HD IC-NRLF WAGES AND REGULARITY OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY OF NEW YORK CITY BY NAHUM I. STONE, M. A. SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. IN THE FACULTY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY gorfe 1915 WAGES AND REGULARITY OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY OF NEW YORK CITY BY NAHUM I. STONE, M. A. SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. IN THE FACULTY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Jieto 1915 CONTENTS. Page. Part I. Wages and regularity of employment in the dress and waist industry of New York City 7-187 Introduction and summary 7-19 Effect of the protocol on wages 9-16 Wages in association and nonassociation union shops 9-12 Wages of week workers provided for in the protocol 12-15 Wages of week workers not provided for in the protocol 15, 16 Earnings of pieceworkers 16 Effect of the protocol on hours of work 16-18 All shops combined 16, 17 Association and nonassociation shops 17, 18 Regularity of employment 18,19 Effect of the protocol on subcontracting 19 Scope of the investigation 20-22 Comparison of association and nonassociation union shops 22-26 Number of workers in different occupations 26-30 Week work and piecework 30-39 Extent in different occupations 30-34 Relation of sex to week work and piecework 34, 35 Relative advantages of week work and piecework 35, 36 Extent of week work and piecework prior to the protocol 36-39 Wages 39-43 Method of obtaining wage data 39, 40 Method of presentation of wage data 40-43 Operators 43-104 Occupations of operators 43, 44 Number and classes covered by the report 44 Wages of operators 44-68 Comparison of wages of men and women operators in the industry as a whole 45-48 Comparison of 'wages of men and women operators in association and nonassociation shops 49-53 Comparison of wages of men and women operators in shops making cheap and high-grade garments 53-63 Comparison of wages in 1912 and 1913 63-68 Buttonhole makers 68-70 Button sewers 70, 71 Closers and hemmers 71-73 Dressmakers 73-75 Hemstitchers 75-77 Lace runners : 77, 78 Sample makers 79, 80 Skirt operators 80-83 Sleeve makers : : 83-85 Sleeve setters 85-87 Trimmers 87-89 Tuckers 90-93 Waist operators 93-99 Operators, not specified.. . 99-104 311463 4 CONTENTS. Part I. Wages and regularity of employment in the dress and waist industry of New York City Concluded. p age . Employees other than operators 104-145 Assorters 104, 105 Cleaners r 106-109 Cutters 109-115 Drapers 115-120 Embroiderers 120-123 Examiners 123-126 Finishers 126-132 Ironers and pressers 132-141 Joiners 141-143 Markers 143,144 Slopers .' 145 Subcontracting and partnership 145-157 Advantages of subcontracting to manufacturers 146, 147 Disadvantages of subcontracting ; 147, 148 Decline of subcontracting ; 148 Size of sets 149-152 Sex of workers in sets 152-154 Earnings of sets 154-157 Regularity of employment 157-176 Seasonal rise and fall in number of employees and in wages 162-172 Employment among week workers and pieceworkers 172-176 Hours of labor 176-181 Hours during busiest week in the year 176, 177 Overtime : 177-180 Hours of work of pieceworkers 180, 181 Conclusion 181-187 Graduated scale of weekly wages 182, 183 Registration of apprentices 183 Trade school 184 Uniform pay roll 185 White protocol label 185, 186 Uniform piece rates 186, 187 Part II. Standardization of piece rates 189-308 Adjustment of piece rates under the protocol 189, 190 Scope of the investigation 190-193 Basis for piece-rate compensation 193-197 Tucking 197-216 Strip tucking 198-206 Chiffons versus cotton 201-204 Singer 4-needle machine 205 Singer 5-needle machine 205 Singer 8-needle machine 206 Short tucking 206-216 Wilcox and Gibbs machine 208-211 Double tucks 211, 212 Single-needle Singer machine 213 Short tucking on a multiple-needle Singer machine 213-216 Lace running 217-222 Lace on top 218 Cloth on top 218 Joining lace to lace 218-222 Joining voile and net strips 222 CONTENTS. 5 Part II. Standardization of piece rates Concluded. Lace running Concluded. Page. Joining ruffled lace edging to lace insertion 222 Joining lace to sleeves . 222 Hemming 222-225 Closing 226-230 Closing sides and sleeves 229, 230 Closing sides .' 229, 230 Closing sleeves * 230 Sleeve setting by sleeve setters 230-233 Buttonhole making. 233-244 Singer machine -.....-. 233-243 Number of buttonholes to a waist 234-240 Size of buttonholes 240 Material 241 Size of the bundle 1 241-243 Reece machine 243, 244 Button sewing 244-249 Flat pearl buttons 244-248 Crochet buttons 248, 249 Body making 249-284 Joining parts of shoulders with lace beading between them 251, 252 Joining yokes to fronts or backs with insertions 252, 253 Joining yoke beading to backs 254 Joining yokes with lace beading to open fronts or backs, with a shirred seam 255, 256 Joining yoke sleeves to fronts or backs with beading between 256, 257 Joining parts of back with French seam, forming tuck at the same time. 257, 258 Joining side pieces to fronts. 258 Joining lace to standing collars 259, 260 Joining ' ' little skirts " to waists . 260-266 Centers . 267-270 Ruffles and centers 271-273 Vests and flies 273-275 Tacking fronts and backs 276, 277 Shirring 278,279 Setting high collars 279, 280 Sleeve setting by body makers 280-282 Joining belts to waists 282-284 Loss of time 284-292 Conclusion 293-298 Appendix A. Protocol of peace in the dress and waist industry 299-304 Appendix B. List of firms in the dress and waist industry of Greater New York covered by this report . 305-308 LIST OF CHARTS. Chart 1. Proportion of association and nonassociation shops in the industry, of employees in each class of shops, by sex, and of week workers and piece workers among operators, 1913 10 Chart 2. Wages of female operators in association and nonassociation shops, 1913: Per cent of week workers receiving each classified weekly rate and of pieceworkers earning each classified amount during busiest week 52 6 CONTENTS. Page. Chart 3. Wages of female operators (week workers) in association and non- association shops making low and high grade garments, 1913: Per cent receiv- ing each classified weekly wage rate and over Chart 4. Wages of female operators (pieceworkers) in association and nonasso- ciation shops making low and high grade garments, 1913: Per cent earning each classified amount and over during busiest week 60 Chart 5. Wages of male and female operators in association shops making low and high grade garments, 1913: Per cent of week workers receiving each classified weekly rate and of pieceworkers earning each classified amount during busiest week 62 Chart 6. Wages of female operators (week workers) in association and non- association shops, 1912 and 1913: Per cent receiving each classified weekly rate..... 65 Chart?. Wages of female operators (pieceworkers) in association and non- association shops, 1912 and 1913: Per cent earning each classified amount during busiest week of each year 67 Charts. Per cent of sample makers, female (week workers), receiving each classified rate of wages per week, 1912 and 1913 81 Chart 9. Per cent of cleaners, female (week workers), receiving each classified rate of wages per week, 1912 and 1913 107 Chart 10. Per cent of cutters (week workers) receiving each classified rate of wages per week, 1912 and 1913 116 Chart 11. Per cent of drapers (week workers) receiving each classified rate of wages per week, 1912 and 1913 119 Chart 12. Per cent of examiners (week workers) receiving each classified rate of wages per week, 1912 and 1913 127 Chart 13. Per cent of finishers (week workers) receiving each classified rate of wages per week, 1912 and 1913 130 Chart 14. Per cent of ironers, female (week workers), receiving each classified rate of wages per week, 1912 and 1913 136 Chart 15. Percent of pressers and ironers, male (week workers), receiving each classified rate of wages per week, 1912 and 1913 137 Chart 16. Per cent of joiners, female (week workers), receiving each classified rate of wages per week, 1912 and 1913 144 Chart 17. Seasonal fluctuations of employment and wages in whole industry and in 6 high-grade shops, 1912 163 Chart 18. Seasonal fluctuations of wages in 6 low-grade shops, 6 high-grade shops, and the whole industry, 1912 169 Chart 19. Seasonal fluctuations of employment in 6 low-grade shops, 6 high- grade shops, and the whole industry, 1912 170 [This report was prepared for and under the direction of the Wage- Scale Board of the Dress and Waist Industry, by N. I. Stone, Chief Statistician.] BULLETIN OF THE U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. WHOLE NO. 146, WASHINGTON. APRIL 28, 1914. WAGES AND REGULARITY OF EMPLOYMENT AND STANDARDIZATION OF PIECE RATES IN THE DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY OF NEW YORK CITY. 1 BY N. I. STOXE. PART I. WAGES AND REGULARITY OF EMPLOYMENT. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY. The investigation covered by the present report was made under the direction of the wage-scale board in compliance with the provi- sions of article 8 of the protocol of peace entered into on January 18, 1913, between the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and the Dress and Waist Manufacturers' Association. Article 8 calls for "a complete and exhaustive examination into the existing rates paid for labor, the earnings of the operatives, and the classifi- cation of garments in the industry." , The investigation was started at the end of March and completed in August, but the presentation of the report and of the summary of the findings has been delayed until the present time, owing to the necessity of taking up the second investigation ordered by the wage- scale board under the provision of article 7 of the protocol, "with a view to establishing as nearly practicably as possible a scientific basis for the fixing of piece and week-work prices throughout the industry." As this new investigation, requiring the timing of various opera- tions in the manufacture of dresses and waists, could be carried on only while the factories were busy and as the fall season is very short, it was necessary to concentrate all efforts on that work and to postpone the writing of the report as to the first investigation 1 The author is under obligations to the o.Ticers of the wage-scale board, particularly Mr. I. B. Hyman, chairman of the board, and Mr. S. Polakoff, chief clerk of the board for the union, for assistance ren- dered; also to Mr. A. II. G. Baron, Mr. Sigmund Haiman, and Miss Eva JoSe of the staff of the board. 8 BULLETIN OF THE ^BUREAU OF LABOK STATISTICS. until after the Vlosi/ig b! ths'falV season. The results of the second investigation, dealing with the standardization of piece rates, will be reported separately. The investigation constituting the subject of this report covered 520 shops employing about 31,500 people (not counting designers, foremen, forewomen, packers, and office force) who constituted nearly nine-tenths of all the workers known to be employed in the dress and waist industry in Greater New York. Of the 520 shops, 289 were association shops and 231 nonassociation shops having individual agreements with the union identical with the protocol in so far as wages and hours were concerned. Although the number of the nonassociation union shops was not much less than that of association shops, they employed only 6,690 people as against 24,795 in the association shops. This is due to the fact that most of the association shops are large, while most of the nonassociation shops are small. With few exceptions, it may be said that all the large and important shops of the industry are affili- ated, with the association and subject to the conditions of work pre- scribed in the protocol. The two groups combined employ about nine-tenths of all the workers engaged in the dress and waist industry of Greater New York, leaving only about one-tenth of the workers to the 200-odd nonassociation nonunion shops. The investigation disclosed the fact that more than $9,300,000 was paid out in wages in 1912 in shops employing 20,524 workers in the busiest week of that year, the busiest week as used here and elsewhere throughout the text of this report, unless otherwise noted, meaning the week in which the maximum number of persons were employed. From this it is estimated that the total wages paid to nearly 37,000 workers in the dress and waist industry of Greater New York in 1913 exceeded $17,000,000 and represented an output of dresses and waists of a wholesale market value of close to $100,000,000.* Of the 29,439 persons found working in the dress and waist shops in 1913 whose sex and occupation were ascertained, 24,728 were women and 4,711 were men, making the proportion of women to men over 5 to 1, or, putting it in a percentage form, 84 per cent of all the employees were women and 16 per cent were men. Of the 16,418 operators, 13,993 were women and 2,425 were men, making the proportion of men and women practically the same as above. Some of the occupations outside of operating are almost entirely monopo- lized by women, while others are filled exclusively by men. Among those in which women are exclusively or almost exclusively employed are assorters, cleaners, embroiderers, examiners, finishers, drapers, and i For an explanation of this estimate see pages 20, 21 . WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 9 joiners. Among the ironcrs i. e., those working with a light iron the number of women is about twice -as large as that of men. Press- ers, meaning those who work with a heavy iron, are exclusively men; so also are the cutters. The following statement gives a summary of the employees covered by the investigation according to sex and showing the number employed in association or nonassociation shops. It also shows the number of operators of each sex employed as week workers and as pieceworkers. These figures include only employees for whom sex and occupation were ascertained : Shops . 520 Association 289 Nonassociation - 231 Persons employed 29, 439 In association shops 23, 304 Females....." 19,773 Males : 3, 531 In nonassociation shops 6, 135 Females 4, 955 Males 1, 180 Total females. 24, 728 Total males 4,711 Operators employed 16, 418 Females 13, 993 Week workers 6, 936 Pieceworkers 7, 057 Males 2, 425 Week workers 917 Pieceworkers 1, 508 Total week workers. ." _ 7, 853 Total pieceworkers 8, 565 The accompanying chart (No. 1) shows in graphic form the figures just presented, together with corresponding percentages. EFFECT OF THE PROTOCOL ON WAGES. WAGES IN ASSOCIATION AND NONASSOCIATION UNION SHOPS. In summing up the results of the investigation, the most salient as well as the most important fact alike to the employers and the employees in the dress and waist industry is the general increase in wages in practically every branch of the industry and every occupa- tion in which its workers are engaged. The increase took place in association as well as in nonassociation union shops. In some cases the increase is more pronounced in association shops, in others in the nonassociation shops. As a rule, the difference in wages as between these two classes of shops has been found to be determined not by the affiliation or nonaffiliation of the shops with the association, but I $ .< 4 1 c * 3, X V5 00 II 5 & *4J I WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 11 by the character of the goods manufactured. Shops making the better grade of garments require workers of higher skill, who naturally command higher rates of wages than the less skilled workers employed in the, shops making cheap garments. The group of shops making cheaper garments is designated in this report by the letter A and those making the higher-grade garments by the letter B. The general rule found to prevail with regard to wages is that the asso- ciation and nonassociation union shops in the B groups pay higher wages than the association and nonassociation A shops. Unless this fact is borne in mind, one can just as easily prove that the association shops pay higher wages than the nonassociation by comparing asso- ciation B with nonassociation A shops, as the contrary fact, namely, that the nonassociation union shops pay higher wages than the association shops by comparing the nonassociation union B with the association A shops. In other words, association B shops pay higher wages than association A or nonassociation A shops; nonassociation B shops pay generally higher wages than association A or nonassociation A shops. When, however, we compare association B with non- association B, or association A with nonassociation A shops, there is no general rule, sometimes one, sometimes the other paying higher wages, the difference between the two being comparatively small. Thus the wages of cleaners have been found to be higher in the nonassocia- tion A than in the association A shops, and in turn higher in association A than in association B shops. This is due, as explained elsewhere in the report, to the fact that the large shops employ a considerable number of errand girls who carry work from one part of the shop to another and do other errands, and work on cleaning when they have nothing else to do. These girls are naturally paid lower wages than girls who do cleaning exclusively, which is the case in smaller shops where there is no call for errand girls. Because the nonassociation shops are mostly small and the association shops are mostly large, the former make' a better showing in the case of the wages of cleaners than the latter. On the other hand, in the case of women operators, whether working by the piece (Table 23) or by the week (Table 21), no uniform tend- ency can be discovered in comparing association A shops with non- association A shops or association B shops with nonassociation B shops, the proportion of workers in different wage groups being some- times greater in the association shops and sometimes in the nonasso- ciation shops. In the case of finishers working by the week, the association B shops had a higher proportion of girls getting from $9 a week down and from $12 a week up than the nonassociation B shops and a smaller proportion of those getting from $9 to $12, while in the A 12 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. shops, the nonassociation group was above the association in the proportion of girls receiving the minimum rate of $8 a week and up, except those earning $16 a week or more of whom there were a few in the association B shops. The earnings of the finishers working by the piece were, on the whole, higher in the association A shops than in the nonassociation A shops and in the association B shops than in the nonassociation B shops. These instances are sufficient to indicate that neither the associa- tion nor the nonassociation shops as such can be said to be paying uniformly higher rates than the other, the difference being principally between shops making higher and lower grade garments, respectively, regardless of their affiliation or nonaffiliation with the association. WAGES OF WEEK WORKERS PROVIDED FOR IN THE PROTOCOL. As stated above, there has been a general increase in wages in the industry since the protocol went into effect. This is especially true and lends itself to clear demonstration in the case of all occupations for which a minimum rate is provided in the protocol. Table 1, which follows, presents a summary of the wages for such occupations : TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF WAGES IN OCCUPATIONS FOB WHICH MINIMUM RATES ARE FIXED BY THE PROTOCOL, SHOWING PERCENTAGE OF WORKERS RECEIVING LESS THAN THE PROTOCOL MINIMUM, AND IN THE GROUPS RECEIVING THE MINIMUM AND OVER, 1912 AND 1913. Occupation and classi- fication of weekly wages. Association A. Nonassocia- tion A. Association B. Nonassocia- tion B. Total. In- crease (+)or de- crease (-) per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Cleaners: Under $6i 59.1 20.3 20.6 35.4 29.3 35.3 47.3 20.9 31.8 25.9 38.0 36.1 67.6 15.3 17.1 48.9 25.8 25.3 60.3 18.9 20.8 37.3 29.9 32.7 -38.1 +58.2 +57.2 $6 to $6.99 $7 and over Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 27.5 32.6 32.8 7.1 100.0 13.0 22.9 51.5 12.6 Drapers: Under $12 30.1 33.8 31.0 5.1 15.6 25.5 48.8 10.1 28.8 45.5 22.7 3.0 21.7 18.4 47.4 12.5 24.5 29.2 37.2 9.1 8.3 20.4 56.6 14.7 }-40.3 +57.0 + 77.1 $12 to $13.99 $142 to $15.99 $16 and over Total 100.0 100.0 38.4 39.5 22 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 36.1 27 5 loo.o ! 100.0 42.2 29.9 28.0 100.0 Examiners: Under $10 2. . 46.7 31.4 21.9 19.8 34 1 29.7 37.7 32.5 -29.6 +26.1 +16.1 $10 to $11. 99... $12 and over 36.4 46.1 Total 100.0 : 100.0 100.0 100.0 ------- 100.0 100.0 1 No minimum wage for cleaners is provided for in the protocol, but an understanding was reached between the conferees who signed the protocol that no cleaner be paid less than $6 per week. This under- standing was later confirmed in a formal decision at one of the early meetings of the board of grievances. 2 Minimum protocol rate. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 13 TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF WAGES IN OCCUPATIONS FOR WHICH MINIMUM RATES ARE FIXED BY THE PROTOCOL, SHOWING PERCENTAGE OF WORKERS RECEIVING LESS THAN THE PROTOCOL MINIMUM, AND IN THE GROUPS RECEIVING THE MINIMUM AND OVER, 1912 AND 1913 Concluded. Occupation and classi- fication of weekly wages. Association A. Nonassocia- tion A. Association B. N onassocia- tion B. Total. In- crease (+)or de- crease (-) per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Finishers: Under $8 1 54.0 21,3 24.7 28.8 34.1 37.1 51.4 19.7 28.9 25.3 34.9 39.8 47.1 20.3 32.6 18.6 38.2 43.2 36.5 27.0 36.5 21.4 26.1 52.5 49.3 21.2 29.5 23.6 35.3 41.1 -52.1 +66.5 +39.3 $8 to $8 99 $9 and over Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 49.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 69.8 19.6 10.5 100.0 51.2 29.7 19.1 -26.6 +52.0 +81.9 Ironers: Under 812 l 75.7 14.5 9.9 52.5 32.4 15.1 61.0 $12 to $13 99 27.1 23.3 $14 and over 11.9 27.1 Total 100.0 100.0 100 100 | 100 100.0 Sample makers: Under $14 * = 41.0 36.4 22.6 20.7 50.3 29. n 44.3 34.0 43.0 30.0 27.0 26.4 42.6 31.2 -38.6 +42.0 +15.6 $14 to $15.99 27.9 27.8 38.9 27.1 $16 and over Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Joiners: Under SI 2 1 - 55.7 39.4 4.9 47.0 44.6 8.4 -15.6 +13.2 +71.4 $12 to $13.99 $14 and over Total 100.0 10040 1 Minimum protocol rate. According to this table there has been in every case a decided reduction in the percentage of persons receiving less than the mini- mum protocol rate, and in every instance there has been a very marked increase in the proportion of those in the group receiving the minimum protocol rate and a similar, though smaller increase in the proportion of those in the group receiving the higher rates. Thus, the proportion of cleaners receiving less than the mmunum of $6 a week 1 has been reduced from 60.3 per cent of the total hi 1912 to 37.3 per cent in 1913. The percentage of drapers receiving less than the mini- mum protocol rate of $14 a week has been reduced from 60.1 per cent in 1912 to 35.9 per cent in 1913. The percentage of joiners receiving less than the minimum protocol rate of $12 a week has been reduced from 55.7 per cent in 1912 to 47 per cent hi 1913. The percentage of ex- aminers receiving less than the minimum protocol rate of $ 1 a week has been reduced from 42.2 per cent in 1912 to 29.7 per cent in 1913. The percentage of finishers receiving less than the minimum protocol rate of $8 a week has gone down from 49.3 per cent in 1912 to 23.6 per cent in 1913. The percentage of women ironers receiving less than 1 No minimum wage for cleaners is provided for in the protocol, but an understanding was reached between the conferees who signed the protocol that no cleaner be paid less than $6 per week. This under- standing was later confirmed in a formal decision at one of the early meetings of the board of grievances. 14 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. the minimum protocol rate of $12 a week has gone down from 69.8 per cent in 1912 to 51.2 per cent in 1913. The percentage of sample makers receiving less than the minimum protocol rate of $14 a week has been reduced from 43.0 per cent in 1912 to 26.4 per cent in 1913. The proportion of cutters receiving less than the minimum protocol rate has been reduced from 81.3 per cent in 1912 to 56 per cent in 1913. These 56 per cent in 1913 include, to a large extent, cutters of various degrees of apprenticeship, for whom the protocol provides rates of $6, $12, and $18, according to the length of service. The^ proportion of cutters receiving these rates has increased in each case. Thus, those getting $6 to $6.99 a week increased from 2.7 per cent in 1912 to 3.8 per cent in 1913. Those getting $12 to $13.99 a week formed the same percentage both years, namely 8.5 per cent, and those getting $18 to $19.99 a week increased from 8.8 per cent in 1912 to 10.9 per cent in 1913. On the other hand, the percentage of those receiving odd rates, that is, rates below $25, other than the three mentioned, has been reduced from 61 per cent in 1912 to 32.8 per cent in 1913. * Corresponding to this general reduction in the relative number of persons receiving less than the protocol rate, there has been an in- crease in the percentage of those receiving the minimum protocol rate and more than that rate. A good deal has been said in the trade about the tendency of the minimum to become the maximum. It is, therefore, interesting to compare the proportion of those receiving the minimum rate with those receiving more than the minimum in each occupation for which a minimum rate has been provided in the protocol. Thus, in the case of cleaners, the number of those in the group receiving the minimum of $6 a week constituted 29.9 per cent of all the cleaners, while those receiving $7 and over was 32.7 per cent, the number of those receiving more than the minimum thus exceed- ing the number of workers receiving the minimum. It should be noted that, in the case of cleaners here quoted, the table gives the number of those receiving $6 to $6.99. While the great bulk of workers in that group were getting the minimum of $6 a week, there were a number receiving $6.50 and a few receiving $6.75, which should have been added to the group of those receiving more than the mini- mum. This would involve, however, so much additional clerical labor that it could not be undertaken hi the closing days of the completion of this report. This remark applies likewise to the percentages of the other occupations which follow: In the case of drapers, the propor- tion of those receiving from $14 (the minimum) to less than $16 was 51.5 per cent, while those receiving $16 or more constituted 12.6 per cent of the total. Of joiners the proportion receiving from the mini- mum rate of $12 to less than $14 a week was 44.6 per cent and the 1 For rates paid cutters see TabJe 51, pages 114, 115. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 15 proportion receiving $14 and over was 8.4 per cent. In the case of examiners, 37.7 per cent received from $10 (the minimum) to $11.99 a week and 32.5 per cent received $12 a week or more. If the number of those who received from $10.50 to $11.50 could be separated, it would in all probability show as large a number of examiners receiving more than the minimum rate of $10 a week as of those who received the exact minimum rate. In the case of fin- ishers, the proportion of those receiving from $8 (the minimum) to $8.99 a week was 35.3 per cent, and of those receiving $9 or more the proportion was 41.1 per cent. In this case, the number of those receiving more than the minimum exceeded that of the workers re- ceiving the minimum rate. In the case of ironers those receiving from the minimum of $12 to $13.99 a week made up 29.7 per cent and those receiving $14 or more a little over 19 per cent. If the proportion of those receiving $12.50, $13, and $13.50 were added to the group receiving more than the minimum rate of $12 a week, the percentages of those receiving the minimum and more than the minimum would probably be about equal. The percentage of sam- ple makers receiving from the minimum rate of $14 to $15.99 a week was 42.6 and of those receiving $16 and over the percentage was 31.2. Here too, the proportion of those receiving the minimum or more than the minimum would probably be about equal if those receiving $14.50, $15, and $15.50 could be added to the proper group. Summing up the effect of providing minimum rates in the protocol, it may be said that in all the occupations thus provided for the proportion of those receiving less than the minimum protocol rate was reduced one-fourth to one-half of what it had been before the signing of the protocol, but that about one-fourth of the workers for whom minimum rates were provided are still getting less than the minimum rate. WAGES OF WEEK WORKERS NOT PROVIDED FOR IN THE PROTOCOL. The increase in wages was not confined to the occupations for which minimum rates have been provided in the protocol. Practically every occupation shows the same tendency, though the increase, as a rule, is not so large and not always so uniform as in the case of the occupations with protocol rates. Thus, among the assorters, the per cent of those receiving less than $8 a week declined from 30.2 to 27.2 w?/.u a corresponding increase in the percentage of those receiving $8 a week or more. In the case of embroiderers there has been a decline in the proportion of those receiving less than $8 a week from nearly 25 per cent of the total in 1912 to less than 13 per cent, or about one-half, in 1913. In the case of male pressers and ironers there has been an increase in the percentage of those receiving $20 16 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. a week and over from 11.3 in 1912 to 28.1 in 1913. Taking the operators as a whole, we find that among the women working by the week, there has been an increase among those receiving $14 a week and more from 16.6 per cent of the total in 1912 to 23.5 per cent in 1913, among the men working by the week those receiving $16 a week and up increased from 26.8 per cent in 1912 to 38.2 per cent in 1913. The same is true of all the important branches of operating in which the work is done by the week. Thus, among the hemstitchers, the percentage of those receiving $12 a week and more increased from 30.1 in 1912 to 51.4 in 1913. The women lace run- ners earning $9 a week or more increased from 53.8 per cent in 1912 to 78.3 per cent in 1913. The women trimmers receiving $12 a week or more increased from 30.5 per cent in 1912 to 46.8 per cent in 1913. The women tuckers receiving $14 a week or more increased from 22.0 per cent in 1912 to 56.5 per cent in 1913, while the percentage of men tuckers receiving the same wage increased from 52.8 in 1912 to 75.6 in 1913. EARNINGS OF PIECEWORKERS. What has been said about the week workers is likewise true of the pieceworkers. Thus, among the women ironers working by the piece, the per cent of those earning $20 a week or more during the busiest week of the year increased from 13.4 in 1912 to 24.6 in 1913. While among the men there has been no such marked uniformity, some wage groups showing increases and other groups showing reductions, on the whole there has been an improvement, the per- centage of those earning $16 and up having increased from 62.7 in 1912 to 65. 9 in 1913. Among the operators the women pieceworkers earning $14 a week or more during the busiest week of the year increased from 33.7 per cent in 1912 to 49.9 per cent in 1913. Among the men, the per cent of those earning the same amounts increased from 69 to 77.1. Skirt operators working by the piece and earning $16 a week or more increased from 53.3 per cent in 1912 to 68.9 in 1913. Women trimmers working by the piece and earning $14 a week or more increased from 18.9 per cent in 1912 to 49.8 per cent in 1913. Men tuckers earning $14 a week or more increased from 52.8 per cent to 75.6 per cent. EFFECT OF THE PROTOCOL ON HOURS OF WORK. ALL SHOPS COMBINED. The figures given in Table 2, which follows, show that the protocol was no less effective in shortening the hours of work than it was in increasing the pay of the workers in the dress and waist industry. This table relates to week workers in the entire industry. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 17 TABLE 2. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF WEEK WORKERS EMPLOYED EACH CLAS- SIFIED NUMBER OF HOURS DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, FOR THE ENTIRE INDUSTRY, 1912 AND 1913. Hours employed Number. Per cent. Cutters. Other employees. Cutters. Other employ- ees. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 . 1912 1913 Under 10 hours 6 3 8 27 106 205 299 207 188 146 94 13 12 9 15 26 155 9C9 178 165 131 34 13 1 124 151 309 529 1,778 1,352 2,428 1,923 2,635 1,135 339 47 6 229 117 205 356 534 2,980 5,352 1,677 1,646 1,106 248 38 4 11.4 15.6 } 38.6 34.3 12.7 56.7 20.1 10.5 22.6 10.6 34.0 32.8 29.4 37.5 23.3 9.8 10 and under 20 hours .... 20 and under 30 hours . . . 30 and under 40 hours . . . 40 and under 50 hours . . . 50 hours . . . . 51 and under 53 hours . . . 53 and under 55 hours . . . 55 and under 60 hours. . . 60 and under 65 bours. . . 65 and under 70 hours. . . 70 and under 73 hours. . . 73 and under 75 hours . 75 hours and over 19 Total 1,311 1,708 12, 785 14, 2G3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 i Highest, 78 hours. 2 Highest, 82J hours. The normal hours of work which varied from 52 to 54J hours per week in 1912 have been reduced to 50 in 1913. Overtime has been limited to 4 hours per week and not more than 2 hours in one day. As shown in the above table, the report bears ample testimony to the enforcement of these provisions. Comparing the figures for 1912 with those for 1913 it was found that for the industry as a whole the number of persons working more than 50 hours a week has been greatly reduced, while the number working 50 hours or less has increased. Excluding cutters, all of whom are men, the proportion of week workers employed 51 hours or more has been reduced from 66.8 per cent hi 1912 to 33.1 per cent in 1913. Of those working 50 hours a week the proportion has increased from 10.6 per cent in 1912 to 37.5 per cent in 1913. The proportion of those working less than 50 hours also has increased from 22.6 per cent in 1912 to 29.4 per cent in 1913. The same tendencies are observed in the case of the cutters, the proportion of those working 51 hours and over decreasing from 72.9 per cent in 1912 to 30.6 per cent in 1913, while those working 50 hours increased from 15.6 to 56.7 per cent and those working under 50 hours increased from 11.4 to 12.7 per cent. ASSOCIATION AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS. In both association and nonassociation shops the proportion of persons employed over 50 hours a week has been greatly reduced, as is shown in the section on "hours of labor." 1 In association shops the percentage of employees, excluding cutters, working 51 hours or over was reduced from 68 per cent in 1912 to only 33 per cent in 1913, while in nonassociation shops the reduction was from 61 to 34 per 42132 Bull. 14614- i See Table 74, page 178. 18 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. cent. The proportion working 50 hours increased from 11 per cent in 1912 to 39 per cent in 1913 in association shops and from 10 to 30 per cent in nonassociation shops, while those working less than 50 hours increased from 22 to 28 per cent in association and from 28 to 37 per cent in nonassociation shops. The proportion of cutters working 51 hours or over was reduced from 73 per cent in 1912 to 33 per cent in 1913 in association shops and from 72 to 20 per cent in nonassociation shops. Those working 50 hours increased from 16 to 55 per cent in association and from 15 to 65 per cent in nonassociation shops. In 1912 11 per cent and in 1913 12 per cent of the cutters worked less than 50 hours in asso- ciation shops and in nonassociation shops the proportions were 12 and 15 per cent, respectively, for the two years. REGULARITY OF EMPLOYMENT. The dress and waist industry is no exception to the rest of the garment industries in being subject to extreme seasonal fluctuations. There are about six months of activity, four in the spring and two in the fall, half of them carried on under extreme, almost feverish, pressure, followed by an equal period of subnormal activity with almost complete stagnation for one month in the year. The report shows that there are more extreme fluctuations in the wages from month to month than in the number employed. That is to say, there is a tendency to retain as many employees engaged during the busy season as possible and to keep all of them partly employed during the slow season. This is especially true of the pieceworkers, as it is to the interests of both the manufacturer and his employees the manufacturer because it enables him to maintain his organiza- tion intact ready to respond to the demands of the market at a moment's notice; the workers, because it enables them to earn what little money they can during the dull season instead of remaining totally idle. In the case of week workers this is less true, the manu- facturers preferring to keep busy all the time whatever workers they can retain. But here, too, there is a tendency to accede to the desires of the union and keep as many people on the pay roll as possible by dividing the force into two or more groups which report for duty at the factory by turns on alternate days or weeks, and at the same time are kept fully employed while at the factory. It is significant to note that even during the busiest week of the year (which is the period covered by this report), 28 per cent of all the workers other than cutters in the association shops and 37 per cent of those in the nonassociation shops were employed less than 50 hours during that week. Taking the wages paid out in the industry during the busiest week of the year and expressing this as 100, the investigation has shown WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 19 that the average weekly wage earned by all the workers during 1912 was equal to 73 per cent of that of the busiest week of the year. That is to say, if a worker's wage during the busiest week of the year was equal to $15 a week, his weekly average throughout the year would amount to $10.94. This average is found to vary considerably in the four branches of the industry into which it has been divided, being 53 per cent in the nonassoeiation A shops, 44 per cent in the nonassociation B shops, 67 per cent in association A shops, and 71 per cent in association B shops. Taking the association and the nonassociation union shops together, as shown in Table 2, it was found that, excluding cutters, 117 persons worked less than 10 hours during the busiest week of the year, 205 worked 10 and under 20 hours, 356 worked 20 and under 30 hours, 534 worked 30 and under 40 hours, and 2,980 worked 40 and under 50 hours a week. One cause for this idleness during part of the week is to be traced to the workers themselves who lose a part of their working hours through illness, tardiness in reporting for work, and other causes which may make it impossible for a worker to be at the shop. Another class among the part-time workers is made ap of new employees who started to work during the week, or old employees who left before the end of the week. A third group consists of workers who are obliged to remain idle part of the time, owing to the inability of the manufacturer or the foreman to keep the working organization in smooth running order in all its parts. The failure of the cutting department to cut a certain lot of material on time or to cut up certain parts or trimmings may throw into temporary idleness one or more departments or some workers in one or more departments. Tho failure to provide a proper proportion of body makers, sleeve setters, tuckers, etc., may likewise cause a congestion at one stage of the work and idleness at another. Idleness due to these causes maybe at a minimum during the height of the season and is much more frequent at other times in the year, when it is felt that it is not so important to maintain a strict balance between the different depart- ments, since there are more workers at the factory than can be kept busy all the time. While this is true, it seriously interferes with the efficiency of the shop both among the workers and those responsible for its maintenance, as shown hi Part II of this report, dealing with the standardization of piece rates. EFFECT OF THE PROTOCOL ON SUBCONTRACTING. The prohibition of subcontracting in the shops, called for in the protocol, has had a marked effect on that practice, causing a very decided falling off in the number of people working for subcontractors. Apprentices, however, are employed as assistants to skilled opera- tors, only one apprentice being allowed to one operator, the practice having the sanction of both the union and the association. 20 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION. It was aimed to cover as far as possible every shop engaged in the manufacture of ladies' dresses or waists in Greater New York. The investigation covers all the available shops operating under the protocol or under individual agreements with the union which are identical with the protocol in all the essential provisions. The investigation of the joint board of sanitary control carried out in March, 1913, revealed the existence of 707 shops, employing 36,858 persons. As there were at that time 310 shops affiliated with the asso- ciation and 259 nonassociation union shops, this would leave 140 shops not subject to the jurisdiction either of the association or of the union. Of the 310 association shops, 6 refused to furnish information to the agents of the wage-scale board, and 15 shops were found to lack the necessary books or records to enable the agents to obtain the infor- mation required, leaving 289 association shops from which detailed information as to wages was obtained. In the investigation of the 259 nonassociation union shops 18 firms refused information, while in the case of 8 the books were found in such poor shape that they could not be utilized for the purpose of this study; 231 shops were found with available records. The total number of shops thus covered by the investigation was 520. Information as to individual earnings was obtained for 29,439 employees working in the spring of 1913. In addition to these, wage data were obtained for people working in teams or "sets," as they are called in the trade, of two or more persons, of which at least 1,704 were known to be working in these 520 shops in the spring of 1913, although their number must have been larger, as explained more fully in the part of this report dealing with this subject. (See p. 148.) This makes the total number of employees for whom wages were obtained not less than 31,485, as compared with 36,858 persons found by the joint board of sanitary control. However, in this investigation, designers, foremen, foreladies (unless actually working at the machine), packers, and office force were not included, all of whom, except office force, were included in the figures of the joint board. It would be a conservative estimate to assume that the 520 shops investigated employ at least 1,500 people engaged as designers, foremen, forewomen, and packers, which, added to 31,485, would bring the total employed by the shops investigated to not less than 32,985, or nearly nine-tenths of the employees in the entire industry. As will be seen from Table 68 (p. 159), more than $9,300,000 was paid out in wages during 1912 in the 260 shops which had records for that year. The number of people employed by the 260 shops WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DEESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 21 during the busiest week was 20,524, as shown in Table 67 (p. 158). Since the number of people found employed during the busiest week in 1913 was 31,485 and the wages were, on the average, about 10 per cent higher than in 1912, the wages paid out in 1913 must have aggregated more than $15,700,000, in round numbers. Adding to that an additional one-tenth of the above amount for the nonunion shops, it is found that the total wages paid out in the dress and waist industry during the past year in Greater New York must have amounted to more than $17,000,000. As the wages constitute from 10 to 20 per cent of the selling price of the garments, the value of the output of the dress and waist industry in Greater New York is probably close to $100,000,000. As will be shown further, the shops investigated cover a wide range from the very smallest to the largest known to exist in the industry and since they employ nine-tenths of all the people work- ing in the industry in Greater New York, the data submitted in this report may be accepted as conclusive for the entire industry. This is especially true of the wages for 1912 presented in this report, which prevailed in the industry prior to the conclusion of the protocol, when wages were adjusted in all shops as a result of individual arrangements between the employers and their employees. While it may be presumed that in 1913 wages in the shops free from protocol conditions did not follow the same course as in. the remaining nine-tenths of the industry, it is very likely that they did not differ very materially in the two groups. For this there are two reasons: In the first place, the nonunion shops comprise not only the smaUest shops, but also a number of high-grade shops in which wages are known to be just as high as in the protocol shops, if not higher; in the second place, as far as the shops manufacturing low-grade garments are concerned, it is reasonable to assume that a general increase of wages among nine-tenths of the people working in the industry would automaticaUy compel an advance in wages of the remaining one-tenth, especially during the busy season of the year, when the demand for labor exceeds the supply and when the inde- pendent manufacturers would be obliged to raise the wages paid in their shops to the level of the other nine-tenths of the industry or be in danger of losing their help. The number of people whose individual earnings were covered by the investigation is show.n in the table following. 22 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 3. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF PERSONS EMPLOYED IN DIFFERENT OCCU- PATIONS IN THE DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY, 1912 AND 1913. Occupation. Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 Cleaners 1,637 1,397 979 640 4,352 816 69 326 2,086 1,701 1,321 852 5,363 1,119 207 372 6.8 5.8 4.1 2.7 18.1 3.4 .3 1.4 7.1 5.8 4.5 2.9 18.2 3.8 .7 1.3 Cutters Drapers Finishers Ironers and pressers Joiners All other Total, nonoperators 10, 216 13, 771 - 13, 021 16,418 42.6 . 57.4 44.2 55.8 Operators Grand total 23, 987 29, 439 100.0 100.0 As seen from the table, the total number of workers as to whose individual earnings information was obtained was 23,987 in 1912 and 29,439 in 1913. The difference of 5,452 people does not represent an actual increase in the number of people employed in the industry; it is due largely to the absence of records of wages paid during the year 1912 in a number of shops for which information was obtained for 1913. The figures have been arranged in the above table to show what proportion of the total employees in the industry are engaged in each occupation. Thus it will be seen that the largest single group are the operators, who constituted in 1913 nearly 56 per cent of all the employees. In this group have been included all employees who operate sewing machines. All the other trades combined comprise less than one-half of the employees, namely, 44.2 per cent. The largest single group among these are the finishers, who form 18.2 per cent, or a little less than one-fifth of all the employees, followed by the cleaners, who constitute 7.1 per cent of the total. COMPARISON OF ASSOCIATION AND NONASSOCIATION UNION SHOPS. All the data collected indicate that most of the large shops are affili- ated with the association and are thereby parties to the protocol, while the bulk of the nonassociation shops are of a comparatively small size. Table 4, which follows, has been prepared to facilitate ready compari- son of the two groups. Both the nonassociation and the association shops are divided into nine groups, each according to the number of people they employ, as follows: (1) Shops * employing less than 25 persons, (2) those employing from 25 to 49, (3) from 50 to 74, (4) from 75 to 99, (5) from 100 to 199, (6) from 200 to 299, (7) from 300 to 399, (8) from 400 to 499, (9) from 500 to 600. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DKESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 23 TABLE 4. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF ASSOCIATION AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS EMPLOYING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES IN SUCH SHOPS, 1913. NUMBER. Classified number of employ- ees in each shop. Association. Nonassociation. Total. Shops. Employees. Shops. Employees. Shops. Employees. Under 25 17 85 67 47 59 6 4 2 1 337 3,352 4.217 4,199 8,425 1,427 1,338 972 528 119 86 19 6 1 1,905 2, 975 1,169 500 141 136 171 86 53 60 6 4 2 1 2,242 6,327 5,386 4,699 8,566 1,427 1.338 972 528 25 to 49 50 to 74 7,5 to 99 100 to 199 200 to 299 300 to 399 400 to 499 500 to 600 Total 1288 24, 795 231 6,690 1519 31,485 PER CENT. Under 25 . 5.9 1.4 51. 5 28.5 26.2 7.1 25 to ^g . 29.5 13.5 37.2 44.5 32.9 20.1 50 to 74 23.3 17.0 8.2 17.5 16.6 17.1 75 to Q9 , . . . . 16.3 16.9 2.6 7.5 10.2 14.9 100 to 199 .. . 20.5 34.0 .4 2.1 11.6 27.2 200 to 299. 2.1 5.8 1.2 4.5 300 to 399 1.4 5.4 .8 4.2 400 to 499 .7 3.9 .4 3.1 500 to 600 . .3 2 1 .2 1 7 Total . 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 i In one case two shops have been tabulated as one. As will be seen from Table 4, only 17 shops, or 5.9 per cent of all the association shops were found employing under 25 persons each, while in the nonassociation group 119 shops, constituting 51.5 per cent, or more than one-half of all the nonassociation shops, were found to be employing under 25 persons each. The most prevalent type in the association shops comprises the two groups employing 25 and under 75 people, the number of shops in these two groups constituting 52.8 per cent, or more than one-half of all the association shops. This type of shop is almost as prevalent among the nonassociation shops, constituting 45.4 per cent of the total. On the other hand, shops employing 100 people or more are found almost entirely in the asso- ciation group, there being only 1 shop of that size in the nonassqcia- tion group, and 72 in the association group, constituting one-fourth of the entire group. The contrast between association and nonassociation shops appears still more striking when we compare the total number of people em- ployed by the respective groups. Of the 31 ,485 persons accounted for in Table 4, 24,795 were founj employed* in the 289 association shops, while only 6,690 were working in the 231 nonassociation shops. In other words, although the nonassociation shops constituted 44.4 per cent, or nearly one-half of all the shops, they employed only 21.2 per cent, or a little over one-fifth of all the people. This shows that the BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. majority of the nonassociation shops are small shops. Looking at some of the separate groups, we find that more than half (51.2 per cent) of all the employees in association shops were working in shops of 100 or more employees, while in the nonassociation group only 2.1 per cent of all the employees fall in that class, which contains only 1 shop. The very opposite is true when the smallest shops are considered, namely, those employing under 25 persons each, which gave employ- ment to 28.5 per cent of all the workers in the nonassociation shops and to 1.4 per cent in the association group. In the nonassociation group nearly three-fourths of all the employees (73.0 per cent) worked in shops having less than 50 employees, while in the association group shops of that size gave employment to only 14.9 per cent of all the workers. Not only does the association contain the largest shops; it also em- braces most of the shops manufacturing the higher grades of dresses and waists. Table 5, which follows, shows the proportion of high- grade and of low-grade garment shops in the nonassociation and the association groups. While there is a very wide range in the grade of goods manufactured in the dress and waist industry, varying from waists retailing for less than one dollar apiece to expensive gowns, the prices of which run into hundreds of dollars, it was found very difficult to arrange the shops in several groups, owing to the overlapping of the groups, very few shops confining themselves strictly to one grade of goods. It was therefore found necessary to divide the industry into two large classes as follows: (1) The class marked B, consisting of shops manufacturing cotton waists at not less than $16.50 per dozen, silk waists at not less than $27 per dozen, and dresses at not less than $5 apiece; (2) those marked A, manufacturing garments selling at prices below those mentioned above. Included in class A are the shops manufacturing exclusively $9-a-dozen waists which are indi- cated separately in a footnote in Table 5. The reasons for the adop- tion of the classification in Table 5 are given on page 41 in discussing the subject of wages. TABLE 5. SHOPS AND EMPLOYEES IN ASSOCIATION AND NONASSOCIATION GROUPS ACCORDING TO THE CLASS OF GOODS MANUFACTURED, 1913. NUMBER. Group. Association. Nonassociation. Total. Shops. Employees. Shops. Employees. Shops. Employees. A (low grade)i . . . 184 105 14,821 9,974 196 .. 35 5,479 1,211 380 140 20,300 11,185 B (high grade) . . Total 289 24,795 231 6,690 520 31,485 1 This group includes S9-a-dozen waist shops, as follows: Association, 21 shops, employing 1,925 persons; nonassociation, 38 shops, employing 1,125 persons; total, 59 shops, employing 3,060 persons. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 25 5. SHOPS AND EMPLOYEES IN ASSOCIATION AND NONASSOCIATION GROUPS ACCORDING TO THE* CLASS OF GOODS MANUFACTURED, 1913 Concluded. PER CENT IN EACH GRADE. Group. Association. Nonassociation. Total. Shops. Employees. Shops. Employees. Shops. Employees. A (low grade) l 64 36 60 40 85 15 82 18 73 27 64 36 B (high grade ) Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 PER CENT OF ASSOCIATION AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS AND EMPLOYEES. Shops. Employees. Associa- tion. Nonassocia- tion. Total. Associa- tion. Nonassocia- tion. Total. A (low grade) 48 52 100 73 27 100 B (high grade) Entire industry 75 56 25 44 100 100 89 79 11 21 100 100 1 This group includes S9-a-dozen waist shops, which constituted 7 per cent of the association shops, em- ploying 8 per cent of the association employees; 10 per cent of nonassociation shops, employing 17 per cent of h on association employees. Taking all the shops under investigation, they constituted 11 per cent of all the shops, employing 10 per cent of ail the employees. As will be seen from this table, of the 31,485 persons employed at the height of the season in the spring of 1913, 20,300, or 64 per cent, were employed by the A shops manufacturing the lower-grade garments, and 11,185 persons, or 36 per cent, worked in the B shops making the higher-priced garments. The 380 A shops included 59 shops manufacturing exclusively $9 a dozen waists and employing 3,060 persons, or less than 10 per cent, of the total employees in the shops under investigation. The table shows that a larger proportion of association shops consisted of the higher-grade shops than was the case in the nonassociation shops. In the former, 36 per cent of the shops, employing 40 per cent of the employees, were in class B, while in the nonassociation group, only 15 per cent of the shops, employing 18 per cent of the employees, were in that class. Taking all the A shops investigated, more than half, or 52 per cent, were in the nonassociation group and only 48 per cent in the association, while in the B group, 75 per cent, or three-fourths of all the shops, were in the association and only one-fourth in the nonassociation group. Taking into account the number of employees, we find that the association shops employed nearly three-fourths (73 per cent) of all the people working in A shops, and nearly nine-tenths (89 per cent) of all those working in B shops. It is evident from Tables 3, 4, and 5 that the association shops occupy a commanding position in the dress and waist industry in the city of New York, including practically all of the shops employ- ing more than 100 people, giving employment to four-fifths of the 26 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. people working under union conditions of labor; between two-thirds and three-fourths of all the workers employed in the industry, and nearly nine-tenths of ah 1 the people employed in shops manufacturing the better-grade garments. NUMBER OF WORKERS IN DIFFERENT OCCUPATIONS. The number and per cent of people employed in each occupation in the association and the nonassociation shops is shown in Table 6, which follows. The group, operators, includes all those who work on sewing machines. TABLE 6. -NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES IN ASSOCIATION AND NONASSOCI- ATION SHOPS, BY OCCUPATIONS, 1913. Number. Per cent. Occupation. Associa- tion. Nonassocia- tion. Total. Associa- tion. Nonasso- ciatiou. Total. Cleaners 1,652 434 2,086 79 21 100 Cutters 1,422 279 1,701 84 16 100 1 101 220 1 321 83 17 100 Examiners 750 102 852 88 12 100 Finishers 4,193 1,170 5 363 78 22 100 Troners and pressers 946 173 1,119 85 15 100 Joiners 169 38 207 82 18 100 All others * 345 27 372 93 7 100 Total nonoperators 10,578 2,443 13 021 81 19 100 Buttonhole makers 108 37 145 74 26 100 Button sewers 116 39 155 75 25 100 Closers and hemmers. 104 30 134 78 22 100 Dressmakers 406 34 440 92 8 100 Hemstitchers 172 8 180 96 4 100 Lace runners 107 6 113 95 5 100 Sample makers 506 74 580 87 13 100 Skirt operators 340 59 399 85 15 100 Sleeve makers 239 105 344 69 31 100 Slee e setters 97 42 139 70 30 100 Trimmers 587 47 634 93 7 too Tuckers '. 588 287 875 67 33 100 Waist operators. 4,671 1,154 5,825 80 20 100 Operators, not specified.. . 4,685 1,770 6,455 73 27 100 Total, operators 12, 726 3,692 16,418 78 22 100 Grand total 23, 304 6,135 29,439 79 21 100 1 Includes assorters, embroiderers, markers, and slopers. A comparison of the proportion of association and nonassociation workers in each occupation, as shown in this table, will help to show the varying character of the association and the nonassociation shops. When the total number of employees is considered, 79 per cent of these work in association shops and 21 per cent in non- association shops. This percentage is not the same for the different occupations; thus, in the case of cutters, only 16 per cent were employed in nonassociation shops while 84 per cent worked in associa- tion shops. Similar percentages apply to drapers. This may be explained by the fact that the association group, having a greater proportion of large shops and shops making high-grade garments, requires more cutters, since in the case of high-grade garments only WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 27 one garment or a few garments are cut at a time, while in cheap gar- ments as many as 200 layers of cloth are cut at once, requiring naturally a smaller number of cutters in proportion to the rest of the operators. Furthermore, several of the larger shops included in the association have outside contractors working for them whom they supply in some cases with material already cut. These shops will, therefore, have a larger number of cutters in proportion to the operators employed on the premises than the small shops which are included in the nonassociation group. Another indication of the great proportion of high-grade shops in the association is the propor- tion of examiners, of whom there were 12 per cent employed in the nonassociation shops and 88 per cent in the association shops. The examining must naturally be done with greater care in the case >f high-grade garments than it is in cheap garments, hence the large proportion of examiners, as compared with other employees, in the association shops. Table 7, which follows, shows the number of men and women employed in the association and the nonassociation shops in the years 1912 and 1913, arranged according to their occupations, while Table 8 shows the percentage of men and women in each occupation for association and nonassociation shops combined: TABLE 7. NUMBER OF MALES AND FEMALES IN EACH OCCUPATION IN ASSOCIATION AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS, 1912 AND 1913. FEMALES. 1912 1913 Occupation. Nonasso- ciation. Associa- tion. Total. Nonasso- ciation. Associa- tion. Total. Assorters 1 128 129 9 138 147 Cleaners . ' 193 1,444 1,637 434 1,652 2,086 Cutters Drapers .... 112 865 977 219 1,096 1,315 Embroiderers 19 148 167 15 168 183 Examiners 57 583 640 102 740 842 Finishers 628 3,724 4,352 1 170 4 193 5 363 Ironers and pressers. . 8 529 537 30 552 582 Joiners 1 63 64 33 163 196 Markers 7 7 2 13 15 Slopers 9 9 6 6 Total, nonoperators 1,019 7 500 8,519 2 014 8, 721 10 735 Buttonhole makers 5 58 63 10 56 66 Button sewers 1 87 88 33 103 136 Closers and hemmers 7 77 84 17 87 104 Dressmakers 33 312 345 19 331 350 Hemstitchers . 4 94 98 6 164 170 Lace runners 3 92 95 3 100 103 Sample makers 42 500 542 67 492 559 Skirt operators. 1 231 232 22 206 228 Sleeve makers 49 160 209 95 205 300 Sleeve setters 22 44 66 25 61 86 Trimmers 22 524 546 43 569 ' 612 Tuckers 105 411 516 211 416 627 Waist operators 607 3 982 4 589 958 4 103 5.061 Operators, not specified 688 3,967 4,655 1,432 4,159 5,591 Total, operators 1,589 10,539 12 128 2,941 11,052 13,993 Grand total 2 608 18 039 20 647 4 955 19 773 24, 728 28 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 7. NUMBER OF MALES AND FEMALES IN EACH OCCUPATION IN ASSOCIATION AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS, 1912 AND 1913 Concluded. MALES. 1912 1913 Occupation. Nonasso- ciation. Associa- tion. Total. Nonasso- ciation. Associa- tion. Total. Assorters 1 1 4 4 Cleaners Cutters 168 1,229 1,397 279 1 422 1 701 Drapers 1 1 2 1 Embroiderers 2 2 1 1 Examiners 10 10 Finishers Ironers and pressers 44 235 279 143 394 537 Joiners 3 2 5 5 g 11 Markers .... 3 3 Slopers 1 10 11 1 12 13 Total nonoperators 217 1 480 1 697 429 1 857 2 286 Buttonhole makers 12 41 53 27 52 79 Button sewers 15 15 6 13 19 Closers and hemmers 5 15 20 13 17 30 Dressmakers 20 31 51 15 75 90 Hemstitchers 2 2 2 g 10 Lace runners 1 7 8 3 7 10 Sample makers 3 12 15 7 14 21 Skirt operators 5 76 81 37 134 171 Sleeve makers 4 25 29 10 34 44 Sleeve setters 9 27 36 17 36 53 Trimmers 4 8 12 4 18 22 Tuckers 40 115 155 76 172 248 Waist operators 67 495 562 196 568 764 Operators, not specified 164 440 604 338 526 864 Total operators 334 1,309 1,643 751 1 674 2 425 Grand total 551 2,789 3,340 1,180 3 531 4 711 TOTAL MALES AND FEMALES. Assorters 1 129 130 9 142 151 Cleaners 193 1,444 1,637 434 1,652 2 086 Cutters 168 1,229 1,397 279 1,422 1,701 Drapers . 113 866 979 220 1,101 1,321 Embroiderers 19 150 169 15 169 184 Examiners . 