A A: i i 1 I 2i 6 1 ' H "^^. THE Gerald E. Hart OF Coins ^nd Medals. 181 Bids for this Sale will be carefully executed by T CATALOGUE OF THE IMPOETANT HISTOEICAL COLLECTION OF Coins and Medals MADE BY GERALD E. HAUT, Esq. President of the Society for Historical Studies,- Past Vice-President and Life IVIember of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, Montreal, etc. COMPRISING Ancient Coins of GREECE, ROME and JUDAEA, Mediaeval and Modern Coins, chiefly of FRANCE and ENGLAND, in Gold and Silver, HISTORICAL MEDALS OF AMERICA, A MOST COMPLETE COLLECTION OF dOIl^^, MEDi\L^ ARID TDl^EW^ OF (3A]1ADA, Etc. Co fie ^olti at 3lluction, By Messrs. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., 787 and 789 Broadway, New York, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS, December 26, 27 and 28, 1888, AT TWO O'CLOCK. The Collection will be on exhibition in the Leavitt Art Rooms, on the days of nals, from 9.30 A. M. to 1.30 P. M. Catalogue by ED. FROSSARD. EIGHTY-NINTH AUCTION SALE. BOSTON : T. R. MARVIN & SON, NUMISMATIC PRINTERS. 1888. ,!:U< ill ill ill fh ill ill ill ih ill ill ill ill 1 > ih ill 4 1 12 1 5 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 < 1 Ml TT '1' TT '1' i 1 '1' 1 ' T '1' AMERICAN COIN SCALE. Unless othei^vise stated, all the Coins and Medals of this Collection are guaranteed genuine and authentic. Coins are sold at so micch per piece, and bids should be made accordingly. Thich paper copies of this Catalogue, illustrated udth six fine artotype plates, can now be had at $1.00 each; the saine, after the sale, priced, $2.00. CJM7 1; P^ THE HAKT HISTORICAL COLLECTION. Mr. Gekald E. Hart has been so well known as a Numismatist and Historical Scholar that it seems almost superfluous to extol the Collection formed at his hands, yet one cannot help being struck with its singular appropriateness to the purpose for which it was gathered, viz : historical study. Hardly a piece in the series of Ancient Coins can be cast aside as uninteresting or irrelevant to some event of the distant past, while the modern pieces are particularly suggestive of a select Cabinet of valuable and rare specimens of historical importance and interest. Reverting to the Catalogue, the attention of Collectors is called to the number of Gold Coins of value scattered throughout its pages. Greek Staters, gold Darics, Roman Aurei and Byzantine Solidi, Mediaeval and -^ Modern Coins of England, Scotland, France and other countries, are there in number, and in a condition which can scarcely be surpassed. These must prove one of the chief attractions of the sale, for fine Ancient and Modern Gold Coins have lately very much increased in the esteem of collectors, and specimens of this quality ai-e always in great demand. Nearly all the Greek Silver are choice specimens, generally purchased at the best New York C-oin Sales, at which Mr. Hart has for many years been a genei'ous bidder, for anything really meritorious ; the Deca- >j drachm of Syracuse, signed by the great Greek Master Evaenetus, and \ ,^ many of the Coins of these series are worthy to figure in the best Cabi- ^ nets ; the Oxford Crown is one of the great rarities of the English Coin- age, and no specimen has ever before been ofi'ered on this side of the water. The Judaean series have never been approached for completeness on this Continent, and only important European Museums could duplicate the majority of the pieces. This Collection should be acquired, as a y whole, by some public institution, for educational purposes. 389001 iv THK HART HISTORICAL COLLECTION. Thi' Collection of Canada Coins, Business and Church Tokens and Medals, will, no doubt, attract the undivided attention of our Northern fellow-numismatists, for it is bj' far the most complete and finest ever offered at public or private sale, and contains a number of rarities want- ing in every other Collection. The Silver Jetons of Louis XV, bee-hive reverse, ai-e of the utmost rarity ; indeed it is but a few years ago, that a prominent U. S. Collector had a standing offer of $150 for a specimen, and he never obtained it; the Hudson Bay Company's Tokens are so rare as to be unknow-n to the present officers themselves, and Canada collectors have for several yeai-s endeavored in vain to find duplicates at home or abroad — Mr. Hart acquired the Buchanan and Mocock pieces when he purchased the choicest specimens of the former and the entire collection of the latter ; the Indian Wampum money, once legal tender in the Colonies, the Owen Ropery, the Lauzon, the (5) Side View Penny and Half Penny Tokens, the Un Sous series, the Indian and Confedera- tion Medals, and the Communion Tokens are among the best known rarities, while several previously unknown pieces make their appearance in this Catalogue. The weakness of the U. S. Issues is explained by the fact that all the coins of this series were taken from actual circulation in Can- ada; nevei'theless the Connecticut Cent, struck on a planchet oi the Penny size, is a rarity of the first magnitude, and the large lots of Colonials, etc., will no doubt prove attractive to our local collectors. The compiler has taken unusual care to make his w'ork correct, detailed and attractive. The many notes scattered throughout the Catalogue are from Mr. Hart's own private and original observations ; in short it is sincerely ho^Ded that Coin Buyers, Coin Dealers, and all into whose hands this Catalogue may fall, will consider the dispersion of this mag- nificent Collection worthy of their special attention, and that they will be repi'esented at the isale, either in person or through the agency of the several well known New Yoi'k, Philadelphia, and other firms, who make it a part of their regular business to represent distant buyers at Auction Sales. Ed. F. New Yokk, November 23, 188S. CATALOGUE. COPPER COINS OF ALL COUNTRIES. 1 Australia (2), Austria. Fair, good, fine. 11 to 22. 12 pes 2 Bermuda. 1793. Penny. Bust of George III ; rev., ship. Good. 3 Baden, Belgium, Brazil, Buenos Ayres, Bologna, 1610. Fair to uncirculated. 13 to 24. 18 pes 4 Caracas. Cafe Espagiiol. |^, 1, 2 reals. Nickel proof. 3 pes 5 Ceylon. 1815. ^^ Guilder, type of the elephant. Good, thick. 14. 6 Chili, Coburg-Gotha, Denmark, Dominica. Average good. 13 to 19. 14 pes 7 China, Japan. Many varieties, usual square hole in centre. Average very good. 14 to 18. 45 pes 8 East India. 1804, 1808. XX Cash. Very fine. 19. 2 pes 9 1834,1835. Half Annas. Different types, fine. 10. 2 pes 10 1834-1875, includes India Straits and Straits Settlements, I Pice, quarter and half Anna, half and one Cents. Average fine. 20 pes 11 England. Charles I. Obsidional or Pattern piece for 20 sh. Crowned bust, carolvs rex. Rev. Crown over XX S. Brass, thick, very good and rare. 12. 12 — Crowned bust r., XX behind head ; rev., blank. Another Obsidional or Pattern piece. Brass, square, fine. 10. 13 James II. 1690, May XXX d., Gun-money (2) ; 1691, Limer- ick siege Halfpenny. Poor and good. 3 pes 4 COPPER COINS OP ALL COUNTRIES. 14 Charles II. Carolus a Carolo. Farthing (2) and halfpenny. Poor and fair. '^ pcs 15 George I, II, III. 1720-1787. H'fpennies. Good to fine. 18 pes 16 George III, 1797. Two Pence. Largest English copper coin. Fine. 26. 17 1797. Two Pence, duplicate of last. Fine. 18 — 1797. Two Pence. Very good. 19 _ 1797, Pennies. Fair and good. 2 pes 20 — 1806 and 1807. Farthings (2), Halfpenny, Penny. Fair to very good. 4 pes 21 George IV. 1821, '22, '23, '26. Farthings. Fine. 6 pes 22 — 1826, 1827. Halfpennies. Good. 2 pes 23 William IV. 1831. Farthing, ^ and 1 Penny. Fine. 3 pes 24 — Duplicates; 1837, Farthing. Average very good. 9 pes 25 Victoria. 1853, '54, '58, '64, '70. Pennies. Very good, o pes 26 — 1861, '62, '64. Halfpennies. Very good. 3 pes 27 — 1843, '44, '45, '47, '48, '49, '53, '60, '62, '65, '66, and '67. Farthings. Three bright red, balance good to fine. 13 pes 28 — 1844. Half Farthing. Bright red; uncirculated. 29 — 1848, model \ f. ; model Pennies, without date. Fine, one ])ierced. -4 pes 30 Tradesmen's Penny Tokens. 1787, '88, 1811 (4), 1812' (4). No duplicates, good to very fine. 31 Penny Tokens. 1813 (5), 1820, 1838, without date (2). Good to fine. 9 pes 32 Half Penny Tokens. 1792-1797. Includes "Lady Godiva," and " Victory over Spanish fleet." No duplicates ; very good. 12 pes 33 Half Penny Tokens. 1790-1799. Includes " Prince of Wales Masonic," etc. No duplicates, good. 12 pes 34 Half Penny Tokens. Same period. Fair to good. 16 pes 85 Penny, Halfpenny, and Farthing Tokens, duplicates, etc. Poor to fine. 25 pes 36 William and Mary to Victoria. English counter-marks, jetons, medalets, etc. Copper and brass, very good, three pierced, scarce lot. 23 pes 37 EssEQuiBO and Demeraey. 1813. Half and one (2) Stivers, Good and very good. 5 pes 38 France. Louis XIII. 1615. Double Tournois. Bust r. ; rev., three fleurs-de-lis. Very fine. 13. COPPER COINS OF ALL COtJNTRlES. 5 39 Louis XVI, 1st Republic. 1 Centime to Decime. Fair to very good. 11 pes 40 Charles X, Louis Philippe, Napoleon III, Third Republic. 1 to 10 Centimes. Good to very fine. 12 pes 41 French Jetons of the 13th and 14th centuries, all with royal arms. Brass, good and fine, very scarce. 17. 14 pes 42 French Jetons of the 14th century. Arms and inscription. Brass, good and fine. 17. 16 pes 43 Louis XIV, XV, XVI, Napoleon I. Brass jetons, etc., all with bust. Fair to fine, one pierced. 13 to 19. 12 pes 44 Frankfurt. 1847, 1850. Heller. Fine. 11. 3 pes 45 Guernsey. 1830, 4 Doubles (2); 1834, 8 Doubles; 1858,4 Doubles ; 1864, 4, 8 Doubles. Fine. 6 pes 46 Duplicates of last. Good and fine. 6 pes 47 Gibraltar 1802, 2 Quartos ; Greece, 1819, 5 Lepta. Fine. 2 pes 48 Hong Kong, 1866, Mil; Hayti, 1831, '46, 2 Centimes ; 1863, 5c. ; 1865, 20c. Good and fine. 5 pes 49 Italy. 1861, '62. 1, 5, 10 Centesirai, fine ; Ionian Islands, 1819, Penny (poor). 7 pes 50 Isle of Man. 1733, 1786, 1811. Poor to fine. 4 pes 51 Japan. Tempos. Oval, with square hole in centre. Very fine. 31. 4 pes 52 — Duplicates of last (5) ; one Sen. Good to fine. 6 pes 53 Jetons. Mediaeval. Germany, Netherlands, France. Brass, good to fine, two pierced. 25 pes 54 Jersey. 1841, '44, ^\s. ; 1858, ^\, ^i^s. ; 1870, '71, thirteenth 8.; 1870, twenty-sixth s. ; 1877, twenty-fourth, twelfths. Fine lot. 9 pes 55 — Duplicates of last number. Good. 4 pes 56 Kur-IIesse, Nassau, Lonibardy, Luxemburg. Fine. 7 pes 57 Liberia. 1833. Cents of the Col. Society. Very good. 2 pes 58 Duplicates of last. Fair. 2 pes 59 LuTTiCH. 1744. Sede-vacante token. Bust of St. Lambert. Rev. Five armorial shields. Good. 15. 60 Macao, Mexico, Morocco. Fair to good. , 5 pes 61 Netherlands, Norway, Nuremburg. Includes a scarce histori- cal token. Good to very fine. 10 to 19. 14 pes 62 Papal States, 1867, ^ and 1 Soldi ; Prussia, 3 and 4 Pfeunige, medalet of Frederic, king. Good and fine. 10 pes 63 Piedmont. 2 Soldi, revolutionary. Bell metal, good. 18. 6 COPPER COINS OF ALL COUNTRIES. 64 Portugal. 1843. 20 Reis. Very fine. 22. 65 1812-1842. V, X, 40 Reis. Good. 18 to 22. 5 pes 00 Russia. 1798-1873. ^, 1, 2 Kopecs; brass jeton of Alexan- der I. Fair to tine. 11 to 24. 14 pes 67 Rouniania, 1867, 10 Bani ; Saxony, 1804, 2 Pfennige ; Sicily, 1797, 5 Tari; Sweden, 1819-1875, ^sk., 2, 5 Ore. Good and tine. 11 pes 68 Spain. 1080-1878. Fair to fine, no dupl., 2 pierced. 16 pes 69 St. Helena. 1821. Halfpenny. Fine. IS. 7(» Turkey, Tunis, Dutch India, Oriental; includes (A. H. 1256) token with view of fortress. Fair to fine, two pierced. 11 to 2o. 19 pes 71 Miscellaneous Foreign Copper Coins. Poor to very fair. 50 pes 72 Similar lot. Same condition. 05 pes 73 Foreign Copper Coins, brass Tokens and Medalets, etc. Poor or pierced. 51 pes 74 Belgium, Peru, Switzerland, etc. Nickel coins, good. 8 pes 75 United States Cents. 1793. Liberty cap. Obv., rather poor, still everything visible ; rev., poor. Rare. 70 1794 Fine impression, of good color and showing few marks of circulation. Tlie Ornate, Monograph No. 11, 2d rev. ; Maris No. 25. 77 1794 (4), 1795 (2), 1796. Poor, one pierced. 7 pes 78 1798 (7), 1800 (4), 1801 (3). Poor to fair. 14 pes 79 1802 (4), 1808 (10). Fair to good. 14 pes 80 1805 (3), 1806 (2), 1807 (3). Poor and fair. 8 pes 81 1805, '07. Good and very fair. 2 pes 82 1808 Good. 83 1809 Very fair. Scarce. 84 1810 Good. 85 1810 (3), 1812 (2), 1813, 1814. Fair. 7 pes 86 1814 Both varieties in date. Good. 4 pes 87 1798-1812. Poor, one struck on a thin planchet, 7 pierced. 10 pes 88 1816-1820 inclusive. Good. 12 pes 89 1821 and 1822. Two of each date. Good. 4 pes 90 1823 Good; scarce. 911823-1830. All dates ; average good. 19 pes 92 1831-1840. Consecutive. Average good. 25 pes 93 1841, 1842 (2 var.), 1843 (2 var.) Good and very good. 5 pes COPPER COINS OF ALL COUNTRIES. 7 94 1841-1850. Consecutive. Good to fine. Bl pes 95 1851-1857. Consecutive. Good to fine. 17 pes 96 1857. Large date. Fine and very fine. 2 pes 97 1816-1854. Poor to good, one pierced. 25 pes 98 Nickel Cents. 1857-1864. Consecutive. Very good and fine. 8 pes 99 1857-1864, Duplicates, consecutive. Good to fine. 20 pes 100 Bronze Cents. 1864, '65, '68, '71, '73, '74, '75, '78, '79, '80, '81, '82. Good to uncirculated, 15 pes 101 Two Cents. 1864, '65, '66, '68, '69, '70. Good to fine. 7 pes 102 Pattern Cent. 1854. Head of Liberty. Rev,, one cent in wreath. Fine. l(»o Half Cents. 1804. With and without stems to wreath. Good and very good. 2 pes 104 1806, 1807. Very good. 2 pes 105 1828. 12 and 13 stars. Very good. 2 pes 106 1828 (var.), 1832 (2), 1851, '53. Good to fine. 6 pes 107 1800-1832. Poor to good, 4 pierced. 8 pes 108 U. S. Copper Cents, counterstaniped with "head of Liberty " " a crown," "a heart inscribed J. H." Good, 3 pes 109 Colonial Coins, 1722. " Rosa Ameri " Hlfp. Fair, rare. 110 Rosa Americana. 1723, 1 and 2 Pence. Fair and good, latter pierced. 2 pes 111 Wood Halfpenny, 1723 ; Voce Popoli and Populi, 1760 ; Georgius Triumpho, 1783. Fair and good, 1 pierced. 6 pes 112 Colonies Francoises. 1767. Without counterstamp. V. good. 113 Virginia, 1773, Halfpenny; Nova Constellatio, 1783, 1785, varieties. Fair to very good. 5 pes 114 Fugio Cents. 1787. Die-varieties. Good. 4 pes 115 — Duplicates of last. Fair to good. 7 pes 116 Connecticut. 1785 (4), '86 (4)^ '87 (22), '88 (4), indistinct dates (8). Poor to very good, 3 pierced, all from circula- tion in Canada. An excellent lot from which to select varieties. 43 pes 117 — 1786. Mailed bust L, auctori : connec : Rev., inde. — et lib. Very good or fine, struck on a planchet of double thickness, size 20. Unique. 118 Vermont. Includes " Vermontensium," Poor and fair. 4 pes 119 Massachusetts. 1787. Cents. Die-varieties. Very good. 2 pes 12(J — 1788. Cents. Die-varieties. Fair to good. 5 pes 8 MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN MEDALS. 121 New Jersey. 1786 and '87. Cents. Poor to very fair, one pierced. 7 pes \'2-2 Washington. Cent. Bust on each side. Good and very good. 2 pes 123 17S3 Cents. Washington and Independence. 3 varieties; very fair and good. 6 pes 124 Double-headed Cent, pierced ; 1792 Half Dollar, cast ; Talhot, Allurn and Lee Cents. Poor to good. 5 pes 125 Jacksonian or Hard Times Tokens. 1834-1841. Several rare, no duplicates, good to uncirculated. 24 pes 126 Duplicates of last. Poor to fine, 6 pierced. 45 pes 127 A cow, '* A friend to the Constitution ;" rev., ship, "Agricul- ture and Commerce." Fine ; rare. 17. 12S Duplicate of last and other early store cards, size of old cop- per cent. Average good. 50 pes 129 1838 "Am I not a woman," etc. Good. 4 pes 130 Brass tokens, jetons, etc. Average fine. 30 pes 131 Medalets. Harrison (4), Buchanan, Kossuth (2), Chas. Sum- ner, Jas. Fisk, etc. Nearly all brass ; fair to fine, 7 pierced. 14 to 18. 10 pes 132 1860 Fireman's Medals. Copper, good and fine. 19. 3 pes 133 Washington medalets. Varieties, bronze and brass proof. 13. 2 pes 134 Duplicates of preceding nos. Nearly all j^ierced, poor to fine. 26 pes 135 Copperheads or War Tokens. l863-'64. One Masonic; good to very fine. 61 pes MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN MEDALS. 136 England. Oliver Cromwell. Draped bust 1. Rev. Lion grasping arms. The Simon medal; bronze, fair, looks like a cast. 23. 137 Oliver Cromwell, David Garrick. ^tV^'s medalets, each with bust. Bronze, fine and good. 16. 2 pes 138 George II. Draped bust laureate by Dassier. Rev., In- scription commemorative of Dassier's appointment as med- alist to ihe King in 1731. Bronze; very fine. 26. 139 William Pitt. Bust 1. by Pingo. Rev., the man who hav- INc; SAVED THE PARENT. PLEADED WITH SUCCESS FOR HEK CHILDREN. )Siloer, very fine. 26. MISCELLANEOUS FOUEIGN MEDALS. » 140 George III. Pence medal, 1S(I2. Portrait bust by Kilchler. Rev. Figure of Peace, a branch of laurel in her left hand, applies burning torch to implements of war with her right, PAX UBIQUE. Bronze, very fine. 30. 141 Henry IX, last of the Stuart pretenders. Bust r., title as King Henry IX and Cardinal of York. Rev., Faith with cross, a lion and a cross at her feet, inscription implying resignation to the Will of God, etc., date 1788 in exergue. Bronze, fine and rare. 34. 142 George IV. 1821. Coronation medal, with bust. Bronze proof. 22. 143 Carlisle. Cloaked portrait bust r. Rev., Nicholas Carlisle AET 71. Tin or w.m., gilt. Very fine. 33. 144 Alexandra, Princess of Wales. Oval medallion with portrait produced in mould by calcareous deposits of the petrifying fountain at St. Allyre, France. Perfect. 31. 145 France. Charles VIII. The king driving triumphant quad- riga. Rev., A bull crowned by winged figure. For the Conquest of Naples, 1495. Bronze, fine, modern. 22. 146 Francis II and Mary Stuart, 1558. Busts vis-a-vis under a crown. Rev., Composite shield between ci'owned F and M. Bronze proof, modern. 33. 147 Francis II. Bust laureate in armor. Rev. Crowned F between cornucopiae, surmounted by the busts of the royal pair. Bronze proof, modern. 33. 148 Charles X. Crowned bust. Rev., A crown, and inscription. Bronze, fine. 27. 149 Michel de I'Hospital, 1575. Head and insci-iption in wreath. Bronze, good, modern. 26. 150 Cardinal de Guise, Bust 1., 1578 ; rev., blank. Bronze, fine. 25. 151 Catharine de Medicis. Bust 1. Rev., Inscription commemo- rative of treaty with Switzerland, 1582. Bronze, fine. 27. 152 Marie de Medicis. Bust 1. ; rev.. Constellation over land- scape. Bronze, bent, good. 28. 153 Duke of Sully. Bust in armor. Rev., Eagle with thunder- bolt hovering over landscape. Bronze, very good. 29. 154 Louis XIV. Young bust r. by Mauger. Rev. Victory driv- ing victorious quadriga. For victories, 1647. Bronze, fine. 26. 10 MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN ISIBDALS. 155 Anna of Austria. Larye draped bust r. Rev., Altar sur- mounted by shield and motto. Bronze, good. 40. lo() Julius, Cardinal Mazariu. Portrait bust r. Rev. Mazariii between two armies before Casale. Bronze, very good. 34. 157 The same. Fine portrait bust r. Rev., Rock in a tempes- tuous sea, QVAM PEVSTEA ET MVEMVEE QVANTO, 1659. Bronze, fine original. 41. 158 Louis Phelypeaux. Crowned arms. Rev. louis phelypeaux COMTE DE PONTCHARTEAIN, CHANCELIER GAEDE DES SCEAUX DE FEAjSTCE MIISriSTEE d'eTAT COMMANDEUR DES ORDRES DU ROY, 1700. Massive, beautiful silver medal, restruck at the French mint. Intrinsic value about $5.00. 44. Many of the most important documents of the period, relating to Can- ada, are signed for the King by Phelypeaux. 159 Louis XV. Bust laureate r. Rev., Faith restoring the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Yellow bronze ; very good. 26. 160 Louis XVI. Portrait bust r. by Dupre. Rev., The king re- ceives samples of gold ore from the mines at Allemont. Bronze, very fine mint restrike. 44. 161 The same. ^ Pelican feeding its young from its breast. Rev., Extract from the king's speech, Feb. 4, 1790. Bronze re- strike, good. o4. 162 Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Portrait bust on each side by du Vtvier. Bronze, very fine mint restrike. 46. 163 Legislative Body. Year VIII. Member's medal. Bronze, mint restrike, very fine. 31 x 25. 164 Napoleon I. Bust in trophy over view of the battle of Ma- rengo. Rev., Napoleon hurling thunderbolt at the rocky heights of St. Bernard. Bronze restrike, mint state. 38. 165 The same. 1797. Capitulation of Mantua. Bronze, fine. 22. 166 Pius VII, Prince of Wurzburg, Francisco I of Sicily. Bronze medals commemorative of their visits to French mint, 1805, 1810, 1880. Very good. 26, 22 and .32. 3 pes 167 Germany. John Gensfieisch, or Gutenberg. His statue by Thorwaldsen. Rev. Gutenberg explaining the art of print- ing. Mainz, 1837. Bronze proof. 30. 168 Gutenberg. Similar obv. Rev. Inscription in his honor. Mainz, 1837. Bronze proof. 20. MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN MEDALS. 11 169 Gutenberg. Portrait bust 1. by Loos. Rev. Gutenberg seated, reading his first proofs. Struck for the festival at Mainz, 1840, in commemoration of the 4th centennial of the discovery of the art of printing. Superb, bronze proof. 33. 170 Gutenberg, Portrait bust r. by Ehrhardt. Rev. Germania crowning the bust of Gutenberg, printing press r., bee- hive to left. Fourth centennial, Mainz, 1840. Bronze proof. o^ 171 Gutenberg. Bust r. Rev. A printing press. Bronze medalet, struck in France, 1840. Very fine. 16, 172 Italy, Bust of Michael Angelo r. Rev., A torso, surrounded by architects' and painters' tools, feliciter jvnxit, 1673. Bronze, very good. 36. 173 Isthmus of Suez, View of the canal, 1869, surrounded by shields of all nations. Rev, Inscription (French) in wreath. W.m, silvered, fine. 32. 174 United States. William Washington for Cowpens, 1781. Bronze proof. 29. 175 John Paul Jones. Bust r. Rev. View of naval engagements off Scottish coast, 1779. Bronze proof. 36. 176 William Page. Bust r. by Wright, 1848. Rev. Painter's palette. Bronze, very fine. 30. 177 School Medal. " Reward of superior merit." W.m,, proof, 29, 178 Medallion of Domitian, Roman emperor. Bust laureate 1, ; rev., blank. Bronze, fine, 58. 179 Papal States. Bust of Gregory XIII. Rev. The slaughter of the Huguenots, St. Bartholomew's Day, 1572, Bronze, very fine and scarce, 19. 180 Religious Medalets, Different designs, with* French in- scriptions, as worn or carried by French Canadians, Round and oval, with loops, all very fine. Silver (2), bronze (3), w.m. (1). 11 to 24. 6 pes 181 Religious Medalets. Different designs, French inscriptions, same origin as last. Silver (3), brass (3). Very fine. 10 to 14. 6 pes 182 Religious Medalets, All different, same origin as last. Sil- ver (2), brass (4). Very fine. 8 to 15. 6 pes 183 Another selection. All different, English inscriptions, same origin. Silver, or silvered (4), brass (2), Good to very fine. 14 to 20, 12 COINS OF THE UNITED STATES ; SILVER. 184 Religious medalets. English inscriptions, all different and from the same origin as preceding. Brass and silvered, fine. 22 to 29. 6 pes 185 Another selection. English inscriptions, all different, same origin. Silver or silvered, very fine, 14 to 16. 6 pes 186 Another selection. French, Latin, German inscr. All differ- ent, same origin. Silver, silvered, brass, very fine. 10 to 14. 6 pes 187 Another selection. Latin inscriptions. Yellow bronze, very fine. 18 to 20. 6 pes 188 Bronze crucifix, brass medalet of Ecumenical Council, etc. 10 to 27. 4 pes COINS OF THE UNITED STATES; SILVER. 189 Dollars. 1795. Flowing hair. Good impression, cut on edge. 190 1796 Hair somewhat worn. Very good. 191 1797 Seven stars facing. Good, scarce. 192 1799 Very good. 193 1799 Good. 194 1800 Very good. 195 1877 Trade Dollar. San Francisco m. Fine. 196 1878 Trade Dollar. San Francisco m. Fine. 197 1884 San Francisco m. Bi'illiant, uncirculated. 198 1885 Uncirculated. 199 Half Dollaks. 1807. Head r. and 1. Very fair. 2 pes 200 1808, 1809. Good, latter pierced. 2 pes 201 1811 Very good. 202 1812, 1813. Fair and good. 2 pes 203 1813 Good. 204 1817 Very fair. 205 1822 Fine. 206 1823 Close date. Fine. 207 1826 Large date. Sharp, uncirculated. 208 1826 Large date. Brilliant, uncirculated. 209 1827 Large date. Sharp, uncirculated. 210 1828 Small date. Uncirculated. 211 1830 Sharp, uncirculated. 212 1830 Die- variety. Uncirculated. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS AND MEDALS ; SILVER. 13 213 1831 Uncirculated. 214 1833 Sharp iraiiression. Uncirculated. 215 1834 Large date, small lettering. Uncirculated. 216 1834 Small date, small lettering. Uncirculated. 217 1836 Lettered edge. Fine. 218 1837 A fine uncirculated impression. Scarce. 219 1838 Uncirculated. 220 Quarter Dollars. 1796. Considerably circulated, date and obv. legend plain. Scarce. 221 1820 Good, cut on edge. 222 1833 Good. 223 1853, '54, '57. Good and fine. 3 pes 224 Twenty Cents. 1875. Proof. 225 1876 Proof. 226 Dimes. 1807. Poor, date plain. 227 1825, '85. Fair. 2 pes 228 Half Dimes. 1829, '30, '32, '35, '37 (Lib. seated), '53, '54 (2), '56, '72. Average good. 10 pes 229 Three Cents. 