THE MODERN DRAMA SERIES EDITED BY EDWIN BJORKMAN SAVVA THE LIFE OF MAN BY LEONID ANDREYEV SAVVA THE LIFE OF MAN TWO PLAYS BY LEONID ANDREYEV BOSTON LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY 1917 Copyright, 1914, BY LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY. This edition is authorized by Leonid Andreyev, who has selected the plays included in it. All Dramatic rights reserved by Edurin Bjorkman COMPOSITION AMD ELECT1OTYP 1*0 IT int. PLIMPTON pazsa MO*WOOD MAS* u A PIESSWOU T S. J. PAUCHtLL k CO. BOSTON CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION vii CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF PLATS BY LEONID ANDREYEV xvi SAWA 1 THE LIFE OF MAN 151 INTRODUCTION FOR the last twenty years Leonid Andreyev and Maxim Gorky have by turns occupied the centre of the stage of Russian literature. Prophetic vision is no longer required for an estimate of their permanent contribution to the intellectual and literary develop- ment of Russia. It represents the highest ideal ex- pression of a period in Russian history that was preg- nant with stirring and far-reaching events the period of revolution and counter-revolution. It was a period when Russian society passed from mood to mood at an extremely rapid tempo : from energetic aggressiveness, exultation, high hope, and confident trust in the tri- umph of the people's cause to apathetic inaction, gloom, despair, frivolity, and religious mysticism. This important dramatic epoch in the national life of Russia Andreyev and Gorky wrote down with such force and passion that they became recognized at once as the leading exponents of their time. Despite this close external association, their work differs essentially in character. In fact, it is scarcely possible to conceive of greater artistic contrasts. Gorky is plain, direct, broad, realistic, elemental. His art is native, not acquired. Civilization and what learning he obtained later through the reading of books have influenced, not the manner or method of his writ- iNTKonrrnoN ing, but only its purpos,- and occasionally its subject matter. It is significant to watch tin- dismal failure Gorky makes of it whenever, in concession to tin- mod- TU literary fashion. In- attempts the mystical. Sym- bolism is foreign to him except in its broad. --I aspects. II .:.!;.'. rs, though hailing from ti world hut little known, and often extreme and extremely peculiar, arc on the whole normal. Andreyev, on the other hand, is a child of civili/a- tion, steeped in its culture, and while as rebellious against some of the things of civili/ation as Gorky, he reacts to them in quite ft different way. He is wondrously M iisitive to every development, quickly appropriates what is new, and always keeps in the vanguard. His art is the resultant of all that the past ages have given us, of the things that we have learned in our own day, and of what we are just now learning. With this art Andreyev succeeds in communicating ideas, thoughts, and feelings so fine, so tenuous, so indefinite as to appear to transcend human expression. He does not care whether the things he writes about are true, whether his characters are real. What he aims to give is a true impression. And to convey this impression he does not scorn to use mysticism, symbolism, or even plain realism. His favorite characters are degenerates, hopaths, abnormal eccentrics, or just creatures of fancy corresponding to no reality. Frequently, how- . the characters, whether real or unreal, arc as such of merely secondary importance, the chief aim being the interpretation of an idea or set of ideas, and liaracters functioning primarily only as a medium for the embodiment of those ideas. In one Gorky and Andreyev are completely INTRODUCTION ix at one in their bold aggressiveness. The emphatic tone, the attitude of attack, first introduced into Rus- sian literature by Gorky, was soon adopted by most of his young contemporaries, and became the characteris- tic mark of the literature of the Revolution. By that token the literature of Young Russia of that day is as easily recognized as is the English literature of the Dryden and Pope epoch by its sententiousness. It contrasts sharply with the tone of passive resignation and hopelessness of the preceding period. Even Chek- hov, the greatest representative of what may be called the period of despondence, was caught by the new spirit of optimism and activism, so that he reflected clearly the new influence in his later works. But while in Gorky the revolt is chiefly social manifesting it- self through the world of the submerged tenth, the disinherited masses, les miserables, who, becoming conscious of their wrongs, hurl defiance at their op- pressors, make mock of their civilization, and threat- en the very foundations of the old order Andreyev transfers his rebellion to the higher regions of thought and philosophy, to problems that go beyond the merely better or worse social existence, and asks the larger, much more difficult questions concerning the general destiny of man, the meaning of life and the reason for death. Social problems, it is true, also interest Andreyev. " The Red Laugh " is an attack on war through a por- trayal of the ghastly horrors of the Russo-Japanese War; " Sawa," one of the plays of this volume, is taken bodily (with a poet's license, of course) from the actual revolutionary life of Russia ; " King Hunger " is the tragedy of the uprising of the hungry [NTROD1 ma8CS and the un.i. r\\oi Id. Indeed, of the \\orks writtt n during the conflict and for sonic time afterward, all centre inon- or I,-,-, upon the social problems which then agitated Russia. Hut with Aiidivuv the treat- ment of all questions tends to assume a universal as- pect. He envisages phenomena from a broad, cosmic 1 of view ; he beholds things tub specie aeternitatix. philosophical tendency of his mind, though amply displayed \-n in works like " Savva " which is purely a character and social drama manifests it. self chiefly by his strong propensity for such subjects as ited in "To the Stars," "The Life of Man/' and "Anathema." In these plays Andreyev plunge-; into the deepest problems of existence, and seeks to posit once more and, if possible, to solve in accordance with the modern spirit and modern knowledge those dies as a Mip -rman, big in his defiance of destiny. This must be the meaning An- dreyev attached to .J///. sums up the fate of David who lived an even sadder life than Mun nnd died a more horrible death in these words: "David has achieved immortality, and he immortal in the dcathlessncss of fire. David has achil ved immortality* and he Ures immortal in the dcathlessness of light which is life." Andreyev was horn at Orel in 1871 and was gradu- ated from the gymnasium there. According to his own testimony, he never seems to have been a promising student. " In the seventh form," he tells us, " I was always at the bottom of my class.'* He lost his father early, and often went hungry while studying law at the 1'niversity of St. Petersburg. In the University of Moscow, to which he went next, he fared better. One of the means that he used to eke out a livelihood was portrait painting to order, and in this work he finally attained such proficiency that his price rose from $1.50 apiece to $6.00. In 1897 he began to practise law, but he gave most of his time to reporting court cases for the " Courier," a Moscow newspaper, and later to writing fcnilh-totm and stories. He tried only one civil case, and that one he lost. His work in the " Courier " attracted Gorky's attention, and the older writer zealously interested him- self in Andreyev's behalf. In 1902 his story named "The Abyss" appeared and created a sensation immediately. Even Coui INTRODUCTION xv Tolstoy joined in the dispute which raged over this story, attacking it as matter unfit for literature. But the verdict of Andreyev's generation was in his favor. Since then nearly every new work of his has been re- ceived as an important event in Russia and has sent the critics scurrying to his attack or defence. His first drama, " To the Stars," appeared while the Russians were engaged in fighting for liberty (1905), and, naturally enough, it reflects that struggle. " Savva " was published early the next year, and " The Life of Man " later in the same year. The production of " Savva " is prohibited in Russia. It has been played in Vienna and Berlin, and recently it was staged again in Berlin by " Die Freie Biihne," meeting with signal success. A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF PLAYS By LEONID ANDREYEV To THE STABS (K Xvi./dam), 1905; SAW A (Savva), 1906; Tin I.i IK OF MAN (Zhizn Chelovieka), 1906; KING HUNGER (TzarGolod), 1907; THE BLACK MASKS (Chiorniya Maski), 1908; THE DAYS OF OUR LIFE (Dni Nashcy Zhizni), 1908; ANATHEMA (Anatema), 1909; . \NMSSA (Anfissa), 1909; GAUDEAMCS (Gaudeamus), 1910; THE OCEAN (Okcan), 1911; " HONOR " (" Chest "), 1911 ( ?) ; THE PRETTY SABINE WOMEN (Prekrasniya Sabini- anki), 1911; PROFESSOR STORITZYN (Professor Storitzyn), 1912; CATHERINE (Yekaterina Ivanovna), 191. 'i; THOU SHALT NOT KILL (Ne Ubi), 1914. SAVVA OR IGNIS SANAT (SAVVA) A PLAY IN FOUR ACTS 1906 PERSONS iTAXoncn TROPINTN. innkeeper in a monadic suburb. An m of about fifty, u-ith an important manner and a stirn, dignified way of speaking. ANTON (Tony), anywhere from thirty-fife to thirty-eight, bloated from drinking and always under the. influence of alcohol. Ilia face it btoodless, tad, and sleepy. He hat a sparse beard, speaks slowly and painfully, and never taught. OLTHPIADA (I.ipa), twenty-fight yean old. She if fair and rather good- looking. There it a touch of monastic severity in her drett. SATVA, twenty-three, large, broad-shouldered, with a suggestion of the. peasant in his looks. He walks with a slight stoop, clborr* nut. fret in. The motions of his hands are rounded and graceful, his palms being turned up as if he irere carrying something. ///. f ml arcs are large and rough-hewn, ami AM cheeks and chin are covered trith a soft light down. When agitated or angry, he turns gray as dust, his movements become quick and agile, and his stoop disappears. lie wean the blouse and boots of a workingman. PELAGUKTA, a freckled, colorless woman, of about thirty, wearing the ordinary dress of her doss. She is dirty and untidy. SFKRANBKY GRIGORT PETROVICH, an ex-seminarist; tall, very lean, with a pale, long face, and a tuft of dark hair on his chin. He has long, smooth hair parted in the middle and falling on each side of his face, He is dressed either in a long, dark overcoat or in a dark frock-coat. FATHER KONDRATT, a friar, forty-two years old, ugly, narrow-chested, with swollen, animated eyes. VASBTA. a novice, a strong and athletic youth of nineteen. lie has a round, cheerful, smiling face, and curly, lustrous hair. KINO HEROD, a pilgrim, about fifty. He has a dry, emaciated face, black from sunburn and road dust. His gray, dishevelled hair and brunt give him a savage appearance. He has only one arm, the left. He is as tall as Sana. A FAT MONK. A GRAY MONK. A MAN IN PEASANT OVERCOAT. Monks, pilgrims, cripples, beggars, blind men and women, monstrosities. The action takes place at the beginning of the twentieth century in a rich monastery celebrated for its wonder-working ikon of the Saviour. There is an interval of about two weeks between the first and the last act. SAVVA THE FIRST ACT The interior of a house in a monastic suburb. Two rooms, with a third seen back of them. They are old, ramshaclde, and filthy. The first one is a sort of dining-room, large, with dirty, low ceiling and smeared wall-paper that in places has come loose from the wall. There are three little windows; the one giving on the yard reveals a shed, a wagon, and some household utensils. Cheap wooden furniture; a large, bare table. On the walls, which are dotted with flies, appear pic- tures of monks and views of the monastery. The sec- ond room, a parlor, is somewhat cleaner. It has win- dow curtains of muslin, two flower-pots with dried geraniums, a sofa, a round table covered with a table- cloth, and shetoes with dishes. The door to the left in the first room leads to the tavern. When open, it ad- mits the sound of a man's doleful, monotonous singing. It is noon of a hot and perfectly still summer's day. Now and then the cluckmg of hens is heard under the windows. The clock in the belfry of the monastery strikes every half -hour, a long, indistinct wheeze pre- ceding the first stroke. Pelagueya, who is pregnant, is scrubbing the floor. Seized with giddiness, she staggers to her feet and leans against the wall, staring before her with a vacant gaze. 4 SAVVA [ACT i ri i \t.i i ^ v Oh, God! (Shf starts to scrub the floor again) \i\-\ (t-ntcrx, f a'tnt from heat) How stifling! I don't know what to do with mystlf. My lir.-ul M-rms full of pins and needles. (She sits doxcn) Polya, say, Polya. PELAGUEYA What is it? I.ll'A Whi-n- 's father? PELAi.l 1 ^ \ II \s sleeping. LIPA Oh, I can't stand it. (She opens the window, then takes a turn round the room, moriiuj uhnlfxsltj and glancing into the tavern) Tony 's sleeping too behind the counter. It would be nuv to ^ () j n Imth- ing, but it 's too hot to walk to the river. Polya, why don't you speak? Say something. LOVKTA What? LIPA Scrubbing, scrubbing, all the time. II I.AGUEVA Yes. LIPA And in a day from now the floors will be dirty again. I don't see what pleasure you get from working the way you do. PELAGI'EYA I have to. LIPA I just took a peep at the street. It 's awful. Not a ACT i] SAVVA 5 human being in sight, not even a dog. All is dead. And the monastery has such a queer look. It seems to be hanging in the air. You have the feeling that if you were to blow on it, it would begin to swing and fly away. Why are you so silent, Polya? Where is Sawa? Have you seen him? PELAGUEYA He 's in the pasture playing jackstones with the children. He 's a funny fellow. PELAGUEYA I don't see anything funny about it. He ought to be working, that 's what he ought to be doing, not playing like a baby. I don't like your Savva. UFA (lazily) No, Polya, he is good. PELAGUEYA Good? I spoke to him and told him how hard the work was for me. " Well," he says, " if you want to be a horse, pull." What did he come here for? I wish he 'd stayed where he was. LIPA He came home to see his folks. Why, it 's ten years since he left. He was a mere boy then. PELAGUEYA A lot he cares for his folks. Yegor Ivanovich is just dying to get rid of him. The neighbors don't know what to make of him either. He dresses like a work- ingman and carries himself like a lord, does n't speak to anybody and just rolls his eyes like a saint. I am afraid of his eyes. 6 SAWA [ACT i UFA v M. I Ir has beautiful eyes. PELAGUEYA Can't he see that it *s hard for me to be doing nil tin- housework myself? A while ago he saw me carry- ing a pail full of water. I was straining with all my might. He did n't even say good morning; just passed on. I have met a lot of people in my life, but never anybody whom I disliked so much. LIPA I 'm so hot, everything seems to be turning round like wheels. Listen, Polyn, if you don't want to work, don't. No one compels you to. PELAGUK-k A If I won't work, who will? Will you? LIPA No, I won't. We '11 hire a servant. PELAGUEYA Yes, of course, you have plenty of money. UFA And what 's the use of keeping it? PELAGUEYA I '11 die soon and then you '11 get a servant. I won't last much longer. I have had one miscarriage, and I guess a second child will be the end of me. I don't care. It 's better than to live the way I do. Oh ! (She clasps her waist) LIPA But for God's sake, who is asking you to? Stop working. Don't scrub. PELAGUEYA Y-s, stop it, and all of you will be going about say- ing: "How dirty the house is!" ACT i] SAVVA 7 UFA (weary from the heat and Pelagueya's talk) Oh, I 'm so tired of it ! PELAGUEYA Don't you think I feel tired too? What are you complaining about anyhow? You are a lady. All you have to do is pray and read. I don't even get time to pray. Some day I '11 drop into the next world all of a sudden just as I am, with my skirt tucked up under my belt: " Good morning! How d' you do ! " LIPA You '11 be scrubbing floors in the next world too. PELAGUEYA No, in the next world it *s you who '11 be scrubbing floors, and I '11 sit with folded hands like a lady. In heaven we '11 be the first ones, while you and your Sawa, for your pride and your hard hearts LIPA Now, Polya, am I not sorry for you? YEGOR IVANOVICH TROPiNiN (enters, still sleepy, his beard turned to one side, the collar of his shirt un- buttoned; breathing heavily) Whew ! Say, Polya, bring me some cider. Quick! (Pause) Who opened the window? LIPA I did. YEGOR What for? LIPA It 's hot. The stove in the restaurant makes it so close here you can't breathe. YEGOE Shut it, shut it, I say. If it 's too hot for you, you can go down into the cellar. 8 > AN VA [ACT i LIRA But what do you want to have tin- window .shut for? i i :OE Because. Shut it! You have IKTM told to slmt the window then shut it! What an- you waiting for.' (Li f>n, shrtujylng her shoulders, closet the wintlow tind is tifmnt to /(ing? The moment your father appears, you run away. Sit down ! LI PA But you don't want me. YEGOE Never mind whether I want you or not sit down! Oh, my! (He yawns and crosses himself) When- is Savva? LIPA I don't know. VKGOR Tell him I '11 turn him out. LI PA Tell him so yourself. YEGOE Fool! (He yawns and crosses himself) Oh, Lord Jesus Christ, have merry on us sinners! What was it I was dreaming about just now? LIPA I don't know. YEGOE Who asked you? You stupid, how could you tell what I was dreaming? You 've got brains, have n't you? PELAGUEYA (handiiHj him cider) There. ACT i] SAVVA 9 YEGOE There. Put it down and don't " there " me. (Takes the jug and drinks) What was I talking about? (Pelagueya finishes scrubbing the floor) Oh yes, about the Father Superior. A smart fellow he is. You '11 have to go a long way to find another like him. He had the old coffin exchanged for a new one. The pilgrims chewed the old one to pieces, so he put a new one in its place. He put a new one in place of the old one. They '11 chew this one to pieces too, the fools! Anything you give them, the fools! Do you hear or don't you? UFA I hear. What 's so remarkable about it ? A swindle, that 's all. YEGOE What 's remarkable about it is that he did n't ask your advice. They chewed the old one to pieces, so he put a new one in its place exactly like it. Yes, just exactly like the one in which the saint lay be- fore. Remember us in heaven where thou dwellest, Saint! (He crosses himself and yawns) You can lose your teeth on this one too. They chewed the old one to pieces completely. Where are you off to? Sit down! IJPA 1 can't, it 's so hot in here. YEGOE But I can. Sit down, you won't melt. (Pause) They chewed up the old one, so he put up a new one. Where is Savva? PELAGUEYA He's playing jackstones with the children. 10 SAWA [ACT i ^ i i:OR I 'ni not asking you. \Yhat time is it? PELAGUEYA It just struck two. YEGOR Tell him I '11 turn him out. I won't stand it. LI PA Stand what? Be reasonable. YEGOR I won't stand it. Who is he anyway? Never nt home in time for dinner. He comes and feeds likr a dog by himself knocks about at niijlit ,-ind does n't lock the gate. I went out yesterday and found the gate wide open. If we arc robbed, who '11 pay for it? LIPA There are no thieves here. What thieves have you ever seen in this place? YEGOR What thieves? A lot. When all people arc asleep, he is knocking about. Who ever heard of sueli i thing? LI PA But if he doesn't want to sleep, what is he to do? OR What, you too? He doesn't want to? Let him go to bed, and he '11 sleep. No one wants to sleep, hut once you lie down you fall asleep. He does n't want to? I know him. Who asked him to come? II. waa making hank-notes over there then why did n't he stay where he was and do what he pleased? What business has he here? LI PA What bank-notes? ACT i] SAVVA 11 YEGOR What bank-notes? Not real ones. Nothing is done to you for making real bank-notes. Counterfeit bank-notes, that 's what. Not the sort of thing you get patted on the head for, when you are caught, no sirree ! It 's very strict now. I '11 go to the police captain and tell him: "It 's like this just search him." LIPA Oh, nonsense. PELAGUEYA You are the only one who does n't know it. Every- body else knows it. LIPA Oh, Lord ! YEGOE Well, about the Lord we know better than you. You need n't appeal to Him. I want you to tell Savva that I am not afraid of him. He did n't strike the right person. I '11 just make him skip. I '11 turn him out. Let him go where he came from. The idea of my having to be responsible for his robberies. Who 's ever heard of such a thing? UPA You are not quite wide awake, father, that 's what 's the matter with you. YEGOE I am wide awake all right, and have been for a long time. What I 'd like to know is, are you wide awake ? Look out, Lipa, don't let it happen to you too. LIPA What? 12 SAWA [ACT r V I UOE It. (He yawns and croste himself) If mother wore to HM- from lirr gruvr nou and see her children, sin- would be delighted. Fine children, she would say. I have nursed you, and brought you up, and what 's tin- result? Regular good-for-nothing scamps. Tony '11 soon begin to drink again. I can see it on his face. Who 's cvi-r heard of such a tiling? !' <>- plr will soon be coming here for the feast-day, and I '11 have to work alone for the whole hunch. 1'oly :. hand nu- that match from the floor there. No, not there, you blind goose. There, you stupid. PELAGUEYA (hunting for the match) I don't see it. YEGOE I '11 take you by the back of your neck and give you such a shaking that you '11 sec mighty quick. There it is, damn you! i ir \ (faint) Oh, God, what a blistering heat! YEGOE There it is. Where arc you crawling? Under the chair. There, damn you! SAWA (enters gayly, the pocket of hi* blouse full of jackstones) I won six pair. YEGOE Well, the idea ! 8AVVA I finished that rascal Misha, cleared him all up. What are you mumbling about there? YEGOE thing. Only I wish you'd address me a little more politely. ACT i] SAVVA 13 SAVVA (paying no attention to him) Lipa, I won six pair. LIPA How can you play in such heat? SAVVA Wait, I am going to put the jackstones away. I have eighteen pair now. Misha, the little rascal, plays well. (He goes out) YEGOR (rising) I don't want to see him any more. Tell him to get out of here at once. LIPA All right, I will. YEGOR Don't say "all right," but do what your father tells you. A fine lot of brats that 's a sure thing ! Yes, yes. (Goes) If mother saw them PELAGUEYA He speaks of mother as if he were n't the one that drove her to an early grave. He talked her to death, the old scold ! He just talks and talks, and nags and nags, and he does n't know himself what he wants. LIPA To be with you is like being caught in the wheel of a machine. My head is spinning round and round. PELAGUEYA Then why don't you go away with your Sawa? What are you waiting for? LIPA Look here, why are you angry with me? PELAGUEYA I am not angry. I am telling the truth. You don't 14 SAW A [ACT i want to marry. You are disjjiisled uiih all your ix. Why don't you go into a convent? LI PA I won't go into a convent, hut I will go away from here, soon enough, I think. PELAGUK1 v Well, go! No one is keeping you. The road is wide open. LI PA Ah, Polya, you are angry and sulky with me. You don't know how I spend my nights thinking about you. .At night I lie awake and think and think about you, and about all the people that are unhappy all of them. PELAGUEYA What do you want to think about me for? You had better think about yourself. LI PA And no one knows it. Well, what 's the use of talk- ing? You could n't understand anyhow. I am sorry for you, Polya. (Pelagueya laughs) What 's the matter? PELAGUEYA If you are sorry for me, why don't you carry out that pail? The way I am, I shouldn't be liftm-.