16 I- ON DREAMS, IN THEIR MENTAL AND MORAL ASPECTS, AS AFFORDING AUXILIARV ARGUMENTS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF SPIRIT, FOR A "separate STATE," AND FOR A PARTICULAR PROYIDEXCE. BY JOHN SHEPPARD, AUTHOR OF THOUGHTS OX DEVOTIOX, ETC. ETC. Oiide 7€ OTTO)? a. 20 ARCHBISHOP WHATELY. heard such and such things, answered in such and such a manner.'" Archbishop Whately, in his lectures to the parishioners of Halesworth, observes : " It must have occurred to most of you, that now and then a long series of events, such as would occupy several weeks or months, and such as could not even be described in a day's time, will be presented to the mind, and will appear to pass, in a sleep of perhaps less than an hour."- Professor Stewart adverts to this very dif- ferent " estimate " of time in dreaming ; " an inaccuracy " (such is his phrase) " which sometimes extends so far, as to give to a single instant the appearance of hours or perhaps of days." But he does not judge it necessary to suppose " the rapidity of thought greater than while we are awake." " For " (he affirms) " the rapidity of thought is, at all times, such, that in the twinkling of an eye, a crowd of ideas may pass before us, to which it would require a long discourse to give utter- ^ Aussichten in die Ewigkeit, t. i. p. 311. ^ Scripture Revelations of a Tuture State, 5tli Edit, pp. 163, 151'. — Published without a name, but ranked in tho catalogues umong the Archbishop's works. STEWAKT ON INSTANTANEOUS THOUGHT. 21 ance ; and transactions may be conceived, which it would require days to realize."* I know not how to accede to this statement ; although here again very sensible how much more rapid may have been the processes of waking thought in such an intellect, than in my own or other ordinary minds. Most true it is, that waking thought can make an instantaneous transition from one object to another the most remote and dis- similar, passing " in the twinkling of an eye " from the sun to a mushroom, or from the depth of a coal-mine to the cluster of the Pleiades ; but I cannot believe that our natu- ral waking condition admits of an instantane- ous series and connexion of very multiplied thoughts ; for instance, that even Johnson or Person, having committed (as our young stu- dents do) a Greek tragedy to memory, could have recited it throughout, mentally, in the twinkling of an eye. It is indeed surprising, how greatly the succession of ideas can be accelerated by a peculiar stimulant. An Indian drug (not opium) was once prescribed for myself, by ^ Elements, vol. i. p. 345. 22 INDIAN DRUG. way of experiment whether it might prove useful as a soporific. But it excited a train of suggestions and inferences the swiftness of which I could not have deemed possible. Although these very quickly vanished from memory, there was gained from them an en- tirely new notion of the rate at which some philosophers and orators may think. On the other hand, while pain of the head which followed, warned me against a second use of so stimulating a medicine, I had procured perhaps the farther evil of some increased discontent with my own wonted foot-pace of cogitation : — as railways make us impatient of old-fashioned vehicles and pedestrian tours. Yet this acceleration of thought was no more to be compared to what takes place, without any stimulus, in dreams, than the speed of an " express train " to that of an electric telegraph. What may be the future and ultimate rapidity of thought, as acting in its most refined and perfect vehicle, we can have no present knowledge : but by the exterior and mortal organs of our present bodily system it appears to be retarded. Length of time, in SOCRATES. ST. PAUL. 23 our ordinary waking state, is requisite to the formation or recollection of a number of ideas ; and the more, in proportion to the defects of the individual's organization, or health. If it be objected, this is to represent the body as an impediment to the mind, it must be replied that in such a view of it the best philosophy and the Christian scriptures agree. Let any one examine what is said of the body by Socrates in the 1 1th chapter of the Phaedo, and its accordance with the apocrj^phal Book ofWisdom (ascribed by some to PhiloJudaeus), which says, "the corruptible body weighs down the soul, and the earthy tabernacle burdens the meditative mind ;"^ and vriih St. Paul's desire and promise of being " clothed upon " or indued with " a spiritual body." The only probable way, as I conceive, of accounting for the extreme rapidity of thought in dreams, is to suppose some partial discon- nexion or liberation of the mind in sleep, from those grosser organs which are the media of its action while we wake. This opinion seems to have been ap- proached (though not definitely expressed) by * Chap. is. ver. 15; loTv Tro\v(i)(>ov7ida. 24 ADDISON ON DREAMS. the distinguished Addison, when he remarks that " Dreams may give us some idea of the great excellency of a human soul, and some intimation of its independency of matter." He adds, " when the organs of sense want their due repose and necessary reparations, and the body is no longer able to keep pace with that spiritual substance to which it is united, the soul exalts herself in her several faculties, and continues in action till her part- ner is again qualified to bear her company. — Dreams look like the relaxations and amuse- ments of the soul when she is disencumbered of her machine ; her sports and recreations when she has laid her charge asleep. — Dreams are an instance of that agility and perfection which is natural to the faculties of the mind when they are disengaged from the body. The soul is clogged and retarded in her operations when she acts in conjunction with a companion that is so heavy and unwieldy in its motions ; but in dreams it is wonderful to observe with what sprightliness and alacrity she exerts herself" ' Lord Brougham well observes, " The mind's ' Spectator, vol. vii. No. 487. BROUGHAM ON MIND. 25 independence of matter, and capacity of existence -without it, appears to be strongly illustrated by whatever shews the entire dis- similarity of its constitution. The incon- ceivable rapidity of its operations is perhaps the most striking feature of the diversity ; and there is no doubt that this rapidity increases in proportion as the interference of the senses — that is, the influence of the body — is with- drawn. Facts, chiefly drawn from the phe- nomena of dreams, throw a strong light upon this subject, and seem to demonstrate the possible disconnexion of mind and matter."^ And in another place, " Nothing can be con- ceived better adapted than these facts to satisfy us, that the nature of the mind is con- sistent with its existence apart from the body." ^ We may readily allow the judgment of Professor Stewart to be correct, that while " certain general laws of association," which regulate the train of our waking thoughts, also operate during sleep, the will has then no power of " stopping the train," or " diverting the current of thought into a new channel."^ » Discourse of Nat. Theol. p. 111. 2 n^ij, p, nS. 3 Elements, vol. i. pp. 334, 335. D 26 DREAM OF ETNA. We fully admit also that these laws of asso- ciation include material as well as spiritual influences. That dreams are very frequently suggested by bodily sensations, there is abundant proof. Thus a manuscript of the eminent Dr. Gre- gory of Edinburgh, " mentions of himself, that having gone to bed with a vessel of hot water at his feet, he dreamt of walking up the crater of Mount Etna, and of feeling the ground warm under him. He had early in life visited Vesu- vius, and actually felt a strong sensation of warmth in his feet, when walking up the side of the crater ; but the dream was of Etna, of which he had only read Brydone's description."* Cases of this kind, which are frequent and familiar, would suffice to refute the very singular theory of Andrew Baxter, who en- deavoured philosophically to show that all dreams must arise from the influence of se/?«ra^6 spirits on the mind. But none of the foregoing facts or con- siderations is adapted to exjilain the immense celerity of thought in dreams. This must remain, I apprehend, wholly unaccounted for, ' Abcrcrombie, Intellectual Powers, p. 279, abridged. BYRON ON DREAMS. 27 except by the supposition already glanced at, — that the mind then acts not by its exterior or- ganization, but either apart from all organs, or (which to me seems far more probable) by that highly refined interior organization, to which, during sleep, the torpor of the visible and tangible organs permits a freer agency, some- what like what may take place when the mortal frame is dissolved. To the whole mystery of this subject, Lord Byron's well-known lines, with his accustomed elevation and energy of diction, powerfully direct our thoughts^ " Our life is two-fold : sleep hath its own world, A houndary between the things misnamed Death and existence : sleep hath its own world, And a wide realm of wild reality : And dreams in their development have breath. And tears, and tortures, and the touch of joy : They leave a weight upon our waking thoughts; They take a weight from off our waking toils : They do divide our being ; they become A portion of ourselves as of our time. And look like heralds of eternity. They pass Kke spirits of the past ; they speak, Like Sibyls, of the future ; they have power ; The t}-rauny of pleasure and of pain ; They make us what we were not — what they will — And shake us with the vision that's gone by, The dread of vanished shadows." 28 INVENTIVENESS AND POWER. SECTION III. I WOULD now invite attention to the second point proposed, namely, the intellectual inven- tiveness and power frequently exerted in dreams. That original and eccentric writer, Sir Thomas Browne, in his Religio Medici, thus describes his own experience : " I thank God for my happy dreams, as I do for my good rest. We are somewhat more than ourselves in our sleeps, and the slumber of the body seems to be but the waking of our souls. It is the ligation of our sense, but the liberty of reason ; our awaking conceptions do not match the fancies of our sleeps. At my nativity, my ascendant was the earthly sign of Scorpio, I was born in the planetary hour of Saturn, and I think I have a piece of that leaden planet in me. I am no way facetious, nor disposed for the mirth and galliardize of company ; yet in one dream I can compose a SIR T. BROWNE. COLERIDGE. 29 whole comedy, behold the action in one dream, apprehend the jests, and laugh myself awake at the conceits thereof. Were my memory as faithful as my reason is then fruitful, I would never study but in my dreams, and this time also would I choose for my devotions ; but our grosser memories have then so little hold of our abstracted understandings, that they forget the story, and can only relate to our awakened souls a confused and broken tale of that that has passed." He afterwards writes in reference to what he had said of the elevation of the faculties in sleep, " Thus I observe that men oftentimes upon the hour of their departure do speak and reason above themselves. For then the soul begins to be freed from the ligaments of the body, begins to reason like herself, and to discourse in a strain above mortality."^ Let it be noticed that all these are the remarks of an acute and practised ijhysician. The poet Coleridge published a fragment of a poem, composed by him in sleep ; or what he terms " a vision in a dream." His prefatory account of the circumstances I thus abridge. 1 Rclig. Med. Edit. 161;:, pp. 178—181. D 3 30 Coleridge's " vision " In the summer of 1797, the author, then in ill health, had retired to a farm-house, between Porlock and Linton. In consequence of slight indisposition, an anodyne had been prescribed, from the effect of which he fell asleep in his chair, at the moment that he was reading these or similar words in Purchas's Pilgrimage, ' Here the Khan Kubla com- manded a palace to be built, and a stately garden thereunto ; and thus ten miles of fertile ground were enclosed with a wall.' — The author con- tinued for about three hours in a profound sleep, at least of the external senses, during which time he has the most vivid confidence that he could not have composed less than from two to three hundred lines ; if that indeed can be called composition, in which all the images rose up before him as things, with a parallel production of the correspondent expressions, without any sensation or con- sciousness of effort. On awaking he appeared to himself to have a distinct recollection of the whole, and instantly and eagerly wrote down the Urns that are here preserved. At this moment he was unfortunately called out by a person on business, and detained above IN A DREAJI." 