MINOR. TACTICS OF THE CHALK STREAM G-E-M-SKUES IFRKELEY GE;vERAL LILHARY UKIVfRSITY OP CALIFORNIA MINOR TACTICS OF THE CHALK STREAM AGENTS AUERIOA AUBTRALASIA CANADA OTOIA THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 64 & 66 FIFTH Avenue, NEW YORK OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ao5 FLINDERS Lane, MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD 27 Richmond Street west, TORONTO MACMILLAN & COMPANY, LTD. MACMILLAN BUILDING, BOMBAY 309 Bow Bazaar Street, CALCUTTA ±^^ — cHr — y Rough Spring No. I. Oi LIVE. Iron Bli No. UE Dun. 00. Greenwell's Gloky. No. 0. Greenwell's Glory. No. 00 Double. Watery Dun. No. 00 Double, Pale Summer Greenwell's Glory. No. 1. Pale Summer Greenwell's Glory. No. 00 Double. Black Gnat. No. 00. Tup's Indispensable. Wet. No. o. Tup's Indispensable. Wet. No. oo Double. Olive Nymph No. 0. Dotterel Hackle Tied Stewartwise No. 00. Tup's Indispensable. Floater. No. 0. MINOR TACTICS OF THE CHALK STREAM AND KINDRED STUDIES BY G. E. M. SKUES {SEAFORTH AND SO FORTH) ^ LONDON ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK 1910 2)et)icate& TO MY FRIEND THE DRY- FLY PURIST, AND TO MY ENEMIES, IF I HAVE ANY -«.—" Practice is blended with theory, fact with fiction, or at any rate with anecdote, in a way at once charming and conclusive as to his literary skill." Morning Post. — " Mr. Earl Hodgson gives us a worthy complement to the book which he wrote about the Trout, and that is high praise. His style is crisp, incisive, and epigrammatic. . . . No praise bestowed upon the facsimile reproductions of the most killing lures could be extravagant." Globe. — " No angling writer has a happier art in relation, and none more ability in the discussion of sporting technique. Mr. Hodgson puts 'a world of meaning ' into a few fortunate lines, and never commits the sin of verbosity." HOW TO FISH. Containing eight full-page Illustrations, and eighteen smaller Engravings in the text. Large crown 8vo., cloth. Price 3/6 net ; post free 3/10. Scotsman. — '"How to Fish' will instruct the novice and interest the veteran fisherman, who will find in it no mere dry as-dust discussion of elementary principles of the art, but an entertaining treatise upon many points which have been dealt with rather perfunctorily by other writers." Standard. — " You feel sure that his last book has touched the limit of his ability to fascinate and interest even the most amateur of anglers, and then, lo ! there comes another book which caps the lot.' This volume on ' How to Fish ' is splendid." Manchester Courier. — " There is no possible point of information desired by the aspiring amateur that he will not find enlarged in this book. . . . The work of an expert, a scholarly writer, and a natural historian." Sportsman. — "a charming and scholarly treatise, delightfully as well as usefully illustrated." AN ANGLER'S SEASON. Containing twelve pages of Illustrations from Photographs. Large crown 8vo., cloth. Price 3/6 net ', post free 3/10. Evening Standard. — " The magic of Mr. Hodgson's writing lies in two things : in the first place, he knows how to write, he is man of letters as well as angler, he can make words serve his ends in such manner as to carry across the printed page the scent of heather, the sound of water, the spirit of great open .spaces, and the vivid pleasures which the fisherman knows and remembers so well ; and, in the second place, he most obviously obeys the impul.se of a tremendous enthusiasm which makes angling with him a determining passion." IVcstminster Gazette.—" Mr. Earl Hodgson is one of the most attractive and informing of our present-day writers on angling. His latest book ' An Angler's Season," is his fourth or fifth on the subject, but it is as fresh and suggestive as anything which has come from his pen." PUBLISHED BY A. S( C. BLACK . SOHO SQUARE . LONDON, W. BOOKS FOR ANGLERS— continued. TROUT WATERS. Management and Angling. By Wilson H. Armistead. Large crown 8vo., cloth. Price 3/6 net ; post free 3/10. Globe. — "The book is everywhere marked by sound sense and keen interest in a valuable branch of Nature-study." ^C(7/'jwa».—" Among practical works on the subject of trout culture this volume should take a foremost place. Its interest is not alone for the riparian proprietor ; the angler, if he is worthy of the name, shoulci be ready to learn all he can regarding the life history of his quarry." FISHERMEN'S WEATHER. By Upwards of One Hundred Living Anglers. Edited by F. G. Aflalo, F.R.G.S., F.Z.S, With eight full-page Illustrations in Colour by Charles Whymper, F.Z.S. Large crown 8vo., cloth, gilt top. Price 7/6 net ; post free 7/10. Worlds Work. — " Mr. F. G. Aflalo has had a striking inspiration in gathering from distin- guished anglers in these islands their opinions of the effect of the weather upon various fish. Even the merest beginner of a fisherman learns that his game is peculiarly susceptible to changes of the weather, yet Mr. Aflalo's book is probably the first attempt which has been made to provide a compendium of authorities on the subject." Scotsman.— ''Vxo\i?\Ay the most useful book that has recently been added to the angler's ever-growing library." Daily Telegraph.—'' Should be in the library of every fisherman." ' THE PRACTICAL ANGLER ; or. The Art of Trout Fishing more particularly applied to Clear Water. By W. C. Stewart. New Edition, containing an Introduction by William Earl Hodgson, and including coloured facsimiles of the flies used by Mr. Stewart. Large crown 8vo., cloth. Price 3/6 net ; post free 3/10. standard. — " Every page is filled with valuable information, and one old angler to whom we read selections stated it to be the best advice he had ever heard." LIFE HISTORY AND HABITS OF THE SALMON, SEA-TROUT, TROUT, AND OTHER FRESH-WATER FISH. By P. D. Malloch. Crown 4to., containing 239 Illustrations from photographs. Price 10/6 net ; post free 11/-. The author has made this branch of Natural History a life study. Having- been brouqht up on the banks of the Tay and holding the position of Managing- Director of the Tay Salmon Fisheries Co., Ltd., he has had a unique opportunity of thoroughly mastering the subject. Mr. Malloch has been able to clear up many points that have remained a mystery until now. The marking of smolts and their recapture as grilse and salmon in all their stages would alone have justified the publication of this work. The study of scales, of which there are about sixty illustrations in the volume, has also engaged his attention, and he clearly shows how one can tell the age, weight, and habits of the salmon, sea-trout, and brown-trout at any period of their lives. The book will prove interesting to angler and general reader alike. PUBLISHED BY A. Q C. BLACK . SOHO SQUARE . 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