soon after the 57th took post at Manawapou was the desperate assault on the British redoubt at Sentry Hill (Te Morere). A large A TARANAKI FRONTIER FORT. Sli-i'/ch III/ Mr. .S'. Pirri/ .Sinilli, 1865.) force of Hauhau warriors, deluded by their prophet Hepanaia into believing that his incantations rendered them invulnerable to the white man's bullets, rushed against the redoubt in open day- light one morning, but were beaten off, leaving some fifty of their number lying dead in front of the fort. It was in this engagement that Tito- kowaru — who was afterwards Kimble Bent's chief 9 18 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT and master — ^lost one of his eyes through a bidlel wound. Kimble Bent's final revolt against constituted authority came one wet, cold day in the Manawapou camp in April 1804, It was pouring with rain, but a corporal, one who took a vindictive sort of pleasure in asserting his authority over those privates whom he happened to dishke, ordered Bent to go out and cut some fu-ew ood in the bush. Irritated by the manner in which the order was given, the young " Down-Easter " was foolish enough to argue with his enemy the corporal. " Look here," he said, '' this is no day to send a man out cutting wood. The officers can stay in their tents laughing at us fellows out in the rain. We're treated like a set of blessed dogs." " Oh, you won't go, won't you ? " sneered the corporal, rejoicing at having irritated the soldier into insubordination. "No, I won't go," said Bent defiantly; "so you can do what you Jike about it." The corporal reported Bent to his immediate superiors, and the soldier was arrested and lodged in the guard-tent. Next morning he was brought before a court-martial and tried for disobedience of orders. Major Haszard was the president of the court. VV'ith him sat Captain Clark, Lieutenant SAILOR AND SOLDIER 19 Brown, and Ensign Parker. Bent knew it was useless to attempt a defence, for his offence was an inexcusable breach of disciphne. He was found guilty, and the sentence of the court was that he should receive fifty lashes, and serve two years in gaol. The triangles were then a familiar institution in every military camp in the Waikato and in Taranaki ; for those were flogging days, when even slight breaches of military rules brought down the lash upon the soldier's back. One of the regimental surgeons, D;-. Andrews, examined Bent, as was the practice before flogging was inflicted, and he reported that in his opinion the young soldier was not constitutionally fit to endure the fifty lashes ordered. Soon after Bent had been taken to his tent under guard, one of the officers of the court-martial came in to see him. Ihis was Captain Clark, a fine jovial young Canadian-born soldier, who had rather a liking for the unfortunate man from his end of the world. " Cheer up. Bent," he said ; '' you'll only get twenty-five — the sentence is reduced. And put that in your mouth when you go to the triangles," and he threw down a sixpence. Then, when the guard-tent corporal was not looking, the kindly officer took a flask of rum from liis breast-pocket, laid it on the tent floor, and walked away to liis quarters. 20 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT W'lien Bent was called out for punislimeiit, he quickly drank off the rum, and put the sixpence in liis mouth. He knew the old soldier's recipe for a " stiff upper hp " in the agony of Hogging — " bite on the bullet." The sixpence would serve him as well. It would keep his teeth from biting through his tongue in the throes of that horrible punishment. A bugle sounded the " Fall in." No. 8 Company was paraded in review order on the drill ground to " witness punishment." Bent was marched down to the square ; he was stripped to the waist and tied to the triangles. The big drummer of the Company stepped to the front ; he was the flagel- lant. Bent bit on his substitute for a bullet as the cat swished through the air and fell like a red- hot knife on his quivering back. Again and again came the frightful cuts, criss-cross upon liis back and shoulders, till the tale of twenty-five was complete. Then the prisoner was cast loose, swearing in his pain and passion to have the drum- mer's hfe. A blanket was thrown across his raw and bleeding shoulders, and he was marched back to the guard-tent, where the surgeon pre- scribed for him in rough-and-ready fashion ; then to prison — he refused to go into the camp hospital. Bent served some months in Wellington Prison, doing cook-house work, in expiation of liis offence SAILOR AND 80LDIER 21 against military discipline. Then he was sent back to his hated regiment. The shame of that morning at the triangles, with his comrades paraded to witness his disgrace and agony, was burned into him for ever. He grew morose and desperate. At last he resolved to desert to the enemy. He con- fided his resolve to his tent-mates, and they, know- ing that other soldiers had deserted to the Maoris and had not l)een killed, did not attempt to dis- suade him. " I can't be worse off with the Maoris than I am here," he told them ; " if they do toma- hawk me, it will end all my troubles. I don't very much care." So he bided his time for a favourable oppor- tunity to steal from the camp ; and soon his chance came. It was on June 12, 1865, that he broke camp and fell in with the Hauhau scout on the banks of the Tangahoe. CHAPTER III THE CAMP OF THE HAUHAUS In the Maori country — Arrival at a Hauhau Pa — Maori village scenes — The ceremonies round the sacred flagstaff — " Rire, rire, hau ! " — The man with the tomahawk — A white slave — The painted warriors of Keteonetea — The blazing oven. The saturnine Hauhau spoke little to the white man during that journey to the rebel camp. He stalked silently on in front, his rifle over his shoulder, turning quickly now and again to assure himself that the soldier was still following him. Presently they forded another stream, which Bent afterwards came to know as the Ingahape, and passed through a deserted settlement, with its tumble-down dwellings of raupo reeds, and its old potato-gardens. A few minutes later tliey came in sight of their destination, the Ohangai j)a. A high stockade of tree-trunks sunk in the ground, some of the up])er ends licwn into sharj) points, others with round knobby tops that suggested impaled human heads, surrounded a populous village of thatched huts. Just beyond it was the bush, stretching away as far as the eye could carry. 22 THE CAMP OF THE HAUHAUS 23 It was a secluded, pretty scene, that village with its neat enclosure, its rows of snug tvhares which could be seen through the gateway and the openings in the palisade, and its squares of maize and potato cultivations, sheltered by the friendly belt of dark green forest. Some little, nearly naked children were playing about on the open space in front of the palisades. When they suddenly beheld a white man riding along towards them, with a Maori walking by his stirrup, they stared wide-eyed and open-mouthed, and then rushed helter-skelter into the pa, calling out at the top of their voices, " He pakeha, he pakeha ! " What a commotion that cry of " Pakeha " aroused in the slumbering pa ! Men leaped from the flax ivhariki (mats), where they had been drows- ing away the afternoon awaiting the opening of the steam ovens, and poured out of the narrow gateway armed with their guns and tomahawks. When they saw that the European was a harmless, un- armed individual, and that he was apparently the prisoner of one of their own people, the clamour died away, and they escorted the soldier and his captor into the pa. Bent quickly perceived that his companion was a man of some importance, from the peremptory orders he issued and the alacrity with which they were obeyed. The scout was, in fact, the chief Tito te Hanataua, a rangatira 24 THE ADVENTUHES OF KIMBLE BENT of high standing in the Ngati-Ruanvii tribe, and one of the Hauhaus' best fighting-leaders. It was a wild scene that met the young soldier's gaze when he entered the stockade, and his heart sank before the savagely hostile gaze of a crowd of armed, half-stripped warriors, the black-bearded and shaggy-headed men of the bush, and their scarcely less savage-looking women. A strange ceremony began. In the centre of the village square or tndrat stood a rough-hewn pole or flagstaff, about fifteen feet high, on which flew one or two coloured flags. This was the Niu, the sacred staff which the Hauliau prophet Te Ua had commanded his followers to erect as a pole of worship in each of their villages. [The Niu was in more ancient times the name of a peculiar ceremony of divination often resorted to by the tohungas or priests ; it is perhaps worth noting, too, that in the Islands of Polynesia, the traditional Maori Hawaiki, it is the general name for the coco-nut-tree.] All the inhabitants of the village — men, women, and chi'dren — formed up, and began to march round and round the Niu, with a priest in their midst, rushing frantically to and fro, and brandishing a Maori weapon as he yelled a ferocious-sounding chant. The people, too, lifted up their voices as they marched, and, after listening a while, Bent found to his astonish- ment that part of what they were chanting in a, THE CAMP OF THE HAUHAUS 25 singular wild cadence were these words in " pidgin " English : " Big river, long river, big mountain, long mountain, bush, big bush, long bush," and so on, ending with a loudly chanted cry, " Eire, rire, hau ! " This meaningless gibberish formed part of the incantations solemnly taught to the Hauhaus by Te Ua, who professed to have the " gift of tongues " of which the 'pakefia's New Testament spoke ; his disciples fondly believed that they were endowed by their prophet's " angel " with wonderful linguistic powers. The singular march suddenly ceased, at an order from the shawl-kilted tohunga in the centre, and then the people filed into the village meeting- house, a large raupo-reed-huilt structure, taking Bent with them. He was motioned to a seat beside a Maori, whose name, he afterwards found, was Hori Kerei (George Grey), and who could speak English fairly weU. Sitting opposite Bent was a white-bearded old fighting-man, a dour-faced savage, his brown face deeply scored with the marks of blue-black tattoo ; his sole attire was a blanket ; in his right hand, and partly concealed by the blanket, he held a tomahawk. His hand twitched now and then, as if he were about to flash out the tomahawk and use it on the pakeha, from whose face he never withdrew his fierce old eyes. He was the chief, Te Rangi-tutaki. 26 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT A long talk began. Hori Kerei interpreted. The Maoris asked Bent why he had come to them, why had he run away from his own people. The de- serter frankly told tliem that he was tired of being a soldier, that he had been ill-treated and imprisoned, and that he came to them for protection. " Pakeha,^^ said Kerei, " they want to know if you will ever leave the Maori and go back to the soldiers." " No," said Bent ; " tell them I'll never i-un away from the Hauhaus. I want to live with them always ; I don't ever want to see a white man again ! " " Kapai ! " said Grey good-hum ouredly. " That the talk ! All right, I tell them true." When Kerei had interpreted the white man's reply, the old man with the tomahawk leaned over and said, very earnestly, tapping the blade of the weapon with his left hand as he spoke : " Whahirongo mai ! Listen, qmkeha ! You see this qmtiti in my hand ? Yes. If you had not at once replied that you would never return to the white soldiers I would have killed you. I would have sunk this into your skull ! " After this brief speech, delivered with a fierce- ness of mien and glitter of eye that made the refugee tremble in s])ite of his efforts to appear calm, the old l)arbarian shook hands witli liim. THE CAMP OF THE HAUHAUS 27 Then Tito te Hanataiia — the man who had brought tlie soldier to the pa — rose and said : " O my tribe, hsten to me ! Take good care of the pakeha, and harm him not, because our prophet has told us that if any white men come to us as this man has done, and leave their own tribe for ours, we must not injure them, but must keep them with us and protect them." Tito's word assured Bent's safety, and the tone of the people changed to one of friendliness ; many of them shook hands with the lonely white man. The women cooked some pork and potatoes for him in an earth-oven, and he was given to eat, and received into the tribe. Henceforth he was as a Maori. Now began for the runaway an even harder life than that which he had endured in the army. He found that he was virtually a slave amongst the Maoris. He had had fond imaginings of the easy time he would enjoy in the heart of Maoridom, but to quote from his own lips, " they made me work like a blessed dog." Soon after his arrival in the pa a party of men was sent off to Taiporohenui — a celebrated old village and meeting-place near the present town of Hawera — and he was ordered to go with them, and was set to work felling bush, clearing and digging, gathering firewood, and hauling water for the camp. Tito was his master ■ — not only his master, but in hard fact his owner, 28 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT Avitli power of life and dealli over him. Bent divined the Maori nature too well to refuse " fatigue duty," as he had done in the Manawapou camp. There would have been no court-martial in Tai- ])orohenui — just a crack on the head with a toma- hawk. So he bent his back to the burdens with what cheerfulness he might, and was thankful for the good things Tito provided, tliough tliev took no more elaborate form than a blanket and a flax mat for a bed, and two square meals a day of pork and potatoes. Tito was, says Bent, a man of about forty-five years of age, a stern, but not unkindly owner, with a pretty young wife of seventeen or eighteen, whose big, dark eyes were often turned with an expression of pity on tlie unfortunate renegade pakeha. The ])eople watched the white man closoly, thinking no doubt that as he was being worked so hard he might be tem])tcd to run"'away if he got Ihc chance. And whenever lie went out of doors the old man who had sat opposite him in tlie meet- ing-Jiouse on the day of liis first arrival followed him al»oiit, never s])eakiiig a \\()r(l, with his toma- hawk in his hand. The news that a wliite soldier had run away to the Hauhaus soon spread amongst the Ngati- RuaiHii. One day a messenger from tlie large village of Keteonetea came to Taiporohenui and THE CAMP OF THE HAUHAUS 29 announced that ho had been sent to fetch the strange 'pakeha to that settlement. " What do they want with me l " asked Bent, when Tito told him that the envoy was waiting for him. " They want to see the colour of your skin," replied Tito. Bent, in alarm, begged Tito not to send him to Keteonetea, for lie greatly feared that he would be killed. Tito reassured his white man, telling him that the Keteonetea people were his relatives, and that he was not to be alarmed at their demeanour, because they would not harm him. The messenger and his white charge tramped away through the bush to the village, a lonely little spot hemmed in by the dense forests — long since hewn away and replaced by grassy fields and dairy farms. A pahsade surrounded the kainga ; witliin were clusters of large well-built reed wJiares, and the inevitable Niu pole stood in the middle of the marae. Bent found a large number of Maoris, about three hundred, assembled on the 7narae, the village parade ground. The scene still lives vividly in his memory — an even wilder, more savage spectacle than that of his first day at Tito's 'pa. The men's faces were painted red, in token of war — red smudges of ochre on their cheeks and red lines drawn across 30 