V cents. Reata. A rope of rawhide for lassoing cattle. Rebosa. Shawl. Worn over the head. Rcglemento. Regulation. Realengo. Royal, kingly. Rcgidor. Alderman. Director. Revolucionario. Revolutionist. Roble. Oak tree. Rio. River. Rodeo. Rounding up of cattle. Salinas. Salt marshes. Seco. Dry. Scguridad. Safety, securely. Sierra Nevada. Ridge of mountains covered with snow. Sierra. Ridge of mountains. Silla. Chair, or saddle. Silla vaquera. Saddle used by vaquero. Sitio. Small stock range. Soherano. Sovereign, supreme. Sobrante. Residue, left over. Soldado. Soldier. Sombrero. Hat. Suertes. Fields. Surefios. Southerners. Tamale. Indian meal dumpling stuffed with minced meat, chicken, etc. Tasajo. Jerked beef. Tecolcro. Master of ceremonies at a ball. Tecolotc. Species of owl. Temblor. Shake. Temblor de tierra. Earthquake. Terreno. Ground. Testigo. Witness. Tonto. Stupid, foolish. Tortillas. Little cakes, pancakes. Trabaj adores. Laborers. Tule. Reed, native grown. Tuna. Cactus plant. Vaquero. Cow herder. Vara. Rod, staff, yard measure. Venta. Sale mark of cattle. Violincito. A small fiddle. Vinero. One who cares for vines. Vocal. Voting member of a corporation. Vino. Wine. Visitador. Visiter, surveyor. Yerba. Herb. Zanja. Irrigating ditch. Zanjero. One in charge of a zanja. JOHN C. FREMONT. Brief History of California. CHAPTER I. DISCOVERY. R OMANCE enters into the story of California with its very beginning. When Gondalez de Sandoval, in 1 524, gave to Cortes an account of a wonderful island ten days to the westward from the Pacific Coast of Mexico, inhabited by women only and exceedingly rich in pearls and gold, he no doubt derived his information from Montalvo's romance, " Sergas de Esplandian." Cortes seems to have given credence to his lieutenant's story and to have kept in view the discovery of this wonderful island, Cali fornia. The discovery of what is now known as the peninsula of Lower California, but which was then supposed to be an island, by Fortuna Jiminez, in 153-1, no doubt confirmed in Cortes' mind the truth of Sandoval's story, told him a decade before. For did not the island of Jiminez, like the island of Montalvo's fiction, lie on the right hand of the Indies, or where the Indies were then supposed to be ? Pearls . were found on it and gold and the Amazons must be there, too. Fortuna Jiminez, the discoverer of Lower California, was chief pilot on one of the ships which Cortes, in 1533, fitted out to explore the northwest coast of Mexico. A mutiny broke out on the ship commanded by Becerro de Men- doza. He was killed and his friends forced to go on shore at Jalisco. The muti neers, commanded by Jiminez, sailed westerly away from the coast of the main land. After several days of sailing out of sight of the main land, they discov ered what they supposed to be an island and landed at what is now known as La Paz. in Lower California. There Jiminez and twenty of his followers were killed by the Indians ; the few survivors of the ill-fated crew managed to navi gate the vessel back to Jalisco, where they reported the discovery of an island rich in pearls. 4 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA Cortes, hearing the report and probably believing the island to be the Cali fornia of the story, fitted out an expedition to colonize it. With three ships and a number of soldiers and settlers, he landed in May, 1535, at the place where Jiminez was killed, which he named Santa Cruz ; but instead of an island peo pled with women who lived after the manner of Amazons and whose arms and trappings were made of gold, he found a sterile country inhabited by the most abject and degraded of beings. Disaster after disaster fell upon the unfortu nate colony. Some of the ships sent to bring supplies were wrecked and others driven out of their course. Some of the colonists died from starvation before the supplies reached them and others from over-eating afterwards. After two "ears of struggling against misfortune, Cortes abandoned the attempt and the wretched colonists were brought back to Mexico. Thus ended the first effort to colonize California. Some time between 1535 and 1537 the name California was applied to the land still supposed to be an island ; but whether Cortes applied it in the hope of encouraging his colonists or whether the country was so named in derision, is not known. The name was subsequently applied to all the land along the Pa cific Coast northward to 42 degrees, the limit of the Spanish possessions. The vast unexplored regions to the northward of that portion of Mexico which he had conquered had a fascination for Cortes. He dreamed of finding in them empires vaster and richer than those he had already subdued. For years he fitted out expeditions by sea and by land to explore this terra incognita ; but failure after failure wrecked his hopes and impoverished his purse. The last of the parties was the one commanded by Francisco de Ulloa, who in 1539 sailed up the Gulf of California on the Sonora side to its head, and then down the inner coast of Lower California to the cape at its extremity, which he doubled and sailed thence northward to Cabo de Engano (Cape of Deceit.) Here the two vessels of the expedition, after being tossed and buffeted by head winds, parted company in a storm. The smaller returned to Santiago. Of the other which was directly under Ulloa's command, nothing is definitely known nor of Ulloa's fate. The only thing accomplished by this voyage was to demon strate that California was a peninsula, although even this fact was not fully accepted for two centuries after this. Cortes returned to Spain in 1540, where after vainly trying to obtain from the King some recognition of his services and some recompense for his outlay, he died a disappointed and impoverished man. The next voyage which had anything to do with the discovery and explora tion of California was that of Hernando de Alarcon. With two ships he sailed from Acapulco, May 9, 1540, up the Gulf of California. His object was to co operate with Coronado. The latter, with an army of 400 men, had marched from Culiscan, April 22, 1540, to discover and conquer the "Seven Cities of Cibola," which the romancing friar, Marcos de Niza, "led by the Holy Ghost" BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 5 and blessed with a fertile imagination, claimed to have seen somewhere in the wilds of what is now Arizona. Alarcon, at the head of the gulf, discovered the mouth of a great river. Up this stream, which he named Buena Guia now the Colorado he claimed to have sailed eighty-five leagues. He was probably the first white man to set foot in the territory now included in the State of California. While Coronado was still absent in search of the Seven Cities, and of Quivera, a country rich in gold, lying somewhere in the interior of the continent, the successor of Cortes entered into a compact with Pedro de Alvarado, Gov ernor of Guatemala, who had a fleet of ships lying at anchor in the harbor of Natividad, Mexico, to unite their forces in an extensive scheme of exploration and conquest. An insurrection broke out among the Indians of Jalisco and in trying to suppress it Alvarado was killed. The return of Coronado dispelled the myths of Cibola and Quivera and put an end, for the time, to further ex ploration of the interior regions to the north of Mexico. On the death of Alvarado, his successor, Mendoza, placed five ships under the command of Ruy Lopez de Villalobas and sent them to the Islas de Poniente (Isles of the Setting Sun now Philippines) to establish trade. Two ships of the fleet, under the command of Juan Roderiguez Cabrillo, were sent to explore the northwest coast of the Pacific. He sailed from Natividad June 27, 1542; on August 3ofh they reached Cabo de Engano, the most northern point of Ulloa's exploration. Continuing his voyage along the coast, he discovered a number of bays and islands. On Sept. 23, 1542, Cabrillo entered a fine bay called by him San Miguel, now San Diego Bay. After three days further sailing he sighted the islands which he named San Salvador and Vitoria, after his vessels, now Catalina and San Clemente. From these islands he crossed to the main land on Oct. 8th and entered a bay which he named Bahia de los Fumos (Bay of Smokes), now San Pedro Bay. After entering a bight, supposed to have been Santa Monica, he continued northwestward, passed through the Santa Bar bara channel and discovered the islands of Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa and San Miguel. Going on up the coast, he found a long narrow point of land extend ing into the sea, which from its resemblance to a galley boat, he called Cabo de la Galeria, now Point Conception. November i7th he doubled Point of Pines and entered Monterey Bay, which he called Bahia de los Pinos (Bay of Pines.) Finding it impossible to land on account of the heavy seas, he proceeded north ward until he reached 40 degrees, north latitude, as he estimated. On account of cold weather and storms he turned back and ran down to San Miguel, where he decided to winter. Here, from the effects of a fall, he died Jan. 3, 1543, and was buried on the island. His companions renamed the island Juan Roderiguez, after their brave commander; but he did not retain even this small honor. The discoverer of California sleeps in an unknown grave. 6 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA The command devolved on the chief pilot, Bartolome Ferrelo, who prose cuted the voyage with a courage and daring equal to that shown by Cabrillo. On Feb. 28th he discovered a point of land which he named Cape Mendocino in honor of the Viceroy. Passing this cape, he encountered a furious storm, which drove him violently to the northeast and greatly endangered his ships. On March 1st the fogs lifted and he saw Cape Blanco in the southern part of what is now Oregon. The weather continuing stormy and the cold increasing, Ferrelo was compelled to turn. back. Off the coast of San Clemente the ships were driven apart and did not come together again until they reached the Cerros Islands. In sore distress for provisions they arrived at Natividad, April 18, 1543. The next navigator who visited California was Sir Francis Drake, an Eng lishman. He was not so much seeking new lands as trying to find a way of escape from capture by the Spanish. Francis Drake, the sea-king of Devon and one of the bravest of men, sailed from Plymouth Dec. 13, 1577, in com mand of a fleet of five small vessels on a privateering expedition against the Spanish settlements of the Pacific Coast. When he sailed out of the Straits of Magellan into the South Sea, he had but one ship left, all the others had been lost or had turned back. With this small vessel he began a career of plunder ing among the Spanish settlements that for boldness, daring and success has had no equal in the world's history. The quaint chronicler of the voyage sums up the proceeds of his raids at "eight hundred and sixty-five thousand pesos of silver, a hundred thousand pounds of gold and other things of great worth." Plundering as he moved, he reached the port of Guatulco on the coast of Oaxaca. Surfeited with spoils and with his ship laden to her fullest capacity, it became a necessity for him to find a new way home. In the language of the chronicler, "He thought it was not good to return by the straits, lest the Span iards should attend for him in great numbers." So he sailed away to the north ward to find the Straits of Anian, which were supposed to connect the North Pacific with the Atlantic. For two hundred years after the discovery of Amer ica, navigators searched for that mythical passage. Drake, keeping well out to sea, sailed northward for two months. The cold, the head winds and the leaky condition of his craft compelled him to turn back and he sailed clown the coast until he found a safe harbor under the lee of a promontory, now Point Reyes. Here he repaired his ship, took formal possession of the country in the name of his sovereign, Queen Elizabeth, and named it New Albion, from a fancied re semblance to his homeland. He had his chaplain, Parson Fletcher, preach a sermon to the natives ; this did not greatly impress them, we are told, but they took delight in the psalm singing. After a stay of thirty-six days, on July 23d, 1579, Drake sailed for England and after nearly three years of absence, during which he had circumnavigated the globe, he reached home safely and was knighted bv Elizabeth. BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA Sixty years passed after Cabrillo's voyage before another Spanish explorer visited California. The chief object of Sebastian Viscaino's voyage was to find a harbor of refuge for the Philippine galleons. These vessels on their return voy age sailed northward until they struck the Japan current, which they followed across the ocean until they reached the vicinity of Cape Mendocino, then sailed along the coast to Acapulco. Viscaino started from Acapulco May 5, 1602, with three ships and 160 men. Following substantially the course that Cabrillo had taken, he anchored in Cabrillo's Bay of San Miguel, which he called San Diego, in honor of his flagship. He remained there ten days, then proceeded up the coast and on the 26th anchored in a bay which he called Ensenada de San Andreas, now San Pedro. He visited Cabrillo's San Salvador, to which he gave the present name of Santa Catalina and changed the name of Vitoria to San Clemente. He gave the name of Santa Barbara to that channel and visited the channel islands. He saw many towns on the mainland and the natives came off in their canoes and visited the vessels. On Dec. i6th Viscaino entered Monterey Bay, as he named it in honor of the Viceroy who had fitted out- the expedition. The scurvy had broken out on ship and sixteen men were already dead. The San Tomas was sent back to Acapulco with the sick; with his two remaining vessels Viscaino continued his voyage northward, reaching Cape Blanco. But at this point he, too, was compelled to turn backward. The scurvy had made fearful inroads on his crews and after eleven months' absence, Vis caino reached Mazlatan, having lost nearly half of his crew. He wrote the King a glowing account of the Bay of Monterey and the surrounding country, which he pictured as almost a terrestrial paradise. His object was to induce the King to establish a settlement on Monterey Bay. In this he was doomed to disap pointment ; delay followed delay until hope vanished. Finally, in 1606, orders came from Philip III to the Viceroy to fit out immediately an expedition for the occupation and settlement of Monterey, of which Viscaino was to be the com mander. In the midst of his preparations for carrying out the dearest object of his life, Viscaino died and the expedition was abandoned. Had it not been for the untimely death of this explorer, a colonv would have been planted upon the Pacific coast of California, a year before the first settlement was made on the Atlantic coast of North America. Two hundred and twenty-seven years had passed since the ships of Cabrillo had first cut the waters that lap the shores of Alta California and yet through all these years the interior of the vast country whose seacoast he had visited remained unknown. For more than two centuries the Manila galleons had sailed down the coast on their return voyage from the islands; yet after the death of Viscaino no other attempt had been made to find a refuge on the Cali fornia coast for the storm tossed and scurvy afflicted mariners of the Philippine trade. CHAPTER II. COLONIZATION. THE Jesuits began their work among the degraded inhabitants of Lower California in 1697. Under their devoted leaders, Salvatierra, Kino, Ugarte, Piccolo, and their successors, they had founded sixteen missions upon the peninsula. Father Kino, besides his missionary labors, had made, be tween 1697 and 1702, explorations around the head of the Gulf of California and up the Colorado to the mouth of the Gila, which had clearly demonstrated that the peninsula was a part of the mainland instead of an island as at first believed. Father Kino formed the design of establishing a chain of missions around the head of the gulf and down the inner coast to Cape San Lucas; but did not live to complete his ambitious project. The Jesuit missions of Raja California never grew rich in flocks and herds. The country was barren and the few fertile val leys around the missions gave the padres and neophytes, at best, but a frugal return for their labors. For years there had been growing up in Spain a strong hostility to the Jesuits which finally resulted in the issuance of a decree by Carlos III, in 1767, banishing the order from that country and from its American possessions. With out previous warning, the monks in Lower California were compelled to aban don their missions and were hurried from the country. At the head of the Fran ciscan order, to whom the abandoned missions were turned over, came Father Junipero Serra, a man of indomitable will and energy. Don Jose Galvez, vis- itaclor-general of New Spain, had been sent to the peninsula to regulate affairs both secular and ecclesiastical, which had been thrown into disorder by the sud den expulsion of the Jesuits. He also received orders to advance the scheme for the occupation of San Diego and Monterey harbors and the colonization of "Nueva California." Galvez, as soon as he had somewhat systematized matters on the peninsula, set vigorously to work to further the project of occupying the northern territory. Father Serra entered heartily into his plans and church and state worked together harmoniously. Galvez decided to fit out four expeditions two by sea and two by land. These were to start at different dates, but were all to unite at San Diego Bay and after occupying that territory, pass on to the harbor of Monterey. On Jan. 9, 1769, the San Carlos sailed from La Paz with sixty-five persons on board, twenty- five of whom were soldiers under Lieutenant Pages. She carried supplies for eight months. On the I5th of February, the San Antonio sailed from Cape S. Lucas, with two friars and a few mechanics on board. The first land expedition BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 9 / started from Yelicata, the most northern settlement in Lower California, March 24th. It was commanded by Rivera y Moncada and consisted of twenty-five sol diers, forty-two natives, with Padres Crespi and Canizar^s. The last expedi tion, which was under the immediate command of Caspar ue Portala, Governor of the Californias, left Velicata May I5th. It consisted of ten soldiers, with a band of Lower Californians, and was accompanied by Father Serra. The San Antonio, although the last to sail, was the first to arrive at its des tination, casting anchor in San Diego Bay, April 11, 1769. The San Carlos, after a most disastrous voyage, drifted into the bay on April 29th. The crew were prostrated with scurvy and it was with difficulty that a boat was manned to go ashore. The sick were landed, but when the scourge had run its course, few were left. Moncada's land expedition, after an uneventful march, reached San Diego May I4th. On the first day of July Portala's command arrived and the four divisions, aggregating 126 persons who were expected to remain in the country, were united. The ravages of scurvy had so depleted the crews of the two vessels that only enough men remained to man one vessel. The San Antonio was sent back to San Bias for supplies and another crew for the San Carlos. A third vessel, the San Jose, had been fitted out by Galvez and loaded with supplies for the missionaries ; but she was never heard from after the day of sailing. On July 1 6th, Father Serra formally founded the first mission in Nueva California, which was dedicated to San Diego de Alcala St. James of Alcala a Franciscan friar who died in 1463 and was canonized in 1588. On July I4th Governor Portala, with Padres Crespi and Gomez and a force made up of sol diers and Indians of Lower California, numbering in all sixty-five persons, set out from San Diego to go overland to Monterey Bay and there found the intended mission and settlement. The route of the expedition was mainly along the coast, with an occasional divergence inland. On August 2nd they camped on the future site of Los Angeles. Along the coast of Santa Barbara channel they found pop ulous Indian villages and were everywhere welcomed by the natives of the coun try. The explorers passed by Monterey Bay without recognizing it from the description of Viscaino, and traveled along the coast to the north. On Nov. 2nd some of the hunters of the party climbed a hill and saw an "arm of the sea." This was the body of water we now know as San Francisco Bay. Their pro visions were exhausted and many were sick. In consequence it was decided to turn back and the party reached San Diego again in January, 1770. Portala's expedition had failed in its object to found a mission on the bay of Monterey, but it had accomplished a far greater feat it had discovered San Francisco Bay. In April, 1770, Portala again set out for Monterey, with a force of twenty- five soldiers and natives. At the same time Father Serra sailed on the San An tonio for the bay. On June 3, 1770, the mission of San Carlos Borremeo de Monterey was formally established on the beach, with solemn ceremonies, ac- 10 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA companied by the ringing of bells and the crack of musketry and roar of cannon. Father Serra conducted the services and Governor Portala took possession of the country in the name of the King of Spain, Carlos III. A presidio or fort of palisades was erected and a few huts built. Portala, having formed the nucleus of a settlement, turned over the command of the territory to Pages and sailed to Lower California on the San Antonio. This was the end of his term as Gov ernor. PRESIDIOS AND PUEBLOS. For the protection of the missions and to prevent foreigners from entering California, military posts, called presidios, were established at San Diego, Monte rey, Santa Barbara and San Francisco. These enclosures were in the form of a square and were surrounded by adobe walls ten or twelve feet high. Within were the officers' quarters, the barracks for the soldiers, a guard house, chapel, granaries, and storehouses. A military force, usually consisting of one cor pany, was stationed at each post under the command of a colonel or lieutenant. The largest force was kept at Monterey, the capital of the territory. The Gov ernor, or commandante-general who, under Spanish rule was always an army officer, was commander-in-chief of the troops in the territory. The principal service of the soldiers was to keep in check the neophytes, to protect the mis sions from the incursions of the "gentiles," as the wild Indians were known, and to capture neophytes who had escaped to their unconverted relatives. The mission fathers were opposed to the colonization of the country by white people. They well knew that the bringing of a superior race of people into contact with the lower would result in the demoralization of the inferior race. As rapidly as they could found missions, they arrogated to themselves all tlv choice lands within the vicinity of each establishment. A settler could not ob tain a grant of land from the public domain if the padres of the nearest mission opposed the action. The difficulty of obtaining supplies from Mexico for the soldiers of the presidios, necessitated the founding of agricultural colonies. Pre vious to 1776 the Governor of "Las Californias" as the country from Cape San Lucas to the most northern point of the Spanish possessions was known, re sided at Loreto, in Lower California. In that year the territory was divided into two districts and a governor appointed for each. Felipe de Neve was made Governor of Nueva California, of which Monterey was designated as the capital, and Rivera y Moncada was appointed Governor of Lower California to reside at Loreto. Hitherto all expeditions to Nueva California had come either by the coast route, up the peninsula, or by sea. In 1774 Captain Juan Bautista de Anza, commander of the Tubac presidio of Sonora, was ordered to explore a route by way of the Gila and Colorado rivers overland to Monterey. With a party of BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 11 thirty-four men, he made the Jornada, crossing the desert, entering the San Ber nardino Valley through the San Gorgonio Pass and reaching San Gabriel. On his return to Sonora, he recruited a second expedition composed of soldiers, set tlers and their families in all over three hundred persons, who were designed to found a mission and a presidio on San Francisco Bay. After a long and toil some journey this party reached California in 1776. On the I7th of Septembc 1776, the presidio of San Francisco was formally established and on October gth the mission, christened for the founder of the Franciscan order, was founded. Governor de Neve, on his journey overland in 1777 from Loreto to Monte rey, was instructed to examine the country from San Diego northward and se lect locations for agricultural settlements. He chose two colony sites, one on the Ric de Porciuncula, where Portala's expedition had camped in 1769 and to which he had given the name of "Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles," and the other on the Rio de Guadalupe in the northern section of the territory. Here, Nov. 29, 1777, Governor de Xeve founded the Pueblo de San Jose. The col onists were nine soldiers from the presidios of Monterey and San Francisco and five settlers of Anza's expedition. These, with their families, made a total of sixty-six. The site of the pueblo was about a mile north of the present city of San Jose. Each settler was given a tract of irrigable land, a soldier's rations and ten dollars per month. Each head of a family received a yoke of oxen, two horses, two cows, a mule, two sheep and two goats, a few farming implements and seed for the first sowing. The colonists were to reimburse the royal treas ury for all the articles furnished them except their rations and monthly pay, the payments to be made in installments from the products of their industry. The Spanish government had an elaborate code of laws governing the es tablishment and management of pueblos. These were applied with small mod ification to all new pueblos, whatever their location and conditions. Each pueblo must contain four square leagues of land, which was divided into planting fields, allotted to the colonists : lands retained by the municipality for renting ; a com mon pasture for the use of all, and a portion of land reserved for the state, used for raising revenues. Wood and water were communal property. The pueblo was governed by a semi-civil, semi-military official known as the comisionaclo. There was also an alcalde, who was a mayor and petty judge. A guard of sol diers were kept at the guard house, partly for protection against the Indians and partly to preserve the peace in the pueblo. In 1779 Rivera y Moncada, the Governor of Lower California, was instructed to recruit in Sonora and Sinaloa settlers for the founding of a pueblo on the Rio Porciuncula and soldiers for the founding of a presidio and mission on the Santa Barbara channel. The settlers were to receive each $106.50 for two years and $60 for the next three years, the payment to be in clothing and other neces sary articles at cost price ; also live stock, farming implements and seeds. These 12 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA liberal offers secured but few recruits and those of poor quality. After a year Rivera had obtained but fourteen settlers. Two of these deserted before the company left Sonora and one was left behind at Loreto when, in April, 1781, the expedition began to march up the peninsula. The colonists under command of Lieut. Zuniga arrived at San Gabriel, August i8th, where they remained until Sept. 4th. The eleven settlers and their families forty-four persons in all, es corted by Gov. de Neve and a small guard of soldiers and accompanied by the priests of San Gabriel Mission, on Sept. 4, 1781, proceeded to the site previously selected for the pueblo. This was on the right bank of the Rio Porciuncula near the spot where Portala's explorers had celebrated the feast of Nuesta Seiiora de Los Angeles de Porciuncula, from which circumstances was derived the name of the pueblo and the river. A plaza, seventy-five by one hundred varas was laid off on the mesa above the river as the center of the settlement. A mass was said by the priests of the mission, a procession was formed and marched around the plaza, the soldiers bearing the imperial standard of Spain and the women the image of "Our Lady of the Angels." The priests blessed the plaza and the house lots. The services over, the Governor and his escort took their departure and the colonists were left to work out their destiny. Another pueblo called Branciforte was founded in 1797 near Santa Cruz, but never prospered. The settlers were discharged soldiers, unused to labor and averse to acquiring indus trious habits. A few grants of land were made to private citizens, but substantially, during the Spanish era, all the land outside of the pueblos used for grazing or for culti vation was held by the missions. The commerce of California at this period was limited to the ships of the missions which usually came twice a year from San Bias with supplies for the missions and presidios and took away the few commer cial products of the country, such as otter skins, hides and tallow of cattle. About 1800 the American smugglers began to come to the coast. The vessels engaged in this trade were principally from Boston and were fast sailing craft. They exchanged Yankee notions for otter skins. The authorities tried to suppress this illicit traffic, but were not often successful, as the vessels were heavily armed and when not able to escape the revenue officers, by speed or strategem, were not averse to fighting their way out. Of the long and bloody struggle for Mexican independence, beginning with the insurrection led by the patriot priest, Hidalgo, in 1810, and continuing under various leaders for eleven years, but little was known in California. The men who filled the office of territorial governor during the years of the fratricidal struggle Arrilliga, Argiiella and Sola, were royalists and so were the mission padres, nearly all of whom were Spanish born. The soldiers and the common people knew but little about what was going on in the world beyond and cared less. The one event that disturbed the placidity of life during the closing years BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 13 of the Spanish rule was the appearance on the coast of Bouchard, the privateer, with two frigates heavily armed. Bouchard was a Frenchman cruising under letters of Marque from the insurgent government of Buenos Ayres, against the Spanish. He entered the harbor of Monterey, Nov. 21, 1818, probably to ob tain supplies, but being coldly received, he fired upon the fort. The Californians made a brave resistance, but were finally overpowered. Bouchard sacked and burned the town. He next appeared at Ortega's Rancho, where he burned the buildings. Here the Californians captured three prisoners, who were exchanged next day when Bouchard anchored off Santa Barbara for one Californian whom the insurgents had captured at Monterey. Bouchard next visited San Juan Cap- istrano, where his "pirates" drank the padres' wine, then he took his departure from California. Four of Bouchard's men were left and became permanent resi dents Joseph Chapman, an American, and Fisher, a negro, who were captured at Monterey ; and John Ross, a Scotchman, and Jose Pascual, a negro, who de serted at San Juan. Chapman was the first American resident of Southern Cali fornia. He married Guadalupe Ortega, a daughter of the owner of the Refugio Rancho which was plundered by the insurgents, and settled at the mission San Gabriel. He built there the first flour mill erected in California. The war of Mexican Independence caused hard times in California. The soldiers received no pay and the mission supply ships came at long intervals. Money was almost an unknown quantity. There were prodvcts to sell, but no one to sell them to except an occasional smuggler, or a tallow ship from Peru. CHAPTER III. THE MISSION ESTABLISHMENTS. IT WAS not the intention of the Spanish government that the mission establishments should continue permanently as missions. According to the law, at the end of ten years from its founding each mission was to be converted into a municipal organization, known as a pueblo, or town ; and the property of the mission, both personal and real, was to be sub-divided among the neophytes of the establishment. But the training which the natives received did not fit them for self-government. They were forced to labor and were instructed in many branches of industry, as well as in the religious ceremonials ; but they received no intellectual training and they made little progress toward self-control. The padres persistently urged that the neophytes were incompetent to use and manage property, and during the time that Cali fornia was subject to Spain no attempt was made to carry out the law and secularize the missions. In form, the different missions resembled one another. Col. J. J. Warner, thus describes the general form: "A large pile of buildings in the form of a quadrangle, composed partly of burnt brick, but chiefly of sun-dried ones, was erected around a spacious court. A large and capacious church, usually occupying one corner of the quadrangle, was a conspicuous part of the pile. In these buildings, which were covered with red tile, was the habitation of the friars, rooms for guests and for the major-domos and their families, hospital wards, storehouses and granaries." A guard of four or five soldiers was kept at each mission to control the neophytes. Each establishment held possession of large tracts of land, con tiguous to its buildings. These were divided into ranches, over which roamed large herds and flocks under the charge of Indian vaqueros. The neophytes for the most part were docile and easily managed, and some of the brighter ones were taught mechanical trades and became fairly good blacksmiths, weavers, tanners, shoemakers, saddlers, brick-makers, etc. They certainly accomplished a large amount of labor under the padres and proved themselves capable, with proper supervision, of supporting themselves and producing a large surplus for the benefit of the church. The history and present condition of each mission is here presented. BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 15 JUNIPERO SERRA. " The first Apostle of California," Father Junipero Serra, was a humble friar of the Franciscan order when, in 1767, he was appointed presidente general of the missions of the Californias, in charge of the missions of Lower California, and with orders to establish new missions in Upper California. Filled with zeal for the salvation of souls, he prepared with great rejoicing and ^^^^_^^_^_^^^^^__ with excellent good sense, as well, to enter new territory. For sixteen years he labored inces santly, travelling up and down the coast and visiting the City of Mexico, although he was afflicted with an incurable disease and so lame that he could not move without suffering. He founded nine missions before his death, at which five thousand natives had been baptized. Less than a year before he died, he made his last journey from San Diego to Monterey, visiting Jl'XIPERO SERRA. each of the missions, journeying on foot, sleeping on the ground, although he was so ill that no one believed he would live to complete the trip. He was most ascetic in his habits, never eating meat ; sleeping upon rough boards, and spending most of the night in prayer ; Palou relates that four days before his death an old Indian woman came to visit the holy father and with his own hand he gave her a blanket. After his death they found that it was half of his own blanket that he had given. Father Serra was born on the Island of Majorca in 1713: he died at San Carlos Mission, August 29, 1784. and was buried in the church to which he had given so much of his love and thought. To Junipero Serra and his noble band of assistants California owes the existence of her mission ruins ; but she also owes to these simple, hard-working friars, the beginnings of her industries, the nomenclature of her geography, the distinctiveness of her architecture and the civilization of her savages. SAN DIEGO DE ALCALA. The Mission San Diego cle Alcala (Saint James of Alcala), was founded July 16, 1769, by Father Junipero Serra, on an eminence overlooking the Bay of San Diego. A temporary altar was erected beneath the branches of a tree from which bells were swung and loudly rung. Water was blessed, the cross raised, high mass was sung by Father Junipero. The services were attended by the officers and soldiers from the ships and the land forces ; the royal standard was unfurled and the country was formally occupied in the name of Carlos III. 16 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA Several huts were erected, one of which was used as a chapel. The Indians at no time very friendly, became hostile, and on August 15, 1769, made an attack upon the mission, but were repulsed, and a stockade was immediately erected around the camp. In 1771 Fathers Luis Jayme and Francisco Dumetz came from Mexico and were placed in charge of the mission. In 1774 the location was changed to a point about seven miles up the Valley of the San Diego river. A wooden church was constructed, 18x57 feet in size, roofed with tules, three small adobe buildings used for a store, a blacksmith shop and a dwelling. In 1775 new buildings were erected and a well dug. A ferocious attack was made upon the settlement by the Indians on the night of November 4th, 1775, all the buildings being destroyed and Father Jayme murdered. His body was found naked with twenty arrow wounds in the breast. Jose Manuel Arroyo, the black smith, and the carpenter Ursulino were also killed. All three were buried in the chapel at the Presidio. Fathers de la Pena and Fuster resumed the mission work, holding services at the Presidio. Anew lrf ,, , \MM1 church, strength- pine timbers and proved was com- A report on the Diego Mission Lasuen, in 1783, church, 9OXI7X 75x161/2 feet; a house for sick for sick men ; A new ened with heavy otherwise im- pleted in 1 780. condition of San given by Father is as follows : "A 17; a granary, store-house; a SAX DIEGO DE ALCAI.A. women ; a house sheds for wood and oxen ; two horses for the fathers ; a larder ; a guests' room and a kitchen." All were of adobe and with the soldiers' barracks these buildings formed three sides of a quadrangle of 165 feet. The fourth side consisted of an adobe wall fifteen feet high. There was a vat for use in tanning hides, two adobe corrals for sheep and one for cows. These were outside the regular mission enclosure. The cabins of the neophytes were of wood and grass. At this time there were seven hundred and forty neophytes, under missionary care. In 1793, a substantial granary of adobe, 96x24 feet, was built, and in 1795, the vineyard was surrounded with an adobe wall five hundred yards in length. This year saw also the commencement of an extensive system of irrigating ditches, remains of which can still be seen and constitute a valuable object lesson in ditch construction. About three miles of San Diego river was dammed back with a solid stone clam thirteen feet in thickness and coated with cement that BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 17 became as solid as rock and remains so to this day. In the center of this dam was a gateway from which a stream of water, 12x24 inches, was carried through an aqueduct of tile and resting on a base of cobblestones and cement. This aqueduct for the major portion of the way was laid along the sides of a precipitous gorge and frequently crossed gulches from 15 to 20 feet wide, and as many feet deep. On May 25th, 1803, an earthquake occurred which damaged the church. In 1804, a new church was begun. It was completed and dedicated November I2th, 1813. It is the ruins of this building that we see today. The remains of Fathers Jayme, Figuer and Mariner were transferred from their old resting place and buried in one grave, though in separate coffins, between the altars of the church, Father Jayme resting nearest the altar of the Blessed Virgin. From the time of the establishment of San Diego in 1769 to 1834, the date of its secularization, there were 6638 persons baptized, 1879 marriages performed, and 4428 burials. In 1831, the mission owned 8822 head of cattle, 1192 horses and 16,661 head of sheep. There were 1506 Indians on the roll of the mission January 6th, 1846, when an inventory of the mission property was taken. In June of the same year the mission lands were sold to Santiago Argiiello for past services to the United States government. His title was not, however, sustained and in accordance with a decision of the United States Land Commissioners, in 1856, based on the old Spanish law, that divided church property into two classes, sacred and ecclesiastical, and whereby sacred property could not be sold, San Diego Mission was returned to the church. " Sacred property" is defined as that which has been formally consecrated to God, such as churches, church buildings, vessels and vestments. The priests' houses and their gardens were thus included. According to this decision all church property that had been sold by Governor Pio Pico reverted to the church, while the ecclesiastic or mission lands were government property. San Diego Mission has been in part restored by the Auxiliary to the Land marks Club. The ruins of the old dam, the irrigating system and garden walls are to be seen. Many of the original trees of the olive orchard are still standing and productive. The old olive press is also there. Down at the old town of San Diego may be seen the ruins of the first Presidio buildings, relics of the century past. Two old mission bells hung suspended from a beam outside of one of the origiml buildings. SAN CARLOS BORREMEO DE MONTEREY. Mission San Carlos Borremeo de Monterey was founded June 3rd, 1770, on the inner shore of Monterey Bay, where the city of Monterey now stands, 2 18 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA the exact location being marked with the statue of Junipero Serra, erected by the late Mrs. Jane Lathrop Stanford. Near the bay shore stands a cross, indicating the landing place of Fathers Serra and Crespi and near by is the old oak tree upon a branch of which they hung the bell, and under which the christening services were held. The Indians of that locality were more timorous than those of the South, and progress in gaining their confidence was somewhat slow, but within about three years, one hundred and seventy-five had been gathered into the church. The situation and surroundings were not satisfactory, however, and a few months later the mission was removed about five miles to the mouth of El Carmel river, on the beautiful Bay of Carmel, and while the mission was thereafter known as San Carlos el Carmello, it officially retained its original title. At this new mission Fathers Serra and Crespi began the study of the SAN CARLOS BORREMEO DE MONTEREY. j^j^ ]anguage Rey p^ J uan Crespi was a native of Spain, being sixty-one years of age at the time of his decease, January ist, 1783. He was buried near the main altar. It was here that Serra two years later passed away after a lingering illness, and his remains were laid beside those of Father Crespi. It was not until July 7th, 1793, that the first stone of the new church was laid. It was built of soft, straw-colored stone, quarried near by, laid in lime made from sea-shells, gathered along the sea-beach, the roof being of red tiles. The church was dedicated in 1797, and the remains of this building, restored through the efforts of the Rev. Father Cassanova, pastor of Monterey, are to be seen today. On July 3rd, 1882, Father Cassanova opened the tombs. This was evidently done to reassure the world of the recorded fact that the sacred remains of those true disciples of Christ and pioneers of California, founders of the Missions, were there. At the services, the following entries from the parish records were read : " Rev. Fr. Juan Crespi; born in Spain; died Jany. ist, A. D. 1782, 61 years old, buried near the main altar, gospel side." "Rev. Fr. Junipero Serra, D. D., President of all the Missions; born in Majorca, Spain; died on the 28th of August, A. D. 1784, at the age of 71 years, buried in the Sanctuary, fronting the altar of Our Lady of Seven Dolores, on the gospel side." " Rev. Fr. Julian Lopez, born in Spain ; died here on the 1 5th of July, A. D. 1 797, aged 35 years ; buried in the Sanctuary, on the gospel side, in the tomb near the wall on the BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 19 left." "Rev. Fr. Francisco Lasuen, Vic. for Second President of the Missions, born in Spain, died here, and is buried in the Sanctuary, on the gospel side, in a stone tomb, near the main altar, June 28th, 1803." The heavy stone slabs having been removed before the ceremony began, the coffin in each tomb was left visible. The lids of each was then raised and the people then viewed the remains of which only the clothing and the skeletons were seen. The tombs were then covered as before with the stone slabs. The coffins were of unplaned redwood boards, and all but that of Father Lasuen in a good state of preservation. When the restoration of the old mission church was commenced in 1882, the tile roof had fallen in, the walls were crumbled, and grass had grown upon the tiled floor. The resting place of the founder of the California missions was completely obliterated. Through the untiring efforts of Father Cassanova, and his band of sympathizers, the tomb of Serra and his beloved co-worker, Father Crespi, are in fairly good repair. Services are held here once a month by the resident priest of Monterey, and upon each occasion the old mission bell is rung. SAN ANTONIO DE PADUA. The Mission San Antonio de Padua (Saint Anthony of Padua), now a mass of ruins, was founded by Father Junipero Serra, July- 14, 1771, under most auspicious circumstances. The ringing of bells attracted an Indian, and instead of hiding in fear, he remained to witness the ceremony of dedication, and later brought his companions in large numbers to meet the missionaries. This mission is located in a beauti fully oak-studded glen, in the Santa Lucia Mountains, and near the Sa linas River, in Monterey County. Father Serra named the valley Los Robles. The present ruins are those of the second church, which was built in the year 1809 or 1810, and was extended by adobe structures several times. The Indians assisted Fathers Buenaventura, Sitjar and Miguel Pieras in erecting the first temporary structure, which was unusual. San Antonio became famous for its piety, prosperity and its splendid horses. In 1805 it had a population of 1261 neophytes. An inventory of property made in 1835, when the mission was secularized, showed the valuation of buildings and vineyards to be $90,000.00, but in 1845 '* was invoiced at only SAN ANTONIO DE PADUA. 20 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA $8,000.00, and the membership had declined to ten men and five women. Mrs. Forbes writes in 1904 that, "At present the roof of the mission building has fallen in and the last room is ready to collapse. The relics have all beer, stolen or removed to other places, with the exception of one iron kettle used by the Fathers in cooking soup for the Indians. Only one family of the original Indians of the Valley remain, and they live many miles from the mission. The tree upon which Father Serra hung the bell when the first chapel was founded still stands beside the road, leading up to the mission. Near by the mission flows Mission creek, a branch of the San Antonio river. In mission days the Padres constructed a dam across the river, and its water was diverted to irrigate the mission lands.- At one time San Antonio rivalled San Juan Capistrano, San Luis Rev and Santa Barbara in prosperity and importance. The buildings were extensive. Long cloisters, arches and broken walls and tiled roofs now remain to tell the story of architectural grandeur." SAN GABRIEL ARCANGEL. The Mission San Gabriel Archangel was founded September 8th, 1771, by Fathers Angel Somera and Pedro Benito Cambon. The first mission site was located about five miles south of the present mission on the bank of the San Gabriel (then San Miguel) river. The first chapel was of logs cut to length, the desired height of the building, then split in two and set upright in a trench or ditch. The roof was made of tules and adobe mud. The dwellings of the priests and attendants were enclosed with a stockade of similar construction which, however, was soon replaced with an adobe wall. Xot a vestige of this first mission of San Gabriel remains, and it is even quite uncertain as to its exact location. By reason of danger from floods, from the river's overflow, low-land frosts and poor drainage, the mission was moved to its present site, then as now, a most charming location, in the midst of a belt of live oak, on warm and responsive soil. The date of removal to the new site is unknown, but it must have been about 1775, since Junipero Serra in his second annual report of 1774 indicates his intention to move San Gabriel Mission a short distance and states that for that reason no permanent improvements had been made on the old site. The stone church which is now the admiration of visitors was half finished in 1794, and had not been completed in 1800. It was first built with an arched roof, in which cracks soon appeared. When these were repaired an earthquake reopened them. The arched roof was then removed and a new roof of timbers and tiles substituted in 1804. The valley was fertile and Indians were numerous but were seemingly slow to embrace the religion of the Friars, since BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 21 only seventy-three baptisms were recorded the first two years. Up to the year 1800, there were, however, 1078 neophytes attached to the mission. There had been 1953 baptisms, 869 burials and 396 marriages performed. Once established on the new mission site affairs seemed to take on new life and enterprise and set the pace for those missions already established and those to be. In 1806 Jose Marie Zalvidea, a man of great energy and executive ability, \vas transferred from San Fernando to San Gabriel. According to Hugo Reid: " He it was, who planted the large vineyards, intersected with fine walks, shaded fruit trees of every description, and rendered still more lovely by shrubs interspersed between ; who laid out the orange garden, fruit and olive orchards ; built the mill and dam; made fences of tunas (cactus) round the fields; made hedges of rose bushes ; planted trees in the mission square, with a flower garden and hour-dial in the center ; brought water from long distances, etc. He also remodeled the existent system of government. Every article must henceforth be in place, and every man at his station. Everything under him was organized and = that organization kept up with a lash ! The people were now di- vided into class- culturists, brick and tile makers, musicians, sing- ^ ' ers. tallow melt- ers, vignerons, SAX GABRIEI, AROANGEU carters, cart- makers, shepherds, poultry-keepers, pigeon-tenders, weavers, spinners, saddle- makers, store and key-keepers, deer hunters, deer and sheep-skin dressers, masons, plasterers, people of all work everything but coopers, these were foreign ; all the rest were native Indians. " Large soap works were erected, tanning yards established, tallow works, bakery, cooper, blacksmith, carpenter and other shops. Large spinning rooms, where might be seen fifty or sixty women turning their spindles merrily, and looms for weaving wool, flax and cotton. Then large store rooms were allotted to the various articles, which were kept separate. For instance, wheat, barley, peas, beans, lentels, chick, peas, butter and cheese, soap, candles, wool, leather, flour, lime, salt, horse-hair, wine and spirits, fruit stores, etc., etc. Sugar-cane, flax and hemp jvere added to the other articles cultivated, but cotton wool was imported. " At an early period in the history of San Gabriel, a water-power mill, for grinding wheat, was constructed and put in operation in front of and near the 22 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA mission building. At a later period, a new grist mill was built by the mission, and placed about two miles west of the mission proper. This was also operated by water-power. The building in which was placed the mill is still standing and is known as El Molino, the Spanish words for " The Mill." It is now the property of H. E. Huntington. A water-power saw-mill was also built by this mission, and was located near the last-mentioned grist-mill. These were the only mills made or used in California, either for grinding or sawing, in which water was the motive power, or in which a wheel was used, for more than half a century after the founding of the first mission. In these two grist mills the revolving mill stone was upon the upper end of the vertical shaft, and the water-wheel upon the lower end, so that the revolution of the stone was no more frequent than that of the water-wheel. They did no grading or separating of the flour in these mills. This process, if done at all, was done with hand sieves." " The principal ranches belonging at that time to San Gabriel were San Pasqual, Santa Anita, Azusa, San Francisquito, Cucamonga, San Antonio, San Gorgonio, Yucaipa, Jurupa, Guapa, Rincon, Chino, San Jose, Ybarras, Puente, Mission Vieja, Serranos, Rosa Castillo, Coyotes, Jaboneria, Las Bolsas, Alamitos and Serritos. " The principal head (Major-domo) commanded and superintended over all. Claudio Lopez was the famed one during Padre Zalvidea's administration, and although only executing the priest's plans, in the minds of the people he is the real hero Ask any one who made this, or who did that, and the answer on all sides is the same: 'El difunto Claudio!' Great credit is due him for carrying out without flogging the numerous works intrusted to him. There were a great many other major-domos under him for all kinds of work, from tending of horses down to those of superintending crops, and in charge of vineyards and gardens. " Indian alcaldes were appointed annually by the padre, and chosen from among the very laziest in the community, he being of the opinion that they took more pleasure in making the others work than would industrious ones, and from my own observation this is correct. They carried a wand to denote their authority, and an immense scourge of rawhide about ten feet in length, plaited to the size of an ordinary man's wrist. They did a great deal of chastisement. " The unmarried women and girls were kept as nuns, under the supervision of an abbess, who slept with them in a large room. Their occupations : some times they served, at others they cleaned weeds from out of the gardens with hoes, worked at the ditches or gathered in the crops. The best looking youths were kept as pages to attend at the tables and those of most musical talent were reserved for church service. "The number of hogs was great. They were principally used for making soap. (The Indians, with a few exceptions, refused to eat pork.) Near the BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 23 mission at San Francisquito (San Fernando Mission) were kept the turkeys of which they had large numbers. The dove-cote was alongside of the soap works, in an upper story, affording plenty of dung to cure leather and skins with. " The padre had an idea that finery led Indians to run away, for which reason he never gave either men or women any other clothing (including skirts and petticoats) than coarse frieze (xerga) made by themselves, which kept the poor wretches all the time diseased with the itch. If any handkerchiefs or cotton goods were discovered among them the same were immediately committed to the flames. He was an inveterate enemy to drunkenness, and did all in his power to prevent it, but to no purpose. He never flogged, however, while the influence of liquor lasted, but put them into stocks, under the care of a guard until sober. Finding the lash, alone, was of no avail, he added warm water and salt to the dose, which was given as a drink until it ran out of the mouth again. It was no use. The disease was as incurable as consumption. '' Having found out the game practiced in regard to destroying the children borne by Indian women to white men, he put down all miscarriages to the same cause. Therefore, when a woman had the misfortune to bring forth a still-born child, she was punished. The penalty inflicted was shaving the head, flogging for fifteen subsequent days, iron on the feet for three months, and having to appear every Sunday in church on the steps leading up to the altar, with a hideous painted wooden child in her arms. He had no predilections for wizards, and generally (as some one or other was always reporting evil of them) kept them chained together in couples and well flogged. There were, at that period, no small number of old men rejoicing in the fame of witchcraft, so he made sawyers of them all, keeping them like hounds in couples and so they worked, two above and two below in the sawpit. On a breach occurring between man and wife, they were fastened together by the leg until they agreed to live in harmony. He was not only severe, but he was in his chastisements most cruel. So as not to make a revolting picture, I shall bury acts of barbarity, known to me through good authority, by merely saying that he must assuredly have considered whipping as meat and drink to them, for they had it morning, noon and night. Although so severe to the Indians, he was kind, in the extreme, to travelers and others. There being so much beef, mutton, pork and poultry, with fruits, vegetables and wine, a splendid public table was spread daily, at which he presided." J. J. Warner, in 1889, furnished the writer the following, as setting forth the usual dinner served daily at San Gabriel Mission during the years of its prosperity: First course: Caldo (plain broth in which meat and vegetables had been boiled). Second course: La Olla (meat boiled with vegetables and served separately). Third course: El Bondigas (forced meat balls in gravy). Fourth course: Guisados (stews, generally two). Fifth course: Azado (roasts beef. 24 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA mutton, game, fowls). Sixth course: Fruit and sweetmeat. Seventh course: Tea, coffee, cigarritos. Pork was also eaten sparingly at every meal. Wine was served ad libitum. On Friday, fish followed the caldo, and the meats were dispensed with. Horses to ride were ever at their service, and a good bed to sleep on at night. Whenever ready to start, either up or down the coast, horses and a servant were ever at their command to go as far as the next mission." Having brought the establishment and everything connected with it to the climax of perfection, Zalviclea had still calculated on doing more. He purchased large quantities of iron, with the intention of railing in all vineyards and gardens. But, alas! even Catholic societies are not proof against the "capital sins " they so strongly condemn. Envy and jealousy stepped in and prevailed. He was ordered by his superior to the mission of San Juan Capistrano. The loss of his favorite hobby capsized his reason, and after lingering for many years in a disturbed religious state of mind he at length expired, regretted by all who knew his worth and gigantic intellect. During his pastorate, Zalvidea also mastered the Indian language, and reduced it to grammatical rules, being the first padre in this section having either the ability or energy necessary for such a task. He translated the church service, and preached each Sabbath in the native tongue. His translation of the Lord's Prayer, commencing " Ayoinac," "Our Father," is said by Mr. Reid to be a "a grand specimen of his eloquence and ability." He thus gave the natives an insight into the Catholic faith, but did not alter their own one iota. Those who came after him were too indolent to keep up the reforms he had inaugurated. For a time sermons were translated sentence by sentence, to the congregation ; but this was soon discontinued, probably to the great relief of the unfortunate listeners. Zalvidea was succeeded by Padre Jose Bernardo Sanchez, his former colleague and assistant, who is described as having been " of a cheeerful disposi tion, and a frank and generous nature." He was also a great sportsman and capital shot. " In ecclesiastical affairs, solemn ; in trade, formal ; in government of the mission, active, lively, and strict ; in social intercourse, friendly, full of anecdote, and fond of jokes ; even to those of a practical nature." "The regulations enforced by his predecessor were still observed under Sanchez, but while the lash was still ready, other modes of punishment were adopted for minor offenses. Nor was such leniency barren of good results, for many Indians who had formerly proven insubordinate from mere vindictiveness of spirit, now refrained because of the love and good will which all bore toward their spiritual and temporal ruler. " Supplies for the mission were purchased in large quantities, frequently amounting to $30,000 at one time. These purchases consisted of domestics BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 25 (brown, bleached and printed), flannels, cloths, ribbons, silks, hosiery, sugar, panoche, rice, etc., etc. These articles were distributed in two stores, from whence they were dealt out to the natives, or sold to the public. The people were now better dressed than formerly. The coarse frieze (xerga) of the women was used only as sweat-cloths for horses ; and all the native ladies appeared at church in full-blown glory of fancy petticoats, clean white chemises, variegated kerchiefs on their head, and rebosos around their shoulders. The men had pants, jackets, hats, and fancy silk sashes. Even the children plumed themselves in gay colors, and sported shirts and kerchiefs. Married people were provided with sheets for their beds, and even curtains. The major-domo visited each house weekly to see that all was kept clean, and the priest made a similar round in person once a month. Rations, with wine and spirits (and occasionally a few dollars in money) were distributed once a week; but in addition to this, daily food was provided ready cooked, for the laborers. We quote further from Mr. Reid's letters : " The mission bell, on being rung, aroused the alcaldes from their slumbers, and these with loud voices soon set all the world agog. Mass was now heard, and again the bell rang to work. At eleven its notes proclaimed dinner, when in all flocked, basket in hand, to receive posale and a piece of beef. (Posale consisted of beans boiled with corn or wheat.) At twelve o'clock they were again warned to their labors, which concluded a little before sundown, to afford them time to receive supper, which consisted of ' atolc ' or mush. If a gang were at a distance, a copper kettle and attendant accompanied them and provided food on the spot. " After twelve o'clock on Saturdays soap was distributed, and all the world went a washing of clothes and persons, to make a decent appearance at church on Sunday. Saturday night was devoted to playing peon, and, with few excep tions, none slept ; for whites and Indians, men, women and children, were all generally present. " After service on Sunday, foot-ball and races took place, and in the after noon a game called ' Shindy ' by the Scotch, and ' Bandy ' by the English, was played, with men and \vomen on opposite sides. People flocked in from all parts to see the sport and heavy bets were made. The priest took great interest in the game and, as the women seldom had less than half a dozen quarrels among them, in which hair flew by the handfuls, he was the more pleased. The game being concluded, all went to prayers and so ended the Sabbath." The general statistics of the Mission of San Gabriel for the whole period of its existence of sixty-three years (from 1771 to 1834) are thus given by Bancroft : Total number of baptisms. 7,854, of which 4,355 were Indian adults, 2,459 Indian children, and i adult and 1,039 children of " gente cle razon," 26 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA which may mean the Spaniards and their mixed-blooded descendants. Total marriages, 1,955; f which 241 were " gente de razon." Total deaths, 5,656; of which 2,896 were Indian adults, 2,363 Indian children, 211 adults and 186 children " de razon." Annual average, 88 ; annual average death rate, 7.61 per cent, of population. Largest population, 1,701, in 1817. There was a slight excess of males down to 1803, and a greater excess later. The proportion of children varied from one-eighth per cent, at first to one-tenth per cent, at the last. Largest number of cattle, 26,300, in 1828; horses, 2,400, in 1827; mules, 205, in 1814; asses, 6 in 1794; sheep, 15,000, in 1829; goats, 1,380 in 1/85; swine, 300, in 1802, 1803 and 1822; all kinds, 40,360 animals, in 1830. Total product of wheat, 225,942 bushels; yield, 16 fold. Barley (for only eleven years), 1,250 bushels; yield, 10 fold. Maize, 154,820 bushels; yield, 145 fold. Beans, 14,467 bushels ; yield, 28 fold. In the year 1834, at the time of seculariza tion, there were 163,579 vines in four vineyards, and 2,333 fruit trees. All statistics stop with the attempted secularization of the mission in 1834. In 1832, Governor Echandia sent an envoy to San Gabriel Mission, demand ing a loan, which was refused. The store house was broken open and the money in gold coin forcibly taken and never returned. Secularization soon followed, and the mission, with upwards of 42,000 head of live stock and gold in sacks passed into the control of the Mexican government, and like all the other missions suffered temporal and spiritual destruction. In June, 1846, the mission estate was sold by Governor Pico to Reid and Workman. The title was not, however, confirmed, and the property returned to the church. In 1847 Father Bias Ordaz took charge of the mission and ministered to the few Indians then remaining, until his death, 1850. It is since secularization, a parish church only, and is now presided over by a parish priest, who holds regular services. SAN LUIS OBISPO DE TOLOSO. On the first of September, 1772, Fathers Junipero Serra and Cavalier founded San Luis Obispo, the fifth mission in California, in honor of St. Louis, Bishop of Toulouse. The history of this mission is a remarkable evidence of the energy and religious zeal of these men of God. Father Serra departed the second day, leaving Father Cavalier, two Lower California Indians, and five soldiers, to commence the work of establishing a mission. Their supplies con sisted of fifty pounds of flour, three pecks of wheat and a barrel of brown sugar the sugar to be used in bartering with the native Indians for further supplies. The Indians proved friendly, supplied the missionary with venison, seeds and wild berries, and in many ways helped the Padres. A little chapel and dwelling were soon erected. But Father Cavalier remained alone at his post BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 27 for one year. Then four immigrant families and a few unmarried Christians came to San Luis Obispo to make it their home. In November, 1776, the buildings, except the chapel and granary, were destroyed by fire, the Indians having thrown burning arrows upon the tule roofs. Twice again in ten years the buildings were on fire from the same cause. For this reason tiles were adopted for roofing, at all the missions, instead of the dangerous but economical tules. The adobe church was finished in 1793 ; other spacious buildings such as barracks, a missionary's house, work house, guardhouse, granary, etc., were added the following year. Huts for the natives were comfortable and well built. A trained blacksmith, a carpen ter and a millwright were sent to San Luis Obispo to instruct the Indians. Father Luis Martinez labored long and earnestly for the welfare of this mission. He learned the Indian language and gave assistance, both to the troops and to other missions. Squirrels and locusts were extremely troublesome, and one crop was entirely eaten up by mice. In the inventory taken 1836, an item is made of the library and musical instruments, $519, and the total valuation was given at $70,779. On September loth, 1842, Governor Alvarado ordered the lands divided among the neophytes ; and two years later the mission was formed into a pueblo. It was sold the following year (1845) to Scott, Wilson & MrKierey for $510. However, Governor Mason ordered the property returned to the Catholic church. The mission church is located near the business center of San Luis Obispo, county of the same name, and it is in a good state of repair, being used, as it is, as the parish church. SA\ I.riS or.ISPO DB TOLOSO. SAN FRANCISCO DE ASIS. Mission San Francisco de Asis, better known as Mission Dolores, is the sixth mission founded in Alta California, and was formally dedicated October 9th, 1776, by Fathers Palou, Cambon, Nocedal and Pena. Officers and soldiers of the Presidio were present. High mass was sung by Father Palou, the image St. Francis was exhibited, bells were rung, volleys of musketry rent the air, cannons and rockets from the good ship San Carlos, lying in the bay, were fired. The building was a comfortable house of wood, roofed with tules and plastered with clay. It measure'd about 54x30x15 feet. The first chapel blessed was at the presidio, on the I7th of September, on the Feast of Stigmata of St. Francis, 28 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO DE ASIS. the patron saint of the port and missions, while the mission was named for the patron saint of the Franciscan order. The name Dolores (sorrow) in this instance signifies the name of a stream or lagoon, a place known as " the willows " by those who came in 1849. This swamp was later filled in and graded, forming the tract that lies between Seventeenth, Nineteenth, Valencia and Howard streets. The corner-stone for the present church was laid 1782, and by 1795 adobe buildings with tile roofs, forming two sides of a square were completed ; also a ditch protecting the potrero or cattle farm and fields, had been dug. Weaving looms were constructed by the Indians and a substantial though coarse kind of blanketing, was woven as clothing for the neophytes. Vancouver describes it as " cloth not to be despised, had it received the advantage of fulling." The products made and produced at Dolores Mission were soap, salt, wool, hides, wine, tallow and butter. The garden was not notable for its produce, the reason given being high winds and weather unfavorable to horti culture. The climate proved detrimental to the Indians, and after a fierce epidemic of measles, a new mission known as the " hospital mission " was founded at San Rafael, across the bay, and 590 of the Indians were transferred to this place for a change of climate. Later 322 neophytes were sent to Solano, and it was thought best at one time to discontinue the mission at San Francisco altogether; but the idea met stout opposition from Father President Sarria. Consequently a new mission, known as New San Francisco or Solano, was founded, and the old San Francisco, known as Dolores, was not abandoned. Dolores was not a prosperous mission, and rapidly declined after secularisation. The Fathers baptized 6883 persons and buried 2089. The little church-yard at the side of the mission is small and sad. Few monuments mark the resting places of any of the 2000 and over, who lie sleeping in that small space. A tall shaft marks the grave of the first Mexican governor, Don Luis Antonio Arguello. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO. The founding of the Mission San Juan Capistrano was accomplished under many discouragements. The first attempt was made by Fathers Lasuen and Amurrio on the igth or the 3Oth of October, 1775. Dates given by Palou and Ortega differ. The first service was held in a hut of branches. A large cross BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 29 SAX JUAN CAPISTRANO. was erected and blessed, but nothing further was done at that time. The bells of Capistrano were taken down from the tree and buried. ( hi November 1st, 17/6, a second attempt was made by Father Serra. A new altar was erected, mass was celebrated, and the seventh mission of California was founded, upon the site known by the Indians as Sajirit. Capistrano became prosperous, but did not excel either in number of converts or in wealth. In February, 1797, work was begun on the stone chapel, the ruins of which are standing today. It proved to be one of the grandest church buildings in California. It measured 159x30 feet, was surmounted by a lofty tower, and all was of stone and mortar. The stones were not hewn, but were fitted together in the rough. The church was built with nave and transept with thick walls, and an arched, dome-like roof. Here and there remain evidence of decoration. Ten years ago there still were wooden figures to be seen in many small niches and the carving showing ability and taste. It is to be regretted that these relics were carried away and not placed in the room used as the chapel. The stone church of San Juan Capistrano was dedicated September 7th. 1806. The cere mony lasted three days, and visiting Padnes and Indians came long distances, even as far as from Santa Barbara, to witness the ceremony. But the magnificent building W as doomed to short service, for on the morning of December 8th, 1812. a terrible earthquake shook it to its very foundation, causing the lofty tower to crash down upon the vaulted roof, precipitating the mass of stone and mortar down upon the worshipping congregation for it was on Sunday morning. About fifty persons were present, and only ten escaped. Excavation for the recovery of the crushed and mangled bodies began at once, but nothing has ever been done toward restoring the building to its former grandeur. Capistrano was secularized in 1833, ar| d even after the loss of the mission church the inventory placed the valuation of the mission at about $55,000; with debts of only $1410. In December, 1845, tne mission buildings were sold to McKinley and Forster for $710.00. Juan Forster was in possession for twenty years, but after extended litigation, the Catholic church regained possession of the property. SANTA CLARA. The Mission of Santa Clara was founded January 12th, 1777. by Father Tomas de la Pena, O. S. F. The site was the present Laurel Wood Farm of 30 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA. Peter J. Donahue. The floods of 1778-9, however, obliged the Fathers to look for higher and safer grounds. They selected the " Valley of the Oaks," a location some 150 yards to the southwest of the present Union depot of the town of Santa Clara. At the ceremony of the removal of the Santa Clara Mission to the second location, Father Serra was himself present, and officiated. The structures there were begun November I9th, 1781, and the second church and buildings were blessed and dedicated on May I5th, 1784. The earthquake of 1812 cracked the walls of the church and the more severe " temblores " of 1818 completed the destruction. A third church was erected upon the present site of the mission church, and was dedicated on August nth, 1822, the eve of Santa Clara. This third church was the work of Father Jose Viader, assisted by Don Ignacio Alviso, as foreman. The original adobe walls of this church were replaced in 1885 by wooden ones. The single belfry, and the facade was replaced in 1862 by the present towers, and the present facades. But the interior, the ornamentations and furnishings are almost intact. These latter include the life-size crucifix, the original holy-water fonts, the pulpits of those early days, the copy of the miraculous and historic painting of " Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe," the identical reredos or background of the main altar, the tabernacle and candelabra-shelves, the wings of the latter itself ; the accompany ing statues in wood of Saints Joachin and Ann, parents of Our Lady ; and like statues of Saints Juan Capistran and Colette. The reredos contain other statues and medallions. The church has the identical frescoed ceiling of the chancel. The paintings of the walls and ceilings of the interior are reproductions : also the statue in wood of St. Francis of Asisi, with sacred stigmata on the hands and feet; also that of St. Anthony of Padua, with the Infant Jesus in his arms. In the right hand belfry are the three old bells donated to the Santa Clara Mission by the King of Spain. Two bear the original dates, 1798 and 1799, and the third, which was recast in 1864, bears the double dates 1805-64. In the college library may be seen the historic paintings of " Alameda," the " Beautiful Way," " Santa Clara Mission in 1851 " and the grand old choral of those early days, with cover in bronze and wood. At the time of Vancouver's visit to Santa Clara, many of the Indians were engaged in building adobe houses for themselves. In 1794, twenty-three of these dwellings with thatched roofs were completed, and in 1798, nearly all of BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 31 the married neophytes were thus accommodated. Today not a mission Indian is to be found in or about Santa Clara. Here as at all other missions, seculari zation with one blow ruined fifty years of faithful and patient work of the Padres. SAN BUENAVENTURA. The Mission of San Buenaventura Doctor Sarafico (Saint Bonaventura, Serafic Doctor) was founded Easter Sunday, March 3Oth, 1783, by Father Serra. It was the last mission that Father Serra founded, and he had intended it to be one of the first. The delay was a trial to the good man, but he com forted himself with the saying, " the more slowly the more solemnly." The place chosen was the head of the Santa Barbara channel and the home of a large tribe of Indians. The Indians were friendly and even assisted in building a chapel, a house for Father Cambon, who was left in charge, and barracks for the soldiers. The group of buildings was, for greater safety, surrounded by a palisade. Within ten years San Buenaventura had become one of the most flourishing settlements in California. Van- couver, who vis ited the mission in 1793, speaks of the wonderful _**^_ 1 gardens, the plums, figs, or- anges, grapes, pomegranates, cocoanut, sugar cane, bananas, plantain and even indigo ; besides all of the ordinary . . , SAN BUENAVENTURA. kitchen vege- tables, roots and herbs. A disastrous fire compelled the missionaries to erect all new buildings. The new church was built of stone and brick, and it is the one standing today. But the tile roof is gone. The earthquake of 1812 damaged the church and many buildings. The tower and much of the facade were rebuilt. The whole site of Buenaventura settled, and the fear of all sinking into the sea frightened the inhabitants away. They fled to San Joaquin y Santa Ana, where they remained for a year. Here the Priests erected a cajal, or Indian hut, to be used as a chapel. Upon their return to Ventura, the neophytes, under the direction of the Fathers, restored the buildings to a better condition than they were originally. In 1820 the government of Mexico owed to San Buenaventura ^S- 1 ? - There is no record that it was ever paid. They had purchased sup plies from the mission, a cargo of hemp, and were in arrears in stipends to the Fathers for $6,200. In 1822 the Indians had individual gardens along the banks of the river, where they raised vegetables for sale. They labored and might 32 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA have become self-supporting, for the mission establishments sold great quantities of produce and supplies to the home government as well as supplying their own demands at the missions. Secularization came in 1837. The mission estate was first rented for $1,630.00 per annum, and then sold to Jose Arnaz for $12,000, in June, 1846. His title was not recognized by the United States government. The records of San Buenaventura are interesting old documents. They show 3,857 baptisms, 1,086 marriages, 3,098 deaths. In 1831 there were 7,240 head of live stock. Today the old mission is the parish church of Ventura. SANTA BARBARA. Santa Barbara, (Virgin and Martyr) was founded December 4th, 1/86, by Father Fermin Francisco de Lasuen, who had been made President of the Missions the previous year to succeed the lamented Junipero Serra. The site selected was called Tavnayam by the natives, and El Pedragoso by the Spaniards. It was about one mile distant from the preside, which had been established in 1782 by Father Serra. The location of Santa Barbara is the most beautiful of all the missions. Back from the water's edge nearly two miles, it is situated in the foothills of the Santa Ynez mountains. It was from the hills of San Marcos that the great oak- beams were carried by oxen (or more likely by faithful Indian neophytes) and used in the construction of the mission buildings. Chief Yanonalit, ruler of the thirteen neighboring rancherias, proved friendly and contributed Indians to assist in work, their labor to be paid for in articles of clothing and food. This was especially .the arrangement for work on the presidio. The first chapel con structed was of boughs. In the following year, 1787. a church building 15x42 feet, was made of adobe and thatched with straw. Six other buildings of the same kind were erected, and in 1788 tiles were manu- ,^^_^____^^_^^__^_____ factured and all the buildings were covered with them. In 1789 the chapel had become too small, and another was built. Again in 1793 a larger one was constructed, a fact which is evidence of prosperity. As the Indian population was gradually increasing, it became necessary to form a village and build a separate house for each family ; in consequence, nineteen houses were built of adobe in 1798. Also a piece of land was enclosed by an adobe wall nine feet high, and 3600 feet in extent ; to be used SANTA BARBARA. BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 33 as a garden, orchard and vineyard. The wall was capped with tiles to protect it from the rain. In 1800 the village was laid out in streets and cross- streets, and there were over fifty houses. The neophytes were taught to weave blankets, to make soap, clothing, implements and many other necessary articles. By 1807 the town of Santa Barbara had 252 dwellings besides the store houses, and other necessary buildings, all enclosed on three sides by a high wall. In this year Santa Barbara dedicated a mission church at the station of Sagshpileel, a large rancheria near a laguna. This was known as San Miguel. Again in 1804 Santa Inez was formed because of the great number of susceptible Indians in this district. The number thus withdrawn from Santa Barbara Mission was over one hundred. The earthquake of 1812 badly damaged the mission building at Santa Barbara, so much so that the chapel building was torn down and replaced by a new stone edifice the present structure. This new edifice was dedicated on September loth, 1820. The walls of the church, which is still used by the Fathers, are six feet in thickness and were made of hewn stone, strengthened by solid stone buttresses. The building is the most substantial of any of the missions in California. In June, 1846, the mission was sold to Richard S. Den for $7500, but the title was invalid. In 1852, a petition to establish a Franciscan convent or college, with a novitiate for the education of young men, was sent to Rome and was granted by the authorities. Santa Barbara Mission was selected for the purpose. Bishop Thaddeus Amat removed from the mission to the parish church, thus leaving the Fathers in possession. By this arrangement they will have perpetual use of the buildings, gardens, vineyard and two orchards. The inner garden of the Mission is the private park or retreat for the priests, and is closed to the public. With two notable exceptions, woman has never entered this garden. They were Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, wife of the then President of the United States, and Princess Louise Marchioness of Lome. The East garden, comprizing about one acre of land, is a part of the old burying ground and contains over four hundred bodies, one buried upon another. It is a beautiful spot, covered with roses, geraniums, rare plants and trees. The most valued treasure of Santa Barbara is a portion of the true cross brought from the Holy Land. The Mission archives are of inestimable value to California history. The library contains massive books of parch ment, illuminated, and rare old manuscripts, descriptive of life and scenes of early days in this country. When the missions secularized, books, manu scripts and most valuable records were sent to Santa Barbara Mission for safe keeping and many still remain there. Huge chests are filled with gorgeous robes and vestments, many of them made of richest brocades. 34 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA LA PURISIMA CONCEPCION. December 8th, 1/87, Father Lasuen founded the Mission of La Purisima Concepcion in honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin. It is situated on the Santa Ynez river. The first church building was replaced _ __ ^__^_ by a new one of adobe with tile roof in 1795. Father Payeras, with the aid of interpreters, completed in MBjM^^^^^^^ 1810, a catechism and manual of -^ .safc..- . confession in the Indian language. Bl This was of greatest advantage to the neophytes in the study of religion. However, there remained at this time -- no more Indians nearer than twenty- LA PURISIMA co.N-cEPciox. fi ve or fa^y leagues away, to be converted. In 1815 Father Payeras became president of the California missions, but he continued to reside at Purisima, instead of repairing to San Carlos del Carmelo. Early on the morning of December I2th, 1812, a violent earthquake shook the church walls out of plumb, a second shock about n o'clock destroyed the chapel completely, and nearly all of the mission buildings, besides about 100 of the neophyte houses. Rents in the earth from which black sand and water oozed, added to the peril. Huts of wood and grass were erected for tem porary use. Later the mission was moved to a position farther up the river, The first church building erected here was destroyed by fire and another one erected and dedicated October 4th, 1825, the remains of which are to be seen today. It is a long, low structure, and had twenty-one rooms. There were twelve smaller buildings about it. The church ornaments were valued in 1834 at nearly $5000; the library at $655; there were five bells, worth $1000. In fact, the mission property, live-stock and ranches were valued at over $60,000. In 1845 it was s ld by the Governor to John Temple for $1,110; and La Purisima was abandoned by its rightful owners, the Indians, and the Padres. The location is about three miles from the town of Lompoc, in Santa Barbara county. SANTA CRUZ. Santa Cruz, the Mission of the Holy Cross, was formally established by Don Hermenegildo Sal, on Sunday, September 25, 1791. The site had been selected and blessed by Father Lasuen, August 28, on the day of San Augustin. Near BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 35 by was a fine stream in the Arroyo cie Pedro Regalado, which is now known as Rio San Lorenzo. Huts were built by the Indians, land was prepared, and wheat sown. The founding of the mission was most favorable, as many of the Indians came and offered to help with the work, while their chief, Sugert, presented him self, with a few of his' followers, and promised to become the first Christian of his tribe, and Sal agreed to be godfather. In the history of the founding of the mis sion, it is an interesting fact that frequently everything wherewith to establish a new mission was contributed as a loan by the other missions. In this instance Santa Clara contributed 64 head of cattle, 22 horses, 77 fanegas of grain, and 26 loaves of bread. San Francisco gave five yoke of oxen, 70 sheep and two bushels of barley. San Carlos gave eight horses and seven mules. The vestments and sacred vessels were loaned by other missions, also tools and implements, until those intended for Santa Cruz should arrive from Mexico. The mission was beautifully situated, near the waters of the I!ay of Monterey, and as a background there was a dense forest. Although the founding was auspicious, the mission never became an important or even flourishing establishment, because of the close proximity of the penal sta tion of Branci- forte, which later became the town of Santa Cruz. At the present ^^ ' ' MlM^. date, however, all of the un- 77T-~TTT .T" , , , pleasant associa- l -J^^ ^^^___ tions of the con- vict hie have dis appeared as whol- ~ i *Mi r '^ii*^fc l . 1 ^?" r ''' as ^ ave ^ e old mission build- ^^8IB|HP m s > an ^ tne Santa Cruz of to- ' * day is one of Cal- fornia's charm- ing resorts. The corner-stone of the mission church was laid February 27, 1793. The building was 120x30 feet. The walls were of stone to the height of three feet, the front was of masonrv. and the rest of adobe. In 1812 Father Andres Quintana was brutally murdered by nine or ten of the Mission Indians. Though sick himself, he left his room at night to call upon a man said to be dying. On the way home he was murdered. It was two years before the murderers were apprehended and pun ished. Their defense was that of cruelty on the part of the father ; but the fact that he had left his sick bed to minister to a dying man belied the accusation, and the murderers were condemned to work in chains from two to ten years. Only one survived the punishment. When Santa Cruz was secularized, in 1835, ten thousand dollars of the church money was divided among the neophytes. In 1839 Hartnell found but seventy of the Indians remaining, and all of the money gone. Of the mission itself there is now hardly a trace. The portion of a tile-covered shed in 'the rear of the present church is all that remains. A few relics, among them two mission books used by the Indians, may be seen in the church. 36 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA LA SOLEDAD. The Mission of "Our Lady of Solitude" ("Soledad"), was founded October gth, 1791, by Father Lasuen. The sites for Soledad and Santa Cruz were selected upon the same trip. Governor Portola named this lonely spot Soledad in 1769, but it was not until 1797 that the adobe structure with its roof of straw, which was known as the chapel of Soledad, was com pleted. Later a tiled roof and corri dors were added. Soledad became a flourishing Christian settlement, but after the secularization in 1835, so great was the devastation and ruin that the venerable Father Vincente Sarria, who had labored for the mis- LA SOLEDAD. s | on or thirty years, and who refused to leave his post of duty or the remaining Indians, died here in 1835. the year of the secularization, of starvation and want. June 4th, 1846, Soledad Mis sion was sold to Feliciano Soberanes for $800, yet the inventory of '35 had shown a valuation of $36,000, besides the church property. A heap of ruins standing alone in an open field, used for the growing of grain, is all that today remains of Soledad Mission. The Indians called the place Chuttusgelis, but the Spaniards called it Solitude. SAN JOSE. Mission San Jose was founded June 11, 1797, Trinity Sunday. By an order from the College of Fernando, Mexico, the new mission was dedicated to St. Joseph, the foster-father of Our Lord. A wooden structure with grass roof was quickly constructed, and Father Barcenilla was left in charge. San Jose was founded by Father Lasuen. The northern missions contributed very generously toward the establishment of the new one. They sent 12 mules, 12 yoke of oxen, 39 horses, 242 sheep and 60 pigs. The Indians from the adjacent hills proved to be treach erous and cruel. Father Cueva after having labored five years among them. was cruelly attacked, wounded and almost killed. He had been called a long distance from the mission, about BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 37 fifteen miles, to attend to some sick neophytes. Upon arriving at the rancheria, the natives attacked him and his guard with arrows, killing the guard, a soldier and three neophytes and wounding Father Cueva. On account of the treachery of the Indians, and their having made several attempts to do injury to the padres and to the buildings, the houses were soon reconstructed, and made of brick from the excellent brick-earth near by. There are chalk hills near San Jose, and everywhere the soil is rich and fertile. The establishment was never extensive nor imposing, yet at one time Mission San Jose had a greater number of neo phytes than any other mission in California, with the single exception of San Luis Rev. The illustration shows the mission as it was years ago, and gives some idea of the plan of the establishment. San Jose was never wealthy, but still they could order a bell weighing 1000 pounds, and that was considered a luxury. At the time of the secularization the church property was valued at $155,000 over and above the debts. On May 5th, 1846, San Jose Mission was sold to Andres Pico and J. B. Alvarado, for $12,000, by Governor Pio Pico. SAN JUAN BAUTISTA. The Mission of San Juan Bautista was built on the edge of a mesa, over looking a fertile valley, of what is now San Benito county, in San Juan Valley, about seven miles from Hollister, the county seat. It was 200x70 feet on the ground and height of walls was forty-five feet, being higher than most of the mission churches. Each of the walls were supported by four buttresses. Those on the northeast are still standing: one re- back ; while the west is covered lumber, to sup- tect it from the The church was and transepts, divided by seven which have been s u m ! a b 1 y to building. There ~ SAX JfAN HAITTISTA. mains at the entire wall on the with redwood port and to pro- elements, built with a nave The nave is sub- arches, five of walled in, pre- strengthen the is a choir loft over the door entrance at the front. The church is lighted with eight quaint little windows, with glass of small panes about five inches square. The baptismal font, carved from sandstone, stands about three feet high, and is three feet in diameter, and over it hangs an ancient picture of the baptism .it Christ. The principal altar is dedicated to St. John the Baptist, and is very gaudily frescoed and painted. Statues of redwood, one life-size of St. John, 38 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA and four smaller ones, are executed with rare talent and artistic effect. That they are of our native woods proves that the padres, Indians, or perchance a Mexican, who dwelt at the mission, was more than ordinarily gifted in carving. In the mission gardens are pear trees, planted a century ago. The cemetery, one acre in size, is full to the limit. In many graves are said to be buried six bodies, one above the other. In all, 4,557 bodies are there interred. An old sun dial in the garden is an object of interest, carved from sandstone long be fore the day of clocks in this country. It was originally intended for San Felipe and is therefore one second slow for San Juan Bautista. The site of San Juan, was selected as early as 1786, but the church of San Juan Bautista was not established until June 24, 1797, the day dedicated to the patron saint, John the Baptist. Work upon the chapel and the various build ings was begun immediately. It took hundreds of workers fifteen years to complete the task, and the chapel was dedicated by Father President Esteban Tapis, June 25, 1812. The establishment was so constructed as to form a court 200 feet square with buildings on three sides of it, and a high wall on the fourth. The material used was adobe (sun-dried brick) and ladiello, a kind of brick that was frequently used for flooring, and was made in a subterranean kiln. Adobes are made of certain mud mixed with straw or tough grass. Being thoroughly kneaded by hand or trodden by foot it is molded in the desired shape and dimensions and dried in the sun. Size, 16x30x4 inches and weight about 50 pounds. The ladellos were 8x12x2 inches, and after baking in a kiln were very hard. The old floor at this mission is more than a century old, and is in fair condition. The buildings were originally roofed with tile, a portion of which has given place to shingles until such a time as the tile can be restored. The walls of San Juan have been allowed to retain the delicate tint of the cinnabar that colored the mortar, and left an effect that no after-tinting can successfully imitate. The fine music of San Juan was a feature of the mission and a reason of its success. A chime of nine bells once called to worship. Only one of these now remains. A second one was cast from two of the originals in 1874, but lacks the sweet tone of the old ones. The other six bells have been given to other churches. An interesting and ingenious attachment to the original chime of bells is an old wooden wheel, with hollow arms, about two inches square, hung on an axle. Between each two arms is hung a wooden clapper, and as the wheel revolves, these clappers successively rap on the hollow arms. This wheel was used to call the people to worship upon occasions when the Catholic church rings no bells and could be heard at a great distance. The Padres placed a small organ (the first brought to California), on an elevation overlooking the valley, and swiftly turned the crank, and when the Indians first heard the strange sounds, they fell upon their faces in fear ; but as BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 39 the music continued their fear left them and they began to enjoy the sweet sounds. Finally they slowly approached the hill and gradually gathered about the Padre and the wonderful singing box and listened with delight. After play ing for an hour or more, he offered them sweets and told them that he had come to live among them, and the good man received a hearty welcome. The box is a hand organ standing about 4^ feet high. It has tin pipes and was built by Benjamin Dodson, 22 Swan Street, London, England, in 1735. It was brought to San Juan in 1797. It became disabled, and was removed to the storehouse of the mission, where it remained for many years, when a wandering tinker stopped at the mission for something to eat and repaired it. Father Tapis, the priest of San Juan, composed a great deal of music for the California missions. Three large volumes of his work remain at this mission alone. Much of the music is on parchment, and in bold, clear characters. The chapel of San Juan Bautista could accommodate one thousand or more worshippers, and in prosperous days the capacity was frequently taxed to its fullest. The mission possessed extensive lands and great herds. Between the years 1797 and 1835, 4,100 persons were baptized. When the crash of secularization came, the inventory showed a valuation of $147,413. In 1846, San Juan was sold for debt. There are many choice mementoes at San Juan church ancient candlesticks of curious pattern, the old bass viol, the rude music stand, a violin past all music, the old organ, vestments, robes and sheet music, torn and faded, but dear to the devout and interesting to the historian. Today it is an impoverished parish church but nevertheless one of the most interesting and artistic relics of the mission period. SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL. The Mission of San Miguel (St. Michael, the Arcangel), "the most glorious prince of the heavenly militia," was founded on July 25, 1797, by Father Lasuen, assisted by Father Buenaventura Sitjar. The site chosen was a beautiful spot on the Salinas River called by the Indians Vahia, or Vatica, and by the Spaniards Las Pozas. Father Lasuen says that a great multitude of Indians gathered about with pleased expression, while he held the first service that founded the Mission of San Miguel. The chapel consisted of the wide-spreading branches of an old oak tree. A wooden church with mud roof, was soon erected, and it was not replaced with the present structure until 1800. In 1801, three Indians attempted to poison Fathers Martin and Carnicer. Father Pujol, who came from San Carlos to attend the sick missionaries, was also poisoned, and died, while the two whom he came to minister unto recovered. In 1806, a fire occurred, which destroyed all the implements belonging to the mission, all of the raw material, large quantities of wool, hides, cloth, and 6000 bushels of wheat ; besides doing great damage to the building. The other missions contributed 40 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA to the relief of the burned San Miguel. The largest enrollment at this mis sion was in 1814, when there were 1076. Total number of baptisms was 2588, and the largest number of cattle owned at one time was 10,558, in 1822. All this bespeaks the prosperity of the establishment. In 1819 Father Cabot made a safe journey into the valley of the Tulares, a thing quite unusual, and a proof of the safety of the country at that period. When the Indians of San Miguel were consulted re garding the scheme of secularization, they expressed themselves as de cidedly in favor of the missionary fathers and their system. Their pref erence was of no avail, and the mis sion was confiscated in 1836, with a valuation of $82,000. By 1845 a ^ property had disappeared, except the SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL. buildings, valued at $ S 8OO, which were ordered sold by Governor Pico. The sale was made July 4th, 1846, P. Rios and William Reed being the pur chasers. Later the title was declared invalid, and the buildings restored to the church. The mission buildings consist of a chapel and a long row of low adobe buildings. The corridor is a feature of the main edifice, the interior of which is to many most interesting, since it remains in its original condition, showing its ancient decorations and fixtures. The altar, very effective in color and design, is a valuable piece of decorative art. It is crowned with a statue of St. Michael, the patron saint. The floors are of burnt brick laid in alternating rows of oblongs and squares. The chapel is in use and there is a resident priest. SAN FERNANDO REY DE ESPANA. The mission of San Fernando was the second to be established within the present limits of Los Angeles county, and was founded September 8, 1797, by President Lasuen, assisted by Francisco Dumetz, at a site called by the natives Achois Comihavit, on the lands claimed by Francisco Reyes, who quarreled with the friars respecting the ownership of the land. The priests appropriated Reyes' ranch house for their dwelling. The mission was established with the usual religious ceremonies, in the presence of the troops and a great crowd of natives, and dedicated as required by instructions from Mexico to San Fernando, King of Spain. St. Ferdinand was Fernando III., who reigned in I2i7-'5i, and under whose rule the crowns of Castile and Leon were united. He was the founder of the Spanish Inquisition, and was canonized in 1671 by Pope Clement X. BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 41 Francisco Javier Uria was associate priest with Dumetz. Ten children were baptized the first day, and thirteen adults had been added to the list early in Oc tober. In 1/97 there were fifty-five neophytes on the baptismal register; in 1800 there were 310, there having been to that date 352 baptisms and seventy deaths. The number of cattle (including mules and horses) in 1800 was 526, and of sheep 600. In 1799 there were 1,200 bushels of wheat, corn and barley raised, and the total yield for the three years 1798-1800 was 4,700 bushels. The adobe church with a tile roof, the ruins of which yet remain, was com pleted and consecrated in December, 1806. An earthquake occurred December 21, 1812, that did some slight damage to the church building, necessitating the introduction of thirty new beams to support the wall. In 1813 a neophyte was killed by the Indian alcalde, who threw a club at him from a distance of some sixty feet with a view to hasten his work. The killing was deemed accidental, and the penalty imposed was two months' imprisonment in the presidio. During i8i6-'i8 a large number of neophytes deserted; before 1818 a new chapel was completed The ____^ greatest popula tion of this mis- in 1819, and then Captain de la applied for a Rancho, which was already using for the mission troversy resulted failing to obtain it was not se- SAN FERNANDO KEY DE ESPANA. sion was i ,080, began its decline. Guerra, in 1821, grant of the Pirn Father Ybarra to some extent herds. The con- in de la Guerra the rancho ; but cured for the mission. About this time complaint was made that the soldiers behaved badly, selling liquor to the Indians. The mission was no longer prosperous in any respect, showing a decline in live stock and agriculture. The amount of supplies furnished by this mission to the soldiers in 1822-27 was $21,203. In 1834, with others, the Mission San Fernando was secularized, with Lieu tenant Del Valle as the commissioner in charge. Yharre continued his ministry until the middle of the year 1835, when he temporarily retired to Mexico. Del Valle became major-domo the next year, which position he held until the year 1837, when he was succeeded by Anastasio Carrillo. Captain Jose M. Villavicencio served as administrator from the middle of the year 1838. In 1840 there were still about 400 Indians in the ex-mission community. At one period of its history there were nearly one and a half miles of build ings connected with this mission, these including residences, workshops, schools and storehouses, all of which are now in ruins. The edifice erected especially as an abode for the padres and reputed to be the finest of its kind in Alta California, 42 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA is, however, still standing in a fair state of preservation. It is principally inter esting as having been the abode of the Mexican General, Andres Pico, and was his headquarters during the war of occupation. It is two-story, nearly 300 feet in length by eighty feet in width, inside measurements ; and the walls of brick and adobe are four feet thick, The rafters, after being cut in the mountain forests many miles away, were dragged here by Indians and oxen, each log being occasionally turned upon the way, " that all sides might be planed alike." They are as smooth as though really planed. The long corridor of this building is paved with brick, and the heavy tile roof is supported by arches and columns of masonry. Many of the windows are protected by iron bars, giving it a some what prison-like appearance. The church is 40x60 varas. tile roofed, board ceiling, brick floor, adobe walls, three doors, seven windows with wooden bars ; sacristy, eight varas square, with one door and window. The general statistics of the San Fernando Mission from the date of its foundation till its secularization in 1834, are as follows : Total number of bap tisms 2,839, f which 1,415 were Indian adults, 1,367 Indian children, 57 children de razon. Total marriages, 849, of which 15 were gente de razon. Deaths, 2,028; 1,036 were Indian adults, 965 Indian children, 12 white adults and 15 white children. The largest population was 1,080 in 1819. The sexes were nearly equal; children from one-fourth to one-third. Largest number of cattle, 12,800 in 1819; horses, 1,320 in 1820; mules, 340 in 1812; sheep, 7,800 in 1819; goats, 600 in 1816; swine, 250 in 1814; all kinds, 21,745 animals in 1819. Total product of wheat, 119,000 bushels, yield nineteen fold; barley, (only raised six years) 3,070 bushels, fourteen fold ; maize, 27,750 bushels, eighty-three fold ; beans, 3,624 bushels, fourteen fold. It has been in part restored by the Landmarks Club. SAN LUIS REY DE FRANCIA. The Mission of San Luis Rev de Francia (Saint Louis IX, King of France, member of the Franciscans) was founded by Frs. Lasuen, Santiago and Peyri, on June 3, 1798. The ceremony of dedication was supplemented by the baptism of fifty-four children. Within a week Father Peyri, who was left in charge, had bap tized seventy-seven more. By July I he had 6,000 adobe bricks ready to begin the erection of the mission buildings. It was due to Father Peyri's energy, zeal and executive ability that San Luis Rey, the grandest mission building of Alta California, was erected. It was completed in 1802. During the first decade this mission made larger gains in number of neophyte population and had a lower death rate than any other establishment. Father Peyri was beloved bv all. He ministered personally to the needs of his charges, and likewise superintended the agricultural pursuits. In 1818 San Luis Rey was the most prosperous mission in BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 43 SAN l.riS KEY DE FRANCIA. California, and this in spite of the fact that so many of its sheep died that it was necessary for the padres to go as far north as San Juan Bautista to obtain wool enough for clothing. Father Peyri early established a hospital and taught the Indians the rudi ments of healthful living. The highest number of neophytes enrolled at one time \\as j,8(,(), in 1826. In 1828 there was a white population of thirty-five at San Luis Rey. Father Peyri, unlike most of the Franciscans in California, was a strong supporter of the Mexican republic and his surprise and disap pointment at the expulsion of the ( )rder in 1829 knew no bounds. The pathetic romance of his being spirited away at night and taken on board a vessel lying in the Bay of San Diego, is one well known to those inter ested in the missions. When the neo phytes learned that Father Peyri was gone, many of them mounted their ponies and rode in the gray dawn of the morning in a wild chase to the sea, in order to rescue their padre and bring him back to the mission. As they appeared on the shore the ship weighed anchor and slowly sailed out to sea. It is said that two venturesome boys swam after the ship and were taken on board and carried to Spain with the Father. San Luis Rev is the only mission that progressed after secularization ; but it, too, declined after a few years, and was finally sold, on May 18, 1846, to Jose A. Cot and Jose A. Pico for $2,437; ^ ut their agent was dispossessed by General Fremont, and they failed to regain possession. Later it was decided that the governor had had no power to sell the mission. San Luis Rey was used as a military post by our troops during the Mexican war, and at the close of the war the government caused an estimate to be made of the cost of repairing and restoring it to its former condition. The figures were $2,000,000. An inventory taken August 22nd, 1835, gives a fair idea of the importance and wealth of the mission. Valuation, $203,737.00; debts, $93,000.00; the church, of adobe, tile roof, clay floor, board ceilings, nine doors, eighteen windows, four adjoining rooms, value $30,000.00, was included in the total amount, as was also the six ranches, valued at $40,437.00. These were Pala, Santa Margarita. San Jacinto, Santa Ysabel, Temecula and one other. In the day of its glory and wealth, San Luis Rey was the pride of all the missions. It owned and pastured upon its lands an annual average of 20,000 head of cattle, and nearly as many sheep. It kept 3,000 Indians to perform the various kinds of service. In 1834 the mission had 3,500 neophytes to support. In 44 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA the zenith of its prosperity, it raised and harvested annually more than 60,000 bushels of grain, and 250 barrels of wine were produced from the vineyards. The church is an imposing structure, 50x160 feet, and walls sixty feet in height, by four feet in thickness. The tower at one corner contained eight bells. The ornaments and vestments of the church, in gold and silver, were very rich and beautiful. On one side of the mission building extended a corridor of two hundred and fifty arches. In the rear was a large square enclosed by buildings on each side. The front and rear sides formed corridors, with beautiful arches. In this square was a well-kept garden, with a stone fountain, the favorite retreat of the padres. In 1892, steps were taken by Father O'Keefe, who for so many years was well known at Santa Barbara Mission, to restore San Luis Rev to a condition of usefulness, and the good father had succeeded so admirably that May I2th, 1894, the mission was rededicated and title passed to the Franciscan order of the Catholic church. A school for the training of priests of the order is now maintained there. SANTA YNEZ, VIRGIN Y MARTYR. The Mission Santa Ynez was founded September ijth, 1804. The work of the Mission Fathers was there begun by the baptizing of twenty-seven children. The present buildings were not commenced until after the destruc tive earthquake of September 2ist, 1812, when a corner of the old church and many of the best houses were destroyed. It was at Santa Ynez that the serious and wide-spread Indian revolt of 1824 started. After destroying many of the buildings they fled to Purisima and set fire to that establishment. At the time of secularization, Santa Ynez was valued at $56,000. In 1844, the Mission had sufficient en ergy, enterprise and wealth to estab lish a seminary of learning. The Fathers, through the efforts of Bishop Garcia, received a liberal grant of land from the government for this institution, beside an endowment of $500 per annum, on condition that all Californians in search of higher education be admitted thereto. There were about 270 Indians at Santa Ynez at this time. By order of Governor Pico, in 1836, the entire estate was rented to Jose Covarrubias and Joaquin Carrillo for $580 per annum. The mission was finally sold to the lessees in 1846, for $7,000, but the title was declared invalid. Santa Ynez remained a religious institution until 1850, when it was abandoned, and the Fathers went to Santa Barbara. SANTA YNEH. VIRGIN Y MARTYR. BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 45 SAN RAFAEL. The mission of San Rafael, the first one located north of San Francisco, was established December i8th, 1817. The Fathers and the Government of California had a double purpose in fixing the site of this establishment. It was intended to head off the Russian encroachment from the north, and also as a refuge for the neophytes of San Francisco de Asis, of which it was a branch. A scourge had be come epidemic at Mission Dolores and many of its occupants were trans ferred to the new site, which was supposed to be in a healthier region. This establishment was never verv SAN RAFAEL. populous or influential. It reached its zenith in 1828 when a membership of 1,140 neophytes was reported. After this date it steadily declined and at the time of its secularization only about 500 Indians remained. During its existence, 1873 converts were baptized. SAN FRANCISCO DE SOLANO. On the 4th of July, 1823, a cross was blessed, Holy Mass was offered ap, sacred songs were sung, and the Mission of San Francisco de Solano was founded. It was called New San Francisco. It was not until April 4th, 1824, that the mission church was formally dedicated, by Father Altimira, to the patron saint of the Indies. This structure was of wood, and the one of adobe, the remains of which are seen today, was erected the same year, many articles being donated by the Russians, then living in that region of country. The walls of the new church were about completed, when a terrific downpour of rain, last ing several days, did great injury and changed the original plan. At the close of the year, 1824, the mission numbered 639 neophytes, many of whom had come from San Francisco, San Jose, and San Rafael. At the time of secularization the movable property was distributed to the Indians. After 1840, Solano had no existence as a mission community. During its entire history, 1,315 persons were there baptized. Its greatest population was in 1832, when there were 996 persons enrolled. SAX KUAN' 'IS CHAPTER IV. FROM MONARCHY TO REPUBLICANISM. PABLO VICENTE DE SOLA was governor of California when Mexico attained independence from Spain. He was of Spanish birth and was bitterly opposed to the Revolution, even going so far as to threaten death to any one who should speak in favor of it. Although the rule of Spain in Mexico was overthrown in September, 1821, it was not until March, 1822, that official dis patches reached Sola informing him of the change. The " plan of Iguala " under which Iturbide finally overthrew the Spanish power contemplated the placing of Fernando VII on the throne of the Mexican Empire, or, if he would not accept, then some scion of the royal family of Spain. Such a termination to the revolu tion did not affect Sola's loyalist sympathies. He called a junta to meet at Monte rey and on the nth of April the oath was taken to the new government. But Sola's royalist sympathies received a rude shock a few months later when news reached California that Iturbide had seized the government for him self and been proclaimed Emperor with the imposing title of '' Augustin I, by Divine Providence and by the Congress of the Nation, first Constitutional Emperor of Mexico." In September, 1822, the flag of Spain that for half a century had waved over the palacio of the governor at Monterey, was lowered and the imperial banner of Mexico took its place. California, from the dependency of a kingdom, had become a province of an empire. Scarce half a year after the flag of the empire floated on the breeze had passed when the emperor was dethroned and forced into exile. The downfall of the empire was followed by the establishment of a republic fashioned after that of the United States. The country over which the viceroys of Spain had ruled for three hundred years was divided into nineteen states and four territories. Only the states were allowed representatives in the the senate ; the territories, of which Alta California was one, were to be governed by a governor appointed by the president and a diputacion, or territorial assem bly, elected by the people. Each territory was entitled to send a diputado, or dele gate, to the Mexican congress. Luis Antonio Argiiello succeeded Sola as governor, or gefe poltico (political chief), as the office was later styled under the republic. He was elected, Novem ber 9, 1822, president of the provincial diputacion and by virtue of his office be came temporary governor instead of Sola, who had been elected delegate to the imperial congress. Argiiello was a native Californian, having been born at the presidio of San Francisco in 1784. He was a man of limited education, but made good use of what he had. Like Sola he had been a pronounced royalist during the revolution, but with the downfall of Spanish domination he had submitted gracefully to the inevitable. BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 47 The success of the revolution was most bitterly disappointing to the mission padres. Through the long years of strife between Mexico and the mother coun try they had hoped and prayed for the triumph of Spain. In the downfall of Spanish domination and the rise of Republicanism, they read the doom of their feudal institutions, the missions. On the promulgation of the Federal Constitu tion of October, 1824, in California, Father Vicente de Serria, the president of the missions a Spaniard and a royalist not only refused to take the oath of allegiance to it, but also declined to perform religious services in favor of it. An order was issued by the Supreme Government for his arrest ; but before it reached California he had been superseded in the presidency by Father Narciso Duran of San Jose. A number of the padres were hostile to the Republic and evaded taking the oath of allegiance on the ground of obedience to the orders of their Superior. Their unfriendly attitude to the Republic was one of the causes that led to the secularization of the missions a few years later. The Mexican government, shortly after its inauguration, removed most of the restrictions imposed by Spain against foreigners settling in California and the colonization law of 1824 was liberal. The state religion was the Roman Catholic and all foreigners who settled in the country were required to embrace it. During Spanish domination not more than half a dozen foreigners had been allowed to become permanent residents. The earliest English settler was John Gilroy. who was left by his vessel at Monterey in 1814. He married a daughter of Ignacio Ortega and at one time owned a large body of land, but died poor. Joseph Chap man, the first American settler, was one of Bouchard's men, captured at Monterey in 1818. Beginning with Baron Rezanof's visit to San Francisco, in 1806, for the purpose of buying grain for the starving Russian colony at Sitka, the Russians made frequent visits to the coast, partly to obtain supplies, but more for the pur pose of hunting seal and sea otter. Their Aleut fur hunters in their bidarkas, or skin canoes, killed otter in San Francisco bay and the Spaniards, destitute of boats or ships, were powerless to prevent them. In 1812 they built a village and fort about 18 miles north of Bodega bay, which they named Rbss, and which mounted ten cannon. They also maintained a port on Bodega bay, and a small station on Russian river. The Spanish protested against this invasion of terri tory and threatened to drive out the Russians, but nothing came of either their protests or threats. The Russian ships came for supplies and were welcomed by the people and the padres, if not by the government officials. The Russian colony was not a success, and after the decline of fur hunting the settlement became unprofitable, and in 1841, the building and stock were sold by the Russian gov ernor to Captain John A. Sutler for $30,000. The settlement was abandoned and the fort and town have long since fallen into ruins. Among the foreigners who came to California soon after the establishment of Mexican independence and became prominent in affairs may be named, W. E. P. Hartnell, Captain John R. Cooper, William A. Richardson, Daniel A. Hill 48 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA and William A. Gale. William Edward Petty Hartnell came from Lima as a member of the firm of McCullock, Hartnell & Co., engaged in the hide and tallow trade. Hartnell was an Englishman by birth, well educated and highly respected. He married Maria Teresa de la Gucrra and twenty-five children were born to them. He died at Monterey in 1859. William A. Gale came in 1810 as a Bos ton fur trader. He returned to the territory in 1822 on the ship Sachem, the pioneer Boston hide drogher. It brought to the coast a number of Americans who became permanent residents of the country. California on account of its long distance from the centers of trade had but few products for exchange that would bear the cost of transportation. Its chief commodities for barter, during the Mexican era, were hides and tallow. The vast range of country adapted to cattle raising made that its most profitable industry. After the removal of the restrictions on commerce with foreigners by the Mexican government, a profitable trade grew up between the New England ship owners and the California ranch- eros. Vessels were fitted out in Boston with a cargo of assorted goods suitable for the trade. Voyaging around Cape Horn and stopping at the various points along the coast they exchanged their stock of goods and Yankee "notions" for hides and tallow. It took from two to three years to make the voyage out from Boston and return, but the profits on the goods sold and on the hides received in exchange were so large that these ventures paid handsomely. Cattle raising, up to the time of the discovery of gold in 1848, continued to be the principal industry of the country. During the first decade of republican rule, there was but little change in polit ical conditions or in the views of the people concerning the government. Mission rule was still dominant and the people were subservient to the governors appointed over them. But with the increase of foreigners and the advent of ex-revolution ists from Mexico, the old-time native California Loyalists gradually became im bued with a kind of republicanism that transformed them into malcontents, whose protests against the sins of governmental officials took the form of pronuncia- mentos and revolutions. The first of the numerous revolts against the rule of the governors appointed by the Mexican government occurred in November, 1829. The soldiers at the presidios for years had received but a small part of their pay and were but poorly clothed and provisioned. The garrison at Monterey rebelled and seized and im prisoned their officers. That at San Francisco followed their example. Under the leadership of Joaquin Solis, an ex-revolutionist of Mexico who had been ban ished from that country, they marched southward to meet Governor Echandia, who was moving northward with a force of about one hundred men from San Diego, where he had established his capital. The two forces met at Dos Pueblos, near Santa Barbara, and a bloodless battle ensued. The rebellious "escoltas" (militia) were pardoned and returned to duty. Herrara, the deposed commissary- general ; Solis, and several other leaders were arrested and sent to Mexico to be BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 49 tried, for high crimes and misdemeanor. On their arrival in that land of revolu tions, they were turned loose and eventually returned to California. The principal cause of the California disturbances was the jealousy and dis like of the " hijos del pais " (native sons) to the Mexican-born officers who were appointed by the superior government to fill the offices. Many of these were ad venturers who came to the country to improve, their fortunes and were not scrupu lous as to methods or means, so that the end was accomplished. CHAPTER V. REVOLUTIONS AND SECULARIZATION. MAXL'EL VICTORIA succeeded Echandia as gefe politico of Alta Cali fornia in January 1831. Victoria was a soldier, arbitrary and tyrannical, and refused to convoke the diputacion, or territorial assembly. From the outset he was involved in quarrels with the leading men of the territory. Exile, imprisonment and banishment were meted out to small offences and some times for none at all. At length Jose Antonio Carrillo and Don Abel Stearns, who had been exiled to Lower California with Juan Bandini and Pio Pico, residents of San Diego, formulated a plot for the overthrow of Victoria, and issued a pronunciamento arraigning him for misdeeds and petty tyrannies. The soldiers at the presidio, with their Captain, Portilla, joined the revolt, and with the leading conspirators and fifty men marched northward. At Los Angeles they released the prisoners from the jail and chained up instead, Alcalde Sanchez, the petty despot of the pueblo who had been very ready to carry out the arbitrary decrees of Victoria. The San Diego army, augmented by the liberated prisoners and volunteers from Los Angeles, to the number of 150 men, marched out to meet Victoria, who with a small force was moving southward to suppress the rebellion. The two armies met west of Los Angeles in the Cahuenga valley. In the fight that ensued Jose Maria Avila, who had been imprisoned by Victoria's orders in the pueblo jail, charged single-handed upon Victoria. He killed Captain Pacheco, of Vic toria's staff and dangerously wounded the governor himself. Avila was killed by one of Victoria's men. Victoria's army retired with the wounded governor to San Gabriel mission and the revolutionists retired to Los Angeles. Next day, the governor, who supposed himself mortally wounded, abdicated ; later he was de ported to Mexico. Pio Pico, senior vocal of the diputacion, was elected gefe- politico by that body, but Echandia on account of his military rank, claimed the office and Pico, for the sake of peace, did not insist upon his rights. Echandia did not long enjoy in peace the office obtained by threats. Captain Augustin V. Zamorano, late secretary of the deposed Victoria, raised an army of 50 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA about one hundred men, some of whom were cholos, or convicts, which under the command of Captain Ibarra marched southward and met no opposition until it reached El Paso de Bartolo, on the San Gabriel river. Here Captain Barrosa, of Echandia's force, with fourteen men and a piece of artillery stopped the onward march of the invaders. Echandia had gathered an army of neophytes, said to have been a thousand strong. On the approach of this body, Ibarra's men re treated to Santa Barbara. The diputacion, which was really the only legal authority in the country, finally effected a compromise between the two rivals. Echandia was to be recognized as military chief for the country south of San Gabriel, and Zamorano for all territory north of San Fernando, while Pico, who by virtue of his rank as senior-vocal, was the lawful governor was left without jurisdiction. After this adjustment there was peace. On January I4th, 1833, Jose Figueroa, "gobernador proprietario" of Alta California by appointment of the Supreme government of Mexico, arrived at Monterey. Zamorano at once turned over to him whatever authority he had and Echandia did the same. Figueroa was Mexican born, of Aztec descent, and is regarded as one of the ablest and most efficient of our Mexican governors. He instituted a policy of conciliation and became very popular with the people. He inaugurated a number of reforms, especially in the treatment of the neophytes and in his attention to the conditions of secularization, which took place during his term of office. Another important event of this time was the arrival of the Hijar colonists. In 1833, Jose Maria Hijar, a Mexican gentleman of considerable property, aided by Jose Maria Padres, set about organizing a scheme for the founding of an extensive colony in California. Each settler was promised a ranch and was to receive rations to the amount of four reales per day with a certain amount of live stock and tools. All to be repaid later from the products of the faflm. A corporation known as the "Compania Cosmopolitana" was organized for the purpose of buying vessels and carrying on a shipping business between Mexico ;and California. About 250 colonists were recruited and left the City of Mexico for San Bias where they were to be given free passage. One of the vessels bringing them landed at San Diego, September ist, 1834, and the other reached Monterey September 25th. Hijar had succeeded in securing an appointment as gefe-politico ; but after his departure for California, President Santa Anna countermanded the order and sent a courier overland by the way of Sonora with an order to Figueroa not to give up the governor-ship. By one of the most remarkable rides in his tory, this courier reached Monterey before Hijar, and delivered his message to Governor Figueroa. Hijar, on his arrival at the capital found himself shorn of all authority. Part of the scheme of Hijar and Padres was the sub-division of the mission property among themselves and their colonists. But the revoca- BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 51 tion of his commission deprived him of his power to enforce his plans. An attempt was made to form a settlement at San Francisco Solano, but was not successful and many of the colonists returned to Mexico, while the remainder were scattered throughout the territory. Hijar and Padres were accused of insti gating a plot to overthrow Figueroa and seize the mission property. They were shipped out of the country and thus ended in disaster to the promoters the first California colonization scheme. The missions had been founded by Spain for the purpose of converting the Indians to the "holy faith" and transforming them into citizens. The natives residing becween the Coast Range and the ocean from San Diego to San Fran cisco had been gathered into the different mission establishments, each of which held in possession, in trust, for its neophyte retainers, large areas of the most fertile lands in the territory. This absorbtion of the public domain by the missions prevented the colonization of the country by white settlers. The first decree of secularization was passed by the Spanish Cortes in 1813; but Spain was then engaged in a death struggle with her American colonies and she had neither power nor opportunity to enforce it. In July, 1830, the territorial diputacion adopted a plan of secularization formulated by Echandia in 1828; but before it could be carried out, he was superseded by Victoria who was a friend of the padres and strongly opposed to secularization. Governor Figueroa was instructed to examine into the condition of the neophytes and re port upon the best method of bringing about a gradual emancipation of the Indians from missionary rule. He visited some of the older missions himself and. after careful study, was convinced that any general measure of seculariza tion would be disastrous to the neophytes. A few might be given their liberty and entrusted with property ; but the great mass of them were incapable of self- government or self support. In the meantime, the Mexican Congress, without waiting for information from Figueroa as to the advisability of the step, ordered the immediate emancipa tion of the neophytes. August I7th. 1833, a decree was passed ordering the secularization of all the missions. It was provided that each mission should constitute a parish, served by a priest, or curate, who should be paid a salary. The Franciscans and Dominicans who had taken the oath of allegiance to the republic were to return to their colleges or monasteries ; while those who refused to take the oath of allegiance were to quit the country. The expense of putting the decree into operation was to be paid out of the "Pious Fund." The Pious Fund of California was made up of contributions for the founding and main tenance of missions in the Californias. It was begun for the benefit of the missions of Lower California, in 1697, and increased until it amounted to one and a half million dollars, in 1842. It was confiscated by the Mexican govern ment ; but after long litigation the money was finally awarded to the Catholic church of California by the Hague Tribunal in 1902. BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA Figueroa and the territorial diputacion, under instructions from the Su preme Government, June 31, 1834, adopted a plan for the secularization of the missions and the colonization of the neophytes into pueblos. Each head of a 'family was to receive from the mission lands a lot not more than 500 nor less than looo varas square. One half of the cattle and one half of the farming- implements and seed grains were to be divided pro rata among those receiving lands for cultivation. Out of the proceeds of the remaining property which was to be placed under a major domo, the salaries of the administrator and the priest in charge of the church were to be paid. No one could sell or incumber his land nor slaughter cattle except for subsistence. The government of the Indian pueblo was to be administered the same as that of the other pueblos in the territory. Before the plan of the diputacion had been promulgated, Figueroa had experimented with the neophytes of the San Juan Capistrano mission and a pueblo had been organized there. For a time it promised to be a success but ended in a failure. For years the threat of secularization had hung over the missions, but here tofore something had always occurred to avert it. When it became evident that the blow would fall, the missionaries determined to save something for them selves. There were, on the various mission ranges, in 1833, nearly half a million head of cattle. San Gabriel, the richest of the .missions, had over fifty thousand head. Thousands of these were slaughtered on shares for their hides alone and the carcasses left on the ground to rot. So terrible was the stench arising that the ayuntamiento of Los Angeles, in 1834. passed an ordinance compelling every one slaughtering cattle for the hides to cremate the carcasses. The diputacion finally issued a reglamento prohibiting the wholesale destruction of the mission cattle. What remained of the mission property was inventoried by commissioners appointed by the governor and a certain portion distributed to the Indians of the pueblo into which the missions had been converted. The property was soon wasted; for the Indian wns improvident and indolent and took no thought for the morrow. His property soon passed out of his hands and he became virtually the slave of the white man. Governor Figueroa died at San Juan Bautista, September 29, 1835 and was buried in the mission church at Santa Barbara, with much ceremony. He was called the "Benefactor of California." Before his death, he had resigned his political command to Jose Castro, primer-vocal of the diputacion. who held the office for four months. By order of the Supreme Government, he delivered it over to Col. Nicholas Guiterrez, who held the military command of the terri tory, until the arrival in May, 1836, of Mariano Chico, the regularly appointed "gobernador proprietario." Chico was a man of inordinate self-conceit and of but little common sense. He very soon secured the ill-will of the Californians. Shortly before his arrival a vigilance committee, or as it was called by its or ganizers, " Junta Defensora de la Seguridad Publica," the first ever formed BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 53 in the territory, had taken from the legal authorities at Los Angeles, two criminals, under arrest for the murder of the woman's husband, and had executed them by shooting them to death. This violation of law greatly enraged Governor Chico and one of his first acts on taking office was to send Col. Guiterrez with troops to Los Angeles to punish the vigilantes. Victor Prudon, the president of the Junta Defensora, Manuel Argaza, the secretary, and Francisco Aranjo, the military officer who had commanded the members of the Junta, were arrested and committed to prison until such time as the governor could come to Los Angeles and try them. He came in June and after heaping abuse and threats upon them, finally pardoned the three leaders of the "Defenders of Public Security." Then he quarreled with Manuel Requena, the alcalde of Los Angeles, who had opposed the vigilantes, and threatened to imprison him. He returned to Monterey where he was soon afterward involved in a disgraceful scandal which ended in his placing the alcalde of that town under arrest. The people, disgusted with him. arose en masse assuming a threatening attitude. Alarmed for his safety, Chico took passage for Mexico and California was rid of him, after three months of his rule. Before his departure he turned over the political and military command of the territory to Col. Gutierrez. Gutierrez, like Chico, was a man of violent tem per. It was not long be fore he was involved in a quarrel that eventually put an end to his official career. In his investiga tion of governmental af fairs at Monterey, he charged fraud against Angel Ramirez, the ad ministrator, and Juan Bautista Alvarado, the auditor, of the custom house. Volleys of words were fired by both sides and Gutierrez threatened to put the two officials in irons. This was an insult that Alvarado, young, proud and hot-blooded, could not endure in silence. He left the capital and with Jose Castro, at San Juan, began preparations for a revolt against the governor. His quarrel with Gutierrez w?s not the sole cause of his fomenting a revolution. He was president of the diputacion and the governor had treated that body with disrespect, or at least, the members, of whom Castro was one, so claimed. General Vallejo was invited to take command of the revolutionary movement but, while he sympathized with the cause, he did not enlist in it. MEXICAN CUSTOM HOUSE, MONTEREY. 54 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA News of the projected uprising spread rapidly. Castro and Alvarado with out much effort soon collected an army of seventy-five Californians. They also secured the services of an auxiliary force of twenty-five Americans hunters and trappers under the command of Graham, a backwoodsman from Tennessee. With this force they marched to Monterey, and by a strategetic movement cap tured the Castillo. The revolutionists demanded the surrender of the presidio and the arms. Upon the refusal of the governor a shot from the cannon of the Castillo crashed through the roof of the comandante's house and scattered Gutierrez and his staff. This and the desertion of most of his soldiers brought the governor to terms. November 5, 1836, he surrendered the presidio and re signed his office. With about seventy of his adherents, he was placed on board a vessel in the harbor and a few days later departed for Mexico. CHAPTER VI. THE FREE STATE OF AI/TA CALIFORNIA. THE Mexican governor having been expelled, the diputacion, which was composed of hijos del pais, was called together and a plan for the independence of California was formulated. This plan declared that " California is erected into a free and sovereign state, establishing a congress which shall pass all special laws of the country, also assume the other necessary i supreme powers." The diputacion issued a de claration of independence which arraigned the mother country, Mexico, for sins of commission and omission ; and Castro promulgated a pro- nunciamento ending with a '' Viva for El Estado Libre y Soberano de Alta California." (The Free and Sovereign State of Alta California.) Amid the vivas and the pronunciamentos, with the beating of drums and the roar of cannon, the state of Alta California was launched on the political ;-ea. The revolutionists soon found that it was easy enough to declare the state free; but quite another matter to make it free. For years there had been a growing jealousy between northern and southern California. Los Angeles, through the efforts of Jose Antonio Carrillo had, by the decree of the Mexican congress in May, 1835, been raised to the dignity of a city and made the capital of the territory. In the movement JOSE ANTONIO CARRILLO. BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 55 to make California a free and independent state, the Angelenos recognized an attempt to deprive their city of its honor. Although as bitterly opposed to Mexican governors and as actively engaged in fomenting revolutions against them as the people of Monterey, they chose at this time to profess loyalty to the mother country. They opposed the Monterey plan of government and formulated one of their own, in which they declared that California was not free and that they would obey the laws of the Supreme government only. Alvarado had been made governor by the diputacion and Castro comandante general of the army of the Free State. They determined to sup press the recalcitrant surenos (southerners). They collected an army of eighty natives, obtained the assistance of Graham with his American riflemen, and marched southward. The ayuntamiento of Los Angeles had organized an army of 270, partly neophytes, which was stationed at the Mission San Fernando. Before the northern troops reached the mission, commissioners from Los Angeles met them and a treaty of peace was patched up. Alvarado with his troops arrived in Los Angeles January 23rd, 1837, and was received with expressions of friendship. An extraordinary meeting of the ayuntamiento was called ; Pio Pico expressed the great pleasure it gave him to see a " hijo del pais " in office and Antonio Osio, one of the most belligerent of the south erners, declared that, " sooner than again submit to a Mexican governor, or dictator, he would flee to the forest and be devoured by wild beasts." Alvarado made a conciliatory speech and an agreement was entered into to support the " .Monterey plan," with Alvarado as governor pro tempore, until the Supreme government should decide the question. Quiet reigned in the south for a few months. Then San Diego formulated a plan of government and the standard of revolt was again raised. The San Diego " plan " restored California to allegiance to the Supreme government and the officials at San Diego and Los Angeles took the oath to obey the constitution of 1836; this, in their opinion, absolved them from obedience to Juan Bautista Alvarado and his " Free State." In October came the news that Carlos Carrillo of Santa Barbara had been appointed governor by the Supreme government. Then consternation seized the " Free State " men of the north and the surenos of Los Angeles went wild with joy. They invited Carrillo to make Los Angeles his capital an invitation which he accepted. December 6th was set for his inuaguration and great preparations were made for the event. Cards of invitation were issued asking the people to come to the inauguration " dressed as decent as possible." A grand ball was held in the governor's palacio the house of widow Josefa Alvarado, the finest in the city. Cannon boomed on the old plaza, bonfires blazed in the streets and the city was illuminated for three nights. Los Angeles was at last a real capital and had a governor all to herself. Alvarado and Castro, with an army, came down from the north determined 56 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA to subjugate the troublesome southerners. A battle was fought at San Buena ventura. For two days cannon volleyed and thundered at intervals. One man was killed and several mustangs died for their country. The " surenos " were defeated and their leaders captured and sent as prisoners of state to Vallejos' bastile at Sonoma. Los Angeles, Carrillo's capital, was captured by Alvarado. Carrillo rallied his demoralized army at Las Flores. Another battle was fought or rather a few shots were fired at long range which hurt no one. Carillo surrendered and was sent home to his wife at Santa Barbara who became surety for his future good behavior. Alvarado was now the acknowledged governor of El Estado Libre de Alta California ; but the " Free State " had ceased to exist. Months before Alvarado had made his peace with the Supreme government by taking the oath of allegiance to Mexico, thus restoring California to the rule of the mother country. In November, 1838, Alvarado received his formal appointment as " gobernador interino " of California, or rather of the Californias; for under the new constitution creating twenty- four departments instead of states, the two Californias constituted one department. In the internecine wars and in their revolts against the ' Mexican gov ernors, the Californias invoked the aid of a power that would not down at their bidding that was the assistance of the foreigners. Zamorano in his contest with Echandia was the first to enlist the foreign contingent. Next Alvarado secured the offices of Graham and his riflemen to help in the expulsion of Gutierrez. In his invasion of the south he and Castro again called in the foreign element headed by Graham and Coppinger. Indeed the fear of the American riflemen, who made up the larger part of Graham's force, was the most potent . factor in bringing the south to terms. These hunters and trappers, with their long Kentucky rifles, shot to kill and any battle in which they took part would not be a bloodless affair. After Alvarado had been confirmed in his office, he would gladly have rid himself of his allies. But they would not be shaken off and were importunate in their demands for the recognition of their services. There were rumors that the foreigners were plotting to overthrow the government and revolutionize California, as had already been clone in Texas. Alvarado issued secret orders to arrest a number of foreigners whom he had reason to fear. About one hundred were arrested during the month of April, 7840. and forty-seven were sent as prisoners in irons to San Bias. The others were released. The prisoners, who were about equally divided in nationality between Americans and Englishmen, were confined in prison at Tepic. Here the British consul, Barren, was instrumental in securing their release the American consul being absent. The Mexican government paid them damages for their imprisonment and fur nished those who had a legal right to residence in California with transpor- BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 57 tation to Monterey, where they landed in July, 1841, better dressed and with more money than when they were sent away. An important event during Alvarado's rule was the capture of Monterey, October igth, 1842, by Commodore Thomas ap Catesby Jones, commander of the United States forces of the Pacific. Jones, who was cruising in the south Pacific, learning that Admiral Thomas, in command of the English squad ron of the Pacific, had sailed out of Callao under sealed orders, suspected that the Admiral's orders were to seize California. Knowing that war was imminent between Mexico and the United States, Jones determined to take possession of California for the United States, if he could reach it before the English admiral did. Crowding on all sail, he arrived at Monterey October igth and immediately demanded the surrender of California, both Upper and Lower, to the United States government. He gave Governor Alvarado until nine o'clock on the morning of the 2Oth to decide on his course. Alvarado had been already superseded by Micheltorena, who was then somewhere in the neighborhood of Los Angeles, and at first decided to shirk the responsibility of surrender by leaving the town ; but he was dissuaded from this step. The terms were agreed upon and at ten o'clock the next morning 150 sailors and marines disembarked, took possession of the fort, lowered the Mexican flag and raised the American colors. The officers and soldiers of the California government were discharged and their guns and arms taken into possession by the United States troops, and carried into the fort. On the 2ist, at four p. m., the flags again changed places the fort and arms were restored to their former claimants. Commodore Jones had learned from some Mexican newspapers found in the captured fort that war did not yet exist between the two republics. IP* ^^^Miefiasjs 'K~- v,,-"' CHAPTER VII. CLOSING YEARS' OF MEXICAN ERA. FOR some time ill feeling had been growing between Governor Alvarado- and the comandante general, M. G. Vallejo. Each had sent commis sions to the Supreme government to present his side of the quarrel. The Supreme government finally decided to combine the civil and military offices in the person of a Mexican officer, and on January 22nd, 1842, Manuel Micheltorena, who had seen service with the Santa Anna in Texas, was appointed to this office. He was to be provided with a sufficient number of troops to prevent the intrusion of foreigners parti cularly Americans into California. The large force promised him finally dwindled down to 300 convicts, known as cholos, who were released from Mexican prisons on condition that they serve in the army. Governor Micheltorena had landed with his ragged cholos at San Diego, in August, and was leisurely marching northward to the capital. On the night of October 24th, he had arrived at a point twenty miles north of San Fernando when news reached him of the capture of Monterey by Commodore Jones. The valiant commander and his cholos retreated to San Fernando where they remained until they learned of the restoration of Monterey to the Californians. Then they fell back to Los Angeles. Here, January 2Oth, 1843, Commodore Jones had a conference with the governor who made some exorbitant demands, among others that the United States government should pay $15,000 to Mexico for the expense incurred in the general alarm and for a set of musical instru ments lost in the retreat, and also replace 1,500 uniforms ruined in the violent march. Commodore Jones did not deign an answer to these ridiculous demands ; and Micheltorena did not insist upon them. The conference closed with a grand ball and all parties were pacified. Micheltorena took the oath of office at Los Angeles, December 3ist, 1842. Speeches were made, salutes were fired and the city was illuminated for three nights. With his Falstaffian army, the governor remained at Los Angeles until mid-summer. The Angelerios had, for years, contended with the people of Monterey for the capital and had gone to war to gain it. Now that they had OEX. M. G. VALL.EJO. BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 59 the coveted prize, they would gladly have parted with it if, by so doing, they could rid themselves of Micheltorena's thieving soldiers. The men were not altogether to blame, as their pay was long in arrears and they received but scant supplies of clothing or rations. It was a case of steal, or starve and they stole. In August Micheltorena and his cholo contingent reached Monterey. The Californians did not welcome the Mexican governor very heartily. While indolent and vacillating, he was a man of considerable ability, and began his rule with the intention of improving conditions in California. Education had been sadly neglected both under Spanish and Mexican domina tion. One of his first attempts was to establish a public school system. Five hundred dollars was apportioned from the public funds for the maintenance of schools in each of the larger towns and arrangements were made for the opening of several schools for girls. Heretofore the public schools had been open only to boys. What was left of the mission estates was restored to the Padres and an earnest effort was made to reconcile sectional animosity, but with all of his efforts to be just and better the condition of California, there was still an undercurrent of hostility to him. Part of this was due to the thieving of his convict soldiers ; but a more potent cause was the ambition of certain " hijos del pais " to rule the territory. They blamed the governor for retaining his cholos in the country, claiming that they were kept for the purpose of subjugat ing, or terrorizing, the natives. The appointment of Micheltorena to fill both the civil and military offices was a bitter disappointment to Alvarado and Vallejo. They were not long in discovering that much as they hated each other, they hated the Mexican worse. They buried the hatchet and combined with Castro to do what the trio had done before drive the Mexican governor out of the country. The depredations of the cholos had so embittered the people that they were ready to join the standard of anyone who would head a revolution. On November I5th, 1844, a meeting of the leaders of the dissatisfied was held at Alvarado's Rancho de Aliso, and a pronunciamento against Micheltorena was issued. Alvarado and Castro headed a body of revolutionists, numbering about thirty, who moved northward to San Jose, where they were largely reinforced. Micheltorena set out in pursuit of them ; after some maneuvering, a treaty was finally effected between the belligerents. Micheltorena pledged his word of honor to send back to Mexico, within three months, his vicious soldiers and officers; while Alvarado and Castro, on their part, agreed to go into winter quarters at San Jose, with their troops, who were to constitute the military force of the territory after the departure of the convict soldiers. Micheltorena returned to Monterey, but the censure of his officers for the surrender caused him to break his word and secretly plot for the capture of the insurgents. He 60 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA secured the aid of Captain John A. Sutter, a Swiss gentleman, who had an establishment at New Helvcetia, now Sacramento, and a company of Indians drilled in military maneuvers and the use of arms. Beside his Indians, Sutter secured for Micheltorena the services of a number of foreigners, mostly Amer icans. Alvarado and Castro learned of the perfidy of Micheltorena through the capture of one of his messengers with a letter to Sutter. Not being prepared to sustain an attack from the combined forces of Micheltorena and Sutter, they hurriedly broke camp at San Jose and with a portion of their force marched to Los Angeles where they arrived, January 21 st, 1845. They endeavored to fire the southern heart against the governor, but the old animosity was as strong as ever and the southerners regarded with suspicion the friendly advances of their old enemies. The Pico brothers were finally won over and Pio Pico, who was primer-vocal, of the " junta departmental " or assembly, called that body together, to meet at Los Angeles, on January 28th. It declared Micheltorena a traitor to the country who must be deposed. Sutter with his force numbering about two hundred men, one hundred of whom were Indians, joined Micheltorena at Salinas early in January. The combined forces about four hundred began a leisurely march to the south. The fear of a raid by Micheltorena's cholos and Slitter's Indians had stimulated recruiting in the south, and Castro and Pico soon found themselves at the head of about four hundred men. A commission from Los Angeles met the governor at Santa Barbara on Feburary 7th with propositions for a settlement of the difficulty. He treated the commission with scant respect and offered but one condition unconditional surrender of the rebels. A week later the departmental assembly met at Los Angeles and passed resolutions deposing Micheltorena and appointing Pio Pico temporary governor. In the meantime, disgusted with Micheltorena's slow movements, about half of the foreigners in his army deserted. Micheltorena's army moving clown by way of Encinas, and Castro's forces advancing from Los Angeles, met on the Cahuenga plain. Artillery firing began at long range and thus continued all day. The foreigners in the respective armies got together in a ravine during the fight and agreed to let the Mexicans and Californians settle their dispute in their own way. Toward evening, Micheltorena undertook to make a flank movement and marched his troops to the eastward, evidently intending to follow the river down to the city. Castro and Alvarado moved back through the Cahuenga Pass and again encountered the opposing force at the Yerdugo rancho. A few cannon shots were fired when Micheltorena displayed a white flag in token of surrender. Terms of capitulation were drawn up by which he and his convict army were to be sent back to Mexico. Pio Pico was recognized as temporary governor and Castro was made comandante general of the miltary force. As BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 61 a sedative to his military pride, Micheltorena was granted permission to march his army to San Pedro with all the honors of war, taking with them their three pieces of artillery, but the guns were to be given up at the embarcadero. The governor and his soldiers were sent to Monterey and there, joined by the garrison that had been stationed at the capital, all were sent to San Bias, Mexico. Captain Sutter was taken prisoner during the battle and was held under arrest for some time after the departure of Micheltorena. He was at length released and allowed to return, with his Indians, by way of Tejon Pass and the Tulares, to New Helvetia. Pio Pico, by virtue of his position as senior vocal of the assembly, became governor, and Castro, in accordance with the treaty of Cahuenga, was comand- ante general. Alvarado was made administrator of the custom house in Monte rey. Thus the " hijos del pais " were once more a power and the factional fight between the " uppers " and the " lowers " was once more declared off. Pico established his government at Los Angeles and that " ciudad," ten years after the Mexican congress had decreed it the capital, became the seat of governmnet. Castro established his military headquarters at Monterey and Jose Antonio Carrillo, one of the leaders of the " lowers," was made comandante of the military in the south. Pico began his rule with a desire to benefit the territory. He might have succeeded, had he been able to control the discordant factions. As has been previously stated, Micheltorena restored, as far as possible, the mission property to the Padres ; but it was impossible to establish the old order even on a small scale. The few Indians remaining at the missions were unmanageable. Through the neglect or incompetency of the administra- dors, debts had been incurred and creditors were importunate. The Padres in charge were mostly old men, unable to cope with the difficulties that beset them on every side. Pico, with the concurrence of the junta, decided to make a change in the mission policy. In June, 1845, ne issued a decree, warning the Indians at San Rafael, Soledacl, San Miguel and Purisima to return to their respective missions. Failing to do so, they were to be declared vagrants and punished as such. At Carmel, San Juan Bautista, San Juan Capistrano an f l Solano, where pueblos had been established, the church and the curate's home were to be reserved and the balance of the property sold at auction to pay the debts of the missions. The abctndoned missions and the mission pueblos before mentioned were sold in December, 1845, and ten of the missions were rented for a term of nine years. The proceeds of the sale were to be used for the benefit of the Indians and the support of the Padres. In those rented, the Indians were at liberty to remain in the service of the lessees. A portion of the proceeds were to be used for the support of religious services. The change brought no improvement in the condition of the neophytes. They sank still lower in degradation, while the mis- 62 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA sions, deprived of income and of power, ceased to exist. Notwithstanding Pico's efforts to conciliate the discordant elements, it soon became evident that the old spirit of turbulence was still dominant. The first insurrectionary move ment originated with Jose Antonio Carillo, Pico's own brother-in-law. This was suppressed and Carillo and Vareles, one of his auxiliaries, were shipped to Mexico for trial; but were released and returned to California. Castro ignored Pico in milittary affairs and soon a bitter quarrel was on between the gefe politico and the comandante general. For a number of years there had been a steady influx of foreigners mostly Americans. Many of them had married into prominent families and had become by naturalization, Mexican citizens. In 1841, the first train of immigrants arrived in California overland. The immigration over the plains contin ued to increase after this. The leading Californians saw that it was their manifest destiny to become a territory of the United States. Texas had been wrested from Mexico by the same foreign element that was now invading California. Early in 1846, Castro called a junta of his officers at Monterey. This council issued a pronunciamento declaring hos tility to the United States and the members pledged themselves to defend the honor of the Mexican na tion against the perfidious attacks of its rivals the North Americans. In this council. Pico had been ignored and the hostile feelings between the political and military chiefs grew more bitter. Pico had been appointed constitutional governor by President Her- rera and, April i8th, 1846, in the presence of the territorial assembly and a large concourse of people gathered at Los Angeles, he took the oath of office. Castro and his associates were soon to be given an opportunity to test their courage in the defence of Mexican honor against the attacks of the perfidious North Americans. Lieutenant John C. Fremont, who had previously led two expeditions through the Rocky mountains, Oregon and California, in January, 1846, arrived in California. His company numbered sixty-two men, scientists, guides and servants. These he left encamped in the Tulare county, east of the coast range, while he repaired to Monterey to secure some needed supplies and to explain his presence. As the expedition was scientific in its object and Fre mont expressed his intention of proceeding to Oregon as soon as his men were rested and recruited, Castro made no objection to his remaining in California during the winter. But when, a few weeks later, the whole force of men marched into the Salinas valley, thev were ordered to leave the country at once. LIEUT. JOHN C. FREMONT. BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 63 Instead of leaving, Fremont marched his men to Gabilan Peak, about thirty miles from Monterey, where he raised the stars and stripes and proceeded to fortify his camp. Castro marshalled his force on the plains below out of range of Fremont's men. After holding the fort on Gabilan Peak two days, Fremont, on the night of March gth, abandoned it and leisurely proceeded northward by way of the San Joaquin valley to Sutler's Fort and from there, after a short stop, to Lassen's Rancho on Deer Creek, where he remained until April I4th. He then resumed his march toward the Oregon line. On May 5th, he was encamped near Klamath Lake when Samuel Neal and William Sigler, two settlers of the Sacramento valley, rode into his camp and informed him that a L T nited States officer, bearing dispatches, was endeav oring to overtake him. The officer had but a small escort and the Indians being hostile, he was in great danger. Fremont took nine of his men and the two mes sengers and hurried to the relief of the officer. The parties met and encamped on the bank of a creek. About midnight the Indians attacked the camp, killing three of Fremont's men and losing their own chief. The dispatch bearer proved to be Lieut. Archibald H. Gillespie, of the U. S. Navy. He had left Washington in November, 1845, with instructions from the government; had crossed Mex ico, disguised as a merchant, and from San Bias had taken passage to Hono lulu and thence reached Monterey, April I7th. Fremont, with his entire force, after punishing the Klamath Indians for their treachery, returned to Slitter's Fort, where Lieut. Gillespie, who had gone ahead, met them with supplies pro cured from San Francisco through Captain Montgomery of the Portsmouth. The substance of the dispatches sent to Fremont from Secretary of State Buchanan was to prevent the occupation of California by any European power and in the event of war with Mexico to take possession of the country for the United States. It was well known that England had designs on California and it was partly to circumvent these and partly to warn Fremont that war with Mexico was pending that the dispatches had been sent. The report that a large immigration was on its way to California from the United States was, no doubt, the cause of the hostility of the authorities to Fremont and to the recently arrived immigrants. There were rumors that Castro was organizing a force to drive the foreign settlers out of the country. Many Americans were in Cali fornia without authority under the Mexican laws. Believing themselves in danger and regarding Fremont as their protector, a number of the settlers repaired to his camp. Their first aggressive act was the capture of 250 horses that were being moved by Lieut, de Arce and four teen men, from the north side of the bay to Castro's camp at Santa Clara. A party of twelve Americans, under Ezekiel Merritt, captured the horses and made prisoners of the escort, who were brought into Fremont's camp and there released. Hostilities having been begun, it became necessary for the settlers to 64 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA widen the breach so as to provoke retaliation on the part of the Californians rather than be punished as horse thieves. The next move was to seize the mil itary post and the principal men of Sonoma. On the morning of June nth, twenty men under command of Merritt, armed with pistols and rifles, and mounted on fresh horses, set out from Fremont's camp on Bear Creek for Sonoma. On the way their number was recruited to thirty-two. On the morn ing of the I4th, about daybreak, they surrounded the town and took Gen. M. G. Vallejo, Captain Salvador Yallejo, and Lieut. Col. Victor Prudon, prisoners. There seem to have been no private soldiers at Sonoma all officers. The cas- tillo, or fort, contained about a dozen rusty old cannon and two hundred and fifty muskets. Gen. Vallejo and his officers, as prisoners of war, gave their word of honor not to take up arms against the revolutionists, on a guarantee from their captain to respect the lives and property of the prisoners, their fam ilies and the residents of the jurisdiction. This guarantee, signed by Merritt, Semple, Fallon and Kelsey, was given in writing. The prisoners, although given their parole, were taken to Sutler's Fort, by a guard. Twenty-four men remained at the fort. The leaders of the party having gone with the prisoners, W. B. Ide, who had come to the front on account of a speech he made advocat ing a movement to make the country independent, was chosen commander. Ide immediately set about formulating a declaration of independence, and William Todd, one of his men, having procured a piece of manta, or coarse cot ton cloth about two yards long, set to work to fashion a flag for the new repub lic. Todd, assisted by some others, painted a star in the upper coiner and in the center a figure supposed to represent a bear, but which the natives called a " cochina " (pig). Below these figures he painted in large letters, "Califor nia Republic.'