UC-NRLF "R£8A3 OLD MONTREAL R(yr>rnriuctions of en Etchings by 'O iiERBERT RAINE THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IN MEMORY OF Wr. & Mrs. Sydney B. Mitchell OLD MONTREAL Of this edition Jive hundred copies only were printed; four hundred and seventy- fvc of which lire for sale. This copy is number .3/c^' OLD MONTREAL by HERBERT RALVE, A. R. C. A. Archittct C^V^ONTRKAL presents an almost uniquely interesting field •-^<' v- for the artist who uses etching as his mode f)f expression, for in Montreal he beholds the spectacle of an old-world city besieged by a new-world metropolis. In the series of etchings of which this book contains seventeen reprodu. TTT CHATEAU DE RAMEZAY ( Rear Vieiv ) NOTRE DAME ~1 --.A PLACE JACQUES CARTIER ni.t.. T,' I BANK OF MONTREAL BANK OF MONTREAL EVENING The Canal 'late nil ST. PAUL STREET ( Looking West) BONSECOURS CHURCH COMMISSIONERS STREET PLACE JACQUES CARTIER ( Looking West) PLACE JACQUES CARTIER ( Looking Wesf) OLD BUILDINGS St. Paul Street ^late XIII ST. VINCENT STREET ( Looking towards St. Paul Street) RUE DES CARRIERES Plate KV OLD COURTYARD St. Vincent Street BONSECOURS MARKET 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHKH HORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last Jate stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subjea to immedUte recall. Mu''57Vl-| REl . U Ll> JUiS 20 IdbA JUN 1 6 1970 4 7 li.hJL'>- t-^ i^lhr LD 21-100mfi,'50 (B931l8l0)476 Grneral Library University- o( California Berkeley