1 i I The earlier numbers of this Series are : 1. The Manuscripts of Westminster Abbey. By J. Armitage Robinson, D.D., Dean of Westminster, and M. R. James, Litt.D., Provost of King's College, Cambridge. Royal Svo. pp. viii + 108. bs. net. 2. The History of Westminster Abbey by John Flete. Edited by J. Armitage Robinson, D.D., Dean of Westminster. Royal Svo. pp. viii + 151. 5s. net. NOTES AND DOCUMENTS RELATING TO WESTMINSTER ABBEY No. 3 ABBOT GILBERT CRISPIN CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ILonUon: FETTER LANE, E.G. C. F. CLAY, Manager M i i ■jtu^ ^ ffliinburglj : loo, PRINCES STREET Berlin: A. ASHER AND CO. Etipjifl: F. A. BROCKHAUS l^fiu lork: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Bombag anlr Calrutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. Ail rioJits j-esen't'd 72 o H 02 o J> o ^ Ah 02 o Is] cq « OQ )— I O 02 I— I o GILBERT CRISPIN ABBOT OF WESTMINSTER A STUDY OF THE ABBEY UNDER NORMAN RULE BY J. ARMITAGE ROBINSON, D.D. DEAN OF WESTMINSTER CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 191 1 -9^/^^^ M-.i ^^ V Cambrttigc: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY. M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. COLLEGIS • AMICIS WESTMONASTERIENSIBVS AD . WELLENSES • SVOS • REVERSVRVS HOC • OPVSCVLVM DE • GISLEBERTO • ABBATE CVRIOSIVS • EXARATVM D • D ANTEGESSORIS • TANTI • LAVDATOR • INDIGNVS GRATO • ANIMO 370742 PEEFACE r^ ILBERT CRISPIN is the earliest abbot of Westminster ^^ of whom we have any considerable knowledge : and he is one of the greatest of the line, distinguished alike by his noble descent, his high character, the fame of his learning and the length of his rule. Yet, though his effigy has been before the eyes of every generation that has trod the cloisters in the past eight centuries, no one has cared to gatlier together what may be known of his life and times. Even his biography of Abbot Herluin has never been edited intact, though historians draw from it all they know of the early days of Bee, which gave three arclibishops to Canterbury witliin seventy years. This neglect seems the more strange when we remember that he was a favourite pupil of both Lanfranc and Anselm, some of whose letters to him still survive ; and that his judgment as a theologian could be appealed to on the continent more than a generation after his death. He was a true monk and a scholar, with no desire for fame : his vocation and his instincts alike made him shrink from public aftairs. His Westminster sons remembered him, as the Bee monks remembered their Anselm, chiefly for his gentleness; and the}' wrulc the epithet nufis cm his tomb before they |)raispd his justice, wisdom, strength and learning. X Preface It has been a pleasure to restore the memory of this blameless man. As fragment after fragment of his story has revealed itself, his character has always remained without a stain. Other evidence may be found which has escaped my search; but there are few men, I think, of whom we may more safely say. Whatever record leap to light He never shall be shamed. I owe special thanks to Dr Edward Scott, the keeper of the abbey muniments, to whose wide knowledge and unfailing helpfulness I have had constant recourse ; and to the Reverend R. B. Rack ham, whose work I can often hardly distinguish from my own, and who has taken on himself the labour of compiling the Index. For the frontispiece I am indebted to my friend Mr A. G. Walker, the sculptor, who took a kindly interest in Abbot Gilbert's time-worn effigy. The Deanery, Westminster, Christmas, 1910. CONTENTS Froi STISPIECK - . To face Title P.\GE Preface ix I. Gilbert's Home at Bec .... 1 II. The Noble Family of the Crispins . 13 III. Gilbert at Westminster .... 19 IV. Details of Administration .... 1. Donaestic Rule 2. Foundation of Priories 3. Building 4. Exemption and Sanctuary 5. Knight Service 28 VI. 6. Dome.stic Economy Abbot Gilbert's Literary Remains . 1. Life of Herluin 2. Di.spntation of a Chri.stian and a Jew 3. De Simoniacis 4. De Spiritu Sancto 5 — 8. Minor Pieces 9. Disputation of a Christian with a Gentile Correspondence 51 77 Vita Domni Herluini Abbatis Beccensis 87 Liber de Simoniacis Ill Selected Charters 125 Additional Notes 1^8 A. On the Early Charters of St John'.s Abbey, Colch&ster B. A (Charter of King Ethclred r GILBERT CKISPIN. I. Gilbert's Home at Bec. When the Conqueror came to be crowned at Westminster on Christmas Day, 1066, he was welcomed by Abbot Edwin whose contact with the Normans of Edward's court had prepared him for the new regime. After Edwin's death the king gave the abbey to one Geoffrey from Jumieges, who misruled it from about 1071 to 1075, when at Lanfranc's advice he was sent back in disgi-ace to his old monastery. The next abbot was chosen with more care. Vitalis, abbot of Bernay, had raised his abbey ' from little to great,' as William says in writing to demand consent to his appointment from his superior, John the abbot of Fecamp. Of Vitalis all that we know is good. He secured by the king's aid the estates of the abbey, some of which had been jeopardised in the recent changes; he seems to have pressed forward the new monastic buildings; and doubtless he enforced the improved discipline which the gi-eat reformer William of Dijon had left as the heritage of Fe'camp. But he was already an elderly man, and he died, as it would seem, in the summer of 1085. If Vitalis had come to Westminster late in life, towards the close of an energetic and successful career, the next abbot, Gilbert Crispin, was in the full strength of his manhood at the time of his appointment, and was destined to rule the monastery for thirty-two years. He must have been about forty when he became abbot of Westminster. He had spent some twenty-five years in the abbey of Bec where he was dedicated as a child. Lanfranc and Ausclm had been his teachers : Anselm had set him to teach in his turn, and then Lanfranc had called him to serve as his chaplain at Canterbury. To understand his history we must read the story of the foundation of Herluin's alibcy at Bec; and we are fortunate in being able to read it in Gilbert's own words, for he himself had the honour of being Abbot Herluin's biographer. Indeed it is to him that we owe almost all our knowledge of this R, C. 1 2 Gilbert Crisjnn unique and exceptionally important foundation, and also of the career of Archbishop Lanfranc before he came to Canterbury. The close personal fi-iendship between our abbot and Lanfranc's saintly successor is a further reason for dwelling on Gilbert Crispin's early monastic home. We begin then with the story of Bee, as Gilbert has \mtten it for us^. It belongs to an early period of Norman history, when the fierce Northmen were first emerging out of barbarism. They had unlearned their native language, and spoke a rude form of French ; but they retained much of their primitive ferocity, and had not yet felt the constraining hand of the gi^eat duke William, who was first to discipline ^/ their forces and then to lead them to the conquest of England. The Church, as judged by the reformers of the next generation, was in a Avoefully backward condition.' * There were few in Normandy then,' says Gilbert, ' to point the right road. Priests and bishops freely married and bore arms as lay folk, one and all still living after the primitive fashion of the Danes.' To a man of an}' force of character two careers alone seemed open, the fierce life of the soldier or the austere devotion of the monk. The secular clerg}' counted for little : the hope of religion lay in the monasteries, and these in spite of gi-eat efforts of reform still left, as we shall presently see, very much to be desired. In lower Normandy there is a small river called the Risle, which runs northward into the Seine: about four miles below the ancient town of Brionne it receives a tiny tributary which still bears its old Norse name of 'the beck.' This streamlet gave its name to a new monastery which suddenly became world-famous. For it revived the study of letters in the north of Europe, furnished bishops and abbots to all parts of Christendom, and within a century of its foundation gave three archbishops to Canterburj' — Lanfranc, under William the Conqueror, Anselm under his sons Rufiis and Henry I, and Theobald in the anarchical days of king Stephen. In the times of which we are speaking monasteries were founded by princes or nobles, who called on well-known abbots to provide colonies of monks for the new settlements which they undertook to build and endow. But Bee was an exception to the rule and had a humbler origin. Herluin, its founder, was a soldier of good family, in the service of Gilbert, count of Brionne. In the height of his fortune ^ Vita Herluini, printed below from the Corpus Christi Camb. ms no. 318, a Eochester book of the twelfth century. aUherfs Home at Bee 3 he broke off a distinguished career to enrol himself in the militia of God, as it was called, and to embrace the poverty of Christ. It was with difficulty that he released himself from his service at Gilbert's court ; but the crisis came when he was ordered one day to carry out a command which was against his conscience. His refusal was cnielly punished by the burning of his farms, but a reconciliation was pre- sently effected, and he was allowed to go his own way. With two friends he retired to a part of his small property, where he began to build a little church with his own hands. He was thirty-eight years of age and had never learned his letters. He spent the days in manual labour, and the nights in teaching himself to read the psalter. Then he cast about to discover how monks should live. 'He went/ says Abbot Gilbert, ' to a certain monastery to enquire into the life of monks. Having offered up a prayer he approached with all reverence and much fear, coming to the door of the cloister as though it were the gate of Paradise, eager to learn how monks behaved and what were the holy habits of the cloistered life. He found them falling far short of what the monastic rule required : he was much perturbed, and fell in doubt what course of life he should adopt. Then the warden of the mon<\stery, espying his entrance and taking him for a thief, caught him roughly by the neck and dragged him out by the hair of his head.' The high-spirited soldier took the rebuff with patient silence, and went his way home. On the next Christmas Day he ventured on a fresh attempt, choosing a monastery of higher reputation. But during the solemn procession he was disgusted to see the brethren as they passed along greeting the lay folk with silly smiles, and shewing off their festival attire. Then as they reached the entrance of the church, they scrambled each to get in first, and one monk smote a too insistent brother with his fist and laid him on the gi'ound. ' So barbarous,' says Gilbert, ' were men's manners all through Normandy.' Once more Herluin was in despair ; but late that night he prayed in a comer of the church alone, after the night office had been sung. Presently a monk, who also thought that he was alone, stood near him in prayer, then threw himself flat on the ground, and thus continued praying with tears and sobs until the morning dawned. It is a fine example of the power of unconscious influence. That monk's prayer may even be said to have changed the course of history. Abbot Gilbert wisely counts it a true miracle. The enemy of souls was baffled, and Herluin returned assured that God had a purpose for his life. He finished his church, and got the bishop of Lisicux to consecrate it, and 1—3 4 Gilbert Orisjnn to clothe him as a monk. Presently the bishop ordained him to the priesthood, and put him in charge of his modest abbey. But the site Herluin had chosen was waterless and unproductive ; and after five or six years, when he had gained a few recruits, he was forced to come down to the side of the beck, and to build again in the meadow where it joins the main stream of the Risle. Here in 1040 his new church was consecrated, and two years later God sent him a man who was to raise his humble monastery out of obscurity and make the Bee a name in history. This was Lanfranc the Lombard from Pavia, a famous teacher who had crossed the Alps a few years before to visit the schools of France, and presently had brought his learning to the powerful but unlettered Normans. He had gained a host of pupils, but a scholar's fame could not satisfy him ; he yearned for the love of God. Caught like many another by the fascinating words, ' If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me,' he sought for the humblest monastery, where he should be lost to the world of letters and be permitted to serve God in silence : and he found what he sought in Bec^. ' There was none,' says Abbot Gilbert, ' poorer or more despised : and it chanced that on his arrival the abbot was engaged in building an oven with his own hands. His humility of mind and dignity of speech won Lanfranc's veneration and love ; and there he became a monk.' We may see to-day, a few hundred yards from the very spot, just such an oven as Herluin was building, a semi-circular structure of flints below and yellow clay above, set against the wall of a little shanty thatched with straw ; and we may easily picture the quaint scene of the simple abbot, standing with grimy hands, half-hidden by his unfinished building, while he grants the request of the most learned man in Europe that he may become a member of his little community. For about three years Lanfranc was a monk at Bee before the world found what had become of him. But then the place was invaded, and Lanfranc was soon lecturing again, mainly now on sacred themes, to the youths of noble families, and even to schoolmasters from all parts of Christendom. The modest abbot Herluin was suddenly famous, and the name of Bee was everywhere on the tongues of men. Anselm of Aosta was one of those who were drawn into this magic circle^. He was of a noble family, said even to be of royal descent; ^ Gilbert does not give the story of Lanfranc's capture by robbers. 2 For what follows, see Eadmer's Life of Anselm. Gilbert wrote in Anselm's lifetime, and hardly mentions him at all : see below, pp. 103, 108. GUherfs Tlonie at Bee 5 born in 1034, the year in which fTcrliiin's monastic settlement began ; a native of Aosta, a little town in a valley south of the Alps where the provinces of Burgundy and Lt»mbardy met. He was a gentle, imaginative boy, who had been dedicated by his parents in his child- hood to the service of God. And he dreamed one night that he climbed the mountain side above his home and reached the heaven which was so near to his early boyhood, and sat at the feet of the Lortl, and ate the whitest bread in the royal presence. He received a good education, and wished to become a monk ; but in this desire he was thwarted again and again. At length, when his pious mother died, he started for the north with a few attendants, crossed Mt Cenis, nearly losing his life in the snow ; and then after various wanderings found himself, at the age of twenty-five, in Lanfranc's lecture-room at Bee. For about two years he devoted himself to study, living outside the monastery in such rude lodgings as Lanfranc's external students were able to procure. It was a hard life, and his delicate frame suffered much from hunger and cold. He had some thoughts of return- ing to Aosta, where his fother had recently died, to live on his own estate and serve the poor. Yet he could not abandon his old desire to be a monk. But if this were his vocation, where was he to fulfil it ? The austerity of Cluny attracted him, but he dared not hope that his feeble health would stand its rigours. Why should he not enter the monastery at Bee ? His life would not there be harder than it was already outside. In later years he made the frank confession to a friend that he had then so little of a monk's humility that he was unwilling to settle where the ability of which he was conscious would be pennanently overshadowed by the greatness of Lanfranc, and that he desired to find some place where he too should be a famous teacher. Presently, however, his hesitation came to an end, and in 1060 he became a monk of Bee. Three years afterwards the career which he had denied to his ambition was unexpectedly opened to him by the hand of providence. For in 10G3 Lanfranc was appointed to preside over William's new monastery of St Stephen at Caen, and Lanfranc's office as prior of Bee was given to Anselm. The abbey of Bee at this moment was literally in a state of tran- sition. The number of monks had grown so large that their buildings were totally inadequate. Moreover, Herluin's second site was humid and unhealthy, and suffered from freipient inundations. Lanfranc had accordingly urged him to build afresh <>n a larger scale higher up the Bee. The old abbot refused, dreading the difficulties of another 6 Gilbert Cn'sjnn removal ; but the choir of his church collapsed, and at this sign from heaven he yielded. Lanfranc's energy planned the undertaking and found the means of its accomplishment ; for, though no charge was made for his teaching, gifts were accepted from his pupils, many of whom belonged to noble families. Thus large sums were provided for the new building. But Lanfranc's departure for Caen was a crushing blow. He did what he could for Bee, while his own vast church was rising at Caen ; but it was ten years before the monks could enter their new buildings, and the church was not consecrated until 1077. Anselm was now the abbot's right hand, and besides his home duties as prior he had to do most of the abbot's work in the manage- ment of the estates, and in addition to take over the responsibility of the school. He was not a Lanfranc. He had neither the same physique nor the same capacity for public affairs. He disliked what- ever took him away from home ; and home life was so crowded that he had no time for his own studies and none of the leisured calm which is necessary for speculative thought. A monk's life at Bee was not easy or idle. In some of the older and wealthier houses it may have been ; for the rule was sometimes ill -kept, and bad customs had relaxed salutaiy discipline. But Bee in its thirty years had run rapidly through the stages of monastic development, always keeping at the highest level. It began with extreme poverty and hardship, the day divided between prayers in church and work in the fields, the abbot sleeping in the dormitory with his monks, rising with them at two in the morning for the night services, and then after a brief repose sharing with them the full labours of their day. After ten years or more a new element was introduced when schools were opened under Lanfranc; and Herluin himself, though no scholar, urged learning with all his might on the younger men. By this time a more elaborate code had become necessary to supplement the general outline of St Benedict's Rule, and the Customs of Bee were developed, doubtless by Lanfranc and Anselm together, on the basis of such regulations as were in force at Cluny and in other houses of high fame. Though the early books of Bee perished at the French Revolution, we happily possess Lan- franc's statutes which he drew up for the monks of Christ Church, Canterbury, and which found their way into many of the English monasteries under the name of the Customs of Bee. There we can read how full and strenuous the life was, and how great was the G'dberfs Home at Bee 7 responsibility of the position which the young prior Ansehu had suddenly been called to occupy^. Under the strain of his new tasks Anselni was beginning to break down. This was not the life which he had looked for when he became a monk. He would ftiin flee to some solitary hermitage. To Maurilius, the saintly archbishop of Rouen, at whose advice he had decided to enter Bee, he now went in his distress. The old archbishop was plain with him : ' Do not give up the service of others,' he said, ' to think only of yourself. I have known instances in which that has proved the ruin of a man's own soul. To save you from that, I conmiand you in the name of holy obedience not to quit your post except at your abbot's orders ; and, if you are called to a higher place still, not to refuse ; for I know that such a call will come to you ere long.' So back he went, and for fifteen years he was prior, and then for fifteen more he was abbot of Bee-. Amongst the boys whom Anselm found when he first entered the monastery was a youth of about fifteen. His father, William Crispin, was a soldier of distinction belonging to one of the great Norman femilies, and holding a castle on the border between Normandy and France. William Crispin was devoted to Abbot Herluin, and he and his wife Eva had dedicated their son Gilbert to the service of God at Bee. The boy's name stands on the roll of monks nine places before that of Anselm, who only entered the monastic life in his twenty- seventh year. After the death of William Crispin the lady Eva came to live at Bee. She devoted herself to the religious life, and regarded the monks as her sons, bestowing all she had upon their church. Anselm, in one of his letters, tenderly speaks of her as his mother, and calls himself her eldest son^. We shall presently see wuth what intense affection he regarded his younger brother Gilbert. When William had secured the throne of England, and began to set the Church in order, he wisely summoned Lanfranc to the see of Canterbury. It was with no readiness of will that Lanfranc left his abbey at Caen. He had quite lately refused the archbishopric of Rouen. He knew no English, and was loth to undertake the responsi- bility of a Church which seemed to him half barbarous. William, 1 Lanfranc's statutes are printed in Heyner's Apostolatiis Benedictiiiorum and in Wilkins' Concilia. For their manusKiript triidition see Jonrn. of Theol. StiiiUes (April, 1909). Large portions of their wording are embedded in the Westminster Customary of Abbot Ware. 2 Eadraer (Rolls S.), p. 827. 3 Anselm, Epp. n 9. 8 Gilbert Crisjmi however, insisted ; and in 1070 Lan franc was consecrated as archbishop, and became the king's chief counsellor in Church and State. It was well for us that he came; but his unwelcome task weighed so heavily upon him that three years later he wrote to Pope Alexander II, at whose express bidding he had undertaken it, begging for release. He said that distractions, troubles and losses, the obstinacy, greed and immorality of those with whom he had to do, had made him tired of life itself. He yearned for the quiet of the cloister, and he pleaded his usefulness as a teacher. He was doing no good to souls, he said, where he Avas, or very little if any at all. While William lived there would be some sort of peace, but after his death no peace or any good could be expected^. ' And yet this was the man who, in spite of his want of sympathy with English church life, did more than any other man in the next sixteen years to weld together, by his wisdom and his justice, the conquering and conquered peoples, and to lay the foundation in the Church, as William did in the State, of a new and united England. In this mission of reconciliation he was to be followed by Anselm, who, like himself, came from the Italian side of the Alps, and, as being neither Norman nor English, exercised a strange power over both races. Lanfranc was visited at Canterbury by the aged Herluin, to whom he insisted on shewing the humble respect due from a monk to his abbot. ' The more crowded his court,' says Gilbert, ' and the more excellent the dignity of those who waited on him, so much the more humble service did Lanfranc render to Abbot Herluin, so that all marvelled, and the English more especially, that an archbishop of Canterbury should so submit himself to any mortal man.' A few years later Lanfranc revisited Bee in order to consecrate the church which many years before he had persuaded Herluin to build. This was in 1077, and the next year the abbot passed away at the age of eighty- three, and Anselm was made abbot in his place. For fifteen years Anselm had been prior of Bee, and during that time he had lost some of his dearest and best companions and pupils, who had been drafted off by Lanfranc, first to Caen, and then to England. Gundulf had gone to Caen to be Lanfranc's prior, and after- wards to Rochester, where he succeeded another Bee monk as bishop. Henry became prior of Canterbury, and then abbot of Battle : Baldwin and Maurice became monks at Canterbury. Lanfranc could never be refused; and at last he sent for Gilbert Crispin, whom Anselm dearly 1 Lanfranc, Ej). 1. Gilbert's Home at Bee 9 loved, and probably regarded as the most likely man to carry on his work in the future at Bee. ' Our first glimpse of Gilbert comes at an earlier date, in a letter which Lanfranc addressed to iiiin about the year 1074, commending his nephew and namesake, whom he had brought from Italy and placed under Anselm's charge at Bec^ This younger Lanfranc was wilful, and destined to give Anselm much pain. The archbishop is anxious about him, and urges (Jilbert, who is to be his teacher, to shew him a brother's love, and the more so because the Lady Eva, Gilbert's mother, has been good enough to call him her son. Lanfranc also sends Gilbert a cross, which he may set on the altar when he celebrates the holy eucharist, to be a sign and token between the two young men-. About six years after this, when Gilbert was some thirty-four years of age, Lanfranc sent for him to help him at Canterbury, and Anselm's cor- respondence reveals the pain that this new loss inflicted. ' With regard to Dom Gilbert,' he writes, 'I have obeyed your command that I should send him to you : but be assured that if anyone should cause him to remain in England he will inflict a graver loss on the church of Bee in the present and for the future, in its internal and external interests alike, than can easily be put into words. So I pray and beseech you, as earnestly as is consistent with what is right and respectful to yourself, pleading the kindness and love which I know you have for me, that if without going against God's will you see it to be at all possible, you will do your very utmost to secure his return^.' Later he writes to Gilbert himself, who has sent him some presents from Canterbury : ' Sweet are the gifts, sweet friend, which your sweet love sends ; but they are utterly powerless to console my heart, which is desolated by your absence. No, not if you sent me all the most fragrant spices, the most glittering metals, the most precious stones, the most delicate embroidery, could my soul consent to be comforted, for it is quite beyond its power, unless its other half which has been torn away be given back to it again. My heart's pain bears me witness as I think of this ; so do the tears which cloud my eyes and wet my fingers as I write. You knew indeed, as I knew, my love for you ; nay, I knew it not myself. He who has torn us apart has taught me how ' Cf. Lanfranc, Ep. 43, to Anselm while still prior of Bee. - Lanfranc, Ep. 45. This letter is addressed to 'G.,' wliicli D'Acliery, though not without hesitation, expands as 'Gundulfo.' But Guudulf had left Bee with Lanfranc: moreover the 'G.' here addressed came to Bee as a boy and is still 'in juventute' ; and the reference to his motlier makes it certain that Gilbert Crispin is intended. ^ Anselm, Epp. n 13. 10 Gilbert Crisjnn much I loved you. No one has real knowledge of good or evil who does not experience both. Without experience of your absence I did not know how sweet it was to me to be with you, how bitter to be without you. To you our very separation has given the presence of another, whom you love not less, yea more, than me ; but I have lost yo u — you, I say; and none has been given me in your place ^.' So the letter runs on to its close, revealing the pain and suffering which is so near to the purest love. And that this was no mere selfish affection is shewn by the letter Anselm writes a few years afterwards, when the separation was made permanent by Gilbert's appointment to the abbey of Westminster. ' To Gilbert, once by God's providence his dearest son, now by God's grace his fellow abbot, brother Anselm wishes a long, holy and prosperous life here, and everlasting happiness hereafter. Though sickness has made me behindhand in writing to my loved and loving friend about the new grace granted him by God, yet it is with no lukewarmness, but with the heartiest goodwill, that I say " Glory to God in the highest," who has revealed His purpose for you which hitherto He has kept dark, although indeed I always believed that good things, as men count them, were in store for you. For in that same life of devotion in which He has preserved you, training you in wisdom and nurturing you in holiness, He has now made you a father and a teacher and a shepherd of souls.' Then, with a charming modesty and self- distrust, he goes on to say: 'Far better things may be hoped of you and the like of you, whose life has been nurtured in holy surroundings, than of me and the like of me, whose life was at one time wasted in the world. For of you it is to be hoped that, in training others to be like yourself, your own holiness will be perfected ; whereas it is to be feared, when we are loaded with such a burden, that our unholiness by God's inscrutable judgment will be increased. The better our hope, then, in your accession to office, the gi^eater and surer our rejoicing in the grace that is granted to you. May God Almighty, who has made you the keeper of others, so help and keep you that He may reward your holiness and theirs with His eternal blessing-.' A later letter manifests the same affection, and gives a playful account of an attack of fever which Anselm had just shaken off. ' Brother Anselm to abbot Gilbert, a servant to his lord, a friend to his friend, a lover to his lover — wishing him unending joy. If health ^ Anselm, Epp. i 75 ; written when Gilbert was with Lanfranc, c. 1080. 2 Anselm, Epp. u 16; written soon after Gilbert's appointment in 1085. Gilhet'i'a Home at Bee 11 and welfare and prosperity be the lot of my lord abbot Gilbert, who loves me and whom I love, then indeed my heart rejoices, for my longintj is fultilled. If the kind benefactions which you bestow on us were bestowed by a stranger upon strangers, we should make a great display of gratitude lest the supply should run short. But seeing that they come from him of whom we never could have a doubt, we are content to hide our chief thanks, though over ready to express them, in the strong-room of our heart. I know your love will want to know how I am doing. By God's protecting mercy, within my usual limits and considering these changeful times, all would have been well and prosperous, but that when I was in France, somewhat burdened by various tasks, a slight fever suddenly attacked me, frightening me more than it hurt me. But when it saw that my mind was tirmly made up to send round to all my friends for the help of their prayers, after a second attack it fled just as frightened as I was. For some time since I have suffered from a distaste of food, and a difficulty in sleeping, and a general weakness in my limbs. I greet with all possible devotion, my lords and brothers, your most dear sons [the monks ot Westminster], in whose kindness which takes so practical a form I rejoice as often as I think of it.' The letter goes on to plead that Gilbert will shew indulgence to his servant Richard, who by his orders had followed him to England, and had evidently got into some trouble, but was penitent and should be restored to favour \ The scattered notices preserved in charters or chronicles, from which for the most part the lives of our abbots have to be compiled, give us no insight at all into the spiritual side of their character or the success with which they achieved for themselves and for others the lofty aims of a true monasticism. Gilbert Crispin offers a happy ex- ception to the rule. We know at least what his own training was like, and how truly devotional was the atmosphere in which his youth and early manhood were spent. The devout Herluin, the wise Liinfranc and the gentle Anselm^ — each had left his mark on the young monk, and helped to prepare him for the difficult task of maintaining the noble ideals of Bee in the wholly dissimilar surroundings of royal ^ Anpelra, Epp. ii 47. A similar account of his fever is written to Abbot Gilbert of St Stephen's at Caen: from this we learn that Anselm was returning from Caen and hoping to reach Bee before the feast of St Benedict (that is, probably, 11 July, the Translation), but was delayed by business in France (ii 44). - See below, p. 20. 12 Gilbert Crisjnn Westminster. The curtain of which a corner has been lifted soon falls again, and though his other writings give us an occasional glimpse of Abbot Gilbert's character and methods and reflect the spirit of his old home, we have little else to assure us that St Ansel m's high hopes of his beloved pupil were not unrealised. We have to content ourselves with piecing together isolated facts and jejune references. But it is something to have caught sight of the real man, and to have learned what at any rate he must have wished Westminster to be. II. The Noble Family of the Crispins. In writing on one occasion from Bee to his uncles at Aosta, Anselm mentions that the bearer of his letter is a son of William Crispin. This was a brother of the future abbot of Westminster, and it is interesting to note the terms in which Anselm refers to him and his family. ' He is rich, and of the tirst nobility of Normandy : yet his mother and brothers are so intimate with me, that his mother calls me her son, and her children call me their brother — only they say, elder brother^' In tracing the history of this family, more than one of whom found a home in England, we are fortunate in possessing a curious document entitled, 'The Miracle whereby Blessed Mary succoured William Crispin senior: wherein is an account of the noble family of the Crispins.' It is printed by Luc d'Achery in his appendix to Lanfranc's works : it comes immediately after Milo Crispin's Lives of the Abbots of Bee, and is probably written by Milo Crispin himself, of whom we shall speak lower do^vn^ The first of the name, says the wTiter, was Gilbert, called Crispin from the fashion of his hair, which stood on end — a feature which he transmitted to his descendants, who are still distinguished from other Norman fiimilies both by this peculiarity and by the surname to which it gave rise^ The Crispini, he assures us, were as fomous among the Normans as were the Fabii and the Manlii among the Romans. With the aid of his rambling narrative we may at once construct a ^ Anselm, Epp. i 18. 2 Lanfranci Opera, App. p. 52 : ' Miraculnm quo,' Ac. 3 'AntPfinara Nomianni duce Willelmo AnRlinm debellarent, fuit in Ncustria (quae nnnc Normannia vocatur) vir egregius noniiue Gislebcrtus, gcnere et nobilitatc praeclarus, qui ab habitudine capillorum primus Crispini cognomine dicitur insignitus : nam in sua primaeva aetatc habebat capillos crispos et rigidos atque sursum erectos, ot (nt ita dicam) rebursos ad niodum pini ramorum, qui semper tendunt sursum ; (juare cognomiuatus est Crispinus, quasi rrispus pinux: (juam capillorum rebursionem adhuc videmus in iis qui de ipsius Gisleberti genere descenduut, unde et ipsi codem cognomine a caeteris Normannorum familiis dirimuntnr. ' 14 Gilbert Vrispin genealogical table, and afterwards we may comment on individual names. Gilbert Crispin I in. Gunnor r" Gilbert Cr. II _i j- William Cr. I m. Eva Robert r" Emma Gilbert Cr. Ill William Cr. II m. Agnes Gilbert Cr. (others) Pierre de (abbot) Conde William Cr. Ill Esilia William Malet 1. Gilbert Crispin I married Gunnor, the sister of Fulc d'Alnou. This is of interest as shewing the connexion of the Crispins with several Norman famildes of note. For Fulc's father was Baldric, who had come from Germany to serve under Duke Richard ; and his mother was a niece of Gilbert count of Brionne, the over-lord of Herluin abbot of Bee. Among Fulc's brothers were Robert de Courcy and Baldric de Bocquence (Ord. Vit. Ill 75). 2. In the next generation there were three sons and two daughters. The eldest son, Gilbert Crispin II, was keeper of the castle of Tillieres ; the youngest, Robert, died at Constantinople : of the daughters, Emma became the mother of Pierre de Conde, and Esilia of William Malet, one of the Conqueror's great men, who ended his life as a monk at Bec\ But the second son, William Crispin I, achieved the highest fame. Duke William had entrusted him with the castle of Neaufles, in order to check the incursions of Gautier le Vieux, count of Pontoise, who threatened the Norman Vexin. This castle passed from father to son, ' sicut usque hodie videmus,' says the writer of the Miraculum". William Crispin was devoted to the abbey of Bee ; and whenever he travelled from Neaufles to attend to his property near Lisieux (' in Lexoviensi pago') he never failed, both going and returning, to visit Abbot Herluin. One day, after parting from the abbot as usual, he suddenly ' 'Esiliam, matrem Willelmi Malet, qui miles strenuus in senectute factus est monachus Becci,' cfec, Miraculum, p. 53. Mr C. E. Mallet in Diet. Nat. Biogr. speaks of ' Hesilia Crispin ' as wife of W. Malet, and supposes, after Freeman, that he died in the campaign against Hereward in 1071 : but this supposition has been challenged. 2 For 'Melfia' must be read 'Nielfia' or 'Neelfia.' 'Neaufles, canton de Gisors, arrondissement des Andelys. II subsiste encore a Neaufles la moiti6 d'un chateau on donjon bati au xii<= siecle' (Poree, Hist, du Bee, i 179). Fa mill/ of the Crf.y)i)}. 629): this may be the same man. ^ Liher Eliemix (cd. Stfwnrt) p. 29C, -. ' quidam senior px apoatnlico ovili West- monasterii, Warnerus nomine.' 32 Gilbe7^t Crisjmi a monk of Westminster, and a pattern of devotion for full twenty years ^, The narrator of this tale is Osbert of Clare, who whatever his name may suggest was probably an Englishman. This strange personage, who fills the chief place in the abbey's history after Abbot Gilbert's death, must have entered the monastery some time before that event : but his perplexing history does not concern us here^. One nameless monk must be added to the list — the London Jew who was converted and baptised as the result of Gilbert's discussion with the learned Jew from Mainz ^. 2. Foundation of Priories. Soon after his appointment Gilbert was called upon to make a new departure in the history of the abbey. Geoffrey de Mandeville*, the sheriff of London and Middlesex, who had succeeded to the functions and estates of Esgar, the staller of King Edward, had buried his first wife Athelais in the unfinished cloister at Westminster, and had granted to the convent for her soul's sake certain lands at Tilbury^. At a later period, having made provision to be buried by her side, he granted also the manor of Eye in the immediate neighbourhood of the abbey*'. Meanwhile he was designing, Avith the concurrence of his second wife Lesceline, a benefaction on a far larger scale. Among the possessions of Esgar to which Geoffrey had succeeded was the manor of Hurley on the. Thames, and here he proposed to found a priory in subjection to the abbey of Westminster. There was already a church in the place, and this was probably enlarged or rebuilt. Osmund the bishop of Sarum, in whose diocese it lay, came to dedicate it afresh as the priory church of St Mary of Hurley ; and he and the new 1 Osbert's Life of St Edward, Brit. Miis. Add. us 36,737 f. 147. 2 I have attempted to unravel his story in an article in the Church Quarterly Review (July 1909) ; but many of his letters still await publication. 