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT their brows ; they wore feathers in their hair , their only clothes were flax mats. The lone pakeha might well have imagined himself back in the days of ancient Maoridom, before missionaries or traders had changed the barbaric simplicity of the aboriginal life. The only modern note was the firearms of the warriors ; all the men carried guns (most of them double-barrelled shot-guns, and a few rifles and carbines), and wore tomahawks stuck in their broad-plaited flax belts. Most of the women were as primitive in their garb as the men ; their clothing consisted chiefly of flaxen cJoaks ; a few wore shawls and blankets. " The people looked at me very fiercely as I came into the marae,'''' says Bent, " and I felt my heart sinking low, in spite of Tito's assurance." They put him into a raupo hut by himself, and fastened the door — a proceeding that chd not at all tend to elevate his spirits. The ex-soldier was left to himself in the dark whare for quite a couple of hours. He could hear the people gathered on the village square discussing him excitedly ; one orator after another declaiming with frantic energy. At length a Maori unfastened the door of the ivhare, and, taking Bent by the hand, led him out on to the marae. The native could speak English ; Bent afterwards found that he had been an old whaJcr, and had lived amongst white people for many years ; his name was Kere THE CAMP OF THE HAUHAUS 31 (Kelly). He told the pakeha, with some show of kindness, that he must not be frightened, that no one would harm him, but he must go to the sacred Niu and promise that he would never return to the pakehas. The first thing that met Bent's eyes on stepping out through the low doorway of the ivhare was a great fire blazing in the centre of the marae, sur- rounded by a ring of short stakes. Accustomed as he was by this time to sights of terror, this struck a fresh note of alarm, " Good Lord ! " he said to himself, " are they going to burn me alive ? "' " Friend," he said to Kere, " tell me, what's that fire for ? " The Maori explained that it was an ahi tapu, a sacred fire, used in the Hauhau war -rites. Bent was very doubtful. '' I'm afraid," said he to liis companion, " that it's for me ! Are they going to throw me into it ? I've heard they do such things." " No, no, pakeha ! It's all right. You'll be safe. But remember, do as the tohunga tells you, and promise him you'll never go back to the pakeha soldiers, or you'll die ! " The Maori led the white man up to the foot of the Niu pole, a tall ricker, with rough crosstrees and with fiag halliards of flax rope. Bent was told to sit down at the foot of the pole. The people aU gathered around in a ring. 32 THE ADVENTURES OF KiMBLE BENT A tall old warrior stood iii the middle of the ring, facing Bent — the prophet of the Niu. He was naked from the waist up ; his face was completely covered with tattooing. He was a tohunga, or priest, Bent afterwards discovered ; by name Tu-ahi-pa, or Tautahi-ariki, a man held in much awe by the people as a worker of inakutu (witch- craft). For a long time the old wizard closely eyed the pale-faced stranger before him. Then he said, through the interpreter, Kere : " You behold this ring of people, the people of Keteonetea i " " Yes," said Bent. " I ask you this, will you return to your people or remain with us ? " " I will never return to the pakehas,'' Bent re- plied ; " 1 want to live with the Maoris and to make them my people." " Good ! " exclaimed theHauhau priest. " Now, turn your eyes upon yon fire, burning there upon the iuarae. Well, if you liad not promised to be- come a Maori and live with us, the tribe would have thrown you into that blazing oven. It is well that you have spoken as you have.'' This, to Bent's great rehef, ended the ordeal. The Hauhaus, at a cry from the priest, began their mad march round the Niu — men, women, and cliildren — chanting as they went their savage psalms. THE CAMP OF THE HAUHAUS 33 rolling their eyes and lifting their arms high in the air as every now and again they cried their wild refrain, " Rire, rire, hau ! " — the last word literally barked out from the hundreds of throats. When the Hauhau ceremony was at an end, a young woman who had joined in the march round the Niu came to Bent, took liim away to a hut and gave him a meal of pork and potatoes, and then led him to her father's house. The father was the principal cliief of the kainga, and, as it turned out, cousin to Bent's rangatira Tito. Here the white man spent the night, the chief's daughter lying across the entrance just inside the doorway, for fear — as the chief told him — that some young desperado might take it into his head to earn a little notoriety by tomahawking the pale-face. Outside, the Maoris were gathered on the 7narae, by the light of great fires, the chiefs making speeches and taki-ing up and down in excited fashion, weapon in hand ; now and again the fanatic crowd would burst into a loud Hauhau chant that echoed long amidst the black encirchng forest. So the wild korero went on, far into the night. CHAPTER IV IN THE OTAPAWA STOCKADE The return from Keteonetea — The hill-fort at Otapawa — A korero with the Hauhaus — Bent's one-eyed wife — " The wooing o' 't " — Bent is christened " Ringiringi." Morning came at last, but the solitary white man in this nest of savages had hardly closed liis eyes. More than once he fancied some one was trying the low door of the whare, and he looked round the dimly-lighted hut — a small fire was kept burning in the centre of the floor — in search of a weapon, but found none. Bent lay there, listening intently, and longing with an inexpressibly bitter longing for the old camp-life, hard though it was, and for the sound of a white comrade's voice. It had not always been "pack-drill and C.B." in liis army life, in spite of the tyrant sergeants. But now it was the bush and the ivhare for the rest of his days — or, in other woi'ds, for just so long a ])eriod as he might be able to save his head from the tomahawk. Daybreak — and no sooner was it light than the Hauhaus began to gather round the pakeha^s hut, 34 IN THE OTAPAWA STOCKADE 35 while the women were hghting the hangis — the earth steam-ovens — for the first meal of the day. " Come out to us ! " they yelled ; " come out, pakeha ! " They ran to and fro in front of the ivhare, and raised barking cries that sounded fear- fidly menacing to the pakeha sitting on his low mat-bed, and feeling not in the least disposed to respond to the invitation to come outside and be kUled. But the old chief speedily ended the uproar by opening the sliding door and shouting angrily : " Haere atu ! Haere atu ! " an imperative phrase that the deserter had already learned to recognise as one that could be exactly translated " Clear out ! " Thereafter there was comparative peace. The white man was under the protection of the chief, and was allowed to wander round the village pretty much as he chose ; but he was warned not to go far, or some warrior might take a fancy to his head. Four or five days passed without incident, and then a horse was brought up for Bent, and he returned to Tito's kainga, escorted by the chief's daughter and ten armed men, all mounted. Tito seemed relieved to have his pakeha back again in safety, and after feasting the Maori guard on the best the village women could lay on the dinner- mats, he sent them back to Keteonetea loaded with new clothes and baskets of kmnara (sweet potato) .{G THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT and iaro — another tropic root-food brought from Polynesia by the ancestors of the Maori, but now no longer grown by the Taranaki people. Soon Bent Avas on the tramp again. His chief, Tito, set off one morning, taking his white man with him, for a fortihed village caUed Otapawa, where the Hauhaus were preparing to offer a strong resistance to the British troops. Otapawa was about four miles away by a narrow and winding forest track. A small river, the Mangemange, had to be forded on the way, and here Bent had a taste of some of the minor adventures of the bush. Bent being a rather small man and Tito a big, poweriid fellow, the Maori good-naturedly took his pakeha on his back to pikau him across the stream. Bent was rather heavier than Tito had imagined, and after balancing to and fro precariously on a shppery place in the deepest part of the ford, the Maori's feet suddenly went from under him, and he and his protege were capsized in the middle of the creek. Tito, however, kept a tight grip of the white man, and, though the stream was running swiftly, they managed to struggle out to the oppo- site bank in safety, and after drying their clothes as well as they could continued their bush journey. About midday the Hauhau chief and his com- panion emerged from the sohtudes of the forest to find themselves in the Otapawa clearmg. A hill about tluee hundred feet high rose hke an m THK OTAPAWA STOCKADE 37 island from the great rhmi and rata woods that compassed it on every side ; at the back ran the Tangahoe River. At the foot of the hill there was some cultivation ; a steep winding path led to the top ; here were a ditch and a bristhng double stockade of tall tree-trunks set solidly in the ground, connected by cross-rails lashed with forest vines ; within was the Hauhau village. The only access to the interior of the stockade was through a low and narrow gateway, painted red. A shawl-clad figure with a gun rose from a squatting position just outside the q)a gate as the two travellers walked out from the shade of the forest and began the ascent of the mound. A loud cry of astonishment and warning brought out the villagers, one after the other, bobbing their heads as they ran through the gatcAvay. Then the shout was raised, as they recognised Bent's companion : " Aue ! Here comes Tito with a paJceha^ ! A pakeha ! " Waving shawls and blankets and weapons, the people cried their greetings to the chief, and the white man and his protector walked in between two hues of wondering men and women and chil- dren, who pressed in close behind the new-comers as they passed into the palisaded fa. A long, low-eaved, thatched house stood near the middle of the pa, somewhat apart from the smaller whares. Into tliis building Tito and ' Bent were 38 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT taken, and finely woven flax mats, patterned in black and white, were spread out for them. Tito rose and addressed the crowd. He explained, with a good deal of pride, as Bent imagined, how he had become possessed of a live white man — a somewhat unusual acquisition amongst the Maoris in that unrestful period, for the impatient Hauhau was, as a rule, too fond of trying his new tomahawk on a paJceha skull to keep a prisoner long. The korero over, food was brought in in freshly plaited baskets of green flax — boiled pork, dried shark (a present from a seaside tribe), boiled iaro and humara — quite a bountiful meal for a war-time bush camp. Up to this time the deserter's adventures had been, if not exactly tragic, at least of a severely unpleasant turn. Now, however, they took a humorous twist — humorous from an onlooker's view, though to the white man himself it seemed rather the final pannikinful in the bucket of his misfortunes. A woman was brought into the ivhare. She walked over and seated herself on the flax whariki by Bent's side. The white man turned and looked at her in some surprise. Her vision still haunts the memory of the old adventurer as that of a particularly ugly woman. She was not old, probably not above twenty-five, but she was blind in one eye, her lips were of negroid thickness — such " blubber " lips IN THE OTAPAWA STOCKADE ,'i9 as seen here and there among Maori tribes tell their tale of an ancient Melanesian strain in the blood of the Polynesian immigrants. She was tattooed on the chin, and there was a deeply chiselled blue line on the inner cuticle of her lower lip. Her hair hung round her face in a tangled mop. " Well," said Bent to himself, " she is no beauty." The woman spoke some words of greeting to Bent, but he steadily gazed on the floor and said nothing. Then a Maori sitting near by, who could speak a little English, said, " This woman wants to marry you ! " " Oh, Lord ! " exclaimed Bent. " What for ? I don't want to get married." An old man, whose name was Peneta, and who was draped from shoulder to ankles in a red blanket, Avalked up to the white man and, halting in front of him, pointed to the one-eyed woman. " Pakeha,^^ he said, with a quiet grimness in his tone, " this is my niece, Te Rawanga. You must marry her {me moe korua). If you refuse, you will die ! That is all." This was translated to Bent. Here was a dilemna, indeed ! Bent had nothing to say. He looked at the woman by his side, and she smiled at him as coquettishly as her one good eye allowed. He looked, and the more he looked 40 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT the less he hked her. Tlien he glanced at the dour old uncle, and cast his helpless eyes around the crowded meeting-house. The men were glum and scowling ; one or two of the young girls seemed to perceive the humour of the situation, for they giggled, and then hid their faces in their shawls. Bent eye(\ liis ])r()spec(ive unch^-in-law again. The old man was impatient. He said again, " Take my niece as your wife." " yle," assented the white man, who could see no hope of escape. " I'll take her." So the young soldier was mated, to the satis- faction of every one but himself. " She wasn't my fancy, to put it mildly," he says. " But I suppose it was her last chance, and the old man would have tomahawked me if I hadn't taken her." Mrs. Bent's wedding-furnishings, which she bundled a little later, with determined air, into the corner of the communal house assigned to the white man, were spartan and primitive in the extreme. They consisted solely of a large plaited ivhariki (sleeping-mat) and a wooden pillow, which, to the white man, seemed alarmingly like some weapon of chastisement. Matrimony amongst the Hauhaus was simplicity itself. Bent, now fully received into the tribe, had a Maori name given to him. It was " Ringiringi," a name he bore for two or three years, until the IN THE OTAPAWA STOCKADE 41 war-chief Titokowaru rechristened him " Tu-iuii-a- moa." The origin of this name " Ringiringi " may be explained, as an examjilc of the way in which the Maoris so frequently acquire new names often from very trivial incidenls. It was a contraction of "Te Wai-ringiringi," which was one of 'I'ito te Hanataua's nicknames, bestowed upon the chief about two years ])i-cviously. A party of Ngati- Maniapoto Maoris fioui the King Country were at that time on a visit to Taiporoheniii, where a large war-council of the rebel tribes was held. Tito te Hanataua was one of the Taranaki orators, and as he taki'd up and down, spear in hand, in the usual )nergetic manner of the Maori speech-maker, he ;poke so rapidly and fluently that the Kingites dubbed him " Te Wai-ringiringi," meaning " The Pouring Water," because his words poured from his lips like water. Tito was rather proud of this nickname, and his bestowal of it upon Bent was in a sense a mark of favour. Bent at this time was a thin, rather weak-looking man, and his slimness was made the subject of a haka chorus amongst the people, a little song for which his one-eyed wife was responsible. These were the words : " Ki te Jcai, e Ringi, Kai poropnro te nutnaira, Te I'ti to hope, Whukapai Angorc,' 42 THE ADVENTURES OF KIiAIBLE BENT ("Eat away, O Ringi, Eat your fill of poroporo berries To make you strong again ; Lest your waist be small and weak, Eat to become a fine Englishman ! ") The foroporo is a forest shrub which bears an abundance of Large red berries, a favourite food of the tui and pigeons, which become very fat on this rich bird-fare. The