ititi:'iiltiy '^(Xfis ti/v; 3 ^m^ Aposiolicae ^ l^ ■> 5 H§ J\rr(jiepiscoj3U'3 Ni^u-dhoractnU' SOLIO PONTIFiCIO ASSISTENS. Wiih the Compliments of the most%ev, m, cA, CORRIGAN. D.D, cArchbishop of 3(f'^o York, I896. HIS GRACE THE MOST REV. M. A. CORRIGAN, D.D. ARCHBISHOP OF NEW YORK. THE H ISTORY ST. lOSEPH^S SEMINARY M H W YORK NEW YORK THE CATHEDRAL LIHKARV ASSOCIAIION I 8 q 6 . LT) • " Neade, Thomas, a '■ " " 1873. '• Brennan, Michael, Dec. 2 1, T867. '• Daly, Patrick, <( " " " 1877. " Dougherty, James, '■ u '• " Earley, Terence, (, '• t. '' Quinn, John, " li a 1876. " Murphy, George, Jim. 6, 1868. 1882. " Galligan James, " " " Keenan, James, " " a " ..S74. " Loughran, Patrick, u a a " 1S76. ' Had entered as deacon Oct. 1864. sou 1 7t.\7K. . 33 Rev. McCi)url, Peter, Jun. 6, 1S6.S. Died 1S77 " O'Farrell, Michael, " " '■ Ducey, Thomas, Dec. 19. 1S6S. Dunphy, Edward, " 1885. Cialligan, Bartholoni. Dec. 19, 1868. " 1883. .Martin, Francis, i* .. a '> 1874. Brophy. Martin, May. 22, 1869. " 1890. Baxter, Henry, Callaghan, Michael, "■ Henry, John, " McClancy, John, McNaniee, John, •' Welsh, Thomas, ■' 1871. " Brady, William, Nov. 16, '• Mullen, James, " Canary, Andrew, Jun. 11, 1870. '■ Hayne, Joseph, '■ Healy, Patrick, " " " " 1889. Mee, James, " '" " '' Meister, Isidor, '' '' '" " O'Flaherty, Martin, •' 18S1. I'helan, Michael, '' " " '' Kean, John, '' 3, 1871. " Clancy, James, '• 1S72. '' Corley, Charles, *' Goodwin, Bernard, • " " '' Mooney, Joseph. " '' " " O'Neil, William. Very Rev. Penny, William. •• '• " 34 . SOUVENIR. ev. Rigney, Patrick, Jun. 3, 187I. Died 1885 Lynch, Thomas, July. (( Byron, Joseph, Dec. 23, 187I. Hughes, Nicholas, (i «. u " Brophy, Patrick, May 25, 1872. " 1874 " Flood, James, " " " " Keogan, John, " " " " Lynch, John, u <( u " McQuirk, John, il u " " Malone, Patrick, " u a " 1886 " O'Kelly, William, (1 " '■ " Gordon, Henry, " " " " Campbell, Joseph. Dec. 21, " " Corkery, Daniel, a (.1 " " i8yi " Donovan, Cornelius, " " (.1. " 1887. " Molloy, Anthony, " (1 >i " Power, James, " " " '■'■ Westerman, James, " " " McGinley. Edward, June 7, 1^73- Newman, Michael. " u " " 1887 ' O'Gorman, Edward, " " Salter, John, " - " Smyth, Eugene. a '• Colton, John, Dec. -O. '• " 1878 Foy, William, '' McGivney. Jolin, " " 1881 '• Riordan, John, Mar. 19, 1874. '• 1887 " Corr, John. May 30 " '• 1S75 " Cronin, Daniel. " " " SOrVENIR. 35 Lev. Farrell, Peier, May, 30, 1874 " Fitzharris, John, •• " " " Morris, John. Di ed 1886. " Ward, William " Hogan, William, Dec. '9' *' Doyle, John, May 2 2 >875- •• 1878. " Egan, Joseph " " *• Hayes, James, " " Hurley, John, " " •' 1891. " Kiely, James, " " '• " McC'abe, Hugh, •' " Martin, Patrick. " '* Farrell, William. Dec iN. " " McSwiggan, Michael, " " '■ • ' 1 890. " Montgomery, Michael '• •' " " Colton, Charles, Jun. 10, 1876. •' Nagle. Stephen, " •> •' 1881. Dougherty, Maurice, " ' 1890. Crosby, James, '■ '• O'Hanlon, 'I'homas, " • • ( • 1883.1 '' McCloskey, Patrick. '• •' " " 1877. " Grady, John, «' 1888. ' • Meister, Filibert, " " (< " Lane, Michael, 1 )ec. 2.^. " " 1888. " Slattery, Edward, " '• Ahern, Philip, May. 26, 1877. " Fitzpatrick. Tobias, •' " 1880. " Mayer, John, i< 4 ( '• O'Hare, John, " - 36 SOUVENIR. Rev. Quinn, Michael, May 26, 1876. Die 1 1882. " Boddy, William, Dec. 22, " " 1890. '• Byrnes, Edward, " " '' " Connick, Patrick. Dec. 22, 1877 '• Hoey, Joseph, " '" " '• Kuhnen, Matthew, " " " " McCormick, Daniel, " " " McGare, Thomas, " " " " Ward, Daniel, '" " " Bigley, Joseph, •' 21, 1878. " Byrnes, James P. ^^ <. .. " Dunphy, Thomas, " " " Dunphy, William, " " " " 1891 " Henry, Michael, '• " McCorry, Patrick, " '' Dixon, Felix, " " " " 1883. ••' Cunnion, Malachy, Jan. 26. 