31 an hour, and on his return to his room found, to his no small surprise and mortification, that though he still retained some vague and dim recollection of the general purport of the vision, yet with the exception of some eight or ten scattered lines and images, all the rest had passed away." Of what the poet had previously written down, I present the chief portion, to the reader's curiosity rather than his criticism ; for perhaps, according to Sir Thomas Browne, it should be both recited and heard in sleepy in order to be fully appreciated. " In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure dome decree : Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea. So twice five miles of fertile ground With walls and towers were girdled round : And there were gardens bright with sinuous riUs, Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree ; And here were forests ancient as the hiUs, Enfolding sunny spots of greenery. " But oh, that deep romantic chasm which slanted Down the green hill athwart a cedam cover ! A savage place, as holy and enchanted As e'er beneath a waning moon was baunted By woman wailing for her demon lover ! 32 KUBLA KHAN. C^DMON. And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing, A mighty fountain momently was forced : Amid whose swift half-intermitted hurst, Huge fragments vaulted Like rebounding hail, Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail : And 'mid these dancing rocks, at once and ever. It flung up momently the sacred river. " Pive miles meandering with a mazy motion. Through wood and dale the sacred river ran. Then reached tlie caverns measureless to man. And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean : And 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from far Ancestral voices prophesying war. " The shadow of the dome of pleasure floated midway on the waves ; ^Vliere was heard the mingled measure Prom the fountain and the caves. It was a miracle of rare device, A sunny pleasure dome, with caves of ice." * Dr. Moore, in a recent work "On the Power of the Soul over the Body," mentions, " It is related of Ceedmon, the Anglo-Saxon bard, that he composed his first and probably his best poem, that on Creation, in a dream. Previous to this, he was unable to repeat a single stave, but afterwards he became remark- able for the facility of his verses." 1 Coleridge's Poetical Works, vol. i. pp. 266— 269.— Sec ~^o{e A. at the end of this volume. ADDISON. REASONING IN SLEEP. 33 Addison notices this extraordinary power. " In dreams the slow of speech make unpre- meditated harangues. Invention works with such ease and activity, that we are not sensible when the faculty is employed. Thus I believe every one, some time or other, dreams that he is reading papers, books, or letters ; in which case the invention prompts so readily, that the mind is imposed upon, and mistakes its own suggestions for the compositions of another."^ But, it may be said, — the best ascertained of those compositions or rhapsodies, — even those dreaming pindarics of the poet, and that dreaming comedy of the physician, (whatever were our trust in the merit of scenes which he did not note down,) — are still but efforts of the imaginative faculties. They may prove, to use a phrase of the latter, the " unmatched /awci^s of our sleeps ; " but they make no approach to the higher more exact and severe operations of reason, or intellectual power. We shall find, however, no lack of testi- mony for those exercises of the mind in sleep. ' Spectator, No. 4-87, abridged. 34 LAVATER. GKEGOKY. CONDOKCET. Lavater states, " many a mathematician has in deep sleep solved the most difficult problems, and performed complex calculations with inexpressible quickness."' Dr. Abercrombie adduces most striking facts, to show mental operations in dreams of a highly intellectual character. "Dr. Gregory, (he states,) mentions, that thoughts which sometimes occurred to him in dreams, and even the particular expressions in which they were conveyed, appeared to him after- wards, when awake, so just in point of reason- ing and illustration, and so good in point of language, that he has used them in his college lectures, and in his written lucubrations. " Condorcet related of himself, that when engaged in some profound and obscure calcu- lations, he was often obliged to leave them in an incomplete state and retire to rest ; and that the remaining steps, and the conclusion of his calculations, had more than once pre- sented themselves in his dreams. " Dr. Franklin also informed Cabanis, that the bearings and issues of political events, ^ Aussichten, t. i. p. 310. lie gives as his authorities treatises of Kant and Kruger, and Ilallcr's Elements of Physiology. IRANKLIN. SCOTTISH LAWYER. 35 which had puzzled him when awake, were not unfrequently unfolded to him in his dreams." ' "The following anecdote," Dr. Abercrombie adds, " has been preserved in a family of rank in Scotland, the descendants of a dis- tinguished lawyer of the last age. This eminent person had been consulted respecting a case of great importance and much diffi- culty ; and he had been studying it with intense anxiety and attention. After seve- ral days had been occupied in this manner, he was observed by his wife to rise from his bed in the night, and go to a writing desk which stood in the bed-room. He then sat down, and wrote a long paper, which he put carefully by in the desk, and returned to bed. The following morning he told his wife that he had had a most interesting dream ; — that he had dreamt of delivering a clear and lumi- nous opinion respecting a case which had exceedingly perplexed him ; and that he would give anything to recover the train of thought which had passed before him in his dream. She then directed him to the writing desk, where he found the opinion clearly and 1 Intelleohxal Powers, p. 303. 36 BAXTER. LA MOTHE LE VAYER. fully written out ; and it was afterwards found to be perfectly correct." ^ I may add, that Richard Baxter, no poet, but a grave divine and controversialist, declares of himself, " Many a time (in dreams) my reason hath acted for a time as regularly and much more forcibly than it doth when I am awake." ^ An author of entirely different character and pursuits — La Mothe le Vayer' — writes thus : " Cardan affirms in his Treatise on the Immortality of the Soul, that he owes many geometrical demonstrations to the reasonings of his mind while he slept; for that whenhewas composing the books of his new geometry, he accomplished when sleeping what he could not have dared promise from himself when awake. And I can assure you that it has happened to me, as well as to many others, to have had thoughts in the most profound sleep, which I reviewed with astonishment on awaking, and that when I have been able to remember the terms in which I had put them, whether in verse or in prose, I have admired the advan- 1 Intellectual Powers, pp. 303—305. 2 Reasons of Christian Religion, (Appendix,) p. 543. 3 He is styled by Hallam, "universally a sceptic." — Literature of Europe, v. ii. p. 510. — See Note B, at the end of this volume. TARTINI. LOCKE. 37 tage which the superior part (the spirit) had taken during the torpor of the other. "^ A case of a different kind from all these is thus referred to by Dr. Moore. *' Tartini, a celebrated violin player, composed his famous ' Sonata del Diavolo/ while he dreamed that the devil challenged him to a trial of skill on his own violin." ^ This sonata is extant ; and an ingenious writer, already quoted, refers to it as the " exquisite product" of " the dream, as it is termed, of Tartini." ^ His supposition that Tartini's and some other dreams might be not strictly such, but rather waking reveries, appears to me unsus- tained by any proof. These facts may at least sufficiently refute the indirect assertion of Mr. Locke, when he says, " 'Tis a wonder that the soul should retain none of its more rational soliloquies and meditations ;"* (i. e. which occurred in sleep.) He evidently means to intimate, by an irony, that such did not occur. But the ^ CEiivres, fol. ed. torn. ii. (bound as torn, iii.) p. 662. ^ Power of the Soul over the Body, p. 121. 3 Dendy on Dreaming, p. 108. * Essay, book ii. c. i. p. 47. E 38 VARIETY OF DREAMING THOUGHT. facts show, both that they have occurred, and that some of them have been retained. And if none had been so, this would have afforded no proof of their non-occurrence: for, as Dr. Abercrombie again observes, (in a different part of his work from the passage before cited,) " there can be no doubt that many dreams take place which are not remem- bered, as appears from the fact of a person talking in his sleep so as to be distinctly understood, without remembering anything of the impression that gave rise to it." ' It is very observable, that the subjects of mental exertion in dreams, which have been thus recorded, are most unlike each other : imaginative invention, musical composition, mathematical calculations and problems, poli- tics, law ; — and the witnesses as unlike in opinions, pursuits, and habits : the sceptic, the Christian, — the physician, the poet, the vio- linist, the advocate, the diplomatist, the divine. The testimony fully warrants, in my judgment, the conclusion of Bishop Newton ; who grounded it, not on these facts, but on others of the same kind. " It is very evi- ^ Intellectual Powers, p. 305. BISHOP NEWTON. 39 dent," he writes, " that the soul is in great measure independent of the body, even while she is within the body; since the deepest sleep that possesseth the one cannot affect the other ; and while the avenues of the body are closed, the soul is still indued with sense and perception, and the impressions are often stronger, and the images more lively, when we are asleep than when awake. They must necessarily be two distinct and different sub- stances, whose natures and properties are so very different, that while the one shall sink under the burden and fatigue of the day, the other shall still be fresh and active as the flame; while the one shall be dead to the world, the other shall be ranging in thought through the universe. Why then should the death of the one be any more the death of the other, than the sleep of the one is the sleep of the other ? Since the soul can think and act in this manner without the body, even while united to it, why should she not be able to think and act in a more enlarged and more exalted manner, when separated from the body, or united to a spiritual body that shall no longer hinder her operations ? 40 BISHOP NEWTON. Since the soul hath her distinct joys and sorrows, pleasures and pains, while the body is senseless and asleep, why should she not be capable of the same, when the body shall be no more ?"* ' Dissert, xxvi. Works, vol. iii. pp. 193-4, abridged. ' SEPARATE SPIRIT.' 41 SECTION IV. This brings us to the abstruse question, in what manner the soul may be best con- ceived capable of thought and emotion when our external bodily frame is dissolved. The difficulty of apprehending " unextended sub- stance," and of conceiving the locality of a being which is quite apart from matter, has supplied materialists with one chief objection against the existence of spirit at all : although Locke, from whom they have tried to derive support, has said most truly, "if the notion of spirit have great difficulties in it, we have thereby no more reason to deny or doubt the existence of spirits than of bodies ; for the notion of body is hard and perhaps impossible to be explained." ^ He adds, " it is no more a contradiction that thinking should exist separate from solidity, than that solidity should exist separate from thinking." - 1 Essay, book ii. c. xxiii. § 31, p. 168, abridged. * Essay, book ii. c. xsiii. § 32, p. 168, abridged; and see pp. 159, 166. E 3 42 ETHEREAL VEHICLE. The objection, however, is in fact built on a supposition not capable of proof, and I think very improbable, — namely, that the soul is separated from all matter at death. Many good and wise men have believed, on the contrary, that " perfect spirituality, utterly separate from matter in any possible state, is the exclusive attribute of Deity," ^ — " the prerogative of the Divine Being alone."* Bishop Newton deems it most probable that even spirits superior to man are " clothed with some fine aerial or ethereal vehicle, and that the only perfectly pure" (meaning unem- bodied) " spirit in the universe is God." ^ So Augustine, and others of the Christian Fathers, fully held. * The learned Broughton thinks that "with exquisitely fine ethereal bodies all created spirit is naturally clothed." ^ It is well known to have been a tenet of the Pythagorean philosophy, entertained > Robert Hall. Works, vol. v. p. 59. 