white man, however, as he told his wahine, preferred to leave the poroporo to the tuis, and to fill out his attenuated waist, which the people looked upon with some amusement, with good Maori pork and potatoes. CHAPTER V TE UA, PRIEST AND PROPHET Te Ua and his gods — The Pai marire faith — " Charming " the British bullets — Bent's interview with the prophet — His life tapuW — Prepaiing for battle — Life in the forest pci. About this time Kimble Bent became acquainted with a man whose name has passed into New Zealand history. This was Te Ua Haumene, the founder and high-priest and prophet of the Hauhau religion, or, more correctly speaking, fanaticism. Te Ua came riding into the Otapawa village one day with a bodyguard of armed men. Bent de- scribes him as a stoutly built man of between forty and fifty, attired in European clothing, and carry- ing a carved taiaha — a chief's halbert or broad- sword of hardwood, flattened at one end in a blunt blade, and sharpened at the other into a tongue- shaped point, and decorated with tufts of red kaka feathers ; in a plaited flax belt round his waist was thrust a green-stone mere. Te Ua was the man who taught the Taranaki rebels the karakia, or incantations — some of them a curious medley of Maori and English — which they 43 44 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT chanted in their wild marches rounrl the sacred Niu in their villafje squares. Tliese incantations and chants he professed to have heard from super- natural visitants, the spirits who came on the four MM*nds, and from the angel Gahriel, who spoke in his ear as he lay asleep in his raicpo hut and bade him go abroad and spread a new religion, which should band together the tribes of the Maori nation. Many strange tales Bent had heard about the prophet and his wondrous mava. Te Ua had succeeded in imbuing his fanatic disciples with an unquestioning Moslem-like faith in the potency of the Hauhau cult and its accompanying charms and magic formulae. He was the Mahomet of the Taranaki people, and exercised an influence over the bush-fighters of Ngati-Ruanui and allied tribes almost as great as that which Te Kooti, the Chatham Islands escapee, commanded a few years later amongst the warriors of the East Coast. The absolute faith the Hauhaus reposed in Te Ua's precepts and his pretences to supernatural power has parallels in the records of the Mahdi's wars in the Soudan, and in other campaigns waged under the banner of Islam, and more recently still in the Zulu rebellion in Natal. He assured his followers that when they went into battle the bullets of the white soldiers would be turned aside in their flight if they but raised their right hands as if warding tho ball off, at the same tijne repeating TE UA, PRIEST AND PROPHET 45 the words '^ Hapa / Pai mariref' ("Pass over me! Righteousness and peace ! ") The expression " Fai marire " was adopted as one of the designations of the Hauhau rehgion ; and the sign of the upraised hand became the outward sign and symbol of the warrior faith. To-day, should you visit the large European-built house of the late Te Whiti, the Pro- phet of the Mountain, at Parihaka, you will see a picture of Te Ua on the wall of the speech-hall, his right hand raised to his shoulder, palm outwards, as if in the act of invoking his gods to turn the pakeha bullets aside — '' Hapa ! Fai 7narire I " And many a deluded Hauhau fell to the rifles of the wliite men before the Maori confidence in the effi- cacy of the charm was shaken. But Te Ua had a very good explanation to offer for any casualties — that if the pakeha bullet refused to be waved aside and insisted on entering the body of a " righteous and peaceful " son of the faith, it was because the stricken man had lost faith in the karakia — the ritual — and, very properly, suffered for his unbelief. A subhmely simple explanation, and one that was perfectly satisfactory to the prophet and every one concerned, except perhaps the Hauhau who had happened to stop the bullet. Even when the glacis of the Sentry Hill redoubt was strewn with the dead bodies of Hepanaia and fifty of his red-painted braves, the best manhood of Ngati-Ruanui and Nga-Rualiine — who fell in a 46 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT mad attack upon the walled fort in open daylight chanting their " Hapa ! Pai mar ire ! Hau ! " — the faith in Te Ua and his charms was but little abated. And, unlike the Moslem warrior, who fought to the death in the certain hope of a speedy translation to Paradise, the Maori fanatic expected no heavenly reward for his faith and his death- despising ferocity. No houris with welcoming arms ; no eternity of fleslily bliss. No, it was just utter blind bravery, a sheer trust in a mad creed of Death-to-the-Whites and Maori Land U)y the Maori Race. So the visit of the high-priest of Hauhauism was a great event in the bush pa. The prophet was received with a powhiri, or chant and dance of welcome, by the people of the village ; then the tangi and the doleful hinn of weeping for the dead. 'I'he tangi over, the prophet addressed liis disciples in the meeting-house ; and hearing that there was a white runaway soldier in the pa, he sent for Bent. It was a curious interview. The white nuin no longer appeared in the soldier's uniform, which ho had woiii for some time after deserting, but had taken to the garb of the savage. He was bare- headed and bare-footed. His sole garments were a sliirt made of pieces of blanket and a flax mat tied round his waist. He entered the crowded council- house and stood before the prophet. PATARA, A HAUHAU PROPHET. TE UA, PRIEST AND PROPHET 49 "^ noho ki raro " (" Sit down "), said Te Ua, pointing to the floor-mat in front of him. By the prophet's side was a flax basket contain- ing some potatoes and pork, with which he had been breaking his fast after his journey. This food being appropriated to his use was, of course, tapu in the eyes of the assemblage. Te Ua took a potato from the basket, broke it into two pieces, and gave one piece to Bent and told liim to eat it ; the other half he ate himself. " Now," said the prophet, " you are tapu — your life is safe ; no man may harm you now that you have eaten of my sacred food. Men of Tangahoe ! This pakeha is my pakeha ; and if any other white men should come to us as this man has done, fleeing from their people and forsaking the pakeha camps for our pas, you must protect them, for the gods have sent them to us." " You are a Maori now," added Te Ua to Bent, " and you must have a woman to cook your food for you." Bent, in his imperfect Maori, informed the prophet that he had already been supplied with a wife by the Maoris, but, like a prudent man, made no comment on her imperfections. " That's aU right then," said the prophet. And he gave Bent a large cloak of dressed flax, called a tatara. " Wear this," he said ; " it is a tapu garment and sacred to you ; no other man may wear it." 4 50 THE ADVEi^^rURES OF KE.VIBLE BEJ^r During the next few days, before Te Ua returned to his home at Opunake, on the coast, Bent had further interviews with the prophet, who treated liim with kindness, and gave liim what was to the runaway a very welcome present — some pakeha tobacco. Though something of a madman, like most Maori prophets, Te Ua was of more benevolent spirit than his acolytes, Kereopa and Patara, and their kin, who had been sent to preach the gospel of Pai marire to the outer tribes. Had Kereopa, for instance, come to Otapawa, Bent would, in all probability, have fallen under the tomahawk as a sacrifice for the savage ritual of the Niu, and his head would have been smoke-dried and carried over forest-trails from distant tribe to tribe, or stuck up like a scarecrow on a palisade-pole. Bent learnt a good deal of the personal history of the prophet, and of his peculiar delusions. Te Ua had fought the white soldiers at Nukumaru about a year before this, when a force of Hauhaus made a desperate attack on the camp of two thou- sand British troops, under General Cameron, and killed and wounded nearly fifty soldiers before they were driven off with the loss of about thirty killed. The outward and visible sign or incarnation {aria I of Te Ua's deity was a ruru, or owl. This bird is sacred amongst Taranaki Natives ; they will not kill or harm one ; they say it is an atua, a god, and has a hundred eyes. TE UA, PRIEST AND PROPHET 51 An incident which Bent relates as occurring in another bush settlement where he and Te Ua both happened to be staying is illustrative of the prophet's peculiar respect for his owl-god. Just at dusk, when the evening meal was over, and the night creatures began their roamings, an owl flew softly from the trees and settled above the window of the house in which Te Ua was sitting. " Ha ! " said the prophet, when he saw it ; " there is my atua.'^ He recited an incantation, caUing the ruru by name, and when the karakia was ended the bird as noise- lessly Hew back to the forest. Te Ua said notliing more tiU the next morning, when he announced that he would leave the place at once, because liis owl-god had appeared to him as a warning to return to his home. Soon after the wandering prophet rode out of Otapawa, word reached the 'pa by a spy who had been in the British camp that the troops under General Chute were preparing for an advance against the Hauhaus, and that it was probable the hill stronghold, being so close to the wliite men's base of operations, would shortly be attacked. Ail was excitement in the pa when tliis became known. The pahsading of the pa was strengthened with stout timbers from the torest ; trenches and rifle-pits were dug within the wads. The natives worked away like mad, and Bent with them. He had caught the fever of the moment, and in all but 52 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT skill was a Maori, lie was not at all happy, how- ever, at the news that his old regiment, the 57th, was expected to march on Otapawa, and he heartily wished liimself far away from these scenes of constant commotion and terror. But for the present he was safer with the Hauhaus than with the men of his own colour and tongue. Day after day passed, and the Maoris lay behind their strong stockade waiting for the attack. The underground food-stores were well supplied ; water was carried in in UiIki, or calabashes, made by scoop- ing out the soft inside of the /me gourd ; bullets were cast and cartridges W'ere made. Then, as no troops appeared, and the scouts who kept constant watch on the forest outskirts reported that there was no sign of immediate action on the part of the enemy, the tension of garrison life relaxed, and the ordinary avocations of the kalnga were resumed, In a clearing hewn and biu'iit from the heart of the woods were the cultivation grounds. Here all the able-bodied men of the fort were set to work, turning up the rich black soil and planting potatoes, kumara, and taro. Planting over, the lengthening days were spent in hunting wild pigs, and in gather- ing wild lioney, which was plentifid in hollow trees in the forests ; or in strolling, pipe in mouth, about the fa ; playing draughts {kaimu) on the marae in Maori fashion ; singing songs and narrating old stories and legends. Night and morning there were IE TTA, PRIEST AND PROPHET 53 long Haiihau prayers, led by the priest of the 'pa, old Tiikino, wlio was one of Te Ua's apostles. Life in this bush-fort presented to the lonely pakeha a picture of barbaric simplicity. Few of the people had European clothing ; the men's working garb was just a rough flax mat hanging from the waist to the knees. They lived on the wild foods of the forest until their crops were ready for digging ; snared kaha (parrots) and the sweet-tongued Tcori- mako, or bell-birds ; tui, or parson-birds, and the swarming wood-pigeons, and shot or speared the pigs that abounded in the dense woods. They lived to a large extent, too, on aruhe, or fern-root, which they dug up in the open patches of fern- land ; and in the bush they gathered the berries of the hinau-tree, steeped them in water to rid them of their astringency, dried them in the sun, and then pounded them into cakes, which made a sustaining if not very palatable food. Another food-staple was kaafiga-jnrau, or maize steeped in water until it was quite decayed. "The smell of this Indian corn," says Bent, with an emphasis begotten of unpleasant memories, " was enough to kill a dog. Nevertheless, I had to eat it, and in time I got used to it." " I had at this time," continues the deserter, recounting his wild days in Otapawa, " no boots, no trousers, no shirt — just Maori flax mats to cover me, and a mat and blanket for my bed. I had 54 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT managed to procure some needles and thread, together with paper and pencil (I kept up a sort of diary now and then), and one or two other little things which I kept in a kit, thinking that, though I had nothing to sew with the needles and thread, and very little to do with the other belongings, they might come in useful before very long. One of my greatest troubles was the want of salt ; as for bread, I had not tasted any for many months." CHAPTER VI THE STORMESTG OF OTAPAWA British forces attack the stockade — The bayonet charge — riirrht of the Huuliaus — Througli the forest by torchlight — Doctoring the wounded — Tlie Tangi by the river. Summer was on the forest. The beautiful mid- summer of Maori Land, with its soft airs and bril- hant sunshine, its blaze of crimson blossom on the grand old rato-trees, and its showering of scented, white, peach-like flowers on the tliickets of ribbon- wood. Birds flooded the outskirts of the bush with song ; the early morning chantings and pipings and chimings of the tui and the korimako made a feast of melody to which the brown forest men were in no way deaf, for they dehghted as much as any pakeha in the sights and sounds of the free, wild places, and the call of the creatures of the bush. "Te Waha-o-Tane;' literally "The Voice of the Tree-God " — the Song of Nature — they called these morning concerts of the birds ; it was their poetic expression in the classic tongue of old Poly- nesia for the sounds that betokened the daily 55 56 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT awakening to light and life of the deep and solemn forests of Tane-mahuta, Pigeons, kti-ku-mg to each other, with blue necks and white breasts gleaming in the sun, went sweeping across the clearing on softly winnowing wings, and flapped from tree to tree and shrub to shrub in search of the tenderest leaves, for it was not yet the season of the choicest bush fruits, the big blue tawa berry, the sweet yellow Jcoroi, and the aromatic miro. Life went easily in the pa when the early harvest- ing was over. There was little to do but eat and sleep and lie about in the sun, or join in the daily prayers and the procession round the Niu pole, where the brightly coloured war-flags hung.