1S79. " Kelly, Hugh, ■' Donlin, George, Mar. 29. " '• Parks, Charles, " Sweeney, Edwin, " Duffy, Bernard. Jun. 7, " ' McNamee, Peter. *• Smyth, Thomas, •' Antoni, Charles, Dec, 20. " " Brennan, Joseph, " Brophy, John, " " '■ 1891. " Byrnes, James M. << .1 <. '■ Costello, Luke, ' " • " 1S83. SOUVENIR. ^:>7 Rev. McCabe, Patrick, Dec. 20, 1879. Died iSyo. Haran, Michael, •' Kellner, John, Uev. Wolff, John, Dec. 20, 1879. " 1887. " Leahy, David, May 22, 1880. " McCarthy, James, " " " Creeden, John, Dec. 18, " McLaughlin, James, " " '' " McCluskey, Thomas, " Cummiskey, James, " " " " 1885. " Meredith, Charles, June 11, 1881. " O'Callaghan, George, " Magann, Peter, ' '' 1888. " Quinn, Thomas, " " " Rigney, James, ' " Clancy, Andrew, Dec. 17, " " Donahue, James, " Kelly, James. " " " " Flannelly, Joseph, " " " •■ McEvoy, Michael, '• (iallagher, John, " '' " •■ Waters, Arthur, Kenny Michael, " " " " O'Meara, Patrick, " Considine, Michael, June 3, 1882. " Feely, Josejih, " Carr, John, Dec. 25, " Murphy, William, ' " Xavier. Henrv. • " " 2,'J2(J40 3B SOUVENIR. Rev. Burns, Richard, May 19, 1883. " McGill, William, '' Evers, Luke, '■ •• '• " Boyle, John, Dec. 22, '■ '• Parker, Moses, ' " Weir, John, ' " McKenna, John, June 7, 1884. " Owens, John, " Mulhern, Michael, " " '' " Shine, Eugene, " " " " Aylward, Michael, Dec. 20. " Clancy, Patrick, " Fitzsimons, Patrick, '* " '• " Kelly Francis, '' " Lonargan, John, " " Moore, Francis, " Power, John, " " ■• Wallace, Thomas. " " " Welsh, Michael. " " '■ Cusack, Thomas, May, 30, 18S5. " Galligan, Thomas, '• O'Connell, Morgan, Coyle, Dennis, Dec. 19. Daly, William, '• Jones, Francis, " '• Lenes. Francis, Mechler, Joseph, '' Quinn, John, Irving, Thomas, June 19, 1886. Died 1887, Rev. McMalion, Joseph, " Murphy, Edward. " Jackson, William, Reinhart, Nicholas, lirady, l^ernard, " C'ullum, Hugh, " I,)onnelly, James, " Kinkead, Thomas, " Sheahan, Joseph, " Somers, Edward, Higgins, Edward, Schwinn, John, IJeaudet, Cyriacus, liriody, John, ("hidwick, John, '• Dougherty, William. Fagan, Francis. Fenton, James, I .ivingston, A\'illiain, Morris, John, Murray, Lawrence, '• O'Keefe, Thomas. Hulse, Francis, Pellicux, Augustine, *• O'Shaughnessy, John liraun, John, •• lUitler. William, i'reniel. Francis. '• (iuinevan, Peter. S0[/r/iA7K. JUIK- 19, 39 Dec. 1886. June 4, 1887. Dec June 24, 1888. Dec. Died 1890 1890. 40 SOUVENIR. Rev.-McCue, Edward, Dec. 22, 1888. ■' Myhan, Thomas, " " " ■' O'Dwyer, Daniel, " " " " Roach, John, " " Feehan Daniel, June 24, 1889 " Reilly, Bernard, " " Fitzsimmons, James, Oct. 28, " " Kelly, William. " Dooley. James Dec. 21, " ■' Duffy, Michael, " " '' " Holden, Edward, '• " " " McCabe, James, " •■ " " Meade, John, ■' Murphy, Thomas, " •• u " Ronayne, Patrick. '• " " " Minogue, Patrick, ■' Brady, Bernard, Dec. 20, 1S90. " Spellman, Peter, '■ " Conway, John, May 23, i89i„ " Cunniff, Michael, •' Donlin, Thomas, " Goggin, James, " - .. " Hayes, William, '■ •' " Heafy, Thomas. " Keenan, Thomas, " Lennon, John, " '• ■' " Mangan, James. " " O'C'onnor, 'i'homas, " " Ryan, John, '• " " " Shine, Michael S0CT/:2V/K. 41 ev. Mallon, John J., Dec. 19, 1891. Strezelecki, John H., >• '' .'( Drain, Patrick H., Jan. ^4. .892. Breslin, Patrick A., June 15. Dooley, John A., •• (ralligan, Bartholomew F., * Keliher, Michael F.. Keiahan, John F., •• McDonald, Joseph V., a i. •• ' McKenna, Charles B.,* •'• -' ' Murphy, Charles T., •• Quinn, William, ' Thornton, Thomas A., '• Hayes, Patrick J., Sept. s, Smith, Joseph F., .'< a Fitzpatrick, Malick J., Dec. 17. •• ' Flood, Thomas F., ' Horan, Michael F., (C '■' * Kenny, Arthur J., ^ Pi < en Pi Pi < a o H SOUVENIR. 