2 Doddridge. Lectures, vol. ii. p, 420. 3 Dissert. 1. Works, vol. vi, p. 70. * Burnet, de Stat. Mort. p. 169 ; and Cudwortli, Intell. Syst. vol. iv. pp. 8, 37—42. ' Bronghton on Puturity, pp. 405-6, and p. 120. PYTHAGOREAXS. PLATO. GALEN, 43 afterwards by Plato and his followers, that the human soul has an interior luciform ethe- real body, which remains united to it after death/ "Plato," (Bishop Berkeley writes,) " compares the soul to a charioteer that guides and governs a chariot, not unfitly styled avyoeLdeg oxrifxa, a luciform sethereal vehicle ; terms expressive of the purity, lightness, subtilty and mobility of that fine celestial nature in w^hich the soul immediately resides and operates." ^ Galen, the greatest physio- logist of antiquity, writes of this as " the primary vehicle of the soul," and as " ex- tended throughout the brain." ^ AndHierocles observes, " to our lucid or splendid (interior) body this mortal body is but an accession." * Several Christian Fathers held this opinion. Irenaeus and Origen were of the same per- 1 Cudworth, Intell. System, vol. iii. pp. 523—529. 2 Chuiii of Philosophical Reflections, &c. pp. 78-9. Quoted in Broughton on Futurity, p. 120. 3 In his work on Hippocrates, cited in Cudw. Intell. Syst. iii. pp. 523-5. 4 Ibid. p. 524. The Eabbis also wrote much of this refined or subtile body, from which the soul is not to be separated. See quota- tions from their Hebrew in Wollaston's Religion of Nature, p. 197, note. 44 CHRISTIAN FATHERS ON THP: ' VEHICLE.' suasion, that the soul after death had a certain subtile body still united to it, having the same characterising form (eicoc ■)(apaKTr)pLi^or).^ Dr. Cudworth remarks, that they and other ancients who adopted this tenet did not regard it as in the least inconsistent with that of a future resurrection ; and also that " although it agrees with the Pythagoric, they were led into it by scripture itself :" ■ as by the " his- toric phenomena of angels in the scripture," by the account of the E,ich Man and Lazarus in Hades, and by St. Paul's expression, "the earthly house of this tabernacle," where Ori- gen and Methodius distinguish the " earthly house," (or dwelling,) the mortal body, from the tabernacle (7-0 aKrjvog), vehicle, or subtile body which, with the soul, is " burdened " by that mortal earthly dwelling.^ And in fact, the "co- verings" of the Hebrew " tent" or tabernacle in the wilderness may possibly have suggested this peculiar figure. The outer covering, " covering above," * was of coarse and heavy skins; while the » Cudw. InteD. Syst. vol. iv. pp. 17, 18, 50,51. 2 Ibid. p. 45, el scqq. 3 Ibid. pp. 51, 52. ■* Exod. xxvi. 14; xxxvi, 19. HARTLEY. PALEV. 45 inner curtains, forming properly the tent itself, were of fine twined linen, and the veil within these was probably of more subtile and curious device. The " covering above " might not unfitly be named " the house of this taber- nacle." If that were taken down or fell, the fine curtains or finer veil might still be a vehicle for that pure and luminous glory which was symbolic of a spiritual and living Presence. Dr. Hartley observes, that " an infinitesi- mal elementary body, intermediate between the soul and gross body, appears to be no improbable supposition." ^ Dr. Paley in- directly favours the notion of a material and inseparable vehicle of the spirit, when he writes, — " If any one find it too great a strain upon his thoughts, to admit the notion of a substance strictly immaterial, that is, from which extension and solidity are excluded, he can find no difliculty in allowing, that a particle as small as a particle of light, minuter than all conceivable dimensions, may just as easily be the depositary^ the organ, and the vehicle of consciousness, as the congeries of 1 Observations on Man, vol. i. p. 34% 46 VEHICLE, MICKOSCOPIC RESEARCH. animal substance which forms a human body, or the human brain ; that, being so, it may- transfer a proper identity to whatever shall hereafter be united to it ; may be safe amidst the destruction of its integuments ; may connect the natural with the spiritual, the corruptible with the glorified body." ^ This may be thought by some scientific readers an unsuitable digression into con- jectural and antiquated philosophy and theo- logy : but if the theory of an inseparable vehicle of the soul — favoured as I think it is by the phenomena of dreaming — facilitate our conception of consciousness and emotion in our proximate and intermediate state, it were strange if it should fail to interest us. It appears also to acquire, from the microscopic researches of our day, a constantly increasing probability. Knowing as we do, on good testimony, that "animalcules exist so minute that myriads can swim in a drop of water, and yet each one possesses organs of digestion, circulation, &c. made uj^, necessarily, of an immense number of atoms," ^ — we have such 1 Evidences, vol. ii. p. 393. 2 Bird's Natural J'liilosophy, p. 5, PLATONISTS. TENUITY. 47 practical proof of the tenuity which may characterise an organized vehicle of the hu- man mind as the ancients could not possess. Although the later Platonists supposed this vehicle physically indivisible,^ — so that it might well warrant the poetical description of La Fontaine — " An atom's qnintessence, an extract of the light," - still they were quite ignorant of the fact that or- ganized life actually so approaches this exility, that to one class of infusory animalcules the name monas seems, in a figure, suitably enough applied. If this assist us to conceive of the spirit's retaining an inexpressibly subtile or- ganism when it lays down this exterior frame, by which it may still have and express thought and emotion, till it " superindue "^ that form which shall be " spiritual " and immortal, — the microscopic facts have for me a deeper interest as illustrations of this probability, than as mere facts. While valuino^ all scien- 1 See Proclus, quoted in Barclay, on Life and Organization, p. 437. 2 "Quintessence d'atorae,extrait delalumiere,"--Pab.liv.x. 1. 2 A word used by Cudworth. 48 BROUGHTON. MATERIAL VEHICLE. tific investigation of the works of God, I prize it and its results incomparably most, as they throw light on His highest attributes and on our own noblest prospects. An author already quoted has a passage to this effect. — " The soul, we know by experi- ence, retains ideas during sleep. For of what else do dream^s consist ? And we know that the bodily senses are at that time as it were locked up, and the tie or connexion between soul and body considerably loosened or re- laxed. Why then may not the soul retain its ideas when the connexion is quite dissolved, and the body lies asleep in death ? We shall the more readily believe this, if we admit the hypothesis of the soul's material vehicle, com- posed of most exquisitely fine particles of matter. For if the so^l receive now its ideas by means of impressions made on this vehicle or clothing, which is inseparable from it and departs with it from the body, we can the more easily conceive how ideas accompany it into the world of spirits." ' It was stated in the lines prefatory to these ' Broughton (preh. of Sarum, and vicar of St. Mary Red- cliif, Bristol) on Futurity, pp. 121, 122, abridged and altered. I author's experience. 49 Essays, that little or nothing can be advanced from my personal experience which would illustrate our subject. What will be now briefly mentioned may perhaps be excepted, if it shall appear, as it does to myself, to favour the opinion of some such interior organism, not essentially affected by the state of the body, and probably not separable from the spirit. During painful returns of chronic indisposi- tion, characterised by much mental languor and depression, when unable to bear a part in intercourse even with near friends, it has happened to me, while asleep, to be engaged in very animated and pleasing conversation, sustaining, of course, the parts both of myself and of one or more companions in the dreaming interview ; and great has been the disappoint- ment, on waking, to find the fetter and the burden still fixed, from which in sleep the mind had been transiently released. I would, indeed, that those dreams had been far more like what an American poetess describes, when she writes — " Is it not sweet To 'scape from stern reality, and glide Where'er wild fancy marks her fairy way Unlimited? If adverse fortune make 50 SIGOURNEY. MEDICINAL DREAMS. Our pillow stony, like tlie patriarch's bed At lonety Bethel, do uot pitying dreams Plant a bright ladder for the angels' feet, And change our hard couch to the gate of heaven ? " And again — " If thou wilt seek the fellowship of dreams, And make them friends, they e'en may bear thee up From star to star, and let thee hear the rush Of angel-wings upon God's errands speeding ; And while they make some silver cloud thy car, Will wliispering tell thee that the unslumbering soul Wears immortality upon its crest, And by its very power to soar with them Proves that it cannot die." ^ I regret that my own dreams, whether in sickness or health, have been exceedingly below this most exalted character ; still, such as they were, they have at times proved some- what medicinal : for although to awake from them into the sense of great lassitude and anxiety has been indeed gloomy, yet has reflection on that very contrast tended to nourish hope that the mind, thus emancipated in sleep, might again be one day permitted to act pleasurably and with alacrity when the frame was awake ; that some residue of latent energy was thus evinced, which God's provi- ' Mrs. Sigourney, a Christian authoress of niucli talent. Pocahontas and other Poems, pp. 302-3. DREAMING CONTRAST. 51 dence could yet suddenly or gradually call forth to animate the duties and intercourses of waking life. This kind of fact therefore deserves to be ranked, at least in my esteem, as among the more special providential ends to which dreams may conduce ; a topic which will be entered on subsequently. But it is adduced here as appearing to favour the opinion under discussion. It is an instance where the bodily frame performs its functions languidly, — where the cerebral organs and nerves, in sympathy with the rest, are spe- cially affected, — and yet where the mind, which in waking hours, at such periods, shrinks with conscious incompetence from social converse and engagements, enters into these in sleep with vivacity and earnestness. Does it then so enter into them, by a total self- abstraction and isolation, attained by sleep, from organs, nerves, and matter altogether ? That seems quite improbable, if only from the very nature of the social scenes which those dreams have presented : not to speak at present of the prior question whether such entire abstraction from matter be ever or- dained or permitted for created minds. But 52 ETHEREAL VEHICLE. if it be not by such entire abstraction, or total separateness of action from the body, that the mind so acts in sleep, then, it may be justly asked, — lioiv does it act at that season ? By what conceivable way, in such a state of the body, and of the brain in particular, does the mind exert itself with such contrasted anima- tion, vigour, and promptitude, — except by acting during sleep, in some conjunction with, or through the medium of, an interior vehicle ? What third supposition or solution can be i'ramed ? On the whole, my impression is, that the theory of the mind's operating, after its sepa- ration from the mortal body, by means of an ethereal vehicle, separable with it from our external frame, at any rate greatly aids the imagination with respect to the then continued action of the spirit, and that the phenomeiia of dreaming, especially when so explained, further help to facilitate our conception of this. SLEEP OF THE SOUL. 53 SECTION V. It may be here asked — Do you then adopt and advocate the doctrine of the " sleep of the soul " ? The answer to that query must depend altogether on what sense is attached to the phrase. If it be taken or meant to describe such a " profound sleep " as is sup- posed to amount to " total insensibility " ^ or suspension of consciousness, which seems to be what has been most usually understood by the phrase " sleep of the soul ; " for tliat, it is manifest, no plea is offered, but for the very contrary. There is, however, another sense of the word sleep, much more analogous to its real ordinary meaning, in which I conceive it may very fitly describe (though of course very imperfectly) the state of the separated spirit. ' Whately. Scripture Revelations of a Eiiture State, pp. 93, 9"2. F 3 54 DR. WATTS. DR. T. BURNET. It is in this sense that Watts would have the word employed, when he puts the fol- lowing objection, — "How comes death to be called so often in scripture a sleep, if the soul wakes all the while ? " — and answers it by this second query, — " Why is the repose of the man every night called sleep, since the soul wakes, as appears by a thousand dreams ? But, as a sleeping man ceases to act in the affairs of this world, though the soul be not dead or unthinking, so death is called sleep, because during that time men are cut off from the businesses of this world, though the soul think and act in another." ^ Dr. Thomas Burnet of the Charterhouse, in his Latin treatise " on the state of the dead, &c." remarks, that " in scripture they are said to sleep ; which intimates a state of rest, silence, and cessation of work, that is, as to the outward world ; so that we have no more communication with it in the state of death than in the state of sleep;" ^ and he afterwards adds, " It is however to be noted, that when a 1 Watts's Works, vol. i. p 544, 4'to cd. ; .vud as quoted in JIuTitingford's Testinnonies, pp. 38-34. ^' De Statu Mortuovum, &c. p. 98. IXWARD ACTIVITY. EULER. 