* There was abundance of food in the camp — potatoes, maize, potted birds, pork, and dried fish sent as presents from the coast tribes. Early morning, and again in the warm, golden evenings, long, straight columns of pale blue smoke arose from tlie cooking- ovens of the village, and mingled with the thin vapours that crept about the tree-tops ; then * These flags, displayed (ni tlui war-jxilcs in (ho Uauliau villages in 18G5-70, carried many a strange device. The ground was white calico, on which red patterns and lettering were sewn or painted. Favourite designs were a red half-moon, like the crescent of Islam, a five-pointed star representing Tmnera, " the bright and morning star," and what was called a Kororin, in shape; like the half of a mcrc-pounamu, or greenstone club, cut longitudinally. These colours had been made in the Waikato during the war, and had been sent round after the manner of the Highlanders' fiery cross to the various tribes in the Island. THE STORMING OF OTAPAWA 57 little clouds of steam curled up as the women, with lively chatter, uncovered the harigis and arranged the well-cooked food in little round flax baskets, which they presently carried off, women and girls in a double line, keeping time with a merry old dance-song — the lilt of the " tukii-Jcai," the " food- bringing " — as they marched on to the green marae and laid the steaming meal before their lounging lords. It was all very pleasant and idyllic from the point of view of the brown bushmen. But " Ringi- ringi," the pakeha-Msiori, though he led by no means a hard life now that the heaviest work of the year was over, had an uneasy mind. He was — or had been — a civilised man, and he could not forget ; moreover, he often woke from unpleasant dreams. One was a vision of a British regiment charging him with fixed bayonets and pinning him against the palisades of his pa. Fervently he hoped that he would not be in the fort when the troops marched to the assault, and that the Hau- haus would not compel him to level a tupara against his one-time comrades, the old " Die-Hards." This peaceful state of things did not endure for long. In a few days^ — it was early in the year 1866 — the long-expected attack on Otapawa was de- livered. Before the troops came, however, the prophet of the pa ordered all the old people and most of the women and children to retire to the 58 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT forest in rear of the fort, and told " Bin^'rin^' " to accompany them. News had just been brought in that the scouts out in the fern country had noticed signs of an impending movement in the British camp. The white man and the tribal encumbrances pushed back into the bush for about three miles, and camped in a quiet little nook by a creek-side, with high, forested hills towering around. The weather now became cold and bleak, and there was little food to sustain the refugees, for the principal stores of hai had been left in the pa. Early one morning the sound of cannon was heard in the distance, then heavy rifle-volleying, followed by desultory firing. The Queen's soldiers were storming the fort. Here -I may give a more detailed description of the defences of Otapawa than has appeared in the preceding pages, to enable the reader to realise the sort of place the white general was attacking. Curving round under the rear of the pa and partly protecting it on the flanks, flowed the Tangahoe Biver. The hill-top where the pa stood was flat, and the rear dropped precipitously to the Tangahoe, The only access to the interior of the stockade was Ilii()\igh a low and narrow gateway. Just within, the entrance was blinded by a short fence, so that an enemy could not charge straight, even if the gate were open, but would have to turn first to the left for a short distance and then to the right, exposed THE STORMING OF OTAPAWA 59 to a fire from between the palisades, before the open marae was reached. The pa was defended by two rows of palisading, with a ditch between, and another shallow trench inside the inner stock- ade. The outer stockade, the peJcerangi, was about eight feet high, and was the lighter fence of the two. The principal timbers were six or eight inches thick, but the stakes between were smaller and did not quite reach the ground ; they were fastened with bush-vines and supplejack to the sapling rails that ran along the stockade. The open spaces at the bottom of the fence were for the defenders in the outer trench to fire through. The inner fence, the tuwatawata,, was a stouter structure, of strong, green tree-trunks set solidly in the ground, and with openings here and there for rifle-fire. And finally — an important thing in Maori eyes — there was the " luck-stone " of the fort, the green- stone whatu. This was buried under the foot of a large stockade post, close to the right-hand corner nearest the river, as one approached from the pa gate. It was soon after daylight that the ^Kt, was at- tacked. The assaihng British force was assisted by some Colonial troops and a contingent of " friendly " Maoris, or Kupapas, chiefly men from the Wanganvii district, under the afterwards celebrated bush-fighter, Kepa te Rangihiwinui (Major Kemp). General Chute commanded the 60 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT operations. An Armstrong gun was brought to witliin a short distance of the hill-fort, and several shells were fired into the stockade. Then the general gave the order for the assault. As the storming party of Imperial soldiers, with bayonets fixed, doubled eagerly up the hill face to the front stockade, the Hauhau chiefs, Tukino and Tu-ahi-pa, cried to their men, crouching in the outer trench with levelled guns : " Sons ! Be steady, and wait till they come close up, then let them have it ! " As the first files of the soldiers dashed up to the stockade, " PuMa ! "— " Fire ! "—shouted the chiefs, and under the thundering volley many whites fell. Another volley, and then the soldiers were at the stockade, firing through the gaps in the obstruction, and slashing at the ties of the fence. Hand-gienades were carried by some of the stormers, and one of these bursting in the outer trench wounih'd fierce old Tu-ahi-pa, who had just killed a soldier in the act of cutting away at the pekerangi in an endeavour to force an en- trance. The Maoris did not wait for the bayonet. The wild rush of the maddened troops was irresistible. Leaving seven of their men kiUed in the trenches and about the palisades, the defenders gathered their wounded and fled. Tlie trenches led to the steep bank overlooking the Tangahoe River. Down THE STORMING OP O^^APAWA Gl the trendies they ran, and sliding down tlie bank, they took to the bush, scrambhng up along the river-side as hard as they could go. Kepa, with his Whanganui friendlies, pursued the flying Hauhaus and shot two or three. As Bent had expected, it was Iiis old regiment, the 57th, that stormed the pa. The 57th were led by Lieutenant-Colonels Butler and Haszard, and were supported by the 14th regiment, who were very jealous of the famous old " Die-Hards." Eleven whites fell and twenty were wounded. One of those who received his death-wound was Lieutenant-Colonel Haszard. It was generally re- ported afterwards that he was shot by Kimble Bent, but this was mere camp gossip. Gudgeon's " Reminiscences of the War in New Zealand," gives currency to the report, but it is strongly denied, and with every appearance of truth, by Bent. When the pa was attacked he was at least three miles away, on the northern side of the Mange- mange stream. "It is false to say that I killed my old officer," says he, " or that I ever even fired at him. I never fired a shot against the wliites all the time I was with the Hauhaus." This is confirmed by the Maoris, who say that Bent was not allowed to handle a gun in an engage- ment for fear he might use it against the Hauhaus themselves. 62 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT The refugees in the bush-camp with Bent waited anxiously lor news of tiie fight. Was it a victory or a defeat ? Soon, the first of the defenders of tlie pa dropped into camp, blood-stained and angry. And then, as the afternoon went on, the rest straggled in. Many were wounded, and seven dead bodies were carried in on hastily made litters of supplejack vines lashed to poles. Then the full story of the battle was told. It was a sad and angry camj), that remote pocket between the hills. Most of the Hauhaus came in nearly naked, just as they had jumped up when the first shot was fired in the grey dawn. They were desperately sullen and grief-stricken over theh dead and the loss of tliek* stronghold, M'hich to them had seemed almost impregnable, for it was the strongest stockaded position they had yet "built. Many a aark look was bent upon the white man as he sat by one of the fires, not daring to speak a Avord. That night the camp was suddenly abandoned by order of the Hauhau leader, who feared pursuit, not by the Imperial soldiers, who had no relish for '' bush- wiiacking " at night — or, indeed, at any other time — but by Kepa's Government warriors, hereditary enemies of the Taranaki men. Hurriedly packing on their shoulders what few belongings they had managed to save from the 'pa, they set off in single tile through the thick forest, making for the banks of the Tangahoe Kiver, which they reached before THE STORMING OF OTAPAWA 63 daylight, and there halted. The wounded who were unable to walk were carried with difficulty through the tangled bush, where it was often necessary to cut away at the supplejacks and aka vines, so in- tricately interlaced and festooned across theh path, before a passage could be made for the litter-bearers. There was no moon ; it was an intensely dark night, rendered more Cimmerian still by the unbroken roof of foliage overhead. The Hauhaus made torches of pieces of dry pinewood, bound together with scraps of flax torn from their scanty mat garments, and with these they managed to dimly light their way through the forest — a wild and savage band ; the warriors in front and rear, then- cartouche-belts over their naked shoulders, and guns slung across their backs, or carried in their left hands ; in their right they gripped then- tomahawks and slashed a^^'ay at the twuiing impediments of the jungle. A camp was made near the banks of the Tangahoe,* and here, as soon as it a\ as light, the Hauhaus nius- * There is an interesting Maori proverb concerning tiiis rapid 'langaho6 stream and the Tangahoe tribe who hved on Its banks. This is tlie proverb, or pfijeliu : " Tanyuhue tunyuta, e haere ; Tanyuhoe ia, e kore e haere." This, being interpreted, is : "iMen oi Tangalio6 depart ; JtJut the current of Tangahoe remains." A pepeha which recalls Tennyson's " Brook " : "Men may come and men may go. But 1 go on ior ever," 64 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT tered and reckoned up their losses. There were about three hundred and fifty of them now in camp — men, women and children. With wonderful celerity the forest-men cut a little clearing, and built wharau, or rough huts, of saplings, thatched with the long fronds of the nikau palm and the mamaku tree-fern. Here the wounded men were attended to as well as the primitive methods of the bush allowed. Women were sent out to search the river-banks for flax-plants ; the flax-roots were dug up, boiled, and the resultant mucilaginous juice poured over the gunshot and bayonet wounds. This was the Maoris' most favoured method of treating injuries of this character, and it generally bore good results. " Ringiringi" himself took a hand in the bush- surgery, for he had watched army surgeons at their work, and the Hauhau wounded, though most of them preferred tlieir own people's doctoring, were grateful to the white man for his efforts to ease their sufferings. • A picked band of the fugitives scouted back through the forest and cautiously reconnoitred their captured fort, which had been set on fu-e by the troops, and was now a heap of blackened ruins. The Government force had by this time passed on to the attack of other pas, and the scouts re- entered their destroyed fortress and searched for their dead. THE STORMING OF OTAPAWA 65 The scene in the camp by the Tangahoe waters when the ^ar-party returned from Otapawa was one that " Ringkingi " never forgot. It was the first great tangihanga, or wailing over the dead, that he had witnessed. The people gathered in the middle of the little clearing, and for hours the sound of lamentation rang through the forest, often rising into a wild, heart-breaking shriek as some blanket- draped or mat-kilted woman, her long hair un- bound, and her cheeks streaming with tears, cried her keening song for her slain. The chiefs taki'd up and down, weapon in hand, and told of the deeds of those who had fallen ; each ended his mournful speech with a chanted dirge. When the song was a well-knoAvn one, the whole tribe would join in and sing the lament with an intensity of feeling that made theu' very bodies quiver. It was the full and unrestrained outpouring of the soul of the savage. CHAPTER VII BUSH LIFE WITH THE HAUHAUS Wild days in the forest — The Hauliau hunters — Maori wood- craft — Bird-snaring and bird-spearing — The fowlers at Te Ngaere — The slayer of Broughton — Another runaway soldier, and his fate — The tomahawking of Humplirey Murphy. For some weeks the fugitives remained in their well-hidden camp by the Tangahoe's stream. When the wounded were able to travel, " Ringiringi " and his Maori companions took them a few miles through the bush to a place called Rimatoto, the overgrown site of an olden village. All the able-bodied men of the tribe now set to work to build a new settle- ment. Thatched 7iikau-ipsdm. houses were quickly run up, and the forest rang day after day with the axes of the bush-fellers, clearing the ground for potato-planting. As it was intended to make this a permanent Tcainga — always providing Kepa's dusky forest- rangers did not find their way to it in their scouting expeditions — a large clearing was made. The felled trees were allowed to lie for about three months until they were dry enough to be fired ; then the potatoes BUSH LIFE WITH THE HAUHAUS 67 were set in amongst the half -burned stumps and logs. In the meantime the forest was scoured for food, and foraging parties were sent out to Turangarere and other villages on the outskirts of the forest and returned laden with pork and potatoes, strapped across their shoulders in the usual Maori pikau fashion. Four miles away by a rough bush track, a track hardly discernible to any but a Maori, was the Maha village. There the white man was taken by his rangatira Tito, after the bush-felling work was over, and three or four peaceful months were passed, varied only by occasional armed scouting expedi- tions to the forest edge, and by long fishing, birding, and pig-hunting trips into the great Avilderness of jungle-matted timber that hemmed in the lonely village on every side. Bent had now been a year with the Maoris, and had thoroughly settled into the native life. He had quickly picked up the language of his adopted people, and there was nothing of the pakeha about him but the colour of his skin, and that was browning with constant exposure and outdoor labour. A waist-shawl or a flax kilt was his single article of everyday clothing ; in cold weather a shoulder-mat or a blanket was added. In this village of the woods there were few emblems of civilisation except the weapons of the warriors. Stories of battle and skirmish now and again reached the bushmen by 68 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT messengers from the plains ; and the M'hite general's great march through the forest from Ketemarae by the Whakaahurangi track around the eastern side of Mount Egmont to Mataitawa and New Plymouth — when the soldiers fell so short of food that they had to shoot and eat their pack-horses — was discussed many a night in the village wharejmrii, the com- munal council-room and sleeping-house. Bent's half-Indian temperament soon adapted itself to this wild life in the forest. No drill day after day, no parades, no sentry-go, no buttons to polish, and no uniform to mend — surely this savage life had its compensations. When the Maoris had urgent and laborious work on hand they worked like fury, and compelled — with the spur of a toma- hawk — the white man to toil with equal industry, if not willingness. Fort-building, trench-digging and timber-felling were undertakings in A\liicli the whole strength of the community laboured from dawn till dark, and the chiefs as hard as the common men and slaves. It was warrior's work. But there Mere periods of halcyon, lazy days in Maoridom, AA'lien " Ringmngi " and his ragged comrades