-- heavy things. Why don't you help me, if you are so sorry for me? UP A (her face darkening, then brightening in tin- daytime so at nitflit. A lot of faces. (Trow the door) And in regards to whiskey, ma\l>- I '11 send it and maybe I won't. I can't tell yet. \ (to Lipa) Has he been that way a long time? LIPA I don't know. I think so. He drinks an awful lot. M.I ! <. (going) \<> wonder. You 're enough to drive a man to drink. Cranks. (Exit) I.ll'A My, how stifling! I don't know what to do with my- self. Say, Sawa, why aren't you nicer to Polya? She is such a wretched creature. 8AVVA A slavish soul. LIPA It is n't her fault if she 's that way. SAVVA (coldly) Nor mine either. LIPA Oh, Savva, if you only knew the terrible life people lead here. The men drink, and beat their wives, and the women 8AVVA I know. LIPA You say it so calmly. I have been wanting very much to have a talk with you. SAVVA Go ahead. ACT i] SAVVA 19 LIPA You '11 soon be leaving us, I suppose. SAVVA Yes. LIPA Then I won't have any chance to talk to you. You are scarcely ever at home. This is the first time, pretty nearly. It seems so strange that you should enjoy playing with the children, you a grown man, big as a bear. SAVVA (merrily} No, Lipa, they play very well. Misha is very good at the game, and I have a hard time holding up my end of it. I lost him three pairs yesterday. LIPA Why, he is only ten years old. SAVVA Well, what of it? The children are the only human beings here. They are the wisest part of the LIPA (with a smile) And I? How about me? SAVVA (looking at her) You? Why, you are like the rest. [A pause. Being offended, Lipa's languor disap- pears to some extent. LIPA Maybe I bore you. SAVVA No, you make no difference to me one way or an- other. I am never bored. LIPA (with a constrained smile) Thank you, I am glad of that at least. Were you 30 SAWA [ACT i in tin- monastery to-d.i_\ .- You go there often, don't \ou? SAW A Yes, I was there. Why? LIPA I suppose you don't remember I love our mona-.- tery. It is so beautiful. At times it looks so pen sive. I like it because it's so old. Its age givo it a solemnity, a stern serenity and detachment. SAWA Do you read many books? LIPA (blushing) I used to read a lot. You know I spent four win- ters in Moscow with Aunt Glasha. Why do you ask? SAWA Never mind. Go on. 1. 1 PA Does what I say sound ridiculous? SAWA No, go on. LIPA The monastery is really a remarkable place. There arc nice spots there which no one ever visits, some- where between the mute walls, where there is nothing but grass and fallen stones and a lot of old, old litter. I love to linger there, especially at twilight, or on hot sunny days like to-day. I close my eyes, and I seem to look far, far into the distant past at those who built it and those who first prayed in it. There they walk along the path carrying bricks and singing something, so softly, so far away. (Cloxnit/ her eyes) So softly, so softly. ACT i] SAVVA 21 SAVVA I don't like the old. As to the building of the mon- astery, it was done by serfs, of course; and when they carried bricks they did n't sing, but quarrelled and cursed one another. That 's more like it. UFA (opening her eyes) Those are my dreams. You see, Savva, I am all alone here. I have nobody to talk to. Tell me You won't be angry, will you? Tell me, just me alone, why did you come here to us ? It was n't to pray. It was n't for the feast-day. You don't look like a pilgrim. SAVVA (frowning) I don't like you to be so curious. IJPA How can you think I am? Do I look as if I were curious? You have been here for two weeks, and you ought to see that I am lonely. I am lonely, Savva. Your coming was to me like manna fallen from the sky. You are the first living human being that has come here from over there, from real life. In Moscow I lived very quietly, just reading my books ; and here you see the sort of people we have here. SAVVA Do you think it 's different in other places? LIPA I don't know. That 's what I should like to find out from you. You have seen so much. You have even been abroad. SAVVA Only for a short time. 22 SAVVA [ACT i i ir\ Th it makes no difference. You have met many cul- tured, wise, interesting people. You have lived with thrill. How do they live? What kind of people are they? Tell me all about it. 8AVVA A mean, contempt ihle lot. LI PA la that so? You don't say so! SAVVA They live just as you do here a stupid, senseless existence. The only difference is in the language they speak. But that makes it still worse. The justification for cattle is that they are without speech. But when the cattle become articulate, 1. to speak, defend themselves and express ideas, then the situation becomes intolerable, unmitii^atedly re- pulsive. Their dwelling-places are different too yes but that's a small thing. I was in a city inhabited by a hundred thousand people. The win- dows in the house of that city are all small. Those living in them are all fond of light, but it never occurs to anyone that the windows might be made larger. And when a new house is built, they put in the same kind of windows, just as small, just as they have always been. LIPA The idea! I never would have thought it. But they can't all be like that. You must have met good peo- ple who knew how to live. 8AVVA I don't know how to make you understand. Yes, I did meet, if not altogether good people, yet ACT i] SAVVA 23 The last people with whom I lived were a pretty good sort. They did n't accept life ready-made, but tried to make it over to suit themselves. But LIPA Who were they students ? SAVVA No. Look here how about your tongue is it of the loose kind? LIPA Sawa, you ought to be ashamed! SAVVA All right. Now then. You 've read of people who make bombs little bombs, you understand? Now if they see anybody who interferes with life, they take him off. They 're called anarchists. But that isn't quite correct. (Contemptuously} Nice an- archists they are! LIPA (starting back, awestruck) What are you talking about? You can't possibly be in earnest. It isn't true. And you in it, too? Why, you look so simple and talk so simply, and suddenly I was hot a moment ago, but now I am cold. (The rooster crows under the window, calling the chickens to share some seed he has found) SAVVA There now you 're frightened. First you want me to tell you, and then LIPA Don't mind me, Sawa, it 's nothing. It was so unexpected. I thought such people did n't really exist that they were just a fiction of the imagina- tion. And then, all of a sudden, to find you, my 24 SAV\ A [AC-, i In-other You art- not joking, Savva? Look me straight in the 8AVVA But why did you get frightened? They arc not so terrible aftrr all. In fact, they are very quiet, orderly people, and very deliberate. They unit and meet, and weigh and consider a long time, and then bang! a sparrow drops dead. The next min- ute there is another sparrow in its place, hopping about on the very same branch. Why are you look- ing at my hands? LI PA Oh, nothing. Give me your hand no, your right hand. SAVVA Here. LI PA How heavy it is. Feel how cold mine are. Go on, tell me all about it. It's so interesting. SAVVA What 's there to tell ? They are a brave set of peo- ple, I must admit; but it is a bravery of the li not of the hands. And their heads are partitioned off into little chambers; they are always careful not to do anything which is unnecessary or harm- ful. Now you can't clear a dense forest by cutting down one tree at a time, can you? That's what they do. While they chop at one end, it grows up at the other. You can't accomplish anything tint way; it's labor lost. I proposed a scheme to them, something on a larger scale. They t frightened, wouldn't hear of it. A little weak-kneed they are. ACT i] SAVVA 25 So I left them. Let them practise virtue. A narrow- minded bunch. They lack breadth of vision. LIPA You say it as calmly as if you were joking. SAVVA No, I am not joking. UFA Aren't you afraid? SAVVA I ? So far I have n't been, and I don't ever expect to be. What worse can happen to a man than to have been born? It 's like asking a man who is drowning whether he is not afraid of getting wet. {Laughs) LIPA So that 's the kind you are. SAVVA One thing I learned from them: respect for dyna- mite. It 's a powerful instrument, dynamite is nothing like it for a convincing argument. LIPA You are only twenty-three years old. You have no beard yet, not even a moustache. SAVVA (feeling his face) Yes, a measly growth; but what conclusions do you draw from that? LIPA Fear will come to you yet. SAVVA No. If I have n't been frightened so far by watch- ing life, there 's nothing else to fear. Life, yes. I embrace the earth with my eyes, the whole of it, the 26 SAN \ \ [A< entire little planetoid, and I can find nothing more terrible on it than man and liinnan life. And I am not afraid of man. LIPA (scarcely listening to him; ecstatic nil a) Yes, that 's the word. That 's it. Savva, dear, I am not afraid of bodily suffering either. Burn me on a slow fire. Cut me to pieces. I won't cry. I '11 laugh. I know I will. But there is another thing I am afraid of. I am afraid of people's suffering, of the misery from which they cannot escape. When in the stillness of the night, broken only by the striking of the hours, I think of how much suffer- ing there is all around us aimh->. needless suf- fering; suffering one doesn't even know of when I think of that, I am chilled with terror. I go down on my knees and pray. I pray to God, saying to Him: "Oh, Lord, if there has to be a victim, t. feed the unfortunate. There '11 soon be a holiday here in the monastery SAVVA I know. LIPA There is an ikon of the Saviour there with the touch- ACT i] SAVVA 27 ing inscription : " Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden SAVVA And I will give you rest." I know. LIPA It is regarded as a wonder-working ikon. Go there on the feast-day. It 's like a torrent pouring into the monastery, an ocean rolling toward its walls; and this whole ocean is made up entirely of human tears, of human sorrow and misery. Such monstros- ities, such cripples. After witnessing one of those scenes, I walk about as in a dream. There are faces with such a depth of misery in them that one can never forget them as long as one lives. Why, Sawa, I was a gay young thing before I saw all that. There is one man who comes here every year they have nicknamed him King Herod SAVVA He is here already. I 've seen him. LIPA Have you? SAVVA Yes, he has got a tragic face. LIPA Long ago, when still a young man, he killed his son by accident, and from that day he keeps coming here. He has an awful face. And all of them are waiting for a miracle. SAVVA Yes. There is something worse than inescapable human suffering, however. IJPA What? 28 S.U \ A [ACT i SAW A Inescapable* liuiuan >tii|Milit\. 1 Il-A I don't know. 8AVVA I do. Here you see only a small fragment of life, but if you could see and hear all of it Wlicu I first read thrir newspapers, I laughed and thought it was a joke. I thought they were* published in some asylum for tin- insane. But I found it WHS no joke-. It was really serious, Lipa, really serious. And then my head began to ache with an intolerable pain. (He presteg his hand to hit forehead) LIPA Your head began to ache? 8AVVA Yes. It J s a peculiar pain. You don't know what it is like. Few people know what it is. And the pain continued until I resolved LIPA What? BAVVA To annihilate everything. LIPA What are you saying? 8AVVA Yes, yes, everything. All that *s old. LIPA (in amazement) And man? SAWA Man is to remain, of course. What is in his way is the stupidity that, piling up for thousands of years, has grown into a mountain. The modern ACT i] SAVVA 29 sages want to build on this mountain, but that, of course, will lead to nothing but making the mountain still higher. It is the mountain itself that must be removed. It must be levelled to its foundation, down to the bare earth. Do you understand? LIPA No, I don't understand you. You talk so strangely. SAVVA Annihilate everything! The old houses, the old cities, the old literature, the old art. Do you know what art is? LIPA Yes, of course I know pictures, statues. I went to the Tretyakov art gallery. SAVVA That 's it the Tretyakov, and other galleries that are bigger still. There are some good things in them, but it will be still better to have the old stuff out of the way. All the old dress must go. Man must be stripped bare and left naked on a naked earth ! Then he will build up a new life. The earth must be denuded, Lipa; it must be stripped of its hideous old rags. It deserves to be arrayed in a king's mantle; but what have they done with it? They have dressed it in coarse fustian, in convict clothes. They 've built cities, the idiots ! LIPA But who will do it? Who 's going to destroy every- thing? SAVVA I. LIPA You? 80 SAV\ \ [ACT i 8AVVA Yes, I. I Ml Infill, and then, when people got to linder>tand what I am after, othrrs will join in. The \un-k will proceed merrily, Lipa. The >ky will be hot. Vrs. Tin* only thing not worth dot roving is science. That would be useless. Science is un- changeable, and if you destroyed it to-day, it would rise up again the same as before. LI PA How much blood will have to be shed ? Why, it 's horrible ! SAVVA No more than has been shed already and there '11 be rhyme and reason to it, at least. (I'ansc; tin- hens cluck in the yard; from the same direction comes Tony's sleepy voice: " Poly a, father wants you. Where did you put his cap? ") LIPA What a scheme! Are you not joking, Savva? SAVVA You make me sick with your " you are joking, you are joking." IJPA I am afraid of you, Sawa. You are so serious about it. SAVVA Yes, there are many people who are afraid of me. IJPA If you would only smile a little. SAVVA (look'unj at her icitli wide-open eyes and a frank- face, and breaking ahr/i jifl// into \\ VA For nothing that concerns you. You had better have a talk with him. He is a chap that possesses a great deal of curiosity. He's not a fool, either, but knows what 's what. LIPA (looking seurchlngly at Savi'd) I know him well, I know him very well. KONDRATY To my regret I must admit it 's true. I have the unenviable fortune of being known as a man who does not observe the outer forms of conduct. It is on account of that characterise I was fired from my position as government clerk, and it 's on that account I am now frequently condemned to live for weeks on nothing but bread and water. I cannot act in secret. I am open and above-board. In fact, I fairly cry aloud whatever I do. For example, the circumstances under which I met you, Mr. Tropinin, are such that I am ashamed to recall them. 8AVVA Don't recall them then. KONDRATY (to Li pa) I was lying in a mud puddle in all my dignity, like a regular hog. T.ii-A (disgusted) All right. KONDRATY But I am not ashamed to speak of it; first, because many people saw it, and of course nobody took the trouble to get me out of it except Sawa Yegorovich, and secondly, because I regard this as my cross. LIPA A fine cross ! ACT i] SAVVA 35 KONDRATY Every man, Miss Olympiada, has his cross. It is n't so very nice to be lying in a mud puddle. Dry ground is pleasanter every time. And do you know, I think half of the water in that puddle was my own tears, and my woeful lamentations made ripples on it SAVVA That 's not quite so, Kondraty. You were singing a song: " And we 're baptized of him in Jordan " to a very jolly tune at that. KONDRATY You don't say! What of it? So much the worse. It shows to what depths a man will descend. SAVVA Don't assume a melancholy air, father. You 're quite a jovial fellow by nature, and the assumption of grief does n't go well with your face, I assure you. KONDRATY True, Savva Yegorovich, I was a jolly fellow; but that was before I entered the monastery. As soon as I came here I took a tumble, so to speak; I lost my joviality and serenity and learned to know what real sorrow is. [Tony enters and remains standing m the doorway gazing ecstatically at the monk. SAVVA Why so? KONDRATY (stepping nearer and speaking in a lowered voice) There is no God here there 's only the devil. This is a terrible place to live in, on my word it is, Mr. Savva. I am a man with a large experience. U6 SAVVA [ACT i It 's no easy thing to frighten nu-. But I am afruiil to walk in the hull tit night. 8AVVA What devil? K XORATY The ordinary one. To you, educated people, he appears in a nobler aspect of course; but to us plain, .simple people, he reveals himself as he really is. - \ v V A With horns. 1 KONDRATY How can I tell ? I never saw the horns ; but that 's not the point, although I may say that his shadow clearly shows the horns. The thing is that we have no peace in our monastery; there is always such a noise and clatter there. Everything is quiet out- side; but inside there are groans and gnashing of teeth. Some groan, some whine, and some complain about something, you can't tell what. \Vh n you pass the doors, you feel as if your soul were taking leave of the world behind every door. Suddenly something glides from around the corner and there's a shadow on the wall. Nothing at all - and vrt there's a shadow on the wall. In other places it makes no difference. You pay no attention to such a trifle as a shadow ; but here, Sawa Yegoro- vich, they are alive, and you can almost hear them speak. On my word of honor ! Our hall, you know, is so long that it seems never to end. You enter nothing! You see a sort of black object moving in front of you, something like the figure of a man. Then it stretches out, grows larger and larger and ACT i] SAVVA 37 wider and wider until it reaches across the ceiling, and then it 's behind you ! You keep on walking. Your senses become paralyzed. You lose all con- sciousness. SAVVA (to Tony) What are you staring at? TONY What a face ! KONDRATY And God too is impotent here. Of course we have sacred relics and a wonder-working ikon; but, if you '11 excuse me for saying so, they have no efficacy. LIPA What are you saying? KONDRATY None whatever. If you don't believe me, ask the other monks. They '11 bear me out. We pray and pray, and beat our foreheads, and the result is nothing, absolutely nothing. If the image did nothing else than drive away the impure power! But it can't do even that. It hangs there as if it were none of its business, and as soon as night comes, the stir and the gliding and the flitting around the corners begin again. The abbot says we are cowards, poor in spirit, and that we ought to be ashamed. But why are the images ineffective? The monks in the monastery say LIPA Well? KONDRATY But it 's hard to believe it. It 's impossible. They say that the devil stole the real image long ago 38 S.\\ \ \ [ACT i tlu- 1)111- that could perform miracles- and hunj n;i liis own picture in^t> i ir\ Oh, God, what blasplu inv ! Why arc n't you ashamed to believe Mich vile, horrid stuff? You who are wearing a monk's robe ;it that ! You really ought to be lying in a puddle it's the proper place for you. 8AVVA Now, now, don't get mad. Don't mind her, Father Kondraty, she does n't mean it. She is a good girl. But really, why don't you leave the monast* Why do you want to be fooling about here with shadows and devils? KONDRATY (shrugging his shoulders) I would like to leave; but where am I to go? I dropped work long ago. I am not used to it any more. Here at least I don't have to worry about how to get a piece of bread. And as for the devil (cautiously winking to Sawa as he turns in the window and fillips his neck with his fingers) I have a means against him. SAVVA Well, let 's go out and have a talk. You, face, will you send us some whiskey? TOXY (gloomily) He is n't telling the truth. There are no devils either. The devil couldn't have hung up his picture if there 's no devil. It 's impossible. He had better ask me. SAVVA All right, we '11 speak about that later. Send us whiskey. ACT i] SAVVA 39 TONY (goes) I won't send you any whiskey either. SAVVA What a stupid fellow! I tell you what, father. You go out into the garden through that door. I '11 be with you in a moment. Don't lose yourself. (He goes out after Tony) KONDRATY Good-bye, Miss Olympiada. [Lipa does n't answer. When Kondraty has left, she walks around the room a 'few times, agitated, waiting for Sawa. SAVVA (entering) Well, what a fool! UPA (barring his way) I know why you came here. I know! Don't you dare! SAVVA What's that? UPA When I heard you talk, I thought it was just words, but now Come to your senses ! Think ! You 've gone crazy. What do you mean to do? SAVVA Let me go. LIPA I listened to you and laughed! Good Lord! I feel as if I had awakened from a terrible dream. Or is it all a dream? What was the monk here for? What for? SAVVA Now that will do. You have had your say ; that 's enough. Let me go. 40 SAVVA [ACT i LIP A Don't you sec you have gone cra/v? Do von under- stand? You are out of your mind. SAVVA I 'in sick of hearing you repeat that. Li-t go. x UFA Savva; dear, darling Sawa No? Very well, you won't listen to inr? Y< TV well. You'll sec, Savva, you '11 see. You ought to have your hands and feet tied. And you will be bound, too. There arc people who will do it. Oh, God! What does this mean? Stay! Stay! Savva! SAVVA (going) All right, all right. IJPA (shouting) I '11 denounce you. Murderer ! Ruffian ! I '11 de- nounce you. SAVVA (turning round) Oho! You had better be more careful. (Puts his hand on her shoulder and looks into her eyes) You had better be more careful, I say. UPA You (For about three seconds there is a struggle between the two pairs of eyes, after -cliich L'tjxi turns aside, biting her lips) I am not afraid of you. SAVVA That 's better. But don't shout. One should never shout. (Exit) I.IPA (alone) What does this mean? What am I to do? (The hens chick) YECOK TKOIMNIN (in tllC (I nor) What's the matter? What's the row here hey? ACT i] SAVVA 41 I was gone just half an hour, and everything has gone topsy-turvy. Lipa, why did you let the chick- ens get into the raspberry bushes? Go and drive 'em away, damn you ! I am talking to you yes, to you ! Go, or I '11 go you, I '11 go you, I '11 CUETAIN THE SECOND ACT Within the enclosure of tlie monastery. In the rear, at the left, appear tin- monastery buildings, the re- fectory, monks 1 cells, parts of the church ami the steeple, all connected by passageways with arched gates. Board-walks run In di/lerent directions in flu- court. At the right the corner of the steeple wall is seen slightly jutting out. Nestling against it is a small monastic cemetery surrounded by a light, grilled iron fence. Marble monuments and slabs of stone and iron are sunk deep into the earth. All are old and twisted. It is a long time since anyone was buried there. The cemetery contains also some wild rose-bushes and two or three rather .tin all trees. It is evening, after vespers. Long shadows are fall- ing from the tower and the wall*. The nuniaxtery and the steeple tire bathed in the reddish lit/lit of the set tiny sun. Monks, novices and pihjr'unx pass along the board-icalkx. In the beginning of the net niaif be heard behind the scenes the driving of a village Jierd, the era, L- ing of a herdsman's :chip, tin- bleating of sheep, the lowing of cattle, and dull cries. Toward the end of the act it grows much darker, and the movement m the yard ceases almost entirely. Sarra. Speranxku, and the Young Friar are seated on a bench by the iron fence. Speransky is holding his hat on his knees, and now and then he strokes his long, straight hair, :.7i. ; < // <'v hanging in two mournful strand* ACT n] SAVVA 43 over