55 cessation of work is attributed to tlie souls of the dead, we are not to understand this as universal and of every kind, inward as well as outward, but outward only ; so that they ope- rate or affect nothing in the corporeal world, nor are any way affected by it. Yet they have, meantime, life, and indwelling or imma- nent thoughts (cogitationesimmanentes). As Christ said of the deceased patriarchs, they " all live " unto God ; i. e. in relation to Him and the invisible world, and in regard to their intellectual powers, they live and act with vigour (viviint vifjentque)." ^ The distinguished Swiss mathematician, Leonard Euler, (in a passage part of which has been already cited,) writing of the state of the soul after death, observes, " Sleep likewise furnishes something like an example (pre- figuration) of this : as the union of soul and body is then in a great measure interrupted, yet the soal ceases not from activity, being employed in the production of dreams. These are usually disturbed by the remaining influ- ence which the senses exercise; and we know ^ Burnet- Dc Statu Mortuoiuni, &c. pp. 99, 100. 56 EULER. HARTLEY. BONNET. by experience, that the more this influence is suspended, which is the case in profound sleep, the more regular and connected are our dreams. Thus after death we shall find ourselves in a more perfect state of dreaming, which nothing shall be able to discompose. It will consist of representations and reasonings perfectly well kept up" (sustained).^ Dr. Hartley remarks, " Upon the whole we may guess, that though the soul (after death) may not be in an insensible state, yet it will be in a passive one, somewhat resembling a dream, and not exert any great activity till the resurrection." - The Genevese naturalist, Charles Bonnet, throws out, in his remarks on sleep, this passing inquiry — " Is the state of the soul, when separated from this mortal body, (corps grossier,) that of a perpetual dream — pleasing for the good, painful for the wicked ? " ^^ — a suggestion that may recal to English me- mories the well-known soliloquy which, one ' Letters of Euler to a German Princess, vol, i. p. 359, abridged. This passage is given from an English translation, which is wanting in elegance, I would hope not in faithfulness. 2 Observations on Man, vol. ii. p. 41 fi. 3 Contrmpl. de la IN'atnre, (oin. i. p. 103. INTEK-MEDIATE STATE. 57 would hope, has checked some meditated suicides : — " la that sleep of death what dreams may come, Must give us pause ! " Many have seen in the catacombs of Paris (which are now closed) the infidel's chosen inscription, " Death is an eternal sleep:" but what is gained for their object of repose, by those whose wish was " father to that thought," if the "eternal sleep" they coveted should prove also a perpetual and an evil dream ? After all — it may be said — that " sleep of the soul," although it should be a vividly conscious and ever-^/'eam?"/?^ sleep, can scarcely be called real and substantial life. Its vision- ary and " phantastic " character cannot equal or emulate the clearness and assurance of a waking state. But I rather believe, that while as to ex- terior action and communication it confessedly cannot, it yet as to interior cogitation and emotion may ; and, in this sense of life, maybe fairly called quite real and substantial. A the- orem, or problem, or calculation, evolved in a dream, is as real and true as if it had been completed in the state of waking ; and the 58 THE CHRYSALIS. feeling of lively joy or deep sadness in our sleep is as actual and acute while it lasts as if we experienced it in a waking hour. Bonnet, writing of the state of the chry- salis, observes, (as some will think, fancifully, or even absurdly,) "In this state the activity of the (insect's) mind does not exert or de- velop itself outwardly. The state may be compared to that of sleep. I will not, there- fore, decide that the activity of the insect's mind does not operate inwardly. It (the chrysalis) may have dreams, by the remem- brance of sensations which it experienced in the caterpillar state."* This may appear childish or preposterous to some. Yet few people doubt that beagles and lapdogs have dreams : and, if so, why should not the poor chrysalis have its soothing reveries, and the ^ butterfly enjoy some brilliant trance in her siesta on a roseleaf ? Although there be, doubtless, between sleep and waking a broad and manifest distinction, still how equivocal in some sense, and evanes- cent, is the reality (so called) of our present waking life ! Is not that true concerning EsStai Analytifjup, torn. ii. p. 226. SCENES AND THOUGHTS FLEETING. 59 most of our daily imaginings and hopes and fears, which the great poet last quoted has said of our " palaces " and " temples," and of this " great globe itself," that with respect to earthly 'remembrance they vanish and " dis- solve," and like an " insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a wreck beliind ? " So that he not unfitly adds, as it regards our mortal condition, " We are such stuff As dreams are made of, and our L'ttle life Is rounded with a sleep." ^ The contrast, to be stated even in sober prose, between dreams in sleep and the scenes and thoughts of our waking mortality is not so strong and absolute as may be at first con- ceived. There are deep meanings in a later poet's query, — " Is not the past all shadow ? — What are these ? — Creations of the mind ! — The mind can make Substance ; and people planets of its own With beings brighter than have been, and give A breath to forms that shall outlive all flesh." ^ Tempest. Act iv. 60 THE VEHICLE. LEIBNITZ. SECTION YL Returning, for a short time, to our hypo- thesis of the innermost body — the probably inseparable vesture of the soul, I may cite the belief of the philosopher Leibnitz, " that all souls, all simple created substances, are always joined with a body, and that none are ever entirely separated from it." ^ He also says, " I judge this the only tenable conclusion, the conservation, namely, not only of the soul but of the organic machine, al- though the dissolution of thegross or ponderous parts has reduced it to a minuteness which escapes our senses." ^ He elsewhere contends that " no derange- ment of visible organs" (meaning not even death itself) "is capable of producing entire 1 Nouvcaux Essais, p.l3; quoted in Bonnet, Palingenesie, torn. i. p. 291. 2 0pp. torn, ii. p. 51 ; quotpclin Dissert, i. prefixed to Encyc. Brit. ed. vii. p. 259. ARCHBISHOP WHATELV. 61 confusion, and depriving the soul of all its organic body." ' Now it is to me very apparent, as has been already argued, that this notion of a latent and refined organic vehicle renders our con- ception of the unbroken consciousness and inward activity of a spirit, when separated from the gross mortal body, much the more distinct and credible ; and also that the phe- nomena of dreaming materially conduce to support it : nor can I cease to believe the consciousness of the spirit so separated, whether viewed on Christian or philosophic grounds, to be a tenet of great weight and interest. It is true, we must needs agree with Archbishop Whately, that " on the supposi- tion of utter unconsciousness of the separate spirit " the time of this " total insensibility " is to the spirit itself " no time at all." — " To the party concerned there is " (as he adds) '* no interval whatever."^ But when this very * Nouveaiix Essais ; quoted in Bonnet, Palingenesie, torn. i. p. 298. 2 Script. Revelations of a Future State, pp. 9-2M, edit. 5, 1842. G 62 WHATELY ON ETERNITY. eminent logician goes on to affirra, that there would not be in that " any loss of happiness that might otherwise have been enjoyed during the interval," ^ from this, although it may be rash in one not trained in the academic use of logical weapons, I am constrained to differ. The learned writer says, "that Avhich is taken from eternity does not shorten it." ^ Does not this proposition, as here applied, involve the paradox that eternity which had a heginning, (and such must be the constant meaning of the word when applied, as above, to creatures,) is as long, as great, as eternity which had no beginning, — or that an endless line to be drawn from any point is as long as the same line protracted infinitely from the same point in two opposite directions ? The archbishop adds, " if we are all destined, as we are, to live /or eve?^ he that is born, for example, a thousand years earlier, cannot be said to have a longer life than he who is born a thousand years later." ^ Now to object to that position because it would seem to involve this indefensible consequence, that even He ^ Script. Revelations of a Future State, p. 99. 2 Ibid. p. 100. 3 ii5i(i. p. 100. ETERNAL LIFE POTENTL\.L. 63 who was " from everlasting " could not then be said to have a longer life than the angel or the infant formed to-day, who is " to live for ever," — might be fallacious, as well as pre- sumptuous : inasmuch as the Divine Existence being regarded as simultaneous and insucces- sive, the term " long," and similar terms, may in no way be applicable to it. But the phrase, " to live for ever," when spoken of human beings, describes only a potential life, a life future or which is to he, but of which it never can be affirmed, now or hereafter, that it is, or is complete. The actual life of a creature — according, at least, to all our conceptions — is only the past and present, and will be still so millions of ages hence. Although it be, at all periods, potentially, and in God's purpose, infinite, it is, at all periods, actually, finite. That which will he for ever endless, is and must be for ever actually a finite sum ; and whatever is taken out of that actually finite amount, namely, out of the past, has by so much shortened it. It is admitted that any even finite period, be it a thousand or a million of years, will at length be a fraction vanishingly small of even 64 CENTURIES OF THE DECEASED. another finite period which will have past : but this does not prove, to my apprehension, that the many centuries since the death of Noah or of Abraham are as nothing, and that to have been totally unconscious during all those ages, instead of living unto God, would have been no loss ; or, which is tantamount, that those patriarchs' centuries of conscious repose and hope have been and are no gain. On the contrary, I reckon there has been a gain, even in the later instance, of more than three millennia and a half; no small gain, surely, in itself, however minute in proportion to the vast future. Then, further, the archbishop has been already quoted, remarking (as others have done) that " a series of events such as would occupy several weeks or months will appear to pass in a sleep of perhaps less than an hour."^ The "Spectator"^ refers to Malebranche as telling us that it is possible some creatures may think half an hour as long as we do a thousand years. I have not found these 1 Scripture Revelations, pp. 153, T54. ' No. 94, vol. ii. p. 54. THEIR IDEAL PERIOD. MALEBRANCHE. 