1851, '52, '53 (8), '56, '58, '60, '61 (2). Aver- age good. 16 pes MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS AND MEDALS; SILVER. Chiefly oe England, many fine and rare. 230 Achaia. Isabella de Villehardouin (1296). Crusader's billon Penny. Castle gate and cross, ysabell p. ach de claren- ciA. Fine. 231 Austria. Josephus. 1705. Box crown. Contains 9 miniature paintings on parchment and mica. Very fine. 232 Francis Joseph. 1879. Florin. Very good. 233 Baden. Leopold. 1850. Gulden. Very good. 234 Belgium. Leopold L 1848. 5 francs. Very good. 235 Burgundy. Philip (1347). Grand Blanc. Lion; rev., shield and long cross, philipp dei gr. bvrr. com., etc. Fine. 20. 236 England. Ancient British or Irish Ring Money. Copper, edge engrailed, fine. Weighs 80 gr. Good specimens of ring money are very rare and seldom offered. 237 Another specimen. Small thick ring, green patination, fine. 36 gr. 14 MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS AND MEDALS ; SILVER, 238 Anotlier. Large thin ring, green patiuation, good. 36 gr. 239 Anotlier. Small thick ring, somewhat corroded. 16 gr. 240 Ancient British. Human head. Rev. Horse and charioteer ; under the horse a hog, in front a figure. Base silver, fine for this coinage. 102 gr. From Anthon Sale, No. 2. 241 Drachm. Indistinct type, like Ruding, Plate III, 44. Base silver, good. 72 gr. 242 Hemidrachm. Head left and horse, the Cunobeline type. Silver, fine. 30 gr. 243 Small figure, with head radiate ; rev., horse, his head turned back. Silver, fine. 28 gr. 244 Profile head 1. ; rev., incusum of four compartments, with wheel, axe and dotted ring in angles. Silver, much finer work than preceding. 30 gr. 245 Early British Copper Coin. Figure with wreath and sceptre. Rev. A hog. Fine, exact type of Ruding, Plate IV, No. 71 72 gr. 246 Another. Large head ; rev., horse. Indistinct type, but fine green patination. 68 gr. 247 Another. Type still more indistinct than last, but fine, with brilliant green patination. 66 gr. 248 Silver Sceatta. T T .', I I around small circle within dot- ted square. A sharp, perfect coin, type of Ackerman, PI. XV., No. 2. 22 gr. 249 Silver Sceatta. Type of last described. Very fine. 18 gr. 250 Silver Sceatta. Dot in circle, within dotted square, like Ackerman, PL XV, No. 3. Very fine. 20 gr. 251 Silver Sceatta. Similar to last. Fine. 20 gr. 252 Silver Sceatta. Quatrefoil, three dots at each angle, unlike any illustrated by Ruding or Ackerman. Strong impres- sion, fine, somewhat corroded. 18 gr. 253 Mercia. Eadrald (716). Copper Styca. edvld rex. Rev. MOXNE. Good, partly corroded, partly patinated. Exces- sively rare. 18 gr. 254 Northumberland. Eanred (808). Brass Styca. Cross, EAXRED ; rev., aldates. Good. 18 gr. 255 Brass Styca. Cross, edelred rex ; rev., eanred. Sharp, very fine. 18 gr. 256 Copper Styca. Cross, edllred rex; rev., fordred. Very fine. Ruding, PI. II, No. 34. 14 gr. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS AND MEDALS ; SILVER. 15 257 Brass Styca. Cross in small circle, bdilred rex ; rev., EARDVVLF. Very finely struck, sharp, perfectly legible tyjje. 22 gr. 258 Brass Styca. Small cross, edilred rex ; rev., small circle, EANRED (?). Sharp, very fine. 22 gr. 259 Copper Styca. Five dots, around which edelred rex ; rev., dots, fordred. Very fine, 14 gr. 260 Brass Styca. edilred rex. Fine, but broken on edge. 261 Osbei'cht (867). Brass Styca. Cross, osbert. Good. 20 gr. 262 Silver Sceatta. eadeed rex. Very good, partly corroded. 20 gr. 263 Vigmund, Archbishop of York (851). Styca. Small cross, viGMViSTD iREP ; rcv., EDiLVEARD. Very fine, every letter legible. 22 gr. 264 Styca, type of last described. Fine. 20 gr. 265 Styca, type of preceding. Very fine. 20 gr. 266 Silver Penny of York. Crossleted cross, n. v. ge. t. e. Rev. Small cross in dotted circle, ebraick civita. Remarkably fine; from Prof. Anthon's Collection. 22 gr. 267 Saint Edmund (Bury St. Edmund's). Silver penny. Mono- gram, SCEADMVNE ; rcv., small cross. Very fine and rare. 24 gr. 268 Eadred (946). Penny. Small cross, eadred rex ; rev., small cross, FRARD MO. Very fine. 24 gr. 269 Aethelred II (978). Penny. Draped bust with dotted head- dress 1. Rev., Long cross. London m. Fine. 270 — Penny. Type of preceding, but bust faces right. Very good. 271 — Penny. Bust in armor wearing spiked helmet 1. Rev., Long cross over a lozenge with pellets in angles. Leicester m. Fine, type of Ackerman, No. 4. 272 Square Pattern Penny, probably of Ethelred II. Draped bust with radiated crown r. ; rev., long cross, legends in rude illegible characters. Very fine, weighs 36 gr. This remarkable piece has been seen and pronounced genuine by Lincoln & Sons, London ; J. Henry offered £1 10s. for it, which means a great deal for an English dealer. 273 Cnut (1017). Penny. Bust left in high conical cap, sceptre before it. Rev., Short cross in circle, oval annulets in anofles. York m. Fine. 20 hy. 16 MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS AND MEDALS; SILVER. 274 Cnut (K'lT). Penny. Diademed bust 1. holding sceptre surmounted by a kind of fleur-de-lis. Rev., Short cross in inner circle edked o:^ lv^d. Very fine, rare mint. 18 gr. 275 William Rufus. Penny. Bust facing, star on each side. Rev., Cross moline, sceptre at angles, ielfric on jipsp (Ipswich). Very fine and extremely rare. Hawkins, PI. XIX, No. 250. From Prof. Anthon's Sale, No. 15. 24 gr. 276 Stephen (1135). Penny. Cross in dotted circle, triangles at angles, stephanvs eex. Rev. Similar design, evstacivs (?). Very fine, possibly struck by his son Eustace ; of ex- cessive rarity. See Ruding, Vol I., p. 167. 12 gr. 277 Richard, Coeur de Lion (1189). Penny. Cross potent in cir- cle, EicAEDvs REP. Rev., piCTAViENSis (Poitou). Fine. 18 gr. 278 John (1199). Penny. Bust with sceptre in triangle. Rev. Crescent and blazing star in triangle. Duhlioi m. Fine. 279 Henry III (1216). Short cross Penny, London m. Good. 280 Edward I (1272). Pennies. London and Canterbury m. Very good. 2 pes 281 — Halfpennies. Fair and good. 3 pes 282 — Halfpenny. London in. Fine. 283 Edward II (1307). Bust in circle; rev., civitas cantor. Very good. 284 Edward III (1327). Half Groat. Bust facing in tressure of 8 arches. Rev. civitas eboraci (York). Very fine, rare. 285 Richard II (1377). Groat. Bust facing with open crown. Rev. CIVITAS LONDON. Broken die ; very good, rare. 286 Henry IV or V. Anglo-Gallic billon Gros Blanc. Shields of France and England, hericvs francorvm et anglie REX. Rev. Cross Calvary between a fleur-de-lis and a lion ; SIT NOMEN, etc. Fine, very rare. 18. 287 Henry VI. Groat. Crowned bust in circle of arches, civitas LONDON". Fine. 288 Edward VI. 1551. Crown. King on horseback r., edward VI D G ANG fka & HiBE REX, mm. Y. Rcv., Long forked cross over arms, posvi devm adivtore mev. Y. Well struck, fine. Earliest date of English crowns. 289 — Shilling without date. Crowned bust facing, between a rose and XII. m.m. Y. ; the rev. similar to preceding. Fine. 290 — Shilling. Similar. Very good, pierced. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS AND MEDALS ; SILVER. 17 291 Philip and Mary. 1557. Irish Sixpence. Busts face to face under a crown. Rev. Crowned harp dividing crowned P and M. Very good. From Anthon Sale, 618. 292 Elizabeth. Shilling without date. m.m. hand. Fine. 293 — 1573 Sixpence; 1574, Groat; Half Groat Avithout date. Hammered money, good to fine, last named pierced. 3 pes 294 James I. Shilling without date. Crowned bust r., XII be- hind head. Rev. Armorial shield, qvae devs conivnxit NEMO SEPARET. Fine. 295 Charles I. 1625. Nuptial medalet of Charles and Henrietta Maria. Busts facing each other. Rev. Cupid strewing lilies and roses. Fine. 15. 296 — 1642. Pound Piece. King on horseback 1., a sword in his hand, three plumes to right in the field, cabolvs d : g : mag: BEIT : FEA : et: hib: eex:. Rev. Three plumes over XX eelig : prot : leg angl : libbr par. 1642, within circle of pellets ; exvr. gat. devs. bissipentve. inimict :■ : Fine, very rare and desirable. 297 — 1642. Half Crown. King on horseback r. m.m. plumes. Rev. EELIG : PEOT : leg ang : liber : pae. in two lines, date beneath, usual legend on boi-der. Very good, scarce. 298 — 1644. Oxford Crown. Crowned figure of the King on horseback 1., a sword in his right hand, oxox in very small characters and view of the city of Oxford beneath, caeolvs. D : G : MAG : beit : fean : et. libee. rex, m.m. ornate quatrefoil. Rev. eelig. prot. leg | aistg. libee. parl between scrolls and branches, three plumes and V above, 1644 oxoN beneath, all within circle of dots; exvegat devs dissipentve inimici, with a branch of olive after each word, in outer dotted border. Very fine and authentic specimen of this exeedingly rai'e coin, designed and exe- cuted by Hawlins, one of the most remarkable productions of the entire English series. This specimen differs in slight particulars from the one engraved in Ruding, Plate 24, No. 1, but accords closely with the description given by Acker- man, p. 340 of his work. See Plate I. Cf^ 299 — 1645. Newark Siege Shilling. Crown between c. e., xii !) ^-^^ beneath, all in dotted border. Rev. obs newarke and date. Lozenge-shaped, good, jnerced at upper angle, rare. 18 MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS AND MEDALS ; SILVER. .300 Charles I. 1(M5. Newark Siege Ninepence. Same design as last, but IX beneath crown. Rev. Similar to last. Weak impression, struck on a broad lozenge-shaped planchet, with perfect dotted border. Rare. 301 Charles I. 1646. Newark Siege Half Crown. Similar design, but XXX beneath crown. Rev. obs : Newark 1646. Thick planchet, dotted border, very good and rare. 302 Commonwealth. 1658. Half Crown of the usual type, very good. 303 — 1654 Shilling. Very fine. 304 — Half Groat or Twopence. Fair. 305 Oliver Cromwell. 1658. Crown, struck in pewter, the die cracked across bust to first letter of legend. Unquestion- ably struck from original dies, edge plain, fine, very rare. 306 — 1658. Half Crown, usual type, edge lettered. Fine, rare. 307 — 1658. Shilling. Two small flaws in die above forehead ; circulated, good, rare. 308 Charles II. Oval Coronation Medalet. Crowned bust of King 1., CAEOLvs SECVNDVS (engraved). Rev. Angelic figures holding crown (engraved). Fine, authentic and original, loop. 12. 309 — 1666. Crown. Draped bust laureate. Rev. Four crowned shields, linked C's in angles. Very good. 310 James II. 1685. Half Crown. Draped bust laureate. Rev. Four crowned shields, radiant sun in centre. Struck in the year of his accession, very good, scarce date. 311 — 1686. Crown, type of last described. Very good. 311a — 1683-87. 1, 2, III, IVd., Maundy money. Fine set, in case. 4 pes 312 William and Mary. 1689. Half Crown. Busts jugata. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. Fine. 313 William III. 1696, Sixpence ; 1700, Maundy Illd. Fine and good. 2 pes 314 Anne. 1707. Crowned and draped bust 1. Rev. Crowned arms on altar, supported by a crowned lion and unicorn. Struck to commemorate the final union of England and Scotland as one Kingdom. Very fine and interesting. 17. 315 — 1707. Crown. Draped bust. Rev. Four crowned shields, roses and lilies in angles. Very good. MEDIAEVAL AND MODKRN COINS AND MEDALS; SILVER. 19 316 Anne. 1713. Crown, type of preceding. Fine. 317 George I. 1723. Shilling. South Sea Co. reverse. Very fair. 318 George II. 1736. Cistern or Caroline Medal. Queen water- ing plantation of palm trees, llev. Britannia standing in midst of a trophy. Very fine. 25. 319 — 1741. Shilling; rev., roses in angles of crowned shields. Very fine. 320 — 1745. Lima Shilling. Sharp, uncirculated, scarce. 321 — 175S. Sixpence. Fine. 322 George III. 1787. Shilling. Fine. 323 — 1804. Bank of England Dollar. Very good. 324 — 1814. Head of Britannia in Greek helmet adorned with a lion. Kev. Full figure of Hercules, holding club, the REPOSE OF HERCULES. Superb and rare medal by Mudie^ struck to commemorate the end of the Peninsular war. 26. 325 — 1819. Crown. Bust laureate by Pistrucci. Kev. St. George overcoming the dragon, honi suit qui mal y PENSE. Uncii'culated. 326 — - 1820. Pistrucci Crown, type of preceding. Good. 327 — 1820. Pistrucci Crown. Duplicate, rather poor. 328 — 1821. Crown. Type of preceding, but bust 1. and with- out motto on reverse. Fine. 329 George IV. 1826. Pattern Crown. Head 1., georgivs iv DEI GRATIA. Rev. Large crowned shield over leaf-work, BRITANXIARUM REX FID : DEF : the UlOttO DIEU ET MON DROIT on scroll beneath. Proof, very rare. 330 — 1825, '26. Shillings; rev., crowned lion on crown. Good. 2 pes 331 — 1826. Sixpence. Type of last described. Fine, rare. 332 William IV. 1837. Half Crown. Good. 333 Victoria. 1838. Coronation medal. Youthful bust 1. Rev. Three female figures advancing present the royal crown to seated Victoria. Proof. 23. 334 — 1849. Half Crown. Very good. 335 — 1849. Godless Florin, so-called fi-om the omission of d. g. in legend. Very fair. 336 — 1839, '40, '42, '48, '59, '63, '66, '74, '75. U, 3 (4), and 4 (5) d. Maundy. Good to fine. 10 pes 837 — 1871. Gothic Florin. Uncirculated. 20 MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS AND MEDALS ; SILVER. 338 Victoria. 1883, 1, 2, 3, 4cl., Maundy money. Complete set, nearly proof. 4 pes 339 — 1887. Jubilee Crown. Crowned bust 1. and St. George slaying the dragon. Brilliant, uncirculated. 340 — 1887. Jubilee Four Shillings. Crowned bust; rev., crowned shields, sceptres in angles. Brilliant, uncirciilated. 341 — 1887. Jubilee Half Crown, type of the crown. Brilliant, uncirculated. 342 — 1887. Jubilee Two Shillings, type of the four shillings. Brilliant, uncirculated. 343 — 1887. Jubilee Sixpence. Crowned bust; rev., crowned arras in inscribed garter. Uncirculated, suppressed. 344 Edward VI, Shilling ; Charles II, Maundy Hid. ; George II, 6d. ; Jersey, 1813, Bank token for Is. ; George IV, crowned lion shillings (2), etc. Poor to good, three pierced. 8 pes 345 1808 Bank token. XXXd. Irish. Very good. 346 Scotland. Alexander III (1249). Penny. Crowned bust I. ; rev., long cross, stars in angles. Fine. 24 gr. 347 David II (1329). Groat. Crowned bust 1., with sceptre in tressure of arches; rev., villa Edinburgh. Rare and in- teresting; he was the son of Robert Bruce, restorer of Scotland's indei^endence. Fine. 348 Robert II (1371). Groat, type of preceding; rev., villa de PERTH. Nearly fine, very scarce. The first of the Stuart race of kings, of which the Cardinal of York, Henry IX of England, was the last. (See No. 141 of this catalogue.) 349 Robert III (1390). Groat. Full-faced bust, crowned, in tres- sure, ROBERTVS DEI GRA REX SCOTOR. RcV. Loug Cl'OSS, l)ellet at angles, villa edinbvrgh, in outer circle, dns. PTECTOR. MS. libator MS. Fine, rare. 350 Mary, 1556. Testoon. Crowned arms of Scotland between M and R, with annulet under each letter, maria. del g. regina 1556, mm. cross potent. Rev. Cross potent with plain cross in each angle, in. virtvte. tva. libera, me, 1556 (date repeated), m,m. crown. Very fine and very rare. 351 — 1557. Billon Plack. Crowned arms of Scotland between M and R, maria. del g. scotor. regina. Rev. Orb of four crescents with a crown in each angle and a cross in centre, servio. et vsv. teror. Fine, counterstamped with a heart and star, the badge of the Earl of Morton. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS AND MEDALS ; SILVER. 21 352 Mary. Billon Plack. Thistle-head crowned, between M and R. Rev. Plain St. Andrew's cross, oppidvm edinbvrgi. Very good, 353 James VI. Sword Dollar. Crowned arms of Scotland be- tween crowned I li, jacobus 6, etc. Rev. Crowned sword, l^'XXX, a crowned thistle counterstamped in the field, PEG. ME. SI. MEREOR. IX. ME. Fine and rare. 354 Flanders. Louis le Male (1346). Testoon. Heraldic lion, MONET FLAND. Rev. Cross potcnt in double circle, lvdov. D. G. COMES, etc. Fine. 355 France. Charlemagne (768). Denier or Penny. Small cross, CARLvs REX FR. Rcv. Monogram, met villo (Melle). Fine. 356 Chaiies II, the Bald (840). Penny. Monogram, gratia d, REX. Rev. Small cross in circle, cvrtisas niel. Rare, perfect preservation. 357 — Similar obv. ; rev., small cross in circle, con manis civi- tas. Sharp impression, perfectly uncirculated. Rare. 358 Aleonor (1137). Penny. Cross patee and A in small circle, DvcisiA ; rev., cross, aqvitanie. Very good and rare. She was the wife of Louis VII of France, divorced and married Henry II of England, 1152. Akerman places this coin as the first and earliest of* the Anglo-Gallic series, and as very rare. 359 Marguerite of Provence (1234). Penny, m p and cross in circle ; rev., small cross, two pellets in angles. Very good. 360 Louis IX (Saint Louis, 1226). Gros Tournois. Small cross ; LVDOVicvs REX, outcr legend, sit nomen, etc. Rev. The gate of Tours, tvronis civis, border of twelve lilies. Ex- tremely fine, rare. / 361 Chateau d'Un. Penny. Cross in circle, dvhio castri (?) f ij^_ Rev. Monogram, crosses, etc. Fine. Wellenheim II, 1351. Ascribed to Godfrey of Bouillon, the leader of the second Crusade, 700,000 strong, which conquei-ed Jerusalem, of which he was made king (15 July, 1099). 362 Philip le Bel (1285). Gros Tournois, type of that of St. Louis. Very fine. 363 — Gros Tournois, similar to last. Fine. 364 — Another. Verv Sfood. 22 MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS AND MEDALS ; SILVER. 365 Philip V (1316). Gros Tournois, tyjje of preceding, but lily (?) after l in " Philippus." Very good. See Wellen- heim Vol. II, 449. 366 Charles VI (1380). Grand Blanc. Uncrowned shield, with three lilies. Rev. Cross patee, lily and crown in each alternate angle. Very good. 17. 367 Francis I (1514). Testoon. Bust right, wearing cap-shaped crown. Rev. Crowned lily-shield in circle of eight festoons, A beneath for JParis, xps vincit, etc. Fine ; rare. Under Francis I Canada was discovered by Verazani, and named " Nouvelle France." 368 Henry II. 1559. Testoon. Bust in armor. Rev. Crowned shield between crowned H's, xps vincit, etc., Toulouse m. Fine. 369 — 1560. Testoon, same type, mm. D for Lyons. Very good. 370 Charles IX. 1564. Testoon. Bust laureate in armor left, CAROLVS vim, etc. Rev. Crowned shield between crowned C's, sit nomen, etc., date in Roman letters. Fine. 371 Navarre. Jeanne d' Albert, mother of Henry IV of France. Testoon. Bust right, joaxna dei gea. navar. d. b. 1566. Rev. Crowned shield between crowned I's, gratia dei svM ID QVOD svM, mm. cow^ for Pau. Good. She was a prime leader in the Huguenot movement. Her coins are very rare. 372 Henry III, the last of the Valois. 1576. Testoon. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield between crowned H's, sit nomen, etc. Fine. 373 — 1576. Original Jeton of the League. Royal arms, nil NISI coxsiLio. Rev. Allegorical female figure, concordi- Bvs OMNIA LAETA. Refers to the treaty with the Hugue- nots at Blois, with which they were not satisfied. Fine. 18. From Prof. Anthon's sale. 374 — 1590. Testoon. Bust in armor, henricvs hi, etc. Rev. Four fleurs-de-lis, forming cross. Good, rare, the M beneath bust may stand for Toulouse m., or perhaps for " Duke of Mayence," Chief of the League, who held Paris after the death of Henrv III in 1589. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS AND MEDALS : SILVER. 23 375 Charles X, Cardinal de Bourbon. 1597. Testoon. Cross fleurie, carolvs x d. g. fkanc. rex. Rev. Royal arms, crowned, sit benedictvm, etc. Fine, very rare. Struck by the Guise faction after his death, which occurred in 1590. Another nuraismatical puzzle, not fully explained by Bar- thelemy, who says, p. 74: de 1589 a 1594, le parti des Poli- tiques fit frapper des ^ d'ecus ne portant pas de nom royal, niais seulement la legende sit nomen, etc. 376 Louis XIV. 1717. Broad Crown of 6 Livres. Large bust with flowing hair. Rev. Three crowns, A for Paris in centre, fleurs-de-lis at angles, sit nomen domini benedic- TVM. Superb, almost uncirculated, rare. 377 — Jeton. Bust r. Rev. Crowned arms, jetons des estaz DE BEETAGNE. Fine. 18. 378 Louis XV. 1722. Jeton. Bust laureate. Rev. Hercules resting, nojst minor est vietus, in exergue, exteaoedi- NAiEE des guerees. Fine. 19. 379 — 1732. Jeton. Draped bust laureate by du Vivier. Rev. Mining scene, teesoe eotal. Very fine. 19. 380 — 1734. Jeton. Another bust r. Rev. Minerva directing field pieces, si vis pacem paea bellum, aetilleeie. Fine. 19. 381 — 1736. Jeton. Bust of Queen Maria 1. by du Vivier. Rev. A blooming tree, maison de la eeine. Fine. 19. 382 — 1736. Jeton, duplicate of last. Very good. 383 — 1751. Jeton. Same obv. Rev. Blooming shrub, istata coEONis PEOGENiES. Fine. 19. 384 Louis XVI. 1792. Crown. Head 1. Rev. Genius inscribing the Constitution on tablet, eegne de la loi, i-'an 4 de la libeete. Very good. 385 First Republic. l79o. Crown of 6 Livres. Genius, etc., as before. Rev. Value in wreath, l'an ii. Fine, scarce. 386 Bonaparte, First Consul. Year 12. 5 Francs. Very fair. 387 Napoleon I. 1811. 5 Francs, Paris m. Fine. 388 — 1812. 5 Francs, Paris m. Very good. 389 Louis XVIII. 1824. 5 Francs, i//^e m. Good. 390 Louis Philippe. 1834. 5 Francs. Very good. 391 Second Republic. 1849. 5 Francs. Head of the Republic ; Fine. 5" : M 24 m?:diai>:val axd modern coins and medals; silver. 392 Second Republic. 1852. 5 Francs, with head of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, President. Fine, scarce. 393 Napoleon III. 1867. 5 Francs. Fine. 394 — 1867. 5 Francs, duplicate. Fine. 395 18U8-1867. 20c. (1), ^ franc (6), francs (3). Poor to fine, one pierced. 9 j)cs 396 HoxG KoxG. 1866. Dollar, bust of Victoria. Very fine. 397 India. 1841, '72, 2 Annas; 1878, '79, and '81, 10 and 20c. (3), Straits Settlements. Fine. 5 pes 398 Rupee, native characters. Fine. 399 Japax. Itzebue. Oblong square ; v'ery fine. 16x11. 400 Mexico. 1736. Cob Money piece of 8 Reals or Dollar. Very fine for this rude coinage. 401 Cob Money. 2 Reals. Fair. 402 1834 Dollars, Potosi and Zacatecas m. Very good. 2 pes 403 1841 Dollar, Guanaxuato m. Fine. 404 1844 Half Dollar, Guadelajara m. Good. 405 Maximilian. Peso or Dollar, Mexico m. Fine. 406 — 1866. Peso or Dollar, Potosi m. Very good. 407 1877 Dollar, Zacatecas m. Fine. 408 Netherlands. 1740. Ter-centenary of the invention of printing. Bust of Coster in cap and fur cloak. Rev. A primitive printing press, typooeaphia harlemi. Very fine, rare. 23. ("The Little Marshoorn.") 409 1740 Sujjerb medal by Holtzhey, struck at Harlem on the same occasion. Allegorical representation of Coster in- spired by female figure descending from heaven, cupids at work with printing press to right. Rev. Female figure seated holding fasces, a burning altar at her right, cupids and various implements before her, view of a village and the sea in the back ground, memoriae sacrvm, in exergue, harlemvm. 40. ("The Great Holtzhey.") 410 Norway. 1852, 1875, 12 Sk. ; 1875, Krone. Fine. 3 pes 411 Parma. Mediaeval Grossus or silver Penny, under Fred- eric ll. Castle gate, parma. Rev. fridric. Very fine. See Wellenheim Vol. II, 3623. 412 Papal States. 1559. Sede-Vacante Half Testoon. Figure of St. Paul ; rev.. Arms. Fine. 413 Paul II (1404). Penny. Head over forked ornament, pavlvs p. p. II. Rev. PETRVS. pavlvs. Fine. 9. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS AND MEDALS ; SILVER. 25 414 Medal. Saint worshipping at altar on which crucifix and skull, FRANCOIS d'assise. Rev. Crowned figure of St. Louis holding wreath. Loop, oval, fine. 23. 415 Satirical Medal. Heads of Cardinal and buffoon joined, EFFIGIES CARDINVM MVNDI. Kev. EFFKMINATI DOMIJSTABVN- TVR Eis 1544. Very fine. 18. 416 Portugal. 1858, 500 K. ; 1862, 50 Keis. Very good. 2 pes 417 South Peru. 1838. Half Dollar. Volcano and tower at sea-shore. Good. 418 Spain. Philip III. 1607. CroAvned bust 1. Rev. Floreated cross. Bent and partly oxydized, curious. 18. 419 Charles III. 1774, 1786. 4 and 2 Pteals. Good. 2 pes 420 Ferdinand VII. 1818. Dollar, Mexico m.. Very good. 421 Sweden. Oscar. 1856. Broad Crown or 4 liiksdaler, Riks- mark. Fine. 422 Switzerland. 1850. ^ and 1 Francs. Good and fine. 2 pes 423 Schwytz. 1867. 5 Francs of the Federal shooting festival. Lion supporting the Cantonal arms. Rev. Swiss shield over trophy. Uncirculated. 424 1874, St. Gall. 5 Francs, shooting festival. Cantonal arras over view of the city. Rev. Swiss hero kneeling before the battle. Very fine. 425 1874. 5 Francs, duplicate of last. Fine. 426 Lausanne. 1876. 5 Francs, shooting festival. Females clasp- ing hands. Rev. View of Lausanne and the high bridge. Fine. 427 Lugano. 1883. 5 Francs, shooting festival. Helvetia and river-god guarding the St. Gothard tunnel. Rev. Federal cross and trophy of arms at r., view of Lugano in the dis- tance. Fine ; rare. 428 Venice. Nicolas Trono. 1471. Testoon. Aged bust left. Rev. Lion of St. Mark in wreath. Fine, rare : the doges rarely placed their busts on coins. 429 Austria, Bremen, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Mexico, Nether- lands, Prussia, Spain, etc. Half dime to quarter dollar size, fair to fine, six pierced. 