57 583 640 102 750 852 Finishers 628 3,724 4,352 1,170 4,193 5 363 Ironers and pressers 52 764 816 173 946 1.119 Joiners 4 65 69 38 169 207 Markers 7 7 2 16 18 Slopers 1 19 20 18 19 Total, nonoperators 1,236 8,980 10,216 2,443 10,578 13, 021 Buttonhole makers 17 99 116 37 108 145 Button sewers 1 102 103 39 116 155 Closers and hemmers 12 92 104 30 104 134 Dressmakers 53 343 396 34 406 440 Hemstitchers 4 96 100 8 172 180 Lace runners 4 99 103 6 107 113 Sample makers 45 512 557 74 506 580 Skirt operators 6 307 313 59 340 399 Sleeve makers 53 185 238 105 239 344 Sleeve setters 31 71 102 42 97 139 Trimmers 26 532 558 47 587 634 Tuckers 145 526 671 287 588 875 Waist operators 674 4,477 5,151 1,154 4,671 5,825 Operators, not specified 852 4,407 5,, 259 1,770 4,685 6,455 Total, operators 1,923 11,848 13,771 3,692 12,726 16, 418 Grand total 3 159 20, 828 23,987 6,135 23, 304 29, 439 WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DKESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 29 TABLE 8. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF MALES AND FEMALES, BY OCCUPATIONS, 1912 AND 1913. Occupation. 1912 1913 Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Fe- males. Males. Total. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. Males. Total. Fe- males. Males. Assorters 129 1 1,637 130 1,637 1,397 979 169 640 4,352 816 69 7 20 99 100 1 ""ioo" ( '\ 147 2,086 4 "i"76i" 6 1 10 ""537" 11 3 13 151 2, 086 1,701 1,321 184 852 5,363 1,119 207 18 19 97 100 3 Cleaners Cutters 1,397 o 2 100 0) 1 Drapers 977 167 640 4,352 100 99 100 100 66 93 100 45 1,315 183 842 5,383 582 196 15 6 100 99 99 100 52 95 83 32 Embroiderers Finishers Ironers and pressers 537 64 7 9 279 5 ...... 34 7 48 5 17 68 Joiners Markers Slopers 55 Total, nonoperators. Buttonhole makers 8,519 63 88 84 345 98 95 542 232 209 66 546 516 4,589 4,655 1,697 10,216 116 103 104 396 100 103 557 313 238 102 558 671 5,151 5,259 83 54 85 81 87 98 92 97 74 88 65 98 77 89 89 17 46 15 19 13 2 8 3 26 12 35 2 23 11 11 10, 735 66~ 136 104 350 170 103 559 228 300 86 612 627 5,061 5,591 2,286 79~ 19 30 90 10 10 21 171 44 53 22 248 764 864 13,021 145 155 134 440 180 113 5SO 399 344 139 634 875 5,825 6,455 82 46 88 78 80 94 91 96 57 87 62 97 72 87 87 18 54 12 22 20 6 9 4 43 13 38 3 28 13 13 53 15 20 51 2 8 15 81 29 36 12 155 562 604 Button sewers Closers and hemmers Dressmakers Hemstitchers Lace runners Samp le makers Skirt operators Sleeve makers Sleeve setters Trimmers Tuckers Waist operators Operators not specified Total, operators Grand total. 12, 128 1,643 13,771 88 86 12 13,993 2,425 16,418 2S,439 85 15 20,647 3,340 23,987 14 24,728 4,711 84 16 1 Less than 0.5 of 1 per cent. It will be seen from these two tables that of the total of 29,439 workers for whom individual earnings were ascertained, 24,728, or 84 per cent of the total, were women, while only 4,711, or 16 per cent, were men. That is to say, for every man there were more than five women employed in the industry. The proportion of men and women is not the same in each occupation. In some occupations, like cutters, men are the only workers. In others, like finishers, women are exclusively employed. Among drapers, embroiderers, and examiners, the number of men is so small as to be negligible. Of cleaners women constitute 100 per cent, and the majority of these are young girls who have just entered the trade. Although ironing and pressing is work which calls for great physical endurance, as it must be done standing up all day and working with hot irons, the proportion of men and women is almost the same, the women slightly predominating, there being 52 per cent women and 48 per cent men. Taking the operators as a whole, there were 13,993 women as against 2,425 men, there being thus 6 women operators for every man 30 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. working at a machine. In some of the departments of operating, ; the women have the field entirely to themselves. In general, it may be said that where speed and quantity of output count for most, men, on account of their greater strength and endurance, are preferred. On the other hand, wherever the nature of the work calls for patience, delicate touch, and nimble ringers, women will be found holding the field. Thus trimming, which calls for deft and delicate handling oi the lace and other trimming material, is almost exclusively done women, the number of men being only 22, or 3 per cent, of a total 634 trimmers. Sample making and hemstitching, also show a vei small proportion of men, namely, 4 per cent in the case of sample makers and 6 per cent in the case of hemstitchers. The largest proportion of men among operators is found in the case of buttonhole makers, where men outnumber women, 55 per cent being men, 45 per cent women. This is due to the fact that in many shops the value of a buttonhole maker who has the ability to take care of the machine in its frequent breakdowns is greatly appreciated, and in this respect men naturally have the advantage over women. Another group of operators in which men are present in large numbers is that of skirt operators, in which the women constitute 57 per cent and the men 43 per cent. In skirt oper- ating long seams are the rule and speed is the chief requirement. Another group in which men are employed to a considerable extent is sleeve setting, in which their number exceeds one-third, there being 62 per cent women and 38 per cent men. In the group of tuckers 28 per cent are men and 72 per cent are women, and of the group of closers and hemmers men constitute less than one-fourth. WEEK WORK AND PIECEWORK. EXTENT IN DIFFERENT OCCUPATIONS. The number of people working in the different occupations is given in detail in Table 9, and the extent to which week work and piecework prevailed among men and women in 1912 and 1913 is given for each occupation. In this table the number of operators working on differ- ent kinds of work is likewise given in detail, the operators being divided into 14 distinct occupations, as follows: Buttonhole makers, button sewers, closers and hemrners, dressmakers, hemstitchers, lace runners, sample makers, skirt operators, sleeve makers, sleeve setters, trimmers, tuckers, waist operators, and operators not specified. In connection with Table 9, which gives figures for the industry as a whole, is presented Table 10, giving similar figures for shops making cheap waists sold to retail stores at $9 per dozen. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 31 TABLE 9. NUMBER OF WEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS, BY SEX, IN EACH OCCUPATION, 1912 AND 1913. FEMALES. 1912 1913 Occupation. Week workers. Piece- workers. Total. Week workers. Piece- workers. Total. Assorters.. 129 129 147 147 Gleaners 1 592 45 1,637 2,066 20 2 086 Drapers 952 25 977 1,268 47 1,315 Embroiderers 93 74 167 86 97 183 Examiners 640 640 842 842 Finishers . 2,784 1,568 4,352 3,334 2,029 5,363 Ironers and pressers 305 232 537 407 175 582 Joiners . ... 62 2 64 188 8 196 Markers 7 7 15 15 9 9 6 6 Total nonoperators 6,573 1,946 8,519 8,359 2,376 10, 735 Buttonhole makers ... 46 17 63 45 21 66 Button sewers 69 19 88 113 23 136 Closers and hemmers 40 44 84 64 40 104 Dressmakers 68 277 345 56 294 350 Hemstitohers 93 5 98 148 22 170 Lace runners. . .... 78 17 95 83 20 103 Sample makers 540 2 542 551 8 559 Skirt operators 52 180 232 69 159 228 Sleeve makers 144 65 209 173 127 300 Sleeve setters 55 11 66 57 29 86 Trimmers 286 260 546 343 269 612 Tuckers.. . 229 287 516 360 267 627 Waist operators 2,263 2,326 4,589 2,488 2,573 5,061 Operators, not specified 2,226 2,429 4,655 2,386 3,205 5,591 Total, operators 6 189 5,939 12, 128 6 936 7 057 13 993 Grand total 12, 762 7,885 20, 647 15,295 9,433 24 728 MALES. Assorters.. 1 1 4 4 Cutters 1 397 1,397 1 701 1 701 Drapers 1 1 2 5 1 6 Embroiderers 2 2 1 1 Examiners. .. 10 10 Ironers and pressers 213 66 279 355 182 537 Joiners 2 3 5 7 4 11 Markers 3 3 Slopers . . . 11 11 13 13 Total, nonoperators 1 627 70 1,697 2 099 187 2 286 Buttonhole makers .. 24 29 53 31 48 79 Button sewers . . 12 3 15 14 5 19 Closers and hemmers. 11 9 20 14 16 30 Dressmakers . . 7 44 51 15 75 90 Hemstitchers. . 2 2 7 3 10 Lace runners 8 8 7 3 10 Sample makers... 14 1 15 21 21 Skirt operators 37 44 81 64 107 171 Sleeve makers 11 18 29 12 32 44 Sleeve setters... 16 20 36 25 28 53 Trimmers 8 4 12 g 13 22 Tuckers 83 72 155 109 139 248 Waist operators 277 285 562 332 432 764 Operators, not specified 245 359 604 257 607 864 Total, operators 755 888 1,643 917 1,508 2,425 Grand total 2,382 958 3,340 3,016 1 695 4 711 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 9.-NUMBER OF WEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS, BY SEX, IN EACH OCCUPATION, 1912 AND 1913 Continued. TOTAL MALES AND FEMALES. 1912 1913 Occupation. Week workers. Piece- workers. Total. Week workers. Piece- workers. Total. Assorters 130 130 151 H 1 592 45 1 637 2 066 20 2 0X5 Cutters . 1,337 1 397 1 701 1 701 953 26 979 1 273 48 1 321 Embroiderers .... 95 74 169 ' 87 97 'l84 Examiners 640 640 852 852 Finishers... . 2,784 1,568 4,352 3 334 2,029 5 363 Ironers and pressers 518 298 816 762 357 1 119 Joiners ... 64 5 69 195 12 207 Markers 7 7 18 18 Slopers 20 20 19 19 Total, nonoperators 8,200 2,016 10 216 10 458 2 563 13, 021 Buttonhole makers 70 46 116 76 69 145 Button sewers . 81 22 103 127 28 155 Closers and hemmers 51 53 104 78 56 134 Dressmakers 75 321 396 71 369 440 Hemst itchers . 95 5 100 155 25 180 Lace runners 86 17 103 90 23 113 Sample makers 554 3 557 572 g 580 Skirt operators. . . . . . ... 89 224 313 133 266 399 Sleeve makers.. 155 83 238 185 159 344 Sleeve setters 71 31 102 82 57 139 -, Trimmers 294 264 558 352 282 634 Tuckers.... 312 359 671 469 406 875 Waist operators 2,540 2 611 5 151 2 820 3,005 5 825 Operators, not specified 2,471 2,788 5,259 2,643 3,812 6,455 Total, operators 6,944 6,827 13, 771 7,853 8,565 16,418 Grand total 15 144 8 843 23 987 18 311 11 1^8 29 439 TABLE 10. NUMBER OF WEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS, BY SEX, IN EACH OCCUPATION IN SHOPS MANUFACTURING WAISTS WHICH SELL AT $9 PER DOZEN TO RETAIL STORES, 1012 AND 1913. FEMALES. 1912 1913 Occupation. Week workers. Piece- workers. Total. Week workers. Piece- workers. Total. Assorters i 1 Cleaners 316 316 319 319 Examiners 41 41 72 5 77 Finishers 92 30 2 51 39 90 Ironers 37 36 73 68 33 101 Markers 1 1 g 6 Total, nonorarators 417 66 483 517 77 594 Buttonhole makers... 5 I g g g Button sewers 15 15 36 g 42 Closers and hemmers.. . . g 3 11 iq 5 24 Lace runners 3 7 Sample makers... 10 10 17 17 Sleeve makers.. 52 12 64 68 10 81 Sleeve setters 14 3 17 Oo 29 Trimmers 21 21 25 25 Tuckers Waist operators 27 782 1 165 28 947 35 Qfcfi 12 OQl 47 i 2o~ Total, operators 937 185 1 1 1 222 278 1 500 Grand total 1 354 251 1 605 2 C 4 WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 33 TABLE 1O. NUMBER OF WEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS, BY SEX, IN EACH OCCUPATION IN SHOPS MANUFACTURING WAISTS WHICH SELL AT $9 PER DOZEN TO RETAIL STORES, 1912 AND 1913 Concluded. MALES. 1912 1913 Occupation. Week workers. Piece- workers. Total. Week workers. Piece- workers. Total. 112 112 143 143 42 17 59 69 28 95 3 3 Total, nonoperators 154 17 171 215 26 241 Buttonhole makers 4 11 15 10 16 26 Button sewers .. 6 6 6 2 8 Closrs and heinniers 6 3 9 8 9 17 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 9 1 10 5 9 14 Sleeve setters 6 13 8 14 22 1 1 Tuckers 14 14 28 13 12 25 Waist operators 135 68 203 178 129 307 Total, operators 183 103 286 233 191 424 Grand total 337 120 457 448 217 665 TOTAL MALES AND FEMALES. Assorters 1 1 316 316 319 319 Cutters... 112 112 143 143 Examiners 41 41 72 5 77 Finishers 22 30 52 51 39 90 Ironers. 79 53 132 137 59 196 Markers 1 1 9 9 Total, nonoperators 571 83 654 732 103 835 Buttonhole makers 9 12 21 18 16 34 Button sewers 21 21 42 8 50 Closers and hemmers 14 6 20 27 14 41 Lace runners 4 4 8 2 10 Sample makers... 11 11 18 18 Sleeve makers 61 13 74 73 22 95 Sleeve setters 21 9 30 31 20 51 Trimmers 21 21 26 26 Tuckers. 41 15 56 48 24 72 Waist operators 917 233 1,150 1,164 363 1,527 Total, operators 1,120 288 1,408 1,455 469 1,924 Grand total 1,691 371 2,062 2,187 572 2,759 It is unfortunate that the figures representing the numbers of employees for each of these occupations do not represent the actual number employed therein. The reason for this is that the pay rolls of the different concerns are not kept in a uniform manner ; some con- cerns describe separately each class of operators, such as buttonhole makers, closers and hemmers, hemstitchers, etc. ; other concerns desig- nate every employee who works at a machine as an operator. The only way to overcome this difficulty would have been to interview per- sonally each employee in the shop. Apart from the reluctance on the 42132 Bull. 14614 3 34 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOE STATISTICS. part of most employers to admit agents of the wage-scale board to the shops for that purpose, on the ground that it would interfere with the work of the employees, it would have greatly delayed the investigation and materially increased its cost. Even then a large number of cases could not -have been investigated because a con- siderable number of the employees found on the books would not have been found working in the same shops at the time of the investigation. The classification of the different kinds of operators is described in detail under the respective heads in the section devoted to wages of operators of different kinds. The figures given in Table 9 for operators must, therefore, be con- sidered correct only when taken for the operators as a whole, of whom 16,418 were found in 1913 as against 13,771 in 1912. For the separate subdivisions of operators, the figures are of value princi- pally for comparative purposes, such as showing the proportion of week workers and pieceworkers in each group, relative numbers of men and women, comparative wages in 1912 and 1913, and as between one group of operators and another group. RELATION OF SEX TO WEEK WORK AND PIECEWORK. Table 9 throws an interesting light on the relation of sex to piece- work and week work. On comparing the number of men and women engaged in piecework and week work in those branches of operating where the piecework system is employed to a considerable extent, it will be found that with the exception of dressmakers and skirt operators, men are engaged on piecework to a much greater extent than women. As there is particular interest in the conditions exist- ing since the protocol went into effect, the 1913 figures will now be considered. Among buttonhole makers, the women had approxi- mately one pieceworker to two week workers, while the men had three pieceworkers for every two week workers ; in other words, the ratio of pieceworkers to week workers was three times as large among men as among women. Among closers and hemmers, the women had one and one-half week workers for every pieceworker, while the men had more pieceworkers than week workers; among sleeve makers, the women had one and one-third week workers to every pieceworker, while the men had nearly three pieceworkers to every week worker; among sleeve setters, the women had more than two week workers for every pieceworker, while the men had more pieceworkers than week workers; the same is true of the tuckers; among waist operators and operators not specified, the proportion of piece workers is much greater among the men than among the women. This is easily explained when what has been said on the preceding pages is borne in mind, namely, that men excel the women WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DEESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 35 in speed and in endurance, while women show greater aptitude for work requiring patience and delicate handling. In the former case, piecework is more remunerative, while in the latter compensation by the week is frequently preferred both by the employer and by the worker. RELATIVE ADVANTAGES OF WEEK WORK AND PIECEWORK. Whether workers are to be compensated on a piece or a week basis depends to a large extent on the nature of the work. It is well known that, in adopting the protocol, the dress and waist industry upset a number of time-honored precedents and established new ones. One of these concerns the respective attitude of employers and employees to piecework and week work. The usual attitude of manufacturers in other industries is in favor of piecework, while the workers show a decided preference for week work. The manufacturer is guided in his attitude by the obvious desire of paying only for work done, since under the piecework system the pay of the worker is automat- ically cut off for every minute or second that he fails to turn out work. The workers object to the system on many grounds, chief of which are: (1) That the piecework system tends to speed up the worker to the limit of physical endurance, leading to a premature exhaustion of his strength and injuring his or her health generally; (2) that it de- prives him of pay at more or less frequent intervals, due not only to lack of work but also frequently to lack of system in the distribution of work between the various departments, resulting in enforced idleness on his part, while he is obliged to remain at the factory waiting for work; (3) that it furnishes opportunities for foremen and subf oremen to make favorites of some employees and to discriminate against others by keeping the favored workers as constantly at work as possible and giving them the best paying work, while the less favored are obliged to get along with what is left; (4) the fourth and chief objection of employees to the piecework system is based on what is a common practice in many industries, the tendency to reduce the piece rate as the workers gain in speed and find new " short cuts" in turning out the same work. The idea on the part of the management is to keep the earnings of the employees within certain limits recognized as adequate under a standard set for different occupations or trades. The worker thus finds that, as soon as his earnings exceed the recognized limit, all additional exertion on his part not only will fail to bring him addi- tional reward, but on the contrary will lead to a curtailment of the rate of pay for himself and his fellow workers. This feeling on the part of the worker, engendered by the attitude of his employers, leads frequently to an intentional limitation of output after it reaches the limit beyond which he has reason to expect a reduction in the 36 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. rate of pay. This in turn engenders friction between the employers and employees and has, therefore, led to the general hostility to the piecework system on the part of workingmen and workingwomen. The workers' union in the dress and waist industry has upset this prec- edent along with many others. It was the workers who were insistent on the adoption of the piece-rate system for the industry at the time of concluding the protocol, while a large part of the manufac- turers showed preference for the week-work system. EXTENT OF WEEK WORK AND PIECEWORK PRIOR TO THE PROTOCOL. The preference for week work among employers was confined chiefly to manufacturers of cheap garments, since the piece-rate system was already in vogue to a greater or less extent in shops manufacturing higher-grade garments before the protocol had gone into effect. This can be readily seen on comparing the figures in Tables 11 and 12, which follow: TABLE 11. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF WEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS, BY OCCUPATIONS, 1912 AND 1913. Occupation. 1912 1913 Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Week work- ers. Piece- work- ers. Total. Week J Piece- work- work- ers, ers. Week Avork- ers. Piece- work- ers. Total. Week work- ers. Piece- work- ers. Assorters 130 1,592 1 397 ""45" 130 1,637 1,397 979 169 640 4,352 816 69 7 20 100 97 100 97 56 100 64 63 93 100 100 ""3" ""3" 44 ""36" 37 7 151 2,086 1,701 1, 273 87 852 3,334 762 195 18 19 "~20" ""48 97 2, 629" 357 12 151 2,086 1,701 1,321 184 852 5,363 1,119 207 18 19 100 99 100 96 47 100 62 68 94 100 100 ~"i ""4 53 ""38 32 6 Cleaners Cut'ers Drapers 953 95 640 2, 784 518 64 26 74 L568" 298 5 Embroiderers Examiners Finishers Ironers and pressers Joiners Markers Slopers 20 Total, nonoperators Buttonhole makers 8,200 70~ 81 51 75 95 86 554 89 155 71 294 312 2,540 2,471 2,016 10, 216 ng 5g| KH3 tffto S d ^ \ ! 1 ^ CNt <* CM 3 Ci J2 <> o "a <*> v>. * VQ /) // ! / / ' / 1 / t (: i (/' / < \ _s \ J 1 It ' 11 1 J^ 4 Tl ^ ^ ; ^- !_ J ' ^ \ \ \ I it 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ to those concerned in the industry, both employers and employees. The question will naturally arise: Are these differences due to a higher standard of wages being enforced in the association shops than in the nonassociation shops, a condition which would be equivalent to discrimination against the interests of manufacturers belonging to WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 53 the association; or are they due to economic differences prevailing in the association and the nonassociation shops, respectively, as a result of the difference in the character of the garments they pro- duce? It will be recalled from what was said in the first section of this report, that the association shops are chiefly large shops, while the nonassociation shops are mainly small shops; also that the association shops have a much larger percentage of shops manu- facturing high-grade garments than have the nonassociation shops. If the differences in wages shown to exist in the association and non- association shops, respectively, are due merely to their affiliation or nonaffiliation with the association, then we should find the wages in association A and B shops more or less the same and considerably higher than in the nonassociation A and B shops, which likewise should not differ much from each other. On the other hand, if the difference between the wages which we have found prevailing in the association and nonassociation shops is due to the fact that the association has a much larger percentage of shops manufacturing high-grade garments than the nonassociation shops, then we should find nearly the same rates prevailing in the association B and non- association B shops, which should be considerably higher than those in the association A and nonassociation A shops. COMPARISON OF WAGES OF MEN AND WOMEN OPERATORS IN SHOPS MAKING CHEAP AND HIGH-GRADE GARMENTS. Week workers. In Tables 21 and 22, which follow, are shown the differences in the wages of female and male operators, week workers, in four classes of shops designated as association A, association B, nonassociation A, and nonassociation B. As already explained, the A shops are those making the cheaper grades of garments and the B shops those making the higher grades. 54 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. RS, sso- TABLE 21. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF OPERATORS, FEMALE, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, IN ASSO- CIATION AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS MAKING THE CHEAPER AND THE HIGHER GRADES OF GARMENTS. NUMBER. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B . Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 4 43 156 219 294 362 354 381 620 464 252 52 17 5 2 | 9 53 204 299 432 541 564 615 1,161 1.136 672 196 92 24 6 4 1 1 $3 to S3 99 11 72 149 261 374 355 332 645 479 345 102 34 13 2 7 18 21 72 84 89 102 155 103 43 14 4 2 4 26 59 126 188 174 182 347 269 164 43 7 6 3 30 57 60 83 102 107 319 496 336 116 61 12 2 3 1 1 % 621 633 * 606 1,284 1,264 1,056 362 136 47 4 4 2 $4 to $4 99 21 18 67 50 88 80 243 443 495 184 80 15 "2 6 12 19 25 67 73 41 14 10 5 2 1 2 2 3 9 16 12 49 73 52 33 15 13 2 3 $5 to $5 99 $6 to $6 99 $7 to $7.99 $8 to $8 99 $9 to $9.99 $10 toSll 99 ... . $12 to $13 99 $14 to $15 99 . $16 toS17.99 $18 to $19.99 $20 to 822 49 $22.50 to $24.99 $25 to $27 49 1 $27 50 to $29 99 $30 and over 1 1 Total 3,225 3,174 714 1,595 1,794 1,786 277 285 1 6,010 6,840 PER CENT. U nder $3 0.1 0.3 0.1 $3 to $3 99 1 3 3 1 0.3 .2 .9 2 $4 to $4 99 4.8 2.3 2.5 1.6 1.7 1.2 0.7 3.4 1 8 $5 to $5.99 6.8 4.7 2.9 3.7 3.2 1.0 0.7 .7 5.0 3.3 $6 to $6 99. 9.1 8.2 10.1 7.9 3.3 3.8 2.2 1.0 * 7.2 6.7 $7 to $7 .99 11.2 11.8 11.8 11.8 4.6 2.8 4.3 3.1 9.0 9.1 $8 to $8.99 $9 to $9 99 11.0 11.8 11.2 10.5 12.5 14.3 10.9 11.4 5.7 6.0 4.9 4.5 6.8 9.0 5.6 4.2 9.4 10.2 9.2 8.9 $10 to $11.99 19.2 20.3 21.7 21.8 17.8 13.6 24.2 17.2 19.3 18.8 $12 to $13 99... 14.4 15.1 14.4 16.9 27.6 24.8 26.4 25.6 18.9 18.5 $14 to $15.99 $16 to $17.99 .'... 7.8 1.6 10.9 3.2 6.0 2.0 10.3 2.7 18.7 6.5 27.7 10.3 14.8 5.1 18.3 11.6 11.2 3.3 15.4 5.3 $18 to $19 99 .5 1.1 .6 .4 3.4 4.5 3.6 5.3 1.5 2.0 $20 to $22. 49 .2 .4 .3 .4 .7 .8 1.8 4.6 .4 .7 $22 50 to $24 99 (i) (i) 1 7 7 1 $25 to $27 49 .2 .1 .4 1.0 . l .1 $27 50 to $29 99 .1 (i) $30 and over . . . .1 .1 .4 (i) (i) Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Less than one- tenth of 1 per cent. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DEESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 55 TABLE 22. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF OPERATORS, MALE, WEEK WORKERS, RE- CEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, IN ASSO- CIATION AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS MAKING THE CHEAPER AND THE HIGHER GRADES OF GARMENTS. NUMBER. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 $3 to '3 99 1 8 8 6 11 21 13 41 87 86 42 39 16 5 1 "~2 1 4 5 16 20 13 18 24 51 84 69 45 28 1 4 3 2 3 10 15 12 18 33 34 84 146 181 83 61 37 9 5 1 6 13 32 30 36 34 74 139 199 143 111 69 17 6 3 1 $4 to ?4 99 2 3 4 2 4 8 19 21 33 15 5 12 2 7 10 5 15 8 25 55 51 49 41 25 7 1 .j in 85.99 $6 to^f) 99 4 2 4 8 12 22 35 55 22 14 9 4 3 1 6 3 7 8 24 28 58 22 21 11 6 1 $7 toS? 99 1 2 1 ..... 5 6 3 4 5 3 $8to?8.99 |9 to 89 99 1 2 3 7 4 3 $10to!?11.99 $12 to $13.99 $14 to $15 99 $16toS17.99 $18 to $19.99 $20 to S^ 49 $22.50 to S24. 99 $25 to $27.49 $27.50 to S29 .99. . . . 1 1 2 Total 387 386 129 301 196 196 21 31 733 914 PER CENT. $3 to S3 99 0.3 0.3 1.0 0.4 0.1 $4 to $4 99 2.1 1.0 1.6 0.7 1.4 .7 $5 to S5 99 2 1 1 3 2 3 2.3 2.0 0.5 2.0 1.4 S6toS. 3 1.4 $5 to 85.99... 2.9 2.4 5.1 2.1 2.5 1.4 5.9 1.3 3.0 1.9 86to$f>.99.. 4.2 2.7 5.8 2.6 3.5 1.9 2.4 2.0 4.0 2.3 87to?7.99. $8 to $8.99... 5.5 6.5 3.9 5.2 6.8 9.1 4.5 4.6 3.7 5.7 2.3 3.4 4.7 4.7 3.4 3.7 4.8 6.3 3.3 4.3 58 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 23. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF OPERATORS, FEMALE, PIECEWORKERS, EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, 1912 AND 1913 Concluded. PER, CENT Concluded. ( lassifled earnings per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B. Totaj. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 $9 to $0.99 8.2 14.9 23.6 9.5 6.3 4.1 2.0 2.8 .8 .5 .5 5.8 14.8 14.8 14.5 11.2 6.5 5.2 3.6 1.8 1.1 1.0 8.4 17.7 14.0 10.0 6.3 5.1 .7 .7 .2 7.1 14.9 17.2 13.8 9.4 7.1 5.4 2.2 .9 .5 .5 7.1 14.4 14.4 12.9 8.2 7.8 5.8 3.5 1.7 1.1 1.2 4.4 12.0 13.3 12.6 13.6 10.2 8.9 6.0 3.1 1.8 1.5 5.3 15.4 11.8 16.0 10.7 7.1 8.3 1.2 1.8 .6 3.0 14.4 19.1 11.7 12.4 11.1 7.4 4.4 1.3 2.3 .3 7.6 14.9 18.5 11.2 7.3 5.9 3.8 2.9 1.2 .7 .7 5.2 13.6 14.6 13.5 12.1 8.2 6.9 4.5 2.2 1.3 1.1 $10 to 11.99. $12 to $13.99 $14 to $15.99 $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19.99 $20 to $22.49. $22.50 to $24.99 $25 to $27. 49 $27.50 to $29.99 $30 and over Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 TABLE 24. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF OPERATORS, MALE, PIECEWORKERS, EARN- ING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, 1912 AND 1913. NUMBER. Classified earnings per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 8 2 2 4 5 13 19 19 49 40 49 54 51 55 33 42 29 38 5 3 5 2 8 9 17 20 56 61 86 102 106 124 99 63 34 78 2 3 5 6 4 4 5 7 14 13 15 15 14 19 11 9 7 7 2 11 6 3 9 6 10 5 30 38 41 43 36 34 43 20 16 20 2 3 1 2 14 8 7 11 10 22 32 31 77 69 89 88 87 95 65 72 51 82 8 14 13 6 17 17 32 31 97 112 157 170 167 186 170 114 65 135 $3 to $3 99 $4 to $4.99 2 1 $5 to $5 99 1 1 4 5 4 14 15 22 16 19 19 20 20 12 37 $6 to $6.99 $7 to $7 99 2 5 4 8 12 27 20 22 19 20 26 13 32 1 3 1 ...... 3 1 3 5 3 9 8 5 2 5 $8 to $8.99 $9 to $9 99 $10 to 811 99 $12 to $13.99 $14 to $15 99 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 3 $16 toS17.99 $18 to $19.99. $20 to $22.49 $22.50 to $24.99 $25 to $27 49 $27.50 to $29.99 $30 and over. Total 512 878 160 373 214 214 24 1 46 910 1,511 PER CENT. Under $3. . . 1.6 06 1.3 0.5 0.9 0.5 1.5 0.5 $3 to $3.99. . . .4 .3 1.9 2.9 1.4 .9 .9 $4 to $1 99 . 4 .6 3.1 1.6 .9 .8 .9 $5 to $5.99 .8 .2 3.8 .8 .5 .5 1.2 .4 $6 to $6.99. 1.0 .9 2-5 2.4 .5 . 1.1 1.1 $7 to $7 99 2.5 1.0 2.5 1.6 1.9 .9 2.4 1.1 $8 1 $8 99 3 7 1 9 3 1 2 7 2 3 2 3 3.5 2.1 $9 to $9.99 3.7 2.3 4.4 1.3 1.9 1.9 3.4 2.1 $10 to $11 99 9 6 6.4 8.8 8.0 6.5 3.7 8.5 6.4 $12 to $13.99 7.8 6.9 8.1 10.2 7.0 5.6 7.6 7.4 $14 to $15.99 9.6 9.8 9.4 11.0 10.3 12.6 9.8 10.4 $16 to $17.99 10 5 11.6 9.4 11.5 7.5 9.3 9.7 11.3 $18 to $19.99 10.0 12.1 8.8 9.7 8.9 10.3 9.6 11.1 $20 to $22.49. 10.7 14.1 11.9 9.1 8.9 8.9 10.4 12.3 $22.50 to $24.99 6 4 11.3 6.9 11 a 9.3 9.3 7.1 11.3 $25 to 827 49 8 2 7 2 5 6 5 4 9 3 12 1 7 9 7 5 $27.50 to $29.99.... 5.7 3.9 4.4 4.3 5.6 6.1 5.6 4.3 $30 and over. . . 7. 4 8.9 4. 4 5.4 17 3 15 9.0 S.9 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 Percentages for nonassociation B not computed on account of small number of employees. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 59 The same tendency is observed in the wages of women operators working by the piece as in the wages among the week workers. The percentage of women pieceworkers earning $10 and over during the busiest week in 1913 was 78.2 per cent for the industry as a whole. Taking the separate branches of the industry, it is found that in the B shops the percentage was 84.4 per cent for the nonassociation shops and 83.0 per cent for the association shops, while in the A shops it was 71.9 per cent in the nonassociation shops and 74.5 per cent in the association shops. As in the case of the week workers, there is found here a close similarity of conditions in the shops manufacturing the same grades of garments, whether they belong to the association or not, and a considerable difference between the shops manufacturing high and low grade garments, respectively, both among those affiliated with the association and those outside of it; but there is a much smaller difference between the A and B shops' figures among the pieceworkers than there is in the case of the week workers. Thus, as will be recalled, Table 21 showed the percentage of those earning $10 a week or more to be from 82 to 85 per cent for the B shops, and from 51 to 52 per cent for the A shops; whereas, as shown by Table 23, the number of the same class of workers among the pieceworkers is from 83 to 84 per cent for the B shops, and from 72 to 74 per cent for the A shops (disregarding decimals). This is apparently due to the fact that, among week workers, the differences in rates of wages between A and B shops are due largely to difference in skill, the B shops requiring operators capable of turning out high-grade garments, who can therefore command a considerably higher rate of wages than the less skilled and more recently apprenticed workers in the low-grade garment shops. Among pieceworkers on the other hand, the differ- ences in the high-grade and the low-grade garment shops are more nearly equalized. In the high-grade garment shops the rate per garment is higher, but the garment can not be made so rapidly as a low-grade garment. The, result is that what a less skilled worker in the low-grade garment shop loses on the rate per garment, she makes up, to a large extent, on the speed with which she can turn it out and the earnings of the pieceworkers in the two types of shops come close together. This fact is likewise shown in Chart 4. It will be observed that, as in the previous chart, the two lines representing the B groups lie near one another and that the two lines representing the A groups constitute the other pair; but unlike the showing in Chart 3 there is not the same close coincidence between lines of each pair, and, on the other hand, the two pairs come closer to one another than they do in Chart 3, for the reasons just explained. In Tables 22 and 24 the wages of the men operators are shown in the same detail as are those of the women operators just considered. 60 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. O S M Ul is W g EH : PH gs 1 1! ^ 5 = / If s WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 61 Table 22 shows the wages of the week workers and Table 24 the wages of the pieceworkers. The same general tendencies will be observed in the case of the men week workers as in the case of the women week workers. The number of workers being very small, the percentages were not worked out for the nonassociation shops at all and are less conclusive in the case of the other shops than they are in connection with the women week workers. In 1913 the male operators, pieceworkers (Table 24), earning $14 a week and over, con- stituted 77.1 per cent of all such operators in the industry as a whole, and in the four branches of the industry the percentages were as fol- lows: Nonassociation B shops, 87 per cent; association B, 83.6 per cent; nonassociation A, 67.9 per cent; association A, 78.9 per cent. Again, there is found to be a close resemblance of conditions in the association B and the nonassociation B shops on the one hand, and in the association A and the nonassociation A shops on the other, and also it is noted that the wages are somewhat higher in the non- association shops in the B group * and in the association shops in the A group. The difference in the earnings of men and women operators is illus- trated in Chart 5. This chart consists of diagrams, illustrating the difference between men's and women's earnings in the A (those manu- facturing lower-grade garments) and B (those manufacturing higher- grade garments) shops, respectively. The upper section of the chart shows the wages of week workers and the lower section those of piece- workers. Since the majority of the workers are employed in associa- tion shops, this chart has been prepared to illustrate the difference between the high-grade and low-grade garment shops belonging to the association. In both sections of the chart the contrast between the lines repre- senting the A and B shops is remarkable. Taking, first, the upper section relating to week workers, it is found that in the A shops the two curves representing the wages of men and women, respectively, run almost parallel to each other except at the point near the middle, where they intersect, while in the B shops the two lines come very close to one another, the line representing men's wages showing an appreciable excess of men over women only in the upper ranks, begin- ning with $18 a week, in which there is a comparatively small number. The same thing is true of the lower section relating to pieceworkers. Here, too, the women's earnings are seen to lag behind those of the men in the A shops except at the point of intersection above $16, while in the B shops there is no such uniformity, although on the whole men's earnings are seen to be above women's. The reason for this is clear. In the A shops, where the lower-grade garments are 1 It must be pointed out, however, that the percentages for the nonassociation B group are based on too small numbers to warrant comparison in fine detail. 62 BULLETIN OF THE BUEEAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. manufactured, quantity of output is the chief requirement, and the men, therefore, have a distinct advantage over the women, with the result that there is a larger percentage of men in the higher-paid wage groups, which begin with $12 to $13.99 a week for week workers, and CHART 5. WAGES OF MALE AND FEMALE OPERATORS IN ASSOCIATION SHOPS MAKING LOW AND HIGH GRADE GARMENTS, 1913: PER CEN' OF WEEK WORKERS RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED WEEKLY RA r AND OF PIECEWORKERS EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT DU1 ING BUSIEST WEEK. Wi tS S6 S7 $8 39 flO H2 ti* tl6 S2O S22. fentle CJ a/e -- A \ \ \ \ CJaees <>j Op *-*/<* 0*1. . Nr C Ci*,nu ./ Oftrarcn PitctCtKKH.flwn "8" Ftetulc f/0 $16 $24. 926 S28 $30 j, in the group of $16 to $17.99 among the pieceworkers. In the higher- grade shops skill and quality of work is as important and frequently much more important than quantity of output, and in these cases men have frequently less of an advantage over the women than in the lower-grade shops and in some cases have none. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 6& It is also interesting to compare the wages of week workers and pieceworkers in the same branch of the industry, as brought out by this chart. In the upper section, representing the week workers, the curves for both A and B shops are seen to rise to points between 20 per cent and 30 per cent, while in the lower section, representing the pieceworkers, the high points do not rise above 15 per cent. That is to say, while from 20 per cent to 30 per cent of the week workers receive a certain rate of pay, the number of pieceworkers earning the same amount does not exceed 15 per cent of the total. This shows that in all branches of the industry, irrespective of the grade of goods manufactured, the tendency under the week-work system is for weekly rates of wages to concentrate about a certain rate which may be called the customary, if not the standard, rate of pay to workers of average skill; hence the rise of the curve representing weekly rates to a more or less high point. This is less the case among pieceworkers. While here, too, workers of average skill should earn similar wages under similar conditions, conditions as between shop and shop and between worker and worker in the same shop are never exactly alike, and each individual variation, whether in the physical condition of the workers at any moment or lack or 'accumulation of work or condition of each worker's machine, etc., is automatically reflected in his or her earn- ings, which is not the case with workers paid by the week. Hence the curves for the pieceworkers, whether in the A or B shops and whether male or female, do not rise to as high a point as in the case of week workers, thus indicating a wider variation in individual earnings and less uniformity among pieceworkers than among week workers. COMPARISON OF WAGES IN 1912 AND 1913. The effect of the protocol on the wages of operators will be seen by comparing the wages in 1912 and 1913. The usual course will be followed, comparing first the wages of week workers during the two years, taking the female and male workers separately, and then the earnings of the pieceworkers. Week workers. Table 15 shows the wages of all the operators working by the week in the entire industry, then* number in 1913 being 6,840 women and 914 men, which constitutes about a thousand more workers in 1913 than in 1912. An examination of the figures showing the percentages of workers in the different wage groups shows that there has been a uniform increase in the proportion of women operators earning $14 a week and over and a corresponding reduction in the number of opera- tors earning less than $14. In the case of the men operators, the dividing line begins at $16. It must be borne in mind, however, that the number of both men and women receiving $22.50 and over is too 64 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. small to warrant a discussion of percentages. The increase in the number of higher-paid workers is shown by the following figures: The proportion of women receiving $14 a week and over increased from 16.6 per cent in 1912 to 23.5 per cent in 1913. Although there was a much larger increase in the percentage of women earning $14 a week and over than of men, the fact still remains that there were only 23.5 per cent of the women receiving $14 a week and over as against 60 per cent of the men. It is interesting to see to what extent this increase affected the nonassociation and association shops, respectively. Table 19 and Chart 6 contain the answer to this question. The wages of women only are shown on the chart, since the number of men is comparatively small. Looking at the upper section of Chart 6, in which the solid line represents the wages in association shops in 1913 and the broken line the wages in 1912, the 1913 line is seen to be higher than the 1912 line for the groups of $12 a week and upward, showing the increase in the proportion of workers receiving the higher rates of pay. Cor- responding to this, the 1912 line is a little above the 1913 line for the wage groups below the $12 rate. The lower section of the chart shows practically the same state of affairs in the nonassociation shops with some variation in details. The 1912 and 1913 lines meet in the group of $12 to $13.99, and the 1913 line is above the 1912 line for the wage groups above that figure. For the wage groups below the $12 rate, the 1912 line is in some cases above and in others below the 1913 line, the two lines alternating as they pass from group to group. This shows that, as the number of people in a lower group was reduced, it caused an increase in the next higher group in excess of the numfcer of people transferred from that group to the next higher one. The details as to the exact number of people in each wage group, both men and women in the association and nonassociation shops, will be found in Table 19, but they may be briefly summed up here: Thus, in the association shops, the percentage of women operators, week workers, receiving $14 a week and over increased from 17.1 per cent to 25.7 per cent, and in the nonassociation shops, from 13.7 per cent in 1912 to 18 per cent in 1913. The percentage of men operators, week workers, receiving $14 a week and over in association shops increased from 51.1 per cent in 1912 to 60.6 per cent in 1913, and in the nonassociation shops from 53.3 per cent to 59.1 per cent. All of these figures show a fairly uniform increase in wages since the protocol went into effect both in association and nonassociation shops. Pieceworkers. The protocol had no less an effect in causing an advance of wages among the operators working by the piece than it had among the week workers. Table 17 shows what has happened among the piece- workers in the industry as a whole, giving the wages of 7,153 women WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 65 and 1,511 men operators working in 1913, and showing an excess of over 1,600 workers in 1913 over those for whom data were obtained for 1912. As in the case of the week workers, so with the pieceworkers, the increase in percentages begins with the $14 group, while for those earn- CHART 6. WAGES OF FEMALE OPERATORS (WEEK WORKERS) IN ASSO- CIATION AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS, 1912 AND 1913: PER CENT RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED WEEKLY RATE. $3 S4 5- S6 $7 $8 S9 S/O $12 $14* S/6 $20$ over. I9IZ, 1315 \ 10 I* 10 $4 toS4 99 3 2 4 3 6 4 7" 7 3 4 15 to So 99 2 3 5 2 3 12 6 6 2 5 2 9 10 19 7 8 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 6 4 6 5 1 1 3 1 $6 to $6 99 $ 7 to ?7 99 i 2 2 2 2 2 1 $8 to *S 99 1 89 to ?9 .99 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 .2 $10 to $11 99 $12 toS13 99 $14 to $15.99 3 1 1 $16 to S17 99 ... $18 to ?10 99 ?20 t o $2 9 49 2 1 $2^ oO to S24 99 . 2 $25 to S27 49 1 $27.50 to S29.99 $30 and over Total IM 64 11 14 245 i 40 9 16 A ssocia tion A Workers in specified classes of shops. 26 9 4 35 15 10 4 10 10 2 2 19 23 3 17 20 3 1 4 4 1 4 11 Association B . Nonassocifition A 1 Nonassociation B 1 Not including 1 for whom earnings but not weekly rate of wages could be ascertained. 2 Including 1 week worker for whom earnings but not weekly rate of wages could be ascertained. DRESSMAKERS. Dressmakers are operators of the highest skill, for they are required to make an entire dress including both the hand and machine sewing as well as the draping. Dressmakers are employed on high- grade dresses and gowns only. Most of the dressmakers employed have learned their trade in Europe. Those who have learned the trade in this country come into the industry fully apprenticed outside. Good dressmakers are promoted to positions of high- class examiners at wages running from $16 to $20 a week and of high- class drapers at similar wages. 74 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Of late years, since cheap dresses have come to be produced in large quantities, operators engaged in making lingerie and cheap dresses have also come to be known as dressmakers. This class of dressmakers likewise works on the entire dress, but confines its work chiefly to machine operating, the band sewing being done by the finishers and the draping by the drapers. If we are to understand dressmaking in this broader sense, there are probably a few thousand of these workers, most of them appear- ing in Table 8 as " operators not specified/' of whom 6,455 are given in that table (these are discussed more fully on pp. 99-104), while only 440 were found described as dressmakers on the pay rolls of the factories investigated. SEX. Women predominate among dressmakers. Of the 440 dress- makers reported for 1913, 350, or 80 per cent, were women and 90, or 20 per cent, were men . In high-grade dressmaking men are employed mostly on dresses of heavy material, such as velvets, serges, woolens, ratines, etc., while the women are employed on light materials, such as silks, chiffons, voiles, etc. WAGES. Of the 440 dressmakers found on the pay rolls for 1913, 369, or 84 per cent, worked by the piece and only 71, or 16 per cent, worked by the week. The percentage of pieceworkers in 1912, before the protocol went into effect, was somewhat less namely, 81 per cent. As will be seen from Table 29, the largest single group of dressmakers consisted of women pieceworkers, of whom there were 294, or 67 per cent of the total. Of these 4.1 per cent wer3 found earning less than $6 a week in 1913; 5.8 per cent earned $6 and less than $9 a week; 22.8 per cent, or almost one-fourth, earned less than 312; 19.7 per cent, or almost one-fifth, earned $20 a week and over; 57.5 per cent, or more than one-half, earned $12 and less than $20 a week. The men pieceworkers' earnings are, as usual, much higher than those of the women. Thus, there were no men dressmakers earning less than $6 a week, 2.7 per cent earned $6 and less than $9 a week, or nearly one-half of the percentage of women. Of those earning $9 and less than $14 a week there were over 9 per cent among men as against more than 27 per cent among women. While only 20 per cent of the women pieceworkers earned $20 a week and over, 72 per cent of the men earned that amount. Both the men and the women pieceworkers show a higher percentage of workers in the higher-wage groups in 1913 as compared with 1912 and a lower per- centage in the lower-wage groups. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 75 The number of week workers both, in 1912 and 1913 is too small to serve as the basis of any general conclusions. The details will be found in Table 29, which follows: TABLE 29 NUMBER AND PER CENT OF DRESSMAKERS (WEEK WORKERS AND PIECE- WORKERS) RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES OR EARNINGS PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY SEX. Classified rates of wages or earnings per week, and claases of shops. Week workers receiving each classified rate of wages. Pieceworkers earning each classified amount during busiest week of year. Females. 1 Males.i Females. Males. 1912 1913 1912 1913 Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under S3 5 1 2 7 7 4 11 17 40 43 41 36 24 18 14 4 2 1 4 1.8 .4 1.4 3 to *3 99 1 i 99 5 3 4 5 8 11 27 42 50 44 33 33 17 3 3 2 .7 2.5 2.5 1.5 3.9 6.2 14.4 15.5 14.8 13.0 8.7 6.5 5.0 1.5 . 7 .4 1.7 1.0 1.4 1.7 2.7 3.7 9.2 14.3 17.0 15.0 11.2 11.2 5.8 1.0 1.0 .7 $5 to So 99 j $6toS6.99 $7 to 87 99 1 3 4 18 17 8 8 3 3 1 3 2 2 10 18 7 10 1 2 1 1.3 1.3 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 6 2 6 3 13 1 2.3 2.3 4.5 2.3 4.5 4.5 6.8 4.5 13.6 4.5 13.6 6.8 29.5 1)9 19 to 89.99 $1010 Sll 99 1 1 1 5 2 1 4 7 13 8 8 7 "18 6.7 2.7 1.3 5.3 9.3 17.3 10.7 10.7 9.3 24.0 $12 to $13.99 1 11 2 $14 to $15.99 $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19.99 2 2 $20toS22.49 $22 50 to $24 99 $25 to 27.49 .... $27.50 to $29.99 . $30 and over Total Association A Association B Nonassociation A . . Nonassociation B . . 68 56 7 15 277 294 100.0 100.0 44 75 100.0 100.0 Workers in specified classes of shops. 34 14 13 7 37 1 4 5 69 195 10 3 132 iai 10 12 15 14 3 49 21 2 3 3 10 :::::::: 1 Percentages not computed on account of small number of employees. HEMSTITCHERS. The hemstitching machine is one of the most difficult to operate. Instead of the one needle which the operator has to watch in an ordinary sewing machine, there are two needles and the so-called "plunger/' which makes the holes in the material that is hemstitched. It requires great skill and patience to operate the machine and to handle the material. At every turn and change of direction the threads easily get tangled, and the machine breaks down frequently. As hemstitching is always done for decorative purposes, it generally takes the form of intricate designs, curves, and other figures, which are frequently carried out on the edge r A ** 40 35 30 Z5 20 15 /O 5 0% A / \ Weekly Rates of es of Sample Makers. 912 7/9 - r] "\ \ \ 20 15 70 5 <% _ Wa S / / i \ \ '/. 1 I 1 / / s v\ 2 \\ \ \ __ /, ^/ /^ .^ ^ . X ^ ^, $4 $5 $6 $7 $3 $9 $10 $12 $14 $16 $16 $20 $22 $24- $26 $23 gradually is taught the more difficult parts of the work. It takes about the length of a season to train a fairly skilled skirt operator. SEX. Of the 399 skirt operators reported for 1913, 228, or a little over 57 per cent, were women and 171, or almost 43 per cent, were men. - WAGES. Speed being the chief factor in making skirts, it is natural that the work should be paid by the piece. During 1913 two- thirds of all the skirt operators reported were paid by the piece. In 1912 the percentage of piece workers was slightly larger, namely, 72 per cent. 42132 Bull. 14614 6 82 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Of the 399 skirt operators, 340, or 85 per cent, were employed in association shops and only 59, or 15 per cent, in nonassociation shops. Earnings of pieceworkers. As will be seen from Table 33, over 51 per cent, or more than one-half of the 170 women paid by the piece, earned from $18 a week to $30 a week or over during the busiest week of 1913; more than one-fifth of all the women pieceworkers earned from $22.50 to $24.99; 17.5 per cent, or about one-sixth, earned $9 and less than $14 a week; only 3 per cent earned less than $9 a week. The proportion of men earning the higher rates of wages was even higher than that of the women. Nearly three-fourths (73 per cent) of all the men pieceworkers earned from $18 to $30 and over during the busiest week; the number of those earning less than $9 a week formed less than 4 per cent of the total. Comparing the earnings of men pieceworkers in 1912 and 1913, there is a decline in the percentage of those earning less than $14 a week. Those earning $14 and less than $18 a week show practi- cally the same percentage both years; those earning $18 and less than $25 a week increased from over 34 per cent in 1912 to over 52 per cent in 1913. On the other hand, the number of those earning $25 a week and over declined from 29.5 per cent in 1912 to 20.6 per cent in 1913. Among the women pieceworkers, similar changes in the earnings occurred; that is to say, there was a decline in the proportion of those earning the lower rates of wages and an increase in the number of those earning the medium amounts and a decline in the number of those earning $25 a week or more. Wages of week workers. The number of week workers being com- paratively small, only 58 among the women and 64 among the men, no general conclusions can be drawn. It is interesting to note, however, that of the 64 men week workers, 38, or more than one- half, received from $16 to $22.49 a week; 18, or more than one-fourth, received $20 a week and over. Only 1 received $4 and less than $5 a week and 2 received $6 and less than $7 a week. Of the 58 women week workers, 22 received $9 and less than $14; 15 received $14 and less than $18 a week; 4 girls received less than $6 a week, and 14 received $6 and less than $9. Further details as to the wages of skirt operators will be found in Table 33. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 83 TABLE 33 NUMBER AND PER CENT OF SKIRT OPERATORS CWEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS) RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES OR EARNINGS PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY SEX. Classified rates of wages or earnings per week, and classes of shops. Week workers receiv- ing each classified rate of wages. Pieceworkers earning each classified amount during busiest week of year. Females. 1 Males.i Females. Males. 1912 1913 1912 1913 Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 . . . 11 1 6.1 0.6 1 0.9 $3to.3.99 2 $4 to 84.99 2 1 $5 to 85.99 1 4 4 5 8 15 9 5 1 2 2 8 4 5 8 9 9 6 3 1.7 1 2.3 $6 to $6.99 1 2 5 2 1 1 2.8 1.2 .6 .6 1 1 1 2 2.3 2.3 2.3 1.8 $7 to $7.99 $8toS8.99 n 5 6 14 19 21 12 23 13 30 10 5 3 2.8 3.3 7.8 10.5 11.7 6.6 12.8 7.2 16.7 5.5 1 .9 $9 to $9 99 . . 1 3 5 9 15 10 13 1 3 1 $10toS11.99 $12toS13.99 10 20 18 30 18 21 36 7 4 1 5.8 11.7 10.6 17.6 10.6 12.4 21.2 4.1 2.4 .6 2 3 3 4 5 7 3 7 4 2 3 5 9 8 21 23 12 12 5 5 4.5 6.8 6.8 9.1 11.4 15.9 6.8 15.9 9.1 4.5 2.8 4.7 8.4 7.5 19.7 21.5 11.2 11.2 4.7 4.7 6 9 6 7 3 $14 to S15 99 $16 to 817.99 $18 to SI 9.99 . $20 to $22.49 3 $22.50 to S24.99 $25 to $27 49 $27.50 to 829.99.... $30 and over 1 Total 52 *58 37 64 180 U70 j 100.0 100.0 44 107 100.0 100.0 Association A Workers in specified classes of shops. 46 5 1 26 10 20 2 21 13 3 34 11 15 4 42 138 69 101 24 18 80 9 Association B Nonassociation A.. . Nonassociation B . . . 2 18 i 1 Percentages not computed on account of small number of employees. 2 Not including 11 for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. 8 Including 11 week workers for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. SLEEVE MAKERS. It takes about the same kind of skill in making sleeves as in mak- ing waists. Sleeve makers and waist or body makers are regarded as operators of equal skill and practically equal earning capacity. It takes about the length of a season to train a sleeve maker, although he or she, no doubt, continues to gain in skill as time goes on. The chief skill of the sleeve maker is in sewing the lace and trimmings to the material of which the waist is made. Experienced sleeve makers sometimes graduate into waist makers and trimmers. SEX. Of the 344 sleeve makers reported for 1913, only 44 were men; 300, or 87 per cent, were women. 84 BULLETIN OF THE BUEEAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. WAGES. The sleeve makers work almost equally on a piece and a week basis (Table 11). In 1913, 54 per cent, or a little over one-half of all the sleeve makers, were week workers and 46 per cent were piece- workers. The number of pieceworkers increased considerably in 1913, for in 1912 they numbered only 35 per cent of all the sleeve makers. The largest single group, of sleeve makers in 1913 were the women week workers, who numbered 173. Of these, as will be seen from Table 34, nearly one-fourth received $7 and less than $8 a week; a little over 28 per cent received $8 and less than $10 a week; a little over one-fifth received less than $7. Nine girls received less than $6 a week. In 1912 there were 23 girls receiving less than $6 a week. In general, there was a reduction in the number of those receiving less than $7 a week and a slight increase in the proportion of those receiv- ing $7 a week and over. The next largest group were the women pieceworkers, who num- bered 127 in 1913. Of these, 21.3 per cent, or a little over one-fifth, earned $10 and less than $12 during the busiest week in 1913; 21.9 per cent earned $8 and less than $10; and 23.6 per cent earned $12 and less than $16. The number of these receiving $16 a week and over constituted 12.7 per cent; 9.5 per cent earned less than $6. As compared with 1912, there was an increase in the percentage of those earning $12 a week and over. The percentage of those earning $10 and less than $12 a week remained the same, and of those earning under $10 a week declined from 57 in 1912 to 42 in 1913. The number of male sleeve makers, both week workers and piece- workers, is too small to require any discussion of their wages. The figures will be found in Table 34. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 85 TABLE 34. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF SLEEVE MAKERS (WEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS) RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES OR EARNINGS PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY SEX. Classified rates of wages or earnings per week, and classes of shops. Week workers receiving each classified rate of wages. Pieceworkers earning each classified amount during busiest week of year. Females. Males.i Females. Males.i Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 2 1 1 3.1 0.8 .8 $3 tJ$3.99 1 8 14 29 24 17 26 15 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 26 43 25 24 25 11 5 3 0.7 5.5 9.7 20.1 16.7 11.8 18.0 10.5 2.1 2.8 .7 .7 1.2 1.7 2.3 15,0 24.8 14.5 13.9 14.5 6.4 2.9 1.7 1 1 $4 to $4.99 . . 2 7 1 3 9 13 14 6 2 4 1 1 3 7 7 7 13 15 27 15 15 8 6 1 3.1 10.8 1.6 4.6 13.8 20.0 21.5 9.2 3.1 6.2 1.5 1.5 2.4 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.1 11.8 21.3 11.8 11.8 6.3 4.5 . 5 $5 to $5 99 |6 to $6.99 2 $7 t > $7 99 2 1 1 $8 to 8.99 2 1 4 2 1 3 1 4 1 .... 5 5 3 6 4 $9 to S3 99 $10 to $11 99 2 4 2 2 $12 to $13.99. 3 3 1 $14 to $15 99 $16 to $17.99 $18 to 819 99 $20 to $22 49 1 .6 $22.50 to $24.99 1 .7 $25 to $27 49 $27 50 to 829 99 1 3 2 $30 and over 1 .6 Total 144 173 100.0 100.0 11 12 65 127 100.0 100.0 18 32 Association A Association B Nonassociation A... Nonassociation B... Workers in specified classes of shops. 96 14 31 3 93 14 61 5 8 1 2 10 1 1 35 15 4 11 79 19 18 11 12 4 20 3 9 ... 2 1 Percentages not computed on account of small number of employees. SLEEVE SETTERS. The work of the sleeve setter consists in sewing the sleeves to the waists. There are two ways of doing this work. In the waists which were in style prior to 1913, the sleeves were closed by the sleeve maker and set into the armhole of the waist by the sleeve setter. The setting of the closed sleeve requires great skill. As a rule, the sleeve is larger than the armhole and while it is being set into the waist it has to be gathered into folds, the sleeve setter knowing practically by instinct just how much to gather in so that the sleeve will fit perfectly into the armhole and will "hang right" from the body of the waist. The work is usually done on a Union Special machine, which with a knife attachment trims off the raw edges on the wrong side as fast as the sleeve is sewed on to the waist and then fells the seam. It is also done on a Metropolitan machine which automatically binds the seam on the wrong side instead of felling it. 86 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. In the style that has been in vogue since 1913 the sleeves are not closed before being attached to the waist, being sewed on to the body of the waist before being closed. The closer then closes the sleeves and the sides of the waist in one operation. The change hi style left the sleeve setters with but little sleeve setting to do and they have been employed mostly on other work requiring the use of the Union Special machine. SEX. Of the 139 sleeve setters reported in 1913, 86, or 62 per cent, were women and 53 were men. WAGES. Of all the sleeve setters reported, 59 per cent were week workers and 41 per cent were pieceworkers. The proportion of pieceworkers has increased considerably, having constituted only 30 per cent during the preceding year. Taking the sleeve setters as reported for the entire industry for 1913, there were 57 women working by the week, 29 women working by the piece, 25 men working by the week, and 28 men working by the piece. These numbers are too small to justify any detailed conclusions as to the trend of wages. It is interesting to note, however, that of the 57 women week workers, 40, or more than two-thirds of them, received $10 and less than $16 a week. None received less than $7 a week, while during the preceding year there were 4 girls receiving less than that amount. There was a decided reduction in the number of those receiving less than $10 a week and an increase from the preceding year in the number of those receiving the higher rates of wages. Among the men sleeve setters, week workers, the lowest wage group reported in 1913 was $12 to $13.99 a week and the highest $27.50 to $29.99 a week, the men as a rule receiving higher wages than the women. This is ven more noticeable of the pieceworkers, where the men earned considerably in excess of the women. Further de- tails as to the wages of sleeve setters will be found in Table 35. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 87 TABLE 35.-NUMBER OF SLEEVE SETTERS (WEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS) RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES OR EARNINGS PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY SEX. Classified rates of wages or earnings per week, and classes of shops. Week workers receiving each classified rate of wages. Pieceworkers earning each classi- fied amount during busiest week of year. Females. Males. Females. Males. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 1 $3 to $3.99 |4 to $4 99 1 1 2 5 2 14 8 18 4 1 $5 to $5.99 16 to 86.99 2 1 $7 to 7.99 1 5 8 13 11 16 2 1 1 1 1 1 f8 to $8.99 1 $ 9 to $9 99 3 2 2 3 5 3 5 3 3 $10 to $11.99 3 ..... 3 2 2 4 3 5 1 1 3 1 4 8 2 2 1 $12 to $13 99 5 S 7 3 1 $14 to $15.99 7 3 1 $16 to $17.99 2 1 $18 to $19 99 $20 to $22.49 1 $22 50 to $24 99 1 1 $25 to $27.49 1 ..... $27.50 to $29.99 ... $30 and over 1 Total 55 57 16 25 11 29 20 28 Association A Workers in specified classes of shops. 30 1 12 24 12 18 3 11 16 6 3 7 2 2 23 2 4 11 13 1 14 Association B Nonassociation A 9 Nonassociation B TRIMMERS. Trimmers form the group of operators of the highest skill. Their work consists in sewing on the trimmings, laces, embroideries, silks, etc. It requires delicate touch, patience, and skill in handling delicate materials, such as laces, embroideries, chiffons, and nets. Girls are promoted to be trimmers after they have proved to be good waist or dress makers. It takes about the length of a season to learn trimming, but the trimmer gains in skill as she goes on working from season to season. SEX. The nature of a trimmer's work is such as to give women a decided advantage over men. Of the 634 trimmers reported for 1913, 612, or 96.5 per cent, were women and only 22, or 3.5 per cent, were men. WAGES. Wages of week workers. The great majority of the female trimmers were found employed in association shops, only 37. being reported in the nonassociation shops, as will be seen from Table 36. Of the 333 women week workers the largest single group were those receiving $12 88 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOE STATISTICS. and less than $14 a week, these constituting about one-third of the entire number; the next largest single group were those receiving $10 and less than $12 who constituted a little less than 29 per cent of the total, these two groups making up more than one-half of all the women trimmers working by the week. A little over 14 per cent of the women received $14 a week and over and nearly one-fifth re- ceived under $9 a week. Three girls received under $6 a week. Earnings of pieceworkers. Of the 279 women pieceworkers, over 19 per cent, or nearly -one-fifth, earned $14 and less than $16 during the busiest week of 1913. Nearly 34 per cent, or a little over one- third, earned $10 and less than $14 a week; over 16 per cent earned under $10 a week; a little less than 9 per cent, or nearly one-tenth, earned $18 and less than $20 a week, and the remaining 8.5 per cent earned $20 a week and over. Comparison of wages in 1912 and 1918. The wages of ah 1 classes of trimmers show a marked improvement since the protocol went into effect. In the case of the women trimmers working by the week, there is a general increase in the proportion of workers receiving $12 a week and over, who constituted 30 per cent of all the women week workers in 1912 and nearly 47 per cent in 1913, with a corresponding decline in the relative number of women week workers receiving less than $12 a week. In the case of women pieceworkers, a similar change has occurred, except that the increase begins not with the $12 but with the $14 a week workers. The proportion of those earning $14 a week and over was less than 19 per cent in 1912 and nearly 50 per cent in 1913, with a corresponding decline in the number of those earning under $14 a week. TABLE 36. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF TRIMMERS, FEMALE,! WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified ra'es of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 $1 to $4.99... 3 9 7 8 11 17 43 .23 4 1 4 4 8 14 4 13 11 16 25 18 102 59 15 6 3 $5 to $5.99 2 3 9 11 13 43 44 14 3 1 5 8 23 1 43 49 17 2 3 1 3 8 19 35 17 95 109 36 5 4 2 $6 to $6.99 $7 to $7 .99... 2 1 3 9 16 5 $8 to $8.99 $9 to $9.99 1 5 7 5 $10 to $11.99... 54 29 6 6 2 $12 to $13.99... $14to $15.99 $16 to $17.99 $18 to $19.99.... 1 1 $20 to $22.49 1 Total 126 143 18 37 128 153 2272 3333 1 i There were 8 trimmers, male, week workers, in 1912, and 9 in 1913. * Not including 14, for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. Not including 10, for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 89 TABLE 36. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF TRIMMERS, FEMALE, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS Concluded. PER CENT. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A.i Association B Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 | 1913 $4 to S4 99 2.4 0.8 3.1 3.1 6.3 10.9 1 4 $5 to 85.99 7.1 5.6 6.3 8.7 13.5 34.1 18.3 3.2 1.4 2.1 6.3 7.6 9.1 30.1 30.8 9.8 2.1 0.7 3.3 5.2 15.0 .7 4.8 4.0 5.9 9.2 6.6 37.6 21.7 5.5 2.2 1.1 0.9 2.4 5.7 10.5 5.1 28.6 32.7 10.8 1.5 1.2 .6 $6 to S6.99 $7 to $7 99 ^8 to $8.99 $9 to $9.99 $10 to $11.99 $12 to $13.99 42.2 22.6 4.7 4.7 1.6 28.1 32.0 11.1 1.3 1.9 .7 $14 to $15.99 $16 to SI 7 99 $18 to $19 99 g $20 to $22 49 .7 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 TABLE 37. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF TRIMMERS, FEMALE,* PIECEWORKERS, EARN- ING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT, DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified earnings per week. Association Nonassociation A.i Association B. Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 3 o 7 1 6 10 12 8 18 23 11 4 1 1 4 3 3 3 9 8 11 22 38 27 10 7 6 6 4 1 1 1 2 7 5 10 4 15 18 23 31 58 51 21 11 7 6 4 1 1 1 3 ""3 3 6 6 10 15 48 46 54 37 24 11 9 2 2 $3 to $3 99 $4 to $4 99 1 1 3 3 6 9 24 23 26 13 6 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 6 21 21 27 24 18 9 7 2 1 $5 to $5.99 $6 to $6 99 $7 to 7.99 $8 to 88 99 1 $9 to 89 99 1 1 4 $10 to Sll 99 1 3 2 $12 to $13 99 $14 to $15 99 1 $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19 99 $20 to $22 49 $22 to $24 99 $25 to $27 49 $27 50 to $29 99 1 $30 and over Total 106 121 1 1 164 152 3 5 3274 <279 PER CENT. Under $3 2 9 8 2.4 1.3 2.6 1.0 $3 to $3 99 1 9 1.8 1.8 $4 to $4 99 6 6 g 1.8 1.3 3.6 1.0 $5 to $5 99 1 .8 1.8 1.3 1.5 1.0 $6 to $6 99 5 7 2 5 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.2 $7 to ^7 99 9 4 2 5 4.9 2.0 6.6 2.2 $8 to $8 99 11 3 5 6.7 2.6 8.4 3.6 $9 to $9 99 7 5 7 4 13.4 3.9 11.3 5.4 $10 to $11 99 17 19 8 23.2 13.8 21.2 17.3 $12 to $13 99 21 7 19 16.5 13.8 18.6 16.5 $14 to $15 99 10 3 21 5 6.1 17.8 7.7 19.4 $16 to $17 99 3 7 10 7 4.3 15.8 4.0 13.3 $18 to $19 99 1 5 3.7 11.8 2.6 8.6 $20 to $22.49 $2 9 50 to $24 99 1.7 1 7 3.7 2.4 5.9 4.6 2.2 1.5 3.9 3.2 $25 to $27 49 .6 1.3 .3 .7 $27 50 to $29 99 3 .6 .7 .3 .7 $30 and over .6 .3 Total 100 100 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 Percentages not computed on account of small number of employees. * There were 4 trimmers, male. pieceworkers, in 1912 and 13 in 1913. 3 Including 14 week workers, for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. * Including 10 week workers, for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. 90 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TUCKERS. Tucking consists of folding certain parts of the waist or cloth into plaits or tucks which are stitched down on the machine. Much of the tucking is so-called strip tucking consisting of the making of tucks on long strips of material which run sometimes into the hun- dreds of yards. The width of the tuck is regulated by the so-called knife, which is an attachment put on the machine for that pur- pose. The skill of the operator is in getting the cloth under the knife, guiding the cloth under the needle of the machine, in regulating the spaces between the rows of stitching, and in knowing how to handle the machine. More skill is required in "short tucking," which con- sists in making tucks of various lengths and widths on the body of the waist. This requires frequent starting and stopping of the machine and getting the waist under the machine, which can be easily dam- aged by an unskillful operator. Some of the tucking is done free hand without any knife to regulate the width of the tuck. This is especially the case with tucks on skirts which are made to taper from a con- siderable width at the waist line down to a point at the end of the tuck. Tucking of this kind requires the highest skill. There are a number of shops which do nothing but make tucking for other manu- facturers, for the reason that in shops of moderate size there is not enough tucking to do to keep one or more tuckers busy continuously. This was especially the case in 1913, when tucking was not much in demand on account of changes in style and when tuckers were unem- ployed much of the time. SEX. Men formed a considerable proportion of the tuckers in 1913. Out of 875 tuckers, 248, or more than one-fourth, were men, and 627 were women. WAGES. About half of the tucking is done at piece rates ; but contrary to the tendency observed in most of the other operating work, the propor- tion of pieceworkers has declined since the protocol went into effect. Thus, in 1913, 46 per cent, or less than one-half of all the tuckers, worked by the piece; while in 1912 the proportion of pieceworkers among tuckers was 54 per cent, or more than one-half. Wages of week workers, women. Among the women working by the week, the largest group, which numbered 125 women and con- stituted nearly 35 per cent of the total, received $12 and less than $14 a week; a little over one-fifth of the women received $14 and less than $16, and a little over one-fifth received $10 and less than $12, these three groups of women that is, those receiving $10 and less than $16 a week constituting 75.5 per cent or more than three- fourths of all the women. Less than one-fifth or nearly 19 per cent WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DEESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 91 received under $10 a week and three girls received under $6 a week; nearly 6 per cent received $16 a week and over. Wages of week workers, men. The largest single group among the 109 men week workers were those receiving $14 and less than $16 a week, constituting over 42 per cent of the total; nearly 14 per cent received $16 and less than $18; over 10 per cent received $18 and less than $20 and less than 5 per cent received $20 a week and over. Only one boy tucker received under $6 a week and three received $6 a week. It will be seen from these figures that the men received, on the whole, higher wages than the women. Thus, there were no women receiving $20 a week, while nearly 5 per cent of the men re- ceived $20 a week and over. While the number of women receiving $14 a week and over constituted only one-fourth of the total, the number of men receiving these wages constituted nearly three-fourths. Earnings of pieceworkers. Sixty-one of the 267 women pieceworkers constituting 23 per cent, or nearly one-fourth of the total, earned $18 a week and over during the busiest week of 1913; nearly 34 per cent or more than one-third earned $14 and less than $18 a week; over 14 per cent earned from $12 to $13.99 a week; over 11 per cent earned $10 and less than $12 a week, and over 18 per cent, or less than one-fifth, earned under $10 a week. As is usually the case, men earned much higher wages than the women. Over one-fourth of the pieceworkers, male, earned $22.50 a week and over during the busiest week of the year; over one-fifth earned from $18 to $22.49; over 30 per cent, or a little less than one-third, earned $14 and less than $18; more than 24 per cent, or nearly one-fourth, earned under $14 a week. Of the men, less than 4 per cent earned under $6 a week. Comparison of wages in 1912 and 1913. There was a noticeable increase in the earnings of the tuckers, both week and pieceworkers, from 1912 to 1913. An examination of Tables 38, 39, and 40 will show that among the women week workers, those receiving $12 a week and over constituted a larger proportion in 1913 as compared with 1912, while those receiving under $12 a week were reduced in numbers. The same is true of the men week workers except that the line is to be drawn at $14 a week instead of $12 as in the case of the women. Among the pieceworkers this is likewise true. Thus, the number of women pieceworkers earning $14 a week and over has increased from 21.9 per cent in 1912 to 56.5 per cent in 1913. Among the men, the number of those earning $14 a week and over during the busiest week of the year increased from 52.8 per cent in 1912 to 75.6 per cent in 1913. No great differences appear in the wages paid to tuckers in the different branches of the industry. The details as to the wages paid in association and nonassociation shops will be found in Tables 38, 39,^ and 40. 92 BULLETIN OF THE BUKEAU OF LABOK STATISTICS. TABCE38. NUMBER AND PERCENT OF TUCKERS, FEMALE, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIV- ING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS - NUMBER. Classified rates of wages per wee.t. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1 2 2 4 7 9 21 24 9 2 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 $3 to 83.99 $4 to $4 99 2 1 1 4 5 7 12 11 7 3 1 3 3 4 7 10 17 20 59 59 3G 4 1 1 1 3 23 13 25 74 125 73 18 3 $5 to $"> 99 2 1 1 3 5 27 25 23 2 1 $6 to $"> 99 3 6 3 8 30 43 23 6 2 $7 to $7 99 15 6 13 28 41 15 5 2 4 3 12 27 30 3 1 $8 to $8 99 $9 to $9 99 1 4 14 2 4 $10 to $11.99 $12 to $13.99 2 1 $14 to $15.99 $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19 99 $0 to $22 49 Total . . 82 127 53 120 90 82 3 25 229 360 PER CENT. $3 to $3 99 1.2 3.8 08 1 3 3 $4 to $4 99 2 4 1 9 .8 1 3 3 $5 to $") 99 1.2 1.9 .8 2.2 1.7 3 $6 to $f> 99 2.4 2.4 7.5 1.1 3 9 $7 to $7 99 4.9 4.7 9.4 11.9 1.1 2.4 4.4 6 4 $8 to $8 99 8.6 2.4 13.2 4.8 3.3 4.9 7 4 3 6 $9 to $9 99 11 6 3 22 6 10 3 5.6 3.7 11 3 6 9 $10to$U.99 $12 to $13 99 25.6 29 3 23.6 33.8 20.8 13 2 22.2 32 5 30.0 27.8 14.6 32.9 25. 9 25 9 20.5 3 4 7 $14 to 15 99 11.0 20.5 5.7 11.9 25.6 36.6 15.7 20 3 $16 to $17 90 2.4 4.7 4.0 2.2 3.7 1.7 4 9 $18 to $19 99 1 6 1 i 1 2 4 9 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 i Percentages not computed on account of small number of employees. TABLE 39. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF TUCKERS, FEMALE, PIECEWORKERS, EARN- ING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT, DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified earnings per week. Association A. Nonassociation A.i Association B. Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 o 1 1 3 2 (1 5 9 5 5 8 18 28 30 54 62 27 14 12 8 1 1 4 2 2 5 4 7 12 12 33 38 45 T) 31 13 8 2 3 1 $3 to $3.59... 2 4 1 2 6 9 12 14 24 8 5 5 2 1 1 3 2 2 9 4 It 10 19 17 8 3 $tto$4.99 1 3 .4 7 10 10 29 33 13 7 6 5 1 2 4 7 12 20 21 is 10 8 1 2 $=>to$5.99 1 2 5 8 7 11 5 1 2 1 1 $6 to $6.99 $7 to $7.99.... ..... 1 1 $8 to $8.99 1 4 9 16 6 6 7 $0 to $9.99. . $10 to $11.99.... $12 to $13.99.... $14to$15.9 $16to$17.99 1 3 $18 to $19.99.... 1 1 $20 to $22.49. . . $22.50 to $24.99... $25 to $27.49 1 1 ..... $27.50 to $29.99 $30 and over Total 90 94 44 54 142 113 5 6 287 267 * Percentages not computed oa account of small number of employees. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 93 TABLE 39. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF TUCKERS, FEMALE, PIECEWORKERS, EARN- ING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT, DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS Concluded. PER CENT. Classified earnings per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 . 2.1 2.1 4.1 1.0 2.1 6.3 9.4 12.5 14.6 25.0 8.3 5.2 5.2 2.1 1.4 4.2 .7 0.9 .9 .9 1.7 3.1 1.7 1.7 2.8 6.3 9.8 10.4 18.8 21.6 9.4 4.9 4.2 2.8 .3 .3 1.5 .8 .8 1.9 1.5 2.6 4.5 4.5 11.2 14.2 16.8 16.8 12.7 4.9 3.0 .8 1.1 .4 $3 to $3 99 1.1 1.1 3.2 2.1 2.1 9.6 4.2 14.9 10.6 20.2 18.1 8.5 3.2 $4 to $4. 09 $5 to $5 99 2.1 2.8 4.9 7.1 .9 .9 3.5 $6 to $6 99 $7 to $7.99 $8 to $S 99 1.8 $9 to $9.99 7.1 20.4 23.3 12.7 4.9 4.2 3.5 .7 3.5 6.2 10.6 17.7 18.6 14.1 8.8 7.1 .9 $10 to $11.99. $12 to $13 99 $14 to $15.99 $16 to $17.99. $18 to $19.99 $20 to 22.49. $22 50 to $24.99 $2") 1 o 27 49 1.1 $27.50 to $29.99 1.8 $30 and over .9 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 TABLE 40 NUMBER AND PER CENT OF TUCKERS, MALE (WEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS), RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES OR EARNINGS PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, FOR THE INDUSTRY AS A WHOLE. Classified rates of wages or earnings per week. Week workers (male) receiving each classified rate of wages. Pieceworkers (male) receiving each classified amount during busiest week of year. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3... 2 1 1 2.8 $3 to $3.99. . . . 3 2 1.4 1.4 2.2 1.4 $4 to $4.99 1 1.2 $5 t3 $5 99 1 3 1.0 2.7 $6 to $6.99... 2 1 3 5 17 30 12 5 4 2 1 2.4 1.2 2 2 3 6 6 10 20 22 16 12 12 12 3 8 1.4 1.4 2.2 4.3 4.3 7.2 14.4 15.9 11.5 8.6 8.6 8.6 2.2 5.8 $7 to $7.99 1 1 7 11 10 7 7 6 4 4 4 1 5 1.4 1.4 9.7 15.2 13.9 9.7 9.7 8.3 5.6 5.6 5.6 1.4 6.9 $8 to $8 99 2 1 8 17 46 15 11 4 3.6 6.0 20.5 36.2 14.5 6.0 4.8 2.4 1.2 1.8 1.0 7.3 15.6 42.2 13.7 10.1 3.6 $9 to $9. 99 $10 to $11.99 .. . $12 to $13.99 $14 to $15 99 $16 tD $17.99 $18 to $19.99 . $20 to $22.49... $22 50 to $24 99 $25 to $27.49 1 1.0 $27.50 to $29 99 $30 and over Total 83 109 100.0 100.0 72 139 100.0 100.0 WAIST OPERATORS. By "waist operators" are generally meant operators who make a complete waist. The work consists of the following processes: 1, The preparation of the so-called trimmings, which includes the making of the collars, the sewing on of laces or embroideries on the fronts, 94 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. the sewing on of the trimmings on the sleeves, etc.; 2, the joining of the shoulders, that is, sewing together the front and back parts of the waists along the shoulder lines; 3, "collar setting," that is, sewing the collar on to the waist; 4, "making facings," that is, preparing the buttonhole and button pieces which are narrow strips of folded cloth, on one of which the buttons are sewed and on the other the buttonholes are made; 5, "closing sides, " that is, joining the front and back parts of the waist along the sides; 6, "shirring" or " tack- ing" the fronts and backs, that is, gathering the front and back parts of the waist hi to folds and stitching these down along the waist line; 7, "setting little skirts," that is, sewing on at the waist line the bottom part of the waist; 8, "hemming," that is, hemming the lower edge of the waist; 9, "setting sleeves," that is, sewing the sleeves to the waist. As a rule, however, the work of making the waist is divided between the "body maker" and those who specialize in making certain parts, such as sleeve setters, buttonhole makers, etc. The body maker is practically a waist operator, relieved of certain of the processes in the making of the waist. Where body makers are employed they may do the trimming or the work may be done by "trimmers." The same is true of setting the collars. The work of the "body makers" proper is confined to joining the shoulders, setting the collar, closing the sleeves and sides, making the facings, shirring or tacking the front and back, and setting the little skirt to the waist. Occasionally, also, they may make some of the tucks on the waist. The change in fashion in 1913, which did away with the seamed shoulders and substituted kimono sleeves for the old style and did away with lace trimming in most cases, resulted in the body makers' making prac- tically the whole waist. In Tables 41, 42, 43, and 44, which give the wages of waist opera- tors, it was found necessary to include not only the body makers and waist operators as just defined, but also a number of other operators, in view of the indiscriminate manner in which operators are described on the pay rolls of the different shops. The following were included among "waist operators" in classifying the different classes of operators: First, all operators described as "waist operators" or "body makers" on the pay rolls; second, persons described as opera- tors on the pay rolls of shops manufacturing waists exclusively. These may include buttonhole makers, hemstitchers, tuckers, or any other branch of operators, as well as waist makers strictly speaking, so long as they were found working in shops manufacturing waists exclusively and were not described more definitely under any one of the occupations mentioned in Table 7. SEX. The great majority of waist operators are women. Of the 5,825 waist operators reported in Table 9, 5,061, or 87 per cent, were women, and only 764, or 13 per cent, of the total were men. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 95 WAGES. As is shown in Table 11, the proportion of week workers and piece- workers among waist operators was practically the same in 1912 and 1913. The pieceworkers are slightly in excess of the week work- ers, the former constituting in 1913 51.6 per cent of the total and the latter 48.4 per cent, as shown in the following table, which also gives corresponding figures for each branch of the industry. Number. Per cent. Week workers. Piece- workers. Week workers. Piece- workers. Association A . . 1,729 357 646 17 1,398 1,187 387 104 55.3 23.1 62.5 14.0 44.7 76.9 37.5 86.0 Association B Nonassociation A Nonassociation B * Total 12,820 13,005 48.4 51.6 1 The figures for association and nonassociation shops shown in this table are derived from Tables 41 to 44, which give the number of waist operators according to classified earnings or wage rates. In those tables 71 week workers for whom earnings but not weekly rates were ascertained were included among pieceworkers. This accounts for the discrepancy between this total and the sum of the items. The following table shows what per cent the week workers and the pieceworkers in each branch were of all the waist operators in the industry : Week workers. Piece- workers. Association A ... .... Per cent. 30.8 Per cent. 22.9 Association B 6.1 20.4 Nonassociation A 11.2 6.5 Nonassociation B .3 1.8 Total 48.4 51.6 Wages of week workers. If we draw the line at $12 a week, we shall find that in the wage groups of SI 2 and over, the percentage of men waist operators exceeds that of women; below the $12 a week line the relation is reversed. Thus, only a little over 20 per cent of all women waist operators, week workers, received $12 a week and over, while the corresponding group of men constituted over 59 per cent of all the men week workers. In other words, only one-fifth of the women week workers received $12 a week and over, while nearly three-fifths of the men week workers received these wages. The number of women week workers receiving iinder $6 a week in 1913 was 9.6 per cent of the total, while the number of men was 3.3 per cent. Those receiving $6 and less than $9 a week included nearly 39 per cent of the women and only a little over 19 per cent of the men; those receiving $9 and less than $12 constituted over 31 per cent of the women and 18.4 per cent of the men. While on the whole there is a slight improvement over 1912 in the wages of waist operators 96 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. working by the week, the increase in the proportion of workers re- ceiving higher wages with a corresponding reduction in the number ol those receiving lower rates is not as clearly perceptible among the waist operators as has been tne case in the other occupations noted in this report. Earnings of pieceworJcers. As is the case with the week workers, the earnings of the men working by the piece are greater than those of the women, except that the line has to be drawn at $18 a week among the pieceworkers instead of $12, .as among the week workers. The number of those earning $18 a week and over during the busiest week of 1913 constituted 18 per cent of all the women pieceworkers and nearly 49 per cent of all the men pieceworkers. The number of those earning $16 and less than $18 constituted 12.5 per cent of all women pieceworkers, and almost the same percentage of the men pieceworkers. Below that wage group tne proportion of women ex- ceeds that of men in nearly every case. The increase over 1912 in earnings among the waist operators working by the piece was more perceptible than among those working by the week; it was also greater among the women than among the men pieceworkers. Thus, the proportion of women earning $16 a week and over during the busiest week of the year increased from less than 18 per cent in 1912 to 30.5 per cent in 1913, while among the men it increased from 54 per cent in 1912 to nearly 62 per cent in 1913. Further details as to wages of waist operators will be found in Tables 41, 42, 43, and 44. TABLE 41. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF WAIST OPERATORS, FEMALE, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified rales of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3... 3 29 115 148 202 213 202 181 225 119 48 3 1 3 33 140 183 262 296 278 272 380 260 101 7 4 $3 to $3.99 6 45 117 182 255 221 184 314 145 69 19 1 2 1 4 11 8 41 46 37 42 80 35 18 1 1 3 13 25 55 59 74 70 127 80 46 11 3 9 71 153 277 32S 329 272 485 286 158 37 7 4 1 $4 to $4.99.. 14 27 19 33 29 41 60 92 35 3 2 13 10 40 13 30 15 37 61 43 7 3 2 $5 to $5. 99 1 $6 to $3.99 $7 to $7.99.. . . 4 8 8 17 14 1 4 3 7 $8 to $8.99 $9 to $9.99 $10 to $11.99 $12 to $13.99 $14 to $15.99 $16 to $17.99 $18 to $19.99. $20 ti $22.49.... $22.50 to $24.99 Total 1,489 1,561 324 566 355 274 51 16 22,219 32,417 1 Percentages not computed, on account of small number of employees. 1 Not including 44, for wLom earnings but not weekly rates cl v*agcs could be ascertained. Not including 71, for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 97 TABLE 41. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF WAIST OPERATORS, FEMALE, WEEK WORK- ERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS Concluded. PER CENT. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 0.2 1.9 7.7 9.9 13.6 14.3 13.6 12.2 15.1 8.1 3.2 .2 0.1 1.5 6.3 8.3 11.8 13.3 12.5 12.3 17.1 11.7 4.6 .3 .2 13 to S3.99. 0.4 2.9 7.5 11.7 16.3 14.1 11.8 20.1 9.3 4.4 1.2 .1 .1 1.2 3.4 2.5 12.6 14.2 11.4 13.0 24.7 10.8 5.6 .3 .3 0.5 2.3 4.4 9.7 10.4 13.1 12.4 22.5 14.2 8.1 1.9 .5 0.4 2.9 6.3 11.5 13.6 13.6 11.2 20.1 11.9 6.5 1.5 .3 .2 C) 14 to SI 99 3.9 7.6 5.3 9.3 8.2 11.5 16.9 25.9 9.9 .9 .6 4.8 3.6 14.6 4.8 10.9. 5.5 13.5 22.3 15.7 2.5 1.1 .7 15 to $5.99 $6 to $6.99 $7 to $7 99 $8toS8.99 |9 to $9.99 $10 to $11.99 $12 to $13.99. . . . $14 to $15.99 $16t3$17.C9 $18 to S19.99. . $20 to $22.49 $22 50 to $24 99 .1 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. TABLE 42. WAIST OPERATORS, MALE, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSI- FIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. Classified rates of - wages per week. Association -A. Nonassoci- ation A. Association B. Nonassocia- tion B. Total. Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under S.7.. 13 to 53.99 ] 1 2 3 6 20 23 21 20 41 54 76 37 14 15 0.6 .9 1.8 6.0 6.9 6.3 6.0 12.4 16.4 22.9 11.1 4.2 4.5 $4to?4.99 7 7 5 8 11 7 22 37 38 13 10 4 1 2 4 11 17 10 10 13 22 30 25 12 11 1 ""2 ..... 2 2 3 10 2 "-" 1 2 3 3 7 3 9 19 16 12 1 3 8 8 7 12 18 18 39 48 79 18 11 6 1 2.9 2.9 2.6 4.4 6.6 6.6 14.3 17.6 28.9 6.6 4.0 2.2 .4 15 to $5. 99 1 $6 to 36 99 6 3 4 7 19 13 30 $7 to 57.99 4 6 8 14 8 30 3 1 18 to 33.99 $9 to ?9 99 1 1 $10 to SI 1.99 $12 to S13.99 $14 to $15 90 1 $16 to 17.99 $18 to 819.99 1 $20 to ;22 49 1 $22 / to $24 99 Total 170 168 25 80 75 83 3 1 1273 332 100.0 100.0 i Not including 4 for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. JOT 000 T>,,11 1/tfi 1/1 T 98 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 43. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF WAIST OPERATORS, FEMALE, PIECEWO1 ERS, EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF Tl YEAR, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified earnings per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 19 14 32 29 45 51 56 80 165 420 107 49 33 16 10 5 5 31 22 19 31 39 42 76 71 195 190 173 125 66 37 21 17 9 4 9 3 6 11 9 8 19 13 27 23 18 10 4 11 6 5 5 5 11 13 24 47 41 40 30 16 17 5 1 1 1 31 13 13 23 38 36 73 84 113 152 135 73 69 42 36 12 10 19 13 12 15 11 17 23 47 63 165 177 127 165 108 72 39 17 13 16 1 1 1 2 1 6 4 4 11 10 11 9 6 2 1 1 1 3 60 31 52 65 93 101 152 181 346 605 271 141 112 61 47 18 15 19 56 43 39 47 64 79 138 160 428 430 353 331 198 130 67 3 2 2 2 2, 644 93 to S3.99 $4 to $4 99 $5 to $5 09 "Y 3 2 2 21 22 13 11 8 4 2 2 $6 to 86.99 $7 to 87 99 |8 to $8 99 $9 to ?9 99 $10 to $11 99 $12 to 13.99 $14 to 15.99 . . .. $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19.99 $20 to 322 49 $2 9 50 to 824 99 $25 to $27.49 $27.50 to $29.99 $30 and over Total 1,136 1,168 161 279 1,002 1,100 71 97 12,370 PER CENT. Under $3. . 1.7 2.6 5.6 3.9 3.1 1.2 1.4 1.0 2.5 2 1 $3 to *3.99 1.3 1.9 1.9 2.1 1.3 1.1 1.4 3.1 1 3 1 b $4 to $4.99 2.8 1.6 3.7 1.8 1.3 1.4 1.4 2.2 1 $5 to $5.99 2.5 2.6 6.8 1.8 2.3 1.0 2.8 2.8 1 8 $6 to S3 99 4.0 o O 5.6 1 8 3 8 1 5 1.4 3 1 3 9 2 4 $7 to $7.99 . 4.5 3.6 4.9 3.9 3.6 2.1 8.5 3.1 4.3 3 $8 to SS 99 5.0 6.5 11.8 4.7 7 3 4.3 5.6 2 1 6 4 *> 2 $9toS9.99 7.1 6.1 8.1 8.6 8.4 5.7 5.6 2.1 7.6 (> 1 $10 to 811.99 . . . 14.5 16.7 16.8 16.9 14 2 15.1 15.5 21 6 14 6 1C, 2 $12 to $13 99 36 9 16 3 14 3 14 7 15 1 16 1 14 1 22 7 25 6 1C) 3 $14 to $15.99 9.4 14.8 11.2 14 3 13.5 11.5 15.5 13 4 11 4 13 3 $16 to $17.99 4.3 10 7 6 2 10 7 7 3 15 1 12 7 11 3 6 12 5 $18 to $19.99 2.9 5.7 2.5 5.7 6.9 9.8 8.5 8.2 4 7 7 5 $20toS22.49 . . . 1.4 3.2 6 6 1 4 2 6 5 2 8 4 1 2 6 1 9 $22.10 to S24.99... .9 1.8 1.8 3.6 3.5 1.4 2.1 2.0 $25 to $27. 49 .4 1.5 4 1 2 1.5 1.4 2 1 7 1 4 t27.. r O to $29.99 .4 .8 .4 1.0 1.2 .6 .9 $30 and over .3 4 1 9 1 4 8 8 Total. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 01 1 Including 44 week workers for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. 2 Including 71 week workers for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 99 TABLE 44 NUMBER OF WAIST OPERATORS, MALE, PIECEWORKERS, EARNING EACH ' CLASSIFIED AMOUNT DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. Classified earnings per week. Association A. Nonassoci- ation A. Association B. Nonassocia- tionB. Total. Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 1 1 1 2 4 4 5 5 11 9 29 25 38 28 28 29 20 16 15 20 1 7 3 3 4 8 17 7 25 40 51 55 45 44 47 27 17 31 0.3 .7 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.7 3.9 3.1 10.0 8.7 13.1 9.7 9.7 10.0 6.9 5.6 5.2 6.9 0.2 1.6 .7 .7 .9 1.9 3.9 1.6 5.8 9.2 11.8 12.8 10.4 10.2 10.9 6.3 3.9 7.2 $3 to $3 99 1 1 1 3 7 7 23 14 25 19 16 19 10 8 8 7 2 "T 1 5 10 2 10 18 27 32 21 27 27 18 10 18 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 6 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 2 1 3 2 5 1 9 16 15 12 8 11 11 2 4 1 $4 to $4.99 15 to $5 99 1 1 $6 to $3 99 $7 to $7.99 1 1 1 5 5 9 7 9 7 9 7 6 13 1 2 3 6 6 9 11 15 5 8 6 3 10 $8 to $8 99 2 "T $9 to $9.99 $10 to $11.99 $12 to $13.99 $14 to $15.99 2 1 2 1 $16 to $17.99 $18 to $19 99 i i i i ""2 $20 to $22.49 $22.50 to $24 99... $25 to $27 49 $27.50 to $29.99 $30 and over Total 170 230 30 108 80 87 9 7 1289 432 100.0 100.0 1 Including 4 week workers for whom earnings but not Aveekly rates of wages could be ascertained. OPERATORS, NOT SPECIFIED. Under this heading were included all operators employed in shops manufacturing dresses, who were found designated on the pay rolls as " operators." This includes operators who can make an entire dress, as well as any one of the 13 classes of operators enumerated in Table 8, such as buttonhole makers, hemstitchers, tuckers, trim- mers, etc. Of the 6,455 " operators, not specified, " reported in Table 8 for 1913, 5,591, or 87 per cent, were women- and 864, or 13 per cent, were men. WAGES. In 1912, 47 per cent of all the " operators, not specified," were week workers and 53 per cent pieceworkers. The extent of piece- work has increased since the adoption of the protocol, the piece- workers in 1913 comprising 59 per cent and the week workers 41 per cent. Earnings of pieceworkers. As will be seen from Tables 45, 46, 47, and 48, the largest single group among the " operators, not speci- fied," were women pieceworkers, who numbered 3,205 in 1913. The next largest group were the women week workers, who numbered 2,386. The men numbered 607 among the pieceworkers and 257 among the week workers. 100 BULLETIN OF THE BUKEAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Considering the earnings of the largest group, namely, the women pieceworkers, we find a uniform increase in the proportion of those earning $14 a week and over since the adoption of the protocol. These constituted less than 39. per cent in 1912 and nearly 54 per cent in 1913. The number of those earning $12 and less than $14 constituted about the same percentage both years, namely, over 13 per cent, while the percentage of those earning under $12 a week declined from over 48 per cent in 1912 to less than 33 per cent in 1913. The percentage of men pieceworkers earning higher rates of wages was larger than that of the women. Thus the number of those earning $20 and over during the busiest week of 1913 consti- tuted 48 per cent, or nearly one-half, of all the men and less than 21 per cent, or a little over one-fifth, of all the women. The changes in the earnings of men pieceworkers since the adop- tion of the protocol are not so conspicuous as in the case of the women. Among those earning under $10 a week, there was a decline, namely, from over 14 per cent in 1912 to nearly 8 per cent in 1913. The proportion of those earning $10 and less than $16 a week increased from 18 per cent in 1912 to 23 per cent in 1913. The number of those receiving $16 and less than $20 a week formed practically the same percentage of the total number of male workers both years, namely, 20 and 20.3 per cent. Those earning $20 and less than $25 increased from a little over 19 per cent in 1912 to nearly 24 per cent in 1913, while those earning $25 a week and over declined from more than 28 per cent in 1912 to nearly 24 per cent in 1913. Wages of week workers. Among the women week workers there was an increase in the proportion of those receiving $14 and over, which constituted less than 22 per cent in 1912 and nearly 31 per cent in 1913. The proportion of those receiving under $14 a week declined during that period. The same is true of the men week workers, except that the. line has to be drawn at $16 a week, the percentage of those earning $16 a week and over having increased from 43.5 in 1912 to 56.6 in 1913. Comparing the men's and women's earnings during 1913, the general rule is observed here of the men receiving considerably higher wages than the women. The number of those receiving $16 a week and over constituted less than 11 per cent among the women and nearly 57 per cent among the men. That is to say, while only a little over one-tenth of the women week workers received $16 a week and over, considerably more than one-half of the men received those wages. The differences between the earnings of operators in the different branches of the industry have been fully discussed in speaking of the operators as a whole. The details as to " operators, not specified," will be found in Tables 45, 46, 47, and 48. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND' vXlfeT INDT/SPRY. 101 TABLE 45. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF OPERATORS' NO'S" ejPJSfclF.tfy -?3MALE, WEEK WORKERS,. RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE" OF WA^GES PER WEEK, 1012 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonasso elation A. Association B. Nonass I 1912 relation 5. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 1 11 17 38 37 77 85 111 251 204 112 20 5 3 1 2 3 8 14 20 25 37 37 108 221 167 54 25 6 2 3 15 30 64 80 137 167 195 451 510 321 89 36 11 3 $3 to $3.99 3 11 18 56 55 66 57 161 151 120 28 10 2 1 5 10 17 28. 35 34 46 37 10 6 3 26 50 117 160 160 171 440 509 473 179 61 16 $4 to S4.09 12 31 50 86 71 73 157 117 66 19 1 3 1 1 9 12 14 33 91 186 245 113 46 5 2 15 to $5.99 2 6 7 10 13 46 48 32 9 6 1 $6 to 80.99 2 7 9 8 31 55 42 19 4 6 $7 to 7.99 $8toS3.99 $9 to $9.09 flOtoSH.C9 $12to$13.D9 $14 to $15.99 $16 to $17.99 $18 to $19.99 . $20 to 22.49 1 122. to $24.99 $25 to $27 49 $27. 50 to $29 99 $30 and over 1 1 1 1 Total 973 738 230 686 730 757 180 185 i 2, 113 22,366 PER CENT. Under $3 1 0.3 0.1 $3 to $ ).99. . . . 1.1 0.4 0.4 .4 .7 0.1 $4 to $4 C9 1 8 1.5 2.1 1.7 1.1 0.1 1.1 1.4 1.1 $5 to$.3.'J9 3.9 2.4 4.3 4.5 1.9 .1 1.1 3.0 2.1 $8 to $3.99 3.8 7.6 7.4 7.3 2.7 1.1 3.3 1.1 3.8 4.9 $7toS7.99 $8 to $8.99 7.9 8.7 7.5 8.9 12.2 15.2 12.5 10.4 3.4 5.1 1.6 1.9 3.9 5.6 3.8 4.9 6.5 7.9 6.8 6.8 $9 to $9.99 11.4 7.7 14.8 10.6 5.1 4.4 7.2 4.3 9.2 7.2 $10 to $11.99 25.8 21.8 20.0 22.9 14.8 12.0 25.5 16.7 21.4 18.6 $ 1 2 to $13.99 21.0 20.4 16.1 17.0 30.3 24.6 26.7 29.7 24.2 21.5 <14 to $15.99 11.5 16.3 4.3 9.6 22.9 32.4 17.8 22.7 15.2 20.0 $16 to $17.99. . . . 2.1 3.8 2.8 2.8 7.4 14.9 5.0 10.3 4.2 7.6 $18 to $19.99 .5 1 4 .2 3.4 6.1 3.3 2.2 1.7 2.6 $20 to $22.49 .3 .3 .4 .5 .8 .7 .6 3.2 .5 .7 $22. 50 to $24. 99 .1 .3 .2 $25 to $27.49 $27 50 to $29 99 $30 and over .1 .1 ( 3 ) ( 3 ) Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 Not including in for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wa^es could be ascertained. 2 Not including 2J for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained, s Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 102 BULLEJK* ;O# ITSiE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 4a^Hl/iMfcKR AN'. PERCENT' OF OPERATORS NOT SPECIFIED, MALE, WEEK WORKER^, RECEIVING 'fiACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. 1 Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 |3 to $3.99 $4 to $4 99 1 3 2 2 3 4 8 13 16 8 4 6 1 4 3 2 4 8 22 16 26 18 18 5 1 1 5 2 3 8 6 14 42 54 37 39 21 4 3 1 4 7 14 34 33 50 51 28 12 2 1 1 c f n 5 OQ 2 1 jg to $6 99 3 1 2 3 2 5 9 10 17 6 1 $7 to $7 99 1 1 1 $8 to $8 99 5 1 $9 to $9 99 2 1 7 12 15 14 5 1 1 $10 to $11 99 4 19 20 10 19 10 3 1 3 3 5 12 14 3 6 1 1 3 6 4 2 1 4 3 2 2 1 $12 to $13.99 $14 to $15.99 $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19 99 $20 to $22 49 $22 50 to $4 99 $25 to $27 49 1 $27 50 to $29 99 1 1 Total 91 60 71 131 60 49 17 16 2 239 1 s 256 PER CENT. Under $3 $3 to $3 99 $4 to $4.99 1.4 0.8 0.4 0.4 $5 to $5 99 4 2 3 2. 1 2.0 $6 to $6.99. . . 5.0 2.8 2.3 .8 2.3 $7 to $7.99 1.7 2 8 1 6 1.3 1.6 $8to$8.99 5.5 3.3 4.2 2.3 3.3 2.7 $9 to 9.99 5.0 5.6 3 2.5 2.7 $10 to $11 99 4 4 3 3 11 3 6 1 5 9 5 5 $12 to $13.99.. 20.9 8.3 18.3 16.8 17.6 13.3 $14 to $15.99 22 15 22 6 12 2 22 6 12 9 $16 to $17.99 11.0 16.6 11.3 19.9 15.5 19.5 $18 to $19.99 20 9 28 4 5 6 13 7 16.3 19 9 $20to$22.49 11.0 10.0 8.5 13.7 8.8 10.9 $22., >0 to $24.99 3.3 1.7 3 8 1.6 4.7 $25 to $27 49 1 1 4 3 1 3 8 $27.50 to $29.99 1.7 .4 $30 and over . . 4 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ... 100.0 100.8 ' J Percentages not computed on account of small number of employees. 8 Not including 6 for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. a Not including 1 for whom earnings but not weekly rate of wages could be ascertained. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 103 TABI.K 47. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF OPERATORS NOT SPECIFIED, FEMALE, PIECEWORKERS, EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classifier! eornings per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 60 29 28 45 63 79 86 107 189 173 122 102 71 35 40 18 10 15 36 22 22 33 34 64 55 76 178 185 191 168 95 106 49 35 21 26 9 5 8 10 13 15 9 15 36 31 23 11 14 2 1 1 13 7 6 9 12 19 17 24 47 74 56 35 28 24 12 6 3 3 35 17 26 27 29 43 43 52 130 120 130 93 92 72 40 21 11 11 33 6 19 20 24 31 43 45 133 140 146 142 126 130 111 64 30 25 104 53 64 84 108 138 141 175 366 333 291 215 181 119 82 41 21 26 82 35 48 65 70 119 121 147 372 429 415 369 271 277 183 107 60 55 $3 to $3 99 2 2 2 3 1 3 1 11 9 16 9 4 10 1 1 $4 to $4. 99 1 3 $5 to $5 99 16 to $6 09 17 to $7. 99 5 6 2 14 30 22 24 22 17 11 2 6 1 18 to $S 99 $9 to $9.99 $10 to $11. 99 $12 to 813 99 $11 to 815.99 $16 to $17.99 $18 to $19 99 $20 to $22.49 $22.50 to $24.99 $25 to $27.49 $27.50 to 829.99 $30 and over Total 1,272 1,396 203 395 992 1,268 75 166 i 2, 542 2 3, 225 PER CENT. Under $3 4.7 2.6 4.4 3.3 3.5 2.6 4.0 2.5 $3 to S3 99 2 3 1 6 2.5 1.7 1 7 .5 2.7 2.1 1 l $4 to $4 99 2.2 1.6 3.9 1.5 2.6 1.5 2.7 0.6 2.5 1.5 $5 to $5. 99 3.5 2.4 4.9 2.3 2.8 1.6 2.7 1.8 3.3 2.0 $6 to $6 99 4 9 2 4 6 4 3 2 9 1 9 4 4 3 2 2 $7 to $7 99 6.2 4.6 7.4 4.8 4.3 2.4 1.3 3.0 5.4 3.7 $8 to $8. 99 $9 to $9 99 6.7 8.4 3.9 5.4 4.4 7.4 4.3 6.1 4.3 5.3 3.4 3.5 4.0 1.3 3.6 1.2 5.5 6.9 3.8 4.5 $10toS11.99 14.9 12.8 17.8 11.9 13.1 10.5 14.7 8.4 14.4 11.5 $12 to $13.99 $14 to S15 99 13.6 9.6 13.2 13.7 15.3 11.3 18.7 14.2 12.1 13.1 11.0 11.5 12.0 21.4 18.1 13.3 13.1 11.4 13.3 12.9 $16 to $17.99 8.0 12.0 5.4 8.9 9.4 11.2 12.0 14.5 8.5 11.4 $18 15 $19 99 5.6 6.8 6.9 7.1 9.3 9.9 5.3 13.3 7.1 8.4 $20 to $22.49 2.8 7.6 1.0 6.1 7.3 10.3 13.3 10.2 4.7 8.6 $22.50 to $24.99 $25 to $27.49 $27 50 to $29 90 3.2 1.4 .8 3.5 2.5 1.5 .5 .5 3.0 1.5 .8 4.0 2.1 1.1 8.8 5.0 2.4 1.3 1.3 6.6 1.2 3.6 3.2 1.6 .8 5.7 3.3 1.9 $30 and over . 1.2 1.9 .8 1.1 2.0 .6 1.2 1.7 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 Including 113 week workers for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. 2 Including 20 week workers for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. 104 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 48. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF OPERATORS NOT SPECIFIED, MALE, PIECE- WORKERS, EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified earnings per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B.i Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 8 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 10 5 4 4 6 2 6 5 7 17 35 46 60 63 61 74 70 50 26 72 $3 to S3 99 3 3 2 5 3 2 3 14 20 17 21 16 14 19 12 7 15 $4 to $4 99 $5 to $5 99 2 1 8 5 6 13 ' 14 14 23 23 22 16 23 17 26 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 4 6 7 5 6 5 4 13 3 3 10 11 10 19 20 28 35 38 40 30 34 27 42 $6 to $6. 99 1 2 4 13 19 23 28 35 38 49 42 27 13 45 1 1 4 3 3 2 10 6 8 12 7 6 4 3 $7 to $7 99 18 to $8.99 1 $9 to S9 99 1 S10 to $11.1-9... . 2 2 13 5 5 9 5 11 6 11 J12 to S13 99 1 2 2 2 2 4 $14 to $15 99 $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19 99 $20 to $22 49 1 1 $22.50 to $24.99 $25 to $27 49 $27.50 to $29.99 $30 and over 2 1 Total 222 346 72 176 67 71 4 15 2365 *608 PER CENT. Under $3... 3.6 0.9 1.4 2.7 0.7 $3 to $3 99 .4 .3 1.4 1.7 1.4 .7 $4 to $4. 99 .9 1.7 1.0 $5 to $5. 99 .. .9 1.1 .8 .3 $6 to $6 99 4 3 1 4 2 8 g 1 $7 to 87. 99 3.- 6 .6 1.4 1.7 2.7 .8 $8 to $3 99 2 3 1.2 5 5 1 i 3 1 1 $9 to 39.99 2.7 3.8 4.2 1.7 2.7 2.8 $10 to $11. 99 5.8 5.5 4.2 8 5 2 5 8 $12to$13.99 6.3 6.6 2.8 11.4 5.5 7.6 $14 to $15. 99 .. 6.3 8.1 13 9 9.7 7 7 9.9 $16 to $17. 99 10.4 10.1 8.3 11.9 9.6 10.4 $18 to $19. 99. . . 10.4 10.9 11.1 9.1 10 4 9.9 $20 to $22.49 9.9 14.1 16.7 8.0 11.0 12.2 $22.50 to $24.99 7.2 12.1 9.7 10.8 8.3 11.5 $25 to $27. 49 10.4 7.8 8.3 6.8 9.3 8.2 $27.50 to $29.99 7.7 3.8 5.5 4.0 7.4 4.3 $30 and over 11.7 13.0 4.2 8 5 11.5 11.8 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 103 1 Percentages not computed on account of small number of employees. 2 Including 6 week workers for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. 3 Including 1 week worker for whom earnings but not weekly rate of wages could be ascertained. EMPLOYEES OTHER THAN OPERATORS. ASSORTERS. Assorters are employed only in large shops. Their work consists in the preparation of bundles of work for the operators. Taking up a bundle (which consists of a certain number of parts that go to make up the waist or dress) as it comes from the cutter, the assorter adds to it all the necessary parts which the operator will require in his work, such as laces, embroideries, belts, and other kinds of trimmings. The assorters must be intelligent and understand all the parts that go to make up a waist. They have to match the laces and understand how to substitute a lace of a given kind when the supply of the origi- WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY^ 105 nal lace is exhausted. A mistake made by the assorter will result in serious delay in the work of the operator and may also cause serious loss through the sewing on of the wrong lace or trimmings. SEX. Assorters are usually girls. Out of the total of 151 assorters given in Table 49, only 4 were men. The source of supply of assorters is cleaners and " cutting-out-lace " girls. The brightest among these two classes of girls, those who show the most intelligence and the keenest perception of color and lace design, are allowed to graduate into the class of assorters WAGES. As will be seen from Table 49, wage records were obtained for only 151 assorters. There are probably more than that number of as- sorters employed in the industry, although the number is hardly much larger, since only the large shops can afford to employ this class of workers. Of the total number, 142, or 94 per cent, were employed in association shops, leaving but 9, or 6 per cent, employed in the nonassociation shops, which are mostly small shops. Assorters are paid by the week. As will be seen from the table, the wages of as- sorters both in 1912 and 1913 ranged between $4 and $18 per week. The number of those who received under $6 a week constituted over 8 per cent of the total number employed. More than one-fourth of all the assorters received under $8 a week, and less than one-fifth of the workers (18.5 per cent) received $6 and less than $8 a week. A lit tie over one-half, or 51.8 per cent, received $9 and less than $14 a week. Five women and one man were found receiving $14 and less than $18 a week. These workers, in addition to being assorters, acted as fore- women and foreman, distributing work as well as preparing it. In general, the higher-grade assorters act as assistants to the foremen and forewomen in distributing work to the operators. TABLE 49. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF ASSORTERS, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY SEX. Classified rates of wages or earnings, per week, and classes of shops. Females. Males. Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 $4 to S4.99 2 11 10 16 17 17 32 20 3 1 2 10 13 15 26 18 37 21 3 2 1.5 8.5 7.8 12.4 13.2 13.2 24.8 15.5 2.3 .8 1.4 6.8 8.8 10.2 17.7 12.3 25.2 14.3 2.0 1.3 5 to So. 99 $6 to $6 99 $7 to $7.99. $3 to $3.99 $9 to $9 99 $10 to $11 99 $12 to $13.99 3 $14 to $15.99 1 $16 to $17.99 Total 129 147 100.0 100.0 1 4 Association A Workers in specified classes of shops. 51 77 64 74 9 1 1 3 Association B 1 106 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. CLEANERS. Cleaning forms the lowest step in the industrial ladder in the dress i and waist shops. It is the first occupation of young girls without industrial training. Their work consists in cutting off loose threads with the aid of scissors. Very little skill is required, although care- lessness may result in great damage, since the thread has to be cut close to the garment and an unskilled cleaner may cut into the waist or dress in trying to cut off the thread. Cleaners who show aptitude for more important work are graduated into other kinds of work, such as finishing, assorting, operating, and even examining. SEX. Only girls are employed in this work, and 2,086 cleaners were found working in the industry during 1913. WAGES. Table 50 gives the wages of cleaners in 1912 and 1913 in each of the four branches of the industry and also for the industry as a whole. As will be seen from that table, weekly rates were obtained for 2,006 cleaners in 1913. Of the remaining 80 cleaners, 20 were pieceworkers and 60 were week workers for whom no wage data could be obtained. As the number of pieceworkers is very small, only week workers are considered in analyzing the earnings of the cleaners. Only a little over 2 per cent of the cleaners were getting $3 and under $4 a week in 1913, but those receiving under $6 a week exceeded one- third of all the cleaners, or over 37 per cent. Nearly one-half of the girls, over 47 per cent, received $6 and less than $8 a week; nearly 16 per cent received $8 a week and over; and a few received $12. Comparison of wages in 1912 and 1913. A comparison of the wages earned during 1913 with those earned during the preceding year before the adoption of the protocol shows a uniform decline in the percentage of workers receiving less than $6 a week and an increase in the percentage of those receiving $6 a week and over. In 1912 over 60 per cent of the cleaners received under $6 a week as com- pared with 37.3 per cent in 1913. On the other hand, those receiv- ing $6 and less than $8 constituted less than 29 per cent in 1912 and over 47 per cent in 1913. Those earning $8 a week and over com- prised 11 per cent in 1912 and nearly 16 per cent in 1913. These facts are brought out in Table 50 and are shown graphically in Chart 9, in which the broken line (representing the percentage of workers receiv- ing specified wages in 1912) is above the solid line (representing 1913) in the case of all wage groups below $6 and is below the solid line for wages of $6 and over, showing the shifting of the workers from the lower to the higher paid groups. Wages in association and nonassociation shops. The figures in Table 50 show 'the varying percentages of workers getting specified WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 107 rates of wages in the high-grade and low-grade shops belonging to the association as well as in those not members of the association. The most noticeable point in the table is the fact that 38 per cent of the cleaners employed in nonassociation A shops, manufacturing the cheaper garments, received $6 per week and under $7. The propor- tion receiving that rate in the nonassociation B shops was 26.9 per cent. In the association shops the same situation is found, namely, that the wages in the A shops are higher than in the B shops. Thus the percentage of cleaners receiving $6 to $6.99 per week in the asso- ciation A shops was 29.3, while in the association B shops it was 25.8. The percentage of cleaners receiving under $6 a week was nearly CHART 9. PER CENT OF CLEANERS, FEMALE (WEEK WORKERS), RE- CEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913. 5B J5 50 Z5 ZO 15 /o 5 35 2.5 ZO 15 10 5 fff A r 2 \ \ Weekly Rates of / i / \ \ Wages of Cleaners. / / x \ \ \ 1912 1 1 \ / >S ^^r , =~~ - $2 $3 $4- $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $12 $14 26 in the nonassociation A shops and over 35 in the association A shops. This indicates a higher percentage of cleaners receiving less than the minimum rate in the association shops manufacturing the cheaper garments than in the nonassociation shops. In the B shops, i. e., those manufacturing the higher-grade garments, the percentage receiving under $6 a week was 36.5 in the nonassocia- tion shops and 48.9 in the association shops. On the other hand, for those receiving $7 and over per week, the percentages in the non- association A shops and in the association A shops were practically the same. In the B shops, the percentage in the nonassociation shops was less than 37 and in the association shops over 25. 108 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. In other words, the proportion of experienced cleaners getting more than the minimum scale is about the same whether the shops are those manufacturing high-grade or low-grade garments, whether belonging to the association or not. The proportion of those receiving the minimum scale of $6 a week is practically the same in all except the nonassociation shops making the cheaper garments. On the other hand the cleaners receiving less than the minimum scale are more numerous in the association than in the nonassociation shops, irre- spective of whether high-grade or low-grade garments are manufac- tured. As the association shops include mostly large establishments while the nonassociation shops are mostly of a small size, the difference is apparently due to the fact that in large shops there are quite a number of so-called floor girls and errand girls employed who are not needed at all in the small shops. As the errand girls are not always kept apart from the cleaners on the pay rolls and, moreover, are made to work on cleaning when they have no errands to do, it was found necessary to enter them all as cleaners. This may account for the larger proportion of "cleaners" receiving less than the minimum scale in the association shops as compared with the nonassociation shops. TABLE 5O. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF CLEANERS, FEMALE, WEEK WORKERS,* RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 19122 1913 1912 1913 Undr S3 5 81 212 247 188 81 68 18 17 8 5 171 356 401 293 152 112 28 21 9 $3 to $3 99 39 141 198 305 198 94 55 16 4 21 28 30 35 25 22 4 1 1 4 30 62 141 57 52 16 8 1 65 116 116 67 46 21 6 2 11 119 135 140 79 43 7 6 2 1 1. 2 16 14 10 4 2 2 1 46 292 411 600 344 193 80 32 8 $4 to 84.99 $5 to $5.99 8 3 $6 to $6.99 $7 to 87.99 $8 to 88.99 1 ..... $9 to $9.99 $10 to $11.99 $12 to $13.99 Total 928 1,041 167 371 439 542 14 52 31,548 <2,006 PER CENT. Under S3 0.5 3 $3 to $3.99 9.1 2.9 12.6 1.1 14.8 2.0 1.9 11.0 2.3 $4 to $4.99 22.9 13.5 16.7 8.1 26.4 22.0 3.9 23.0 14.5 $5 to $5.99 26.6 19.0 18 16.7 26 4 24 9 30 7 25 9 20.5 $6 to $6.99 20.3 29.3 20.9 38.0 15.3 25.8 26.9 18.9 30.0 $7 to $7.99 8.7 19.0 15.0 15.3 10.4 14 6 19 2 9.8 17.1 $8 to $8 99 7.3 9.0 13.2 14 4 8 7 9 7 7 7 2 9.6 $9 to $9.99 1.9 5.3 2.4 4.3 1.4 1.3 3.9 1.8 4.0 $10 to $11. 99 1.8 1.6 .6 2.2 .5 i.l 3.9 1.4 1.6 $12 to $13 99 .9 .4 .6 .3 4 1 9 6 .4 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 In addition to the week workers shown in this table, there were 45 pieceworkers in 1912 and 20 in 1913. 2 Percentages not computed for the year 1912 on account of small number of employees, s Not including 44, for whom weekly rates could not be ascertained. * Not including 60, for whom weekly rates could not be ascertained. .WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DKESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 109 TABLE 50.-NUMBER AND PER CENT OF CLEANERS, FEMALE, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS Concluded. SUMMARY OF PERCENTAGES. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $6 59.1 20.3 20.6 35.4 29.3 35.3 47.3 20.9 31.8 25.9 38.0 36.1 67.6 15.3 17.1 48.9 25.8 25.3 36.5 26.9 36.6 60.3 18.9 20.8 37.3 29.9 32.7 |6 to S6.99 $7 and over Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 CUTTERS. The occupation of cutter is one of the most skilled and most responsible in the industry. Upon the cutter depends not only the fit and appearance of the garment, but, also, to a considerable extent, the cost of it. An error made by the cutter may result in the partial or total damage of the goods cut. Apart from that, a slight error or failure to cut the goods to the exact size required, sometimes within a fraction of an inch, or the notching of the cloth a fraction of an inch out of the way, may cause the operators endless trouble in the sewing together of the different pieces and result in the necessity of ripping the work already done and the duplication of the work on the part of the operators as well as of the cutters. In a shop in which operators are paid by the week this may entail a very serious loss to the manufacturer. In those in which the work is done by the piece this may likewise be the case, if the blame can be clearly placed on the cutter, for in that case the pieceworkers would be entitled to pay on the spoiled garments. It happens very frequently, however, that the cutting or notching, while not distinctly wrong, is done in so careless or crude a fashion as to cause much trouble without com- pensation for loss of time to the operator working by the piece. The skill of the cutter also affects the cost of the garment so far as the ability of the cutter to lay out his pattern economically is con- cerned ; a cutter who is thoroughly familiar with his work will know how to lay out his pattern on the cloth in such a way as to utilize every available part of the cloth and reduce waste to a minimum; a less skilled cutter will waste a great deal of the cloth, being unable to utilize comparatively large pieces of cloth. This may account for the seemingly long period of apprenticeship which the cutters' union requires before admitting a worker to the class of full-fledged cutters. It is the only trade in the industry for which the protocol has pro- vided a graduated scale of compensation. Under the protocol cutters are divided into full-fledged cutters and apprentices. The apprentices are divided into three grades, 110 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. thus making four grades in all. The three grades of apprentices known as: Grade A, to which are admitted apprentices of less thj one year's standing; grade B, which includes apprentices of mo] than one year and less than two years' standing; and grade C, coi sisting of apprentices of more than two years' and less than thn years' tune. The protocol provides that on or about the 15th da] of June and November in each year the cutters' union, known Local No. 10, shall hold an examination for the purpose of admitti] apprentices of grade C to the class of full-fledged cutters. Th< protocol also provides that " after January 1, 1914, the followiii| rule shall be adopted: In each shop there shall be not more than on< apprentice for each five cutters employed, but in case there shall less than five cutters employed one apprentice may be employed." It also provides that "at least one cutter shall be employed in th< shops of members of the association. " The method of cutting the goods varies with the character of th< garments manufactured in the industry. In shops manufacture high-grade dresses and gowns of silk in which one garment is rriad< at a time the cutter may cut only one or a very few garments of th< same style and uses shears for that purpose. Where cheaper garmenl are manufactured, a knife or a cutting machine is employed insteac of shears. This is done to enable the cutter to cut as many 400 garments at once. It is done by stretching out bolts of materi* on a long table, placing one layer on top of another until the nee ess i thickness has been reached. The number of layers or thicknesses oi cloth depends on the character of the material and on the size of th< order. In shops making a medium grade and a high grade of gi ments where no stock is ever made up the amount cut will depeni entirely on the size of the order received, while in shops manufactuj ing cheaper waists and dresses made of lingerie and other light cotto] material, for which orders are usually received in large quantitie and where there is no hesitation in making up garments in excess oi the order so as to have stock in readiness, the cloth is piled high the limit of the capacity of the knife and to the limit of the ability oi the cutter to do his work without damage to the goods. In the case of lawns, about 20 or 22 dozen layers are stretch( one on top of the other and cut with a long knife or machine. Whei lingerie, cotton voile, and similar light cottons are used, the numbc of layers may reach about 300. In heavy linens about four dozei sometimes eight dozen, layers are cut. In ratines, six to eight dozen is the largest number. In case of silks, a short knife used because the number of layers that can be cut at once is mu< smaller than in cotton. This is due to the fact that silk being ver< slippery and very light, it is exceedingly difficult for the cutter t< keep the layers in a fixed, steady position. The highest number oi WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. Ill layers cut at one time does not exceed 90 when a cutting machine is employed and 40 if a short knife is used. The long knife is never used on silks. Woolen goods are easier to handle than silks, but not so easy to cut as cotton. The cutting machine is usually employed in cutting out the cloth. In the case of heavy woolen cloths, about 60 layers are usually regarded as the maximum. For light serges and worsteds, as many as 96 layers are cut at a time. In large shops, where more than one cutter, is employed, there is more or less division of labor. The assistants or apprentices do the stretching of the cloth, other cutters do the cutting, while the most responsible work, namely, the marking of the outline of the pattern on the top layer of the cloth is done by the most experienced cutter, who is also called the marker. The apprenticing of a cutter. During the first year (grade A), the cutter's apprentice is taught how to stretch the cloth, preparing it for the marker and the cutter. He is also taught to cut out small parts such as cuffs and other odd parts with a short knife. An opportunity is also given him to cut "repairs"; that is, to correct outlines in gar- ments which through an error of the cutter or the operator have to be repaired. The repair cutting is done with shears on single garments. During the second year (grade B) the apprentice gradually learns to do more and more cutting. He assists the cutter in cutting out those parts which do not have to be cut to the exact size but merely in rough outline. These are parts that are cut much larger than the final size in order to allow for plaits, tucks, etc., and which are later 1 'sloped" to the right size. He is also given smaller parts to cut and odd parts like strips for tucking, binding, etc. Sloping. The grade B cutter also does the sloping which consists in cutting down parts of the garment such as a front or back of a waist to the exact size after the plaits, tucks, or insertions have been put in by the operator. During the third year (grade C), the apprentice assists in laying out the patterns and marking out the lays. He also does the general cutting under the supervision of the cutter. After the third year, upon passing an examination, he is admitted to the standing of a full- fledged cutter. SEX. Only men are employed in cutting. In some shops, however, women are employed as slopers. As will be seen from Table 8 only 6 women slopers were found employed in the 520 shops under investi- gation. It will also be seen from the same table that there were 13 male slopers. This does not mean that there were only 13 men slopers in the industry; the other slopers were in ah 1 probability entered on the pay roUs as cutters. 112 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. WAGES. Information was obtained as to 1,701 cutters in 1913 and 1,397 in 1912. All of these were paid by the week. As will be seen from Table 51, they were distributed among the four branches of the indus- try as follows: Association A (lower-grade garments) 830; nonassocia- tion A ; 213; association B, 560; nonassociation B, 61, making a total of 1,664. For the remaining 37 cutters no information was obtainable as to their weekly rates of wages, but merely of their total earning during the busiest week. Over 67 per cent or two-thirds of all the cutters in 1913 were in those groups which included the protocol rates of $6, $12, $18, and over. In 1912 less than 38 per cent of all the cutters receive these rates. The proportion of cutters receiving these rates in the different branches of the industry was as follows: Association B, nearly 78 per cent; nonassociation B, over 72 per cent; association A, over 62 percent; nonassociation A, over 56 per cent. It will be seen from these figures that the enforcement of the protocol rates does not depend so much on whether the shops belong to members of the association or to nonmembers as on the grade of garments manu- factured in the various shops. The higher the grade, the greater the skill of the cutter required, the higher the pay he can command, and the greater, therefore, the proportion of those receiving protocol rates. On the other hand, the detailed comparison of rates prevail- ing in association and nonassociation shops of the same grade which follows, indicates that in some cases the association shops make a better showing, while in other cases it is the nonassociation shops. Comparing the figures in Table 51 showing the proportion of workers receiving different rates of wages in association and nonassociation A shops (those manufacturing lower-grade garments), we find a higher percentage of cutters receiving $25 a week and over in the nonassocia- tion shops than in the association shops and a lower percentage of cutters receiving under $25 a week. Thus, the number of cutters re- ceiving $6 and less than $7 a week constituted more than 5 per cent of all the cutters in the association A shops and more than 3 per cent in the nonassociation A shops. Those getting $12 and less than $14 a week were nearly 11 per cent of the total in the association shops and nearly 10 per cent in the nonassociation shops. Those getting $18 and less than $20 a week constituted nearly 14 per cent in the association and 8.5 per cent in the nonassociation shops, and those getting $25 and less than $27.50 were almost 28 per cent in the asso- ciation and over 32 per cent in the nonassociation shops. The contrary is true of the B shops (those manufacturing the higher-grade garments). Thus the proportion of cutters receiving the highest protocol rate ($25) and over was 64 per cent in the asso- WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DKESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 113 elation B shops and only a little over 49 per cent in the nonassociation B shops. On the other hand, in the groups including two of the : protocol rates under $25 ($18 and $12) the nonassociation shops had ; a higher percentage of cutters than the association shops. Thus, in I the group $18 to $19.99 were found 13.1 per cent of the cutters in nonassociation B shops as against 7.4 per cent of those in association B shops and in the group $12 to $13.99 were found 9.8 per cent of the cutters in nonassociation shops as against 4.6 per cent of those in association shops. In the group $6 to $6.99, that is, the group con- taining the lowest protocol rate ($6), there were only 11 cutters in the association B shops and none in the nonassociation B shops. In fact, there were no cutters in the nonassociation B shops receiv- ing under $8, while in the association B shops nearly 5 per cent of all the cutters received $4 and less than $8 a week. A comparison of Table 51 and Chart 10, showing the rates for cut- ters, with Tables 50, 52, 54, and 55, and Charts 9, 11, 12, and 13, representing the wages of cleaners, drapers, examiners, and finishers, respectively, shows the striking effect of providing only one rate of wages, as has been done in the protocol for those occupations and four different rates as is the case with the cutters. In the trades mentioned there is always only one high peak showing that the largest single group of workers is the group receiving the minimum protocol rate, while in the case of the cutters there are four distinct peaks showing that wages tend to concentrate at the rates provided in the protocol. Table 51 shows the difference in the wages paid in the two classes of association shops, A and B. In the higher-grade (B) shops the proportion of cutters receiving $25 a week and under $27.50 rises to 56.2 per cent, while for the line representing the lower-grade (A) shops it goes up only to 27.8 per cent. In the lower wage groups, the rela- tive position of the percentages is reversed, that is to say, the pro- portion of cutters in the group receiving $18, $12, and $6 a week, as well as of those receiving the intermediate rates not fixed in the protocol, is in every case higher in the lower-grade shops than in the higher-grade shops. Wages in 1912 and 1913. Table 51 throws an interesting light on the changes which have occurred in the wages of the cutters since the protocol has gone into effect. As will be seen from the last two columns in the table, the percentage of those receiving the lower rates of wages has uniformly declined, while the proportion of those receiving $25 a week and over has increased from less than 19 per cent of all the cutters in 1912 to 44 per cent in 1913. This fact is shown even more strikingly when we look at the abso lute numbers of cutters receiving different rates of wages as shown in Table 51, for we find an increase in the number of workers receiving 42132 Bull. 14614 8 114 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OP LABOR STATISTICS. protocol rates of wages and a decline in the number of those receiving less than the protocol rates, in spite of the increase of the total number of cutters from 1,328 in 1912 to 1,664 in 1913. Thus, the number of those receiving $6 and less than $7 a week increased from 36 in 1912 to 63 in 1913, while the number of those receiving under $6 declined from 27 to 20. The number of cutters receiving $12 and less than $14 a week increased from 113 to 142, while the number of those receiving $7 and less than $12 a week declined from 210 to 165. The number of those receiving $18 and less than $20 a week increased from 117 in 1912 to 182 in 1913, while those receiving $14 and less than $18 a week declined from 223 to 196. Finally, the number of those receiv- ing $25 a week and over increased from 250 in 1912 to 731 in 1913, while those receiving $20 and less than $25 declined from 352 to 165. The changes in the rates of wages paid to cutters since the protocol went into effect are shown in Chart 10, in which the broken line repre- sents the wages in 1912 and the solid line those for 1913. The great rise in the number of those in the group receiving $25 a week is the most conspicuous feature on that chart. The smaller increase in the number of those in the groups receiving $18 and $6 a week and the decline in the number of those receiving the intermediate rates is likewise clearly shown. TABLE 51. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF CUTTERS, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation -A. Association B. Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 $3 to $3 99. 1 3 9 21 24 25 24 65 68 72 57 63 115 28 53 3 29 1 3 4 45 27 20 25 37 89 67 39 115 67 22 230 7 32 1 1 2 7 4 6 5 13 16 12 9 11 17 2 9 2 4 2 8 17 36 35 41 40 94 113 117 106 117 254 98 180 8 62 1 9 10 63 41 29 37 58 142 123 73 182 123 42 635 18 78 $4 to $4.99 3 2 7 4 6 4 10 21 25 16 18 18 5 69 1 4 4 6 8 6 9 10 16 28 30 37 33 118 64 114 3 24 3 4 11 10 2 5 10 26 28 17 41 33 12 314 8 36 $5 to $5.99 $6 to $6.99 $7 to $7.99 1 1 1 $8 to $8.99 1 3 1 6 3 1 8 5 3 22 2 6 $9 to $9.99. $10 to $11.99 $12 to $13.99 $14 to $15.99 1 3 3 10 4 4 4 $16 to $17.99. $18 to $19 99 $20 to $22. 49.. $22.50 to $24.99 $25 to $27.49. . $27.50 to $29.99 $30 and over 5 Total 660 830 121 213 510 560 37 61 i 1,328 1,664 1 Not including 69, for whom weekly rates could not be ascertained. 8 Not including 37, for whom weekly rates could not be ascertained. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 115 TABLE 51. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF CUTTERS, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS Concluded. PER CENT. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 $3 to S3 99. 0.2 .5 1.4 3.2 3.6 3.8 3.6 9.9 10.3 10.9 8.6 9.5 17.4 4.2 8.0 .5 4.4 0.1 .4 .5 5.4 3.3 2.4 3.0 4.5 10.7 8.1 4.7 13.9 8.1 2.7 27.7 .8 3.9 0.8 .8 1.7 5.8 3.3 5.0 4.1 10.7 13.2 9.9 7.4 9.1 14.1 1.7 7.4 1.7 3.3 0.2 .6 1.3 2.7 2.6 3.1 3.0 7.1 8.5 8.8 8.0 8.8 19.1 7.3 13.6 .6 4.6 0.1 .5 .6 3.8 2.5 1.7 2.2 3.5 8.5 7.4 4.4 10.9 7.4 2.5 38.2 I.I 4.7 |4 to $4 99 1.4 .9 3.3 1.9 2.8 1.9 4.7 9.8 11.7 7.5 8.5 8.5 2.3 32.4 .5 1.9 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.2 1.8 2.0 3.1 5.5 5.9 7.3 6.5 23.1 12.5 22.3 .6 4.7 0.5 .7 1.9 1.8 .4 .9 1.8 4.6 5.0 3.0 7.4 5.9 2.1 56.1 1.4 6.4 $5 to So 99. $6 to $6 99 $7 to $7.99 2.7 2.7 2.7 $8 to 88 99 1.6 4.9 1.6 9.8 4.9 1.6 13.1 8.2 4.9 36.1 3.3 9.8 $9 to 39.99 $10 to $11 99 $12 to $13. 99 $14 to 115 99.. . . 2.7 8.1 8.1 27.1 10.8 10.8 10.8 "'ii's' $16 to $ 17 99 $18 to 819 99 $20 to $22 49 $22.50 to $24.99 $25 to $27. 49 $27.50 to $29.99 $30 and over Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 DRAPERS. Draping is one of the most skilled occupations in the trade in con- nection with the making of dresses and waists. Most of the drapers graduate into that class of work after having worked as dressmakers or examiners. The drapers are roughly divided into two classes, those working 'on comparatively simple dresses and waists, and the high-grade dressmaker drapers. A lower-grade draper through practice and years of experience gradually works up to the higher grades. To do this she must have, however, a native taste for the beautiful in dress. The lower-grade drapers usually confine their attention to the simple draping of waists, which consists in arranging the plaits, joining the skirt to the waist with the aid of pins, seeing that the skirt hangs prop- erly from the waistline, and draping the skirt. Drapers of this class are usually promoted to this work after they have been working as examiners or as plain dressmakers. They receive about $14 a week. The high-grade draper or dressmaker draper, as she is sometimes called, works on high-class dresses and gowns. In many cases she makes practically the whole dress. After taking the cloth as it comes from the cutter, she joins the different pieces of cloth and, fixing them by means of pins, she drapes the cloth around the figure in graceful folds, sewing together with the needle the different parts where necessary. In many such cases there is but little work left for the operator to do after the draper removes the garment from the figure, most of the remaining work being done by hand by the fin- isher. Drapers of this class get all the way from $14 to $20 a week, although but few get more than $18. 116 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. 3 b w < tf ^-s s w 3 o M W \ B 5 f WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 117 SEX. Women are employed almost exclusively in this work. As will be seen from Table 8, out of 1,321 drapers for whom wages were found on the pay rolls in 1913, 1,315 were women and only 6 were men. WAGES. Draping is done almost entirely on a week basis. The protocol recognizes this fact by providing a weekly rate of wages which is fixed at a minimum of $14. Out of 1,321 drapers (Table 11), 1,273, or 96 per cent of all the drapers, were found working by the week and only 48, or 4 per cent, were pieceworkers. Table 52 gives the wages of drapers in 1912 and 1913 in each of the four branches of the industry as well as for the industry as a whole, and also the percentage of the workers receiving various rates of wages. Of the 1,259 drapers for whom weekly rates of wages were obtained, 1,058, or 84 per cent, worked in association shops and only 201, or 16 per cent, were found employed in nonassociation shops. Taking the minimum rate of wages as fixed in the protocol, $14, we find that in association shops producing low-grade garments (A), nearly 49 per cent of all the workers were in the wage group including this rate and in the corresponding nonassociation shops over 47 per cent, or practically the same proportion. On the other hand, in the high-grade shops (B) belonging to the association nearly 57 per cent were in the group receiving the minimum protocol rate, while in the corresponding nonassociation shops only about 35 per cent were in the group receiving the minimum rate. It must be borne in mind, however, that the percentages just quoted include not only those receiving $14 a week but also those receiving from $14 to $15.99, although the great majority of them were receiving $14. Taking those receiving $16 and over a week, we find that in the high- grade (B) association shops less than 15 per cent belong to that class, while in the high-grade nonassociation shops the percentage was practically the same, namely, over 16. In the shops manufacturing lower-grade garments (A), the proportion of drapers receiving $16 a week and over was over 10 per cent in the association and 12.5 per cent in the nonassociation shops. As will be seen from Table 52, the largest group after the $14 to $15.99 was that of drapers receiving from $12 to $13.99 a week, which constituted 25.5 per cent of all the drapers employed in the associa- tion (A) shops (manufacturing low-grade garments) and over 18 per cent in the corresponding nonassociation shops, while in the B shops it constituted more than 20 per cent in the association branch and nearly 37 per cent in the nonassociation. A comparatively large proportion of drapers receiving $12 a week and less than $14, as well as the drapers receiving under $12 a week, consist of the lower-grade 118 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. drapers and those whom the manufacturers regard more or less as apprentices in this kind of work. A personal investigation after the figures were compiled has also disclosed the fact that in some shops little or no distinction is made between joiners and drapers; sometimes those who do joining work are called drapers and are paid the wages of joiners, while in other shops workers who do real drapi-ng are called joiners. An examination of Table 52 shows that association shops manufac- turing high-grade (B) and low-grade (A) goods employed 84 per cent of all the drapers in the industry. As will be seen from the table, the group of $14 to $15.99 workers is the largest of all, reaching nearly 57 per cent in the association B shops and nearly 49 per cent in the A shops. Below the $14 rate it will be seen that the A shops in every wage group have a higher percentage than the B shops. That is to say, the proportion of workers receiving $5 and less than $14 a week is greater in the low-grade shops than in the high grade. At $14 and over the relative position is reversed. Still more interesting is a consideration of the changes in. the wages of all drapers since the adoption of the protocol shown in the last two columns of Table 52 and also in graphic form in Chart 11. The most conspicuous fact is the high peak representing the $14 to $15.99 group for 1913, at over 51 per cent, while in 1912 this group is less than 33 per cent. In 1912, the percentage of workers receiving $12 and less than $14 a week was almost as high as that of those receiving $14 and less than $16, while in 1913, the $12 to $13.99 group was only about 23 per cent, or 10 points below the 1912 line. The shifting that has occurred in the industry by way of the increase of the compensation to drapers is shown very clearly in this table and chart. For wage groups below $14 the percentages in 1912 are in almost all cases above those for 1913, while at $14 and above the position is reversed, showing that in every wage group from $14 to $22.50 there was a greater proportion of drapers in 1913 than in 1912. An examination of the summary part of Table 52, in which these facts are brought out not only for the industry as a whole, but also for the different branches of the industry, shows, first, for the industry as a whole, that the number of drapers receiving under $12 a week declined from 27.5 per cent in 1912 to 13 per cent in 1913. Those getting $12 and less than $14 a week declined from 32.6 per cent in 1912 to less than 23 per cent in 1913. This makes the total number of drapers receiving less than the minimum protocol rate in 1913, 36 per cent of all the drapers. On the other hand, those getting $14 and less than $16 increased from nearly 33 per cent in 1912 to 51.5 per cent, or more than half of the entire number of drapers, in 1913, WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DEESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 119 and those getting $16 arid over increased from 7.1 per cent to nearly 13 per cent. Taking the different branches of the industry, we find that the B (high-grade) shops belonging to the association lead all the others in the advance in wages for drapers, the proportion of those getting $14 and over in 1913 being 71.3 per cent, or nearly three-fourths of all CHART 11. PER CENT OF DRAPERS (WEEK WORKERS) RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913. $14 $:6 $20 $22 $24- $26 0% $28 $4 $5 $6 $7 $3 $9 $10 $12 the drapers employed in those shops, as against 46.3 per cent during the preceding year. In the lower-grade association shops the per- centage of those receiving $14 and over was 58.9 per cent as com- pared with 36.1 per cent the year before, and 'in tne corresponding nonassociation shops it was 59.9 per cent, as compared with 26 per cent the year before. 120 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 52. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF DRAPERS, WEEK WORKERS, 1 RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation Association B. Nonassociation B.* Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 $3 to $3 99 $4 to $4 99 1 2 3 13 13 19 67 132 121 16 3 1 2 4 5 13 10 45 131 251 46 2 4 2 3 3 5 24 32 42 148 303 305 50 11 4 1 4 8 10 23 18 100 288 648 131 18 9 $5 to $5 99 1 1 ...... 1 13 30 15 2 2 4 2 5 3 17 28 72 17 2 $6 to $6 99 "'9' 14 21 61 128 163 28 8 3 "~2~ 5 5 33 111 308 62 12 5 2 2 1 7 13 6 4 ..... $7 to $7.99 $8 to $S 99 $9 to $9. 99 ... 18 17 6 2 $10 to $11 99 ... $12 to $13 99 $14 to $15.99 $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19 99 j9Q to $2 49 $^2 50 to $4 99 $ 9 5 to $ 9 7 49 1 1 1 1 Total 391 514 66 152 438 544 36 49 931 * 1,259 PER CENT. Under $3 $3 to $3 99 $4to$4.99 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.1 $5 to $5 99 .5 .4 1.5 1.3 3 3 $3 to $5.99 .8 .8 1.5 2.6 .5 .6 $7 to $7 99 3.3 1.0 1.3 2.1 0.4 2.6 .8 $8 to $3 99 3 3 2 5 4 6 3 3 3 2 .9 3 4 1 8 $9 to $3 99 4.9 1.9 1.5 2.0 4.8 .9 4.5 1.4 $10 to $11 99 17.1 8.7 19 7 11.2 13.9 6.1 15 9 8 $12 to $13. 99 33.8 25.5 45.5 18.4 29.2 20.4 32.6 22.9 $14 to $15 99 31.0 48.8 22.7 47.4 37.2 56.6 32.8 51.5 $18 to $17 99 4.1 9 3 11 2 6 4 11 4 5 4 10 4 $18 to $19.99 .8 .4 1.3 1.8 2.2 1.4 $20 to $22 49 .2 .8 .7 .9 .4 .7 $22 50 to $ 9 4 99 $25 to $27.49 .2 .2 .1 .1 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 SUMMARY OF PERCENTAGES. Under $12 30 1 15 6 28 8 21 7 24 5 8 3 27 5 13 $12 to $13.99 33.8 25.5 45.5 18.4 29.2 20.4 32.6 22.9 $14 to $15.99 31.0 48.8 22.7 47.4 37 2 56 6 32 8 51 5 $16 and over 5 1 10 1 3 12 5 9 1 14 7 7 1 12 6 Total.. 100.0 100.0 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 In addition to the week workers shown in this table there were 26 pieceworkers in 1912 and 48 in 1913. 2 Percentages not computed on account of small number of employees. * Not including 21 females, 1 male, for whom weekly rates of wac;es could not be ascertained. < Not including 9 females, 5 males, for whom weekly rates of wages could not be ascertained. EMBROIDERERS. The work of embroiderers is too well known to need any' explana- tion. The embroiderers for whom information is given in Table 8 and Table 53 are all handworkers skilled in the use of the needle. The majority of them are Italians. The skill of the embroiderer calls not only for the deft use of the needle, but for keen perception WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 121 of colors and their different shadings, since colored thread is used to a very large extent. The great majority of the embroiderers working in the industry come with their skill previously acquired in their home country. There is an increasing number of embroiderers working on machines in some of the dress and waist making shops, but no mention of them appeared on the pay rolls of 1913 and there- fore they are not included in these tables. Only 184 embroiderers were found mentioned as such on the pay rolls of the shops investigated. A much larger number are actually employed in the industry. On the pay rolls, many of these are prob- ably described as finishers, since they do their work by hand, and a great many are not mentioned at all, because the embroidery de- partment is frequently in charge of a subcontractor, who pays his help directly and is compensated by the firm on a piece basis. SEX. Only 1 man was found among the 184 embroiderers covered by this report. WAGES. Of the 184 embroiderers reported in Table 11, 87, or a little less than one-half, were paid by the week, and 97 were paid by the piece. In 1912 the proportion was reversed, more than half being paid by the week and 74, out of a total of 167, being paid by the piece. The 184 embroiderers were distributed as follows among three branches of the industry: Association A, 36; association B, 133; non- association B, 15. From this it will be seen that 169, or more than nine- tenths of all the embroiderers, were employed in association shops, leaving less than one-tenth in the nonassociation shops. The number being very small, no conclusions can be safely drawn as to the wages for the separate branches of the industry. They are, therefore, analyzed for the industry as a whole. Wages of week workers. The largest single group of week workers were those getting $8 a week and less than $9. These constituted more than 29 per cent of all the week workers. Nearly one-half of all the week workers received $9 and less than $14 a week. Only 1 girl received under $6 a week. More than one-tenth of all the week workers received $6 and less than $8 a week. Earnings of pieceworkers. Of the 97 pieceworkers, 16.5 per cent earned under $6 during the busiest week of the year. Nearly 29 per cent earned $6 and less than $9 a week. Over 42 per cent, or a little over four-tenths of the workers, earned $9 and less than $14, and more than 12 per cent,- or about one-eighth, earned $14 and less than $18 a week. 122 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Wages in 1912 and 1913. No provision has teen made in the pro- tocol in regard to the wages of embroiderers. So far as the week work- ers are concerned, there is no marked change in the rates of wages from 1912 to 1913, with the exception of one group, namely, those earning $8 and less than $9 a week, which increased from over 17 per cent in 1912 to more than 29 per cent in 1913. The total number of embroiderers working by the week declined from 95 in 1912 to 87 in 1913, showing a loss of 8 workers. On the other hand, the number of pieceworkers increased from 74 to 97, an increase of 23 workers. A dropping off is noticeable in the number of week workers receiving under $8 a week, who numbered 23 in 1912 and only 11, or less than one-half of the former number, in 1913. On the other hand, the number of those receiving $8 and less than $9 increased from 16 to 25, showing a gain of 9, which may account for most of the decline in the lower groups. From $9 and over there is also a decline in every group except those getting $14 and less than $16 a week which may be accounted for by their passing into the group of pieceworkers where greater earnings are possible. Earnings of pieceworkers in 1912 and 1913. The proportion of pieceworkers earning under $6 during the busiest week of the year declined from 20.2 per cent in 1912 to 16.5 per cent in 1913. Those earning $6 and less than $9 a week formed practically the same pro- portion of the total both years, namely, 29.8 per cent and 28.9 per cent, respectively. Those earning $9 and less than $14 a week declined from 46 per cent in 1912 to 42.2 per cent in 1913, while those earning $14 a week and over increased from 4 per cent in 1912 to 12.4 per cent in 1913. Summing up the changes in the wages of embroiderers, it may be said that among the week workers the number of those receiving under $8 a week declined; those receiving $8 to $8.99 increased perceptibly, and the number of those earning $9 and over remained practically the same. Among pieceworkers, while no radical changes in earnings occurred, there was a general tendency upward. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 123 TABLE 53 NUMBER AND PER CENT OT" EMBROIDERERS (WEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS) RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES OR EARNINGS PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY SEX. Classified rates of wages or earnings per week, and classes of shops. Week workers receiving each classified rate of wages. Pieceworkers earning each clas- sified amount during busiest week of year. Females. Males. Females. Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3. . . 8 3 2 2 4 7 11 13 15 6 2 4 1 4 10 7 11 4 17 20 5 7 10.8 4.0 2.7 2.7 5.4 9.5 14.9 17.6 20.3 8.1 2.7 7.2 4.1 1. 1 4.1 10.3 7.2 11.4 4.1 17.5 20.6 5.2 7.2 $3 to S3. 99 $4 to S4 99 3 2 8 10 16 17 19 11 3 3.2 2.1 8.6 10.8 17.2 18.3 20.5 11.8 3.2 $5 toSo.99 1 2 8 25 16 15 10 6 1 1 1.2 2.3 9.3 29.1 18.6 17.4 11.6 6.9 1.2 1.2 $6 to $6 99. $7 to $7.99 $8toS8.99 ..... 19 to $9.99 $10 to 111 99 1 $12 to $13.99 $14 toSIS 99 ..... $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19.99 $20 to?22 49 1 1 1.1 1.1 1 1.3 $22 50 to $24 99 $25 to $27.49 Total Association A Association B Nonassociation A 2 1 2.1 1.2 ! 93 86 100.0 100.0 2 1 74 97 100.0 100.0 Workers in specified classes of shops. 8 72 6 66 1 15 53 ...... 30 66 1 Nonassociation B . . . 13 14 1 EXAMINERS. The duty of an examiner consists in examining the garments after they have been completely finished by the workers. There are two distinct classes of examiners ; first, those who examine the garments on a figure; second, those who examine the garments without the use of a figure. The former are the examiners of higher-grade garments, the latter of the cheap and medium grades of waists. The class 2 examiners are usually promoted from among the more intelligent and capable cleaners and finishers. They very seldom get more than $10 a week, which is the minimum rate fixed under the protocol. Those among this class of examiners who show capacity for better work are promoted to draping at which they can earn higher wages. The high-grade examiners are engaged on dresses and on waists selling at wholesale for $48 per dozen and over. These garments have to be put on a figure in order to be examined. It is the duty of the examiner to see that the garment thoroughly fits the figure and that the measurements at the waist line are correct. They carefully go over the entire garment to see that the sleeves hang right, that the collar fits properly, and that the laces on the corresponding sides of the garment " match"; in other 124 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. words, that the garment is properly made as to fit, measurement, and " matching" of the corresponding parts and that there is no flaw in the work of the different workers who made up the garment. Examiners of this class are promoted from draping and dressmaking and receive all the way from $14 to $19.99 a week. It is seldom that they are promoted to any other occupation, although occasion ally a high-class examiner, in changing factories, may go into high class draping. Once in a while one is promoted to the position o forewoman. SEX. As a rule, only women are employed as examiners. Among th< 852 examiners, reported in 1913, there were only 10 men, or but little over 1 per cent of the total. WAGES. Examiners are always paid by the week. Of the 790 womer examiners (Table 54) whose weekly rates in 1913 could be ascertained the largest single group were those receiving $10 and less than $12 a week, who constituted nearly 38 per cent of the total. The nex largest group were those getting $12 and less than $14, who consti tuted almost 18 per cent of the total. A little less than 12 pe cent received $14 and less than $16 a week, and only 3.2 per cen received- $16 a week and over. Only 3 examiners in the entire industry were found receiving $20 a week and over. The numbe of those earning less than the minimum protocol rate of $10 a wee! was 235, or nearly 30 per cent of the total in 1913. Sixteen examin ers, or 2 per cent, received under $6 per week. Nearly one-half (370) of the 790 women examiners worked in association A shops; 323 worked in association B shops, leaving only 76 in nonassociation A shops and 21 in nonassociation B shops A comparison of the earnings of the women workers in the associa tion A and nonassociation A shops in 1913 shows that the number o those receiving $10 a week and over formed a larger percentage o the total in the nonassociation shops than in the association shops namely, over 67 per cent as against nearly 62 per cent. This is also true for each of the following separate groups: $10 and les than $12, $12 and less than $14, $14 and less than $16, $16 and less than $18. In the case of those earning $8 and less than $10, th( percentage is likewise larger in the nonassociation shops as com pared with the association shops, being 25 per cent in the forme and less than 19 per cent in the latter. Those earning under $8 con stituted nearly 8 per cent in the nonassociation A shops and nearly 20 per cent in the association shops of the same class. Comparing the A and B association shops, the percentage o those earning $12 a week and over is found to be larger in the B shops (those manufacturing the higher grade garments), while o WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 125 I those receiving under $12 a week there is a larger percentage in the A shops. This is easily explained by the fact that the B shops require examiners of greater skill, who naturally command higher wages entirely apart from the protocol provision which specifies only the minimum rate. The difference in the compensation of examiners in the A and B shops can be clearly seen by reference to Table 54. Both groups rise to a high point in the class of $10 to $11.99 a week workers, which includes the minimum protocol rate of $10, the ! percentage of those getting the minimum rate being higher in the lower-grade shops than in the higher-grade. Above this rate, the group percentages in the high-grade shops are in each case higher than those in the lower-grade shops, while in the group below $9 a week the reverse is true. Comparison of wages in 1912 and 1913. A glance at Table 54 and Chart 12 will show a uniform improvement in the earnings of examiners which has taken place since the protocol went into effect. Although during both years the $10 to $11.99 group forms the highest peak, it does not rise as high in 1912 as in 1913. The 1913 percentages are higher than the 1912 at all points representing wages of $10 and over, while the reverse is true for wages below $10. The greatest rise, however, occurred in the $10 to $11.99 group containing the rate fixed by the protocol ($10), and a corresponding decline occurred in the two groups from $8 to $9.99 a week. The percentage of those receiving $10 a week and over increased from less than 58 in 1912 to over 70 in 1913 and correspondingly declined in the case of those receiving under $10 a week. TABLE 54. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EXAMINERS, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified ratos of wages per week. Association A. Nonassor-iation A. Association B. Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under S3 $3 to S3 99 1 4 8 19 41 30 39 146 66 23 1 1 4 11 22 49 53 95 298 140 92 14 8 3 $4 to 4 99 5 4 9 22 38 39 79 38 15 1 1 3 4 7 14 32 37 74 56 35 6 1 8 10 19 39 77 90 172 99 52 8 2 $5 to $5 99 2 2 3 7 13 15 3 2 2 2 2 9 10 32 12 5 2 1 1 6 14 42 110 68 61 11 8 1 $6 to $6 99 1 $7 to 7 99 $8 to S8 99 $9toS9.99 $10toS11.99 $12 to SI3.99. 1 4 2 4 10 4 3 $14 to 815.99... $16 toS17 99 $18 to $19 99 $20 to $22.49... $2 9 50 to $4 99 2 $25 to $27 49 $27 50 to $29 99 $30 and over Total 251 370 48 76 269 323 8 21 576 3790 1 Percentages for nonrv>sociation B shops not computed on account of small number of employees. 8 Not including 64 females for whom weekly rates could not be ascertained. 3 Not including 52 females and 10 males for whom weekly rates could not be ascertained. 126 BULLETIN OF THE BUEEAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 54. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EXAMINERS, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIV- ING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS Concluded . PER CENT. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociati'on B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 $3 to $3 99 0.3 0. 1. 2. 6. 6. 12. 37. 17. 11. 1. 1. $4 to $4.99 $5 to $5 99 2.0 1.6 3.6 8.9 15.1 15.5 31.4 15.1 6.0 .4 .4 1.1 2.2 5.1 11.1 8.1 10.5 39.5 15.1 6.2 .3 L"i- 1.4 1.7 3.3 6.8 13.4 15.6 29.9 17.0 9.0 1.4 .3 4.2 4.2 6.2 14.6 27.1 31.2 6.2 4.2 2.1 2.6 2.6 2.6 11.8 13.2 42.1 15.8 6.6 2.6 1.5 2.6 5.2 12.0 13.7 27.5 20.8 13.0 2.2 .4 0.3 .3 1.9 4.3 13.0 34.1 21.0 18.9 3.4 2.5 3 $6 to $6 99 $7 to $7 99 $8 to $8 99 $9 to $9 99 $10 to $11 99 $12 to $13 99 $14 to $15.99 $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19 99 $20 to $22 49 5 $22 50 to 824 99 $25 to $27 49 $27 50 to $29.99 . ... $30 and over Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ICO. SUMMARY OF PERCENTAGES. Under $10. 46.7 38.4 36.1 19.8 42.2 29. $10 to $11 99 31.4 39.5 27.5 34.1 29.9 37. $12 and over 21.9 22.1 36.4 46.1 28.0 32. Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 100 FINISHERS. The protocol distinguishes between two kinds of finishers -dress- maker finishers and plain finishers. For the former, a weekly rate of not less than $8 a week is provided; for the latter, piece rates are established with a provision as to the minimum earnings of $8 a week if the worker is retained after one week's trial. Finishers do most of the sewing that has to be done by hand The plain finishers sew on hooks and eyes, buttons, belts; they baste the bottoms of skirts, etc. Any girl who can use a needle can be put to work as a finisher. Dressmaker finishers are employee on the higher grade of dresses. In addition to doing the same work as the plain finishers, they do the other work that has to be done by hand on higher-grade dresses, such as sewing on the trimmings ornaments, sashes, rosettes, bows, ties, etc. This class of finishers is obtained from among plain finishers and dressmakers who have previously worked in custom dressmaking establishments in this country or abroad. SEX. Only women are employed as finishers. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DKESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 127 WAGES. For 1913 5,363 finishers were reported (Table 11), while for 1912 records were obtained for only 4,352. Of those employed in 1913, 3,334, or 62 per cent, worked by the week and 2,029, or 38 per cent, worked by the piece. That is to say, only a little over one- third were pieceworkers. Wages of week workers. Of the 3,249 finishers working by the V 138 BULLETIN OF THE BUEEAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. earning less than $18 a week. The changes in the earnings of men pieceworkers show the same tendency, though not with the uniformity as among the women ironers. The only exception to this uniform decline in the proportion those earning less than $18 a week is in the case of those earning $8 and less than $9, the proportion of whom increased from 2.3 per cent in 1912 to 3.1 per cent in 1913 (representing 6 persons in 1912 and 6 in 1913), the proportion of those who earned $10 and less than $12 a week remaining practically the same, namely, 14.5 per cent in 1912 and 13.4 per cent in 1913 (38 workers in 1912 and only 26 in 1913). This is also true of those earning $16 and less than $18 a week, who constituted 13.5 per cent in 1912 and nearly 13 per cent in 1913 (35 workers in 1912 and only 25 in 1913). On the other hand, the proportion of those receiving $18 a week and more increased from less than 19 per cent in 1912 to over 33 per cent in 1913. The inference from this would be that like the] week rates, the piecework earnings have advanced since the adop-< tion of the protocol. Further details as to the changes in the rates of wages of week workers and earnings of pieceworkers among ironers and pressers, both women and men, in each of the four branches of the industry will be found in Tables 57, 58, 59, and 60, which follow: TABLE 57. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF IRONERS, FEMALE, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIV- ING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OP SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A.i Association B. Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under 83... $3 to $3.99 2 1 6 13 13 18 23 39 22 14 1 1 3 1 8 17 21 32 37 73 54 25 4 "~4 5 16 19 27 46 81 115 50 17 5 2 $4 to $4.99 4 2 11 14 17 27 50 77 24 9 2 1 $5 to $S.99. . . 2 4 8 13 12 32 32 11 3 3 4 5 9 17 28 31 25 8 2 1 $6 to $6.99... 1 $7 to $7.99 $8 to $3.99 1 1 1 $9 to $9.99 2 3 2 1 2 $10 to $11.99 $12 to $13.99 5 1 $14 to $15.99 $16 to $17.99 $18toS19.99 1 $20 to $22.49 Total 152 238 2 8 118 133 3 . 8 275 3387 1 Percentages not computed on account of small number of employees. 2 Not including 30 for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. Not including 20 for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 139 TABLE 57. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF IRONERS, FEMALE, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIV- ING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS Concluded. PER CENT. Classified rates of - wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B . Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 $3 to S3 99 1 3 0.8 1.1 .4 2.9 6.2 7.6 11.6 13.5 26.5 19.6 9.1 1.5 J4 to S4 99 .7 3.9 8.6 8.6 11.8 15.1 25.7 14.5 9.2 .7 1.7 .8 4.6 6.9 7.1 11.3 21.0 32.4 10.1 3.8 .8 1.0 1.3 4.1 4.9 7.0 11.9 20.9 29.7 12.9 4.4 1.3 .5 $5 to $5 99 1.7 3.4 6.8 11.0 10.2 27.1 27.1 9.3 2.5 2.3 3.0 3.8 6.8 12.8 21.1 23.3 18.8 6.0 1.5 .8 $6 to S6 99 .... $7 to 37 99 $8 to 88 99 $9 to 8 99 $10 to 11 99 $12 to S13 99 $14 to 815 99 $16 to $17 99 $18 to 819 99 $20 to $22 49 .4 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 SUMMARY OF PERCENTAGES. Under 12 75.7 52.5 61.0 49.6 69 8 51 2 $12 to S13 99 14.5 32.4 27.1 23.3 19.6 29 7 $14 and over 9.9 15.1 11.9 27.1 10 5 19 1 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 o TABLE 58. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF PRESSERS AND IRONERS, MALE, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A.i Association B. Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 J912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 1 1 1 $3 to $3 99 1 1 1 $4 to 84 99 $5 to $5 99 1 5 2 8 6 10 22 20 13 18 5 3 2 2 3 7 2 10 8 17 40 34 37 28 9 3 1 $6 to 86 99 5 11 9 4 17 24 38 28 18 45 7 5 1 1 1 2 6 14 12 5 26 44 59 56 30 76 10 7 1 5 |7 to S7 99 1 1 1 3 7 3 9 6 11 1 1 $8 to $3 99 2 2 4 11 11 16 8 2 $9 to SO 99 $10 to Sll 99 3 5 3 6 1 1 5 12 "17 17 4 18 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 $12 to 813 99 2 $14 to 815 99 $16 to 817.99 .... 2 1 1 $18 to 819 99 820 to?22.49 $22.50 to $24.99 $25 to 827 49 $27 50 to $29 99 6 2 5 3 11 Total 120 214 20 43 66 85 6 10 2212 *352 1 Percentages not computed on account of small number of employees. 2 Not including 1 for whom earnings but not weekly rate of wages could be ascertained. 8 Not including 3 for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. 140 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 58. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF PRESSERS AND IRONERS, MALE, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS Concluded. PER CENT. Classified rates of wages per week. Association A. Nonassociation A. Association B, Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 0.5 .5 $3 to $3 99 1.5 1.2 0.3 $4 to $4.99 $5 to $5 99 0.8 4.2 1.7 6.7 5.0 8.3 18.3 16.7 10.8 15.0 4.2 2.5 .8 3.0 3.0 1 4 $6 to $6 99 2.3 5.1 4.2 1.9 8.0 11.2 17.8 13.1 8.4 21.0 3.3 2.3 .5 1.2 3.3 1.0 4.7 3.8 8.0 18.9 16.0 17.4 13.2 4.2 1.4 .5 1.7 4.0 3.4 1.4 7.4 12.5 16.8 15.9 8.5 21.6 2.8 2.0 .3 1.4 $7 to $7.99 1.2 $8 to $8 99 3.0 3.0 6.1 16.7 16.7 24.3 12.1 3.0 2.3 $9 to $9.99 $10 to $11 99 6.0 14.1 20.0 20.0 4.7 21.2 2.3 2.3 $12 to $13 99 $14 to $15 99 ... $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19.99 $20 to $22 49 $22 50 to $24.99 $25 to $27 49 $27 50 to $29.99 $30 and over 5.0 .9 7.6 3.5 5.2 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 TABLE 59. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF IRONERS, FEMALE, PIECEWORKERS, EARN- . ING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. NUMBER. Classified earnings per week. Association A. Nonassociation A.i Association B. Nonassociation B.i Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Undpr $3 5 4 2 3 4 2 9 4 4 8 11 10 6 29 38 28 31 35 14 20 10 2 3 7 $3 to $3.99 $4 to $4.99. . . . 3 6 11 6 5 13 31 18 20 23 8 19 10 1 2 1 1 4 5 13 18 11 12 12 11 13 15 5 6 1 2 1 1 5 6 17 26 18 22 25 17 17 18 5 7 H| $5 to $5.99... 2 $6 to $6.99 $7 to $7.99 4 1 15 7 8 11 12 . 6 1 1 2 8 7 6 11 5 4 2 $8 to $8.99 $9 to $9.99 1 1 1 $10 to $11.99 $12 to $13.99. .. 2 $14 to $15.99. . . 2 1 1 2 1 $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19.99,... $20 to $22.49. . $22.50 to $24.99.... $25 to $27.49. . . 1 1 3 $27.50 to $29.99...... 1 $30 and over 1 Total 183 131 1 10 76 50 2 4 2262 3195 1 Percentage not computed on account of small number of employees. * Including 30 week workerafor whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. 8 Including 20 week workers for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 141 TABLE 59. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF IRONERS, FEMALE, PIECEWORKERS, EARN- ING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT, DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS-Concluded. PER CENT. Classified earnings per week. Association A . Nonassociation A. Association B. Nonassociation B. Total. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under $3 . 2.7 2.2 1.6 1.5 5.3 4.0 3.4 1 5 3.6 $3 to $3 99 $4 to $4. 99 1.5 1.3 1.5 3.1 4.2 3.8 2.3 11.1 14.5 10.7 11.8 13.5 5.3 7.6 3.8 .8 1.1 1.0 .5 .5 2.6 3.1 8.7 13.4 9.2 11.3 12.8 8.7 8.7 9.2 2.6 3.6 .5 $5 to So. 99 3.3 6.0 3.3 2.7 7.1 17.0 9.8 10.9 12.6 4.4 10.4 5.5 .5 .8 .8 3.1 3.8 ' 9.9 13.7 8.4 9.2 9.2 8.4 9.8 11.5 3.8 4.6 2.6 $6 to $6 99 $7 to $7.99 5.3 1.3 19 8 2.0 2.0 4 18 to 88 99 $9 to 89 99 $10 to 11.99 9.2 10.5 14.5 15.8 7.9 1.3 16.0 14.0 12.0 22.0 10.0 8.0 4.0 $12 to S13 99 $14 to $15.99 $16 to SI 7.99. $18 to $19 99 $20 to $22. 49 $22 50 to $24.99 . $25to27.49 827.50 to $29.99 1 3 3.9 $30 and over 2.0 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 TABLE 6O.-NUMBER AND PER CENT OF PRESSERS AND IRONERS, MALE, PIECE T ' WORKERS, EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, 1912 AND 1913, BY CLASS OF SHOPS. Classified earnings per week. Association A. Nonassocia- tion A. Association B. Nonassocia- tion B. Total. Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under S3. . . 1 1 1 1 1.5 0.5 $3 to S3.99 $4 to $4 99 2 3 1 1 3 1.6 2.2 .5 3.2 3.2 1.6 3.8 9.2 8.0 8.6 8.6 15.7 3.8 7.6 4.9 16.8 $5 to $5. 99 1 1 2 4 1 6 6 3 1.5 1.5 3.0 1.5 $6 to 36.99 1 2 1 1 2 5 $7 to $7 99 4 1 1 3 3 5 6 5 15 3 5 5 13 $8 to S3 99 $9 to S9 99 2 $10 to $11 99 2 5 3 4 3 9 "~2~ 3 ""3" 2 1 2 2 3 12 5 7 9 4 2 8 3 16 2 4 3 2 7 2 2 9 " 8 5 4 13 5 4 5 6 7 17 15 16 16 29 7 14 9 31 3.0 13.4 12.0 7.4 6.0 19.4 7.4 6.0 7.4 9.0 $12 to S13 99 2 2 $14 to $15.99 1 $16 to $17 99 . 1 $18 to $19 99 $20 to $22 49 "1 2 3 ..... 1 2 $22.50 to $24 99 1 $25 to $27.49 $27.50 to $29.99 $30 a iid o^ 7 e^ 3 1 4 1 1 1 Total 39 74 15 80 9 21 4 10 167 2185 100.0 100.0 1 Including- 1 week worker for whom earnings but not weekly rate of wages could be ascertained. 2 Including 3 week workers for whom earnings but not weekly rates of wages could be ascertained. JOINERS. In the dress and waist industry there are two classes of workers known under the name of joiners. One is the class of operators who join the waist to the skirt and stitch the belt over the two on the 142 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. sewing machine. The other class of workers known as joiners is but one degree removed from that of drapers. Their work consists in joining the waist, skirt, and belt together on the figure by means of pins. They are not supposed to do any draping beyond seeing that the skirt hangs right from the waist and that the waist is properly pinned to the skirt so as to fit the figure uniformly. The source of supply of joiners is dressmakers and examinei After joiners have attained sufficient skill through experience, th< are graduated into the class of drapers and high-grade examiners. SEX. Only women are employed as joiners on figures. Machine or ope ator joiners are, as a rule, women, though a few men are found among this class of workers. It was impossible to ascertain from the pay rolls whether the joiners mentioned there were of one or the other class. The overwhelming majority of them, however, are undoubtedly of the class who work on figures, though a few may be operators. This may account for the presence of 11 men among the total of 207 joiners in 1913, for whom information was secured. WAGES. Most joiners are paid by the week, the minimum weekly rate of wages under the protocol being $12. As will be seen from Table 11, out of 207 joiners for whom wages were obtained, only 12 were found to be working by the piece. The 207 joiners were distributed as follows among three of the branches of the industry: Association A (lower-grade garments), 113; association B (higher-grade garments), 56; nonassociation A, 38. The numbers are too small to permit of analysis of the percentage of workers receiving various rates of wages in the different branches of the industry. Of the 166 women joiners (Table 61) whose weekly rates were obtained, 74, or nearly 45 per cent, were in the group in-, eluding the minimum protocol rate of $12 a week; 14, or over 8 per cent of the total, received more than the protocol rate, so that the proportion of those receiving the. protocol rate and over was 53 per cent, or more than one-half of the total. Wages in 1912 and 1913. Comparing the wages of joiners working by the week in 1912 and 1913, a general reduction is found in the pro- portion of workers receiving the lower rates of wages and an increase among those receiving the higher rates. Thus, the number of female workers receiving less than the protocol rate of $12 a week declined from nearly 56 per cent in 1912 to 47 per cent in 1913. Those in the group receiving the minimum protocol rate increased from over 39 per cent to nearly 45 per cent; those receiving $14 or more in- WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 143 creased from less than 5 per cent to over 8 per cent, so that the pro- portion of joiners receiving $12 and over was 53 per cent in 1913 as against more than 44 per cent in 1912. Table 61, which follows, ; shows the number of joiners receiving each classified rate, and Chart 16 presents the figures in graphic form. . TABLE 61. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF JOINERS, WEEK WORKERS,! RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY SEX. Classified rates of wages per week, and classes of shops. Female. Male. Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 16 to SS.99 6 6 3 11 8 24 3 16 6 16 14 26 74 13 1 9.8 9.8 4.9 18.1 13.1 39.4 4.9 9.6 3.6 9.6 8.4 15.8 44.6 7.8 .6 $7 to 7 99 $8toS3.99... . 1 $9 to S9.99 $10 to 11 99 2 1 1 1 1 $12 to 813. 99 2 $14 to $15 99 $16 to $17 99 $18 to $19.99 Total 261 3166 100.0 100.0 2 7 Association A Workers in specified classes of shops. 30 30 1 79 54 33 1 2 4 Association B . . . . Nonassociation A 2 1 In addition to the week workers shown in this table there were 2 pieceworkers, female, in 1912, and 8 in 1913, and 3 pieceworkers, male, in 1912 and 4 in 1913. 8 Not including 1 for whom weekly rate of wages could not be ascertained. Not including 22 for whom weekly rates of wages could not be ascertained. MARKERS. Markers are usually young girls who mark with a pencil the spot opposite the buttonhole where the button is to be sewed on the waist. There is no skill required for this work and any young beginner who comes into the factory may be put to mark buttons. As will be seen from Table 8, only 18 markers were found on the pay rolls of the 520 shops during the year 1913. Of these, 15 were girls and 3 were boys. There were, no doubt, a great many more markers in the industry, but in all probability they were entered on the pay rolls as cleaners. This is quite natural, since a girl will be put either on cleaning work or marking, according to the needs of the shop. As will be seen from Table 62, the lowest wage which markers received in 1913 was $5 to $5.99 a week, as against $4 to $4.99 in 1912. Altogether there were only 3 markers receiving less than $6 a week during 1913, while 4 received $10 a week or more, the remainder re- 144 BULLETIN OF THE BUEEAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. ceiving $6 and less than $10 a week. Nine out of 18, or exactly one-half, received $6 and less than $8 a week. CHART 16. PER CENT OF JOINERS, FEMALE (WEEK WORKERS), RECEIV- ING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913. sol 50% 45 35 30 25 Weekly Rates of Waes of Joiners. 1912 75/3 35 30 25 20 \/ 0% $6 $0 $9 $10 $12 $18 TABTJS 62. MARKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK 1912 AND 1913, BY SEX. Classified rates of wages per week, and classes of shops. Femal.es. Males. 1912 1913 1912 1913 $4 to S4.99 . 2 1 2 1 $5 to $5 99 2 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 $6 to $6.99 $7 to $7.99... . $8 to $8.99. . . . $9 to $9.99 ' 1 $10 to $11.99 2 $12 to $13.99. Total 7 15 3 Association A Workers in specified classes of shops. 6 1 12 1 2 3 Association B Nonassociation A WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 145 SLOPERS. Slopers are assistant cutters, whose work is described under the heading cutters (see, especially, that part entitled "The apprenticing of a cutter," "sloping," and "sex"). The wages of slopers, so far as they have been found designated as such on the pay rolls, are given in Table 63. TABLE 63. SLOPERS, WEEK WORKERS, RECEIVING EACH CLASSIFIED RATE OF WAGES PER WEEK, 1912 AND 1913, BY SEX. Classified rates of wages per week, and classes of shops. Females. Males. 1912 1913 1912 1913 $6 to $6 99 1 $7 to $7.99 1 1 $8 to $8. 99 . ... 1 4 2 59 to $9 99 1 3 ..... 110 to $11.99 2 3 4 1 3 $12 to $13.99 8 2 $14 to $15 99 $16 to $17 99 $1 to $19 99 ... . Total 9 6 11 13 Association -V Workers in specified classes of shops. 4 5 2 8 1 11 1 Association IJ . ... 6 Nonassociation A SUBCONTRACTING AND PARTNERSHIPS. Article XV of the protocol reads as follows: "All inside subcon- tracting shall be abolished." No definition of subcontracting is given in the protocol. Subcontracting is practiced, as a rule, in shops in which workers are paid on a piece basis. Manufacturers find it to their advantage in certain cases to allow their skilled workers, mostly operators, to employ assistants who are directly responsible to these workers and who receive their wages from them. These assistants receive no official recognition from the manufacturer and are not carried on the pay roll of the factory. They receive their pay from the workers, who employ them either on a weekly basis or on a basis of a percentage of the earnings of their employer. The latter method is used only when a worker employs but one assistant of sufficient skill to be acceptable as a partner, though not necessarily an equal partner. The term subcontracting does not apply to partnerships, by which are meant combinations of two workers of practically the same skill who divide their earnings equally, or nearly so. 42132 Bull. 14614 10 146 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. ADVANTAGES OF SUBCONTRACTING TO MANUFACTURERS. The advantages of subcontracting to manufacturers who maintaii such a system in their shops are as follows : 1. It reduces the work of supervision to a minimum; it is easi< to run a factory with, say, one hundred operators of whom ten or dozen are subcontractors and the remaining number working for th( subcontractors than it is to have a factory of the same size where eacl worker is subject to the direct supervision of the manufacturer. L the former case, he practically has 10 foremen who receive no wages f( this work of supervision and are at the same time responsible for the work of their respective teams or "sets, " as they are generally calle< in the dress and waist industry. 2. It does away with the necessity of hiring assistant foremen forewomen for the instruction of new and inexperienced help. 3. There is a further saving in the clerical work in the shop and i] the office. Instead of distributing work among a hundred worke] and keeping track of them in order to keep them busy, the work is now given out to only 10 people, leaving it to them to look out foi the rest. This not only means less distributive handling of the worl by the supervisory and clerical force of the establishment, but saves loss of time on the part of the individual workers in the intei vals when they have completed their tasks and are waiting for work, and to that extent it is a saving to the manufacturer in number of hours his plant is partly or wholly idle. This loss of time is common in all shops to a greater or less extent. 4. The problem of securing help during the height of the seasoi is greatly simplified. During this period there is great rivalry a manufacturers to secure necessary help, causing much annoyance and a great deal of lost effort on the part of the management. Undei the subcontracting system, the subcontractors attend to the hiriru of their own help, and as they are workmen themselves and mingL with the working people, they secure their assistants more readily than the manufacturer. Frequently they enroll their relatives an< personal friends and thereby secure more personal loyalty and steadi- ness in employment among their assistants than is possible for th( manufacturer. 5. In a large number of cases, the subcontractors attend to th* repair of the machines used by their help and thereby save the manu- facturer the cost of employing machinists or of taking the time of th< foreman for that purpose. 6. Subcontracting secures a maximum of output from each worker. As their own earnings depend directly upon the output of their sistants, it is to the interest of the subcontractors to get the greatesl possible output out of them. This is done in a number of ways; (a) Extreme subdivision of labor is introduced, each worker in tl set doing only a small part of the work in which he quickly special- WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 147 izes and attains great speed. (&) Under this system, the subcon- tractor, who is himself a skillful and very rapid worker, sets the pace for his assistants, who must keep up with him in order to keep him supplied with the parts which he needs for his work, (c) This system coupled with the fact that the assistants in the sets are working under the very eye of their employer, who is constantly with them, insures an application to their tasks and intensity of labor such as can not be secured under any other system, (d) The advantages set forth above result in so great an output per worker that it enables the manufacturer to reduce gradually the piece rate per garment. As the assistants employed by the subcontractors are paid by the week, they are not concerned in this matter, so that the manufacturer meets only with the resistance of the few subcontractors, if there be any 1 resistance at all, instead of the workers of the entire shop. On then- part, the subcontractors are not greatly inclined to resist such reduc- tions of pay, expecting to be able to make up for the loss by further speeding up their help and by introducing new devices for increasing the output. 7. The system of subcontracting results in an indirect saving, inasmuch as it does away with the necessity of paying a higher rate for overtime and of paying wages to week workers for certain holidays, since these provisions of the protocol, which are generally enforced with regard to wesk workers employed directly by the manufacturers, have not been enforced in the case of employees of subcontractors. 8. The great increase in output secured from each machine under the subcontracting system results in further savings to the manu- facturer, inasmuch as the overhead expenses per garment are greatly reduced thereby first, through the saving in the supervisory and clerical force already mentioned ; and, secondly, through the fact that the total overhead expense, such as rent, power, wear and tear of machinery, office expense, etc., is now distributed over a much larger number of garments than would otherwise be possible. DISADVANTAGES OF SUBCONTRACTING. Such were the advantages, from the point of view of the manu- facturer, which were responsible for the existence and spread of the subcontracting system. On the other hand, it was but natural that the workers should find it objectionable, since the speeding up was frequently carried to a point that injured their health. Through the extreme subdivision of labor which this system always carried with it, it also reduced the opportunity for the workers of learning the trade sufficiently to enable them to be graduated into shops manufacturing a better grade of garments, and thus made it impossible for them to work up to a higher standard of wages. The workers were not the only ones injured by the subcontracting system. The general interests of the industry as a whole were like- wise injured, for the system prevented the new recruits in the indus- try from becoming skilled operators, without a sufficient supply of 148 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. which the industry in New York can not retain its commanding posi- tion in the growing market of ready-made high-grade and medium- grade women's dresses and waists. The fact that 85 per cent of the operators are women, most of them young, a very large portion oi whom (roughly estimated by those in the industry to amount to om fifth of the total) marry each year and leave the industry, calls for constant recruiting of new workers who must be taught the trade oi dressmaking as it is carried on in the shops. This may have fui nished one of the reasons which prompted the association to agn to the demand of the union in incorporating article 15 in the protocol calling for the abolition of all inside subcontracting. DECLINE OF SUBCONTRACTING. One of the objects of the present investigation was to ascertain the extent to which subcontracting has been abolished or reduced. The only source of information was furnished by the pay rolls in the shops investigated. The task, however, proved much more difficult than was at first anticipated. The difficulty arises from the fact that there is nothing on the pay rolls to indicate whether a worker has earned the amount he is credited with by his own efforts or with the assist- ance of others. The only guide in this matter is the amount of the worker's earnings. When a worker appeared on the pay roll with weekly earnings of $50 or $100 or more, such a figure at once attracted the attention of the investigator and inquiries were made as to whether the worker is an employer of additional labor. It happens, however, especially at times when work is more or less slack, that the combined earnings of a worker and his assistant may be below $25 or, in some instances, even below $20, and thus fail to attract any attention. The agents of the board were instructed to inquire of the manufacturer or his representative as to whether a worker had assist- ants, in all cases where the weekly earnings exceeded $20. Supplementary inquiries, which were made after the figures for the industry were tabulated, disclosed the fact that, in some cases, cor- rect information was not obtained, so that some of the individual earnings of $20 a week and over appearing in the tables as earnings of individual workers may in reality represent the earnings of two partners or of a worker with one or more assistants. The figures relating to subcontracting are summed up in Tables 64, 65, and 66, which are presented in the following pages. Table 64 gives the number of sets found working in 1912 and 19] 3, tabulated according to the occupation of the workers and the number of workers in each set, both for the industry as a whole and for the association and the nonassociation shops separately. Table 05 shows the num- ber of individual workers employed hi the s^ts tabulated by sex, so far as known. Table 66 gives the earnings of vh-^se sets in the busiest week of 1912 and of 1913, arranged according to occupation, extent of earnings, and character of shop. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IX DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 149 SIZE OF SETS. The " sets'' may bo of three kinds: First, partnerships, pure and simple, consisting of two workers dividing their earnings according to their respective skill; second, two partners employing one or more assistants; third, one worker employing one or more assistants. In all cases of sets an effort was made to ascertain the exact number of people employed in the set., but as the assistants are seldom entered on the pay rolls, it was not always possible to obtain the information. TABLE 64.- NUMBER AND COMPOSITION OF PARTNERSHIPS AND SETS IN VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS IN ASSOCIATION AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS. Occupation and year. Association shops. Nonassociation shops. Sets or teams having each specified number of persons. Sets or teams having each specified num- ber of persons. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 14 15 17 is 20 35 -In To- tal. 2 3 4 5 3 7 8 To- tal. 2 3 Buttonhole makers: Sets or teams 1912 1913.... Cleaners: Sets or teams 1912 6 7 2 1 8 8 1 t c .... -- 1913 9 r Closers and hemmers: Sets or teams 1912 4 4 1913 6 3 q Drapers: Sets or teams 1912 1 1 ^ 1 1 1913 1 1 Finishers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 19 12 1 1 21 12 1 I 1( ] a 7 12 Embroiderers: 1 1913 1 1 Joiners: 1 24 37 Ironers and pressers: Sets or teams 1912 1913.... Lace runners: Sets or teams 1912 18 19 8 9 6 3 4 2 1 1 39 32 13 24 8 11 "i 2 1 'i 1913 2 2 Operators N. S.: Sets or teams 1912 1913 Body makers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 Skirt makers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 124 242 '.0 68 15 22 33 17 5 5 2 10 4 3 2 1 4 1 i 1 1 2 .- -. i 1 1 1 181 268 26 75 24 26 22 21 <> 45 112 1 20 5 8 1 3 8 8 ""2 i i "i 2 i "i I 1 - -- 57 123 1 21 5 12 1 3 1 1 ^ 1 3 1 1 1 Dressmakers: Sets or teams 1912 1913.... Sleeve makers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 17 18 2 6 1 2 2 1 i 1 1 1 1 ? 8 1 1 1 7 Sleeve setters: Sets or teams 1912 1913.... Sample makers: 3 7 1 2 4 1 9 6 1 - -- -- .... ii 1 Trimmers: Sets or teams 1912 1913.... Tuckers: Sets or teams 1912 1913.... Total: - Sets or teams 1912 1913 5 8 8 238 427 4 4 2 1 20 16 3 1 1 1 1 2 "i -- 5 20 17 357 500 2 3 73 190 1 - 1 1 1 4 4 103 224 59 41 15 4 9 8 I < 3 2 _ , 1 2 "i 2 1 i i 1 1 1 1 18 27 3 3 i '2 3 1 1 150 BULLETIN OF THE BUKEAU OF LABOE STATISTICS. TABLE 64. NUMBER AND COMPOSITION OF PARTNERSHIPS AND SETS IN VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS IN ASSOCIATION AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS Concluded. Occupation and year. Total. Earnings (num- ber of persons in sets unknown). Sets or teams having each specified number of persons. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , y 15 17 IS . 35 15 No. unkn. To- tal. Lowest. High- est. Buttonhole makers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 Cleaners: Sets or teams 1912 . . 8 10 1 1 2 12 11 $55.22 $69. 48 1 1913 ? f\ Closers and hemmers: Sets or teams 1912 4 1 5 q 23.79 1913 .. fi 1 Drapers: Sets or teams 1912 1 3 4 58.53 1913 3 1 Finishers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 Embroiderers: Sets or teams 1912 22 22 2 2 2 ? 2 30 ?4 44.65 360. 81 1 4 1 15 56.70 445. 12 126. 32 1913 1 Joiners: Sets or teams 1912.... 1913 1 1 Ironers and pressers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 Lace runners: Sets or teams 1912 31 43 16 20 6 4 6 2 1 2 4 67 1 4 73 42.93 81.17 1913 ? 9 Operators N. S.: Sets or teams 1912 1913 Body makers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 Skirt makers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 Dressmakers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 Sleeve makers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 Sleeve setters: Sets or teams 1912 1913 Sample makers: Sets or teams 1912 169 354 21 88 20 30 18 21 2 6 3 13 41 25 5 6 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 11 5 5 3 1 5 2 "i 1 1 2 -. -- 1 1 1 1 71 38 3 309 429 30 % 23.55 30.41 43.82 196.40 118.92 57.03 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 39 24 25 6 10 6 763.80 144.90 77.30 50.68 73.28 4.3. 31 i 1 1 1 1 ? 1 16 1913... 1 1 Trimmers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 <> 5 Tuckers: Sets or teams 1912 1913 Total: Sets or teams 1912 1913 10 11 311 617 5 5 68 2 1 23 19 3 1 2 1 2 5 2 29 23 42.35 56.20 126. 82 120.63 763.80 144.90 1 19 6 5 a 3 1 2 'i a i "i > 12 4 a ! 