65 words inMalebranche; and if he were speaking of lower creatures, he could not have used them consistently, since he held the astounding Cartesian dogma of their being mere machines. But it is perhaps to the following passage that Addison refers. " I doubt not " (writes Male- branche) " but God can so apply our minds to the parts of duration, by producing in us a great number of sensations in a very little time, as that an hour may appear as long as many ages."^ To this Lord Brougham's computation of dreaming time would most approach, who thinks a dream lasting one second may seem to last for years. But let us keep far within these reckonings, and even within Archbishop Whately's own. He sup- poses the events of " weeks or months " to be comprised in the dream of " an hour." Let only those of the waking hours of 2i fortnight be so, and then must the millennia which have elapsed be more than two-hundredfold multi- plied, in order to represent the ideal period of thoughts and feelings which has been lived through by the spirits of those patriarchs : 1 Recherche, (Search after Truth.) Translation, book i. c.viii. vol. i. p. 51. g3 66 SIMULTANEOUS IDEAS. supposing, only, that the thoughts and emo- tions of their separate state have equalled in rapidity and multiplicity those which occur, on a low computation, in the dreaming state. Such I conceive to be allowable and proba- ble inferences from the ascertained rapidity of thought in this latter condition, and from that resemblance of the former to it which some philosophic minds anticipate.^ An acute inquirer on our subject, after noticing this " incalculable rapidity," observes, " in regard to the prospect of futurity, who of us can decide that this is not one evidence of the divine nature of mind — a remote resem- blance, if I may presume so to write, of one of His attributes to whom a thousand years are as one day ?"^ The speculation here glanced at seems to be, the possibility — when the mind is dis- engaged from its mortal body — of the virtual or real simuitaneousness of a plurality of ideas. It would be an augmentation of the human powers which we cannot appreciate, 1 See Watts, p. St; Burnet, p. 55 ; Eiilcr, p. 56 ; Hartley, and Bonnet, ibid.; above. ^ Dondy on Dreams, pp. 37, -iO. STUDY OF THE MIND. 67 if the mind should become capable to think clearly even of two objects at one time.^ On all this the comment may be made by some, — these are mere hypotheses, not scien- tific facts : they refer also to what is in itself ideal and intangible, and are without practical utility. Hoping, however, not to be deemed insensible to the importance of physical science, I must equally hope that the reader is not so as to the value of that which is above and beyond it. It is a truism — and yet needs to be remem- bered, — that the highest results of mathe- matical or astronomical research, the most recondite discoveries in chemistry or fossil remains, or the most ingenious applications of science to arts, agriculture, or manufactures, all derive their existence from the mind itself, which can alone either produce or estimate or enjoy these results. The study, therefore, of our thinking selves cannot (one would judge) be of less interest than that of any ^ On the marvellous subject of omniscience, striking illus- trations are offered in a remarkable chapter of Dr. McCulloch's work on the Attributes, — " the coexistence of ideas in the Divine ramd." — Vol. i. ch. xv. p. 380. See also Locke on Pascal and on Angels. Essay, book ii. c. x. § 9, p. 7-3. 68 PHYSICS AND METAPHYSICS. external and visible objects. But, it may be said, much less sure and demonstrative. Granting this — which, however, is not in all respects beyond dispute — it may then be rejoined, — whatever concerns and will always concern us intimately and chiefly, cannot, though it be more inscrutable in some respects, deserve curiosity and attention less than what affects us very slightly or indirectly, although the latter should be more easy to investigate, or more apparently practical in its application. To observe the contests of microscopic insects in a water-drop — " myriads of indivi- duals, each of them as perfect in organization as the mighty mammoth of old, or the saga- cious elephant of our days, endowed with distinct habits, propensities, and faculties,"^ — to detect the organs of the infusoria, or pursue with Dalton the ultimate atoms in their latent forms — is doubtless exceedingly interesting, as it unveils the recesses of creative skill ; but it cannot, methinks, be less so to infer — from these facts, which show how prodigiously matter is subtilised while yet regularly or- ganised — how our thinking self may carry ' Dr. Millingen. Ciiriositiei'i of Mpdical Exprripnco, p. 359. POPE. ZIMMERMANN. 69 with it, and wear upon it, some extremely attenuated organism in the dreaming or medi- tative repose of Hades, and then assume a yet more " spiritual " body for the waking life and active rest of Heaven. It seems fair to judge, that they who deem this a less worthy object of study than the pursuits of Faraday or Ehrenberg, betray a distaste for the knowledge of their present and future selves which is not to be admired, even in a merely intellectual point of view. Pope's weighty maxim, " The proper study of mankind is man," must, of course, not be taken in a restrictive or exclusive sense ; but, in its intended and legitimate meaning, it cannot by the truly wise be discarded. Before passing from our immediate topic— that of the separated spirit's probable state of reverie, and of the ethereal vehicle in which it may act — to those more general remarks which will conclude the present Essay, it will be appropriate to mention a singular dream, relating to that separate state, which occurred to Zimmermann, (the physician of George II.) /O DREAM OF ZIMMERMANN. and is recorded by Lavater in one of liis letters to him. " I add," (he writes,) '' as a phenomenon from which perhaps some idea may be deduced as to the state of the soul after death, that remarkable dream which you yourself had, my dearest Zimmermann, in November, 1765. The true narrative of such an experience, by a man who is the sworn foe of all superstition, and who contemns the remotest approach to fanaticism, is of great value. This dream of yours is worthy of notice on two accounts : first, in so far as it may be considered gene- rally to have arisen from an unusual state of the soul, which perhaps resembles its condition after the death of the body ; and secondly, as it contains and suggests some very probable ideas respecting that condition of the separated spirit. You saw your wife — whose decease had been announced to you — in a beautiful and aerial form and garb, in her modest tran- quil loveliness, yet with an aspect of somewhat strange solemnity. " She approached you with an amiable majesty not to be described, and with the disclosure, 'that she had experienced things I COULD NOT BE FULLY TOLD. < 1 which no man had ever conjectured ; that the powers of her soul had been infinitely exalted and enlarged ; that she had looked through the transient past in all its causes and se- quences ; that each present moment was for her as a sea of ideas, but the future still some- what dark ; that she was inexpressibly happy, and yet not perfectly so ; that her whole past course of life ever floated before her mind ; that every thought, every disposition, not leading decidedly to that towards which all her wishes were now directed, appeared to her a fault, and gave her uneasiness ; that she felt a sort of helplessness when contem- plating the way to heaven ; that in heaven she was not yet ; judgment had not yet occurred ; that brilliant clouds as yet veiled from their view that blissful home, and thither, thither, they were pressing.' You told me, further, that you had asked of your wife a number of weighty questions, which she so answered, that you saw clearly what the greatest mind among mortals could never have attained the remotest glimpse of; but that in the attempt to note these down you awoke, and then, notwithstanding the most 72 ITS ELEVATED IDEAS. Strenuous efforts at recollection, were unable to recal the sublime, and new, and prescient ideas, which in the dream you were anxious to record." ' On the more special design and use which may be traceable or supposable in dreams of such an order as this, nothing will be said at present. That branch of the subject will occupy us in the subsequent Essay. The general character of this dream, and of some others — namely, that extraordinary affluence and elevation of ideas which the dreamer experienced — appears to be in part explained, though rather vaguely, by Addison, at the close of his paper on sleep, where he writes, "I do not suppose that the soul, in these instances, is entirely loose and unfettered from the body : it suffices if she is not so immersed in matter, nor so entangled and perplexed in her operations, as when she actuates the machine in her waking hours. The corporeal union is slackened enough to give the mind more play."^ ' Lavater, Aussichten, torn. i. brief 7, pp. 141, H-i. See Note C, at the end of this volume. '^ Spectator, No. 487. REFINED VEHICLE. 73 Some approach to a less indistinct explana- tion of this is made, as it seems to me, by the hypothesis which has been brought before the reader, — that of an exquisitely refined vehicle in close connexion with the spirit, acting when the functions and influences of the exterior body are peculiarly suspended ; a theory which I conceive casts some faint light, at least, both on the present occasional action of the mind in sleep, and on its pro- bable action in that next condition, which, with reference to the exterior body, is fitly called the " separate state." 74 USE OP THIS INQUIRY. SECTION VII. This inquiry, imperfect as it is, will not be fruitless, if it corroborate for any mind the probabilities which exist, independently of the Christian revelation, of a spiritual sub- stance and a life to come ; and if it assist our conception and belief that the spirit will con^ tinue to experience good or evil immediately after death, and before union to that immortal " indument " with which, if itself renewed, it shall be at length invested and adorned. Some, however, while admitting that the design is good, may object that the arguments are for such purposes superfluous, since we have the scriptures to rest upon, and " there is firm footing ; " whereas all else is fanciful or unsure. Why, they may ask, attempt to add frail props or flying buttresses, Avhen the " pillar and ground " of God's truth uphold so strongly the great edifice of our hopes ? But the fact (as I conceive) should be never COLLATERAL PROOFS VALUABLE. 75 slighted or forgotten, that while in our age the strength of revealed proof has been evinced and searched and recognised afresh, — in our age likewise insidious modifications of un- belief abound ; while some learned Chris- tians, when insisting on the need of tradition and authority, have, for the sake of en- forcing this, most strangely depreciated the character of evidence derived from nature and from scripture. It is therefore to me very apparent, that no collateral or prior and independent proof — though it may be merely of a presumptive character — concerning a future life, and even concerning an imme- diate life after death, can be rightly abandoned or even overlooked. Such arguments should be peculiarly oiFered, to those who refuse serious attention to the claims of revelation ; and ought to impress them, at least, with this persuasion — that there is much probable evidence, wholly apart from God's word, for a state of consciousness fol- lowing death, and following it immediately. K, in any measure, they seriously accede to that conclusion, it is adapted, by its intrinsic importance, to attract or urge them further ; 76 IMPORTANCE OF FUTURITY. for I see not how minds, even really suspecting thus much, can with any colour of reason con- temn or treat lightly the proposals of revealed truth. If we are even at all lihelu to exist after death, can it seem a matter of small interest to investigate, as far as may be, what we are to become — how to fare — with whom to meet or sojourn ; — in that approaching state " what dreams may come," — whether " of tor- ture" or " the touch of joy ;" — and, above all, what will be the circumstances and experience of the full and final awaking ? But where shall any light be obtained on these points, except purely from scriptural sources ? Yet that very weightiness of the matter seems to be one reason — though perhaps unacknowledged, and sometimes even latent to those who are under its influence — why, by some persons, researches on the mind are depreciated, and physical science exclusively preferred : namely, that the former lead towards the contemplation of thoughts and interests of graver hue or more momentous import than they incline to dwell upon. This is somewhat as if an inquisitive mer- chant should cultivate a taste for anatomy or PHYSICAL SCIENCE SECONDARY. 