65 Bishop Keane, Rector of the Catholic University at Washington, the Right Reverend Monsignor Preston, V. G., the Very Reverend Monsignors Farlev and McDonnell, the \'erv Rev. Dr. Gab- riels, President of St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, the Ver)' Rev. Dr. Hogan of the Catholic Uni- versity, the V^ery Rev. Dr. Rex, President of St. John's Seminary, Brighton, the \"ery Rev. Dr. Magnien, President of St. Marv's vSeminary, Baltimore, the Very Rev. Edward Allen, Presi- dent of Mt. St. Marv's, Emmittsburg, the Very Rev. Fr. Campbell, S. J., l^rovincial of the Jesuits, the Very Rev. Fr. Wayrich, C.SS.R., the Very Rev. Fr. Spencer. O. P., the Very Rev. Rural Deans, McKenna of Westchester, O'Flynn of Saugerties, and Pennv of Newburgh, and most of the clergy of the diocese. Among the societies that took prominent part in the celebration were, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, the Holy Name Societies, the Passion Sodality, the Bona Mors Confraternity, The Con- fraternity of the Holy Familv, the Temperance Societies, the League of the vSacred Heart, the 66 SOUVENIR. Catholic Club, the Catholic Benevolent Legion, the Cadet Corps of St. John's College, Fordham, the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, the Catholic Knights of America. 11. Tbe 0peninq of \\)e Kew ^emmary. The First Mass. On the morning of the i6th of July, 1896, the feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel, the first religious exercises were held within the walls of the new Seminary. At six o'clock, His Grace, the Most Rev. Archbishop, blessed the Sisters' Chapel, attended by his Secretary, Rev. James N. Con- nolly; Rev. Edward R. Uyer, S. S., Rector; Rev. Richard K. Wakcham, S. S., Treasurer, and Rev. William Livingston. After the Chapel had been blessed, the Arch- bishop celebrated the first Mass in presence of those already named, and the following Sisters of Charity from Mount St. Vincent: Sister Marie Therese, Sister Marcella, Sister Jane de Chantal. Sister Maria .Ambrose, Sister Mar}' Angelus, Sis- ter Theresa Arthur, Sister Theresa Mary, Sister 0; 68 SOUVENIR. Mary Lucy, and Sister Maria Genevieve. Sister Mary Lucina and Sister Mary Loyola were pres- ent at the second Mass, which was celebrated by Father Connolly, and served, as was the first Mass, by Mr. McLaughlin. The third Mass was cele- brated by Father Livingston, the fourth by Father Dyer, and the fifth bv Father Wakeham. After breakfast a short recess was taken, and at 10:30 A. M. the Archbishop, attended as before, proceeded to bless the Sisters' House, the power- house, laundry, and bakery. There was no display on this occasion. Lovingly and reverently each room was sprinkled with holy-water, and the earnest pra3^er of the ritual repeated, invoking God's blessing upon every part of the house thus dedicated to a work so necessary and so holy. The Dedication Ceremonies. The vigil for the veneration of the Sacred Relics to be deposited in the altars was begun Sunday evening. August 9th, in the Sisters' Chapel, and was observed during the whole night. On the morning of the loth, at six o'clock, the Archbishop consecrated the main altar under the SOUVENIR. 