IC-NRLF SB 27 073 pen Heart Steel Castin W.M.CABR LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class OPEN HEARTH STEEL CASTINGS BY W. M. CARR 4 A complete exposition of the methods involved in the manufacture of open-hearth steel castings by the basic and acid processes. This work is compiled from a series of articles by the author, written for and published by The Iron Trade Revieiv and The Foundry. UNIVERSITY OF Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. The Penton Publishing Company, Publishers. ipo; :AL TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. Page Melting Stock for Acid Practice ............................. 8 Fuels and Alloys ............................................. 10 Molding Materials .................. . ........................ 13 Materials for Basic Practice .................................. 14 CHAPTER II. Open-Hearth Furnace Construction ........................... 20 CHAPTER III. Fuels and Accessories ........... ............................. 33 CHAPTER IV. Manipulation of Heats in Acid Practice ....................... 40 CHAPTER V. Manipulation of Heats in Basic Practice ...................... Order of Charging ........................................... Melting ..................................................... 60 Charging Cold Stock ........................................ 61 CHAPTER VI. Chemical Analyses and Physical Tests ........................ ?2 CHAPTER VII. Relation Between Composition and Physical Properties ........ 81 CHAPTER VIII. Blow Holes in Steel Castings 94 CHAPTER IX. Discussion of the Causes of Cracks in Steel Castings 98 CHAPTER X. Heat Treatment and Annealing 101 CHAPTER XI. Repair of Steel Castings with Thermit Ill CHAPTER XII. Cost of Equipment for Open-Hearth Steel Foundries.. . 115 1.61533 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Plan view, stationary type open-hearth furnace 21 Sectional elevation, open-hearth furnace 22 Cross section, open-hearth furnace 23 Gas Producer 34 Oil Burner for open-hearth furnace 36 Open-hearth furnace, arranged for burning oil 37 Diagram of variations in composition of a normal acid open- hearth heat 42 Diagram of variations in composition of a normal basic open- hearth heat 66 Standard Test Bar 78 Test Bar for Works' test 79 Shrink hole 95 Blow Holes caused by gaseous steel imperfectly deoxidized.... 96 Blow Holes caused by damp sand 96 Diagram of structural changes 103 Record of Government Tests 106 Specimen of cast steel as cast 1 108 Specimen of cast steel heated to 1,200 Degrees Cent 108 Specimen of cast steel heated to 1,200 Degrees Cent, air quenched 109 Specimen of cast steel heated to 800 Degrees Cent 109 pB*tAj^ OF THE ^ UNIVERSITY OF CHAPTER I MELTING STOCK FOR ACID AND BASIC PRACTICE REFRAC- TORIES FUELS ALLOYS MOLDING MATERIALS FLUXES In view of the growing interest manifested by both pro- ducers and consumers of cast sections in the production of steel castings and their increasing utility, the salient points of their manufacture by the acid basic and open-hearth processes will be presented in this series of articles which cover : First The selection and representative composition of melting stocks, alloys, refractories, fuels, melting materials and fluxes. Second Furnace construction and the melting and ma- nipulation of heats. Third The conditions of melting as effecting the physi- cal properties of products. Fourth The analyses and physical tests of different grades of products. Fifth The effect of the constituent materials and metal- loids usually present in open-hearth steel castings. Sixth Heat treatment or annealing, with notes on micro- scopic examinations. Seventh Discussion of the causes of blow holes and shrinkage cracks. Eighth The repair of defects by thermit welding. Ninth Approximate cost of open-hearth installations. 8 MELTING STOCK FOR ACID PRACTICE MATERIALS FOR ACID PRACTICE MELTING STOCK. The composition of materials for acid castings comes within well defined limits, for the main rea- son that the process is nearer a melting, rather than a re- fining one, owing to the fact that the metalloids, sulphur and phosphorus, are not removed during the conversion of the charge. As their presence in the finished product must be subject to specification, it follows that the melting stock must be bought with a limit to the contents of the elements named. Only in regard to quantities of sulphur and phos- phorus exists the distinction between acid and basic melt- ing stock. Pig iron for ordinary practice analyzes as fol- lows : , Total Carbon 2-3.5 per cent Silicon 0.50-1.5 per cent Sulphur 0.04 or less Phosphorus 0.04 or less Manganese 0.50-0.75 In addition to pig iron, steel scrap known as "basic scrap" is also bought on analysis or chemical specifications. Being the product of rolling mills, etc., following basic practice, the contents of sulphur and phosphorus are usually low, and they are the only elements of composition taken into ac- count. A representative analysis of steel scrap for acid practice is as follows: Sulphur 0.015-0.03 per cent Phosphorus 0.010-0.03 per cent Since the physical character is usually represented by billets, crop ends, blooms, plate-shearings, defective castings and waste metal from steel foundries, the nature of them necessarily predetermines the composition in regard to the presence of carbon, silicon and manganese. With a charge of pig iron and steel scrap it is comparatively easy to keep REFRACTORIES FOR ACID OPEN HEARTH FURNACES the composition of finished product within acid specifica- tions. REFRACTORIES Silica sand forming the hearth of the furnace, known chemically as an acid, lends its classification to distinguish between the two processes. It does not present a condition wherein certain elements are removed during melting of stock, namely, sulphur and phosphorus. The amounts of those elements charged will be found in the finished product. The function of silica sand is mainly a refractory one. That is, it must have heat resisting qualities, but not to the extent that it will not set or sinter slightly to satisfactorily preserve the contour of the shallow dish-like formation of the hearth. It must not be too fusible, otherwise there would be excessive scorification or cutting of the hearth. It must set or sinter sufficiently to resist abrasion due to the charging of stock. It is difficult to lay down strict chemical specifications for silica sand. There are certain conditions of composition not expressed by an analysis of the total constituents. The combinations of them with their neigh- bors cannot be ascertained. However, a silica sand of the following analysis gave excellent results in practice: Water 0.24 per cent Silica 97-25 per cent Alumina and Iron Oxide 0.16 per cent Lime 0.08 per cent Magnesia 0.39 per cent Alkalies 0.36 per cent Loss on Ignition 0.36 per cent There are several deposits of silica sand in the west and middle west that are supplied to steel foundries and no difficulty will be found in getting the best quality for the purpose. As a general rule a silica sand for hearth lining must be low in lime, manganese and the alkalies (potash IO FUELS AND ALLOYS and soda) ; an excess of any tends to lower the fusion point of the sand, destroying its required sintering or refractori- ness. Usually a silica sand with less than 95 per cent silica will not answer for a refractory. FUEL It is a question of local conditions as to whether the fuel may be natural gas, oil, tar, or producer gas. Natural gas is by far the most satisfactory, owing to its high calorific value and its non-contamination of the bath or molten charge. It is fed directly into the working body of the fur- nace without any preheating or a passing through the re- generator chambers. Oil, next in efficiency, may be crude petroleum or a grade known as residuum ; a by-product of petroleum distillation. The heating values are high, and in certain grades the composition will answer for acid work. Some grades are rather high in sulphur, which is absorbed by the stock in melting. Tar has been satisfactorily used when available as a by- product in the manufacture of coke by Otto-Hoffman re- tort ovens. The construction of burners permitted a sim- ultaneous burning of the gas resulting from the coke retorts. Producer gas is used extensively and when near a reliable supply of coal, is considered cheaper than the aforemen- tioned fuels. A description of gas producers and liquid fuel burners will be given in subsequent chapters. Gas dis- tilled in a producer does not have as high a heating value as liquid fuels, nor is the efficiency so great, because many of the total heat units are lost in the process of distillation of the coal (soft or anthracite). With liquid fuels or natu- ral gas the total thermal efficiency is available within the working body of the furnace, there being no in- termediate losses before delivery at the point of com- bustion. Natural gas or liquid fuels are easy of control in flame regulation ; furnace construction and repairs are sim- plified and lessened ; regularity of product and longer cam- FUELS AND ALLOYS 1 1 paigns are assured. Producer gas is irregular, and owing to heavy deposits of tarry and sooty matter, regular weekly stoppages must be made to clean out mains and flues. Liquid fuels or natural gas eliminate such losses of working time. HEATING VALUE OF FUELS B. T. U. Natural Gas 300-600 per cubic foot Oil 14000-17000 per pound Tar 15000 per pound Producer Gas 100-150 per cubic foot Bituminous Coal 10000-12500 per pound One ton of bituminous coal yields in a modern producer, 160,000 cubic feet of gas with 65 per cent efficiency in heating value of the coal. ALLOYS FERRO-MANGANESE. The standard quality contains 80 per cent manganese. A representative analysis will be as follows : Iron 12.14 per cent Manganese 80.00 per cent Carbon ; . 5.6 per cent Silicon 0.5 -i.oo per cent Sulphur 0.010-0.03 per cent Phosphorus 0.100-0.75 per cent FERRO- SILICON. The standard grade carries 13 per cent silicon and is usually sold on a guarantee of n per cent of that element. The following is a usual analysis: 12 FUELS AND ALLOYS Silicon 9 13 per cent Carbon i 2 per cent Sulphur 0.04-0.08 per cent Phosphorus 0.10-0.50 per cent In recent years there have been put on the market sev- eral grades of electrolytic silicons that are very satisfactory. The most economical grade is the one carrying 50 per cent silicon, and considered on the basis of the unit cost of sili- con, is cheaper than the commoner alloy. The following is a typical composition of an electric furnace f erro-silicon : Silicon 50 52 per cent Iron 44 46 per cent Carbon 0.15 -0.25 per cent Sulphur 0.003-0.010 per cent Phosphorus 0.04 -0.06 per cent The purpose of the aforementioned alloys will be con- sidered farther on. IRON ORE. The purpose of iron ore is two-fold. One is to increase the fluidity of plastic slags, the other as a car- rier of oxygen to assist in the removal of the carbon from the bath of molten metal. The total iron liberated in the in- terchange between its oxygen and the carbon of the bath adds to the yield of metal. The most satisfactory ores for open-hearth practice are the magnetites or hard hematites. The soft ores are apt to dissipate their combined usefulness in the slag instead of oxidizing carbon. No particular limits are placed on their compositions, excepting that they be high in iron and moderately low in phosphorus. A fair analysis is as follows: Iron 60 68 per cent Silica 15 per cent Sulphur 0.05-0.100 per cent Phosphorus 0.03-0.500 per cent MOLDING MATERIALS 13 MOLDING MATERIALS. Since all steel castings are poured at higher ranges of temperature than gray iron or malleable castings, it is essential that the sands and clays (binders) be as refractory as possible. Pure silica is the most de- sirable the purer the better. The following is an analysis of a typical steel molding sand : Silica 98. 5 per cent Alumina 1.40 per cent Iron Oxide 0.06 per cent Lime 0.20 per cent Magnesia 0.16 per cent Combined Water 0.14 per cent Alkalies 0.25 per cent It must be of such a nature or structure physically that the heated gases in the mold when displaced by liquid steel will have a free passage outwardly. It is preferable that the grains be sharp and irregular rather than rounded as would be the case with sand subjected at some time to the action of water. The color is often white or slightly tinged with yellow. Its color is not necessarily a guide to its qualities, but it is often an indication. FIRE CLAY. Pure Silica sand having no binding proper- ties, varying amounts of clay are mixed with it to give the sand a needed bond and substantiality to the mold prepared for the reception of the hot steel. The clay must also be refractory and possess a maximum degree of plasticity. Low grade sands and clays would fuse at the temperature of liquid steel and cause the castings to be of an irregular rough surface. An attempt to economize in the sand pile is apt to spoil one's reputation for clean-looking castings. It is not always reliable to have recourse to chemical tests on refractories or molding materials, since actual practice will affirm the desirable qualities in them. The following is a typical composition of fire clay : 14 MELTING STOCK FOR BASIC PRACTICE Silica 60 66 per cent Alumina 25 20 per cent Iron Oxide nil- 2.00 per cent Lime nil- i.oo per cent Magnesia nil- i.oo per cent Alakalies .- nil- 2.00 per cent Combined Water 7.50-10.50 per cent The value of a fire clay depends largely upon a low con- tent of alkalies and a freedom from carbonates of lime. Oxide of iron has a strong fluxing effect, but its presence below 3 per cent is harmless. CORE COMPOUNDS. Any reliable proprietary article will answer and the list will include molasses water, rosin, flour, linseed oil, etc., all of which are too well known to need any description. MATERIALS FOR BASIC PRACTICE MELTING STOCK. Basic melting possesses a marred flex- ibility in the selection of stock over acid melting. It is by some considered a sort of metallurgical scavenger. While it is true that there are greater latitudes in quality of pig iron and scrap yet it must not be overlooked that the pro- miscuous dumping of any kind of stock into a basic furnace cannot yield a reliable product. If good castings are the object sought, discretion must be observed in the selection of materials entering into their manufacture. In regard to quantity basic pig iron greatly exceeds acid pig so far as availability is concerned. The ores of the southern and south-western states are plentifully endowed by nature for the yield of unlimited supplies of basic pig. As to scrap, the situation is somewhat of an uncertainty, owing to the inroads made by the larger interests engaged in the produc- tion of ingots in basic bottoms. In consequence prices for scrap have a tendency to gradually rise. The factors con- trolling the choice between basic and acid practice for cast- ings are ones of location and continguity to the sources of MELTING STOCK FOR BASIC PRACTICE 15 supply of raw materials. So far as the relative value of the product of either process is concerned, it is true that basic castings are fully as satisfactory, from the view point of quality, as those made by the acid process. It must be re- membered, one is a melting method and the other a refining one. The basic process to get good results needs intelli- gent handling and a higher development of melting skill. The pig iron necessary is known as "standard basic" and the following analysis represents the ulterior limits in com- position : Silicon i.oo per cent Sulphur 0.05 per cent Phosphorus i.oo per cent "Off-basic" can carry as high as 1.50 silicon and again as high as 0.07 sulphur. Shipments of these grades on standard contracts can be accepted at a concession in price and it is permissible to use a moderate amount of "off- basic" in charges with no harm to follow. As was men- tioned under "Acid Melting Stock" the sulphur and phos- phorus charged in that process would equal that of the fin- ished product. In basic melting it is possible to eliminate 50 to 75 per cent of the sulphur and 95 per cent of the phosphorus, thanks to the character of the lining of the fur- nace and slags formed by the liberal additions of limestone with the charge. For castings it is de- sirable to have on hand several brands of basic pig; some with low phosphorus and some with high manganese. Certain brands can be obtained with phosphorus as low as O;2OO while standard in other particulars and at ruling prices. Brands with high manganese ranging from 1.5 to 3.00 per cent command a higher price. It is not good prac- tice to make the entire pig iron charge high phosphorus stock. The reasons for mixing brands in regard to phos- phorus and manganese will be considered under furnace manipulation. STEEL SCRAP. The character of this material is not con- 1 6 REFRACTORIES FOR BASIC FURNACES sidered chemically because the physical nature of it brings it well within working limits as to composition. It is usu- ally designated "heavy railroad melting scrap," but liber- ties are sometimes taken and unless the consumer exer- cises circumspection almost anything may be found in it from shop sweepings to tomato cans. Heavy scrap is the desideratum, and may consist of, as an illustration, steel rails, knuckles, draw bars, wheel centers, car-springs, fish- plates, defective castings (steel), ingots, etc. Gray iron castings should be religiously excluded when sold as steel scrap. It is allowable to use limited quantities of defective malleable castings although draw bars of such materials are sold as steel. Five per cent of the scrap charge in malleable scrap will not upset the melter's calculations. The scrap charge will be augmented by daily waste from the foundry. REFRACTORIES The hearth of basic furnaces in American practice is made w r ith magnesite, a substance classified chemically as a base and possessing the quality, in addition to resisting high