THE LIFE AND TIMES OF GEN. FRANCIS MARION WITH AN APPENDIX. CONTAINING: BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF GREENE, MORGAN, PICKETS, SUMPTER, WASHINGTON, LEE, DATIE, AND OTHEB DISTINGUISHED OFFICERS OF THE SOUTHERN CAMPAIGN, DURING THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. BY H. N. MOORE. EMBELLISHED WITH EIGHT ENGRAVINGS. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY LEAEY, GETZ & CO., 224 NORTH SECOND STREET. according to act of Congress, in the year 1845, by JOHN B. PERRY, In the office of the Clerk of thn Eastern District of Penn a. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF FRANCIS MARION. CHAPTER I. Some account of Mar toil s family his birth early life his voyage to sea, and shipwreck remains at home a planter. Indian insurrections. Marion s first cam paign against the Chcrokees frightful picture of In dian warfare. Marion s letter. Marion among the first to espouse the cause of his country in its struggles with British tyranny his active measures elecled a captain under the gallant Moultrie bombardment of Fort Sullivan by the British fieet gallant defence of the fort anecdotes, etc. As a man and a patriot, bright is the example we have in the career of Francis Marion. Asa soldier, his name, more than any other, is identified with the stratagic wis dom, heroic exploits and military successes of the parti- zan war in the Carolinas, during the Revolution ; a war in which he " and his brigade were so distinguished," says Dr. Ramsay, " and at the same time so detached in their operations, as to merit and require particular notice." In following him through the trying times in which he acted, much cause as we shall have to glory in him as a military chieftain, we shall have no less reason to admire the self-command, rectitude, and ever* active humanity of his character. (7) 8 MARION AND HIS TIMES. The family of Marion was one of the many Pro testant ones who who fled from France in consequence of the persecutions they experienced under the reign of Louis XIV. These dissenters from the Catholic reli gion were termed Huguenots, and our hero s grand lather, towards the close of the seventeenth century, left France and emigrated to the shores of America. His son, Gabriel Marion, was the father of Francis Marion, whose birth occurred at a place called Winyah, (S. C.) in the year 1732 or 1733. Biographers differ as to the year, but we are inclined to receive the earlier date as the more correct of the two. Francis Marion was the youngest of several children. He had four brothers and two sisters. " I have it from good author ity, 1 says Weems,* " that this great soldier, at his birth, was not larger than a New-England lobster, and might easily enough have been put into a quart pot." And all the accounts we have, concur in regard to the fact, that he was a puny and sickly infant ; so much so, that it was thought he would never survive till manhood. He however, lived through infancy, and at the age of sixteen, such had been the change of his constitution, he was an active and daring boy, who had already con ceived a strong notion of leaving the farmer s life he had been brought up to, and entering upon that of a sailor. The quiet life of the farmer was not one suited to his disposition, and though his mother endeavored to dissuade him from his inclination, his mind was de termined, and she finally yielded a reluctant consent. He started, as a sailor before the mast, upon a voyage to the West Indies, and had the .misfortune to be ship wrecked. The ship foundered, says tradition, from the injury done her by the stroke of a large whale. The * Weems Life of Gen. Francis Marion, INDIAN INSURRECTIONS. 9 crew escaped from the sinking vessel in the jolly-boat, and were tossed about on the ocean in a helpless condi tion for more than a week, when they were picked up by a passing vessel. While in the boat, they were without provisions, and had subsisted on the raw flesh and blood of a dog, which, as the ship was sinking, jumped into the boat. Six persons had entered this boat, but only four were taken from it by the passing- vessel. The captain and mate, in a state of phrenzy, produced from exposure to the rays of a scorching sun, and the use of salt-water, had the day before thrown themselves overboard, and perished. Marion and three others finally reached their homes. Marion, in com pliance with the earnest entreaties of his mother, re sumed his occupation of farming, at which he indus triously continued, and, at the death of his father in 1758, he settled himself, at the age of twenty-six, upon a place that is called Pond Bluff. The colony of South Carolina, like other provinces of North America, was much harrassed by the preda tory incursions of Indians, and in the beginning of the year 1759 a war broke out between the colonists and the Cherokee tribe, and Marion turned out with the militia ; but a treaty of peace was soon concluded, the Indians not finding matters in the train they expected, and by which they anticipated a butchering conquest over the white men. Scarcely were the militia dis banded before the treacherous Cherokees again showed signs of hostility, and, such were their agressions upon the frontier settlements, that it was the next year decided that the country of the Indians should be invaded. The command of the whole forces now raised was given to Col. Grant of the British army, and Marion was ap pointed lieutenant of a native regiment, under the imme- 10 MARION AND HIS TIMES. diate command of Col. Moultrie, himself under the command of Col. Middleton. The combined forces under Colonels Grant and Mid dleton advanced (in June 1761) into the Indian. country. The approach was of course, from the kind of warfare carried on by the enemy, conducted with caution, and finding that the adversary was advantageously posted behind the thick wood crowning a mountain, through a dark defile of which the road lay. This, it was re solved, should be forced rapidly by a small body of soldiers, whilst the main army passed. For this peril ous enterprise a " forlorn hope" of thirty men, headed by Francis Marion, was chosen. Marion, with a heart undaunted by the almost certain death that awaited him, took the lead of his chosen band, and advanced with courageous rapidity, whilst the main army followed to support him and effect their passage. No sooner had Marion and his men entered the dark defile, than the loud war-whoop resounded from all sides, and a de structive fire blazed forth from behind the trees. Twenty one of the forlorn hope instantly were killed, and the hideously painted savages rushed forth in pursuit, with demonical yells and brandished tomahawks. Marion and his remnant of men fell back to the main army. The commanding officers, fully aware that a sangui nary conflict was at hand, animated their soldiers on, and represented the peculiar demand there now was for exertions of valor, inasmuch as if defeated they would be the victims of an indiscriminate slaughter. The soldiers cheered, and advanced gallantly to the conflict, determined to yield then only with their lives they knew no quarter would be shown to a prisoner, and that they must gain the victory or die on the spot. The Indians, too, were defending the most important pass into their INDIAN WARFARE. 1 1 country, and it could not be otherwise expected than that they would fight with signal bravery. And now followed the sharp crack of rifle after rifle; here, there, and on all sides, the flash illumed the dark lurking place of the foe; the bayonet of the soldier would be plunged into the thicket, its point penetrating the breast of an In dian, and at the same instant a ball reaches his own heart, he and his enemy falling dead side by side. Long the contest continued without any decisive result, and terrible was the carnage on both sides ; but at last it could be perceived that victory leaned to the side of the army ; that the Indian, who repeatedly dislodged, had as desperately returned to the combat, was now re luctantly yielding. The battle raged with great spirit for three hours, and in an hour more the surviving soldiers of the army had the satisfaction of congratula ting each other upon a hard-fought victory. Colonel Grant followed up his victory by pursuing the flying foe into the heart of their country, burning their towns, ravaging their corn-fields, and taking all possible means to punish them for their inhuman ag gressions upon the frontier settlements. Notso much for vengeance was the object, but to deter them from future encroachments by the severe retribution that they must expect from this precedent. It is said that Marion long after looked back upon the horrors of this war with a feeling of sorrow ; and that such was the fact, is corrob orated by his own words in a letter written to a friend. He writes as follows : " We arrived at the Indian towns in the month of July. As the lands were rich, and the season favorable, the corn was bending under the double weight of lusty roasting ears and pods of clustering beans. The furrows seemed to rejoice under their precious loads ; the fields stood thick with bread. 12 MARION AND HIS TIMES. We encamped the first night in the woods, near the fields, where the whole army feasted on the young corn, which, with fat venison, made a most delicious treat. The next morning we proceeded, by order of Colonel Grant, to burn down the Indian cabins. Some of our men seemed to enjoy this cruel work, laughing very heartily at the curling flames, as they mounted, loud crackling, over the tops of the huts. But to me it ap peared a shocking sight. " Poor creatures !" thought I, " we surely need not grudge you such miserable habitations." But when we came (according to orders) to cut down the fields of corn, I could scarcely refrain from tears. For who could see the stalks that stood so stately, with broad green leaves and gaily-tasseled shocks, filled with sweet milky fluid and flour, the staff of life ; who, I say, without grief could see these sa cred plants sinking under our swords, with all their precious load, to wither and rot untasted in their mourn ing fields ? " I saw everywhere around," continues his letter, " the footsteps of the little Indian children, where they had lately played under the shade of their rustling corn. No doubt they had often looked up with joy to the swelling shocks, and gladdened when they thought of their abundant cakes for the coming winter. When we are gone, thought I, they will return, and peeping through the weeds with tearful eyes, will mark the ghastly ruin poured over their homes and happy fields, where they had so often played. " Who did this ? they will ask their mothers. " The white people, the Christ ians did it !" will be the reply. The disastrous result of this war, (to the Indians) seems to have broken up all their hopes, and in a mea sure to have crushed their spirit forever. Marion again STAMP ACT. 13 retired to private life, fulfilling his duties as a citizen and a farmer, and for fourteen years he continued this peace ful life, and by the honesty of his dealings and the pro bity of his character, he gained the esteem of all that knew him, and it is said no man was so universally beloved by his neighbors. Thus we find him when hostilities commenced between the colonies and Great Britain. Everything in South Carolina contributed to nourish a spirit of liberty and independence. Its settlement was nearly coeval with the Revolution in England, (1 688,) and many of its inhabitants had imbibed a large portion of that spirit which brought one tyrant to the block* and expelled another from his dominions. f Every inhabitant was, or easily might be a freeholder. Settled on lands of his own, he was both farmer and landlord. Having no superiors to whom he was obliged to look up, and producing all the necessaries of life from his own grounds, he soon became independent. The first statue that roused general and united op position to British taxation was the memorable Stamp Act, passed in the year 1765. By this it was enacted, that the instruments of writing which are in daily use among a commercial people should be void in law un less executed on stamped paper, or parchment, charged with a duty imposed by the British parliament. The indignation which this roused, induced an uniform line of conduct to be adopted by the different colonies, and a congress of deputies from each province was recom mended. This first step towards Continental Union, was adopted in South Carolina before it had been agreed to by any colony to the southward of New England. The example of this province had a considerable influ- 2 * Charles I. t James II. 14 MARION AND HIS TIMES. ence in recommending the measure to others who were more tardy in their concurrence. The colonies on this occasion not only presented petitions and remonstrances to the British government, but spiritedly entered into associations against importing British manufactures till the Stamp Act should be repealed and they obtained their point. The experiment of taxation, however, was renewed in the year 1767, but in a more artful manner. Small duties were imposed on glass, paper, tea, and painter s colors. The colonists again remonstrated, again asso ciated to import no more British manufactures. And a second time did the government make a concession. In the year 1773 a scheme was adopted by the East- India company, to export large quantities of tea, to be sold on their account in several capitals of the British colonies. The colonists reasoned with themselves, tha,. as the duty, and the price of the commodity were in- separably blended if the tea was sold, every purchaser would pay a tax imposed by the British parliament as a part of the purchase-money ; *and, determined never to submit to British taxation, they everywhere entered into combinations to obstruct the sales of the tea sent out by the East-India Company. The cargoes sent to South Carolina were stored, the consignees being re strained from exposing it to sale. In other provinces, the landing of it being forbidden, the captain s were obliged to return without discharging their cargoes. In Boston a few men, disguised as Indians, threw all the tea overboard from the ships lying at the wharves. When the intelligence of this reached England, the British parliament proceeded to take legislative ven geance on that city. This measure of hostility towards Massachusetts had 15 for its object the dissevering of the other provinces from her, but its effect was directly contrary. The other colonies determined to support her, and, as has been stated, South Carolina was the first southern province that did so. The whole country resounded with din of martial preparation. Volunteer companies were or ganized in every city, town and hamlet, throughout the provinces. Guns, powder, and the implements of war, were collected, and carefully treasured from the eyes of the government s officers and spies ; and liberal sums of money were contributed by persons of every rank and age, and the liveliest enthusiasm prevailed for the cause of liberty. Marion at once espoused the cause of his country his native land ; and that chivalrous feeling which so unhesitatingly prompted his heart to assert the undeni able rights of mankind, at the same time rendered him prompt in action. Not like your milk-and-water pa triots who only talk of liberty, he went boldly forward toc?o. Many of his tory-hearted fellow-citizens wavered between their fears, and doubtful of the issue, desired to be on the successful side. Policy, not principle, governed their craven hearts. Marion, unlike these, convinced of the justice of his cause, was bravely ready to do and die for it, and was one of the foremost of those gallant spirits who enlisted in the army raised by the legislature of his native state. He was also a member of the Provincial Congress of South Carolina, which in the exigency of the case was called together, sitting as a representative from Berkeley County. No sooner had the news of the battle of Lexington reached Charleston than the following act was passed. " The actual commencement of hostilities against this Continent by the British troops, in the bloody scene 16 MARION AND HIS TIMES, of the 1 9th of April last,* near Boston the increase of arbitrary imposition from a wicked and despotic ministry and the dread insurrections in the Colonies are causes sufficient to drive an oppressed people to the use of arms. We, therefore, the subscribers, in habitants of South Carolina, holding ourselves bound by that most sacred of all obligations, the duty of good citizens to an injured country, and thoroughly con vinced, that under our present distressed circumstances, we shall be justified before God and man, in resisting force by force do unite ourselves, under every tie of religion and honor, and associate as a band in her de fence, against every foe hereby solemnly engaging, that, whenever our Continental and Provincial Council shall deem it necessary, we will go forth, and be ready to sacrifice our lives and fortunes to secure her freedom and safety. This obligation to continue in force, until a reconciliation shall take place between Great Britain and America upon Constitutional principles an event which we most ardently desire. And, we hold all those persons inimical to the liberty of the Colonies, who shall refuse to subscribe to this association."! Declarations similar to the above were passed in most of the Provinces, and we perceive that a final separation from the Mother Country was not as yet contemplated, the object in view extended no farther than to a redress of grievances. (It was not until a year later that on the 4th of July 1776, delegates from each state assembled at Philadelphia, and passed that cele brated Declaration which is now the charter of our liberties.) Two regiments were to be raised in South Carolina, * In the year 1775. t Vide Ramsay, vol 2. page 236. BATTLE AT FORT SULLIVAN. 17 and Francis Marion was chosen a captain in the second, of which William Moultrie, under whom Ma rion had served in the Indian wars, was appointed colonel. The officers at once set about making re cruits. Captain Horry, Marion s firm friend through out all his future career, and who was elected an officer in the same regiment at the same time, accom panied Marion on his recruiting exoedition. Many amusing incidents are recorded as having occured to these officers in the duty upon which they were now engaged, but we pass over them to follow more particularly the momentous and chivalrous deeds of our hero, merely stating that the officers were suc cessful in raising (notwithstanding the amount of Tory opposition they encountered) two regiments of South Carolinians. The erection of Fort Sullivan on Sullivan s Island was now commenced and rapidly proceeded with. The defence of this- fort was confided to the gallant Moul trie, with about four hundred men, and thirty pieces of cannon. Daily in expectation of a British fleet, the men worked with untiring industry, and on the 31st of May,* a fleet appeared in sight. And now, for nearly a month, tides, calms and baffling winds, conspired to frustrate the fleet, and they were not enabled to get within the bar till the 27th of June. In the meantime the works of the fort were carried on, and indefatigable preparations made to receive the enemy. On the morning of the 28th, the fleet, commanded by Sir Peter Parker, came up with a fine breeze, and all sails set, before the fort and dropped anchor. Instantly the bombardment commenced. The British outnumbered * 1776. 2* 18 MARION AND HIS TIMES. the Americans in men and guns. From the port holes of nine ships was an unceasing fire kept up, whilst the defenders of the fort, stripping off their coats, (the weather was very hot) fired their guns, loaded, fired again, and worked like men brave in a righteous cause. For eleven hours the action lasted, in which time such terrible destruction was made upon the enemy s fleet that Sir Peter Parker moved off, and the gallant defenders of the fort found themselves victorious over a foe that battled in the cause of tyranny. Con spicuous throughout the action was Marion, and he often leveled the guns himself. He, Moultrie, and several of the officers, (such was their coolness in the midst of the balls that everywhere fell around them) smoked their pipes, laying them down only when their duties called them to give orders, or, as we said of Marion, when they relieved a soldier at a gun. During the action a ball from the fleet struck the flag-staff, which fell on the beach, outside of the breast work, Jasper, a serjeant of grenadiers, immediately, in face of the enemy s fire, leaped over the ramparts, picked it up, regained the inside of the fort in safety, and restored the flag to its place. At one period of the action, the want of powder was severely felt by the Americans, and Marion, with a small party left the fort, seized upon an armed schooner, (it is said, and we have no reason to disbelieve the tradition) and thus obtained a supply of powder suffi cient to keep up the fire until a quantity was received from Charleston. Tradition also awards to the aim of Marion the tremen dous effect of the last shot that was fired from the fort. It was aimed at the Bristol, (the commodore s ship) and entering one of the cabin windows, struck down two THE BRITISH DEFEATED 19 officers who were drinking, and, ranging through the bulk-heads and steerage, killed three sailors. This in formation was got from five sailors of the British fleet, who that night deserted and came to the Americans. The loss of the British in this engagement, by their own account, was 113 killed and sixty wounded. Sir Peter Parker lost an arm upon the occasion. On the other side their was but about 12 killed arid 25 wounded. The vessels of the British, two of them especially, were greatly damaged, and one, called the Acteon run a ground and was afterwards burnt. This defence of Fort Sullivan (or Fort Moultrie, as it was subsequently named in honor of the brave man who so successfully commanded it upon this occasion) is one of the most brilliant achievements that the his tory of our country records, and it was of incalcuable importance to the cause of liberty throughout the colo nies. Moultrie was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General ; Marion to that of Lieutenant Colonel in the regular service. CHAPTER II. Declaration of Independence. The British at Savannah arrival of the French Fleet activily oC Marion the battle deaths of Count Pulaski and Serjeant Jasper Charlestown besieged by the British anecdote of Marion surrender of Charleston massacre of the Americans at the Waxhaw settlements hair-breadth escapes of Marion ; he retires to North Carolina, and joins the army under Gates. A description of Marion and his men. Battle. Gates defeated brave conduct - and glorious death of De Kalb. Marion and his men burning boats. THE Declaration of Independence, proclaimed in Philadelphia on the 4th of July, was hailed in Charles- ton with great rejoicings, and the news of the battle of Fort Moultrie was welcomed in return with corres ponding manifestations of joy at Philadelphia, and throughout the confederated colonies. The inhabitants of all the colonies, while colonies, admitted themselves bound by their allegiance to the king ; but they disclaimed, altogether, the authority of parliament; holding themselves, in this respect, to re semble the condition of Scotland and Ireland, before the respective unions of those kingdoms with England, when they acknowledged allegiance to the same king, but each had its separate legislature. The tie, there fore, which our revolution was to break, did not sub sist between us and the British parliament, or between us and the British government, in the aggregate ; but directly between us and the king himself. The colo- 20 SERJEANT JASPER. 21 nies had never admitted themselves subject to par liament. That was precisely the point of the original controversy. They had uniformly denied that parlia ment had authority to make laws for them.* The South Carolianians expected another visit of the British, but they kept their fleet otherwise employed on the Northern coast, and it was not until the close of the year 1778 that the fleet again came south, and their destination turned out to be Savannath instead of Charleston. In December four thousand men were disembarked from their fleet of upwards of thirty sail. The great number of these loyalists in Georgia, encouraged the British, and, after the disembarkment of their troops and the fall of Savannah into their hands, they rapidly possessed themselves of Ebenezer, Abercorn, and other posts in the interior. General Lincoln commanded the forces of the Americans, but, so small was his number, he was unable to oppose the enemy with any degree of effect. While the main army of the British was encamped at Abercorn, the Americans lay but a few miles from them, on the Savannah, at a place called Purys- burg. And while at Purysburg, there occurred an adventure, the hero of which was one of Marion s men, and the gaJlant William Jasper, of whom we had occa sion to speak in account of the defence of Fort Sullivan. " Jasper was a perfect Proteus, in ability to alter his appearance, perpetually entering the camp of the enemy without detection, and invariably returning to his own, with soldiers he had seduced, or prisoners he had captured. "f " He often went out," is the lan guage of Moultrie, " and returned with prisoners * Daniel Webster, t Garden s Anecdotes. 22 MAHION AND HIS TIMES. before I knew that he was gone. I have known of his catching a party that was looking for him. He has told me that he could have killed single men several times, but he would not ; he would rather let them off. He went into the British lines at Savannah, as a de serter, complaining, at the same time, of our ill-usage of him. He was gladly received, (they having heard of his character) and caressed by them. He stayed eight days, and after informing himself well of their strength, situation and intentions, he returned to us again ; but this game he could not play a second time. With his little party he was always hovering about the enemy s camp, and was frequently bringing in pris oners." Jasper had a brother who had espoused the other side of the contest, and was at this period in the British garrison at Ebenezer, holding the rank of a ser- jeant. Wishing to see this brother, Jasper made his appearance in the British garrison, much to the alarm of the other. " What brings you here, William ! Your name is well known ! You will be hung for a spy !" agitatedly remarked the Tory brother. "Give yourself no uneasiness, brother," cooly re plied Jasper " I am no longer an American soldier." " I am glad to hear you say so, brother glad to find you ready to serve the King !" exclaimed the Tory. "You mistake," said Jasper. " You presume 1 have come to enlist myself under the flag of England, but it is not so. Little as is the encouragement I have in fighting for my country, yet I have not the heart to fight against her, brother !" PRISONERS IN THE FORT. 23 Jasper remained two or three days with his brother, and there is no doubt he took notice of all that invited his observation in the garrison. Bidding his brother adieu, he stole out of the garrison at night, and re joined the Americans, reporting the amount of informa tion he had picked up. Some weeks after this, Jasper took it into his head to pay his brother another visit at Ebenezer, taking along with him serjeant Newton, a comrade, a strong and active man, and fully his own match in feats of daring and enterprize. The Tory brother received Jasper and Newton kindly, and the three passed away the time quite agreeably in the garrison. One day a party of prisoners were brought into the fort, on their way to Savannah, to which place a British officer was conducting them for trial. In speaking of the matter, " It will go hard with them," said Jasper s Tory brother. "It s my opinion they ll be hung certain, for they took arms with us and received the King s bounty; but when the American army raised, they broke their faith to the King and joined them." The prisoners were hand-cuffed, and presented a pity-impressive sight to both Jasper and Newton, and the wife of one of the prisoners, with her child, followed her husband, deeply sympathizing in his misfortunes. Moved by this scene of distress, Jasper and Newton were deeply affected ; tears trickled from their eyes, and their emotions were of more than ordinary feeling. That distressed mother and her child, how could they look on them unmoved? The poor wife gazing with tear-streaming eyes upon the sad countenance of her hope-forsaken husband, appealing with her looks for pity and assistance ! From this distressing sight, the two friends stepped 24 MARION AND HIS TIMES. aside and conferred together. That the prisoners, under the circumstances in which they had been taken, would be tried, convicted and executed, was a matter of certainty, unless they were rescued from the hands of the guard before they reached Savannah. Talking over the matter, Jasper and Newton determined to risk their lives in an attempt to rescue the priso ners. Presently, the prisoners, under a guard of eight men, a serjeant and corporal, left the fort and proceeded on their route to Savannah. Soon after their departure, Jasper and Newton took leave of their Tory friend, and set out from the fort, taking a direction different from that upon which the guard had started with the prisoners. When they considered themselves beyond sight, the two friends struck into the forest and travelled hard after the guard, in sight of whom they came, and re maining unseen themselves, dogged them mile after mile, eager for a chance to strike a blow for the un happy captives. But, sanguine as they had been, the difficulty of accomplishing their object began to be apparent to them, for what could two unarmed men do against a guard of ten, each armed with a musket ? Notwithstanding this hopeless aspect of matters, the two friends followed on. Within two miles of Savannah there is a spring, famous for its good water, and at which travellers almost invariably stopped to drink and refresh. It oc curred to Jasper that most likely the guard would halt at this spring ; and the hearts of the two friends were instantly animated with a revived hope that an oppor tunity to rescue the captives might yet present itself. Immediately they hastened on by a short cut through RESCUE OF THE PRISONERS. 25 the woods and reached the spring before the guard came in sight. Hiding themselves amidst the foliage and shade of shrubbery growing close to the spring, they lay waiting for the appearance of the guard which shortly came along, and, as Jasper had expect ed, the serjeant commanded a halt. The corporal, with four men, conducted the prisoners to the spring ; the serjeant, with the other four, after grounding their arms near the road, following. The long walk had fatigued the hand-cuffed prison ers, and they were granted permission to rest them selves on the earth. They availed themselves of this, and the woman, with her child, sat next to her husband. Two men were ordered to keep guard ; the others were to supply the captives with water from the spring. These last, stood their muskets against a tree, and having drank themselves, refilled their canteens to supply the prisoners. Now was the time for Jasper and his friend, and bursting out from their concealment, they seized upon the two muskets, and at once shot down the two men that were keeping guard. Clubbing their guns, the daring friends rushed forward upon the astonished foe, and a conflict for the loaded guns of the fallen soldiers ensued. The brains of the sergeant and corporal were beaten in, and Jas per and Newton secured the muskets. Such was the panic of the guard, growing out of the audacity and bold decision of the two Americans, that, without any farther resistance, they surrendered. The handcuffs of the captives were now broken off, and a musket was placed in the hands of each. With the captured British, and the released Americans, the brave Jasper and his friend now hurried away from 3 JJ0 MARION AND HIS TIMES. the spring, and reached the army at Purysburg in safety. The war was carried on with various success, until September, 1779, when a French fleet, under Count D Estaign made its appearance on the coast. A junc tion between the French and American forces was effected before the walls of Savannah, which resulted disastrously to the Americans in consequence of the ill-advised measures adopted by the French admiral. It is generally believed that if the action had at once commenced, the besiegers would have conquered, or that the alarmed garrison would have struck their colors without firing a single bullet; and we are war ranted in this supposition by the words of several of the English officers who subsequently became pri soners. Marion, and the officers of the Americans, advised a sudden attack, but the French commander thought proper to send a flag, " very politely" as the indignant VVeems sarcastically expresses it, " inviting the town to do him the extreme honor of receiving their surrender" In reply, the British commander asked twenty-four hours to consider upon the matter. The courtly D Estaing committed the fatal error of granting this request, and there was but one opinion throughout the American ranks in regard to this indul gence upon the part of the Frenchman, fully con vinced as they were that the situation of the besieged was in no condition to resist the attack, but that the time granted them for deliberation would be energeti cally employed in fortifying themselves. And such was the case. The British commander promptly sent for reinforcements to Sunbury and Beaufort, from both of which places he was supplied, and his fortress so SIEGE OF SAVANNAH. 27 well manned that he boldly defied the combined French and Americans. The course pursued by Count D Estaing highly ex asperated Marion. "My God !" he exclaimed,* "who ever heard of any thing like this before ? First allow an enemy to entrench, then fight him ! See the de struction brought upon the British at Bunker s Hill! And yet our troops there were only militia ! raw half- armed clodhoppers, and not a mortar, or carronade ; not even a swivel, but only their ducking-guns ! What then are we to expect from regulars, completely armed with a choice train of artillery, and covered by a breast-work? For my own part, when I look upon my brave fellows around me, it wrings my heart to think how near most of them are to their bloody graves !" The suspicions of Marion and his brother officers as to a ruse de guerre intended by the British commander were fully verified, for at the expiration of the twenty- four hours, he announced his determination to defend the place. The siege was now commenced, and con tinued for several days with little or no effect. It was not until the 9th of October that it was resolved to storm the British entrenchments, when " the whole army then marched towards the skirt of the wood in one long column, and as they approached the opeh place, was to break off into different columns, as or dered for the attack. But, by the time the first French column had arrived at the open space, the day had fairly broke; when Count D Estaign, without waiting until the other columns had arrived at their position, placed himself at the head of his first column, and * Weems. 28 MARION AND HIS TIMES. rushed forward to the attack. The column was so severely galled by the grape-shot from the batteries, as they advanced, and by both grape-shot and musketry, when they reached the abbatis, that, in spite of the efforts of the officers, it got into confusion, and broke away to their left, toward the wood in that direction , the second and third French columns shared, suc cessively, the same fate, having the additional discour agement of seeing, as they marched to the attack, the repulse and loss of their comrades who had preceded them. Count Pulaski, who, with the cavalry, preceded the right column of the Americans, proceeded gallantly until stopped by the abbatis ; and before he could force through it received his mortal wound. "* Great valor was displayed in this attack, but so strongly posted were the British, and so deadly was their fire, the French and Americans were finally obliged to retreat, with great loss, upwards of six hun dred Frenchmen, and four hundred and fifty Ameri cans, being left dead upon the field and in the ditches. Serjeant Jasper, who so gallantly replaced the flag on the ramparts of Fort Moultrie, received a mortal wound in this engagement. A set of elegant colors, (presented to the army after the defence of Fort Moul- Irie by Mrs. Bernard Elliot) during the heat of the con test, were planted on the enemy s entrenchments, and near where they floated in the air, the rage of the bat tle was hottest. Jasper was in thickest of the fight, and conducted himself throughout the action with signal bravery. At the moment the retreat was sound ed, he thought of the colors, and sprang upon the ene my s works to sieze them and bear them off. He sue- * Garden s Anecdotes of the Revolution. ARRIVAL OF THE BRITISH. d ceeded, but received a mortal wound in the act. His death was deeply lamented, as was that of Count Pu laski, Lieut. Bush, Lieut. Grey, Alexander Hume,Esq and others. After the action a flag was sent to the garrison, the Americans and French asking permission to bury their dead, which sad office to the remains of the brave men who had perished, was done by digging pits in the earth of a size to contain a great number of corpses, which, stripped of their clothes, were promiscuously consigned to their rest. So soon as the burying of the dead was concluded, Count D Estaign, with his artil- Wy and troops, hurried aboard the French fleet, and sailed from the coast. The Americans returned to South Carolina. The city of Charleston was now threatened by the enemy. General Lincoln, commander of the Ameri cans, proceeded to the city, leaving Marion in com mand at Sheldon. In February, 1780, Marion was ordered to Bacon s bridge on Ashley river, where troops were daily accumulating to defend the city. The drilling and disciplining of the militia devolved upon him, and the citizens generally exhibited a prompt alacrity in acquiring a knowledge and practice of the duties of military life. That the British would make the attack upon Charleston, scarcely a citizen doubted, so many matters conjoined to incite them on to the undertaking. Their late victory at Savannah, and un controlled sway of Georgia, together with the nume rous tories in North Carolina and Florida ready to as sist them, gave them so much encouragement, that early in the year, Sir Henry Clinton, with ten thou sand troops and a heavy train of artillery, arrived from New York, and invested the city. There were 32 MARION AND HIS TIMES. of the Americans, in all, four thousand to defend the fortifications, two thousand regular troops, and two thousand militia ; and the small-pox having made its appearance in the city, the country militia were de terred from coming in, dreading the disease much more than they did the formidability of the British. With this small number opposed to the ten thousand of the enemy (the latter fully armed, the former but scantily supplied with arms and ammunition) the be sieged held out for six weeks, yielding rather by fam ine than the arms of the besiegers. It is most probably owing to the following accident that Marion was not among the captured when the city was taken. During the siege, he was one day dining at the house of a friend, who, having drank too much himself, pressed his mistaken hospitality upon Marion and other of his guests, with the avowed ob ject of making all of his company as inebriated as himself. Marion did not fqel in a humor to submit to this species of social slavery, though at the same time anxious to avoid giving offence; and, in this strait, he bethought him of the window the door of the apart ment having actually been locked by the host, and the key secured in his pocket, so determined was he to gorge his companions with liquor. Marion, having military duties to perform, and unwilling to insist upon being permitted to take his departure by the door, thought of the window, and at once, notwithstanding the dining-room was on the second story, rose from the table, threw up a window and leaped out. Each au thor who has written of Marion relates this anecdote, and in Weems we have the name of the host (Alex ander M Queen) and the street (Tradd) mentioned. By this leap, Marion broke his ankle, which entirely ARTICLES OF CAPITULATION. 