69 patronage oi St. Joseph, placing there the Relics of St. Honoratus, St. Agatha, St. James the Great- er and St. N^incent de Paul. The Altar of the Sacred Heart was then con- secrated, and the Relicsof St. Sevei"inus, St. Jidia, St. Ambrose, and St. Alphonsiis Liguori were placed therein. The consecration of the Altar of the Assump- tion was reserved for the consecration of the Chapel proper, which will take place in 1898. Iminediately after the ceremonies, the Most Rev. Archbishop celebrated the first Mass on the high altar of the Chapel, and the Mass of Thanks- giving was celebrated on the same altar bv the Archbishop's Secretary, Father ConnoUv. The first Mass celebrated at the Altar of the Sacred Heart was said bv Rev. M. J. Lavelle, Rector of the Cathedral. The eve of the dedication was deemed an oj»- portune time for the blessing of the Seminary proper. Bishop McOuaid of Rochester, at the request of .Archbishop Corrigan. performed this work as a labor of love. He blessed the main 70 SOUVENIR. building, which is to be used by the Professors and students, leaving the Chapel to be solemnly blessed next morning by the Archbishop. At six o'clock on the morning of the twelfth, the day was begun by a proper and patriotic cele- bration on the lawn in front of the Seminar}'. A magnificent American flag, twenty by thirty feet in size, and having the complete number of stars, was blessed by the Rev. James N. Connolly, as- sisted- by Father Driscoll and Mr. McLaughlin. The three then raised the banner of liberty to the top of a large white pole, which stands near the southeastern wing of the building. Thus, under the protection of the great ensign, stands St. Joseph's Seminary, not needing any other name. There are no signs or tokens of TDyalty about the place, but there are, and there will con- tinue to be, every sign and token of loyalty to the American flag and the American Constitution. Promptly at ten o'clock the Archbishop, attend- ed bv Dean Lings of Yonkers and Dean Sweeney of Kingston, began the ceremony of blessing of the new house of the Lord, and as the priests SOi'l'ENIR. 71 inarched around in procession robed in cassock and surplice, they found the Chapel a lair and gladdening- sight. The paintings behind the high altar were illumined by electric lights con- cealed behind the pillars and arch of the apse. The sanctuary was a dream of golden glory, while the simple, chaste beauty of the mosaic floor, the richness of the oaken stalls, the splendor of the marbled columns, and the wondrous color har- monies of the stained glass windows, sent a thrill of exultation through the souls of those who love and appreciate the glory of the house of God. When the ceremony of the blessing was finished, the procession for the Solemn Pontifical Mass entered the Chapel. His Eminence, Cardinal Satolli, was the celebrant, attended by Very Rev. Monsignor Joseph F. Moonev, V. G., as Assistant Priest, Rev. John Edwards and Rev. Charles \\. Colton as Deacons of Honor, Rev. John J. Kean, Deacon, and Rev. Matthew A. Taylor, Subdea- con of the Mass. The Masters of Ceremonies were Rev. James N. Connolly, Rev. Wm. J. Guinon, D.D., and Mr. Wm. S. McLaughlin. ;2 SOUrENIR. The Subdeacon of the Cross was Rev. Thomas M. O'Keefe. Rev. John J, McCabe was Censer Bearer ; Rev. Henry O'Carroll, Incense Bearer ; Rev. Luke J. Evers and Rev. Michael Walsh, Acolytes ; Rev. James D. Lennon, Mitre Bearer ; Rev. James P. O'Brien, Crozier Bearer; Rev. Arthur J. Kenny, Jr., Candle Bearer; Rev. P.J. Mahoney, D.D., Book Bearer, and Rev. Thos. F. Myhan, Master of Choir. Seated in the Sanctuary were Bishop McQuaid of Rochester, Bishop Wigger of Newark, Bishop Ludden of Syracuse, Bishop Gabriels of Ogdens- burg, Bishop McDonnell of Brooklyn, Bishop Burke of Albany, Bishop McFaul of Trenton, and the Archbishop, attended by Very Rev. Albert A. Lings, V. F., and Rev. Michael J. Lavelle. More than two hundred priests occupied the stalls, with a few laymen invited as special guests by reason of their great interest in the building of the Seminary. About twenty priests acted as a special choir, and sang the Gregorian Mass under the direction of Rev. Anthony Lammel, whose ability as a musician has long