33 pes 430 German States. Base, good and fine, one pierced. 9 pes 26 MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS; GOLD. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS; GOLD. Many of England, including fine specimens of rare, early issues. 431 Central Amkrica. 184^. ^ Escudo or Dollar. Fine. 432 Colombia. 1823. Escudo or $2.00. Bust of Liberty. Rev. Fasces, bow and arrows between two cornucopiae. Fine. 433 Denmark. Frederic V. 1758. Ducat of 12 Marks. Good. 434 England. Edward III. Noble. Crowned figure of king with sword and shield in ship, edward dei gra rex angl z FRANC D iiYE. Rev. Cross fleury in double tressure of eight arches, a crowned lion in each angle, and a fleur-de- lis over each limb of the cross, ihc avtem transiens p. MEDivM ILLORVM iBA. Very fine perfect specimen, uncir- • culated. 21. Commemorates Edward's great Naval Victory over France, June 23, 1340, and England's sovei-eignty over the seas. 435 — Noble. Another specimen, similar to preceding. Fine. 21. 436 — Fourth Noble. Shield of arms within a tressure of eight arches, edward dei gra rex ang. Rev. Cross fleury, lions in angles, in tressure, exaltabitvr in gloria. Fine and rare. 13. Struck after the treaty of Bretigny, 1360, by which Edward renounced his claims to France. 437 — Anglo-Gallic. Leopard. In a tressure of ten curves a leopard crowned, edwardvs dei gra AN(iLi francie rex. Rev. Within a border composed of four arches and four angles, a cross fleury, a lion in each angle, xpc vincit xpc regnat xpo imperat. Very fine and extremely rare. IS. 438 Edward, the Black Prince. Anglo-Gallic. Pavillion. Prince under a Gothic pavillion, a sword in his right hand, his feet resting upon two lions, on each side two ostrich feathers, ED po GNS REG ANGL PNCEPS A. Rev. Within a quatrefoil surmounting a square, a cross glande, ornamented with ostrich feathers, fleurs-de-lis and lions alternately in quar- ters, DNS AIVTO PTECIO ME IIPO D PAVIT COR MEVM B. SupCrb, uncirculated ; of the highest rarity. 20. 439 — Anglo-Gallic, Leopard. Type of the Leopard of Edward III, but ED PMO GNS REGIS ANGLIE PNCEPS AQITANIE. Fine, excessively rare. 19. Mediaeval and modern coins ; gold. 27 440 Edward, the Black Prince. Anglo-Gallic. Hardi. Three- quarter length figure of the prince, a sword in his right hand, to which he points with his left, ed po gns regis, etc. Kev. Cross glande, ornamented with plumes, lions and rteurs-de-lis in angles, avxilivm mevm a domino, b. Superb and excessively rare, j)erfectly uncirculated. 17. Cost $31, Frossard's 51st Sale. While a merciless and cruel enemy in war, Edward was beloved by his countrymen, and was the greatest genei'al of England in the jNIiddle Ages. He was the first Prince of Wales, and, in violation of the treaty of Bretigny, was aijpointed (Tovernor of the English possessions in France, 1363. 441 Henry IV. Noble. King with sword and shield in ship, three ropes to mast, henric di gra. rex angl, z franc d hib. Rev. Cross fleury in double tressure of eight arches, crowned lions in angles, h in centre, ihc avtem, etc. A splendid, perfect impression, uncirculated, very rare. 21. Henry IV appears to have struck coins in London only, and they are all rare. See Kenyon's Gold Coins, p. 43. 442 Henry V. Noble. Similar, but mast with two ropes only, which distinguishes it from preceding (See Ruding p. 347-6). Very fine and rare. 21 . 443 — Anglo-Gallic Salute. Busts of Virgin Mary and angel over the shields of France and England, ave between them, HENRicvs DEI GRA, ctc. Rcv. In a tressure of ten curves a cross calvary between a fleur-de-lis and a lion, h beneath, mm. on each side Jleur-de-lis. Extremely fine. 17. The French coins of Henry V are particularly interesting as the out- come of the extraordinary victory at Agincourt by whicli he became King of France, de facto, in succession to Charles VI. The treaty of Troyes, 1420, ratified by the Parliament of France, accepted liis succession, and the two countries were to be forever united. 444 — Salute. Similar to last, but mm. {io?i on each side. Equally fine. 17. 445 Edward IV. Noble of the second issue. King armed with sword and shield in ship, banneret inscribed G to 1., edward DI GRA, etc. Rev. Within a tressure of eight arches a sun of sixteen rays, around which four crowned lions and four fleurs-de-lis alternately, ihc avtem transiens, etc. Sharp impression, perfectly uncirculated. Rare. 22. 28 MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS; GOLD. Edward adopted the Sun on liis coins in consequence of the appearance of three suns in the heavens immediately before his first battle in 14Gi», in which he was successful. Kenyon, p. 58. 44G Edward I^'. Noble, same issue as last. Fine, small counter- stamp of city of Danzig beneath ship. 22. Extremely rare. 447 Henry VII. Angel. Archangel Michael slaying dragon, HKNRic Di GRA, etc. Rev. A ship, before which a shield of arms surmounted by a cross, at the sides of which ii and a rose, PER CRVCE TVA SALVA Nos xpR REDE ; mm. at each side, apheon. Fine. 18. 448 Henry VIII. Sovereign. King crowned sits in a chair of state, holding sceptre and globe, a rose at his feet, henric 8 DI GRA ANGLIE FRANCIE ET HIBE REX. EeV. liOyal shield crowned, supported by a lion crowned and a dragon, hr in monogram beneath, ihe avtem transiens per medivm ILLORVM iBAT, mm. flew-de-Us . Very line and extremely rare. 24. In 1540 Heni'y assumed the title of King of Ireland, conferred upon him by an Irish statute of that year. All his Sovereigns are rare. Kenyon, pp. 88 and 94. 449 — Half Sovereign. Type of pi-eceding. Legends sharp, but entire design in centre, obv. and rev., weakly struck. Fine and rare. 2U. 450 Edward VI. Half Sovereign. Crowned profile bust in armor r., a sword in his right, the orb in his left hand, EDWARD VI D. G. AXGL FR. z HiB REX. Uev. Crowued amis, separating E R, ihs avtem, etc., m,m. tun. Very fine. 20^ His gold coins are all rare. Kenyon, p. 114. 451 Elizabeth. Half Sovereign. Crowned bust of queen 1., ELiZAB D. G. ang ERA ET HIB REGix. Rev. Ci'owncd arms separating E R, scvtvm fidei proteget ea, -mm,, tun. Sharj), uncirculated, a superb and rare coin. 2U. K. p. 128. 452 — Angel. Archangel slaying dragon, Elizabeth, etc. Rev. e and a rose at sides of cross over ship, a duo factvm est ISTVD ET EST MiRABi. Uncirculated and rare. Ruding ascribes this to the year 1560. 19. 453 James I. Sovereign, Crowned bust in armor with sceptre surmounted by fleur-de-lis and orb. Ifev. Crowned arms, I and R at sides, faciam eos in gentem vxam. mm. tower. Very fine, struck in 1605. 23. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS ; GOLD. 29 454 James I. Double Crown or Half Laurel. Draped bust laureate r., X behind head. Rev. Crowned arms, henricvs ROSAS REGNA JACOB (Henry united the Roses, James unites the Kingdoms), mtn. trefoil. Fine. 18. 155 — Half Crown. Crowned bust r., rosa sine spina. Rev, Crowned shield. Very good. 10. 456 — Half Crown. Similar to last. Good. 10. 457 Charles I. Unit or Broad. Crowned bust in profile 1., XX behind the head. Rev. Oval shield, crowned, C R crowned, at sides, florent concordia kegna. Fine. 21. 458 CommonAvealth. 1652. Twenty Shillings. Shield bearing St. George's cross in wreath, the commonwealth of Eng- land. Rev. Shields conjoined, one bearing St. George's cross, the other the Irish harp, XX above, god with vs. Very line. 22. Beautifully engraved b}' Hiinon, made by the mill and screw i)rocess. It is probable that Cromwell never ventured to put them into circulation. 459 Oliver Cromwell. 1656. XX Shillings or Broad. Bust laureate r., OLIVAR D G. RP ANG SCO ET HIB & PRO. Rcv. CrOwncd shield of arms, pax qvaeritvr bello. Edge milled, almost proof, but unfortunately pierced above head. Rare. 19. 460 Charles II. 1679. Five Pounds. Bust laureate r., carolvs ii DEI gratia. Rev. Crowned shields, four C's interlinked in the centre, sceptres in angles ; edge lettered, decus et TUTAMEN ANNO REGNI TRICESIMO PRIMO. A SUpCfb and valuable coin. 24. 461 — Touch Piece. Ship sailing, car ii d. g. m. br fr et hib REX. Rev. Archangel slaying the dragon, soli deo gloklv. Very good, pierced, as all these pieces are. Extremely rare and interesting. 15. 462 — Touch Piece. Another; same type, very fair and dis- tinct. 14. Shakespeare mentions the " Touch Piece" in Macbeth, Act IV, Sc. 3, and Pettigrew in his work on " Supei'stitions connected with Medicine and Surgery, London, J. Churchill, 1844," devotes a chapter to describ- ing the process of curing various diseases adopted by the kings, and gives a fac-siniile plate of four of these tokens, the two above included. He says the practice in England began Avith Edward the Confessor, 30 MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS ; GOLD. an«l descended only to potentates who could show an alliance with the royal family of England. The French kings adopted it and kept up the custom till 177(i. Louis XIV touched 160(1 persons on Easter Sunday, l()S(i, saying to each " le roy te touche, Dieute gudrisse;" every French- man touched received a gratuity of 15 sous, foreigners 30. Pepys' Diary refers to the practice, June 23, 1660, and April 13, 1661. Evelyn de- scril)es the process and the bestowing of the golden token attached to a white ribbon, under entry of July 6, 1660. The English kings' audiences to receive the royal touch were limited to 200 persons. 463 William and Mary. 1(301. Guinea. Busts jugata and crowned arms. Very fair. 404 George I. 1718. Quarter Guinea. Bust r. ; rev., four shields, sceptres in angles. Uncirculated, rare. 465 George III. 1762. Quarter Guinea. Bust r. and crowned shield. Fine. 466 — 1774. Guinea. Bust laureate and crowned shield. Proof ^ 467 _ 1789. Half Spade Guinea. Good. 468 — 1794. Spade Guinea. Nearly line. 469 — 179S. Third Guinea. Head laureate r. ; rev., a crown. Uncirculated. 470 George IV. 1S23. Double Sovereign. Bust left. Rev. St. George slaying the dragon. Edge lettered, brilliant, nearly proof. 471 Victoria. 1887. Jubilee Five Sovereign. Crowned and veiled bust 1., VICTORIA D : G : BRiTT : REG : F : D : Rev. St. George slaying the dragon. Reeded edge ; brilliant, mint state or uncirculated. 472 — 1887. .Jubilee Double Sovereign, type of the jjreceding. Brilliant, uncirculated. 473 — 1887. Jubilee Sovereign. Same type ; uncirculated. 474 — 1887. Jubilee Half Sovereign. Bust as before ; rev., crowned arms. Uncirculated. 475 France. Agnel (13th century). Lamb with banneret in tressure, king's name beneath indistinct. Rev. Cross-fleury, fleurs-de-lis in angles, within ornamental tressure, xpi vin- CIT, XPI REGNAT, XPI IMPERAT. Fine. 18. 476 Agnel. Same period, similar to last. Fine.. 16. 477 Philip V (128,5), Chaise. King holding sword, seated on throne, philippvs dei gr. francorvm rex. Rev. Cross fleury in quatrefoil, xpc vincit, etc. Fine. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN (JOINS ; GOLD. 31 47S Philip VI (loi27). Ch.'iisc, Crowned Hgurc of king holding sceptre, seated on Gothic tlironc, phimi'Ims, etc. Kev. Ornamental lozenge in quatrefoil, crowns in outward angles, xpc viNciT, etc. Very fine. 2(1. The couteniporary of Edward III of England, and constantly dcl'eatcd by him and the Black Prince. England conquered nearly the wlioh; of France during his reign. 479 — King seated on throne holding sword and shield, piulip- pvs, etc. Rev. Cross iieury in quati'efoil, trefoils in out- ward angles, usual legend. Extremely fine. 18. 480 — Full figure of king, holding scej^tre, in Gothic arch, phs REX FRA (OR. RcA'. Cross fieury in quatrefoil, crowns in angles. Very fine. 17. 481 John II (1350). Agnel. Lamb with banneret, loii rex beneath, agn dei, etc. Kev. Cross fieury in tressui-e of arches alternating with angles, fleurs-de-lis in exterior angles, xpi vincit, etc. Very fine. 19. Captured at the battle of Poictiers by Edward the Black Prince and ransomed four years later at an immense cost and the sacrifice of eight pi-ovinces. 482 — King in armor, with drawn sword, charging to 1., Johannes, etc. Ifev. Cross fleury in quatrefoil, trefoils in exterior angles. Very fine. 17. 483 Charles V (1354). Crowned figure of king, holding sword, in arch, lilies in the field on each side, carolvs d. g. frax- CORVM REX. Kev. Cross fleury, crowns and lilies in angles, in tressure of arches and triangles. Very fine. 18. One of the most illustrious and wise of the French khigs : he foundcii the Public Library of Paris and erected the Bastille. 484 — Another specimen of this type. Fine. IS. 485 Charles VI (1380), Crowned figure of king, holding sceptre, seme de lis, karolvs, etc. Kev. Cross fleury in quatrefoil, crowns in outward angles, XP's vincit, etc. Very tine. 18. It was during the insanity of this king that the battle of Agincourt was won by the English. Henry V married his daughter and was made King of France. 486 Charles VII (1112). Ecu d'Or. Crowned shield between crowned lilies, karolvs dei ura francorvm rex. Kev. Cross fleury in tressure, crowns in angles. Very fine. 18. 32 MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS; GOLD. 487 Louis XII (14!I7). Ecu d'Or. Crowned shield, star above, LVDOvicvs : DEI : (iRAciA : laiANcoRVM : REX. Rev. Cross- tleury, a lily on each arm, in ])laiii circle, xi'S vincit, etc. Very fine. 17. 488 — Ecu d'Or. Same type as last. Fine. 48I> — Ecu d'Or. Similar, but porcupines at each side of shield and in two angles on reverse Very fine. 17. 4'JO Francis I (1514). Ecu d'Or. Crowned lily-shiehl ; rev., two crowned F's in angles of cross. P'inc. 1(5. The discovery of Canada by Verazani and tlie settlement thereol" by Jacques Cartier will always shed lustre on his i-eign. 491 — Ecu d'Or. Quartered field, lilies and fishes in angles; rev., plain lily-cross. Fine. 17. 492 Henry II. 155- V Henry d'Or. Bust in armor r,, henricvs ii D. G. FRAN. REX. Rcv. Four crowncd H's forming cross, lilies and crescents in angles, dvm totvm comfleat orbem. Very fine. IS. 112 gr. 49;j — 155-":' Type of last described. Fine. 12. 494 Chai'les IX. 151)5. Ecu d'Or. Crowned shield, carolvs vim D. G. F. REX MDLXV. Rcv. Lily-CroSS, CRISTVS REGNAT, CtC. Very fine. IG. 495 — 1568. Ecu d'Or, type of preceding, the date on reverse. Very fine. 15. 496 Louis XIII. 1041. Half Ecu. Bust laureate r. Kev. Four pairs of crowned L's, back to back, cruciform, lilies in angles. Very fine. 13. 497 Louis XV. 1720. Colonial 24 Livres. Youthful bust laure- ate r., LUD. XV. D. G. FR. ET NAv. REX. Ilcv. Two L's, back to back, crowned, three lilies in the field, christus regnat. viNciT. iMPERAT. mm. W for J^ille. Extremely fine, of excessive rai"ity. 16. 152 gr. Designed from the Livve of 20 Sols, struck under uuthority of the king, by Law, Scotch fiiiancicir, and founder of the French India (Mississippi) Company, and intended for general circulation in French Colonies, in- cluding of course Canada and the Mississippi Valley. From the collec- tion of Ed. Frossard, sold Oct. 2-;i, 1.S84, the only specimen known or ever offered in the States or Canada. See "Canada Antiq. Vol. Ill, p. 65." 498 — 1749. Quadruple Louis d'or. Filleted head 1. Rev. Crown surmounting the shields of France and of Navarre, CHRS REGN viNC iMPE. Fine. 18. 250 or. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS ; GOLD. So 499 Napoleon I. 40 Francs. Head 1., bonaparte imikmieh CONSUL. Kev. Value in wreath, kepubijquk francaisk, AN 12, edge lettered dieu protege la France. Very fine. 500 — 1807. 40 Lire or Francs, Milan m. Ilend 1. and inijje- rial arms. Extremely line. 501 Napoleon III. 1855. 100 Francs. P'ine ])ortrait Inist by Barre, napoleon hi empereur. Kov. Iin])erial arms EMPIRE francais, PaHs m. Uncirculated, very rare and desirable. 502 _ 18(50. 10 Francs. Fine. 503 Guatemala. 1860. 4 Reals or \ Dollar, bust of Carnu-a. Fine. 504 Japan. Oblong squai-e ^ Yen. Fine. 8x4. 505 Milan. Ducat. Knight on horseback charging right. Rev. Crowned monogram, and arms of the Sforza in tressure. Fine, 14th century. 506 Moors of Spain. Large thin coin with curious cuneiform characters in square on each side. Very fine and rare. 21. 64 gr. 507 — Similar to last, but size 14. 36 gr. 508 Mexico. 15 — ? Crowned arms in rude circle of pellets, o t c z perpendicularly at right, p .... at left. Rev. Cross potent in quatrefoil, border of pellets and indistinct characters. Very rude, similar to the silver Cob money, fine. Earliest American Coinage, believed to be unique ; cost |36 in one of Mr. Woodward's Sales. 16. 104grs. 509 Portugal. John V. 1725. 20,000 Reis. Crowned arms. Rev. Cross potent, M in each angle, in hoc signo vinces. Leaf-work on edge, massive, superb coin, uncirculated. 24. 1 oz. 852 gr. 510 Palatinate. Charles Philip. 1733. Double Ducat. Bust r. Rev. Ornate circle and monograms. Good. 511 Russia. Nicholas I. 1881. Twelve Rouble piece, platinum coinage. Double-headed imperial eagle, crowned. Rev. " 12 silver Roubles, from the Ural platinum," iSt. Peters- burg m. Extremely fine and rare, size 22, weighs 1^ oz. A specimen of this denomination and date sold for $22.50 in Prof. Anthon's sale. B4 mediaeval and MOt>ERN COtNS ; GOLt). 512 Salzburg. Wolfgang Theodore. 1594, Ten Ducats. Mitred saints supporting tlie Arclil)ishop's arms. Hev. Tempest surging around a tower on a rock, in domino sperans non iNFiiiMABOR. Struck to pay troojis against the Turks, and worthy t" figure as one of tlie gems of the finest col- lection. Cost 140. Superb impression, in condition as it fell from the dies. Very rare. LJG. 412 gr. 513 Scotland. Mary. 1555. Royal. Bust 1., maria. dei g. scoTOR. REGiNA. Rcv. Aruis of Scotlaud crowned, ivstvs FIDE. viviT. The head lacks relief and is somewhat rubbed, balance of obv. and rev. fine. Excessively rare and desir- able ; commands a large figure in London. 18. 514 James VI. IGoi. Sword and Sceptre Piece. Arms of Scot- land crowned, iacobvs. 6. d. g. r. scotorvm. Rev. Sword and sceptre in saltire, between two thistle-heads, a crown above, date below. Very good, pierced, rare. 18. 515 Spain. Philip V. 1723. Doubloon. Crowned arms en- circled by the Order of the Golden Fleece, philippus v dei GRA. Ifev. Cross potent in tressure, hispaniarum rex. Leaf-work on edge, a superb uncirculated impression. 24. 510 Venice. Sequin. St. Mark delivering a standard to kneel- ing doge, vertical inscription. Rev. Christ surrounded by 9 stars, in oval. Very fine. 517 Andreas Gritti (1523). Double Florin. Cross fleury, andreas GRITI DVX VENETIAR. llcv. ArmS, SANCTVS MARCVS VP:N- ETvs. Fine. 17. 518 Sebastian Mocenigo (1722). Ducat. Doge receiving stand- ard from St. Mark. Rev. Winged lion, dvcatvs reipvb. Fine. 13. 519 Ludovicus Manin. Sequin, usual type. Nicked, very good. 520 United States. 5 Dollars. 1805. Head of Liberty and heraldic eagle. Very good, gold loop. 521 1834. Five Dollars, c. bechtler | at rutiierf : » | 5 dol- lars. Rev. CAROLINA (iOLD | AUGUST 1. 1834. | 140 I G. | 20. I carats. Fine, rare variety. 522 3 Dollars. 1854. Indian head of Liberty and value in wreath. Very fine and rare. 523 3 Dollars. 1857. Very fine and rare. 524 3 Dollars. 1874. Uncirculated. 525 2^ Dollars. 1839. Charlotte m. Very tine. 526 Dollar. 1851. .V27 Dollar. 1851. .VJ8 Dollar. 1851. 529 Dollar. 1853. 530 Dollars. 1854. 531 Dollars. 1853. .")32 Dollar. 1S.)4. COINS OF ancip:nt ROME AND greh:ce. 35 Very tine. Very fine. Orleans m. Fine. Very tine. Very tine. 2 pes Fine and very tine. 2 pes Indian head. Fine. 533 Dollars. 1854. California coinage ; octagonal, different types, nncircnlated. 2 pes 534 Dollar. 1857. Very fine. 535 Dollars. 1857. Very fine. 2 jics 536 Dollar. 185U. Very fine. 537 Dollar. 1870. Proof. 538 Dollar. 1871. California coinage ; octagonal, very tine. 539 Dollar. 18S3. Proof. 540 Half Dollai-s. 1867. California. Round (2), octagonal. Un- circulated. 3 pes 541 Half Dollars. California. 1869, 70, 71, 74, 75. Octagonal, except last. Uncirculated. 5 pes 542 Half Dollars. California. 1876 (round and octagonal), 1880, Uncirculated. 3 pes 543 Quarter Dollars. California. 1867 (round and octag.), 1869, 1876 (round and octag.), 1880 (octag.) Uncir. (i pes COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND G-KEECE. SERIES OF THE ROMAN AES. 544 Aes. Janus head ; rev., prow of ship to r., I above it. Green patination, extremely tine and desirable specimen of the first true coin of Rome, period 4O0 B. C. 39. 545 Aes. Type and period of last described. Very good. 41. 546 Ardea. Semis. Helmeted head of Pallas 1., S beneath. Rev. Similar head r., S beneath. Beautiful smooth and even patinatiou of fine dark green color. A perfect coin, earliest period. 32. 547 AlV)a. Semis. Bull running 1., S behind; rev., wheel of six spokes. Rough surface ; fine, very rare. 27. 548 Lueeria. Quincunx or -^.^ Aes. Cross on each side, • • • • • in angle. Fine green patination, early period, rare. 20. 36 COINS OF ANCIENT KOME AND GRF:ECE. 549 Al})a. Triens. Ilor^^e galloi.ing 1., • • » • Rev. Wheel uf six spokes, • • • • between. Finely patinated, early pe- riod. 27. 55(t Italic Triens. Head of horse and four pellets on each side. Fine, early period. 'IS. 551 Hadria. Quadrans (?). A foot, hat.; rev., barley grain. Type indistinct, legend bold ; good. 24. 552 Ardea. Sextans. Scallop shell in relief, •• : rev., caduceus. Green patination, early period, fine. 24. 553 Hadria. Sextans. Anchor ; rev., h a t # ». Earliest period, very good. 20. 554 Tuder. Sextans. Sleeping dog; rev., a lyre • •• Dark patination, very early j)eriod, fine. 22. 555 Tuder. Sextans. Club; rev., © #. Oval, fine. 20. 556 Aes, later period. Head of Sun. Kev. Crescent, ]»ellet and two stars, eoma beneath. Good, very rare. Wellenheini 8252. 16. 557 Semis, later period. Head r. and pruw. Varieties; fine. 13 and 16. 2 pes 558 Semis, Triens. Head and prow. Varieties ; fair and good. 14. 3 pes 559 Quadrans. Head of Hercules, • • • behind. Rev. Ship's prow r., EOMA above, • • • beneath. Greek workmanship, beautiful olive-green patination, in i)erfect preservation. 17. 560 Sextans. Large head r. ; rev., ship's prow, two pellets be- neath. Good. 19. CONSULAR AND IMPERIAL COINS; GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE. 561 Rome. Bifrons head of Janus. Rev. Jupiter in quadriga, ROMA in sunken letters. Double Denarius ; fine. 562 Head of Roma, V behind it ; rev., the Dioscuri, eoma. Su- perb Quinarius from the Anthon sale. Cost $3.20. 563 Head of Roma, S H behind it ; rev., the Dioscuri, roma. Silver Semis, very fine and rare. 564 Cornelia. Head of Venus, Cupid before it, l. svlla. Rev. Praefericulum and lituus between two trophies, impee. iTEKVM. F'ine, rare denarius. 565 Hostilia. Head of Terror, shield behind it. Rev. Two figures in biga, saserna. Fine denarius. Hostilia vowed temples to Terror in his battles with the Veientes. COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREECE. 37 566 Heads of All a] a and Brutus, brvtvs. Denarius; fine, slight corrosion spot. M. Brutus pretended to descend from Lucius Brutus and Ahala. Anthon 85iJ, $4.20. See description. 567 Marcia. Head of Ancus Marcius, ancvs. Rev. Equestrian statue on aqueduct, philippvs aqva mar. Denarius ; very tine. 568 Porcia. Winged head of Pallas, p. laeca. Rev. Man holding his hand over the head of a citizen, lictor to r., provoco. Denarius, fine, rare. 569 Tituria. Head of Tatius Sabinus, sabin. Rev. Scene of the rape of the Sabines. Denarius ; fine. 570 Vibia. Bust of Venus r. Rev. Venus, undraped, rests ^ '^*^ against a column, a mirror in her hand, c. vibivs varvs. Aureus^ fine, extremely rare. ' ^ 571 Pompey the Great. Fine portrait head of Pompey between lituus and praefericulum, mag. Pivs imp iter. Rev. Nep- tune, his foot on a prow, between the brothers Anapius and Amphinoinus. Rare denarius, obv., especially, very fine. 572 Julius Caesar. Portrait bust r., caesar imper. Iiev. Venus Nicephore, with hasta and shield, a Victory on her ex- tended hand, m. met. Denarius, fine and very rare. 573 — Bust laureate r., star behind it, caesar ump. Rev. Similar to last, SEPVLLivs MACER. Dcnarius, fine, rare. 574 — Veiled head of Julius Caesar, caesar (parens) patriae. Rev. c. cossvTivs maridianvs. Denarius, fine, very rare type. From Anthon Sale ; cost 17.50. 575 — Head of Venus. Rev. Aeneas carrying his father Anchi- ses and the Palladium from burning Troy, caesar. Dena- rius, very fine. 576 — Denarius, type of last described. Fine. 577 — Head of Venus 1. and lituus. Rev. Two figures mournins: at the foot of a trophy, caesar. Denarius, very good, struck for payment of troops at Pharsalia, B. C. 48. 578 — Elephant trampling upon a serpent, caesar, pontifical in- struments on rev. Denarius ; fine, struck for payment of troops in Gaul. 579 — Denarius, type of last described. Fine. 580 — Head laureate of Julius Caesar r., vase in the field, caesak 1). Rev. Head of M. Antony, lituus behind it. m. antox. Denarius, fine and very rare. ^, 38 COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREECE. 