33 incapacitated him for service, and General Lincoln ordered him to retire into the country until his lame ness should be healed, and he should be able to return to active duty. So severe was the hurt he had received, he was taken from the city in a litter, and retired to his seat in the parish of St. Johns, Berkeley county. This accident to Marion is regarded as a fortunate occurence for his country; Charleston and its defen ders falling into the hands of the British, and the prob ability that he would have been among those that were captured, had he been in the city at the time of its surrender. It was on the 12th of May, 1780, that Gen. Lin coln, who had confidently expected hope from the country militia, finding his hopes vain, surrendered ; the terms of capitulation being that " the militia were to be permitted to return to their respective homes, as prisoners on parole, and while they adhered to their parole, were not to be molested in their persons or property." Sir Henry Clinton now turned his atten tion to the business of re-establishing the authority of George III. in the province. As a first step to this object he issued a proclamation, dated June 1, 1780, the purport of which was an offer to the inhabitants, on condition of theirsubmission, pardon for past offences, a reinstatement in their rights, and exemption from taxes excepting those passed by their own legislature. This proclamation was followed by the disposition of gar risons in different parts of the country, to overawe the patriots and shelter the tories. At the same time over 2000 soldiers were marched towards North Carolina. The inhabitants were encouraged to stay on their plantations, with the prospect of neutrality ; but in a very short time these delusive hopes vanished. Tn- 34 MARION AND HIS TIMES. stead of drawing off the people gradually from an attachment to their late constitution, the conquerors were so far mistaken as to suppose that men could be instantly transformed from obstinate rebels to zealous royalists. The British confined some of their first prisoners in the vaults with the dead. When the number of priso ners multiplied, they were crowded on board prison- ships, where they suffered every inconvenience that could result from putrid air, and want of the com- forts of life. This was done not only to those who surrendered at discretion, but also to the private soldiers who were entitled to the benefit of the capitu lation of Charleston. The condition of these unfor tunate men was truly deplorable. They were crowded on board these prison-ships in such numbers that seve ral were obliged to stand up for want of room to lie down. The state of South Carolina rould afford them no supply ; Congress could not at that time command hard money for their relief. Wine and such like comforts, particularly necessary for the sick in south ern climates, were denied them from the British hospitals. In the meantime a Continental expedition, under command of Col. Beaufort, was advancing from Vir ginia to the relief of Charleston. Beaufort had reach ed Camden ere he was aware of the surrender of the city, the tidings of which induced him to retreat. Corn- wallis, who commanded the British force on its way to North Carolina, sent forward the notorious Col. Tarle- ton, with 700 men, infantry and cavalry. The Ameri cans, under Beaufort, were but 400 in number Tarle- ton overtook the Americans at the Waxhaw settle ments, summoned them to surrender, and before Beau fort MARION AND HORRY. 35 had time to reply, the British, brave because a weak opponent was before them, made an impetuous attack, and mercilessly massacred every man that surren dered. " Tarleton s quarters" became a byword here- after, and in subsequent battles, the recollection of this massacre embittered the hostility with which the patriots of the south regarded their enemy.* The butchery of these men, and the cruelties of the British after the fall of Charleston, exasperated the patriots so deeply that, far from accommodating them selves to the measures of Sir Henry Clinton, whose object was, as has been stated, the re-establishment of British authority in the province, they collected to gether in squads throughout the country, and, putting themselves under the command of such of their officers as escaped becoming prisoners of war, bade defiance to British arms. Moultrie and others were prisoners, but Sumpter, Horry and Marion were at large, and were each as ready to take command as were the in dignant patriots to enlist themselves. Marion, whose skill and intrepidity had made him particularly objec tionable to the lories, was now eagerly sought for by the British, and no measures were left untried to cap ture him. He suffered much from the hurt he received by leaping from Mr. M Queen s dining-room, and in this state he was necessitated to take refuge amid the swamps and forests, surrounded as he was by malignant enemies who were eager to give him up to the enemy. But, after passing through innumerable hardships and perils, often within an inch as it were of being captured, he finally escaped into North Carolina with a few de voted friends, and there fell in with his gallant friend * Vide Lee s Memoirs of the Southern War. Q 36 MARION AND HIS TIMES. Horry. Without money and without resources, the two friends made their way to the American army, raised by Congress for the purpose of recovering South Carolina. This army, which had set forward under command of De Kalb, was now placed under Gates, whose victory at Saratoga,* had given him a brilliant reputation. He was ordered by Congress to take the chief direction of the southern campaign. It is gene rally conceded that Horatio Gates was a man of but moderate abilities ; that he was vain, and fond of parade and external show. Col. Horry (vide Weems) says of him : "As a gentleman, few camps or courts ever produced his superior. But, though a per fect Chesterfield at court, in camp he was certainly but a Paris. Tis true, at Saratoga he got his temples stuck round with laurels as thick as a May-day queen with gaudy flowers. And, though the greater part of this was certainly the gallant workmanship of Arnold and Morgan, yet did it so hoist General Gates in the opinion of the nation, that many of his dear friends, with a prudent regard, no doubt, to their own dearer selves, had the courage to bring him forward on the military turf and run him for the generalissimoship against the great Washington." When Gates joined the army, he was advised to proceed southward by a circuitous route, where pro visions would be plenty; but, turning a deaf ear to counsel, he determined to rush on with all speed to encounter the British. From the pen of Col. Otho Williams, an Adjutant General in Gates army, we have the following description of him and his men. " Col. Marion, a gentleman of South Carolina, had * October, 1777. MARION BURNING BOATS. 37 been with the army a few days, attended by a very few followers, distinguished by small leather caps, and the wretchedness of their attire : their number did not exceed twenty men and boys, some white, some black, and all mounted, but most of them miserably equip- ped ; their appearance was in fact so burlesque, that it was with much difficulty the diversion of the regu lar soldiery was restrained by the officers ; and the General himself was glad of an opportunity of de taching Col. Marion, at his own instance, towards the interior of South Carolina, with orders to watch the motions of the enemy, and furnish intelligence." Marion and his men accordingly received orders to penetrate South Carolina in advance of the army, with instructions to destroy scows, burn boats, and do every thing that could tend to prevent the escape of the enemy, so confident was Gates of a victory over the British. Marion and his friend Horry set forward through a country thickly infested by tories, and vigor ously prosecuted their business of boat-burning. The main army took up its line of march through a dreary tract of country, and hunger and fatigue were the con sequences. General Gates, whether he perceived his error or not, pushed straight forward for Camden, and " his only resource for meat was the lean beasts which were accidentally picked up in the woods. Meal and grain were also very scarce ; and as substitutes for bread, the soldiers were obliged to have recourse to the green corn and fruits which they met with. The consequence of unwonted diet was, that the army was thinned by dysentery and other diseases usually caused by the heat of the weather, and by unwholesome food." * Frost s Hist. United States. 4 38 MARION AND HIS TIMES. Gates, on reaching the frontiers of South Carolina, issued a proclamation, " inviting the inhabitants to join his standard, and offering an amnesty to such of them as, under the pressure of circumstances, had pro mised allegiance to the British government." This proclamation was . riot without effect, but it did not bring forth the numbers he calculated it would, and he could muster in all not 5000 men. Yet he determined to persevere, and marched about 10 o clock at night on the 15th of August (leaving his position near Ruge- ley s mills, twelve miles from Carnden) to surprise the enemy. The same movement was made by Cornwal- lis, who at 2 o clock that night set forward to surprise the-Americans in their camp. Mutual was the aston ishment of both armies at this encounter. Some firing took place, rather to the advantage of the British, but was soon discontinued, both parties willing to leave the matter to be decided by daylight. De Kalb now ad vised that the army should fall back to its position at Rugeley s mills, and await an attack from the enemy. His counsel was over-ruled, however, and early on the next morning both sides prepared for action, which commenced " by the advance of 200 of the British in front of the American artillery, who received them with a steady fire. Gates then ordered the Virginia militia to advance under the command of Colonel Ste ven s, who cheerfully obeyed the orders of his com- mander-in-chief, and when he had led his men within firing distance, urged them to charge the enemy with their bayonets. This portion of the army, however, did not emulate the gallantry of their leader. Lord Corn- wallis, observing their movement, ordered Colonel Web ster to attack them. This order was obeyed with a loud cheer," and the Americans yielded before the se- DEFEAT OF THE AMERICANS 39 verity of the British fire, many of them panic-struck and flying without even discharging their muskets. Gates hurried from the field to rally the militia, whilst the brave De Kalb and his Continentals alone kept their ground, and stood -the fury of the charge. The gallant De Kalb, at the commencement of the battle, had leaped from his horse, drawn his sword, and led his command on foot. Never did men battle with more bravery than he and his handfull of Continentals, sus taining the shock of an overpowering host, amidst the death-dealing cannon and muskets that slaughtered their ranks. Cheering and animating his men, De Kalb received eleven wounds, and at last, faint from the loss of blood, fell to the ground. " The whole of the baggage and artillery of the Americans fell into the hands of the enemy, and the fugitives were pursued by the British cavalry for the space of twenty miles. So complete was this defeat that, on the second day after the engagement, General Gates could only muster 150 of his soldiers at Charles ton, a town in the south of North Carolina, whence he retreated farther north to Salisbury, and afterwards to Hillsborough. " To add to the misfortunes of the Americans, the defeat of Gates was immediately followed by the sur prise and dispersion of Sumpter s partisan corps. This brave officer had succeeded in capturing the convoy with the British stores, but hearing of Gates s defeat, he began to retreat with his prisoners and stores.* Tarleton, with his legion and a detachment of infantry, pursued with such celerity as to overtake and surprise him at Fishing creek. All the artillery and stores fell * Forty wagons of booty and three hundred prisoners. 40 MARION AND HIS TIMES. into the hands of the British, and the whole detach ment was either killed, captured or dispersed. Their prisoners were of course all retaken." * Marion and his men were busy executing orders in destroying boats when the disastrous tidings of the army s defeat reached them. * Frost s United States. CHAPTER III. British atrocities. Proclamation of Sir Henry Clinton. Major James sent to Captain Ardesoijf ; interview be tween them ; insulting language of Ardesoijf and its consequences. Rising of the patriots at Williams- burg. Tarleton retreats from Capt. M Cottry. Mr. Bradley" 1 s house burned and himself taken prisoner his inhuman treatment. Marion leaping the barrier Sumpter s chivalry Genera] Pickens. Col. Dame routs the British British again repulsed battle of King s mountain a large force of the British surren der to five Americans desperate conflict between the Whigs and Tories death of Capt. Falls.-Marion de scription of his personal appearance. Marion defeats a party of Tories under Capt. Gainey. Marion at Post s Ferry rescue of prisoners at the Blue House. Defeat of Wemyss. Gallant victory of Marion and his brigade over the Tories at Black Mingo. " THE sickliness of the season prevented Lord Corn- vvallis from attempting to pursue the remains of General Gates army ; but he employed the leisure now afforded him in inflicting vengeance on such of the inhabitants of South Carolina as had been induced to join the Ame rican standard. The military men he doomed to the gallows. The property of the fugitives, and of the declared friends of Independence, he confiscated ; and he seized a number of the most respectable citi zens of Charleston, and most of the military officers residing there under faith of the late capitulation, and sent them to St. Augustine."* * Frost. 4* 42 MARION AND HIS TIMES. Of those confined in the prison-ships, upwards of eight hundred, nearly one-third of the whole, exhaust ed hy a variety of sufferings, expired after a short captivity. The citizens of the town, who adhered to their paroles, were treated with great severity. Though they were not allowed rations, yet they were debarred from trade, and from exercising any profession ; and the king s subjects were strictly enjoined not to employ them on any pretence. Reduced to desperation by these injudicious severi ties, and British treachery rendering them indignant, (for in less than a month after his first proclamation Sir Henry Clinton issued a second which rendered nugatory the privilege granted by the other) the bold and active patriots formed themselves anew into parti san bands under different chieftains, among whom Marion and Sumpter were most distinguished by their spirit and enterprize. The first proclamation suffered the people to remain undisturbed upon parole, and such of the Carolinians as had accepted it, were now, by this second proclamation, not suffered to remain in this condition of allegiance, but actually commanded to rake up arms in support of His Majesty s government. At this the majority revolted. They had resigned themselves to the prospect of being lookers-on, but to shed the blood of brothers with whom they had hitherto fought side by side that they could not be brought to. The following is an anecdote illustrative of this crisis. In the month of June 1780, a British captain, named Ardesoiff, arrived at Georgetown and published a pro clamation, inviting the people to come in, swear alle giance to king George, and take protection. Many of * Ramsay s History of South Carolina. MAJOR JAMES AND CAPT. ABDESOIFF. 43 the inhabitants of Georgetown submitted. But there remained a portion of that district, stretching from the Santee to the Pedee, containing the whole of the present Williamsburg and part of Marion district, into which the British arms had not penetrated. The inhabitants of it were generally of Irish extraction, and very little disposed to submission. At this crisis there was a meeting of this people to deliberate on their situation. Major John James, who had heretofore commanded them in the field, and represented them in the state legislature, was selected as the person who should go down to Captain ArdesoifF and know from him upon what terms they would be allowed to submit. Accord ingly he proceeded to Georgetown in the plain garb of a country planter, and was introduced to the cap tain at his lodgings. After Major James had explained the nature of his mission, Capt. ArdesoifF, surprised that such an em bassy should be sent to him, answered " that submis sion must be unconditional." To an inquiry from Major James as to whether the inhabitants would be allowed to stay at home upon their plantations in peace and quiet, ArdesoifF replied, " Though you have re belled against his majesty, he offers you a free par don, of which you are undeserving, for you ought all to be hanged ! As he offers you a free pardon, you must take up arms in his cause." " The people I represent will never submit to such terms," said Major James, boldly. " Represent /" ArdesoifF emphatically repeated " Represent ! You rebel ! if you speak in such lan guage, I will immediately cause you to be hanged up to the yard-arm !" And the irritated captain pointed 44 MARION AND HIS TIMES. through the window, at which he was sitting, to the ship which he commanded lying in the river and within sight. Major James, not relishing this language, and his blood being up, sprung in an instant to his feet, arid seizing the chair he had been sitting on, dealt a blow at Ardesoiff that sprawled the insolent tool of tyranny upon the floor. " Take that, d n you !" exclaimed the justly indignant major, as he struck the blow. In another instant, before Ardesoiff had time to recover and give the alarm, he was out of the house, had mounted his horse, and was far enough away from Georgetown before pursuit could be attempted. As soon as the major reached Williamsburg, the whole adventure was related, and the spirit displayed by him acted like an electric-shock in arousing others ; and it was unanimously determined by the citizens that they would again take up arms in defence of their country and not against her. Major James was desired to command them as heretofore, and they "arranged themselves under their revolutionary cap- tains, William M Cottry, Henry Mouzon, and John James, Junior. The latter was a cousin of the major. The small band thus resolved on further resistance to British tyranny consisted of but about two hundred men. It was agreed to despatch a messenger to Gen. Gates, who about this time had arrived upon the con fines of the state, requesting him to send them a com mander. Shortly after this, Col. Tarleton, with a force of British, crossed the Santee at Lenad s ferry, and hearing of the late proceedings in Williamsburg, ap proached at the head of his cavalry to surprise the TREACHERY OF TARLETON. 45 party of major James ; but Capt. M Cottry, as soon as he received notice of his movements, marched his company of fifty men to give him battle. Tarleton was posted at King s Tree bridge, on Black river ; and M Cottry approached him at midnight ; but by means of the wife of one of the loyalists of that part of the country, Tarleton gained intelligence of M Ccttry s movements, and marched away a few hours before the latter arrived. M Cottry pursued him, but without effect. In this route Tarleton burned the house of Capt. Mouzon, and took Mr. James Bradley prisoner. He took this gentleman by stratagem. He came to his house and passed himself off for Col. Washington of the American army. Bradley made much of his guest, and without suspicion freely communicated to him the plans and views of himself and the Carolinians for co operating with their countrymen against the British. When the interview and its hospitalities were ended, Tarleton requested Bradley to accompany him as a guide to a neighboring place. This service was cheer fully performed. On their arriyal, Tarleton s party appeared in full view, and took charge of Bradley as a prisoner. The host thus taken by order of his late guest was sent to Camden jail, and there confined in irons.* Marion, when in service, rode one of the fleetest and most powerful chargers the south could produce. When in fair pursuit, nothing could escape, and when retreat ing, nothing could overtake him. Being once nearly surrounded by a party of British dragoons, he was com pelled, for safety, to pass into a corn-field, by leaping the fence. This field, marked with a considerable de- * See Appendix A. 46 MARION AlfD HIS TIMES. scent of surface, had been, in part, a marsh. Marion entered it, at the upper side. The dragoons, in chase, leapt the fence also, and were but a short distance be hind him. So completely was he now within their power, that his only mode of escape was to pass over the fence at the lower side. But here lay a difficulty, which, to all but himself, appeared insurmountable. To drain the groun^l of its superfluous waters, a trench had been cut around this part of the field, four feet wide, and of the same depth. Of the mud and clay, removed in cutting it, a bank had been formed on its inner side, and on top of this was erected the fence. The elevation of the whole amounted to more than seven feet perpendicular height ; a ditch, four feet in width, running parallel with it, on the outside, and a foot, or more, of space intervening between the fence and the ditch. The dragoons, acquainted with the nature and extent of this obstacle, and considering it impossible for their enemy to pass it, pressed towards him, with loud shouts of exultation and insult, and summoned him to surren der, or perish by the sword. Regardless of their rudeness, and empty clamor, and inflexibly deter mined not to become their prisoner, Marion spurred his horse to the charge. The noble animal, as if con scious that his master s life was in danger, and that on his exertion depended its safety, approached the barrier, in his finest style, and with a bound that was almost supernatural, cleared completely the fence and ditch, and recovered himself without injury, on the opposite side. Marion, now facing his pursuers, who had halted at the fence, unable to pass it, discharged his pistols at them, without effect, and then, wheeling his horse, and ENTHUSIASM OF 8UMPTEE. 49 bidding them " good morning," with an air of triumph, dashed into an adjoining thicket, and disappeared in an instant. Astonished at what they had witnessed, and scarcely believing their foe to be mortal, the dragoons immedi ately abandoned the pursuit.* In another district of the same state, more elevated, drier, and therefore, more healthy, but less suited to partisan and predatory operations, because less abun dant in fortresses and retreats, flourished General Sumpter, a second warrior of freedom, terrible in ac tion, and peculiarly fitted for the place he occupied. Greatly superior to General Marion in personal strength, and trusting less to stratagem and skill, he placed his fortune much more exclusively on his daring resolution and the execution of his sword. Warm in temperament, and devoted to his country, whatever could contribute to rescue her from the in vader, and establish her independence became an ob ject of his ardent affection. He was also enamored of brilliant achievement for its own sake. To victory, and the glory attending it, he would cut his way through every danger, regardless alike of his own blood and that of his enemy. Into his brave associates, the hardy and powerful sons of the hilly country, he infused an abundant portion of his own spirit. Attached to his person, and inflamed by his enthu siasm, this dauntless corps followed him with alac rity through every difficulty and every peril. To them, as to himself, the sight of an enemy be came an object of pleasure. Accustomed to con quer, even when greatly outnumbered, they regarded * Caldwell s Life of Green. 5 50 MARION AND HIS TIMES. the order to prepare for battle as little else than an invitation to triumph. This was peculiarly the case when none but royalists were the object of their attack. Thus formidable in himself and his followers, the tories of his district began to tremble at the approach, and even the name of Sumpter; and the British, them selves, were compelled to respect him. His only object being the conquest or destruction of his enemy, and the liberation of his country, he was not very scrupu lous in his mode of warfare. Retaliation, in every form, he deemed justifiable. Hence, he sternly re torted on his adversaries whatever means they em ployed against him. If they inhumanly resorted to conflagration or the gibbet, he was not very reluctant to avenge the outrage by similar measures. The en tire annihilation of an invading foe, whose end was subjugation, and every form of violence their means, as well as of the miscreant inhabitants who flocked to their banner, he held to be a duty. Possessing this general fitness for the crisis, his ca reer was fertile in enterprise and deeds of heroism. If, from a want of due precaution, or from an exuber ance of courage, misfortune and defeat sometimes as sailed him, they neither broke his spirit nor enfeebled his hopes. Unmoved as the firmest Roman in the best times of the commonwealth, he never despaired of the arms of his country. With an inflexible resolu tion to witness her triumph, or not to survive her overthrow, he pressed towards his object with direct aim and unrelaxing vigor, and would have reduced his district to the condition of a desert rather than suffer the enemy to be master of it. In brigadier General Pickens appeared a third cham pion of freedom, worthy of the glorious cause he had BRIGADIER GENERAL PICKENS. 51 espoused. Without so much experience in war, and with a character less strongly marked than his two cotemporaries, because he was younger, he rendered, notwithstanding, to his suffering fellow-citizens very important services. Gallant, enterprising and sensible; of a popular deportment, devotedly attached to the in dependence of his country, and possessing no incon siderable share of natural eloquence, he drew around him, like Sumpter, from another district of the hilly region, a band of followers, hardy, active and enamored of danger. At the head of these, capable himself of great exer tion, and uncommonly patient of privation and toil, he was indefatigable in his movements, traversing an ex tensive circuit of country, intercepting scouts, striking at foraging parties, and attacking, and sometimes car rying, posts, until he rendered himself exceedingly formidable to his enemies. In the worst times, he was at once a rallying point and a source of reliance to the friends of freedom in a large district ; he illustrated his career with numerous achievements of usefulness and renown, and proved himself an able partisan officer. But, successful as he was, in many of his enterprises, his most substantial services consisted, not so much in the work of his sword, as in keeping alive a spirit of resistance, and saving the people from despondency and submission. For it is, in the political, as in the animal body while a spark of life remains, resuscita tion is possible ; but, in either, real death is absolute despair. In another district of country, still further from the sea-board, composed of sections of North and South Carolina, where those two states join, arose a fourth partisan officer, of high character and merit, who, at R 52 MARION AND HIS TIMES. the gloomiest period of the southern disasters, did much to prevent and punish the atrocities of the royalists, cir cumscribe the range and influence of British detach ments, and sustain the wavering spirits of his friends. This was Colonel Davie, afterwards Governor of North Carolina, one of our embassadors to France at a very portentous conjuncture, and afterwards a private gentle man, reposing in the lap of science, resident on his estate in the same tract of country which he had protected. This distinguished leader, although younger by several years, possessed talents of a higher order, and was much more accomplished in education and manners, than either of his three competitors for fame. For the comeliness of his person, his martial air, his excellence in horsemanship, and his consummate powers of field eloquence, he had scarcely an equal in the armies of his country. So sonorous and powerful was his voice, so distinct his articulation, and so command ing his delivery, that the distance to which he could be heard was almost incredible. But his chief excellence lay in the magnanimity and generosity of his soul, his daring courage, his vigilance and address, and his un- relaxing activity and endurance of toil. So ardent was his attachment to the cause of freedom, and so disin terested his efforts to promote it, that, in equipping for the field his corps of followers, he expended his whole patrimonial estate. At the head of these, his exertions were unremitting, and his efficiency great. If he was less frequently engaged in actual combat than either of his three more southernly compeers, it was not because he was inferior to them in enterprise or love of battle. His district being more interior, was at first less frequently invaded by British detachments ; and the terror of his PATRIOTISM OF COL. DAVIE. 53 arms, either kept the royalists from embodying, or compelled them to scatter and fly at his approach. When, however, Lord Cornwall is ultimately advanced into that quarter, his scouts and foraging parties found Col. Davie and his brave associates as formidable an enemy as they had ever encountered. At the two gloomiest epochs of the southern war, soon after the fall of Charleston, and the overthrow of Gates, it was the good fortune of Col. Davie to be the first to shed a gleam through the surrounding darkness, and give hope to the country, by the brilliancy of his exploits. In one instance, without loss or injury on his part, he entirely destroyed an escort of provisions, taking forty prisoners, with their horses and arms. In the other, under the immediate eye of a large British force, which was actually beating to arms to attack him, he routed a party stronger than his own, killing and wounding sixty of the enemy, and carrying off with him ninety- six horses and one hundred and twenty stand of arms. The only injury which he himself sustained, in his com mand, was one man wounded. This affair occurred at Wahab s farm, in the Waxhaw settlement.* When Lord Cornwallis entered Charlotte, a small village in North Carolina, Colonel Davie, at the head of his detachment, threw himself in his front, deter mined to give him a specimen of the firmness and gal lantry with which the inhabitants of the place were prepared to dispute with his lordship their native soil. Colonel Tarleton s legion formed the British van, led by Major Hanger, the commander himself being con fined by sickness. When that celebrated corps had advanced near to the centre of the village, where the * Caldwell s Life of Greene. 5* 54 MARION AND HIS TIMES. Americans were posted, Davie poured into it so destruc tive a fire, that it immediately wheeled and retreated m disorder. Being rallied on the commons, and again led on to the charge, it received, on the same spot, another fire, with a similar effect. Lord Cornwallis, witnessing the confusion thus produced among his choicest troops, rode up in person, and in a tone of dis satisfaction, upbraided the legion with unsoldierly con duct, reminding it of its former exploits and reputation. Pressed on his flanks by the British infantry, Col. Davie had now fallen back to a new and well selected position. To dislodge him from this, the legion cavalry advanced on him a third time, in rapid charge ; in full view of their commander-in-chief, and still smarting from his pungent censure but in vain. Another fire from the American marksmen killed several of their officers, wounded Major Hanger, and repulsed them again with increased confusion. The main body of the British being now within musket-shot, the American leader abandoned the contest. That they might, if possible, recover some portion of the laurels of which they had this day been shorn, colonel Tarleton s dragoons attempted to disturb co lonel Davie in his retreat. But the latter, choosing his ground, wheeled on them with so fierce and galling a fire, that they again fell back, and troubled him no further. It was by strokes like these that he seriously crip pled and intimidated his enemy, acquired an elevated standing in the estimation of his friends, and served very essentially the interests of freedom. With the resolution of Sumpter, and the coolness and military policy of Marion, he exhibited in his character a happy union of the high qualities of those two officers. BATTLE OF KING S MOUNTAIN. 55 Thus, did these four great partisan leaders, created by the exigency of the times, and springing each out of the nature of his own instinct, tend, by their vigilance, and unremitting action, to limit not a little the ravages of the enemy, and to preserve from extinction the em bers of resistance. But, although the most regular laborers in the sacred cause in which they co-operated, they and their immediate followers did network alone. By the occasional association and exertion of other par tisan warriors in different places, sundry enterprises of rare and distinguished lustre were successfully achieved. Every reader of history must be familiar with the celebrated and romantic feat of arms achieved on King s mountain, where the British bayonet, under colonel Ferguson, yielded to the American rifle, pointed by Cleveland, Shelby and Campbell. In number, the troops, on either side, were nearly equal. The British detachment was in high discipline, selected for a par ticular service, and encamped in a position chosen on account of its security and strength. The Americans were fresh from their homes, had no pretension to dis cipline, and most of them now for tRe first time faced an enemy in the field. Notwithstanding this, they ad vanced to the attack, with the steadiness and cool de termination of veterans. The resistance they en countered was firm and terrible ; yet fifty minutes con ducted them to triumph. The following brief, but picturesque account of this battle, is given by general Lee. " Our brave country men were formed into three divisions, under their respective leaders, and coolly ascended the mountain in different directions. Colonel Cleveland first reached the enemy, and opened a destructive fire from behind 56 MARION AND HIS TIMES. the trees. Ferguson resorted to the bayonet : Cleve land necessarily gave way. At that instant, from an other quarter, colonel Shelby poured in his fire ; alike sheltered and alike effectual. Upon him Ferguson furiously turned, and advanced with the bayonet ; gain ing the only, though immaterial, advantage in his power, of forcing Shelby to recede. This was scarcely effected before colonel Campbell had gained the sum mit of the mountain; when he too commenced a deadly fire. The British bayonet was again applied, and produced its former effect. All the divisions now returned in co-operation, and resistance became temerity." The trophies of the day were dazzling and glorious. The British party was annihilated. Colonel Ferguson himself was among the slain ; three hundred of his troops were killed and wounded ; and upwards of eight hundred surrendered at discretion. Fifteen hun dred stand of arms passed, also, into the possession of the conquerors. Never was victory more opportune ; nor, for the number of combatants, engaged in the conflict, more important in its immediate consequences. It broke the plan of the British campaign, rescued North Caro lina, from an invasion which would have devastated, and held in check, its strongest and best disposed district, disappointed the expectations of the royalists in various parts of it, preventing their intended co-operation with the invaders, and revived the sinking hopes, and in vigorated the exertions, of the friends of freedom. Further to the South occurred another affair of parti san gallantry, which although not very momentous in its consequences, was notwithstanding so extraor dinary, in its nature, conducted with so much address, EXPLOIT OF FIVE AMERICANS. 57 marked with such a chivalrous spirit of enterprise, and so honourable to the officer who conceived and executed it, that it deserves to be much more generally known, than it has heretofore been.* On the river Ogechee, in the state of Georgia, was stationed captain French, with a detachment of about forty British regulars. At the same place lay five British vessels. Of these four were armed, the lar gest mounting fourteen guns. Colonel John White, of the Georgia line, meditating the capture of this station, was able to call to his assistance, but four individuals, captain Etholen, and three privates. Resolute in their purpose, notwithstanding the disparity of force they would be obliged to encounter, these five soldiers of for tune, boldly advanced on the enemy s post. Having arrived in the neighborhood of it at night, they kindled numerous fires, the light of which reached their adversaries, so arranging them as to represent by them, the lines of a considerable camp. To render their stratagem the more imposing, they then rode hastily about, in various directions, in imitation of the staff of an army, disposing their sentinels, and issuing their orders in a loud voice. The artifice succeeded, and convinced captain French that he was menaced by a large body of Americans. Accordingly, on being summoned by colonel White, he surrendered his de tachment, the crews of the five vessels, amounting to near fifty in number, with the vessels themselves, and one hundred and fifty stand of arms. But the difficulty of the enterprising captors was not yet terminated. The British soldiers and sailors might discover the im position that had been practised on them and attempt * Caldwell s Life of Greene. 