of the bush, their work over, could just " lie around " and smoke and eat, and take no thouglit for the morrow so long as they could procure a pipe-full of strong torori (tobacco) and a square meal of potatoes and pork. Tito proved a not unkind master, Avhen he found that his white man neither attempted to escape BUSH LIFE WITH THE HAUHAUS 69 from the tribe nor shirked the often heavy tasks imposed upon him. The paheka soon became an adept in the wood- craft of the Maoris. He accompanied the young men of the tribe on their forest expeditions, bird- A BRITISH COLUMN ON THE MARCH. (^Froiii a iral'T-colnur sketch hij Major von Tciiipski/, 1866.') snaring and bird-spearing ; these camping-out trips sometimes lasted for a week or more. Far into the solitudes of the great woods the little hunting-parties penetrated, always armed, for they never knew when or where the Government Maori scouts might be encountered. The days were spent in birding and pig-hunting, and the lo7ig nights by the blazing 70 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT camp-fire, when the white man learned from his Hauhau comrades many a wild legend and folk- story, hair-raising tales of witchcraft, and mournful tangi-aongs and love-ditties without end. Powder and shot were too valuable to waste on the birds of the forest in those days. One of the Maori snaring methods, as practised by " Ringiringi " and his companions, was to cut out wooden waka, or miniature canoes or troughs, fill them with water, and place them in some dry spot in the forest where pigeons and tui were plentiful. Just over these troughs flax-snares were arranged, so that when the birds, thirsting for water after feasting on the bush-berries, flew down to drink, and stretched their heads through the running loops, they were tightly noosed. Other snares were set on the wiro- trees, of whose sweet berries the pigeons and hii were particularly fond. " Ringiringi " quickly learned the art of setting snares of flax or cabbage-tree leaf with cunning slip-loops in the branches of the fruit- laden miro ; in a clump of these pines he sometimes caught in a single day as many as three hundred or four hundred birds — kaka parrots, tui, and pigeon — for the forests were alive with feathered creatures, and in the autumn time, when the \\'ild fruits were ripe and abundant, they were to be taken with little trouble ; the noisy kaka parrot was the most easily lured of all. The only forest l)ird that was not wel- comed by the hunters was the owl, or ruru ; should BUSH LIFE WITH THE HAUHAUS 71 one happen to be killed it was never eaten, because in Maori eyes it was an atiia, a spirit or the incar- nation of a tribal deity. Bird-spearing was another forest art widely prac- tised in those times. Long slender limber spears of tawa wood, twelve feet long and more, were used. In making the ))ird-spears, the pole from which each was cut was scorched with fire till very dry, then it was scraped and scraped down with ^jaw^a-shells and scorched again, and once more scraped and shaped with great care and industry, until it had been reduced to the size desired and was perfectly smooth. These spears were armed with barbed tips, often of bone, sometimes of iron. The villagers trailed the weapons after them as they travelled through the forest, until they came to some tree where tui and pigeon perched in numbers ; then the spear was slowly and cautiously pushed upwards until close to the unsuspecting bird, and a sudden, sharp thrust impaled it on the barbed point. The pakeha was carefully schooled in the art of using the spear, and was enjoined, above all, never to strike the pigeon full in the breast, because the bone would often snap the barb-tip off ; it must be speared in the side. In the late autumn the pigeons were " rolling fat " ; and many hundreds of them were preserved or potted in iMaori fashion by the birding-parties in taha, or cabalashes (the hue 72 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT gourd), Avhich were hermetically sealed ^ith the fat of the cooked bkds. One foraging expedition which Bent accompanied was farther afield than usual, up northwards to the great Ngaere swamp, a huge morass near where the present township of Eltham stands, and where dairy cattle now graze on fields that in those days of '66 were seemingly irreclaimable bogs and wildernesses ; lagoons, where millions of eels crawled, snake-like, in the ooze, and where coinitless thousands of wild fowl and water-birds fished and screamed and squabbled all day long. To the edge of the great swamp came the food-hunters ; they waded across to the two islets which rose from the middle of the bog — ancient refuge-places of fugitive tribes — and camped there, catching and smoke-drying huge quantities of eels for w inter food in the home kainga, and snaring many ducks and other birds. In this primeval spot the beautiful kotuku, the white heron so famous in Maori song and proverb- — noAv never seen in the North Island — then abounded ; the white man often admired this graceful bird as he stood on silent A\atcli on the marge of some sedgy pool, then, like lightning-flash, darted his long spear- bill on his prey. The birds were tame, and easily caught, and many were snared and eaten by the foragers. " Ringiringi " captured some on the shores of the lagoon by the simple expedient of a bent supplejack and an arrangement of flax loops, set BUSH LIFE WITH THE HAUHAUS 73 near the kotuku^s daily haunts ; a day seldom passed without a heron being found flapping and choking tightly noosed in the snares of the fowlers. One day in the spring of 1866, when Tito and his hapu, their bird-hunting expeditions over for the season, were gathered in their bush-village Rima- toto, three strange Maoris, fully armed, entered the settlement. They had travelled overland from the King Country, far to the north, on a mission from Tawhiao, the Waikato King, who, after the con- quest of the Waikato Valley by the white troops, had taken refuge with the Ngati-Maniapoto tribe. The envoys had been sent down to recover some Waikato war-flags which were in the possession of the Taranaki Hauhaus. In the crowded ivharepuni that night, when the Waikato warriors made theu" errand known, one of them caught sight of the white man, sitting silently in his corner, and asked who he was. When Tito explained, the visitor asked, "Why don't you kill him ? " " He is my pakeha,'' said Tito, " and I will pro- tect him, because our prophet Te Ua has tapu^d him, and ordered us not to harm him." " That is indeed a soft and foolish way to deal with pakehas,'" exclaimed a fierce-looking young warrior, one of the Waikato trio. " We don't take any white prisoners in our country. You ought to have his head stuck on the fence of your 2>«." 74 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT Tito laughed. " Ringiringi is going to be useful to us," he said. " Besides, he is a Maori now." Next morning Tito despatched the white man and an old Maori named Te Waka-tapa-ruru through the forest to Te Putahi, a stockaded vUlage some ten miles away, on the banks of the Whenuakura River, with a message to the people of that qwb re- questing them to return the colours for which the king had sent. This mission accomplished. Bent stayed a while in Te Putahi, wheie he was treated with much kindness, because of his association A\ith Tito. On the morning after his arrival a man came to his sleeping-hut and, without saying a word, placed on the mat before him a couple of blankets and a watch. The history of the watch was after\\ards explained to him by Te Waka-tapa-ruru. This warrior was a typical old bush-fighter. He had a very big head ; he was tattooed on the cheeks ; he was wiry and wonderfully quick on his legs. He told Bent, with a devilish grin on his corrugated face, that the watch had belonged to a white man, called Paratene, whom he — Te Waka — had shot the previous year at Otoia, on the Patea River. This pakeha was Mr. C. Broughton, a native in- terpreter who had been sent on a special Govern- ment mission to the Hauhaus, and was barbarously BUSH LIFE WITH THE HAUHAUS 75 murdered while in the act of lighting his pipe in the village marae. Broughton's slayer, despite his repulsive ante- cedents, became a friend of Bent's, and they were close comrades until 1869, when the old man was killed in the act of charging furiously on the Armed Constabulary at the attack on the Papa-tihakehake stockade. At Te Putahi " Ringiringi " was astonished to find another white man, clothed like himself in a blanket. This man walked up and greeted him, and the fakelia-M?bori recognised the long-haired, rough- bearded fellow as an old fellow-soldier. His name was Humphrey Murphy ; he, too, had been a private in the 57th, and had become as dissatisfied with the life as Bent had done, and deserted to the Hauhaus. Bent sums him up as " a bad lot." Murphy was an evil-tempered Irishman, faithful to neither white man nor Maori. He belonged to two chiefs, Te Onekura and Whare-matangi, who lived in the -pa at Te Putahi. Murphy, it appeared from his own story, had been taken over as a taurekareka, a slave, by one of the Hauhau chiefs when he deserted, and had been sent as a food-carrier to Te Putahi by his owner, who treated his " white trash " with scant considera- tion. At Te Putahi he had been taken over by the two local chiefs. The deserter bragged to Bent, as they sat side by side on the village 7riarae, that 76 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT he would shortly return to his old Maori " boss," as he called him, and kill him, and take what money he could find as payment for his enforced labour. While Murphy was speaking, a young Maori girl sat by quietly listening. When the runaway soldier rose and walked off to his hut, the girl said : " Ringi, I heard Avhat that taurekareka white man was saying. I have learned enough of the pakeha's tongue to know that he is going to kill his rangatira and steal his money." " Kaati ! Don't .say a word about it," cautioned Bent. But the girl rose up in the meeting-house one night after " Ringhingi " had departed to his home at Rimatoto, and repeated the threat she had over- heard from Murphy's lips. That settled the taurekareka' s fate. Bent, some time later, inquiring after Murphy from one of Tito's men who had been on a visit to Te Putahi, was told that he had been killed. The Hauhaus had a short way with such as he. He was quietly tomahawked one night as he lay asleep, and his despised remains dragged out and cast into the Whenuakura River that ran below the village. At this time there were at least four white men living with the Hauhaus in South Taranaki. One came to Rimatoto to see " Ringiringi," and remained with him for a week. His name was Jack Hennessy, and BUSH LIFE WITH THE HAUHAUS 77 he had, like Bent, deserted from the 57th Regiment. He was in fact the " shut-eye sentry " who had seen Bent steal off from the Manawapou camp in 1865. He gave himself up to the white forces some time later, thed of life with the Hauhaus, and was court- martialled and sent to prison. CHAPTER VIII THE HAUHAU COUNCIL-TOWN Life in Taiporohenui — A gi'eat praying-house — The ritual of the Niu — Singular Haiihau chants — " Matua Pai-marire " — Bent's new owner, and his new wife — The tattooers— Another white renegade Another summer came, and the crops were gathered in, and the men of Tito's Jiapv, after nearly a year of comparative peace, wearied for the war-path again. Rimatoto and other small bush-hamlets were deserted, and the tribes gathered in, bearing their food supplies to the Hauhau council-village of Taiporohenui — close to where the to^^■n of Hawera now stands. Taiporohenui was a famous name — a \v()rd of inana, as the Maori would say — amongst all the tribes from Whanganui to Waikato. The name, say the wise men of Taranaki, goes back far beyond the days of the later Maori migration to New Zealand, in the canoes Aotea, Tokomaru, Tainui, and other Polynesian Viking ships. It was that of a great temple in Tahiti, in the tropic isles of the Hawaiikian seas, countless generations ago. And in this latter-day Taiporohenui the Maoris, mindful of tiieir ancient traditions, built another temple. 78 THE HAUHAU COUNCIL-TOWN 79 This Hauhau praying-house and council-hall, con- structed of hewn timber with rau})0-reed walls and 7iikan-tha,tch roof, is described by Bent as the largest building of native construction that he had seen. It was about one hundred and twenty feet in length, and Avas of such exceptional size that the ridge-pole was supported by four pontoko-manawa, or pillars, instead of one or two, as in the ordinary Maori meeting-house ; there were five fires burning in it at night, in the stone fireplaces down its long central aisle ; on either side were the mat-covered resting- places of the people. The timbers of the house were of the durable totara pine. The inside was lined with beautiful tukutuku work, of kakaho reeds and thin wooden lathes artfully fastened with kiekie fibre, arranged in many handsome geometrical patterns. Beneath the first large poutoko-inanawa in the house was buried a large piece of greenstone in the rough, the whatu, or " luck-stone," of the sacred house. It w^as the Maori custom when the centre-pole of a large meeting-house or the first big palisade-post of a fort was set in position, to place a piece of green- stone, often in the form of an ornament, such as an ear-drop or a carved tiki, at its foot.* * We have survivals of this widespread ancient custom amongst ourselves, in the practice of placing coins, etc., under the foot of a mast of a new ship, and under the foundation-stone of a church or other important building. The cult is found amongst many savage nations in its primitive form. Here is an instance narrated by Mr. T. C. Hodson in an article in Folk- Lore (Vol. XX., No. 2, 190!*) on " Head-iiunting amongst the 80 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT In front of the great house on the marae, or village square, stood the sacred A^m-pole, a totara pine flagstaff, nearly fifty feet in height, with a yard about fourteen feet long ; the staff was stayed like the mast of a ship. The war-flags of the Hauhaus were flown from the Nhi, and the people daily marched around its foot in their " Pai-marire ^^ pro- cession, intoning the chants their prophet had taught them. This N'iu was one of the first worship-poles planted in Taranaki by the Hauhau prophet's com- mand, and it was the centre of many a wild fanatic gathering. At its foot there was planted a large piece of unA\'orked greenstone — as was done when the first house-pillar was set up — as the ivliatu of the sacred pole ; this block of pounamu is still there, says Bent. Round this staft" of worship, w here the bright war- flags hung, the people marched daily in their strange procession, chanting their wild psahns. Tito te Hanataua was one of the priests of the A^iu, and he led his tribe in the services after the Hauhau religion. Hill-tribcs of Assam " : " Tlie head-man of a large and powerful village (on the frontier of the State of Manipur) was engaged in building himself a new house, and to strengthen it had seized this man (a Naga) and forcibly cut of? a lock of his hair, which had been buried underneath the main post of the house. In olden days the head would have been put there, but by a refinement of some native theologian a lock of hair was held as good as the whole head." It was the olden Maori custom to jjlace a human head beneath the central pillar of a sacred building, and to have a human sacrifice at the opening of a new house. THE HAUHAU COUNCIL-TOWN 81 Some of the chants Mere amazing mixtures of English and Maori ; some were all pidgin-English, softened by the melodious Maori tongue. Here is a specimen of the daily chants, intoned by all the people as they marched round and round the holy pole. The priest shouted, " Porini, hoia .