temperatures, of being but slightly affected by a slag highly charged with lime which would be fatal to a hearth lined with silica sand. To lengthen the life and efficiency of a basic hearth the first consideration is to keep out of the charge as much silicious matter as possible. Magnesite, the carbonate of magnesia, is an importation from Austria, where it is calcined converting it into magnesia, the oxide of the metal magnesium, by the removal of the major portion of carbon dioxide. It is still considered commercially as a magnesite. Its composition ranges as follows: RAW Magnesium Carbonate 93-!9 P er cent Calcium Carbonate 1-43 per cent Iron Carbonate 2.61 per cent Silica 2.75 per cent REFRACTORIES FOR BASIC FURNACES 17 CALCINED Magnesia 90 95 per cent Lime i 2 per cent Iron Oxide 0.5-3.50 per cent Silica 0.5-2.75 per cent Volatile Matter 0.5-1.00 per cent DOLOMITE. This material is extensively deposited in the United States. It is a double carbonate of lime and mag- nesia. It is used either calcined or raw. Principally it is used for patching slag lines, where scorification of the hearth is the heaviest. It is not recommended for points below the slag line. A typical analysis is as follows : RAW Silica 0.5 2.00 per cen* Iron Oxide 0.5 2.00 per cent Alumina 0.5 2.00 per cent Calcium Carbonate 50 55 per cent Magnesium ' 40 44 per cent CALCINED Silica 0.5 2.00 per cent Iron Oxide 0.5 2.00 per cent Alumina 0.5 2.00 per cent Lime 50 55 per cent Magnesia 37 45 per cent CHROME ORE. A substance highly refractory to heat and neutral to the action of acid and basic slags. Unfortu- nately it has no bond and for that reason its uses are some- what limited. It is used for patching parts of the hearth where cutting above the slag line is severe upon the brick work, usually in gas ports and door jambs. (In European practice it is stated that entire hearths are lined with lump 1 8 REFRACTORIES FOR BASIC FURNACES chrome ore.) Aside from patching it is used as a neutral lining between magnesite and silica bricks. Its composi- tion is as follows: Chromic Oxide 40-60 per cent Iron 15-18 per cent Alumina 5-30 per cent Silica 1-5 per cent FLUXES The most efficient in basic melting- is ordinary limestone. Its function is to form a slag that will readily absorb the sulphur and phosphorus of the charge and act as a vehicle for the oxidizable silicon, iron and manganese. The purer the grade the better, that is, a richness in carbonate of lime and a freedom from silica. A fair analysis is as follows: Silica 0.25- i.oo per cent Oxide of Iron and Alumina 0.50- 2.00 per cent Carbonate of Lime 95. -99. per cent Carbonate of Magnesia 0.5 - i.oo per cent FLUORSPAR. The function of this material is to thin a limey slag when in the judgment of the melter it seems thick or sluggish. A moderate addition of fluorspar will liven it and its action may be likened to certain fluxes used in brazing metals the property of dissolving at higher temperatures metallic oxides. It is plentifully deposited in the United States. A good grade will analyze as follows: Calcium Fluoride 90-98 per cent Oxide of Iron and Alumina 0.5-1.00 per cent Silica nil-i.oo per cent IRON ORE. See "Acid Melting Materials." FLUXES FOR BASIC PRACTICE ALLOYS. See "Acid Melting Materials." FUELS. See "Acid Melting Materials." As a guide to purchasing stock the following tabulations will be of assistance in furnishing approximate amounts for regular consumption. The figures are based on the different kinds of stock necessary to produce I net ton of castings : Acid. Basic. Pig Iron 620 pounds 1227 pounds Steel Scrap 1880 pounds 1227 pounds Ferro-Silicon 54 pounds 57 pounds Ferro-Manganese 28 pounds 35 pounds Iron Ore 26 pounds 30 pounds Aluminum 3-10 pounds 3-10 pounds Limestone 300 pounds Magnesite 34 pounds Silica Sand 1800 pounds 1600 pounds Fire Clay 300 oounds 350 pounds Gas Coal 950 pounds 1250 pounds Fuel Oil 55 gallons 80 pounds Boiler Coal (power) 900 pounds 900 pounds CHAPTER II FURNACE CONSTRUCTION AREAS AND VOLUME DRAFT REGENERATION In American practice, when larger tonnages in output are sought, the general capacity of an open-hearth furnace working on castings is about 20 tons per heat. This ca- pacity approaches the maximum that can be economically handled in jobbing shops and will amply represent a gen- eral rule. Larger tonnages may be occasionally needed if the class of product is in the shape of heavy work requiring but a few molds to receive a heat of steel and consuming but a moderate interval of time to pour them, but in cases of a heat of steel to be put into a large number of molds the pouring time may be so extended that the metal will lose its temperature. Therefore, charges exceeding 20 tons for miscellaneous castings are apt to result in losses due to cold steel. The illustrations, Figs, i, 2 and 3, given here- with, show the usual lines of a modern stationary furnace of 20 tons capacity. The lines are the ultimate of experi- ence in various plants and embody the best that is obtain- able for that type of furnace at the present time. As they re only representative they may be subject to some minor changes which may be dictated by necessities arising from local conditions in erecting. The principles of construction are the same in both acid and basic furnaces, the differences occurring in the character of the materials forming the OF THt UNIVERSITY OF ^ OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE CONSTRUCTION 21 hearth linings. Generally the furnaces are of the stationary type. In some plants will be found furnaces of the rolling or tilting kinds, each having some good points in its favor. From the viewpoint of cheapness of construction the sta- tionary furnace holds the ground. Movable hearth types call for costly mechanical installation not required in sta- tionary units. A potent argument in favor of the movable FIG. 1. PLAN VIEW, STATIONARY TYPE OPEN-HEARTH STEEL MELTING FURNACE. (rolling or tilting) furnace is the ability offered to com- pletely drain the hearth at the end of a melt thus emptying any pools that may form in the bottom due to excessive scorification and the ease with which they can be readily repaired with proper refractories. In stationary furnaces much time is lost, with much discomfort to the workmen in emptying pools or "puddles" by means of rabbles or scrap- ers. They cannot be thoroughly drained by such means and the subsequent patching may or may not be satisfac- 22 OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE CONSTRUCTION torily accomplished. The patching may become loosened in a succeeding melt. Such difficulties are more liable to happen in basic bottoms than on acid. Another argument in favor of the movable furnaces is that the tapping hole troubles are eliminated. In stationary furnaces difficulties and annoying delays are encountered through "hard-taps" as a result of the materials used to temporarily close the tapping hole becoming fused or hardened and offering great resistance to tools necessary to open it at the proper time. In well ordered plants such difficulties are a rare oc- currence, but still the risk exists. With a movable furnace the tapping hole is never tamped or closed so that there is FIG. 2. SECTIONAL, STATIONARY TYPE OPEN-HEARTH STEEL MELTING FURNACE always the assurance that the metal can be drawn off when desired. Against these favorable considerations is the com- paratively heavier .first cost of the movable furnaces over the stationary, so that the question as to which type is to be approved will remain a debatable one. However, the rela- tive volumes in regard to hearth area, regenerator cham- bers, etc., on the basis of the capacity of output per heat will be the same in any style of open -hearth furnace. The OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE CONSTRUCTION next in order will be some general rules as to points of con- struction and volumes for a 2O-ton unit. CONSTRUCTION. The metal work such as buckstays, tie- rods, hearth pan, doors, etc., should be of rigid construc- tion to withstand the heavy duty due to brick work ex- pansion when the furnace is at full working heat. All walls should be bound at the ends. Rolled shapes should be used whenever possible. Skew -backs of all arches FIG. 3. CROSS SECTION, STATIONARY TYPE OPEN-HEARTH STEEL MELTING FURNACE. should be braced by the binding, particularly those of the roof. In the regenerator chambers the ends of all outside or partition walls should be bound, as should the ports, be- cause the brick expansion may cause leaks and permit igni- tion of the gas before it reaches the working body of the furnace. The conditions of the subsoil at the selected site should be well studied before putting in the foundation. Foundations should be of rigid and first-class masonry to guard against irregular settling. They should be of hard red brick laid in cement or concrete. No part of the fur- 24 OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE CONSTRUCTION nace structure should extend below the lowest point at which water may be found. Water is an enemy to smooth furnace operation, if it finds its way into flues or chambers. All underground flues not protected by clay should have an outside course of red brick. The reversing valves should be of such construction that leakages and loss of gas will not occur when operated. There are two distinct types, one known as the "butterfly- valves" and another as the "turtle-back." The latter is water sealed, which is an advantage. The stack should be of such construction as will induce a good draught, de- pending upon the damper for regulation. Whenever possible the doors, door frames and furnace fronts should be water cooled, features which add to the operator's comfort in watching his furnace. The cost of installation and maintenance may be heavy but will result in a longer life for the parts and a consequent lessening of their repairs offsetting the first cost. This arrangement is only possible on stationary furnaces. On movable ones the piping connections, etc., would be too complicated. All flues, excepting those leading from the uptakes to the furnace body, should be roomy to prevent choking and cutting by the deposit and heat of waste gases. Roominess is an essential in flues or conduits connecting the gas pro- ducers with the regulating and reversing valves and it is good practice to have such conductors above ground the en- tire distance to allow ready access for the purpose of cleaning out unavoidable accumulations of soot and tar. Gas flues or uptakes leading to the furnace body should be built with fake arches in their back walls, so that they can be readily repaired when badly cut without disturbing the rest of the furnace. They should also slope towards the hearth so that the incoming gas will be directed downward- ly and impinge upon the stock or charge. The air port will also have the same direction, and with the gas and air inlets and outlets working properly the sheet of flame will OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE CONSTRUCTION be kept away from the roof which will be guarded against burning or cutting. AREAS AND VOLUMES. The hearth length of an open- hearth furnace should be as great as possible in order that the greatest possible benefit be derived from the calorific value of the fuel. An undue shortening would be wasteful because the heat of combustion would be spent in the out- going gas and at the sacrifice of fuel consumption and ex- cessive cutting of outlets leading to the chambers, meaning an increased cost in furnace repairs. Practical experience has taught that a 2O-ton furnace can be safely operated with a hearth length of 20-25 feet and a width of 9-11 feet. The total area of hearth surface will work out to very close to nine square feet per ton of capacity. The width is limited to a maximum of 15 feet because furnace operatives cannot throw a shovelful of re- fractory material much over that distance to reach the back-wall. Generally the length will be 2-2^2 times the width. The depth of the fully lined hearth will depend upon the dimensions of length and width. A shallow bath will give rapid working but at the sacrifice of much burnt metal or a yield which is only a small percentage of the metal charged. A deep bath will retard the melting and present difficulties in maintaining desirable thermal conditions. The medium will be learned by the individuality of the fur- nace and conditions of practice, but to put the problem in figures the ranges for the choice will be between 15 inches to 20 inches of depth. An important consideration in furnace practice is re- generator chamber volumes. The fuel efficiency will be controlled largely by the length of the furnace as mentioned and also upon the proper construction of the chambers. The purposes of them will be subsequently considered. At present attention will be given to their volumes. In that particular there will be conditions to take into account as to how much room can be allowed by the space in the build- 26 OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE CONSTRUCTION ing where the furnace or furnaces may be located both above and below the charging floor and the depth to which the foundations and flues can be safely carried. The effi- ciency of a regenerator chamber depends upon the number of "checkers" it can carry and the direction of incoming and outgoing gaseous bodies. Direction is meant by the flow of gases whether they be nearly horizontal or nearly vertical in travel. In American practice the longest dimension of the cham- bers is horizontal, while in European practice some are built with greater depth than length. It would seem, in view of the natural tendency of heated gases to rise, that the latter plan is the better, but as stated how they shall be built depends upon variable conditions; however, with a given chamber volume the efficiency varies with the depth. There is quite a range of figures as to volumes of regenerators per ton of capacity with different plants vary- ing from 65 cubic feet to 140. A good figure to work by is 90 cubic feet per ton, allowing 1-3 for gas and 2-3 for air chambers. If the fuel should be oil or liquid or natural gas the vol- ume can be decreased materially because such varieties of fuel are led directly in the body of the furnace instead of passing through the regenerators, thus offering a possibil- ity of dispensing with the space occupied by regenerators, commonly used as ducts for producer gas, but it is better that a furnace be built with an eye to suitability for pro- ducer fuel because the supply of liquid fuel or natural gas is subject to possibilities of irregular deliveries and a fur- nace built only for the latter fuels would cause some annoy- ances were they to be short. By the same token, producers should always be installed as a safeguard no matter what fuel may be regularly used. Thus there would be but lit- tle delay to put the producers for gas into service were liquid fuel or natural gas to fail. The uses of regenerator chambers will next be consid- ered. The purpose is to store in them heat carried over by OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE CONSTRUCTION 2? waste gases produced by the fuel combustion in the furnace body, the heat being absorbed by a large number of No. i fire brick, piled in such a manner that the gases in their travel from the body of the furnace to the stack will have to pass through innumerable ducts or passages. Bricks piled in such a manner are called "checkers." The plan is to pile the bricks so that they will form rectangular pass- ages of about 3 to 3^> inches in width. The passages will run horizontally and also vertically. Sometimes they will be in a direct line in both directions, the length and width of the chambers or the bricks may be piled in such a way that the passages ,are zig-zag or "staggered." Generally they are staggered in a vertical direction with straight passages horizontally. DRAFT The question of draft has to be considered and with as many bricks as it may be possible to checker and with the greatest possible depth of chamber the free working of the furnace will be augmented by straight passages in both directions. Indications as to heat absorption by checkers can be gauged by the temperature of the waste gases enter- ing the stack with the furnace at full working heat. Pyrometrical observations by the writer show the nor- mal working conditions of the stack gases to be an average of 500 degrees Cent, with gases entering the outgoing down-takes at 1,400 degrees Cent, and with air at atmos- pheric temperatures entering chambers and passing through them in the up-takes at 1,000 degrees Cent, will suggest the heat absorption and radiation of the checkers. The temperature of combustion is not sufficiently high to maintain a continued liquation of a bath of molten metal as its carbon decreases, because the air necessary to support combustion, even with a forced draft, carries away or absorbs the calorific energy of the flame playing upon the 28 OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE CONSTRUCTION bath of metal. In other words cold air lessens the full heating value of combustion that should otherwise be spent in work. If, then, the temperature of the necessary air for complete combustion be raised, to that extent will the flame efficiency be increased. On that rests the principle of re- generation. Let the course of the air be followed in the chambers of an open-hearth furnace passing from left to right. The reversing valves are in position to direct the inflow of gas and air in their respective chambers on the left side of the furnace. Passing through the checkers and innumer- able ducts, they enter the up-takes. The gas upon reaching the furnace body immediately ignites and draws upon the accompanying air for complete combustion, the respective volumes of each being under control by the operator. The flame energy being dissipated in work, the waste gases are now drawn by the draft