3 See below, p. 82. * He was grandfather of Geoffrey of Mandeville, first earl of Essex, the subject of Dr Horace Eound's valuable study. I desire here to express my great obligation to Dr Round's works. As he did not deal at any length with the first Geoffrey, the benefactor of Westminster, I have taken the more pains to collect notices of him from the Westminster documents: see below, Selected Charters nos. 1 — 7, etc. 5 See below, charter of Will. I (no. 1), granted before 1086, while Suain was still sheriff of Essex : ' pro anima uxoris que iUic jacet.' ^ See below, charter of G. de M., no. 15, and confirmations by Will. II and Hen. I, nos. 16, 20. Details of Administration 33 abbot Gilbert solemnly invoked the fate of the traitor Judas and the doom of Korah and Dathan on any who should violate this pious foundation. The charter was written out thrice on one piece of vellum, which was then cut, so that one copy might be given to the abbey and another to the priory, while the third remained with the founder and his heirs. The middle copy of the three still exists with the founder's seal attached : it came with many other Hurley charters to the abbey muniment room when Henry VIII in 1580 dissolved the priory, and gave back its site to Westminster, in exchange forsooth for Hyde Park and other valuable lands which he took away. The charter is attested by William and Richard, the sons of Geoffrey by his first wife. It bears no date ; but the foundation cannot w^ell be put later than 1086', when the Conqueror left England for the last time: for the founder says that he had obtained the king's consent, and the confirmatory charter of Henry I refers to the grant of K. William his father. The history of Hurley priory has been told by the present vicar of the parish, who has devoted immense pains to its investigation. In his book, St Marys, Hurley, he has given an abstract of 562 Hurley charters which are still preserved among the abbey muniments at Westminster. It is not easy to determine the origin of the priory of Great Malvern, or the date of its first connexion with Westminster. There is, however, probability in the account that it began with a local hermit named Aldwyn or Alwy in the time of Edward the Confessor, and that Urse d'Abetot, the despotic and ill-famed sheriff of Worcestershire, founded the prior}' and agreed to Aldwyn's placing it under the abbot of West- minster ^ This robber of churches may well have made some such provision for his future. As the Domesday Survey says nothing of this priory, its foundation probably must belong to Abbot Gilbert's time. This accords with a charter of K. Henry I, issued c. 1125, which grants to the monks of Malvern certain lands, 'according as Gilbert abbot of Westminster with the common consent of the chapter of the church conceded and gave them, and as Hugh and Warner the monks perambulated them'.' Gilbert had died in 1117; Warner, one of his ' For references see Miss M. M. C. Caltlirop in Victoria County History, }Vorccstershire, II 137. ' ' Et concedo cis illas terras de Wrdcsfelde et dc Limbergft ilia nova essarta, sicut Gislebertus abbas Westmonasterii coiumuni consensu capituli ccclosine concessit et drdit, et sicut Hngo et Wamerus monachi ilia perambulaverunt...et congedo iUis illani virgaiam B, C. ^ 34 Gilbert Crispin monks, of whom we have spoken already (p. 31), was probably an old man when he visited Ely in 1106 ; and we may assume that Hugh, as he is mentioned first, was his senior. Abbot Gilbert's benefaction probably belongs to the moment of the attachment of the priory to Westminster, and we shall not be far wrong if we assign the transaction to the early years of his administration. These two priories stood in very different relations to the mother church. The prior of Great Malvern was elected by his brethren on the spot, and was then sent up to Westminster to receive the abbot's confirmation ; and the loyalty of the priory to the abbey was largely due to a desire to escape the jurisdiction of the bishop of Worcester. The priory of Hurley was a smaller foundation, and much nearer home : its prior was chosen from among the senior monks of Westminster: sometimes he returned after a period of service, in one instance he came back to be abbot. One other priory belonged to Westminster, that of St Bartholomew at Sudbury. This was founded by Wulfric, the king's moneyer at Norwich, who would seem to have died as a monk of Westminster. As the king's charter is attested at Westminster by Archbishop Ralph, it cannot be earlier than Easter 1114; nor can it be later than Easter 1116, for it is addressed to Herbert Losinga, the bp of Norwich, who died before the king's return from Normandy^. Perhaps the most probable date is the council held at Westminster in Sept. 1115, just before Bernard's consecration to the see of St David's. Another cell of Westminster may perhaps have been contemplated in Gilbert's time, though it was actually founded under his successor. Abbot Herbert : for in the first endowment of the canonesses of Kilburn, who were superintended by a senior monk of Westminster, we find mention of a corrody of Abbot Gilbert, and they were under special obligation to pray for this abbot's soul^ terrae in Martuna quam Landricus de Clifford reddidit Gisliberto abbati, quam Gislebertus dedit monachis de Malvernia, sicut ipse Gislebertus abbas consensu communis capituli earn eis dedit et concessit ' Monasticon, iii 448. 1 Monasticon iii 459 (from Faustina A. ni, f. 79) : H. rex Angl' Herberto episcopo Norwic' et Haymoni dapifero et burgensibus de Suthbery...Sciatis me concessisse deo et sancto Petro et mon' Westm' pro redemptione animae meae ecclesiam sancti Bartholomei de Suthberia, quam Wlfricus monetarius meus ad usum monachorum inibi servientium eis dederat pro fraternitate et monachatu sue quem ibidem 8usceperat....Test' R. archie- piscopo, R. episcopo London', R. episcopo Sarum, R. cane', Nigillo de Albineio, et aliis multis apud Westm'. Can this Wulfric be the same person as 'Wlfricus taynus cognomine Bordewayte,' who held 'Totenhala' before William Bayuard (see p. 38)? 2 Liber Niger Quaternus, f. 125. Details of Administration 35 3. Building. The new abbey of Westminster had been planned on a splendid scale. King Edward had built a great church in a style unknown before in England, after the pattern of the church of Juniieges, whose abbot he had brought over and made bishop of London K We can hardly suppose that he had completed much else of the monastic buildings. The long undercroft beneath the dormitory may belong to his time ; and sufficient indications remain elsewhere to shew that the general scheme had been fixed. Doubtless Abbot Edwin carried forward the work; and, if it slackened during Geoffrey's brief misrule, we may be certain that Vitalis pressed it on again. Before Gilbert came the dormitory was probably finished and the refectory well begun: for Vitalis lies in the east part of the south cloister walk, under the refectory wall. A happy chance has preserved to us the information that Gilbert completed the cloister before the year 1100. In 1807 a piece of carved stone was found in a wall between two taverns which were then being pulled down. This wall was the only surviving fragment of a gateway in King Street, built by King Richard III in 1484, and demolished in 1706. The stone was one of the capitals from the old Norman cloister, and had a broken inscription which seemed to mean that the cloister and refectory (?) were finished under William II and Abbot Gilbert-. Three sides of the stone are figured in Brayley and Britten's Ancient Palace of Westminster, pp. 416, 445 f , and again in plate XXXV ; but the stone is now lost^ Some similar capitals, together with other fragments of the ancient cloister, are now preserved in the Norman undercroft. ^ See The Church of Edward the Confexsor, in Archaeologin, lxii pp. 81—100, where I have endeavoured to describe the church as St Edward left it. ^ The lettering on the three sides appears in the reproductions to read as follows : •clanstru[vi'\' et rel K« gnb abb\ehalde. amen 2. The later hand, which has copied these writs on a blank page of the Westminster 'Domesday,' has written over them: ' De fugitivis visitantibus feretrum regis Edwardi nondum canonizati.' Two other Liitin writs of Abbot 'G.' on the same page clearly belong to Abbot Gervase, as is seen by comparing a writ of his quoted in the Monasticon (i 310): the formula has grown by this time, and it speaks of the privilege as granted 'ab antiquis Angliae regibus.' 5. Knight Set'vice.- The question of knight service, as affecting ecclesiastical corpora- tions in the time of William the Conqueror, has been investigated by Dr Round, who shews that a servitium dehitum was imposed on the abbeys by that king, the number of knights required being as a rule some multiple of five^. He notes that for Westminster in particular the exact number is difficult to fix*. It may be useful here to bring together such early references to knights of Westminster as can at present be discovered: and we may begin with a document which has not yet been printed. ^ D. f. 82 h. Compare a writ of Abbot Herbert in the same words on behalf of • Jordanna de Wygorn ' {Monmticon, 1 .310). " There is a similar writ of ' Gisilberd abbod ' on bi'balf of Deorman in Monasticon, I 310. » Feudal England, pp. 296—307. * I>'id. p. 252. 38 Gilbert Crispin Anno dominice incarnationis millesimo Lxxx" iii". Nos Gilbertv\s abbas et conventus Westm' concessimus Willelmo Baynard quoddam berwicum de villa Westm', nomine Totenhala, ad se hospitandum et tota vita sua tenendum, pro servicio unius militis, cum omnibus rebus illi pertinentibus, ita bene et quiete sicut unquam Wlfricus taynus cognomine Bordewayte melius de ecclesia illud tenuerat. consuetudines igitur et libertates quas nos in eodem habemus ipse Willelmus habebit ; exceptis auxiliis nostris, que inde sicut in aliis ecclesie terris de militibus nostris accipiemus ; et exceptis decimis illius terre domui elemosinarie nostre con- stitutis. hec vero sibi tenenda concessimus pro araore et servicio quod ecclesie nostre contulit, eo tamen tenore ut post ejus decessum terra ilia predicta soluta ecclesie nostre maneat et quieta. et super eo quidem affidavit nos predictus Willelmus, quod nee terram prefatam vendet nee in vadium ponet nee alieui ad dampnum ecclesie nostre dimittet. Test', Roberto priore, Nicholao, Willelmo et Herbertc monachis, Radulpho Baynard, Herlewyno fratre Grunzonis, et multis aliis*. The date of this document presents a difficulty which I have discussed elsewhere-. It is possible that it formed no part of the original document ; and in any case it may be due to the error of the late copyist who has written it into a vacant space of the Westminster ' Domesday.' Even if we date the charter a few years later, it still remains a very early instance of the enfeoffment of a knight by an abbot. The grant is made to William Baynard, and it is attested by Ralph Baynard. Who are these Baynards, and how do they stand in relation to the Baynard who gave his name to Baynard's Castle on the Thames, near the present Blackfriars Bridge ? Three Baynards meet us in the records and chronicles of this period — Geoffrey, Ralph and William. (1) Geoffrey. A grant of William I of land at York for a hospital is addressed to 'Galfridus Baynardus' (? as sheriff)^: and according to the A.S. Chron. {sub anno 1096) Geoffrey Bainard accused William of Eu, the king's kinsman, of treason at Salisbury, and overcame him in single combat. A list of the benefactors to Lewes Priory includes ' Geoffrey Bainard and Ralph his brother^' (2) Ralph. Of Ralph Baynard we further know that before the Survey he was sheriff of Essex, and at the time of the Survey he held lands in several parts of that county^. He is one of those to whom is ^ D. f. 82, inserted in a fifteenth ceutury hand. 2 Flete's Hist, of Westm. pp. 141 f. ^ Historians of York, Kolls S. in 163 n. * 'Ecclesiam de Essenduna dedit nobis Gaufredus Bainardus et Radulfus frater ejus' {Monast. v 14) ; see also the confirmatory charter of Stephen in Round's Doc. pres. in France, p. 512. * For Ralph as a Domesday tenant, see Round, Feiidal England, pp. 461, 475. Details of Admutisf ration 39 addressed a writ of Williani I confirming to Abbot Vitalis among other properties the mill at Stratford (eo. Essex): this is previous to the Survey^ So, doubtless, is the famous writ concerning Church courts, which is addressed to R. Baynard, G. de Mandeville and P. de Valognes, and all the liege men of Essex, Hertfordshire and Middlesex^. (3) WiUiaDi. A charter printed below (no. 27) speaks of William Baynaixi as one of the witnesses to a restoration of lands in Worcester- I shire, c. 1090 — 1097. The A.S. Chronicle, aub anno 1110, says that William Baynard forfeited his lands to the king. The Chronicle of Dunmow, cited in the Monasticon (vi 147) from Cleop. C. Ill f. 29, says, under the year 1104, that 'Juga Baynard domina de parva Dunmowe fecit Mauricium episcopum Londoniensem dedicare ecclesiam de dicta villa'; and, under HOG, that ' Galfridus Baynard filius et haeres Jugae Baynard' introduced canons with the assent of Archbp Anselm. Then, under 1111, it relates that William Baynard, * sub quo domina Juga tenebat villam de parva Dunmowe,' lost his barony 'per infortunium et feloniam'; and that K. Henry gave it to Robert fitz Richard, who was the son of Richard fitz Gilbert, count of Clare, together with the Honor of Castle Baynard. Information derived from this source must be accepted with caution. Geoffrey is here represented as the son of Juga (or it may be read ' Inga ') Baynard. But the point which specially interests us is the descent of the Honor of Castle Baynard : for with it went the West- minster knight's fee. Robert fitz Richard had a son Walter fitz Robert, and in due course the properties came to Robert fitz Walter. Now in 1166 we find William Baynard's Westminster fee evidently held by the second generation of his successors : for in the list of enfeoffed knights of the abbot of Westminster we read : ' In Middlesex Walterus filius Roberti serviciuni i militis, quod difforciat^' We have next to ask what is the relation, if any, of this grant to the statement as to land held at Westminster by ' Bainiardus ' in the Domesday Survey. It will be well to transcribe the whole entiy for the ' vill ' of Westminster at this point. Terra sancti Petri "Westmon'. In Osuhiestane Hundr'. In villa ul)i .sedet ecclesia .siincti Petri tenet abbas ejuadem loci xiii hid' et dim' Terra est ad xi car*. Ad dominium pertinent ix hid' et i virg', et ibi aunt iiii car' Villani habent vi car", et i car' plus pote-st fieri. Ibi ix villani quisque de i virg", et ' Printed below, no. 2. "^ Stubbs, Select Charters, 85. '■* Lib. Nig. Scacc. i 51, quoted in Mo)iasticon, i 307. 40 Gilbert Crispm i villaniis de i hid', et ix vilkini quisque de dim' virg' ; et i cotarius de v acris, et xli cotarii qui reddunt per annum xl sol' pro ortis suis. Pratum xi car'. Pastura ad pecuniara ville. Silva c pore', et xxv domus militum abbatis et aliorum hominum qui reddunt viii sol' per annum. In tot' valent' val' x libr'. Quando reeep' similiter. T.R.E. xii libr'. Hoc manerium fuit et est in dominio ecclesie saucti Petri Westm'. In eadem villa tenet Bainiardus iii hid' de abbate. Terra est ad ii car', et ibi sunt in dominio, et i cotarius. Silva c pore'. Pastura ad pecuniam. Ibi iv arpenni vinee noviter plantatae. In tot' valent' val' Ix sol'. Quando reeep' xx sol'. T.R.E. vi lib'. Hee terra jacuit et jacet in ecclesia sancti Petri. We proceed to investigate the 'berewic of the vill of Westminster called Totenhala,' which Abbot Gilbert granted to William Baynard for the service of one knight. Is this to be identified with the three hides in the same 'vill' which Baynard holds of the abbot in the Survey ? At the first glance the name suggests to us Tottenham, of which Tottenhall is a variant in later days. But, even if the distance does not render this impossible, we are debarred from such a solution by the Westminster tradition of the twelfth century. The great charters of Edward the Confessor, though they are manifestly unauthentic, have a high value as representing current opinion in the abbey at the time of their composition; and they frequently help to interpret the brief charters which furnished them with their materials. In the ' Telli- graphus beati regis Edwardi' we read (D. f 47): Concessi etiam et confirmavi omnes donaeiones que a regibus vel ab aliquibus aliis ante me donate sunt : hoc est, in eadem villa in qua idem monasterium est iii hidas et dimidiam ; in berwika quod Tottenheale appellatur iii hidas; in Tatewelle unam ; in Cnihtebricge iiii ; in Padington' ii ; in Hjemstede v ; in Heaendune cum terri- toriis,..suis que appellantur Bleccenham, Codenhlsewe et Lothereslege xx hidas.... Here we find that the 'berwika' of 'Tottenheale' has three hides, the exact number held by Baynard at the time of the Survey. But there is an evident mistake in assigning three and a half hides only to the abbey itself. Probably we should read xiii for iii, as in the Survey : and thus, with Tottenheale and also the mysterious Tatewelle added in, we should make up the number of seventeen and a half which is found in the First Charter of the Confessor (D. f 396): Concessi etiam et confirmavi donaeiones que ab eisdem regibus ante me donate sunt : hoc est, circa ipsum monasterium xvii hydas et dimidiam ; in Heandune xx ; in Heampstede v.... There can be no doubt, then, that in the twelfth century Totenhala, or Tottenheale \ was identified with three hides of land in the immediate ' Cf. Pope Adrian's bull (D. f. 6 b): In Middelsex' villam Westm', Cnichebrigg', Padinton', Totehal', villam de Eye.... [See also Addit. Note B, p. 167.] Details of Administration 41 neighbourhood of the abbey. There appears to be some connexion between Totenhalu, Tatewelle, and the well-known Tothull or Tothill. The twenty-five houses tor the abbot's knights and other men suggest that the process of" enfeoffment had not been carried far ; aiul that, as at Abingdon and at Ely^, a number of knights resided in the immediate neighbourhood of the abbey, and perhaps were fed at the abbot's table. Possibly we may find here the explanation of the rebuke administered by Pope Innocent II in 1139 to Abbot Gervase for having knights about him in the abbey : ' militarem praeterea manum et laicorum conventum procul a limitibus monasticae arceas disciplinae'.' In Geoffrey de Mandeville's grant of Eye we find the clause : ' super altare predicti apostoli Petri presentavi in presentia Gisleberti abbatis et monachorum, et multorum militum meorum et suorum^.' For further notices of knight service, see pp. 48 f. 6. Domestic Economy. Among the abbey muniments is a document which appears to have been written in the first quarter of the twelfth century, and which throws light on the domestic economy of the period*. At first sight it is puzzling, but it yields its meaning to a careful study. Hec est firraa monachorum in septimana. ad panem vi cumbas : et Ix et vii sol' ad coquinam : et xx liops de brasio, et x de gi'uto: et iii cumbas avenae ; et ad ser- vientes i marc' argenti. et ilia maneria quae longinqua sunt, et hoc reddere non poterint, reddent pro tota septimana viii \i et x sol'. Ad karitate.s et pitancias xxxii ii, de Bienflet, de Fantone, de Pakelesam et Winetona, et de Cumbritona. Ad ligiia XV ii. Ad cameram et ad omnia quae necessaria sunt, omnes redditus Lundoniae, Dodintuna, et Cillentuna, et Sippeham, et Sulebi, et i molendinum apud Stretfort, et Perham. Haec est summa: Ix et x ii. Ad servientes coquine, et pistrini, et bracini, et orti, et vine^ie, et intirmatorii, et jjortarii, de Hanewrde xxx sol', de Coueley xxx sol', de Titebirste x sol', de Merdeleya XV sol', de Elteneya xxiiii sol', et v sol' de Okkenduna ; et xx sol' de illis qui teneut terras vinearum, exceptis illis qui halxjnt terrula.s pro solidatis suis. Ad servicium cenae domini Ix sol', de Wateleya ; et xx sol' de Knichtebrigge. ' See Round, Feudal England, p. 300. At Ely the abbot ' habuit ex consuetudine, secundum jussum ref^is, praetaxatum railitiae numerum infra aulam ecclesiae, victum cotidie de manu celerarii capientem atque .stipendia ' [Lib. Eliem. p. 275). 2 Quoted by Flete, p. 90. * Below, no. 15. * Munim. 5670: endorsed ' Extenta conventus Westra. Compositiones.' It is copied in D. f. GSy. 42 Gilbert Ci^ispin The first paragraph refers to the system of 'firmae,' which is explained by Archdeacon Hales in the introduction to the 'Domesday of St Paul's,' pp. xxxix — li. 'Firma' represents the Anglo-Saxon v'feorme,' and means originally provisions supplied by various manors as a rent in kind. The manors rendered one, two, or more 'firmae,' in the sense of provisions for a week: at the end of the eleventh century 52 weeks, and something more, were thus provided for ; but afterwards the 'firmae' were only 45. 'The forty-five firmae were furnished by thirteen manors. Each firma consisted of sixteen quarters of wheat, sixteen quarters of oats, and three quarters of barley^.' At St Alban's the same system was in force: and it is thus described for the first half of the twelfth century : Habemus igitm* de maueriis nostris quinquaginta et tres firmas. firmam vocamus quadraginta et sex solidos. tot ergo habemus firmas, quot sunt septi- manae in anno, et unam in antecessum. quae hoc modo proveniunt: qualibet hebdomada quadraginta sex solidos recipiunt cellararii nostri, scilicet monachorum et curiae ; tresdecim vero ex "hiis recipit cellararius curiae, noster vero triginta tres. tres autem solidi pro novem sarcinariis, qui victum nostrum a Londoniis vel aliunde debeut afferre, statuti sunt ; triginta vero pro victu nostro. hiis vero triginta solidis per hebdomadam adjecit dictus abbas Gaufridus [1119 — 1146] quinque solidos qualibet septimana, scilicet annuas tresdecim libras ; ita ut cotidie ad coqui- nam nostram quinque solidos haberemus.... habemus etiam ex antiqua statutioue qualibet hebdomada annuatim duas summas frumenti ad coquinam nostram, et quolibet anno sexaginta solidos de Apsa ad lac emendum^. The 'firma' is given here in money, but whether the commutation had been made so early is not clear. At Westminster, as our document shews us, about half of the 'firma' was rendered in money, and the other half in kind: but the distant manors paid the 'firma' wholly in money, at the rate of £8. 10s. A charter of Abbot Gilbert, printed below (no. 13), is interesting in this connexion. The abbot grants to Gunter and his heir the manor of Hendon ' in feudo firme pro una plenaria septimana firme quoque 1 Domesday of St PauVs, xlviii. This seems to apply to the 13th century. 2 Gesta Abbatum (Rolls Series) i 74. Another document which may be compared with these is the account of the provision ' ad ministerium cellerarii ' at Worcester Priory : the last named benefactor is Bp Teolwold (tll23), and the document perhaps belongs to the first half of the 12th cent. Inc. ' In septimana recipiet x sextarios frumenti fannatos ' (Monasticon, i 606). To a somewhat later period would seem to belong the Statute traditionally ascribed to Abbot Aldwin of Ramsey (1091 — 1102) : ' ad celerariam pro victu praedictorum monachorum et hospitum assignavit diversa maneria, quae vocantur lirmas (sic) monachorum,' etc. (Ramsey Chartulary, Rolls S. m 163 : of. 168 and, more elaborately, 230.) Details of Admrmstration 43 anno^.' Abbot Herbert confirmed this grant, apparently on the same terms: but Abbot Gervase regranted the manor to Gunter's son Gilbert for an annual rent of £20 ; and this grant was confirmed by Pope Innocent II on 22 April 1189. The change in the rent is noticeable. The value of the manor stands in the Domesday Survey at only £8 ; but in K. Edward's time it had been worth £12. Six coombs would be a very insufticient supply of wheat for the bread of the monastery each week, if the coomb was, as now, half a quarter. Either some larger measure must be signified by the word, or we must suppose that much of the payment in wheat had been commuted for money. By ' XX hops do brasio ' we must understand 20 pecks of malt. In one of the Worcester Compotus Rolls published by Canon J. M. Wilson - we find such entries as 'i qr. vii estr. i hop.' and 'iii qr. iii estr. iii hop.' It would appear that the 'esteria' is the eighth part of a quarter (sc. a bushel), and the 'hoop' a fourth part of an 'esteria^.' It is interesting to see that the reckoning in our document is not by the bushel, but by the 'peck o' maut.' 'Grutum' is defined by Du Cange as barley prepared for making beer: 'gi-out' and 'grout-ale' are still in use for a cheap kind of ale. The subsequent paragraphs refer not to weekly but to yearly payments. 'Pitanciae' and 'caritates' are extra allowances in the refectory : the manors from which these contributions come are all in Essex, except Comberton which is in Worcestershire. The paragraph relating to the * camera,' which supplied the monks' clothing, is illustrated by the following statement of Flete (p. 87) regarding Abbot Gilbert's anniversary : Hie qiioque pater venerabilis omnes redditus ad Ciimeram pertinentes conveutui assignavit...pro qua quidem assignatioiie camerae anniversarium ipsius principaliter est celebrandiim septimo idus Decembris, ut patet libro Consuetudinarii, quarta parte, capitulo de anniversariis 57°. It is unfortunate that the chapter of the Customary to which Flete here refers is no longer extant*: but in c. xv under the head of the ' The grant cannot be later than 1102 when Robert the prior went to St Edmund's. This charter and those which are subsequently referred to are found in D. f. 129. - pp. 68 f. (Pitancer's roll for 1351—2). ' The English Dialect Dictionary shews that the ' hoop ' varies in different localities from a quarter of a peck to four pecks : but most frequently it is the equivalent of a peck. * The Customary edited by Sir H. Maunde Thompson contained no more than 48 chapters: c. xlvi contains a ' recapitulatio ' only of anniversaries, and here there is a mere fragment about Abbot Gilbert, too imperfect to be of any use (p. 589 of the transcript in the Chapter Library). Flete must have been quoting from a copy which had supplementary chapters, one of which dealt with the anniversaries at full length. 44 Gilbert Crispin ' camerarius ' we have this statement, which gives us some light on the matter : Extenditur autera camera ex assiguacione commendabilis memoriae abbatis Gilbert! ad vesturam et calciamentum quater viginti monachorvim, praeter domnum abbatem ; ad quae plenarie exhibenda, una cum aliis subtitulatis rebus usui fratrum necessariis, I'ecipit idem camerarius annuatira de pensionibus ac redditibus quater viginti et octo libras ad minus. Our document speaks of £70 as the annual provision ' ad cameram et omnia quae necessaria sunt.' It is reasonable to regard that as the provision made by Abbot Gilbert. In the middle of the 13th century the sum had risen to £88 at the least. The next paragraph is of interest for its references to the servants of the monastery and to the vineyards. The newly planted vines are, as we have seen, mentioned in the Domesday Survey: their memory survived till recently in the name of ' Vine Street.' The last paragraph refers to the Maundy. It is worth while to compare this document as a whole with a some- what parallel statement preserved in the Liher Eliensis, which refers to the troublous period when Ranulf Flambard was extorting the last penny from the Church for his master William Rufus'. Lib. 2, c. 136. Quod Ranulfus quidam jussii regis annonam monachis, sed brevem, constituit. Haec igitur sunt quae idem Ranulf us et Symeou abbas ex jussu regis Willelmi constituerunt uno quoque anno dari ad opus fratrum. ad vestimenta eorum septuaginta libras 2. ad coquinam eorum sexaginta libras, et ad sagimen ducentos porcos, et porcoa qui in curia pascuntur, et totum caseum et butirum, excepto hoc quod est in firma praepositorum ; et unaquaque ebdomada septem treias frumenti et decem treias braisii. ad luminaria monasterii, praesentem eccle- siam cum sepultura villae, et totum quicquid pertinet ad sanctum Botulfum cum festivitate. et, si tantum fuerit de vino, semper habebunt in lectionibus [in] duo- decim caritatem et in sabbato ; sin autem, medietatem medonis habebunt. This Ely reckoning was made about 1093, and no doubt it represents the maximum which was left to the monks when for the last seven years of his reign the abbey was in the king's hands. I venture the conjecture that our Westminster document represents the allowance made to the monks when the abbey was in K. Henry's hands from the death of Gilbert in December 1117 till the appointment of Herbert in January 1121^. This, then, might be a copy written by 1 Liber Eliensis, ed. Stewart, p. 278. 2 This is the same sum as at Westminster : at Ely there were about this time 70 monks. ' In a charter of 1121 occurs the phrase 'dum abbatia fait in mea manu,' D. f. 58 b. Details of Adnn'm'sfraffoii 45 a royal official, and left with the monks at the time when the com- position was made. Let us now glance at the estates which are mentioned under the various headings. And first let us take those which are assigned to the 'camera'; for here we have a remarkable example of monastic conservatism. In 1381 John Lakingheth, the treasurer, assessed all the offices of the abbey at their tnie value, and the Liber Niger Quateiviiis gives us the estates which furnished to each office its revenues^. After the mention of certain 'pensiones' from churches which the chamberlain received, we read as follows: Bona ejusdem camerarii in civitate London' taxautur ad xxxix ii. Item in Stebenhith, xx s. Item in Wokynton ad turm', xx s. Item in Estham Ix s. Item in Dodinton, xiiti. Item in Soleby, cii s. Item in Cippenham, 1 s. Item in Cholyngton, xUii s. iiii d. Item in Ilamme apiid Ospreng, xx s. Item in Hadleya, xl s. These 'temporalia' amount to £68. 15. 4; and, when the 'spiritualia' above-mentioned are added in, the total comes to £74. 2. 0. We may compare this total with the £70 of our document, and with the '£88 at the least' of Abbot Ware's Customary (c. 1266). It is not unlikely that the estates had fallen considerably in value after the Black Death in 1349, and some of the additional properties in the above list may have been assigned to the chamberlain in consequence. His original assignment was, according to our document: Omnes redditus Lundoniae, Dodintima, et Cillentuna, et Sippeham, et Sulebi, et i molendinum apud Stretfort, et Perham. Two items of this list are gone, and five others have come in to supply their place, in the course of two centuries and a half. 1. The mill at Stratford (co. Essex) was given to the abbey by Ailnod of London shortly after the Conquest^. This Ailnod was a nephew of Suain of Essex, who was a considerable benefactor of the abbey, and of whom we shall hear more presently ^ In the chamber- ► lain's roll for 1382-3, that is to say, just after the assessment made by John Lakingheth, we discover that the mill had been in some way alienated, and, though it had been recovered in the previous year, it had brought in nothing, because there was no tenant : De XX s. (due from the mill at Stratford) ml hie, quia recuijeratur per breve de Cessavit anno jiroximo preterito, et jacet vac'. ' Lib. Mg. Quat. f. 85 fc, ff. 140 sqq. * See the charter of Will. I (below, no. 2), which is of conHiilerahle interest. * See below, pp. 49 f. and nos. 1, 2, 8. 46 Gilbert Crispin The next extant roll of this office is for 1399 — 1400, and there we read: Nil adhuc, quia est in manu ballivi, et respondet de firma ejusdem compoto suo. It had thus passed from the chamberlain to the general account of the convent, and its rent was received by the principal treasurer, who was also styled the bailiff. 2. Perham (Parham, co. Sussex) is mentioned in the Telligraphus of St Edward (D. f. 47), but nothing is said about the way in which it came into the abbey. It occurs duly, however, in the Domesday Survey. We hear of it in the latter half of Henry Is reign, when Abbot Herbert made good his claim to it against an aggressor (D. f. 597 h) : Sciatis quod abbas Herbertus...diracionavit ten-am de Perehametde Mapeleford erga Herbertum filium Herberti...T'. episcopo Sarum apud Odestocami. In Henry II's time Peter fitz Herbert receives £100 from the abbot and convent for the surrender of his rights. Then Abbot William Postard assigns it to the kitchener, and presently Abbot Ralph confirms this assignment. As all these charters (D. ff. 597 seqq.) occur under the heading of the infirmarer, we must conclude that Parham ulti- mately came to his office. 3. We now come to the estates which remained with the chamber- lain. Of the London property we need not speak. We begin with Dodintuna (Doddington, 6 m. west of Lincoln). It was given by Ailric, and confirmed by a charter of Will. I to Abbot Vitalis^: and it appears accordingly in the Domesday Survey. The next we hear of it is in a charter by which Hugo de Euremou restores 'Dotinton' to the abbey. Abbot Gilbert had given it to him in exchange for another manor, which K. Henry afterwards took away and gave back to count Eustace (i.e. Eustace the younger of Boulogne). Henry's charter which con- firms the restoration of Doddington tells us that the other manor was Ducesworthe, and that the king gave Hugo an equivalent for its surrender^ 4. Cillentima, or Cholyngton, as it is called in the assessment of 1381, has proved very difficult to locate. Our first completely trust- worthy notice of it is in a charter of William I (D. f. 168) addressed to 1 Cf. Hist. Ahingd. Eolls S. ii 5 : ' Herebertus filius Hereberti, i militem pro Lechamstede x hidarum ' ; in a list of Abingdon knights, temp. Hen. I. 2 D. f. 524 & : 'manerium Dodinton', quod Alricus Merietisunse dedit.' In William's 'First Charter' (D. f. 50 h) : 'Dudintun...Aegelricu8 noniine filius Mergeati.' '^ The texts of these charters are given below, nos. 25 and 26. For Hugo de Euremou, who enters into the legend of Hereward 'the Wake,' see Round, Feud. Engl. pp. 159 — 161. Details of Ad nun 1st rdf Ion 47 Abp Lanfranc and Bp Odo, which gives to Abbot Vitalis the hunting in the wood at Battersea, and certain properties in London and else- where: 'et terrain de Celintona, quam tenet Boselinus de Diva.' But there is nothing here to fix its locality^. We must therefore try back among our fictitious charters to see what the tradition about it was. In Will. I's First Charter (D. f. 526) and in his Telligraphus (D. f. 496) we find ' villam Cillinctune, quam prius Boselinus de Diva ei [sc. ecclesiae] per vim abstulerat': but this notice is obviously drawn from the charter to which we have just referred. In St Edward's First Charter (D. f. 396) we have 'Colintuna,' which is immediately followed by 'Cillingtune' (cf his Telligraphus, D. f 47): this gives us no further light. But in the Telligraphus of Ethelred (D. f 806) we read^: Item Aelfwine prefectus meus de Kent tres cassatas cenobio prefato pro animula sua conjugisque largitus est in loco qui vulgo Sillingtune dicitur. Here we have at last a hint as to where we must look. If the king's prefect of Kent gives it for his 'poor soul,' it is probably some- where in that county. But the Domesday Survey of Kent does not recognise it. Yet our next mention of it would be in harmony with such a locality: for about the year 1150 Abp Theobald requires two aggressors to give it back to the abbey on pain of excommunication, which shall be strictly enforced throughout the whole of England (D. f. 681, under the heading Scripta vacua nunc): T. dei gratia Cant' archiepiscopus, Anglorum primas, apostolice sedis legatus, Gaiifrido Batailla et Ricardo de Frachevilla, salutcni. Ex parte G[ervasii] abbati.s [we have learned that] iugressi estis mauerium de Cheliudona, quod a tempore Edwardi regis predicta ecclesia possedisse dicitur.... We shall see presently that, when Abp Theobald interposed on behalf of Sulby in Lincolnshire, he required the Bp of Lincoln to strike the aggressor with ecclesiastical censures, if need should be^. But in the case before us he acts directly, as he must of necessity do if the place be in his own diocese. Once more therefore we are inclined to look to Kent, though the indications are still but slight; and there is a Shillington and also a Chellington in Bedfordshire, and other counties offer similar names equally attractive*. ' In the Domesday Survey for Sussex (f. Ifi) part of Mallinges is held by ' filius Boselin'.' " Cunip. St Dunstan's charter, D. f. .36, where it is called SchoUiuRtune. 3 Below, p. 18. * E.g. Kelituna (now Kenningtons), the Essex part of Kelington, which is across the river in Suffolk. 48 Gilbert Crispi7i The 'Valor Ecclesiasticus ' of Henry VIII generally notes the county in which a property is situated; but here our estate is missing fi'om the list of those held by the chamberlain; and indeed it does not appear anywhere in the list printed in the Monasticon. Our last hope is in the chamberlain's account roll, though it is most unusual to find there any notes of locality. Most fortunately this case is an exception. In the roll for 1382—3 we read: Et de redditu de Cholyngtone in parochia de Burne, iii \\. In the next extant roll (1399 — 1400) there is a neat erasure at this point, but the extent of it exactly corresponds with the above words : so that it is plain that this property was lost to the chamberlain only a few years after the assessment of 1381. Where then is the parish of Burne ? There is no such parish, it seems, in Kent at the present day. But a few miles east of Canterbury we find Bekesbourne, and six miles south-east of that is the village of Chillenden, or Chillingden — for after a thousand years its spelling is still open to question. When now we turn back to the Domesday Survey, we find to our satisfaction that the neighbourhood of what is now called Bekesbourne is described simply as Burne. 5. Sippenham (Cippenham, co. Bucks) is mentioned in a charter of William Rufus as having come to the abbey by his father's gift. It is confirmed to Abbot Gilbert, who had established his claim before certain of the king's barons. Subsequently Abbot Gilbert in the last years of his life granted it to William de Bokeland for a yearly rent of fifty shillings, the sum which appears in the assessment of 1381. The two charters here referred to are printed below ^; the second contains the interesting phrase, ' quando rex Angl' communiter accipiet xx solidos de milite.' 6. Sulebi (Sulby, co. Northampton) was connected with West- minster in K. Henry I's time, as we gather from later documents. A writ of Archbp Theobald, apparently between 1147 and 1154, requires Robert de Chesny, bp of Lincoln, to see that Robert Foliot restores Sulby which he has taken away (D. f. 6806); and a charter of Robert Foliot confirms to the abbey the perpetual tenure of the manor of Sulby, for the service of one knight, as in the time of his predecessors under K. Henry ^ In the Red Book of the Exchequer (ed. Hall), p. 331, we read : 1 Nos. 9 and 37. ' ' Sciatis me et Margaretam uxorem meam...eodem servicio quo faciebant predecessori- bus meis tempore regis Henrici, videlicet servicium unius militis ' (D. f. 523). Details of Administration 49 Carta Rol>erti Foliot. De baronia Rol>citi Foliot do veteri fefFaruento: Abbas de Westmonasterio, i militem. It is possible that further research may throw more light on the early history of this property ^ In later days the manor was let to Sulby Abbey (40 Hen. Ill) for 102 shillings, the figure at which it stands a hundred years later still in John Lakingheth's assessment. The other properties mentioned in our document must, with one exception, be briefly dismissed with a mere mention of their localities. Bienflct is Benfleet, and Fantone is Little Faunton- in North Benfleet: Pakelesam^ and Winetona* are Paglesham and Wenington: all these are in co. Essex. Cumbritona^ is Comberton, co. Worcester. Hane- wrde and Coueley^ are Han worth and Cowley in co. Middlesex. Tite- birste and Merdeleya are Titeburst in Wheathampstead and Mardley, both in CO. Hertford. Elteneya^ and Okkenduna^ are Ilteney and Ockendon in co. Essex. Knichtebrigge is the familiar Knightsbridge. Of Wateleya (Whatley or Wheatley, co. Essex) it is worth while to speak more particularly. Watelea occurs in the Domesday Survey as part of the land of Suain of Essex. A charter of Abbot Gilbert grants it to Robert son of Suain for sixty shillings a year, at which figure it stands in our document. Suain had given it for his soul's sake to St Peter, and Robert with his mother had made gift thereof on the altar of St Peter on the day of his father's buriaP. 1 In a Northampton survey of the time of Hen. I, Richard Foliot is said by Dr Round to be the heir of Guy of Renbodcurt, or Raimbercurt, a Domesday owner, see Feudal England, 219 f. Was this Ric-hard the father of the Robert Foliot of our charter? According to Dugdale (Baronage), Richard's father was Robert Foliot, who married Margery, daughter of Richard de Reincurt. - For confirmations of Fanton by Hen. I see below, nos. 23, 24. 3 Given by Ingulfus (Edw. Telligr. D. f. 47 b). * This is the 'Winton' of a charter which speaks of the church having been broken into: see below, no. 31. ' See the charters printed below, nos. 27, 28. " Cofpiilea in St Dnnstan's charter. D. f. 3fi. Under the cellarer in D. f. 460. " Telligr. Will. I (D. f. 40 h): ' Deinde in Eastsex' prope burgum Maldune, in Elteneie XXX agellos arabilis terre,' given by Geofifrey de Mandeville. 8 Under the cellarer in D. f. 460. Wokendune and Ferine were held by Harold, and were given by the Conqueror to the abbey as part of the exchange for Windsor (D. f. 254). Henry's confirmation of this grant is printed below, no. 22. ' The charter is printed below, no. 8. R. C. * 50 Gilhe7^t Crispin Suain of Essex was the son of Robert fitz Wimarc^. This Robert was a staller under Edward the Confessor. He became sheriff of Essex, and was succeeded in that office by Suain ^. Suain's son, Robert of Essex, was the father of Henry of Essex, who lost the royal standard in battle and forfeited his lands to K. Henry II. Wateleya, which was a manor in the Honor of Rayleigh, thus came to the king. Henry II's daughter Matilda was married to Hemy the Lion, duke of Saxony, in 1168. The duke was banished in 1180, and resided in England for some years after 1182: his daughter Matilda was married in 1189 to Geoffrey count of Perche. These facts will explain a charter by which Geoffrey count of Perche confirms the gift of sixty shillings annually, originally made by Suain of Essex, to be paid on Palm Sunday for the approaching Maundy (D. f. 5206): ...ego Gaufi'idus dei gracia comes de Pertico...confirmavi, consensu Matildis uxoris mee, donacionem illam quam Swauus de Essexa, avus videlicet Henrici de Essex' dedit... videlicet sexaginta solidatas redditus in villa de Wateleya... perci- piendas...dominica scilicet in Ramis palmarum, ad mandatum pauperum faciendum proxima die Jovis. The obligation recorded in our document thus remained attached to the property: 'ad servicium cenae domini Ix sol' de Wateleya.' 1 Wimarc was his mother : her name is Breton, according to Dr Round (Vict. Co. Hist. Essex, p. 345; and of. Diet. Nat. Biog. ' Eobert the Staller'). 