his long, pale face. He holds his legs together, speaks in a low, sad tone, and gesticulates with ex- tended forefinger. The Friar, young, round-faced, and vigorous, pays no attention to the conversation, but is smiling continually, as if at his own thoughts. SAVVA (preoccupied, looking aside) Yes. What kind of work do you do here? SPEEANSKY None at all, Mr. Sawa. How can a man in my con- dition do any work? Once a man begins to doubt his own existence, the obligation to work naturally ceases to exist for him. But the deacon's wife docs not understand it. She is a very stupid woman, ut- terly lacking in education, and, moreover, of an unlovely, cruel disposition. She insists on making me work. But you can imagine the sort of work I do under the circumstances. You see, the situation is this. I have a splendid appetite. That appetite began to develop while I was yet a student in the seminary. Now this deaconess, if you please, makes a fuss about every piece of bread I eat. She does n't understand, the ignorant woman, the possibility of the non-existence of this piece of bread. If I had a real existence like the rest of you, I should feel very bad, but in my present condition her attacks don't affect me in the least. Nothing affects me, Mr. Sawa, nothing in the wide world. SAVVA (smiling at the Friar's unconscious joy, but still preoccupied) How long have you been in this condition? SPEEANSKY It began in the seminary while I was studying philos- 44 SAWA [ACT n ophy. It is a dreadful condition, Mr. Sawn. I have grown somewhat accustomed to it now, but at fir>t it was unendurable. I tried to hang myself once, and they cut me down. Then I tried a second time, and they cut me down again. Thru they turned me out of the seminary. " Go hang yourself in some other place, you madman," they said. As if there were any other place! As if all places \vt i -e not the same ! THE FRIAR .Mr. Sawa, let's go fishing to-morrow at the mill. 8AVVA I don't like fishing. It bores me. FRIAR I 'm sorry. Well then, let 's go into the woods and knock down the dry branches of trees. It 's fine sport to walk about in the forest and knock off the branches with a stick. And when you shout " Ho-ho-ho ! " the echo from the ravine answers back " Ho-ho-ho ! " Do you like swimming? SAWA Yes, I like it. I am a good swimmer. FRIAR I like it too. SPERANSKY (with a deep sigh) Yes, it 's a strange condition. \ (smiling at the Friar) Eh? Well, how are you now? SPERANSKY When my uncle took me to his house, he made me promise I would never attempt suicide again. That was the only condition on which he would consent to let me live with him. " All right," I said ; " if we ACT n] SAVVA 45 really exist, then I won't make any further attempt to hang myself." SAVVA Why do you want to know whether you exist or not? There is the sky. Look, how beautiful it is. There are the swallows and the sweet-scented grass. It 's fine! (To the Friar) Fine, isn't it, Vassya? FRIAR Mr. Sawa, do you like to tear up ant-hills? SAVVA I don't know. I never tried. FRIAR I like it. Do you like to fly kites ? SAVVA It 's a long time since I tried to. I used to like it very much. SPERANSKY (patiently awaiting the end of their conver- sation) Swallows ! What good is their flying to me? Anyhow, maybe swallows don't exist either, and it 's all a dream. SAVVA Suppose it is a dream. Dreams are very beautiful sometimes, you know. SPERANSKY I should like to wake up, but I can't. I wander around and wander around until I am weary and feeble, and when I rouse myself I find I am here, in the very same place. There is the monastery and the belfry, and the clock strikes the hour. And it 's all like a dream, a fantasy. You close your eyes, and it does n't exist. You open them, and it 's there again. Sometimes I go out into the fields at night and close my eyes, and then it seems to me there is nothing 46 SAVVA [ACT n at all existing. Suddenly the quail h.-^in to call, and n wagon rolls down tin- road. Again 11 dream. For if you stopped up your cars, you would n't hear those sounds. When I die. i \erything will grow silent, and thru it will be true. Only the dead know tin- truth, Mr. Savva. i I;I\K (smiling, cautiously waiiin/ hit hands at a bird; in a whisper) It 's time to go to lx>d, time to #o to bed. SAVVA (impatiently) What dead? Listen, my dear sir. I have a plain, simple, peasant mind, and I don't understand those subtleties. What dead are you talking about? SPERANSKV About all the dead, every one without exception. That's why the faces of the dead are so serene. 'Whatever agonies a man may have suffered before his death, the moment he dies his face becomes serene. That 's because he has learned the truth. I always come here to attend the funerals. It 's astonishing. There was a woman buried here. She had died of grief because her husband was crushed under a loco- motive. You can imagine what must have been going on in her mind before her death. It 's too horrible to think of. Yet she lay there, in the coffin, absolutely serene and calm. That 's because she had come to know that her grief was nothing but a dream, a mere phantom. I like the dead, Mr. Savva. I think the dead really exist. 8AWA I don't like the dead. (Impatiently) You are a very disagreeable fellow. Has anybody ever told you that? ACT n] SAVVA 47 SPERANSKY Yes, I have heard it before. SAVVA I would never have taken you out of the noose. What damn fool did it anyway? SPERANSKY The first time it was the Father Steward, the next time my classmates. I am very sorry you disap- prove of me, Mr. Tropinin. As you are an edu- cated man, I should have liked to show you a bit of writing I did while I was in the seminary. It 's called "The Tramp of Death." It's a sort of story. SAVVA No, spare me, please. Altogether I wish you 'd FRIAR (rising) There comes Father Kirill. I had better beat it. SAVVA Why? FRIAR He came across me in the forest the other day when I was shouting " Ho ! Ho ! " " Ah," said he, " you forest sprite with goat's feet ! " To-morrow after dinner, all right? (Walks away, sedately at first, but then with a sort of dancing step) FAT MONK (approaches) Well, young men, having a pleasant chat? Are you Mr. Tropinin's son? SAVVA I am the man. FAT MONK I have heard about you. A decent, respectable gentleman your father is. May I sit down? (He 48 SAVVA [ACT n sits doicn) The sun has set, vet it 's still hot. I wonder if we'll have a storm to-night. Well, young mail, how do you like it here.' How does this place compare with the metropolis? SAVVA It 's a rich monastery. FAT MONK Yes, thank the Lord. It 's celebrated nil over Russia. There are many who come here even from Siberia. Its fame reaches far. There '11 soon be a feast-day, and sKY You '11 work yourself sick, father. Services day and night. FAT MONK Yes, we must do our best for the monastery. SAVVA Not for the people? FAT MOXK Yes, for the people too. For whom else? Last year a large number of epileptics were cured; quite a lot of them. One blind man had his eyesight restored, and two paralytics were made to walk. You '11 see for yourself, young man, and then you won't smile. I have heard that you are an unbeliever. SAVVA You have heard correctly. I am an unbeliever. FAT MONK It 's a shame, a shame. Of course, there are many unbelievers nowadays among the educated classes. But are they any happier on that account? I doubt it. ACT n] SAVVA 49 SAVVA No, there are not so many. They think they are unbelievers because they don't go to church. As a matter of fact, they have greater faith than you. It 's more deep-seated. FAT MONK Is that so? SAVVA Yes, yes. The form of their faith is, of course, more refined. They are cultured, you see. FAT MONK Of course, of course. People feel better, feel more confident and secure, if they believe. SAVVA They say the devil is choking the monks here every night. FAT MONK (laughing) Nonsense. (To the Gray Monk passing by) Father Vissarion, come here a moment. Sit down. Mr. Tropinin's son here says the devil chokes us every night. Have you heard about it? (The two monks laugh good-naturedly as they look at each other) GRAY MONK Some of the monks can't sleep well because they have overeaten, so they think they are being choked. Why, young man, the devil can't enter within our sacred precincts. SAVVA But suppose he does suddenly put in an appearance? What will you do then? FAT MONK We '11 get after him with the holy-water sprinkler, 50 SAVVA [A< that's what we '11 do. "Don't liutt in \vlu-rr you luivf no business to, you black-faced booby ! " (The monk la ugh*) GRAY MONK Here comes King Herod. FAT MONK Wait a while, Father Vissarion. (To Sawa) You talk about faith and such things. There 's a ni.ui for you look at him see how ho walks. And yet he has chains on him weighing four hundred pounds. He does n't walk, he dances. He visits us every summer, and I must say he is a very valu- able guest. His example strengthens others in tla-ir faith. Herod! Ho, Herod! KING HEROD What do you want? FAT MONK Come here a minute. This gentleman doubts the existence of God. Talk to him. KING HEROD Wliat 's the matter with yourself? Are you so full of booze that you can't wag your own tongue? FAT MONK You heretic! What a heretic! (Both monks I a ugh) KING HEROD (approaching) What gentleman? FAT MONK This one. KING HEROD (tcrut'lruzing him) He doubts? Let him doubt. It's none of my business. ACT n] SAVVA 51 SAVVA Oh! KING HEROD Why, what did you think? FAT MONK Sit down, please. KING HEROD Never mind. I 'd rather stand. FAT MONK (to Sdvva, in a loud whisper) He is doing that to wear himself out. Until he has reduced himself to absolute faintness he '11 neither sleep nor eat. (Aloud) This gentleman is wonder- ing at the kind of chains you have on your body. KING HEROD Chains? Just baby rattles. Put them on a horse and he too would carry them if he had the strength. I have a sad heart. (Looks at Sawa) You know, I killed my own son. Yes, I did. Have they been telling you about me, these chatterboxes? SAVVA They have. KING HEROD Can you understand it? SAVVA Why not? Yes, I can. KING HEROD You lie you can't. No one can understand it. Go through the whole world, search round the whole globe, ask everybody no one will be able to tell you, no one will understand. And if anyone says he does, take it from me that he lies, lies just as you do. Why, you can't even see your own nose prop- erly, yet you have the brazenness to say you under- 52 SAVYA [ACT n stand. (Jo. You are a foolish boy, that's what von arc. 8AWA And you are wise? KING 11 I KOI) lamwi-i. My sorrow has made me so. It is a great sorrow. There is none greater on earth. I killed my- son with my own hand. Not tin hand you are looking at, but the one which is n't here. SAWA Where is it? KING HEROD I burnt it. I held it in the stove and let it burn up to my elbow. SAVVA Did that relieve you? KING HEROD No. Fire cannot destroy my grief. It burns with a heat that is greater than fire. SAVVA Fire, brother, destroys everything. KING IIKROD No, young man, fire is weak. Spit on it and it is quenched. SAVVA What fire? It is possible to kindle such a conflagra- tion that an ocean of water will not quench it. KING IIKROD No, boy. Every fire goes out when its time comes. My grief ' s great, so great that when I look around me I say to myself: Good heavens, what has become of everything N( that 's large and great? Where has it all gone to? The forest is small, the house is ACT n] SAVVA 53 small, the mountain is small, the whole earth is small, a mere poppy seed. You have to walk cautiously and look out, lest you reach the end and drop off. FAT MONK (pleased) Fine, King Herod, you are going it strong. KING HEROD Even the sun does not rise for me. For others it rises, but for me it does n't. Others don't see the darkness by day, but I see it. It penetrates the light like dust. At first I seem to see a sort of light, but then good heavens, the sky is dark, the earth is dark, all is like soot. Yonder is something vague and misty. I can't even make out what it is. Is it a human being, is it a bush? My grief is great, immense! (Grows pensive) If I cried, who would hear me? If I shouted, who would respond? FAT MONK (to the Gray Monk) The dogs in the village might. KING HEROD (shaTciug his head) O you people ! You are looking at me as at a mon- strosity at my hair, my chains because I killed my son and because I am like King Herod; but my soul you see not, and my grief you know not. You are as blind as earthworms. You would n't know if you were struck with a beam on the head. Say, you pot-belly, what are you shaking your paunch for? SAVVA Why the way he talks to you ! FAT MONK (reassuringly) It 's nothing. He treats us all like that. He up- braids us all. 54 SAVVA [ACT n KINO HEROD Yes, and I will continue to upbraid. 1-Yllows like you are not fit to serve God. What you ought to do is to sit in a drinkshop amusing Satan. Tin- devils use your belly to go sleigh-riding on at night. FAT MONK (good-naturedly) Well, well, God be with you. You had better speak about yourself; stick to that. KING HKROD ( t O SdVVa) You see? He wants to feast on my agony. Go ahead, feast all you want. GRAY MONK My, what a scold you are. Where do you get your vocabulary? He once told the Father Superior that if God were not immortal he, the Father Superior, would long ago have sold him piece by piece. But we tolerate him. He can do no harm in a monastery. FAT MONK He attracts people. Many come here for his sake. And what difference does it make to us? God sees our purity. Is n't that so, King Herod? KING HEROD Oh, shut up, you old dotard. Look at him; he can scarcely move his legs, old Harry with the evil eye. Keeps three women in the village; one is not enough for him. (The monks laugh good-naturedly) You see, you see? Whew! Look at their brazen, shameless eyes ! Might as well spit on them ! 8AWA Why do you come here? KING HEROD Not for them. Listen, young man. Have you a grief? ACT n] SAVVA 55 SAVVA Perhaps I have. Why? KING HEROD Then listen to me. When you are in sorrow, when you are suffering, don't go to people. If you have a friend, don't go to him. It 's more than you '11 be able to stand. Better go to the wolves in the forest. They '11 make short work of it, devour you at once, and there will be the end of it. I have seen many evil things, but I have never seen anything worse than man. No, never! They say men are created in His image, in His likeness. Why, you skunks, you have no image. If you had one, the tiniest excuse for one, you would crawl away on all fours and hide somewhere from sheer shame. You damned skunks! Laugh at them, cry before them, shout at them. It does n't make any difference. They go on licking their chops. King Herod Damned skunks ! And when King Herod not I, but the real one with a golden crown killed your children, where were you hey ? FAT MONK We were n't even in the world then, man. KING HEROD Then there were others like you. He killed. You accepted it. That 's all. I have asked many the question : " What would you have done ? " " Noth- ing," they always reply. " If he killed, what could be done about it ? " Fine creatures ! Have n't the manliness to stand up even for their children. They are worse than dogs, damn them ! FAT MONK And what would you have done? 56 SAVVA [AC-T n 111 ROD I? I should li.-ivi- wrung his neck from off hi> gold crown the confounded bruti ! C.KAV MONK It says in the scriptun : "Render unto Csar the things that are Cajsar's, and to God tin- things tliat are God's." FAT MONK That is to say, don't interfere with other people's business. Do you understand? KING IIKKOD (to Stttl'd, M despair) Just listen, listen to what they are saying. SAVVA I hear what they are saying. KIN<; HEROD Just you wait, my precious ! You '11 get what 's com- ing to you, and mighty quick. The devil will come and hurl you into the fiery pit. To hell, to gehemm, with you! How your fat will melt and run! Do you get the smell, monk? FAT MONK That 's from the refectory. KING HEROD You are on the run, fast as your feet can carry you ! Ah! but where to? Everywhere i> lull, everywhere i> fire. You refused to hearken unto me, my pet; now you shall hearken unto the fire. Won't I be glad, won't I rejoice! I '11 take off rny chains so that I can catch them and present them to the devil - fir^t one, then the other. Here, take him. And the howl they '11 set up, and the weeping and lamentation. "I am not guilty." Not Anility? Who, then, is who? To gehenna with you! Burn, you damned ACT n] SAVVA 57 hypocrites, until the second Advent. And then we '11 build a new fire, then we '11 build a new fire. GRAY MONK Is n't it time for us to go, Father Kirill? FAT MONK Yeo, we had better be moving along. It 's getting dark, and it 's time to retire. KING HEROD Aha ! You don't like to hear the truth. It is n't pleasant, is it? FAT MONK Hee-hee, brother, talk is cheap. A barking dog does n't bite. Scold away, scold away. We are listening. God in heaven will decide who is to go to hell and who elsewhere. " The meek shall inherit the earth," says the Gospel. Good-bye, young gentlemen. GRAY MONK ( t o King Herod) Let me give you a piece of advice, however. Talk, but don't talk too much. Don't go too far. We are only tolerating you because you are a pitiful creature and because you are foolish. But if you give your tongue too free a rein, we can stop it, you know. Yes, indeed. KING HEROD All right, try try to stop me. FAT MONK What 's the use, Father Vissarion? Let him talk. It does n't do any harm. Listen, listen, young gentle- men. He is an interesting fellow. Good night. [They go. The Fat Monk is heard laughing heartily. KING HEROIC (to Sawa) Fine specimens. I can't stand them. 58 S.\N 8AVVA I like you, uncle. BOO Do you? So you don't like tlu-ir kind either? 8AVVA No, I don't. KIN<; IIKUOD Well, I '11 sit down for a while. My legs are swollen. Have you got a cigarette? SAWA (handing him a cigarette) Do you smoke? KING HEROD Sometimes. Excuse me for having talked to you the way I did before. You are a good fellow. But why did you lie and say you understood? No one can understand it. Who is this with you? SAVVA Oh, he just happened along. KINO HEROD Well, brother, feeling bad, down in the mouth? SPERANSKY Yes, I feel blue. KING HEROD Keep still, keep still, I don't want to listen. You are suffering? Keep still. I am a man too, brother, so I don't understand. I '11 insult you if you don't lookout. {Throws away the cigarette) No, I can't. As long as I keep standing or walking I manage some- how. The moment I sit down, it's hdl. ()w-\v-w ( Writhing in agony) I simply can't catch my breath. Oh, God, do you see my torture? Eh? \\.ll, well, it's nothing. It's gone. Oh! Ow-w ! [The sky has become overcast with clouds. It turns ACT n] SAVVA 59 dark quickly. Now and then there are flashes of lightning. SAVVA (quietly") One must try to stifle one's grief, old man. Fight it. Say to yourself firmly and resolutely : " I don't want it." And it will cease to be. You seem to be a good, strong man. KING HEROD No, friend, my grief is such that even death won't remove it. What is death? It is little, insignificant, and my grief is great. No, death won't end my grief. There was Cain. Even when he died, his sorrow remained. SPERANSKY The dead do not grieve. They are serene. They know the truth. KING HEROD But they don't tell it to anybody. What 's the good of such truth? Here am I alive, and yet I know the truth. Here am I with my sorrow. You see what it is there is no greater on earth. And yet if God spoke to me and said, " Yeremey, I will give you the whole earth if you give me your grief," I would n't give it away. I will not give it away, friend. It is sweeter to me than honey; it is stronger than the strongest drink. Through it I have learned the truth. SAVVA God? KING HEROD Christ that 's the one ! He alone can understand the sorrow that is in me. He sees and understands. " Yes, Yeremey, I see how you suffer." That 's all. 60 SAVN A [ACT u I ne" And I answer Him : M Yei O Laid* bohold my sorrow! " Tlmt 's nil. No more is necessary. SAW A What you value in Christ is His suffering for tin- people, is that it? KING HEROD You mean liis crucifixion? No, brother, that suffer- ing was a trifle. They crucified Him what did that matter? The important point was that thereby He came to know the truth. As long as He walked the earth, lie was well a man, rather a good man talking here and there about this and that. When He met someone, He would talk to him aboiif this and that, teach him, and tell him a few good things to put him on the right track. But when these same fellows carried Him off to the cross and went at Him with knouts, whips, and lashes, then His eyes were opened. " Aha ! " He said, " so that 's what it is!" And He prayed: "I cannot endure such suffering. I thought it would be a simple crucifixion; but, O Father in Heaven, what is this? " And the Father said to Him: " Never mind, never mind, Son! Know the truth, know what it is." And from then on, He fell to sorrowing, and has been sorrowing to this day. 8AVVA Sorrowing? HINT, m: it on Yes, friend, he is sorrowing. (Pause. Lightning) 6PERANSKY It looks like rain, and I am without rubbers and umbrella. ACT n] SAVVA 61 KING HEROD And everywhere, wheresoever I go, wheresoever I turn, I see before me His pure visage. " Do you understand my suffering, O Lord? " " I understand, Yeremey, I understand everything. Go your way in peace." I am to Him like a transparent crystal with a tear inside. "You understand, Lord?" "I understand, Yeremey." " Well, and I understand you too." So we live together. He with me, I with Him. I am sorry for Him also. When I die, I will transmit my sorrow to Him. " Take it, Lord." SAVVA But after all, you are not quite right in running down the people the way you do. There are some good men also very few but there are some. Other- wise it would n't be of any use to live. KING HEROD No, friend, there are none. I don't want to fool you there are none. You know, it was they who christened me with the name of King Herod. SAVVA Who? KING HEROD Why, your people. There is no beast more cruel than man. I killed my boy, so I am King Herod to them. Damn them, it never enters their minds how terrible it is for me to be burdened with such a nick- name. Herod! If they only called me so out of spite ! But not at all. SAVVA What is your real name? KING HEROD Yeremey. That 's my name Yeremey. But they 62 SAVVA [ACT n call nu- Herod, am-fully adding King, so that thriv may be no mistake. Look, the- re comes another monk, a plague on him. Say, did you ever sec His countenance? SAVVA I did. KING HEROD And did you see His eyes? No? Then look, try to see them Where is he off to, the bat? To the village to his women. KOXDRATY (enters) Peace be with you, honest folks. Good evening, Savva. To what lucky chance do I owe this meeting? KING HEROD Look, monk, the devil's tail is sticking out of your pocket. KONDRATY It is n't the devil's tail, it 's a radish. You 're very clever, but you did n't hit it right that time. KING HEROD (spitting in disgust) I can't bear to look at them. They turn my stomach. Good-bye, friend. Remember what I told you. When you are in sorrow, don't go to people. SAVVA All right, uncle, I understand. KINO HEROD Rather go to the forest to the wolves. (Goes out; his voice is heard out of the darkness) Oh, Lord, do you see? KONDRATY A narrow-minded fool. Killed his son and puts on airs. You can't get by him. He won't let you alone. ACT n] SAVVA 63 It 's something to be proud of, is n't it, to have killed one's own son? A great thing. SPERANSKY (with a sigh) No, Father Kondraty, you are mistaken. He is a happy man. If his son were brought to life this moment, he would instantly kill him. He would n't give him five minutes to live. But of course when he dies, he '11 know the truth, KONDRATY That 's what I said, you fool. If it were a cat he killed, he might have some reason to be proud but his own son! What are you thinking about, Sawa Yegorovich? SAVVA I am waiting. I should like to know how soon this gentleman will go. The devil brought him, I think. Now, here comes someone else. (Peetrs into the darkness) LIPA (approaching. She stops and hesitates) Is that you, Sawa? SAVVA Yes, and is that you? What do you want? I don't like people to follow me everywhere I go, sister. IJPA The gate to this place is open. Everybody has a right to come in. Mr. Speransky, Tony has been asking for you. He wants the seminarist, he says. SAVVA There, go together a jolly pair. Good-bye, sir, good-bye. SPERANSKY Good-bye. I hope I '11 see you soon again, Mr. Sawa, and have another talk. 64 BAWJ [ACT .. SAW \ \o, don't try, please. Abandon tin hope. Good- bye. I.II'A How rude }'ou arc, Sawa. Come, Mr. Spcransky. They have business of tbcir own to attend to. 8PERANSKV Still I haven't given up hope. Good-bye. (Goes out) 8AVVA Just grabbed me and stuck the devil take him ! KONDRATV (laughing) Yes, he is a sticker from the word go. If he likes you, you can't shake him off. He '11 follow you (\iry\v here. We call him the "shadow" partly, I suppose, because he is so thin. He has taken a fancy to you, so you '11 have a time of it. He '11 stick to you like a leech. 