and pushed along by a rear expan- sion towards the stack but, before reaching it, nearly all their heat units are absorbed by the checkers in the right- hand set of chambers. After an interval of 15 to 20 minutes the reversing valves are thrown and the gases are reversed in direction. The air and gas now passing into the already heated right-hand chambers carry back by radiation to the furnace body some of the waste heat previously deposited there to add to the heat units produced by combustion. The efficiency of the flame will be greater from the right- hand chambers work, assuming both sets to be of an equal temperature at the beginning of the operation, and after the second reversal the left-hand chamber will bring a still greater increment of heat value than its neighbor. That is to say, the heat units radiated to the incoming air and in- creasing the flame value necessarily permits more heat for the outgoing checkers to absorb. Thus it will be seen that with the increase in the number of reversals there will also be a gain in heat for work. It would be possible to melt the best refractories by reaching high ranges of temperature by the principle of re- OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE CONSTRUCTION 29 generation but by careful watching on the part of the ope- rator, flame and air volumes are properly regulated to pre- vent burning of the furnace. At the same time, enough heat must be maintained during the progress of a melt to preserve the fluidity and proper temperature of a bath of steel at proper intervals. Without the system of regen- eration it would not be possible to successfully handle 200 tons or less of liquid steel at a time in a single operation of an open-hearth furnace. The speed at which the gases travel through the furnace when working is due to both draft and expansion. As soon as the cold incoming air comes in contact with the heated checkers it immediately expands and produces a slight pressure which forces the body of air before it up- wardly, and entering the furnace body it not only assists the combustion of the fuel^ but washes and protects, so to speak, the roof of the furnace with a film of air and at the same time depresses the flame upon the bath of metal. With free passages in the down-takes and checkers, the stack will readily take care of the waste gases. Obstruc- tions in either would make a slow working furnace and disagreeable waste of flame out of the furnace doors. Another important feature about regenerative chambers is that they should never be under the furnace body or have their up-takes directly below the ports. In the first in- stance there would be danger of irregular settling causing cracks in the partition walls between the air and gas cham- bers, which would allow gas leakages and ignition of same before entering the furnace. In the second place there is always more or less dust and slag carried along by the draft which would be deposited in the checkers with chambers located as just mentioned, thus choking them and, of course, crippling their life. Good practice requires that the chambers be placed at the furnace ends and extend at right angles to them under the charging floor. There should also be spacious receptacles at the lowest point of each down-take to retain accumulations of dust and slag 30 OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE CONSTRUCTION before they could reach the chambers. Such are known as slag pockets and with proper construction they can read- ily be cleaned out without disturbing the checkers. ACID FURNACE BRICK WORK The furnace body wherever subjected to uniform, high temperature is lined by first grade silica bricks. Piers and outside walls of the structure below the charging floor can be red brick; linings of flues and chambers including checkers are No. I fire brick. Silica brick will not answer for checkers because they will crumble under the varying ranges of heat. The hearth pan is lined with fire brick to the depth of nine inches or more, but above metal line of a fully lined hearth, the sides, walls and roof are silica. With the brick work complete the furnace is first dried moderately and carefully with a wood or soft coal fire kept going for a few days. The gas or oil can then be turned on slightly at first and then gradually raised to nearly full working temperature. Layers of silica sand of the quality described in chapter I are then spread over the bottom. They are put in in suc- cession and between each interval the flame is allowed to set or sinter the sand until hard. This operation is repeated until the hearth lining will have reached a depth of 18 to 20 inches including the fire bricks. A hearth so lined with a suitable refractory ought to last almost indefinitely under favorable conditions. There will be occasional patching of the slag line and bottom with sand, at the end of each heat, the extent of which will be controlled by the conditions and character of stock used in melting. A hearth properly lined must be set hard enough to resist attrition by the charging of melt- ing stock. Under skillful handling an acid furnace ought OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE CONSTRUCTION 3! to turn out normally 950 heats or more in a campaign at the rate of at least 3 heats per working day. BASIC FURNACE BRICK WORK The designation basic is rather a misnomer. The nature of the basic process requires a lining of such materials that will resist the fluxing action of limey slags and vapors nec- essary to purify and refine phosphoric melting stock. Un- fortunately no materials are commercially available to com- pletely line a furnace body, so recourse can only be had to a hearth lined with basic materials, with roofs, sides and walls of furnace body above the slag line consisting of silica or acid bricks, the reasons being that bricks of basic or neutral material, such as magnesite or chrome, while be- ing refractory, do not give as good results as silica bricks, owing to a liability to crumble if placed in the walls or roof. Therefore a basic furnace is part acid and part basic lining. With the exception of the furnace body in regard to brick work, the construction is the same as an acid furnace. The hearth pan is first lined with fire brick followed with mag- nesite bricks. Usually the bottom is lined with ground magnesite. It may be mixed with about 5 per cent of anhydrous tar and rammed in to form the hearth and then slowly and carefully brought to full temperature; or the magnesite may be put in loosely in layers and gradually sin- tered. A small percentage of ground basic slag is some- times mixed with it to insure a partial fusing or sinter. A magnesite hearth while costly gives the best results in service and will sinter hard enough to withstand rough usage by charging of the stock. Where the magnesite bricks meet the silica bricks of the walls, a parting of chrome ore is placed as a neutral separation of the two to prevent a fluxing liable to ensue between them at full work- ing temperature. There will always be some scorification of the hearth at 32 OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE CONSTRUCTION the slag line and an occasional formation of holes in the bottom, due to the action of silicious matter carried in with the stock. The repairs to the hearth are made with raw dolomite on the slag line, and with ground magnesite on the bottom. Dolomite being so much cheaper it is fully as effective as magnesite at the slag line. In the raw state it is not recommended for bottom repairs, because at a high temperature it is calcined, contracting greatly in bulk and for that reason holes in the bottom cannot be satisfactorily filled with it. Under the heat of fused stock it would loosen, float upwards, and leave the condition as bad as be- fore the patch. Undue hearth scorification can be controlled by proper care in the character of stock. Hence the consumption of refractories for hearth patching can be kept at the mini- mum figure. With proper case a basic hearth of magnesite should last indefinitely, and the life of the brick work of the roof and walls ought to yield 400 or more heats at 3 heats per day. CHAPTER III FUELS AND ACCESSORIES DISCUSSION OF THE USES OF COAL AND OIL As the choice of fuel may rest between producer gas or oil, a description of the operation of either will be briefly considered. Referring to the illustration of a gas producer, Fig. 4, a general idea will be formed of its construction. The one shown is of the simpler kind and entirely hand fed and poked. In some of the large rolling mills coal is fed in continuously by a mechanical device, and the bed of the fuel is poked by a mechanical contrivance. The principle of operation is the same in either case so far as making gas goes. For a continuous supply of gas, air and steam are forced through an incandescent bed of bituminous coal on top of which is fed at regular intervals fresh coal. Frequently the mass is poked with long bars to break up the decomposing coal and to prevent holes or passages being formed which might allow air to pass through them and dilute the gas. In the vicinity of the grate, which is water sealed, the fuel is completely burned, while near the top the fuel gives off its volatile matter, forming copious volumes of smoke with some tarry matter. As the fuel descends towards the grate it is gradually burned to ash. For proper working conditions the bed of coal should be kept at a constant height, and vigorous poking should be frequently and persistently followed. 34 FUELS AND ACCESSORIES The object of water-sealing the grate is to permit the amount of air necessary to gasify the coal, to be under con- trol at all times. The use of steam lessens the temperature of combustion lop Vleiv of Water Flan, Section E- FIG. 4. GAS PRODUCER. at the grate and so lengthens the life of the grate bars. At the same time the steam chemically combines with the fuel to form water gas as will be shown. It also prevents the FUELS AND ACCESSORIES 35 formation of clinkers, making it easier to keep the fires clean. To make good gas the fuel must be hot, and close attention must be given to the admixture of air and steam forced into the producer. Too much steam tends to cool the fires and pass into the flues, undecomposed, causing an extravagant loss of fuel efficiency. A deep, hot bed of coal will yield the richest gas. It will not be amiss to consider some of the chemical changes that take place in a producer. Roughly the bed of fuel in it can be divided into two zones. The lower one, nearest the grate, can be called the CO2 zone and the upper one the CO zone. The air coming into union with the fuel near the grate forms C + 2 O = CO. CO2 is of course, non-combustible, but as it passes up- wards it combines with the glowing carbon of the CO zone and absorbing some becomes CO 2 + C = 2CO. the latter constituent forming the larger volume and chief calorific agent of producer gas. By the action of steam we have C + HsO = CO + 2H (water gas). The calorific value of this last product is greater in equal volume than the CO formed in second equation but at the expense of the heat in the bed of fuel. The following is an analysis of producer gas by volume : C O 27.00 per cent C O 2 5.00 per cent H 10.00 per cent C H 4 -f C 2 H 4 1.50 per cent O + N by difference 56.50 per cent 100.00 per cent The amount of oxygen in the gas will be about I per cent, FUELS AND ACCESSORIES and represents the air that passes through the producer uncombined. The index to the proper working of the pro- ducer is the amount of COs present. Under the most ad- vantageous conditions it will rarely fall below 2.5 per cent and with bad conditions it will exceed the average of 5 per cent. The causes of an excess are due to insufficient poking, a shallow fire and faulty brick work allowing air leakage to ignite the gas before it can be delivered to the furnace. 9 Threads to \'J ,, Thrcafl!i to r Rubber Hose Connects Here FIG. 5. OIL BURNER FOR OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE At the best, producer gas is unsatisfactory, and the steel melter is always at the mercy of the vigilance or lack of it of the gas man. One ton of bituminous coal yields 160,000 to 170,000 cubic feet of gas with a calorific value, at the producer, of about 137 B. T. U. per cubic foot. The gas in traveling to the furnace loses heat units at a variable rate. The actual amount of gas delivered to the furnace is hard to determine, owing to leakage and the consumption in drying ladles. FUELS AND ACCESSORIES 37 Liquid fuels, such as crude petroleum or residuum, pos- sess a high calorific value, usually expressed at 14,000 to 17,000 B. T. U. per pound of oil. Because the oil being delivered directly to the furnace (see oil burning device and furnace construction for same, Figs. 5 and 6), and igniting, when atomized by steam or compressed air, yields its entire thermal efficiency to work with no interme- diate losses as is the case with gas, the value of oil over the latter is marked. FIG. 6. FURNACE ARRANGED FOR BURNING OIL It is difficult to make an actual comparison between oil and coal for steel melting on the basis of the cost of a ton of metal produced. The figures may be in favor of coal in certain localities, and in favor of oil in others. Yet the advantages of oil over coal in working results are so pro- 38 FUELS AND ACCESSORIES nounced that discrepancies in cost against oil are offset by its usefulness. Ignoring the relative costs, the principal points in favor of oil against gas will be considered. First, the higher thermal value: A cubic foot of gas will yield 137 B. T. U. Taking 16,000 B. T. U. as an average of one pound of oil and allowing a cubic foot of oil at 57.11 pounds then 57.11 X 16,000 = 913,760 B. T. U. a substantial gain in favor of oil against an equal volume of gas. Second, the simplicity of installation. One furnace will require a storage tank with a capacity of about 17,000 gallons. From this the oil is pumped to the burner which essentially is the producer in the sense that the arrange- ment .of the burner permits a necessary atomization of the oil by steam or compressed air before ignition. It is su- perfluous to make a further comparison on this point, in view of the crudity of the gas producer. Third. The use of oil lessens furnace repair costs and allows longer campaigns before shutting down for general repairs. This point alone, is perhaps the strongest one in favor of oil. Conditions of brick work in regenerator chambers do not require the same attention with liquid fuel as they would with gas. That is to say, should there be leakages in the partition wall between air and gas chambers, they can be ignored, using oil; but with gas they would necessitate a shut-down of the furnace to re- pair them. The same applies to ports and down-takes. Fourth. The character of the oil not being subject to the same latitudes of irregularity as the composition of the gas, there results a decided gain in the certainty of the furnace's work. The temperature of the bath is under control, and regularity of output can be expected a feat- ure not so dependable with gas. Fifth. The labor cost is greatly lowered. One man per working day attends the pumps. In the gas house there will be a foreman and several laborers to feed and poke the FUELS AND ACCESSORIES 39 fires, and to wheel away the ashes. The labor in unloading and stocking coal is also eliminated. With these features can be mentioned the removal of the attendant dirt and smoke with gas producers; the loss of time in cleaning gas mains and other conditions that would occupy too much space to mention. Oil fuel will also be useful for drying ladles, firing an- nealers, core ovens, etc. CHAPTER IV MANIPULATION OF HEATS IN ACID PRACTICE COMPOSI- TION OF CHARGES DETAILS OF RECARBONIZING Given an acid lined hearth and stock for melting pur- poses, the next step will be to consider some of the changes that take place in the conversion of the materials charged into steel. As has been mentioned the only elements, that are confined within stated limits, are the sulphur and phosphorus. Considerable latitude remains in making up the charge in regard to the available silicon, carbon and manganese carried in by the stock. Assuming the stock to be made up of pig iron, billets, blooms, plate-clippings, axle-butts, defective steel-castings, shop scrap or wasters in varying proportions, a charge of 24,000 pounds will be studied because the diagram herewith shown (Fig. 7) was plotted on a heat of that size. The proportions and changes would be relatively the same in a 2O-ton heat. The charge will be as follows: Acid pig iron 3,600 Mixed scrap = 20,400 Lbs. 24,000 15 per cent 85 per cent 100 per cent AVERAGE COMPOSITION C 0.90 per cent Mn 0.47 per cent Si 0.40 per cent S 0.024 per cent P 0.028 per cent MANIPULATION OF HEATS IN ACID PRACTICE 4! The order of charging will be as follows : First. Two-thirds of the pig iron. Second. Lightest sections of scrap. Third. Heaviest sections of scrap. Fourth. One-third or remainder of pig iron. The object in charging the pig iron in two portions with the larger amount on the bottom is to protect it from scori- fication caused by the oxide of iron always formed in the melting of the scrap which oxidizes at a faster rate than the pig iron. The portion of pig iron on top is the first to melt and in dripping over the scrap lowers the melting point of the latter and in a measure protects it from undue burn- ing or oxidation until the whole mass sinks below the slag formed during the exposure of the stock to the flame action. The length of time occupied in charging varies as to the size of the pieces of scrap charged and the room it offers to follow with the rest of the stock. Occasionally there may be some little time elapse before the bulky stock may have partly melted and subsided before the charge can be completed. Usually the length of time consumed in charging is about one to one and one-half hours. The