2 Then came Ealpb Baynard, and after him, at the time of the Survey, Peter de Valognes. V. Abbot Gilbert's Literary Remains. The esteem in which Gilbert Crispin was held as a theologian some thirty years after his death is strikingly illustrated by an incident which is recounted by John of Salisbury in the HistoHa Pontijicalis^. After the formal proceedings of the Council held at Rheims in 1148 by Eugenius III were concluded, certain bishops and abbots were still retained to consider various errors imputed to Gilbert de la Por^e, bishop of Poitiers. St Bernard gathered a private conference in his lodging, and tried to get the consent of some influential persons to certain positions in advance, in order to shew that Gilbert de la Poree had contravened them and so to secure his condemnation. At this conference there were present, as the writer could attest ('quod vidi loquor et scribo'), Theobald abp of Canterbury, Geoffrey of Bordeaux, Henry (Murdoc) of York, Suger abbot of St Denys, Baldwin abbot of Castellio (Chatillon) — all of whom were now dead ; also Thomas of Canterbury, Roger of York and many others. St Bernard asked them, if he were wrong in opposing Gilbert de la Poree, to correct him: if not, to defend the Church. Then he made certain propositions, which one of his monks wrote down and read out, saying Placet vobis ? The firet was ' Quod deus est deitas, et e converse': they said Placet. The second was 'Quod tres personae sunt unus deus, et e converse': again they said Placet, but they did not like this method of procedure. The third was 'Quod essentia dei incaniata est, sive natura': once more they gave their assent. Quarto loco suliintvilit quod quoniam deus simplex est et quicquid in deo est deus est, proprietates persouarum sunt ipsae i>ersouae, et quod pater est paternitas, filius est filiatio, spiritus est processio, et e couverso. quae cum similiter prioribus excepta essent et ititcrrogata, surgcns archidiaconus quidam ratalaunensis, scilicet llt)l>ertu.s de Bosco, et tain vnce quam manu silpiitium impetrans potiit hujus re- siKinsionis dilationcm. audierat enim, ut diccbat, in scolis clarissimorum doctorum fratnim Anselmi et Rjuiulfi Lauduueusium hoc fuisse quaesitum ; sed ab eis mininie receptura ast, quia verebantur transgredi tcrminos quos posuerant patres. sed nee ' c. 8 (ed. Arndt, in Pertz's Mon. Germ. Hist. SS. xx, p. r/iS). I nm indebted for my knowledge of this interesting incident to Mr C. C. J. Webb. 4—2 52 Gilbert Crispin Gilbertus Universalis, qui post fuit episcopus Lundonensis, nee Albericus Remensis, qui post in archiepiscopum Bituris sublimatus est, hoc ob eandem causam admittere voluerunt : nam et ipsos audierat et super hoc interrogaverat. item, ut aiebat, omnibus his sibi litteratior visus est Gillebertus abbas Westimonasterii prope Lun- doniam, qui hoc nunquam concedere adquievit. consuluit ergo ut in re tanta non praecipitarent sententiam, praesertim cum ab hac diffinitioue tanti viri abstinu- erint interrogati, et domnus papa praesens esset et ecclesia Romana, et ad illam couvenerant qui praestantiores esse videbantur in orbe Latino, paritum est con- silio ejus, conventu sic soluto. St Bernard however got at the Pope himself, and dictated a form of words in which judgment was given: but Gilbert de la Poree consented to corj-ect his commentary on Boethius de trinitate accordingly, and was acquitted. The position which Robert du Bois assigns to Abbot Gilbert of West- minster is very remarkable in view of the eminence of the theologians to whom he prefers him. We have now to ask what were the writings which gained him so great a reputation. We shall begin by considering the evidence of certain mediaeval lists in which his name occurs. (1) Catalogues of the library of Bee. Although most of the manu- scripts of Bee have perished, we fortunately possess two early lists which are of considerable interest^. They are both reprinted in Migne P. L. 150, col. 771 flf. from Ravaisson Rapports siir les bibliotheques des departements de I'Oaest, Paris, 1841 ; and a more recent edition is found in Cat. des MSS. biblioth. publiques de France, t. ii pp. 385 f. The first belongs to the early part of the twelfth century and is entitled ' Tituli librorura Beccensis almarii.' Here we find a volume containing works (a) of St Chrysostom and (6) of Gilbert Crispin. The entry is as follows : Libri beati lohannis cognomine Ghrisostomi. In uno vol. De reparatione lapsi, lib. i. Item ejusdem ad Demetrium de com- punctione cordis, lib. i. Item de eadem re ad Stelechium, lib. i. Item omelia ejusdem de subscriptione i' Psalmi. Item omelia ejusdem de i° Psalmo. Item contra Judeum lib. Gisleberti Crispini abbatis Westimonasterii. Item ejusdem de Simoniacis, et de veritate corporis et sanguinis Domini. Item ejusdem sermo in dedicatione ecclesie. Item omelia ejusdem super Cum ingressus Jesus. Item ejus- dem epistole in. ' For a full discussion of the subject see Histoire de I'abbaye du Bee par le Chanoine Poree, Cur6 de Bournainville (Evreux, 1901, 2 vols.), i 91 — 94. This scholarly work, to which I have already had occasion to refer, is written by a country parish priest in the neighbourhood of Bernay, and is of the first importance for the study of Norman monasticism. It deserves to be better known in England. Literary Remains 53 The second list was drawn up by Robert of Torigny, when the Bee library had received a legacy of books from Philippe d'Harcourt, bp of Bayeux, who died in lltJ4. Here in a composite codex we find: ' Gislebertus contra Judeum.' If we add the 'Vita domni Herluini abbatis/ which occurs without the name of the author in the fii-st list, we complete the tale of his writings to be found in his old home at Bee in the middle of the twelfth century. (2) Boston of Bury. This learned librarian of St Edmund's mon- astery expanded in the fifteenth century a catalogue of books existing in English libraries, which had originally been drawn up by the Franciscans^. Here we have this entry: Qilbertiis Abbas Westm floruit cii'ca A. Ch. et scripsit De disputatione Judaei cum Christiano i. cum seipso tuuc Abbate ad Anselmum Archiepiscopum Lib. i. Revereudo pronunciabatur 82. 165. 11. De anima Lib. i. Unde infanti sub judice 168. De casu diaboli Lib. i. De angelo honoret 168. The numbers refer to the various libraries: 82 = Bury, 165 = Brink- bourne, 11 = Westminster : 168 is a mistake for 165, the last number being 167: this is proved by another entry under 'Gilbert of Swynes- hed' in Boston's own catalogue, where we have without 'incipit' or ' explicit,' and on the authority of ' Catalogus librorum Angliae,' the following: De anima Lib. i 165 De casu diaboli Lib. i 163 But in the Septevi Custodiae both have the number 165. We see then that in England in the fifteenth century Gilbert was best known by his Disj)utation with a Jew; but that two other tracts were also supposed to be his, which were not in the Bee lists. It seems probable that at Brinkbourne the three were to be found in one volume. (3) We may now supplement the information gained from these ancient lists by the evidence of existing manuscripts. The first which ^ See note by Dr M. R. James in Westmimtcr Ahhry MSS. p. 22. TannerV Tiihliotheca gives the fullest printed information ; but I quote from transcripts made for Dr James by Mr Rogers of the Cambridge University Library. 54 Gilhert Crisjnn we shall notice shews iis that the three works last mentioned were actually to be found in one volume in the twelfth century. i. Brit. Miis. Addit. 8166 : described in Gated, of Romances, il 352, as a tall quarto, vellum, twelfth century, which ' seems to have been in- tended to form a collection of the works of Gilbert Crispin, abbot of Westminster.' f. 3 begins with a table of syllogistic forms : * Si sit a cum sit b. e. c' : followed by interpretations of names, inc. 'Ephesus, voluntas vel consilium' (7 churches, 12 tribes, Hebrew alphabet), expl. 'Tau, signum.' f. 3 h. Disputacio Gisleberti abbatis Westmonasterii contra iudeos (see below, pp. 60 ff.). f. lib. Sermo eiusdem in ramis palmarum: Exigit solempnitas... cvpl. coheredes autem Christi, cui &c. f. 18 6. De angelo perdito Veritas dicit... expl. incircumscriptus est, cui honor et &c. (see below, p. 72). f. 22 6. Quod de altaris sacramento fides catholica... expl. deus et homo, cui honor et imperium &c. (see below, p. 72). f. 28. Poems (leoniues) De confessione Crimina deploret... ; De corpore et sanguine domini Mysterio magno. . . . f. 28 6. A Lyric (adonics) Ad Anselmum archiepiscopum Que modulando... (see below, p. 83) : followed by Elegiacs De creadone sex dierum Unde dies inquam.... f. 29. Disputacio xpiani co gentili de fide Christi edita a Gilleberto abbate West- monasterii A duobus philosophis... (see below, pp. 73 fF.). f. 37. Disputacio Gisleberti abbatis de anima Unde infanti anima... expl. sub iudice lis est (see below, p. 72). f. 39 6. Proverbial sayings (from A to I) : Alienum est.... f. 40. Versus eiusdem de rege querenti uxorem. The poem which follows seems to have nothing to do with this title : it is one of two Aesopic Fables in hexa- meters— (i) Kite in Hawk's nest, (ii) Ram in Dog's skin. These fables are fully described in the Cat. of Romances above mentioned. We may note that the form of the Disputation with a Jew here found varies somewhat from the form in which the book ordinarily occurs : it looks like a first draft, made before Anselm became archbishop \ Possibly the compiler of this codex had access to various literary remains of Abbot Gilbert, and wished to make a single collection out of them ; but some foreign matter has evidently crept in, and there is a great deal of confusion. Nevertheless we have here a valuable addition to our know- ^ See the notes to the dedicatory letter, printed below, p. 82. After the ascription of praise which closes the book as hitherto known ('per omnia saecula saeculorum . amen.') this MS continues: 'Ex condicto item convenimus die altero, et considentes loqui cepimus. Rogasti ut cogitarem ac recogitarem....' New matter here follows (ff. 15— 17 fc) down to ' et scripture sacre auctoritatem esse probatur. ' Literary Remains 65 ledge of Gilbert's writings; and we have certainly got the two treatises ' De anima ' and ' De cjisu diaboli ' of which Boston of Bury speaks. ii. Brit. Miis. Cotton. Vesp. A. xiv : described in Catal. of Ro-mances, II 529, as a small quarto, vellum, about a.d. 1200. Three MSS are here bound up together ; and the middle one, which concerns us, is badly cut at the bottom in binding. 1. ff". 1 — 105. Kalendar, with saints mainly Welsh; followed by lives of some. 2. f. 106. Correspondence between Gregory the Great and Augustine : from Bede. f. 109. 0. abbot of Westmi7ister to A. abp of Canterbury : On the Holy Spirit (see below, p. 70). f. 111. Vision of Di-ihthelm, &c. : from Bede. 3. ft: 114— 179. Epp. of Alcuin, &c. Here we have another tract of Gilbert's, oddly preserved amid alien matter^ iii, St Johns College, Oxford, no. 149. This codex is described in detail in Coxe's catalogue: I shall therefore state its contents sum- marily, only calling attention to one or two new points of interest-. Coxe assigns it to the beginning of the thirteenth century : it may be rather earlier : some leaves, as we shall see, are undoubtedly earlier. f. 1. Ailred's Life of St Edward. [I have collated this with Twysden's edition : the chapter-headings are throughout different; and it contains the story of the devil and the money-bags, which is not in Twysden, but is to be read in Richard of Cirencester, Sj)ec. Ilist. iv 9. Twysden got his sis from Ussher : it is probably no. 172 in Trin. Coll. Dublin : it was a Westminster book.] f. 59 b. Abbo's Life of St Edmund. f. 72 b. Passion of St Kenelm. f. 82. „ „ St Christina. f. 91 b. ,, „ SS. Faith, Hope and Charity. f. 99. Incipit liber domni Gisleberti de symoniacis (see below, pp. 57 ft'., Ill — 24). f. 111. Virtues of St Gregory of Neo-Caesarea. f. 114. Revelations of St Elizabeth. f. 170. Poem on B.V.M. f. 176. Pa-ssion of St Margaret. f. 181 b. Pa.ssion of 11,000 virgins of Cologne. [The page, by means of enlarge- ments of the letter s, is made to end with ' pregustaret ' : the next page (182 a) 1 It was noticed by the learned anthers of the Histoire Littiraire de la France in their account of Gilbert Crispin (t. x. pp. 192 — 201). My attention was called to both the above- mentioned MSS by Mr Herbert of the Britisli Museum. ' I have to thank the President and Fellows for granting me special facilities for consulting this hs, so that I was able to transcribe Gilbert's treatise in the abbey in which he wrote it. 56 Gilbert Crisjmi goes on 'ut inenarrabilem ' in an earlier hand; and there is the remainder of a leaf which has been cut away before this. The Passion ends on f. 191 a {ad fin.) without an explicit: f. 191 6 is blank.] f. 192. 'Concilium remis habitum presidente papa calixto' (still the earlier hand), f. 193. Proverbial verses (returning to the hand of the first portion of the codex). f. 198. Lections for SS. Cyriacus, &c. f. 205 h. Scraps of proverbs, &c. by various hands, but giving no guidance as to the provenance of the book. It is a mystery how Abbot Gilbert's treatise De Simoniacis came to be embodied in a collection of this kind. Its recovery puts an end to an interesting speculation of H. Boehmer, in his valuable book on ' Church and State in England and Normandy in the eleventh and twelfth v^enturies.' He had suggested that a tract ' De sacramentis hereticorum,' which is the answer of a certain ' magister G.' to a ques- tion put by a ' discipulus G.', might be the work which the Bee catalogue ascribed to Abbot Gilbert under the title ' De simoniacis et de veritate corporis et sanguinis domini.' The fact that the judgment of a certain ' sacer senex,' presumed to be Anselm, is referred to, and the occurrence of Gilbert's Disputation ivith a Jew in the same codex, formed the gi'ounds of the theory : but the highly rhetorical style of the writer made the identification very doubtful. It need not now be further considered \ We pass now to consider certain works which have been wrongly assigned to Gilbert Crispin. (1) Homil. 47 in Gantica Canticorum. The only evidence for giving this to our Gilbert appears to be Leland, who found a copy of it at Wardon (Gollectan. iv 12); but when he next mentions the book (as at Peterhouse, Cambridge) he assigns it simply to ' Gilbertus monachus.' Gerberon (Migne, P.L. 158, col. 1167) refers to these Homilies, 'quas apud Eberbacenses exstare monet additiuncula in Trithem.' Boston of Bury, however, attributes them to ' Gilbertus Albus monachus et abbas de Swyneshed.' This is Gilbert of Hoyland, who was a pupil of St Bernard and by him made a Cistercian (Tanner). There is no doubt that this is the true attribution : for St Bernard's 86 discourses on the Song of Songs^ end at iii 1, where his exposition was cut short by death. Gilbert took it up at this point, but his own death cut it short again at v 10. 1 See Boehmer, Kirche u, Staat, p. 172 ; and for the text of the tract Monumenta Germaniue Historica, Lib. de lite in 12 — 20 (from Wolfenbuttel aia 782). « Migne, P. L. 184, col. ii. Literary Bemains 57 Besides the Peterhouse MS, there is one at Trin. CdII. Dublin, no. 117 [A. 5. 5] : ' Incipit tractatus Gisleberti abbatis super cantica canticorum, ab eo loco [iii 1]: In lectulo meo...Varii sunt aniantiuin artectus... ': 47 tractates, ending, ' qui approxiniant iUi approxiniant igni. amen. ExpHciunt cantica canticorum secundum magistrum Gilbertum.' (2) Coniiaentary on Jerome's Prologues. Cave, Hist. Litt. i (J34 (Lond. 1688), assigns to Gilbert Crispin : Item in prologos S. Hieronymi super Biblia, ibid. [i.e. Peterhouse]. Coiitra peocaia cogitationis, locutionis et opens, in bibliotheca privatii Gualteri Cope. Of the second of these I know nothing. Of the first there is a MS at Turin (Pasini, cod. MCLX : f. Il 21 : saec. xiv), which on Cave's authority is assigned to Gilbert Crispin. I have examined the Peter- house MS (Bernard's Catal., 1754 : Dr James's, 259). On a liy-leaf in a seventeenth centuiy hand is written, ' Com. Gilberti in prologos Hieronomi in Biblia.' On f. 77a we find a mention of Gilbert, which probably has led to the eiTor : ' Incipit prologus vel potius introitus gilberti pictagavensis in apocalipsim.' Gilbert de la Poree, bishop of Poitiers, appeal's to be meant. (3) Commentaries on Isaiah and Jeremiah, assigned to our Gilbert by Pits, and perhaps some other expository writings so assigned, may also with probability be given to Gilbert de la Poree. (4) Libei' de statu Ecclesiae, also assigned to our Gilbert by Pits, belongs to 'Gilbertus Lunicensis,' bp of Limerick: see Migne, P.L. 159, col. 995 and 1003. Of the genuine writings of Gilbert Crispin there remain three items in the Bee list which still elude us^ : Sermo in dedicatione ecclesiae. Onielia super Cum ingressiis Jesus. Epistolae in. Hut we may feel satisfied that we have undoubtedly got nearly everything that is mentioned on good authority as having been ' The De veritate coi-poris et sanguinis domini, which follows the De Simoniacis in the Bee list, ia doubtless meant for a separate title. In Brit. Mus. Addit. 81G6 (described above) after the discussion ' de angelo perdito ' (f. 18 b) follows a discussion ' de altaris sacrameuto' which perhaps is the tract in question. There is also in the same manuscript a poem entitled De corpore et sanguine domini, which begins: ' Mysterio magno legali vescimur agno.' But it consists of only about twenty-five lines, and ia not at all likely to have been singled out for notice in a catalogue. 58 Gilbert Crispin written by him. The following is a summary list of his extant works : 1. Life of Herluin: Corp. Chr. Camb., 318. 2. Disputation with a Jew : many MSS. 3. De Simoniacis: St John's, Oxf., 149. 4. De Spiritu Sancto : Vesp. A. xiv. 5. De casu diaboli : \ 6. De anima : 7. Sermo in ramis palmarum : 8. Versus ad Anselmum : 9. Disputatio Christiani cum gentili : \ B. M. Addit. 8116. 1. The Life of Herluin, first abbot of Bee. It is somewhat remarkable that this, which in course of time has come to be the most important of Gilbert Crispin's works, should never have been printed in a complete form. It is the foundation of all our knowledge of the gi-eat Norman abbey which gave Laufranc and Anselm, and afterwards Theobald, to the archiepiscopal throne of Canterbury ; and, as Gilbert lived at Bee for twenty-five years, and only left it a few years after Herluin's death, his narrative has a unique worth which careful historians have not failed to recognise. But in truth, paradoxical as it may sound, its very value as a historical docu- ment has involved its text in this unmerited neglect. For the writer of Lanfranc's Life^ relied almost exclusively upon it for the earlier part of the archbishop's career, and embodied large sections of it in his bio- graphy. When Luc d'Achery edited Lanfi^anc's works in 1648, he prefixed to them the Vita Lanfranci, and he added in an appendix Gilbert's Vita Herluini. But in order to save repetition he did not print the latter work in full ; and he puts us off again and again with a disappointing ' &c.,' referring us for the omitted passages to the earlier pages of his volume. Unfortunately the changes and additions which the author of Lanfranc's Life had introduced make it impossible thus to reconstruct Gilbert's work with accuracy : we are in constant danger of ascribing to Gilbert words that he never wrote. The most striking instance of this is the story of Lanfranc's adventure with the robbers, which is commonly supposed to have decided him to adopt the monastic life. Of this adventure there are two somewhat different traditions. 1 Milo Crispin, precentor of Bee (f c. 1150) : see above, p. 18. Literary Remaiufi 59 One of them is given in the Vita Lanfranci, where it occurs in the middle of a passage boiTOwed from Gilbert's work : but as a matter of fact it is altogether absent from the Vita Heiiuini, and thus loses what has hitherto ajjpeared to be its most important attestation. It is only in this nmtilated form that Gilbert's Life of Herluin has hitherto been known to scholars^. It exists in manuscript in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, in a codex (no. 318) given to Abp Parker by the Dean of Rochester. This is a Rochester book of the twelfth century, beginning with Ailred's Life of St Edward, and con- taining among other pieces Eadmer's Life of St Anselm. It is also found in a codex of the Vatican (no. 399 fonds de la reine de Sufede), which contains the lives of the early abbots and the Chronicon Beccense. This MS was written c. 1480 : a copy of it made by Andr^ Duchesne is in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris (lat. 5427). See L. Delisle, Notice sui' vingt manuscrits du Vatican, 1877 (extr. de la Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des Chartes), and Por^e, Chronique duBec (1883), p. xiv. D'Achery probably printed his text from one of the MSS described by Montfaucon {Bibliotheca hihlioth. MSS, li 254) as existing at Bee at the end of the seventeenth century. In the Histovia Noi'mannorum of William of Jumieges (1. vii, c. 22 : Duchesne, p. 279), after a brief mention of Abbot Herluin, we read: Si quia veto conversionem et conversationem ipsius plenius nosse desiderat, librum qui de vita ejusilem patris venerandi eleganti sermone conscriptits est a viro religiose Gisleberto Crispino, postea abbate Westemonasterii, et tarn nobilitate generis quani scientia s;ieculari et diviiia poUenti, perquirens relegat, in quo sufl&- cienter reperiet unde sue desiderio satisfaciat. In 1. vi, c. 9 of the same work (Duchesne, pp. 261 — 265) large por- tions of Gilbert's book are actually embodied. M. Leopold Delisle, however, writing of two MSS of W. of Jumieges at Leyden (nos. 20 and 77) in Melanges de Pal. p. 173, says that it is known that Orderic Vitalis, c. 1130, in the abbey of St Evroul revised and completed the work of W. of Jumieges, and that some ten years later this text was further developed by Robert of Torigny in the abbey of Bee. This particular chapter, commencing ' Circa haec tempera,' which concerns the history of Bee, hiis long been pointed out as an interpolation by ' It i3 reprinted in Mabillon, Acta SS. Ord. Ben. s. vi, in Migne P. L. 150, col. 6'J7 ff., and by Giles (Lanfranc's Works, Oxf. 1844) : Giles knew of no ms of the Vita (ibid, i 40G). 60 Gilbert Crispin Robert. In one of the Leyden MSS it has been added subsequently, and a leaf has been inserted to make room for it. Gilbert's work has been recast in the Altera vita Herluini, printed in the Acta SS. ordinis S. Beiiedicti (saee. vi, part ii, pp. 335 — 365) from an ancient Bee codex. After the prologue, ' Quoniam Christi militis Herluini,' &c., it begins : ' Felix in domino vir Herluinus, primus pater et fundator Beccensis ovilis,' &c. This is to be found in a Jumieges codex in the public libraiy at Rouen, U. 102, saec, xii — xiii. The writer does not mention Gilbert's name : perhaps he did not know it, for the Vita Herluini probably circulated anonymously \ He says that some found the old Life tasteless and others found it tedious ^ His new Life, however, extends to much the same length ; and two sentences will suflSce to shew the style which he preferred : (p. 362) ' Coepit ergo deo dignus minister digna dignis altaribus digne ministrare ' : (p. 363) ' Dux siquidem immundorum in mundum immundum egressuro im- mundo per immunda loca immunditiae suae signaverat sero vestigial' We may be thankful that Abbot Gilbert did not consult ' the urbanity of the moderns' after this fashion. 2. Disputation of a Christian and a Jew. If it is beyond all reasonable question that the Life of Abbot Herluin is now the most interesting and most valuable of Gilbert Crispin's works, it was otherwise in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Far more popular was the Disputatio Jtidaei cum Christiano, a controversial work of exceptional fairness, dedicated by Gilbert to his old master Archbishop Anselm, and in temper at any rate not unworthy of his school. Two copies of this book were in the Bee library in the middle of the twelfth century, the second being part of the legacy of Philip Harcourt, bp of Bayeux. In England Boston of Bury vouches for copies at West- minster, Bury and Brinkbourne in the fifteenth century. The following 1 In the xiith cent, list of the Bee library it occurs in the following entry without the name of the author : ' In uno. Dicta beati Gregorii pape super cantica, et vita domni Herluini abbatis, et vita beati Anselmi archiepiscopi Cantuariensis ' (cf. Migne P. L. 150 col. 771 f.). ^ Prologue (p. 359) : ' Licet olim digesta sit a viro ut fertur erudito seu etiam lingua diserto, sterilem tamen in ea prolixitatem et incompositam dictaminis barbariem moder- norum abhorret urbanitas : praesertim cum ex uno insipida ex altero taediosa non immerito judicetur.' 3 Cf. infra p. 95. Literary Remains 61 list of existing Mss, which makes no pretence of completeness, will shew at a glance how widely it was distributed in early times. 1. British Museum, Addit. 8166 [xii]. 2. „ „ Tit. D. xvi [xii] : from St Alban's. 3. Oxford, Bodl. 839 [xii]. 4. Paris, Bibl. Nat. Lat. 12,311 [xii]. 5. „ „ „ Lat. 14,858 [xii]. 6. Troyes, 423 [xii]. 7. Valenciennes, 249 [xii] : from St Amand. 8. Rouen, 1174 (fragm.) [xii]. 9. Evreux, 4 [xii] : from abbey of Lyre. 10. I\runich, Lat. 14,509 (fragm. init.) [xii]. 11. „ Lat. 324 [xiii]. 12. Wolfenbiittel, 782 [xii] : from Lampspring. It was printed by Dom Gabriel Gerberon in his great edition of St Anselm in 1675 ('In ms. biblioth. Remig. B. 10, et ex ms. Victorino cc. 9, et ex ms. San-Germanensi '). It is reprinted in Migne, P. L. 159, col. 1005 ff. In the Bihliotheca Patrum, Lugd. xx, p. 1884, there is printed under the name of William de Champeaux a treatise entitled Altercatio Chnstiani cum Judaeo de fide Catholica. This is preceded by an epistle dedicatoiy to Alexander, bp of Lincoln, which is closely parallel to Gilbert's letter of dedication to St Anselm^ : and the opening sentences of the dialogue itself borrow thoughts and phrases from the beginning of Gilbert's work, though presently the writer takes an independent line of his own. William de Champeaux {de Campellis) is a notable figure in the history of philosophy at the beginning of the twelfth century : he was for a time the teacher of Abelard, and he afterwards became bishop of Chalons-sur-Marne. It is exceedingly unlikely that he should have written such a treatise as that which we are considering. Indeed the only reason for refeiTing it to him appears to be its occurrence in a ' codex Catalaunensis.' Now William of Champeaux is said to have died in Jan. 1121 ; and, even if this be Jan. 1122 of our reckoning, we cannot escape an anachronism : for Alexander was nominated to the bishopric of Lincoln at the Easter court of 1123, and was consecrated in the following July. 1 This letter, which ia anonymous, ia priuted at the end of (iilhert'a Dhputatio in Migue, P. L. 1.59. col. 1036. 62 Gilbert Crispin We may with probability attribute the work to some English admirer of Gilbert's treatise, who wished to ingratiate himself with a powerful bishop. But it does not reflect Gilbert's modest and gentle spirit. It is worth while to read the two works together in order to see how much Gilbert rises above the ordinary controversialist of his day. The later writer is evidently dissatisfied with the leniency with which the earlier writer treats his opponent. He is determined to secure the victory for the Christian disputant : he substitutes threatenings for arguments, and overwhelms his opponent with New Testament quota- tions : it is obvious that he is writing a book rather to please Christians than to convert Jews. As Gilbert's Disputatio is not here reprinted, it will be well to give some account of it in detail. It is not cast in the form of a conversa- tional dialogue, but consists of seven set speeches on either side ; those of the Jew, who raises the objections, being much shorter than those of the Christian, who has to make somewhat elaborate replies, and also to carry on a counter-attack. The whole treatment is eminently fair : the difficulties propounded by the Jew are genuine difficulties, and to some of them a fully satisfactory reply cannot easily be given. There is no loss of temper on either side, and at the end there is no token of sur- render and no note of triumph. That the Christian position was suflSciently maintained from the standpoint of the early middle ages is shewn by the wide and rapid circulation of the book, and by the fame which Gilbert acquired by means of it. And that his kindly reasonableness was not without immediate effect we may gather from the closing paragraph of his dedicatory letter to St Anselm. For, while he does not claim to have influenced his learned opponent, who had been educated at Mainz, he says that a London Jew by God's mercy had been converted at West- minster, had there made public profession of his faith and received baptism, and had enrolled himself in Christ's service as a monk of Gilbert's own abbey. A few quotations will serve to shew how keen a disputant Gilbert had to deal with, and will also bring out some minor points of interest which lie buried in a treatise that not many people are likely to read. (1) The Jew makes his own position clear: he believes Christ to have been a great prophet ; he will even, he says, ' believe Christ ' ; but he will not ' believe in Christ,' but only in the One God : Christum credo prophetam quidem omni virtutum praerogativa excellentissi- mum, et Christo credaui ; sed iu Christum ueque credo, neque credam ; quia non Literarji Remains 63 credo nisi in deum^^punum. Audi, inquit, Israel, deus tuus deus uniis est: unus, non triplex, sicvijtg^, . Uhristiani et negando dicitis et dicendo negatis'. aixisset l"' •■^^^^^8' ■'■^'^- ^^- ^' h^ contrasts the invitation to 'go up to the •■- -I vpc- ''he God of Jacob ' with the Christian custom of calling churches by tne names of saints : Alii vestrura dicunt, Eamus ad domura Petri ; alii, Ad domum Pauli ; alii, Ad domum Martini : nulli -.aro dicunt, Eamus ad domum dei lacob (col. 1012). In his reply Gilb(}rt says : Quod autem dicere .-los arguitis, Eamus ad domum Petri, eamus ad domum Pauli, ad domum Marti: vj; nullus qui sane sapit hoc ita dictum esse intelligit. nullam quippe domum etro sen Paulo facimus, sed in honorem atque memoriam Petri seu Pauli deo earji condimus. nee ulli pontificum fas est dicere in con- secrationibus ecclesiarvnn, Tibi Petro, seu Paulo, banc domum vel hoc altare consecramus : sed, Tib.i deo in honorem Petri, seu Pauli, banc domum vel hoc altare C'i'A^.*:<^'"'i'n3^if5- P'.opterea vero haec donius potissimum appellatur donuis dei Jacob, ac spccialius nominatur Jacob, quia primus omnium legitur Jacob deo instituisse banc d 'Jium. Erexit, inquit, Jacob lapidem in tituluni, fundens oleum desuper; et dixit, Vere locus iste sanctus est: et enumeratis quae viderat caelesti- bus mysteriis obstuijefactus addidit, Quam terribilis est locus iste, non est hie aliud nisi domus dei et porta caeli. domus ergo dei uostri est domus dei Jacob, quia deum quem colimus coluit Abraham quoque Isaac et Jacob, in hac domo dei cotidie divinus sermo recitatur, populus fidelis quae bona appetat et quae mala fugiat edocetur, ac simul quae ap[)eteudorum sint praemia et quae mala quae aguntur poena comitetm' (col. 1014). (3) Speaking of the prophecy of Emmanuel, the Jew says : Animo libenti accipimus de Christo dictum, Et vocabitur nomen ejus Nobiscum deus: hoc est, tantae dignitatis et gratiae erit apud deum, ut in eo et per eum dominus, id est domini virtus, sit nobiscum. numquid quotiens ad vestrarum solemnia missarum dicitis, Dominas vobiscum, statim consequitur ut deus homo fiat, vel in turba homo factus consistat ? (4) From the scheme of the Atonement which Gilbert sets out at length in col. 1021 ff. (beginning, 'Nosti quoniam Genesis...), one passage may here be given : Quod si novus vel aliunde natus homo, seu angelus factus homo, hominem libcraret, non sic ad pristinum dignibitis ingenitae statuni re.stitui posset, cum enim angelis homo par creatus, nnn natura sed rationis ct conccssae libertatis gratia, soli deo cre;vtori ad serviendum obnoxius erat, ad eundem libertati.s statum seu i)er hominem seu i)er angelum restitui non valebat: a quo enim quis a .servitutc redimitur, ei ad serviendum obnoxius e.sse judicatur. quia ergo per alium plena ' Mignc, v. 1.. 1 ■')'>, col. 1011. In the following qnotations I have corrected the text from Brit. Mas. Addit. 8166 and Titus D. xvi. 64 Gilbert Cris}:'n hominis restitutio fieri non valebat, necesse fuit ut creator reaturae subvenir* creaturam creator subiret, ut per ipsum creatorem homo resti- , ■=» soli creatori ad serviendum obnoxius remaneret, et hostis jurp dit onem supra f C. humanum habitam amitteret. nihil enim in Christo suum 'lostis ' -; ^ m iniquitatibus conceptus erat, neque in peccato p?" "ner v. ot ' peccati maculam vivendo contraxerat. quia igit • \ KOmJsr eum feriendo deliquit, in quo nihil suum repperera,, ^ jure amisit earn jurisdictionem quam peccato primi hon' ejusque posteritatem obtinuerat (col. 1023). ■ ov aoc ,ice done to th( find everywhere The first half of this passage finds a close p? of the first book of the Cur Deus Homo : whether Gilbert would have written the latte ;,^ tioE of that work, which Anselm finished dr. .^^^ in 1098. For Anselm had perceived the objectit ' claim ' of the devil {ibid, ii, c. 7), and had lifted into a higher region. (5) The Jew has already complained of the vi Scriptures by the determination of the Christians prophecies of Christ. In the following passage he recurs t' *^^h topic and then proceeds to challenge the text of the Old Testan : which Christians use. Si fas est Christianis hoc modo scripturas de Christo legere et 1. ^rpretarij multo plura invenietis quae ita quoquo modo poteritis interpretari. nos vestrab litteras nescimus, et fortasse multa dicitis esse apud vos scripta quae apud nos scripta esse non credimus. sed si deus mihi et tibi vitam praestare voluerit, majori otio ad te revertar, librorum conferemus et apud nos et apud vos exemplaria, et ista requiremus exempla. ipse quidem fateor summae ineptiae, immo dementiae, esse seu me seu te contra evidentia scripturarum exempla et auctoritates resistere ; et idcirco ad praesens non est opus te ulterius disputando procedere. nam revera vos Christiani multa profertis de lege et prophetis, quae non sunt scripta in lege et prophetis. illud enim quod de Jeremia posuisti : Post haec in terris deus visus est, et cum hominibus conversatus est {Baruch iii 38), multaque huic versui superius annexa, Jeremias non dixit, non scripsit. quod si hoc in Jeremia scriptum esse inveneris, caetera veracissime dicta esse concede ; si autem in Jeremia non inveneris, depone tantam adversum nos animositatem ; erubesce adinventam contra nos falsitatem, et agnosce primam permanere apud nos in lege et prophetis veritatem (col. 1026). This is a dignified rebuke. It is foL ^ by a challenge of the famous prophecy of Isaiah (vii 14), ' Ecce virero concipiet,' where he says that the meaning is not ' virgo,' but 'c. .dita': and he adds that, even if the rendering ' virgo ' be admitted, he cannot allow the Christian gloss of the perpetual virginity. L'verar]! Remains 65 Nam et illud quod universi vos Christian! ore tain securo adversuin nos pro- fertis : Ecce virgo i^oncipiet ~t. pariet filium, Is virgo concipiet et pariet filium, non tamen addidit "~ ^ vp^- ■" ''.?." ''i^'iod virgo in conceptu mausit et post partum virgo churches by the u «j. •;» „ec ^,ii^g alius prophcta (col. 1027). Alii vestrum dicunt. ,y knows no Hebrew, and he falls back on the domum Martini : mUli ,^ unbiassed witnesses of the true text. But the In his reply Gilbc n. hing of any Seventy, except the elders whom '"'^'ople. The discussion (col. 1027 f.) is too long Quod autem dicere i ,^ , . • . .1 .1 7 Pauli, ad domum Martiv '^^^torest of its own, and it is noteworthy that nullam quippe domum '"Cfe to the work of St Jerome. Petri seu Pauli deo ear-"rftt!!i raised by the Jew is interesting for its refer- secratiouibus ecclesiarv^ .^^.^ ^i^ ^}^g ^jj^y . [^ ^^^^y g^gjj j^^ve been suggested consecramus: sed, Tib,jj^^^^,^ ^^^^, refectory. The Christian has quoted : -Ansecramus. P' , , . , , 1 .-i- ^ • 1 • the passar^e . .andantur omnes qui adorant sculptilia et qui glori- antur in simuk , "'s suis ' ; and the Jew replies : Ex hac igitur tiia illatione colligi potest, Confundantur et Christiani ; quia et 'Jhristia'^' Oorant sculptilia et gloriantur in simulacris suis. ipsum etenim demn effigiati? >(^uando iniseruin peudenteni in patibulo, cruci clavis affixum (quod ipso etiam visa horrendum est), idque adoratis ; et circa crucem effigiatis semipuorum solem n.scio unde exterritum et fugientem, lunam semipuellam lugubrem, semum- que lucis iuae comvi occultantem. aliquando autem deum effigiatis sublimi solio 3edentem manuque porrecta signantem; et circa earn, quasi magno dignitatis pracstigio', aquilam et homineni, vitulum et Iconem. has effigies Christiani ex- sculpunt, fabricant et depingunt unde possunt et ubi possunt, et adorant et colunt : quod lex a deo data omnimodo fieri vetat (col. 1034). Gilbert's defence is good. He reminds the Jew of the cherubim in the temple (1 Kings vi 29), and of the twelve oxen which supported the laver (1 Kings vii 23 — 25). He justifies the evangelic symbols from the Old Testament itself (Ezek. i 10) ; and he distinguishes care- fully between the adoration of God and the adoration of the Cross. Facimua deo picturas, facimus deo caelaturas, facimus et sculpturas; sed divino cultu nee adoramus nee colimus eas. nam ipsam crucem, quam crucem sanctam dicimus, utique lignum non deum esse dicimus, nullamque in se aut ex se virtutem habere cam dicimus: at postquam benedictioiie pontiticali sanctificatur in merao- riam dominicae pa.ssionis, jam crucem non divino sed debito venerationis cultu attoUimus, adoramus et^^ "''; . Isicut in psalmo dicitur, Adorate scabellum pediun ejus, quoniam sanctum est ^coi. »035). As Gilbert's dedlc.l"""'5^ letter, which speaks of the visits paid him on matters of business by the Jew who had been educated at Mainz, ' Addit. 816fi has 'prcsagio': but Ducange g\ves prariitigiuvi=praetfxtrini. R. c. 5 66 Gilbert Crispin and also of the conversion of a London Jew, gives us what is perhaps the earliest historical reference to Jews resident in England, we may quote here the passage in which William of Malmesbury informs us that the Conqueror had brought them from Rouen and settled them in London. Writing of William Rufus, he says : Insolentiae vel potius inscientiae contra deum hoc fuit signura. Judaei qui Londoniae habitabant, quos pater a Rothomago illuc traduxerat, eum in qiiadam solempnitate adierunt xeuia offerentes : quibus delinitus ausus est aniniare ad conflictum contra Christianos. Per vultum, ait, de Luca ! pronuntians quod si vicissent in eorum sectam transiret. Thus William of Malmesbury wrote in the first edition of his Gesta Regum, about the year 1125 : but some ten years or more afterwards, when in a new recension he softened down many of his more piquant statements, he recast the passage as follows : Insolentiae in deum Judaei suo tempore dedere indicium : semel apud Rotho- magum, ut quosdatu ab errore suo refugas ad Judaismum revocarent, muneribus inflectere conati ; alia vice apud Londoniam, contra episcopos nostros in certamen animati, quia ille ludibundus, credo, dixisset quod si vicissent Christianos apertis argumentatiouibus confutatos in eorum sectam transiret. magno igitur timore episcoporum et clericorum res acta est, pia sollicitudine fidei Christianae timentium. et de hoc quidem certamine nihil Judaei praeter confusionem retulerunt, quamvis multotiens jactarint se non ratione sed factione superatos. Here the ' insolence ' of Rufus has become the ' insolence ' of the Jews : Rouen is mentioned only as the scene of an attempt to recover converts by bribery ; and the writer directs his sarcasm at the bishops who tremble at the possible issue of an open debated The kindly feeling of St Anselm towards converted Jews is shewn by a letter which he writes to Ernulf the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury [1096 — 1107], and William the archdeacon of Canterbury, bidding them see to the welfare of a convert named Robert : Ut ea hilari pietate et pia hilaritate, qua omnes Christiani debent occurrere et subvenire de Judaismo ad Christianitatem fugienti, curam habeatis hujus Roberti, ne ulla indigentia vel occasione quam avertere possimus cogatur paenitere, qui propter Christum parentes suos et legem eorum reliquerit.... Ordinate itaque vos, domne prior, de eleemosyna, non per servientes (qui plus quaerunt quae sua sunt quam quae dei sunt), sed per monachum eleemosynarium ; et vos, domine Willelme, ex his quae mihi ex archidiaconatu servare debetis, quatenus ille cum familiola sua nullam duram patiatur indigentiam, sed gaudeat se de perfidia transiisse ad veram 1 W. of Malmesb. Gesta Regum, Rolls S. ii 371. The outrageous conduct of Eufus in taking the bribes and terrifying the converted Jews into renunciation of their new faith is passed over by this writer : but it is told at full length by Eadmer, Hist. Nov. Rolls S. 99 ff. TAterary Remains 67 fidem, et probet ex ipsa nostra pietate quia fides nostra propinquior est deo quam Judaica^ Gilbert's book is written in the spirit of his master, and it is a book that was plainly culled for by the circumstances of the time. 8. De Sinioniacis. Gilbert's treatise De Sinioinacis deals with a burning question of the day, and administers a quiet rebuke to many angry and foolish words which were being spoken about it. Herbert Losinga, the other- wise excellent bishop of Norwich, had paid a large sum to William Riifus for his appointment: he had afterwards gone to Rome and with a deep sense of repentance resigned his office into the Pope's hands : he had been absolved and reinstated. Several English abbots were charged with simony at the Council of Westminster in 1102, and were deposed by Anselm. Moreover the struggle regarding Investitures was represented by the reforming party as a crusade against simony. Theo- logical confusion had been introduced, and the minds of pious people had been upset, by some who taught that the sacraments administered by simoniacally ordained pereons were no sacraments at all, and that the blessing of such persons was a curse. The subject was mixed up with high politics as well as with common Christian duties. It needed to be dealt with on its merits : as a question of theolog}' it called for a calm and even academic treatment. Gilbert wisely refuses to consider what is, so to say, only constructive simony : he limits himself to simony in its proper sense, that is, the giving of money in order to obtain holy orders". We need not here trace his argument. It is enough to say that his method is absolutely fair: he sets out the severer view first, in terms which could hardly be improved on by its advocates ; and then he confronts it with obvious facts, with the judgments of authority, and with delicate reasonings. He undertakes no more than to state the case on either side for Anselm's judgment. The tract ends abruptly without any peroration. It is as though he had fisked a fjuestion, and then waited. But there ' Ans. Epp. Ill 117. - The curious phraseoloKy 'raunus a manu, munus ab ofBcio' is explained by a passage of Gregorj- (Hovi. in Evuikj. i 4. 