581 Casca and Brutus. Head of Neptune r., trident beneath, (•AS('A j,o.N(ivs. Kev. Victory to r., breaking a diadem, and walking over a broken sceptre, nitvxvs imp. Rare and extremely line denarius of Casca and Brutus, Caesar's assassins. From the Anthon Sale (276), $8.25. 582 Mark Antony and Augustus. Portrait bust on each side and inscriptions. Denarius ; sharp, very fine, rare. 583 Augustus. Portrait bust r., imp caksak. Rev. Capricorn, cornucopia, and avgvstvs in a wreath of laurel. Silver medallion struck in Asia. Very fine and rare. 18. 5j^4 — Bust ; rev., S. C. and inscriptions, one with c cassivs c'ELER HI viR. M.B. Good. 2 pes 585 Augustus and M. Agrij)pa. Busts back to back, - . - caksak. j)ivj. Rev. Triumphant galley r. Smooth brown patina- tion, fine and rare. G.B. 19. 580 Livia. Draped bust r., salvs avgvsta. Rev. S. C. and inscription. M.B., dark olive patina, very fine. 587 Tiberius. Bust laureate r., xi. caksak divi avu. f. avgvstvs. Rev. Livia seated, holding hasta and olive branch, pontif maxim. Aureus ; sharp and beautiful impression, fleur-de- coin ; Anthon, 295, cost $20.00. 588 Claudius. Bust laureate r., xi ckavjj caksak avg. . . . Rev. Triumphal arch inscribed d]-: bkitan surmounted by Clau- dius on horseback between two trophies. Denarius ; very good and of excessive rarity. Struck to commemorate the conquest of Britain by Claudius, A. D. 44, and the first coin relating to Britain struck by the Romans. See Acker- man, pp. 11-15; rium2:)hrey, p. 063. 589 — Bust laureate r., xi. clavdivs caksak, etc. l^ev. ex s. c. OB GIVES skkvaxos in wreath of oak. G.B., green patina- tion, fine. 590 Nero. Bust laureate r., xeko caksak avgvsxvs. Rev. Jupi- ter seated, ivjmxkk cvsxos. Aureus ; very fine and rare. 591 — Bust r. ; rev., temple of Janus closed. M.B., good. 592 Galba. Head r., imi* sek (jalija avg. Rev. s. p. q. r ob c. s in a wreath of laurel. Aureus, fine, rare. Anthon, 300, cost $21.00. 593 — Draped bust laureate 1., imp sek. galba cae avg. xk. p. Rev. Concord seated, coxcord avg. Large G.B., brown patination, fine. COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREECE. 39 594 Vespasian. Bust laureate r., nrp caes vesp avg cex. Rev. Female figure before tripod, pax av(;. Aureus, very fine and rare. 595 — Bust laureate r., imp oaesah \ kspasiaxvs avg. Rev. Female figure holding sprig of laurel and caduceus, (^os ITER. Aureus, fine, rare. 596 — Denarii. Varieties ; fair and good. 2 pes 597 Titus. Bust laureate 1. Rev. Dolphin entwining an anchor, / / O adopted in the Kith century, as the device of the cele- brated printers, the Aldine family. Denarius ; very fine and rare. 598 Domitian. Bust laureate r., 1)0.a[itianvs caesak av(;. f. Rev. Kneeling figure holding standard, cos v. Aureus, obv. very good, rev. fair, rare. 599 Hadrian. Bust laureate r., iiadiuaxvs Avcivsxvs. Rev. To- gated and winged figure of emperor holding branch of palm, cos III. Denarius, fine. 600 Antoninus Pius. Bust laureate r., axtonixvs avo pivs p.i\ Rev. Roma seated with hasta and shield, holding a Victory, TR POT cos nil. Aureus in extremely fine condition. Rare. 601 — Draped bust r., divvs axtoxixvs. Rev. The Antoninus column, ])iv() pio. Denariu.s, sharp impression, fleur-de- coin. Rare. 602 — Bust laureate r., axtoxixvs pivs, etc. Rev. Figure of emperor, a nimbus around his head, holding hasta and sprig of laurel, cos ii. G.B., fine. 603 — Bust laureate r. ; rev., (pax) avg. G.B., very good. 604 Faustina, Sr. Draped bust r., diva favstixa. Rev. Female figure holding in her right hand a globe surmounted by a phoenix. G.B. A beautiful and rare coin, in perfect pre- servation. 605 — Bust r. ; rev., female sacrificing at altar. M.B., good. 606 Marcus Aurelius. Bust laureate r. Rev. Victory holding a shield inscribed vie gee. G.B., very good. 607 Lucius Verus. Bust laureate r., l vervs av(; AR.\r partii jiAX'. Rev. Parthian seated. Denarius, commemorates the conquest of Parthia, fine. 608 Lucilla. Draped bust ; rev., female seated. G.B., very fair, rev. legend worn smooth. 40 COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREECE. r»09 Commodus. Bust r. ; rev., female figure witli cornucopia. Denarius, fine. 61(1 — Bust r. ; rev., figure at altar. Denarius, good. til 1 — Bust laureate r. Rev. Female figure with basta and shield at altar. G.B., ohv. fine, a little corroded, rev. rather poor. Gl'i Clodius Albinus. Bust laureate r., imp caes d. fLO sep atj'. AVG. Rev. Hands joined over standard. Very fine dena- rius, struck in Gaul, especially rare with the title caesau. See Mionnet, p. 275. tn:> Septimus Severus. Bust laureate r., skvkrvs pivs avo. Rev. A Victory, vk t PAKTti max. Denarius, sharp, uncir- culated. (514 — Similar ohv. Rev. Emperor on horseback, at full gallop, ixi)VL<;extia avctG ix cartii. Denarius, fleur-de-coin. til 5 — Similar obv. Rev. Neptune with trident, his foot on prow of galley, p. m. tr p xvii, etc. Denarius, fleur-de-coin. tilC) — Bust ; rev., Victory, different legends. Denarii, fine. 2 j)S til" — Denarii; rev.. Victory, different legends. Good. 2 pes 618 Caracalla. Young bust, draped and laureate, axtonixas PIVS AV(i. Rev. A Victory, victoria parth jiax. Dena- rius, very fine, rare type. 61 i) — Old bust laureate, axtoxixvs pits avg brit. Rev. Female seated. Denarius, fine. Interesting as referring to the Roman occupation of England. 620 Gordianus Africanu.s. Draped bust laureate r., imp caes ^t. AXT (;opj)iAXvs AFK AVG. Ilcv. Female figure resting against a column, a wand in her right hand and cornucopia in her left, pijovidextia avgg. G.B., smooth light gi'een patinatlon, in fine preservation. Extremely rare and desir- able; cost .§2<».0(i. Compare with Anthon 811, sold for $28,011. 621 Trajanus Decius. Spiked bust r. ; rev., victoria avg. Den- arius, very good. 622 — Draped bust laureate r. Rev. Dacia holding a military ensign, i)a< ia. M.B., very good. 628 Postumus. Draped bust ; rev. lovi statori. T.B., fine. 624 Tacitus. Draped bust with spiked crown. Rev. Liberty with bell. Billon denarius, very good. 62.") Diocletianus. Spiked bust r. ; rev., lovi coxservatoh. T.B., fine. COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREECE. 41 626 Coiistantius I. Bust laureate ; rev., gknio I'orvLi i:»>.mam. Small thick G.B., fine. 627 Constantiuus I. Varieties of T.B. Very fine. 2 ]»cs 628 Maguentius. Large draped bust r. Rev. Monogram. M.B., line. 629 Valentinianus. Bust r. Rev. Emperor holding labarum and a Victory, restitvtou ukipviu.uak. Solidus, very good. F'rom Anthon sale, $6.25. 630 Valens, Large draped bust r. Rev. Emjteror holding the labarum and a Victory, axth in exergue, kkstitvtoj: kki. PVBLiOAK. Broad /6Wic?ws / very fine and rare. 681 Valentinianus II. Draped bust r. Rev. Two figures seated, a Victory between them, cox in exergue, victoria AY(iG. Solidus / very fine and rare. 632 Arcadius. Draped bust r. Rev. Emperor holding labarum and a Victory, his foot upon a captive, coxois in exergue, VICTORIA AVOG. SoHdus, extremely fine. From Anthon sale, 822, $8.25. 683 — Solidus, type of last described. Extremely fine. 634 Honorius. Solidus, same type as preceding. A beautiful impression, extremely fine. From Anthon sale, 324, $8.00. 635 — Helmeted bust, armed with spike and shield, facing. Rev. Helmeted figure seated, holding labarum and a Victory, ( uA'oi! in exergue, (oNcouDiA AV(i(;. Solidus, xery ^ne and rare. 636 Valentinianus III. Draped bust r., dx pla vale.ntixianvs 1'. F. AVG. Rev. Emperor holding a cross and a globe sur- mounted by a Victory, his foot upon a trophy, coNon in exergue, vk'toki avgc;. Solidus, very fine. 637 Leo I. Draped bust, dx i.ko, etc. Kev. A Victory with globe surmounted by cross, ( oxoii iu exergue. Gold Triens, fine, pierced. 688 Zeno. Richly adorned crowned bust, with spike and shield, facing. Rev. A Victory holding cross, cuxoi; in exergue, vicToiuA avgg. Solidus, very fine and rare. 639 — Draped bust r. Rev. Monogram of Christ in Nvreath, coxoiJ in exergue, salvs i;i:ii>viilii ae. Gold quinarius, supei'b, fieur-de-coin. 640 — Similar obv. Kev. Cross in wreath, co-nob. Gold Triens, equally fine. 42 COINS OF ANCIENT KOiME AND GREECE. 641 Anastiisius. Crowned bust with sj)ike and shield facing. Kev. A Victory holding a staff surmounted with monogram of Christ, a star in the field, coxob in exergue, victoui AV(^,(i, /Solidus, (jxtremely fine. Anthon 332, 18.00. 642 Justinus. Bust with spike and shield facing, dx ivstixvs it AVG. Rev. A Victory holding cross, coxVoj; in exergue, YicToRiA AVGG. SoUdtts, Very fine and rare. 643 Justinianus. Dra])ed bust r. ; rev., a Victory ; another, bust r. ; rev., cross. Gold Triens, fine, one pierced. 2 pes 644 Phocas. Richly draped bust facing, wearing crown sur- mounted by cross, 4>En . . . BASIAE . . Rev. Bust of Christ holding the book of the Gospels pressed to His heart. Su- perb Solidiis or gold medallion, size 16. Cost $9.00, from Anthon sale. 645 Byzantine Solidus of late period. Various tigui'es of empe- rors ; rev., bust of Christ. Concave, very fine. 18 to 21. See Anthon, 337, 338, 339. 3 pes 646 Miscellaneous T., M., and G.B. Poor to very good. 34 pes 647 Colonial. Claudius, rev., FToj..(emais) now Acre, and two others. M.B., fair. 2 pes 648 M.B. Domitiau and others, each with temple on rev. Fair. 3 pes COINS OF ANCIENT GREECE ; GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE. 649 Abdkua. Head of Apollo, ABAHPITEftN (indistinct). Rev. Griftin. Silver Stater; very good, rare. 147 gr. 650 AciiAiAX Lkaguk. Head of Zeus; rev., monogram in wreath. Triobolus, fine. 36 gr. 651 AncGixA. Sea-tortoise in high relief ; rev., four incused squares. Archaic obolus ; very fine. H gr. 652 — Tortoise in high relief ; rev. incused square of five com- partments. Tetrobolus; very good, coiToded. 44 gr. 653 — Tetroboli. Varieties ; very good. 44 gr. 2 2)cs 654 Aguh;kxtum. Eagle standing on capital of column, AKPA- CANTIfiN. Ifev. Sea-crab. Tetradrachm of 264 gr. A few letters of legend weak, but very fine and rare, cost $15.<»(). 655 — Tetradriu-lim. Very similar to last. Fine ; same weight. 656 — Eagle 1., AKPA; rev., sea-crab. Didrachm; a perfect im- pression, extremely fine. Rare. COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREECE. 43 •657 A§iA MiNoK. Helmeted head ; rev., male head in square. Glohtdar electrum hecta of unknown city. Earliest period ; very line. 39 grs. These early electrum coins are from the natural metal found chiefly in the river Sardyoc. Owing to the softness of the metal they are rarely fouml in fine condition ; all are rare. 658 — Helmeted head ; rev., turreted head in square. Globular electrum hecta of unknown city. Earliest period ; very line. 38 grs. 659 — Female head 1. ; rev., incusum of four compartments. Globular electrum hecta of unknown city. Earliest period ; very fine. 38 grs. 660 Athens. Head of Gorgon ; rev., incused square in four parts. Obolus ; good, very rare. 661 — Cruciform design or wheel ; rev., similar. Obolus ; fine, rare. 662 — Head of Pallas. Rev. Owl and sprig of olive, A0E. Thick ^Jr^C Tetradrachm, of archaic style ; fine, rare. 265 gr. i 663 — Head of Pallas weaiing crested helmet. Rev. Owl on amphora, and magistrate's name in wreath. Broad Tetra- drachm of later period. Fine. 664 Silver Coins of Athens, From Tartemorion or Tetarto- bolus (2f grs.) to Tetradrachm (264 grs.). A rare and complete set, all of the archaic period, exemplifying the various types of rev. Arranged in a velvet-lined morocco case, to show both sides of the coins, with the printed num- bers and weight of each in gold letters. Valuable, unique. 12 pes 665 BoEOTiA. Boeotian shield. Rev. Amphora, entwined with vine-leaves. Large Didrachm of 181 grs. Oblong, fine. 666 Carthage. Richly adorned head of Persephone left. Rev. Horse, above which Egy2:)tian symbol. Double Stater of pale gold. Extremely fine and rare. 667 — Head of Persephone adorned with blades of wheat ; rev., liorse r. Very fine Stater of pale gold. Rare. 114 grs. 668 Caulonia. Apollo, naked, holding in his raised right hand a branch, and on his outstretched left arm a small running figure, in front, a stag, looking back, KAVA. Rev. Same type incuse, including the figure on arm. Broad Didi'achm of early period, high artistic excellence, and in truly superb condition. Very rare, one of the most desirable coins in the collection. Size 19, weight 127 grs. 44 COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREKCE. 669 Caul(>nia. Didrachm, type of preceding, but of ruder,. archaic execution. Fine, size 16, weight 120 grs, 670 — Aj^ollo, naked, liolding branch, left arm extended, two dolphins in the field. Rev. Stag, KAYAfl. Didrachm, period end of the fifth century B. C. Very good. 130 grs. 671 — Apollo naked, left arm extended, two characters in the field ; rev., eagle. Diobolus of 21 grs., dark, fine. This coin has been ascribed to Sybaris, but is probably a true coin of Caulonia, after its conquest by Dionysus, B. C. 369. Very rare. 672 Corinth. Helmeted head of Pallas r. Rev. Pegasus left, ^ below. Didrachm ; archaic, but not of earliest period. Fine and rare. 673 — Didrachm. Head 1., dog behind ; rev., Pegasus left. Later period ; very fine. 674 — Didrachm. Head r., chimera behind; rev., Pegasus r. Very fine. 675 — Didrachm. Head r., Eros drawing bow, behind ; rev., Pegasus standing. Fine. 676 Croton. Ornate tripod, QPO. Rev. Same type, incuse. Sharp, perfect, and beautiful impression of this broad Di- drachm, struck B. C. 500. Size 17. 130 grs. 677 — Didrachm. Tripod, a stork at its side ; rev., tripod in- cused. Thick, fine. Size 13. 120 grs. 678 — Didrachm, type of last described. Fine. 110 grs. 679 Cyrexe. Head of young Zeus Ammon 1. Rev. Silphium plant, monogram and star in the field. Didrachm ; very good. 110 grs. 680 Cysicus. Bearded bust laureate r. ; rev. pictrix in square. Globular electrum hecta of early period. Very fine and rare. 40 grs. 681 Dyrrachium. Cow suckling calf. Rev. Gardens of Alcinous, the host of Ulysses, AYP. Tridrachm or silver Stater ; very good, rev. fine, rare. 166 grs. 682 Elis. Head of Hera, richly adorned. Rev. Eagle left, vine- leaves and bunch of grapes in the field. Triobol ; very fine, rare. 683 Erytiirae. Naked youth on horseback right. Rev, Incuse square. Thick Didrachm of early period ; fine. COINS OF ANCIENT ROME- AND GREECE. 45 ^84 Gelas. Forepart of man-beaded bull, or river Gelas rigbt, CEAA2 retrograde. Rev. Quadriga r., tbe horses crowned by Nike. Tetradrachm ; fine and rare. 264 grs. 685 — Forepart of man-beaded bull, TEAAS above. Rev., Biga r., crowned by Nike. Tetradrachm of later period; very fine. 230 grs. <686 HisTiAEA. Head of Bacchante r. Rev. Female seated on the prow of a shij), I2TI Triobol ; very fine. 36 grs. 687 — Triobol, type of last described. Obv., superb ; rev., very good. 688 IsTRUS. Accolated inverted heads. Rev. Eagle perched upon a dolphin, ISTPIA. Didrachm ; v. good, rare. 83 grs. 689 Larissa. Forepart of bull seized b}'^ youth, crescent (?) in the field. Rev. Forepart of horse. Early and very fine Drachm ; rare. 690 — Head of nymph Larissa, facing, but turned slightly to- wards the left. Rev. A horse, grazing. Didrachm, fine, rev. legend AAPISAIfiN almost entirely obliterated. 92 grs. 691 Leontixi. Head r., the hair gathered into a small coil be- hind. Rev. Large head of lion. Early Drachm ; fine, somewhat corroded. 692 — Laureated head r., the hair smoothly combed into a coil behind, several locks falling over forehead and cheek, the ear represented by an oval depression. Rev. Lion's head r., four grains of barley and AEONTINO in the field. Superb Tetradrachm. 260 grs. 693 — Tetradrachm, type of last, the hair in short wavy locks. Very fine, slightly corroded. 694 Lete. Satyr kneeling, a nymph in his arms. Rev. Flat incuse square. Erotic Didrachm, period B. C. 600. Fine and rare. 144 grs. 695 LocRis. Head of Persephone. Rev. Ajax, in crested Corin- thian helmet, otherwise naked, armed with sword and shield, in fighting attitude, OnONTIIlN. Triobol ; fine. 696 Maronea. Head of Maron. Rev. Square of four compart- ments, within which MA. Obol ; fine. 697 Metapoj^tum. Ear of bearded grain in high relief, METAr. Rev. Same type, incuse, without the legend. Large, thin archaic Didrachm; very fine. 17. 110 grs. 698 — Triobolus. Same type as last, MET. Very fine. 37 grs. 46 COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREECE. 699 Metapoxtum. Diobolus. Type of last described. Very- fine. 22 grs. 700 — Obolus. Same type. Very fine. 11 grs. 701 — Didrachm. Same type, but small and thick. Fine. 118 grs. 702 — Bearded head of Leucippus, founder of the colony, wear- ing Corinthian helmet, AEYKIIIIIOS. Rev. Ear of corn, META. Small thick Didrachm ; very fine. 703 Myrixa. Head laureate of Apollo r. Rev. Apollo, in female garb, with lustral branch and patera, in front, before him, omphalos and vase, MYPINAIiQN, the whole encircled by laurel wreath. Broad Tetradrachm ; fine and rare. 240 grs. 704 Naxos. Head of bearded Dionysus, crowned with ivy, r. Rev. Naked Silenus, seated on the ground, a wine cup in his hand, NAXION. Tetradrachm ; very fine, but possibly a skillful modern forgery. 248 grs. 705 Neapolis, Macedonia. Gorgon head. Rev. Head of Nike, laureate, NEOII Tridrachm ; fine. 32 grs. 706 — Duplicate of last. Same condition. 707 NuMiDiA. Young male head laureate. Rev. Horse and palm tree. Bronze, fine green patination. 17. 708 Panormus. Female head 1. Rev. Horse r., palm tree behind. Bronze, very fine and rare, evenly patinated. 19. 709 — Similar to last. Bronze, fine. 18. 710 Pergamus. Cista mystica, with serpent, in ivy wreath. Rev. Serpents twined around a bow-case, monogram of Perga- mus in the field. Tetradrachm; fine. 192 grs. 711 PoPULONiA. Gorgon head, beneath which XX, mark of value. Rev. Plain. P"'ine, extremely rare. 125 grs. This is one of the most ancient coins of Etruria, period B. C. 480. 712 Rhodes. Head of Helios, nearly full-face, his hair arranged in locks suggestive of rays. Rev. Full-blown rose within circle of dots, HPArOPAS. Triobolus ; extremely fine. 59 grs. 713 — Head of Helios, nearly full-face. Rev. A rose, PO. Di- drachm ; fine. 714 Sardis, Asia Minor. Lion head r. Rev. Calf's head in- cused. Globular electrum hecta of the earliest period. See p. 5, Ancient Coins, B. M. Fine and rare. 39 grs. COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREECE. 47 715 Side, Pamphylia. Helmeted head of Pallas r. Rev. Nike walking 1., a pomegranate and A0 in the field. Tetra- drachm, very fine. 251 grs. 716 — Tetradrachni, type of last described, but KAEYX in rev. field. Fine. 250 grs. 717 SiDOx. The King of Sidon in biga, driven by charioteer, and followed by attendant carrying sceptre and flask. Kev. Galley at sea. Octodrachm, fine and rare. Probably struck in the third year of the era of Alexander, B. C. 330. Alex- ander bestowed the crown of Sidon upon Abdalonymus and restored the city to its ancient rank. 389 grs. 718 Sybaris. Bull, with head turned back, YM above, dotted base, and dotted circle. Rev. Same type, incuse. Early Didrachm, period B. C. 550. Extremely fine and rare. Size 20, 130 grs. No more interesting coins of ancient history exist than those of Sybaris, destroyed B. C. 510, 719 — Triobolus, type of preceding, but YM in exergue. Very good ; rare. 33 grs. 720 Syracuse. Beautifully modeled head of Persephone wearing pendants and necklace, the hair adorned with sedge-grass, EVAiNE, signature of the engraver, Evaenetus in exergue. Rev. Spirited quadriga left, the driver crowned by Nike, suit of armor in exergue. Decadrachm, obv. decidedly fine, rev. slightly corroded. Excessively rare and very de- sirable. Weight 639 grs. Evaenetus was the master of Kimon, and is considered by the British Museum authorities as first in the art of engraving these medallions. See B. M. Ancient Coins, p. 51. 721 — Head of nymph 1., the hair flying in loose locks above the sphendotie as if blown by the wind, dolphins in the field, SYPAKOSIfiN. Rev. Fast quadriga, dolphin in exergue. Tetradrachni; exti'emely fine, a masterpiece, probably the work of Eucleides. Cost |45. 722 — Laureatedhead 1. Rev. Tripod, SIPAKOSinN. Electrum ; very good. 58 grs. 723 — Agathocles. Head of Persephone. Rev. Thunderbolt, ArA0OKAEO2 BA2IAEI02. Bronze ; fine. 14. 724 — Hiero II. Head of Persephone 1. Rev. Biga driven by Nike r., K retrograde (Kimon?) in exergue. Superb Half Stater, struck in fine gold ; very rare and desirable. 66^ srrs. 48 COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREECE. 725 Sykacise. Hiero II. Head of Poseidon ; rev., trident. Bronze, fine. 12. 726 — Philistis, wife of Hiero. Head veiled 1. Rev. Nike in quadriga r., star above, K to r., BA2IAI2SAS 4>IAISTIA0S. Tetrad rachm; extremely fine and rare. 2U0 grs. 727 — Hieronymus. Filleted head r. Rev. A thunderbolt, BASIAEfiS lEPONYMOY. Bronze; fine. 13. 728 Takentum. Boy on horseback, crowning horse, 2Y in the field above, AYKINOS below. Rev. Taras on dolphin with trident, owl in the field. Didrachm ; extremely fine, rare. 729 — Armed horseman 1. Rev. Taras on dolphin holding Her- cules' club. Didrachm ; very good. 730 Terixa. Head of Nymph, the hair gathered into a flaming coil. Rev. Winged Eirene, seated on vase, holding cadu- ceus. Didrachm ; fine, rare. 731 Thurium. Head of Pallas r., Scylla on helmet, SI behind. Rev. Bull tossing. Tetradrachm ; fine, rare. 247 grs. 732 — Head of Pallas, Scylla on helmet. Rev. Bull tossing, star behind, ©OYPIIiN. Didrachm ; extremely fine. 733 — Didrachm ; variety, * on rev., possibly the artist's initial. Fine. 734 — Didrachm. Head of Pallas, Scylla on helmet. Rev. Butting bull, magistrate or artist's name on base, 0OYPK2N. Fine, rare variety. 735 Velia. Head of Pallas r., Pegasus on helmet. Rev. Lion walking r., YEAHTfiN. Didrachm ; sharp and beautiful impression, perfectly uncirculated. See American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. II, p. 5, for note on coins of Velia. 736 — Head of Pallas 1., wearing helmet of Phrygian form, on which, female Centaur. Rev. Lion devouring prey, mono- gram below, YEAHTfiN in exergue. Didrachm ; fine, rare variety. 737 Macedoxia. Horse r. ; rev., helmet in incused square. Dio- bolus of 24 grs., early period, before names of kings appeared on coins. Very good, rare. 738 — Philip II. Head laureate of Apollo. Rev. Biga galloping r., thunderbolt beneath, <^IAinnOY. Stater, a beautiful, perfect impression, in extremely fine condition. 133 grs. 739 — Philip II. Head r. ; rev., horseman, IAinnOY. Bronze, thick, fine. 11. COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREECE. 49 740 Macedonia. Alexander III, the Great. Helmeted head of Pallas r. Rev. Nike, holding wreath and trophy stand, MA - -^ in monogram in the field, AAEQANAPOY. Stater ; ex- >./ tremely fine, rare and very desirable. 132 grs. > 741 — Alexander III. Head of Herakles. Rev. Zeus seated, AAEHAN APOY, monogram of Aradus in the field. Tetra- drachm of full weight (265 grs.), the head in high relief ; very fine. 742 — Alexander III. Tetradrachm, monogram in the field ; -. very good. 259 grs. 743 — Alexander III. Tetradrachm of 212 grs. Fair, possibly plated, late period. 744 — Alexander III. Head r. Rev. Club, quiver, BASI and monogram. Bronze, thick, fine. 11. 745 — Philip III, Aridaeus. Head of Herakles. Rev. Bow, club, and trident, IAinnOY. Fourth Stater. Extremely fine, rare, a true numismatic gem. 746 — Cassander. Head of Herakles ; rev. lion, BASIAEfiS KAS2AN. Bronze, patinated, fine. 9. 747 — Alexander IV. Young head r. ; rev. horse, AAE^ANA- POY. Bronze, very fine. 10. 748 — Antigonus I, Gonatas. Macedonian shield, ANT in mono- gram. Rev. Two-crested helmet. Bronze, very good or fine. 11. 749 — Macedonian shield, thunderbolt in centre. Rev. Two- crested helmet separating B A. Bronze, very fine, beauti- fully patinated. Rare. 10. 750 — Philip V, Perseus (?), Head r. ; rev. Eagle, Nike. Bronze, very good. 10 and 12. 2 pes 751 — Philip v.* Head of king wearing radiated crown r. Rev. Thunderbolt, BASIAEfiS ^lAinilGY, in wreath. Bronze, fine. 10. 752 Macedonia, First Province. Head of Artemis in the centre of a Macedonian shield. Rev. Club, monogram and MAKE- AONfiN IIPflTHS in oak wreath. Tetradrachm ; sharp, superb impression of very full weight (264 grs). Rare. 753 — Tetradrachm, type of preceding, different monograms on rev. Very fine and rare. 261 grs. 754 — Tetradrachm. Same type, UP in monogram. Fine. 262 grs. 50 COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREECE. 755 Macedonia. Head of Alexander the Great with flowing hair and Amnion's horn, MAKEAONHN. Rev. Club downwards, between money-chest and subsellium, aesillas q, all within olive wreath. Tetradrachm of full weight (266 grs.) ; very fine and rare. 756 Thkace. Lysimachus. Head of Alexander the Great, with horn of Ammon. Rev. Pallas Nicephoros seated, holding spear, behind her throne, a shield, BASIAEfiS AY2IMA- XOY. Tetradrachm of full weight ; very fine. 757 Byzantium. Head of Alexander the Great, with horn of Ammon. Rev. Pallas Nicephoros seated, on throne BY, beneath trident, BASIAEfiS AYSIMAXOY. Broad Tetra- drachm of 260 grs. Extremely fine. 758 — Broad Tetradrachm, type of last described ; very fine. 252 grs. .. /' 759 Thasos. Head of young Dionysus. Rev. Naked Herakles, with club and lion-skin, HPAKAE0Y2 2f2THP02 0A2mN. Very fine Tetradrachm of full weight (263 grs.). 