58 MARION AND HIS TIMES. a rescue ; and five armed men were not sufficient to restrain by force near a hundred without arms. The same genius, however, that had planned the first part of the adventure, was comoetent to the completion of it. With great seriousness and some emotion in his manner, colonel White told captain French that in consequence of certain recent enormities, perpetrated by a detachment of British and royalists, his troops were so deeply exasperated that he was afraid they would advance on the captured party, and, in violation of his commands, put them all to the sword ; that he had already experienced great difficulty in restraining them ; and, should they be placed as a guard over the prisoners, he was convinced their rage would become ungovernable. He, therefore, directed the British cap tain to follow, with his whole party, captain Etholen, and two of the soldiers as guides, who would conduct them without delay to a place of safety and good quarters. For his kindness and humanity, colonel White re ceived the thanks of his prisoners, who immediately marched off in a body with their small escort, anxious to hasten their pace, lest the enraged Americans should advance on them and cut them to pieces. The colonel and one soldier remained behind, with a view, as he in formed captain French, to restrain by his presence any improper violence his troops might be inclined to offer ; and to conduct their march at some distance in the rear. In the mean time, with the aid of the soldier retained, he took active measures to collect, as expeditiously as possible, a body of militia from the neighboring dis trict. Placing himself at the head of these, who were mostly mounted on good horses, he soon overtook his WHIGS AND TORIES. 59 prisoners, whom he found safe under their guides, and rejoicing in the generous treatment they had experienced. Equally, perhaps, unknown to most of the inhabi tants, and singularly neglected in the history of our country, is another very gallant partisan adventure, achieved on the 22d of June 1780. Neither Ameri can regulars nor British soldiers had any concern in this spirited affair ; it was fought entirely by raw militia-men, of the whig and tory parties. About twelve hundred of the latter, having assembled un der the command of Colonel Moore, encamped in a strong position at Ramsaour s mill, a few miles westward from the Catawba river, and in the vicinity of the line which separates North from South Carolina. In addition to rapine, and the production of general distress, a favorite object of this party was to overawe and weaken the adjacent country by capturing and carrying within the British lines a number of its most influential inhabitants. Besides being thus prevented from taking a lead in active measures of resistance, these were to be held as hostages for the good conduct and neutrality of their friends. To defeat the mischievous purposes of this party, and to dislodge them from their strong hold, the most spir ited of the whigs from Tredell, a neighboring county, assembled to the amount of three hundred men, under the command of colonel Locke. These consisted principally of foot ; but, in part, of a small corps of mounted infantry, armed with rifles, pistols and sabres, led by captain Falls, an officer of peculiar gallantry and worth. This hasty levy of soldiers presented a spectacle eminently interesting. They were fresh from their homes, their private habits unbroken, no discipline or 60 MARION AND HIS TIMES. concert of action established among them, and all their domestic feelings clinging around their hearts. They were, in the true sense of the expression, a band of friends and neighbors, being all from the same settle ment, and perfectly known to each other in private life. In the whole party there was not an individual who had not repeatedly united with the others, in rural sport and social enjoyment. As citizens, they were all of the same rank, and all respectable. They were mas ters of the soil they had assembled to defend. Of this corps of patriots, the military prowess was entirely untried ; not one of them, with the exception of captain Falls, having ever confronted an enemy in the field. Their only warlike acquirement was great expertness and skill in the use of the rifle. In that qualification they had few superiors. Being all dressed in their common apparel, they exhibited no uniformity of appearance. To remedy this, and to distinguish them from the tories, who were known to be dressed in the same way, they fastened over the crowns of their hats, from back to front, descending to the rims, on each side, strips of white paper about two inches broad. Each one brought to the place of rendezvous his own rifle, fifty rounds of powder and ball, a week s provision, and a light blanket. That they might be perfectly un encumbered, neither baggage-wagon nor pack-horse was attached to the party.* Thus accoutred, eager for battle, and panting for glory, without waiting for a considerable force that was assembling in Rowan, a neighboring county, under general Rutherford, to join them, they moved, in haste and silence, towards the scene of action. The second * Caldwell s Life of Greene. VALOR OP CA.PT. FALLS. 61 day s march brought them into the immediate vicinity of their object. They encamped for the night, deter mined to strike, and hoping to surprise, the enemy, in the morning. But, in this, they were disappointed. On advancing to the attack, about break of day, they found the foe on the alert, and ready to receive them. They, therefore, resolved to wait, until it should be completely light, that the aim of their rifles might be the more deadly. The morning opening, disclosed to them a prepara tion for defence and resistance, much more formidable than they had expected to find. The enemy were posted on top of a hill, covered with timber, which af forded them a shelter. Their flanks were protected on one side by a mill-dam, and on the other by a swamp, a small stream of water flowing in the rear. In front of their encampment, was erected of stakes and brush-wood, a breastwork so compact as to be proof against small arms, and to impede, in a great measure, the operation of cavalry. A strong de tachment of the foe was stationed in advance of the breast-work, armed with rifles, and concealed behind trees. At. first sight, this array of men and means was somewhat appalling. But the Rubicon was passed. Retreat would be ruin, accompanied with disgrace. Battle might also be ruinous, but could not be dishon orable. Without hesitation, therefore, the latter was re solved on. At his own request, captain Falls, with his mounted infantry, led the attack. When at the distance of about eighty paces, he received the fire of the ene my s advance. Returning this with considerable effect, he rushed, sword in hand, into the midst of them, threw them into confusion, and forced them to fall back. 6 62 MARION AND HIS TIMES. Pressing his fortune with too much ardor, he received a ball through his breast, and fell dead from his horse. His party, however, undismayed by the loss of their leader, continued the action, with great gallantry, until the foot advanced to their support, when the enemy was driven behind his breastwork. Here ensued a most murderous conflict. The whigs, having so far levelled the obstruction, as to render it passable, rushed over it, mingled with the enemy, and, in many instances, grappled with them, man to man. Every instrument and means of death was now resorted to. The bullet, the sword, the rifle-but, and even the hatchet, with which some were provided, were abundantly employed. Rarely, in any case, has blood been more inexorably, or, by the same number of combatants, more prodigal ly, shed. For a time, the issue was doubtful. Pressed, by su perior numbers, the whigs were once compelled to give ground, some of them retreating across the breastwork. But resolutely bent on victory or death, they returned to the charge, with such fierce impetuosity, and decisive effect, as bore down all resistance. The tories broke, and fled in confusion, the whigs for some distance hanging on their rear with terrible slaughter. Thus terminated an affair, in which so many gallant spirits made their first, and, too many of them, alas ! their last, essay in arms. In the course of it, the whigs performed prodigies ; and the royalists mani fested a degree of resolution and valor worthy of a better cause. The latter lost, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, upwards of six hundred men. The prison ers and wounded were paroled, and liberated, on the field of battle. The numerical loss of the former was exceedingly heavy, nearly half of them being killed or MARION AND HIS BRIGADE. 63 wounded. But the actual loss, which consisted in the character, rather than the number, of those that fell, was incalculable. On that fatal day some of the choicest blood of the south was heroically offered, on the altar of freedom. The death of captain Falls, in particular, was deeply lamented. In the ranks of his country, he did not leave behind him a purer patriot, or a more gallant soldier. His son, a youth of fourteen, had accompanied him to battle. When the captain fell, this high minded stripling moved by an instinctive impulse of affection, sprang from his horse, to embrace the body, and protect it from insult. One of the enemy, believed to be the same that had shot captain Falls, advancing, with a view to plunder the corpse, the son, suddenly snatch ing the sword of the deceased, plunged it into the bosom of the marauder, and thus, at once, punished audacity and nobly revenged his father s death. So deadly was the aim of the tory riflemen, at the commencement of the action, before the smoke of their own fire had obstructed their view, that many of them placed their balls in the lower end of the strips of paper, which the whigs wore over the crowns of their hats. Every shot of this description, passing through the brain, was instantly fatal.* The messenger despatched to Gates returned with the glad information that Francis Marion was to take command, commissioned by Gov. Ruttledge ; and a few days previous to the defeat of Gates, Marion reached the post where M Cottry had taken his position, and, as we have stated, he and his brigade were on the Santee river destroying boats when * Caldwell s Life of Greene. 64 MARION AND HIS TIMES. the news of the last battle was received. Such was the origin of " Marion s Brigade." Of Ma rion s personal appearence at this time, we have the following graphic account from the pen of Judge James, a son of the major, and who at the early age of fifteen served under him. " He was a stranger to the officers and men, and they flocked about him to obtain a sight of their future commander. He was rather below the middle stature, lean and swarthy His body was well set, but his kness and ankles were badly formed, and he still limped upon one leg. He had a countenance remarkably steady ; his nose was aquiline, chin projecting ; his forehead large and high, and his eyes black and piercing. He was then forty- eight years of age, with a frame capable of enduring fatigue and every privation. He was dressed in a close round-bodied crimson jacket, of a coarse texture, and wore a leather cap, part of the uniform of the second regiment, with a silver crescent in front, in scribed with the words, Liberty or Death. "* Weems describes him as a " little, swarthy, French-phizzed Carolianian." We now approach the exciting part of Marion s career; and as captain of his brigade we will follow him through his perils, adventures, stratagem and ex ploits. We equally admire the boldness of his deeds and the never-failing resources that he commanded within himself. At a moment when the cause for which he battled seemed to be given over, he alone kept the field as its champion. A few others there were who assisted in keeping alive the hopes of the Southern patriots, but the name of Marion was the only rallying cry which inspirited effectual confidence. * A sketch of the Life of Marion and History of his Brigade, by Wm. Dobein James, A. M. 1821. TORIES DEFEATED AT BRITTON s NECK. 65 Equally without the means of warfare and of com fort, he and his brigade despaired not, but with such weapons as they had fought, and with such sustenance as they could get existed. LIBERTY OR DEATH was the motto worn by Marion, and, for Liberty,toil and hardships were cheerfully endured with an unwavering resolution that it should be Death rather than the cause of Liberty should be relinquished. In a few days after taking command, Marion led his men across the Pedee at Post s ferry, to disperse a large party of tories commanded by Major Gainey, collected between the Great and Little Pedee. This Gainey was a great champion of the tories and stood high in their estimation as a partizan officer. He and his band of tories were encamped at a place called Britton s Neck. In secrecy, Marion formed his plan, marched rapidly all night, and came upon the tories at day-break. He paused not an instant, but rigorously attacked their camp, and the surprise and disaster was complete ; one of the tory captains and several of their privates were slain. Of Marion s men not one was lost, and only two wounded.* Being informed that another body of tories were strongly posted in the neighborhood, under command of Capt. Barfield, he resorted to a stratagem, placing a part of his men in ambush, and with the other part pretending a retreat. This feint had the desired effect, for Barfield pursued the retreating party, whilst those in ambush came upon his rear, and the defeat of the tories was entire. After this, Marion returned to Post s Ferry, and threw up a redoubt on the east bank of the Pedee, * Ramsay s Hiat. of South Carolina. 6* 66 MARION AND HIS TIMES. manning his little fortification with two field-pieces which he captured in his successes against the tories. Whilst thus employed, he heard of the defeat of Gen. Gates at Camden, Aug. 16, 1780. Fearful of the effect this tidings might have upon the spirits of his brigade, he kept it concealed from them, and, getting advice that a British force, with a great number of American prisoners, was on its way from Camden to Charleston, he resolved to attempt a rescue. He im mediately marched ibr Nelson s Ferry on the Santee, and near Nelson s he learned that the British, with their prisoners, the former ninety strong; the prison ers two hundred, had stopped at a house on the east side of the Santee. Just after dark, Marion and his brigade crossed the river. He directed Col. Horry to gain possession of the road at the entrance of a swamp, and led the main body himself by a circuitous route to attack the rear of the enemy. " The Blue House" was the name of the tavern at which the British halted with their prisoners. Col. Horry in taking his position, advanced too near a sen tinel, who fired upon him. No time was now to be lost. The word was given for an attack. The sen- tinels fled towards the house, the Americans following. The surprised enemy surrendered at once, and Marion was by this achievement well supplied with muskets. " After securing their arms," writes Weems, " Marion called for their captain ; but he was not to be found, high nor low, among the living or dead. However, after a hot search, he was found up the chimney !" He begged very hard that his men should not know where he had concealed himself. Notwithstanding this gallant success, the defeat of Gates at Camden, which now became generally known, RESCUE OF PRISONERS. 67 damped the ardor of the people throughout the coun try, and instead of rallying under the flag of Marion, the dastardly Continentals he had released from the British, replied that it would be risking life without any hope of success, and all, with one or two exceptions, returned to their homes. Marion and his unconquer able brigade kept the field, however, and the severi ties practiced by the British, after the fall of Camden, drove many indignant men into his ranks. Corn- wallis issued a proclamation, ordering positively that all the inhabitants of this province who have sub scribed, and have taken part in the revolt, should be punished with the greatest rigor ; and also those who will not turn out, that they may be imprisoned and their whole property taken from them or destroyed ;" and "that every militia man, who has borne arms with us, and afterwards joined the enemy, shall be immediately hanged." Many men were hanged, and the property of a number of families confiscated. The audacity and skill of Marion, necessarily ren dered the British commander desirous of taking him, and Tarleton, and Major Wemyss, and a strong force of tories, were despatched against him. The tories were commanded by Major Harrison. Marion had under his command but a very small body of men. Hearing of the expedition that had been set in motion against him, he despatched Major James, with a choice band of volunteers, to reconnoitre the enemy and as certain their force. Major James concealed himself in a swamp on the line of the enemy s march, and having satisfied himself in regard in their numbers, returned to Marion, reported the British force to be double that of the patriots, while the tories in the rear were alone s 68 MARION AND HIS TIMES. estimated at five hundred men. This intelligence was far from encouraging, inasmuch as they had no force that could possibly contend with such a host. About half of Marion s men left him, considering it useless to keep the field under these circumstances, dropping off one by one on the route towards North Carolina, he and his officers having commenced a retreat. Those that remained with him were colonels Peter and Hugh Horry, colonels John Erwin and John Baxter, major John James, major Benson, and about sixty men. Marching night and day, they soon reached the eastern bank of Downing creek in North Carolina. .From this place the gallant Major James obtained leave to return at the head of a few volunleor.s, to gain intelligence, watch the movements of the British, and do his best to rouse the spirit of the country, now over run and desolated by the British and Tories. Farms and plantations were laid waste, and Wemyss swept the land with fire and sword. Houses were consigned to the flames, and thousands of the inhabitants were plundered by the tories, who revelled and rioted in the destruction they made. Cattle were wantonly shot, and grain ruthlessly destroyed. All who were in the slightest identified with the patriotic cause suffered from the depredations committed by Wemyss. Many of Marion s party were reduced from easy circum- , stances to poverty. In the meantime, Marion had pitched his camp at Whitemarsh, near the source of the Waccawaw, where he and his brigade submitted to hardships and necessities of more than ordinary rigor. Major James, and many scouting parties, returned to the camp with the tidings of Wemyss destructive progress over the country, and the indignant feelings BATTLE AT BLACK MINGO. 69 that had been roused among the inhabitants. Marion at once took up his line of march back to South Caro lina, and on his way he was everywhere joined by the roused militia. He found his men in the proper spirit to do battle, and he determined to strike while the iron was hot. Arrived at Lynch s creek, he was informed that a great body of tories, under a Capt. Ball, lay at Black Mingo, fifteen miles below. Every voice was enthusiastically loud for the attack. " Lead us on ! Lead us on !" was the unanimous cry. There was a spirit of justifiable vengeance breathing through the entire command, officers and men. The tories were strongly posted at Shepherd s ferry, on the south side of the Black Mingo. This was the passage of the stream, and Marion, to approach them, was obliged to cross a plank-bridge a mile above.the ferry. As soon as the front files of his advance had struck the bridge, an alarm-gun was heard from the Tory camp. Rapidity was now necessary. Marion and his officers urged forward their men. The Tories were not unprepared to receive them, and a severe con flict ensued. Some of the patriotic troops fell back with confusion, but were soon rallied and led on to the charge. So near were the parties engaged for a part of the fight, that the wads of their guns struck on each side, and both fired balls and buckshot. In an interval of platoons, Marion was heard to call out, " Advance cavalry and charge on the left." Instantly the tories broke, and ran for Black Mingo swamp. In this conflict, if either party had had bayonets they would have used them, so close were they to each other in the struggle. Captain Logan and one private of Marion s party were killed, and nearly one half of his ttien wounded. Two gallant officers, Capt. Mouzon, 70 MARION AND HIS TIMES. and his lieutenant, Joseph Scott, were rendered unfit for further service. The tories, who were twice as strong as the patriots, lost their commander, leaving two-thirds of their number killed or wounded. " The surprise and destruction of the tories," says Col. Horry, " would have been complete, had it not been for the alarm given by our horses, that in passing Black Mingo bridge, near which they were encamped. Marion never afterwards suffered us to cross a bridge in the night, until we had first spread our blankets on it, to prevent noise." After this victory, Marion, without delay, marched to Williamsburg, and, such was the magic of his name, numbers flocked to his standard, and the few with which he had gained his success at Black Mingo, was in a. short time greatly increased.* * Marion s Brigade, by W. D. James. Ramsay s Hist. South Carolina. See Appendix B. CHAPTER IV. Marion sets forward to chastise the Tories under Har rison Surprises the Tories under Col. Tynes. Hard ships of Marion and his men. Tarleton in pursuit of Marion. Sumpter defeats Maj. Wemyss. Tarleton relinquishes his pursuit of Marion and goes after Sumpter battle defeat of the British. Marion s enterprize against Georgetown death of Gabriel Marion. Marion s encampment at Snow s Island martial law the flag of truce Marion dines a British officer, ect. etc. The victory at Black Mingo was followed by a re spite to the soldiers, who were allowed to visit their families, necessitated as they were to provide for their wives and children. Marion would have kept them together and followed up the tories, but consented to their request on their promising to return as soon as called upon. True to their word, after looking to the care of their families, all returned to the command of their leader. Marion now set forward to chastise the tories under Harrison, posted at Lynch s creek. On his march he learned that a certain Col. Tynes was collecting a large body of tories in the fork of Black river, distant about thirty miles. This Col. Tynes was a man of valor, and generally very much upon his guard, though he was at last caught napping by Ma rion. He had brought arms and ammunition with him, and had them in abundance to supply those who joined him. Marion felt it his duty to check him before he should have an opportunity to make much headway. Marching with extreme rapidity, he came up with the camp of the tories at night, whilst they 71 72 MARION AND HIS TIMES. were feasting, drinking and gaming. He quickly made his arrangements for the attack. Those that slept were awakened by the guns of the assailants, and in an instant the patriots were among them, hewing them down, and the surprise and discomfiture of the tones was complete. Captain Gaskens, one of the plunder ing companions of Wemyss, was killed with a card in his hand. Many were killed. Col. Tynes, and two of his officers, were captured ; a great number of horses, and all the baggage was taken ; the larger number fled to a neighbouring swamp, from which some emerged the next day, and joined the ranks of Marion, whilst others fled to their homes. This victory was achieved by Marion without the loss of a single man upon his own side.* Is it to be wondered that these brilliant achieve ments, so rapidly following each other, should make the name of Marion dear to every heart that partici pated with love of country ? In all these forced marches, Marion and his men lay in the open field, with little covering, and with little other food than sweet potatoes, and meat mostly without salt. The general fared worse than his men ; for his baggage having caught fire by accident, he had literally but half a blanket to shelter him from the dews of the night, and but half a hat to shelter him from the rays of the sun. Tea or coffee he seldom tasted, and liquor as rarely passed his lips. Thus suffering deprivations, thus enduring fatigue, Marion and his men continued to hold out against the combined forces of the British and Tories ; and so great was now his influence throughout South Carolina, that the British commander * Ramsay s Hist. South Carolina. TARLETON IN PURSUIT OF MARION. 73 found it impossible to reduce the province to loyalty whilst he kept the field. To capture him, however, was a matter that would necessarily entail much diffi culty ; one day in one part of the country, the next fifty miles distant, as he constantly was when avoiding pursuit ; hardened to every trial, yet ever in undis mayed spirits. But he must be captured, the British commander resolved ; no point must be left unstrained until he was taken ! Who was the officer to accom plish it ? Who but Tarleton ? But he was lying ill of a fever at Charleston. Sick as he was, Tarleton signified his willingness to seize upon the first moment of returning health, and carry into effect the desire of his commander. Accordingly, as soon as he was able, he set for* ward with a troop of horse, to meet his legion at a de signated place on the Wateree. Marion, apprized of his having set out from Charleston, and presuming that he intended to force his way to Camden, started in pursuit of him. But, in consequence of defective in formation from his scouts, Marion did not succeed in overtaking his foe. Tarleton met his legion, and Marion was first apprized of his whereabouts by the burning of the mansion on the plantation of General Richardson, one of the patriots. Gen. Richardson in person presented himself to Marion, giving intelligence of the enemy s great force. Marion, thus finding his enemy so strong that the prospect of an engagement was utterly hopeless of success, and one of his own men having deserted to the foe, retired from his posi tion, crossing an extensive swamp. Tarleton pursued, day after day ; but Marion constantly changed his ground, until he wearied out his pursuer, who turned his legions in search of Sumpter, who had now got to- 7 74 MARION AND HIS TIMES. gether a force of about five hundred men, and encamp ed within twenty-eight miles of Cornwallis, who lay at Winnsboro . Thus, while Marion engaged the attention of Corn wallis, whose cavalry and artillery were drawn to the east of the Santee, Sumpter hovered on the west of the river, searching for some valuable point to assail. This officer, equally enterprizing and indefatigable as Marion, had the mountainous country of the Caro- linas to draw upon for assistance. He had therefore the advantage of Marion in numbers ; commanding five hundred sometimes, and at others eight hundred men. When Cornwallis became acquainted of Sump- ter s approach, Major Wemyss was detached to sur prize him, which he thought possible from the fact that Sumpter, on past occasions, had displayed more bold ness than vigilance. Wemyss directed his march with great secrecy to Broad river, where Sumpter was en camped. The silent celerity with which he advanced, brought him, sooner than he intended, to the vicinity of his enemy ; and, apprehending that Sumpter might be apprized, before morning, of his proximity, he de termined on an attack by night. His corps was im mediately formed for battle, and advanced on Sump- ter s camp. Anxious to observe the condition of his foe, Wemyss placed himself with the van officer, who soon fell on Sumpter s piquet, and threw them back on the main body. Only five muskets were discharged* and two balls pierced the major, disabling him from further exertion. The command devolved upon a subaltern, who, al though unacquainted with the ground, and uninformed as to the plan, determined to press the attack. He found Sumpter prepared to receive him ; and very soon TARLETON IN PURSUIT OF SUMPTER. 75 the contest terminated in the repulse of the British, who retired, leaving their commandant and twenty men on the ground.* Sumpter, satisfied with his success, did not pursue it, but crossed the Broad river. Cornwallis, chagrined at the defeat of Wemyss, and provoked by the daring of Sumpter, directed Tarleton to proceed without delay and chastise the audacious rebel. Quick were the movements of Tarleton, and he arrived in the neigh borhood of Sumpter before the latter had even heard of his advance. Pushing up the Ennoree river, Tarleton hoped to place himself in his enemy s rear, but Sump ter became apprized of his adversary s movements, immediately drew off, passed the Ennoree, and contin ued to retreat, having the Tyger, one of the most rapid and obstructive rivers, in his front. Tarleton, foresee ing that should his adversary pass the Tyger, there would be little prospect of bringing him to action, re doubled his exertions to overtake him. Well knowing the character of his foe, he had preserved his force in compact order; but his apprehension that Sumpter might escape, his ardor in pursuit, and desire to con tinue the success with which his zeal had been generally crowned, impelled him to deviate from that prudent course. In the evening of the 20th of November, (1780) at the head of his cavalry, about one hundred and seventy in number, and eighty mounted infantry of the 63rd regiment, he dashed forward to bring Sump ter to battle, before the latter had passed the Tyger, and soon came in sight of his enemy, who had selected a strong position on Blackstock hill, on the eastern banks of the river. * Lee s Memoirs of the Southern War. 76 MARION AND HIS TIMES. Here, prudence would have dictated to Col. Tarleton a pause. The residue of the 63rd regiment, the legion and light infantry, were following with all possible despatch, and in one hour might have joined him. But delay did not comport with the ardent zeal or experi ence of Tarleton, and he boldly advanced to the assault. That part of the hill to which the attack was directed, was nearly perpendicular, with a small rivulet, brush wood, and a rail fence in front. The rear of the Amer icans, and part of their right flank, was secured by the river Tyger, and their left was covered by a log barn, into which a considerable division of their force had been thrown, and from which, as the apertures between the logs served for loop-holes, they fired with security. British valor was conspicuous in this action ; but no valor could surmount the obstacles that here stood in its way. Of the 63rd regiment, the commanding offi cer, two others, and one third of the privates, fell. Tarleton, observing their situation, charged with his cavalry ; but, unable to dislodge the enemy, either from the log barn on his right, or the height on his left, he was obliged to fall back, leaving Sumpter in quiet possession of the field. Sumpter occupied the ground several hours, but having received a severe wound, and knowing the British would be reinforced before next morning, he thought it hazardous to wait. He accord ingly retired, and taking his wounded men along with him, crossed the rapid river Tyger. Sumpter s wound, unfortunately for his country, long detained him from the field ; but useful consequences continued to result from the deep impressions of his example, and from the spark he had infused, and the experience gained under his guidance. Tarleton was no sooner recalled from the east of the ATTEMPT UPON GEORGETOWN. 77 Santee, than Marion emerged from his concealed re treat, traversed the country from Georgetown to Cam- den, and endangered the communication between them. Thus, in this gloomy period, was resistance in the South continued ; embarrassing to the enemy, exhilira- ting to the hopes of the patriots. It produced in Con gress, and in the nation, a solacing conviction that the spirit of the people was not subdued.* The British post at Georgetown was one of consid erable strength, and Marion, who was bare of supplies, meditated an ingenious attack upon it, in order to fur nish himself with clothing and ammunition ; and being now supported by Lieut. Col. Lee, he disclosed his enter- prize to that officer, who readily consented to join in the undertaking. General Greene had arrived and taken command of the Southern army. To him Ma rion disclosed his plan. Gen. Greene approved of it. The plan of the assault was founded on the facility with which the assailant might convey down the Pedee a part of his force undiscovered, and land in the water suburb of the town, which is situated on the bay into which the river empties. This suburb, being always deemed secure, was consequently unguarded. After this body should have reached the wharves, it was to move in two divisions. The first was to force the com mandant s quarters, known to be a place of parade, then to secure him and all who might flock thither on the alarm. The second was to be charged with the interception of such of the garrison as might attempt to gain the fort, their chief point of safety in annoyance. The militia and cavalry of the legion, under Marion and Lee, were to approach near the town in the night "See Appendix C. 78 MARION AND HIS TIMES. and when the entrance of the infantry, passed down by water, should be announced, they were to rush into it for co-operation and support. Agreeably to this plan, the infantry of the legion were embarked in boats, under command of Captain Games, with orders to fall down the Pedee to a desig nated island, during the first night ; to land and lay concealed there the ensuing day ; to re-embark at an early hour of the night following, and to reach George town between one and two in the morning. Marion and Lee proceeded to their destination, hav ing taken all the requisite precautions to prevent any intimation to the enemy of their approach. At twelve o clock on the second night, they occupied, unperceived, a position in the vicinity of the town, and awaited anxiously for the annunciation of Game s arrival. This officer met with no difficulty in descending the river, and reached the appointed island before dawn. He remained there the ensuing day without discovery. Gaining his place of destination, with precision in point of time, he landed in the suburb unperceived, and in stantly advanced to the quarters of the garrison s com mander, Col. Campbell, who was secured; and Carnes judiciously posted his division for seizing such parties of the garrison as might flock to the parade ground. The other division, with equal good fortune, gained the vicinity of the fort, and arranged themselves ready to arrest any fugitives. On the first fire, which took place at the commandant s quarters, the militia of Marion, and the dragoons of Lee, rushed into the town, prepared to bear down all resistance. To the astonish ment of these officers, every thing was quiet ; the legion infantry holding its assigned stations, and Col. Camp bell a prisoner. Not a British soldier appeared ; not MARION S NEPHEW BUTCHERED. 79 one attempted either to gain the fort, or repair to the commandant. Having discovered their enemy, the troops of the garrison kept close to their respective quarters, barricaded the doors, and determined there to defend themselves. The assailants, unprovided with the requisite imple ments for battering doors and scaling windows, were compelled to retire with but a partial accomplishment of their object. Col. Campbell was suffered to remain on parole. An accident, in the highest degree distressing to Gen. Marion, resulted from this attack upon George town. A nephew of his, Gabriel Marion, a lad who shared the fatigue and danger of his uncle, fell into the hands of the tories, who, in spite of the intercession of the British soldiers, called loudly for the boy s death. The soldiers represented to them the inhumanity of putting to death a mere boy, but the sanguinary tories, because he bore the name of Marion, were deaf to their intercessions, and hewed him to pieces. Unsuccessful in his attempt upon Georgetown, Marion took a position on Snow s island, where he pitched his camp. Snow s island is situated at the conflux of the Pedee and Lynch s creek, is of a triangular form, and is bounded by the Pedee on the east, by Lynch s creek on the north, and by Clark s creek, a branch of the latter, on the south and west. Here, by having the command of the rivers, he could be abundantly supplied with provisions, and his post was inaccessible except by water. It was in December (1780) that he went into winter quarter s on this island, a post particularly ele- gible for his purpose of carrying on the war with the tories. He actively went to work, sending forth his officers and scouts in all directions. He laid the coun- 80 MARION AND HIS TIMES. try under martial law, too, with commands to his sub alterns to destroy boats and canoes, take horses, arms, ammunition, and to prohibit all persons from transport ing any kind of provisions into Georgetown, or to any place where the British could get them. A popular anecdote, the incidents of which occurred while the camp was on Snow s island, may be here in serted. A flag of truce was sent from the British post at Georgetown, and brought by a young British officer, the object of which was some arrangements in regard to an exchange of prisoners. The young officer was met at some distance from the camp, and, after being blindfolded, conducted into the encampment. The bandage taken from his eyes, he found himself sur rounded by a motley throng of tattered fellows, bare legged, bareheaded, some asleep on the ground, some roasting potatoes, and others variously employed. What a contrast these to the gaily-dressed soldiers of the garrison at Georgetown ! Not a little was the young officer surprised, and his surprise was doubled, when, asking to be presented to General Marion, a little, swarthy-featured man stood before him. His manner expressed his astonishment. What this Ma rion ? This diminutive, unprepossessing, ill-clad could this be Marion, the celebrated, adventurous, skillful, victorious Marion ? " General Marion," says Lee in his Memoirs of the Southern War, vide vol. I. appendix, page 396, " was in stature of the smallest size, thin ns well as low His visage was not pleasing, and his manners not cap tivating. He was reserved and silent, entering into conversation only when necessary, and then with mo desty and good sense. He possessed a strong mind, improved by his own reflections and observations, not MARION DINING A BRITISH OFFICER. 