1) : 'Unde bene, cum justuni virum drscriberct propheta, ait: Qui ercutit maiius gnas ab omni munere (Isa. xxxiii 1"»). nc(jUL' enini dicit, Qui exeutit maniis suns a munere ; sed adjunxit ab omni : quia aliud est munus ab obsequio, aliud munua a manu, aliud munus a lingun. munus i' the same physi- cian, who is not cruel when his treatment causes pain. The objector is satisfied on this point, but proceeds to attack the doctrines of the Incarnation and the Trinity. After much interesting discussion, in which he has made many admissions, the objector declares that no argument can ever convince him of the doctrine of the Trinity; and he sadly and respectfully takes his leave. Thereupon the rest of the audience, who are Christians, beg that so great a master will not leave them uninstructed in those deeper reasons for the Catholic Faith which could not properly be proposed to an unbeliever. One of their number having agreed to state the difficulties as an enquiring disciple, the master proceeds. A discussion follows in which among other points the gi-adual revelation of the Faith through the teachers of the Old Covenant, through our Lord Himself, and through the apostles and the later doctors of the Church, is skilfully drawn out, and the necessity of belief in accordance with available knowledge in each period is emphasized. The closing sentences may be quoted, as illustrating the temper of Anselm's pupil. Qui ergo deitatis unitatem et in deitatis imitate personarum iutelligit esse trinitatem, agat deo gratiius : et qui capere non potest, ita esse iiidubit ^{/bilitate generosior germanis efficiebatur, jure ab eis illi subici nee in- digniim aut injuriosum aestimabatur. He retreats to Protinus in villa quae dicitur Burnenvilla extruendum servitio Bonneville, dei opus arripuit non parvum brevi peractum. ipse non solum and builds a . ., , / . ,.. • i « ,. chapel: open praesidebat, sed opus ipsum emciebat, terram fodiens, fossam efferens, lapides sabulum ealcemque hunieris comportans ac ea in parietem ipsemet componens. quibus alii horis aberant, ipse congerebat quae ad opus exigebantur, excludens otium ab omni parte diei, quanto vanitate tumida olim delicatior, tanto vera humilitate nunc ad omnem laboris tolerantiam propter deum patientior. cibum praeter quibus non licet diebus semel accipiebat, nee exquisitum et parce satis, expleto cum die opere suo. et quia and learns at interdiu nequibat, ediscendo psalterio noctem paene totam impen- uight to read debat. his exercitiis multa iocunditate exercebatur novus tiro his psalter. /->,i • • Christi. His great Prima litterarum elementa didicit cuin jam existeret annorum proficiency prope quadraginta ; et divina opitulante gratia eo usque processit, grace. Ut etiam ipsis apprime eruditis grauunatica in exponendis ac intelligendis divinarum scripturarum sententiis merito haberetur admirabilis. quod ut solius divinae gratia efficientiae actum credatur, nocturnis tantum horis huic studio vaciibat, quia propter lectionem nunquam divini operis intermisit executionem. non solum in cithara confiteri domino, verum et in psalterio decem chordarum jisallere gestiebat, congrua temporum distributione, nunc attentus bonae actioni, nunc intentus lectioni atque orationi. He goes to see Nova rursus molimina contra eum hostis antiquus invenit. how monks quod summum in humana vita ille excogitaverat, monasterialis videlicet ordinis fiistigium, paene dissuasit his occasionibu.s. coeno- bium quoddam adiit gratia inquirendi de vita monachorum. habita oratione accessit omni cum reverentia multo cum timore jid ostium claustri, velut ad ostium paradisi, desiderantissimus scire qui monachorum habitus, qui mores, quae in claustro sedendi sit religio. vidit longe ab ea quam coenobialis ordo expo.scit gi\avi- tate morum onmes haberi. turbatus est, jam omnino incertus ► 92 Gilbert Crispin but is ejected as a thief. He visits otlier monks, but finds thein vain and barbar- ous. One praying brother re- stores his hope. These victories of faith are true miracles. Cant, iii 8. quod vivendi genus approbaret. ad haec qui monasterii custos erat, ut ilium sic introrsus accedentem conspexit, furem suspicatus immisso quanta vi potuit collo illius pugno per capillos foris usque ad ostium extrusit. at vir patientissimus pro illata sibi injuria nullum monacho laicus verbum impatientiae respondit. talibus quidem accedere plurimum extimuit: sed palmes propagatus ab ea quae vera vitis existit nullo adversitatum aestu arescere potest, alte radicatus in illius caritate quae omnia suffert. Hoc de illo aedificationis referens solatium, aliud ea de re proximo natali dominico adiit majoris nominis coenobium. festiva processione cum fratres in die solemnitatis exissent, vidit indecenti benevolentia monachos passim arridere laicis, aggaudere in para- tioribus^ ornamentis ostentando^ ea aliis, ad introitum contentioso tumultu anticipare aditum. ad haec insistentem sibi nimium fratrem quidam monachus monachum pugno repercussum avertit, ac impulsum supinis dentibus demisit ad solum : adhuc enim, ut dictum est, omnes omnium per Normanniam mores barbari erant. hac rerum insolentia ne bonum damnaret inceptum, tantam actuum levitatem, tantam morum improbitatem contuens in illis ad quorum normam vitam suam con-igere vole bat, dei manus efifecit subveniens labanti. sequenti nocte expleto matutinorum officio diu ante lucem aliis emissis oraturus ipse remansit occultatus in quodam angulo oratorii. mox quidam monachus eo non viso prope constitit ad orandum, qui nunc toto corpore prostratus nunc tantum genibus flexis cum lacrimis orans usque mane clarum perstitit. ejus igitur exemplo omnino redintegratus est. Referimus miracula, sed eis unde vulgus fert sententiam multum potiora ; quanquam non defuerunt et ipsa, quid enim glori- osius(quam) quod victus ab eo ubique hostis deo vincente succubuit? robur constantiae illius duris hactenus adversitatum ictibus per- fringere conabatur, sed conamen ejus omne frustrabatur : nunc malis pravorum exemplis suffodere molitur. verum ut in canticis legimus canticorum : Uniuscujusque viri ensis super femur suum propter timores nocturnos ; seu diurna oppugnatione seu nocturna subdole rationis alicujus suggestione accedat, invenit eum excu- bantem in propugnaculis, gerit in manu gladium, qui universas hostis compages ac medullas exequitur, dinoscens ac exterminans quae ab illo cogitationes atque intentiones suggeruntur: ad imparatioribus. - ostendando (ostendendo ed.). I Life of Ilerluin 93 Ps. cxxi 4. He is clothed as a monk. ordained, and made abbot. I The simple life of his community. His mother's peril and escape. excipiendos ictus longanimitatis et patientiae forti clypeo munitur. positus infra divinae custodiae nmrum ad omnia illius molimina vigilis sni commonitione sollicitatur, quia non dormitabit, neque dormiet qui custodit Israel, igitur non exploratis ad votum quae volebat castroruni domini, redit firmaturus suuni quod contra spirituales incursus^ extruebat. avulsit ilico paternas domos, unde servorum dei habitacula construxit. Sacrata vero quam construxit ecclesia ab cpiscopo Lexovii nomine Hereberto, comam totondit, ac saeculareni habitum de- ponens ab eodem pontifice sacrae habitum religionis accepit, miles Christi per tot pericula fortis ante expertus. ejusdem ordinis cum eo jugum subierunt duo sui. postmodum a pracfato praesule sacerdos consecratus, pluribus ducatui illius jam adscitis^ fratribus abbas praeficitur. tuto imitandus aliis praeponitur, qui per annos tres improperium vitae spiritualis patientissime tulit coram saecu- laribus alienatus spectaculis, quibus innutritus cotidie alios videbat oblectari, rigorem abstinentiae non relaxans inter affluentissimas dominorum mensas, omni denique abjectioni corpus suum subiciens in curia, quos ergo regendos acceperat, arctissime sed more patnim priorum regebat. videres peracto in ecclesia officio abbatem collo sementem, manu rastrum vel sarculum gestantem ad agriculturam praeire monachos omnes, ruris operi sub diei terminum insistere. sentibus et spinis alii agrum emundabant, alii fimum scapulis comportantes spargebant, hi sarriebant, illi serebant, nemo panem absumebat in otio, ad horam agendi officium in ecclesia omnes ad unamquamque horam ^ conveniebant. victus quotidianus panis siligineus et herbae cum aqua et sale, aqua non nisi lutulenta, quia fons nusquam praeter^ ad duo miliaria habebatur. caeleste aiebant beneficium, cum panis melior et caseus vel aliquod aliud edulium undecumque habebatur. exemplum magistri et conatus omnem murmurandi excludebat adituni. abbas prior ad opus, ab opere discedebat ultimus, operator ipse continuus. simili se inibi propter deum servituti nobilis mater ejus addixit, et concessis dec praediis quae habebat, ancillae fimgebatur officio, servientium dec pannos abluens et quicquid injungebatur extremi operis accura- tissime agens. Ad opus servorum dei quadam die cum annonam torrcret, nescio quo casu domus unrlique succcnsa est. cucuiTit quidam ' incurias. • additis. 3 om. horam. * om. praetpr. 94 Gilbert Cris^mi ejulando nuntians abbati domos ambustas et matrem ejus inibi esse combustam. at ille licet lacrimis suffusus ad deum manus levavit; Gratias tibi, deus, iiiquiens, quod in officio servientium tibi matrem meam ignis absumpsit. fortis in amore dei constantia, quae tot diaboli arietibus impulsa labare non poterat : malleos ac ignes inimicus nesciens suggerebat, quibus vir patiens minime fundebatur, sed purgatus ad coronam gloriae formabatur. nil tamen mali in ilia conflagratione praedicta domina passa fuit. He moves to Dein post aliquantum temporis per visum divinitus commonitus habitable spot ®^^' ^^ dimissa solitudine campestri, quae competenti oportunitate near the Bee. omnino carebat, eum ad locum sui juris mansionem transferret, qui a rivo illic mananti Beccus appellatur, ad miliarium a castro quod vocatur Brionnium. est hie locus in ipso saltu Brionnensi, valle ima montibus saltuosis hinc inde occlusa, omni oportunitate humano usui commodus : propter densitatem ac rivi recreationem feranim illuc multus erat accursus. trium tantum molendinorum tres domus illic erant, et solum habitabile permodicum. quid ergo faceret ? molendinorum in uno pars sibi nulla, aliorum duorum sua pars erat tertia ; nee tantum soli liberum quantum oportuna domuum capacitas exigebat. comes Gilebertus nil usquam eo saltu pretiosius possidebat. quid plura ? spe in deo firmata coepit operari, ac deus evidentissime cooperari ; nam consortes et conter- mini quas habebant partes sen venditione seu gratuita donatione omnes sibi suas dedere, ac brevi sub tempore silvam Brionnii quae circum erat totam obtinuit. He builds a Consecrata paucis extructa annis non parva ecclesia, columnis and a wooden ©^ ligneis claustrum construxit, in quo ad morem patriae fratres cloister which jg^j^ nusquam progressuros considere instituit. nocte vero subse- collapses in "^ ... the night. cuta, orationi eo mtento m stratu suo, diabolus futuri illic bonorum operum incrementi primordia cernens impatientissime tulit. tectum dormitorii multa vi conscendit, unde quasi conamine multo colli- gens se supra novam novorum parietum insiluit cooperturam, ac in unum ad terram uni versa dejecit, verum his non erat semen quod in petrosis ortum areat, quia non habet humorem ; sed pingui terra exceptum attulit fructum in patientia. mane quia inimicus hoc fecerat indicavit fratribus, et dejectos eorum animos redintegrans claustrum ex lapidibus reaedificare coepit. A godless Juxta vicinus degebat nomine Rodulfus cognomine Pinellus, fate ^"^ ^ homo saeculi plurimum addictus concupiscentiis ; qui ab ipso abbate cum saepenumero ad bene vivendum moneretur spernebat, imdebat : Life of Herlidn 95 •. irridendo, cum ab armis defessus acmuiidi voluptate satiatus esset, monachum se futurum respondobat. qua(lam ergo die dominica pro fquibusdani altercationum controversiis praedictum abbatem adiit, L penes quern demoratus in vesperum, nocte jam ingruente more solito admonitus, rogatuset irridens, domuui rediit, ct circa ejusdein noctis is revealed to medium morte subita praeventus hominem exuit. quod abbas ipse eadem hora agnovit, animam illius raptani a daemonibus audiens miserabili planctu ejulantem, et ita per longum temporis et loci intervallum abduci. mittit sub acceleratione quid do illo ageretur inquisitum iri. legatus illuc pervolans pulsatas fores irrupit, W imimpens ad cubile pervenit, in cubile jam gelidum ac membris omnibus rigidum ad latus nesciae uxoris invenit. hujus miraculi unum fratribus testem habuit, qui cum eo ejusdem ejulatus audivit. A ghostly Quadam die circa vespertinas horas cum foris ad opus resideret, awav a sinful '^'^^^^ daemonem sub habit u clerici prope locum transire et earn monk. dormitorii ofRcinam, in quam fratrum ad necessaria secessus est, adire, re vera suspicatus clericum et quod ad oratorium ire voluisset, fecit a compluribus inclamari qua ibat non esse viam oratorii. nequaquam exaudientem prosequitur missus qui revocaret, sed elapsi nulla prorsus vestigia invenit. intellexit tandem inimici praestigium, ac rei eventum expectavit. nocte proxima quidam monachus de monavSterio fugicns per eadem loca egressus discessit, ut e vestigio subsccutus prodidit. quod mane ille cum comperisset _ dixit, cui militabat et qui eum abciucere sategit, a vespertinis horis " praestolabatur ibi immundus immundum dominus satellitem per immunda jure abducturus, P The abbot Variis ergo simultatibus quae saepe introrsus oriebantur coepit in ruling his dolere multum et anxiari. ad ea enim componenda qui in claustro monks. praesideret minime erat, sumptuum congerendorum necessitas ilium extra immorari compellabat. hac de re multotiens deum cum jam exorasset, divina sibi miseratio accommodavit auxilium, sufficiens ad univeraa quae agenda forent suffragium. Lanfranc, a Ortus Italia quidam vir erat, quem Latinitas, in antiquum ab eo restituta scientiae statum, tota supremum debito cum amore et honore agnoscit magistrum, nomine Lanfrancus^: ipsa quoque in liberalibus studiis magistra gentium ^ Graecia discipulos illius libentcr audiebat ct admirabatur. is patria egressus, quamplures multi iKiminis scholarcs secum habens, in Normnnninin dcvenit. great scholar, ' LanfraDcum. ^ om. geDtium. I 96 Gilbert Crispm considerans vero scientissimus vir quod captare auram mortalium vanitas est, et quia ad non esse prona sunt universa, praeter eum qui semper est et qui ei intendunt, ad obtinendum ejus amorem turns from animum convertit et studium. quod igitur in litteris perfectius invenit consilium placendi deo arripuit, ut relictis omnibus, abdicate Mt. xvi 24. etiam sui ipsius jure, ilium sequeretur qui dixit : Si quis vult post me venire, abneget semetipsum, et tollat crucem suam et sequatur me. et quia, quanto magnus fuerat, tanto fieri optabat humilior, locum adire disposuit ubi litterati aliqui non essent qui eum honori and comes to ac reverentiae haberent. Beccum itaque adiit, quo nullum usquam unknown^ pauperius aestimabatur vel abjectius coenobium. forte tunc abbas extruendae fornaci occupatus ipsemet operabatur manibus suis: cujus humilitatem animi sermonisque dignitatem ille plurimum veneratus et amans, monachus ibi efficitur. The abbot and Videres ergo inter eos pium certamen. abbas quondam cleri- recruU." ^^ ^ catus ex grandaevo laico verebatur sibi subditam tanti doctoris celsitudinem. ille nuUam pro eminenti scientia gerens insolentiam, humillime ad omnia parebat, attendebat, admirabatur, et praedi- cabat quam ipsi in intelligendis scripturis gratiam deus concesserat. abbas erga ilium debita veneratione, ille erga eum omnimoda con- tendebat submissione : forma gregi uterque vivendi, unus active, The abbot's alter Contemplative, abbas peritus erat in dirimendis causarum anTstrenuous saecularium controversiis, prudens in iis quae ad exteriora pertinent ; life. in aedificando et procurando quae necessaria forent neque prudentior neque efficacior salva religione poterat esse, praesentia corporalis foris inter curas mundi cum residebat, animus ad sui curam et amorem dei praecipue intendebat ; nullam saecularis pompae curam gerens, soli deo in actibus suis gratificari gestiebat. humillimus, summae patientiae, in exequendo carnis appetitu modesto rigore continentissimus, semper ad orationem primus exsurgebat, nee diurni laboris multa defatigatio ilium in lecto post alios retinebat^. quo jure, qua tranquillitate subditos sibi regebat: legum patriae scientissimus praesidium suis erat contra iniquos exactores; et si quid inter eos controversiae nascebatur, aequissimo confestim statu componebat. undecumque vel quibuscumque loquebatur, sermo ejus dignitatem in se maximam gerens obaudiebatur. The scholar's At doctor ille maximus in claustro omnem operam impendebat solitude quieti et silentio, cordis sui novalia verbi sacri excolens assidua * requiebat. Life of HerJuin 97 lasts for three lectiono, irrigans ea dulci quani saepe obtinebat lacrimaruni coni- ^^ ^ ' punctione. sic per tros annos vixit solitarius infrequentia hoininiun, gaudens quod ibi nesciebatur, praetor paucissinios quibus aliquando He is found loquebatur omnibus ignotus. rumor ut hoc factum prodidit^ longe crowds of lateque protulit, et fama viri praeclarissima Beccum et abbatem pupils tlock Herluinum brevi per orbem terrarum extulit. accurrunt clerici, to Bee ducum filii, nominatissimi scholaruin Latinitatis magistri ; laici potentes, alta nobilitate viri multi pro ipsius amore multas eidem ecclesiae terras coutulere. ditatur ilico Beceensis locus ornamentis, possessionibus, pei-sonis nobilibus et honestis : interius religio atquo eruditio multum accrescere, exterius rerum omnium necessariarum subministratio coepit ad plenum abundare. adimpletur visio quae in eodem monasterio visa est paucos ante dies quam vir ille tantus ad ordinem coenobialem venisset : fons videbatur ortus in valle monasterii, cujus aqua ad montium cacumina excrescens, hinc inde effusa, per campestrium ditfundebatur amplitudinem. abbas fons erat in convalle scilicet humilitatis exortus : ■" aquae exundantes et hinc inde latissime effluentes, monachi qui ab illo incrementum acceperunt religionis""^, divinae videlicet eruditionis disciplinam, qua multi ab eodem loco longe lateque postea sunt meliorati. Lanfranc Ad administranda^ quoque totius regni negotia summus ab wniiam's ^P^'^ Nomianniae duce Willelmo consiliarius assumitur. cujus counsellor: gratiae nimiam quae una die irruit repente obnubilationem, insperato deus confestim laetificavit sereno, dignoquc relatu. but is quorundam accusationibus delatorum dux in eum vehementer accu>ed and amaricatus mandat ut monasterio exturbatus patria discedat : nee motus animi sui hac vindicta sedare valens mandavit juris ejusdem monasterii villam, quae Parens* dicitur, flammis excidi : paretur tam efferae jussioni. eo discedente, qui gaudium omne fratribus erat et consolatio, dolor altus remanet. quia melior non habebatur, tripes quarto pede inutili equus illi tribuitur, et unus Lam. iii 26. famulus. instant itaque fratres orationi. juxta illud Jeremiae, He meets the praestolantes cum silentio salutare domini. protinus quam ille duke, 1- 1 1 1 • 1 • -1 discedebat, duci obvius venienti appropmquans, equo per singulos passus caput ad terram submittente, dominum salutat. innocentiae quidem conscius, si locus dicendi daretur, non diffidebat causae. majestas ilia humana primo vultum avertit, sed divina agente dementia mox miscrando rcspectat, et nutu benivolentiae loquendi^ ' prodiit. - «)> I'd. : coder hnhet qui ab illo incrementi aque exundantes hinc illinc latissime efflutrent accepit. ' ministranda. * parens. * loquenti. R. c. 7 98 Gilbert Crispin jests with him, clears himself, and is restored to full favour. The monks sing 2'e Deum all day long. Great growth of the abbey. Isa. xlix 20. Lanfranc urges larger buildings on a new site. Herluin refuses, aditum concedit. tunc ille decenti joco ait : Tuo jussu tua pro- vincia discedo pedes, hoc inutili occupatus quadrupede : vel ut jussioni tuae parere queam, da equum mihi meliorem. ciii dux subridendo, Quis, inquit, ab offenso judice, infecto criminis illati negotio^, munera exposcit ? tandem disertissimus orator petiit audientiam et accepit : causaeque finem in eo constituens qui linguas infantium fecit disertas, dicendi opera subministrantibus eis qui pro illo ad deum orabant, causam exorsus brevi ad optatura finem peroravit. in amplissimam confestim gratiam receptus ac- cipit promissum quod nulla deinceps accusatione subiret purgandi se praejudiciura. gratissimi mox succedunt amplexus et oscula, quibus argumentis omnino subsedit adversariae partis omne firma- mentum. multo etiam cum augmento restituenda proraittuntur quae dux depopulari nuperrime jusserat. alacerrime quidam praecurrens nuntiat fratribus ilium redire. commutantur lacrimae : personat non semel, ut fieri solet in ecclesia, sed ubique et per totum diem ab universis altius corde quam ore pium Te deum laudamus. abbas rei inopinae fidem adhibere non poterat, donee desideratus advenit, quem per diem metus per annos reddiderat absentem. accumulatur gaudium, quia incensorum fit integerrima restitutio, terrarum quoque plurium^ concessarum eidem ecclesiae ab eodem domino obtinetur^ confirmatio. Qui ergo in ipsius monasterii inchoatione domibus necessariis solum sufficiens non habuit, ejus paucos infra annos ad miliaria protenditur dominium, quid referam illic servorum dei usui extructas commoditates, stagna, virgulta, culturas, vineta ? nulla est abbatia quae omni hominum commoditati magis commodificata existat. Non multo post propter inhabitantium multitudinem contigit in ea illud dictura^ a doraino per Isaiam prophetam : Augustus mihi est locus, fac spatium mihi ut inhabitem. adunatam etenim illic fratrum raultitudinem quia domorum spatiositas iam capere non valebat, et quia situs loci degentium incolumitati contrarius existebat, venerabilis Lanfrancus abbatem Herluinum de majoris monasterii et officinarum aedificatione compellare coepit. tanti operis solam commonitionem^ ille extimuit, aetatis jara deficientis viribus plurimum diffidens. confortari, adhortari, ac saepe id ipsum ingerere, qui coeperat non omisit. nolente ille ullatenus 1 om. negotio. ^ plurimum: om. ed. ^ obtinet. ^ commotionem ed. * om. dictum. Life of Herluin 99 till the adquiescere, divino nutu monasterii presbyteriiim corruit. anxianti fhe chnrch ° super hoc ot luultum conturbato abbati suns in omni sua desola- falls down. tione consolator accessit, obsccrans ut vel nunc adquiescens ampliora inchoaret aediticia. tandem victus. spom in deo certissimam gerens et plurinuun in eonsiliarii sui ope conlidens, cujus opera sibi bona A htuitliifi omnia proveniebant, in salubriori multum situ nova inchoavit an^l 'lar"c"^^°' »ion;isterium et officinas, opus pergrande, dignum, cuius dignitati building's iuf ditiores multae non accedunt abbatiae. ad initiandum hoc opus tantum non res suae, quia permodicae erant, sed maxima in deum The abbot's fides animum firmavit, quae universa conferendo sic accumulavit faith brinf^s i i- ■ c ^ • j j. • unfailing quod a die qua pnmo tundamenta posita sunt usque ad extremi Biipphes. lapidis impositionom nee materia defuit nee sumptus. testantur per quorum manus expensae agebantur, quod septimana exacta multotiens ante horam quod daretur operariis minime habebatur, et ad horam undecumque ad sufficientiam deus largiebatur. Lanfranc is Post triennii vero completionem, sola necdum corapleta basilica, of Caen. venerabilis Lanft-ancus coepti operis institutor, tarn domini quam Xormanniae primatum supplicatione coactus, ecclesiae Cadomensi The work, abbfis praeficitur. rcmoratur coepta aedificatio aliquantisper, verum moment coes i^^^^^ consilium ac beneficientia, prout opus fuit, praesto semper forward cxtitit. denique tot et tanta Beccensis ecclesia jam habebat, rapidly again. • i , n , • • i j- i n • tanta vigebat sollertia praesidentis, quod cessare opus nulla in- digentia coegit : illam vero ad tempus expletionis moram subsecuta' iterum prosperitas nimia acceleratione compensavit. Lanfranc Interea saepedictus Normannorum dux Willelmus, haeredi- Ca^iftcrbury tarium sibi Angliae regnum pervadens, imperium rebelle armis ad quae voluit jura composuit. deinde ad meliorandos ecclesiarum status animum intendit. totius igitur Christianitatis summi pontificis Alexandri, viri vita et scientia excellentissimi, consulto et rogatu, omnium quoque Anglici et Normanni imperii magnatum libentissimo jxssensu, rex Willelmus, quod potissimum solumque acceptabat consilium, doctorom supra memoratum ad hoc elegit negotium. victus multiplici ratione in Angliam traducitur, et, quae insularum transmarinarum primatum obtinet, Cantuariensis ecclesiae suscepit praesulatum. (jui multarum ditatus amplitudine terrarum, auro argentoque locuplctatus, executus mandatum quod 5x. XX 12. 'II Exodo mandatur, Honora patrem tuum et matrem, ut sis longaevus super terram, onuiibus modis benignus extitit circa ' subsecutam (/tunc locum non habet ed.). 7—2 , 100 Gilbert Crisinn Herluin's patrem suum spiritualem et matrem ecclesiam. cujus ad eas vision, partes transmigratio, paucos ante dies quam inde allegatio veniret, venerabili abbati Herluino per visum ostensa est hoc modo. videbatur quod in virgulto arborem malum habebat, cujus ramorum spatiositas multa erat et magna fructuum ubertas, pomorum vero species delectabilis et sapor optimus. banc rex supradictus exposcebat, volens ad quoddam suum eam ^transferre hortum"'^ reluctante isto et quod sola ea sustentaretur opponente, quia dominus erat evicit et arborem asportavit. verum radices penitus avelli non potuerunt ; ex quibus puUulantes virgulae con- festim in arbores magnas excreverunt. post parvum denique sub eo visu intervallum memoratus rex de arboris ipsius nimia fructi- ficatione coram illo gaudebat, et ille se ex ea laetissimas habere propagines aggaudendo respondebat. invitabatur a rege ut ipsum arboris translatae incrementum iret videre, sed parantem pro- ficisci nescio quae alia impediebant. haec autem omnia sicut visio digessit rerum eventus explicuit, '"praeterquam quod"'^ revera ivit et quod audierat vidit. and its inter- Virgultum abbatis erat Beccensis ecclesia, cujus arbor maxima, pretation. ^||^ doctor, non solum eam verum alias omnes per patriam suo exemplo et doctrina sustentabat ecclesias. qui ob religionis sacrae institutionem tradendam Anglis a praedicto rege ad transmarina migrare per abbatem suum, cui tanquam deo ipsi parebat, postulatus, multum invitus salva obedientia atque ab invito abbate jussus paruit. cujus quantus inibi postea extiterit fructus, latissime attestatur innovatus usquequaque institutionis ecclesiasticae status ; coenobialis ordo, qui omnino ad laicalem prolapsus fuerat dissolutionem, ad probatissimorum reformatur disciplinam monasteriorum ; clerici sub canonicali coercentur regula ; populus, rituum barbarorum interdicta vanitate, ad rectam credendi atque vivendi formam eruditur. Herluin Hanc fructuum deo suavissimorum fragrantiam, cujus ex odore England. domus dei per orbem impleta est, quam et ipse abbas absens jocundissime senserat, postea praesens quanto vicinius tan to jocundius sensit, profectus ad eum in Angliam. quo in itinere His voyage is evidentibus miraculorum signis multa circa ilium gratia divina prospere . innotuit. cum enim Boloniam venisset, volens egredi ad portum qui plus sex leugis ab urbe non distat, tentavit qui cum eo ibat 1 virgultum transferre ed. '^ praeter quia (quia super ras.) Life of fferluin 101 A strange shipmate. He visits Lan franc; comitatus, comitissa quoquo eomitis Eustachii conjunx, feinina deo aniabilis, persnadere pliiriiuum sategit, ut in iirbe remaneret, quoniaiii in portu iiavis nulla erat, et ventus, qui de transmarinis eas referret, jam per quadraginta fere dies nullus omnino extiterat. at ille certissiuia in tloo spc ait: Ibimus ad uavalia, naves sine mora habituri ; tratres qui domi remanserunt uraturi pro nobis sine cunctatione eas nobis praesto habebunt. dixit, et ventus statim convertitur. itur sub omni acceleratione ad portum, quo tamen prius sedecim naves appulit ventus quam pervenissent. noctis erat tunc primordium, cujus ante medium rursus aspirante vento qui transferret, circa aurorae exortum puppes omnes in fluctus retrahuntur. ingressurus navim, aliis ad alia quae tam tumultuosae rei conveniunt intentis, abbas cum raonachis baud procul letaniam dicebat. repente juxta quidam, nescitur unde, astitit homo grandaevae aetatis et modcstissimae alacritatis. frater qui letaniam pronunciabat ilium vidit, et ab universis putabat conspici, aestimans pauperem esse (jui praestolaretur, ut finitis letaniis postularet aliquid sibi dari. verum intrantibus eis vidit eundem jam in navi loco eminenti consedisse. suspicatus igitur magni alicujus meriti ilium existere, qui pauper habebat se tam imperiose, assidens prope circa ilium attentius manebat. navis cum in altum mare evecta fuisset, teri'iti sunt nautae qui- busdam monstris quae in salo videbant. hac tumultuatione prospectantibus aliis ille gi-avi quadam dignitate subridens metum eorum reprehendebat, tunc primo, ut aiebant, visus ab eis. exigentibus confestim nauticis, quis foret, quis induxisset, vel quo pretio navem locaret, eo auctoritate multa se habente et nil omnino respondente, dixit frater qui jam diu eum viderat : Ex quo letaniam diximus in portu nobiscum manet, et ut credo plus eo navigium quam ipse navi indiget. coeperunt ergo mirari, et mirando ilium omnes contueri. viderat abbas quendam cui valde conformis erat, et quaesivit nominatim an is esset. ille paululum vultu exhilarato hoc solum respondit, Non sum. hoc unum in tota ea navigatione protulit verbum. navi prosperrimo cursu apud Doffrensem^ portum appulsa, per comitatus hominum qui in navibus erant multum requisitus ille comes navigii nusquam reperiri vel qui eum exiisse vidisset potuit. dein omnium rerum cum incolumitate quinto die ad archiepiscopum abbas pervenit. Quae tunc inter eos submittendi sese ad invicem pia contentio? ^ Dorobernensem. 102 Gilbert Crispin who receives summiis antistes et in ecclesiis transmarinis vices apostolicas deepest**^ *^^ gerens STibmittebat se suo quondam abbati, nt alius quivis humility. monachus ; secundus ab eo ubique nisi ad missarum sollemnia residendo, et manum illius cum ab eo aliquid accipiebat, nisi raptim ille avertisset manum, osculando. illi sedes eminentior ac imperandi jus omne tribuebatur. donabat famulorum delin- quentium reatus, ac caetera in domo quae libebat. domini nomen alius, sed ille auctoritatem gerebat. quanto curia sua frequentior, quanto utriusque ordinis personarum totius regni excellentium conventus fiebat numerosior, tanto majori obsequio coram omnibus ilium archiepiscopus praeferebat, nniltum mirabantur universi, maxime Angli, archiepiscopum Cantuariensem sic submitti ulli mortalium. suraant itaque oboediendi formam, qui subditi con- tumaces existunt praepositis, cum vir tantus in ipsa tot gentibus praelatione humilitatis adhuc spontaneus sustineat jugum atque oboedientiae. The honours Abbas vero quam debebat dignitati tantae submissionem ofthe humble. pQj^^l^j^^^ J. exsolvere, sed nullatenus permittebatur. ecce quid in hac etiam vita servientibus sibi opulentissima dei manus retribuit. qui pauperiem Christi assumens ab universis olim contemptui habebatur, habet nunc qui morem sibi gerebat primatem totius regni Angliae cum omnibus sibi commissis pontificem. eam benignitatis dei vicem et ille acceperat, qui, abnegans semetipsum sibi cui olim pro deo sui tradiderat liber- tatem, videt ecclesiastici juris censura nunc ad vestigia sua provolvi, ut omittam consulares multos, immo maxime totum sibi acclive regnum. His prosper- Praedicto abbati rursus mirabili rerum successu ad votum ous return. omnia cesserunt, mox ut redire disposuit. nam die qua voluit, circa sextam diei horam venientibus quos ad mare archiepiscopus praemiserat ac renuntiantibus ventum omnino esse contrarium et pelagus infestum, assueta in deo ille confidentia discessit ad mare obluctantibus universis et nocte jam ingruente ; quo multa parte noctis exacta perveniens, ventum quem volebat, et qui commodior erat ad transferendum, eadem hora praesto habuit. interim somnum capiens, dum naves ad mare impelluntur, primo lucis sub exortu navem ingressus tarn ipse quam oranes sui confestim transvecti sunt prospenimo omni navigii eventu. non amplifi- camus rem gestam, sed simplici narratione scribentes relinquimus eam aliis considerandam digiiaque amplificatione attollendam. Life of Herliiin 103 The notable Do arboris illius inagnae radicibus quae in horto suo remanse- fruitsofBec: j.^j^|^^ ^^^^ p^j. soiuniuiu viderat, vidit postea praedicandus vir pullulantes quasdam virgiilas in arbores niagnas excrevisse, multos videlicet ad magna bonoruiu operum incrementa per illius in- stitutioneni accessisse : illius etenim sementis existit quicquid unquani boni fructus in Beecensi coenobio vel ab eo extiterit. Anselm, arbor fructibus opima fuit venerabilis Anselmus ecclesiae Au- gustensis clericus, qui ilium doctorem maximum ad ordinem mouachorum subsecutus ad prioratum quoque ejusdem coenobii Beccensis post eum accessit, et defuncto beatae memoriae supra- dicto Herluino abbati successit; quique postea successit in episcopatum venerandae recordationis saepedicto Lanfranco Can- tuariensi archiepiscopo : vir ingenio admirabilis, tacundia non impari, et quod ad humanum spectat indicium morum omnium probitate insignis. quod de approbanda actuum ejus honestate dicimus, vicinitas universa testatur, longe lateque Normannia William, attestatur, et Gallia amplissime contestatur. arbor fructuum jocunditate plurimuni acceptabilis fuit ecclesiae Cormeliensis abbas Willelmus, apprime nutritus et eruditus. arbor alta atque Heniy, fructuosa extitit Henricus Cantuariensis ecclesiae decanus, qui postmodum abbas fuit de Bello, vir ecclesiasticis omnibus disci- plinis optime instructus. arbores bonorum operum fertilitate Hernost, multum gravidae in domo domini extiterunt venerabilis Hernostus and Gundulf. ecclesiae Rofensis episcopus, et qui ei ad idem officium ibidem successit, vir morum sanctitate admodum reverendus, Gundulfus episcopus. hos ecclesiae suae filios vidit grandaevus pater aliis ecclesiis patres constitutos. hi sunt filii do quibus in psalmo Ps. cxxviii 4. dicitur, Filii tui sicut novellae olivarum ; qui ab inferioribus extenuati, ad superiora roborati, caritatis dei adipe et pinguedine repleti aliorum animas verbis ac bonis exemplis reficiendo roborant, roborando sustentant, sustentando ad summa virtutum incrementa educunt. multam quoque educaverat sobolem spe certissima posteritatis spiritualitcr in domino jam juvenescentem ; nobilissi- morum etenim atque optimorum tam clericoruni <]uaiii laicorum ex nniltis partibus orbis illic adunatus numerus ad centenariam pertingebat summara. vidit filios filiorum, ex sancto videlicet Cadomensi coenobio fratres ad idem opus assumptos, in extremis nationibus multos gignere in domino. Corporeae eum vires jam deserebant, quas per tot annos laboris vehementia, vigiliarum et inediae continuatio plurimum Herluin grows infirm, 104 Gilbert Crispin and weak of attriverat. visus maxime destituebatur officio, et ab horis vespertinis indigebat ducamine. quamobrem non in dormitorio cum fratribus, neque ad psallendum choro interesse jam valebat ; ^•^l X h's"°* ^^^ taiiien ad nocturnale officium primus surgebat, nee ulla diurni strictness of laboris defatigatio in lecto ilium post alios retinebat. cibi ac potus parcimonia, quae in juventute, eadem servabatur in senectute ; praeter quod ab omni fratrum conventu coactus, exceptis legalium jejuniorum diebus, bis comedebat in die: quod quidem ipsura non tam refocillandi lassi corporis cura concesserat, quam ut escam sumens eis sumentibus, quibus ad opus praesidebat, insistere posset, operi usque in vesperam, ac persaepe etiam usque in noctem consistebat. otium ant voluptas nullum in eo sibi locum sortita est. non aetas eum annorum numerum jam excedens de Ps. xc 10. quo dicitur in psalmo, Et amplius eorum labor et dolor, non vehemens qua multum saepe in internis angebatur infirmitas ilium ab actionibus necessariis retinebat. paterno affectu omni modo circa monachos sues intentus, districta eos disciplina regebat ne^lie^nce ° ®^ affectuosissimo amore diligebat. si quem inter fratres segnem, and of si quem sui ordinis ac studii litterarum negligentem, si quem in ecclesia somnolentum deprehendebat, hunc omnino invisum habebat. semper inquibat, Homo litterarum et mandatorum dei nescius quid praestat ? quem considerabat vigilantiorem, stu- diosiorem, ad virtutum exercitia promptiorem, hujus non abbas sed servus exstabat, plerosque plus ad studium incitabat illius favor quam scientiae ipsius amor, sedulus enim perquirebat quis omnium eorum qui erudiebantur acutioris ingenii esset, quis tenacioris memoriae existeret, quis vehementius instare cuivis studio valeret, denique ex omnibus quis ad singulas virtutes et amorem dei plus intenderet : nee minus quam in se amabat et enutrire satagebat quidquid amandum videbat in singulis, litte- ratus aliquis volens monachus fieri, quando ad ilium veniebat, qua exultatione suscipiebatur, quae suscepto benignitas et veneratio exhibebatur, laicos qua instantia ut ad discendum psalmos in- tenderent agebat, quibus modis ut quod inchoaverant amando tenerent instabat, omnibus omnia se conformans omnes ut filios et illi ut patrem eum amabant. He desires Nova necdum sacrata erat ecclesia, quam ab ipso, cuius earn that Laiifraiic ... . . . . , may cjnse- consilium inchoavit et auxilium consummavit, expectabat con- church '^ °^^^ secrari, instanter hoc a deo exposcens : cujus petitioni, qui ad caetera sibi benignus exstiterat, optatum deus concessit effectum, Life of HrrJffh) 105 adiuiplens per omnia super hac re lUius affectum, multo enini amplioj-i (|Maiii prat'siiiiific pDtt-'i'at hniKpriticfUlia conseerata est, et a (|Ui) exoptabat. nam pi'o cjuiUusdain uegotiis tam sacru- laribus (juam ecclesiasticis saepe supramemoratus gentium transmarinaiiiiii apostolicus ad curiam venit eminentissimi regis Anglorum W'illelmi in sua terra Normannorum tunc conmio- rantis. Lanfranc Sed primo veniens ad ipsum monasterium qua non potuit comes to ec: j^^^j^^- hmjjiji^j^^^^ g^i^ fratribus se habuit, juxta quod scriptum Ecclns. iii 20. est : Quanto magnus es, humilia te in omnibus, ad abbatis jam senio incurvati osculum accedens, tantae eminentiae archiepiscopus ad pedes ejus advolvi conatur; varum illo e contra id ipsum conante, longo uterque luctamine dum alterum sustentat, neuter explevit quod satagebat. post multum' diuque optatos amplexus cum fratribus in claustro sedit archiepiscopus ut quivis alius ipsorum ; senes, juvenes ac infantes, unumquemque compellans his kindly singulatim et debita confortatione adhortans. ad mensam dex- Hiui lan y, ^^j-Qj-gmj^ gt, sinistrorsum fratres cum archiepiscopo sedere, ac communi calice et scutella una cum eo coguntur cibum sumere. pontiti(!ali amota celsitudine ipsis etiam puerulis affandum se exhibebat, benignitatis exhibitione ad amorem dei aetatem invitans, quae sermonis sui capere nequibat altitudinem. queni enim summi in saeculo viri admodum verebantur, nee solum a consessu verum ab accessu procul arcebantur, illis ob sacrae professionis habitum communis habebatur. neque sola aedifi- cationum- solatia fratribus impendit ; quia, exceptis quae pretiosa and generous multum ecclesiae concessit ornamenta, tanto hospite digna hospi- tium locavit munificentia, ut^ ex reliquiis festive geminari potuerint'* octavae. He obtains Cumpellatus ab universis de consecratione ejusdem ecclesiae, leave'tif^ paratus eorum morem gerere voluntati, ad curiam inducias re- consecrate, spondendi postulavit ab eis et accepit. tantani quippe rem noverat pendere ab edicto regis et consilio. dein affectuosissimis fratrum omnium votis et lacrimis commendatus ad regem pervenit. locutus cum eo unde rogatus discesserat diem dedicationis accepit, et confestim nuntium remisit non modo qui diceret, verum et unde fieret. Preparations. Dies ergo a multis per multos annos multum exoptatus longe ' multos ed. - aedificatione ed. ■' om. ut. * potueruut. 106 Gilbert Crisjyin Ps. Ixviii 9. Ps. cxiii 7. 