760 — Broad Tetradrachm ; similar to the last. Fine. 252 grs. . 761 — Another. Barbaric work, similar to last. 252 grs. 762 Syria. Antiochus I, Soter. Diademed head r. Rev. Apollo seated on a cortina, BASIAEf22 ANTIOXOY. Broad and beautiful tetradrachm of 265 grs. weight. Rare. 763 — Seleucus IV, Philopater. Head r. in slender wreath. Rev. Apollo seated on cortina, BASIAEfiS 2EAEYK0Y. Tetradrachm ; very good. 263 grs. 764 — Alexander I, Bala. Head laureate ; rev., Apollo. Drachm, fine, planchet cracked. 765 — Philip. Head r. Rev. Zeus seated, Ba.2IAEns IAin- nOY . . . *AN .... Tetradrachm ; fine. 223 grs. / ' 766 — Tetradrachm, similar to last, late period. Good. 767 Egypt. Ptolemy I, Soter. Diademed head r. Rev. Eagle, monograms in field, IITOAEMAIOY BASIAEfiS. Tetra- drachm, fine. 221 grs. 768 — Ptolemy I. Tetradrachm ; similar, club in field on rev. Very good. 769 — Head of Zeus ; rev. eagle grasping thunderbolt. Bronze, very fine. 22. COINS OF ANCIENT ROME AND GREECE. 51 770 Egypt. Cleopatra, wife of Ptolemy VII. Portrait bust of Cleopatra. Rev. Eagle, monogram in the field, IITOAE- MAIOY BASIAEI12. Bronze, fine and rare, small perfoi-a- tion in centre. 18. 771 — Ptolemy XI, Auletes. Draped bust of king r., the head adorned with vine leaves. Rev. Eagle, IITOAEMAIOY BASIAEHS. Drachm of 101 grs. ; extremely fine, rare. 772 Cappadocia. Ariobarzanes I. Head of king, laureate. Rev. Nike. Drachm ; very good, scarce. 773 Persia. Darius (B. C. 521). King holding bow and spear ; rev., incuse. Gold Daric of the earliest style ; very fine and rare. 127 grs. Commonly ascribed to Darius, but may have been struck by Cyrus, who overthrew the Lydian Monarchy and took Croesus prisoner B. C. 546. It was from the Lydians that the Persians gathered their knowl- edge of coinage, and their first coins may have been struck in Lydia after its conquest. 773« — Siglus or Silver Daric, ty23e of preceding; fine. 82 grs. 774 Satrap of Tarsus. Warrior drawing bow. Rev. Lion devour- ing stag. Gold Half Daric. Extremely fine and rare. 64 grs. 775 Parthia. Arsaces XI. Bust of king 1. Rev. King seated, holding bow and inscription. Drachm ; fine. 776 Arsaces XIV, Orodes. Bearded and diademed bust of king 1. Rev. King seated, female figure with palm branch before him, long inscription. Tetradrachm ; very fine, rare. 220 grs. Compare with Wellenheim, 7069. 777 Arsaces XIV. Bust betvreen stars, crescent behind. Rev. King seated with bow. Drachm ; very good. Wellenheim, 7070. 778 Arsaces XIV. Bust 1., eagle behind. Rev. King seated, and inscription. Drachm ; fine. Wellenheim, 7075. 779 Large bust left ; rev., king seated, inscription in dotted char- acters. Drachm ; fine. 780 Bactkia. Azes I. Figure of king with palm branch and offering. Rev. King on horseback r. Drachm ; sharp, very fine. See Wellenheim, 7128. 781 Hypostratus. Draped bust laureated, r., BASIAEfiS SJiTHPns innOSTPAT. Rev, Figure, monogram and undecipherable legend. Tetradrachm of barbaric fabric. Fine. 52 COINS OF JUDAEA. 782 Bronze Coins. Panormus, Paeonia, etc. Greek and Colonial. Mostly unclassified. Barely fair to very good. 8 pes 783 Athens. Electrotype copy of Decadrachm, from the British Museum. Fine. Original unobtainable. 784 Syracuse. Electrotype copy of Decadrachm. British Museum. 785 HisPANiA. Bearded head and cavalier. Drachm; Celtiber- ian inscription. Very good. 786 British. Cunobeline. Horse 1., . . . v . . o. Rev. Indistinct object in wreath. Stated' of fine gold, a rude copy of the Macedonian type. Not unlike Dr. Stukeley's Plate XX, No. 9, or Plate XIX, No. 4. Fine ; very rare. Imported from England ; one of the most desirable coins in this collection. 116 grs. 787 British Stater. Rude representation of a vase (?) in Avreath. Rev. Pellets. Pale gold, concave, fine. 114 grs. 788 British Fourth Stater. Barley-grains and characters in de- pressed circle ; rev., smooth. Dark gold, fine. 35 grs. 789 British Silver Drachm. Very rude representation of a horse. Rev. Pellets and lines. Fine. COINS OF JUDAEA. The special attention of Curators of Public Museums, Theologians, Numismatists, and Bible Students generally is called to the following important series not only of the " Coins of the Jews" during the short period they were permitted to coin money ; but also of those issued by the Procurators and Roman Consuls during the period of Roman suj^remacy over Judaea, as well as of all coins and medals relating to Judaea recognized by Madden and other authorities on the subject. The difliculties of procuring coins referring to the "Chosen People" and Bible History are well known to numismatists, especially in such fine condition as these, and the series is one of the most complete yet disj)ei"sed. Tlie I'eferencos are chiefly to " Madden's Jewish Coinage," 1864 edition. Unless otherwise stated all the following are Copper or Bronze. 790 Persia. Kneeling figure of royal archer, holding bow and spear; rev., incused. Siglus or Silver Daric, current in Judaea; fine. 82 grs. See Nehemiah v. 15; Madden, p. 20. COINS OF JUDAEA. 53 791 Simon Maccabaeus (B. C.!143-139). Sacred cuj) of manna, HALF SHEKEL ISRAEL YEAR I in Samaritan characters. Rev. A triple lily or hyacinth, jerushalem kedoshah, or the Holy. A very fine specimen of this coinage ; extremely rare and desirable. Silver ; size 12, weighs 103 grs. 792 — Shekel. Type of the last described, but shekel israel and "Year II" above sacred cup of manna. A sharp and beautiful impression of this rare coin. Silver, size 15 weighs 218 grs. 793 — Shekel. Similar, but -| W for " Year III " above cup of manna. A superb and extremely rare specimen ; if any- thing, still finer than the pi'eceding. Silver, size 14, weighs 219 grs. 794 Half Shekel. Year III. Sharp, perfect impression, finest and I believe rarest of the series. Silver, size 12, weighs 106 grs. 795 — Sixth Shekel. A cup or chalice, ligullath zion, " The redemption of Zion." Rev. A bundle of branches between two citrons, shenath area, " In the fourth year." Copper, fine, first specimen offered in the United States. 13. 796 Alexander Jannaeus (B. C. 105-78). Obv. type illegible ; rev., an anchor. Fair, rare. 8. Madden, p. 66, No. 3. 797 — In the intervals of a star of eight rays, in Samaritan char- acters, jehonathax hammeleok. Rev. Anchor, AAEg- ANAPOY BASIAEflS. Very fine, nearly entire legend read- able. 9. Madden, p. 66, No. 4. 798 — Duplicate of last. Very fine. 799 — Another specimen. Patinated ; very good. 800 — Jehonathan Hakkohen Haggadol, etc., " Jehonathan the High Priest of the Jews " over wreath of laurel. Rev, Poppy-head between cornucopiae. Misstruck, but fine ; from Anthon sale, 415, size 9. Very rare. 801 Herod I, the Great (B. C. 37-4). Rude tripod between palm- branches. Rev. Helmet (?), HPHA Y BASIAEfiS the first omega inverted. Very good, entire legend not legible, ex- tremely rare. 12. Madden, p. 88. 6. 802 — Anchor, BACI HPf2A. Rev. Poppy-head between cornu- copiae. Very good. 10. Madden, p. 88. 8. 803 — Very similar to last. Fine. Madden, p. 89. 10. 804 — Another specimen. Good. 805 — Variety. Good. Madden, p. 90. 12. 54 COINS OF JUDAEA. 806 Herod Archelaus (B. C. 4 - A. D. 0). Prow of ship, H be- neath. Rev. E0N Avitbin olive wreatb. Fine, patinated. 9. From Anthon Sale, No. 418. Madden, p. 92. 2. 807 — Buncb of grapes and leaf, HPi2A0Y. Rev. Helmet witb Illumes, E0NAPXOY. Fine, rare. 11. Madden, p. 94. 8. 808 Herod Agrippa I. Umbi'ella, surrounded witb fringes, ArPIIIA. Rev. Tbree ears of wbeat springing from one stalk, tbe year of coinage in tbe field. Fine, rare. 11. Madden, p. 104. 1. 809 — Anotber,.equally fine. 810 Annius Rufus, Procurator for Augustus (A. D. 12-14). Blade of wbeat, KAICAPOC. Rev. Palm-tree witb buncbes of dates, L.A2 (year 36 of Augustus, A. D. 9). Very fine, every letter legible. 11. Madden, p. 136. 2. 811 — Anotber. L A (year 39 of Augustus). Very good. 812 — Anotber. L M (year 40 of Augustus). Very good. 818 — Anotber. L M A (year 41 or A. D. 14). Fine. 814 — Anotber. Finely patinated, tbe date does not appear. 815 Valerius Gratus, for Tiberius (A. D. 15-26). TIB KAI witbin wreatb. Rev. Palni (year 5, A. D. 18). Fine. 10. Madden, 146, 10. 816 — Anotber. L I A (year 12, A. D. 24). Good. 817 Tiberius. Tribute Silver Penny. Bust laureate r., ti caesar, etc. Rev. Livia seated, poxtif maxim. Very fine and rare. 818 — Anotber Silver Penny of this type. Extremely fine. 819 Pontius Pilate, for Tiberius. Simpulum, (TIBEPIOY) KACA- POC. Rev. Tbree blades of wbeat bound together, lOY- AIA KAICAPOC, year of coinage indistinct. Tbe scriptural " Widow's Mite." Good, extremely rare. 10. Madden, p. 147. 820 — Lituus, similar legend Rev. LIZ (year 17 = A. D. 30) in wreatb. Anotber " Widow's Mite." Very good, extremely rare. 9. Madden, p. 149, 15. 821 Claudius Felix, for Claudius (A. D. 41-54). Palm branches crossed, legend indistinct. Rev. TOY AIA AP PIIIIII NA in four lines witbin wreatb. The reverse very good. Rare. 10. Madden, 151, 1. 822 — Palm branches crossed and legend nearly complete, L.IA (year 14 of Claudius, A. D. 54). Rev. Same inscription as last. Fine, rare. Madden, 152, 2. 823 — Dui^licate of last. Good. COINS OF JUDAEA. 55 '824 Nero and Britannicus. Shields and lances crossed, legend and date indistinct. Rev. Palm tree and incomplete legend. Good, very rare. Madden, 152, 3. 825 — Type of last described. Obv. and rev. legends more com- plete, L.IA (year 14, A. D. 54). Very good, extremely rare. 826 — Another. Year 17, A. D. 57. Distinct type; very good. 827 Nero. Palm branch. L.E (year 5, A. D. 58). KAICAPOC. Rev. NEP OJNO C in three lines, within wreath. Sharp, beautiful impression, rare in this condition. 10. Madden, p. 153. 828 — Duplicate of last. Fine. 829 — Another. Same condition. 830 — Another. Very good, patinated. 831 — Other duplicates. Good. 2 pes 882 First Revolt of the Jews. A. D. 60-70. Simon, Son of « ' Gipras. His name divided by pahn tree. Rev. A vine, LACHERUTH JERUSALEM, " The deliverance of Jerusalem." Good, rare. 16. Madden, 172, 9. 833 — Similar to last. Rev. " Second year of the deliverance of Israel." Brown patination, sharp, very fine and rare. 16. Nearly like Madden, p. 172, 11. 834 — Variety of last. Very fine for this coinage, in excellent preservation. 17. Extremely rare. 835 — Another variety, like Madden, No. 12. Very good. 14. 836 Simon, Son of Gamaliel. "Simon Prince of Israel" on either side of palm tree. Rev. Vine-leaf, " First year of the re- demption of Israel. Good and rare. 13. Madden, 177, 2. 837 — In a circle of dots, sacred vessel with two handles, SHEXATH SHETHAiM (year 2, A. D. 67-68.) Rev. Vine-leaf, CHERUTH ziox, " Dclivcrance of Zion." Green patination, very fine. 11. Madden, p. 180, 1. 838 — Another. Fine impression, quite comjjlete. 839 — Another. Very good. 840 — Another. Variety ; very good. 12. 841 — Another variety. Very good, 11. 842 — In a circle of dots, sacred vessel with two handles and a cover. Year 3 (A. D. 68-69). Rev. Vine-leaf, "Deliver- ance of Zion." Very fine and very rare. 11. Madden, p. 180, 2. 843 — Another. Obv. fine ; rev. poor. Much rarer than year 2. 66 COINS OF JUDAEA. 844 Vespasian. Bust laureate r., indistinct legend. Rev. Victory writing on a shield fastened to a palm tree, (I0YAAIA2) EAAUJKYIAS. Good, unpublished variety of a unique coin, struck in Judaea, and bought by the Rev. H. C. Reichardt at Jerusalem. Size 14. See Madden, p. 183, 1 and note 1. 845 — Bust laureate r., tmp caesar vespasianvs. avg. Rev. Judaea seated on the ground to the right, at the foot of a trophy, ivDAEA. Aureus struck at Rome for the conquest of Jerusalem. Extremely fine and rare. Cost $35. 846 — Similar to preceding. Denarius. Very fine, 847 — Denarius. Type of preceding. Very fair or good, 848 — Denarius. Same obv. ; rev., Judaea seated at the foot of a palm tree, her hands tied behind her back. Good. 849 — Laureated bust of Vespasian r., imp caes vespasian avg p. M. TK. p. p. p. cos III. Rev. Palm tree, at the right of which Judaea is seated in a mournful attitude, V espasian* to r., ivdaea capta, in exergue, S. C Very fine G.B., with green patination, struck at Rome A. D. 73, the very year of the destruction of Jerusalem, which had for its result the complete overthrow of the Jewish nation. Rare and highly interesting. From Prof. Anthon's Sale, 'No. 726, cost 8'il. 850 — Same head and legend. Rev. Judaea, mourning, seated to right beneath palm tree, Vesj)asian at 1., his foot upon a helmet, holding lance and parazonium, ivdae capta and S. C. in exergue. G.B. Dark olive patination, extremely fine, rare and in constant demand. From the Anthon Sale, No. 725, cost S20. 851 — Same head and legend. Rev. Judaea mourning seated to 1. near a mass of armor, under a palm tree ; at the r. stands a captive, his hands tied behind his back, ivdaea capta, and S. C. in exergue. G.B., also extremely rare and in fine condition. Anthon Sale, 727, $20.50. 852 — Bust and legend as before, but cos viii (A. D. 78). Rev. Judaea mourning at the r. of palm tree, captive with hands tied behind his back at 1., ivdaea (capta) S. C. in exergue. G.B., good, rare. 853 — Bust r. and legend, cos iii. Rev. Victory engraving the letters (s.p.(^I^) on a shield attached to palm tree (ivdaea devicta). G.B,, rare type, obv. fair, rev. poor. COINS OF JUDAEA. 57 "854 Titus. Head laureate right (AVTOKP TITO) KAISAR. Rev. Trophy, at the foot of which a captive and a shield, legend almost entirely obliterated. M.B., struck in Judaea. Very fair for this coinage, extremely rare. Madden, 189, 1. 855 — Bust laureate r., indistinct legend. Rev. Victory Avriting on a shield attached to palm tree, lOYAAIAC EAAUJKYIAC (entire). Small thick M.B., struck in Judaea ; obv. very fair, rev. fine for this extremely rare coin. Madden, 189, 2. •856 — Laureated bust right, t. caes imp ayg. f. tr. p. cos vi CENSOR. Rev. Judaea, mourning, seated to i*. among trophy of arms, under palm tree, ivdaea capta M.B., extremely sharp, fine, and rare ; light reddish bronze. Anthon Sale, 47, cost $11.50. 857 — Laureated bust r., imp t caes divi ves p. f. avg p m tr p.pp cos VIII. Rev. Judaea mourning, seated to 1, on arms at the foot of a palm tree, on the r. a captive, in the field S. C. and ivd cap. above. Although in somewhat poor condition every letter and all the details are clearly dis- cernible. G.B., rarer than the coins of Vespasian with similar types. Madden, 196, 11. 858 — Bust laureate 1. imp t. caes vesp avg. etc. Rev. Similar to last described, but S. C. in exergue. G. B., very good, unfortunately with small perforation over head, still very desirable, better specimens almost unobtainable. Madden, 195, 9. 859 — G.B. Judaea Capta or Devicta. Obv. fair, rev. j^oor. 860 Domitian. Bust laureate left, (domitianvs) avg German. Rev. Victory standing to left, crowning a trophy, traces of undecipherable legend. M.B. in very fair condition and of great rarity. Madden describes it j). 197 ; see also Wellen- heim, 7864. 861 Agrippa II (under Domitian). Bust laureate of Domitian r., AOMITI KAICAR. Rev. Victory writing on a shield, Z lA BAC ArPinOY. M.B., obv. legend weak, rev., very good, extremely rare. Madden, 127, 1. 862 — Similar obv. Rev. Victory writing on a shield, ET KS BACI ArPIIIA. Rather poor, pierced behind head. T.B., extremely rare. Madden, 129, 7. 58 COINS OF JUDAEA. 8()o Neeva. Bust laureate right, (imp xerva) caes avg p m tr p cos (ill p.p.) Rev. Large palm tree, fisci ivdaici calvmnia svblata, in the field S. C. Struck to commemorate the remission of the half shekel tribute, imposed by Vespasian, who had diverted it from the Temple at Jerusalem to Rome. G.B., fine green patination and excellent preserva- tion. Very rare and desirable. Madden, p. 199. 864 Trajan. Bust r., indistinct legend. Rev. Palm branch be- tween cornucopiae and indistinct legend. M.B., fair. Type of Madden, p. 130, 8. 865 Hadrian. Draped bust laureate r., hadrianvs avg cos hi p.p. Rev. Hadrian standing at the side of an altar, behind which is a bull, on the right Judaea advances towards him, accompanied by children who bear palms, adventvi avg iVDAEAE. G.B., fine, a most rare and desirable coin, struck after the second revolt of the Jews under Bar-Cochab. From the Anthon Sale, $19. See Madden, p. 212-13. 866 Elagabalus. Bust right, antoninvs ? Rev. Turreted head. M.B., fair. Madden, p. 227, 4. The following are Roman Semis, Quadraus and Leptons, believed to have been struck in Judaea from the reign of Herod I to the end of the third revolt of the Jews, or to have been cuiTent there. Several passages in Madden allude to this coinage, and a table of denominations and weights is given by him on p. 361. 867 Female head left. Rev. Three blades of wheat. Fair. 16. See Madden, p. 105, 5. 868 Head r., CE. BAS. Rev. Figure with shield, and palm (?) tree. Semis, fair. 12. 869 Turreted head ; rev., galley, ac Semis, fine. 8. 870 Similar to last. Semis, fair. 9. 871 Turreted head. Indistinct legend over prow ; another, in- scription in wreath. Semis, fair and good. 10. 2 pes 872 Head r. ; rev., pomegranate between cornucopiae. Quadrans ; fair. 8. 873 Turreted head and prow of ship. Quadrans, fair. 8. 874 Another, type of preceding, poor. 8. 875 Veiled head and prow. Fine. 7. 876 Prow on each side. Lepton, by several authorities considered the true " Widow's Mite." Fine and rare, 18 grs. See Matthew v : 26 : Luke xii : 59, etc. It is believed that two of these mites constituted the proper pay for one day's labor. Luke xxi : 1. EARLY HISTORICAL MEDALS OF AMERICA. 59 877 Doubtful. Various types, poor, one j)ierce(l. !) to IG. 5 pes 878 Turreted head ; rev., a Victory, indistinct legends. Very fair. 12. 879 Caracalla. Caesarea in Palestine. Bust laureate r. ; i-ev., sol- dier with pike and shield, palm tree to r., . . ac. Fine. 11. 880 Samaritis, Caesarea. Bust r., indistinct legend. Rev. Eagle, over which s. p. q. r., cae . . , metropoli Fine, rare. 11. Wellenheim, 6961. 881 Seleucis et Pieria. Augustus. Bust laureate r., KAI2AP02 2EBA2T0Y. Rev. Turreted female seated on a rock, hold- ing a palm branch, at her feet a river deity swimming, ET0Y2 HK NIKHS. Greek Imperial silver Tetradrachm, circulated in Judaea, and used as Temple tribute tax. Fine, pierced near head. Rare and interesting. Wellenheim, 6742, Madden, p. 239. Tlie Temple tribute tax is that alluded to in St. Matthew xvii: 24—27, and as shown in Madden, y>. 237-239, this coin is of the same value as that found by St. Peter in the month of the fish, Mr. Poole, the well known English authority, says : "In confirmation of the minute accuracy of the Evangelist, .... at this period the silver currency in Palestine consisted of Greek imperial tetradrachms, or staters, .... didi-achms having fallen into disuse." Mr. Poole further shows the great proba- bility that the " thirty pieces oi silver" paid to Judas were also of the same class to which this piece belongs. 882 Alexandria, Vespasian. Bust r., AYTOK KAI2 2EBA 0YE2- IIASIANOY. Rev. Peace, holding branch and caduceus, EIPHNH. Potin Tetradrachm, circulating in Judaea, and used as Temple tribute tax. Fine and rare. Wellenheim, 7380. 883 Modern Shekel. Burning vase of incense ; rev., branch or tree, Hebrew inscription. Base silver, good. This is the " Shekel " of great price which still puzzles tyro collectors and others. Really quite common. 22. 884 Another. Tin, uncirculated. 22. 885 Bust of David. Rev. Harp. Brass, fine. 22. EARLY HISTORICAL MEDALS OF AMERICA. Under this head are found Medals and Jetons, struck princijjally in France and England, to commemorate events, battles, treaties, etc., relating directly or indirectly to America and the American Colonies ; 60 EAULY HISTORICAL MEDALS OF AMERICA. also jNIedals granted 1o Indian Chiefs and others for faithful services or valorous deeds. Quite a number are excessively rare, several have never previously been offered, and taken altogether they form one of the most interesting parts of this truly Historical Collection. 886 Spaix. Philip II, 1559. Bust in armor 1., philippvs ms- PANiA ET NO VI ORBis 0( ( iDvi REX. Kev. Figure of Peace, holding a cornucopia in her left hand, applies burning torch to implements of war before the closed temple of Janus, pace. TERRA. MARiQ. COMPOSITE. Bronze cast of the period, pierced over head, but in fine condition. 25. This remarkable medal is the earliest instance of the regal recognition of the New World upon a medal ; its existence has hitherto escaped ob- servation at the hands of Numismatists. The Peace alluded to is that of Chateau Cambrisis, concluded on the 2d of April, 1559, between Sj^ain, England and France, and from the inscription on the medal, America mu>t have been in part, at least, the subject of the deliberations, which culminated in this treaty, forming a striking instance of the value of Numi.^matics to History. 887 France. 1658. Bust with flowing hair, in armor, by Hardy. FR. CHRIST. DE. LEVI. D. DAMPVILLE. P. FRANC. PROREX. AMERICAE. Rev. Crowued arms on a mantle of ermine, EX TE. ENIM. EXIET DVX. QVI. REGAT. POPVLVM. MEVII. Bronze proof, cuivre on edge. 32. The Montmorency family, of which the Duke Dampville was a mem- ber, held the Vice-Regency of Canada as an hereditary office or sinecure for 125 years. 888 Louis XIV. 1666. Bust in flowing hair, by 3Iauf/er, i.YDoyi- cvs xiiii. REX ciiRisTiANissiMvs. Rev. Indian princess .seated at the seaslioi-e, holds a lily-shield, the English shield at her feet, colonia fr. stabilita ; in exergue angl. ex INSVLA ST. ciiRisTOP. EXTVRBAT. Bronze proof. 26. Commemorates the expulsion of tlie English from St. Kitts, analogous to the expulsion of the Ac:idiansin 1755 from Nova Scotia. See "Hart's Fall of New France." 889 Duplicate. Thick pi., ^;roy?^tf on edge. Proof. 26. 890 Louis XIV. 166(". Young bust r. by Mmujer, usual title. Rev. France as Pallas protects female representing Holland at altar, relkho kokderum; in exergue, data vis terra MARiQ. defexsis. Silver proof, argent on edge. 26. EARLY HISTORICAL MEDALS OF AMERICA. 61 891 16G7 Peace of Breda. Batnvian lion over trophy of cannons and arms, near the seashore, men-of-war and other vessels in the background, sic fines xostros leges tvtamvk et YNDAS ; in exergue, leg hatavus. Eev. Inscription in 19 lines, beginning with deo avspice assertis. Date in chronogram on obverse. Massive and beautiful silver medal, by Soltzhey, very fine and rare. 44. By this treaty St. Christopher, Antigua and Montserrat were restored to England, and Acadia (Nova Scotia) to France ; Holland made over New York and New Jersey to England la exchange for Surinam. See American Journal of Numismatics, July, 1888, in plate of which this Medal is illustrated. 892 Copper Jetons. Bust of Louis XIV ; rev.. Victory on prow, ixcENSA batavorvm classi ; another, eagle i)erched on tree, nvlla astris PRorRioR sedes, 1672. Fine. 16 and 17. 2 pes 893 1674 Helmeted bust of Louis XIV, lvd. magnvs fran. et NAv. REX p. p. Rev. Radiant human-faced sun over globe, NEC PLVRiBvs iMPAR. Bronzc, Original, very good. Rare. 52. 894 Louis XIV. 1674. Bust in flowing hair by Dollin, ludovicus MAGNUS REX CHRiSTiANissiMUS. Rcv. Indian chief stands amazed before dying warrior in front of galley over which hovers a Victory, colonia francorum Americana vic- TRix ; in exergue, batavis ad martinicam caesis ac fu- GATis. Bronze proof, thick pL, cuivre on edge. 26. The Dutch Admiral Van Ruyter attacked the Fort of ^Martinique with 40 vessels and 4,000 men, but had to retreat, leaving l,Glicate of last, bronzed, cuii^re on edge. Proof. 919 George I. Indian Chief Medal. Draped bust laureate, george KING or GREAT BRITAIN. Rev. An Indian, armed with bow bent, and arrow, aiming at a deer, a tree, the radiant sun above. .Copper, traces of gilding, fine for this excessively rare medal. 26. The earliest mention of Indian Medals, during the reign of George I, is in the year 1722, when conferences were held with the Cherokee and other tribes in Virginia, ending in peace being proclaimed, and a golden horse-shoe bn^astplate was given to the chief Sachem presiding, and to each other chief a golden (gilt) medal. See Colonial Document-^, Vol. V, pp. 675-678. The gilding is still traceable on parts of this medal, as well as the position of the loop. 920 George I. Warrior's Med alet. Drai)ed bust laureate right, GEORGivs DEI GRATIA. Rev, Ci'owned arms supported by a crowned lion and unicorn. Yellow bronze, very fine, of the utmost rarity. 16. Not in Leroux, but similar to the large silver medals in following pages. For one of the best accounts of earl}' Indian Medals, see an article in Vol. II, Part 2, Proceedings of the Wyoming Historical Society, by Rev. H. E. Hay den. 921 Admiral Vernon. 