8AVVA I am not in the habit of wasting a lot of words. I '11 give him the slip without much ceremony. KOXDRATY They have even tried beating him, but it doesn't do any good. He is known here for miks around. He- is a character. [A pause. Lightning. Every now and then is heard the roll of distant thunder. SAVVA Why did you tell me to meet you In n in thi-> public place where everyone may corm-? They fell on me like a swarm of fleas monks and all sorts of im- beciles. I 'd rather have spoken to you in the woods, where we could be let alone. ACT n] SAVVA 65 KONDRATY I did it to escape suspicion. If I went with you to the woods they 'd say : " What has a God-fearing man like Kondraty got to do with such a fellow? " I hope you pardon ! " Why is he so thick with him? " I purposely timed my coming so that they 'd see us together with others. SAVVA {looking fixedly at him) Well? KONDRATY (turning away his eyes and shrugging his shoulders) I can't. SAVVA You are afraid? KONDRATY To tell the truth, I am. SAVVA You 're no good, old chap. KONDRATY Perhaps not. You have a right to draw your own conclusions. {Pause) SAVVA But what are you afraid of, you booby? The ma- chine is not dangerous. It won't hurt you. All you have to do is to put it in the right place, set it off, and then you can go to the village to your mistresses. KONDRATY That 's not the point. SAVVA What then? Are you afraid of being caught? But I told you, if anything should happen, I '11 take the guilt on myself. Don't you believe me? KONDRATY Why, of course I believe you. 66 SAVVA [ACT 11 SAVVA What then? Do you fear God? KONDRATY Yes, I do. SAVVA But you don't believe in God you believe in the devil. KONDBATY Who knows? Maybe some day I'll suddenly dis- cover that He does exist. In that case, Mr. Savva, I thank you, but I'd rather not. Why should I? I live a nice, quiet existence. Of course, it 's all a humbug, nn imposition. But what business is it of mine? The people want to believe let them. It was n't I who invented God. SAVVA Look here. You know I could have done it myself. All I need have done was to take a bomb and throw it into the procession. That 's all. But that would mean the killing of many people, which at the pres- ent juncture would serve no useful purpose. I therefore ask you to do it. If you refuse, then the blood will rest on you. You understand? KOXDRATY Why on me? I am not going to throw the bomb. And then, what have I got to do with them I mean the people that get killed? What concern are they of mine? There are plenty of people in the world. You can't kill them all, no matter how many bombs you throw. SAVVA Are n't you sorry for them ? ACT n] SAVVA 67 KONDRATY If I were to be sorry for everybody, I should have no sympathy left for myself. SAVVA That 's right. You are a bright man. You have a good mind. I have already told you so. And yet you hesitate. You are clever, and yet you are afraid to smash a piece of wood. KONDRATY If it is nothing but a piece of wood, then why go to so much trouble about it? The point is, it is not a piece of wood, it is an image. SAVVA For me it is a piece of wood. For the people it is a sacred object. That is why I want to destroy it. Imagine how they '11 open their mouths and stare. Ah, brother, if you were not a coward, I would tell you some things. KONDRATY Go ahead and talk. It 's no sin to listen. I am not a coward either. I am simply careful. SAVVA This would only be the beginning, brother. KONDRATY A good beginning, I won't deny it. And what will be the end? SAVVA The earth stripped naked, a tabula rasa, do you understand? And on this naked earth, naked man, naked as his mother bore him. No breeches on him, no orders, no pockets, nothing. Imagine men with- out pockets. Queer, isn't it? Yes indeed, brother, the ikon is only the beginning. f>s BAW4 | A, KONPKA I V Oh, they 'II make new ones. SAVVA But they won't be the same as before. And they '11 never forget this much that dynamite is mightier than their (Jod, and that man is mightier than dyna- mite. Look at them; see them yonder praying and knee-ling, not daring to raise their heads and look you straight in the face, mean slaves that they arc! Then comes a real man, and smash goes the whole humbug. Done for! KONDRATY Really ! 8AVVA And when a dozen of their idols have gone the same way, the slaves will begin to understand that the kingdom of their God is at an end. and that" tin- kingdom of man has come. Lots of them will drop from sheer terror. Some will he their wits, and others will throw themselves into the fire. They '11 that Antichrist has come. Think of it, Kon- draty ! KOXDRATY And aren't you sorry for them? SAW A Sorry for them? Why, they built a prison for me, and I am to be sorry for them. They put me in a torture chamber, and I am to be sorry for them. Bah ! KOXDRATY Who are you to be above pity? 8AVVA I? I am a man who have been born. And having ACT n] SAVVA 69 been born, I began to look about. I saw churches and penitentiaries. I saw universities and houses of prostitution. I saw factories and picture galleries. I saw palaces and filthy dens. I calculated the num- ber of prisons there are to each gallery, and I re- solved that the whole edifice must go, the whole of it must be overturned, annihilated. And we are going to do it. Our day of reckoning has come. It is time. KONDRATY Who are "we"? SAVVA I, you Kondraty, and others. KONDRATY The people are stupid. They won't understand. SAVVA When the conflagration rages all around them, they will understand. Fire is a good teacher, old boy. Have you ever heard of Raphael? KONDRATY No, I have n't. SAVVA Well, when we are through with God, we '11 go for fellows like him. There are lots of them Titian, Shakespeare, Byron. We '11 make a nice pile of the whole lot and pour oil over it. Then we '11 burn their cities. KONDRATY Now, now you are joking. How is that possible? How can you burn the cities? SAVVA No, why should I be joking? All the cities. Look here, what are their cities? Graves, stone graves. 70 SAVVA [ACT 11 And if you don't stop those fools, if you K t them go on making more, they will cover the- whole earth with stone, and then all will suffocate all. KONDRATY The poor people will have a hard time of it. SAVVA All will be poor then. What is it that makes a man rich? His having a house and money, and the fact that he has surrounded himself with a fence. But when there are no houses, no money, ahd no fences KONDRATV That *s so. And there won't be any legal pa | either, no stocks, no bonds, no title-deeds. They will all have been burnt up. SAVVA No, there will be no legal papers. It 's work then you '11 have to go to work even if you are a nobleman. KONDRATY (laughing) It 's funny. All will be naked as when coming out of a bath. SAVVA Are you a peasant, Kondraty? KONDRATY Yes, I am a peasant, sure enough. SAVVA I am a peasant also. We have nothing to lose, brother. We can't fare worse than we do now. KONDRATY How could it be worse? But a great many people will perish, Mr. Tropinin. SAVVA It makes no difference. There '11 be enough left. It is the good-for-nothings that will perish, the fools ACT n] SAVVA 71 to whom this life is like a shell to a crab. Those who believe will perish, because their faith will be taken away from them. Those who love the old will perish, because everything will be taken away from them. The weak, the sick, those who love quietness. There will be no quietness in the world, brother. There will remain only the free and the brave, those with young and eager souls and clear eyes that can embrace the whole universe. KONDRATY Like yours? I am afraid of your eyes, Savva Yeg- orovich, especially in the dark. SAVVA Yes, like mine. And emancipated from everything, naked, armed only with their reason, they will de- liberate, discuss, talk things over, and build up a new life, a good life, Kondraty, where every man may breathe freely. KONDRATY It 's interesting. But men are sly creatures. Some- thing of the old will be left over. They '11 hide it, or try some other trick, and then, behold! back they slide to the old again, everything just as it was, just as of old. What then? SAVVA Just as of old? (Gloomily) Then they will have to be wiped clean off the face of the earth. Let there be no living human being on earth. Enough of it! KONDRATY (shaking his head) But- SAVVA (putting his hand on his shoulder) Believe me, monk, I have been in many cities and in many lands. Nowhere did I see a free man. I saw 72 SAWA [ACT n onlv >la\cs. I saw tlu- cages in uliich they live, the IK ds on which t!ic\ an- Imni ami die; I saw their hatreds and their loves, tlu-ir sins and their good \\ork-. And I saw also their amusements, their piti- ful attempts to bring dead joy back to life again. And everything that I saw bore the .stamp of sttrpidity and unreason. He that is born wise turns stupid in their midst; he that is born cheerful hangs himself from boredom and sticks out his tongn them. Amidst the flowers of the beautiful earth you lia\e no idea how beautiful the earth is, monk they have erected insane asylums. And what are they doing with their children? I have never yet seen parents that do not deserve capital punishment; first because they begot children, and secondly be- cause, having begot them, they did not immediately commit suicide. KONDRATY Good heavens, how you talk! Hearing you, one hardly knows what to think. SAWA And how they lie, how they lie, monk ! They don't kill the truth no, they kick her and bruise her daily, and smear her clean face with their dirt and filth so that no one may recognize her, so that the children may not love her, and so that she may ha\- no refuge. In all the world yes, monk, in all the world there is no place for truth. (Sinks into meditation. Pause) KONDRATY Is there no other way without fire? It 's terrible, \i Vegorovich. Consider what it means! It's the end of the world. ACT n] SAVVA 73 SAVVA No, it can't be helped, partner. It must be. The end of the world must come too. They were treated with medicine, and it did no good. They were treated with iron, and it did no good. Now they must be treated with fire fire ! [Pause. Lightning flashes. The thunder has ceased. Somewhere outside a watchman can be heard striking his iron rod. KONDRATY And there '11 be no drinkshops either? SAVVA (pensively) No, nothing. KONDRATY They '11 start drinkshops again all right. along without them, you know. (A pause) Ye-es. What are you thinking about, Savva Yegorovich? SAVVA Nothing. (Draws a light breath, cheerfully) Well, Kondraty, shall we begin? KONDRATY (swaying his head to and fro) It 's a mighty hard problem you have put up to me. It 's a poser. SAVVA Never mind, don't get shaky now. You are a sensi- ble man; you know it can't be helped; there is nothing else to do. Would I be doing it myself, if it were not necessary? You can see that, can't you? KONDRATY (heaving a sigh) Ye-es, hm ! Why, Mr. Tropinin why, my dear fellow don't I know, don't I understand it all? It 's a rotten, cursed life ! Ah, Mr. Savva, Mr. 74 SAVVA [ACT n Savva look here. If I were to tell anyone I am a good man, they'd laugh and say: "What are you lying for, you drunkard?" Kondratv a good nmn ! It sounds like a joke even to myself. And yet I swear to you, by God, I am a good man ! I don't know how it happened the way it did, why I am what I am now. I lived and lived, and suddenly ' How it came about, what the reason of it is, I don't know. SAVVA And you are still afraid? KONDRATY What am I now? I am neither a candle for God nor a poker for the devil. Sometimes when I think matters over ah, Mr. Savva, do you think I have no conscience? Don't I understand? I understand everything but I am not really afraid of the devil either. I am just playing the fool. The devil - nonsense! If you were in the place of us in tl you would understand. Not long ago, when I drunk, I cried: " Get out, devil out of my way I am a desperate man! " I don't care for anything. I don't care if I die. I am ready. You have worked at me, Mr. Savva, until I have grown quite soft. (Wipes his eyes with his sleeves) SAVVA Why should you die? I don't want to die cither. We are going to live for some time to come, we are. How old are you? EONDHATY Forty-two. SAVVA Just the right age. ACT n] SAVVA 75 KONDRATY I am sorry for the ikon. They say it appeared miraculously in the river, and that 's how it came to be here. SAVVA Nonsense. Don't waste your feelings. It 's sup- posed to be a wonder-working ikon and has n't one miracle to its credit. Why, it makes one feel like a fool just to say it. KONDRATY They say it has been replaced by the devil, so that it is n't the real one. SAVVA So much the better. And yet you crack your heads in front of it and fool the people about it. There is no use wasting words, my friend. It 's agreed then. KONDRATY You have to go now. The gate will soon be closed. And all of a sudden SAVVA What " all of a sudden "? KONDRATY And all of a sudden I '11 be going to the ikon, and it will strike me down with lightning and thunder. Won't it? SAVVA (laughing) Don't be afraid. It won't strike you. That 's what everybody thinks. They are all afraid they '11 be struck by lightning and thunder. But it won't happen. Believe me, a man may blow up the ikon and no lightning will strike him. Do you need money ? 76 > AWA [ACT u KONDKATY 1 1 ,i\r you got any? 8AVVA I ll KONDR ATY ( SUSplciOUsly) \Vherc did you get it? >\VVA What bu>ine>s is that of yours? Suppose I killed a rich man, or cut somebody's throat are you go- ing to report me to the police? KONDUATY (reassured) What are you thinking of, Savva Vc^orovicli? That's your concern. As to your offer, of con. money always comes in handy. It will enable to leave the monastery. I '11 tell you in confidence, I have long been nursing a scheme it 's my dream to settle somewhere along the road and start an inn. I like company. I am a talkative chap my- self. I know I '11 succeed. It does n't hurt a host, to have a drink now and then. The guests like it. With a jolly host you '11 spend every penny you have, and your pants besides, and you won't notice it. I know by personal experience. 8AVVA Why not? You can start an inn if you want to. KOXDRATV And besides, I am still in the full vigor of manhood. Instead of sinning here, I'd rather get legally married. 8AVVA Don't forget to invite me to the wedding. I '11 act as your godfather. ACT n] SAVVA 77 KONDRATY You are too young. As to the money when shall it be, before or after? SAVVA Judas got his before. KONDRATY (off ended) There now, when you should be doing your best to persuade me, you call me Judas. It is n't pleasant. The idea of calling a living man Judas ! SAVVA Judas was a fool. He hanged himself. You are going to start an inn. KONDRATY Again? If that 's what you think of me SAVVA {slapping his shoulders) Well, well, uncle, don't you see I 'm joking? Judas betrayed a man, and you are not going to betray anything but lumber. Is that right, old man? [Speransky and Tony appear, the latter walking very unsteadily. KONDRATY There brought by the devil! With us carrying on this kind of conversation, and they SAVVA It 's agreed then? KONDRATY Oh, you 're too much for me. SPERANSKY (bowing) Good evening once more, Mr. Savva Tropinin. Mr. Anthony and myself have just been at the other end, in the cemetery. A woman was buried there to-day, so we wanted to have a look. 78 SAVVA [ACT n SAVVA To see if she hadn't crawled out of her grave? What arc you dragging him along 1 with you for? Tony, go to bed, you can't stand on your feet. TONY I won't go. SPERANSKY Tony is very excited to-day. He sees all kinds of faces. 8AVVA Funny faces? TO\V Yes, funny. What else can you expect? (Sadly) Your face, Savva, is very, very funny. SAVVA All right, go along with you ! Take him home. What are you dragging him about with you for? SPERANSKY Good-bye. Come along, Mr. Anthony. [Speransky goes out. Tony follows him, looking back at Sarra, and stumbling as he goes along. They disappear in the dark. KONDRATY It 's time for us also to be going. Have you got that money at hand? SAVVA Yes, I have. Now listen. Sunday is the feast-day. You are to take the machine Saturday morning and plant it at night at half past eleven, four days from now. I '11 show you how to do it and everything t !-' that 's necessary. Four days more. I am sick of staying in this place. ACT n] SAVVA 79 KONDRATY And suppose I betray you? SAVVA (darkly) Then I 'd kill you. KONDRATY Good heavens! SAVVA Now I am going to kill you if you merely try to back out. You know too much, brother. KONDRATY You are joking. SAVVA Maybe I am joking. I am such a jolly fellow. I like to laugh. KONDRATY When you first came here, you were gay. Tell me, Mr. Savva (looking around cautiously), did you ever kill a man, a real live man? SAVVA I did. I cut the throat of that rich business man I told you about. KONDRATY (waving his hand) Now I see that you are joking. Well, good-bye, I am going. Don't you hang around here either. The gate will soon be closed. Oh, my I am never afraid but just as soon as I begin to think of the hall, it 's awful. There are shadows there now. Good night. SAVVA Good night. [Kondraty disappears in the dark. Lightning. Savva remains leaning on the railing to stare at the 80 SAVVA [ACT H ,'< tonilmtonf.i tliat tire momentarily revealed by the flashes of iujhtmmj. SAVVA (to the fjrtivet) Well, you dead ones, arc you going to turn over in your graves or not? For some reason I don't fi-i-1 very cheerful oh, ye dead I don't feel the 1< bit cheerful. (Light niny) CURTAIN THE THIRD ACT A festively decorated room with three windows to the street. One window is open, but the curtain is drawn. An open door, painted dark, leads mto the room seen in the first act. It is night and dark. Through the windows can be heard the ^continuous tramp of the pilgrims on their way to the monastery for the next day's celebration. Some are barefoot; some wear boots or bast shoes. Their steps are quick and eager, or slow and weary. They walk singly or in groups of two or three, the majority in silence, though now and then suppressed, indistinct talking may be heard. Starting from some- where far off to the left, the sound of the footsteps and the talking, muffled at first, approaches and grows louder, until at times it seems to fill the whole room. Then it dies away in the distance again. The im- pression is that of some tremendous movement, elemen- tal and irrepressible. At the table, lighted only by a flickering stump of a tallow candle, sit Speransky and Tony. The latter is very drunk. Cucumbers, herrmg, and bottles of whiskey are on the table. The rest of the room is en- tirely dark. Occasionally the wind blows the white cur- tain at the window and sets the candle flame tossing. Tony and Speransky talk in whispers. A prolonged pause follows the rise of the curtam. 82 SAVVA [ACT m TONY (bending over to Sperantky, mysteriously) So you say it is possible we do not c-xM, < h.' SPERANSKY (In the tame manner) As I have already stated, it is doubtful, extremely doubtful. There is very good reason to suppose that we really do not exist that we don't exist at all. TONY And you are not, and I am not. SPERANSKY And you are not, and I am not. No one is. (Pause) TONY (looking around, mysteriously) Where are we then? SPERANSKY We? TONY Yes, we. SPERANSKY That 's something no one can tell. No one knows, Anthony. TONY No one? SPERANSKY No one. TONY (glancing around) Does n't Sawa know? SPERANSKY No, Sawa does n't know either. TONY Sawa knows everything. SPERANSKY But even he does n't know that. ACT in] SAVVA 83 TONY (threatening with his finger) Keep still, keep still! (Both look around and are silent ) TONY (mysteriously} Where are they going, eh? SPEBANSKY To the elevation of the ikon. To-morrow is a feast- day the day of raising the ikon. TONY No, I mean where are they really going really don't you understand? SPERANSKY I do. It is n't known. No one knows, Anthony. TONY Hush! (Makes a funny grimace, closes his mouth with his hand and leans on it) SPERANSKY (in a whisper) What 's the matter? TONY Keep quiet, keep quiet. Listen. (Both are listening) TONY (in a whisper) Those are faces. SPERANSKY Yes? TONY It 's faces that are going. A lot of faces can't you see them? SPERANSKY (staring) No, I can't. TONY But I can. There they are, laughing. Why are n't you laughing, eh? 84 SAW A [ACT ra -KY I fnl \i-rv despondent. 1 i ugh. You must laugh. Everybody is laughing. Hush, hush! (Pause) Listen, nobody exists, no- body do you understand? There is no God, there is no man, there are no animals. Here is the table it doesn't exist. Hen- is the candle it doesn't xist. The only things that exist are faces you understand? Keep quiet, keep quiet. I am very much afraid. SPEBAXSKY What are you afraid of? TONY (bending near to Speransky) That I '11 die of laughter. SPKRANSKY Really? TONY (shaking his head affirm nthrJi/) Yes, that I '11 die of laughter. I am afraid that dome day I '11 catch sight of a face which will send me off roaring with laughter; and I '11 roar and roar until I die. Keep quiet. I know. 8PERANSKV You never laugh. I am always laughing, but you don't see it. It 's nothing. The only thing I am afraid is that I '11 die. I '11 come across a face one of these days which will start me off in a fit of laughter, and I '11 laugh and laugh and laugh and won't be able to stop. Yes, if "s coming, it 's coming. ( Wipes his chest and neck) 8PERANSKV The dead know everything. ACT m] SAVVA 85 TONY (mysteriously, with awe) I am afraid of Savva's face. It 's a very funny face. One could die laughing over it. The point is that you can't stop laughing that 's the principal thing. You laugh and laugh and laugh. Is there nobody here? SPERANSKY Apparently no. TONY Keep quiet, keep quiet, I know. Keep quiet. (Pause; the tramp of the pilgrim's footsteps grows louder, as if they were walking in the very room itself) Are they going? SPERANSKY Yes, they are going. (Pause) TONY I like you. Sing me that song of yours. I '11 listen. SPERANSKY With your permission, Anthony. (Sings in an un- dertone, almost in a whisper, a dismal, long-drawn- out tune somewhat resembling a litany) Life 's a sham, 't is false, untrue, Death alone is true, aye, true. (With increasing caution and pedantry, shaking his finger as if imparting a secret) All things tumble, vanish, break, Death is sure to overtake Outcast, tramp, and tiniest fly Unperceived by naked eye. TONY What? 88 SAVVA [ACT m 8PEKAN8KT Unperceived by naked eye, Wheedling, coaxing, courting, wooing, Death weds all to their undoing And the myth of life is ended. That 's all, Anthony. TONY Keep still, keep still. You have sung your song now keep quiet. [Li pa enter i, opens the window, removes the flowers, and looks out into the street. Then she lights the lamp. TONY Who is it? Is that you, Lipa? Lipa, eh, Lipa, where are they going? LIPA They are coming here for the feast-day. You had better go to bed, Tony, or father will see you and scold you. SPERANSKY Big crowds, aren't they? LIPA Yes. But it 's so dark, you can't see. Why are you so pale, Mr. Speransky? It is positively painful to look at you. SPERANSKY That 's how I feel, Miss Lipa. [ .