charging of stock being completed the history of the heat is divided into two stages : First, the melting ; second, the complete fusion and conversion of the materials. Dur- ing the first period little or no change takes place in the composition, the main action being the transmission of the solid stock to the liquid form and with it the formation of the slag which is to play an important part in the subsequent conversion of the stock to steel. The length of time required to liquify the stock is normal- ly from 2 to 2^2 hours, and during that time the tempera- ture of the furnace is gradually increasing owing to the method of regeneration already explained. It is certain that some changes occur as soon as the stock begins to melt and the slag begins to form. Perhaps the most pronounced change takes place by flame action on the MANIPULATION OF HEATS IN ACID PRACTICE Diagram Showing Variations in Composition of a Formal A.ci further manipulation proceeds smoothly. The slag will have nearly reached its full share of lime; in other words, the lime will have come to the 64 MANIPULATION OF HEATS IN BASIC PRACTICE surface from the hearth bottom where it was charged. If the dose of iron ore has not given the desired fluidity to the slag, an addition of two or three shovels of fluor-spar will bring it about quite rapidly. Fluor-spar should be used but sparingly because excessive doses tend to aggravate the cutting action on the slag line around the hearth. If the first or second preliminary test samples show low phosphorus the examination for that element is not carried out in subsequent tests. Only the carbon is carefully watched and after it has reached about 0.25 no further ore should be given to a bath. The carbon reduction can go on without any assistance from that source because the slag will, at that period, carry its full quota of iron oxide to actively promote decarburizing. Excessive additions of iron ore will surcharge the bath with oxide \vhich causes blow holes and red shortness in the finished product. A liberal use of iron ore will shorten the time of making a heat and in a measure, increase the yield of metal because the reaction between the carbon of the bath and the oxide of iron furnished by the ore sets free an equivalent of metal- lic iron which enters the bath. But good practice demands discretion in the treatment of the bath with ore. It generally follows that when a heat melts "hard," tem- perature conditions at the end of the heat will be normal because the initial amount of carbon will be high enough to produce perfect liquation and the interval of time occupied in its removal will be great enough to preserve proper ther- mal adjustments by regular reversals of flame action, in- flowing air and outgoing gases. Should a heat melt "soft," the temperature of the bath is apt to be low and without a gain in the carbon much difficulty would be encountered with pasty steel. An attempt to raise the flame temperature to get the fluidity of the bath would harm the roof and brick work of furnace by scorching. But recourse is had to extra doses of cold pig iron to furnish the necessary car- bon and thus promote fusion and other desirable conditions. Such practice is called "doctoring" but the outcome is MANIPULATION OF HEATS IN BASIC PRACTICE 65 never so satisfactory as when the heat is worked naturally. It is a safe rule that when a heat melts "soft" and conse- quently dull or cold, that the first preliminary test will show thorough slag absorption of phosphorus. This fact gives plausibility to the theory of the temperature ranges affecting the removal of that element. When the carbon reaches a point where the test samples are very tough, difficult to break and showing, upon frac- ture, a fibrous structure, and chemical tests show them to be between o.io to 0.14 carbon, preparations are made to finish the heat. If a test spoon of liquid steel be taken from the bath and poured over the lip, running freely and leaving the spoon clean and free from skull or chilled steel, the tem- perature of the bath is considered good. The next step will be to quiet the bath by adding one-third of a weighed por- tion of ferro-manganese. This material as shown in pre- vious chapters takes precedence over the remaining carbon in de-oxidizing and so lessens the ebullition of gaseous car- bon. After an interval of a few minutes the heat of metal is tapped into a pre-heated ladle, and before the slag comes, the final doses of ferro-manganese and ferro-silicon are thrown in with the stream of steel and the heat is said to be finished. The furnace bottom is now drained of slag and some remaining pools of steel. The slag line is patched with raw dolomite and whatever holes there may be in the bottom are filled with ground magnesite. The furnace is then ready for a succeeding charge. DETAILS OF RE-CARBURIZING It will be noted that in basic melting no ferro-silicon is added to the bath to deoxidize as in acid practice. To do so would be to invite irregularities, such as a release of phos- phorus from the slag, a re-absorption of it in the bath, a cutting of the hearth, a great loss in available silicon and uncertainty as to quality of product. The measure of the 66 MANIPULATION OF HEATS IN BASIC PRACTICE power of the slag to take up phosphorus from the bath is its basicity and any addition of silicon decreases that prop- erty. The better practice is to make the silicon additions FIG. 8. COMPOSITION OF A NORMAL BASIC OPEN-HEARTH HEAT entirely in the ladle. If the ordinary grade of ferro-sili- con (9 per cent to 13 per cent Si) is used, it must be melted before it can be added to the ladle. MANIPULATION OF HEATS IN BASIC PRACTICE The melting may be done in a small cupola, or a reverba- tory furnace fired with coal, or in a suitable oil furnace. In any case, there are certain annoyances, such as hitches in getting the ferro-silicon melted at the proper interval and in condition to transfer the desired quantity to the steel ladle when the heat has been tapped from the open-hearth furnace. There are also losses in available silicon due to oxidation when melting the charge of ferro-silicon by any method. These losses are variable and cannot be avoided. In making calculations allowances must be made for such losses. It would not be practical to add the dose of ferro- silicon, using the common grade, cold. The drawbacks just mentioned can be avoided by the higher grade electrolytic ferro-silicon which usually carries about 50 per cent of silicon. The quantity of this latter grade for a dose is only about one-fifth of the commoner kind, so that there is no need to melt it before using, thus eliminating the difficulties arising in handling the ordinary grade. The heat units evolved in the reaction between the oxide of iron contained in the molten steel and the silicon available in the high grade ferro-silicon, more than offset any chilling effect set up by the addition of a cold charge of that material. There is always some consumption of silicon in de-oxidizing and it is greater in basic melting than in acid. The loss varies between 20 per cent to 30 per cent of the total available, particularly in using the common grade of ferro-silicon. The greater part of the ferro-manganese addition can be made in the ladle with but a slight loss in de-oxidizing and with no chilling effect upon the liquid steel. If the finished product is to show a final analysis as fol- lows : C 0.20 to 0.25 per cent Si 0.30 to 0.35 per cent Mn 0.65 to 0.85 per cent the calculations for the recarburizers, as an illustration, will 68 MANIPULATION OF HEATS IN BASIC PRACTICE be made on the basis of molten FeSi with 9 to 13 per cent Si and also on FeSi carrying 50 per cent Si, the weight of the charge being 36,000 pounds. Taking the lower limit of silicon, in the final analysis there will be required 36,000 X 0.003 1 08 pounds Si. With the ferro-silicon averaging n per cent silicon the charge of that material to furnish 108 pounds silicon is 108 X ioo = 982 pounds, ii but there may be a combined loss of the synthetical silicon in melting and in de-oxidizing of about 20 per cent ; it will be necessary to increase the charge of ferro-silicon accord- ingly to 982 X 1.2 = 1,1783/2 pounds. The carbon carried in by that quantity will be 1,1783/2 X 0.015 17.67 or 18 pounds divided by the weight of the charge 18 x ioo = 0.04, 36,000 the percentage of available carbon. To get the manganese in the final analysis to, say, 0.75 per cent it will be necessary to add : 36,000 X 0.0075 ~ 2 7 pounds Mn. Standard ferro-manganese carries 80 per cent, then to have the synthetical manganese it will require 270 X ioo = 337/ / 2 pounds FeMn. 80 The residual manganese in the bath at the time of the ad- ditions will be an increment and it will nearly equal the loss mentioned in available manganese. From the ferro- manganese there will be carbon furnished to the extent of 337^ X 0.06 = 20^4 pounds. 21 X ioo = 0.05 per cent C. 36,000 MANIPULATION OF HEATS IN BASIC PRACTICE 69 The addition of ferro-manganese is divided into two por- tions, 1-3 in furnace and 2-3 in the ladle. Summarizing the recarburizers there will be available in total elements. C 0.12 + 0.04 0.05 0.21 Mn 0.15+ 0.75 0.90 Si 0.02 + 0.36 0.38 The foregoing available composition in regard to the car- bon will be very close to the required analysis and the com- plete analysis compared with the total available elements will depend in a great measure upon the condition of the bath in regard to the quantity of oxide formed during the conversion and refining of the charge. If the electrolytic ferro-silicon be preferred to the com- mon grade, it will not change the details in regard to the dose of ferro-manganese, which will remain the same as shown in the preceding paragraphs. The figures for sili- con can be taken as follows : 36,000 X 0.003 1 08 pounds Si. 108 X 100 = 216 pounds Fe-Si. 50 " Since the electrolytic silicon being in a condensed form the de-oxidizing effect is more pronounced and efficient. The losses are much less than in the ordinary grade. There arises no particular need to take into account the losses or differences between the synthetical analysis and the final. It is not necessary in adding silicon as a deoxidizer to work extremely close to figures for finished analysis, if enough is added in the first place to accomplish the purpose. The amount of carbon furnished by the electrolytic silicon is 0.54 quite small 216 X 0.0025 0.54 pounds and X IQO 36,000 = o.ooi per cent or practically nothing at all. From the 70 MANIPULATION OF HEATS IN BASIC PRACTICE ferro-manganese there will be 0.05 per cent which added to the residual, assumed to be 0.12 per cent, would make the available carbon 0.17 per cent, a figure rather low for ordinary castings where the tensile strength required may be 60,000 to 70,000 pounds per square inch. Two methods may be followed to raise the carbon to 0.20 0.25 per cent. One is to finish the heat at a corre- spondingly higher residual carbon. The other is to make up the difference between 0.17 and 0.20 0.25 by an addi- tion of solid carbon in the form of coke or anthracite at the time of dosing in the ladle. Concerning sulphur, there is no great effect upon it at the time of recarburizing. The figures for the residual and the final analyses are practically the same excepting occa- sionally a small decrease coming within the common errors of chemical tests. If any differences occur outside of them, the lessening of the sulphur can be assigned to the influ- ence of manganese in combining with some sulphur and passing off into the slag as a manganese sulphide. No gain in sulphur at this stage has been observed in the writ- er's experience. If the initial phosphorus is kept low in the charge, about o.io to 0.15 per cent and with only 0.005 0.015 per cent remaining at the time of finishing the heat, the synthetic silicon in the action of de-oxidizing in the ladle changing to silica passes into the super-natent slag, combines with the lime, liberates or releases some phosphorus held there, which immediately reverts to the molten metal and raises the analysis of that element. Under such conditions, tak- ing a sample when about one-half of the metal from the ladle has been poured, there will be found a marked in- crease of the phosphorus over the residual so that the finished steel will show 0.02 0.03 phosphorus. The re- phosphorizing in the ladle goes on continually so long as the metal remains liquid and if a sample were taken from the last portion of metal in contact with the slag, there would be found a still further gain in phosphorus. If a much MANIPULATION OF HEATS IN BASIC PRACTICE higher initial phosphorus were charged there would be a still greater revision, and castings poured at the end of a heat might be found with a content of phosphorus near the point of being objectionable. This feature of re-absorption is peculiar to the basic process and is more noticeable in the steel castings practice than in the production of ingots for rolling purposes, because in the latter product the silicon added at the end of a heat is much less than in the former. Hence the importance of not charging large quantities of highly phosphoritic stock in the manufacture of basic steel castings. The melting losses depend upon the character of the stock and the conditions of practice and may vary from 6 per cent to 12 per cent of metal charged. In representative plants with established and extensive experience a yield of 93 per cent in the ladle can be considered a fair average. CHAPTER VI CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND PHYSICAL TESTS. DETERMINA- TIONS OF SILICON, PHOSPHORUS, MANGANESE, SULPHUR AND CARBON IN STEEL AND i PIG IRON. PRELIMINARY TESTS. PHYSICAL TESTS. SOLU- TIONS The appended methods of chemical analyses are the result of several years' experience and have proven to be accurate and reliable. In several instances, the methods may be considered as standard, and are in daily use in many lead- ing establishments. In the manufacture of basic steel castings, where it is highly important to know the extent of dephosphorization as quickly as possible in preliminary tests taken during the progress of a heat, a suitable centrifugal machine is neces- sary, which can be purchased through any house dealing with chemical supplies. DETERMINATION OF SILICON IN STEEL Five times the factor weight (2.3510 grams) of the drill- ings are weighed off, placed into a 5 % -inch porcelain dish, and a watch glass placed concave side down. Thirty cc. CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND PHYSICAL TESTS 73 of silicon mixture are added. The dish is heated until the solution is evaporated, and fumes of sulphuric acid are given off. After cooling, 45 cc. hydrochloric acid, (i part hydrochloric, 2 parts water) are added. Heat until all is disolved, except the separated silica. Filter, wash alternately with hot hydrochloric acid (i-i) and hot water, until free from iron and acid. Burn and weigh. One fifth the weight represents the silicon percentage. Time required, fifty min- utes. DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHORUS IN STEEL Two grams of the drillings are weighed off, placed into a 250 cc. Erlenmyer flask, and 35 cc. nitric acid (specific gravity 1.2) added. The flask is heated until the drillings are in solution, and no brown fumes are given off. Ten cc. of a five per cent solution of potassium permanganate are added, and the heating continued until the solution is colored brown, when a few drops of saturated cane sugar solution are added. The solution is cleared, and after heat- ing a few minutes the flask is removed from the heat, and cooled in water. Neutralize with concentrated ammonia, and acidify with concentrated nitric acid until the solution assumes an amber color. To this solution at a temperature of 70-80 degrees Cent., add 50 cc. of ammonium molybdate solution, and a few drops of ammonia to hasten the pre- cipitation. Shake well, and allow to settle in a warm place for ten minutes. Filter, wash with cold water until free from acid. Remove paper to original flask, add from 3 to 5 cc. or more if necessary, of potassium hydroxide solution. Add a few drops of a one per cent alcoholic solution of phenolphthalein. Shake thoroughly, allow to stand for five minutes, and titrate excess of alkali with nitric acid solu- tion. The number of cubic centimeters of potassium hy- droxide solution, neutralized by the phosphomolybdates rep- resents hundredths per cent of phosphorus in the drillings. Time required, forty minutes. 