^ " (" Fall in, soldiers ! ") ; then " Teilmna ! " (" Attention ! "), and they stood waiting. Then they chanted, as they got the order to march : Translation. Kira . . Kill Wana . One Tu . Two Tin . . Three Wha— Four — Teihani ! Attention Round the sacred flag-staff they went — men, women, and children — chanting : Rewa River Piki rewa Big river Rongo rewa . Long river Tone . Stone Piki tone — . Big stone — Teihana ! Attention ! Rori . Road Piki rori Big road Rongo rori . Long road Puihi , . , . Bush Piki puihi — Big busli — Teihana ! Attention ! Rongo puihi Long busli Rongo tone . Long stone ;2 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT Hira . . Hill Piki hira . Big hill Ronijo hira — Long hill — Tcihana ! Attention ! Mauteni Mountain Piki mauteni Big mountain Rongo mauteni Long mountain Piki niu . Big staff Rongo niu — Long staff — Teihana ! Attention ! Nota . . . North No te pihi . . North by East No te hihi N. Nor'-east Norito mino. . N.E. by North Noriti North-east Koroni — Colony — Teihana ! Attention ! Hail . . Hi ! Kamu te ti . Come to tea Oro te mene . All tlie men Rauna . Round Te Niu— . . The Niu— Teihana ! Attention ! Hema . Hliem Rurawini Rvile the wind Tu mate wini Too much wind Kamic te ti — Come to tea — Teihana ! Attention ! And so on, a marvellous farrago of Maorified English words and phrases. It ^\•as Te Ua's " gift of tongues," they imagmed, that had descended upon them. Night and morning, too, the sound of Hauhau prayers rose from the great camp. Here is one, THE HAUHAU COUNCIL-TOWN 83 the " Morning Song " ("* Waiala mo te Ata "), in imitation of the Engliir^h Prayer-book : Koti te Pata, nuii marire ; Koti te Pata, mat tnarire ; Koti te Pata, mai marire ; To rire, rire ! Koti te Tana, mat marire ; Koti te Tana, mai marire ; Koti te Tana, mai marire : To rire, rire ! Koti te Orikoti, mni marire Koti te Orikoti, mai marire Koti te Orikoti, mai marire To rire, rire ! To mai Niu Kororia, mai nuirire ; To mai Niu Kororia, nuti marire ; Translation. God the Father, have mercy on me ; God the Father, have mercy on me ; God the Father, have mercy on me ; Have mercy, mercy (or peace, peace) ! God the Son, have mercy on me ; God the Son, have mercy on me ; God the Son, liave mercy on me ; Have mercy, mercy ! God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on me ; God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on me God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on me ; Have mercy, mercy ! My glorious Niu, have mercy on me ; My glorious Niu, have mercy on me ; To m,ai Niu Kororia, m,ai My glorious Niu, have mercy marire ; on me ; To rire, rire ! Have mercy, mercy ! The more warlike cliants ended in a loudly barked " Hau ! " the watchword and holy war-cry of the 84 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT rebel biishmen. Very wild they were, these savage hymns, haunting in rhythm, and stii'ring the people to a frenzy of fanatic fire. Kimble Bent joined in these Hauhan war-rites like any Maori, and marched, chanting witli his wild comrades, round and round the Niu. Several skirmishes between the whites and Maoris occurred in the winter and early spring of 1866, and one of these had some concern for the exile. About three miles away from Taiporohenui was a village called Pokaikai, to which " Ringiringi " was sent awhile by his chief. While he was there the prophet Te Ua arrived. He dreamed a dream, one of bad omen, and he straightway counselled '" Ringiringi " to return at once to Taiporohenui. " Ringi " obeyed. Three days, or, rather, three nights after- wards, a force of colonial soldiers under Colonel McDonnell unexpectedly attacked Pokaikai and rushed the village, killing several Hauhaus. In some way the Forest Rangers under McDonnell had heard that the deserter Kimble Bent was in Pokaikai, and they were eager to capture or shoot him. Some of them surrounded one of the irhares in which they imagined Bent was sleeping. A young volunteer named Spain had just previously, unnoticed by them, gone into the irhare to bring out a dead Hauhau, and while he was there the Rangers — hearing some one say there was a white man w ithin — fired a volley into the hut, which unfortunately THE HAUHAU COUNCIL-TOWN 87 mortally wounded Spain. This young soldier was the only pakeha killed in the fight. When " Ringiringi " heard of the Pokaikai affair from the fugitives who fled through the bush to Taiporohenui, he felt that the Hauhau prophet had indeed been his good angel, for it was only Te Ua's injunction to return to the main Hauhau camp that had saved him from the vengeful bullets of his fellow-whites. And thenceforward the white man was a dreamer of many a strange dream, and he came to believe almost as implicitly as the forest-men themselves in the omens that lay in the visions of the night, and in warning voices from the spirit- world. About this time "Ringiringi" changed hands, much as if he were a fat porker or a keg of powder or any other article of Maori barter. Rupe (" Wood- pigeon "), a chief of Taiporohenui, made request of Tito — to whom he was related — for his jmkeha mokai, his tame white man. He had never owned a pakeha, he explained, and would like one all to himself, and he knew that " Ringiringi " would be a handy man to have around, to keep his armoury of guns, of miscellaneous makes and dates, in repair, and to make cartridges for him. So " Ringiringi " was passed over to his new owner, whom he served, with the exception of some short intervals in the war-time and in the period of exile on the Upper Waitara, until 1878, 88 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT Soon after " Ringiringi " had become one of Rupe's household, his chief's son, a young lad named Kuku (another name for the wood-pigeon), fell seriously ill. The white man doctored and care- fully nursed the boy, and under his treatment he recovered. Rupe's gratitude to his mokai took a chieftain-like form. As payment, or uhi, for curing his son, he led up his daughter, a young girl of fifteen or sixteen, and presented her to " Ringkingi " as his wife. " Indeed, she was a pretty gu'l," says the old 'pakeha-M.dion, recalling the dead past. " I'll never forget her. She had handsome features, almost European, though she was of pure Maori blood. Her lips were small, her hair was wavy and curly, instead of hanging in a straight, black mat, and she had what was very strange in a Maori, blue eyes — the first blue-eyed native I have ever seen. She was a very gentle girl — she never kaiuja'd or said unpleasant things about others, never quarrelled with the other women. She did not smoke either, which was unusual. Her chin was tattooed, but not too thickly or deeply. She had, too, the ra'pe and tiki-hope patterns engraved on her body, the hip, and thigh, tattooing which was in fashion in those days, and which the girls and women were proud of displaying when they went out to bathe." With this agreeable young wife, whose name was Rihi, or Te Hau-roroi-ua, Bent lived for nearly three THE HAUHAU COUNCIL -TOWN 89 years. She bore one child, which died, and soon after she, too, died, to the 'pakeha-M.siori''s great sorrow. His one-eyed wife, the lady of Otapawa, had left her unwilling husband some months before he took Rilii in Maori marriage. Amongst the primitive arts of the Maori with which " Ringiringi " became familiar about this time was that of moko, or tattooing. The kauae tattooing — on chin and lips — w^as still universal amongst the native women, though few of the men now submitted their faces to the chisel or the needle of the tattooing artist. A popular form of tattooing amongst both sexes was that technically known as tiki-hope, the scroll-patterns on the thighs and other parts of the body usually concealed by the waist- shawl. The white man saw numbers of women as well as men decorated in this fantastic fashion. In fact, he was so thoroughly Maori by this time that he was about to undergo the operation himself, in the winter of 1867, when living at the village Te Paka, near the old fort Otapawa. He had the ngarahu, or kapara, the blue-black pigment, ready for the dusky engraver, and would shortly have been made pretty for life in Maori eyes had not the tattooing been peremptorily forbidden. "I wanted my face tattooed," says Bent, "for I was as wild as any Maori then. I intended to have the curves called tiivhana, or arches, tattooed on my forehead, over the eyes, and the kaivekaive lines on 90 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT the cheeks, extending to the corners of the mouth. What a curiosity I would have been, though, when I caitie out of the bush ! I would have been able to earn my living in my old age, going on exhibition, like the bearded lady in the circus ! " It was Te Ua the prophet who forbade the tattoo- ing. He happened to be in residence at Te Paka just then, and he reminded " Ringiringi " that he liad kijnid him, and explained that to moko his skin would be a violation of that particular brand of tapu. To the white man this was not quite clear ; never- theless, he agreed to obey the prophet's Mosaic command " to make no cuttings " in his flesh, and remained a plain, undecorated 'pakeJm. However, he acquired some skill himself with the tattooing instruments, and exercised it in printing names and sundry devices on the persons of the villagers. He learned, too, how to manufacture the indelible rigarahu, or kapara, pigment. In making this tattooing-ink the soot from fires of white-pine {kahikatea) wood was used. A cave-like hole was dug in the side of a bank, with an opening resembling a chimney in the top. A large fire was kindled in the cave, or rua, and for several days was constantly fed with the resinous timber of the kahikatea. Above the earth-chimney were arranged a number of twigs of the karamu shrub (a coprosma), with the bark stripped off, set up in the shape of a tent, and covered with a layer of leaves. The dense THE HAUHAU COUNCIL-TOWN 91 smoke from the fire deposited a thick soot on the karamu sticks. For some days the fire was kept up ; then the twigs were removed, and the soot scraped off into wooden receptacles. It was mixed with water, and worked into little round balls. The soot- balls were then placed on a layer of 'poroporo leaves in an umu, or earth-oven, and steamed for about three hours, when they were taken out and set to dry. In later times, after the war, Bent cften em- ployed himself in the manufacture of this tattoo- dye ; and was, he says, accustomed to receive ten shillings for a ball of figarahu the size of a peach. To Te Paka vUlage there came one day another renegade white man, an Irish soldier named Charles Kane, or King. He had been a private in the second battalion of the 18th Royal Irish Regiment, and had, like Bent, revolted against army discipline, and deserted to the Hauhaus. The Maoris had christened him " Kingi." He lived in Bent's whare in Te Paka for some time. He was exceedingly bitter against his old officers, and, in fact, against his fellow-whites in general ; so much so, that he boasted of his intention to fight against them, and,, as will be seen later, actually did so in the attack on the Turuturumokai redoubt. Like most of the soldiers who traitorously deserted their colours in those war-days, he fell at last a victim to the toma- hawks of his Hauhau companions. CHAPTER IX A FOREST ADVENTURE The two eel-fishers — Bivouac in tlie Inisli — A nuiriicrous attack — The Waikato's tomaliawk — " Riiigiringi's " escape. Far away to the east and north of the great Hauhau council-camp stretched the forest, clothing hill and valley with one endless wavy garment of unvarying green. For weeks one might tramp through these vast, jungly woods and not see or hear sign of man, or of any living thing but the twittering birds in the tree-tops and a stray A\ild jug rooting in the soft, fern-matted earth or scampering away through the thickets. The free, unspoiled wilderness of Tane- Mahuta. Climbing to the wooded crest of some of the steep little hills that rose from the gently undulating plain, one might here and there, through the gaps between the towering tiers of foliage, catch narrow glimpses of the surrounding country ; and })orhaps far away to the nor'-west see between the branches, set like a picture m its forest-frame, the pure white snow- cone of tent-shaped Taranaki. Deep in these bush solitudes one day, when the 'J2 A IFOREST ADVENTURE Oli spring had come, the voice of man broke upon the silences. The wild boar stopped his root-foraging to listen, and then turned and crashed off through the supplejacks. A band of brown men, some clad in nondescript articles of European clothing, some wearing only a shoulder-cape of flax and a shawl or blanket-kilt, wound in single file through the bush, striking due east. There were fourteen or fifteen of them. Most of them carried weapons — double- barrelled guns and short-handled tomahawks, stuck in the waist-belt of flax ; all had large flax baskets, some containing gourd-calabashes, strapped across their backs. Some sang little lilts of Maori song, and some called now and then to the others, or mimicked the tui and the kaka parrot that cried above them in the trees. Mid-line in the file was a fairer-skinned young forester, bare-footed like the rest, clad only in a " home-made " shirt that seemed to have been cut out of a blanket and a coloured shawl strapped round his waist. He had a thick beard, and his hair was so long that it would have fallen down over his shoulders had it not been caught at the back of his neck and tied with a piece of flax. This was " Ringi- ringi," the 'pakeha-MRori, wearing as little clothing as his Hauhau companions, and to all appearance as seasoned a bushman as they, as he bent along the jungly way with the easy, noiseless jog of the Maori scout. 