.' Along the lower edge of the flag was stitched a strip of red woolen cloth said to have been a part of a red woolen petticoat. When com pleted the famous " Bear Flag " of California was run up on the flagstaff where the Mexican colors had formerly floated. The cannon and muskets were loaded, guards posted, military discipline established, and the California Republic duly inaugurated. On June i8th, the same day that Ide issued his proclamation, Thomas Cowie and George Fowler, two of Ide's men, volunteered to go to Fitch's ranch to procure a keg of powder from Mose Carson. On the way they were captured by a band of Californians under Juan Padilla and brutally mur dered. The news of this outrage reached Sonoma and later a report that Todd, who had been sent to Bodega with a message, had been captured. Captain W. L. Ford, with a force of twenty-three men, hastily set out from Sonoma to cap ture Padilla. At Olampali Rancho, Captain Ford unexpectedly came upon the combined forces of Captain de la Torre and Padilla, numbering eighty-three men. The Americans fell back into a willow thicket. The Californians, sup posing that they were retreating, charged upon them but were met by a volley BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 65 of rifle balls that some reports say killed eight men. Todd, while the fight was going on, made his escape and joined Ford's men, who fell back to Sonoma. Fremont, who had been camped at the Buttes, having learned of Ide's attempt to establish a Pacific Republic and that Castro would not attack them to rescue the prisoners, but was gathering a force to recapture Sonoma, broke up his camp and moved down to New Helvetia, where he put his prisoners in the fort under guard. On June 23rd, Fremont hastened to Sonoma with a force of seventy-two mounted riflemen. The Americans, including Fremont's men, now numbered two hundred. Fremont and Ford with a force of 135 men, started out to hunt Captain de la Torre, who was in command of the Calif ornians north of the bay. Torre, it is claimed, wrote letters stating that Castro was about to attack Sonoma with a large force. These were placed in the boots of three of his men, who al lowed themselves to be captured. The strategem succeeded Fremont and Ford hurried back to Sonoma, bttt the three Californians were shot with out trial. Authorities differ as to this story. If such letters were captured, they were not preserved, and it is more than probable that the prisoners, Berryessa and the two de 'Haro boys, were shot in retaliation for the mur der of Cowie and Fowler. Whether from the captured letters, or from some other source, Fremont believed that Castro's force was north of the bay. Castro, however, had not left Santa Clara. Captain de la Torre, taking advantage of the absence of his pursuers, crossed the bay at Sausalito and joined Castro. Fremont finding himself deceived, returned to the pursuit, but he was too late the game had escaped and he marched back to Sonoma, where he arrived July 3rd. The Fourth of July was celebrated with great eclat by the " Bears." Wine, gun powder, eloquence and a grand ball stirred up all the latent patriotism of the revolutionists. The " California Republic " reached the zenith of its power that day. The next day it collapsed. Ide was deposed by a vote of the Bears and Fremont was chosen to head the movement for independence. On the Jth of July, Commodore Sloat raised the Stars and Stripes in Monte- COMMODORE JXO. D. SLOAT. 66 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA rey and took possession of the country in the name of the United States. 'He had arrived on the Savannah on the 2nd from Mazatlan, where he had heard rumors of hostilities between the United States and Mexico; but not having learned of any formal declaration of war, he was undecided what course to pursue. Having heard of the Bear Flag movement and of Fremont's connection with it, he presumed that Fremont had later information, and finally decided to take possession of the country. Fremont, on July 6th, leaving Captain Grigsby with fifty men at Sonoma, started with the rest of his battalion, about 130 men, for Sacramento with the intention of making preparations to attack Castro. Captain Montgomery of the Portsmouth had raised the flag at San Francisco ; Lieut. Revere arrived at Sonoma on the gth; the Bear flag was lowered and the Stars and Stripes unfurled. On the nth the flag was raised over Slitter's Fort and the same day over Bodega. All Northern and Central California was now in possession of the Americans. For months there had been ill feeling between Governor Pico and the com- mandante-general, Castro. Pico had made Los Angeles his capital, while Castro had established his headquarters at Monterey. Their quarrel was the old sec tional jealousy of the north and the south and their respective sections supported them in their dispute. Castro was accused of plotting to overthrow the govern ment. At the time Sloat raised the United States flag at Monterey Pico, with an armed body had reached Santa Barbara, intending to fight Castro, who was at Santa Clara. With a part of his force, Castro retreated southward and joined Pico. They patched up a truce and, uniting their forces, retreated to Los Angeles, where they began preparations to resist the " perfidious North Americans." CHAPTER VIII. THE CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA. THE American era of California history begins with the raising of the flag at Monterey on July 7th, 1846. Within a week after that event all of the territory north of Monterey had been taken possession of without opposition. Castro, with a part of his force, had retreated to Los Angeles, and those remaining behind had disbanded and retired to their homes. Fremont had moved his battalion of about 130 men to a camp on the American river above Sutler's Fort. Here he was encamped when, on the nth of July, a mes senger bearing Sloat's proclamation and an American flag reached him. This flag was raised over the fort and saluted with twenty-one guns. Immediately afterward Fremont's battalion began its march to Monterey, where it arrived BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 67 on the iqth. Fremont had an interview with Commodore Sloat which was not very satisfactory to either. Sloat was inclined to blame Fremont for acting without sufficient authority in precipitating hostilities and Fremont was disap pointed because Sloat would not endorse his scheme of making a campaign against Castro.. On the 1 5th of July Commodore Stockton, on the Congress, arrived at Monterey from Honolulu and reported to Commodore Sloat for duty. Sloat was an old man, having entered the Navy in 1800; his health was fail ing and he was anxious to retire from active service. He made Stockton commander-in-chief of all the land forces in California. Stockton on taking command, made Fremont a major and Gillispie a captain. On July 26th, the battal ion was loaded on the Cyane, which sailed the next day for San Diego. Sloat, after transferring the com mand of the Pacific squadron to Stockton, sailed on July 2Qth, on board the Levant for home. Commodore Stockton, on as suming command, issued a procla mation in which he arraigned the Mexican government for beginning hostilities against the United States. He was very severe on Gen. Cas tro, whom he called a usurper, and the Calif ornians for outrages committed on the American settlers. ' Three inoffensive Americans," said he, " residents of the country, have been within a few days brutally murdered ; and there are no California officers who will arrest and bring the murderers to justice, although it is well known who they are and where they are." He ignored the brutal murder of the three Cali- fornians, Berryessa and the two De Haro boys, who were shot down in cold blood by Fremont's men while begging for quarter. Bancroft says of the proc lamation, " The paper was made up of falsehood, of irrelevant issues and of bombastic boasting in about equal parts." Commodore Sloat read the procla mation at sea and did not approve of it. Gen. Pico and Gen. Castro, on their arrival at Los Angeles, immediately set to work to organize an army. Every man between fifteen and sixty was summoned for military duty and any Mexican refusing or excusing himself on COMMODORE R. F. STOCKTON. 68 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA any pretext was to be treated as a traitor. Those physically unable to do mili tary duty were required to aid with their property. The response to the call of the leaders was not very enthusiastic ; sectional jealousies, quarrels and feuds had destroyed, or at least, paralyzed patriotism. The foreign residents who were mostly Americans, secretly sympathized with the invaders. Money and the munitions of war were scarce. Castro had brought about 100 men with him from the north and Pico had recruited about the same in the south ; these constituted the available force to resist Stockton and Fremont. Stockton, with 360 sailors and marines, arrived at San Pedro on August 6th, landed and drilled his force in military maneuvers. Castro sent a message by two commissioners, Flores and de la Guerra, expressing his willingness to enter into negotiations with Stockton. The commodore showed the messengers scant courtesy and dismissed them with an " insulting threat." Castro and Pico finding it impos sible to defend the capital with the small force at their command, determined to quit the country. On the night of August loth they took their departure ; Castro accompanied by his secretary, Francisco Arce, and eighteen men, going by way of the San Gorgonio pass and the Colorado river ; Pico by way of San Juan Capistrano and Santa Margarita, to Lower California. Stockton began his march to Los Angeles on August iith. On the 13111 Major Fremont, with his battalion of 130 mounted men, met him just outside the town and the combined forces entered the capital. The United States flag was raised and possession taken of the town. The reception of the Americans was not cordial. Some of the better class of citizens had fled from the city, but these in a few days returned to their homes. Fremont's cavalry scoured the country and brought in a number of the leading men who had held civil or military office; these were paroled. Stockton, on the I7th, published a much milder proclamation in which he announced himself as commander-in-chief and governor of the territory ; he stated that California belonged to the United States and would be governed by military law until a civil government could be estab lished. Captain Gillispie was commissioned by Stockton as commandant of the southern department with headquarters at Los Angeles. He was assigned a garrison of fifty men taken from Fremont's force. On September 29th, Com modore Stockton, with his sailors and marines, returned to their ships at San Pedro and sailed for Monterey. ' A few days later Fremont, with the remainder of his battalion, began his march northward for Sutler's fort, where he expected to recruit his force from the immigrants now arriving in the country. While the combined forces of Stockton and Fremont, numbering about 500 men, had occupied the town, the inhabitants had been quiet and submissive. But with a small force left to keep them in subjection, they soon began to mani fest their old turbulent and revolutionary disposition. September i6th, the anni versary of Mexican independence, a number of young men, under the stimulation of wine, and probably more in a spirit of mischief than with any serious intent, BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 69 / made an attack about midnight on Gillispie's headquarters, which were in the old government house. The garrison drove them off with a volley of musketry, in which three men were killed so Gillispie reported but the dead were never found. The next day Gillispie ordered the arrest of a number of leading citi zens to be held as hostages. He also vigorously enforced military law. In a very short time he had a full-grown Mexican revolution on his hands. Some 300 men, under the leadership of Flores and Serbulo Vareles, besieged his garri son. In the corral of the government house were five or six old cannon that Castro had spiked and abandoned. Gillispie had two of these unspiked and hauled up Fort Hill, where they were mounted. He made cannon balls out of some lead pipe that he found and cartridge covers out of a piece of red flannel captured from a store. The Californians had a brass four-pounder, known as " the Old Woman's gun " because, on the approach of Stockton's army, an old woman by the name of Rocha had buried the gun in her garden ; it had been used in firing salutes at church festivals, and the old lady declared that the " gringos " should not have the gun of the church. While besieged on Fort Hill, Gillispie on September 24th, sent a messenger, Juan Flaco (lean John) with dispatches to Stockton asking aid. By one of the most wonderful rides in history, this man, John Brown, reached San Francisco where Stockton had gone from Monterey, six hundred miles distance, in five days. Stockton at once ordered Mervine, commanding the Savannah, to go to the relief of Gillispie. On account of a dense fog, the vessel did not leave San Francisco until October 4th. Gillispie held out bravely for seven days, then capitulated, with honorable terms. On September 3Oth, with flags flying, drums beating and his two old cannon mounted on carretas, he began his march to San Pedro. He spiked the two old cannon and threw them in the bay, then went on board the Vandalia. a merchant ship lying at anchor in the harbor, but did not leave San Pedro. On October yth, Mervine entered the harbor. At 6:30 a.m. of the 8th, he landed a force of 299 men, which included Gillispie's volunteers. A small force of the enemy appeared and Captain Mervine ordered Lieut. Hitch cock, with a reinforcement of eighty men from the vessel, to attack; but the enemy retreated and the detachment returned to the ship. Captain Mervine and his men then started for the pueblo. They took no cannon and had no horses. After a fatiguing tramp through tall mustard and clouds of dust they encamped at the Dominguez rancho. The enemy, under the command of Jose Antonio Carrillo, and numbering abort eighty men, appeared on the foothills and some skirmishing at long range took place. During the night, Flores arrived from the pueblo with a reinforcement of about sixty men and the " old woman's " gun. They opened fire during the night on Mervine's camp with this cannon, but did no damage. The next morning Mervine's men resumed their march and had not proceeded far before they encountered the enemy. The Californians opened fire and Mervine, fearing a charge from their cavalry, formed his troops in a 70 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA hollow square with their baggage in the center. A running fight ensued ; the Californians firing, then dragging the gun back with riatas. loading, and firing again. Mervine, finding he was losing men without injuring the enemy, ordered a retreat. The Californians fired a parting shot or two, but did not pursue the Americans, as they had exhausted their ammunition. Mervine reached San Pedro that evening and went aboard his vessel. His loss was four killed and six wounded. The dead were buried on the Isla de los Muertes, or Deadman's island. The Savannah remained in the harbor and the Californians kept a small detachment at Sepulveda's ranch and another at Cerritos to watch the Americans. On the 25th Commodore Stockton arrived at San Pedro on the Congress and remained there about a week. Although he had a force of nearly 800 men, he did not deem this sufficient to recapture the capital, as he greatly overestimated the strength of the enemy. On November ist he sailed for San Diego. At the time of Flores' attack on Gillispie the American garrisons at San Diego and Santa Barbara were driven out of these towns. The force at San Diego went aboard the Stonington, a whale ship lying in the harbor. Lieut. Talbot with ten men was stationed at Santa Barbara. When called upon to surrender, this party fell back into the hills and reached the head of the San Joaquin river, where they obtained food from the Indians ; then traveled down the valley, sub sisting on the flesh of wild horses and finally, by way of Pacheco's pass, they crossed over to the coast and joined Fremont's battalion at Monterey. The departmental assembly, having been called together by Flores, met at Los Angeles, October 26th. The members were all from the south. The first business in order was to fill the offices of governor and commandante-general left vacant by the flight of Pico and Castro. It was decided to combine the two offices in one person and Jose Maria Flores was chosen commander-in-chief and governor ad interim. He took the oath of office November ist and was really the last Mexican governor of California. Flores and the members of the as sembly made some provisions for continuing the war, but their resources were very limited. Their recent successes over the Americans hid somewhat encour aged them and they hoped to be able to hold out until reinforcements arrived from Mexico. Stockton, on his arrival at San Diego, had set to work to organize an expe dition against Los Angeles. The Californians had driven the cattle and horses back into the mountains and the Americans found great difficulty in procuring animals. Frequent forays were made into Lower California and horses, cattle and sheep procured. The remnant of Fremont's battalion, after taking from it garrisons for San Diego, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, had returned to the Sacramento valley in September. Here it was recruited to 160 men, and on October I3th sailed from San Francisco on a merchant vessel, with orders to operate against the rebels in the south ; but between Monterey and Santa Barbara they met the Vandalia and learned of Mervine's defeat, and of the impossibility BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 71 of procuring horses in the lower country. They put about and the battalion landed at Monterey October 28th. Vigorous efforts were at once made to recruit men and horses. A number of immigrants had arrived from the states. These were induced to enlist on the promise of $25 per month pay. Horses were pur chased, or where owners refused to sell, were confiscated. A company of Walla Walla Indians was enlisted these were known as the " Forty Thieves." Sut- ter's "warriors in bronze" (Indians) were also enrolled for service. In the latter part of November, the recruits were collected at San Juan. They num bered about 450 riflemen and 40 artillerymen, representing many nations and many different kinds of arms, and were divided into ten companies. Fremont had been commissioned as lieutenant-colonel in the regular army and was commander-in-chief of the battalion. While Fremont's officers and men were engaged in collecting horses, an engagement took place between a detachment numbering about 60 men, under Captains Burroughs and Thompson, and the Ca'.ifornians under Manuel Castro, who had been made commandant of the Californian forces in the north. The Americans had gathered several hundred horses and were taking them to the camp at San Juan. The advance guard, consisting of eight scouts, encountered the Californians near Na- tividad. They posted themselves in an "encinalito"', or grove of little oaks, and a fight ensued. The main body of the Americans coming up, a reckless charge was made. Captain Burroughs and four or five others were killed and five or six were wounded. The Californians lost about the same number ; the result was a drawn battle. The American consul, Thomas O. Larkin, had started for San Francisco and had stopped at Gomez's ranch overnight. A squad of Californians, under Lieut. Chavez, surrounded the house about midnight and made him prisoner; he was held until the close of the war. The only other engagement in the north was the so-called " Battle of Santa Clara ", which took place between a force of about TOO Americans under Captains Weber, Marston and Aram, and an equal number of Californians under Francisco Sanchez. Fighting was at long range with artillery and so far as known there were no fatalities on either side. In the south the garrison at San Diego, after it had remained on the Stoning- ton about ten days, stole a march on the Californians by landing at night and recapturing the town and one piece of artillery. A whaleboat was sent up to San Pedro with dispatches and an earnest request for reinforcements. It reached San Pedro October I3th. Lieut. Miner and Midshipmen Duvall and Morgan, with 35 sailors of Mervine's force and 15 of Gillispie's volunteers, were sent to HON. THOMAS O. LARKIN. 72 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA reinforce Merritt at San Diego. This force upon arrival set to work to build a fort and mount the cannon taken from the old presidio. Although continually harassed by the Californians, they succeeded in this. About the first of November, Commodore Stockton arrived at San Diego. He began fortifications on the hill and built a fort out of casks filled with earth, on which he mounted guns. The whole work was completed in three weeks. Provisions ran short and frequent forays were made into the surrounding country for supplies. 'About December ist word reached Stockton that Gen. Kearney with 100 dragoons was at Warner's pass, about eighty miles from San Diego. Stockton sent a force of fifty men and one piece of artillery, under Captain Gil- lispie to conduct this force to San Diego. On their return march the entire force was surprised, on the morning of December 6th, by about 90 Californians under Captain Andres Pico, near the Indian village of San Pasqual. Pico had been sent into that part of the country to intercept and capture squads of Americans sent out after horses and cattle. The meeting was a surprise on both sides. The Americans foolishly charged the Californians and in doing so became strung out in a long irregular line. The Californians rallied and charged in turn. The Americans lost in killed, Captains Johnston and Moore, Lieut. Hammond and sixteen dragoons ; Captains Gillispie and Gibson and seventeen dragoons were wounded. The Californians escaped with three men slightly wounded. Three of Kearney's wounded died, making the total American death list twenty-one. Less than one-half of Kearney's force were engaged in the battle. After the engagement, Kearney took position on a barren hill, covered with rocks. The enemy made no attack, but remained in the neighborhood and awaited a favorable opportunity to renew the assault. The night after the attack, Lieut. Godey, Midshipman Beale and Kit Carson managed to pass through the pickets of the enemy and eventually by different routes reached San Diego with the news of the disaster. On December gth detachments of sailors and marines, numbering in all about 200, from the Congress and the Portsmouth and under the immediate command of Captain Zielin, began a march to relieve Gen. Kearney. They marched at night and camped in the chapparal by day. Early in the morning after the second night they reached Kearney's camp, taking him by surprise. Godey, who had been sent ahead to inform Kearney of the relief, had been captured by the Californians. Gen. Kearney had destroyed all of his baggage and camp equipage, saddles, bridles, clothing, etc., preparatory to forcing his way through the enemy's lines. But the enemy disappeared on the arrival of reinforcements, and Gen. Kearney and the relief expedition reached San Diego after a march of two days. It is necessary to explain how Gen. Kearney came to be in California with so small a force. In June, 1846, Gen. Stephen W. Kearney, commander of the Army of the West, left Fort Leavenworth with a force of regulars and volun teers to take possession of New Mexico. The conquest of that territory was BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 73 accomplished without a battle. Under orders from the War Department, Kear ney began his march to California with a part of his force, in order to co-operate with the naval force already there. Near Socorro, New Mexico, October i6th, he met Kit Carson with an escort of fifteen men, en route from Los Angeles to Washington with dispatches from Commodore Stockton, giving a report of the conquest of California. Gen. Kearney selected 120 men from his force, sent the remainder back to Santa Fe, and compelled Carson to turn back as his guide. After a toilsome journey across the arid plains of Arizona and the Colorado desert, they reached the Indian village where the engagement took place, desti tute of provisions and with men and horses worn out. Stockton had been actively pushing preparations for his expedition against Los Angeles. His force now numbered 600 men, mostly sailors and marines ; but he had been drilling them in military evolutions on land. On the iQth of December this army started on its march for the capital. Gen. Kearney was made second in command. The baggage and artillery was hauled on carretas, but the oxen being ill-fed and unused to long journeys, gave out on the way and the marines had to assist in dragging the carts. Near San Juan Capistrano, a commission, bearing a flag of truce, met Stockton with proposals from Gov. Flores, asking for a conference.' Stockton replied that he knew no " Gov. Flores ", that he (Stockton) was governor of California. "He knew a rebel by the name of Flores and if the people of California would give him up, he would treat with them." The embassy replied that they preferred death to sur render under such terms. On January 8th, 1847, Stockton's army encountered the Californians at El Paso de Bartolo on the San Gabriel river and a battle was fought. The Californians had planted four pieces of artillery on the bluff above the river with the design of preventing the Americans from crossing. In the face of the artillery fire, the Americans crossed the river, dragging with them through the quicksands two nine-pounders and four smaller guns. They placed their guns on a battery on the river bank and opened fire on the Californians with such telling effect that one of their guns was disabled and the gunners were driven away from the others. The California cavalry made a charge on the rear, but were repulsed by Gillispie's riflemen. The Americans charged the Cali- fornian center, advanced their artillery in battery. The enemy was driven from the heights, but succeeded in taking their artillery with them. The battle lasted about one and a half hours, the Americans losing two killed and eight wounded. The loss of trie Californians was about the same. The Americans encamped on the battlefield while the Californians fell back toward the city and camped in plain view of their opponents ; but they moved their camp during the night. Stockton resumed his march on the morning of the 9th, moving in a north westerly direction across the plains. The Californians had posted themselves in Canada de los Alisos (Canyon of Sycamores) near the main road. As the Amer ican column appeared they opened fire with their artillery at long range, and 74 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA continued it for several hours. Finally the Californians, concentrating all their efforts into one grand charge, dashed down upon the American column. A volley from the rifles of Stockton's men checked their advance, and turning, they fled in every direction, leaving a number of their horses dead upon the field. The " Battle of the Plains ", as Stockton calls it, was over. The loss on the American side was five wounded; on the other side one man was killed and an unknown number wounded. Stockton's force numbered about 600 men, but not all of them took part in the engagement. The Californians had about 300. The small loss on the American side was due to the inefficient weapons with which the Californians were armed and to the poor quality of their home-made gun powder, manufactured at San Gabriel. The small loss of the Californians was due to the long range at which most of the fighting was done and to the execrable marksmanship of Stockton's sailors and marines. After the battle, Stockton continued his march and crossed the river below the city, where he encamped on the right bank. On the morning of the loth, as he was about to resume his march, a flag of truce, borne by De Cells and Alvarado, Californians, and Wm. Workman, an Englishman, came into camp. The commissioners offered the peaceful surrender of the city on condition that the Americans should respect the rights of property and protect citizens. The terms were agreed to and Stockton's army marched into the city. The Americans met with no hostile demonstrations, but it was very evident that they were not welcome visitors. The better class of the native inhabitants closed their houses and took refuge with friendly foreigners or retired to ranches in the country ; the fellows of the lower class exhausted their vocabu laries against the " gringoes." Flores, after the " Battle of La Mesa ", retreated up the Arroyo Seco to the San Pasqual ranch, where he established his camp. Stockton, not 'aware of the location of the enemy and fear.ful of an attack, deter mined to fortify the town. On the nth, Lieut. Emory of Kearney's staff sketched the plan of a fort; on the I2th, the site was selected on what is now Fort Hill, and work was begun and continued on the I5th and i6th. We left Fremont's battalion on its march down the coast from Monterey. The rains set in early and were heavy ; the roads were almost impassable and the men suffered from the inclemency of the weather and from lack of supplies. The horses nearly all died and part of the artillery had to be abandoned. On January nth the battalion reached San Fernando valley, where Fremont received a note from Gen. Kearney informing him of defeat of the Californians and the capture of the city. The battalion advanced and occupied the mission buildings. Jesus Pico had been arrested near San Luis Obispo, having broken his parole. He was tried by court-martial and sentenced to be shot ; but Fremont pardoned him and he became in consequence a most devoted friend. He now volunteered to find the California!! army and induce them to surrender to Fremont. He found a part of the force encamped at Verdugo and urged Flores, who in response BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 75 to a message had come from the main camp at San Pasqual, to capitulate to Fremont, claiming that better terms could be secured from the latter than from Stockton. A council was held and the Californians decided to appeal to Fremont, but Flores resolved to quit the country and started that same night for Sonora. Before leaving he transferred the command of the army to Gen. Andres Pico. Gen. Pico, on assuming command, appointed Francisco Rico and Francisco de la Guerra to go with Jesus Pico and confer with Col. Fremont. Fremont appointed as commissioners to negotiate a treaty, Major P. B. Reading, Major W. H. Russell and Captain Louis McLane. On the return of Rico and de la Guerra to the California camp, Gen. Pico appointed as commissioners Jose Anto nio Carrillo and Augustin Olvera and then moved his army to a point near the river at Cahuenga. On the I3th, Fre mont moved his camp from San Fer nando to Cahuenga. The commission ers met in a deserted ranch house at that place and the treaty, or capitulation, of Cahuenga was drawn up and signed. The principal stipulations of the treaty \vere that the Californians should sur render their arms and agree to conform to the laws of the United States. They were to be given the same privileges as citizens of the United States and were not to be required to take an oath of al legiance until a treaty of peace was signed between the United States and Mexico. General Pico surrendered two pieces of artillery and a few muskets and disbanded his men. On January I4th, Fremont's battalion marched through the Cahuenga pass and entered Los Angeles, four days after its surrender to Stockton. Commodore Stockton approved the treaty, although it was not altogether satisfactory to him. and on the i6th he appointed Col. Fremont governor of the territory. Gen. Kearney claimed that under his instructions from the War Department, he should be recognized as governor. For some time there had been ill feeling between Stockton and Kearney. This precipitated a quarrel. Gen. Kearney and his dragoons left Los Angeles on the i8th for San Diego and on the 2Oth Commo dore Stockton and his sailors and marines left the city for San Pedro, where they embarked on a man-of-war to rejoin their ships at San Diego. Stockton was shortly after this superseded in the command of the Pacific squadron by GEN. ANDRES PICO. 76 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA Commodore Shubrick. Col. Fremont was left in command at Los Angeles. Col. P. St. George Cooke arrived on January 27th, with his Mormon battalion, at San Luis Rey. This force consisted of five companies of Mormons who, after a long march by way of New Mexico and Arizona had reached California too late to assist in its conquest. From San Diego, Gen. Kearney sailed to San Francisco and from there went to Monterey, where he established his governor ship. California now had a governor in the north and one in the south. Col. Cooke was appointed military commander of the south and brought his Mormon troops to Los Angeles. Fremont's battalion was mustered out and he was or dered to report to Gen. Kearney at Monterey. He did so and passed out of office after a nominal service of two months. Gen. Kearney turned over the command of the troops in California to Col. R. B. Mason, who became military governor of the territory. The First New York Infantry had been recruited in Eastern New York in the summer of 1846 for the double purpose of conquest and colonization. It came to the coast well supplied with provisions and with implements of hus bandry. On its arrival November 6th, 1847, the regiment was divided up and sent to different places on guard duty. Two companies, A. and B., under Lieut. - Col. Burton, were sent to Lower California, where they saw some hard service and took part in several engagements. Col. Cooke resigned his position as com mandant of the south and Col. J. D. Stevenson of the New York Volunteers was assigned to the command. The Mormon battalion was mustered out in July and Companies E. and G. of the New York Volunteers and a company of United States dragoons did guard duty at Los Angeles. Another military or ganization that reached California after the conquest was Company F of the Third United States Artillery. It landed at Monterey, January 27th, 1847, under com mand of Captain C. Q. Thompkins. With it came Lieut. E. G. C. Ord. William T. Sherman and H. W. Halleck, all of whom were prominent afterward in Cali fornia and attained national reputation during the civil war. During 1847-48 until the treaty of peace between the United States and Mexico was proclaimed, garrisons were kept in all of the principal towns and the government of the territory was quasi-military. Attempts were made to estab lish municipal governments in the towns, which were successful in the north ; but in Los Angeles there was some clashing between Col. Stevenson and the " hijos del pais." There were rumors of uprisings and of Mexican troops on the way to recapture the place. Col. Stevenson completed the fort on the hill, begun by Lieut. Emory, and named it Fort Moore. There were no hostile acts by the citizens and the asperities of war were soon forgotten, as the natives became reconciled to the situation. The treaty of Guadalupc Hidalgo was concluded on February 2nd, 1848. It was ratified at Washington March loth ; at Querataro May 3Oth, and was pro claimed by the President of the United States July 4th. The news reached Cali- BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 77 fornia August 6th and was proclaimed next day by Gov. Mason. The war was over and California had now become a territory of the United States. Gov. Pio Pico returned to California from Mexico in August, 1847. Col. Stevenson, fearing that lie might incite rebellion, placed him under arrest, but he was soon convinced that Pico's intentions were harmless and gave him his liberty. A large overland immigration from the United States arrived in California in 1846 and 1847. The Donner party, made up principally of immigrants from Illinois, were caught in the snows of the Sierra Nevada in October, 1848, and wintered at a lake since known as Donner 's Lake. Of the original party, num bering eighty-seven, thirty-nine perished of starvation and exposure ; the remain der were brought to Sutler's Fort by rescuing parties sent out from California. CHAPTER IX. TRANSITION FROM A CONQUERED TERRITORY TO A FREE STATE. WHILE the treaty negotiations were pending between the United States and Mexico, an event occurred in California that ultimately changed the destinies of the territory. This was the discovery of gold, January 24th, 1848. at what is now known as Coloma, on the American river, in the foot hills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, about thirty-five miles above Sutler's Fort. Gold had previously been discovered on the San Francisquito Rancho, about forty- five miles northwesterly from Los Angeles, in the spring of 1841. Placers had been worked here, principally by Sonoran miners, up to the breaking out of the Mexican war. But the gold fields were of limited extent, water was scarce, the methods of mining crude and wasteful and this discovery created little ex citement. Both discoveries were purely accidental. The first discoverer, Lopez, was hunting for stray horses. While resting under an oak tree and amusing himself by digging wild onions with his sheath knife, he turned up a nugget of gold. He made known his discovery and a number of persons came from Santa Barbara and Los Angeles to work in these placers. John W. Marshall, who made the second discovery, was engaged in building a sawmill for Captain Sutter, proprietor of Slitter's Fort and owner of an extensive grant at the junction of the American and Sacramento rivers. Marshall, to deepen the race, turned a head of water through it. The next morning while examining the effect of the water, he picked up in the race a round piece of yellow metal, which he thought might be gold. Searching further he found several of these nuggets. He went to the fort to notify Sutter of his discovery. Sutter tested the metal with aqua fortis, pronounced it gold, and returned with Marshall to the mill to 78 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA make further investigations. The men working on the mill had discovered the nature of the metal and had also been collecting it. Sutter found several nuggets and before leaving the mill exacted a promise from the men to keep the discovery a secret for six weeks. Beside the sawmill he was building a large flouring mill near the fort and he feared all of his men would desert for the mines. But the secret could not be kept. Mrs. Wimmer, who did the cooking for the men at the mill, told a teamster and he told the men at the fort. The news spread slowly at first and there were many who would not believe the report. It was three months before the rush began. Kemble, the editor of the California Star, visited the mines two months after their discovery and upon his return to San Francisco pronounced them a sham and advised people to stay away. During April con siderable quantities of gold were received in San Francisco and the excitement became intense. The city had been building up rapidly since the conquest ; but now the rush to the mines almost depopulated it. Houses were left tenantless, business was suspended, ships were left in the bay without sailors, soldiers de serted from the forts and rancheros left their grain unharvested. The news did not spread abroad in time to bring many gold-seekers into California during 1848. In the spring of 1849, tne great rush from the outside world began both by land and by sea. Gold had now been discovered over an area of more than two hundred miles and new fields were constantly being opened. San Francisco, which was the great entrepot for commerce and travel by sea, grew with astonishing rapidity. At the time of the discovery of gold the population of San Francisco was about 800 and the white population of California about 6000. At the close of 1849 the population of the territory numbered one hundred thousand, four-fifths of which had reached it in that one year. During 1848 Slitter's Fort was the great distributing point for the mines. Sacramento was laid out in 1849 anc ' soon became the chief commercial city of the interior. At the end of the year its population had reached $000. California, in 1848, was still held as a conquered country. The Mexican laws were in force and the government was half civil and half military. The rapid influx of population brought complications. After the treaty was pro claimed in California, August 7th, 1848, Cov. Mason promulgated a code of laws that were intended to tide over affairs until a territorial government could be established by Congress. It was not satisfactory to Americans. Gov. Mason was a faithful and conscientious military officer with but little knowledge of civil affairs. He did the best he could under the circumstances, but he was able to exercise very little authority, either civil or military. His soldiers deserted to the gold fields and the municipal governments were anomalous affairs, generally recognizing no authority above themselves. Having been in the military service for thirty years, he asked to be relieved. April I2th, 1849, Brigadier-General Bennett K. Riley arrived at Monterey and the next day entered upon the duties of his office as governor. Brig.-Gen. Persifer F. Smith was made military com- BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 79 mander of the United States troops on the Pacific coast. Most of the troops he brought with him deserted at the first opportunity after their arrival A year had passed since the treaty of peace was signed, but Congress had done nothing for California. The pro-slavery element in that body was deter mined to fasten the curse of slavery on a portion of the territory acquired from Mexico and all legislation was at a standstill. The people were becoming restive under the mixed military and civil government. The question of calling a con vention to form a state constitution had been agitated for some time. Conform ing to the expressed wish of many leading men of the territory, Governor Riley called an election August ist, 1849, to elect delegates to form a state constitution, or a territorial government, if that should seen best, and to elect judges, prefects and alcaldes for the principal municipal districts. The convention was to consist of thirty-seven delegates, but forty-eight were elected, and when it met at Monterey, September ist, 1849, m Colton Hall, this number was seated. Colton Hall was a stone building erected by Al calde Walter Colton for a town hall and school- house. The money to build it was derived partly from fines and partly from subscription? and the greater part of the construction work was done by prisoners. It was at that time the most commodious public building in the territory. Of the forty-eight delegates, twenty-two were from the northern states, fifteen from the slave states, four were of foreign birth and seven were native Californians. Several of the latter neither spoke nor understood English and Wm. E. P. Hartnell was appointed interpreter. Dr. Robert Semple of Bear Flag fame was elected president ; Wm. G. Marcy secretary, and J. Ross Browne re porter. Early in the session the slavery question was disposed of by adopting a section declaring that " neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, unless for the punishment of crimes, shall ever be tolerated in this state." The question of fixing the boundaries of the future state excited the most discussion. The pro-slavery faction was led by Wm. M. Gwin, who had recently come to the territory with the avowed intention of representing the new state in the United States senate. The scheme of Gwin and his southern associates was to make the Rockv mountains the eastern boundary. This would create a state with an COLTOX HALL. MONTEREY. 80 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA "*-,-.. area of about four hundred thousand square miles. They reasoned that when the admission of the state came before Congress the southern members would oppose the admission of so large a territory under a free state constitution and that ultimately a compromise would be affected. California would be split in two from east to west, the old dividing line, the parallel of 36 30" would be established, and Southern California would come into the Union as a slave state. There were, at this time, fifteen free and fifteen slave states. If two states, one free and one slave, were made out of California territory, the equilibrium would be preserved. The Rocky mountain boundary was adopted at one time, but in the closing days of the session the free state men discovered Gwin's scheme and it was defeated. The present boundaries were established by a majority of two. A committee had been appointed to receive propositions and designs for a state seal. But one design was received, presented by Caleb Lyon, but drawn by Robert S. Garnett. It contained a figure of Minerva: a grizzly bear feeding on a bunch of grapes ; a miner with his gold rocker and pan ; a view of the Golden Gate with ships in the bay and ])c;iks of the Sierra Nevada in the distance ; thirty- one stars and above all the word " Eureka." The convention adopted the design as presented. The constitution was completed on October loth and an election was called by Gov. Riley for November 1 3th, to ratify the constitution, elect state officers, a legislature and members of Congress. At the election Peter H. Burnett was chosen governor ; John McDougall, lieutenant-governor ; George W. Wright and Edward Gilbert, members of congress. During the session of the legislature, Wm. M. Gwin and John C. Fremont were elected to the United States Senate. San Jose had been designated as the state capital. On December I5th the state government was inaugurated there. The legislature consisted of sixteen senators and thirty-six assemblymen. On the 22nd the legislature elected the remaining state officers, viz.: Richard Roman, treasurer; John S. Houston, con troller ; E. J. C. Kewen, attorney-general ; Charles J. Whiting, surveyor-general ; S. C. Hastings, chief justice; Henry A. Lyons and Nathaniel Bennett, associate justices. The legislature continued in session until April 22nd, 1850. Although this law-making body was named the '' Legislature of a thousand drinks ", it did a vast amount of work and did most of it well. It divided the state into twenty- seven counties and provided for county government. It also provided for the HON. WM. M. GWIN. BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 81 incorporation of cities and towns ; passed revenue and other necessary laws, both civil and criminal. California was a self constituted state. It had organized a state government and put it into operation without the sanction of Congress. It had not been ad mitted into the union and it actually enjoyed the privileges of statehood for nine months before it was admitted. When the question of admission came before congress it evoked a bitter controversy. The senate was equally divided thirty members from slave states and thirty from the free states. There were among the southern senators some broad- minded men, but there were many extremists on the subject of slavery men who would sacrifice their coun try in order to extend and per petuate that sum of all villainies slavery. This faction resorted to every known parliamentary device to prevent the admission of Cali fornia under a free state constitu tion. On August 1 3th the bill for admission finally came to a vote ; it passed the senate thirty- four ayes to eighteen nays. Even then the opposition did not cease. Ten of the southern extremists joined in a protest against the action of the majority. In the house the bill passed by a vote of one hundred and fifty to fifty-six. It was approved and signed by President Fillmore September 9th, 1850. On the nth of September the California senators and congressmen presented themselves to be sworn in. The southern faction of the senate, headed by Jefferson Davis, who had been one of the most bitter opponents to admission, objected. But their protest came too late. The news of the admission of California as a state reached San Francisco on the morning of October i8th, by the mail steamer Oregon. Business was at once suspended, courts adjourned and the people went wild with delight. Mes sengers mounted on fleet horses spread the news through the state. Everywhere there was rejoicing. For ten months the state government had been in full oper ation ; its acts were now legalized and it continued in power without change or HON. PETER H. BURNETT, First Constitutional Governor of California. 82 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA interruption under the officers elected in 1849 for two years. The first state election after admission was held in October, 1851. John Bigler was elected governor. CELEBRATION OF ADMISSION OP CALIFORNIA INTO THE UNION. CORNER OF CLAY AND KEARNEY STREETS, SAN FRANCISCO 1850. CHAPTER X. VIGILANCE COMMITTEES. GROWTH AND PROSPERITY. THE tales of the fabulous richness of the California gold fields were spread throughout the civilized world and drew to the state all classes and and conditions of men the bad as well as the good. They came from Europe, from South America and from Mexico ; from far Australia and Tas mania came the ex-convict and the " ticket-of-leave " man ; and from Asia came the " Chinee." In 1851 the criminal element became so dominant as to seri ously threaten the existence of the chief city of the state San Francisco. Ter rible conflagrations swept over the city that year and destroyed the greater part of the business portion. The fires were known to be of incendiary origin. The bold and defiant attitude of the lawless classes led to the organization of the better element into a tribunal known as the " Vigilance Committee," which disregarded the legally constituted authorities, who were either too weak or too corrupt to control the law-defying element and took the power in its own hands. It tried and executed, by hanging, four notorious criminals Jenkins, Stuart, Whitaker and McKenzie. Such vigorous measures adopted by the Committee BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 83 soon purified the city from the worst class that preyed upon it. Several of the smaller towns and some of the mining camps also formed " vigilance commit tees " and a number of the rascals who had fled from San Francisco met a deserved fate in these places. During the early fifties the better elements in the population of San Fran cisco were too much engrossed in the rushing business affairs of that period of excitement, to give time or thought to political affairs and consequently the government of the city gradually drifted into the hands of vicious and corrupt men. Many of the city authorities had obtained their offices by fraud and bal lot stuffing and instead of protecting the community against scoundrels, they protected the scoundrels against the community. James King, an ex-banker and a man of great courage and persistence, started a small paper called the Daily Evening Bulletin. He vigorously assailed the criminal elements and the county and city officials. His denunciations at last aroused public sentiment. The murder of United States Marshal Richardson by a gambler named Cora further inflamed the public mind. It was feared that, by the connivance of the county officials, Cora would escape punishment. The trial resulted in a hung jury and there were strong suspicions that some of the jury had been bribed. King continued through the Bulletin to hurl his most bitter invectives against the corrupt officials. He published the fact that James Casey, a supervisor from the twelfth ward, was an ex-convict from Sing Sing prison. Casey waylaid King, May I4th, 1856, at the corner of Montgomery and Washington streets, and in a cowardly manner shot him down. Casey immediately surrendered himself to a deputy sheriff, Lafayette McByrne, who was near. King was not killed outright, but the physicians, after an examination, pronounced the case hopeless ; Casey was confined in the city jail and as a mob began to gather there, he was taken to the county jail for greater safety. A crowd pursued him, cry ing, " Hang him, kill him." At the jail the mob was stopped by an array of deputy sheriffs, police officers and a number of Casey's personal friends all armed. The excitement spread throughout the city. The old Vigilance Com mittee of 1851, or rather a new organization out of the remnants of the old one, was formed. Five thousand men were enrolled within a few days, arms were procured and headquarters secured on Sacramento street between Davis and Front. William T. Coleman, chairman of the old vigilantes, was made the pres ident and Isaac Bluxon, Jr., was the secretary; Chas. Doane was elected chief marshal of the military division. The San Francisco Herald, edited by John Nugent, then the leading paper of the city, came out with a scathing editorial denouncing the vigilance commit tee. The merchants at once withdrew advertising patronage. The next morn ing the paper appeared reduced from forty columns to a single page, but still hostile to the committee. It finally died from lack of patronage. Sunday, Mav 84 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA i8th, 1856, the military division was ready to storm the jail if necessary to obtain possession of the prisoners, Casey and Cora. The different companies, 1500 strong and with two pieces of artillery marched from their headquarters and completely invested the jail. One of these guns was planted to command the door of the jail, and a demand was made on Sheriff Scannell for the pris oners. The prison guards made no resistance ; the prisoners were surrendered at once and taken to the headquarters of the vigilantes. On May 2Oth, while the murderers were on trial the death of King was announced. Both men were convicted and sentenced to be hanged. King's funeral, the largest and most imposing ever seen in San Francisco, took place on the 23rd. While the funeral cortege was passing through the streets, Casey and Cora were hanged in front of the windows of the vigilantes' headquarters. About an hour before his execution Cora was married to a notorious courtesan, Arabella Ryane, better known as Bell Cora. Governor J. Neely Johnson at first seemed inclined not to interfere with the vigilance committee; but afterward, acting under the advice of Volney E. Howard, David S. Terry and others of the dominant pro-slavery faction, he issued a proclamation commanding the committee to disband to which no attention was paid. The governor then appointed William T. Sherman, major- general. Sherman called for recruits to suppress the uprising. Seventy-five or a hundred mostly gamblers responded. Gen. Wool, in command of the troops in the Department of the Pacific, refused to loan Gov. Johnson arms to equip his " Law and Order " recruits and Gen. Sherman resigned. Volney E. Howard was then appointed major-general. A squad of the vigilance commit tee was appointed to arrest a man named Maloney who was at the time in the company of David S. Terrey (then chief justice of the state) and several other members of the " Law and Order " party. They resisted the police and in the melee Terrey stabbed the sergeant of the party, Sterling A. Hopkins, and then he and his associates made their escape to the armory of the San Francisco Blues, one of their strongholds. When the report of the stabbing reached headquarters the great bell sounded the alarm and the vigilantes, in a very short space of time, surrounded the armory and had their cannon planted to batter it down ; Terrey, Maloney and the others of their party in the building, considering discretion the better part of valor, surrendered and were at once taken to Fort " Gunnybags," so known on account of a breastwork made of gunnybags filled with sand which the vigilantes had placed about the building used as headquarters. The arms of the " Law and Order " party at their various rendezvous were surrenderd to the vigilantes and the companies disbanded. Terrey was closely confined in a cell at the headquarters of the committee. He was tried for assault upon Hopkins, who finally recovered, and upon sev- BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 85 / eral other parties and was found guilty ; but after he had been held a prisoner for some time, he was released. He was forced to resign his office as chief justice, however, and joined Johnson and Howard in Sacramento, where he felt safer than in San Francisco. On July 29th, Hethrington and Brace were hanged from a gallows erected on Davis street between Sacramento and Commercial. Both of these men had committed murder. The committee transported from the state some thirty dis reputable characters and a number of others deported themselves. A few, among them the notorious Ned McGowan, managed to keep concealed until the storm was over. A few of the exiles returned after the committee was dis banded and began suit for damages, but failed to secure anything. The com mittee finished its labors and dissolved with a grand parade, August i8th, 1856, after doing a most valuable work. For several years afterwards San Francisco was one of the best governed cities in the United States. It is a noticeable fact that the vigilance committee was largely made up of men from the northern and western states, while the so-called " Law and order " party was composed mostly of the pro-slavery, office-holding faction which then ruled the state. The rush of gold-seekers to California in the early fifties had brought to the state a certain class of adventurers many of whom were too lazy or too proud to work. They were ready to engage in almost any lawless undertaking that promised plunder and adventure. The defeat of the pro-slavery politicians in their attempt to fasten their "peculiar institution'' upon any part of the terri tory acquired from Mexico made them very bitter. The more unscrupulous among them began to look about for new fields over which slavery might be spread. As slavery could only be made profitable in southern lands, Cuba, Mexico and Central America became the arena for enacting that form of piracy known as " filibustering." Although the armed invasion of countries with which the United States was at peace was in direct violation of international laws, yet the federal office-holders in the southern states and in California, all of whom belonged to the pro-slavery element, made no attempt to prevent these invasions, but instead secretly aided them, or at least sympathized with them to the extent of allowing them to recruit men and depart without molestation. One of the leading filibusters from California was a Tennesseean by the name of Walker. His first attempt was against Lower California. He captured La Paz and established what he called the Republic of Lower California and pro claimed it slave territory. He and his army plundered and robbed wherever there was anything to be obtained. The country was so poor and his army so mutinous that he was compelled to abandon his so-called republic, after shoot ing several of his dupes for desertion. After this he had a varied career as a filibuster in Central America. He was captured in Honduras in 1860, court- martialed and shot. 86 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA STATE CAPITALS. As has been previously stated, the constitutional convention of 1849 met in Colton Hall in Monterey. During its sessions the question of locating the capital carrie up. San Jose offered to donate a square of thirty-two acres val ued at $60,000 for capital grounds and give the free use of a building for meet ings of the Legislature. The offer was accepted and the first Legislature con vened there, December I5th, 1849. The first capital of the state was a two- story adobe building, 40 by 60 feet, which had been built for a hotel. This building was destroyed by fire April 29th, 1853. The accommodations at San Jose were not satisfac tory. The Legislature next accepted a proposi tion from Gen. M. G. Val- lejo to locate the capital at his new town of Val- lejo. He offered to do nate 156 acres of land for a site and within two years to give $370,000 in money to be expended in the erection of public buildings. When the members of the Legisla ture met at the new cap ital January 2nd, 1852, they found a large, un furnished and partly unfinished wooden building for their reception. Accommo dations were very poor and even food was wanting for the hungry law makers. Sacramento then offered its new court house as a meeting place and on the i6th the Legislature convened in that city. The great flood of 1852 inundated the town and the lawmakers were forced to reach the halls of legis lation in boats again there was dissatisfaction. Benicia now came to the front with the offer of her new city hall which was assuredly above high water mark. Gen. Vallejo had become financially embarrassed and could not carry out his contract, so it was annulled. The offer of Benicia was accepted and on May i8th, 1853, that town was declared the permanent capital. In the Legislature of 1854 the capital question again came to the front. Proposals were received from several aspiring cities, but Sacramento won with the offer of her new court house and a block of land between I and J, Ninth STATE CAPITOL. BENICIA. BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 87 and Tenth streets. Then the question of locating the capital got into the courts. The supreme court decided in favor of Sacramento. Before the Legislature met again the court house burned down. A more commodious one was at once erected and rented to the state at $12,000 a year. Then Oakland made an unsuccessful attempt to secure the capital. Finally a bill was passed author izing the erection of a capitol building in Sacramento at a cost not to exceed $500,000. Work was begun on the foundation in October, 1860. The great flood of 1861-62 inundated the town and ruined the foundations of the capitol. San Francisco made a vigorous effort to secure the seat of government, but was not successful. Work was resumed on the building, the plans were changed, the edifice enlarged and finally after many delays it was ready for occu pancy in December, 1869. From the original limit of half a million dollars, its cost when completed had reached a million and a half. The amount ex pended on the building and the grounds to date is $2,972,925. State Senator E. C. Seymour, representing Orange and San Bernar dino counties in the Thir- STATE CAPITOL. sACRAMENTTo. t i etn a nd Thirty-first ses sions, introduced a bill to remove the capital to San Jose. The bill passed, but the scheme was defeated in the courts. CIVIL WAR. The Civil War (1861-65) did not seriously affect the prosperity of Cali fornia. During its progress about 16,000 volunteers enlisted in the Union Arm}-. Much to their disappointment these men were retained on the Pacific coast to fight Indians and keep the disloyal element in check. One battalion of five companies paid its own passage to the east and joined the Second Mass. Cavalry in which it did splendid service in Virginia and Maryland. Quite a number of Confederate sympathizers from California joined the Southern armies during the war. Those who remained in the state were closely watched by the federal authorities and were not able to render much assistance to their friends of the South. 88 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA MINING. Previous to 1860 the chief industry of the state was mining-. During the decade between 1850 and 1860 a number of rushes were made to new diggings reputed to be rich in the precious metals. The most famous of these were the Kern river in 1855 and the Frazer river in 1857 both ended in disaster to those engaged in them. In 1859 the silver mines of Washoe were discovered and a great rush made to these. The Comstock lodes were very rich and many fortunes were made. Stock gambling became a mania in San Francisco in which fortunes were lost. CATTLE RAISING. The southern part of the state was devoted to cattle raising which in the early sixties was immensely profitable. The land was held in large ranches and at the time of the discovery of gold was mostly owned by native Califor- nians. The sudden influx of population consequent on the discovery of gold greatly increased the value of the cattle and made the stock owners rich. With wealth came extravagant habits and when the decline began they borrowed money at usurious rates and the high interest ruined them. The terrible dry years of 1863-64, when thousands of cattle starved to death, put an end to cattle raising as the distinctive industry of the south. The decadence of cattle growing brought about the subdivision of the large ranches and the develop ment of grain growing and fruit culture. In the southern part of the state the culture of citrus fruits the orange and lemon has become the leading industry. In favorable localities in the central and northern sections of the state the production of deciduous fruits the apple, peach, prune, pear, etc., takes precedence ; while the great valleys of the Sacramento and the San Joaquin are vast wheat fields. RAILROAD BUILDING. Several schemes for the building of a trans-continental railroad were promulgated in California during the fifties. The first railroad built in the state was the Sacramento Valley road, which was completed to Folsom in Feb ruary, 1856, and was twenty-two miles in length. The next was the road from San Francisco to San Jose, fifty-one miles long, completed January i6th, 1864. On June 28th, 1861, at Sacramento the Central Railroad of California was organized, with Leland Stanford, president ; C. P. Huntington, vice-president ; Mark Hopkins, treasurer ; James Baily, secretary ; and T. D. Judah, chief engi neer. The capital stock of the company was fixed at $8,50x2,000. The whole amount of stock subscribed by its promoters would not have built five miles of road ; none of the men at that time connected with the road were rich and the whole affair was regarded in the nature of a joke. On July 1st, 1862, the BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 89 / Pacific railroad bill was passed by Congress, authorizing the issuance of gov ernment bonds to the amount of $16,000 per mile to the foot of the mountains and of $48,000 per mile through the mountains. Forty miles had to be built and equipped before any bonds were issued. In addition to this there was a government land subsidy of 12,800 acres per mile. Ground was broken for the road at Sacramento, February 22nd, 1863. The Union Pacific was built west ward from Omaha. On May loth, 1869, the two roads met at Promontory, near Salt Lake, and were united. The first road built in the southern part of the state was the Los Angeles and San Pedro, completed to Wilmington, in October, 1869. This connected Los Angeles with a sea-port and greatly facilitated commerce. The Southern Pacific Railroad was completed to Los Angeles, September 5th, 1877. It had, in 1872, obtained a subsidy from Los Angeles county of about $fxx>,ooo ; $225,000 being the Los Angeles and San Pedro Railroad. For this it was to build twenty-five miles of road north of Los Angeles and the same distance to the east. The northern end met the extension of the road south from Lathrop on the Central Pacific in the Soledad canyon on September 5th, 1876, when the last tie was laid and the golden spike driven. The eastern end was completed in 1883 to El Paso, where it met the Texas Pacific and thus gave California a second trans continental line. The Atlantic and Pacific uniting with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, built jointly their main line from Albuquerque to the Colorado at the Needles. From there the Atlantic & Pacific built to Barstow about eighty miles north east of San Bernardino; thence the California Southern continued the line to San Diego. The road was completed to Colton in August, 1882, and opened from San Diego to San Bernardino September I3th, 1883. In 1887 the road was built westward from San Bernardino until it met the San Gabriel Valley line which was built eastward from Los Angeles to Mud Springs. The dif ferent divisions of the road were united under one management with its west ern terminus at Los Angeles, thus giving California its third transcontinental line. The growth of the state and particularly of the southern part of the state since the advent of the railroads has been phenomenal. EDUCATION. The first public school in California was opened at San Jose in December, 1794, seventeen years after the founding of that pueblo. The pioneer teacher was Manuel de Vargas, a retired sergeant of infantry. Jose Manuel Toca, a ship boy, opened the first school in Santa Barbara, in 1795. Maximo Pifia, an invalid soldier, was the first schoolmaster of Los Angeles, teaching in 1817 and 1818. During the Spanish era the schoolmasters were mostly invalid soldiers men of little learning about all they could teach was reading and writing 90 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA and the doctrina Christiana. They were brutal tyrants and their school gov ernments military despotisms. The people were indifferent to education and as the schoolmasters were paid by rate bills the terms were short and the vacations long. Mexico did somewhat better for public education than Spain. The school terms were a little longer and the vacations proportionately shorter, but it was not uncommon then for a vacation to last two or three years. During the war of American conquest the schools were all closed. After the cessation of hostilities in 1847, a school under army regulations was estab lished in Los Angeles or rather it was under the superintendency of Col. J. D. Stevenson, the military commander of the Department of the South. Dr. William B. Osburn was appointed teacher. This was the first English com mon school established in California. After peace was declared and the munic ipal governments organized, schools were opened in the large towns. These were subscription schools, although in some cases the town council appropri ated public funds for the education of a certain number of poor children who were entitled to attend some private school. The first act to establish a common school system in California was approved May 3rd, 1852. Great advance was made in perfecting and building up this system from 1863 to 1869 under the administration of State School Superintendent John Swett, who has been called the " Horace Mann of Cali fornia." The first state Normal School for " the training of teachers " was established in San Francisco in 1863. It was afterwards removed to San Jose. There are now five Normal Schools in the state. The public school system and the public schools of California rank among the best in the United States. Governors of California. UNDER SPANISH RULE. Caspar de Portala .. . 1767-1771 Jose Joaquin de Arrillaga. . 1792-1794 Felipe de Barri 1771-1774 Diego de Borica 1794-1800 Felipe de Neve 1774-1782 Jose Joaquin de Arrillaga. . 1800-1814 Pedro Pages 1782-1790 Jose Dario Arguello 1814-1815 Jose Antonio Romeu 1790-1792 Pablo Vicente de Sola 1815-1822 UNDER MEXICAN RULE. Luis Antonio Arguello 1822-1825 J os e Castro 1835-1836 Jose Maria de Echandia. . . 1825-1831 Nicolas Guiterrez 1836 Manuel Victoria 1831-1832 Juan Bautista Alvarado 1836-1842 Pio Pico 1832-1833 Manuel Micheltorena 1842-1845 Jose Figueroa 1833-1835 Pio Pico 1845-1846 UNDER AMERICAN MILITARY RULE. Commodore Robert F. Stockton Aug. 17, i846-Jan. 16, 1847 Captain John C. Fremont Jan. i6-March i, 1847 General Stephen W. Keirnev March i-May 31, 1847 Colonel Richard B. Mason May 31, i847-April 13, 1849 General Bennett Rilcy April 13, i849-Nov. 13, 1849 GOVERNORS OF STATE. Pether H. Burnett 1849-1851 Romualdo Pacheco 1875 John McDougal 1851-1852 William Irwin 1875-1880 John Bigler 1852-1855 George C. Perkins 1880-1883 J. Neely Johnson 1855-1858 George Stoneman 1883-1887 John B. Wellcr 1858-1860 Washington Bartlett 1887 Milton S. Latham 1860 Robert W. Waterman 1887-1891 John G. Downey 1860-1862 Henry H. Markham 1891-1895 Leland Stanford 1862-1863 James H. Budd 1895-1899 Frederick F. Low 1863-1867 Henry T. Gage 1899-1903 Henry H. Haight 1867-1871 George C. Pardee 1903-1907 Newton Booth 1871-1875 J. N. Gillett 1907 92 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA SPANISH AND MEXICAN LAND GRANTS IN Los ANGELES COUNTY. GRANT. CONFIRMEE. ACRES. DATE. Aguaje de la Centinela . B. Abila 2,219 Aug. 23, 1872 Loa Alamitos . A. Stearns 28,027 Aug. 29, 1874 Azusa . A. Duarte 6,505 June 6, 1878 Azusa . Henry Dalton 4,431 May 29, 1876 La Ballona . A. Machado et al 13,919 Dec. 8, 1873 Boca de Santa Monica . Ysidro Reves et al 6,656 July 21, 1882 Boca de la Plava . E. Vejar 6,607 Mar. i, 1879 La Brea . A. Rocha et al 4,439 April 1 5, 1873 Las Bolsas . R. Yorba and M. C. Nieto. 33,46o June 19, 1874 Cahuenga . D. W. Alexander et al 388 Aug. 2, 1872 La Canada . J. R. Scott et al 5,862 Aug. i, 1866 Canada de los Alisos . J. Serrano 10,668 June 27, 1871 Canada de los Nogales . J. M. Aguilar 1,199 May 4, 1882 Los Cerritos . Juan Temple 27,054 Dec. 7, 1867 Paso de la Tijera . T. Sanchez et al 4,219 May 22, 1873 Las Cienegas . J. Abila et al 4,439 June 15, 1871 El Conejo . J. de la G. y Noriega 48,571 Jan. 8, 1873 Los Coyotes . Andreas Pico et al 48,806 Mar. 9, 1875 El Encino . V. de la Osa et al 4,460 Jan. 8, 1876 El Escorpion . Urbano et al_ 1,109 Dec. n, 1883 Los Feliz . M. Y. Verdugo 6,647 April 18, 1871 Lomas de Santiago . T. Yorba 47,226 Feb. i, 1868 La Habra . Andreas Pico et al 6,698 Dec. 4, 1882 Huerta de Cuati . V. Reid 128 June 30, 1859 Island de S. Catalina . J. M. Covarrubias 45,820 April 20, 1867 La Liebre . J. M. Flores 48,799 June 21, -1879 i Aug. 9, 1866 Los Angeles City lands. . . . . Citv of Los Angeles 17,172 } Aug. 4, 1875 La Merced .F. P. F. Temple 2,363 Feb. 13, 1872 Mission San Gabriel, lot. . . J. S. Alemany 55 Dec. 4, 1875 Mission San Fernando, lot. . . Bp. J. S. Alemany 79 May 31, 1864 Mission San Gabriel, lot. ... . Bp. J. S. Alemany 190 Nov. 19, 1859 Mission Vieja . Juan Foster 46,432 Aug. 6, 1866 Ex-mission San Fernando. . . .F. deCelis 116,858 Jan. 8, 1873 Los Nogales . Maria de J. Garcia et al . . . 1,003 June 29, 1882 El Niguil . Juan Abila 13,316 April 5, 1873 Los Palos Verdes . J. L. Sepulveda et al 31,629 June 23, 1880 Paso de Bartolo, part . B. Guirado 876 Sept. 27, 1867 Paso de Bartolo, part . Joaquin Sepulveda 207 Mar. 17, 1 88 1 BRIEF HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 93 Tracts near San Gabriel . Paso de Bartolo, part Pio Pico 8,991 Aug. 6, 1881 Potrero de Felipe Lugo Morilla & Romero 2,042 June 15, 1871 Potrero Grande J. M. Sanchez 4,431 July 19, 1859 Prospero tract R. Valenzuela et al 23 Dec. 4, 1875 Providentia ,D. W. Alexander et al. . . . 4,064 Aug. 6, 1872 La Puente Workman & Roland 48,790 April 19, 1867 Rincon de la Brea G. Ybarra 4,452 Nov. 14, 1864 Rincon de los Bueyes F. Higuera et al 3> I2 7 Aug. 27, 1872 San Antonio A. M. Lugo 29,513 July 20, 1866 Rodeo de las Aguas M. R. Yaldez 4,419 June 27, 1871 San Francisco Jacobo Feliz et al 48,61 1 Feb. 12, 1875 f Juan Silva 50 H. P. Dorsey 50 Michael White 78 Aug. 26, 1871 Jose Ledesma 22 June 17, 1871 Daniel Sexton 227 May 16, 1871 J. P. de Courtney 49 Jan. 20, 1871 Francisco Sales 19 June 20, 1871 ^ Jose Domingo 22 Aug. 23, 1871 San Francisquito Henry Dalton 8,893 May 30, 1867 San Joaquin . . Jose Sepulveda 48,893 Sept. 19, 1867 San Jose Dalton, Palomares & Vejar. 22,340 Jan. 20, 1875 San Jose de Buenos Ayres. . . B. D. Wilson 4438 July 5, 1866 San Juan Cajon de Sta. Ana. J. P. Ontiveras 35,97 May 21, 1877 San Jose, addition to Dalton, Palomares & Vejar. 4,430 Dec. 4, 1875 San Pasqual 15. D. Wilson 708 Feb. 12, 1881 San Pasqual Manuel Garfias 13,693 April 3, 1863 San Pasqual Juan Gallardo 700 San Pedro M. Dominguez et al 43> rl 9 Dec. 18, 1858 San Rafael Julio Yerdugo et al 36,403 Jan. 28, 1882 San Yicente y Santa Monica. .R. Sepulveda 30,259 July 23, 1881 Santa Anita Henry Dalton I3,3 r 9 Au g- 9, lg 66 Santa Gertrudes T. S. Colima 3,696 July 17, 1877 Santa Gertrudes Mcfarland & Downey 17,602 Aug. 19, 1870 Santiago de Santa Ana B. Yorba et al 78,941 Dec. 21, 188.5 Sausal Redondo A. L. Abila 22,458 Mar. 22, 1875 Simi J. de la G. y Noriega 113,009 June 29, 1865 Tajauta E. Abila 3,559 Jan. 8, 1873 Temescal E. de la Cuesta 13,339 Sept. 13, 1871 Topanga Malibu Sequit M. Keller 13,315 Aug. 29, 1872 Tejunga D. W. Alexander et al 16,609 Oct - J 9> l8 74 LasVirgenes M. A. Machado 8,885 Sept. 5.1883 Condensed History of Los Angeles County. CHAPTER I. ORGANIZATION. THE history of " el pueblo de Los Angeles ", as the central point of the southern district of the territory of Alta California, has already been given in the state history. We have followed the growth of the town from its founding, in 1781, to its final conquest and occupation by the United States troops in 1847. We have seen the rise and the fall of the mission establishments of ORIGINAL CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS. 1822. San Gabriel, San Fernando and San Juan Capistrano, and the occupation of the fertile valleys and mesas by the great ranches granted to settlers of Spanish, Mexican and Californian birth and to a few Americans. At the time of the state organization, the territory included in Los. Angeles county was distributed in large tracts ranging from a few thousand to more than a hundred thousand 96 CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY acres. The oldest of these grants was occupied as early as 1784, that being the date assigned for San Rafael rancho, granted to the Verdugos. Santa Ana was granted to the Yorbas and Simi to the Noriegas among the earliest allotments. The government of the United States early appointed commissioners to examine into land titles in California and for a number of years investigations were made and patents issued or refused to the claimants. There was much confusion and no little fraud connected with the final allotment of titles, although there were not so many disputed claims in this district as in the north. About seventy-five patents were issued to lands in the county. Los Angeles was one of the twenty-seven counties created by act of the first California legislature, April i8th, 1850. Its boundaries as first indicated were very indefinite, extending from San Diego county on the south to Santa Barbara on the north and from the Pacific to " the top of the coast range." The second legislature amended the act by making the boundaries more exact and extending them to the eastern state line. The area of the original county was about 34,000 square miles, almost as large as the state of Indiana. In 1851 the Mormon colony purchased the San Bernardino grant and established their colony of San Bernardino. In consequence San Bernardino county was set off from Los Angeles April 26th, 1853, taking an area of 20,055 square miles from the mother county. In 1866 Kern county was created, taking part of its territory from this county. After long discussion and dissension, Orange county was created, March nth, 1889, taking 780 square miles, which leaves Los An geles with a present area of 3957 square miles. Pomona county has been several times proposed and strong efforts have been made to secure its creation from Los Angeles and San Bernardino territory but, thus far, the movement has not been successful. The first county election took place April ist, 1850. The census for this year gives the county a population of 3530; 377 votes were cast and the officers chosen were: Judge, Augustin Olivera ; clerk, B. D. Wilson; attorney, Benjamin Hayes ; surveyor, J. R. Conway ; treasurer, Manuel Garfias ; assessor, Antonio F. Coronel ; recorder, Ignacio del Valle ; sheriff, George T. Burrell ; coroner, Charles B. Cullen. August yth, 1851, the county was divided into six townships, Los Angeles, San Gabriel, San Jose, San Bernardino, Santa Ana, San Juan Capistrano. The supervisors were not elected until June I4th, 1852, civil affairs in the meantime being administered by the " court of sessions ", appointed by the military governor. The first supervisors were Jefferson Hunt, Julian Chavez, F. P. F. Temple, Manuel Requena and Samuel Arbuckle ; the board was organ ized with Arbuckle as chairman and B. D. Wilson, county clerk, clerk. The office of juez de campo, judge of the plains, was continued for a number of years after the American occupation, as late as 1872, although it was a part of the machinery of the Mexican administration. It was the duty of this officer to attend rodeos, settle all questions relating to brands and to the handling and CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 97 division of stock. They were appointed to different districts and were given large jurisdiction. One of the first important political questions discussed in the southern district was that of forming a separate state. In 1850, before California had been received into the union, a petition requesting that the southern district be left out of the state was prepared. It was felt that the rancheros of the south, thinly populated as it was, would receive but small favor from the north, which held the bulk of the population, and would have to pay an undue proportion of the expenses of state government. In 1859, an act was passed by the state legislature permitting a vote upon a proposal to divide the state ; but it failed to go through. State division has been a topic for much discussion and news paper wisdom since that time, a bill for division being introduced in 1888; but has never since become a serious issue. The first state senator from this county was Dr. A. W. Hope, succeeded by Stephen C. Foster, one of the earliest and most prominent of American settlers. The first assemblymen were A. P. Crittenden and Montgomery Martin, who were succeeded by Don Abel Stearns and Ignacio del Valle. Los Angeles county and Southern California bore little part in the active government of the state during the first three or four decades of its existence. The first governor elected from the south was John G. Downey, inaug urated January I4th, 1860. He was long one of the leading citizens of Los Angeles and had served as as semblyman and lieutenant-governor also. Since that time this county has furnished three governors George Stoneman, Henry H. Markham and Henry T. Gage. As United States senators, Cornelius Cole, Stephen M. White and Frank P. Flint have been resi dents of Los Angeles county. The discovery of gold brought wealth to Southern California, as well as to the north. J. J. Warner in his " Centennial History " says : " The discovery of the ' mines ' in the year 1848 carried away many of the native population ; created a new demand for the horses and cattle which the southern rancheros could so easily supply ; brought a multitude of emigrants from Sonora, as well as from the United States; left the people at home here (in Los Angeles) in a state of perpetual excitement and exultation. During the summer of 1849 and' the year of 1850, Los Angeles was a thoroughfare of travel. With, or without means, the incomers crowded on ; seldom destitute, for their needs were supplied, when known, by generous hospitality from the Lugos of San Bernardino; Isaac Williams of Chino ; Rowland and Workman at Puente and the liberality of native HON. JOHN G. DOWNEY. 98 CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY Californians. With the people of Los Angeles, 1850 was a year of enjoyment, rather than an earnest pursuit of riches. Money was abundant. All sought to make the most of the pleasures of life." A strong contrast here to the mad rush for gold in the placer mines. The prosperity of the rancheros continued for several years. In 1857 a drought retarded the progress; but the increased market for stock and the importation of stock from the states had greatly in creased the wealth of the county. The population of the county was 11,333 ' m 1860. The floods and the long drought of the early sixties; the disturbed condi tion of the country and the cessation of immigration made the increase slow during the next ten years. The census of 1870 shows only 15,309 inhabitants. The first court house of Los Angeles was the adobe house which had been used as a government building during the later days of the Mexican rule. In 1859 the offices were removed to the Temple building, which was known for many years as the " court house " ; this was located on the block where the Bullock block now stands. During the sixties the county purchased the building and it was occu pied until the erection of the present fine building in 1890, at a cost of $550,000. The first school in Los Angeles, taught in the English language, was under the instruction of Rev. Dr. Wicks and J. G. Nichols, in 1850. In 1854 there were four schools in the county, two of them being taught in English. In 1855 there were three school districts, Los Angeles, San Gabriel and El Monte, with 1 191 school children. Antonio F. Coronel acted as first superintendent of schools, succeeded in 1855 by Dr. John S. Griffin 1 . In 1856 there were seven schools, four of them being in the city. In 1866 the county had 12 school districts and in 1876 123 teachers with a total valuation of school property of $202,262. In 1906 the county had 1616 teachers and school property amounting to $4,715,015. Many of the earlier settlers of the county were southern in sentiment and as the question of slavery began to threaten difficulties, there was much unrest and dissension. Another element of the population came from the mining dis tricts of the north mostly of those who had failed to find wealth. The spirit of lawlessness which prevailed in the state was not absent in this county. Crime "OLD" COURT HOUSE. CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 99 was rampant and robbery and murders were every-day occurrences. The courts seemed unable to meet the situation and the best citizens were uneasy. The pro-slavery sentiment led to the attempt at state division in 1859; but on the breaking out of the war, the people generally rallied to the Union and there was no open disloyalty in this county. In 1861 a union club was organized and a regiment of volunteers was raised. Camps were maintained at Drum Bar racks, Wilmington, and at Camp Latham on the Ballona grant, and troops were stationed in the city at times, and at Fort Tejon. The agitation against the Chinese was not as aggressive in this county as in the north, the celestials were too useful in the vineyards and orchards ; yet there was much discus sion and public meetings were held to uphold the anti-Chinese movement. The terrible Chinese mas sacre of October 24th, 1871, was not a direct result of feeling against the race ; but originated in a quar rel between two Chinese factions over a woman. In an attempt to quell the disturbance an officer and two citizens were wounded by the Chinese. This aroused a mob, who rushed into the Chinese quarter and slaughtered right and left, without regard to right or mercy. Their houses were looted by the mob and nineteen deaths resulted from the affair. The population of the county more than doubled during the seventies, the census of 1880 showing 33,454 souls. The completion of transcontinental lines and the "boom" swelled the population to 101,381 in 1890, despite the 13,000 taken out by Orange county the previous year. Since that date Los Angeles county has rapidly advanced until now she stands second in the state, and is a power to be reckoned with in all political questions. ANTONIO F. CORONEL. GOVERNOR JANUARY, 15.i?. TO MNUAWl. IH FEBRUARY, 1'HV TO AUGUST, 1B4B CHAPTER II. STOCK RAISING AND AGRICULTURE. ST( >CK raising, which was practically the only industry of Southern Califor nia at the time the country passed into the hands of the United States, continued to be the chief source of wealth for Los Angele& county until the severe drought of 1863-4. According to the census report of 1850, the great county of Los Angeles had but 2648 acres of improved land and in 1860 but 20,000 acres was under cultivation. The great influx of gold-seekers provided a new market for cattle and horses, which largely increased prices, and the rancheros of Southern California were as " flush " as the miners of the north, for a time. The value of live stock steadily increased and in 1860 it is given as $1,451,000, although there had been heavy losses, many cattle dying of starvation during the drought of 1857. But the long dry spell, lasting two years and over, almost wrecked the business. Stock died, or was killed to save the hides, until almost none was left. After this time, the rancheros devoted more attention to sheep and the flocks were greatly increased, while cattle were handled in smaller bunches and improved stock was introduced by the Americans. The breaking up of the big ranches began and a number of new settlements were made during the seventies. As early as 1844 Jose Palomares, owner of the San Jose rancho, where Pomona is now located, sold off a number of small tracts of land to Mex icans, who took water from the San Jose creek and formed a prosperous little settlement. About the same time Juan Bandini induced a party of New Mex icans to settle on his Jurupa grant, now the site of Riverside, and the village of Agua Mansa, with flourishing orchards and grain fields resulted. In 1851 the Mormon settlement of San Bernardino was begun and these industrious people soon demonstrated that small farms could be made profitable in this country. In 1851 a number of immigrants, mostly from the southern states, settled at El Monte. Here was a natural cienega and the low damp lands were especially adapted to the growing of corn and hogs. In 1860 this settlement had a population of over one thousand and was a noted place in the early history of the county. In 1874 it had a newspaper, the Observer, and a hotel. At Spadra, Ruebottom's hotel was a stopping point for all stages to the east and a noted hostelry in the sixties. This was also one of the earliest American set tlements. About 1865 Governor Downey began to break up his Santa Gertrudes rancho and the settlement of Downey followed. Here, too, corn yielded mar velous crops and the raising of hogs and of dairy cattle was profitable. Thus gradually small farms, with diversified farming, took the place of the old-time exclusive stock raising and Los Angeles county lost her distinction as a " cow " county ; although the raising of stock and dairying is still a profitable business. 102 CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY Much attention in later years has been given to the production of blooded stock, especially horses; while the value of the dairy products for 1905, according to the state agricultural report, reached a million dollars. In 1857 a party of Germans, mostly artisans resident in San Francisco, purchased a tract of land near the Santa Ana and established the settlement of Anaheim. At first most of the tract was set to vineyards and the colonists en gaged extensively in wine making. This was the first horticultural settlement. Mission grapes had been set extensively during the sixties and seventies and wine-making became one of the most important resources of the county. In 1879 two million gallons were produced beside 50,0x20 gallons of brandy. There were then thirty distilleries in the county. The cultivation of the wine grape began with the " mother " vineyard at San Gabriel, which was planted from slips brought from Lower California. In 1831 Los Angeles city had over 100 acres of grapes and there were 50,000 vines growing on Los Nietos rancho. The Californians began early to manufacture wines and aguadiente and in 1850 the county is credited with 57,000 gallons of wine. This was shipped to San Francisco and brought good prices. In' 1855 Sansevaine brothers shipped the first California wine to New York city and by 1861 L. J. Rose, B. D. Wilson and the Sansevaines were making large shipments to the east. L. J. Rose, Don Mateo Keller, Kohler and Frohling, and others were among the earlier manu facturers who spent much time and money in experimenting, introducing new varieties of grapes and improved methods of wine making. The cultivation of the white muscat grape for raisins began about 1877-78 and for a time this grape was planted very widely and raisins promised to become one of the greatest crops of the county, but the appearance of the vine disease about 1885 destroyed many vineyards and greatly discouraged both wine and raisin makers. In the early seventies attention was turned to wheat raising on an extensive scale. J. B. Lankershim was one of the first growers, planting a large acreage on the San Fernando rancho. He was also one of the owners of the first large flour mill erected in the county. Dan Freeman was another large wheat grower, on the Centinela rancho. In 1879 Los Angeles county produced 752,000 bushels of wheat, from 22,000 acres of land, according to Bancroft. Corn was also Irrgely cultivated and barley was raised for hay on a large scale. But as the possibilities of irrigation and horticulture developed, land became too valuable for wheat culture, as it had already advanced beyond the possibility of profitable use for grazing purposes. During the eighties the chief feature of agricultural development was the extension of irrigation systems. Irrigation had been practiced to some extent since the first settlement of the country. The San Gabriel and San Fernando missions and the settlers of Los Angeles had irrigated considerable areas and built somewhat elaborate works. The waters of the San Gabriel and Los Angeles rivers had been utilized by means of open ditches for many years ; but now CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 103' began the formation of water companies who improved upon the old crude methods and developed water from unused sources. In 1867 the first artesian well was put down by Downey and Hellman about six miles from Wilmington. Artesian water was found to be available in many districts and has been devel oped until now probably half, at least, of the water used for irrigation in this county comes from this source. In 1876 the land under irrigation in the county was estimated at 26,900 acres; in 1890 70,164 acres were under irrigation, mostly devoted to citrus culture. The mission fathers planted orange trees at San Gabriel soon after its establishment. In 1834 Louis Vignes, a Frenchman, who was one of the first foreigners to locate in Los Angeles, planted an orange garden on his place, known at that time as " El Aliso." This garden, surrounded by a high adobe wall, contained not only oranges, but all the fruits then known in the country. He also had a considerable vineyard and established a winery, under the great sycamore tree, which gave the name of " El Aliso " to the place. In 1841 Wil liam Wolfskill set out two acres of oranges, procuring the stock from Sart Gabriel. These trees bore the first oranges that were ever put on the market in this state and yielded such large profits that in 1858 Mr. Wolfskill set out thirty acres on land lying between Alamecla and San Pedro, Third and Seventh streets. In 1852 B. D. Wilson set a grove at San Gabriel; but in 1856 there were only 100 orange bearing trees in the country, these surrounded by walls to keep out wandering cattle. The total yield was 100,000 oranges, which were sold by the hundred and brought a net income of $100 per tree, so Mr. Wolfskill stated. From this time the planting went on rapidly. About 1873 Thomas A. Garey, the pioneer nurseryman of the county, and L. J. Rose, B. D. Wilson and others began to introduce different varieties of citrus fruit, importing them from Europe, South America and Florida. The most valuable of these varieties proved to be the Mediterranean Sweet. About 1880 the Washington Navel was brought into the county from Riverside and its excellent qualities soon made it the favorite. Between 1880 and 1890 the planting of citrus fruit was at its height. Stimulated by the ready money and the exuberant hopes of boom times, large areas were put under irrigation and planted out. Pomona, Alhambra, Whittier, Sierra Madre and many other districts were thus started by people who looked forward to making an easy fortune from citrus culture. In 1874 there were 34,700 bearing orange trees in the county; in 1880, 192,000 bearing trees, and in 1892 1,500,000 trees were growing. In 1857 scale made its first appearance; but its inroads were not serious until the appearance of the cottony cushion scale about 1890. This especially affected trees near the coast and in a single year the crop in Los Angeles county fell from 2212 cars to 718 cars. But the introduction of the Australian "lady- bug " proved an effectual remedy and the groves were saved by this parasite. Many of the earliest seedling orchards have now passed out of existence, the 104 CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY land being used for town lots, or for alfalfa or truck farming. Yet Los Angeles county still leads in the production of citrus fruits, the value of the crop for 1906 being estimated at $4,000,000 and there being 1,738,213 bearing orange trees in the county. The introduction of alfalfa from San Bernardino county in the later fifties gave a valuable crop for suitable lands and proved a great boon to the dairy farmer. The culture of the sugar beet was attempted about 1879 and in 1880 Messrs. Nadeau and Gemmert planned to build a sugar factory at Florence. This did not materialize, but later the location of sugar factories at Chino, Ala- mitos and Oxnard supplied a market and a considerable acreage is annually planted to beets. The growing of vegetables and small fruits has become an important branch of our agriculture and large quantities are raised for home use and for shipping. Diversified farming and the small farm, intensively cultivated, is the rule in the vicinity of Los Angeles now. Oranges, lemons, walnuts, olives and decid uous fruits are raised with profit in many districts ; grain and hay are produced on " dry " farms and the northern portion of the county still furnishes range for cattle and sheep. Los Angeles is now one of the leading agricultural counties in the state, her horticultural and garden products, in 1902, being valued at $10,307,290, and her cereals and hay at over $1,000,000, with dairy produces of equal value. And the possibilities are by no means exhausted. There is yet much valuable land which can be utilized and much room for increased produc tion in lands already under cultivation. CHAPTER III. MINING AND MANUFACTURING. ALTHOUGH the first gold discovered in California was found in this county, Los Angeles has never ranked high in gold production. In 1852 placer mines were found in the San Gabriel canon and quite an excite ment followed. Considerable gold dust was taken from these mines which con tinued to yield for many years in paying quantities. Gold was found on the Santa Anita ranch in 1856 and there was a rush in that direction ; some mines were also located on Catalina island and gold mines have been claimed at some other points in the county. But the only paying claims were those of the San Gabriel. Silver and other minerals have been found at various points ; but no very rich mines have been uncovered. The mineral wealth of the county is, however, large ; it produces a large quantity of petroleum which is quite as valuable, in its way, as gold. It is COXDEXSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 105 said that Andreas Pico used to supply the priests at San Fernando mission with oil from Pico canon, and it was from this district that the first oil was taken. In iS-;<) the Pioneer Oil Co. was formed and wells were bored on the La Brea ranclio and in other districts where brea or asphaltum indicated petroleum ; but no oil in merchantable quantity was found until about 1865, when wells were bored in Pico canon and a considerable oil excitement prevailed. The first shipment of crude oil was made from these wells in 1867. But no very active progress was made until improved machinery for drilling and pumping came into use about 1877. Then the Pico and Xewhall wells became large producers and the refinery at Xewhall was built and, for a number of years, was successfully operated. The demand for the petroleum was not very active until about 1885, when a company was formed to foster its use as a fuel and produced a distillate which could be used for domestic and manufacturing pur poses in a suitable burner. The Puente oil fields were exploited during the eighties : but the pre-eminence of this county as an oil producer did not com mence until the discovery of oil in Los Angeles city. In 1892, Messrs. Doheny and Conner drilled a well in the old West Second street park which proved to be a gusher. At once other wells were put down in this district and soon a forest of derricks had arisen. By 1895 over 3 wells were in operation in, or near, the city and their yield is put at 730,000 barrels. About this time an oil burner for use in locomotives was perfected and the Santa Fe road began to use crude oil as fuel. Manufacturing plants and steam vessels found oil from 30 to 60 per cent, cheaper than coal. This fuel also presented many other ad vantages and rapidly grew in favor, so that in spite of the greatly increased output, the price rose. An oil " boom " naturally resulted. Oil companies were numerous and prospecting was done in all sorts of likely and unlikely districts. The Whittier field, the Sespe and other districts in Ventura county were devel oped. There are now several refineries in the county and in 1905 over 1200 wells were yielding, their product reaching 4,000,000 barrels, valued at $1,755,000. The cheapness and abundance of oil has been one of the leading factors in the rapid progress of our county, giving a possibility of meeting eastern competition in manufacturing, and being a large element in the development of our electric railway systems and electrical power plants. Not its least benefit is in the im provement of our public roads through the use of crude oil. We have now about 7000 miles of public roads in the county. These, when properly treated with oil, become almost dustless and as hard as macadamized roads, an advantage of incalculable benefit in this country. Second in our list of mineral wealth comes the clay products of the county. Nearly all of the Californian dwellings and of the missions were built of un- burned brick. Tiling, ollas and clay utensils were made by the Indians and Mexicans. The first kiln-dried brick were made in Los Angeles in 1852 by 106 CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY Captain Jesse Hunter of the Mormon battalion, and used to build a house at the corner of Third and Main. In 1855 Mullaly, Porter and Aver started a brick yard and in 1858 manufactured 2,000,000 brick. It was known that a number of valuable clay beds existed and several brick yards utilized the clay ; but it was not until the nineties that the business assumed large proportions. With the steadily growing demand for building material, not only brick, but artificial stone, concrete blocks and many other forms of manufactured clay products for building purposes have been devised. Water pipe was first made at Santa Monica in 1877. The manufacture of water and sewer pipe is now a large business. There are eighteen or twenty establishments manufacturing brick, pipe, pottety, concrete, and so on and their annual production runs into the millions. An art tile factory has lately been established at Tropico. The first carriage in California. P>ancroft states, was purchased by Temple and Alexander of San Pedro in 1849, * ne price, including horses, being $1000. Its appearance created a sensation in Los Angeles. In 1853 Anderson and Mathews advertised as carriage makers, and soon afterward John Goller began business as a black smith and wagon maker. Warner says that his first wagon remained on hand a good while, the native people gazing on it with curiosity and dis trust and then going back to their carretas. A number of firms now turn out vehicles to the amount of DON ABEL STEARNS. $7 IO6. In 1851 the first flour mill was put up in Los Angeles; there had long been "el Molino " at San Gabriel. In 1855 Don Abel Stearns and Jonathan R. Scott built a brick flour mill. About the same time Henry Dalton had a flour mill on his Azusa rancho. The Eagle mills were built in Los Angeles in 1865 and destroyed by fire in 1874. There are now a number of flouring and grist mills in the county and their product for 1906 is given as $3,038,855. In 1857 James Woodworth started a broom factory ; in 1861 Perry and Woodworth established their planing mill and also manufactured beehives, furni ture, etc. In 1873 Barnard brothers built a woolen mill on Pearl street. At this time the annual wool clip was very large and for some years this mill made CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 107 blankets and woolen cloth ; but it seems never to have been very successful and at last shut down, while the mill was used for the first ice plant in the city. Within the last few years many new ventures in the way of manufactures have been made. In 1903 the model town of Dolgeville was established. Here felt is made and piano hammers and other articles for which felt is used. There are now several shoe factories in the county, one being located at San Pedro and one at Venice. The meat packing industry is one of the most important in the county, the product of packed meats, lard and by-products reaching $4,000,000. I.os Angeles does not claim pre-eminence as a manufacturing region, yet the last report of the state agricultural board lists her manufactured products as reaching a total of $20,000,000, which is not bad for a beginning. CHAPTER IV. TRANSPORTATION AND COMMKRCE. TRADING vessels had entered the port of San Pedro from the earliest his tory of California, and the port had been a busy place in the forties. In August, 1840, according to Henry Mellns, thirteen vessels touched at this port. In 1849 the first steamer, the Goldhunter, entered the port. The first steamer to make regular trips was the Ohio, which carried passengers to San Francisco, charging " $55 for cabin passage, the bill of fare consist ing of salt beef, hard bread, potatoes and coffee, without milk or sugar." Freight was $25 per ton. In 1872 the Pacific Mail Steamship Company put on its service, with passenger fare at $15 and freight $5 per ton. Before the building of the railroad in 1869 freight was hauled to the city by carts or wagons at the rate of $1.00 per hundredweight in the fifties. In 1852 Alexnnder & Banning put on the first stage, fare to the city $10; in 1867 J. J. Tomlinson established a rival stage line and Benjamin Hayes writes : " I vividly remember stand ing in front of the United States Hotel in 1868, one night of a steamer's arrival, and hearing the rival stages of Banning and Tomlinson come up Main street, racing to get in first, the horses on the gallop and in the darkness a man on each stage blowing a horn to warn people in the street to clear the track:" In 1855 fifty-nine vessels landed at San Pedro; in 1865 101 vessels touched at the port and in 1875 426 vessels entered ; in 1906 1700 vessels arrived bringing imports to the value of $15,000,000. In 1858 the port was changed from San Pedro to Wilmington, through the action of Col. Phineas Banning in building up that town. In 1871 the government, after several preliminary surveys, made GEN. PHINEAS BANNING. 108 CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY an appropriation and began improving the harbor. From that date to the present work has continued more or less intermittently, and a very large sum has been expended in carrying out the extensive plans for the improvement of the inner harbor and the construction of an outer harbor. We have seen the Californians galloping from San Diego to Monterey on their tough little horses, the best saddle horses in the world, all early visitors agree. Enroute they stopped at missions or ranches and received entertainment and found fresh horses furnished them at every stopping place. Or, if a party were traveling, it might be accompanied by two or three Indian servants, driving a band of horses which supplied fresh mounts each day. Their women, and their baggage or freight, were trans ported in carretas, the framework made of poles and hides and mounted on wooden wheels. The earliest mails were delivered more or less regularly by post riders. Even after the American occu pation Los Angeles had no regular mails and no stages for several years. In 1851, Gregory's Great Atlantic and Pacific Express arrived in Los Angeles, bringing the first direct overland mail to the town, forty-nine days from St. Louis. But one trip seems to have finished the Great Atlantic, etc. ; we hear no more of it. In 1852 a stage line was established between Los Angeles and the north, but it does not seem to have been main tained regularly until about 1857, when David Smith established a bi-monthly route via Visalia. In 1862 a reg ular tri-weekly stage ran from San Jose to Los Angeles. In the early fifties stages ran to San Bernardino, and Phineas Banning put on a regular stage between the city and San Pedro. In 1859 a weekly stage made trips to San Diego. In 1858 the Butterfield stage route was established. This carried the mails from St. Louis via the southern route through Los Angeles to San Francisco and gave the first regular overland mails ; the distance was 2880 miles and the shortest time made was twenty-one days. This service was a great advance over any previous one and was greatly appreciated; but in 1861 it was replaced by the pony express, which traveled the central route. In 1857 Wells Fargo opened an office in Los Angeles. For years this company did the banking of the country as well as the express business. MILITARY SADDLE OP DON ANDRES PICO. CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 109 In 1866 Banning & Co. put on a fast coach from Wilmington to Fort Yuma, giving a seventy-two-hour ride, which was considered a feat in those days. Tin' advertisement for this line reads : " Leave for Fort Yuma at 4 o'clock every Monday, passing through Los Angeles and San Bernardino. Returning, leave Fort Yuma every Sunday at 3 o'clock a.m." In 1867 a daily mail stage was maintained between Los Angeles and San Jose, then the terminus of the railroad. At the same time regular stage lines were operated between Los Angeles and Tucson, Arizona, and another line went to Prescott. As the central point for so many stage lines, and as the outfitting point for a large trade carried on by wagon trains, Los Angeles was not altogether dull in the days before the railroad came. In the fifties the trade with Salt Lake was established and for many years large quantities of freight were hauled to Salt Lake, to Arizona, and even as far north as Idaho and Montana. In March, 1859, the Shir reports 150 wagons leaving with goods to the amount of $180,000. This freighting business was of such importance and profit that when a railroad from San Pedro to Los Angeles was first proposed, there was decided opposition to it ; and the Southern Pacific met the same obstacle when it made its first pro posals in this section. A bill for a railroad between the port and the city was proposed in 1861, but although the county was granted permission to vote bonds for the road, nothing was done until 1867, when the question of granting the directors a subsidy of $150,000 from the county and $75,000 from the city was submitted to the people and was carried by a vote of 672 to 700 a close shave. The road was completed in 1869 and, despite the gloomy forebodings of many citizens, soon proved itself a valuable asset to the county. In 1872 the Southern Pacific was building its line southward through the San Joaquin valley ; two routes were surveyed, one through the Soledad pass and San Fernando valley to Los Angeles, with heavy grades and costly tunnels ; the other crossed the Mojave desert to Needles, a comparatively easy route. After much discussion and negotiation, the railroad company agreed to take the Los Angeles route, provided the county would vote bonds to the amount of $500,000, including its holding in the Los Angeles and San Pedro road. The railway company on its part agreed to construct fifty miles of track within the county inside of eighteen months and within two years should connect Los Angeles and Anaheim by rail and should carry its ntain trunk line on its way to connect with any southern transcontinental line, through Los Angeles valley. The company carried out its agreement and completed its line north to San Fernando and east to Spadra, the first train going over the road April 4, 1874. The construction of the San Fernando tunnel required more than a year and the cost is reported at two and a half millions. The connection between Los Angeles and San Francisco was made September 8th, 1876 a great day in the annals of this county. The Southern Pacific was completed to its eastern connection in March, 1881, thus 110 CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY giving a through southern route a consummation which had been talked of since the early fifties. The building of the Los Angeles and Independence road from Santa Monica to Los Angeles has been gone into in the Santa Monica history. It was fully believed at the time that this line would be continued to Independence and pos sibly to a connection with the Central Pacific in Utah. In 1884 the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley road was constructed to Pasadena, its opening being celebrated by an enthusiastic excursion party, September I7th, 1885. Later it was completed to the San Gabriel river and in 1887 taken over by the Santa Fe system. In 1879 representatives of a new corporation, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, which was building a transcontinental line, visited California and decided upon San Diego as the terminus and the Cajon pass as the gateway for their road. In 1885 the Santa Fe company purchased the Southern Pacific branch already built from Needles to Mojave and built the connection between Barstovv and San Bernardino, thus completing its line and giving Southern Cal ifornia a second transcontinental line. November 29th, 1885, its trains began running into Los Angeles, using the Southern Pacific tracks from Colton until the completion of its own line in 1887. The completion of the Santa Fe led to a rate war which was the first cause of the " boom " of 1886-7. At first the passenger rate from Chicago was dropped from $115 to $70, while freight rates were mercilessly slashed. On February 2ist, 1886, tickets between the coast and the Missouri river were sold for $25 ; March 6th the prices dropped to $20 from Chicago and $35 from New York. For a few hours on March 8th tickets were sold in Los Angeles by the Southern Pacific for a flat rate of $1.00 to Missouri river points. This was the culmination. Naturally, such an opportunity was seized by thousands of people who had hitherto never dreamed of seeing California ; and during the year thav rates were below the normal, the rush continued. At first the newcomers looked around and purchased improved property, at reasonable figures ; as the influx continued, prices rose and property in and about Los Angeles changed hands at figures which astonished old timers ; then the speculative fever seized old residents and new comers alike ; and professional boomers and real estate sharks helped to feed it. Townsites were laid out anywhere ; at first a business block, a hotel and water pipe and sidewalks were supplied ; later the bare ground staked off, was sold at the price of city lots. Advertising, auctions, bands and excursions helped the excitement and sold the property to people who confidently expected to make from fifty to five hundred per cent, on their deals as had been actually done in some cases. Many of the present thriving towns of this county were thus born and, having real merit in spite of the wild methods and hopes, they have survived their flimsy foundation. Such are Glendale, " Garvanzo ", " Ah- susah ", Glendora, Alhambra, University, and others. While the real estate CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 111 boom had, of course, a tremendous reaction anci there were many losses, there was also large gain. Substantial improvements were made as a result which greatly enhanced the value of property and prepared the way for a more solid advance. Many water companies organized during this time developed the water supply ; many orchards set out as a speculative venture, proved to be solid investments ; many buildings which were put up under the influence of inflated values, helped to create confidence and soon became fitted to the demand. At the height of the boom, in May, June and July, 1887, usually the dullest months in the year, the real estate sales in this county reached $35,067,830, for the three months. After this sales began to drop off. Yet during 1887-8 nearly $20,- 000,000 was expended in building. A large number of dummy, or narrow-guage roads were built during this period and many branches of the railway lines were completed. The cable system of Los Angeles was one result of the sudden ex pansion. In 1886 a narrow-gauge line was built between Los Angeles and Glendale and in 1887 another narrow-gauge road was built to Pasadena. This road, known as the " Cross " road, absorbed the Glendale branch. In 1890 the " Ter minal " Company, an organization of eastern capitalists, purchased the Cross roads and built a line to San Pedro. It was then believed that this was a move to secure terminal facilities at San Pedro for the Union Pacific ; but the plans for the completion of the line failed to materialize and it was not until 1900, when Senator W. A. Clark of Montana secured a controlling interest in the Ore gon Short Line, that active work began in carrying out the long-talked-of con nection between Los Angeles and Salt Lake. In 1906 the San Pedro and Salt Lake railway was completed, thus giving Southern California another transcon tinental line and opening up a new and rich territory tributary to Los Angeles. Los Angeles county now has nearly 700 miles of steam railway within her bor ders ; she has three transcontinental lines centering within her limits ; she has the fine harbor of San Pedro, beside ports at Port Los Angeles, Redondo and Long Ueach. She is thus fully equipped to hold her place as the distributing point for a very large territory and has at her command ample and easily reached markets for all of her surplus products. CHAPTER V. THE DAY OF THE TROLLEY. FROM the shrieking, log-wheeled, ox-drawn carretas, moving at the rate of two miles, or less, an hour to the broad gauge passenger coach, speeded by electric motive power at the rate of sixty miles an hour, is a transfor mation that some citizens of Los Angeles have seen. The changes in the business and social life of the people, in the building and the general aspect of the country are scarcely less amazing. The city of Los Angeles, which in 1880 had a pop ulation of n,ooo and was still for the most part made up of one-story adobes, has become a metropolitan, modern city, with a population of 250,000 and with twelve and fourteen story buildings equal to any in the United States. And the county has kept pace with the city. The assessment for 1880 for the county gave a total valuation of $18,593,773, while the assessment for 1907 was $375,719,358. In 1880 there were but three banks in the county, all in the city ; there are now about sixty banks doing business, nearly half of them in outside towns. In 1880 the county reported 192,000 bearing orange trees; the latest report of the State Board of Agriculture gives this county over 1,500,000 bear ing orange trees and over 3,000,000 bearing fruit trees of all varieties. These figures are but indications of the tremendous changes brought about in the past quarter of a century by the development of our natural resources, the exploita tion of our incomparable climate and the influx of eastern capital which has built up our railway systems. There can be no question that a large credit for our prosperity is due to our transportation facilities. The advance movement in the county began with the entry of the Souhern Pacific and Santa Fe roads ; during the boom years a number of " dummy " roads were built, connecting the city with Pasadena, Glendale, Hollywood and Norwalk, and a broad gauge road to Santa Monica. During these years the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific built many branch roads Pasadena, Santa Ana, and intermediate points ; Redondo ; Ballona and Santa Monica ; Long Beach, and Orange. Many new town sprang up along these lines and older places, like Downey, Compton, Florence, and a dozen other farming communities, took on a new aspect under the stimulus of the railroad. In 1874 the first street-car line in the city of Los Angeles was built, run ning down Spring street to Sixth. Horses, or more likely mules, were the motive power. A number of other horse-car lines followed and it was consid ered in those days that Los Angeles was very well provided for in the way of transportation. In 1884 the first cable line was built, out West Second street to Belmont hill. This did not prove a successful venture and was aban- CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 113 doned, as was an electric line attempted that same year, running out Pico street. During the boom a company was organized and plans were laid for a cable system which should give rapid transit to all parts of the city. Under the super vision of Col. J. C. Robinson, an experienced engineer, these plans were carried out and Tune 8th, 1889, the first division of the new service, the line starting at the Grand Avenue power house, now the postoffice, down Seventh and " Fort " streets to the Baker block, was put in operation. The Temple street, Boyle Heights and Downey avenue divisions followed. In 189^ the West Second street electric line was built and the first car went over it July 1st. This line over the heaviest grades in the city was looked upon with very serious doubts at first. But when its success was assured, develop ments were rapid. In 1892 the Pasadena and Mount Wilson Company was organized by T. S. C. Lowe, and this, at the time the most remarkable moun tain road in the world, was completed in 1893. In 1895 Messrs. Sherman and Clark built the electric line to Pasadena. This was the first inter-urban street-car line and it was freely predicted that " it would never pay. 1 ' Yet the next year the same gentlemen announced their intention of building an electric line to Santa Monica, and carried out their purpose. In 1895 the Traction Company entered the field and built their Uni versity line. But the trolley history of the county really began when the Cable Railway system was sold under foreclosure to the Electric Street Railway Company, in 1898, for $1,344,320. The company was at once reorganized and in 1901 H. E. Huntington was announced as its head. The extension of lines in the city since that date has gone steadily on. But the greatest work has been in the building of suburban lines. First the Pasadena line was extended to Altadena and the foot of the Mt. Lowe Incline ; lines were built to Alhambra and San Gabriel, to Hollywood and Glendale. Then Long Beach, San Pedro, Rcdondo, and Newport were reached. These lines were constructed by the Pacific Electric Company and the Los Angeles Pacific. Within the past two or three years, roads have been built to Whittier, Monrovia, Covina, and Santa Ana. In 1903 the Pacific Electric constructed its building in Los Angeles, which gives a central point for its suburban lines. A number of elaborate and costly power plants supply the motive power and a large number of sub-stations distribute it. The expenditure of the many millions of dollars necessary to build and maintain this network of railways has been no small factor in our general prosperity. The extension of these roads with their frequent and comfortable service caused an expansion of the beach towns. Long Beach, San Pedro, Redondo and Santa Monica experienced a sudden rise in values that recalled the days of '87. New beach settlements, Ocean Park, Venice, Playa del Rey, Manhat- 114 CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY tan, Hermosa, and half a dozen others were platted and put on the market. The quick transit brought new settlers to the beach ; it also brought crowds of pleasure seekers ; and at once new bathhouses and pavilions, hotels and piers were provided. It is probably safe to say that the population of our beach towns has been more than doubled during the past seven years. But the suburban lines have created many new settlements between the city and the beach. People who could never hope to own a home within the city have been able to purchase a lot or a tract outside of the city, and at the same time be within easy reach of their places of business, or of labor. Many handsome homes have been built along the electric lines and such residence districts as Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Hollywood, South Pasadena, Hunting- ton Park, and others, have shown that there is a demand for high class sub urban property. The electric lines also carry the mails, express and freight. So satisfac tory has their freight service proved that the older steam lines cannot compete with them.. They are now handling carload lots which are transferred direct to the steam lines. The fact that they can give a frequent service and stop wherever freight or express matter is to be handled has been of great benefit to the dairymen and small farmers. They are thus able to put their vegetables, berries and produce on the market with an ease and a promptness which adds largely to their profits. Los Angeles county increased in population at the rate of 67 per cent, be tween 1890 and 1900. And her progress in the present decade has been accel erated and will doubtless show an even greater gain in 1910. And we cannot question that there is a relation between the mileage of our electric railways, now about 700 miles in the county, and our growing population. CHAPTER VI. CITIES AND TOWNS. THE history of the city of Los Angeles is so closely interwoven with that of the county that the two can hardly be separated. Although Monterey was the capital most of the time during the early history of the country, Los Angeles had more inhabitants and was the center of a larger settled district. After the gold rush of the early fifties, San Francisco, Sacramento, and a number of northern towns exceeded Los Angeles in population ; but within the past three decades Los Angeles has steadily passed its rivals until now it is the second county and the second city in the state. During the past twenty-six years Los Angeles has made the most rapid, as well as the most constant, growth in population CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 115 of any important city in the United States, the population now being estimated at 300,000. There are now twenty-seven incorporated cities in the county, of which Pasadena, after Los Angeles, is the first in size. PASADENA. In August, 1873, a number of people, residents of Indiana, sent a committee to California to look over the country and select a tract for colonization, to be devoted to citrus and fruit culture. After traveling over Southern California these gentlemen decided upon a body of 4000 acres of the San Pasqual rancho. This grant had been made to Manuel Garfias in 1843 and was at this time owned by Dr. John S. Griffin and B. D. Wilson. The beautiful and highly improved ranches of L. J. Rose and Mr. Wilson, in this vicinity, showed what might be accomplished here. There were about fifty people in the original Indiana colony ; but many of these were unable to carry out their agreement and in consequence the purchase of the land was completed by a new organization, the Orange Grove Association. Each shareholder received a fifteen-acre tract while the balance of the land was held for the benefit of the company. In 1875 the name of Pasadena, meaning " Crown of the Valley ", taken from some Indian dialect, was adopted in place of " Indiana Colony." The original irrigation system of the Orange Grove Association was the first in California to distribute water under pressure, through iron pipe. The plan was such a radical change from the old system of earthen ditches and little wooden flumes that it was much commented upon and criticised; but it has since then been largely imitated. The settlers built homes and started a school, in 1874, in a private house. The first church, the Presbyterian, was built in 1875-6 at a cost of $4200. In March, 1880, Pasadena held a citrus fair which attracted many visitors and showed the quality of fruit that could be produced. At this time the town had a tri-wcekly stage and mail service. In 1882 the Pasadena Land and Water Company was formed and took over the rights and properties of the Orange Grove Association. The Lake Vineyard Company had been formed in 1874 and had purchased land adjoining that of the Orange Grove Company, secur ing their water rights from the heirs of B. D. Wilson. They had sold a con siderable area which was tinder irrigation and was known as the " east side ", while the settlement of the Indiana Colony was the " west side." A conflict grew out of the adjustment of the water rights of these two associations which, after a number of years of uncertainty, was settled by a compromise satisfactory to all. In 1884 the Los Angeles and San Gabriel road was built to Pasadena; in 1887 this became a part of the Santa Fe system. The Cross " dummy '' road reached the town in 1887, and the first street car line was built this year. The old Raymond hotel was built in 1886 and first drew the attention of the tourist 116 CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY world to the attractions offered by Pasadena and its environs. The burning of this hotel in 1895 was a severe blow. The town was incorporated in 1886. In 1901 it adopted a freeholder's charter. It is known as one of the best governed and most orderly towns of the country ; while its municipal improvements are unexcelled. In Throop College, established in 1894, it has the only strictly technical school in Southern California. Pasadena is a city of beautiful homes and magnificent hotels. It is now a mecca for the wealthy easterner who wishes to escape winter severities. The perfection of the trolley lines enables its people to do business in Los Angeles and has practically given the smaller city all the advantages of the larger place while still maintaining her own restful distinctiveness. LONG BEACH. The town of Long Beach was started about 1882 and had, at first, a very gradual growth. It was first known as a summer resort for those wishing a quiet, orderly place. Its fine beach gave it a strong attraction. For many years the Methodists held their annual campmeeting here. The Chautauqua Associa tion adopted it as their center, also, and a large pavilion to accommodate their summer assemblies was erected about 1890. The town has always been a " no license '' place and still remains so. It was incorporated in 1888 and disincor porated in 1896. The following year it was reincorporated and in 1907 adopted a freeholder's charter. In 1900 it had a population of 2252; in 1906 when the census was taken for the charter election, the population' was 12,591, and 15,000 is now claimed. The town has taken on new life since the completion of the trolley line and has made a record for building and improvements of every character. An inland harbor is being constructed here and a large shipping plant is in course of construction. With the completion of these improvements Long Beach will become an important shipping center. POMONA. In 1874 the Los Angeles Land and Water Company, of which Thomas A. Garey, C. E. White, L. M. Holt, Milton Thomas, R. M. Town and H. G. Crow were members, purchased from J. S. Philips, a tract of land which had been a part of the San Jose grant, made to Jose Palomares. The company secured water rights from the Palomares heirs and also put down four artesian wells from which a considerable flow was obtained. A town site was laid out and the land surrounding it was divided into tracts. In February, 1876. an auction sale of these lots was held which resulted in disposing of $19,000 worth of land a surprising feat for that time. A number of houses were built and orchards set out and a little town grew up. In 1877 a fire almost destroyed the settlement and for some time the place did not recover itself. CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 117 The Southern Pacific reached the town in 1876. In 1882 the Pomona Land and \Yuter Company was formed and by vigorous action placed the irrigation system upon a sounder basis and secured an increased supply of water. Like all Southern California towns, Pomona experienced rapid growth during the years of 1886-1887, and many new buildings were put up at that time. A handsome hotel, the Palomares, was built ; banks, school houses and street improvements added. The town was incorporated in 1888. Claremont was started in 1887, its chief inducement for the prospective buyer being a very handsome " boom " hotel. This was later made the seat of Claremont College, one of thy largest preparatory schools in this part of the state. The town is practically a part of Pomona. In 1889 the beautiful statue of Pomona was presented to the city by one of her pione< r residents, Rev. C. F. Loop. Pomona is the center of a very rich farming section and of the finest citrus orchards in the country. Its shipments of fruit, both fresh and canned or dried, is very large. WHITTIER. About 1887 a colony of Friends from Indiana located on a tract of the Paso de Bartolo rancho, near Ranchita, as the ranch house of Pio Pico was known. The settlers at first devoted themselves almost exclusively to citrus culture and the little village prospered as its orchards came into bearing. About 1890 it was chosen as the site of the State Industrial Home, for the accommodation of which buildings to the value of nearly a million dollars have been erected. About 1895 the Whittier oil fields were developed and since that date a very large amount of high-grade oil has been annually pro duced by this section. It is estimated that the product for the last year brought $1,000,000 into the community. In 1898 the town was incorporated. In 1900 the census gave it a population of 1,590, but it has grown very rapidly, especially since the completion of the electric line and there are now between five and six thousand inhabitants. A Friends' college, with an endowment of 150,000, is maintained. MONROVIA. In 1886 \Y. X. Monroe laid out the townsite of Monrovia. Its beautiful location in the foothills of the Santa Anita rancho, attracted a number of wealthy families who built handsome homes. A large number of orange groves were set out ; water was procured from Sawpit Canyon, and the town grew rapidly during the boom years. It was incorporated December I2th, 1887. Like all Los Angeles county towns it has taken on a new lease of life within the past few years. The completion of the electric line to the place in 1906 gave an added impetus to its growth. It now claims 4,000 inhabitants. 118 CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY SAN PEDRO. In 1849 but a single building stood upon the bluff, known as Timm's landing. About this point a little settlement grew up in the early fifties ; a wharf was built and a warehouse and some stores and residences followed. But in 1858 General Phineas Banning, who handled most of the stage and freight- TIMM'S LANDING. ing business from the port, started a new town some six miles to the north and for a time the first town languished. However, after the building of the railroad in 1869, the old settlement revived. In 1888 the town was incorporated. The completion of the Terminal road and the extension of the Southern Pacific service gave improved facilities. The vast sums of money expended by the government in improving the harbor have also been of great benefit in building up the town of San Pedro. It is now the most important port in California. after San Francisco, and the volume of business carried on through the place is constantly increasing. Since the building of an electric line in 1905, a large addition to the business has been made and many public improvements have been undertaken. WILMINGTON. In 1858 Phineas Banning, J. G. Downey and B. D. Wilson purchased a tract of land and laid out the town of " New San Pedro." A wharf and ware house was built here and all the business of the Banning Company was trans ferred to this point. A reservation was donated to the government for barracks. Here Drum Barracks was built, and from the beginning of the civil war until 1865 or later, large numbers of troops passed through this port and were garrisoned here. It was the miltary headquarters, at that time, for this section and Arizona. CONDENSED HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 119 In 1863 the name was changed by act of the legislature to Wilmington and in 1874 the government changed the name of the port to Wilmington, which is still the official title of the harbor. In 1864 General Banning established the ll'iliniiigton Journal, the first paper in the county outside of Los Angeles. It was a well put up and newsy sheet. As the starting point for stages for Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Arizona points, Wilmington was a lively place during the later sixties. In 1873 Wilson College, endowed by B. D. Wilson, was opened and for a number of years prospered, under the Rev. Dr. Campbell. The building was 'a large two-story house, which accommodated a number of boarding pupils. The rebuilding of " Old San Pedro " took away the prestige of Wilmington. The. town which had been incorporated in 1872, repealed its incorporation in 1887 and remained a village until 1905, when it was reincorporated as a city of the sixth class. The improvement of the harbor has greatly benefited Wilmington and a large amount of shipping business is now clone at its wharves. REDONDO. The town of Redondo was started in 1887, by a company which built a very large and handsome hotel and also supplied a wharf. The Santa Fe, after making an attempt to secure suitable terminal facilities at Ballona Port, determined upon Redondo as a harbor and entered the town with its railroad in 1888. The town was incorporated in 1892. It was Breached by an electric line in 1904 and now has two electric lines connecting it with the city. The Pacific Light and Power plant, one of the largest in the L^nited States, is located here. A large amount of freight is handled, especially lumber from the coastwise steamers. OTHER TOWNS. Other incorporated towns not mentioned are Alhambra, Arcadia, Azusa, Claremont, Compton, Covina, Glendale, Hermosa Beach, Hollywood, Hunt- ington Park, Sierra Madre, Vernon and Watts. Many of these have grown up within the past four or five years, a number of them, as Claremont, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Park, Sierra Madre and Watts have been incorporated within the past year. HON. JOHN P. JONES. History of Santa Monica Bay Cities. CHAPTER I. SANTA MONICA BAY REGION. THE BAY OF SAXTA MONICA extends along the coast from Point Vicente, latitude 33 40' to Point Dume. latitude 34 a distance of seven teen miles, north by west. The coast line of the bay makes an inward sweep which is some ten miles deep at its extreme point, in the neighborhood of Port Los Angeles, and includes an area of 25,000 miles. The waters of this bay are, ordinarily, quiet since the force of the waves is broken by the seaward islands and the deep, recessed position of the shore line. The depth of the water increases from the beach outward with an easy and gradual slope for several miles. The shore line is most varied. At its northern extremity, Point Dume rises, domelike, to a height of 200 feet, and back of it the Santa Monica range rises abruptly almost from the waters of the shore to a height of 2,000 feet and forms the northern border of the bay. Gradually the slope falls into the palisades and sinks to the sand dunes and the Ballona lagoon, then rises again into low hills along the southern rim. Back from the palisades sweep the gently rising plateaus of the San Vicente and San Jose de Buenos Ayres ranches. Southward extend the cienegas and pastures of the Ballona creek district and the low, rolling ranges of the Sausal Redondo and San Pedro region. The Santa Monica Bay territory thus includes a large variety of scenery, a most varied topography and a wide range of resources. Its mountains fur nish an invaluable water supply ; the greater part of its lower lands are readily supplied with water from wells, while a considerable portion of the region needs no irrigation and includes some of the most valuable farming land in Los An- geles county. The distinctive topography of this district accounts for a climate which is incomparable, since it has all the advantages of both coast and inland the freshness of the ocean air, with the freedom from harsh winds, of the interior. 122 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIFS DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION. The first explorer of the California coast, Cabrillo, after spending six days in San Diego Harbor, which he named San Miguel, sailed along "a mountainous coast, overhung with smoke," landed at Catalina to which he gave the name of Victoria, then anchored in a bay which he called "Bahia de Fumos'' (Bay of smoke), San Pedro Bay and, on October 9, 1542 he dropped anchor in an "ensanada" or bight which is generally granted to have been Santa Monica Bay. At just what point he anchored is not known, but undoubtedly Cabrillo was the first European to observe the palisades, the fair fields and gentle rolling hills that mark this coast. After this brief visit there is no record of vessel or visitor to this region for more than two hundred years. ARCH-ROCK. DISINTEGRATED AND FELL 1906. The waters of the bay were sometimes disturbed by the rude boats of the Santa Barbara Channel and Island Indians ; the valleys adjacent to the coast and the Santa Monica mountains were the homes of a people who have long since disappeared and of whose existence we know only by the occasional un covering of skeletons and relics. Several caves and mounds containing cur ious collections of implements, weapons and bones have been found on the Malibu ranch at various times. These Indians roamed over the plains and through the cienegas, killing rabbits and small game and gathering acorns and grasses, roots and berries. They also fished along the shore, mostly with nets, and gathered shells their most prized possession. It is said that these shells were particularly abundant along the shore where Ocean Park and Venice now HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 123- stand and that th<- Indians from the interior and from Catalina used to visit this spot to secure shells which took the place of money with them. Vizcaino describes the Indians seen along the coast of California during his explorations early in the seventeenth century as of good form and of active character, the men wearing a short cloak made of rabbit or deer skins, htavily fringed, the more industrious having their garments embroidered with shells. He describes a rancheria seen along the shore in this vicinity as composed of about twenty houses made of rushes over a frame of poles driven into the ground. These were very like the brush ramadas still constructed by the Indians of California. Bancroft states that the Indians of Los Angeles county ate coyotes, skunks, wildcats and all sorts of small animals. They would not eat bear meat or the flesh of large game for superstitious reasons. They were poor hunters having no effective weapons, and hunted deer by hiding themselves under a skin with the head and horns intact, until they were within bowshot. They made fishhooks, needles and other small articles of bone and shell, ground their acorns and seeds in a metate, or stone mill, and constructed wooden boats or tule rafts for their fishing expeditions, using seines made of tough bark. THE NAM ic. The Indians were the only occupants of the coast for some time after the beginnings of settlement had been made at San Gabriel and Los Angeles. It is claimed that the party of Captain de Portala, which made the first overland expedition through California in 1769 in search of the Bay of Monterey, passed through a canada near the present location of the Soldier's Home and paused under a group of sycamores while Fathers Crespi and Gomez, the priests ac companying the expedition, said mass. A very old sycamore tree is pointed out as the one where the service was performed and is still looked upon with veneration. \\"e have no authentic account of how the name Santa Monica came to be applied ; but the old Spanish settlers have a legend of its origin which may be true. The story is that a couple of Spanish soldiers were given a furlough to explore the region about the new ."pueblo de Los Angeles." They came one day to a couple of clear bubbling springs near the ocean. After drinking, they threw themselves upon the ground between the springs to rest. As they lay there on the gently sloping hillside, overlooking the wide, green plains and the ocean, one of them asked, "And what shall we call this spot, brother?" And the other, turning from one glistening pool to the other, answered: "\Ye will call it Santa Monica, for the springs resemble the tears of the good Santa Monica shed for her erring son." The legend of Santa Monica is one of the most beautiful connected with the saints. According to tradition the holy woman was born in Africa about 332 A. D. She was brought up so strictly that she was not allowed even a 124 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES drink of water between meals and was early married to Patricius, a gentleman of hot and hasty temper. She had two sons and one of them Augustine, to the great grief of his mother, would not yield to her teachings and be baptized into the church. Instead, he was carried away by heresy and entered upon an immoral life. The mother spent much of her time in praying for and weeping over the wayward son. For many years she sorrowed and once, in her despair, she went to a good bishop and related her woes. " Wait," the bishop told her, " and keep on praying. The child of so many tears cannot perish." At last the son fell ill and came near death. He recovered, however, in answer to his mother's prayers and this so softened his heart that at last he saw the error of his ways and became a devout believer, finally becoming the great Saint Augustine. Whether we accept this legend or not, the bay and the region were certainly named for the good Santa Monica, whose day in the calendar was May 4th. The name does not seem to appear upon record until the petition for the grant known as San Vincente y Santa Monica was made by Don Francisco Sepulveda and Augustin Machado in 1827. The springs mentioned in the legend, later known as San Vincente springs were included in this grant. SETTLEMENT. What is commonly known as the Santa Monica Bay region includes por tions of four land grants, Malibu extending twenty-two miles along the coast to the north ; Boca de Santa Monica, including the mouth of Santa Monica Canyon ; San Vicente y Santa Monica, which had an ocean frontage of a mile and a half and extended back four miles from the coast, covering an area of about 40,000 acres ; and La Ballona rancho, with an ocean frontage of four miles. For nearly three quarters of a century after the first settlement was made on the Malibu tract in 1804, or possibly earlier, this entire region was given over to grazing herds of cattle and sheep and to grain raising, on a small scale. The haciendas of the grant owners were each a little community in itself and the simple, pastoral life of the Spanish occupation lingered, to an unusual degree until the final breaking up of these ranchos, during the past twenty-five years. Bill life in those slow-moving days, while not as strenuous as in our day of perpetual rush and change, had its occupations, its interests and its amuse ments. Most of these rancheros were also residents of Los Angeles and took an active part in municipal and territorial affairs. At their country homes they were surrounded by a large retinue of relations, retainers and servants, the latter mostly Indians. All of these were under the protection and command of the head of the house and all were fed, clothed, and provided for. The number of people about his place was a matter of pride with the ranchero. HISTORY OF SANTA .MONICA BAY CITIES 125 And the days on one of these large stock ranges were not all "siesta" by any means. Herds and flocks must be guarded from thieves and the ravages of wild beasts ; they must be shifted from plain to valley, from coast to moun tain-side, as the season demanded. There were rodeos, the annual rounding-up of stock, to attend and sometimes a large cattle owner must be present at several of these affairs in order to secure all of his stock. The rnatanza, or slaughter ing, was a busy season requiring careful selection of animals and good judg ment in bargaining with the traders of the hide droghers ; sheep-shearing was another period of arduous labor ; the tanning of hides, the rendering of tallow and the harvesting of grain all demand due attention. There were dry seasons when losses were heavy, and cold, wet years which were disastrous to cattle and i->peeiaily sheep. The greater part of the necessary supplies were raised upon the rancho, but yearly the hides and tallow were traded with the sailing vessels that put into San Pedro, for such supplies and luxuries as were brought from the Orient, or from Boston. Certainly the life of those years was not without its interests. The instability of political affairs the constaint bickering and jealously of Monterey and Santa Barbara on the one hand, and Los Angeles and San Diego, on the other ; the frequently changing and very uncertain orders and officials sent from Mexico, all of these afforded pretty steady excitement in Los Angeles. And Los Angeles seems never to have been a really dull place even in its sleepiest days. There was generally something doing if it was only a murder before breakfast. For amusements there were balls and weddings, horse races and bull fights and the various fiestas of the church. The ranches near the coast were not as exposed to depredations from the dreaded "desert" Indians as were the more interior locations, but there are still traditions of lively scraps with bands of thieving Indians on the Malibu and the San Vicente, and there is at least one " encino del Indias " located on the palisades where an Indian horse thief was hanged without legal preliminaries. TOPANGA MALIBU. The first land grant in this vicinity was that known as Topanga Malibu made in 1805 to Don Jose Bartolemeo Tapia. A deed executed in 1845 anc ^ recorded in the county records states that July 12, 1805, the "Governor o\ Loreto," then Governor of California decreed that certain " pasajes " which are called Malibu, Topango, Sottome, Simi and Sequit, be granted to Jose Bartolemeo Tapia. This deed further states that April 18, 1824, the property passed into hands of Seiior Tapia's heirs, Tomaso, Fernando, Juan Antonio and Tiburcio Tapia. The property is described as bounded on the north by the " Sierra Mayor, on the south, F,l Mar Oceano Pacifico; the east by Rancho Santa Monica and the west by el Rio de San Buena Ventura." In 1848 it passed into the pos- 126 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES session of Maria Villeboso and Victor Leon Pruclliomme for " cuatro cientos pesos " four hundred dollars. The Malibu grant, with its almost impassable mountain ranges, extending; into the very ocean, its inacessible canyons, its hidden mesas and wildernesses, has always been a land of mystery and many romantic stories of smuggling, of buried treasure, of robbery and murder have been connected with it. The first grantee, Jose B. Tapia, must have stocked the place, as he willed it with its "ganado" or cattle, to his heirs. His son Tiburcio occupied the place, probably during the twenties and thirties and it is said buried a couple of chests of his abounding coin somewhere on the ranch. Tiburcio Tapia was one of the most interesting char acters of earlier Los Angeles history. Born in San Luis Obispo, w here his father was then act ing as Alcalde, in 1789, he became a soldier. In 1824. he was a corporal of the guard at Purisima at the time of an In dian uprising which threatened the mas sacre of the entire Spanish population. With four or five men, Tapia defended the families and the padres during the night and only surrendered when the powder gave out. It is said that the rebels offered to spare Tapia, if he would give up his arms, but he declined the pro position. Soon after this he must have removed to Los Angeles, where he was one of the earliest merchants. Alfred Robinson says of him, "We stopped at the house of Don Tiburcio Tapia, the Alcalde Constitutional (Constitutional Judge) of the city, who was once a common soldier but who, by honest and industrious labor has amassed so much of this world's goods as to make him one of the wealthiest inhabitants of the place. His strict integrity gave him credit to any amount with the trading vessels, so that he was the principal merchant and the only native one in "el Pueblo cle Los Angeles." Don Tiburcio filled many positions of trust. In 1827, which must have been soon after his location in Los Angeles, he was chosen with Juan Bandini, Romualdo Pacheco and four other prominent citizens to act as vocale or member to represent the southern district in the territorial diputacion which convened TOPANGA. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 127 at Monterey, the legislative body of that time. Don Tiburcio was mack a mem ber of the committee on police regulations, which must have been one of the most important subjects under consideration in those days. His record makes it appear that Serior Tapia was something of a politician, or so it would seem now-a-days ; but we are assured that in the early days of Los Angeles the office had to seek the man and sometimes went begging for an occupant, so we must put Senor Tapia down as one of the most self-sacrificing and public spirited citizens Los Angeles ever had. He was re-elected vocale twice. In 1831 he was alcalde (mayor) of Los Angeles; in 1833 he was "sindico," recorder; in 1835 "encargado cle Indians"; 1836, alcalde second alcalde it took two mayors to keep things moving; In 1839 he was alcalde again and was also confirmed in the grant of the Cucamonga Rancho by governor Alvarado. In 1840 he was one of the five substitute judges elected by the junta, or superior court. In 1844 he again served the city as alcalde. He must have been a busy man, as the leading merchant of the town and as one of the owners of the Topanga Malibu and, at the same time he was making extensive improvements on the Cucamonga Rancho, where he built a residence. It is said that as rumors of American designs upon California be came rife, Don Tiburcio became alarmed for his store of coin, which was un usually large for that period. He is said to have carried much of it to Cucamongo and buried it, and there are also stories of other chests of it hidden on the Malibu. Whatever treasures of silver and gold he may have stowed away, did him no good, for he died suddenly in 1845 ar >d it seems to have been lost to his family. He left one daughter, Maria Merced, who later married Leon V". Prudhomme, one of the early French settlers of Los Angeles, and who is still living in that city. An interesting tale of an early smuggling episode is also related to Malibu history. According to Bancroft, in 1819, a couple of American vessels, strongly suspected of smuggling intentions, were cruising along the coist of Southern California. One of these ships was signalled off the coast of the Malibu and induced to make a landing. Two men, Antonio Briones, who is stated to have been a claimant for the Malibu grant at one time, and Maximo Alanis, who was later the grantee of the Buenos Ayres Rancho, induced the smugglers to land their goods, then seized the sailors and declared that they would turn them over to the authorities unless a ransom of $1000 was paid to them. As their captors had conclusive evidence, the captain was about to pay over his thousand dollars, when one of the guard " celebrated " too soon and in his happy oblivion allowed the prisoners to escape. The booty, however, remained in the hands of Briones and Alanis, who decided to say nothing to the authorities about the little matter and keep the goods to recoup themselves for the ransom money they had lost. But the officials of that day seem to have had their eyes open 128 'HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES and in some way discovered the mysterious doings on the Malibu coast. Briones and Alanis were arrested, the goods confiscated and these brilliant " promoters " of 1819 were imprisoned for six months in chains. It is to be hoped that somebody finally paid the duty on the consignment. In later years the Malibu was the favorite rendezvous of an extensive band of horse and cattle thieves. The early records of Los Angeles county contain many accounts of exciting chases and arrests made in the fastnesses of the Malibu, or Malaga, region. Don Tiburcio Tapia seems to have been a remarkable exception in his family, for the name Tapia appears almost as frequently in the criminal records as did Don Tibur- cio's in the political records of an earlier day. In the early sixties, the Malibu grant passed through tax sale into the hands of Mathew Keller, A-sr-j better known in those days as " Don Mateo." Mr. ^^^(StJL^ Keller was born in Ireland and came to America at ^1 an early date. After living in Mexico for a time, he came to California and located in Los Angeles about 1850, becoming one of its best known and most prominent citizens. He was one of the first to engage in wine-making and to plant out an exten sive vineyard, for which he imported stock from France. He devoted a great deal of attention DON MATED KELLER. to the cultivation of the grape and was also in terested in the early experiments in raising cot- ion. At one time he had a complete ginning outfit set up in Los Angeles and offered its use to any one who would raise cotton. He made a thor ough study of the process of making wine of different varieties and manu factured it in large quantities. He established houses in Los Angeles and San Francisco and was instrumental in introducing California wines in the east on a large scale, having extensive connections in New York for the hand ling of his 'own manufacture. He put up a large ranch house on the Malibu and made improvements there and when he died in 1881 he left the grant to his son, Henry \V. Keller, formerly of Santa Monica, who sold it in 1891 to the late Frederick H. Rindge. FREDERICK HASTINGS RINDGE was born in Cambridge, Mass., December 21 st, 1857. He was a descendant of the Puritan stock which has furnished so large a portion of the best blood and ablest brains of our country. Among his ancestors were Daniel Rindge, who commanded the Ipswich troops in the campaign which destroyed King Philip, of the Naragansett ; Samuel Baker, one of the minute men who marched to the relief of Lexingtotn in 1775, and Daniel Harrington, a resident of Lexington who served through the Revolu- FREDERICK HASTINGS RINDGE HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 129 tionary war with distinction, retiring with the rank of captain. His father, Samuel Baker Rinclge was a merchant of very large estate, which he used most wisely. His mother, Clarissa Harrington, was a woman of fine character. Frederick- Rindge was the only surviving child of his parents and was left in a weakened state by an attack of scarlet fever in his childhood. His education was conducted with especial care and while still a youth he traveled extensively, visiting California in 1870 and during 1871-2 visiting many places of interest in Europe. He completed his preparation for college under Dr. James Laurence Laughlin and entered Harvard in 1875. Owing to illness, he was forced to leave college in his last year; but several years later he was given his degree. Soon after leaving college he succeeded to his father's estate, and at once entered upon an active business career which proved him to possess unusal qualities of good judgment and executive ability; although his character and tastes were strongly inclined to a studious life. He visited California again in 1880, in search of health, and returned to New England with renewed strength. For a number of years he devoted him self to the management of his large commercial interests in Massachusetts. As a testimonial of his love for his birthplace, he erected and presented to the city of Cambridge a city hall and, later, built for the city a beautiful public library building. He established there, and for ten years maintained, the Rindge Manual Training School for boys the first manual training school in the state. On May 27, 1887, he was married to Miss Rhoda May Knight, of Trenton, Michigan, daughter of James and Rhoda Lathrop Knight. They were the par ents of three children, Samuel Knight, Frederick Hastings and Rhoda Agatha. In 1887, he came to California to make his permanent home. He soon settled upon Southern California as his place of residence. In January, 1891, he purchased property on Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica and at once built a handsome residence. This home was occupied by the family, in conjunction with the ranch house on the Topanga Malibu until they removed to Los Angeles in 1903. In 1891 Mr. Rinclge purchased the property commonly known as the Malibu ranch, a Spanish land grant originally made to Jose B. Tapia in 1804, and later belonging to Don Mateo Keller. The original property extended along the coast northwesterly from Las Flores canyon for twenty miles. To this Mr. Rindge added other tracts until he owned a strip of land extending along the sea coast for twenty-four miles. Beautiful "pasages" or valleys ; fertile mesas, stretches of magnificent beach, lofty peaks and ridges, gave a wonderful variety of scenery and climate to this rancho. Mysterious caves, almost inaceesible can yons, groves of ancient oak and sycamore lent romance and charm. It is not strange that Mr. Rindge, with his poetical tendency of thought and spiritual 130 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES trend of mind, found here his ideal home and loved this historical rancho not as property but as a divine inheritance. He built here a home that was per fect in its adaptation to the environment and he spent here some of his happiest hours. His book, "Happy Days in Southern California" is largely a tribute to his life upon the Malibu, although it deals with other aspects of California life also. But while he sought rest and inspiration in the seclusion of his ranch home, Mr. Rindge never shut himself out from active participation in business and public affairs. During the years of his residence in this state, from 1888 to 1905, probably no other man was ever connected with so many and such large and varied interests. His investments were made not only with a view to the increase of his own wealth but, very largely, for the purpose of develop ing the resources of this country and thus giving opportunity to men of lesser means. For this reason he was a moving factor in a large number of companies organized to develop water and reclaim land, and in various other enterprises. Among the most important of thes<\ was the Conservative Life Insurance Com pany, of which he was president. Mr. Rindge, believing that a man should make his gifts while living, was a man of large yet unostentatious benevolences. He gave liberally to the Methodist church of which he was long a consistent member, being of a deeply religious nature. He aided many institutions, both in California and in New England, and lent a helping hand to many individuals. He was discriminating in his charities as a man of such great wealth must be if he is to be a power for good rather than for evil. While living in Santa Monica, Mr. Rindge closely associated himself with the life of the community. In 1895 he offered to erect and donate a church building to the Methodist society, provided the church would support a pastor and pay all incidental expenses. In consequence, a neat and commodious church, still in use, was built at a cost of $15,000 and dedicated before the end of the year. He took an active personal interest in the campaign which was made by the advocates of temperance and by the better class of business men to rid the town of saloons, speaking at the meetings and offering to indemnify the city treasury for the loss of revenue derived from the saloon licenses. Accord ingly, after the "anti-saloon" party carried the election, he presented his check for $2,500 to Mr. Robert F. Jones, then mayor of Santa Monica. He served for several years upon the school board of the town, was president of the Good Government League, and was a member of various local organizations. In 1903 the ranch house on the Malibu, with all its furnishings, including a part of Mr. Rindge's fine library, was destroyed by fire. About this time the family removed to Los Angeles where Mr. Rindge had erected a handsome house on Harvard Boulevard, in a section of the city he had helped to develop. On locating in Los Angeles, he identified himself with the Westlake M. E. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 131 church, to which he contributed liberally. He was also deeply interested in the Young Men's Christian Association, being an active member and aiding largely in lifting the debt which for many years hung over the Los Angeles association. He was one of the originators of the Ocean Park Y. M. C. A. Company, which started the town of Ocean Park. As a relaxation from his many cares, Mr. Rindge gave much attention to scientific research and the study of the early history of America and of California. He was a member of the New England Historical and Geneaological Society and of the Archaeological Institute of America. His collection of coins and of aboriginal arts was of such value that he was induced to place them in the loan exhibit of the Peabody Museum, at Harvard College, and also in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. He gathered a large amount of material bearing on Pacific coast archaeology and his collection of memorials of California history was unequalled among private collections. In acknowledgement of the honor conferred upon him through his fore bears, he became a member of the Society of Colonial Wars and also of the Sons of the Revolution. He was president of the Harvard Club of Los Angeles, troin the time of its formation until his death. The death of Mr. Rindge, which occurred August 2gth, 1905, was in one sense, untimely. He was a comparatively young man and was in the midst of an active and useful life. Yet his existence had been a long struggle with weakness and his spirit was full-grown. Death may come at any time to such a man and we cannot say that it is premature. To his family, to his friends all over the United States, to the public generally, his departure meant a great loss and a great grief. But to himself it was only a passing on to a higher life. It was well said of his career : "Asa business man, as a church leader, as a Y. M. C. A. president, as a consistent worker for the development of the city and the state, Mr. Rindge made himself so useful that no othei man can take his place. He was a rich man ; but he employed his wealth for the greatest good of the greatest number not in selfish pleasure nor for personal aggrandizement. He was a man of strong religious convictions; but the grace of humility and a broad understanding prevented his religion from degenerat ing into religiosity. A staunch, steadfast, unassuming man, with all of his millions, those who differed from him in opinion could admire his fidelity to his ideals ; and those not blessed with money could be glad that such a fortune was entrusted to worthy hands." Knowing intimately the affairs and purposes of her husband, Mrs. Rindge, as executrix of the estate, is carrying forward with a steady hand the large enterprises which her husband had undertaken. 132 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES SAN VICENTE Y SANTA MONICA. It is probable that the rich grazing lands in the vicinity of Santa Monica were utilized early after the establishment of " el Pueblo de Los Angeles," for the herds of the settlers and of the missions multiplied with amazing rapidity and by 1800 the grazing land in the immediate vicinity of Los Angeles and San Gabriel was overstocked. After the granting of the Malibu, however, we have no record of settlement in this neighborhood until 1827 when Francisco Sepulveda and Augustin Machaclo, settlers of Los Angeles, petitioned for a tract of land. According to the testimony of Jose Antonio Carrillo, who was alcalde in 1828, he received an order from "the Hon. Jose Maria Echandia, a Political Chief, issued by virtue of a petition of several citizens, requesting to be placed in provisional possession of the com mon lands of the city held by them." Amongst these, he gave possession to Francisco Sepulveda of the lands known as San Vicente, with a piece of pasture (potrero) named Santa Monica. "The order of Gov. Echandia only had reference to parties who owned one hundred and fifty head of cattle, and as Sepulveda came within this con dition it was especially commanded to give him this land, with the adjoining potrero of Santa Monica." But the boundaries of the lands thus given possession of were not defined and there was soon dispute as to the territory included. December 2Oth, 1839, a title was issued to the rancho called San Vicente and Santa Monica, in favor of Don Francisco Sepulveda, "with the con dition of abiding whatever actions should be had thereon, in case such land may be comprised within the limits of the City of Los Angeles." This grant was made by Governor Alvarado ; but it still did not settle the question of boundary which was disputed on all sides. In 1840 Sepulveda petitioned the governor to place him in " pacific possession of the property, as Francisco Marquez and Ysidro Reyes have given a bad example of disobedience and that under the strength of discordant documents they remain in possession of the place called Santa Monica." In 1846 Governor Pico confirmed Sepulveda's grant, but as Marquez and Reyes also had a grant to the " potrero " of Santa Monica, the dispute over the boundaries continued and was not settled until the question came into the United States courts and after long litigation was decided. The San Vicente y Santa Monica grant was finally confirmed July 23rd, 1881, to include 30,259 acres instead of the 58,409 acres originally claimed. JOSE DOLORES SEPULVEDA. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 133 Aside from the question of boundaries, there has been much litigation over the possession of the San Vicente lands. On the death of Don Francisco, the property was left to his wife and children, and several lawsuits were necessary in the family before the lands were satisfactorily divided. Don Francisco Sepulveda, the original grantee, with two brothers, were among the earliest settlers of California. He was first a soldier in San Diego, but in 1815 was a citizen of Los Angeles, cultivating pueblo lands. The Sepulveda family has played an important part in the history of Southern California and is connected with many of the best families of today. Don Francisco had a large family. One of his sons, Don Jose, was grantee of the San Joaquin rancho and took a leading part in early local and political affairs. He was the father of Judge Ygnacio Sepulveda and Mrs. Thomas Moct. Don Francisco built a ranch house near the San Vicente springs in 1837. Here he set out vineyards and orchards and at least three of his sons resided with him or built houses near by. These were Juan Maria, Carmel and Do lores. Traces of these buildings can still be seen, although the original ranch houses have all disappeared. The last home of Dolores Sepulveda, built in 1863, an adobe house well preserved and very typical of the ranch house of early days, still stands. At one end is a very old walnut tree and back of it stand the twin sycamores which have long been a landmark. Don Francisco also had a home in Los Angeles and was frequently con cerned in municipal affairs. In 1824 he was " regidor " or recorder, of the pueblo ; later he was alcalde and on the secularization of the missions, he was made administrator of San Juan Capistrano. In 1831 he was one of the victims of Governor Victoria's arbitrary orders and with Tomas Talmantes, Jose Maria Avila, Maximo Alanis, Demisio Dominguez and Jose Aguilar, was imprisoned for supposed implication in the removal of the presiding alcalde, Vicente Sanchez, whom the citizens of Los Angeles had removed from office, because of alleged incompetence to hold the position, and whom they refused to restore to the alcaldeship when Victoria so ordered. The Sepulveda family were given to horse racing, as appears from various SAX VICENTE RANCH HOUiSE. G. WILEY WELLS. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 135 records. There seems to have been bitter rivalry between the Sepulvedas and the Picos, in the matter of horses. In 1840, according to Bancroft, a horse race took place between animals owned by Andreas Pico and Fernando Sepulveda, a minor. The result led to a dispute and a suit against Sepulveda for the stakes. The father was finally forced to pay the stake by Alcalde Lugo. The matter was appealed to the governor, who on the advice of the judges of the first district, decided that Lugo must pay back the stakes and be suspended from office until he should do so. Lugo refused to be suspended, or to pay the stakes, except after legal proceedings by the junta. He claimed that the governor and the Monterey judge had acted as partisans, and that they had made many blunders and that the affair was none of their business, any how, but belonged to the superior tribunal, and if there was no such body, it was their own fault. He said that Francisco Sepulveda was present at the race and had in other races paid his son's losses without objection. The final decisions of this interesting case does not appear on record ; but it is evident that the affair led to a long and bitter trial of horse-flesh between the Picos and Sepulvedas. In 1852, a race took place which has become historical. The Picos owned a gelding which had beaten every other animal put up against it. Jose Sepulveda, after repeated losses, was eager to seize any chance to " down " Pico's horse. While on a trip to San Diego, he saw a mare which attracted his attention. It proved to be an English thoroughbred, just brought over from Australia. He at once negotiated for the animal, it is said, offering to pay the owners ten thousand dollars for her. He returned north and made the arrangement for a race of three leagues, at San Pedro, to be run to a stake and back again. Excitement ran high and on the day of the race the entire population of the country, with visitors from Santa Barbara and even Monterey, and all San Diego, were present. The horse was to be ridden California style, the rider strapped to his bare back and the owners and backers permitted to ride beside him and use the whip. The mare was equipped in the American style, with light racing saddle and a little jockey. Betting ran high. It was the custom among Californians to hand over the sum of money bet to the taker. After the race, the holder kept the money, if he won, or returned it double, if he lost. No papers or guarantees were necessary, for a California's word was as good, or better, than a bond. On this occasion the Californians all bet heavily on Pico's horse, while the Amer icans backed Don Jose's Black Swan. The Swan, after a terrific struggle, won, and it is said Sepulveda won nearly fifty thousand dollars. After the race was over, he took the bridle from the mare and declared that she should never again wear bridle or saddle, and he kept his word. She passed the rest 136 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES of her life free upon the plains. He had won from the Pico's that was triumph enough. Another instance of the horsemanship of the family is related by Major Horace Bell in his " Reminiscences of a Ranger." He describes a rodeo held in May, 1853, at San Joaquin rancho, the home of Don Jose Sepulveda. On the third night of the affair at midnight Don Jose and his brother Don Fernando were still talking gaily with their guests. A little later a messenger arrived with the news that their aged father, Don Francisco Sepulveda, was about to pass away. The brothers at once mounted. Major Bell and another American decided to accompany them, although warned that they could not keep up. As Don Jose was then sixty years of age, they felt confident that they would be able to hold their own ; but before the party reached Los Nietos, the Sepulvedas had disappeared in a cloud of dust and the Americans drew rein, having ridden forty-three miles in three hours. BOCA DE SANTA MONICA. One of the earliest settlers in the pueblo de Los Angeles was Francisco Reyes, who came with a party in 1785. Very soon thereafter he must have taken possession of lands in the vicinity of San Fernando, for in 1797 the Rancho Encino held by him was taken from him and both land and build ings appropriated to the San Fernando Mission. His son, Ysidro, was born i;i Los Angeles and in 1828 he, with Fran- FIRST HOUSE IN SANTA MONICA, BUILT BY FRANCISCO MARQUEZ. cisco Marquez was given a provisional grant to lands already occupied by them for grazing purposes in the Santa Monica Canyon. This grant was known as the " Boca de Santa Monica " (the mouth of Santa Monica). The land included in it was later claimed to be a part of Santa Monica potrero granted to Francisco Sepulveda. In 1839, Governor Alvarado investigated the conflicting claims and regranted each tract to the original holders. Still the question of the boundary was disputed and was not finally disposed of until about 1880, when the United HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 137 States courts fixed the limits of the Boca de Santa Monica and July 2ist, 1882, a patent for 6,656 acres of land was confirmed to Marquez and Reyes. Ygnacio Reyes built a ranch house in Rustic Canyon and the family have continuously occupied the land since 1824, part of the grant still being owned by the descendants of the original grantees. This is an unusual case for generally the great land grants of the state have passed entirely out of the hands of the Californians, and the families of the original claimants have profited nothing by the marvelous increase in values. Ygnacio Reyes also owned a home in Los Angeles, on Main street, near Fourth, and is frequently mentioned in the annals of the town. He died there during- an epidemic of smallpox in 1863. Three sons still survive him, Guadalupe of Sawtelle ; Ysidro and Antonio of Los Angeles. Francisco Marquez built his ranch house on the edge of the bluff, about at the end of Seventh street. Here it was a landmark for many years, having been destroyed within the past few years. Members of the family still live in Santa Monica Canyon and retain a part of the original lands. LA BALLONA. La Ballona rancho, or as it was named in the original document " La Ballena" (the whale), was formally granted to a company composed of Augustin and Ygnacio Machado, Felipe and Tomas Talamantes, all citizens of Los Angeles, by Governor Alvarado in 1839. There is evidence to show that prior to this grant, a tract of land nearer to Los Angeles had been occupied by the same citizens as a stock range but had been taken from them, either because it was too near the city, or was needed for the stock of San Gabriel. At any rate they received a princely domain in the fertile fields and rich pastures of " La Ballena," and at once stocked it and built residences upon it. The haciendas of the Machados on this ranch were among the best examples of the California home. They are still standing that of Augustin Machado, a large and most substantial adobe, the walls and roof of which is still intact, is unoccupied at present and is used as a store house. It seems a pity that this, one of the best specimens of the early California homes should not be preserved. The home of Ygnacio Machado, a little distance away, is now occupied by one of his sons, Antonio, and the part which remains is in good repair and is a fine sample of the simplicity and solidity of the genuine adobe house of the better class. This house once contained fourteen rooms built about a court, but a portion of these have now been removed. The Machado brothers were prominent among early residents of Los Angeles. They owned a tract of two acres of land in the vicinity of Second and Main streets, where each of them had homes. Augustin Machado served " el pueblo de Los Angeles " as alcalde, and was frequently concerned in public 138 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES affairs. He married Ramona, a daughter of Don Francisco Sepulveda, of the San Vicente, and their home both in Los Angeles and at La Ballona, was a center of social gaity. Of this marriage there are still living Bernardino, Andreas and Jose de Luz, all of whom reside on Ballona lands. One son, Dolores, died in 1906, leaving a family which resides in Ocean Park; two daughters, Mrs. Juan Barnard and Ascencion, have recently died. Don Augustin died in Los Angeles in 1865. Bancroft tells this story of Don Augustin : " The merchant, Don Jose Antonio Aguirre, owner of the Ship Joven Guipuzcoana, once had a new supercargo, who was a stranger to and ignorant of affairs in California. While the ship lay at San Pedro, Aguirre being absent, Augustin Machado, a well-to-do ranchero, and a man of sterling character, but who could neither read nor write, went on board to make purchases, his carretas being at the landing. After selecting his goods, as he was about to place them in a launch to be carried on shore, the sunpercargo asked him for payment, or some guaranty or note of hand. Machado stared at him in great astonishment ; at first he could not comprehend what the man meant. Such a demand had never been made from him before, nor, in fact, from any other ranchero. After a while the idea struck him that he was distrusted. Plucking one hair from his beard, he seriously handed it to the supercargo, saying, ' Here, deliver this to Senor Aguirre and tell it is a hair from the beard of Augustin Machado. It will cover your responsibility it is sufficient guaranty.' The young man, much abashed, took the hair and placed it carefully in his books and Machado- carried away the goods. Aguirre was chagrined on hearing the story, for Machado's word was as good as the best bond. Jose M. Estudillo relates this incident and also the following: In 1850 Aguirre sent Estudillo to Los Angeles to collect old bills, many of which were outlawed ; but the greater part of which were finally paid. He visited Machado's rancho at La Ballona, to collect a balance of abort $4000 and happened to arrive when the house was full of company. He was cordially received as a guest and when apprised of the object of his visit, Machado said that he had been for some time thinking that he was indebted to Aguirre, and promised to meet Estudillo in Los Angeles in two days. At the time appointed Machado was there and delivered the whole sum at the door of Manuel Requena's house, refusing to take a receipt, saying that Aguirre was not in the habit of collecting the same bill twice." Ygnacio Machado married Estefania Palomares, daughter of a well-known Spanish family of Los Angeles county. Three of their sons still survive, Antonio, living in the old house ; Andres, who lives at Hollywood, and Cristo bal, now in Texas. Don Ygnacio is described as a man of stern, yet generous mold. It was his habit to rise very early and waken his household to join him- HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 139 in the morning song, with which it was the custom for all good Spanish families to begin the day. Of Ygnacio Machado, J. J. Warner wrote in 1876: " Don Ygnacio survives the others (of his company) those faithful friends of his earlier days, at the age of eighty-two, he grasps the hand as warmly as ever, rides on horseback, as usual ; patriarch to whom the community bears respect almost filial." The Machado brothers were widely known and deeply respected as honorable and just men, generous and ever kind. The present head of this branch of the family, Antonio Machado, son of Ygnacio, is a worthy successor of his father. Simple, unassuming, courtly, of good judg ment and kindly heart, he looks back to the old days and the care-free life of the past with wistful eyes. The Ballona grant of 13,919 acres was confirmed to the Machados Decem ber 8th, 1873. It was at once divided among the members of the family and tracts of it were sold. It comprised nearly two thousand acres of first-class irrigable land, two thousand acres of damp lands which needed no irrigation, and the rest was pasture land. In early days it was chiefly occupied as a stock range, although some grain was raised and orchards of various fruits were planted about the haciendas. The district was occupied by a number of families in the fifties and sixties and was one of the first townships set aside, originally including San Vicente, Boca de Santa Monica, Malibu and a large territory. It was organized into a school district during the sixties and was a factor in the elections of early days. During the seventies Francisco Machado, a son of Augustin, was one of the county supervisors and political " boss " of the dis trict. Although many prosperous American fanners are now residents of Bal- loni lands and the towns of Palms, Ocean Park and Venice are located on lands originally belonging to the rancho, the Machados still retain a part of the original grant and a considerable number of native Californians are found in the vicinity. Antonio Machado married Manuela Valuenza and has a number of children, most of whom are still living at home. Andreas, a son of Augustin, lives on the old Augustin Machado place and has recently built a very comfortable home. Jose la Luz also lives in the neighborhood in a neat cottage. In 1861 a military camp was located on La Ballona, near the creek about three-quarters of a mile from the present town of Palms. This was made the headquarters of the First California Volunteer Infantry, Gen. J. H. Carleton, commanding officer. The camp was established in September, being occupied by Company A, under Col. Latham, for whom the station was named Camp Latham. Several companies were encamped here and at one time there were probably 1500 men present. They were sent from here to Arizona to protect the mail service and the camp was not occupied after 1862. A couple of soldiers were buried here and in 1895 tneir neglected graves were remembered by the veterans of Santa Monica, who made a special trip to decorate them. W. D. VAWTER. CHAPTER II. LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS. 18701880. UP TO 1870 the Santa Monica bay region had scarcely felt the stirring of the new spirit brought into the country by the American occupation. The original ranches were still intact and occupied chiefly as grazing land, and very few Americans had obtained land holdings. Santa Monica Canon was the one attraction of the entire coast at this time. Here a few American families each year camped under the sycamores. In 1871 Mr. B. L. Peel erected a large tent " to accommodate 25 or 30 families '' and over 300 visitors are reported for one Sunday in August, drawn by a dance that " lasted all night." With 1872, Santa Monica Canon suddenly became famous. The Express found it of enough importance to publish the following : " Santa Monica, the Long Branch of California, or Camp Haywarcl. Seventeen years ago Santa Monica was selected as a summer resort by Dr. Hayward and until the last five years he and his family were the only ones who availed themselves of its delights and benefits. Santa Monica proper is a farm house located on the ridge one and a half miles from where the camp is located. At this lone house the road descends into a deep ravine or canon, at the foot of which, near the confluence with the ocean, is a thick growth of old sycamores. Here is the camp. Beyond stretches the Malaga ranch, the rendezvous of horsethieves. The beach between the camp and the point affords a magnificent drive as does the shore in a south erly direction toward " Shoo Fly Landing ", a mile or better distant. It is at the latter place that the greater part of the asphaltum sent to San Francisco from La Brea rancho is shipped." In the summer of 1872 a hotel was opened at the canon and the proprietor advertises, " Come and enjoy yourself. A week at the beach will add ten years to your life !" Mr. John Reynolds announces in July that he will " despatch coaches to Santa Monica every Wednesday and Saturday a.m." A small skiff was brought around from San Pedro this summer and added to the attractions of surf bathing, drives and picnics along the beach and up the many beautiful canons and dancing in the " big tent." Among the diversions was the excite ment of prospecting, as it was rumored that a rich ledge of quartz rock existed on the beach, at a point only exposed for a few moments at low tide. The belief was founded on the fact that some of the native Caliform'ans of the dis trict exhibited rich rock which they claimed to have obtained from this ledge. 142 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES In September, 1872, an event took place which marks a new era in the history of this vicinity. This was the sale of the San Vicente and Santa Monica y San Vicente ranches by Jose del Carmen Sepulveda, and others, to Robert S. Baker. The first sale included 38,409 acres of land and the price was reported as $54,000. COL. ROBERT S. BAKER, who thus became an important factor in the history of Santa Monica, was a descendant of an old and well-known family of Rhode Island. He came to California in 1849 and engaged in business in San Fran cisco, being a member of the firm of Cooke and Baker, who dealt largely in mining supplies. Later he became associated with General Beale in the cattle and sheep business in the northern part of the state and in the Tejon country. With his purchase of the San Vicente, he located in Los Angeles and in 1874 married Mrs. Arcadia Bandini de Stearns, widow of Don Abel Stearns, one of the earliest American settlers of Southern California, and daughter of Juan Bandini, one of the wealthiest and most distinguished of the early Californians. In 1878, he built the Baker block in Los Angeles, at that time the finest business block in the city. He owned, through his wife, the Puente and Laguna ranches and had other large business interests. He was quiet in his tastes and made no effort to enter into public life, but devoted his time to the management of his large interests. He was most genial in character and he and his beautiful wife were noted for their lavish entertainments of guests, and they at one time and another were hosts to many distinguished people. Colonel Baker died March nth, 1894. His wife still survives him and is now a resident of Santa Monica, passing a beautiful old age in a modest cot tage on Ocean avenue, although she is rated as one of the wealthiest women in California and certainly none of the living daughters of California have had a more romantic or interesting history than Seiiora Arcadia de Baker. Colonel Baker at once proceeded to perfect his title to all the Sepulveda holdings by subsequent purchases, thus obtaining: possession of a magnificent tract of land, with a mile and a half of ocean frontage and including the San Vicente and numerous other springs, as well as several small mountain streams. With characteristic enterprise he began efforts to utilize his domain for some thing beside a sheep pasture. He interested his friend, General E. F. Beale, who was one of the earliest and most successful promoters known in California history so successful that President Lincoln remarked of him when he was surveyor-general of the state in 1861, that " Beale had, indeed, become monarch of all he surveyed." The Express of December 22nd, 1873, announces, " Gen eral Beale has arrived here with an eastern capitalist who contemplates the purchase of the San Vicente ranch with the view to the construction of a wharf at Shoo Fly Landing and building a narrow-gauge road from there to the city." This eastern capitalist seems to have fallen down, however, for in 1874 it is stated " Col. Baker has connected with himself several wealthy Englishmen HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 143 and a well-known and distinguished Californian (Beale). They contemplate constructing a road to Los Angeles, a branch of the Southern Transcontinental line. Wharves are to be built and Pacific Mail steamships will land here. The name of this embryo metropolis of the southern coast is to be Truxton." The San Francisco Post of September, 1874, contains a glowing description of the " Tmxton scheme " which ends by saying: " Why the Los Angeles people ever adopted the Wilmington road to shoal water is one of those things no fellow can find out. At two-thirds the distance they can reach deep water at the place called Truxton, on a bay right north of Wilmington. Here, at a comparatively SANTA MONICA BEACH. 1S78. light expense, for wharves, they can bring ship and cars together." The plans for Truxton included beside wharf and railway, a magnificent seaside hotel and a townsite ; but they never seem to have gotten beyond the paper stage. During the summer of 1874 Santa Monica Canon continued to be the chief summer resort of the Angeleiios. Two hotels, the Morongo House and the Seaside Hotel, kept by Wolf and Steadman, were filled with guests. Many improvements were made in the camping arrangements and the season was a gay one. A new resort, known as " Will Tell's " also nourished this summer on the Ballona lagoon, almost where the Del Key hotel now stands. This was especially attractive to sportsmen, as the lagoon was famous for its duck and game birds, and a number of prominent Los Angeles men kept boats on the lagoons. At this time a road, so narrow that the wheels touched the sides of the bank, had been worn down through the arroyo, about at the foot of the present 144 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Colorado street in Santa Monica, and a small landing was built on the shore. Here Major Hancock shipped large quantities of brea, which was hauled by ox teams from his Brea rancho, on small coast vessels to San Francisco. This was the first " commerce " of Santa Monica bay. In December, 1874, the Los Angeles papers chronicle the first visit of United States Senator John P. Jones of Nevada. Glowing tributes were paid the distinguished guest and much curiosity and enthusiasm over the possible results of his advent into Southern California were indulged in. He was known to be fabulously rich and to have railroad ambitions. Southern California was a hotbed of railroad schemes. Already the iron hand of the Central Pacific monopoly was being felt, although the little road to San Pedro was then the only railroad in this en'd of the state. A transcon tinental line south of the Central Pacific was considered absolutely certain, at this time ; but who would build it and where it would reach the coast were matters of the wildest speculation. San Diego was making frantic efforts to secure railway connection of some sort and was looking hopefully forward to the magnificent promises held out by Tom Scott, the brilliant promoter of the Atlantic and Pacific railway scheme, of the early seventies. The Southern Pacific was building its branch from Los Angeles eastward and had decided to leave San Bernardino, the oldest and most important town east of Los Angeles, off the line. Naturally she was bitter against the Southern Pacific and was casting about for any relief in the way of transportation facili ties. Los Angeles was eagerly watching for any movement in 1 her direction which gave promise of a competing line, although the Southern Pacific was not yet fairly built and there was no railroad connection with San Francisco, or with the east. Consequently, when in January, 1875, it was announced that Senator Jones had purchased a two-thirds interest in the San Vicente rancho, paying therefore about $150,000, and that a new railroad was assured, there was rejoicing long and loud throughout Southern California. The Los Angeles and Independence railroad was organized in January, 1875, with F. P. F. Temple, a banker of Los Angeles, John P. Jones, Robert S. Baker, T. N. Park, James A. Pritchard, J. S. Slauson of Los Angeles, and Col. J. U. Crawford, as directors. Right of way between Los Angeles and Santa Monica was secured at once and without difficulty, it may be added, and Col. Crawford, the engineer and general manager of the road, at once began active operations. It was announced that the road would be pushed through to Independence, where were located the Panamint mines, owned by Senator Jones, and then supposed to rival the Gold Hill district in richness. There were rumors also that the line would be carried across Nevada to Salt Lake and the papers frequently referred to it as the beginning and ocean terminus of a transcontinental line. As soon as the railroad work was fairlv started the construction of a wharf HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 145 was begun. This was located near the old " Shoo Fly " landing and near the present foot of Colorado street, where a stub of the old wharf still remains. The first pile was driven April 22nd, 1875, and the first boat landed at the wharf in June. This wharf was 1700 feet in length and reached a depth of thirty feet at low tide. It was substantially built, with depot, and warehouses at its terminus and cost about $45,000. In the meantime, Messrs. Jones and Baker had laid out a townsite which extended from the bluff back to Twenty-sixth street and from Montana avenue on the north to the arroyo, or Railroad street, as it was then called, on the south. This original plat of Santa Monica was planned on a generous scale. The blocks were 320 by 600 feet; lots 150 by 50, with twenty- foot alleys. A plaza, the present Seventh-street park, blocks for hotels, one on the ocean front, the persent location of Mirimar, and one on Eighth street, facing the plaza; for public buildings, the block between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, Nevada and California ; also blocks for a university and a young ladies' seminary, were reserved on the map. The ocean front was kept intact and Ocean avenue was made 200 feet in width, the other streets and avenues 80 and 100 feet in width. A water system had already been planned and work begun on a large reservoir to be filled from the San Vicente springs. The slope of the land gave ample water pressure and provided excellent natural drainage. Much of the present desirability of Santa Monica as a residence town is due to the liberal allotment and unequaled natural advantages of this original townsite. The establishment of this new " commercial center of the southwest " and the ambitious plans of its projectors, together with much wild conjecturing by the Ix>s Angeles papers, had attracted wide attention. On the day announced for the first sale of lots, July 15*, 1875, several hundred people gathered about the stand on the bluff. Many of these were from Los Angeles and Southern California points, although the only way to reach the spot was by a long and dusty drive. The steamer, Senator, which is remembered by all old settlers, came in from San Francisco that day with a number of parties who had come down especially to attend this sale. This was the first landing of the Senator at Santa Monica. It was also the last boat to land at the " old wharf." A dry and barren plain rolled away from the bluff and there was no shade from the blazing July sun. One board shack the beginning of the Hotel Santa Monica, and a few tents were the only " improvements " aside from the par tially-built wharf, visible. The Honorable Tom Fitch, the " silver-tongued " orator, made the great speech of the day a speech in which he let his rich imagination run riot, as may be gathered from the following extract : " On Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock we will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, the Pacific ocean, draped with a western sky of scarlet and gold ; we will sell a bay filled with white-winged ships ; we will sell a southern horizon, rimmed with a choice collection of purple mountains, carved in castles 10 146 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES and turrets and domes; we will sell a frostless, bracing, warm, yet unlanguid air, braided in and in with sunshine and odored with the breath of flowers. The purchaser of this job lot of climate and scenery will be presented with a deed to a piece of land 50 by 100 feet, known as ' lot A, in block 251.' The title to the land will be guaranteed by the present owner. The title to the ocean and the sunset, the hills and the clouds, the breath of the life-giving ozone and the song of the birds, is guaranteed by the beneficent God who bestowed them in all their beauty and affluence upon block 251, and attached them thereto by almighty warrant as an incorruptible hereditament to run with the land forever.'' Of this same effort, L. T. Fisher said in the Outlook, of July 131!!, 1887: " Under his eloquence many were led to believe that Santa Monica would at once leap to the front as a full-fledged seaport and commercial center. In fact, so strong was this impression that not a few prominent men of Los Angeles, who held large possessions there, were actually afraid that the precedence of the ' city of the Angels ' would slip away from her and be transferred to the seacoast. And, if we may be allowed the suggestion, it would have been a good thing for the country if it had. Here would have sprung up the great com mercial city of Southern California. It had all the advantages of climate, drain age and all of the best elements that should exist where a large population is concentrated." Hon. Joseph Lynch, Major Ben Truman and Col. T. J. Ayers, the historic trio of Los Angeles editors, were present and also made glowing speeches as to the future of Santa Monica and Southern California. The first lot sold, lot M in block 173, the northeast corner of Utah and Ocean avenue, went to E. R. Zamoyski for $50x3. Other lots on Ocean avenue brought from $400 to $500, and the prices ran down to $75.00 for lots back from the shore. Among the first purchasers were Major Hancock, Judge O'Melveny, W. J. Broderick, I. W. Hellman, George Boehme, W. D. Vawter and sons, H. T. Giroux and others. The sale continued on the ground for three days and on Saturday an auction was held in Los Angeles. Probably about $100,000 worth of lots were disposed of during the week. The first building in Santa Monica was a rough board shack put up in April by J. C. Morgan, next to the Santa Monica Hotel and used as a boarding place for workmen. The first business house completed was that of H. T. Giroux on Second street, still occupied by him. The first general store was opened by W. D. Vawter, who purchased three lots on the last day of the auction, on Fourth street between Utah and Oregon, paying $125.50 apiece for them. Two weeks from that day his store was ready for occupancy. Later this building was removed to Third street, where it is still used. The first brick building in the town was built by William Rapp, on Second street, between Utah and Oregon. It is still in use. A postoffice was established at once and HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 147 W. H. Williams served as the first postmaster, the office being located in a building on Second street where the Union livery stable now stands. The growth of the new town was most promising. A Los Angeles pajjer of September i-jth thus summarizes the advance made: " Two months since the site of Santa Monica was a plain under the do minion of a sheepherder. Today nearly one hundred substantial houses line its broad streets. Two hotels are overflowing with guests. Its lumber yards are doing the business of a metropolis and dealers in coal, wood, dry-goods and groceries are rushing about in energetic ardor to keep up their stock of goods which are bought out as rapidly as exposed for sale. The price of town lots continues. The fare from San Francisco is $12.00 by boat, while it is $20.00 by continuous. The fare from San Francisco is $12.00 by boat, while it is $20 by rail, including a stage ride of no miles (the S. P. was not yet completed)''. Allowing for newspaper exaggeration, we may conclude that the first two months of the new town's existence were certainly lively ones. While buildings and business sprang up so magically, the new town also provided for the mental and moral needs of its citizens. On October I3th, 1875, appeared the first number of the Santa Monica Outlook, a neat and well-filled four-page weekly, with L. T. Fisher as editor. He began at once that consistent and persistent support of the interests of the town which can only be supplied by a first-class local newspaper. He records in his first number the business houses and advance already made and the prospects for the future. Some extracts from early numbers of the Outlook will give a clear idea of the new town. " On the I5th of July, 1875, the first lot was sold at Santa Monica. At the date of this writing, October nth, 1875, six hundred and fifteen lots have been sold by the land company for $131,745 ; 119 houses and shops have been erected. The water of San Vicente springs has been collected in two large reservoirs, forming pretty lakes in the proposed park, and the flow of half a million gallons per day is in process of being distributed in iron mains all over the townsite." Outlook, October I3th, " Santa Monica continues to advance. We now have a wharf where the largest Panama steamers have landed ; a railroad completed to Los Angeles ; a telegraph station, a newspaper, postoffice, two hotels, one handsome clubhouse, several lodging houses, eight restaurants, a number of saloons, four groceries, three drygoods stores, two hardware stores, three fruit stores, one wool com mission house, one news depot and book store, one variety store, one bakery, one jeweler and watchmaker, one boot and shoe maker, one tin shop, two livery- stables, one dressmaker, two tin shops, several contractors and builders, three real estate agencies, one insurance agency, one coal yard, one brick yard, two lumber yards, two private schools and in a short time we shall have two churches and a public school." Outlook, November 24th, 1875. REV. J. D. CRUM. First Resident Preacher of Santa Monica. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 149 Among the merchants of the first year we find W. D. Vawter & Sons, Fourth street, dealer in dry-goods, clothing, etc. ; M. J. Bundy, dealer in paints, oils, glass; tin shop, Boehme & Kilgariff; M. Boufosky, groceries, liquors, etc.; H. Giroux & Bro., groceries, liquors, etc. ; Wilson news depot, which handled every thing from eastern periodicals to gents' furnishing goods, drugs and medicines; Tell's " Lookout ", which combined " native wines and brandies, fresh fruit, vegetables and fish ", with a " livery and feed stable." The hotels were the Santa Monica House, kept by J. C. Morgan and C. M. Monroe for a few months and then by J. W. Scott, and the Ocean View House, corner of Oregon and Second, kept by Malcom & Harper. The first child born in Santa Monica was Earnest Majors, who made his appearance on August 2nd and who grew to manhood in this city. The first marriage ceremony took place January 2Oth, 1876, when Alfred Hayes wedded Miss Mattie Mountain, Rev. J. D. Crum officiating. The first sermon was preached by the Rev. A. F. White in September. In October, the Rev. Mr. Crum began holding Methodist services in Brady's hall, over a store on the coi ner of Oregon and Fifth streets. The first church organized was the Meth odist and they dedicated their first chapel on January 2nd, 1876. A private school, known as the Santa Monica Academy, was opened by D. G. C. Baker and wife. November 8th, 1875, and the first public school was opened in the Presbyterian chapel on the corner of Third and Arizona, March 6th, 1876, with Mr. H. P. McCusick as teacher. October 17th, 1875, the first railroad train left Santa Monica for Los An geles, flat cars being used, as the passenger coaches had not arrived. Three trips were made that day and passengers from the steamer Senator were landed in Los Angeles twelve hours in advance of those who went on to San Pedro. On November 3rd the Outlook exults over "A Busy Scene. We watched a lively scene on Santa Monica wharf last Thursday that is decidedly encouraging. On one side the schooner John Hancock was discharging a large cargo of lum ber; on the opposite side the schooner Newton Booth had just arrived with railroad ties ; further along the barkentine Ella was unloading coal. The Sen ator was discharging a large cargo of passengers and freight, including several race horses. A train of cars was waiting to transport the whole into the back country. And it must be remembered that only a few months ago the site of this growing town was a sheep pasture and the spot occupied by wharf and vessels a lonely waste of waters." The same month the coast steamers began to make regular stops at the new town, and the Outlook states that at one time 28 mule teams were loaded with freight for San Bernardino. On Sunday, December 5th, the new road was so far completed that an excursion of 400 people, the first one entering Santa Monica, was brought in. Two trains a day were put on and the fare was $1.00; freight. $1.00 per ton between Los Angeles and Santa Monica. The Southern 150 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Pacific, when the Jones road and wharf were assured had dropped the freight rate between Los Angeles and San Pedro from $5.00 per ton to $2.50 and on the completion of the line it dropped to $1.00 for freight and 50 cents for pas sengers, thus forcing- the new road to begin operating at losing rates. The people of Los Angeles in their first gratitude for the loosening of the Southern Pacific monopoly, declared that they would stand by the Jones road and handle their trade over the Santa Monica wharf. The year 1876 opened with the brightest prospects for the new town Its beau tiful situation, the ample space given to streets and alleys, the uniform method of tree planting which had been adopted, the park and school building which were already planned for, added to the favorable outlook for a steadily increasing volume of business, drew many people to adopt Santa Monica as a home. In February a meeting was called to consider the question of incorporating the new town ; but after a very lively discussion 1 the proposition received but one aye. In April the Outlook, which was an energetic agent and exponent of Santa Monica progress, published its first " special edition " reviewing the achievements of the first six months of existence. It states that 1000 lots in the town and thirty-five acre villa lots had already been sold ; 2000 acres of the San Vicente ranch, lying along the L. A. & I. road in the vicinity of San Vicente springs had been divided into villa farms, to be sold at $100 per acre. The population of the town is given as between 800 and 900, with 116 school children. A school district had been organized with J. W. Scott, L. T. Fisher and John Freeman as trustees and March nth, 1876, a special election was held and $5000 tax voted for school purposes. The schoolhouse, located on Sixth street, was ready for use in September, 1876. In April Michael Duffy's bath house was completed, the first one in Santa Monica, and a pavilion was built on the beach by Jones and Baker. The Santa Monica Hotel was enlarged and several business houses built. There were many visitors and campers both at North Beach and at the canon. One of the greatest attractions was a series of ring tournaments between mounted knights, one side, of Americans, led by B. F. Reid, the other composed of native Cali- fornians was under the command of J. J. Carrillo. In March I. W. Scott made the first " addition " to the town of Santa Monica, a tract of forty-three acres lying east of town between Fifth and Eighth streets, and known as " Prospect Hill." Mr. Scott laid this off into lots, planted a thousand " blue gum " trees, and put in a bridge across Sixth street to connect it with the town. An auction was held March 315! and fifty lots were sold at prices ranging from $77 to $200. This year a road was opened between Santa Monica and San Fernando valley, through the efforts of Isaac Lankershim, who wished to ship the grain from his ioo,ooo-acre ranch by way of Santa Monica and thus save the cost of the road in a single year. But the Southern Pacific at once dropped its rate HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 151 and thus the Santa Monica road was never used by Lankershim, although it was a paying investment for him to build it. The California Coast Steamship Co., whose object was to carry on a freight and passenger traffic between San Francisco and Santa Monica, was organized this year, with a capital stock of $400,000. " Lucky " Baldwin is credited with $75,000 stock and Col. Baker with $25,000, but the plans of the company never materialized. A great deal of anxiety was manifested as to the completion of the L. A. & I. road, which had come to a stop when it reached Los Angeles. It was still beiieved that it would be continued to Independence and possibly further. This belief was strength ened by the actual work of a grading force in the Cajon Pass. But no final decision as to a route between Los Angeles and the pass was made. San Bernar dino talked of raising a subsidy to secure the line and Santa Ana and Riverside had hopes. Los Ange les citizens held meet ings to discuss the desirability of aiding the Independence road. Already it was seen that the influence and competition of the Southern Pacific was bearing heavily on the new road ; but the papers and the people held out strongly against any suggestion that their independent line might be absorbed by the monopoly. During 1877 Santa Monica continued to hold its own in growth. A new bath house was erected by the L. A. & I. road on the beach front and fully equipped with hot steam baths, plunge and facilities for salt-water bathing in all its forms. A billiard room, bowling alley, skating rink and refreshment rooms were added to the pavilion. Altogether the finest accommodations on the coast were offered here. The Ocean House under the management of C. A. Sumner was opened this season, and the number of visitors and campers increased over any previous season. In May, William ' Spencer burned 4000 feet of clay pipe which was pur chased by B. D. Wilson for use in the extensive irrigation system which he and Shorb were then constructing near San Gabriel. The Santa Monica pipe proved so satisfactory that large orders were placed for it and in' the fall work FIRST CHURCH IX SANTA MCNICA. FIRST M. E. CHURCH. 152 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA, BAY CITIES was begun on a clay pipe manufactory, a two-story building, 40 by 60, with a large furnace. This was the first utilization of the Santa Monica clay beds. The plaza between California and Nevada streets had been planted with Monterey cypress, blue gum, live oak, pepper, weeping willow and iron-bark trees. Jones and Baker had set out 4200 blue gum and pepper trees along the streets, and these had already begun to make a showing. The extraordinary fertility of the soil in Santa Monica and vicinity was a constant source of wonder. Blue gums planted in August, 1875, measured 12 to 15 feet high in November, 1877. The Outlook frequently referred to a tomato vine which became one of the sights of the town. It was trained by J. W. Scott against his house and reached a height of twenty-five feet, while it bore profusely. Corn 14 feet tall is reported and the beautiful flower gardens which were the result of a little care and attention were the admiration of all visitors. The question of the ownership of the beach front had already come up. Some parties claimed that the beach was government property and the question led to more or less friction. A very sad outcome of this dispute occurred in October, 1877. A carpenter, John V. Fonck, was working on a small bath house which was being put up on land in dispute. C. M. Waller, who was in charge of the bath house and beach property of the land company, ordered him to quit work. Upon his refusal to do so, Waller fired and wounded him fatally. He claimed that he thought the gun was loaded with bird shot and that he was acting under the orders of E. S. Parker, the representative of Jones and Baker. On trial, he was sentenced for one year. Parker was also tried, and although it did not appear that he had given direct orders, he was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. He was released to await a new trial ; but as a result of the affair his young wife died and a week later Parker also died of a broken heart, so his friends believed. This unfortunate affair gave rise to much feel ing, as it had been believed by many that purchasers of lots were entitled to put up a bath house for private use on the beach. The question of beach ownership continued troublesome and there were constant difficulties over it until the courts decided, in 1888, that the boundary of the San Vicente ranch extended to tide water and therefore Jones and Baker had the ownership to that point. The railroad question continued to be the most vital one to Santa Monica and, indeed, to Southern California. The influence and competition of the Southern Pacific was proving too strong to be overcome by the Los Angeles and Independence road, single-handed. Under the conditions, it could not be made a paying proposition. The Panamint mines had not panned out as was expected, and the idea of continuing the road to Independence had been aban doned. Senator Jones had already sunk a million dollars in the enterprise ; but he could not be expected to go on indefinitely losing money. He offered to sell the road at cost to the people of Los Angeles county. Many were strongly favorable to this idea. The Outlook and its editor, L. T. Fisher, made a strong HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 153 fight against the " monopoly." In one of his editorials, he sets forth the follow ing reasons why the L. A. & I. road is a " good thing ", and should be owned by the county : " i. The railway from Los Angeles to Santa Monica has given the people another outlet to the ocean. " 2. It has brought the cars and the largest deep-sea vessels together. " 3. It has shortened the ocean passage from San Francisco to 34 miles and the time to Los Angeles from six to ten hours. " 4. It enables parties who wish to make the most of their time to remain several hours longer in Los Angeles and then catch the same steamer as pas sengers by way of the Southern Pacific and San Pedro. " 5. It has reduced freight from $5.00 per ton to $1.00 and passenger rate from $2.50 to 50 cents. " 6. It has reduced the price of lumber in Los Angeles and along the line of the S. P. not less than $5.00 per thousand. " /. It has raised the price of land along its route not less than 100 per cent. " 8. It has greatly increased the inducements for settlement in a portion of Los Angeles cornty which has hitherto been neglected. " 9. It has established a cheap means by which the people of the interior and of Los Angeles can enjoy the benefits of the sea shore. " 10. It constitutes in itself property that adds greatly to the aggregate wealth of the county. " ii. It can he held as a check, not only upon existing roads in this locality, but upon all roads that may be built, because it furnishes a connection with ocean vessels that can reach all quarters of the world." Meetings were held to discuss plans for saving the road from the S. P. and other meetings were held which suggested all sorts of possible and im possible projects for saving the country from the complete domination of the Central Pacific. But all the talk and the many schemes proposed came to nothing. In March, 1877, Leland Stanford, president of the C. P., and General Colton, president of the S. P., with a corps of their assistants, visited Santa Monica, to " look around nothing doing," they assured the reporters. In May, another party of Central Pacific magnates came clown and looked over Santa Monica and brought speculation to fever heat. On June ^th, 1877, it was definitely announced that the Los Angeles and Independence road had been sold to the Central Pacific. Santa Monica people could only accept the change and make the best of it. At first the Outlook hopefully announced that it wasn't so bad the great company would undoubtedly improve the service and build up the trade. Its hopes were shortlived. In July the fare on the Pacific Coast steamers was increased from $12 to $15, and freight rates on steamers and by rail were soon increased. Then it was announced that CHARLES E. TOWNER. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 155 hereafter only two small steamers, the Senator and Ancon, would ply along the coast, owing to the falling off in traffic. In this connection, some extracts from letters written by Crocker and Huntington will show the odds against which the promoters of the L. A. & I. railway struggled. On May i8th, 1875, Charles Crocker wrote: ''I notice what you say of Jones, Park, etc. I do not think they will hurt us much, at least, I should rather be in our places than theirs. I will ventilate their ' safe harbor.' " And on May 25th, Huntington responded : " I shall do my best to cave him (Jones) down the bank.'' During 1878 Santa Monica struggled against the hard fate that had befallen her. The Southern Pacific removed the depot from the wharf to its present location and gave, as a concession, a round-trip fare of $1.00 good for three days. Many excursions from interior towns were brought to the coast during the summer and Santa Monica remained the most popular resort, although it could no longer hope for a great commercial importance. But worse was to come. The S. P. sent one of its engineering force to examine the wharf. After a careful inspection, he reported that the condition of the piles was most alarming, owing to the ravages of the toredo, and that it was unsafe for trains unless at least three-fourths of the piles were replaced. As this would entail a large expense, he advised that the use of the wharf be abandoned. On September gth, the Senator made its last landing and the name of Santa Monica was taken off the steamer lists. It was a crushing blow that had been dealt the town which had started out so propitiously. Naturally, business dropped off and many people moved away. Partnerships were dissolved, mortgages foreclosed, a number of business houses sold out to satisfy their creditors. The population of the town melted away and the editor of the Outlook, who had made a brave fight for the town of his adoption, announced on December igth, 1878, that, the next week being Christmas, the paper would be omitted for a week. It was " omitted " for eight years. Early in 1879 the S. P. ordered the removal of the wharf. The citizens of Santa Monica protested and offered to purchase the structure as it stood, but the offer was declined and the work proceeded. In 1888, the editor of the Outlook had sufficiently recovered to be able to describe the sad scene : ' A big bumper was planted upon the shore end to keep trains from running upon it, even by accident. Next came the order to tear down the structure. The work of destruction began one fine morning and the sea was as calm as if it had been a human being holding its breath in very wonder at such an exhibition of unjustifiable vandalism. It was a bright morning, but it was a blue day for the people who lived here. We heard the first blow of the destructive implement and remarked that it was the death knell of Santa 156 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Monica. And yet, in the midst of this industrial tragedy, there was an element of comedy. The workmen had had their minds so thoroughly impressed with the dangerous condition of the wharf that they tiptoed over the structure as if they expected every minute that it would crumble beneath them. They finally reached the outer end, tore vp the flooring, stripped off the stringers, removed the braces and then attempted to topple over the piles with long poles. These stumps of redwood wielded no more than if they had been growing trees. Next the stringers were replaced and a temporary flooring laid upon which a donkey engine was placed. A noose was made of a huge chain and dropped over the piles at the bottom. Even this power failed. As a finality, men were sent in boats at low tide with axes and the piles were chopped off at low water mark. The beach was strewn for a considerable distance with the timber that washed ashore. Upon examination many of these piles were found to be only a little worm eaten, which shows that the wharf at a comparatively little cost, could have been kept intact." Outlook, February 2Oth, 1888. As soon as it was definitely known that the S. P. would abandon the shipping business in Santa Monica Bay, new projects were talked of. It had already been proposed that the people of Los Angeles build a wharf and a narrow guage road and thus obtain a competing line. In October, 1878. a company of San Francisco capitalists proposed to construct a harbor at Santa Monica, build a narrow guage road and put on a line of steamers which should carry freight at $3.50 per ton and passengers at $8.00 between Los Angeles and San Francisco. The right of way was already secured and work was to be begun at once. In November agreements between John Hayes, of San Francisco, and citizens of Los Angeles and San Bernardino, were pub lished. These set forth that Hayes was to build a narrow guage road from Santa Monica to Los Angeles and ultimately to San Bernardino, and to carry passengers between Los Angeles and Santa Monica for 25 cents and freight for $1.00. Another agreement made by John Wright of San Francisco was to the effect that he would put on a line of substantial steamships, provided the citizens of Los Angeles would do all their shipping on them. Many other projects were discussed. The first one to show any signs of materializing was the building of a wharf by Juan Bernard, an old resident of Los Angeles, who had become one of the most prominent citizens. He had married a daughter of Atigustin Machado and was thus interested in South Santa Monica property. This wharf which was built from the foot of Strand street was intended to be fifteen hundred feet, but was not completed. A large warehouse was built, which was planned to be complete for commercial purposes, but the S. P. forbade the steamers to land here, and the fiat was obeyed. No boat ever unloaded there, and the wharf was finally carried out by a severe storm about 1883 and the timber used for other purposes. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 157 Only a few very stout hearted citizens still had faith that Santa Monica would ever again reach its former prosperity. But there were those who had become attached to the place and who felt confident that the great natural advantages afforded by the climate, the situation and the fertility of the soil, would eventually make up for the loss of shipping facilities. And so long as the people of Los Angeles and the interior could escape to Santa Monica during torrid days of summer and tourists and healthseekers could find here their ideal resting spot and homes, the place would still prosper. These few remained through the darkest days and gradually newcomers discovered the advantages here which could not be obtained elsewhere, and began to fill up the vacant houses and to purchase and improve other property. HON. JOHN PERCIVAI, JONES was born in a small village, in Herefordshire, England, January 27th, 1829. While he was still an infant, his family removed to the United States and settled near Cleveland, Ohio, Here the child grew to youth and acquired a public school education, after which he entered the service of a bank in Cleveland. But when the news of the gold discoveries of California penetrated the country and called to every youth with a bold heart and adventurous blood, young Jones joined forces with several other young men who were as eager for the change as himself. They secured a small vessel, sailed through the lakes and the St. Lawrence river and started on the long and perilous voyage around " the Horn." They were months on the ocean and experienced many hardships and dangerss before they finally reached San Francisco Bay, in the spring of 1850. The young adventurer at once hastened away to the mines to seek his fortune. For many years he was a typical California miner, sometimes finding his hopes fulfilled, often finding them dashed. In those days when thousands of men sought gold with fierce energy, living without homes, without comforts, without the restraints of civilization, it was only strong character and true manhood that withstood the temptations of the environment. Young Jones came of sturdy stock and proved himself a man and a leader, even in these early days. He served as sheriff in the county of Trinity at a time when the office required a stout heart and level head for to a large extent the sheriff was the law. From 1863 to 1868 he was a member of the state legislature of California. In the meantime, he had gained much experience in mines and mining propositions. When the great developments of the Comstock lode began to attract attention, he was one of the first on the ground. Later he was made the superintendent of the Crown Point mine. Thus he became a resident of Nevada and when in 1872, a critical period in the history of the young state approached, he was mentioned as a candidate 158 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES for the United States senate. The contest was a hot one, he being at first opposed by William Sharon ; but the " Nevada Commoner," as Jones had come to be known, was regarded as a friend to the miners and in the end, he was elected and took his seat March, 1873. In 1876, the Monetary Commission of the senate was appointed to inquire into the relative value of gold and silver, the causes thereof and kindred questions, which vitally affected the mining interests and particularly the interests of the state of Nevada a silver-producing state. Senator Jones was chosen as chairman of this committee and entered upon the study of the ques tions arising, with keen interest. It is said of the report rendered by the Monetary Commission that, " Nothing so thoroughly exhaustive had ever been presented to Congress, and the view taken was favorable to the interests of Nevada and of the Comstock miners." Naturally, at the expiration of his term, Senator Jones who had acquitted nimself upon so important and vital an occasion with credit and made a strong argument for the silver of his state, was re-elected. For thirty years he con tinuously served in the United States senate, a record seldom equalled. He became, in his long career, a noted figure and was counted as one of the strongest men on the floor. A writer in Munsey's, some years ago, pays him this tribute : "Senator John P. Jones, who has just been re-elected to the United States senate for another period of six years, is one of the interesting figures of the upper house of congress. He was a warm personal friend of Senator Conklin and formerly belonged to the stalwart wing of the Republican party. Of recent years, he has been one of the strongest men of the ' silver party ' in the country, and last year he withdrew from the old party and supported Mr. Bryan for the presidency. " Mr. Jones is a very able man and has probably made more speeches on the financial question than all of the other members of the senate put together. He is a profound scholar and has the ability to marshal an imposing array of facts to support his arguments. " He was a delegate to the Brussels Monetary Conference which met during the administration of President Harrison. Before that body, he spoke for three days, the printed report of his speech containing over two hundred thousand words. A representative of the Rothschilds made the remark that if there were many men in America with Senator Jones' capacity for speaking, the advocates of the gold standard would do well to surrender at once. " Senator Jones is exceedingly popular in Washington. When he first entered the senate, he was many times a millionaire. Subsequently he lost most of his wealth, .but it is said that in later years he has been fortunate in his investments and is again a very rich man." HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 159 . As will be seen, Senator Jones was a man of the people, a practical mining man as well as an expert in handling mines and mining stocks. He has made fortunes and lost them with the calm indifference of the true miner. But be side this, he is a man of great native ability, who, without the training of schools, has made himself an authority on financial questions and created the utmost confidence in his sound judgment and clear perception. Senator Jones has been intimately associated with the history of Santa Monica since its inception. In 1874, he purchased an interest in the San Vicente rancho and, with Col. R. S. Baker, laid out the townsite of Santa Monica. During the next two or three years, he spent a million dollars in Southern California, in building up Santa Monica and in building and carrying on the Los Angeles and Independence railway, which was intended to reach his Panamint mines and possibly be the terminus of another great trans continental line. In 1888, he built his beautiful home, Miramar, here and since that time this has been the residence of his family. Here the senator has himself come for rest and pleasure, when he could escape from his many public duties. Senator Jones has been twice married, his first wife being the daughter of Judge Conger, the second a daughter of Eugene A. Sullivan and a most accomplished and benevolent woman. The family consists of one son, Roy, and three daughters. THE VAWTER FAMILY. WILLIAMSON DUNN VAWTKR, late merchant and banker of Santa Monica, was a pioneer settler of Southern California and a leading spirit in the material development and business life of his adopted city. He was a descendant of an old and distinguished family, his parents, William and Frances Vawter, both being natives of Virginia. He was born at Mount Glad, near Madison, Indiana, August 28th, 1815. About 1827 the family removed to Jennings county and located on a farm near the town of Vernon. The father proposed to make a farmer of his son ; but the lad had no liking for that vocation and soon after the age of twelve went to live with his uncle, Colonel John Vawter, for whom he had a great affection. His first work was driving an ox team between the towns of Madison and Vernon, freighted with merchandise for his uncle's store. This work, by reason of the difficult roads and occasional danger from savages, suited the daring spirit of the boy. Later he became a clerk in the store of his uncle and then partner in the same store, in company with his cousin, Smith Vawter. Together they carried on business in the old brick building at " Vaw ter 's Corner " in Vernon, for a period of forty years. Mr. Vawter served as postmaster of the town for a number of years. He was a leader in early temperance work and was treasurer and custodian of the Bible depository of Jennings county, a branch of the American Bible Society, E. J. VAWTER. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 161 from its organization. He always took a lively interest in municipal politics and in national affairs. He was a Whig during the life of that political party and a member of the Republican party from its birth. He voted for General William Henry Harrison and in 1888 cast his vote for General Benjamin Har rison. Tn 1875 he came to California and was one of the original members of the Indiana colony which was the forerunner of the city of Pasadena. Mr. Vawter purchased a sixty-acre ranch in that colony, which is now occupied by the busi ness portion of the city. Drawn by report of the great advantages offered by the new settlement of Santa Monica which was to become the commercial metrop olis of Southern California, he with his sons located here and opened the first general store in the town, in a building on the lots on Fourth street still occupied by the Vawter residence. As the town commenced to grow he established lumber yards and soon built a planing mill, which proved a boon to home builders. He secured a fran chise in 1886 and with his sons built the first street railway, which was for some time operated at a loss. They demonstrated their faith in the future, however, by extending the line to the Soldiers' Home, a distance of about five miles, and he lived to see it a paying enterprise. With his sons he organized the First National Bank of Santa Monica and opened the same in the brick building on the southeast corner of Third and Oregon, which they built in 1888. Mr. Vawter was married, July I5th, 1834, to Mary Charlotte Tilghman Crowder of Baltimore, Maryland. She died September 22nd, 1851. Her chil dren were Mary Ellen, May, Jane Cravens, William Smith and Edwin James. Mr. Vawter married Charlotte Augusta Knowlton in November, 1852. She was a native of Shrewsbury, Mass. She died in Santa Monica, December 27th, 180,3, leaving one daughter, Emma. A son, Charles Knowlton, had died pre viously. Mr. Vawter was one of the founders of the Presbyterian church in Santa Monica and was always one of its staunch supporters. He was a man of pure life both in thought and action. He was pre-eminently just and never inten tionally did any man a wrong. At the same time, he was not a man of loud or bold pretense and moved along life's journey doing the right thing at the right time : " because it was the natural, outlet for energies which were attuned to those harmonies which could,only accord with what was best." The memory of his noble life will linger like a restraining benediction to call us up toward a better standard of thought and action. Mr. Vawter passed away at his home in Santa Monica, July loth, 1894. MARY ELLEN VAWTER, the first child of W. D. and Mary C. Vawter, was born at Vernon, Ind., October 28th, 1836. At the age of eighteen she began teaching school. At twenty-three she married Ward Leavitt of Chatauqua, N. Y. In the spring of 1875, Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt with their daughter, Florence, removed to California. They were stockholders in the Indiana colony, but after 11 162 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES a short residence there located in Santa Monica. In 1880 they returned to Pasa dena and lived for some years upon their orange ranch. In 1887 they again located in Santa Monica, where Mr. Leavitt died, October 23th, 1896. Mrs. Leavitt and daughter still reside in Santa Monica. MAY VAWTER was born at Vcrnon, Ind., March 4th, 1838. She was edu cated in the schools of her native town and received a special musical training. After teaching school and traveling through the southern and eastern states and Canada, she accompanied her family to California in 1875. In the spring of 1876 she married Switzer S. Harwood, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Harwood lived at San Pablo and in San Francisco and Yreka. They finally removed to Sydney, Australia, where they made their home. Mrs. Harwood was a self-reliant woman, adventurous from childhood, and she several times made the voyage between Sydney and California. She early united with the Vernon Presbyterian church and was a charter member of the First Presbyterian church of Santa Monica. She died in Sydney, Australia, March ist, 1884. JANE CRAVENS VAWTER is a native of Vernon, Ind. She received her edu cation in private and public schools of her native town and later studied under Dr. J. C. Burt, following a college course. She also took a special course of reading extending over several years. When very young she was interested in political and national questions and became a staunch abolitionist. She was for several years a teacher in the public schools of Indianapolis. She united with the Presbyterian church at Vernon, and was the projector and one of the founders of the first Sunday-school in Santa Monica. This was organized and carried on for some weeks in the home of W. D. Vawter. Miss Vawter was a charter member of the First Presbyterian church and served for some time as its Sunday-school superintendent. She was long a teacher in this school, taking children from their tenth year and holding them until they reached majority. She was one of the two solicitors who collected funds for the present beautiful Presbyterian building. She and her sister, Miss Emma, now live to gether in the fine old homestead on Fourth street. Santa Monica. ARAMATHA CHARLOTTE VAWTER was born in Vernon, Ind.. September 25th. 1841. She was educated at Jennings Academy. Vernon, and at Oxford, Ohio. After teaching for a time, she was married, October i6th, 1866, to Septimus Vater, now a prominent banker of Lafayette, Ind. Mrs. Vater, who has always been an active worker in the Presbyterian church and its auxiliaries, has been ordained a deaconess in her home church and is widely known for her good works in her home city. WILLIAM S. VAWTER, the eldest son of W. D. and Alary C. Vawter, was born near Vernon, Ind., April ist, 1845. He passed through the graded schools of the town and graduated from a commercial college in Cincinnati, Ohio. Re turning to his native place, he was appointed deputy county clerk of Jennings county. Later he became editor and proprietor of the Vcrnon Banner, a weekly HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 163 paper, which he conducted with success for a couple of years. He then entered the manufacturing business, which he continued until he came to California in 1875. After making investments in the Indiana colony, now Pasadena, the Vawters, father and two sons, opened the first general store in Santa Monica and con ducted an extensive mercantile business for ten years. They remained here dur ing the long period of depression succeeding the abandonment of the wharf by the Southern Pacific Company and, in spite of the most discouraging conditions, retained their faith in the future of this region. In 1884 the Vawters purchased too acres of the Lucas ranch, adjoining the then south boundary of the town. This land was later subdivided and sold in tracts and in lots and forms a large part of the present south end of the city of Santa Monica. During 1887-88 they sold half of this property for more than the whole tract had cost them and W. S. Yawter built a handsome home in South Santa Monica, one of the first residences in that district. Mr. Yawter has served the city of Santa Monica in many capacities. He was one of the first board of trustees when the town was incorporated and served from 1886 to 1892; in 1903 he was again elected city trustee and served until 1906. He was interested in the establishment of the Santa Monica street railway system and the Soldiers' Home line, all of which were sold to the Los Angeles Pacific. With his brother, E. J. Vawter, Mr. Vawter organized the Santa Monica Mill and Lumber Company, in 1886; the Santa Monica Commercial Com pany in 1894; was interested in the First National Bank formed in 1888, and is now vice-president of the Merchants' National Bank of Santa Monica. He was one of the members of the City Water Company incorporated in 1896 to supply Ocean Park with water and has been connected with many other local business ventures. He is still largely interested in real estate and takes an active part in every movement for the advance of the town which he has aided in building up. Mr. Vawter has always been a loyal Republican in politics and has taken an active part in public affairs. During the administration of President Harri son, he served as postmaster of Santa Monica, resigning on the election of Pres ident Cleveland. In the spring of 1908 he was appointed a member of the State Board of Bank Commissioners, and accepted the position, resigning from the presidency of the Santa Monica Savings Bank and from the board of edu cation to do so. Mr. Vawter was married in 1868 to Miss Sarah M. McClaskey, a native of Jackson county, Indiana. They have one daughter, Mary C., now the wife of John S. Moore of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Vawter have a beautiful home on the corner of Second street and Arizona avenue, which is surrounded by stately trees, the growth of years. 164 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES EDWIN JAMES VAWTER was born in Vernon, Incl., November 26tb, 1848. After being educated in the public schools, he showed a decided tendency for business and made his first venture as a newspaper man, on the Vernon Banner. He was soon taken into partnership with his father, W. D. Vawter, in his gen eral merchandise business, at the old " Vawter Corner ", in Vernon. On the removal to California in 1875, the partnership between father and son was con tinued, and he was also one of the stockholders in the Indiana colony. 'He located in Santa Monica when the family decided upon this as a residence. He has taken a large part in the financial and business affairs of this vicinity and has always been known as an enterprising investor in every effort which prom ised success. Many of the improvements which Santa Monica has enjoyed and is enjoying today have been inaugurated by the Vawter family and carried forward to completion with perseverance in the face of difficulties. Mr. E. J. \ r awter has had a large share in the enterprises which were organized by his father and brother, as well as having originated many other successful ventures himself. He was president of the City Water Company organized in 1896 to supply the district known as Ocean Park with water; he was cashier of the First National Bank of Santa Monica until it was sold to Senator Jones in 1893. In 1899 he began the development of what has proved to be one of the most important of Santa Monica industries that is the growing of carnations and other flowers for the market. A large tract of land is now under cultivation and the business is steadily increasing in value. He was the founder of the Santa Monica Commercial Company, organized to carry on real estate, banking, railroading and other transactions. He remains the president and manager of this company, which represents the properties left himself and four sisters by the will of their father. He organized the First National Bank of Ocean Park, in 1905, of which he was president until 1907. Mr. Vawter has always been closely identified with the public interests ; he has served the city as a member of the board of city trustees, and as member, of the library board and of the school board. He has also taken part in many of the political conventions of the Republican party and is identified with the Masonic order (being a 32nd degree Mason), Knights of Pythias, and Pioneers of Los Angeles county. He was married to Miss Laura E. Dixon in Indiana, in 1869. She died in 1886. They were the parents of one son, E. J. Vawter, Jr., who inherits the business ability of the family. In 1888 Mr. Vawter married Mrs. Isabella L. Nelson. She is gifted with a fine voice, which is often used in the aid of charitable causes. They have a pleasant home, in the midst of flowers, in South Santa Monica. EMMA KNOWLTON VAWTER was born in Vernon, Ind., August 2ist, 1853. She received her education in the public schools of Vernon, Ind., and in the Western Seminary and Oxford College, where she graduated in 1873. She came to California with her father's family and has since that time been a resi- HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 165 dent of Santa Monica. Having received a good musical education, she acted as organist for the First Presbyterian church from its organization until 1903. She resides with her sister, Jane Cravens, in the old home at Santa Monica. CHARLES KNOWLTON VAWTER, son of Williamson D. and Charlotte Knowl- ton Vawter, was born in Vernon, September 7th, 1855. He was delicate from birth, having a spinal difficulty which resulted in the complete loss of sight. He died September 29th, 1879. EDWIN JA.MES VAWTER, JR., son of Edwin James and Laura Dixon Vawter, was born in Vernon, Ind., June loth, 1871. He came to California with his parents and after his mother's death in 1886, lived for a time with his grand father, W. D. Vawter. At sixteen he entered Purdue University, Indiana. In 1888 he entered the State University at Berkeley, but owing to an attack of typhoid fever did not complete the course. In 1889 he took a position with the First National Bank of Santa Monica. On the organization of the Commercial Bank of Santa Monica, in 1894, he be came cashier of the institution. He was cashier of the Main-street Savings Bank of Los Angeles for five years and was connected with the Security Savings Bank. He then became cashier of the United States National Bank of the same city. He is now president of the First National Bank of Ocean Park. Politically he is a Republican. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and organized a company of the " Uniform Rank " at Santa Monica, which he served for two years as captain. He is also a member of the Masonic order, and has taken the 32nd degree. He united with the Presbyterian church during boyhood and has served several years as trustee of that church. Mr. Vawter was married March 8th, 1899, to Miss Bessie M. Channell of Arkansas City, Kansas. They have two children, Marjorie Dixon and Helen Edwina. J. J. CARRILLO. CHAPTER III. FROM TOWN TO CITY. 1880-1890. THE opening of the new decade found Santa Monica in the midst of most discouraging circumstances. The population as shown by the United States census was 417, but this included the population of the entire township of La Ballona. Values had greatly depreciated. Three lots and a house on the corner of Oregon avenue and Second street were sold, about this time, for $750. L. T. Fisher sold his place on Third street, now known as the General Sargeant house, two lots, a small house and highly improved grounds, for $300. Three lots on the corner of Utah and Third, with improvements, sold for $1200. As late as 1885 the corner now occupied by the Santa Monica bank building sold at a probate sale for $400. These are but samples of the effect of the " dark days." But Santa Monica was not alone in her depression. The years from 1880 to 1885 were quiescent throughout Southern California. The chief enlivenment came through the operation of the Southern California Railroad which was building branch lines in preparation for the coming of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe line, the completion of which ushered in the " boom " days of the later eighties. Santa Monica looked longingly toward this new line, the ocean terminus of which was not yet determined, north of San Diego. But the Southern Pacific hold on the situation here was too strong to tempt the California Southern this way, until after the failure to make a harbor at Ballona. Santa Monica still had advantages, however, which were not dependent upon any railroad. She continued to be the favorite summer resort for pleasure seekers from the interior towns of the southern end of the state and she offered mnny attractions to eastern tourists and health seekers when they were fortu nate enough to discover that such a place as Santa Monica existed. During 1883 it became necessary to increase her hotel accommodations and the Santa Monica Hotel was remodeled and increased by the addition of twenty rooms. Several new cottages were built and many tents were grouped each summer on " north beach ", while the canon still was a favorite camping resort also. In 1884 the Vawters showed their solid faith in the future by purchasing 100 acres of the Lucas tract, adjoining the town on the south, paying $40.00 per acre for the land. The summer of 1885 was an unusually gay one at the beach. Hotels and cottages were all full and more than 200 tents were occupied on North Beach. Sunday excursions brought crowds and the annual encampment of the G. A. R., in August, added to the enrollment. The Catholic church, which had been 168 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES begun in 1884, was completed in 1885. The population of the town had so increased that three teachers were employed and additional school room was necessary. During 1885 a free reading room was established by the ladies of the Women's Christian Temperance Union in August. This effort, which was begun by a few brave, hard-working women, gradually developed into a library and became the foundation of the present public library. 1886. The completion of the through line of the Atchison & Topeka road in 1885 led to the greatest " rate war " ever known in this country and was the immediate caxise of the marvelous influx of population and capital from which the later history of Southern California dates. The quickening of the real estate market, the breaking up of the large ranches in the vicinity of Santa Monica and the great projects for railroads and harbors which were in the air, revived land values in this place. In January, 1886, it was reported that the Santa Fe, or Atlantic & Pacific road, as it was then called, would build a line to South Santa Monica and there construct a wharf long enough to accommo date the largest ships. The company was also to build a three-story hotel on its reservation. In view of this rumor and of the purchase of right of way for the road, many improvements were made in that direction and new comers began to secure lands in South Santa Monica. But the hopes of that section were dashed when it was learned in October that the " Ballona Harbor Improve ment Company " had been incorporated and that the Los Angeles & Santa Monica road, which had been incorporated to connect the A. & P. with Santa Monica, had secured a franchise for a wharf and ship canal on Ballona slough. Work was at once begun at dredging for the harbor, which had been carefully planned by Hugh Crabbe, an engineer of some note. During the next two years extensive operations were carried on and a large sum of money was ex pended in the effort to create a harbor at Ballona Port. Another important event of 1886 was the building of the Hotel Arcadia. During the previous year, J. W. Scott, who had long been one of the most en terprising citizens of the town, and who had been host of the Santa Monica Hotel for a number of years, purchased from the railroad company a tract of land lying along the ocean front between Railroad and Front streets, paying for it $3000. He subdivided it into forty lots and sold thirty of them for $30,000. With this money he began the construction of a first-class hotel, a long-felt want in Santa Monica. The hotel, when completed January, 1887, was the finest seaside hotel in Southern California and was only equaled by the Del Monte at Monterey in the north. The grounds about it were at once improved and the place became the center of Santa Monica's attractions. A bath house and pavilion, and a gravity railway were among the features that were added by the enterprising management of the establishment. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 169 In November, 1886, another important step in the advancement of Santa Monica occurred. This was the incorporation of the town ; the election to decide the question being held November 3<3th and resulting in a vote of 97 for incorporation and 71 against. The boundaries as fixed were: "From the northern corner of Montana avenue and Seventeenth street, east along north erly line of Seventeenth street to the boundary line between San Vicente and La Ballona; thence west to the south line of Santa Monica and Compton road; thence southeast to the south line of Lucas tract ; thence to Pacific ocean." The first board of trustees chosen for the town was made up of John Steere, chair man : Dr. E. C. Folsom, A. E. Ladd, W. S. Yawter and J. W. Scott. Fred C. McKinnie was the first town clerk; H. C. Baggs, Jr., was elected marshal and E. K. Chapin treasurer. Baggs failing to qualify, Michael Noon was ap pointed in his place. While there was considerable opposition to incorporation by what the Ex press terms the " old fogies ", on the ground of the additional taxes to be ex pected as a result, the feeling in general was that the interests of the town de manded the change and that public improvements must be made, even though the wherewithal must come out of the pockets of the property owners. The board of trustees at once entered upon a campaign of public improvements which within the next few years transformed the rough, dusty and ungraded roads which were called streets and avenues into well graded, graveled streets with sidewalks, crossings, bridges, and which were sprinkled and shaded. Dur ing the 3'ear fifty-five new cottages were erected in the town, beside the business buildings and hotel, and a new era of growth was thus fairly inaugurated. 1887. The year of 1887 was the most phenomenal period in the history of this state. Santa Monica was not behind the other sections of Southern California in the real estate craze that beset the old settler and the " tenderfoot " alike. In January, L. T. Fisher, the former owner and editor of the Santa Monica Outlook, which had so ably represented the town in its first sunny days, returned to his first love and began the publication of a new series of the Outlook, joining with him T. J. Spencer, an experienced printer. This paper furnished the medium through which the real estate agents of the vicinity made their glowing announcements. One of the first firms to indulge in large capitals and superla tive adjectives was that of Tanner & Lewis R. R. Tanner and " Tom " Lewis, both of whom are well known in the annals of Santa Monica. They advertised in January " Bargains in Vawter tract, Central addition, Prospect Hill and other localities." On March 3rd a " Great auction sale " of Santa Monica lots offered by the land company, took place. Of this sale the Outlook says : " This valuable property will be sold on its merits. There will be no free band, no free lunch, no free ride." In this connection, it continued : " The S. P. rail- 170 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES way company are daily making three trips between Los Angeles and Santa Monica, which shows the importance of the location. And yet this is a mere beginning. Another party is after a franchise for a dummy road from Los Angeles to the ocean, to pass along the Cahuenga foothills. Another company has organized with a capital of $500,000 to construct an electric railway from Pasadena to the ocean. Their objective point on the coast is not yet announced, but Santa Monica is no doubt the place, as the conditions are favorable to this view. It should also be remembered that large capital is backing the enterprise of constructing an artificial harbor at a point about four miles south of this place. And there is still another improvement in prospect. This is a wharf in front of Santa Monica to be constructed by the Southern Pacific Company." Lots to the amount of $42,000 were disposed of in this sale, which included prop erty from Ocean avenue to Twentieth street, and a few weeks later another auction sale disposed of a still larger number of lots at prices ranging nearly double those of the first sale. On June 2nd occurred a " grand excursion and auction ", with Ben F. Ward orator of the day. This was " East Santa Monica " and prospective visitors were directed to bring their appetites and pocketbooks. The same month the " Santa Fe " tract, with " ocean view, street cars, water, and stone pavement ", was put on the market. This included fifty-three acres of land . located in South Santa Monica and owned by Tanner & Lewis, purchased from the Vawters for $53,000. The " Wave Crest " and " Ocean Spray " tracts, also in South Santa Monica, were placed on the market about this time. Lots in these divisions brought as high as $1350, which to old settlers in Santa Monica seemed fabulous. But when it is remembered that these various tracts are now the site of Ocean Park district, the figures do not seem out of the way. One of the most important deals was the purchase for $55,575 of 247 acres of the Boca de Santa Monica, located on the bluff on the other side of " Old Santa Monica Canon ", by a syndicate of which Abbot Kinney was the moving spirit. It was proposed to make this the " Nob Hill " district of Santa Monica. Streets were laid out, trees planted, the Santa Monica Outlook Railway was organized, with Kinney as president, Patrick Robinson, vice-president, James Bettner secretary and treasurer, to build a steam road from the Southern Pacific depot along the base of the bluff to the mouth of the canon and up a branch of the Santa Monica canon to the " heights." Mr. Kinney was at that time secretary of the newly organized state board of forestry and offered to donate a site for a forestry station on the heights. The offer was accepted in Novem ber, 1887, $5000 was set aside to be devoted to the experimental station and H. Rowland Lee was sent to take charge of the work. By August the " free lunch free music " stage of auction sales had been reached, " round-trip fare fifty cents and twenty cars provided " for sales in the Ocean Spray and East Santa Monica tracts. Among other tracts of this HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 171 time were the Crippen tract, the Arcadia and Van Every's addition, all of which were actively pushed. During this year the townsite of Palms was laid out, about five miles inland from Santa Monica, on the line of the Southern Pacific. The town of Sunset also sprang into existence. This was located on the Wolfskill ranch, which had been the old land grant of San Jose de Buenos Ayres. This tract of 4500 acres had belonged to B. D. Wilson, who in 1865 mortgaged it for $6000. On this loan it passed into the hands of John Wolfskill, who during 1887 sold it to a syndicate for $440,000. A townsite and ten-acre tracts were laid out ; water was being developed ; a large hotel was planned and partially built ; even a news paper was started. The " foothill " line, which was to reach the ocean in the vicinity of Santa Monica canon was to cross the tract and a " grand boulevard "- that fair dream which has existed as a dream since the laying out of Santa Monica was to be constructed from 'Los Angeles to the ocean, passing through the city of Sunset. An improvement which had a more substantial basis and which has been of great advantage to Santa Monica and Southern California, was set under way during the year. This was the location of a branch of the National Home for Disabled Veterans in this vicinity. The board of managers of the institution were on the coast to locate a site for a Pacific branch. They were induced to visit Southern California, where various propositions were laid before them. Judge Walter Van Dyke, acting for Messrs. Jones and Baker and the owners of the Wolfskill tract, offered 600 acres of land in the San Vicente and Buenos Ayres grants, together with other valuable considerations. This proposition was accepted and the announcement was made in November, 1887, that the present site had been selected. The news was received with rejoicing in Santa Monica, which thus became the nearest base of supplies for the home. Naturally such rapid advance in real estate values produced a rapid growth in the town and a demand for improvements to correspond. Early in February two applications for franchises to build street car lines were received by the board of trustees, one from O. G. Weiss and others of Los Angeles, the other by W. D. Vawter of Santa Monica. The latter was granted ; work was at once begun, and on June igth the first car ran over the Ocean-avenue line and in the fall the extension 1 was completed, on Utah avenue and Third streets, up Ari zona to Seventh and on Seventh to Nevada. A franchise was also granted to a company which proposed to establish a gas plant and supply the town. This improvement, however, did not materialize and for years the only gas in the town was that manufactured by a private plant for the Arcadia Hotel, and two or three other private houses. The Ballona and Santa Monica railway was incorporated in 1887 to build a standard-gauge road from Ballona to Santa Monica, its board of directors being M. L. Wicks, J. Bernard, Jr., S. D. Northcutt, James Campbell and others. It was really an W. I. HULL. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 173 offshoot of the Santa Fe line and through it, the Santa Fe obtained a right of way through South Santa Monica to a junction with the S. P. on Railroad street. Work was continued during the year on the Ballona harbor project, and it was still hoped that the Santa Fe might make a terminus either at Ballona or Santa Monica. Among the buildings of the year, John Steere erected a two-story brick block on the northeast corner of Utah and Third, with a frontage of 50 by 75 feet. The second floor contained a large hall which for many years was known as " Steere's Opera House ", and which served as a theater and public meeting place. The older residents of Santa Monica can look back upon many festal occasions enjoyed within and recall the remarkable display of stuffed birds which adorned its walls. Several other business blocks and a number of residences were built during the year. St. Augustine's Episcopal church was erected and the Catholic church at Palms was built. The Fourth of July this year was celebrated with a great deal of enthusiasm, a Jnrge crowd gathering to witness the proceedings and the Hon. Abbot Kinney delivering the address of the day. The flower festival in Los Angeles was a most pleasing and novel attraction. The Santa Monica booth, prepared by Mr. Tyler, Mrs. Chapin and other ladies of the town, was a representation of Santa Monica, with wharf and ship, made of flowers, and attracted a great deal of attention and praise as the most beautiful exhibit in the festival. In August the Lawn Tennis Association was incorporated and grounds were se cured and laid out on Third street. The first tournament of the Southern Cali fornia Tennis Association took place on these grounds and was a great success, closing with a grand ball at the new opera house. 1888. The year of 1888 was one of prosperity and advancement. While real estate movements were not so rapid nor so sensational as in the previous year and some of the wild schemes fell through, much solid and permanent develop ment went on. One of the most important indications of the change from village to city was the formation of a bank, the directors being mostly local capitalists. The First National Bank of Santa Monica was organized in January, with G. H. Bonebrake of Los Angeles, president ; John Steere, vice-president ; E. J. Vawter, cashier; G. S. Van Every, John Steere, Nathan Bundy, H. C. Baggs, G. H. Bonebrake, W. S. and E. J. Vawter, directors. It opened for business in March in the Central building on Third street and at once began to plan for a hand some building of its own. In April the contract was let for the erection of Senator Jones' new home on a block that had been reserved in the original town plat as a hotel site. This house was to cost between $30,000 and $40,000, and the fact thaUthe senator had selected Santa Monica as a permanent home went 174 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES far toward insuring the future of the place, as the Jones interests were still the dominant factor in the town. The Santa Monica Improvement Company was organized this year with Abbot Kinney, P. Robertson and Thomas Rhodes as the controlling committee. This association at once began work in improving the grounds of the lawn tennis courts and in erecting the " Casino " on Third street. This was a substantial and beautiful club house, costing some $6000 and for many years was the center of much social gayety and the scene of many festivities. In April, after a rather lively contest, three new trustees were elected, Thomas A. Lewis, Thomas Rhodes and J. J. Carrillo, the latter of whom served as trustee continuously until 1900 twelve years. The new board organized with W. S. Vawter president, and at once began a vigorous campaign for the improvement of streets. Before the end of the year active work had been begun and contracts let for the grading, curbing and graveling of streets to the amount of $23,000 while over $30,000 had been expended, or called for, in the putting down of cement sidewalks. The present day population owes much to' the board of trustees of 1888-89 who, in the face of much opposition from people who thought the town would be bankrupted forever by such extravagance, and in the face of many difficulties, persisted in making the streets of Santa Monica the best thoroughfares in the country. Railroad schemes were always on the tapis and hopes for rapid transit were afforded abundant material for building upon. The Outlook of July i8th talks cheerfully of the situation : " Santa Monica has excellent railroad accommoda tions. The S. P. trains now make four round trips on week days and six on Sundays. The round-trip fare is 75 cents except on Sundays when it is 50 cents. . . The Los Angeles County Railroad will in a short time have another route completed to Sonta Monica. The entire distance is now graded and the material and rolling stock is now on hand. This road starts from the terminus of the Temple street cable road in Los Angeles and skirts along the foothills, running over a most charming route and passing close to the Soldiers' Home. And yet this is not the end. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, which is now within five or six miles of this place, promises to extend its line to Santa Monica in the near future. The company already has a right of way along Lucas avenue in South Santa Monica and have graded a short section to hold their franchise. Nor does this close the programme. A rapid transit road is in pros pect which will start from some eligible point in Los Angeles and, paralleling the Southern Pacific as far as The Palms, will then cross to the south side, mak ing a beeline for South Santa Monica." Of these projects, the Los Angeles county road, or the Los Angeles & Pacific road, as it was later known, which was capitalized by Los Angeles men, completed its track to Santa Monica and in 1889 went into operation. But its career was short-lived. On January 29th, 1889, its first passenger train came HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 175 into Santa Monica and was greeted with enthusiasm ; the officers, E. E. Hall, president, S. W. Luitweiler, vice-president, R. C. Shaw, superintendent, and Cornelius Cole, J. M. Hale, W. T. Spillman and Arthur Gaylord, directors, being on board. The road ran through Burbank, the Ostrich Farm at Kenilworth, Prospect Park, Hollywood, Cahuenga, Morocco, Sunset and Soldiers' Home, a distance of about 27 miles. Its terminus in Santa Monica was on the bluff near Utah avenue. In September, 1889, it went into the hands of a receiver and in October all trains but one a day were taken off. Soon afterward the rolling stock was taken possession of by the creditors and one more disastrous failure was added to the wreckage of the " boom period." Late this year a Board of Trade was organized and at once began to take an active part in pushing the vital interests of the town, which at this particular time were generally conceded to be the building of a wharf and the completion of the new water system. Work had been begun on a new reservoir, new pipe was being laid and the Water Company, otherwise Jones & Baker, proposed to expend some $60,000 in providing a suitable water supply. The Santa Monica Mill Company's plant was put in operation this year at a cost of fully $25.000. The Gates block on Third street was put up at a cost of $10,000 and other build ing improvements to the amount of about $100.000 made the town begin to assume the airs of a citv. The year 1889 opened with the burning of the Santa Monica Hotel which occurred January I5th and was a complete loss on account of the insufficient supply of water. This swept away one of the oldest landmarks of the place, as the hotel was the first building erected, having been put up by Jones and Baker in the spring of 1875. It had been added to at various times and was valued at some $25,000. The proprietor, T. R. Bennington, lost heavily on his furni ture, and Mrs. Senator Jones was a heavy loser of clothing and jewels. The place had had many ups and downs, having been " run " by many different par ties, taken over for debt, and closed entirely during 1880-81. Till the building of the Arcadia it had been the best hotel of the town and had been enlivened by many gay and festive scenes. The Outlook, in a reminiscent mood, recalls: Jim ' Eastman, in his palmy days, used to drive there in his fine turnout and throw up one or two hundred at a whack for champagne and swell dinners. Led- yard and Bullock, the once noted financiers of the Temple and Workman Bank, et id omnes genus, would also come down periodically and indulge in a little hilarity and the disbursement of some of their easily gotten wealth." On February nth, the First National Bank moved into its new two-story building, which was handsomely fitted up for its purposes. This spring the Jones mansion was completed and the family moved in. It at once became a social center whose hospitality was enjoyed by many distinguished people from 176 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES all parts of the world. Among its first visitors were Senator Hoar, of Massa chusetts, Senator Allison, of Iowa, and Governor and Mrs. Stoneman, who were entertained in a party by Mrs. Jones. One of the most exciting questions of the year was that of the proposed outfall sewer from Los Angeles which was to be discharged into the ocean in the neighborhood of the present site of Venice, the city being vigorously cam paigned for votes on the bonding proposition to build the outfall. Santa Monica citizens entered a decided protest against such a plan as destructive to their beach interests ; meetings were held, the board of trustees and the Board of Trade passed vigorous resolutions and the town hired counsel to defend their rights. Citizens of Santa Monica attended anti-bond meetings in Los Angeles and took an active part in the fight. The question was settled in October, for the time being, by the defeat of the bond issue. During this year, the street railway, or the " mule line " as it was popularly known, was extended to Seventeenth street, thus giving the town four and a half miles of street railway. The drive way to the Soldiers' Home was also com pleted this year, a boulevard 100 feet wide, lined with trees set out under the supervision of Abbot Kinney, then road commissioner, and with four substantial bridges. It was proposed to complete this boulevard to Los Angeles, and a number of other roads were opened and improved and set with shade trees about this time. The Soldiers' Home improvements were now fully under way and a num ber of veterans had already been received. A brick kiln had been put into oper ation in Santa Monica by Messrs. Sam Cripe and C. F. Geltner, which supplied a large number of brick for the new buildings on the Soldiers' Home grounds. A franchise was secured to build a street railway from the terminus of the Vaw- ter line at Seventeenth street to the Home and this line was put into operation in 1890. Among the social events of the year may be chronicled the visit of Senator Hearst, who was entertained by the Board of Trade and of Fanny Davenport, who was so delighted with Santa Monica that she purchased a cottage and announced her intention of passing her old age here. The Polo Club, Tennis Association and a race course provided amusement for sport lovers. The town now hid five chvrches, and among the mam- church entertainments the Floral SAXTA MONICA HOTEL. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 177 Festival, held in the new Presbyterian church, was an event that lingers in the memory of participants and beholders. One of the most magnificent of the many hopeful prospects of the year was the apparent certainty that this place had been chosen as the site for one of the largest Catholic schools in the country. In September it was announced that the Sisters of St. Joseph, a St. Louis order, had made arrangements with Messrs. Crippen, who were to donate a tract of twenty-two acres of the East Santa Monica tract for the location of a large school. Mr. John F. Hogan, who had been instrumental in bringing the Sisters to this location, reported that work would at once be begun on a building. The Outlook of September 25th says : " Heretofore rumor said that at least $350,000 would be expended upon the building alone, with a possible increase to $500,000. But it seems that even these figures are too small. The Mother Superior is so captivated with the location that she thinks the Sisters may decide to spend over a million before the improvements shall have been completed." December nth, it is announced that the final arrangements for the location of the Catholic College at Santa Monica have been completed and Mother General Agatha, of St. Louis, drove the first stake in the grounds, which " is the beginning of a series of dedicatory services that will close with the final imposing ceremonial that will be held at the completion of the grand edifice." The final grand dedicatorial service has not yet taken place ; Sister Agatha seems to have been too enthusiastic. The Outlook of January 8th, 1890, says: "The popularity of Santa Monica as a seaside resort is shown by the large travel over the Southern Pacific and the L. A. & P. railroads. After careful estimates by the agent, we find the Southern Pacific brought 200,000 visitors to the beach during the year. To this must be added about a fourth as many for the L. A. & P. during the time. Then there were thousands who came by private conveyance. The highest number of visitors on any one day was on the first Sunday of the bal loon ascension, when the crowd was estimated at 12,000. When Los Angeles shall have doubled her population (as she will within a few years) and the lines of railway have quadrupled, and the fare been reduced to one-half, it is easy to imagine what an immense crowd will visit this beach each week." It is interesting to note that all of the above predictions have been ful filled long ago, except the reduction in railway fare, THE WHARF FIGHT. During the eighties the question of a wharf at Santa Monica was considered the most vital one of all that presented them selves. The people, the trustees, the Board of Trade, the contributors to the papers, and above all the editor of the Outlook, discussed this question in all its phases. The Outlook alternated between arguments to prove the necessity and the profits to be accrued from building a wharf; schemes for the building 12 178 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES of a wharf and discourses upon the advisability of a harbor, or a breakwater, at Santa Monica. The first tangible step toward wharf building was the application, in Feb ruary, 1887, f the Southern Pacific for a franchise to build a wharf at the foot of Railroad street, where the old wharf had stood. This was a direct result of the efforts to establish a " harbor " at Ballona, which were backed by the Santa Fe. But as the harbor of Ballona failed to threaten their San Pedro business, the S. P. application lay dormant. When it became evident that the railroad company would do nothing, more talk followed and in December it was announced that Mr. Bernard, who had still the stump of his wharf, built in '79 at South Santa Monica, had formed a company of capitalists who would rebuild that structure. A committee was sent to San Francisco to inter view the railway people and the Outlook declares : " There is hardly any ground for doubt that we shall have a wharf within the next six months. . . . It is one of the anomalies of business that the old Santa Monica wharf was destroyed, not because it didn't pay, but because it did pay. That is to say, it paid the shipper and traveler and would have paid the railroad company had they not been interested at Wilmington and San Pedro." February ist, 1888, Geo. S. Van Every and T. A. Lewis, two well known residents of Santa Monica, made an application for a franchise to build a wharf at the foot of Bicknell avenue. At the next meeting of the city trustees a petition was presented by the Santa Monica Wharf Company, signed by forty- five citizens, asking that an election be called for the purpose of submitting the question of voting $10,000 bonds to be given to the company on the comple tion of the wharf according to the franchise asked by Messrs. Van Every and Lewis. The discussions and public meetings that followed this action were lively and some warm language must have been used, for a few weeks later the following note was published : " To the Honorable Board of Trustees of the town of Santa Monica. Gents : Whereas we hear it talked by divers per sons that the proposition to vote $10,000 subsidy to the ' Santa Monica Wharf and Shipping Company ' was simply a scheme to extort and obtain money from the said town for personal purposes ; and, whereas, from the said talk, we are advised and believe that the decision will be against us, therefore we beg to withdraw our proposition to construct a wharf and here announce that we will have nothing to do with the matter; but would recommend that the town vote bonds necessary to build and maintain a wharf of its own. George S. Van Every, T. A. Lewis." After more discussion and public meetings, it was generally agreed that it would be feasible for the town to vote bonds for a wharf; but this scheme was decided by the city attorney to be illegal and, notwithstanding their little " defi," Messrs. Van Every and Lewis again came to the front with an appli cation for a franchise, which was granted, to build a wharf at the foot of Front HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 179 street. Mr. Van Every started north to investigate the cost of piles and the Outlook ventured a cautious blast of triumph with strings on it. Past expe rience was beginning to tell. After which there is an ominous quiet on the subject of a wharf until the organization of the Board of Trade in December, 1888, which began an immediate agitation of the subject. The " Wharf Com mittee " reported in favor of organizing a stock company, which proposition was at once acted upon. Papers for subscriptions were circulated, the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade were entertained by the Santa Monica Board of Trade and, incidentally, urged to subscribe. More public meetings, more discussion, pro and con. But at last sufficient subscrip tions were obtained to warrant the incorporation of the " Santa Monica Wharf Company." July I3th " Critic " in the Outlook writes a sharp letter in which he objects to the acts of the committee in electing itself as directors of the new company and immediately demanding an assessment of 40 per cent from sub scribers. He also demands where the wharf is to be built and who is to decide that important question. Another lull followed while the question of the outfall sewer and an occa sional editoria! as to the " harbor " seemed to occupy the attention of Santa Monicans. But in December, Mr. J. B. Dunlap appeared before the board of trustees, representing " capitalists " that magic quantity and asked what subsidy Santa Monica was prepared to give for a wharf. This question led to the proposition that the town vote bonds for a sewer system and then pay a wharf company to carry their sewer out to sea. After much legal lore had been expended, it was decided that this might or might not be done. After which matters seem to have simmered until March, 1890, when the Outlook indulges in this mysterious language : " There is music in the air ! Glad tidings float on the breeze. Rumor says Santa Monica is to have a wharf! Our people generally believe it. So does the Outlook. We are not at liberty to enter into details, as everything is not beyond the possibility of failure. There is every reason to believe, however, that our wharf scheme, for which the Outlook and many zealous residents of Santa Monica have so striven, will be a most gratifying success, at an early day, and that, too, in a shape more satisfactory than any of us have dared hope for." At a public meeting of the subscribers to the " wharf fund " held May 6th, Messrs. L. R. Vincent, D. L. Bancroft and W. D. Vawter were elected com missioners to act for the subscribers, and S.-W. Luitweiler, representing the Los Angeles & Pacific Railroad, was present with a proposition. In June articles of incorporation for a new wharf company were filed. This was the " Santa Monica Wharf and Railway Terminal Company," the incorporators being J. A. Stanwood, E. E. Hall, Elwood Chaffey, Arthur Gayford and W. L. Cor- son; the capital stock fixed at $300,000, $80,000 of which had been subscribed. " The company have acquired an ocean frontage of about a mile and a half and 180 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES a large tract of land" (the present site of Ocean Park and Venice). In the meantime many rumors were afloat as to the intentions of the Southern Pacific Company, which had again sent representatives to Santa Monica and looked at the old stump which still represented past commercial importance. During 1890 the town was in a fever of expectation as to the possibilities of the South ern Pacific action and the probability of the Santa Monica Wharf and Railway Terminal Company actually doing something. But after waiting until the spring of I Q <)I for some tangible signs of fulfillment, the citizens again took a hand. In May a petition signed by about a hundred citizens was presented to the board of trustees requesting them to call an election to determine the ques tion of issuing bonds for the construction of a wharf. After a full and enthu siastic discussion of this project by the trustees and the citizens, the matter was put to vote and was defeated by the vote of two trustees. Another meet ing was called and some very hot language was used ; a new petition was pre pared, urging the trustees to respect the wishes of the citizens ; but the two obdurate members remained firm and again the petition was denied. The excitement ran high and the feeling against the two trustees was very bitter in some quarters. The following emphatic words expressed the feeling of the editor of the Outlook. " We haven't voted any bonds for a wharf at Santa Monica, nor has any person or persons agreed to build one ; yet when a location is mentioned for a wharf, it is like shaking a red rag at a mad bull. If there is any one thing that some Santa Monicans can do better than anything else, it is getting up a raging opposition when something is proposed upon which all should agree. If a man started out tomorrow with a pocket full of twenty-dollar gold pieces, some ' chronic ' would start a howl of opposition because the right per son, in his opinion, had not been selected to make the distribution.'' But the question of building a wharf and of selecting a location was at last settled, without regard to the opposition or opinions of Santa Monicans. On August ist, 1891, the Southern Pacific Engineering Corps began a survey in " old " Santa Monica canyon, and it was definitely known that C. P. Hunt- ington had decided on a wharf for Santa Monica. Thus ended the history of the agitation for a wharf. JOHN T. CARRILLO. There is no better known figure in Santa Monica than that of John T. Carrillo, at present Police Judge of the city. He is a native son the son and the grandson of native sons, and belongs to one of tin- oldest and best known families of California. He is a descendant of Jose Raymundo Carrillo, a native of Loreto, who came to California in 1769. Of him Bancroft says: " He may be regarded as the founder of the Carrillo fam ily, which must be considered in several respects the leading one in California, by reason of the number and prominence of its members and of their connec tion by marriage with so many 'of the best families, both native and pioneer." HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 181 Captain Carrillo married Tomasa Ignacia Lugo and their sons, Carlos, Jose and Domingo, were among the most prominent citizens of the Mexican period of California history. Their only daughter, Maria Antonia, married Captain Jose de la Guerra y Noriega, one of the most brilliant figures in Santa Barbara history. Carlos Antonio Carrillo, grandfather of Juan J., was born at Santa Bar bara in 1783. He began life as a soldier and was engaged in many military affairs. In 1830 he was elected a member of the Mexican Congress and worked earnestly for the interests of his country and the preservation of the missions. One of his speeches, "El Exposicion sobre el Fondo Piadoso " was the first production of a native Calif ornian, printed in book form. In 1837, his brother Jose Antonio, who was an active politician, secured for Carlos an appointment as governor of California, with the privilege of locating the capital of the state at his pleasure. In consequence of this document, the original of which is now in the possession of Mr. Juan J. Carrillo, Senor Carlos Carrillo chose Los Angeles as capital and was inaugurated there with an elaborate ceremony the only time that Los Angeles was ever made the capital. The distinction was short-lived, however, as Governor Alvarado refused to recognize the authority of his Uncle Carlos and after a brief and bloodless military campaign, Don Carlos retired from the field. He was the grantee of the Sespe Rancho and of Santa Rosa Island. He died in 1852. Bancroft says of him: "In person Don Carlos, like most of his brothers and cousins, was large and of magnifi cent presence, distinguished for his courteous and gentlemanly manners. In all California there was no more kind-hearted, generous, popular and inoffen sive citizen than he." His wife was Josefa Castro : his sons, Jose, Pedro C. and Jose Jesus ; his daughters, Josefa, wife of Win. J. Dana ; Encarnacion, wife of Thomas Robbins ; Francisca, wife of A. B. Thompson ; Manuela, wife of John C. Jones, and Maria Antonia, wife of Lewis Burton. Pedro C. Carrillo, father of Juan J., was born in Santa Barbara and was educated in Honolulu and Boston. On his return to California he took an act ive part in affairs, filling various offices in Santa Barbara and Los Angeles and being the grantee of Alamos y Agua Caliente, Camulos ranches and San Diego island. During the American conquest, he favored the Americans and was active in their behalf. In 1847 he was the guide who led a messenger from Stockton to Fremont through the enemy's country. He was made receiver of the port of San Diego, after the American occupation and later served as receiver of port at Santa Barbara and at San Pedro. He spent the last years of his life in Santa Monica and died here May 28th, 1888. His wife was Josefa Bandini, a sister of Mrs. Arcadia de Baker and the oldest one of the famous Bandini sisters. It was she who made the American flag which was used by Commodore Stockton at San Diego the first American flag raised in South ern California. 182 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Juan J. Carrillo was born in Santa Barbara, September 8th, 1842. When he was ten years old he was sent with a party of boys, sons of Californians, to New York, making the trip around the Isthmus of Panama in charge of a priest, who placed the youths in a private family in New York City. The woman in charge proved to be a fraud, and the boys were taught nothing and were badly treated in every way, until an old friend of Mr. Carrillo's father discovered them. Then Juan and his brother were removed to the College of the Holy Cross at Worcester, Mass., near Boston. Here they remained six years, returning to California in 1858. In 1864 Mr. Carrillo came to Los Angeles and entered the store of Caswell, Ellis and Wright, then one of the largest establishments in the state. He re mained with this firm for 14 years, then served for four years as city marshal of I.os Angeles. In 1881 he located in Santa Monica and has since that date been intimately associated with the history of this place. He acted for a time as agent for the Baker interests in this vicinity and has been instrumental in se curing many valuable concessions for the city. For instance, in 1884 Mrs. Baker deeded the site of Woodlawn cemetery to him and he in turn, without compen sation, deeded the same to the city. In 1888 he was elected as city trustee and for twelve years thereafter he was re-elected regularly, thus serving the city longer than any other trustee ever chosen. During this time he was for seven years, from 189x5 to 1897, president of the board and thus acting mayor of the city. During his entire service he gave much time and energy to city affairs and Santa Monica has never had a more disinterested and honest official. In 1888 he took an active part in tie contest made by Santa Monica against the proposed outfall sewer of Los Angeles, with its discharge on the beach between what is now Pier avenue and Venice. Mr. Carrillo personally canvassed the Ballona district and secured the signatures of the property owners to a protest against this action and to an agreement which prevented Los Angeles from securing the proposed right of way for the sewer. When the first board of trade was organized in 1888, Mr. Carrillo was chosen as secretary, an office which he filled for seven years. He was one of the active movers in the efforts to secure a wharf and a sewer system, and has always been a strong advocate of good roads and parks. During his service on the board of trustees he accomplished much toward securing improved roads and streets. Old citizens have not for gotten the long and weary fight he made to secure the road to Calabasas in January, 1897. After his retirement from the council he served two years as superintendent of streets, from 1904 to 1906. In personal appearance and in character Mr. Carrillo is a worthy son of his ancestors, indeed, the description of his grandfather might apply with equal truth to himself. Honorable in all his dealings, generous to a fault and kind- hearted, even to his enemies, probably no man in Santa Monica commands a more sincere regard. He was married, October 7th, 1869, to Miss Francisca HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 183 Roldan, a woman of great beauty of character and person. She died in Los Angeles March 2nd, 1897, and her funeral here in Santa Monica was a rare testi monial of the love and respect which were felt for her and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Carrillo had 13 children, of whom are now living Elisa, Mrs. Eliza Lopez; Atala, Mrs. A. H. Calkins; Diana, Mrs. Will Holton; of the sons, Ygnacio is a well-known dentist, practicing in Los Angeles ; Eulogio is assistant engineer on the Southern Pacific; Leopold, or Leo, as he is more familiarly known, is traveling in the east, where his talents as a monologist and caricaturist have given him distinction. One son, Charles, died in Santa Monica, April ist, 1905, anA the youngest son, Octavio, is now in the employ of the Southern' Pa cific. In 1904 Mr. Carrillo married a second time, Mrs. Eva Fellner, an accom plished and beautiful woman. W. S. VAWTER. CHAPTER IV. GROWTH. 1890-1900. NATURALLY, Santa Monica shared in the reaction which followed the too rapid expansion of 1887-88; but she did not suffer the collapse which followed in many sections of Southern California. She was in no sense a " boom " town and aside from some speculation in South Santa Monica prop erty and some rather previous railway schemes, her growth had been a natural result of her advantages and it continued during the new decade with a steady forward movement which gave a solid basis for the marvelous prosperity of her later history. The population of the town, as shown by the census of 1890, was 1580, an increase of over 400 per cent, above the population of 1880. The assessed valuation of the town, which under the inflated values of 1887 had been swelled to $2,405,048, dropped back to $1,565.773 in 1891. Since that date, however, the annual assessments have shown a remarkably even and healthy increase up to the present time. One of the most important events of the year 1890 was the completion of the street car line to the Soldiers' Home. This line ran out Nevada street and was formally opened to the public April 3rd, with a special trip followed by a banquet at the Hotel Arcadia, where many complimentary things were said of W. D. Yawter, whose enterprise had provided the town with a street car service -extending from the southern limits of the city to the Soldiers' Home. The route from the railroad bridge was along Ocean avenue to Utah, on Utah to Third, thence on Third to Nevada avenue, which leads in a direct line to the Soldiers' Home, a distance of three miles. This boulevard had already been improved and adorned with handsome shade trees. All " old timers " retain many recollections of this line which, for a number of years, was the only means of communication with the home and which was only superseded by the present electric line in 1905. There was a strong feeling that Santa Monica was now sufficiently urban 1o support an electric light system and applications for franchises for this pur pose were made by two different parties ; one was granted to Messrs. H. M. Russell and H. A. Winslow, but they were apparently not able to " make good " at this time. Tn February, W. S. Vawter was appointed postmaster to succeed Miss Mag gie Finn, who had held the office during the past four years. Many people yet 186 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES recall their astonishment when, on going for their mail on the morning of April ist, 1890, to the old location on Second street, where the postoffice had been for years, they found no postoffice there. During the previous night the change of administration had unexpectedly taken place and the postoffice had been moved to its new quarters in the bank building on Third street. The new offices were fitted up temporarily, but within a few weeks were supplied with the latest style of boxes and conveniences and was then counted as being one of the best equipped postoffices in the county. It was presided over at this time by " Johnny " Sum- merfield, who made a genial deputy postmaster. In April, 1890, the new board of trustees, after the election of Messrs. John Steere and J. L. Allen, was made up of these two with J. J. Carrillo, who was elected president of the board, a position which he ably filled for seven years, T. L. Lewis and E. J. Vawter. E. K. Chapin was re-elected treasurer, M. K. Barretto was marshal and H. E. Pollard town clerk. The matter of licenses aroused a good deal of discussion this year, as many objected to the plan of licensing business houses at all, and others thought the licenses altogether more than the traffic could bear. But, in spite of much pressure, the new board made few changes and continued the liquor license at $300 per year, only making an effort to limit the number of saloons to ten. Messrs. Jones and Baker this year deeded the bluff and the city park to the town, on condition that they be kept up as public parks. A large number of streets were graded, graveled and sidewalked. The question of providing for some disposition of the sewage was also agitated and a solution was thought to be offered to that and the wharf problem which so troubled the town. But after much talk, legal advice was sought and, in view of the later developments, the following extracts may be of interest : " In order that there might be no un certainty in the matter, the town attorney was instructed to employ assistant counsel. This was done and two opinions were read before the board and a number of citizens on Monday night, one from R. F. H. Variel, the other from Messrs. Edgerton & Blades. Shorn of all unnecessary verbiage, the opinions were based upon the proposition, can the town authorities of Santa Monica legally submit to the voters, at an election called for that purpose, the proposi tion of voting $40,000 in bonds for the ostensible purpose of constructing a sewer system, having its outlet in the ocean, but really for the purpose of aiding a private corporation in building a wharf? This proposition was ably argued by the gentlemen and they very properly came to the conclusion that the city's funds could not be legally expended in that way." In November the ladies of the W. C. T. U., who had maintained a public reading room and library since 1886, offered to turn their library of 800 volumes over to the city, provided the city would maintain it as a public library. The proposition was accepted and the Santa Monica public library was thus established^ HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 187 1891 This is a memorable year in Santa Monica annals for many reasons. It developed that the Southern Pacific had secured the right of way along the beach to the canon and purchased the Santa Monica Heights tract. In the fall surveyors began work and the company secured a franchise from the city to build a line under the bluff and to build a wharf, within one year, under a $5000 forfeit. At the same time the Santa Monica Wharf and Railway Ter minal Company was applying for a franchise to build a wharf at South Santa Monica and offered to put up a tract of thirteen acres of land as indemnity. This offer was received with a good deal of derision at the time, as the land was supposed to be utterly useless " sand dunes." The Los Angeles and Pacific road had been revived to a certain extent and was also endeavoring to secure a franchise to build a wharf ; but the $5000 forfeit demanded by the board of trustees seemed to put a damper upon their wharf ambitions. With so many propositions coming before it, the board of trustees had some very lively sessions, especially as there were strong objections to everything proposed and much " kicking " at the meetings and through the papers. The harbor question also demanded more or less attention and the board of trustees and board of trade were prompt to act whenever an opportunity presented itself. In October H. M. Russell and VI. A. Winslow, two enterprising citizens of Santa Monica, again applied for a franchise for an electric light plant, which was at once granted them. They took steps to carry out their plans and made a beginning toward this important improvement. Among the business buildings of the year was the Bryson block on the corner of Utah avenue and Second street, which was erected at a cost of some $15,000. Other buildings were the handsome home of Dr. Elliott, a Minneapolis capitalist, on the corner of Nevada and Fifth and the homes of Dr. Place and J. L. Allen. In January, 1891, Mr. Frederick Rindge visited Santa Monica and was so pleased with the place that he purchased two lots on Ocean avenue and soon thereafterward began the erection of a residence which cost some Si 2,000 and was occupied for a number of years by his family as a home. At the same time he began making other investments in this locality and in 1892 purchased the Malibn ranch of H. W. Keller and at once built a handsome residence and made substantial improvements on this fine property. 1892. The year of 1892 was a prosperous one. The reaction after the depression of the past two or three years had set in here, although this was generally a season of depression in the state. The Southern Pacific pushed its improve ments and work was well under way on the long wharf before the close of the year. It is estimated that their expenditures in the vicinity of Santa Monica for the year were not less than $200,000. The Santa Fe also came in during 188 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES the year and spent considerable money in making improvements in South Santa Monica. A large amount of money was also expended at the Soldiers' Home in putting up new buildings and improving the water service. These large sums put into circulation, of course, meant much to the merchants and the working men of Santa Monica. The Keller block on the corner of Third and Utah was planned and partially built, at a cost of $25,000. The Windemere and the Para dise, both intended as first-class family hotels, were built during the year. During the summer there were no vacant houses and tennis, polo and cricket games and tournaments were attractions which drew many visitors. On June 1 8th the Santa Fe trains reached Santa Monica and the event was duly cele brated. The road at once put on seven trains daily and made a round-trip fare of seventy- five cents. The Outlook esti mates that in July frlly 5000 people came to Santa Monica on one Sunday. In September the fare to Santa Monica was d r o p p e d to fifty cents, the rcsrlt of competition. The Los Angeles and Pacific road was not yet dead and many rumors were rife about it during the season. It had now passed into the hands of the Terminal Company and great things were promised from it. 1893. In 1893 Messrs. W. D., W. S. and E. T. Yawter sold their interest in " The First National Bank of Santa Monica" to Senator Jones and the bank passed under the new administration, with Robert F. Jones president and cashier. It was soon afterward made a state bank under the name of the " Bank of Santa Monica." During the panic of July, 1893, this bank was undisturbed and it has since that time enjoyed the favor of Santa Monicans. The Keller block when completed was one of the largest and handsomest structures in Santa Monica. The upper stories were opened as a first-class hotel, while J. B. Folsom and \V. T. Gillis occupied the large storerooms below. The Yawter block on Third street was completed in September. This was a one-story block, hand- NORTH THIRD STREET. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 189 somely finished, to be used as the office of the Santa Monica Commercial Com pany, the Santa Monica Mill and Lumber Company and the Santa Monica and Soldiers' Home Company, all of which were Vawter interests. The Santa Mon ica soda plant was a new establishment of this year, under the management of Carl F. Schader and Jesse Yoakum. One of the most substantial improvements was the erection of the handsome residence on the corner of Ocean avenue and Arizona by Mrs. Doria Jones, now the Elks' club house. The North Beach Bath House Company was incorporated in December by the Jones interests to build the North Beach bath house and pavilion. This establishment when finished was one of the most complete in equipment in the country. July ist the Arcadia was opened under new management, having been closed for a yeai or more, liefore opening it was thoroughly renovated and refitted, some $10,000 being spent in bringing it up to date. A special election was called for March 2ist to vote upon the question of bonding the town to the amount of $40,000 for the construction of a sewer system. The cairpaign elicited a good deal of discussion and considerable feel ing, if we may jrdge by this letter which the Outlook published, with a dignified reply : " Messrs. Fisher & Wooclworth : There is an understanding on the streets that if you publish to malign any one who votes against bonds, your press will be taken and throwed into the sea and your papers, public and private, will be taken for a bonfire." Notwithstanding the talk the vote cast was light and stood 148 against and only 84 for, thus disposing of the sewer question for the time being. But the " sewer question " is one which will not down for long in Santa Monica, and it continued to be a subject of interest and contention. In June J. J. Davis of Los Angeles applied for a franchise for electric light plant, agreeing to pay therefor $25.00 annually for fifty years. September loth electric lights were turned on the street for the first time, twelve incandescent lights being furnished. The year was prolific in " gala " days. July 4th was celebrated with unusual vigor, speeches, bands and amusements of every kind being provided and the largest crowds ever known in the history of Santa Monica being present, esti mated at from ten to fifteen thousand. The visit of Vice-President Stevenson was duly noted. In October the new restaurant on the big " long wharf " was opened with an elaborate banquet. 1894. This was a comparatively quiet year. The great strikes and the general depression in the east caused a cessation of large investments and no railroad extensions of account were made. After a very exciting contest Messrs. Robert F. Jones and Norman A. Roth were elected trustees, while Messrs. Carrillo, Yawter and Lewis held over. Mr. Robert F. Jones served continvorsly as 190 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES trustee from this time until 1902 and after 1896 was president of the board and acting mayor of the town. The most important improvement of the year was the North Beach bath house, which was opened to the public in the spring. This building was 450 by 100 feet and was provided with a large plunge, elegantly furnished parlor, ballroom, hot and cold salt water bath, two dining rooms, roof garden, etc. ; the whole structure represented an outlay of $50,000 and was at the time the most complete establishment of the kind on the Pacific coast. The electric light plant was completed during the year and was considered one of the best in the country, furnishing satisfactory service at very reasonable rates. The water company expended some $15,000 in improving its service and the Outlook estimates that about two hundred thousand dollars represented the cost of improvements which included a large number of residences. 1895. The year 1895 opened with a flurry of excitement over the treatment the harbor question and Santa Monica were receiving from the Los Angeles Herald. This paper had at first been an able advocate of the Santa Monica side of the harbor question; but during 1894 it passed under new management and at once changed front and began making most unjustifiable attacks upon this town, Port Los Angeles and the Southern Pacific Company. On Wednesday evening, Jan uary 23rd, one of the most exciting meetings ever held in Santa Monica took place under the auspices of the board of trade. The resolutions passed will show the bitterness which had been engendered by the " harbor fight." " Whereas, on numerous occasions, a morning paper published in the city of Los Angeles, has taken occasion to publish in its columns, as true, many false and misleading statements respecting the unfitness as it falsely alleges of Port Los Angeles for improvement by the general government as a deep-water harbor for the city of Los Angeles, and in support of its alleged unfitness has published communications containing false and defamatory statements in rela tion to the effect of storms in and upon the bay of Santa Monica, the wharf therein, the principal projector thereof, and the landing, loading and unloading of vessels thereat; and has been endeavoring by fraud to induce Congress, with out further examination or evidence, to make large appropriations and have them expended in what we believe to be useless attempts to make of the bay of San Pedro a safe, useful and valuable deep-water harbor. And whereas, it is falsely, maliciously and fraudulently asserted that ' the legislative delegation from South ern California are (is) a unit for a deep-water harbor at San Pedro ', and ' only those who are controlled by the influences which emanate from the councils and cabals of C. P. Huntington ever attempt to combat the plain expression of public opinion ' and ' only occult and venal influences can defeat the object of the present agitation.' And whereas, the said newspaper has recently published a HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 191 communication on the harbor question (purporting to be by a Santa Monican) which is grossly false (as has been incontrovertibly shown). "' Therefore, be it resolved, that the aforesaid editorials and communications which have from time to time appeared in the aforesaid paper are malicious libels of the bona fide residents of Santa Monica and others who advocate the superior fitness and claims of Santa Monica harbor as a site for a deep-water harbor and the people of Santa Monica are advised that the paper is unworthy of the support of the citizens of Santa Monica and the surrounding country." These resolutions were enforced by ringing and heated speeches from many citizens and were adopted with much applause. About this time occurred the famous episode of the " fake " list of Santa Monicans sent into this same paper which was getting up a memorial, signed by citizens. The initials of the "faked " names, which were published in good faith by the paper in question spelled an acrostic ' The Fool Herald." It was this same petition in favor of San Pedro which, according to the Times, was made up after " much consultation from directories, compilation of acrostics and waste of editorial perspiration, and was. lost and not even the office cat could give any idea of its whereabouts." The Herald claimed that it had been stolen, presumably by advocates of the Santa Monica side, and offered a reward ; later the document mysteriously reappeared ; but the amount of influence it carried with it when finally delivered to the legis lators probably did not seriously injure the Santa Monica side of the question. In March, the board of trade, which had done most efficient service in pro tecting and promoting the interests of Santa Monica, took steps to incorporate as a chamber of commerce. The officers chosen under the new form were : President, Robert F. Jones ; secretary, J. J. Carrillo, who had continuously served as secretary for the board of trade for seven years, without compensation ; treas urer, W. T. Gillis. Numerous committees were named and action was at once taken to secure the encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic for the coming summer and to arrange for representation at the Los Angeles fiesta. The labors of the latter committee resulted in a beautiful floral float in the floral day parade of La Fiesta. In April the articles of incorporation of the Los Angeles and Santa Monica Electric Railway Company were filed. The Outlook says : " This proposed line is separate and apart from the bicycle line road promoted by Maj. Barrett, -which it is understood will be backed by abundant eastern capital. This rather unique style of road is to be operated upon a single rail with guard rail above. A similar line is now in operation on Long Island. It has a speed possibility far exceeding a mile a minute. The service is quick, safe and economical for both passengers and freight. Maj. Barrett claims that the company organiza tion is complete and the right-of-way agents will be in' the field within thirty days." There was considerable talk about this " bicycle railway " and some people really had hopes of speeding a mile a minute between Los Angeles and 192 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Santa Monica. In June a petition was received from Gen. Sherman of the Pasadena and Pacific road asking for a franchise. But the trustees, having hud a long and troublesome experience with the Los Angeles and Pacific road, were wary of promises and denied this franchise; but in an amended form it was granted later and active work on the line began. Some alarm was felt among merchants and dealers of the town lest the coming of the electric road should do them harm ; but the majority was largely in favor of the improvement. This year steps were taken to construct a wagon road across the mountains to the wilds of Calabasas and a good deal of talk was indulged in as to a bicycle path from Los Angeles to Santa Monica, which should develope into a " boulevard." Cyclemania was at its head during this period and for two or three summers the greatest event of the season was the annual road race on July fourth from the city to Santa Monica. A bicycle race track was completed by the Southern Pacific with a grand stand which is described thus : " It lifts itself into the air and spreadeth itself over a great area. It vaunteth itself as greater by far than anything within 'steen yards, and it attracts as much attention as a bloomer club upon parade. It is in very fact a thing to be proud of and carries the prophecy of great races on the track and great crowds to see them and much comfort to many people." In order to induce the " great crowds " the Southern Pacific resorted to what were known as " postage stamp " tickets, entitling the holder to passage both ways and admission to the bicycle track for the regular price of the ticket. This created feeling on the part of the Santa Fe people and the S. P. responded that they had expended some $12,000 in building the track and if the Santa Fe people would bear half the expense, their tickets would be hon ored also. The Santa Fe chose a less expensive way of retaliation. They dropped the round-trip fare between Los Angeles and Santa Monica to twenty- five cents and on Saturday and Sunday, October igth and 2Oth, 1895, the Santa Fe sold round-trip tickets for five cents. Certainly Santa Monicans had " reason able rates " for once. The question of sewer bonds was again submitted to the people this year and after some vigorous work on the part of the more progressive on September 3rd the $40,000 bonds were voted by a majority of seven to one, and thus the first steps in creating a sewer system were at last taken. Among other improvements of the year was the building of a new pavilion on the beach by Eckert and Hopf, the gentlemen who had probably banqueted more distinguished people than any other firm in Southern California : the build ing of the Prohibition Congregational church and the plans for a Methodist church to be built by F. H. Rindge. - On the South Side, the Santa Fe Company were constructing their iron pipe wharf ; the Young Men's Christian Association erected a pavilion and a number of cottages ; and a number of other cottages and brildings were erected. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 193 1896. The completion of the electric line to Santa Monica was heralded as another " Sherman's March to the Sea." The initial trip was made on Wednesday, April 1st, 1896, but it was no April fool this time at last Santa Monica had a real sure enough transportation line. Over five hundred guests were enter tained by Santa Monica in honor of the day. The power house was decorated, the schools dismissed at noon and the population turned out en masse. The first car to arrive over the line was No. 65, with Pete Reel as motorneer, which appeared at 3 140 in the afternoon, bringing city and county officials and prom inent citizens and followed by a car loaded with tourists from Minneapolis. Guns were fired and bands played and General Sherman and Mayor Pratt of Minneapolis were decorated with floral offerings. Refreshments and speeches followed, the principal address being made by John W. Mitchell. The officers of the road were Gen. M. H. Sherman, E. P. Clark and W. D. Larrabee, to whose enterprise and progressive spirit the city of Santa Monica and the entire community owe one of the most completely equipped and satisfactory trolley systems in the United States. The municipal campaign this year was a lively one, several tickets being in the field. As usual the question of licenses was the disturbing element. The election resulted in the following officials : Trustees, Moses Hostetter, Robert C. Gillis and J. J. Carrillo; library trustees, Dr. P. S. Lindsey, Fred H. Taft, J. Walter Gray, T. H. Wells and William Stevenson ; clerk, Charles S. Dales ; treas urer, E. W. Boehme ; marshal, George B. Dexter. This board took up the con tinued story of the sewer troubles. A contract had been let to Frank H. Mohr to construct the mains, and he put up a certified check for $1000 as security. He failed to make good on his contract and the check was retained by the city. The history of this check and the amount of legislation and law expended upon the matter would fill a good-sized volume in itself. In the end, after a decision by the Superior court, in 1897, the check was finally returned to the assigns of the contractor. It was discovered that the sewer bonds were illegal anyway after the contract had been forfeited, and during the fall work was begun on the construction of a main sewer under the Yrooman act, which is the beginning of a new chapter in sewer matters. In May the police department was created and Messrs. George F. See and A. L. Forsyth were appointed policemen. Arrangements were completed this year for sprinkling the streets with salt water. Owing to the long continued dry season the supply of water for sprinkling had become diminished and economy was necessary here as elsewhere throughout Southern California. This was one of the gayest seasons ever known here. Tournaments, tennis, polo races, croquet, bicycle meets, horse races and swimming contests furnished amusement for the " smart set " and the Sunday crowds alike. Trolley parties were a new entertainment which found favor and were frequent. In April the 13 194 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Hotel Men's Mutual Association, with representatives from all parts of the United States, were entertained with a banquet and a day of sports, including a barbecue, a battle of flowers and a " ring " tournament. The Southern Cali fornia Editorial Association was banqueted at the pavilion of Eckert and Hopf. The Knights of Pythias held their annual encampment in City Park and the district camp meeting of the Methodist church was held on the ocean front, a large tent having been put up there for their use. The Citrus Wheelmen of Los Angeles opened a club house on Utah avenue. At South Santa Monica there were many campers and cottagers, and band concerts and lectures provided en tertainment. Notwithstanding the hard times of a dry season, considerable building was done during the year and a good deal of street work was put through. 1897. In February, 1897, the Santa Monica Water Company incorporated, with a capital stock of $1,000,000, all subscribed, Senator Jones holding 7845 shares of the lo.ooo shares issued. The board of directors were Juan Bandini, Charles H. Forbes, Roy Jones, E. J. Gorham and A. C. Hamilton. The objects of the corporation, " to deal in real estate and water rights, to erect buildings, construct reservoirs and pipe lines for the purpose of saving and distributing water for domestic purposes or irrigation and to furnish water to any town or city." The local Third-street electric line was opened in May and July ist the " short line " via Sixteenth street was first put in use and at once proved popular. It was double tracked and two miles shorter than the old route via Sherman. The entire line was double tracked this year and new cars added and this most important factor in the evolution of the city became at once so popular that the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe steam lines were compelled to take off their trains because of lack of patronage. On account of the proximity of the Soldiers' Home, Memorial day has al ways been an occasion of particularly interesting and memorable services in Santa Monica. While the exercises at the home are always largely attended and most interesting, a large number of the veterans usually join in the celebra tion at Santa Monica. Fort Fisher Post, G. A. R 1 ., and the Women's Relief Corps, with the children of the public schools have taken the lead in these exer cises and many orators of note have spoken at them. General Horace Sargeant Binney, who was for a number of years a resident of Santa Monica, delivered some of the most notable addresses on these occasions. Maj. J. A. Donnell was another favorite speaker. On June 22nd the Queen's diamond jubilee was celebrated, one of the gala days in the memory of Santa Monicans. The affair was under the auspices of the British residents of Southern California, but was participated in by repre sentatives of every nation and land. A day of sports had been arranged and many prizes offered and the fun was fast and furious. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 195 The revival meetings of the Rev. Dr. Munhall held during June were some what novel in the annals of Santa Monica, as they attracted the attention and interest of large audiences and of many who were not in the habit of attending such services. The annual encampment of the Seventh Regiment was one of the memorable events of this summer, over five hundred members participating and giving Santa Monica a taste of military life with their cavalry men, naval reserves, drills and evolutions, to say nothing of the sports and grand ball. In Tune four hundred members of the Los Angeles chamber of commerce banqueted at Eckert & Hopf's pavilion. These gentlemen for many years sustained the reputation of serving the best fish dinner to be found in California and their restaurant and pavilion was the scene of many festal occasions. The Arcadia was this year sold by Simon Reinhart to the Pacific Improvement Company, otherwise the Southern Pacific, and passed under new management. The board of trustees spent much brain matter and nerve force in wrestling with the sewer problem. There was all sorts of trouble over rights of way for the proposed sewer and the citizens protested strongly against the plans to be carried out under the Yrooman act. Steps had already been taken to build the main sewer and the lines for it laid out, to be carried to the south city limits and fifteen hundred feet into the ocean for discharge. But, after a public meet ing, it was decided to again call a bond election and on August 4th the third election to vote sewer bonds took place and the proposition carried. A few weeks later these bonds were sold at a premium of $3355 nearly to the paralysis of the board and the town. This seems to have been a good year for bonds for the school bonds, $15,000, voted on September 4th, were also sold at a large premium. They bore interest at seven per cent., however. After long and persistent effort on the part of J. J. Carrillo, the sum of $800 was finally raised for the wagon road to the Calabasas district. The county added fifteen hundred and this road was finally built : also Ocean avenue was opened to the canon to connect with the new road. A systematic attempt to improve the bluff, which had been named Linda Vista Park, was undertaken this year. 1898. The year 180,8 opened with a vigorous stirring up of the saloon question and the revoking of two licenses by the board of trustees, for violation of the ordinance regulating the business. This was the occasion of much rejoicing on the part of the better element and was the forerunner of better things, the retail liquor license being raised in April to $500. A couple of weeks later five saloon keepers in Santa Monica canon were arrested for violating the county ordinances. The " news from Manila " and the probable war was the absorbing interest of this year. There was much talk of the inadequacy of Pacific coast protection and timid souls feared to find a foreign war vessel swooping into Santa Monica 196 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES harbor at almost any hour. In order to aid in protecting our country, a com pany of home guards was organized in Santa Monica, May 3rd ; J. B. Proctor, who was a past master in military tactics, being chosen captain, George Wil liams, who had seen twelve years of service in the regular army, was first lieuten ant ; Victor Hopf, second lieutenant. This company enrolled 75 members, many of them being prominent citizens of Santa Monica and a large number of them being native Californians. At the Soldiers' Home a company of five hundred veterans was already organized and had offered itself for service at the call of the government. With such an example at hand, it is no wonder that the younger generation in the vicinity were enthusiastic. The Santa Monica com pany was made Co. H of the Eighth regiment of National Guards. On the resignation of Mr. E. J. Vawter, Jr., who had succeeded Captain Proctor, C. M. O'Dell was chosen captain of the organization. It soon became apparent that the chances for the Eighth regiment to be called into service were slight and such of the members as were anxious to get into the field sought other op portunities to enlist. In March the Santa Monica Beach Improvement Company was organized, with a capital stock of $100,000, and with a strong directorate, consisting of F. A. Miller, then proprietor of the Hotel Arcadia : M. H. Sherman, president of the Pasadena and Pacific electric line ; E. P. Clark of the same company ; W. D. Larrabee, superintendent of the electric road ; F. W. Richardson, Jacob Kurtz. Robert F. Jones, Charles H. Forbes, W. H. Perry, Roy Jones and R. C. Gillis. The company proposed to secure a lease of the beach front, build a pleasure wharf, erect neat cottages and other buildings on the beach and maintain and operate boats for fishing and pleasure. The year opened with prospects of two new wharves which ought to have satisfied the most exacting. After infinite difficulties, bids were called for the outfall sewer and the wharf to carry it ; but when they were submitted, there were so many and strong protests that all were rejected. T. C. Elliott also applied for a franchise to build a wharf at the foot of Railroad street. This proposition was looked upon favorably ; but the Southern Pacific blocked it by claiming a previous franchise to this location. On Wednesday, April I4th, 1898, the contract for the outfall sewer was finally let to Thomas Thompson for the sum of $11,720, the deeds to the right of way having at last been secured. In June Kinney & Ryan applied for the use of the piles for the outfall sewer for wharf purposes and were granted the privilege. The same month it was an nounced that the new pleasure wharf would be built between Railroad avenue and the North Beach bath house and the contract was let for the same. Both of these structures were completed during the summer and added much to the beach attractions, as they furnished every convenience for boating and fishing. The Lincoln school building was completed in June and was dedicated by the graduating exercises of the high school class of the year. In September HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 197 Santa Monica entertained three conventions at the same time, the Democratic, which met in a large tent on Ocean avenue ; the Silver Republican, which held forth at the Arcadia, and the People's party, which met in Odd Fellows' hall. This was the year of fusions and a great deal of " fusing " was clone during these sessions, with small results, as appeared in November. 1899. January, 1899, was marked by the launching of the Santa Monica Improve ment Club, an organization which had long been discussed and from which much was hoped. J. J. Davis was elected president, E. B. McComas vice- president, F. H. Taft secretary. Dr. S. P. Lindsey, treasurer. Sub-committees on finance, licenses, streets, pavilion, transportation, health and veterans' asso ciation were appointed and a vigorous campaign for lower fares ; for higher license for saloons ; to secure the erection of a suitable pavilion for public meet ings ; and to capture the annual encampment of the veterans' association was begun. But like many other good things in Santa Monica, the Improvement Club seems to have exhausted its energy in getting started and it soon disappears from the scene, having accomplished only one very substantial change. Largely through its efforts the liquor license was this year raised from $300 to $500. A lively contest between the saloon men and the druggists followed this action. It was claimed that the druggists were regularly selling liquor without paying any license, and after considerable sparring, a suit was begun against a drug gist. The druggists, however, pleaded unintentional violation of ordinance and the suits were dropped. During this year the electric line on Ocean avenue to Montana was built and the first car was run on December 28th. In October the Southern Pacific reduced its train service to one train a day, instead of three. As they had the contract for carrying the mails, this aroused great indignation and caused much inconvenience to the business men of the town. Vigorous protests were made and resulted in a mail service over the electric road. In August it was announced that a new electric line was proposed between Santa Monica and Redondo. Mr. Abbot Kinney was the originator of the scheme and was con fident that the project would be carried out, thus opening up a section of beach territory that had not yet been utilized and establishing a new and strong attraction for the tourist as well as a new and rapid transit line. This plan did not materialize at the time, but it has since been carried out in the Playa del Rev and Redondo line. Another ambitious scheme which was ahead of the time was the formation of the San Pedro and Santa Monica Excursion Com pany, which put the little steamer, J. C. Elliott, on to make daily trips between the two points, landing at the Kinney and Ryan wharf. Some very enjoyable trips were thus made, but the venture did not prove profitable and was dropped. Among new brildings of this year were an addition to the Bank of Santa 198 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Monica, the Collins building, corner of Utah and Second : the Tappener block on Third street, and the new power house of the Santa Monica Electric Company on the beach. This was a substantial improvement costing some $25,000. The gas plant was also built this year, including the largest gas tank in the state, the entire expenditure being over $40,000. Gas was turned into the mains December I4th and was a much appreciated improve ment. In July, Mr. R. C. Gillis purchased 1,000 feet of beach front, north of the North Beach Bathhouse, put in a walk and erected several well constructed cottages. The Sisters of the Holy Name selected Santa Monica as a site for their convent this year and opened their school on Fourth street during the construc tion of their handsome building on the corner of Third and Arizona. December 27th saw the destruction by fire of the Casino, which was built by the Santa Monica Improvement Company in 1888 and which had been the summer home of tennis in Southern California for many years and had seen many brilliant social affairs. The fire was evidently the work of an incendiary and caused a heavy loss as the insurance was small. PORT Los ANGELES. From the time of the abandonment of the Santa Monica wharf by the Southern Pacific Company, in 1878, until the building of the " Long Wharf '' in 1892-3, the people of this city hoped and worked for a new commercial wharf, which they firmly believed was all that was necessary to make their town an important center of commerce. During the later eighties and 1890-91, the agitation for securing a wharf was constant and sometimes became acrimonious. About this time it became certain that the Santa Fe would build into Santa Monica. It also became evident that the new wharf completed in 1888 at Redondo was seriously encroaching on the business of San Pedro harbor and diverting freight from the Southern Pacific to the Santa Fe road. On Sunday, May 20. 1890, C. P. Hvmtington, Col. Crocker and other Southern Pacific officials, visited Santa Monica and made a careful examination of the town and surroundings. Mr. Huntington listened attentively to the arguments which various citizens presented as to the expediency of building a wharf at Santa Monica, and the great railroad magnate assured them that Santa Monica ought to have a wharf. After this, other S. P. men visited the town and the citizens of Santa Monica appointed a committee to visit San Francisco and confer with the officials of the Southern Pacific and make propositions looking to the building of a wharf, even proposing to raise a subsidy to secure the prize. The community was kept in uncertainty as to the intention of the railroad people until 1890 when the Southern Pacific applied for a wharf franchise and put up a $5000 bond if the work were not begun within the specified time. In August, 1891, a corps of S. P. surveyors arrived, made camp in the canyon, and began to make surveys. It was then learned that the S. P. Com pany had secured title through Abbot Robinson to the Santa Monica Heights HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 199 property, owned by Abbot Kinney, 247 acres on the north side of the canyon, with several hundred feet of beach frontage. It was also learned that right of way on the beach had been secured from Railroad street to the property of the company. By January, 1892, it was understood that the wharf was to be built north of the canyon and was to be the " longest wharf of its kind in the world." The people of Santa Monica were at first disappointed at the location of the new structure but when they learned of the elaborate plans to be carried out, they were satisfied to have the finest wharf in California no matter where it was located. March 6, 1892, the tunnel from the Railroad street to the beach was com pleted so that the first train went through it. July 25th the first pile was driven. The work was under the supervision of the Thomson Bridge Company, of San Francisco, and was pushed as rapidly as men and money could carry it. In November, J. M. Crawley General Manager of the S. P. brought down an excursion of 200 merchants and members of the Chamber of Commerce from Los Angeles to inspect the new structure which was then 2100 feet long; and a little later H. E. Huntington, J. C. Stubbs and others of the S. P. officials in spected the work and fully concurred in the decision that the best possible loca tion for the wharf had been selected. The first steamer landed on May i3th, and the Outlook, under the heading 'The Dawn of Prosperity" discourses thus: ''Thursday, May nth, 1893, will long be remembered as a day fraught with deep significance to Santa Monica. It was the forerunner of an era of prosperity which shall grow into a permanent benefit, with results reaching into far ages. The important event was the landing of the first deep sea-vessel at the mammoth wharf, now nearly completed. The steamer San Mateo, of Comax, B. C., with a cargo of 430x3 tons of coal consigned to the Southern Pacific, (Captain Edward Parks) enjoyed the honor of being the maiden vessel to touch at Port Los Angeles. The citizens turned out in force to welcome the steamer, and fully 1000 people were present on the occasion, laden with flowers, the bright hues of which transformed the big collier into a " bower of beauty." Some of the citizens of Santa Monica had prepared speeches for the happy occasion, but evidently the flowers were enough for the old salt who commanded the San Mateo. The speeches were cut out. The editor of the Outlook had the advantage of the rest, however, he published his remarks in the next issue. Among them we find this statement : " The full significance of the opening of the deep sea-port, where rail and ship come together in this particular portion of the southwest, is not yet apparent. It is a link in a grand commercial chain that will eventually belt the globe with the shortest and quickest commercial transit." It was confidently believed at this time that the completion of this wharf would have an important bearing upon the " harbor question " and might ulti mately result in making Santa 'Monica Bay the deep-sea harbor of this coast. In 200 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES the light of present developments, the importance attached to the building of the wharf seems rather exaggerated; but it was generally thought at this time that only facilities for shipping were needed to secure the trade of the Orient. The fact that trade necessitates reciprocity seems to have been overlooked. The wharf constructed at Port Los Angeles was certainly a structure worthy of attention and admiration. The last spike was driven by Vice-president Stevenson, who happened to be visiting in Santa Monica at the time, on July I4th, 1893. The structure is 4,700 feet from the shore. The Long Beach wharf, completed in May, of the same year, is 1600 feet; the Redondo wharf was 800 feet, and the Outlook chronicles the San Pedro wharf as " o " feet in length. In August the new pier was carefully inspected by the Board of Ex aminers representing the various Marine Insurance companies and shipowners and merchants. They stated : " A careful examination of the structure showed that in design and execution every precaution had been taken for strength, and due regard for safety while at same."- -"In view of the foregoing facts and with the experience gained by many year's use of other outside ports in that vicinity that are similarly situated, we are of the opinion that Port Los Angeles is a suitable port of discharge and loading for steamers and sailing vessels." In October the depot at the end of the wharf was completed and the dining room opened with a banquet to the wharf builders and several Santa Monica people. The wharf was at this time placed under the charge of A. M. Jamison, agent, who still retains this position ; T. M. Polhemus, chief clerk ; F. H. Oswald and W. T. Maher, clerks ; and Captain F. E. Dronfield, who had general super vision of the wharf and charge of the tug Collis. The approach of the wharf proper is 3120 feet long and 26 feet wide. On the south side is a walkway eight feet wide with railing on both sides. The materials used in the approach were 1500 piles, 975,000 feet of lumber and 37 tons of bolts and spikes. The main wharf widens out to 130 feet and is over 1500 feet in length. On the north side are coal bunkers and on the south the depot, warehouses and every convenience for passengers and shippers. The piles, of Oregon pine, were creosoted and set in such a manner as to make the wharf practically immovable. It is known as one of the most substantially built wharfs in the world and has stood the test of fifteen years without strain. The Southern Pacific Company, in locating its wharf here was obliged to do extensive work in order to secure a proper approach and ground for neces sary warehouses, engine houses, and so on. The entire expenditure for the Port Los Angeles undoubtedly reached a million dollars. As soon as completed the passenger business between Los Angeles and San Francisco practically ceased at other ports, as so much time was gained by land ing at Port Los Angeles. Los Angeles was made a Port of Entry in 1893, with Port Los Angeles, Redondo and San Pedro as sub-ports. Deep-sea vessels, which could not enter the inner harbor at San Pedro, but must unload by the HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 201 aid of lighters, came to Port Los Angeles and nearly all deep-sea vessels reach ing this coast since the completion of this pier unload here. In the earlier years of its construction Port Los Angeles was the point of entry for the coal used on the Southern Pacific system, and this item alone created a large business. Very large shipments of railroad ties were also delivered here. With the adop tion of oil as a fuel on the railroads, shipments of coal have fallen off and, with the improvement of San Pedro inner harbor so that coastwise vessels can land, lumber shipments have decreased. But the bulk of the deep sea tonnage is received at Port Los Angeles, and is constantly increasing. Some statistics may be of interest : In 1903, 283 vessels entered at Port Los Angeles and 302 sailed ; 18,733 passengers entered and 15,676 sailed. The import duties received were $311,740; in 1904-5 the duties were $309,826.48; in 1905-6 duties and tonnage amounted to $513,939.96. THE HARIIOR QUESTION. The question of the location of a deep-sea harbor to be constructed by the government of the United States upon the coast of Southern California was, for ten years, 1889-1899, the most vital interest of Santa Monica. It is true that the contest was waged for the most part in Los Angeles and Washington and between forces which gave little consideration to the interests of the town of Santa Monica. It became, indeed, a national question in which individual inter est was supposed to have little bearing; yet it directly affected every citizen of Santa Monica and made the name of this place a familiar one in the political and commercial world. From the time of the building of the first wharf at Santa Monica in 1875, the possibility of a breakwater and improvements which would make of this a safe harbor of refuge and of commerce had been discussed. As the commercial importance of Southern California increased, it became evident that in time the government must assist in creating a harbor on this coast. Since 1871 efforts had been made toward making an inner harbor at San Pedro and up to 1892 one million dollars had been expended upon operations there. After the great ex pansion in business of the later eighties, the question of what was to be done toward creating a deep-sea harbor was pressed at Washington and in response to it, a number of distinguished men, members of the Committee of Commerce of the United States Senate, visited California. During all the years of his editorship of the Outlook, L. T. Fisher had made a careful study of the conditions here. He was also thoroughly familiar with affairs at Wilmington. He had been assured by Captain H. C. Taylor, who in 1874-5 conducted the coast survey on this coast and made a chart of this bay, that the conditions here were favorable to a deep-sea harbor, and he had consistently and effectively proclaimed the advantages of Santa Monica as a sea-port. October I3th, 1889. the Outlook publishes a "challenge" as follows: "We 202 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES challenge Colonel Mendell, Dr. Widney, General Brierly, and all others who favor San Pedro as the best place for a harbor for deep-sea vessels to success fully disprove the following propositions : ist. Santa Monica is nearer by at least eight miles, to Los Angeles, the commercial and railroad center of Southern California, than San Pedro. 2nd. Santa Monica Bay, by virtue of its shape, depth of water and general topography, is a more suitable place for a deep-sea harbor than San Pedro. 3rd. Santa Monica Harbor, when enclosed by a breakwater, will remain unchanged for all time to come, while a similar enclosure at San Pedro will rapidly shoal and become worthless in less than a quarter of a century. 4th. Santa Monica is within a few miles of the material for a break water, which can be obtained at less than two-thirds of the expense required at San Pedro. 5th. Santa Monica having these advantages, it is neither the part of wisdom nor of economy, for the general government to expend a large sum of money upon a less favored community." October 26th, 1889, Senator Frye, chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, with Senators Dawe, of Massachusetts ; Platt, of Connecticut ; Davis, of Minnesota ; Morgan of Alabama and Turpie of Indiana, visited San Pedro and was shown the proposed deep water habor by Dr. Widney, Col. Mendell and others interested. On this occasion, after listening to their eloquent ex planations, Senator Frye remarked : " Well, as near as I can make out, you propose to ask the Government to create a harbor for you out of the whole cloth. The Lord has not given you much to start with, that is certain." A day or two later the same party visited Santa Monica, spending a couple of days here, as the guests of Senator Jones. That they were favorably impressed is shown by their remarks quoted in the following issue of the Outlook. One of them, after taking a view from the bluff, said, " Why, this is a better place for a harbor than San Pedro." Another declared, " more can be done here with $2000 than can be accomplished at San Pedro with $10,000. A third pointed to the mouth of Santa Monica canyon and declared that nature certainly intended that spot for a dock for repairing and building vessels. All of this, it must be remembered, was before there was any question of railroad control. It was considering the harbor proposition from a purely unbiased standpoint, by men who had no interest, except to secure the best returns for the money expended by the United States government. In January, 1890, the Santa Monica Board of Trade sent a strong resolu tion to General Vandever, then representing this district in Congress, asking him to call attention to the commercial need of a deep sea harbor and present the claims of Santa Monica Bay for the consideration of the government. As a result of the agitation for a deep-sea harbor located 6n the shores of Southern California, $5000 was appropriated to pay the expense of preparing HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 203 a project for a deep-sea harbor, to be located between Points Dume and Capis- trano. A Board of Engineers of the War Department, consisting of Col. G. H. Mendell, Lieut-Col. G. L. Gillispie and Lieut.-Col. W. H. H. Benyaurd, was appointed. Of these men, Col. Mendell had been connected with the pro jects for improving the inner harbor at San Pedro since 1871 and Col. Benyaurd was then in charge of the work being done at that point. Naturally it Was objected that they could not be expected to give an impartial judgment. Novem ber 8th, 1890 these gentlemen visited Santa Monica and were driven about the town and taken out to the canyon to inspect the supply of stone in Cold Water canyon. They spent two days in this vicinity, made an examinationn of Ballona, Redondo and of other points and then went to San Francisco. December igth, 1891 the report of this committee was submitted to Congress. Its conclusions were : " In view of the fact that San Pedro Bay in its natural condition affords better protection both from prevailing winds and from dangerous storms than Santa Monica Bay; "That protection can be secured at a less cost for equal development of breakwater at the former than at the latter ; "That a larger area of protected anchorage from the prevailing westerly swells can be secured, the severe storms from the southwest being infrequent ; "And that there is already an interior harbor that will be a valuable addition to the outer harbor ; "The Board considers San Pedro Bay as the better location for the deep- water harbor provided for by the act." Of course, the advocates of Santa Monica questioned whether any one of these conclusions was borne out by an unbiased examination into the facts. The Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles had already taken a prominent part in urging the necessity of a deep-water harbor in the vicinity of Los Angeles. It now took decided action to secure an appropriation for San Pedro. A com mittee consisting of H. Z. Osborne, Collector of Port; Henry T. Hazard, W. H. Workman, Hervey Lindley and James Cuzner, drew up a memorial to Congress and Gen. Lionel A. Sheldon was sent to Washington as the representa tive of the Chamber of Commerce, to assist Mr. Bowers, then representing this district. It was by this time generally known that the Southern Pacific had decided to abandon its wharf, upon which it had already expended a very large sum, at San Pedro and build the wharf at Port Los Angeles. This put a new face upon the situation. When it was known that one of the longest and most substantial wharves in the world was to be put in at this point, it was felt that a new and powerful argument had been added to those already presented in favor of Santa Monica. And when it became evident that Collis P. Huntington had decided that Santa Monica was the place for a deep-water harbor it was felt that victory was almost certain. And yet, the very fact of Mr. Huntington's advocacy and 204 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES influence, was probably the fatal cause of San Pedro's final selection as the point for the harbor. Another new factor in the situation was the Terminal railway which, in 1891, built from Los Angeles to San Pedro and secured large holdings at San Pedro in anticipation of harbor facilities. When the matter of an appropriation for San Pedro was brought up in Congress the item was thrown out and a clause was inserted authorizing a board of five engineers, officers of the United States Army, to make a careful and critical examination for a proposed deep-water harbor at San Pedro or Santa Monica Bays and to report " which is a more eligible location for such a harbor in depth, width and capacity to accommodate the largest ocean-going vessels, and the commercial and naval necessities of the country, together with an esti mate for the cost of the same." In the summer of 1892, this new board, consisting of Colonel Wm. P. Craighill, Lieut.-Col. Henry M. Robert, Lieut.-Col. Peter C. Hains, Major C. VV. Raymond, and Major Thomas H. Handbury, all of the United States corps of engineers was appointed and in September they arrived on the- coast and announced a public meeting at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles. The Santa Monica side of the case was presented by Judge Carpenter, the San Pedro case was handled by J. de Barth Shorb, with Mr. Hood of the S. P. and Mr. Gibbon of the Terminal, as their respective assistants. This board submitted an elaborate and technical report which the editor of the Outlook reviews in a thorough manner. He says : " The engineers of this board appear to be handicapped also by circumstances. They were appointed by the Secre tary of War, who is a large stockholder in a railroad terminating at San Pedro. Then again, the preceding corps of engineers are government officers and it is difficult to get these army people to decide one against another, except there be some very glaring necessity for it. That Board should never have consisted wholly of army engineers, however well they may have been selected. No such body of men is capable of giving the best decision. Two of the men should have been competent engineers, one a citizen and the other a government engineer : another shot-Id have been a broad-guage commercial man, another a reputable navigator and another a well-known and capable railroad man. Such a com mittee would have represented every phase of the question in the most competent manner. We have before us a copy of the report of the Board which contains 120 pages, 26 of which constitute the report proper. A large share of the volume is irrelevant matter. One of the appendices consists of 18 pages of shipping statistics of Redondo. Turning to the report proper, there is a great deal of rubbish to be cleared away in order to get at the real, competing facts. When we come to the claims of San Pedro and Santa Monica as Harbor sites, which is the real question, it will be observed that these engineers draw largely on the report of their predecessors, whose work they were sent out here to revise and HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 205 supplement. Another fact that crops out throughout the report, is the effort made to lessen the objections to San Pedro and exaggerate those of Santa Monica. Nor are the comparisons at all times fair. The important features of the discussion are literally buried under a mountain of verbosity and considera tion of irrelevant topics which makes the report exceedingly confusing to the general reader. In noticing the shore line of Santa Monica Bay the report mentions the rocky places, in front of which it is not proposed to place a breakwater and neglects the real point from the S. P. Wharf, southward, where there are no rocks and a good bottom for pile driving and anchorage. Again, on San Pedro Bay, from Point Fermin to Timm's Point, all of which will form a part of the shore line in the harbor, it is very rocky. This fact is not noticed, but mention is specially made of the shore line further south where there are no rocks, and which will not be within the limits of the harbor. It is claimed that the bottom is irregular in the bay of Santa Monica, deepening towards Point Dume and to wards Point Vincent. This is correct. But the bottom is regular and the water deepens gradually, at the point where it is proposed to locate the harbor. The area of San Pedro Bay is said to be a plateau, with the five fathom line half a mile from shore and with a rocky bottom in the present anchorage, as is shown by the presence of kelp. The facts show that the water is deep enough at either place, with rocks at San Pedro and none at Santa Monica. Then where does the superiority of San Pedro come in ? It is admitted that Santa Monica Bay is protected to the southward by the highlands and at the proposed harbor site it is protected from the northwest the exposure being mainly on the southwest. Catalina Island, it is admitted, also adds in some degree as a shelter. San Pedro Bay is protected from a northwester, and to some extent by Catalina, but entirely exposed to a south easter. It quotes from the report of 1890 and admits, " The aggregate angle of the exposure of the two bays is the same." Then, we ask again, what advantage has San Pedro over Santa Monica? in the way of protection? Santa Monica bay has also the advantage in being nearer Los Angeles, but the matter is slurred over with the remark that the cost of transportation depends upon grades and curves, and that the distance was so small that it was thought unnecessary to give them any important weight in selecting a site. With all deference to these learned gentlemen, we say that it is important. Fourteen miles in the round trip for a hundred cars a day (which is not a large day's run) would be 1400 miles on one car nearly half the distance to New York. Upon the cost of construction, the engineers differ. The report contends that rock could be transported by the scow-load from Catalina Island, twenty-one miles distant, to San Pedro cheaper than the same amount of material could be brought from Coldwater canyon, eleven miles down grade by rail to Santa Monica. Equally competent engineers deny this proposition. 206 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES As we have before said, a harbor is an improvement whose utility extends indefinitely into the future. It is therefore of the first importance that a site should be selected where the status of the harbor is least likely to be disturbed. It is a well-known fact that the offing at San Pedro, which will be included in the breakwater, has been shoaling- for years, and that it would only be a question of time when the harbor would lose its usefulness, or else have to be kept open by expensive dredging. Even Col. Mendell admitted this point to the writer. Then why not, if necessary, expend a larger amount for a permanent harbor at Santa Monica?" After the making of this report, the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce sent Gen. Charles Forman as a special delegate to Congress, accompanied by T. E. Gibbon. They were the bearer of numerous petitions and resolutions from various individuals and organizations of Southern California, urging an immediate appropriation for the San Pedro harbor. But it was a " short session " and it was stated that appropriations would not be large, and, in fact, none was made. It was now claimed that the Southern Pacific was exercising undue influence to prevent the appropriation for San Pedro and the slogan of the " free harbor " was taken up. The Los Angeles Times threw itself into the fight with all its vigor and the Chamber of Commerce took a decided stand in favor of San Pedro. But the completion of the long wharf and the advantages thus given to Los Angeles merchants led many to begin to look upon the possibility that, after all, Santa Monica might not be so far off in her claims. A petition signed by eighty-three merchants of Los Angeles representing over ten millions of busi ness capital was drawn up and the Chamber of Commerce was asked to endorse it, which asked for an appropriation for " the construction of a breakwater and creation of a harbor at Santa Monica, independent of any appropriation which may be needed to maintain in good condition what is known as the inner harbor of San Pedro and Wilmington." A compromise resolution, asking an appropriation for a deep-water harbor at Santa Monica and also to dredge out and improve the inner harbor at San Pedro, was proposed, and a vigorous protest against both these resolutions was made. Mr. C. D. Willard, in his Free Harbor Contest, says : " The sessions of the board were supposed to be executive, but a reporter of the Express managed to smuggle himself into the room as an assistant clerk and remained there through the whole session. The next day the members of the Chamber became aware, through the publication of the debate, that the board was any thing but unanimous on the subject of the harbor site and the discussion was taken up in earnest all over the city. Henry T. Hazard, who was at that time mayor of the city, led the debate on the San Pedro side, seconded by Mr. Patter son and Gen. Forman ; and the principal Santa Monica advocates were Mr. James B. Lankershim and Mr. L. N. Breed. On three different occasions, when the matter was about to come to a vote, an adjournment was secured. Tn the course HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 207 of the long debate, Santa Monica gained and San Pedro lost. At first it was the Santa Monica men that dared not come to a vote, but in the end the condi tions were reversed and it was clear that if a decision were reached in the board, it must be against San Pedro." " As a result of this situation, when it became evident that, if the board took action and it could not well be longer postponed the result would be a change of front for the Chamber, a ballot of the members of the organization was called for. : ' The weeks' campaign that followed was the most remarkable that ever occurred in the history of Los Angeles. The Times used every means in its power and the strongest language it could command to enforce the San Pedro side of the contest. The Terminal railway was equally active. The Santa Fe also took sides for San Pedro. April 7th, 1894 the members of the Chamber of Commerce balloted, the result being 328 for San Pedro and 131 for Santa Monica, which, with the influences at work, was a foregone conclusion. " In June the matter was brought up in Congress and after a hearing of several weeks, which attracted wide attention, because it was now made a fight for a ' free harbor ' as against a harbor control led by a ' monopoly,' a motion was passed deferring the decision to permit the members of the Committee of Commerce to visit the two harbors and form an opinion for themselves. " During the winter of 1894-95 the matter of the deep-water harbor was not brought up in Congress. The Chamber of Commerce continued its efforts in behalf of San Pedro, however, and the ' Free Harbor League ' was organized. In February, 1896, Col. H. G. Otis, Mr. W. G. Kerckhoff, Mr. W. C. Patter son and Mr. W. D. Woolwine, were elected a special delegation to go to Wash ington and lay the San Pedro case before the River and Harbor Committee of the House. Notwithstanding their able representation, the River and Harbor bill contained, when it was made up, two items : ' San Pedro, $392,000 and Santa Monica $3,098,000.' " The effect of this information upon the San Pedro advocates in Washington and .upon the public of Los Angeles, and, indeed all Southern California, was electrifying. The Chamber of Commerce and League, of course, at once took steps to re-affirm their position. Public mass meetings were held for each side. The city council and the Republican convention passed resolutions for both appropriations. Petitions for and against the proposed " double Harbor " scheme were circulated. Santa Monica people, took an active part in shaping the sentiment in favor of the Santa Monica appropriation and, naturally, were jubilant at the prospect of seeing their long hoped for dream fulfilled beyond the wildest hopes of even L. T. Fisher. The Santa Monica delegation in Wash ington was made up of Mr. J. S. Slauson, Col. J. B. Lankershim, Mr. John W. Mitchell and ex-Senator Cornelius Cole. On April 23rd, Robert F. Jones, President of the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce, received this telegram 208 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES from Mr. Mitchell. " Committee just voted Santa Monica Harbor one hundred thousand dollars immediately available, continuing contract system, which will permit contract for two million, eight hundred thousand to complete work. San Pedro inner harbor now being considered. Hard fight and close decision but think can be held in bill." Senator White and the advocates of San Pedro bitterly opposed the passage of this bill and finally, as a compromise, a bill was passed which carried the full appropriation for a deep sea harbor to be located by a commission consisting of an officer of the navy, to be named by the Secretary of the Navy ; an officer of the Coast Survey, named by the Superintendent ; and three civil engineers to be appointed by the president. " They are to make a close personal examination and report to the Secretary of War, whereupon he is to let the contract." This last " commission " was the result of one of the strongest contests ever made over a provision for appropriation in congress. Senators White and Perkins, Berry and Vest spoke on the one side, while Senator Frye made the speech for the Santa Monica harbor. In October the new board was announced; Rear Admiral John G. Walker, from the Navy; Augustus F. Rodgers, of the coast survey; Win. H. Burr, George S. Morrison and Richard P. Morgan, appointed by President Cleveland. In December the members of this board arrived and after looking over the ground, conducted a most exhaustive examination at the Chamber of Commerce rooms in Los Angeles. This was felt to be the last chance and both sides gathered all their evidence and put forth all their efforts. Santa Monica harbor was ably represented by Wm. H. Hood, E. L. Corthell, A. M. Jamison, J. S. Slauson, Cornelius Cole, John Cross, Captains Jackson, Pillsbury and Salmond. The San Pedro case was under the management of Robert Moore and H. Haw- good. The hearing lasted for seven days. The report was filed March ist, 1897 and was a large volume, containing many maps, charts, and much matter not belonging strictly to the question in hand. The decision was in favor of San Pedro, largely because of the work already done there and the inadvisability of the government maintaining two separate harbors. They said : " It is the judgment of this Board that the best public policy, both in the interest of economy and for the attainment of a deep-water harbor for commerce and refuge demands the concentration of expenditure at one point, with the corresponding cumulative excellence of results, rather than a dispersion and weakening of results by a divided expenditure at the two loca tions. This conclusion gains considerable force through the fact that the selec tion of the San Pedro site will, for the reasons stated, undoubtedly involve materially less ultimate total expenditure than is certain to be incurred by the inevitable construction and maintenance of the two harbors, if Port Los Angeles were to be selected. The preponderance of physical advantages, therefore, which leads to the selection of the San Pedro site, is in line with the best re- HISTORY OF SAXTA 'MONICA BAY CITIES 209 quirements of the best public policy as to the matter entrusted to the decision of this Board." This report was signed by four members of the Board. Mr. Morgan submitted a minority report in favor of Port Los Angeles. This decision was regarded as final and Santa Monica citizens accepted it as such. However, it was not until April 6th, 1899, that the contract was awarded and the actual work on the harbor began. The event was celebrated by a " Jubilee " which had lost somewhat of spontaneity by its long delay. Since that time work has gone on at San Pedro, but the deep-water harbor is yet in the future. 14 FIRST COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA UNDER THE FREE HOLDERS' CHARTER. 1906. CHAPTER V. EXPANSION. 1900-1908. THE year 1900 was an epoch-making one for Santa Monica since it brought with it many events which were far-reaching in their influence and which were important factors in the era of unprecedented prosperity and growth which has marked the first years of the new century. A radical change in the history of the town was brought about by the passage of the ordinance which made it a " no-saloon " town. Santa Monica had always been a " wide-open " town and while its citizens were just as respectable and law-abiding as those of any other beach town, the place had undoubtedly always been the favorite resort of the sporting element of Los Angeles. The proximity of the Soldier's Home had also made it the scene of the " old boy's " license, when pension money was plenty. Every effort was made to suppress the dis orderly element and as good order was maintained here, as a rule, as elsewhere; yet the town had long borne the reputation of being a " tough " place. With the opening of 1900 a determined effort was made to secure a better order of things. One of the leaders in this attempt, was the late Federick H. Rindge, a man of great wealth, sincere religious zeal and large philanthropy. He devoted his time, energy and money to this fight for the good standing of Santa Monica, which was then his home city. The campaign opened with an all day Sunday service devoted to temperance and local option. As a result of the meetings of this day a committee of citizens, consisting of J. F. Kiggens, E. J. Vawter, J. H. Clark, D. J. Twichell, J. S. Knesel, M. H. Kimball, W. I. Hull, Dr. N. H. Hamilton, C. I. D. Moore, J. O. Jennings, Dr. C. T. Wilson, T. H. James, H. P. Wilber, D. G. Holt, Dr. Glen McWilliams and J. F. Dunham, with F. H. Rindge, as chairman, was appointed to confer with the Board of Trustees and secure the passage of an ordinance submitting the question of saloons or no saloons to the people at the coming election. As a consequence of the action of these gentlemen, the requisite ordinance was passed. A vigorous, well organized, educational anti-saloon crusade followed. A series of public meetings was held on both the North and the South sides at which such speakers as Bishop Montgomery, Dr. Chapman, Dr. Hugh Walker, J. S. Slauson, F. H. Rindge, the pastors of the city churches, particularly Dr. Glen McWilliams of the Christian church and Dr. Wilson of the Methodist church ; and such business men as Roy Jones, W. S. and E. J. Vawter, D. G. 212 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Holt, and others took part. The churches of all sects ; the anti-saloon forces of the county; the Womens Christian Temperance Union, the Good Templars, and a large number of the property owners and business men of the town, worked together heartily to secure the passage of the " no-saloon " ordinance. The Santa Monica Outlook took a vigorous share in the effort and many who looked at the proposition simply from a business standpoint ranged themselves on the anti-saloon side. Naturally the saloon element, and a good many citizens who honestly be lieved that the closing of the saloons would result in a financial loss to the town, put up a strong fight. Money was spent freely on both sides and the feeling was very strong; F. H. Rindge, in a public meeting promised to indemnify the town for the loss sustained by refusing licenses to saloons, and after the elec tion, April gth, which resulted in a vote of 305 to 218, a majority of 87 votes for " no license," he presented his check for $2,500 to the Board of Trustees. The trustees chosen at the election, J. C. Morgan, C. H. Sammis and T. H. Dudley had pledged themselves prior to election to carry out the expressed wishes of the citizens. It had been agreed that three restaurant licenses, per- miting the sale of liquors with bona fide meals, costing 25 cents, exclusive of liquors ; and one wholesale liquor license, under certain restrictions, should be granted. The ordinance passed by the new board was not exactly what the anti-saloon people had expected, as it permitted the sale of liquors at all hours and allowed the wholesale house to sell in original packages at its place of busi ness, instead of simply delivering orders. It was to be expected that there would be violations of the regulations under this ordinance, which was certainly a great step in advance, although not all that had been hoped for by the movers in the " no license " fight. On August 6th, E. Gamberi, of the Pacific Gardens was arrested for selling liquors without meals and was convicted and fined $175.00, while his license was revoked. Rudolph Hopf was also arrested for violation of the ordinance, but prior to his trial he became insolvent and was acquitted. This marked the downfall of the old firm of Eckert and Hopf, which had been in business in Santa Monica since the seventies. In 1901 the Board of Trustees modified the restaurant license so that it merely required " something to eat," with the liquor. This, of course, led to the service of the timeworn cracker and. it is claimed, that the cracker box alone was considered sufficient in many cases. In 1902 the wholesale license was raised to $1,200 and in 1903 the wholesale license was raised to $3,000. this amount having been offered by Alexander Gunn. In the spring of 1903 the temperance people were so aroused by the changes made, which practically restored saloons to the town, that they made a strong campaign before the annual election to secure candidates for trustees who would support the law and take steps to earn- out the provisions of the original ordin- HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 213 ance which had been adopted to carry out the wish of the voters. Dr. Chap man again took a vigorous, and as many thought, a not very wise, part in the campaign, working for the election of men who had pledged themselves to vote against issuing new licenses and removals of restrictions. After the city election, another special election to again submit the question of prohibition, by adopting what was known as the Long Beach ordinance, was called for. A brief cam paign was made by Dr. Chapman and the question was submitted on June loth, resulting in a vote of 831 ; 287 for, 544 against. This result, so different from the previous one when this question was voted upon, was brought about by many causes ; chiefly the dissension of the temperance forces and the bitterness and, in the eyes of many, the unfairness of the methods adopted by the prohibition workers. As a consequence of this result, the Board of Trustees passed an ordinance, granting restaurant licenses, with no restriction as to meals ; buffet licenses, which were practically saloon licenses ; and the wholesale license. While there are no open saloons in Santa Monica, and the business is much restricted as compared with the old days when there were twelve or fourteen saloons running " wide open," there is ample opportunity for those who wish it to procure liquor and the town derives a considerable income from its various liquor licenses. Another important question which came up for discussion and action this year was that of the separation of the portion of the town lying south of Rail road street from the "North side," or, as the Outlook puts it, the "legal separa tion of Miss South Side from Mr. North Side, on the ground of failure to pro vide." The citizens of the southern end of town felt that they had not received due consideration from the town trustees and that they had no representative on the board. There had long been a rivalry in growth, street improvements and attractions. A committee consisting of Col. A. B. Hotchkiss, a long-time resi dent of the South Side, Joseph Bontty and Captain Malim, were active in urging this action, stating that the new town would remain a town, governed by the Board of Supervisors, and would save the expenses of a city government while improving her own streets and providing her own water, and light supply. The active discussion of plans for building a city hall had a bearing on the question, no doubt, and many other matters were connected with it. A petition with suffi cient signatures was presented and the question was submitted to a vote of the people at the election of November I3th. A vigorous campaign was made against the division by the North Side and many citizens of the South Side also, and the election showed a very decided majority, the vote being 400 to 59, against the legal partition of the town. One of the movers in this attempt at disruption, Captain George D. Malim, frankly announced in the Outlook, after stating that others who had promised aid had deserted the cause, " I have been at a loss of both time and money, fought alone and single-handed against nearly the whole town and got licked, r,K<>. H. HUTTOX. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 215 but have one great satisfaction, that is, that I believe I have stirred people up to argue questions, consider propositions, and stand up for their rights, which they would not have done had it not been for the work done by myself." It was generally agreed that the discussion of the question had brought about a better feeling between the two factions and would result in a clearer understanding of the common interests of the whole city. Another topic which engaged a good deal of attention and gave rise to a great variety of opinions, was that of providing a suitable city hall. It was generally believed, also, that the town could not prosper without having some sort of public auditorium for large meetings. It was proposed to combine a city hall and auditorium building. This met with opposition and an effort was made to secure an auditorium as a private business venture. Bonds for the city hall were proposed ; but at last it became evident that the city affairs could be handled more effectively under a new form of government and the subject of adopting a city charter and becoming a city of the fifth class was taken up. Public meetings to discuss the advisability of this step and the results following it were held and a committee consisting of Frederick H. Rindge, George H. Hutton, A. W. McPherson, W. S. Vawter and Fred H. Taft was appointed to formulate plans for re-organization. It was agreed that the town should be divided into five wards, as equally proportioned as to voters as possible, each to extend from the ocean back to the east line of the town and the committee also stood pledged to a general city convention to nominate officers, irrespective of party lines. But when the matter came to the test of the polls, January i6th, 1901, it was found that the interest was small compared with its importance, 353 votes being cast, of which 171 were for and 178 against, the re-organization plan being lost by seven votes. Among the improvements of the year was the putting on of the mail car on the electric line which made three trips a day. taking in Colegrove, Sherman, Sawtelle and Soldiers' Home, Santa Monica and Ocean Park and which also carried express matter. The Hollywood line was opened for service in February thus giving Santa Monica three routes to Los Angeles and still further increas ing her transportation facilities. The Southern Pacific and Santa Fe roads, in a desperate attempt to recover their traffic, issued a ten trip ticket for $1.50, good for one month. B"t the electric line met this with a ten ride ticket, good until used, and transferable, for $2.00. The railroads gained little but the people who traveled between the city and the beach were decided gainers. The United Electric, Gas and Power Company was incorporated this year and took over the Santa Monica Electric Light and Power plant, the directors being the same, F. H. Rindge, Alfred Steadman, H. V. Carter, G. I. Cochran and J. J. Davis. This company also secured control of the light and gas company of Redondo, Long Beach, San Pedro, and other towns. " Sunset " beach, lying north of the North Beach Bath House, was improved 216 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES with walk, gas, electric light and sewer service and divided into lots to be leased to tenants for five and ten years. The owners were R. C. Gillis and E. P. Clark and after these improvements were carried out a number of commodious and attractive cottages was built on the tract. The death of " Bob " Eckert, April 27th, 1900, removed one of the best known characters of Santa Monica, or indeed, of Southern California. Mr. Eckert was born in the Fatherland. He came to Los Angeles in 1872 and soon acquired a reputation there as a caterer, a politicion and a teacher of gymnastics in the Turn Verein. His connection with the Turners made him known among the Germans of Southern California, and his genial, kindly nature won him many lasting friendships, not only among his own people, but with all with whom he came in contact. He opened a restaurant in Santa Monica in the later seventies and his fish dinners soon gained renown. For many years a feed at Eckert and Hapf's Pavilion was the best treat one good fellow could offer another. He catered to many distinguished guests and for many notable ban quets, and was acknowledged as a past master in the art of serving a .dinner. With his death and the canceling of saloon licenses, the Eckert and Hopf Pavilion which had been known from Alaska to Mexico, was closed. 1901. The more progressive citizens of Santa Monica were not satisfied to allow the matter of re-organizing the city government to drop. They felt that the best interests of the city demanded that the town be divided into wards which would allow each district to select its own representative in the council. The new charter would also permit the organization of a board of education which could exercise powers not vested in the trustees of a district. A new petition for an election was prepared and presented to the Board of Trustees February 4th, with a guarantee from the signers that the expenses of the election would be met by private subscription. The trustees, after due deliberation and ex amination into the legal aspects of the case, refused to grant the petition. The movers for a new charter were not discouraged, however. They continued the agitation and in April organized a Good Government League, to look to muni cipal matters, with F. H. Rindge, president; N. H. Hamilton, ist vice-president; W. S. Vawter, 2nd vice-president; Fred H. Taft, 3d vice-president; C. I. D. Moore, secretary and J. C. Steele, treasurer. Mr. Rindge, who despite his many interests spared neither time nor energy in forwarding any movement for the public good, took an active part in this organization, which kept a sharp eye? upon the restaurant liquor licenses, that had been granted, as well as carrying on an educational campaign among the citizens on the subject of public improve ments. A petition asking for a re-submission of the question of saloons or no saloons was received by the trustees in March ; but was not acted upon and although, there was a good deal of discussion of the subject, the trustees seemed HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 217 to feel that the restaurant license permitting the sale of liquor with meals which had rapidly degenerated to empty cracker boxes, was the most satisfactory arrangement to be made. The matter of voting bonds for a city hall continued to be discussed. There was also great need of a new bridge on Ocean Avenue in place of Bridge No. i, as it was known. This had become imperative as this street was the main thoroughfare between the North and South ends of town. Storm drains were also greatly needed, and after one or two mass meetings, in which matters were fullv discussed and it was shown that the large tax payers of the city were all ritiU mT CITY HALL, SANTA MONICA. in favor of these improvements, an election was called for November igth to vote on the question of issuing bonds in the sum of $25,000 for Bridge No. I ; $10,000 for Bridge No. 2 ; $29,000 for storm drains, and $35,000 for City Hall and Jail. At this election the bonds for town hall and bridge No. i were carried, the others defeated. The Board of Trustees at once called for bids for a site for the public building and was flooded with offers. They spent some very strenuous hours before finally determining on the lots at the corner of Oregon and Fourth. The South Side felt that since it must pay taxes for this improvement, it should at least be as near them as possible. The question of town division was still a live one. The marvelous growth made during the year 1901 at Ocean Park was putting that division of Santa Monica in the front rank in importance and the old rivalry between the two sections was enhanced in many minds by the N. H. HAMILTON, M. D. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 219 growing wealth and many impovements of the " sand hills." The South Side had voted almost solidly against all the improvements, because of the desire to have its own town organization. A strong effort was made to secure the city hall for the corner of Third and Utah street, where a site was offered by Roy Jones for $12,000. Tht business men of the place generally endorsed this site and offered to guarantee that it should cost the city but $7,000. The matter was hotly contested by the citizens and the trustees seemed to be hopelessly divided in opinion or interests. In February 1902 Roy Jones withdrew his offer of sites and thus removed the cor ner at Third and Utah from consideration. Still the board could come to no decision and a straw vote was called for to decide what site would best please the voters. Condemnation proceedings to secure the property at Third and Utah were talked" of and the fight waxed hotter than ever. A majority of 68 out of 441 votes cast was for Lots V. W. and X., of Block 196, being the south east corner of Third and Utah, at the price of $6,500. At the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, it was reported that the chosen site could not be secured at any price, except by condemnation proceedings, which meant long and expen sive litigation, therefore the Board, by a vote of three to two, selected the site at Fourth and Oregon, offered by J. C. Crosier for $4,800. Although there was much dissatisfaction over the result, it was final and steps were at once taken to proceed with the building, the bonds having already been sold to the Oakland Bank of Savings at a premium of $3,000. Among the more important improvements of the year on the North Side was the building of the long looked for Auditorium, in connection with the North Beach Bath house. The cost was about $7,000 and it gave a large room for public meetings. It was opened by an entertainment given by the newly organized Y. M. C. A. and was then taken possession of by a Vaudeville troop which made a brilliant failure and soon vanished. The people of Santa Monica seem always to have been able to provide their own entertainments and an out side attraction must be very unusual indeed to draw any large number of Santa Monicans from their own homes and amusements. The Academy of the Holy Names, established by the '' Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary," was completed and dedicated February 22nd. It was a handsome two and a half story building, beautifully finished and furnished and was dedicated with elaborate ceremonies, including a public parade and testimonials from the city officials and citizens generally of Santa Monica. At South Santa Monica, or Ocean Park, the Los Angeles Times estimates that the improvements for the year amounted to $232,555, including the new power house of the electric line, costing $25,000; the Holborow Hotel. $10,000, the Casino, $10,000, waterworks and other improvements of Kinney & Dudley, $18,500 and 207 other building. Among the notable events of this year was the visit of President McKinley 220 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES to the Soldier's Home, at which time the citizens of Santa Monica aided in the reception which was there given him. And on September 2Oth, 1901 the people of this city held Memorial services in honor of the president whom they had so warmly welcomed. All business was suspended and the mourning was general. One of the incidents of this occasion was the services of the newly formed Spanish Society, which had arranged for an elaborate celebration on September 1 6th, the Mexican Fourth of July, but changed their program to a Memorial service, after which they burned the murderer in effigy. 1902. The history of 1902 was largely municipal. As has been seen, the difficult task of settling on a site for the city hall was carried over into this year. But before it was decided the still more important matter of re-organization came up. The new election was called for January 28th. In the meantime, the Board of Trustees ordered a census of the town to be taken. The call for re-organiza tion of the city had been based upon the United States census of 1890, which gave Santa Monica a population of 3057. Cities must have a population of 3,000, at least, in order to be raised to the rank of fifth class. Opponents of the change had insisted that the town did not now have the requisite three thousand and the census of the Board resulted in but 2,717 names. The promoters of the movement, however, asserted that this census did not count, as by law, the population would be taken from the United States census. At the same time the Good Government League claimed that the census taken by the Board was defective and set men to work to re-take the census. After a long and very thorough canvas, in which, we are certain every nose was counted, the result was reported as 3,260. The election resulted in a decided victory for the Good Government League and the progressive citizens generally, the vote standing 231 for and 118 against, giving a majority of 118 as against the majority of seven the other way at the previous election. But votes do not settle the question voted upon in Santa Monica. At the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees when it was in order to officially canvas the vote, that long suffering body was served with a writ of injunction, sworn to by H. X. Goetz, enjoining them 1 from canvassing the votes and declaring the election to have been illegal. When the Board had recovered from the shock of this attack, they engaged counsel to defend them in this case and in another action, brought by Attorney Fred H. Taft, demanding that the city fathers count those votes, or show cause why. The courts decided - that the election was all right and on February loth, the last act in this long drawn-out drama took place, and the returns of the election were duly declared although the new city government could not, by the terms of the law, go into effect until the year 1903. The voters of Santa Monica certainly had ample opportunity to exercise HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 221 their free and sovereign right during the years of 1901-2. Beside the regular state election in November, 1901 and the municipal election the next spring, five special elections gave them a chance to express their opinions. In view of the important matters under the control of the Board this year, a good deal of interest was taken in the annual town election. Mr. W. S. Vawter was nominated as the representative of the Ocean Park district by an enthusiastic public meet ing. There were numerous other candidates for the trusteeship and for all the other city offices. The question of a special tax for the repair of the outfall sewer and the wharf at Pier Avenue was also submitted and voted on favorably. Messrs. Vawter and J. C. Steele were elected trustees, J. C. Hemingway, clerk ; E. W. Boehme, treasurer and M. K. Barretto, marshal. In the re-organization of the board, T. H. Dudley was elected president and F. H. Taft was chosen as attorney. One of the first acts of the new board was to raise the wholesale liquor license to $1,200 per year. During the summer of 1902 especial attention was called to the safety of Santa Monica Beach as compared with other beaches. It was shown that very few accidents, due to undertow, had ever occurred on this beach and that every precaution to prevent accidents was taken, a guard being maintained on thc- beach at all times, life boats being at hand in case of need. The Los Angeles Times stated : " It is safe to say that since this little city was laid out, nearly a million people have bathed in the surf there ; and while there have been a number of fatalities due to suicide, heart failure, and apoplexy or cramp, there, has not been one authenticated instance of any person being overcome by a treacherous current or tide, or any person having been lost who was bathing from any public bath house." Among the conventions entertained this year were the Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church and also the Summer Institute of Sunday Schools of the Episcopal diocese ; the annual convention of Christian churches of Southern California, lasted eleven days and brought a large number of visitors to attend its sessions. In October, the grand Lodge of the Good Templars, a state or ganization, held its annual session here. The " short line " of the Los Angeles-Pacific was opened in August, thus giving a new and considerably shorter route to Los Angeles. An important land deal of the year was the sale by the Pacific Land Company to the Erkenbrecher syndicate, of a tract of 390 acres of land, lying just east of the then town limits and including 38 acres within the town limits. A portion of this was divided into town lots and the rest was made into five and ten acre tracts. Another very decided improvement was* the paving of Oregon and Utah streets which had long been discussed but, as usual, with a variety of opinions. The Columbia building near the corner of Third and Oregon was built by Bishop Montgomery on ground adjoining the Catholic church. This was a three story brick with J. C. HEMINGWAY. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 223 two large storerooms on the ground floor and a pleasant hall for public purposes upon the second floor. Another matter which the city fathers were called upon to meet this year was the question of allowing the Santa Fe road to abandon its line from Ingle- wood into Santa Monica. The road had petitioned the State Railroad commis sion to be allowed to do so, on the ground that it was operating the line at a loss. There was considerable opposition to permitting this action on the part of the donors of the right of way, and at the same time a petition from many other citizens of Santa Monica prayed that the abandonment be allowed. It was generally believed that this would result in a competing electric line coming into Santa Monica, and rumors that the Traction Company were looking this way were frequent during the summer. In August Abbot Kinney made applica tion for a franchise for a steam or electric line through the town to be operated by the Redondo and Santa Monica Beach line, of which he was the chief in- corporator. After some investigation this franchise was refused. In July it was announced that the right of way had been secured for a line direct from the city to the Ocean Park district, through La Ballona and Palms. The promoters were a company of whom Frederick H. Rindge was the chief. In September the Traction Company made an offer of $3,500 for a franchise in Santa Monica. The Board of Trustees, being hard up for cash as usual, were disposed to look favorably upon this proposition ; but it was recalled that Mr. Hook had offered $5,000 for a similar privilege in Long Beach and it was also pointed out by interested citizens that, according to law, any franchise must be sold to the highest bidder. Lawyers differed as to this point and the dis cussion waxed warm. A franchise was drawn up, granting the company all that was asked, for a consideration of $2500 and an electric current sufficient to supply 12 arc lights of 2000 candle power. While the discussion was going on, Captain John Cross, of the Terminal road appeared and offered $5,000 for a franchise ; but the Board of Trustees passed the Hook franchise without con - sidering this offer and despite strong opposition on the part of many citizens. A day or two later John C. Morgan, one of the trustees, and a man who was always ready to fight for his convictions, brought suit against the Board of Trustees to restrain them from making the proposed " Hook " franchise a law. Meanwhile the first payment was made on the franchise and the Traction road began making preparations for entering Santa Monica. The Los Angeles- Pacific also began to move, removing the poles which had long been a bone of contention, on Oregon street ; double tracking and otherwise improving their service in anticipation of competition. In February, 1903, Col. A. B. Hotch- kiss took steps to test the validity of the Hook franchise, since it was granted without competitive bids. When it appeared that the Traction Company had secured their right of way through Santa Monica and Ocean Park, the Los Angeles-Pacific railway, alarmed for its supremacy, also began suits to contest 224 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES the right of way, and in retaliation, the Los Angeles, Ocean Park and Santa Monica Company, which had been incorporated to handle the Santa Monica end of the Traction Company, began suit to condemn certain tracts in Ocean Park, needed for the Traction right of way. The officers of this company were W. S. Hook, Abbot Kinney, T. J. Hook, C. A. Sumner and E. E. Milliken, and it was generally known as " Abbot Kinney's Company." The Hook franchise was sustained by the attorney-general and the contest between the two trolley line companies became a bitter one. The annual election of city officials was approaching and the attitude of the trustees toward the railroad question became the vital question. The Herald announces : "The railroad election battle is on and that it promises to be hotly contested is evi denced by the fact that each of the rival companies has established boarding camps within the city limits and is registering every available man in their em ploy. Three registrars have been working for the last thirty days and on March 4th the city registration shows an advance of 343 votes over the registration of last November. Since March 4th fifty additional names have been added and before the registration closes it is conservatively estimated that over 400 increase will be shown." The campaign that followed was one of the most strenuous ever known in Santa Monica. George D. Snyder, H. X. Goetz, A. F. Johnstone and J. C. Morgan were candidates for the trusteeship, and were pledged " not to put any impediments in the way of the Traction Company's building and operating a line in Santa Monica, according to the terms of the franchise recently granted them." W. S. Yawter, T. H. Dudley and J. C. Steele were candidates for re election. The saloon question was again involved and much type was used by the press and much talk was poured out on the streets and in public meetings over the situation. Messrs. Dudley, Vawter, Goetz, Johnstone and Steele were elected, and as at least three of them were pledged to the anti-saloon party, there was rejoicing in the temperance ranks. It soon developed that the railroad situation had already been taken out of the hands of the city officials, by the sale of the Traction road and its interests to Clark and Harriman, who having no use for a competing line, were not expected to push the road to Santa Monica. Abbot Kinney, however, still retained the franchises granted to the Ocean Park, Santa Monica and Los Angeles road and made an attempt, which was promptly put a stop to by the city trustees, to occupy them. But in 1904 he sold his rail road interests to the Los Angeles Pacific road, thus putting an end to the hope, still maintained by Santa Monica, of a competing line. 1903. The year 1903 was marked by an unprecedented growth. With the new city government and the occupation of the beautiful new city building, came an expansion in every direction that approached dangerously near to the fated HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 225 word " boom." The new city hall, a substantial structure whose simple lines and graceful curves are dignified and beautiful, was complete in its fitness and space for the needs of the city .iffairs and was regarded by all those who had opposed the bonds, the plans and the location, as well as those who had worked hard to settle all difficulties and secure the building with pride. On the evening of its dedication, March igth, 1903, the people of Santa Monica and many visitors from Los Angeles inspected the building with approval and listened to the exercises with pleasure. A program was rendered and Mr. W. I. Hull gave a resume of the history of the building, in which he humorously re called the various agitations which had led up to this happy finale. He closed by hoping that " those who take pos session of it next month will keep it clean clean inside and out. Let every record made here be as white as the paper on which it is written. Let those who are elected to office fulfill their duty as a public trust and not as a private snap. Municipal government is the weak spot in our American system. Selfish and cor porate interests seek to control elec tions that they may enrich themselves at the expense of the people. If we are careful that such conditions do not occur in Santa Monica, we shall the more quickly realize the grand destiny H. x. GOETZ tnat awa 'ts us the Queen Seaside City of Southern California." Beside the municipal offices, the public library was provided with pleasant quarters, which were greatly appreciated by the public. The city hall was built by H. X. Goetz, the contractor, and with its site, cost about $38,000. The city government under the new form required an election of new city officials throughout. The railroad and saloon questions had already become important factors in this municipal election. The many affairs of importance which the new board of trustees would be required to handle made their selection more than ever of the deepest importance to the town. Yet it must be feared that a large number of the voters were swayed by self-interest and personal feeling, rather than by the " greatest good to the greatest number." The ticket chosen was as follows : Trustees, T. H. Dudley, H. X. Goetz, A. F. Johnston, J. C. Steele and \V. S. Vawter; school board, W. E. Devore, J. H. Hassinger, 15 226 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Dr. J. S. Hunt, J. H. Jackson and S. F. Carpenter; clerk, J. C. Hemingway, re-elected ; assessor, C. S. Dales ; treasurer, Frank W. Vogel ; recorder, A. M. Guidinger ; marshal, M. K. Barretto, who had served in the same office since 1898; for city attorney, there was a sharp contest between F. H. Taft, the incum bent, and Benjamin S. Hunter, who it was claimed was a non-resident of the city. Mr. Taft was elected, but the position was contested in the courts by Mr. Hunter, without avail. With the organization of the new board of trustees on April 2Oth, the history of Santa Monica as a city of the fifth class began. T. 'H. Dudley was chosen president of the board ; the salaries to be paid city officials were, after some discussion, fixed : City clerk, $1020.00 per annum ; attorney, $600.00 ; assessor, $520.00; marshal, $1200.00; treasurer, $400.00: recorder, $300.00; chief of fire department, $120.00 per annum. The disastrous anti-saloon campaign which followed the inauguration of the new government has already been described. In view of the talk of incor porating the section south of Santa Monica into a town, a petition was prepared by some of the property owners in the strip of territory between Marine avenue, the southern line of the city limits, and Rose avenue, asking that this territory be annexed to the city. At the same time a largely signed petition from citizens of Santa Monica making the same request was presented. Acting upon these a special election was called for December I4th, which resulted in a vote of 30 in the proposed territory 19 against annexation. This result had been antici pated as a strong fight had been made by the " incorporationists " against the measure. 1904. The rapid growth of the town had made the old water system entirely inadequate to the demands upon it, particularly in the case of fire, and for a year or two there had been more or less talk of municipal ownership of the plant. The dissatisfaction with the conditions was so general that February 5th a mass meeting was called to discuss the situation and the possibilities of the city acquiring a water system of its own. At this meeting a communication from Mr. Rindge, president of the Artesian Water Company, then supplying the city water, was read, in which he stated that his company would guarantee the city an adequate supply and would at once enlarge their facilities for supplying water. After considerable discussion it was decided to suspend further action by the citizens until it was seen whether the water company fulfilled its promises. During the next two years the Artesian Company laid a i6-inch main down Nevada street and distributed a large amount of new pipe, replacing the old system and extending it to new districts. Nevertheless, it was still felt that the water supply was not equal to the demands of the rapidly growing city and the board of trade appointed a committee, who after a thorough examination into the matter, reported favorably upon the proposition to bond the city for a HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 227 sum sufficient to secure its own water system. The city engineer prepared a careful estimate of the cost and reported that he thought a complete plant could be provided for $240,250. At the request of the requisite number of voters, the council ordered an election to vote upon the proposition of bonding the city for $250,000. But many citizens felt that this was moving too rapidly, as the city was already heavily bonded and was now considering the adoption of a new charter, consequently the date of this election, January i6th, 1906, was recalled and the matter permitted to drop for the time being. The feeling is still strong that Santa Monica must soon have a more adequate supply of water, owned by the municipality ; but the building of school houses and the disposition of sewage must first be completed. After the incorporation of the town of Ocean Park, including the settled territory south of the Santa Monica city limits, there was still much talk of town division. Many of the people residing in the section which had first been known as " Ocean Park ", felt that they had built up that portion of the " sand hills " into a prosperous business and residence district with very little aid from the " old town " of Santa Monica. The rapid growth of the last two or three years had brought in a new element who knew little of the past history of the town and did not realize that the question of town division had already been thoroughly canvassed and, it was hoped, settled by the decisive vote of Novem ber I3th, 1901. Ocean Park had already secured a portion of the Santa Monica school district and it was now proposed to divide the city at Front street. It was the common belief that this section, if cut off from Santa Monica, would join the new Ocean Park municipality, although there were those who talked of a third corporation which should go it alone. Some of the older residents of the territory, who had already paid taxes for street improvements, schools, city hall, and sewers in Santa Monica, did not care to repeat the payments for the same purposes in the new town. The new corporation of Ocean Park was already voting bonds with a free hand ; there were dissensions among business interests the causes were various but the result was death to the division proposition. The petition was circulated but was never presented and the election did not take place. The Outlook of January 2ist, 1905, pays its tribute to the division question thus : " Poor little thing dead. The last sad rites performed over fatherless and motherless babe. There is crepe on the door of a suite of upstairs rooms on Pier avenue. The fight to divide Santa Monica is ended. The ' executive com mittee ' for the division of Santa Monica has passed in its checks. The last meeting of this august body was held on Wednesday, when it was decided that the idea of dividing this city was a forlorn hope and the committee adjourned ' sine die.' While the meeting was secret, it is learned that the executive com mittee positively decided to abandon the project." And from this date :\ ivore solid fruth in " greater Sint'i Monica " has 228 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES grown up in both sections of the town and it is only a matter of a few years before the memory of " north " and " south " feuds will have faded and Santa Monica will present an undivided front to the world. This year was marked by the breaking up of large tracts and the opening to settlement of many fine pieces of land hitherto unoccupied. In April it was announced that the Jones and Baker lands, including the San Vicente rancho, Boca y Santa Monica and Santa Monica rancho, over 30,000 acres in all. had been transferred to a consolidated company formed of the Artesian Water Com pany, the Santa Monica and Sawtelle Water Companies, Frederick II. Rindge, Gen. M. H. Sherman, E. P. Clark, G. I. Cochran, R. C. Gillis and others. The purpose of the new water company was to supply water to the Ballona country, between Western avenue in Los Angeles and the sea coast, and to supply domestic water to Santa Monica and the entire coast southward to Playa del Rev. It was stated that the lands coming into possession of the new company would be subdivided and put upon the market at once and soon afterward a sale of 1000 acres of the San Vicente rancho was made to R. C. Gillis. This tract extended from Fourteenth street to Sawtelle between Oregon avenue and the Southern Pacific right of way, and was at once cut up into lots of from two to forty acres and offered for sale. The Santa Monica Land and Water Company also sub divided 450 acres between the Soldiers' Home lands and Twenty-sixth street. A number of other tracts and additions were put on the market this year also, among them the Irwin Heights tract east of the city, which was improved by Irwin and Towner ; the Artesian tract continued to attract buyers and the Oregon avenue tract between Thirteenth and Sixteenth streets was opened, streets paved and many lots sold and houses built during the year. Six new houses, costing about $15,000, were put up in Washington Place. This portion of the town, east of Tenth street and north of Oregon, became, indeed, a new city within a very short period. The land east and north of the city limits had also become desirable residence property and many homes had been established on " villa " lots, or small ranches. The talk of annexation of this district grew and was brought to a head finally by the attempt on the part of Ocean Park to secure a division of the town of Santa Monica at Front street, and by the neces sity of supplying school accommodations for the many new residents. It was estimated that during the year from April, 1904, to April. 1905, two hundred building permits were issued for the city of Santa Monica, the expendi ture reaching $300,000. During the same period, four miles of streets were graded and several miles oiled ; 260,000 square feet of cement walk were laid, 40,000 lineal feet of concrete curbing were put in, 30,000 square feet of cross walks, 12,000 feet of sewer pipe laid, 22,000 feet of gutter and 40,000 square feet of paving put down. This was done by the city and it is probable that the work done by private contract in the various new subdivisions almost equaled this record. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 229 1905. This is the banner year in the existence of the Santa Monica bay cities. It was a year of wonderful growth and unprecedented development in every direction. The " old " town of Santa Monica passed forever from the ranks of '' country " towns and became a city in fact as well as in form during this year. The southern part of the town, commonly known as " Ocean Park ", which was already an important business center as well as a popular summer resort, with the completion of the bath house and the Decatur Hotel, the building of the Masonic block and many other business blocks on Pier avenue, Marine street and the ocean front began to put on a metropolitan aspect ; while the creation of Venice the " Dream City " of Abbot Kinney's fancy, made the new town of Ocean Park the center of attraction for the entire state. Another remarkable feature was the continued opening up of subdivisions which found rapid sale as suburban homes. Much of the San Vicente and Ballona ranches which had been barley fields, or, later, bean patches, was now platted, graded and improved to be sold as lots or in small tracts. Westgate and Westgate Acres, Irwin Heights, Towner Terrace, the Artesian tract, Serra Vista, Palisades, Brentwood Park and Green Acres, to the north and east of Santa Monica ; Ocean Park Heights, East Ocean Park, Venice Park tract, Vine- land, Clarkdale and many other subdivisions between Ocean Park and Los Angeles were put on the market. Most of these subdivisions were on or near the line of the trolley cars. In the case of Westgate, the promotors, in con junction with the Los Angeles and Pacific, built a branch line from Sawtelle through the tract and along the edge of Santa Monica canon and Ocean avenue to connect with the Montana-avenue branch, thus giving the public the most picturesque trolley ride to be found in Los Angeles county. This line was com pleted and opened for use August gth, 1906. This company also constructed San Vicente boulevard from the Soldiers' Home to the city limits of Santa Monica, a distance of several miles, one of the finest stretches of roadway in the country. All of these tracts along the base of the Santa Monica sierras command magnificent views of ocean, mountains and valleys. They are improved with graded and oiled streets, cement walks, parks, trees, shrubbery and offer every modern conveniences water, electricity, car service, as well as the unequaled location, the air, the space, the quiet and seclusion of country life. Building restrictions were placed upon all these tracts so that only desirable homes might be built and the rapidity with which magnificent country places, as well as artistic bungalow and cottage homes have sprung up proves that there was a demand for just such a residence section. The amount of money spent in im proving these lands and putting them on the market would probably reach a half-million dollars and the expenditure in buildings and improvements by purchasers would perhaps reach the same figure. R. R. TANNER. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 231 In the spring of 1905 it was announced that Frederick H. Rindge would build a wagon road through the Malibu ranch and there was a general feeling of satisfaction that at last communication north along the coast would be opened up. But it soon developed that this wagon road was not for the public, and rumors that it was to be a railroad or a trolley line were rife before the death of Mr. Rindge in August. In October the Outlook rejoices greatly in the fact that the " Hueneme, Malibu & Port Los Angeles " electric line will be a great acquisition to Santa Monica. Mr. H. W. Lemcke of Santa Monica was ap pointed general manager, and for some months the papers were kept busy as serting and denying facts about this new road which was and remains an enigma to the public. The new passenger depot of the Los Angeles-Pacific located in Linda Vista park was a substantial improvement which was greatly appreciated. Many improvements in the electric line service were made during the year, not the least of which was the completion of the Playa del Rey-Redondo line and the establishment of a five-cent fare between Santa Monica and Playa del Rev. One of the most important real estate transactions of the year was the formation of a syndicate by F. E. Bundy which was made up largely of Ocean Park capitalists, including E. S. Tomblin, R. W. Armstrong, A. E. Robinson, H. L. Miller & Co., Robert F. Jones, A. W. McPherson, E. A. Wilson, Dana Burks, J. W. Tomblin, Smith Realty Co., I. E. Warfield & Co., and F. E. TBuncly. This later took the name of the " United Land & Water Company " and marked a community of interests between the two factions of the Santa Monica bay region. This company purchased a tract of land south of the Oregon-avenue line between Twenty-sixth street and Sawtelle. They planned to make this a model village site and spent a large sum in improvements. The tract was put on the market as the " Serra Vista " and many sales were made. It became a part of the city when the new territory was taken in and is a valuable addition to the city's wealth. The Irwin Heights tract continued to settle up and many improvements were made in this vicinity. A large sum was expended by the Irwin Heights Company in developing water and an excellent system was pro vided for this district. Another important real estate move was the opening up of the original Palisades tract, lying between Ocean avenue and Seventh street, north of Mon tana avenue. This was improved by a company composed of H. D. Lombard. R. A. Rowan, W. S. Vawter, T. H. Dudley, W. T. Gillis and H. W. Keller. They spent $100,000 in improvements, grading and oiling streets, sewering, cement sidewalks and in planting trees, etc. Linda Vista park was also im proved in front of this addition. Later the balance of the land lying between this tract and the Santa Monica canon and extending north to Seventh street was improved at a very large expense, thus placing this, the most desirable beach property on Santa Monica bay, on the market. The large amount of money expended by private parties in public improvements in the Palisades, 232 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES as well as the high order of buildings and improvements made by purchasers, added largely to the aggregate expenditures for the year. The Towner Terrace tract lying between Eighth and Fourteenth streets, Front and Colorado, was another addition within the new city limits which added to the population and wealth of the place. The building of the White Star pier, now known as Bristol pier, was com pleted in July and its attractions were added to those of the other points of interest on the beach. A good band was installed here and a number of " amuse ments " provided, but there were now so many rival attractions that it was not a paying investment during its first season. A number of new business blocks were added to the business center during the year. The Odd Fel lows hall, a substantial two-story brick ; the Guidinger block, on Third, north of Oregon ; the Bundy block, a three-story brick ; the Johnston block on Third, be side two or three new business buildings on Oregon avenue were constructed. The organization of the Santa Monica Investment Company on February 27th was an important step in the development which was marking the north side. This company was made up of leading business men and capitalists who proposed to buy, build, sell, lease and otherwise handle real estate. Its stock holders included J. Euclid Miles, who was made manager of the enterprise; W. T. Gillis, W. E. Sawtelle, T. Horace Dudley, E. H. Sweetser, George Boehme, E. W. Dike, N. R. Folsom, F. Niemann, R. R. Tanner, W. H. Dosing, J. P. Jones. Dr. N. H. Hamilton, Dr. J. S. Hunt, Frederick H. Rindge, B. A. Nebeker, H. X. Goetz, Roy Jones, Robert F. Jones, R. M. Miller, Sherman & Clark, George H. Hutton. The company at once purchased a tract on Fourth street, north of California, which they improved and built a block of six cottages upon. During the year they built a dozen pretty, modern cottages north of California street, thus providing what had long been needed, modern homes at reasonable rates for newcomers. During the year much property changed hands at a good figure and many handsome residences were erected. The Carnegie library was well under way on Oregon and the property on the corner of Third and Oregon had been purchased and the handsome three-story brick block for the Merchants' National Bank had been planned. This new bank was organized in 1 May with T. H. Dudley president ; W. S. Vawter, vice-president ; George F. Doty, cashier ; Carl F. Schader, Louis Blenkenhorn. W. C. Durgin. R. R. Tanner RREXTWOOD. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 233 and William Mead, directors. It opened for business in the newly completed Columbia block about August ist. The Pacific Land Company placed on sale a tract of 400 acres lying between Sawtelle and Twenty-sixth street and the W. T. Gillis Company reported sales during the year of over thirty pieces of property, ranging from a single lot to twenty-two acres and valued at $45,000. The establishment of a large brick and tile manufacturing plant added a solid factor to the resources of Santa Monica. A company was formed by R. F. Jones, W. T. Gillis, J. H. Spires, C. H. Sweet and R. M. Miller. They secured a tract of twenty-two acres of land and began putting up an extensive plant, known as the "' Sunset Tile and Brick Company." This later passed into the hands of the Los Angeles Pressed Brick Company, one of the most extensive manufacturers of clay products in the state. The clays of Santa Monica had long been known to be superior ; but it is now fully demonstrated that they are of the finest grade for the best class of pressed and vitrified brick and that they are also susceptible of being used for a fine grade of pottery, under proper handling. The consolidation of the United Electric, Gas and Power Company with the Edison Company this year put the lighting and heating of Santa Monica upon a more metropolitan basis and marked the end of any local interest in the company. An important industry inaugurated this year was the organization of a stock company, known as the Plant and Floral Company, to carry on a nursery business and deal in plants and cut flowers. Ten acres of land were secured near Oregon and Twenty-first streets, which were later increased to twenty acres, so successful was the enterprise, now known as the Golden State Plant Co. Another new industry, which has brought much wealth into the community was the culture of the Lima bean. It had been supposed until this year that Ventura county was the banner bean county and need fear no rival. But in 1902 R. C. Gillis made some experiments with bean culture on lands near the Soldiers' Home, which resulted in a net income of $40.00 per acre. As a con sequence, Mr. Gillis leased 1500 acres of land to be put into beans in 1903, and it was estimated that nearly 8000 acres of beans were planted on lands lying between Los Angeles and the Santa Monica bay region. The yield was not so large as was expected, on account of the season being unfavorable ; yet the profits were large enough to justify a still larger acreage in 1904. The bean raising industry is now firmly established in this district and is one of the most important sources of revenue. The acreage of 1904 was estimated as 10,000 acres and the yield was valued at $400,000. As the cultivation and harvesting is all done by machinery, the percentage of profit is large and Los Angeles county is now closely ranking Ventura in the matter of bean culture. Street improvements were the order of the day during this year, over $72,000 having been spent and contracts let for $40,000 more, according to the estimate of the Times, exclusive of the work done by private contract ; 184 building per mits were granted, covering an expenditure of $265,000. The Dudley building \Y. T. GTUJS. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 235 was in process of erection. The Santa Monica Bank was improving its building at a cost of over $12,000. The Carnegie library building was completed and occupied in July. The Hollister-avenue pleasure pier was under way, to extend 900 feet from shore and to cost about $25,000. In the Pier-avenue district, much street work had been done and many improvements were made. The Hammel building, a three-story brick, cost about $20,000 ; the Hanniman and Yolk blocks each cost about $5000 ; the Powell building, the Wisconsin and Metropole, and the Maier & Zobelein buildings were all substantial structures. There was talk of a hundred thousand dollar hotel between Navy and Marine avenues, which would place part of the building in Ocean Park and part in Santa Monica. This proposition was merely talk, however, until 1905, when the Hotel Decatur was finally built, thus giving this section a hostelry suited to its demands. After several attempts to secure a franchise, the Home Telephone Company began work in July under a permit, and a franchise was granted later in the year. The Municipal League had been revived and during the spring held a num ber of meetings in which needed municipal improvements were discussed. Largely through the action of the league a bond issue was called for, to secure funds to build two fire engine houses, additional fire apparatus and a fire alarm system. The cost was estimated at $14,500. Included with this was a proposal for bonds to fill in around bridges No. I and 2 and build retaining walls at a cost of $14,250; to repair and extend the sewer system, and build septic tanks, $21,000; to improve Linda Vista, Seventh street and South Side parks, $20,250, and to construct water works and secure its own water plant, $150,000. After a short and not very enthusiastic campaign, the entire bond proposition was defeated on August i6th. It was. of course, solidly opposed by the district which it was proposed to include in Ocean Park, and this election gave a hint of the relative strength of the divisionists and the advocates of a " greater Santa Monica." The question of repairing the outfall sewer was now forced upon Santa Monica. There had been much discussion of possible sewage disposition during the year. Ocean Park was still using the Santa Monica outfall sewer, although the council had demanded that their sewer be cut off the first of August. In the meantime the new town was making desperate efforts to solve the problem. At one time it was proposed that a main trunk line be constructed along the beach to connect with the Los Angeles outfall. Hut this was blocked by the Playa del Rev interests and found impracticable, although Los Angeles was willing for a consideration. The sewage farm method was also considered, but proved impracticable. So Ocean Park continued to depend upon Santa Monica for sewage disposal under the old agreement between the city and Kinney & Ryan, made December 28th, 1897, which permitted those land owners to con nect with the Santa Monica outfall sewer. The singular reversal of conditions which has later made Santa Monica dependent upon Ocean Park for sewage 236 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES outfall is one of the many anomalies arising from the peculiar relations of the mother town and its offshoot. But Santa Monica maintained that the old agree ment was with Messrs. Kinney & Ryan and not with the town of Ocean Park, and in November, 1904, demanded a rental of $50.00 per month for the use of their outfall. As the rental was not forthcoming the city finally took steps to sue to collect the money. But the great storm of March, 1905, which almost destroyed the sewer wharf (at Pier avenue) and caused a break near shore in the sewer pipe, changed the aspect of matters. The Ocean Park bath house was newly completed and the discharge of sewage at Pier avenue proved dangerous to its success. The city trustees ordered the city engineer to temporarily repair the breaks ; but the complete restoration of the outfall required a sum which could only be obtained by a bond election and the bond election for that purpose having been defeated the previous August, another election for such bonds could not be called within the year. In February, Fraser and Jones had entered into a twenty-year contract with the city for the use of the Pier-avenue wharf as the foundation for a pleasure wharf, they to keep the same in repair. .But on the destruction of the wharf, Messrs. Fraser and Jones declined to keep the contract and there was no apparent prospect of the wharf being again rebuilt, unless the city was able to do it. The newly incorporated town of Ocean Park had already voted bonds for a septic tank and sewer system and in order to save the situation at Pier avenue, the trustees of the town now offered Santa Monica the use of their new septic tank for six months, or until the older city could make some arrangements for caring for her sewage. After some discussion the Santa Monica trustees decided, June 27th. 1905, to accept this proposition. The new septic tank was not com pleted as soon as was expected and rather than have the sewage turned into the sea at Pier avenue, it was turned into the Ocean Park mains and discharged on their dump thus creating a nuisance which caused complaint from the people of South Ocean Park and Playa del Rey. In the meantime the matter of voting bonds for the repair and completion of the sewer system was again agitated in Santa Monica. The necessity of better fire protection was also urgent and October 3ist, 1905, the city voted bonds to the amount of $100,000 to be expended $37,500 for sewer system and septic tank ; $6500 for repairing bridge No. 4 and for retaining walls for bridge No. i ; $17,500 for two fire engine houses, fire alarm system and apparatus; $10,000 for garbage incinerator. It was supposed that this would settle the sewer ques tion and soon result in relief for Ocean Park. But, after a careful consideration of the situation, it was found to be impossible to provide a septic tank and outfall sewer for the sum provided. As the residents of the Pier-avenue region were strongly opposed to the further use of the old outfall sewer, Santa Monica trus tees continued to use the Ocean Park septic tank, now completed, and put in a pumping plant at Pier avenue to raise the sewage into the Ocean Park mains. But the new septic tank failed to deodorize the sewage, as was expected, and HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 237 although a wharf and outfall extending into the sea was built at Center street, there was still complaint of odoriferous breezes and other things, which finally culminated in a bitter factional fight in the city of Ocean Park, leading to the attempt to disincorporate the municipality, and which placed the city of Santa Monica in a most unpleasant predicament, as she was ordered by the courts to cease using the Ocean Park mains, while she had still no provision for caring for her own sewage. During 1906 the garbage incinerator was completed for Santa Monica and various mains were constructed in preparation for the erection of a septic tank. But a suitable location for the septic tank and outfall system could not be found. The entire community was canvassed ; innumerable suggestions were made by the citizens, the council and by outsiders ; hut no solution of the matter that promised to satisfy all was reached until September, 1907, when the board of trade presented a plan, which was adopted by the council and which promises to be a complete success. This was. in brief, the building of a substantial pier at the foot of Colorado street ; the location of a septic tank and pumping plant at the shore end of this wharf and the discharge of the outfall at the extremity, 1700 feet from the shore. This plan met with approval all around and was ratified by the voting of $160,000 bonds for carrying it out, September 3Oth, 1907. Bids have been called for and the work will be pushed on the completion of the system as rapidly as is possible. It was natural that when Santa Monica found herself surrounded by a thickly settled district which was demanding school facilities, she should begin to think of expansion. The demand for school buildings to accommodate the children of the Irwin Heights settlement and of the district east of Seventeenth street, led to the proposition to annex these districts to the city before attempting to vote bonds for school purposes. April I4th, 1905, a mass meeting of citizens decided that at least two new school buildings must be provided, and that an election should be called to vote $60,000 bonds for that purpose. The board of trade immediately afterward proposed that the boundaries be extended from Eighth and Marine streets to Twenty-seventh and Montana avenue. A petition for annexation was presented by the people of the district and on August 29th, 1905, an election was held which resulted in an addition which nearly doubled the size of the corporation. On September I2th the bond election was held and $60,000 was voted for schools. But after consideration, it was decided that it would be economy to construct the new buildings of brick and that at least three buildings were needed. December 9th $15,000 additional was voted to complete the three buildings. But expanison in population and territory was not enough. It was felt by many citizens and by the board of trade that an expansion in the form of city government would give greater advantages to the municipality. It would require the division of the city into equitable wards, give the people a chance to govern themselves according to their own special needs, instead of under I RALPH BAXK. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 239 state laws and give the municipality powers which it would not have under the incorporation as a city of the fifth class. In order to secure such a charter, a city must have a population of 3500 and to determine the present population of Santa Monica, the trustees ordered a special census. May I5th this census was com pleted and a total of 7208 inhabitants reported. The charter must be prepared bv a board of fifteen freeholders, each of whom must have resided in the city and voted here for five years consecutively. They are to be elected by the people at a general or special election. A committee of the board of trade sub mitted the following list of freeholders as candidates for election : T. H. Dudley, C. A. Stilson, George D. Snyder, R. R. Tanner, George H. Hutton, H. X. Goetz, W. I. Hull, A. M. Jamison," W. S- Vawter, Robert F. Jones, D. G. Holt, B. A. Nebeker, E. J. Yawter, Roy Jones, A. N. Archer. This was known as a non- partisan ticket. A " citizens' " ticket was also put up, but seven of the nominees declined to serve and three of those left were on the non-partisan ticket, which was elected by a large majority at a special election held October i8th, 1905. November 3rd the board organized for duty, C. A. Stilson was made presi dent and committees on law, boundaries, offices, public utilities, taxation and election, education and libraries, were announced. After several weeks of stren uous work on the part of the board of freeholders, the proposed charter was subrhitted to the consideration of the people in January, 1906. There was some opposition to certain of its terms it was held that it too greatly centralized power ; but it was felt that generally its provisions were wise and that it was best to adopt it. At the election March 28th, 1906, the instrument was adopted by a vote of 376 for to 183 against. At the same time the uninhabited territory known as the " Palisades " was annexed to the city and the uniform shade-tree act was adopted. Santa Monica, with her new charter, with an area of eleven square miles ; with an assessment which increased from $3,830,677.00 in 1905 to $6,523,186.00 in 1906; with her rapidly growing population; with ample school facilities, the best streets in the country and as fine public buildings as are to be found in any city of the same size, was now fairly on the way to become the ideal city of homes. The building of a new brick manufacturing plant by an eastern corporation, the Simmons Brick Co., added largely to the clay manufacturing possibilities. A large sum was expended in improved machinery and in buildings. To this company and to the Los Angeles Pressed Brick Company plant were awarded the contract for furnishing 18,000,000 brick required for the Los Angeles outfall sewer. Another company was also formed this year to utilize the Santa Monica clays in making pottery, but this industry is not yet established. It is only a question of proper handling, however, as it has been demonstrated that Santa Monica clays have no superior for fine work, in the hands of experienced workers. Among the incidents of the year may be mentioned the visits of the Knights 240 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES of Columbus, ' a national Catholic organization, the members of whom were royally entertained by Santa Monicans and .carried away golden memories of this city by the sea. One of the worst fires on record in the city took place September gth when Budy's livery stable on Third near Utah, was burned and six horses lost their lives, while a large quantity of hay was destroyed. On June 4th the city was startled by the news that their postoffice had been robbed of more than $3000 worth of cash, stamps and registered mail matter. This was one of a series of exceedingly bold postoffice robberies which occurred during this summer. 1906. During this year a determined effort was made to improve the streets of Santa Monica by the latest methods of oiling and surfacing. In pursuance of this object about 12,000 barrels of oil were used and many streets which had hitherto been dusty in summer and muddy in winter became practically as hard and clean as paved streets. The Santa Monica system of oil-paved streets be came widely known and was rated as having an important bearing on the problem of road construction. This method was used in improving San Vicente road, the new boulevard from the Soldiers' Home to Ocean avenue. This street was 130 feet wide, with the trolley lines in the center, was curbed and lined with trees and when completed made one of the finest drives in the county. It was pro posed to extend Sunset boulevard and improve it to connect with this new road. There was also much talk during the year of a finely improved boulevard from Washington street, Los Angeles, to Ocean Park to join the Del Rey speedway. A scheme for a boulevard to extend southward along the coast to Redondo and thence to San Pedro was also proposed and discussed, but has not yet materialized. Much talk of the Gould line which was supposed to be coming down the coast via the Malibu road which was in course of construction, and which would give Santa Monica a new " transcontinental " line, was indulged in. There was also much talk of Huntington purchasing everything in sight and building a new trolley line to Los Angeles all of which served to fill the papers. One of the most beautiful suburbs of Santa Monica, located just to the north and within view of the ocean, is Brentwood Park. This is a tract of sev eral hundred acres which has been highly improved. Streets have been graded and oiled, curbs and gravel walks laid and many hundreds of trees and shrubs BRENTWOOD PARK. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 241 planted out. Water is piped to every lot and electric lights have been installed. A number of handsome homes have been built here. In January the Odd Fellows dedicated their handsome new building on Third street and January 3ist the Merchants' National Bank moved into its own quarters in the Dudley block, a structure that would do credit to any city. The Kensington apartments, an attractive apartment house containing all the latest devices for comfort, was built on the ocean front south of the Arcadia, at a cost of $15,000. Several new blocks were put up on Pier avenue. The build ing permits from January to June reached the sum of $194,277, aside from the three new school buildings, which were to cost $75,000, and the $50,000 pavilion at Pier avenue. Two new fire engine houses were also constructed and the garbage incinerator completed. One of the most notable improvements of the year was the Santa Monica hospital building, which was begun, after long planning, and was completed in the spring of 1907. This is a handsome two- story brick structure, standing on a commanding eminence on South Fourth street. It is completely equipped in the most modern style and is fast taking rank as one of the leading hospitals of the south coast- The handsome two-story brick building which took the place of the old Sixth-street school house was completed and occupied in the spring of 1907, as was also the Roosevelt school building on the Palisades. 1907. The most important advance of this year has been the final action in the matter of sewage disposal. After long agitation a plan which seemed to the majority to be feasible and desirable was suggested and on September 3Oth bonds to the amount of $150,000 were voted for the building of a 1700- foot pier at the foot of Colorado avenue which will carry the outfall sewer pipe from the septic tank at the foot of Colorado avenue. A number of other improvements will follow the completion of this wharf. During the year building permits to the amount of $250,000 were granted. These included the $10,000 addition to the M. E. church ; a new garbage incinerator, the new postoffice building and many private residences. The Santa Monica Development Company is engaged in the construction of a large reservoir, for impounding additional water for the city supply, in Sepulveda canon. It will have a capacity of about two million gallons and will cost $75,000. An independent gas company has been organized and promises to become a factor in the situation. The demand for real estate, while not so active as during previous years, has been steady and property in " old Santa Monica " continues steadily to increase in desirability. The city of Santa Monica, after passing through many stages of develop ment, is now a clean, well ordered, and most attractive place of residence. At present it has no hotel, no first-class restaurant and offers few attractions to the transient, or the crowd ; but it draws a constantly increasing number of perma- 16 A. F. TOHNSTOX. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 243 nent residents of the better class ; while attractive cottages and apartments are filled by the people who wish to pass a restful season at the beach. THE Visit OF THE ATLANTIC SQUADRON. The visit of a fleet of sixteen first-class war vessels of the United States navy, in April, 1908, was one of the greatest events in the history of the coast. Elaborate preparations for the reception and entertainment of the guests were made and Santa Monica and Ocean Park took an active part in the occasion. An executive committee consisting of David Evans, chairman ; Abbot Kinney, R. A. Phillips, W. T. Wheatley, Mayor T. H. Dudley, R. W. Armstrong and H. B. Eakin, was appointed. It was largely through the efforts of this body that the arrangement was made to divide the fleet and station it at different points. As a result of this plan the third division, consisting of the Maine, Ohio, Missouri and Minnesota, anchored off these shores for a week. The citizens of the Bay region, under the direction of various committees, elaborately decorated streets and buildings ; planned entertainments for men and officers and were hosts to thousands of visitors. Balls for the enlisted men were given in the pavilions and a most elaborate ball was arranged for the officers, at the country club. The W. C. T. U., under Mrs. Hesther T. Griffith, main tained headquarters at Venice for the sailors and the ladies of the Bay cities welcomed the guests with masses of flowers and many courtesies. Friday, April 23rd, was observed as a legal holiday and was given up to entertaining the guests. On Saturday, April 24th, the entire squadron, in the presence of the largest crowd ever assembled on Santa Monica Bay shores, maneuvered and then sailed silently away to the north. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT OF CITY OF SANTA MONICA. 1887 $2,405,048.00 1897 1,869,132.00 1888 2,351,108.00 1898 1,871,588.00 1889 . 1,807,228.00 1899 1,896,844.00 1890 1,771,332.00 1900 1,910,158.00 1891 1,565,773.00 1901 1,991,310.00 1892 1,648,846.00 1902 2,220,431.00 1893 1,654,274.00 1903 2,887,574.00 1894 . 1,705,467.00 1904 3,472,124.00 1895 1,830,503.00 1905 3,830,677.00 1,799,545.00 1906 6,523,086.00 1907 7,886,310.00 CHAPTER VI. SOUTH SANTA MONICA AND OCEAN PARK. WHEN the town site of Santa Monica was laid out it was surrounded by a very large area of unbroken and unoccupied territory. The great San Vicente ranch was mostly devoted to sheep pasturage. A few native Californians cultivated small tracts on the Boca de Santa Monica ; but that tract was also largely devoted to sheep grazing. On La Ballona, Anderson Rose and one or two others had begun to farm and the Machados raised some grain, but the greater portion of the tract was uncultivated. In 1874 Mrs. Nancy A. Lucas, a wealthy widow, with three sons, purchased a tract of 861 acres from the Machados. This joined the San Vicente on the north and extended as far south as the present city limits of the city of Santa Monica, the line having followed the lines of the Lucas tract. The price paid was $14.00 per acre. Mrs. Lucas at once began to improve her property and in 1875 she erected a house on the highest point of her ranch the hill between what is now Strand and Hill streets and Third and Fourth. The house was an ambitious two-story affair, costing some $12,000, and was for years the finest residence in the vicinity of Santa Monica and a landmark of note until its destruction by fire in December, 1904. Her sons farmed on a large scale, raising fine crops of barley on the place. Two of them opened a lumber yard in Santa Monica and they were prominently connected with affairs in the early days of the community. In 1881, Mrs. Lucas, who was rather eccentric and lived on the place much of the time alone except for her Chinese cook, died suddenly under circumstances which gave rise to suspicion and much comment. She was said to have died from the effects of strychnine poisoning, supposedly used for killing rats. The property passed into the hands of her heirs and was soon broken up. The house, with three acres of land, was sold to Miss Mary Green, in her day known as one of the most beautiful women in California. She soon afterward married Dan Mooney, a well-known character of early days. He had been a miner in Arizona and had acquired considerable fortune. They took up their residence in the Lucas house which was thereafter known as the " Mooney Mansion." August i7th, 1885, Mr. and Mrs. Mooney started to drive to Los Angeles. While on the way, Mr. Mooney's pistol fell from his pocket and inflicted a mortal wound in his back. Later Mrs. Mooney married Col. A. B. Hotchkiss, HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 245 a well-known and brilliant attorney, who was for many years a Southern Pacific representative. He was also the editor of a magazine, Public Resources, which did some effective work in advertising the country. He died April 3rd, 1905. Col. and Mrs. Hotchkiss owned and, at times, occupied the Mooney Mansion until its destruction. Many romantic tales have been set afloat at one time and another about the old house which stood alone in state upon the hill over looking the ocean for so many years. Its burning was also mysterious so mysterious that the insurance companies refused to pay up without a lawsuit. In 1875 Mrs. Lucas sold a fifty-acre tract, adjoining the new town and fronting the ocean, to Ivar A. Weid, a well-known Los Angeles capitalist. He at once advertised, " South Santa Monica Five minutes' walk from the new Wharf. Block No. 4, with Ocean Frontage of 370 feet." Later he changed his ad to, " SOUTH SANTA MONICA, Lots 60x150 feet. Villa Sites purchased by Judges Bicknell and Glassell, Captain Thorn, and others." In March, 1876, the Outlook announces that Captain Thorn had sent down a carload of shrub bery to be planted on his place at South Santa Monica. March 22nd, 1876, this item appears in the Outlook: " Improvements are progressing rapidly over at South Santa Monica. Major Mitchell, Captain Thorn and Judges Bicknell and Glassell are all build ing and planting trees. We understand that General Stoneman and Major Hancock will begin building within a few days. A well has been sunk and a windmill and tank erected which is the common property of several lot owners. C. H. Edwards & Co., of Los Angeles, are planting the shrubbery and making an excellent job of it." This little settlement, which seems to have had rather a military flavor, remained for some years the most exclusive and fashionable beach resort in the vicinity of Los Angeles. Some of these old cottages still remain on the bluff and are surrounded by fine trees. The Thorn place with its luxuriant growth of trees and shrubbery is still kept up. Another early settlement in South Santa Monica was the Central tract, laid out by J. W. Scott in 1876. A number of giant eucalyptus still remain of the trees planted by him at this time. A portion of the Lucas ranch was divided into twenty-acre blocks by E. H. Lucas, one of the sons. A number of these were sold in the early eighties to various parties, including several Englishmen. The land was fertile and water was easily obtained by putting down wells and some prosperous little ranches were established here. Among these early settlers were Walter H. Wrenn, Nathan Bundy, Thomas Carlisle, Joseph and John Bontty. In 1884 the Vawters purchased 100 acres of the Lucas lands, lying south of Hollister avenue and east of the electric tracks. They paid $40.00 per acre for it, and in 1887 disposed of about half of it for a large sum. In 1886, the Crippens, a 246 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES real estate firm of Los Angeles, bought 350 acres, extending from Eighth street east and to the San Vicente ranch line. In December this was put upon the market as East Santa Monica, villa lots of two and one-half acres being offered for $500.00, although the land had been sold the previous year for $40.00 an acre. The boom struck this portion of Santa Monica with considerable force. The Vawters sold the Santa Fe tract of 53 acres to R. R. Tanner and Thomas A. Lewis, who put down a well, subdivided into lots, put in sidewalks and advertised an auction sale to take place August loth, 1887. The highest price paid for one of these lots was $725.00. Houses were built on the tract by T. A. Lewis, Messrs. Tanner, W. S. Vawter and others. In March, the Wave Crest tract was put on sale with an auction, and the newspapers report sales to amount of $52,490.00 for 90 lots. H. L. Jones subdivided a tract to which he gave the name of Ocean Spray, 120 lots, which met with ready sale. The Arcadia, Ocean View, Commercial Company's tract and others were opened up during this period and a large number of improvements were made. George Kintz built the Crystal Springs bath house and plunge during the latter part of '87, and the Ballona and Santa Monica road was incorporated, to build a standard guage road from the Port of Ballona to Santa Monica, a distance of seven miles. M. L. Wicks, J. Bernard, Jr., and James Campbell were among the incorporators. Work was at this time being pushed on what was fondly hoped to be the terminus of the Santa Fe road at Ballona, and Santa Monica was strong in the hope of a new " transcontinental " line. But after the sudden rise in values in 1887 and 1888, came a depression when progress was at a standstill ; many of the town lots lapsed into acreage property and there was little sale for acreage even, although the drop in prices was not so noticeable here as in many localities. South Santa Monica, although included as far east as Eighth street in the city boundaries, as adopted in 1886, was still a rural community with scattered residences and dusty roads. The street car line had been extended from Santa Monica to the city limits in 1887, but the service was infrequent and slow. In the spring of 1889 the Ostrich Farm was established at South Santa Monica. A tract of seven acres, known as the " Santa Monica Tract," was fenced in and thirty-four birds, with the nucleus of what was intended to be a menagerie, were brought here from Kenilworth, in the Cahuenga valley, where they had been located. In 1882, Dr. Charles S. Sketchley, an Englishman who had been engaged in ostrich farming in South Africa, came to California and selected a site near Anaheim as the best location he could find in California for an ostrich 1 farm. His attempt here was so successful that about 1885 a syndicate was formed and Dr. Sketchley was sent again to Africa to pecure new birds. He HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 247 returned with thirty-four fine birds which were placed on the Los Feliz rancho in the Cahuenga foothills. A park and menagerie were planned and it was hoped to make this one of the leading attractions of Los Angeles. In 1887 the Ostrich Farm railway was built to Burbank and Kenilworth as the station at the Ostrich Farm was named ; but this location proved too out of the way and the venture was not a financial success. Then South Santa Monica was chosen as a more accessible spot, offering other attractions as well. About thirty birds were brought here under the management of Mr. Henry Beauchamp, also English. But the Outlook states that Mr. Beauchamp was a " Moody and Sankey convert " and refused to keep his place open on Sundays, " which is good religion but poor business." After a couple of years the ostriches were removed to a new location near the Southern Pacific depot and under the management of Mr. Harold Perry, the place was made very attractive. Later Mr. Frank Ellis became manager, and in 1893 sold six birds to Sells circus, which were declared by the circus people to be the finest ostriches they had ever seen. Many old resident will remember the chase which followed the escape of a full grown African bird from the enclosure. The frantic creature, after being driven over the hills in the vicinity of the Soldiers' Home was finally headed homeward, only to dash past the farm, into the ocean to its death. About 1895 the remaining birds were removed to Anaheim and this attraction ceased to be counted among the charms of South Santa Monica. Up to 1890 this section had no school facilities and the children were obliged to attend the Sixth street school in Santa Monica a long and difficult journey. After a good deal of discussion and several petitions for relief, the school trustees finally decided, February, 1890, to establish a school in South Santa Monica. February 25th, 1888, the board of school trustees voted to purchase two lots, 12 and 13 of the Santa Fe tract, at $1,000.00 each. Nothing further in reference to providing a school for the south side appears until February loth, 1890, when the minutes state that a proposition was received from E. Emerson, to build a house at South Santa Monica suitable for school purposes and to rent the same to the district for six months at a rental of $50.00 per month. This proposition was accepted by the board and February 28th they elected Miss Ellen L. Huie as teacher, at a salary of $60.00 per month. What happened in the interim does not appear but on the records under date of March 4th, all the " above action " is rescinded, and Miss Huie was allowed $7.50 to reimburse her for her expenses in coming to Santa Monica. At a special meeting of the board held August 2ist, 1890, Miss Huie was again employed to teach "the south side " school at a salary of $50.00 per month, the " school to be discontinued at the pleasure of the board." 248 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES A small school house was built on the school lots, probably during the summer of 1890. In August, 1895, a special tax of $1,500.00 was voted to build a school house on the " south side " and a one-room building was put up and in the fall was occupied, with Miss Alice M. Frazier as teacher. Early in the seventies an Englishman, Col. Hutchinson, loaned money to the Machados, taking mortgages upon various pieces of land as security. One of these was a narrow strip of beach frontage extending from Strand street to the southern limits of La Ballona grant. This strip of sand was supposed to be worthless for any purpose, unless a wharf for commercial purposes could be built from it. Apparently the belief was general that the only thing needed to make a commercial city of Santa Monica was a wharf where vessels might land. After the abandonment of the " old wharf," in 1878, five acres of land were donated by Mrs. Lucas and others and Juan Bernard began the construction of a wharf which is was fondly hoped might restore Santa Monica to the ship ping lists of the Pacific coast. But the structure was never completed and no boat ever landed there. In 1888, Messrs. Lewis and Van Every proposed to build a wharf from the foot of Bicknell avenue and in 1891 the proposition of the Terminal Wharf Company came up, various grants and concessions being made in consequence; but no wharf was built. In 1892 the Santa Fe and Santa Monica railroad was incorporated and proceeded to secure a right of way from Inglewood to Santa Monica. A concession of twelve acres of land was made them by the Terminal Wharf Com pany and Kinney and Ryan, on condition that the company expend at least $15,000 in improvements, including a wharf and a pavillion. Considerable difficulty was met with in obtaining the right of way, condemnation proceedings being necessary in some cases ; but a strip 130 feet wide was finally secured from the city limits to the Southern Pacific reservation. A depot was located near the Ostrich Farm and on June i8th, 1892, the Santa Fe brought in its first train, with a widely advertised excursion to the " Coney Island of the Pacific." Later a building known as " the pavilion " was erected on Hill street and a cement sidewalk laid to the ocean front. A group of trees on land near this depot was then known as Vawter Park ; with the Ostrich Farm, the new pavilion, and the many beach improvements being made by Messrs. Abbot Kinney and F. G. Ryan, who had lately secured title to the Hutchinson property on the ocean front, South Santa Monica began to count itself as a " resort." The Outlook for May 6th, 1893. says: "It is quite lively on the South Side. Three new cottages have just been completed on the Santa Monica tract, to be given away with the lots distributed on the first of June. A number of summer residences are either completed or in course of construction. The land HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 249 company is now putting down a plank walk from the tract across the sand hills to the sea, and it is on the programme to begin the construction of a bath house at an early date. Altogether we can safely say that the ' Souhh Side ' will be in the swim this summer." The houses alluded to were built by Messrs. Kinney and Ryan on their Santa Monica tract and were given away with lots sold by distribution. Prices were $100.00 per lot, on easy terms. In the spring of 1893 the Young Men's Christian Association of Southern California, after considerable discussion and looking about, decided to accept the proposition of Messrs. Kinney and Ryan to donate them a strip of land between the Santa Fe tract and ocean, 250 feet on ocean front and extending back to the Santa Fe right of way, about five acres included. June 2ist, the Young Men's Christian Association Ocean Park Company was duly organized with a capital stock of $10,000, and the following incorporators : J. C. Salisbury, M. H. Merriman, F. H. Rindge, A. D. Childress, S. H. Wheeler, A. A. Adair, of Riverside ; Charles E. Day, president ; R. G. Lunt, vice-president ; George W. Parsons, secretary ; F. M. Potter, treasurer ; O. T. Johnson, J. H. Brawley, W. F. Bosbyshell, C. C. Reynolds, Lyman Stewart, and other prominent men of Southern California In announcing its decision, the incorporators give as reasons for their selection : " The land is about three-fourths of a mile south of Arcadia Hotel, is close to the railroad station of the great Santa Fe route, which reaches nearly every hamlet and village in Southern California. It has a fine, clean, sandy beach, of gentle slope, making a safe and delightful place for bathing. Near this land is a fine /o by 1000 feet grove, with pavilion erected therein, making a pleasant place for a picnic and the only accessible place where a grove and the beach are so close together. A fine wharf will be con structed close to this land in the near future, when the coast steamers will connect with the Santa Fe route for all points on their line. It will be one of the most popular lines between Los Angeles and Catalina Island." Which shows that the Y. M. C. A. people were no better at prophesying future results than the sanguine " wharf boomers " of Santa Monica. In consideration of the donation by Messrs. Kinney and Ryan and Messrs. Vawter, the " Ocean Park Company ", named from the eucalyptus grove of the Vawters, was to build a commodious bath house and an auditorium, which it was expected would be the scene of many religious conventions and assemblies. The bath house was built during the summer and many new cottages were put up. In July an auction sale of lots took place, 80 lots, 25 by 100 feet, being sold at about $45.00 apiece. During this summer St. David's Mission, Episcopalian, held services in 250 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES the school house and the South Santa Monica Baptist Mission was organized by Rev. H. S. Baker, and in 1894 the Baptist chapel was erected. In May, 1895, Kinney and Ryan named their settlement " Ocean Park ' r and the Santa Fe giving this name to their station, the existence of the district of Ocean Park may be said to date from this year. The Y. M. C. A. people put up some new buildings this summer and Kinney and Ryan put in a half mile of beach sidewalk, the first on the beach and a greatly appreciated improve ment. In September, the Santa Fe fulfilled its promise of a wharf by putting in a new type in such structures, using iron pipe for piles. It was located about 300 feet south of Hill street and was only 500 feet in length, and thus the connection with the great world, which had been hoped for, was again delayed. The Y. M. C. A. and the summer visitors were favored by many pleasant entertainments, concerts and lectures during this season and Ocean Park began to be regarded as a most desirable location for those who wished a quiet and inexpensive summer outing. Many lots were leased or purchased and many modest cottages were put up as summer homes. These first beach cottages were very simple affairs a long box of upright boards, with a couple of parti tions, being the usual pattern. At this time there were few buildings south of Hill street and the " hills " were still the favorite place of residence. A cluster of small business buildings had grown up about the street car terminus and the Santa Fe station. Ocean Park, although within the corporate limits of Santa Monica, had not been supplied with water by the municipality. Messrs. Kinney and Ryan had their own water supply piped to the beach ; but the people on other tracts began to discuss the advisability of having a water system and in December, 1895, the " City Water Company " was formed, with a capital stock of $20,000, and with J. H. Claudius, E. J. Vawter, D. M. Clark, G. R. Green and E. J. Vawter, Jr., as incorporators. Its object was to supply South Santa Monica with water and to secure this wells were put down on the Vawter tract and pipes laid through the district. This company was later succeeded by the Ocean Park Water Company. On June 3Oth, 1896, the first electric car made its initial trip through South Santa Monica, after a day of strenuous labor on the part of the employees and officials of the Los Angeles and Pacific electric line. Their subsidy of $5,000, given by W. S. and E. J. Vawter, for what was known as the " loop line," expired at midnight of June 3Oth, and the work had been delayed to the last possible moment. At 9:55 p.m., the first car left the corner of Ocean and Oregon avenues and, after crossing the bridge, ran down Second street to Hill street, thence eastward to Fourth and returned to Ocean avenue. The car and its occupants were given an informal but none the less hearty welcome by the HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 251 South Siders, who felt that at last they were to be brought into touch with the world (Xorth Beach). The coming of the electric line was, indeed, a great advance for this settlement which had been so long hampered by poor trans portation facilities. This year Santa Monica began to talk seriously of the sewage problem and proposed to locate its outfall at a point south of the city limits. From this time on date the sewer troubles of the beach. In July an old-time auction sale with all its accompaniments, took place, H. L. Jones reviving his " Ocean Spray " tract which had been first exploited in 1887 and going one better on the methods of boom days by offering " one lot free to the lucky holder of a thirty round-trip ticket." At this time the Santa Fe was giving transportation at very reasonable rates to prospective purchasers of Ocean Park property. Ben E. Ward, now of lamented memory, was the auctioneer and eighty-eight lots were disposed of by his beguiling words and the very real attractions of the location. May 3rd, 1897, witnessed a serious loss to Ocean Park in the burning of the Y. M. C. A. auditorium, a large two-story building, which had cost about $3,000 when erected in 1893. This was a misfortune as plans had already been made for the most elaborate exercises yet held by the Y. M. C. A. assembly during the coming season. The loss was complete as there was no water to save the property, after the fire, which was evidently incendiary, was discovered. There was no insurance ; but Mr. Day, president of the Ocean Park Company, was equal to the occasion. He at once set about securing new quarters and in August the University Assembly, with a full program of excellent speakers and music, was successfully carried out. Among the speakers were Bishop Fallows, of New York, and Professor Syle, of the State University. Miss Ida Benfey gave a number of dramatic readings and a series of brilliant their summer guests appeared to find the attractions of the surf and the military concerts were presented. But, it must be confessed that Santa Monicans and encampment, the tennis court and polo races greater than such a feast of reason and culture and the assembly was not a financial success. In May the new City Water Company turned the water into a mile and a half of mains, the water coming from two wells and being stored in a 50,000 gallon tank. Thus, at last, the South Side hills had an adequate water supply and a chance at fire protection. The electric light system was also extended to Ocean Park this year and added to the metropolitan claims of the new resort. Many new buildings, including several stores, a ten-room house erected by Mrs. Bernard, forty or more beach cottages were added this year. Ocean Park had now become ambitious. She had grown so rapidly and attained such distinction that the citizens felt themselves entitled to every advantage enjoyed by the " other side." The South Santa Monica Municipal 252 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES League was organized to " promote all measures that will benefit the city ; to encourage all improvements, both public and private, to oppose saloons and disreputable places in South Santa Monica," etc. A Ladies' Mutual Benefit Association was also organized, its main object being to build a hall for public meetings and use, a lot having been donated by Kinney and Ryan for the purpose. All of these efforts added to the natural advantages offered and the spirit of enterprise which had been shown in developing what had seemed an almost worthless territory, brought about a development that became one of the phenomena of the times. OCEAN PARK DISTRICT. The settlement known as Ocean Park was separated from Santa Monica by the arroyo and the wide unimproved tract belonging to the Southern Pacific reservation. This was unfortunate, as it made communication between the two points difficult. The Santa Fe service was irregular; the horse car line and its successor, the electric line, gave infrequent service ; the drive over dusty, ungraded roads, and rickety bridges was not tempting, and the walking through a mile of sand or dust was certainly not attractive. The settlement about the Santa Fe depot and the Y. M. C. A. holdings was largely made up of transient visitors from the interior, who rented cottages, or buih upon leased lands. They seldom visited Santa Monica and scarcely realized that they were within that municipality. It was natural that they should object to the long journey to the postoffice and begin to express a desire for a postoffice of their own. During 1898 the subject was agitated and promises secured, although the office did not open for business until July, 1899. This year Kinney and Ryan opened the Ocean Park race track and golf links, which were improved by grading and planting a large number of trees. One of the first golf tournaments held in California took place on these links when they were opened to the public, in July, 1898. The same gentlemen had contracted with the city trustees to build a wharf on the piling used to carry the outfall sewer. This wharf was located at what was known as Pier avenue and was completed in August. It was 1,250 feet in length and afforded a fine opportunity to fishermen and pleasure seekers. The proprietors invited the public to a free barbecue and clambake on the evening of Monday, August 29th, which was attended by a big crowd who enjoyed the feast, music, speeches and dancing. By coincidence, the old Santa Fe wharf was condemned by the city trustees on the day the new wharf was opened and a few days later the old wharf was practically destroyed by a storm. The completion of the new wharf stimulated the building of the long proposed beach walk connecting the Kinney and Ryan walk with Santa Monica. The Southern Pacific began by constructing a board HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 253 walk, 16 feet wide, in front of its property from Railroad avenue to the Crystal plunge, and the North Beach Company followed with a walk connecting this and the bath house. The city and citizens later built walks and thus about 1902 easy communication was at last established between the " north side " and the " south side." The " Ocean View," an eighteen-room hotel, was built by G. H. Strong, and was opened July loth, with a spread; but only a few days later the new hotel was destroyed by fire. Ocean Park suffered much during its early history from fires which seemed to be, in many ca-^s, incendiary and which were very destructive on account of the lack of fire-fighting appliances and water. A few weeks later the store of Chambers & Co. was burned with its stock of groceries. There was a long dispute over the insurance in this case and a good deal of feeling was aroused by the circumstances. The Methodist church began holding services in the Santa Fe depot in October, with Rev. Robert S. Fisher as pastor; in August, 1899, the church was organized as the South Santa Monica M. E. church ; the old Methodist chapel was donated to them by the North Side church and removed to its present location on Lake street. 1899. The untimely death of Francis G. Ryan, of the firm of Kinney & Ryan, who had practically created Ocean Park, led to a change and in 1899 T., H. Dudley married Mrs. Ryan and became interested with Mr. Kinney in the development of the now promising beach resort. Aggressive advances were made in the spring of this year. The Outlook of March roth says: " All told, there are now 200 cottages on this property, a great many of which were erected last year. There are now some ten or twelve in process of erection and contracts for new ones are being made every week. These cottages are not mere shacks, but will be neat and commodious, costing all the way from $350 to $1000. They are being put up by first-class tenants, mostly professional and business men from Los Angeles. Water is supplied from the city water works and electric lights are being put into the more pretentious structures. Beach lots are rented at about $15 per year to those who will put up neat and substantial cottages. No land is sold outright, but long leases are given." Messrs. Kinney and Dudley purchased the old Y. M. C. A. bath house this year, moved it a block south and refitted it. In July, Pier avenue was opened, Kinney and Dudley giving a deed to the necessary land to the city. The first building put up was a bowling alley, situated near the beach and carried on by Mr. J. G. Holborow. July 28th the post office of " Oceanpark " was opened for business. This office had been secured after a long and hard contest by Mr. Kinney, it being the only instance of two separate post offices 254 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES established within a single municipality. Mr. L. B. Osborne was the first post master and the office was located in his grocery store on Second street. This year Mr. E. J. Vawter began the development of the carnation beds which have become one of Santa Monica's best-known industries. He devoted fifteen acres of land on South Fourth street to the culture of flowers, mostly carnations and roses. A 5,ooo-gallon tank stored water for irrigation of the tract. The soil and conditions proved to be favorable for the production of the finest varieties and the venture proved most successful. Large green houses and increased acreage are now devoted to the propagation of flowers which are marketed in Los Angeles and shipped to distant points. Many street improve ments were made during this year and Kinney and Dudley planted out nearly twenty acres to trees, using 10,000 eucalyptus trees alone, in the vicinity of the race track. 1900. Early in the season improvements began to multiply in " Oceanpark " as the growing settlement was now officially known, although it was in reality a part of the city of Santa Monica and more properly " South Santa Monica." The Santa Fe company astonished its tenants, who had erected cottages on leased lots, by ordering them to vacate at once ; the unfortunate cottage owners had to hustle to find new locations for their buildings. The company leveled the ground and made some improvements ; but in August it was announced that the entire South Santa Monica holdings of the Santa Fe company had been purchased by Messrs. Hart and Fraser, of Los Angeles. The new proprietors named the tract " Central Beach " and immediately began grading and putting streets through it. The first street opened through and paved between the beach and the railroad tracks was India, now Hill street. In a short time lots on the ocean front were selling for $1,000, and lots on the side streets at from $300 up. Building restrictions were put on the property, which included 185 lots, 25 by 100 feet in size, extending from Hart avenue on the north to Grand on the south and between the beach and the railway tracks. In February the Oceanpark Fire Company was organized with A. N. Archer, president ; J. H. Hassinger, secretary and treasurer ; William Menzies, foreman ; C. J. Marvin and J. Rudisill, assistants. A " bucket brigade " was organized, later a hose cart and hose was procured. In 1902, Mr. William Martin, owner of the Martin block, on the corner of Ash and Second streets, gave the use of a part of a lot for a fire house and the board of city trustees provided the lumber for a small building, and bought a fire bell. Oceanpark now had her own water systems, fire company, school, churches and business houses. Many of its residents were newcomers who knew little about the past history of the place or about the " north side." It was quite HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 255 natural that they should think that they might better manage their own affairs and pay their taxes for improvements in their own section. As a consequence, it was not surprising that a movement for the division of the territory south of Front street from " old " Santa Monica should arise. Petitions for the division were duly drawn up and presented and then the people on both sides began to discuss the question in all of its bearings. When the election came on November I2th, 1900, to the surprise of the principal movers in the action who, by the way, were all old settlers and were actuated perhaps more by personal feeling in the matter than by any serious consideration for the good of the community at large, the proposition was snowed under. The vote stood 341 against division and only 59 for it. Even the warmest advocates of division were compelled to admit that they had been mistaken in the sentiment of the people of South Santa Monica ; and the possibility of creating two towns out of Santa Monica was forever settled by this decision. 1901. The growth of " Ocean Park " as the district extending from Azure street, now Hollister avenue, along the beach to the south beyond the city limits of Santa Monica, had progressed by leaps and bounds since 1898. But the development of 1901 and the two or three succeeding years threw all previous records of beach development into the shade. Ocean Park, started as a gathering place for the Y. M. C. A. and kindred societies ; a quiet colony of summer homes, occupied by people of moderate means, for the most part, suddenly became the most popular and fashionable beach resort in Southern California. And with equally surprising suddenness it developed into a bustling business town, having stores, hotels, banks and newspapers and all the necessary commercial facilities for a community of several thousand inhabitants. The extension of the electric line south of Hill street and the erection of a power house south of the city limits were indications of the southward trend of improvements. The pushing forward of this work, of course, was followed by rapid settling up of the territory thus opened up. The electric line was completed to a point one mile south of Second and Hill streets on April 3Oth. In August it became known that the Los Angeles-Pacific had acquired a new and more direct right of way between Los Angeles and Ocean Park. They had purchased the old right of way abandoned by the Santa Fe Railroad com pany, and begun the construction of a double track via Palms. This, with the new cut-off by way of Rosedale cemetery, would considerably shorten the time between the city and this beach. Messrs. Kinney and Dudley had already extended their beach walk some distance south of Pier avenue and had provided electric lights, water and sewer 256 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES system for this new district. The beautiful beach, the opportunity to build almost within reach of the ocean spray, the convenient trolley service, and the fine class of people who had already located here ; as well as the fishing, bathing and amusements offered, attracted residents and visitors. While the rapid increase in the value of property attracted investors, both little and big. Many people who had leased or bought merely for a beach home during the summer had found themselves unexpectedly enriched by the changed conditions, and immediately re-invested their gains. Many capitalists were also attracted by the chance to make quick money. By the first of March more than fifty lots in the new Short Line Beach tract had been sold and a number of buildings were under way. One of the most important improvements of this year was the Club House built just north of the golf links, laid out the year before. This building, 50 by 80 feet, with a ten-foot veranda below and a roof veranda was put up by Messrs. Kinney and Dudley. Some $15,000 was spent on the building and the improvements in the tennis courts, golf links and race course and the place was made an ideal home for a country club. The Ocean Park Country Club was organized with Messrs. Kinney, Dudley and H. M. Grindley as directors. They at once planned a week's sports for August and in that month a successful tennis tournament, and polo races and golf tournament attracted a large number of visitors and participants. In April. Messrs. Hart and Fraser reported that only three lots of the Central Beach tract, put on the market in the fall, were left, and that $85,000 had been expended in buildings erected on this tract. Among those locating here were Mr. G. A. Hart, Mr. A. R. Fraser, Judge R. B. Stevens, W. D. Winston, J. R. Newberry, A. Lichtenberger, William Hammel, and other business men of Los Angeles, many of whom built permanent homes here. The Ocean Wave tract, south of Central Beach, was offered for sale in March by Messrs. Kinney and Dudley and was all sold out in less than a month. South Second street was paved and sidewalked during the year and several new business blocks put up on Second street- this still being the business center of Ocean Park. Pier avenue was surveyed and graded from the railroad tracks to the ocean front and the lots offered for sale. In October a two-story frame building, with two store rooms below, was put up, the second building on this street About July ist, it was announced that Abner Ross, a Los Angeles capitalist, would build a seventy-room hotel on Pier avenue. This substantial two-story building, which was long the principal hotel of Ocean Park, was erected in just twenty-four days from the time work began. Early in August it was opened to the public under the management of J. G. Holborow and wife, who furnished it and gave it the name. This building was later known as the Metropole and is now the Hotel Savoy. It was estimated that over 200 cottages were built HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 257 on the sand during the year, the building expenditures reaching $118,691, excluding the hotel and the Casino; $18,50x3 was expended in improving the water system, and at least $25,000 was paid out for improvements made by the L. A. -P. railway. 1902. But, rapid as was the pace set in 1901, the advance made in 1902 excelled it. A change took place at the beginning of the year, which meant much in the history of this section. This was the sale announced February I2th, of Mr. Dudley's interests in the Kinney and Dudley property to Messrs. A. R. Fraser, H. R. Gage and G. M. Jones ; Abbot Kinney retaining his half interest. This sale included the beach from Azure street, now Fraser avenue, to a point 700 feet below the Country Club house, now Horizon avenue, and the club house and grounds. If such a thing were possible, new energy was given to the developments along the ocean front by the new management. It was announced that the wharf would be rebuilt, a bath house and pavilion built at Pier avenue, and the old plank walk on the ocean front rebuilt. The entire tract was to be sewered and the alley between the front and the tracks, now Speedway, would be improved. But the most important move was the change of policy with regard to leasing lots. It was announced that no more lots would be leased and that leasers would be given until May ist, to purchase their lots or vacate. Here after lots would only be sold with building restrictions which would put an end to the building of cheap " beach cottages." Many of the lease holders purchased their lots and removed the old buildings to put up modern cottages which would yield an income on the increased valuation of the property. Many of those who did this realized handsomely on the investment. To many, however, the prices charged for lots and the building restrictions seemed prohibitive and the cottages were removed to cheaper property. During 1902-03, it was a common sight to find a cottage on wheels moving back from the ocean front to the hills, under the escort of William Menzies. In March, 1902, the Ocean Park bank was organized with T. H. Dudley, Abbot Kinney, Martin Dudley and Plez James as stockholders. It opened for business April 8th in a building on Second street ; but work was soon begun on a brick and steel building on Pier avenue and before the end of the year the new bank was occupying handsomely fitted quarters and had added a savings department. The previous year the old school house had proved inadequate and the Baptist church was rented for the higher grades. The rapidly increasing school population made a new building for the Ocean Park school imperative, and after an enthusiastic public meeting on the South Side, followed by another public 17 258 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES discussion of the question on the North Side, the school trustees called for a bond election to vote $12,000 for a suitable school house for Ocean Park. The bonds were carried, practically without opposition ; the two old buildings were disposed of and the handsome eight-room structure, now known as the Wash ington school house, was built on the old location, the corner of Ash and Fourth streets. Two additional lots were purchased for the grounds and the entire building and grounds cost over $16,000. The election of W. S. Vawter as city trustee to represent the South Side, and the fact that T. H. Dudley was president of the board of city trustees, assured this section of full representation in civic affairs and still further obliterated the old feeling of estrangement between the two sections of the city. The building boom continued. June I2th, the Los Angeles Saturday Post writes thus of this beach : " There are seven hundred cottages at Ocean Park. They are all tasteful and many of them are pretentious. Ocean Park is not a place with a stiff, ceremonious air. There is a hospitable individuality, a generous atmosphere, in their architecture that shows as much as anything else that the good people of Ocean Park are not divided into social cliques or factions." During this year Pier avenue became the leading business street. Among the business blocks of the year were the Rice and Kellogg block, of three stores, with housekeeping rooms above ; a two-story building put up by Gillett & Co.; the new bank building, occupying four lots and costing $10,000: a two- story block erected by Abbot Kinney. The rapid rise in values is well repre sented by Pier avenue property. In 1900, lots on this street sold for a few dollars; in 1901, $500 would have been considered a high price for a lot; in 1902, twenty-five-foot lots sold for $40 per front foot; in 1903, a lot which had been purchased for $30 per front foot, was sold for $85 per foot. In 1904, C. J. Wilson sold a block on Pier avenue with a two-story frame building and a lot of 54 feet frontage for $21,000, and it is stated that the property was then yielding 10 per cent, on the investment. The company spent several thousand dollars this year in improving the sewer service. Twelve miles of new sidewalks were laid by the city and private parties and many streets were graded. It is estimated that street improvements reached about $20,000. On Saturday, November I5th, 1902, appeared the first issue of the Ocean Park Reznew, with A. Bert Bynon as editor. On August 2nd, the new line of the trolley road by way of Palms, was opened, the event being celebrated by an excursion of the Jonathan Club of Los Angeles, and distinguished citizens, who were entertained with a fish dinner at the country club. The Ocean Park Country Club sent out elaborate HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 259 Invitations, announcing a polo match, tea, dinner, and reception, with speeches and dancing, in honor of the occasion. The invitations read : " The Los Angeles-Pacific Railway company will open its Short Line cut-off from Los Angeles to Ocean Park, tomorrow, Saturday, August 2nd, 1902. And in honor of this event the Los Angeles Country Club has arranged for a demon stration that will mark the epoch as the most important in the history of Ocean Park up to this date. " The opening of this line of railway communication is recognized as of such importance to the future welfare and prosperity of Ocean Park that the head moulders of the present and future greatness of that noted beach resort appreciate the necessity of this great proposed demonstration. " And these head moulders of the present and future greatness are Messrs. Fraser, Jones, Kinney and Gage, the proprietors of the Country Club, and it is these gentlemen who extend a cordial invitation to participate in the exercises and the reception of the Jonathan Club of Los Angeles and the other guests." 1903. The new year showed no diminishniMit in building or in general improve ment in the " sand district." Work was begun early in the year on the pavilion at the foot of Pier avenue, which was to be the most complete pleasure resort on the beach. \Yhen it was opened to the public in the spring, it at once attracted the Sunday crowds. The question of granting a restaurant liquor license for the pavilion greatly harassed many of the older residents of Ocean Park, who had greatly prided themselves upon the high moral tone of their community. The matter was discussed warmly and was made an issue in the spring election which was hotly contested, the liquor question and the traction franchises being the mooted points. The result of the election was not satisfac tory to the " no-license " element who forced a special election, at which they lost heavily in votes. And the liquor license was granted for the pavilion the first one ever granted in Ocean Park district. The Traction matter was quite as important in its bearing on Ocean Park- affairs. This company had been interested in a project to build a line to Santa Monica Bay by Abbot Kinney, who was its representative in its negotiations here. A right of way had been secured ; after a long fight which developed much opposition, the necessary franchises were granted by the city of Santa Monica and work was actively begun on a competing electric line which held out hopes of a twenty-five cent fare. The new road was well under way when the sale by Messrs. Fraser and Jones, of the Ocean Park right of way the old Santa Fe right of way to Sherman and Clark of the Los Angeles-Pacific, 260 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES and the later sale to the Harriman interests, put an end to this prospect of competition ; as the new road thus lost its terminals. Several new tracts were opened up for settlement during the year. The Ocean Villa Tract, east of the electric road and opposite the Country Club was sold in half acre lots which were quickly subdivided and a new residence dis trict grew up. In September, Ocean Park Villa Tract No. 2, 60 acres extend ing from Ballona avenue to Eighth street was put on the market and made a record as a quick seller. These ventures were so successful that E. J. Vawter offered 60 lots for sale on the hill in the vicinity of Hill and Fourth streets, all of which were soon disposed of. Pier avenue continued to hold its own as the principal business street. A three-story brick block was erected by Maier and Zobelin, and a new block designed especially to accommodate the postoffice was built. July 23d the postoffice was moved from Second street to its new home and several of the business houses on Second street followed it to the new loca tion. Lots on the ocean front, near Pier avenue, sold this summer for $2,300 to $2,600. Marine avenue was opened up, paved and sidewalked this year and Hart and Fraser avenues were " parked." The placing of the sidewalk in the middle of a street, with gardens bordering it on either side was an innovation which has proved very attractive in the beach districts, and has now been adopted in many places, although Ocean Park claims it as original with her. The beautiful home built for J. M. Davies, a ten-room house, complete in every detail of artistic finish, and an equally handsome home for Thomas Fitz gerald, now owned by Nat Goodwin, marked a new era in beach residences. The selection of Ocean Park as a permanent home by such men as Frank Wiggins, W. T. Gibbon, and many other prominent business men of Los Angeles, made the place a suburban as well as a resort town. The rapid growth of South Santa Monica and of the territory south of the city limits naturally gave rise to much discussion as to the future government of this prosperous young city. The attempt to divide the city of Santa Monica had proved so impracticable that it was now proposed to incorporate a new town to the south, with the hope that when the new town was fairly organized, the Ocean Park district of Santa Monica might experience a change of sentiment and cast its fortunes with the new corporation. The matter was fully discussed in all of its bearings and in the fall the necessary steps were taken and the elec tion called for February, 1904. On that date, the new town began its existence and the name " Ocean Park " became the property of a district which had been in existence less than eighteen months, leaving the postoffice of " Ocean Park " within the bounds of Santa Monica, and creating endless confusion as to the location of and the meaning of the name " Ocean Park.'' HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 261 SOUTH SANTA MONICA 1904-07. 