23 Oct. 1077. A great assemblage. Scenes of enthusiasm. lateque insinuatur. ex longinquis regionibus viri consulares, ecclesiasticorum gi'aduum summae personae, hominum genus infinitum adventurum praenuntiatur, libentissime accipitur. con- gei'untur maximi sumptus ad suscipiendum omne genus hominum ; ubi adimpletur, Pluviam voluntariam segregabit deus hereditati suae, nil ab aliquo exactum, nil expetitum ; se ipso sufiiciens quod coeperat perfecit deus, qui de stercore erigit ac in sublimi ponere pauperem eonsuevit; solo suae manus gestamine, cujus in consummatione hujus operis sui manus adeo larga exstitit, quod res sumptuosissime acta universis ad votum et sufiicientiam fuit, nee ullam in posterum contraxit indigentiam. ad tantum solemnitatis tantae gaudium languor, qui per octo ante dies vehementissimus tenuerat, mortis imminentis metu ipsum mona- sterii patrem deesse minitabatur. porro, ne quod moeroris nubilum diei illius lucem ofFunderet, deo miserante ad diem plenissime convaluit. Igitur decimo kalendas novembris, anno ab incarnatione domini millesimo septuagesimo septimo, sanctae omni ecclesiae reverendus gentium transmarinarum summus pontifex Lanfrancus advenit consecrando consummaturus ecclesiam, quam inspirante deo inchoavit, et in cujus extruendis fundamentis lapidem secundum ipse manu sua imposuit, convenerunt universi Normanniae episcopi, abbates, et alii quique viri religiosi ; affuerunt proceres regni ; rex aliis detentus negotiis adesse non potuit. regina Mathildis libens affuisset, nisi regiis detenta occupationibus fuisset ; aftuit tamen per condecentem beneficientiae suae largi- tionem, noluit rex supernus operi gratiae suae regem terrenum supremam manum imponere, sibi totum reservans operis con- summati gaudium, quod infra sedecim amios solis pauperum expensis complevit monasterium cum omnibus officinis, opus pulchrum et maximum, affuerunt et regni Franciae clarissimi consules, et ex aliis ejusdem regni primatibus complures; clerici, monachi ex universis adjacentibus provinciis. confluxit innumerum genus hominum. agitur dedicatio laetissima solemnitate et solemnissima omnium alacritate, alacritati hominum aer ipse purissimus diesque lucidissimus arridebat. prae tumultu circum- euntium populorum vix exaudiuntur chori canentium, in tanta compilatione nuUus laesionis alicujus sensit molestiam, nulla in agendis turbatio obvenit. peracta processione vix pontificibus intrare licet sine coUisione. irrupit sequens populus avulsis Life of Ilerhihi 107 omnibus januis, universis tamen illaesis, quaiitum ecclesiae^ spa- tiositas potuit adstringeiv. distribiiuntur altaria consecranda })ontiticibns, ipsuin principale sacrandiuii archiepiscopo roinansit. fit per totaiii ecclesiaui sninina celebritas, et in agenda oelebritate pia quaedani contentiusitas. vix seniet ipstini (juisque cantantinin exaudit prae nndtitudine vociferantiuni. niulti jubilantes quid dicebatur nescientes, aut quibus concinerent niiniiue attendebant. Tlio older graves ejusdeni nionasterii personae, quae propter niniiani alioruni crowded out. "ndtitudineni paucae aderant, solis lacrimis et devotione cordis solemnitatem explebant. personabat in aliis vox laetitiae et jocundationis, in illis niodidabatur domino cum lacrimis sola sibi Tiie service is soli^ tota intenta affectio mentis, (piid plura ? finitur majori feast. quam coepta fuerat jocunditate vSolemnitas : itur ad refectionem. paschales nuUi defuerunt epulae, a mane usque ad profundani noctem succedeutibus fratrum turmis qui ad festum venerant, quantum refectorii tabulae continere valebant, universis tarn notis quam ignotis, nee solum in domibus circumpositis, verum in villis etiam remotis, quae ad usus necessarios petierunt, sponsata deo regi ecclesia libens ministravit affluentia nuptiali : majoribus quibusque sic ad placitum et sufficientissime, ut qui accipiebant dicerent modum excessisse : neque solum ea die, sed nudtis per The aged aliquot ante dies dum operiebantur, ita servitum est. venerabilis thankfulness, '^bbas requirens a ministris, qui ibant ac redibant nee momento uno loco stare poterant, quid agerent, quid dicerent, an sumptus adhuc deficerent, cum potius abundare audiebat ab eis, (juoties Ps. cxvi 12. ilia die dixit. Quid retribuam domino pro onmibus quae retribuit mihi ? et dicendo ista solas retribuebat domino lacrimas agentes gratias pro concessis sibi tot beneficiis. ac merito, quia, exclusa orani penuria, omni a deo sumministrata serviebatur sufficientia. Lanfranc's Tertio die saeculis memorandus jam saepe dictus Cantuariorum ' archiepiscopus ab universis fratribus eundi missionem poposcit. quis tantuni tantae inter eos benignitatis virum recedentem siccis oculis aspicerc potuit ? omnes eruperunt in lacrimas ; parvuli non valebant consolari. consulto maturavit recessum, quatenus a fletu se continerent vel post ejus discessum. abbas Herluinus, eum supra omnes mortales amans et ab eo amatus, discedentem per duo miliaria prosecutus est amicum ad suos visus nunquam in hac vita ulterius rediturum. quae cordis amaritudo, qui Hetus, ' om. eccU'siae. ^ sibi soli] solis. 108 Gilhert Crisphi quamvis comprimerentur, in ipso ultimo Vale et ultimo ab invicem and the discessu. postquam reversus est, sedens in camera solus cum solo, \imittis. ""^ *5^^i '^i^^ ^^ omnibus erat familiarissimus, concitatis permittens lacrimis habenas ad caelum manus levavit, et his verbis ait : Nunc Lc. ii 29 f. dimittis, domine, servum tuum in pace, quia viderunt oculi mei, quod ut viderem antequam morerer summopere optabam et indesinenter a te orabam. adimplesti quae volui. nunc servus tuus laetus ad te ibit quacumque hora tibi placuerit. sic verba compressit, sed lacrimarum affluentiam cohibere non potuit, donee frater qui cum eo loquebatur diutius nequiens sustinere aliunde sernionem induxit. His mortal Ex tunc omni membrorum officio destitui penitus coepit, et AuK^iOTS longe ante diei ipsius annuam revolutionem quod oraverat obtinuit. {leij. quarto) nam proxime subsecuto mense Augusto, decimo Hertio* kalendas Septembris, die dominico, ex to to lecto decubuit. sensit pater longaevus certis indiciis jam adesse mortem, quod ubi amantissi- mae congregationi innotuit, mors quaedam universes pervasit. anguor et ex anguore quidam stupor animos cunctorum obsedit. cibus percipi non poterat : somnus recessit ab oculis. tertio die ab- solvi se et caetera quae morientibus exhibentur officia sibi exhiberi rogavit. adsunt filii valefacturi amatissimo patri eo prime orbandi ; lacrimis et singultibus psalmos et caeteras orationes interrum- pentibus, tandem ventum ad agendam confessionem. confiteri coepit, verum remanentium pietate filiorum superatus et ipse in lacrimas effusus dicere nil potuit. vix tamen eluctatus in vocem absolvit filios, dansque benedictionem et pacem omnibus, tam absentes quam praesentes immortali eos patri omnes commendavit, ac discedentes, quia plus non poterat, ut pro se orarent postulavit. dolor et lacrimae orationes fiebant, quoniam vix ab eis psalmus continuari valebat. dum quisque in alterum respiciebat, quasi jam cerneret fratrem patre orbatum, erumpebat in lacrimas. coram illo plangere nequaquam audebant, quia spe bona laeta- bundus non lacrimantes sed laetantes eos omnes videre volebat. si cujus in lacrimas concitati singultum sentiebat, confestim solita gravitate compescebat. profunda jam noctis parte transacta, quae in sabbatum illucescebat, cujus ad vesperum obiit, reverendissimus vir ejusdem ecclesiae prior Anselmus, de proximo illius fine non tam suspectus quam certus, collocavit se longiuscule ab eo, et clanculo, nolens ut ille agnosceret, quia moleste ferebat aliquem circa se. verum mox ut primum ad matutinas sonuit signum, ilico Life of Herhiin 109 The boly viaticum. excitavit domnum abbatem Rogeriuin, qui socus caput ejus ac- cumbebat, et ait: Excitate pri(iroTii, ut dicat uobiscuui uiatutinas. plurimuni luiratus est ille quonuulo id agnovisset, quia nee coram eo venerat, nee aliquis ei dixerat, et post accubuerat. summo vero mane omnes diei horas coram se dici rogavit. denique jam ingruentem mortis horam sentiens communicari se expostulavit, et animam sibi commendari. festinato ivit abbas Rogerius, sed nullam in eucharistia hostiam invenit. turbati sunt fratres universi. mors instabat, et tutamen salutare dominici corporis, quod ille acciperet, non erat. verum circa morientem minime defuit, quae circa viventem miserationis divinae gratia praesto semper fuit. forte tunc quidam sacerdos pro eo missam celebrans sumendum adhuc in manibus tenebat corpus dominicum. ejus itaque oblationis, quae pro commendando illius exitu oblata deo fuerat, praedictus abbas portionem unam suscepit, et ei ad viaticum tulit. commendaturi exitum ilico fratres omnes ac- currunt, quorum lacrimationem nee tunc sustinere praevalens, peracta ex more Christiano commendatione, quo valuit nutu verboque monuit ut in claustrum redeant, tanto instantius ei subvenientes, quanto ad exitum propinquare videbant. Jam sola exitus hora expectabatur, ac precum et lacrimarum armis communitur. quotiens camerae in qua decumbebat ostium aperiebatur, verens quisque ne jam migrasse nuntiaretur, attonitus prosiliebat, et quod verebatur audire expectabat. transegit diem sic usque ad vesperam, ac saepe quasi aliunde reversus dicebat abbati Rogerio, qui proximus astabat : Quid faciunt domini nostri ? cur morantur ? quid esse putatis ? cur non accedunt ? ille quan- quam de aliis eum crederet loqui personis, respondebat ac si loqueretur de fratribus monasterii, Quid, inquiens, jubetis? sunt in claustro, orant pro vobis, aderunt mox ut voletis. tacebat, et parvum post intervallum eadem commotius iterabat. laborabat ille addiscere quorum moram causabatur et accessum praestola- batur, verum nil plus ab eo audiebat. vespertina a fratribus peracta sinaxi, cum diei ac diurni officii fine, vitae humanae stadium felici cursu peregit, nocte jam proxima, quae in dominicum 26 Aug. 1078. illucescebat, septimo kalendas Septembris. The funeral. Irruunt universi, nee jam solum inonachi, verum ex familia servientes, et qui ex villis confluxerant, fores et claustra effringere conati. quos abbns Rogerius, qui sancto viro in ultima acgritudino obsequentissimus fuerat, prudenti confortatione adhortans detinuit, The last moments. 110 Gilbert Crispin donee corpus decentissirne funeratum solemni processione in ecclesiam est perlatum. in coramuni igitur posito jam licet omnibus communem lamentari desolationem. quae vivum semper assequebatur, in funere quoque ilium gloria comitatur. ad per- solvendum ultimum obsequium fratri, qui apud omnes maximi amoris atque reverentiae ob eximiam religionem fuit, animo libenti convenerunt plurimi abbates multaeque personae venerabiles. advenit et totum exequiale officium celeberrime egit^ Ebroicensis episcopus, honestae vitae magnaeque litterarum scientiae vir venerandus Gislebertus. The abbot's Factum est in capitulo illi monumentum bonorum actuum, the chapter^ aeternum filiis monumentum. jure quo de spiritualibus locuturi house. studiis conveniunt illius praesentatur raemoria, qui ex tyranno religiosus, ex multum saeculari omnino spiritualis, loci illius atque ordinis primus exstitit fundator et abbas, maximos patre ama- tissimo orbatorum filiorum questus referre supersedeo, ne dolorem legenti inferam, neu lectorem referendo moveam in lacrimationem. illo decenti honorificentia tumulato, largissimis expensis recreantur pauperes qui ex tota vicinitate confiuxerunt. aetemam animae illius recreationem praestet, si votis opus est, qui vivit et regnat per omnia saecula saeculorum. amen. ^ om. egit. \ GISLEBERTI ABBATIS DE SIMONIACIS^ Gilbert seeks DiLlGENDO patri et domino, sanctae Cantuariensis ecclesiae f. 90. ^d^-tiient as ^"™"'^*^ pontifici, Anselmo fratcr Gilbertus abbas Westraonasterii : to simoniacal quae praeparavit deus diligentibus se. Quia vobis multam deus concessit gratiam in scripturarum sensibus, precor ut audiatis quid me ac pi u res alios mecum mo- veat de simoniacis, et quid super hoc tenendum sit ecclesiasticis He will set assertionibus edoceatis. utque minori taedio ad quaesita respon- onV tl ^^d^s d^'^^iS' ^^ quae hinc atque inde dicuntur coram posita liberius atque subtilius discutiatis, utramque partem quaestionis ad quern potui finem vestigando perduxi, et quae ex utraque parte dici possunt aeque scripta posui, quid conveniant, et unde contro- versia existat. All agree that Id equideni apud omnes convenit et constat de simoniacis, heresT-^^ quia sunt haeretici. simoniacos dicimus qui munus dant pro sacris oz'dinibus. excludo- munus a lingua, munus ab officio, et si qua alia nobis sunt occulta exhibitionum genera, vereor 1 Cor. iv 5. comminantem apostolum : Nolite, inquit, ante tempus judicare donee veniet doniinus, qui et illuminahit abscondita tenehraruni et manifestahit consilia cordiuni. tamen audiant nobiscum quod Gal. vi 7. idem ait apostolus: Nolite errare; deus non irridetur. audiant et Isa. xxxiii 15. unde justum hominem propheta commendat: Qui excutit manus suas ab omni munere. Sed haec omitto. communi sensu accipio simoniacos, qui datione auri et argenti fiunt, verbi gratia, episcopi, et nisi id eis emeret datio auri et argenti non fierent episcopi. qua, inquam, and com- auctoritate istis communicamus ? sancit lex divina, sanciunt munion with canones et decreta, ut cum haereticis nullam prorsus commu- heretics is ' i forbidden. nionem habeamus. quod approbari opus non est : quia ita esse nulli in ecclesia dei dubium est. deus^ in evangelio nihil medium Matt, xii 30. ponit: Qui non est, inquit, mecum, adversum me est. si quis ergo ' Incipit liber dnmni Gialeberti abbatis de Symouiacis sis. '^ exclaso ms (vide supra p. 37 n.). ^ fors. doraiuus. 112 Gilbert Crispin 2 Cor. vi 15. These err from the truth that grace comes gratis. Matt. X 8. What is bought comes not gratis, and is not grace. The bishop confers the outward signs : God gives the grace ; and this they cannot buy. What then is their absolu- tion worth? Joh. XX 22 f. or their benediction ? adversariis dei communicando dicit cum deo se esse, circa idem duo contraria statuit esse, quod non potest esse, inde ait et apostolus : Quae participatio fideli cum infideli ? infideles vero dicimus et credimus esse omnes haereticos. At si quis obicit infideles dici eos tantum qui errando a veritate fidei animo pertinaci contemnunt redire ad veritatem fidei, concedimus. quia dicimus simoniacos omnino errare a veritate fidei, quia credunt id quod dei est pecunia emi posse: cum Veritas ipsa in evangelio dicit^: Gratis, inquit, accepistis, gratis date, unde et ipsura donum dei, quia gratis accipitur, gratis datur, gratia dei vocatur. neque enim dicimus eos tantum haereticos qui errant a veritate fidei seu in discretione trinitatis seu in unitate deitatis, sed etiam omnes eos qui animo pertinaci nolunt esse in omni ea ] unitate fidei quam credit et tenet uni- f. lOO. versalis ecclesia Christi. Quod itaque comparatur, gratis non datur: si gratis non datur, gratiae nomen jam ibi prorsus evacuatur. igitur gratia dei non emitur : alioquin gratia non diceretur. ad haec : quae sua sunt episcopus operatur, exteriora videlicet officiorum signa, et ea seu vendere seu gratis conferre potest si vult. qui ergo ab episcopis ordines emunt, id emunt quod episcopi vendere possunt : sola videlicet exteriora officiorum signa. donum et gratiam dei, quae sua non sunt, nullo modo episcopi vendere possunt. alioquin aut deus omnipotens non esset, si violentia sibi ulla inferretur; aut Justus non esset, si ab eo pravitati assensio ulla praeberetur. si autem non credunt simoniaci donum dei pecunia posse emi, emunt tamen, aut decipi deum posse putant, qui furtiva comparatione donum ejus sibi vindicant, aut injuriae tantae debitum ultorem esse deum non aestimant, qui injusta pervasione donum ejus rapiunt, tenent atque usurpant. quia vero nihil horum de deo dici fas est, et gratia dei nullo modo pecunia emitur, quicquid aliud confertur infructuose omnino exhibetur. Quid ergo juvat indulta ab illis peccatorum remissio ? prius^ enim ait dominus in evangelio : Accipite spiritum sanctum ; et postea subintulit : Quorum, reniiseritis peccata, remissa erunt, et quorum retinueritis, retenta erunt. peccata ergo neque remittere neque retinere possunt qui spiritum sanctum prius non acceperunt. quid denique confert illorum benedictio ? benedictionis gratiam 1 dicat MS. primus MS. De Sbnoniads 113 dare non possunt qui benedicendi gratiam non accepernnt: imrno nialedictionem pro benedictione indiicunt. 0. T. proofs : Ut de veteri testamento aliqua supersumamus exempla, in makes 1^'RG scriptum est: Quod tetigei'it iniiiiuudus, immundiDii erit. quod unclean. ^^ .^,] litteraiii accipi potest, et spiritualiter intelligi oportet. iin- mundus enim erit quisqnis ininiunditiam atque haercsim alicujus agnoscens ab eo tactus atque tractus ad sui communionein fuerit. None with a et alibi: Locutus est dominus ad Moysen dicens, Omnis qui habuerit api'roacl"lhe maculaiu de semine Aaron sacerdotis, non accedet off err e hostias altar. domino, nec panes deo suo: vescetur tanien panibus qui offeruntur Levit. xxi 16, . / . , . , ^ . ^ ,f 21—23. in sanctuaino, ita dumtaxat ut intra velum non mgrediatur, nec accedat ad altare; {quia macidam habet) et contaminare non debet sanctuariuni meum. per quamvis maculam peccatum signatur, per leprae maculam haeresis designatur : qui ergo ab ipso altaris, immo veli, accessu arcetur, ab oumi altaris officio onmimodo inhibetur. si itaque is qui maculam gerit, quamvis existat de semine Aaron sacerdotis, cujus solam stirpem deus assumpserat ad officiurn altaris, omnimodo prohibetur ab altaris accessu, nulla prorsus quaestio restat de eo qui leprae macula infectus erit 1 et qui de semine Aaron non fuerit. nullti igitur simoniacus f. lOi. ratione potest accedere ad altare; quia si accedit non sacrat sed contaminat sanctuarium dci, utpote immundus atque haeresis, hoc est leprae, macula infectus, et a semine Aaron sacerdotis omnino Hebr. V 4. alienus: sumit enim ipse sibi honoi^em, et non [et] vocatur a deo tanquani Aaron. Authorities : Beatus quoque Ambrosius, in libro de observatione episco- above^l). 68)! P^rum inde disputans, inter alia si non eisdem verbis eodem omnino sensu ista dicit: Quid accipit episcopus ? aurum. aurum, inquit, est quod accipit episcopus, ponit in sacello ; sed accipiendo Matt, xvi 26. pecimiam perdit animam suam : quid vero prodest homini si totuni mundum lucretur, aniniae vero suae detrimentum patiatnr? qui autem dat pecuniam pro ordinibus episcopo, quid sumit ab Leprosy, not episcopo ? Icpram, incpiit, non gratiam : nialedictionem, incjuit, receh'es? a """ bcncdiotionem. Item, Quando simoniacus dicit ad populum, curse, not a p^x vobis, (juod habet dare potest, hoc est damnationcm quam blessing, he , ' . ... gives. habet: benedictionem et gratiam del dare ois non potest, quia non habet. qui enim dat pecuniam pro ordinibus episcopo, quia pro Or, again, gratia dei nihil dat deo, utiquc nil sumit vel accipit a deo. utifjue he receives j^jg verbis beatus Ambrosius plane ostendit quia simoniacus nil nought, gives ... nought. accipit, nil tradit. R. c. 8 114 Gilbert Cris2)in Leo, Ep. Leo papa in decretis suis inter alia sic ait : Unde cum saepe EHlJlcHm) quaestio de male accepto honore nascatur, quis arabigat nequa- inq. 1. quam ab istis esse tribuendum, quod non eis docetur fuisse collatum ? his quoque verbis ostenditur quia nihil confertur simoniaco, nihil tribuitur a siraoniaco. uterque enim appellatur simoniacus, et qui dat pecuniam et qui accipit pecuniam pro sacris ordinibus. Innocent, Ep. Innocentius papa haec ita dicit: Adquiescimus et verum est ^ilfiim) '!'! 7 certe, quia quod non habuit simoniacus dare non potuit (et nihil 12. in dante erat quod posset accipere qui emebat)^: damnationem utique quam habuit per pravam manus impositionem dedit : et qui particeps factus est damnato quomodo debeat honorem ac- cipere in venire non possum, ad summam: certe qui nihil a Bonoso acceperunt, rei sunt usurpatae dignitatis, qui conficiendorum sacramentorum sibi vindicaverunt auctoritatem, atque id se pu- taverunt esse quod nulla eis fiierat regulari ratione concessum. How then Id attestari et contestando astipulari videntur quamplurimae from a ^ aliorum quoque patrum in canonibus et in decretis sententiae. si layman? igitur nil tradit qui sacros ordines vendit, nil accipit qui sacros ordines emit, quid refert inter simoniacum et aliquem sine or- dinibus laicum, quantum ad altaris officium ? nee ille nee iste quicquam habet, quia non accipit. unde apostolus Paulus ait : 1 Cor. iv 7. Quid enim habes quod non accepisti? ut ergo per partes | dicam, f. 102. aut missa non erit quam simoniacus celebrabit, sacrata ecclesia non erit quam simoniacus sacrabit, cum sacros ordines non habeat quia nihil ab ordinante accepit; aut missa erit quam laicus cele- brabit, sacrata ecclesia erit quam laicus sacrabit, qui item nullos ordines habet quia non accepit: de similibus enim idem judicium. Scriptural In libro Numeri sic legitur: Chore et multitudo quae cum illo Korah"^^ erat temerario ausu posuerunt incensum et thymiama coram Num. xvi 35. domino, et ignis egressus a domino interfecit ducentos quinquaginta vivos qui offerehant incensum coram domino, debitam igitur isti exceperunt temeritatis suae vindictam, quia non acceperunt officium a domino ut adolerent incensum atque thymiama coram domino, neque pro sacrificio sacrificium hoc habitum est a domino, item in libro Regum legimus quod David et universus populiis Uzzah, Israel ducebant archam dei: Oza, inquit, et Aio filii Aminadab 2 Regg. vi 3, minabant plaustruni novum, postquam autem venerunt ad aream Nachor, extendit manum Oza ad archam dei et tenuit earn, quoniam ^ Verba uncinis inclusa superius scripserat Innocentius. De Sinwnkicis 115 calcitraverunt boves et declinaverant earn, iratusque eat dominas indignatione contra Ozam, et percussit eunt domimis super temeri- tate ; qui mortuus est ibi juxta archam dei. nihil ergo huic contulit accedere ad archam dei, (jui mortuus est juxta archam dei. officium eis impositum erat minare^ plaustrum : justa tbrtasse videbatur occasio et vicina neccssitati ratio ; calciaverunt boves, inclinaverunt archam ; extimuit Oza pro archa dei, et >extendit manum ad archam dei: et tamen percussit eum dominus super temeritate, et mortuus est ibi; quia officium illi impositum non erat extendere manum ad archam dei. lignea erat archa, et quamvis sancta tamen lignea. in archa erat manna, tabulae k testamenti, et virga Aaron quae fronduerat. et quantum distat inter haec sancta et sancta sanctorum, corporis et sanguinis % Christi mysteria. ilia idcirco erant sancta, quia horum sacrorum erant umbra et figura; haec ipsius sanctimoniae sunt Veritas et causa, si ergo percussit dominus Oza super temeritate sua, non quidem prorsus excogitata atque deliberata, sed ad tempus fortuito- casu illata ; qua poena percutietur qui deliberatione continua fur et malitiosus cotidie extendit manum ad ilia terrifica sacri altaris mysteria? non obtinuit ille pro temerario accessu gratiam, sed debitam excepit ultionis sententiam. non obtinebit et iste pro temerario accessu gratiam, sed raeritam excipiet temeritatis suae^ vindictam. The cientile In libro Machabeorum primo legimus, quod Judas Machabeus 1 ^'^.•^* bit ^^ populus qui cum eo erat mundaverunt* sancta quae prius ritu destroyed. lege institute sanctificata et a gentibus contaminata erant : illud 4311. ^^^^ altare quod gentes construxerant atque sanctificaverant non I emundaverunt, | sed a solo penitus destruxerunt et lapides ejus in f. 103. loco immundo reposuerunt. quantum vero attinet ad rei istius mysterium, (piid refert inter gentilem et simoniacum ? sacrat gentilis altare qui non accepit a deo id facere, atque idcirco peccat, quia illud consecrare praesumit et usurpat. sacrat et simoniacus altare, cui omnino las non est id facere, atque idcirco peccat, quia illud sacrilega praesumptione et, ut ita dicam, velit nolit deus, consecrare attemptat. deni(jue si verum est avari- Cf. Col. iii .5. tian) esse idolatriam, sicut ait apostolus, quis avarus dicetur idolatra, si idolatra non dicitur simoniacus, qui etiam dei boni- tatem pecunia^ venalem putat? quibusdam itaque nostrum 1 minari ms. - fortitude ms. •'' suam sis. * manducaverunt ms. ' pecuniam ms. 8—2 116 Gilbert Crispin videtur quia altare quod simoniacus sacrat nulla emundari sancti- ficatione potest, sed prorsus a solo destrui ex auctoritate debet. quod de altari dicimus, hoc ipsum de aliis sacratis rebus sentimus. Conclusion: XJt igitur quaestionis nostrae partem unde agimus summatim ministrations colligamus, attendc et paucis. multis de causis, auctoritatibus are invalid, atque exempHs dicimus quia simoniacus nihil ab ordinante accipit, nihil ipse ordinando aliquem illi tradit. gratiam enim dei seu emi seu vendi non potest, ipsa vero officiorum signa quae suscipit, quia furatur et rapit, nihil ei conferunt nisi male- Jer. xlviii 10. dictionem, sicut scriptum est : Maledictus qui facit opus domini fraudulenter. ad nullum denique sacramenti effectum ea ab eo and worse alii accipere possunt : immo damnato fit particeps quisquis ab eo than invalid. ., . ^ . ^ ^^^ r , ^ ■ ■ id scienter accipere conatur, unde ille lur et damnationis reus esse E contra: everywhere things con- secrated by such men are simply recon- ciled ; and persons also, after due penance. Canons of Toledo, etc. Bruns i 313 (§9). This implies that the consecration was real. notatur. haec igitur ita se habent. At vero ex alia parte per totum fere orbem terrarum videmus loca sacra, sicut aiunt, a simoniacis sacrata sic manere ; neque, cognita hujus benedictionis sacrilega usurpatione, more sueto ilia sacrari, sed solummodo per debitum reconciliationis ordinem ab episcopo reconciliari. item vidimus a simoniacis ordinatos post peractum paenitentiae tempus ecclesiastico more non sacrari, sed solummodo per manus episcopi impositionem reconciliari : et id quorundam auctoritas canonum, sicut aiunt, concedit posse fieri. In Toletano concilio xi° sic legitur : Unde si digna simoniacos satisfactio paenitentiae tempore invenerit, non tantum com- munioni^, sed et loco et totius ordinis officiis a qiiibus separati fuerant restituendi sunt, in pluribus aliis canonibus atque decretis has permissorias restitutiones circa simoniacos fieri posse legimus. quod vero restituitur, in eo statu quem prius habuit atque amisit iterum statuitur. habuit itaque simoniacus sacrorum ordinum dignitatem, cui restitui potest per paenitentiae satisfac- tionem. si ergo haec ita fieri licet et | Veritas ita se habet, dicimus f. 104. quia simoniacus benedicendi quoque gratiam accepit et habet, quam aliis ex officio suo conferre potest, si locus enim sacratus non esset, aliquando eum more debito sacrari necesse esset. si episcopi ordinem non accepisset episcopus simoniace ordinatus, aliquando eum canonico ritu ordinari oporteret. at quia haec non fiunt, nee fieri necesse esse dicunt, concedi oportet quia haec eis aliquando exhibita [haec] fuerunt. id equidem nos perturbat, ^ communionis ms. De Shnoniacis 117 et inde controversia existit, tjuia haec fieri posse ratio et auc- toritas contradicit et item fieri posse permittit. The parallel Atl ea quae proposuimus respondet fortasse aliquis : Ea, inquit, living bishop ^uictoritatc couiinuiiicare possmnus simoniacis, qua auctoritate licet coniniunicare raptoribus, ebriosis et non continentibus episcopis. haec eniin non sunt opera lucis, sed opera tenebrarum ; et quae, 2 Cor. vi 14. sicut ait apostolus Paulus, societas liici ad tenehras ? verum quarn- who must be diu seu hos seu illos ecclesia dei tolerat, donee synodalis censura deposed by ^^^ canonice discussos judicet ac deponat, tolerandi sunt ab sub- a synod. ditis, atque sine periculo exhiberi eis potest obedientia ab subditis. in his quae dei sunt obedientia illis exhiberi potest, assensio vero pravitatis ulla eis adhiberi non debet, quid enim nostra interest Cf. Phil. 1 18. seu ex occasione seu ex veritate Christus annuncietur, dum populus vocem dei audiat, et quae agenda sunt undecumque summonitus agat ? quid nostra refert qua intentione episcopus super cathe- Cf. Matt. dram Moysi sedeat ? audi coramonitionem^ evangelii: Quae, inquit, dicunt facite, quae autem faciunt facere nolite. Cf. Matth. Obicis vero mihi illud ex evangelio: Ingressus in templum dominus cathedras vendentium columbas, et mensas nummulari- orum evertit, et illos procul a templo exturbavit. super cathedram eversam quis, inquies, sedere potest ? qui in templo dei remanere Obj. : be has non sinitur, quae, inquies, dicit in domo dei unde audiatur? super plac^\ the cathedram itaque Moysi simoniacus sedere non potest, quia eum others have nullam cathedram in domo dei habere fas est, nee istud exemplum not. . . ... referri potest ad simoniacum. ad illos referri debet qui legitime inthronizati super cathedram Moysi sedent in domo dei. Yet they are Sed, rogo, attende. verum est, dicitur, quia indubitanter coram however theV deo cathedra simoniaci evertitur, et ipse a conspectu dei damna- got there. tione pei-petua eliminatur. si tamen violenter cathedram obtineat, velis nolis super cathedram Moysi sedeat, quamdiu deus id pa- tiatur, quae dicit audi et fac, quae facit fticere noli, accipe testem Eccles. X 4. inde et commonitionem sacrae scripturae auctoritatem: 8i ascen- dent spintus super te potestatem habens, non dimittas locum tuum^. ascendit super te, quando tu illi non potes resistere. tu tamen non dimittas locum tuum, etiam si ille super te arripit locum ; quamdiu te quidem | sinit tenere locum tuum. unde et apostolus f. 105. Rom. xiii 1 f. Paulus ait: Non est, inquit, potestas 7iisi a deo : quae autem a deo ' commotionem ms. - Apud Eccles. legitur : si spiritus potestatem habentis ascendent super te, locum tuum ne dimiseris. 118 Gilbert Crispin sunt, ordinata sunt^: itaque qui potestati resistit, ordinationi dei resistit. ac si diceret: Jndicem hnnc sen ilium dens constituit super te, et te constituit subditum illi esse: noli ordinationi dei Rom. xiii 3. resistere; sed age quod alibi ipse ait: Bomim fac, et hahehis laudem ex ilia, cum enim de potestatibus ordinatis a deo trac- taret, hoc tandem in finem consilium dedit : Vis non timere potestatem ? honum fac, et hahehis laudem ex ilia, item: Tu qiiis Rom. xiv 4. es qui judicas aliennm servum .? suo domino stat aut cadit. ac si Cf. Rom. ii 5. diceret : Si ille quod male accepit usurpando thesaurizat sibi iram in die irae justi judicii dei, tu sub eo positus exercendo patientiam Cf. Luc. xxi in patientia tua possidebis animam tuam. Dicis vero mihi : Scio evidenter quia simoniacus est, quia a deo The Lord did alienus est: quomodo illi communicare audebo? accipe. sciebat communion ©videnter et dominus quia Judas fur erat, quia proditor erat, quia with Judas, et diabolus erat: dominus, inquam, qui Judae subditus non erat, immo magister et dominus Judae erat : et tamen cum illo edebat, bibebat, et in nullo a communione sua eum amovebat, donee aperte malitia illius detecta in semet judicando se ipsum indignum It need not et exsortem exivit a consortio aliorum. de illis quidem qui faciunt seu^^^^'^ et consentiunt debitum jamdudum controversia finem accepit: Cf. Rom. i 32. facientes, inquit, et consentientes pari vindicta plectentur. agimus tantummodo de illis quos, velint nolint, necesse est esse sub illis. ' What is their Quaeris : Quid juvat indulta ab illis peccatorum remissio ? nil worth?' quidem obest, immo juvat et prodest, si animo fideb quaeritur, debito paenitendi ordine expetitur et quasi a vicario dei excipitur. Isa. xliii 26. in Ysaia scriptum est : Narrasi quid hahes,utjustificeris. dominus Luc. xvii 14. vero dicit in evangelio leprosis: Ite, ostendite vos sacerdotibus: et dum irent mundati sunt, quamdiu ergo in ecclesia dei sacerdotis officium simoniacus gerit, et id eum gerere sinit, tu qui sub ipso sacerdote vivis, vade, ostende te sacerdoti: narra si quid habes, Look not to ut justificeris: quia ab homine non obtinetur justificatio, sed a the minister, , . , . , , . . , . . but to God, deo. SI sacerdos Justus est, juvant quidem preces ejus, juvant as giver of meiita eius; sed gratia dei te iustificat. si sacerdos Justus non sacramental .. . . . .... grace. est, juvat quideiii cordis tui mansuetudo, juvat exhibita illi propter deum debita summissio; sed gratia dei te justificat. sicut Joh. i 33. enim de baptismo evangelium dicit: Hie est qui haptizat, deus videlicet, quisquis baptismi minister existat; ita de omni sacra- 1 Cor. xii 11. mento seu gratiae dei dono apostolus ait: Haec, inquit, omnia operatur unus atque idem spiritus, dividens singulis prout vult. ^ Sic a pud Aug. contra Gaud. i. 20 (torn, ix col. 643 d). I De Simoniacis 119 ac si diceret: Quisquis sacramentorum | executor sit in quolibet f. lOG. genera saerauienti, semper iinus atque idem ypiritus operatur gratiam et virtu tern sacramenti. non enim quicquam excepit, qui omnia unum atque eundem spiritum operari asserit. If a miin by Saepe quoque executor gratiae dei id ad mortem suam ex- restores''* equitur, quod a deo per eum salus ad vitara confertur. inter dona health, is the spiritus domini gratiam curationum apostolus ponit: si ergo prae- health not a ^ . . ..... i i? • • • ^ .c i • ». t,MftofGod? stigiosus aliquis aliqua maleiicn sui arte innrmum aliquem sanat, nnmquid sanitas ipsa non est sanitas, aut sanitas ipsa non est donum dei sicut alia quaelibet sanitas ? et tamen unde iste 1 Cor. xiii 3. salvatur, ille damnatur. Si, inquit apostolus, distribuero in cibos If alms profit pauperum omiies facilitates meas, et si tradidero corpus meiim ita less giver, "^ ardeam, caritatem autem non Iiabeam, nihil mihi prodest. si may not tlie ergo elemosina nihil illi prodest a quo sine caritate confertur, profited? numquid illi non prodest cui confertur, et beneficium hoc gratiae dei donura esse (non) dicetur ? The promise De sacramento corporis Chris ti dominus dicit in evangelio : stands fast Q"^ manducat carnem meam et bibit sanguinem meum, in me for the worthy manct et eqo in eo. apostolus vero dicit ad Corinthios : Qui Joh. vi 50. manducat et bibit indigne, judicium sibi manducat et bibit, non 1 Cor. XI 29. (lijudicans corpus domini. unura et idem ergo sacraraentum aliis est ad vitam, aliis est ad mortem, qui manducat et bibit digne, vitam sibi manducat et bibit: qui vero manducat et bibit indigne, judicium sibi manducat et bibit, non dijudicans corpus domini. Eccles. vii 20. quia vero hominis est peccare, sicut scriptum est: Non est homo qui faciat bonum et non peccet; dei vero est justiticare, de quo Ps. ciii 3. scriptum est: Qui propitiatiir omnibus iniqiiitatibus tuis, qui sanat The Spirit omnes infirmitates tuas; spiritus sanctus remittit etiam per simo- absoWes the niacos peccata, ubi pura confessione peccatum paeuitcndo narratur, penitent. atque dignus paenitentiae fructus sequitur, ' What is their Quaeris: Quid confert illorum benedictio ? si, inquam, bene- worth?' dictio est, plurimum confert. benedictionera vero esse quis prohibet ? Judas enim proditor cum caeteris apostolis praedi- Judas was cabat, miracula fiiciebat, benedictiones super populum dabat. and^l!eaVand' ""'"1'"^ propter malitiam Judae sacramentorum virtus atque bless. benedictio irrita fiebat ? qui verbum fidei ab ore illius percipie- bat, credebat, numquid salvus non tiebat ? absit. dicit enim Rom. X 11. scriptura: Omnis qui crediderit in eum non confundetur. per malos autem ministros potens est bonitas dei benedictionis et gratiae suae dona operari. Isaac volens atque omniuo credens se 120 Gilbert Crispm Isaac's benedicere filium suum primogenitum Esau, Jacob alterura filium blessing suiim beiiedixit. quia ergo ille non volens, inimo deceptus, alterum was a true benedixit, iste patri veritatem celando^ furtivain ab eo benedic- blessing. . . t • i mi tionem surnpuit, numquid ilia benedictio idcirco benedictio non Gen. xxvii 33. fuit ? fuit plane: nam postea scriptum est: Expavit Isaac stupore vehementi, et ultra quam credi 'potest admirans ait: Quis igitur ille est qui dudum captam venatio'nem attulit mihi, et coniedi ex f. 107. omnibus priusquam tu venires'? henedixique ei et erit benedictus. quoquo itaque modo ilium benedixit, benedictum ilium esse asseruit. Former Exempla scripturarum quae posuisti debito sensu accipimus, allowed" with s-tq'^© per omnia tecum sentimus. illud enim in lege scriptum : reserves. Quod tetigerit immundus immundum erit, eo sensu dictum acci- ail is clean, pimus quo apostolus Paulus etiam abundantius ait: Omnia munda Tit. i 15. mundis; coinquinatis auteni nihil niundum, neque mens eorum neque conscientia. si ergo immundus aliquid tangit, siquidem immundum est, immundum manet, et eo immundius jure com- putatur. si vero sacrum et mundum pro temerario suo tactu immundum illi et perniciosum reputatur; sicut de sacramento 1 Cor. xi 29. corporis Christi apostolus testatur : Qui manducat et bibit indigne, judicium sibi manducat et bibit, non dijudicaris corpus domini. sicut enim radius solis aequo mundus per munda et immunda loca transit ; et sicut aequo commodus in se ipso semper manet, quando etiam lippo oculo in eum intuenti noxius existit: ita et The sacra- sacramentum corporis Christi aequo mundum et sacrum, immo ment does , ■ • • • i • i •. • not lose its sanctuuoniae causa, m se ipso semper subsistit, sive vitam sive power. judicium sibi manducat et bibit, qui ad illud percipiendum accedit. If he cannot Quod autem beatus Ambrosius dicit: Quando simoniacus dicit God^can^^'"^' ^^ populum, Pax vobis, maledictionem dare eis potest quam habet, through him; benedictionem et gratiam dei dare eis non potest, quia non habet: concedimus, et per omnia viri tanti auctoritatem sequimur. bene- dictionem et gratiam dei ex merito suo dare non potest, quia non habet. sed per eum dominus benedictionem et gratiam suam dare eis potest, quia habet, potens cuicumque vult exhibere divitias bonitatis suae: qui per malignos quoque spiritus saepe gratiae suae dona operatur. quando vero simoniacus dicit ad if a son of populum, Pax vobis, non dicit. Pax mea vobis ; sed pacem dei peace be there .i • to ..„.. „,. to receive it. ^^^^ ^ cl^o eis concedi'^: et Si quis merit inter eos lilius pacis, ^ zelando ms. ^ concedit ms. De Siinoniacls 121 utique requiescet super eum pax dei ; si autem non fuerit inter eos filius pacis, et intructuose dicitur, hoc ininime fit culpa illiiis a quo caritativo oratur, sed culpa illius super queiii iiuprecatur, 'Leprosy, not Item beatus Ambrosius dicit: Qui dat pecuniani pro ordinibus (.(lace ' : but . . , . , . , . . yet a holy episcopo, (juid suiuit ab episcopo f lepraiH, iiiquit, noii <(ratiaui. thiug may be plane id ita esse credinius. qui enini quae sancta sunt datione ^;i\ei), which, '■. . . .*. ^. tliough death auri et argenti tradit, datione auri et argenti suniit, indigne ille to others^ ' ^ tradit, indigne iste sumit ; ad perniciem et judicium sibi ille tradit, ad perniciem et judicium sibi iste sumit: tanien sacra sunt et quae ille tradit, et quae iste sumit. sicut de corpore Christi constat : qui indigne tradit, judicium sibi tradit ; qui indigne sumit, judicium sibi sumit: tamen corpus Christi et ille tradit, et iste sumit. nisi enim aliquid sacri usurpando vel ille tra- |deret vel iste sumeret, unde vel ille tradendo vel iste sumendo f. 108. puniretur ? The outward Quae, inquies, sacra ? ipsa, ut tu ipse dicere soles, exteriora tlungs^'^^ ° ^ sacrorum officiorum signa, quae tunc ceperant, gratia dei fructuose traduntur, fructuose sumuntur quando in neutra parte quicquam aliud consideratur, nisi ut serviendo deo amor ejus et gratia inde Matt. vi22f. obtineatur. unde dominus in evangelic: Si oculus tuns fuent simplex, totiim corpus tuum luciduni erit: si autem nequam fuent, totum corpus tuum tenebrosum eHt. quia vero sic male traditus ordo injuste traditur, injuste sumitur, et ad perniciem usurpando tenetur, exigente justitia necesse est ut amittatur^ donee digno Their use may paenitentiae fructu gratia dei obtineatur, et tandem debito jure b t ft \ d ^x^quendi officii gradus restituatur. quod ubi restituitur, alia restored. reiteratione consecrationis res non indiget, sed sola per manus episcopi impositionem reconciliatione opus est. sicut enim quando deponitur ipsa singulorum ordinum signa sibi tolluntur, ita quando restituitur eadem singulorum ordinum signa sibi redduntur, et sic per debitae benedictionis gratiam deo reconciliatur. The vessels Precor, attende. praecepit dominus Moysi ut omnia utensilia company^ templi debito ritu sacrarentur: aliter vero deo indigna atque were treated profana haberoiitur. legimus tamen in libro Numeri : Locutus Num.'xvi5-7. 6st Moyses tul Chore et ad onuiem multitudinem : Hoc igitur facite; tollat unusquisque thuribula sua, tu Choice et omne con- cilium tuum, et liausto eras igne ponite desuper thymiama coram Num. xvi 31. domiiio; et quemcunque eler/ent, ipse erit saiictus. sequitur: Con- Jestim igitur ut cessavit loqui, dirupta est terra sub pedibus eorum ' admittatur mh. 122 Gilbert Crispin et aperiens os suum devoravit illos cum tahernaculis suis et universa Num. xvi substantia, sed et ignis egressus a domino interfecit ducentos "^~ '■ qainquaginta vivos qui offerehant incensum. locutusque est dominus ad Moysen, dicens: Praecipe Eleazaro jilio Aaron sacerdotis, ut tollat thurihula quae jacent in incendio, et ignem hue illucque dispergat, quoniam sanctijicata sunt in moi'tihus peccatoritm; pro- ducatque ea in laminas et affigat altan, eo quod oblatum sit in eis incensum domino et sanctijicata sint. qui ergo contra legis statuta incensum et thymiania obtulerunt domino, pro temeritate sua debita ultionis vindicta percussi sunt : thuribula vero, quae teme- rario tactu profanata erant, in mortibus peccatorum dicit esse sanctificata. non dicit ea iterum sacrari oportere, sed in mortibus peccatorum expiata digno expiationis atque paenitentiae fructu dicit esse sanctificata. Things and Ita igitur et quando a simoniacis loca consecrantur, ipsi pro persons once , • jvi. ij.-- -j-o. ^--i consecrated temerario ausu debita ultionis vmdicta percutiuntur: ea vero per need only to saiictificatae aquae aspersionem I ab episcopis reconciliata debito f. 109. be reconciled. . .^ • -i- i- • • • • • i jure sanctmcantur. similiter ordmati a simoniacis pro temeraria^ praesumptione sacrorum digna ultionis vindicta percutiuntur; et post peractum paenitentiae tempus, digno paenitentiae fructu quasi quodam igne anxiati spiritus sanctificati, sola per manus episcopi impositionem reconciliationis benedictione indigent. No consecra- sanctificatio quidem nulla existit, nisi per fidem dominicae pas- tion save by; gj^jj^g g^ assignationem dominicae ciTicis. sicut euim in veteri the cross oi .... Christ. testamento sine sanguinis efifusione non fiebat sanctificatio, ita et in novo testamento sine crucis assignatione nulla fit sanctificatio. crux quippe ipsius dominicae mortis est signum atque ostensio. A right con- Hac igitur ratione multum distat inter gentilem et simoni- breffectedTy ^^^u^^^- gentilis quando sacrat, neque ipse est qui sacrare debet, one who neque sacrat cui debet, immo cui non debet, idolo videlicet, et consecrate; omnino aliter quam debet, simoniacus quando sacrat, licet ipse non sit qui sacrare debet, tamen sacrat cui debet, deo videlicet, Gen. iv 7. et omni eo ritu quo debet, revera quidem concedi oportet : Si recte offeras, recte autem non dividas, j}eccasti. tamen et concedi oportet, quod multo vicinius saluti peccat quisquis intra fidem christianam positus peccat, quam is qui omnino extra fidem Job. iii 14 f. christianam extat. unde dominus in evangelio : Sicut Moyses exaltavit serpentem in deserto, ita ewaltari oportet filium Jiominis; ut oninis qui credit in eum non pereat, sed habeat vitam aeternam. ^ temerario ms. De Simoniacis 128 qui ergo credit in demn potest noii j)erire, si fidcui habeat, quae sine operibus niortua existit; at vert» (jui iion credit nulla ratiune iioii potest non perire: sine fide enini, sieut ait apostolus Paulus, Heb. xi (•). iinpossihile est placere deo. altare ergo illud, i\i' (jiio in iibr.i whcrtiis a Machabeoruui logitur quod gentes construxerant, Judas Machabeus Gentile , . . , consecration ^t populus (jui cuui eo erat jure a solo proi-sus destruxerunt ; <|iii;i IS nought. y^\^[ nulla sanctiticatio fuit nulla prorsus enumdatio esse potuit. Suininaiy Ut igitur et uos respousionis nostrae summani colliganuis, paucis attende. dicinuis tecum (juia sinioniacus revera haereticus est, dicnnus tecum quia communicandum sibi non est; sed com- municare dicimus unum cum illo esse voluntatis assensu atque actione. si idcirco regulariter atque canonice subditi eum amovere Tliere is a possunt, tolerandus non est, immo onmino amovendus est. si ject'ion for autem competenter id facere non possunt, patienter tolerandus est, tho.