-/ cautious knock is heard at the window. LIPA (opening the window) Who is there? TONY ( to Speransky) Keep quiet, keep quiet. ACT m] SAVVA 87 YOUNG FRIAR (thrusting his smiling face through the window) Is Savva Yegorovich in? I wanted to ask him to come with me to the woods. LIPA No. Aren't you ashamed of yourself, Vassya? To- morrow is a big feast-day in your monastery and you YOUNG FRIAR (smiling) There are plenty of people in the monastery without me. Please tell Mr. Savva that I have gone to the ravine to catch fireflies. Ask him to call out: "Ho, ho!" LIPA What do you want fireflies for? YOUNG FRIAR Why, to scare the monks with. I '11 put two fire- flies next to each other like eyes, and they '11 think it 's the devil. Tell him, please, to call : " Ho, ho, ho!" (He disappears in the darkness) LIPA (shouting after him) He can't come to-day. (To Speransky) Gone al- ready ran off. SPERANSKY They buried three in the cemetery to-day, Miss Olympiada. LIPA Have you seen Sawa? SPERANSKY No, I am sorry to say I have n't. I say, they buried three people to-day. One old man perhaps you knew him Peter Khvorostov? LIPA Yes, I knew him. So he 's dead? 88 SAW A [AC . . -KY Yes, and two children. The women wept a deal. UFA What did they die of? SPER.\N>KY I am sorry, but I don't know. It did n't interest me. Some children's disease, I suppose. When children die, Miss Olympiada, they turn all blue and look as if they wanted to cry. The faces of grown people are tranquil, but children's faces are not. Why is that so? LIPA I don't know I 've never noticed it. 8PER AXSKV It 's a very interesting phenomenon. LIPA There 's father now. I told you to go to bed. Now I 've got to listen to your brawling. I '11 get out. (Exit. Enter Yegor Tropinin) YEGOR Who lighted the lamp? 8PERAXSKY Good evening, Mr. Tropinin. YEGOR Good evening. Who lighted the lamp? 8PERAXSKY Miss Olympiada. TEGOR (bJorcing it out) Learned it from Sawa. (To Tony) And you, what's the matter with you? How long, how long, for Christ's sake! How long am I to stand all this ACT m] SAVVA 89 from you, you good-for-nothing loafers? Eh? Where did you get the whiskey, eh? TONY At the bar. YEGOR It was n't put there for you, was it? TONY You have a very funny face, father. YEGOR Give me the whiskey. TONY I won't. YEGOR Give here! TONY I won't. YEGOR (slaps his face) Give it to me, I say. TONY (falls on the sofa, still holding on to the bottle) I won't. YEGOR (sitting down, calmly) All right, swill until you bust, devil. What was I saying? That fool put it out of my head. Oh yes, the pilgrims are going it strong this time. It 's been a bad year for the crops. That 's another reason, I suppose. There 's no grub, they have nothing to eat, and so they '11 pray. If God listened to every fool's prayer, we 'd have a fine time of it. If he listened to every fool, what chance would the wise man have? A fool remains a fool. That 's why he is called a fool. SPERANSKY That 's correct. 90 SAVVA [ACT m OR I should say it is correct. Father Pnrfeny is a smart man. He flim-flams thi-m all right. He put up a new coffin did you hear that? The old one has all been eaten away by the pilgrims, so he put a new one into its place. It was old, so he put a new one instead. They '11 eat that one away. No matter what you give them Tony, are you drinking again? TONY I am. YEGOR I am ! I am ! I '11 hand you out another one in a moment and we '11 see what you say then. [Enter Savva, looking very gay and lively. He stoops less than usual, talks rapidly, and looks sharp and straight, but his gaze does not rest long on the same person or object. 8AWA Ah, the philosophers! Father! A worthy assem- blage. Why do you keep it so dark here, like some hell-hole with a lot of rats in it? A philosopher has to have light. The dark is good only for going through people's pockets. Where is the lamp? Oh, here it is. (He lights the lamp) YEGOR (ironically) Perhaps you '11 open the windows too? SAVVA Quite right. I'll open the windows also. (Opens them) My, how they keep pouring in! SPERANSKY A whole army. ACT m] SAVVA 91 SAVVA And all of them will die in time and acquire peace. And then they '11 know the truth, for it never comes except in the society of worms. Have I got the essence of your optimistic philosophy down right, my thin, lean friend? SPERANSKY (with a sigh) You are always joking. SAVVA And you are always moping. Look here now. What with the poor, scanty fare the deacon's wife doles out to you and your constant grieving, you will soon die, and then your face will assume an expression of perfect peace. A peaked nose, and all around, stretching in every direction, a vast expanse of peace. Can't you get some comfort out of that ? Is n't it a consolation to you? Think of it, a tiny island of nose lapped in an ocean of peace. SPERANSKY (dejectedly) You are still joking. SAVVA The idea ! Who would joke about death? No, when you die, I '11 follow your funeral and proclaim to all : " Behold, here is a man who has come to know the truth." Oh no, I '11 rather hang you up as a banner of truth. And the more your skin and flesh decompose and crumble, the more will the truth come out. It will be a most instructive object lesson, highly educative. Tony, why are you staring at me ? TONY (sadly) You have a very funny face. YEGOE What are they talking about? 92 SAVVA [AC, m SAWA Father, whnt 's the matter with your face? Have you sooted it? It looks as black as Satan's, i i i <>R (tjtiit'kly putting his hand to his face) Where? SPERAXSKY They are just making fun. There is nothing on your face, Mr. Tropinin. VI (JOB The fool! Satan? You are Satan yourself, God forgive me! SAVVA (making a terrible face and holding up his fingers in the shape of horns) I am the de\il. TEGOE By God, you are the very devil himself! SAVVA (glancing round the room) Isn't the devil going to get any dinner to-day? I have had all I want of sinners. I am surfeited with them. I should like to have something more appe- tizing now. YEGOR Where were you knocking about at the regular din- ner hour? You '11 have to do without dinner now. SAVVA I was with the children, father, with the children. They told me stories. They tell stories splendidly, and they were all about devils, witches, and the dead your specialty, philosopher. They trembled with fear as they told them. That 's why we stayed so long. They were afraid to go home. Misha was the only one who was n't scared. He is a brick. He 's afraid of nothing. ACT m] SAVVA 93 SPERANSKY (indifferently) What of it? He '11 die too. SAVVA My dear sir, don't be so funereal. You are like an undertakers' trust. Don't be forever croaking: " Die, die, die." Here, take my father, for instance. He '11 soon die ; but look at his face, how pleasant and cheerful it is. YEGOE Satan ! You 're the devil incarnate ! SPERANSKY But since we don't know SAVVA My good friend, life is such an interesting business. You understand life. Come, let 's have a game of jackstones to-morrow. I '11 provide the jacks, first- class jacks. (Enter Lipa, unnoticed) And then you should take gymnastic exercises. I mean it seriously. See how sunken your chest is. You '11 choke of consumption in a year or so. The dea- coness will be glad, but it will. create consternation among the dead. Seriously now. I have taken gym- nastic exercises. Look. (He lifts a heavy chair easily by the leg) There, you see! LIPA (laughing aloud) Ha, ha, ha ! SAVVA (putting the chair down, with a touch of em- barrassment) What's the matter? I didn't know you were here. You ought to join the circus as an acrobat. SAVVA (glumly) Don't talk nonsense. 94 SAWA [ACT in LI PA Are you offended? SAVVA (tuddcnli/ bursting into a good-natnrcd, mrrrii laugh) Oh, a trifle! All right, the circus, why not? We '11 both join it, Speransky and I. Not as acro- bats though, but as clowns. How about it? Can you swallow hot junk? No? Well, I '11 teach you. As for you, Lipa, won't you please let me have something to eat? I haven't had anything since this morning. YEGOR A regular Satan, a regular Satan ! Has n't had anything to eat! Who has ever heard of eating at this hour of the night? Who has ever seen such a thing? SAVVA I '11 give you a chance to see it now. It 's very in- teresting. Wait, I '11 teach you also how to swallow hot junk. I '11 make you an expert. You '11 be a wonder. YEGOR Me? Fool, you can't teach me anything any more. Tony, give me the whiskey. TONY I won't. YEGOR The devil take you all ! Brought up and fed a lot of- (Exit) LIPA (handing him milk and dark bread) You seem to be happy to-night? SAVVA Yes, I am, and you are happy too. ACT in] SAVVA 95 UFA (laughing) I am. SAVVA And I am happy. (He drinks the milk with avidity; the footsteps in the street grow louder, filing the room with their sound, and then die away again) What a treading and a tramping! LIPA (looking out of the window) The weather will be fine to-morrow. As long as I can remember the sun has always been shining brightly that way. SAVVA Hm, yes. That 's good. IJPA And when they carry the ikon, it sparkles all over with the precious stones like fire. Only His face remains gloomy. All the gems don't give him any pleasure. He is sad and gloomy like the people's woe. SAVVA (coolly) Hm, yes. Is that so? 1IPA Just think how many tears have fallen upon Him, how many sighs and groans He has heard! That alone is enough to make the ikon holy for all who love and sympathize with the people and understand their soul. Why, they have nobody except Christ, all those unfortunate, miserable people. When I was a little girl, I was always waiting for a miracle SAVVA It would be interesting. LIPA But now I understand that He Himself is waiting 96 SAWA [ACT m for u miracle from the people. He is waiting for tin- people to stop fighting, hating, and destroying each other. 8AVVA Well, what of it? IJPA (fixing her gaze upon him) Nothing. To-morrow you '11 see for yourself when they carry Him in the procession. Ypu '11 sec what effect the mere consciousness that He is there with them has upon them, how it transforms them, what it does to them. The whole year round they live a dog's life, in filth, quarrelling with each other, suffering. On that day all the ugliness seems to vanish. It is an awful and a joyous day when suddenly you cast away from yourself all that is superfluous and when you feel so clearly your near- ness to all the unfortunates that are and ever were, and your nearness to God. SAVVA (abruptly) What time is it? 8PERANSKY The clock has just struck a quarter past eleven, if I am not mistaken. I.IPA It 's still early. SAVVA Early for what? I.I PA Nothing. It's still early, that's all. SAVVA (suspiciously) What do you mean? UPA (defiantly) What I mean. ACT in] SAVVA 97 SAVVA Why did you say it 's still early ? OP A (paling) Because it 's only a little after eleven ; but when it 's twelve SAVVA (jumping up and going to Tier quickly; fixing her with his stare, he speaks slowly, pronouncing every word separately and distinctly) So? Is that it? When it's twelve (He turns to Speransky without removing his eyes from Lipa) Listen, you go home. LIP A (frightened) No, stay, Mr. Speransky. Please stay, I beg you. SAVVA If you don't go at once, I '11 throw you out of the window. Well ? SPERANSKY Excuse me, I never had the faintest idea I was here with Mr. Anthony Tropinin. I am going in- stantly. Where is my hat? I put it here some- where SAVVA There's your hat. (Throws it to him) LIP A (feebly) Stay here awhile longer, Mr. Speransky. Sit down. SPERANSKY No, it 's late. I must go to bed. Good night, Miss Olympiada. Good night, Mr. Tropinin. Your brother is asleep already, I believe. You ought to take him to bed. I 'm going, I 'm going. (Exit) SAVVA (speaking in a quiet, calm tone; his movements are heavy and slow, as if his body had suddenly stiffened) You know it? 98 SAVVA [ACT m LIPA I do. SAVVA You know all? LIPA All. SAVVA Did the monk tell you? LIPA He did. SAVVA Well? LIPA (drawing back a little, and raiting lier hand for protection) Well, nothing will happen. Then '11 be no blowing up. You understand, Savva, there '11 be no explosion. [Pause. Footsteps are heard in the street, and in- distinct talking. Savua turns around. Stooping more than usually, he takes a turn around the room with peculiar slowness. SAVVA Well? LIPA Then you had better believe me, brother. Believe me. SAVVA Yes? LIPA Why that was I don't know what it was it was a piece of madness. Think it over. SAWA Is it really true? ACT in] SAVVA 99 UFA Yes, it 's true. It 's all over. You can't help it any more. There is nothing for you to do. SAVVA Tell me how it happened. (Sits down deliberately, his eyes fixed on Lipa) UFA I guessed a little something long ago that day when you spoke to me only I did n't know exactly what it was. And I saw the little machine too. I have another key to the trunk. SAVVA Evidently you have been cut out for a spy. Go on ! UFA I am not afraid of insults. SAVVA Never mind, never mind go on. LIPA Then I saw that you had frequent talks with that fellow Kondraty. Yesterday I looked in the trunk again, and the machine was n't there. So I understood. SAVVA You say you have another key? UFA Yes. The trunk is mine, you know. Well, and to-day SAVVA When to-day? UFA Toward evening I could n't find Kondraty any- where I told him that I knew all. He got very much frightened and told me the rest. 100 SAWA [ACT in 8AVVA A worthy pair spy and traitor. LI PA If you arc going to insult me, I won't say anotlirr \\orcl. 8AVVA \ MT mind, never mind go on. LI PA He was going to tell the Father Superior, but I did n't let him. I did n't want to ruin you. 8AVVA No? UFA When it was all over, I understood what a crazy scheme it was so crazy that I simply can't think of it as real. It must have been a nightmare. It 's quite impossible. And I began to feel sorry for you 8AVVA Yes. LI PA I am sorry for you now too. (With tears) Sawa, darling, you are my brother. I have rocked your cradle. My dear angel, what idea is this you have got into your mind? Why, it 's terrible it 's mad- ness. I understand how hard it must be for you to see how people live, and so you have resolved on a desperate deed. You have always been good and kind, and so I can understand you. Don't you think it 's hard for me to see this life? Don't you think I suffer myself? Give me your hand. SAVVA (pnshirif/ her hand away) He told you he would go to the Superior? ACT m] SAVVA 101 UFA But I did n't let him. SAVVA Has he got the machine? IJPA He '11 give it back to you to-morrow. He was afraid to give it to me. Savva dear, don't look at me like that. I know it 's unpleasant for you, but you have a lot of common sense. You can't help seeing that what you wanted to do was an absurdity, a piece of lunacy, a vagary that can come to one only in one's dreams at night. Don't I understand that life is hard? Am I not suffering from it myself? I under- stand even your comrades, the anarchists. It 's not right to kill anybody; but still I understand them. They kill the bad. SAVVA They are not my comrades. I have no comrades. UFA Are n't you an anarchist? SAVVA No. LIPA What are you then? TONY (raising his head) They are going, they are going. Do you hear? SAVVA (quietly, but ominously) They are going. LIPA There, you see. Who is going? Think of it. It 's human misery that 's going. And you wanted to take away from them their last hope, their last con- solation. And to what purpose? In the name of 102 SAWA [ACT m what? In the name of some wild, ghastly dream nbout a "naked earth." (/' 'It terror into the darknett of the room) \ nakrd earth! It's terri- ble to think of it. A naked earth! How could a man, a human being, ever conceive such an idea? A naked earth! Nothing, nothing! Everything laid bare, everything annihilated. Everything that people worked for through all the years; everything they have created with so much toil, with so much pain. Unhappy people! There is among you a man who says that all this must be burned, must be consumed with fire. 8AVVA You remember my words to perfection. LI PA You awakened me, Sawa. When you told me all that, my eyes were suddenly opened, and I began to love everything. Do you understand? I began to love it all. These walls formerly I did n't notice them; now I am sorry for them so sorry, I could cry. And the books and everything each brick, each piece of wood to which man has applied his labor. Let 's admit that it 's poor stuff. Who says it 's good? But that 's why I love it for its defects, its imperfections, its crooked lines, its un- fulfilled hopes. For the labor and the tears. And all who hear you talking, Sawa, will feel as I do, and will begin to love all that is old and dear and human. 8AVVA I have nothing to do with you. T.I PA Nothing to do with us? With whom then have you to do? No, Sawa, you don't love anyone. You ACT in] SAVVA 103 love only yourself and your dreams. He who loves men will not take away from them all they have. He will not regard his own wishes more than their lives. Destroy everything ! Destroy Golgotha ! Consider : (with terror) destroy Golgotha! The brightest, the most glorious hope that ever was on earth! All right, you don't believe in Christ. But if you have a single drop of nobility in your nature, you must re- spect and honor His noble memory. He was also unhappy. He was crucified crucified, Savva. You are silent? Have you nothing to say? SAVVA Nothing. LIPA I thought I thought if you succeeded in carry- ing out your plot I thought I 'd kill you that I 'd poison you like some noxious beast. SAVVA And if I don't succeed LIPA You are still hoping? SAVVA And if I don't succeed, I '11 kill you. LIPA (advancing a step toward him) Kill me ! Kill me ! Give me a chance to suffer for the sake of Christ. For the sake of Christ and for the sake of the people. SAVVA Yes, I '11 kill you. LIPA Do you suppose I didn't think of it? Do you sup- pose I didn't think of it? Oh, Lord, to suffer for Thee! Is there higher happiness than that? 101 SAVVA | \. , m >\\ \ A (:cith a contemptuous i/fstiirc, pointing at And that's a human lirini^! That's one counted mnoMcr tin- l>cst ! That *s the kind in which they tak<- pride! Ah me, how poor you arc in good people! i ir\ Insult! Mock! That's the way it has always heen. They have always heaped insults upon us before they killed us. SAW A No, I don't mean to insult you. How can I insult you? You are simply a silly woman. There ha\<- been many such in the past. There are many such to-day. You are simply a foolish, insignificant creature. You are even innocent, like all insignifi- cant persons. And if I mean to kill you, then- is no reason to be proud of it. Don't think you are an object specially worthy of my indignation. No, it would merely make matters a little easier for me. When I was chopping wood, and the axe in my raised arm struck the threshold instead of the log of wood, the jar was not so hard as if someone had arrested the motion of my arm. A raised hand must fall on something. LI PA And to think that this beast is my brother! 8AVVA Whose cradle you rocked and whose diapers you changed. Yes. But to me it doesn't seem in th-- least strange that you are my sister, or that this bundle there is my brother. No, Tony! They are going. (Tony turns his head and stares stupidly without ntnkinf) tint) answer} And it does n't sn-ia in the least strange to me that any insignificant chit ACT m] SAVVA 105 and piece of nothingness calling itself my brother or my sister should go to the chemist's and buy a nickel's worth of arsenic on finding out who I am. You see, they have even attempted to poison me. The girl who left me tried to do it, but she lost her nerve. The point is that my sisters and brothers, among other things, have the characteristic of being cowards. UFA I would have done it. SAVVA I don't doubt it. You are a little hysterical, and hysterical people are determined, unless they hap- pen to burst into tears first. LI PA I hysterical? All right, have it your way, have it your way. And who are you, Savva? SAVVA That does n't interest me. UFA They are going, they are going. And they will find what they need. And that is the work of an hysteri- cal woman. Do you hear how many of them there are? And if they found out if I were to open the window this minute and cry out : " This man here has tried to destroy your Christ " If you want it, I '11 do it this instant. You need only say so. Shall I? (She takes a step toward the window m a frenzy of rage) Shall I? SAVVA Yes, it 's a good way of escaping the crown of thorns. Go ahead, shout. But look out, don't knock Tony down. 106 S \\\ A [ACT m i ir\ (tnrnhiy hack) I am sorry for you. You are beaten, and one does n't like to kick a man who is down. Hut remem- ber, remember, Sawa, there arc thousands, thou- sands of them coining in, and each one is your death ! \ (smiling) The tramp of death. LI PA Hi-member that each one of these would consider himself happy in killing you, in crushing you like a reptile. Each one of these is your death. Why, they beat a simple thief to death, a horse thief. What would they not do to you! You who wanted to steal their God. 8AVVA Quite true. That 's property too. LI PA You still have the brazenness to joke? Who gave you the right to do such a thing? Who gave you power over people? How dare you meddle with what to them is right? How dare you interfere with their life? 8AWA Who gave me the right? You gave it to me. Who gave me the power? You gave it to me. And I will cling to it with grim determination. Try to take it from me. You gave it to me you with your mal- ice, your ignorance, your stupidity ! You with your wretched impotence! Right! Power! They have turned the earth into a sewer, an outrage, an abode of slaves. They worry each other, they torture each other, and they ask : " Who dares to take us by the throat?" I! Do you understand? I! (Rises) ACT m] SAVVA '107 LIPA You are a mere man like everybody else. SAVVA I am the avenger! Behind me follow in pursuit all those whom you stifled and crushed. Ah, they have been pursuing their wicked trade in all quietness, thinking that no one would discover them think- ing that they would get away with it in the end. They have been lying, grovelling, and sneaking. They have been cringing and abusing themselves be- fore their altars and their impotent God, saying: " There is nothing to be afraid of we are among ourselves." Then comes a man who says : " An accounting I want an accounting ! What have you done? Out with it. Give me an accounting. Go on now! Don't try to cheat, for I know you. I demand an account for each and every single item. I will not condone a single drop of blood, I will not absolve you from a single tear." LIPA But to destroy all. Think of it! SAVVA What could you do with them? What would you do? Try to persuade the oxen to turn away from their bovine path? Catch each one by his horns and pull him away? Would you put on a frock-coat and read a lecture ? Have n't they had plenty to teach them? As if words and thoughts had any significance to them ! Thought* pure, unhappy thought! They have perverted it. They have taught it to cheat and defraud. They have made it a saleable commodity to be bought at auction in the market. No, sister, life is short and I am not going 108 SAVVA [ACT m to waste it in argument^ with oxen. The way to il with thrill is by fiiv. Tlmt *> \\liat they require fire! Let tin in remember long the day on which Savva Tropinin came to the earth! LI PA But what do you want? What do you want? SAWA What do I want? To free the earth, to free man- kind, to sweep tin- whole two-legged, chattering tribe out of existence. Man the man of to-day is wise. He has come to his senses, lit is ripe for liberty. But the past eats away his soul like a canker. It imprisons him within the iron circle of things al- ready accomplished, within the iron circle of facts. I want to demolish the facts that 's what I want to do : demolish all facts ! To sweep away all the accumulated rubbish literature, art, God. They have perverted mankind. They have immortalized stupidity. I want to do away with everything be- hind man, so that there is nothing to see when he looks back. I want to take him by the scruff of his neck and turn his face toward the future. LIPA Look here, Sawa. You are not immortal, and the two-legged animal has arms also. VA Do you think I don't know that every one of these stupid asses would be glad to kill me? But it won't happen, it won't happen. The time has come for my arrival, and I have arrived. 