1904. The dissolution of the Ocean Park Improvement Company, which had been the controlling element in Ocean Park affairs, was announced February 3rd, 1904, and was an event of importance in South Santa Monica. By this arrange ment, Mr. Kinney, who had owned a one-half interest in the company, sold to his partners all of his interest in the property of the company, both lands and buildings, between Navy and Kinney streets in Santa Monica, thus giving Fraser, Jones and Gage the entire control of the Santa Monica holdings, including the Pier avenue improvements. Mr. Kinney received in exchange all title to the holdings of the company south of Navy street. As a result of this move, Mr. Kinney planned Venice, while Messrs. Fraser and Jones devoted themselves to the development of their Pier avenue interests. Another result was the raising of prices for all lots belonging to the Improvement Company from $45 per front foot to $60. It had already been announced that the Los Angeles-Pacific had purchased Mr. Kinney 's interests in the proposed electric line that was to have been built through Ocean Park. They had also previously purchased the right of way owned by Fraser, Jones and Gage, thus giving them additional lands and right of way. The railroad company at once began making improvements which were greatly appreciate.! by the residents of this district. The building of the plank walk between their tracks was a great boon to people who had been compelled to wade through deep sand to reach the cars. The erection of stations and improvements of the trolley way gave the town a new street and the company also graded and improved a tract east of the line and put it on the market. In 1901 Captain Donahue brought a gasoline launch to Santa Monica which was operated from the wharf at Pier avenue, carrying fishermen and pleasure seekers on trips up and down the coast. This little craft had been the source of much pleasure to beach residents and visitors and it was with regret that they learned of her total wreck which occurred March 23rd, 1904, off the Short Line beach. June 3Oth the new Holborow, located in the handsome three-story brick put up by Maier and Zobelin, was opened to the public. This was then the finest hotel south of the Arcadia and was very popular. 1905. In February, 1905, occurred one of the heaviest storms ever known on the Santa Monica bay coast. This washed out a large section of the Pier avenue wharf and later in the month another storm completed the wrecking of the pier. E. J. YAWTER, JR. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 263 As a consequence, the outfall sewer of Santa Monica was badly wrecked and the beginning of sewer troubles followed. Another storm in March carried away 700 feet of the wharf and destroyed a mile of the beach walk. According to the 'terms of the agreement made between the city and the company who built the pier on the piles- intended for carrying the outfall, Messrs. Kinney and Ryan were to keep the pier in repair for twenty years. The interest of Messrs. Kinney and Ryan had now passed into the hands of the Ocean Park Improvement Com pany. A dispute as to who should stand the expense of the repair resulted in the sewer matter remaining unsettled. In the meantime a company was formed to build a new pier and it was proposed also to build another pier from the foot of Marine avenue. A permit for the Marine avenue pier was let to M. R. King, and later the idea of the horseshoe pier developed. A seaside theater was opened for the first time in the Pavilion at Pier avenue. The First National Bank of Ocean Park was organized in April, with J. M. Elliott, W. D. Longyear, E. J. Vawter, Jr., J. W. Lincoln, A. Eraser, C. H. Mullen and E. J. Vawter, ST., as directors. E. J. Vawter, Sr., was president, J. M. Elliott, vice-president; Thomas Meldrum, cashier. June ist, the Com mercial State Bank opened for business, with Lon A. Pratt, president ; Warren Gillelen, vice-president; J. W. Lawrence, cashier. Considerable feeling was aroused by an attempt to remove the postoffice from Pier avenue to Marine street and then make it the official office of the new town. A postoffice inspector was called in to straighten out postoffice matters ; but after a conference with all parties interested, it was finally decided that the Ocean Park postoffice be left as it was and the new postoffice be named Venice. On the completion of the Masonic Temple, a handsome three-story brick build ing, located on Marine avenue, the postoffice was again changed, despite a vig orous protest, to a handsomely fitted up room in this building. But this was still within the limits of Santa Monica. iSi@ifc _> ^ C 'e.Cft.n liV^ BOARD OF EDUCATION, CITY OF SANTA MONICA. 1907. CHAPTER VII. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. SCHOOLS. AS in every other American community, one of the first interests of the new settlement of Santa Monica, in 1875, was to provide school advantages. The first shack to house the men working on the wharf was put on the ground in April, 1875 ; the first lots in the new town site were sold in July. On November 3rd, the citizens of the town held a meeting in the dining-room of the Hotel Santa Monica to discuss school matters and take steps to secure the formation of a school district. As a result of this effort, the Santa Monica School District was formed by the board of supervisors. It included within its limits the San Vicente, Santa Monica and Malibu ranches, the tract of land belonging to Mrs. Lucas, and a portion of the Ballona grant a somewhat extensive domain. On December 3rd the first school election was held and John Freeman, L. T. Fisher and J. W. Scott were chosen as trustees ; at the same time it was reported that there were seventy-two children in the new district. An election was called in February, 1876, to vote a tax for school purposes; but owing to some irregularity of form it was postponed until March nth, when a special tax of $5,000 was voted for a school-house, and Loren Heath was appointed as assessor and collector of the same. The first assessment of the district shows a valuation of $1,035,580. Jones and Baker had already donated two lots on Sixth street as a site and during the summer a neat frame building, containing two school-rooms below and a large room above was erected and ready for use in the fall. In the meantime the children had not lacked for educational opportunities. November 8th, 1875, the " Santa Monica Academy," D. G. C. Baker, principal, opened for its first term of twelve weeks, prepared to give courses " in all branches, including the Fourth Reader and Hebrew," and " with accommoda tions for a very few young ladies to board and lodge at reasonable rates." Mrs. M. J. D. Baker was instructor in elocution and Miss Ida M. Atkinson taught music and drawing. Thus every need of a full school curriculum was supplied. The first school exhibition given in Santa Monica was presented by the pupils of this school in the Presbyterian chapel, February Qth, 1876. The Outlook also announces that the second term of Mrs. Frink's private school would com mence on February 7th. March 4th, 1876, the first session of the public school opened in the Presbyterian church, located on the corner of Third and Arizona, the building still standing in the rear of the present church. Among the pupils of this school were a number who have since been well known residents of Santa 266 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Monica George, Henry and Eugene Boehme, Julia, May and George Suits r Mary Collins and Claude Sheckles. H. P. McCusick was the teacher and before the end of the second month he had an enrollment of 77 pupils. The next fall when school opened in the new school-house, September loth, Mr. McCusick was assisted by Miss Lucy Whiten and the two lower rooms were used, while the " big " room was useful as an assembly room and a meeting place for pub lic occasions. Many happy memories are associated with this room in the minds- of older residents of Santa Monica. One memorable occasion was an entertain ment and dance held on the evening of December 3ist, 1881, the proceeds to be used for the purchase of an organ for the school-house. The Los Angeles papers announce that the affair was a great success and that the tableaux would have been creditable to a first-class theater. It should certainly have been a well rehearsed affair, for in a dispute over one of the rehearsals, the teacher, W. H. P. Williams, an impetuous southerner, shot and seriously wounded one McDon ald whom he thought to be interfering with his plans. Naturally the young pro fessor was requested to resign, but the entertainment was carried out by his successor, W. W. Seaman, who later became a well known state official. The minutes of the school board for December 3Oth, 1881, state, " A Wilcox and White organ was presented to the public school of Santa Monica, the money for same having been raised by a series of public entertainments gotten up through the instrumentality of Mr. M. R. Gaddy and others." In 1877 the district showed an enrollment of 157 children, Mr. A. C. Shafer was the principal and was assisted by Miss Yda Addis, whose name and brilliant though erratic career are known to all older residents of Southern Cali fornia. February I4th, 1878, a special tax for school purposes was voted. The school continued with two teachers until 1884, when the upper room was fur nished and three teachers employed. In August, 1887, more room for the schools had become imperative and $5,000 bonds were voted and four rooms added to the school building. Four teachers were now employed, with Elmer P. Rowell as principal. Mr. Rowell was connected with the schools of Santa Monica for four years and many advances were made under his able leadership. In 1888 the rapid increase in population made even the new accommodations inadequate and a tax of $2,500 was voted to still further enlarge the school building, after which six teachers were required. In 1889, after a good deal of agitation, steps were taken to provide the south side with a school. This was opened in a private house; but in 1888 lots had been secured at the corner of Ash and Fourth streets and in 1890 a small building erected. In 1891 another small building was put up in Garapatos can yon. This section of the district has since been cut off from the Santa Monica district. In 1894 a neat building was provided for the pupils resident in Santa Monica canvon. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 267 In May, 1885, the first class graduated from the grammar grade depart ment, under the county laws governing grammar grades. The Santa Monica schools were counted as of the grammar grade until 1891, when the high school was established, under a new state law, and opened its first year of work in September, with Prof. Lerov D. Brown as principal. Prof. Brown was an able educator and made a strong mark upon the character of the city schools. He was later principal of the Los Angeles schools and his untimely death was a sorrow to many who had enjoyed his instruction. The high school was opened in the Sixth street building and the first class of five members, Roy Arthur Sul- liger, Florence Corle Rubicam, George G. Bundy, Hilda H. Hasse and Delia Sweetser, graduated in 1894. For several years, beginning with 1889, Professor E. P. Rowell, Dr. A. W. Plummer, Professor Brown and others conducted a very successful summer institute in Santa Monica, for teachers and others desiring special instruction. These institutes provided interesting and profitable classes and lectures, con certs and instruction in music and many enjoyable social affairs grew out of them. For several years they attracted a number of teachers and would-be teachers to this place for the summer courses. In 1893, two more rooms were added to the Sixth street building, and in 1895 another school room was added to the south side school. September 5th, 1897, bonds to the amount of $15,000 were voted for a high school building, although in April of the same year a proposition to vote $12,000 for the same purpose was lost, chiefly because it was felt that the sum was not enough to build a suitable building on the lots already secured at Tenth and Oregon. The contract for the building was let to H. X. Goetz and in June, 1898, the building was completed and dedicated by holding the graduating exercise for the year in it. In 1902 $12,000 bonds were voted for a new building on the south side and the next year an eight-room building, costing when complete about $16,000, was ready for occupancy. The city was now growing so rapidly, both by annexation and from within, that the school accommodations were felt to be entirely inadequate. In 1905 $60,000 bonds were voted and plans were made for three school houses, an eight-room building at Seventh and Michigan, now known as the Garfield building ; a four-room school at Irwin avenue and Twenty-second the Grant, and a four-room building on Twentieth between Oregon and Arizona. It was decided to construct all of these buildings of brick and to make them complete in equipment. But the growth of the' school population was still beyond the capacity of the accommodations and in 1906 it was decided to replace the old Sixth street school, which had been added to until little of the original building could be found, with a modern building. 268 HISTORY OF SANTA MOXICA BAY CITIES In consequence the people were again called upon to bond themselves for school purposes and the sum of $15,000 to complete the three buildings already under way, was voted December 9th, 1905, and of $60,000 for the Sixth street school and a four-room building in the new Palisade tract. The Sixth street school was first occupied in the spring of 1907 and is the equal of any school building in the country. The Santa Monica schools are now fully equipped for effective service. Fifty teachers are employed and the attendance for 1907-8 will surpass all SIXTH STREET SCHOOL. previous years. The number of children of school age in May, 1907, was 2,499. Departments of music and drawing, with supervising instructors are maintained. Full courses in manual training and domestic science are given. The school district now has nine buildings : The Lincoln the High School located at Oregon and Tenth ; Jefferson, the old Sixth street school ; Washing ton, Fourth street and Ashland avenue ; Garfield, Seventh street and Michigan avenue; Grant, Irwin avenue and Twenty-second street; McKinley, Twentieth street between Idaho and Montana ; Roosevelt, Sixth street between Idaho and Montana ; Westgate and Canyon. The entire valuation of school property is $194,000. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 269 Beside the public schools, the Academy of the Holy Names, under the care of the Sisters, was established in 1899. The beautiful building occupied by this school was dedicated February 22nd, 1901. In 1906 the California Military Academy was established in Santa Monica, in response to the desire of parents who wished to place their sons in a genuine military academy. Its sessions were held in tents located in the park until December 9th, when the school was transferred to the Arcadia Hotel building and the hotel ceased to exist after serving the public for twenty years. The school has a boarding and day department and prepares its pupils for college. Ceftainly no more delightful and healthful location for such a school could be found. SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF SANTA MONICA. 1876-77 John Freeman, L. T. Fisher, J. W. Scott (clerk). 1877-78 M. D. Johnson, J. W. Scott, George Boehme (clerk). 1878-79 Loren Heath, J. W. Scott, George Boehme (clerk). 1879-80 Loren Heath, George Boehme, W. S. Vawter (clerk). 1880-81 M. D. Johnson, Loren Heath, W. S. Vawter (clerk). 1 88 1 -82 George Giroux, W. R. Gadcly, W. S. Vawter (clerk). 1882-83 Mrs. L. B. Huie, J. W. Scott, M. R. Gaddy (clerk). 1883-84 Mrs. E. E. McLeoud, Mrs. Geo. B. Dexter, E. K. Chapin (clerk). 1884-85 Mrs. Geo. B. Dexter, Mrs. E. E. McLeoud, E. K. Chapin (clerk). 1885-86 Mrs. Geo. B. Dexter, Mrs. E. E. McLeoud, E. K. Chapin (clerk). 1886-87 F. H. Howard, E. J. Vawter, E. K. Chapin (clerk). 1887-88 W. O. Baxter. Geo. D. Pendleton, E. J. Vawter (clerk). 1888-89 W. O. Baxter, Geo. D. Pendleton, W. S. Vawter (clerk). 1889-90 Geo. D. Pendleton, John C. Morgan, W. S. Vawter (clerk). 1890-91 John C. Morgan, Dr. H. G. Cates, N. A. Roth (clerk). 1891-92 John C. Morgan, W. S. Vinyard, Dr. J. J. Place (clerk). 1892-93 John C. Morgan, R. R. Tanner, Dr. J. J. Place (clerk). 1893-94 Dr. J. J- Place, R. R. Tanner, Nathan Bundy (clerk). 1894-95 R. R. Tanner, R. P. Elliott, Nathan Bundy (clerk). 1895-96 R. P. Elliott, Dr. J. J. Place, Nathan Bundy (clerk). 1896-97 R. P. Elliott, S. F. Carpenter, Fred H. Taft (clerk). 1897-98 R. P. Elliott, S. F. Carpenter, F. H. Taft (clerk). 1898-99 R. P. Elliott S. F. Carpenter, F. H. Taft (clerk). 1899-00 R. P. Elliott, S. F. Carpenter, D. G. Holt (clerk). 1900-01 S. F. Carpenter, D. G. Holt (clerk), F. K. Rindge. 1901-028. F. Carpenter, F. K. Rindge, D. G. Holt (clerk) 1902-03 S. F. Carpenter, F. K. Rindge, D. G. Holt (clerk). 1903-04 the change was made from a board of school trustees to ;i city 270 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES board of education, the first board under the re-organization being: S. F. Carpenter, J. H. Hassinger, W. E. Devore, Dr. J. S. Hunt, J. H. Jackson. This board held until 1906 when the present board, W. E. Devore, A. B. Clapp, E. V. Dales, D. G. Holt, and W. S. Vawter was elected. SUPERVISING PRINCIPALS OF SANTA MONICA SCHOOLS. 1876-77 H. P. McCusick. 1877 A. C. Shatter. 1878 A. McPherson. 1878-79 Chas, H. Hall. 1879-80 Miss Blanche L. Downs. 1880-81 Florella King. 1881 W. H. P. Williams. 1882-86 W. W. Seaman. 1886-90 E. P. Rowell. 1890-92 Leroy D. Brown. 1893-00 N. F. Smith. 1900-02 C. I. D. Moore. 1902-07 D. A. Eckert (superin tendent) . 1907 Horace Rebok (superinten dent). SCHOOL ENROLLMENT AND ATTENDANCE. The following table shows the increase in school enrollment and attendance in the Santa Monica school district since the year 1876: Total Enrollment. Year. 1876 103 1876-1877 145 1877-1878 149 1878-1879 122 1879-1880 98 1880-1881 103 1881-1882 108 1882-1883 136 1883-1884 179 1884-1885 176 1885-1886 198 1886-1887 264 1887-1888 332 1888-1889 354 1889-1890 344 1890-1891 355 Av. Daily Attendance. 66 64 80 65 60 54 49 72 87 114 118 129 187 220 212 222 Total Enrollment. Year. 1891-1892 392 1892-1893 496 1893-1894 544 1894-1895 614 1895-1896 669 1896-1897 739 1897-1898 682 1898-1899 699 1899-1900 668 1900-1901 660 1901-1902 755 1902-1903 973 1903-1904 1331 1904-1905 1352 1905-1906 1604 1906-1907 1641 Av. Daily Attendance. 246 278 320 371 402 467 444 437 441 401 482 855 1035 II2I HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 271 PUBLIC LIBRARY. The people who settled the town of Santa Monica were of the intelligent and progressive class. They at once took steps to provide themselves with schools and churches, and on March 1st, 1876, the Outlook announces: "A Library Association is about to be formed in Santa Monica. All those inter- ested in this movement are requested to meet at the home of Mrs. Devere, on Sixth street, on Thursday evening, when the plans will be explained." The association was formed and met once a week on Saturday evenings, when discussions were held and papers read. Books and periodicals were contributed for the use of the members. At a meeting of the association held April igth, 1878, Dr. J. S. Elliott was chosen president; George Boehme, treasurer ; and M. C. Olmstead, secre tary and librarian. The initiation fees of the society were $l.oo and the mem bership $2.00 annu ally, the money to PUBLIC LIBRARY. be devoted to the purchase of books. There were twenty- five members, and June 1 9th, 1876, the first installment of books for the Santa Monica Library was received, the list including a number of standard works. This was certainly a good start toward a library. How long this society existed, or what became of the books purchased for it, is not known. The next movement for a library and a free reading room was made about 1884 by some of the ladies of the town, who felt that the young people needed such opportunities. Mrs. Asenath Lorimer, Miss Ella G. Dow, the Misses Vawter, Miss Niles, and others were interested. A subscription list was started, Col. R. S. Baker being the first contributor. Entertainments were given for the fund and a room in the rear of Dr. Fred C. McKinnie's drug store was secured for a reading room. The work was carried on for some time by the women interested ; but after the organization of the Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union, the reading room was turned over to their charge. It was then removed to the building still occupied by the organization, being located in the down-stairs room. Of their work the Outlook notes: 272 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES " A few unselfish ladies of the W. C. T. U. have been engaged for some time in establishing a library and free reading room in Santa Monica. They have labored faithfully and already there is gratifying evidence that their work has not been in vain. Their free reading room is handsomely fitted up and is one of the specially inviting places in Santa Monica. For a time they rented a room but they finally concluded to purchase a lot and building and take the chances of paying for it. In accordance with this plan they bought a 25-foot lot and a two-story building on Third street for $2,500. Mr. John Steere, of whom they made the purchase, has given the ladies their own time to pay for the property, only exacting the interest. By renting a portion of the building, they have reduced the rent to a small amount per month. On their shelves there are about 400 volumes of well selected books and the tables of the pleasant reading room are supplied with many popular magazines and papers. The only charge is two bits a month for books taken from the room, while all are allowed free use of everything within the library. The officers are Mrs. Jane Austin, president; Mrs. D. B. Hubbell, vice-president, and Miss E. A. Dow, secretary. A number of other ladies are taking an active interest in the institution which deserves a most liberal support from our own residents, and it is to be hoped that some benevolent visitor will come along some day and determine to help this worthy undertaking. Outlook, July 18, '88. The ladies of Santa Monica did, indeed, labor hard to aid this work. They gave dinners and suppers, socials and fairs, and worked harder to earn money for this purpose than they would have dreamed of working to earn money for themselves. One instance is told of an auction sale on the South Side, where the W. C. T. U. ladies furnished the dinner. One of the owners of the tract, Mr. Tom Lewis, offered to give a commission of $100 to the ladies if they would sell the house and lot on the tract offered. After the dinner, one of the ladies, Mrs. D. B. Hubbell, heard of the offer, rounded up a purchaser for the property and made a sale. In course of time the $100 was paid over to her and she asserts that the day on which she spent a hundred dollars all at once for books for the Santa Monica library, was a red letter day in her life. In 1888, the ladies of Santa Monica, under the direction of Mrs. Chapin, Mrs. W. S. Vawter, and others, and with the aid of Mr. Tyler, prepared a floral exhibit for the second Floral Festival held in the old Hazard Pavilion, in Los Angeles. A full-rigged ship was seen floating on the ocean, the wharf and the bluff were represented all in the most exquisite of flowers. The Santa Monica booth was unanimously declared the most beautiful among many elaborate exhibits and received the first prise, $200. This after deducting expenses the ladies turned over to the reading room fund. But the purchase of the building and the maintenance of the reading room and library proved too heavy a burden for the women to carry indefinitely. In HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 273 1889, Mr. Steere very generously returned the money which had been paid on the building and canceled the sale. But upon his death, in 1892, he left this building to the Women's Christian Temperance Union on condition that a free reading room be maintained in it. In 1890 the ladies who were interested in the library proposed to turn it over to the city, provided the city would carry it on. The proposal of the ladies who had gathered together a well selected library of 800 volumes was as follows : " It appearing to the members of this society that said society is unable to pay the current expenses of the library belonging to them, and believing it will be for its best interest to donate the said library to the town of Santa Monica, a municipal organization duly incorporated and existing under the laws of this state, to be carried on by the said town in accordance with the laws of this state regulating public libraries, it is therefor " Resolved, that this society does hereby give, donate and bequeath to said town of Santa Monica all its said library, together with all appurtenances belonging thereto, for the purpose of maintaining a public library in connection with a free reading room. " We, the undersigned members of the foregoing society, do hereby consent to this disposition of the library. " Signed by Laura E. Hubbell, president; J. A. Austin, secretary; Rebecca B. Guilberson, I. D. Richmond (per Mrs. Richmond, his wife). Trustees, Mamie E. Guilberson, Mrs. I. D. Richmond, Mrs. J. A. Dexter. November I4th, 1890." The town trustees accepted the gift and appointetd W. W. Webster, E. H. Sweetser, H. A. Fisher, Abbot Kinney and L. T. Fisher as library trustees. Two rooms were engaged in the bank building and December, 1890, Miss Elfie Mosse was appointed librarian. The first monthly report of the library after it was turned over to the city, December, 1890, reads: "Report of Santa Monica Public Library, commencing December 5th. The book list names 808 books ; the records show fifteen books taken that have been out for several months. The list of subscribers during month is twenty-eight sixteen of them new on the list. Receipts for the month, $7-25- Donation of a year's subscription of the following magazines by- Mr. Abbot Kinney: Scribner's, Popular Science Monthly, The Forum, Harper's Monthly, Puck and Judge. Mr. H. A. Winslow donated American Encyclo pedia, 10 volumes ; Mr. T. A. Lewis, ' Memoirs of W. T. Sherman,' 2 volumes, Elfie Mosse, librarian." A subscription of twenty-five cents a month was still required and still at the end of the first year the library was badly in need of funds. If it was to be 18 J. H. CLARK. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 275 carried on, something must be done and a subscription of $200 was made up among citizens to help it out. .March 1st, 1893, the library was made free to the public, the occasion being celebrated- by an evening gathering, speeches, etc. The library now had i, 800 volumes on its shelves. The growth was steadily maintained. In 1898 it became necessary to secure an additional room. On the completion of the new city hall, it was removed March 2ist, 1903, to the room now occupied by the council, which gave more commodious quarters. But it had already been suggested that Santa Monica might possibly be able to secure a Carnegie library, as so many other towns in Southern California had done. Early in 1903 Mrs. J. H. Clark wrote to Mr. Carnegie, setting forth the needs of Santa Monica and making a plea for consideration for this city. After some correspondence she received the following letter: ANDREW CARNEGIE, 2 East 91st St., New York. 13th April, 1903. Mrs. J. H. Clark, Santa Monica, Cal. Madam: Responding to your communication on behalf of Santa Monica. If the city agree by resolution of Councils to maintain a Free Public Library at cost of not less than Twelve Hundred and Fifty Dollars a year, and provide a suitable site for tne building, Mr. Carnegie will be pleased to furnish Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars to erect a Free Public Library Building for Santa Monica. Respectfully yours, JAS. BERTRAM, P. Secretary. 1 he city was already raising more than the required amount annually for the support of the library. It only remained to secure a site. A subscription was started and in a few weeks the sum of $3,982.50 had been raised. The site on the corner of Oregon avenue and Fifth street was purchased. January 1st, 1904, work on the new library was begun. July 23rd of the same year saw the building completed and on the evening of August nth the library was opened with a reception to the public. The architecture of the building is Romanesque, with a handsome facade and entrance. Within an octagonal delivery room is the central feature, all the rooms being built around it and opening from it, in such a way that super vision can be had over the whole from the central desk. A juvenile room with suitable chairs and tables and a ladies' rest room add to the conveniences for patrons. In the regulations governing the library and in the library work, modern methods have been adopted and improvements are constantly in progress. At the present date the library contains 8,300 volumes and the home issue for the year just ended was 39,738. Three days in the week there is a book exchange from Pier avenue, the station being in the drug store of Clapp Brothers. 276 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES In the reading and reference rooms are currently received ninety-five periodicals. Special work in the children's rooms, such as posters, stereoscope system of views, etc., and also meeting the demand for books in connection with the public school work, is made a feature of much interest. The success of this library has been greatly due to the faithful and efficient librarian, Miss Elfie Mosse, who has had it in charge since 1890. For four teen years she was entirely without assistance except during the summer months. Alone and unaided she has striven zealously to keep the Santa Monica library fn the front rank and to keep pace with the growth of the city. All the latest methods and improvements have been adopted through her efforts, and at the National Librarians' Convention, which she attended, her work received high commendation. In August, 1902, Miss Grace Baxter was made assistant librarian and a student's class was inaugurated. The following table, giving the home use of books since the library came under " city government," will be of interest : January, 1891 to 1892 534 January, 1892 to 1893 7,5o8 January, 1893 to 1894 9,941 January, 1894 to 1905 1 5,106 January, 1905 to 1906 19,183 January, 1896 to 1897 18,805 January, 1897 to 1898 26,397 January, 1898 to 1899 25,029 January, 1899 to 1900 27,281 January, 1900 to 1901 21,533 January, 1901 to 1902 1 7,550 January, 1902 to 1903 21 ,260 January, 1903 to 1904 22,670 From January to June, 1004 (6 months) n, I 34 From June 30, 1904, to June 30, 1905 26,575 From June 30, 1905, to June 30, 1906 35-4 I From June 30, 1906, to June 30, 1907 39-738 SANTA MONICA LIBRARY SITE CASH CONTRIBUTORS. Artesian Company $ 300.00 P.radshaw, Wm. G 25.00 Abbott & Elliott 5.00 Brand, L. C. (Guarantee Aiken, H. C 25.00 Title) 40.00 Busier, A 25.00 Brooks, Miss 25.00 Bundy, Frank 25.00 fienson, A. B 5.00 Bundv, Guv 10.00 Bandina, Don Jaun 100.00 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 277 Charles, Chris 25.00 Chambers, W. H 25.00 Crosier, J. C 5.00 Cook, G. W 5.00 Clark, J. H 100.00 Carpenter, S. F 25.00 Conaway, C. W 10.00 Dudley, T. H 50.00 Dudley, Mrs. T. H 100.00 Dow, Miss Ellen - 25.00 Dike, Mrs. E. W 25.00 Dales Bros 25.00 Daley, F. B ';' 50.00 Duryea, Mrs. A 10.00 Dunston, H. G 10.00 Duncan, E 2.50 Edison Electric 100.00 Eaton, Fred 50.00 Edmond, Geo. W 25.00 Feather, M. D 5.00 Freeman, Ed 5.00 Gillis, W. T 25.00 Guidinger, A. M 25.00 Gardner, Mrs. M. W 25.00 Grimes, R. R 5.00 Ciilman and Dorner 25.00 Hunt, Dr. J- S 25.00 Hamilton, Dr. N. H 50.00 Hutton, Geo. H 50.00 Hull, W. I 25.00 Holt, D. G 25.00 Huhbell, Mrs. L. E 25.00 Hemingway, J. C 5.00 Jones, Roy 500.00 Tames, T. H 5.00 Jenkins. Rob 5.00 Keller. H. W 25.00 Kennedy, John 25.00 Knesel, J. S 25.00 Lindsey, C. M lo.'oo Lindsey, Mrs. M. C 25.00 La Berge, J 5.00 Leonardt, Carl 20.00 Miller, R. M 25.00 Moody, T. A 25.00 Martin, Miss E 25.00 Montgomery, A. M 25.00 Mosse, Miss E 10.00 Miles, J. Euclid 10.00 Michel, H 15-00 Morris, Alf 10.00 Bassett and Nebeker 100.00 Nieman & Co 25.00 Rindge, F. H 5o-O Robie, J. B 100.00 Sherman and Clark .'. '., 300.00 Sweetser, E. H. ... . . . 25.00 Sawtelle, W. E 25.00 Schrader, Carl 25.00 Saxman, W. H 5-OQ Taft, F. H 25.00 Tanner, R. R 50.00 Tullis, O. G 25.00 Tegner, Chas 5- Vawter, W. S '. .'.". 25.00 Vawter, E. J 20.00 Vawter, Misses 10.00 Volkman, M. F 10.00 Walkley, Mrs. Caroline ... 100.00 Webb and Vogel 25.00 Wilson, J. S 10.00 Wilson, E. A lo.oo 83 Subscribers. $3,782.50 278 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES SANTA MONICA FIRE DEPARTMENT. The first fire company in Santa Monica was the Crawford Hook and Ladder Company, organized October 27th, 1875, with ]. C. Morgan, president ; S. B. Adams, secretary; W. Beach, treasurer; Harry DuPuy, foreman: John Mott, first assistant ; Johnny Doyle, second assistant. Their outfitting was very simple, being buckets and axes, but they were enthusiastic and on occasions made a brave fight with their buckets. One of the most serious fires with which they had to contend occurred on July igth, 1876, when the " Club House " was set on fire by an incendiary for the purpose of rob bery, the thieves getting away with $850 from the bar during the excitement. This fire company was an important factor in the social life during early days, as they had their annual balls and benefits of various sorts. The organization died out, however, and for some years the town was without a regular fire department of any sort. Everybody ^^ grabbed a bucket and ran when an alarm Ftlttt I ||. J- was given. No other fire company was organized here until .March 22nd, 1889. when Santa Monica Plose, Hook and Ladder Company was formed with forty-six members, many of whom were leading business men of the city. " P>ob " Eckert. who had been a pioneer fire man in Los Angeles, was the first foreman The first equipment at this time consisted cf a four-wheel hose cart and 1,000 feet of hose, with ladders, axes, etc. Hydrants had been been provided and the old engine house, back of the bank building on Oregon avenue, had been built in 1888. The first officers of the company were Robert Eckert, foreman ; William Jackson, first assistant foreman ; George P>. Dexter, second assistant foreman ; Fred C. McKinney, secretary, and A. G. Smith, treasurer. In 1890, George B. Dexter was made foreman, a position which he held continuously until 1903 when the department was organized under the new city administration. In 1890 a two-wheel cart and a hook and ladder wagon were added to the equipment. The two carts with 2,000 feet of hose made it a very heavy task for the firemen to pull the apparatus to a fire, especially when they had to plough through a mile or two of sand or dust to reach South Santa Monica. Yet for FIRE HOTSE, DEPT. -NO HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 279 ten years the firemen were obliged to meet these conditions, added to which was often, perhaps usually, an inadequate supply of water, or a pressure too weak to be effectual. This company was volunteer and received no compensation for their services, except such funds as were raised in various ways through the efforts of the firemen or by contribution. During that time the fire department had to cope with many exciting blazes. One of the most serious was the Santa Monica Hotel which was burned in 1889. Another, which many will remember, was the burning of the large livery stable belonging to William Flores when several horses and a large amount of hay was lost. The destruction of the old Neptune Gardens, in 1893, was a pictur esque fire ; in 1895 the burning of the St. James Hotel caused a heavy loss and some narrow escapes ; the fire department by good work saved the adjoining buildings, although they were too late to save even the furnishings of the hotel. In 1899, the Casino building on Third street was destroyed by fire. In 1900 the board of trustees after careful consideration purchased a new combination hose wagon and chemical engine and also a team of horses. Mr. A. J. Myers was installed as driver. The engine house was rebuilt, a new fire bell had been put in place and an electrical fire alarm system had been installed in 1896. Mr. W. I. Hull served as president of the company for fifteen years 1892 to 1907. The present officers are: C. J. Marvin, chief; E. P. Xittinger, assistant chief. The board of fire commissioners is made up of Mayor Dudley, president ; A. N. Archer and H. G. Dunston. In 1906 steps were taken to provide the fire department with suitable quarters, the old fire house having become entirely unsuited to its needs. At a bond election held in 1906, bonds were voted for building two fire houses, one on city property rear of the city hall, one on Surf and Lake streets. These handsome buildings, fitted with all modern conveniences, were turned over to the city in the spring of 1907. A volunteer fire department was organized in Ocean Park February 3rd, 1900, with an enrollment of eighteen members, its officers being A. N. Archer, president; Wm. H. Menzies, foreman; C. J. Marvin, assistant foreman; J. H. Hassinger, secretary and treasurer ; E. Rudisill, second assistant foreman. The city trustees turned over to this company the old four-wheeled cart and 600 feet of hose, and furnished lumber to put up a small building which was erected on private property by voluntary labor and subscription. This company was increased to thirty members and did efficient service many times, although much hampered by lack of water pressure. The present fire house is fully equipped. NEWSPAPERS. The newspaper history of Santa Monica is practically the history of the Santa Monica Outlook. The first number of this paper was issued October D. G. HOLT. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 281 I3th, 1875, with L. T. Fisher as editor. Outside of the Los Angeles Express, started in 1871, and the Herald, first published in 1873, it is the oldest newspaper in the county and one of the oldest papers in Southern California. The editor had published a paper at San Pedro before locating in the then embryo city of Santa Monica. His first number was a four-page, seven-column sheet, well filled with news and advertisements. The office of the Outlook at this time was on Third street, between Arizona and .Nevada, the property now known as the General Sargeant place. The editor rejoices, in his early numbers, in the fact that he for the first time in his life owns his own home, and in the rapid growth of his trees and shrubbery. The magnificent trees on this place still bear mute testimony to Mr. Fisher's energy. The Outlook boosted Santa Monica manfully during those early years of existence. The editor was convinced that the progress of Santa Monica, the completion of the Los Angeles and Independence road and the supremacy of Santa Monica as a commercial port, were the most important subjects to himself and his readers and he wrote editorials on these which were masterpieces in their way. April 5th. 1876, he published the first "special edition" of the Outlook, reviewing the advance made during the six months' existence of the paper. When the shadow of coming disaster began to loom up, Mr. Fisher fought the " Southern Pacific monopoly " bravely, until the sale of the Independence road to the Southern Pacific company was finally confirmed. Then he yielded as bravely as he had fought and announced : " We should accept the situation as we find it and make the best of it. If we can't stem the current, the next best thing is to float as gracefully as possible with it." During 1877, H. A. Downer bought an interest in the paper, but soon retired and Mr. Fisher con tinued the paper until after the abandonment of the wharf by the S. P. December igth, 1878, he announces that the next issue will be omitted, as the week is a holiday. The next issue did not appear until January 5th, 1887. During 1886, after the wave of activity and prosperity had again struck Santa Monica, E. A. Fay started a weekly paper known as The Wave. When L. T. Fisher returned and began the publication of the Outlook again, the Wave soon vanished from the field and the Outlook remained the newspaper of the town. In all the rapid advancement of that boom period, the Outlook led the procession. Mr. Fisher put up a strong fight for the new wharf, which he believed would make Santa Monica a shipping port; for sewers and municipal improvements ; for the location of the harbor at Santa Monica, and for small farms, good roads and tree planting. His paper was always strictly non- partisan, except for one number in September, 1888, when it was proposed to start a new paper in Santa Monica, the Review, to be Republican in pol icy. Then the Outlook announces that it will support the Democratic 282 HISTORY OF SANTA .MONICA BAY CITIES ticket Cleveland and Thurman. But the new paper failed to materialize and" the Outlook continued to follow its old policy which is outlined as: "The Outlook is doing its best and is doing it in its own way. Our chief desire- is to advance Santa Monica in the line which will exemplify the good old democratic doctrine, 'The greatest good to the greatest number.' ' In March, 1891, Mr. Fisher sold the Outlook to W. S. Rogers and Eugene Day ; but in September of the same year Mr. Day retired and Mr. Fisher again assumed editorial control of the paper. Mr. Fisher retained his interest in the paper until October, 1894, when he sold out to E. B. Woodworth. But before his final retirement he saw his long desired dream of a commercial wharf realized and during 1893 he published very full and exultant accounts of the building and business of the long wharf and Port Los Angeles, making predic tions of future commercial importance for Santa Monica, which time has not yet verified. Mr. Woodworth remained sole proprietor of the paper until October, 1895, when Robert C. Gillis purchased half interest in the paper. In February, 1896, Mr. Gillis became sole proprietor of the Outlook; in April, D. G. Holt joined" Mr. Gillis in the publication of the Outlook. Since that date Mr. Holt has contiued as editor and publisher of the paper. On Monday, June 8th, 1896, appeared the first number of the Santa Monica Evening Outlook, a four-page, five-column daily. It continued in this forrrr until November, 1891, when it was enlarged to six columns. June i4th, 1902, the paper was doubled in size, becoming eight pages. The Santa Monica Outlook has always been a clean, clear-cut exponent of the interest of its home city. This is the object of its existence although the interests of the county and the state' are not neglected. In 1896 Messrs. Woodworth and Barrackman began the publication of the Southern Signal, which later became the Signal, a weekly and daily paper. In 1897, Eugene Day was editor and proprietor. The paper continued to exist until May, 1898, when it passed out of existence finally. POSTOFFICE. The first postoffice in Santa Monica was located in a building still standing on the east side of Second street, near Colorado. The first postmaster was W. H. Williams, who held the office until his death in January, 1877. He was succeeded by J. M. Rogers. During September, 1877, the office was made a money-order office. In 1880, M. B. Boyce was appointed postmaster and held the office until 1886, when he was succeeded by Miss Maggie Finn. The build ing between the Giroux and Rapp buildings on Second street was then used as the office. In February, 1890, W. S. Vawter received the appointment, and assumed the office April ist. 1890. He removed it to the new bank building HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA MAY CITIES 283 on Third street and established it in handsomely fitted up quarters, with J. S. Summerfield as acting deputy. In 1893 Mr. Yawter resigned to be succeeded by I. C. Steele. During his administration the office was located in the Gates block. In May. 1898, George B. Dexter was appointed, to be succeeded in April, 1902, by the present incumbent, K. B. Summerfield. In July, 1888. the office was raised to the third class. In 1899 the Ocean Park postoffice was established, with L. B. Osborne as postmaster, this office being in Santa Monica also. February lyth, 1900, the electric postal service was inaugurated, which gave much better service than had before been enjoyed. The steady growth of the postal business in both postoffices has long since en titled the city to postal delivery ; but the fact of there being two separate offices has stood in the way of the completion of arrangements, although free delivery lias been promised for some time. The increased business of the Santa Monica office led to a demand for increased room and facilities and in 1907 a building was erected especially to accommodate the postoffice and has been equipped with every convenience for the postoffice force and for the public. BOARD OF TRADE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. December 6th, 1888, the citizens of Santa Monica, after some preliminary discussion, organized a Board of Trade, selecting Mr. M. R. Gaddy as president and J. J. Carrillo as secretary. After a general discussion as to the needs of the community and what could be done to aid in building up the place, a com mittee of six was appointed to take up the matter of securing a wharf that being regarded as the most important improvement that could be made at this time. During the year the Board met rather irregularly and discussed many plans for the wharf, for a boulevard to Los Angeles and for various possible advance moves. In 1889, E. J. Vawter was elected president, J. J. Carrillo retaining the secretaryship. In 1890, M. R. Gaddy was again president. In February, 1890, the Board of Trade passed a resolution declaring that Santa Monica was the most advantageous location for a harbor and requesting Repre sentative Vandever to use his influence towards securing an appropriation for that purpose. This Board of Trade continued to exist and to hold semi- occasional meetings until March, 1895, when it became a Chamber of Commerce, duly incorporated for the sum of $10,000. The incorporators were : R. F. Jones, F. L. Simons, T. H. Wells, M. H. Kimball, Walter G. Schee, J. J. Carrillo, Roy Jones, E. B. Woodworth, N. A. Roth, W. T. Gillis. H. W. Keller. The old members of the Board of Trade were eligible to membership and a campaign for new membership was made. The meeting at which the re-organi zation was effected passed resolutions thanking Hon. J. J. Carillo for " faithful and efficient official service during the seven years last past, all of which time he has been Secretary of the Board." The president of the new Chamber of Commerce was Robert F. Jones : first vice-president. F. L. Simons ; second-vice- 284 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES president, H. W. Keller; treasurer, M. H. Kimball. The new organization laid out a broad scheme of work ; twelve different committees were appointed to deal with municipal improvements and affairs. One of the first matters taken up was the planning of a float for La Fiesta. Another topic which absorbed much attention and was exhaustively handled by a committee con sisting of Roy Jones and H. W. Keller, was that of securing a sewer system. They engaged an engineer and had careful estimates and plans made, which were later adopted by the city council. When the Chamber of Com merce asked the Board of Trustees to call an election to vote on sewer bonds, the Board declined, fearing that the issue would not carry. The Chamber of Commerce then held a " straw election." which was carried out with all the completeness of a genuine election and the bonds were carried by a handsome majority. As a result a bond election was called by the city and $40,000 bonds were voted for sewers. A road to Calabasas was another subject which received attention and which was successfully carried out, largely owing to the work of Mr. J. J. Carillo. Of course the Chamber of Commerce took every opportunity to advance Santa Monica's interests in the harbor fight, then on, and some very interesting meetings were held in connection with this matter. The Chamber of Commerce raised a fund to send Mr. John W. Mitchell to Washington as their representative. The enthusiasm of the Chamber of Commerce seems to have worn itself out in 1898. At any rate in December of that year it was proposed to organize an " Improvement Club " which it was believed would eventually make the town doubly a paradise. Frank A. Miller, then mine host of the Arcadia, was one of the moving spirits in this organization and it started out with energetic talk. J. J. Davis was president ; F. B. McComas, vice-president ; F. H. Taft, secretary ; Dr. P. S. Lindsey, treasurer. The executive committee included F. A. Miller, W r . S. Vawter, N. A. Roth, Roy Jones, Abbot Kinney, A. Mooser, A. W. McPherson, E. P. Clark, T. H. Dudley, F. H. Rindge, L. B. Osborne. The Club made a vigorous, although unsuccessful, campaign to secure lower fares to Los Angeles. It also took up the matter of liquor licenses, recom mending that only six saloon licenses be issued and that the license be raised to $600. The Improvement Club did some efficient work in arousing public opinion of the saloon situation, and for three or four months the Outlook contains long reports of its meetings then apparently the Improvement Club went the way of the Board of Trade and Chamber of Commerce. The Outlook of September 6th, 1901, announces: "Santa Monica is well on the road looking to an efficient organization of business men and other repre sentative citizens. The ball was started rolling last evening when a largely attended meeting was held in the town hall for the purpose of organizing a HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 285 Board of Trade." The organization was completed on September 24th when A. Mooser was elected president ; W. I. Hull, vice-president ; Fred H. Taft, secretary; W. Lee Chambers, treasurer; O. G. Tullis, J. H. Jackson, B. Sues, George D. Snyder and A. Montgomery, were the executive committee. The question of bonds for civic improvement; of a sanitarium, and various subjects of public interest were brought before the public by the efforts of the Board of Trade ; but it seems soon to have lost its grip. July gth, 1903, the ever hopeful scribe of the Outlook writes : " It would seem that the business men of Santa Monica have at last awakened to the necessity of doing something in the way of raising the standard of the amuse ments, improvements, etc., of this town, and that they mean to stay awake." A large and " enthusiastic " meeting of the business men was held to discuss the situation and it was agreed by all that something must be done at once, or Santa Monica would lose her prestige as a summer resort entirely. As many of those present had been members of the old Chamber of Commerce, it was decided to revive that organization. The officers of this renewed Chamber of Commerce were : Robert F. Jones, president ; W. I. Hull, first vice-president ; R. Fogel, second vice-president ; Frank W. Vogel, treasurer. A committee to secure amusements and music for the summer season was appointed and secured funds for band concerts during the season. It also arranged for dances and various attractions on the beach, but this seems to have been the extent of their efforts and nothing more is heard of the organization. The next organizations to " improve " the city of Santa Monica was the Municipal League. This was formed May i8th, 1904, with Robert F. Jones as presiding officer; Dr. Rathbone, vice-president; D. G. Holt, secretary; A. Mooser, treasurer. It proposed among other things, to prepare a pamphlet setting forth the advantages of Santa Monica, for distribution ; also to prepare an exhibit for the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, but the only real accomplishment seems to have been a Fourth of July celebration, and the securing of a band to play during the summer season. June ist, 1905, the Santa Monica Municipal League changed its name to become the Santa Monica Board of Trade, with W. I. Hull, president ; R. Fogel, vice-president ; J. Addison Smith, secretary, and A. Mooser, treasurer. This organization has proved vital and has been an important factor in the rapid progress of the past two years. Among some of the achievements of the first year's real work were the issuing of 20,000 copies of a neat booklet advertising Santa Monica; the publishing of an advertisement of Santa Monica in the Pacific Monthly for six months ; efficient aid in the securing of annexation of territory to the city, and in securing better lighting and other improvements for the municipality. At the second annual meeting, August loth, 1906, W. I. 286 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Hull was again elected president, and J. Addison Smith, secretary ; C. D. Middle- kauff was treasurer, and R. Fogle, vice-president. Much valuable work for the good of Santa Monica was accomplished during the new year of 1906-07. One of the most important moves was the effort made to secure free mail delivery and the promise finally secured that such delivery would be provided for as soon as arrangements could be com pleted. Attention of the department was also drawn to the inadequate accom modations furnished the Santa Monica postoffice and the result has been the securing of new and ample quarters. Another important step was the action of the board, in recommending that Santa Monica merchants withdraw their business from the L. A. P. road until that company granted a five-cent fare within the city limits. Largely through the action of this body, the fine system of lighting Ocean avenue was adopted. But the most important work of the organization was in connection with the sewer problem. It secured and pre sented the plan of disposal which has finally been adopted and which it is confidently believed will settle for all time this troublesome subject which has disturbed the peace of mind of the community .for many years. At the third annual meeting held in October, 1907, Mr. Hull declined to be re-elected, and J. J. Seymour was chosen as president, R. Fogel was elected vice-president, and W. K. Cowan, treasurer. CITY OFFICIALS. 1886. Board of trustees, J. W. Scott, W. S. Vawter, A. E. Ladd, John Steere, Dr. E. C. Folsom ; clerk, Fred C. McKinnie ; John Steere, president : treasurer, Col. E. K. Chapin ; marshal, Hamilton Bagg, succeeded by Michael Noon. 1888. Board of trustees, T. A. Lewis, J. J. Carrillo, Thomas Rhodes, were elected, Dr. E. C. Folsom and W. S. Vawter held over, Dr. Folsom was presi dent of the board. Rhodes soon resigned and E. J. Vawter took his place. Fred McKinnie, clerk; Col. E. K. Chapin, treasurer; attorney, J. C. Morgan. 1890. J. L. Allen, John Steere, J. J. Carrillo, T. A. Lewis and E. J. Vawter were trustees, with J. J. Carrillo president of the board ; Emmet Pollard. Clerk ; Col. Chapin, treasurer ; M. K. Barretto, marshal ; attorney, J. C. Morgan. 1892. J. J. Carrillo, E. J. Vawter. R. R. Harris. T. A. Lewis. H. C. Beville, J. J. Carrillo being president of the board ; clerk, C. S. Dales ; treasurer. George Boehme ; marshal, M. K. Baretto ; city attorney, R. R. Tanner. 1894. Robert F. Jones, X. A. Roth. J. J. Carrillo, T. L. Lewis and E. J. Vawter were trustees, J. J. Carrillo being president of the board ; clerk, C. S. Dales : treasurer, George Boehme : marshal, M. K. Barretto ; attorney, R. R. Tanner; library trustees, H. A. \Yinslow, O. G. Tullis, H. S. DeVan, D. L. Bancroft, H. C. Wevse. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 287 1896. Board of trustees, Robert F. Jones, J. J. Carrillo, R. C. Gillis, Moses Hostetter, N. A. Roth, Jones being president; clerk, C. S. Dales; treasurer, E. W. Boehme ; marshal, George B. Dexter ; attorney, R. R. Tanner ; library trustees, Dr. P. S. Lindsey, Fred H. Taft, J. Walter Gray, T. H. Wells, William .Stevenson. 1898. Board of trustees, Robert F. Jones, N. A. Roth, J. J. Carrillo, Moses Hostetter, R. C. Gillis, R. F. Jones was president; clerk, J. C. Steele; treasurer, E. W. Boehme; marshal, M. K. Barretto; library trustees, S. D. Belt, J. Walter Gray, P. S. Lindsey, Fred H. Taft, T. H. Wells 1900. Board of trustees, Robert F. Jones, C. H. Sammis, J. C. Morgan, T. H. Dudley, N. R. Folsom ; clerk, John B. Proctor ; treasurer, E. W. Boehme ; marshal, M. K. Barretto; library trustees, J. C. Hemingway, P. S. Lindsey, C. I. D. Moore. Fred H. Taft, T. H, Wells. 1902. Board of trustees, T. H. Dudley, W. S. Vawter, J. C. Steele, C. H. .Sammis, J. C. Morgan, T. H. Dudley serving as president ; clerk, J. C. Heming way ; treasurer, E. W. Boehme ; marshal, M. K. Barretto ; attorney, Fred H. Taft. 1903. First election under charter. Council, T. H. Dudley, H. X. Goetz, A. F. Johnston, J. C. Steele, W. S. Vawter ; clerk, J. C. Hemingway ; treasurer, Frank W. Vogel ; assessor, C. S. Dales; recorder, A. M. Guidinger; marshal, M. K. Baretto; school board, W. E. Devore, J. H. Hassinger, Dr. J. S. Hunt, J. S. H. Jackson, S. F Carpenter, 1906. Mayor, T H. Dudley. Members of city council First ward, G. D. Snyder; Second ward, W. A. Armstrong; Third ward, Abe S. Reel; Fourth ward, Alf Morris; Fifth ward, H. L. Coff man ; Sixth ward, J. Euclid Miles; Seventh ward, Roscoe H. Dow. President of council, Alf Morris; city clerk, J. C. Hemingway ; treasurer and tax collector, Ralph Bane ; assessor, C. S. Dales ; attorney, S. W. Odell ; engineer, Thomas H. James ; street superin tendent, H. L. Johnson; building superintendent, H. L. Mitchell; police judge, J. J. Carrillo; chief of police, M. K. Barretto; chief of fire department, C. J. Marvin : health officer, Dr. W. H. Parker ; superintendent of schools, Horace M. Rebok. Board of education, W. E. Devore, president ; A. B. Clapp, E. V. Dales, D. G. Holt, W. S Vawter ; board of library trustees, G. A. Lonsberry, president; Lewis E. Bradt, A. M. Jamison, C. M. Lindsey, John Morton. POPULATION OF SANTA MONICA. United States census 1880 417 United States census 1890 1.580 L T nited States census 1900 3.57 Census taken by city 1905 7,028 CHAPTER VIII. CHURCHES AXD SOCIETIES. METHODIST CHURCH. THE oldest record of the Methodist church of Santa Monica reads : " Minutes of the First Quarterly Conference for Santa Monica, held Oc tober 26th, 1875, at the residence of D. G. C. Baker. The presiding elder, A. M. Hough, in the chair. The session was opened with prayer by the presiding elder. On motion Rev. J. D. Crum was appointed secretary. Organization : The following named persons, members of the Methodist Episcopal church, being present, proceeded to organize a society : J. D. D. Crum, pastor ; O. A. Snow, local preacher ; D. G. C. Baker, A. Dutton, M. J. D. Baker, Eliza Corey, Ida May Atkinson, Margaret Atkinson, Minnie Atkinson and Mary A. Crum. Abner Dutton was appointed class leader. Stewards: D. G. C. Baker, O. A. Snow and Margaret Atkinson. D. G. C. Baker, recording secretary. Trustees: O. A. Snow, R. M. Widney, Samuel Atkinson. D. G. C. Baker and J. D. Crum. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 289 It was resolved that the trustees be instructed to incorporate and secure lots from the Santa Monica Land Company and erect a church building thereon. Margaret Atkinson and Mrs. M. J. D. Baker were appointed a committee to secure subscriptions to aid in the erection of a church." The Reverend Crum preached for the first time in Santa Monica, October I5th, 1875, m an upper room of the buildng, then occupied as a hardware store, on the corner of Oregon and Fifth street. On October 29th Rev. Hough preached. The society continued to use this room until January i3th, 1876, when the pastor gave notice that there would be no service on the next Sabbath, but that he hoped they would worship in a building of their own on the second Sunday. And this was done. The Santa Monica Land -Company donated two lots for the use of the church on the corner of Sixth street and Arizona avenue ; the people of the little town, still largely a tent city, donated money and labor. Rev. A. M. Hough and R. M. Widney of Los Angeles subscribed liberally, and the pastor, being of the long line of Methodist elders who were able to work with hands as well as with brain and heart, himself labored with carpenter's tools. The church when completed, represented a value, including lots of $1,361.66. This building, after being removed to the corner of Fourth and Arizona, enlarged several times, was finally removed to South Santa Monica to house the new M. E. church there. This building was dedicated, free from debt, on February 3rd, 1776. Rev. Crum was pastor of the church most of the time until 1878-79. He came of a family of ministers, his grandfather having been one of the founders of the United Brethren church and having had nine grandsons who entered the Method ist ministry. He had spent fifteen years in the Southern Illinois conference before coming to this state, where his first charge was the Santa Monica church, which he so ably led under many discouragements. It is of record that for his first year of labor here he received $230, and his salary in the subsequent years was pitifully inadequate. Rev. Crum was succeeded by Rev. S. S. Russell, who only remained a year, and then for three years the church was pastorless and practically dis organized. A pastor was sent here in 1883-4, Rev. J. B. Howard, who found but three resident members of the church. He nevertheless succeeded in gathering a number of new members and strengthened the church by changing the location. The lots on Sixth street were sold and the present location on Fourth street and Arizona avenue was purchased and the building removed. The church continued to gain slowly under various pastors until 1890, when a serious disagreement occurred between the pastor, the official board and the membership, and as a result thirty-one out of the fifty-three members withdrew and formed the Prohibition Congregational church. The blow was a severe one and the church did not recover its strength for two or three years. 19 290 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES In 1892 Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Rindge became members of the church and rendered much assistance to it. Rev. Wm. Stevenson was pastor, and under his minis trations the church was doubled in membership and began an advance move which has since continued. The Epworth League was formed this year. Dr. Stevenson remained as pastor of the church until 1897 and was then given a farewell reception which expressed somewhat the honor and love which he had inspired, not only in the church, but among the citizens of the town generally. In June, 1895, it was announced that Frederick H. Rindge proposed to build a new- church building, free of all cost to the church, provided it would agree to meet the pastor's salary and all incidental expenses. In consequence on August i3th, 1895, ground was broken for this building and on the first Sabbath in 1896, the most beautiful Methodist church building in Southern California was dedicated. In 1897-98 Rev. R. C. Wuestenberg was pastor and the membership was increased to 150, while the Sunday school numbered from 250-270. In July, 1898, it was voted to remove the old church to South Santa Monica, where a mission was holding service in the old Santa Fe depot. But after some agitation the action was not taken. In August, 1899, a church was organized, then known as South Santa Monica M. E. church, with Rev. F. G. H. Stevens as pastor, the mission having been served by Rev. Robert Fisher. In December, the old church was donated to the new organization and was moved to Ocean Park. A new parsonage was erected on the site of the old parsonage. Rev. C. T. Wilson and Rev. T. H. Woodward served as pastors and Rev. J. C. Healy served during 1901 to 1903. During his term the parsonage was completed, a neat cottage which was a decided addition to the advantages of the church. In 1903 came Rev. F. G. H. Stevens, who still remains one of the ablest and best beloved of the many good men who have served this church. Now, in 1907, the church has a membership of 240, while the Sunday school reaches 350. So rapid has been the growth of the church and congre gations that the church of ten years ago is inadequate and an addition which will more than double the seating capacity of the structure is in course of erection. FIRST PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH OF SANTA MONICA. The history of the Presbyterian church of Santa Monica dates back to September I2th, 1875, when a Sunday school was organized at the house of W. D. Vawter, on Fourth street, the present home of the Misses Vawter. Later this school met in a hall on the corner of Fifth and Oregon, generously offered to them by Mr. J. O. Brady. On Septetmber 24th, a petition signed by twelve persons, was sent to the HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 291 Rev. Dr. White, chairman of the committee of the Presbytery, asking him to come to Santa Monica and organize a Presbyterian church. ( )n Tuesday, September 28th, Dr. White met with the petitioners and organized them in accordance with their request into the " First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica." The names of the petitioners were as follows: Mr. R. S. P>assett, Mrs. E. Bassett, Miss Rose Bassett, Mr. T. H. Clark, Mrs. E. Mountain, Misses Mattie A. Mountain, Mr. L. M. Perkins, Mrs. S. P. Perkins, Mrs. C. A. Vawter, Miss May Yawter, Miss Jennie Yawter, Miss Emma Yawter. The trustees of the new organization were : Y. S. Grinshaw, E. J. Yawter, G. W. Brady, W. S. Yawter. The new society proceeded at once to provide themselves with a permanent place of worship. Messrs. Jones and Baker presented the church with two lots at the corner of Third and Arizona, and on these was erected the chapel which for eleven years was used, and was then moved to the rear of the lots, enlarged, and used for infant classes, mid-week meetings and socials. The Presbyterian Board of Church Erection assisted in building this first church, work on which was commenced January ijth, 1876, and which was dedicated March I2th. On Sunday, July loth, 1887, a move was made for building a more com modious place of worship. On that day Col. Elliott F. Shepherd, proprietor of the New York Mail and Express, and an elder of the Fifth Avenue Presby terian church of New York City, happened to be present and, hearing that the church intended to build, started the list with a subscription of $230. Encour aged by this beginning, a committee consisting of Mrs. Mary E. Treadwell and Miss Jennie Vawter was appointed to canvas the congregation and community. By their energetic efforts sufficient funds were soon subscribed to erect and enclose the new church building. But before the completion of the work came the collapse of the boom and many of the subscriptions were not paid in. The ladies of the church met this condition and it is largely due to their efforts that the church was finally completed and dedicated, Sunday, September 4th, 1892. The ladies held a memorable series of entertainments during the four years of church building. The success of the Santa Monica ladies in taking the first prize at the Floral Festival in Los Angeles, suggested the idea of a Floral Festival at home. In 1889 a "Feast of Flowers" was held in the new church building, then unfinished, which was arranged by the ladies of the town under the auspices of (he Presbyterian ladies and which was acknowledged as one of the most beautiful floral exhibits ever made in Southern California. The succeeding year a Kalendar Kirmess was given, lasting three days, the booths representing the months and the whole conception most artistically designed and carried out. In 1891 another " Spring Festival " was held which was an equally rich display of Santa Monica's floral wealth. These affairs were participated in by the 292 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES people of Santa Monica generally and attracted many visitors from Los Angeles and other places. Much of their success was due to the energy and executive ability of the committee of which Miss Jennie Vawter was chairman. The new church is of the Queen Anne style, ceiled and wainscoted within with cedar, lighted with stained glass windows and electrical chandeliers, and with a seating capacity of 250. The total cost was about $7,000, of which over $1,000 was contributed by Mr. W. D. Vawter, to whose encouragement at the outset and liberal contributions, the success of the undertaking was largely due. It was built under the supervision of a committee consisting of Messrs. W. S. Vawter, Patrick Robertson and E. H. Sweetser. In the summer of 1907 a fine pipe organ was placed in the church as a memorial gift from Mr. Joseph H. Clark to the memory of his son, Edward H. Clerk. It was built by the Estey Company and was installed at a cost of $2,600. The following ministers have served the church since 1875 as pastors, or as stated supplies: I. M. Condit, H. V. Noyes, John W. Ellis, H. Mackay, Thos. F. Fotheringham, Williel O. Thompson, J. W. Healy, Richmond Logan, James White, Samuel H. Weller, Enos P. Baker, J. B. Stewart, William R. Henderson, O. F. Wisner, Amos A. Randall, Henry P. Wilber. The following have served as ruling elders : G. H. Clark, J. C. Olmstead, Geo. A. Armtsrong, William E. Case, H. H. Dow, George D. Rowan, Andrew J. Viele, John M. Coyner, James E. Ward, C. S. Dales, Clarkson N. Guyer, T. H. Wells, H. J. White, T. E. Cramer. CATHOLIC CHURCH. July 28th, 1877, the Outlook states, saw the celebration of mass, for the first time in the new town of Santa Monica. The service was held in the house of Judge Morgan, Reverend Father Verdaguer, the beloved " Father Peter " of the Plaza church, Los Angeles, presiding. Services were probably held at irregular intervals thereafter until May 4th, 1884, when the Catholic church was opened for use, although it was not completed until the following year. On August i8th, 1885, the bell of the church was blessed and the church was dedicated. In May, 1886, came Father Patrick Hawe as pastor of the church, and since that date Father Hawe has been the mainspring of the parish and the church work in this vicinity. Under his supervision was built the parochial house adjoining the church and the addition to the orginal church building which was dedicated August iQth, 1888, by Bishop Mora. In 1887 the statue of Saint Monica was presented to the church by Mrs. Victor Ponet, of Los Angeles. Also this year was built the Catholic church at Ballona, now Palms, HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 293 St. Augustine's named for the son of Saint Monica very fittingly, since this mission was an offshoot of Saint Monica's church. In 1899, July i6th, a small band of Sisters of the Holy Name, came to Santa Monica to establish an academy. They rented a private house on Fourth street, and September 4th, opened their school with nineteen pupils. The year closed with fifty-two childrn under the charge of the Sisters. September 26th, 1890, the ground was broken for the building of the Academy of Holy Names on the corner of Third and Arizona streets. February 22nd, 1901, witnessed the dedication of the new building. This was an im pressive ceremony and the occasion is one that will long live in the memory of the participants and witnesses. The civic services were the finest ever held in Santa Monica. Under the management of the grand marshal, J. J. Carrillo and his fifty aides, richly caprisoned as Spanish cabelleros, the parade was viewed in front of the academy. It consisted of a number of old soldiers from the Soldiers' Home ; a float representing all the states and territories ; two brass bands ; nine societies from Los Angeles ; Santa Monica Board of Trustees and fire department, and the children from the academy, the Ballona, Santa Monica and Canyon Sunday schools. As General La Grange, and the city officials, escorting the clergy, left their carriages the home band played " patriotic songs and the cannon of the Soldiers' Home boomed, while the flag unfurled and spilled the fragrant roses hidden within its folds." The mayor of Los Angeles welcomed the guests ; Right Reverend Bishop Montgomery delivered the oration. Thus was the school inaugurated in its beautiful home. On May 5th, 1903, the academy was honored by a visit from Rev. Arch bishop Diomede Falconi, representative in this country of the Pope, Leo XIII. The occasion was made a festal day and the distinguished guest was paid every honor, not only by the clergy and laity of the Catholic church, but by the city officials and citizens generally. July loth, 1903, was a day long remembered in the annals of Santa Monica. It was given up to the entertainment of the Knights of Columbia, who had that year held their annual session in Los Angeles. The streets and buildings were brilliantly decorated and the popula tion turned out to welcome the guests who, in turn, gazed with admiration upon the chaums of fair Santa Monica. The day was still further marked by the inauguration of a council of the Knights of Columbus in this city, a council which has flourished and is now a powerful ally of the church. In 1904, under the auspices of Bishop Conaty, now head of this diocese, the Catholic Teachers' Institute was held in this city, and since that date these institutes have been an annual feature of the life of the Sisters who are engaged in teaching. As guests of the Academy of the Holy Name they spend two REV. PATRICK HAWE. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 295 weeks each summer in listening to the instructions and lectures of distinguished teachers. But perhaps the most glorious of all gala days in the annals of Saint Monica's was the celebration of May 8th, 1904. This was a triple festival, for it marked the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Church of Saint Monica's, the eighteenth year of Father Hawe's service to this parish and the dedication of the church of St. Clement, of Ocean Park. This church had been started by Father Hawe ten years before as a mission. The corner-stone for the handsome building was laid on August 24th, 1903, and the church was finally dedicated August 2Oth, 1905. The Reverend Michael Hennessy is the rector of this church. The chapel at the Soldiers' Home is also included in Father Hawe's parish, he having held the first services on the grounds of the Home, soon after it was instituted in 1889. A beautiful building has been erected by the government, containing two chapels one for the use of the Protestant churches and one for Catholic services. The churches now included in the parish of Saint Monica are four, beside the academy. The entire number of communicants is large. January I5th, 1903, Reverend James A. O'Callaghan came to Santa Monica to relieve the head of the parish and assist him in his labors. Father O'Callag han is a man of fine education and of superior qualities and has been of the greatest value to the parish. In 1906 Father Hawe visited the home of his birth and also visited the venerable Father Adam, of beloved memory through out California. During his stay in Europe Father Hawe also visited Rome and received the blessing of the Pope. He is again welcomed to his own field where he guides the many affairs co-incident with so large and important a parish. Plans are already made for greatly enlarging the work of the Catholic church in Santa Monica. It is hoped soon to begin work upon a cathedral which shall be a magnificent expression of worship, to be located on the corner of California avenue and Fourth street. The Christian Brothers, a Catholic organization, has recently secured a site of eleven acres between California and Nevada avenues, Ninth and Eleventh streets. Here a large college for boys will be established. EPISCOPAL CHURCH SAINT AUGUSTINE-BY-THE-SEA. The first Episcopalian service held in this city was an Easter service in Roger's Hall, April isth, 1876. The hall was suitably decorated for the occa sion and the Rev. J. B. Gray officiated. After this there was talk of forming an Episcopal society here and a number expressed themselves willing to con tribute to a building fund for such a church ; but it was not until about Novem ber, 1885, that services were regularly held and a Sunday school organized. At 296 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES that time the Rev. Henry Scott Jefferys, of Los Angeles, was appointed by Bishop Kip as missionary in charge of the work and at once proceeded to secure land and money for the erection of an Episcopal church. Senator Jones and Mrs. Baker donated two lots on Fourth street and an active building committee, consisting of Rev. Jefferys, Messrs. Baxter and Tomkinson, set to work to get the needed subscriptions. At the end of the first year of Mr. Jeffery's labors, sixteen adults and twenty-two children were connected with the mission. The corner-stone for a chapel to cost $3,000 was laid with much ceremony on June loth, 1887. Bishop Wingfield acted for the Bishop of California and there were present beside the Bishop, the Rev. Elias Birdsell, rector of St. Paul's church, Los Angeles ; the Rev. A. G. C. Trew, of San Gabriel; the Rev. J. D. H. Browne, rector of All Saints' church, Pasadena ; the Rev. J. B. Britton, a retired mission ary and the missionary in charge. In 1888, through the successful labors of Mr. Jefferys and the people the new church was opened for divine worship and a large congregation assembled, the preacher being the rector of Pasadena. Mr. Jefferys resigned in the early part of 1889 and the Rev. Orrin Judd, of North Carolina, succeeded him. Mr. Judd had come to California broken down in health ; but he was a most eloquent preacher, which gift led to his resignation of this charge a year later to accept the new church of St. John on West Adams street, Los Angeles, which had been built in order to find a place for him in the city. During Mr. Judd's incumbency the work prospered and considerable additions were made to the membership of the church. The Rev. P. S. Ruth, of Pomona, officiated temporarily until September, 1891, when the Rev. I. M. M. Jones became rector. Mr. Jones remained in charge for nearly six years and during that period the Parish Hall was built and in many ways the church made progress. On the resignation of Mr. Jones, REV. J. D. H. BROWNE. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 297 the Rev. Edward Meany officiated temporarily and, at a critical time in the history of the congregation, maintained the regular services of the church and did much to arouse the people. When, in Alay, 1900, Mr. Meany's school duties in Los Angeles compelled him to resign, he was succeeded by the present rector, the Rev. John D. H. Browne, who had been for sixteen years in Southern Cali fornia and who had just resigned St. John's church, San Bernardino. During the nearly eight years that have intervened since Mr. Browne assumed the work, there has been steady growth. The church building has been enlarged at a cost of $3,000, and has also been beautified by many costly memorials. The parish hall has been enlarged and finished within, and a $600 piano provided, with many other improvements made. The roll of communi cants has increased from 27 to 201. The contributions for the parish and for the missionary funds of the diocese and the foreign field have multiplied many- fold. The baptisms have been over 100 and the confirmations 75. The Sunday school has grown very much and under the care of Mr. Percy J. Dudley, as superintendent, is accomplishing a good work, especially among the boys. The Parish Guild, the Woman's Auxiliary, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, the Daughters of the King, the Junior Auxiliary are all in active life and meeting the needs of old and young. The Parish of St. Augustine-by-the-Sea has come to occupy the sevenlh place among the parishes of the diocese and bids fair to continue to grow in importance and increase in influence for good in the life of the city. The present officers of the parish and members of the vestry are: Rev. John D. H. Browne, rector; Hon. T. H. Dudley, senior warden; Mr. C. S. Raynor, junior warden ; Mr. J. B. Proctor, vestry clerk ; Mr. Percy J. Dudley, treasurer ; Mr. J. F. Ordway, Mr. E. L. Young, Mr. H. J. Blake and Mr. C. C. Melville. BAPTIST CHURCH. In April, 1889, Mrs. Drane living on South Third street, near Sand street, gathered together a number of the children in that neighborhood and started a union Sunday school in her home. Sunday, January I2th, 1890, a call having been made by G. B. Studd and J. O. Mathewson for a Sunday school in South Santa Monica, about forty-two persons gathered at the house of Mr. Mathewson, at the corner of Bay and South Sixth streets. A school was organized and Mr. Andrew Mills was chosen as superintendent, a position which he filled for six years. For a time the school was held in the old school house and then in the house of Captain Clark, Fourth and Strand. This rough cottage was adapted for Sunday services as far as possible and neighboring pastors were frequently invited to preach here. From February 1st, 1890. until November 3rd, 1892, Rev. A. P. Brown, 298 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES pastor of the Baptist church at Palms, preached on alternate Sunday afternoons at Ocean Park. Three pupils were baptized from the Ocean I'ark school into- the membership of the Palms church. In 1891, Rev. W. \Y. Tinker became district secretary of the American Baptist Home Missionary society. He pro posed to erect a chapel in commemoration of J. O. Mathewson, who had passed away the previous year. September 5th, 1892, this was dedicated as the " Baptist Mission," a branch of the Palms church. It cost $700, was furnished with loo chairs, a pulpit and a baby organ. Dr. Daniel Read, of Los Angeles, preached the dedicatory sermon. During 1893-4 Rev. H. S. Baker, pastor of Palms church, preached regularly in the chapel, assisted by Mr. Charles Baird as singer. In 1895, Rev. Mr. Thomason, pastor at Palms, preached regularly. In June the church was encouraged by a visit from Rev. E. G. Wheeler and the chapel car " Emanuel." The same month the annual convention of Southern California Baptists was held in the Y. M. C. A. Pavilion at Ocean Park. In 1896 the church at Palms ceased to exist and the interest fell off very materially at Ocean Park. July 26th, Rev. Mr. French, who had located in Ocean Park for his health, began to hold services in the chapel and organized a new Sunday school. He also organized a Baptist church of sixteen members. In Septem ber, 1896, Rev. T. F. Tooker took charge of the little church and conducted the services and Sunday school for some time. In 1898, Rev. Chas. Pedley, a graduate of Charles Spurgeon's college, in London, located in Santa Alonica, and acted as pastor of the church until the spring of 1899. After his departure the work languished and the Sunday school died out. The Methodists were granted the use of the building for their services until 1900 when they secured their own church. In January, 1902, Prof. C. S. Taylor, vice-principal of the Santa Monica High School, and Mr. F. C. Marvin came to Santa Monica to reside. They interested themselves in looking up the Baptists of the community and in December, 1902, Rev. George Taylor, of Sawtelle, preached in the Baptist chapel, and again organized a Santa Monica Baptist church, fourteen members. This church was brought into connection with the Southern California Baptist Convention and the American Baptist Home Mission society. It was served by various preachers until February I5th, 1903, when Rev. L. A. Gould was called as pastor and took up his residence here. September 7th, 1903, the church was admitted into full membership with the Baptist Convention and recognition services were held, many guests being present and the charge being delivered by Rev. Robert Burdette. Rev. Gould remained as pastor until he was succeeded bv Rev. M. M. Mason. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 299 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE. This church, whose articles of faith are identical with those of the Weselyan Methodist society, was organized in 1906 as a result of neighborhood meetings held in the home of J. E. Pearsall, corner of Michigan avenue and Twentieth street. The new church was incorporated the same year with Rev. Thos. Fisher, pastor of the church, Chas. Allsman and J. E. Pearsall, as trustees. Messrs. Towner and Irwin donated a lot on the corner of Michigan avenue and Nineteenth street and a neat building, costing about $2,000, was erected. The membership is now twenty-six and the Sunday school has sixty members. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. In the summer of [885 a few earnest women, among whom was Mrs. Jane Austin, Miss Niles, Miss E. A. Dow, Mrs. I. D. Richmond, and others, organized a W. C. T. U. in Santa Monica. These women felt that there was much need of their labors here as at that time there were a dozen saloons in the place. They took over the reading room which had been previously started in the hope of interesting the boys and the young people, and at once set about an earnest effort to support the reading room and library and to improve the moral tone of their beautiful town. They rented the lower room in the two-story frame building now owned by them on Third street. By means of soliciting subscrip tions, giving suppers a:id dinners, socials and teas, and in many other ways which demanded the strength and time of the faithful workers, they managed to keep the reading room open and to add many books to those already collected. The early efforts that were made to keep the library and reading room up have been told in the history of the Santa Monica Public Library, of which this library was the foundation. In 1887 the ladies determined to purchase the building which they were occupying and the owner, Mr. John Steere, made them a very reasonable rate, for boom times, putting the price at $2,500 and giving them their own time to pay in, provided the interest was kept up. The women, Mrs. Austin, then president, Mrs. D. B. Hubbell, vice-president and in charge of the library, and Mrs. Richmond, secretary, worked very hard to maintain the undertaking; but when dull times came in 1889, they found the burden too much and Mr. Steere took back the building and returned the money, $350, which they had paid on it. They continued to occupy the same room as their reading room, however, and on Mr. Steere's death, in 1892, he willed this building to the W. C. T. U. of Santa Monica, on condition that they maintain a perpetual free reading room. This the organization has done. The large upper room is pleasantly fitted up and a supply of reading matter and books are kept on hand for circulation and for use in the room. A large amount of literature has been distributed by this society, also, to ships, camps of laboring men, canyons and school districts. 300 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES For eight years Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes, of Sawtelle, was president of the organization and much efficient work was clone under her direction. Mrs. T. Hughes Lodge has acted as president or vice-president of the union and has the supervision of the reading room. The present officers are Mrs. Mattie Barrett, president; Mrs. T. Hughes Lodge, vice-president; Mrs. Ada Schutte, secretary; Mrs. Clara Odell, corresponding secretary; Miss Sarah Much, treasurer. WOMAN'S CLUB OK SANTA MONICA. In September, 1904, a lecture class in history was organized by Miss Elizabeth McLaughlin, with Miss M. E. Abbott as lecturer. The first class was held at the home of Miss McLaughlin, after which the sessions were held in a cottage, on Nevada avenue until the class outgrew this and was removed to Columbia Hall. On December 8th, 1904, the members of this class formed an organization, with Mrs. D. G. Stephens as president and Miss McLaughlin as secretary and treasurer. This was in reality the organization of the Woman's Club, although the name" club " was not taken at this time. During the spring Miss Abbott resigned her place as lecturer and other ladies were secured, the subjects not being confined to history. December nth, 1905, the first annual meeting of the organization was held at which time the by-laws were amended, a regular corps of officers elected and the name changed to Woman's Club. Mrs. Daniel G. Stephens, who is only second to Madame Severance, as a club mother in Southern California, was made honorary president; Mrs. A. M. Jamison was elected president; Mrs. ]. S. Hunt and Mrs. E. H. Hutton, vice-presidents; Miss Elizabeth McLaughlin, secretary and Mrs. Jessica Clark, treasurer. In recognition of Miss McLaugh- lin's service to the club as secretary and organizer, she was made a life associate member, with all the privileges of active membership. The first meetings of this year were held in Columbia Hall, Mrs. M. R. King generously paying the rent. Lectures and musical programs were given and the club increased in interest and membership. During this year a civic committee was appointed of which Mrs. J. P. Jones was the first chairman, succeeded by Mrs. Arthur Noble. This committee did most effective service, having secured the preserva tion of the trees and the improvement of Nevada avenue, presented a petition to the school board, pointing out the necessity of a new school building to replace the Sixth street school house, which was a patchwork made up of additions to the original structure erected in 1876. The town had just voted the sum of $56,000 for building three new school houses, and it was thought impossible to carry another bond election for school purposes at this time. But the ladies circulated a petition and received such encouragement that the election was held and the money for the beautiful Jefferson building voted. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 301 The Woman's Club has also aided in preventing the issuance of new liquor licenses. During 1907 they voted a scholarship fund to be used in keeping a bright girl who otherwise must have given up school, in the high school of Santa Monica. Surely a more practical and beautiful service could not be found. As will be seen this club has done most effective work in benefiting the community, as well as furnishing its members with much intellectual and social pleasure and development. The third annual meeting of the club was held December iith, 1906, in the Royal Arcanum Hall, the use of which was donated by Mr. Robert F. Jones. At this meeting the former officers were re-elected and a new constitution and by-laws were adopted. During the year of 1906-7 the club entertained the Woman's Parliament of Southern California, of which their Honorary President, Mrs. Stephens, was the founder. Many interesting programs and social affairs were offered the members and their friends. At the annual meeting of 1907, Mrs. A. M. Jamison, who had served most efficiently as president for two years, declined a re-election and Miss Charlena Welch was chosen as president. SANTA MONICA LODGE No. 906, B. P. O. E. On April I2th, 1907, Santa Monica Lodge of Elks was organized as Santa Monica Lodge No. 906, B. P. O. E., the Los Angeles Lodge to the number of 300 coming down to initiate the new lodge. After the ceremonies of initiation 400 Elks sat down to a banquet in the old Pavilion, which was one of the most memorable affairs of the many that took place in the old building. The first officers of the lodge were : First Exalted Ruler, Brother W. T. Gillis ; Esteemed Leading Knight, Robert F. Jones ; Esteemed Loyal Knight, T. H. Dudley ; Esteemed Lecturing Knight, G. F. Doty; treasurer, J. Euclid Miles; secretary, J. B. Proctor ; tyler, H. I. Pritchard ; trustees, H. G. Englebrecht, C. M. Lindsey, E. S. Tomblin. The first lodge rooms of the Elks were located over the Santa Monica bank. Later they removed their rooms to the Columbia building where they are at present located. Soon after the organization of the lodge it acquired the prop erty on the corner of Ocean and Arizona avenues, formerly the home of Mrs. Doria Jones, of Los Angeles, one of the most commodious family residences in Santa Monica. This was altered and refitted as a club house for the use of the members of the Elks Lodge and is one of the pleasantest and cosiest club houses in the country. At the Elks' reunion, held on the top of Mt. Wilson, May 27th, 28th and 29th, 1904, the newly formed Santa Monica lodge a "Baby Lodge," as it was known won a very handsome grandfather's clock for the best average attend ance reported. On June 5th, 1905, this lodge went to San Pedro in a body to assist in the initiation of San Pedro Lodge, No. 966, and thus is ceased to be MAJOR ROBERT DOIXARD. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 303 the " Baby Lodge." On September 8th, gth and loth, 1905, the Santa Monica lodge assisted in entertaining a reunion of the Elks of Southern California in Santa Monica canyon. One of the features of this occasion was a genuine old- fashioned barbecue. Each Christmas since its organization the lodge has pre pared a Christmas tree for the youngsters of the town, at which those wHo have little promise of Christmas cheer are especially remembered. The Past Exalted Rulers of the lodge since its organization are : W. T. Gillis, J. C. Hemingway, P. S. Lindsey, W. G. Miller, who is the present occupant of the chair ; J. B. Proctor remained secretary since the formation of the lodge. The present membership is about 215. and the lodge is in a most flourishing condition. GRAND ARMY OK THE REPUBLIC. Fort Fisher Post, G. A. R., No. 137, Department of California and Nevada, was organized in 1885. J. J. Mohen, H. M. Russell, J. W. Keith, G. T. Hoi- ford. J. L. Allen, R. P. Elliott, C. B. Fuller, Guy C. Manville, F. A. Westover, George Young, W. R. Waldron and Henry Gardner were the charter members of this post. In June, 1887, Fort Fisher Relief Corps was installed, with Mrs. Josephine Baxter, president; Mrs. E. Gaddy and Mrs. Sadie Bennett, vice-pres idents ; Miss Mary Elliott, secretary ; Mrs. Alice Mosse, treasurer, and Mrs. Rebecca Gulberson, chaplain. In February, 1887, John A. Logan Post was organized in Santa Monica, with H. M. Russell as president, J. Mohen secretary, and with twelve members. This was later merged with John A. Martin Post, Soldiers' Home. Fort Fisher Post flourished until about 1901, when the enthusiasm died out and the organization was disbanded. The old soldiers and the Relief Corps had always taken a prominent part on public occasions and especially on Me morial day, and were much missed from the civic organizations. On May 2Oth, 1907, a number of old soldiers met and resolved to form a new post, to be known as the Stephen Jackson Post, No. 191. The post com mander of this organization is Robert Dollard ; senior vice-commander, A. N. Archer; junior vice-commander, David Johnson; chaplain, T. B. Fisher; quar termaster, S. D. Hayes ; officer of the day, J. W. Bowlden ; officer of the guard, J. N. Lewis ; adjutant, H. C. Towner. Charter members, George Young, J. L. Ferguson, Thomas Gilroy, W. W. R. Mattox, A. G. Ford, S. A. Wheeler, C. L. Wells, James P. Rutledge, L. M. Pence, M. D. Gage, C. W. Loving, D. W. Collis, J. M. McGlinch, Loyal L. Case, I. J. Lucas, Ed. Forbes, J. Teach, J. O. Hodgson. Peter Mardy (deceased), J. A. Greenlaw, G. W. Heimer, R. P. Elliott, A. Lockridge, E. R. Kennedy, W. W. Woodruff, A. Felix Gandy, George Pulham, James Stone. Ladies' Grand Army Circle was organized as Fremont Circle, No. 37, De partment of California and Nevada, 1904. Mrs. Mamie Young, president ; Mrs. S. A. Wheeler, vice-president ; Mrs. Zoe Phyfer, treasurer. FKAXK 0. LAWTON. CHAPTER IX. MISCELLANEOUS. OUTDOOR PASTIMES. FOR many years Santa Monica was the center of out-door sports in South ern California. The tennis tournaments held on the Casino courts and the polo races of the Santa Monica Polo club were events which annually drew the " swell " crowd of Los Angeles and Southern California and sometimes attracted visitors from San Francisco and the north. While the surf bathing, salt water fishing, swimming and bicycle races, baseball and Spanish sports drew everybody who cared for any kind of sport to this city. One of the first organizations completed in the village of Santa Monica was that of a baseball club known as " The Bonitas," formed in October, 1875, with T. Cronan, as president ; J. J. Mason, vice-president ; S. B. Adams, secre tary, and T. H. DuPuy, treasurer. There is no record of the games they played, but no doubt they won victories, over somebody and were duly beaten in turn. One of the earliest and most popular of the long list of amusements which have proved " attractions " were the " Ring Tournaments " ridden by gallant knights, which were an exciting display of horsemanship. On June I3th, 1876, one of these occurred in which B. F. Reid was costumed as the " Knight of Fairfax;'' L. L. Hope appeared as " Fleur de Lis ;" H. M. Mitchell was " Old Dominion,'' and Miss Carrie Heath was " Queen of Beauty and Love." Other contests were between teams made up of Native Californians, led by J. J. Carrillo, and Americans led by B. F. Reid. These " ring tournaments " drew such Sunday crowds that the facilities of the L. A. & I. were taxed to haul them all. Prize pigeon shooting contests were another favorite pastime of early days and some very skillful marksmen are recorded as taking part in them. In July, 1887, a lawn tennis club was formed in Santa Monica and soon afterward a lawn tennis association was incorporated under the name of the Santa Monica Improvement Club with Abbot Kinney, Col. Baker, Senator Jones, Hon. James Bettner, W. J. Broderick, I. W. Hellman, Judge W. P. Gardiner. J. Downey Harvey, J. E. Plater, H. G. Wilshire, A Campbell Johnston, H. B. Lockwood, Patrick Robertson, Judge W. S. Van Dyke and Hugh Vail as. directors. They at once secured the grounds on North Third -street and soon had a fund of $10,000 in hand for the erection of a club house. The Casino courts were at once gotten into shape, and August 3ist a tournament of the Southern California Association " beginners " was heldi at which representatives 20 306 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES from Pasadena, San Gabriel, Pomona, Los Angeles, Riverside and Santa Monica took part. The play lasted four days and ended with a grand ball in Steere's opera house, then just completed. The first annual tournament of the Southern California Association was held this year at Riverside, and the Santa Monica club took part. In 1888 the Casino had been completed and the courts put in fine shape and from that time on the annual tournaments of the Southern California Association were held here. On these courts many close games and fine plays have been made and Santa Monica is justly proud of the fact that two ladies who have won worldwide distinction as players, won their first laurels on the Casino courts Miss Marion Jones, who in 1897 won the cham pionship of the Pacific coast and in 1900 the national championship at Philadelphia ; and Miss May Sutton who has now won the international championship. For years the annual tennis tournament and the polo races at Santa Monica were the great events of the year. Here gathered the prettiest girls, the dressiest dames and the handsomest and most athletic of the college men. The tennis teas, the parties and the balls that accompanied them were the gayest of social affairs and during the tennis week, Mirimar was alive with guests and the Hotel Arcadia was as gay as a Saratoga Springs hostelry " in the season." In those days the Hugh Tevises of San Francisco and the Bradburys of Los Angeles appeared in their drags and added color to the gatherings. In 1891, the tennis season was especially gay. Among the players who won honors in these earlier years were the Chase brothers of Riverside, Theodore Coulter, Art Bumiller, the Carters, Miss Tufts and Miss Shoemaker. In 1900 a new Casino was built to take the place of the old club house which had been burned down the year before. The presence of the Sutton sisters at the tournament this year made the occasion memorable, especially as this season marked the first victories of May Sutton, she winning the Southern California championship at this time. In 1904 the same brilliant player won the American championship and in 1905 she secured the title of " Champion of All England," repeating English triumph again in 1907. An English paper thus describes Miss Sutton : " Magnificently muscular, she appears to care nothing for the minor graces, nor even the little tricks and dodges in which her male compatriots indulge. She is all for the rigor of the game. There is no tripping after the ball with her, no showing off of her figure at the net. She just stands near the base line for the most part and sends the ball over the net in terrific drives. Yet, with it all; there is nothing offensively masculine about her. She gives one the impression of being just a fine, healthy, athletic, American girl. She is, at any rate, a kind of tennis player that will take a deal of beating." Lei cester Chronicle (English}. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 307 Of late years the School Tennis meets have been a feature of the tennis courts and here Santa Monica has developed a new set of champions. In 1903 Miss Elizabeth Ryan, step-daughter of Mayor Dudley, won the championship in ladies' singles in the Interscholastic League play and since then Miss Ryan and her sister have won many honors both at home and on other courts. Miss Elizabeth has this year won a championship in British Columbia. A polo club was organized in Santa Monica in 1877, but it did not find either members or ponies enough to make up a satisfactory game. In 1878, the club played a game with Manuel Marquez and four other Mexicans from the canyon and was beaten. Apparently it did not survive the shock. In 1889 the Southern California Polo Club was formed at Santa Monica, grounds were donated to them by Messrs. Jones and Baker, and they began to play in earnest. This club was largely made up of Englishmen, of whom there were a number then resident in the vicinity. Mr. R. P. Carter, who later was known on the stage, playing for a time with Modjeska's company, was one of the enthusiasts. Dr. J. A. Edmonds, G. L. Waring, W. H. Young, J. B. Proctor, J. Machell and a number of other gentlemen were members of this organization. Many sports men in Southern California will remember some of the fast and knowing ponies who were trained in these games. One of the first essays of the Polo Club was a public exhibition of polo in Los Angeles. This resulted in a disastrous financial failure and the club would have "gone broke" had it not been for a benefit performance gotten up by Mr. R. P. Carter and given in Santa Monica, which saved them. For fifteen years the polo club held race meetings every year at Santa Monica. In 1897 a match game was played here with the Burlingham team, from the north. In 1902, the annual races were held at Ocean Park. The chief supporter of this club has been Mr. G. L. Waring, who has labored with never-dying enthusiasm to keep the sport alive amid many discouragements. In 1892 a Cricket club was organized and for several years cricket was played by its votaries and cricket tournaments were added to the attractions of Santa Monica. Among the best-known players were A. Balch, J. A. Lester, C. L. Waring, who is a typical English sportsman, Edward Cawston, R. H. H. Chapman, and others. Of course with the coming of golf into favor, golf links were laid out in Santa Monica and became a favorite game. In 1898 links were laid out on the North Side and also at Ocean Park, and since then the Country Club Golf Links of Ocean Park have seen some notable games, and have been the center of much social gayety. Tennis courts were also laid out here and the club house has been a gathering place for those who enjoy outdoor life. During the rage of the cycling fever the annual road race on July Fourth was the leading event of the year to bicycle racers. On those days Santa Monica 308 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES was crowded with dusty, sweating, red-faced youths, in the most abbreviated of clothes and with the most enthusiastic of yells, greeting each man as he pedaled into view. A bicycle path to Los Angeles was constructed, bicycle clubs and a club house flourished, and the Southern Pacific spent thousands of dollars on a bicycle race track and grand stand which was probably the poorest investment that the S. P. railway ever made, for almost before it was completed the bicycle craze died out as suddenly and as completely as the various spells of roller skating, which sweep over the country and vanish into space. The "Ath letic Park," as it was christened, was used for several years for ball games and sports of various kinds, but it has now become a thing of the past. Swimming contests, water polo, bowling, ping-pong and various other amusements have had their day and passed on. In 1905-06 roller skating was the thing, and large rinks were put in service at all the beaches, but already they are desolate, or turned into dancing floors. Perhaps the amusement which never loses interest is dancing. The various pavilions at the beaches have always been popular and are so still, and yet the crowds of today dance in a desultory, incidental sort of way that was unknown in the old days when the weekly dance was looked forward to as an event from which every possible drop of joy was to be drawn. TRANSPORTATION. In January, 1875, the Los Angeles and Independence road was incorporated by F. P. F. Temple, the first banker of Los Angeles ; John P. Jones, Robert S. Baker, Thomas W. Park, James A. Pritchard, and J. S. Slauson, with a paid- up capital stock of $502.500. Work was at once begun on the road between Los Angeles and Santa Monica under the supervision of Col. J. L T . Crawford, who was superintendent, engineer and general manager. The road, \6 l /> miles in length was completetd so that the first train ran over it by December ist, 1875. Two trains a day were put on between Santa Monica and Los Angeles and the fare was fixed at $1.00 per trip, freight at $1.00 per ton. At the same time work 011 the wharf was pushed and the steamer, the Orizaba, of the Goodall & Perkins line, made her first regular stop at this port on Septetmber 5th, after which steamer service was continued until September gth, 1878, when steamer service to Santa Monica was discontinued. It was expected that the Los Angeles and Independence road would be continued from Los Angeles to Independence, Inyo county, and thence into Nevada and possibly L'tah ; but the failure of the Panamint district to yield as rich ore as was anticipated and to become a bonanza mining district, led to the abandonment of the original plans, and ultimately to the sale of the " Inde pendence " road to the Southern Pacific. This sale was consummated and the formal transfer was made on June 4th, 1877, when the railway, wharf, two HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 309 depots, rolling stock and other property was turned over to the S. P. company. The Southern Pacific abandoned the Santa Monica wharf in the fall of 1878 and finally destroyed the greater part of it. A stump of this same wharf, however, is still to be seen near the foot of Colorado street. The Southern Pacific was the only means of transportation to the outer world from this time until January, 1889, when the first passenger train of the Los Angeles and Pacific railway came into Santa Monica. This road had originally been proposed by local capitalists as the Los Angeles County road, to run through the foothills and the Soldiers' Home grounds and to terminate on the bluff opposite the Arcadia Hotel. Later it became the Los Angeles and Pacific road, with E. E. Hall, president ; R. E. Shaw, superintendent, and W. T. Spilman, contractor. S. W. Luitweiler, Cornelius Cole, M. L. Wicks, J. M. Hale and Arthur Gaylord were among the directors. The road started near the Sisters' Hospital in Los Angeles, and passed through Burbank, the Ostrich Farm at Kenilworth, Prospect Park, Colegrove, Hollywood, Cahuenga, Morocco, Sunset and the Soldiers' Home, the entire line about twenty-seven miles in length. The locomotives for this road were built by the Baker Iron Works of Los Angeles, and were the first locomotives ever turned out in that city. The regular service on this road began January 29th, 1889, and on September 1st, of the same year, the unfortunate enterprise went into the hands of a receiver, the contractor who had built the line. The train service was reduced to one train each way per day, which ran intermittently. "Jack" Henry of Santa Monica was the conductor, and it is said that his cry was, " Show your passes," when he got ready to take the tickets. After a few months, service on the road was abandoned altogether and though there was much talk of repairing and the franchise was sold to the Terminal people, nothing was ever done to revive it, and the city of Santa Monica finally revoked the franchise granted it. The first franchise for a street car line in Santa Monica was granted February 23rd, 1887, to W. D. Vawter. On June iQth, 1887, the first car ran over the Ocean avenue line and the same fall the line was completed on Utah avenue and Third streets up Arizona to Seventh, and on Seventh to Nevada. In July, 1889, the line had been extended from the south limits of the town up Nevada to Seventeenth street, making a road four and one-half miles in length. The motive power in those days was mules, or horses, and the little " bob tail " cars of the past are now only memories. The Santa Monica and Soldiers' Home street railway was opened November, 1890. A survey for an electric road between Los Angeles and Santa Monica was made in 1893, but it was not until April, 1895, that articles of incorporation for the Los Angeles and Santa Monica electric road were filed. In June, 1895, an ordinance was passed permitting the building of an electric road by the Pasadena and Pacific railway company, of which General Sherman was president. On April tst, 310 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 1896, the first electric car reached Santa Monica over the Santa Monica branch of the Pasadena and Pacific road. This was a memorable day in the history of the town. In May, 1897, the electric service was extended to South Santa Monica by the electricizing of the horse car line on the south loop, and the Third street line was also electricised. The first route to Santa Monica was by way of Bellevue, now Sunset, avenue and Sherman; July ist, 1897, the "short line" by way of Sixteenth street, was completed and this line was soon made a double track. In 1898 the Los Angeles-Pacific Railway company was organ ized, with a capital stock of $1,000,000 to take over all lines between Los Angeles. Santa Monica, Hollywood, Soldiers' Home, etc. In 1899, the north loop in Santa Monica was electricised and the Hollywood line built, being opened to the public in February 2ist, 1900; also the entire system between Los Angeles and Santa Monica was doubletracked and many improvements in roadbed, bridges. etc., were made. The " cut-off " by way of Palms, was completed in August. 1902, and gave the most direct route to the city. In January, 1904, the Los Angeles-Pacific acquired all the railway interests of the Traction line and at once began making many improvements, especially improving the Trolleyway, and building the station in Linda Vista Park, Santa Monica, which was opened August gth, 1905. On the same date the Westgate branch of the road was completed. In 1887, the Ballona and Santa Monica Railway company was organized to build a line from Ballona to Santa Monica ; the Santa Fe having completed a line to "Port Ballona" September isth, 1887. But the Ballona line was not built and in 1892 the Santa Fe and Santa Monica company was formed to build a line from Ballona Junction to Santa Monica, a distance of twelve miles. The Santa Fe railway brought its first passenger train into Santa Monica June i8th, 1892, and the new service was hailed as bringing assured prosperity to the town. The company built a depot on Hill street and another on Front street ; put up a pavilion and the " iron pipe " wharf in South Santa Monica and expended a large sum in its various improvements. After the coming of the trolley lines, however, it practically ceased to operate and in 1900 sold tin- land which had been donated to it, and in 1901 obtained permission to abandon its right of way from Inglewood to its Santa Monica terminus. Eventually it sold this right of way to the Traction company and it was later purchased by the Huntington lines. In 1905 it became known that Mr. Rindge was building a road that was at first supposed to be merely a driveway through his Malibu territory. Later developments made it appear that this was rather a roadbed, whether for an electric line or a steam railway line was unrevealed. During 1907 a railroad has been constructed upon this roadbed. The purpose for which this road is intended to serve still remains unrevealed, although the belief is widespread HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 311 that it is the entering wedge of a transcontinental line what line still remains a mystery. It is popularly supposed to be a link in the Gould system which is reaching toward the Pacific coast ; but as yet the plans of the railway magnates have not been divulged. But to whatever system it may belong, the completion of a line down the coast to Santa Monica would mean much for this city and section of country. STATE FORESTRY STATION. The location of an experimental station in Santa Monica Canyon by the Slate Board of Forestry was determined upon in July, 1887. Mr. Abbot Kinney, who was chairman of the first State Board of Forestry, offered for this purpose a tract of land on Santa Monica Heights. This was accepted and an appropriation of $5,000 was made to begin the work. Mr. H. Rowland Lee, of the State University, was selected to take charge as head forester of the Santa Monica station in connection with the Hesperian station in San Bernardino county and the San Jacinto station in Riverside county. Up to 1890 $3,000 was expended in buildings and a large number of trees and plants were set out. The work of this station was largely devoted to the study of the comparative value of trees for the interior and along the coast ; the economic use of trees, costs and profits ; possible ranges of soil and climate ; fitness for any purposes and conditions. An especial study of eucalypti was made. Small collections of trees and plants were distributed to a large number of persons who had filed on timber claims, or who wished to carry on experiments under the direction of the forestry station. In 1889 Messrs. Jones and Baker donated twenty acres of land along the eastern edge of Rustic canyon to the station. This tract is thus described by Inspector of Stations: ' The greatest and deepest barranca in the Santa Monica plain is that known as Santa Monica canyon. It is not really a canyon in the strict interpretation of the Spanish word, which refers to mountain ravines, but more nearly con forms to the Spanish idea of a barranca a wide cleft across the plains from the mountains to the sea. In realty there are two large barrancas, running in a direction somewhat parallel for several miles, although they are sometimes wide apart. The narrow tongue of land between them extends to within an eighth of a mile of the ocean. Here, on the sides and summit of this narrow central plateau, between two deep gorges and extending down to the bottom of one of them, the Santa Monica Forestry station is situated. It is greatly shel tered from storms and yet the view is wonderfully extensive. The twenty acres belonging to the station, a little arboretum tract, extends from the bottom of the northern canyon, called Rustic canyon, up slopes and across levels to the very top of the mesa, on the same plane as the town of Santa Monica, and looks 312 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES down from thence to the bottom of the south canyon. There are thus three distinct levels and two half-levels, with their connecting slopes for the most part not too abrupt for planting. Such is the charming topography of the station lands. " Work on the station includes first of all, the care and cultivation of the existing plantations. Then observations of these have to be made from time to time and records kept of the rate of growth of each tree, of its time of blos soming and maturing of seed, behavior under different conditions, etc." In 1889, J. M. Sheckles was in charge of the forestry station. In 1893, the State Board of Forestry ceased to exist and the work was placed under the direction of the Agricultural Department of the State University. Later, in 1897, the work was enlarged by connection with the Forestry Department of the United States Department of Agriculture, experimental stations in thirty or more states of the Union working in co-operation. This plan has been of great benefit to the Santa Monica station individually and to the general results of Forestry and Agricultural experimental work. The Department of Forestry has now become one of the most important branches of the governmental service. Out of a very small beginning has grown the great system of forest reserves and of re-forestration, together with the collection of invaluable data and practical aid to many industries. In 1897, Mr. J. H. Barber, later foreman of the South Coast Range, was appointed to take charge of the Santa Monica station. This year the appropria tion for 1897-8 was made $8,000 and much needed buildings and improvements were made. In 1899, Mr. C. A. Colmore was in charge. He was succeeded by William Shutt who remained in charge for four years. During his incumbency considerable additional water was developed and the station made a steady advance, although hampered by a lack of funds. In October, 1904, disastrous mountain fires swept through Santa Monica canyon and all the buildings of the Forestry station were destroyed. Only the windmill and tower were left stand ing. Considerable damage was done to the growth, also, a large number of seedling stock being killed and shrubbery and trees more or less injured. For some time it was a question whether the buildings would be replaced, but in the latter part of 1905 an appropriation became available and the neces sary buildings were put up. Mr. J. P. Barber was appointed to take charge of the station. Since that time, the damage clone by the fire has been largely overcome and the station continues to do valuable work in connection with the state and United States Agricultural Experimental schools. REMINISCENCES. An early comer, who is still a resident of Santa Monica, furnishes some very entertaining glimpses of the early days of the town and its life. Those HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 313 who drove from Los Angeles to the Santa Monica ranch to attend the first sale of lots in July, 1875, were greeted with a magnificent view, as they crossed the " divide." Before them lay the ocean, forming a blue crescent between the jutting points of Point Dume and Point Vincent. From Point Dume swept the Santa Monica range, merging into the San Gabriel range and the San Ber nardino morntains. Following the circle, hills and mountains led the eye around to Point Vincent on the south, forming a vast amphitheater. As we drove over the ranch we saw a lone live oak, standing on the bluff above the canon, about half way between ocean front and Seventh street. Here the one road leading to the canon went down the grade. Near it was an old adobe, which was one of the landmarks of the time. A clump of trees stood near the springs which later supplied the town with water, and a group of great sycamores rose near the present site of Sawtelle. One of these, an immense tree, shading a large expanse, is supposed to have sheltered Father Serra on one of his journeys through the country. A line of sycamores marked the barranca which led out toward the Soldiers' Home way. Here and there were to be seen a few small ranch houses, surrounded by fig and other fruit trees. Many bands of sheep were passed, and an occasional ruin of some old adobe building. One landmark that can never be forgotten was the " Half-way House ", a store and saloon, located about half way between the end of Washington street, Los Angeles, and Santa Monica. Here a watering trough was provided, and every traveler over the long, dusty road, stopped to water man and beast. In the early days the canons, Santa Monica, Rustic and Manville, were the delight of the townspeople and the hotel guests. Every day saw driving and riding parties, camping and picnic parties visiting some one or other of these beautiful retreats. Arch Rock, four miles up the coast, was always an object of interest. Camping out just beyond the salt works (near the present site of Redondo) and at Portuguese Bend, was also a favorite diversion. Gun ning in the mountains, duck shooting on Ballona laguna and boating on the laguna were popular pastimes. The boats on the laguna were known as the ' Pollywog " and the "Mud Hen." Spanish games took place in the spring, when a channel was cut from the laguna to allow the overflow water to escape into the ocean, at the point now known as Playa del Rey. Ring tournaments and other Spanish games were also played for some months on Ocean avenue ; but were discontinued on the protest of a number of families who feared the influence on the best life of the then growing town. During the days of the first wharf, one of the great events of town life was the coming and going of the coast steamers. When a Panama steamship came in and tied up at the wharf, everybody in town visited it, for the strange fruits, birds and plants which it brought were always interesting. The fishing on the wharf was always good and furnished a constant sport for men, women and children. The first residents of Santa Monica were a cosmopolitan lot. Some were 314 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES the drifting class always attracted by any new opening or excitement, and soon passed on. Others were drawn here by the incomparable climate, which was ideal for a home, especially in old age. Many then believed in a great business future for the new port. There were a number of young men, fresh from college, who had drifted to California for a start. Most of these were down on their luck and glad to take anything that offered, as for instance, the young Harvard graduate, who whitewashed the plaza fence because his brains were not needed here. A Bostonian, also a college man, ran the engine on the first railroad be- .tween Santa Monica and Los Angeles, while the first conductor on this road was a young Virginian. One of the first clergymen of the place was a north of Ireland man, educated in Dublin and Edinburg, who preached sermons which would have' honored any pulpit. One of the first physicians had also been edu cated in London and Edinburg and had traveled around the world. On his journey he happened to stop in Santa Monica and was so delighted with the location and climate that he stayed here for about a year. Another physician located here about the same time ; but he, too, moved on. The place was too healthy to be a promising field for a young doctor, and for several years there was no resident practicing physician at all and little need for one. The lives of the residents of the neighboring canons were closely linked with the town, for here they came for their mail and supplies and they fur nished the butter, eggs and vegetables for the town dwellers. There were many bee ranches hidden away among the canons. The living of the apiarists de pended, of course, upon the honey yield, which often failed because of dry or unfavorable seasons. Sometimes careless picnickers or hunters would be the cause of a mountain fire which, sweeping over hills and through canons, mowed down the brush and growing plants, and sometimes destroyed bees and homes. During a terrible fire raging in Manville canon, one old man only escaped from the flames by lowering himself into a well until the flames, traveling by leaps and jumps, had passed on. Another man, further up the canon, was compelled to lie down in a small stream, where he found himself in company with snakes and other small creatures which had taken refuge in the water. Many of these early settlers had located on what they supposed was government land, only to find, after years perhaps of hard work in improving their homes, that they could not secure title. They were compelled to leave with only the memory of their labor to cam- with them. Many odd characters were among these pioneers and many of them were brave hearted, true men, who were rich in everything but worldly goods. The social life of the new town was, for the most part, simple and de lightfully free from formal constraint. The few more congenial families were drawn into close relations. Almost every evening found them gathered for a time in some one home or another, for those were the days of truly hospitable home life. The first real party, of any pretensions, was given by Mrs. M. S. Baker in her new home the first two-story rustic house in Santa Monica. It HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 315 is safe to say that the company there gathered were as cultured as would grace any city party. During the early days of the town a literary and social club, called the " Baker's Dozen ", was formed among the young unmarried people. After a year it was enlarged to take in the married people as well and was known simply as " The Club." Among the members were doctors, lawyers, scientists, clergymen and teachers, as well as others who had no titles. After a program, usually of original papers furnished by the members, social diver sions followed and were as much enjoyed by the men of letters as the rest. This club lasted about five years. There were occasional concerts or lectures which were of the highest merit. It must lie remembered that many cultured people visited us at various times, in search of health or rest, and often our struggling little churches were given benefits which any city audience might have gladly heard. It frequently hap pened that some city clergyman visiting this coast because of ill health of himself or some member of his family, filled our pulpits and gave us of their best. A touching incident occurred about 1876. A teamster lost his only son, a boy of fourteen, and wished to give him a fitting funeral at the church. There was no resident pastor in the place at that time, so one of the members of the Pres byterian church agreed to read a burial service. The fact was mentioned at the Santa Monica Hotel and came to the ears of a New York City minister who was touring the west with his wife. He at once offered to conduct the service and did so to the consolation of the father. Then he offered to preach on the Sabbath, if it would be of any assistance, and for several weeks we listened to able sermons, for which the gentleman would accept no pay. One person who was closely associated with the early history of the town was L. T. Fisher, editor of the Santa Monica Outlook. He wrought early and well for the good of the town and gave it a bright, clean paper. But the glow ing future he so well painted, did not make him any richer than he was when he came, so he moved on. After the destruction of the wharf, there was very little business here, barely enough to supply very modest demands of living. Everything seemed to come to a standstill and everyone who could get away did so, except the few who were satisfied to live on climate. Yet life for those who remained was not altogether stale. With so many diversions provided by nature, a daily dip in the ocean, an afternoon drive on beach, plain or in mountain canons, and with happy home evenings, the days passed away swiftly and we were content. TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF OCEAN PARK. CHAPTER X. THK CITY OF OCEAN PARK. THE history of the town of Ocean Park, with Venice of America, both now less than three years old, is a modern business romance a romance of fair dreams and marvelous fulfillments; of great ambitions and of sad dening failures; of wonderful growth in wealth and population and of bitter contests of strong men with strong men. Many of the events in this brief history partake of the comedy nature; there are elements of tragedy in the story, too of fortunes made and lost, of high hopes disappointed. There are signs of promise also, a city built upon sand and yet planted upon a solid foundation of pros perity and steady growth. It scarcely seems credible, even to those who have seen the transformation going on before their eyes, that the ground now occupied by beautiful homes and handsome business blocks was, less than six years ago, a barren waste, looked upon as practically useless for building or for any other purpose. The energy, the large conceptions and the large investments which have brought about the change have rarely been equalled even in this land of commercial wonders. A rise in values within five years from a few dollars an acre to $15,000 for a twenty-foot lot is not often recorded even in California. Much of the earlier history of this section has already been given. A part of the present city of Ocean Park was included in the original Kinney and Ryan holdings. All of the land was originally a part of La Ballona grant and had been owned by the Machados, or their successors. The " Short Line Beach " tract had been opened up for settlement in 1902. In 1903 the Ocean Park Villa tracts were put on the market and an addition made to the Short Line Beach, giving it an ocean frontage of 4150 feet. The rapid settlement of this new territory soon created a district which must be provided with government, either by incorporation or annexation to Santa Monica. Early in the spring the talk of incorporating a new town began to take form and definite plans were made. Steps were taken during the summer to arrange for a primary school in the dis trict, a lot being donated for the purpose. The rapidity with which the Short Line Beach lots were sold and occupied by dwellings ; the opening up of Marine street by Messrs. Vawter and Steele ; the occupation of the hills east of the elec tric line, added to the desirability of the new corporation. It was generally agreed that the lines of the new town should extend from the Santa Monica city 318 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES limits south to the south line of the Short Line Beach and along Lake street as the east boundary. At a public meeting held October 8th, the question of incor poration, or of joining Santa Monica, was thoroughly discussed. At this meet ing the old firm of land owners offered to lend the new municipality money to conduct its business until its own funds became available. It was estimated that the cost of carrying on the new city for one year would be $4,100, that the assessment value of the district was $80,800 which, at a tax rate of 75 cents would yield an income of $6,100, giving a surplus at the end of the year of $2,000. It was also stated that insurance rates would be reduced one-third. A vote of the sense of the meeting stood 52 for incorporation and i against. The objector, Mr. J. M. Roberts, then changed his vote and it was made unan imous. A committee of five, Messrs. Henry Lavayea, W. T. Gibbon, A. Ed. Robinson, Dana Burks and A. R. Fraser, were appointed a committee to circu late petitions for signatures. The active spirits in this movement proposed to show to the world a model city. Dana Burks in an interview with 'the Los Angeles Times, September gth, 1903, said : " We propose to make Ocean Park the best lighted city in the United States. When the lighting system is installed, steamers passing miles out at sea will have ocular proof of the exact location of Ocean Park. Pure food regulations will be enforced strictly. Every milkman will have to '' show us " and obtain permit before he can deliver milk in Ocean Park. A chemist will be regularly employed and regularly paid to make con tinued inspection of food products offered for sale in the city. City officials will serve without pay, and character, ability and proved public-spiritedness will be the three requisites for election. Politics will be barred absolutely from the municipal conduct ; and with the elimination of spoils, purity of government will be easier to launch and to maintain. Attempted dishonesty will mean dismissal and dismissal will entail social ostracism." Mr. Plez James was appointed registration clerk and a systematic census of the proposed incorporated district was taken. It was found that there were 300 houses and 750 inhabitants. Sixty-seven voters were registered. The peti tions received the requisite number of signatures and on November gth were presented to the board of supervisors. In the meantime a petition had been presented to the board of trustees of Santa Monica from property owners resid ing between Marine and Rose avenues asking for annexation to the city, and also a petition favoring such annexation from citizens of Santa Monica. The city limits of Santa Monica, following the old lines of the Lucas tract, cut north easterly through the block between Marine and Navy streets, thus leaving a por tion of each lot in the city and a portion in the county. In accordance with these petitions, the city of Santa Monica called an election to vote on the ques tion of annexation on December I4th. The battle over the disputed territory HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 319 was a warm one. When the matter came up before the board of supervisors, petitions for annexation and for incorporation were presented and action was delayed until November 23rd. On November I2th a protest, signed by 27 resi dents of the disputed territory was presented to the board of trustees, requesting that the election for annexation be not held. The city attorney decided, how ever, that neither petition nor protest legally affected the matter so long as 20 per cent of the voters of the city called for the election, which was therefore held, and resulted in a vote of 19 against annexation in the district in question and 1 1 for, thus settling the question. Other petitions and protests against being included in the proposed incorporation, made by the residents of the Short Line tract and by the L. A. -P. railway, were placed before the board of super visors and another adjournment was necessary in order to give all parties a hearing. On December 28th the decision was finally reached and the petition for incorporation granted, the election being set for February I2th, 1904. A change which meant much to the proposed new city took place in Janu ary, 1904. This was the dissolution of the Ocean Park Improvement Company by the division of their property. The company had been composed of Messrs. Kinney, Fraser, Gage and Jones; Mr. Kinney owning a half interest, Mr. Fraser a two-fifths interest of the other half, with Messrs. Jones and Gage holding the balance. By the terms of division Mr. Kinney received complete control of all unplatted lands of the company south of Navy street, including about 100 lots between Short Line Beach and Zephyr avenue ; also 90 acres of land lying to the east and south of the clubhouse. This action, together with the sale of the right of way owned by the Improvement Company through South Santa Monica and of Mr. Kinney 's railway interests to the L. A. -P. Railway Co., consider ably changed the aspect of affairs for the future city. It put an end to the hope for a competing line ; but as a partial compensation the electric company began building the plank walk and stations, and otherwise improving Trolleyway, thus giving the district a new street. As was expected but a single ticket was put in the field for the election. This named for trustees, A. Ed. Robinson, Dana Burks, Force Parker, G. M. Jones, W. T. Gibbon; treasurer, H. Blagge; clerk, T. G. Smith; marshal, W. H. Slack. Dana Burks was slated for mayor ; 56 votes were cast, 52 for incorpora tion and 2 against, 2 voting for officers but not for incorporation. Thus, at last came into existence the city of Ocean Park, which did not include the territory that had been known as " Ocean Park " since 1894, but was made up of lands settled within the past eighteen months. It was certainly a misfortune that the name which distinctly belonged to the old section in South Santa Monica should have been applied to the new city. The new town, how ever, continued to grow rapidly. The undoubted health fulness of the sands as 2: 5 2 O w I I HISTORY OK SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 321 a place of residence ; the easy and rapid transit to Los Angeles brought many business men and women to the place ; the rapid advance in prices brought many- investors, both small and large ; above all the development of Venice, which became a reality during the year, brought many newcomers. But there were factors which, naturally enough, brought about dissension and misunderstand ing. The fact that so large a portion of the territory was owned by a single man ; that Venice soon became a city within a city ; that the business interests of the new town were either centered on Pier avenue in Santa Monica, or on Windward avenue in Venice; that the postoffice, "Ocean Park" was located in South Santa Monica, while the postoffice of the town of Ocean Park was event ually located in Venice and given the name of Venice all of these, and other complications, led to confusion and conflicting interests. At a meeting held on February 23rd, in the Country Club House, the use of which was donated by Mr. Kinney, the new board organized with Dana Burks as chairman and elected W. H. Anderson city attorney and W. T. Robinson, recorder. At this meeting, the Ocean Park Improvement Company presented the new city with the ocean frontage from Navy street to Horizon avenue, a distance of 4,600 feet, a gift estimated to be worth $220,000. Messrs. Jones, Fraser and Gage also presented the new corporation with their interest in the fire system already established within the district. The new city was furnished quarters for its officers and public business free of rent, and was financed with out interest, by Mr. Kinney. On April nth, the city election was held and the same officers were re-elected, with the exception of the marshal, H. E. Lavayea taking the place of W. H. Slack. One of the first topics which engaged the attention of the town trustees was the matter of sewage disposal. The part of the town already sewered was con nected with the Santa Monica outfall, by the old contract with Kinney and Ryan. But it was understood that the city of Santa Monica would demand some other arrangement, and in fact, notice was received by the Ocean Park trustees that their sewer connection would be cut off August ist. Many plans were discussed and investigated. A sewer farm was proposed, but after stud}' of conditions was found impracticable ; then it was suggested that the sewage of the entire beach might be carried south to a connection with the Los Angeles outfall ; eventually the septic plant was decided upon and, January 3Oth, 1905, a special election was called to vote $20,000 bonds for a sewer system and $5,000 for fire apparatus. April 4th, another special election was held to vote $15,000 addi tional for sewer system. Still another election was called October ijth, 1906, to vote $20,000 for the completion of the sewer system. At the same time bonds were voted $10,000 for engine house and fire-fighting apparatus ; $5,000 for city hall and jail and $5,000 for sites for these buildings, and $10,000 for a gar bage incinerator, all of which were carried. 21 322 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES The necessary mains and the septic tank, with an outfall at Center street was constructed, and later the outfall was carried out on piling into the ocean. The destruction of the Santa Monica outfall by the storms of April and May, 1905, resulted in a change in the situation. The Ocean Park sewage was turned into its own system and the trustees invited Santa Moncia to use their new sep tic tank, rather than have the sewage discharged into the ocean at Pier avenue, to the detriment of that locality. Santa Monica, in spite of complaints and court orders, continues to use the Ocean Park mains, pending the completion of her own septic tank. The situation thus created, because of the large amount of sewage handled and the defective action of the septic tank has been productive of much trouble and ill feeling. The question of liquor licenses also has been a critical one in the brief annals of Ocean Park. On June 21 st, 1904, a high license ordinance was passed and for some time the only license granted was for a wholesale house. Later licenses were granted for various restaurants and bars. The opening of the various concessions at Venice and especially on " the Midway " in 1906, gave rise to much discussion and uncertainty as to the business licenses and this too has proved a difficult subject for the city to handle. In August, 1904, the city of Ocean Park voted $10,000 for school purposes. A school district had already been formed, and the county superintendent appointed as a temporary board, Mrs. M. de Luna, Mrs. Frank A. Werner and A. R. French. The school census of the spring showed 207 children. The first school was opened in the fall in two tent-houses on the Country Club grounds. Considerable difficulty was found by the first regular school board in securing a suitable location for the school-house. Values were now so high in Ocean Park that any desirable site was beyond the means of the board. Land was finally obtained from Mr. Kinney and in September, a contract was let for a two-story, seven-room building. It was sufficiently completed to be dedicated with elaborate ceremonies in January, 1905 ; but another bond issue of $10,000 was necessary to complete the building. It is a handsome, modern structure completely equipped for grade work. In the spring of 1907 a tract of five acres of land, adjoining the school grounds, was donated for the use of the school and the children were encouraged to engage in gardening. A skilled gardener was engaged by Mr. Kinney to instruct them and the school gardens thus estab lished promise to become an important part of the school curriculum. Prizes are given the children for the best results and much interest has been aroused in the subject of gardening among the children and their parents as well. One of the most important improvements of 1904 was the building of the Ocean Park Bath House. A stock company was formed by T. H. Dudley, G. M. Jones, J. F. Mullen, A. Ed. Robinson and Force Parker, with a stock of HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 323 $150,000. A site between Marine and Navy was first selected, but later the loca tion was moved south to the block between Navy and Ozone, thus bringing the building entirely within Ocean Park. The structure was of concrete and was, when completed in 1905, the finest bath house on the Pacific coast. In May, Messrs. Fraser and Jones purchased from the Recreation Gun Club a tract of land with 4,200 feet of ocean frontage and extending back 1,200 feet from the shore. Through it ran an extension of the Playa del Rey lagoon. The price paid for the property was $135,000. This tide land, when purchased by the Gun Club, was considered utterly worthless and had con- OCEAN PARK CITY HALL. tinned to be considered a bad investment until the time of the sale. In June, 1905, the Guaranty Realty Company purchased this tract, paying for it somewhere in the neighborhood of $300,000, it was reported. The tract was platted and in a single day, Monday, June igth, $308,000 worth of property was sold, making a record-breaking pace in this summer of wonder develop ments. As an example of the phenomenal rise in values caused by the creation of Venice, the Venice Gateway tract may be cited. In 1893 John Metcalf pur chased 55 acres of marsh, lying to the east of the tract on which Venice was located, for $3,000. During the summer of 1905 this land was platted and put . on the market as the Venice Gateway tract. In a few weeks 175 lots were sold for $200,000. while the value of the entire tract was estimated at half a million. 324 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Among the improvements of the year, aside from the city of Venice, were the Horseshoe pier at Marine and Pier avenues, the new seaside theatre and the Masonic Temple on Marine avenue. In July it was estimated that the assessed valuation of property in the new town would reach one million. The Times says: "There are altogether, at this writing, 1,200 homes in Ocean Park and many others are being built. The original buildings are being constantly replaced by fine modern houses of the most approved type, and many of them are occupied the year round by business men of Los Angeles, as Ocean Park i.>- one of the nearest beaches to the city, lying less than fifteen miles from town and reached in forty minutes by electric car." By the annexation of various subdivisions during the year of 1905 Ocean Park nearly doubled its area and its assessment roll, in January, 1906, was fig ured at $4,000,000. Up to this time $85,000 in bonds had been voted for school and sewers. A bond issue voted October 171)1 included funds for city, hall, jail and fire house also. The Speedway had been paved with asphaltum for more than a mile, at a cost of about $30,000, and many other street improvements hac\ been made. The lagoon had been completed from Venice to Playa del Rev. thus giving a waterway between the two resorts. The year of 1906 was not marked by such precipitate and unprecedented advances ; but it showed a solid growth and a strengthening of the lines all along the beach. One of the first matters given attention was the protection of the shore along the Short Line Beach. An election was called to vote bonds for bulkheads, but the bonds did not carry and eventually Mr. Kinney advanced money to build a temporary protection for the property menaced. About $10,000 was expended in building a bulkhead south of Venice, and then to protect this a system of jetties was put in. A sand pump was also used to fill in back of the bulkhead and still further protect the beach. About 3,000 feet of bulkhead was built altogether. In January the Ocean Park postoffice was removed to the new Masonic building on Marine avenue, after a strong protest had been made by citizens of South Santa Monica. It was still in the municipality of Santa Monica, how ever, and the necessity of some other arrangement for Ocean Park led to the establishment of a postoffice on Windward avenue, with the name of Venice. Robert M. Granger was the first postmaster. During the year the agitation for free delivery was continued. The postoffice inspector at one time recommended that the Ocean Park office be made the main office with sub-stations at Venice and Santa Monica, and free delivery for the entire bay district. This plan met with strong opposition both in Santa Monica and Venice and was not carried out. In December it was announced that C. R. Lovelace, editor of the Ocean HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 325 Park Journal, had been appointed as postmaster for Ocean Park in place of Meigs, the incumbent. The sewage question continued to disturb the peace of mind of both Santa Monica and Ocean Park citizens, while the failure of the septic tank to deodor ize the sewage disturbed the nostrils and the minds of many Ocean Park citizens. Suits were begun by the Ocean Park trustees against the Santa Mon ica trustees to compel them to disconnect their mains ; suit was begun by citizens of Ocean Park against their own trustees for permitting such a nuisance. The result was, of course, bad feeling and hard words. The location of the city hall and public buildings was another topic which led to discord. After the bonds had been voted for this purpose, Abbot Kinney offered a site on Windward avenue. Another site, containing several lots, was offered free of cost on the Venice Gateway tract, at a considerable distance from the business section of the town. . The latter site was finally accepted and the trustees put the entire bond issue into the construction of a public building here, although many citizens objected strenuously on account of the inconvenience of the location. Other differences of opinion arose between the city trustees and the Venice interests owned by the Abbot Kinney Company and finally the breach was so widened that it was proposed to disincorporate the town of Ocean Park and make a fresh start. After a hotly waged contest, in which every resource of each side was taxed to its utmost, a disincorporation election was finally called for September 3Oth, 1907. At that election the vote stood 202 for disincorporation to 176 against, lacking 60 votes of the requisite two-thirds majority. As a result of this election and the fight preceding it, many damage suits for libel were filed and promises of future disincorporation were freely made. It was suggested that Venice might ultimately become an annex of Los Angeles. There was talk, too, of a greater Santa Monica which should be made up of Santa Monica, Ocean Park and Venice united as a happy family in one corporation. But such an iridescent dream was received with smiles by most residents of the beach. ABBOT KINNEY. CHAPTER XI. VENICE OF AMERICA AND ITS FOUNDER. ABBOT KINNEY was born in Brookside, N. J., November 16, 1850, his parents being Franklin Sherwood and Mary Cogswell Kinney, both descendants of old colonial families. His boyhood was mostly passed in Washington where his uncle, James Dixon, represented the state of Con necticut in the United States Senate. Here the young man had advantages of education and of contact with many of the prominent men of that time and thus retains memories of the men who made the history of that period. To complete his education, he went to Europe and studied at Heidelberg, Germany, and in France and Switzerland, perfecting himself in foreign languages and making a special study of political, economic and social problems. On returning to Washington, he became interested in the tobacco business and after a couple of years practical experience, he decided to go to Turkey and make a personal study of their methods of manufacturing cigarettes. In 1877, he started on a three years' tour of the world, one year of which was passed in Egypt. His keen powers of observation and active intellect were devoted dur ing these years to the study of conditions as he found them in various countries, and the conclusions thus acquired have since been applied in many ways to the problems presented in our own country. He reached San Francisco, on his return voyage, in the winter of 1880, and finding himself unable to proceed directly east on account of heavy snow block ades in the Sierras, he came to Southern California. Here, after a few weeks spent at the old Sierra Madre Villa, he felt that he had found the climate for which he had sought the world over. He secured a large tract of unimproved land in the vicinity of Sierra Madre and at once set about creating a beautiful and profit-yielding home out of what had been a waste. He planted out a large citrus orchard and turned his mind to the solution of the many difficulties which seemed almost unsurmountable to the pioneer horticulturists of this region. As a result, " Kinneloa " became a fine example of the possibilities of citrus culture and is known as one of the most beautiful country homes in California. Broad-minded and public-spirited, he devoted the knowledge gained through investigation and costly experiments to the public use and became one of the projectors of the Southern California Pomological Society and served as its president. 328 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES In 1883, he was appointed a commissioner to serve with Helen Hunt Jack son in an investigation into the condition of the Mission Indians of Southern California. After several months of travel and personal examination of the various reservations and their people, Mr. Kinney prepared a report to the gov ernment, advising the breaking up of the reservation system and the use of common-sense methods in the treatment of these miserable and helpless rem nants of the first occupants of our country. It was during this period that Mrs. Jackson gathered much of the material used in the construction of Ramona and in her articles on the Missions and the Mission Indians. In 1884, Mr. Kinney was married to Miss Margaret, the daughter of Judge James D. Thornton, justice of the Supreme Court of California. In 1885 he was appointed chairman of the newly created board of forestry. Since that time Mr. Kinney has devoted much research and practical experi menting to the subject of forestry, particularly in its relation to the welfare of Southern California. In 1887 a tract of twenty acres, located on Santa Monica Heights, was donated to the state as a site for a Forestry Experimental Station in this section of the state. The board at once set apart a fund to be devoted to this purpose. Mr. Kinney took a keen interest in the experiments and prac tical working of this station and made an especially exhaustive study of Euca lypti, the results of which he later published. He was also instrumental in securing the initiation of National Forestry on a practical basis and in procur ing the legislation which set aside the forest reserves in California and in estab lishing the School of Forestry in connection with the University of Southern California. This school gave especial attention to the subjects of forestry in relation to water-sheds and preservation of forests, with lectures by such men as Abbot Kinney, A. H. Koebig, Henry Hawgood, J. B. Lippincott, T. S. Van Dyke and T. P. Lukens. Mr. Kinney is an unusual combination the practical man of affairs, look ing personally to his large interests and at the same time the student and thinker. He has been an investigator along many lines of thought and has pub lished several books as the result of his stud}-. In 1893, he issued " The Con quest of Death," dealing with a sociological subject, and " Tasks by Twilight," which sets forth some original theories as to the training of the young. As the author is the parent of five sons, he had practical data to deal with. He devoted much study to the workings of the Australian ballot system and published a pamphlet on this subject and earnestly advocated its adoption in this country. He has also published a strong argument on the tariff question ; made a study of climatology, particularly with reference to Santa Monica, and written many valuable lectures and monographs upon various topics. In all of his writing his use of English is direct and forcible and his course of reasoning clear and logical. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 329 He has served as president of the Southern California Academy of Science and of the Southern California Forest and Water Association ; and as vice- president of the American Forestry Association of California. In 1897 he was appointed by Governor Buck! as one of the Yosemite Park Commission, which made sweeping reforms in the conditions which had nearly destroyed the pleas ure of a visit to this wonder of the world. In all of his public work, Mr. Kin- ney has shown a broad public spirit and devotion to the 'general good. After a few years residence at " Kinneloa," Mr. Kinney found that the sea side air was better suited to his health than the foothills, and, in the early eighties, he purchased a home on Ocean avenue, Santa Monica. Since that time he has been closely associated with the development of the Santa Monica bay cities. In 1886 he formed a syndicate to purchase a large parcel of land on the north side of Santa Monica Canyon. Here, he proposed to make an ideal resi dence tract, with unsurpassed views of ocean, mountains and valley. Trees were planted, streets were laid out and a railroad planned. Later this tract was transferred to the Southern Pacific Company and furnished the site for the " long wharf." In 1888, Mr. Kinney was one of the organizers of the Santa Monica Im provement Company which built the Casino on North Third street and laid out the grounds and tennis courts about it. This was the forerunner of " Country Clubs " and was for years the center of tennis interests in Southern California. About this time he was appointed road commissioner in the district of Santa Monica and devoted much time and energy to the opening up and improvement of the roads of the vicinity. The boulevard to the Soldiers' Home was laid out under his supervision and during his administration he set out some nine miles of trees along the public roads and started them to growing a Herculean task in this country of sheep, squirrels, and other hungry varmints to say nothing of the lack of water. Mr. Kinney was a member of the first library board of Santa Monica and was also instrumental in establishing the public library at Pasadena and in pro viding a free library at the Soldiers' Home. About 1891 Mr. Kinney acquired an interest in a strip of ocean frontage, extending from the south boundary of the Lucas tract to the southern boundary of Ballona grant. This strip of sand was then considered worthless for any purpose whatever. But Mr. Kinney has imagination and foresight. In the face of many discouragements, he and his partner, F. G. Ryan, began putting up cottages and leasing lots in what was then known as South Santa Monica, because such lots on the sand could not be sold until their advantages were dem onstrated. Through their effort the Y. M. C. A. was induced to locate its sum mer home on this beach and the " Ocean Park " Association was formed. 