77 entomology, but avoid books or conversations on political economy or finance ; half conscious how these might indirectly remind him, that it were well to look more closely into his own ledger, or more frequently scrutinize his scale of domestic expenditure. True wisdom will incline us to welcome, first and most, those inquiries which have some bearing on our deepest interests and our chosen aims. To direct our researches exclusively to the qualities and phenomena of matter, were to forget all by which we perceive or explore them — our own mind or spirit, and that Infinite Spirit who is its Author. If these existed not, what of real or perma- nent in the universe could remain ? And since these exist, what studies or sciences beside can so intimately and intensely con- cern us If our present mortal condition be, in some figurative sense, a " dream of life," — as poetry has termed it, — or, as a far higher authority avers, " a vapour that appeareth and vanisheth away ; " if the next or intermediate life be (in a different and stricter sense) a H 3 78 THE CHRISTIAN. THE SCEPTIC. state of dreaming or of contemplative reverie, inexpressibly vivid and exalted ; if there be, moreover, beyond both these, a waking blessed- ness, which all who by God's help abjure their pride and self-sufficiency may be " made meet" to share, — then what shall be thought even of our curiosity or love of knowledge, unless it have, some way, a reference to that state, where, with the rapid excursiveness of the sublimest dreams, shall be combined the clearness, continuousness, and progression of the highest waking thoughts ? Every the most indirect or reflected ray which can be brought from science or ex- perience to illustrate that great prospect, must have some value. The prospect itself is seen but as in an obscure and mystic glass : yet there are in it features and aspects of unearthly brightness : while the sceptic's is altogether desolate and dim ; chill " shadows, clouds, and darkness " resting on it, whatever may be his intellectual power or imaginative range.' If inquiries or researches, in rvhatever region, tend to support the highest truths and 1 Sec Note D, at tlic cud ol' this volume. THEIR CONTRASTED PROSPECT. 79 noblest expectations, they have thus an in- direct and accessory worth which is beyond all computing ; — if not so, they must become, even to the most ardent votaries of science, of piteously small worth ere long. The sceptic, by his own confession, is " borne darkly, fearfully afar." If we follow his flight, he leaves us gazing as on some vast and brilliant " firemist," or some immense but formless nebula : — while the believer carries us amidst the warmth and harmony of heavenly orbs, and hails them as the "man- sions of his Father's house." If each were but a dream, who would not choose the Christian's ? what right and earnest mind must not long to have it stamped with the signet of reality ? who not prefer those godlike visions which reveal the great First Cause as a reconciled Father, and the divinely opened way to filial union with Him who is the Origin and Giver of all good, and thus to an unfailing tenure of blessedness in full per- petuity ? Lideed, were this but a dream, then must happiness, nay existence itself — as is feigned in the hallucinations of a self-blinding philo- 80 HOPES OF TRUE THEISTS. sophy — be but a mere dream likewise. Then might we fitly deplore, with the author of AdonaiSjthe rueful enigma of man's destiny : — "Woe is me, Whence are we, and why are we P Of what scene The actors — or spectators ? " But it cannot be so. The prospects of the Cliristian rest on the basis of large and com- plex evidence. The Deity is their author, and His perfections their guarantee. Else, weak and depraved man has dreamed or con- ceived of something more great and good than we can know that God has anywhere purposed or devised. To imagine this were to deny a God ; for it were to exclude the Perfect. But if in Him, the Perfect, we really believe, our belief involves the ennobling, inspiriting persuasion, that whoever seek happiness in the way which He prescribes, shall be "satis- fied, when they awake, with His likeness." ESSAY II. ESSAY 11. SECTION I. In attempting to prosecute an inquiry of this kind, one may encounter some discourage- ment even from the casual question sometimes heard in society, — what will be really under- stood of the matter after all? — words in- timating a belief of hopeless obscurity in the subject, which we are constrained to acknow- ledge has some degree of correctness. For, without doubt, these phenomena of dreaming are of a character peculiarly shadowy, vague, and irregular; involving causes and operations which utterly elude research. But this will hardly be deemed a reason for not exploring 84 MYSTERY UNIVERSAL. them, unless almost all studies should be re- nounced on account of that impervious dark- ness which soon and surely meets us, in ascending or descending towards their several objects. Whether we contemplate — as is our duty and our glory — the Infinite and Self-existent, — or pass by a boundless descent from that sole underived and self-sustaining Majesty to the loftiest of created minds, — and thence, without pausing at any step in the vast gra- dation of lowlier spirit and of organized matter, drop suddenly to a mere ultimate atom, or a particle physically indivisible, — the same unanswerable questions arise, con- cerning the atom as concerning its Creator, — what is it ? how does it subsist ? At the lowest conceivable point of entity, as well as at its glorious primal source, the same secrets baffle us. Whether we bow before the Supreme or trace diagrams in the sand, whether we speak of the cedar or hyssop, of thoughts or of dreams, we touch everywhere the veil and verge of mystery ; and not to discern this, were rather to vegetate than to think. A different objection to the line of inquiry IMPERFECT THOUGHTS IN DREAMS. 85 here pursued is current in some circles, and is also found in books. It is to this effect, — that dreams, physiologically considered, plainly arise from broken remembrance and diverse sensation acting on the nerves and brain; shaped by the incidents of the past day ; modified by health and diet ; produced often by casual sound, or contact, or position of the limbs ; and accordingly that the action of our mind is then exceedingly imperfect; as the utterly trivial and confused quality of most dreams evinces. All this we may generally admit ; without at all allowing it to follow, either that every dream arises from physical causes because very many do so, or that the action of the mind is necessarily feeble and confused in sleep because such is most commonly the fact. It is much less equitable than it is easy, to assert that some have meant to represent the mind as having in sleep powers equal or superior in all respects to those of its waking state. Even the learned and original, though somewhat paradoxical. Sir Thomas Browne must not be taken in too literal and large a sense. I doubt not he wished, as he affirms, to pursue I 86 GALEN. ANTONINUS. sometimes in dreams his studies and devotions, — as having experienced more vivid and exalted thought in dreaming than when awake. But we do not read of his wishing to prescribe in dreams, or recommending his patients to seek remedies in that way : — although Galen and Hippocrates appear to have had faith in such a method,^ and no less a person than the emperor Marcus Antoninus wrote, " I am thankful that remedies were pointed out to me in dreams, for spitting of blood and for a giddiness in my head, as I remember was the case at Caieta and at Chrysa." ^ But there have been adduced in the fore- going pages various and striking testimonies^ for the fact of intellectual power and activity exercised in dreams ; which opposite instances, were they ever so numerous, cannot overturn. If we wished to prove intellectual power in the negi^o race, (which was once denied,) — and if, in an assembly for debate composed of a hundred negroes, we found the most speak ' Millingen's Medical Curiosities, p. 307, and Peter Martyr, loc. com. p. 20. 2 Graves's Antoninus, book i. p. G'i. 3 Pp. 28—37, above. NEGRO MIND. RECAPITULATION. 87 rather childishly, and some even incoherently, but yet a few who discussed the matter well, and one or two who even spoke acutely on both sides — keenly refuting points which themselves had plausibly raised, (as some- times happens in our dreams,) — we ought not surely to measure the capacity of the negro mind from the instances in which it was undeveloped, but from the few which proved what it could attain. It may be advantageous very summarily to review the chief topics and ultimate aim of the preceding Essay. After reference to the opinions on dream- ing of some ancients and moderns, proofs were offered, first, of the rapidity of thought in dreams; second, of the mental power and inventiveness evinced. An inquiry followed on the probable manner of the soul's acting, both in sleep and in the intermediate state. After some notice of the objections to these theories, the great application of the facts was urged and vindicated, as reinforcing all other proofs and probabilities both of a con- scious life to come, and of the continuous 88 FURTHER DESIGN. sequence of that conscious life through and after the event of our mortal dissolution. If these things were, with any fair measure of conclusiveness, shown, we must see that there has been an important design of Pro- vidence in rendering dreams a part of the human constitution and experience: since they have conduced to infuse — in the absence of revealed truth or in aid of traditional and obscure disclosures, and even in support of historical revelation which so many are dis- posed to neglect or repudiate — the sense of a spiritual and prescient power, and of a future life; those great sanctions of moral obliga- tion. It will now be one of my further aims to show, tliat this design of dreams, or of the dreaming faculty, in general, has been also pursued and promoted in the special character, circumstances, and issue of some dreams in particular. No doubt such dreams — like divine miracles and prophecies — have given rise, from the weakness and craft of mankind, to many erring fancies, and many corrupt imitations and false pretensions for gain : but just so has the religious principle (or instinct WHICH ABUSES DO NOT DISPROVE. 89 of worship) led, in the fallen mind of man, to all the like deluding results. Are we to infer thence, with Lucretius, that the religious principle is deceptive and pernicious ? None but virtual atheists can admit that inference. Neither is a parallel inference admissible in the case before us. i3 90 MISUSE OF DREAMS. SECTION II. The object, however, of this Essay, as was stated in the former, is twofold ; namely, to discourage a fanciful and superstitious misuse of dreams, as well as to vindicate the prevail- ing impression that some have been ordered for important ends by the providence of the Supreme Ruler. I would address myself first to the former object ; adverting to those superstitions con- cerning dreams, which in ancient times con- spicuously prevailed, and which, to a certain extent, are still subsisting. It was inevitable, that from the singularity of some dreams, and from what sometimes occurred — to say the least — in seeming fulfilment of them, — there would arise a desire to conjecture and inter- pret, or to have this done by sagacious pro- fessors; and that the covetousness and cunning of men, ever on the watch for lucre, would minister to this desire. Accordingly we find, from all history, that DIVINATION . MAG I. 91 divination by dreams had become in the earliest ages a sort of profession. It formed one branch of the occult art of soothsaying, much resorted to by royal, noble, and opulent personages. Thus the Egyptian Pharaoh dreamed, " and his spirit was troubled, and he called for all the magicians of Egypt and all the wise men thereof, and told them his dream ; but none could interpret it."^ Thus the royal builder of Babylon "commanded to call the magicians and the astrologers and the sorcerers and the Chaldeans, for to show the king his dreams."^ The same class of sages is mentioned by Herodotus. He relates, that a dream of Astyages, King of Media, con- cerning his daughter Mandane, as explained by the Magi, the interpreters of dreams, gave the monarch great alarm.