1739. Capture of Porto Bello. Full figure of the Admii*al, vrith commander's baton, between a cannon and a ship, the British, glory, reviv. d. by admiral VERNON. Rev. View of the city, six ships before it, he TOOK PORTO BELLO WITH SIX SHIPS ONLY ; in eXCrgUO, NOV 22 1739. German silver, or silvered, fine. 26. 922 1739 Capture of Porto Bello. Duplicate of last, and other medals of different or vai-ied designs, brass or copper, fair to very fine, no duplicates, 4 pierced. Sizes 16 (1), 17 (2), 23 and 24. 16 pes 923 Admiral Vernon. 1741. Carthagena desti'oyed. Satirical medals representing the various phases of the surrender, etc. Yellow copper, no duplicates, fair to fine, one with piece broken from edge. 23 and 24. 9 pes EARLY HISTORICAL MEDALS OF AMERICA. 65 924 Louis XV. 1748. Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle. Draped bust, laureate l)y du Yivier. Rev. Inscription in twelve linos, commemorating treaty of Peace. Silver proof, argent on edge. 26. By this treaty Louisburg was restored to France, after surrendering to the New England troops under Pepperell, Shirley and otliers. 925 George II. 1749. Figure of Justice with sword and scales, staying the hand of warrior about to scalp female Indian, Liberty cap and fasces on the ground, may george protect WHAT JUSTICE TRYS TO SAVE. Rev. A harp, over legend, THE GLORIOUS | ATTEMPT | OF LXIV | TO PRESERVE THE | CONSTITUTION, sword, shield, and sceptre beneath. Sil- ver, solid loop, a fine unpublished inedal by Pingo. 25. 926 Louis XV. 1751. Colonial Jeton. Draped bust laureate i"., LUD XV REX CHRiSTiANiss. Rev. Indian princess with bow and quiver, advancing, group of lilies to right, sun omni siDERE CRESCUNT ; in exergue, col franc de l'am. Copper, original, very fine. 18. 927 1751 Duplicate. Very good. 928 1751 Other specimens. Good. 2 pes 929 1753 Drajied bust by t in wreath. Nickel ; uncirculated, rare. 12. NEWFOUNDLAND. 1040 1865 Two Dollars, (/o/f?. Bust of Victoria. Rev. 2 dollars, ONE HuxDREi) PENCE, TWO HUNDRED CENTS. Very fine ; scarce. 1041 1870 Two Dollars, gold. Same type ; very fine. 1042 1!^72 Two Dollars, gold. Very fine. 1043 1880 Two Dollars, gold. Very fine. 1044 1881 Two Dollars, gold. Uncirculated. 1045 1882 Two Dollars, gold. Uncirculated. 1046 1865 20, 10, 5 Cents. Very good. 3 pes 1047 1870 50, 20, 5 Cents. Very good, 3 pc& 1048 1872 50, 20, 10 Cents. Very good. 3 pes 1049 1873 50, 20, 10, 5 Cents. Very good. 4 pes 1050 1874 50 Cents. Very good. 1051 1876 50, 20, 10 Cents. Very good. 3 pes 1052 1880 50, 20, 5 Cents. Very good. 3 pes 1053 1881 50, 20 Cents. Very good. 2 pes 1054 1882 50, 20, 5 Cents. Fine. 3 pes 1055 Cents 1865, '72, '73, '76, '80. Complete set. Very fine and uncirculated. 5 pc& 1056 I860 Cent Token, fishery eights for Newfoundland. Rev. RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT AND FREE TRADE. Fine and rare. 17. L. 317. 1057 1860 Cent Tokens. Duplicates; worth $1.50 each in Mon- treal. 2 pes 1058 R. & I. S. Rutherford, St. John's, 1841, and without date. Half penny Tokens. Fine, scarce. 19. L. 319, 320. 2 pes 1059 Duplicates, two of each. P'ine. 4 pes 1060 Rutherford Bros. Harbour Grace. 1840. Halfpenny tokens. Varieties; fine, scarce. 19. L. 321, 322. 2 pes 1061 Duplicates, two of each. Fine, scarce. 4 pes H COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 75 1062 Token. Mitred shield, imio pathia i:r avaloma. liev. A ■• harp in wreath, API2T0N MHN AHP. Copper, fine; ridiculously claimed by a t'anciftd contributor to a histor- ical magazine to be a Newfoumllaiid token. 22. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. I06o Dollar. Spanish Dollar of 1806, a circular section cut from centre, rude sun in counterstiimp. Very good; exces- sively rare. See L. 350. INluney being extremely rare in the beginning of this century, Spanish dollars were cut and counterstaniped b}' order of the Legislature, tiie mutilated coin still passing as a dollar, and the section cut out (called a button) for 2 shillings. One specimen is in the Govei'nment Collection, Halifax, N. S. ; 1 know of no other beside this. This from Part I, Kline Collection, sold by W. E. Woodward. May, 1.S8S. 1064 1871 Cents. Very fine, only year of issue. 2 pes 1065 1840 Sheaf of wheat and sickle, prince Edward's island HALFPENNY, RcV. A plough, f:OMMERCE AND TRADE. Fine. 18. L. 352. Karity 7, but in this condition 9. Struck by James Wilner, a blacksmith of Charlottetown. 1066 1855 Prince Edward's Island. Rev. self (government and FREE trade. Several die-varieties ; fine and very fine. 17. L. 353. 6 pes 1067 1855 Same, but " Prince Edward Island." Die-varieties ; fine and very fine. 17. L. 354. 5 ])cs 1068 1857 Same as last except date. Die-varieties in 8 different envelopes, with distinctive characters described by Mr. Hart. Fine to uncirculated. 17. L. 354. 12 pes 1069 1855 One Cent. Rev. fisheries and agriculture. Die- varieties ; fine. 17. L. 355. 4 pes 1070 Steamer 1., halfpenny token. Rev. fisheries and agri- culture. Sharp, uncirculated. 17. L. 356. 1071 Duplicates of last. Fine, rarity 4. 3 pes 1072 Codfish, success to the fisheries. Rev. A plough, speed THE PLOUGH. Complete set of varieties, fine to uncircu- lated. 17. L. 357. 4 pes NEW BRUNSWICK. 1073 1862 20, 10 Cents. Fine and good, scarce. 2 pes 1074 1864 20, 10, 5 Cents. Good to fine, very scarce. 3 pes 76 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1075 1843 One and Halfi)enny Tokens. Bust of Victoria; rev., ship. Very line. L. 37:{, 374. 2 pes 1076 1843 Halfpenny token. Sharp, uncinmlated. Rarity 6. 1077 1854 One Penny currency. Bust of Victoria; rev. ship. Bright red, uncirculated. Rare in this beautiful condi- tion. 22. L. 375. 1078 1854 Penny and Halfpenny currency. Same. Very fine. 2 pes 1079 1861, 1864, Cents; 1861, Half Cent, latter rare. Fine. 3 pes 1080 Ship sailing r., FOR public accommodation. Rev. st john NEW BRUNSWICK HALF PENNY TOKEN. Sharp, uncircu- lated. 18. L. 879, rarity 5. 1081 Duplicate of last. Very fine. 1082 Crested shield in drooping branches of flowers, depository OF ARTS. Rev. F. MODERMOTT IMPORTER OF ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERMAN FANCY GOODS, KING ST. SNT JOHN. N. ];. Fine proof; in this condition rarity 9. 15. L. 380. NOVA SCOTIA. 1083 1823 Halfpenny token. Draped bust laureate of George IV. Rev. A blooming thistle. Fine. 18. L. 410, 411, 412, and two other die-varieties not mentioned by him. Very rare set. 5 pes 1084 1823 Same. The varieties described by L. V. good. 3 ]ics 1085 1824 One Penny token. Type of preceding; all from diff- erent dies. Good (1) and fine. 22. L. 413, 414 and others not mentioned by him. 4 pes 1086 1824 Halfpenny tokens, type of preceding. Fine. L. 416, 417. 3 pes 1087 1832 Penny Tokens, same type. Good to very fine. L. 418, 419, 420, 421, and a variety with slender thistle-leaf on rev., not described by him. Rare set. 5 pes 1088 1832 Duplicate set. Good to fine. • 5 pes 1089 1832 Halfpenny Tokens. Set of varieties, comprising L. 422 to 425 and two others not described by him. Average fine. 5 pes 1090 1832 Same. L. 422, 423 (2 var.), 424. Good to fine. 4 pes 1091 1840 Penny Tokens. Bust of Victoria; rev., thistle. Slight die-varieties ; fine. 22. L. 427. 6 pes 1092 1843 Penny Tokens, type of preceding. Slight die-varieties, fine. 22. L. 427. 5 pes COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 77 1093 1840, 1843. Halfpenny Tokens, type of precedint^. All from different dies; good to fine. L. 428. 7 pes 1094 1856 Penny Tokens. Bust of Victoria; rev., blooming branch. With and without l. c. w. under the bust. Very fine and uncirculated. 21. L. 429 and 429a. 2 pes 1095 J 856 Penny Tokens. Duplicates of last. Fine. 2 pes 1096 1856 Halfpenny Token. Type of preceding. Uncircu- lated. 1097 1856 Duplicates. Fine. L. 430. 3 pes 1098 1856 Half])enny Token, struck on extremely thin planchet. Very good. 1099 Cents, 1861, 1862, 1864; Half Cents, 1861, 1864. Very fine and uncirculated. Scarce set. L. 432, 434. 5 pes 1100 Duplicate set. Fine. 5 pes 1101 1814 Military bust 1., broke, Halifax nova scotia. Rev. Britannia seated, engagement of Shannon and Chesapeake in the distance. The three varieties ; fiiie, scarce set. 16. L. 435. 3 pes 1102 1814 Duplicates ; fine. 2 pes 1103 1814 Draped bust r., half peistnt token. Rev. Ship sailing r., FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF TRADE. Very fine and rare. 18. L. 436. 1104 1814 Duplicate of last. Obv. fair; rev. good. 1105 1815 Indian with dog, commercial change. Rev. Ship sailing- r., HALFPENNY TOKEN NO VASCOTIA. Very fine. 18. L. 437. 1106 1815 Duplicate of last. Fine. 2 pes 1107 1815 Draped bust laureate right, halfpenny token. Rev. Britannia seated, genuine British copper. Marked die- varieties, very good and fine. 10. L. 438. 4 pes 1108 1815 Similar obv. Rev. Ship sailing r., success to navi- gation & TRADE. Die-varieties, fine. 18. L. 439. 4 pes 1109 1815 Similar obv. Rev. Ship sailing right, Halifax. Die- varieties, very fine, scarce. 16. L. 440. 2 pes 1110 1816 Building, wholesale & retail hardware" store. Rev. Spades, scythe, sickle and ban-el, iiaitfax nova SCOTIA. Fine and scarce. L. 441. 1111 182U Hibernia seated with harp, one halfi'kxnv token. Rev. Ship r., trade and navigation. Fine. 18. L. 442. 2 pes 78 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1112 Ship sailing r., xova scotia ais^d new bruxswick, success. llev. Justice seated, hokling scale and cornucopia, ship in the distance, halfpenny token. Sharp, brilliant inii)res- sion, perfectly uncirculated. 18. From the Levick sale, May, 1884, |8.G(). L. 443. 1113 Duplicate of last. Very fine. Rarity 6. 1114 1815 Draped bust laureate r., halfpenny token. Rev. Ship sailing r., payable by john alex^^ barry. Halifax. Marked varieties ; very fine. 16. L. 444. 2 pes 1115 1815 Same type, but larger bust, deeper drapery, very small date. An extremely rare if not unique variety discovered by Mr. Hart. Very fine. 1116 1816 Building, etc., as in 1110. Rev. Similar, but payable AT w. A. & s. black's. HALIFAX. N. s. Extremely fine. 16. L. 445, rarity 5. 1117 1816 Duplicates of last. Fine. 2 pes 1118 Front of building, half penny above. Rev. J. B. in mon- ogram. Fair, unpublished ; said to be the first issue of J. Brown's token, described in following number. 18. Not in Leroux. 1119 A blooming thistle, NEMO me impune lacessit. Rev. Ship sailing r., payable at the store of j. brown. A ery fine. L. 446. 1120 Duplicates of last. Fine. 2 pes 1121 1814 Draped bust laureate r., half penny token. Rev. Ship, sails partly furled r., payable by carritt & Alport HALIFAX. Fine. 18. L. 447, rarity 4, should be 6 in this condition. 1122 1814 Draped bust laureate r., halfpenny token. Rev. Front of wide building, payable by hosterman & etter. HALIFAX. Very fine. 17. L. 449, rarity 4. 1123 1815 Similar to last. Very fine. 16. L. 450. 1124 1814 (2), 1815 (2). Duplicates of last Nos. Fine. 4 pes 1125 Halfpenny Token. robekt purve's | cheap | family | STORE I walla(^e. Rev. encourage country importers. Bright red ; uncir. L. 451. Rare in this condition. 1126 Duplicates of last. Fine. 2 pes 1127 1815 Indian and dog r., starr & shannon Halifax. Rev. Ship sailing r., halfpenny token novascotia. Two varieties, one with engrailed edge (Leroux, 452, gives but one). 18. Very fine. 2 pes COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 79 1128 1815 Duplicates of last, plain and engrailed edge. Fine. 2 pes 1129 1S15 A barrel, halfpexny tokjon. Kev. payable | ijv | MILES W. I AVHITK | HALIFAX | X. S. | IMPORTER OF IROX- MoxciEKY, etc. Fine. 18. L. 45:J, rarity 4. 1130 1815 Same as last, but die cracked on obv. Very good ; rare. 1131 White's Farthing. one | farthing | payable at w. l. AVHITe's HALIFAX HOUSK HALIFAX N. S. ReV. CHEAP | DRY GOODS STOKE, etc. Very fine and rare. 14. L. 454. 1132 Duplicate of last. Equally fine. Cost $7.50. 1133 Steamboat sailing r,, Halifax steamboat company. Rev. FERRY TOKEN. Bright red ; uncir. 12. L. 455. 1134 Duplicate of last. Very fine. 1135 Magdalen Island. 1815. Seal, magdalex island token. Rev. A dry codfish, one penny, success to the f^ishery. 21. In superb condition, by far the finest I have seen ; very rare. L. 495. 113G Duplicate of last. As good as usually found. Rarity 4. HUDSON BAY COMPANY. 1137 Brass Token. Arms of the Company surmounted by a sable and supported by stags, pro pelle cutem on label be- neath, the whole in wreath formed of two branches of oak. Rev. I-B E M I N B . " Hudson Bay Esquimaux Mission, one New Beaver Skin." Boi-der dotted, edge milled ; mint state, with minute punch-mark between N. B. on rev. 19. Leroux, who does not possess a sijccimen of this remarkaljle and highly prized token, ruarks it rarity 8; but Mr. Hart considers it as of the highest (10). The 11. 1>. Co. have no record of the issue, and none are known to exist in foreign collections, and with ihe exception here- after noted, none exist in Canada. 1138 The same. Rev. ^ N. B. "Half New Beaver Skin." Mnit state, lacking ])unc]i-niark ; equally rare. 17. L. 487. 1139 The same. Rev. i N. B. " Quarter New Beaver Skin." Mint state, lacking punch-mark ; equally rare. 1(). L. 4S8. 114(1 The same. Rev. ^ N. B. '^Eighth New Jieaver Skin." Mint state, lacking punch mark; equally rare. The above complete set of four pieces will be ottered togeihor, or separately, at seller's option. 80 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1141 "One New Beaver Skin." Exact duplicate of 1137. Brass, small punch-jnark ; mint state. 19. L. 486. 1142 "Half New Beaver Skin," Exact duplicate of 1138. Brass, small punch-mark ; somewliat circulated. 17. ' This specimen was the first one discovered ; it was purchased for $125. Altogether but 10 of these are known, G now offered, and a set of 4, now in a private dollection in Canada. LOWER CANADA. 1143 Satirical Token. Bust r. (Vexator) caxaden. sis. Rev, Female seated, >vx illos v {is capere 1811), The one star variety; as good as found, 17, L. 500, rarity 5. On a perfect coin in the Government (Collection at Ottawa the legend reads, "Vexator M. I. Canadiensis" ; this piece so far as known unique, furnishes the missing link in the explanation of this remarkable political, satii'ical and local token, which has proved so much of a puzzle to numis- matists. The Governor Genei'al, Sir James Henry Craig had made him- self very unpopular with the French Canadians, and had imprisoned a few of their prominent politicians and Members of Parliament for ultra radical opinions expressed by them in their organ " Le Canadien " news- paper, but could not hold them for the offence committed. The legend has I'eference to this and may be translated: — "Oh, Canadian per- secutor ! (Rev.) Don't you wish you could catch them ?" 1144 Duplicate of last, lettering more distinct. Rare. 1145 Another specimen, nearly entire legend and date well struck. Very rare. 1146 Vexator Canadensis, The 3 star variety. Bust on obv,, and female figure on rev, well struck, legend weak. ^'ery rare. L. 501. 1147 Anothei-. Same variety as last, rev, better than obv. Rare. 1148 Another. Same variety ; obv. poor ; rev. fair. Rare. 1149 1816 Military bust laureate left, HALF PENNY token. Rev. Ship sailing r,, Montreal, Fine, 18, L. 502, rare. 1150 1816 Duplicate, Nearly as fine as last, 1151 1830, 1841. CANADA ; rev., half pexnv. Very fine. 16, L, 503. Scarce, 2 pes 1152 1830,- 1841. Duplicates of last. Fine. 2 pes 1153 Canada Halfpknxy Token. Rev. Ship sailing right, fok puhlk; accommodation. Very fine ; rare in this condi- tion. 17. L. 504. 1154 Duplicate of last. Same condition. COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 81 1155 1837 Full figure of French Canadian, or Habitant, long whip in hand, pkovince du bas Canada, deux sous. Rev. Arms of Montreal, with nA>,(iUK Du pkupi.k on label ; BANK TOKEN ONE PENNY. Fine. 22. L. 505. 1156 1837 Same as last ; short whip variety, fine. 22. 1157 1837 Deux Sous, or Penny. Same type, with jjank ok MONTREAL on label. Die-varieties. Fine and uncirculated. 22. L. 510. 2 pes 1158 1837 Deux Sous, or Penny. Same type, city bank on label. Complete set of die-varieties; very fine and un- circulated. 22. L. 528, 528a. Rare. 5 pes 1159*1837 Deux Sous, or Penny. Same type, quep.ec hank on label. Complete set of die-varieties ; good to uncii-culated. 22. L. 530, 530a. Rare. • 4 pes 1160 1837 Deux Sons, or Penny. Bancpie du Peuple, Bank of Montreal, City Bank, Quebec Bank, on labels. Very good. 4 pes 1161 1837 Deux Sous, or Penny. Same as last, including die- varieties. Good to fine. 6 pes 1162 1837 Un Sou, or Penny. Type of preceding, baxc^ue du PEUPLE. Very fine. 18. L. 506. 1163 1837 Un Sou, or Penny, bank of Montreal. Die-varie- ties ; very good and fine. 18. L. 512. 2 pes 1164 1837- Un Sou, or Penny, city bank. Die-varieties. Ex- tremely fine. 18. L. 529. 2 pes 1165 1838 Un Sou, or Penny, quebec bank. Very fine. 18 L. 531. 1166 1837 Un Sou, or Penny. Names of the four different banks on label. Good to very fine. 4 pes 1167 1838 Side view of the Bank building, bank of Montreal. Rev. Oval shield of the city, bank of Montreal on label, . bank token one penny. Sharp, perfect, and beautiful impression of this excessively rare coin, from a noted English collection, and imported by the cataloguer, some years ago, at a cost of 175. Size 22, rarity 9. 1168 1838 Side view Half Penny, type of last described. Sharp, uncirculated. Equally rare and desirable. 18. 1169 1839 Side view Penny, type of preceding, bank of :\roNT- EEAL on label. Sharp, brilliant impression, almost equal to a proof. 22. Like the preceding, of the highest rarity. L. 513. 82 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1170 1839 Side view Penny. Same as tlie last, but banquk Du PKUPLi: on label. Fine; excessively rare. 22. L. 507. 1171 1839 Side view Half Penny. Type of preceding, hank of MONTREAL on label. Sharp, uncirculated and rare, quoted by Canada dealers at |25. 18. L. 514. 1172 1842 Penny. Front view of Bank, pkovince op oanada | BANK OF MONTREAL. Kev. Shield, etc. Uncirculated. 22. L. 515. 1173 1842, '44. Half Pennies. Same type. Uncirculated. 18. L. 516. 1174 1842, '44. Duplicate Penny and Half Pennies. ' Uncir- culated. 3 pes 1175 1852 Penny. Habitant, rjtoviNOE du Canada, deux sous. Rev. Female with shield and cornucopia seated, ship in the distance, (Quebec bank token, one penny. Bright red, uncirculated. 22. L. 532. 1176 1852 Half Penny. Same type ; uncir. 18. L. 533. 1177 Duplicates of two preceding nos. Uncirculated. 2 pes 1178 Token, t. s. bkoavn & co importers of hardwares Mon- treal. Rev. Anvil, spades, etc. Both varieties : very fine. 17. L. 573. 2 pes 1179 Token. Watch and chain, maysenholder & boiile ♦ gold SMITHS * ESTABLISHED 1849. Rev. MONTREAL 4)etween a rose and a beaver, corner st. vincent & notre dame. Very fine. 16. L. 575 ; rarity 7. This token is a new discovery and has never before api)eared in a sale. But five specimens are known, all having been found together, and held by one ))erson. The token was manufactured by the firm In 1849, shortly before they gave up business ; it is presumed that the dies broke and that no more were struck. 1180 1837 Token. A barrel, th^ & ^y^ molson, distillers & & & MONTREAL, UN SOU. Rcv. Distilling apparatus, cash paid FOE ALL SORTS OF GRAIN. Very fine. 18. L, 576. 1181 1837 Duplicate of last, but slightly smaller thin planchet. Uncirculated ; very rare. 1182 Commerce Token. Ship •sailing r., fkancis mullins & son IMPORTERS OF SHIP CHANDLERY &C MONTREAL. Very fine and scarce. 17, L. 577. 1183 Duplicate of last. Very fine and scarce. COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 83 1184 Token, Ship sailing r. Rev. i;. w. owkn | moxtkkal | ROPERY in endless entwined double rope. Very fine, with slight corrosion spot on obverse. Of the liighest rarity, not more that 4 specimens known. The Jiopery was burnt in 1837, and Owen ruined. Size 18. Cost $50. L. 578. 1185 Token. ,r. siiaw & c<> impoktkus of hardwarks upper Towx QUEBEC. Rev. Scythe, spade, etc. Very fine. 18. L. 580. 118G Duplicate of last. Aery fine; scarce. 1187 1852 A'iew of building, l gxaedinger, sox & co * Mont- real • Rev. FURS I HATS | CAPS | * ESTABLISHED • | 1852. Uncirculated. 17. Not in Leroux. 1188 Bier Token. Prussian arms crowned. Rev. •(iUTFUR* 5 CENTS, GESANGVEREIN TEUTONIA • MONTREAL • BraSS, uncir., not in L. 15. 1180 1821 Steamboat right, lauzon. Rev. bon pour huit sols, FOUR PENCE TOKEN. Counterstampcd j. mc k. Lead ; fair, none better known. ' 17. L. 599, rarity 8. 1190 FERRV I token; rev., blank. Brass, fine. Not in Leroux; said to haVe superseded the Lauzon ferry token in 1825. Very rare. 18. 1191 Bridge Token, de lachesnaye a l'isle de Montreal ox REPENTiGUY. Rcv. cALECHE between two branches, each with blooming rose. Fair, clipped and j^ierced. Very rare. 18. L. 585. In 1808 a bridge connected the Islanc] of Montreal with the mainland, upon which these passes were used. The charge was one shilling for a Caliche, or old French two-wheeled cab, in present use in Quebec and some country parts of French Canada, ninepence for a Charrette, or cart, sixpence f-'i- a Cheval or horse, and threepence for a Personne or foot passenger. The clipped ones were to distinguish those to be accounted for by the toll keeper at De Lachesnaye. The complete set comprises twelve pieces, of which eleven are here ottered ; they are all eagerly sought, on account of their interest and rarity, but two complete sets being known. 1192 Same obv. Rev. charrette between two branches of lau- rel. Fine, clipped ; very rare. 18. L. 586. 1193 Same obv. Rev. cheval between two floreated ornaments. Fine, clipped; very rare. 18. L. 587. 84 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1194 Same obv. Rev. personxe over crossed branches of laurel- Fine, clipped ; very rare. 18. L. 588. 1195 Bridge Token, de l'isle de Montreal a repentiguy on LACHESNAYE, Rev. CALECHE as in No. 1191. Counter- stamped (?) on rev., fine for the piece ; very rare. 18. L. 589. 1196 Same obv. Rev. charkktte, as in No. 1192. Very fine and rare. 18. L. 590. 1197 Same obv. Rev. cheval, as in No. 1193. Very fine and rare. 18. L. 591. 1198 Same obv. Rev. persoxne, as in No. 1194. Very fine and rare. 18. L. 592. 1199 Bridge Token, de repentiguy a l'isle de Montreal on LACHESNAYE. Rcv. CALECHE as in No. 1191. Very fine and rare. 18. L. 593. 1200 Same obv. Rev. cheval, as in No. 1193. Fine, very rare. 18. L. 595. 1201 Same obv. Rev. personne, as in No. 1194. Very fine and rare. 18. L. 596. 1202 Railway Token. Locomotive, Montreal & laciiine rail- road COMPANY. Rev. Beaver gnawing branch at the foot of the trunk of a tree, third class. Small circular hole in centre for suspension ; struck for use among the Indians, who traveled at special low rates. Sharp, uncirculated, rare. 22. L. 600. 1203 Duplicate of last. Same condition ; rare. 1204 U. S. 10 Cents Postage .Stamp in metallic case; weir & LARMiNiE, BANKERS, ctc, MONTREAL, 1862 ou back. Fine and scarce. L. 598. 1205 Brass Button. Montreal British militia (engraved). Good and very rare. First organized Militia of Montreal, worn during the American invasion of 1775. 18. 1206 Another. G. R. in monogram, crowned, Quebec militia 1775. Brass, traces of gilt ; good, equally rare. 17. BOUQUET OR SOUS SERIES. The formation of this set of the renowned Sous Series, which actually comprises evei'y known variety but two (L. 534 and 535), besides several unpublished ones, necessitated the handling and classification of thousands of specimens, and cost Mr. Hart a considerable outlay of money. To COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 8^ preserve the collection entire, and give the curator of some Museum or private collector the opportunity of securing it, the cataloguer reserves the right of selling Nos. 1207 to 1259 inclusive, numbering 70 dillerent varieties in die or metal, together, as one lot. and they will be so sold if a satisfactory bid is made at the time of the sale. 1207 Bouquet of rose, thistles, blades of wheat, etc., agmculture & COMMERCE BAS CANADA. Ksv. UN SOU iu broad, tlilck wreath, banque du peuple . Montreal . Milled edge ; very fine. 17. L, 508. 1208 Same. Thin planchet, plain edge. Very good, slightly nicked. Not in Leroux. Karity 8. 1209 Different bouquet, •agriculture & commerce* bas - Can- ada. Kev. UN sou in wreath of five maple leaves, small head to r., *banque du peuple Montreal. Reeded edge, uncirculated. L. 509, r. 4. 1210 Bouquet with rose on each side, trade & agriculture LOWER CANADA. Rev. UN SOU in wreath of ]talm and laurel, bank op Montreal token. Plain edge, uncircu- lated, L. 517, r. 3. 1211 Same obv. Rev. un sou in wreath of palm and laurel, bank TOKEN MONTREAL. Plain edge, die varieties ; good to uncirculated. L. 518, r. 5 ; 520, r. 3 ; 522, r. 4 ; 524, r. 4 ; 52(3, r. 4 ; 527, r. 4. 