330 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES Messrs. Kinney and Ryan planted out trees, planned parks and pavilions, wharfs and sidewalks, and, slowly, they developed what became, for a time at least, the most popular resort on the beach the old Ocean Park district. But there was still a stretch of sand to the south of the settled area whicli was apparently hopeless, as it was little more than a salt marsh. Drainage sug gested canals to Mr. Kinney, and he had a vision of a city that should equal in beauty and picturesqueness the Venice of his youthful enthusiasm. With the unfettered confidence of the progressive American in the power of mind and CREATING VENICE. money over material obstacles, he began the creation of an ideal city upon his salt marsh. The courage and the persistence with which he has met the many unforeseen obstacles, the misunderstanding, and the opposition of a small but bitter faction, makes the history of Venice of America the crowning achieve ment of Mr. Kinney 's long and active career in California. While the plans and the hopes of her projector have not all been fulfilled, Venice is already the most beautiful and the most unique pleasure resort on the Pacific coast. VENICE OF AMERICA. In January, 1904, the Ocean Park Improvement Company was dissolved and Mr. Kinney took over the unimproved and apparently worthless tract of land lying to the south of the Club House Tract and the Short Line Beach. When he began to talk of his plans for a city which should have canals for streets and HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 331 which should recall the most picturesque and romantic city of Europe in its features, the public was distinctly skeptical. " Kinney's dream " was a phrase heard on all sides, while the plans were taking form and the scheme was still in the paper stage. Still, as the plans were outlined, rumors of the new rival Lo " Alantic City " excited interest, although the doubters were in the ascendency. The first decided move was made when the Board of Supervisors were petitioned for the vacation and abandonment of that portion of the Ballona-Santa Monica road passing through the proposed city of Venice. On May loth, 1904, Mr. Kinney presented to the board of city trustees of Ocean Park a plat of Venice View tract, lying to the east and north of the Club House and containing 67 lots. Soon afterward Mr. F. V. Dunham was sent east to visit resorts, study plans and obtain ideas which might be of value in making the new city beautiful and attractive. June 21 st the first contract was let, that for the excavation of the grand canal which was to be 70 feet wide, 4 feet deep and half a mile long. Other canals were to extend from this canal and form a net woik. These canals were to be lined with concrete. The first spadeful of earth on the canal system was turned August I5th and thereafter an army of men and teams were em ployed in removing the tons of sand and earth necessary to make these water ways. The system was completed by the extension of a canal through from the Venice tract to the lagoon at Playa del Rey, the work being done by the property owners. June 27th the contract for the ship-hotel was let. This idea of a ship-hotel was regarded as chimerical, at first, by the public. But as the piers were set and the outlines became evident, interest was aroused and real estate men began to drop in to see what was going on. In July the contract for the electric light ing and power plant was let and soon afterward work began in preparation for building the pier. This was planned to be 1700 feet in length and thirty feet wide. The first timber was set September 5th and thereafter work was pushed as rapidly as men and material could be procured. December 5th ground was broken for the first building on Windward avenue St. Mark's Hotel. Already contracts for $300,000 worth of building had been let. By this time the newspapers and the public were fully alive to the fact that something was doing in Venice of America, and the interest increased as the greatness of the plans and the lavish expenditure of the projector became evident. It was reported that the sales in fourteen days during November amounted to $386,000 and lots were now rapidly changing hands. With 19x15 developments moved even more rapidly. Plans for an Audi torium on the pier, which was to be the finest building of the kind on the coast, began to take shape. It was announced that a Summer Assembly would be held here which should represent the best of modern thought and art. Speakers and artists and teachers, the best afforded by our country, were to be heard and the 332 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES summer was to be one long intellectual feast. Work on pier and buildings was rushed at even greater speed, for there was none too much time to complete the preparations. And then, during February and March, came the heaviest seas known on the Pacific coast for a generation. The Venice pier was wrecked, the pavilion and other buildings were badly damaged. At a low estimate the losses reached $50,000 and the public declared that the buildings over the water, as planned, would never be safe. But Mr. Kinney was not daunted. He immediately secured permission from the government to erect a breakwater at his own expense to protect his property. This the only private breakwater in the United States was constructed as soon as it was possible to do the work. It was made of rock, 500 feet in length, circular in form and extending 60 feet from the shore at a cost of about $100,000. It forms a safe refuge for small craft and for swimming. The rebuilding of the pier and the wrecked buildings was carried on at top speed. The present Audi torium, a beautiful building, perfect in its adaptation for public uses, with all the fittings of a modern theatre and a seating capacity of 3600. was ready for use on the date announced for the opening of the Assembly, July 2nd. It had been constructed in 28 days. Xo better example of the conquest of apparently un- surmountable difficulties has been shown in our business world. On June 3oth, the water was turned into the canals and as the waterways and lagoon were filled, for the first time, the magnificence of the design dawned upon the onlookers. On the evening of July 2nd the electric lights for illumina tion were turned on, 17,000 lamps being used. The effect was magical. During the day the great pipe organ in the Auditorium was dedicated by Clarence Eddy. On July 3rd, the day was given over to the workmen who had aided in creating Venice and July Fourth witnessed the greatest celebration of the day ever known in this part of the state. It was estimated that 40,000 people visited Venice during the day. There was music and speeches in the Assembly hall : music, swimming contests and fire works on the lagoon. The Venice Assembly under the direction of B. Fay Mills, held regular sessions during July and August. It was attended by large numbers of people and furnished a fine program of speakers, such as Joaquin Miller, Dr. Josiah Strong, N. O. Nelson and many others, beside furnishing instruction in many branches. To accommodate the people who attended it, the tent city was built along the canals and proved one of the most popular features of Venice fife. It was Mr. Kinney's hope to make this a center of education and culture and in pursuance of that purpose, for the winter season of 1905-6 Ellery's Band was engaged to furnish daily music : a large part of the foreign exhibits at the Portland fair were brought to Venice, and every effort was made to furnish high class entertainments. Sports of every kind were also provided for yacht races, tennis tournaments, swimming; bath horses and boat houses were built. To further attract the public arrangements were made to open the HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 333 Midway Plaisance and in November the contract was let for eleven buildings to accommodate this feature. It was opened to the public in January, 1906 and attracted a good deal of attention; but was not a finanical success. In May, 1906 Sarah Bernhardt, who would not submit to the demands of the American Theater Trust, played for three days in the Venice Auditorium and declared herself de lighted, with all the fervor of her ardent nature, with this playhouse over the waves. Venice was provided with the best of fire protection, a system of salt water under high pressure which is always on. It is only necessary to open the fire- hydrants in order to obtain an unlimited amount of water which can be put any- I,AKE (IV VENICE. where desired. The town is also well supplied with fresh water for domestic use. During 1906 the bath house on the lagoon and the dance Pavilion on the pier were built ; both of them beautiful buildings, complete in every detail. Twelve concrete bridges were built across the canals and lagoons and many street improvements were made. The streets and alley ways of Venice were dedicated to the city by its owner ; but this city within a city has its own fire protection and water system, its own sewer system and to a large extent its own police protection and street cleaning service. Much thought has been given to the beautifying of the streets and gardens of Venice. Suitable trees and plants have been placed along the borders of the canals and ornamental parks are a part of the scheme in its full treatment. A harbor for commerce and for a military base is also a part of the plan. 334 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES A special feature of Venice attractions is the social life of the community. The Country Club has always been a favorite resort for those who cared for sports. The tennis courts have been the scene of some brilliant social affairs. The afternoon teas of the ladies of the club are pleasant affairs. The Five Hundred Club is an organization of ladies which meets Monday afternoons at the Cabrillo for a social card game. The Sunshine Club, of which Mrs. J. M. White is president, meets once in two weeks to work for charitable purposes. The members of this unique little club are doing a good work and hold most enjoyable meetings. The society dances on Tuesday evenings at the pavilion have become a popular feature of Venice society and are attended by many outsiders. The children's dances, the swimming parties at the bath houses, the boating, are all features that add to the enjoyment of life. In January, 1907 the Venice Chamber of Commerce was organized with Dr. John Stanwood as president ; J. G. French first vice-president ; David Evans, second vice-president ; Lewis Bradt, secretary and R. A. Dullugge, treasurer. The directors were Abbot Kinney, J. D. Simpson, Dr. J. B. Sands, H. C. Mayes, F. E. Reid, R. A. Phillips, Henry Wildey. This organization has since its for mation taken an active part in everything pertaining to the welfare of Venice. It has been especially concerned in furthering Mr. Kinney 's plans for a deep-sea harbor. The Venice harbor will be the nearest to Los Angeles, the least costly to build, the easiest to enter and to leave, and the safest from storm of any on the Pacific Coast. The plans have been approved by the government and it is expected that they will be carried out in the near future. The Chamber of Commerce took a leading part in the effort for disincorporation ; in securing the location of a shoe factory, giving employment to thirty or more men, at Venice ; in the proposed boulevard from Los Angeles by way of Palms, in securing the Polytechnic High School, and in many other ways it has worked for the advance ment of the community. At its second annual meeting, the officers chosen were. Dr. J. A. Stanwood, president; J. G. French, first vice-president; H. P. Eakins. second vice-president; W. A. Rennie, secretary; R. A. Dullugge, treasurer. The executive committee consists of Abbot Kinney. H. WicHzer. H. C. Mayes, Dr. J. M. White, T. R. Taylor. C. A. Stavenow. PLAY A DEL REY. The ocean frontage of La Ballona Rancho was known in early days as Ballona Slough. It consisted of marshy fields, broken by sand dunes, ponds and lagoons of salt water, which were considered to be utterly worthless except as a home for ducks and other game birds. About 1870, Will Tell, a German of convivial propensities built a shack, almost on the spot now occupied by the Del Rev hotel, which he called " Tell's Lookout." For several years he kept up this establishment, advertising himself as agent for " Don Keller's native wines and brandies," and furnishing boats, guns and fishing tackle for his patrons. His HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 335 place was a favorite resort for Los Angeles sportsmen and many a party of distinguished guests partook of his native products and hunted duck in his boats. The locality was generally known as " Will Tell's " in those days. In 1877 Michael Duffy, another royal host who will be remembered by many old timers, opened " Hunter's Cottage " in Tell's old location and was " prepared to furnish sportsmen with board and lodging for man and beast ; guns, ammuni tions, boats and everything complete for hunter's outfit. Good fishing and bath ing in the vicinity. Come and enjoy a few days sport and I will use every means to make it pleasant for you." The flats of Ballona were looked upon as of value only to sportsmen until about 1885. The approach of the Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe railway, and the first rumblings of the approaching boom, brought many hitherto un dreamed of projects to the surface. One of these was the scheme of creating a harbor out of the lagoons of La Ballona slough. In the spring of 1886 the Ballona Harbor and improvement Company was organized by capitalists of Los Angeles, M. L. Wicks being the leading spirit in the enterprise at that time. Among the directors were James Campbell, F. Sabichi, H. W. Mills, E. H. Boyd, and Dr. Lotspeich. The capital stock of the company was $300,000, Hugh Crabbe, an engineer of national reputation, was engaged to plan the work. It was proposed to exca vate a channel 200 feet long by 300 wide which would let the tide into the lagoon at the point where Ballona creek entered the ocean. This, with dredging, would create an inner harbor two miles long and from 300 to 600 feet wide, with a depth of from six to twenty feet. It was declared that this harbor would float the fleets of the world. This harbor was to be the terminus of the Santa Fe, or Atlantic and Pacific, as it was then known, and was declared to be the nearest point to the Gulf of Mexico possible for an ocean port and 800 miles nearer to the Hawaian Islands than San Francisco. A franchise was granted to the Los Angeles and Santa Monica Railway, an oflfshoot of the Santa Fe, although or ganized by the members of the Ballona Harbor Company, to construct a wharf and ship canal at Ballona and work was begun during the year. The Los An geles Express comments on the work being done in December, 1886, and says, ' The hills around the harbor afford splendid sites for residences and will doubt less be rapidly covered with houses," a prediction which proved to be rather previous. Monday, August 2ist, 1887, the railroad line was completed and the first train brought an excursion party of about 300 people to inspect the harbor im provements and make speeches on the " great future " of this Port Ballona. A large amount of dredging was done and a large amount of money nearly $300,- ooo was spent during the three years in which work was carried on more or less spasmodically upon the proposed harbor. The directorate of the company changed, M. L. Wicks dropping out and Louis Mesmer, Juan Bernard and others 336 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES coming in. By July 4th, 1888, work had come to a standstill and only a watch man to guard the dredger and other property of the company was left on the ground. The Outlook in December, 1889, states that " The father of the Ballona Harbor scheme has been working on his pet project again. He is having the place cleaned up and getting ready to begin dredging again." But soon after ward a storm carried away the greater portion of the wharf and deposited it along the shore at Santa Monica where it was welcomed as firewood. The dredger and barges were then taken away and Port Ballona became a thing of the past. Many causes operated to make the scheme impracticable, the blue clay formation underneath the sand, the currents which brought sand back faster than it could be dredged out, and the failure of the Santa Fe system to co-operate with the projectors. A last echo of the Ballona Harbor Company was heard in 1892, when they entered a vigorous protest against the abandonment of the railroad right of way to Ballona and the removal of the rails from that branch by the Southern Cali fornia Railway Company. But the protest availed nothing the road to Ballona was taken up and a new line to Santa Monica took its place. For fifteen years after the abandoment of work upon the Port of Ballona, the lagoons and sand dunes remained a sportsman's paradise. The Recreation Gun Club purchased a large tract of the ocean frontage and the lagoons were only disturbed by the dipping of paddles and the echo of shot guns. Then came a new era of life for Ballona Slough. In June, 1902, it was announced that a company of capitalists had incor porated as the " Beach Land Company " and had purchased a thousand acres of land, including two and one-half miles of beach frontage from the Mesmer estate. This included the old Ballona Harbor. Among the incorporators were F. H. Rindge, M. H. Sherman, E. P. Clark, E. T. Earle, R. C. Gillis and a number of other prominent Southern California men. Henry P. Barbour was president of the company ; M. H. Sherman and Arthur H. Fleming, vice-presi dents ; A. I. Smith, secretary ; P. M. Green treasurer. The plans of this company were most elaborate. The new resort was to be named " Playa del Rev ", The King's Beach, or the King's Playground, as it was later translated. The Los Angeles-Pacific Company would at once build to the harbor, which was to be improved. A $200.000 hotel was proposed. Plans were made and plats completed under the direction of a landscape gardener. The company advertised their intentions liberally and the first sale of lots, July i6th, was a large one, many well known citizens being among the pur chasers. Work was at once begun on grading and improvements. October igth the electric road had cars running to Playa del Rev and a large number of excursionists visited the " King's Beach." Work continued steadily on the improvements during the next year. The lagoon, two miles long, of still water HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 337 for bathing and boating proved itself a popular feature even before its com pletion. Forty boats and gasoline launches were provided for the accommoda tion of patrons. During the year the Redondo line was completed thus opening up a new district, and providing railway facilities for residents of the beach south of the harbor. In December, 1903, it was announced that an auto mobile speedway from Los Angeles to Playa del Rey would be constructed under the auspices of the Southern California Automobile club. This boulevard would be eighteen miles in length, thirty feet wide and would be made the finest automobile road in the country. With the opening of 1904 the rush of improvements at Playa del Rey in creased. Plans were made for the pavilion, which was to be three stories in heighth, with restaurant and dining room, bowling alleys and dancing floor and ample provisions for picnic and banquets. Work on this structure was rushed and it was opened to the public with a grand celebration of the occasion, boat races, dancing, etc., on November 25th. The hotel Del Rey, a handsome structure containing fifty rooms was built this year by George A. Cook, a capitalist of Redlands who had become largely interested in Playa del Rey. Boat houses and bandstand were completed. A two story bank building had been erected and many handsome cottages had been completed along the lagoon and on the bluff. In June 1904 a post office was established at Playa del Rey, with Frank Lawton, lessee of the pavilion as postmaster. The electric line to Santa Monica was completed, thus giving a much improved car service, as the fare to Santa Monica was made five cents. It is estimated that the Beach Land Company and the Los Angeles-Pacific Company spent at least $200,000 on the foundation work for this resort. Six- hundred acres of sand beach, rolling dunes and lofty bluffs were graded and prepared for building permanent residences. In leveling lands and excavating for the lagoon, more than 700,000 cubic yards of sand were used for filling in purposes. Sidewalks were constructed along the beach and the lagoon ; a sewer system ; water system and electric lights provided. An unusually high class of buildings was put up and the expectation of the projectors were largely realized, yet much still remained to make the resort all that was hoped for. During 1905, two suspension bridges were thrown across the lagoon and an incline railway constructed to the top of Mount Ballona, as the bluff is known. In April, through the efforts largely of Joseph Mesmer, Playa del Rey school district was organized, with 26 children. 22 CHAPTER XII. PACIFIC BRANCH NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VETERANS. THE United States has made liberal provision for the support and care of her volunteer soldiers. After allowing them pensions and land bounties, it became evident as early as 1865 that a large class of disabled and elderly veterans required care and attention which could only be given in an insti tution especially adapted to the purpose. In consequence of this demand. Con gress passed an act establishing a National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, in 1865. Later branches of this home were established in various parts of the United States. These establishments are governed by a Board of Managers, subject to the supervision of the War Department. There are now ten Homes in the United States. In March, 1887, an act authorizing the establishment of the Pacific Coast branch was passed by congress and in November of that year a commission of which Gen. William B. Franklin, president of the National Board of Managers : Col. William Blanding, of San Francisco; Col. E. P. Brown, Gen. James S. Negley and six other members of the National Board, were members, met in San Francisco to consider the several propositions which had been made for sites for the new branch. A large number of propositions .were submitted from every section of the state. 'Many of these were generous in providing free land and other inducements to secure the Home ; but only two offers were made of a free site and also a cash bonus. The commissioners, after a careful consideration of the proposals, visited the various localities selected as worthy of serious consideration. A number of offers had been made from Southern California localities. One which presented many favorable points was near San Diego. Another very generous offer was that of the Inglewood-Centinella people. The choice in Southern California, however, soon narrowed down to two proposals, that of the Hesperia Land and Water Co., of San Bernardino county, offering 500 acres of land, with water, and $250,000 cash ; and that of Messrs. Jones, Baker and Wolfskill, offer ing 300 acres of land, a supply of water equal to 120,000 gallons per day, and $100,000 in cash to be expended in improving the grounds. The commission after going carefully over the land, investigating the sources of water supply and the conditions generally, were banqueted at the hotel Arcadia and left for the north. They left California without announcing a decision ; but before reaching Washington, they decided by a vote of eight to two, to accept the Santa Monica proposition. In December, 1887, Col. Charles HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 339 Treichel, of Philadelphia, was appointed governor of the new branch and in January, 1888, he arrived on the ground and took charge of the preparations for the establishment of the institution. The branches are all under the management of the National Board of Man agers, with a local manager and a corps of officers. The officials are always men who have served with honor as officers of the United States Army. Colonel Treichel, the first governor of the Pacific Branch, made a brilliant record with the Army of the Potomac. He was several time wounded, and the end of the war found him Major of the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry and Brevet Colonel of the U. S. Volunteers. Under his direction work was begun to supply the grounds selected as the site of the buildings with a sufficient amount of water from temporary wells, while the survey for a pipe line and reservoirs was made under the supervision of Col. Mendell, of the U. S. Survey force. By July 4th, the first building on the grounds, " Junipero cottage " was nearly ready for use by the governor and the flag pole was in place for the raising of the flag which marked the occupancy of the grounds by the U. S. government. The location of this branch has proved to be almost ideal. Owing to the failure of " boom " laid plans, the cash bonus was not paid to the govern ment by the Wolfskill ranch owners, but in lieu of this they placed at the disposal of the Home a tract of 330 acres, thus giving the government over 600 acres of land, a large part of which was tillable. The site chosen for the buildings was a gently sloping elevation, commanding a fine view, sheltered from winds of the north by mountains and open to the ocean breezes. It was planned to distribute the buildings in the form of a crescent, facing the south, and this general plan has been followed. The early appropriations were not large and at first the buildings were very simple in design and structure. The first barracks were completed in December, 1888, and were at once filled, a number of old soldiers having collected about the Home and been accom modated in camps until the buildings were ready. The dining hall and hospital were also built this year. Up to the present, eleven barracks have been put up. Each is two stories, surrounded on three sides by verandas and equipped with all modern conveniences. From 150 to 200 men are accommodated in each, under the government of one of their own number who is known as " Captain," who is responsible for the conduct and order of his building. The dining hall and kitchen have been several times enlarged. The kitchen is provided with every convenience for facilitating the work of pre paring three meals a day for from 1,000 to 1,500 people. The dining hall will now seat nearly a thousand men at a time. As the appropriations have come in from year to year, new buildings which provide for the comfort and happi ness of the old soldiers have been erected. For manv vears the librarv was 340 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES located in the Headquarters building; but in 1906 Markham Hall, a handsome structure was erected. On the lower floor is a beautiful and well appointed library and reading room. Above is an assembly room for the use of various societies and public meetings. In 1900 the chapel was erected. This is a pretty building, unique in that under one roof is a Protestant and a Catholic church separated by a thick wall. The organ in the Protestant chapel was prestend by T. H. Hatch, a member of the home a musician and composer. The new hospital, built in 1904, is most complete. Here the old veterans receive every attention that can be given in the best equipped of private hos pitals. A corps of nurses is employed. Ward Memorial Hall, built in 1898, provides a fully equipped stage and a pleasant gathering place for amusements, concerts, and so on. The buildings are all surrounded by carefully kept grounds, which are adorned with trees and flowers. This is one of the most beautifully arranged and kept parks in the country, and the climate gives perpetual bloom and greenness, making it a perennial garden of beauty. The many trees which have been set out on the Home grounds have now attained a fine growth and some of the long avenues through the reservation are delightful and enticing drives and walks. A large amount of hay and grain are raised on the place each year, beside all the vegetables and most of the fruit required for the table. Now the citrus fruit orchards are coming into bearing and considerable shipments of fruit are made beside supplying the Home. Fine stock cattle, horses and hogs, are kept and thus the Home is in part self-supporting. In 1903-4 the farm is reported as netting $25,069 to the institution. The postoffice at the Home was established October ist, 1889, wich Henry T. Lenty as postmaster. In 1895 it was made a money order office with all the facilities of a city office. A large amount of business is transacted yearly through this office, the money order department especially handling an unusual volume of business as many of the members send a portion, at least, of their pension funds to families. The Home is abundantly supplied with water for domestic use and for irrigation. The first arrangement was a series of reservoirs in Rustic canyon with a pipe line to the grounds. During the dry seasons of 1898-1900 this source of water supply proved insufficient and wells were put down. Later arrangements were made with the West Los Angeles Water Company to supply water and in 1905 the government made an appropriation for a storage reservoir to hold a million gallons of water. This is located on the Home grounds. An electric light and power plant was erected on the grounds and HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 341 furnished the needed '' juice " for the Home until 1902 when contracts were made with the Edison company to supply the service. Since the establishment of the Pacific Branch about $800,000 has been expended by the government in permanent improvements. The annual expendi tures of the institution average about $350,000. Between $200,000 and $360,000 is paid annually as pensions to the members of the Home. It will be seen that this means a large amount of money which is annually expended largely in Southern California and much of which is turned into local channels. Beside this, the beautiful grounds and the whole institution is a great attraction and one in which the people of Southern California and particularly of the Santa .Monica Bay Region take great pride. The first governor of the Pacific Branch, Col. Treichel, died March 28th, 1894, having always suffered from the effect of the wounds received during the war. He had shown himself an able man and had brought the institution safely through the most critical years of its existence and created a beautiful and orderly home, well managed and popular among the veterans of the west, for whose benefit it was intended. Col. Treichel had contended with many difficulties and obstacles in laying the foundations of so large an establish ment ; but he had given himself to the work with great devotion. Governor Treichel was succeeded by Col. J. G. Rowland, who remained in charge of the Pacific Branch until April, 1897, when he was transferred to the Leavenworth Branch and Col. A. G. Smith, of the Leavenworth Home, was brought here. Governor Smith was a strict disciplinarian and made many new rules and regulations which were intended for the general good ; but which some of the veterans felt were infringements of their personal liberty. The feeling against him was strong among a few of the members, although the majority believed that he had only the best good of the institution in view. On September 26th, 1898, Albert Bradley, who had previously shown symptoms of insanity, shot Governor Smith as he was passing through the grounds. It was feared at first that the wound would prove fatal ; but no vital point had been touched and Governor Smith recovered although never entirely restored to health again. After this unfortunate affair, he resigned and retired January 1st, 1899. He was succeeded by the present incumbent, General O. H. La Grange. October 2Oth, 1899, another tragedy startled and saddened Home circles. Major F. K. Upham had served as quartermaster and treasurer of the Pacific Branch since April 2Oth, 1895. He was genial, kind and lovable and most popular with the officers and the members. On this morning as he was pre paring to go to the railroad station for money to pay the employees, he acci dentally struck one of his pistols in such a manner as to discharge the contents 342 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES into his body and cause instant death. Great sorrow was felt by members of the Home, by officials and the public generally at this untimely loss. Major T. J. Cochran was appointed to fill the vacant place and still remains in the position. One of the best-known officers of the Home was Major H. G. Hasse, who for eighteen years filled the office of chief surgeon of the Home. In 1905 he resigned and his place was filled by the appointment of Dr. O. C. McXary, formerly of the Leavenworth Home. The first member admitted to the Pacific Branch was George Davis, late of Company B, I4th N. Y. Cavalry. He was transferred from the Dayton. SOLDIERS 1 HOME. Ohio, Home and came with Col. Treichel as his clerk. In December, 1888, a number of veterans who had gathered on the grounds in anticipation of the opening of the Home, were received into the barracks. In March, 1889, one hundred members of the Yountville, Cal., Home were brought to the new Home. The Yountville Home had been established in 1883 by private contri butions from the G. A. R. and Mexican Veterans' societies. The next year the state adopted it, allowing $150 for each veteran cared for by the institution. Later it passed under control of the United States government, and is still maintained as a home for members of the G. A. R. Applications for quarters in the Pacific Branch are always far in advance of the room, for the advantages of climate and favorable location attract many of the " old boys " from other parts of the United States. There are at present 3,619 members, of whom 2,088 are present. The death rate among these old HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 343 men is, of course large, yet it is small in this Home, when the age of the men is considered and also the fact that a large proportion of them have been in some manner disabled. At first the National Home was intended only for those veterans who had been so disabled that they were unable to earn a living, and who were dependent. The rules for admission have been gradually broadened until now any veteran who can show an honorable discharge can be received into the Home. Many avail themselves of the privilege temporarily or for only part of the time, thus receiving the benefits of hospital treatment and care when ill. Everything is done to make the institution as homelike as possible and to interfere with the personal liberty of the members as little as possible. Only such discipline as is absolutely necessary to obtain order in a large body of men is enforced. Members of the Home receive pensions, when entitled to them ; and as many as are able or desire it, receive employment about the Home, being paid for their services. A number of them have homes at Sawtelle and reside with their families, while receiving the benefits of membership in the Home. Two Grand Army Posts are maintained, -the John A. Martin Post and the Uncle Sam Post. A Masonic society and various other organizations are sustained by the members. Frequent entertainments are given for their benefit in the theater, assembly hall and churches, and the men entertain themselves with tales of their fighting and active days as they sit about the parks and the verandas of their barracks. An abundance of reading matter is supplied by the library and the members are many of them regular subscribers for maga zines and daily papers. In 1898, during the Spanish war excitement, a company of 500 was organized by the old soldiers and volunteered its services in case of need. Had this company of veterans been called into the field, it would have undoubtedly acquitted itself with credit beside younger men. After " pension day " a large number usually go out on furlough, and some of them spend their money foolishly. Every effort is made to protect them by the Home management and by the city and county officials, yet " blind pigs '' and disreputable places exist and the soldiers find them. The arrest of veterans are made much of by the newspapers and the public, yet the proportion of disorder is small and crimes are seldom committed by members of the Home. The passing of the veterans of the civil war is only a question of a comparatively few years now, and it is only just that every effort should be made by the government and the citizens of the United States to make these remaining years pleasant at least to provide all possible comforts and care, when necessary, for these heroes of the past. STEPHEN H. TAFT. CHAPTER XIII. SAWTELLE. THE lands now included in the thriving town of Sawtelle were originally a part of the San Vicente grant. Traces of the old adobe homes of the Sepulvedas ; the two springs because of which the name of Santa Monica was bestowed, and of the old burial ground of San Vicente rancho are found here. When, in 1896, Messrs. Sherman and Clark acquired the old Los Angeles and Pacific right of way and proposed to build an electric line to the beach, they asked the citizens of Santa Monica and the Jones and Baker interests for a cash subsidy to aid them in the work. In response to this request, Messrs. Jones and Baker donated to the company a tract of 225 acres, now included in the townsite of Sawtelle. Mr. Sherman soon offered to sell the land for cash as he said he couldn't build a railroad with land. Messrs. R. F. Jones and R. C. Gillis purchased this tract, which lay just south of the Soldier's Home. Up to that time there had been no settlers on this land, the only building being a shack at the railroad crossing which was known as Castle Garden. Messrs. Jones and Gillis considered the possibility of selling this land in small tracts to old soldiers and finally secured from the management of the Home permission for members to build houses and reside outside of the reservation without losing their mem bership in the Home. In 1896, Rev. S. H. Taft, who had had past experience in building up a town, having been the original proprietor of the beautiful town of Humboldt, Iowa and the founder and first president of the College of Humboldt, located in that town, was invited to inspect the land of the Pacific Land Company. He gave it as his opinion that it would be quite possible to develop a thriving community here, provided water could be obtained. The company was already putting down wells and was successful in obtaining a fine flow of water from two wells. They put up a 50,000 gallon tank and began to lay pipes and grade streets. In February. 1897, the company asked Mr. Taft to take charge of the new enterprise upon a commission basis. Mr. Taft consented to do so upon three conditions, 1st, That the company should fix a maximum and minimum price upon all lots and acreage in the plat surveyed ; and leave him at liberty to sell within the limits named. 2nd, That he should have absolute control of all sales and that no other parties should be given authority to make sales ; in case of the company selling lands he to receive his commission on same. 3rd, That Tiis control of the enterprise should continue for five years. Under this agreement Mr. Taft assumed charge and at once began the 346 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES erection of a cottage and office and the transformation of a barley field into a town. The original plat embraced between two and three hundred acres, un broken by any road except the electric line. The first work was to make a cross ing at Fourth street and a little later to secure the co-operation of Governor Smith of the Soldier's Home in opening up Fourth street from the Home build ings through the town plat and also the consent of the San Vicente grant owners to continue the road to the public road from Santa Monica to Los Angeles, thus giving a new and better road than had previously been available to the Home grounds. Trees were set out along Fourth street and other streets were graded and planted with ornamental trees. The office of the company was opened in " Lawn cottage," May ist, 1897 and almost immediately Mr. Laird completed a building on the block purchased FIRST HOUSE ERECTED IN SAWTELLE. 1897. by him at the corner of Oregon and Fourth, the first lots sold on the new town site. Mr. Laird opened here the first grocery store in the settlement. Mr. Taft at once took steps to secure a school district. He found in the fall of '97 that there were thirteen children of school age, but the law required fifteen before a district could be formed. Matters came to a standstill until Mr. Taft accidentally learned of a bee keeper who had a ranch about two miles north of the Soldier's Home. He at once drove up to the bee ranch and to his delight found that the bee man had four children of the necessary age. The next day Mr. Taft went before the supervisors with his petition and early in 1898 a new school district was set aside and named Barrett district, after Gen. A. W. Barrett, for many years local manager of the Home and an old friend of Mr. R. C. Gillis. A site was selected for a school house and an acre of ground for school purposes was purchased of the company for $150.00. During the summer a school house, 10 by 12 feet in size was erected on the east side of Fourth street and in September, 1898, the first school was opened, with Miss Goldsmith as teacher and with five pupils. Mr. Taft had also begun correspond- HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 347 ence to secure a post office for the new town. The postal authorities expressed a willingness to establish the post office but objected to the name " Barrett " on account of its similarity to Bassett. Mr. W. E. Sawtelle had lately become interested in the town and his name was suggested ; he consented to its use and it was sent on to the authorities who accepted it. This led to the change of name of the school district and town to Sawtelle. May 25th, 1899, tne editor of the Outlook, after a visit to Barrett Villa, writes : " Barrett is yet an infant in age, it being but twelve months since its lots were placed upon the market. But it is a stalwart youth in development and strength. It has several miles of neatly graded streets lined with young palms and other varieties of beautiful trees. It has a church, a model school house, a town hall, a nobby little depot and many beautiful cottages surrounded by well kept grounds. " Barrett is on the electric car line fifteen miles from Los Angeles and about three miles from Santa Monica. A spur of the Southern Pacific system extending to the Home, touches its eastern limits. " It lies three miles from The Palms and five miles from Ballona. Broad and fertile fields lie around it in all directions, and a few miles away is the Sierre Madre range of mountains with its towering cliffs, its rugged gulches and its beautiful canyons. Invigorating ocean breezes tempered by a sweep over the land, give it an irreproachable all the year climate. A broad extent of ocean is visible in one direction, and the city of Los Angeles is in view on the opposite side. Underlying strata at a depth of about 70 feet furnish an in- exhausitable supply of pure soft water. The surface soil is perfectly adapted to the growth of the lemon and the deciduous fruits, all ornamental trees that adorn Southern California, small fruits, flowering shrubs and plants of every variety, lawns, and garden vegetables. " Barrett's many advantages are easily set forth. They are : '' Its beautiful location ; its accessibility and low rates of fart either from city or seashore : it pure water supply ; its adaptability to vegetable growth of every character : its school and church privileges. " The moderate price asked for building sites and acreage and the liberal terms of payment granted ; its peculiar and unequaled climatic advantages: its proximity to one of the most interesting National institutions the Veteran's Home, with its 2000 members. Several prominent citizens both of Los An geles and Santa Monica have already purchased lots here and will at once begin improvements upon them. Among these is Mr. Sawtelle of the latter place, who has already beautified a block on one of the principal streets." The Pacific Land Company had fixed the prices for land at from $80 to $100 for inside lots; $150 to $200 for corner lots and acreage from $150 to $200. A considerable number of old soldiers availed themselves of these prices 348 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES to obtain lots or acreage, many of them buying on the installment plan and paying as their pension money came in. It was noticeable that some men who had hitherto squandered their money in dissipation now purchased land and be came valuable citizens. Many families of veterans and widows also secured little homes here. Mr. Taft wrote a series of articles for the press setting forth the opportunities offered in the new settlement for obtaining homes and also sent out many circulars which attracted attention. As the town has grown and increased in population, values have also increased very rapidly. Many of the original settlers have now disappeared, having sold out to advantage, or lost their holdings. The town was within the mile and a half limit for saloons PUBLIC SCHOOL. SAWTELLE. imposed by the government for the Soldiers' Home, therefore no saloons could be legally maintained within it. This was also an inducement to early settlers. During 1899 a school house was built on the land purchased for the school at a cost of $600. This original building is included in the present building, which has been erected at different times as the room was required. July 4th, 1899, the name of the town was formally changed to Sawtelle. At the same time a flag was raised on a sixty foot pole, erected in the park, which was given the name of Gillis park. A school bell which had been purchased by the con tributions of the Pacific Land Company and many citizens and soldiers, was put in place and rung for the first time. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 349 The electric people had erected a neat depot and the Holiness church had secured a building on lots at the corner of Second street and Indiana avenue ; a number of cottages had been erected and several stores had been opened ; among the first merchants were Mr. Shull of the Shull Hardware store ; F. n. McComas; Farley Brothers and Wyant, who built Wyant hall. During 1899 Mr. W. E. Sawtelle became interested in the Pacific Land Company and in 1900 he superseded Mr. Taft as manager of the company and has since been the chief spirit in the various improvements and the steady ad vance made by the town of Sawtelle. At the beginning of 1901 about one hundred families had located within the limits of the new town and ten new houses were then in course of construction. Two churches, the Holiness and the Free Methodist had been organized and the Holiness people had secured lots and erected a chapel. The town had a full complement of business houses and the volume of business was surprisingly large. During the year several new blocks were laid out and many sidewalks were laid, streets graded and other improvements made. In February, 1901, the Pacific Veteran-Enterprise, was founded by Mr. A. A. Bynon, who later sold the plant to Mr. Fitzgerald. In April, 1902, Miss Susie Pierson Miller became the editor, a position which she still fills. The fact that water could be obtained almost anywhere in the vicinity of the town by putting down a well and that the soil was fertile and easily worked, made it possible for purchasers of acreage, or even of lots, to raise garden stuff, potatoes, small fruits, and so on, to advantage ; while every house is surrounded by flowers and shrubbery. The raising of beans has proved most profitable. Almost every property owner in the vicinity of Sawtelle finds it possible to make a living at least, off from a very small tract of land. This has been the chief reason for the rapid settlement of this locality. The Lindsey tract of 100 acres, the Pacific Farms tract and later the Artesian tract have been added to the original town site of Sawtelle, thus largely increasing its acreage. In 1902 the population was estimated at 500 and more school room became necessary. Bonds to the amount of $4,500 were voted for an addition to the building. In 1903 The Pacific Land Company built a two story brick building which contained several stores. In March, the Santa Monica Bank opened its Sawtelle branch in one of these rooms under the management of Mr. Schuyler Cole. The Sawtelle Water Company was incorporated this year with W. E. Sawtelle, W. T. Gillis, J. E. Miles, B. A. Nebeker and A. M. Jameson as directors. 1904 opened with a sensational bank robbery and a destructive fire which, on January 27th swept away several buildings on Fourth street. This year C. B. Irvine started the Sawtelle Sentinel, an enterprising weekly, which is now published by Henry Schultz. The town was now well supplied with religious organizations, the Baptist, Methodist, Christian and Seventh Day Adventists having formed churches. A Women's Christian Temperance Union, and a 350 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA I5AY CITIES number of Lodges and Orders had organizations also. The town had now acquired such a population and importance that its citizens began to discuss the propriety of incorporation. Fire protection was needed and some better method of controlling the influx of gamblers and " blind pigs " which had followed Santa Monica's house cleaning efforts. The matter was discussed for more than a year before any decisive action was taken. The Sawtelle Improvement Association was formed during the year and took an active part in the effort to secure incorporation. At a mass meeting held January 6th, 1905, W. P>. B. Taylor, S. H. Taft, O. W. Jewett, Henry Schulz and others urged the matter. The question came to vote on August I5th, 1905 and was lost by a vote of 79 for to 130 against. A good deal of feeling and excitement arose over the result. It was proposed that Sawtelle seek annexation with Santa Monica, since she would not establish an adequate government of her own. Petitions to this effect were circulated and the idea was discussed by the Improvement Associa tion ; but nothing further came of the proposition. In 1906 the question of incorporation was again opened. Sawtelle now had a population of 1500 and the necessity for a better form of government was pressing. After a public meeting where the pros and cons were fully rJiscUssed, officers for the new town were nominated and on November i6th, 1906 another vote was taken which resulted 241 votes for incorporation and 58 against it. The trustees chosen were C. J. Nellis, chairman ; E. E. Muclge, F. C. Langdon, J. E. Osburne and A. J. Stoner; clerk, Leroy Fallis ; treasurer, George W. Wiseman ; marshal, J. P. Keener ; W. B. B. Taylor was appointed city attorney and O. W. Jewett was appointed city recorder. The incorporation included a territory a mile square and extending to the town limits of Santa Monica on the west. The new government has not been able to entirely satisfy all and there has been talk among the dis-satisfied of dis-incorporation ; but this is merely talk and the town will continue to advance not retrograde. During 1906 Mr. F. E. Bundy erected a handsome two-story brick building on Oregon avenue and several other business blocks were added. The Citizens State Bank was established in 1906, its officers being R. F. McClellan, president : W. E. Sawtelle, vice-president; H. W. Crane, cashier; directors, R. F. McClellan, L. D. Loomis, J. L. Brady, D. L. Allen. Many pretty residences were built and the town made rapid advance. The opening up of the Westgate section and the building of the Westgate branch of the electric line brought rapid develop ment in that direction. Naturally the location of Sawtelle in close proximity to the Soldiers' Home has been an important factor in its substantial growth. As the nearest business point a portion of large sums annually distributed as pensions is spent among its business houses, and the traffic and trade of the veterans and their friends has formed a solid basis for the prosperity of the town, which now numbers about 2,000 inhabitants. A. H. WYAXT. 352 HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. November 5th, 1901 a meeting was held in Wyant's hall for the purpose of organizing a Baptist church in Sawtelle. After prayer by Rev. E. K. Cooper, a veteran, A. A. Bynon was elected chairman and T. R. Gabel, clerk. Sixteen persons then enrolled their names as members. Arrangements were at once made for the first service, which was held in Wyant's hall, Sunday morning, November loth, Rev. George Taylor of Pasadena, officiating, and preaching to an interested congregation. The following Sunday the first converts, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cox were baptized, this being the first time the ordinance was ad ministered. On December ist permanent organization was effected and Rev. George Taylor became the pastor in charge. A. H. Wyant and S. S. Sprague were the first deacons and A. A. Bynon, J. W. Cox, F. Peaslee, W. E. Haskins, J. B. Goff, were the first trustees. The first church clerk, T. R. Gabel, was then postmaster and station agent of the Los Angeles-Pacific road. His efficient ser vices in the early history of the church were of great value. His promotion to the position of general manager of the electric road, removed a valuable member from this church. May 8th, 1902, the organization was incorporated and immediately purchased lots on the corner of Sixth street and Oregon avenue. On July 4th, 1902, Pastor Taylor hauled the first load of brick for the foundation from Inglewood in his buggy. Work was at once begun upon the structure which was completed and dedicated during the years. The church has steadily increased in strength and membership under the services of Rev. Taylor who is assisted ably by his wife and son, W. B. B. Taylor. The present membership of the church is 144. of whom 26 have been received by baptism. PALMS. Palms is located five miles east of Santa Monica on land formerly a part of La Ballona grant. In early days this section was used as grazing land for sheep and cattle by the Machados. After the building of the Los Angeles and Independence railway a section house was located here which was known as " Grasshopper station." In the seventies the store of Saenz & Higuera was established at what is now First and Washington streets, Palms, and was known as the " Half-way house." Here a postoffice known as Machado was located for many years. This was the first business and is now the oldest business establishment of Palms. Mr. Saenz purchased a considerable tract of land in the vicinity and was one of the first ranchers of the neighborhood. Other ranchers who located here in the later seventies or early eighties were Isaac Beyer, and George Rose, son of Anderson Rose, who was the first American settler on La Ballona and was, for many years, an extensive rancher, carrying on a large dairy farm and raising blooded stock. Enoch Griffin. George Charnock, Mrs. Eliza Hoke, Gilbert Kidson, Professor J. M. Coyner HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 353 and other farmers located in this vicinity in the eighties. With the approach of the boom other lands were sold to newcomers and in 1887 Messrs. E. H. Swectser and Joseph Curtis bought a tract of 560 acres and at once laid out the townsite of " Palms.'' They began making improvements and a local paper describes the situation thus: " The local of this paper the other day had a look at the ' Palms,' an incipient town on the line of the S. P. road, some five miles from Santa Monica. It is no longer a misnomer as the proprietors have planted two large palms near the depot and some 160 plants on the various driveways. A force is grading the streets and we are told that it is the intention to plant all the avenues with shade trees of various kinds. The large reservoir which holds 150,000 gallons, is completed and a prospect hole has been sunk to test the water supply beneath the ground. A large quantity of water has been found and a well 6 by 10 feet will be dug, so as to place the pump near the water. A large steam pump will make it easy to lift the water up to the reservoir, which is placed on an elevation, from which there will be good pressure over the entire townsite. Quite a lot of property has been sold, and' six houses, including a store room, have been built." A very lively real estate campaign followed. The Woman's Ballona Company was organized in May, 1888, to buy, improve and sell lands of the Palms district, the directors being Mrs. Ella L. Baxter, Miss Florence Dunham, Florence A. Barnes, Mrs. Jane Pascoe and Mrs. Isabel Cook, all of Los Angeles. They had a capital stock of $14,400, but nothing is said of the amount actually paid in. Another woman's organization which was ambitious for those days was the " Woman's Palms Syndicate," which proposed to acquire, improve and sell certain lands in Palms and which numbered among its directors some well-known Los Angeles women of the time. Messrs. Sweetzer and Curtis were more successful in their promotion than many of the boomers of that day. They struck an abundant supply of water and the soil of the lands included in the townsite was responsive to water and labor. Mr. Curtis erected a handsome home which was soon surrounded by beautiful grounds. A school district was formed and a $10,000 school house was put up. A neat hotel, known for years as Palms Villa was built. This building is now the residence of Mr. E. M. Kimball. St. Augustin's, a pretty Catholic chapel, had been put up in 1887 to accommodate the people of Ballona ; a Congregational church was built and the United Brethren erected a neat little church. The Southern Pacific added a neat depot for the thriving little settle ment. Although the collapse of the boom retarded the growth of Palms, it did not cease to exist, like many other communities. In 1895 considerable improvement was made in the quiet little town by 23 n. \v. HV.YETT. HISTORY OF SANTA MONICA BAY CITIES 355 the erection of several new residences and an influx of new residents. About this time a rural deliver}- route was started out from Palms. One of the first agents was Mrs. George Lyons, who worked up a fine route. She was suc ceeded by A. F. Bryant who extended the delivery system until it covered a route of twenty-five miles with a list of 800 patrons. The extension of Los Angeles city boundaries has materially affected the territory of the Palms postoffice, however. The building of a branch of the Los Angeles- Pacific road through Palms in 1902 gave new life to the town. Within a short time twenty new families had moved in and since that date progress has been rapid. The Palms Light and Water Company was incorporated with W. R. Wheat, C. N. Garey, M. R. King. A. J. Forbel, F. B. Clark, Jr., J. B. Valla, E. S. Shanks, as directors, and purchased a tract of 379 acres to furnish a water supply for domestic purposes and for irrigation. During IQOI, F. E. Schueddig had begun on a small scale the manufacture of eucalyptus oil and produced a triple distilled article which was unequalled on the market. In 1906 he put up a new building for his manufactory, which is now shipping eucalyptus products to all parts of the United States. The vear 1907 has been marked by a strong advance, a re-awakening, as it were, of the quiet village. Early in January a Chamber of Commerce was organized with C. X. Gary, president ; S. C. Perrine, secretary ; Arthur J. Stinton, treasurer. January 22nd was a memorable day because of the ban quet tendered the new organization by C. N. Gary, at the ship hotel, Cabrillo, Venice. One hundred and seventy-two men sat down to the feast and listened to stirring talk on the future development of Palms. The Palms News, a neatly printed and lively sheet, sent out its first number December 22, 1906, S. C. Perrine and W. G. Rennie, proprietors. The paper is now printed in the establishment of King, Geach & Co., which is doing a large job printing business. A neat one-story brick building has been erected for this company and is now occupied by them as a printing plant. In August a branch of the Citizens State Bank of Sawtelle was opened in Palms, located first in the office of I. C. Butler, but on the completion of a handsome two-story brick building by the Woodmen of the World, the bank moved into a corner room especially- arranged for its use. The building contains a fraternal hall and two store rooms beside a number of offices upstairs. Several other business buildings and a number of residences have been erected since the beginning of 1906. EDWIN W. DIKE. Biographical. EDWIN W. DIKE, retired, a highly esteemed citizen of Santa Monica, is a native of Vermont, born in the town of Chittenden, Rutland County, February 10th, 1820. He is the son of Dan Dike, a native of the same town and a farmer by occupation, living there the greater portion of his life, sub sequently removing to St. Lawrence County, N. Y., where he died at the age of about eighty-three years. The father of Dan Dike, Jonathan Alexander Dike, was a native of Tolland, Conn., and his father was a Revolutionary soldier. Mr. Dike's maternal grandfather was Thomas Mitchell, who lived at Taunton, Mass., then a suburb but now a part of the city of Boston. Mr. Dike's maternal great grandfather was a Howard by birth, a Scotchman, but by choice and instinct an American patriot. He was an active member of the historic "Boston Tea Party" that indignantly threw overboard quantities of tea from a merchant vessel into the waters of Boston harbor in 1774 because of the arbitrary and un just taxation of the English government. Edwin W. Dike was reared on the home farm, received an excellent educa tion in local public schools and finished at Burr Seminary, Manchester, Vt. From the farm he went into a general store at Brandon, Vt., where he spent four years and acquired a practical knowledge of business methods. Later he took up mechanics, became a wood and iron worker and held a responsible posi tion in the shops of the Rutland & Burlington Ry. Co. for six years, later became assistant master mechanic of the Burlington division of the same road for four years. He then purchased an interest in the Cove Machine Company, at Provi dence, R. I., and assumed management of the same, making a specialty of the manufacture of calico printing and bleaching machinery. By reason of failing health he disposed of his interests and in 1857 came west to Faribault, Rice County, Minn., where, with the accumulations of past years of enterprise and industry, he embarked in the money loaning business. He also acted as pur chasing agent for a Baltimore house, extensive exporters of ginseng to China and for them did a large business. The country was then new and infested with bands of hostile and warlike Sioux Indians. During the historic Indian uprisings throughout west and northwest Minnesota, in 1863 in which upwards of seven hundred white men, women and children were massacred Mr. Dike took an active part in the defense of the settlers and in the final punishment of the murder ous savages. After the battle of Wood Lake, about four hundred of these Indians were taken as prisoners to Mankato and there tried by court martial. Two 358 BIOGRAPHICAL hundred of them were convicted and condemned to death. After a careful and deliberate review of the case by President Lincoln, he decided that forty of them should be hung. By reason of extenuating circumstances two of the forty were finally reprieved, and Mr. Dike was appointed one of the citizen marshals to execute these thirty-eight Sioux warriors at Mankato. This unpleasant duty was promptly performed according to law. They were all hanged until dead at one and the same time from one gallows. Later, for a time, Mr. Dike assumed management of a flour mill, the property of a cousin, Major W. H. Dike Major of the First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. He was a pioneer mill owner of the great west, and among the first to ship flour to the eastern markets from the State of Minnesota. In 1873 Mr. Dike was appointed Treasurer of the State of Minnesota by Governor Horace Austin to take the place of a defaulting treasurer, and removed to St. Paul, the state capital. Upon assuming charge of the state treasury, Mr. Dike evolved and put into use an entirely new system of bookkeeping, by which he was enabled to de termine the nominal condition of the state finances at the close of each day's business and make technically accurate balances of all his accounts at the end of every month. These reports were published in the leading newspapers of the state. He was the first state treasurer to deposit the state's funds in national banks, receiving interest on daily balances, a new source of revenue to the state which, during his administration, amounted to about $9,600. At the time of the historic Jay Cook failure, which precipitated a financial panic throughout the country, Mr. Dike assured his bankers that the state's funds upwards of three quarters of a million dollars would remain with them on deposit. This declaration effectually restored confidence and safely held the impending crisis in check at St. Paul, the then financial center of the great Northwest. During his term of one year's incumbency by appointment, Mr. Dike inaugu rated other salutary reforms and discharged the duties of the office with such marked ability and fidelity as to demand, by the people, his election to succeed himself. At the solicitation of his friends he ran as an independent candidate on an independent reform ticket and the following editorial paragraph that ap peared in the St. Paul Daily Pioneer Press, published prior to holding the Repub lican convention, expresses the sentiments published in many other leading news papers throughout the state : "There seems to be a universal sentiment favoring Mr. E. W. Dike, the pres ent incumbent, for treasurer. He took possession of the office when its affairs were in a most disorganized condition, and when he was hampered by newly passed, untried and seemingly contradictory laws, and in a very short timebrought order out of chaos. His sole desire seems to be to do his duty as he interprets this duty in the interests of the state and not to meet the exigencies of a spec ulative relationship. The treasury needs the guidance of (what Mr. Dike is) an honest man. He has to a wonderful degree the confidence of the people and BIOGRAPHICAL 359 we shall be greatly disappointed in the wisdom and good sense of the Convention if it fails to nominate him by acclamation. No name could add more strength to the ticket." Mr. Dike's friends loyally supported him, purely by the reason of the en viable record he had made as a faithful and able public servant, for his strict integrity and his splendid personality. After one of the most momentous and memorable campaigns in the history of the state, he was elected over his Repub lican opponent by a majority of four thousand votes, while the balance of the Republican ticket was elected by a majority of eight thousand. This was a great personal triumph for Mr. Dike. He served under the administration of three governors of Minnesota Horace Austin, Cushman K. Davis and John S. Pillsbury. During his incumbency as state treasurer, Mr. Dike married Mrs. Julia C. Smith, nee Robinson, of Woodstock, 111., a daughter of David W. Robinson, a prominent citizen of that city. She is a lady of charming social attainments and foremost in all worthy charitable work. They resided in Woodstock from 1876 to 1899. In 1883 Mr. Dike was appointed by President Arthur one of three United States Commissioners to inspect the western one hundred and fifty miles of the Santa Fe Railroad, then terminating at Needles, California. After per forming this duty, he traveled somewhat in the state, visiting Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and other cities. He returned to Woodstock and there remained until 1899 and in 1900 he permanently came to Santa Monica, where he has made substantial investments. He is a stockholder in the Santa Monica Investment Co., one of the strong financial institutions of the city and is (1908) its vice president. Mr. Dike is a man of high ideals and strong personality inherited from a sturdy ancestry that dates back to the early history of this country, and rounded out by a long and eventful career of individual endeavor. He is one of Santa Monica's most substantial and loyal citizens. Hale and hearty at the age of eighty-eight, he has retired from active business and enjoys the personal confi dence and esteem of a wide circle of friends. Mrs. Dike is active in social and club circles and lends her influence to all worthy charitable movements. Their home, Violet Cottage, is one of the many pretty residences of Santa Monica, and is located at No. 1138 Third Street. JOSEPH H. CLARK was born in Corning, N. Y., and there grew to vigorous young manhood, forming the foundation of what was destined to be a brilliant business career. Feeling that his native town did not offer sufficient induce ments to a young man starting out in life, Mr. Clark sought a broader field for his labors, and removed to Minneapolis, Minnesota, which place has been the scene of his active business career. Beginning with less than two hundred dollars in cash, Mr. Clark, through unremitting industry, rare good judgment and in- 360 BIOGRAPHICAL sight into affairs of a business nature, amassed a considerable fortune in a com paratively short period of time. He became closely connected with several of the banks, also the great milling corporations of the city. He was one of the organizers of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce and retained his mem bership in this institution until his removal from Minneapolis. Mr. Clark retired from active business life in 1892 and became a resident of Santa Monica in 1894 where he and his family have since resided, having built a home on the coiner of Fifth Street and Nevada Avenue. He has always taken a strong interest in the welfare of Santa Monica. It was through his, and Mrs. Clark's efforts, that the Carnegie Free Public Library was secured and located on the corner of Fifth Street and Oregon Avenue in 1903. Mr. Clark placed a fine Esty pipe organ in the First Presbyterian Church corner of Third Street and Arizona Avenue, in 1907, in memory of his son. He is one of the stockholders and directors of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Los Angeles. ARCHIE F. JOHNSTON, late a prominent and successful merchant, Santa Monica, was a native of Pittsburg, Pa., born January 12th, 1863, a son of John M. Johnston, a farmer by occupation, now retired from active business. His -mother was Mary A. Forrister, a daughter of Archibald Forrister, of Edinburgh, Scotland. He was a shipbuilder by trade in Pittsburg, Pa., with a home at Bakerstown, then a suburb, where the subject of this sketch was born. About 1873 the family moved to Peoria, 111., and near that city owned and lived on what was known as the Hickory Grove Farm. They came to California in April, 1886 and located in Santa Monica. Here Mr. Johnston found employment as salesman for H. A. Winslow, who was then engaged in the grocery business. Later he became manager for Mrs. M. E. Chapin who was, for several years, a leading merchant of Santa Monica. He occupied this position for seven years and then, associated with Mr. George Baum, purchased the business. This business was conducted for two years under the firm name of Johnston & Baum. In 1900, Mr. Johnston became sole owner and as such built up an extensive and profitable business. In September, 1906, the concern was incorporated as the A. F. Johnston Company, of which Mr. Johnston was president, C. W. Rogers, vice president; Harry Cowles, secretary. The firm removed to the Johnston Building, Mr. Johnston's personal property, in January, 1906. By reason of impaired health, incident to many years of close attention to business, Mr. Johnston at this time practically retired from active management of the company's affairs and indulged in a needed rest. In March, 1908, he left home to make a trip into Josephine County, Oregon, to look after some acquired mining interests. While nearing his journey's end, in crossing the rapids of the Illinois River, the boat became unmanageable, capsized and he met an untimely death by drowning. The sad intelligence of this catastrophe reached the family the following day and greatly shocked the entire community BIOGRAPHICAL 361 where he was so widely and popularly known. After a most diligent search for just a month his body was recovered, but in such a condition as to render burial at home impossible. In the death of Archie F. Johnston, Santa Monica sustianed a loss of one of her most substantial, popular and useful citizens a loss which, at the time, seemed irreparable. In 1890 Mr. Johnston married Miss Katherine I., a daughter of Thomas Elliott, one of Santa Monica's best known and highly respected pioneers. Mr. Johnston assiduously devoted himself to the building up of a very substantial business and a comfortable estate. His social temperament, courteous manner, and keen sense of honor made his friends legion and extended his popularity as a merchant and citizen. For four years, from 1903 to 1907, inclusive, he served on the Santa Monica City Board of Trustees and proved a most energetic, faith ful and progressive servant of the people, his policy and efforts meeting the unqualified and hearty endorsement of the public. Mr. Johnston was a charter member of the B. P. O. E. and of the K. of P., Santa Monica lodges. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, Fraternal Brotherhood and Maccabees. He was also an active and influential member of the Santa Monica Board of Trade. GEORGE H. HUTTON, Judge of the Superior Court of the State of Califoinia in and for Los Angeles County, elected in November, 1906, is a product of the frigid north where his childhood was spent as a ward of his uncle, Reverend George H. Bridgman, President of Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota, at which institution he received his academic education. At the State University of Minnesota he received his legal education and was from there admitted to practice in 1893 and the came year became the assistant attorney or general trial lawyer for the Minneapolis & St. Paul Railroad, which por.ition he held until his removal to California in 1897, when he located and engaged in the practice of his profession at Santa Monica. He had, up to the time of his elevation to the bench, been actively engaged in his profession and had attained more than ordinary success as a lawyer, being widely known in Los Angeles County and throughout Southern California. He was for several years the general attorney for the vest and varied interests of Ex-Senator John P. Jones, and attorney and trustee under the will of the late Andrew J. W. Keating, who left a fortune which during Judge Hutton's trusteeship has increased in bulk from less than a quarter million to nearly two million dollars. He has been an extensive traveler and knows the American continent better than most men and is at home anywhere from Alaska, where he caught trout; to Washington, D. C., where he has appeared as attorney before the United States Supreme Court. He believes in the great west, its present and future and has contributed to various well known western magazines and other publications to Out West, 362 BIOGRAPHICAL The West Coast, Pacific Monthly his favorite themes being "California Missions," "Early Religions," "Education" and "Agriculture." He is a public speaker of note and his oration at the funeral of Senator Patton, at Ocean Park, in December of 1906, was a classic in all that the word implies. He is a prominent member of the Masonic Order, the Knights of Pythias and the Elks ; of religious and public spirit, ever ready to give his energetic support to any movement tending to the betterment of improvement of the religious, moral and municipal conditions of the community. Judge Hutton possesses ability, dignity, firmness and courage, and is clear and direct in his statements ; his decisions are well considered and he has by these qualities and his uniform courtesy and patience earned the good will and confi dence of the members of Los Angeles bar; while on the bench he is quiet and reserved and conducts his court with dignity. In chambers he is genial, cordial and approachable and in private life social and friendly. He will be thirty-seven years old August Sth of this year (1907). In 1897 he was united in marriage to Dolores Egleston, a daughter of S. J. Egleston, one of the founders of the City of Spencer, Clay County, Iowa. They have one son, George Robert Egleston Hutton, eight years old, the pride of his parents and the central attraction of a home that Judge Hutton finds to be the brightest spot on earth and where he spends his leisure hours to the exclusion of society or politics. He is a man of stern and strict habits whose life is dominated by two leading desires first, to enjoy his home and family and second, to succeed in his profession. He is possessed of a most unusual memory and rarely forgets the doctrine of any case he has once studied. Since his elevation to the bench he has impressed the bar and the public with his persistent and untiring diligence, with his keen analysis of facts, his clear perception of the truth and his tireless search for every possible legal principle that might aid him in reaching a correct and accurate conclusion REV. PATRICK HAWE, parish priest of Santa Monica, was born at the home farm of John and Bridget (Feehan) Hawe, County Kilkenny, Ireland, in the year 1847, one of seven children. At sixteen years of age he was sent to the Classical Academy of the Carmelites, from which he graduated three years later. He then took a five years' course of study in All Hallows College, Dublin, Ireland, and graduated from the Department of Philosophy and Theology in the year 1872. The ordination service consecrating him to the priesthood took place June 24th, 1872, at All Hallows and was presided over by Bishop Whalen, Bishop of Bombay, India. He came at once to California and was appointed to the diocese of Monterey and Los Angeles. For two months he assisted in the San Bernardino parish and for a year following was stationed at San Buena Ventura, followed by one year in the parish of San Luis Obispo. Subsequently, he spent nine years under the late lamented Father Joaquin Adam, V. G., at the Church BIOGRAPHICAL 363 of the Holy Cross, Santa Cruz. After a year as assistant to Father Villa, at Santa Barbara, he returned to San Bernardino for a similar period. From there he was stationed at St. Boniface parish, Anaheim, and while here erected the parochial residence. In May, 1886, he was appointed rector at Santa Monica church. Santa Monica was, at that time, a small town of about nine hundred people and the church had never had a resident priest, the work having been sustained by itinerant priests. Under Father Hawe's ministrations the parish has become one of thrift and importance. He has made material improvements in the church edifice, and he built the present parochial residence. The splendid Academy of the Holy Names was built in 1900 and dedicated February 22nd, 1901. In 1886, the parish at the Palms was organized and the present church edifice was erected by Father Hawe. He attended to the needs of the con gregation until 1904, when it was made a mission church of the new parish of Ocean Park, of which Rev. M. L. Hennesy is rector. Father Hawe also held services at the Soldiers' Home in the early days of that institution, meeting in the old Assembly Hall. Later he effected a church organization there and erected a church edifice with funds supplied by the government. In the summer of 1902, Father Hawe held the first Catholic services at Ocean Park. Having no church edifice his people convened in the then Kinney Hall. In 1904 he built the present spacious and imposing church, and upon its completion placed it under the control of Rev. M. L. Hennesy, who organized the parish. Thus Father Hawe has devoted the best thirty-six years of his life to the spiritual uplifting and well being of his people in and about Santa Monica where he has diawn about himself a wide circle of friends. CHARLES E. TOWNER, one of the active, well known and successful pioneers of Santa Monica, is a native of Michigan, born at Homer, December 2nd, 1849. His father was John M. Towner, a native of North Adams, Berkshire County, Mass., and his mother was Emily D. Robinson, born and reared in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. Towner raised a family of five children Henry C., born at Ballston Spa, Saratoga County, N. Y., May 2nd, 1842 ; entered United States army in 1862 from Manhattan, Kansas, served in Trans-Mississippi Department, came to California in 1883 and is now a resident of Towner Heights. William E., born at Ballston Spa, N. Y., November 28th, 1843, entered U. S. Army in 1862, served in Trans-Mississippi Department; died in Kansas City in 1897. Mary E., born at Homer, Michigan, January 19th, 1846, died, single, at Santa Monica, in 1898. H. D., born at Batavia, Kane County, 111., August 8th, 1852, now residing in Oklahoma. Charles E. Towner, the subject of this sketch, was the fourth of the family. He was born at Homer, Michigan, December 2nd, 1849. From 1851 to 1860 the family lived at Batavia, 111., and then came west to Kansas where they lived at Manhattan until 1878 when they removed to Colorado, locating on the Platte 364 BIOGRAPHICAL River at Buffalo Station about forty miles west of Denver on the Rio Grande Railway. Here they lived until 1883 and then came to Santa Monica. Mr. Towner bought twenty acres of land of Judge Lucas which he improved and sold. Later he purchased twenty-four acres in the same vicinity at $300.00 an acre, which was regarded at that time as a fair price. In 1903 he, in company with W. A. Erwin, purchased three hundred acres of land comprising what is now known as Erwin Heights, promoted the Erwin Heights Land & Water Company, developed water in abundance, laid about twelve miles of water pipe and platted Erwin Heights. Mr. Towner also platted and piped water for the Towner Terrace Tract, of about one hundred acres, and made other substantial improve ments. Mr. Towner was the first settler in this now delightful terrace country and has ever been in the lead in the matter of local improvements. This country was originally open and devoid of trees and foliage of any kind, whereas the broad avenues are all lined on either side with tall and stately shade trees, the result of Mr. Towner 's personal energy and artistic thrift, which makes Towner Terrace one of the most attractive and homelike residence tracts on the coast. Of the Towner Terrace, about one-half is sold off, and a large amount of money has been expended on streets and water system. Mr. Towner has associated with him other men of large capital and experience in the development of this enterprise. The present Mrs. Towner was Mary E., a daughter of Robert Dobson, a California pioneer and resident of Towner Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Towner have one son, Charles E. Jr. Mr. Towner has two children by a former marriage C. C. Towner, District Attorney at Abilene, Kansas, and Mrs. Daisy B. Stroup, of Santa Monica, California. General William E. Towner, the progenitor of this branch of the Towners, was'born in Massachusetts in 1758. He studied for a physician and served as assistant surgeon and surgeon in Washington's army in the Revolution. He afterwards settled in North Adams, Mass., and married Lurana Chadwick, mother to Charles E. Towner's father. He was successively Justice of the Peace, physician, Brigadier General of Massachusetts Militia, and, in 1812, was appointed Major General of Massachusetts troops. He would have taken the field in 1813 but was taken sick and died at Pownall, Vermont, January 12th, 1813. W. E. SAWTELLE, a quiet and genial citizen of the city that, by reason of his unique personality and popularity took unto itself his name, is a native of the town of Norridgewock, Maine, and wts born August, 1850. His ancestors were Hueguenots who fled from France upon the revocation of the Edict of Nantes and sought refuge in England. Later generations came to America and became pioneers of Massachusetts. Richard Sawtelle was a native of Groton, Mass. Closely following the American Revolution he settled in Norridgewock, Somerset County, Maine, when that country was a virgin forest dominated by Indians. BIOGRAPHICAL 365 George Sawtelle was a son of Richard, and was born and grew up at Norridgewock. He became a merchant and man of affairs in his native town where he was for about twenty years postmaster, having received his appointment of President Lincoln in 1861. He there married Sarah Peet, who was also a native of Norridge wock. She was a daughter of Rev. Josiah Peet, a minister of the Congregational Church. George and Sarah Sawtelle had three sons and a daughter. One son Dr. F. G. Sawtelle, is a prominent physician of Providence, R. I. He served in the Union Army during the Civil War as a member of the Third Maine Battery. F. J. Sawtelle is an architect and lives at Providence, R. I. The daughter is Mrs. M. S. Hopkins, who lives in the old homestead at Norridgewock, Maine. W. E. Sawtelle grew up at Norridgewock and at nineteen years of age went to Worcester, Mass., and became a member of the mercantile firm of The Sanford- Sawtelle Company, dealers in books and manufacturers of blank books, the busi ness having been founded in 1835. It was one of the oldest established houses of that wealthy old city. He was associated with this concern for a period of about twenty-seven years. Mr. Sawtelle married Miss Mary Wheeler and they have two daughters, Katherine and Barbara. In 1896 Mr. Sawtelle, with his family, came to Califor nia. In 1899 Mr. Sawtelle became part owner and an officer of the Pacific Land Company, the promoters of the then embryo town of Barrett Villa. Mr. Sawtelle assumed the business management of the new enterprise and by reason of his splendid qualities of mind and heart became exceedingly popular with the people. He was soon elected president of his company. He organized and wan made president of the Sawtelle Water Company, and in fine was ever alert for the pro motion of any and all enterprises looking to the betterment of his city. In the year 1900 application to the United States postal authorities was made for the establishment of a postoffice at Barrett. The name being so similar to that of Bassett P. O. in this state, the department wished another name, and the wishes of its people centered on their chief citizen as a fitting evidence of the high esteem in which he was held. WILLIAM JACKSON, one of the early pioneers of Santa Monica, was born in Yorkshire, England, September 27th, 1852. He was a son of Richard Jackson, a tailor by trade and occupation. He came to America in the year 1855 and located about forty miles northeast of Toronto, Canada, in the town of Peel. Later the family went to Detroit, Michigan, where the father died leaving the widow and two sons of whom William was the youngest. They soon thereafter went to Oil City, Penna., where Mrs. Jackson married John A. Donald, a Scotch man who in 1875, with the family came to Santa Monica. At the auction sale of lots in the then new townsite, young Jackson purchased Lot S., Block 194, now No. 134 North Fifth Street (old number) and still owns the same. He also owns five acres of the Old Lucas Tract on Front, now Fremont Street, opposite 366 BIOGRAPHICAL Twelfth, which is his present home, one of the most sightly and pleasant family homes in the city. John A. Donald became a well known and useful citizen of Santa Monica. From 1877 to 1883 he was the efficient local agent for the Jones & Baker interests. He died in 1886, highly respected and lamented by a wide circle of friends and business acquaintances. Mrs. Donald survived until 1899. Mr. Jackson married in Santa Monica in 1891, Miss Amy, a daughter of R. D. Saunders, now of the Los Angeles Times editorial staff, and they have one daughter, Dorothy S., an efficient teacher in the Santa Monica public schools and two sons Lawrence R. and Leland W. Mr. Jackson took an active part in local affairs of the new town of Santa Monica. He may be regarded as one of the founders of the first fire department of the town, since he and the late Robert Eckert agitated the subject for nearly two years and finally induced the city trustees to provide a hose cart and a hook and ladder truck. The first fire company was duly organized with twenty-two volunteers who served without pay. Mr. Jackson is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. GEORGE D. SNYDER. The history of the Santa Monica Bay cities would not be regarded as complete without including a brief sketch at least of the life of George D. Snyder, who for more than two decades has been one of the most enterprising and successful citizens of the Bay Coast country. Mr. Snyder is a descendant of Holland Dutch ancestors who emigrated to America at a time antedating the Revolutionary War, settled in New Jersey, and later removed to Seneca County, New York. The head of this family was George W. Snyder. Duiing the war with England he served as a scout under General Washington and endured many hardships. Porter Snyder, a son of George W. Snyder, was born in Seneca County, New York, was there engaged in farming and while still a young man, moved to Calhoun, Michigan, located new land, which he improved, and also engaged in the building business at Marshall. He also served one term as sheriff of Calhoun County. At the time of his death he was sixty-two years of age. After the death of his first wife (by whom he had two sons now living) he married Sarah Jane Eddy, a native of Calhoun County, Michigan, still living in Marshall. In the family of Porter and Sarah Jane Snyder were three sons and one daughter. Two of the sons George D., the subject of this sketch, and W. P., are contractors at Ocean Park, California. George D. Snyder was born near Marshall, Michigan, April 12th, 1859. In boyhood he learned the carpenter's trade in the shops of the Michigan Central Railroad. Later he followed mill-wrighting until 1886, when he came to Califor nia and entered the employ of the Southern California Ry. Co. as foreman in their building department, having charge of repair work and erection of build ings. Later he was made storekeeper for the track, bridge and building depart ments with headquarters in San Bernardino. BIOGRAPHICAL 367 After the great strike of 1894 he resigned his position and removed to Los Angeles to take up general contracting and building. In 1899 he located at Ocean Park, then known as South Santa Monica, and entered actively into build ing and became associated with various public movements for the development and building up of that now beautiful section of Santa Monica city. He has erected upwards of four hundred and twenty-five cottages, icsidences and other buildings, forty-five of which were built in 1901 . During that year he also erected the Hotel Savoy, then the Holborrow Hotel at a cost of $10,000, closing the work in twenty-four days, with forty-eight men on the job the last week. The rapidity and thoroughness of the work elicited general comment as a "record breaker." His efficiency and thoroughness has brought to him an extensive business. Fre quently he is called to Los Angeles and other cities to erect houses and public buildings. Mr. Snyder is gifted with a true mechanical genius and masters the various complicated problems of his work without difficulty. He is his own architect, a fact which enables him to give his work a character and indivi duality that puts it, in a measure, in a class by itself. Mr. Snyder was married in Jackson, Michigan, to Miss Jennie C. Keeler. July llth, 1883, a native of Racine, Wis., and they have two children, Alma and Clyde. Although his father was a Democrat, Mr. Snyder has from earliest manhood affiliated with the Republican party, his first ballot being in support of Republican men and measures. This seems natural since his first vote was cast within a stone's throw of the old oak at Jackson, Michigan, under the wide-spread ing boughs of which the Republican party was organized. Mr. Snyder's interest in public affairs has manifested itself in every community where he has made his home, having served on local political committees and as a delegate to various ' political conventions and has done much to advance the interests of his party. He was made a candidate for the office of Trustee of Santa Monica city by an aggressive constituency and failed of election by a margin of four votes. In 1907 he was nominated for councilman of the First Ward under the new Free holder's Charter, and was elected by a good majority. His varied and practical experience in local public affairs is appreciated by his official colleagues and he is serving on the Council Committees of Railroads, Wharves and Bridges, Judiciary and Ordinances, and Buildings. Mr. Snyder is a member of the I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., Maccabees, K. of P., Elks, Pythian Sisters. He is a member of the Santa Monica Board of Trade, and one of the Executive Committee. WILLIAM I. HULL, who is one of the most active and influential citizens of Santa Monica, is a native of Lynn County, Oregon, born December 4th, 1859. His father, Nathan Hull, was a public school teacher by profession, upwards of thirty years of his life being given to the work. He was born in Cattaraugus County, New York, August 2nd, 1823. He came to California as early as 1852 368 BIOGRAPHICAL and mined in the placer gold diggings of the central part of the state and like wise in the bed of the American River, in which he was moderately successful. In 1853 he emigrated to Oregon, locating in Lynn County, where he pursued his profession, held the office of County Superintendent of Schools and also en gaged in farming. He there married Miss Nancy Stillwell, who was a native of Indiana; she came west at eighteen years of age, an orphan, to live with a sister. In 1876 the family removed to Inyo County, California, purchased a farm, and located near the town of Bishop. There Mr. Hull founded and served as president of the first corporation organized to take water out of the Owens River for irrigating purposes, which enterprise has developed into the most suc cessful system in the Owens River Valley. He owned a transit and made his own suiveys. In 1884 he removed to Los Angeles where he purchased a ranch on Alameda Street, adjoining the city limits to the south; there he died in 1891 at sixty-eight years of age. He was a man of great energy; while possessing strong religious convictions he was not a member of any church. He had ten children, of whom William I. is the fourth and oldest living. Up to sixteen years of age William I. lived in Oregon and enjoyed the advantages of good schooling. In 1882 he came to Los Angeles where he found employment with Northcraft & Clark, furniture dealers. In 1884 hf came 1o Santa Monica and embarked in business for himself, furnishing tents and camp supplies. This business he pursued about two years. In 1886 he built a bath house on the ocean front at the foot of Colorado Avenue, known as Cen tral Bath, which he sold a year later. During the real estate boom of 1887 he bought and sold real estate, handling only his own property. In 1891 he purchased of J. L. Allen what was the nucleus to his present extensive furniture business. It was a small store on Third Street, between Utah and Arizona' Avenues, having about 1500 feet of floor space. Mr. Hull has been continuously in the business from that date and now has a veritable emporium in the two story W. C. T. U. Building, 1429 Third Street, with over 8000 feet of floor space and 15,000 feet of floor space in buildings of his situated at 1517-1521 Third Street, embracing an extensive stock of house furnishing goods of nearly all descriptions. In 1888 Mr. Hull married Mary A., a daughter of Thomas H. Elliott, one of Santa Monica's esteemed pioneers. (See index.) Mr. and Mrs. Hull have two sons, Francis E. and Walter I. An only daughter, Grace, died in 1903 at five years of age. It is safe to say that no citizen of Santa Monica has been more intimately in touch with the civic, business and social development of the city than has Mr. Hull. He has always taken a personal interest in municipal affairs and has ever been found on the side of clean government. By instinct and training a temperance man, he has stood for principles advanced by the National Prohibi tion Party and has opposed the saloon on general principles as a menace to good society and public morals and has, therefore, worked in harmony with all move- BIOGRAPHICAL 369 merits to regulate the local liquor traffic. When Mr. Hull came to Santa Monica it was a small town of about 300 people, supporting twelve saloons. It is for the citizen of the beautiful city of today to say whether or not organized opposi tion to saloons and rigid regulation of the same by fostering a strong public temperance sentiment is a good thing for a growing community. When called by his party to stand for public office, Mr. Hull has accepted the role that he deems the duty of every American citizen, and was made the candidate for his party for the State Assembly in 1902 and the State Senate in 1904. Mr. Hull was one of the organizers of the first city fire department in 1889 and served as president of the organization about fifteen years. He re tired from active membership of the department in the spring of 1907, tendering the fire boys a banquet as a fitting recognition of long terms of faithful service. Mr. Hull has served five years as a member of the City Library Board of Trustees and was president of the Board from 1903 to 1907. He is one of the organizers of the Santa Monica Board of Trade, which is an alliance of citizens representing the leading business and commercial interests of the city, having at heart the public weal, civic and otherwise, and has been president of the reorganized board two years. Mr. Hull has never been a seeker for public office, preferring as a rule to work in the ranks. In response to what seemed a call of duty, he became a candidate for mayor of Santa Monica under the Freeholders Charter of 1907, and was loyally supported by a large constituency. With two other candidates in the field, he failed of election by 107 votes. His campaign for the office was made upon a platform which clearly and frankly defined his position upon questions of public expediency that were made issues of the campaign, which was dignified and noticeably free from the average political bickerings and invidious personalities. Mr. Hull is a member of the Independent Order of Foresters and has served one term as Chief Ranger and a like period of time as High Auditor of the State. He is a Good Templar of thirty-six years standing and has been an active sup porter of the work of the local lodge. He is very active in the Grand Lodge of the State, and Chairman of the Finance Committee for many years. No citizen of Santa Monica entertains higher ideals of true American citizenship and more nearly succeeds in living up to those ideals than W. I. Hull. He is essentially a man of action and during his twenty-four years residence in Santa Monica has been identified with every public movement for the city's upbuilding and growth. N. H. HAMILTON, M. D., one of Santa Monica's leading citiztnr, at the head of his profession, is a native of Michigan and was born at Ann Arbor, Feb. 17th, 1852. His parents, in 1854, removed to Winona, Minnesota, and here the child grew to manhood. He there passed through the grammar and high schools and returned to the place of his birth and passed through the Medical College of the Michigan University. He subsequently took a thorough course of study at the Rush Medical College, Chicago, now the Medical Department of Chicago 24 370 BIOGRAPHICAL University, from which institution he graduated in 1877 and almost immediately entered upon the practice of his profession at Grafton a new settlement in North Dakota. The country rapidly increased in population and wealth and Grafton became a populous and very prosperous young city and Dr. Hamilton there built up an extensive practice. He remained at Grafton until 1893 and became thoroughly identified with the civic, industrial and political interests of the community. He was for fourteen years President of the United States Board of Examining Surgeons for soldiers' pensions and for a similar period held the office of County Physician. For two years he served his County as Coroner; for four years he was a member of the examining board for the insane, and nine years was secretary and superintendent of the County Board of Health. He was the first Vice President of the North Dakota State Medical Society, and served as District Surgeon for the Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railway Com panies. The multiplicities of his duties and demands of his profession, coupled with the rigors of that northern climate, made such inroads upon his health that he found it necessary to make a change of location and accordingly came to Cali fornia and located' at Santa Monica in September, 1893. Dr. Hamilton's name in his adopted city stands for all that is good, progressive and right at all times and under all conditions. Aside from the duties of an exten sive medical practice, he is District Surgeon of the Southern Pacific Railway Co., medical examiner for all the old line insurance companies in Southern Califor nia, and acts in the same capacity for the fraternal insurance organizations. He is one of the organizers of the Santa Monica Bay Hospital Company, and is presi dent of the company ; a history of which splendid enterprise may be found else where in this work. Dr. Hamilton is a member of long standing of the American Medical Asso ciation, the largest association of prominent physicians in the world. He is also a member of the California State Medical Society and the Los Angeles County Medical Association. Despite his engrossing professional and business cares he has also actively identified himself with some of the leading fraternities. He is a Royal Arch Mason, a member of the Commandery and the Mystic Shrine and affiliated with Santa Monica Lodge, No. 307, F. and A. M., Chapter and Com mandery, and Al Malaikah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., of Los Angeles. He is also member of the Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias and the Independent Order of Foresters of Santa Monica. He is a director in the Western Masons Mutual Life Association of Los Angeles and maintains a deep interest in its wel fare. Dr. Hamilton is an almost life long Republican, an active and influential member of the Presbyterian church. Dr. Hamilton was married October 21st, 1887, to Miss Bertha R. Crookston, a native of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and they have three daughters Helen, Clara and Esther. The family residence, No. 522 North Fifth Street, is one of the finest of the many beautiful homes in Santa Monica City. BIOGRAPHICAL 371 MYROX H. KIMBALL, well known in Santa Monica and Los Angeles as a sub stantial and staid pioneer, was one of the earliest denizens of the Angel City to discover the beauties and desirability of Santa Monica by the sea as a place for retirement, in which to spend the declining years of a business life. He is a native of Oneida County, X. V.. born in the town of Verona, September 13th, 1827. His father, David Kimball, was a native of New Hampshire, a contractor and builder. He came west in 1837, and located in Monroe County, Michigan, and for many years was in the employ of the Michigan Southern Ry., as a bridge builder. He later retired to his farm neai Adrian, Michigan, where he spent many active years of his life, and finally returned to Oneida, N. Y., where he died at seventy- three years of age. Young Myron, early in youth, acquired a burning desire to see the world and lead a free and independent life and accord- MYRON H. KIMBALL. ingly at ten years of age left home and obtained a situation in a grocery store at Toledo, Ohio, which was then a small town of about fifteen hundred people. He remained there about seven years and in 1844 went to Lafayette, Ind., where he clerked in a general store. His employer's father, Captain Brayton, was owner of a steamboat that navigated the Wabash River between Lafayette and Terre Haute, and young Kimball, then seventeen years old, was offered, and accepted, a position as clerk on the steamer and at times was its commander. He then went to Cincinnati and traveled from that city as a salesman for a wholesale tea and tobacco house. He made his way east to New York city, via Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Louis. He spent about five years in and out of the city of Cincinnati. The art of making Daguerreotype pictures had just been perfected, the beauty and utility of which appealed to young Kimball as at once a most attractive and practical means of making money and he placed himself under a thorough course of training and mastered the art. The year 18S3 found him again in New York City as World's Fair correspondent of the Philadelphia Enquirer. This was the first World's Fair that ever took place on the American continent and was held in the famous Crystal Palace, erected for the purpose on ground now occupied by a public 372 BIOGRAPHICAL square at Sixth Avenue and Forty-first and Forty-second Streets. Mr. Kimball spent six months at the Crystal Palace and his descriptive articles so widely portrayed the wonders of the great fair as to bring to the Enquirer an extended reputation and wide popularity, for which he was liberally compensated. While a resident of Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. Kimball took a course of instruction in ths new art of Daguerreotype picture making from E. C. Hawkins, a pupil of Samuel F. Morse, the inventor of telegraphy. Mr. Morse had obtained a know ledge of the art from Daguerre himself while on a visit to exhibit his own wonderful invention. After relinquishing his duties as correspondent to the Enquirer, Mr. Kimball opened a picture gallery in New York City, on Broadway near Canal Street, where he promptly built up a profitable business. The Deguerreotype proved, however, to be only the forerunner of something better, as Mr. Kimball and others were quietly experimenting along lines that eventually produced a superior picture, known as the Ambrotype and superseded its predecessor. About this time the photographic pictuie process made its appearance and Mr. Kimball was one of the first to adopt and introduce it in New York. He sold his gallery and opened on a much more extended scale as No. 477 Broadway, near Broome Street, which was then in the heart of the uptown business center of the city. He did business there about five years. The Civil War had broken out in 1860. In 1863 Mr. Kimball was employed as a government photographer at Port Royal, South Carolina, and Jones Island in front of Charleston. He spent upwards of six months at the seat of war when he returned to his business in New York. In 1864 he was appointed official photographer for Princeton College, the work of which amounted to thousands of dollars and he acted in the same capacity for the Freedman's Bureau. He spent in all about twenty-five years in New York City and owned a fine country seat on Long Island. He also at one time owned and conducted a wholesale and retail confectionery business in Fulton Street, Brooklyn. In 1874 he closed out all his interests and started for California, via the Isth mus of Panama, and arrived in San Francisco February 25th, of that year. He soon embarked for San Pedro and Los Angeles. Los Angeles was then a small city of about nine thousand people. It had no railway connection with the outside world save the local line to Wilmington and the first street railway, a mule car line, was that year constructed. The city was inadequately supplied with hotels, the Pico House being the leading public stopping place and that was over crowded. The St. Charles (old Bella Union) and the Lafayette (now St. Elmo) were also full to their limit. Mr. Kimball in quest for an opening for busi ness decided to erect a first class family hotel and accordingly purchased property on New High Street, north of Temple Street, and erected what was for years the leading hostelry of its class in the city, known as the Kimball Mansion. It became the home of many of the leading people of Los Angeles and prominent tourists from the east and abroad. Helen Hunt Jackson made it her home while in South ern California, and it was there that she did much of the literary work on her BIOGRAPHICAL 373 famous story, Ramona. He relates many interesting reminiscences of his ac quaintance with this delightful guest. Mr. Kimball's residence of nine yeais in Los Angeles was crowded with business activities. Besides building the Kimball Mansion he made other investments in realty. He took an active in terest in the progress of Los Angeles and Southern California and became super intendent of the Southern California Horticultural and Agricultural Societies and it was under his direction and management that the joint exposition of 1878 and also 1879 were held. The Board of Directors accorded him full credit for the phenomenal success of an enterprise entered upon with misgivings as to its feasibility and outcome. Mr. Kimball was married at the old Episcopal parsonage in Hudson Street, New York City, by Rev. Mr. Tuttle, June 26th, 1857, to Miss Eliza, a daughter of William Robb, a Scotchman. He was a capitalist and a member of Rob Roy clan, famous in the sixteenth century history of Scotland, and the hero of one of Sir Walter Scott's novels. Mrs. Kimball was a lady of exceptional social attainments, amiable temperament and domestic tastes. She became wide ly known and popular during their residence in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball purchased a fine residence in Santa Monica in 1882 at No. 225 North Second Street. She died in the seventy-fifth year of her age, April 18th, 1903. Mr. Kimball is a man of great kindness of heart and popularity as one of the best known Los Angeles pioneers. He is a life-long Democrat, of the old Andrew Jackson school, a thorough adherent to the doctrines and precepts of American government that made the old party the bulwark of our nation's greatness. He has lived to see his party side-step many times to its lasting discredit and chagrin of its oldest adherents. Mr. Kimball is an almost life-long member of the Methodist Episcopal church, as was Mrs. Kimball. He was very active in the old Central Methodist Episcopal Church, in Los Angeles, and has for years been one of the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Santa Monica. He is a Free Mason of over fifty years standing. RICHARD R. TANNER, the pioneer lawyer of Santa Monica, is a native of the "Golden State," born at San Juan, in what is now San Benito County, then Monterey County, California, March 30th, 1858. His father, Albert Miles Tanner, was a California pioneer of 1847, who came overland to the Pacific Coast a member of the famous Mormon Battalion under Lieutenant-Colonel Philip St. George Cook, to aid in establishing United States Government authority in California. He was born in the town of Bolton, Warren County, N. Y., in 1824, and there grew up. In early life he drifted to the then far west and was thrown in contact with the Mormons, who were pioneering Central and Southern Illinois. While he never affiliated with the Mormon Church, he for several years sustained intimate business relations with them, joined the battalion upon its organization in Iowa and shared its fortunes and misfortunes of war 374 BIOGRAPHICAL until mustered out of service at San Diego, March 14th, 1848. He then went north to Sacramento, from which point he engaged in freighting with the famous pioneer, Sam Brannon, on Mormon Island. As a result of the disastrous floods of 1849 and 1850 he lost his property and in 1853 came south to San Bernardino. There he married Lovina Bickmore, removed to San Juan, Monterey County, and engaged in stock raising. Finally, late in 1871, he removed to Santa Paula, in Ventura County. He died at his Ventura home in 1881, at fifty-six years of age. He was a Douglas Democrat, later a Lincoln Republican, a man of strong individuality and well grounded opinions. The widow and mother is still living in Santa Paula. In Ventura County young Richard obtained his schooling and grew to manhood. He served as assistant postmaster of Ventura from 1877 to 1883. He then took up the study of law in the office of prominent attorneys of Ventura, was admitted to the bar in 1884 and located in Santa Monica the same year. He was for thirteen years, 1888 to 1901, City Attorney of Santa Monica and his long continuance in office is a sufficient evidence of his popularity and a due appreciation of a well rendered public service. He served as Deputy District Attorney of Los Angeles County from 1892 to 1894. Mr. Tanner has devoted special attention to land law practice and is a recognized authority upon all matters pertaining to land titles in this section of the state. The firm, of which he is senior member, are attorneys for the Title Guarantee & Trust Company, of Los Angeles. He is senior member of the well known law firm of Tanner, Taft & Odell, with offices in the Dudley Building, Santa Monica, and the Coulter Block, No. 213 South Broadway, Los Angeles. Mr. Tanner is a stockholder and director of the Merchants National Bank of Santa Monica and Vice-president of the Santa Monica Savings Bank. He is a promi nent Mason, an Odd Fellow, a Forester, a member of the Royal Arcanum, of the Native Sons of the Golden West and Elks. Mr. Tanner has been twice married in 1883 to Miss Elizabeth J., a daughter of Judge Henry Robinson, of Ventura, by this union having one daughter, Mrs. Nora Ormsby. His second marriage was to Miss Sebaldina M. Bontty, of Santa Monica. The Tanner family residence, located on North Fourth Street, No. 144, is one of the many that have made Santa Monica famous as a citv of beautiful seaside homes. J. EUCLID MILES, councilman, an enterprising and representative citizen, is a native of Mount Gilead, Morrow County, Ohio, at which place he was born September 7, 1851. His father, Enos Miles, was a pioneer of Morrow County and was the first sheriff of that county. He was by occupation a drug gist, having a store at Mount Gilead. He also owned farming lands in the vicinity. Mr. Miles is the third of a family of seven children. He was educated in the public schools of Mount Gilead and Notre Dame, Ind., college, one of the most thorough educational institutions of its class in the country. After leaving college he entered a banking house in New York City, until 1873, when he re- BIOGRAPHICAL 375 turned to Ohio and entered the motive power department of the C. C. C. & I. R. Ry., learned mechanics and became a first class locomotive engineer. For nearly sixteen years he followed this strenuous calling. In 1889 he gave up his position on the railroad at Pueblo, Colorado. Here he engaged in the loaning, real estate and insurance business. For a period of about twenty-two years he remained in Pueblo. He prospered in business and was recognized as one of the most energetic and influential citizens of the place. The Pueblo Star-Journal, of July 15th, 1906, has this to say of Mr. Miles, who was on a business trip to his former home city : "J. Euclid Miles, a well known real estate man of Santa Monica, Cal., leaves for his home on the Pacific Slope today at noon. Mr. Miles was a resident of Pueblo for twenty years, leaving for California about four years ago on account of Mrs. Miles health. During a large share of the time he resided in our city, he was engaged in the real estate business and bore the reputation of being one of the most energetic hustlers in the business." Mr. Miles acquired valuable property interests in Pueblo which he still holds. He came to Santa Monica in July, 1902, and soon thereafter organized the Santa Monica Investment Company, a business- enterprise that has been most active and successful in the work of building and developing homes in this region of the country. Mr. Miles is the general manager of this company. In August, 1905, Mr. Miles organized the real estate firm of Miles & Tegner, which became the heaviest purchaser and owner of first class realty in the City of Santa Monica. Mr. Miles promptly became identified with the substantial growth and development of his adopted city and active in the promotion of its civil welfare. He was elected to the City Council from the Sixth Ward, under the new Free holders Charter of 1906, and placed at the head of the Committee on Finance and made a member of other committees of less importance. His policy in directing the financial affairs of the city has proved one of wise economy and judicious expenditure. On May 26th, 1872, Mr. Miles was married in New York City to Miss Mary Ann Moore, a native of Queens County, Ireland, and the daughter of John Moore. Mr. Miles is a prominent and active member of the Knights of Columbia, Elks, Independent Order of Foresters and National Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. CHARLES C. LEBAS is a native of London, England, born April 30th, 1859, a son of Henry V. LeBas, who is the preacher of the Charter House, London, England. Mr. LeBas was educated by private tutors. At twenty-one years of age he went to Algiers for some time and returned home. Later he spent some time at Singapore, Southeast Asia, chiefly in pursuit of health. He then returned to London and engaged extensively in the publishing business as a member of the 376 BIOGRAPHICAL house of Sonnenschein & LeBas, publishers of school, text and story books and also high class story magazines. He subsequently retired from the business and went to Australia. In 1893 he returned to London, after which he spent several years coffee planting in Java, and there remained until he came to South ern California in 1896, living in Los Angeles, Covina and San Bernardino. Since 1896 he has lived in retirement in Santa Monica, owning a modern home on Oregon Avenue. Mr. LeBas married, in 1896, Miss Marion Gene Eckford, a native of the beaut iful Isle of Jersey. They have one son, Harry LeBas, a native of California. Mr. LeBas has made investments in California realty and is interested in mining properties. FRED H. TAFT, lawyer, of Santa Monica, was born at Pierrepont Manor, Jefferson County, New York, April 4th, 1857. He is a son of Reverend Stephen H. Taft, now resident of Sawtelle. A com prehensive sketch of the life of the father appears elsewhere in this work (see index), which throws some light upon the earlier surroundings and influences under which the subject of this brief notice was reared. He was about six years of age when the family located as pioneers in Iowa. He was educated at Humboldt College, Humboldt, Iowa, grad uating from that institution in 1878. From 1874 to 1882 he edited and published the Humboldt Kosmos. In 1883 he was one of the founders of the Hardin County Citizen at Iowa Falls, Iowa. For four years, begin ning in 1884, he was associated in the conduct of the Fort Dodge (Iowa) Messenger. There after he followed semi-newspaper work and commercial lines in Sioux City, Iowa, in the meantime reading law. He was admitted to the bar while at Sioux City, and practiced there until the close of 1892. January 1st, 1893, he arrived in California, and the follow ing year formed a law partnership with Richard R. Tanner, the firm now being Tanner, Taft & Odell, with offices in Los Angeles and Santa Monica. From 1902 to his resignation at the end of 1907, he served Santa Monica satisfactorily as City Attorney. In his religious preferences Mr. Taft is a Unitarian, and his lodge affiliations are confined to the International FRED H. TAFT. BIOGRAPHICAL 377 Order of Good Templars, of which he is an active member. Mr. Taft married at Humboldt, Iowa, in 1881, Miss Frances M. Welch, and they have two children living Muriel and Harris, graduates of Stanford University. The family home is El Sluickcto, at the corner of Oregon Avenue and Sixth Street. JOHN A. STANWOOD, of Santa Monica, is a native of Newburyport, Mass., and was born March 3rd, 1856. His father, John Rogers Stanwood, was a hat manufacturer, organizer and promotor of the Newburyport Hat Company and a successful man of affairs. The history of the Stanwood family is closely associated with that of early New England dating as far back as 1652 to Philip Stanwood who was one of the pioneers of the Old Colony of Massachusetts, the annals of which record many of the names as preacheis, doctois, lawyers, soldiers, statesmen and authors. The mother of John Rogers Stanwood was Sara Rogers whose ancestors lived at Gloucester, Mass. ; were among the pilgrims who founded that town and were lineal descendants of John Rogers, the martyr. John A. Stanwood passed his boyhood and youth in Newburyport, Mass., passed through the public schools and later pursued a course of study in Berton. He then engaged in the drug business in that city for a period of four years. In March, 1882, he came to California and spent about a year on a stock ranch in the San Luis Rey Valley, San Diego County. In 1883 he located in San Ber nardino where he took active part in local affairs, aiding in the incorporation of the City of San Bernardino. He later removed to Redlands where he was likewise active and influential in securing the final location of the Santa Fe Railway through Redlands and donated valuable lands for reilway purposes, being one of the original parties who insisted on its present location. Mr. Stanwood came to Santa Monica, soon conceived the idea of developing the sand dunes bordering the Ocean Front south of Santa Monica into a residential summer resort and in furtherance of his plans associated with himself Dr. Ell- wood Chaffee, Arthur Gayford, E. E. Hall and James Campbell who purchased and secured title to the land now comprising the southern portion of the City of Santa Monica and the City of Ocean Park, which includes Venice. This land was purchased from Captain Arthur Hutchenson consideration, $25,000. They then organized the Santa Monica Terminal and Wharf Company, secured the franchise for the Santa Fe Railway into Santa Monica over what was then Lucas Avenue, which franchise finally passed to the Pacific Electric Railway Co. and is now used by that company. He negotiated the sale of the Short Line Beach Tract to Mr. Frank Strong. He likewise negotiated the sale of the Irwin Heights Tract to the Erkenbrecker Syndicate, of Los Angeles. He organized a syndicate and promoted Ocean Park Heights and the east Ocean Park Heights Addition to Ocean Park. He is president of the Venice Chamber 378 BIOGRAPHICAL of Commerce which, under his administration, is accomplishing much for the material prosperity of the Canal City. With some associates he is at present engaged in the development of the oil territory in the Santa Monica mountains. Mr. Stanwood is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and of the Woodmen of the World. HON. GUILFORD WILEY WELLS, soldier, lawyer, statesman and diplomat was born at Conesus Center, New York, February 14th, 1840, and is the youngest of three children of Isaac Tichenor Wells and Charity Kenyon, who were joined in marriage in Granville, New York, February 4th, 1830. Isaac Tichenor Wells was born at Fairfax, Vermont, August llth, 1807, and died in Conesus Center, November 2nd, 1868. The Wells family trace their genealogy back to the time of William the Conqueror in England, and to the latter part of the sixteenth century in America and number among their ancestors in direct line many illus trious personages on both sides of the Atlantic. Guilford Wiley Wells was educated at Genesee Wesleyan Seminary and College, Lima, New York. Upon the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion (while he was in college) Mr. Wells enlisted on the first call for volunteers, as a member of the First New York Dragoons, and gave nearly four years of valiant service to the preservation of the Union and the defense of the "Old Flag." He fought under that intrepid hero of Winchester, General P. H. Sheridan; participated in thirty-seven battles, and rose by suc cessive promotions for gallant services performed to the rank of Brevet Lieuten ant-Colonel; was twice wounded, the last time in February, 1865, so seriously as to permanently disable his left arm, and was discharged from the service on account of his wound February 14th, 1865. Retiring from the army Colonel Wells resumed his studies and 1867 graduated in law at the Columbian College at Washington, D. C. In December, 1869, he moved to Holly Springs, Mis sissippi, to practice his profession. In June, 1870, he was appointed by President Grant, United States District Attorney for the northern district of that state. The Reconstruction Act being passed by Congress about this time, the demoraliz ing effects of the war. began to be manifest in the organized lawlessness which prevailed, especially in Northern Mississippi, in the terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan. Laws had been enacted for the punishment of these crimes but they remained a dead letter on the statutes for the want of prosecuting officers with sufficient courage, tact and ability to enforce them. The ablest men in the Mis sissippi bar which was one of the strongest in any state in the Union were employed to defend these defiers of the law. Comprehending the situation, Colonel Wells determined to do his duty and prepared as best he could to wage battle with those giants of the bar. He drew the first indictment under the re construction act and secured the first decision rendered in the south against Ku Klux in District Judge R. A. Hill's court, thus winning the first legal fight and establishing a precedent which was adopted in other states and finally re- BIOGRAPHICAL 379 suited in the complete destruction of that organization. The Ku Klux were hunted down and their secret hiding places invaded, their murderous secrets were revealed and the perpetrators of crimes punished according to their deserts. Mississippi was thus transformed from one of the most lawless to one of the most orderly states in the Union. This herculean task was performed at a great expenditure of labor and energy and at great peril of life but in perform ing it Colonel Wells won the esteem of the best element of society. Though having no desire to enter the arena of politics by the prominence of his official position and his contact with public men, Colonel Wells was forced to assume a leading position in his party and was chiefly instrumental in securing the nomination and election of General Ames (then United States Senator) to the governorship of Mississippi in 1873. The legislature chosen at the same time elected a United States Senator, and yielding to the importunity of his friends Colonel Wells consented to become a candidate. For some unaccountable reason, Ames, the man he had befriended, and who had hitherto professed a warm personal friendship for him, turned against his benefactor, and by a strenu ous effort and the use of his official power prevented Colonel Well's election to the United States Senate. Not content with this success against his old friend Governor Ames exerted himself to defeat Colonel Well's re-appointment to the United States District Attorney's office, but his faithfulness and efficiency in that capacity had been too well demonstrated, and at the expiration of his first term in 1874 he was reappointed by President Grant and his appointment was unanimously confirmed by the Senate. In 1876 Colonel Wells received the nomi nation for Congress in the Second Mississippi District in opposition to A. R. Howe, the Ames candidate, over whom he was elected by 7,000 majority, re ceiving the full vote of his own party (Republican) and the support of the best element in the Democratic party. During his term in Congress Representative Wells served on several important committees and though in the minority politically, by his energy and fertility of resource he was recognized as one of the most influential working members of the House. Recognizing in Colonel Wells the qualities adapting him for an important government position, President Hayes tendered him in June, 1877, the office of consul general to Shanghai, China, which he accepted, and sailed from San Francisco to his post of duty August 8th of that year. Previous to embarking he had received orders to investigate charges which had been preferred by his predecessor, General Myers, against O. B. Bradford, Vice-Consul at Shanghai. Myers had been suspended by Minister George H. Seward, and the latter's friend Bradford placed in charge of the con sulate before the charges against Bradford could be investigated. Arriving in China and assuming charge of the Shanghai consulate September 13th, 1877, Colonel Wells proceeded to examine the accusations against Bradford. He found him guilty, not only as charged by Myers, but of numerous other grave offenses, such as robbing the United States mails, embezzlement of government fees, violation of tieaty rights with China, extortions from American citizens, mutila- 380 BIOGRAPHICAL tion of records, conspiring with Seward to remove official records and papers from the Consul General's office, etc. Mr. Wells being convinced of Bradford's fraudulent and criminal proceedings, had him arrested and placed in jail, report ing at once by telegraph and by letter to the State Department at Washington the result of his investigations and asking for further instructions. After inexcusable delays in replying to his communications, and other matters trans piring to convince Consul General Wells that an effort was being made by officials in high authority to shield Bradford and Seward in their fraudulent proceedings, he tendered his resignation, turned over the affairs of the office in 'Shanghai, and sailed for home January 10th, 1-878. A committee subsequently created by the House of Representatives to investigate the Bradford charges returned a unanimous report that the charges were sustained, and filed articles of impeach ment against Bradford. The investigation culminated in the retirement of both Seward and Bradford to private life. Colonel Wells twice refused the tender of Consul to Hong Kong, deciding to resume the practice of his profession. Colonel and Mrs. Wells having come by way of Southern California on their return trip from China were delighted with the climate and decided to make it their future home. Accordingly they settled in Los Angeles in 1879 and have resided here ever since. Forming a law partnership with Judge Anson Brunson, the firm of Brunson & Wells at once attained a leading position in the bar of Southern California. This relation continued until Judge Brunson was elected to the Superior Bench and that partnership was dissolved. Up to the time of his final retirement from active practice, Colonel Wells stood at the head of the following law firms Wells, Vandyke & Lee, Wells, Guthrie & Lee, Wells, Munroe & Lee, Wells & Lee and Wells, Works & Lee. The private law library of Colonel Wells, one of the most extensive in the state, is now in the office of Works & Lee, the latter, Bradner W. Lee, being Colonel Wells' nephew. In Avoca, N. Y., December 22nd, 1864, Colonel Wells married Miss Katy C. Fox, who w-as born in that town, a daughter of Matthias and Margaret Fox. They became the parents of a son, Charles F., who was born in Washington, D. C., November 9th, 1869, and died at Holly Springs, Miss., December 24th 1872. The second marriage of Colonel Wells took place in Louisville, Kentucky, December 31st, 1891, and united him with Mrs. Lena (McClelland) Juny, a daughter of Frank and Marion (Watts) McClelland, of Kentucky. Mrs. Wells was born in Paducah that state and is related to some distinguished southern families. She is Regent of the Santa Monica Chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution since its organization, and an influential member of the Santa Monica Women's Club. She is a cultured, sweet-spirited woman and takes a personal interest in local charities. BIOGRAPHICAL 381 S. W. ODELL, City Attorney of Santa Monica, is a native of Illinois and was born in the town of Hampton, Rock Island County, that state, November 4th, 1864. His father's ancestors were from Yorkshire, England, and in the early days of the country, settled in the State of New York; later moving on to the western frontier in Ohio. His father, John P. Odell, left Ohio and located in Illinois about the year 1850. Mr. Odell 's ancestry on his mother's side was partially of Scotch origin. The subject of our sketch received his education in the common schools of Illinois and Iowa, later attending Port Byron Academy, at Port Byron, Illinois, and the Bloomington Law School of the Illinois Wesleyan University, from which he holds a Bachelor's Degree. He was ad mitted to practice law in the State of Illinois in 1887 and practiced in the courts of that state until the summer of 1903, with the exception of the year 1908, spent at Santa Crux, California. He maintained an office at Moline, Illinois, for a period of fifteen years and was, for a portion of that time, City Attorney. He came to California in 1903. After some months spent in Los Angeles, he opened an office in Santa Monica in the spring of 1904 becoming soon thereafter a member of the law firm of Tanner, Taft & Odell. He was appointed City Attorney of Santa Monica in April 1907 and his professional services to the new city government have proven invaluable. Mr. Odell married at Port Byron, Illinois, Miss Clara J. W. Morgan, in the year 1888, and they have two sons and one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Odell are active members of the First M. E. Church of Santa Monica. The family residence is at No. 1034 Second Street. s. w. ODBLL. WILLIAM T. GILLIS comes of the sturdy stock of Nova Scotia, being born in that province, the son of Robert Gillis, a successful shipbuilder in the United States. He passed his youth at the place of his birth and received his educa tion in Pictou, Nova Scotia, graduating from the Pictou Academy. He then fitted himself for the occupation of a druggist and became the owner of a drug store in Pictou. 382 BIOGRAPHICAL In 1887, drawn by the magic tales of California, he came to this state and located in Santa Monica, where he soon opened a drug store, which he carried on for a number of years, successfully engaged in the drug business. He returned to Santa Monica in 1901 since which time he has been a resident of this city. He at once became identified with the remarkable real estate transactions which have marked the vicinity of Santa Monica, and have changed the entire aspect of the country within the past few years. As vice president and manager of the Pacific Land Company, he was one of the promotors of Sawtelle and the adjacent lands, which opened up a large acreage for settlement on such terms that the old soldiers, their families and the laboring people were able to secure homes. As a result of the policy pursued here, a thrifty community has grown up which is a valuable addition to the wealth and population of this district. Later, Mr. Gillis, with other prominent real estate men, organized the Pali sades Investment Company and also the Santa Monica Investment Company, which secured fifty acres of land known now as the Palisades; one of the most beautiful residence sites in California or, indeed, in the world. The company spent a large sum in improvements and it met with a large sale at most advan tageous figures. Mr. Gillis was one of the organizers of the Sunset Brick and Tile Company which began the erection of the extensive plant now owned by the Los Angeles Pressed Brick Company, into which the first company was merged, its projectors retaining an interest in the present company. He is also interested in the South west Warehouse Company, which owns a large warehouse, located on the tracks of the Southern Pacific and Los Angeles-Pacific Railways. He is a stockholder and director of the Bank of Santa Monica and of the Santa Monica Savings Bank and president of the Santa Monica Water Company. But Mr. Gillis is not only interested in financial affairs. He takes an active interest in public affairs, being a stalwart Republican in politics. He is also a prominent Mason, being a member and Past Master of Santa Monica Lodge, F. and A. M. ; a member of the Los Angeles Commandery, K. T. ; and a member of Al Malaikah Temple, of Los Angeles. He holds the rank of past exalted ruler in the Santa Monica Lodge, B. P. 0. E., which recently presented him with a handsome jewel in appreciation of his services to the organization. Mr. Gillis owns and occupies a beautiful home in the Palisade district. ANTOINE BUSIER, a successful merchant, is a native of Hinesburg, Chittenden County, Vermont, born July 29th, 1862. His father's name was Antoine Busier, Sr., a native of Canada. Mr. Busier came to California in 1885, and after a brief stay in Sacramento, came to Southern California in 1886. He is a tinner by trade, and is a mechanical genius. When a boy he worked in a woolen mill as a loom operator because of his fondness for machinery. Upon coming to Los Angeles in 1886, he worked in the old Baker Iron Works established by the late M. S. BIOGRAPHICAL 383 Baker, at the corner of Second and Main Streets. When he came to Santa Monica he took up the plumbing and tinning business until 1887. Later he worked in the grocery of E. C. Sessions. He was driver, for a time, on the first street car which ran to the Soldiers' Home. He opened the first fruit store in the town in August, 1887 with Victor Hathaway. He soon sold out to Hathaway Brothers and, in 1888, opened a stationery store at 217 Third Street in a building erected for him hy W. D. Vawter. There he conducted his business for fourteen years when he removed to his present location in February, 1903. He carries an extensive and well selected stock of books, stationery, periodical literature, toys, etc. He has for fifteen years been a member of the Independent Order of Fores ters, and its financial secretary for seven years. In 1906 he married Miss M. E. J. Peters, of Los Angeles. At present the family reside at No. 1524 North Fourth Street. FRANK E. BUNDY, an influential citizen, property owner and capitalist of Santa Monica, whose name is synonymous with the history and the business growth of the place, is a native of Iowa, having been born in the town of Ames, August 4th, 1871, the son of Nathan and Harriet (Smith) Bundy, who were among the first settlers of Santa Monica. Mr. Bundy was a boy of five years of age when the family left Iowa, came to California and located in the then embryo City of Santa Monica. He attended the first schools as they were organized, passed through the grades and graduated from the Santa Monica High School. After leaving school he perfected himself in the trade of jeweler and watch maker and opened a store in this place which he carried on successfully until close application to business and indoor work so impaired his health that his physicians insisted upon a change which would give hirn employment in the upen air. He then embarked in the wholesale and retail oil business and he pushed the trade with such energy and good management that within a period of about four years he found himself the possessor of some of the best real estate holdings in Santa Monica, all purchased with the profits of his business. He then closed out the oil business and with renewed force and enthusiasm, inaugurated a series of land deals, the successful prosecution of which have placed him in the front rank of real estate promotors. He took an active interest in the platting and sale of the East Ocean Park tract. "Sierra Vista," the success and fame of which are by no means local, is Mr. Bundy 's individual enterprise and his fondest hopes for a substantial and picturesque addition to Santa Monica are here being realized in full. In 1905 Mr. Bundy erected, at 253-255 North Third Street, the F. E. Bundy Block, one of the most substantial and architecturally perfect brick buildings in the city. It has a frontage of fifty feet on the street, is one hundred and fifty feet deep and three stories in heighth. The first floor is occupied by the Mont- 384 BIOGRAPHICAL gomery Dry Goods House; the second is devoted to offices, single and ensuite, and the third is occupied by modern apartments, known as the Adelaide Apart ments. In 1906, Mr. Bundy put up the F. E. Bundy Building No. 2, in Sawtelle. This, in size and architectural finish is fully up to the standard of his Santa Monica building. It occupies the corner of Oregon and Fourth Street and is an office building. In 1904, Mr. Bundy built for his family residence one of the most spacious and beautiful bungalow homes in Santa Monica. He has also (1907) just completed a fine residence in Los Angeles, located at the corner of 16th and Arling ton streets. Mr. Bundy married, in 1899, Miss Ethel E. Spaulding, daughter of Jaied Spaulding, of Elgin, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Bundy have two daughters, Adelaide and Elizabeth. Frank E. Bundy is a plain, unassuming and courteous man of business, devoted to the best interests of his. home city, the management of his various and valuable properties, and the happiness of his family. A. M. MONTGOMERY, leading dry goods merchant of this city, is a native of California, and was born at Jamestown, Toulumne County, April 4th, 1870. His father is a California pioneer of the early sixties, and a sketch of his life appears on another page of this book. Mr. Montgomery was but six years of age when the family removed to Santa Monica from the central part of the state. Santa Monica was then but a hamlet of two years' existence, composed of a few hundred courageous and hopeful people and the youthful life of our subject may be said to have started with the material growth of the new city. He attended the first schools opened in the town, passed through the grades as they were established, and graduated at the High School, after which he managed the business of the old North Beach Bath House, later known as the Arcadia Bath Houce. He held the position for two years. He then took a position as accountant and salesman for H. A. Winslow, grocers, of Santa Monica, and was with the concern about five years. In 1896 he opened a Men's Furnishing Goods Store with F. B. McComas as partner, under the firm name of Montgomery & McComas. In 1899, Mr. Montgomery purchased his partner's interest and coon thereafter bought the dry goods and furnishing goods stock of N. A. Roth, and opened for business in a modest store at No. 223 Third Street, where he remained until December 1st, 1905, when he removed to his present location in the Bundy Block, Nos. 1408-1410 North Third Street. Mont gomery's is the most extensive dry goods emporium in Los Angeles County out side of the City of Los Angeles. It has a frontage on Third Street of fifty feet, and a lateral depth of one hundred feet. Its interior equipment is in all respects modern and complete, including a cash and package carrying system. The sales BIOGRAPHICAL 385 rooms are airy and light and the entire establishment is admirably arranged for the handling of their extensive business. In 1903, Mr. Montgomery opened a store at Pier Avenue, Ocean Park, of the same size, carrying the same line of goods, which in size and arrangement is now a duplicate of his splendid Santa Monica house. Mr. Montgomery was married January 10th, 1898, to Mrs. Isabella Mallory, and they have one son, Albert Irving, born March llth, 1902. The family home is one of the many attractive residences of the city, No. 827 Second Street. Mr. Montgomery is a member of the Santa Monica lodge of Elks, Foresters of America, Native Sons of the Golden West and Santa Monica Board of Trade. O. G. TULLIS, a resident of Santa Monica, a native of Bloomington, 111., was born October 16th, 1864, spent his youth and received his early education in his native town. He came with his parents to Los Angeles in 1875. His father was Andrew T. Ttillis, a photographer, who for a time owned the old Sunbeam Gallery, for many years one of the leading picture making establishments of old Los Angeles. He finally retired to his ranch in Coldwater Canyon, where he died in 1877. A son, W. L. Tullis, now lives on the home place. Mrs. Tullis was, before marriage, Matilda Bush, daughter of Michael Bush, a German. She was a sister of the late venerable Charles Bush, one of the best known pioneers of Los Angeles. She is living at the homestead in Coldwater Canyon. Mr. Tullis attend ed the early schools of Los Angeles, first at Eighth and Fort Streets, now Broadway, later in the old building that stood on the present site of the County Court House. He learned the manufacturing jewelers' trade of his uncle, the late Charles Bush and his brother, Woodford B. Tullis, deceased, 1897. He was a prosperous jeweler of Los Angeles, whose store was located at the corner of Fourth and Spring Streets. Mr. Tullis came to Santa Monica and opened his shop in March, 1885. at 1426 Third Street, in the front room of the postoffice, when the late Judge Boyce was postmaster, and is still doing business at the old stand. 25 O. G. TULLIS. 385 BIOGRAPHICAL Mr. Tullis married in Los Angeles Miss Anna C. Berdini and they have one daughter, Olive. Mr. Tullis is a Mason, Elk, Odd Fellow, Knight of Pythias, Forester and Maccabee. He is one of the substantial merchants of Santa Monica. The late Judge O. W. Jewett, of Sawtelle, was a native of New York, born .in the town of Portland, Chautauqua County, August 7th, 1844. His father, Oris Jewett, was a mechanic, and for many years was identified with extensive machine works at Lowell, Indiana, where the family moved and located when the son was about six years of age. He there grew up and acquired a good common school education. In 1861, being at the time only seventeen years of age, he volunteered to defend the cause of the Union and was mustered into the 20th Indiana Infantry and served three years, the term of his enlistment. He then re-enlrsted in the First Rhode Island Battery and served until the fall of Richmond and the close of the war, rounding out a continuous service of four years and three months, chiefly in the Army of the Potomac, during which time he participated in some of the bloodiest engagements of the sanguinary conflict notably Fredericks- burg, Spottsylvania Court House, Mire Run, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and many other minor engagements. After the war he went into the mining regions of Utah and Montana and followed the occupation of an engineer. By reason of impaired health he relin quished this business and in 1880 located at Sturgis, then a new town on the fron tier in South Dakota, where he thoroughly identified himself with the professional and business interest of his adopted city and county. There he held the office of Justice of the Peace from 1882 until 1890 and became a student of the law. He was there admitted to the bar of Mead County in 1890 and was almost immedi ately elected County Judge, and as a jurist he was held in such high esteem that he was elected without serious opposition for a second term in 1892. He there after practiced law at Sturgis, having a large clientage. In 1903 he came to California and located at Sawtelle where he formed a partnership with Mr. John Farley and engaged in the real estate business, mean time practicing his profession. He served as attorney for the Sawtelle Building & Loan Association. He was also president of the Board of Trustees of the Saw telle City School District, in which position he did much for the advancement of the cause of education and perfection of a sound local school system, not only devoting his best personal energies, but contributing at times money to defray expenses that could not otherwise be provided for. He was public spirited and always ready with his best energies and wise counsel to forward worthy move ments for the public good. He was a man of the more refined social instincts, a member of the Masonic fraternity, the Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Grand Army of the Republic. BIOGRAPHICAL 387 In politics, Judge Jewett was a consistent Republican, not blindly partisan, but stood for what he deemed wise party measures and a clean administration of public affairs. Judge Jewett was married at Lowell, Indiana, to Miss Delila Drake. She died at Sturgis, S. D., in 1887, leaving two children Fred, now deceased, and Hattie, wife of Edward Galvin, of Sturgis, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Galvin have one daughter, Madge. February 4th, 1889, Judge Jewett married Mrs. Annie, widow of Rev. Francis C. Haney, Assistant Rector of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, of Montreal, Canada, by which union there is one son, Oris Francis, born at Sturgis, S. D., November 22nd, 1891. Mrs. Jewett is a daughter of James Soutar, a native of Forfarshire, Scotland, a blacksmith by trade, who came to America in 1853 and located at Lachute, Quebec, Canada, about forty miles north of Montreal, where he lived until 1865. He then removed to Black Hills, S. D., where he pursued his trade and incidentally engaged in mining, passing through the great excitement of his home state mining days. He also engaged in farming and lived on the first located land in all that region of country. He finally retired to Sawtelle where with Mrs. Jewett he spent his declining days. He died April 14th, 1908. Mrs. Jewett spent her girlhood and early married life in the City of Montreal, Canada. Following the death of her first husband she sought the home and protection of her father at Black Hills. Young and ambitious, she caught the spirit of enterprise that pervaded the new and prosperous country and acquired by pre-emption and also by purchase valuable tracts of government land which she improved and stocked with cattle. These enterprises she so astutely managed as to make them profitable. Upon coming to California she disposed of her personal holdings. Mrs. Jewett is a lady of social refinement and domestic culture. She is sweet spirited and vitally interested in local charities. She is an active member of the Church of Saint Augustine by the Sea, Episcopal, of Santa Monica, is a member and officer of the Order of the Eastern Star, of Sawtelle. Judge Jewett died October 24th, 1907, and was buried under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity, at Woodlawn Cemetery, Santa Monica. JOHN J. SEYMOUR is a native of Ohio, born near Washington, C. H. Fayette County, February 16th, 1852. When a child his parents moved to Illinois. He obtained an elementary education in the schools of that state and later entered the State University, graduating with the class of 1877 as a civil engineer. After graduation he was employed some time in the government service making surveys on the Mississippi River, then in various railroad construction corps in Indiana, Dakota, and later in Colorado with the Denver & Rio Grand R. R. during its palmy construction era. He afterward engaged in mining engineering and was a U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor in the San Juan silver mines 388 BIOGRAPHICAL in Colorado. In 1886 he came to California and was for some time engaged in railroad construction in Plumas County and later in a general engineering business in Santa Clara County. In 1890 he located in Fresno where he became general manager and part owner of the Fresno City Water Works. He early became interested in the development of electric water power and assisted in the forma tion of a company organized to bring electric power from the San Joaquin River in the Sierra Mountains to the City of Fresno. He was president and general manager. This company was one of the pioneers in electric transmission and claimed the distinction at one time of having the longest transmission line (35 miles and later 69 miles) in existence, and of operating its water wheels under the highest head of water, 1400 feet. His health failing he was obliged to dispose of his business interests in and about Fresno and in 1903 he removed to Santa Monica which he has since made his home, making substantial investments in real estate in this vicinity. Mr. Seymour is recognized as one of Santa Monica's most substantial citizens. He takes a lively personal interest in local public affairs, is one of the charter members of the Santa Monica Board of Trade and its president-elect. Mr. Seymour was married in 1885 to Corinne, a daughter of Dr. Joseph Howells, of Richmond. Indiana, and a cousin of the famous author, William Dean Howells. J. W. TODD, junior member of the undertaking firm of Bresee Brothers and Todd, Santa Monica, is a native of Missouri, was born at Pleasant Hill, in Cass County, that state, November 3rd, 1874. His father, Charles F. Todd, for many years having successfully engaged in business in Missouri, has for eight years lived in retirement in Los Angeles. Mr. Todd received an academic schooling at Wichita, Kansas, and later at Garfield University, same city. He came with the family to California in 1899 and soon thereafter took a position with Bresee Brothers, leading undertakers of Los Angeles, where he acquired a thorough knowledge of undertaking in all its branches. In 1906 he organized the firm of Bresee Brothers & Todd, purchased the undertaking business of A. M. Guidinger, holding a one-third interest in the same and assumed entire management of the same. The building owned and occupied by the company is one of the most spacious and architectural in Santa Monica. The furnishings and equipment are modern and complete in al' respects Mr. Todd married in 1893 Miss Olive Miller, a daughter of M. K. Miller, a prominent business man and two terms mayor of the City of Salida, Colorado. Mrs. Todd is a lady of fine mental attainments and was for moie than nine years a teacher in the public schools of Salida. Mr. Todd is a member of the B. P. 0. E., I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen, Fraternal Brotherhood and of the Christian Church. Mrs. Todd is prominently identified with the Order of the Eastern Star and is an active member of the Crescent Bay Women's Club, Ocean Park, and the Santa Monica Women's Club. BIOGRAPHICAL 389 FRANK C. LAXGDOX, a pioneer and representative citizen of Sawtelle, is a native of Spencertown, Columbia County, New York, where he was born the 17th day of .March, 1856. His father, Lyman W. Langdon, was of New England parentage and ancestry and was born in New Hampshire in 1802, where his boyhood was spent. When a young man he owned boats on the Hudson River, which he navigated to points north of New York City. He married Miss Zulina Hull, who bore him five sons and six daughters, ten of whom grew to maturity In 1857 the family moved to New York and located on a farm in Columbia County. In 1857 they emigrated to Illinois and settled near Galena, in Daviess County. From here three sons, Henry, Eugene and Edgar, volunteered in the Federal Army to fight for the preservation of the Union. Henry lost an arm in the Battle of Corinth, Eugene was wounded at Lookout Mountain, and Edgar lost four fingers of his right hand while on picket duty. The family in 1866 moved again westward and located on the open prairie in Lyon County, Minnesota, and for several years there lived with Sioux Indians as their principal neighbors. Returning to Illinois they lived for a time at Cleveland, McHenry County. In 1880 they removed to Brainerd, Minnesota, where the father died in 1882. Mr. Langdon married in 1879 at Glenwood, Pope County, Minnesota, Miss Nellie E,, daughter of Colonel Stephen J. Russell, a farmer by occupation, a veteran of the civil war, for several years sheriff of Douglass County, Minnesota. He was a native of London, England. He came to California in 1892 and lived for a time at Inglewood. He died at Sawtelle July 8th, 1905, at seventy-three years of age. In the winter of 1885-6, Mr. Langdon went to Sims, Morton County, Dakota and engaged in stock raising. In March, 1888, he went to Montana to prospect for gold. He commenced operations in Lewis and Clark County about eighteen miles northeast of Helena and for a time had indifferent success. In the month of July, while drifting into the side of a bluff at French Bar on the Upper Missouri River, he unearthed a vein of quartz that proved to be a veritable mine of sapphires, rubies and dia monds of almost fabulous wealth. One, a rose diamond, of twelve karats, value $30,000, was put on exhibition at the Paris Exposition by Prof. Kunz, of Tiffany & Company, New York. This is the first and only vein of sapphire and ruby quartz ever discovered and created a sensation through the mineral world diamonds in Africa having been found in alluvial washings. Mr. Langdon and a brother, Edgar Langdon, who was associated with him in mining operations, sold their claim for $50,000 cash and the property later passed into the hands of the Rothschilds Brothers, of London, England, who paid $500,000 for it, who developed it and it has since been sold for $20,000,000. Mr. Langdon still owns a quantity of these beautiful gems as souvenirs of his mining exploits. After disposing of his mine interests in Montana, Mr. Langdon returned to Hart River, forty miles west of Bismark, and engaged again in stock raising until 1899 when he came to California. 390 BIOGRAPHICAL The following year Mr. Langdon settled with his family in Sawtelle and cast his fortune with the then small hamlet, made up of seven buildings and occupants thereof, and from that time has been one of its most active and enterprising citizens. He has invested heavily in city realty and now owns eighteen cottages, which he leases, besides other business and residence property. He built the Langdon Hotel in 1903, which for a time was operated upon the American plan but is now upon the European plan. He has been somewhat active and influential in city politics and was one of the original movers for the incorporation of the city, the histoiy of which move ment may be found elsewhere in this volume. The second election for incorpor ation, held November 26th, 1906, carried about three to one, and Mr. Langdon was elected to the Board of Trustees and subsequently chosen chairman of the board, which position he later resigned in favor of the present incumbent. Mr. Langdon 's services as a public official have proven eminently satisfactory to his fellow townsmen. His attitude upon all questions affecting the public weal has always been consistently in favor of a clear government and healthy condition of public morals. A man of the strictest integrity and high ideals of citizenship, the people have implicit faith in him as a true and faithful public servant. Mr. and Mrs. Langdon have two sons and two charming daughters. Nellie is wife of Frederick Pardee, of Los Angeles; Cassie, a graduate of the Dobinson School of Expression, Los Angeles, is now Mrs. Harry Keys, of Bisbee, Arizona. The older son is Frank Clifford Langdon, of Modesto, Cal., and the youngest of the family is Tedd Russell Langdon, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Langdon are leading members of the Church of Seventh Day Adventists, of Sawtelle, and are ready workers in all movements favoring the moral and spiritual upliftment of their home city. K. B. SUMMERFIELD, of Santa Monica, is a native of Vernon, Indiana, born May 15th, 1864. His father, John W. Summerfield, was a lawyer and for many years practiced his profession at Vernon, the county seat of Jennings County. Later in life he held for two successive terms the office of County Clerk of Jennings County. He married Katherine McClaskey. The Summerfields descended from Dutch ancestors and the McClaskeys were Scotch. Mr. Summer- field passed the days of his youth in his native town and was educated in the public schools of that place. He came to California in 1883. For eight years he was in the employ of W. D., W. S., and E. J. Vawter, acting as an accountant, and for four years he served the Bassett & Nebeker Lumber Company in the same capacity. Later he held the position for two years as local manager of the Sunset Lumber Company. He received the appointment of U. S. Postmaster for Santa Monica, April 6th, 1902 and was reappointed in 1906. He is an efficient and popular public servant. BIOGRAPHICAL 391 HENRY DWIGHT BARROWS was born in Mansfield, Conn., February 23rd, 1825, a son of Joshua Palmer and Polly (Bingham) Barrows. His paternal grandparents, Joshua and Anna (Turn er) Barrows, were, like his parents, natives of Mansfield. The Barrows family came to America from England and settled at Plymouth, Mass. Thence, in the latter part of the seventeenth century, two brothers moved to Mans field, Conn., where eventually their name became more numerous than any other family name in town. In 1845 the subject of this sketch counted more than thirty families of the name in that place. The maternal grandfather of Mr. Barrows, Oliver Bingham, was known and venerated as "Uncle Oliver Bing ham, the miller of Mansfield Hollow." He is remembered by his grandson as a large, well-proportioned man, re sembling in appearance the pictures of George Washington. He had a brother, a miller on the Willimantic River, known widely as "Uncle Roger Bingham, of the old town of Windham." Joshua Palmer Barrows was born in 1794 and died in Mansfield in 1887; his wife was born in 1790 and died in 1864. They had three children, viz.: Mrs. Franklin S. Hovey, who died at Beverly, N. J., in 1890; Henry D. and James A., who for many years have been residents of Los Angeles. The early years of the subject of this sketch were spent on a farm. He received his education, first, in the public school, and later in the high school at South Coventry, Conn. Afterward he spent several terms in the academy at Ellington, Conn. Commencing when he was seventeen, he taught school for four winters. During this period he devoted considerable time to music, joining the local band, of which he became the leader, and taking lessons on the organ under a skillful English teacher in Hartford. In the village where Mr. Barrows was reared (South Mansfield, or Mansfield Center as it was known) books were scarce, but he read all he could get. "Dick's Christian Philosopher" delighted him, and he still regards it as one of the best works extant to widen one's ideas of the world around him. His first business experience was clerking in New York in 1849. The next year he went to Boston, where, as entry clerk and then as bookkeeper, he worked HENRY . HARROWS. 392 BIOGRAPHICAL in the large dry goods jobbing house of J. W. Blodgett & Co. for over two years, acquiring a business experience that was very valuable to him in after years. He greatly enjoyed the superior advantages in the way of books, lectures, music, etc., which a great city affords over a country town. He also heard with delight the early operas of Verdi, as well as those of Donizetti, Bellini, etc., as presented by Benedetti, Truffi, and other artists of that period, under the leadership of Max Maretzic. April 26th, 1852, Mr. Barrows sailed from New York on the steamer Illinois for California. The passage of the isthmus at that time was full of hardships, the connecting steamer on this side was the Golden Gate. Soon after arrival in San Francisco, Mr. Barrows went to the northern mines, going as far as Shasta; but, as the dry season had set in, he returned down the valley, working at haying at $100 a month on Thomas Creek, near Tehama. He reached San Francisco, July 31st, full of chills and fever, which the cold, harsh summer climate of that city, in contrast with the extreme heat of the Sacremento valley, only aggravated. He then went to San Jose, where he raised a crop of wheat and barley. At that time (1852-53) flour was very high, retailing at twenty-five cents a pound. In the fall of 1853 Mr. Barrows went to the southern mines, working at placer gold mining near Jamestown. Later he obtained an engagement as teacher of music in the Collegiate Institute in Benicia, remaining there until October, 1854, when the late William Wolfskill, the pioneer, engaged him to teach a private school in his family at Los Angeles, from December, 1854, until the latter part of 1858. Among his pupils, besides the sons and daughters of Mr. Wolfskill, were John and Joseph C. Wolfskill, sons of his brother, Mathew; William R. and Robert Rowland; the children of Lemuel Carpenter, J. E. Pleas- ants, etc. In 1859-60 he cultivated a vineyard on the east side of the river. He was appointed United States Marshall for the southern district of California by President Lincoln in 1861, holding the office four years. In 1864 he engaged in the mercantile business, in which he continued about fifteen years. Mr. Barrows was married November 14th, I860, to Juanita Wolfskill, who was born November 14th, 1841, and died January 31st, 1863, leaving a daughter, Alice Wolfskill Barrows, who was born July 16th, 1862, and who became the wife of Henry Guenther Weyse, October 2nd, 1888. Mrs. Juanita Barrows was a daughter of William and Magdalena (Lugo) Wolfskill. Mr. Wolfskill was born in Kentucky in 1798, of German and Irish parentage, and was one of the very earliest American pioneers of Los Angeles, having arrived here in Febru ary, 1831. He died in this city October 3rd, 1866. His wife was born in Santa Barbara, California, the daughter of Jose Ygnacio Lugo and Dona Rafaela Romero de Lugo, Don Jose Ygnacio Lugo being a brother of Antonio Maria Lugo and of Dona Maria Antonia Lugo de Vallejo, who was the wife of Sergeant Vallejo and the mother of General M. G. Vallejo. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfskill were married at Santa Barbara in January, 1841; she died July 6th, 1862. There were born to them six children, viz.: Juanita Francisca, born in 1843 and be- BIOGRAPHICAL 393 came the wife of Charles J. Shepherd; Joseph W., born in 1844, married Elena Pedrorena; Magdalena, born in 1846, married Frank Sabichi; Lewis, born in 1848, married Louisa Dalton, daughter of Henry Dalton, the pioneer; and Rafaelita, who died in childhood. August 14th, 1864, Mr. Barrows married Mary Alice Workman, daughter of John D. Woodworth, and the widow of Thomas H. Workman, who was killed by the explosion of the steamer Ada Hancock in the bay of San Pedro April 23rd, 1863. She was born in Des Moines, Iowa, and died in Los Angeles March 9th, 1868, leaving two daughters: Ada Frances, who was born May 21st, 1865, and was married October 25th, 1890, to Rudolph G. Weyse (by whom she has three children); and Mary Washington, who was born February 22nd, 1868, and died in infancy. The present wife of Mr. Barrows was Bessie A. Greene, a native of Utica, N. Y. They were married November 28, 1868, and have one son, Harry Prosper Barrows; the latter born December 14th, 1869, and married August 19th, 1893, to Bessie D. Bell, a native of Michigan. They have three children. Until the formation of the Republican party Mr. Barrows was a Whig. He voted for Fremont in 1856, and has voted for every Republican candidate for president since till 1900, when he voted for William J. Bryan. He believes that that great party, in its earlier years, made a glorious record as a champion of the rights of man and of constitutional liberty. But he has found occasion, in common with many other original and sincere Republicans, to lament the departure of the party from its earlier simplicity and singleness of purpose in behalf of universal freedom, being dedicated wholly, as it was, "to the happiness of free and equal men." For many years prior to the '80s he took an active part in public education. For much of the time during fifteen years he served as a member of the school board of this city. In 1867 he was elected city super intendent, and in 1868, county superintendent. He has written much on many subjects for the local press, and especially on financial questions, including resumption of specie payment, bimetallism, etc. He contributed one of the thirty-nine essays to the competitive contest invited in 1889 by M. Henri Cer- nuschi on International Bimetallism. He also wrote philosophical essay, in 1904, entitled: "Cosmos or Chaos? Theism or Atheism?" From 1856, for nearly ten years he was the regular paid Los Angeles correspondent of the San Fran cisco Bulletin, then one of the most influential newspapers of the Pacific Coast. Mr. Barrows has administered a number of large estates, including those of William Wolfskill, Captain Alexander Bell, Thomas C. Rhodes, and others. He was appointed by the United States district court one of the commissioners to run the boundary line between the Providencia Rancho and that of the ex- Mission of San Fernando. Also, by appointment of the superior court, he was one of the commissioners who partitioned the San Pedro Rancho, which con tained about twenty-five thousand acres. In 1868 he was president of the His torical Society of Southern California, of which he was one of the founders, 394 BIOGRAPHICAL and to the records of which he has contributed many valuable papers of reminis cences. He is also one of the charter members of founders of the Society of Los Angeles Pioneers. He wrote about one hundred sketches of early pioneers of Los Angeles, most of whom he knew personally, for the Illustrated History of Los Angeles County, issued in 1889 by the Lewis Publishing Co., of Chicago. He also wrote the text of the Illustrated History of Central California, published by the same company in 1893. Copies of both of these works may be found in the Los Angeles Public Library. Mr. Barrows has a strong conviction that every man and every woman should be a fully developed citizen; and that while all men and women should be guaranteed their natural equal rights and equal privileges in order that they may be enabled as nearly as may be, to fight the battle of life on an equal footing so far, at least, as the state can guarantee such natural rights and privileges to all its citizens. He holds that every citizen also owes manifold obligations to the state and to the community in which he lives obligations which, though they cannot be legally enforced, he is, morally at least, not entitled to shirk. "Who," says Mr. Barrows, "can imagine the beauty of that state in which every person, however humble his lot, enjoys, not only theoretically, but practically, all the natural rights and privileges that every other person enjoys, and in which at the same time every person voluntarily and freely renders, proportionately to his ability and opportunity, to the state and to the community, all the varied obligations pertaining to his personal and particular sphere that the best citizens perform. There are myriad ways of doing good in the world open to every person, and there are myriad obligations which every person owes the com munity which, if every person freely and faithfully performed according to his or her several abilities, this world would speedily become what it was intended to be, an earthly paradise." Loyalty to these principles and loyalty to the moral government of the universe and to the Great Being who upholds and rules that universe, Mr. Barrows adds, constitute his creed, his religion. In his opinion they are broad enough and true enough to serve as the basis of a universal re ligion, of a creed which all men can subscribe to, and live by, and, die by! JOHX CHARLES HEMINGWAY, Clerk of Santa Monica, was born in the City of Chelsea, Suffolk County, Mass., October 19th, 1858, the son of John Hemingway a farmer. He spent his boyhood in the city of Boston. He attended Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. After leaving school he engaged in newspaper work as a reporter for the local press. Later, for a period of about ten years, he worked as a reporter on the leading daily papers of Chicago. In 1883 he came to Los Angeles and accepted a position in the same capacity on the Los Angeles Daily Herald. He followed journalism in the capacity of news correspondent until April, 1902, when he was elected City Clerk of Santa Monica. He was re-elected to the same office April, 1907, under the Freeholders Charter. BIOGRAPHICAL 395 November 10th, 1889, Mr. Hemingway married Miss Emma J. Hayden, a native of Portland, but from childhood a resident of East Los Angeles. They have one daughter, E. Mearle. Mr. Hemingway is a member of the F. and A. M., I. O. O. F. and B. P. O. E., of which latter organization he is Exalted Ruler. Mr. and Mrs. Hemingway are members of Saint Augustine Episcopal Church of this city. Santa Monica has no more popular citizen than J. C. Hemingway and his record as a public official is beyond reproach. (At my request, Dr. Orin Davis, a venerable and beloved citizen of Sawtelle, has favored me with the following autobiographical review of some of the inci dents of a long, useful and exemplary life. The AUTHOR.) In the township of York, Living ston County, N. Y., in 1823, forests covered the landscape with their leafy drapery excepting here and there an open clearing made by an early se-ttler, and upon one of these there stood a log house with a clay-stick chimney and from within the curling smoke rolled up from an ample fireplace whose broad, uneven hearth-stone was quarried fiom the earth near by. From this chimney place hung the iron crane, embellished by several swivel jointed hooks and trammels of variable lengths, equipped for cul inary service ; doors on wooden hinges and fastened by wooden latches; in one corner a rudely constructed lad der, with holes and round sticks made to fit by the jackknife, led to cham bers aloft, which were divided by calico curtains and white sheets; below, in the opposite corner, a caseless clock, from whose motor weights were suspended by cords communicating with hands that pointed to figures on the dial and whose bell strikingly announced the passing of golden hours. On the uppermost border of the plate was the smiling image of the moon just rising from invisible depths. Such were some of the environments on June 26th, when the helpless, half animate, new-born child of Asa and Sallie Clarke Davis was forced into this mysterious earth of ours to en counter the hazards of life's alluring temptations and bitter sufferings the sub ject of this brief sketch. ORIN DAVIS, M.D. 396 BIOGRAPHICAL My father was not only a farmer by occupation, but also a nurseryman, and I had training in raising for sale the better kind of grafted fruit trees. As years rolled on, the old log house was supplanted by a large frame one, the colts grew to be horses and were harnessed to useful undertakings, loads of fruit trees brought cash, and with this constant unfolding of animal and vegetable life, the subject of this sketch also advanced and resolved that his future should be further unfolded in the study and practice of medicine. Early I became interested in the remedial properties of the then little known, indigenous materia medica, comprising many of those important domestic agents that had gained no standard remedial reputation in the dispensaries. Three years were devoted to the study of the regular text books in medicine preparatory to attendance upon two full courses of lectures in a regularly chartered college. I finally passed the quiz successfully and was honored with the Degree of Doctor of Medicine, in June, 1846. Immediately I entered upon the arduous duties of active practice and January, 1847, was elected to edit a monthly journal, the Eclectic Medical Reformer, published at Dansville, New York. In the follow ing June I co-operated with two medical graduates and two professors from Cincinnati College in a preparatory two months' course of instruction for medical students who later intended to be better equipped for the college curriculum. Obstetricy and diseases of women and children was the department assigned to me for their instruction. On the following and during succeeding years, classes of students attended four months 'courses of medical instruction in Central Medical College at Roches ter, N. Y., where liberal principles of medicine were advocated by our faculty and the Eclectic Medical and Surgical Journal, until the college and its educational interests were transferred to New York City where a new charter was obtained. There it still continues to flourish, a successful exponent of medical progress, reflecting honor upon the cause of American medicine. In 1854 I established a Health Institute at Attica, New York, and for fifty years continued as its proprietor, treating chronic diseases of both sexes, making pelvic ailments of women a specialty. These remedial efforts were successful so that previous to the Spanish War, which greatly enlarged our domain, my patrons were living in every state and territory of the Union, with the single exception of Alaska. In the meantime my contributions to medical literature embraced a wide range of topics, some of which were published by the state legislature of New York, also in various medical journals and thus obtained a wide circulation. One family work on popular medicine which I wrote is report ed in numbers of copies published to exceed the two million mark. In 1874 I was elected president of the New York State Eclectic Medical Society and, among other timely topics, presented the idea originating high license as a means of reducing and ultimately destroying profitable traffic in alcoholic stimulants. Not only at the time of my inaugural address, but ever BIOGRAPHICAL 397 since then it has engaged attention of temperance reformers and has continued to be a live issue and contending factor in discussions in temperance organizations. For more than thirty-five years I have been a Master Mason, a conscientious believer in the enduring truths and upright principles inculcated by this worthy order, and have been a living witness of its benign influence and of the incalcula ble good resulting not only to its faithful followers, but upon society at large. I have ever taken a deep interest in church music. In religious organizations its salutary, uplifting influence upon the community is second only to the gospel ministry of truth. Poetry wedded to music renders most expressively the yearn ing of the emotive faculties which hopefully and confidingly bring us in close spiritual relation with our Heavenly Father. While the grand truths of science and religion are celebrated in song, yet it is such faculties as sympathy, joy, hope, confidence, love and devotion when blended by music, that raise the thoughts to a heavenly sphere to the spiritual verities that ennoble the soul, giving increasing breadth and basis to universal charity. In matters of faith and spiritual know ledge I believe in continual advancement, daily demonstrating in spirit the quality of life's purposes; by self-denial, repressing selfishness and perfect confidence in the Love that will finally be all in all. I attribute much of my success throughout life to the inspiring presence and genius of my beloved wife, who in 1843, for better for worse, joined her life and fortune with my own. Through all succeeding events, her counsel, timely assist ance, punctuality, order and regularity in her every day duties, accompanied with evenness of spirit, made opportunities possible for the better devotion of my time and talents to the arduous duties of my profession. One daughter and two sons are living and one son passed away in early childhood. Many are the sweet remembrances that crowd upon the memory of a long and eventful life of professional friendships and social endearments that are consciously reproduced and cheer us while passing the evening of our days in the quiet of our semi-tropic home in Southern California. DANIEL ALTON, a substantial citizen of Sawtelle, is a native of the State of New York. He was born in Jefferson County, February 20, 1843. His father, Christopher Alton, was a prosperous farmer and a native of County Limerick, Ireland, who came to America about the year 1828 at thirteen years of age and located in Canada where he spent his youth. At Kingston, Canada, he married Miss Ann Montgomery, a native of County Mayo. They came to New York and located on a farm near Watertown, the county seat of Jefferson County. They raised a family of four sons and one daughter, the oldest of whom was Adam, who married and located in Waudena County, Minn., and there died at about the age of fifty-nine years. Elizabeth married Charles Bloss and lived in Munroe County, Wisconsin. She is now deceased. Daniel, the subject 398 BIOGRAPHICAL of this sketch is the third born. Michael, the fourth born, is now (1908) a resi dent of Clark County, Wisconsin, and lives near Neelsville. Joseph, the youngest, lives at Watertown, Munroe County, Wisconsin. Mr. Alton left home when a lad and went to Hartford, Washington County, Wisconsin. Later he lived in Janeau County. There he enlisted in the Union Army to fight the rebellion, June 21st, 1861, went forthwith to the front engaged in the second Battle of Bull Run where he received a severe wound in the right thigh. From the battlefield he was conveyed to the Military Hospital at West Philadelphia where he was confined until April 14th, 1863, where upon he was honorably discharged from the army by reason of his disability and returned to Wisconsin. In 1865 he went to Minnesota and located in the town of Tenhaussen, Martin County, where for thiity-two years he engaged successfully in general agriculture. On March 22nd, 1866, Mr. Alton married Miss Mary E. Dennett and they raised and educated a family of six children all born on the old Minnesota home stead. Lorenzo, the eldest, was born February 1 1th, 1867 and died in December, 1871. Carrie, born October 29th, 1869, is now Mrs. Fred Howland, of Serra Vista, Santa Monica. Alfred D., born April 13th, 1871, lives on the old home stead. Josephine, born February 25th, 1874, is now Mrs. Abraham Kyle, of Tenhaussen, Minnesota. Alonzo E., born January 5th, 1877, lives at the old home in Minnesota. Herbert D., born May 22nd, 1883, now resident of Spokane Washington, and Lester Lee, born August 26th, 1889, lives at Serra Vista, Santa Monica. The family was reared under the best of social influences and all re ceived a thorough High School or college education. Mr. Alton has been twice married. The present Mrs. Alton was America Weaver Lee, a member of a branch of the famous Lee family of Virginia. Mr. Alton's life has been one of great industry and business activity. Leaving the parental roof when a mere lad to make his own way in the world, he soon there after promptly responded to the country's call to arms in defense and preservation of the Union, and with shattered constitution returned to the responsibilities of active civil citizenship. With meagre means he engaged in farming in a new and frontier country, and by diligent endeavor, aggressive yet conservative enterprise he became one of the most successful and influential farmers in his county. He also, as a matter of civic duty, took an active part in shaping the policies and conducting the public affairs of his county and was for seventeen years Supervisor of Tenhaussen Township and chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Martin County. Notwithstanding his manifold private responsibilities and his public duties, Mr. Alton found time for extensive travel, having visited nearly every state in the Union making, meantime, thirteen trips from the Mississippi River to California, thoroughly prospecting the country for the most desirable home location. Sawtelle may be congratulated upon the fact that Mr. Alton, after so much deliberation, has finally taken up his home in its midst, where he has invested many thousands of dollars in city realty and income property. BIOGRAPHICAL 399 ALVIN N. ARCHER, a well known pioneer citizen of Ocean Park, Santa Monica, is a native of the State of Maine, born in the town of Charlotte, Washington County, October 23rd, 1844. His father, John N. Archer, a shoemaker by trade and occupation, a native of the same state, married Abigal Hughes and they raised a family of four sons and four daughters of whom Alvin N. was the fifth. Abigal Hughes was the daughter of John Hughes, a native of Wales, G. B. He was a man of great physical strength and a professional athlete. Young Archer left home at eighteen years of age and in 1862 entered the Union Army for the Civil War. He was mustered into the service at the town of Lincoln, Penobscot County; First Maine Artil lery, Battery I., which was assigned to the Army of the Potomac. His regiment was held in the defense of Washington until April, 1864, and was then sent to the front under the command of General W. S. Hancock. They participated in all the bloody fighting involved in the Siege of Peteisburg and it is a matter of public record that the First Maine Artillery sustained a large: per cent of losses than any other in the Fedeial Army. In one instance, when assaulting the breastworks, Mr. Archer's battery came out with only seven out of a total of sixty man who made the charge. Mr. Archer received two wounds during the war and still carries a musket ball under his shoulder blade. He mustered out in July, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pa., and soon thereafter returned home. For a time he followed lumbering and in 1877 went to Michigan, located at Midland and worked for the Flint & Pere Marquette Ry. Co. In 1879 he removed to Madison, South Dakota, and worked on a bonanza farm. In 1891 he came west to Oregon and in 1892 to Southern California. He was in poor health and located at Santa Monica. For the Y. M. C. A. he erected the first building in South Santa Monica in 1894. For four years he was local agent of the Santa Fe Ry. Company. Later he held the office of deputy constable and was also the first uniformed policeman of the new town. He was the prime factor in organizing fire company No. 2, and for years was its president. He was elected and served as a member of the board of Freeholders that draughted the present city charter ALVIX X. AKCIIER. 400 BIOGRAPHICAL of Santa Monica. He is at present member of the City Fire Commission having in charge all matters relating to the present efficient fire department. Mr. Archer married at Ocean Park, in 1892, Miss Luetta Litch. a native of Fredonia, N. Y., and a daughter of Joseph Litch, a one time extensive farmer and land owner of Chautauqua County, N. Y. He, however, met with financial reverses and died in middle life. The mother soon passed away leaving the daughter in the guardianship of her present husband. Mr. and Mrs. Archer have four children Bula June, the first child born of American parents in South Santa Monica; Reed M.; Glen E.; Altha F. The Archer home is No. 245 Hill Street. Mr. Archer is one of the influential and progressive pioneers of Ocean Park, Santa Monica, and takes a lively interest in the public welfare of his adopted city. DAXIEL MELOY was born at Harrisburg, Pa., September 15th, 1833, the son of John Meloy, a farmer who settled on the western frontier in Ohio at what is now the City of Wooster, in 1834. In 1836 he removed to Mercer County, Ohio, and settled on wild land in a dense wilderness. There he developed a good farm. In 1841 he went to Whitney County Ind., and located near the county seat, Columbia, and developed an eighty acre farm. Later he made a new location in Kosciusko County, Ind., which became the permanent family home. He married Mary Smith at Harrisburg, Pa., and they raised a family of thirteen children. He died on the old homestead in 1891 at eighty-five years of age. Daniel lived at home until twenty-one years of age. He then spent two years in Illinois and two years in Iowa. Iowa then had no railroads and corn was worth but eight cents per bushel. Upon the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted in the Federal army, Co. B, 52nd. Ind. Vol. Inf., and went to the front. He was about nineteen months in the Fifteenth Army Corps, under General Thomas, did some lively fighting at the battles of Gettysburg, was in the fight at Shanondoah, Winchester and at Harpers Ferry. He remained in the army until the war was over. He had two brothers, Seth and Andrew, who responded to the first call for volunteers. The latter lost his life at Corinth, Miss. After the war, Mr. Meloy emigrated to Kansas and located near Senaca, the county seat of Numah County, and purchased one hundred sixty acres of land. Later he lived for fifteen years at Fort Scott, Kansas. In 1877 he came to Cali fornia and lived a short time at Pasadena. In 1878 he located near Santa Monica, at what is now Twentieth Street, near Colorado Avenue, where he owns eight good residence lots. Mr. Meloy married in Kosciosko County, Ind., Miss Amarylis F. Thomas, a daughter of George Thomas, by whom he has four children living Tryphosa F., Horace T. .Meloy, a well known and successful business man of Santa Monica; Rosetta H. and David C. Mrs. Meloy died August 3rd, at sixty-four years of age. BIOGRAPHICAL 401 HEXRY X. GOETZ, for nearly a quarter of a century a resident of California, and since 1888 an active and influential citizen of Santa Monica, is a native of the Province of Ontario, Canada, where he was born August 7th, 1861. His father, Andrew Goetz, was of German parentage, and spent his entire life in Ontario. He was a thrifty farmer whose parents emigrated from Strasburg, Germany, about the time of his birth and were pioneers in the early settlement of the country. Henry Goetz lived on the home farm until 1881 , when he started out single handed and alone to carve his own future in the business world. He went first to the town of Walkerville, Ontario, and entered the employ of Hiram Walker & Sons, founders of the town. His services were so valuable to his employers that, although but a youth, they placed him in charge of a crew of men. He remained with Hiram Walker & Sons two years and acquired valu able knowledge and experience in various departments of the building and me chanical business. The years 1883 and 1884 he spent in Victoria, British Columbia. In November, 1885, he came to California, spending eleven months in San Francisco. The following year (1886) he came to Southern California and spent one year in Los Angeles, after which he located permanently in Santa Monica. Mr. Goetz found Santa Monica just awakening from a protracted period of lethargy, the result of a miscarriage of ambitious plans for building here a har bor city. The completion of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. into Los Angeles this year resulted in the influx of armies of people overland from the east, the spontaneous advance in realty and the greatest land boom the country has ever witnessed. Santa Monica began to expand and Mr. Goetz became active ly interested in her civic, political and business development. He has erected a large number of Santa Monica's finest business blocks, public buildings and residences. He built the Santa Monica Bank building in 1888, and later the Academy of the Holy Names, corner of Third Street and Arizona Avenue. He has built several of Santa Monica's finest school buildings, notably, the Lincoln High School and the Washington Buildings. He also built the North Beach Bath House, the Santa Monica City Hall, the Public Library, the Bundy Block and the Ocean Park City Hall and Fire House. The Dudley Building, corner of Third Street and Oregon Avenue, is evidence of the thoroughly architectural and substantial manner in which Mr. Goetz pursues his business, both as a de signer and builder. In the building of Venice, Mr. Goetz took an active part. He built the Venice Bath House, the lake and grand canal system, in thirty days time, under rush orders; also, at the same time, the St. Marks Hotel, to gether with a number of other buildings, a phenomenal feat in view of all the circumstances. Few citizens of Santa Monica have been more active and influential in public affairs than Mr. Goetz. He served four years, 1893 to 1897, on the Board of City Trustees and was Chairman of the Judiciary and Ordinance Committee, likewise Chairman of the Committee on Streets and Parks, in this latter capacity 26 402 BIOGRAPHICAL introducing and testing the present splendid system of petrolithic oil paving for streets and roads now adopted throughout Southern California. To this work he devoted much time and serious attention and the results must stand as a monument to his energy and wisdom as an officer and public servant. Mr. Goetz, in July, 1908, was elected president of the Santa Monica Board of Trade to succeed Mr. J. J. Seymour. Mr. Goetz was married in 1887, in Los Angeles, to Miss Catherine G. Woods, a native of San Francisco. They have three child ren Joseph H., Mary and Milton. He is a member of the local lodge of Foresters of America, the Knights of Columbus and the B. P. O. E. For many years a consistent Democrat in politics, he is not radically partisan but stands rather for good men for office and good public measures, not party expediences. The Goetz family residence, one of the most substantial and artistic in the city, is on North Third Street, No. 1043. GEORGE BOEHME, pioneer of Santa Monica, is a native of Alsace-Lorraine, then a province of France, and was born in the year 1829. He came to America in 1850, landing at New Orleans. In 1852 he came to California and spent several months in the mines. In 1854 he established himself in the tinning and plumbing business, in San Francisco. In 1855, he removed to Sacramento, and engaged there in the same line of business for a period of twenty years. He there assisted in laying the corner stone of the present State Capitol building, and later was assigned the contract for the copper roofing of the same. In 1865 was appointed lieutenant in the Sacramento Hussars, Fourth Brigade National Guards. In 1875 he came to Santa Monica and disembarked from the first vessel that touched at the first Santa Monica wharf. He immediately invested in about $2,000 worth of city lots, purchasing the same at the first auction held. From that date he took an active part in the material advancement of his chosen home city. In 1887, he built the Boehme Block, on Second Street, near Utah Avenue, which was at that time the most pretentious business block in the city. For many years he carried on a successful hardware and plumbing business and became a large holder of real estate, both business and residential. He held the office of City Treasurer from 1892 to 1895, and was succeeded by Eugene W. Boehme, his son, who held the office four terms. During recent years he has led a retired, quiet life. Mr. Boehme married in 1860 Miss Mary Kalgarif, a native of Ireland, who came to New Orleans, at eighteen years of age, and in 1855, with a brother, to California, and lived at Sacramento. They have three sons and a daughter, George C., Henry M., Eugene W., well known business men of Santa Monica, and Adaline. Mr. Boehme has been an active and successful business man, and commands the respect and esteem of all who know him. BIOGRAPHICAL 403 JOHN METCALK, capitalist and retired citizen of Venice, has been an impor tant factor in the upbuilding and commercial development of the Canal City. He is a native of Yorkshire, England and was born February 9th, 1842. His father, Thomas Metcalf, was a lead miner by occupation and was reared to his calling in the mining regions of Yorkshire. He came to America in 1849, bringing his family with him, and located at Dubuque, Iowa, his destination. He soon, however, located almost opposite Dubuque across the Mississippi River in South western Wisconsin in the town of Benton, La Payette County, where he purchased a farm upon which he lived until his death in 1855. He was about forty-three years of age. Young Metcalf grew up at Benton and commenced the battle of life at the tender age of thirteen years. He first worked in the lead mines of the Galena district near his home, for fifty cents per day, and by studied industry and frugal habits coupled with intelligent economy, he gradually improved his financial con dition. In 1864 he joined the Union Army and went to Texas. He was in the service one year when the war came to a close and, returning home, he turned his "sword into a plough share" and went to farming. He raised and bought cattle and engaged in the butchering business. In order to better his field for operation he sold his property in La Payette County and removed to Hardin County, Iowa, and later to Sioux City, buying and selling real estate. He finally became interest in property in Obrien County, northeast of Sioux City and located at Paullina, then a small town in a new but promising country. He engaged in the real estate business and also became heavily interested in grain and stock farms. In 1883, he established the present Bank of Paullina of which he has since been the owner. Latei, in 1902, he purchased the Bank of Merrill in Ply mouth County, Iowa, of which he is still the owner. Mr. Metcalf has always pursued a liberal yet intelligently conservative business policy and he makes and values money for the good it can be made to accomplish for mankind at large. By judicious investment in worthy enterprises he makes it the force that opens up new industries and developes the country. Mr. Metcalf first came to California in the winter of 1893-4 and visited various sections of the State. He finally purchased fifty-four acres of land of Antonio Machado, it being a portion of the La Bullona Grant. He bought it for its value for alfalfa land, as an investment. The building of the Los Angeles Pacific Short Line R. R., and the development of the beautiful city of Venice brought this land into demand for other purposes and in 1905 it was platted as the Venice Gateway Tract into three hundred and fifty residence lots of the usual size. The major portion of the tract has been sold to home builders and to others as investments. The streets are sixty feet wide beside twenty feet on each side is devoted to sidewalk and parking purposes. The Ocean Park City Hall is located at Venice Gateway, the land foi which was donated to the city. Mr. Metcalf is one of the incorporators and a stock holder in the Venice Shoe Manufacturing Company, Inc., and a director of the corporation. He erected W. B. B. TAYLOR. BIOGRAPHICAL 405 at an expense of about $12,000, the beautiful and substantial factory building which he leases to the new industry at a nominal rental price. In 1869 Mr. Metcalf married Miss Mary A. Simpson, of Dubuque, Iowa. She died at Paullina, Iowa, in 1892. In 1894 he married Mrs. Bell R. Carpenter. They maintain their old home at Paullina, Iowa, and have a beautiful modern California home at Venice Gateway. WEXDELL B. B. TAYLOR, pioneer attorney of Sawtelle, was born at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, May 4th, 1875. He is the son of Rev. George Taylor, pastor of the Baptist Church of Sawtelle. On the maternal side he is a sen of the Revolution. At the age of seven years, with his parents, he moved to Maine, where he lived three years, when the family determined to come to California, arriving here in December, 1885. After residing nine months in Los Angeles the family moved to Pasadena, where over fifteen years of Mr. Taylor's life was spent. There he received his education. After being graduated from the Pasa dena High School, in the Class of 1897, and spending one year at Pomona College, Claremont, he took a thorough course of bookkeeping and stenography and enter ed upon the study of law at the law offices of Hahn & Hahn, the leading attorneys of Pasadena, spending five years in hard study and office work, receiving a thorough training in both theory and practice. He was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of the State of California on the 20th day of October, 1903, at which time he enjoyed a good practice, which has since grown. His practice includes all phases of the law, both civil and criminal, but he is making a specialty of corporation and probate law and conveyancing. Since coming to Sawtelle he incorporated all the established churches of the place, the Sawtelle Water Com pany, the Sawtelle Cemetery Association, beside other corporations, while his probate matters carry him frequently into the courts. These, together with his office practice, make him a busy man. He came to Sawtelle about the middle of April, 1902, and commenced work for Mr. W. E. Sawtelle, then manager of the Pacific Land Company, and remained with him until they formed the real estate co-partnership of Sawtelle & Company, which did a good business for a number of years. Mr. Sawtelle then became associated with the Citizens State Bank and Mr. Taylor became the first City Attorney of the City of Sawtelle and turned his attention solely to the practice of law and to fire insurance. Mr. Taylor has served as Clerk of the Sawtelle School District and Sawtelle City School District Boards for about six years ; has been two terms Chief Templar of the Sawtelle Good Templars Lodge; is serving his fourth term as Clerk of the Baptist Church of Sawtelle; served one term as Noble Grand of the Sawtelle Lodge, No. 128, 1. O. O. F., and is serving his sixth year as Secretary of the Sunday School Convention of the Los Angeles Baptist Association. 406 BIOGRAPHICAL On the 8th day of June, 1904, Miss Carrie Adelia Hoyt and Mr. Taylor were united in marriage at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Goodale, at Los Angeles. Mr. Goodale was for fifteen years the efficient chief civil engineer at the Pacific Branch, N. H. D. V. S., which position he resigned to take up architectural work. During this period Mrs. Taylor was a member of Mr. Goodale's family. She was a hard worker in the Protestant Chapel of the Home, as choir leader and organist and her activity in religious and patriotic circles of the institution made her acquaintance an extensive one. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor reside at Pine Knoll, No. 654 West Oregon Avenue. They have two small children. Mr. Taylor has two brothers, both married. Mr. Hawley O. Taylor is proficient as a civil and mining engineer, and is now a student at Cornell Univer sity. Mr. Almo R. Taylor, with his family, reside at present at Sawtelle. He is chief artist for the Neuner Company, Los Angeles. In the long struggle for the incorporation of the City of Sawtelle, Mr. Taylor was a hard worker for the cause of incorporation, which finally, triumphed. After the incorporation of the city and election of the first board of trustees and officers, the disincorporationists petitioned for an election to disincorporate under the law provided for that purpose. Mr. Taylor, as the first city attorney, rendered an opinion that the board of trustees were without jurisdiction to enter tain the petition or call the election on the ground that there was no method of ascertaining the sufficiency of the petition as to the requisite number of qualified electors signing the same, as there had as yet been no municipal election in the City of Sawtelle within the meaning of the disincorporation act, the election to incorporate the city being a special election and not a municipal election. The act provided that the petition must be signed by qualified electors of the city equal in number to one-half the vote cast at the last municipal election held therein. The matter was carried into the courts and the opinion of Mr. Taylor was sus tained. JAMES STEPHEN TALKINGTON is a retired resident of this city, a native of Crawford County, Ark., born at Cedar Creek, twelve miles north of Van Buren, the county seat, September 20th, 1844. His father was Allen A. Talkington, a farmer, a native of Todd County, Ky., who pioneered on the western frontier in Arkansas, raising a family of six children. He came to California in 1869, lived and died at Orange, Orange County, his decease taking place in 1903, when he was ninety-three years of age. The mother of the subject of this sketch was Elizabeth Nichols, also a native of Kentucky. She died in 1884, at seventy-four years of age, at her home in Orange, Cal. Mr. Talkington has a brother, Simeon N., of No. 323 Tenth Street, Santa Monica. Three sisters are living: Mrs. Marga ret Marshall, widow. No. 231 West Sixty -second St., Los Angeles; Mrs. Ethelinda Yarnell, widow, of Orange, Cal., and Mrs. James V. Sutton, of Orange. BIOGRAPHICAL 407 Mr. Talkington, at nineteen years of age, May 10th, 1864, joined the Con federate Army. It was, however, under a misconception of the true condition of affairs, and he soon made a trip into Mexico through Southwest Texas, and took a hand in the revolution then in progress in that country, encountering much hardship and adventure. He returned home in August, 1865. The family soon thereafter came overland with ox teams and covered wagons, Mr. Talkington driving a team of four yoke of oxen, with a "Prairie Schooner," the entire distance. They located and lived three years in the mountains of San Diego county. In 1869 they removed to Orange county, where the parents died, and a portion of the family still reside. Mr. Talkington later lived at Tropico, and also later in Los Angeles. In 1893, he located in Santa Monica, and now lives on 216 Arizona Avenue, between Second and Third Streets. There are few cities on the Pacific Coast that have attached to their citizen ship a larger percentage of well-to-do and the wealthy men of the country than has Santa Monica. Bernard Quinn is one of the recent acquisitions to this most thrifty colony. Mr. Quinn is a native of Ireland, having been born in County Armagh in 1837. His father, Michael Quinn, died in Ireland and the widow, with seven children came to America, locating in Allegheny County, Pa., about twenty-one miles above the city of Pitts- burg. Here the mother died at the age of about fifty years. Young Quinn grew to manhood in Allegheny County and when ten years of age learned the business of operating a stationary engine, pursuing that calling for several years. In the year 1856, at the age of nineteen, he came west to the territory of Nebraska. Here he did a freighting business with teams and wagons for the United States Govern ment, transporting supplies to the troops garrisoned at Fort Bcnton. In 1864 he, with a brother, Charles, came still further westward to Montana. The transportation was made with a train of twenty-five emigrant wagons, each drawn by five yokes of oxen, young Quinn driving the lead team. The Quinn brothers owned six of these outfits. They located about one hundred miles north of what is now the city of Helena and engaged in mining with very indiffer- HERXARD QUINN. -108 BIOGRAPHICAL ent success. In 1867 they went to Salt Lake City, where they purchased of the Mormons one hundred and sixty cows and calves. This stock they drove north into Montana and for about fifteen years engaged in stock raising in that state. Their range covered a stretch of country nine miles square, one of the richest and best watered in the region and they made the business profitable. In 1888 they disposed of all their stock interests and went to Butte City where they invested heavily in city property. The brother died in Butte City in May, 1897, at 78 years of age. Mr. Quinn prospered in business and acquired some of the best realty holdings in the city of Butte. By reason of physical disabilities, the results of exposure in the vigorous climate of Montana, Mr. Quinn, after extensive traveling, came to California and in 1908 purchased a delightful home, retiring from active busi ness life. In 1894 Mr. Quinn married Miss Bell Durnan, a native of Philadelphia, Pa., and a daughter of Charles Durnan. a boatman on the Erie Canal. Mr. and Mrs. Quinn have one son, Victor John Quinn, born in Butte City, Montana, January 23rd, 1897. The family home is at Ninth and Arizona Avenue. While residents of Nebraska the Quinn brothers took a prominent part in the warfare against the Indians of the Platte River Valley. They were typical and enterprising pioneers and brought the first harvesting machine into that country. When they finally went to Montana they took with them two Cham pion mowing and harvesting machines, the first ever seen in that country. These machines were an innovation, and the enterprising Quinns had more work than they could do cutting hay at $35.00 per day. Mr. Quinn is a member of the Society of Montana Pioneers and a devout member of the Catholic Church. SAMUEL L. BERKLEY, successful druggist of Santa Monica, was born in the town of Lowell, Muskingum County, Ohio, March 30th, 1864. His father, Thomas J. Berkley, was a native of Frederick County, Va., and there spent his boyhood and youth. He left home when a young man and located at Lowell, Ohio, where he engaged somewhat extensively in the milling business until 1871. He there married Nancy De Long, and there six daughters and three sons were born. In 1871 the family removed to Virginia and lived at Winchester, Frederick County, until 1875, when they came west to Harrison County, Iowa. Samuel L. Berkley is the sixth child of the family. He was seven years old when the family left Ohio to live in Virginia and eleven years old when they located in Iowa. He attended the public schools of Winchester, Va., and finished in the Missouri Valley High School. He learned the drug business at Woodbine, la., and there spent about twenty years in the business. He married at Wood bine, in 1888, Miss Ruby A. Kling, daughter of Jacob R. and Emily Bliss Kling, of Troy Center, Walworth County, Wisconsin, and they have three sons, Hugh Kling, Laurence Jay, and Robert De Long. Mr. and Mrs. Berkley are members of the Baptist Church. He is a member of the Woodmen of the World. BIOGRAPHICAL 409 R. F. MCCLELLAX, capitalist and influential citizen of Sawtelle, a native of the State of Maine, was born in the town of Brownville, Piscataqua County, April 2 1st, 1859. His father, John McClellan, was the son of Scottish parents who were pioneers of the ' ' Pine Tree State ; ' ' located in Piscataqua County where they took an active part in the early developments of that far famed pine timber country. John McClellan grew up in the vicinity of Brownville and became thorough ly identified with its business growth and there married Miss Emily A. Mayo and with their six children came west to the timbered regions of Northern Minnesota in the year 1867. They located in the town of Princeton, where the family of five sons and two daughters grew up. In 1868, the father, while on a prospecting trip into the timbered wilderness of the Upper Mississippi River Valley, died under circumstances never fully ascertained by the family. At thirteen years of age young Reuben F. McClellan commenced work in the lumber woods, doing whatever work came to hand. He acquired a thorough knowledge of the logging and lumber business. At the age of nineteen he em barked in the business on his own account, getting out timber by contract on Rum river tributary to the Upper Mississippi, and was thus engaged for several years. Later he dealt extensively in timber lands with offices at Princeton. He finally decided to enter upon a business entei prise that had for some time appealed to his aggressive and somewhat adventurous spirit and accordingly organized what later became known to the mining world as the McClellan party, for the purpose of prospecting the undeveloped mineral country of Alaska. He enlisted seven "good men and true" of his personal acquaintance in his home town of Princeton. Mr. McClellan had devoted much time and thought to a somewhat critical investigation of mining developments in Alaska that new field of mineral developments and had selected a place of destination, shown on the maps as the head of Copper River. The party left Princeton in the month of April, 1898, and via Seattle (where they outfitted) proceeded by steamer to a point about 600 miles northwest of Sitka, where they disembarked on a bleak and forbidding shore, in six feet of snow, where, as yet no human foot had trod, but where now stands the new and thrifty town of Valdez, having a population of about 6,000 people. From this point they crossed the Valdez Glacier, a mountain of ice and snow some thirty miles in length, each man making his way independent of others, drawing a sled freighted with 1 ,400 pounds of provisions and camping equipment, and by relay ing succeeded in getting into the field with about 1,400 pounds each. They towed their boats up the main channel, making at best only an average of about one mile a day. It was May first when they struck a tributary to the Copper River about one hundred miles above its outlet and the same distance from its source. Here they tarried long enough to construct boats from spruce timber that grew along the stream, whip-sawing the lumber therefrom, and they then arcended the main 410 BIOGRAPHICAL valley of the Copper River to it head waters. Two hundred miles into the in terior they opened camp in the month of July and commenced prospecting. Gold was found but not in paying quantities. The party then divided and Mr. McClellan, with four of his comrades, crossed the country a distance of five hundred miles onto the Yukon River, mak ing their own trail through a barren and forbidding country. They were the first white men to pass over that route. They arrived at Dawson August 24th, returning that fall to the Copper River Valley, finally discovering and locating what is known to be the most extensive and valuable copper deposit in the world. Mr. McClellan soon thereafter went to New York, made known his discoveries to heavy eastern capitalists, who at great expense inspected the property, the result of which is the capitalization of a company that has set aside twenty-five million dollars for the construction of a railroad from tidewater to the copper beds and equipment of a line of vessels to connect therewith for the purpose of transporting the ore of the Great Bonanza Copper Mine to the world's market. In this stupenduous enterprise are enlisted the Guggenheims, the 'New York copper kings; the Havermaiers, and other capitalists of almost limitless means. Mr. McClellan realized a large sum of money on this deal and still retains a valu able interest in that country. This deal was consummated in 1901, following which Mr. McClellan spent his winters in California and, in 190S, located with his family at Sawtelle where he has made liberal investments in city realty. In 1906, he, with W. E. Sawtelle and others, organized the Citizens State Bank of Sawtelle, of which Mr. McClellan is president, W. E. Sawtelle, vice presi dent, and H. M. Crane, cashier. The bank has established a branch at The Palms. Mr. McClellan married at Wall Hollow, North Dakota, Miss Grace G. Loring, a daughter of George D. Loring, formerly of Princeton, Minn. Mr. McClellan is a Blue Lodge Mason, member of the Knights of Pythias, and of the Arctic Brother hood, a fraternal secret order of Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. McClellan have one son, Neil D. McClellan. Mr. McClellan is one of Sawtelle 's most public spirited and popular citizens and his influence is always found favorably aligned with all movements looking to the progress and development of his home city. WILLIAM F. PARRISH is a native of Pocohontas County, Iowa, born near Pomeroy, February 1st, 1873. He is the son of Isaac E. Parrish, a carpen ter, a native of Kentucky. His mother was Helen Phipps, a native of New York. The family came to California in October, 1887. Mr. Parrish is an expert horse- shoer, one of the best on the Coast, and a blacksmith, and has followed the trade for seventeen years. He opened his first shop at No. 1644 Temple Street, Los Angeles. In November, 1903, he located in Santa Monica and did an extensive business. He sold out June 1st, 1906. He owns a comfortable home at Towner BIOGRAPHICAL 411 Ave. and 18th Street, and was one of the first to locate in Fairview Heights that thrifty suburb to Santa Monica. He also owns valuable property on Twentieth Street, between Michigan and Towner Avenues. Mr. Parrish has been twice married. His first wife was Ethel Grashauser. She died at Nordhoff, in Ventura County, in 1887. For a second wife he married Miss Martha T. Sluthour, a native of Missouri, born near Zodiac, Vernon County. They have three children Gladys A., Helen A. and Martha L. Fred, an only son, died December 30th, 1907, three years and nine months of age. REV. GEORGE TAYLOR, of SAWTELLE, is of Scotch descent. He came to Southern California in 1885 and located in Pasadena. In early life he studied sculpturing and designing and, for years, in eastern cities, successfully pursued the same as a profession, doing statue and relief work on public buildings. He also designed and carved several soldiers' monu ments. In Pasadena Mr. and Mrs. Taylor became interested in religious and reform work and important factors in the re organization of the First Baptist Church, of that city and he was, for nine years, the church clerk. He was, meantime, licensed to preach and was for two years pastor of the First Baptist Chuich, of El Monte. He was there ordained as a minister of the gospel, April 9th, 1896. In July, 1897, he was called to the pastorate of the Memorial Baptist Church, of South Pasadena, and during his pastorate, freed the church from a burdensome debt, made additions to the church edifice and left the organization in a prosperous spiritual and financial condition. For twelve years he has been clerk of the Los Angeles Baptist Association, and the Southern California Baptist Convention. Mr. Taylor had, for several years, been active in the practical work of the Young Men's Christian Association which experience proved a most valuable aid in his church work. Mrs. Taylor is a native of Frederickton, New Brunswick. When a child, her parents removed to Hartford, Conn. Her ancestors were from France, England and Scotland, and five generations ago came to America and settled in South Carolina. Her greatgrandfather was a soldier of the American Revolu tion and fought for independence. She is a relative, by marriage, on her father's REV. AND .MRS. GEORGE TAYLOR. 412 BIOGRAPHICAL side of the family to William Lloyd Garrison, journalist, orator and reformer of anti-slavery fame. Mrs. Taylor comes from a musical and literary family. She is a graduate of two musical academies and has been a professional music teacher for many years. She has also been a tireless student of the Bible, which accomplishments have fitted her for the duties of a pastor's wife. Mr. Taylor commenced his religious work in Sawtelle November Sth, 1901, and, as a leader of a band of sixteen charter members, organized the present Baptist Church in that city, mention of which is made on another page of this work. December 1st, following, the organization was perfected and Mr. Taylor became duly installed pastor and both himself and Mrs. Taylor have bent their energies to the successful building up of an influential and prosperous church and society. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are : W. B. B. Taylor, attorney at law and first city attorney of Sawtelle , Hawley O. Taylor, Instructor in Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, in the Department of Physics and Science; Almo R. Taylor, artist, manager of the art department, Out West Co.,' Los Ange les. The three sons are married and there are four grandchildren. J. D. BLANCHARD, Santa Monica, was born at Newton, Mass., January 10, 1862. His father, John B. Blanchard, in early life, was a seafaring man, as were his ancestors for generations past. Mr. Blanchard's mother, Xancy Lyon, was a native of Boston, Mass., a daughter of Dr. Henry Lyon. John B. Blanch ard for many years sailed the open seas ; later he engaged in the sugar and shook business at Matanzas in Cuba as a member of the firm of Alphonzo & Blanchard. He died in 1874 at sixty-two years of age, leaving the widow with a family of five children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the youngest and only one living. Mr. Blanchard's early life was spent in I'oston, where he attended the public schools and became a salesman in a " small-wears " store for five years. Later he held a position for five years with the Boston Rubber Shoe Company. Later he came to California and located on a ranch in Orange county, and subsequently spent three years at Beaumont, after which he came to Los Angeles and engaged in the dairy and creamery business. In 1902 he located at Santa Monica, and with others incorporated the Imperial Ice Company, of which he is the general manager. Mr. Blanchard married September 10. 1889, Miss Jamessetta Crockett of Los Angeles, a native of Massachusetts and daughter of Rev. James Crockett, a clergyman of the Freewill Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard have one son, Howard. Mr. Blanchard is a member of the Santa Monica Board of Education. He is a member of the II. I". O. E., the \Yoodtnen and ( )rder of Red Men. BIOGRAPHICAL 413 ROBERT R. GRIMES, twenty-two years a resident of California, is a native of Missouri and was born at Macon City, that state, June 10th, 1848. His father, James Grimes, was a California pioneer of 1850. His mother, whose maiden name was Sarah Bast, died when he was but eighteen months old and from that time his life was one of hardships and uncertainties. During childhood, until he was six years of age, he lived with an aunt at New London, Mo., later spending some time with a neighbor, Robert Briggs. From 1856 to 1860 he lived with Professor Hugh Dunlop, which makes the sum total of his school days. He then worked out on farms. In 1868 he married Miss Ann T. Carter near Perry, Rolls County, Missouri, and they located at Hannibal, Mo., where he worked in the shops of the Hannibal & Saint Jo Ry. Co. In 1870 he went to Dallas, Texas. In 1875 he returned to Missouri and engaged in farming. Later he purchased a broom factory and for nine years he raised broom corn and manufactured brooms. In 1883 he sold this property and bought lands in Texas County, southeast Missouri. Later he purchased the Smalley Hotel at Licking, Mo. By reason of poor health he, in 1888, came to Santa Monica unable to walk without crutches. He was soon able to work and obtained his first employment of Stephen Jackson. He later spent one year at the U.S. Government Forestry Station and later was gardener for Senator John P. Jones for two years. He is well known in Santa Monica as an expert florist and scientific gardener. For his second wife Mr. Grimes married Miss Annie Wilson, a native of County Monaghan, Ireland. Mr. Grimes is father of six children by his former marriage. Mrs. M. A. Paley and Mrs. Dominguez, of Los Angeles; Mrs. Clark Burnham, of Pasadena; William, of Orcout, California; Robert and John, of Los Angeles. ISAAC E. PARRISH is a native of Spencer County, Kentucky, born about twenty miles from Louisville. He is the son of Edward N. and Francis Eldridge Parrish, both natives of Virginia. He is a carpenter by trade, and a contractor and builder by occupation. He raised six boys and four girls. The subject of this sketch is the second son and only one in California. He learned the carpen ters' trade. Leaving home at twenty years of age, he went to Michigan, spent a brief time at Lansing, and then went to Wood County, Ohio. At Miltonville he married Helen Miller, April 2nd, 1865. He went to Terre Haute, Ind., the following fall. Coming west to Des Moines, la., he there spent about thirty- eight years actively engaged in building operations. He came to California in 1887 and located in Los Angeles. Mrs. Parrish died July 24th, 1899, leaving six children, two by a former marriage. For a second wife Mr. Parrish married Emily C. Bedwells Potts, widow of the late James W. Potts, one of Los Angeles' best known pioneers. Mr. and Mrs. Parrish live near Twentieth and Oregon Avenues, Santa Monica. They are members of the Church of the Nazarene, Los Angeles. 414 . BIOGRAPHICAL The names of Daniel Shively, with that of his most estimable widow, are intimately associated with the history of the City of Sawtelle. Mr. Shively was a native of Ohio and was born in Hardin County, October 24th, 1846. At the age of nine years he was compelled to assume responsibil ities to aid in support of the family that usually come to men only. Upon the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted in the 130th In diana Infantry and served in the ranks for a period of three years, participating in many of the blood iest battles of the conflict. He was twice wounded, an' injury to his head causing him pain up to the day of his death. After mustering out of the army, Mr. Shively follow ed contracting in brick work near Lima, Ohio. In 1876 he married at Fort Wayne, Indiana, Miss Sarah Lucelia Booth, a daughter of Sidney Smith DANIEL SHIVELY. and Mary Jane (Whaiples) Booth, of Mentor, Ohio. Mr. Booth was of English parentage, a son of Sir John Booth, Earl of Booth Ford, North of England, a landlord of wealth and high social standing. He came to America and located at Mentor. Sidney Smith Booth latterly located with his family at Paynesville, Ohio, and it was here that Mrs. Shively spent her girlhood. She was educated in a private school under the care of a governess. Mrs. Mary Jane Whaiples Booth was a direct descendent of William Whaiples, who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Immediately after marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Shively came west to Peru, Kansas, where he engaged in farming and she, meantime, taught school. Later they lived at Dedan, Chanute and finally at Chard, Kansas, where they engaged exten sively in merchandising and where he held the office of postmaster. Here they suffered severe loss by fire the store with a valuable stock of merchandise all going up in smoke. Mr. and Mrs. Shively then went to Coffeyville, Kansas, and she engaged in the restaurant business, while he conducted a photograph gallery. In 1888 they came to California and for a time lived on Spring Street, Los Angeles. In 1901 they located at Sawtelle when the now thrifty little city was in its infancy. They invested in town property and became a factor in its industrial social and civic advancement. BIOGRAPHICAL 415 Mr. Shively was in every way a most exemplary and useful citizen. He was a devout member of the religious order of Dunkards, was broad in his piety and tolerant of the religious beliefs of others. He was an honored member of Burn- side Post, No. 188, G. A. R., of Sawtelle, and the following tribute to his memory is quoted from a Memorial Address of the Post published in the Sawtelle Sentinel: "In the death of Daniel Shively, another name is stricken from the ever lessening list of the G. A. R. He was a man of generous impulses and never forgot the hospitable ways of the pioneer. The stranger and the beggar never failed to find food and shelter at his hands. He was often at the bedside of the sick, and he delighted in the performance of all kinds of neighborly offices. He was a man of sound sense and strong convictions. He was candid and out spoken in his convictions. He lived nobly and died peacefully." Mi. Shively died June: 26th, 1907, the result of a stroke of paralysis about six months previous thereto. The funeral obsequies took place at the Baptist Church, the Rev. George Taylor preaching the sermon which was followed by the service of the G. A. R. and the W. R. C. Interment was in Sunset Cemetery, at which a choir rendered his favorite hymn, (Inly Kcnicinbcrcd By What I Have Done. Mrs. Shively is one of the most widely and favorably known of the women of Sawtelle. Upon arrival there she plunged into local work for the social, spiritual and civic upbuild ing of the community. She worked diligently for the establishment of the first day school in Sawtelle, and was one of the prime movers for the first Sunday School, contributing the necessary funds to establish the same at Wyant's Hall on Fourth Street. She is prominent in the work of the W. R. C. and has served three terms as its patriotic instructor. The following resolution of respect will indicate the esteem in which she is held by the corps : "WHEREAS, That while we recognize that the present success and pros perity of this Corps is due to the earnest efforts of all its members, we would at this time especially honor our Patriotic Instructor, Sarah L. Shively, the organizer of this Corps, who has by her generosity and constant efforts for the betterment of the Corps, won our highest esteem and deepest gratitude. Therefore be it MRS. SHIVELY. 416 BIOGRAPHICAL RESOLVED, That Sarah L. Shively be recognized and honored as the Mother of Burnside W. R. C., No. 105, G. A. R. ; that the proper record be made on our minutes and a copy of this resolution properly attested be given to Mrs. Shively, and that our Post be duly notified of our action. ElmiraJ. Stewart, C. P. Seville A. Gray, Secretary. She is a leading ' ' Rebecca ' ' and has served two terms as Chaplain in the local lodge. In 1904 she organized and uniformed the Sawtelle Guards, made up of twelve of Sawtelle 's brightest boys, which became a feature of the social life of the new town. She was the leading spirit in the organization of the Sawtelle Cemetery Association, of which she is now secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Shively has been a leading spirit in all communities fortunate enough to claim her as a member. Los Angeles was comparatively a small city when, in 1888, Mr. and Mrs. Shively came from the east and located there. Mrs. Shively was soon discovered and enlisted in the work of the Chamber of Commerce, then just organized and located in Mott Market, and served as one of the active mem bers of its directing committee. Later they lived near Tropico and were instru mental in securing the betterment of the highways between Tropico and Los Angeles, notably the building of the old Walnut Street bridge, crossing the Arroyo Seco at. Twentieth Avenue a result of her individual effort. While a resident near Tropico and the Southern Pacific Ry. track she, one dark night, in 1890, hearing unusual sounds of distress and though ill, ventured out to learn its source, and discovered that a team of horses had run away onto the railway right of way and fallen into a cattle guard, breaking their legs and obstructing the track. She rushed to the house, lighted a lamp and returned barely in time to flag an oncom ing passenger train by frantically swinging her light across the track. Such heroism is certainly worthy of marked recognition, yet Mrs. Shively relates it as the performance of an act of duty simply. Mrs. Shively, while a practical, discerning and alert woman of action, is at once inherently retiring and unobtrusive. She is nevertheless found wide awake when occasion demands and duty calls. BENJAMIN STICKNEY HUNTER, of Santa Monica, is a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he was born November 10th, 1879. He is the son of a manu facturer of linseed oil. Mr. Hunter passed his early years and was educated in the City of Milwaukee. He studied law and was admitted to the bar. He married Miss Mabel Genn, October 30th, 1905. In July, 1896, he came to Cali fornia, located in Los Angeles and entered a law office as clerk. He was ad mitted to practice 1901. Later he took up his residence in Santa Monica and commenced the practice of law. In 1907 he was appointed City Attorney of Santa Monica to succeed F. H. Taft, Esq., resigned. He served until January 1st, 1908. Mr. Hunter is a member of the B. P. O. E. BIOGRAPHICAL 417 MAJOR ROBERT DOLLARD, a recent acquisition to Santa Monica, with his wife came here to make their home early in the winter of 1907. The Major was born at Fall River, Mass., in sight of Mount Hope, on Mount Hope Bay, where the famous Indian chief, King Philip, fell, and in view of the mouth of Taunton River, which empties into that bay where Thor Fin, the sea-roving Norseman, wintered in the eleventh century with one hundred and fifty men, four hundred years before Columbus discovered America. Major Dollard was born on March 14th, 1842; was educated in the public schools of Massachusetts, enteied the Union army at the outbreak of the war and served in the field with credit and distinction until its close. He rose from the ranks to major and the command of his regiment and was one of the youngest regimental commanders in General Grant's army in the campaign before Rich mond and Petersburg, Virginia, in 1864 and 1865. During that campaign, in a battle before Richmond, where sixty percent of the men engaged were killed or wounded, he was promoted on the field by order of the commanding genera' of the Army of the James, the substance of which was : "Captain Robert Dollard, acting as field officer, and in command of the skirmish line at New Market Heights, inspired his command by his great personal bravery, coolness and ability, until he fell severely wounded near the enemy's main line is hereby promoted to major." Major Dollard went with his regiment to the Mexican frontier at the close of the war to join an army assembled along the Rio Grande to give the Emperor Maximillian and the French Emperor, who was backing him, a hint that the United States, having settled its family difficulties, was now ready to test the virtue of the Monroe doctrine, but the withdrawal of the French army from Mexico and the failing fortunes of Maximillian settled the question without hostilities and the troops thus assembled were mustered out early in 1866. Shortly after this Major Dollard located at Galesburg, Illinois, studied law and was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of that state in 1870. He married Miss Carrie E. Dunn, of Yates City, Illinois, in 1875. They have no children. He continued in the general practice of the law in Knox, Peoria and Fulton Counties, Illinois, after his admission, until 1879, when he located in Douglas County, Dakota Territory, a frontier county, in which he was the first settler. During the early settlement of this county a band of adventurers secured its organization and attempted to plunder it of about two hundred thousand dol lars by the issue of fraudulent warrants on its treasury but were met bythe honest settlers with Major Dollard at their head and, in a contest in and out of court, lasting ten years, in which was engaged some of the best legal talent in the North west and the effective services of a vigilance committee, the conspirators were routed, driven from the country and the people saved from their fruadulent schemes. The major was a leading member of the Constitutional Conventions of South Dakota in 1883 and 1885, in the movement to create a state out of the south half 27 418 BIOGRAPHICAL of Dakota Territory, the last of which framed the constitution of the present State of South Dakota, and the work of which conventions practically resulted in the admission into the Union of the States of both South and North Dakota. He was elected District Attorney in 1885, Attorney-General of the Provisional State Government for South Dakota in the same year, a member of the Territorial Senate in 1888, in which he was Chairman of the Joint Committee of both Houses on the reform of the school law ; was elected the first Attorney-General of the State of South Dakota and served two terms during which he framed legislation that lifted the state from a condition of bankruptcy and has continued it on a cash basis ever since. He was subsequently a leading member of the House of the State Legislature and later of its Senate in which he was Chairman of the Judici ary Committee. He was still later successively an anti -machine candidate for Governoi and for Congress in a revolt that several years struggle crowned with success. JAMES O. HODGSON, retired, of Santa Monica, is of the many permanent residents of the city, attracted to Sunny California to spend his declining years in quietude after having spent the active years of his life in the East and Middle West. He is a native of Onandaga County, N. Y., born in the township of Manlus, August 14th, 1838. His father, James Hodgson, was a native of the Empire State. Both paternal and maternal grandparents were from Manchester, England and came to the United States and located in 1801 near Auburn, N. Y. James Hodgson, with his family, located upon the then western frontier in the town of Elba, Lapeer County, Michigan, and took up government land when Michigan was a territory. They had five sons of whom James O. is the only one living. He attended school there and grew to manhood. It was a sparsely settled country, principally inhabited by Indians, and he was one of four white pupils who attended their district school, the others being Indian children, eighty in number, belonging to the Nypsing tribe, that inhabited the Flint River Valley. Upon the breaking out of the Civil War, young Hodgson, on the 16th day of October, 1862, responded to the first call for 300,000 men and joined the Tenth Michigan Infantry, went to the front and participated in some of the hardest fought battles of the war, notably those of Pittsburgh Landing, Shilo and Corinth. He was an expert rifle shot and was at times detailed for duty as a sharpshooter. He served the full time of his enlistment and was mustered out August 19th, 1865, at Ross Ville, Ga., and immediately re-enlisted and joined the- Atlanta campaign, during which seige he was one hundred four days under continuous fire. During his army career he participated in upwards of thirty engagements and was con tinuously with his regiment. He was mustered out of service at Louisville, Ky., the 19th of August, 1865, and returned to the peaceful pursuits of farm life. He was married May 1st, 1866, to Miss Alma Campbell at the old home. JHOGRAPHICAL 419 She was daughter of Chas. L. Campbell, a pioneer of Lapeer County, Michigan, town of Hadley. She was born in the town of Davidson, Gennessee County, Michigan, where her father engaged in farming, lumbering, kept a hotel and was an active and successful man of local affairs. Mr. Hodgson located in Flint City and engaged in the lumber business from 1872 to 1879. In 1882 he filed a Soldier's Claim on a quarter section of land in Esmond Township, Kingsbury County, Dakota, which he improved as a farm. He also kept a hotel at Esmond Valley and finally retired to DeSmit City, South Dakota, where they lived until finally coming to Santa Monica in April, 1907. They own one of the many beautiful homes of the Crescent Bay City, No. 437 North Fourth Street. They have an adopted son, W. K. Hodgson, a prosperous merchant of Del Mar, Iowa. ALMOX H. CALKINS is a native of Oswego, N. Y., born January 1st, 1841. His father was Almon Calkins, a native of Connecticut, a Methodist clergyman of the Genesee, N. Y., Conference. He is of Welch ancestry. The mother of Mr. Calkins, Susan Alma, was a Quakeress, a native of New York. The family came west in 1850 and located at Janesville, Wisconsin, where young Calkins grew up and passed through the public schools. Upon the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted for the conflict under Professor Cass, who organized Company A, 40th Wisconsin Infantry and was elected its captain. This company was largely made up of Captain Cass's former pupils of the Janesville High School. They went to the front under the ninety days call of 1864, and were stationed at Mem phis, Tennessee, where he suffered a sunstroke while under a forced march which permanently incapacited him for further military duty. He was honorably discharged from the service and returned home with his regiment. He then turned his attention to the development and promotion of a new device for burning fuel oil, of his own invention, upon which he was granted a series of letters patent by the United States Government, and which was also patented in foreign countries. He also, in company with brothers, acquired ownership of several patents on barbed wire for fencing purposes, which they for years controlled in this country, the revenues from which made the brothers wealthy. The financial crisis of 1873 proved a disastrous occurrence for this and hundreds of other well-established business enterprises, which was followed by the death of the brothers and loss of health by the subject of this sketch. He came to California and Santa Monica in 1879 which has since been his home. Mr. Calkins has two sisters, residents of Santa Monica Juliete, widow of the late Judge Boyce, and Jennie M., widow of M. Boyce, a prominent attorney of Illinois and a half brother of Judge Boyce. Mr. Calkins leads a quiet life and attributes the prolongation of his life to the health-giving climate of Southern California. E. C. GIRD. BIOGRAPHICAL 421 H. N. HAMMOND, capitalist and well known citizen of Santa Monica, is a native of Oakland County, Michigan, having been born in the town of Waterford, April 25th, 1876. His father, Eli Hammond, also a native of Michigan, was a merchant of Waterford. His mother, before marriage, was Miss Nettie Fifield. In 1882 the family removed to Benton, Montana, where they remained about four years, afterward returning to Michigan and locating at Decatur. At this place Mr. Hammond engaged in the mail order business for a period of about eight years. He married at Decatur, August 24th, 1897, Miss Edith McOmber, a daughter of George McOmber, a merchant of that city. In 1898 Mr. Hammond removed to Bay City, Michigan, where he continued in the mail order business, wholesale and retail. In 1904 Mr. Hammond and his wife came to California and lived for one year at Ocean Park. The following year he made purchase of a lot on the now magnificent Palisades tract. They erected the first costly and archi tectural residence thereon which is today one of the most spacious homes in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond have two children Harriet Janetta, and John D. EDWARD C. GIRD, a California pioneer and well known citizen of Los Angeles and Sawtelle, is a native of Illinois, born in the town of Trenton, Clinton County, March 12th, 1863. His father was Edward Kinsley Gird, a native of Louisiana, whose father was a military instructor at the United States Military School at West Point. Later in life he went south and established a military academy in Louisiana. Edward K. Gird, with a brother, Henry H. Gird, made the trip overland to California with ox teams, from Illinois in 1853 and remained here about five years. In 1858 they returned home. In 1868 Mr. Gird located in Bates County, Missouri, where he lived until he came to Los Angeles in 1883, bringing his family, which included Edward C., the subject of this sketch, then twenty years of age. They purchased eighty acres of land near the city of Los Angeles for which they paid $85.00 an acre, and embarked in the dairy business, which they conducted for about eight years. Los Angeles was then a city of about 20,000 people and their farm was considered quite in the country. With the marvelous growth of Los Angeles, this property was taken into the Wilshire Boulevard Tract and a portion into the Norwood Terrace Tract and now sells at the rate of about $15,000 an acre. Here the father died in 1900 at sixty-six years of age. Mrs. Gird, the mother of our subject, still occupies a portion of the old homestead and enjoys good health at seventy-one years of age. In 1896 Mr. Gird organized a newspaper route for the Los Angeles Daily Times, taking in the Soldiers' Home and contiguous country. Upon the founding of the town of Sawtelle, he opened there a news stand in which he carried a stock of books and stationery. This was the first store of its line in the town and he operated it about two years. Mr. Gird also became interested in real estate and bought and sold town property with a reasonable degree of profit. In 1907 he subdivided what was known as the Gird Tract of one hundred and ten 422 BIOGRAPHICAL residence lots, lying to the southeast and adjoining the city of Sawtelle, which is so favorably situated as to promise a substantial addition thereto. Mr. Gird owns and conducts a souvenir store at the Soldiers' Home, which he established about 1895, and has built up a good business. He has published a number of valuable souvenir books relating to the home life of the old veterans. His kindly spirit and uniform courtesy has made him exceedingly popular with the "old soldiers" of the Home, as with all others who know him. Mr. Gird married, in 1888, Miss Frances C. Walbridge, of Appleton City, Mo. She is a daughter of W. D. and Anna Van Meter Walbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Gird have two children Mabel A., and Anna Lucile. Mr. Gird was a charter member of Immanuel Presbyterian Church, of Los Angeles. The family are now members of the M. E. Church of Hollywood. The family home is at South Hollywood where the Girds own valuable property. BENJAMIN F. VAN TRESS is one of the early day pioneers of Los Angeles. He came to California in 1859. He is a native of Clinton County, Ohio, and was born near Wilmington, the county seat, December 26th, 1836. His father, William, was a carpenter by trade, a farmer by occupation, of Dutch descent. His mother, Melissa Hollister, and his father were both natives of New York and lived in the Mohawk Valley. The father was twice manied, the subject of this sketch being one of two sons by first marriage. The other son, Charles, came to California in 1897, and went to Alaska where he died. Benjamin lived in his native county until 1854 and with the family removed to Warren County, Indiana, where he took up carpenter work. He later joined the gold rush to Pikes Peak, proceeded west to Nebraska City, Nebraska, and abandoned the trip. He there joined an overland party bound for California, and drove a four horse team via north Platte to Salt Lake, thence via southern route to San Bernardino with Joseph Meeks, and arrived at his destination in 1859. He spent two weeks there and then came to Los Angeles. Here he followed his trade for about seven years, doing a large amount of work for Bishop Mora. He worked on the building of the present Catholic Cathedral ; was one of the workmen who remodeled the Church of Our Lady of the Angeles, fronting the old Plaza. He personally laid out the work for the present "hip roof" and designed the old belfry that in 1904 gave place to the present mission arches. He describes the original building as having a flat roof with a slightly receding pitch to the rear, which was covered with asphaltum and soil mixed. He states that the bells were originally in small adobe arches so near the ground that a person of average height could reach the clappers and ring them. There was one bell hung in an arch, which surmounted the front wall of the building over the main front entrance. Later Mr. Van Tress kept a meat market opposite the northwest corner of the old plaza. ISH (GRAPHICAL 423 He married in 1863, Falipe Mendes, a daughter of Pedro Mendes, a manu facturer of Spanish saddles, bridles, bits and spurs. He was an expert in his line of work. Mr. and Mrs. Van Tress have seven living children Elizabeth, Mrs. Frederick Bickerdike; Ida, Mrs. J. R. Kull Franklin; Clara, Mrs. George Hall; William; Alice, Mrs. Allen Orr, and Charles. The family home is Twentieth Street, near Pennsylvania Avenue, Santa Monica. HESTER TUTTLE GRIFFITH. The past decade has witnessed in South ern California phenomenal progress in civic, political and social reform. The best thought and energy of the best people in nearly all walks of life have combined to bring about in the most direct and practical manner possible these most salutary results. Especially is this true in the work of Temperance and Social Purity reform in which many of our most able and accomplished women of independent thought and achieve ment have borne a conspicuous part, prominent among whom is Mrs. Hester Tuttle Griffith, of Coeur d'Alene Place, Ocean Park. Her mental endowments, her home life and her educational training seem to have specially fitted her for charitable and reformatory work. Mrs. Griffith is a native of Min nesota, born at St. Anthony Falls, where the city of Minneapolis now stands, September 22nd, 1854. Her father, Calvin Tuttle, was one of the frontier settlers of the Upper Missis sippi and Saint Croix River valley. He, with his bride, crossed Lake Pepin and sailed up the Mississippi, thence up the Saint Croix in a small boat, to Saint Croix Falls where, in 1837, he built the first saw mill erected on that stream and where for a long time they were the only white settlers. Ten years later they removed to Saint Anthony Falls, the head of navigation on the Mississippi, and were among the founders of the ambitious city of Minneapolis. Here a son, Wilmot Garfield Tuttle, was born, the first white male child born in the then HKSTKK TL'TTI.E GKIl'TITH. 424 BIOGRAPHICAL small town of Minneapolis. When, in 1849, the territory of Minnesota was established, Mr. Tuttle was appointed Territorial Treasurer, and held the office until the territory was made a state, May llth, 1858. He was a typical north west frontiersman of broad intelligence, sterling character and resolute purpose. He acquired large land holdings at Saint Anthony Falls, a portion of which he donated to the state for educational uses and which is now occupied by the Minnesota State University. Later in life he built saw mills at Lake Minnetonka. He also became heavily interested in the development of the water power and town of Little Falls, Minn., and owned large tracts of land in that vicinity. He traveled over unexplored regions of country looking to final develop ment of the state by building of railroads and other enterprises. He suffered business reverses by reason of the financial crash of 1857. Up to that time he had been very active in milling and in the promotion of milling enterprises at St. Anthony Falls. He was also instrumental in bridging the river below the falls, the first bridge that spanned the "father of waters" at this point. He then went to Two Rivers, Minnesota, and built up extensive water power and lum ber mills and there remained until he came to California. He married Char lotte M. Minkler, at Upper Alton, Illinois, in 1840. She was a native of Hills- dale, Columbia County, New York, born July 31st, 1819. They had three sons and four daughters, the latter are (1908) all living. Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle came to Pasadena in 1888 to make their home with Mrs. Griffith and, notwith standing their love for and loyalty to their old home state, became thoroughly wedded to Southern California and Pasadena, where he died November 17th, 1900, at nearly ninety years of age. Mrs. Tuttle also died at Pasadena in 1892. Mrs. Griffith spent her childhood at Minnetonka Mills, Minn., and her girl hood at Two Rivers. At fourteen yeais of age she entered the Minnesota State Normal School at St. Cloud and graduated therefrom at sixteen in June, 1871. After graduation she taught school at Melrose, Stearns County, Minn., and later at Little Falls. She then went to Minneapolis where, for five years, she taught in the public schools, three years of which time she was primary principal. February 4th, 1877, she married Mr. Elijah Griffith, a prosperous young contractor of Minneapolis. Mrs. Griffith was converted to Christianity at the age of fifteen under the temperance evangelist, Rev. W. W. Satterlee, and has steadily grown in the faith, towering in strength and influence until she is known throughout the land as one of the most effective advocates of temperance and pure living engaged in the holy cause. Never having been accorded the blessings of motherhood, she has been thrown all the energies of a strong, most lovable and spiritual character into what she regards as her life work. Soon after coming to Pasadena she joined the Women's Christian Temperance Union and entered seriously into the work. This was followed by rescue and prison work in Salt Lake, Utah, for four years. The year 1892 she served as local president, territorial president and treasurer. This year she also went as territorial delegate to the national BIOGRAPHICAL 425 W. C. T. U. convention at Denver. Returning to Pasadena she was made president of the Central Union for two years. Moving to Los Angeles, she held the office of Federation President for eight years, of County Vice President five years and is now State Superintendent of Prison Work and National Evange list under this department, also National Lecturer for the department of Soldiers and Sailors. In 1906 she was elected by unanimous vote, President of the Los Angeles County Union and re-elected in 1907. This is the largest County W. C. T. U. in the United States. At the Santa Ana convention (1908) she was unanimously chosen State President. MARTIN L. HUDSON is one of the thrifty, successful pioneers in the Irwin Heights Addition to Santa Monica. He is a native of Pennsylvania, was born in Charfield County, in the town of Charfield, June 1st, 1855, a son of Kalita Polk Hudson, a blood relative of James K. Polk, eleventh President of the United States, a bridge builder by trade and likewise a farmer and a man of local affairs. He married Miss Kezia Thompson, a daughter of Isaac Thompson. The family came west in 1865 and located in Floyd County, Iowa, on a farm. There the father died in 1881, at fifty-seven years of age, the mother and seven children surviving. Martin L. is the oldest of the family. He remained on the home farm until twenty-one years of age. Meantime he acquired the mechanic's trade, having inherited from his father the mechanical instinct and a genius for handling tools. In 1883 he left Iowa and spent about five years in Dakota. In 1888 he went to the town of Everett, on Puget Sound, Washington, where he engaged in build ing and house moving, where he acquired and still owns property. During his residence there he made four trips to Alaska. In 1896 he went to Cook's Inlet. In 1898 he went to Klondike where he had passing success mining. He returned home in the fall of 1899 and made the trip a fourth time in 1900 over the ice and was forty days alone on the way. He there engaged in building, "going" wages being $1.50 per hour. He finally returned home, via Saint Michaels, suffering shipwreck and extreme exposure. In 1902 he located at Santa Monica and followed his trade for a time. He meantime purchased five acres of land, one of the most fertile and sightly parcels of land in the Irwin Heights tract, a portion of which he still owns. Here he has developed a pretty home, the location being between Virginia and Delaware Avenues, on Twenty-second Street. He purposes selling a portion of this tract to desirable purchasers. He also owns valuable property in Ocean Park. Mr. Hudson married in 1891 Miss Hattie Maxfield, of Tacoma, Washington. She is a native of Illinois a lady of social and domestic accomplishments. They have one son, Fred M. Mr. Hudson is a member of the Woodmen of the World and Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 426 BIOGRAPHICAL ANDREW HENRY WYANT, one of the first settlers and an esteemed citizen of Sawtelle, is a native of Armstrong County, Pennsylvaina, born December 24th, 1839. His father was Adam Wyant, a native of Burks County, Pa. He was of German descent and by occupation a successful farmer. His mother, by maiden name Sarah Yerty, likewise of Greman ancestry, descended from that sturdy stock of Pennsylvania Dutch Vhich made up the pioneer settlers and developed the material resources of the Keystone State. Adam Wyant suffered the loss by death of the thrifty wife who had borne him seven children and re married, his wife being Sophia Bowser, who became the mother of ten children. The mother of A. H. Wyant died when he was six years of age and he lived much of the time thereafter with relatives. At twenty-one years of age, he was among the first from his state to enlist for the defense of the Union, joining the Second Pennsylvania Cavalry, October 1st, 1861. This regiment was recruited at Philadelphia, Lancaster Center, Northampton, Berks, Tioga and in Armstrong County. Company M , Mr. Wyant 's company, was made up chiefly in Armstrong County. Mr. Wyant put in three years and eleven months of active and most strenuous service, as may be seen by the following battles and other engagements in which he participated: Cedar Mountain, second battle of Bull Run, Gettys burg, Mine Run, Wilderness, Todd's Tavern, Richmond Fortifications, Meadow Bridge, Hawes' Shop, Hanover Court House, Cold Harbor, Trevillian Station, Jerusalem Plank Road, Malvern Hill, Deep Bottom, White Oak Swamps, Beane's Station, Poplar Springs, Wyatt's Farm, Strong Creek Station, Boydton Road, Hatches Run, Appomatox and others. Although almost continually on duty and at long and numerous intervals under fire, he was singularly fortunate in escaping serious injury. He, however, sustained a flesh wound in the left aim in front of Richmond at White Oak Swamps, August 16th, 1864. He mustered out of service at Cloud's Mill, Va., July 13th, 1865, after which he returned to his native state. There he attended school at Rudsburg for two years and at Chester for one year. He then engaged in the oil business at Parker's Landing with moderate success. In 1871 he married Miss Frances Lydia Harding in Armstrong County, Pa., and moved to Ohio where he located on a farm in Morrow County near the town of Galion. Here he pursued farming and conducted a meat market. About 1882 he came west to Paola, Kansas, where he remained until 1886. He then removed to Arizona and engaged in mining about seventy-five miles south of Tucson. In 1892 he came to California and became a member of the Soldiers' Home. Upon -the laying out of the town of Barrett Villa, which later took the name of Sawtelle, Mr. Wyant was one of the first to invest in local realty. In 1898 he erected Wyant 's Hall which was the fifth building in the town, and soon became the popular meeting place for all public functions. It was there that the first religious meetings and Sunday schools were held and it was used as a public hall until December 15th, 1905. The owner then changed it into a furniture store which is one of the most com- BIOGRAPHICAL 427 plete establishments of its kind in Los Angeles County outside of the city. In this business Mr. Wyant has associated with him an only son, Charles H. Wyant. Mr. Wyant for years was a consistent member of the Baptist Church. He is now one of the ardent and loyal supporters of the Union Mission, Sawtelle. He is a man of exemplary habits and strictest integrity and is held in highest esteem by all of the citizens of Sawtelle. He has been enterprising and alert, encouraging and liberally supporting all movements for the upbuilding and betterment of his home city. His influence is always found favorable to the promotion of a healthy condition of public and private morals. He is a Prohibi tionist in politics but not radically partisan. HON. THOMAS HORACE DUDLEY, mayor of Santa Monica, and by reason of his position, leading citizen, is a native of Liecestershiie, England, and was born October 2nd, 1867. His father, Thomas M. S. Dudley, M. D., was a son of Rev. William Mason Dudley, A. M., vicar of Whitchurch and rector of Laverstoke. Dr. Dudley married Emily Frances Draycott, daughter of Thomas Draycott, a farmer of Liecestershire , who bore him three daughters and a son of whom Thomas H. was next to the eldest. He was accorded the advantages of good schooling and passed through the Queen Elizabeth Grammar Schools. While yet a youth, the knowledge he acquired of American life and customs inspired him with a desire to try his fortunes in the new world. He came to the United States and located at Bakersfield, California, in 1889, and there engaged in the real estate and insurance business. In 1896 he removed to Santa Monica and engaged in the real estate and insurance business under the firm name of Proctor & Dudley. In February, 1899, he married Mrs. Matilda Brooks Ryan, of Santa Monica, widow of the late Francis G. Ryan; a lady of wealth, refine ment and social prominence, and a daughter of Francis Wykoff Brooks (deceased) u California pioneer (see index). Soon thereafter the real estate firm of Kinney & Ryan, owners and promoters of the Ocean Park Beach Tract was succeeded by the firm of Kinney & Dudley and under Mr Dudley's personal management this, then, new and comparatively undeveloped seaside resort was made a phe nomenal success as time has duly demonstrated Mr. Dudley also became a fac tor in other successful business enterprises. In 1902 he was one of the organ izers of the Ocean Park Bank and has since been its president. In 1903 the Merchants National Bank was incorporated and he served as president thereof until early in 1908, when he was succeeded by James H. Giigsby. In 1905 the Bank of Venice was incorporated and Mr. Dudley was chosen, and still serves, as its president. In 1900 Mr. Dudley was elected a member of the Santa Monica City Board of Trustees, serving as chairman of the Board until 1907. Upon the reorganization of the city government under a Freeholders Charter in 1907, Mr. Dudley was elected mayor and is now (1908) the incumbent. He is a membet of the B. P. O. E., and a leading member and officer of the St. Aug ustine Episcopal Church of Santa Monica. 428 BIOGRAPHICAL JOHN J. PEVELER, resident of California since 1882, a native of Illinois, was born in the City of Chicago at No. 252 Van Buren Street, January 12th, 1859. His father, George W. Peveler, was by occupation a farmer. He joined the United States Army as a volunteer in the War of the Rebellion, went to the front and was killed at the Battle of Antietam, September 17th, 1862, leaving a widow and an only child, the subject of this sketch. Young Peveler spent his youth in Chicago, attended the public schools and learned the carpenter trade and later the cement contracting business. In 1896 Mr. Peveler went to Alaska where he spent five years and passed through all the excitement and experienced the hard ships of the gold seekers of Nome and Dawson. He returned to California in 1901 and for several years had charge of numerous jobs of construction cement work for the Los Angeles Pacific Railway Company. Mr. Peveler married in 1904, Miss Theresa H. O'Laughlin, a native of Litchfield, Minnesota, and they have one daughter, Virginia C. The family residence is at the corner of Ninth Street and Nevada Avenue, Santa Monica. JAMES L. BRICE, of Venice, a native of Hancock Count}', Ohio, was born May 24th, 1863. His father, Joseph Brice, was a native of Pennsylvania and a son of Henry Brice, a member of one of the pioneer families of Maryland, He was a thrifty farmer and lived in Washington County, Pennsylvania, when he entered for service in the War of 1812, following the example of his father who was a commissioned officer in the Revolutionary War. Joseph Brice was a sailor and navigated Lake Erie. He finally located near Findlay, Ohio, and en gaged in manufacturing. He later removed to Lima, Ohio, where both himself and wife passed away. Mrs. Brice's maiden name was Lucinda Wolf. She was a native of Ohio. James L. Brice received his education in the public schools of Allen County, Ohio. He graduated from the High School of Lima, Ohio, and embarked in life as a public school teacher. In 1886 he came west to Denver, Colorado, and later to Lyons, same state, where he engaged in the mercantile business, a member of the firm of Scanlon & Brice. In 1889, during the rush to Cripple Cieek, Mr. Brice removed thence to open a general merchandise store. Soon, however, he turned his attention to mining, in which occupation he has been eminently successful in various sections of the state. In 1894, he went to Leadville and in 1899 came farther west to Idaho and operated in the Couer de Alene country. He gained a technical knowledge of mining and became a practical mining engineer. In 1905 he became editor of the mining department of the Idaho State Tribune. In 1906 he established and edited the Idaho Mines and Metals, which property he sold in 1907, since which time he has been associated with various mining enterprises throughout the west. He is president and manager of the Snowstorm Extension Copper Mining Company, of which he is one of the developers, and in a similar capacity is identified with the Idaho Lead and Silver Mining Company and the BIOGRAPHICAL 429 Whipple Mountain Gold and Copper Company, of San Bernardino County, Cali fornia. In the year 1897 Mr. Brice married Miss Josephine M. Van Hausen, daughter of Hon. John C. Van Hausen, a wealthy farmer and pioneer of Schuyler, Nebraska. He located at Schuyler about 1869 or 1870, and there married Miss Catherine Mohr. Of their five living children, Mrs. Brice is the oldest. Mrs. Jessie Brad ford, widowed, is the youngest and is at home with Mrs. Brice. They were both born on the old homestead at Schuyler. John C. Van Hausen was a man of affairs, business and political. He has been honored with elections to the Nebraska State Assembly and likewise to the State Senate, as a Democrat. He was a son of Isaac C. Van Hausen, a native of Schoharie County, New York, and of Holland Dutch parents who were among the earliest pioneers of the Empire State. In 1907 Mr. Brice purchased valuable real estate on the Coeur de Alene tract near Venice of America upon which he has erected, without exception, the finest residence to be found in the Santa Monica bay cities. Mr. Brice is accounted one of the substantial citizens of the state, takes a broad view of life and a personal interest in the prosperity of his adopted home city. Mr. and Mrs. Brice have one daughter, Beatrice M. Brice. ROSCOE H. Dow, councilman from the seventh ward of the city of Santa Monica, was born in Booth Bay, Lincoln County, Maine, January 26th, 1873, and lived theie until twelve years of age. The family then removed to Bay City, Michigan, and there young Dow grew to manhood. He received his education in the public schools of his native town and Bay City and finally attended Olivet College, Olivet, Michigan. While in Michigan he was more or less identified with Republican politics, holding various elective and appointive positions. At one time he had the distinction of being the youngest judge in the state, having been elected Justice of the Peace in Bay County, Michigan, immediately after attaining his majority. Mr. Dow is a son of John Wesley and Hattie (Tibbets) Dow, who were married in New York in 1867. John Wesley Dow was a native of Maine and was born in 1835, belonged to the Dows of English descent and bears rela tionship to the late Honorable Neal Dow, of reform and prohibition fame. The major portion of his life has been spent as a mariner, having followed the sea from early boyhood until a time well into the eighties Hattie Tibbets Dow was also of old New England stock and her ancestors were sea-faring people Besides Roscoe H., there are two children Frank H. and Maiy G. Mr. R. H. Dow came to California in 1"903 and located in Santa Monica and soon thereafter assumed management of the business of the Southwest Warehouse Company. He married in the year 1903, Miss Nellie K. Gillard, of Bay City, Michigan, a daughter of Henry B. and Jenrie (Evans) Gillard. They were natives of London, England, were married in 1866, and came to this country, locating at Port Huron, Michigan, in 1870. There he engaged success- 430 BIOGRAPHICAL fully in the lumber business, and later in farming and is now retired from active business pursuits. He reared a family of ten children. Mr. Dow was elected to represent the seventh ward of the city of Santa Moni ca in the common council at the election in April, 1907, and is an efficient and conscientious officer. He is a member of committees on Finance and Supplies, Streets and Cemetery, and is Chairman of the Committee on Buildings. He is a member of the B. P. O. E., No 88, of Bay City, Michigan, and Santa Monica Lodge, No. 307, F. and A. M. HON. H. B. EAKINS, Mayor of Ocean Park, is a native of Pennsylvania, born in the city of Philadelphia, September 15th, 1865. He there spent his youth, attended the public schools and later passed through the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, Va., from which institution he graduated in 1880. He returned home and served an apprenticeship to the trade of watchmaking, which he later followed in Philadelphia and Washington, D. C. At Washington, he also held a position for about three years in the weather bureau under the U. S. Government. In 1887 he came west and spent two years in the Black Hills, South Dakota. There he followed his trade and also became interested in mining, being connected with the Home Stake Mining Company. He was also guard for the Wells Fargo Express Company during the period of extensive shipments of gold bullion from that district. Mr. Eakins also became interested, somewhat, in affairs of state and active in issues involving the location of the state capitol, making a systematic canvass of the country in the interests of the city of Pierre. At that time, William Jennings Bryan was canvassing North Dakota for the Farmers' Alliance and, as a matter of expediency, they joined issues, traveled together and spoke from the same platform, Mr. Eakin usually following Mr. Bryan in the presentation of his cause. He thus became intimately acquainted with the now great "commoner" and candidate for the presidency. In 1891 he came to Los Angeles. Here he became interested in mining properties in Arizona and also acquired an interest in and held a position with the jewelry firm of Montgomery Brothers, which interest he still retains. While with this house he personally installed the extensive time service of the Santa Fe Railway Co. in Southern California. In 1904 he organized the Commercial Warehouse Company (Incorporated), and is president thereof. He took up his place of residence in Ocean Park, No. 28 Club House Avenue, in 1903. In April, 1908, Mr. Eakins was elected member of the Board of Trustees of the city of Ocean Park and chosen President of the Board, by virtue of which position he is the executive head of the city government. Mr. Eakins, in 1890, married at Black Hills, S. D., Miss Gertrude E. Beemer, a native of Racine, Wis., and they have a son, Walter, and a daughter, Margaret. Mr. Eakins is a member of the Southern California Lodge, No. 278, F. and A.M. UK GRAPHICAL 431 CLARENCE J. NELL:S, leading merchant and representative citizen of Sawtelle, is a native of Livingston County, Mo. He was born October 3rd, 1866, only son of James J. Nellis, by profession a school teacher, now a resident of Sawtelle. Mr. Nellis spent his boyhood and attended the public schools in his native town. At eighteen years of age he attended Park College, Park- ville. Mo., near Kansas City. He commenced his business career as a grocery salesman at Chillicothe, Mo., remaining there seven years. He then went to Tacoma, Wash., and worked in the same capacity for Fulton & Cathcart until they retired from business. He remained in Ta coma until the spring of 1889, when he went to Alaska and engaged in mining on Forty Mile River. He located and worked claims in t Frank lin Gulch and Napoleon Creek, both tributary thereto. His expedition was on the whole a financial success. Mr. Nellis, coming to California in 1902, located in Sawtelle, engaged in the grocery business and has built up an extensive trade with one of the finest equipped stores in the Santa Monica Bay region. Mr. Nellis is one of Sawtelle's most enterprising and progressive citizens and has energetically worked for the advancement of the civic, business and social interests of his city. Upon the resignation of F. C. Langdon from the Board of City Trustees of Sawtelle, Mr. Nellis was appointed to fill the office and was promptly chosen chairman of the board-. As the executive head of the city government he has made an enviable record, standing squarely for the enactment of statutory and efficient code of practical working ordinances and a faithful execution of the same. CLARENCE J. NELLIS. NATHAN BUNDY, one of the earliest residents of Santa Monica, was born in Morgan County, Ohio, December 16th, 1846, his father having died three months before his birth. He grew up on the farm and acquired a public school education. He learned the trade of house and sign painter which he followed in Iowa and to some extent after coming to California and locating in Santa Monica, April 30th, 1876. Santa Monica was then a small but growing village, nd Mr. Bundy 432 BIOGRAPHICAL did a successful business at his trade Later he made judicious investments in real estate which proved profitable. He lived in Santa Monica upwards of twenty year? and in 1898 retired to Lo~* Angeles, where he remained until 1907. At that time he built and located at Westgate. Mr. Bundy married Miss Harriet Smith and they have one daughter and five sons, the latter all highly esteemed and successful busines men of Santa Monica and Los Angeles F. E. Bundy, G. G. Bundy, C. L. Bundy, Nathan P. Bundy and Thomas C. Bundy. The daughter, Sarah E. Bundy, is still at home. CHARLES ALEY BOUCK, of Venice, is a native of Green County, Ohio, where he was born in the township of Beaver Creek, July 1 1th, 1856. His grandfather, Henry Bouck, was a Pennsylvanian as was also his maternal grandfather, John Aley, and both were of Holland Dutch parentage. John Aley was an early- day pioneer of Green County, owned valuable farm lands and a steam saw mill at "Aley's Mills," in Beaver Creek Township. The family had a large member ship which, with its connections, constituted by far the larger portion of the thrifty and prosperous community; Sarah Aley Bouck was the fourth daughter of this family. Mr. and Mrs. Bouck had three sons Orrin L., who became a wealthy manufacturer of Dayton, Ohio, died September 27th, 1906; William Lincoln, who died in infancy, and Charles A., the subject of this sketch. Mr. Bouck grew up on his father's farm and about the mills in which his father also was interested. At sixteen years of age he went to Dayton and attended the public schools about two years. He then followed the trade of carpentry about three years in Springfield, Ohio. Later he was with the Mast-Foos Co., manufacturers, until 1881. In 1881 he married Miss Cora D. Harnish, a daughter of Christian Harnish, a wholesale and retail grocery merchant of Springfield. In 1882 Mr. and Mrs. Bouck came to Los Angeles and were guests of the family of Ex-Mayor Henry T. Hazzard, whose residence was where the Grand Theater on North Main Street now stands. They were among the early comers to the Boca de Santa Monica Canyon. They returned east in 1884 and came again to California in 1890. In 1891 Mr. Bouck went to Colton and was one of the first purchasers of unimproved land in the now rich and beautiful Colton Ter race tract, where he erected buildings and made other improvements. The same year, by the wrecking of a farm building during a severe storm, December llth, 1891, Mr. Bouck received injuries which permanently disabled him for active business, but in no degree affected his mind. From the spring of 1897 to 1903 the family lived at Hollister Avenue and Ocean Front. In 1904 they were among the first to build at Short Line Beach, Venice, and have since been identified with the marvelous beach developments. Mr. Bouck takes a lively interest in all that transpires and, through his extensive reading, keeps in touch with the outside world. He is much interested in the development of his adopted city of Venice and has great faith in its future. Mrs. Bouck is a lady of splendid BIOGRAPHICAL 433 social and business attainments and lends her time and influence in forwarding the social and civic interests of Venice, and she has entire management of the Venetian Villa City. Mr. and Mrs. Bouck have one son, C. Harnish Bouck, born at New Carlisle, Ohio, February 25th, 1886. He married at Venice, December 12th, 1907, Miss Nettie Lillis Robinson, of Stockton, California. He may properly go on record as one of the active promotors of Venice, since in 1904 he aided in erecting the first building in the city having a roof, for the Abbot Kinney Company, and soon thereafter opened the first store which was located near the Ocean Front on the east side of Center Street. He is now chief engineer at the power house of the Abbot Kinney Company, Venice. NOAH R. SMITH, D. D. S.. Santa Monica, is a native of Missouri and was born in the town of Clarksville, Pike County, February llth, 1874. His father, John R. Smith, was a farmer by oc- cupation and was born in the same county in 1841, there grew up and married Catherine, a daughter of Noah Griffith, who came from Bourbon County, Ky., and pioneered in Mis souri. John R. Smith's parents were Virginians and pioneered in Pike County, Missouri, as early as 1840, bringing with them considerable property which included a number of slaves. The father was a typical Southern man, a democrat of the pronounced type and a firm believer in the divine institution of slavery, the doctrine of the State's rights and secession. John R. Smith spent his entire life on his farm in Pike Coun ty, and there raised a family of four children. While on a visit to Dr. Smith at Santa Monica he died, in 1901, and his remains were taken to Clarksville and laid beside his wife in the old family plot of the Clarks/ille Cemetery. Dr. Smith is the third child of his parents. He attended the public schools of Clarksville, and later graduated from La Grange College, La Grange, Lewis County, Mo., in the class of 1891. He then attended the Western Dental College, Kansas City, Mo., graduating therefrom in 1896. He commenced practicing his profession at New Franklin, Howard County, Mo., and remained 28 N. R. SMITH, D.D.S. 434 BIOGRAPHICAL there about five years. At New Franklin he met and married Miss Roberta M., a daughter of H. M. and May (Hanson) Todd, now of Ocean Park, California. By reason of failing health a change of climate was necessitated and they came to California, locating at Santa Monica in 1901. Mrs. Todd's mother, the grandmother of Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Sarah L. Hanson, is a resident of Beverly Hills. She is a charming and sweet -spirited woman of eighty-two years and is a native of Virginia. Her father was Colonel Peter Pierce who, during the period antedating the Civil War, was a foremost property owner and slave holder of Virginia. His ancestors and all the interests of the family were intimately associated with the history of that state. Dr. Smith has become a fixture, both as a successful dentist and an esteemed citizen of Santa Monica. He and Mrs. Smith are members of the Baptist Church. They have four children Nelson R., John Robert., Roberta Elizabeth and J. Fred. The family home is No. 1417 Yale Street. THE REV. JOHN D. H. BROWNE was born in Halifax, Xova Scotia, Canada, and educated at the grammar school, and by private tutors, and at Dalhousie College, Halifax, and King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia. He was ordained deacon in 1873, having been the gospeler of a class of six, and priest in the following year, by Bishop Binney of Nova Scotia, and entered at once upon the duties of the active ministry. In 1880 Mr. Browne, having been the rector of the important parish of Dorchester, New Brunswick, was elected clerical secretary of the Diocese of Nova Scotia, and was also editor and publisher of Church Work, a very largely circulated monthly, and of The Church Guardian, published weekly, which soon became the most largely circulated Church paper in Canada. Ill health forced Mr. Browne to give up his important positions in the East, dispose of his papers, and remove to the Pacific Coast, in May, 1884, since which time he has been in active service in Southern California, where he has been successful in building a number of Churches, and in developing strong centers of Church work and life in several places. Mr. Browne built the beautiful Church at Pomona in 1885 ; a Church and rectory at Pasadena, in 1888: the Church at Covina in 1890; the Church in San Bernardino in 1898 ; and has greatly enlarged and beautified the Church at Santa Monica, where he now resides, and of which Parish he has been the Rector for nearly nine years. Mr. Browne is a member of, and secretary to, the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Los Angeles. He is also chairman of the Convention's Com mittee on Church Charities, chairman of the Committee on the Episcopate En dowment Fund, chairman of the Press Committee and chairman of the Commit tee on Work Among Seamen. BIOGRAPHICAL 435 In 1898 a Church paper for the Diocese was started and Mr. Browne was elected by Convention its editor, since which time the Los Angeles Churchman has been continued under his editorial management. This paper is now owned ;'s well as edited and published by him, and is successfully covering the field of Church Journalism in Southern California. The Parish of St. Augustine-by-the-Sea, Santa Monica, when Mr. Browne took charge of it, reported twenty-seven communicants, while now it is in a very flourishing condition, having grown to 203 communicants and having be come the seventh of all the Parishes and Missions of the Diocese. Mr. Browne finds time from his official duties to lend his aid to every public matter having to do with the moral and material welfare of the city, and in the Board of Trade and elsewhere has been a useful and enthusiastic citizen, and a willing worker in advancing the general interests of the community. THOMAS R. LOWE is a California pioneer, coming to the state from Girard, Erie County, Pa. He is a native of England, and was born at Durham in 1841. Coming to Canada with his parents in 1848, he located at Queenbush, north of Toronto, in the Township of Wallace. In 1863 he came to Pennsylvania and in 1867 to San Francisco, where he engaged in farming and a brief time at lumbering in the redwood forests of Mendocino County, near Eureka. In 1875 he went to Lincoln County, Nevada, where he engaged in farming on the Rio Muddy. From 1881 to 1883 he operated a ferry across the Colorado River at its junction with the Rio Virgin in Lincoln County, Nevada. In December, 1888, he came to Santa Monica, and for sixteen years was in charge of the property of the Santa Monica Land & Water Company, as overseer of the water plant, and one of their trusted employees. He has made investments in Santa Monica property from time to time and now owns some of the best located residence property in the city. He is widely known and highly esteemed for his sterling traits of character. He has retired from active life. FRANK LAWTON, well known throughout this region of Southern California for his enterprise and business activities, is a native of Springfield, Hampden County, Mass., born August 12th, 1860. His father, Michael Lawton, was a civil engineer by profession and occupation and as such, was in the employ of the United States Government and, during the Civil War, served throughout the conflict as a member of the Engineer Corps. He was a native of County Cork, Ireland. He came to America when a young man, and married Elizabeth O'Reilly. They were thrifty, prosperous people and almost lifelong residents of Hampden County. They both died advanced in years at Chicopee Falls. 436 BIOGRAPHICAL In response to a burning desire for adventure and an ambition to see the world, Frank Lawton, at about eleven years of age, left home without even the formal consent of his parents, went to sea and for many years sailed the open seas, rounding Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope, visiting all the principal foreign seaports and San Francisco. After making a final voyage to Japan he returned to San Francisco and came south and located at Monrovia. This was in 1885 before the building of the Santa Fe Railway east of Los Angeles, when Monrovia was simply a "four corners" hamlet. Mr. Lawton here made his first business venture by opening the first hotel at Monrovia; later he opened the first restaurant in the town. He there met and married Miss Emily Kallmeyer, in 1886, a daughter of Garret Kallmeyer, a wealthy farmer of El Monte. This was the first wedding to take place in the new city. Mr. Lawton remained at Monrovia two years, then went to Santa Fe Springs, a new and promising health resort about twelve miles east of Los Angeles on the Santa Fe Railway, and opened a hotel. In 1889 he came to Santa Monica, opened a hotel of twenty-five rooms, and a restaurant on Long Wharf at Port Los Angeles and operated the same about four years. About this time the town of Sawtelle was exploited and Mr. Lawton was promptly on the spot with the first stock of general merchandise. This store he conducted for a time, sold out to C. J. Nellis and went to the new town of Sherman where he built a thirty-six room hotel, the Larramond. He did a successful business there for about three years, simultaneously having in charge the purchase and handling of all the commissary supplies of the L. A. P. Ry. Co. After the taking over of the property at old Ballona Harbor by the Beach Land Co., and completion of the improvements there, Mr. Lawton made a lease of the entire property and operated the pavilion dining rooms, skating rink and dance hall, two hotels, launches and row boats on the lagoon, etc., etc., making it an immensely popular resort for pleasure seekers until he sold out to C. M. Pierce, the present owner. In 1905 he took a lease on and opened the new ship hotel, Cabrillo, the auditorium and the Hotel St. Marks, at Venice. In this connection he brought to Venice the famous Ellery Band of fifty-four instruments which gave the new Venetian city a prestige and popularity that was the envy of all other resorts on the coast. In September, 1907, Mr. Lawton disposed of all his interests at Venice. Upon the retirement of Dana Burks from the Ocean Park Board of City Trustees, Mr. Lawton was chosen to succeed him and served until April, 1908. This is the only political office he ever held and it came to him entirely unsought. In the spring of 1908, Mr. Lawton negotiated leases on large tracts of the most picturesque portions of Santa Monica Canyon and also Rustic Canyon, tributary thereto, and is spending a large amount of money converting it into a first class pleasure resort. Famed for its natural scenic beauties, its towering bluffs, its grand spreading old sycamore trees, affording ample shade and ideal camping grounds, its abundant supply of cool spring water, its grateful breeze direct from the ocean, with direct transportation via L. A. P. Ry. from Los BIOGRAPHICAL 437 Angeles and all beach resorts on Santa Monica Bay to the canyon, surely Mr. Lawton's new enterprise cannot fail to prove a source of delight to all lovers of out of door life and rational recreation. It will be seen by the foregoing nar ration of facts that Mr. Lawton is thoroughly possessed of the true spirit of the pioneer, having from the time he first came to Southern California been the first on the ground in undeveloped localities and new enterprises, alive to the demands of the present and the possibilities of the future and has ever "made good" in the accomplishment of his purposes. Mr. Lawton is the principal stockholder and president of the Montezuma Rubber Company of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, extensive shippers and exporters of crude rubber, supplying some of the heaviest manufacturers of pneumatic and solid rubber tire manufacturers in this and foreign countries and employing from 350 to 400 men. Mr. Lawton owns a fine ranch and country home at El Monte and a seaside villa at No. 9 Club House Avenue, Venice. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton have two sons David Edward, who is interpreter of Spanish for the Montezuma Rubber Co., in Mexico, and Homer Alfred, a student at Harvard Military School, Los Angeles. L. H. CASE, M. D., Santa Monica, is a successful physician and is a native of New York. He was born in Watertown, Jefferson County, June 22nd, 1877, a son of Samuel Case, a respected and well known citizen of Santa Monica. Dr. Case was a boy of ten years when the family came to California. He received his schooling principally in the public schools of Los Angeles and Santa Monica. He studied medicine with the late Dr. J. J. Place, who, for about ten years, was a popular practitioner in Santa Monica. Dr. Case later took a course in medicine at the Hahnemann Pacific Medical College, San Francisco, from which institution he graduated in the year 1900, receiving the degree of M. D. He then returned to Santa Monica and commenced the practice of his profession. He is a member of the California State, and also, the Southern California Medical Societies. In December, 1901, he married Miss Catharyn Miles, a daughter of the lamented Rev. Elam C. Miles, a pioneer of Southern California and Santa Monica, a brief biography of whom appears on another page of this book. Mrs. Case is a native daughter of Santa Monica where she has passed the greater portion of her life. Dr. Case is a member of the F. and A. M. and the B. P. O. E., of Santa Monica. Mrs. Case is an active and popular member of the O. E. S., of Santa Monica and is Past Matron of the Santa Monica Lodge. She is also an active and effective worker in the Santa Monica Woman's Club, and one of its most popular members. In July, 1908, she was, by acclamation, chosen the club's president. She is charming in her personality, possesses good executive ability and makes an able presiding officer. 438 BIOGRAPHICAL REV. ELAM C. MILES (deceased) was born in Litchfield County, Conn., in 1832, a son of Stephen and Delia M. (Hawley) Miles. They were staid and highly respected New England people by birth and ancestry. He was a success ful farmer. The son grew up on the old homestead, was passionately fond of good books and studiously devoted his spare moments to systemized reading and study; thus becoming in a liberal degree, self educated. He became an ex pert mathematician and held the professorship of higher mathematics in Jefferson County Institute, St. Louis, Mo., when only twenty years of age. In 1861 he married Miss Elizabeth C. Massey in the town of Morris, Grundy County, 111. Her father, Sylranus P. Massey, was of English and Irish extiaction. He was a merchant by occupation and a native of Salem, Mass., where he grew to man hood. He married Hannah Shedd, of Tewksbury, Mass., and there their two children, Elizabeth and Sylranus, Jr., were born, she being the eldest. She was born in the same house and rocked in the same cradle as was her father. About 1855 when this daughter was twelve years of age the family came on to the then western frontier and located in Illinois near the town of Manlins, La Salle County. Later the father became a prosperous merchant in the town of Lostant, in the same county. He there died at about seventy-five years of age. By a second marriage he left a son, Solon P. Massey, of Lake Mills, Iowa. Elam Miles joined the ministry and upon coming to California occupied the pulpit of the Unitarian Church at Pomona. He came to Santa Monica in 1878, when it was a small village. Here he held the office of Justice of the Peace and was an effi cient officer. He soon thereafter located on a ranch in Blakes Canyon, a mountain resort back of the Malibu Grant. Here for a time he engaged in bee culture. Returned to Santa Monica and later went to Florida where he spent several years. Returning to Porterville he there died in the year 1900, at about seventy-six years of age. He was a scholarly man and left a very large and valuable library. Besides Mrs. L. H. Case there are, of his children living Waldo P. Miles, of Corona; George C. Miles, of Los Angeles; G. Bennett Miles, of Riverside; Bessie, wife of Peter Ting, of Porterville, California; Clara, Mrs. Clarence W. Preston, of Exeter, California, and Mabel, Mrs. Charles W. Smith, of Scioto, 111. SIMON N. TALKINGTON, for upwards of forty years a resident of California, was born in Crawford County, Arkansas, May 15th, 1846. He is the son of Allen A. Talkington, a native of Todd County, Kentucky, and by occupation a farmer. Later he pioneered with his family on the western frontier of Arkansas. Of the wife and children mention is made in the sketch of James S. Talkington, in this work. In 1864 Mr. Talkington and an older brother, James S., were induced to join the southern army. Mr. Talkington was a youth of eighteen years and, in fact, knew little of the issues involved in the great civil conflict and the actual status of affairs. The two brothers, in time, made a journey across Southwestern Texas into Mexico and joined in the revolution then in I '. I < (GRAPHICAL 439 progress in that country, enduring great hardships and passing through many thrilling experiences. They finally, however, arrived home in good health. In 1868 he preceded the family to California and located at Campo, in San Diego County, there engaging in stock raising. The family, including his parents, soon joined him. In 1869 they all moved to Orange, then Los Angeles County, and in 1885 he removed to Los Angeles and in 1891 to Compton, thence to Tropico. In 1903 he located in Santa Monica and on July 12th, 1905, he married Miss Olive Watenpaugh, of Santa Monica. He has invested in Santa Monica residence property. Mr. and Mrs. Talkington are member of the First Methodist Church, of Santa Monica. ORACH Anici.K PIERCE, a literary woman and lecturer, for six years a resident of Santa Monica, is the daughter of John C. and Marron A. ( Pingrey) Pierce, and was born in New York State. She was educated in her native State and in Boston, where she trained for literary work- and public speaking. She is an au thor known on both continents, her poet- ic'il work being represented with honor in the Bibliotheque National, Paris. She is the author of two books, " The Silver Cord and The Golden Bowl " a volume of poems and " Child Study of the Clas sics," used in the schools of Boston and introduced as a text-book throughout the state of Massachusetts. Of her book of poems. Dr. Richard Burton says : " This book contains genuine poetry. The work is artistic, refined, pure and high in quality, and inspired by worthy ideals. The work should be encouraged by all earnest lovers of literature, because its ethical influence is strong and the reader, while enjoying a poem aesthetically, is made better for its message." Mary Holland Kinkaid, the novelist, in writing of Miss Pierce, says: " Two poems in Miss Pierce's volume have enjoyed wide fame. They are the sonnets on Queen Victoria and on Browning's ' Saul.' The sonnet on Queen Victoria attained a wide vogue in Great Britain. Miss Pierce's later poems fulfilled the promise given by these two remarkable sonnets. While the author has the poetic gift she has such versatility that she finds little time for verse. Her short stories are likely to make her name in a field where few achieve supremacy. Xo one GRACE ADELE PIERCE. 440 BIOGRAPHICAL in California better understands the technique of the short story and no one can handle a dramatic incident more artistically. 'This fact has been so well recog nized by eastern editors that Miss Pierce has been kept busy filling her numerous commissions. As a platform speaker Miss Pierce is not less brilliant than as a writer. She has a talent for oratory : she has something to say and she knows how to say it, for in all her activities she is an artist." Miss Pierce is a contributor to many of the leading magazines and journals of the East and is writing largely for the western press. She is associated with many of the organizations for the betterment of humanity and is deeply inter ested in the wage-earning woman's problems. She is on the Advisory Board, Committee of One Hundred, the National Health League, New Haven, Conn., and is on the Board of Directors, the Ladies' Auxiliary R. C. P. A., Denver, Colorado. Miss Pierce is also a member of the International League of Amer ican Pen Women, Washington, D. C., and is associated with the Southern Cali fornia Woman's Press Club. Before coming to California Miss Pierce was con nected with Chautauqua publications, having been classed among " The Makers of Chautauqua Literature." Bishop John H. Vincent, Chancellor of this great educational institution, said of her work : "Miss Pierce's work is worthy in every way. She has genius. The book reveals it. It yields the pleasant aroma of a human heart that has companioned with Nature, felt the spell of Art, experienced the joys and sorrows of Life, and found rest in God. The book does credit to her intellect and sympathies." Miss Pierce has an adopted sister Miss Caroline M. Simmons who has close companionship with her in her life and work. TOM SCHOFIELD is a native of England, born in Wales, March 21st, 1877. In 1879 the family moved to Yorkshire, England, and there lived until 1889 and then emigrated to the United States, locating in Edmunds County, South Dakota, where they pursued farming. There Tom attended the local public schools, learned the trade of blacksmith and became a horseshoer. There the father, John Schofield, died, and the widow, with four sons and one daughter, came to California in 1902 and located in Los Angeles. These children were Ernest and William, who are residents of Los Angeles, and Herbert in Mexico. Mr. Schofield married in Santa Monica Miss Mary A., daughter of Thomas Lawson. Mr. Schofield purchased the business of Robert Nairn in Santa Monica in January, 1907. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of the World, Lodge No. 2719. Mr. Schofield's mother and sister live in Los Angeles. Mr. Schofield is a thorough mechanic in his line and turns out only the best class of work. He has recently distinguished himself by building at his shops, on Second Street, the first automobile built in Santa Monica. BIOGRAPHICAL 441 EDWARD F. BONTTY is a native of Oregon, born at Portland, February 7th, 1877. His father, Joseph Bontty, is a Bohemian by birth, was born in Austria and came to America at twenty-five years of age and located at Portland, where he engaged in the building business. He lived in Santa Monica from 1885 to 1905 and engaged in the giocery business; he also became interested in some successful real estate deals. He then removed to San Diego, where he is now engaged in the grocery business. He has two sons and one daughter. One son, Joseph, is a conductor in the employ of the Los Angeles Pacific Electric Ry. Co. The daughter, Sebaldeni, is Mrs. R. R. Tanner, of Santa Monica. Mr. Bontty came to Santa Monica with his family in 1883. Here he attended the public schools, was for several years salesman in his father's grocery, the first store opened at what was originally known as South Santa Monica. This cov ered the years 1898 to 1905. Mr. Bontty was a conductor four years for the Los Angeles Pacific Ry. Co., which position he resigned and in April, 1906, opened his present store fish, poultry and game on Utah Avenue, between Second and Third Streets. Mr. Bontty married September 4th, 1903, Miss Alice Novetny, of Chicago. They have one son, Richard Robert Bontty. Mr. Bontty is a member of the Masonic fraternity and an Eagle. RALPH BANE. A sketch of Santa Monica's first Treasurer, under the Free holders Charter may be read with interest by those not intimately acquainted with him, because of the responsible public position he holds and by any who may have misgivings as to what a young man of metal and earnest endeavor can accomplish in our sun-kissed land of material promise. Mr. Bane was a native of Ohio and was born at Newark, February 22nd, 1879. His father, Frank Bane, a merchant tailor of Newark, died in 1886, when his only son was but seven years of age. Mr. Bane, at the very tender age of two years, suffered the irreparable loss of his mother in 1881 , when he was practically adopted by his great aunt, Mrs. C. B. Buckingham, of Newark, a noble woman of great benevolence and Christian fortitude, he being the last and youngest of her fourteen adopted children. She passed to her final reward at her life-long home in Newark on July 1st, 1907, at eighty-three years of age. Young Bane grew up under the tender care of his foster mother, passed through the excellent graded public schools and took a course of study at the Newark High School. From his seventeenth to his twenty-first years he engaged in various local business ventures, in which he succeeded. In the year 1900 he went to Zanesville, Ohio, and with J. H. Stephen embarked in general merchandis ing. The new enterprise suffered unforseen business reverses and closed out. In 1902, Mr. Bane, somewhat impaired in health, came to California and soon after reaching Los Angeles, came to Santa Monica. He soon obtained employ ment as conductor for the Los Angeles-Pacific Ry. and remained with the com pany two years. 442 I5IOGRAPHICAL He resigned his position and for a period of about nine months acted as inspector of street work for the City of Santa Monica. He then went to Sacra mento and acted as clerk of the legislative committee on public buildings and grounds, Thirty-sixth Session of the California Legislature, 1905. Upon return ing, he accepted a position as Deputy County Tax Collector under W. O. Welch and served until March 1st, 1907. This position he resigned and became a candidate for the office he now holds under the Freeholders Charter. In the per formance of the duties of the positions he has held Mr. Bane made a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and his fitness for the office of City Treasurer was not questioned, but became a factor in according him victory. Mr. Bane married, in 1899, Miss Edith, a daughter of Elkanah T. Perry, and a niece of the late lamented W. H. Perry, a widely known and eminently success ful pioneer of Los Angeles and Santa Monica. Mrs. Bane is a native of Newark, Ohio, and they were youth-day acquaintances. They have one daughter. Ethel Lillian, born in Newark. Mr. Bane is a Republican in politics, and a charter member of the B. P. O. E. of Santa Monica, and a member of the Woodmen of America, Los Angeles. Mr. Bane is a courteous and unassuming gentleman, an ideal public official who is thoroughly wedded to a faithful performance of the manifold duties of his office. FRANCIS WYCOFF BROOKS, was a California pioneer of 1850, a native of Boston, Mass., where he was born March 14th, 1821. He was educated at Walpole Academy, Walpole, N. H. Later he went to New York City and, with a brother, engaged in the wholesale paper business. When the reports of the discovery of gold in California became current in the east, he joined the rush to the new El Dorado. After some experience in the mines he, with his two brothers, Horace and George Brooks, engaged in the wholesale paper business on Sansome street, San Francisco. He was a vigilante and did much for the establishment of law and order in San Francisco in the early days. The firm did a prosperous business for about twenty years, their field of operation extend ing throughout the state. The brothers, individually, acquired large property interests in the city. Francis W. Brooks married Miss Matilda Smith, daughter of Floyd Smith, a leading business man and prominent lay churchman in New York City, where she was born , reared and educated. The marriage took place June 20th, 1855, and they came direct to California via the Panama route. Of their children two are still residents of this city, viz. Matilda, now wife of Mayor T. H. Dudley, and Alice Brooks, who lives at the old home. Another daughter, Mrs. J. Erwin Hoy, lives in Paris, France. Mr. Brooks died in Battleboro, Vt., in 1885. In 1890, the family located in Santa Monica at the corner of Third and Washington Streets, where Mrs. Brooks died in 1897. BIOGRAPHICAL 443 HARRY FRAXTZ RILE, a well known photographer of this city, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., December 1st, 1860. His father was John C. Rile, a carpenter of English parentage, and his mother, Sarah Frantz, was of Dutch descent, born near Norristown, Pa. Mr. Rile spent his youth at his native home and at about eighteen years of age he took up photography in Philadel phia and by degrees worked his way to California, via Chicago, Kansas City, and Portland to San Francisco and thence to Los Angeles. On December 20th, 1887 he reached the latter city and almost immediately opened a studio on North Beach in Santa Mon ica. For twenty years he has been continuously in the photographic bus iness on this beach. Mr. Rile mar ried, in 1889, Miss Georgetta May Heimer, a daughter of George Heim- er, of Galesburg, 111. She was born in the city of Galesburg. Mr. and Mrs. Rile have two daughters, Maud Frances and Caroline Inez. Mr. Rile is a member of the Royal Arcanum and Woodmen of the World. The family residence is at the corner of Eighth Street and Oregon Avenue. H. f. RILE. E. A. PREUSS. for forty years a resident of Los Angeles, is a native of New Orleans, La., and was born June 7th, 1850. When yet a child the family re moved to Kentucky and located in the city of Louisville, where he attended the public schools and business college. In 1861, he entered the employ of a drug store in Louisville as an apprentice to the business which, after several years, he thoroughly mastered. In 1868 he came to California, and, following a brief stay in San Francisco, he came to Los Angeles and embarked in the drug busi ness. In 1875, he associated in business with the late John Schumacher, one of the best known of the early pioneers of the city. Some years later, C. B. Pironi succeeded to the interests of Mr. Schumacher and the business continued until September, 1885, when Mr. Preuss permanently retired. In June, 1887, Mr. Preuss received the appointment of postmaster of Los Angeles by the lamented President, Grover Cleveland, which office he acceptably filled to Feb ruary 14th, 1890. until the appointment of his successor. His encumbency cov- 444 BIOGRAPHICAL ered four years of the most phenomenal growth that Los Angeles has ever had, known as the boom of 1887 to 1889, and it may safely be stated that probably no postmaster in any city of the country ever held his office under more stren uous conditions. By reason of the great and sudden influx of people from all parts of the country, the postoffice, not any too well equipped for handling the business of a city of 12,000 people, was required, before Mr. Preuss* term of office closed, to meet the demands of 50,000 inhabitants, and this through one office, there being no branch stations. The office was then located on North Main street near Republic, opposite the Baker block. As the boom crowds in creased the clamor for mail at the windows became so great that two long lines of men and women extended up and down Main street waiting their turn. Mr. Preuss promptly petitioned the government for an increased allowance for the employment of additional help, and for a branch office in East Los Angeles, but relief, because of the exact and deliberate routine of the department business at Washington, was meager and slow in coming. The total cash handled during the year 1887 was $1,838,000.00, being an increase of more than $700,000.00 over 1886. Stamp sales alone exceeded $120,000.00 for the year 1887, when the office handled the mail for over 200,000 transients. Mr. Preuss retired from the office with a splendid record as a man of executive ability and ready resource for emergencies. During those clays, Mr. Preuss was wide awake and ready to take a hand in forwarding the best interests of Los Angeles, and was also iden tified with the social life of the city. He was one of the charter members of the Turn Yerein, organized in 1870. He was one of the prime movers in the organization of Los Angeles' first athletic club, in 1883. In 1877 he married Miss Mary A., eldest daughter of the lamented John Schumacher, one of the most prominent and highly esteemed pio neers of Los Angeles, of 1847. Mr. Schumacher was a native of Wurtemburg, Germany, and was born January 23rd, 1816. In 1832, being then an orphan, he left his native town and went to Paris, soon thereafter coming to America. He lived in New York until 1846, when he enlisted for the Mexican War in the First Regiment New York Volunteers, under Col. John D. Stevenson, and was mustered into Company G. On September 26th of that year he sailed for San Francisco in the ship Thomas H. Perkins, arriving at destination in the month of March, 1847. The following May they shipped for San Pedro and reached Los Angeles on the 9th of that month, there remaining until mustered out of service, September 18th, 1848. He almost immediately set out for the newly discovered placer gold diggings on Suiter's Creek, El Dorado county, where he unearthed a gold nugget for which he realized -$800.00. He continued in the mines for several months, having fair success, then returned to Los Angeles and embarked in merchandising in a store near the northwest corner of Spring and First streets, which property he very soon acquired, together with all the hnd bounded by Spring, First, Fort (now Broadway), and Franklin streets, for which, it is said, he paid $700.00. He also later owned a tract of land at what BIOGRAPHICAL 445 is now Temple street and Belmont avenue, which, in company with Jacob Bell, he used as a sheep range. He was a man of energy and enterprise and experi mented with the raising of grapes without irrigation on land he owned between Los Angeles and the sea being a portion of the old Brea grant. He acquired other lands in the city which ultimately became very valuable. John Schumacher was a popular citizen, having a host of friends. He served on the City Council two terms. He spoke the German, English, French and the Spanish languages, was everybody's friend and was specially useful to the Spanish and non-English speaking people in adjusting their business affairs, as all had unbounded faith in his unerring judgment and integrity. In 1880 he built the Schumacher block on his property, First and Spring streets, then regarded as one of the most sub stantial and architectural business blocks in the city. It stands today as a fitting monument to his enterprise and stability. He also built what was for years known as the White House, a pretentious and very substantial business block at the corner of Commercial and Los Angeles streets. He died from the effects of a stroke of apoplexy, March 2nd, 1885, leaving a valuable estate and an un tarnished name as an inheritance to his six children. These children, besides Mrs. Preuss, are Carrie, who is the widow of Professor Paul Schumacher (no kin) John H., Frank G., Percy F., and Arthur W. Mr. and Mrs. Preuss are old-time summer residents of Santa Monica. They have one son, Kenneth. CLAUDE W. ROGERS, well known and successful meichant of Santa Monica, was born at Shawneetown, Johnson County, Kansas, July 31st, 189?. His father, Walton Rogers, a native of Kentucky, born in Gallatin County, was a Doctor of Medicine. He emigrated with his wife to Kansas in 1864. In 1869 they returned to Carrol County, Kentucky, and located in the town of Ghent, where j'oung Rogers grew up. At sixteen years of age he went to Denver, Colorado, and worked for various commercial establishments as an accountant. He came to California and to San Francisco in 1893, where he spent three years. In 1896 he came to Santa Monica, taking a position with A. F. Johnston, merchant. Later, for two years, he became manager of the business. In 1906 the A. F. Johnston Company was incorporated and Mr. Rogers became a director thereof. Upon the untimely death of Mr. Johnston, Mr. Rogers succeeded to the presi dency of the corporation. The A. F. Johnston Company is extensively engaged in the wholesale and retail grocery business, being the most progressive and prosperous in its line in the city of Santa Monica. Mr. Rogers married in the city of Santa Monica in the year 1900, Miss Grace, daughter of the venerable Thomas H. Elliott, a most highly repected pioneer of Santa Monica. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers have one daughter, Arta. Mr. Rogers is a member of the F. and A. M. and the B. P. O. E. The family home is 928 Fourth Street. 446 BIOGRAPHICAL L. A. INGERSOLL, of Santa Monica, was born in the village of Delta, Eaton county, Michigan, August 7, 1851, a son of Alexander and Emeline Baker Inger- soll. Alexander Ingersoll was a son of Erastus Ingersoll, who with a family of thirteen children located large tracts of heavily timbered land on Grand river in the interior of the lower peninsula of Michigan, in 1836, when that State was a Territory. He obtained a charter from the U. S. Government to build a dam across the river, erected a sawmill and a grist mill, which formed the nucleus to a growing and prosperous community. Upon the death of Erastus Ingersoll a large landed estate came into the possession of members of the family and Alexander Ingersoll became owner of the water power and mills. He also owned timber and agricultural lands. He improved the milling property, built up an extensive business and was a moving spirit in the community. He served sev eral years as a member of the County Board of Supervisors and was also for a long period director of the schools, deacon in the church and superintendent of the Sunday-school. Besides his interests in Delta he became interested largely in the milling interests of Lansing. In later years he closed out his interests in Michigan, located at Saint Croix Falls, \Yis.. where he died in 1890. Emeline Baker Ingersoll was a native of the town of Stafford, Gennesee county, N. Y., a daughter of Captain Remember Baker, who was a grandson of Captain Remember Baker, a brother-in-law of Colonel Ethan Allen of Revolu tionary fame. Captain Baker commanded a company of Green Mountain boys, and was Colonel Allen's second in the capture of Fort Ticonderoga in the name of "The Great Jehovah and Continental Congress." Baker immediately there after took possession of Crown Point, was betrayed by Indians, and beheaded. His name is recorded in history as the first officer killed in the American Revo lution. Captain Remember Baker, the maternal grandfather of L. A. Ingersoll, early in life went to sea, became master of a ship and navigated North river. He was the pilot of the Robert Fulton on its first voyage up the Hudson river. He was a soldier of the War of 1812 and under General Brown held a captain's roving commission and did his country great service as a scout. He located on Grand river near Delta, Michigan, in 1836, later settled at Portland, thirty miles distant, where he died in 1846. Emeline Baker Ingersoll, his daughter, in early life taught school and later married at Delta. She was a woman of splendid domestic attainments and great kindness of heart. During her many years of active life she was tireless in church, Sunday-school and charitable work. She died at her home at Saint Croix Falls, Wis., February, 1906, at 83 years of age. L. A. Ingersoll grew up in the village of Delta, attended Olivet College. Olivet, Michigan, spent seven years in the dry goods house of an uncle, Harley Ingersoll, at Lansing, Mich., spent two years seeking health in the northwest. was from 1879 to 1886 engaged in compiling local history in Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky. Xew York and the New England States. In 1886 he established and for two years published the Saint Croi.v I 'alley Standard newspaper at Saint BIOGRAPHICAL 447 Croix Falls, Wisconsin. In 1888 he came to California and has devoted about twenty years to collating, writing and publishing California history. In 1904 he published /ngersoH's Century Annals of San Bernardino County. Ingersoll's Century History of Santa Monica Bay Cities, 1908, is the second book of a series of local histories he has in various stages of development. He married October 5th at Ypsilanti. Michigan, Miss Mary Elizabeth Otto, a daughter of George and Rose ( >tto, pioneers of Southern Michigan, and there is one daughter, Grace. W. M. PALMER was born near Iowa Falls, Iowa, on October 23rd, 1870. His parents were New England Quakers of Scotch, Irish, French and English lineage and pioneers in the settlement of Iowa, having emigrated from the eastern states while Iowa was a wil derness. His grandfather, John Caldwell, was the first Justice of the Peace in Hardin, Karelin County, Iowa, at a time when Indians and land claim jumpers were the chief subjects of judicial inquiry and legal enactment. The family continued to reside in that locality for more than fifty years. The subject of this sketch was graduated from Iowa Falls High School in 1888, after which a three- year course of study was pursued in Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Always, from inclination, associ ating with youth, Palmer naturally became a teacher in the public schools of Iowa, though his first efforts as a pedagogue were put forth in Albany County, Territory of Wyoming. In this field of usefulness his predilection for athletic sports made him a favorite among the younger residents of the community in which he taught. Owing to the support of this element, while principal of the schools at Webb, Iowa, Palmer was elected mayor of the town and continued to hold that office until he took up the study of law, though the principal duties of the mayor of that town were to declare small pox quarantines and to act as police judge. In 1902 the study of law was taken up by Mr. Palmer, his preliminary study being directed by the law firm of Bryson & Bryson and by the Honorable S. M. Weaver, since and now a member of the Supreme Bench of the State of Iowa. In 1904 Mr. Palmer became a resident of the city of Santa Monica, where w. M. PALMER. 448 BIOGRAPHICAL he has since resided, continuing his law studies in the office of Judge George H. Hutton. He was admitted to the bar of California in 1905. In 1894 Mr. Palmer was married to Miss Myrtle B. Mosely who had been his schoolmate from the primary grade. To them have been born four children. Mr. Palmer has, since 1886, been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and occupied a number of official positions therein. He is an enthusiastic believer in the brotherhood of man and advocates strongly fellowship and sym pathy as a means of aiding mankind. He is also is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. GEORGE W. FOSTER, well known citizen and trustee of Ocean Park, is a native of Sangamon County, 111., born February 2nd, 1840. His father, Col. John D. Foster, was a lawyer by profession, and a native of Clark County, Ky. He was a pioneer of Sangamon County, lived near Springfield and practiced law throughout that region of country contemporaneously with Abraham Lincoln, not unfrequently opposing him in court. Mr. Foster's mother was Eunice Miller, also a native of Clark County, Ky. Mr. Foster was the eldest of seven children and spent his boyhood in Sangamon County. In 1853 the family removed to Missouri and settled at Kirksville, the county seat of Adair County. At the breaking out of the Civil War he recruited the 22nd Missouri Volunteer Infantry and commanded the same during the conflict. He was a brave and fearless officer and led his men in bloody charges against the enemy's breastworks at the seige of Corinth and in many other hard fought battles. Notwithstanding his youth, young George W. joined his father's regiment and was at his side during and to the close of the war. He held a commission as Quartermaster- Sergeant. He participated in the hottest of the fight at Corinth and many other battles. He served three years, luckily escaping bodily injury, and was mus tered out of service at St. Louis in February, 1865. After the war he returned to Sangamon County, 111., and pursued farming until 1878, when he removed to Kirksville, Mo. There he left his family and went to Leadville, Colorado, to engage in mining. He followed mining in all of its phases until 1902, when he came to Ocean Park, bought a home and settled down. Leisure proved not a luxury to him, however, and he took up his trade, that of a carpenter, and is the efficient foreman of the carpenter department of the Abbot Kinney Company at Venice. Mr. Foster married, at Kirksville, Mo., Miss Margaret Scott, a native of Boone County, Ky., born 1845, who was sixteen years of age at the time of her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Foster have four children living Emma, wife of E. D. Wheeler, of Ocean Park; W. F. Foster, of Denver, Colorado; Abbie A., .Mrs. F. C. McArthur, of Los Angeles, and Dora Bell wife of Fred Olds, of Milwaukee, Wis. John D. Foster met accidental death in a mine in Colorado in 1902, and George E. died at the age of twelve years in Denver. BIOGRAPHICAL 449 Mr. Foster is an active and popular citizen and takes an interest in local public affairs. In April, 1908, he was elected a member of the Ocean Park Board of City Trustees and is a member of the following important committees: Fi nance, Lighting, Building and Lands. He is a charter member G. A. R., Farragut Post Dunn, is enrolled at the Soldiers' Home and is pensioned at $12.00 a month. \Y.\LTER MUNDELL, P. M. of Sawtelle, is a native of Scotland and was born in Ross-shire, within three miles of Lands End, September 4th, 1842. His father was Robert Mundell, a shepherd by occupation and a son of David Mundell, who was by trade a cabinet maker. He was a prominent Free Mason and received his third degree in that order from Robert Burns, the great Scotch poet, who was then master of Kelwinning Lodge Xo. 1. David Mundell and Robert Burns were strong personal friends. There is now in possession of David Mundell, an older son, the first copy of the first edition of Robert Burns' works, presented to David Mundell by the author. David Mundell at the time lived in Dumfriesshire, where Burns was government excise officer. Walter Mundell was about fourteen years of age when the family left their native heath and came to America. They located in Pickaway county, Ohio, on a farm where the parents lived until the close of their earthly career. Besides Walter, there are two sons living, David and James, the former at the old home and the latter in Wilson county, Kansas. In August, 1862, Mr. Mundell, with his brother, James, enlisted in the Civil War and were mustered into Company A, 114th Ohio Infantry, under Captain John Lynch. They served under Grant at the siege of Yicksburg, where the subject of this sketch was wounded in both arms and taken to the army hospital at New Orleans. While there he was nursed by Mrs. Lizzie Southworth. A warm friendship ripened into mutual love and, when he had sufficiently recovered from his wounds, they were married September 20th, 1864. They made a wedding journey to the Ohio home, where the wife remained while the husband returned to his regiment at the front to complete his term of enlistment. Mrs. Mundell is a daughter of James Ince and was born in England, Chor- ley, Lancashire. Her father was a wholesale merchant. She grew up at her native home and there married George Southworth, who was by trade a painter and glazier. They came to America in the year 1859 and located at Lancaster, Dallas county, Texas. Upon the breaking out of the Civil War, Mr. South- worth was conscripted into the Confederate army. He determined not to fight against the Union and crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico, where he was taken sick and died in the vicinity of Monterey. The stricken widow and only son, John, took the remains to Monterey, where the interment took place and she proceeded to return to England. L'pon reaching Brownsville, she met General Herron, who induced her to take up army nursing. The battle of Brownsville 29 450 BIOGRAPHICAL soon took place and she accepted the offered position of nurse. She went down the Rio Grande river, crossed the gulf as nurse in charge of the hospital boat and landed at New Orleans, where she continued her work. The Mundell brothers both filled out their terms of enlistment and were mustered out of service in August, 1865, having served three years. Mr. Mun dell, after the war, returned home and followed his trade, which was that of a millwright, and also that of stationary engineer. He came with his family to California and in 1887 located in Ix5S Angeles, purchased a home and for a time lived in retirement. Later he was for about eight years in the employ of the street department and latterly four and a half years the park commissioner of the city. He located in Sawtelle in the fall of 1904, and in 1906 was ap pointed postmaster of that city by President Roosevelt. Mr. and Mrs. Mundell have one son, Robert, who is engaged in the lumber business at Oberlin, Kansas, and a daughter, Myrtle, who is assistant postmaster at Sawtelle. Mrs. Mundell has, by her former marriage, one son, John Southworth, who is proprietor of the Southworth apartments on Kinney street, Ocean Park. Mr. Mundell has always been an active republican and, while never seeking office, has repeatedly attended the party conventions as delegate from his home district or precinct. He is a member of the F. and A. M. JOSEPH JEFFERSON DAVIS, widely known as a successful man of affairs, as head of the Santa Monica Land & Water Company and identified with other extensive business enterprises, is a native of Ottawa, Canada, born August 8th, 1869. His father, Jefferson Davis, was a capitalist and land owner, a native of Lancaster, England, and his mother, Mary Proctor, was of Sussex, England. The family came to the United States and located at Milwaukee, Wis., about 1862, there the father died, the mother surviving until 1903, when she passed away at Santa Monica at seventy-five years of age. Mr. Davis came to California in 1890. In 1895 he entered actively into the organization of the United Electric Gas & Power Company, for the purpose of supplying light, fuel and power to the city of Santa Monica and vicinity. Mr. Davis was vice president and general manager with offices at Santa Monica. In 1900 this company's stock and plant was sold to the Edison Electric Company and Mr. Davis, in 1905, associated with R. C. Gillis, purchased the San Vicente y Santa Monica Grants and interested others with them, which resulted in the development of that section of the country known as Westgate, Brentwood Park and Carlos Heights along the foothills. In 1903 Mr. Davis formed a company and took over all of the interests of the Santa Monica Land & Water Company. He also purchased the unsold lands of the San Vicente and the Boca Santa Monica Grants (see index, West- gate) and has spent an almost fabulous amount of money in improvements there on. Mr. Davis, vice president of the Santa Monica Land & Water Company, BIOGRAPHICAL 451 is a stockholder and director in the Broadway Bank in Los Angeles and has other extensive financial and property interests. Mr. Davis married, in 1896, Miss Emma Volkman, a daughter of Martin Volkman, of Santa Monica. They have three sons, Herbert Leslie, Robert Carlyle and Joseph Jefferson. The family residence is one of the finest modern country seats at Westgate. ALF. MORRIS, popular citizen of Santa Monica and president of the City Council, is a native of England, now fifty-six years of age. He received his education in a private grammar school and at the age of sixteen years entered the counting house of one of the largest foreign shippers as an accountant. He spent several years in this employ and acquired a thorough knowledge of the business. Subsequently he took a position as an employee of the Great Western R. R. Company, acting as chief clerk in a branch office. He arrived- in New York City nearly thirty years ago and spent two years traveling in the states. He then engaged in the hotel business in the city of Chicago and met with a liberal degree of success. He came to California and located at Santa Monica in 1894, successfully conducting a restaurant business. In October, 1898, he purchased the Santa Monica Steam Laundry, operating the same until October, 1905. He built up an extensive and profitable business in this line, later disposing of it. He then bent his energies to the building of the Kensington Apartments. These have proven to be, not only an innovation in the line of family residential apartments, but with their convenient location to the quick transportation to and from Los Angeles, their close proximity to the sea beach and surf bathing and with their grand views of the ocean, they compose one of the most valuable property holdings of the kind extant. Mean time, Mr. Morris has made several profitable real estate deals and has, withal, become one of Santa Monica's most substantial property owners. Mr. Morris has always been enterprising and alive to the best interests of his adopted city, and has borne his part in the promotion of its civic and political welfare. He was elected to the first city council under the Freeholders Charter from the fourth ward and took his seat April 15th, 1907. He was chosen pre siding officer of this body. As president of the council his services have proven valuable, having brought honor and dignity to the position by the pursuance of a broad, impartial and judicious policy. His genial personality, uniform kind ness and courteous bearing must have had much to do with his prosperity and success in life. Mr. Morris' mother died when he was yet a youth. His father, was, for many years, a manager for some of the largest mercantile houses in England. He died greatly respected in the year 1891. Mr. Morris married Miss Annette Olsen in the city of New York, January 20th, 1890. She is a daughter of Prof. O. Olsen, of Chicago, a native of Norway, and one of the finest scenic and land scape painters in the country. J. H. DOBBINGS. BIOGRAPHICAL 453 J. H. DOBBINGS, native of Middleboro, Yorkshire, England, was born April 13th, 1864, the son of John and Sarah (Bell) Dobbings. John Dobbings was born in Elstow, Bedfordshire, England, and his wife at Newcastle-on-Tyne, England. John Dobbings was by occupation a mining superintendent and for a period of twenty-six years was thus employed in his native land. He came to the United States in 1888 and is since a resident of Pasadena. Both his father, J. G. Dobbings, and his grandfather, John T., have to their credit long terms of service in the British navy J. G. Dobbings being an officer thereof and retired at sixty-four years of age. Mr. Dobbings' maternal grandfather, George Bell, was an experienced railroad man and division manager of the North Eastern Ry., in England. J. H. Dobbings attended the local public schools of his native town. In 1878, being then a youth of fourteen years, he entered the employ of Blockow- Vaughn & Company of Middleboro, as an apprentice to learn marine engineering and served seven years. In September, 1885, he embarked for the United States and, upon arrival, located at Des Moines, Iowa, where he worked at his trade. In the spring of 1886, he came to Cali fornia and worked for the Risdon Iron Works at San Francisco, until October, 1887. He then came to Pasadena and engaged in the retail oil business. In 1889, he went to San Diego and, until 1893, was chief engineer of the Fourth Street Cable Ry. Company. He then came to Santa Monica and was appointed first assistant engineer at the Soldiers' Home. In January, 1904, he was made chief engineer, which position he now holds. In January, 1887, he married Miss Mattie A. Evans, a native of Concord, N. H., and daughter of George Allen Evans (see index.) Mr. Dobbings became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1890 and the country has no more loyal citizen and enthusi astic American. He is one of the prominent Masons of Southern California. He is past master of the Santa Monica Blue Lodge, member of Perfection Lodge No. 3 of Los Angeles, and Rose Croix Chapter, A. A. S. R. Temple of Los Angeles. He is past master of Veteran Lodge 373, Sawtelle, and a life member of the Masonic Veterans' Association of the Pacific Coast. He is a member of the Uniform Rank of the K. of P., Santa Monica, and a member of the National Association of Stationary Engineers. He is an influential republican and a member of the Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. Dobbings have one son, Olney J., and a daughter, Dorothy Bell. CHARLES S. DALES, for years a well-known citizen of Santa Monica, was born in the State of New York, September 20, 1853. For some years as a young man he followed railroad telegraphy. He married at Middleport, White county, Illinois, Miss Dora, a daughter of D. W. Galloway, a successful farmer. She died, leaving two sons, E. V. and John B. Dales, prosperous grocery mer- 454 BIOGRAPHICAL chants of Santa Monica, doing business under the firm name of Dales Brothers, brief sketches of whom appear elsewhere in this volume. Mr. Dales came to California in 1886 and spent one year in Santa Cruz. In 1887 he came to Santa Monica and for a time clerked in the clothing store of C. B. Van Every. He was later elected City Clerk of Santa Monica and subsequently served as Con stable. He is ( 1908) serving his second term as City Assessor of Santa Monica. The present Mrs. Dales was Miss Anna Felts of Bellville, 111. She has one daughter, Marion. JOHN B. DALES, successful grocery merchant and junior member of the firm of Dales Brothers, Santa Monica, was born in the town of Roland, White county, Illinois, September 23, 1880, a son of Charles S. and Dora Galloway Dales. (See biographical mention of Charles S. Dales elsewhere in this volume). In 1886 the family located in Santa Monica and here Mr. Dales attended the public schools, graduating from the Santa Monica High School in the class of 1898. In 1902 he entered the present business firm of Dales Brothers. For two years he was in charge of the Dales Brothers' branch grocery house at Ocean Park, until the consolidation of both stores at Santa Monica. Mr. Dales married in 1903 Miss Leah Johnson, a daughter of C. C. Johnson of St. Louis, .Mo. They have one son, Leighton. His home is 1014 Fourth street. Mr. Dales is Past Master of Ocean Park Lodge F. and A. M. and member of the B. P. O. E., Santa Alonica. T. J. CONNELLY, is a native son of the Golden West, born in Amador County, California, August 9th, 1861. His father, Jeremiah Connelly, was a miner and lost his life by accident in the mines. Young Connelly went to Nevada where he learned the trade of blacksmith. He spent several years in mining camps, a portion of this time as an engineer in the Calico Mining District. He came to Santa Monica in 1892 where he has successfully engaged in general black- smithing and horse shoeing. He married Miss Mary E. Collins, daughter of Mrs. Kate Collins, deceased, one of the pioneers of California and Santa Monica; they have three sons and three daughteis Miss Winnie, John T., Jr. ; Agnes, Ellen, Lawrence and Howard, all residing at 1333 Third Street, Santa Monica. BIOGRAPHICAL 455 GEORGE C. BOEHME is a native Californian, born at Sacramento, November 29th, 1860. He is the oldest son of George Boehme, a well known pioneer of Santa Monica. He was schooled in Sacramento, and afterward learned the trade of a tinner and plumber. Leaving home at eighteen years of age, he pursued his trade in San Francisco. He spent the years from 1882 to 1884 in Los Angeles, managing the extensive tinning and plumbing business of Harper, Reynolds & Company. The years 1885 and 1886 were spent at San Bernardino. Locating at Santa Monica in 1887 he embarked in the hardware and plumbing business at which he has been continuously engaged until the present year, 1907, but is now closing out. Mr. Boehme was married in 1884 at San Bernardino to Miss Addie Oliver, a native of Calaveras County, California. They have four children, Henry I., Howard E., Margaret M., and Herbert L. Boehme. Mrs. Boehme died. He has been uniformly successful; was one of the original organizers of the Santa Monica Fire Company No. 1, has always taken an active interest in its success and upbuilding and is its present President. He owns an attractive residence on Sixth Street, and other valuable property in the city. JOHN GUNTRUP, secretary of the Golden State Plant & Floral Co. (Incoi- porated), of Santa Monica, is a native of England and was born in Wolverton, in 1854, a son of Thomas Guntrup, who for fifteen years was a locomotive engineer for the London & Northwestern Ry. Co., running from Rugby to London. The British Government then sent him to India and he ran out of Bombay for about two and one half years. He then returned to England and in 1866 came to America, located at Corning, N. Y., and was with the Erie Ry. Co. for several years. He lived at Corning until he came to California with his son in the year 1885. He died at Santa Monica July 5th, 1908 The wife was, by maiden name, Mary White She died at Corning, N. Y., in 1879. She was mother of ten children, of whom four are living in New York. The subject of this sketch spent thirty-five years as a mechanic in Preston & Heerman's Foundry and Machine Shop at Corning, N. Y., a portion of his young manhood, commencing as an apprentice at sixteen years of age. He married at Corning, Miss Emma L. Quandt, a native of Rochester, N. Y., and they have two sons and two daughters Mrs. E. B. Dequine, of Los Angeles; Mrs. F. J. Allington, of Corning, N. Y.; Arthur J,. of Corning, and William T., auditor for the Armour Packing Co. , at Richmond, Va. Mr. Guntrup was a mem ber of the I. O. O. F. and was a Maccabee. The Golden State Plant & Floral Co. (Inc.) , of which Mr. Guntrup was secretary, is one of the most extensive enterprises of its kind on the Pacific Coast. It was incorporated April 28th, 1903, with a capital stock of $25,000; T. H. Dudley, president; Victor E. Hathaway, vice president and general manager. They occupy five acres of land, propagating a full line of general nursery stock and making a specialty of palms and all varieties of ornamental trees and shrubbery. 