74 CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND PHYSICAL TESTS DETERMINATION OF MANGANESE IN STEEL One-tenth dram of the drillings is weighed off and placed into a test tube (i x 8 inches), and 15 cc. nitric acid (specific gravity 1.2) are added. The best tube is heated over a sand bath until the drillings are in solution, and the nitrous oxide fumes are expelled. About 0.7 grams lead peroxide (PbOa) is added to the test tube taken from the sand bath, after which it is replaced and heated for one minute, then filled two-thirds with hot water. Boil a few minutes and settle by means of a centrifugal machine. Pour the clear solution into a flask, and titrate with sodium arsenite solution. The number of cubic centimeters of arsenite solution required, represents tenths per cent of manganese in drillings. Time required, twenty-five minutes. DETERMINATION OF SULPHUR IN STEEL Fifty times the factor weight (6.88 grams) are weighed off, and placed into a 500 cc. Erlenmyer flask: The de- livery tube is attached leading into a 100 cc. Erlenmyer flask, which contains 10 cc. hydrogen peroxide, 10 cc. concentrated ammonia, and 20 cc. water. Eighty cc. of hot hydrochloric acid (i-i) are added, and heat applied. When solution is complete, disconnect the apparatus, make the solution slightly acid with hydrochloric acid, bring to a boil, and add 10 cc. of a ten per cent solution of hot barium chloride. Boil five minutes, filter, using ashless pulp, burn and weigh barium sulphate, and make correction for sulphur in hydrogen peroxide. The weight of barium sulphate, divided by 50, represents thousandths per cent sulphur. Time required, fifty minutes. DETERMINATION OF CARBON IN STEEL Weigh 0.3 grams of drillings, and 0.3 grams of stand- CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND PHYSICAL TESTS 75 ard into separate test tube. Add 5 cc. nitric acid (speci- fic gravity 1.2). Heat in a water bath until solution is complete. Cool in water and compare. Time required, thirty minutes. DETERMINATION OF SILICON IN PIG IRON One gram of the sample is washed off into a 324-inch casserole, and a watch glass placed concave side down. A few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid are added, then 15 cc. of silicon mixture. The casserole is heated until sulphuric acid fumes are given off. After cooling, add 30 cc. hydrochloric acid (1-2), and boil until all is dis- solved except the carbon and silica. Filter, wash alter- nately with hot hydrochloric acid (i-i), and add hot water until free from iron and acid; burn and weigh. If high in silicon, treat with hydrofluoric acid. The weight mul- tiplied by 0.47 represents the percentage of silicon. Time required, one hour. DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHORUS IN PIG IRON From high phosphorus pig weigh off 0.2 gram and from low phosphorus pig as much as is best suited for the de- termination. To the 0.2 gram add 25 cc. of nitric acid (specific gravity 1.13). Boil until the drillings are in so- lution, adding more acid if necessary. Filter off graphite, add potassium permanganate, and proceed as in the deter- mination of phosphorus in steel. Time required, fifty min- utes. DETERMINATION OF MANGANESE IN PIG IRON Proceed as in the determination of manganese in steel. DETERMINATION OF SULPHUR IN PIG IRON Five grams of the drillings are weighed off into a 500 76 CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND PHYSICAL TESTS cc. Erlenmyer flask, and a delivery tube connected which leads into a glass containing 10 cc. cadmium chloride solu- tion, and 50 cc. water; 70 cc. hot hydrochloric acid (i-i) are added through the thistle tube, and heat is applied until the drillings are in solution, and steam has driven off all other gases. Disconnect, add a few cubic centimeters of starch solution, 40 cc. hydrochloric acid (i-i), and titrate immediately with iodine solution. The number of cubic centimeters of iodine solution represents hundredths per cent of sulphur. Time required, thirty-five minutes. PRELIMINARY TESTS CARBON. Weigh off 0.2 gram of the drillings, and 0.2 gram of the standard into separate test tubes. Heat until solution is complete and compare colors. Time required: Four minutes. MANGANESE. Proceed as in the final test. Do not boil after adding water. Time required, six minutes. PHOSPHORUS. One and one-half grams of the steel are weighed off into a 300 cc. Erlenmyer flask, and 35 cc. nitric acid (specific gravity 1.2) are added. When violent action ceases, place flask on heat, boil until drillings are in solu- tion and no brown fumes are given off. For every eight points carbon, add one cubic centimeter of concentrated solution of chromic acid. Boil one minute. Transfer to a graduated bulb containing 50 cc. molybdic acid solution, shake violently, and allow to settle in centrifugal machine. Each small division on bulb represents hundredths per cent phosphorus. Time required, five minutes. SOLUTIONS SILICON MIXTURE: Water 1,300 cubic centimeters Nitric acid 435 cubic centimeters Sulphuric acid 275 cubic centimeters Add sulphuric acid slowly. CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND PHYSICAL TESTS 77 STANDARD ACID AND ALKALI FOR PHOSPHORUS DETERMI- NATION : i per cent solution potassium hydroxide, i per cent solution nitric acid. 100 milligrams oxalic acid crystals equals 10 cc. potas- sium hydroxide. Standardize with steel of known phosphorus contents. MOLYBDATE SOLUTION: Stock Solution. Molybdic acid 250 grams Ammonia 1,000 cubic centimeters To use, 90 cc. stock solution in 338 cc. nitric acid 1.20 specific gravity. Keep acid cool, and stir while adding molybdic acid. SODIUM ARSENITE SOLUTION : STOCK SOLUTION. Sodium Carbonate 15 grams Arsenous Oxide 5 grams Water 500 cubic centimeters Boil and filter. To use, take 68 cc. stock solution to 2,000 cc. water, standardize against steel of known manganese contents. CADMIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION: Cadmium chloride 35 grams Water 1,200 cubic centimeters Ammonia 800 cubic centimeters IODINE SOLUTION: Iodine 9 grams Potassium Iodide 18 grams Dissolve in a few cc. of water and dilute to two liters. Standardize against American Foundrymen's Association pig iron standards. CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND PHYSICAL TESTS STARCH SOLUTION: Mix a tablespoon full of starch with a little cold water, and pour into 100 cc. of boiling water, and continue the boiling for some time. Shake before using. NITRIC ACID, SPECIFIC GRAVITY, 1.2: Nitric acid 1,250 cc. Water 185 cc. NITRIC ACID, SPECIFIC GRAVITY, 1.13: Nitric acid 645 cc. Water 1,800 cc. PHYSICAL TESTS The specifications prepared by the American Society for Testing Materials, and shown in the following table, are FIG. 9. STANDARD TEST BAR quite generally recognized as being fair to both producer and customer. An objection to be raised is the costly style of the test bars recommended (Fig. g). CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND PHYSICAL TESTS 79 When a large number of tests are to be made in the ma- chine, cutting the threads greatly increases the cost. When no specifications for physical tests are imposed the type of the bar shown in Fig. 10, will answer for works FIG. 10. TEST BAR FOR WORKS* TEST tests, solely as a guide to the quality of product, and where the customer does not insist upon the test-bar with the threaded ends as illustrated. The specifications, mainly, are drawn to cover the physical properties and they alone should be considered, for the rea- son that there is no distinct relation between the chemical composition and the physical behavior. The method of the treatment of castings is the prime consideration, and with a given chemical composition, it is possible to get a wide variation in physical tests with dif- ferent heat treatments. From the standpoint of the manu- facturer, specifications should only be applied to physical tests, leaving to him the adjustments of the processes of manufacture to harmonize with the expected physical re- quirements. Test bars can only at best, show the condition their metal may be in, both in regard to the composition and the treatment to which they may have been subjected. It would not follow that, because a test bar represent- ing a given heat of steel, gives poor results in tensile or bending stress, the entire heat was poor also in that. A test-bar can only show what might be expected of a finished casting of equal composition if it were to receive the same treatment as did the bar. Tensile and bending tests serve useful purposes, but still 80 CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND PHYSICAL TESTS leave something lacking. If a test-bar under such stress gives excellent results or if a finished casting be subjected to the drop test, and possibly bends without fracture, prov- ing great ductility, the evidence is not necessarily a posi- tive guide as to life in service. Quite generally a steel cast- ing is set up in service in such a manner that it may be constantly under alternating stresses or rapid and repeated shocks. Practical results from service data do not con- firm the theory that ductile steel should resist such strains. Failures under such stresses frequently fall short of expla- nation in the light of recognized tests projected to prevent such failures. There then arises another want to be filled, a gap vacant because chemical analyses, physical tests and microscopical examinations do not enable the metallurgist to throw around the fruit of his labors the fullest possible precautions intended within the scope of such tests. Possi- bly fuller information is to be found by supplementing already established tests with other tests to approach as near as possible the conditions to which steel castings are subjected in service, namely vibratory stresses. A study of such stresses will no doubt give much valuable infor- mation and change certain conditions now thought to be essential. CHAPTER VII RELATldN BETWEEN COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL PROPER- TIES CARBON CAST STEEL TENSILE STRENGTH DUCTILITY ELASTICITY ELASTIC LIMIT HARDNESS CARBON In order to understand the matter under con- sideration it would be well to study the definition of steel. Principally it is a combination of iron and car- bon, and certain other ingredients to be regarded further, without any sharply defined limits as to the amount of carbon alloy. On the basis of composition alone the lower amounts may equal those found in wrought iron, and going to the other extreme it is difficult to say where steel ends and cast iron or pig iron begins. The composition of wrought iron in regard to carbon may range from traces to such amounts as 0.07 per cent, yet the softer steels can be produced with as low a carbon as 0.07 per cent, but the physical condition may be quite different as compared with wrought iron. As the carbon in- creases until a point is reached at or about 2.5 per cent the combination is then regarded as cast iron, the latter being the crudest^form from which by various processes of purification and decarbonization many kinds of steel are produced. The process of manufacturing wrought iron is also a purifying and decarbonizing one with an essential difference whereby, in a sense, the former is a product of 82 COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES a "dry" method, while steel with any range of carbon is the result of a "wet" one. In other words, the temperature of the puddling furnace in which wrought iron is made is not sufficiently high to maintain fusion or fluidity com- pletely during the full interval of the progress in conver- sion and purification. The initial charge is composed mainly of pig iron with a total carbon of between 2% and 4 per cent, which readily melts and because of certain active influences gradually loses its carbon but gains in plasticity because of temperature limitations and the type of furnace used, so that at the end of the operation there will be a mass of almost carbonless iron which can be di- vided into several bulky, spongy balls and worked into shapes. On the other hand, steel making is the result of a process conducted under temperature conditions wherein fusion or liquation is maintained from the time of melting cold stock until such time when decarbonization has pro- ceeded to almost any desired extent, so that with a proper type of furnace and necessary thermal ranges it is possible to equal in composition the commoner analyses of wrought iron. Thus, it will be understood that the content of car-, bon in the lower ranges will not suffice to mark the division between iron and steel. Another difference pres- ents itself in, perhaps, a mechanical way. That is, wrought iron may contain slag or cinder enveloping its fibres vary- ing in quality between 0.2 per cent and 2.0 per cent, and which will play an important part upon its physical properties. The presence of cinder is due to the sponge-like formation of plastic wrought iron in its last stage of manufacture en- closing slag or cinder. Steel being produced by liquation permitting a separation of the slag and liquid metal by gravity, the finished product will be practically free from mechanically contained cinder, thus securing a greater continuity or intimacy within itself and therefore more strength than wrought iron containing an equal amount of carbon. COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 83 The metallurgy of steel is based principally upon the influence of carbon which controls the familiar properties of strength, ductility, malleability, weldability and most of ^all, the property of being hardened and tempered. The presence of carbon in iron is purely accidental, due to the use of carbonaceous fuel as a source of heat in smelting iron ores. Had the primitive iron makers stumbled upon some other substance that had a similar power of separat- ing iron from its earthy matters, we might today be working with steel, the most important and useful of all metals, founded upon another basal element. Nature, in her bounteousness, has given us coal in abundance. It seems the simplest fundamental fuel for smelting iron ores; but owing to the affinity that exists between carbon and iron for each other there results a product highly car- bonized, yielding a metal limited in its capacity for strength and ductility. Carbon is recognized as existing in iron or steel in sev- eral forms with a variety of subdivisions ; generally it is regarded as two constitutional divisions, one as combined carbon and another as free or graphitic carbon, the former being a definite chemical compound of iron and carbon, expressed by the symbol FesC, and the latter (graphite) nearly pure carbon. It is stated by authorities that iron can carry theoretically, about two per cent of combined carbon and still be regarded as high carbon steel. Should the carbon be carried beyond that point and if heated and cooled slowly the pure or free form of carbon would appear in a small degree and the alloy would then be on the bor- derland of cast iron. As is well known, wrought iron and the very softest steels are both malleable, ductile and weld- able, but as the content of carbon increases, those proper- ties gradually diminish and the skill to work them be- comes of a higher order than that required in the softer or milder grades. Cast iron is practically unforgable or weldable merely because of the excess of carbon present either in the combined or free state. Summarizing the 84 COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES general explanations, steel may be regarded as a matrix of iron in which is dissolved or alloyed varying amounts of combined carbon, with an absence of it in the free or graphitic form; a freedom from slag or cinder, the prod- uct of a process of liquation or complete fusion through- out the operation of refining and conversion. CAST STEEL is- a substance distinguished from wrought iron, in that during certain stages of manufacture it is suf- ficiently liquid to pour into such receptacles as metal or sand molds. The composition of the product may cover wide ranges. Wrought iron as already stated is worked up from plastic masses of partially or completely decar- bonized cast iron. Open-hearth castings are the product of liquid steel with limited composition poured into molds composed chiefly of silica sand. The physical properties must conform to certain requirements of strength, tough- ness, ductility and soundness. The attainment of such ob- jects is brought about by adjustments of chemical compo- sitions during the process of refining the raw material and also by certain methods of heat treatment applied to the finished product. Steel castings are divided into three grades: "soft," "medium;" and "hard." Standard speci- fications do not define the chemtcal composition of each grade but give attention mainly to the physical properties as cited in the preceding pages. Generally stated the fol- lowing figures will cover the composition of each class of castings : Carbon. Silicon. Sulphur. Phosphorus. Manganese. Soft 0.17-0.20 0.25-0.35 0.015-0.050 0.020-0.04 0.50-0.75 Mediumo.2O-o.3O 0.25-0.35 0.015-0.050 0.020-0.04 0.50-0.75 Hard 0.30-0.40 2 0.015-0.050 0.020-0.04 0.75-1.00 TENSILE STRENGTH is understood as the resistance of a body to a stretching force steadily applied. The force necessary to' produce a rupture is expressed in pounds per square inch of section. UNIVERSITY ) V n F / ^^UFOR\^X COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 85 DUCTILITY is that property which yields to a tensile stres,s and produces a permanent deformation or elonga- tion with or without rupture. It is expressed in "percent- age of elongation" and is measured between two pre-deter- mined points. It may also be indicated by the contraction of area when a specimen is measured, before and after the feature, in cross section. Not only will a specimen in- crease in length under a certain stress but at one point it will decrease in area so that upon fracture there may be a distinct "necking" and the rate of decrease in sectional area is expressed in "percentage of contraction," which, together with the measured elongation, can be regarded as indicies of ductility. ELASTICITY is that point where a permanent deformation under a load begins or where a specimen fails to assume its original length or sectional area when the load is re- leased. This definition can also be applied to describe the arrival of a "permanent set." The determination of elastic limit is a delicate one and in engineering problems is very important, representing the practical value of a casting. In making calculations for service loads the elastic limit of the metal entering into castings is taken as a basis, not the tensile strength. For general purposes 50 per cent of the ultimate or tensile strength is taken as the value of the elastic limit. An increasing ratio between elastic limit and tensile strength is a prime object to reach in high grade products. HARDNESS is understood as the property of a body to resist the static penetration of another harder body, or it may mean the ability to resist attrition caused by the movement of another harder body. Unfortunately there are not known any precise data as to the influence of carbon in steel castings upon the tensile strength and ductility of the metal in them. The influence can only be stated in general terms in the light of practice. To get exact values would entail difficult researches; it would be necessary to have conditions fixed in order to 86 COMPOSITION AND PHYSICLA PROPERTIES study the influence of successive increments of the ele- ment. The furnace practice, casting temperatures and heat treatment would have to be constant in each case for strict comparisons. The contents of silicon, sulphur, phos- phorus and manganese would have to be subject to definite control with only variations permissible in the carbon of each specimen before reliable information could be de- ducted. Experience has proven as a recognized fact that carbon is both a hardening and strength giving agent. Reference to the physical requirements of the three grades of castings and their corresponding chemical analyses will bear out the general assertion, but owing to other disturb- ing influences, more or less potent, the ranges of analyses are not concordant with the tensile strength and ductility for each class. That is, it is indefinite that a 0.17 to 0.20 carbon may show about 60,000 pounds per square inch, and a given elongation and contraction. As the carbon increases there are gains in strength but decreases in duc- tility in the remaining grades. Campbell in his admirable work on the "Manufacture and Properties of Structural Steel," gives formulas for the calculation of the physical properties on the basis of chemical composition and in a later treatise 1 revises them, giving values for several ele- ments common to steel, making a distinction between acid and basic practice. His figures apply to rolled material pro- duced under fairly regular conditions, but it would seem inconsistent to apply the same formulas to steel castings manufactured under totally dissimilar methods. Kent 3 quotes Webster giving values of carbon in rolled stock in conjunction with three other elements, sulphur, phosphorus and manganese, as a constant of 800 pounds per square inch with each o.oi per cent of that element with a base value of 34,75 pounds per square inch for carbonless journal British Iron and Steel Institute, No. 2, 1904, pp. 21 to 62. "Mechanical Engineers' Pocketbook. 