^ Cicero cites, from Dinon's Persian history, the interpretation given by the Magi of a dream of Cyrus, who had seen the sun at his feet and tried to grasp it ; and Quintus Cicero, 1 Gen. xli. 2. ' Dan. ii. 2. 3 Herod, lib. i. c. 107, 109, Taylor's translation, pp. 51, 52. He speaks also of the Magi interpreting a dream to Xerxes, ibid. p. 485. 92 ASTYAGES. NEBUCHADNEZZAR. telling a dream of his own, when Proconsul of Asia, adds, " it was foretold to me by the skilful in that science in Asia, that the events would follow which did happen." ^ While this was likely to be a very gainful profession, when the prognostications and their issues met the wishes of the great, it was, like other offices about despots, perilous also. Astyages, from the revolt of his grand- son Cyrus, learned that he had been misled by the second interpretation of his wise men, who at first had declared his dream to portend that his grandson would usurp the throne, but afterwards pronounced it fulfilled in his having played the king among village boys ; — and then " his first act, on sustaining a defeat from Cyrus, was to empale those Magian interpreters." ^ Although the historical accuracy of this nar- rative may be questionable, it doubtless de- scribes what might be expected from such a prince ; which is confirmed by Nebuchadnez- zar's procedure, who, when the Chaldeans failed ' De Divinatione, lib. i. cc. 23, 28. 0pp. t. ix. 3759, 3764. 3 Herod, lib. i. cc. 120, 122, 130, Taylor's version, pp. 62, .59, 63. PERILS OF DIVLNEKS. JULIAN. 93 to divine what his dream had been, became " very furious, and commanded to destroy them." 1 Andrew Baxter truly observes, '' though they seemed to be the first favourites, yet their post was not very desirable; for if they happened to mistake in some great matter, it was at the peril of their lives." Still these hazards did not deter men from a profession, which, besides its great gainfulness led, in case of success, to high reputation and reverence.2 Plutarch tells us that a grandson of the great Aristides (Lysimachus) plied constantly near the temple of Bacchus at Athens, having certain tables by which he interpreted dreams for a livelihood,^ The emperor Julian, in a much later age, "chose his favourites among those skilled in occult science ; and those who pretended to * Dan. ii. 12 ; verse 13 is rendered by the Septuagint and Vulgate, " they were slain." 2 Timnrinhis autobiography, in times comparatively modern, writes of the interpreters and learned of his cotirt as expound- ing his dreams ; and the editor of that curious work refers to the dreams of Tippoo Sultan as given in his published letters, by Col. Kirkpatrick, in 1811. ^ Plutarch in Aristides. Wrangham, vol. iii. p. 187. 94 DELOS. HEATHEN PRIESTS. reveal secrets of futurity were assured of present honour and affluence." ^ This gain was often made by the priests. Thus Brizo, who had the care of dreams, was worshipped in Delos, and boatfuls of all sorts of things were offered to her, except fish.^ It may be the assistant interpreters reckoned fish in a small island no luxury, but rather suited for fasts than festivals. The offices are named together by Achilles. " Haste we to consult Priest, prophet, or interpreter of dreams, Por dreams are also of Jove," 3 Readers of the ^neid will remember that the good king Latinus in perplexity went to the oracle of Faunus, where " The priest on skins of offerings takes his ease, And nightly visions in his slumher sees. Hitlier— t' invoke the God — Latinus hies. Offering a hundred sheep for sacrifice ; ^ Gibbon's Decline and Fall, vol. ii. p. 377. 2 Athenseus, lib, viii,, in Potter's Greek Antiq. vol. i. pp. 306,307. a Tliad, book i. 1. 83, Cowper ; (1. 03, Greek.) FEES FOR DIVINATION. 95 With whose soft fleeces (as the rites required) Spread for his couch, — he lay in rest retired. No sooner were his eyes in slumber bound. Than from above a more than mortal sound Invades his ear," &c. ^ So at the oracle of Amphiaraus at Oropus, the inquirer, reposing on the victim's skin, " expected a revelation by dream." ^ Now whether the oveipoTroXog (versed in dreams) meant in Homer — as Mr. Pope thought ^ — " a good dreamer" for himself or others, or whether an interpreter of dreams, there was doubtless gain in view. If the priest in any case filled both offices, the implicit faith thus shown by the inquirer may lead us to suppose a more willing and large oblation. But were the sage a ragged fortune-teller, or a white- robed sacrificer, — and whether the king brought a whole flock, or the peasant slept on his only lamb's skin, — the diviner or the conductor of the rites was not without fee. It is true when Penelope's dream about her geese was ex- pounded by her own Ulysses in disguise, no reward is represented by the poet as given or 1 jEneid, vii. 1. 86, Dryden's version altered. 2 Potter's Greek Antiq. vol. i. p. 294. 3 Pope's Hiad, vol. i. p. 16. 96 DREAM OP PENELOPE. promised ; but doubtless the good queen must have felt an ample one to be due, if the stranger's words should be verified. I venture to introduce this curious passage. Penelope says to the unknown : — " But I have dreamed. Hear and expound my dream ! — My geese are twenty ; which within my walls I feed with sodden wheat ; — they serve to amuse Sometimes my sorrow. — From the mountains came An eagle, huge, hook-beaked, — brake all their necks And slew them : scattered on the palace floor They lay, and he soared swift into the skies. Dream only as it was, I wept aloud ; Till all my maidens, gathered by ray voice, Arriving, found me weeping still, and still Complaining, that an eagle had at once Slain all my geese. But to the palace-roof Stooping again, he sat, and with a voice Of human sound, my tears forbidding, said — ' Take courage, daughter of the glorious chief Icarius ; no vain dream hast thou beheld. But, in thy sleep, a truth. Tlie slaughtered geese Denote thy suitors ; and myself who seem An eagle in thy sight, am yet indeed Thy husband, who have now, at last, returned, Death— horrid death— designing for thera all.' He said : then, wakuig at the voice, I cast An anxious look around, and saw my geese JJesidc their tray, all feeding as before. INVENTED DREAMS. 97 Her then Ulysses answered, ever-wise — * O Queen, interpretation cannot err Unless pen'ersely, since Ulysses' self !So plainly spake the event. Sure death impends O'er every suitor; he shall slay them all.' " ^ It is obvious that dreams would be very often invented, by persons having no regard to truth, with a view to influence those whom it was their interest to flatter or to guide. One of the most eminent Romans has been thought capable of this. " Cicero attending Csesar into the capitol, happened to relate to his ac- quaintances a dream of the preceding night — that a boy of noble aspect, sent down from heaven, and with a golden chain, had stood at the doors of the capitol, and Jove had deli- vered to him the ' flagellum' ^ — and then, sud- denly seeing Augustus, who as yet was unknown to most, but whom his uncle Caesar had sent for to assist at a sacrifice, he affirmed that he was the very youth whose image had in his sleep appeared before him." These are the words of Suetonius. ^ Plutarch mentions ' Odyssey, book xix. 1. 647, Cowper's version. 2 A classical friend informs me that the " flagellum," sco\irge, is still found among the insignia of the Egyptian Deities. 3 Vit. August, c. 94. K 98 CICERO. JULIUS CiESAR. the dream also, though with circumstances considerably different.^ But Cicero himself, in his work " of divination," when taking the incredulous side and making rather light of his own famous dream about Marius, has these words — " to myself truly, except that 3Iarian dream, nothing remarkable of the kind has occurred."^ Now this treatise was written after Caesar's death. " If therefore," observes Andrew Baxter, " what he has said be true, Suetonius makes him pay court to Julius Cassar by telling a fictitious dream concerning the boy Augustus his adopted heir." ^ But, although Cicero did pay court to Caesar, and even composed (strange to say) an epic poem in honour of him,* I would rather suppose this dream invented after the death of both. The early divination of his subsequent great- ness, by such a man as Cicero, would be a story sure to please Augustus when sovereign; of whom Suetonius writes, that he " neither neglected his own dreams nor those of others 1 Vit. Ciceron. Wrangham's translation, vol. vi. p. 331. 2 De Divinat. lib. ii. c. 68. Opp. t. ix. p. 3835. 3 Baxter on the Soul, p. 221. * Lif(! by Middleton, vol. i. p. 4-35. AUGUSTUS. SOOTHSAYER. 99 concerning him :" nay, that this renowned prince and warrior "regarded it as a dire omen, if his shoe in the morning was put on amiss, the left for the right." ^ When super- stition could so possess a powerful and culti- vated mind, we shall not wonder that it pervaded the multitude. A dream which Cicero has cited from Chry- sippus seems invented on purpose to satirize the cupidity of interpreters. " A person tells a soothsayer that he has dreamed of an egg hanging from his bed curtain. The diviner answers, that a treasure is under the bed. He digs, and finds some gold, surrounded with silver : on which he sends the diviner a small portion of the silver, who thereon facetiously inquires, — what, nothing of the yolk V Nihilne, inquit, de vitello ? - But still, as has been already said, neither the potency nor childishness of superstition, nor the trickery and covetousness which foster it, can show the principle of religion to be ' Sueton. Vit. August, cc. 91, 92. 2 De Divinat. lib. ii. c. 65. 0pp. t. ix. p. 3833. 100 FICTIONS NO DISPROOF. groundless or hurtful, or indeed less than im- mensely valuable. A thousand juggleries or illusions cannot prove that there have been no real miracles : and thus millions of futile dreams, with thousands of fictitious ones, can- not disprove that there have been dreams indicative of divine prescience, and kindly ordained by God's providence. Rather, as the strength of superstition shows it to be a graft on that real sentiment of religion which is implanted and rooted in our nature, — so do the prevalent impressions of mankind about dreams — while in great part erroneous — afford some presumption that dreams have been at times divinely sent and fulfilled. FALSE DREAMS CONDEMNED. 101 SECTION in. We have, however, direct scriptural proof of this ; and in proceeding to my second ob- ject — the investigation of such dreams as appear to have been in some special sense pro- videntially ordained — we shall have first to consider the revealed or implied uses of those recorded in the JEEoly JBible. I would premise, that we find general decla- rations there as to the divinely directive or warning or prophetic character of some dreams, and as to the illusion and deceit which cha- racterise others. Thus to Aaron and IVIiriam, — " If there be a prophet among you, I Jehovah ^ will make myself known unto him in a vision — will speak unto him in a dream." ^ Thus to Jeremiah, — " I have heard what the pro- phets said that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed.— The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a ^ Numb. xii. 6. k3 102 USES OF THE TRUE. LABAN. dream ; and he that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaif to the wheat ?" ' And in a letter to the cap- tives in Babylon they are solemnly enjoined, "Let not your prophets and your diviners deceive you, neither hearken to your dreams which ye cause to be dreamed." ^ Such false dreams and dreamers, it should be observed, were denounced chiefly as aiming to pervert the Hebrews to idol worship. But Moses himself, whose law unsparingly condemns them,^ distinctly records — as other sacred writers also do — various dreams of divine origin. These may be in some sort classed, according to the end or use which appears in them severally to be more specific or pro- minent. Some were evidently ordered for the imme- diate protection of the servants of God : as those of the king of Gerar, which procured the rescue of Sarah :* that of the Syrian shep- herd Laban, which deterred him from seve- rities against Jacob : ^ and that which warned * Jer. xxiii. 25, 33 ; compare Deut. xiii. 1. ' Ibid. xxix. 8. ' Dcut. xiii. 1,5. * Gen. XX. 3, 6. 5 Qcn. xxxi. 24, 29. i JACOB. JOSEPH. THE MIDIANITE. 103 the Eastern Magi against the perfidy of Herod. ' Some were for the special encouragement of good men in the undertakings assigned to them. Thus Jacob, in a lonely perilous jour- ney, was cheered by the dream of the mystic ladder and the promise uttered from its sum- mit ; ^ and again, when, in his later years, he and his were invited into Egypt, the Almighty spoke to him " in the visions of the night," and encouraged him to go.