8 pes The differences between these are very slight, yet they are the product of different dies, or different combinations of dies. Leroux, it will be noted, gives but six. 1212 Similar obv. Rev. un sou in wreath of palm and laurel, BANK OP 3IONTEEAL TOKEN. Plain edge, die varieties; good, fine, uncirculated. L. 519, r. 3. 3 pes 1213 Similar to last. Good. L. 521, r. 5. 1214 Similar. Very fine. L. 523, r. 4. 1215 Similar obv. Rev. un sou in wreath of laurel, token Mont- real. Plain edge ; fine. L. 525, r. 4. 1216 Bouquet with one rose to r., agriculture & commerce, bas- CANADA. Rev. UN SOU in laurel wi'eath of seventeen leaves, token Montreal. Broken die, plain edge, veiy good. L. 536, r. 4. 1217 Similar, but wreath of 18 leaves. Perfect and cracked dies. Fine. L. 537, r. 5. 2 pes 1218 Variety of last, broken die. Very good. L. 538, r. 4. 86 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1219 Another variety, wreath of 16 leaves. Usual break in obv. die. Fine. L. 589, r. 4. 1220 Similar bouquet; wreath of IS leaves. Extremely fine. L. 540, r. 3. 1221 Similar bouquet : wreath of 18 leaves. Fine. L. 541, r. 4. 1222 Same bouquet as last ; slight variety in wreath. Very fine. L. 542, r. 4. 1223 Bouquet with rose r. and three blades of wheat above. Rev. Wreath of 18 leaves. Very fine. L. 543, r. 4. 1224 Slender bouquet with rose right and two thistles left. Rev. Wreath of 18 leaves. Fine. L. 544, r. 4. 1225 Similar bouquet, with large leaf between thistles at 1. Rev. Wreath of 18 leaves. Fine. L. 545, r. 4. 1226 Same as last. Brass ; good, rare. 1227 Bouquet with large leaf under thistles at 1. Rev. Wreath of 20 leaves Fine. L. 546, r. 4. 1228 Bouquet with four clover leaves to r. Rev. Small wreath of 16 leaves. Plain and milled edge; fine. L. 547, r. 4 ; latter not mentioned. ^ 2 pes 1229 Same as last. Brass, pierced ; very good. 1230 Different bouquet, large single leaf from stem of bouquet at 1. Rev. Wreath of 16 leaves, with triangular ribbon bow. Very good, pierced. L. 548, r. 8. 1231 Different bouquet, rose branch with small blooming rose 1., AGRK'ULTURE & ( OMMEKCE. BAS CAXADA. Rev. UX SOU in ^ wreath of 14 single and 4 double leaves, token jroNTREAL. Brass, uncirculated, obv. misstrnck, edge milled. L. 540, rarity 10. Leroux says, " I know but one original piece in brass, milled edge/' This is the one, and his description is taken from this identical j^iece. A few restrikes in copper and lead have been issued by the Numismatic Society of Montreal, but the dies can no longer be used, or liave been canceled. For this specimen ]\Ir. Hart paid $100. 1232 Another. Restrike on U. S. Cent of 1852. Unique. 1233 Another, size 20. Imperfect impi-ession and misstruck. R. 9. 1284 Bouquet with large rose left, and large leaf from stem at r. Rev. Wreath of 18 leaves, dot over o in sou. Fine. L. 550, r. 5. 1235 Same obv. Rev. un sou close, with dot. Fine. L. 551, r. 15. COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 87 1236 Bouquet with three trefoils from stem at r., + agbi- CULTURE & COMMERCE + BAS . CANADA . RcV. IX SOT close, with dot, in wreath of eighteen leaves. Very fine. L. 552, r. 4. 1237 Similar obv., without dot between bas and Canada. Jlev. UN sou in wreath of eighteen leaves. Sharp, uncirculated. L. 553, r. 6. Specimens have sold as high as $15.00. 1238 Bouquet with two trefoils at r. and large leaf at 1. of stem, A(tRICULTUEB & COMMERCE + BAS - CxVNADA. KcV. Dot close to o of sou, wreath of IG leaves. Fine. L. 554, r.3. 1239 Same obv., slight variety in rev. Fine. L. 555, r. 6. 1240 Different bouquet, same punctuation marks, but bas . Cana- da. Rev. Close wreath of 18 leaves. V. fine. L. 55(3, r. 3. 1241 Same obv. Rev. Close wreath of 1(5 leaves. Uncirculated. L. 557, r. 3. 1242 Same as last, but brass. Very good, nicked. Rarity (3. 1243 Same. Silver or gerinan silver. Fine, unique. 1244 Bouquet with trefoil r., large leaf left of stem, long ribbon bow. Rev. Dot over o of sou and Avreath of 1(3 leaves. Fine. L. 558 and 550, but Mr. Hart thinks that both of the Leroux illustrations are incorrect. Rarity 4. 2 pes 1245 Bouquet with two trefoils r., large leaf I. of stem, drooping ribbon-bow, + agriculture & comjierce + bas, - canada Rev. Wreath of 20 leaves. Brassy copper and copper, very fine. L. 560, r. 3, 2 pes 1246 Bouquet with two small leaves r. and one large leaf 1. of stem, BAS - CANADA. Rcv. UN SOU with dot in centre, widely spaced. Perfect and broken dies ; extremely fine. L. 561, r. 4. 2 pes 1247 Bouquet with three small leaves r. and one 1. of stem. Rev. Same as last. Good. L. 562, r. 8. 1248 Small bouquet witli long stem tied with long slender ribbon, : AGRICULTURE & COMMERCE : BAS - CANADA. Rev. Wreath of 18 leaves, u in sou too high. Very fine. L. 563, r. 3. 1249 Bouquet with branch of four leaves to r. of stem, +A(;Riri l- TURE & COMMERCE* BAS - CANADA. Rev. Similar to last, but sou in proper position. Perfect and broken dies. Very fine. L. 564, r. 4. 2 pes. 1250 Bouquet with short stem and two long ribbons to bow. Rev. Wreath of Ki leaves. Fine. L. 565, r. 4. 8S COINS AND TOKENS OF CANDDA. 1251 Same obv. Rev. Wreath of eighteen leaves, un sou widely spaced. Fine. L. 5G6, r, 5. 1252 Same obv. with break in die from ui»i)er 1. blade of wheat to L in AGRICULTURE. llev. Very similar* to last. P^'ine. L. 567, r. 4. 1253 Large bouquet witli large rose r. and large thistle 1. IJev. ux sou in laurel wreatli of 40 leaves (L. says 80). Fine. L. 568, r. 4. 1254 Bouquet with three blades of wheat between large rose and thistle above. Rev. Same as last. Very fine. L. 509, r. 4. 1255 Same obv. Rev. un sou in wreath of 32 leaves (L. says 39). Very fine. L. 570, r. 4. 1256 Bouquet with trefoil and large thistle leaf to left of stem. Rev. Same as last. Very fine. L. 571, r. 4. 1257 Bouquet with thistle leaf to 1. of stem. Rev. Same as last. Very fine. L. 572, r. 4. 1258 Bouquet. Rev. Eagle and shield in circle of 13 stars., • t DUSEAMAN BUTCHER * BELLEVILLE. Die cracked OB eacli side, fine. L. 574, r. 4. 1259 Bouquet. * t. d. seaman butcher* belleville. Rev. A COW, * A FRIEND * TO THE CONSTITUTION. Very fine, rare, not in Leroux. 12G0 Maple leaves crossed, commerce bas - canada. Rev. un SOU in wreath, .i" roy, Montreal. Thick and thin pi., fine. L. 579. 2 i)cs 1261 Duplicate Set of Bouquet Tokens. Leroux, Nos. 508, 509, 517, 519 (3 var.), 522, 525, 586, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545 (copper and brass), 546, 547, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561 (perfect and broken die), 563, 564 (perfect and broken die), 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 574, 579 (thick and thin pi.). Average strictly fine, a few die varieties not in L. Very desirable if incomplete. 44 pes 1262 Playing Cards displayed on each side. Fine. 19. L. 601. UPPER CANADA. 1263 Ship r., success to the commerce, etc. Rev. sir isaac BROCK, etc., 1812, in 9 lines. Very fine. 17. L. 680. COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 89 1264 Same obv. Rev. succkss to commerce, etc., 181(J, in cen- tre. Fine. 17. L. 681. 1265 Urn on pedestal inscribed, fell oct 13, 1812; near border, s^ ISAAC BROCK, ctc. Rcv. As last. Die vai-ieties, fine and very fine, in rarity 3 to 8. L. 682. (5 jies 1266 Duplicates of three preceding numbers. 8 varieties ; all fine. 8 pes 1267 Schooner r., halfpenny token upper Canada. Rev. Indian and dog, commercial change 1815. Very good and poor. 17." L. 683, 688. 2 pes 1268 Same obv. Rev. A barrel, commercial change 1821. 17. Fine. L. 685. 1269 Schooner, varieties. Rev. A plough, to facilitate trade, 1823, 1833. Good to uncirculated. 17. L. 687, 690. 3 pes 1270 Schooner r. Rev. Crossed spades over anvil, commercial CHANGE, 1820. Fine. 17. Varieties. L. 689. 3 pes 1271 Duplicate set. Good and fine. 3 pes 1272 Similar obv. Rev. Scythe, spade, vise, anvil, etc., commer- cial CHANGE, 1833. Very fine. 18. L. 691, rare. 1273 Duplicate of last. Fine. 1274 1832 Draped bust laureate, province of upper Canada. Rev. Britannia seated, halfpenny token. Fine, very scarce. 18. L. 692. 1275 Bank of Upper Canada. Penny tokens, 1850, 1852, 1854 (varieties), 1857. Fine to bright red. Scarce and desir- able set. 21. L. 693, etc. 5 pes 1276 Same. Halfpenny tokens. 1S50, 1852 (varieties), 1854 (varieties), 1857. Fine to bright red. Scarce and desir- able set. 18. L. 695. 6 pes 1277 Same. Penny and Halfpenny tokens. Duplicates of two preceding Nos. Complete as to dates. Fine to bright red. 9 pes 1278 Bank of Upper Canada. Penny token of 1857. On border in raised letters, from die, " To commemorate the Domin- ion Exhibition held in Montreal." Fine, helieoed to he unique. 1279 1796 Britannia presenting two children to America, nKirisii SETTLEMENT KENTUCKY. RcV. ONE HALF PENNY, COPPER COMPANY I OF UPPER | CANADA. Proof, vcry rare and de- sirable. 18. L. 697. 90 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1280 1822 Figure of Justice, lesslie & sons Toronto & dundass. Rev. A plough, prosperity to caxada, la prudence et LA oandeur; in the field, token, 2i) currency. Very fine and rare. Sell for 810.00 in Canada. 26. L. 69S. 12S1 Duplicate of last. Very fine, test cut on edge. Rare. 1282 Lesslie Jt Sons, York, Kingston & Dundas, otherwise similar to last. Complete set of die varieties. Fine and rare. 17. L. 699. 5 pes 1283 Same as last. Die varieties. Good to fine. 4 pes DOUBTFUL TOKENS OF CANADA. Under this head are classified tokens of doubtful origin or attribution, many of which were struck in Canada, or for circulation in the British Provinces of North America. Nearly all are recognized by Canadian authorities, and are described by authors on that coinage. 1284 1781 North American token. Very fine. IS. L. 766. 1285 Duplicates of last. Very good. 2 pes 1286 1812 and 1813. Draped bust in wreath. Rev. Justice seated, ONE penny token. With and without date on rev. All different. Good to very fin-e. 22. L. 767, 768, 769. 6 pes 1287 Duplicates of last. All from different dies. Good and very good. 5 |)cs 1288 1812 Halfpenny token, type of preceding. Uncirculated. 18. L. 770. 1289 1812 Halfpenny tokens. With and without inscription on rev. Copper and brass ; good to very fine. All from different dies, and believed to have been issued by a Montreal hardware firm of that ])eriod. 18. Leroux 770 to 773. 37 pes 1290 Ship r. Rev. Justice seated, halfpenny token, 1812, and 1815. Fine and very fine, latter cost 11.50. 18. L. 774. 2 pes 1291 Duplicates of last and one without date (not in L.) Good. 3 pes 1292 Female with caduceus 1., trade & navigation. Rev. puke < opper preferable to paper. 1812, 1813. Halfpennies and farthing. Very good and fine. L. 775. 3 pes 1293 Duplicates of last, ^'ery good ; scarce. 3 pes 1294 1813 Sllip 1., TRADE & NAVIGATION. ReV. PURE COPPER, OtC. Halfpenny tokens, several die varieties. P^ine. L. 776. 9 pes COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 91 1295 1813 Penny tokens, type of 12!li*. Die varieties; one poor, two uncirculated, the latter cost $2S)0 eacli. L. 777. 3 pes 1296 1813 Duplicates of last, die varieties; another of 1814. Fine, 3 pes 1297 Same obv. ; rev., onk stiver. Good and fine. 21. 2 pes 1298 Monogram in wreath; rev., faktiiixg tokkn, 1812; also Penny and Halfpenny (varieties) of this type, date 1814. Fine. L. 778, 779, 780. Rare. 4 pes Issued by Richard Hurd, a Dry Goods merchant in Montreal, 1812-1814. 1299 Penny, Halfpenny and Farthing, duplicates of last. Good and fine. l\are. 3 pes 1300 Britannia seated, in wreath. Rev. A lion, halfpenny. Die varieties, 1813 (3), 1814. See L. 781. Fine and scarce. 4 pes 1301 Same obv. Rev. An eagle, iialfpennv tokp:n 1813, 1814, 1815, two varieties of each date. Good to very fine and very scarce. L. 781 and 782. 6 pes 1302 1815 Ship sailing 1., ships colonies and commerce. Rev. ONE halfpenny TOKEN the words separated by blooming branches. Brass, sharp, barely circulated, the finest Mr. Hart has seen, and cost him $7.50. 18. L. 783, r. 6. 1303 Duplicate; another with for publick accommodation on rev. Brass, very good and rare. 2 pes 1304 1815 Draped bust r., genuine p.ritish copper; rev., Bri- tannia seated, half penny ; another, similar, but legends occupy the opposite sides. Fine. 17 and 18. L. 784. 2 pes 1305 1815 Halfpenny tokens of the same type but without leg- ends. Die varieties, fine. L. 785. 2 pes 1306 1820 Draped bust laureate 1.; rev., a harp and date. Brass. Believed to be all from different dies; a most complete and rare set. Aver, fine, one pierced. 18. L. 786. 28 pes 1307 1825 Military bust r. Rev. Justice seated r., to facilitate TRADE. Die varieties, fine. 18. L. 787. 3 [»cs 1308 1825 Bust 1., bkitish colonies. Rev. Justice seated 1., to facilitate trade. Good and very good. L. 788. 3 pes 1309 1838 Bust laureate 1., pure copper, etc. Rev. Female hold- ing eaduceus seated, trade & navigation. Penny tokens. Fine. L. 789. 2 pes 92 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1310 Speed the Plough. Half])enny tokens ; the two varieties. Very fine. 17. L. 790. 2 pes 1311 Ship sailing r., for general accommodation. Rev. pure COPPER, etc. Halfpennies; fine. L. 791. 2 pes 1312 Male figure with club and sprig of shamrock in wreath of oak and shamrock. Rev. pure copper preferable to PAPER. Very fine. 18. L. 792. 1813 Duplicate of last. Fine. 1314 Ships, Colo^ties & Commerce Tokens. Ships (32), busts (2), harp (1). In different envelopes, numbered and with ♦ accompanying descriptive list by "Mr. Hart. All from different dies and nearly all very fine, one pierced. As a set very rare and interesting. 17 and IS. L. 793. 35 pes 1315 1805 Bust of Wellington 1.; rev., harp. Die varieties, good and very fine. 18. L. 794. 3 pes 1316 1813 Draped bust of Wellington r., marquis Wellington. Rev. Commei'ce. Very fine. 18. L. 797. R. 6. 1317 1813 Military bust of W. and names of engagements. Rev. Britannia seated, one penny token. Fine and rare. 22. L. 798. 1318 1813 Military bust over crossed branches of laurel, field MARSHAL WELLINGTON. Rcv. Similar to last, but half- penny TOKEN. Die varieties, fine. 18. L. 799. 1319 1814 Military bust, Wellington halfpenny token. Rev. Britannia in wreath. Set of die varieties, good to very fine. L. 800. 4 pes 1320 1815 Ship r. Rev. Wellington waterlog. Die varieties, fine. 17. L. 802. R. 6. 2 pes 1321 1815 Bust r.; rev., as last. Fine. 18. L. 803. 2 pes 1322 Duplicates of 1320 and 1321. Very good, rare. 2 pes 1323 1816 Bust 1., the illustrious Wellington. Rev. Harp, WATERLOO halfpenny. Set of die varieties; fine and rare. L. 804. 3 pes 1324 Military bust 1., vimiera, talavera, etc. Rev. Horseman r., COSSACK PENNY TOKEN. Uncir., rare. 21. L. 805. 1325 Duplicate of last. Very good ; rare. 1326 Military bust over crossed branches of laurel, field marshal WELLINGTON. Rev. Britannia seated, halfpenny token, branches of laurel in exergue, instead of date. Die varie- ties; fine and rare set. L. 806, 807. 6 pes COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 93 1327 Duplicates of last. Good and fine. 5 pes 1328 Bust of George Canning. Rev. commercial change. Fine. 15. L. 808. R. 4. 2 pes 1329 Bust of Sir Robert Peel; rev., as last. Very fine and rare. Not in L. 15. 1330 Military bust of unknown general over crossed branches of laurel, victoria kobis est. Rev. Britannia seated, iialf- pejStnt tokeis', branches of laurel in exergue. Die varie- ties, fine. 18. L. 809. 3 pes 1331 Military bust 1., hispaniam et lvsitaxiam restitvit Wel- lington^. Rev. Names of battles. Set of die varieties, fine to uncirculated. 17. L. 810, 811, 812. 7 pes 1332 Same, three names of battles on reverse field, ending with SALAMANCA. (L. 811.) Silver proof ; extremely rare. Bought of Ed. Groh, Esq., of New York, twenty years ago for $10. 1333 Bust of De Sala r. Rev. ships colonies & commerce. Fine and rare. 17. L. 813. 3 pes 1334 Ship r. Rev. one penny in w^reath. Fine, rare. 22. 1335 Figure of Justice on pedestal, in wreath of palm and laurel. Rev. ONE PENNY TOKEN in wrcath. A beautiful design ; very rare. 21. 1336 1814 Draped bust 1., Wellington & victory. Rev. Hiber- nia seated, edw. bewley, 1816. Very good. 21. 1337 Draped bust left, Wellington & erin go eragh. Rev. Crowded harp, edw. Stephens 1816. Very good. 21. 1338 1830 Draped bust r., god save the king. Rev. for pub- lick ACCOMMODATION. Penny (4) and hlfp. size. Very good. 5 pes 1339 1811 Draped bust r., vinoit amor patriae. Rev. Britannia seated, in wreath. Several die varieties. Fair to fine. 18. 1- pes 1340 Bust of Mercury. Rev. Britannia seated in wreath. Varie- ties, very good. 18. 3 pes 1341 Head 1., BRUTUS. Rev., similar to last. Die varieties ; good and fine. 18. 5 pcs 1342 1822 Halfpenny token with bust of Geo. IV, same as in N. S. halfp. of 1823. Rev. Crowned harp, hiberni a. Fine, rare. 17. 94 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1343 1S14-1820 Penny and Halfp. tokens, four with harp on rev. Different and unlike any of preceding. Rare lot, good to fine. pes 1344 1820 Ship r., trade and navigation. Rev. Hibernia seated, one half penny token. Very good. 4 pes 1345 1816 Anchor in circle, halfpenny token. Rev. H in M'reath. Curious unpublished Canada token. Fine. 17. 1346 Canada 25 Cents (3), 10 Cents. Misstruck, etc. Very good. 4 pes 1347 Canada Cents and Tokens. Misstruck, thin planchets, in- cused impressions. Fine lot. 10 pes 1348 Pennsylva. and other Halfpenny tokens. Fair, one pierced. 24 pes 1349 Eagle Halfpenny tokens, one made in Troy, N. Y. Curious, fair. 2 pes 1350 Canada counterstamped and engraved tokens. Includes Devins & Bolton, Rindlay & McWilliam, Montreal, etc., in value from 1 to 25 cents. Copper, brass, German silver, etc. Poor to fine ; scarce lot. 29 pes 1351 Odds and Ends. Penny and Halfp. size, all of Canada. Poor lot. 12 pes 1352 1828 Shijj 1., com-Aierce. Rev. one farthing token. Fine, extremely rare. Sandliam, No. 58. CANADA TOKENS, ETC.; RECENT ISSUES. 1353 1882 Obv. similar to old U. S. Cent. Rev. ijlaklev & cos, etc. HALIFAX, N. s. Brass proof. 18. L. 966. 1354 Duplicate of last. Same condition. 2 pes 1355 E. A. Cardinal, Numismatist, Montreal. Varieties of his token. Mint state, rare. 17 and 19. Brass (2), w.m. L. 967, 968, 969. 3 pes 1356 Duplicates. L. 968, 909. Brass, same condition. 4 pes 1357 Bust of Victoria. Rev. use devins' vegetable worm pas- tiles, etc., 1867. Bright red, uncirculated, rare. 17. L. 970. 1358 Duplicates of last. Same condition. 2 pes 1359 Beaver, maison jacques oartier st rooh, Quebec. Rev. UN CENTiN, etc. Bright red, uncir. 17. L. 971. 1360 Dujilicates of last. Same condition, scarce. 2 pes COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 95 1361 Crown, c. e. a. langlois. Rev. drink st leon avatkr. Brass, fine. 13. L. 973. 1362 Dr. Leroux Token, one with family arras. Copper and brass, mint state. 17. L. 974 and 975. 2 pes 1363 Lymburner & Brother, Montreal. Varieties of their tokens, different metals, etc. Mint state. L. 978, 979. 7 jk-s 1364 Duplicates of last. Same condition. 5 pes 1365 Bust of Victoria, r. siiarpley, jeweler & watchmaker, etc., MONTREAL. Brass, mint state, rare. 14. L. 982. 1366 Duplicate of last. Very fine. 1367 A. Bain, St. Catharine's, Ontario. Rev. good for 5 cents. Nickel, mint state. 12. L. 1016. 1368 Davis & Buie, Montreal Business College. Lead tokens, proof. 19. L. 1018. 2 pes 1369 A. J. Dompierre Ottawa Bakery, i & 1 loaf. Brass shells ; fine, rare. Cost |3. 17 and 20. L. 1021, 1022. 2 pes 1370 I. B. Durocher, Richelieu Hotel ; H. Elmsic, good for 5 cents ; A. D. Fancher, Peterborough. Brass tokens ; fine and rare. 16. L. 1023, 1024, 1025. •} pes 1371 Evening Globe, good for one copy. Bronzed electro, central perforation. 17. L. 1026. 3 pes 1372 Crown, i loaf . iliffe. Varieties. German silver, brass, etc. Scarce; for one of these Mr. Hart paid $2.00. 13 to 16. Fair to very fine. L. 1029, 1030. 8 pes 1373 J. C. Lampman, Thorold, Ont. ; G. N. ; in trade; H. Paulus, Fort Erie, Ont. ; V. R. ^ ^ ^ (2) ; Robinson House, Camlachie, Ont ; F. S., Montreal; Reid House, Lindsay; Mascotte, G. N. Five Cents tokens; nickel (1) and brass; fine to uncir. 13 to 16. L. 1032, '37, '38, '39, '41, '43, '44, '47, '49, last described not in L. Rare lot. 11 j)cs COMMUNION TOKENS. A very complete collection of these interesting tokens, similar to those described in Mr. Thomas Warner's work on Church Tokens of the U. S. They are struck in tin, pewter or lead, etc., were issued for use in Pres- byterian Churches of the various British Provinces ; all are interestinof, many now very rare, if not unobtainable. 1374 Prince Edw'ard Island. ST. I(ohn) P(arish). Fine, o\vt1. 18. L. 358, r, 5. 1375 — Similar to last. Cut on edge, good, oval. 16. L. 35'J, r. 4. 96 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1376 New Bruxsavick. D(umfries) K(irk) 1833. Square, very fine. 11. L. 383B, r. 5. 1377 — H(arvey) S(ettlement), a colony from New England in York Co. Fine. 14. L. 383 E, r. 4. 1378 — JOHN MACLEAN, coxGREGATiox OF RicHiBucTO. Square, fine. L. 384A, r. 5. 1379 — A cross, saint Andrew's june 1825. Rev. new Bruns- wick NA. Square, fine. 15. L. 386, r. 5. 1380 — ST. Andrew's church, st john n. b. etc. Rev. do this IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME. Oval, uncir. 18. L. 387, r. 5. 1381 — ST JAMES CHURCH. Rev. I COR. XI. 23. Fine. 12 x 17. L. 388, r. 5. 1382 REV. W. T. WISHART saint STEPHENS CHURCH. Rcv. SAINT JOHN NEAv BRUNSWICK 1842. Very fine. 16. L. 389, r. 5. 1383 FREE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST JOHN NEAV BRUNSAVICK. Rev. THIS DO, etc. Fine. 13 x 17. L. 390, r. 5. 1384 Nova Scotia, st james church Dartmouth. Rev. this DO, etc. Fine. 13 x 17. L. 457, r. 5. 1385 — KEvi> A. dick DOUGLASS 1803. Square, good. 15. L. 458, r. 5. He was the first minister ordained by a perma- nently constituted Pi'esbytery in British America. 1386 — R. C. H. (Relief Church, Halifax). Rev. 1818. Fine. 16. L. 459, r. 4. 1387 — P. C. H. 1784. Rev. A burning bush, Presbyterian Church, Halifax, founded 1750 by the Rev. Aaron Cleve- land, an ancestor of Grover Cleveland, President of the United States. Very fine. 19. L. 460, r. 5. 1888 REV. p. C. MCGREGOR HALIFAX N. S. 1843. Rev. POPLAR GROVE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (now Nortli Park Street Church). Very fine. 12 x 19. L. 461, r. 5. 1389 — ST. John's Presbyterian church, Halifax n. s. 1813. Rev. THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF MK. BUT LET A MAN EX- AMINE HIMSELF. Uncirculated. 14 x 17, L. 462, r. 5. 1390 ST MATHEW'S CHURCH HALIFAX N. S. Rev. A CUp, THIS DO, etc. Uncirculated. 12 x 17. L. 463, r. 5. 1891 — LOWER SKTT(leraent, East River, N. S.). Square, fine. 13 X 13. L. 468 B., r. 5. 1392 PRESBYTERIAN CONGREGATION MAITLAND. Rev. A CUp, THIS DO, etc. Very fine. 13 x 17. L. 463 C, r. 5. COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 97 1393 Nova Scotia, Burning bush and motto, free church OF SCOTLAND. ReV. JOHN KNOX CHURCH, NEW . GLAS- cow, THIS DO, etc. Sharp, proof. 12 x 17. L. 463 H., r. 5. 1394 COMMUNION TOKEN. ST ANDREw's NEAV GLASCOW 1855. Rev. THIS DO, etc. Sharp, uncir. 12 x 17. L. 4G3 I, r. 5. 1395 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, NEWPORT. RcV. THIS DO, CtC. Sharp, nearly proof. 12 x 17. L. 463 J, r. 5. 1396 NOEL PRESBYTERIAN CONGREGATION. Rcv. REV^^ P. S. CROW, 1843. Fine. 13 x 17. L. 460 K, r. 5. 1397 ST ANDREWS CHURCH PICTOU NOVA SCOTIA 1850. RcV. THIS DO, etc. Oval, fine. 23. L. 464, r. 5. 1398 PICTOU FREE CHURCH 1844. ReV. LET A MAN EXAMINE HIMSELF I. COR XI 28. Fine. 12 x 17. L. 465, r. 5. 1399 — J. SMITH sTEwiACKE 1830. Rcv. TOKEN between two rosettes. Fine. 14. L. 465 D, r. 5. 14U0 — Mr. D(anielj C(ock), truro nova scotia, 1772. Fine. 13 X 13. Oldest known Communion token, with date, in British America. Truro was founded in 1772, and this church was evidently the first edifice constructed. L. 466, r. 7. 1401 Canada East, knox^church . Montreal. Rev. do this, etc. Very fine. 20. L. 616, r. 4. 1402 — Communion table, st. Andrew's church Montreal. Rev. Burning bush, and nec tamen consumebatur in wreath of palm. Die varieties, very fine. 18. L. 617, r. 4. 2 pes 1403 — Communion table, with and without st mark's church in incused letters. Rev. Die varieties, similar to preced- ing. Fine. 18. L. 618 and 619, r. 4. 2 pes 1404 — REV° I soMERviLLE | MONTREAL | 180-. Fair; believed to be unique. 20. Leroux, 620. This is one of the rarest and earliest of the Communion tokens ; Cost $15.00. 1405 REV. I JA^ SOMERVILLE | MONTREAL | 1803. Rcv. Do THIS IX I REMEMBRANCE | OF ME. Oval ; vcry fine. 25. L. 621, r. 5. An offer of $10.00 was made for this several years ago. 1406 ST GABRIEL | CHURCH | MONTREAL. RcV. DO THIS IN | REMEMBRANCE | OF ME. Oval, vcry fine. 25. L. 622, r. 4. 98 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1407 Canada East. st pails ] XTREAL | 1833 K. B. (Rev. Edward Blank). Rev. i ( orinthiaxs xi 28 29. Hexagonal, curving edges, fine, pierced. 21. L. G28, r. 5. 1407a — UNITED ASSOCIATE c(>N(gregation) Montreal 1835. Rev. DO THIS ix remembrance of me, etc. Good, oval, unpublished. 19. 