1904, p. 389. 3 Iron and Steel and Other Alloys, 1903, pp. 192 to 162. Manufacture and Properties of Structural Steel, 1896, p. 329. COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 87 wrought irpn. Prof. H. M. Howe 3 shows that the harden- ing power increases with the carbon content and also roughly plots a curve giving a direct increase in strength varying with the carbon until a point is reached near 1.20 per cent when the strength or tenacity rapidly decreases, with a further gain in carbon up to three per cent, where the strength then remains fairly constant up to 4.50 per cent of that element. The maximum strength at 1.20 per cent being about 140,000 pounds per square inch falling to about 25,000 pounds at three per cent and at 4.50 per cent to about 18,000 pounds. Campbell 4 assumes a base value of wrought iron as 38,000 to 39,000 pounds per square inch and constructs formulas for both acid and basic steel compositions with o.oi per cent carbon giving 1,210 pounds per square inch for each point gained in the first named grade and 950 pounds per square inch for each point of carbon in the latter grade, but which, as already stated, apply only to rolled material. In steel castings the distributing factors are so numerous that it seems impos- sible to formulate precise mathematical computations cov- ering the physical properties, while taking into account the composition and values of each element. The furnace practice, perhaps, the greatest factor entering into the equation and since no two heats are handled exactly alike in all particulars the problem becomes more and more ab- struse. Character of stock, flame action, oreing, casting temperature, recarbonizing and the methods of doing the same, rate of cooling in the sand, either in dry or green sand molds, all need consideration as do methods of heat treatment, leading one into a maze of speculation. Gen- eral terms, therefore, cannot be avoided. Certain authori- ties have been cited, and the reader is at liberty to form his own conclusions as to which can or may be followed in attempting to give a value to carbon and its influence upon open-hearth steel castings. LICON. To the gray iron founder silicon conveys a ifferent impression than to the steel founder. In one case 88 COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES it is regarded as a softening agent because of its property in releasing graphitic carbon in the cooling of gray iron when liquid and thus lowering the combined carbon which tends to make iron castings hard. In the other case, the carbon being low and entirely in the combined state with no graphitic carbon liberated, the function of silicon be- comes a different one. To a slight extent, about one-tenth that of carbon, the effect is to harden steel castings. Pri- marily the purpose of adding silicon to open-hearth steel is to promote solidity, but an anomalous condition some- times arises in unsoundness coupled with an amount of silicon in the finished product usually considered enough to produce the opposite and desired effect soundness. In general practice 0.30 per cent is enough to give freedom from blow holes, but if unsoundness still presents itself an- other condition is operating which will be explained later. To greatly exceed that figure is wasteful and would tend to induce brittleness in the castings which, however, may be more or less modified by heat treatment. Silicon in steel casting practice is depended upon mainly as a deoxidizer and the action may be understood by the following equations: (1) Solid Solid Solid Gaseous FeO'+ C = Fe + CO As already explained the foregoing reaction always oc- curs in a bath of molten steel until some agent is introduced that possesses a greater affinity for the oxygen combined with iron as ferrous-oxMe.\ Silicon being available for the purpose reacts as follows: (2) Solid Solid Solid Solid 2FeO + Si = 2Fe + SiO and under normal conditions stops the gaseous formation assisting the production of sound castings. The SiO (silica) being lighter than iron floats upwards to the sur- face and becomes part of the slag. COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 89 If a test-spoon of liquid steel be taken from the bath when the action is most lively, the metal, as soon as it be- gins to solidify, will emit volumes of minute sparks giving evidence of some gas-forming action or release of some gases in conformity with equation (i). If the specimen when cold is separated by fracture, a sponge-like texture will be noticed as the result of the afore-mentioned escap- ing gases ; and which will suggest what might be expected were such metal poured into castings without a deoxidiz- ing or solidifying treatment. Just what the composition of the gases are is not clearly known, but it is certain that the reaction in equation (i) is largely responsible for the greater quantity of them. Some authorities anticipate the presence of such gases as hydrogen and nitrogen. Their presence may be possible in pneumatic processes, but scarcely in open-hearth steel wherein fluidity of the bath is maintained by the heat of a flame action radiated through a protective layer of slag and entirely away from the pos- sible contamination of such gases subject to introduction with the atmospheric air necessary for flame combustion and which do not come in direct contact with the metal below the slag. Proof is ample that perfectly sound cast- ings can be made, depending solely upon deoxidizers which possess no attraction for hydrogen or nitrogen; therefore if they should be present they are not sensibly in- dicated by porosity. Silicon is accredited with the addi- tional property of increasing the power of steel to dis- solve or occlude gases. The question is largely conject- ural because from practical observations the evidence in support of such a theory is wanting. It is difficult to con- ceive of a solution of a gas in a solid without some inti- mation of pores; if such pores do exist they can only at best be minutely microscopic. The writer, in his experi- ence, has not observed any condition attributable to the oc- clusion of either free hydrogen or nitrogen in open-hearth steel castings. The question of the influence of silicon beyond solidity 90 COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES has no bearing on weldability or forgability, such proper- ties not being considered in steel castings. SULPHUR. Perhaps there is no element which is so strongly stigmatized as an enemy in steel casting practice. No one as yet has claimed that it is harmful in the finished casting, yet specifications usually state that it shall not ex- ceed 0.05 per cent, and for what reason is yet not under- stood. The manufacturer may be more concerned in see- ing the sulphur excessive rather than the customer. Wheth- er a casting may carry 0.05 per cent or more cannot af- fect its value in service. Whatever harm may follow an excess of sulphur ought to manifest itself before the cast- ing is stripped from the mold and thus prevent it reaching the customer. Authorities state that sulphur tends to make metal "red-short," a condition existing in iron and steel ex- hibiting itself by the metal crumbling or cracking when being worked, rolled, forged or welded at temperatures suitable for such operations. The effect- is not always due to the presence of sulphur, which may be masked or modi- fied by other constituents. In steel castings it is said to produce "red-shortness" also and which may be described as property of the metal to separate or crack at points where the contractive force is greatest during a period when the metal is passing from a liquid to a viscous semi- plastic state. The condition may or may not occur in con- cordance with the amount of sulphur present. "Red- shortness" may appear with a very low sulphur content or it may be absent when the sulphur is considered high, so that it is not possible to scan a chemical analysis and recon- cile the varying degrees of "red-short" effects with them. It is possible to have castings of a given design molded repeatedly under as near as possible like conditions yet have some "red-short" and others absolutely free from any such flaw with identically the same steel in composition in each case. Similar designs may be cast in acid and basic steel separately. The acid casting may not be "red-short," but the basic badly so, or vice versa, yet in the first instance COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES the sulphur will be nearly 0.05 per cent and in the other 0.25 per cent or less. The repetition of such evidences all tend to discredit the belief that sulphur is the main cause of castings being "red-short" in the mold. The presence of manganese exerts an effect to neutralize sulphur's "red- shortness" without changing the ultimate analysis of sul- phur. An excess of the last named element beyond 0.07 per cent in steel castings may give some trouble, but gen- erally the ranges are between 0.015 to 0.05 per cent, and within them it is practically inert. The common practice is to carry the manganese at or about 0.75 per cent and with that quantity the usual content of sulphur will exist entirely as a harmless sulphide of manganese. Were the manganese much lower the sulphur then might exist as an iron sulphide, the latter combination being more active as a "red-shortner" than the former. If "red-shortness" per- sistently appears in steel castings with normal analyses an- other condition is active, a remedy for which is beyond any effort to change the composition to control it. The conditions under which the metal is treated in the melting and the design of the pattern or details of molding often play a more important role in producing "red-short" cast- ings than sulphur/ PHOSPHORUS<^-This element, like carbon, is a hardening agent, but unlike it, its hardening influence is not subject to any great modification by heat treatment. An excess of the element produces the effect of "cold-shortness," the opposite of "red-shortness," a property of weakness under shock or impact; a condition of brittleness. s Where cast- ings are subjected to severe strains the phosphorus should be kept below 0.05 per cent, particularly with the higher ranges of carbon. Ordinary castings with no special re- quirements can carry as high as 0.08 per cent. Phosphorus can replace carbon as a hardener and when the carbon is American Standard Specifications For Steel Castings. 92 COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Hard Medium Soft Tensile strength, pounds per square inch 85,000 70,000 60,000 Yield point, pounds per square inch 38,250 31,500 27,000 Elongation, per cent in two inches 15 18 22 Construction, per cent 20 25 30 high the phosphorus should be kept low because an excess of two or more hardeners will produce disagreeable brittle- ness, so to preserve toughness it is a good practice to keep all hardeners as low as possible, depending upon one ele- ment only for the necessary strengthening effect. The value of phosphorus as a strengthening agent is about 900 pounds per square inch for each o.oi per cent. No effect is known traceable to phosphorus upon the condition of "red-shortness." MANGANESE. This element is one of the most useful in steel casting practice and in all steel making. It works in conjunction with silicon as a deoxidizer and assists in the removal of gases in a very similar action by forming a fusible slag with the oxygen combined with the ferrous- oxide^ When found in castings it is the result, usually, of an addition of ferro-manganese used at the end of the re- fining operation and with it will be carried in a certain amount of carbon. Roughly stated five-eightieths of the manganese in excess of the residual amount of that ele- ment in the bath at the finishing period represents the quantity of carbon furnished by the ferro-manganese addi- tion. So that as the manganese increases there will also be a gain in strength until a point is reached at or about 1.50 per cent when a disagreeable weakness and brittleness result. ; If the manganese is kept about 0.75 per cent, other elements being low, brittleness is absent, but if it be carried above that to about i per cent it is necessary to carefully anneal the castings because without that they will be more or less brittle. Heat treatment, however, improves them, conferring toughness, elasticity, ductility, and strength, provided other conditions are normal. In the higher ranges manganese has a peculiar and contradictory COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 93 action. When a content is reached at or about 1.50 per cent the metal is hard and brittle, that condition remaining until about 7 per cent is reached; the metal then becomes both tough and hard. Between 7 and 14 per cent a peculiar alloy is obtained, known as Hadfield steel, which possesses the striking property of unusual toughness and hardness combined. If manganese is kept between 0.70 to 0.75 per cent in finished castings good results ought to follow. An excess complicates conditions, while falling below might cause blow-holes, "red-shortness," and other weakness in products. CHAPTER VIII BLOW HOLES IN STEEL CASTINGS DISCUSSION OF CAUSES A common source of annoyance in steel castings is found in porosity or in unsoundness. The ingot manufac- turer finds it comparatively easy to get around such draw- backs by liberal discards or end cropping of ingots usually more or less spongy or blow-holed at the upper end. Not so with the production of castings. The problem of pour- ing liquid steel into the green or dry sand molds has a distinctive complexity in comparison with casting into in- got molds made of iron or dry sand with simple lines or shapes. Blow holes in a steel casting may be due to a variety of causes. They must not be confounded with "shrink holes" or cavities due to a difference in the rate of cooling of parts contrasting in dimensions. A light section in con- junction with a heavier one will cool faster and in doing so will draw upon the heavier and more liquid section, thus depleting it of steel, with the result that in the heavier sec- tion there will be some voids. Hence the important reason for forming larger headers or reservoirs to hold a supply of steel from which the casting below can make drafts to offset the contraction in cooling. Frequently in separating such headers rough irregular cavities will be found at the joint of the header and the castings which are known as "shrink holes," (see Fig. 11) and may be formed even in cases of the casting being free from "blow holes." The CAUSES OF BLOW HOLES 95 position of cavities or pores, due to either gases or shrink- age, will determine their identification. Blow holes may be found in any part of a machined or fractured casting. Shrink holes occur only at certain points. They are irregular in shape, with rough surfaces, but upon close examination will be found covered, with delicate, minute crystals. The walls of a shrink hole are usually the same color as the metal itself, provided no air was present while the casting was hot. Blow holes are al- ways the result of air, vapor or gas. Their shape as a rule is oblong, lenticular or spherical. If oblong in shape they are due to metal being imperfectly deoxidized or "killed" FIG. 11. SHRINK HOLE. DOTTED OUTLINE SHOWS POSITION OF RISER and they will always be found with their axes or longest dimensions at right angles to the cooling surface of the body of metal (see Fig. 12). If they are globular or spherical they are caused by vapor or air and not by gas or gases, the result of chemical action within the metal, but by damp sand, imperfect venting details of molding. While it is perfectly possible (and is regularly done) to get sound, solid steel machinery castings from green sand CAUSES OF BLOW HOLES molds, accidental causes may make the sand too