-e who et sine periculo in his (juae fieri licet a subditis ei obedientia cannot . . remove such exhiberi potest atque debet, sub Nabuchodonosor, (pii erat in- peisons. fidelis atque idolatra, vixit per annos multos imperiis ejus parendo Daniel propheta, vir fidelis atque verus Israelita. si ergo obicis Cf. 2 Cor. vi mihi auctoritatem apostoli: Quae communicatio fideli cum infideli^ par pari referimus : obicimus et nos auctoritatem ejusdem Ro. xiii 2. apostoli : Qui potestati resistit, ordinationi^ dei resistit. et for- Cominunion jtassis utraque sic servatur auctoritas, nee alteri altera rcpugnat, f. no. with them is • • i- • j- • -n i , .• oniv wrong ^^ couimuuicare alicui dicimus unum cum illo esse voluntatis if it implies asscnsu atque actione. hoc enim modo cavere possumus ne ali- assent. ..... . . . , , qui bus in mahgno positis communicemus. ad cumnlnni voro hujus cautelae atque observantiae plerumque praecipitur a quibiis fieri debet, et quibus id observare licet, ne cum ejusmodi uUa prorsus communio vel in cibo vel in potu vel in coUoquio habeatur. ad praesens enim loquimur non de illis sub quorum censura ex- istunt simoniaci, at de illis quos necesse est (esse) sub illis, et (juorum causae non interest judicare de illis, sed judicari ab illis. They receive Item diciiuus tecuiii (juia simoniacus nil accipit, nil tradit. "i°e^nmu,"it ^^'^ ''^ idcirco diciiuus quia aliter (piam debet accipit, injuste in the sense accipit, ad pemiciem et ad judicium sibi accipit; aliter (luam di^'bet that they . i • . ■ • . ,-. , • • . • ,• • •, ■ receive and tradit, lujuste tradit, ad perniciem et ad judicium sibi tradit: K'lve amiss. tamen et ille tradit et iste accipit quae in sacris actionibus ab homine tradi possunt et accipi. But they „ „ . , . . o ■ ■ • differ from Kctert (juideiii, et plunmum retert, inter simoniacum et sine laymen, who onlinibus laicum. naiiHiue laicus absolute nihil nmnino accipit; receive not ' ^ ' at all. 1 ordinatio ms. 124 Gilbert Crispin simoniacus vero et aliquid ab ordinante accipit et nihil ab ordinante accipit. quamvis enim ad perniciem accipiat, aliquid tamen accipit, quia ordines sacros accipit ; sed idcirco dicitur quia nihil accipit, quoniam propter quod debet et ad quod debet ordines sacros non accipit : neque enim propter deum accipit, neque enim ad suscipiendam dei gratiam ordines sacros accipit. idcirco dicimus quia nihil accipit, quia dicere solemus rem non esse quae aliter est quam debet esse, et aliquid non fieri quod aliter This common fit quam debet fieri ^ unde frequentissimo usu loquendi dicimus wmd^nou ht' ®^ *i^^^ aliud quam debet dicit. Nihil est quod dicis^. quamvis enim revera aliquid dicat, revera aliquid faciat, quia non dicit illud aliquid quod debet dicere, nee facit illud aliquid quod debet facere, dicimus quia non dicit seu facit aliquid, quoniam tantundem valet ac si non faceret ullum aliquid ; immo melius esset non fecisse aliquid, quam fecisse illud aliquid quod non debuit. si enim malum est non fecisse quod debuit, multo gravius malum existit et non fecisse quod debuit et fecisse quod non debuit. illustrated Accipe in scripturis quoque multa hujusmodi locutionum ex- fiom holy empla. in epistola ad Corinthios dicit apostolus : Si habuero 1 Cor. xiii 2. omnenifidem, ita ut monies transferam, caritatem autem non haheani, nihil sum. quamvis enim aliud aliquid existat, quia non est aliud aliquid quod debet esse, nihil hoc est, non aliquid dicit se esse. Gal. vi 3. Item in epistola ad Galathas : Qui autem putat se esse aliquid cum nihil sit, se ipsum seducit : cum nihil, hoc est non aliquid, sit, quia non est illud aliquid quod debet esse, unde in psalmo Ps. xlix 20. dicitur : Homo cum in honore esset non intelleodt, comparatus est jumentis insipientihus et similis f actus est illis. ac si diceret: Destitit esse homo, | quando destitit facere quod facere debet homo f. ill. Eccles. xii 13. et ad quod factus est homo, unde scriptura : Deum time, et man- data ejus obser^va: hoc est omnis homo, si igitur homo est qui ratione utitur, deum timet, et mandata ejus observat; qui ratione abutitur, deum non timet, et mandata ejus non servat, hominem esse eum contradicit scriptura, licet gerat speciem hominis et formam. eo itaque modo dici potest quia simoniacus nil accipit, nil tradit ; quia quod accipit, aliter omnino quam debet accipit ; quod tradit, omnino aliter quam debet tradit^. ^ fieri] esse, et aliquid non fieri quod aliter fit quam debet fieri (fieri 2° supr. lin.) MS. - dicit MS. ^ Explicit liber de symoniacis ms (rubr.). SELECTED CHARTERS. The charters which here follow are for the most part printed for the first time. The originals of six of them are preserved among the abbey muniments (nos. 6, 7, 23, 24, 35, 36). The rest come from Westminster chartularies, and offer for the most part texts of the end of the thirteenth or the beginning of the fourteenth centuries, a few being only of the fifteenth century ^ I have described these books elsewhere, and will only speak briefly of them here. The Westminster ' Domesday ' (as it was called in Q. Elizabeth's time) is a very large folio containing nearly fourteen hundred pages. I have ransacked it again and again, but as it has no index I cannot pretend to have discovered all that may be of interest for Abbot Gilbert's time. Faustina A. ill is unhappily no longer in its old home : it passed by some illicit process, now undis- coverable, into the Cottonian collection. Portions of it are copied from the Westminster ' Domesday ' ; but parts of it are perhaps a little earlier, and certainly offer independent texts. I have, therefore, some- times given its variants, either as being in themselves of value, or as illustrating the degree of freedom with which scribes copied charters into these large collections. For a few of the charters printed below we depend on the Liber Niger Quaternus of the fifteenth century. I have had no previous experience in the perilous but fascinating work of classifying charters ; and I am prepared to find that my ignor- ance has led me into serious blunders. I have learned much from Dr Horace Round's valuable books, and I have good hope that some of the facts which I am able to offer for the first time will be of interest to him and to other exact students. I need hardly add that I shall be grateful for their aid in correcting mistakes. For the sake of those who are unfamiliar with such charters and with the problems of classification, I may say that only one of these charters bears a date, and curiously enough that date appears to be a wrong one. We are dependent entirely on the subject matter of each ' For these cbartnlariea see MSS of J^''estminster Abbey, pp. 93 fif. 126 Gilbert Crispin charter and the names of the persons granting, addressed, witnessing, or otherwise mentioned. K. Henry I's reign is, fortunately for our purpose, conspicuously marked in two years by the inroads of death. In 1107 quite a number of his old and trusted servants passed away, men who had served his brother and his father, and frequently attested his charters up to that date: and on 23 Nov. 1120 William, his son and heir, with the most promising young men of his court, sank with the White Ship. It is obvious that limits are thus often provided below which charters cannot be placed. The king's frequent absences in Normandy offer further limitations for those of his charters which are issued in England. He appears to have been in England, during the time with which we are concerned, for the following periods^: 5 Aug. 1100 (Coronation)— Whitsuntide 1104, Christm. 1104— Lent 1105, Aug. 1105— July 1106, Easter 1107— July 1108, Whitsun. 1109— Aug. 1110, July 1113—21 Sep. 1114, July 1115— Easter 1116. After this he did not return till Nov. 1120; and meantime Abbot Gilbert had died on 6 Dec. 1117, and Q. Matilda on 1 May 1118. This will suffice to shew the nature of the problem. I have tried in the notes to make the charters intelligible to those who have no detailed knowledge of the matters and persons referred to. I have frequently referred to the History of Abingdon edited by Mr Stevenson in one of the earliest numbers of the Rolls series: for Abbot Faricius (1100 — 1117) was an eminent physician, who drew many great benefactors to his abbey and was in high favour with the king : accordingly he secured a quite unusual number of royal charters of confirmation, and these are frequently of service for the illustration of the Westminster charters"-. I have not included in this series the general charter of Hen. I, confirming the liberties of the abbey at the opening of his reign (D. f 57 h) : it is obviously a forgery, and its only interest lies in the problem of its real date and its relation to similar fabrications, of which Westminster possessed a handsome series^. These would undoubtedly 1 I state the periods somewhat vaguely, and depend for the statement largely on the investigations of others. 2 Mr Stevenson made a brave attempt at arranging these in an appendix ; but his dates appear to need a careful scrutiny. He accepted too readily the statements contained in the History, which are often demonstrably erroneous. ' See the Introduction to Flete's History of Westminster, pp. 12 ff. Selected Charters 127 repay the labour of a minute investigatiim, which ought to reveal the motives whieh led men of general excellence and honesty to invent documents of this kind — documents in which they never ap[)ear to claim anything to which their monastery was not, in their own time at leiist, fully entitled. But the subject stands by itself, and does not belong to our present purpose. The series includes some charters of the time of Gilbert's predecessor Vitalis (1076 — 19 June 1085), and some also of the time of his successor Herbert, who was not appointed until January 1121. They illustrate what has been said earlier in this volume, or they are of value for purposes of reference. I have not undertaken to give all charters that belong to Gilbert's time : the task of discrimination is often very difficult. Some important documents have been printed and com- mented on above, and may for convenience be named here : The Piriford charter granted ' post descriptionem totius Anglie ' (p. 29) ; two writs of Abbot Gilbert concerning Sanctuary (p. 37) ; the grant of Totenhale to William Baynard (p. 38) ; 'Firma monachorum ' (p. 41). I have expanded the abbreviations, except where expansion seemed quite unnecessary, or where (as generally in the case of proper names) there was good reason for keeping the abbreviated form. 1. D. f. 678. W. rex Angl' S. vicecom' et fidclibus suis de Exssexe salutem. Sciatis quia ego concessi sancto Petro Westm' terram et mariscum qui vocatur Tillabyri, quem Goffridus de magna villa dedit eidem ecclesie pro anima uxoris que illic jacet. T'. Ricardus fil' Gisleberti comitis et R. de Oleyo. [c. 1071 — 85.] For Geoffrey de Mandeville, see above pp. 32, 39, and below, charters nos. 2—7, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 35, 36. For Suain of Essex, see pp. 49 f. and no. 2. Suain had ceased to be sheriff of Essex before the Survey was taken; so had Ralph Baynard also. On the other hand, as Geoffrey's wife Athelais was buried in the cloister (see below, no. 15), it is hardly likely that the charter is earlier than Abbot Eklwin's death in 1071. Richard fitz Gilbert (Richard de Bienfaite) was the son of Gilbert count of Brionne, the lord of Herluin who founded the abbey of Bee. Robert de (^leio appears sis a benefactor of Aliingdon (Hist. Ab. Rolls S. II 25). He attests nos. 4, 5, below. He died c. 1094, and was succeeded by his brother Nigel de Oleic (see below, no. 21). Robert's 128 Gilbert Crispin daughter Matilda was married to Milo Crispin : Nigel had a son Robert de Oleio, the younger, who succeeded him. 2. D. f. 520 6. Willelmus rex Angl' Walchelino episcopo et Hugoni episcopo et Radulpho Baynard et Rannulpho et Goffrido vicecomitibus et omnibus baronibus suis Francis et Anglis de Suthereya et Estsexia salutem. Sciatis (me) concessisse deo et sancto Petro et Vitali abbati et monachis Westm' illas quatuor hidas in Totingas quas Sueyn ibidem dedit, et quas Ailnoth de Lond' nepos ejus nunc tenet de sancto et monachis illius ecclesie. praeterea concedo illis terram de Lundon' et molendinum de Stratforde cum tota terra sibi pertinenti, unde praedictus Ailnod' predictam hereditavit ecclesiam, teste Odone episcopo Baioc' et Rob' comite de Morit' et Willelmo filio Osberni. Valete. [1076 — 85. j Walkelin bp of Winchester was consecrated 30 May 1070, and died 3 Jan. 1098. Hugh bp of London, consecrated in 1075, died 12 Jan. 1085. For Ralph Baynard, see above, p. 38. Rannulf appears as sheriff of Surrey in the Survey. ' Goffridus ' is probably Geoffrey de Mandeville. The attestations do not belong to this writ : for Vitalis came in 1076, whereas W. fitz Osbern was killed in 1071. They must be regarded as recited in the writ, which itself is not attested, but ends with ' Valete.' I have therefore placed after ' ecclesiam ' a comma only. Odo bp of Bayeux and Robert count of Mortain were half brothers of the Conqueror. Odo was arrested in the Isle of Wight towards the end of 1082. Edward the Confessor by a Saxon charter (D. f. 529) grants the four hides in Tooting which Suain held of him and gave to the abbey. Hen. I's grant of them to Abbot Gilbert is printed below, no. 21. The abbey of Bee held an adjoining property (Tooting Bee), which was given by Richard fitz Gilbert and his wife Rohaise {Monast. vi 1052 £). Of Ailnodus or Aelfnoth we read in the Survey in regard to Tooting : ' Suen tenuit de rege Edwardo. hanc terram recepit Wallef comes de Suen post mortem R.E., et invadiavit pro ii markis auri Alnodo Lundoniensi, qui concessit sancto Petro pro anima sua, scilicet quod ibi habebat.' And in the Telligraphus of Will. I (D. f. 50) we have: ' Aelfnothus civis Lundoniensis, qui ibidem monachus effectus fuit.' (Cf First Charter of Will. I, D. f 52 h.) For Suain see also nos. 1, 8. Selected Charters 1:29 3. D. f. 181. W. rex Angl' Walchelino episcopo Winton' et omnibus baronibus et ministris suis Francis et Anglis de Sutrega saluteni. Sciatis me concessisse et confirmasse deo et sancto Petro et abbati Vital i et monachis Westm' illas tres hidas quas Gaufridus filius cumitis Eustaehii pro Beatrice uxore sua ibidem libere donavit, annuente tamen Gaufrido dc magna villa : unam videlicet in Belgeham et duas in Waletona juxta Mordon'. et precipio quod predictus abbas et monachi Westm' has prenominatas tres hidas perpetuo teneant bene et in pace, libere et honorifice, quietas de murdro et geldo vel danegeldo; et defendo ne aliquis eis super hanc meam regiam libertatem et concessionem injuriam vel torturam faciat. T,' Wluoldo abbate et Gaufrido de magna villa. [1076—84.] 'Wluoldus' is probably Wulfwold, abbot of Chertsey (t 1()84). Comp. with this charter Round, Feud. Eng. 330: 'the Mandeville fief in Surrey, where we read of " Aultone " : — " De his hidis tenet Wesmam vi hidas de Goisfrido filio comitis Eustaehii ; hanc terram dedit ei Goisfridus de Mannevil cum filia sua " (i 36).' Combining this statement with our charter, we get the interesting fact that Godfrey of Bouillon, who took the cross in 1096 and was elected king of Jerusalem in 1099, had married Beatrice, the daughter of Geoffrey de Mandeville. For his brother Eustace count of Boulogne (junior), see below no. 26. 4. D. f. 100 6. Willelmus dei gracia rex Anglorum G. de magna villa et vicec' et Willelmo cam' et omnibus civibus et ministris suis London' salutem. Sciatis me concessisse deo et sancto Petro et Vitali abbati et monachis ecclesie Westmon' pro salute anime mee et amore pie memorie cognati mei predecessoris regis Edwardi in civitate Londonia omnes terras quas idem rex predicto loco sue sepulture dederat, et quas ego postea addideram, vel quas ipsi in eadem urbe ante tenuerant quicunque eas dedisset, cum saka et sokna et toll et theam et miskennige et sceawinge ; et ut libere et (juiete et honorifice habeant nundinalia et argisteria, id est merca- toria loca, cum seldis et scoppis et redditibus suis, et macella sua cum consuetudinibus et rectitudinibus suis theloneoquc suo, (pie sint ad illiiiniiiai-innom ecclesie, sicut idem constituit. preterea hiis concossionibus meis adjeci ut omnes mercatores noti vel ignoti, R. C. ^ 130 Gilbert Crisjnn incole vel advene, hujus vel alterius cujuslibet patrie, qui tera- poribus predecessoris mei, videlicet regis Edwardi, descenderunt sive applicuerunt in soca seu seldis vel hwervis sancti Petri ad hospitandiim, ad easdem nunc revertantur; et ibi sint bene et honorifice, et firmam j)acem meam habeant in eundo et in redeundo. et firmiter prohibe(o) quod nemo vicecomitum, procuratorum, exactorum vel ministrorum meorum eos disturbet, neque injuriam vel contumeliam faciat ; et nullus se intromittat inde omnino, nisi per abbatem et monachos suos, sicut idem benignissimus rex Edwardus per cartas suas concessit atque confirmavit. et ideo videte, sicut amorem meum diligitis, ne inde clamorem audiam pro recti penuria, super x libr' forisfacture. Testibus, Walkelino Winton' episcopo, Willelmo Dun' episcopo, H. comes de War', R. com' de Mall', Yvone Tailebois, Roberto de 01', Rog' Big', apud Westm' in pentec'. [1081 — 5.] William of St Carileph was consecrated to Durham 3 Jan. 1081. Vitalis died, probably, in 1085. Geoffrey de Mandeville was sheriff of London and Middlesex. William the chamberlain is referred to in Hist. Ahingd. ii 128 as ' Willelmus regis camerarius de Lundonia': he had land close to Abingdon, which he held for the service of a knight ; but, when Robert invaded England in 1101, he refused to provide the knight, and the abbot had to find one instead. He is mentioned {ibid. 54) as present when a gi-ant was made on the altar at Abingdon by William de Curci on 23 Oct. 1105. A Middlesex grant is addressed to and attested by him at London, 1100 — 1 (no. 20, below, see also nos. 17, 39). In the Ramsey chartulary we find ' Will, camerarius regis ' at Brampton attesting a royal writ in 1110 (Rolls Ser. I 148); and 'Will, camerarius London' (1114 — 30; ih. i 142): but we cannot be sure that we are always dealing with the same man. In the Telligraphus of Will. I (D. f 50 h) we read : ' Willelmus camerarius mens pro concessa sibi fraternitate et beneficiis memorate ecclesie, et pro monachatu cujusdam Huberti sui familiaris amici, quem vice sua pro dei amore ibidem monachum fecerat (gave three hides in Kingsbury, co. Middles.).' Though that charter is not genuine, the tradition may be true. Henry, earl of Warwick, was son of Roger of Beaumont : he died 20 June 1123. He usually attests after Robert, count of Meulan, his elder brother. Robert (f 1118) was the father of Robert, earl of Leicester. Selected Charters i:n Ivo Taillebois sometimos attests simply as ' Ivo dapit'er.' He has a bad name in the Pseudo-Ingulphus as a robber of Croyland abbey. See below, nos. 9, 27. For Robert de Oleio, see above, no. 1. Roger Bigod (f 15 Sep. 1107) was 'dapifer' under Will. II and Hen. I. He is ' not traced in English records before 1079 ' (Maunde Thompson, Diet Nat. Biog.). He was succeeded by his son William, who was drowned in 1120; then by his second son Hugh ('dapifer' in 1128). I have some doubt as to the genuineness of this charter : the style ' dei gratia ' is suspicious (but cf. no. 9). The much larger charter which immediately precedes it (D. f. 99) is certainly fictitious : it is partly founded upon this ; it also bears a very close resemblance to the charter said to have been granted in the same year (1081) by Will. I to St Peter's, Ghent (see Round's Cal. of Doc. preserved in France i 502). 5. D. f. 529, Faust. A. iii, f. 64. W. rex Angl' M. London' episcopo et G. de magna villa ct omnibus ministris suis ac fidelibus Francis et Anglis de Lundon' salutem. Sciatis me concessisse deo et sancto Petro Westm' et G. abbati donum quod Aluuardus dc Lundonia eis dedit pro anima sua; id est, ecclesiam sancte Marie que dicitur Niwecirke, cum omnibus rebus ad eam pertinentibus, sicut idem Aluuardus melius et plenius eis concesserat. et volo et firmiter precipio ut bene et quiete et honorifice et libere et absque omni calumpnia et inquietudine et sine cujuslibet reclamatione, cum terris et domibus, cum saca et socna et toll et team et latrone, et cum omnibus rebus et consuetudinibus et legibus eam teneant. et defendo ne aliquis inde illis aliquam torturam faciat. Testibus, Walchel' Winton' episcopo, Willelmo Dunelm' episcopo, et R. de Mell', et R. com. de Warwic, et R. de Oleio, et R. Bigodo, apud Westm'. [1086.] Maurice was appointed bishop of London at the Christmas court of 1085 at Gloucester, and was consecrated [5 Apr.?] 1086 at Winchester. The king knighted his son Henry at Westminster ' in hebdomada Pentecostes ' : later in the year he crossed to Normandy, not to return. Probal.)ly, therefore, Whitsuntide 1086 is the date of this charter. It is wrongly ascribed to Will. II in the rubric of D. 9—2 132 Gilbert Crispi7i The witnesses are the same, save for the omission of Ivo Taillebois, as in the preceding charter. ' R.' (earl of Warwick) should be ' H.' For other charters relating to this church of St Mary see nos. 10, 11; and for the controversy regarding it see the detached note On the early charters of St John's Abbey, Colchester (pp. 158 — 166). 6. Mun. 2001. Sciant presentes et futuri, universe sancte matris ecclesie fideles et filii, quod ego Goffridus de magnavilla concessi et mea liberali donatione donavi deo et sancto Petro et ecclesie Westmonasterii, nocnon et sancte Marie de Hurleya, pro salute et redemptione anime raee et uxoris mee Leceline, cujus consilio gratia divina providente hoc bonum inchoavi, et pro anima Athelaise prime uxoris mee matris filiorum meorum jam defuncte, necnon et heredum meorum omnium mihi succedentium, eandem ecclesiam sancte Marie de Hurleia in Bearrocsira, cum tota predicta villa de Hurleia et cum toto circumjacenti nemore eidem ville adjacenti, sine participatione aut divisione cujuscunque hominis in ipsa pan'ochia manentis aut aliquid tenentis ; excepta terra solummodo Aedrici prepositi, et excepta terra rusticorum de parva Waltham, quam in mea manu ad me hospitandum retinui. concessi quidem, dico, et firmiter donavi ecclesie eidem de Hurleia cum toto dominio meo libere et quiete in campis et silvis, pratis et pascuis, pasturis et molendinis, aquis et piscariis atque piscationibus et cum omnibus appendiciis suis, id est ecclesia de Waltam cum una hida terre et dimidia que sibi subjacent, et cum socna capelle de Remenham, et cum omnibus aliis rebus et decimis et possessionibus in vivo et mortuo sine parte et divisione, cum omnibus consuetudinibus et libertatibus illi antiquitus debitis, ita libere et quiete ab omnium hominum inquietudine et exactione, sicut dominus mens rex ea mihi dedit et concessit. dedi etiam predicte ecclesie cum supradictis ea die qua feci eam dedicare, Osmundo episcopo Saresberiensi presente cum multis aliis magne auctoritatis viris et personis, terram Aedwardi de Watecumba in dotalicium libere et quiete cum omnibus sibi pertinentibus. qua vero die supra- dictus episcopus venerabilis pontificali auctoritate, assistentibus secum magne auctoritatis et dignitatis personis, confirmavit omnes donationes meas quas eidem sancto loco pro anime mee et omnium heredum meorum salute eterna libere contuli ; scilicet, in omnibus maneriis que in dominio meo eo tempore erant, terciam partem Selected Charters 133 decime totiiis annone mee, et diias partes decime totius pecunie omnium manerioriim nieorum sine parte in vivo et mortuo, et totam decimam pasnagiorum meorum in poreis et denariis sine parte, et totam decimam caseorum sine parte, et totam decimam lini et lane sine parte, et totam decimam pullorum equorum et vitulorum et pomorum et vinearum sine parte, et totam decimam omnium aliarum rerum mearum, de quibuscunque juste et recte debet deo decima reddi. insuper igitur in unoquoque manerio totius dominii mei dedi prenorainate ecclesie mee de Hurleia unum rusticum qui octo acras terre habeat libere et quiete ab onmi consuetudine, et in parco meo unam porcariam cum terra porcarii. his etenim addidi adhuc in insula de Hely unam piscariam que reddit unum millearium et dimidium siccarum anguillarum, et unum presentum anguillarum, quadraginta videlicet grossas an- guillas : et in villa que Mosa vocatur tria concessi extra prenominata millearia siccorum alleccium. Turoldus quidem dapit'er meus concessit eidem ecclesie, et dextera sua super altare confirmavit cum oblatione Radulfii filii sui, duas partes decime totius annone sue de Wochendona et totam decimam totius pecunie sue in vivo et mortuo sine parte ; et in Bordesdena3 totam decimam totius annone sue et totius pecunie sue sine parte. Aedricus prepositus meus totam decimam totius annone sue et totius pecunie sue ibidem donavit in vivo et mortuo sine parte, ego vero ad exple- tionem hujus tanti boni, et ad sustentationem solummodo conventus monachorum in eadem ecclesia deo imperpetuum servientium, gratia disponente divina impetravi a domino meo rege Willelmo hec omnia ad honorem dei et ad salutem anime mee et omnium heredum meorum mihi succedentium pro loci integritate eterna et stabilitate confirmari, et quod locus ille, locus quoque regio munimine insignitus, in protectione mea et defensione semper sit precipuus et mei capud honoris, ab omnium hominum inquietudine liber et quietus, feci itaque in eadem die qua dedicata est ec- clesia, ab eodem episcopo et ab abbate Westmon' Gilleberto, cum multis aliis magne auctoritatis viris et personis, omnes infractores seu diminutores hujus mee elemosine excommunicari, ut sit habitatio illorum perpetua cum Juda maledicto proditore domini, et viventes descendant in eteme perdicionis baratrum cum Dathan et Chore cum maledictione etema, nisi emendaverint digna satis- factione. contestor igitur omnes filios meos, heredes videlicet, et omnes posteros meos per tremendum dei judicium et per 134 Gilbert Crispin omnipotentiam ejus in celo et in terra, ne ipsi faciant aut fieri sinant ullam infractionem hiiic mee donationi ; immo augeant et stabiliant illam, ita ut deus augeat et stabiliat dies et vitam illorum in eterna beatitudine, et habeant partem in hac mea elemosina mecum in celesti requie. Test'. Idem episcopus Osmundus. Gill' abbas Westm'. Lecelina domina uxor mea. Will' de magnavilla. Ric' de magnavilla. Hugo mascherell'. Turoldus de Wochend' dapifer. GofFridus de Wochend'. Walt' mascherell'. Acelinus capellanus. Agamundus persona de Wochend'. Goduuinus de turroc capellanus. Roulf de Hairun. Hacinulf de Greneford. Rob' nepos ejus. Engheram pincerna. Richerius miles. Rog' Blundus. Wi- mundus de blangeo. Aedricus prepositus. Alfricus cementarius. cum aliis multis inenarrabilibus magne auctoritatis et dignitatis viris et personis in eadem die apud Hurleiam assistentibus. Ex hac vero donatione mea et institutione, consilio proborura sumpto virorum, tria acta sunt brevia: unum apud Westmonasterium, aliud apud eandem ecclesiam de Hurleia, tercium mihi et heredibus meis succedentibus, pro loci integritate eterna et stabilitate reposui. [1085 — 6.] See above, p. 33. It is interesting to note that Ralph, the son of Turold the dapifer of Geoffrey de Mandeville, is the first youth dedicated to the priory at Hurley. The expression ' mei capud honoris ' is a technical one : ' the chief place of my Honor.' William de Mandeville was Geoffrey's son and heir, and father of the notorious Geoffrey de Mandeville, earl of Essex : see below, nos. 15, 20. Richard de Mandeville was a younger son. Hugo Mascherell is the first witness to Geoffrey de Mandeville's grant of Eye (no. 15), and he is there followed by his brother Roger. A younger Hugo Mascherell occurs in a charter of Hen. I, temp. Abbot Herbert (D. f. 579 6). The priory of nuns at Wix (co. Essex) was founded by Walter Mascherell, Alexander and Edith, the children of Walter the deacon, who held the manor at the Survey : the charter was granted c. 1125 — 35. Can we assume any connexion with the Walter Mascherell who attests here ? ' Goduuinus de turroc ' : ' Turruc ' was held by the count of Eu at the Survey (Essex, p. 63). Ralph de Hairun and Richerius attest no. 15. ' Alfricus cementarius ' was no doubt the master mason who was engaged on the building of the new priory. Selected Charters 135 For notes on the localities mentioned in this charter, see St Marys, Hurley, by the Reverend F. T. Wethered. 7. Mun. 87. SO. G. de nuuidavilla iEdrico preposito suo unuiibusque honiinibus suis de Uualtham saluteni. Sciatis quod prior et monachi ruei de Hurleia niihi graviter conquesti sunt de hoc quod boscum suuni absque eis et eorum licencia tarn male vastatis et destruitis. unde vobis mando et super feoda vestra precipio et defendo ne amodo vos neque de aqua sua intromittatis, neque in bosco suo extra sepes vestras sine prioris aut suoruni docuraento quicquam capiatis. si que vero ad domos vestras reticiend[as] necessaria vobis fuer[int] et sepes [in]de precipio [ut] vobis necessari[a] prioris vel suorum documento habeatis, quia omnia que in terra et in aqua et in omnibus rebus pro anime mee atque meorum salute ipsis dedi et concessi, volo et firmiter precipio ut ipsi habeant ita b[ene] et quiete [et] [sicut] ea dedi ac concessi deo et ecclesie mee de Hurleia, die qua feci earn dedicare. Valete. , [c. 1086 — 1100,] No precise date can be given to this charter. For Edric the prepositus, see the preceding charter. The spelling ' Manda villa ' is of interest. 8. D. f. 526 6. G. abbas et conventus Westm' concedunt Rotberto filio Suenonis ut ipse teneat de sancto Petro et de abbate pro Ix sol' per singulos annos terram, scilicet Wateleyam, quam pater suus dedit sancto Petro pro anima sua, et de qua terra ipse Rotbertus cum sua matre fecit donacionem super altare sancti Petri in eodem die quo sepultus est pater suus, videntibus baronibus suis Godobaldo, Turaldo et VVillelmo fratre suo et multis aliis, in presencia abbatis et mona- chorum. et tarn diu sic eam teneat, donee pro predicta terra det cambium iiij ti, quod abbas et monachi gratanter accipere debeant. hii sunt termini den': in ramis palmarum xxx sol', in festivitate apostolorum Petri et Pauli xxx sol'. [c. 1087.] This transaction probably took place immediately after the death of Suain: perhaps soon after the Survey, in which he still appears as holding lands in Essex, though no longer sheriff. See above, pp. 49 f, and nos. 1, 2. 136 Gilbert Crispin 9. D. f. 523. W. dei gracia rex Anglorum Hug' de Bello campo et fidelibus suis Francis et Anglis de Buchingeham salutem. Sciatis quod Gillebertus abbas Westm* meo precepto deracionavit coram baroni- bus meis, episcopo Dunolm', episcopo Winton', Eudone dapifero, Ivone Taillebosc, Roberto dispensatore, terram de Burnham et Sippenham per donum patris mei. et ego concede ut cum omnibus consuetudinibus terram illam solute et quiete habeat. T.' episcopus Dunhelmi et episcopus Winton'. [Sep. 1087 — early in 1088.] Probably granted before Odo's rising in 1088, which was joined by William of St Carileph, the bishop of Durham. But it might be after William's restoration to his bishopric, 3 Sep. 1091. The style 'dei gracia' may be due to the copyist: see above, no 4. Hugh de Beauchamp held lands at the Survey chiefly in Bedford- shire. He had three sons, Simon, Pain (m. Rohaise) and Milo : so Dugdale, Baronage i 224, who concludes that Walter de Beauchamp, of Elmley, was of the same family. Hugh is mentioned as having been witness of a gi-ant made by Robert Dispensator, whose niece Walter married (see below, no. 27). Eudo dapifer was son of Hubert de Rie, a Norman noble said to have been sent by Duke William to K. Edward. For his story, see Monasticon iv 604. He succeeded W. fitz Osbern as dapifer to Will. I, and served also under Will. II, whom he had gi-eatly assisted by securing Dover and other ports on the Conqueror's death. Will. II gi-anted him Colchester, where he founded a monastery in 1096. At the beginning of Henry's reign, he was suspected of favouring the claims of Duke Robert ; but Henry feared to strike him on account of his powerful connexions. For he had man-ied Rohaise, daughter of Richard fitz Gilbert and his wife Rohaise (sister of William Giffard who became bp of Winchester). By the intervention of the bishop and of Peter de Valognes, who had married Eudo's sister, he regained the royal favour. He was buried at Colchester on the same day as his nephew Walter Giffard, the last day of Feb. 1120; for the last fifteen years of his life he was blind, and apparently resided at his castle at Pr^aux, where he died. It is difficult to distinguish between fact and fiction in Eudo's story ; but it may be taken as practically certain that he died at his castle in Normandy in the winter of 1119 — 20 (Round, Eng. Hist. Rev. xvi 728). No. 18 below is addressed to him. Selected CJiarters 137 Dei^acionavit = ' iwiXiXe good his claim to': cf. no. 12. For Bunihani and Sippenham, see above, p. 48, and below, no. 37. 10. Faust. A. Ill, r. 76. Willelmus rex Angl' Mauricio Lond' episcopo et Gaufrido de magna villa et vie' et omnibus baronibus Lend' Francis et Anglis salutem. Sciatis me concessisse dec et sancto Petro Westm' ecclesiam Niwecerch' liberam et quietam et solutam ab omni calumpnia, sicut Agehvardus clericus predicto apostolo dedit, et sicut pater meus per breve suum concessit, et prohibeo ne aliquis eis inde aliquam torturam faciat, vel aliquis aliquam intromis- sionem habeat, nisi per concessionem abbatis et monachorum. T.' G. episcopo de Const', W. episcopo Dunelm', R. Bigot, apud Winton'. [Sep. 10S7 — early in 108S.] The bishops of Coutances and Durham joined Odo's rising in 1088. The MS has 'Henricus' for ' Willelmus ' ; but this is impossible, for Bp Geoffrey died in 1093. The rubric assigns it to Henry II, but it must be Will, II. For the charter of Will. I, here referred to, see above, no. 5. For Bp Maurice, see above, no. 5. 11. D. f. 529, Faust. A. iii, f. 64. W. rex Angl' Francis et Anglis de Lundon' salutem. Sciatis me concedere sancto Petro Westm' ecclesiam sancte Marie Newecirce et omnes res pertinentes ad earn, quam Aluuardus de Lundon' ei dederat. et precipio ut ita solutam et quietam habeat sicut pater meus precepit per breve suum. T.' com' Alanus et Milo Crispinus et Rogerus Bygod. [1087 — 1100.] Count Alan, of Richmond (Yorks.), was a Breton follower of the Conqueror. Fur Milo Crispin, see above, p. 17: the next two charters are also attested by him. In both chartularies this writ is wrongly assigned to Will. I, see abuvc, no. 5. With the address comp. the Rutland charter of Will. I, D. f 621: ' W. rex Angl' Francis et Anglis salutem^.' ' This charter, which Rrantn to Abbot Gilbert the churches held by ' Albertus Lotharingus,' is quoted in full from Mommticon [i 301J by Dr Hound in hia interesting identification of this Lotharingian cleric (Commune of Loudon, 37). Under Will. II these churches are held by 'O.sbernua clericus' (below, no. 14). 188 Gilbert Crispin 12. Faust. A. Ill, f. 55, Lib. Nig. f. 25. Willelmus rex Angl' Hugoni de Bokel' et vicecomiti et omni- bus fidelibus suis de Middelsexa salutem. Sciatis quod volo et firmiter precipio quod terra de Gyveneya que est pastura de manerio de Stanes, quam Vitalis abbas tempore patris mei contra Walterum filium Oteri deracionavit ad opus ecclesie sancti Petri Westm', sit in pace ; ita ub nullus illi molestiam aut inquie- tudinem inde faciat; neque abbas Gislebertus ejusdem loci alicui inde respondeat nisi coram episcopis et baronibus justificatoribus, qui fuerunt ibi ubi ipsa terra deracionata fuit. neque ullo modo consentire volo ut aliquis inde quicquam tollat aut minuat; sed in ea concessione et stabilitate qua a rege Edwardo donata est sine aliqua imminucione permaneat. Testibus Alano comite, Rogero Bygod, Milone Crispino, Goffrido de magna villa, et pluribus aliis. [1087—1100.] The Hist. Ahingd. (Rolls S. ii 7) tells us that Walter fitz Oter was keeper of Windsor Castle early in the reign of Will. I ; and that he had then appropriated certain land, which he long after- wards restored to that monastery {ib. 29) when the new church was consecrated, c. 1095. Of Hugh de Buckland we read in the History of Abingdon, ii 43 : ' et Berchescire vicecomes et publicarum judiciarius compellationum a rege constitutus ' ; ib. 117, 'qui non solum Berchescirae, sed etiam aliis vii sciris praeerat vicecomes, adeo erat nominatus vir et carus regi.' He was still living in May 1114 (ib. 147), but in 1119 William de Buckland was sheriff of Berkshire (ib. 160). See below, nos. 20, 27, 29, 37 and 38. 13. D. f. 129. G. abbas Westm' concessit Guntero homini suo et heredi illius manerium Hendon' in feudo firme, pro una plenaria septimana firme quoque anno. Testes : Milo Crispinus, Gislebertus Pipardus, Robertus prior et conventus monasterii in capitulo. [1086 — 1102.] The lower limit is given by the appointment of Robert to the abbey of St Edmund in 1102: see above, p. 29. Shortly before his death in 1107 Milo Crispin made a grant to Abingdon abbey, which was placed on the altar by ' Gillebertus Pipardus,' his dapifer (Hist. Ab. ii 97). Somewhat later ' Gillebertus Selected Charters 139 Pipard ' occurs with 'Hugo fil' Milonis' as present at Waddesdon (en. Bucks.) when a grant is made to the same abbey (ib. lOf)). As the name is uncommon, we may note that Walter and Robeit l'i[)ai(l attest a Bee charter c. 1147 (Round, Doc. pres. in France, p. 121). For w?ia plenama septimana Jirnie, see above, p. 42. 14. D. f. 021, Faust. A. in, f. 65. W. rex Angl' W. vicecom' sahitem. Mando et precipio tibi ut facias omnem rectitudinem abbati Westm' de ecclesiis de Rotehmda, quas Osbernus clericus tenet de illo ; et omnes ccmsuetudines quas eeclesie per rectum habere debent, fac eum habere, sicut habuerunt tempore patris mei. T.' Rannulfus Passseflamblart. [1087 — 99.] Ranulf Flambard was consecrated to Durham 5 June 1099. The form of the attestation is noteworthy : for he usually attests as ' Ranulfus capellanus ' before he became the bishop of Durham. For these Rutland churches, see above, no. 11 (note). Faust. A. Ill reads Hosbertus, and Ranulf o passejiambard' . 15. D. f. 103, Faust. A. iii, f 2816, Lib. Nig. f. 5 6. Ego Goffridus de magna villa pro anima mea et pro anima conjugis mee Athelais in claustro sancti Petri sepulte, qui etiam juxta eam sepeliendus sum; pro animabus quoque filiorura filia- rumque mearum ; dedi sancto Petro Westmon' maneriolum quod juxta ecclesiam ejus habebam, scilicet Eye, in perpetuam heredi- tatem, sicut illud unquam melius tenui. et hoc donum deo et sancto Petro cum uxore mea Letselina concessione filii mei Willelmi quem mihi heredem facere disposui, quos etiam hujus elemosine participes fieri per omnia volo, super altare predicti apostoli Petri presentavi in presencia Gisleberti abbatis et mona- chorum et multorum militum meorum et suorum: et continue per Riidulfum de Hairun de predicto manerio sanctum Petrum saisiri feci. hujus igitur concessionis testes sunt Hugo Maskercal, Rogerius frater ejus, Willelmus fil' Martelli, Richerius, Riidulfus de Hairun, Goitfridus nepos ejus, Willelmus nepos Turaldi, Gofifridus miles ejus, Leuricus Cnivet, Goffridus et multi alii. [1087 — 97.] As the next charter confirms this, and as Hen. I in no. 20 speaks of the grant as made by his brother, I have assigned the same limits to this charter sis to the next. 140 Gilbert Crispin Hugo Mascherell, Roulf de Hairun and Richerius miles attest the Hurley foundation charter, no. 6. For the burial of Athelais, see no. 1. 16. D. f 103, Lib. Nig. f. 5 6. Willelmus rex Anglorum baronibus suis et omnibus fidelibus Francis et Anglis de Middelsexa salutem. Sciatis me concessisse deo et sancto Petro Westm' et Gisleberto abbati manerium de Eye, quod Goffridus de magna villa et uxor ejus dederunt eidem ecclesie pro animabus eorum. et volo et concedo ut omnes leges et consue- tudines quiete et solute in illo manerio habeat sanctus Petrus et abbas ; hoc est, sacam et socam, toll et theam, latronem et omnes consuetudines in via et extra, in festo et extra, et defendo ne aliquis sit ausus ei vel suis hominibus inde super hoc aliquam injuriam facere. T.' Walchelinus episcopus et Haim' et alii, apud London'. [1087—97.] See Henry I's confirmation, no. 20. Walkelin bp of Winchester died 3 Jan. 1098. Haimo dapifer was brother of the famous Robert fitz Haimo, for whom see Professor Tout's art. ' Fitzhamon ' in Diet. Nat. Biogr. They may have been sons of ' Haimo vicecomes,' who holds lands in Kent and Surrey at the Survey. Both brothers attest K. Henry's letter inviting Anselm to return in 1100. Robert died in 1107, but Haimo was still living in 1113. 