been known and appreciated. SOUVENIR. -J I When the solemn services were finished, the Rt. Rev. John M. Farley, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of New York, ascended the altar, and read the following cablegrams of blessing and congratu- lation. The first was a blessing from the Pope, and was addressed to His Eminence, Cardinal Satolli : " The Holy Father, on the occasion of the blessing of the new Seminary of New York, congratulates the Most Rev. Archbishop, and from the fulness of his heart imparts to His Grace, to the students of the Seminary, and to all the clergy of the dio- cese, his apostolic benediction. " M. Cardinal Rampolla." Cardmal Ledochowski's c. DIMANCHK 17 MAI A 3 HKURES DK I.'aI'RES MIDI. ARCHKVECHH 452 MADISON AVENUE, NKU VOliK, '25 AVRIL. 1891. A/Lr L (Xtliflliqiics du Dioc'csc dc Neiv York : Sa grandeur Monseigneiir I'Aichcveque invite tous les catholiques cUi diocese a la j)()se et bene- diction de la j)reiniere pierrc dii noiiveau Senii- naire de St. Joseph, le Dinianche, 17 Mai, a trois heures de Tapres-midi a V'alentine Mill, pres la station de Dunwoodie, sur le chemin de fer de New York et du Nord. La solennite sera presidee par sa Grandeur, et Monseigncur Ryan I'eloquent et savant Arclieveque de Philadelphie delivrera I'adresse. 133 134 SOUVENIR. Toutes les Societes Catholiques du diocese ont ete officiellement invitees a prendre j)art a cette solennite. La fondation dun nouveau Seminaire Diocesan peut, a juste titre, etre regardee comme I'evene- ment le plus importante et le plus digne d'etre enregistre dans les annales religieuses de ce diocese depuis la pose de la premiere pierre de n6tre magnifique Cathedrale. Pendant plusieurs annees nos pretres ont ete instruits au Seminaire Provincial de Troy. Vu I'inconvenient de la localite pour les Eveques et les pretres il a ete reconnu opportun de repondre les suggestions et exhortations du Concile de Trente, et de batir dans les limites du diocese de New York un Seminaire qui sera sous I'immediate surveillance de I'Eveque et accessible au clerge. Un ravissant site a et6 assure a Valentine Hill dans la ville de Yonkers, situe a deux milles des li- mites Nord de la ville de New York oii Ton se propose d'eriger un batiment dont le prix sera d'un demi million de dollars. Les fideles comprennent limportance et la neces- SOUVENIR. 135 site d'un saint et savant clerge, le sacerdoce etant la source de leur vie spirituelle. Aussi les Cath- oliques a travers le monde aiment a voir les as- pirants au Sacre ministere bien diriges dans leur haute vocation, et pour cela ils se sont distingues de tout temps par leur generosite a fournir a leurs pretres la meilleure education et la nieilleure direction possible. Les laiques de ce diocese non't pas failli dans ce noble ministere. Nous faisons appcl a leur bienveillance afin qu'ils se joignent a leurs pretres pour rendre cette cele- bration digne d'euxmemes, digne de la grande institution qu'ils inaugurent et digne de notre devoue Pasteur en Chef, dont la plus haute gloire sera de laisser un Seminaire qui fournira a ce vaste diocese de savants et saints pretres pour remplacer ceux qui dans le cours des annees doivent inevitablement nous quitter. Par leur presence dans cette importante circons- tance les tideles donneront une preuve publique de leur interet dans ce travail qui touche de si pres a leur bien-etre spirituel. Avec I'approbation de sa Grandeur Monseigneur 136 SOUl'ENIR. I'Archeveque et le consentement des Reverends Cures des differentes paroisses cette circulaire a ete preparee pour etre distribuee par le soussigne Comite d'arrangement, nomme par sa Grandeur I'Archeveque pour presider cette importante ceremonie. Very Hev. Mgr. John M. Farley, Chairman. VekyKev. Ewd. AIcKenna, V. F., Very Kev.Denis P. O'Flynn, V.F. Very Rev. Wm. L. Penny, V Eev. John F. Kearney, Rev. James W. Power. Rev. John A. Gleeson, Rev. Albert A. Linghi, Rev. Nicholas J. Hdghes, Rev. James J. Flood Rev. Charles R. Corley, Rev. M. J. Lavelle. Rev. N. N. McKinnon, S. J. Rev. Andrew Ziegler, C. SS. R. SOUVENIR. 