81 by books or travel. His dress was like his address plain, regarding comfort and decency only. In his meals he was abstemious, eating generally of one dish, and drinking vyater mostly. He was sedulous and constant in his attention to the duties of his station, to which every other consideration yielded. The pro curement of subsistence for his men, and the contri vance of annoyance to his enemy, engrossed his en tire mind." Nor is the surprise of the young officer to be won dered at, accustomed as he was to the large persons, and cavalier carriage of the commanders of the Bri tish army, whose dress glittered with ornaments of gold. The prowess that the name of Marion carried with it, had led him to expect in the man a person of lofty stature, and commanding appearance. The story goes, that the young officer, as soon as the business upon which he came was satisfactorily arranged between Marion and himself, took up his hat to retire. Marion requested him to be in no hurry. " Dinner is preparing, and you shall stay and dine with us, sir." At mention of dinner, the officer looked round to see where the preparations were. Marion observing his looks, smilingly ordered a black servant to serve up the meal. The servant at once commenced poking with a stick among the ashes and embers of a smoul dering fire upon the ground, and roused up several roasted sweet potatoes, cleaning off the ashes by blow ing them with his breath, and rubbing them upon his sleeves. These potatoes were presently served up to Marion and his guest on pieces of bark, and placed on the trunk of a fallen tree. 82 MARION AND HIS TIMES. Marion apologized for the humbleness of the fare, but said it was the best he had to offer, and trusted his guest would take it in as complimentary a view as if he were placing before him all the luxuries of a din ner and dessert. The mild and dignified simplicity of Marion s man ners had already produced their effects, and, to pro long so interesting an interview, the invitation was ac cepted. They sat down on the log, and began to eat and converse ; the young officer asking many ques tions, which Marion frankly answered. He asked Marion if this was not merely an accidental dinner. " You do not always fare thus /" " Generally worse," said Marion. " Worse ?" repeated the officer. " Indeed, sir," continued Marion, " we are fortu nate on this occasion, entertaining company, to have more than our usual allowance. Poor as our fare is, sir, poor as you see it, it is not always we have enough of even this to satisfy our hunger." u But you are paid well ? said the officer. " Not a penny," answered Marion. " Neither paid nor fed what in Heaven s name do you keep the field for then ?" " For liberty!" Marion emphatically replied. "It is for the blessings of freedom," he added, " that I fight bessings I may never live to see in the soil of my birth, but for which I nevertheless contend, trust ing as I do that the day is not far distant when your king shall be forced to yield the independence of my country and the proud thought now swells my heart, that though my bones may rest in the earth, posterity will cherish with gratitude the remembrance of one FEELINGS OF THE BRITISH OFFICER. 83 who has never a moment ceased in his struggle for the freedom of his native land !" It is said that the young officer retired from this in terview deeply impressed with a conviction of how utterly hopeless was the object of British arms re ducing a country to its former allegiance when offi cers and men, without pay, and literally but half-clad, would endure privations and toils of the roughest kind. Indeed, so deep was the impression made upon his feelings by this interview with Marion, that he shortly afterwards threw up his commission, and retired from the service. CHAPTER V. Gen. Greene. Gen. Morgan his birth; his early ca reer ; his valor at the assault on Quebec ; his capture ; is exchanged, and is at the battle of Saratoga ; receives ill treatment from Gen. Gates ; joins the Southern Army Greene s estimation of Marion description of him by Col. Lee. Marion destroys the waggons and baggage of the British at Keithjield. Morgan Col. Washington Rudgely, the tory, and his garrison cap tured. Distressed situation of the inhabitants of Ninety- Six. Tarleton in pursuit of Morgan. The battle of Cnwpens. Tarleton is pursued. Narrow escape of Col. Washington. Marion a terror to the Tories. Col. Watson despatched in pursuit of Marion some of Ma rion s men butchered by the tories. Watson s expedi tion to surprise Marion death of the tory, Harrison Marion fording Black River the bridge jired retreat of Watson skirmish at Wither spoon s ferry, etc., etc. General Greene, a soldier of great firmness and pru dence, directed his whole attention to the high duties of his command. He found the army not more than two thousand, and but scantily supplied with provisions and ammunition. But the unfavorable aspect did not dis- curage him. A wide sphere of intellectual resource enabled him to inspire confidence, to rekindle courage, to decide hesitation, and infuse a spirit of exalted patrio tism in the citizens of the State. By his own example, he showed the value of obedience, of patience, vigilance and temperance. Dispensing justice with an even hand to the citizen and soldier ; benign in heart, and happy in manners ; he gained the attachment and esteem of all. He collected around his person able and re- 84 SKETCH OF GEN. MORGAN. 85 spectable officers ; and selected, for the several depart- ments, those who were best qualified to fill them. His operations were then commenced with a boldness of design, well calculated to raise the drooping spirits of his country, and to excite the respect of his enemy. Eldest among his officers, and at this period fore most in renown, was General Morgan. As much as is the case with any mortal, this veteran s reputation and fortune were the work of his sword. His mind, of perfect Roman texture, its firmness and valor, which originally nothing could shake, had been still further strengthened by much severe and dangerous service. Nor were his corporeal qualities less adapted to the toils of war and the exertions of battle. His frame being large, and his person muscular, early labor and exten sive practice in athletic, more especially pugilistic exer cises, had rendered him exceedingly strong and capable of enduring great fatigue; and had further taught him the art of using his strength when engaged in combat with the deadliest effect. He was born in New Jersey, where from his poverty and low condition he had been a day-laborer. To early education and breeding therefore, he owed nothing. But for this deficiency his native sagacity and sound judgment, and his intercourse with the best society, made much amends in after life. Enterprizing in his disposition even now, he removed to Virginia in 1755, with a hope and expectation of improving his fortune. Here he continued at first his original business of day labour; but exchanged it afterwards for the employ ment of a wagoner. His military novitiate he served in the campaign under the unfortunate Braddock. The rank he bore is not precisely known. It must however have been hum- 8 86 MARION AND HIS TIMES. ble; for, in consequence of imputed contumely towards a British officer, he was brought to the halbert, and re ceived the inhuman punishment of five hundred lashes ; or, according to his own statement, of four hundred and ninety-nine ; for he always asserted that the drummer charged with the execution of the sentence miscounted, and jocularly added " that George the third, was still indebted to him one lash." To the honor of Morgan, he never practically remembered this savage treatment during the revolutionary war. Towards the British officers whom the fortune of battle placed within his power, his conduct was humane, mild and gentlemanly. After his return from this campaign, so inordinately was he addicted to quarrels and boxing matches, that the village of Berrystown, in the county of Frederick, which constituted the chief theatre of his pugilistic ex ploits, received from this circumstance the name of Battletown. In these combats, although frequently overmatched in personal strength, he manifested the same unyielding spirit which characterised him after wards in his military career. When worsted by his antagonist he would pause for a time to recruit his strength, and then return to the contest again and again until he rarely failed to proye victorious. Equally marked was his invincibility of spirit in maturer age, when raised by fortune and his own merit to a higher and more honorable field of action. Defeat in battle he rarely experienced ; but when he did, his retreat was sullen, stern and dangerous. The commencement of the American revolution found Mr. Morgan married, and cultivating a farm, which by industry and economy he had been enabled to purchase in the county of Frederick. Placed at the head of a rifle company raised in his neighbor MORGAN SUPERIOR TO TEMPTATION. 67 hood in 1775, he marched immediately to the Ameri can head-quarters in Cambridge, near Boston. By order of the Commander-in-chief, he soon afterwards joined in the expedition against Quebec, and was made prisoner in the attempt on that fortress, where Arnold was wounded and Montgomery fell. During the assault, his daring valor and persevering gallantry attracted the notice and admiration of the enemy. The assailing column to which he belonged was led by Major Arnold. When that officer was wounded and carried from the ground, Morgan threw himself into*t he lead, and rushing forward, passed the first and second barriers. For a moment victory appeared certain. But the (all of Montgomery closing the prospect, the assail ants were repulsed and the enterprise abandoned.* During his captivity, Captain Morgan was treated with great kindness and not a little distinction. Me was repeatedly visited in confinement by a British offi cer of rank, who at length made an attempt on his patriotism and virtue by offering him the commission and emoluments of Colonel in the British army on con dition that he would desert the American and join the royal standard. Morgan rejected the proposal with scorn ; and requested the courtly and corrupt negocia- tor " never again to insult him in his misfortunes by an offer which plainly implied that he thought him a vil lain." The officer withdrew and did not again recur to the subject. On bejng exchanged, Morgan immediately rejoined the American army, and received, by the recommenda tion of General Washington, the command of a regi ment. In the year 1777, he was placed at the head of * Caldwell s Life of Greene. 88 MARION AND HIS TIMES. a select rifle corps, with which in various instances he acted on the enemy with terrible effect. His troops were considered the most dangerous in the American service. To confront them in the field was almost cer tain death to the British officers. On the occasion of the capture of Burgoyne, the ex ertions and services of Colonel Morgan and his rifle men were beyond all praise. Much of the glory of the achievement belonged to them. Yet so gross was the injustice of General Gates, that he did not even men tion them in his official despatches. His reason for this was secret and dishonorable. Shortly after the surrender of Burgoyne, General Gates took occasion to hold with Morgan a private conversation. In the course of this he told him confidentially, that the main army was exceedingly dissatisfied with the conduct of Gene ral Washington ; that the reputation of the Commander- in-chief was rapidly declining; and that several officers of great worth threatened to resign unless a change were produced in that department. Colonel Morgan, fathoming in an instant the views of his commanding officer, sternly and with honest in dignation replied, " Sir, I have one favor to ask. Ne ver again mention to me this hateful subject ; under no other man, but general Washington as commander-in- chief, will I ever serve." From that moment ceased the intimacy that had previously subsisted between him and General Gates. A few days afterwards the general gave a dinner to the principal officers of the British, and some of those of the American army. Morgan was not invited. In the course of the evening that officer found it necessary to call on general Gates, on official business. Being introduced into the dining-room, lie spoke to the gene- MORGAN AND GATES. 89 rai, received his orders, and immediately withdrew, his name unannounced. Perceiving from his dress that he was of high rank, the British officers inquired his name. Being told that it was Colonel Morgan commanding the rifle corps, they rose from the table, followed him into the yard, and in troduced themselves to him, with many complimentary and flattering expressions, declaring that on the day of action they had very severely felt him in the field. In 1780, having obtained leave of absence from the army, on account of the shattered condition of his health, he retired to his estate in the county of Freder ick, and remained there until the appointment of gene ral Gates to the command of the Southern army. Be ing waited on by the latter, and requested to accompany him, he reminded him, in expressions marked by resent ment, of the unworthy treatment he had formerly ex perienced from him in return for the important services which he did not hesitate to assert he had rendered him, in his operations against the army of Gen. Burgoyne. Having received no acknowledgment, nor even civility for aiding to decorate him with laurels in the north, he frankly declared that there were no consider ations, except of a public nature, that could induce him to co-operate in his campaigns to the south. " Motives of public good might influence him ; because his country had a claim on him in any quarter where he could promote her interest ; but personal attachment must not be expected to exist where he had exper enced nothing but neglect and injustice." The two officers parted mutually dissatisfied ; the one on account of past treatment, the other of the re cent interview. In the course of a few weeks afterwards, Congress 00 MARION AND HIS TIMES. having promoted colonel Morgan to the rank of bri gadier-general by brevet, with a view to avail themselves of his services in the south, he proceeded without delay to join the army of General Gates. But he was pre vented from serving any length of time under that officer, by his defeat near Camden before his arrival ; and his being soon afterwards superseded in command by General Greene. Such were the qualifications, and such had been the services of general Morgan, when Greene took com mand of the Southern army. His conduct in the battle of the Cowpens will be stated hereafter. There existed in his character a singular contradiction which is worthy of notice. Although in battle, no man was ever more prodigal of the exposure of his person to danger, or manifested a more deliberate disregard of death, yet so strong was his love of life at other times, than he has been frequently heard to declare, " he would agree to pass half his time as a galley-slave rather than quit this world for another." The following outline of his person and character is from the pen of a military friend who knew him intimately. " Brigadier General Morgan was stout and active, six feet in height, strong, not too much encum bered with flesh, and was exactly fitted for the toils and pomp of war. His mind was discriminating and solid, but not comprehensive and combining ; his manners plain and decorous, neither insinuating nor repulsive ; his conversation grave, sententious, and considerate, unadorned and uncaptivating. He reflected deeply, spoke little, and executed with keen perseverance what ever he undertook. He was indulgent in his military command, preferring always the affections of his troops, 91 to that dread and awe, which surround the rigid dis ciplinarian." A considerable time before his death, when the pres sure of infirmity began to be heavy, he became seriously concerned about his future welfare. From that period, his chief solace lay in the study of the scriptures, and in devotional exercises. He died in the belief of the truths of Christianity, and in full communion with the Presbyterian church.* Gen. Greene fully appreciated the value of an officer like a Marion, in a country full of deep rivers and im passable creeks and swamps, where Whigs and Tories were hourly butchering each other. " Spies are the eyes of an army," Greene wrote to Marion, " and without them a general is always groping in the dark, and can neither secure himself, nor annoy his enemy. At present I am badly off for intelligence. It is of the highest importance that I get the earliest intelligence of any reinforcement which may arrive at Charleston. I wish you, therefore, to fix some plan for procuring such information and conveying it to me with all possible despatch. The spy should be taught to be particular in his inquiries, and get the names of the corps, strength, and commanding officer s name place from whence they came and where they are going. It will be best to fix upon some body in town for doing this, and have a runner between you and him to give you the intelli gence ; as a person who lives out of town cannot make the inquiries without being suspected. The utmost secrecy will be necessary in the business." Of Marion and his movements at this time, we have the following description from the pen of Col. Lee. * CaldwelPs Life of Greene. 92 MARION AND HIS TIMES. " Marion was about forty-eight years of age, small in stature, hard in visage, healthy, abstemious and taciturn. Enthusiastically wedded to the cause of liberty, he de plored the doleful condition of his beloved country. The commonweal was his sole object ; nothing selfish, nothing mercenary, soiled the ermine of his character. Fertile in stratagem, he struck unperceived ; and retir ing to those hidden retreats, selected by himself, in the morasses of Pedee and Black river, he placed his corps not only out of the reach of his foe, but often out of the discovery of his friends. A rigid disciplinarian, he reduced to practice the justice of his heart ; and during the difficult course of warfare, through which he passed, calumny itself never charged him with violating the rights of person, property or humanity. Never avoid ing danger, he never rashly sought it ; and acting for all around him as he did for himself, he risked the lives of his troops only when it was necessary. Never elated with prosperity, nor depressed by adversity, he preserved an equanimity which won the admiration of his friends, and exacted the respect of his enemies. The country from Camden to the sea-coast, between the Pedee and Santee rivers, was the theatre of his exertions." When Lee joined Marion, previous to the assault on Georgetown, (detailed in the preceeding chapter) an officer, with a small party, was sent in advance to find out Marion, who was known to be constantly changing his position among the swamps of Pedee, sometimes in South Carolina, sometimes in North Carolina, and sometimes on the Black river. With the greatest diffi culty did this officer learn how to communicate with him ; and did it by the accident of hearing among our friends on the north side of the Pedee, of a small pro- PREDATORY WARFARE. 93 vision party of Marion being on the same side of the river. Making himself known to this party, he was conveyed to the general, who had changed his ground since his party left him, which occasioned many hours search even before his own men could find him.* While at Snow s island, Marion kept himself busy in annoying the enemy. In January 1781, he sent two small detachments of militia, under the command of Major Postell and Cap. Postell, to cross the Santee. The former destroyed a great quantity of valuable stores at Manigault s ferry ; the latter did the same at another place in the vicinity. Marion himself marched to Keithneld, near Monk s corner, where he destroyed fourteen wagon-loads of soldier s clothing and baggage ; besides several other valuable stores, and took forty prisoners, chiefly British regulars, and effected the whole without any loss. In the course of these desul tory operations, he killed and captured a number of British and Tories, more than double his own force.f Gen. Greene, conscious that it would be madness to encounter the superiority of the British forces in a pitched battle, encouraged this predatory warfare, and many skillful and gallant successes were obtained over the enemy in these skirmishes. On one occasion, Bri gadier Morgan penetrated the country between the two armies, after a foraging party of British. But the vigilant adversary eluded the blow, and returned in safety to Camdea. Lieut. Col. Washington,:): at the head of the cavalry, having taken a more extensive * Lee s Memoirs. t Ramsay. See Appendix D. t Lieut. Col. William Washington, eldest son of Baily Wash ington, of Stafford county, Va. MARION AND HIS TIMES. 94 range than the infantry, discovered that a party of loy alists were stationed at Rudgley s farm, about twelve miles from Camden. He moved instantly towards them, in expectation of carrying the post by surprise ; but in this he was disappointed, as they occupied a barn, surround ed by an abattis, and secure from an attempt of calva ry. Rudgley and his friends were delighted with the safety their precaution had produced, and viewed the approach of horse with indifference. Short was their repose. Col. Washington, well informed of the char acter of his enemy, shaped the trunk of a tree in imita tion of a field piece, and, bringing it up in military style, affected to prepare to cannonade the barn. To give solemnity to the device, he sent in a flag, warning the garrison of the impending destruction, which could only be avoided by submission. Not prepared to resist artillery, Rudgley seized with promptitude the oppor tunity, and, with his garrison of one hundred men, surrendered at discretion ! Gen. Greene, understanding that the inhabitants of the district of Ninety six, who had submitted to the royal authority, were severely harrassed by the acts of plun der committed by the King s troops and the Tories, des patched Gen. Morgan into that quarter with a small de tachment, which, on its arrival, was speedily increased by the oppressed inhabitants, who were highly indig nant and burning for revenge.* The British commander-in-chief, hearing of this movement, despatched Col. Tarleton with a command of 1100 men to drive Morgan out of the district. This detachment, after a fatiguing progress of some days, at about ten o clock, on the evening of the 16th January, * See Appendix E. THE BATTLE OP COWPENS. 95 (1781) reached the ground which Morgan had quitted but a few hours previous. The pursuit commenced at 2 o clock next morning, and was rapidly continued through marshes and broken grounds till day-light. Morgan, having been accustomed to fight and con quer, did not relish this eager pursuit of Tarleton ; and sate down at a place called the Cowpens, near Pacolet river, to give rest and refreshment to his troops, with a resolution no longer to avoid action, should his enemy persist in pressing it. The British, beside their field pieces, had the superiority in infantry, in the proportion of five to four, and in cavalry of more than three to one. Beside, nearly two-thirds of the troops under Mor gan were militia. Morgan drew up his men in two lines. The whole of the North and South Carolina militia present, were put under the command of Col. Pickens, and formed the first line, which was advanced a few hundred yards before the second, with orders to form on the right of the second when forced to retiree. The second line consisted of the light infantry under Lieut. Col. Howard, and the Virginia riflemen. Lieut. Col. Washington, with his cavalry, and about forty-five militia, mounted and equipped with swords, under Lieut. M Call, were drawn up at some distance in the rear of the whole. The open wood in which they were formed, was neither secured in front, flank or rear.* On the verge of battle, Morgan availed himself of the short and awful interim to exhort his troops. First addressing himself, with his characteristic pith, to the line of militia, he extolled the zeal and bravery so often displayed by them, when unsupported with the bayonet * Gordon s History. 96 MARION AND HIS TIMES. or sword ; and declared his confidence that they would not fail in maintaining their reputation, when supported by chosen bodies of horse and foot, and conducted by himself. Nor did he forget to glance at his own unva rying fortune, and superior experience ; or to mention how often, with his corps of riflemen, he had brought British troops, equal to those before him, to submission. He described the deep regret he had already experienced in being obliged, from prudential considerations, to re tire before the enemy ; exhorted the line to be firm and steady, to fire with good aim, arid if they would pour in but two volleys at killing distance, he would take upon himself to secure victory. Then, taking post with his line, he waited in stern silence for the enemy.* The British, led by Tarleton himself, advanced with a loud shout to the attack, and poured in an incessant fire of musketry. Col. Pickens directed the militia not to fire until the British were within forty or fifty yards. This order, though executed with great firmness, was not sufficient to repel the enemy. The British ad vanced rapidly and engaged the second line. The Continentals, after an obstinate resistance, were com pelled to retreat to the cavalry. Col. Ogilvie, of the enemy, had been ordered to charge the right flank of the Americans, and was engaged in cutting down the militia ; but being exposed to a heavy fire, and charged at the same time by Col. Washington s dragoons, he was forced to retreat in confusion. A great number of the British infantry officers had already fallen, and nearly a proportionable one of privates. Col. Howard seized this favorable opportunity, rallied the Continentals, and charged with fixed bayonets, nearly at the same mo- * Lee s Memoirs. VICTORY OF THE AMERICANS. 97 ment when Col. Washington made his successful at tack. The example was instantly followed by the militia. Nothing could exceed the astonishment of the British, occasioned by these unexpected charges. Their advance fell back, and communicated a panic to others, which soon became general. Two hundred and fifty horse, which had not been engaged, fled through the woods with the utmost precipitation, bearing down such officers as opposed their flight ; and the canon were soon seized by the Americans, the detach ment from the train being either killed or wounded in their defence. The greatest confusion now followed among the infantry. In the moment of it, Lieut. Col. Howard called to them to lay down their arms, and promised them good quarters. Some hundreds accepted the offer and surrendered. The first battalion of the 71st. regiment, and two British light-infantry com panies, laid down their arms to the American militia. The only body of infantry that escaped was a detach ment left at some distance to guard the baggage. Early intelligence of the defeat was conveyed, by some Tories, to the officer commanding that corps. What part of the baggage could not be carried off, he imme diately destroyed ; and with his men mounted on the wagons and spare horses, he retreated to Lord Corn- wallis. The British had 10 commissioned officers and upwards of a 100 rank and file killed ; 200 wounded; 29 commissioned officers, and above 500 privates fell into the hands of the Americans, besides two pieces of artillery (first taken from the British at Saratoga, then retaken by them at Camden, and now recovered by the Americans) two standards, 800 muskets, 35 baggage wagons, and upwards of 100 dragoon horses. Col. Washington pursued Tarleton s cavalry for sev- 9 98 MARION AND HIS TIMES. era! miles, but the far greater part of them escaped. In the eagerness of pursuit, Col. Washington advanced nearly thirty yards in front of his regiment. Observing this, three British officers wheeled about, and made a charge upon him. The officer on his right was aim ing to cut him down, when a sergeant came up and intercepted the blow by disabling his sword arm. At the same instant, the officer on his left was also about to make a stroke at him, when a waiter, too small to wield a sword, saved him by wounding the officer with a ball discharged from a pistol. At this moment the officer in the centre, who was believed to be Tarleton, made a thrust at him, which he parried ; upon which the officer retreated a few paces, and then discharged a pistol at him, which wounded his knee.* In this battle the Americans had only 12 men killed and 60 wounded. In the meantime General Marion actively followed up his operations against the British and Tories on the Pedee river, and he so effectually thwarted the schemes of the enemy, that to drive him out of the country be came again a favorite object of Lord Cornwallis. He and his brigade were the terror of the Tories. A. new and well-concerted attempt to destroy, or disperse, the brigade was made early in 1781. Tarleton and others, as we have seen, were engaged in pursuit of Marion without success ; and now a Col. Watson was sent with a body of picked men, amounting to five hundred, with orders to search him out and destroy him and his brigade. This march was to be conducted with great caution, and was remarkably well planned. Meanwhile Marion, Col. Horry, Major and Captain * Marshall s Life of Washington. INHUMANITY OF THE TORIES. 99 Postell, M Cawley, and others, continued their opera tions against the British posts and the Tories. The warfare was various and bloody. Marion always felt the want of ammunition. Often did he go into an en gagement when he had not three rounds to each man of his party. At other times he brought his men into view, though without a particle of ammunition, that he might make a show of numbers to the enemy. To provide swords for his brigade, the saws of the mills throughout the country were put into the hands of blacksmiths and converted into sabres. He and his men slept in the open air, and sheltered themselves in the thick recesses of deep swamps ; from whence he sallied out whenever an opportunity of harassing the enemy presented itself. Lieut. Roger Gordon, of Marion s party, being on a scout upon Lynch s creek, stopped at a house for re freshments. While there, the house was beset and fired by a Capt. Butler and a party of Tories, greatly superior in numbers. Gordon s party surrendered upon a promise of quarters, but after laying down their arms, Butler fell upon them and butchered ihemincold blood. In consequence of this massacre " No quarters for Tories" was hereafrer the cry of Marion s men when going into action. Still, however, the regular British forces were treated with lenity, and agreeably to the generally received rule^of war, when they laid down their arms. Whilst the brigade were encamped at Snow s island, Major John Postell was stationed to guard the lower part of the river Pedee. While there, Capt. James Depeyster of the royal army, with 29 grenadiers, having taken post in the house of the major s father, the major posted his small command of 28 militia men u 100 MARION AND HIS TIMES. in such positions as commanded its doors, and demand ed their surrender. This being refused, he set fire to an out-house, and was proceeding to burn that in which they were posted ; and nothing but the immediate submission of the whole party restrained him from sacrificing his father s valuable property to gain an advantage for his country. As has been stated, careful preparations were in em bryo for the surprise and capture of Marion and his brigade. Col. Watson, to whom this expedition was entrusted, left Fort Watson early in the spring, with five hundred men ; and at the same time Col. Doyle, at the head of a British regiment, left Camden, to join Watson at Snow s island, as it is supposed. Watson moved down the Santee. Of his movements Marion had ample information, but the slow approach of Doyle was in a measure unsuspected. Marion called in his scouting parties, and marched with his whole force to encounter Watson. He laid the first ambuscade for Watson, at a swamp nearly opposite the mouth of the present Santee canal, on the east side of the river. Marion had but very little am munition ; not more than two rounds to each man. His orders were to give two fires and retreat ; and they were executed by Col. Peter Horry with great effect. Watson made good the passage of the swamp, and sent Major Harrison, with a*corps,of Tory cavalry and British, in pursuit of Horry. This had been forseen by the cautious Marion ; and Cap. Daniel Conyers, at the head of a party of cavalry, was placed in a second ambuscade. As soon as the Tories and British came up, Conyers, in a spirited and well-directed charge killed with his own hands the officer who led the oppo site charge, (Harrison,) and his men followed his gal- MARION FOBBING THE RIVER. 101 lant example. Many of Harrison s party were killed, and the remainder made their escape to the main body of the British. Marion continued to harrass Watson on his march, keeping just sufficiently ahead of him to place an am buscade wherever an opportunity presented itself; by pulling up bridges, and opposing him in like manner at every difficult pass, until they reached the lower bridge oh Black river, seven miles below King s Tree. Here Watson made a feint of marching down the road to Georgetown. Marion, being too weak to de tach a party t the bridge, had taken an advantageous post on the road ; when Watson, wheeling suddenly about, gained possession of the bridge on the west side. This was an important pass on the road leading into the heart of Williamsburg and to Snow s island. The river on the west runs under a high bluff; the grounds on the opposite side are low, and the river, though generally fordable, was then raised by a freshet nearly up to the summit of the opposite shore. Watson still hesitated about passing. Marion, with out delay, approached the river, plunged into it on horseback, and called his men to follow. With alac rity they one and all followed their gallant leader, reached the opposite shore in safety, and marched for ward to occupy the east end of the bridge. Marion detached Major James with forty musqueteers, and thirty riflemen under M Cottry, to burn the bridge. The riflemen were posted to advantage on the river bank; but as soon as their friends had gained posses sion of the east end of the bridge, and had applied fascines to it, Watson opened the fire of his artillery upon them ; but it was unavailing. The west bank of the river was so much elevated above the east, that be- 9* 102 MARION AND HIS TIMES. fore his field pieces could be brought to bear upon the Americans, his artillerists were exposed to the fire of the riflemen, who deliberately picked them off as they advanced to the summit of the hill. In the meantime Major James s party fired the bridge. Watson was now completely cut off in his attempt to pass the river, and he was so much intimidated that he retreated down the banks of the stream, Marion s men picking off his men from the opposite shore. Night put an end to the conflict, and both parties en camped in the woods. On the following day, Marion as successfully baffled every attempt ofthe enemy to cross the river, and Watson found himself losing so many of his men, and the sharp-shooters of the Amer icans annoyed him so effectually, that he turned and retreated higher up the river; pitching his camp in the most open field he could find, dreading the woods, be hind every tree of which he feared a rifle. Thus he remained several days, completely surrounded by an active foe, who cut off his supplies, and his men were almost hourly perishing in the continued skirmishing that the Americans kept up. He finally proceeded by forced marches towards Georgetown. Marion re- crossed the river, and hung alternately on the rear, the flanks, or the front of the enemy, until they reached Sawpit bridge, nine miles from Georgetown, where a skirmish took place, in which Watson very nearly lost his life. Watson, fatigued in body, and mortified in spirits, finally reached Georgetown. Col. Doyle, meanwhile, had reached Snow s island, and driven Col. Erwin, who had been left there with a few men to guard it, from the place, and Marion s stores had fallen into his hands. This was disastrous intelligence to Marion, but, much as he grieved over RETREAT OP DOYLE. 105 the loss of arms and ammunition, he was too well schooled in adversity to regard it in any other light than an accident of war, and he promptly marched his men in pursuit of Doyle. Doyle made his way to Lynch s creek at Witherspoon s ferry, where he posted himself. When Marion arrived at the creek, they dis covered the British on the opposite side busy in scut tling the ferry boat. M Cottry advanced in front, cautiously approaching the water s edge, and gave them an unexpected fire. A short conflict took place, the balls of the enemy hitting the branches and tops of the trees behind which the riflemen of M Cottry were sheltered, whilst the well directed aim of the latter seldom failed of doing execution. Doyle retreated, pursued several miles by Marion, and finally hurried as fast as possible back to Camden. This attempt to capture Marion and disperse his brigade, proved as successful as the former similar undertakings of Wemyss and Tarleton. In addition to these skirmishes, Marion made two descents upon Georgetown. In the first, he came un expectedly on a body of Tories whom he charged and dispersed, killing their captain and several privates. In the second, he marched to Georgetown, and began re gular approaches against the British post at that place. The British evacuated their works, and retreated to Charleston. CHAPTER VI. Cornwallis pursues the American army. Greene joins Morgan. Crossing of the Catawba crossing the Yad- kin crossing the Dan. Marion s enter prize against the British and Tories. Gen. Greene returns into North Carolina. A gathering of the Tories ; Colonel Lee s manoeuvre by which between 200 and 300 of them are cut to pieces. Tarleton s retreat. Greene asking bread of his soldiers. The battle of Guilford Court- House. Marion besieges Fort Watson Lee joins him novel expedient by which the fort is captured. The battle of Camden, <SfC. THE defeat of Col. Tarleton at Cowpens was highly unexpected to Lord Cornwallis, and he instantly re solved on a pursuit of the American army, with an expectation of demolishing Morgan s corps, and re gaining the British prisoners he had taken. Having presented to the reader the partizan movements of Marion, we now proceed to sketch the history of the army up to the point of time concluding the exploits of the partizans in the previous chapter. Morgan, aware of the consequences of delay, sent on the militia with the prisoners taken at Cowpens, and, to cover their retreat, manceuvred in their rear with his cavalry and infantry. Greene concluded that if he were present with Morgan, he could so order the move ments of both divisions for forming a junction, ns would excel any directions which could otherwise be given. He therefore left the camp, and set forward, attended by one aid-de-camp, and two or three militia men armed and mounted. The first intelligence he 106 f. CROSSING OF THE CATAWBA. 