17. D. f. 254. W. rex Anglorum P. vicecomiti et omnibus ministris suis sal'. Sciatis me concedere abbati Gisleberto in manerio de Feringes soccam et saccam in omnibus rebus, in via et extra viam, in festo die et extra, latronem et omnes illas leges et consuetudines quas et Vitalis abbas et alii antecessores ejus tempore regis Edwardi habuerunt. T.' abbas Beccensis, W. camerarius et alii. [1093.] Peter de Valognes was sheriff of Essex at the Survey. An earlier grant, which gives Fering and three houses at Colchester which belonged to Harold, as part of the exchange for Windsor, is addressed to Suain as sheriff (D. £ 254). The mention in the present grant of its having been held by abbots under K. Edward is an error more likely to have been made under Will. II than under Will. I. It would appear Selected Charters Ml therefore to belong to the period between 6 March and 5 Sept. 1093, when Anselm was still refusing to accept the archbishopric. For William the chamberlain, see no, 4. 18. D. I 363, Faust. A. iii, f. 78 6. H. rex Angl' Eudoni dapifero et Herberto camerario salutem. Precipio quod conventus Westm' et Winton' ct Gloecestrie in omnibus festivitatibus quibus in eisdem ecclesiis coronatus fuero plenariam de me habeant liberacionem, et earum cantores unciam auri habeant, sicut Mauricius episcopus Lundon' testatus est tempore predecessorum meorum eos habuisse. T'. Willelmo electo Wint' apud Westm'. [1100.] Probably issued on the occasion of Henry's coronation at W'estminster, 5 Aug. 1100. It was the habit of William the Conqueror to wear his crown at the three great festivals, and in this he probably continued the practice of his predecessor. William Giffard was appointed to Winchester immediately on Henry's accession and before his coronation. He was present at the council held at Westminster, 20 Sep. 1102; but refusing to be conse- crated by Gerard, abp of York, he was banished. He accompanied Anselm to Rome in 1103. Shortly afterwards he appears to have been restored : he was one of the bishops who urged Anselm to return in 1106. He was consecrated 11 Aug. 1107, and died 25 Jan. 1129. He had been chancellor to William Rufus, and continued to act for a short time under Hen. I. See below, no. 21. Herbert the chamberlain is mentioned below in no. 27 as witnessing a grant c. 1087 — 97 (' Herbertus camerarius regis de Winton'). See also Hist. Abingd. II 43 (end of Will. I's reign): 'regis cubicularius et thesaurarius'; and ih. 54 (c. 1102). 19. Faust. A. Ill, f 67. Henricus rex Anglorum Gisleberto vicecomiti de Suthreia salutem. Mando et precipio ut dimittas esse quietara terram sancti Petri Westm' et abbatis Gisleberti que est in dominio meo infra parcum et forestam de Windlesor', et nominatim viii hidas de manerio de Piriford quod pater mens concessit eidem ecclesie amodo semper liberas ab omni geldo et scotto et omnibus aliis rebus, et nominatim clamo eas quictas de novo geldo projitor hidagium et do omnibus aliis geldis sicut pater meus et fratcr concessemnt per brevia sua. T'. R. Bigot apud Bisselegam. 142 Gilbert Crisjmi [1100 — 1107.] Gilbert of Surrey was sheriff of Surrey, Cambridge- shire and Hunts, in 1114 (Round, Gomvmne, 122). This charter (attested by Roger Bigod, see no. 4) shews that he was sheriff of Surrey at least as early as 1107. A charter regarding Battersea granted to Abbot Herbert, probably in 1121, is also addressed to Gilbert as sheriff (D. f. 168). Fulk, his nephew, was sheriff not later than 1126 (Round, ih. 121). Possibly the phrase ' de novo geldo proj)ter hidagium ' may help to fix the date of this charter more precisely. The charter of William here referred to is the well-known Piriford charter printed above, p. 29 (note). 20. Faust. A. iii, f. 73 b, Lib. Nig. f. 6. Henricus rex Angl' H. de Boch' et W. camerario et W. de magna villa et omnibus fidelibus suis Francis et Anglis de Middelsex' salutem. Sciatis me concessisse deo et sancto Petro Westm' et Gilleberto abbati donum quod Goffridus de magna villa et uxor ejus dederunt eis pro animabus eorum, terram dico de Eye. et volo et precipio ut bene et honorifice teneat ipse abbas, et sicut Willelmus frater mens concessit per breve suum. Testibus Matild' regina et W. cancellario apud London'. [1100 — 1.] Q. Matilda was married and crowned 11 Nov, 1100. William Giffard was chancellor until he was succeeded by Roger (afterwards bp of Salisbury) in Sep. 1101. This charter suggests that William de Mandeville had succeeded his father as sheriff of Middlesex. About the same time William was in charge of the Tower of London, where Ranulf Flambard was im- prisoned in Aug. or Sep. 1100, till his escape about Feb. 1101 (Ord. Vit. bk 10, c. 18). The charters referred to in this confirmation are printed above, nos. 15, 16. 21. D. f. 529, Faust. A. iii, f. 67 6. H. rex Angl' W. Giffardo episcopo Winton' et omnibus baronibus suis Francis et Anglis de Suthregia salutem. Sciatis me dedisse deo et sancto Petro et abbati Gileberto et monachis ecclesie Westm' iiij""" hidas in Totinges, ut eas ita bene et plenarie et honorifice teneant et habeant sicut habuerunt tempore patris mei et antecessorum meorum. et prohibeo super forisfacturam meam Selected Charters 143 ne ullus eis inde injuriam faciat, neque abbas inde alicui nisi ante me respondeat. T'. Roberto coniite Mellent' et Nig' do Olcio, apud Winton', [1100 — East. 1116.] The lower limit is given by the king's de- parture for Normandy in the year before Abbot Gilbert's death. The writ may have been addressed to William Giffard before his con- secration in Aug. 1107. I give the chief variants of Faust. A. in to illustrate the freedom with which charters were copied into chartularies : om. siiis, concessisse (for dedisse), Gisleherto, Rodberto comite de Mellent et Nirjillo de Oleyo. For Robert count of Meulan (f 1118), see no. 4; and for Nigel de Oleio, no. 1. 22. D. f. 254, Faust. A. iii, f. 74. H. rex Angl' omnibus baronibus et ministris suis de Esex' sal'. Volo ut sanctus Petrus de Westm' ita quietam et liberam habeat cum omnibus consuetudinibus omnem terram de Ferynges et de Okendune sicut pater meus concessit et dcdit. et precipio ut super hoc nullus ei injuriam fociat. T'. Willelmo de Curceio apud Havering'. [1100 — c. 1109.] William de Curci was a benefactor to Abingdon Abbey: in confirming a gi'ant of his, 2.3 Oct. 1105, the king speaks of him as 'dapifer meus' (Hist. Ab. ii 54). He attests at Westminster, Whits. 1107: also at Winchester, Matilda's charter (ib. 116) between July 1108 and May 1109 (or between Aug. 1111 and the summer of 1113): also other charters c. 1105 — 7 (always by his full name, and not as 'dapifer'). This seems to justify our placing this charter early in Henry's reign: but as William de Curci was succeeded by a son of that name (ib. 54 f ), it may conceivably be later. Orderic Vi talis has much to say about Richard de Curci (of Courci- sur-Dives), and of his son and grandson, both named Robert : but nothing of the English branch of the fiimily. For ' Okendune ' see above, p. 49. 23. Ch. XXX (copies in D. f. 482, Faust. A. in, f 75 6). H. rox Angl' omnibus vie' suis in quorum vicecomit' clcmosina pau[Hruiii Wcstui' habet terras sal'. Sciatis me clamassc liberam 144 Gilbert Crispin et quietam terr^ elemosing de Westm' de placitis et querelis et sciris et hundr', et murdr', et a scotis et auxiliis, et de wardp' et de omnibus occasionibus et consuetudinibus : scilicet terrain Padinton' et Fenton' et Cleigate ; et quicquid habuit in villa vel silva de Ditona tempore regis Eadwardi et patris mei, sicut carte eorum testantur, volo ut plenar' habeat. T'. Math' regina, apud Lund'. [1100 — 16.] There is nothing to fix the date within narrower limits. For Fanton (co. Essex) see above, p. 49. In the Domesday Survey the monks of Westminster were accused of holding it per falsum breve. 24. Ch. xxix (copy in D. f. 482). H. rex Angl' omnibus vicecomitibus in quorum vicecomitatu elemosina pauperum Westmonasterii habet teiTas sal'. Sciatis me clamasse liberam et quietam terram elemosine de Westmonasterio de placitis et scotis et auxiliis et omnibus querelis et omnibus aliis consuetudinibus: scilicet terram Patintonse et Fantona et Clai- gata ; et quicquid habuit in tempore regis Edwardi in silva Dittong et in omnibus aliis locis, volo ut habeat. et defendo ne aliquis inde injuriam faciat : quia hoc facio pro anima patris et fratris mei, et pro salute anime mee et Mathildis regine uxoris mee et subolis mee. T'. Math' regina, apud Lond' post purific' sancte Marie. [Feb. 1103—16.] The queen's first child was born in Aug. 1101, but died in infancy; the second was Matilda, born in Aug. 1102: William was born the next year. A third charter combines the privileges of this and the preceding one (D. f. 482), ' precatu regine,' ' T'. ejusdem regine apud Lond'.' 25. D. f 52.5. Domino suo episcopo R. et baronibus Lincoln' Hugo de Euremou salutem. Sciatis me reddidisse sancto Petro Westm' manerium de Dotinton'; quia manerium quod pro illo dederam sancto Petro rex a me accepit, et comiti Eustachio reddidit; nee volo ut causa mei ecclesia dei ullo modo dampnum habeat. [1102 — 3.] See note on the next charter. Robert Bloet, bp of Lincoln, was consecrated 12 Feb. 1094, and died 10 Jan. 1123. Selected Cltarfers 145 2G. D. f. 525, Faust. A. iii, f. 74. Henricus rex Anglorum R. episcopo Lincoln' et R. filio Ran- nulfi et omnibus baronibus suis Francis et Anglis de Lincolnesire salutein. Sciatis quia nie presente et concedente Hugo de Eureniou reddidit sancto Petro Westm' et abbati Gisleberto raanerium de Dotintune, quod ab eodem abbate coram ft-atre meo rege Willelmo ipse Hugo acceperat in cambium pro manerio de Ducesuuorthe quod abbati Gisleberto dederat. sed ego manerium de Duces- uuorthe comiti Eustachio reddidi, et inde Hugoni cambium dedi ; et propterea Hugo sancto Petro manerium suum reddidit. T'. episcopus Lincoln' R., Henricus comes de Warwihc, Gislebertus filius Ricardi, Willelmus de Werewast et multi alii apud Westm' in pentecosten. [Whits. 1102 — 3.] ' Dochesworde ' (co. Camb.) belonged at the Survey to Eustace count of Boulogne, senior: see further, Fend. Eng. 403. Early in 1088 Count Eustace junior received Odo into Rochester castle, capturing him (' calliditate episcopi,' it was said) when he came to demand its surrender to Rufus. The king afterwards took the castle, and banished them both. Eustace took the Cross in 1096, returned in 1100, and married Maria, sister of Q. Maud, at the end of 1102 (Sim. of Durh. Rolls S. ii 216, 227, 232, 235, mainly from Florence of Wore). It was doubtless about this time that Hugh de Euremou restored Doddington to the abbey, as the king had given back to Eustace his old manor of ' Dochesworde.' See above, p. 46. Hugo de Euremou attests an Abingdon charter, dated in Lent 1111 {Hist. ^6. II 73). Gilbert fitz Richard of Clare (or, Gilbert of Tunbridge) was the son of Richard fitz Gilbert (f c. 1090), for whom see no. 1. He is first mentioned as fortifying Tunbridge castle against Rufus, 1088 (together with Roger his brother) ; next as warning Rufus against an ambuscade, 1095. He settled in Wales 1107(?): attests his mother's charter, 1113; died 1114 (or 1117) after a long illness (Round, Diet. Nat. Biogr.). William Warelwast was much out of England from the autumn oi 1103 until Anselm's return. He was consecrated to Exeter in August 1107. I give the following variants from Faust. A. ill: AngV, Ranulphi, Lincol nescire, GilUherto, Dudinton , Diicesworth, vianerium suum sancto Petro, R. episcopo Lincoln, Warewik, om. multi: all the attestations are in the ablative case. u. c. 10 146 Gilbert Crispin 27. D. f. 313 6. Kobertus dispensator reddidit in vita sua sancto Petro Westm' pro anima sua terrain et manerium Cumbrinton, quod de beneficio ejusdem ecclesie emerat a Gisleberto fil' Toraldi : et insuper red- didit eidem ecclesie terram quam de abbate Gisleberto ejusdem monasterii ad firmam tenebat in manerio ipsius ecclesie, quod dicitur Wich et est membrum manerii de Persore. Testes hujus reddicionis sunt: episcopus Walchelinus, Urso frater ejusdem Roberti, Herbertus camerarius regis de Winton', Ivo Taillebosc ; et homines ipsius Roberti, Godardus, Robertus de Echinton, Hugo de Holauesssel ; de aliis baronibus regis, Hugo de Belcampo, Willelmus Bainardus, Petrus de Valunnis, Willelmus camerarius, Hugo de Bochelanda, Otto aurifex, et multi alii clerici et laici ; homines ipsius abbatis, Otbert de Surreia, Willelmus clericus, Girardus frater ejus, Hugo de Coleham, Richerius. hanc red- dicionem presente episcopo Walchelino et predictis testibus posu- erunt super altare sancti Petri uxor ipsius Roberti et Urso frater ejusdem Roberti per duo candelabra argentea, unum turribulum, unum pallium, unum tapete. [1100 — c. 1108.] This memorandum was probably drawn up when application was being made for K. Henry's confirmation (which here follows). Robert Dispensator, the brother of the notorious Urse d'Abetot, had bought the manor of Comberton (co. Wore.) from Gilbert fitz Thorold, who appears as holding it at the time of the Survey. Robert also held in farm from Abbot Gilbert a member of the Pershore manor, called Wich. Both these properties he had given back to the abbey in his lifetime. As the leading witness to this restoration, Bp Walkelin, died 3 Jan. 1098, and as the properties had come into Robert's hands after 1086, we may date the restoration somewhere within the first ten years of Will. II's reign (probably towards the end of that period). For Herbert the chamberlain, see above, no. 18 ; and for Ivo Taille- bois, no. 4. Robert de Echintone came from Eckington, the next village to Comberton : it is abbey land in Domesday ( Aichintune), and the patron- age of the living is still with the Dean and Chapter. For Hugh de Beauchamp see no. 9 : for William Bainard, above, p. 39 : for Peter de Valognes, no. 19 : for William the chamberlain, no. 4: and for Hugh de Buckland, no. 12. Selected Charters 147 For Otto the goldsmith, ' lord of (Jestiugthorpe,' and hi.s descendants, hereditary masters of the mint, see Dr Round in V. C. Hist. Essex, I 351. He appears in the Survey as Otto aurifabev. He was employed by Rufus to make his father's tomb at St Stephen's, Caen: 'auri et argenti gemmarnmque copiam Othoni aurifabro erogavit, et super patris sui mausoleum fieri mirificum memoriale precepit,' Ord. Vit., bk viii, c. 1). He appears in a charter [1104 — 7] printed in Hist. Rev. XXIV 427: 'Othoni aurifabro de Lond'.' For Hugh de Coleham, see above, p. 30. A knight named Richerius attests Geoffrey de Mandeville's charters, above, nos. 6 and 15. 28. D. f. 313 6, Faust. A. in, f. 74. H. rex Anofl' Ur' de Ab' et baronibus suis de Wirecestrascira Siilutem. Sciatis me concessisse sancto Petro Westm' terra de Cumbertona, quam Robertus dispensator dedit ecclesie sancti Petri de Westm' : et volo et precipio ut bene et honorifice teneat, et nullus ei injuriam faciat. T'. Rob' Line' episcopo apud Windres'. [1100— c. 1108.] This charter must be dated after Robert's death and before that of Urse his brother. But neither of these dates appears to be known. If we may assume, from the fact that Robert's restoration was made at Westminster on his behalf by his wife and brother, that he himself was sick and (iying, we should place his death not later than 1097. He attests the grant of the city of Bath to Bishop John (1094—97), printed by W. Hunt in Somerset Record Society, Bath Cartulary, I, no. 38. His non-appearance in the list of reliefs demanded on the vacancy of the bishopric of Worcester in 1 005 {Feud. Eng. 309) might be due to his recent death having left his fief in the king's hands. This however is but conjecture ; and it may be that there are known facts to the contrary. The date of Urse's death, I gather, is not earlier than 1108 {Feud. Eng. 170). Variants of Faust. A. ill are: Ahet\ Wircestrascira, deo et sancto Petro, terrain, Rodbertus, R. episcopo Line', Windelsoras. 29. D. f 516 6. H. rex Angl' H. de Bokelande et vie' omnibusque fidelibus ac ministris suis Francis et Anglis London' salutem. Sciatis me concessisse deo et sancto Petro ac monachis Westm' illas terras quas tres filie Deormanni i)n) .salute animaruin suaruni et sepul- turis suis, et nt plenam haberent ejusdem ecclesie societatem, 10—2 148 Gilbert Crispin consilio et voluntate Ordgari fratris earum, in Lundon' eis de- derunt. unde volo et firmiter precipio ut bene quiete honorifice et absque omni calumpnia, cum saca et soca, consuetudinibus et legibus, illas teneant. et defendo et omnimodis prohibeo ut nullus molestiam aut torturam illis inde faciat. T'. R. cane' et G. de Clinton' et R. Basset. [1107 — c. 1115.] The upper limit is given by Ranulf as chancellor (see no. 35), the lower by the address to Hugh de Buckland, who seems to have died c. 1115 (see nos. 37, 38). ' Orgarus filius Deremanni ' (as well as ' Orgarus le Prude ') was one of the members of the Cnichtengild who gave their soke to Holy Trinity Priory in 1125 in return for the privilege of fraternity. It is interesting to see that his three sisters had already linked themselves in a similar way to the abbey of Westminster. For further notes on this family see Round, Commune, 106. It would appear from Diet. Nat. Biogr. that the first occurrence of Geoffrey de Clinton's name hitherto known is in a charter of 1121 — 3. The charter here printed shews him to us seven or eight years earlier. For ' R. Basset ' see the next charter. 30. D. f. 101. Henricus rex Angl' episcopo f Gf. f London' et archid' et toti capitulo sancti Pauli sal'. Precipio quod abbas et ecclesia sancti Petri Westm' et presbyteri eorum habeant et teneant ecclesias suas quas pater mens eis dedit : ligneam scilicet capellam sancte Margarete de Eschep, cum parochia et cum terra et domibus ad eam pertinentibus ; et medietatem lapidee capelle sancti Magni martiris cum tota parochia ; et ecclesiam sancti Laurentii cum omnibus sibi pertinentibus; et ecclesiam sancti Jacobi super ripam : ita bene et in pace et honorifice, sicut melius tenuerunt tempore patris mei, et meo actenus, sine calumpnia, et temporibus Hugonis et Mauricii episcoporum. et prohibeo ne super hoc breve inde placitent. T'. Matild' regina et R. Basset apud London'. [July 1108— East. 1116.] Probably issued to Richard de Belmeis soon after he entered on his bishopric. 'G' is a scribe's error for 'R', as is shewn by the similar writ issued to Gilbert the Universal (cons. 22 Jan. 1128, flO Aug. 1134), where 'G' is right, and 'Ricardi' is added to 'Hugonis' and 'Mauricii' as one of the predecessors (D. f 101 h). Selected Charters 149 Ralph Basset is probably the witness here : see below, no. 39. But it might be Richard Basset. This charter is of special interest for its reference to London churches held by the abbey in the Conqueror's reign. 31. Faust. A. Ill, f. 74. Henricus rex Angl' Ricardo episcopo de Lundon' sal'. Mando tibi ut facias plenum rectum abbati Westm' de hominibus qui fre- gerunt ecclesiam suam de Winton' noctu et armis. et nisi feceris, barones mei de scaccario faciant fieri, ne audiam clamorem inde pro penuria recti. T'. &c. [July 1108 — 1127.] As the witnesses are not given, we cannot say whether this belongs to the time of Abbot Gilbert or to that of Abbot Herbert. Winton' is for Wineton (Wenington): see above, p. 49. 32. Faust. A. ill, f. 79. Henricus rex Angl' Ricardo de Monte salutem. fac habere abbati Westm' x solidos de elemosina mea, sicut est in rotulis meis. T*. episcopo Sarum apud Canoe, Et hoc quoque anno. Teste eodem. [? c. 1110— East. 1116.] Richard de Monte was sheriff of Oxfordshire in 1111 {Hist Ah. ii 119 f.): so that the abbot here referred to is not improbably Abbot Gilbert. 'Canoe' is for Cannock (co. Staff.). The WTit is of interest for its reference to the king's rolls. For Hugo de Monte, see below, no. 37. Gilbert de Monte occurs in the Northamptonshire Survey, which Dr Round assigns to c. 1 1 20 (with later modifications): see Feud. Eng. 219. 33. Faust. A. iii, f 76. Henricus rex Angl' omnibus vicecom' et ministris tocius Angl' salutem. Precipio quod totum corredium et omnes res abbatis de Westm', unde homines sui poterint athdaro quod sint sue proprie, sint ita quiete de theloneo et passagio et omnibus con- suetudinibus sicut unquam melius fuerunt tempore anteces-sorum suorum. T'. cane' apud ]\Ierleb'. 150 Gilbert CHsimi [? Summer, 1113 — Sep. 1114.] A charter of similar import and of exactly the same attestation, on behalf of the abbey of Abingdon, is addressed to Hugh de Buckland (Hist. Ab. II 79), and is therefore not later than c. 1114. I have therefore assigned this conjecturally to Abbot Gilbert's time. 34. D. f. 58 6. H. rex Angt justic' vicec' et omnibus ministris totius Angl' et portuum maris salutem. Precipio quod totum corredium monachorum de Westm' et quicquid in victu et vestitu ad usum eorum pertinet, quod homines eorum poterint affidare suum esse dominicum, sit quietum de theoloneo et passagio et omni alia consuetudine. et super hoc nullus illud nee homines eorum in- juste disturbet, super x libr' forisfacture. T'. Rann' cancelF per Otuelum fir comitis apud Turrim Lundon'. [Summer, 1113 — Sep. 1114 (prob.).] For the probability of this date, see the next charter, which bears exactly the same attestation. For Otwel fitz Count, see nos. 35, 36, 37, 40. 35. Mun. 3765. H. rex Angl' justic' vicec' et omnibus ministris et fidelibus suis per Angliam sal'. Precipio quod prior_^ et monachi ecclesie sancte Marie de Hurnleia teneant omnia tenementa sua que tenent de feud' Gaufridi de Magnavilla in quocumque fuerint comitatu, in bosco et in piano, in terra et in aqua, in ecclesiis et in decimis, in possessionibus et in consuetudinibus, in libertatibus et in omnibus rebus, et insuper in maneriis que in manu mea sunt de honore ipsius Gaufridi de Magnavilla, tam bene et libere et quiete et plenarie sicut ipse Gauft-idus melius et liberius et plenarius ea ecclesie sue de Hurnleia pro anima sua dedit in elemosina et concessit et carta sua contirmavit, die qua fecit eam dedicare, et sicut rex Willelmus pater mens eis per cartam suam concedit et confirmat. quare volo et precipio et firmiter defendo ne ullus super hoc preceptum meum de rebus ecclesie illius se intromittat, nisi per priorem et monachos ecclesie, nee eos inde disturbet, nee injuriam sive contumeliam faciat. T'. Rann' cancell' per Otuelum fil' comitis apud Turrim Lund'. [Summer, 1113 — Sep. 1114 (prob.).] This charter indicates that Selected Charters 151 Geuffrey de Maudeville had recently died, his lloiiur being still in the king's hands. He attests an Abingdon charter, apparently granted in Lent 1111 {^Hist. Ahinad. Rolls S. il 73), and Q. Matilda's charter which speaks of the Domesday book at Winchester, and which must be dated either between July 1108 and May 1109, or between Aug. 1111 and the summer of 1113 : see Round, Feudal England, p. 143. If Geotirey de Mandeville was alive in 1111, this charter must be subsequent to the king's return in the summer of 1113 : and probably it was granted before the king went to Normandy again in Sept. 1114, and at any rate before his prolonged absence from Easter 1116 — Nov. 1120^ The earliest signature of Ranulf as chancellor is said to be between Easter and Sept. 1107 : he died at Christmas 1122 {Feud. Engl. 485). 36. Mun. 3587. H. rex Angfl'. Justic'. Vicec'. Baron', et Omnibus Ministris suis. et hominibus franc', et Angl' de Berchesir'r^ sal'. Sciatis me con- cessisse et firmiter confirmasse omnes donationes quascumque Gaufr' de Magnauill' Ecclesie sancte Marie de Herleia pro sua et heredum suorum redemptione et salute libere donauit. et carta sua confirmauit.*^ Videl'. totam eandem villam de herl' et circumiacens Nemus eidem ville pertinenti. sine participatione cuiuscumque hominis in Eadem parrochia manentisr^ in terris. et Ecclesiis. in decimis. et possessionibus:^ in bosco. et piano. Campis. et Pratis. Siluis. et Pasturisr^ Aquis. et Molendin'. Piscariis. et Piscationibusr^ Pasnagiis. Porcis. et Denarr^ cum tota tercia parte Decime to tins annone Omnium Maneriorum totius dominii sui. et cum duabus partibus decime totius Pecunie omnium Maneriorum dominii sui in viuo. et raortuor^ et Cum omnibus aliis Rebus sine participatione cuiuscumque hominis de quibuscumque decima deo dari debet. Excepta solummodo terra Aedrici prepositi et .vii. Rusticorum de parua Walthamr^ quam in sua Manu ad se hospitand' retinuit. Concedo igitur et inper[p]etuum confirmo Ecclesie eidem de Herl' Ecclesiam meam de Waltham cum una hida terre et dimid' que ad Ecclesiam illara de Waltham pertinet. et ecclesie de Herl' subiacentr^ et totam terram illam Edwardi que dicitur hwatecumba. ^ Since writing this I have observed that Geoffrey de Mandeville and Haimo Dapifer attest Hen. I's Savigny charter at Avranchea, 7 Mar. 1113 (Kound, Doc. pres. in Vrance, p. 287) ; but I retain what is said above for the sake of its references, and as not being inconsistent with the fresh evidence. 152 Gilbert Crispin et ecclesiam eiusdem ville cum Omnibus sibi pertinentiis in bosco. et Plano^^ et Pasturis. tanquam eiusdem supranominate ecclesie de herl' dotaliciumr^ ita bene, et libere. et quiete. et plenarie in Omnibus rebus, sicut idem GaulV ea Ecclesie sue de herl' dedit. et concessit?^ et per cartam patris mei et suam confirmavit. Concede etiam et confirmo. ut Eadem ecclesia de herl' habeat Porcariam suam in parco libere et quiete. et in Omnibus maneriis dominii sui quicunque ea tenuerintr^ unum Rusticum qui Octo Acras terre habeat. et cum Omnibus donationibus suis aliis-quas in insula de Heli. uel in villa que Mosa uocatur-ecclesie de Herl' contulit. sine etiam Decimas quas Turoldus dapifer in Wochendona. et in Bordes- dena. et Edricus eius propositus ibidem pro animabus eorum contuler'. et Omnia alia quecunque ecclesie prefate ab eodem Gaufr' seu ab alio quocunque viro ibidem sunt collata et concessa. Quare uolo et concedo. et firmiter precipio. ut Ecclesia eadem de herl' omnem habeat libertatem et iirmam pacem. in bosco. et piano, in terra et in Aqua, per totam terram suam. et habeat Socam. et Sacam. et toll, et team, et InfanghenetJofr^ et terra et homines ecclesie eiusdem quocunque loco sint per Angliam. sint liberi. et quieti de Shir', et Hundr'. de placitis. et querelisr^ Geld', et Daneg'. Scottis. et Auxiliis omnibus et de Omnibus operationibus et occa- sionibus.*^ et exactionibus. et AssisisK" Excepto solummodo Murdro. et probate latrocinio. Quodsi huiusmodi forisfactura super terram ecclesie euenerit. precipior^ quod Prior et Monachi inde suam plenarie habeant curiam, et defendo ne in Aliis locis quocumque modo placitentr^ nisi in eadem Curia sancte Marie, et sua. De aliis uero placitis uel forisfacturis-q' super terram ecclesie. et Prior' con- [tigeri]nt. si quis de hominibus suis in forisfactura mea Justo iudicio et causa Aperta missus fuerit de .XX. manchis. adquietet se ante iudicium per .v[i.] denar'. et post Indicium r^ per .xii. denar'. et semper iudicetur. per iudicium Curie sancte Marie et Prior' ecclesie. Preterea uolo. et firmiter precipio. quod dimittatis esse in pace imperpetuum .vi. hidas ecclesie eiusdem de Dominio Prior' et Monachorum de omnibus Geld', et Daneg'. [et thjeloneo per Angl' q[ ]r dominicum conredium et usum pertinet. et Passagiis etiam per Angl'. et Assartis que de Dominica terra eorum sintr^ et ex Omnibus Actionibus [ ] pertinent et consuetudinibus. Defendo etiam et firmiter precipio ne finances suos plegios recenseant alibi Annuatim Prior et monachi nisi in eadem Curia sancte Marie et suar^ et ut nullus. neque Vicec' neque Minister [aliquis] super banc Selected CJiarters 153 libertateiu i|u;uii piu aniuiabus patris et matris mee. et pro salute et redeiuptione anime mee eis concede et confirmor^ eos amodo placitis aut occasionibus. aiit homines suos grauet aut laboretr^ aut iniuriam uel contumeliam taciat. Quoniam eidem ecclesie omnia pertinentia pro mea et m[a . . ] mee salute et Imperatricis filie mee peticione et pro anime sue redemptione:^ ex onmi exactione et consuetudine regia. et Omnium hominum iu[quietudine] soluta et libera finabiliter clam[. . . .]a. T'. eadera Imperatrice. et Rog. episcopo Sar'. per Otuelum fil' Comitis. Ap' Turrim Lund'. [ ? ] If this charter is genuine, it cannot be dated later than Easter 1116, when the king left England. For when he returned in 1120, Otwel fitz Count, the son of Hugh earl of Chester, was one of those who perished in the White Ship. But the charter is granted at the request of Matilda the Empress, and is also attested by her. Now Matilda left England in 1110, before she was eight years old. She was crowned at Mainz as Empress in 1114, and after the Emperor's death she returned to England in 1126. If, then, the evidence of this charter is to be accepted, Matilda nmst have visited England between 1114 and 1116. But of such a visit we have no other record. We approach the charter therefore with some suspicion. And first we ask whether it is probable that a charter to Hurley Priory should have been gi-anted ' at the request of the Empress,' who even at Easter 1116 Avas not yet fourteen years old ? Next, we observe that in one sentence Henry makes the gi-ant ' pro animabus patris et matris mee et pro redemptione anime mee'; and in the next sentence ' pro mea et m[a . .] mee salute, et imperatricis filie mee peticione et pro anime sue redemptione.' It would be absurd to read ' matris ' again in the second sentence ; and in any case we look for some mention of Matilda, Henry's queen. The 'a' is almost certain ; and we might perhaps read ' marite,' instead of the more usual ' uxoris.' We must consider together with this charter the much shorter charter (no. 35), in which K. Henry confirms the properties of Hurley, when the Honor of Geoffrey de Mandeville has come into his hand through Geoffrey's decease. This occasion of that confirmation is a natural one. The date of it must be placed between July 1113 and September 1114, or else between July 1115 and Easter 1116. It is attested, like the short Westminster charter (no. 34), by Ranulf the chancellor per Otuelum fil Comitis apud Turnm Lund'. 154 Gilbert Crispin I confess that the fuller charter (no. 36) looks to me as if it had been composed at a time when the Empress Matilda had come to be a more important figure in England than she could have been in 1116 ; at a time when it had become worth while to suggest that Henry had been moved by her to grant special privileges to the priory of Hurley in addition to the ordinary confirmation of its properties. The writer has bungled in the phrases by which he describes the king's motives : he has avoided the risk of using the chancellor's name (Ranulf died at Christmas 1122), and has preferred the safer name of Roger bishop of Salisbury ; but he has retained to his ultimate confusion the addition per Otaelum fiV Gomitis apud Turrim Lund'. Henry II's charter of confirmation {Mun. 3751) follows closely upon the lines of this charter, and expressly refers to the charter of his grandfather. I gravely susj)ect that it was for his benefit that the forgery was made. The handwriting appears to me to offer no decisive evidence ; and the charter still retains a broken red seal which arouses no suspicion. 37. D. f 528. Hec est convencio inter G. abbatem et conventum Westm' et Willelmum de Bocholanda. s. G. abbas et conventus Westm' dant et concedunt Willelmo de Bocholanda et heredibus suis in heredi- tate terram de Sipenham et de Burnham in feudo pro 1 solidis per singulos annos pro omni servicio prefer commune geldum regis : et terram de Tecewrde et de Tunge similiter concedunt ei et heredibus suis pro Ix solidis per singulos annos pro omni servicio preter commune geldum regis : et placeam que est ante domum suam similiter concedunt ei pro iiij°'' denariis in feudo. s. Celceiam tenebit in vita sua pro iiij°'' libris quoque anno pro omni servicio preter commune geldum regis ; et post mortem ipsius Willelmi remanebit Celceia in dominio ecclesie Westm'. et de feudo de Tecewrde et de Tunge, quando rex Angl' communiter accipiet xx solidos de milite, Willelmus de Bocholanda adquietabit ecclesiam Westm' de xx solidis. et de Celceya in Nativitate doraini reddet xl solidos, et in die Ascencionis xl solidos ; et de feudo suo in Annun- ciacione sancte Marie Iv solidos et ij denarios, et viij dies ante festum sancti Michaelis Iv solidos et ij denarios. Hii sunt testes : Rotbertus episcopus Lincoln', Bernardus epis- copus de sancto David, Otuerus fil' comitis, Clarebaldus medicus, Radulfus fir Algodi, Radulfus diabolus, Ricardus de Rami cur', Selected Charters 155 Ricardus de magna villa, Hucro dc nionte, Asciulus de Taiieyo, Sagrimis, Osbertus de Bernivilla, Waiinus- de Hainesclape, Hugo de Midelton'; de faiuilia abbatis, Willelnuis capellanus, Willelmus fir Fulconis, Gilebertus frater ejus, Herbertus dispensator, Picotus, Rotbertus de Beshm, Willehnus eanierarius, Willelinus (terminus, Ricardus fil' Herberti, Oini et Tovius Ganet, et luulti alii. [1115—1117.] Bernard was appointed to St David's 19 Sept. 1115, and consecrated in Westminster Abbey by desire of the queen, whose chaplain he was. It is probable that this grant was made after the death of William's fjither, Hugh de Buckland, who was alive, as we have seen, in 1114; see nos. 12, 20, 29. For Radulfus fil' Algod, a member of the Cnichtengild in 1125, see Round, Commune of London, 102 ; for Otwel fitz Count, above, no. 36 ; for Richard de Mandeville, above, nos. 6, 20; for Hugo de Monte, no. 32 (note). Richard de Rami cur' may be Richard son of Guy de Raimbercurt {Feud. Eng. 220). With Warin de Hamesclape comp. Michael de Hanslape {ih. 220). With 'Oini' (the first letter is uncertain) comp. Oini and Wini (both genitives) in Hist. Ah. ii 53, 100, 138, 144 (but as \\v died before 1117, I do not suggest identification as probable). Tovius Ganet attests a later charter (D. f 528 b). For Burnham and Sippenham, see above, p. 48, and no. 9. 38. D. f. 516 h. M. Angl' regina Ricardo episcopo et vie' et omnibus baronibus London', Francis et Anglis, salutem. Sciatis me dedisse et con- cessisse deo et sancto Petro et Gisl' abbati de Westm' hoc (piod Hugo de Bochelanda tencbat de me in Londonia super hwervum ejusdem abbatis, cum soca et saca et cum omnibus aliis consue- tudinibus qutis ego ibi habebam. et hoc facio pro incolumitate anime et corporis Henrici regis domini mei et mea et filiorum nostrorum. T'. episcopo Lincoln' et com' David, apud Westm'. [c. 1115 — 111 T.J David, the queen's brother, afterwards king of Scotland, became count of Huntingdon in 1114. For Hugh de Buck- land, see above, no. 12 : his death may be implied by tenebat. Htuei'vum seems to mean ' wharf (see no. 4). 156 Gilbert Crispin 39. D. f. 363 h. H. rex Angl' W-illelmo camerario et Alberico de Ver et omnibus vestris successoribus camerariis et vicecomibibus Lond' salutem. Date de firma London' sacriste sancti Petri de Westm' i obol' quaque die ad emendiim lucernam que ardeat coram sepulcro regine Math' a die festi sancti Michaelis proxima transacta usque in sempiternum. T'. Rogero Salesberiensi episcopo et Roberto Line' episcopo et Rann' cancellario et Radulfo Basset apud Westm'. [c. 1121.] Probably issued soon after the king's return at the end of 1120. Q. Matilda had died in his absence, 1 May 1118. Ranulf the chancellor died at Christmas time 1122, and Bishop Robert a few days later (Round, Feudal England, 485). For William the chamberlain, see above, nos. 4 and 20; and for Ralph Basset, nos. 30, 43. For Aubrey de Ver, see no. 43, and Round, G. de M. 388 ff. This Aubrey de Ver was the son of Aubrey de Ver, and became his heir through the death of his eldest brother Geoffrey de Ver. Geoffrey on his death-bed gave property at Kensington to Abingdon Abbey, in gratitude for the medical services of Abbot Faricius : and Henry's confirmation of this gift is addressed to Maurice bishop of London and Gilbert abbot of Westminster {Hist. Ah. ii 56). 40. Faust. A. iii, f 75. Henricus rex Angl' Rodberto de Bertherol et omnibus baroni- bus de honore qui fuit Otueri fil' com' salutem. Sciatis me dedisse et concessisse deo et sancto Petro et monachis Westm' ecclesiam de Sabricheswrd'. et volo et firmiter precipio ut bene et in pace et quiete et honorifice teneant cum terris et decimis et omnibus rectitudinibus et omnibus rebus ipsi ecclesie pertinentibus, et ita ne aliquis illos inde disturbet vel injuriam faciat super forisfacturam x libr'. Test' cancellario et Gaufrido de Clinton'. [? c. 1121.] This would appear to have been issued shortly after the death of Otwel fitz Count, while his Honor was still in the king's hand. See above, no. 36. ' Robert de Berquerola ' occurs in Harley Roll c 8 (of early govern- ment of London) : see Kingsford's edition of Stow's Survey ii 382 (note on ' Robert Bar Qiierel Prouost ' in latter part of Hen. I's reign). 41. Faust. A. Ill, f 75. Henricus rex Angl' justic' et vicecom' et omnibus baronibus et ministris suis Angl' salutem. Precipio quod totum corredium Selected Cltarfen^ 157 et omnes res quas ministri monach' Westm' qui sunt apud Sabricheswrd' affidaveriint suas esse doniinicas sint quiete de toll et passagio et omni consuetudinc. T'. cancell' &c. [? c. 1121.J This was probably issued at the same time as the previous writ. 42. Faust. A. iii, f. 67 6. Henricus rex Angl' Rodberto episcopo Lincoln' salutem. Pre- cipio quod teneas plenariam convencionem Herberto abbati et monachis Westm' de manerio suo de Leosne quod de illis tenes, sicut firmatum fuit inter te et Gilebertum abbatem et eosdem monachos tempore fratris mei ; et ita quod inde amplius clamorem non audiam. Teste Rogero filio Ricardi et aliis multis apud Wodestoke. [1121 — Chr. 1122.] I insert this for the sake of its reference to Abbot Gilbert, and also as a contribution to the somewhat obscure history of the relation of Westminster to the manor of Leosne. Roger fitz Richard was one of the many sons of Richard fitz Gilbert: see above, no. 26, and for the pedigree, Round, Feud. Eng. 472 ff. 43. Faust. A. in, f 78 6. Henricus rex Angl' R. Basset et Alberico de Ver sal'. Facite ita habere abbati Westm' estallos suos in novo opere sicut solebat habere in veteri, et sicut precepi, ne audiam inde clamorem pro penuria recti. T'. &c. [Prob. 1121—80.] Though this probably belongs to Abbot Herbert's time, I have added it here in order to correct a misapprehension regarding it. It appears in the cartulary under the rubric of Henry II, and has been accordingly supposed to give proof that ' novum opus,' or new building, was being carried on in the church in that reign under Abbot Laurence. Some have referred it to the chapel of St Catherine in the infirmary, which doubtless belongs to that period. But a glance at the writ shews that, like several others in Faustina A. ill, it has been erroneously entered under Henry II instead <»f under Henry I. What ' novum opus ' is here meant must remain uncertain : and it is very doubtful whether choir-stalls are intended, as ha,s hitherto been assumed. Possibly some rebuilding was going on under the king's directions outside the abbey ; and the stalls may be market-stalls, or even stables. ADDITIONAL NOTE A. ON THE EARLY CHARTERS OF ST JOHN'S ABBEY, COLCHESTER. Three charters are printed above which relate to St Mary New- church in London: one is granted by Will. I (no. 5), two are granted by Will. II (nos. 10, 11). The first of the three has been already printed (Monasticon i 302). Besides these the grant of this church to West- minster is included in what is called the First Charter of Will. I (Cotton Charter vi 3 = D. f 52 b), a long document reciting gi-ants of properties, which though not genuine contains a good deal of valuable tradition : ' deinde quidem ecclesiam sancte Marie que Newecirke appellatur, cum terris et omnibus rebus ad eam pertinentibus, quam Alfwardus cogno- mento Grossus in predicta urbe pro salute anime sue ei dederat, sicut idem melius et plenius jDrenominato sancto contulerat, omnimodis im- mutabiliter concessi.' The donor appears in these various charters as (1) ' Aluuardus de Lundonia' (nos. 5 and 11) (2) ' Agelwardus clericus ' (no. 10) (3) ' Alfwardus cognomento Grossus.' On the other hand we notice the absence of this church from the interesting charter (no. 30) in which Hen. I confirms [1108 — 1116] the grants of London churches made by the Conqueror : to wit, the wooden chapel of St Margaret Eastcheap, half the stone chapel of St Magnus Martyr, the church of St Laurence and the church of St James ' super ripam.' Moreover there is extant^ a charter of Abbot Herbert [1121 — 1136(?)], in which he assigns to the sacrist among other revenues 'Niwecirce in Lundonia, quando auxiliante deo ilia diracionari poterit ad honorem et proficuum hujus ecclesie.' From this it is clear that Westminster had lost its hold on the property: nor does it appear ever to have regained it, in spite of its express inclusion in a bull of Adrian IV to Abbot Gervase (D. f. 76: et omnes ecclesiasticas possessiones quas habetis in London': scilicet Newechurch' et ceteras ecclesias cum omnibus libertatibus et dignitatibus ad easdem pertinentibus). 1 Printed in Monasticon, i 307 from Harley Charters 84 F. 46: a late copy is also preserved {Mun. 3435), and it is also found in D. f. 408 b. Early Charter's of St Jolni's Abhci/, Colchester 159 The charters of Will. I and Will. II (D. f. 529) are followed by a charter of Hen. I [after 1121], which is stated in the rubric to refer to the same church : Carta regis H. primi de ecclesia sancte Marie Neiuehirlve. H. rex Angloruiu vie' et baron' de Lundon' salutcm. Precipio quod abbas Horbertus et monachi sancti Petri AVcstm' teneaiit bene ct in pace ecolcsiani saucte Marie quani Goslanus eis dedit cum terris eidem ecclesie pertincntibiis. et precipio ne aliquis se intromittat nisi jwr abbateiu. T'. R. Basset apud Windlesh'. With this must be read a charter of Stephen to Abbot Gervase (D. f. 61): S. rex Angl' justic' et vicec' et baronibus et omnibus ministris suis London'. Precipio vobis quod sicut me diligitis custodiatis et manuteneatis omnes terra.s et teiuiras G. abbatis de Westm' filii mei sicut meas domiuicas ; et ad jjosse ve-strum faciatis ei habere redditus suos et debita que ei debentur, et nominatim eccle.siam sancte Marie ei faciatis habere, quam Gislanus ei dedit, cum terris ap^iendentibus : et tantum inde faciatis quod gratis inde vobis sciam. T'. Ad' de Behi' apud Westm' 1. When we take this with the confirmation by Pope Adrian, we can hardly doubt that St Mary Newchurch is referred to : but ' Goslanus,' or 'Gislanus,' introduces a new element of perplexity. So much for the Westminster side of the controversy, to which justice has not hitherto been done^. We find the rival claimant in the abbey of St John the Baptist at Colchester, the important chartulary of which was printed from Earl Cowper's manuscript for the Roxburghe Club in 1897. The historical value of some of these Colchester charters was pointed out by Dr Round in an article in the English Historical Review (xvr 721 — 30). With the question of the authenticity of most of the earliest charters he dealt severely. It is necessary for our present purpose to take a further step in the path of criticism which he has marked out ; and in doing so we shall discover that the monks of Colchester not only deprived their Westminster brethren of one of their churches, but also stole their very choicest thunder. The chartulary opens with the foundation charter of Eudo Dapifer. Of this it is sufficient to say with Dr Round, that ' it obviously is not genuine in the form in which it is transcribed.