1'ivpare yourselves. The time has come. You little insignificant thing thert you thought that by stealing one little ACT m] SAVVA 109 possibility away from me you could rob me of all? Oh no I am as rich as ever. UFA I am your sister, but oh ! how glad I am that you are not immortal. SAVVA I see that you are a thoroughgoing anarchist. They too think that all is done if one man is killed. But if they kill me, hang me, break me on the wheel, there will come another purer than I. Where there 's an itch, there is always somebody to scratch it! Yes, sister! If not I, then someone else, and (clenchmg his fist) it will fare ill with your world. LIPA You are a terrible man. I thought you would be crushed by your failure, but you are like Satan. The fall has only made you blacker. SAVVA Yes, Lipa, only a sparrow can fly straight up from the ground. A large bird must descend to adjust and spread its wings for its upward flight. LIPA Aren't you sorry for the children? Think of the number of children that will have to perish. SAVVA What children? Oh yes, Misha. (Tenderly) Misha is a fine boy, that 's true. When he grows up, he will show you no mercy. Yes, the children You are beginning to be afraid of them, and you have good reason for it. Never mind. It 's true that I love children. (With pride) And they love me. But they don't care for you. 110 SAW A [ACT in I.ll'A I don't play jack^oiirs with them. 8AVVA How silly you are, -i^er. Hut I like to ]>lay with thrill. Ml'\ Then go ahead and play. 8AVVA Well, I will play. LI PA When you talk like that I have the feeling once more that it has all been a dream nil that we wen- saying just now. Is it really true that you want to kill me? SAVVA Yes, if it must be done. But perhaps it won't be necessary. LI PA You are joking! SAVVA Every one of you will have it that I am joking. You keep constantly telling me so. You seem to have utterly lost the sense for what is serious. LI PA No, it 's not a dream. They are going. SAVVA Yes, they are going. (Both listen) LIPA You still seem to believe. What do you believe? SAVVA I believe in my destiny. (The hour begins to strike in the belfry of the monastery) Twelve. ACT ni] SAVVA 111 LIPA (counting) Seven eight and to think that this is the hour when it should have happened the very idea of it (A muffled report as of a powerful explosion is heard) What was that? SAVVA Yes, what was it? [Both rush to the window, waking Tony, who moves his head sleepily. The tread of the footsteps in the street stops momentarily. Then all begin to run. Frightened cries are heard, weeping, loud, abrupt ejaculations of " What 's the matter? " " Oh, Lord! " " Fire, fire! " " No, something has fallen down! " " Let '* run! " The word " monastery " is frequently heard. TONY They are running! Where are they running to? Why is nobody here? PEUVGUEYA (entering the room, half dressed) Oh, Lord ! Oh, heavens ! Is it possible the monas- tery is on fire ! Good gracious ! Heavens ! And you here, you drunken sot! You monster! TONY Oho! They are running? Faces, mugs, eh? [The bell begins to toll the alarm. Then the strokes follow each other in more rapid succession; hasty, disquieting, uneven, they blend with the noise of the street and seem to creep through the window. PEI^AGUEYA (crying) Good God, I don't know where to turn. [She runs out. The cries in the street grow louder. Someone yells in one prolonged note " Oh-oh-oh! " 112 SAVVA [ACT ... Itntil //* sound it dro-iCned in tin- genenil noise, excitement, tind ringing. UFA (innring incnif from th* window, reri/ pule, stupe- fied) What dors it iiH-jui? It cannot l>r. It is impossible. Tony, Tony, get up. Tony, brother, what docs it mean? Tony! TONY (reassuring! i/) It 's nothing. They are all faces. >\v\ \ (/<, 7. ; //v the window, calm and stern, but also pale) W-ll. drier? LIPA (flinging herself about the room) I want to run with the rest. I '11 run. Where is my scarf? Where is my scarf? My God, My God! Where is my scarf? SAVVA Your scarf? There it is. But I won't give it to you. Sit down ; you have nothing to do there. LIPA Let me have it. SAVVA No, sit down, sit down. It 's too late now anyway. UFA Too late? SAVVA Y'-s, too late. Don't you hear the noise the crowd is making and the way they are running and pushing? LIPA I '11 run, I '11 run. SAVVA Keep still sit down. (Forces her to sit down) Tony, did you hear? They 've exploded God. TONY (looking at Sawa's face in terror) Savva, don't make me laugh. Turn your face away. ACT in] SAVVA 113 [Sawa smiles and walks around the room with buoy- ant step, without his usual stoop. LIPA (faintly) Sawa. SAVVA What is it? Speak louder. LIPA Is it really true? SAVVA It 's true. And does n't He really exist ? SAVVA He does not. [Li pa begins to cry, at first low, then more and more loudly. The sound of the ringing bells and the noise of the crowd contmue to swell. The rolling and clatter of wagons is also heard. SAVVA They are running. My, how they are running! (Lipa says something, but her words are inaudible) Louder. I can't hear you. My, how they are ringing. LIPA (aloud) Kill me, Sawa. SAVVA Why ? You '11 die anyhow. LIPA I can't wait. I '11 kill myself. SAVVA Go ahead, kill yourself, kill yourself quick ! [Lipa cries, burying her head in the armchair. Tony, his face distorted with fear, looks at Sawa, 114 SAWA [ACT in holding both his hands in readiness at his mouth. Loud peals of the hell. The d\iinieting sound blends with the loud tone of Savva's speech. \ (shouting) Ah! They are ringing. Ring on ! Ring on! Soon the whole earth will ring. I hear! I hear! I see your cities burning! I see the- flumes. I hear the crackling. I see the houses tumbling on your heads. There is no place to run to. No refuge ! No refuge ! Fire everywhere. The churches are burning. The factories arc burning. The boilers are bursting. An end to all slavish toil! TONY (trembling with fear) Savva, shut up, or I am going to laugh. SAVVA (unheeding) The time has come! The time has come! Do you hear? The earth is casting you out. There is no place for you on earth. No! He is coming! I see him! He is coming, the free man! He is being bom in the flames ! He himself is fire and resolution ! An end to the earth of slaves! TONY Sawa, shut up ! SAVVA (bending down to Tony) Be prepared ! He is coming ! Do you hear his tread? He is coming! He is coming! CURTAIN THE FOURTH ACT Near the monastery. A broad road crosses the stage obliquely. On the far side of the road is the river, beyond which opens a wide prospect of the surrounding country meadows, woods, and "villages, with the crosses of the churches burning in the sun. In the dis- tance, at the right, where the mountain projects over a glistening bend of the river, is seen a part of the walls and the towers of the monastery. On the near side of the road is a hilly elevation covered with trampled grass. It is between five and six in the morning. The sun is out. The mist over the meadow is scattering slowly. Now and then a pilgrim or group of pilgrims may be seen hurrying by on their way to the monastery. Wagons carrying cripples and other monstrosities pass along the road. The noise of thousands may be heard from the monastery. The crowd is evidently moved by some joyous emotion. No individual voices are heard, but it is as if one could feel the singing of the blind, the cries, and the quick, glad snatches of conversation. The general effect is that of an elemental force. The noise decreases at regular intervals, like a wave, and then the singing of the blind becomes distinctly audible. Lipa and the Young Friar appear on the near side of the road. Lipa is sittmg on the hillock, dressed as she was the night before, but her head is covered with a white scarf carelessly tied. She is exhausted with joy 116 SAWA [ACT iv and almost dropping off to sleep. The Friar ttand* near her. On his face there is a tronJilcil, rue ant look. Hi* movements are irresolute ami aimless. He tries to tmilc, hut his smile is twisted aiul pitiful. //< i.v like a child who feels hurt without knowing the cause. in- \ (untying her scarf) Heavens, but this is splendid! I should like to die lii-re. I can't get enough of it. Oh, it's splendid, it 's splendid ! FRIAR (looking around) Yes, it is splendid. But I can't stand it in there. I can't. Thej push and jostle and press and jam. They crushed the life out of one woman, absolutely crushed her. She had a child with her. I could n't look at it. I I '11 go to the woods. LIPA How splendid ! Oh, Lord ! FRIAR (looking dejectedly into the distance) I '11 go to the woods. LI PA And to think that only yesterday everything was just as usual. There was nothing of all this, no miracle, nothing. Thcrr was only Savva I can't believe it was yesterday. It seems to me a whole year has passed, a century. Oh, Lord! FRIAR (his face clouding) Why did he do it? Why? LI PA Can't you guess, Vassya? FRIAR (war'niff his hand) I asked him to come to the woods with me. He should IMVC come. ACT iv] SAVVA 117 LIPA Did he tell you anything? FRIAR (waving his hand) He should have come. Yes, he should have come. LIPA Ah, Vassya, Vassya, on account of your woods you missed one of the greatest events that ever happened so great, in fact, that no man remembers the like of it. Ah, Vassya, how can you be speaking about anything else when right now, right here right here a miracle has happened. Do you under- stand? A miracle! The very mention of it fills one with awe. A miracle! Oh, God! Where were you, Vassya, when the explosion occurred? In the woods? FRIAR Yes, in the woods. I did n't hear the explosion. I only heard the ringing of the alarm bell. LIPA Well? FRIAR Nothing. I ran back and found the gate open and everybody crying like mad. And the ikon LIPA Well, well? Did you see? FRIAR Yes, it was in the same place as before. And all around (Growing animated) You know the iron grating over there you know it, don't you ? It was twisted like a rope. It 's funny to look at. It looks like something soft. I touched it, and it was n't soft, of course. What power ! It must have been something tremendous. 118 SAVVA [ v< I if 1. 1 PA \\ 11, and wlmt about the ikon the ikon? FRIAR What about it? Nothing. It's there in its place, and our people are praying to it. UFA Oh, Lord! And the glass is whole too? FRIAR The glass is whole too. UPA That 's what they told me, but I can't believe it yet. Forgive me, O Lord! Well, what are they doing? They are overjoyed, I suppose. FRIAR Yes, they are overjoyed. They act as if they were drunk. You can't make out what they are sayi"- A miracle, a miracle. Father Kirill keeps grunting like a pig " Oui, oui, oui." They put cold compresses on his head. He is fat, and he may pass out any moment. No, I can't stand it here. Come, let us go. I '11 take you home, Miss Olympiada. IJPA No, Vassya dear, I '11 go in there. FRIAR Don't go, for heaven's sake. They '11 crush you, as they did that woman. They are all like drunk. They are carrying on and shouting like mad, with their eyes wide open. Listen. Can't you hear them? LI PA You are still a boy, Vassya. You don't understand. Why, it's a miracle. All their lives these people have bei-n waiting for a miracle. Perhaps they had already begun to despair, and now O Lord ! It 's ACT iv] SAVVA 119 enough to make you mad with j oy. Yesterday, when I heard the cry of " a miracle," I thought : " No, it 's impossible. How could it happen ? " But then I saw them crying, crossing themselves, and going down on their knees. And the ringing of the alarm bell stopped. FEIAE Oh, it was Afanassy who rang. He 's terribly strong, a regular giant. LIPA And the only thing heard was " A miracle, a mira- cle ! " No one spoke, and yet one kept hearing " A miracle, a miracle," as if the whole earth had become articulate. And even now, when I close my eyes, I hear " A miracle, a miracle! " (She closes her eyes and listens with an ecstatic smile) How splendid! FRIAR I am sorry for Mr. Savva. Listen to the noise they are making. LIPA Oh, don't talk about him. He '11 have to answer to God. Are they going to sing " Christ is arisen " instead of the usual hymn when they carry the ikon in the procession to-day? Vassya, do you hear? I am asking you a question. FRIAR Yes, they say that they are. Go home, Miss Olym- piada, won't you? LIPA You can go, if you like. FRIAR But how can I leave you alone? They '11 come tear- 120 SAW A [ACT iv ing down here soon. For heaven's sukr, thriv i> Mi. [Sawa comet in hatlett. Hit face it dark and stormy. There tire lines under his eyes. He look's fidncays with a steady stare. Frequently he glances around and seems to be listening to something. His yiiit is henry, but quick. Noticing Lipa and tin- Friar, he turns and milks toward them. At his approach Lipa rises and turns away. SAW A Have you seen Kondraty? FBIAR No, he is in the monastery. [Sawa remains stundiiu/ in silence. The noise in the monastery has sultsided and the sad, pitiful sing- ing of the blind is heard. FRIAR Mr. Sawa. SAWA Have you got a cigarette? FRIAR No, I don't smoke. (Plaintively) Come to the woods, Mr. Sawa. (Sawa remains immovable and ftilent) They'll kill you, Mr. Tropinin. Come to the woods please come! (Sawa looks fixedly at him, then silently turns (in with you. You are a goose, Olympiada. You have always been a goose, and you have remained a goose to this day. MERCHANT You '11 have a fine trade now. YEGOR If it please the Lord! Why are you so late? Have you been sleeping? You keep sleeping, all of you, all the time. (They go out) FRIAR I scattered all the fireflies I caught on the road when ACT iv] SAVVA 125 I ran last night. And now the crowd has trampled them down. I wish I had left them in the woods. Listen to the way they are shouting. I wonder what 's the matter. They must have squeezed some- body to death again. LIP A (closing her eyes) When you talk, Vassya, your words seem to pass by me. I hear and I don't hear. I think I should like to stay this way all my life without moving from the spot. I should like to remain forever with my eyes shut, listening to what is going on within me. Oh, Lord ! What happiness ! Do you understand, Vassya? FRIAR Yes, I understand. LIPA No. Do you understand what it is that has hap- pened to-day ? Why, it means that God has said God Himself has said : " Wait and do not fear. You are miserable. Never mind, it 's nothing, it 's only temporary. You must wait. Nothing has to be destroyed. You must work and wait." Oh, it will come, Vassya, it will come. I feel it now, I know it. FRIAR What will come? LIPA Life, Vassya, real life will come. Oh, mercy ! I still feel like crying for joy. Don't be afraid. [SperansTty and Tony enter, the latter "very gloomy, glancing sideways and sighing. In a queer way he sometimes recalls Sawa by his gait and look. 126 SAWA [ACT iv 8PERAN8KY Good morning. Miss Olympiads. Good morning, Ya.xxva. What an extraordinary rv.nt, if \u- an- to believe what people- say. UFA Hi-lii-yi', Mr. Speransky, believe. SPERANSKY You judge in a very simple offhand manner. If, however, you take into consideration the fact that it is highly probable that nothing exists, that even we ourselves do not exist TO XV Kcep quiet. 8PERAN8KY Why? There is no miracle for me, Miss Olympiada. If at this moment, for example, everything on this earth were suddenly to be suspended in the air, I should n't regard it as a miracle. LIPA As what then ? You 're a very peculiar man. SPERANSKY I should look on it simply as a change. It was first one thing and then it became another. If you wish, I '11 admit that for me the very fact that things arc as they are is in itself a miracle. All arc glad and rejoicing, but I sit and think: "Time is blinking his eyes now, and there is a change. The old peo- ple are dead, and in their places appear the young. And they are apparently glad and rejoicing too." TONY Where is Sawa? 1JPA Why do you want him? ACT iv] SAWA 127 SPERANSKY He has been looking for Mr. Savva ever so long. We have looked everywhere, but have not been able to find him. FRIAR He was here awhile ago. TONY Where did he go? FRIAR To the monastery, I think. TONY (pulling Speransky) Come. SPERANSKY Good-bye, Miss Olympiada. How they are shouting over there! The time will come when they will all be silent. (They go off) FRIAR (disturbed) Why are they looking for Mr. Sawa? LIPA I don't know. FRIAR I don't like that seminarist. Always nosing about where there are dead around. What does he want? He is a dreadfully disagreeable fellow. Never misses a funeral. He smells death miles away. LIPA He is an unhappy creature. FRIAR Unhappy? Why is he unhappy? Even the dogs in the village are afraid of him. You don't believe it? It 's so, upon my word ! They bark at him, and then slink away behind the gate. 128 SANA A [AC. .\ LIP A What docs all this matter anyway, Vassya? It 's of no account, mere triHcs. To-day th.-y arc going to sing: "Christ is arisen from the with me to the woods and then I liked him a lot," but now I am afraid of him. Why did he do it? Why? My, what a fearful crowd! More cripples coming, and more and more. LIPA What is the matter, Vassya? What are you so excited about? FRIAR Everything was so nice and fine. Oh, my ! Why don't you go home, Miss Olympiada? Do go, pl You have seen all there is to be seen. It 's enough. What can you gain by staying here? Come, I '11 ACT iv ] SAVVA 129 go with you. Oh, God, there comes Mr. Savva again ! LIPA Where? FRIAR There he is. For heaven's sake! SAVVA (enters and sits down) Has Kondraty been here? FRIAR No, Mr. Sawa. [Pause, Again the piteous singing of the blind can be heard. SAVVA Got a cigarette, Vassya? FRIAR No, I have n't. I don't smoke. LIPA (harshly) What are you waiting for, Sawa? Go away. You are not wanted here. Look at yourself. You are a terrible sight. Your face is black. SAVVA I did n't sleep all last night. That 's why it 's black. LIPA What are you waiting for? SAVVA For an explanation. LIPA You don't believe in the miracle? SAVVA (smiling) Vassya, do you believe in the miracle? FRIAR Yes, of course I do, Mr. Savva. 130 SAWA [ACT .v SAVVA Wait. You '11 find out. What are they doing down there? They have already crushed three to death. FRIAR Three? 8AVVA And they '11 kill many more. And they nil keep shouting: "A miracle, a miracle!" At last it li is come. They have got what they have been waiting for at last. UFA And it 's you, Sawa, who gave them the miracle. It 's you who are to be thanked for it. SAVVA (gloomily) Well, Vassya, the monks are glad, aren't they? Tell me, don't be afraid. FRIAR They are very glad, Mr. Sawa. They are crying. SAVVA (looking at him) Crying? Why are they crying? FRIAR I don't know. I suppose for joy. Father Kirill grunts like a pig " Oui, oui, oui." They all act as if they were drunk. SAVVA (rising, agitated) As if they were drunk? What does that mean? Perhaps they really are drunk. FRIAR Oh no, Mr. Tropinin. Tt 's nil on account of the miracle. They are mad with joy. Father Kirill keeps grunting " Oui, oui, oui." He vows that if ACT iv] SAVVA 131 he remains alive he '11 swear off liquor and live as a hermit. SAVVA (eyeing kirn) Well? FRIAR That 's all. SAVVA What do they say? FRIAR They say they '11 do penance and stop sinning. They hug each other and behave as if they were drunk. SAVVA (walking up and down, stroking his forehead with his hand) Yes, hm. So that 's the way ! Yes. LIPA (following him with her eyes} Go away from here, Savva. You are not wanted here. SAVVA What? LIPA (reluctantly) They may recognize you and then Why don't you put on a hat at least? You look like FRIAR Yes, go please go dear Mr. Savva. Why, they why, they might kill you ! SAVVA (in a sudden outburst of anger) Leave me alone ! No one will kill me. It 's bosh ! (Pause. Sits down) I wish I could get a drink of water or something. I am very thirsty. Is n't there a pool or something of the kind around here? FRIAR (looking in terror at Sawa) No, it 's all dried up. SAVVA (frowning) Sorry. 