137 Polozeni zakladniho kamene noveho seminare sv. Josefa na Valentine's Hill, blizko Dunwoodie Station na New Yorske a Severni zel. draze (N. Y. City and Northern R. R) v nedeli, dne 17. kvetna 1891, ve 3 hod. odp. Z rezidenci nejd. p. arcibiskupa, 452 Madison Ave. New York, dne 25. dubna 1891. Katolickemu obecenstvu arcidiecese Newyorske: Jeho IMilost nejd. p. Arcibiskup timto zve vsecky ka- toliky diecese, by se dostavili k slavnemu sveceni za- kladniho kamene noveho seminare sv. Josef a, v nedeli, dne 1 7. kvotna, ve 3 hod. odpoledne, na Valentine's Hill, blizko Dunwoodie Station (New York and North- ern R. R.). Sveceni bude konati J.eho Milosf, a kiizati bude vymluvnosti a ucenosti slovutny arcibiskup lila- delfsky, nejd. p. Ryan. Vsecky katolicke spolky po- zvany byly, aby slavnosti te se sueastnily. Od jjoloze- ni zakladniho kamene krasne nasi katedraly nebyla udalost dillezitejsi pro duchovni blaho diecese, nez zacatek toho noveho biskupskeho seminare. Knezi nasi az dosavad byli vychovaui v provincionalnim se- ininari Trojskem. Ale poloha toho ustavu nebyla pi'i- liodna ani pro arcibiskupa, ani pro duchovenstvo a proto uznano bylo za dobre, vyhoveti navrhu a pi'ani sv. snemu tridenskeho, a staveti seminal" v same die- cesi pod bezprosti'odnim dozorem biskupa a pi'istup- 138 SOUVENIR. nejsi vel. ducbovenstvu. Tim umyslem zakoupeny byly krasne pozemky na Valentine's Hill v Yonkers, dve mile od severnich liranic mesta New Yorku, a u- sneseno staveti velkolepou budovu za pet set tisic dollari\ ($500,000). Lid nas dobfe pocbopuje diilezi- tost a potrebnost zboznebo a uceneho knezstva, nebot od knezicli zavisi ducbovni zivot lidstva. Proto take katolicky lid po celem svete ehce, aby cekanci toboto svateho uradu patricne byli pripraveni, a ze vsecb ca- sil stedrosti se vyznamenaval, kdyz se jednalo o nale- zite vyucovani a vychovani knezstva. I katolici nasi diecesi v obetavosti nezustavali pozadu. Proto i nyni k nim se obracime s prosbou, aby ducbovenstvu napo- mocni byli, a slavnost tu ucinili hodnou katolickeho obcanstva, bodnou velkolepebo ustavu, kteryz ma za- hajiti a hodnou milovaneho na§ebo ncjvyssiho Pastyre, jemuz bude k nejvetsi cti a slave, ze vystavel seminar ve kterem pro velkou diecesi tu zbozni, uceni knezi budou vychovani, zpftsobili zaujmouti mista tech, kdoz dfiv aneb pozdeji odstoupiti musi. Pfitomnosti svou pri slavnosti te lid nas verejne dosvedci, jak mu na srdci lezi dilo duchovniho blaha jeho tak velmi se ty- kajici. Se svolenim Jeho Milosti, nejd. pana arcibis- kupa, a s dovolenim vel. spravci\ rozlienj^ch osad, o- beznik ten byl pfipraven k rozdani od nizepsaneho po- radaciho vyboru, jenz Jeho Milost k vedeni slavnosti tistanovila. DE EEKSTE STEEN Van Het Xieuw St. Jozef Seminarie, OP V.