94 THE ADVENTURES OP KIMBLE BENT This party had been despatclied from Taiporo- henui by Rupe, to work inland through the bush to the upper w aters of the Patea River, and scour the country for food supplies for the assembled tribes. They were ordered to bring home wild pork and wild honey, and to catch as many eels as they could carry. They travelled far into the heart of the bush, and then divided into small parties of twos and threes for eel-catching in the creeks. The white man's companion on the eel-fishing excursion was an old Maori from the " King " Country, a Ngati-Maniapoto man, who had joined the Taranaki Hauhaus ; he was a short but strongly built fellow, with a big head and of dark and sullen visage, made more forbidding still by the blue-black tattoo with which cheeks and brow and nose were scrolled and lined. The couple, leaving the others after arranging a general rendezvous for the follow ing day, selected a small creek, winding in a slow, brown current beneath the roof of verdure which the out- stretching branches of the rata and the pines nearly everywhere held over it. It was a tributary of the Upper Patea above Rukumoana. They fished with short rods and flax lines, with worms for bait, and by the evening had caught between them about sixty good-sized eels. The eel-fishers bivouacked where the t\\ilight found them, in a tiny nook near Orangimura, where there was just room to build their camp-fire and A FOREST ADVENTURE 95 spread their bush-couches of fresh-pulled tree-fern fronds, between the buttressed raius and the creek- side. " Ringiringi " had a little cold food in his pikau kit, potatoes and kopaki corn ; that is, maize in the sheath. He was about to grill some of the fat eels on the fire when his Maori companion stopped him. *' E tama ! " he said. " Don't you know it is unlucky to cook the tuna in the night-time ? Do not touch those eels until the morning ; should you disobey, it will surely bring heavy rain." The superstitious old warrior was so insistent that " Ringiringi," to please him, agreed to his wishes ; he contented himself with the little he had in his kit, and then, filling his pipe with torori tobacco, lit it, and smoked as he lay beside the camp-fire. His Maori mate squatted smoking on the other side. The warmth of the fire, and the low, murmurous singing of the little river — the wawara-wai, the babble of the waters, in the musical Maori tongue — pleasantly lulled the tired pakeha. He lay there, with his scanty bush-ranging garments wrapped about him, listening, half -asleep, to the lazy run of the creek, and to the songs that his savage old com- panion recited to himself in a monotonous chant. War-songs of Waikato, songs that he and his Kingite comrades had shouted in many an armed camp before the white man drove them out beyond the Aukati line, the frontier of the Waikato. In one OG THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT of these chants the eel-fisher's voice was lifted in a quick burst of passionate remembrance — a defiant Aa^-song the Hauhaus of Taranaki, too, had adopted as a composition exactly expressing their opinion of pakehas in general, and of the pakeha Governor in particular. It likened Governor Grey to a bush-bullock devouring the tender leaves of the raurekau shrub — a Maori simile for the land- hunger of the A\hites : " A he kau ra. He kau ra ! U II ! He kau kauxma koe Kia miti mai Te raurekau. A he kau ra. He kau ra ! A u u ! (" Ha ! A beast art thou, A beast that bellows — Ooh ooh ! A beast art thou, O Governor, That lickcst in The leaves of the raurekau. Ho ! A beast, indeed, A beast art thou ! Oo on ooh 1 ") The old Hauhau, warming to the haka, almost yelled the virulent words. The chant broke the white man's drowsing, and he sat up and listened as his companion r('])cated the vigorous dance- song. A FOREST ADVENTURE 97 " Well, pakeha ! " he said ; " that is our Waikato iigeri, our A\'ar-cry. That is what we think of the Governor — and of all pakehas I I hate all white men ! They are thieves and pigs. I could cook and eat them all ! All, every one ! I would not leave a white-skin alive in this island ! They are slaves, taurekarekas — like you ! Now go to sleep, for we must rise w^hen the kaka cries." And the old man curled up by the fire, Awhile " Ringiringi " found uncomfortable reflection in the fact that he ^^'as here alone, far in the heart of the forest, with a murderous old savage who was armed with a war-tomahawk, while he, the weaker man, though the younger, had nothing with which to defend himself. But by this time he Mas familiar with the face of danger, and worked and slept in the midst of alarms ; so simply remarking to the Maori, "Friend, I am sleepy," and throwing some fresh fuel on the fire, he lay down again on his ferny ivhariki. However, he had his suspicions of the old savage, and presently he glimpsed the Maori eyeing him dangerously through his narrowed lids and handling his tomahawk restlessly. When he lay down to rest, the white man had drawn his blanket partly over his face, as if he were asleep, but he kept one eye lifting. Once the Maori half rose and looked cunningly over at his companion, with his hand on his war-axe, then he sank down again. 98 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT The little dark brook went singing on beneath the forest ; the fire gradually burned lower and lower as the night wore on ; the niorepork noA\' and then cried his sharp complaint of " Kou-kou ! " fioni the shadoAA's. The two fishers lay silent ; to all appearance both were asleep. But in the Maori's heart was black, treacherous murder. Utu — payment, satisfaction, revenge — summed up in a word the darker side of the Maoii character. The lone •pakeha's head would be indeed a trophy to bear back through the wilderness to his tribe. He would be a hero ; he could brag to the end of his days how he slew a white soldier in single combat, and none could contradict him. He saw himself already taki-mg and prancing up and down the home marae before his admii'ing clan, the pakeha's head in his hand, his tomahawk — the victor's toma- hawk ! — flashing in air. Ah ! That, indeed, would be utu — though long-deferred utu — for his kinsmen who fell to the pakeha bullets at Rangirii'i and Orakau ! It must have been nearly midnight, and " Ringi- ringi " was half-asleep with fatigue, in spite of his fears, when suddenly all his senses were awakened. Through his half closed eyelids he saw tlie Maori rise, tomahawk in hand ; he rose from his blanket noiselessly, then cautiously stretched one foot across a tawa log that lay on the fire, with its end pro- jecting. His eyes blazed, his face was frightful, with intent to murder ])l;tiii upon il in tlic firelight. A FOREST ADVENTURE 99 He Avas just in the act of stepping over tlie log, with his little axe upraised, when the white man suddenly threw off his blanket and leaped for the savage. The old fellow flew at him with his upraised toma- hawk glittering in the little light that the bivouac- fire yet threw^ out. But " Ringiringi " was too quick for him. He ducked dexterously, and caught the Maori by the ankle, and, with a lightning twist that he had learned from his Taranaki people, threw him to the ground. The murderer-in-intent fell on his back and almost on the fire, and the tomahawk dropped from his hand. " Ringiringi " pounced on the furious old savage as he fell, and with a knee on his bare chest, and one hand on his throat, reached out with the free hand for the tomahawk, which lay just within his grasp. The Maori would have continued the struggle, and in the rough-and-tumble would probably have got the better of the white man, had not " Ringi- ringi," now roused to murderous mood himself, threatened to split his head in two if he moved, and emphasised his words by bringing the weapon down until the blade was within an inch of the old fellow's ugly, tattooed nose. The Maori sulkily promising to lie quietly in his sleeping-place for the rest of the night, the pakeha relinquished liis grip of the old man and backed to UM) THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT hi.s own side of the bivouac. He fed the fire ^ith dry branches of pine, and presently the little glade was a blaze of light again, and the black tree- shadows danced like forest-ghosts to the rising and falling of the flames. The old Maori pulled his blanket over his face and pretended to go to sleep, but " Ringiringi " did not take his eyes ofif him the rest of that night. He sat by the fire till daylight, the captured tomahawk between his knees. In the morning the two enemies silently packed their takes of eels in their kits, and slung them on their backs by flax-leaf straps, for the home-journey. The little river had to be forded. It was about knee-deep. The Maori hung back, waiting for Bent to cross first ; but the white man knew that if he did so his enemy would spring upon him or trip him up and try to drown lihn in the creek. " Now, you go first," ordered Bent, when he had settled his pikau on his shoulders and stood, toma- hawk in hand, facing the Maori, " and walk in front of me all the way home, or I'll kill you ! " So the old fellow sulkily stepped into the stream and waded across. Bent following liim, and in this order they travelled. So they made their way homewards, striking west through the pathless forest, wading watercourses and climbing and descending hills, until they einerged on the fcni country. "' Ringu'ingi," immensely re- A FOREST ADVENTURE 101 lieved, and weary beyond words, reported himself to his chief. Rupe was furiously angry when he heard the story of the Waikato's attack on his jjakeha. " The kohuru ! " he cried, as he leaped to his feet. " The murderer ! I shall slay him this instant, on the marae, though all Waikato come down to avenge him ! " And seizing an axe from the wall, he ran out in chase of " Ringiringi's " night antagonist. The old fellow, when the chief rushed out at him like a madman, turned and fled from the village, and ran for his life until he disappeared in the shelter of the bush. Rupe did not pursue him far ; his fit of anger was soon spent, and he returned to his ivhare, and made his white man relate again, with Maori wealth of detail, the story of the eel-fishing bivouac. " Ringii'ingi's " would-be slayer was never heard of again ; at any rate, he did not venture back to the camp of the Hauhaus ; and whether he ever succeeded in taking a pakeha head in settlement of his uhi bill no man knows. CHAPTER X THE WAR-CHIEF AJSfD HIS GODS The war-chief Titokowaru — Ancient ceremonies and religimi revived — Uenviku, the god of battle — Titokowaru's mana-tapa ■ — Bent makes cartridges for the Hanhaus — A novel weapon. The year 1867 was one of little activity amongst the Hauhaus with Avhom " Ringiringi " lived, except in respect of theu' interminable meetings and Niu- parades and prophesyings. Hostilities had been suspended by both sides for the time, but the tem- porary peace was only the prelude to the fiercest fighting of the Ten- Years' War. The Avhite man worked for his master Rupe all that year, digging and planting, carrying wood and water, and performing, in fact, the duties of a household slave. But it was a slavery that had its privileges and its compensations, and there were long days of abundant food and little work, in the intervals between the seasons of communal labour in the potato-fields and the periodical birding and eeling and pig-lumling expeditions. It was while living at Te Paka that " Ringiringi " became well acquainted with the celebrated Tito- 102 THK VVAII-CHIKJ^^ AND HIS (H)I)S 103 kowaru, the great war-chief of tJie Hauhaus. Ti- toko, as his name was usually abbreviated, came riding into the little bush-village one day at the head of an armed band of Ngati-Ruanui and Nga-Ruahine men, and held a meeting in the marae, urging the people to renew the war. He was travelling from village to village, haranguing the Hauhaus, and ex- plaining his new plan of campaign, which briefly was to make surprise attacks on small isolated redoubts garrisoned by the white soldiers, and to lay ambuscades. He declared, too, that his tactics would be, not to build any more stockaded forts in positions where the Europeans could easily reach them, but to entice the troops into the midst of the forest, where the Maori warrior would have the advantage. This scheme met with general approval, and the tribespeople signified their intention of joining Titoko and fighting his battles for him when- ever he gave the word to begin. Titokowaru was the most brainy, as well as the most ferocious, of the Taranaki chiefs who led the Hauhaus against the whites. It was his strategy that was responsible for the most serious defeats inflicted on the Government forces in the war of 1868-9. In appearance he was a stern, commanding man, with a countenance disfigured by the loss of an eye — reminder of the Battle of Sentry Hill. He was not tattooed. "When roused," says Bent, " he had a voice like a roaring lion." In his attke 104 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BEN^r he wa.s often quaintly pakeJia, for he frequently appeared in a black " hard-hitter " hat and a full suit of European clothing. He carried no weapon but his sacred taialm, his tongue-pointed staff of hard\\ood, ornamented A\itli a plume of red kaka feathers. The war-chief revived many a half-forgotten savage practice in the campaign that followed. Besides being a Hauhau "prophet," he was a tohunga, or priest, of the ancient Maori religion. Before despatching a war-party he invariably recited the customary spells {karoMa) to ensure their success, and the ^^'orship, or rather placation and invocation of Uenuku, the war-god, was re- suscitated in every armed camp and on every battle- field. Titoko possessed, in a strong degree, Avhat the Maoris termed mana-tapu — personal ta'pu, or sacred prestige, heritage from his priestly forefathers of Ariki rank. His body was sacred in Maori eyes, and he A\as accredited A\ith many a singular super- natural attribute : " Even the A\inds of heaven are his," said the Hauhaus. When the ichakarua, the north-east breeze, blew, it was a fitting time for the war-parties to set out, for the ichakarua was the breath of Uenuku, Titoko's deity, and his familiar spirit, and it was an omen of success in battle. Bent gives some curious instances of Titokowaru's mana-tajM. Once, wlien tlir wliito man Mas travel- THE WAR-CHIEF AND HIS G0D8 105 ling through the forest with Titoko and his band of Hauhaus, the chief's shoulder accidentally struck against a flax kit containing some cooked potatoes which an old man was carrying on his back, Titoko immediately ordered the man to throw the potatoes and basket away, for the food had become infected, through contact with the priest, with the mysterious and deadly microbe of the tapu, and consequently unfit to be eaten. So the old fellow had to cast his day's rations into the bushes and go fasting. Titokowaru would suffer no rivals in the 'pa. Now and then it happened during the war-days that some budding tohunga would arise and prophesy things, in bold opposition to the chief, and announce that his familiar spirit, or his ancestral gods, had con- ferred priestly powers upon him. Titoko had "a short way with dissenters." His usual and most effective method of silencing the pretender was to take a basket of potatoes in his hand and seek out his rival. " What," he would say, " have you then an atnu, a god of your own ? " Should the Hauhau be so imprudent as to answer " Yes," Titoko would lift his potato-kit and set it on his rival's head. " That for your atua ! " It was enough. The other's tapu — if he ever had any — would be immediately de- stroyed by such an act, for the head of man must not be touched by food, and any self-respecting atua \\ould desert a toy>i<-less Maori without delay. urn THE ADVENTURES UE KLMHLE BENT But no man dared, by way of retaliation, to tiv tlie potato-basket trick on Titokowaru. " Ringiringi " had noAv been nearly thrt'c yeai-s with the Maoris, and s})oke their language well. " I lived exactly like a Maori," he says ; " worked like a nigger, and always went about bare-footed. They would not give me a gun, nor did they make me fight — for Titokowaru made me tapu, and would not permit me to go out on the war-path — but I had to make cartridges for them. They managed to get plenty of gunpowder ; I have often seen it brought in in casks and in 25 lb. weights. They got a good deal of it from the neutral and so-called ' friendly ' tribes, who procured it from the pakehas. The Puke- tapu tribe, and some of the Whanganuis, helped vis in this way. I know there was a white man, Moffatt, living on the Upper Wanganui River, who made a coarse powder for the Hauhaus there, but I don't think any of it came our way. I had a w'ooden cartridge-fille]', and we always had plenty of old newspapers to make the cartridge-cases. Bullets were plentiful, too, as a rule ; but sometimes in the bush, when the Hauhaus ran short, they A\'ould use old iron, stones, and even pieces of hard Mood. I have sometimes loaded my cartridges wdth bits of supplejack, cut to size, when I had no lead bullets." in those bush-whacking days the Hauhaus made use of some I'enuvrkable devices against their enemies. One of these Maori engines of war was called a THE WAR-CHIEF AND HIS GODS 107 tawhiti, or trap. It was a sapling of some tough and elastic timber, matipo for choice. When a suitable one, about ten feet long or so, was found growing in a likely position outside a pa or along- side a bush-track by which the enemy were ex- pected, it would be stripped of its branches, and bent doAvn and back without breaking it, untU it was lying in as near as possible a horizontal position, so that it would sweep the road. The end was fastened with flax in such a way that any unsus- pecting person marching along the track or ap- proaching the village and touching the trap. Mould cause the flax to slip, and release the tawhiti. The tree in its rebound could inflict a terrible blow. In 1866 Bent saw ten or twelve of these tawhiti set on the tracks just outside Te Popoia, a small pa near Keteonetea. The place was attacked by the Government forces in the night, and in the darkness several of the Ku papas, or Government Maoris, who formed the advance guard, were injured by the unexpected release and rebound of these savage traps.