182 SAV\ \ [ACT IT FBIAE Oh, that woman there 1ms a jug of water. (Glee- fully) I'll go and ask her for it. (linn*) LI PA You ought not to have that water. Go away from here, Savva, go away. Look what gladness there is all around you. Everybody, everything rejoin-,. The earth is glad. The sun is glad. You are tin- only one who is not you alone. I still can't forget that you are my brother. Go. But wherever you go, bear with you the memory of this day alv, Remember that the same fate awaits you every- where. The earth will not surrender her God to you; the people will not surrender to you that whereby they live and breathe. Yesterday I still feared you. To-day I regard you with pity. You are pitiful, Savva! Go! Why are you laughing? SAVVA (smiling) Is n't it a little premature, sister, for you to be de- livering my funeral oration? LI PA Aren't you frightened yet? SAVVA Why should I be frightened? At your tricks and jugglery? I am UM -d to the lies and frauds, Lipa. You can't frighten me with them. I still ha\ lot of stupid confidence left. It will help. It will come in handy the next time. I.I PA Sawa! FRIAR (brinrjiiKj (lie jnfj of water) I had the hardest time getting it from her. She was ACT iv] SAVVA 133 like flint. She said she needed it herself. She was a hard case. SAVVA Thank you, boy. (Drinks with avidity) Fine! (Drinks the last drop) That was fine water. Take it back and tell the woman her water was fine and that there is none like it in all the world. FRIAR (merrily) All right, I '11 tell her. (Goes off) UFA (in a whisper) You are the enemy of the human race. SAVVA (smacking his lips) Very well, very well. Just wait. We '11 hear what Kondraty has to say. The blackguard ! I '11 give it to him ! UFA (with emphasis, but still in a whisper as before) You are the enemy of the human race ! You are the enemy of the human race ! SAVVA Louder ! No one hears you. It 's a spicy bit of information. UFA Go away from here. [The Friar returns. SAVVA (looking into the distance with narrowed eyes) It 's nice out there, is n't it, Vassya? Whose woods are they? Vazykin's? Have I ever been there with you? FRIAR (gleefully) Yes, they 're Vazykin's. I was there yesterday, Mr. Savva. I caught a whole handful of fireflies, but as I ran (He grows sorrowful at the memory) My, how they are shouting! What are they up to 184 SAWA [ACT if anyway? Did you say they killed tlin, Mr. Tro- pinin? Was that what you said? SAW A (coolly) V -. three. FRIAR What are they pushing and jostling for anyhow? He '11 be carried in the procession and they can all see Him. SAVVA When will they carry Him? FRIAR (looking up) It won't be long now. LI PA They '11 sing " Christ is Arisen " to-day. SAVVA (smiling) Is that so? Didn't I arrange a feast-day for them though ? [Tony and Speransky appear. FRIAR Are these fellows here too? For goodness* sake, what do they want? What are they looking for? I don't like it. Mr. Tropinin, come; let 's go away from here. SAVVA Why? FRIAR They are coming this way, Speransky SAVVA Aha ! The " Tramp of Death " is approaching. [Lipa looks at him in astonishment. The Friar presses his hand to his bosom in a state of agitation. FRIAR (pltiintircly) What are you saying? Oh, God ! Why did you say ACT iv] SAVVA 135 that? You mustn't do it. This is no tramp of death, nothing of the kind. SAVVA It 's a kind of story he has written Good morn- ing, good morning. What can I do for you? SPERANSKY Mr. Anthony Tropinin is looking for you, Mr. Sawa. SAVVA What do you want? TONY {-eery sadly, hidmg a little behind Speransky) Nothing. FEIAE (listening attentively and then speaking with passion} What are you running around for then, and whom are you hunting? If you want nothing, do nothing. But you are running around and hunt- ing, hunting. It is n't nice, I tell you ! TONY (after a passing glance at the Friar he fixes his gaze on Sawa) Sawa. SAVVA (irritated) What do you want? {Tony makes no answer, but hides behind Speran- sky, looking over his shoulder. In the course of what follows he keeps steadily looking at Sawa. His lips and eyebrows twitch, and at times he presses both his hands hard against his mouth. SPERANSKY The crowd is in a state of great agitation, Miss Olympiada. They broke the old gate opening on the other side of the woods and rushed in. The Father Superior came out and asked them to behave. They shout so you can't hear anything at all. Many are rolling on the ground in convulsions. I suppose 186 SAVVA [ACT iv they are sick. It *s MTV strange, quite unusual in fact. LI PA Will they carry Him out soon? I must go. (Rises) SPERANSKV They say it'll be soon now. One wagon with crip- ples in it was upset cripples without hands or feet. They are lying on the ground crying. It 's all so strange. FRIAR What? Did you see it yourself? [Kondraty appears on the road coming from the monastery. He is Kallcing in the company of two pilgrims, who are listening attentirely to him. Catching sight of Sawa, Kondraty says something to his companions, who remain standing where tltey arc while he goes up to Save a. SAVVA Aha! KONDRATY (clean, spruce, beaming) Good morning, Miss Olympiada. Good morning to you too, Mr. Sawa Tropinin. SAVVA Good morning, good morning. You have come after all? You were not afraid? KONDRATY (calmly) Why should I be afraid? You won't kill me, I sup- pose, and if you should, it would be sweet to die at your hands. SAWA What bravery! And how clean you are! You are positively painful to look at. You didn't make- quite so smart an appearance when you lay wallow- ACT iv] SAVVA 137 ing in the puddle. You were a little the worse for the mud, and so on. KONDRATY (shrugging his shoulders and speaking with dignity) It 's no use recalling that incident now. It 's quite out of place. Mr. Tropinin, it 's time for you to have done with your spite and malice, high time. SAVVA Well? KONDRATY That's all. There is no "well" about it. You have had your shot. Be satisfied. SAVVA Are congratulations upon the miracle in order? KONDRATY Yes, Mr. Tropinin, upon the miracle the miracle, indeed. (He weeps with a bland air, wiping his face with his handkerchief) God granted that I should live to see the day. SAVVA (rising and advancing a step toward the monk; peremptorily} Enough now! Stop your hocus- pocus. You have played your trick. Now stop, or I '11 knock all that jugglery out of you. Do you hear? FRIAR Mr. Sawa, good Mr. Savva, please don't. KONDRATY (drawing back a little} Not so loud, not so loud. We are not in the forest where you can kill rich merchants and get away with it. There are people here. SAVVA (lowering his voice) Well, tell me all about it. Come on. 138 SAWA [ACT iv ICON OR AT Y What 's the use of going away? I can t.ll you rything right here. I have no secrets. It's you who have secrets. I am all here. 8AVVA You '11 lie if you tell it here. KONDRATY (heatedly, rcith tears) Shamr, Mr. Tropinin! Shame! Shame! Why do you insult me? Is it because you saw me lying in t!u- puddle? It 's a sin, a shame! SAVVA (perplexed) What 's the matter with you? KONDRATY Do you think I am going to lie on a day like this? Mi-s Olympiada, you at least ought to know Good God! Good God! Why, Christ has just arisen! Do you understand? [The crowd increases. Some cast glances at the group icith the tzco monks before they pass on. IJPA (excitedly) Father Kondraty KONDRATY (beating his breast) Do you understand? I have lived all my life like a 'iindrel, so why, why did (Jod do this with mr? Do you understand, Miss Olympiada? Do you un- derstand? Eh? SAVVA (perplexed) Talk sense. Stop blubbering. KONDHATY (waving his hand) I am not angry with you. I bear you no grudge. Who arc you that I should bear any rescntimiif against you? ACT iv] SAVVA 139 SAVVA Talk sense. KONDRATY I '11 tell Miss Olympiada. I won't speak to you. You knew me as a drunkard, Miss Olympiada, a mean, worthless creature. Now listen. ( To Speran- sky) And you, young man, may listen also. It will teach you a lesson. It will show you how God works His will unseen. LIPA I see, Father Kondraty. Forgive me. KONDRATY God will forgive you. Who am I to forgive you? So that 's the way it was, Miss Olympiada. I fol- lowed your advice and went to the Father Superior with the infernal machine. It was indeed an infernal machine! And I told him everything, just the way I felt, with a perfect candor and purity of heart. SPERANSKY (guessing) Is that how it happened? What a remarkable event ! FRIAR (quietly) Keep quiet. What are you butting in for? KONDRATY Ye-es. The Father Superior turned pale. " You scamp," he said, " do you know with whom you have had dealings? " "I do," I said, trembling all over. Well, they called together the whole brother- hood and discussed the matter in secret. And then the Father Superior said to me : " It 's this way, Kondraty," he said. " God has chosen you as the instrument of His sacred will. Yes. ( Weeps) God has chosen you as the instrument " 110 S\\\\ [ACT iv I ir\ \\V11? Go on. kONDRATY ^t . -. Inn. "Go," he said, "find put down tin- ma- chine ;is you were told to do, and set it going accord- ing to tin- directions. Carry out the drvil's plot i.i full. I and the other brothers will sing H hymn quietly as we carry the ikon away. Yes, that 's what we'll do. We'll carry the ikon away. And tlm> tin- devil will be made a fool of." 8AVVA Ah ! i.ii'.v (astonished) But, Father Kondraty, how can that be? [Sarra laughs heartily. KONDRATY Patience, patience, Miss Olympiada. " And when," said the Father Superior, " the devil's plot shall ha\ been carried out, then we '11 put the ikon the dear, precious ikon back in His place." Well, I won't attempt to describe the scene that took place win n we carried the ikon away. It 's beyond my power. The brothers sobbed and wept. Not one of them was able to sing. The little candles burned with tiny little flames. And then when we carried Him out to the gate, and when we began to think and remem- bered who is now in His sacred place we lay around the ikon, our faces on the Around, and cried and wept bitter, bitter tears, tears of pity and con- trition. "O Thou, our own, our precious idol, have mercy on us, return to Thy place." (f.ijxi cries; flic Friar vripes his eyes rcith his fist) And then bang! went the machine, and the sulphurous smoke ACT iv] SAVVA 141 spread all around so that it was impossible to breathe. (In a whisper) And then many beheld the devil in the smoke, and they were so terrified that they lost consciousness. It was horrible ! And then, as we carried Him back, all of one accord, as though we had agreed beforehand, began to sing " Christ is arisen." That 's how it happened. SAVVA You hear, Lipa? But what 's the matter with you? Why are you all crying? FRIAR It makes one feel so sorry, Mr. Savva. SAVVA Why, they fooled you, they played a trick on you. Or else you are all lying, lying with your tears. \Kondraty makes a gesture of indifference. LIPA (shaking her head, weeping) No, Savva, you don't understand. Oh, Lord ! Oh, Lord! KONDHATY You have no God, that 's the reason you don't under- stand. You have only reason, and pride, and malice. That 's why you don't understand. Ah, Mr. Savva, you wanted to ruin me too. And I tell you as a Christian it would have been better if you had never been born. SAVVA Oh, fiddlesticks ! Whom do you think you can hood- wink? Do you think I have turned blind? XONDRATY (turning away with a wave of his hand) You can shout as much as you like. PRIAR Mr. Savva, you must n't shout, you must n't. We I \.\ [ACT iv ha\e aln.idv at t racled tin- at tc-nt ion ol tin- croud. They are looking nt US. SAVVA (laying his hand on Kondraty'* shoulder and speaking in a low voice) Look lu T. . I under.-tand. Of course, in the presence of peopK ----- hut you understand. don't you, Kondrnty? You are a clever man, a very bright num. You understand that all this is nonsense. Just consider, brother, consider a moment. Didn't they carry the ikon away? Then where is the miracle? KOXDRATY (twisting hi m .self free from Sawa's gr/i*f>, shaking his head and speaking aloud) Then you don't understand? No, you don't understand. What of it? SAVVA (in a whisper) Listen, remember our talk. KONDRATY (aloud) Don't whisper to me. I have nothing to hide from anybody. How do you think miracles happen any- how? Say. you are a smart man too, and yet you can't comprehend a simple matter like this. Why, it's all your work, all your doing, isn't it? You gave me the machine. You planned the explosion. Your orders have been carried out. And yet the ikon is untouched; it's whole. That's all I ht\' to say. It 's the plain, simple statement of fact. Yet you come here with your arguments and try to get away from those facts by mere reasoning. UFA (looking around in a paroxysm of excitement) How simple it is ! And how terrible ! O Lord, O Lord! And to think that it was I who did it, I, with my own hands! O my God ! (.S7r fulls on her knees, turning her eyes toward heaven) ACT iv] SAVVA 143 SAVVA (looking at her savagely, then at Kondraty) Well! KONDRATY (drawing back in fright) Why are you staying here? Why haven't you left already ? SAVVA (shouting) What a fool you are! KONDRATY (paling) Lower, lower, I say. Don't talk like that, or I '11 shout. SAVVA (turning quickly toward Speransky) What are you staring at with your mouth wide open? You are a philosopher. You, you are a philosopher. Can you understand the stupidity of these people? They think it 's a miracle. (Laughs') They think it 's a miracle. SPERANSKY (stepping back) Excuse me, Mr. Tropinin, but from their point of view I don't know. SAVVA You don't know? SPERANSKY Who does know? (Cries out, in despair) The dead alone, Mr. Savva, the dead alone. KONDRATY Ah ! You are cornered Antichrist ! LIPA (in terror) Antichrist? [Hearing the cry, the two pilgrims who were with Kondraty approach. They are gradually joined by others, among whom is the Man in Peasant Overcoat. FIRST PILGRIM What is it, father? Has he revealed himself? 144 SAVVA [ACT iv KOM \ I \ Look ut him, look at him! SAVVA \ ^ya, you dear, fine boy Vassya, what is the inattiT with them? Hear what thry are saying. Hrar the mmsrnse they are talking. You good, nice boy! FRIAR (drawing back) Mr. Savva, don't, don't. Go away from here. Leave this place. 8AVVA Vassj'a, Vassya, you, you FRIAR (crying) But I don't know. I don't know anything. I am afraid. LIPA (ecstatically) Antichrist! Antichrist! >vi> PII.CRIM Hear! Hear! KOXDRATY Ah ! You are cornered. Here is your money take it! It has burned holes in my pockets, your accursed money. Here, take it, take it, you brood of Antichrist! (Throws the money at him) \ ( raiting his fist as if to deal a blow) I '11 teach you FIRST PILGRIM Boys, don't be afraid. Here boys, here! SAVVA (pressing his head between his hands) Oh, it hurts, it hurts! Darkness is closing in. KONDRATV It's beginning to get you, is it? That's right, that 's right. ACT iv] SAVVA 145 LIPA Antichrist ! TONY (shouting) Savva, Savva! SAVVA (sinking for a moment into profound, terrible meditation; then he straightens himself suddenly and seems to grow in stature; he cries out with a wild joy as if speaking above the heads of all to reach somebody far off) I am right! Therefore I am right! It was all necessary! All! All! (He stands as if petrified in an upward-striving posture) KONDRATY Boys, it 's he who did it. That 's the fellow. MAN IN OVERCOAT (pushing himself forward, offi- ciously) What's the matter, boys? Aha! He is caught! Which one? This one? Come on with you! (Takes hold of Savva by the sleeve) SAVVA (shaking him off with such violence that the man falls down) Get away from me! VOICES Don't let him go! KONDRATY Hold him! FRIAR (crying) Run, Mr. Savva, run. [During the following scene Lipa prays. Speransky looks on with keen curiosity, while Tony stares over his shoulder. All the voices become blended into one raging, frightened, savage roar. CROWD Get at him from that side ! Yes, go yourself ! You have a stick ! Oh, hang it, there is n't a single stone around ! Hold him, hold him, he '11 escape ! 146 SAWA [A< i n M \N IN o\ i IK-OAT (getting to hi* feet again and assum- ing the leadcmhi]>) Surround him, boys, surround him! Block the way to the river! Don't let him run away ! Well, now, get a move on you ! CROWD Go yourself I've tried once! Push that way! Get hold of him ! Grab him ! Aha ! KOXDRATY (shouting at the top of his voice) Beat him! Beat the Antichrist! Beat him! SAWA (the danger br'uu/s him back to Jiis senses. He looks around, taken in the path to the rlrcr icith a quick glance, and gray as dust with rage, he makes for it with a single abrupt movement) Get out of the way, you monsters! CROWD He is getting away ! He is getting away ! Hold him ! Boys, he is getting away ! He is getting away! [As Sawa advances, the crowd falls back in a semi- circle, tumbling against one another. Kondraty be- gins to make the sign of the cross at Sawa and con- tunics to do so throughout the remaining scene. SAVVA (advancing) Get out of the way ! Get out of the way ! So you 're scared now, you dogs? You 've pulled in your tails? Get out of the way ! Go on ! CROWD He is getting away. [King Herod issues from the crowd, ami plants him- self in front of Sawa so as to obstruct his way. There is a terrible look on his face. Sawa comes up close to him and stops. ACT iv] SAVVA 147 SAVVA Well? [A brief pause. The conversation is carried on in a sort of undertone, almost calmly. KING HEROD Is that you? SAVVA Is that you? Let me go. KING HEROD A man? SAVVA Yes, let me go. KING HEROD Did you want the Saviour? Christ? SAVVA They fooled you. KING HEROD People may fool, Christ never. What 's your name? SAVVA Savva. Get out of my way, I tell you. KING HEROD Surrender Thy servant Savva. Hold! [He strikes a heavy, swinging blow with his left fist whence Savva did not expect an attack. Savva sinks on one knee. The crowd rushes at him and tramples him down. CROWD Beat him! Aha! So! He is turning back! Beat him! FRIAR What does this mean? Oh! Oh! Oh! (He clutches his head with both hands, cries, and runs away) 148 SAWA [ACT iv \ (fighting denperateli/, he upbears for n moment looking fierce and terrible) Let go Ho-o-o ! (He sinks back again) CROWD That 's the way. One, two - Ah ! Strike ! Got him? Not yet! Got him? What are you waiting for? Strike! Done! A VOICE He 's still moving. CROWD Strike ! MAN IX OVERCOAT lYt< r. got a knife? Finish him with your knife. Cut his throat. PETER No, I M rather do it with my heel. One ! Two ! KOxniiATY (cursing him) Lord Jesus Christ! Lord Jesus Christ! [Loud cries are heard from the background: " They are carrying Him! They are earn/ing Him! " Tlie mob begins to disperse and thins out quickly. CROWD They are carrying Him! Yes, it's enough. It's done. No, let me at him once more. There! I g:ive him one good one in his face. They are carry- ing Him ! They are carrying Him ! HINT. IIKKOD Enough, enough. A grand feast for you, you accursed beasts! CROWD I tell you, they are carrying II ; m! Lie there, you! Oh my, am I going to be late? Enough now. Ar ACT iv] SAVVA 149 you sorry for him, eh? Is it your head? One more! Come on ! [They run away so that Savva's mangled body be- comes visible. MAN IN OVERCOAT It ought to be taken away from here. It is n't right to leave it here on the road. It 's dirty. Boys ! Say, boys! [He goes off -following the rest, but is met by the procession pouring in upon the stage. There is a great din and humming of talk. Speransky and Tony approach the body cautiously, bend over it on their knees, one on each side, and stare at it eagerly. SPERANSKY Dead! His eyes are gone. TONY Shut up! {He bursts into a groaning laugh, press- ing his hands hard to his mouth) SPERANSKY But his face is calm. Look, Mr. Anthony. It 's because now he knows the truth. TONY Shut up! (Bursts out laughing) What a funny face he has ! [He laughs behind his hand. Then his laugh bursts through his fingers, so to speak, grows in i/ntensity, becomes irresistible, and passes into a whine. The crowd begins to fill the stage, concealing the body, Speransky, and Tony. The bells are rung in the monastery as at Easter, and at the same time the singing of thousands of voices is heard. CROWD " Christ is risen from the dead. He has conquered 150 SAWA [ACT iv death with death and given life to those lain in their graves. Christ LIPA (flinging herself into the crowd) "Christ is risen!" [The crowd continue* to pour in, fill'int/ the entire stage. Gaping months mid round, wide-open eyes are teen everywhere. Shrill shrieks are uttered by the crazed epileptics. A momentary outcry Is heard: "Somebody crushed!" Tony's laughter dies away somewhere. The triumphant hymn rises, spreads, passes into a titanic roar that drowns every other sound. The bells continue to ring. CROWD (shouting at their utmost power) " Christ is risen from the dead. He has conquered death with death and given life to those lain in their graves. Christ is risen " CUETAIN THE LIFE OF MAN (ZHIZN CHELOVIEKA) A PLAY IN FIVE SCENES WITH A PROLOGUE 1906 TO THE BRIGHT MEMORY OF MY FRIEND, MY WIFE I DEDICATE THIS COMPOSITION THE LAST ON WHICH WE WORKED TOGETHER PERSONS SOMEONE IN GRAY CALLED HE MAN His WIFE FATHER RELATIVES NEIGHBORS MAN'S -I FRIENDS ENEMIES GUESTS .SERVANTS MUSICIANS PHYSICIANS A BARTENDER DRUNKARDS OLD WOMEN PROLOGUE Someone in Gray called He, speaking of the Life of Man SCENE I The Birth of Man and the Mother's Travail SCENE II Love and Poverty SCENE III Wealth. Man's Ball SCENE IV Man's Misfortune SCENE V The Death of Man THE LIFE OF MAN PROLOGUE SOMEONE IN GRAY CALLED HE, SPEAKING OF THE LIFE OF MAN A large, rectangular space resembling a room with- out doors or windows and quite empty. Everything is gray, monocolored, drab the -walls gray, and the ceiling, and the floor. A feeble, even light enters from some invisible source. It too is gray, monotonous, spectral, producing neither lights nor shadows. Someone in Gray moves noiselessly away from the wall, close against which He has been standing. He wears a broad, gray, formless smock, vaguely outlining the contours of His body; and a hat of the same gray throws the upper part of His face into heavy shadow. His eyes are invisible. AH that is seen are His cheek- bones, His nose, and His chin, which is massive, heavy, and blunt, as if hewn out of rock. His lips are pressed tight together. Raising His head slightly, He begins to speak in a firm, cold, unemotional, unimpassioned voice, like a reader hired by the hour reading the Book of Fate with brutal indifference. SOMEONE IN GRAY Look and listen, you who have come here to laugh and be amused. There will pass before you the whole 166 THE LIFE OF MAX [SCENE i lifi- of Man. from his dark beginning to his dark end- ing. Previously non-e\i>tant. my>teriously hiddrii in the infiniteness of time, neither feeling nor thinking, and known to no one, he will mvsti piously break through the prison of non-being and with a cry an- nounce the beginning of his brief life. In the ni/jht of non-existence a light will go up, kindled by an in hand. It is the life of Man. Behold the flame it is the life of Man. Being born, he will take the form and the name of Man, and in all things will become like other men al- ready living. And their hard lot will be his lot, and his hard lot will be the lot of all human beings. In- exorably impelled by time, he will, with inavertible necessity, pass through all the stages of human life, from the bottom to the top, from the top to the bottom. Limited in vision, he will never see the next step which his unsteady foot, poised in the air, is in the very act of taking. Limited in knowledge, he will never know what the coming day will bring, or the coming hour, or the coming minute. In his unseeing blindness, troubled by premonitions, agitated by hope and fear, he will submissively complete the iron-traced circle foreordained. Behold him a happy youth. See how brightly the candle burns. From boundless stretches of space the icy wind blows, circling, careering, and tossing the flame. In vain. Bright and clear the candle burns. Yet the wax is dwindling, consumed by the fire. Yet the wax is dwindling. Behold him a happy husband and father. But see how strangely dim and faint the candle burns, as if the yellowing flame were wrinkling, as if it were shiver- SCENE i] THE LIFE OF MAN 157 ing with cold and were creeping into concealment. The wax is melting, consumed by the fire. The wax is melting. Behold him an old man, ill and feeble. The stages of life are already ended. In their stead nothing but a black void. Yet he drags on with palsied limbs. The flame, now turned blue, bends to the ground and crawls along, trembling and falling, trembling and falling. Then it goes out quietly. Thus Man will die. Coming from the night, he will return to the night and go out, leaving no trace behind. He will pass into the infinity of time, neither thinking nor feeling, and known to no one. And I, whom all call He, shall remain the faithful companion of Man throughout his life, on all his pathways. Unseen by him, I shall be constantly at hand when he wakes and when he sleeps, when he prays and when he curses. In his hours of joy, when his spirit, free and bold, rises aloft; in his hours of grief and despair, when his soul clouds over with mortal pain and sorrow, and the blood congeals in his heart ; in the hours of victory and defeat; in the hours of great strife with the im- mutable, I shall be with him I shall be with him. And you who have come here to be amused, you who are consecrated to death, look and listen. There will pass before you, like a distant phantom echo, the fleet-moving life of Man with its sorrows and its joys. [Someone in Gray turns silent. The light goes out, and He and the gray, empty room are enveloped in darkness. THE FIRST SCENE THE BIRTH OF MAN AND THE MOTHER'S TRAVAIL Profound darkness; not a stir. Like a swarm of mice in hiding, the gray silhouettes of Old Women in strange headgear are dimly discerned; also vaguely the outline of a large, lofty room. The Old Women carry on a conversation in low, mocking voices. OLD WOMEN'S CONVERSATION I wonder whether it '11 be a boy or a girl. What difference does it make to you? I like boys. I like girls. They always sit at home waiting till you call on them. Do you like to go visiting? [The Old Women titter. He knows. He knows. (Silence) Our friend would like to have a girl. She says boys are so restless and venturesome and are always seeking danger. Even when they are little, they like to climb tall trees and bathe in deep water. They often fall, and they drown. And when they get to be men, they make wars and kill one another. She thinks girls don't drown. I have seen many girls drowned. They look like all drowned people, wet and green. SCENE i] THE LIFE OF MAN 159 She thinks girls don't get killed by stones thrown at them. Poor woman, she has such a hard time giving birth to her child. We have been sitting here sixteen hours, and she is still crying. At first she cried out loud. Her screams pierced our ears. Then she cried more quietly, and now she is only moaning. The doctor says she '11 die. No, the doctor says the child will die and she will live. Why do they bear children ? It is so painful. And why do they die? It is still more painful. {The Old Women laugh suppressedly. Yes, they bear children and die. And bear children again. [They laugh. A subdued cry of the suffering woman is heard. Beginning again. She 's recovered her voice. That J s good. That 's good. Poor husband. He 's lost his head completely. You ought to see him. He 's a sight. At first he was glad his wife was pregnant and said he wanted a boy. He thinks his son will be a cabinet minister or a general. Now he does n't want anything, neither a boy nor a girl. He just goes about grieving and crying. Every time she is seized with pain he begins to labor, too, and gets red in the face. He was sent to the chemist's shop for medicine, and he hung about there for two hours without being able to remember what he was sent for. He returned without it. 160 THE LIFE OF MAN [SCENE i [The Old Women titter. The cries grow louder chiiul Man. They re- semble one another very much noble faces, high and candid foreheads, honest eyes. They walk proudly, throwing out their chests, stepping firmly and confidcntliii F M.