456 BIOGRAPHICAL J. B. E. SMALE, dry goods merchant of this city, is a native of Scotland, having been born in Perthshire, Town of Stirling, July 24th, 1858. His father, William John Smale, was an excise officer of the Government Customs Office Young Smale lived at home until he reached his twenty-first year and then went to London. In this city he held for five years a responsible position in the mer cantile house of William Whitley, who is known upon the eastern continent as "The Great Universal Provider." This house is, without question, the largest establishment in its line in the world Mr. Smale was a salesman in the gents' furnishing goods department. He came to America in 1883 and located at Providence, R. I., where he became identified with the Scotch Syndicate Store in that city. In 1887 he went to Ashland, Wisconsin, and engaged in the general drygoods business. The winters of this locality proved too severe for his health and he removed to Omaha, Nebraska, where he became buyer in the dress goods department for the N. B. Falconer Co., the largest of its kind in that city. In 1892 he came still farther west to Leadville, Colorado, and for twelve years en gaged in the drygoods business as a member of the Blakely-Smale Drygoods Company. The altitude was, however, too high for good health and Mr. Smale sold his interest in the business and came to Southern California. He traveled for one year until he had gained a fair knowledge of the country and then, on March 3rd, 1905, opened his present store. This place of business, which has become one of the popular trading places of Santa Monica, is situated at 1456 Third Street. In the year 1892, at Omaha, Nebraska, Mr. Smale was married to Miss Alice Maud Morse, of Bath, Maine. Miss Morse was a daughter of Reuben Morse, a wealthy lumber and timber merchant of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Smale have three children a son, Kenneth, and two daughters, Dorothy and Pauline. Mr. Smale is one of Santa Monica's most highly esteemed citizens and, as a merchant, is in the No.l class. He takes a becoming interest in all matters of public concern and supports liberally all worthy local enterprises. He is a charter member of the Santa Monica Board of Trade and a member of the executive committee of that body. REV. JAMES A. O'CALLAGHAN, the present assistant parish priest of Santa Monica, was born in County Kerry, Ireland, in the year 1880. At the age of thirteen he began his study of the classics at St. Brandon's Seminary, Killarney, whence he graduated four years afterward and entered the historic halls of St. Patrick's College, Carlow, to pursue the study of philosophy, theology and scripture, and in other respects fit himself for the sacred office of the priesthood. Leaving Carlow College in 1902 he came to the United States and entered St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New York, from whence he was ordained priest at the hands of Right Reverend Bishop McQuaide, on June 6th, 1903, after which a brief visit was made to his home in Ireland. On his return Father O'Callaghan was appointed assistant pastor to Father Hawe, at Santa Monica, where both have since labored for th? glory of God and uplifting of humanity. BIOGRAPHICAL 457 ADOLPH PETSCH, retired, Santa Monica, was born in the city of Frankfurt- on-thc-Main, Germany, August 12th, 1852. He was educated in the Frankfurt' public schools and pursued a course of study in a business college. When, in 1866, the free city of Frankfurt lost its independence and was annexed by the kingdom of Prussia, young Petsch, although a lad of only fourteen years, believed that government with out the consent of the governed was a mistake to which he could not sub mit. In 1869, rather than submit to the newly imposed degradation of mil itary service, he left, as a political exile, the home in which his family had been prominent for a period of six hundred years. In October, 1869, he landed in New York and went di rectly to St. Louis, where two uncles, also political exiles, had settled in 1831. After a short stay he returned to Europe intending to locate in Southern France, but the Franco- Prussian War drove him to Switzer- ADOLPH PETSCH. land. He also visited Metz in Lor raine and there the Prussian government found and exiled him in 1872. He then went to Belgium where he remained about five years in the city of Verviers, engaged in the banking business, but being without citizenship, and Belgium, like Switzerland, accepting no foreigners, he was led to seek a new home. He again came to America and to St. Louis, Mo. On April llth, 1877, the Southern Hotel in that city was destroyed by fire and Mr. Petsch only saved his life by escape from a fifth story window by means of a rope made from sheets from the bed. Injuries sustained in this fire made him an invalid for two years, which fact brought him to Southern California, after a short stay in San Francisco. He was naturalized in 1882 and has since left the state only to pay two short visits to parents and the old home in Europe. In Pasadena, in the early part of the year 1878, he obtained his first ideas of horticulture and viticulture. At this period the Pasadena colony was short of water and Mr. Petsch began to look around for an abundant irrigation supply. During the summer of 1880 he spent, in company with Judge Benjamin S. Eaton, the pioneer of Pasadena, several months in traveling over the southern counties. In one of these trips he bought an interest in the Day Canyon Water Company and also made filings under the desert land act on some government land. Soon 458 BIOGRAPHICAL after he sold this to the Chaffey Brothers, and upon it they founded what is now a portion of the beautiful Etiwanda. Mr. Petsch then purchased one hundred and sixty acres pre-emption claim of Henry Reed, together with available water rights in nearby canyons, and the first steps to the founding of what became the Hermosa Colony were taken. He added some four hundred acres to his original purchase, organized a water company, platted his holdings into lots of convenient size for small farms, bordered the streets with ornamental shade trees and wind break, planted some of the tract to orange and other citrus fruit trees, and eventually disposed of the entire tract to homeseekers. The enter prise was beset with some difficulties, but none so formidable as to deter the indomitable Petsch from the execution of his plans. Wild jack rabbits raided his orchards and girdled his trees and Mr. Petsch made a characteristic move against them by building a solid stone and cement wall with iron gates around the tract to shut them out. While this was, in a measure, a failure as a rabbit tight fence, it was so much talked and written about as to make Hermosa famous, and proved to be valuable advertising. The phenomenal success of Hermosa led, in 1883, to the establishment of the Iowa colony on adjoining lands. The two names were finally blended into that of "loamosa," an occurrence for which Mr. Petsch disclaims any responsibility. In 1884 Mr. Petsch married a native daughter of California, whose father, John L. Frese, was a pioneer of Oakland. In 1892 he retired from Hermosa to Los Angeles and there became popularly known as the tireless promotor of La Fiesta de Los Angeles. His great energy and enthusiasm fired all Los Angeles with the Fiesta spirit from year to year. The marvelous beauty and uniqueness of its floral parade, made by the numerous and costly floats, were the direct outcome of his own designs and personal over sight in construction. For several years the family home was at Figueroa and Twenty-first Street, until they made a trip to Europe in 1894 Upon their return, they purchased property, built a home and settled in Santa Monica. Mr. Petsch is an active member of the Santa Monica Board of Trade, and the novel, original and strikingly appropriate interior decorations and furnishing of the Board of Trade rooms are due to his genius. Mr. and Mrs. Petsch have one son, Carl. JAMES D. SIMPSON, Venice, is a native of Iowa, born in the city of Dubuque, October 22nd, 1860. His father, John Simpson and mother, Martha (Lobley) Simpson; were both of English birth and natives of Yorkshire. John Simpson was interested in lead mining in England. He came to America about the year 1840 and was one of the pioneer settlers of Dubuque, Iowa. He there engaged in mining and became successfully identified with other business enterprises. He died in Dubuque in 1890 at about eighty years of age, his estimable wife having preceded him in 1888 at the age of seventy-eight years. James D. was the youngest of their six children and grew up in the city of Dubuque, passing through the graded schools and closing his studies at Cornell University. In BIOGRAPHICAL 459 1882 he went to Paullina, O'Brien County, Iowa, and for twelve years was cashier of the bank of that place. In 1893 he became sole owner in the establishment of the Bank of Merrill at Merrill, Iowa, and at Le Mars, Iowa. In 1905 he came to Venice to assume charge of the interests of Mr. John Metcalf , and proved to be the moving influence in the laying out and development of the Venice Gateway. He was also one of the organizers of the Venice Shoe Manufacturing Company (Inc.) and is a director and vice president of the company. Mr. Simpson married at Paullina, Iowa, in 1890, Miss Evelyn Micklett, a daughter of Hudson Micklett, owner of the Paullin Ranch. They have two children Elizabeth Paullin Simpson and Evelyn Marie Simpson. The family residence at Venice Gateway is one of the many attractive modern homes of that thrifty suburb. Mr. Simpson is one of the most active and enthusiastic citizens of Venice, being an influential member of the Venice Chamber of Commerce and an ardent supporter of good government. He has limitless faith in the stable future of his adopted city. He is a charter member of the orders B. P. O. E., at Le Mars, Iowa, and I. O. O. F. and K. of P., of Paullina, Iowa. ARTHUR E. JACKSON, for about twenty-two years a resident of Santa Monica, and well known as an active and successful business man, is a native of Kankakee, Illinois, born April 1st, 1870. His father, Stephen Jackson, was a native of Sheffield, England, and came to this country with his parents, Edmund and Anna Jackson , and was raised on a farm near Kankakee. The family consisted of seven sons and one daughter. Here young Stephen grew up and at the age of fifteen, upon the breaking out of the Civil War, entered as a volunteer in the United States Army. His father was so bitterly opposed to the move that, by reason of his age, he demanded and secured his release and return home. The spirit of adventure and brief taste of army life had so fired the zeal of the boy that he clandestinely left home and re-entered the army. He was an expert rifleman and was mustered into what was known in military circles as Yates Sharp Shooters and during his term of service was almost continuously on active duty. He was in the battle of Lookout Mountain, where men fell at both his right and left in line of battle, and was also in many other fierce and bloody engagements. Later he made the famous march through Alabama and Georgia to the sea with Sherman. Upon his return to civil life he married Miss Eliza Hammer at Kankakee, a native of London, England. He entered the employ of the Chicago & Rock Island R. R. Company as a track man and became a civil engineer, finally doing heavy contract work for the Fort Scott & Gulf, the Texas Pacific and Union Pacific Railway Companies. He came to California in 1883 and to Southern California in 1885, locating in Santa Monica in February, 1886. He built the Santa Monica and Soldiers' Home horse car line for the W. D. Vawter Company. He owned the old North Beach Hotel and laid the first sidewalk on Third Street, 460 BIOGRAPHICAL in front of what was then the E. D. Suits meat market, now Kennedy's Buffalo Market. He made the first street grade in Santa Monica, which was on Second Street from Utah to Nevada Avenues. He did the contract work for the U. S. Government at the National Soldiers' Home. He at one time owned the Santa Monica Hotel, now the North Beach Hotel, which he sold to J. M. Orr. He took an active part in local civic affairs and was highly esteemed for his sterling merits as a citizen and a business man. As a veteran of the Civil War he was very popular in the Grand Army of the Republic and when the G. A. R. post was organized at Santa Monica it was given the name of Stephen Jackson post. He died April 18th, 1898. Arthur Jackson was a lad of sixteen years when the family located in Santa Monica. He passed through the local schools and entered the employ of his father as timekeeper and accountant. In 1893 he opened a cigar and tobacco store on Third Street; finally disposing of this stock he replaced it with books, stationery, toys and school supplies, later adding a stock of pianos. He conducts the Los Angeles Daily Times and the Los Angeles Examiner newspaper routes which constitutes a feature of his business. In 1894 Mr. Jackson married Miss Mary H. Lawrence, a native of San Diego, California, the daughter of Mr. Frank Lawrence, who was the first representative of the Wells Fargo Express Co. in that city. They have two sons Lawrence A., and Kenneth A. Mr. Jackson is a member of the Masonic Lodge, the I. O. O. F. and the B. P. O. E. Mrs. Jackson is Past Matron and Grand Organist of the O. E. S. The familv residence is at No. 1117 Fifth Street. ROBERT CRAWFORD DOBSOX is a typical California pioneer. He came overland to California in 1850 via the northern route; that is, along the north fork of the Platte River from Platte County, Mo. He was born in Greyson County, Va., June 26th, 1836. His father, Robert Dobson, was a potter by trade , who raised two sons and seven daughters. Robert Crawford left home when a boy and lived with a sister. At thirteen years of age he joined the rush to Calif 01 nia, a result of the discovery of gold. He mined gold in the placer diggings at Hangtown, later at Agua Trio, in Mariposa County. He came south to Los Angeles in 1860 and was appointed jailer of Los Angeles County by Sheriff Thomas Sanchez, who was in office at the time of the unofficial hanging of Laschenes and the occurence of the Chinese riot. He served eight years in this capacity and was later on the city police force several years under William Warrens, who as marshal, was Chief of Police. He left Los Angeles about 1887 and has for some years past lived at Santa Monica His present and permanent home is at Irwin Heights Mr. Dobson married Miss Marcalie Melindrus, a native of Los Angeles County, and they have two living children Mary, who is Mrs. C. E. Towner, and Virginia. P.IOGRAPHICAL 461 MRS. CATHERINE COLLINS, a widow, then resident of San Francisco, selected from a map on file in a real estate agency in her city two lots located on the north east corner of Sixth Street and Utah Avenue in the new townsite of Santa Monica. She was an invalid, almost helpless with rheumatism, and hoping to benefit by a change of climate, she immediately embarked by steamer for her new, but as yet unseen, home. She brought with her three of her four children, two daughters and a son. The older son, James D. Collins, had preceded her and had erected a dwelling. She landed at the Santa Monica wharf in December, 1875. She steadily improved in health, and in 1878 bought two lots at the north east corner of Utah Avenue and Second Street, and soon thereafter moved the residence to this new purchase, converted it into a rooming house and did a profitable business by taking the "overflow" patronage from the Santa Monica Hotel. She became well known throughout Santa Monica and by the tourists who became her guests, as a good woman of steiling traits of character, earnest endeavor and business ability. She conducted the Collins House for many years, until her death in 1894. She was a native of Ireland, born in County Caven, came to America with her father, Andrew Clark, who located at Dubuque, Iowa. There she grew up and married Daniel Collins, a native of Oswego, N. Y., son of Irish parents. They came to Sacramento, California, about 1862. He, preceding the family, engaged in the teaming and transfer business. The family soon followed him, coming via the Isthmus of Panama. They there had three children, one little daughter, Rosanna, died of black measles on the journey, which consumed four months and entailed many hardships. Mrs. Collins raised six children William Collins, the oldest, now lives at Fort Pierre, S. D. James D., well known in Santa Monica, died here in 1906, at fifty years of age, leaving a widow and three children in Arizona. Mary E. is the wife of T. J. Connelly, one of Santa Monica's respected and successful business men. Agnes is the wife of C. H. Cumstock, a successful merchant of Tien-tsin, China. By a second marriage to E. J. Corbett, Mrs. Collins had two daughters, twins, Lucy and Elizabeth Corbett Collins H. T. MELOY is one of the well known and successful business men of Santa Monica. He is a son of Daniel Meloy, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. Mr. Meloy has been a resident of Santa Monica for many years and early in the history of the city worked for Jones & Baker, developing water.' Later he was engaged on the Malibu Grant in the same capacity for Frederick H. Rindge. About 1890 he commenced sinking wells on contracts, as a business, and has acquired a thorough knowledge of water lands, the trend of undergiound water courses, which has brought him an extensive and profitable business. Mr. Meloy has a fortune invested in extensive apparatus or well-boring outfits. He owns valuable property in Santa Monica and a ranch up the coast. 462 BIOGRAPHICAL NICHOLAS GABRIEL BAIDA. The brief story of Mr. Baida's career is a forcible illustration of what well-directed energy, industry and enterprise can be made to accomplish in this free country of opportunities for the poor man. He was born in the year 1869 in the ancient city of Beyrout, Syria, Turkey, which is one of the most flourishing seaport towns on the Mediterranean Sea, and about fifty-seven miles from Damascus. His father, Gabriel Baida, was a stone cutter by trade ; an industrious man and a devout member of the Greek orthodox church, having faith in Christ as their Savior, adherents to which faith were rigidly circumscribed and ofttimes persecuted by the dominant church of that country. Being an ardent Christian, he raised his family in the faith. Nicholas Gabriel was the oldest of the family of five sons and two daugh ters, and recognizing the difficulties that hampered the ambitious youth of his country to make for themselves a prosperous future, he decided to avail himself of the privileges of a free government and in 1890 came to America, landing at Castle Garden, New York City. He came almost immediately to California and opened a small store for the sale of oriental rugs and drapery on North Main Street, Los Angeles, where he prospered in business. In 1905 he opened a branch store on Pier Avenue, Ocean Park, which he continued for about two years. Besides his present estab lishment at No. 414 South Main Street, Los Angeles, he has a store at No. 1662 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, which is doing a prosperous business. In 1897 Baida married in Los Angeles, Miss Saiedia Safady, a native of Syria, a lady of rare intelligence and feminine graces of the Oriental type. Both Mr. and Mrs. Baida speak the English with a remarkable degree of accuracy. They have five children Gabriel, Zeimoztaney, Adella, Stossel and Isabella. The Baida Moorish palace at the corner of South Third Street and Bicknell Avenue, Santa Monica, is one of the most imposing and strikingly unique private residences in the Crescent Bay City. Its elevation commands a sweeping view of the ocean, Santa Monica, Ocean Park, Playa del Rey, Redondo and Santa Catalina Island. It is purely Oriental in its architecture and interior arrange ment and equipped with all modern conveniences. MR. AND Mrs. JOHN BRICKNER are among the best known of the first settlers of Santa Monica, and have seen it grow from a four-corner hamlet to the present thrifty proportions of a thriving and promising city. Mr. Brickner is a native of Germany and was born near Berlin, January 3rd, 1835. He there spent the earlier years of his life and in 1875 married Miss Augusta Court, a maiden of sixteen years. They almost immediately came to America, landing in New York and made their way westward to San Francisco, thence to Los Angeles, where they remained one month. On September 16th, 1875 they came to Santa Monica and cast their fortunes with the then new and wholly undeveloped seaside city, where they made some substantial investments, which, with the BIOGRAPHICAL 4(>3 somewhat sudden rise and subsequent fall of the town finally terminated in heavy losses. Later they opened the first store for the sale of curios in Santa Monica, which is said to have been the first store in this line in Southern California. Mr. Brickner relates interesting stories of his hunting expeditions, notably duck hunting on the lagoons of what is now Playa del Rey, and likewise where the canal city of Venice now stands. This he pursued in a business-like manner and made it quite a source of revenue, finding ready market for his game in Los Angeles. Mrs. Brickner took up the curing of the plumage of the many fine specimens of these birds and became a somewhat expert taxidermist. The work was placed on exhibition with the Agricultural Association of Southern California, then the leading institution of its kind in Southern California, and received diplomas and cash premiums for superior excellence. They have been continu ously in business in Santa Monica since they arrived here and were for eighteen years on Utah Avenue, between Second and Third Streets. In March, 1907, they removed their store to No. 210 Third Street, where they have one of the most complete stock of curios, notions and furnishing goods in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Brickner are widely known and highly esteemed for their bnlendid traits of character and strict integrity in all matters. JUAX BANDINI, a member of one of the earliest and most prominent families of California, is a son of Don Jose Marie Bandini, a venerable citizen of Santa Monica and grandson of Don Juan Bandini, who, during his lifetime, was one of California's most distinguished and exemplary citizens. He was a native of Peru and came to California in 1821 when it was Mexican territory. He lived ior several years at San Diego and there married a daughter of Juan Estudillo. By this marriage his children weie Arcadia, who became the wife of Don Abel Stearns, after his death marrying Col. Robert S. Baker; Josepha, who married Pedro C. Carrillo; Ysidora, who married Cave J. Coutts; Jose Marie and Juan. Of these children, Mrs. Baker and Jose" Marie still survive and are residents of Santa Monica. Later Senor Bandini married Senorita Refugio Arguello, and of this marriage Dolores, widow of the late Charles E. Johnson; Marguiite, Mrs. J. B. Winston, and Don Arturo still survive. Senor Bandini spent the last years of his life in Los Angeles. He owned large tracts of land in Southern California, among others, the Jurupa Grant, lying mostly in what is now River side County, where he for a time resided with his family. This land was granted to him in 1838 by the Mexican Government. In 1843 he established the little town of Agua Mansa (Gentle Water) upon the bank of the Santa Ana River which runs through the grant. He donated building sites to the settlers and aided them in the erection of a church. It became a pretty and romantic village and the business and social center for the surrounding country. He also owned extensive tracts of land in San Diego County, upon a portion of which is now located the city of San Diego. He was a man of broad information, an eloquent 464 BIOGRAPHICAL public speaker, whose counsel and opinion had much to do in shaping public affairs. He held various positions of public trust under the Mexican Govern ment of California, not the least of which was the adminstration of San Gabriel Mission under secularization. He aided in making the first state constitution of California and was one of its most able and stalwart supporters. He died in Los Angeles in 1859. His daughters were all beautiful women of the most intelligent and charming California type and were social leaders of their day. Reference to Mrs. Arcadia B. de Baker and to her only surviving sister, Mrs. C. E. Johnson, is made elsewhere in this work. Jose M. Bandini lived, for the most part of his active business life, on his ranch of 4,500 acres near Tia Juana, just over the Mexican line in Lower Califor nia. He retired and has lived at Santa Monica since 1894. The wife died in Los Angeles, October 18th, 1878. Besides Juan Bandini, the third of this name, there survive of her children, Mrs. Sarah B. Freeman, of Santa Monica, and Josefa, wife of James Thomas, of London, England. Juan Bandini, the third, married Miss Ida, daughter of William Frost, now of Florence, Colorado. The ceremony took place in San Pedio, January 18th, 1897. They have one son, Juan Bandini, Jr. The Bandini home is at 1127 Second .Street, Santa Monica. GUSTAV W. SCHUTTE has been a resident of California since 1874. He came to Los Angeles at nine years of age. His father, August Schutte, a cabinet maker by trade, worked many years for Dotter & Bradley. Young Schutte attended school in the old building that stood at the corner of Spring and Second Streets, where now stands the Bryson Block. His teacher was Miss Bengaugh. He also attended Miss Parker's school on Eighth Street, bet ween Broadway and Hill Streets. He attended the old high school then on the present site of the Los Angeles County Court House. He was born in Berlin, Germany, August 1st, 1866, baptized in St. Stephen's Church. The family came to America in 1868 and lived for a time at Allegheny City, Pa. Later they came overland to San Francisco. Mr. Schutte learned cabinet making and was an expert in the busi ness, but by reason of poor health was compelled to abandon the same, and took up the study of music, perfected himself as a cornetist and violinist under German masters, notably Prof. J. H. Ohllwedal, a graduate of Leipsig Conservatory. Mr. Schutte pursued music as a profession for six years as a member of the original orchestra with Lillian Russell, later in Nellis Boyd's "All Gold Instrument Band Dramatic Company," two seasons, in which he was known as the boy band leader. He was six years in the band of the Pacific Branch of the National Home for Disabled Veteran Soldiers. He was compelled to abandon music because of loss of health and eyesight, and took up his residence at Santa Monica. He organized an orchestra of string instruments in his home city and is its leader. Mr. Schutte married Miss Sarah Wright, a native of Hillsdale, Michigan. She grew up and received her schooling at Washington, D. C. The)' have four children, Bertrand, Raymond, Varney and Jessie, a daughter. BIOGRAPHICAL 465 GEORGE W. COKEV. M. D., for about fifteen years a resident of California and for nine years a citizen of Sawtelle, is a native of Edgar county, 111., and was born in the town of Grand View, January 10th, 1833. His father. Jonathan Corey, was a thrifty farmer and incidentally a preacher in the M. E. Church. His mother, by maiden name Diademia Griffith, was a daughter of John Griffith, a farmer and brick manufacturer. Both the Coreys and the Griffiths were full-fledged Scotchmen from Dumfriesshire. They were both am bitious men and left the old estate in Scotland to seek their fortunes in a country of greater opportunities. Jonathan Corey, upon his arrival in this country, went to Olean, Cat- taraugus county, Southern New York, where he married. There, he and John Griffith jointly built a flat boat and with their families sailed down the Allegheny river to Pitts- burg ; thence down the Ohio river to Cincinnati, where they landed. They were among the early pioneers of that now large and wealthy city. Here John Griffith burned the first bricks and erected the first building of Miami College. He afterwards removed to Rock county, Wis., and practically retired from business at Evansville, where he died about 1858. Mr. Corey went on westward and settled in Illinois, about thirty miles west of Terre Haute, in Edgar county. There he lived until about 1836, when he moved to Rock Grove, in Stevenson county, the same state on the Wis consin state line. In 1850 he went to Monroe, Green county, Wis., where he lived until his death in 1859. The mother came west and spent her declining years with a daughter, Isabel Moses, at Leavenworth, Kansas. She died at the age of eighty-six years, and was the mother of sixteen children, fourteen of whom she raised to maturity. Dr. Corey, the subject of this sketch, spent his boyhood at Rock Grove, Stevenson county, 111. When yet a youth he purchased a scholarship in the Lawrence University at Appleton, Wis., where he took a two years' course of study. He then took up the study of medicine at Rockford, 111., and later grad uated from the Rush Medical College, Chicago, February 16th, 1859. He com menced the practice of medicine at Cherry Valley, seven miles east of Rockford. G. w. COREY, M.D. 466 BIOGRAPHICAL where, on March 25th, 1861, he married Miss Margaret Ann Brantingham, a daughter of Robert M. Brantingham, a wealthy capitalist and man-of-affairs of Xcw York City. Dr. Corey was an aggressive and wide-awake republican and was chairman of the township republican committee, a member of Winnebago county central committee and captain of the local Wide-Awakes, the political club of the first Lincoln campaign. He rendered valued service to the party, making stump speeches throughout his section of the country. October 22, 1861, he volunteered as a private in the Federal army and was mustered into the 12th Illinois Cavalry. Soon thereafter he was appointed acting assistant surgeon and later made surgeon of the 12th Missouri Cavalry. After Lee's surrender and the close of the Civil War he was detailed to fight the Indians on the western plains of Nebraska, and passed through a most strenuous and exciting campaign. He served in the army about four and one- half years. As a surgeon he held the rank of major, and, by an act of congress of August 1st, 1865, he was, for meritorious services as an officer, brevetted lieutenant-colonel. At the close of his military career he went to Rockford and settled up the large estate of his father-in-law, who meantime had died. In 1866 he located in Cheyenne City, Wyoming, where he practiced medicine successfully for about twenty-one years. There in 1876, his wife died and for several years he trav eled in various sections of this country. In 1893 he came to California and spent six years in Sacramento. In 1899 he came to Sawtelle, where he is prac ticing his profession. Dr. Corey is a member of the Volunteers Retired List Association, an organization composed of about six thousand retired army officers. It will be seen that he has led a most active, eventful and useful life. He is a man of broad information, quiet demeanor and is eminently successful in his profession. JOHN L. SMITH, well-known druggist and pharmaceutist of Sawtelle, is a native of Michigan and was born in the city of Saginaw, March 14, 1887. He is a son of George H. Smith, now of Sawtelle. He passed through the excellent graded schools of Saginaw and came with his parents to California in 1901. He spent two years in the Santa Monica High School. Later he took a course of study at the University of Southern California and graduated from the de partment of pharmacy in the year 1907. In 1908 he assumed management of the business of the Laing Drug Company of Sawtelle, which owns the leading drug store of that city. Mr. Smith is a member of the F. and A. M. and also a member of the Commercial Club, a social organization made up of the leading business and professional men of Sawtelle. Of these Mr. Smith is deservedly one of the most popular. BIOGRAPHICAL 467 H. E. HUSTON is a native of Missouri, born at Independence, July 14th, 1876. His father, Milton L. Huston, was born in the same town where he grew up and became a contracting builder. He was a pioneer of Kansas City in his line of work. He came to California in 1888 and located in Los Angeles, where he now lives. H. E. Huston, when a boy of ten years, commenced work in a meat market on Washington Street, Los Angeles, for Ryder & Taylor, and in 1898 commenced business on his own account. In 1904 he came to Santa Monica and opened his pioneer market which promptly grew into a profitable business. In 1906 he purchased a business lot on Third Street and erected thereon an archi tectural and substantial brick building twenty-five feet front by ninety feet, two stories in height, on the ground floor of which is the new Pioneer Market, having a modern equipment, including a cold storage plant. The second floor is occupied as his residence. Mr. Huston married in 1900, Miss Lola, daughter of Alvin Fay, Esq., of Los Angeles, a California pioneer, many years District Attorney of Kern County and head of the Kern County bar. Mr. and Mrs. Huston have one son, Alvin. Mrs. Huston is a native daughter, having been born at Kernville, Kern County, January 14th, 1880. WILLIAM P. SXYDER, well-known citizen of Santa Monica, is a native of the state of Michigan and was- born in the town of Marshall, Calhoun county, September 20th, 1869. His father, Porter Snyder, was one of the pioneers of Calhoun county and located at the then new town of Marshall, on timbered land which he improved, and also engaged in the building business. He was an enterprising and successful man of affairs, and served for a time as sheriff of Calhoun county. He was a son of George W. Snyder, a native of Holland, who with his parents came to America and settled in New Jersey, and soon thereafter removed to New York and located on wild land in Seneca county. During the war of 1812 with England, he served as a scout. It may be said that he was a soldier of fortune since he was three times captured by the Indians and once barely escaped burning at the stake. After the war he returned home, where he lived until his death at ninety-four years of age. Porter Snyder, by a second marriage, to Sarah J. Eddy, had three sons and one daughter. Two of these sons, George D. and William P., the subject of this sketch, are leading citizens of Santa Monica. When about fifteen years of age William P. Snyder went to Jackson, Mich., and served an apprenticeship at painting. In February, 18SO, he came to California and located in San Ber nardino, where he served the Santa Fe Railway Company as foreman of paint ing in the bridge and building department, having charge of all work on the lines between Barstow and San Diego. In 1895 he resigned his position and began contract painting in Los Angeles. In 1900 he was one of the first to locate in Santa Monica and engage in the business during the earliest days of 468 BIOGRAPHICAL its phenomenal growth. He took an active part in the building and civic devel opment of the embryo city. In the year 1901 he executed contracts in his line on about one hundred and twenty-five cottages, employing a small army of men. In 1904 he retired from the business and has since then held a responsible position with the mercantile house of Devore & Pettis, Santa Monica. In 1892 he married Miss Helen M. Schoch of Marshall, Mich., and a native of Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have four children, Catharine, Paul, Philip and Zada. Mr. Snyder in 1908 was appointed a member of the Santa Monica City Board of Education, vice A. B. Clapp, resigned, and is a most efficient and affable officer. LEGRAND G. INGERSOLL, born in Elmira, X. Y., June 9th, 1845, son of Platt Carl Ingersoll, a graduate of Yale College and a native of Stanford, Conn., later studied medicine at Stanford ; became one of the principal owners of the Grafen- burg Medicine Company. He was gifted with mechanical genius and later turned his attention to mechanical pursuits. He met and married Miss Betsy Mariah Miller, a daughter of Abraham Miller, a successful grain farmer and distiller of spirituous liquors of South Port, Chemung county, New York, where she was born. The circumstances of his marriage proved to change, somewhat, the course of his life, and he settled down at Elmira and engaged in the milling business, an occupation more nearly in harmony with his tastes and natural bend of mind. He owned a steam saw mill, and incidentally became interested in a drygoods, likewise a drug store, at Wellsburg. a near-by town. About the year 1855 he invented and patented Ingersoll's cotton press, which he manufactured on a large scale at Brooklyn, N. Y. They came into popular use throughout the cotton-producing states and were, in essential respects, the most perfect machines of the kind of their day. He made several other mechanical inventions which proved practical, nota bly a coffee hulling machine, which he manufactured in large quantities at Green's Point, Long Island. He was a son of Alexander Ingersoll, who was a farmer and lived near Greenwich, Fairfield county, Conn. Besides Platt C., Alexander Ingersoll had a son, Simon Ingersoll, who was the inventer of Inger soll's rock drill, which effectually revolutionized the business of rock drilling, quarrying, quartz mining, etc., and is in general use for such purposes all over the world. After a busy and successful life, Platt C. Ingersoll died at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1870, at about sixty-three years of age and his remains were interred in Greenwood cemetery. Legrand G. Ingersoll is the only living of three sons of Platt C. Ingersoll. There is one daughter living, Georgiana, Mrs. Geo. H. Hughes, of Brooklyn, X. Y. His boyhood and youth were spent at Wellsburg and in Brooklyn, in which latter city he learned the mechanic's trade and worked in his father's factories. He attended the public schools of Brooklyn and pursued a special BIOGRAPHICAL 469 course of study of mechanics in the night schools of Cooper Union, New York City. In 1865 he married Miss Augusta Wells, a daughter of Calvin Wells, an old-time citizen and manufacturer of Wellsburg, Chemtmg county, N. Y. For a time Mr. Ingersoll traveled and was identified with the promotion of various successful business enterprises in the East and Middle West. He lived for about sixteen years in the city of Pittsburg, Pa., where he developed Kenwood Park, one of the most popular amusement resorts in the city. There in 1896 his wife died as the result of a railway accident. In the year 1900 he commenced the development on a large scale of two amusement-resort enterprises in the city of Detroit, Michigan, which he carried to a most successful comple tion, operating the same for a time at a handsome profit. He came to California and to Los Angeles somewhat broken in health, in 1903. In 1904 he built the roller coaster at Ocean Park, which promptly became an amusement feature of that city. This he operated for a time and sold, retiring from active business pursuits. He lives in Ocean Park. Mr. Ingersoll married for a second time, January 3rd, 1898, Miss Eleanor, a daughter of John Burke, a native of Colum bus, Ohio, and a railroad official. By the former marriage there were seven children, of whom four are living Le Forest and Frederick of Pittsburg, Audley and Louis of Spokane, Washington. They are all operating large amuse ment enterprises originally inaugurated by the father. Mr. Ingersoll's business career has been one of large and successful achievements. Besides the extensive business enterprises that Air. Ingersoll has built up and controlled he has made several successful inventions. He invented the first slot weighing machine that ever came into practical and popular use and for several years manufactured them on a large scale in Chicago. He also invented a slot lung tester which proved a phenomenal success. He is a man of positive temperament and inde pendent thought and action. These characteristics he has inherited from a line of ancestry that dates back to the early settlement of the New England colonies and includes judges, preachers, lawyers, musicians and mechanics. They are all men of sterling worth who made themselves useful and memorable in their time. H. C. MAYER, merchant and member of the Board of Trustees of Ocean Park, is a native of Henderson, the county seat of Henderson County, Kentucky. His father, Jacob F. Mayer, was a successful farmer. His grandfather, George A. Meyer, settled in Kentucky as early as 1831, and was an expert gunsmith, which business he acquired from his father, who made guns for the continental army during the Revolutionary War. Jacob F. Mayer married Lucy Bond, whose ancestors were patriots of the Revolutionary days and associates of the family of George Washington. She died in Kentucky at about forty years of age, survived by the husband and four children. 470 BIOGRAPHICAL Mr. Mayer received his education in a private school and later graduated from the Henderson Public High School, and subsequently pursued a special course of study at the University of Chicago. He then entered the employ of the well known hardware house of Hibbard, Spencer & Company, Chicago. He worked in all departments of the business and finally became traveling sales man, covering the field in Oregon and Washington. He later resigned his posi tion and located in Los Angeles, entered business on his own account, and did a successful business at 537 South Broadway. In February, 1905, Mr. Mayer disposed of this business, removed to Venice and has since been identified with the commercial and civic growth of that city. At the city election of 1908, Mr. Mayer was elected a member of the Board of Trustees of Ocean Park, and is a member of the Committee on Public Works, Fire and Police, Lighting and the Legal committee. He is secretary and treas urer of the Venice Shoe Mfg. Co., and one of the founders of this enterprise which is the first of its kind on the southern coast. Mr. Mayer married, at Henderson, Kentucky, Miss Sarah Bradshaw, a mem ber of an old Kentucky family, and they have one child, a daughter, Sarah Louise. EDWARD V. DALES, senior member of the grocery house of Dales Brothers,, Santa Monica, is a native of Illinois. He was born in the town of Middlepoint, White County, September 10th, 1877, a son of Charles S. Dales. The family came to Southern California and located at Santa Monica in 1886 when young Edward was but nine years of age. His youth was spent, therefore, in Santa Monica where he passed through the graded schools and finished in the Santa Monica High School as a graduate of the class of 1895. He then worked for Lang & Middlekauff, hardware merchants, as salesman for two years. In 1898 he embarked in the grocery business under the firm name of Gray & Dales, on Third Street. In 1899 he purchased his partner's interest and conducted the business alone until 1902, when his brother John became interested and the present firm of Dales Brothers was organized. Besides their store on Third Street, Santa Monica, Dales Brothers operated a store for two years on Pier Avenue and Ocean Front, Ocean Park, but in 1906 the two stores were merged at Santa Monica. Mr. Dales mairied Miss Florence Wright, of Santa Monica, February 20th, 1900. She is a daughter of Mr. P. B. Wright, now of Imperial, California. They have two sons, Verner and Lowell. Mr. Dales is a prominent Mason, having twice served as Master of Santa Monica Lodge, F. and A. M. He is also a member of the B. P. O. E., of Santa Monica. He was elected a member of the first city Board of Education under the Freeholders Charter and is now doing important committee work. BIOGRAPHICAL 471 WALTER E. DEVORE, leading merchant and influential citizen of Ocean Park, in Santa Monica, is a native of Clay City, 111., and was born January 15th, 1856. His father, Jerre Devore, was a well to do farmer. Mr. Devore lived on the farm until about twenty-five years of age, then went to Springfield, Mo., where, for five years, he held a position as salesman in a furniture store, and acquired a thorough knowledge of the business. From Springfield, he went to Denver, Colo., where he remained seven years and was manager for the firm of Lunt & Company, Furniture. In 1896 he became a resident of Santa Monica and held responsible positions with the meicantile house of G. Knesel and later with the old house of Jackson Brothers. In 1902 he associated himself with Chauncey B. Petis, under the firm name of Devore & Petis, and opened a store on Main Street In 1904 they moved to their present quarters on Pier Avenue, in Ocean Park, Santa Monica, and they have built up an extensive business in furniture, hardware and general household equipment, having the most complete stock in their line in this section of the state, outside of Los Angeles. In 1908 the furniture stock was segregated from the hardware stock, materially enlarged, and installed in spacious double store quarters opposite the original stoie on Pier Avenue. Mr. Devore married in his native town. Miss Ivan Nicholson. She was born, reared and educated in Clay County, 111., where they were youthful friends. Mr. and Mrs. Devore have one child, a daughter, Burnsie E., born in Denver, Colorado. Mr. Devore has for five years been a member of the Santa Monica City Board of Education, is now first president of the Board under the Free holders Charter and makes a most efficient presiding officer. He is counted among Santa Monica's most substantial citizens. AUGUST M. GUIDINGER, for a quarter of a century a resident of California and widely known in Los Angeles county, is a native of Manitowock, Wisconsin, and was born July 31st, 1863. His father, John B. Guidinger, was a native of Germany. Mr. Guidinger was nineteen years of age when he left home, coming to California and almost directly to Los Angeles, where he attended the State Normal School. This was in 1883, and the school was in the second year of its existence. Mr. Guidinger completed a thorough course of study and grad uated in the class of 1886. He then went to Santa Paula and was principal of the Santa Paula high school from 1887 to 1890. He then returned to Los An geles and with Howry & Peck gained a thorough knowledge of the undertaking business. In 1894, he opened this business for himself in Santa Monica and con tinued for about thirteen years. He meantime served the city of Santa Monica atout ten years as magistrate, a portion of this time as police judge and other wise as justice of the peace. In 1906 he erected the splendid Guidinger building at 1334 Third street. 47_' BIOGRAPHICAL which is designed especially for the undertaking business, being fitted with all modern conveniences. It is of the mission style of architecture and the most artistic building in the city. Mr. Guidinger in 1907 disposed of the business to Brezee Brothers & Todd, retaining ownership, however, of the building. He has valuable real estate holdings in Hollywood, which is at present his home. He also has business interests in Sawtelle. Mr. Guidinger married at Santa Paula, Miss Emma F. Hall, a daughter of R. R. Hall, deceased. They have one son, Theodore, born in Santa Monica, August 1st, 1905. WILLIAM R. CHAPMAX, retired citizen of Sawtelle, one of the early settlers of the town, is a native of Erie County, New York, and was born in the city of Buffalo in 1841. His father, James Chapman, was a merchant in Buffalo and in 1850 came west via the Great Lakes on the steamboat Mayiimver to Racine, Wisconsin, where he pur chased land and engaged in farming. He died there in 1856 leaving a widow and four children. Young William R., while yet a mere lad, secured employment on the steamers plying on Lake Michigan and be came a cook. Later he apprenticed himself to learn ship carpentry in Chicago. The Civil War broke out and because of his irresistible love of adventure he left his work and in May, 1860, enlisted in the U. S. Reg ular Army and was mustered into Company G., First U. S. Dragoons, which was the U. S. First Cavalry, at Carlisle, Pa. He served in the WILLIAM R. CHAPMAN. Dragoons for three years. On July 1st, 1863, he was transferred to Bat tery A., 3rd U. S. Artillery, in which he served one year. On the 25th of July, 1864, he was honorably discharged and the same day re-enlisted for three years in response to the call of President Lincoln for 300,000 more men. He served the full term of his enlistment and was discharged from the service in July, 1867, having served his country continuously for over seven years, About this time Mr. Chapman married Miss Mariah Wheaton, at Chelsea, Mass., and located in Washington County, Illinois. In 1878 he came west to BIOGRAPHICAL 473 Colorado and mined gold at Central City, Gunnison and Black Hawk. In 1895 he started for California, driving a team from Denver to Phoenix, Arizona and from that point came by rail to Santa Monica and entered the Soldiers' Home. He later made a trip on a U. S. Government transport, conveying five hundred horses to Manila, P. I., and was in the service under General Funston about fifteen months when he returned to Sawtelle, purchased a residence and retired from active life. Mr. Chapman has been twice married. In 1905 he married Mrs. Amanda Shepherd, of Sawtelle. The family home is at 503 Colorado Street, Sawtelle. A. K. HANCOCK, of Santa Monica, California, is a native of Memphis, Tennessee, he having been born in that city on the 26th day of February, 1853, where he continued to reside until he removed with his family to Santa Monica. His father, Captain A. S. Hancock, was one of the pioneer wholesale merchants of Memphis, having come to Memphis in its early history and he also owned and operated a line of steamboats between Memphis and New Orleans. His family history includes many names of distinguished men, both soldiers and statesmen. Albert K. Hancock received his education in the common schools of his native city, finishing at Saulsbury College, Saulsbury, Tennessee at that time one of the leading educational institutions of Tennessee after which he engaged exten sively in cotton planting, cultivating large tracts of land in the Mississippi Valley. In 1875 he married Miss Corinne Duke, only daughter of Judge George W. Duke, a distinguished lawyer and Judge of the Probate Court in Crittenden County, Arkansas and who was also a large cotton planter. Mrs. Hancock received her education at Ward's Seminary, at Nashville, Tennessee, the leading Seminary for young ladies in the state. In 1882 Mr. Hancock commenced the practice of law in his native city and state and soon took position among the most successful members of his profession, he having in a short time gained an enviable reputation as a prosecutor in damage actions and in the defense of criminal cases. Mr. Hancock was elected to the Senate from his home district in 1903 and, while so representing that district, he rendered signal service to his constituency in many vital issues touching the life, growth and prosperity of Memphis and his native state generally. During the early part of 1906, Mr. Hancock settled up his business affairs at his old home (Memphis) and removed with his family to Santa Monica, where he has purchased an elegant home fronting the ocean, he having invested also in Hollywood and elsewhere, with a view of making California his permanent home, and has established his office in Los Angeles where he is enjoying a very lucrative and satisfactory law practice. Mr. and Mrs. Hancock have four children, Sara, the wife of Colonel James A. Loudon, a retired capitalist of Santa Monica; Lulu, wife of John D. Jordan, a tobacco merchant of New Orleans, La., and a young son and daughter, Hadys 474 BIOGRAPHICAL and Corinne, aged respectively 12 and 10 years, all of whom reside in Santa Monica except Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, who are expected to join their mother and father within the near future and become permanent residents of beautiful Santa Monica by the Sea. MRS. GEORGE SIBLEY is one of the essential factors in the business, social and civic life of Venice, a woman of exceptional abilities and charming per sonality. She is a native of Cleveland, Ohio, where she was born August 28th r 1858, a daughter of Alfred and Laura (Foot) Bright, both natives of the same state. Her father died when a comparatively young man. Mrs. Sibley spen; her girlhood in Cleveland and, at eighteen years of age, married Mr. Henry W. Taft, an own cousin of Hon. William H. Taft, ex-Secretary of War and, at the present time (September, 1908), republican candidate for the Presidency. Mr. Taft died in 1882 and the widow, with an only daughter. Irene, lived in retirement in Cleveland for a period of about ten years. In 1891 she came to California and located at Los Angeles. December 25th of the same year she married Mr. George Sibley, then a wholesale merchant of Los Angeles. In May, 1900, Mrs. Sibley came to the coast in quest of better health. After a season of relaxation and rest, she caught the spirit of enterprise and business promise that marked the founding and spontaneous growth of the embryo city of Ocean Park as a seaside resort, and in her characteristically quiet way com menced the sale of real estate. Her practical restoration to health and her great faith in the future of the new town made her one of the most effective advo cates of and successful promoters on the beach and she soon laid the foundation for the extensive business interests she today controls. In 1901 she opened offices on Pier avenue and there continued in business until 1905. Meantime she incorporated the Guarantee Realty Company and has continuously held the office of president thereof. They purchased property in the then new city of Venice of America, at the northeast corner of Windward avenue and Trolley- way and there erected the Guarantee building, one of the most substantial busi ness blocks in the now famous city. In 1906 the business was removed thereto. Mrs. Sibley is always found ready to forward any movement for the bet terment of Venice. She is an active worker in the Venice Chamber of Com merce, she is president of the Pick and Shovel Club, an aggressive civic organ ization that has done much for the civic and social growth of the city. She was one of the organizers of the Ocean Park Country Club and first president of the Ladies' Auxiliary. By her former marriage Mrs. Sibley has one daughter, Mrs. Irene Taft Loring, wife of Howard S. Loring of Venice, and by her present marriage, she has one daughter, Louella Marie Sibley. The family home in Walgrove is one of the most spacious and substantial of that pretty Venice suburb. Mrs. Sibley, by reason of her inherent honesty and business acumen, has accumulated a comfortable fortune and is accorded a high place in the commercial world. BIOGRAPHICAL 475 ADOLF VACHE is a California pioneer of 1855. He is a native of Fiance, born near La Rochelle in 1835. His father and grandfather were bakers by trade and pursued the business as a life occupation. His father was also a vineyardist and wine maker, and Adolf acquired a thorough knowledge of both trades. He became an expert bread maker. He was nineteen years of age when he came to San Francisco. He there followed his trade as baker, went to San Juan, in then Monterey, now San Benito County, and for eighteen years conducted a bakery and meat market. The building of the Southern Pacific Ry. through San Benito County opened up the new city of Hollister and business at San Juan declined, when Mr. Vache went to San Bernardino and joined his brother E. Vache, in grape culture, at Brookside, near the present city of Red lands. Later Mr. Vache raised grapes on an extensive scale on leased land of the Barton Ranch, at old San Bernardino. In 1887 he came to Santa Monica and purchased two lots at the corner of Oregon Avenue and Fourth Street, where he built a dwelling and bakery and conducted business for many years. His bread became famous for its excellent quality and his patronage extended to Los Angeles and surround ing towns. Some people who spent the summer season at Santa Monica or dered their bread from him after their return home. Mr. Vache married in 1875, Miss Francisca Pellissier, in Watsonville, Cali fornia. She died in this city in 1891 leaving a family of seven children, namely: Emily, Mrs. Jesse Yokum, of Arizona; Adolf, of San Jose; Joseph, of Santa Monica; Zoe, who is Mrs. Joseph Hall, of Los Angeles; Marcelina, Mrs. M. Biene, of Brook- side, California; Miss Madaline, single, and Ernest, in Arizona. Mr. Vache is one of Santa Monica's most reliable and respected pioneers. He has retired from business. JAMES H. GRIGSBY was born in McDonough County, 111., January 7th, 1851, where he lived until he moved to California. His father, William Grigsby, settled in McDonough County, 111., in 1829 and accumulated over four thousand acres of land in the county which is worth today $200 per acre. Father and son were engaged in the general merchandise and milling business for a number of years, when they started the Grigsby Bank, May 1st, 1882 and continued in the business until 1900, when William Grigsby turned his interest over to James H. Grigsby and he conducted the business until July 22nd, 1907, when he sold the Bank to the Huston Banking Company. William Grigsby died July 25th, 1907. James H.' Grigsby and family moved to California, November 19th, 1907, and settled in Santa Monica where he is again engaged in the banking business as president of the Merchants National Bank. He was also engaged in the horse importing business for a number of years with J. C. Huston and also in the Canadian land business with his son, E. Grigsby, for three vears. 476 BIOGRAPHICAL WILLIAM WALLACE WOODRUFF, retired, of Santa Monica, is a native of Fluteville, in the town of Litchfield, Conn., and was born May 20th, 1844. His father, Isaac B. Woodruff, descended from the earliest colonists of that name in Connecticut, and became a successful manufacturer of fifes at Fifeville. Later he, with W. L. Gilbert, founded the W. L. Gilbert Clock Company at Winstead, Litchfield county, Conn., which is one of the most extensive institu tions of its kind on the western continent. He was, for fifty years, until the time of his death, a moving spirit in the development of the business. Mr. Woodruff grew up at Winstead and, at eighteen years of age, entered the Fed eral army, was soon detailed as a musician and served as a fifer in Company G, Nineteenth Connecticut Infantry. He served from 1862 to September 15th, 1865, during which time he played a solid silver instrument, the production of his father's factory at Fifeville. Upon the close of the war he returned home, entered the employ of the Gilbert Clock Company and became thoroughly familiar with all the intricacies of clock making, developing an instinctive, mechanical genius that became invaluable to him in his business. By reason of impaired health, he came to California in 1903 and is one of Santa Monica's esteemed citizens. He is a member of the G. A. R. and one of the founders of the Stephen Jackson Post of Santa Monica. Mr. Woodruff is prolific in vivid reminiscences of the Civil War and plays with as much life and relish the pop ular airs and war songs as when a lad leading the boys in blue to battle, nearly half a century ago. Mr. Woodruff married at Litchfield, Conn., in 1887, Miss Eleanor Loraine Smith who, during their five years' residence in Santa Monica, has gained many steadfast friends. J. S. HUNT, M. D., Santa Monica, is a native of Newark, Licking County, Ohio, born June 7th, 186S. He is the son of John Bingham Hunt, M. D., and Angeline (Patterson) Hunt. Dr. John B. Hunt was a successful physician and, for many years, practiced medicine at Newark and Columbus, Ohio, and later at Indianapolis, Ind. Dr. J. S. Hunt spent his boyhood and youth in the two latter named cities, receiving his schooling at the Ohio Weslyan Uni versity and later pursued a course of study at Pulte Medical College, Cincinnati, from which institution he graduated in 1891. He commenced practicing his profession at Athens, Ohio, and there remained until he came to California, locating in Santa Monica in the year 1900. In this city he has built up an ex tensive practice. Dr. Hunt married, June llth, 1890, Miss Adelaide Junipher, a daughter of Mr. A. A. Junipher, a successful farmer of Greendale, Hocking County, Ohio. Dr. and Mrs. Hunt have one daughter, Henrietta. They are members of the Presbyterian church. Dr. Hunt has extensive realty interests n Santa Monica and Venice and is one of the promoters of and a stockholder in the Santa Monica Bay Hospital and is treasurer of that institution. BIOGRAPHICAL 477 STEPHEN CARPENTER, for nearly half a century a citizen of California, and more than a quarter century resident of Santa Monica, is a native of Vermont. He was born in the town of High- gate, Franklin county, March 29th, 1834. His father, Loren C. Carpen ter, was a native of the town of Rarre, Washington county, and was by oc cupation a millwright, owning a foun dry and machine shop at Highgate. He was a man of affairs and was a soldier of the War of 1812. He mar ried Caroline Fisk, a daughter of Stephen Fisk, who served in the Rev olutionary War, entering the army, a youth of seventeen, as a drummer and serving until the war closed. He then repaired to the timbered forests of Vermont, where he cleared up a farm and lived during the remainder of his life. Mr. Carpenter, when a small boy of four years, suffered the loss of his mother by death, which event broke up the home. He was taken in charge by an aunt at Bethel, with whom he lived for about five STEPHEN CARPENTER. years. He lived with other relatives until he was seventeen, when he learned the millwright's trade of his father. Later, for seven years, he followed his trade in Fillmore county, Minnesota. In 1863 he came to California via the Isthmus of Panama. He proceeded to the then new development of the mines of the Comstock lode and worked at his trade and timbering shafts as a superintendent for several years. He came to Santa Monica in 1875 and returned north. In 1882 he practically retired from active business pursuits. For nineteen years his home stood on the property now occupied by the Santa Monica City Hall. He served nine years as a mem ber of the Santa Monica City School Board and was for several years its chair man. Mr. Carpenter married in 1862 in Minnesota, Miss Madaline Webb, a daughter of H. H. Webb (deceased") and sister of H. H. Webb, a well-known business man and pioneer of Santa Monica. Mrs. Carpenter died in Santa Mon ica October 3rd, 1904, leaving one daughter, Laura E., wife of Albert D. Hawes of Santa Monica. Theirs was the first wedding ceremony performed in Santa Monica. By a former marriage Mrs. Hawes has one son, Stephen T. Garey, of Santa Monica, who, September 8th, 1906, married Miss Alvira Harrison of Santa Monica. 478 BIOGRAPHICAL J. LINDT, for many years a resident of Santa Monica, was born in the southern part of Germany, on the Rhine, February 8th, 1840. His father, Peter Limit. \\;:s an art wood worker and glazier. He worked out designs and made cathedral windows, doors, etc. Young Lindt served an apprenticeship, passed three examinations in different departments of the work, adding the art of painting and decorating. He travelled for about two years in the Valley of the Rhine in pursuit of his trade. In 1859 he came to America, landing in New York and there followed his trade for about thirty years. In 1890 he came to California and in 1902 he located in Santa Monica. He has executed some of the best work in his line on the coast and has done the interior decorating of many of the best residences in this section of the state. Mr. Lindt married Miss Mary Granger, of Baden, Germany, in 1884, and they have four children Frances, Annie, Emma and Christina. They are mem bers of the Catholic church. Mi. Lindt is a thrifty and energetic man of means and owns a comfortable home near Twentieth Stieet and Oregon Avenue, Santa Monica. JOSE VALENZUELA, of 1824 Fifth street, Santa Monica, is a member of one of the oldest Spanish California families, a native of Los Angeles, and was born March 18th, 1851. His father, Ramon Valenzuela, was one of the best-known native-born citizens of Los Angeles, and was a son of Jasper and (Maria Y. Ygnacio Lopez) Valenzuela, also native Californians. Ramon Valenzuela was reared on a cattle ranch in San Diego and November 28th, 1840, married Senorita Ascension Serrano of San Gabriel Mission. Her parents, Thomas and Xicholaza (Xavarra) Serrano, were both born in, and during their lifetime never left the confines of, Los Angeles county. After his marriage Serior Valenzuela followed, for years, the occupation of fruit raiser on a small ranch at San Pedro and Sixth streets, Los Angeles. This place he sold in 1846, purchasing a tract of land at what is now the corner of Seventh and Gladys streets. This land becoming too valuable for farming purposes, he subdivided and upon a portion thereof built houses to rent. He sold the property in 1889. He died in Los Angeles in 1889 at the advanced age of eighty-four years, leaving ten chil dren Eduardo, who married Francisco Aguirre, now both deceased Manuela, deceased, who married Jose Antonio Machado Jubencio, Felipe, Mrs. Elario Raves, Salbadora, widow of Dolores Ruiz Jasper Jose Crotilda, Mrs. Elario Ybarre Ramond, died 1906 Ascension and Armulfo. There are forty-two grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. Jose Valenzuela grew up in the city of Los Angeles, living the free open life of the cattle ranges, also being at times employed at various other occupa tions. April 17th, 1871, he married Sarah, daughter of Nathan Pettey, who was a well-known pioneer of California. He crosed the plains, mountains and rivers for California in 1849, coming from South Carolina and locating in Mar- BIOGRAPHICAL 479 iposa count\. where he became well known and prominent in political affairs. He served as sheriff at Mariposa county nine years and was a conspicuous figure in the pursuit of the famous bandit, Joaquin Murietta, and during his public services was known as a terror to evil-doers. He married Elizabeth Holland, also of southern birth and parentage. Her grandfather and great-grandfather were Revolutionary soldiers and lost their lives in the cause of American inde pendence. Mrs. Valenzuela and one son, Albert Pettey of Fresno, are the only surviving children. Mr. and Mrs. Valenzuela located on their present property November 14th, 1905, where they own a comfortable home, Xo. 1824 Fifth street, and adjacent income property. They have one son, Roy Valenzuela. Mr. Valenzuela is a man of independent thought and action. He is, in politics, a democrat, and has uniformly voted his party ticket. D. G. HOLT, editor and owner of the Dail\ Outlook, Santa Monica, was born in the city of Philadelphia, Pa., October 6th, 1861. He lived in the East until about six years of age, when he went to make his home with an uncle in Wis consin. Two years later his father, Sidney A. Holt, his mother and two younger brothers were lost at sea. Mr. Holt grew up in Wisconsin and was educated in the public schools of that state. In 1873 he joined the " rush " to North western Minnesota and Dakota, and there followed newspaper work for several years, latterly at Pine City, where he was connected with the Pine County Pio neer. In the fall of 1886 he left Pine City and started for California, making San Francisco his destination. He chose the Canadian Pacific railroad route and, after spending a few months in Winnipeg, proceeded westward. The win ter was a severe one and he was snow-bound for a week at Medicine Hat, N. W. T. While thus delayed he was engaged to take charge of the local paper, the joint property of local merchants, which had suspended publication for about three months. Mr. Holt put the paper on a good business footing and con ducted the same for a period of about two years. He then resumed his journey westward to San Francisco, arriving there in the spring of 1889. In the spring of 1890 he founded the Riz'er News at Rio Vista, Solano county, California, and conducted the same for five years. In the spring of 1896 he came to Santa Monica and assumed charge of the Santa Monica Outlook, then a weekly publi cation: He transformed it into a daily in 1896, and has made it one of the most influential news journals of Southern California. Mr. Holt married at Medicine Hat, Canada, Sept. 30, 1891, Miss Laura Preston of Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, and they have one son, Sidney, born at Rio Vista, Solano county, Cal., Sept. 18, 1892. Mr. Holt has been prominent in the political life of California and is a loyal supporter of the republican party. For many years he held the position of min- 480 BIOGRAPHICAL ute clerk of the California State Senate and was one of the most efficient and popular attaches of that body. He has ever evinced a becoming interest in local public affairs and for six years was a member of the executive committee of the Republican County Central Committee. For many years he served the city of Santa Monica as a trustee of the public library. He was elected a member of the Board of School Trustees in 1897 and served until 1901. Upon the reincor- poration of the city under the Freeholders' Charter in 1907, he was elected a member of the Board of Education and is now president of the board. THE CALIFORNIA MILITARY ACADEMY, truly a Santa Monica institution in the sense that it is located in Santa Monica, is incorporated by Santa Monica men and is backed by Santa Monica capital. It was opened in response to the urgent demands of a large .number of parents who desired to place their boys in a genuine military academy, near Los Angeles, differing in several important respects from any school then existing in the vicinity of that city. The Academy occupies the premises formerly famous as the Arcadia Hotel. The institution is organized as a military post under command of the Superin tendent, the members of the Faculty being assigned to perform such military duties as circumstances may require. The Corps of Cadets is organized similarly to that of the United States Military Academy, except that it is organized as a cavalry command, and is governed in accordance with military customs. This institution possesses unexcelled facilities for ocean bathing on its own beach, which is one of the best and safest on the bay. The salt water plunge, at Ocean Park, is within easy walking distance. Three regular courses of study, each leading to graduation with the Academy Diploma, are open to Cadets, as follows : I. The Classical Course, fitting for college. II. The Scientific Course, fitting for Scientific or Technical Institutions. III. The English Course, for boys who are not to enter college. Effort is made, also, to secure instructors who have had military experience, especially as cadets in school or college. The school year begins on the Wednesday nearest the 25th of September, and ends on the Wednesday nearest the 10th of June. .The usual vacations at Christmas and Easter are observed, also such legal holidays as may be advisable, and it is not in session during the summer but its situation and command of facilities for out of door sports and recreation, render it a most enjoyable place in which to spend the summer if a boy must be away from home. MAJOR E. H. BAKER, the Superintendent, a native of Maine, was educated in Chicago and New York. His military training was acquired in the National Guard and in military schools. He has had twenty-three years experience as BIOGRAPHICAL 481 Commandant and Superintendent of military boarding schools in New England, the Middle States, the Mississippi Valley and California. He came to Los Angeles in the spring of 1905 with the intention of opening a military academy similar to the best schools in the east. Having thoroughly canvassed the vicinity of that city, he selected Santa Monica as offering the most and greatest advantages for a boy's boarding school. He secured a lease of the well known Hotel Arcadia property for a term and opened the Academy in a military camp September, 1906. Acting as Superintendent he has conducted the affairs of the institution since that date. With the co-operation of Professor Bishop and Mr. Roy Jones, he organized the Academy Corporation, which has a fifty years charter and an authorized capital stock of two hundred thousand dollars. This insures the permanence and high quality of the institution. Bartlett R. Bishop was born December 25th, 1879, at Ashland, Hanover County, Virginia. He was reared in the States of Missouri and Virginia, entering William Jewell College (Liberty, Missouri) in the fall of 1896, at the age of sixteen years. He specialized in science, graduating from William Jewell College, June 13th, 1900. He has received the degree of A. B. He has traveled exten sively throughout the United States and in Old Mexico. He has wide acquaint ance throughout the states, particularly on the Atlantic and Pacific Slopes. For some time he occupied the position of solicitor for the Snoqualmie Falls Power Company, being one of the four members of the board which established the power and light rating of Seattle. He was also statistician for the Hallidie Machinery Company of the same city, and was connected with various other mercantile establishments He has an extensive experience in the law depart ments and scientific work and has taught for three years in military academies. In the fall of 1906 he returned to Los Angeles to co-operate with Major Baker in the launching of the California Military Academy. He is now secretary of the Board of Directors and Principal (Head of Scholastics) of this institution. RICHMOND W. ARMSTRONG, well known citizen of Santa Monica, is a native of New Haven, Conn., and was born July 27th, 1848. His father, Lorenzo Aim- strong, was senior member of the commercial house of L. W. and P. Arm strong Company, West India importers. Their principal offices were in New York City. Mr. Armstrong was a member of this house for about thirty years, but retired therefrom and came to California in 1896. He located at Ocean Park, Santa Monica in 1900, where he owns a fine residence at 135 Eraser Avenue. Mr. Armstrong was elected to the Santa Monica City Council in 1907 from the Second Ward and is one of the hard working membeis of that efficient body. He married in the year 1872, Miss M. C. Mead, a daughter of Rev. A. H. Mead, a Methodist clergyman of New York City. They have a son, Dr. M. M. Arm strong, of Los Angeles. Mr. Armstrong is a Royal Arch Mason, Scottish Rites and a Knight Templar. 31 482 BIOGRAPHICAL ROY G. PUTNAM, City Clerk and well-known business man of Sawtelle, is a native of Berlin, Green Lake county, Wisconsin, where he was born May 27, 1886, a son of Horace Putnam, a na tive of Massachusetts, and Vera (Smith) Putnam, a native of New York. Horace Putnam was the in ventor and an extensive manufac turer of what is known as the Snow Pack or Snow Shoe, which has be come an indispensable article of footwear throughout all snowy coun tries during winter seasons. In 1894 he practically retired from active business pursuits, came to California and purchased an orange ranch and there lived until his death, which oc curred in February, 1904, the widow surviving until the following Decem ber. They had two sons. Horace died in 1903, at nineteen years of age. Left alone, Mr. Putnam, upon the death of the parent, settled up the estate and came direct to Sawtelle and located, where he has dealt in real estate and has become a factor in the civic and business development of the city. He is a member of the real estate firm of Putnam & Crane. At the city election in 1908, Mr. Put nam was elected City Clerk and is a most competent and popular officer. He is a Royal Arch Mason, affiliating with the lodge in Santa Monica. He is also Secretary of the Blue Lodge at Sawtelle. He is an active member and Secre tary of the Sawtelle Commercial Club, an organization composed of the leading business men of Sawtelle. Mr. Putnam's popularity is due to his unobtrusive and pleasing personality, his temperate habits of life and his recognized business ability. R. G. PUTNAM. LUTHER C. WATKEYS, the Santa Monica Superintendent of the Land and Water Company, was born at Rochester, New York, September 18th, 1854. His father, Henry Watkeys, was superintendent of motive power for the New York Central Railroad Company, holding this office for a period of thirty-three years. He was a native of Nova Scotia. The major portion of his life, barring ten years from 1885 to 1895 in Indiana, was spent in New York. He was, by pro- BIOGRAPHICAL 483 fession, mechanical engineer and an expert in his line. He had the personal confidence of William H. Vanderbilt and was frequently called to consult with him upon business matters. Mr. Watkeys had an older brother who was thirty- five years an engineer of the N. Y. C. Ry. Company and died without warning while on duty in his engine cab. Mr. Watkeys' mother was Miss Zerriah T. Colman, a native of Newburyport, Mass., and a daughter of Luther Colman. Young Watkeys left home in 1875, at the age of twenty-one years, and became a civil engineer. Later he entered the employ of the N. Y. C. Ry. Company and for eleven years served as passenger conductor, running between New York and Rochester. He came West to Indiana in 1887, and to Kalamazoo, Mich., in 1892. In 1895 he came to California and engaged in orange culture at Covina. In 1904, he assumed his present position and is known to the citizens of Santa Monica as a most competent and popular manager of the important interests he represents. Mr. Watkeys married in 1892, Miss May Florence Pickard of Kalamazoo, Mich., a daughter of J. H. Pickard, a California pioneer of 1849, who spent several years in the state as a successful miner, and returned to Kalamazoo, Mich., where he died about 1892. JOHN B. PROCTER, Santa Monica, was born September 12th, 1861, and was the third son of the Rev. Gilbert Procter of Penny Bridge, near Ulverston, Lan cashire, England, who was vicar of the parish of Egton. Mr. Procter came to the L'nited States in the spring of 1883, and located at Larchwood, Lyon county, Iowa, where for four years he was a member of the English colony established there. Returning to England in 1887, he married the only daughter of Thomas M. Machell, Esq., of Newby Bridge, Lancashire, and towards the end of the same year he came to California, settling at Santa Monica, where he has resided continuously for the last twenty-one years. In 1900 he was elected to the office of City Clerk and Assessor, for the term of two years, and in 1904 he was again appointed City Assessor, continuing in office for two years more, proving an effi cient and popular public servant. Besides being a Mason, he is a Forester of America, and a prominent and influential Elk, holding the office of Secretary since the organization of the lodge five years ago. For a number of years he has acted as Clerk of the Vestry for the Parish of St. Augustine-by-the-Sea. He has two sons, James Machell and Gilbert, both " Native Sons." Mr. Procter is an enthusiastic sportsman, and was one of the first to introduce the game of polo in California. For many years he was engaged in the real estate and insurance business, and is now manager of the extensive property interests of Mrs. Arcadia B. de Baker at Santa Monica. 484 BIOGRAPHICAL OLIVER S. WESTOVER, a well-known and highly esteemed citizen of Santa Monica, is a native of Indiana, having been born in Fayette county, near Con- nersville, October llth, 1832. He is the son of Hiram Westover, a farmer of Holland Dutch descent, his ancestors having come to America before the War of the Revolution. There were three brothers who were active participants in the war, one, a loyalist, removed to Canada, one located in New York and one in Virginia. Hiram Westover, the father of the subject of our sketch, was born in Cen tral New York, on the shores of Cayuga Lake, was a farmer, and married Minerva Campbell, a grand-niece of Alexander Campbell, the founder of the Campbellite Church. About 1820 the family came West and located in Fayette county, Ind. Later they removed to the northern part of the state and located in Huntington county. In this county, Hiram Westover donated land and laid out. a town, naming the place Clayville in honor of Henry Clay, for whom he had great admiration. The first brick house in Clayville was his Spacious and substantial home, which has withstood the ravages of a vigorous climate for over fifty years and is still in good condition. He raised a family of seven chil dren, of whom Oliver S. is the third. The subject of this sketch spent his boyhood on the farm, attended the local schools and, at twenty-two years of age, taught the district school at Clayville and the adjoining county. In 1852, he married Miss Lucinda Lewis, by whom he has one daughter. In 1859, Mr. and Mrs. Westover located in Union county. Iowa, near the town of Afton, at that time the county seat. They were among the first settlers of that frontier county. The daughter, Cinthia. wife of John Alden of Brooklyn, Xew York, is known throughout the world as Cinthia West- over Alden, the founder and President-General of the International Sunshine Society. She is a woman of brilliant attainment and pleasing personality and is devoting her entire time to the work of her organization. Mrs. Westover died in 1862. In 1863, he was again married to Miss Isabel Cornelius, a daughter of James Cornelius, a Kentuckian. owner of valuable lands near Ashland in Fayette county, the heart of the famous " blue-grass region." Mrs. Westover's ancestry is in direct line from the famous MacClouds of Scot land, her father's mother having borne that illustrious name. At this time Mr. Westover held the offices of Justice of the Peace, Township Supervisor and Assessor. They lived at Afton about four years and then joined the gold rush for Pike's Peak, which resulted in their locating at Denver, Colo., then a small frontier mining town. Here Mr. Westover spent four years mining and prospecting in Gilpin county. It was during this time that Mrs. Westover became interested in mineralogy and geology, gaining a practical and compre hensive knowledge of the same. She interested her husband in these subjects and for some years they carried on a business of preparing collections of nriner- alogical specimens for educational and other public institutions. The Westover?. BIOGRAPHICAL 485 were proprietors in Denver of a large store, mineral and geological, carrying on an extensive business. On account of the high altitude, they left Denver in 1887, coming to Los Angeles, where, with W. D. Campbell, they engaged in the curio business. They also owned a store in Pasadena. In 1893, they came to Santa Monica. They liave two children, Walter R. of Denver, an expert on Indian blankets and bas ketry, and Grace, the wife of John B. Fraser of Sacramento. PETER H. SONXESYN, successful and popular merchant of Sawtelle, was born of well-to-do parents near the town of Bergen, Norway, in the year 1868. He received a good high school education and, at nineteen years of age, left Tiis native land and embarked for America. Upon his arrival in the United States he went directly to Mankato, Minn. There he clerked in a wholesale and retail drygoods store for W. W. P. McConnell for a period of about nine years. In 1896 he went to Spokane, Washington, and engaged in the retail fruit business for three years, his place being at the corner of Sprague and Lincoln streets. In 1899 he came to California and engaged in the clothing business, remaining until 1901, when he came to Sawtelle and opened a drygoods and men's furnishing goods store. He did business for about four years on Fourth street and in 1906 moved to more spacious quarters on Oregon avenue. Mr. Sonnesyn has acquired a wide and favorable acquaintance and has built up a profitable business. He married at Spokane, Washington, in 1898, Miss Anna Sederberg, a young woman of Danish parentage and birth. The Sonnesyn resi dence, the finest in the city of Sawtelle, is at the corner of Third street and Indiana avenue. HENRY PEACHEY WILBER, D.D., of Santa Monica, is a native of Ohio and was born in the town of Elyria, Lorain county. His father, Francis Augustus Wilbur, Ph. D., was born in \ r ermont, a descendant of Captain Church of King Philip's War fame. His grandfather saw service in the Revolutionary War and "his father was a soldier in the War of 1812. Dr. Wilber's mother, Favelle Peachey Wilber. was born in London, England, and came to this country in childhood. She grew to womanhood in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, graduated from Mrs. Ryland's School for young ladies and became a teacher in the Cin cinnati public schools before her marriage. The Rev. Francis A. Wilber was a Presbyterian minister at Elyria, Ohio, for a period of about thirteen years. Later he conducted classical academies in Ohio and Indiana. Dr. Wilber was pre pared for college at his father's academy in Wabash, Indiana, and graduated from the classical department of Wooster University, Wooster, Ohio, in 1887. He studied theology at Princeton and at L'nion Seminaries. Before coming to 486 BIOGRAPHICAL California he was professor of Latin in Pierre University at Pierre, South Da kota, and subsequently was pastor of Presbyterian Churches at St. Lawrence and at Rapid City, South Dakota. In January, 1893, he came to California and was pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Fernando from 1893 to 1898. From 1898 to 1899 he was professor of Latin in Occidental College, Los Angeles. In the year 1900 he assumed the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church at Santa Monica, which he relinquished in 1907. Dr. Wilber received the honorary degree of D.D. from his Alma Mater, the University of Wooster, Ohio. COL. JAMES A. LOUDON. Santa Monica by the sea, with its superb scenic sit uation and surroundings, its delightful climate and splendid public institutions, has drawn permanently to its confines many people of culture, refinement and wealth, seeking retirement from the strenuous life of a business world. These people have purchased its choicest residence property, own its most luxurious homes and have become a most important factor in making it one of the wealthiest and most attractive seaside home cities of the Pacific Coast. Colonel London is one of its recently most welcome citizens. Colonel London is a native of Ten nessee and grew up in the city of Memphis. His paternal ancestors were Scotch and are directly descended from Lord London, who was the owner of London's Bonny Hills, Woods and Braes, one of the most beautiful feudal estates in the lowlands of Scotland. Col. London is a son of John London, father of eleven children, all of whom, save three, the subject of this sketch, a brother, Hopkins London, and Miss Debbie London, died before the demise of the father. Col. London grew up in the city of Memphis amid the busy scenes of a most delightful social influence and broad hospitality of southern life. When the calamities of civil war overtook his home city he, even though a youth of fifteen years, volun teered in the Confederate army and served with distinction throughout the entire conflict, from 1861 to the final ending in 1865, in defense of his country's cause. He entered the cavalry service as a private soldier and at times was in the hottest of the fray. He was three times captured by the enemy and twice escaped. (See " Harvey Mathew's History of the Old Guards in Gray" and also "His torical Biography of Eminent Americans.") Col. London, at the close of the war, in 1865, was paroled as a Confederate officer from the .military prison at Little Rock, Arkansas, and returned to his native state. For many years he has been intimately associated with the business, civic and political growth of the city of Memphis. Essentially a man of affairs, his activities have been along business lines and his rewards amply the result of successful enterprise. Col. London, January 13, 1870, married Miss Virginia Lewis Shanks. She died leaving a son, Lewis S. London. September 7, 1904, he married Miss Sarah, daughter of Hon. Albert K. Hancock, then a prominent lawyer of the Memphis bar and a member of the Tennessee State Senate, now a resident of BIOGRAPHICAL 487 Santa Monica and practicing- his profession in Los Angeles. Mrs. Loudon is a lady of charming personality and social refinement. They have two daughters, Lou Lou Ann, aged three years, and Arlington, a native daughter of California, aged one year. Col. Loudon, in January, 1906, with a view of retiring from active business pursuits, came to California and to Los Angeles and purchased a home in Ingraham street, where the family lived for a period of about eight months. The following November he purchased an orange grove at Sao Gabriel and there lived for a time. The following August of 1907 he purchased Gray Gables of the W. H. Perry estate on Ocean avenue, Santa Monica, which they regard as their permanent family home. Col. Loudon declares to the writer that " Santa Monica has, in my opinion, the finest climate on earth " and here hopes to exceed the age of his lamented mother's father, David Trowbridge, who lived to the age of one hundred and one years, " ' and here, whenTthe sunset turns the ocean's blue to gold ' may I be buried, if it is God's will." JAMES P. KEENER, well-known citizen of Sawtelle, is a native of the state of Iowa, and was born in the city of Des Moines, April 29th, 1854. His father, George W. Keener, was a farmer and was interested in woolen mills which manufactured cashmeres, flannels and other woolen fabrics. He was a native of Holland and came to this country when a child, the family locating in Tennessee. He married Miss Amanda Langford, who bore him nine children, of whom James P. is the second born. He grew up in Des Moines, worked in a machine shop, where he learned the millwright trade in Centerville, Iowa. In 1875, he came to California, reaching San Francisco April 22nd of that year, and for a time worked in the Hendee Iron Works. From San Francisco he went into the mines and erected quartz mills, having a seeming monopoly of the business in Plumas, Lassen and Sierra counties. He also built mills at Tombstone, Arizona, and one on Frazer river, British Columbia, on the Carribou mine. In 1904 he came to Southern California and located at Sawtelle. For a time he engaged in the grocery business, which he finally disposed of. He has acceptably filled the office of City Marshal of Sawtelle during the years 1906 and 1907. He is now engaged in the cigar and tobacco business. Mr. Keener married at Crescent Mills, Plumas county. California, Miss Nancy, a daughter of William E. Taylor, a grandson of General Zachary Taylor, twelfth President of the United States. Mrs. Keener died at Susanville, Lassen county, California, in 1897, leaving three children Elsie, who is now Mrs. G. W. Walker of Modoc county, California ; Viola, Mrs. George Odette of Susanville, and Howard, who is gunner's mate in the U. S. Navy on the Cruiser Milwaukee. Mr. Keener again married, in the year 1900, Miss Ella Moore, at Johnsville, Plumas county, California. The familv residence is No. 234 South Seventh street, Sawtelle. 488 BIOGRAPHICAL H. L. MITCHELL, for many years a well-known citizen of Santa Monica and now (1908) holding the office of City Superintendent of Buildings, Electrician and Plumbing Inspector, is a native of Hud son, Lenawee county, Michigan, where he was horn May 10th, 1871. His father, Eli Mitch ell, was, by trade, a millwright and gunsmith. He was a native of New York and one of the pioneers of Lenawee county. In 1875 he lo cated on government land in Custer county, Nebraska, when it was a new and compara tively undeveloped country and civic and so cial conditions very much unsettled. In 1879, during the exciting times in that State involv ing differences between homestead settlers and stockmen, Mr. Mitchell and a fellow pioneer were murdered in cold blood at Plumb Creek, Nebraska. The widow and family of eight children removed to the eastern part of the State and located at Weeping Water, where she married Mr. John C. Marvin in 1882. In 1884 the family removed to San Antonio, Texas, where they lived until 1895 and re moved to California, locating at Santa Monica. At San Antonio Mr. Mitchell learned the car penter's trade and followed the same as an oc cupation, at times carrying on a contracting business. Soon after arrival in Santa Monica in 1895 he married Miss Emily Catharine Loeffler, a native of San Antonio, Texas. The year 1897 Mr. Mitchell held the office of Township Constable. He served as Deputy City Marshall under M. K. Barretto for a period of about seven years, from 1898 to 1906. In 1907 he was appointed to the position he now holds, one of responsibility which he fills with marked credit to himself and entire satisfaction to the people of his city. H. L. MITCHELL. HENRY SCHULTZ, owner and editor of the Sawtelle Sentinel, was born in Brownsville, Texas, December 19th, 1872. His father, Gustave Schultz, was a native of Hamburg, Germany. He came to America in 1861, and joined the Union army as a member of the First Wisconsin Cavalry, under General, then Colonel O. H. La Grange. In 1864, he returned to his native home and almost immediately joined the French army, where he was commissioned lieutenant- colonel and, under Maximilian, took part in the French invasion of Mexico. Later he returned to the life of a civilian and kept a hotel at Brownsville, BIOGRAPHICAL 489 Texas. He there met and married Miss Frances Frazer, a native of Dublin, Ireland. He lived at Brownsville until his death in 1892. Henry Schultz spent his boyhood at Brownsville and later entered the employ of Clark & Cowts, lithographers and printers of San Antonio, Texas, as an apprentice. He re mained with this firm for a period of five years and thoroughly mastered the trade. In 1899, he came to Los Angeles and was employed on the Los Angeles Herald. Later in the same year he came to Santa Monica and, until 1904, he worked as the foreman of the printing office of the Santa Monica Daily Outlook. In August, 1904, he purchased the business of the Sawtelle Sen- tinel of C. B. Irvine, which he has ably conducted, materially improving the pub lication and the plant until it is one of the most complete in equipment in the Santa Monica Bay district. March 30th, 1907, Mr. Schultz married Miss Alice A., a daughter of the late Arthur Clarence Alger, of Sawtelle. Mr. Alger was a highly esteemed citizen of Sawtelle, a native of Afton, Wisconsin, where he grew up. He married in Nebraska and engaged in business. By reason of failing health he came to California in 1903 from Lincoln, Neb., located in Sawtelle and engaged in the furniture business. He was a nephew of the lamented General Russel A. Alger, late L T . S. Senator from Michigan and Sec retary of War in the Cabinet of President William McKinley. He was a pop ular citizen, a member of the F. and A. M. and the M. W. of A. He died August 1st, 1906, leaving a widow and daughter. Mrs. Alger was, by maiden name, Mary Woodman, a daughter of Daniel and Mary Woodman of Ohio. She was born in Waushara, Wisconsin. She descends from Puritan stock, her earliest ancestors having come to America in the Mayflower. Mrs. Schultz is a woman of literary accomplishments, and is a constant contributor to the Scientific American, writing upon scientific subjects. She is also on the literary staff of the Los Angeles Examiner. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz have one son, Arthur Clarence, born Februarv 14th, 1908. H. M. CRANE, Sawtelle, was born in Bridgeport, Fairfield county, Conn., July 11, 1861. His father, Charles S. Crane, a farmer, and his mother, Imogine J. (Morris) Crane, are both natives of the "Nutmeg" state. In 1866 they came West to Michigan and located at Marshall, in Calhoun county. Here Mr. Crane engaged in the milling and grain business. In 1876 he removed to Caldwell county, Missouri, and located near the town of Breckenridge, where he engaged in farming. The subject of this sketch passed through the public schools of Marshall, Michigan, and Breckenridge, Missouri. In 1886, he married Miss Flora, a daughter of James J. Nellis. now a well-known citizen of Sawtelle. In 1905 they came to California, and located at Sawtelle, where, for a time, he engaged in banking and held the position of cashier of the Citizens' State Bank. Mr. 490 BIOGRAPHICAL Crane has made liberal property investments in Sawtelle and, since retiring from the bank, is engaged in the real estate and insurance business as a member of the firm of Putnam & Crane. The family home, one of the most attractive in the city, is 2015 Oregon avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Crane have two daughters, Letha F. and Imogine. O. A. KIRKEUE, an active and well-known business man of Ocean Park, Santa Monica, was born in the town of Harmony, Fillmore county, S. E. Minnesota, April 6th, 1867, a son of Arne Kirkelie, a native of Norway, a land owner, an itinerant Lutheran preacher and a man of influence. Mr. Kirkelie grew up in his native town, passed through the public schools, and pursued a course of study at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., Decorah Institute, Deco- rah, Iowa. In 1888, being then twenty-one years of age, he held the office of Deputy County Recorder of his native county. About this time he married Miss Levina, a daughter of Joseph Pickett, she being also born and reared in Fillmore county and in the town of Harmony. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkelie almost immediately came to California on a pleasure trip. Returning home, he engaged in the furni ture and undertaking business at Wykoff, Fillmore county, Minn., until April, 1905, when he disposed of his business and came again to California. Mr. Kirke lie is a successful business man and has built up a substantial undertaking busi ness. He is a member of the B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F., D. of R., K. of K. and Modern Woodmen. He is an active and effective worker in the Republican party. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkelie have one daughter, Myrtle. H. C. HOLLWEDEL, well-known citizen of Santa Monica, is a native of New York City, where he was born January 21st, 1875. His father, Carsten Hollwe- del, a native of Germany, was a successful contracting builder in New York for many years. Mr. Hollwedel grew up in the city, passed through the New York- public schools taking, also, instruction from a private tutor and latterly special courses in building construction and architecture. He then embarked in busi ness as an architect and took up as a specialty heavy steel construction work. During the fifteen years of active experience, he erected several of the large business structures in modern New York, involving a most thorough and technical knowledge of the vast detail involved in heavy construction work of a most exacting and complicated nature. One of these buildings, which stands as lasting evidence of Mr. Hollwedel's skill, is 116 feet by 180 feet, two stories below the ground surface and the foundations embedded thirty feet in solid rock, while it stands sixteen stories above the street. Another building at the corner of Broad way and 50th street, also one at Broadway and 62nd street, are of similar dimen sions and construction. Mr. Hollwedel also designed and built for wealthy New BIOGRAPHICAL 491 Yorkers country seats on Long Island. Some of the most elegant and expensive bronze show windows in New York are of Mr. Hollweclel's design. He further had entire charge of and control of all construction work of one of the large and wealthy estates in Xew York City which involved great variety. By reason of over-work and ill health, Mr. Hollwedel was compelled to relinquish business. He came to California and located at Santa Monica in September, 1906, pur chasing property at Fourth and Washington street, where he has erected one of the finest modern residences in the city. He has also made liberal investments in other Santa Monica property. Mr. Hollwedel has taken an active part in the civic and commercial better ment of Santa Monica. He is a material factor in the successful promotion and work of the Santa Monica Board of Trade and is its Vice-President. He is at present City Inspector of Construction on the new city ocean pier now in course of construction at the foot of Colorado street, which pier is of reinforced concrete and the first of its kind on the Pacific Coast. He is a deservedly popular citizen. CYRUS L. EDINGER, for nearly a quarter century resident of California, and a well-known citizen of Sawtelle, is a native of White Haven, Luzerne county. Pa., where he was born January 2, 1874. His father, Aaron Edinger, and his mother, Sarah (Granger) Edinger, were born in Luzerne county and were of German descent. The family came to California in 1885 and for several years lived in Los Angeles. There are seven sons and two daughters. The father died in Ocean Park, February, 1908, at the age of fifty-nine years. The widow still survives. Mr. Edinger received his earliest schooling in his native town and, in later boyhood and youth, attended the public schools of Los Angeles. He then took up and mastered the carpenter's trade and engaged in the contract building busi ness. In 1897 he went to the town of Needles, California, and engaged in the business. Needles was then in the infancy of its growth, and during his resi dence there of about eight years, he erected quite all of the principal buildings in the city. October 10, 1898, he there married Miss Etheline Keys, a native daughter of Illinois. In 1905 he took up his residence at Sawtelle and con tinued in the building business. In February, 1907, in company with William Haas, he purchased the planing mill and building business of Snyder & Wer- lenbaker, which business is now conducted under the firm name of Haas & Edinger. Mr. Edinger is a Royal Arch Mason and a member of the Fraternal Brotherhood, the I. O. O. F., Eastern Star and the Rebeccas. He works and votes in the Republican party and was a delegate to the County Convention of 1908. He is a member of the Sawtelle City Board of Trustees. Mr. and Mrs. Edinger have four children Harold, Claire, Edith and an infant unnamed. The family home is No. 114 Eighth street. -492 BIOGRAPHICAL DANIEL TURNER, Ocean Park, Santa Monica, if statements are correct, is the pioneer of pioneers. He is a native of Georgia and was born on our national birthday in 1806 and is, therefore, at this writing, (April, 1908) one hundred and two years of age. His father was a half breed Cherokee Indian and his mother a half breed Creek. When a small boy the family lived in Lou isiana and his father took part in the Battle of New Orleans in 1815. Al though very young, Daniel clearly remembers seeing his father behind breastworks of cotton bales giving battle with his musket to the enemy. Early in life he left the south and found employment with the Hudson Bay Fur Company in the Northwest Territory as a hunter and trapper. This strenuous life he followed for many years. Later he joined a fur hunting expedition for the Arctic re gions. They encountered unexpect ed difficulties and an unusually cold and prolonged winter, for which the company was inadequately equipped, and only one hundred and fifteen of the party lived to return to civilization. By stages Mr. Turner made his way west ward through a trackless wilderness to Astoria, Oregon. Later he enlisted in the U. S. Light Artillery and was stationed at Fort Point near San Francisco. He served one year, was discharged and re-enlisted in Battery H, Second Califor nia Heavy Artillery under Captain Homestead and served about five years. He is now a pensioner of the U. S. Government and draws $24.00 per month. Notwithstanding his extreme age, Mr. Turner is as active and healthy as many men who consider themselves well at fifty. He reads the daily papers, keeps in touch with current events and progress of the country and discusses issues of the day with great interest and sound logic. He has always been temperate in his habits of living. He has never married. DANIEL Tl'RNKR. FRED J. FINCH, well-known business man of Sawtelle, is a native of the city of New Albany, Floyd county, Indiana, and was born September 10, 1881. His father, (). J. Finch, formerly a wholesale grocer of Trinidad, Colorado, is now Chief of Detectives of the city of New Albany. His mother, whose maiden BIOGRAPHICAL 493 name was Emma Flint, is a daughter of Mrs. Elvira Flint of Ireland, Duboise county, Indiana. Mr. Flint grew up and attended the public schools of his na tive city meantime, living at intervals with an uncle, Lawrence J. Finch, known as the " Sheep King " of Colorado, and lives at Mount Rose, that State. In the year 1900 Mr. Finch came to California and to Santa Monica and took a posi tion with A. M. Guidinger, for many years in the undertaking business in that city. Mr. Finch held this position for about six years and thoroughly mastered the business. In July, 1907, he engaged in business in Sawtelle on his own account and opened the Sawtelle Funeral Parlors. In August, 1908, he formed a partnership with Mr. Guidinger and purchased the D. L. Allen Livery, Feed and Fuel Business, which they now operate. Mr. Finch married December 14, 1905, Miss Pearle Cody, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Cody of 1220 Lake street, Ocean Park. Mr. Finch is an active Republican. He is a member of the Modern Wood men of The Palms, and the Fraternal Brotherhood in Sawtelle. CHARLES C. TOWNER, lawyer, of Santa Monica, is a native of Randolph, Riley county, Kan., and was born November 15, 1870, a son of Charles E. Towner, well-known pioneer of Santa Monica. Mr. Towner was educated iir the public schools of Riley county, passed through the Kansas State Nornrd School at Emporia, taught school six years, was Superintendent of City Schools of Mankato, Kan., entered Kansas State University and graduated therefrom in 1898. He then located at Abilene, the county seat of Dickison county, Kan., where he practiced law ten years. He served as City Attorney of Abilene two years and Prosecuting Attorney of Dickison county four years. Mr. Towner has a wife, a son. Charles, and daughter,, Bertina. He came to California and located at Santa Monica in 1908, where as a member of the law firm of Hunter & Towner he is practicing his profession. L. B. G(K>t)RiCH, retired, Santa Monica, is a native of Iowa, where he was- born December 10, 1851. In 1870 he went to State Center, Marshall county, Iowa, and engaged in the grocery business. In 1876 he purchased eighty acres of land adjoining the town of State Center and engaged successfully in farming, increasing his acreage until his holdings comprise about one thousand acres. September 30, 1875, he married Laura Smith. He became active in local and State political affairs and served as member of the Common Council of State Center and subsequently was elected and served as Mayor of State Center, and as such was active in promoting the industrial interests of his city. He also became interested in the Dobbin & Whitson State Bank of State Center, served 494 BIOGRAPHICAL on the directorate and as vice-president for a period of about fifteen years. Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich have two daughters, Nellie M., born at State Center 1877, and in 1900 married Charles H. Ross, president of the H. W. Ross Lumber Company of Minneapolis, Minn ; Bertha M., wife of Arthur Reynolds, presi dent of the Des Moines National Bank of Des Moines, Iowa. He is one of the leading bankers of the country. He is chairman of the National Legislative Committee and member of the Currency Commission of the American Bankers' Association and is a recognized authority upon the national currency question. Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich came to Santa Monica in 1904. The family home is at Second street and Nevada avenue. JosE DE LA Luz MACHADO is a worthy representative of one of the wealthy and influential families of early-day Southern California and a lineal descendant of Manuel Machado, a native Span iard, who was a pioneer of early times at Santa Barbara and who, for mili tary duty, was by the Spanish gov ernment granted a tract of land, a portion of which lies within the present confines of the city of Los Angeles. Augustine and Ygnacio were ambitions sons of Manuel Mach ado, who became the owners of La Ballona grant, an extensive and valu able tract of land upon a portion of which is now located the towns of Playa del Rey, Venice, Ocean Park and Palms. This land was acquired under circumstances recited on page 137 in this work, and which will give the reader many facts concerning this interesting California family. Jose De la Luz Machado is a son of Augustine Machado. His mother was, by maiden name, Ramona, a daughter of Don Francisco Sepulveda. a Spanish soldier, who for his devotion and loyalty as a soldier to the Spanish crown, was granted the San Vicente Rancho of several thousand acres of land (see page 132 in this book). The city of Santa Monica and a large portion of the Soldiers' Home and the city of Sawtelle are on land originally embraced J. D. MACHADO. BIOGRAPHICAL 495 in this grant. The holdings of Augustine Machado in the Ballona grant have been shared by the children, eleven in number, and of whom Jose De la Luz is the youngest. He was born December 17, 1856, in Los Angeles on South Alain street, corner of Winston street. He attended Santa Clara College at Santa Clara, Cal., and graduated therefrom in the class of 1876, taking the degree of Bachelor of Science. He then returned home and has followed agri culture on a portion of the old Ballona grant that came to him by inheritance. He has never married and the family household comprises himself, a brother, Bernardino, and a younger sister. COL. E. K. CHAPIN, deceased. The late Ephriam K. Chapin was one of the well-known pioneers of Santa Monica and was a factor in the business growth and development of the town. He was a native of Connecticut and was born January 29, 1839. He was, from 1866 to 187 4 -, engaged in the mercantile business at Coventry, Conn. In 1867 he married Mary Morgan, a daughter of James S. Morgan, a silk thread manufacturer of Coventry, her native city, and where her father still lives at an advanced age. At Coventry, Conn., Chapin commanded a regiment of Xational State Guards and was otherwise active in local public affairs. Mr. Chapin in 1873 came to California and spent a brief time at Bakersfield, after which, the following year, he came to Santa Monica, which was then in the very infancy of its growth. Mrs. Chapin came in 1878. Mr. Chapin with faith and energy engaged with the pioneers in the development of a city and was very active in all movements looking to its business and polit ical welfare. For many years he was a leading local grocery merchant. He was continuously serving the people of Santa Monica in some public capacity. He was Treasurer from the date of the organization of the city to the date of his death, which occurred July 6, 1891. Mrs. Chapin survives and has ever been prominent in the social and civic life of Santa Monica. She has one daughter, Mary M., wife of A. M. Jameson, prominent in the society and club life of the city and past president of the Santa Monica Woman's Club. There is one grand-daughter, Mary Muir Jameson, native of Santa Monica. P. H. SMITH, capitalist and banker of Santa Monica, is a native of Iowa and was born at Mount Pleasant, May 18th, 1862. His father, Simon Smith, by trade and occupation a cabinet maker, was a man of thrift and successful in his business. He was a veteran of the Civil War and served throughout the con flict in the Fourth Iowa Cavalry. He married Miss Jane Kelly, a young woman of Irish parentage, and of their two daughters and three sons, the subject of this sketch is the youngest. He grew up in his native town, passed through the local public schools, graduating from the High School. He completed a 496 BIOGRAPHICAL course of study at Howe's Academy, and finished at the Iowa Wesleyan Uni versity, Mount Pleasant. While in college he became an active member of the Phia Delta Theta fraternity. He also took great interest in outdoor pastimes- and became a trained athlete. Upon leaving college Mr. Smith took up civil engineering and became attached to the civil-engineering department of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company. While following his pro fession he detected an error in the government surveys of land in Northeastern Minnesota on the Masaba range, which left unrecorded a tract of land designated in land parlance as no-man's-land. This land Mr. Smith carefully explored, de cided it to be valuable for its mineral deposits, and filed his claim thereon. His rights were vigorously contested in the federal courts by contending interests for a period of sixteen years, and finally title was confirmed to him. The case was found to involve many technicalities and complications of the law relating to government lands and has gone on record as one of the most famous in the history of land litigation. This land, which has proven to be rich in high-grade- iron ore, the deposits being almost limitless, is being rapidly developed and is already a source of princely income to its worthy owner. Mr. Smith also owns- a large interest in, and is vice-president of, the Mendota Coal and Coke Com pany of Centralia, Wash. He also has large and valuable timber holdings in that region of country. Mr. Smith came to California and located at Santa Monica in 1908. With James H. Grigsby and others he acquired the stock of the Merchants' National Bank of Santa Monica, which institution they have thoroughly reorganized and put upon sound financial basis, identifying with them some of the most widely- known financiers on the coast, with officers and directors as follows : James H. Grigsby, President ; P. H. Smith, Vice-President ; Ehrman Grigsby, Cashier ; F. J. Townsend, Assistant Cashier ; Roy Grigsby, Receiving Teller. The Board of Directors are: James H. Grigsby, Roy Grigsby, P. H. Smith, Marco Hell- man, W. H. Holliday, P. R. Stahl, M. Hamburger and Ehrman Grigsby. Mr. Smith is a man of broad culture and striking personality. He is possessed of a highly artistic nature and owns one of the choicest collections of oil paintings on the coast. He is a splendid type of the self-made American citizen, having- fought all of his own battles in life unaided and alone, save the sustaining loyalty of a wise and helpful wife. Mr. Smith married December 14th, 1898, Miss Ger trude, a daughter of John Griffin, retired, of Grand Forks, North Dakota. She is a lady of social refinement and domestic culture. They have a daughter, Se ville, and a son, P. H. Smith, Jr. STEPHEN HARRIS TAFT. The genealogy of the Taft family in America is traced back to a period between 1670 and 1680, when Robert Taft crossed 1 the ocean from England and became a pioneer in Massachusetts. From the Indians he purchased a large tract of land in the township of Mendon, which BIOGRAPHICAL 497 title was afterwards recognized as valid by the Colonial government. On the Blackstone River, near Uxbridge, he built the first grist mill on that stream, or in that part of the colony, in return for which service he was exempted from taxa tion for a number of years. Of his large family, five were sons, viz: Robert, Thomas, Daniel, Joseph and Benjamin, the last named being the progenitor of Stephen Harris Taft. The Ohio Tafts are descended from the same ancestry, their most distin guished representative in the present generation being Hon. William H. Taft, member of President Roosevelt's cabinet and formerly identified with the Amerian occupancy of the Philippines. He is the son of Judge Alphonso Taft, who was secretary of war and minister to Russia under President Grant's ad ministration. ,; In August, 1874, the Taft family celebrated the two hundredth anniversary of the coming of their great ancestor to America. Many hundred Tafts and descendants of Tafts from all parts of the United States met in Uxbridge, Mass., where Judge Alphonzo Taft gave the genealogical address in the largest church of the town, after which a free dinner was served in a spacious tent. Nathaniel Taft, the grandfather of Mr. Taft, of the third generation from Robert and a descendant of Benjamin, youngest of the five sons, moved from Massachusetts to New Hampshire and settled in Richmond. Benjamin and his descendants were all Quakers, Nathaniel belonging the the Unitarian branch of that denomination, holding the same theological views as those later held by the poet, Whittier. Among the children of Nathaniel Taft was a son, Stephen, born and reared at Richmond, New Hampshire, and throughout active life, a farmer. During the early twenties he removed to New York State, where he spent the remainder of his life, dying in 1861 at the age of seventy years. Six years later Mr. Taft's mother died at the home of her eldest daughter, Mrs. Samuel Hart, at Fulton, New York. Mrs. Taft's maiden name was Vienna Hanis, her mother being a sister of Hosea Ballou, the distinguished scholar and Universalist divine of Massachusetts. Mrs. Taft's mother and President Garfield's mother were cousins. Of Mr. Taft's family, four daughters and three sons attained the age of maturity Maranda, deceased; Elizabeth, residing in Oswego County, New York; Vienna and Susanna, both deceased; Stephen Harris; Lorenzo P., deceased, for many years a minister of the Methodist Episcopal chuich, and Jerome B., who was a Unitarian minister, now deceased. Not far from the city of Oswego, New York, on the 14th of September, 1825, occurred the birth of the gentleman whose name introduces this sketch. As a boy he attended the common schools and later was a student in an anti- slavery Baptist institution, known as New York Central College. Mr. Taft's marriage, in 1853, united him with Mary A. Burnham, who was born and reared in Madison County, New York, and died in 1897 at Santa Monica, California. Mrs. Taft was a woman of superior ability, whose influence for good was felt by all with whom she came in contact. She was always an inspiration 32 498 BIOGRAPHICAL to her husband in his work. Six children were born of the union, namely George, deceased; William J., who is serving his fourth term as District Attorney of Humboldt County, Iowa; Fred H., for several years City Attorney of Santa Monica; Sydney A., residing in Minneapolis, Minn; Mary V., and Elwin S., both deceased. Mr. Taft entered the ministry in early life, his last field of labor before leaving New York for his western home being in Martinsbury, Lewis County. In 1862 he moved to the state of Iowa where he purchased ten sections of land in the Upper Des Moines valley, and in the spring of 1863 brought from Lewis County, New York, a colony of twelve familes, to the head of each of whom he conveyed eighty acres of land at a dollar and a half an acre. The same year he laid out the town of Springvale, now Humboldt, organized the Christian Union church, now known as Unity church, and commenced the building of a dam on the Des Moines River, preparatory to the erection of a saw and grist mill. Mr. Taft named the streets of the town after distinguished statesmen, scholars and generals of that day. He laid out and deeded to the town, two parks, John Brown Park, embracing one block and Taft's Park, embracing four blocks, setting hundreds of trees upon the latter, which is located in the center of the town. He gave two lots for the school house and a lot to each of the churches first organized, which were Christian Union and Congregational. At the time the town was laid out a majority of the supervisors of the county were so dominated by the influence of Dakota City (a rival town located near by) that he could get no public road laid out to his mills so he personally took the matter in hand, building a culvert in the low lands near the eastern end of Sumner Avenue, and grading the same. He then employed the county surveyor and staked out a road leading ten miles north to Lots Creek, called the air line and also another road to the Lizard River, eighteen miles southwest. Three persons owning land along the line of road leading north, taking advantage of Mr. Taft's necessity, demanded $100 00 each before giving their consent to the opening of the road, which passed along their section line. This Mr. Taft paid to avoid the delay which would otherwise have been involved. Mr. Taft proceeded with the erection of the mills, which involved much labor and expense, as all the lumber and machinery had to be transported a long dis tance over almost impassable roads. When completed the event was celebrated by an oyster supper, at which hundreds of biscuits, made from the new ground flour, were consumed. Although the mills were indispensable to the building of the town and the success of the colony enterprise, Mr. Taft found them an expensive luxury, as the spring floods and attendant ice successively carried away three dams. Following the loss of the first, in 1867, he excavated a canal from the mills to a bend in the river a half mile above the first dam. This re quired an outlay of many thousand dollars which, while a heavy burden to Mr. Taft, proved a great blessing to many families residing in Humboldt and neigh boring counties, as the work made necessary provided labor for the pioneer settlers. Of the food conditions then obtaining and incidents attending the bringing BIOGRAPHICAL 499 in of the last load of flour before recovering control of the water, Mr. Taft says : "At this time there were almost no settlers on the vast prairies in North western Iowa. The pioneers who had come in had selected homesteads along the streams where they could obtain fuel and material for building their cabins and sheds for their stock. No surplus food supplies had been accumulated, so the people lived from hand to mouth. They had been accustomed to bring what corn and wheat and buckwheat they had raised to my mill, so the loss of the dam was of serious import to them to say nothing of the new arrival of settlers who were wholly dependent upon others for their bread. The continued rains of that season had rendered the roads almost impassable, yet all supplies had to be brought by teams from the railroad station, which was a hundred miles away. The workmen, who had thus far been furnished with flour and meal to take home to their families on Saturday, knowing how difficult it was for me to obtain the necessary food supplies, began to express solicitude regarding the future. Such progress had been made in the construction of the new dam and the digging of the canal that two weeks more with the force I was then employing would so far complete the work that the mill could be set to grinding. The crucial ques tion with me was how to obtain provisions to supply my workmen for two weeks. O.i a Saturday morning, late in November, I went to Fort Dodge. On reaching town I found the price of flour to be five dollars a hundred, cash down. I tried to negotiate for the purchase of a ton on ninety days' time, but could obtain no flour without the money. A hundred dollars would buy the ton of flour so much needed and win the victory so essential to all concerned, but I had not had five dollars in my pocket for weeks. Learning that Hon. George Bassett had Agricultural College funds to loan, I called upon him and learned that a respon sible name with my own upon a note would secure me the money. I went to Hon. B. F. Gue, Lieutenant-Governor of Iowa, stated the conditions surrounding me, upon which he at once signed the note and, obtaining the money, I purchased a ton of flour, which was soon loaded and the team was on its way to Springvale while I remained to transact some other business. In about an hour it occurred to me that if the flour reached home before I did, none of it would find its way to my bin, and I had the largest family of all. I immediately started for home driving rapidly. While not able to overtake the load I came in sight of it as the teamster was driving up to my residence. That it was seen by the workmen at the lower end of the canal was evident and they passed the word along the line to the men working on the dam. Spades, crowbars and scrapers were aban doned and the majority of the workmen moved rapidly toward the load. Each man on reaching the wagon took a sack of flour. Had I been a few seconds later I should not have secured a single sack. As it was, I possessed myself of two of the forty sacks. The scene was never to be forgotten by any of those who par ticipated in it. Some were shedding tears of gladness and devoutedly thanking God. Others were laughing and telling me they would stick by the work to the end, while a son of the Emerald Isle, with his sack of flour in his arms, called out: 'Bully for the boss! We knew he wouldn't let us starve.' 500 BIOGRAPHICAL "About two weeks later the waste gate of the dam was closed and the head gates of the canal were opened. I had given notice in the town paper a few days prior that on Saturday afternoon the water would be let into the canal, so people came from all parts of the county and some from adjoining counties to celebrate the important event. The Springvale Brass Band was present and enlivened the occasion with music, and short addresses were made. As the gates were being hoisted, a Mr. George McCauley called for three cheers for the builder of the new dam, which were given most heartily." A skiff having been provided and placed below the gates, Mr. Taft stepped into it and rode the advancing stream as it made its course toward the mill while the company, headed by the band, marched down the road on the bank of the canal. In the autumn of 1869, Mr. Taft visited the east for the purpose of soliciting funds with which to establish a college. He laid his plans before leading business men and scholars. Among those who approved and gave him aid were Garrett Smith, Peter Cooper, George W. Bungay, Dr. Bellows, George W. Curtis, William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, Dr. Hale, Dr. James Freeman Clark. Dr. Manning, Dr. Dio Lewis, 0. O. Woolcut, Mrs. Anna Richmond and Caroline Richmond, with many others. His success in obtaining funds was such that on returning home he erected a beautiful, substantial building, costing over $40,- 000, located on the bluff at the head of Garrett Smith Avenue. The building was completed and opened for the reception of students in September, 1872. The purpose and character of the institution is set forth in the following terms r "We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, recognizing the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man, associate ourselves for the purpose of encourag ing liberal education by the establishment and maintainance at Springvale, Humboldt County, Iowa, of an institution for the education of youth in liter ature, science and enlightened Christian morality, without regard to sex, race or religious sect. The fundamental object of this association is to establish and maintain an educational institution which shall be forever free from sec tarian control." The original officers of the association were Stephen H. Taft, president; Ira L. Welch, vice president; John Dickey, treasurer, and J. N. Prouty, secretary. Of the institution, Wendell Phillips once wrote: "I take a deep interest in Humboldt College, believing that it sustains an important relation to the poli tical, moral and religious welfare of a large section of our common country." And Rev. Edward Everett Hale said in a letter to Dr. Furness, of Philadelphia r introducing Mr. Taft: "I thoroughly endorse the educational enterprise represented by my friend, Rev. S. H. Taft, of Iowa." For three years students were admitted to all the privileges of the school without tuition, which enabled a large number to attend who were altogether incapable of paying tuition. On the occasion of the laying of the corner stone the principal address was delivered by Hon. C. C. Cole, Chief Justice of Iowa. Many years after this, when Mr. Taft was about to leave Iowa, to make his home BIOGRAPHICAL 501 in California, President Peterson asked him for a life-sized portrait for the college. When the presentation was made, President Peterson asked him to write beneath the picture some motto or sentiment, which Mr. Taft at first declined to do but, finally yielding to the request, wrote underneath the likeness: "I would be remembered for the good I sought to do." This portrait hangs in the college library. Mr. Taft has been constantly engaged in reformatory work since retiring from the ministerial field and is, at the present time, by speech, pen and money, seeking to advance the cause of righteous civil government. His views on the power of the ballot for good or evil are fitly expressed in his address delivered before the graduating class of Humboldt College, July 13th, 1906, from which we quote as follows: "There is today no other work half so important to the welfare of our country or of mankind, as the redemption of our government from the control of the representatives of commercial brigandage and murderous greed and bringing it back into harmony with the purpose for which it was founded, to-wit : to establish justice, promote the public welfare and secure the blessing of liberty to all. The present dangerous state of moral confusion, commercial and political cor ruption, could never have obtained but for the thoughtless and corrupt use of the ballot ; and by no other instrumentality can this nation be saved from certain destruction but by the ballot thoughtfully, conscientiously cast. And in this work of saving the nation with the ballot, we need women's help, and but for the malign influence of the saloon she would have bsen enfranchised long ago. The ballot is the one distinguishing insignia of American citizenship, giving added value to all other privileges. It is the paladium of American liberty. It is the \- in the equation, equalling the sum of all other forces, making for righteous civil government and safe-guarding human rights. The intelligent, conscienti ous ballot is to the state what the holy spirit is to the church, its cementing, energizing power; while the ignorant, vicious ballot is to the state what a con tentious, selfish spirit is to a church a disintegrating, destructive force. Wash ington said that if the Republic ever perished it would be at the hands of its own citizens. "If our nation goes down to destruction the contemporaneous historian will probably say that its ruin was wrought by avarice, drunkenness and licen tiousness, but the later historian looking from a higher vantage ground of ob servation will say that the great American republic was overthrown by ignorant and vicious ballots by which were created environment fostering avarice, drunk enness and licentiousness, so that social order and justice were overborne by in justice and anarchy. "We very properly honor the soldier who defends the country with his gun, but the gun is a negative force. It can kill the enemy but cannot build up the state, while the ballot is a positive, constructive force. By it the foundations of the state were laid and by it the Temple of Liberty is builded and must be defended. The thoughtless, vicious citizen, with his ballot, is a hundred fold more dangerous to his country than a thoughtless, vicious soldier with his gun; 502 BIOGRAPHICAL for the worst the latter can do is to slay some of his comrades, but the traitorous voter undermines the foundation of the state and despoils the Temple of Liberty." Mr. Taft took an active part in the discussion of political and moral questions claiming public attention preceding and 'during the War of the Rebellion. Several of his addresses were published. One of them, entitled "The Crisis," awakened deep interest. This address was given before the Proclamation of Freedom was issued, at a time when fugitive slaves seeking freedom in our military camps were driven back to bondage by command of many of our generals. This address concluded with the following appeal to President Lincoln to end the Rebellion by removing its cause by overthrowing slavery : "If a voice of one as humble as I could reach the ear of President Lincoln, I would remind him that the destinies of an empire more collossal in proportions than Alexander or Caesar ever dreamed of are committed to his keeping ; that he holds in his hand the helm of the grandest ship of state that ever set sail on the billows of time and that it rests with him (under God) whether it shall founder and go down before the wild storm of treason and rebellion which has burst upon it, or sail gloriously on through the ages. 1 would remind him that the destinies for weal or woe of millions living and hundreds of millions yet to come, hang trembling in the scale which he holds in his hand that he is about to call down upon himself the blessings or curses of generations yet unborn. I would remind him that there is given to him opportunity and power to serve the cause of liberty and humanity, such as is given to mortals but once in the lapse of ages. I would tell him of the Angel of Justice (which commissioned from God's right hand) is now bending over Columbia's fair land, who holds in one hand a pen dipped in the Stygian pool and in the other a golden crown; and I would tell him that if smothering the just and generous impulses of his great soul, he shall falter and prove unworthy of the sacred trust committed to his keeping, then with tears (while the heavens shall be clothed in sack-cloth) shall the Angel write upon his brow in characters of burning shame : 'Mene, mene tekel, upharsin; ' but if, heeding the voice of his conscience and his God, he shall worthily serve the ages and the race, then shall the Angel, stooping low, place upon his brow Liberty's crown of unfading glory while Earth and Heaven shall resound with praise. My friends, let us pray for President Lincoln." Among Mr. Taft's public addresses, his sermon on the character and death of John Brown, delivered immediately after his execution in December, 1859, ranks among the most important. It was delivered before his church in Martins- burg, New York, to a congregation that rilled it to its utmost capacity. In compliance with the wishes of a very few radical abolitionists, the discourse was published in pamphlet form. It received favorable notice in the New York Independent and some other anti-slavery journals. Hon. Garrett Smith and Rev. Dr. Cheever wrote to the author expressing hearty approval of the same. During the war many applications were trade by letter for the sermon, so that the edition was exhausted. Rev. Dr. Morrison of Boston, when visiting at Mr. Taft's, on reading the sermon requested him to send a copy of it to Mr. John BIOGRAPHICAL 503 Forbes, of Boston, an old time friend of John Brown. When told by Mr. Taft that it was his last copy, he requested that it be sent to him, to be returned after he had read it. Mr. Taft sent the discourse and when returned by Mr. Forbes there came with it a check for a thousand dollars for his college work. Mr. John M. Williams, of New York, also had the copy to read and on returning it sent the following letter: METROPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK, REV. S. H. TAFT: NEW YORK, February 12th, 1872. My Dear Sir: I send herewith the John Brown sermon. Accept our thanks for the privi lege of seeing what you said in those troublous times of the Civil War, of the scenes of deep interest then transpiring. A friend, seeing it on my desk, wished it to send abroad to a friend of Lord Byron. I told him it was your last copy, and he said his friend residing in England had a portrait of John Brown, was a great admirer of his, for which reason he wished to send him this sermon. He has given me a check for a hundred dollars (which I enclose) and in return wish a copy of the sermon if it can be obtained. (Signed) J. E. WILLIAMS. Mr. Taft also received the following letter from Rev. Dr. Morrison, by whose request he had sent the sermon to Mr. Forbes : REV. S. H. TAFT: MILTON, MASS., March 18th, 1872. My Dear Sir : I am glad that you are to have a new edition of your John Brown sermon published. I can easily understand the feelings of the New York gentleman who sent you one hundred dollars for the last copy you had of the old edition. It seems to me, considering the time and circumstances under which it was de livered, a remarkable production; one of those mysterious, prophetic utterances made under the impulse of a higher spirit than man's, which preceded the down fall of slavery. The way in which John Brown's name and acts apparently so insignificant in themselves, connected themselves with the uprising of a great nation against terrible wrong, his soul marching on, the animating spirit of more than a million armed men, would be thought fabulous and incredible, if such an event had been narrated as belonging to the early history of Palestine or Rome. I thank you for doing something to refresh our memories by bringing before us again so vividly the image of one whose name has been identified with the greatest movement of our age. (Signed) JOHN H. MORRISON. The following was Mr. Taft's text for the sermon. He said: "My text, my friends, today is John Brown. You will find it recorded in all the public journals of the land and it will yet be inscribed in bold characters on the record of the world's history." The conclusion of the discourse was as follows : 5CW BIOGRAPHICAL "The once noble form of the departed hero and Christian patriot sleeps sweetly in the silent tomb. But his soul has gone to that land where the bond man is free from the master and where the voice of lamentation gives place to the song of praise. Aye, he has gone where the outgoing of his great and loving heart brings not peril but increased joy; where every generous and loving impulse finds a response in the bosom of all, who tread with him the fields of everlasting life and immortal beauty. Let us rejoice not only that "man cannot imprison or chain or hang the soul," but that he cannot blot from the record of history the testimony of the brave and good against wrong; for then would the death of John Brown be an irreparable loss to humanity. But now shall his speech before the court, his letters written in prison, and the record of his heroic, his sublime death, be handed down as a choice legacy to our children. He shall indeed be a favorite of history, aye more, poets shall perform pilgrimages to the place of his tragic death to catch the inspiration which breathes anew on the banks of the Potomac, that they may tune to sweeter and loftier strains of the lyre of liberty. But we may not on the present occasion longer hold converse with Freedom's chosen martyr. Ere we bid him adieu, let us in the pres ence of the great and imperial Father of all breathe the solemn vow that what ever may betide us, we will 'remember those in bonds as bound with them,' remembering that Whether on the scaffold high Or in the battle's van, The fittest place for man to die Is -where he dies for man . ' ' In August, 1874, the Taft family, many hundred in number, celebrated the two hundredth anniversary of the coming to America of their great progenitor. Robert Taft. The meeting was held at Uxbridge, Massachusetts, and represen tatives of the family were present from many states of the Union. The morning service was held in the Congregational church and the genealogical address given by Judge Alphonso Taft, of Cincinnati, Ohio, after which all marched to the music of the American Brass Band to a spacious tent where dinner was served, music discoursed, and toasts given and responded to. Hymns written by Rev. E. Staples and Judge Chapin, whose mothers were Tafts, were sung on the occa sion. Judge Chapin read a biographical historic poem, after which the presiding officer proposed the several toasts. Of those responding to the toasts were Lieutenant-Governor Taft, of Vermont ; Dr. Jonathan Taft, of Cincinnati ; Rev. Dr. Hatfield, and many others. The subject of this sketch being called upon respond ed to the following toast: "The educators of our country are entitled to the front rank in the march of progress and it is with commendable pride that we introduce as one of the best, Prof. S. H. Taft, President of Humboldt College, Iowa." Mr. Taft said: "MR. CHAIRMAN AND KINDRED: It is not difficult to conceive of circum stances where it would be both profitable and pleasant in responding to the BIOGRAPHICAL 505 sentiment just read, to speak at length of the high mission and measureless influence of the true educator of our lands. But this is not such an occasion and I accept the sentiment with which my name is so pleasantly associated by the Master of Ceremonies as being present in this connection simply to introduce me to the large family of Tafts as one among many others, whose chief attention is being devoted to the cause of Christian education. Agreeing therefore, with our distinguished representative, Judge Taft, of Cincinnati, that you would rather hear of our family affairs today than of other subjects, I will speak as seems to me fitting on this interesting occasion. We have been drawn together, not by the bonds of old time friendship for we are met for the first time but by those of relationship. This is not so much a reunion as a first union of those of kindred blood coming from different directions, and some from gieat distance to meet and commune where lived and died our ancestors, generations ago. While there may be too much account made of birth and blood and name, there may be also too little account made of it. The ties of consanguinity are of nature's giving, of God's appointment, and were designed not only to yield innocent enjoyment but also to conduce to helpful social progress and moral growth. There are stages of development (or states of moral debauchery rather) in the history of society where such a gathering as this might prove a curse instead of a blessing by being so used as to dim the moral and spiritual vision of its members. But such will not be the fruits gathered from this meeting, for I am sure that we shall each desire to give and receive of our best in thought and character. Thus doing we shall part upon a higher plane than we met upon and so shed upon each others' future pathway the light of a virtuous friendship. Not only shall we make acquaintance with each other, but we shall learn of our ancestry what many of us could not have known by any other means and, per chance, aid our distinguished relative, of Ohio, Judge Alphonso Taft, to round out and further develop our family tree. In reporting to this meeting regarding the Tafts of whom I have knowledge, I have to say that they are industrious, frugal, worthy citizens and were all loyal to the government during our late Civil War. In religion they are Protestants of the Protestants, not only denying the religious authority of councils or the Pope, but also denying the authority of any eccle siastical body to legislate for the individual in matters of belief, faith or con science. Baoh Libroy My genealogical report will be very brief for the reason that my knowledge of the ancestral line is limited. I remember that Nasby once commenced a lecture in Boston by gravely saying: 'Ladies and Gentlemen: We are all descended from we are all descended from grandparents.' Well, I had learned that much, and was quite certain that the line extended much further back. If I had heretofore entertained any doubts on that point.what I see and enjoy today would altogether remove them. My grandfather, Nathaniel Taft, settled in New Hampshire in the latter part of the eighteenth century, where he resided until his death. He had a number of children. Among the names they bore were David, Daniel, Nathaniel, Rufus and Stephen, the last named being 505 BIOGRAPHICAL my father. His mother was grandfather's second wife. My father and his brother David left New Hampshire in the early part of the present century and settled in Richfield, Otsego County, New York, whence my father soon moved a hundred miles further west into Oswego County. Uncle David had a number of sons, two of whom, Ferdinand and Nathaniel, also moved into Oswego County. My father married Miss Vienna Harris, whose father, Stephen Harris, lived and died in Richmond, New Hampshire. My parents had seven children who lived to years of maturity, four girls and three boys, all but one of whom are still living. One of my brothers, Jerome B. Taft, who took an active part in protecting Kansas from the curse of slavery, died in the autumn of 1863. In 1853 I married Miss Mary A. Burnham, of Madison County, New York, and in the spring of 1863 went west with a colony of over forty persons and settled upon a tract of land in the Des Moines Valley, which I purchased of the State of Iowa. Here I have since been at work, building up a town and estab lishing an institution of learning. We have had six children, five of whom are still living, namely, four sons and one daughter. My brother, Lorenzo P. Taft, has a family of four daughters and one son, and the brother who died left one son, Wendell Phillips Taft. My four sisters are married and all have families. I trust I shall be pardoned if, in this connection, I speak of some incidents in my own history which, under ordinary circumstances, would hardly be appro priate, but which the present occasion would warrant. We learn from the ad mirable historic address to which we have listened this morning that our great progenitor, Robert Taft, was an active participant in a colony enterprise, in connection with which he bought and sold much land, built bridges, made roads and bore other burdens incident to a pioneer life. It seems that all unbeknown to myself I have in the order of divine providence been repeating the history of our family in the line of colony work for, as already remarked, I took with me to the distant west a company of friends, bought a large tract of wild land and entered upon the work of building up society, in the course of which it fell to my lot to open up roads, build bridges and mills and dispose of numerous pieces of real estate. The county records show that I have sold over eighty farms and many hundred pieces of town property since commencing this colony enterprise. This work has not been all sunshine and prosperity; but instead, want of means with which to do, loss by floods, sickness, severe trials and exposure, have dimmed the light of many a day, but at no time have I been bereft of that hope and strength which comes of an assurance that I was doing the work to which I had been ap pointed of God. The burden would have been lighter had I known as I now do that like and severer experiences had been the lot of our great progenitor, whose memory we so sacredly cherish today. The family histoty which I have given, taken in connection with the numerous descendants of Robert Taft here assem bled, who represent a still larger number not here, warrants us in congratulating ourselves that our family does not belong to the number which are running out because of self-imposed sterility. That this is true of many families is painfully BIOGRAPHICAL 507 evident. On this subject an able scholar and caieful observer, Dr. Nathan Allen, of Lowell, said in an address delivered in June last, before the Massachusetts Medical Society: 'It is safe, we believe, to state that the average number of children to each marriage has diminished nearly one-half since the present century commenced.' And he further adds, 'If this decrease is continued another hun dred years in the same proportion as in the past it will, in all probability, remove the old New England stock from the stage. Their record will exist only in his tory. In this quiet, gradual decline of population is one of the greatest problems of the age.' Well, Mr. Chairman, that impeachment does not apply to the Taft family, and I am glad of it. I am told that little or no credit is due to the male line in which the name descends, since the mothers generally bore other names than Taft. And then I submit to you, Mr. Chairman, whether it is not creditable to our side of the house, that we have been able to select and possess ourselves of such good and noble wives. I will add but a few words more. The growth of our family tree has been hopefully vigorous and promises well for the future. We need not concern ourselves to try to settle the question as to whether we originally ascended from the lower forms of animal life or have descended from a state of angelic perfection ; for, if from the former, then have we made noble progress upward, and if from the latter, the evidence warrants us in believing that we are making our way home again. Let us remember that there is given to mankind a surplus of vital force beyond what is necessary for the performance of the ordinary functions of life and that the use made of this surplusage deteimines the destiny of individuals, families and nations. If devoted to self discipline, in knowledge and virtue, so as to find expression in noble, helpful acts and high aims, then does its possessor walk the pathway of the just which grows brighter and brighter unto the perfect day; but if devoted to selfish ends and merely animal pleasures, then does it lead down to moral corruption and spiritual death. May it be ours to come into such harmony with the divine order and such virtuous relationship with each other that the spiritual breezes of heaven as they move through the branches of the family tree may make still sweeter music in the future than in the past, thus making glad the hearts of men and angels. I offer in conclusion the follow ing sentiment : Our Family Tree Removed from Old England two hundred years ago and planted at no great distance from Plymouth Rock. May it continue to gather strength ani beauty from each succeeding century and yield such fruits of vigorous, virtuous man and womanhood that the approbation of the good and the favor of Heaven may ever rest upon it, causing it to extend its rods and multiply its branches through all coming time. In 18 79, on the resignation of Rev. Julius Stevens as pastor of the Christian Union Church of Humboldt, Mr. Taft was asked to resume his pastoral relations with the church, which he resigned when entering upon his educational work. Up to this time the society had held its meetings in the school house. Mr. Taft .508 BIOGRAPHICAL agreed to serve the church for a year on condition that steps be at once taken to build a house of worship, toward the expense of which he would contribute the salary he received for the year and donate a lot for the church. With this understanding he resumed the pastorate. While the attendance at the meetings and Sunday School was altogether satisfactory but partial progress was made toward building. The coarse lumber was bought and placed on the ground, as also most of the stone for the foundation. As Mr. Taft believed that a house of worship was indispensable to the welfare and future growth of the church, he agreed to labor another year, donating his salaiy as before. The coursing stone for the foundation having been dressed and mechanics' labor being difficult to obtain, and money scarce, Mr. Taft, with his son, William, as mason tender, took in hand the building of the foundation walls, which were completed before cold weather in autumn. The secretary of the church, J. M. Prouty, had pro cured plans and specifications for the building from a Chicago architect and, with these before him, Mr. Taft proceeded to lay out the frame work of the build ing and superintend its erection. The church was completed and dedicated as had been planned and Mr. Taft says : "The day on which the house was dedicated and christened Unity Church, and Miss Mary A. Safford was installed pastor, as his successor, was one of the happiest days of his life." Mr. Taft's work as an abolitionist and a prohibitionist and a founder of an institution of learning, has given him the personal acquaintance of many of the distinguished men and women of the past and present century ; among them were Garrison, Phillips, Sumner, Longfellow, James Freeman Clark, Edward Everett Hale, Dr. Manning, Senator Wilson, Joshua R. Giddings, A. Bronson Alcott, Fred Douglass, Garrett Smith, George W. Curtis, Mrs. Lucy Stone Blackwell, Antoinette L. Brown, Mary Livermore, Dorothy Dix, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony and Julia Ward Howe. Of the above he has entertained as guests at his home, A. Bronson Alcott, Garrett Smith, Fred Douglass, Mrs. Livermore, Lucy Stone Blackwell, Antoinette L. Brown, Julia Ward Howe and Susan B. Anthony. Mr. Taft regards the establishment of righteous civil government as indis pensable to the preservation of our nation from destruction, holding that the licensed poison drink traffic, so far from being a legitimate business, is a system of legalized robbery and murder and that the political parties, which for a money consideration give legislative sanction to the saloon, betray their sacred trust as administrators of the government, violate the national constitution by bar gaining away the public health and the public morals, and that by such alliance with the criminal class, make the government the despoiler instead of the pro tector of its citizens, thereby not only discrowning the government of all moral power but making it a potential teacher of immorality and graft. And that the corrupt financial, political and social conditions everywhere obtaining where this traffic of death is licensed, are but the legitimate harvest from the seed sown by these rum-ruled parties and that the preservation of Christian civilization demands the triumph of a political party pledged to righteous civil government. BIOGRAPHICAL 5O>* Mr. Taft is a total abstainer from the use of intoxicants, eats very little meat, drinks neither tea nor coffee, reads without glasses, never uses a cane when walking. He is an early riser, writes more easily in the morning than at any other time, is always busy either in his office, library or garden, and takes as deep an interest as ever in social, political and religious questions. JOHN G. FRENCH, one of the active men in the upbuilding of Venice, was born in Miami county, Ohio, October 22, 1855, son of Asa D. and Ruth E. French. The family moved to White county, Indiana, where he grew up on a farm devoted to stockraising. At the age of 17 years he became a school teacher. His health becoming impaired, he left home in the fall of 1875 for Harvey county, Kansas, and after teaching a year, engaged in the stock and grain ship ping business. In 1882 he associated himself with the wholesale grain and com mission business at Atchison, Kansas ; later he engaged in the wholesale grocery business, and while thus engaged became largely interested in real estate in Central Kansas. Retiring from the grocery trade 1888, he engaged in real estate and general mercantile business in Harvey and Pratt counties, Kansas. In 1891 he moved with his family to California, where he became a manufacturers' agent, with offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles. In 1898 he became associated with the Wm. H. Hoegee Co. of Los Angeles, founding their wholesale business, which he managed. In January, 1905, he became the manager of the Abbot Kinney Co. in the selling of Venice property and overseeing the building of Ven ice of America. Many of the unique, special features of the famous place are the result of his efforts. Upon the organization of the Ocean Park city school district, in 1504, he was elected a member of the Board, which position he still retains as president and clerk. Being active and energetic in the school .work as well as having advanced ideas, he has been a factor in making the school one of the best in the country. He has been an advocate of the unification of the Santa Monica Bay interests, and had his ideas prevailed much more would have been accomplished. Politically Mr. French has been a lifelong Republican, fra ternally a Knight of Pythias. PEDRO M. BADILLO, a member of one of the early California families, is a son of Pedro P. Badillo, born in Los Angeles, February 24th, 1868. Pedro P. Badillo was a son of Francisco, a native of Madrid, who came to California in 1812 and was granted a large tract of land as a reward for valuable military services rendered the Spanish government. He lived at Santa Barbara, where he married Peralta Garcia, a native of that place. They had two children a son, Pedro P., and a daughter, Tomasa, who for many years lived in Los An geles, where she died in 1874. After the father's death the son came into pos- 510 BIOGRAPHICAL session of valuable lands in Santa Barbara county and of other holdings in Lower California He married Miss Jane Courtney, a native of California, daughter of Andrew Courtney, and granddaughter of Michael White, one of the best-known American pioneers. Pedro Badillo grew up in Los Angeles, and in 1892 married Delfina En- riquez. Since 1893 he has been in the secret service of the United States customs department of Southern California. In 1894 he distinguished himself by the detection and capture of three Americans, who were expert smugglers, and sev enty-four pounds of opium smuggled into this country on the Malibu coast. The men were tried, convicted and sent to the penitentiary. Mr. Badillo is widely known, and highly esteemed for his kindness of heart and strict integrity. He has two sons, Louis and Pedro. The family home is in Santa Monica Canon. JAS. W. KENNEDY, one of the prosperous and substantial merchants of Santa Monica, was born in Cleveland, O., December 17th, 1869, son of James Kennedy, a native of Canada. The family lived in the vicinity of Cleveland until 1884, when they came to Santa Monica. Here he clerked in the general store of M. E. Chapin about seven years. He later went to White River, Ariz., where, under the firm name of Schuster & Kennedy, he did a profitable business for six years. He returned to Santa Monica in 1905, and in 1906 purchased the business of A. Mooser, corner Third and Utah. The stock comprises a complete line of cloth ing and furnishing goods. W. M. KENDALL, M. D., was born in Leavenworth, Crawford county, In diana, December 25th, 1869. His father, William H. Kendall, was a druggist of that city and a native of the same State. The Kendall family are of English ancestry, many members of which have attained prominence in the dramatic world as actors in this country and in Europe. The father died in 1882 and the widow and three children removed to Cin cinnati, Ohio. Here Dr. Kendall took a high-school course and a course in med icine at Pulte Medical College, Cincinnati, graduating in 1892. Later he took a special course in surgery and post-graduate course in orificial surgery at Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Dr. Kendall commenced the practice of his pro fession in Cincinnati. He remained there three years, then removed to Dayton, Ohio. In August, 1955, he came to California and located at Ocean Park, where he has acquired an extensive practice. He is member of the California State Homeopathic Medical Society and the Los Angeles County Medical Society; local surgeon for the L. A. & P. Ry., and health officer of the city of Ocean Park. He is a Mason, and member of the B. P. O. E. At the school election, 1908, he was, without opposition, elected a member of the Board of School Trus- BIOGRAPHICAL 511 tees. Dr. Kendall married, November 22nd, 1892, Miss Jessie Todhunter, daughter of W. H. Todhunter, a prominent attorney of Middleton, Ohio. They have two children, Marcus T. and Marion G. Dr. Kendall's home and office is at Xo. 207-207y 2 Ocean Front, Ocean Park. JOHN J. PEVELER, resident of California since 1882, is a native of Illinois, born in the city of Chicago, January 12th, 1859. His father, George W. Pev eler, was a farmer. He joined the United States Army as a volunteer in the Rebellion, went to the front and was killed at the battle of Antietam, September 17th, 1862, leaving a widow and an only child, the subject of this sketch. Young Peveler spent his youth in Chicago, attended the public schools and learned the carpenter trade, and later the cement contracting business. In 1896 Mr. Peveler went to Alaska, where he spent five years and passed through all the excitement and experienced the hardships of the gold seekers of Nome and Dawson. He returned to California in 1901, and for several years had charge of numerous jobs of construction cement work for the Los Angeles-Pacific Rail way Company. Mr. Peveler married, in 1904, Miss Theresa Langam, a native of Litchfield, Minnesota. They have one daughter, Virginia C. The family residence is at the corner of Ninth street and Nevada avenue, Santa Monica. W. S. SMITH was born in San Antonio, Texas, March 11, 1879, son of John A. Smith, by birth a Pennsylvania!!. In 1884 the family removed to Arizona, and later to San Diego, and finally to San Fernando. Dr. Smith here spent his youth, passed through the San Fernando High School, graduating in 1895. He took a course of study at the University of .Southern California, graduating from the department of medicine in 1902. He was two years assistant physician at the Los Angeles County Hospital under Dr. Bryant. He then practiced medi cine at Phoenix, Arizona. He held the office of County Physician of Yavapi county, was member of the Territorial Board of Examiners of the Insane, and two years Superintendent of the County Hospital. He was one of the organizers of the Yavapi County Medical Society and its first president. He came to Santa Monica in 1905, and has a wide circle of friends and lucrative practice, being a member of the medical staff of the Santa Monica Bay Hospital. He married, June 15th, 1903, Mabel, daughter of J. S. Wilson, a pioneer and retired merchant of Santa Monica. ROBERT ALEXANDER PHILLIPS, foremost citizen and merchant of Venice, is a native of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, born July 7th, 1860, son of Robert Phillips, a thrifty farmer, and Eliza Mackay Phillips, both natives of Belfast, Ireland, who came to America in childhood. Mr. Phillips grew up on the home 512 BIOGRAPHICAL farm. He passed through the public schools, and the Western University of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1879. From 1882 to 1900 he engaged in the produce commission business in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. He made a tour of the West and California in 1902, and in 1905 was one of the early investors in Venice. With Dr. Sands he founded the Venice Drug Co. (Inc.). He married, in 1882, Ella M., a daughter of John Burgess, a retired merchant of Pittsburg, and they have three children Aileen, Lillian and Floyd. He is a leading member of the Chamber of Commerce, and active in the promotion of the best interests of Venice. C. C. CHENEY, pioneer, crossed the plains as a boy with his father's family, driving an ox team. They located in Lake county, engaged in stock raising, later removed to San Luis Obispo county, and finally settled at Downey, in Los Angeles county, where he spent his youth and studied veterinary surgery, be coming an expert practitioner. He went to Arizona and engaged in mining. In 1890 he located in the Garapatos, Malibu mountains, where he has developed a valuable ranch property, which as a summer resort is very popular with the people of Santa Monica, Los Angeles and surrounding country. Mr. Cheney married, in 1885, Miss Lucy J., daughter of J. H. Stewart, one of the first set tlers of the city of Downey. She was born in Salem, Oregon. Mr. Cheney is a public-spirited and enterprising citizen and a member of the Elks' lodge at Santa Monica. MRS. JOSE DOLORES SEPULVEDA, widow of the late Don Jose Dolorts Sepul- veda, was born in Los Angeles in 1840, and is the only surviving daughter of Johann Gronigen, a native of Holland, who came to America as a ship car penter on the brig "Danube," which was wrecked off the coast of San Pedro in 1829, he being one of the few survivors. He settled in Los Angeles and by reason of his arrival in town on Sunday and the difficult pronunciation of his German name, the natives called him Juan Domingo, the English of which is John Sunday, and he abandoned thereafter the use of his family name. He became a man of property and influence, with a fine home at the corner of Aliso and Alameda streets, where he lived until his death, December 18th, 1858, leav ing a large family and a comfortable estate. He married Ramona Teleliz, a member of one of the influential and wealthy families of Southern California. Jose Dolores Sepulveda was born in Los Angeles April 2nd, 1827, a son of Don Francisco Sepulveda, mention of whom is made on page 132 in this work. There are eight children of Don Jose Dolores and Louise Domingo Sepulveda living, all in Los Angeles, viz., W. O. Sepulveda ; Ascencion, who is Mrs. Frank Bernal ; Miguel; Louise, who is Mrs. Reyes; Plutarch; Angelina, Mrs. Mark Burns; Victoria, Mrs. George Farrington, and Griselda, Mrs. Charles Earley. There are thirteen grand-children.