107 gained on the route was that Cornwallis was marching after Morgan with great expedition. Greene continued his route, and, on the 31st of January, after a journey of 150 miles, joined the light troops encamped at Sherrard s Ford, on the north side of the Catawba. About two hours after Morgan crossed the Catawba, the British advance arrived. It rained hard that night, and the river rose so high as to prevent Cornwallis from getting over. Had the rise taken place a few hours earlier, Morgan, with his whole detachment and five hundred prisoners, would scarcely have had a chance of escaping. Cornwallis could not cross for two days, which gave an opportunity of sending the prisoners forward with safety. The arrival of Gen. Greene was no less providen tial than the rise of the river. Gen. Morgan was for retreating over the mountains, a different route from what Greene proposed. So attached to his own opin ion was Morgan, he declared he would not be answer able for consequences if it was not followed. " Neither will you," replied Greene, " for I shall take the mea sure upon myself," and he gave directions accordingly. The event has shown that the other route must have proved fatal, and that the junction of the light troops with the main army could not have been effected by it. When the waters subsided, Cornwallis crossed the Catawba, and hurried on after the Americans, hoping to overtake them before they should get over the Yad- kin ; but when he arrived at that river, to his great mortification, he found that the Americans had crossed it, partly in flats, and partly by fording, and had se cured the boats on the other side. Here, as at the 108 MARION AND HIS TIMES. Catawba, a rapid rise of the river took place, and re tarded the British. Unable to cross at the spot where the Americans did, Cornwallis was obliged to march his troops twenty-five miles higher up the stream, where he found it fordable. And whilst he was employed in this circuitous move ment, time was given for Greene to unite his main army with the forces of Morgan, on the 7th of February, near Guilford Court House, where they rested and refreshed themselves. Greene s forces still being so weak in com parison to the enemy, he did not choose to risk an en gagement, but hastened on towards the river Dan ; whilst Cornwallis, traversing the upper country where the streams are fordable, proceeded in the hope that he might gain upon the Americans so as to overtake them, in consequence of their being obstructed by the deep water below. But the advantages resulting from the season of the year, and from the face of a country in tersected with rivers and creeks, were so improved by the sagacity and activity of Greene, as completely to baffle Cornwallis ; and his army crossed the Dan into Virginia, artillery, baggage and all. So narrow was the escape, however, that the van of Cornwallis s army arrived in time to witness the ferrying over the rear. It was with inexpressible vexation that Cornwallis dis covered all his exertions had been in vain, that all his hopes were frustrated. He consoled himself, however, with the reflection that the American army being driven out of North Carolina, he was master of the State, and in a condition to recruit his forces by the accession of Tories to his ranks. He erected the royal standard at Hillsborough, and summoned all true subjects of His Majesty, George III, to repair to it. During these transactions, Gen. Marion defended RISING OF THE TORIES. 109 himself with his faithful brigade, in the swamps and morasses of the settlements near Charleston, and was frequently sallying out from his hiding-places, and en- terprizing something in behalf of his country. He in tercepted the British convoys, infested their out-posts, destroyed their stores, beat up their quarters, and so harrassed them with alarms that they were always obliged to be on their guard. Cornwallis had long been led to suppose that there would be a general risingof loyalists in his favor through out the State of North Carolina. Greene being informed that numbers had actually joined the royal standard at Hillsborough, and that many others were repairing to make their submission, was apprehensive that, unless some spirited measure was immediately taken, the whole country would be lost to the American cause. He concluded, therefore, upon returning into North Carolina. He re-crossed the Dan on the 21st of Febru ary, and, the more effectually to alarm Cornwallis and discourage the Tories, rode with his aid-de-camp twenty- one miles towards the enemy, and within about fifteen of his lordship. The report of his being within that distance soon reached Cornwallis, who inferred that the American army was equally near; and he despatched Col. Tarleton with the British legion from Hillsborough across the Haw river to Major O Niell s plantation, to protect a considerable number of loyalists appointed to meet there on the 24th inst. Gen. Pickens and Col. Lee, who had intelligence of Tarleton s movements, concerted measures to bring him to action. Lee s cav alry were to attack those of Tarleton s command, while Pickens militia should disperse the collected Tories. These Tories got together in a great body, on the night of February 25th, in a long lane leading 10 110 MARION AND HIS TIMES. towards O Neill s house. Lee led his cavalry into the lane, mistaking the Tories for a part of Pickens militia, which he supposed had arrived there before him. After he discovered the distinguishing red rag in their hats, he with great presence of mind passed on, intending to leave them to the treatment of their countrymen under Pickens. When these came up, and a firing had com menced between them and the royalists, Lee, with his cavalry, returned and fell upon the latter, who not see ing Tarleton s dragoons, mistook Lee s cavalry for them. While laboring under this mistake, Lee and his cavalry cut them down as they were making ardenl protestations of loyalty, and asserting "that they were the very best friends to the king." A horrid slaughter was made of them, between 200 and 300 being cut to pieces. Tarleton was refreshing his legion about a mile from the scene. Upon hearing the alarm, he ordered his men to mount, precipitately re-crossed the Haw, and returned to Hitlsborough. On his retreat he also cut down several of the royalists as they were advancing to join the British army, mistaking them for rebel mili tia of the country. This event, together with Greene s having re-crossed the Dan, confused all the measures of Cornwallis. The tide of public sentiment was no longer in his favor. The recruiting service declined and was stopped, which, had it proceeded a fortnight longer, would have so strengthened his lordship that it is more than probable he would have been able to keep possession of the country. The advocates for royal government were discouraged, and could not be induced to act with confidence. Considerable numbers who were on their way to join his lordship, returned home to await further events. ACTION NEAR GUILFOED COURT HOUSE 111 While Gen. Greene was in fact unequal to even de fensive measures, and waited to have his army strengthened, he lay for seven days within ten miles of Cornwallis camp ; but he took a new position every night, and kept it as profound a secret with himself where the next was to be ; so that Cornwallis could not gain intelligence of his situation in time to avail him self of it. During these manoeuvres, Greene was often obliged to ask bread of the common soldiers, having none of his own. Miserable too was the situation of his men for clothing, " many hundreds of the soldiers marking the ground with their bloody feet. But not withstanding their sufferings and excessive fatigue, they remained in good spirits."* On the 15th of March an engagement took place near Guilford Court-house. All the advantages of vic tory were on the side of the Americans, for although Cornwallis kept, the field, he had suffered such loss in the action, that he was unable to act on the offensive directly after, and was soon compelled to march to wards Wilmington, (N.C.) leaving his sick and wounded behind him. On his retreat he was pursued by Gen. Greene as far as Deep river. f The prompt resolution of Gen. Greene now was to carry the war without delay into South Carolina ; there by to oblige the enemy to follow him, or to endanger * Letter from Greene to Gen. Washington. One day, Gen. Greene, passing a sentinel who was barefooted, said " I fear, my good fellow, you suffer much from the cold." " Very much," was the reply, "but I don t complain; I know we should fare better if our general had the means of getting us supplied. They say, however, we shall have a fight in a few days, and then I shall take care to secure a pair of shoes for myself." i See Appendix F. 112 MARION AND HIS TIMES. their posts in that state. He discharged all his militia, refreshed his regular troops, collected a few days pro visions, marched on the 5th of April towards Camden, and in the morning of the 20th encamped at Log-town, within sight of the enemy s works. On this march, Col. Lee, with his partizan legion, was detached to join Gen. Marion, on a secret expedition. To secure the provisions that grow on the banks of the Santee and Congaree rivers, the British had erected a chain of posts in their vicinity. One of the most important was on Wright s Bluff, and called Fort Watson, situated be tween Camden and Charleston. To take this fort was a desirable object of the commander of the American army, and the undertaking was consigned to Marion, and Lee was to assist. Lee having arrived within a day s distance of the Pedee, sent forward an officer, with a small party of dragoons, to discover in what part of his extensive range the Swamp Fox then was. The officer, on reaching the river, learned that Marion, when heard from a few days before, was in the swamps of Black river. This was his general quarters when he found it necessary to retire from active service. It not only afforded safety, but, there being several fertile plan tations in one settlement, he was well supplied with provisions and forage. Marion received with joy Lee s officer, and furnished boats, which he kept concealed on the Pedee, for the transportation of the corps across the river. That the meeting of these military friends was cordial, we have from various authority. They had not met since their joint attempt upon Georgetown, and were rejoiced at being again united in the great object of wresting South Carolina from the British. The letter from Gen. Greene, inclosing his plan of opera- SIEGE OF FORT WATSON. 113 tions, was delivered by Lee to Marion. The evening was devoted to repose, and on the next day the two corps quitted the dark and marshy recesses of the swamp, for the execution of the trust confided to them. Determined to carry Fort Watson without delay, on the 15th of April, Marion, with Lee, sat down before it. Marion commanded the place to surrender, but was answered by a haughty defiance from Cap. M Koy, the commandant. The fort was an Indian mound, gene rally supposed to have been the burial-place, at some remote period, of the aborigines inhabiting that region ; it was at least thirty feet high, and surrounded by table land. Marion, from information he had received, did not doubt but the garrison would soon be compelled to ca pitulate for want of water, with which it was supplied from an adjacent lake, ahd from which it was now in his power to effectually seclude it. Cap. M Koy, the commandant, saw at once his inevitable fate, unless he could devise some other mode of procuring water, for which purpose he sunk a well within the fort, and baf fled Marion s expectation upon this point. Destitute both of artillery and intrenching tools, Marion and Lee began to be doubtful of success, when Major Mayham, one of the brigade, suggested a plan, which was no sooner communicated than adopted. He proposed to cut down a number of trees, and with them, piled crosswise, one above the other, to raise a tower sufficiently high to overlook the enemy s breast work ; this tower to be covered at the top with a floor of logs to stand upon ; and protected on the side op posite the fort with a defence of light timber. Dragoons were immediately despatched to the neighboring farms for axes, the only necessary tool, of which a sufficient 10* 114 MARION AND HIS TIMES. number being soon collected, relays of working parties were allotted for the labor ; some to cut, some to con vey, and some to erect. Major Mayham undertook the execution of his plan, which was completely finished before the morning of the 23rd, presenting to the eyes of the besieged a lofty tower of an elevation higher than their fort. The be sieged, like the besiegers, were unprovided with artil lery, arid could not interrupt the progress of the work. A party of riflemen, being ready, took post in the wooden tower the moment it was completed ; and a detachment of musketry, under cover of the riflemen, moved to make a lodgment in the enemy s ditch, sup ported by Lee,s legion with fixed bayonets. Such was the eminence of the tower, the riflemen fired into every part of the fort, and Cap. M Koy, finding every re source cut off, hung out the white flag. It was fol lowed by a proposal to surrender, which resulted in capitulation. Marion despatched an official letter to Gen. Greene, dated the same day, (April 23. 1781,) detailing the manner in which the fort was taken ; en closing a list of the prisoners and stores taken, and announcing his determination of marching to the High Hills of Santee, there to await his orders. The num ber of prisoners taken were 114. In the course of the following day they were brought to the camp of Greene. Camden was defended by Lord Rawdon with about 900 men, and already straitened for provisions, and despairing of succor, he resolved to risk a battle. Giving orders for his troops to make ready, he ad vanced at 9 o clock on the morning of the 25th April, and, avoiding the direct approach to the American camp, he took a circuitous course, along the margin of the swamp which lines Pine-tree-creek, and winds with its meanders. BATTLE OF CAMDEN. 117 The Americans were most of them cooking their vic tuals,* and Greene was at breakfast, when some of the advance sentinels, half a mile in front of the camp, fired upon the van of the British. The American army, notwithstanding its short notice, was quickly ranged for action. All the baggage, as is customary in general actions, was ordered off. The cavalry, which was un saddled and feeding on the first alarm, was quickly ready ; and so certain was Greene of success, he ordered Lieut. Col. Washington to turn the right flank of the British, and to charge in their rear. By this time the fire between the British van, and the American light- infantry pickets became very lively. Greene in per son led on two Virginia regiments. The artillery were well posted and doing great execution, and a small body of militia was coming into action, when suddenly a number of the Americans began to retire, though the danger was not apparently great, and every body seemed ignorant of the cause. Col. Washington, in the execution of the order given him, had at one time possessed himself of near 200 prisoners; but he relin quished the greatest part on seeing the army retire. The officers he paroled on the field of battle ; and then collecting his men, wheeled round, made his own re treat good, carrying off with him fifty prisoners. The fortune of the day was irretrievable, but Greene, with his usual firmness, instantly took measures to prevent Rawdon improving the success he had obtained. The * In the morning Carrington joined, with a comfortable supply of provisions, which had been rather scarce during the late hurried changes of position. These were issued, and of course engaged a portion of the troops ; while the residue were employed along the rivulets in washing their clothes, an occupation which had been for some days past impracticable. Lee s Memoirs of the Southern War. 118 MARION AND HIS TIMES. retreat was effected with such good order and delibera tion, that most of the American wounded, all their artil lery and baggage were safely carried off, together with six royal commissioned officers, beside Col. Washing ton s prisoners. The action was continued with inter vals till about four in the afternoon, and till the Amer icans had retreated about four miles ; when a detach ment of the infantry and cavalry under Col. Washing ton were ordered to advance and annoy the British. The British retired to Camden ; the Americans en camped about five miles from their former position. The field of battle was occupied only by the dead. Very soon after the action, Greene, knowing that the British garrison could not subsist long in Camden without fresh supplies from Charleston or the country, detached a reinforcement to Marion, on the road to Nelson s ferry ; and on the 3rd of May he crossed the Wateree, and took occasionally such positions as would most effectually prevent succors from going into the town from that quarter. On the 7th of May, Lord Rawdon received a considerable reinforcement under Col. Watson. With this increase of strength, he at tempted the next day to compel Gen. Greene to another action, but found it impracticable. Failing in his design he returned to Camden, and on the 10th burned the jail, mills, many private houses, and a great part of his own baggage. He then evacuated his post, and retired with his whole army south of the Santee, leav ing about thirty of his sick and wounded, and as many of the Americans, taken in the recent action. He offered every assistance in his power to the friends of the British government who would accompany him. Seve ral families accepted his offer, but were cruelly neglected after their arrival at Charleston. CHAPTER VII. Evacuation of Camden surrender of the garrison at Orangeburg. Marion beseiges Fort Motte anecdote of Mrs. Motte the roof of her mansion fired by ar rows surrender of the fort. Marion rapidly follows up his successes Georgetown surrenders to him. Ma rion and Sumpter dispersing the lories. The seige of Ninety Six ; the seige is abandoned. Greene offers battle to Lord Rawdon. Marion and Lee drive Col. Coates from Monk s corner gallant pursuit of the British battle of Quinby bridge Col. Armstrong fifty of the brigade killed. The execution of Col. Hayne. Marion defeats the British at Parker s ferry. - Battle of Eutaw Springs. THE evacuation of Camden animated the friends of patriotism, and daily increased their numbers, while the British posts fell in quick succession. The day after the evacution, the garrison of Orangeburg consist ing of 70 British militia, and 12 regulars, surrendered to Gen. Sumpter. Marion and Lee, after the capture of Fort Watson, crossed the Santee, and moved up to the siege of Fort Motte. This post was the principal depot of the con voys from Charleston to Camden. A large new man sion house, belonging to Mrs. Motte, situated on a high and commanding hill, had been selected by the British. It was surrounded by a deep trench, along the interior margin of which was raised a strong and lofty parapet. To this post had been regularly assigned an adequate garrison of about one hundred and fifty men, which was now accidentally increased by a small detachment 119 120 MARION AND HIS TIMES. of dragoons, which had arrived from Charleston, a few hours before the appearance of the American troops, on its way to Camden, with despatches to Lord Raw- don. The fort was commanded by Cap. M Pherson, with a garrison of 165 men. Opposite Fort Motte, to the north, stood another hill, where Mrs. Motte having been dismissed from her mansion, resided in an old farm house. On this height, Col. Lee, with his corps, took post, while Marion and his brigade occupied the eastern declivity of the ridge on which the fort stood. Very soon the fort was com pletely invested ; and a six pounder was mounted on a battery erected in Marion s quarter for the purpose of raking the northern face of the enemy s parapet, against which Lee was preparing to advance. M Pherson was unprovided with artillery, and depended for safety upon timely relief, not doubting its arrival before the assail ant could push his preparations to maturity. The vale running between the two hills admitted a safe approach for the Americans to within four hundred yards of Fort Motte. This place was selected to break ground. Relays of working parties being provided for every four hours, and Marion having persuaded some of the negroes from the neighboring plantations to as sist, the works advanced with rapidity. It was on the 8th of May, the Americans set down before the fort, and such was the forwardness of their works on the 10th, that it was determined to summon M Pherson to surrender. A flag was accordingly despatched to the comman dant ; he replied, that, disregarding consequences, he should continue to resist to the last moment in his power. The retreat of Rawdon was known in the evening to the besiegers ; and in the course of the night COL. LEE AND MRS. MOTTE. 121 a courier arrived from Gen. Greene confirming that event, urging redoubled activity, and communicating his determination to hasten to their support. Urged by these strong considerations, Marion and Lee persevered throughout the night in pressing the completion of the works. On the next day, Rawdon reached the country opposite Fort Motte ; and in the succeeding night, en camping on the highest ground in his route, the illumi nation of his fires gave the joyful annunciation of his approach to the despairing garrison. But the hour was close at hand to convert this joy into sadness. The large mansion of Mrs. Motte in the centre of the surrounding trench, left but a few yards of the grounds within the fort uncovered, and burning the house must force the garrison to surrender. The ex. pedient of setting fire to the roof by shooting arrows upon it, was the plan suggested by Marion, and orders were instantly issued to prepare bows and arrows with combustible matter. The devoted house was a large pleasant edifice, in tended for the summer residence of the respectable owner, whose deceased husband had been a firm friend to his oppressed country. Dearly was Mrs. Motte be loved by the Americans, and it was with somewhat of reluctance they adopted the measure. Nevertheless, the imperative obligations of duty must be obeyed ; the house must burn ; and a respectful communication to the lady of her destined loss must be made. The next morning, Col. Lee imparted to Mrs. Motte the intended measure ; lamenting the sad necessity, and assuring her of the deep regret which the unavoidable act ex cited in his own breast and that of those under his command. With a smile of complacency, this exemplary lady 11 122 MARION AND HIS TIMES. listened to the embarrassed officer, and gave instant re lief to his agitated feelings, by declaring that she was gratified with the opportunity of contributing to the good of her country, and that she would view the ap proaching scene with delight. Learning the manner in which it was intended to set the house on fire, she brought forward a bow and arrows, imported from Af rica, that happened to be in her possession, requesting their substitution, as probably better adapted for the object than those already provided. The lines were now manned, and an additional force stationed at the battery, lest the enemy, perceiving his fate, might determine to risk a desperate assault, as offering the only chance of relief. As soon as the troops reached their several points, a flag was again sent to M Pherson, for the purpose of inducing him to prevent the conflagration and slaughter which else must ensue. But the British captain remained immove- able, repeating his determination of holding out to the last. It was now about noon, and the scorching rays of the sun had prepared the shingles of the roof for con flagration. The bow and arrows were put into the hands of a strong-armed member of Marion s brigade. He drew the bow, and an arrow flew, striking the roof, and three of the shots communicated fire to the shingles, quickly kindling it into a blaze. M Pherson ordered a party to repair to the roof of the house, and by knocking off the shingles to stop the flames. As soon as this was perceived, the fire of the six-pounder was brought to bear upon them, and they were soon driven down ; and no other effort, to stop the flames being practicable, M Pherson hung out the white flag. SHIVEES1T7 SIEGE OF NINETY-SIX. 125 Mercy was extended, although policy commanded death.* Two days after this surrender, the British evacuated their post at Nelson s ferry blew up their fortifica tions and destroyed a great part of their stores. The day following, Fort Granby, about thirty miles to the westward of Fort Motte, surrendered by capitulation, and 352 men, a great part of them Tories, were taken prisoners. On the 21st of May, the British post at Silver Bluff, called Fort Dreadnaught, surrendered to a detachment of Americans^; prisoners, and a large quantity of stores falling into the hands of the captors. Marion now proceeded against Georgetown ; post after post of the British had successively yielded, and Gen. Greene was now ready to advance upon Ninety Six, the only remaining fortress in the State, besides Charleston, in the enemy s possession. Marion s ap pearance before Georgetown was early in June, and the garrison, after merely a feint of resistance, fled to their galleys. Marion secured the stores, demolished the works, and retired. Ninety-six was strongly garrisoned by the British, under Col. Cruger of New York, and, assiduous as were the exertions of Gen. Greene, he was unsuccess ful in his attempt to reduce it. Lord Rawdon, with a reinforcement of troops from Ireland, marched from Charleston and relieved it, compelling Greene to re treat. The following is an account of this siege as 4escribed by Ramsay, in his Hist, of South Carolina, vol. 2. page 423, " Greene proceeded with the main army to Ninety- Six. This place, being of great consequence, was de- * Lee s Memoirs. 11* 126 MARION AND HIS TIMES. fended by a considerable force. Lieut. Col. Cruger conducted the defence with great bravery and judg ment. On the left of the besiegers was a work erected in the form of a star ; on the right was a strong stock ade-fort, with two block-houses in it. The town, flanked by these two works, was also picquetted with strong picquets, and surrounded with a ditch, and a bank near the height of a common parapet. There were also several flushes in several parts of the town, and all the works communicated with each other by covered ways. " On the 23rd of May, 1781, the main body of the American army encamped in a wood, within half a mile of Ninety-Six ; and, on that night, threw up two flushes within a hundred and fifty yards of the star fort. The next morning the enemy made a sally, and, being supported by the artillery and musketry from the parapet of the star redoubt, drove the besiegers from them. The next night two strong block batteries were erected at the distance of three hundred and fifty yards, which were opened in the morning. Another battery twenty feet high, erected within two hundred and twenty yards, was finished within a few days ; and soon afterwards another of the same height was erect ed within a hundred yards of the same fort. " Approaches were gradually carried on against the redoubt on the left. Col. Kosciusko, a young gentle man of distinction from Poland,* superintended the * Thaddeus Kosciusko, a Polish general and patriot, was born in 1746, in Lithuania. When the American colonies threw off the yoke of the Mother Country, Kosciusko entered into their service and was made a colonel of engineers and aid-de-camp to Washington. After the Independence of America, he returned to his native country and took an active part in her struggles. After the fall of Poland he was imprisoned in St. Petersburg un til the accession of the Czar Paul, who liberated him. The re- THE BRITISH REINFORCED. 127 operations of the besiegers, and by his assiduity, though the ground was hard and the situation unfavorable, a third parallel within thirty yards of the ditch was com pleted on May 14th ; and a rifle-battery, upwards of thirty feet high, erected at the same distance. On the 17th, the abbatis was turned, and two trenches and a mine were extended so as to be within six feet of the ditch. Few sieges afford greater instances of perseve rance and intrepidity, than were exhibited on this occasion by the besiegers and besieged. Riflemen were employed on both sides, who immediately levelled at every person who appeared in sight, and very seldom missed their object. Various success attended the con flicts between the several covering parties of the workmen, and those who repeatedly sallied from the garrison. " On the 3rd of June, twelve days after the com mencement of this siege, a fleet arrived at Charleston from Ireland, having on board, the 3rd, 19th and 30th regiments of his Britannic Majesty, a detachment from the guards, and a considerable body of recruits, the whole commanded by Lieut. Col. Gould. Earl Corn- wallis had given permission to the commanders of the British forces in South Carolina, to detain these rein forcements if they conceived that the service of his Britannic Majesty required it ; otherwise they were to be sent forward to join his lordship. On the 7th of June, Lord Rawdon marched from Charleston, with these newly arrived troops, for the relief of the gar rison at Ninety-Six. Great were the difficulties they maining part of his existence was spent in America, France and Switzerland, but chiefly in France. He died at Soleure, Oct. 17. 1817. Biographical Dictionary. 128 MARION AND HIS TIMES. had to encounter in rapidly marching under the rage of a burning sun through the whole extent of South Carolina. " The American army had advanced their approach es very near the critical point, after which further re sistance on the part of the garrison would have been temerity. At this interesting moment, intelligence was received that Lord Rawdon was near at hand. An American lady, who had lately married a British officer then in the British garrison at Ninety-Six, had been bribed by a large sum of money to convey a letter to Col. Cruger with the news of the approaching relief. The vicinity of this large force made it necessary for the Americans either to raise the siege, or attempt the reduction of the place by a coup-de-main. This last was agreed. upon, and the necessary dispositions were made on the 18th of June. Col. Lee, with his legion of infantry, and Cap. Kirkwood s light infantry, made the attack on the right. Col. Campbell, with the first Maryland and first Virginia regiments, were to have stormed the redoubt, the ditch of which was eight or nine feet deep, the parapet eleven or twelve feet high, and raised with sand-bags near three more. " The forlorn-hopes were led on by lieutenants Du- val and Sheldon, and were followed by a party with hooks and intrenching tools, to pull down the sand-bags and reduce the parapet. Had this been effected, the beseiged could not have annoyed the assailants without exposing themselves to the American marksmen. The artillery soon made sufficient breaches bn the fortified redoubt on the right, for the infantry under the com mand of Col. Lee to assault the garrison. It was therefore abandoned, and the Americans took posses sion without loss. The parties, led by Duval and Shel- CAPTURE OF BRITISH DRAGO fJS. 129 don entered the ditch, and, though galle J by an inces sant fire, made every effort to get down the sand-bags. Both these gallant officers were wounded, and not more than one in six of their party escaped. " The near approach of lord Rawdon, and the uncer tainty of final success, induced Greene to raise the siege, and retreat over the Saluda ; after having lost about one hundred and fifty men." It was a mortifying circumstance to the Americans, to be obliged to abandon the siege when in the grasp of victory. On this sudden turn of affairs, Greene was advised by some persons to leave tne state, and retire with his remaining force to Virginia. To such suggestions he nobly answered " I will recover the country, or die in the attempt." On the 20th of June, the American army crossed the Saluda, and retired towards Broad River. They reached the Enoree on the 24th. Thus far Lord Raw don pursued them; when finding it impossible to over take them, he faced about and returned. He consoled himself with the imaginary advantage of having driven the rebels out of the country, supposing they had gone to North Carolina or Virginia. But Greene halted and refreshed his army ; and, being informed that Raw don, with about half his army, was marching to the Congaree, all the effective infantry marched by way of Winnsboro, to encounter the British. The -cavalry was previously detached to watch the motions of Raw don, and did it so effectually, that a part of them charged and took a captain, a lieutenant, a cornet, and forty-five privates of British dragoons, with all the horses and accoutrements, one mile from their en campment. In the meantime, Marion and Sampler were follow. 130 MARION AND HIS TIMES. ing up their success in dispersing the Tories wherever they got information of their gatherings. On the 12th of July, Gen. Greene, having called in the militia un der Marion and Sumpter, and attaching them to the Continentals, offered Lord Rawdon battle. But his lordship, secure in his strong position at Orangeburg, would not venture out, and Greene was too weak to attack him with any prospect of success. Greene now detached the cavalry of the legion, the state troops, and the militia, to make a diversion towards Charles ton, and the rest of the army was ordered to the High Hills of Santee. Sumpter was placed in command of this detachment, with Lee, Marion, Taylor, Horry, Mayham, Hampton, and others, acting under him. This detachment was sent off to Monk s Corner, and Dorchester, and moved by different roads to the scene of operations. Col. Lee broke up the post at Dorchester, and inter cepted and captured all the wagons and horses belong ing to a convoy of provisions, on its way to the Bri tish. Col. Wade Hampton, with the state cavalry, pressed on to within five miles of Charleston, fell in with some mounted Refugees, dispersed the whole, and made forty or fifty prisoners. He also took fifty pri soners at Strawberry Ferry, and burned four vessels loaded with valuable stores for the British army. Sumpter and Marion hastened towards Monk s Cor ner, where lay the 19th regiment of the British, com manded by Col. Coates, with a garrison of 500 infan try, and upwards of 100 cavalry, at Biggen s church, about a mile distant. Sumpter and Marion arrived before this post on the same day, and Col. Lee, having called in his parties, followed on the subsequent morn ing. Lee expected Sumpter would have seized the BATTLE OF QUINBY BRIDGE. 133 bridge over Cooper river, near Monk s Corner, which afforded a direct route to the militia camp. But Col. Coates, the British commander, had very prudently occupied the bridge with a detachment from his regi ment, compelling Lee to take a very circuitous route through deep sands, in the heat of July, to reach Sumpter, then ready with Marion to fall upon the enemy as soon as the desired junction should take place. The next morning the enemy were to be as saulted, but during the night Coates decamped, setting fire to the church which had been used by him as a magazine and fortress, and where a great quantity of stores were accumulated. These stores Coates did not choose to leave for the accommodation of the Ameri cans, and at about midnight the latter descried from their camp the roof of the building on fire. Pursuit of the British was immediately commenced, led on by Lee s legion and Hampton s state cavalry. Lee came up with a part of the enemy near Quinby bridge. With this body of men was the greater part of the baggage of the British army. The Americans charged upon them furiously, and so terrified were they that they threw down their arms, and begged for quar ters. The cavalry, leaving the captured in care of a few militia, pressed on for Quinby bridge, and Captain Armstrong, with the leading section, first came in sight of Coates, who, having passed the bridge, was care lessly reposing, waiting for his rear guard, which had been captured, having determined to destroy the bridge as soon as it and his baggage should have passed it. Already he had raised the planks from the sleepers, lying them on loosely, ready to be thrown into the stream when the rear should get over. Armstrong put spur to his horse, and at the head 12 134 MARION AND HIS TIMES. of his section dashed over the bridge in face of the en emy, throwing himself upon the guard stationed there with a howitzer. So sudden was this charge, he drove all before him the guard abandoning their piece. Some of the loose planks were dashed off by Arm strong s section, which, forming a chasm in the bridge, presented a dangerous obstacle. Nevertheless the second section, headed by Lieut. Carrington, took the leap and closed with Armstrong. Cap. O Neal, with the third section, cowardly halted. The bridge was densely crowded, and plank after plank sliding from the bridge into the stream. The creek was deep in water and deeper in mud, so that the dragoons, who had dis mounted for the purpose of replacing the planks, could not get a foothold to stand upon ; nor was it possible to find any firm ground from which to swim the horses across. In this perplexing condition, the victory gained by the gallantry of Armstrong and Carrington was wrested from them, when to complete it only a passage across the creek, not twenty yards wide, was wanting. The British, discerning the state of matters, took courage and rallied. Armstrong and Carrington, saw them selves unsupported, and were compelled to abandon the unequal contest. They forced their way down the road, turning into the woods up the stream to rejoin the corps. Col. Lee continued struggling to replace the planks, until Coates, relieved from Armstrong, repaired with the few around him to defend the bridge, where re mained his deserted howitzer. The most of his men had fled from the field Coates himself, with a few others, had gallantly defended himself at the side of a wagon, effectually parrying the many sabre strokes aimed at his head. Col. Lee, having only sabres to DESTRUCTION AMONG THE BRIGADE. 135 oppose the enemy s fire, and those sabres withheld from contact by the interposing chasm, was forced to draw off from the vain contest, after several of his dra goons had been wounded . As soon as he had reached the enemy, Lee des patched the intelligence to Marion, urging his approach ; and now foiled at the bridge, he communicated to Ma rion his having moved some distance up the creek to a ford. Marion pressed his march with diligence, bringing with him the legion-infantry ; and having passed the creek, united with Lee in the afternoon. By this time the British, after destroying the bridge, had advantageously posted themselves in the house and negro huts of a plantation. An attack, however, was made, the post of danger being taken by Marion and his brigade, who followed it up for three hours. The British were too securely posted to be dislodged, and their fire from the houses was severely destructive among the ranks of Marion, of whom between forty and fifty were killed. The loss of the enemy was seventy. About this time Lord Rawdon, leaving Lieut. Col. Stewart in command at Orangeburg, sailed for New- York, and from there to Europe. Stewart did not es tablish a post, as was expected, at Orangeburg, but, moving his whole force towards the Santee, sat down near the confluence of its two branches, about fifteen miles from the American army, on the opposite side of the river. That we may form a clearer conception of the miseries attending this war in South Carolina, we have before us copies of letters transmitted to different per- 138 MARION AND HIS TIMES. clause which required him to bear arms in support of the royal government. The commandant of the gar rison, Brig Gen. Paterson, and James Simpson Esqr, intendant of the British police, assured him that this would never be required ; and added further that when the regular forces could not defend the country without the aid of its inhabitants, it would be high time for the royal army to quit it. Having submitted to the royal government, he was permitted to return to his family, happy in the expec tation of preserving it through the prevailing pestilence. But in this hope he was sorely disappointed ; his wife and two children fell victims to the fatal malady. These afflictions were augmented by the fact that the British authorities, in violation of their contract with him, repeatedly called upon him to take up arms against his countrymen, and finally threatened him with close confinement if he did not comply. In this situation Hayne was found when Greene forced the enemy from the upper country. A detachment of Marion s militia, under Col. Harden, passing to the west of the Edisto for the protection of their homes, reached the neighborhood of Hayne. They solicited his co operation. The success of their cause was the wish of his heart he said, but stated the change in his political condition, and that he was bound by his declaration of allegiance. Yet he assured them -that whenever he found the royal authority unable to afford its promised protection, he should consider himself absolved from the extorted allegiance, and would with joy enrol himself with the defenders of his country. Thus did Col. Hayne scrupulously adhere to a contract which was never obligatory, having been COLt HAVNE AND Itt LAUGHLIlV. 