\\ [ncm ... Malevolent ! They're afraid to look at us! They feel we're nt home! Lot's frighten them. Man 'II be thankful to us for it. -Ho-ho! [They shout at Man's Enemies, mingling their shouts :cith laughter. The I-', tmmca huddle closer together and cast sharj), timid, sidctcard tjlances. They 're going ! They 're going ! What an honor ! They 're going! -Ho-ho! Ha-ha! They're gone! They're gone! They're gone! [The procession disappears through the door on in.- left. A pause of silence. The music plays less loudly, and the dune era begin gradually to fill the hall. Where did they go? I believe they went to the dining-room, where supper is being served. I suppose they '11 soon invite- us in. Do you see anybody looking for us? Yes, it 's time for supper. If you eat too late, you can't sleep well. I always serve supper early. A late supper lies heavy on your stomach. And the music is still playing. And they 're still dancing. I wonder they don't get tired. How rid i ! How magnificent ! -Do you know for how many guests they have prepared the supper? SCENE m] THE LIFE OF MAN 205 I did n't get a chance to count all the covers. The caterer came in, and I had to get out. Could they possibly have forgotten us ? Man is so proud, and we are so unimportant. Don't say that. My husband says we do him an honor by accepting his invitation. We are rich, too. When you consider the reputation of his wife Do you see anyone looking for us ? Maybe he 's looking for us in the other rooms. How rich! If you are not careful with other people's money, it 's easy to get rich, I think. Oh, now, it 's only his enemies who say that. Well, after all, there are some very respectable people among them. I must admit that my hus- band It is late, though. It's clear there must be a mistake somewhere. I can't believe we 've simply been forgotten. Evidently you know people and life very little if you think so. I am surprised. We are rich enough ourselves. It seems to me someone called us. You 're mistaken, no one called us. I don't under- stand it. To be quite frank why did we come to a house like this, with such a reputation? One should be very careful of the friends one chooses. A LIVERIED LACKEY (appears at the door) Man and his Wife beg the honored guests to step into the dining-room. GUESTS (rising quickly) What a livery ! He asked us to come in ! 206 THi: I. IFF. OF MAN ^ I said there he u mistake Man is so good. I'm sure In hasn't had a dinner to sit ut all the hooks on a wagon and sold tin in. With the money they hired a mi I'M-, bought medicines, and ii Crapes. So tin- hooks, too, were of some good. But he docs n't eat the grapes. He does n't even look at them. They just lie there on tin- ju>t lie there. DOCTOR (enters through the outer door; his fticc look* red and his manner is uneasy) Can you tell me if I am in the right place? I 'in a doctor. I have many visits to pay, and I often make mistakes. I 'm called here and there and everywhere, and all the houses look alike and the people in them are all sad. Have I struck the right place? OLD WOMAN I don't know. DOCTOR I '11 consult my note-book. Is there a child here choking with a sore throat? OLD WOMAN No. DOCTOR Is there a man here who suddenly went insane from poverty and attacked his wife and two children with a hatchet? Four patients in all, I suppose. OLD WOMAN No. DOCTOR Is there a girl here whose heart stopped beating? Don't lie, old woman, I think >he is here. OLD WOMAN No. SCENE iv] THE LIFE OF MAN 211 DOCTOR Well, I believe you. You seem to speak the truth. Is there a young man here whose head was broken by a stone and who is dying? OLD WOMAN Yes. Go through that door on the left, but don't go any farther. The rats will eat you up ! DOCTOR Very well. They keep ringing, ringing all the time, day and night. Here it is, late at night. All the lights in the street are out, and I am still on the run. Often I make a mistake and enter the wrong house. Yes, old woman, I do. (Exit through the door leading inside) OLD WOMAN One doctor has already treated him, but did n't cure him. Now there 's another, and I guess he won't cure him either. Well ! Then their son will die, and we '11 remain alone in the house. I '11 sit in the kitchen and talk to myself, and they '11 sit in there keeping quiet and thinking. Another room vacated, another room for the rats to scuffle in. Let them squeak and scuffle. It 's all the same to me. It 's all the same to me. You ask me why that bad fellow threw the stone at our young gentleman. I don't know how could I know why people want to kill each other? One threw a stone from behind a corner and ran away; the other one fell in a heap and is now dying that 's all I know. They say that our young gentleman was a fine chap, very brave, and very kind to poor people. I don't know anything about it it is all the same to me. Whether they are good or bad, young or old, quick i in: I.IFK or .MAN [SCKXE i. or (lend, it is nil the same to mr. ll i- all tin > inn- to inc. As long as they pay, I '11 stay with them; and when they stop paving, I '11 go to other people to do their housework, and finally I shall stop altogether when I get old, and my eyesight gei> poor, so that I can't tell salt from sugar. Thru they '11 turn un- cut and say: "Go where you please. We'll hire another one." What of it? I'll go. It's all the >aiiie to me. Here, there, or nowhere, it's all the same to me. It 's all the same to inc. [Enter Doctor, Man and his Wife. Roth hare aged greatly and arc eoinjiletely gray. Man's lotnj Iiri.s- tliiH] hair and beard gire his face a leonine (if>/>frw a^ain and be still finer. Did you keep what was cut off? Be sure to keep it. His precious blood is on it. WIFE Yes, I put it away in the chest, the last one left of all our wealth. MAN Don't worry about wealth. Just wait until our son begins to work. He'll restore all we've lost. I feel well again, wife, and I firmly believe in our future. Do you remember our poor little rosy room? The good neighbors scattered oak leaves in it, and you made a wreath of them and put it on my head and said I was a genius. WIFE I say so still. Other people have ceased to appre- ciate you, but not I. SCENE iv ] THE LIFE OF MAN 219 MAN No, my dear little wife, you 're wrong. What genius creates outlives the old dirty bundle of rags known as the body, whereas I am still living, and my productions WIFE No, they 're not dead and they never will die. Do you remember that corner house you built ten years ago? Every evening at sunset you go to look at it. Is there a more beautiful building in the whole city, is there any with more depth to it? MAN Yes, I purposely built it so that the last rays of the setting sun should fall upon it and set its win- dows aglow. When the whole city is in darkness, my house is still taking leave of the sun. It was well done, and perhaps it will survive me a little while at least. What do you think? WIFE Of course, my friend. MAN The only thing that hurts, wife, is that the people have forgotten me so soon. They might have re- membered me a little longer, just a little longer. WIFE They have forgotten what they knew, and ceased to love what they loved. MAN They might have remembered me a little longer, a little longer. WIFE I saw a young artist near that house. He studied 220 TIIK LIFE OF .MAN [SCENK iv it carefully and made a sketch of it in his skrtrh- book. MAN Ah, why didn't you tell me that hrfoiv? It's highly significant, highly significant. It means that my ideas are accepted and handed down by others, and even if I am forgotten, my ideas will live. It is tremendously significant. WIFE Yes, my dear, you arc not forgotten. Do you re- member the young man who bowed so reverently to you on the stree! .' MAN Yes, that 's so, wife. He was a fine, very fine youth. He had such n nice young face. It 's good you reminded me of his bow. It has sent a ray of bright- ness into my heart. But I feel sleepy. I must be tired. I am old too, my dear little gray wife. Have you noticed it? WIFE You 're just as handsome as ever. MAN And my eyes are bright? WIFE Yes, your eyes are bright. MAN And my hair is black as pitch? wii- r. It 's so white, so like snow that it 's even more beautiful. MAN And no wrinkles? SCENE iv] THE LIFE OF MAN 221 WIFE Yes, there are little wrinkles on your face, but MAN Of course, I know I 'm a beauty. To-morrow I '11 buy myself a uniform and enter the light cavalry. Yes? (His Wife laughs) WIFE There, you 're joking too, as in olden times. But lie down here and sleep a little. I '11 go to look after our boy. Don't worry, I won't leave him. I '11 call you when he wakes. You don't care to kiss an old wrinkled hand, do you? MAN (kissing her hand) Go, you 're the most beautiful woman I 've ever known. WIFE And the wrinkles? MAN What wrinkles? I only see a dear, kind, good, sensible face. Nothing else. Don't take offence at my stern tone. Go to the boy, watch him, stay with him like a quiet shadow of gentleness and love. And if he is disturbed in his sleep, sing him a song as you used to do. And put the grapes nearer, so that he can reach them. [The Wife goes out. Man lies down on the sofa, his head toward the spot where Someone in Gray stands immobile, so that His hand almost touches Man's gray, dishevelled hair. Man falls asleep quickly. SOMEONE IN GRAY Man has fallen into a sound, sweet sleep, deceived by hope. His breath is soft as a child's, his heart beats calmly and evenly, bringing him relief. He knows THE LIFE OF MAN [SCENE iv not that in a few moments his son will lir. In m\.s- ft -rioiis dream-fancies a j)icture of impossible happi- ness arises l>< 1'mv him. It seems to him that he and his son an- drifting in a white boat along a beautiful, quirt stream. It ins to him that it is a glorious day, and he sees the deep sky and the transparent crystal water. He hears the rustling of the reeds as they part before tln> boat. It seems to him that he is happy and glad. All his fen-lings betray him. Suddenly he is disturbed. The terrible truth has entered through the thick veil of sleep and stung his thoughts. " Why is your golden hair cut so short, my boy? Win " I had a headache, papa, that 's why." And deceived once more, he feels happy again, sees the deep sky, and hears the rustling of the parting reeds. Ih- knows not that his son is already dying. II< hears not how, in a last senseless hope, with a child's faith in the power of adults, his son is calling him without words, with his heart: "Papa, papa, I am dying! Hold me!" Man sleeps soundly und sweetly, and in the deceptive, mysterious fancies there arises before him the picture of impossible happii. Awake, Man ! Your son is dead. [Man lifts his head, frightened, and rises. MAN Ha ! What is it? I thought I heard someone call me. [At that moment many women behind tlie scenes burst into a wail the loml, lomj-drawn wail over the dead. The Wife enters, friyht fully pale. SCENE iv] THE LIFE OF MAN 223 MAN Dead? WIFE Yes, he is dead. MAN Did he call me? WIFE No, he never awoke. He did n't call anyone. He is dead my son, my dear, darling boy ! [She falls on her Jcnees before Man and sobs, clasp- ing his knees. Man puts his hand on her hand and* turning to the corner where Someone in Gray stands indifferently, speaks in a sobbing, but terrible voice. MAN You insulted a woman, scoundrel! You killed a boy! (His Wife sobs. Man softly strokes her hair with his trembling hand) Don't cry, my dear, don't cry. He will scoff at our tears, just as He scoffed at our prayers. And you I don't know who you are God, Devil, Fate, or Life I curse you ! [Man speaks the following in a loud, powerful voice, one arm about his wife as if to protect her, the other arm fiercely extended toward the Unknown. MAN'S CURSE I curse everything that you have given. I curse the day on which I was born. I curse the day on which I shall die. I curse the whole of my life, its joys and its sorrows. I curse myself. I curse my eyes, my ears, my tongue. I curse my heart and my head, and I fling everything back at your cruel face, a senseless Fate! Be accursed, be forever accursed! With my curses I conquer you. What else can you do to me? Hurl me to the ground, I will laugh and '1 III' Lin: OF MAN [SCENE iv shout in your face: ** Be accursed! " Seal my mouth with the clamps of death, with inv last thought I will shout into your stupid curs: "Be accursed, be accursed!" Take my body, tear at it like a dog, drag it into the darkness I am not in it. I have disappeared, but disappearing I shall repeat: "Be accursed, be accursed! *' Through the woman whom you have insulted, through the boy whom you have killed, I convey to you the curses of Man! [He turns in silence, with fiercely uplifted hand. Someone in Gray listens passively to the curses. The flame of the candle flickers as if blown by the wind. Thus they stand for some time in tense silence confronting each other, Man and Someone in Gray. The wailing behind the scenes grows louder and more prolonged, passing into a doleful chant. ^ CURTAIN THE FIFTH SCENE THE DEATH OF MAN An uncertain, unsteady, blinking light, so dim that at first nothing is distinguishable. When the eye grows accustomed to it, the following scene becomes visible. A long, wide room with a very low ceiling and windowless. The entrance is down a, flight of steps from somewhere above. The walls are bare and dirty and resemble the coarse, stained hide of some huge animal. Along the entire back wall up to the stairs runs a bar with a top of smooth glass. This is covered with bottles full of differently colored liquors that are arranged in regular rows. Behind a low table sits the Bartender, immobile, with his hands folded across his paunch. His white face is blotched with red. His head is bald, and he has a large, reddish beard. He wears an expression of utter calm and indifference, which he maintains throughout, never changing his seat or his attitude. Drunkards, both men and women, sit at small tables on wooden stools. Their number seems to be aug- mented by their shadows dancing on the walls and ceilmg. It is one endless monotony of repulsive ugliness and desolation. The men's faces resemble masks with the various features disproportionately magnified or re- duced: big noses, or no noses at all; eyes staring 226 Till: I. IF1-: OF MAN [SCENE v savagely, almost starting from their xocketx, or eyes narrowed to scarcely visible slits and points; husrs by an inch. I drive it away and it conies back ng!i ; n. Black cockroaches are creeping under ir.y skull and buzzing. My brain is falling apart. I feel the gray matter separating. My brain is like rotten cheese. It stinks. There 's some sort of a corpse here. I smell it. Oh my! Oh my! I '11 sneak up to her to-night and cut her throat. The blood will flow. It's flowing already. See how red it is. I am constantly being followed by three men. They are calling me into a dark corner of the vacant lot, and they want to kill me. They are already at the door. Who is walking on the walls and ceiling? Good Lord ! They have come to take me. Who? They. My tongue is getting paralyzed. I '11 cry. (Cries) My whole body is coming out. I '11 soon be turned inside out, and then I '11 be all red. Listen, listen. Ho! Somebody! A monster is going for me. He 's raising his hand. Help ! Ho ! -What is it? Help! A spider! -Help! [For some time they shout " Help! " hoarsely. SCENE v] THE LIFE OF MAN 229 We are all drunkards. Let 's call down all the people from above. It 's so disgusting up there. No, don't. When I leave here and go out on the street, it rampages and tears about like a wild beast and soon throws me off my feet. We 've all come here. We drink rum and it gives us joy. It gives us fright. I shiver the whole day from fright. Fright is better than life. Who wants to return to life? -I don't. I don't. I 'd rather croak here. I don't want to live. No one ! Oh my ! Oh my ! Why does Man come here? He drinks little and just sits still. We don't want him. Let him go to his own house. He has a house of his own. Fifteen rooms. Don't touch him. He has no place to go to any more. He has fifteen rooms. They 're empty. Only rats run around and fight in them. And his wife. He has n't any. Seems she died. [During this conversation and the following, Old Women in strange headgear enter quietly and re- place unnoticeably the Drunkards, who quietly de- part. The women mingle in the conversation, but in such a way that no one notices it. 280 THK LI IT, OF .MAN [ ; < <>N\ KBSATION OK Dili NKAKDS AM) OLD \V<>' He '11 soon die, too. He can scarcely drag himself along, he 's so weak. He has fifteen rooms. Listen to the brat ing of his heart. It's uneven and faint. It '11 soon stop beating altogether. -Hey, Man, give us an invitation to your house. You have fifteen rooms. It '11 soon stop beating altogether, that old, sick, feeble heart of Man ! He 's asleep, the drunken fool. It 's dreadful to sleep, and yet he sleeps. He might die in his sleep. Hey, there, wake him up! Do you remember how it used to beat when it was young and strong? [A low laugh is heard. Who 's laughing? There are some here who have no business to be here. It just seems so to you. We arc all alone, only we drunkards. I '11 go out on the street and start a fight. I 've been robbed. I *m stark naked, and my skin is green. Good evening. The wheel is rumbling again. Oh, Lord, they '11 crush me! Help! [No one ret ponds. Good evening. -Do you remember his birth? I believe you were there. I must be dying. Good Lord ! Good Lord ! Who will carry me to the grave? Who will bury me? I '11 be lying like a dog on the street. People will SCENE v] THE LIFE OF MAN 231 step over me, wagons will ride over me. They '11 crush me. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! (Cries) Permit me to congratulate you, my dear friend, on the birth of your child. I am positive there is a mistake here. For a circle to fall out of a straight line is an absurdity. I '11 demonstrate it on the spot. You 're right. Oh my ! Oh my ! It 's only ignoramuses in mathematics who will permit it. I won't. I won't permit it, do you hear? Do you remember the rosy dress and the little bare neck? And the flowers ? The lilies-of-the-valley on which the dew never dried, and the violets, and the green grass ? Don't touch, don't touch the flowers, girls. {They utter a low and suppressed laugh. Oh my ! Oh my ! {The drunkards have all gone. Their places are taken by the Old Women. The light grows steady and very -faint. The figure of the Unknown is sharply outlined, and so is Man's gray head, on which a faint light falls from above. OLD WOMEN'S CONVERSATION Good evening. Good evening. What a splendid night! Here we are together again. How are you feeling? I cough a little. [They laugh suppressedly. It won't take long now. He '11 die soon. Look at the candle. The flame is blue and thin J.'i'J TIN-: I.IFi: OF MAN [sci and spreading .sideways. Tin-it- 's no inort- wax. It's onlv UK- wick tluit 's burning. It does n't want to go out. When did you i-v-r M. a Maine that did want to go out? Don't dispute, don't dispute. Whether it wants to go out, or does n't want to go out, time is living. Do you remember his motor car? He once almost ran me down. And his fifteen rooms? I was there a little while ago. The rats almost ate me up, and I caught a cold in the draught. Some- one had stolen the window frames, and the wind was blowing through the whole house. Did you try the bed in which his wife died? Is n't it soft and nice? Yes, I went through all the rooms and let my fancy play a little. They have such a pretty nursery. It 's a pity the window frames are knocked out there too, and the wind makes a racket with the litter on the floor. And the child's bed too is so dear. Now the rats have made their nest in it and breed their children there. Such dear, naked little rats. [They titter. And in his study the toys are lying on the table : a horse without a tail, a soldier's cap, and a n d- nosed clown. I played a little with them. I put on the soldier's cap. It was very becoming to im . But there 's such a lot of dust on the things. I got all dirty. But did you go into the drawing-room where the ball was given? It's so gay there. SCENE v] THE LIFE OF MAN 233 Yes, I did. Fancy what I saw. It was dark, the windows were broken, and the wind was playing with the wall-paper Making a sound as of music. And in the darkness the guests were squatting on their knees at the wall and you should have seen how they looked ! We know. And they barked : " How rich ! How magnificent ! How brilliant ! How rich ! " You 're j oking, of course. Of course I 'm j oking. You know I have a funny disposition. How rich ! How magnificent ! How gay ! [They titter. Let 's remind him of it ! How rich ! How magnificent ! Do you remember how the music played at your ball? He 's going to die soon. The dancers circled about, circled about, and the music played so gently, so beautifully. They played this way. [They make a semicircle about Man and hum the tune played by the musicians at the ball. Let 's get up a ball. It 's so long since I 've danced. Imagine that this is a palace, a magnificent, an exquisitely beautiful palace. Call the musicians. Why, you can't have a ball without music. Musicians ! 284 TIIK I. in: or MAN [SCENE v You ri-mriuber? [They ting. At that instant the three musicians who played at the ball come down tlie stairs, 'i In- one with the violin adjusts his handkerchief on his shoulder with great precision, and all three be