damp. In that case there may be blow holes because of an excess of steam or aqueous vapor formed by the hot steel. ]P art in, 00000000 O o O o o o 00000 000 lAne FIG. 12. BLOW HOLES CAUSED BY GASEOUS STEEL IMPERFECTLY DEOXIDIZED. If the green sand mold should possess the right "temper" and globular, spherical holes still be found, there may be two causes effective. One may be that the sand, green or dry, is too close or too strong, preventing a free escape of the gases as they are formed by the heat of the inflowing steel upon such binders as may be used to give body to the Parting 00 O C o o o < o o o o o o o Line Drag FIG. 13. BLOW HOLES CAUSED BY DAMP SAND, VAPORS FROM CORE RENDERS IMPERFECT VENTING sand and cores. Evidence of that may be seen in fractured castings, which will have a solid drag side, but a more or less porous cope side (see Fig. 13). A casting blown be- CAUSES OF BLOW HOLES 97 cause of gaseous or improperly "killed" metal will be more or less spongy at all points of both drag and cope. Poro- sity is often caused by failure to freely vent the highest points of the cope which will cause air pockets to be formed which the liquid steel may not be able to displace and such conditions as described can occur in spite of dry and good green sand molding or properly deoxidized steel. Thus it will be understood that in spite of the highest skill manifested in the melting department, it may be nullified by conditions on the molding floor. A study of the daily discard in the scrap pile as it is broken up will be a good guide, as to what errors are being made in practice, and with a slight knowledge of the causes of porosity one can greatly modify faults. If the chemical analyses are normal, that is, the figures on manganese and silicon, are within usual limits, but blow holes of the oblong character are persistent, the cause can be traced to the furnace platform. There may be too sharp a melting flame, too much air admitted for flame combus- tion, or a too liberal use of ore in refining. Any one of these conditions will surcharge the metal with oxide be- yond the influence of the usual addition of the deoxidizers, manganese or silicon. Such practice may be covered up or lessened by an increase of deoxidizers, but always at the sacrifice of the physical requisite in steel castings, toughness. The writer knows from his experience in ad- vanced steel casting practice in either green or dry sand, acid or basic steel, that it is possible to produce sound cast- ings free from pin holes or blow holes which will satisfy the most exacting demands. Still there is no royal way to the production of sound castings. It is fraught with pa- tience, skill, study and industry. CHAPTER IX DISCUSSION OF THE CAUSES OF CRACKS IN STEEL CASTINGS One of the most common sources of weakness in steel castings is the liability to crack in the mold. The condi- tion is the result of "red-shortness." It is an annoyance and a continual point of contention between the melter and the molder, each blaming the other for his share in the cause, the molder claiming the steel as it leaves the furnace is not just what it should be and the melter saying that the metal is faultily cast in the desired forms without any con- sideration as to the proper distribution of metal in the light and heavy sections of a casting. From the standpoint of the metallurgist the melter is at times to blame and at other times the molder, or, going further, the engineer who sub- mits the designs to be cast. The condition of ''red-shortness" or cracks is far from obliging and may present itself at the most unexpected and inopportune times. If in a given heat of steel there should be found a number of discards among various de- signs because of cracks and the trouble continues for a long period, it is safe to say that the metal is not receiv- ing the proper treatment in the furnace. If cracks appear only in one design in a given heat of steel among other and different designs, the trouble is due to some fault either in a molding detail or the lines of the casting. In other words a few discards in keeping with an average loss of bad castings cannot be blamed upon the metal. CAUSES OF CRACKS IN CASTINGS 99 As discussed in previous sections, if "red-shortness" is troublesome attempts are frequently made to reach a low- er sulphur analysis, but not with success. It has been thought that in doing so the trouble might abate, because the element sulphur is given the credit for "red-short" effects and that a correction could only be found in the composition. If cracks are numerous the cause is mainly due to the flame character in melting and the way the re- fining is conducted. Through such conditions the metal becomes contaminated with an oxide of iron that acts in a measure precisely the same as sulphur is said to do, and what may seem strange, also, is that it is possible to deoxi- dize the metal to the extent that blow-holes caused by gaseous steel are practically absent, yet "red-shortness" will still be causing trouble. Numerous instances have been observed in practice which point to the fact that there must be an indefinable form of oxide (iron) that does not submit to the cleansing action of silicon and manganese as final additions. In such a case as soon as the furnace manipulation could be brought under control a very seri- ous campaign of cracked castings was stopped without any change in design of castings, methods of molding or analy- sis of finished product. There could be noticed also a change in the fracture of the metal in regard to the ap- pearance of the crystals, another evidence which could be traced back to furnace manipulation, which is in a great measure responsible for "red-shortness" in castings, in- dependently of the amount of sulphur initially or finally. In regard to molding conditions and their influence upon cracks the trouble often lies in several directions. Steel in cooling contracts much more than gray iron cast from a similar temperature. There is a point where the steel has lost its fluidity and is more or less viscous, but is without stability and will crumble under pressure. When the steel passes to a lower temperature it seems to increase in den- sity and becomes more or less malleable. At the viscous point should there be any resistance offered to the metal 100 CAUSES OF CRACKS IN CASTINGS while cooling and contracting, because of improper dis- tribution of metal or absence of fillets at angles, or of a flask bar, hard core, core arbor or hard molding sand, there is danger of a separation or a crack (a crumbling of the metal) at that point where the contractive force could not overcome the resistance of the obstacles mentioned. Should the metal be "over-oxidized" at the range of tem- perature where viscosity is manifest, the liability to crum- ble is aggravated and the castings will crack with very slight resistance from the causes mentioned. It is not to be supposed that should the metal be abso- lutely free from oxide it will not crack even under extreme resistance of mold parts. The conditions of crumbling under slight pressure at a high heat, near the melting point, are peculiar to all carbon steels. Therefore, if the steel were ever so pure it would crack if held rigidly while cool- ing and contracting. Let the metal be poorly handled in the furnace and many cracks will appear in spite of care on the part of the mold- er. If, however, due care is observed in the position of the gate to allow a uniform cooling of the metal in the mold, cores are made of such a mixture that under the heat of the liquid metal they will crumble to dust or non- resisting masses, ample sand space between flasks, bars and projections on castings provided, and molding sand used of such a texture that when subjected to a high tem- perature it will become non-resistant, then, with good met- al, cracked castings need not cause much worry by a low yield of salable product. CHAPTER X HEAT TREATMENT AND ANNEALING CONSIDERATION OF THE RELATION BETWEEN STRUCTURE, HEAT TREAT- MENT AND PHYSICAL CONDITION Under heading- of heat treatment and annealing it is not proposed to advance arguments as to whether or not steel castings should be annealed since some opinions are held that it is not necessary with certain compositions chemical- ly. Rather the remarks herein will be an explanation of what occurs when cast steel is given various heat treat- ments. From a theoretical standpoint all steel castings should be annealed. Practically it is difficult to properly undertake the operation, particularly when the tonnage may be large, as then the process presents commercial considerations. If specifications are rigid it is important to carefully anneal, and it is at this point that the nub of the question arises. To keep the output parallel with deliveries would involve an extensive array of annealing furnaces, and since most foundries are without capacity to anneal their entire output, an attempt to treat all castings produced would result in a slighting of the necessary care to get the best out of the process. It is better not to anneal at all than carry it out without each casting getting a proper treatment under skillful conditions. Annealing is a waste of time and money without this proper and skillful care in the work. In general most metallurgists view heat treatment as IO2 HEAT TREATMENT AND ANNEALING. primarily a method to equalize or lessen strains and stresses set up in a casting during cooling in the mold, es- pecially when the shape may be complicated by intricate parts or light and heavy sections combined. True a re- heating will tend to adjust these strains but really heat- treatment is a method to procure in a casting the best pos- sible conditions in the internal structure consistent with the physical properties. To understand what is involved in the more advanced practice necessitates a consideration of the relation between structure, heat-treatment and physical conditions. The internal structure or crystalline formation depends mainly upon the casting temperature and the rate of cool- ing from that temperature. It is known that the physical properties reflect in a large degree the size, shape and character of the crystals formed in steel castings. If a freshly fractured surface of a steel casting cooled normal- ly from casting temperature be examined, to the eye the grain will be coarse and large. If the same casting be re- heated to a much lower temperature than that at which it was cast, say a bright red, cooled and again fractured it will be noticed that grains or crystals are much smaller and closer than in the original piece. It will also be no- ticed that after the re-heating it was more difficult to pro- duce fracture than in the first instance, that the metal seemed tougher. These facts give but a hint of the potent changes set up. The refinement of the crystals when subjected to varying ranges of temperature and rates of cooling offer interesting features which to fully appreciate, requires a delving into their details by means of a microscope. The microscopic examination of metals has developed a comparatively new science known as "Metallography" and with it a number of terms which apply to crystalline formations in metals not visible to the unaided eye. Before going into a recounting of the constituents visible through the microscope and formed in cast steel, the HEAT TREATMENT AND ANNEALING I0 3 changes produced by heat treatment upon the physical properties will be considered. If a piece of cast steel be allowed to cool freely from a casting temperature there will be a grain or crystal growth proceeding to a certain point when the growth ceases. The metal in that condition will not possess its maximum duc- tility expressed as elongation and contraction of area. It will be more or less brittle, depending upon the carbon content. If that same piece of steel be re-heated to or about the point at which the grain growth stopped and al- lowed to cool slowly, the coarse grain developed during the first cooling will be greatly modified, broken up or ob- literated and replaced by a finer grain than it had origi- nally. In this new condition the ductility will be greatly improved; the metal will be tougher and better fitted for service conditions in any case than without a re-heating. Such a re-heating is properly speaking "annealing." The object then in annealing is to so affect the grains or crys- tals as to develop the maximum degree of toughness that a casting of a given composition is capable of developing. By referring to Fig. 14, an idea will be suggested as to FIG. 14. SHOWING STRUCTURAL CHANGES the changes taking place in structure by heating. The ex- amination was made on a piece of 0.25 carbon steel pos- sessing a coarse structure common to steel of that compo- sition cooled normally from casting temperature. The ar- rows indicate the temperature to which the specimens were IO4 HEAT TREATMENT AND ANNEALING heated and immediately allowed to cool. The heat was ob- tained in an electrical muffle furnace and the temperature measured by a Le Chatelier pyrometer. The structures were noted microscopically. The range "W" refers to re- calescence or refining temperature. It is that range ther- mometrically at which all coarse crystallization acquired in cooling from temperatures above "W" and near the melt- ing point is changed and replaced with a finer structure or as fine as it is possible to get in an ordinary piece of cast steel. A re-heating below "W" does not accomplish any- thing in cast steel. A re-heating greatly above "W" causes the grain to again grow after it had been refined while the piece was passing through the recalescence period. To grain-refine a piece of cast steel it is necessary to pass through and slightly above "W," and after that point has been reached nothing is to be gained by a prolonged or higher heating. That is to say, if the piece is heated throughout at the needful refining temperature the fire may be drawn or if the shape will permit it, it can be air- cooled immediately. In doing so all stresses will be mini- mized and no matter what the previous structure may have been, the irregularities of original stress and grain will be removed by heating the mass to a uniform color (slight- ly above "W") and then allowing it to cool uniformly. The equation of time for grain refinement depends large- ly upon the size and shape of the piece; a wire may be brought to the right heat in a few moments. Then it should be withdrawn because a longer heating is needless. A cube 8 inches or more in section might take several hours to refine it and heat it through, but as soon as uniformly heated and refined there is abso- lutely nothing to be gained by heating further. Longer heating would result in grain enlargement, a decrease in ductility, toughness, a heavy scaling of the piece and a su- perficial de-carbonization as in malleableizing if "W" is greatly exceeded. To sum up the question of temperature and its effect upon grain size Prof. Sauveur says: HEAT TREATMENT AND ANNEALING 105 (1) "When a piece of steel, hardened or unhardened, is heated to the temperature 'W,' all previous crystalliza- tion however coarse or however distorted by cold working, is obliterated and replaced by the finest structure which the metal is capable of assuming." (2) "The higher the temperature above 'W from which the steel is allowed to cool undisturbedly the larger the grains." (3) "The slower the cooling from a temperature above 'W the larger the grains." "The Metallographist," Vol. 2, pp. 265 and 266. So much for temperature and corresponding grain growths. The matter in the following table is selected from averages obtained in researches conducted some four years ago by the writer upon the effect of grain size as af- fecting the physical properties of cast-steel : Tensile strength, Elonga- Contrac- pounds, tion per tion per sq. in. cent. cent. Treatment. Series I. 80,385 13.26 16.2 Metal as cast. 78,767 27.20 40.4 Heated to "W." 79,422 14.80 15.3 Greatly above "W." Series II. 77,779 26.5 28.5 Metal as cast. 74,504 25.0 48.8 Heated to 830 degrees Fahr., quenched, reheated to 750 and air cooled. 78,792 25.0 34.3 Heated to 815 degrees Fahr., one hour and air cooled. 74,058 25.7 31. Heated 24 hours at 850 degrees Fahr. Cooled in furnace. Four hours in heating. Eleven hours cooling. 73,376 24.2 26.7 Heated 36 hours between 850 to 900 degrees Fahr. Heating up 3 hours 15 min. Cooling down 9:45. 