^ Thus the dreams of Pharaoh's household,^ with Joseph's inter- pretation of these, and the subsequent dreams of the monarch, brought the young Hebrew out of durance, and procured him power to benefit both his own kindred and the whole Egyptian people.^ The singular dream of the Midianite sol- dier, — that a barley cake had overturned a tent,^ — interpreted by his comrade as fore- showing the victory of Gideon, — was received by that rustic leader as a fresh token of heavenly aid ; and animated him, with his 1 Matt. ii. 12. 2 Gen. sixviii. 12, 15. 3 Gen. xlvi. 3, 4. * Gen. xl. 5 Gen. xli. ^ Judges vii. 13. 104 SOLOMON. ST. PAUL. little band, to assail and scatter a mighty- host.' The dream of Solomon, in which he ac- knowledged his own insufficiency, entreated wisdom from above, and received a gracious answer,^ was adapted to strengthen him in the difficulties of his opening reign, and in fidelity to the Most High. So when, many ages after, St. Paul at Co- rinth was divinely addressed " in the night by a vision," ^ and enjoined fearlessly to proclaim the truth, new energy was doubtless given to his effiDrts in that corrupt city. And a pre- vious "vision in the night"* at Troas, of a Macedonian entreating " help," had so vividly impressed him as a divine call that it prompted his first sailing to the coasts of Europe. ^ I might mention here the dream told to his troops by Judas Maccabseus before liis great victory over Nicanor — that on the intercession of the good high-priest Onias, the prophet Jeremiah appeared in great majesty and presented him a sword of gold, saying take this holy sword, a gift of God, (3 Mace. XV. 11, 16) — but the accuracy of the 2d book of Maccabees being impeached by Dean Prideaux, (Connexion, vol. iii. p. 364,) it can hardly rank with sacred histories. 2 1 Kings iii. 5, 14. ^ Acts xviii. 9, 10. * Acts xvi. 9. PHARAOH. NEBUCHADNEZZAR. 105 A primary object of some dreams, with their interpretation and fulfilment, appears to have been that of impressing Heathen sovereigns and their subjects with reverence for the true God and respect for his servants. Pharaoh's dreams, as interpreted, (even before they were fulfilled,) had this effect.^ He said, of Joseph, " Can we find as this a man in whom the spirit of God is ? " and made him his first minister. Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the terrible image, and Daniel's discovery and exposition of it, forced the proud king to own, " Of a truth your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a Revealer of secrets." ^ Several dreams were of a scope distinctly prophetic, and were signally verified in after years ; sometimes even in distant ages. Thus Joseph's — of the sheaves making obeisance to his sheaf, and of the heavenly luminaries doing him homage,^ — must have strongly indicated to his family, after that strange rise to dignity and power which followed, the divine preordination of his lot and theirs. 1 Gen. 3di. 38, 39. 2 ^an, ii. 47, 3 Gen. xxxvii. 5, 11. 106 ABRAM. DANIEL. ELIPHAZ. The earlier vision of Abram, when a " deep sleep fell upon " him, and the long bondage and wonderful deliverance of his descendants were in that state foretold to the patriarch/ had the same instructiveness for after generations. Daniel's "dream and visions of his head upon his bed," ^ interpreted, during their con- tinuance, by one to whom in vision he applied,^ were prophetic of the great revolutions of empire, the rise and fall of Antichrist, and the final triumph of pure Christianity. The first dream of Nebuchadnezzar embraced the same objects.* Some appear to have been designed simply for the forcible and solemn impression of religious truth ; as that which Eliphaz relates to Job : " A thing was secretly brought to me, in thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men : — an image was before mine eyes — silence — and I heard a voice, — ShaU mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his Maker ?" * With this the language of Elihu to I Gen. XV. 12. 2 Dan. vii. 1. "' Dan. vii. 16. 4 Dan. ii. 28--4-5. •'» Job iv. 13, 10. ELIHU. JOB. VISIONS. 107 Job remarkably corresponds : — " In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed, then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, that he may with- draw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man." ^ Job himself also speaks of this, though in an impatient spirit, as among the methods of divine chastisement. " Thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions." ^ I would here remark, that there seems no good ground for the dis- tinction made by the learned Calmet, or his editor, between dreams and visions, as if the latter had been more clear or important than the divinely ordained dreams. That all visions were not dreams is obvious :^ witness that of the burning bush ; and of the angel who rescued Peter ; with others. But all divinely ordained dreams might, I apprehend, be termed visions. 1 Job xxxiii. 15, 17- 2 Job vii. 14. 3 For this reason I have not referred to the supposed " trance" of Balaam, (the word is not in the Hebrew,) to the trance or ecstasy of Peter, and to certain visions of Paul and Ananias ; because there is no intimation that these occurred in sleep. 108 DREAMS CALLED 'VISIONS.' They had, no doubt, an emphasis and vivid- ness which entitled them to that name ; and accordingly we have found in Job the terms "vision of the night," "visions," "visions of the night," employed in close conjunction with "deep sleep" and "dreams " ; and Daniel, writing in Chaldee, describes his " dream " as, in other words, the " visions of his head upon his bed." ^ So, when he related, many years before, the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, he thus addressed the astonished king : — " Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these." ^ The terms, in both cases, appear used, in the original, as synonyms ; or one expresses the state of dreaming, the other the objects pre- sented in a dream. And, let it be remembered, this dream of Daniel consisted of the four great beasts emerging from the sea, representing four great monarchies — the Ancient of days, the flaming throne, the Son of man, and his universal sway. And to the prior dream of the king of Babylon it was a parallel, shadow- ing out the same events.^ Any predictions, 1 Dan. vii. 1. 2 Dan. ii. 28; compare vii. 1. 3 Bishop Newton. Dissertations on the Prophecies, vol. i. p. 441. THEIR PLURALITY OF USES. 109 therefore, more vast in scope or momentous in import than these dreams conveyed, the scrip- ture hardly offers. I remark, further, that some of the dreams mentioned, while it has been attempted to class them according to what may seem their primary object, have in fact combined sevei^al of the uses enumerated. We may take, as the fullest instance, that of Nebuchadnezzar, last referred to, concerning the " teiTible image," and " the stone that smote" it. That dream, with its discovery to Daniel in a correspondent " night vision," raised the young Hebrew to be a "great man" and " ruler ;" procuring, of course, his power- ful influence for the many thousand captives of his nation. Thus, likewise, he and they were strengthened (as subsequent heroism evinces) in faithfulness to the worship of their Ood. The effect of these same dreams on the heathen monarch has been already pointed out ; and the far reaching comprehension of their predictive scope has just been noticed, in referring to Daniel's parallel dream during the reign of Belshazzar. Each has wonder- fully displayed the divine foreknowledge, and attested the inspiration of the prophet. 110 PROPHETICAL DREAMS. Such testimonies must needs assure Chris- tians, that it pleased God in ancient times to make dreams signally instrumental to the designs of His providence. And as for the last-mentioned, (recorded in the book of Daniel,) I invite those who are not Chris- tians — but possess intelligent and inquiring minds — to study and explain the far-extend- ing prescience which they manifest. The dreams which ministered to the guardianship of our Saviour's infancy, form a class quite peculiar, to which there will be here no occasion for adverting 5 but with them may be mentioned that which so deeply affected the wife of Pilate, and which we may well believe strengthened that governor's purpose to avouch the innocence of the won- derful person accused before him. I DREAMS OF ANCIENT HEATHENS. Ill SECTION IV. It will be next endeavoured to consider the probable uses of some dreams recorded in ancient secular history. We have found already, in reviewing those of scripture, that several of them were sent to heathens and idolaters. Such was Abimelech, king of the Philistines. Laban set a high value on his household "gods."^ Pharaoh and his officers, no doubt, worshipped Osiris and the bull Apis. Nebuchadnezzar raised a colossal idol of gold. The wife of Pilate had, in all likelihood, been brought up in the Roman polytheism.^ Now while other specific ends were severally an- swered by the dreams of these heathens, one end was common to them all ; that of impressing the 1 Gen. xxxi. 19, 30. 2 Felix, when procurator of Judeea, married Drusilla, a Jewess, daughter of Herod Agrippa, (see Lardner's works vol. i. p. 17,) hut this was prohably a rare occurrence. 112 SOME UKEAMS OF HEATHENS parties and those around them with a solemn sense of the power and prescience of Jehovah. This appears to have been always the ultimate object. Where rescue from danger was the primary aim, that rescue might have been wrought or that danger averted by other means, had not the purpose been to convince one or both parties of an interposition imme- diately divine. And in other cases, such as dreams of promise or of prophecy, or premo- nition of death or peril, (whether already named or to be subsequently adduced,) the final object must have been, and must be, to teach emphatically the foreknowledge and controlling providence of God. It should be considered, that so far as there was among heathens any real sense of a di- vine government, or of religious sanctions for morality, this arose from a kind of theism, obscurely held, amidst or beneath their pro- fessed y?o/?/-theism. We know, from the collections of Cudworth and others, that the ancient Persians, Egyp- tians, Ethiopians, and Greeks, acknowledged one supreme God, though they worshipped many inferior forms of being, viewed some- A PROMOTED THEISM. 113 times as mere names and personifications of the Supreme or of His attributes, sometimes as created and dependent.^ That worship was a play of the imagination and the passions, unsustained by reason or faith, and often com- bined with a sort of atheism : so far at least as that the First Cause, or real Deity, was conceived to have no regard to the actions of men. Yet there was, in many minds, a different and better persuasion. Plato and his fol- lowers, though giving the name of divinities to lower intelligences, were yet real theists.^ There was also an impression, more deep and extended than may be commonly supposed, that the Hebrews worshipped the true and supreme Deity. This must have been pro- moted through the East by the decrees of Nebuchadnezzar and of Darius.^ Tacitus dis- tinctly records their pure monotheism." At the same time Philo and Josephus state, that ' lutell. Syst. vol. ii. pp. 406, 552, and thronghout that volume. 2 See B. Constant, du Polytheisme Romain, torn. i. p. 220. 3 Dan. iii. 29 ; vi. 26. * Hist. lib. V. c. V. L 3 114 'worshipping' gentiles. " scarce any country of note could be men- tioned in which there were not Jews." ^ There were also many proselytes ; and many " worshipping " Gentiles, who openly adopted theism without conforming to the ceremonial law ; and others, no doubt, who did so covertly, as a sort of esoteric creed. Now, while it is certain that heathen philo- sophy in great part, and the revulsion of many minds from the vulgar polytheism, combined to lead men towards a virtual atheism, — it appears highly probable, that intimations of a divine prescience and providence by dreams were among the means which the supreme Kuler employed to hold in check the ruinous spread of that godless unbelief which, if un- curbed, would disorganize human society. The confession of Nebuchadnezzar, who ruled a vast empire, has been already mentioned as the eifect of a dream and its discovery.^ We may remember, also, that other means of counteracting the atheistic spirit, except by immediate miracles, were very scanty. Till a century and a half before Christ, the Hebrew 1 Lardner's Works, vol. i. p. 61 ; 4