139 coerced by the duress of power, and in palpable violation of the capitulation of Charleston. Soon after this occurrence, the British were driven below the Edisto, and nearly the whole country there fell under protection of the American arms. Every person in the recovered country believed himself re leased from the obligations imposed by the late condi tion of affairs ; for it was justly thought that the allegi ance due to a conqueror ceased with his expulsion from the subdued territory. Under this correct impression, Hayne and many others repaired to the American camp. His merit attracted immediate attention, and the militia of his district honored him with the command of a regi ment. He immediately took the field, and conducted an expedition in the enemy s country. Some of his mounted militia penetrated the neck of Charleston, and, near the quarter-house, took Gren. Williamson prisoner. This was the same Williamson who was an active offi cer in the South Carolina militia from the commence ment of the war to the surrender of Charleston, after which event he became a British subject^ and was as energetic in supporting the royal authority as before he had been opposed to it. Such was the anxiety of the British commandant to rescue Williamson, he ordered out his whole cavalry on the business. This detachment fell suddenly on the camp of Flayne ; but was handsomely received and re pelled by Col. Harden, who, owing to the inferiority of* his force, did not deem it prudent to push his success by pursuit. Col. Hayne, (attended by his second lieu tenant, Col. M Laughlin) had unfortunately gone to breakfast with a friend about two miles from camp. The house was on the Charleston road, and Hayne was unapprized of the enemy s approach until he saw them 136 MARION AND HIS TIMES* sons from Gen. Greene at this period, The following are extracts " The animosity of the Whigs and Tories of this state, renders their situation truly deplorable. There is not a day passes, but there are more or less who fall a sacrifice to this savage disposition. The whigs seem determined to extirpate the tories, and the tories the whigs. Some thousands have fallen in this way in this quarter, and the evil rages with more violence than ever. If a stop cannot soon be put to to these massacres, the country will be depopulated in a few months more, as neither whig nor tory can live." Among other atrocities, the murder of Col. Isaac Hayne roused the indignation of the Americans, and left a deep disgrace upon the character of the British a dis grace so indelible that time can never remove it. During the siege of Charleston, Col Hayne served his country in a corps of mounted militia. After the capture of the city, and the investment of it with British authority, no alternative was left him, but either to abandon his family and property, or to surrender to the conquerors. He concluded, that instead of waiting to be captured, it would be more safe and honorable to go within the British lines, and voluntarily surrender himself. Accordingly he repaired to Charleston, and offered to bind himself by the honor of an American officer, to do nothing prejudicial to the British interest till he should be exchanged. Reports made of his superior abilities and influence, uniformly exerted in the American cause, operated with the conquerors to refuse him a parole, though they were daily granting that indulgence to other inhabitants. He was told he must either become a British subject or submit to close confinement. To be arrested and detained in Charles ton, was not to himself an intolerable evil, but to aban- SITUATION OF COL. HAYNE. 187 don his family both to the ravages of the small-pox, then raging in the neighborhood, and to the insults and depradations of the loyalists, was too much for the tender husband and fond parent. To acknowledge himself the subject of a government which he had from principle renounced, was repugnant to his feelings ; but without this he was cut off from every prospect of a return to his family. To his friend Dr. Ramsay, (afterwards the historian) who was then a prisoner with the enemy, he communicated the conflicting emotions of his mind. " If the British," said he, " would grant me the indulgence, which we in the day of our power gave to their adherents, of removing family and proper ty, I would seek an asylum in the remotest corner of the United States rather than submit to their govern ment ; but as they allow no other alternative than sub mission or confinement in the capital, at a distance from my wife and family, at a time when they are in the most pressing need of my support, I must for the present yield to the demand of the conquerors. I re quest you to bear in mind, that, previous to my taking this step, I declare that it is contrary to my inclination, and forced on me by hard necessity. / never will bear arms against my country. My new masters can require no service of me but what is enjoined by the old militia law of the province, which substitutes a fine in lieu of personal service. That I will pay as the price of my protection. If my conduct should be cen sured by my countrymen, I beg that you would remem ber this conversation, and bear witness for me, that I do not mean to desert the cause of America." In this state of perplexity, this amiable man sub scribed a declaration of his allegiance to the king of Great Britain, but not without expressly objecting to the 12* ___ A, 138 MARION AND HIS TIMES. clause which required him to bear arms in support of the royal government. The commandant of the gar rison, Brig Gen. Paterson, and James Simpson Esqr, intendant of the British police, assured him that this would never be required ; and added further that when the regular forces could not defend the country without the aid of its inhabitants, it would be high time for the royal army to quit it. Having submitted to the royal government, he was permitted to return to his family, happy in the expec tation of preserving it through the prevailing pestilence. But in this hope he was sorely disappointed ; his wife and two children fell victims to the fatal malady. These afflictions were augmented by the fact that the British authorities, in violation of their contract with him, repeatedly called upon him to take up arms against his countrymen, and finally threatened him with close confinement if he did not comply. In this situation Hayne was found when Greene forced the enemy from the upper country. A detachment of Marion s militia, under Col. Harden, passing to the west of the Edisto for the protection of their homes, reached the neighborhood of Hayne. They solicited his co operation. The success of their cause was the wish of his heart he said, but stated the change in his political condition, and that he was bound by his declaration of allegiance. Yet he assured them -that whenever he found the royal authority unable to afford its promised protection, he should consider himself absolved from the extorted allegiance, and would with joy enrol himself with the defenders of his country. Thus did Col. Hayne scrupulously adhere to a contract which was never obligatory, having been COL HAYNE AND MCLAUGHLIN. 139 coerced by the duress of power, and in palpable violation of the capitulation of Charleston. Soon after this occurrence, the British were driven below the Edisto, and nearly the whole country there fell under protection of the American arms. Every person in the recovered country believed himself re leased from the obligations imposed by the late condi tion of affairs ; for it was justly thought that the allegi ance due to a conqueror ceased with his expulsion from the subdued territory. Under this correct impression, Hayne and many others repaired to the American camp. His merit attracted immediate attention, and the militia of his district honored him with the command of a regi ment. He immediately took the field, and conducted an expedition in the enemy s country. Some of his mounted militia penetrated the neck of Charleston, and, near the quarter-house, took Gen. Williamson prisoner. This was the same Williamson who was an active offi cer in the South Carolina militia from the commence ment of the war to the surrender of Charleston, after which event he became a British subject^ and was as energetic in supporting the royal authority as before he had been opposed to it. Such was the anxiety of the British commandant to rescue Williamson, he ordered out his whole cavalry on the business. This detachment fell suddenly on the camp of Hayne ; but was handsomely received and re pelled by Col. Harden, who, owing to the inferiority of* his force, did not deem it prudent to push his success by pursuit. Col. Hayne, (attended by his second lieu tenant, Col. M Laughlin) had unfortunately gone to breakfast with a friend about two miles from camp. The house was on the Charleston road, and Hayne was unapprized of the enemy s approach until he saw them 140 MARION AND HIS TIMES. a few rods from the door. Being very active and reso lute, he pushed for his horse, mounted, and forced his way through the foe. To pass a fence in his route, he put spur to his horse, who fell in making the leap, and the entangled rider was overtaken by his pursuers. M Laughlin, being cut ofFfrom his horse, died sword in hand, bravely contending against the surrounding enemy. Coi. Hayne was conveyed to Charleston, and lodged in the prison of the Provost. This prison was the mid dle part of the cellar under the Exchange. The damp ness of this unwholesome spot, together with the want of a fire-place, caused among its unhappy inmates some deaths and much sickness. In it the American State prisoner and the British felon shared the same fate. At first, Col. Hayne was promised a trial, and had counsel prepared to justify his conduct by the laws of nations and usages of war ; but this was finally refused, and he was ordered to be executed on the 31st of July. This sentence was given by lord Rawdon and Col. Balfour. The prisoner addressed a letter to the two British officers, to which the town major returned the following answer. "I have to inform you, that your execution is not ordered in consequence of any sentence from the Court of Inquiry ; but by virtue of the authority with which the commander-in-chief in South Carolina and the commanding officer in Charleston are invested : and their resolves on this subject are fixed and un changeable." The royal Lieut. Gov. Ball, and a great number of the inhabitants, both royalists and patriots, interceded for his life. The ladies of Charleston generally signed a petition in his behalf. Mrs. Perronneau, his sister, accompanied by hi children, all clad in the deepest LAST MOMENTS OF COL. HAYNE. 143 mourning, and manifesting the torture of heart-rending agony, waited on Lord Rawdon, and on their knees supplicated for the life of their unfortunate relative. But all was of no avail; his lordship s "resolve was fixed and unchangeable." Disdaining further discussion with relentless power, Hayne merely solicited a short respite, to enable him for the last time to see his friends and children. The respite was granted. He was repeatedly visited by his friends, and conversed on various subjects with becom ing fortitude. He particularly lamented that, on prin ciples of retaliation, his execution would probably be an introduction to the shedding of much blood. He requested those in whom the supreme power was vest ed, to accommodate the mode of his death to the feel ings of an officer ; but this was refused. On the last evening of his life, he told a friend that he was " no more alarmed at the thoughts of death than at any other occurrence which was necessary and unavoidable." On receiving his summons, on the morning of the 4th August, (1781) to proceed to the place of execu tion, he delivered to his eldest son, a youth thirteen years of age, several papers relative to his case, say ing, " Present these papers to Mrs. Edwards, with my request that she forward them to her brother in Con gress. You will next repair to the place of execution, receive my body, and see it decently interred among my forefathers." He then embraced his son, implor ing the Divine Blessing upon his orphan children, and took his final leave of the boy. Dressed with his ac customed neatness, accompanied by a few friends, he marched with unruffled serenity through a weeping crowd. The procession began from the Exchange, in the forenoon. The streets were thronged with thou- 144 MARION AND HIS TIMES. sands of anxious spectators. He continued on his way to the place of execution, with such decent firmness, composure and dignity, as to awaken the compassion of many, and command respect from all. There was a majesty in his sufferings which rendered him supe rior to the pangs of death. When the city barrier was past, and the instrument of his catastrophe appeared in full view, a faithful friend by his side whispered that he " trusted he would exhibit an example of the manner in which an Ameri can can die." " I will endeavor to do so," was the tranquil reply of the martyr ; and never was an intention better ful filled. Neither arrogating superiority, nor betraying weakness, he ascended the cart, with a firm step and serene aspect. He inquired of the executioner, who was making an attempt to get up to pull the cap over his eyes, what he wanted. Upon being inform ed of the man s object, he replied, " I will save you that trouble," and pulled the cap over his own eyes. He then gave the signal for the cart to move, illustra ting by his demeanour that death in the cause of our country, even on a gallows, cannot appal the virtuous and the brave ! Thus perished, in the bloom of his life, a gallant officer, a worthy citizen, a just and upright man ; fur nishing an example of heroism that extorted a confes sion from the British, " that though he did not die in a good cause, he must at least have acted from the per suasion of its being so." Unhappily for this virtuous man, the royal power was fast declining in the South. The inhabitants were eager to cast off the temporary allegiance of the conquest ; it was deemed necessary to awe them into submission by some distinguished se venty, and Col. Hayne was the selected victim ! MARION RELIEVES COL. HARDEN. 145 Marion and his brigade, though they mourned the loss of their brave compatriots at the battle of Quin- by s bridge, were far from being disheartened, and while the main army was encamped among the High Hills during the intense heat of the season, we find them and their leader busy at work among the Tories. With a body of two hundred men, Marion proceeded on a secret expedition to the relief of Col. Harden, who was closely pressed by a very superior force of British in the vicinity of the Edisto. Marching ra pidly a distance of over a hundred miles, he arrived in time to concert an ambuscade in a swamp adjacent to Parker s Ferry, where he decoyed the enemy, and com mitted a terrible slaughter upon their cavalry, rescuing Harden without any loss. Gen. Greene now concerted measures for forcing the British from their posts. Though the two armies were within fifteen miles o f each other on a right line, yet, as two rivers intervened, and boats could not be pro cured, the American army was obliged to make a circuit of seventy miles, the more conveniently to cross the Wateree and the Congaree. Soon after crossing these rivers, they were joined by Pickens, with a party of militia ; and Marion and his brigade reached them on the 7th of September, the day before the battle of Eutaw Springs.* The whole American force being thus collected, 2000 in all, Greene prepared to give battle. The force of the British under Col. Stewart, was about the same in number. They had retired from * " We moved by slow and easy marches, as well to disguise our real intention, as to give General Marion an opportunity to join us, who had been detached for the support of Col. Harden. Gen. Marion joined us on the evening of the 7th,, at Burdell s plantation, seven miles from the enemy s camp." Gen. Greene s Correspondence. 13 146 MARION AND HIS TIMES. the Congaree about forty miles, and taken post at Eutaw Springs, about sixty miles north of Charleston. Quite early on the morning of the 8th, the Ameri cans moved to the attack, and fell in with two ad vanced parties of the British, about four miles ahead of the main army. These, being briskly charged by the legion and state troops, soon retired. The front line advanced, and continued firing, and advancing on the British legion till the action became general. In the hottest of the engagement, while great execution was doing on both sides, Col. Williams and Col. Camp bell, with the Maryland and Virginia continentals, were ordered by Greene to charge with trailed arms. Nothing could surpass the intrepidity of both officers and men on this occasion. They pushed on in good order, through a heavy cannonade and shower of mus ketry, with such unshaken resolution, that they bore down all before them. Col. Lee, with great address, turned the left flank of the British, and attacked them at the same time in the rear. Henderson, being wound ed early in the action, the South Carolina state troops were led on by Col. Hampton, the next in command, to a very spirited charge, in which were taken upwards of a hundred prisoners. The militia from North and South Carolina was commanded by Marion, General Marion, Colonel Malmady, and General Pickens, con ducted the troops with great gallantry and good con duct, and the militia fought with a degree of spirit and firmness that reflected the highest honor upon that class of soldiers. The British were routed in all quarters, and were closely pursued. On their retreat, numbers of them threw themselves into a strong brick house; others took post in a picquetted garden among impenetrable Bhrubs. The eagerness of the Americans urged them DEATH OP COL. CAMPBELL. 147 to attack the enemy in these positions. Col. Washing ton made every possible exertion to dislodge them from the thickets, but failed ; he had his horse shot under him, and was wounded and taken prisoner. The battle lasted upwards of three hours, and was fiercely contested, every corps in both armies bravely supporting each other. The loss was uncommonly great, more than one-fifth of the British, and one- fourth of the American army, being killed and wound ed. The British made 60 prisoners, all wounded. The Americans about 500. The entire loss of the British amounted to more than 1100. Among the killed of the American officers, was the brave Lieut. Colonel Campbell of the Virginia line. After his fall he in quired who gave way, and being informed the British were fleeing in all quarters, he added, " / die content ed," and immediately expired. The British commander, leaving his dead unburied, commenced a retreat, and avoided the engagement which Gen. Greene had determined to renew on the following day. Pursuit was commenced, and Greene detached Marion and Lee, with a view of seizing the first strong pass on the road to Charleston, as well as to interrupt Stewart, and to prevent any accession of force which might be detached from the British gar rison at Charleston ; while he himself continued in his camp, actively engaged in preparing arrangements for the conveyance of the wounded to the High Hills. Marion and Lee, approaching the enemy s left, discov ered that he had been busily employed in sending off his sick and wounded. News was received that a de tachment, from Monk s Corner, led by Maj. M Arthur, was hastening to join Stewart. This detachment effected its junction with the main army, and Marion retired to a favorite place of retreat in the Santee river swamp. x CHAPTER VIII. Malicious destruction of property by the British ; their officers speculating in negroes. The fall of Corn- wallis rejoicings in the camp. The tories massacre Cap. Turner and twenty others by a band of tories Cunningham s murder of Hayes and others. The army at Round O its tattered condition mutiny * execution of Gornell. Marion elected to the legisla ture he repairs to Jacksonborough the British take advantage of his absence. Marion hastens to the Pedee country to quell a rising of the Tories under Major Gainey. Murder of Col. Kolb by the Tories. Treaty between Marion and Gainey. Marion protects Butler, the tory. Evacuation of Charleston by the British^ Marriage of Marion. His death. MARION did not remain in the Santee river swamp any longer than to refresh his men and call in new re cruits, for the British commander, well convinced that the career of British arms in South Carolina was not to continue much longer, began to lay waste the plan tations and destroy property. The prospects of gain from the sale of negroes were too seducing to be re sisted by the officers of the British army. They plundered them from the plantations, and shipped them from Charleston to the West Indies, where they found a ready market. It has been computed that between the years 1775 and 1783, the state of South Carolina lost in this way twenty-five thousand negroes. It was with a view of profit thus to be gained that the Tories frequently made a rising, plundered the plantations of the Whigs, carried off their negroes, and sold them to 148 MASSACRE OP WHIGS BY TORIES. 149 the British officers for small prices. Against Tory gatherings of this kind Marion and his brigade, every now and then set forth, dispersing them and keeping them in check. The tidings of the capture of Cornwall is at York- town,* reached the American camp on the 9th Novem ber, and there was consequently much rejoicing. At the same time, the thanks of Congress were forwarded to Marion. About the middle of November (the 18th) Greene broke up his camp at the High Hills, and put his army in motion. The British retreated before him, and such was the success of the Americans, that the enemy were completely shut up in the city of Charleston and its isthmus. At this juncture, a desperate band of Tories adopted the infernal scheme of taking their last revenge, by carrying fire and sword into the plantations adjoin ing the city. To this end, Major William Cunningham, of the British militia, collected a party ; and having furnished them with every thing necessary for laying waste the country, sallied from Charleston. In the un suspecting hour of sleep, and domestic security, they entered the houses of solitary farmers, and sacrificed to their revenge the obnoxious head of the family. Their cruelties induced some small parties to associate and arm in self-defence. Cap. Turner and twenty men, on these principles, had taken post in a house and defended themselves till their ammunition was expended. After which they surrendered themselves, on receiving assurance that they should be treated as prisoners of war. Notwithstanding this solemn agreement, Turner * 19th October, 1781. 13* 150 MARION AND HIS TIMES. and his party were put to instant death by Cunningham and the men under his command. Soon after this massacre, the same party of Tories attacked a number of American militia, in the district of Ninety-Six, commanded by Col. Hayes, and set fire to the house in which they had taken shelter. The only alternative left was either to be burned, or to sur render themselves prisoners. The latter being preferred, Col. Hayes and Cap. Daniel Williams were at once hung on the pole of a fodder stack. The pole broke and they fell, upon which Cunningham inhumanly cut them to pieces with his own sword ; then, turning upon the others, he continued on them his operations of sav age barbarity, till the powers of nature being exhausted, and his enfeebled limbs refusing to administer any longer to his insatiate fury, he called upon his com rades to complete the dreadful work, by killing which ever of the prisoners they pi-eased. They instantly put to death such of them as they personally disliked. Only two fell in action, but fourteen were deliberately cut to pieces.* The further progress of this sanguinary officer and his butchering followers, was checked by Marion, who drove him back to Charleston. The main army under Gen. Greene was now en camped at Round O, situated between the Edisto and Ashepoo rivers, about fifty miles from Charleston. Greene detached Marion with his militia to the east of Ashley river, with orders to guard the district between that river and the Cooper. The tattered condition of Greene s and Marion s soldiers at this time, and their destitute situation, wag * Ramsay. MARION IN THE LEGISLATURE. 151 such " that seven hundred of them were as naked as they were born, excepting a small slip of cloth about their waists ; and they were nearly as destitute of meat as clothing. Though they had abundant reason to complain, yet, while they were every day marching, and almost every week fighting, they were in good health, good spirits, and good humor; but when the enemy was confined within his fortifications, and they were inactive, they became sickly and discontented, and a few began to be mutinous. Their long arrears of pay, their deficiency of clothing, and their want of many comforts, were forgotton whilst constant action employed their minds and bodies ; but when an inter ruption of hostilities gave them leisure to brood over their calamities, these evils were presented to their imaginations in aggravated colors. A plan was seri ously laid to deliver their gallant and victorious leader (Greene) into the hands of the British ; but the whole design was happily discovered and prevented from being carried into execution. To the honor of the Continental army, it may with justice be added, that, notwithstanding the pressure of their many sufferings, the whole number concerned in the plot did not exceed twelve."* Early in the year 1782, Gen. Marion, leaving his brigade near the Santee river, repaired himself to Jack- sonborough, there to take his seat in the Legislature, to which he had been elected a member from the par ish of St. John s, Berkeley. His absence from the command, inspired the enemy with the hope that a corps which had heretofore been invulnerable might now be struck. A detachment of seven hundred men, * Appendix G. 152 MARION AND HIS TIMES. cavalry and infantry, under Col. Thompson,* passed the Cooper river, near Charleston, late in the evening, and proceeded towards the Santee Gen. Greene ob tained a hint of the approach of this detachment against the camp of Marion, and sent word to Marion that he had better hasten to resume the command of his brig ade. By a circuitous route and rapid riding, Marion hurried from Jacksonborough, but hearing that the en emy were retiring, he halted to refresh. This delay proved fatal to his brigade. It was merely a feint of the British, who, observing the greatest secresy, and pushing their march with diligence, fell upon the camp and completely routed the brigade. Some were killed, some wounded, and the rest dispersed. Major Benson, an active officer, was among the killed. Thompson hastened back to Charleston with his detachment, and Marion, undismayed by this loss, energetically com menced reassembling his brigade. For several months, the inhabitants of South Carolina had been in the peaceable enjoyment of legal govern ment, except Charleston, and a small range of country on the little Pedee, where the British still held the pow er. Major Gainey, (Marion s old enemy) and a band of Tories, resided here ; and, insulated as they were, still resisted, f The absence of Marion from that part of the country emboldened them, and a rising took place. * Benjamin Thompson, born in New Hampshire, espoused the Royal cause, and after the war, was knighted. He subse quently entered the Bavarian service, and was created Count Rumford. t A party of them, commanded by a Cap, Jones, surrounded and set fire to the house of Col. Kolb, a respectable American militia officer. He, after receiving assurance of being treated as a prisoner of war, surrendered, Nevertheless, he was instantly put to death in the presence of his wife and children. TREATY BETWEEN MARION AND GAINEY. 153 Marion, arranged his plans for quelling this insurrec tion, and moved rapidly towards the Pedee country, and sudden and unexpected was his arrival, and they were taken by surprise. The very name of Marion was a terror to them, and his presence doubly so. They showed no disposition for fighting him. Gainey sent a flag to Marion, announcing his readiness to re new the treaty which had been entered into a year previously. Commissioners were appointed on both sides. These commissioners could not agree, and sepa rated in anger ; after which Marion and Gainey met in person, at a place called Birch s mill, on the 8th of June. By the treaty which was here signed by the respective commanders, more than five hundred men laid down their arms. The treaty was in the following words. ARTICLES of Treaty between General Marion, in behalf of South Carolina, and Major Gainey, and the inhabi tants under his command, which were included in the Treaty made the 17th day of June, 1781. " ARTICLE I. Major Gainey, and the men under his command, to lay down their arms as enemies to the State, and are not to resume them again until ordered so to do, in support of the interests of the United States, and of this State in particular. ARTICLE II. We will deliver up all the negroes, horses, cattle, and other property, that have been taken from this or any other state. ARTICLE III. We will demean ourselves as peaceable citizens of this state, and submit ourselve^ to be governed by its laws, in the same manner as the rest of the citizens thereof. 154 MARION AND HIS TIMES. ARTICLE IV. We do engage to apprehend and de liver up all persons within our district, who shall re fuse to accede to these terms, and contumaciously resist in rebellion against this state. ARTICLE V. We will deliver up as soon as possible, every man who belongs to any regular line in the American service, and every inhabitant of North Carolina, of this, or any other state, who having joined us since the 17th of June 1781, when the former Treaty was made, or oblige them to go out of the district ; and whenever they return, to take and deliver them into safe custody in any jail within the state. ARTICLE VI. Every man is to sign an instrument of writing, professing his allegiance to the United States of America, and the state of South Carolina in par ticular ; and to abjure his Britannic Majesty, his heirs, successors and adherents ; and promise to oppose all the enemies of the United States, and the State of South Carolina in particular. ARTICLE VII. All arms, amunition, and other warlike stores, the property of the British, to be delivered up. ARTICLE VIII. The above seven articles being agreed on, they shall have a full pardon for treasons com mitted by them against the state, and enjoy their property, and be protected by the laws thereof. ARTICLE IX. Such men as do not choose to accede to these Articles, shall have leave to go within the British lines, and to march by the 25th inst, and be safely conducted, with such of their wives and chil dren as may be able to travel, and carry or sell their property, except cattle, sheep and hogs, which they may dispose of, but not carry with them. Such women and children who cannot be removed, may BUTLER, THE TORY, PROTECTED. 155 remain until the 1st of September next. The officers to keep their pistols and side arms ; all other arms to be disposed of, and not carried with them. Each field officer and captain to retain one horse, not exceeding twelve in the whole ; and no other per son to take with him any more horses that may be fit for dragoon service, within the British lines. We have agreed to the before- mentioned nine articles, and have signed the same at Birch s mill, on Pedee, this 8th day of June, 1782."* Marion now set to work to bring all the inhabitants of this disaffected district to submission. The wise and forgiving policy pursued by him, was attended with the happiest consequences. Bitter enemies were converted into warm friends ; and many of these reclaimed citizens enrolled themselves in the corps of Marion, ready to fight by the side of their countrymen, whose lives they had sought by night and by day, from the fall of Charles- ton to the period of this Treaty. Marion granted writ ten protections to all who came forward and subscribed to the treaty, and took into custody those, who, unwil ling to retire within the British lines, remained without submitting. Among others who submitted was a certain Capt. Butler, who had been particularly oppressive upon the Whig families of the Pedee country. It is said of him that a more sanguinary being never existed. He had cruelly oppressed and butchered some persons, whose surviving friends were in the camp. Irritated to mad ness at the thought that such a man was, by submission, * (Signed,) Francis Marion, Brigadier General, State of South Carolina. Micajah Gainey, Major of Loyalists, Pedee. 156 MARION AND HIS TIMES. to escape the just reward of his crimes, a hasty and in temperate message was sent to Marion, purporting that such a villain ought not to receive protection. To this Marion calmly replied, " Confidently believing that the pardon offered by the Governor would be granted, the man whom you would destroy has submitted. Both law and honor sanction my resolution. I will take him to my tent, and at the hazard of my life protect him." A second message now informed him that Butler should be dragged from his tent and be put to death. " I am an officer acting under orders," replied Marion, " and bound to defend him. I will do so though I perish." He then collected a guard around the tent, into which he had introduced Butler, and, at an early hour after night-fall, had him conveyed to a place of safety.* Having effectually reduced the Pedee country to sub mission, Marion, leaving a command of a hundred and sixty men to maintain the ascendancy, hurried his re turn to the Santee. Here the militia collected around him, and he remained the scourge of the British and Tories until the evacuation of Charleston. In the summer of 1782 the British announced their intention of evacuating Charleston. They offered to pay for rice and other provisions that should be deliv ered to them before their departure, and at the same time threatened that if it was with-held, it should be taken by force, and without compensation. The object of Gen. Leslie (the British commander) was to provision his fleet and troops previous to his departure. The civil authority, incensed at the threat accompanying * Garden s Anecdotes. COL. JOHN LAURENS. 157 this proposition, objected to any intercourse being open ed between the town and country, and issued orders to Gen. Greene to that effect. In this state of matters, the British commander urged to it by the necessity of his case, sent out parties lo sieze provisions near the different landings, and to bring them by water to Charleston. One of the most considerable parties on this service was sent to the Combakee river, where they arrived on the 25th of August. Brigadier General Gist, with about three hundred cavalry and infantry of the Continental army, was de tached by Greene to oppose them. The British with a fleet of boats and schooners, had already rifled many of the neighboring plantations, and ravaged the pro perty of numerous persons who, their small means thus taken from, were left comparatively destitute. Gen. Gist captured one of their schooners, and in a great degree frustrated their designs upon the Com bakee. In this expedition Gist was joined by the young and gallant Col. John Laurens, who, hearing of it, rose from a sick bed, and resumed his command in the brigade, and, emulous of distinction, solicited the post of danger. The British, defeated by Gist from securing provisions on the south side of the river, had crossed it, and being apprized of the movements of Col. Lau rens, they placed an ambush for him on the road which he must pass to take command of the post to which he had been appointed. Laurens passed the night of the 26th at the planta tion of a lady, whose house was so nigh the post to which he was on his route, that it was easily practi cable for him to spend a few hours in the company of 14 15.8 MARION AND HIS TIMES. some agreeable ladies at the house, and reach his post before the break of day. At a late hour the com pany broke up. Laurens, and his small party, set out ; The British made an onset from their ambush, and Laurens was killed at the first discharge. Never was soldier more beloved by the people of South Carolina than this gallant young officer. "Na ture had adorned him," says Ramsey, " with a profu sion of her choicest gifts, to which a well conducted education had added its most useful as well as its most elegant improvements. Though his fortune and family entitled him to a pre-eminence, yet he was the warm friend of Republican equality. Generous and liberal, his heart expanded with genuine philanthropy. Zealous for the rights of humanity, he contended that personal liberty was the birth-right of every human being, how ever diversified by country, color, or capacity. His insinuating address won the hearts of all his acquaint ances ; his sincerity and virtue secured their lasting esteem. Acting from the most honorable principles uniting the bravery and other talents of a great officer with the knowledge of a complete scholar, and the en gaging manners of a well-bred gentleman, he was the idol of his country the glory of his army and an ornament of human nature. His abilities shone in the legislature and in the cabinet, as well as in the field, and were equal to the highest stations. His admiring country, sensible of his rising merit, stood prepared to confer on him her most distinguished honors. Cut down in the midst of these prospects, he left mankind to deplore the calamities of war, which in the twenty- seventh year of his life deprived society of so invalua ble a citizen." The evacuation of Charleston took place on the 14th EVACUATION OF CHARLESTON. 