1 1 1 i 9 4S 556 772 23.55 30.41 1 Including 1 hemstitcher. In many cases, the number of people in a set tad to be estimated with the aid of the manufacturer or the bookkeeper on the basis of the earnings and his knowledge of the conditions prevailing in the shop. In a number of cases, however, no reliable estimate could be WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 151 made, and these sets are entered in Table 64 in the column headed ' ' Number unknown." As will be seen from the table, the number of such sets was 96 in 1912 and 48, or exactly one-half that number, in 1913. Of the 48 sets, 38 were " operators not specified," 4 were pressers and ironers, and the remainder were operators of various kin'ds, such as tuckers, sleeve makers, hemstitchers, etc. Some indication of the size of these sets may be obtained from their earnings, which are given in Table 66. As will be seen from Table 64, the total number of sets in the industry increased from 556 in 1912 to 772 in 1913. These two numbers would seem to imply that not only has the provision of the protocol for the abolition of subcontracting failed to be carried out, but the evil has grown in extent. As a matter of fact such is not the case. An examination of the figures in Table 64 will dis- close the fact that the increase occurred almost entirely in the num- ber of sets consisting of two workers, while the number of sets con- sisting of three workers or more has been reduced. Thus, in the association shops there were 238 sets of two workers each in 1912 and 427 in 1913. In the nonassociation shops the number of those sets was 73 in 1912, and 190 in 1913. On the other hand, the num- ber of sets of three or more was reduced from 149 in 1912 to 107 in 1913. When each group of sets is taken up separately, it will be found that the larger the number of workers in the group the greater, as a rule, has been the decline in the number of such sets. Thus, taking the association shops for an illustration, the number of sets consisting of three persons was reduced from 59 in 1912 to 41 in 1913; sets consisting of 4 each numbered 20 in 1912, and 16 in 1913; those consisting of 5 each numbered 15 in 1912, and 4 in 1913; those con- sisting of 6 each numbered 9 in 1912, and 3 in 1913, etc. The increase in the number of sets consisting of two persons is explained by the following situation: After the adoption of the pro- tocol it was found in a great many cases that not only was it not prac- ticable to do away with the "sets," but permission had to be given for the introduction of the system of operators with assistants in shops where it had not prevailed before. This happened in shops in which the piecework system was for the first time introduced to take the place of week work which had prevailed before the signing of the protocol. In these shops generally the system of extreme sub- division of labor prevailed, known as the "section" system. The introduction of the piecework system was accompanied by the doing jaway with section work, most of the work being done henceforth by the body makers, and only certain parts, which represented distinct occupations, being left to separate workers, such as sleeve setting, 152 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. tucking, buttonhole making, etc. The sudden introduction of the new system threatened many of the less skilled operators, who had been accustomed to section work, with the loss of their positions, since they were unable to do "body making." To prevent this hardship to many workers and to enable the manufacturer at the same time to train his employees gradually to the new system, the union officials joined the officials of the association in granting per- mission in such instances for the temporary introduction of the subcontracting system, under which the less skilled workers were enabled to remain in those factories as assistants to skilled operators? receiving their pay from these operators. Under this arrangement, the boss of the "set" becomes the instructor of his employees and derives his compensation for the services thus performed in the profit he makes on the work of his assistants. Looking at the figures in Table 64 for 1913, it will be observed that by far the largest number of sets occurs in the occupation of "opera- tors not specified" in which there were 268 in the association shops and 123 in the nonassociation shops. If to these be added the sets entered under "buttonhole makers," "closers and hemmers," "lace runners," "skirt operators," "waist operators," "dress operators," "sample makers," "sleeve makers," "sleeve setters," "trimmers," and "tuckers," all of whom are operators in the sense of operating sewing machines, it will be found that the combined occupation of operators totaled 666 sets. The other sets were distributed among the following occupations: "Ironers and pressers," of whom there were 32 sets in the association shops and 37 in the nonassociation shops in 1913, as compared with 39 and 24, respectively, in 1912; "finishers," of whom there were 12 sets in the association shops, all consisting of two workers each, and in the nonassociation shops 12 sets, of which 10 consisted of two workers each and 2 of three workers each. Those interested in further details as to the distribution of sets by occupations and by the number of people in a set are referred to Table 64. SEX OF WORKERS IN SETS. Table 65, which follows, gives the sex of the workers employed in s.'ts, so far as it could be ascertained. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 15$ TABLE 65 SEX OF EMPLOYEES WORKING IN PARTNERSHIPS AND 'SETS. Occupation and year. Association shops. Nonassociation shops. Total. Number of persons. Num- )er of sets. Number of persons. Num- ber of sets. Number of persons. Num- ber of sets. M. F. Sex un- known. To- tal. M. \ F. Sex un- Imown. To- tal. M. F. Sex un- known. To- tal. Buttonhole mak- ers: 1912 1913 10 8 .... 1 4 8 8 1 18 17 2 4 8 24 2 10 45 24 15 14 8 8 1 2 4 9 1 4 21 12 1 1 .... I 4 6 2 3 12 12 .... 1 4 10 10 1 22 23 2 4 8 24 4 10 70 50 15 14 10 11 1 2 4 9 2 4 28 24 1 1 Cleaners: 1912 1913 Closers and he m- iners: 1912 4 4 15 1 2 9 12 14 13 4 4 15 2 2 22 12 14 13 1913 gl 9 Drapers: .1912 1 35 12 1 1 ... 1 1 2 1 1 2 7 47 38 i i 1913 1 1 Finishers: 1912 ... 12 26 13 25 26 12 1913 Embroiderers: 1912 1913 Joiners: 1912 1913 ? 2 67 93 1 24 37 190 176 1 63 69 Ironers and press- ers: 1912 . . . 39 37 4 2 80 44 123 83 39 32 37 40 4 26 48 76 77 i 106 92 1913 L:e runners: 1912 1913 1 102 138 27 34 23 20 20 11 1 { 1 99 192 15 64 10 20 16 ( 369 252 18 72 51 35 26 60 1( 4 570 582 60 170 84 62 66 ' 77 16 22 ( 20 2 181 268 26 75 24 26 22 21 i { 1 145 228 28 46 27 36 20 12 | 1^ i 146 289 16 80 11 21 18 2 6 fi 6 413 328 18 87 56 50 1 9 12 j 15 704 845 62 213 94 93 68 83 16 25 13 35 2 238 391 27 % 29 38 23 24 5 9 5 16 Operators, not specified: 1912 43 90 1 12 4 16 ..... 47 97 1 16 1 1 44 76 134 263 ' If 10 31 j . 6 57 123 21 12 1913 Body makers: 1912 1913 15 I 15 1 3 Skirt makers: 1912 1913 Dressmakers : 1912 1913 Sleeve makers: 1912 1913 1 -a 6 ] 2 3 ' 4 15 Bleeve setters: 1912 1913 ' \ Sample makers: 1912 1913 Trimmers: 1912 2 1913 Tuckers: 1912 1913 21 19 25 29c 28 48 34 10 T 81 1,09 1,20' 20 17 4 5 93 175 11 a 15 9 " < 25 24 348 470 J> 8 29 59 37 92 90 24 21 Total: 1912... 1913... 199 348 641 564 357 500 69 151 103 171 265 497 103 224 268 499 744 735 1.360 1,704 460 724 As will be seen from tlie figures for 1913, out of 1,704 persons known to have been employed in the sets, 470 were men and 499 were women, the sex of the remaining 735 workers, who numbered nearly one-half of the total, being unknown. The women are thus seen to be in a majority in spite of the fact that in most instances the heads 154 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. of sets are men. Were the sex of the remaining workers ascertainabl* there is no doubt that the women would have been found greatly outnumber the men. EARNINGS OF SETS. Table 66, which follows, shows the number of sets in the differei occupations earning certain amounts during the busiest week in 191! and in 1913, both in the association and the nonassociation shops. TABLE 66. NUMBER OF SETS IN VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS EARNING CLASSIFD AMOUNTS OF WAGES IN THE BUSIEST WEEK IN 1912 AND IN 1913 IN ASSOCIATIO1 AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS. ASSOCIATION SHOPS. Occupation and year. Un- der $20 $20 to $29 $30 to $39 $40 to $49 $50 to $59 $60 to $69 $70 to $79 $80 to $89 $90 to $99 $100 to $199 $200 to $299 $300 and over. Total. Buttonhole makers: Sets 1912 2 2 2 1 1 . 1913 1 4 2 i 8 Cleaners: gets 1912 1 1913 1 i 2 Closers and hemmers: Sets 1912 2 2 4 1913 1 2 2 3 1 9 Drapers: Sets 1912 1 , 1913 . . . 1 2 4 Finishers: Sets 1912 5 10 4 2 a 1913 1 10 i 1? Embroiderers: Sets 1912 1 , 1913 1 Joiners: Sets 1912 1913 Ironers and pressers: Sets 1912 1 2 4 4 5 3 5 5 9 1 m 1913 . . . 3 6 7 5 2 2 1 j 32 Lar? runners: Sets 1912 1913 2 2 Operators N. S.: Sets 1912 5 29 47 47 17 11 5 4 4 8 2 2 : 1913 8 45 89 70 29 13 5 2 7 268 Body makers: Sets 1912 2 4 10 5 3 1 1 1913 3 25 29 10 4 3 1 75 Skirt makers: Sets 1912 .. 3 g 4 1 1 1 2 4 2 I 1913 2 1 7 6 3 2 3 2 3 Dressmakers: Sets 1912 1_ 2 5 6 2 1 1 4 1913 3* 2 5 7 1 1 1 3 1 21 Sleeve makers: Sets 1912 2 1 1 5 1913 2 2 2 1 1 8 Sleeve setters: Sets 1912 1 1 4 1913 3 3 2 1 9 Sample makers: Sets 1912 1913 - . 1 1 Trimmers: Sets 1912 1913 1 4 Tuckers: Sets 1912 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 5 1 20 1913 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 17 Total: Sets 1912 . 1913. 15 21 53 91 83 154 75 115 34 50 22 29 15 9 12 7 8 6 32 14 6 1 2 3 "57 500 2 $537.92 and $644.87. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND' WAIST INDUSTRY. 155 TABLE 66. NUMBER OF SETS IN VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS EARNING CLASSIFIED AMOUNTS OF WAGES IN THE BUSIEST WEEK IN 1912 AND IN 1913 IN ASSOCIATION . AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS-Continued. NONASSOCIATION SHOPS. Occupation and year. Un- der $20 $20 to 829 $30 to $39 $40 to $49 $50 to $59 $60 to 569 870 to $79 $80 to $89 $90 to $99 $100 to $199 S200 to S299 S300 and over. Total. Buttonhole makers: g e t s 1912 1 2 1913 1 1 1 3 Cleaners: Sets 1912 1913 Closers and hemmers: Sets 1912 1913 Drapers: Sets 1912 l 1 1913 Finishers: gets 1912 1 2 2 1 7 1913 3 6 3 12 Embroiderers: Sets 1912 .. 1913 Joiners: Sets 1912 1913 1 1 Ironers and pressers: Sets 1912 2 6 4 3 2 1 2 1 3 24 1913 2 14 6 3 2 3 2 37 Lace runners: ' Sets 1912 1913 Operators N. S.: Sets 1912 5 12 23 7 5 1 1 3 57 1913 4 24 50 25 10 g 1 1 2 123 Body makers: g e t s 1912 1 1 1913 .. 1 8 5 1 21 Skirt makers: Sets 1912 1 1 1 2 5 1913. . 1 1 1 9 5 1 1 12 Dressmakers: g e t s 1912.. 1 1913 4 3 Sleeve makers: gets 1912 . 1913 1 1 Sleeve setters: gets 1912 1 1 1913 2 4 1 7 Sample makers: Sets 1912 1913 Trimmers: Sets 1912 1913 Tuckers: gets 1912 1. 1 1 1 4 1913 i 2 1 4 " Total: Sets 1912 19 33 14 13 4 3 n 2 7 103 1913. 8 45 83 37 22 15 4 1 4 4 1 224 TOTAL. Buttonhole makers; Sets 1912 2 2 3 1 1 1 10 1913 2 3 1 11 Cleaners: gets 1912 1 1 1913 1 1 2 Closers and hemmers: Sets 1912 2 2 4 1913 1 2 2 3 i 9 Drapers: Sets 1912 1 1 2 1913 . . . 1 2 1 4 156 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 66.-NUMBER OF SETS IN VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS EARNING CLASSIFIE1 AMOUNTS OF WAGES IN THE BUSIEST WEEK IN 1912 AND IN 1913 IN ASSOCIATIO] AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS Concluded. TOTAL Concluded . Occupation and year. Un- der $20 $20 to $29 $30 to $39 $40 to $49 $50 to $59 $00 to $69 $70 to $79 $80 to $89 $90 to $99 $100 to S199 $200 to $299 $300 and over. Total Finishers: Sets 1912 6 12 4 1 4 1 28 1913 . 4 16 3 1 24 Embroiderers: Sets 1912 . . 1 1 1913 1 1 1 Joiners: Sets 1912 1913 1 j Ironers and pressers: g e t s _ 1912 1 4 10 8 8 5 6 7 1 12 1 63 1913 2 22 11 13 8 4 2 4 3 (59 Lace runners: gets 1912 . 1913 2 2 Operators N. S.: Sets 1912 10 41 70 54 22 12 5 4 5 11 2 22 238 1913 . 12 69 139 95 39 19 5 ; 1 9 391 Body makers: gets 1912... 2 5 10 5 3 1 1 27 1913. 4 33 35 15 5 3 1 96 Skirt, makers: Sets 1912 4 5 3 1 l 2 4 2 29 1913 .. 2 2 8 7 5 7 1 3 2 38 Dressmakers: Sets 1912 1 2 6 6 2 1 1 4 23 1913 3 2 8 7 1 1 i 31 24 Sleeve makers: gets 1912 . 2 1 i 5 1913... 2 2 2 j 1 1 9 Sleeve setters: gets 1912... . 1 1 1 i 1913 5 7 2 1 1 16 Samnle makers: Sets 1912 1913 1 1 Trimmers: Sets 1912... 1913 1 4 Tuckers: gets 1912 . 1 3 2 5 2 2 i 1 6 1 24 1913 2 2 3 3 4 1 3 1 <1 21 ' Total: Sets 1912 . 1913. 21 29 72 136 116 237 89 152 47 72 26 44 18 13 14 8 10 10 39 18 6 2 3 460 724 No definite conclusions can be drawn from these figures, their chief value being that they furnish an indication of the size of the financial operations of the subcontractors and the changes that have occurred therein since the enactment of the protocol. From this point of view, it is significant to note in association shops the decline in the number of sets earning $200 or more from 8 to 4, and of those earning from $100 to $200 from 32 to 14, while the number has increased among those earning under $20 from 15 to 21; among those earning from $20 to $29, from 53 to 91, and among those earning from $30 to $39, from 83 to 154, etc. The increase in the number of sets earning less than $70 a week is undoubtedly due to the great increase in the number of sets consisting of two workers each, while the reduction in the number of sets earning from $70 a week up is due to the falling WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 157 off in the number of large sets. A similar tendency is observed in the non association shops. REGULARITY OF EMPLOYMENT. As already explained, the wages given in this report are for the busiest week of the year. These figures are of no value, however, as an indication of the annual earnings of the men and women employed in the industry, unless it is known to what extent they are employed throughout the year. For the dress and waist industry, like other garment indus- tries, fluctuates with the seasons, and very few workers are employed regularly throughout the year. The reasons why earnings of individual workers could not be obtained for a whole year are explained at length on page 39 and need not be repeated here. In order to ascertain the extent to which the factories are busy throughout the year, and thereby lay a founda- tion for an approximate estimate of the annual earnings of the workers in the industry, the following method was employed: The total wages paid out each week during the year 1912 and the number of workers employed during those weeks were copied from the pay rolls of the factories investigated. As in the case of the wages for the busiest week, the wages paid to designers, foremen, forewomen, and office help, so far as possible, were eliminated. Table 67, which follows, shows for each week of the year 1912 the number of employees in each branch of the industry and the total number in the 260 shops covered, and the per cent that the total number each week is of the number in the week showing maximum number employed. Table 68 shows the aggregate wages paid each week and the per cent these are of the maximum amount paid in any week. These figures are given for each of the four branches into which the industry has been divided, i. e.: (1) Association shops manufacturing low-grade garments, designated as association A; (2) Non association A, i. e., nonassociation shops manufacturing low- grade garments; (3) Association B, including shops manufacturing high-grade garments; (4) Nonassociation B, manufacturing high- grade garments ; and finally (5) for the industry as a whole. 158 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 67 NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED IN 260 SHOPS IN THE DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY IN 1912. Week. Number. Total. Group A. Group B. Associa- tion shops. Nonassoci- ation shops. Associa- tion shops. Nonassoci- ation shops. Number. Per cent (busiest week= 100). * 1 7,990 8,198 8,433 8,751 9,232 9,482 9,926 10, 250 10, 619 10, 795 10,846 10,964 10,896 10,290 10,298 10,320 10, 272 10, 017 9,894 9,622 9,249 9,201 9,128 9,193 9,021 8,372 7,046 6, 085 5,550 5,608 5,905 6,671 7,505 8,295 8,904 7,644 7,639 7,735 7,800 7,906 7, 955 8,105 7,441 7,084 6,524 6,418 6,214 6,011 6,100 6,075 6,20 6,065 697 787 859 934 1,034 972 1,025 1,144 1.141 1,183 1,218 1, 227 ,201 ,135 ,134 ,113 ,166 ,151 ,120 ,086 ,002 ,011 ,028 .002 '988 862 775 611 512 512 596 656 908 962 1,015 399 372 382 428 373 370 382 368 357 323 295 296 268 225 250 277 260 5,704 6,266 6,553 6,940 7,213 7,469 7,791 7,822 8,010 8,017 8,033 7,916 7,818 7,496 7,496 7,328 7,154 6,968 6,743 6,455 6,225 5,976 5,894 5,995 5,647 5.008 4,224 3,871 3,989 4,751 5,648 6, 347 6,906 7,267 7.365 9,262 9,030 9,426 9,653 9,759 9,886 10,002 9,778 9,326 8,968 8,736 8,685 8,567 9,027 9,206 9,272 8,981 159 192 345 335 370 406 404 417 413 414 424 417 459 392 370 384 382 342 321 338 285 321 300 324 305 272 247 249 253 276 280 271 358 364 402 1,058 1,066 1, 117 1,149 1, 161 1,177 1,197 1,108 1,024 954 979 1,183 1,021 982 1,073 1,070 984 14,550 15, 443 16, 190 16,960 17,849 18,329 19, 146 19,633 20, 183 20,409 20,521 20, 524 20,374 19,313 19, 298 19, 145 18,974 18, 478 18, 078 17,501 16, 761 16, 509 16, 350 16,514 15,961 14,514 12, 292 10,816 10,304 11,147 12,429 13, 945 15, 677 16,888 17,686 18, 363 18, 107 18, 6CO 19, 030 19, 199 19,388 19, 686 18, 695 17,791 16, 769 16,428 16, 378 15, 867 16,334 16,604 16,879 16,290 98 99 100 100 99 94 94 93 92 90 88 85 82 80 80 80 78 71 60 53 50 54 61 68 76 82 86 89 88 91 93 94 94 96 91 87 82 80 80 77 80 81 82 79 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... g 9 10 11 I' 7 13 14 15 10 17 18 1$ 20 21 22 23 24 . -- 25 26 27 28 29 ... 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 33 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47- 48 49 50 . . 51 52 Total 889 159 Average 17,100 S3. 3 i The busiest week means the week having the maximum number of employees. The figures in this column indicate the percentage which the number of employees each week constituted of the number of employees in the busiest week of the year. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 159 68. AMOUNT OF WAGES PAID IN 260 SHOPS OF THE DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY IN 1912. Week. Wages. Per cent (busiest week=100). 1 Aver- age weekly wage per em- ployee. Group A. Group B. Total for the industry. Group A. j Group B. To- tal. Associa- tion shops. Nonasso- ciation shops. Associa- tion shops. Nonasso- ciation shops. Asso- cia- tion shops. Non- asso- cia- tion shops. Asso- cia- tion shops. Non- asso- cia- tion shops. $70, 100 80,464 85,830 92,555 98. 272 102, 949 109, 959 115, 652 124, 085 127, 342 127, 850 129, 018 125, 223 100,318 105, 556 110,020 112, 467 104,383 100,280 96,123 91.061 86, 579 91,821 93, 471 89, 335 81,026 59, 793 51, 732 48, 473 50, 898 54, 477 63,551 73, 276 83,809 95, 116 80,076 76,047 87,923 94, 776 94, 462 94,882 89,188 85,534 79,049 68, 186 68, 872 64,844 57, 267 61,616 63,897 64, 065 57, 594 $5, 526 7,046 7,598 8,975 10, 175 10,313 10, 675 11,292 12,713 13,033 14, 068 13, 579 12, 688 10, 575 11, 173 11,908 11,925 11, 597 10, 777 10, 695 8,921 9,753 10,411 10,114 9,497 7,381 6,118 4,615 3,813 4,204 5,151 5,707 8,443 9,537 10, 675 4,128 3,694 ,374 ,384 ,621 ,269 ,503 ,035 3,580 3,141 2,970 2,963 2,558 2,475 2,425 2,339 2,014 $53,640 64,287 68,841 75, 852 80,107 85,069 88,056 90,636 99,246 99,652 98, 757 97, 846 94, 828 80,182 80,746 82, 191 75, 413 73,889 71,103 67, 973 63,912 57,558 62, 154 62, 748 57, 559 50,296 37, 451 36, 528 39, 235 47, 693 52, 919 66,271 73, 964 80, 485 86,409 97,040 81,113 94, 324 105, 315 104, 255 108, 907 110, 458 101,692 95,908 86, 024 86,903 85,020 80,086 89, 165 92, 208 93,922 82,091 $1,218 1,801 3,280 3,291 3,828 4,175 4,282 4,349 4,570 4,954 4,819 4,734 4,212 3,508 3,796 3,934 3,790 2,566 3,475 3,326 3,011 2,973 2,998 3,154 3,143 2,703 2,197 2,404 2,628 2,495 2,832 2,807 3,639 3,971 3,767 10, 727 9,665 10.844 11,521 11,813 12, 751 12,477 10,887 9,578 8,385 9,008 9,475 9,217 9,199 10, 470 10, 136 9,128 $130, 484 153, 598 165,549 180, 673 192,382 202, 506 212, 972 221,929 240,614 244,981 245, 494 245, 177 236, 951 194,583 201,271 208, 053 203,595 192, 435 185,635 178,117 166,905 156.863 167, 384 169, 487 159, 534 141,406 105,559 95,279 94, 149 105,290 115, 379 138, 336 159, 322 177/802 195, 967 191, 971 170,519 197, 465 215, 996 215, 151 220,809 216, 626 202, 148 188, 115 165, 736 167, 753 162, 302 149, 128 162, 455 169,000 176, 462 150, 827 54 62 67 72 76- 80 85 90 96 99 99 100 97 78 82 85 87 81 76 75 71 67 71 72 69 63 46 40 38 39 42 49 57 65 74 62 59 68 73 73 74 69 66 61 53 53 50 44 48 50 50 45 39 50 54 64 72 73 76 80 90 93 100 97 90 75 79 85 85 82 77 76 63 69 74 72 68 52 43 33 27 30 37 41 60 68 76 29 26 31 31 33 30 32 29 25 22 21 21 18 18 17 17 14 49 58 62 69 73 77 80 82 90 90 89 89 86 73 73 74 68 67 64 62 58 52 56 57 52 46 34 33 36 43 48 60 67 73 78 88 73 85 95 94 99 100 92 87 78 79 77 73 81 83 85 74 10 14 26 26 30 33 34 34 36 39 38 37 33 28 30 31 30 20 27 26 24 23 24 25 25 21 17 19 21 20 22 22 29 31 30 84 76 85 90 93 100 98 85 75 66 71 74 72 72 82 79 72 53 63 67 74 78 82 87 90 98 100 100 100 97 79 82 85 83 78 76 73 68 64 68 69 65 58 43 39 38 43 47 56 65 72 80 78 69 80 88 88 90 88 82 77 68 68 66 61 66 69 69 61 $8.97 9.95 10.23 10.65 10.78 11.05 11.12 11.30 11.92 12.00 11.96 11.95 11.63 10.08 10.43 10.87 10.73 10.41 10.27 10.18 9.96 9.50 10.24 10.26 10.00 9.74 8.59 8.81 9.14 9.45 9.28 9.92 10.16 10.53 11.08 10.45 9.42 10.58 11.35 11.21 11.39 11.00 10.81 10.57 9.88 10.21 9.91 9.40 9.93 10.18 10.10 9.26 i;E: - ......... .......... Total Averages . 4,521,142 389, 144 4,097,927 293,911 9,302,124 67 53 71 44 73 10.46 1 The busiest week in each of these columns means the week in which the maximum amount of wages was paid. The figures in this column indicate the percentage which the wages each week constituted of the wages in the busiest week of the year. 160 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Table 69 which follows summarizes for the industry the figures presented in the two preceding tables and adds two columns show- ing the per cent of employees and of wages for each week as com- pared with the averages for the year: TABLE 69. FLUCTUATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AND WAGES IN THE DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY FOR 1912. Week. Number of employees. Amount of wages paid out. Per cent (busiest week =100).i Per cent (average for year =100). 2 Em- ployees. Wages. Em- ployees. Wages. 1 14,550 15,443 16, ICO 16, 960 17,849 18,329 19, 146 19,633 20,183 20,409 20,521 20,524 20,374 19,313 19,298 19, 145 18,974 18,478 18,078 17,501 16, 761 16,509 16,350 16,514 15,961 14,514 12,202 10,816 10,304 11,147 12,429 13,945 15,677 16,888 17,686 18,363 18,107 18,660 19,030 19, 1C9 19,388 19,686 18,695 17, 791 16, 769 16,428 16,378 15,867 "N. 16,364 16,604 16,879 16,2CO $130,484 153, 5C8 165,549 180, 673 192,382 202, 506 212,972 221,929 240, 614 244,681 245,494 245, 177 236,951 194,583 201,271 208,053 203,595 192,435 185,635 178, 117 166, 805 156,863 167, 384 169,487 159, 534 141,406 105,559 95,279 94,149 105, 2CO 115,379 138,336 159,322 177,802 195,967 191,971 170,519 197, 465 215,996 215,151 220,809 216,626 202, 148 188,115 165, 736 167,753 162,302 149, 128 162, 455 169,000 170, 462 150,827 71 75 79 83 87 89 93 96 98 99 100 100 99 94 94 93 92 90 88 85 82 80 80 80 78 71 60 53 50 54 61 68 76 82 86 89 88' 91 93 94 94 96 91 87 82 80 80 77 80 81 82 79 53 63 67 74 78 82 87 90 98 100 100 100 97 79 82 85 83 78 76 73 68 64 68 69 65 58 43 39 38 43 47 56 65 72 80 78 69 80 88 88 90 88 82 77 68 68 66 61 66 69 69 61 85 90 95 99 104 107 112 115 118 119 120 120 119 113 113 112 111 108 106 102 98 97 96 97 93 85 72 63 60 65 73 82 92 99 103 107 106 109 111 112 113 115 109 104 98 96 96 93 96 97 99 95 7 8 9 10 108 11 11 12 135 13 13 13 13 109 11 11 11 108 104 100 9 8 9 9 S 7 5 5 5 5 6 7 S 9 11 10 9 11 12 120 123 12 11 105 9 9 9 83 9 9 9 84 2 3 4 5 6 - . . .. 7 ; 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 . . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36. 37 38 39 . 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50... 51... 52 Average 17,100 178,887 83.3 73 100 100 1 In the column for employee the busiest wesk means the week in whioh th3 maximum number were employed; in the column far wages it rmans the week in whish the maximum amount was paid. 2 Percentage which employees or wages each week constituted of average employees or wages per week Taking the figures for the industry as a whole, it will be seen thai the average employment through the year as shown by the number of employees each week was 83.3 per cent; expressed as a percentage WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IX DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 161 of the amount of wages paid out each week, the annual average was 73 per cent. That is to say, if the 20,524 people, the maximum number employed in any week (Table 69), in the shops which had \ records for the entire year, 1 were all to be given an equal chance they would have employment 83.3 per cent of the year, or over 43 weeks. That does not mean, however, that they would be fully employed during those weeks; it means merely that they would be on the pay roll for that length of time, but the actual amount of work they would have an opportunity of doing is shown by I the average annual wage percentage, which, as will be seen from ' Table 69, was 73 per cent. This percentage is based on the wages actually paid out from week to week and is necessarily smaller than the percentage of people employed, because workers, especially those I paid by the piece, may be on the pay roll for a week, but be paid only for the work actually done by them, which may last only a few hours each day or a few hours for the entire week, especially when work is not plentiful. The highest percentage of employment is, of course, 100, and oc- curred during the twelfth week (end of March), while the lowest was 50, found during the twenty-ninth week (early in August) . On the other hand, taking the wages paid out (Table 68) it is found that the highest amount, $245,494, was paid out during the eleventh week, the lowest (in the twenty-ninth week) fell to $94,149, or 38 per cent of the highest, and the average for the year was $178,887. That is to say, if the work done during the year were spread out equally over every week of the year, the wages paid out by these shops would amount to $178,887 per week. Another conclusion to be drawn from these figures is that employ- ment is more steady than earnings in the industry; that is to say, when work slackens most of the people are retained at the fac- tories, but there is less work to go around and in consequence less wages earned. For this reason the average wage per employee during one of the busiest weeks (tenth) was $12, while during the twenty- seventh week it dropped to $8.59, the weekly average for the year being $10.46. Taking the average annual percentage that wages for each of the four branches of the industry were of the maximum amount of wages of any week, it will be found that they differ widely, the lowest, 44 per cent, being for the high-grade (B) nonassociation shops, and the highest, 71 per cent, for the high-grade (B) association shops. The fluctuations of employment in 1912, as expressed in the amount of wages paid and the number of people employed, can 1 A very small number of shops has been included above in which wage records were missing for a few weeks. But the wages paid out for these shops constituted too small a fraction of the total to affect the results to any appreciable degree. 42132 Bull. 146 14 11 162 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. be easily traced from week to week in the following charts pre- pared for that purpose. Chart 17 consists of two separate diagrams, the upper one showing the fluctuations in the industry as a whole, while the lower diagram shows the same facts for branch B, which consists of shops making high-grade garments. The solid line in each case represents the number of people employed, while the dotted shows the wages paid out. For the purpose of graphic presentation, the average number of people employed weekly throughout the year and the average weekly wages paid out in the industry for the whole year were designated as 100; and the number of people employed each week and the amount of wages paid out each week were expressed as percentages of those numbers. SEASONAL RISE AND FALL IN NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND IN WAG] Looking at the upper diagram in Chart 1 7, two high peaks are found in the months of March and October, indicating the periods of greatest activity, while the lowest point falls in the month of July, showing the dullest month of the year for the industry. Between the high and low points there are several fluctuations of a minor character. Examining the lines closely, the first point that strikes the eye is that while the two lines follow, as a rule, the same direction, they rarely coincide. The broken line, denoting wages, rises to greater heights and falls to lower depressions than the solid line, which shows the fluctuations in the number of people employed. Thus, in the month of March the wage line rises to 137 per cent, while the employment line stops at 120 per cent. This means that while dur- ing the busiest week in 1912, which occurred in March, there were 20 per cent more people employed in the shops than the average throughout the year, the wages at the same time rose to 37 per cent above the average. This is due to the fact that when factories are busy to their capacity, they can not increase the number of their employees beyond a certain limit, which is determined, first, by the number of machines at the factory, and, second, by the available supply of help which at that time of the year usually falls short of the demand. At the same time the people employed at the factories are kept more steadily at work than at other times in the year, and therefore the individual earnings per employee increase in greater proportion. This is especially true of pieceworkers, but is also true of week workers, who are able to command during those weeks higher rates of wages, which are further increased through working overtime. A marked excess of the percentage of wages over the percentage of employees will be found at the other high peaks, viz, in February, in April, at the end of August (35th week), at the end of September WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 163 (39th week), and the middle of October. The only exceptions to this rule occur in the months of June, November, and December, when the employment peak is above the wage crest. These exceptions CH w A.RT 17. SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AND WA( IN WHOLE INDUSTRY AND IN 6 HIGH-GRADE SHOPS, 1912. .J*w/ Ftk u , f l C)*cf, fl,t,} CJa^f J vn e jj f flvtusr S * // i^ \ t i ^i | / \ 'X / ^ ' \ \ 90 ftft 1 \ \ / \\ / v' g / A ^ 1 \ / f \ ( \ / \ / ^ \ 10 / Jb* asttrof FfvcTve rivfi t Uvno/c lnai/5T#y \ \ i 70 69 CotwjM y f \ / \ / 145 f \ 140 110 100 90 to 70 tot 130 1 \ \ / \ I ] \ \ 1 / \ / \ \ A ^ ^ ! > \ \ \ \ t H, 'r X \ ^ 90 /, \\ K / ' \\ r\ 1 <>t aw-*/ /7ircrerr/o/i AgfieKade Shops -^\ / \\ / 1\ i ' 70 } G*w \ tr iy \ A' ^ \ i -4 ( 1 V r / V 1 serve to confirm the rule as will be explained below, after considering the low points in the curves. When the low points are examined it is found that here again the wage line goes to greater extremes than the employment line and 164 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. therefore declines to lower points than the latter. Thus at the lowest ebb of the industry in July, the total wages paid out in the industry decline to 53 per cent of the average weekly wage paid through the year, while the per cent of employment goes down only to 60 per cent. The meaning of this is that when business drops off, the workers, especially those paid by the week, are not laid off in pro- portion to the decline in business, which leaves less work for each worker. In other words, while wages decline in proportion to the dropping off in business, the number of workers is not reduced to the same extent. What occurs in July will likewise be found at the other low points, such as April (14th week), end of May (22d week), middle of September, the three November points, and December. That the high peaks of wages in June, November, and December did not rise to the corresponding employment peaks was due to the fact that those are three comparatively slow months when there are more people at the factories than there is work to keep them all busy. When a tem- porary improvement in the situation occurs during those months, the wages rise more rapidly than the number of employees, but not sufficiently for the wage line to rise above the employment line. Thus before the rise in June the wage line was 88 per cent wiiile the employ- ment line was at 97 per cent, making a difference of 9 points between the two; the wages then rapidly increase in two weeks to 95 per cent (24th week), while the number of workers remains the same, at 97 per cent), making the difference between the two lines only 2 points, but not enough to send the wage line above the employment line. Exactly the same thing happened in November and December. Following the rise and fall of the curves through the year, the first week of January is found to be at the lowest point of the year, with the exception of July. This is natural; it coincides with the New Year's holidays and the beginning of. and the preparation for the new spring season. Wages are 73 per cent of the average, that is to say, 27 per cent below normal; employment is 85 per cent of the average, or 15 per cent below the normal. Both lines rise rapidly, indicating that orders are coming in; additional workers are taken on as fast as conditions warrant; wages are rising more rapidly than the number of new workers, which means that the old hands have more work to do; and at the end of the third week hi January the two lines cross each other at 97 per cent, which means that wages have overtaken employment and the industry is nearly normal. The wheels of industry are now going faster and faster, the wage line mounts higher and higher, the employment line likewise rises but can not keep up with the wage line. This represents the time of the year when manufacturers complain of lack of skilled help and when the union can not meet the demand from the employers for more help. This keeps up for about two months, when the amount of WAGES AND .-EMPLOYMENT IN .DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 165 weekly wages paid out in the middle of March reaches 137 per cent, that is to say, 37 per cent above normal; and the employment line is at 120 per cent, which means that the number of workers in the industry is 20 per cent above the average. The highest point reached is maintained for two weeks and then the decline sets in, slowly at first, with temporary ups and downs through April, May, and June, but each subsequent rise finds the curves at a lower point than the preceding one, while each succeeding point of decline exceeds the preceding one. Noting now the course of the two lines, the first drop, both in the employment and in the wage lines, which occurs at the end of March, is much more precipitous than in the next few weeks. Up to this point everything was strained to the limit of endurance to meet the rush orders; workers were kept busy every minute of the day and made to work overtime ; all the machines were in operation and anyone from outside the industry who could run a sewing machine was put to work. As soon as the rush is over, the last recruits and the less competent and the less desirable workers from the manufacturer's point of view are the first to go; hence the sudden decline of the employment line from the 12th to the 14th week (end of March and beginning of April) . At the same time the wage line drops much more sharply than the employment line, because overtime is largely discontinued and there is less work during the regular work hours to go around among those who remain on the pay roll. After the line reaches bottom at the end of the first week in April there is a new rise in wages, although the number of people employed continues to decline slowly but surely. This temporary improvement is due to the fact that the preceding slump affected the entire industry, while from now on the factories making cheap waists and dresses are able to find a market for staple summer goods among the retail stores, and only those manufacturing fine dresses and gowns have but little to do. The contrast between the two branches of the industry can be seen at a glance by looking at the lower diagram of Chart 8, which repre- sents six shops making exclusively high-grade garments. Here the wage line is seen to decline much more rapidly in the months of April and May than in the upper diagram. At the end of May the wage line drops to 88 per cent in the upper diagram, while in the lower diagram it reaches the lowest point during that month at 66 per cent. In June and July the wage line for the whole industry (upper dia- gram) declines very rapidly, reaching bottom in the middle of July, when wages decline to 53, i. e. 47 per cent below normal (only a little over one- third of the wages paid out during the busiest week), while the line fs>r the high-grade end of the industry (lower diagram) con- tinues during the months of June and July (with some ups and downs) at about the same level as it reached at the end of May. This 166 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. is due to the fact that after the slump in May the high-grade garment industry recovers part of the lost ground by making up garments at reduced prices offered at special sales in the stores and is thus able to keep moderately busy, while the manufacturers of low-priced gar- ments, having satisfied the summer trade, are now only able to get mostly small supplementary orders " to fill sizes." As they are selling cheap goods regularly, they are not in the same position as the manu- facturers of high-grade garments to make up special garments at reduced prices. Having reached bottom in July, both branches of the industry begin to pick up for the fall season. The fall season is neither as long nor as active as the spring season, which a glance at the two diagrams in Chart 17 will show. Taking up first the upper diagram for the indus- try as a whole, we see that the highest point reached by the wage line is only 123 in October, as compared with 137 in March. While in the spring nearly four months are above the average line, in the fall only one and a half months are above that line. The rise in August is rapid, but as it starts from the bottom in July, it does not reach normal (100 per cent) until the last week in August. There is a big slump in the middle of September, due to the Jewish holidays. This explains why the solid line, representing the number of people employed, continues to rise in spite of the fall in the wage line : The people are all on the pay roll, but they earn but little on account of the holidays. Both the upper and lower diagrams show the same tendency; but in the lower diagram (high-grade garment industry) the fall busy season (represented by the area above the normal 100 per cent line) is twice as large as in the upper diagram (representing the whole industry). That is to say, the high-grade garment industry is busy three months in the fall season as against one and a half months in the industry as a whole. Not only does the fall season last longer in the higher end of the industry, but it develops to a greater extent, the wage line rising to 134 per cent (beginning of October) in that branch and only to 123 per cent in the industry as a whole. In both diagrams the decline sets in during October, passing under the normal line in the early part of November, but here a change occurs in the relative posi- tions of the high-grade branch of the industry and of the industry as a whole. In the former the wage line drops to 64 per cent at the end of November, while in the industry as a whole it does not go below 83 per cent. This is due to the fact that many of the shops manufacturing cheaper garments begin to get busy at this time on advance spring orders or are making up stock in anticipation of the rush order demand of the early spring months and the advance Jan- uary sales, while the high-grade shops must still await the final WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 167 developments in the style adjustments for the coming spring, and such a thing as making stock is entirely out of the question. What has been said about the two branches of the industry is shown in Tables 70 and 71, which follow, and is strikingly brought out in Charts 18 and 19. TABLE 70. FLUCTUATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AND WAGES IN 1912 IN SIX SHOPS MANU- FACTURING HIGH-GRADE GARMENTS EXCLUSIVELY. Week. Number of persons employed. Amount paid in wages. Per cent (busiest week=100).i Per cent (average foryear=100).2 Em- ployees. Wages. Em- ployees. Wages. 1 529 561 646 642 651 677 681 685 684 691 685 681 647 611 612 581 586 545 544 533 493 489 493 483 482 495 461 473 493 528 560 589 632 635 639 634 646 679 675 647 633 624 602 609 601 596 584 488 509 523 569 550 $4,701 5,107 6,647 7,181 7,216 7,999 8,114 8,050 9,185 9,907 9,885 9,216 8,332 6,846 7,030 6,953 6,659 6,024 5,525 5,117 4,467 4,676 5,218 4,364 4,253 4,804 4,073 4,927 5,496 5,738 6,216 6,742 7,405 7,878 8,582 8,183 7,845 8,764 9,043 8,777 8,217 8, 195 8,017 7,588 6,863 6,386 5,858 4,284 5,062 5,199 6,149 5,360 77 81 93 93 94 98 99 99 99 100 99 99 94 88 89 84 85 79 79 77 71 71 71 70 70 72 67 68 71 76 81 85 91 92 92 92 93 98 98 94 92 90 87 88 87 86 85 71 74 76 82 80 48 52 67 72 73 81 82 81 93 100 100 93 84 69 71 70 67 61 56 52 45 47 53 44 43 48 41 50 55 58 63 68 75 80 87 83 79 88 91 89 83 83 81 77 69 64 59 43 51 52 62 54 90 95 110 109 111 115 116 116 116 118 117 116 110 104 104 99 100 93 93 91 84 83 84 82 82 84 78 80 84 90 95 100 107 108 109 108 110 115 115 110 108 106 102 104 102 101 99 83 87 89 97 94 70 76 99 107 107 119 121 119 136 147 147 137 124 102 104 103 99 89 82 76 66 69 77 65 63 71 60 73 82 85 92 100 110 117 127 121 116 130 134 130 122 122 119 113 102 95 87 64 75 77 91 80 2 3 4 . .. 5 6 7 . .. 8 9 10 11 12 13 .... .... 14 15 16 . . 17 18 19 20... 21 22 23 24 25 2fi 27 28 29 30 31 ... 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Average 588 6,737 85.1 68 100 100 1 In the column for employees the busiest week means the week in which the maximum number were employed; in the column for wages it means the week in which the maximum amount was paid. 2 Percentage which employees or wages each week constituted of average employees or wages per week during year. 168 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 71. FLUCTUATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AND WAGES IN 1912 IN SIX SHOPS MANU- FACTURING LOW-GRADE WAISTS EXCLUSIVELY. Week. Number of persons employed. Amount paid in wages. Per cent (busiest week=100).i Per cent (average foryear=100).2 Em- ployees. Wages. Em- ployees. Wages. 1 1, 151 1,175 1,148 1,189 1,199 1,235 1,248 1,264 1,251 1,263 1,214 1,257 1,250 1,191 1,237 1,269 1,272 1,290 1,290 1,296 1,298 1,282 1,257 1,235 1,205 1,136 1.070 847 720 744 864 904 975 997 1,048 1,106 1,104 1,180 1,224 1,283 1,329 1,360 1,407 1,422 1,416 1,446 1,459 1,446 1,441 1,413 1,413 1,272 S9.616 10, 752 11,333 12, 112 11,847 12,204 12,548 12, 768 13,411 13,497 13,129 13, 701 14,260 11,092 11,944 13,002 13,604 13,083 13,066 12,848 12,768 11,151 11,664 11,504 10,646 9,322 7,154 5,275 5, 250 5,270 6,018 6,917 7,915 8,905 10,044 10,389 8,049 9,584 Hi 956 12,930 13,633 13,940 13,881 14,256 13,907 14,528 14,291 13,159 13,927 23,040 12,867 10.596 79 81 79 81 82 85 85 87 86 87 83 86 86 82 85 87 87 88 88 89 89 88 86 85 83 78 73 58 49 51 59 62 67 68 72 76 76 81 84 88 91 93 96 97 97 99 100 99 90 97 97 87 66 74 78 83 82 84 86 88 92 93 90 94 98 76 82 89 94 90 90 88 88 77 80 79 73 64 49 36 36 36 41 48 54 61 69 72 55 66 82 89 94 96 96 98 96 100 98 91 96 90 89 73 95 97 95 93 99 102 103 104 103 104 100 104 103 98 102 105 105 107 107 107 107 106 104 102 100 94 88 70 59 61 71 75 81 82 87 91 91 97 101 106 110 112 116 117 117 119 120 119 119 117 117 105 84 94 99 106 104 107 110 112 117 118 115 120 125 97 104 114 119 114 114 112 112 98 102 101 93 82 63 46 46 46 53 60 69 78 88 91 70 84 105 113 119 122 121 125 122 127 125 115 122 114 113 93 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 H 12 13 14 - -- 15 16 . 17 18 19 . . 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 . .... ... 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45. 46 47 48 49... 50 51 52 Average 1,211 11,434 83 78.7 100 100 1 In the column for employees the busiest week means the week in which the maximum number were employed; in the column for wages it means the week in which the maximum amount was paid. 2 Percentage which employees or wages each week constituted of average employees or wage?? per ^eek during year. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 169 In view of the fact that many of the shops manufacture a wide range of goods and are therefore subject to conditions prevailing both in the cheap and expensive shops in the industry, a clear view of the conditions existing in each class of shops could be obtained only by selecting a few shops manufacturing exclusively high-grade garments and a few making exclusively cheap goods. The tables and charts were prepared with this end in view. Chart 18 shows the fluctua- tions in wages prevailing in six high-grade shops (solid light lines), six large shops manufacturing cheap waists (broken line), and in the industry as a whole (heavy line). Chart 19 shows the fluctua- tion in employment for the same groups. From these charts the contrast in the two ends of the industry can be soon at a glance. A more rapid rise in wages during the 170 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. months of January, February, and March in the high-grade shops asi compared with the cheap shops is apparent. At the climax in March: the wage line for the high-grade shops rises to 147 per cent, while for] the cheap shops it stops at 125 per cent. In the latter part of March 1 both lines fall sharply and in the early part of April the line for thei low-grade shops drops to 3 per cent below normal and the line for the high-grade shops to 2 per cent above normal. From this drop the cheaper branch of the industry quickly recovers, rising to 120 per cent by the end of April, while the recovery in the high-grade is but slight (105 per cent), only 3 per cent above the low point and only WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 171 ! lasts one week, after which there is a steady decline during the I months of April and May. The line for the cheaper branch con- tinues to rise all through April and fairly holds its own during May. In the latter part of May the low-grade line begins to decline, i and from that time on there is an almost uninterrupted drop until it reaches the lowest point at 46 per cent, or 54 per cent below i normal in July, while the high-grade line, in spite of fluctuations, ipractically holds its own through the month of June, for the reasons explained above, and early in July starts on a rapid and steady recovery. This recovery, which marks the opening of the fall season, com- mences early in July in the high-grade line and a few weeks later at the cheap one. The two lines move in the same direction during August, which marks the period of rising activity, but while the high- grade line reaches the climax at the end of August at 128 per cent, the high-water mark of the cheap line halts at 91 per cent, or 9 per cent below normal. In September there is a perceptible drop in the wage curves of both ends of the industry, due to the Jewish holidays. That it is not due to a decline in business is shown by the lines in Chart 19, in which the curves representing employment show not only no decline, but on the contrary show a continuous increase. The end of September marks the culmination of the fall season in the high-grade line at 134 per cent, after which the curve takes a sudden and swift drop, which continues without interruption for two months, reaching bottom early in December at 64 per cent, or 36 per cent below normal. The very opposite takes place at the cheap end of the industry. At the end of September, when the high-grade curve reaches the climax, the low-grade curve is at 105 per cent, or 29 points below the high-grade. But instead of declining from this time on, as the high-grade curve does, the low-grade continues to rise, overtaking the high-grade in the middle of October at 122, from which it con- tinues to rise until it reaches the climax in the middle of November at 128. During these two months the waist manufacturers, espe- cially at the cheaper end, have been busy supplying both an imme- diate fall demand and an advance spring demand, while the fine dress and gown shops have had little to do. In December there is a rapid decline both of employment (Chart 19) and of earnings (Chart 18), and a moderate rise in the expensive branch, which is beginning to work on sample orders for the early spring trade. A decline sets in in both curves in the second half of December, due to the Christ- mas holidays and end-of-the-year stock taking, in anticipation of the starting up of the wheels of industry after New Year's, as shown by the rising curves during the month of January. 172 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. In one respect the shops making exclusively cheap garments and those manufacturing high-grade garments are alike; both have a fairly long fall season, lasting about three months (see Chart 18), the only difference being that in the high-grade dress shops the seasoi starts and ends at earlier dates than in the cheap waist shops. II seems strange, therefore, that the industry as a whole (represenl by the heavy curve on Chart 18) should have a shorter season, lastinj less than two months. One explanation for this is that the indusl as a whole includes a large number of shops making a medium grade of waists and no dresses. These shops make too high a grade oi waists to venture to make stock for advance spring sales as th( cheap waist manufacturers do, and, on the other hand, have not the same demand for immediate fall deliveries as the dress manu- facturers have. The result is a shorter season and a less active on< while it lasts. EMPLOYMENT AMONG WEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS. An important question to those engaged in the industry is that the comparative regularity of employment among pieceworkei and week workers. In compiling the wages paid each week through- out the year in the several shops, it was found impracticable to segre- gate the earnings of the pieceworkers from those of the week workers. This separation was made, however, in the case of two fairly large shops manufacturing exclusively $9 waists and two shops manu- facturing a medium grade of waists ranging from $16.50 to $36 a dozen. These four shops may be considered as typical of the classes of shops which they represent. The figures referring to these shops are given in Tables 72 and 73, which follow: WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 173 i TABLE 72. FLUCTUATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AND WAGES OF WEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS IN TWO SHOPS MANUFACTURING S9-PER-DOZEN WAISTS EXCLU- SIVELY. : Number of per- sons employed. Amounts paid in wages. Per cent of per- sons employed (busiest week = 100) .1 Per cent paid in wages (busiest week= 100). 2 Week work. Piece- work. Week work. Piece- work. Week work. Piece- work. Week work. Piece- work. . 116 118 115 114 115 115 119 114 119 121 122 122 123 123 120 122 124 ' 123 124 130 127 124 120 116 116 114 110 106 100 87 77 85 82 95 96 98 96 101 99 100 104 122 111 108 108 108 111 110 110 112 110 109 110 110 112 114 111 115 111 107 111 116 119 118 118 108 112 117 110 109 110 104 106 102 105 105 103 107 89 84 80 84 76 81 92 96 102 103 99 102 104 102 107 108 117 126 126 124 127 121 124 119 121 121 $835 990 1,021 1,046 987 1.098 1,061 1,077 1,190 1,289 1,320 1,462 1,362 1,104 1,171 1,244 1,271 1,189 1,218 1,251 1,190 971 1,034 992 1,004 967 746 558 623 461 365 503 668 826 908 894 698 816 980 1,116 1,197 1,404 1,304 1,228 1,166 1,389 1,190 1,082 1,108 1,092 1,096 1,050 81,291 1,341 1,592 1,615 1,343 1,566 1,490 1,422 1,716 1,765 2,011 2,062 2,075 1,873 1,459 1,953 1,775 1,604 1,605 1,552 1,549 1,277 1,362 1,375 1,275 1,398 1,056 663 656 740 324 478 696 917 924 1,009 719 963 ,273 ,303 ,478 ,612 ,611 ,926 ,875 ,710 ,859 ,684 ,658 ,514 1,482 1,561 89 91 88 88 88 88 92 88 92 93 94 94 95 95 92 94 95 95 95 100 98 95 92 89 89 88 85 82 77 67 59 65 63 73 74 75 74 78 76 77 80 94 85 83 83 83 85 85 85 86 85 84 87 87 88 90 87 91 87 84 87 91 94 93 93 85 88 92 87 86 87 82 83 80 83 . 83 81 84 70 66 63 66 60 64 72 76 80 81 78 80 82 80 84 85 92 99 99 98 100 95 98 94 95 95 57 68 70 72 68' 75 73 74 81 88 90 100 93 76 80. 85 87 81 83 86 81 66 71 68 69 66 51 38 43 32 25 34 46 56 62 61 48 56 67 76 82 96 89 84 80 95 81 74 76 75 75 72 62 65 77 78 65 75 72 69 83 85 97 99 100 90 70 94 86 77 77 75 75 62 66 66 61 67 51 32 32 36 16 23 34 44 45 49 35 46 61 63 72 78 78 93 90 82 90 81 80 73 71 75 2 3 .... 4 5 6 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 ... 15 16 . 17 18 19 - -- 20 21 22 - -- 23 24 . . .. 25 26 27 - -- 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 .... 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51... 52 \ verage 111 108 1,035 1,405 85 85 | 71 68 1 The busiest week in each of these columns means the week having the maximum number of employees. 2 The busiest week in each of these columns means the week in which the maximum amount of wages was paid. 174 BULLETIN OF THE BUKEAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 73 FLUCTUATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AND WAGES OF WEEK WORKERS AND PIECEWORKERS IN TWO SHOPS MANUFACTURING MEDIUM-GRADE WAISTS. Week. Number of per- sons employed. Amounts paid in wages. Per cent of per- sons employed (busiest week= 100) .1 Per cent paid in wages (busiest week= 100) .2 Week work. Piece- work. Week work. Piece- work. Week work. Piece- work. Week work. Piece- work. 1 125 124 128 130 138 136 135 133 137 140 142 147 149 150 153 155 151 158 150 148 143 136 132 141 148 127 86 100 106 104 103 107 112 120 125 127 122 121 123 130 137 148 141 142 145 150 150 152 158 165 167 164 205 209 214 210 209 202 210 199 214 201 205 220 222 187 213 209 216 214 209 201 194 173 190 181 148 145 74 80 96 122 135 145 157 155 158 159 129 160 165 161 170 190 177 170 159 178 183 180 197 186 199 187 $984 1,213 1,216 1,231 1,308 1,272 1,242 1,276 1,316 1.393 1 398 1,428 1,510 1,268 1,482 1,503 1,545 1,414 1,406 1,305 1,195 1,190 1,188 1,381 1,155 960 587 711 825 833 747 934 1,004 1,110 1,149 1,143 894 1,144 1,139 ,169 ,292 ,342 ,329 ,333 ,115 ,478 ,330 ,347 ,534 ,599 ,585 ,418 $1,620 2,134 2,230 2,368 2,388 2,453 2,510 2,354 2,567 2,536 2,623 2,950 2,916 2,154 2,489 2,741 2,827 2,623 2,451 2,073 1,636 .108 ,641 ,531 ,025 ,091 273 176 690 813 1,017 1,145 1,432 1,457 1,588 1,324 1,024 1,614 1,830 1,792 2,030 1,981 728 ,718 .430 ,930 ,085 ,670 ,923 ,944 2,168 1,875 75 74 77 78 83 81 81 80 82 84 85 88 89 90 92 93 90 95 90 89 86 81 79 84 89 76 51 60 63 62 62 64 67 72 75 76 73 72 74 78 82 89 84 85 87 90 90 91 95 99 100 98 92 94 96 95 94 91 95 90 96 91 92 99 100 84 96 94 97 96 94 91 87 78 86 82 67 65 33 36 43 55 61 65 71 70 71 72 58 72 74 73 77 86 80 77 72 80 82 81 89 84 90 84 62 76 76 77 82 80 78 80 82 87 87 89 94 79 93 94 97 88 88 82 75 74 74 86 72 60 37 44 52 52 47 58 63 69 72 71 56 72 71 73 81 84 83 83 70 92 83 84 96 100 99 89 55 72 76 80 81 83 85 80 87 86 89 100 99 73 84 93 96 89 83 70 55 38 56 52 35 37 9 6 23 28 34 39 49 49 54 45 35 55 62 61 69 67 59 58 48 65 71 57 65 66 73 64 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 ... 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ; 31 32 33 34 35 36 .. 37 38 39 ... 40 41... 42. 43. . 44 45 46. 47 48 49. . 50 51... 52 Average 137 178 1,228 1,840 82 80 77 62 1 The busiest week in each of these columns means the week having the maximum number of employees. 2 The busiest week in each of these columns means the week in which the maximum amount of wages was paid. As will be seen from these figures the pieceworkers show practically the same average percentage of employment for the year as the week workers. The average weekly wage, however, forms a lower per- centage for the pieceworkers than for the week workers. In the $9 group (Table 72) the week workers ' average weekly wage is 71 per cent of the highest weekly wage, while in the case of the pieceworkers it is WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DKESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY, 175 68 per cent. In the shops manufacturing medium-grade garments the week workers' average weekly rate is 77 per cent of the highest weekly wage and that of the pieceworkers is only 62 per cent. The shops to which the above figures refer are all conducted under the piecework system. In all piecework shops there are several occupations, however, that are paid by the week, such as cleaners, finishers, examiners, cutters, etc. In these shops pieceworkers and week workers do not compete with each other; on the contrary they supplement one another. When the operators are busy there is more work for the week workers; when the operators have little to do there is but little finishing, cleaning, and other operations to perform. How, then, is the fact to be explained that the average weekly wage of the pieceworkers forms a lower percentage of the wages of the busiest week of the year than in the case of the week workers ? Two reasons may account for it: First, the manufacturers employ a rela- tively larger number of pieceworkers than they do of week workers in proportion to the quantity of work to be done during the rush weeks of the year. When work falls off the piecework operators are allowed to remain in the shop and divide whatever work there is among themselves. In the case of the week workers, one of the considerations in fixing the weekly rate of wages is the steadiness of .employment, and it is to the interest of the manufacturer to have a smaller number of experienced workers who will be given steady employment, in consideration of which they will be willing to accept a smaller wage than they would if the manufacturer employed a large number of workers of various degrees of skill, a considerable part of whom would have to be laid off when work slackens. Second, during the busiest week of the year the pieceworkers work much harder, as compared with the rest of the year, than the week workers. The work is piled up beyond the capacity of the shop and, therefore, the loss of time which usually takes place in the intervals between the completion of one job and the beginning of another, is now reduced to a minimum. Moreover, the pieceworker, knowing that another "bundle" is awaiting him as soon as he is through with the one he has on hand, works much harder than at other tunes of the year and has a much greater incentive to do so than the week worker. All these facts combine to raise the pieceworkers' earnings during the busiest week of the year above the earnings during the rest of the year to a much greater extent than in the case of the week workers, and therefore make the average weekly earnings look much smaller in comparison with the busiest week in the case of the pieceworker than in that of the week worker. The different policies in the treatment of pieceworkers and week workers come even more clearly to light when shops in which the piecework system prevails are compared with shops in which operators 176 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. work by the week. In the former the tendency is to have as large a number of operators as possible during the rush season, most of whom are allowed to remain throughout the year sharing in what little work there is. In the week- work shops the tendency is to retain only the best workers during the slow season, so as to give them steady em- ployment and thus retain a working nucleus throughout the year ready to be enlarged as soon as the demands of the season warrant it The policy of the union has been to oppose this system of employment in the week shops and to attempt as far as possible to retain all of th< workers in the employ of the shops. In the shops manufacturing the cheaper garments, and especially in the smaller shops, the union hag been fairly successful in having its policy adopted, and the week workers in those shops work by turns during the slow period. Th< workers are divided into two or more groups, which report for duty on alternating days or weeks or whatever other periods are agreec upon by the manufacturer and his employees. HOURS OF LABOR. It would have been interesting to secure information as to the number of hours actually worked by the employees at different times of the year. In some cases information on this point could not be obtained at all, and in others would have been exceedingly difficult and expensive to obtain. So far as pieceworkers arc concerned, no record is kept of the tune they work except in a few shops. Even ii these shops a record is kept only of the time the workers spend in th< factory, which is not necessarily the tune they are actually at work since pieceworkers frequently spend many hours a day in the factories without doing any work, especially during the slow season. The only employees for whom an accurate record of hours at work is kept are the week workers, but in the majority of the shops this record is nol preserved throughout the year, and the time has to be recalculatec from the wages paid out each week. HOURS DURING BUSIEST WEEK IN THE YEAR. From the records obtained for the busiest week of the year in each factory figures have been compiled as to the hours which the week workers worked during that week. The hours worked by the cutters have been separated from those worked by other employees, since th< limitation as to overtime does not apply to them on the one hand, am on the other, cutters as a rule work more steadily than the rest of thi force. As has been seen in Table 2 (p. 17), which represents a summary for the entire industry, only a minority of the employees (not includ- ing the cutters), namely, 37.5 per cent, worked the normal number oi WAGES AXD EMPLOYMENT IX DRESS AND -WAIST INDUSTRY. 177 50 hours; 29.4 per cent, or almost one-third,, worked less than 50 hours. On the other hand, over 33 per cent worked overtime, so that over 70 per cent of all the week workers, not including cutters, worked 50 hours or more. Of those who worked under 50 hours nearly three- fourths worked from 40 to 49 hours, leaving about 1,200 people, or less than 10 per cent of the total number of workers working less than 40 hours. Among these, as will be seen from the table, are some who worked less than 10 hours. In the case of the cutters, more than 56 per cent worked the normal number of 50 hours and more than 87 per cent worked 50 hours or more, leaving but one-eighth of the people working less than 50 hours and less than 4 per cent working less than 40 hours. OVERTIME. So far as overtime is concerned, it is interesting to compare the figures of 1912 and 1913 when the protocol limited the overtime to four hours a week and the normal hours to 50. Taking first week workers other than cutters, in 1912, 66.8 per cent, or over two- thirds, worked more than 50 hotfrs; in 1913 the percentage of those working more than 50 hours dropped to 33.1 per cent, or one-half of what it was the preceding year. This was due to the fact that during 1912 the normal hours in the various shops were from 50 to 54 per week. Taking the number of those working 55 hours and over, the percentage declined from nearly 33 per cent, or about one-third, of all the employees in 1912 to less than one-tenth in 1913. In regard to the employees working overtime, it should be stated that the number given for 1913 is not entirely accurate, being in all probability an understatement of the actual facts. This was due [to the fact that under the protocol week workers are entitled to double the regular rate when working overtime. In several instances it was not clear from the books whether a worker paid for, say, 58 hours, actually worked 54 hours, being paid double for overtime, or worked 58 hours, being paid for overtime at the regular hourly rate. In all such cases, unless there was clear proof that the protocol provision as to double rate for overtime was violated, the manu- facturer was given the benefit of the doubt. But even allowing for this understatement, there can be no doubt that the number working in excess of 50 hours greatly declined during 1913, especially when it is borne in mind that the figures given here are for the busiest week in the year, when the number of hours worked is as a rule greater than at other times of the year. Two tables follow, the first of which, Table 74, gives the number and per cent of cutters and of other employees (week workers) work- 42132 Bull. 14614- 12 178 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. ing each classified number of hours in the association and nonassoei- ation shops, while the second, Table 75, gives separate figures for the factories manufacturing high-grade and low-grade garments in the nonassociation and the association groups. TABLE 74. NUMBER AND PER CENT OF WEEK WORKERS EMPLOYED EACH CLASSI- FIED NUMBER OF HOURS DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR IN ASSO- CIATION AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS, 1912 AND 1913. NUMBER. Hours employed. Association shops. Nonassociation shops. Cutters. Other employees. Cutters. Other employ- ees. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 Under 10 hours 5 3 6 24 95 184 260 179 172 140 91 15 12 9 12 23 124 804 160 152 117 31 1 110 122 241 413 1,468 1,161 2,027 1,678 2^263 1,022 322 69 101 163 236 404 2,357 4,608 1,385 1,418 860 178 30 4 1 14 29 68 116 310 191 401 245 372 113 17 13 16 42 120 130 623 744 292 228 246 70 8 10 and under 20 hours .... 20 and under 30 hours . . . 30 and under 40 hours. . . 40 and under 60 hours . . . 50 hours 2 3 11 21 39 28 16 6 3 7 3 3 31 165 18 13 14 3 3 51 and under 53 hours . ... 53 and under 55 hours . . . 55 and under 60 hours . . . 60 and under 65 hours. . . . 65 and under 70 hours . ... 70 hours and over Total 1,174 1,455 10,896 11,744 137 253 1,889 j 2,519 PER CENT. Under 10 hours 10 and under 20 hours . . 20 and under 30 hours. . 30 and under 40 hours . . 40 and under 50 hours . . 50 hours 11 16 1'2 55 22 11 28 39 12 15 15 65 28 10 37 30 51 and under 53 hours. . 53 and under 55 hours . . 55 and under 60 hours . . 60 and under 65 hours.. 65 and under 70 hours . . 70 hours and over } - 1 36 21 11 34 34 24 9 49 23 12 8 34 27 21 13 ' Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 179 TABLE 75. WEEK WORKERS EMPLOYED EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF HOURS DUR- ING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, IN LOW-GRADE AND HIGH-GRADE ASSO- CIATION AND NONASSOCIATION SHOPS, 1912 AND 1913. Group A. Jnder 10 hours 10 and under 20 hours. 20 and under 30 hours . 30 and under 40 hours . 40 and under 50 hours . 50 hours 51 and under 53 hours . 53 and under 55 hours . 55 and under 60 hours . 60 and under 65 hours . 65 and under 70 hours . 70 and over Total Association. Cutters. 1912 4 2 4 18 46 85 138 86 121 93 71 1913 7 8 17 78 444 83 109 Other employees. Female. 1912 56 83 158 250 812 662 ,254 826 ,109 611 211 21 677 877 6,053 6,417 1913 100 129 232 1,240 2.699 756 634 454 85 25 3 Male. 1912 407 1913 60 189 38 31 17 25 378 Nonassociation. Cutters. 1912 1913 3 24 124 14 12 12 1 196 Other employees. Female. 1912 1913 20 56 85 241 163 254 119 174 36 10 12 1,178 13 28 107 85 469 272 229 179 137 40 4 1,563 Male. 1912 1913 151 2 5 5 14 30 152 18 12 32 14 284 Group B. Under 10 hours 1 3 53 38 j 1 6 1 10 and under 20 hours . 1 2 38 59 1 3 5 9 20 and under 30 hours . 2 4 71 101 2 1 11 7 1 30 and under 40 hours . 6 6 153 160 3 4 1 20 29 2 40 and under 50 hours . 50 hours 49 99 46 360 590 443 1,018 1,616 21 12 39 104 6 1 7 41 53 15 123 304 1 1 16 51 and under 53 hours . 53 and under 55 hours . 55 and under 60 hours . 60 and under 65 hours . 65 and under 70 hours 122 93 51 47 20 77 43 28 7 2 650 752 995 370 82 563 735 378 67 3 27 24 89 10 3 28 18 11 1 16 5 2 2 4 1 2 2 103 110 166 47 4 44 36 75 15 4 5 5 4 4 1 1 2 1 70 and over 16 241 1 36 4 4 61 Total 497 578 4,238 4,739 198 210 38 57 541 647 19 25 1 Highest 76J hours. 2 Highest 82J hours. s Highest 75 hours. Highest 78 hours. 6 Highest 73 hours. Comparing the figures for 1912 with those for 1913, as shown in Table 74, it is found that both in the association and the non- association union shops the number of persons working more than 50 hours a week has been greatly reduced, while the number of those working 50 hours a week or less has increased. Excluding cutters, all of whom are men, the percentage of employees working 51 hours or more has been reduced from 68 per cent, or more than two-thirds, in association shops in 1912, to 33 per cent, or only one-third, in 1913, while in the nonassociation shops,. the reduction has been from 61 percent in 1912 to 34 per cent in 1913. Of those working 50 hours a week the proportion has increased in the association shops from 11 per cent to 39 per cent, and in the nonassociation shops from 10 per cent to 30 per cent. The percentage of those working less than 50 hours in the 180 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. association shops has increased from 22 in 1912 to 28 in 1913, and in the nonassociation shops from 28 to 37. The same tendency is observed in the case of the hours of the cut- ters except that a much smaller proportion of persons were working, less than 50 hours, namely, only 12 per cent in the association and 15 per cent in the nonassociation shops in 1913, and a much higher pro- portion were working 50 hours in the week, namely, 55 per cent in the association shops and 65 per cent in the nonassociation shops. As will be seen from Table 74 there is no marked difference in the Dercentage of employees working different numbers of hours in the nonassociation and association shops. The difference is more marked as regards cutters, the number of cutters working more than 50 hours in 1913 constituting 32 per cent of the total in the association shops and only 20 per cent in the nonassociation shops. The reason for the greater extent of overtime among cutters in the association shops as compared with the nonassociation shops lies in the fact that during the " rush " weeks there is much greater activity in the shops making the higher-priced garments than in those manufacturing low-priced garments, the association having a higher percentage of the high-grade garment shops than the nonassociation shops. This is shown very clearly on Chart 18, where the high peak in March rises to 147 per cent for the high-grade garment shops, and only to 125 per cent for the low-grade. The market demand may be just as great for the low-grade garments as for the high-grade at that time, but the manu- facturers of the low-grade garments have been able to work during the preceding months making up stock, while the high-grade garment manufacturers are not in a position to do so on account of the frequent changes in styles. The relative position of the curves representing these two branches of the industry during the period from the middle of October to the middle of December shows this state of affairs. HOURS OF WORK OF PIECEWORKERS. As already stated, very few shops keep records of the time spent at the factory by pieceworkers. Records were obtained from 22 shops for 333 pieceworkeis in. 1913 and 98 in 1912. The figures for these are shown in Table 76, giving separately the hours in association and nonassociation shops, as well as the percentage for the two groups combined. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 181 VHLK 7(>.-TIOURS OF WORK OF PIECEWORKERS IN 22 SHOPS DURING THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR, 1912 AND 1913. I lours worked. Association shops. Nonassociation shops. Total. Number. Per cent. 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 19.5 41.7 30.9 7.8 Under 10 hours 2 6 12 19 123 62 18 6 2 4 8 12 16 41 2 4 10 20 31 139 103 20 6 t 8.2 41.8 21.4 } 16.3 | 12.2 10 and under 20 hours 1 1 1 2 5 41 21 7 9 9 3 20 and under 30 hours 1 5 32 13 7 9 9 3 30 and under 40 hours 40 and under 50 hours 50 9 8 51 and under 53 hours 53 and under 55 hours 55 and under CO hours 60 and under 65 hours Total 79 248 19 85 98 333 100.0 100.0 The extent of overtime seems to have been much less among piece- workers than among week workers, those working more than 50 hours in 1913 being only 7.8 per cent of all the pieceworkers, as against 33.1 per cent among the week workers. Of those working less than 50 hours during the busiest week of the year, two-thirds worked from 40 to 49 hours; about one-fifth of all the workers worked from less than 10 to 39 hours during the busiest week in the year. No piecework- ers were found working more than 54 hours during 1913 among the 333 employees for whom records were obtained. While the number of workers for which these figures are given is comparatively small, the figures may be accepted as fairly representative of the industry, since they were obtained from 22 factories employing a total of about 900 workers, two-thirds of whom were employed in 1 1 association shops and one-third in 11 nonassociation shops. The significant fact about these figures is that even during the busiest week of the year more than 60 per cent of the workers were at work less than 50 hours a week. Moreover, the figures show merely the number of hours they spent in the factories and not those they actually worked. CONCLUSION. The protocol has provided definite minimum weekly rates of wages for the following occupations: Drapers, joiners, examiners, sample hands, ironers, pressers, finishers. There was also a supple- mentary understanding as to a minimum rate for cleaners. For cutters, in addition to the rate for competent skilled mechanics, three rates were provided for apprentices, according to the length of service. No provision was made as to the rates of wages to be paid in other occupations, except that a basis was provided for the adjustment of piece rates for operators. 182 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. The report shows very clearly the effect of providing a sii minimum rate for an occupation. Looking at the charts for cleaners, drapers, examiners, finishers, ironers, joiners, and sample makers 01 the one hand and at those for cutters on the other, there is found i] every case in the first-mentioned group one high peak correspond!] to the minimum wage rate provided for in the protocol; in the cu1 ters' wages four peaks are found corresponding to the four rates prc vided for in the protocol. In other words, there is a tendency foi a great many, if not most, of the workers in this trade to concen- trate about the minimum protocol rate. This explains the genera complaint on the part of the workers that the minimum tends become the maximum, and on the part of some employers that th< protocol has dealt unjustly with them in compelling them to pa] the minimum rate to apprentices by failing to provide a special rat for the latter. The investigation has shown the contention of eithei side to be extreme, though each has its justification in fact. The figures show on the one hand that there are almost as many workers receiving more than the minimum protocol rate as there are of those getting the minimum, and on the other that from one-fourth to one- half of the workers in each of the trades covered by the protocol received less than the minimum rate provided therein. GRADUATED SCALE OF WEEKLY WAGES. The example of the cutters seems to point the way to a solution of this difficulty by providing for reasonable rates to apprentices of various degrees of skill. The large number of those who were paid less than the protocol rate in the several trades is an indication of the fact that it probably includes a considerable proportion of apprentices who may not be able to earn the minimum rate pro- vided for. The fact that there is no school to teach these trades and that the only means open to newly recruited workers to learn the trade is by entering the shops at wages commensurate with the value of the services they can render, while acquiring the necessary skill, furnishes a further corroboration of the fact that the nonpay- ment of the minimum rate to a considerable number of workers was not entirely due to a desire on the part of the manufacturers to violate the provisions of the protocol. The fourfold rate for the cutters points the way out of the difficulty for the other trades. At least one rate, it seems, should be provided for apprentices in each trade. One or more additional rates could probably be added for workers of higher skill, the rate being made conditional either upon the time the worker has spent in the trade or upon the skill to be determined in a certain manner. The effect of providing these addi- tional rates on the one hand would be to do away with the im- WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 183 proper payment below the protocol scale and thus meet the demand of the manufacturers for a special rate of wages for apprentices, and on the other it would provide for more than minimum rates to highly skilled workers and thus meet the complaint of the workers as to the tendency of the minimum rate to become the principal rate for skilled workers. While it is not within the province of this report to suggest a detailed scheme and methods of grading the workers for such a pur- pose, it will unquestionably be recognized by eveiy experienced manufacturer and worker that the workers in the several trades of this industry can be roughly divided into at least four groups: 1, Apprentices; 2, workers who have graduated from the apprentice stage but are of less than average skill; 3, workers of average skill; 4, workers of more than average skill. The four degrees of skill call for four different rates of wages. As a matter of fact there are sev- eral gradations from one group to the next which are recognized in actual practice by as many different rates. In providing for the rates that it has, the protocol has made a beginning in an attempt at collective regulation of wages in the industry under the joint auspices of the two partners to the industry, the employers and the employees, for the benefit of the industry as a whole. This benefit extends to the workers, inasmuch as it helps to protect the weak members and the recent recruits. It benefits the manufacturers, inasmuch as it tends to put an end to unfair competition between manufacturer and manufacturer through the payment of wages in some shops below the current rates. It is not to be presumed in what has just been said or in what follows that definite recommendations are here made, beyond sug- gesting a number of measures for the purpose of discussion by the two parties to the protocol. It is conceded on both sides that the protocol has but made a beginning and that it needs further ampli- fication and modification in a number of vital points. REGISTRATION OF APPRENTICES. The adoption of a special rate or rates for apprentices in the different occupations suggests the necessity of some method of controlling the apprentice situation. Such registration of each individual apprentice employed in the shops supervised by the association or by the union as will enable the wage-scale board and other officers of the associa- tion and the union who are concerned in this matter to control the situation and prevent possible abuse has been under consideration by the wage-scale board and a registration card has even been worked out for that purpose. 184 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TRADE SCHOOL. Another measure for dealing with the apprentice problem is the establishment of a school for the training of skilled workers. It is a question whether there is another industry that has so difficult a problem in this respect as the dress and waist industry in New York City. On the one hand, standing at the head of the industry in the country, supplying the constantly growing demand for high-grade ready-made women's garments, it is in great need of workers of the highest skill. The seasonal character of the market results in the demand for such help usually outrunning the supply during certain periods of the year. On the other hand, the fact that about 85 per cent of its skilled operators are women, mostly young, of whom it is calculated about one-fifth leave the industry each year to marry, makes the problem of keeping up the supply of skilled workers a very acute and difficult one. The apprenticing, as it goes on in the shops, does not offer a very encouraging solution. As is pointed out in the report, the new recruits enter the shops manufacturing cheaper garments and are there given a training which does not fit them for the work in the shops manufacturing the higher-grade garments. The necessity of establishing a school for the purpose of training new workers is so apparent that it has been suggested repeatedly by both sides. It is to be hoped that means will soon be found for putting into practice the idea here barely sketched. Through a complete and intimate cooperation between the asso- ciation and the union it should be possible to establish the school on a largo scale, manned by competent instructors, taken preferably from among the foremen and forewomen in the most successful shops, the pupils or apprentices to be taught the trade by being given work of a practical character, preferably on orders to be assigned to the school by the manufacturers. The school could thus act as a contractor for the manufacturer and in this manner would on one hand avoid com- peting in the markets with established shops, and on the other would offer a ready means for manufacturers to call for assistance when their shops were worked to capacity. Such an arrangement would have the further advantage of enabling the pupils to earn a living while learning the trade and would make the school practically self-supporting. The registration of apprentices, already suggested, would serve as the first step in determining the available material for such a school and the extent to which the industry could at once utilize it. Such registration could be used also as a means of controlling the admission of apprentices to the school and their distribution in the industry at proper minimum rates of compensation. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 185 UNIFORM PAY ROLL. A graduated scale of weekly wages, involving as it docs some control by the wage-scale board over the matters of interpretation of the degrees of skill possessed by different workers in cases of dispute between manufacturers and their employees, implies the advisability, if not the necessity, of a uniform pay roll to be designed by the wage- scale board and supplied to all the manufacturers in the trade for the purpose of securing a uniform record of wages paid throughout the industry. The form for a uniform pay roll could easily be designed, printed in large quantities by the wage-scale board, and supplied to every manufacturer at a lower cost than the price now paid by them for books of various descriptions bought at retail from stationery stores. It would likewise facilitate future investigations of wages in the industry when required. An investigation such as the present could be carried out and completed in probably one-third the time that it took if a uniform pay roll of the kind suggested were adopted by the industry. WHITE PROTOCOL LABEL. At the time of the signing of the protocol the desirability of adopting a label which would serve as a joint guaranty by the union and by the association, as well as by representatives of the outside, public, of the conditions under which the products of the industry are manufac- tured, was clearly recognized, and found expression in article 2 of the protocol, reading as follows: To make more effective the maintenance of sanitary conditions throughout the industry, to insure equality of minimum standards throughout the industry, and to guarantee to the public garments made in the shops certificated by the board of sanitary control, the parties agree that there shall be instituted in the industry a system of certificating garments by a label to be affixed to the garment. Recognizing the difficulties of working out the details of such a plan at this time, but believing that the plan has been sufficiently developed and considered in the cloak industry, they believe that a complete plan can be worked out in the dress and waist industry within a year. To this end each party agrees to cooperate to the full extent of its power in the formulation and effectuation of a system for the certifi- cation of garments adequately safeguarding the employers, the workers, and the consuming public. The difficulties attending the working out of the practical application of the protocol during the first year of its existence nave kept both parties so busy that thus far little has been done toward the realization of this promise. A beginning, however, has been made. It has been recognized both by the representatives of the association and of the union that the Consumers' League would be an admirable ally in this undertaking and the proper body to represent the public in this matter. 186 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. In turn, the National Consumers' League, at its last annual conven- tion in Buffalo, held in December, 1913, authorized its executive officers to join hands with the association and the union whenever the two parties are prepared to introduce the label, and as soon as the Consumers' League feels that the steps taken warrant the withdrawal of its own label and the substitution of the protocol label instead. The enforcement of the protocol rates of wages in the shops super- vised by the association and the union, side by side with the existence of shops not so supervised (especially outside the city of New York) and paying lower wages, readily offers a condition of unfair competition to the manufacturers of New York City. If any argu- ment be needed for the earliest possible adoption of a label which would insure the cooperation of a large part of the public with the dress and waist industry of New York in a common effort to maintain sanitary conditions and living wages in that industry, it is here furnished. The existence of a new thought among the consumers of the country, the great growth in numbers among such people as a result of the agitation of organizations like the Consumers' League CO O 00 I 1-4C* CO 1 1 |o o a o i &i 00 s O *O g ? CO(N CO oo o ri ot S 3 3 c-- fcC-j. S 8 It d 00 I ^ H o ts o ^4 1 g5 "3 * 1 ISjj s 0' x 2 fafa fa fa fa fa fa If g Shop No. and operator No. 5-NEEDLE MACHINE. 99-waist shops. Shop No. 1230: Operator No. 1 Operator No. 2 ! Shop No. 1284: Operator No. 12. .. Shop No. 1232: Operator No. 23. .. Average, 3 shops. 8-NEEDLE MACHINE. Medium-price waist shops. Shop No. 1090: Operator No. 20 . . || S2 15 2 a S WA'.iES AXD EMPLOYMENT IX DBESS AXD-' WAIST '' INDUSTRY. 205- SINGER 4-NEEDLE MACHINE. The average output per hour on a 4-iioodle machine in two $9-a- dozen waist shops was 155 and 159 yards per hour, respectively. The hourly output of the individual workers in these shops on this class of work varied from 77 to 199 yards per hour. This variation was due not only to the differences in the speed of the different operators, which is reflected in their weekly wages shown in the fifth column of Table 77B, but also to the differences in the size of their jobs, and more particularly the number of yards to the run. Thus the lowest output of 77 yards per hour (line 10 of Table 77B) was on a job having the smallest number of yards per run, namely, 15; the highest output of 199 yards per hour was by a worker who had from 50 to 168 yards of tucking per run. It is true that the output per Hour is not directly proportional to the length of the run so far as it can be seen from the table, but that is due to the presence of other factors affecting the output, mentioned elsewhere. The average I output on a 4-needle Singer machine in shop No. 1116, which is ! outside of the $9-a-dozen group, was 110 yards per hour. Though lower than the figures for the $9-a-dozen shops, it has been included Jin the general average first, because there is no reason why the work 011 the same machine should be any more difficult in this shop [ than in $9-a-dozen waist shops, there being no essential difference in the stitches per inch, width of the material, width of the tuck, or ! length of the run; second, because the total quantity timed in this I shop (850 yards) is so small, as compared with the total of the other two shops (20,879 yards), as to have no appreciable effect upon the ffonoral average. SINGER 5-NEEDLE MACHINE. The average output per hour on the 5-needle Singer machine was i found to be 130 yards. This average was based on timing the tuck- ing of 8,336 yards in three $9-a-dozen waist shops, and represents a j range in individual production of from 73 to 258 yards per hour, the lowest output being that of a girl receiving $8 a week (line 17) and the highest of one receiving $12.50 a week (line 15). It should be |5noted, however, that the same girl had an output of only 157 yards on a 4-iieedle machine. The output of 258 yards must therefore be regarded as exceptional and may be partly explained by the fact that ! it was achieved on a very small job of 86 yards, which lasted only 20 minutes. The output on small jobs of this kind can never be taken as reliable, and is apt to be either too large or too small, as will be seen from the tables in this report. The operator may be fortunate in making a short run under very favorable conditions which could not last if she continued to work for a considerable length of time, and the output will appear very large; or the contrary may be the case, and the output will turn out very small. 206 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. SINGER 8-NEEDLE MACHINE. Only one worker in shop No. 1090 was found to operate an 8-needl machine in the course of the investigation. The job on which sh was timed consisted of two runs of 225 yards each, showing an outpu of 146 yards per hour. SHORT TUCKING. Short tucking was timed in the same shops as the strip tucking The total number of persons under observation for short tucking these six shops was 54. Of these 22 were men and 32 were women These people tucked 282 -J-J dozen waists while under observation which took the equivalent of 449 hours and 27 minutes for one per son. The same method was used in calculating the averages in th case of short tucking as in the case of strip tucking, and in fact tlii method has been used throughout this part of the report, unles otherwise stated. The output of a worker engaged in making short tucks will depend, apart from the individual speed of the worker and of the machine, (1) on the length of the tuck, (2) the width of the tuck, (3) the fineness of the stitch, (4) the material of which the gar- ment is made, (5) the number of tucks to the waist, (6) the size of the bundle which the worker receives, (7) on whether the tucks are of uniform or various widths, and (8) on whether they are arranged singly or in clusters. 1 . All other things being equal, the longer the tuck the more time it will take to make it. That is true, however, only when we speak of tucks differing considerably in length, such as a tuck of 5 or 6 inches as compared with one of 21 to 24 inches. It would not be true of tucks differing by a few inches. Within certain limits the length of the tuck is not material because the time lost in starting and stopping the machine and shifting the material far exceeds the time taken to make the tuck, and as the making of a tuck 4 inches long or 9 inches long is a matter of seconds in either case, the difference in time taken to do the different tucks within those limits is so small as to be negli- gible for practical purposes. Moreover, as the same worker makes all the tucks on a waist, no matter what their length, the average rate finds its counterpart in the average time it will take to do the average tuck representing different lengths. For purposes of comparison, the data have been tabulated separately in two groups so far as the length of the tucks is concerned, namely, those 9 inches or less and those over 9 and up to 24 inches long, 24 inches being the extreme length of a waist. Occasionally tucks exceed that length when made across the waist, in which case they may reach the length of 36 inches or more. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 207 2. The width of the tuck will affect the output on short tucks in the same manner as on strip tucking as explained ahove. 3. The number of stitches per inch naturally affects the output, but it is of less practical importance on short tucking than on strip tucking, for reasons already explained. 4. The effect of the material on output has been explained under strip tucking. 5. The number of tucks per waist is of great importance in determin- ing the output. The more tucks a waist contains, the fewer waists an operator must handle to turn out a given number of tucks, and as the handling of the material takes up a considerable part of the total time at work, this is an important factor in affecting the output. 6. The size of the bundle that is, the number of waists contained in a single job is of great importance in determining the output of an operator. The larger the job, the longer the operator can carry on his work without interruption. The mere stopping of work to fold the waists and tie up the bundle and take it to the foreman in order to get the next bundle, results in the loss of at least five minutes. If, in addition to that, the operator must wait for his next job because the foreman is too busy to attend to him at once, the time lost between the completion of one job and the commencement of the other may be increased very materially. If the bundle given to the worker is large the time lost in tying up the bundle and getting the next bundle will constitute a much smaller percentage of the time actually spent at work than in case the bundle is small. 7. If the tucks are all of uniform width, the gauge which regulates the width of the tuck has to be set only once. On the contrary, if the tucks are of varying widths, the gauge has to be reset every time that a tuck of a new width has to be made. 8. If tucks are arranged in uniform clusters that is to say, clusters in which the distance between the tucks is the same, and in which the tucks are of uniform width it is much easier for the operator to handle them than if the distance between the tucks varies and the width of the tucks varies at the same time. The only way in which to obtain conclusive data as to the effect of each of these factors on output would have been to test the same worker on jobs, of the same character, varying only one of these factors at a time. As the tests had to be conducted in shops without disturbing their routine and merely timing the work of the operators under such conditions as were found to exist at the time, such a procedure was impossible. For this reason it will be difficult to analyze in detail the causes of the difference in output in the different shops given in the tables, though in a general way the connection between the causes mentioned arid the output may be seen. 208 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. WILCOX & GIBBS MACHINE. Comparing lines 1 and 2 of Table 77C, we find that both have 34 tucks to a waist, but while the tucks in line 1 are of uniform length and width, 3J inches long and ^ inch wide, the tucks in line 2 vary in length from 5 to 7i inches. This makes it more difficult for the operator, who must watch the length of each tuck. The result is a smaller output, 183 tucks per hour, while in the former case it is 219 tucks per hour, in spite of the fact that the smaller output was pro- duced on a Wilcox & Gibbs machine and the larger on the slower machine. Line 3 shows an output of only 48 tucks per hour. In this case there is only 1 tuck to the waist against 34 tucks to the waist in lines 1 and 2, and the width of the tuck is 1 inch as against T V inch and J inch in the jobs given above. As already explained, the fewer tucks to the waist the greater the proportion of time lost on each tuck in handling the work. Likewise the width of the tuck, especially when it reaches 1 inch and over, makes the work more difficult for the operator to handle and reduces the output. Similar causes account for the great difference in output in the other jobs given in the following lines of Table 77C, although it is difficult to point out in each case the particular cause or causes responsible for the result, in view of the fact that frequently two or more causes combine to affect the output. Thus the output in line 5 is 237 tucks per hour, while in line 6 it is 200 tucks. As the number of tucks to the waist in line 5 is 12, and in line 6 it is twice as large, and as there is no essential difference in other respects, the output in line 6 should ha\e been considerably greater than in line 5; instead of that, it is smaller. The reason is that line 5 represents the work of four of the best operators in the shop, receiving $12, $14, $15, and $18 per week, respectively, two of them being men, while the work in line 6 repre- sents the output of two girls receiving $10 and $11 per week who are slower workers than the others. The same observations can be made with reference to tucks exceed- ing 9 inches in length. Line 10 shows an output of 123 tucks per hour when there are 18 tucks to the waist. Line 11 shows an output of 134 tucks per hour with the number of tucks per waist increased to 20. Line 12 shows an output of 252 tucks per hour with the number of tucks per waist rising to 52. The number of tucks per waist drops to 42 in line 13, and the out- put drops to 225 tucks per hour. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 209 to m O CO 00 O l~- Q CO t*- O CO Tf< IN L 1-1 GOT C CO O OC -* 1-1 C* CO 5 C 1 i Ml ^ ^o co" io TjiSsVo o co 2 3? T 3 - 1 O o^ "g o c i 5 5 | i = ' 4'S > ti a*9 ?3 2 JM! 10 t-^c5o -HCsoco^5 11 ^ of i-T c\T ^T r-T lit 10 -^iOO -"rciooi-i' 1 5 JSiN O W (NO O N f OO 71 fs|s COCCOOCOCOCOCOCOOiO * CO t^ ^TtlOCO C3 3 o *l?i '_ v _>>_ v _ > This work IMs 1 gg OOg N9D 000 g g oco I^-OT-HO odc^c*! oio l m Pi 22" ill ci ^ S Si w : -g 1 : S O OO _iJ O0 OO 2 : ^ si" 5 22 fe ' CO (N ^H : <4< CO (N T-l S| S &~ s -H ^, Shop No. and opera- tor No. i i SI i II 1 : ' II i 1 1 cic? "^* r _(O F4 ^H i-H M tni-OlW) tnfc, ^j o 22S ^ d > Q ^jsd>O6 'S z < a^ < s, s, & COg, s s Si o r^-ooci o -i 01 co < rt ,_, _ <.-) ci es c< c'j WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 211 In line 14 the number of tucks per waist drops further to 22 with the result that the output per hour goes down to 166. But in line 15, with the same number of tucks per waist, the output rises to 257 tucks per hour, which is accounted for by the fact that in this case the tucks are all of uniform width, namely, J inch, whereas in the preceding cases there were tucks of three different widths: Pin (-% i inch), J inch, and } inch. In line 16 the number of tucks per waist rises to 66 and all of them are of uniform width, namely, pin-tuck size, and as should be expected, the output per hour increases very materially, namely, to 371 tucks. Enough has been said in explanation of the figures to show the effect of the different causes on the output per hour. DOUBLE TUCKS. As already explained (p. 198), it is customary in many shops to join together two parts of a waist having similar tucks, such as two fronts or two back 5, and thus make the tucks on the two waists in one process. In spite of the loss of time in joining the two pieces together and cutting them apart, there is a considerable saving of time, because it does not take much more time to do a tuck of double length than it does to do a single tuck. Table 77D shows the out- put on double tucks. It wi 1 ! be seen that the output on these double tucks does not differ much from that on single tucks. Thus the output on double tucks of the total length of 10 inches (that is, 2 tucks of 5 inches each), 12 tucks to the waist, is 214 tucks per hour. Line 2 shows the output to be only 111 tucks per hour when the length of the tucks on the waist is 14 inches and 54 inches. Line 3 shows an output of 100 tucks per hour when the length of the double tuck is 36 inches and there are only 7 tucks to the waist. Line 4 shows the output of 154 tucks per hour with the length of the double tuck only 13 inches and the number of tucks to the waist being 9. In line 5 the output per hour drops to 62 because the length of the double tuck increases to 42 inches, the number of tucks to the waist drops to 6, and the total number of tucks to the job drops to only 144. Finally, line 6 shows an output of 91 tucks per hour on the same length of tuck with the number of tucks per waist increased to 8. Lines 8 to 10 show the time it takes to join the two similar parts of a waist in order to make a double tuck. This work was timed only in shop No. 1230, which is a typical $9-a-dozen waist shop. The output of one operator, receiving $18 per week, was 189 rows of stitching per hour; that is to say, 189 pairs of parts. The output of the other operator, also receiving $18 per week, was 206 rows of stitching per hour, the average of the two being 202. Both operators were men. 212 BULLETIN OF THE BUBEAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. 3 3 8SSS 8- g'ra o .2 fil H^ 0^ II & as" ^d 1 si * 1C W* (M >O O o o ~ 5 CC TH 05 i i -SSI 3 lO O ^t* iO 00 O >-H CO '; > CO CO oo f|i ^ 1 ^ 1 ii If f I "d " ^ 1 TH^ 1 p,00 -< i II 000 WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 213 SINGLE-NEEDLE SINGER MACHINE. Table 77E shows the output on a Singer single-needle machine. The same causes which affect the output on a Wilcox & Gibbs ma- chine will also affect work done on a Singer machine. Thus the output in line 1 on a job in which there are 84 tucks per waist (J inch wide) is 125 tucks per hour, and in line 2, representing similar work by another operator, the output is practically the same, namely, 122 tucks per hour. In line 3 the production drops to 104 tucks per hour on the same class of work, but with only 2 dozen waists to the job instead of 3 dozen as in the preceding case. It should be noted that in each of the above cases the tucks exceeding 23 inches in length were " cross-tucks/' i. e., tucks running across the waist, which had to be stitched over the tucks covering the waist length- wise. This makes the work somewhat more difficult, and therefore takes more time than ordinary tucking. As the cross tucks could not be timed separately from the other tucks, the output is given for the entire job. The average for the three jobs was 118 tucks per hour. The same operator shows an output of 110 tucks per hour in line 4, although the number of tucks per waist is only 18 instead of 84 as in the preceding case, and although the width of the tuck is f inch, but in this case the operator had the advantage of having tucks of only two different lengths, whereas in the preceding case she had six different lengths of tucks to look out for; also there were no cross tucks to be made in this case. The output in line 5 drops to 76 tucks per hour on exactly the same kind of work as that shown in line 4. This work was done by an operator who, on the average, earned more money than the operator in line 4, and who, in line 1, shows a bigger output than the other operator. The only reason which may account for it, so far as it appears from the table, is that the job in line 5 consists of 1 dozen waists whereas in the preceding case it consists of 2 dozen. Finally, the output in line 6 is only 55 tucks per hour on exactly similar work as in line 5 except that the tucks, instead of being of one width of f inch, are of two widths, namely, J inch and 1 inch, respectively, which makes the job more difficult on account of the necessity of adjusting the gauge twice and of the greater difficulty of handling tucks of greater width. SHORT TUCKING ON A MULTIPLE-NEEDLE SINGER MACHINE. The work on a multiple-needle machine is necessarily slower than on a single-needle machine: First, because it requires more careful handling on the part of the operator in looking after more needles and threads at the same time; second, because the multiple-needle 214 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOE STATISTICS. cd CO CN ^-1 T-I H tOO ^^ t^. to Oi "3 00 M Jt>- CO 13 1 fit e^ocq - ~*.~ f 8 S? * ffiN 00 CO ^J* 2 ^ v^AnM^oe^^ GO O CO CO CO c o OT fe CO "3 ; U3 1C 10 lOTMO "3 Tf T}< f m ;' H -3 . ^ . ; ll I a 1 1 O ? 44 I ^ r- 00 &&j ~5 3 CO (N 2 ftpi cr o fc*| S || 8 1 M 1 | 1 .2 i 9 1 S 3 M g 1 1 5 S 9 1 if - * V , 1 3 oo" 5 : ,-. rH ^.(N fc ' 1 1 3 1 1 1 | 133 | 6 o fe ^ o fe ^ ^gg ^ I I_l 1 * f S JM *- - e i - oo oi o i-idco WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DEESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 217 LACE RUNNING. I The work of lace running consists of joining strips of lace to strips of cloth, or to other strips of lace of various widths. Most lace run- ning is done in long strips which may run into hundreds of yards, hut there is also considerable work done on short pieces which go into individual waists. The skill of the lace runner consists of handling the lace carefully and running the material and the lace in such a manner that the machine is operated steadily without a break and so that the unwinding of the lace and of the cloth which are in rolls takes 'place almost automatically and without requiring the stopping of the machine on the part of the operator. Although it takes, only a few days to learn lace running, the oper- ator acquires greater skill in the course of time, which accounts for the fact that the wages of lace runners in the dress and waist industry vary all the way from $5 to $16 a week and more. The difference between the $16 and $5 lace runners is accounted for by the great dif- ference in output of the two classes of workers, determined by the skill with which they can fill the requirements described above. There are two methods of joining lace to cloth. In one the lace is put on top of the cloth; in the other the cloth is put on top of the lace. In either case the operator holds the lace in one hand and the cloth in the other, running the two simultaneously under the needle, taking care that the lace is stitched onto the cloth at a uniform distance from the edge of the cloth. In either case the cloth is run through an attachment which turns in the edge of the cloth so that it will not be seen under the lace. The "cloth on top" method is the more difficult because when the cloth is put on top of the lace the operator can not see readily the posi- tion of the lace, and must stop frequently to make sure that the lace is being stitched to the cloth at a uniform distance from the edge. When the lace is put on top, the entire work is in plain view of the operator who -can therefore handle it with greater ease. The work of lace running was timed in five shops with 9 persons, involving a total expenditure of time equivalent to 103 hours and 39 minutes for one person, and covering 14,680 yards of lace. The out- put per hour, apart from the individual skill of the worker, will differ with the machine, the character of the material, the width of the material, the number of stitches per inch, and according to whether the lace or the cloth is stitched on top. In the work which was timed the stitches per inch differed so little, running mostly from 9 to 11 to the inch, that no distinction can be made on that score. The same is likewise true of the material, which consisted, in all cases, of cotton goods such as voile, lawn, and cr6pe, which do not differ materially from each other so far as their effect on output is concerned. All the 218 BULLETIN OF THE BUKEAU OF LABOK STATISTICS. work timed was done on Wilcox & Gibbs machines. There are, there- fore, only two factors to be considered in determining the output oi the work that was timed, namely, the width of the material and the relative positions of the cloth and the lace. LACE ON TOP. Taking first the work with the lace on top, we find the average out- put per hour, with the width of the material from 2 J to 6 inches, to have been 157 yards in shop No. 1284, 151 yards in shop No. 1235, 143 yards in shop No. 1232, and 206 yards in shop No. 1116. Shop No. 1116 thus shows the highest output, although it makes a higher grade of waists than the others; at the same time it is the only shop in which the work was done on a piece-rate basis, lace running being done by week workers in all the other shops reported in the table. The average output for the above shops on the above widths was 162 yards per hour. On material running in width from 16 to 26 inches the output was naturally less, since the wider the material the more difficult the handling of it. The output for the different shops was 100 yards per hour for shop No. 1284 and 118 for shop k>. 1191, the average being 111 yards per hour. The output of the individual worker in each of these shops is like- wise given in Table 78 and shows the variation in output due to differ- ence in individual skill. CLOTH ON TOP. In this class of work three different widths of material were used (1) Material ranging in width from 1 \ to 4 inches, the average output on this in shop No. 1284, representing the work of two operators working on 856 yards, being 146 yards per hour; (2) material ranging in width from 9J to 12 inches, representing the work of one operator working on 425 yards for a period of 3J hours, the output per hour being 121 yards; (3) with the width of the material running from 16 to 30 inches, the average output for the same shop for the same two operators as above on a total of 655 yards being 81 yards per hour. JOINING LACE TO LACE. This work was timed in two shops. In shop No. 1191 (a $9-a-dozcn waist shop) a girl receiving $13 a week and timed for a period of 1 hour and 35 minutes showed an output of 126 yards per hour. In shop No. 1116 (manufacturing medium-price waists), a girl working by the piece and timed for a period of 4 hours and 50 minutes, showed an output of 184 yards per hour, the average for the two shops being 170 yards per hour. Either the average or the output of the individual workers can be taken as a basis in determining the rate by taking a corresponding rate per hour in connection therewith. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 219 SS-gJ (M t^OOCO 1 III t~- o -* o O ^O O 00 CO .03 s sa S3 CO 1 I II 1- s 1 ^ -S 8 Iji! 3^-1 1 i gfi 00 i CO co" I -83 = g II I11SS1 3 1 6i co" i s 05~ o cq o o o !- || 05 ,-1 j-j 05 05 05 "3 O5 9 to 11 ,-H 050005 05 2. oo ! 8 to 11 O5 O5 O5C5 O5 1. , *, v 2 oi' OOCO o o o |: S 22S 10 to 26 Kind of work. 1 Lace on top rin.3 c -c 4 ) 1 c "C ! E c i Lace on top Lace on top ( . f ; ! : : : o d d d d d o i oc aj 'O'C o c o-o r. c 1 Material. Embroidered crepe /Embroidered voile.... \Voile /....do \Lawn do ll ii c ~ Voile and lawn Lawn and embroid- ered voile. Lace on piping OfcM...... 3 I Wages or earn- ings per week. 8888 8 .0 8 888 >o OIN" co 10.00 to 13.50 8 8888 O> >O O5 lO >O 9. 00 to 15. 00 05 Week work or piecework. M !.;. |M* Week work . M 1 i ^ 000 | ""| o 1 Piecework... ^ oTo IP ^^ XJXJ M 1 02 &, <<> 1 . , ^ MA * Shop No. and opera- tor No. CO CO CO OO P* OOOOOOGO^ OO^ dodder dddd" d-S o| I _ o'io'life J l J J5 Clc ft &c "O< *3 ^1 P^ G,O 2 Ol 2 -22 os oso 2 Oi g S Pi III S 16 to 26 3^ Hf Tt o -1M 2 8g 3 oo S2 8 CO 8 8 S | .* Kind of work. Lace on top do Lace on top Lace on top Cloth on top d Cloth on top ft 3 00 g T3T) 5 Cloth on top Cloth on top do Cloth on top Joining voile and net, plain seams without attachment. 1 ta S 1 5 T3 a 1 o : >> ' i > ;s t> T3 1 o 1 -5 I 0) 'o > ! i > s* i| SB d2 2 ^ s i2S s o 8 g U5 s* 42 Ij 3* Week work or piecework. M% i | M I ^ M 1 ^ f 1 1 ! M O 3 'O'O 1 M H i I Week work. Piecework . . Week work and piece- work. Piecework . . *o2 si CQ a o ^PH N fe '^'~ PN PH PH^ PH PH PH PH h Shop No. and opera- tor No. Shop No. 1191: Operator No. 79. . . Operator No. 89... 1 o oT (> W J e CO ^ Shop No. 1284: Operator No. 88... Operator No. 82.. . Operator No. 88. . . 1 o oo 10 III SSKSS o 6 o o* o illlli P.OOOOO ^Koo : III! HI! 0000 a a o 3 o && f| 02 CQ 42132 Bull. 14614- -15 226 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. CLOSING. The operation of closing consists of joining the front and back pai of the waist, forming a seam on each side of the waist running from tl armhole to the hem. On cheap waists this work is usually done 01 the Union Special machine. This machine works very fast, ma] about 3,000 revolutions per minute. The machine is equipped wil a knife which automatically cuts off the raw edge, and the seam finished off (felled) on the wrong side in one operation. For this reasoi the Union Special offers the least expensive way of doing this worl Another machine used on $9-a-dozen waists is the Metropolitan, whic] likewise cuts off the raw edge automatically, and in addition puts binding on the wrong side of the seam, all in one operation. This makes the machine more complicated and more difficult for the open tor to handle, so that it can not be operated as rapidly as the Unioi Special. The medium and high price waists are closed with a French seai usually on a Singer machine, which involves three separate operations (1) The sewing together of the two parts of the waist on the righl side; (2) cutting off the raw edge with a pair of scissors; (3) tun over the waist and putting in the second row of stitching on th< wrong side. Some of the Singer machines are equipped with a knii which automatically cuts off the raw edge, but most of the factoric still do without the automatic knife, and scissors are employed ins'teac In the old-style waists, in which the sleeves were closed before bei joined to the armhole of the waist; the closing of the waist consiste< only of joining the sides from armhole to hem, as already explainec In the new-style waists, with the so-called kimono sleeves, as well in the tailor-made shirt waists, the sleeves are attached to the shoul ders of the waist before being closed, and the closer sews up (closes] the sleeves and sides of the waist in one operation. Table 80 gives the figures for closing both sides and sleeves, closii sides only, and sleeves only. The figures relate to shops making exclusively $9-a-dozen waists. On these the Union Special and Met- ropolitan machines were used. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 227 !<3.d s * 55 ^ 0005 33 333 3233 CO 1C CO W 10 COCO l "ifoo 5 -C-S isS Ifls 33 323 3333 If II II * -s a a ll II 38 a do c* a 5 5 > ss,a 3 ss a do ^* S33 ^S Op Op sss -III 333 ppOO sssg 3333 ^ 228 BULLETIN OP THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. P|I Hf:5 ft 01 2 3 IO I s * CO -> s S 8 a * a 2 ll ll| >i sil ^ ft ^ &a s p s a 6 o d ro^d^o's > 3 ^0^5 c^ ft <1 HG . 2 o 11 WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DKESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 229 CLOSING SIDES AND SLEEVES. The operation of closing sides and sleeves was timed in 4 shops and represents the work of 11 persons, closing 362-^ dozen waists with a total time expenditure equivalent to 88 hours and 24 minutes for one person. An examination of the average output of each shop shows the fol- lowing results: Shop No. 1191, the only shop in which this work is done on a weekly basis, shows the lowest output, 81 rows of stitching per hour. The highest output, 125 rows of stitching per hour, was recorded in shop No. 1110. This figure is exceptionally high and due to conditions which do not prevail in other shops. Shop No. 1 1 1 is a smaller establishment than the other factories for which figures are presented here. It employs from 60 to 70 operators when working to capacity. There is but one person responsible for the closing of all the waists in this shop. This work is done by a man who employs four assistants by the week, who work on closing and hemming. This obviates the necessity of counting the work, the closer being paid each week for as many dozen waists as have been cut up for manufac- turing. No time is lost in waiting in line for a " bundle," bringing it to the machine, untying it, counting the waists, folding the waists, making them up into a bundle after the work is finished, and taking it back to the foreman; instead of that, waists are piled up in large heaps as they are finished by other operators, and are turned in in similar heaps without counting after the closing has been finished. On the other hand, the low figure of 81 rows of stitching per hour in shop No. 1191 can be explained by the fact that the closers in this shop are required to work on very small bundles, getting only a few waists at a time, frequently as few as three or four waists, being obliged to leave the machine at frequent intervals to get a new supply and to go through all the stages preceding and following the work of closing proper, mentioned above. Moreover, most of the closing in this shop was done on a Metropolitan machine, which, for reasons explained above, is a slower machine than the Union Special used in the other three shops. The average for each of the other two shops is remarkably uniform, being 1 03 rows of stitching for shop No. 1284 and 1 00 for shop No. 1 230, giving an average for the two shops of 101 rows of stitching per hour. Combining these two normal shops with the high and low output shops mentioned above, a general average is obtained of 98 rows of sti telling per hour, which is practically the same as the average for the two normal shops. CLOSING SIDES. This operation takes considerably less time, as the seam is only about half the length made in the operation in which the sides and sleeves are closed together. The work was timed in two shops on a 230 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. total of nearly 105 dozen waists, with a total expenditure of time equivalent to 15 hours and 19 minutes for one person. In shop No. 1191 the closing was done on a Metropolitan machine by a male operator, who turned out 160 rows of stitching per hour. L shop No. 1284 the work was done by a man working with a wonu assistant on a Union Special machine, with an output of 183 rows ol stitching per hour. CLOSING SLEEVES. As in the case of closing sides, the closing of sleeves takes less timi than the combined closing of sides and sleeves. This work was time< in three shops on a total of 193 dozen waists, which took the equiv lent of 24 hours and 28 minutes for one person, all the shops using Union Special machine. The output per hour in the different sho] is fairly uniform, being 177 rows of stitching per hour in shop N< 1230, 183 in shop No. 1191, and 204 in shop No. 1284, the highest output being in the shop in which the work is done by the piece. II is interesting to note that the outputs in shops Nos. 1191 and 123( are practically the same, although in the former the operator receive $15 per week and in the latter only $6.50 per week, both operators being men. The average output for the three shops is 190 rows of stitching per hour. In addition to the work referred to above, sleeves were closed on 20^ dozen waists in shop No. 1191, while the operator at the same time shirred the top of the sleeves. The output per hour was 117 rows of stitching as compared with 183 rows by the same operator when no shirring was done. SLEEVE SETTING BY SLEEVE SETTERS. The work of the sleeve setter consists of sewing the sleeves to the waist. There are two ways of doing this work. In the waists which were mostly in style prior to 1913, the sleeves were closed by the sleeve maker and set into the armhole of the w T aist by the sleeve setter. The setting of the closed sleeve requires great skill. As a rule the sleeve is larger than the armhole and while it is being set into the waist it has to be gathered into folds (shirred), the sleeve setter knowing practically by instinct just how much to gather in so that the sleeve will fit perfectly into the armhole and will "hang right" from the body of the waist. The work is usually done on a Union Special machine, which has a knife attachment, trimming off the raw edge on the wrong side as fast as the sleeve is sewed onto the waist, and felling the seam. It is also done on a Metropolitan ma- chine, which automatically binds the seam on the wrong side instead of felling it. In the styles that have been in vogue since 1913 the sleeves are usually sewed onto the body of the waist before being closed. The WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 231 closer then closes the sleeves and the sides of the waist in one opera- tion. The change in the style and the introduction of the so-called "yoke sleeve" has deprived the sleeve setters of the work of sleeve setting, the open yoke sleeve being usually attached to the waist by the body makers. The sleeve setters are now employed mostly on other work requiring the use of the Union Special or Metropolitan machines. The work of the sleeve setters is given in Table 81, that of the body makers on yoke sleeves in Table 88, and on straight sleeves in Table 99. The work of sleeve setting proper was timed in three $9-a-dozen waist shops, involving the work of 2 men and 3 women, with a total output of over 252 dozen waists at an expenditure of time equiva- lent to 77 hours and 53 minutes for 1 person. In shop No. 1232 the work was done by a week worker on a Union Special machine on open sleeves and shows an output of 123 sleeves per hour. In shop No. 1284 the work was done on closed sleeves, likewise on a Union Special machine, by 1 male and 1 female working by the piece, and the output was 89 sleeves per hour for 1 worker and 116 sleeves for the other, the average for the shop being 110 sleeves per hour. It is natural that the output on closed sleeves should be less than on open sleeves. In shop No. 1191 sleeves were also closed before being set, but the sleeve setter was given shirred sleeves instead of plain sleeves, as in shop No. 1284. The work was done by a girl receiving $16 per week and a man receiving $11 per week, the girl being the more skillful of the two. Taking the work of the girl, we find her output to be 101 sleeves per hour when working on a Union Special machine, and 90 sleeves per hour when working on a Metropolitan machine. Work was also timed in shop No. 1191, in which sleeves were set and shirred at the same time. This naturally slowed down the work still more, the output of the girl dropping to 71 sleeves per hour on a Metropolitan machine, and 72 sleeves per hour on a Union Special. That is to say, while on the preceding work there was a difference of :about 10 per cent in output in favor of the Union Special machine as compared with the Metropolitan; there was practically no differ- ence in the output of the two machines when shirring had to be done simultaneously with the sleeve setting. That was probably due to the fact that the difference in speed between the two machines was offset by the delay resulting from the necessity of shirring the sleeves while they were being set. The work of the $ll-a-week man likewise showed a larger output when setting sleeves already shirred as com- pared with the output obtained when the shirring had to be done together with the sleeve setting, his output being 58 and 44 sleeves per hour, respectively. 232 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. 3 * co* Hn nH CO * S J " o o* 00 rH i-H rC Df o ^"3 5 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 ,TM r*>HN ! Q (M * H3 1-1 Hi oo a R ; CO rH rH 1 " 8 i li S ss 800 o s . -* 1 rH CM oo i illl CO CO 2co i o CO CO 1O 1 i 11 of li g ! CN M CO O5 C^ oo I S 1 I S 00 o ^ o 1 fea-s rH CO CO i-l CO rH COCO CD 's 8 S 3 3 rX ' fe J M o | a a o > ft o ^ p S t$ s CO 44 ^j ^ o S ,14 ^ ,M a 4^ O CO S ^" S CO o CO S Jl ^ s PH . ^ ^ ^ ' o|| ri PnS ss^f* ^ fe S SG&; s P*PH Sf4 ^* ^ . C3 ; i 1 a OH ' 1 T3 d r s : a rH' I W O rH a tn 03 I il 0* 02 No. 1232: perator No. No. 1284: perator No. perator No. Average, 2 p 6 1 Do. perator No. CM > <1 il ^ i !s JI V es > . t-l CS -t"* 1 O O <> C^ -C-* H4 -. : r*, H2 f-*M * * * _ HS -C K> -4 --G 1! JO QC CO .-1 (N i 1 0} p T ( d n r 1 n> n j Hi C a r. i a "l nfoo ttonhole (i o d ev c> O 1 size of bu 'fl 1 CO *ot T [ 1 r c c^ r* : 03 03 N H C c e * ^ ^ 11 1 1 1 i waist anc g d fc O < > CC > 10 CO 10 C > < 3 w o> :. : * 3 1 .s OQ "3 w : : : : : 1 ^ : : : I ^_^ ^-^ ^-^^ |j II ll 1 g C 1 ^ I 6 S Net on ch] Nt ^ a O aj^J COO cT^ C |^ s r-|l| O ^ ^H O O C 3 S o i - : i a i i 3 3 .3 .3 ; ; a I c C c 1 d Average 1^ d fc 1 \ 6 o o 6 6 o !i c$ 1 " N CM CO a o ti a a c C C c Average, lines 36 to 48. Nn 111R a & Average, lines 50 to 53. No. 1090. . . Do.. Average, lines 55 and 56. No. 1116... fi Average, lines 58 and 59. No. 1090... Dn c P c d x; G s CO S S o S q c5 o'd do <\f^ f^\ ^ ! ^tj^ Jp i-< p co -f >c cc 05 s s s sssss s 5 s s p:^K?:s g 238 BULLETIN OF THE BUBE&V OF LABOR STATISTICS. ill ss a l*& (M iO t- "5 t>- o 10 o o zen ists. O l-H 1-1 r-^ MIM I II I WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DBESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 239 *,. * M -^-i^^.-WW-^^-^^-H HN^l ^- HN- j undies. 1* o .^ & I 3 c! r^:< 1 i-j-ppaii sipri pq i i 1 * v ' Number of holes per hour. i O * 2 3 S g 8 I | < 6 = "3 A 1111 t ^ O M O? i-H (M O 00 O5 N S 5 1! 2 O CO s 231 ii s i g i e Dozen waists. H * ^r CD 00 S? S" ^^ g CC g J t. 1 i 02 ttonhole ( ^0 1 size of bu G I 02 r-r 5 ^-.N r t- t^OO inholes to " J 02 45 "3 ft 1 | Material. p _ +- c C O C 1 | o o ooo ooooo 3 | 1 s 1 oT Jf CO | o 0) t> g 1 - IIS 8 1 ^' g ^c od ddoc) o o d ll - (M CO *T**OOI>-OOCi O T-H C"-l 240 BULLETIN OF THE BUKEAU OF LABOK STATISTICS. The number of buttonholes is indicated in the table separately for the back, front, and cuffs, but the figures of output have been arranged in the table according to the largest number of buttonholes on any one part of the waist; that is to say, if a waist, as in line 15, table 82A, has 3 buttonholes in the back, 5 in the front, and 4 on the cuffs, making a total of 12 buttonholes, it is not classed with the waists hav- ing 12 buttonholes, but with those having 5. The reason for this is that the proportion of time lost in the various motions describee above to total time at work will be nearer to the 5-buttonhole wais than to the 12-buttonhole waist. While a little time is saved by having the additional buttonholes on the same waist, the time takes to turn over the waist when the operator is through with th( front, then to find the back and place it in position in the machine and then when he is through with the back, to find the cuff of one sleeve and place that in position in the machine, then remove the cuf and replace it with the other cuff, is almost, and in some cases just as great as in putting one waist aside and taking up another. The advan tage of having a large number of buttonholes accrues only when the buttonholes are all arranged in a row, as is the case when they are al in the front or all on the back of the waist, or on the neckband, etc In that case the skilled operator works with great speed. As fast as buttonhole is made he moves the waist by a quick jerk a distance o about 3 or 4 inches, according to the waist, which he automatically determines by the movement of his hand, which becomes accus tomed to this manipulation when the operator is working continually on the same kind of work. In a shop where there is a great variety of styles, and the number of buttonholes varies a great deal fron style to style the operator is less accustomed to measure the distanc< mechanically and his speed is affected thereby. SIZE OF BUTTONHOLES. 3. Other things being equal, the larger the buttonhole the longer i takes to make it and the less, therefore, is the number of buttonhole, made in a given time. This is true, however, only when there is a considerable difference in size. For buttonholes of less than inch the difference in the time it takes to make a buttonhole forms so small a proportion of the total time, in which is included the los in handling the waist, as to make no appreciable difference in th< output. It is possible that, if a series of tests had been made on but tonholes of different sizes by the same operator under exactly similai conditions, in so far as they affect the output, that a graded scale o output for buttonholes of various sizes, even less than 1 inch, coulc be constructed. This was impossible, however, under the conditions surrounding the present investigation, when workers had to be time< on such work as they were found to be doing in each shop. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DEESS AND WAIST INDUSTEY. 241 MATERIAL. 4. The material of which a waist or dress is made is the factor of least importance in the matter of output. A waist made of fine f net or lace may prove more difficult to handle, owing to the greater delicacy of the material, and therefore show a smaller output. SIZE OF THE BUNDLE. 5. The size of the bundle has been found to be by far the most important factor in determining the output of an operator in the shops under investigation. As will be seen from Table 82 A, shops Nos. 1116 and 1110 show the largest output. A reference to the last column of the table showing the size of the bundles will disclose the fact almost invariably that these two shops furnish work to their employees in large quantities at a time. In shop No. 1110 there is no such thing as a bundle so far as the buttonhole maker is con- cerned ; there being but one buttonhole maker in the shop, there is no attempt to count the waists, and he is paid each week according to the cutter's slip showing the number of waists cut for the shop. When the waists are ready for the buttonhole maker they are either brought to him or taken by himself in as large heaps as he can carry in his arms. They are all dumped in a basket at his side, and when completed are dumped just as indiscriminately in another basket, which is taken to the examiner's table without being counted or put up in bundles. In this way much of the loss of time caused by the handling of the waists in other shops is eliminated here. In shop No. 1116, where such a system is impossible, owing to the variety of styles and materials and where waists are put up in bundles on the average of about 2 J dozen each, the individual bundles, as they kome from the body makers, are combined into larger bundles, so that the buttonhole maker gets large bundles containing as many as 10 or 12 dozen waists or more; moreover, the buttonhole maker never has to go for his work and is not expected to tie and untie the bundles; all that is attended to by a girl assistant who is employed in the shop by the week to serve the buttonhole maker and button sewer in this way. On the other hand, shop No. 1090, which shows as a rule the smallest output, although equipped with as modern machinery as shop No. 1116, furnishes the work to the buttonhole maker in bundles containing frequently less than a dozen waists, and seldom exceeding 2J dozen, and the buttonhole maker must untie and tie up each bundle, which necessitates the spreading out of each waist so that it will lie flat in the bundle. The results will be seen from the following figures: Taking up first waists having 4 buttonholes in the front or back, we find the output on cotton waists in shop No. 1116 to be 583 buttonholes per hour (line 7, Table 82A), while in shop No. 1090 42132 Bull. 14614 16 242 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. the output is 207 buttonholes per hour (line 8, Table 82 A), or con- siderably less than half. When to the 4 buttonholes on the front are added 3 buttonholes on the neckband, the output in shop No. 1090 is increased to 277 buttonholes (line 10). On the other hand, with buttonholes of more than one size requiring a change of knife which cuts the hole in the material to the required size, the outpu in this shop is reduced to 157 buttonholes per hour (line 9). Or erpe de Chine and net, the output is further reduced to 118 and 14 buttonholes per hour, respectively. The same is true of waists having 5 or 6 buttonholes on the front The output on 5 and 6 buttonhole waists being about the same, th two have been combined into one average. The average output ii shops Nos. 1110 and 11 16 is 518 buttonholes per hour (line 21), whil in shop No. 1090 it is 188 (line 27), or over one- third the output in the other shop. Of the two former shops the work in one is given out in bulk, as already explained, and in the other the bundles vary from 7 to 14 dozen each, while in shop No. 1090 the bulk of the work was in bundles from |- dozen to 2 dozen each, and only a few bundles were of a larger size. In shop No. 1235 the output is 283 buttonholes per hour (line 31), this shop showing a greater efficiency in production than in shop No. 1090. It should also be observed that shops Nos. 1090 and 1235 employ women buttonhole makers, while shops Nos. 1116 and 1110 employ men, whose earning capacity is much greater than that of the women. Line 35 shows an average output of 224 buttonholes per hour in shop No. 1090 on waists made of net or net and chiffon. This shows that the output of the buttonholes on cot- ton waists in the same shop is too low and may have been caused by trouble with the machine, the extremely small size of the bundles, or some other cause, although it should be noted that the average of 188 buttonholes was based on a test lasting a total of 1,591 minutes, or more than 26 hours, while the test on the net and chiffon waists lasted only 329 minutes, or 5J hours. The same relation between the respective outputs of the above shops is seen in connection with waists having 7, 8, and more button- holes to the front. Thus shop No. 1116 shows an output on this class of cotton waists of 588 buttonholes per hour (line 54), while the average output for shops Nos. 1090 and 1235 was 278 buttonholes per hour (line 49), or only about one-half. The output on net and silk waists in shop No. 1090 was 340 buttonholes per hour (line 57), which is again higher than the output on cotton waists for the same shop. On the other hand, the average output on silk waists in shop No. 1116 was 483 buttonholes per hour (line 60), which is nearly one-fifth lower than the output on cotton waists in the same shop. The output on waists having 9 buttonholes or more to the front does not seem to vary much with the number of buttonholes, and WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 243 the figures are, therefore, combined without regard to the number of buttonholes. The average output on cotton waists having 9 buttonholes or more in shop No. 1116 is iound to be 705 per hour (line 70), while in shops Nos. 1090 and 1235 the average was 249 but- tonholes per hour (line 66), or only a little over a third. As usual, the chief point of difference between the two seems to be in the size of the bundles and the sex of the operators. The same relation holds good of* waists other than cotton. The output on net waists in shop No. 1116 was 687 buttonholes per hour (line 71), while the average for shops Nos. 1090 and 1235 was 404 buttonholes per hour. It is possible, however, that the figure 687 is too high, having been obtained as the result of a test consisting of only one bundle of 3J dozen, which was done in 33 minutes. Experience has shown that a test is not conclusive unless it is made on several bundles. On the other hand the average of 404 holes for the two shops, Nos. 1090 and 1235, is more reliable, although consisting of figures some of which are not consistent with each other. Thus the output on silk waists in shop No. 1090 varies from 158 to 280 buttonholes per hour (lines 72 to 74), which is less than half the output on net shown in line 80 in the same shop. It is also less than the output on chiffon and net waists, viz, 304 buttonholes per hour, shown in line 76. Both net and chiffon on net are more difficult to handle on the machine than silk, as they stretch and tear more easily. The difference may have been due to accidental causes, such as the condition of the operator as well as the condition of the machine, but being based as it is on a large number of waists with the work extending over 102 minutes, or over an hour and a half, it is nearer to actual average conditions as they prevail in a shop than the figure for shop No. 1116 in line 71. REECE MACHINE. As already explained on page 68, the Reece machine is much faster than the Singer, but the appearance of the buttonholes made on this machine is such that it is used only on cheap garments. The output on cotton waists having one or two buttonholes was found to differ but little, the average output being 238 buttonholes per hour. On waists having four buttonholes the output in shop No. 1235 was found to be 324 buttonholes per hour, while in shop No. 1230 it was 552. The larger output in shop No. 1230 is due to a number of reasons: The smaller size of the buttonhole, being only f inch in shop No. 1230 and 1 inch in shop No. 1235; the fact that in shop No. 1235 the operators are required to untie and tie the bundles; which carries with it the necessity of spreading out each waist and putting the waists on top of each other in making up the bundle, 244 BULLETIN OF THE BUBEAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. while in shop No. 1230 the buttonhole maker is not required to untie or make up bundles, with the consequent saving of time. The output on waists containing five buttonholes was found to vary from 654 buttonholes per hour in shop No. 1230 to 847 in shop No. 1284. As the work is done in both shops under fairly similar conditions, the difference in output is probably due chiefly to the fact that the buttonhole makers in shop No. 1230 are women, while in shop No. 1284 they are men. Either figure could therefore be taken as a basis for a piece rate by making a proper allowance for an hourly rate for men and women operators. On six-buttonhole waists the output per hour was 501 buttonholes in shop No. 1235, 801 buttonholes in shop No. 1230, and 939 in shop No. 1284. As usual, shop No. 1284 shows the highest output and shop No. 1235 the lowest. The reasons for the low output in shop No. 1235 have already been explained. The high output of shop No. 1284 is due both to the fact that the buttonhole maker is not required to tie and untie bundles, and the further fact that in shop No. 1284 the work is done by men, while in the other two shops it is done by women. The same relation between the respective outputs of the three shops holds true with regard to seven-buttonhole waists. Again shop No. 1284 leads the rest with 1,103 buttonholes per hour (line 13), and No. 1235 lags behind with 720 buttonholes (line 11). The output on eight-buttonhole waists does not seem to differ from that on seven-buttonhole waists, being 1,008 buttonholes per hour in shop No. 1284. This shows that when the number of buttonholes on a waist gets fairly large, a difference of one buttonhole has no appreciable effect on the output. BUTTON SEWING. FLAT PEARL BUTTONS. The button sewing timed in the shops was done on machines exclusively. Button sewing by hand is the work of finishers. As explained in Part I of this report (see page 70), most of the button sewers are women, of whom less than one-fifth work by the piece. In the $9-a-dozen waist shops in which button sewing was timed, the work was done by the week with the exception of shop No. 1110, in which it was done by the piece. Piecework also prevailed in shops Nos. 1235 and 1116, the only medium-priced waist shops reported in Table 83A. The work of the machine button sewer consists of picking up the waist, inserting in the machine the spot marked with a pencil or otherwise, opposite the buttonhole, placing a button in a special holder, and setting the machine in motion, which automatically sews WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 245 the button to the waist. The operator then removes the waist, moves it to the point where the next button has to be sewed on, inserts a new button, and repeats the same operations. As in the case of buttonhole making, the output on button sewing will vary (1) with the skill of the operator; (2) with the number of buttons to the waist; (3) with the kind of button; (4) with the size of the bundle which the operator gets at a time; (5) with the con- ditions governing the handling of the work; that is to say, whether or not the bundle has to be tied and untied by the operator. 1. As a rule, there is only one button sewer in a shop. This was the case in all the shops in which work was timed with the exception of shop No. 1230, in which two button sewers were found. All the button sewers, except one in shop No. 1110, were women. Although this shop shows a slightly higher output per hour than the other two shops on the same kind of waists, the difference is probably due not so much to the difference in ways as to the fact that in this shop there is no tying and untying of bundles, the material being handled in large bulk, as explained under buttonhole making. 2. The number of buttons to the waist is an important factor for the same reason that the number of buttonholes is. (See page 234.) 3. The kind of button may affect the output materially. A pearl button having two bored holes in it is somewhat more difficult to han- dle than a crochet button, for the reason that the operator need not pay any attention to the way the crochet button is inserted in the holder of the machine, since, no matter what the position of the but- ton is, the needle will go through it, the button consisting of uniform material, with the exception of the outward metal ring around which the crochet thread is wound. Not so with a pearl button: Unless the button is inserted in the holder of the machine so as to place the hole directly under the needle, the needle will strike the hard surface of the button and break, causing stoppage of work and the necessity of re- placing the needle. The operator can not, therefore, insert a pearl button as rapidly as she does a crochet button. 4-5. The size of the bundle and the manner of handling it are of great importance for the same reasons which were explained in con- nection with buttonhole making. Table 83A shows the output on pearl buttons and 83B on crochet buttons. The work was timed in 5 shops, of which 3 are $9-a-dozen waist shops and 2 making medium-priced waists. The figures have been arranged according to the number of buttons to a front or back of a waist, similarly to the arrangement of the buttonhole data. Taking first the pearl buttons, we find that for 4-button waists the. output in shop No. 1230 is 553 buttons per hour (line 1). This average is based upon the work of 1 button sewer on 792 buttons. 246 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Doze aists ! 5*85 10 t^- t* !> to ,H 1-4 o oe r^ ' ^^ -< O OJ^H 3 II . ^ floo 02 CCCOOQCOCQ WAGES AND EMPLOYMEKT I1T DKESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 247 pi *& Siiis lltf Illl sggtsss 1010 ooco if a ^a Ii : :' : : 6 o c> fc o' o'J? 02 MM t-l IN CO -*>O O 248 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. On the five-button waists we have the record of work done by 4 operators in 3 shops, 3 of them women and 1 man, who were timed on 11,815 buttons. The output is fairly uniform in the 3 shops, ranging from 726 in shop No. 1230 (line 2) to 771 in shop No. 1110, the average for the 3 shops being 746 buttons per hour. The highest output in shop No. 1110 may be due to two causes: (1) That the operator is a man; (2) that the work is handled in bulk instead of in bundles, as explained in connection with buttonhole making. For six-button waists we have the record of 4 shops, 2 of them $9-waist shops, and 2 medium-priced waist shops. The output seems to vary according to the character of the shops. Thus, in the two $9-a-dozen waist shops (lines 6 and 7) the output is 760 and 875 buttons per hour, respectively, the average being 803 buttons per hour, while in the two medium-priced waist shops (lines 9 and 10) the output is 514 and 595 buttons per hour, respectively, the average being 586 buttons per hour. In the case of seven-button waists, we have the record of 4 shops, 3 of them with a "fairly uniform output per hour, while the fourth shop, No. 1235, has a low output of 417 buttons per hour (line 12). This low output is explained by the fact that the waist had a loose facing which had to be turned over by the button sewer and creased. The respective outputs per hour in the 3 other shops, ranging from 672 buttons per hour in shop No. 1116 (medium-priced waist shop) to 868 in shop No. 1230 ($9-a-dozen waist shop), have been combined with the data for the 8 and 9 button waists into one average for the reason that the output in those shops does not vary much for the three classes of waists. The average for the three, as will be seen from line 19, is equal to 772 buttons per hour based on a total of 23,938 buttons in the 3 shops. CROCHET BUTTONS. The work on crochet buttons was timed in three shops. Of these one, No. 1230, was a $9-a-dozen waist shop, and two, Nos. 1235 and 1116, were medium-priced shops. The three-button waists were timed in shop No. 1230, showing an output of 788 buttons per hour. Another operator in the same shop showed an output of only 678 buttons per hour on five-button waists. As the size of the jobs was practically the same in each case, as will be seen from the table, the only explanation for the lower output on the waist containing the larger number of buttons lies in the difference in skill of the two operators. The output on six-button waists was 769 buttons per hour in shop Xo. 1230 and 589 in shop No. 1235. The higher output was turned out by two operators in a $9-a-dozen waist shop on 3,564 buttons. The WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 249 lower output was produced by an operator in a medium-priced waist shop on 540 buttons which were sewed on 7J dozen waists furnished to the operator in three bundles of 2^ dozen each, whereas the size of the bundles in the $9 shop varied from 2-f to 12 dozen. The chief reason, however, for the lower output was that the buttons had to be sewed on in two rows of three each for ornamental purposes, for which no marking is clone. The operator had to see, therefore, that the buttons were spaced equally and each placed in a straight line with the corresponding buttons in the other row. That this was the chief cause of the smaller output may be seen from the fact that the output on seven-button waists by the same operator (line 5), for which the spacing was marked in the usual manner, was 861 buttons per hour on bundles no larger than in the preceding case. On nine -button waists the output in another medium priced waist shop (line 6) was 1,251 buttons per hour. This figure was obtained, however, by timing an operator on a small lot of waists (3| dozen) containing a total of 396 buttons. BODY MAKING. The operations included in body making have been described in Part I of this report under "Waist operators" (pp. 93, 94) and also on previous pages of Part II. It will therefore be sufficient for the present to state briefly that body making includes all tho opera- tions which are required to make the body of the waist and which are described in greater detail in the following sections. Tho body makers are among the most skillful operators in the trade, since they make practically the entire garment outside of the few special operations described in the preceding sections. Most of the headings of the columns in the tables which follow speak for themselves. ' The column marked "Kind of seam" is subdivided into two columns, marked "First" and "Second," which require an explanation. While most operations are done with one seam, there are some operations which it takes two seams to complete. This is true of the French seam (described under "Closing," p. 226) and of most of the work of joining lace to other material. As each seam is made under different conditions, the second seam usually requiring a great deal less time than the first, the work on each seam was timed separately whenever possible and the data tabulated accordingly. In timing work in which a seam consisted of two rows of stitching, it was not always possible to time the first and second rows of stitch- ing on the identical waists. An operator might be timed on the first row on an entire bundle and before she took up the work of the second row of stitching she might be started on a new bundle and not have an opportunity to return to the old bundle until the inves- 250 BULLETIN OF THE BUEEAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. tigator had left the shop, or had been assigned to time a new set oj operators. In such case it would be necessary to time the scconc row of stitching upon a different bundle of waists, consisting perhaps of a larger or a smaller number. For this reason the total number oi waists, as well as the total number of rows of stitching timed on th< first seam, as shown in Tables 84 to 89, 91, 92B, 93 to 96, 98, and 99, is seldom the same as that on the second row. But in figuring ou! the time it will take to do the entire operation consisting of the tw< rows of stitching, it was necessary to take an equal number of waisl for each row of stitching, since this is the way the work is actuall; done, and because otherwise either the first or the second row oi stitching would be given an undue weight. The following illustra- tion will show the method of calculation followed: Kind of scam. Dozen waists. Rows of stitching. Minutes work took. Rows per hour. First. Second. Per waist. Total. Plain a 2 2 100 50 20 5 300 ? Plain To find the average output per hour on the combined process, reduce the number of rows of stitching in the first seam from 100 t< 50, so as to have the same number of rows in the first and secon< seam. The number of minutes will have to be reduced in the sam< proportion, so that we will have the following computation: Rows. Minutes. " First seam 50 10 Second seam 50 5 % Total 100 15 151 If it takes 15 minutes, or one-quarter of an hour, to do 100 rows oi stitching in the combined operation, the number of rows per hou] will be four times as large, or 400. The following symbols are used in the tables to indicate the dif- ferent kinds of seams used: P stands for a plain (ordinary) seam. F is a French seam. (For explanation of French scam, see p. 226.] S signifies shirring. (For a description of shirring, see pp. 278, 279.) PS signifies a shirred seam. It is used in the tables of this rep< to indicate that the operator had to join a shirred part of a waist another part. P + S indicates that the operator had to join two or more parts of a waist while shirring one of them at the same time. PB means that the seam is made on a bias. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DKESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 251 JOINING PARTS OF SHOULDERS WITH LACE BEADING BETWEEN THEM. This work was timed on two distinct styles of waists, the old-style waist, which was common before 1913, in which the fronts and backs were joined at the shoulder, the seam extending from the neck to the armhole over a length of 5 to 7 inches, and the new-style waist in which the shoulder seam joins the front and back parts of the waist, or of the yoke, extending some distance over the arm, forming the so-called "drop shoulder," the seam being from 11 to 15 inches long. The work consists of sewing on a narrow strip of lace, known as "lace beading," to the front and back shoulder pieces and then turning back the edge of the material, visible under the lace, on the wrong side and stitching it over so that the raw edge will not protrude under the lace. The work of stitching over the raw edge forms the second seam or "stitch," as it is called in the trade. The work on the first seam naturally takes a longer time to do than on the second, for the reason that on the first seam the operator must handle two pieces of material, the lace beading and the shoulder piece, and must take care that the seam forms a straight line at a uniform distance from the edge of the material. On the second seam she has only the raw edge to stitch over but no joining of separate pieces, and the work can therefore be done much more quickly. In all the three shops both on the short and the long seams, as well as on the French seam, it will be found that the output on the second seam is uniformly higher than on the first. Thus in the first item in Table 84 we find the output on the first seam to be 194 rows of stitching per hour (line 1), while on the second it is 291 or 50 per cent higher than on the first. Similar differences between the output on the first and second seams will be found on comparing line 4 with line 5, lines 7 and 8, 10 and 11, 13 and 14. Another interesting comparison which Table 84 furnishes is as to the respective productivity of men and women operators. Lines 1 to 3 [ of the table show the output of 10 men, lines 4 to 6 that of 10 women on the same kind of work in the same shop. The average output of the 10 men on both seams is 233 rows of stitching per hour and of I the 10 women 171 rows per hour. That is to say, the men show an output over 36 per cent greater than the women. The work was timed in two shops: No. 1232, the most efficient of the shops investigated, and No. 1284, which has been found to fall below the average shop on several operations. The short seam was timed in shop No. 1284, while the long seams were found in shop No. 1232. As will be seen from Table 84, the average output per hour was 210 rows of stitching in shop No. 1284 (line 9), and 207 in shop No. 1232 (line 12), the somewhat higher figure in the less effi- cient shop being due in this case to the much shorter seams which were made in that shop. In determining the stitch rate for these 252 BULLETIN OF THE BUEEAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. operations on the basis of the figures given here, it would be necessary to take into account the differences in the earning capacities of the operators in the respective shops. The French seam work was found in shop No. 1230, although this shop manufactures only cheap waists. The work was done by four men and three women, and showed an average output of 162 rows of stitching per hour on the first seam, 243 on the second, and 194 on the complete operation. TABLE 84. JOINING PARTS OF SHOULDERS WITH LACE BEADING BETWEEN THEM. [For explanation of method of computing averages in this table see p. 250.] Line No. Shop number. Number and sex of operators. Kind of seam. Length of seam (inches). Waists (dozen). Stitching. Male. Fe- male. First. Sec- ond. Rows per waist. Total rows. Time worked (min- utes). Rows per hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Shop No 128 1 10 p. 5 to 7 5 to 7 9U 92J 2 2 2,190 2,220 676 458 194 291 Do 10 P. Vverage 233 Shop No. 1284 433 258 10 10 E. 5 to 7 5 to 7 a 2 2 980 996 136 232 Do P. Average 171 Average shop No. 1281: First seam 5 to 7 5 to 7 18* 10 10 10 10 P. "P." 2 2 3,170 3,216 1,109 716 172 269 Second seani Average I 210 183 238 Shop No 1232 T 5 T 6 !_ 2~ 2 864~ {*.(* ODD p. 11 to 15 11 to 15 110 110 2. 640 2,640 Do P. \^ T erage 207 162 243 Shop No. 1230 564 324 209" 80 4 | 3 2 3 F. "F." 6* to 8 7 to 8 23i 13$ 2 2 Do Average . . . i 194 JOINING YOKES TO FRONTS OR BACKS WITH INSERTIONS. Seam 12 to 15 inches long. This work was observed in three shops making waists to sell for $9 per dozen, involving the work of 19 men and 21 women, who spent the equivalent of 54 hours and 38 minutes for one person in turning out from 160 to 165 dozen waists. The character of this work involves the same operations as in sewing on lace beading to shoulders, described in the preceding section, and in joining lace to material, described under lace run- ning. That is to say, a distinction must be made in - the .first place between the process in which the lace is sewed on top of the cloth and that in which the cloth appears on top of the lace; in the second place, the first row of stitching, which involves the sewing on of the lace, must be distinguished from the second row by which the protruding edge of the cloth is stitched back. As will be seen from Table 85, two shops (Nos. 1284 and 1230) follow the method of sewing the cloth on top, while in one shop (No. 1232) the lace is stitched on WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DEESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 253 top. As a result, the first two shops show a smaller output per hour than the last-mentioned shop. Where the cloth appears on top the rows of stitching per hour vary from 96 to 108 on the first seam, and from 139 to 144 on the second, the average for the two seams in both shops being 116 rows of stitching per hour. For the lace on top process the rows of stitching per hour were 168 on the first seam and 207 on the second, the average for the two seams being 186 per hour. The last item in the table represents the same work as described above, except that cording is inserted instead of lace beading. This work is much more difficult and takes more time ; the cording being 1 quite thick, its movement under the "foot" (the name of the attach- ment which presses down the material, thereby helping the gears under the material to push it along as fast as it is stitched), is slow; care must also be taken that the seam is put in neatly next to the cord so that the needle neither catches the cord nor nlakes the seam too far from the cord, which would leave it loose in the cloth. All these conditions combine to greatly reduce the output. Only 7J dozen waists with cording were made while the investiga- tion was in progress, and this happened in shop No. 1232 which has the highest output of any shop on most of the work on which com- parison can be made between the different shops. These 7J dozen were made by three different operators, all men, each making 2J dozen. The average output was 87 rows of stitching per hour. For additional figures on cording, see page 281 relating to sleeve setting. TABLE 85. JOINING YOKES TO FRONTS OR BACKS WITH INSERTIONS. Seam 12 to 15 inches long. [For explanation of method of computing averages in this table, see p. 230.] Line No. Shop number. Number and sex of operators. Kind of seam. Waists (dozen). Stitchin.e. Male. Fe- male. First. Sec- ond. Rows per waist. Total rows. Time worked (min- utes). Rows per hour. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Cloth on top: Shop No. 1284 2 4 9 12 P. "~"p~." 53 * 64^ 2 2 1,280 1.550 798 668 96 139 Do Average 114 Shop No. 1230 pT 2 2 5 8 ""P." 22 30 2 2 528 736 294 307 108* 144 Do Average 123 Average, shops Nos. 1230 and 1284: First seam 4 6 14 20 p. "'P.' 75 J 95J 2 2 1,808 2,286 1,092 975 99 141 Second seam 116 Lace on top: Shop No. 1232 Do Average. 13 13 p. 2 2 .723 488 1 1 ""p"." | 2,028 1,686 168 207 186 87 With cording: Shop No. 1232 | . 3 p. 7J 2 180 124 254 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. JOINING YOKE BEADING TO BACKS. Seam 27 to 30 inches long. This work was timed in three $9-a-dozen waist shops, involving the work of 10 men and 9 women, with a total output of 49f| to 57J dozen waists at an expenditure of time equivalent to 15 hours and 1 minutes for one person. The work is in every way similar to thai described in the preceding section except that it is done on waisl having closed backs which are double the length of the open bad given in the preceding section. As will be seen by comparing th< figures in Tables 85 and 86, the output for each shop is materially lowei on the full backs as compared with the half backs. Thus, taking first the shops where the cloth is stitched on top of the lace, we fin< that in shop No. 1284 the average output is 79 rows of stitching pei hour on the full backs (see table below), as against 114 on the hali backs (see preceding table), a difference of 31 per cent. For shop No. 1230, the respective outputs are 75 and 123 rows per hour, or difference of 39 per cent. The average output for the two shops is 7: rows of stitching per hour on the first seam, 87 rows on the second, and 78 rows per hour for the combined process as compared with rows of stitching for the half backs, or a difference of 33 per cent. That is to say, in the two shops mentioned the output on full bacj was on the average about one-third less per hour than the outpu on half backs. For shop No. 1232, in which the lace is stitched on top of the cloth, the output on full backs was 98 per hour as compared with 186 half backs, or a difference of 47 per cent. TABLE 86. JOINING YOKE BEADING TO BACKS. Plain seam 27 to 30 inches long. [For explanation of method of computing averages in this table, see page 250.] Line No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shop number. Number and sex of operators. Kind of seam. Lencth of seam (inches). Waists (dozen). Stitching. Rows per hour. Male. Fe- male. First. Sec- ond. Rows per waist. Total rows. Time worked (min- utes). Cloth on top: Shop No. 1284... 6 g P. ""p~." 27 27 20 25 1 1 240 300 203 201 Do Average.. 3 Shop No. 1230 5 5 60~ 60 2 2 P. ""p~.~ 27 to 30 27 to 30 1 1 50 46 Do 2 Average Total, shops Nos. 1230 and 1284: First seam Second seam 2 8 g P. 1 1 253 247 . . . . 27 to 30 27 to 30 25 30 300 360 Average 146 Lace on top: Shop No. 1232... . g ^^^^^ p == 27 to 31 29 to 31 32* 19H 1 1 390 239 '_'..-- 318 99 Do.... 6 1 P. Average WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 255 JOINING YOKES WITH LACE BEADING TO OPEN FRONTS OR BACKS, WITH A SHIRRED SEAM. Seam 11 to 15 inches long. This work was timed in only one $9-a-dozen waist shop, involving the work of 11 men and 8 women, with a total output of 46 to 53 dozen waists, at an expenditure of time equivalent to 17 hours and 5 minutes for one person. The work differs from that described in the preceding section in that a shirred seam takes the place of a plain seam. This process is naturally more difficult for the operator. Comparison is possible only for one shop, No. 1232, since only in that shop work was found of a similar character with plain and shirred seams, respectively. The average output for this shop on this kind of work was 143 rows of stitching per hour, as compared with 186 rows of the plain seam (see lines 10 and 11 in Table 85). In other words, the additional work of shirring or handling a shirred seam results in a loss of about 23 per cent in the output of the operator, and work of this kind seems to call for a proportionately greater compensation than in the case of a plain seam. An examination of Table 87 shows that the operators do their work in different ways. In the column headed "Kind of seam" it will be found that the first seam has been made in two different ways, indi- cated by the symbols "PS" and "P + S," respectively. The former indicates that the shirring was done before the joining in a separate operation; the latter, that the joining and the shirring were done together in the same operation. A comparison of lines 1 and 4 of Table 87 shows an output of 116 rows of stitching per hour by the first method and 111 by the second, or a difference of 4 per cent in favor of the former method. But this does not take account of the time taken to do the shirring as a separate operation, which does not appear in the table. The fact should be noted that when the separate operation of shirring is saved, the handling of the work becomes much more difficult for the operator, so that what is saved by elimi- nating one operation is largely or entirely offset through the loss of time in handling the combined operation in one process. 1 Moreover, as it is left to the discretion of the operator to do the work either by the one or by the other method, there is no occasion for different rates for the two methods. . +. 1 It will be noted that there is no difference in the time it takes to do the second seam under either process, since the second seam is identical in both cases, consisting of stitching over a shirred seam. For this reason no attempt was made to separate the work on the second seam under the two processes, and lines 2 and 5 represent the same work. 256 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 87. JOINING YOKES Y T ITH LACE BEADING TO OPEN FRONTS OR BACKS WITH SHIRRED SEAM. Seam 11 to 15 inches long. [For explanation of method of computing averages in this table see page 250.] Line No. Shop number. Number and sex of operators. Kind of seam. Length of seam (inches). Waists (dozen). Stitching. Male. Fe- male. First. Sec- ond. Rows per waist. Total rows. Time worked (min- utes). Rows per hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Joining yoke to a shirred front or back: Shop No 1232... 7 11 8 8 PS. 11 to 15 11 to 15 42A 46^ 2 2 1,018 1,106 528 352 % Do PS. \verage 143 111 189 Joining yoke to front or back and shirring at the same time: Shop No. 1232 1 ' P+S. 1 " 11 to 15 11 to 15 114 46^ 2 2 268 1,106 6 145 352 Do 11 8 P+S. Average . . jj Average for both operations ' | 1 JOINING YOKE SLEEVES TO FRONTS OR BACKS WITH BEADING BETWEEN. This work was timed in three $9-a-dozen waist shops, involvii the work of 17 men and 40 women, with a total output of 508 dozei waists at an expenditure of time equivalent to 163 hours for on< person. As in the case of the operations described above, th< average output per hour in the shops using the " cloth on top"metho< of sewing on the lace beading is below that in the shop using th( "lace on top" method, the two being 143 and 184 rows of stitching, respectively. Lines 9 to 12 of Table 88 represent the same work as describe< above, except that the operator has to shirr the front or back in th< same operation. This makes the work more difficult and con quently slower. As will be seen from lines 9 and 10 of Table 88, the output for shop No. 1230 in this case is 104 rows of stitchii per hour as compared with 144 rows of stitching without the shir- ring, or a reduction of output equal to about 28 per cent. The average for shop No. 1232 (lines 11 and 12 of the table) is 138 rcr of stitching per hour as compared with 184 without the shirring, 01 a reduction of output equal to 25 per cent. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DKESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 257 TABLE SS.-JOIN1NG YOKE SLEEVES TO FRONTS OR BACKS YTITH LACE BEADING BETWEEN. Plain seam 11 to 16 inches long. [For explanation of method of computing averages in this table see page 250.] Line No. Shop number. Number and sex of operators. Kind of seam. Stitches per inch. Waists (dozen). Rows per waist. Stitching. Male. Fe- male. First, ond. Total rows. 2,724 2,340 Time worked (min- utes). Rows per hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cloth on top: Shop No 1284 . . 6 13 6| 10 P. 113J 97i 2 2 1,305 861 125 163 Do p. Average 142 Shop No 1230... P. 8 8 23 .23 8 to 10 8 to 10 345i 337^ 2 2 8,284 8,098 3,953 2,883 126 169 Do .. P. A verage 144 *126 167 Average, shops Nos. 1284 and 1230: First seam 14 14 36 33 P. ~~ 4582 434ii 11,008 10,438 5,258 3,744 2 2 Second seam \verage p. 143 Lace on top: Shop No. 1232 Do 50 51i 2 2 1,200 1,230 3 3 4 4 P. 471 319 153 231 p Average . 184 Shirring fronts or backs at the same time. Cloth on top: Shop No 1230.. 890 786 4 4 12 9 P+S. lit 2 2 636 347 84 i:3() Do P+S Average. . 104 103 208 Lace on top: Shop No 1232 ' 1% 7J 2 . .2 180 180 105 52 P+S Do 2 p'+s Average. . 138 JOINING PARTS OF BACK WITH FRENCH SEAM, FORMING TUCK AT THE SAME TIME. This work does not frequently occur and was found in only one shop, No. 1230, in which 6 men and 9 women operators were timed on nearly 57 dozen waists, working for a period equivalent to 1,126 minutes, or more than 18 hours for one person. In this style of waist, buttoning in the front, the back was cut in three parts, the central part consisting of a strip 3 inches wide which was joined to each of the other two parts with a French seam, in which the second seam was finished on the right side instead of the wrong side, as is usually done, and thus formed a tuck. The output on this work on the first seam, in which 6 men and 9 women were engaged, was 100 rows of stitching per hour. On the second seam the output of 3 men was 148 rows of stitching per hour, and of 5 women, 114 rows, the 42132 Bull. 14614 17 258 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. average for the men and women on the second seam being 127 rows of stitching per hour. The output for the two seams was 112 of stitching per hour. TABLE 89. JOINING PARTS OF BACK WITH A FRENCH SEAM, FORMING A TUCK THE SAME TIME. Line No. Shop number. Number and sex of operators. Kind of seam. Length of seam (inches). Waists (dozen). Stitching. Male. Fe- male. First. Sec- ond. Rows per waist. Total rows. Time worked (min- utes). Rows per hour. 1 2 3 4 5 Shop No. 1230 6 3 9 P. 16 to 17 16 to 17 16 to 17 son 11* 2 2 2 1,366 298 3<>0 816 121 189 - IS Do P. P. Do 5 Average, lines 2 and Average, lines 1 and 4, 1st and 2d seams 1 29J dozen did not have the second stitch. JOINING SIDE PIECES TO FRONTS. This work consists of sewing side pieces or gores to fronts below the waist line. The pieces are short, ranging from 3 to 9 inches in length, most of them being between 3 and 5 inches. The work was done by 26 men and 26 women in three shops on nearly 236 dozen waists at an expenditure of time equivalent to over 22 hours for one person. The output ranged from 191 rows of stitching per hour in shop No. 1284 to 310 in shop No. 1232, the average being 250 rows of stitching per hour. TABLE 90. JOINING SIDE PIECES (GORES) TO FRONTS. [No hemming attachment used.] Line No. Shop number. Number and sex of operators. Kind of seam. Length of seam (inches). Waists (dozen). Stitching. Male. Fe- male. First. Sec- ond. Rows per waist. Total rows. Time worked (min- utes). Rows per hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shop No. 1284... 4 P. p 3 to 4 3 to 5 5 to 9 5 to 8 5 to 8 12* 6f H7H 48| 50$ 2 2 2 2 2 300 156 2,830 1, 164 1,208 94 41 547 318 358 191 228 310 220 202 Do 3 Shop No. 1232 15 8 8 P. p Shop No. 1230. . . Do 14 p Average, 3 shops. . . 250 WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 259 JOINING LACE TO STANDING COLLARS. This work was timed in three shops, taking in the work of 13 men and 8 women on 118 dozen waists in a period of time equivalent to 1,065 minutes, or more than 17 hours for one person. The work con- sists of joining the lace to a collar of voile or lawn, or lace, the lace in each case appearing on top of the other material, and stitching back the raw edge of the material on the second seam. The results are found to be fairly uniform in all shops, ranging from 132 rows of stitching in shop No. 1284 to 182 in shop No. 1232, the average for the three shops on both seams being 161 rows of stitching per hour. On collars made of lace, which were found only in shop No. 1284, the output was 119 rows of stitching per hour for 5 men and 101 rows of stitching for 4 women. It being more difficult to join lace and lace than to join lace and cotton material, it is natural that the output on the former should be less than on the latter. Line 19 shows the output when the lace is joined to the collar in one seam instead of by the two-seam process described above, the raw edge of the material being turned in while the lace is stitched to it. The output of one man and two women, working on 25 dozen waists for a period equivalent to 139 minutes, or practically 2 J hours for one person, was 129 rows of stitching and 129 "bendings" 1 per hour. Figuring 2 bendings as equivalent to 1 row of stitching, as is the cus- tom among some manufacturers, this would be equivalent to 194 rows of stitching per hour, or 11 rows of stitching more than the out- put in the same shop by the two-seam process. Lines 20 and 21 show the output on facing collars with a finished binding. The binding is attached only at the two extreme ends of the collar, being 3 to 4 inches long. The work is done in two opera- tions, the binding being first stitched to the edge of the collar on the right side and then turned over and stitched to the collar on the wrong side, which makes it look like a facing on the collar corresponding to the facing on the back. Five men and three women were timed in shop No. 1232 on 57 % dozen waists, working for a period equivalent to 218 minutes, or more than 3J hours for one person. The average output of the 8 operators was 613 rows of stitching on the first seam, 867 rows on the second, and 720 rows of stitching per hour on the combined operation. * Whenever the material is turned in as described above, a fold is formed which is known in the trade as a "bending." 260 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 91. JOINING LACE TO STANDING COLLARS. [For explanation of method of computing averages in this table see p. 250.] Line No. Shop number. Num- ber and sex of oper- ators. Kind of seam. Length of seam inches). Waists (doz- en). Stitching. Bendings. M. F. 1st. 2d. Rows per waist. Total rows. Time work- ed (min- utes). Rows per hour. Per waist. To- tal. Per hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Collars made of cotton material : Fhop No. 1232 Do 6 fi P "P." 14 to 18 14 to 18 65 32* 1 1 780 390 277 118 169 198 Average 182 Shop No. 1230 Do T 1 2 P. "P." 17 15 to 17 4 3i* 1 1 48 47 18 20 160 141 148 Shop No 1284 p = - - = 14 to 15 134 1~ ! 162- 210 61 111 159 114 Do 9 P. 14tol5 Average 132 Average, 3 shops: First seam . . . Second seam . Average 8 7 1 4 P. "P." - ".' 14 to 18 14 to 18 82J 53H ! 990 647 356 249 167 156 ~ 161 Collars made of lace: Shop No 1284 5 ~~ P = 15 to 16i 15 to 16| 26 26 1 1 312 312 182 132 103 142 ""^ = Do T P. Average 119 Shop No 1284 = 94 11 ~7 114 132 1 p 15 to 16J 15 to 16fc 73 73 94 108 Do 4 P. Vverage, 101 Shop No. 1232 Facing collars with a finished binding: Shop No. 1232 1 ______ 25 1 " ~ 300~ 2 P. 14 to 15 i 2 2 300 1,380 1,200 139 135 83 U29 129 5 3 ^ P. "P." 3 to 4 3 to 4 8 613 867 Average 720 1 Collars made of voile. JOINING "LITTLE SKIRTS" TO WAISTS. Practically all medium and high priced waists are cut in such a manner as to end at the waist line, an additional piece called "skirt" or "little skirt" being joined to the waist so as to form its continuation below the waist line. Most of the $9-a-dozen waists are cut full length, so as to save the labor of joining the little skirt to the waist. Sometimes little skirts are used in these waists. This happens either when embroidered fronts are used and it is desired to save the em- broidery below the waist line, where it is not seen at all or where the nature of the pattern makes it advisable to cut the waist in this man- ner so as to utilize the material to better advantage. Table 92 A gives the record of various operations in connection with the joining of little skirts to waists. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 261 JOINING LITTLE SKIRTS TO OPEN FRONTS AND SHIRRING AT THE SAME TIME. Lines 1 to 5 show the output on the operation of joining little skirts to open fronts and shirring at the same time. The work consists of two operations : In the first, the little skirt and the front are put right side to one another and joined along the raw edge. In the second operation the raw edge is stitched back. This work was timed in two $9-a-dozen waist shops covering the work of 9 men and 4 women on nearly 48 dozen waists, involving an expenditure of time equiva- lent to 544 minutes, or over 9 hours, for one person. Lines 1 and 2 show the output on the first seam in two different shops, the figures being 132 and 108 rows of stitching per hour, respec- tively, tfee average for the two shops being 126 (line 3). Line 4 shows the output on the second seam, which is always much greater than on the first, to be 319 rows of stitching per hour. This makes the output on the combined operation, taking the first and sec- ond seams, 187 rows of stitching per hour, as shown in line 5. - JOINING TO OPEN FRONTS WITHOUT SHIRRING. Iii this case the shirring or tacking of the waist was done after the little skirts were joined to the fronts. This accounts for the length of the seam of the open front at the waist line being as much as 14 inches. The work was timed in shop No. 1232, which has the record of the highest output of all the shops investigated, and represents the work of 3 men and 3 women on 15 dozen waists for a period of time equiva- lent to 99 minutes for 1 person. The operation consisted of sewing the front and skirt together, as explained above, except that there was no shirring, and the output was 218 rows of stitching per hour as compared with 132 in the same shop on the same kind of fronts when shirring had to be done at the same time. In other words, the addi- tion of shirring resulted in this case in nearly 40 per cent reduction of output. JOINING TO CLOSED FRONTS WITHOUT SHIRRING. Four men and three women were timed on this work in the same shop on nearly 50 dozen waists, which took the equivalent of 344 minutes, or nearly 6 hours, for 1 person. The work was exactly the same as that recorded in the preceding operation, and the output is nearly half, namely, 104 rows of stitching per hour, which is explained by the fact that the length of the seam was more than double that in the preceding case, since the work was done on a closed front. J JOINING TO CLOSED BACKS AND SHIRRING AT THE SAME TIME. The shirring on a closed back is very slight and therefore does not uce the output of the operator very much. The work was timed ;hop No. 1232 only, but was done in two different ways. On the 7i dozen reported in line 8 of Table 92A the raw edge of the little 262 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. skirt was turned in before it was joined to the waist, and the output was 90 rows of stitching and 90 bendings per hour. On the 27J dozen waists recorded inline 9, the raw edge was not turned in, and the output was 137 rows of stitching per hour. If a bending be considered equiv- alent to half a row of stitching, as is customary with some manufac- turers, the output in the two cases will be practically the same. JOINING TO VESTS, NO SHIRRING. This work, given in line 10, is similar to the joining of the skirts to fronts, given in line 6, the only difference being the length of the seam which was only from 1J to 4 inches in this case as compared with 12 to 14 inches in the former case. The output was 200 rows of stitching per hour as against 218 rows of stitching on the 14-inch seam. The reason for the smaller output is the fact that the side edge of the li ttle skirt was hemmed before being joined to the vests, and in joining the two the operator had to be careful to have the facing of the vest and th$ turned-in edge of the li ttle skirt form one straight line. To what extent this reduced the output of the operator will be seen from the operation recorded in lines 11 to 13, the description of which follows: JOINING TO EMBROIDERED CENTERS. In this case the part of the little skirt attached to the embroidered center, forming a seam of practically the same length as in the preced- ing case, has no turned-in edge, and therefore it does not matter whether the raw edge of the center and of the little skirt coincide exactly, since both of them will be faced later. The result is a much larger output, namely, 294 rows of stitching per hour in shop No. 1232 and 269 in shop No. 1230, making an average of 282 rows of stitching per hour for the two shops. Line 14 represents the same work except that the upper edge of the little skirt, before being attached to the center, is turned in, there being thus one bending to each row of stitching. The total output is 182 rows of stitching and 182 bendings per hour. JOINING TO OPEN FRONTS WITH TWO SEAMS AND TWO BENDINGS TO EACH FRONT. In this case the fronts are cut in such a manner as to leave a corner into which the little skirts fit, so that instead of being joined to the front along the waist line only, as is usually the case, they are joined along two sides: First along part of the waist line, a distance of 6 inches, and then along a line forming an angle with the waist line and running below it a distance of 4 inches. In this manner two seams and two bendings are formed on each front, making a total of 4 seams and 4 bendings to the waist. This work was done in shop No. 1230 by 1 man and 4 women on 15 dozen waists, working for a period equivalent to 231 minutes, or nearly 4 hours for one person, and showed an output of 187 rows of stitching and 187 bendings per hour. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DEESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 263 JOINING LITTLE SKIRTS TO BACKS OR FRONTS OF WAIST, SHIRRING AT THE SAME TIME AND SEWING ON TAPE. Iii the operations described in Table 92 A no tape is used to cover up the raw edges of the little skirt and the waist on the wrong side. On higher-grade waists it is customary to cover up the raw edges with tape. This was also found to be the case with some of the cheaper waists in the shops investigated. The output per hour on this class of work is given in Table 92B. Lines 1 to 3 show the output when little skirts are joined to closed fronts, the front being shirred at the same time, and the tape being sewed on to the little skirt, all in one operation. That is to say, the operator must handle at the same time the following parts: The front, the little skirt, and the tape; and while she joins the three together she mus*t shirr the front at the same time. In the second operation the tape is stitched over the shirred front so as to cover up the raw edge. The second operation being much simpler than the first, the output is greater, as will be seen from lines 1 and 2, namely, 84 rows of stitching as compared with 50 on the first seam, the average for the two being 63 rows of stitching per hour. Lines 4 to 6 relate to the same class of work, except that the work is done in 3 operations instead of 2, as follows : First operation, shirring the front and joining the little skirt to the front at the same time. Second operation, sewing on tape to the little skirt. Third operation, stitching tape over the raw edge of the shirred front. The second and third operations were timed together, and show an output of 130 rows of stitching as against 60 on the first operation, or an average of 82 for the combined output as compared with only 63 when the whole work was done in two operations. Lines 7 to 9 relate to similar work except that the little skirt is joined to closed backs instead of closed fronts. As the backs are not shirred as much as the fronts, the work does not take so much time. As will be seen from lines 7 to 9, the output on the first seam was 83 rows of stitching per hour, on the second 207, the average being 119 rows of stitching per hour. Lines 10 to 12 relate to similar work, except that instead of one closed front we have two open fronts, with the result that the seam measures only from 9^ to 11 inches as against 18 to 21 inches on a closed front, and the output was 90 rows of stitching per hour on the first seam, 193 on the second, the combined output being 122 rows of stitching per hour. All of this work was timed in only one shop, No. 1284. 264 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 92A. JOINING LITTLE SKIRTS TO WAIST. [For explanation of method of computing averages in this table see p. 250.] Num- ber and sex of Kind of seam. Stitching. Bendings. Line No. Shop number. oper- ators. Length of seam (inches). Waists (doz- en). Time M. F. 1st. 2d. Rows per waist. Total rows. work- ed (min- Rows per hour. Per waist. To- tal. Per hour. utes). Joining little skirts to open fronts, shirring at the same time: 1 Shop No. 1232 7 2 P+S 8 to 13| 37J 2 900 409 132 2 Shop No. 1230 9 2 P+S 10 to 15 10iV 2 242 135 108 3 Average 126 4 Shop No. 1232 8tol3i 25 600 ? PS 2 113 319 5 Average, lines 1 . and 4 187 Joining to open fronts, -= = no shirring: 6 Shop No. 1232 ^ s P 12 to 14 15 2 360 99 218 Joining to closed fronts, no shirring: 7 Shop No. 1232 Joining closed backs, 4 3 P 26 to 30 &f 1 598 344 104 shirring at the same time: 8 Shop No. 1232 ? 1 P+S 15 to 16 1\ 1 90 60 90 1 90 90 9 Do 4 -[ P+S 15 to 18 27J 1 330 145 137 Joining to vests, no shirring: 10 Shop No 1232 i\ o P 1$ to 4 15 2 360 108 200 Joining to embroidered centers: 11 Shop No. 1232 4 P 4 20 2 480 98 294 12 Shop No. 1230 ? 4 P 3 to 6 15J 2 372 83 269 13 Average 282 14 Shop No. 1230 5 2 P === 3 to 6~ 19j" 2 462 152 182 2 462 182 Joining to open fronts, with two seams and two bendings to each front: 15 Shop No. 1230 1 4 P .... 6 15 4 .720 231 187 4 720 187 TABLE 92B. JOINING LITTLE SKIRTS TO BACKS OR FRONTS OF WAIST, SHIRRING AND SEWING ON TAPE AT THE SAME TIME. [For explanation of method of computing averages in this table, see p. 250.] Line No. Shop number. Number and sex of operators. Kind of seam. Length of seam (inches). Waists (dozen). Stitching. Male. 3 3 Fe- male. First. Sec- ond. R'ows per waist. Total rows. Time worked (min- utes). Rows per hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Joining to 'closed fronts, shirring, and sewing on tape: Shop No. 1284.. 5 5 P+S " PS ' 18 to 21 18 to 21 8* 1 1 438 438 526 313 50 84 Do. . Average. 63 60 130 Shop No. 1284 Do.. . P+S /PS" V P 19 } 19 17 16* 1 2 204 398 205~ 183 2 1 1 Average 82 rr ____ WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 265 TABLE 92B. JOINING LITTLE SKIRTS TO BACKS OR FRONTS OF WAIST, SHIRRING AND SEWING ON TAPE AT THE SAME TIME Concluded. Line No. 7 8 9 10 11 12 Shop number. Number and sex of operators. Kind of seam. Length of seam (inches). Waists (dozen). Stitching. Male. Fe- male. First. Sec- ond. Rows per waist. Total rows. Time worked (min- utes). Rows per hour. Joining to closed backs, shirring, and sewing on tape: . Shop No. 1284 Do 3 3 7 9 P+S US to 154 13 to 15i 36J 42J 1 1 438 510 316 148 83 207 PS Average. . 119 Joining to open fronts, shirring, and sewing on tape: Shop No. 1284 9J to 11 3 4 7 7 P+S 44| 481 2 2 1,074 1,158 720 360 90 193 Do... PS 122 1 One case of 17 inches. HEMMING EDGES OF LITTLE SKIRTS AND JOINING PARTS OF LITTLE SKIRTS. The work of joining two parts of a little skirt together is very simple, the two being put right side to one another and joined, either leaving the edges raw, or turning in the raw edges like a hem. Lines 1 to 3 (Table 92C) show the output on the simpler process, that is, when the edges are left raw. This work was done in shop No. 1232, known for its high output, which in this -case was 450 rows of stitching per hour, the work being done by 5 men and 3 women on 50 dozen waists. Lines 4 to 6 show the output when the raw edges are turned in before being stitched together. This work was done in shop No. 1284, and shows an average output of 212 rows of stitching per hour and an equal number of bendings per hour. Assuming 2 bendings to be equal to 1 row of stitching, the output does not vary much from that of shop No. 1232, given in line 30. Line 7 shows the output when a French seam is used in joining the two pieces together. This method is used very seldom on cheap waists, and was timed in shop No. 1230 on about 6J dozen waists, representing the work of 1 man and 2 women, and showed an output of 220 rows of stitching per hour, which, as should be expected, is much below that shown by the other operations. Lines 8 to 11 show the output when the edges of little skirts are turned in so as to form a hem, the work being done on a Singer machine without any hemming attachment. The output of the three shops will be seen to vary from 213 rows of stitching per hour in shop No. 1230 to 320 in shop No. 1232, the average for the three shops being 252 rows of stitching per hour. 266 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOE STATISTICS. JOINING LITTLE SKIRTS TO WAISTS BY A CLOSER. Although the work of joining little skirts to waists is usually clone by body makers, as has been shown in this section, occasionally il can be done by a closer, as was the case in shop No. 1230, shown ii line 12 of the table. The work of joining in this case is somewhat similar to closing sides, being done on a Union Special machine, but the seam is much longer, being 24 to 34 inches long, and the work takes more time than ordinary closing, because the waist has to be shirred while the work of joining takes place. This requires greater care in adjusting the folds so as to make the length of the skirt and the shirred waist exactly alike. As will be seen from line 12 of Table 92C, the output was 48 rows of stitching per hour in shop No. 1230, the work being done by a male operator of average speed. This figure could not be taken, however, as a balSis for a rate to body makers doing the same work on a Singer machine. TABLE 92C. HEMMING EDGES OF LITTLE SKIRTS AND JOINING PARTS OF LITTLE SKIRTS TOGETHER. Line No. Shop number. Num- ber and sex of oper- ators. Kind of seam. Length of seam (inches). Waists (doz- en). Stitching. Bendings. M. 5 F. 8 1st. P. p. 2d. Rows per waist. Total rows. Time work- ed (min- utes). Rows per hour. Per waist. To- tal. Per hour. 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 9 10 11 12 Joining little skirts to- gether in front of waist: Shop No. 1232 Do M to 5 32| 17! 1 1 390 210 57 23 411 548 Average 450 Shop No. 1284 P. p **= 1 474 438 256 179 5 'T" 4 3^ to 4 m 36 1 1 474 438 111 147 256 179 \verage 212 212 Shop No. 1230 Hemming edges of lit- tle skirt, two skirts to the waist: Shop No. 1232 Shop No. 1230 Shop No. 1284 Average ... P. 2~ 2 2 2 42 225 366 114 220 320 213 240 1 5 3 a a s in 1 F. P. P. P. 5 5 4J to 6 4 to 5 6A 50 54* 19 154 1,200 1,300 456 252 Joining little skirts to waists by a closer, shirring at the same time. 2 Shop No. 1230 27 1 409 1 i P+S 24 to 34 324 48 One case of 4. 2 Union Special machine used. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DBESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 267 CENTERS. The extreme ends of the backs or fronts of waists are lined with material to give them extra strength to hold the buttonholes and buttons, and are therefore known as buttonhole pieces and button pieces, respectively. As a rule, the lining consists of a separate piece of material. Some- times it is formed by turning in the end of the back or front about three-quarters of an inch, so as to give it double thickness. On light materials, such as lawn, chiffon, etc., the strip is made usually of triple thickness by adding a separate strip to the above. The piece of double or triple thickness thus formed is known as a facing, in addition to being also called a buttonhole piece or button piece, according to the use to which it is put. When the separate strip is stitched over the front on the outside instead of being stitched on the inside as a lining, the piece of double or triple thickness thus formed is calle'd a "center." A center may, therefore, be defined as a narrow strip of cloth running longitudinally in the center of the front. Facings are made both in the front and back of waists. Centers are made only in front. The line is not always clearly drawn between facings and centers in the trade, and frequently all kinds of button and buttonhole pieces are referred to as centers. In some cases by cen- ters are also meant embroidered or lace- trimmed strips of cloth at- tached to or inserted in the front of the waist to secure an ornamental effect, as well as to save material in laying out the patterns on the cloth; such centers may consist of one or more thicknesses of material. A great variety of work is connected with centers, some of which was timed in the various shops as recorded in the tables following. JOINING CENTERS TO LACE OR LACE BEADING ATTACHED TO FRONTS. This work was timed in three shops on 60 dozen waists made by 7 men and 11 women working what would be equivalent to 1,762 minutes, or more than 29 hours for one person. The work consists of sewing on the lace to the centers or fronts by means of two seams, as explained in sections 8 and 9. As will be seen from lines 1 to 9 of Table 93, the output on the work of joining centers to lace beading was fairly uniform in the two shops in which the work was timed. The output on the first seam was 101 rows of stitching per hour in shop No. 1232, and 94 in shop No. 1230. The output on the second seam was 189 rows of stitching per hour in the former shop, and 153 in the latter. The combined output on the two seams was 132 rows of stitching per hour in shop No. 1232, and 116 in shop No. 1230, the average for the two shops being 122 rows of. stitching per hour. In the work just described, the center was joined 268 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. to the lace beading after the beading had been joined to the front, the beading being stitched on top of the cloth. Lines 10 to 12 relate to similar work, except that instead of being joined to a lace beading, the center is joined to lace. This work is more difficult for the reason that a lace beading has a fairly heavy selvage which makes it easy to sew it on to the cloth, requiring no particular care on the part of the operator, as the seam remains practically invisible on the selvage. This is not the case with lace, in which the selvage frequently consists of only 1, 2, or 3 threads. In stitching the lace to the cloth the operator must be careful to have the seam run along this narrow selvage, which results in slowing down the work considerably. The output, as will be seen from lines 10 to 12, was only 79 rows of stitching per hour as compared with 122 with lace beading, mentioned before. In determining the relative merits of the two kinds of work, it should be borne in mind that the tests were not made in the same shops, the work on lace beading .having been done in shops Nos. 1232 and 1230, while that with lace was done in shop No. 1284 in wjiich some of the operators who were timed on this work were neither so skilled nor so fast as the operators in the other two shops. FACING BACKS. Line 13 shows the output in forming a facing on one back by turning it in and interlining, while on the other back, instead of a lining, a label is inserted, making a total of 2 rows of stitching and 4 bendings per waist. The output on this work was 133 rows of stitching and 266 bendings per hour. FACING FRONTS WITH MATERIAL OF DOUBLE THICKNESS. This work is done by taking a strip of material 2J inches wide and folding it over lengthwise to the required width of the facing and joining it to the edge of the front on the right side in two operations, as follows: First, stitching on the facing to the edge of the front on the right side; second, the facing is turned over on the wrong side of the front, the raw edge of the facing is turned in and stitched to the front. As will be seen from lines 14 to 22 of Table 93 the output on this work on the first seam was 82 rows of stitching per hour in shop No. 1230 and 84 in shop No. 1284; on the second seam it was 120 rows of stitching in shop No. 1230 and 106 in shop No. 1284. The combined output on the two seams was 97 rows of stitching in shop No. 1230, 94 in shop No. 1284, the average for the two shops being 94 rows of stitching and 94 bendings per hour. FACING BACKS WITH MATERIAL OF DOUBLE THICKNESS. This work is done in the same manner as facing fronts, described above, except that the facing is extended along the collar and in addition to the two operations just mentioned, there is a third WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DEESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 269 operation consisting of turning in the top of the facing and stitching it to the collar, making a seam three-fourths inch long. The second and third operations being done one after the other, they had to be timed together, and are therefore given in the form of a combined product per hour. The output on the first operation, as will be seen from lino 23, was 86 rows of stitching and 86 bendings per hour. On the second and third operations, the output was 57 rows of stitching 23 to 24 inches long and 57 rows three-fourths inch long with an equal number of bendings in each case. FACING FRONTS AND INSERTING LACE ON ONE SIDE OF WAIST AT THE SAME TIME. This work includes the following operations: One front ends with an embroidered center having a scalloped edge. A strip of lace was used as a facing and in turn was lined by a strip of material folded in two, lengthwise, with each of its raw edges bent in. The three parts, that is to say, the embroidered front, the lace and the facing were placed on top of each other in the order named, and all joined in one seam, thus making three bendings and one row of stitching for one front. The other front had an ordinary facing. Only one row of stitching in that operation was timed in connection with the work recorded in line 25, the stitching over and the bendings being timed in connection with another operation. We thus have a total of 2 rows of stitching and 3 bendings per waist, the output per hour being 36 rows of stitching and 55 bendings. JOINING CENTERS TO FRONTS WITH BENDINGS IN FORM OF A TUCK. In this work the raw edge of the center is turned in and stitched on top of the front. The stitching is done at some distance from the edge so as to form a tuck. This work is necessarily slower than the ordinary way of finishing the strip, because the operator must be careful to see that the width of the tuck is the same as that of the other tucks on the front. The output of 2 men and 1 woman, working on 8J dozen, was 57 rows of stitching and 57 bendings per hour. 270 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 93. CENTERS. [For explanation of method of computing averages in this table see page 250.] Line No. Shop number. Num- ber and sex of oper- ators. Kind of seam. Length of seam (inches). Waists (doz- en). Stitching. Bendings. 1C. P. 1st. 2d. Rows per waist. Total rows. Time work- ed (min- utes). Rows per hour. Per waist. To- tal. r hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Joining fronts with lace beading to centers: Shop No. 1232 1 1 2 2 P. "P. 19 19 ? 2 2 180 120 107 38 101 189 Average 132 Shop No. 1230 Do 2 2 3 a P. "P." 16 to 18 16 to 17 * 2 2 348 156 223 61 94 153 Average 116 Average, shops Nos. 1230 and 1232: First seam.. Second seam. Average J 16 to 19 16 to 19 ::_:: 5 5 P. "P." 22 1H 2 2 52S 276 330 99 96 167 .... 122 Joining front with lace to embroidered cen- ter: Shop No. 1284 19 to 23 18 to 23 912 828 796 537 = 4 2 5 t. P. "P." 38 31* 2 2 69 93 Average 79 One back turned in and interlined; other back turned in and label inserted : Shop No. 1232 Facing fronts with ma- terial of double thickness: Shop No. 1230 Do 4 1 2 1 2 P. P. "P." 21 21 21 42i 4 3 2 2 2 1,020 96 72 461 70 36 133 82 120 4 2 2 2,040 96 72 120 Average 97 106 Shop No. 1284... 1)0 ~ { I 90 180 } 137 / 39 \ 79 2 2 180 180 79 79 1 One-half dozen waists were stitched over the shirring only, and not over flat material. 2 Only one (upper) row of stitching was done over shirred material; the other was done over flat mate- rial (lower edge of the belt). LOSS OF TIME. While the work was being timed in the different shops, loss of time on the part of the operators was carefully noted. Broadly speaking, loss of time in the factories can be divided into two classes : (1 ^ Loss of time which is beyond the control of the operator; (2) loss of time which can either be prevented by the operator or is caused by his or her personal needs. For the sake of brevity the former may be called "involuntary loss of time" and the latter, "voluntary loss of time." WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 285 In the first category may be included the loss of time caused by (1) waiting for work; (2) waiting for parts; (3) waiting for repairs on the machine, or cleaning or repairing the machine by the operator himself; (4) time taken to receive instructions from the foreman or instructor as to the way the work is to be done. In the second category may be included: (1) The loss of time due to tardiness in arriving in the morning or after lunch and leaving earlier than the regular time for the noon recess and the closing hour of the evening; (2) leaving the machine to attend to various personal needs; (3) time spent in repairing work which has been returned by the examiners on account of some defect. All such losses were noted at the shops and the results are tabulated in Table 101. BODY MAKING. The most complete information as to loss of time is available in the case of body makers, the data covering 112 oper- ators in three shops, all of them making $9-a-dozen waists. The data in these tables are in keeping with those relating to output; that is to say, the shops which showed the highest output showed likewise the least loss of time, and vice versa. Most of the headings of the col- umns of Table 101 are self-explanatory. " Total time under observa- tion'' is equal to the sum of the " Total time worked" and of all the losses of time given in the preceding columns. The column preceding the last shows what per cent the "involuntary loss of time" is of the time the operator actually spends at work. The last column shows what per cent the time lost on account of breakdown of machinery con- stitutes of the time the operator actually spends at work. The percent- ages in the last two columns have been computed for each operator as well as for each shop as a whole. The percentages that the other losses of time bear to the time at work are so small that it has not seemed necessary to compute them for each operator separately, but they are given for each shop as a whole. As regards the involuntary loss of time that is to say, the total loss which the operator suffers through no fault of her own we find it to vary in shop No. 1230 from 0.2 per cent for operator No. 106 to as much as 28.2 per cent for operator No. 110. The average involuntary loss for the entire shop on the basis of 39 body makers who. were timed in this shop was 3.9 per cent. In shop No. 1232 the involuntary loss of time varied from 0.4 per cent to 5.9 per cent, the average for 30 operators in the shop being 3.1 per cent; while in shop No. 1284, in which the system of distribution of work and of parts is very poor, and operators are frequently obliged to wait for the necessary parts, the involuntary loss of time varied from 1 .3 per cent to as high as 45.8 per cent for individual operators, the average for 38 operators in the shop being 7.7 per cent. We thus have three different percentages for the three shops, two of them being between 3 and 4 per cent and the third 286 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. nearly 8 per cent. Each of these figures is believed to be accurate for the respective shops, being based on the tuning of 39, 30, and 38 operators, respectively , whose combined time at work under observa- tion was equivalent to 729 hours in shop No. 1230, 503 hours in shop No. 1232, and 743 hours in shop No. 1284, yet these data are inade- quate as a basis for an average for the industry as a whole. The significance of these figures lies chiefly in showing how great the variation actually is and how much loss of time can be eliminated in shops under proper management in the light of what is being done in other shops. It should be noted that all of this loss of time was found to take place during the busiest part of the season. This is a time when it is to the mutual interest of the employers and employees to reduce such losses to a minimum. There is no doubt that such loss is much greater at other times of the year when the foreman knows that he has n3t enough work to keep the operators busy throughout the day, so that the incentive is lacking to tiy to utilize every minute of the operator who is paid by the piece. It should also be noted that the figures of loss of tune for body making are given here only for shops making exclusively $9-a-dozen waists. In these shops the loss of tune caused by waiting for work and waiting for parts is usually less than in shops manufacturing the higher-priced waists, owing to the great variety of waists and parts which have to be handled in the latter and the smaller bundles which are generally the rule there. If we analyze the involuntary loss of time in detail we will find that waiting for work constitutes more than half of the total invol- untary loss in shops Nos. 1230 and 1284, and more than a third in shop No. 1232, which holds the highest record for efficiency among the shops investigated. In noting loss of time caused by waiting for work only those eases were considered where operators were required to remain at the ma- chines in expectation of work. Whenever work was so scarce that operators were allowed to leave the factory such loss of time was not included. Nor was it included if the enforced idleness was of long duration, even if the operators remained at the factory. This was due to the fact that on the average each operator was timed for only about three days, and whenever an operator remained idle for any length of time he was dropped by the investigator, who transferred his atten- tion to some other operator. Such a procedure would not be justified if an exhaustive investigation of idleness during work hours were un- dertaken. Such an investigation would have to be based on at least one month's continuous timing of the operators and repeated at differ- ent seasons of the year. As the present investigation, however, was primarily conducted for other purposes and operators were timed for only a few days, idleness lasting several hours at a time would have WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DKESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 287 formed an abnormally high percentage of the total time in many cases and was therefore not included in the tables presented here. Waiting for parts was the next largest item of loss of time, being more than a third of the total in voluntary loss in shop No. 1230 and more than 40 per cent in shops Nos. 1232 and 1284. Under this head was included all the time an operator was obliged to remain idle while waiting for any material or parts needed in his work, such as lace, embroideries, and parts of waists, thread, tape, etc. In some shops not included in the three for which body-making data are presented the practice prevails of starting operators on new jobs whenever they are short of any parts which can not be readily furnished. The result is that operators have as many as three or four unfinished bundles on hand which are alternately taken up and put aside as the missing material or parts for the different bundles turn up. While such a practice may be preferable to total idleness, it is extremely uneconom- ical and wasteful of the operator's time and makes efficient work impossible. It is one of the principal reasons for the low output in shop No. 1090, as shown in several tables in this report. In such a shop the loss of time caused by waiting for parts might appear very small, and yet the real loss of time caused by constant interruptions and changing back and forth from one job to another be very large. The loss of time due to breakdowns and repairs of machinery is small, being from 0.2 per cent to 0.5 per cent of the time at work and from 2 per cent to 15 per cent of the total involuntary loss. It should be added that the three shops for which the data are given are all well equipped with new machinery. The loss of time on account of instruction given to operators on new work is still less than that caused by machine breakdowns. This is an item that is naturally present to a much smaller extent in shops making $9-a-dozen waists than in those manufacturing garments of higher grade. Moreover, it is g, practice that manufacturers could well afford to extend, for the more thorough and frequent the instruc- tion received by the operators the more efficient will be their work. At present too little is being done in this regard in most shops, and every additional dollar spent on instructors would prove a most profit- able investment to the manufacturers as well as result in increased earnings by the operators at the same piece rates. As to the loss of time caused by the operator himself or incurred for the operator's own needs, it seems to be much less than that beyond his control. Thus the loss of time caused by tardiness and leaving early was 1.5 per cent of the time worked in shop No. 1230, 1.2 per cent in shop No. 1232, and 1.2 per cent in shop No. 1284. The loss of time due to personal needs was 1 per cent, in shop No. 1230, 0.9 per cent in shop No. 1232, and 0.5 per cent in shop No. 1284. The time spent in repairing defective work was 0.4 per cent in shop No. 288 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOE STATISTICS. 1230, 0.6 per cent in shop No. 1232, and 0.7 per cent in shop No. 1284. These figures may also be below the average for the year, for just as the foreman is more anxious to save unnecessary loss of time at the height of the season than at other times, so are the operators more punctual in coming and going when work is plentiful than when the season is slack. CLOSING. The data were obtained for five shops, all of them making $9-a-dozen waists. The involuntary loss of time constituted 8.8 per cent of the time spent at work in shop No. 1110, 7 per cent in shop No. 1191, 6.9 per cent in shop No. 1232, 5.6 per cent in shop No. 1284, and 18.5 per cent in shop No. 1230. The other details appear in the table. SLEEVE SETTING. Information on this was obtained in two shops. The involuntary loss of time constituted 26.7 per cent of the time worked in shop No. 1284 and 6.2 per cent in shop No. 1191. The voluntary loss of time (on account of tardiness, early leaving, and per- sonal needs) varied from 1.4 per cent to 2.2 per cent of the time worked. WAIST HEMMING. Information on waist hemming was obtained in three shops. The involuntary loss of time was, as usual, the lowest in shop No. 1110, being only 2.9 per cent of the time worked. The highest loss was in shop No. 1284, being 14.7 per cent. The volun- tary loss of time in these three shops varied from nothing to 2.1 per cent of the time at work. STRIP HEMMING. On strip hemming information was obtained for only one shop, No. 1230, showing the involuntary loss of time to be 4.2 per cent of the total time at work. STRIP TUCKING. Information is presented in the table for three shops in which the involuntary loss of time varied from 3.6 per cent to 4.8 per cent of the total time at work. The voluntary loss in these three shops varied from 0.6 per cent to 2.3 per cent of the time at work. SHORT TUCKING. Information is presented for four shops, covering a total of 31 persons. The total involuntary loss varied from 1.5 per cent in shop No. 1090 to 36.8 per cent of the total time at work in shop No. 1191. The time lost involuntarily varied in these four shops from nothing to 3.7 per cent of the time worked. BUTTONHOLE MAKING. These data are available for four shops using the Singer machine and three shops using the Reece machine. Taking first the Singer machine, we find that the involuntary loss constituted 34.8 per cent of the time worked in shop No. 1090, 9.4 per cent in shop No. 1110, 2.2 per cent in shop No. 1116, and 6.4 per cent in shop No. 1235, the average for the four being 21.3 per cent. The chief item in this involuntary loss was waiting for work, which was especially large, namely, 31.4 per cent of the time spent at work, in WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 289 shop No. 1090. As may be seen from section 6 relating to buttonhole making, there is a greater variety of styles of waists in this shop than in any other of those under investigation, and the work is given in smaller bundles than in any of the other shops, the bundles frequently consisting of only a few waists. This accounts for the great loss incurred in waiting for work, which is additional to the loss, to both the firm and the employees, shown in the low output per hour, the output being less than in any of the other shops investigated. The. involuntary loss of time on the Reece machine varied from 11.7 per cent in shop No. 1284 to 20.4 per cent in shop No. 1230, the average being 13.8 per cent, or less than on the Singer machine. This is due not to the relative merits of the two machines, but to the fact that the Reece machine is used in shops making $9-a-dozen garments. In these shops the work is made in larger quantities than in the shops making medium-priced waists, and there is, therefore, less loss of time. On the other hand, the average loss of time on account of breakdown of machinery was 4.4 per cent of the total time at work on the Reece machine, while on the Singer machine it was only 1 J per cent. This is due to the more complicated character of the Reece machine, which, therefore, gets more easily out of order. BUTTON SEWING. These data were secured in three shops, of which one, No. 1116, makes * medium-priced waists. The total involuntary loss of time was 7.6 per cent of the time spent at work in shop No. 1284, 12.3 per cent in shop No. 1230, and only 1.1 percent in the medium-priced shop. The time lost in waiting for work was likewise the lowest in shop No. 1116. TABLE 101. LOSS OF TIME. A. Body making: Singer machine. Loss of time for Per Loss of time for which the which the em- Per cent employee is not responsible (minutes). ployer is not re- sponsible (min- Total time- cent in- time lost utes). on ac- un count Shop No. and operator No. of oper- ator. Wait- ing for work. Wait- mg for parts. Break- down of ma- chine. Re- ceiv- ing in- struc- tion. Total. Tar- di- ness and early leav- ing. Per- sonal needs. Re- pair- ing work. Work- ed (min- utes). Under obser- va- tion (min- utes). tary loss of time was of time work- ed. of break- down of ma- chine was of time work- ed. Shop No. 12SO. Operator 117 l F 35 41 9 85 23 14 1,881 2,003 4.5 Operator 118 F 30 25 55 43 10 1,160 1,268 4.7 Operator 119 F 12 5 17 50 6 1,284 1,357 1.3 Operator 120.. Operator 122 1 Operator 123 . F. F. F 6 10 85 6 45 29 12 6 4 6 ~"u 1,189 1,717 1,215 1,207 1,802 M7? 1.0 3.2 11.4 55 139 26 25 2.1 Operator 124 l F 47 48 10 105 125 41 3 2,478 2,752 4.2 F 19 19 4 599 622 3.2 Operator 127.. F ..... 4 30 586 620 .7 42132 Bull. 14614- J And 1 female partner. -19 290 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. TABLE 101. LOSS OF TIME Continued. A. Body making; Singer machine Concluded. Shop No. and operator No. Sex of oper- ator. Loss of time for which the employee is not responsible (minutes). Loss of time for which the em- ployer is not re- sponsible (min- utes). Total time Per cent in- vol- un- tary loss of time was of tim'e work- ed. Per cent time lost on ac- count of break- down of ma- chine was of time work- ed. Wait- ing for work. Wait- ing for parts. Break- down of ma- chine. Re- ceiv- ing in- struc- tion. Total. Tar- di- ness and early leav- ing. Per- sonal needs. Re- pair- ing work. Work- ed (min- utes). Under obser- va- tion (min- utes). Shop No. 1 ISO Concluded. Operator 129 F 768 1.537 802 1.388 1, 223 1,366 1,446 1,061 970 1,712 1,113 1,163 1,689 2,422 997 2, 751 2,514 1,320 2,488 2, 882 768 1,596 1,055 1,450 1,250 1,463 1,489 1,245 1,040 1,810 1,204 1,236 1,851 2,593 1,050 2,974 2,584 1,370 2, 595 3,076 Operator 109... Operator 110... Opera tor 111... Operator 104... Opera tor 105... Operator 1061.. Opera tor 102... Operator 103... Operator 114... Operator 100... Operator 115... Operator 116 2 .. Operator 121 2 . Operator 125 . F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. M. M. M. M "i93* 31 13 38 3 7 29 28 23 ""57" 74 34 33 8 42 226 42 13 78 3 9 54 36 78 10 27 10 5 10 25 140 10 59 7 2.7 28.2 3.0 1.1 5.7 .2 .8 5.6 2.1 7.0 4.7 4.7 4.7 0.5 11 10 9 9 15 28 6 3 40 7 2 25 "".5 8 55 55 13 55 79 115 10 8 24 39 10 20 16 17 61 73 22 21 59 17 43 ""23" 20 Operator 128 2. Operator 112 1 . Operator 101... Operator 1131.. Operator 108 !.. Total M. M. M. M. M. 66 19 15 32 47 46 5 15 9 74 30 7 3 19 161 31 42 5.8 1.2 2.5 1.6 4.2 1.1 .3 .2 33 41 121 5 904 2.1 631 1.4 34 41 20 23 13 17 33 42 62 27 7 13 81 0.2 6 3 8 92 0.2 1,708 3.9 654 1.5 -'~:.r~r 442 1.0 -- 179 0.4 43, 721 46, 704 Per cent of time worked 3.9 .2 .4 .2 .8 Shop No. 1232. Operator 141.... Operator 142.... Operator 144 Operator 145 Operator 147 3 ... Operator 148 Operator 130 2 .. Operator 131 2 .. Operator 132 1 ... Operator 133 2 .. Operator 134 2 . . Operator 135 2 .. Operator 136 l 1,426 1,712 996 1,642 2,625 1,570 2,765 1,954 3,073 1,314 932 1,080 243 1,791 1,451 1,179 746 712 1,966 1,004 F. F. F. F. F. F. M. M. M. M. M. M. M 14 28 21 41 28 10 33 40 10 3 6 12 54 15 39 7 1,495 1,868 1,062 1,721 2,676 1,610 2,979 2,155 3,226 1,412 967 1,113 252 1,965 1,566 1,229 772 730 2,026 1,115 3.8 4.2 4.9 3.9 1.7 1.9 3.6 5.9 3.0 2.6 1.6 2.4 2.9 2.7 2.4 1.4 .4 1.1 2.8 5.9 72 49 64 44 30 100 116 91 34 15 26 40 10 11 4 10 28 48 5 30 5. 4 3 3 3 29 7 2 4 .2 1.0 .4 .1 .3 5 27 17 28 31 57 29 20 7 60 6 "~5~ 2 1 .1 7 7 49 35 16 3 8 2 14 "~5~ 14 4 4 13 Operator 137 Operator 138 Operator 139 Operator 140 Operator 143 !... Operator 146 1 ... Operator 149 Total M. M. M. M. M. M. M. 26 14 11 3 6 26 14 23 16 3 52 56 20 4 59 24 9 5 6 .3 .2 ""i.'s 4. -:r. In the presence of JULIUS HENRY COHEN. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 303 SCHEDULE "A." (Tentative; pending final decision by the grievance board or board of arbitration.) HOURS OP LABOR. Fifty hours shall constitute a week's work. After there shall have been in operation for one year the system of certificating garments referred to in the annexed protocol the hours of labor shall be reduced to 49 hours per week, provided the other branches in the women's wear industry then under union agreement shall also have agreed to a standard of 49 hours per week. WEEK WORKERS. CUTTERS: Full-fledged cutters shall receive not less than $25 per week. Apprentices shall be divided into three grades Grade A: Apprentices of less than one year's standing. Grade B : Apprentices of more than one year's and less than two years' stand- ing. Grade C: Apprentices of more than two years' and less than three years' standing. Apprentices shall receive: Grade A: $6 per week. Grade B: $12 per week. Grade C: $18 per week. On or about the 15th days of June and November in each year Local No. 10 shall hold an examination for the purpose of admitting apprentices of grade C to the class of full-fledged cutters. After January 1, 1914, the following rule shall be adopted: In each shop there shall be not more than one apprentice for each five cutters employed, but in case there shall be less than five cutters employed one apprentice may be employed. At least one cutter shall be employed in each shop of members of the association. DRAPERS: Not less than $14 per week. JOINERS: Not less than $12 per week. EXAMINERS: Not less than $10 per week. SAMPLE HANDS: Not less than $14 per week; Not more than one assistant to each four sample hands. IRONERS: Women not less than $12 per week; Men not less than $15 per week. An increase of a dollar per week in the minimum scale after the agreement shall have been in force for one year. PRESSERS: Not less than $20 per week. An increase of $2 per week in the minimum scale after the agreement shall have been in force for one year. DRESSMAKER FINISHERS: Not less than $8 per week. PLAIN FINISHERS: Sewing hooks and eyes, four for 1 cent. Sewing patent hooks and eyes, four for 1 cent. Sewing ordinary buttons, six for 1 cent. Sewing self-shank buttons, three for 1 cent. Sewing belts, two for 1 cent. Basting bottom of skirts, 2 cents each. Sewing in belts, 2 cents each. But in no case less than $8 per week for 50 hours' work, after one week's trial. 304 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. LACE RUNNERS TUCKERS BUTTONHOLE MAKERS BUTTON SEWING SLEEVE SETTING CLOSING AND HEMMING: Pending investigation by the wage-scale board for the purpose of establishing standards for lac running, buttonhole making, button sewing, sleeve setting, closing and hemming, and tucking, shall be settled as to prices in each shop by the piece-price committee and the employer, and in the event of controversy, the matter shall be settled by the wage-scale board in the manner provided for in the protocol for operators. OPERATORS: Operators shall be paid by the piece the standard price per hour to be fixed after the investigation by the wage-scale board within six months, and in the mean- time there shall be the percentages of increase referred to in Paragraph X. OVERTIME. Not more than four (4) hours in any one week, nor two (2) hours in any one day, except for cutters, who are allowed to work overtime not more than two and one-half (2|) hours in any one day. No overtime between Saturday at 1 p. m. and Monday at 8 a. m., except on specials requiring completion by finishers or pressers for immediate delivery, and then for not more than two (2) hours. Double pay for overtime (week workers). ADDITIONAL INCREASES. An additional increase of 10 per cent, approximately, shall be granted by the manu- facturers as soon as a system of certificating garments to the consumer, referred to in Paragraph II of the annexed protocol, shall have been in operation for one year. APPENDIX B. LIST OF FIRMS IN THE DRESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY OF GREATER NEW YORK COVERED BY THIS REPORT. 1. ASSOCIATION SHOPS. Abraham, Roman & Co. A. Adler & Co. Adler & Ast. Louis Adler. Advance Waist Co. Aero Waist Co. Alco Waist & Dress House. Adolph Alper. Alpern & Co. American Suit & Dress Co. American Lady Waist Co. American Shirt Waist Co. Arkin & Guild. M. Arluck. Sam'l Aronson. Artistic Waist Co. Artistic Waist & Dress Co. J. Atkin. D. Basin. Bass & Silverman. Bedford Waist & Dress Co. Beerman & Frank. M. B. Behrman. Besthoff Sonn Co. Robert Bernhard. Bijou Waist Co. M. Block & Co. Bloom & Millman. Emil Blumenthal. Blumenthal & Co. M. Brambir. Brill- Abrams Co. Brill & Kaplan Co. S. Brookstone & Sons. Lane Bryant. Buchwald & Polak. E. Cashman Costume Co. (Inc.). Cederbaum & Wassow. Century Dress Co. Citron Bros. Daniel Cohen. Henry Cohen & Co. H. Cohen & Co. J. & M. Cohn. Costuma & Zimetbaum. Crans, Shane & Scherr. Crescent Costume Co. Dallet & Weyl. Danziger & Sanville. Davis & Ginsberg. Casper Davis & Son. Ben. S. Deutsch. Dicker & Ginsberg. A. W. Drubin & Kantrowitz Co. The Drubin Co. Eclipse Silk Waist Co. Mar Edison. J. 4 S. Elisberg. 42132 Bull. 14614 20 Embroidered Garment Co. Empire Waist Co. Ess Kay Waist Co. A. & H. Evalenko. Excel Mfg. Co. Famous Waist Co. Fashion Garment Co. Leo Feinberg. Feldman Bros. Wm. Fels (Inc.). Felsenthal Bros. Fernbach & Schulman. Feinman Bros. Leo Finkenberg. Flan & Rosner. Sam'l Floersheimer & Bros. The Floersheimer Co. B. Frank. B. N. Frank. Frank Bros. & Barsha. Frank & Bauer. Frankenthal Bros. Frechtel Bros. J. L. Friedman. Freitag & Keim. John Fried. Friedman & Mally. Jonas Fuld. Gaiety Waist Co. B. Geist & Co. Henry George & Rosenbaum Co. Ginsberg Bros. J. Glockner & Co. J. W. Goetz. J. Goldberg. Goldman Costume Co. Goldschmidt & Co. Henry Goldstein & Co-. Nathan Goldstein & Co. M. & E. Goodman. I. Goodstein. Gotham Waist Co. Grauer & Avedon. Max Greenberg & Co. Greenberg, Weiner & Co. Greenwald, Friedman & Co. Sol. Gross & Co. Gross & Weiss. Sam'l Grossman. Albert Harris. Benjamin Height. Geo. C. Heimerdinger Co. Max Held (Inc.). I. Heller & Co. H. Himmelstein. Hirsch & Cohen. Hirsch-Cohen-Wise Co. Hirschberg & Kohn. 305 306 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Hollow & Perlow. Holtzman & Weinstein. Hommel Manufacturing Co. Hopf & Daxon. Horwitz & Horwitz. Howard & Dennis (Inc.). Howard Ladies' Apparel Manufacturing Co. I. B. HymanCo. (Inc.). Ideal Rose Waist Co. Chas. Iger & Bros. Immergut & Drucker. Imperial Dress Co. Integrity Garment Manufacturing Co. International Manufacturing Co. Iris Waist Co. Joel Isaacs & Sons. I. X. L. Waist Co. E. A. Jackson. Nathan H. Jacobson & Co. H. Jacoby & Co. Jaffy & Barnett. Kabat Bros. Kohn, Weiss & Feig. J. Kaplon. Max Kass. Kastner & Lewison. Kaufman Costume Co. Kaufman, Gladstone & Co. Kayanee Waist & Dress Co. King, Davidson & Co. Klein Bros. Klubock & Silverberg. Regina Kobler. Kondell Bros. Krugman & Peltz Kupfer Bros. Co. Kurzrok Bros. Lahm & Deutz. La Rose Waist Co. Lask Manufacturing Co. Lowell Dress Co. Lef court & Brenner. I. Lefkowitz. Leibowitz Bros. Louis Leiserson. Lenox Dress Manufacturing Co. Nathan Lepow & Son. Lesser- Kalb Manufacturing Co. Levine & Marcus Co. M. Levy. Graber, Lipshitz & Adelson. I. Lipshitz. Li twin & Diamond. Maisner & Co. Majestic Dress Co. Larry J. Margulies. Markowitz Waist Co. Mayer & Ikelheimer. Mayfair Waist Co. Melman Bros. A. B. Mergentheim & Co. Meyer Bros. Mitchell, Bloch & Kronenberg. Mikola & Bro. Mitchell & Weber. Mitnick & Canaan. Model Waist & Dress Co. Monarch Waist & Dress Co. Geo. H. Montrose & Co. Jos. A. Morris & Co. Murphy Waist House. Mutual Waist & Dress Co. M. I. Nathan (Inc.). National Dress Co. National Shirt Waist Co. Newport Waist Co. J. Opoznauer & Co. Oriental Shirt Waist & Dress Co. Paramount Manufacturing Co. Parisian Dress Co. Parisian Manufacturing Co. H. J. Pasternak. Perlman Bros. M. Perlman. Phoenix Waist, Co. G. M. Piermpnt & Co. Pioneer Ladies' Garment Co. Princess Shirt Waist Co. Princess Waist Co. Propp & Gerrick. Queen Manufacturing Co. Rabinowitz Bros. M. Rabinowitz. S.-Rakusin & Co. Rapp-Jelenko Co. Regent Waist Co. Reliance Waist Co. M. & H. Rentner. Rosen Bros. Joseph Rosenberg. Rosenmeyer & Diamond. Rosenthal Bros. Co. Sig. Rosenthal. B. Rosen wasser & Co. Ph. Rosen wasser. Milius Rothfeld & Co. Rothstein & Rothstein. Royal Dress Co. Sachs & Freed. Sansome & Gotlieb. Shlang&Co. Schleif & Greenberg. Schmidt, Raymond & Co. B. Schenfeld. Schulman & Isaacs. David Schustack & Co. Seeligman & Stern. G. &B. Seid&Co. Sachs & Kessler. Senner & Kaplan. Shan ley Dress Co. M. Sobel. Sherr Bros. Shulsky Bros. Siegel-Foster-Adair Co. A. Schwartz & Co. M. Schwartz. Siegel-Foster Co. Siegel & Solomon. Chas. F. Siemons. Silverman & Becker. S. Simon & Co. Siren Manufacturing Co. I. B. Skudowitz. Smith & Meyer. WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN DEESS AND WAIST INDUSTRY. 307 Solomon, Benedikt & Co. Solomon & Meltzer. Son & Ash. Arthur H. Spiro. Spiegelman & Gottlieb. Star Dress Manufacturing Co. David Stein. Stein & Perlman. ; Alfred Stern Co. ' Stemgold & Brill. M. Stern & Co. Stem & Frances. H. Stern berg. Superior Waist Co. Tiptop Waist & Dress Co. Triangle Waist Co. Tutelman Bros. David Ullman. Universal Waist Co. Venus Costume Co. Waldorf Waist Co. Wallach Bros.- Aaron Webster. Martin H. Weil & Co. Weil & Hoey. Weiler Bros. Arthur M. Weiner. Sam'l Weintraub. Jos. Weisman. M. Weisman & Sons. Jos. Wien. Wiesen & Goldstein. Windsor Manufacturing Co. E. D. Winter & Co. ! H. Wolpert & Co. Jesse Woolf & Otto B. Shulhof. Yankee Waist Co. Yorkville Dress Co. 2. NONASSOCIATION UNION SHOPS. A. D. Abrahams Co. Alsfrom Bros. & Gottfried. Alton Dress House. American Beauty Waist Co. American Waist & Garment Co. Arlington Dress Co.- Chas. Ashendorf. B. B. Manufacturing Co. A. Bandersky. The Bell Dress House. Beverman & Freidman. Berger & Koeppel. Black & Silverman. Bomzer & Freedman. Belmont Waist Co. D. Bendersky. Benwit Costume Co. Berkly Dress Co. J. Berman. L. Berman & Co. Boston Dress Co. Brenner Bros. Brown & Ginsburg. Bull Moose Dress^Co. Bull Moose Tucking Co. Mezer Canter. B. R. Casale. Clever Waist Co. H. Cohen. Cohen Bros. L. Cohen. Cohen & Ginsburg. Cohen & Levinson. Claremont Waist Co. Columbia Waist Co. Cosmopolitan Dress Co. Countess Dress Co. Crescent Waist Co. L. Corin. Jos. Damoras. Diamond-Hammer . I. Dicker. Dolowitz Tea Gown. Drachlis & Spivack. Ehronson & Deutch. Electra Dress Co. Ellis, Solomon & Co. H. Ensler. A. Epstein. Eureka Waist Co. Everight Waist & Dress Co. Excellent Manufacturing Co. Fair Waist Co. Favorite Waist & Dress Co. H. Feldstein. Field & Samuel. L. Finkelstein. Chas. J. Fishel. Frances Manufacturing Co. Frankel Coat & Dress Co. French Dress Co. Woolfe Futeransky & Sons. Giant Waist Co. M. Ginsberg. Ginsberg & Rosen. Glassburg & Milnick. Globe Dress & Suit Co. Gabbe, Block & Co. Gold Bros. L. Goldberg. Goldberg & Sonim. J. Goldstein^ Jacob Gold wine. Good Wear Dress Co. L. Goodman. Gottfried & Schwartz. Greenberg & Ugilow. Greenwald & Fegelman. Gross Bros. Groshberg & Felstein. Guaranty Dress Co. Halper & Freidman. Max S. Halpern. M. Halpern. Halpern Bros. Heimler Bros. Abraham Hamrnar. Adolph Hays & Co. Hecht, Lerner & Rosenbaum. Herald Dress & Waist Co. Herzenstein Bros. Hilf Costume Co. Hirst & Miller. Hirshkowitz & Rubenstein. Hirshner & Schwartz. 308 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Harry Hodas. L. Hoffer. Hornick & Weiss. Ideal Tucking Co. Independent Garment Co. M. Ingerman & Co. Ipp & Kwint. J. R. Waist & Dress Co. Geo. Jacobson. Juffet & Co. Justright Waist Co. Eastern Waist Co. D. Kaplan. S. Karp. Kean, Jones & Co. Kaslin & Co. A. Kitzer. Klein & Schlecher Waist Co. Klein & Ungar. Harry Kottler. Kram & Match. S. Keehn & Co. Ladin Bros. Landau & Solan. Lang & Lang. Laxer Bros. Laxer & Sandberg. Lehman & Spector. Leighter Bros. Lemchick & Co. M. Leonard. H. Lepow. E. Lerner. Levine Bros. Levine & Harris. Levine & Katz. Levine & Keller. Lichtman Waist Co. Levy Bros. Long Island Waist Co. Lucerne Waist Co. Manhattan Tucking Co. Harry Hanson. Mermaid Waist Co. Metropolis Waist Co. Metropolitan Dress Co. Henry J. Meyers. Miller Shirt Waist Co. Jos. Mirsky. Modern Dress Co. Mitnick. Chessen & Zeitlin. Moskowitz & Priest. Mutual Waist Co. McLane, Karll & Levy Co. Nathans & Nathans. Nelson, Burstein & Gussow. Niagara Waist & Dress Co. Morris Nikola. M. Nomas. N. Y. Middy Blouse Co. Olympic Waist & Dress Co. Onica Dress Co. Original Waist & Dress Co. Pacific Waist Co. Sam'l Pacs. Peerless Dress & Costume Co. Peral Waist & Dress Co. Phreno Dress & Waist Co. Paragon Dress Co. Louis Pasachow. Paskin. Piccadilly Waist Co. Filler Bros. Plaza Waist & Dress Co. Benj. Pollick. Popular Manufacturing Co. S. Posner. Queensboro Waist Co. Regal Waist Co. A. Rappaport & Co. Ray Waist & Dress House. Rhinrock. Rosenberg Tucking Co. Robins Dress Co. Roman & Bloom. Rosebud Mfg. Co. Roth & Brodsky. Rothrosen Bros. Royal Dress Co. L. Salesky. Selsky Bros. Savoy Waist Co. Schlessel & Wilner. J. Schlesinger & Co. Phillip Schwartz. Schwartz Bros. Schwartz & Jiengman. J. Schapiro. Schapiro & Co. Louis Schapiro. Shapiro, Rothman & Co. Silverman & Slavitz. I. Simpson. Solomon & Steiner. Sorin & Rappaport. W. Simon. Solomon & Silverstein. Speigelman & Michelson. Stanley Dress Co. I. Stegman. Standard Dress Co. H. Steinberg. Stelson & Co. I. Steinberg & Co. J. Stein. Stern & Cohen. Stone Bros. Samuel Striefer. Sun Dress Co. Supreme Waist Co. Surprise Dress Co. M. Sussman. M. Treuhold. Victoria Waist Co. Wechsler Bros. Weinberg Bros. Nathan Weinberg. Weinberg & Weinman. Welfare Waist Co. Well Designed Waist Co. Weisenthal Tucking Co. H. Wolf. M. Zeffer & Cross. Zigler Bros. INDEX. Page Apprentices, registration of 183 Association and nonassociation shops: Employees in, making low-grade and high-grade garments, number and per cent of 24, 25 Employees in, number and per cent of, by occupations -. 26 Employees in 260 shops, number of, each week, 1912 ', 153 Firms, list of, covered by present report 305308 Males' and females, number and per cent of, employed in, by oocupatiom 27-30 Shops employing each classified number of employees, number and per cent of 23 Union shops of each class, comparison of 22-26 Wages, amount of, paid by, each week, 1912 159 Assorters: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in. by sex 27-29 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of , by sex 31-33, 36, 37 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified rate of 105 Work, sex, and wages of 104, 105 Basis for piece-rate compensation. (See Piece-rate compensation.) Body makers, sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149, 150, 153-156 Body making, basis of piece-rate compensation 249-284 Centers 267-270 Hemming edge* of "little skirts" and joining parts of "little skirts" 265 Joining belts to waists 282-284 Joining lace to standing collars 259, 260 Joining "little skirts " to waists 260-266 Joining "little skirts" to waists by a closer 266 Joining parts of back with French seam, forming tuck at same time 257, 258 Joining parts of shoulders with lace beading between 251, 252 Joining sidepieces to fronts 258 Joining yoke beading to backs 254 Joining yoke sleeves to fronts or backs with beading between 256, 257 Joining yokes to fronts or backs with insertions 252, 253 Joining yokes with lace beading to open fronts or backs, with a shirred seam 255, 256 Loss of time 285-288 Ruffles and centers 271-273 Setting high collars. . . 279, 280 Shirring : 278, 279 Sleeve setting by body makers 280-282 Tacking fronts and backs 276, 277 Vests and flies 273-275 Buttonhole makers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-30 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149, 150, 153-155 Wages or earnings, number receiving each classified amount of *. 70 Work sex, and wages of , 68-70 Buttonhole making, basis for piece-rate compensation 233-244 Loss of time in operations 288, 289 Reece machine 239,243,244 Singer machine 233-238, 240-243 Button sewers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of 71 Work, sex, and wages of 70, 71 Button sewing, basis of piece-rate compensation 244-249 Button sewing, loss of time in operations 289 Cleaners: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Persons employed as, number and per cent of, in entire industry 22 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33^36-38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149, 150, 153-155 Wages, number and per cent receiving each classified rate of 108, 109 Work, sex, and wages of 106-109 Closers and hemmers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149,150, 153-155 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of 78 Work, sex, and wages of 71-73 Closing, basis of piece-rate compensation 226-230 Closing, loss of time in operations of ; ?5 Contracting and partnerships - 14o-lo7 309 310 INDEX. Cutters: Page. Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Hours per week, number and per cent working each classified number of, during busiest week in the year 17 Persons employed as, number and per cent of, in entire industry 22 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Wages, number and per cent receiving each classified rate of 114, 115 Work, sex, and wages of 109-115 Drapers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Persons employed as, number and per cent of, in entire industry 22 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31, 32, 36, 38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149, 150, 153-155 Wages, number and per cent receiving each classified rate of 120 Work, sex, and wages of 115-120 Dressmakers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Pieceworkers'and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31, 32, 36 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149, 150, 153-156 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of 75 Work, sex, and wages of 73-75 Earnings or wages: Pieceworkers 16 Week workers, not provided for in the protocol 15,16 Week workers, provided for in the protocol 12-15 Earnings. (See also Wages or earnings, employees receiving each classified amount of.) Embroiderers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 27, 28 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31, 32, 36,38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149, 150, 153-156 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of 123 Work, sex, and wages of 120-123 Employees and shops covered by present report 20-22 Employees and wages, seasonal rise and fall * 162-172 Employees other than operators, work, sex, and wages of 104-145 Assorters 104, 105 Cleaners 106-109 Cutters i 109-115 Drapers 115-120 Embroiderers 120-123 Examiners 123-126 Finishers 126-132 Ironers and pressers 132-141 Joiners 141-143 Markers 143, 144 Slopers 145 Employment among week workers and pieceworkers 172-176 Employment and wages, fluctuations in, in 1912 160-172 Employment, regularity of ' 18, 19, 157-176 Examiners: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent of 26-29 Persons employed as, number and per cent of, in entire industr y 22 ' Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Wages, number and per cent receiving each classified rate of 125, 126 Work, sex, and wages of : 123-126 Finishers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Persons employed as, number and per cent of , in entire industry 22 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149, 150, 15e Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of 13, 131, 132 Work, sex, and wages of 126-132 Firms, list of, covered by present report 305-308 Fluctuations in wages and employment, in 1912 160, 167, 168, 173, 174 Hemmers and closers. (See Closers and hemmers.) Hemming, basis of piece -rate compensation 222-225 Hemstitchers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31,32,36,38 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of _ 77 Work, sex, and wages of 75-77 Hours of labor: During busiest week in the year 176, 177 Effect of protocol en 16-18 Overtime 177-180 Pieceworkers ISO, ISL Week workers 178,17'J Ironers and pressers : Association and nonasscciation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-21 Persons employed as, number and per cent of, in entire industry. / Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33,_36-38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149, 150, 153-156 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of 13, 13S-1 1 1 Work, sex, and wages of 132-141 INDEX. 311 Joiners: Page. Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Persons employed as, number and per cent of, in entire industry 22 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31, 32 36 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149. 150, 153-156 Wages, number and per cent receiving each classified rate of 13, 143 Work, sex, and wages of 141-143 Label, white protocol, adoption of 185 186 Lace runners: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent emp:oyed in 26-29 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 1 19, 150, 153-156 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of >. 78 Work, sex, and wages of 77, 78 Lace running, basis of piece-rate compensation 217-222 Cloth on top 218 Joining lace to lace 218 Joininglace to sleeves 222 Joining ru filed lace edging to lace insertion 222 Joining voile and net strips 222 Lace on top 218 List of firms covered by present report 305-308 Loss of time in operations of Body making 285-288 Buttonhole making 288, 289 Button sewing 289 Closing 288 Short tucking 288 Sleeve setting 288 Strip hemming 288 Strip tucking 288 Waist hemming , 288 Manufacturers, advantages to, of subcontracting ' 146, 147 Markers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 27, 29 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Wages, number and per cent receiving each classified rate of 144 Work, sex, and wages of 143, 144 Nonoperators. (See Employees other than operators, work, sex, and wages of.) Occupations, number of workers in, specified 26-30 Occupations of operators 43, 44 Operators and nonoperators employed in association and nonassaciation shops, number and per cent of! 26-29 Operators and nonoperators who are pieceworkers and weei workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-33 Operators: Buttonhole makers 68-70 Button sewers 70, 71 Classes of, and number of, covered by present report 44 Closers and hemmers 71-73 Dressmakers 73-75 Hemstitchers * 75-77 Lace runners 77, 78 Occupations of 43, 44 Operators nbt specified 99-104 Operators not specified, sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc.. of 149, 150, 153-156 Persons employed as, number and per cent of, in entire industry 22 Sample makers 79, 80 Skirt operators 80-83 Sleeve makers 83-85 Sleeve setters 85-87 Trimmers 87-89 Tuckers 93-93 Wages, comparison of, in 1912 and 1913. . : 63-68 Wages, comparison of, of men and women operators in association and nonassociation shops. . 49-53 Wages, comparison of, of men and women operators in shops making cheap and high-grade gar- ments 53-63 Wages, comparison of, of men and women operators in the industry as a whole 45-48 Wages of 44-68 Waist operators 93-99 Operators, employees other than. (See Employees other than operators, v.ork, s(x. and wages of.) Overtime .' 177-180 Partnerships and contracting 145-157 Pay roll, uniform : 185 Piece-rate compensation : Adjustment of, under the protocol 189, 190 Basis for 193-197 Body making 249-284 Buttonhole making 233-244 Button sewing 244-249 Closing 226-230 Hemming 222-225 Lace running 217-222 Sleeve setting by slesve setters 230-233 Standardization of 189-308 Tucking 197-216 Uniform schedule of 136, 187 Piece work. (Sec Week work and piecework.) 312 INDEX. Page. Pieceworkers and week workers, employment among 172-176 Pieceworkers, earnings of . 16 Pieceworkers, hours of work of 180, 181 Pressers and ir oners. (See Ironers and pressers.) Protocol of peace, in dress and waist industry, effect of, on Hours of work 16-18 Piece rates, adjustment of 189, 190 Subcontracting 19 Wages '. 9-16 Week work and piecework, extent of 36-39 Protocol of peace, text of 299-304 Reece machine, buttonhole making 239,243, 244 Registration of apprentices 183 Regularity of employment 18, 19, 157-176 Sample makers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149,150,153-156 Wages, number and per cent receiving each classified rate of 13, 80, 81 Work, sex, and wages of 79, 80 Scale of weekly wages, graduated , 182, 183 Scope of present inquiry 20-39, 190-193 Seasonal rise and fall in number of employees and in wages 162-172 Sets or teams of workers: Earnings of 154-157 Sex of workers 152-154 Size of 149-152 Shops and employees covered by present report 20-22 Short tucking, loss of time in operations of 288 Singer machine, buttonhole making 233-238, 240-243 Skirt operators: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31, 32, 36, 38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of...: 149, 150, 153-156 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of 83 Work, sex, and wages of 80-83 Sleeve makers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149, 150, 153-156 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of 85 Work, sex, and wages of 83-85 Sleeve setters: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149, 150, 153-156 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of 87 Work, sex, and wages of 85-87 Sleeve setting by sleeve setters, basis of piece-rate compensation 230-233 Sleeve setting, loss of time in operations of 288 Slopers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 27-29 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31, 32, 36 Wages, number and per cent receiving each classified rate of -. 145 Work, sex, and wages of 145 Standardization of piece rates 189-308 Strip hemming, loss of time in operations of 288 Strip tucking, loss of time in operations of 288 Subcontracting: Advantages of, to manufacturers 146, 147 Decline of 148 Disadvantages of 147, 148 Effect of protocol on 19 Partnerships and . 145-157 Teams or sets of workers: Earnings of 154-157 Sex 152-154 Size of 149-152 Trade school 184 Trimmers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-2! Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149, 150, 153-156 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of 88, 89 Work, sex, and wages of ." 87-89 Tuckers: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-21 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of, by sex 31-33, 36-38 Sets or teams of, size, earnings, etc., of 149, 150, 153-1 Wages or earnings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of 92, 93 Work, sex, and wages of 90-93 INDEX. 313 Page. Tucking, basis of piece-rate compensation 197-216 ChiSon versus cotton 201 Double tucks '_', 211, 212 Short tucking 206-211 Short tucking on a multiple-needle Singer machine 213-216 Singer 1-needle machine 213 Singer 4-needle machine . 205 Singer 5-needle machine 205 Singer 8-needle machine 206 Strip tucking 198-206 Wilcox & Gibbs machine 208-211 Union shops, list of firms covered by present report 305-308 Wages and regularity of employment, introduction and summary 7-19 Wages or earnings: Amount of, paid in 260 shops, each week in 1912 159 Association aad nonassociation shops, effect in, of protocol on 9-12 Assorters 105 Buttonhole makers, 69, 70 Button sewers 70, 71 Cleaners 106-109 Closers and hemmers 72, 73 Cutters ... . 112-115 Drapers 117-120 Dressmakers , 74, 75 Embroiderers ; 121-123 Employees, seasonal rise and fall in number of, and in amount of 162-172 Employment and, fluctuations in, in 1912 160 Examiners 124-126 Finishers, pieceworkers 128. 129, 132 Finishers, week workers , 127, 128, 130, 131 Hemstitchers 76,77 Ironers and pressers 133-141 Joiners 142, 143 Lace runners 78 Markers 143, 144 Method of obtaining wage data : 33, 40 Method of presentation of wage data 40-43 Operators not specified, female 99-101, 103 Operators not specified, male 100, 102, 104 Operators, pieceworkers, female 57, 58 Operators, pieceworkers, male 58 Operators, pieceworkers, male and female 47, 50, 51 Operators, pieceworkers, male and female , on $9-per-dozen garments 48 Operators, week workers, female 54 Operators, week workers, male 55 Operators, week workers, male and female 45, 49 Operators, week workers, male and female, on $9-per -dozen garments 47 Pieceworkers and week workers, per cent of women receiving $10 per week and over 68 Sample makers 79, 80 Scale of, graduated, weekly , 182, 183 Skirt operators 81-83 Sleeve makers 84, 85 Sleeve setters 86, 87 Slopers 145 Trimmers 87-89 Tuckers 90-93 Waist operators 95-99 Week workers, not provided for in the protocol 15, 16 Week workers, provided for in the protocol 12-15 Waist hemming, loss of time in operations of 288 Waist operators: Association and nonassociation shops, number and per cent employed in 26-29 Pieceworkers and week workers, number and per cent of , by sex 31-33, 36-38 Wages or eamings, number and per cent receiving each classified amount of 95-99 Work, sex, and wages of 93-99 Week work and piecework: Employees paid by, in each of specified occupations 30-34 Extent of, prior to the protocol 36-39 Relative advantages of 35, 36 Relation of sex to 34, 35 Week workers and pieceworkers, employment among 172-176 O VITA. The author of this dissertation, Nahum I. Stone, was born July 29, 1873, in Odessa, Bussia, He was educated at the Gymnasium of Odessa, from which he graduated with the Testimonium Maturitatis in 1891, and soon after came to the United States. From 1893 to 1896 he studied at the Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, taking a course in Electrical Engineering. _^ 1896-1899 the author took a post-graduate course at the School of Political Science, Columbia University, with Political Economy as major subject, and Sociology and History of Political Theories as minors. He studied under Professors: Seligman, Clark, Mayo-Smith, Giddings, Dunning, Bipley, Goodnow, Livingston-Farrand, and was a member of Prof. Seligman's Seminar in Political Economy and Finance, and of Prof. Mayo-Smith's Seminars in Economic Theory and Statistics. In 1900 the degree of A. M. was conferred upon the author by Columbia University, his Master's Dissertation, entitled "Comparative Study of the Statistics of Agricul- ture in the Tenth and Eleventh Census," appearing in the publications of the American Statistical Association. 1899-1900 the author held the position of Statistician of the Bureau of Economic Research, New York City. 1900 he was engaged in a study of the effect of speculation of prices of wheat and cotton for the United States Industrial Commission. 1900-1901 he held the position of editor of the department of Cities and Countries of the New International Cyclopedia. 1902-1903 he was manager of the New York and New Jersey Beal Estate Company, a corporation engaged in developing suburban properties. In 1904 the author was appointed to the position of Tariff Expert of the Department of Commerce and Labor, being the first incumbent of that position, which had for its- object the study of foreign customs tariffs. His duties consisted in publishing from time to time the custom tariff laws of various countries, advising American manufacturers and exporters as ta customs regulations in various countries, and in advising the govern- ment in matters of foreign tariff policies. He held this position from 1904 to 1909, and during this period was assigned to foreign service, first, in 1906, as the Commercial Attache of the United States delegation to the Pan-American Conference at Bio de Janeiro, Brazil; later, on a visit to Great Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy and Germany for the study of the methods pursued by those countries in dealing with foreign tariffs and in shaping commercial policies. From November, 1906, to February, 1907, he served as member of the German- American Tariff Commission, which met in Berlin to negotiate a commercial treaty between the two countries. In 1909, upon the creation of the Tariff Board, the author was ap- pointed Chief Statistician of the Board, his duties consisting in planning the investigations of the Board into the cost of production of various in- dustries, directing the field work, supervising the tabulation of the re- turns, and participating in the preparation of the reports of the Board. He held this position until the abolition of the Tariff Board in 1912. 1913-1914 he held the position of Chief Statistician of the Wage Scale Board of the Dress and Waist Industry, in which capacity he investigated labor conditions in the industry and made a study of the technique of the industry with a view to a standardization of piece rates. The results of this investigation are embodied in the present dissertation. Since last year the author has been practicing as statistician and con- tributing to various magazines. The following is a (incomplete) list of his published writings: 1. Capitalism on Trial in Eussia. Political Science Quarterly, 1898, v. 13, pp. 91-118. 2. Agricultural, Mineral and Manufacturing Resources of Siberia. Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Bureau of Statistics, Wash- ington, I). C., April, 1899, pp. 2519-2525. 3. Statistics of Agriculture in the United States Census, American Economic Association Publ., New Series, No. 2, pp. 204-218. 1899. 4. Comparative Study of the Statistics of Agriculture in the Tenth and Eleventh Census, American Statistical Association PubL, v. 6, pp. 290-312. 1899. 5. Tjrue Attitude of the Socialists toward the Trade Unions, New York. 1900. 23 pp. 6. Karl Marx on the Money Question. International Soc. Reliew, v. 1, 1900, pp. 263-274. 7. Speculation and Prices of Wheat and Cotton. Part 4 of v. VI of the Report of the U. S. Industrial Commission, Washington, 1909, pp. 189-224. Appendix B, pp. 469-493. 8. Prices (Index Numbers), 1878-1901. Joint authorship with John R. Commons. Appendix III of vol. 19 of Report of the U. S. Industrial Commission, pp. 1101-1113. Washington, 1902. 9. Manifesto of the Czar. Independent, March 26, 1903, vol. 55, pp. 733-735. 10. Political Conditions in Russia. Review of Reviews, 1903, vol. XXVII, pp. 441-444. 11. International Aspect of our Tariff Situation. North American Review, T. 180, pp. 381-393, March, 1905. 12. New German Customs Tariff. North American Review, v. 181, pp. 392-406", September, 1905. 13. How the Germans Revised Their Tariff. Review of Reviews, v. 32, pp. 719-721, December, 1905. 14. Most Favored Nation Relations Between Germany and the United States. North American Review, v. 182, pp. 433-445, March, 1906. 15. Preferential Brazilian Tariff on Imports from the United States. Monthly Consular and Trade Reports, November, 1906, pp. 153-158. 16. Reduction of Brazilian Duties on American Products. Dun's In- ternational Review, November, 1906. 17. Double Tariff System. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, v. 29, pp. 478-497, May, 1907. 18. Promotion of Foreign Commerce in Europe and the United States. Published by the Department of Commerce, Washington, 1907, 24 pp. 19. Conventional Tariff System. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 32, pp. 367-382, September, 1908. 20. The Payne-Aldrich Tariff. Review of Reviews, September, 1909. 21. Dual Tariff Systems. Publications of the American Economic Association, 1909, 3d Series, v. 10, pp. 301-313. 22. Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. Ameri- can Economic Review, 1912, v. 2, pp. 776-777. 23. Schedule K. Century, v. 86, pp. 111-119, May, 1913. 24. The New Tariff : A Retrospect and a Forecast. Review of Reviews, v. 48, pp. 433-439, October, 1913. 25. Tlhe Underwood-Simmons Tariff. Review of Reviews, v. 48, pp. 559-566, November, 1913. 26. The Panama Canal and Our Plighted Faith. Hearings before the U. S. Senate Committee on Interoceanic Canals, 63d Congress, 2d Ses- sion, 1914. 27. A National Employment Reserve. Survey, January 23, 1915. Also in the Journal of Efficiency Society, February, 1915. 28. Is a Minimum Wage a Menace to Industry? Survey, February 6, 1915. 29. The Minimum Wage and Industrial Efficiency. In the Fourth Re- port of the New York State Factory Investigating Commission, v. 1, 1915. 30. Shall the Majority Rule? Century, May, 1915. Several articles in the New International Cyclopedia (1902 edition), International Year Book, and various American and foreign magazines. REVIEWS. Simkhowitsch's Feldgemeinschaft in Russland. Annals of the Ameri- can Academy of Political and Social Science, 1899, v. 14, pp. 131-133. Walling's Russia's Message. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1909, v. 33, pp. 220-222. Miklashevsky's Study of the Money Question. Political Science Quar- terly, 1898, v. 13, pp. 183-184. Higginson's Tariffs at Work. American Economic Review, 1913, v. 3, pp. 681-682. PART AUTHORSHIP. Report of the U. S. Tariff Board on Pulp and News-Print Paper Indus- try. 1911. Report of the U. S. Tariff Board on Cotton Manufactures. 1912. TRANSLATOR. Marx, Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, International Literature Publishing Co., New York, 1904, 314 pages. Second edition, Chas. H. Kerr & Co., Chicago, 1911. Collator and Editor of the following issues of the Tariff Series of the Bureau of Manufactures, Department of Commerce: No. 1. Tariffs on Leather and its Manufactures. 27 pp. 1907. No. 2. Tariffs on Agricultural and Animal Products. 120 pp. 1907. No. 3. Tariffs on Machinery, Machine Tools, and Vehicles. 75 pp. 1907. No. 5. Commercial Agreement Between the United States and Ger- many. 24 pp. 1907. No. 6. Customs Tariff of France. 108 pp. 1907. No. 6A. Commercial Agreement Between the United States and France. 1908. No. 6s. Proposed New Customs Tariff of France. 35 pp. 1909. No. 6c. Commercial Convention Between France and Canada. 35 pp. 1909. No. 60. Abrogation of Commercial Agreement Between the United States and France. 1909. No. 7. Customs Tariff of the German Customs Union. 1908. No. 8. Customs Tariff of New Zealand. 36 pp. 1908. No. 9. Customs Tariff of Montserrat, British West Indies. 12 pp. 1908. No. 10. Customs Tariff of Virgin Islands, British West Indies. 8 pp. 1908. No. 11. Customs Tariff Act of Bermuda, British West Indies. 1907. No. 12. Customs Tariff Act of Saint Lucia, British West Indies. 1907. No. 13. Customs Tariff Act of Turks and Caicos Islands, Br. W. I. 1908. No. 14. Customs Tariff Act of Bahamas, Br. W. I. 1908. No. 15. Customs Tariff of Italy. 92 pp. 1908. No. 16. Preferential Tariff of Brazil. 4 pp. 1908. No. 17. Customs Tariff of Australia. 76 pp. 1908. No. 18. Customs Tariff of the United Kingdom. 12 pp. 1908. No. 19. Commercial Travelers in Foreign Countries. 71 pp. 1908. No. 20. Export Tariffs of Foreign Countries. 48 pp. 1909, No. 21. Foreign Tariffs on Petroleum Products. 1903. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MITODISCDEC07'9( FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY CA 94720 20m-ll,'20 . BERKELEY LIBRARIES