^LENTINE HEUVEL, BY DE STATIE VAN DUNAVOODIE, STAD NEW YORK EN NOORDSCHE SPOORWEG. Zoudag, 17en Mei, om 3 nur namiddag. Aartsbisschoppelyk paleis, 452, Madison Avenue. New York, 25 April, 1891. Aan de Katholieken van liet aartsbisdom New York. Zyne doorlucLtige lioogwaardigheid de Aarts- bisschop noodigt al de katholieken van Let bisdom uit ora tegenwoordig te zjn hj het wyden van den eersten steen van het nieuAv seminarie van St. Jozef, Zondag den ITeu Mai, ora 3 uur na- middag, op Valentine Heuvel, naby de Dunwoodie statie; langs den New York en Noordschen spoor- weg. De plechtige ceremonie zal door zyne Hoogwaardigheid voorgezeten worden, en de wel- sprekende en geleerde heer Aartsbisschop Ryan vau Philadelphia zal de redevoering uitspreken. Al de katholieke genootschappen van dit bisdom I40 SOUVENIR. Z}'!! oflicieel uitgenoodigd geworden de viering by te wonen. Sederfc liet leggen van deii eersten steen oiizer scli(3one hoofdkerk is geene gebeur- tenis belaiiqryker geweest voor de weliaarfc van dit bisdom dan het begin van liet nieuw bis- schoppelyk seminarie. Gedurende veel jaren zyu onze priesters gekweckt geworden in liet Pio- vinciaal seminarie van Troy. Docli uit rede van het ongemak der ligging voor den Bisschop en de priesters is het nuttig geoordeelt geworden de aanbeveling en de voorschrift uit te voeren van het heilig Concilie van Trenten en in de grenzen van ons bisdom een seminarie te bouweu hetwelk onder de onmiddelbare overzicht van den Bisscliop zal staan en voor de geestelykheid ge- raakkelyk zal zyn om te bezoeken. Een schoone grond is daarvoor aaugekocht geworden ojj Va- lentine Heavel, in et kanton van Yoiikers, twee mylen van de noordelyke grenzen der stad New York, en men heeft voorgenomen daar een gebouw op te richten dat een half millioen dollars zal kosten. Onze geloovigen beseffen het lielang en de uoodwendigheid van eene heilige en geleerde geestelykheid, want de priesters zyn de bron van het geestelyk leven des volks. By gevolg zien de katholieken der gansche wereld geern de kandi- SOCl'RN/R. 14F daten van het lieilig ministerie goed onderwyzeii voor bun hoog bcroep, en in alle tyden hebben zj zich onderscheiden door hunne orygeviglieid om aan hunne priesters de beste opvoeding en de beste zorg te verschaffen welke bun toestand bun toeliet. De wereldlyken dezes bisdoms zyii niet ten acbter gebleven in deze edele geests gestelteuis. Wy roepen daarom op ben om bunne priesters te belpen deza viering weerdig te ma« ken van van benzelven, van bet groot gesticbt betwelk zy inbuldigt, en van onzen zelfopoft'eren- den Opperberder, wiens kroonende glorie bet zal zyn van een seininarie nageluten te bebben dat dit uitgestrekt bisdom zal voorzien met geleerde en beilige priesters die de pbiats zullen nemen dergene welke in den loop der jaren onvermydelyk moeten verdwynen. Door bunne tegenwoordigbeid by deze merkbare gelegenbeid zullen onze katbolieken eene openbare getuigenis geven van bun belang in bet weik betwelk van zf)0 naby bun eigen geestelyk welzyn genaakt. Met de goedkeuring van Zyne doorbubtige Hoogwaardigbeid den Aartsbisscbop en met den oorlof der eerwaarde Pastors van de verscbillige parocbieu is deze omzendbrief uitgevaardigd geworden voor nitdeeling onder bet bestuur, van 142 SOUVENIR. bet ondergeteekende komiteit van bescliikkingen, door den Hoogeerwaarden Aartsbisscliop benoemd om deze belangiyke ceremonie te geleiden. Zeer eerw. Mgr. Jolm M. Farley, President. Zeer eerw. Edw. McKenna, Landsdeken. Zeer eerw. W. L. Penny, Landsdeken. Zeer eerw. Denis P. O'Flynn, Landsdeken. Eerw. James W. Power. Eerw. John F. Kearney. Eerw. John A. Gleeson. Eerw. Albert A. Lings. Eerw. Nicolas J. Hughes. Eerw. James J. Flood. Eerw. Charles E. Corley. Eerw. M. J. Lavelle. Eerw. N. N. McKinnon, S. J. Eeerw. Andrew Ziegler, C. SS. R. I'li-iiHirr^fTt^: Ton ' A/.poyir^'.aiitu AiOnu ry)s' Ma ' Ayio') horrrjc^ £-;' run Af'x^iirj run ^Oou'/.z'^zi'^ou. r.'Kf^niity zun Jd-^jSouiiioo Ira- trijxou Ton Icdr^//oofj6fJ.oo Siti'i ' Voir/.ri'; h'uptaxf^, T^ os/Atyj '£i3ddtj.rj Maiou, '(u<>a rruTrj, p.. //. E.> Tu> \\ir/'.=:-t(7/.o-ei(p, 452 Mad'MU)vo<{ Jiodo'^. ^E> Nia 'Yopxrj, ttj 25 \^-i>'Mou 1891. Tu) KaOo/.'./.w AaiL Tj'^^-'Af)/'.'l'.o'.xrj/rewiT7]>; .