* * Compare this with the ingenious form of " spring-gun " which an EngUsh exploring expedition found in use in 1910 amongst the Negrito pigmies on the slopes of the Snow Moun- tains, in New Guinea. This spring-gun is made by setting a flattened bamboo spear against a laent sapling, fastened to a ti'igger in such a way that it is released by the passer-by stiunbling against an invisible string stretched across a game-track. These hardened bamboo spears inflict serious wounds, as they are launched with consideraljlo force. CHAPTER XI THE BEAK-OF-THE-BIRD The stockade at To Xgiitu-o-te-Manii — In the Wharc- kura — Singular Hauhaii war-rites — Tlie " 'J'wehc Apostles " — The enchanted tainha — Tlie heart of the pakeha : a human Ijurnt-offering — An ambuscade and a cannibal feast. Early in 1868 " Ringiringi " and his Hauliau com- rades took up their quarters in the stockaded village of Te Ngutu-o-te-Manu ("The Beak-of-the-Bird "), soon to be the scene of the sharpest action of the war. This settlement was deep in the rata forest, about ten miles from where the town of HaA\era now stands, in the direction of Mount Egmont. Out on the fern-lands on the edge of the bush were the European redoubts of Waihi and Turuturu- Mokai ; the smaller of these, Turuturu, was singled out by Titokowaru as a position wliich could ap- parently be easily stormed ; he therefore laid his plans to attack it, and gathered in his best fighting- men in the forest-fort. Te Ngutu-o-te-Manu was now the headquarters of tlie Ngati-Ruanui and Nga-Ruahine belligerents, and all hands were set to work to fortify the village 108 "THE BEAK-OF-THE-BIRD " 109 and to gather in food-supplies for the hapus who crowded the " Bird's-Beak " pa. The front of the village faced a cleared stretch of fern-land, but the forest surrounded it on the other sides ; at the rear ran a little creek. There were no trenches or earth- parapets ; the principal defences were stout pali- sades, solid tree-trunks and split timber, eight to ten feet high, sunk firmly in the ground, and con- nected by cross-ties of saplings, fastened to the posts with forest vines. Close to the palisades were some great ?'ato-trees, very ancient and hollow ; several of these the Hauhaus converted into miniature re- doubts. Some of the hollow trees Avere cunningly loopholed for rifle-fire, and within them stagings were made for the musketeers ; rough stages, too, were constructed up among the rata branches, where the dense foliage and the interlacing boughs formed a perfect shelter for the brown-skinned snipers. One of the tree-platforms, just inside the pa walls, was used as a taumaihi, or look-out tower. At one end of the village was the large Hauhau meeting-hall and praying-house called Whare-kura ("House of Learning," or "Red-painted House"), after the olden Maori sacred lodges of priestly instruc- tion. This building, built of sawn timber in semi- European style, was about seventy feet in length. It was erected by Titokowaru's working-party in six days — in obedience to the Scriptural command " Six days shalt thou labour " ; they finished it on no THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT the sixtli day, and religiously rested on the seventh — and for many days thereafter. The Whare-kura was consecrated by Titokowaru in the ancient heathen fashion ; it was the temple of the Hauhau ritual, and here the high chief assembled his men when he wished to select war-parties for assaults and ambuscades. At the rear end of the great house was his sacred seat and sleeping-place, laid with finely woven flax mats and hedged by the invisible but potent barriers of tajpu. As often happened in Maori warfare, the first intimation the Hauhaus gave of their intention to rencAv the fighting was the murder of two or three incautious pakehas on the frontier. Titokowaru's war-parties despatched on special missions usually numbered sixty men. Though consisting of this number they were termed the Tekau-ma-rua, or " The Twelve." This term, though applied to the ^\'hole war-party, really belonged to the first twelve men, the advance- guard, who were usually the most daring and active warriors of all, but who had been selected in a peculiar manner which will be described. These t^^ elve were ta2ou, and were all tino toa — tried and practised fighting-men. They numbered twelve because of the mystic force or prestige supposed to attach to that number. Titokowaru and all his Hauhaus were students of tlie pakeha Scriptures — Titokowaru mIicu a young man liad been a ])U|)il in a mission " THE BEAK-OF-THE-BIRD " 111 school — and " The Twelve " were so named and numbered for several reasons : one was that there were tAvelve Apostles in the Bible ; and another that there Avere the twelve sons of Jacob ; then, also, there were twelve months in the year. Clearly to the Maori mind there was much virtue in twelve. In Maori belief none of the Tekau-ma-rua proper could be touched by a bullet in a fight if they but obeyed the instructions of Titokowaru. Singular heathen ceremonies were practised in the selection of these war-parties. The spirit of ancient Maoridom was but slightly leavened by pakeha innovations and missionary teachings ; and the savage gods of old New Zealand took fresh grip on the hearts of these never-tamed forest-men. " Ringiringi " on several occasions witnessed the rites of the Whare-kura what time the one-eyed general picked out the soldiers of the Tekau-7na-rua. On the day before an armed expedition was to set forth from " The Beak-of-the-Bird," Titokowaru summoned the people by walking up and down outside his great tvhare chanting a song which began : Tenet hoki an Ki te Ngutu-o-te-Manu.'''' (" Here am 1 In tlie Beak of tlie liinl.") Then the people would all file into the sacred house and seat themselves on the mat-covered floor, the 112 THE ADVENTURES OF KIMBLE BENT figliting-inen of the pa in front. The war-chief took his seat cross-legged on his sacred mat that was spread on an elevated stage at the rear of the Whare- kwa, with a short rail in front ; this dais was tapn to him. The men all chanted together a wild haka song, and then sat silent as death, waiting the will of Titoko's war-god and the divination-by-tow//«. The chief stood, grim and stern, facing his people, his sacred carved hardwood taiaha, called " Te Porohanga," in his hand. His wild eyes glittered as he recited in quick sharp tones his invocation of the war-god Uenuku and the battle-spirit breathed on the wings of the whakarua breeze. Then, balanc- ing his long plumed weapon in a horizontal position on his thumb and forefinger, the tongue-shaped point directed at the warriors, he stood stiff and motionless as in a trance. He was awaiting the message of his atua, the guiding-breath of Uenuku. Suddenly, apparently of its own volition, and without any visible movement or effort on the part of the chief, the weapon would move. It \\ould slowly, slowly turn^ — watched A\itli intense, breath- less earnestness by hundreds of fanatic eyes— until its tongue pointed so as to indicate some particular man. Ha ! 'Twas the breatli of Uenuku, deity of blood and fire, that gave it its impulse ; Titoko was but the medium of the gods ! The warrior indicated would be questionefl by the war-chief, and asked wlidlici' liis "hciiit was ■TH1<: IJKAK-OF-THE-BIRD " 115 strong " within him. If liis answ er were deemed satisfactory, he would be told off as one of the Tekau-ma-rua, the sanctified advance-guard. Again and again this strange method of divination was repeated, the balanced weapon indicating- — to the perfect satisfaction of the superstitious Hauhaus — the men whom the Maori war-god desired as the instruments of vengeance on the whites. Name after name the priest and chief pronounced, as his taiaha pointed along the squatting ranks, until the tale of bare-legged warriors was complete. Then, when the taua, or war-party, had filled their cartridge-belts and seen to their weapons, there was a ceremony of a livelier sort. The women and girls of the pa attired themselves in their waist piuphi of coloured flax, decked their hair with feathers, dabbed ochre-paint on their cheeks, and lined up on the marae for the poi-dd^nce, to send the warriors off " in good heart," as the Maori has it. Hakas, too, were danced by the men and boys of the village, and the merry poi-aongs and the loudly yelled war-chants put a brisker jig into the feet of the brown soldiers as they marched out of the settlement and struck into the forest, hunting for pakeJias. As the men of the Tekau-ma-rua left the stockade, Titokowaru himself would loudly farewell them, shouting in his teii'il)le gruflf voice the ferocious injunction : llfi TUK ADVRNTURKS OF KTMBLE BV.WV " Fatuu, kaimja ! Palua, kainga ! E kai nuiti ! Katia e tukua kia haere ! Kia mau ki tou ringa.''^ (" Kill them ! Eat them ! Kill them ! Eat them ! Let them not escape ! Hold them fast in your hands.") Should the Tekau-7na-rua meet with success in theii" murderous raids, it was usual for the leader of the party to chant in a loud voice, as the home- palisades were neared, a song beginning, " Tenei te mea kei te mou ki tokn ringa,^'' meaning that he had in his hand a portion of the flesh of a slain pakeha. This was called the maice ; it A\as an offering to the f';od of war. The mawe was almost invariably a human heart, torn from the body of the first man of the enemy killed in the fight. On tw o or three occasions Kimble Bent witnessed the ceremony of the offering of the mawe, the ancient rite of the Wliangai-hau. The heart (manawa) or other piece of human flesh, was brought into the marae and given to a man named Tihirua, who was the priest of the burnt sacrifice. He w'as a young man about twenty-five years of age, belonging to the Ngati-Maru tribe, of the Upper Waitara. " He would take the heart in his hand," says Bent, " and strike a match, or take a firestick and singe the flesh. When it was slightly scorched he would throA\' it away ; it was tapu to Uenuku. This was an ancient war-custom of the Maoiis ; Tilokowaru adopted it Ix'caiisc he believed it \\(MiI(I cause the jxike/ias " ^IH K BEAK-OF-THE-BIRJ) " 117 to lo8C strength and courage, and become unnerved ill time of battle. After the fight at Papa-tihake- hake, in 1868, I saw this man Tihirua cut a white man's body open outside the viarae, tear out the bleeding heart, hold lighted matches underneath it until it was singed, and then throw it away." * A more frightful scene still that the sun looked down upon in that forest den was a cannibal feast. On June 12, 1868, a party of about fifteen Hauhaus from, the pa, prowling out in the direction of the Waihi redoubt, cut off and shot and tomahawked a trooper of the Armed Constabulary, a man named Smith, who had incautiously ventured out to look for his horse beyond rifle-range of the redoubt. An Armed Constabulary officer, who happened to be walking across the parade ground at the time, heard and saw the firing, and with his field-glasses distinctly saw the flashing of the tomahawks as the Hauhaus cut the man to pieces An armed party w as immediately sent out at the double, but all they found when they reached the spot was half the body ! The legs and hips were lying on the trampled and blood-drenched ground amongst the fern ; the head and the upper part of the body doAvn to the waist had been carried off by the savages, w^ho had vanished into the forest as quickly as they had come. The remains of the poor trooper were cooked and eaten by the people in Te Ngutu-o-te-Manu, * Tihiiua died at Oliangai, near Hawera, iji 11)07. US THK Al)Vb:NTURI^:S OF KIMBLE BENT after the heart liad been offered to Titokowaru's god of war by the young priest Tilriiiia. Titokowaru, according to Bent, did not eat liiiiiian flesh himself, but a boastful letter sent by him a few days later to a Y>\\i\.o-pakeha chief at Mawhitiwhiti, seems to indicate that he was a cannibal of the most ferocious sort, unless, as is quite possible, he was speaking of his people generally when he used the first person singular. In this letter, addressed to Puano, and dated " Whare-kura, June 25, 1868," he wrote this emphatic warning : " Cease travelling on the roads, cease entirely travelling on the roads that lead to Mangamanga (Camp Wailii), lest ye be left upon the roads as food for the bii'ds of the air and for the beasts of the field, or for me. Because I have eaten the M^hite man ; he was cooked like a piece of beef in the pot. I have begun to eat human flesh, and my throat is con- tinually open for the flesh of man. Kua hamama to7iu toku korokoro ki te kai i te tafigata. I shall not die, I shall not die. When death itself shall be dead, I shall be alive {Ka mate ano te mate, ka ora ano ahau). — From Titoko." CHAPTER XII THE ATTACK ON TURUTURU-MOKAI REDOUBT Hauwliemia's war-jjarty — A niglit march — Attack on Turu- turu-Mokai Redoubt — A lieroic defence — The heart of the captain — Tovich-and-go — Rehef at last. One biting cold evening in July, 1868, the whole population of the " Bird's-Beak " fa gathered on the marae to watch the departure of a fighting- column launched by Titokowaru against the whites. It was a night fitter for the snug ivhare than for the war-path, but the omens were propitious for the expedition, and the war-god's sacred breeze, the whakarua, breathed of Uenuku, blew across the forest. The sixty warriors of the Tekau-ma-rua took the trail with the lUt of the dance-girls' poi-ohs^nt in their ears, and the war-choruses yelled by their comrades in the village gritted theu" batUe-spu'it. They vcqyq fittingly and thickly tajm'cl for the night's work, karakia'd over with many liardening and bullet-averting karakias, and thoroughly Hauhau- bedevilled for the fight. 110 120 THE ADVEN^J^URES OF Kl.MBLlO BIONT Some of the warriors, belted and painted, carried long Enfield muzzle-loaders, some double-barrelled guns, some stolen or captured carbines, and a variety of other fire-arms. Each rifleman's equipment in- cluded a short tomahawk thrust through his flax girdle ; a few — the storming-party — were armed with long-handled tomahawks, murderously effective weapons in a hand-to-hand combat. Though a Avinter's night, most of them were scantily clad, as befitted a war-party. Some wore shirts and other part-European dress ; some only flax mats and waist-shawls. Up and down the village square, as the Hauhau captain, Hauwhenua, led his band out into the forest, strode Titokowaru, in a blaze of fanatic exaltation, crying his commands to the ^\'arriors. Waving his plumed taiaha, he shouted, " Kill them ! Eat them ! Let them not escape you ! " And as they disappeared in the darkness he returned to his place in the great council-house, where on his sacred mat he spent the night in connnune w ith his ancestral spirits and in reciting incantations for the success of his men-at-arms. In single file the Hauhau soldiers struck into the black woods. As they entered the deeper thick- nesses of the forest, where not a star could be seen for the density and unbroken continuity of the roof of foliage above them, they chanted this brief karakia, a charm invoking supernatural aid to clear THE ATTACK ON TURUTURU-MOKAI liM tlieii- t'orcst-path of obstructions and smooth tlicii' A\ ay : " \\'<(l>i /(intldid c — •/, il/c tuku k'i tc Ariki Kiel taoro atu c — i, N