90,400 2.5 3. Heated to 1,200 degrees Fahr., and quenched. io6 HEAT TREATMENT AND ANNEALING In the foregoing Series I are the averages of a number of bars from one heat of steel and Series II from another heat. A study of the figures will readily show what can be done in arriving at different physical properties by vary- ing the heat-treatment. Reference to diagram Fig. 15, which is a record of some extreme tests carried out by the United States government at Watertown arsenal, will 020,000 1 2 FIG. 15. RECORD OF GOVERNMENT TESTS still further enlighten one as to the contrasting behavior physically affected by heat treatment. These experiments in conjunction with others on record show, that, unless the heat-treatment is a constant and other conditions nor- mal in steel casting practice, it is not possible to readily forecast, by means of formulas, the physical properties tak- ing into account the chemical composition. The ranges of ductility and tensile strength seemingly vary with temperature and rate of cooling. The treatment HEAT TREATMENT AND ANNEALING IO7 that will give the maximum degree of elasticity combined with the maximum degree of ductility is the one that should be aimed at in high grade product. The strength or elasticity depends upon the amount of carbon present and the form that it assumes as a result of the heat treatment it may receive. Ductility depends upon the smallest possible degree of refinement or non-crystalline formation structurally that the carbon-iron alloy is capable of assuming. These re- finements control the annealing or heat-treatment methods and satisfactory results cannot be obtained in practice with- out an observance of the laws governing them. The pro- cess can best be studied with the aid of a microscope. Pho- tomicrograph Fig. 1 6 is a view showing the structure of 0.25 carbon cast steel magnified 190 times. Fig. 17 shows the same steel heated to 1,200 degrees Fahr. and cooled slowly in the furnace. Fig. 18 is the same steel heated to 1,200 degrees Fahr. and air cooled. In Fig. 19 it was heated to 825 degrees Fahr. and air cooled. All photomi- crographs are magnified the same, and a study of the vari- ous formations in conjunction with the physical properties as tabulated will show plainly what is accomplished in cast steel by heating and cooling differently. Figs. 16, 17 and 18 are all coarse and more or less brittle. Fig. 19 shows the refinement obtained at "W" and with it will be found physically a great improvement in ductility. In each case the composition is precisely the same since each specimen was cut from one bar of steel. Some attention will now be given to the constituents rec- ognized microscopically in steel. First in order comes "Ferrite" which may be seen in the submitted photomicrographs by the white areas. It is nearly pure iron, that is, carbonless (plus Si, S, P, and Mn,). It is soft, weak and ductile. Next in importance is "Cementite," and which is not free or visible separately in ordinary cast steel. It is the car- bon-iron alloy and is expressed definitely as FeaC. It is IO8 HEAT TREATMENT AND ANNEALING that constituent which confers hardness, elasticity and strength upon steel. Finally, there is "Pearlite," which is distinguished from "Ferrite" by the dark areas shown in the photographs. It is a mixture or combination of "Cementite" and "Ferrite" in the proportion of i to 6. The constituents as named are the only ones that enter in the problems of annealing cast steel. (There are others, such as martensite, troosite, etc., which are only found in steels that may be hardened and tempered.) Cementite is not structurally free until the carbon exceeds 0.9 per cent. Pearlite is recognized as ex- isting in three forms. In photomicrograph Fig. 16 it is called "lamellar" and is always found in steel slowly cooled from a high temperature (in this case from a cast- ing temperature of nearly 1,600 degrees Fahr.). Fig. 17 indicates also cooling but from a lower temperature. The structure is still "lamellar" but not distinctly so. Fig. 18, cooled at a quicker rate (air quenching) but from the same temperature as Fig. 17 is called "sorbitic" pearlite. The physical properties accompanying such a structure would be slightly stiffer than in Fig. 17 with about the same duc- tility. In Fig. 1 6 the ductility is low but with a higher FIG. 16. SPECIMEN OF CAST FIG. 17. SAME STEEL HEATED TO STEEL IN CONDITION AS 1,200 CENT. (2,192 FAHR.) CAST (Am COOLED) AND COOLED SLOWLY IN THE FOUNDRY HEAT TREATMENT AND ANNEALING tensile strength than Figs. 17 and 18. Fig. 19 gives a view of "granular" pearlite and is one sought when ductility and resistance to shock are necessary. The tensile strength with such a structure is slightly lower than those of the preceding. In the last structure we have a view of the marked change that has occurred by a heating to "W" when the previous structure was as shown in Fig. 16 and also in the other photographs what occurs in grain growth when the temperature is carried far above "W." Were the temperature increased to or about 1,500 degrees Fahr. there would have been in Figs. 17, 18 and 19 about the same formation as in Fig. 16. FIG. 18. SAME STEEL HEATED TO 1,200 CENT. (1,192 FAHR.) AND AIR QUENCHED FIG. 19. SAME STEEL HEAT- ED TO 800 CENT. (1,472 FAHR.) AND COOLED IN AIR. AN IDEAL STRUCT- URE FOR STEEL CASTINGS A study of Fig. 16 reveals a reason why cast steel unan- nealed is more or less brittle and snaps or fails suddenly on shock or impact. The dark areas or the carbon com- pound is comparatively hard, while the light or carbonless areas are weak and there is an uneven distribution of the strong and weak parts so that the ferrite areas offer planes of cleavage under stress. IIO HEAT TREATMENT AND ANNEALING When the structure is broken up as in Fig. 19, the crystals are very small with an even intermingling of the several constituents with cleavage planes practically re- duced to nil. A fracture occuring in cast-steel with a coarse structure always follows the ferrite areas and it is not known that the line of separation passes through the pearlite. A coarse microstructure usually accompanies a coarse fracture while a fine microstructure will show a fine, silky fracture. CHAPTER XI REPAIR OF STEEL CASTINGS WITH THERMIT " ON" OF METAL Since the advent of chemistry in foundry practice there is no metallurgical invention that has proved so useful as the thermit process as perfected by Dr. Hans Goldschmidt. Its flexibility and simplicity appeal strongly to the steel foundrymen for supplying liquid steel in almost any quan- tity quickly and at any time. The process has been too well promulgated in the technical press to need any ex- planation here as to its composition and action. Rather the remarks herein will relate to the methods of applying it in the practice of making repairs of the defects com- mon to steel castings. The consideration from the foundry standpoint is mainly appearance and in this regard ther- mit is superior to all means, in the writer's knowledge and experience, of remedying unsightly flaws which can cause rejection without depreciating the strength. Whether a casting should or should not be repaired with thermit will depend upon the cost of the operation. If the repair cost should exceed the molding cost, it will be cheaper to re-melt it, because the casting will always have a credit value on the basis of the market price of scrap and the loss because of the flaw will only represent the labor in molding and handling. The question of delivery frequently offsets other considerations. Many castings are of such a size that they can be readily 112 REPAIR OF CASTINGS WITH THERMIT repaired in blacksmith's fire at a nominal cost for fuel and labor. Thermit is extremely useful in heavy, valuable castings. The commonest flaws in them are shrink-holes, under-headers, sand-holes, miss-runs and cracks. If the defect is a shrink-hole or sand-hole and where there is no machined surface, the method of filling is quite simple. There may be some grease or oil in the hole which must be removed before it can be welded. It is not always possible to pre-heat or burn out, because the oper- ation is slow and tedious, particularly in the case of large castings, and there may not be a large torch or oil burner convenient. The simplest way to remove the grease is to pour into the hole some lose thermit, ignite it and allow the heat of the reaction to burn out the oil, grease and dirt which it will do most effectively. There will be a violent sputtering in the hole and a mass of slag and spongy metal. The slag can be chipped out readily. The hole is then ready for the final treatment. A gate-pin can be secured which must be larger in diameter by at least I inch than the hole. It should be placed over it in an upright position, and some green molding sand packed around it. With- drawing the pin leaves a mold into which the thermit can be placed. The depth of the mold should be at least 2^ inches. When the thermit is ignited, and while burning, some loose thermit should be poured upon it for the reason that the mold will not hold in the first instance enough thermit to completely fill the hole. As soon as the action has ceased and the slag solidified the mold can be broken away together with the mass of slag. The button of metal will be white hot and as soon as it reaches a yellow or bright red it can be forged by a hand hammer. This treatment will effectively and cheaply fill any hole of the character described on surfaces that will not require ma- chining. The button of metal will protrude more or less, but it can be ground down or chipped, preferably ground. In case such defects as just mentioned are on surfaces that may require machining, a different procedure is neces- REPAIR OF CASTINGS WITH THERMIT sary because blow-holes must be absent from such sur- faces. The same method of removing grease and dirt can be followed as in the foregoing paragraph and a charcoal or coke fire can be built over the flaw. Sand must be re- moved by chipping to expose clean metal. The mold must be dry sand. It can be made from a slab-core by cutting a recess or hole in it with a file. The mold must be as large in diameter inside in excess of diameter of the flaw, as in the previously described method, and must be carefully placed over the flaw, weighed down and the joints daubed with moist clay or dough and backed by green sand. A thermit crucible is then placed directly over the mold, charged, ignited and tapped in the usual manner. It is not recommended in this case to attempt to forge or hammer the button while hot. Let the parts cool down normally. Afterwards grind the button down flush. Grinding is bet- ter than tooling because the button, if the proper quantity of thermit has been used, will stand up some distance when the casting is placed upon a planer, and if the leverage of the tool is too great and there is danger of taking too heavy a cut, thus tearing the soft thermit metal out. Because of its softness it gathers under or crowds the tool and also prevents or interferes with free cutting, increasing the re- sistance and danger of tearing. A light cut can be taken and when the button decreases in size, of course the lever- age decreases, too. Should the metal be porous from any cause, or should the weld be imperfect because of an in- sufficiency of thermit in the first instance for welding, the operation can be repeated since thermit metal welds beau- tifully to the same metal and a second treatment usually satisfactorily finishes the job. In case of shrinkage cracks, the metal must be cut away along the line of the opening to the extent of at least J4 inch or more. A mold of core material must be rammed on the casting to get the contour of the parts, allowing a mold space to form a band overlapping the edges of the opening at least ^ inch on each side of it and from 24 to 114 REPAIR OF CASTINGS WITH THERMIT I inch in thickness. In welding such flaws the incoming thermit metal must enter the mold at the lowest point and overflow at the highest, using enough to get a good circu- lation. When cool the band of metal can be removed to the finished surface. No fixed rule can be laid down as to the quantity of thermit to use. Usually there are no scales in the cleaning room of a steel foundry, and the operator must use his own judgment how much to use for a given operation. Practice alone will govern and there is always the satisfac- tion of knowing that if a weld be imperfect from any cause it can be repeated. All foundrymen are familiar with the well known "burn- ing-on" of metal. Thermit practice is essentially in many details the same operation with the advantage that a "burn" can be made at any convenient time if the compound is available. The same rules will apply as in "burning-on" ex- cepting that allowance must be made for a voluminous slag which always accompanies an action of thermit. The operation of "burning-on" by ordinary liquid steel can be augmented by adding thermit to the ladle of steel taken for the purpose. An addition of 5 per cent by weight will greatly increase the temperature of the steel and of course make the operation sure because of the gain in heat. CHAPTER XII COST OF EQUIPPING FOUNDRIES FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF OPEN-HEARTH STEEL CASTINGS STEEL DEPART- MENT FOR GRAY IRON FOUNDRIES ESTIMATED PROFITS Owing to the widespread interest manifested in the erection of steel casting plants there has been considerable speculation as to the cost of their equipment. The follow- ing estimate is made on ,the basis of daily output of sound and salable castings, per ton of capacity: Furnaces only $1,200 Gas producers and gas mains, or oil storage tanks and accessories 600 Buildings, 800 square feet of floor space per ton, at $1.25 per foot 1,000 Power, machinery, cranes, hoists, molding machines', tools, drying ovens, etc 2,300 Total cost per ton $5,100 These figures are based on a plant having an estimated capacity of 150 to 160 tons per day, or 4,000 tons monthly, with an equipment of 5 open-hearth furnaces costing ap- proximately $750,000. A single open-hearth furnace lined for acid melting costs very nearly $1,000 per ton ca- pacity. One for basic melting costs $1,200 per ton capac- ity. These figures cover excavation, brick work, castings Il6 COST OF EQUIPMENT and structural material, including stack, but do not cover the platform or facilities for charging. STEEL DEPARTMENT FOR GRAY IRON FOUNDRIES The average capacity of a furnace for open-hearth steel casting work is 20 tons. The number of furnaces in oper- ation in a given shop with two or more furnaces will vary according to the demand. When castings are the only product, at least one furnace should be kept in reserve, pending repairs or a shut-down in the active furnaces. This will equalize deliveries and production. Gray iron foundries using steel castings will undoubtedly find it profitable to install an open-hearth furnace which should be of a size that can conveniently fit in with the existing equipment for handling ladles of hot metal. Would recom- mend a basic lining, since it permits the purchase of cheap iron and almost any kind of steel scrap. The basic process has reached such a stage of development that any foundry- man with intelligence can successfully acquire the skill for its profitable operation. Modern foundry chemistry is fatal to mysterious information. There are no secrets or esote- ric systems known only to the few. The principles of basic practice are an open book. With a basic furnace in an active gray iron foundry of anything like a modern character it would be perfectly feasible to manufacture steel castings in moderate, profit- able quantities in conjunction with the regular product. About the only change necessary in the molding end of the practice would be a supply of silica sand and a sand mill to prepare the molding mixtures. A furnace of convenient size would have a capacity of 5 tons per heat. Such a fur- nace could easily produce four heats in 24 hours and could be depended upon to regularly make at least three, and if desired, only one heat per day. In the meantime, however, there would be a steady consumption of fuel to keep the furnace hot. The fuel should be either natural gas or fuel COST OF EQUIPMENT 1 17 oil. Producer gas is often uncertain, irregular in com- position, and requires additional labor for attendance and maintenance. COST OF A FIVE-TON FURNACE A 5-ton basic open-hearth furnace would cost approxi- mately $6,000 if erected in a modern active iron foundry. As an additional outlay to cover bottom pour ladles, fur- nace platform, oil storage tanks, pumps, oil piping, burn- ers, etc., a liberal figure would be $4,000, making a total expenditure of $10,000, not including, however, the build- ings. Charging 5 tons per heat, consisting of 50 per cent pig iron and 50 per cent scrap, there should be produced under normal practice, 12^ tons daily at the rate of three heats in 24 hours. The loss or shrinkage is estimated at 15 per cent which includes the melting loss, gates, risers, sculls and defective castings. The melting loss in the furnace is, on the average, 7 per cent. This low loss is an important economical factor. PROFITABLE INVESTMENT With a normal demand for castings an average profit of YT. per cent per pound could be expected, or $10 per net ton of product, which would be equivalent to $127.50 per day. There would be times when the furnace would be out of commission for repairs, periods which should not exceed one month at the most, but under ordinary conditions two weeks should cover general overhauling. With proper care a basic furnace is capable of producing 400 heats be- fore undergoing general repairs, or a campaign of 133 working days, in round numbers four months. Assuming the active period for production would only be nine months in the year at the rate of 25 working days per Il8 COST OF EQUIPMENT month, there would be a productive period of 225 working days. At the rate of 12^4 tons per day or a yearly total of 2,868^4 tons at $10 per ton, would yield a profit of $28,687.50, figures which look attractive from a promoter's view point, and might be vivid to embody in a prospectus. But, there would be times when the yield would shrink considerably, owing to errors in practice, break-downs, delays and other detrac- tive conditions, which would seriously decrease the dif- ference between manufacturing costs and selling prices. As an extreme case, it will be assumed that the yield over metal charged was only 50 per cent good castings for the entire productive period as estimated; that the average profit was decreased to 3^ cent per pound and that the ton- nage was only 7^ tons daily or 1,687^ tons yearly. The profit then would be $4,218.75, and charging off 25 per cent for interest, replacements, depreciation, etc., there would be a net return of $3,164.07 on an investment of $10,000 for a five- ton furnace in an active iron foundry. This would be equivalent to a profit of 31 6-10 per cent on the outlay, which, in view of the extremely unfavorable conditions considered in the estimating, makes a steel foun- dry as profitable as any foundry enterprise. An open-hearth steel foundry, with intelligent practice and normal times or demand, offers an attractive venture to the investor and no doubt will receive the attention of gray iron founders who are interested in steel casting manufacture. UNIVERSITY OF . Ta re BOOR ^ MAR 2 1933 2 9 J948 2Jun$3KH ,6Ja'59ES| ct> JAU 21959