\^rzs' '^"/'^/^•'/V"- 7/ lla.'iepoTr^'} 'anron 'o ' A'.otfT'.ji.ioTaTo^ \ipy'.z.-inr]i3ou3iou lTarj 'axokouOia u-u r/^s' 144 SOUVENIR. IJavcs/toTr^To'} auToUj o oi y.akXtiifirjij.vvj —ttXoij.aOrji ^Apytzni- (Ty.o7:o^ ' Pnwj rr^'f (pcladsAipiWi ^sxcpw^rjffsc Xoyou y.ardkXrjXov. Tldffai \j.i 'Ai^sXiforrjzS'i ranrr^'^ r/^s" Jcacy.rj/Teoji- 'c7rj_ ^.£7/}v'- Atzu zho y.acpou TVj'i Osp.eAiWfTso)'^ rod Tcsf/txaXhib'^ .Ifr^ Aaob Wjfj.(ov piypf- ~(>uSs, 'duSei^ 'e^ivero (ru/ifta'^ t6ariyS^>i lyo/S^'^. ^ E~\ -r.iOSkd 'irrj 'at 'tSjOe.'? '£,uaOrjTii)(hj(Tay 'ev r^ h.-aiiyiay.rj -yXfj Vv T/nna. E'^sxa (Js r^9 'aro-i'as" r^s' Oirrscj^- oio. rs rw E-iay.uizu'j yju. i~ltd roh'^ ^i£pe1<}j ^a-zcfaaiaOfi (TO!J.(fW.>oj<; ~fio txti ^itxoudp.rjp.a ^dE'.ov rip.iffEi)^; ' txarop.iiopiou <)o).Xapiio'^. I\a).(h'i yty'^cunxoumv v, (np" ' oo ix t^^ ' IzponSyjy^'^ -riydf!;;. Wj 7Z'/£up.- ii-'.xifj qoij TOO AaoT). AC 'o '^oi huOo/.ixin -ayrayou rod y.d/Tp.oo \uapi(TToh'.iTa'. \ddvTSii Ton^^ doxipjiu' too 'cspaTCxou \i:ca>p.aT? ^ivarpitpoiihowi xai i>.»i)(piH)!).i-j<>>j<;, xai -d'jTozi ■xivra: '<'>? y^-'^'tdio^ -aiiiyir/zz^ ntTii zvdiyzza'. y.dl/.tara ii.itra fl'.d zr^'j Tzaidsu(7'.-J /.ai (to\>z-r^i>r^n'.j 7W> ' (.tftiutM ' (Vjzm\>. Tdotidv Oz tCuv yvr^aiiiy^ -fnntirr^n.d-cot'j ii.zziyti xdi ' t> kao^ TayTTj9 t^9 (hinxrjfTZUji;. "Oflzv /.ai ^-uakouj/.sv 'auruu? vd fior/OijfftuiTtv tou^ \sfisii} 'auTuy^ 'i-ju -avr/yufKaOrj 'unzrj 'tj rzXsrrj ^a^iux; 'saoraiv, V/^jVwc t(i^> iKsyd/jiu tY/.ar^t;i.hi>o 'sx-aithoTrji>i(ii>^ \i^{io^ xa\ Tin> -tifiAriiihdU Afiyisftiuii; 'rjp.(irj. tw ii-oiuj -aiiayvj-qiTcTai abr-q r^ uil'iazr^ mVza rr/ii xaTa(hfi.zkt(i)f>zi»^ Hyn/S/'i rjr'.'i —fxi/i.rj- Ihiitret (hd r«';rr^v rijv ^eupurdrrjw J[.()to;i.iviiu^ xai a;>.i'/yfj ypr/tydf/.z'^o'. fV^OpuiTzivrj ^s'yOivdz iJs" dpsc^oy —aps- kstxrir/zac. Jed r^c ~apinnria^ auribv z'.'i r«/;r7j./ Tijv tsXst-^v /jKi^ fjp.u)'/ orjp.()fT{oji} 'cTTjfJscfij TTj'j Tzp<^".y r^'j u'.nOd'xtvTat 'sv zt'xrov (rrvjih^i fTU'^(hy zorj diacdpurj Iv^npiib'j, ' auzr^ rj syxnxkio^ xar£fTXiuda07j (itd dtdi)<)(Tiv •j-o r/// ihsbOwj/n-^ zojy n-oysypap- p.ivu)'^ MtAcb.' r^? Aiaraxriy.if<; Ktz^t pu~7io? 'eni/SXsifnv TaoTTji^ r^? iTitoudaiaX()\Wj<; A. /V.^'/j-wv, Atii. 'A/.j3ipT()g A. A {//•,-. Acd. 'Idy.ii>fi<»; I. (PXmi]. Ail^. M. I. Ao.,li'AX, A ill. Iit)d.i/ri^ 'P. lidjrjrj., Ai st(nrrj/niu)^. (haaryj/xdrutv. x. r. X., 'opa deuripav ireXida. SOUVENIR. 147 cH i&iA-v^ ' -^ ^y^ '^-^ ^ '■^y>> *xJy "^'t^yj^ i*5L^6-<^ jLaJ'-aJ-' "*i(J o' 4fe,ci>,i* (^^^ ... .VLJ ^^:jil ^vCjl^i ilis- c> f,'/J^*.cVfoli^^ 148 <^^ o.^ ''^yji^ 0^;^^ -^^ ^ owX^y^^i O^u cPcJ^ oe^j^J:^^ ixi;^ky lL::^>>«^b D.Tri;. Q't'i? 1 Dy?? 2i;cp nr^t ^\2b v^vT'7'\ 150 SOUVENIR. nrn r\^'^b}2b n^?3 :^v^ p"^y -nn^D^nn b^ - : : - : t t --t I •• - . . ; - - t^'^ ^-m linpn Sn^ -]in3 2:^""}"]p-n'3 'Uy^b vsnr np^':' i^rr T T : I V •• : ) : - : : .p-^yp.^s; n^;;^ ni>^:i "ipnj Q 'p?? Hv^t^ ... T • I : T -T •• T : - •• : I t ]5<^y^^D ^^n':' 6r rni^^i^in ^'i^i^ "inm 'piij I T • : • • -: - -:- t t v -: t t : t T • •• : - T — .- : T : • - : : - : i It:--: t • - i •.■ v v • t i - • . t 1 : t :;"ii3 ^"p^ |^?n ^•lp"'p;;-^^^'2•'^Dp n^pjpn ^^i\ • T • • ! : — : • I V T T T : ) • • It- : V - T : t t : - v - • - T • : - •• T : T • • •.- - : : - : • -:-.-T T TT ):t: t- ryo HDH □^b'^s-i^^Di D^Di^D D'':nD^3 ,]ln::n It : - T •• • • : - • t : • -: • t - • : t V t • - T V • V -: T : -It:- t ••■:-•• : %• - t -■ SOUVENIR. 151 •IN*::! i^*:?p_P"l "7.;"^*^^ irc^sn'? .n:?;?"^ •"ins □::'^ry2 IiT .-!::3 ^^^"1P ni2T --^np : ■• : I XT T - : • .-. t vr I : T : • T • •• : - •• : ! G D D n r RB^-ECTOIfV " n n n r J LJ U L r tr^. o ^™ r. 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