159 of December 1782. On that, and the succeeding day, the British went on board their shipping, and the city was entered by Gov. Matthews and the American army, without any confusion or disorder. Those who re mained in Charleston felt themselves happy in being delivered from a garrison life. The exiled citizens ex perienced sensations more easily conceived than ex pressed, on returning to their houses and estates. The patriot exulted in the acknowledged independence of his country. The soldier rejoiced that the toils of war were over, and the objects of it fully attained. The farmer redoubled his industry, from the pleasing con viction that the produce of his labor would be secured to him without any danger from British bayonets. Cheerfulness and good humor took possession of minds that, during seven years, had been continually occupied with anxiety and distress. To this happy result, none had contributed more than Francis Marion. The citizens generally, instead of repining at their losses, set themselves to repair them by diligence and economy. The continental officers who had served in the state, and whose bravery and exertions had ren dered them conspicuous, were so well received by the ladies, that several of them had their gallantry rewarded by the hands of some of the finest women and greatest fortunes in South Carolina. The adherents to Royal Government were treated by those in power with mode ration and lenity. Though the war was ended, some address was necessary to compose the minds of the people. Some of those who under every discourage ment had steadily adhered to the cause of Independence, took to themselves the appellation of the virtuous few, and looked down with contempt on such of their fellow- 160 MARION AND HIS TIMES. citizens as had conformed their allegiance to existing circumstances. A disposition to proscribe and banish persons of the latter description showed itself under the auspices of self-constituted committees ; but the weight of government, and the influence of the better informed citizens, was successfully exerted to counteract it. After the evacuation of the city, the army was dis banded. Such was the condition of the public treasury of the United States, that Congress was scarcely able to defray the expenses of the soldiers in returning to their homes. The laurels they had dearly earned ; the applause of their countrymen, which they had eminently obtained ; and the plaudits of their consciences, which they honestly possessed ; were almost the only rewards they carried home at the termination of a war, in which many had injured their constitutions, and all had dimin ished their fortunes. Sympathizing with the embar rassments of their countrymen, sensible of their inability to pay them their stipulated dues, and confiding in their justice to make them future retribution, they cheerfully relinquished the uniform of the military for the plain garb of the citizen. After the war was over, Marion retired to his farm at St. John s, Berkely. This lay within a short dis tance of the usual routes of the British army, an d had been repeatedly ravaged; and furniture, horses, stock, clothing for his negroes, etc., were now wanting, and he was without means to purchase. His friends held out to him the prospect of half-pay, but this was never granted him. He cheerfully set to work, however, and with a manly industry retrieved his diminished fortunes as much as possible. The people of St. John s knew that his services were not less valuable in the halls of legislation than in the MARION IN THE SENATE. 161 camp, and they elected him as their representative to the Senate of the State, where, by his counsels, he ju diciously aided the civil operations of a government, to the establishment of which his sword had so largely contributed. In his nature there was nothing vindic tive, and his " poor deluded countrymen," as he termed the Tories, found in him an advocate, who far from visiting them with the severities with which others were ready to retaliate upon them, always gave his voice and vote on the side of mercy. " It is peace now," said he. " God has given us the victory. Let us show our gratitude to Heaven, which we shall not do by cruelty to man." Whilst he was a member of the Senate, the following resolution was passed on the 26th of February 1783. " RESOLVED, nem. con., That the thanks of this House be given to Brigadier General Marion, in his place, as a member of this House, for his eminent and conspicuous services to his country. RESOLVED nem. con., That a gold medal be given to Brigadier General Marion, as a mark of public ap probation for his great, glorious, and meritorious conduct." The President of the Senate, in conveying to Marion the sense of the preceding resolutions, spoke of the in expressible pleasure with which he was filled upon an occasion so interesting ; " but when I reflect upon the difficulty of doing justice to your distinguished merit, I feel my own insufficiency. Your conduct merits the applause of your countrymen ; your courage, your vigilance, and your abilities, have exceeded their most sanguine expectations and have answered all their hopes." To the speech of the President, (of which the quota 14* 162 MARION AND HIS TIMES. tion is but a brief extract,) Marion replied : " Mr. President; The approbation which this house have given of my conduct, in the execution of my duty, gives me very pleasing and heartfelt satisfaction. The honor which they have conferred on me this day, by their thanks, will be remembered with gratitude. I shall always be ready to exert my abilities for the good of the state and the liberties of her inhabitants. I thank you, sir, for the polite manner in which you have conveyed to me the thanks of the Senate." In the year 1784, the Legislature of South Carolina passed a bill for the erecting and garrisoning of Fort Johnson, in Charleston harbor. Marion was put in command of this port, with a salary of $2000 per an num ; the sum being voted him in remuneration for his losses during the war. But in a year or two, citizens grumbled their dissatisfaction, and it was finally re duced to 8500. At this time, a lady of wealth, who " loved him for the dangers he had passed," disclosed the state of her affections to some persons, who were the mutual friends of either party, and Marion being made aware of the impression he had made upon the heart of this lady, solicited her hand, and was accepted. The name of this lady was Miss Mary Videau, whose ancestors, like his own, were among the Huguenots that sought liberty of conscience on the shores of America, being denied that inestimable privilege in the land of their birth. Marion was past fifty years of age, and the lady was not young. They lived happily together ^ and Marion, " beloved by his friends, and respected by his enemies, exhibited a luminous example of the beneficial effects to be produced by an individual, who, with only small DEATH OF MARION. 163 means at his command, possesses a virtuous heart, a strong head, and a mind devoted to the comman good." The death of Marion took place at his residence in St. John s parish, in the month of February 1795. On his tomb is an inscription, which reads as follows. " Sacred to the memory of Brigadier General Francis Marion, who departed this life on the 27th of February 1795, in the sixty-third year of his age, deeply regret ted by all his fellow citizens. History will record his worth, and rising generations embalm his memory, as one of the most distinguished patriots and heroes of the American Revolution ; which elevated his native coun try to Honor and Independence, and secured to her the blessings of liberty and peace. This tribute of venera tion and gratitude is erected in commemoration of the noble and disinterested virtues of the citizen, and the gallant exploits of the soldier, who lived without fear, and died without reproach." Francis Marion, in the trying times of the Revolu tion, occupied one of the most difficult situations in which a man can be placed. The scene of his exer tions was (as we have seen) in a country where the inhabitants were by no means unanimous in their oppo sition to the British government ; but, surrounded as he was by loyalists, and at the head of a soldiery unac customed to subordination, he encountered and sur mounted difficulties in situations that probability rendered hopeless, and " with a steady hand he steered the vessel amid the terrors of the storm, and through fearful breakers safe into port." To General Marion, as a military chieftain, our Y 164 MARION AND HIS TIMES. country is deeply indebted, and, though for many years he did not receive the approbation his valor had earned, public conviction has of late become sensible of the obligations that she owes him ; and it is now conceded, that we are indebted as much to his untiring persever ance in subduing the Tories, as to the prowess of Gen. Greene against the British Armies, in bringing the Southern war to a successful termination. But, glori ous as is his name as a soldier, his greatest glory lies in the moral excellence of his character, his spotless integrity, disinterested patriotism, and invincible for titude. He was patient under defeat, moderate in vic tory. And, if in any matter we see the especial hand of Providence, surely it is manifest in the remarkable preservation of him throughout the numerous and im minent dangers he passed during the Revolution. The time-enduring fame of the patriot, is too often lost amid the glitter of military renown, and the splen dor of actions miscalled great. "Mankind," says Dr. Channing, " when they hear of battles, the picture which rises to their view, is not what it should be a picture of extreme wretchedness, of the wounded, the mangled, the slain ! These horrors are hidden under the splendor of those mighty energies which break forth amid the perils of the conflict, and which human nature contemplates with an intense and heart-thrilling delight. Attention hurries from the heaps of the slaughtered to the victorious chief, whose single mind pervades and animates a host, and directs with stern composure the storm of battle, and the ruin which he spreads is for gotten in admiration of his power. Thus, war is the surest and speediest road to renown ; and war will never cease while the field of glory, and the most lux uriant laurels, grow from a root nourished with blood." CHARACTER OF MARION. 165 Alexander Cesar Napoleon ! In the halo of ad miration with which we surround the names of these conquerors, do we not thoughtlessly lose sight of the horror and misery which strews the path to their great ness ? The wars waged by them, what were they but heaps of slaughter to create for themselves a mon ument of military fame? Ambition Self was the object of their energies ! Turning from these, how in finitely more of intrinsic worth and real greatness, purity of purpose, and love of country, are we called upon to admire in the character of a Washington and a Marion ! " The characters of these, judged by pos terity, have risen in the estimation of men, whilst in the career of Cromwell, Marlborough, Charles XII, and other warriors, it is prominently glaring how pat riotism dwindled as a motive until utterly lost amidst baser sentiments." APPENDIX. A. PAGE. 45. AFTER this, Mr. Bradley, was frequently carted to the gallows to witness the execution of his countrymen as rebels, and told to prepare for a similar fate next time. On such occasions, and when interrogated at courts- martial, he made no other reply than that " I am ready and willing to die in the cause of my country ; but remember, if I am hanged, I have many friends in General Marion s brigade, and my death will occasion a severe retaliation." Either awed by his virtues, or apprehensive of consequences, his captors did not ex ecute their threats. His life was spared, but he was kept in irons as long as the British had possession of the upper country. He bore the marks of these rugged instruments of confinement till the day of his death, and would occasionally show them to his young friends, with a request " that if the good of their country re quired the sacrifice, they would suffer imprisonment and death in its cause." Vide RAMSAY, vol. 2. p. 403. B. PAGE. 70. The rapid movements of Marion, and effectual ser vice he rendered the patriotic cause, at this early period of his military career, are thus mentioned in his own official correspondence with Gen. Gates. On the 29th Aug. 1780, he writes from Pedee " As the militia 167 168 APPENDIX. is not under my command, some days I have not more than a dozen with me. On Sep. 4th, marched with 53 men to attack a body of 200 Tories, who intended to surprise me: surprised a party of 45, killed and wounded all but fifteen, who escaped : met and at tacked the main body, and put them to flight, though they had 200 men."" Marched to Black Mingo, Sept. 24th, where was a guard of sixty of the [royalist] militia; attacked them on the 28th; killed 3, wounded and took 13 prisoners. I had 1 captain and 1 private killed ; 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, and 6 privates wounded; several of the enemy have since been found dead in a swamp to which they took. So many of my men were desirous of seeing their wives and families which have been burnt out, that I found it necessary to retreat next morning. The prisoners taken are men of fortune and family, which I hope will check the militia from taking arms against us." Vide GORDON, vol. 3. p. 112. C. PAGE. 77. Marion writes to Gates, Oct. 18th, 1780 "I have never yet had more than 70 men to act with me, and sometimes they leave me to 20 or 30." " Nov. 4th. I crossed Pedee the 24th Oct ; the next night came up with 200 men under Col. Tynes, whom I surprised ; killed 6, wounded 14, and took prisoners 23, and got 80 horses and saddles, and as many stand of arms. The Colonel made his escape ; but, sending a party to the High Hills of Santee, he fell into our hands, with several other prisoners, and some who have heen very active against us and great plunderers. The militia are now turning out better than they have done. At present I have upwards of 200 men, and expect that APPENDIX. 169 in three or four days it will be double." " Black-river, Nov. 9th, Col Tarieton [with his corps] has burnt all the houses, and destroyed all the corn, from Camden down to Nelson s ferry ; has behaved to the poor wo men with great barbarity ; beat Mrs. Richardson, the relict of Gen. Richardson, to make her tell where I was, and has not left her a change of raiment. He not only destroyed all the corn, but burnt a number of cattle in the houses he fired. It is distressing to see the women and children sitting in the open air round a fire without a blanket, and women of family and that had ample fortunes ; for he spares neither Whig nor Tory. Most of the inhabitants to the southward are ready and eager to take up arms against their task- masters." " Nov. 21st, Tarieton retreated to Camden, after destroying most of the houses and provisions on the High Hills of Santee. I am obliged to act with so few, as not to have it in my power to do any thing effectual for want of men and ammunition." GORDON, vol. 3. p. 113. D. PAGE. 93. The distinction of Whig and Tory took its rise from the very beginning of the Revolutionary struggle. Both parties in the interior country were then embodied, and were obliged to impress provisions for their res pective support. The advocates for Congress prevail ing, they paid for articles consumed in their camps ; but as no funds were provided for discharging the ex penses incurred by the royalists, all that was consumed by them was considered as robbery. This laid the foundation of a practical war between Whigs and Tories, which was productive of great dis- 15 170 APPENDIX. tress, and deluged the country with blood. After the capitulation of Charleston, political hatred raged with intense fury. In numerous instances the ties of nature were dissolved. Countrymen, neighbors, friends, and brothers took different sides. In every little precinct, more especially in the interior parts of the state, " king s-men" and " congress-men" were names of distinction. Bad passions on both sides were kept in continual agitation, and wrought up to a degree of fury, which rendered individuals regardless not only of the laws of war, but of the principles of humanity. While the British had the ascendency, their partizans gave full scope to their interested and malicious feel ings. Persons of the worst character emerged from their hiding-places in the swamps, called themselves " king s-men," and appropriated to their own use whatever came in their way. Every act of cruelty and injustice was lawful, provided the actor called himself a friend to the king, and the sufferer was denominated a rebel. Of those who were well-disposed to the patriotic side of the contest, few were*, o be found who had not their houses and plantations repeatedly rifled. Under the sanction of subduing rebellion, private revenge was in numberless instances gratified by cold-blooded murder. In fact, rapine, outrage and murder, became so fre quent as to interrupt the free intercourse between one place and another, and people were obliged either en tirely to abandon their home, or to sleep in woods and swamps. RAMSAY, vol. 2. p. 446. APPENDIX. 171 E. PAGB 94. IN consequence of the civil wars between Whigs and Tories, and other calamities, resulting from the opera tions of the British and American armies, South Caro lina exhibited scenes of distress which were shocking to humanity. The single district of Ninety-Six contained within its limits fourteen hundred widows and orphans: made so by the war. The American government was suspended, and the British conquerors were careless of the civil rights of the inhabitants. They conducted as though interior order and police were scarcely objects of attention. The will of the strongest was the law. Such was the general complexion of those who called themselves Royalists, that nothing could be expected of them but outrages against the peace and order of society. They were an ignorant, unprincipled banditti, to whom idleness, licentiousness, and deeds of violence, were familiar ; and others whose atrocities had exiled them from society, attached themselves to parties of the British ; and encouraged by their example, and insti gated by the love of plunder, they committed the most extensive depredations. Under the cloak of attachment to the old government, they covered the basest and most selfish purposes. The necessity which their indiscrimi nate plundering imposed on all good men of defending themselves, did infinitely more damage to the Royal cause than was compensated by all the advantages re suiting from their friendship. Vide RAMSAY, vol. 2, p. 452. 172 APPENDIX. R PAGE 111. Lord Corn wall is, after the action with Greene near Guilford Court House, crossing Deep-river, marched for Wilmington, and afterwards concluded upon marching to Virginia. He arrived at Petersburg on the 20th of May 1781. The young Marquis de La Fayette com manded the American army, and so superior to the American force did Cornwallis feel himself, that he ex- ulted in the prospect of success, and despising the youth of La Fayette, he unguardedly wrote to Great Britain " the boy cannot escape me" La Fayette s little army consisted of 1000 continentals, 2000 militia, and 60 dragoons. Cornwallis proceeded from Petersburg to James river, which he crossed in order to dislodge La Fayette from Richmond : it was evacuated on the 27th. His lordship then marched through Hanover county, and crossed the South Anna river ; La Fayette con stantly following his motions, but at a guarded distance in every part of his progress. His lordship at one time planned the surprisal of the Marquis ; but was diverted from his intention by a spy, whom the latter had sent into the British camp. The following account of the manner in which this spy got into the camp and out again is not without interest. Very desirous of obtaining full intelligence concern ing the movements of his enemy, La Fayette had con cluded upon prevailing, if possible, upon one Charles (generally called Charley) Morgan, a Jersey soldier, of whom he entertained a favorable opinion, to turn de serter, and go over to the British army, in order to his executing the business of a spy the more effectually. Charley was sent for, and agreed to undertake the haz ardous employ ; but insisted that in case he should be APPENDIX. 178 discovered and hanged, La Fayette, to secure his repu tation, should have it inserted in the Jersey paper that he was sent upon the service by his Commander. This was promised him.* Charley then deserted, and, when he had reached the royal army, was carried before Corn wallis, who inquired into the reason of his deserting. " I have been, my lord," said Charley, " with the American army from the beginning, and while under Gen. Washington, was satisfied ; but being put under a Frenchman, I do not like it, and have left the service." Cornwallis commended and rewarded his conduct. Charley was very diligent in the discharge of his mili tary duty, and was not in the least suspected ; but at the same time carefully observed all that passed. One day, while on duty with his comrades, Cornwallis, in close conversation with some of his officers, called Charley to him and said, " How long time will it take the Marquis de La Fay ette to cross James river?" Charley paused for a moment, and answered, "Three hours, my lord." " Three hours ! why it will take three days." " No, my lord," said Charley, " the Marquis has so many boats, and each boat will carry so many men. If your lordship will be at the trouble of calculating, you will find he can cross in three hours." Cornwallis turned to the officers, and in the hearing of Charley remarked, " The scheme will not do." Charley concluded that this was the time for his re turning to the American camp. He, as soon as possi ble, plied his comrades with grog till they were well warmed, and then opened his masked battery. He complained of the wants that prevailed in the British camp, commended the supplies with which the Ameri- 15* 174 APPENDIX. cans abounded, expressed his inclination to return, and then asked, " What say you, will you go with me ?" They agreed. It was left to him to manage with the sentinels. To the first he offered, in a very friendly manner, the taking of a draught of rum from his can teen. While the fellow was drinking, Charley secured his arms, and then proposed his deserting with them, to which he consented through necessity. The second was served in like manner, and Charley by his manage ment carried off seven deserters with him. When he had reached the American army, and was brought into the presence of La Fayette, the Marquis, upon seeing him, cried out " Ha ! Charley, are you got back ?" " Yes, and please your Excellency, and have brought seven more with me," was Charley s respectful answer. When Charley had related the reason of his return ing, and the observations he had made, the Marquis offered him money. But Charley declined it, and only desired to have his gun again. The Marquis proposed to promote him to the rank of a corporal or sergeant. " I will not have any promotion, your Excellency," Charley replied. " I have abilities for a common sol dier, and have a good character. Should I be promoted, my abilities may not answer, and I might lose my character." He, however, nobly requested for his fel low-soldiers, who were not so well supplied with shoes, stockings and clothing as himself, that the Marquis would promise to do what he could to relieve their dis tress. Vide GORDON, vol. 3, p. 207. G. PAGE 151. This treason had for its object the purpose of seizing Gen. Greene and delivering him over to the British. Four sergeants of the Pennsylvania line, headed by one APPENDIX. 175 named Gornell, and a few others, were concerned in this conspiracy. Gornell was a soldier heretofore much esteemed, and possessed talents adapted to enterprize. It was discovered, the night before they were to put their meditated treachery into execution, that Gornell, and his associates, held continual correspondence with the enemy. Greene, acting with his customary de cision, ordered the arrest and trial of Gornell. This was immediately done ; and the prisoner being by the court-martial condemned to die, the sentence of the court was carried into effect on the 22d of April 1782. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. WILLIAM MOULTRIE, was a native of Great Britain, but emigrated to South Carolina at an early age. He served with distinction in the Cherokee war in 1760, and in its last campaign commanded a company. When difficulties occurred between the Mother Country and her Colonies in North America, he zealously es poused the cause of the latter, and, at the commence ment of the Revolution, we find him a member of the Provincial Congress, and a colonel of the second South Carolina regiment. For his brave defence of Sullivan s Island, he received the thanks of Congress, and the fort was afterwards called by his name. In 1779 he gained a victory over the British at Beaufort. He afterwards received the commission of major-general, and was second in command to Gen. Lincoln at the siege of Charleston. After the close of the war he was repeatedly elected governor of South Carolina. He published " Memoirs of the Revolution in the Caro- linas and Georgia," and died at Charleston in 1805. BENJAMIN LINCOLN, was born at Hingham, Mas sachusetts, in 1733, and was engaged in agricultural pursuits until he was forty years old. At the com mencement of the Revolution, he was elected a mem ber of the Provincial Congress ; received the commission of major-general in 1776, and vigorously employed 176 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 177 himself in improving the discipline of the militia. He was second in command in the army which compelled the surrender of Burgoyne, at Saratoga, in October 1777. On the day after the battle of Still water, he received a dangerous wound in one of his legs, and was confined for several months by its effects. He was subsequently appointed to the command of the Southern department, and while in this post attempted the defence of Charleston, but capitulated in May 1780. He was a prisoner until the November following, when he was exchanged, and in the year following he joined the army on the North River, NT. Y. Gen. Washington placed great confidence in his military talents, and at the siege of Yorktovvn he commanded a central division, sharing largely in the dangers and honors of the day. In 1781, he was appointed secretary of the war depart ment, and on several occasions commissioner to treat with the Indians. Peace being concluded, he returned to Massachusetts, and in 1786 was appointed to com mand the troops employed in the suppression of the insurgents in that state. The insurgents, commanded by Daniel Shays, were dispersed, and a few killed. In 1788, he was chosen lieutenant-governor of Mas sachusetts, and in 1789 he was a member of the con vention which ratified the constitution of the United States. He passed his days with honor, and closed his useful career in 1810. He was the author of sev eral interesting papers ; was a member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences, etc. JOHN RUTLEDGE, one of the earliest patriots of the Revolution, in which he took an active part, and ren- 178 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. dered his countrymen, the most effecient services. He was a member of Congress, in 1774; commander-in- chief of the province of South Carolina, in 1776 ; gov ernor of it under the new constitution, in 1779 ; judge of the court of chancery in 1784 ; judge of the Su preme Court of the United States, in 1789; chief jus tice of South Carolina, in 1791 ; and chief justice of the United States, in 1796. His whole life, public and private, was that of a pure patriot and upright citizen. His death occurred in 1800. AUGUSTUS DE KALB, a German nobleman, entered the French service, and afterwards came to America. He received the rank of major-general in the army under Washington, and gained a high reputation as an officer. He fell, fighting desperately at the head of his soldiers, at the battle near Camden, in August 1780. As an officer he was brave and skillful, and universally be loved by those under his command. HORATIO GATES, was an Englishman by birth, (born in 1728,) and, having very early in life entered the British army, rose by his merits to the rank of major. He was under the command of Braddock in that unfortunate officer s expedition against Fort Du- quesne, and received in the famous battle with the In dians a severe wound, which debarred him from active service for some time. He settled in Virginia, where he resided till the commencement of the Revolution. Congress appointed him, in 1775, adjutant-general, BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 179 with the rank of brigadier, and in 1776, he received the command of the army in Canada. In October 1777, he captured the army under Burgoyne. In 1780, he was appointed to the chief command of the Southern department, but proved unsuccessful, and was super seded by Gen. Greene. He was restored to his com mand in 1782. After the war, he resided on his farm in Virginia for several years, but removed in 1790 to New York, where he lived much esteemed and res pected. He died in 1806. COUNT PULASKI, was a native of Poland, a celebrated soldier ; and he made brave, though successful, efforts to restore his country to independence. During the Revolution he came to America, and received the rank of brigadier-general in the American army. At the attack on Savannah in 1779, he was so seriously wounded that he survived but a short time. Congress voted to erect a monument to his memory. CHARLES HENRY, COUNT D ESTAIGN, a French ad miral, born in Auvergne. He was under Lally in the East Indies, and escaped from an English prison by breaking his parole. He was commander of the French squadrons sent to assist the Americans, in their Revo lutionary struggle, and was gullotined during the Reign of Terror, arising out of the French Revolution. He suffered in 1783. 180 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. CHARLES CORNWALLIS, son of the first Earl of Cornwallis, was born in 1738 ; educated at Westmin ster, and St. John s College, Cambridge, and then en tered the British army. In 1761 he succeeded to the title. During the Revolution, he commanded in the Southern states, and signalized himself at the siege of Charleston ; but was surrounded at Yorktovvn and compelled to capitulate. From 1786 to 1792, he was governor-general of, and commander-in-chief in, the British Indies. From 1798 to 1801, he was lord-lieu tenant of Ireland. The treaty of Amiens, in 1802, was signed by him. In 1804 he was again made governor- general of India, and died in the fol owing year, at Ghazepore, in the province of Benares. Sound prac tical sense, not brilliant talent, was the characteristic of Cornwallis. SIR HENRY CLINTON, born in England, entered the British army, served in the Hanoverian war ; he was sent to America in 1775, with the rank of major-gen eral. He distinguished himself at the battle of Bunker Hill, evacuated Philadelphia in 1778, and took Charles ton in 1780 ; for this last service he was thanked by the House of Commons. He returned to England 1782, and soon after published an account of the " Campaign in 1781 83," which Cornwallis answered, and to which Sir Henry replied. He was governor of Gibral- ter in 1795, and died soon after. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 181 NATHANIEL GREENE, was born at Warwick, Rhode Island, in 1741, and though he enjoyed but limited op portunities of education, he early displayed a love of study, and industriously applied himself to the acquisi tion of such knowledge as was within his reach. He was elected to the state legislature in 1770. In 1774 he enrolled himself as a private in a company called the Kentish guards, and from this situation he was ele vated to the command of three regiments, with the title of major-general. In 1776, he accepted from Congress a commission of brigadier-general, and distinguished himself by his skill and bravery at the battles of Trenton and Princeton. In 1778 he was appointed quarter master general, and rendered great service in the office by his talents for business. He presided at the court- martial which tried Major Andre, and was appointed to succeed the traitorous Arnold in command at West Point. But he held this post only a brief time, being appointed in that year (1780) to the command of the Southern army. He assumed the command in Decem ber, and in this situation displayed a prudence, intrepi dity and firmness that elevated him to the first rank among the officers of the American Revolution. In September 1781, he commanded at the famous victory of Eutaw Springs, for which he received from Congress a British standard and a gold medal, as a testimony of their value of his conduct and services. On the termi nation of hostilities, he returned to Rhode Island, and in 1785 removed with his family to Georgia, where he died suddenly in June (the 19th) of the following year. South Carolina had presented him with an estate worth 10.000; Georgia, with an estate a few miles from Savannah, worth 5.000 ; and North Carolina, with 25.000 acres of land in the state of Tennessee. 16 182 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. HENRY LEE, a Virginian, born in 1756, graduated at Princeton college, and in 1776 was captain of one of the six companies of cavalry raised by his native state. These were afterwards embodied into one regi ment, and added, in 1777, to the main body of the pro vincials. At the battle of Germantown, Lee was se lected with his company to attend Washington as his body-guard. In 1780, with the rank of lieutenant- colonel, he was sent with his legion to the army of the south, and continued with it until the close of the war. In 1786 he was a delegate to Congress from the state of Virginia, and remained in that body until the adoption of the present constitution. In 1792 he was honored with the governor s chair of his native state, and in 1799 was again a member of Congress, and while there he was selected to pronounce a funeral oration upon the death of Washington. In the latter years of his life he became embarrassed in his circumstances. He was severely wounded during the riot in Baltimore, 1814, and his health declined. His death took place in 1818. It was while confined for debt within the limits of Spottsylvania county, that he prepared for publication his " Memoirs of the Southern War," pub lished in 1812 ; and from which excellent work a great amount of information has been obtained for the present compilation. THOMAS SUMPTER, a very distinguished soldier of the war in the southern states, was born in 1735. Governor Rutledge appointed him brigadier-general in 1780, and his military career was bold and brilliant. He took his seat in the United States senate, in 1811, as a senator from the state of South Carolina. He died at the age of 97 in 1832. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 183 OTHO HOLLAND WILLIAMS, a native of Virginia, born in 1748. A company of riflemen was raised in Frederick county at the beginning of the Revolution, to which he was given the command, and he at once repaired to the American camp near Boston. At the capture of Fort Washington in New York, Williams was taken prisoner. After being exchanged, he com manded the 6th Maryland regiment, and was detached to South Carolina, and, with the rank of adjutant-gen eral, he continued to participate with zeal and activity in the dangers of the campaign. He was subsequently promoted to the rank of brigadier-general. He died in 1794. WILLIAM RICHARDSON DAVIE, was born in Eng land, brought to America in his childhood, and educated at Princeton college, where he graduated in 1776. He studied law for a short time, but such was his interest in the Revolution, he entered the army as a lieutenant in Count Pulaski s legion, and distinguished himself by his efficiency and courage. After the war, he devoted himself to the practice of law ; and in 1787, he was chosen a delegate from South Carolina to represent that State in the Convention which framed the Constitution of the United States. Unavoidable absence prevented him from affixing his name to that instrument. He was afterwards governor of North Carolina, etc. His death occurred in 1820. His person was dignified ; as a soldier no man was ever more courageous ; his legal abilities were more than ordinary. 184 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. JOHN EAGER HOWARD, a native of Baltimore city, born in 1752. He was one of the most distinguished officers of the American Revolution, and at the battle of Cowpens, he had in his hands the swords of seven British officers, who had surrendered to him personally. After the war he resided on his estate, near Baltimore, and the citizens of Maryland subsequently elected him to the dignity of governor of their state, and he was also a member of the United States Senate. He died at the age of seventy-five in 1827. " As a patriot and a soldier," said Gen. Greene, " Colonel Howard de served a statue of gold no less than Roman and Grecian heroes." WILLIAM WASHINGTON, born in Virginia, served in the Revolutionary war from the commencement of the contest, received a wound at the battle of Trenton, distinguished himself in the Southern campaigns, and commanded the cavalry at the battle of Cowpens. For his bravery and military skill at this battle, Congress presented him with a sword. It was his misfortune to be wounded and taken prisoner at Eutaw Springs, which deprived his country of his services for the re mainder of the war. He remained a prisoner until the conclusion of the war, after which he married, and settled in South Carolina ; in the legislature of which state he exhibited the talents and virtues of an honest statesman. His death took place in 1810. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 185 FRANCIS HASTINGS, LORD RAWDON, son of the Earl of Moira, in Ireland, and born in 1754, educated at Ox ford, travelled on the continent of Europe, and entered the British army as an ensign. He was among the troops sent to America at the commencement of the Revolution, and took part in the engagement at Bunker s Hill. He subsequently commanded in South Carolina, where he displayed considerable valor, and was perhaps the most efficient of the British officers in the Southern war. Illness obliged him to embark for Europe ; on the passage the ship in which he sailed was captured by the French, and taken into Brest ; he was soon released, and reached England, and was re warded for his exertions in America by being created a peer. In parliament he distinguished himself, and in 1793, upon the death of his father, he succeeded to the title of Earl Moira. In 1794, with the rank of major- general, he commanded, under the duke of York, against the French armies in Holland. The Whigs -wished to place him at the head of the ministry in 1797, but were unsuccessful. In 1812, having for several years previous been employed in political negotiations, he re ceived the appointment of governor-general of British India, in which office he evidenced great abilities. He resigned in 1822, and returned to England. After which he was appointed governor of the island of Malta. He died in Nov. 1825. JOHN LAURENS, son of Henry Laurens, the Ameri can patriot and statesman, was liberally educated in England, and, having returned to his native country, joined the American army in 1777. He displayed pro- 16* 186 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. digies of valor at Brandy wine, German town, Monmouth, Savannah and Charleston, and was killed at the very close of the war in a slight skirmish. In 1780, he was sent as a special minister to France to negotiate a loan, and, after being subjected to a vexatious delay, he de termined to present a memorial to the king in person at the levee. This purpose he carried into effect: the memorial was graciously received by Louis XVI., and the object of negotiation satisfactorily arranged. He was but twenty-seven years old at the time of his death in 1782. GEORGE WASHINGTON, the illustrious founder of American independence, was born in 1732, in the county of Fairfax, in Virginia, where his father was possessed of great landed property. He was educated under the care of a private tutor, and paid much atten tion to the study of mathematics and engineering. He was first employed officially by General Dinwiddie, in 1753, in remonstrating to the French commander on the Ohio, for the infraction of the treaty between the two nations. He subsequently negotiated a treaty of amity with the Indians on the back settlements, and for his honorable services received the thanks of the British Government. In the unfortunate expedition of General Braddock he served as aid-de-camp, and on the fall of that brave but rash commander, he conducted the retreat to the corps under Colonel Dunbar in a manner that displayed great military talent. He re tired from the service with the rank of colonel, but while engaged in agriculture at his favorite seat of Mount Vernon, he was elected senator in the national BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 187 council for Frederic county, and afterwards for Fair fax. At the commencement of the revolutionary war, he was selected as the most proper person to take the chief command of the provincial troops. From the moment of taking upon himself this important office, in June, 1775, he employed the great powers of his mind to his favorite object, and by his prudence, his valor, and presence of mind he deserved and obtained the confidence and gratitude of his country, and finally triumphed over all opposition. The record of his services is the history of the whole war. He joined the army at Cambridge in July, 1775. On the evacua tion of Boston in March, 1776, he proceeded to New York. The battle of Long Island was fought on the 27th of August, and the battle of White Plains on the 28th of October. On the 25th of December he crossed the Delaware, and soon gained the victories at Trenton and Princeton. The battle of Brandy wine was fought on September llth, 1777; of Germantown, October 4th; of Monmouth, February 28th, 1778. In 1779 and 1780 he continued in the vicinity of New York, and closed the important military operations of the war by the capture of Cornwallis, at Yorktown, in 1781. When the independence of his country was established by the treaty of peace, Washington resigned his high office to the congress, and, followed by the applause, and the grateful admiration of his fellow-citizens, re tired into private life. His high character and services naturally entitled him to the highest gifts his country could bestow, and on the organization of the govern ment he was called upon to be the first president of the states which he had preserved and established. It was a period of great difficulty and danger. The unsub dued spirit of liberty had been roused and kindled by 188 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. the revolution of France, and many Americans were eager that the freedom and equality which they them selves enjoyed should be extended to the subjects of the French monarch. Washington anticipated the plans of the factious, and by prudence and firmness subdued insurrection, and silenced discontent, till the parties which the intrigues of Genet the French envoy had roused to rebellion, were convinced of the wildness of their measures and of the wisdom of their governor. The president completed, in 1796, the business of his office by signing a commercial treaty with Great Britain, and then voluntarily resigned his power at a moment when all hands and all hearts were united, again to confer upon him the sovereignty of the country. Restored to the peaceful retirement of Mount Vernon, he devoted himself to the pursuits of agriculture; and though he accepted the command of the army in 1798, it was merely to unite the affections of his fellow citizens to the general good, and was one more sacrifice to his high sense of duty. He died after a short ill ness on the 14th of December, 1799. He was buried with the honors due to the noble founder of a happy and prosperous republic. History furnishes no parallel to the character of Washington. He stands on an un- approached eminence ; distinguishad almost beyond humanity for self-command, intrepidity, soundness of judgment, rectitude of purpose, and deep ever active piety. JOHN CADWALADER, was born in Philadelphia, and rose to the rank of brigadier-general in the American army during the revolutionary war. He was a man BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 189 of inflexible courage, and possessed in a high degree the esteem and confidence of Washington. In 1778, he was appointed by Congress general of cavalry, an appointment which he declined on the score of being more useful in the situation he then occupied. After the war he was a member of the assembly of Mary land, and died in 1786, in the 44th year of his age. CHARLES LEE, a major-general in the army of the American revolution, was born in North Wales, and became an officer when very young. He served at an early age in America, and afterwards distinguished himself under General Burgoyne, in Portugal. He subsequently entered the Polish service, wandered all over Europe, killed an Italian officer in a duel, and in 1773 sailed for New York. Espousing the cause of the colonies, he received a commission from Congress in 1775, with the rank of major-general. In 1776 he was invested with the command at New York, and afterwards with the chief command in the southern department. In December, 1776, he was made prisoner by the English, as he lay carelessly guarded at a considerable distance from the main body of the army in New Jersey. He was kept prisoner till the surrender of Burgoyne, in 1777, and treated in a man ner unworthy of a generous enemy. In 1778, he was arraigned before a court-martial, in consequence of his misconduct at the battle of Monmouth, and was sus pended from any commission in the army of the United States for one year. He retired to a hovel in Virginia, living in entire seclusion, surrounded by his books and his dogs. In 1782, he went to reside at 190 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Philadelphia, where he died in obscurity in October of the same year. He was a man of much energy and courage, with considerable literary attainments, but morose and avaricious. He published essays on military, literary and political subjects, which with his extensive correspondence were collected in a volume in 1792. The authorship of the Letters of Junius has been ascribed to him. RICHARD HENRY LEE, an eminent American patriot, and signer of the Declaration of Independence, was born in Virginia in 1732, and received his education in England. He returned to his native country when in his nineteenth year, and devoted himself to the general study of history, politics, law, and polite litera ture, without engaging in any particular profession. In his 25th year, he was chosen a delegate to the house of burgesses, where he soon distinguished himself by his powers in debate. In 1764, he was appointed to draught an address to the king, and a memorial to the house of lords, which are amongst the best state papers of the period. His efforts in resisting the various en croachments of the British government were indefati gable, and in 1774 he attended the first general Congress at Philadelphia, as a delegate from Virginia. He was a member of most of the important committees of this body, and laboured with unceasing vigilance and energy. The memorial of Congress to the people of British America, and the second address of Congress to the people of Great Britain, were both from his pen. In June, 1776, he introduced the measure that de clared the colonies free and independent states, and BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 191 supported it by a speech of the most brilliant eloquence. He continued to hold a seat in Congress till June, 1777, when he solicited leave of absence, on account of the delicate state of his health. In August of the next year, he was again elected to Congress, and con tinued in that body till 1780, when he declined a re election till 1784. In that year he was chosen presi dent of Congress, but retired at the close of it, and in 1786 was again chosen a member of the Virginia assembly. He was a member of the convention which adopted the present constitution of the United States, and one of the first senators under it. In 1792 he again retired from public life, and died in 1794. PATRICK HENRY, an American orator and statesman, was born in Virginia in 1736, and after receiving a common school education, and spending some time in trade and agriculture, commenced the practice of the law, after only six weeks of preparatory study. After several years of poverty, with the encumbrance of a family, he first rose to distinction in managing the popular cause in the controversy between the legisla ture and the clergy, touching the stipend which was claimed by the latter. In 1765 he was elected a member of the house of burgesses, with express refer ence to an opposition to the British stamp act. In this assembly he obtained the honor of being the first to commence the opposition to the measures of the British government, which terminated in the revolu tion. He was one of the delegates sent by Virginia to the first general congress of the colonies, in 1774, and in that body distinguished himself by his boldness 192 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. and eloquence. In 1776 he was appointed the first governor of the commonwealth, and to this office was repeatedly re-elected. In 1786 he was appointed by the legislature one of the deputies to the convention held at Philadelphia, for the purpose of revising the federal constitution. In 1788* he was a member of the convention, which met in Virginia to consider the constitution of the United States, and exerted himself strenuously against its adoption. In 1794 he retired from the bar, and died in 1799. Without extensive information upon legal or political topics, he was a natural orator of the highest order, possessing great powers of imagination, sarcasm and humor, united with great force and energy of manner, and a deep knowledge of human nature. THOMAS JEFFERSON was born in Albemarle county, Virginia, in 1743, and was entered a student in the college of William and Mary. On leaving this semi nary, he applied himself to the study of the law, under the tuition of the celebrated George Wythe, and was called to the bar in 1766. He soon occupied a high stand in his profession, and at the early age of twenty-five entered the house of burgesses of his native state. In 1774 he published a Summary View of the Rights of British America, a bold but respectful pamphlet addressed to the king. In 1775 he was elected a member of the continental congress, and in the following year draughted the Declaration of Inde pendence. Between 1777 and 1779 he was employed together with George Wythe and Edmund Pendleton on a commission for revising the laws of Virginia. In BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 193 1779 he was elected governor of Virginia, and con tinued in office until June, 1781. In the latter year he commenced his celebrated Notes on Virginia, and in 1787 published it under his own signature. In November, 1783, he again took his seat in the con tinental congress, and in May following was appointed minister plenipotentiary, to act abroad with Adams and Franklin in the negotiation of commercial treaties. In 1785 he was appointed to succeed Dr. Franklin as minister to the court of Versailles, and performed the duties of this office till 1789, when he returned to his native country and was placed by President Washington at the head of the department of state. In 1797 he became vice-president, and in 1801 president of the United States. At the expiration of eight years he again retired to private life, and took up his residence at Monticello. He still continued anxious to promote the interest of science and literature, and devoted the attention of several years to the establishment of a university in Virginia. He died on the fourth of July, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of In dependence. In stature Mr. Jefferson was six feet and two inches high. His person was erect and well formed, though spare. In his manners he was simple and unaffected, simple in his habits, and incessantly occupied with the pursuits of business or study. Four volumes of his Correspondence have been published since his decease. NICHOLAS BIDDLE, an American naval officer was born in Philadelphia, in 1750. He entered the British fleet in 1770, having previously served several 17 194 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. years as a seaman on board merchant ships. On the commencement of hostilities between the colonies and the mother country, he returned to Philadelphia, and received from Congress the captaincy of the Andrew Doria, a brig of 14 guns, employed in the expedition against New Providence. Towards the close of 1776, he received command of the Randolph, a new frigate of 32 guns, with which he soon captured a Jamaica fleet of four sail richly laden. This prize he carried into Charleston, and was soon after furnished by the government of that town with four additional vessels, to attack several British cruisers, at that time harassing the commerce of the vicinity. He fell in with the royal line of battle ship Yarmouth, of 64 guns, on the 7th of March, 1778, and after an action of twenty minutes, perished with all his crew except four, by the blowing up of the ship. JOHNSON BLAKELY, a captain in the United States navy during the late war, was born in Ireland in 1781. TWO years after, his father emigrated to the United States and settled in North Carolina. Young Blakely was placed, in 1796, at the university of North Caro lina, but circumstances having deprived him of the means of adequate support, he left college, and in 1800 obtained a midshipman s warrant. In 1813 he was appointed to the command of the Wasp, and in this vessel took his Brittanic Majesty s ship Reindeer, after an action of nineteen minutes. The Wasp afterwards put into L Orient ; from which port she sailed August 27th. On the evening of the first of September, 1814, she fell in with four sail, at considerable distances BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 195 from each other. One of these was the brig-of-war Avon, which struck after a severe action ; but Captain B. was prevented from taking possession by the ap proach of another vessel. The enemy reported that they had sunk the Wasp by the first broadside, but she was afterwards spoken by a vessel off the Western Isles. After this we hear of her no more. Captain Blakely was considered a man of uncommon courage and intellect. DANIEL BOONE, one of the earliest settlers in Kentucky, was born in Virginia, and was from in fancy addicted to hunting in the woods. He set out on an expedition to explore the region of Kentucky, in May, 1769, with five companions. After meeting with a variety of adventures, Boone was left with his brother, the only white men in the wilderness. They passed the winter in a cabin, arid in the summer of 1770 traversed the country to the Cumberland river. In September, 1773, Boone commenced his removal to Kentucky with his own and five other families. He was joined by forty men, who put themselves under his direction ; but being attacked by the Indians, the whole party returned to the settlements on Clinch river. Boone was afterwards employed by a company of North Carolina, to buy, from the Indians, lands on the south side of the Kentucky river. In April, 1775, he built a fort at Salt-spring, where Boonesborough is now situated. Here he sustained several sieges from the Indians, and was once taken prisoner by them while hunting with a number of his men. In 1782 the depredations of the savages increased to an alarm- 2A 196 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. ing extent, and Boone, with other militia officers, col lected one hundred and seventy-six men, and went in pursuit of a large body, who had marched beyond the Blue Licks, forty miles from Lexington. From that time till 1798, he resided alternately in Kentucky and Virginia. In that year, having received a grant of two thousand acres of land from the Spanish autho rities; he removed to Upper Louisiana, with his children and followers, who were presented with eight hun dred acres each. He settled with them at Charette, on the Missouri river, where he followed his usual course of life, hunting and trapping bears, till Sep tember, 1822, when he died in the eighty-fifth year of his age. He expired while on his knees, taking aim at some object, and was found in that position, with his gun resting on the trunk of a tree. JOHN BURGOYNE, was a natural son of Lord Bingley he entered early into the army; and in 1762 displayed much talent and enterprise, in command of a party of British troops in Portugal. In the American war, h* led the army which was to penetrate from Canada into the revolted provinces. At first, he was success ful ; but, insuperable obstacles thickening round him, he was ultimately compelled to surrender at Saratoga. Disgusted by the conduct of the ministry after his re turn, he resigned all his employments. He died in August, 1792. Burgoyne wrote the dramas of the Heiress, the Maid of the Oaks, the Lord of the Manor, and Richard Coeur de Lion ; some pamphlets in his own defence ; and a Probationary Ode. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 197 JOHN CHAMPE, a soldier in the American Revolution, was born in Louden county, Virginia. In the year 1776 he was appointed a sergeant-major in Lee s regi ment of cavalry, and after the discovery of Arnold s treason was employed by Washington in a service of much danger and difficulty; this was, to visit the British army as a deserter, in order to ascertain if any other American officers were engaged in that conspiracy, and to secure if possible the person of Arnold. In the latter object of his enterprise he unfortunately failed, but he effected his own escape in safety, and returned to his companions. Washington treated him munifi cently, and presented him with his discharge from further service, lest, in the vicissitudes of war, he should fall into the hands of the enemy, and perish upon a gibbet. He died in Kentucky about the year 1797 GEORGE ROGERS CLARKE, colonel in the service of Virginia against the Indians in the revolutionary war, distinguished himself greatly in that post, and rendered efficient service to the inhabitants of the frontiers. In 1779 he descended the Ohio and built fort Jefferson on the eastern bank of the Mississippi; in 1781 he re ceived a general s commission. He died in 1817 at his seat near Louisville, Kentucky. RICHARD DALE, an American naval commander, was born in Virginia in 1756. At twelve years of age he was sent to sea, and in 1776 he entered as a midship man on board of the American brig of war Lexington. 17* 198 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. In the following year he was taken prisoner by a British cruiser, and after a twelve month confinement lie escaped from Mill prison, and succeeded in reach ing France. Here he joined, in the character of master s mate, the celebrated Paul Jones, then com manding the American ship Bon Homme Richard. He was soon raised to the rank of first lieutenant and signalized himself in the sanguinary engagement be tween the Bon Homme Richard and the English frigate Serapis. In 1794, the United States made him a captain in the navy, and in 1801 he took command of the American squadron which sailed in that year from Hampton roads to the Mediterranean. From the year 1802, he passed his life in Philadelphia, in the enjoyment of a competent estate, and much esteemed by his fellow-citizens. He died in 1826, leaving the reputation of a brave and intelligent seaman. STEPHEN DECATUR, a distinguished officer in the navy of the United States, was born in Maryland iu 1779, and received his education in Philadelphia. He entered the navy in 1798, and first distinguished himself when in the rank of lieutenant, by the destruc tion of the American frigate Philadelphia, which had run upon a rock in the harbor of Tripoli, and fallen into the hands of the enemy. For this exploit, the American Congress gave him a vote of thanks and a sword, and the president immediately sent him a cap taincy. At the bombardment of Tripoli the next year, he distinguished himself by the capture of two of the enemy s boats, which were moored along the mouth of the harbor, and immediately under the batteries. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 199 When peace was concluded with Tripoli, Decatur re turned home in the Congress, and afterward succeeded Commodore Barron in the command of the Chesapeake. In the late war between Great Britain and the United States, his chief exploit was the capture of the British frigate Macedonian, commanded by Captain Garden. In January, 1815, he attempted to sail from New York, which was then blockaded by four British ships ; but the frigate under his command was injured in pass ing the bar, and was captured by the whole squadron, after a running fight of two or three hours. He was restored to his country after the conclusion of peace. In the summer of the same year, he was sent with a squadron to the Mediterranean, in order to compel the Algerines to desist from their depredations on American commerce. He arrived at Algiers on the twenty-eighth of June, and in less than forty-eight hours terrified the regency into an entire accession to all his terms. Thence he went to Tripoli, where he met with like success. On returning to the United States, he was appointed a member of the Board of Commissioners for the navy, and held that office till March, 1820, when he was shot in a duel with Commodore Barron. He was a man of an active and powerful frame, and possessed a high degree of energy, sagacity, and courage. GEORGE WYTHE, a signer of the Declaration of American Independence, was born in Virginia in 1726. His early course was dissipated, but at the age of thirty he .reformed, turned his attention to literature, studied law and commenced its practice. At the breaking out 200 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. of the revolution he was a distinguished leader of the popular party. He was for some time speaker of the house of burgesses, and in 1775 was elected a member of Congress. He was one of the committee to revise the laws of Virginia in 1776, and had a principal share in preparing the code adopted in 1779. Soon after he was appointed one of the three judges of the high court of chancery, and subsequently sole counsel lor. He was a member of the convention of Virginia to consider the constitution of the United States. His death, which was attributed to poison, took place in 1806. JOHN PAUL JONES, a native of Scotland, was born in 1747, at Selkirk, and settled in America when young. He distinguished himself by his bravery in the American service, during the contest with the mother country, particularly in a desperate action with the Serapis frigate, which he captured. He died in Paris in 1792, and was buried at the expense of the national convention. Jones was not only a man of signal courage, but also of great talent, and keen sagacity, wrote poetry, and in France aspired to be a man of fashion. His memorials and correspondence are quite voluminous. GEORGE WALTON, a signer of the Declaration of American Independence, was born in Frederic county, Virginia, about the year 1740. He was early ap prenticed to a carpenter, but at the expiration of his BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 201 apprenticeship he removed to Georgia and entered the office of an attorney at law. In 1776 he was elected to the continental congress. At the siege of Savannah he was wounded and taken prisoner, but was exchanged in September, 1779. In the following month he was appointed governor of the state, and in the succeeding January was elected a member of Congress for two years. DAVID RAMSEY, an American historian, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1749, was educated at Princeton College, and commenced the study of medicine. After practising a short time in Maryland, he removed to Charleston, South Carolina, in 1773, and soon rose to an extensive practice. He took an active and early part in the cause of the colonies, and was for some time a surgeon in the revolutionary army. In 1782 he was chosen to a seat in Congress. He wrote a History of the Revolution in South Carolina ; a History of the American Revolution ; a Life of Washington ; a History of South Carolina ; and a History of the United States. He died in 1815. CHARLES COTESWORTH PINCKNEY, a distinguished officer of the revolutionary army, was born in South Carolina, received his education in England, and studied law in the Temple. On returning to his native province in 1769, he devoted himself to the successful practice of his profession. On the com mencement of hostilities he renounced law for the 202 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. study of military tactics, and was soon promoted to the command of the first regiment of Carolina infantry. He was subsequently aid-de-camp to Washington, and in this capacity at the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. On the surrender of Charleston he was taken prisoner, and remained so till all opportunity of gaining fresh reputation in the field, had passed. He was a member of the convention which formed the federal constitution, and in 1796 was appointed minister to France. When preparations were making for war on account of the expected French invasion, Mr. Pinckney was nominated a major-general, but he soon had an opportunity of retiring to the quiet of private life. He was afterwards president of the Cincinnati Society of the United States. He died in 1825. DANIEL MORGAN, a distinguished officer in the army of the American Revolution, was born in New Jersey, and removed to Virginia in 1755. He enlisted in Braddock s expedition as a private soldier, and on the defeat of that general returned to his occupation as a farmer. At the commencement of the Revolution he was appointed to the command of a troop of horse, and joined the army under Washington, then in the neighbourhood of Boston. He distinguished himself very much in the expedition against Quebec, where he fell into the hands of the enemy. On the exchange of prisoners, he rejoined the American army, was ap pointed to the command of a select rifle corps, and detached to assist General Gates on the northern fron tier, where he contributed materially to the capture of BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 203 General Burgoyne. After a short retirement from service, on account of ill health, he was appointed brigadier-general by brevet, and commanded at the force by which Colonel Tarleton was routed at the battle of Cowpens. He soon after resigned his com mission. In 1794 he commanded the militia of Virginia called out to suppress the insurrection in Pennsylvania, and continued in the service till 1795. He afterwards was elected to a seat in Congress. He died in 1799. JAMES NICHOLSON, an officer in the American navy, was born in Chestertown, Maryland, in 1737. He followed the life of a sailor till the year 1763, when he married and settled in the city of New York. Here he remained until 1771, when he returned to his native province. At the commencement of the Revolu tion, the government of Maryland built and equipped a ship of war, called the Defence, and the command of her was intrusted to Nicholson. He performed various exploits during the war, and before the close of it was taken prisoner and carried into New York. He died in 1806. JAMES MONROE, President of the United States, born in Virginia, in 1759, and was educated in William and Mary College. He entered the revolutionary war in 1776 as a cadet, was at the battles of Haerlem Heights and White Plains, and in the attack on Trenton, and rose through the rank of lieutenant to that of cap- 204 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. tain. He was present at the battles of Brandywine. Germantown, and Monmouth, as aid to Lord Sterling* Resuming the study of the law, he entered the office of Mr. Jefferson, and after being a member of the assembly of Virginia and the council, he was elected in 1783, a member of the old Congress. In 1790 he was elected a member of the Senate of the United States, in 1794 went as minister plenipotentiary to France, and in 1799 was appointed governor of Virginia. In 1803 he was appointed minister extra ordinary to France, in the same year minister to Lon don, and in the next minister to Spain. In 1806 he was again appointed in conjunction with Mr. William Pinkney, minister to London. He was subsequently governor of Virginia ; in 1811 was appointed secretary of state, and continued to exercise the duties of this department, and for some time those of the department of war, till 1817. In that year he was chosen presi dent of the Union, and in 1821 was re-elected by a vote, unanimous, with the single exception of one vote in New Hampshire. He died in New York, on the fourth of July, 1831. ARTHUR MIDDLETON, a signer of the Declaration of American Independence, was born in South Carolina in 1743, and received his education in Europe. Soon after his return home, he began to take an active part in the revolutionary movements, and in 1776 was chosen one of the delegates from his native state to the American Congress. At the close of the year 1777 he resigned his seat, leaving behind a character for the purest patriotism and unwavering resolution. In BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 205 the year 1779 many of the southern plantations were ravaged, and that of Mr. Middleton did not escape. On the surrender of Charleston he was taken prisoner and kept in confinement for nearly a year. In 1781 he was appointed a representative to Congress, and again in 1782. In the latter year he went into retire ment, and died in 1787. JOHN ADAMS, a distinguished patriot of the American Revolution, was born in 1735, at Braintree, Massachu setts. He was educated at the University of Cam bridge, and received the degree of master of arts in 1758. At this time he entered the office of Jeremiah Gridley, a lawyer of the highest eminence, to complete his legal studies ; and in the next year he was admitted to the bar of Suffolk. Mr. Adams at an early age es poused the cause of his country, and received numer ous marks of the public confidence and respect. He took a prominent part in every leading measure, and served on several committees which reported some of the most important state papers of the time. He was elected a member of the Congress, and was among the foremost in recommending the adoption of an indepen dent government. It has been affirmed by Mr. Jeffer son himself, " that the great pillar of support to the Declaration of Independence, and its ablest advocate and champion on the floor of the house was John Adams." In 1777 he was chosen commissioner to the court of Versailles, in the place of Mr. Dean, who was recalled. On his return, about a year afterwards, he was elected a member of the convention to prepare a form of government for the state of Massachusetts, 18 206 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. and placed on the sub-committee chosen to draught the project of a constitution. Three months after his re turn, Congress sent him abroad with two commissions, one as a minister plenipotentiary to negotiate a peace, the other to form a commercial treaty with Great Britain. In June, 1780, he was appointed in the place of Mr. Laurens ambassador to Holland, and in 1782 he repaired to Paris, to commence the negotiation for peace, havjng previously obtained assurance that Great Britain would recognise the independence of the United States. At the close of the war Mr. Adams was appointed the first minister to London. In 1789 he was elected vice-president of the United States, and on the resignation of Washington, succeeded to the presidency in 1797. After his term of four years had expired, it was found, on the new election, that his adversary, Mr. Jefferson, had succeeded by the majority of one vote. On retiring to his farm in Quincy, Mr. Adams occupied himself with agriculture, obtaining amusement from the literature and politics of the day. The remaining years of his life were passed in almost uninterrupted tranquillity. He died on the fourth of July, 1826, with the same words on his lips, which > fifty years before, on that glorious day, he had uttered on the floor of Congress " Independence for ever." Mr. Adams is the author of An Essay on Canon and Feudal Law ; a series of letters published under the signature of Novanglus ; and Discourses on Davila. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, a philosopher and statesman, the son of a soap-boiler and tallow chandler, was born in 1706, at Boston, in America. He was apprenticed BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 207 as a printer to his brother, at Boston. It was while he was with his brother that he began to try his powers of literary composition. Street ballads and articles in a newspaper were his first efforts. Dis satisfied with the manner in which he was treated by his relative, he, at the age of seventeen, privately quitted him, and went to Philadelphia, where he ob tained employment. Deluded by a promise of patron age from the governor, Sir William Keith, he visited England to procure the necessary materials, for esta blishing a printing office in Philadelphia ; but, on his arrival at London, he found that he had been deceived, and he was obliged to work as a journeyman for eighteen months. While he was in the British metropolis, he wrote a Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain. In 1726 he returned to Philadelphia ; not long after which he entered into business as a printer and stationer, and, in 1728, esta- tablished a newspaper. His prudence soon placed him among the most prosperous of the citizens, and the influence which prosperity naturally gave was en hanced by his activity and talent. Chiefly by his ex ertions, a public library, a fire preventing company, an insurance company, and a voluntary association for defence, were established at Philadelphia. In 1732, he began Poor Richard s Almanac. His first public employment was that of clerk to the general assembly of Pennsylvania ; his next that of postmaster; and he was subsequently chosen as a representative. Philoso phy, also, now attracted his attention, and he began those inquiries into the nature of electricity, the results of which have ranked him high among men of science. In 1753, he was appointed deputy postmaster-general of British America ; and from 1757 to 1762, he resided 208 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. in London, as agent for Pennsylvania and other colonies. The last of these offices was intrusted to him again in 1764, and he held it till the breaking out of the con test in 1775. After his return to America, he took an active part in the cause of liberty, and, in 1778, he was despatched, by the Congress, as ambassador to France. The treaty of alliance with the French government, and the treaties of peace, in 1782 and 1783, as well as treaties with Sweden and Prussia, were signed by him. On his reaching Philadelphia, in September, 1785, his arrival was hailed by applaud ing thousands of his countrymen, who conducted him in triumph to his residence. He died April 17th T 1790. His Memoirs, written by himself, but left un finished, and his Philosophical, Political, and Mis cellaneous Works, have been published by his grand son, in six volumes octavo. SAMUEL ADAMS, one of the most remarkable men connected with the American Revolution, was born at Boston in 1722. He was educated at Harvard College, and received his honors in 1740. He was one of the first who organized measures of resistance to the mother country ; and for the prominent part which he took in these measures he was proscribed by the British government. During the revolutionary war, he was one of the most active and influential asserters of American freedom and independence. He was a member of the legislature of Massachusetts from 1766 to 1774, when he was sent to the first Congress of the old confederation. He was one of the signers of the Declaration of 1776, for the adoption of which he had BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 209 always been one of the warmest advocates. In 1781 he retired from Congress, but only to receive from his native state additional proofs of her confidence in his talents and integrity. He had already been an active member of the convention that formed her constitution, and after it went into effect, he was placed in the senate of the state, and for several years presided over that body. In 1789 he was elected lieutenant-governor, and held that office till 1794 ; upon the death of Han cock, he was chosen governor, and was annually re- elected till 1797, when he retired from public life. He died in 1803. The following encomium upon Mr. Adams is from a, work upon the American Rebellion, by Mr. Galloway, published in Great Britain, 1780 ; " He eats little, drinks little, sleeps little, thinks much, and is most indefatigable in the pursuit of his object. It was this man, who, by his superior application, managed at once the factions in Congress at Philadelphia, and the factions of New England." WILLIAM PINKNEY, an eloquent lawyer and states man, was born in Maryland in 1765, and prepared himself for the bar under the instruction of Judge Chase. He was admitted to practice in 1786, and soon gave indications of possessing superior powers. He was a member of the convention of Maryland which ratified the federal constitution. In 1776 he was appointed one of the commissioners under the British treaty. The state of Maryland also employed him to procure a settlement of its claims on the Bank of England, and he recovered for it the sum of eight hundred thousand dollars. This detained him in 210 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. England till the year 1804, when he returned and re sumed his professional labors. In 1806 he was sent as envoy extraordinary to London, and in 1808 re ceived the authority of minister plenipotentiary. He returned to the United States in 1811, and soon after was appointed attorney-general. This office he held till 1814. During the incursion of the British into Maryland, he commanded a battalion, and was wounded in the battle of Bladensburgh in August, 1814. He was afterwards representative in Congress, minister plenipotentiary to Russia, envoy to Naples, and in 1819 senator in Congress. In the last office he con tinued till his death in 1822. OLIVER HAZARD PERRY, an American naval officer, was born in Rhode Island in 1785. Entering the navy in 1798, he served in the Mediterranean in the expedition against Tripoli, and distinguished himself in the late war with Great Britain by obtaining a splendid victory over a superior force on Lake Erie. For this exploit he was raised to the rank of captain. He commanded the Java in the expedition to the Mediterranean under Commodore Decatur. He died in the West Indies in 1820. THE END. 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