* ' Adam de Beln' attests a Lincoln charter at Oxford. Feb. — Dec. 1146 {Eng. Hist. Rev. XXIII, 727). 'Adam ctuum possidcre, in aqua et teiTa tain plcne et tarn liberc sicut egomet illa.s melius hal>eo. 11—2 164 Gilbert Crisjnn libere et tarn firmiter sicut predictus rex Edwardus illas unquam melius conces- serat et sicut per privilegiura carte sue confirmavit. Et nullo modo volo consentire ut aliquis banc ecclesie sancti Petri con- cessam a nobis libertatem ullo tempore iufringere presumat, aut in aliquo de omnibus que ecclesie juris fuerint se intromittat, nisi abbas et monachi ad utilitatcm monasterii. T'. R. arcliiepiscopo ^ Rothom' et R. epi- scopo London', W. episcopo Winton' et R. episcopo Sar', R. episcopo Lincoln' et Ranulpho cancellar' et Jolianue Baioc', com' David, R. filio regis et W. Tan- cardivilla, W. de Alben' et N. de Albeneye, G. de Clinton' et R. Basset, apud Windlesor'. Et nullo modo volo ut aliquis banc ecclesie sancti Jobannis concessam a me libertatem ullo tempore infringere pre- sumat. Testibus Radulfo arcbiepiscopo Can- torberie et Gaufrido arcbiepiscopo Rotbo- magi et Turstino arcbiepiscopo Eboraci et Rannulfo episcopo Dunelmie et Ber- nardo episcopo de Sancto David et Ranwlfo cancellario et Henrico comite de Auco et Waltero Giffardo comite et Willelmo comite de Warenna, apud Rotomagum, in mense et anno quo Willelmus filius regis desponsavit uxorem suam filiam comitis Andega- vensium. It appears from a comparison of these two charters, that the Colchester compiler, when he had written the words ' sakam et sokam, et toll et team,' observed that the Westminster charter did not give so full a list of English privileges as had been copied from St Edward's Third Charter into the longer Colchester charter of 1119. He therefore returns to the more complete list with the words ' mundbryce, burhbryce,' etc., and then takes a succession of phrases out of the longer charter until he comes back to Abbot Herbert's charter at the words ' omnes leges et consuetudines.' It is interesting to see that he thus per- petrates a 'doublet': for he has first 'in terra et in aqua' from the longer charter, and then 'in aqua et terra' from Abbot Herbert's charter. Further criticism of this shorter Colchester charter is unnecessary. But we may note with interest the style of the king, and also the designation ' arcbiepiscopo Cantorberie,' which may point to Normandy. The fifth item (p. 11) is a bull of Pope Calixtus II [1119—24], which is said to be a confirmation of what has preceded. I do not think ^ Cf. a similar charter of liberties iu London granted at the same time and place (D f. 101). Early Charters of St John's Ahhcy, Colchester 165 it is likely to be genuine. In any case it is uf no special historical importance. I pass on to the charter of William Rufus (p. 18). Dr Round has already said enough to condemn this as a forgery. I would only add that, besides the two manors which were not granted till about twenty years after his death, the king is also made to confirm the questionable possession of 'ecclesia de Niewechirche.' To St Mary Newchurch we must, in conclusion, return. It is granted to Westminster by a charter of Will. I and by two charters of Will. IT: but in Abbot Herbert's time it had somehow been alienated. He still hipped for its recoveiy, and his successor Gervase got a confirmation of it from Pope Adrian IV — a sign, at the least, that Westminster per- sisted in claiming it. St John's Colchester however had evidently got hold of it, and defended its claim by a forged charter of Will. II ; a forged charter of Hen. I dated 1119; a forged foundation deed of Eudo Dapifer; and, as we shall see, a forged charter of Richard bishop of London. I am inclined to add to this list of forged evidences the charter of Henry I which bears the attestation of Abbot Gilbert of Westminster in 1104 : but I refrain from a positive statement on this point. It is in the forged charter of Eudo alone that any details regarding the gift or the donor appear. There we read : ' ecclesiam sancte Marie de Westchepinge Lundonie, que vocatur Niewecherche, concedente Ail- wardo grosso presbitero^, qui in eadem ecclesia ex donatione antecessoris mei Huberti de Ria personatum consecutus fuerat ; postmodum vero juri personatus sponte renuntiavit, pensionarius ecclesie sancti Johannis de eadem ecclesia factus ' (p. 3). On this Dr Round remarks : ' One would hardly expect Eudo to describe as his antecessor Hubert de Rye, who was his father. Moreover, so far as I know, we have no other evidence of Eudo's father preceding him as a holder of lands in England^.' The forged charter of Bishop Richard (p. 82) has been exposed by Dr Round, who has set side by side with it the story of the monks (p. .50) on which it is based. Of this latter I will only remark that it intro- duces the name of ' Gunduinus monachus Becci.' Now the list of Bee shews us a 'Gundwinus' ;xs entering the monastery c. 1085, and also a 'Gunduinus' c. 1112^ So we are dealing with a real person. Indeed 1 Compare the 'Alfwardiis cognomento Grossus' of the fictitious First Charter of Will. I, quoted above, p. 158. 2 Eluj. Hist. R,v. XVI 72(;. =» Por^e, Hist, du Bee i 030, G32. 166 Gilbert Crispin the names mentioned in these Colchester documents, whether as attest- ing charters or otherwise, are surprisingly accurate, and seem to prove that the compiler or compilers of these forgeries must have had a number of genuine documents, which, though insufficient for the pur- poses contemplated, furnished the necessary historical setting. There must have been genuine charters of Eudo Dapifer and of Heniy I when the abbey was founded, and there may have been a confirmatory charter of the king in 1119 granted at Rouen either just before or just after Eudo's death. We may doubt whether either of the king's charters contained any reference to St Mary Newchurch or to the Westminster privilege : we may be certain that neither of them cited the exposition of that privilege in the terms of the Third Charter of St Edward. The real charters would be superseded by the forgeries, and perhaps even destroyed as conflicting evidence of a very compromising character. The long charter of Hen. I (1119) reappears on p. 14 as granted afresh by Hen. II, and in a considerably extended form (especially in regard to the Westminster privilege) on p. 42 as gi-anted by Rich. I. The short charter of Henry I (1119) reappears on p. 30 as granted by Stephen. A charter of Hen. Ill (p. 56) refers to Richard's charter, and gives an interesting interpretation of three of its English terms ; this is supplementary to an Inspeximus of Richard's charter, which is printed immediately after it. If we could accept the charter of Henry II as genuine, we should have a valuable starting-point for discussing the date of St Edward's Third Charter: but the position which it occupies in the Colchester chartulary is not in its favour. ADDITIONAL NOTE B. A CHAKTEll OF KING ETHELKED. (Westminster ' Domesday,' f. 80 b.) TeUigrapJius ejusdem regis de quadam parte terre in loco qui dicitur Berewican, cum lihertate ejusdem terre. Regente perpetualiter summo celorum opifice cunta, que convenienti dum non erant condidit serie, qui jure tripudiando in electorum aginine triumphatur, cui voluntarie supera atque infima deservire conantur per cromata ne nos pellacis circumveniendo vapide insidiatoris astutia im- paratos mole presses inmisericorditer ut sui moris est excruciet ex omni mentis conamine cordisque auditu prout vires divina opitulante clemen- cia nostras animadvertendum est alma quid apostolica cotidie intonat tuba dicens : Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile, ecce nunc dies salutis; et item : Dum tempus habemus operemus bonum (ad) omnes, maxime autem ad domesticos fidei. Quam ob rem ego yEdelraed dei favente dementia Angligene nationis imperator quandam telluris portionem, id est duas mansas terre in loco qui celebri vocabulo at Berewican appellatur ad monasterium beatis- simi Petri celestis clavigeri in loco nobili qui f^estminster nominatur pro anime mee remedio ad sustentac(i)onem fratrum deo inibi deservientium in perpetuam conlirmo hereditatem quatinus ipsa congregacio pervigiles pro me jugiter intercessiones exsolvat solertique industria deo ej usque apostolo felici habitu deserviat. nam ejusdem loci abbas vocitamine iElfwi ipsaque familia banc prefatam terram a me cum centum auri obrizi mancusis comparavit, ea etiam interposita condicione ut tres- centas pro me missarum oblaciones ofFerant, totidemque Davitici cursus modulationes pro me mente devota persolvant. Sit autem hec pre fata terra deo ej usque apostolo donata ab omni secularis gravidine servitutis exinanita cum universis que ad dictam pertinere noscuntur in magnis sive modicis rebus, exceptis tribus, expeditione videlicet pontis arcisve recuperacione. si quis autem, quod non optamus hoc nostre munificencie donum pervertere conamine stolido studuerit, collegio privatus perpetue felicitatis aerumpnam hauriat 168 Gilbert Crispin atrocissime calamitatis mortis, nisi ante terminum presumptionem banc temerariam legati satisfaccione emendare studuerit. Istis terminis predicta tellus circumcincta clarescit. yErest of |>an hlape into theoburnan. norS anglang teoburnan to Cuforda. of Cuforda to psetUnga strsBte. east andlang strsete to ]7am setle. of )?am setle on binan croftes ge msere. |;anon souS to |?an ealdan strsete. of )?are strsete eft to patlinga strgete. andlang strate to J?are ealden perbrode. ]?anan to )7as ealder mannes ge masre. ]?anan sii5 ribte to akemannestrsete. pest andlang straste to cyrringe. J>anon eft on p'one blape. Anno dominice incarnacionis .M.ij. indictione .xv. anno vero prefati regis Aedelraedi .xxiiij. scripta est bee scedula biis bierarcbis con- sentientibus, quorum nomina inferius caraxantur. ^ Ego Aedelraed rex Anglorum boo donum dedi et confirmavi. »5< Ego Aelfric arebiepiscopus Dorovernensis ecclesie concessi. ^ Ego Aelfbean episcopus corroboravi. ^ Ego Wulfstan episcopus impressi. ij< Ego Aelfstan episcopus adnotavi. ^ Ego Aelfbean episcopus con- sensi. ^ Ego Aedelric episcopus imposui. ^ Ego Adulf episcopus adquievi. >J< Ego Aelfpeard abbas, f^ Ego Aelfsige abbas. »J< Ego Kenulf abbas. ^ Ego p'ulfgar abbas, tjt Ego Godpine abbas. >5< Ego Aelfric dux. ^ Ego AeSelmaer minister. ^ Ego Ordulf m. ^ Ego f ulfgeat m. ^ Ego fulpbeab in. ^ Ego f^ulfric m. t5« Ego Eadric in. ^ Ego iESelric in. ^ Ego Ulfhcitel in. In discussing the ' berewic of tbe vill of Westminster called Toten- bala' on p. 40, I was unwilling to introduce a furtber complication by referring to tbe above cbarter of K. Etbelred wbicb grants ' two manses in tbe place called at Berewican.' But it is possible tbat tbis cbarter may bave some bearing on tbe problem ; and in any case I am glad to print it bere, as it bas never, I tbink, seen tbe ligbt, and its ancient boundaries deserve to be studied in connexion witb tbose given for tbe abbey estate in tbe well-known cbarter of K. Edgar. Tbat cbarter of K. Edgar confirms to Westminster Abbey five manses, wbicb belonged to tbe churcb in tbe time of K. Offa. Tbese five manses are confirmed by K. Etbelred in tbe general cbarter wbicb precedes tbe present one (f 80). Here K. Etbelred adds two manses ■'at Berewican.' K. Edward tbe Confessor confirms seventeen manses and a half ' circa, illud monasterium ' : in some of bis charters tbey are called hides. A Charter of Kinci Ethel red 100 The following translation of the boimdai-ics in K. Ethelred's charter is kindly given me by Professor Skeat. First from the mound to Teoburnc : iiorthwai'ds along Tooburne to C'uford. From Cuford to Watling street : eastwards along (the) street to the dwelling-place. From the dwelling-place to Hinan-croft's boundary. Thence southwards to the old street. From the street back to Watling street : along (the) street to the old gallows. Thence to the Alderman's boundary : thence southwards straiglit to Akcuian's street. Westwards along (the) street to Cyrringc. Thence back to the mound. On the text Professor Skeat makes the follow ing notes : The copy seems to be a Norman scribe's copy, as it has a few mistakes which an A.S. scribe would hardly make. 1. 1. Theoburnan: error for Teo — . anglang: iov andlang. 1. 3. hinan croft had better be left as Hinan-croft, which is quite safe. It cannot here mean 'hence,' as that would require hinan on (not on hinan). 1. 3. soufS: Norman for su^. An important spelling, as ou for ^l is seldom found before 1300. 1, 4. strate: miswritten for strcete; quite inadmissible: strete was possible. 1. 5. ealden : for ealdan. yerhrode : for yearhrode. panan : better ]>anon. ealder : better ealdor. In view of these notes it is interesting to add — what the Professor did not know at the time — that the copy was made about the year 1806 : this being the approximate date of the Westminster ' Domesday.' I add the following valuable comments from a letter which Professor Skeat has also written : It is only .safe to take Hinancroft as a proper name. It probably means ' croft of the hind ' or farm-servant. But the history of the word ' hind ' is imperfectly known, and this is the earliest example of the form hinan, with a final n. It is even po-ssible that Hinan is the gen. sing, of Hina ; ealder mannes is the gen. of ealderman =' aldemian ' ; ' old ' would be ealdes or ealdan. You will see that I give an older boundary, about 959, which seems to go round the other way, and coincides for a short disUmce. ' From Cuford along Tyburn ' instead of ' along T. to C [see below]. I tind several points of interest. 1. Teoburne is the old form of Tt/burn, which ought rather to have come out as Teehurn. ■2. Cuford =CCi-ford = Covrford. It keeps Oxford in countenance ! 3. Mention of Akeraann Street, which went to Akemannes-ceastcr, i.e. to Bath. 4. Cyrringe: inferior stalling of Cerringa, gen. pi. of Cem «(/«.?=' the son.s of Cerr,' in very early times pronounced Kerr, rimini; with the German Hen: It is tiie siime name as Charing in Kent, which is mentioned a.d. 799. This is important, as it is by far the olde.st mention of Charing in London. Places like this are found in all three forms : (1) nom. pi. Cerringas, (2) gen. i)l. Cerringa (later -ge), (3) dat. pi. Cerringum. They indicate family .settlements. 11—5 170 Gilbert Crisjyin The older boundary to which Professor Skeat refers is that of K. Edgar's charter. It is printed in Birch, Gai^tulariwrn Saxonicum ill 261, and less satisfactorily by Widmore and in the Monasticon. I print it here from the ultimate source, Ch. no. v of the Westminster muniments, which if not the original is certainly an early copy. iErest up of temese. andlang merfleotes. to pollene stocce. sjta on bulunga fenn. of ^am fenne. reft 'Sasr ealdan die to cuforde. of cuforde upp andlang teoburnan to \>iev\e jjide] here street, sefter ISsere here street, to "Ssere ealde stoccene see andreas cyrieean. spa innan lundene fenn. Andlang fennes siid on temese. on midden streame. andlang stremes be lande 7 be strande eft on merfleote. 1. 3. Birch prints teoiernan (a misprint). 1, 5. The scribe has omitted the a of streames. An expanded form of this charter is found in Ch. no. VI, a faulty transcript of which is printed in an appendix by Birch (ill 693). To that transcript is apparently due the form ' Bulinga,' which has obtained a wide currency. But ' Bulunga ' is the reading of the charter ; and its only actual variants from Ch. no. V, so far as the boundaries are concerned, are the following: 1. 2. Om. of cuforde. 1. 3. stret (bis) : 'Scere (secundo loco)] there. 1. 4. cyrieean'] on Holeburne : Lundane : sw0. 1. 5. middan. Once again I have to thank Professor Skeat, who has given me the following translation : First, up from the Thames along Merfleet to Pollene-stock. So, to Bulungs' fen. From the fen, following the old dike, to Cuford. From Cuford, up along Teoburne, to the wide army-street : along the army-street to the old foundation ' of St Andrew's chureh. So, within London-fen. Along the fen southwards to the Thames to mid- stream [i.e. giving rights over the nearer half of the river] : along the stream, by land and by strand [i.e. along the edge, for those on foot], baek to Merfleet. 1 See note in Earle, Land Charters, p. 465. INDEX [The figures refer to the pagex ; except those with 'No.' prefixed, which refer to the Selected Charters, pp. 125 — 157] Abbo of Fleury 68, 69 n. Abetot, Urse de 33, Nos. 27, 28 Abingdon, abbey of 17, 36, 41, Nos. 1, i, 13, 22, 33, 39 : see Faricius History of Abingdon 17, 46 n., 126, Nos. 4, 12 f., 18, 22, 26, 35, 37 Acelinus, capellanus No. 6 Adam de Beln' 15'J Adrian IV, pope 158 f., 165 Aedric, prepositus Nos. 6f., 36 Aedwaid of Watecumba No. 6 Aegeluuaid, monk of Westminster 27 Aelfric, abp of Canterbury 168 Aelfwine, prefectus de Kent 47 Agamundus, parson of Wochendon No. 6 Agelwardus clericus 158, No. 10 : cf. Alf- wardus, Aluuardus Agnes, wife of Will. Crispin II 14, 16 Ailnod (Aelfnoth) of London 45, No. 2 Ailred, abbot uf Hievaulx 23, 55, 59 Ailric 46 Akemau's Street 168 f. Alan of Kichmond, count Nos. 11 f. Alberic de Ver Nos. 39, 43 of Rheims 52 Albertus Lotharingus No. 11 n. Albineio, Nigel de 34 n., 164 W. de 164 Alderman's Boundary 168 f. Aldwin, abbot of Ramsey 42 n. Aldwyn (Alwy), a hermit 33 Alexander II, pope 8 bp of Lincoln 61 Alfricus cementarius No. 6 Alfwardus (Ailwardus) grossus 158, 165 : cf. Agelwardus, Aluuardus Alfwin (Alwin), socheraan 161 Alleluia (duplex) 75 f. almonry of Westminster (domus elemo- siiiaria) 30, 38 Alnou, Fulc d' 14 Aluuardus de Lundouia 156, Nos. 5, 11: cf. Agelwardus, Alfwardus Amaury III of Montfort I'Amaury 15 Ambrose, St 68, 69 n., 113, 120 f. Amfrida 15 Anglo-Saxon Cliroiiicle 16, 38 f. Anselm 1 f. ; at Bee 4-12, 15, 18 f., 103, 108, No. 17 ; abp of Canterbury 20-3, 25, 29, 39, 66 f., 141 ; mitis 26 ; dedica- tions to 60, 71, 111; on the Immaculate Conception 73 his Letters 78-81, 7 n., 9-11, 13, 15 n., 19 f., 23 u., 29 n., 66 Cur deus homo ? 22, 64 Anselm of Laon 51 Ansgotus 87 Aosta 5, 13 Asciulus de Taneyo No. 37 Athelais, first wife of G. de Mandeville 32, Nos. 1, 6, 15 Augustine, St, Quaest. in Num. 7<> n. ; de Trinitatc 72 Aultona No. 3 bailiff of Westminster 46 Bainiardus 39 f. : cf. Baynard Baldric, father of Fulc d'Alnou 14 de Bocquence 14 prior of Bee 20 Baldwin, abbot of Castellio (Chatillon) 51 monk of Bee and Canterbury 8 Bari 31 Basilia 15 Basset, R(alph) 159, 164, Nos. 29, 30, 39. 43 Batailla, Geoffrey 47 Bath 18, No. 28 John, bp of 26 n.. No. 28 Battersca 47, No. 19 172 Index Battle Abbey, see Heury Bayeux, John of 160 n., 164 bps of, see Harcourt, Odo Bayuard, Geoffrey 38 f . Juga (?Inga) 39 Ralph 38 f., 50 n., Nos. If. - William 31, 38-40, No. 27 Baynard's Castle 38 f. Beatrice, dau. of Geoffrey Maudeville No. 3 Beauchanip, (Bello Campo), Hugh de Nos. 9, 27 Milo, Paiii, Simon and Walter No. 9 Beaumont-le-Eoger, necrology of 15 n. Beaumont, Roger of No. 4 Robert (de Bello Monte) 30 n. : of. Robert Bee, abbey of 1-9, 11, 14-8, 20, 58, 94, 96-110, No. 13; St Mary of 15, 17; Abbas Beccensis 20, No. 17 ; Lives of the Abbots of p. 13, 18 ; Customs of 6, 28; Library of 52-3, 59 f., 68; monks of 8f., 14-6, 18, 20, 31, 103, 160, 165; Tooting Bee, No. 2 Bekesbourne 48 Belesme, Robert of 16 Belgeham No. 3 Benedict's Rule, St 6 Benfleet 41, 49 Berewican 167 f. : see berwika Berkshire Nos. 6, 12, 36 Bernard, St 51, 56 bp of St David's 26, 34, 164, No. 37 Bernay 1, 28 Bernivilla, Osbertus de No. 37 Bertherol (Berquerola), Robert de No. 40 berivika [benvicum) of Westminster 38, 40, 168 : of. Berewican Beslun, Robert de No. 37 Bigod, Hugh No. 4 Roger 30 n., Nos. 4f., 10-2, 19 Wilham No. 4 Birch, Cartularium Saxonicnm 170 Bisselega No. 19 Black Death, the 45 Bloccenham No. 40 Bocquence, Baldric de 14 Boehmer, H., Church and State 56 Bonneville (Burnenvilla) 91 Bordeaux, Geoffrey, bp of 51 Bordesdena Nos. 6, 36 Bosco, Robert de (du Bois) 51 f. Boselinus de Diva 47 Boston of Bury 53, 55 f., 60 Boulogne 100 : see Eustace, Godfrey Brampton No. 4 Brayley and Britton, Ancient Palace of Westminster 35 Bremule, battle of 16 Brinkbourne 53, 60 Brionne 2, 16, 94 ; see Gilbert Buckingham No. 9 Buckland, Hugh de Nos. 12, 20, 27, 29, 33, 37 f. Wilham de 48, Nos. 12, 37 Bulungs' Fen 170 Burleigh, Lord 30 Burne 48 Burnham Nos. 9, 37 Bury, abbey of St Edmund 29 : abbots of, see Robert, Sampson ; library of 53, 60 : see Boston Caen, St Stephen's 5-8, 11 n., 16 n.. No. 27 ; Gilbert, abbot of 81 : see Lanfranc Holy Trinity 17 n. Calixtus II, pope 164 Calthrop, Miss M. M. C. 33 n. Cambridgeshire No. 19 camera, see chamberlain Cannock (Canoe') No. 32 Canterbury 1 f., 7 f., 20, 23, 25 f., 99, 102 ; abps of, see Aelfric, Anselm, Lanfranc, Ralph, Theobald, Thomas ; privilege of 19 n. ; William, archdeacon of 66 Christ Church 28 ; customs of 28 ; priors of 8 (Henry), 66 (Ernulf) ; monks of 8 St Augustine's, Hugh, abbot of 23 Capon, Mr Will. 35 n. Celceia No. 37 cellarer of Westminster 49 n. Chalons, R. du Bois, archdeacon of 51, 52 chamberlain's office at Westminster 30, 41, 43-5, 48 Champeaux, William of, 61 Charing (Cyrringe) 168 f. Chatillon, Baldwin, abbot of 51 Chertsey, Wulfwold, abbot of No. 3 Chester, Hugh, earl of 29, No. 36 Chillenden (Cillentuna, Sillingtune, Cho- lyngton) 41, 45-8 Cippenham (Sippenham) 41, 45, 48, Nos. 9, 37 Clarebaldus medicus No. 37 liulejc 1 7»> Cleygate Nos. 23 f. Clifford, Landricus de 34 n. Clinton, Geoffrey de 164, Nos. 29, 40 Cluny 5, G, 28 Cnichttnyild Nos. 29, 37 Codenhlawe 40 Colchester Nos. 9, 17 ; abbey of St .John the Baptist No. 9, pp. 158-CG ; Gilbert, abbot of, l(iO Colebroc' 17 n. Coleham, Hugh de 20, No. 27 Combertou (Cumbritoua, Cumbrinton) 41, 43, 49, Nos. 27 f. Coud6, Pierre de 14 Constantinople 14 'coomb' 41, 43 Cormeilles, William, abbot of 15, 103 Courcy, Robert de 14, cf. Curci Coutances, G., bp of No. 10 Cowley (Coueley) 41, 49 Crispin, meaning of 13 Emma 14 Esilia 14 Fulk 18 Gilbert I 13 f. Gilbert II 14, 17 Gilbert III 14 Gilbert, abbot of Westminster : see Gilbert Gilbert, monk of Bee 18 Goscelin 18 Milo, precentor of Bee 13, 18, 58 n. Milo (of England) 17, Nos. 11-3 Robert 14 Waiiam I 7, 13 f. William II 14, IG William HI 14, 17 William IV 18 Croyland abbey No. 4 Cuford (Cow-ford) 168-70 Curci, William de No. 4, 22 Richard No. 22 Robert No. 22, cf. Courcy Customary, abbot Ware's 28, 43-5 customs of Bee 6, 28 ; of Canterbury 28 D'Achery 9 u., 13, 28 n., 58 f., 77 n. David, count of Huntingdon 1G4, No. 3m Delisle, M. Leopold 27, 59 Deorraan 37 n. ; three daughters of No. 29 Dijon 28 ; William of 1 Ditton (Ditona) Nos. 23 f. Doddington (Dodintuna, Dotinton) 41, 45 f., Nos. 25 f. Domesday Survey 17, 20, 28-9, 33, 38-40, 43, 40-9, Nos. If., 6, 8, IGf., 23, 26 f. Book at Winchester 35 of St Paul's 42 of Westminster 37 f., 125, 162, 169 Dover 101 Ducesworthe (Dochesworde) 4G, No. 2G Duchesne, Andre 59 Dunmow, Chronicle of 39 Dunstiiu's charter, St 47 n., 49 n. Durham, bps of; see Ranulf Flambard, William of St Carileph Eadmer 7 n., 21 n., 23 n., 26 n., 66 n. Eckintou, Robert de No. 27 Edgar, king 27 ; his charter 168, 170 Edward the Confessor, St : the opening of his tomb 24 f. ; his church at West- minster 35, and feretrum 37; 27, 31, 33, 163, Nos. 2, 4, 9, 12; his stallers p. 32, 50 ; his charters 40, 47, 162, 164, 166, 168 ; tempore Edwardi Nos. 17, 23 f. ; Ailred's Life of p. 23, 55, 59 Edwin, abbot of Westminster 1, 35 Elmley No. 9 Ely 31, 34, 41, 44; Symeon abbot of 44: cf. Hely Liber Eliensis 31 n., 44 enfeoffment of a knight 38, 41 Eugheram pincerna No. 6 Ernulf, prior of Ch. Ch. Canterbury 66 Esgar, the staller 32 Esseuduna 38 n. Essex 32 n., 38 f., 43, 45, 49 f., Nos. If., 8, 17, 22 Estham 45 Etheldreda, translation of St 31 Ethelred, telligraphus of king 47 ; charter of 167 ff. Etr^pagny, Godfrey de 16 Eu, count of No. 6 Henry count of (de Auco) 164 William of 38 Eudo dapifer 159-61, 165 f., Nos. 9, 18 Eugenius III, pope 51 Euremou, Hugh de 46, Nos. 25 f. Eustace, count of Boulogne, senior No. 26 ; his wife 101 junior 46, Nos. 3, 25 f. Eva (Crispin), the lady 7, 9, 14-6, 20 174 Index Evesham, abbey of 17 n., 21; Chronicle of Evesham 21 n. Evreux, Gilbert, bp of 110 Exeter, bp of 23 : see William Warelwast Extenta GonvenUcs Westm' 41 Eye 41, Nos. 6, 15 f., 20 Fanton (Fentou) 41, 49, Nos. 23 f. Faricius, abbot of Abingdon 17 n., 36 n., 126, No. 39 Fecamp 1, 28; John, abbot of 1 Fering (Feringes) 47 n., Nos. 17, 22 fir ma 41 f. Fitz Algod, Kalph No. 37 Fitz Count, see Otwel Fitz Fulk, William No. 37 Fitz Gilbert, Eichard 39, Nos. 1 f., 9, 26, 42 Fitz Haimo, Robert No. 16 Fitz Herbert, Herbert 46 Peter 46 Eichard No. 37 Fitz Martel, William No. 15 Fitz Milo, Hugh No. 13 Fitz Osbern, William, dapifer Nos. 2, 9 Fitz Oter, Walter No. 12 Fitz Ealph, E. No. 26 W^alleran 16 n, Fitz Eichard, Gilbert No, 26 Eobert 39 Eoger 16, Nos. 26, 42 Fitz Eobert, Walter 39 Fitz Suain, Eobert 49 f., No. 8 Fitz Thorold (Toraldi), Gilbert No. 27 Fitz Walter, Eobert 39 Fitz Wimarc, Eobert 50 Flete, Histoi-y of Westminster 19 n., 26, 29 n., 30 n., 36 n., 41 n., 43 Foliot, Eichard 49 n. — — Eobert 48 f . forgeries, monastic 36, 126 f., 162, 165 f. Frachevilla, Eichard de 47 Fulk, nephew of Gilbert of Sun-ey No. 19: see d'Alnou, Crispin, Gilbert Gallia Christiana 16 gallows, the old 168 f. Gautier le vieux, count of Pontoise 14 Geoffrey, abbot of St Albans 42 bp of Bordeaux 51 of Jumi^ges, abbot of Westminster Geoffrey, miles No. 15 count of Perche 50 Plantagenet, count of Anjou 17 abp of Eouen 164 Gerard, abp of York 21, No. 18 Gerberon, Dom Gabriel 61 Gerbert (Pope Sylvester) 68 Gervase, abbot of W^estminster 37, 41, 43, 47, 158 f., 165 Gestingthorpe No. 27 Ghent, abbey of St Peter No. 4 Giffard, Walter 164, No. 9 William, bp of Winchester : see William Gilbert Crispin, abbot of Westminster 1-4 ; at Bee 7, 15 ; at Canterbury 8 f ., 19; at Westminster 10-2, 17, 19-27; his administration 28-49, 161, 165, Nos. 2, 5f., 8f., 11 n., 12 f., 15-7, 19- 21, 26 f., 31-3, 37-9, 42; his epitaph 26 ; his fame 52 ; mss of his writings 53-6 ; writings falsely attributed to him 56-7 ; his literary remains 58-76 ; cor- respondence 77-82 Vita Herluini 58-60, 87-110; X>/s- putatio Judaei cum Christiano 23, 52-4, 58-67, 81-2 ; de Simoniacis 23, 52, 55 f., 58, 67-70, 111-124; de Spiritu Sancto 23, 55, 58, 70-2; de Casu Diaholi 53 f., 58, 72; de Anima 53 f., 58, 72 f. ; Sermo in Ramis Palmarum 54, 58, 73 ; Versus ad Anselmum 22, 54, 58, 83 ; Disputatio Christiani cum Gentili 54, 58, 73-5 ; de veritate Corporis et Sanguinis Domini 52, 54, 57 n., 72; Sermo in dedicatione ecclesiae 52, 57 ; Omelia super Cum in- gressus Jesus 52, 57 ; Epistolae Hi 52, 57 Gilbert, count of Brionne 2 n., 3, 14, 87- 90, 94, No. 1 abbot of St Stephen's, Caen 11 n., 81 of Bee, abbot of Colchester 160 of Hoyland, abbot of Swyneshed 53, 56-7 bp of Limerick 26 n., 57 de la Por^e, bp of Poitiers 51, 57 sheriff of Surrey No. 19 the Universal, bp of London 52, No. 30 f rater Willelmi (Alius Fulconis), 1, 35 de Mandeville: see Mandeville No. 37 Girardus frater Willelmi No. 27 T lid ex 175 Glamorgan, Urban, bp of No. 20 n. Gloucester 163, No. 5 ; abbey of 3(), No. 18 Godard No. '27 Godfrey of Bouillon No. 3 Godobald No. 8 Godwin of Turroc, capellanus No. G Goslanus (Gislauus) 159 Gournuy, Hugh de 15 Gregory the Great 07 n. Greneford, Hacinulf of No. 6 grutum 41, 43 Grunzo 38 Guudulf, prior of St Stephen's, Caen 8 ; bp of Rochester 9 n., 24 f., 103 Gundwiuus, monk of Bee 165 Gunuor, wife of Gilbert Crispin I 14 Gunter 17, 42 f., No. 13 Hacinulf de Greneford, and Robert nepos ejus No. 6 Hadleigh (Hadleya) 45 Haimo dapifer 34 n., No. 10 Hairun, Koulf de Nos. 5 f., 15; and Geoffrey nepos ejus No. 15 Hales, Archdcaeon 42 Hall, Mr Hubert 30 n., 48 Hamme apud Ospreng 45 Hampstead (Haemstede) 40 Hamslape (Hamesclape), Warinus de No. 37 Micliael No. 37 Han worth ^Hanewrde) 41, 49 Haicourt, Philippe de, bp of Bayeaux 53, 00 Harold, king 49 n.. No. 17 Havering No. 22 Helois 87 Hely (Heli), insula No. 6, 36; cf. Ely Hendon (Heaenduue) 17, 40, 42, No. 13 Henry I 10 f., 19 n., 23, 29, 33 f., 30, 39, 44, 46, 120, 1.58-61, 163, 165-6, Nos. 4-0, 9, 10, 18-24, 20-30, 38-43 Henry II 17, 46, 50, 166, Nos. 36, 43 Henry IV 25 Henry VIH 33, 48 Henry, dean of Canterbury, and abbot of Battle 8, 103 of Essex 50 the Lion, duke of Saxony 50 earl of Warwick Nos. 4 f., 26 Herbert, monk of Bee 31 the chamberlain Nos. 18, 27 Herbert, bishop of Lisieux 3, 93 Losiuga, bp of Norwich 34, 07 abbot of Westminster 31, 34, 37 n., 43 f., 40, 158, 101, 103-5, Nos. 19, 31, 43 monk of Westminster 31, 38 the steward (dispen.tator) of the abbot of Westminster 30, No. 37 Mr .T. C. 55 n. Hereward 14 n., 40 n. Herlewyn, frater Grunzouis 38 Herluin, abbot of Bee 1-0, 8, 11, 14 f. ; devotug 20 ; Gilbert Crispin's Life of 58- 00, 87-110; altera vita 60 Hernostus, bp of Rochester 103 Hertfordshire 39, 49 Hildendone 17 n. Hinan-croft 168 f. Holauessffil, Hugo de No. 27 Holboru 170 ' hops ' de brasio 41, 43 Hubert de Rye (Ria) 165, No. 9 monk of Westminster No. 4 Hugh, abbot of St Augustine's, Canter- bury 23 earl of Chester 29, No. 30 de Coleham, dapifer of Westminster 30, No. 27 (de Orivalle), bp of London Nos. 2, 30 monk of Westminster 31, 33 f. precentor of York 19 n., 21 Huntingdonshire Nos. 19, 38 Hurley Priory 32-4, Nos. 6 f., 35 f. Hyde Park 33 Ilteney (Elteneya) 41, 49 intirmarer of Westminster 46 Ingulfus 49 n. Innocent I, pope 70 n., 114 II, pope 41, 43 investitures, question of 21, 67 Iveney (Gyveneya) No. 12 Ivo Taillebois 29 n., Nos. 4, 9, 27 James, Dr M. R. 5.J n., 57 Jerusalem 17 Jews in London 60 ; the Jew of Mainz 81-2 ; converted Jews 32, 00, 82 Jocelin of Brakelond 29 John, bp of Bath 20 u.. No. 28 of Bayeux 104, lOOn. of I'ecamp 1 176 Index John of Salisbury 51 Jordanus 37 Jumi^ges 1, 35 f., 60 : see Geoffrey, Eobert, William Kelington (Kelintuna) 47 u. Kensington No. 39 Kent 47, No. 16 Kilburn Priory 34 Kingsbury No. 4 kitchener of Westminster 46 Knightsbridge 40, 41 knight service 37-41 Lakingheth, John, monk of Westminster 45, 49 Lambeth 23, 26 n. Landricus de Clifford 34 n. Lanfraue If., at Bee 4, 95-9 ; abbot of Caen of., 99 ; abp of Canterbury 7- 10, 20, 99, 102, 105-7 ; sa'plens 26 ; his statutes 6, 7 u., 28; letters 8f., 77-8; o^era (ed. D'Achery) 13, 16 n., 18 n., 28 n., 58; vita Lanfranci 18, 58 f. Laufranc the younger 9, 77, 80 Laon, Anselm and Kalph of 51 Laurence, abbot of Westminster 23, No. 43 Lecelina (Letselina), second wife of Geoffrey de Mandeville Nos. 6, 15 Lechamstede 46 n. Leicester, Kobert, earl of No. 4 Leland 56 Leo I, pope 114 Leofric, count 31 Leosne (Lesnes) No. 42 Leureth 16 n. Leuricus Cnivet No. 15 Lewes Priory 17 n., 38 Liber Niger Quaternus 45 Limberga 33 n. Limerick, Gilbert, bp of 26 n., 57 Lincoln 21 n., Nos. 25 f. ; bps of, see Alexander, Robert Bloet, Robert de Chesney Lisieux 14 ; bp of, see Herbert Litlyugton, abbot of Westminster, 163 London : via Lunduniae 17 ; life in Lon- don 74; sheriff, etc., of 32, 159, Nos. 4 f. , 10 f., 29, 38 f . ; rents and property in 41 f., 45, 47, 158, Nos. 2, 4, 29, 38 f. ; apud Lund' Nos. 16, 23 f. ; Tur- rim Litndon' Nos. 34-6 : see Ailnod, Aluuard, Jews London, council of 21 n. bps of : exemption from 36 : see Gilbert, Hugh, Maurice, Richard, Robert Holy Trinity Priory No. 29; churches in : St James siq^er ripam, St Laurence, St Magnus Martyr, St Margaret Eastcheap No. 30, St Andrew Holborn 170 ; see Newchurch (St Mary) Leureth in Liindonia 16 n. ; Wood Street (Wodestrata) 16 n. ; London fen 170 ; see Alderman's Boundary, Hinan- croft, the old gallows Lotherslege 40 Mabillon 68 Mainz 81, No. 36 Malet, William 14 Mallet, Mr C. E. 14 n. Mallinges 47 n. Malmesbury, see William Malvern Priory 31, 33 f. Mandeville, Geoffrey de, 32, 39, 41, 49 n., Nos. 1-7, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 35, 36 Geoffrey de, the younger, earl of Essex 32 n.. No. 6 Richard de 33, Nos. 6, 37 William de 33, Nos. 6, 15, 20 Mapleford 46 Maria, sister of Queen Maud No. 26 Mardley (Merdeleya) 41, 49 Marlborough No. 33 Martuna 34 n. Mascherell, Hugh Nos. 6, 15 Hugh, junior No. 6 Roger Nos. 6, 15 Walter No. 6 Matilda, wife of William I 106 (Queen Maud), wife of Henry I 26 f., 126, 161, Nos. 20, 22-4, 30, 35 f., 38 f. the empress Nos. 24, 36 dau. of Henry H 50 wife of Milo Crispin 17 n.. No. 1 Maundy, the 41, 44, 50 Maurice, bishop of London 19 n., 21, 39, Nos. 5, 10, 18, 30, 39 monk of Canterbury 8 monk of Westminster 27, 31 Maurilius, abp of Rouen 7 Merfleet 170 Meulan (Mellent), see Robert Index 177 Middlesex 32, 39, 49, Nos. 12, Ki, 20 Midletou, Hugo de No. 37 Milo, see Crispin Miraciiliim quo, etc. 13 f., 17, 19 Monte, Gilbert de No. 32 Hugo Nos. 32, 37 Richard No. 32 Montfort I'Amaury 15 Simon de, earl of Leicester 15 Mordon No. 3 Mortain, Robert, count of No. 2 Mosa (villa) Nos. 6, 36 Mnndona, Ranulf de 161 Myra 31 Neaufles 14 Newcliurch, St Mary (de Westchepinge) 158-166, Nos. 5, 10 f. Nicholas, monk of Westminster 31, 38 chapel of St 31 Nigel de Oleic Nos. 1, 21 Northamptonshire 48, 49 n., No. 32 Norwich 34 ; bishop of, see Herbert Lo- singa Notes and Queries 35 n. Ockendon (Okkenduna, Wokynton) 41, 45, 49, No. 22 de Observantia Episcoporum 68-70 ; see Ambrose Odo, bp of Bayeux 47, Nos. 2, 56 Offa, king 27 Oini No. 37 Oleic, Nigel de Nos. 1, 21 Robert de 17, Nos. 1, 4 f. Robert de, the younger No. 1 Orderic Vitalis 59, Nos. 22, 27 Ordgar titz Deorman No. 29 Osbernus clericus No. 11 n., 14 Osbert of Clare, prior of Westminster 23-5, 27, 32 Osmund, bp of Salisbury 32, No. 6 Osuluestane hundred 39 Otbert de Surrey No. 27 Otto aurifex No. 27 Otwel fitz Count Nos. 34-7, 40 Oxfordshire 17, No. 32 Paddington 40, Nos. 23 f. Paglesham (Pakelesam) 41, 49 Palgrave, English Commonicealth 16 n. Parham (Perham) 41, 45 f. Parker, abp 59 Paschal II, bull of 36 Passwllamblart, see Ranulf Flambard Perche, Geoffrey, count of 50 Pershore No. 27 Peter de Valognes 39, 50 n, Nos. 9, 17, 27 Pfiuck-Hartung 68 Picheseye 161 Picotus No. 37 Pierpoint, Mr Robert 35 n. Pierre de Conde 14 Pipard, Gilbert, Robert and Walter No. 13 Piriford 29 n.. No. 19 pitanciae et caritatis 41, 43 Pits 57 Plantagenet, Geoffrey 17 Pollene-stock 170 Pontoise, Gautier le vieux, count of 14 Poree, Gilbert de la, bp of Poitiers 51 f., 57 Por6e, M. le Chanoine 52 n., 14 u., 16 n., 17, 18 n., 26 n., 31 n., 59 Pr^aux 160, No. 9 Radulphus diabolus No. 37 Raimbercurt (Renbodcurt), Guy de 49 n., No. 37 Ralph, abp of Canterbury 26, 34, 164 abbot of Westminster 46 Rami Cur', Richard de No. 37 Ramsey, abbey of 42 n.. No. 4 ; see Aldwin Ranulf Flambard, bp of Durham 19 n., 44, 164, Nos. 14, 20 the Chancellor 34 n., 164, Nos. 29, 34-6, 39 sheriff of Surrey 29 n.. No. 2 Rayleigh 50 refectory at Westminster 65 Remenhara No. 6 Rheims, Council of (.\.d. 1148) 51 Richard I 166 Ill 35 son of Henry I 164 duke of Normandy 14, 87 de Belmeis, bp of London 34 n., 164 f., Nos. 30 f., 38 Anselm's servant 11, 81 Richerius (miles), Nos. 6, 15, 27 Richmond, count Alan of Nos. 11, 12 Riculfus, monk of Westminster 27 Robert, prior of Westminster and abbot of Bury 17, 23, 29, 31, .38, No. 13 178 Index Robert, son of Hugh, earl of Chester 29 Dispensator Nos. 9, 27 f. Bloat, bp of Lincoln 26 n., 164, Nos. 25 f., 28, 37-9, 42 de Chesney, bp of Lincoln 47 f. of Jumi^ges, bp of London 35 f. de Belle Monte, count of Mellent 16, 30 n., Nos. 4f., 21 count of Mortain No. 2 duke of Normandy 16, 87, No. 9 a converted Jew 66 Eochester, 8, 25, 59, No. 26 ; bps of, see Gundulf, Hernostus Eodulphus. monk of Bee 16 Roger, Blundus No. 6 abbot (of Lessay) 109 abbot of St Evroul 29 bp of Salisbury 23, 26 n., 34 n., 164, Nos. 20, 32, 36, 39 abp of York 51 Eohaise, wife of Pain Beauchamp No. 9 wife of Richard Fitz Gilbert Nos. 2, 9 wife of Eudo dapifer No. 2 Rouen 66, 160, 163 f., 166; abps of, see Geoffrey, Maurilius, William Round, Dr J. H. 32 n., 37, 38 n., 41 n., 46 n., 49 n., 50 n., 125, 159-61, 165, Nos. 3, 4, 9, 11 n., 13, 27, 29, 32, 37, 39 Rye (Ria), Hubert de Nos. 9, 11, 14 Sable, Robert de 17 Sagrinus No. 37 St Albans, the Jinna at 42 St Botolph, Ely 44 St Davids, bp of, see Bernard St Evroul 59, see Roger St Paul's, London, archdeacon and chap- ter of No. 30 Salisbury 20, 38 ; bps of, see Osmund, Roger Sampson, abbot of Bury 29 sanctuary, rights of 37 Savigny, see Vitalis Sawbridgeworth Nos. 40 f. Septuagesima, meaning of 75-6 Sippenham, see Cippenham Skeat, Prof. W. W. 168 ff. (e)stalli No. 43 staller 32, 50 Stanes No. 12 Stebenhith 45 Stephen, king 159, 162, 166 steward of Westminster .30 Stratford, mill at 39, 41, 45, No. 2 Suain (Sueyn) of Essex 32, 45, 49, 50, Nos. If., 8, 17 Sudbury, St Bartholomew's priory 34 Suger, abbot of St Denys 51 Sulby (Sulebi) 41, 45, 48 f. Surrey 29 n., Nos. 2 f., 16, 19, 21 Sussex 47 n. Swyncombe 17 Swyneshed, see Gilbert Taillebois, see Ivo Tancardivilla, W. 164 Taneyo, see Asciulus Tatewelle 40 f. Tecewrde No. 37 Tenchebrai, battle of 16 Teolwold, bp of Worcester 42 n. Thames 170 Theobald, abp of Canterbury 2, 47 f., 51 Thomas Becket, abp of Canterbury 25, 51 n, abp of York 19 n. Tilbury (Tillabyri) 32, No. 1 Timbres 14 Titebirst 41, 49 Toledo, 11th Council of 116 Tooting (Totiuges) Nos. 2, 21 Torigny, Robert of 53, 59 Totenhala 38, 40 f., 168 Tothill 41 Tottenham 40 Tout, Prof. No. 16 Tovius Ganet No. 37 treasurer of Westminster 45 f. Tunbridge No. 26 Tunge No. 37 Turaldus, No. 8 ; William nepos Turaldi No. 15 Turkill, monk of Westminster 27 Turner, Sir Gregory Page 35 u. Turoldus dapifer (de Wochendona) Nos. 6, 36, Radulpbus filius eius No. 6 Turroc, see Godwin Turstin, abp of York 164 monk of Westminster 27 Tyburn (Teoburnan) 168 ff. Urban, bp of Glamorgan 26 n. Urse, see Abetdt Valognes, Peter de 39, 50 n., Nos. 9, 17, 27 Index 179 Valor Ecclesiasticus 48 de Ver, Aubrey Nos. 39, 43 Cieoffrey No. 39 Vexin, the 14 Vineyards 41, 44 Vitalis, abbot of Savigny 27 abbot of Westminster 1, 2()-8, 35, 39, 4Gf., Nos. 2-4, 17 Wace, Romau de lion 17 Waletona iuxta Mordou' No. 3 Walkelin, bp of Winchester Nos. 2 f., 5, 9, 16, 27 Wallef comes No. 2 Wallingford, Honor of 17 Walter the Deacon, children of No. 6 Waltliam (parva) Nos. 6 f., 36 Ware's Customary, abbot, see Customary Warenne, see William Warner, monk of Westminster 31, 33 Warwick, Henry, earl of Nos. 4 f., 26 Watecumba No. 6 Watling Street 168 f. Webb, Mr C. C. J. -51 n. Wenyngton (Winetona) 41, 49, No. 31 Wesmam No. 3 Westminster 1, 10-2, Nos. 4f., 18, 26, 38 f. ; councils at 21, 29, 67, No. 18 ; consecration of bps at 25-6, No. 37 ; in Domesday 39—40 ; the berewic of 38- 41, 167 ; King's street 35 Titttlus gancti Petri Westm' 27 ; cells of 32-4 ; exemption and sanctuary 36-7 ; exteiita conventus Westiu, and jiniiae 41-4 ; properties of 44-50, 168 ; administration of the abbey, see almonry, bailiff, cel- larer, chamberlain, inlirmarer, kitchener, steward, treasurer ; the abbot's house- hold 30 building at 30, 35-6, No. 42 f. ; domun elemosinaria pp. 30, 38 ; cloister 35, refectory 65, St Nicholas' chapel 31, St Katharine's chapel 21, 25, No. 43 abbots of, see Edwin, Geoffrey, Gervase, Gilbert Crispin, Herbert, Lau- rence, lialph, Vitalis, William Postard, Wulnoth ; priors of, see Osbert, Kobert ; monks of 27, 31 f., 33-4, 38, 45, 49, 62, 68, No. 4, number of monks 30 the Westminster Domesday, see Domesday Wethered, Rev F. T. 33, No. 6 \Vhatley (Watoleya) 41. 49 f.. No. 8 Wich No. 27 Wileyc 161 Wilkins, Concilia 7n., 28 n. William I, the Conqueror 1 f., 5, 7 f., 14, 16 n., 17, 19 f., 22, 25, 2'.» n., 33, 37-9, 46, 97-9, 105, Nos. 1-6, 9-12, 18 f., 21, 35; first charter of pp. 46 n., 47, 49 n., 158, 165 ; Telligraphus No. 2, 4 II, Rufus 17, 20, 3n, 44, 48, 66 f., 158, 165, Nos. 4f., 9-1-', 11, 16-8, 20, 26 f. son of Henry I 126, 160, 164, No. 24 the chamberlain Nos. 4, 17, 20, 27, 39 of Champeaux 61 abbot of Cormeilles 15, 103 of Dijon 1 of St Carileph, bp of Durham 29 n., Nos. 4f., 9, 10 Warelwast, bp of Exeter 23, No. 26 59 of Jumi^ges, Historia Normannorum of Malmesbury 66 abp of Rouen 15 comes de Warenna 164 Postard, abbot of Westminster 46 monk of Westminster 31, 38 Giffard, bp of Winchester 23, 26 n., 164, Nos. 9, 18, 20 f. clericus No. 27 the abbot's chamberlain 30, No. 37 the abbot's chaplain 30, No. 37 Gerrainus No. 37 frater Turoldi No. 8 Wilson, Canon J. M. 43 Wimund de Blangeo No. 6 Winchester 20, Nos. 5, 10, 18, 21 f. ; Domesday book at No. 35 ; bps of, see Walkelin, William Giffard Windsor (Windlesores) 29 u., 49 n., 159, 164, Nos. 12, 17, 19, 28 Withburga, St 31 Wix priory No. 6 Wochendou Nos. 6, 36 Geoffrey of No. 6 Wokeudune 49 n. Woodstock 46 (Odestocam), No. 42 Worcester, priory of 42 n., 43; bp of 34, see Teolwold, Wulstan Worcestershire 39, 43, 49, No. 28 180 Wrdesfelde 33 n. Wulfric, the king's moneyer 34 Bordewayte 38 Wulfwold, abbot of Chertsey No. 3 Wulnoth, abbot of Westminster 36 Index Wulstau, bp of Worcester 27, 31 York 38; abps of, see Gerard, Eoger, Thomas II, Turstin; precentor of, see Hugh Cambridge: printed by john clay, bi.a. at the university press 7 DAY USE "ROWED HOME USE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT MAIN LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below. 1-month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405. 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk. 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