1408 — St Andrew cross, (^ukbkc st Andrews church. Rev. SACRAMENTAL | TOKEN | 1821. Very fair. 15. L. 624, r. 6. 1409 — Communion table, st andreav's church Quebec Rev. Burning bush in wreath, etc., as in 1402. Very fine. 18. L. 624 A., r. 5. 1410 — ST .tohn's I CHURCH. Rev. qukbec I 1838. Fine, oblong hexagonal. 14 x 16. Extremely rare, not in L. 1411 ST ANDREWS C THREE RIVERS, | I | CORINTHIANS XI. 26. Fine. 18. L. 625, marked r. 5, but believed to be unique. 1412 Canada West. Baltimore | C. W. | 1855. Rev. presby- ter'^ I CHURCH. Very fine. 13 x 18. L. 710, r. 5. 1413 — ST John's church brock ville | juxe 1852. Rev. Burn- ing bush, XE<' tamex coxsumebatur. Oval, proof. 19. L. 711, r. 5. • 1414 KXOX'S church I HYTOWX | C. W. ReV. THIS DO, ctc. Oblong hexagonal, fine. 13 x 18. L. 712, r. 8. Bytown was the old name of Ottawa, the present capital of the Dominion. 1415 — A palm branch, sr. andijkws church by-toavjs, ,j. c. (Rev. John Cruikshank). Rev. this do, etc., 1831. Fine. 14 X 14. L. 712 A., r. 8. 1416 — J. D. in counterstamp (Rev. John Douglass, Centreville, Ontario). Fine. 10 x 10. L. 713, r. 4. 1417 — coiiOURG I u. c. I 1837. Rev. st Andrews | church. Very good, pierced. 13 x 19. L. 714, r. 6. Issued a very few years after the place was founded. 1418 ST ANDREWS | CHURCH | FKRcJUS. ReV. THIS DO, CtC. Sharp, uncir. 14 x 17. L. 714 C, r. 5. 1419 KNOx's • CHURCH CALT 1845. Rcv. LET EVERY MAN EXAMINE HIMSELF, I COR XI • 28. Oval, tMck and thin planchets, fine. 29. L. 715, r. 5. 2 pes COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 99 1420 Canada West. (iRAFTox C. W. 1844. Kev. i-UKsiiviHu^' ciirKcii. Fine. 18 x 18. L. 718, r. 4. 14'J1 IMIKSI'.VTKIMAN ('liritcll (MIOMMI CANADA, IsT ( ONlJRKliA- TioN. Rev. Communion table, tyifs oo, etc. Proof. 14 X 19. L, 719, r. 3. 14'22 ST ANDRKWS CIU'RCII I KINIJSTON | CANADA | IS'J'). RcV. LET A MAX EXAMINE imfsELF, etc. Oval, Hne. 18. L. 720, r. 5. 1423 — Burning bush, label inscribed vec taafex, etc., beneath, cirAL:\rERs ciirR( ii, KiN(iSTi»N above. Rev. this no, etc. Oblong hexagonal, 12 x 17. Fine. L. 72<» A., r, 5, 1424 — Similar, PREsiiVTEKrAN cnrR( h ortllta. Fine. L. 721, r. 4. 1425 — Similar, knox's < hi rch, Toronto, ( . \v. 1852. Sharj>, almost proof. Rai-e, not in L. 1426 — Similar, free church of Scotland. Fine, rare, not in L. 1427 CANADA I RRESIiYTERIAX | CHURCH | PETERIioRo'. Rev. THIS DO, etc. Fine. 13 x 17. L. 722, r. 5. 1428 — T (Telfer). Thick ; tine. 9. L. 723 D. Telfer is a small village in Middlesex Co., Ontario. 1429 United Canada, Burning bush, etc., as in 1423, Presby- terian CHURCH. Rev. THIS DO, etc. Very fine. 12x18. Varieties of L. 905, r. 4. 2 pes 1430 — Communion table. IJev. this do, etc. Sharp, nncir. 13 X 18. L. 907, r. (i. 14,Sl _ Variety of last. Fine. L. 90S, r. 4. 1432 "do this I IN REJIEMKRANCE | OF ME." ReV. KIT LET A MAN I exa:mine iiiArsELF. Oval; uncirculated. 19 (not 16 as L. has it). L. 909, r. 4. 1433 — Large cup and bread on table, this do, etc. Rev. god forbid that I SHOULD GLORY, etc. Very fine. 15. L. 910, r. 4, 1434 THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ^lE, etC. Rcv. Li: I A MAN, etc. Very fine. 13 x 17. L. 911, r. 5. 14;-}5 — THIS DO, etc., and but let a man exa^mine himself, etc., on each side. Uncirculated, oval. 20. L. 915, r. 5. 1436 Communion table. Rev. this do in | remembrance | of ME I I con. XI 24. /Silver, thick planchet, uncirculated. 16^. L. 1255 ; in this metal believed to be unique. 100 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1437 The same, but tin. Fine, rarity 4. 1438 A. B.; rev., tokkn. Oval, fine. IT). L. 916, r. 4. Used at Milton and Manswood, Ontario. 1439 FREE CHURCH OK SCOTLANJ) 1843. Rev. ],KT A :\IAN, OtC. Oval, fine. 19. L. 914, r, 6. Issued at Blackvillo, N. B. 1440 THIS DO IX RTCME]\rBRANCK OF ME, etC, and LET A MAN, etC, in six lines. Good. 13 x 17. L. 913, r. 4. Issued for Prince William, N. B. CANADA MEDALS, MEDALETS, ETC. To save useless repetition, 1 will say that, unless otherwise stated, all the following described medals are in very fine, mint state, or uncircu- lated condition. 1441 CoXFEDERATiox Medal. Crowued bust of Victoria by Wyon. Eev. Britannia seated, receives the four Prov- inces of the Dominion, .ttivextas et i'atrius vigor Can- ada EESTAURATA, 1867. BroHzc. 4S. L. 11S5. The medal was given to the members of Parliament at tlie time of Confederation, and the dies then destroyed. It is lacking in nearly all Canadian collections and sells at $'25.00. In case. 1442 1852 Shield of arms, chambre d'agriculture du bas Can- ada. Rev. Fame, with trumpet, EXPOSiTiox provixciale AGRicoLE. Silver^ very rare. 26. L. 610. 1448 1860 Exhibition of Canadian industry. Arms and inscr. in 8 lines within wreath. Bronze. 24. L. 612. 1444 Duplicates of last. Bronze. 2 pes 1445 Same obv. ; rev., inscription in 3 lines. Bronze. L. 613. 1446 Bust of Trevithick. Issued by Grand Trunk Railway to employees for general efliciency, etc. Bronze. 29. Rare. L. 640. 1447 Bust of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales by Wyon. Rev. Welsh plumes, a^isited caxada axd ixaugurated the VICTORIA bridge. Bi'onze. 30. Rare. L. 641. 1448 Bust facing of the Prince of Wales. Rev. View of Victo- ria Bridge, opened, etc., 1860. Bronze. 28. L. 642. 1449 Duplicate. Bronze ; fine proof. In case. 145U Duplicates; another, inscription in wreath (L. 935). Wm. proof. 3 pes COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 101 1451 Victoria Bridge. Distant view of bridge and medallion busts of Victoria, of Prince Albert, and of the Prince of Wales. 1860. Wm. proof. Rare. 32. 1452 Duplicate. Wra. gilt. Rare. L. 64o. 1453 Victoria Bridget Same, with addition of cost, $7,000,000. Bronze ; rare. L. 644. 1454 Bust of Edward, Prince of Wales, by Wyon. Rev. Welsh plumes, CAXADIAX THANKSGIVING, RECOVERY OF THE PRINCE OF WALES, 1872. Bronze proof. 36. Rare. L. 1660. 1455 Universite Laval, Quebec. Rev. prix de poesie francaise. Bronze. 25. Rare. L. 665. 1456 McGill University. Cupid with spade and inscription in crowned wreath. Bronze ; very rare. 28. L. 666. 1457 The same. Bust 1. by Wyon. Rev. anna molson donavit 1864 in open wreath, shield above. Bronze, rare. 28. 1458 Duplicate of last. Bronze proof. L. 670. 1459 McGill College. Bust of Shakspere by Wi/on. Rev. shaks- PERE TERCENTENARY, 1864, etc. Bronzc proof, rare. 28. 1460 Duplicate. Bronze proof. L. 672. 1461 McGill University. Crowned bust facing, justinianus. Rev. Inscription in palm branches, crowned shield above. Superb bronze medal by Wyo7i. 28. In case. L. 674. 1462 Shield. Rev. agricultural association upper oanada in wreath. Red bronze. 29. L. 702. 1463 Toronto University. Victory with palm and wreath, Greek inscription. Rev. Wreath of maple leaves. Bronze proof, rare. 32. L. 745. 1464 Victoria University. Bust of Queen Victoria. Rev. Wreath of maple leaves and Welsli plumes, praemium a celsissi- MO ALBERTO EDWAijDO, etc. Brouzc, rare. 28. L. 749. 1465 1858 Masonic Union. Arms supported by winged figures and inscr. in wreath. Wm., rare. 27. L. 921. 1466 A. W. Burke, Toronto, Ont., klectric battery. Wm. 24. L. 972. 1467 Bust of Victoria, (queen's juui lee. Rev. compliments of NfAsoN & CO. iNGERSOLL. Wm. proof. 22. L. 981. 1468 Catholic Commercial Academy, Montreal, 1878. Bust of Edward Murphy and inscription over beaver, in wreath. Bronze proof, very rare. L. llOO. 102 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 14H9 Bust ut' Indian cluef, thaykxi)ANai;ea — < ai-tain Joseph iJKAXDT. liev. His monument, erected at Brantford. ISSO. Siloer proof, three struck in this metal. 24. 1470 The same. Bronze proof. L. 1130. 1471 Duplicates. Wni. with bar for su8})ension. '1 jics 1472 Canadian Manuf. Association. Wm. proof. 28. L. 1135. 147^ Knights of Labor, oshawa aug 13th 1883. Tin cast, one lackered. 39. L. 1210. 2 pes 1474 College of Montreal. View of the old building. Rev. 1767- 1885 in wreath. Solid projection and loop. Wm. gilt, proof. 24. L. 1220. 1476 Nicolet College. View of College buildings. Kev. Label in Avreath. Wm. proof, very rare, cost $10. Issued for prize in Phiiosophy. L. 1227. 1476 Presbyterian College, Montreal. Bust of John Calvin by W-yofi. Rev. stitdext's prize, founded 1872. Bronze proof ; rare. 22. L. 1228. 1477 College of the Holy Trinity, Toronto. Shield of arms, sur- mounted by tiara; rev., wreath. Bronze proof. 24. L. 1230. 1478 College of Saint Laurent, Montreal. Mew of buildings ; rev., shield. Bronze proof, not over six struck in this metal. 27. L. 1233. 1470 Duplicate. Wm. proof. 1480 Bust right by Wyon, t. james ( laxton, sui'kieintkxdent. Rev. Bible in wreath of oak and maple, husskli, hall SUNDAY s( Hooi., -MoxTRKAL. Tin proof, rare. 28. L. 1435. 1481 View of Church, avestekx <()XK(;axizei) 1874. liev. ( oiinek stone laid 1876, etc. Silver, in this metal probably unique. 29. 1482 The same. Bronze. L. 1440. 1483 View of Church, CALVARY congkegatioxal church .Mont- real, urgaxized 1874. Rev. CroAvned arms, congre(;a- TIONAL college, etC, FOUNDED A. D. 1839. Wm. 30. L. 1441. 1484 Crowned arms of the Dominion over half wreath of maple leaves, beaver beneath. Rev. Fame flying to r., dominion OF < ANA I) A. Silver proof, granted to Canadian Exhibitors in the 1875. Tin, silvered, impression from dented dies. 28. L. T540. Issned by the late Alfred Sandham, Esq. The dies were defaced by him on his abandoning the historical for the religions field, and l)efore any per- fect specimens were struck. 1511 Lacrosse sticks and ball. Rev. lacrosse champion' Quebec Silver proof. 14. L. 1545. 151'2 North West War Medal. Bnst of Victoria. Rev. north WEST CAXADA 1885. Silver, guard and pin, original rib- bon. 12. 1513 Duplicate of last. L. 1592. 1514 Numismatic and Archaeological Society, Montreal. Busts, and various emblems. Rev. instituted 18()2, incorpo- rated 1870 in wreath of maple and oak. Win. proof. 27. 1515 Duplicates. Wm. proof. L. 1610. ■ 2 pes 1516 Maple leaf, on which fete nationale Montreal 24 ,tiin 1874. Rev. soivenir in broad wreath of maple leaves. Silver, without solid projection for suspension ; as such, unique. 20. 1517 Same, with pierced projection. Mlver, extremely rare. 151S Same as last. Copper ; rare. L. 1731. 1519 Same. Tin and wm. More or less tarnished. 4 pes 1520 Old view of Quebec, convention nationale francaise, 1880. Rev. A beaver, nos institutions notre langue ET NOS LOIS. Tin, loop, rare. 21. L. 1738. 1521 Beaver, fete national ISSO; rev., souvenir. Thick and thin pi., copper and wm. 13. L. 1740. 4 pes 1522 Young Men's Christian Association, Montreal. View of the building. Rev. foinded a. d. 1851, incokpokated 1870, the names of the Board of Directors, etc., in the field. Bronze proof. 29. 1523 Duplicate of last. Bronze proof. L. 1880. 1524 The same. Wm. proof. 2 pes 1525 Same obv. Rev. Medallion bust of T. James Claxton, Presi- dent, and of the officers of the Association. Bronze proof, rare. 29. L. 1881. COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 105 1526 Militia-iiiaii in depressed cii'cle, border of inn])le leaves, hea- ver above. IJev. i-kesented liv the o.ntakio kiklk ASSOCIATION, 1812-37-()6. Silver proof; very rare. 2;'). L. Kidl. In case. 1527 Badges of tbe Canadian Artillery Association. Two designs, one silver completed, the other strnck on brass plancliet. Very rare. 24 and 27. 2 pes 1528 Spikes crossed, inio^s^ des oloittiehs .Montreal. Oval, silvered. 17. 1529 James S. Hunter, Montreal. Notary's seal. Bronzed. 22. 1530 MoNTKEAL. WiNTEu Oil IcE Caknival. 1883, 1S84, 1885. Brass (8), wra. Leronx 1145, '4(1, '47, '4S, '49, '50, '51, '52, '53, '54, '57, '58, '59, and several not described by him. A fine collection, no die duplicates; several very rare. 10 to 25. 25 pes 1531 Du])licates of last. All from different dies. Brass (2), and white metal. 11 to 25, 22 pes 1532 Other duplicates. Same composition. 21 pes 1533 Ice Palace Badges. Tin or wm. 23 and 34. Not in L. 2 pes 1534 Excursion on the St. Lawrence. Steamer Longueil, Jany, 1878. Silver, very rare in this metal. 19. 1535 Duplicate of last. Cojjper. L. 1450. 1536 The same. Copper, tin, wm. Thick and thin pi. 4 pes 1537 Pleasure trip on the St. Lawrence, Jany, 1882. Copper. 24. 1538 The same. Copper and wm. L. 1451. 2 pes 1539 Musical Jubilee. 1878. Varieties, etc. Silver, silvered, cop- per. 13. L. 1732-34. 9 pes 1540 Duplicates. Same metals and varieties. 8 pes 1541 Toronto Semi-Centennial, 1884. Bust of the Marquis of Lansdowne. Rev. View of Toronto, 1834. Bronze, very rare, only a few struck. 2G. 1542 Duplicate. Bronze; rare. L. 1817. 1543 Arms of Toronto. Rev. semi-centennial celebkatiox, 1834-1884. Beautiful design ; silver \)Yooi. Very rare. 25. 1544 Duplicates. Wm. L. 1818. 2 pes 1545 Industrial Exhibition. Views of Toronto on each side. Wm., scarce. 26. L. 1508. 106 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. ir)4(i Bust of the Marquis of Lansdowm^ dominion day, 1884. Kevs. view of Toronto, 1884 ; Main building- ; Lansdowne Park, Ottawa; Industrial Fair; I. O. O. F. ; Brockville O. F. Encampment ; Irish Cath. Ben. Union ; Wreath ; Blank. Wm. proof, rare set. 20. See L. 1335. 9 pes 1547 \'iew of Toronto, 1834. Kevs. Main building; Industrial Fair; I.O.O.F.; Brockville O. F. Encampment; I.C.B.U. ; Prohibition ; C. T. Act sustained ; Wreath ; Blank. Wm. proof, rare set. 20. See L. 1509. 9 ]>cs 1548 View of Main Building, Industrial Exhibition. Eevs. Indus- trial Fair; I. O. O. F. ; I. C. B. U. ; Brockville O. F. En- campment; Wreath; Blank. Wm. proof. 20. See L. 1622. pes. 1549 Irish Cath. Ben. Union. Revs. I. O. O. F. ; Brockville O. F. Encampment ; Wreath ; Prohibition ; Blank. Wm. proof. 20. See L. 1830. 5 pes 1550 International I. O. O. F. Demonstration. Jvev. Brockville O. F. Encampment ; Wreath; Blank. Wm. proof. 20 o ])CS 1551 Brockville O.F. Encampment. Rev. Main building ; I.O.O.F.; Wreath ; Blank. Wm. j^roof. 20. 4 ])cs 1552 Flags crossed, prohibition. Rev. Industrial Fair; Blank. Wm. proof. 20. 2 pes 1553 Beaver; c. t. act sustained. Rev. Industrial Fair; Pro- hibition. Wm. proof. 2 pes 1554 Duplicates of 1546-1553. Almost complete set, one circu- lated and pierced, all the others proof. 32 pes 1555 Bust of Lansdowne in ■\vi-eath. Rev. Exp. buildings, semi- centennial TOKONTO, 1884. Co])per and silvered. 16. L. 1815. 2 pes 1556 ^'iew of Toronto, 1834. Rev. Exposition building. Silver. 16. L. 1816. 1557 1884 Semi-Centennial Souvenir. Silver, brass (pierced), wm. 11. L. 1821. 3 pes 1558 Toronto, June, 1884. Rev. The Lord's prayer. Brass, pierced. 10. 1559 Toronto and Brockville Badges, 1884, latter with Odd P'el- lows' emblems. 36. Not in L. 2 pes 156U Bust of Lord Stanley. Rev. Arms of Canada ; view of main building, Toronto Exp. Wm., both pierced. 20. Not in L. 2 pes COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 107 1561 Bust of the Marquis of Lansdowne. Rev. Arms sujiported by two figures, city of stratford, incokporated 1S85. Bronze. 20. L. 1775. 1562 Children''s League, Queen's Jubilee, Ottawa, 1887. Wm., pierced. 15. L, 1872. 1563 Tempkrance and Religious. St. Johns Cathedral, New- foundland. Laying of the corner-stone, 1841. Rev. Build- ing completed. Win., pierced, rare. 84. L. 323. 1564 Nova Scotia, rxiox is strength, over half wreath. Rev. TEMPERANCE SOCIETY, TOKEN OF MEMBERSHIP OVer half wreath. Wm., pierced, very fine and rare. 25. 1565 Duplicate. Tin, pierced, very fair. L. 475. 1566 Halifax. Full figure of St. Patrick with crozier, his foot crushing a serpent. Rev. The Virgin and Infant Christ guarding sheep from the attack of wolves, etc., 1857. Wm., rare. 27. L. 478. 1567 1882 Cholera Medalet. St. Rochus kneelihg, a dog at his side, ST KOCH I PRIEZ POUR NOITS. ReV. •ST ROCII I PRE- SERVEZ I NOUS I Di' CHOLERA. Brass, oval, excessively rare, if not unique. 15. Not in L. In 1832 the cholera was raging violently in Canada, and the ijeople of St. Roch, Quebec, had this struck, and wore it as a talisman against the disease. 1568 Marriage Chretien Medalet. Priest conferring benediction on kneeling couple ; rev., wreath. Silver proof. 13. From the Cashing collection ; among the French Canadians these were given to brides after the ceremony. Not in L. 1569 Virgin and Infant Christ in constellation of stars. Rev. MARIE EToiLE i)U CANADA in Avreath, etc. Brass proof, loop. 12 to 20. Excessively rare if not unique set. See L. 631. 3 pes 1570 Religious Medalets, Nuns of the Congregation of Notre Dame. Brass, extremely rare. 14. L. 632, 633. 2 pes 1571 Irish Catholic Temperance Society, 1846. Shield supported by male and female figures ; no inscription. Tin, loop. 27. L. 741. 1572 Montreal. Archiconfrerie de Saint Joseph, and another. Silver, oval ; rare. 15. Issued by the Parish of Notre Dame. L. 1110 and 1803. 3 pes 108 COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 1578 Bust of Cardinal Taschereau, 18^6; rev., liis arras. Wm., proof. 25. L. 1140. 2 pes 1574 View of the Nicolet College. l-Jev, St. Joseph and Infant Christ. Wra. gilt, as issued for prizes, proof and rare. 28. 1575 Duplicate. Wm. proof. L. 1226. 1576 Colonisation Canadienne ; Eglise du Sacre-Coeur, Montreal. Pointed oval, wra. proof, ol. L. 1250, 1800. 2 pes 1577 Order of St. Peter's Cross ; Order of the Tiara; Amis du Sacre-Coeur; Ligue des Arais du Sacre-Coeur. Gilt. L. 1301, 1302, 1555, 1556. 4 pes 1578 Bust of Pius IX in wreath of maple. Rev. 5()th anniversary, 1S77 ; mortuary, French and English inscriptions. Silver. IS. 3 pes 1579 Duplicates. Copper. L. 1640, '41, '42. 8 pes 1580 Other duplicates. Copper, tin, or lead. 14 pes 1581 Virgin Mary and St. Anne, Patron Saint of Canada, seated ; rev., Church, pelkgeixage dj-: pietk a ste anxe i>e BEAUPBE 1877 ; another ; different inscription, without the church. Silver. 19. Both extremely rare. L. 1671, 1673. ' 2 pes 1582 Same, and two other varieties (1672, 1676). Copper, brass, tin. 19 and 20. 8 pes 1583 Duplicates. 7 pes 1584 St. Anne de Beaupre. View of the old church, founded 1660. Pilgrimage medalets. Oval ; silver, brass, tin, rare. 15. L. 1074, 1075. 5 pes 1585 Similar designs. Silver., oval, very rare. 21 and 22. L. 1677, 1683. ' 2 pes 1586 Duplicate (L. 1688), brass ; another, silver (L. 1685). 15. 2 pes 1587 Virgin and St. Anne ; rev., St. Joachim. Pilgrimage medals, silvered, ribbons and various smaller medalets attached. 21. L. 1682. 8 pes 1588 Vir^n and St.Anne. Rev. Church, sajstctlaibe de sainte AilTNE DE BEAUPRE. Silver. 20 and 21. L. 1686, 1687. 2 pes 1 589 Duplicates of last. Silver. 2 pes 1590 Religious Medalets. L. 1681 (2 sizes), 1687, 1688. Brass, last number silver. 12 to 20. 4 pes 1591 Religious Cross. Mary and St. Anne. Rev, saj^ctuaire DE SAINTE ANNE DE BEAUPRE. .Silver? 28. L. 1689. COINS AND TOKENS OF CANADA. 109 1592 Another. Similar, omission of Jiiaple leaf, for which reason the ^ie was rejected, after a few specimens had heen struck. Gilt. 25. X^ariety of L. 1690. 1593 Pilgrimage Medalets. L. 1691, '92, '93, '94, '95 (2 sizes), 1725 (2). Brass and gilt. 13 to 20. S pes 1594 St. John in wreath of maple leaves, sooiktic st jean bap- TiSTE DE QUEBEC, ctc. Rev. Hahitant with axe and flag CONVENTION NATiONALE, ISSQ, Varieties; \vm. proof. 24. 2 pes 1595 Duplicates. L. 1735, 1736. 4 pes 1596 Other duplicates. 3 pes 1597 Societe St. Jean Baptiste, de Quebec. Ilev. convention NATiONALE, 1880. Varieties. Tin and gilt. 19. L. 1737, 1739. Rare. 4 pes 1598 Bust 1. in wreath of maple leaves, beaver beneath, litdoer DUVEBNAY FONDATEiR 1834. Rcv. Shield of arms sur- mounted by beaver, association de st .iean baptiste de MONTREAL 50 ANNi VERS AIRE 1S84. Brouzc gilt with solicl loop and original ribbon. Fine proof by Bertrand^ Paris. 32. L. 1743. In case. Issued at $3.00 and sell at 15.00 in Canada. 1599 Duplicate. Same condition, without ribbon. 1600 Another. Same as last. 1601 Similar, original ribbon. 22. L. 1742. 1602 Another. Without the ribbon. 1603 View of buildings, souvenir de la grande fete natio- NALE, ETC. OTTAWA 1885. Rev. St. John the Baptist in wreath of maple leaves. Bronze proof ; very rare, cost $5. 24. L. 1744. 1604 Duplicate ; another with beaver on maple leaf. 20. Tin. L. 1744, 1745. 2 pes 1605 Duplicates of last. 2 pes 1606 St. John the Baptist, beaver and maple leaves in exergue, .IE NE boirai ni vin, etc. Christ on cross, between Mag- dalen and Roman soldier, .tesus abreuve de fiel, etc. Silver., fine and rare, pierced, with ring. 26. L. 1692. Rare. 1607 French Canadian Temperance medal. Holy family; rev., heart, beaver, etc. Wm. proof, pierced, rare. 27. 1608 Duplicates. Same condition. L. 1791. 2 pes 110 COINS AND TOKENS OP CANADA. 1609 Union St. Joseph fl'Ottawa. 25th Anniversary, 1888. Wm. proof. 24. Not in L. « 1610 Archiconfrerio de Ste Anne de Beaupre. Virgin holding child; rev., church. Brass proof. 21. Not in L. 1611 Notre Dame de Lourdes (Montreal) : St Anne d'Auray and other Roman Catholic medaletsof Canada, not in Lei-oux. Brass, gilt, and silver. 10 to 19. Rare lot. 11 pes 1612 Badges. Saved Army, Salvation Army, Methodist Army, St. Jean Baptiste, Quebec, Tablet, Chaplet. 15 to 38. L. 1120, 1121, 1820, 1580, 1678, two not described by him. Rare lot. Tin, gilt, copper. 7 pes The following important medals were receiveil too late for classifica- tion with the " Historical Medals," where they both properly belong. 1613 Charter to Hudsox Bay Co. Busts jugata r., carolvs. et. OATHARiNA . REX . ET . REGiXA. Rev. Map of Eastern and part of Western Hemispheres, diffvsvs . ix . orbe . BRiTANNvs. 1670. /SUvev, fine and very rare. 26. See Medallic Illustrations, British Museum, Vol. I, p. 346- 1613a Colonial Disturbances. Indian armed with bow and arrow stepping from the back of an alligator at sea-shore, and advancing toward a female figure, seated on sea-horse, and holding a sceptre and small temj)le, sed motos praes- TAT <()mpoxp:re fltctvs; in exergue, svb exitvm axxi MDCCLV. Rev. Engagement between French and English frigates ; Mercury at the sea-shore listens to the can- nonade, SALVS IX FLVCTiBis ; in exergue statvs rervm. Silver, very fine, entirely unknown to all authorities on Dutch and French American Medals. 22. CANADA COINS AND TOKENS; DUPLICATES. Excellent lots for dealers and beginners; unassorted, many rare, and woi'th $1 each, or more, in Canada. The magnitude of this collection prevents further detailed enumeration. 1614 Penny size. Average very good. 50 pes 1615 Penny size. Average very good, several bright red. 50 pes 1610 Penny size. Good to bright red. 84 pes 1617 Half Penny size. Many varieties ; good to very fine. Rare lot. 100 pes 1618 Half Penny size. Same composition and quality. 100 pes 1619 Half Penny size. Same composition and quality,' KIO pes NtTMISMATIC WORKS. Ill 1620 Half Penny size. Similar composition, same quality. 100 j^cs 1621 Half Penny size. Similar composition, same quality. 100 pes 1622 Half Penny size. Similar composition, same quality. 100 pes 1623 Half Penny size. Similar composition, same quality. 100 pes 1624 Half Penny size. Similar composition, same quality. 100 pes 1625 Half Penny size. Similar composition, same quality. 100 pes 1626 Half Penny size. Similar composition, same quality. 100 pes 1627 Penny, Hlfp. and Farthing size. Good to fine. 88 pes 1628 All sizes. Pierced, poor, battered, etc. 120 pes 1629 U. S. Cents, a few Hard Times tokens, etc. Average good. three pierced. 66 pes 1630 Foreign Copper Coins and tokens. Average very good, three pierced. 40 pes 1631 Great Eastern. Copper and wm. Fine. 20 and 26. 2 pes 1632 Bust of Victoria. Rev. eock or ages, etc. Copper, fine. 16. L. 1795. 1633 Republique P'ranyaise. 1878. Essai for 10 Centimes. Un- circulated. 19. 1634 Charles II. Bust right. Rev. Mortuary monument, 1685. Bronze, very fine. 26. 1635 Silver Dirhem of Harun el Raschid (A. D. 813). Characters on each side, a translation of which will be found in envelope. Fine and scarce. 14. 1636 Old Bank Notes, Confederate, etc. Poor to fine. 27 pes NUMISMATIC WORKS. 1637 Akermax, John Yonoe. An Introduction to the Study of Ancient and Modern Coins, Loudon, 1848. 12mo, cloth. Mr. J. J. Mickley's copy from his friend G. A. 1638 — Numismatic Manual. London, 1840. 8vo, cloth, with plates. 1639 — Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes, geographically ar- ranged and described (Espagna, Gallia, Britannia). London, 1846. 8vo, half calf, with plates. 1640 — The Coins of the Romans relating to Britain. Described and illustrated. London, 1844. 8vo, cloth, plates. 1641 Addison. Dialogues upon the Usefulness of Ancient Med- als, especially in relation to the Latin and Greek Poets. London, 1777. 12mo, full calf, with plates. 112 NUMISMATIC WORKS. 1642 Baktiielkmy, J, B. A. A. Manuel de Numismatique An- cienne. Paris, 18G6. r2mo, with 8vo Atlas. 2 vols. 1643 — Manuel de Numismatique du Moyen-Age et Moderne. Paris, 1866. 12mo, with 8vo Atlas. 2 vols. 1644 BouTKOwsKi, Alexaxduk. Dictionnaire Numismatique pour servir de guide aux amateurs, experts et acheteurs de Medailles Romaines Imperiales et Grecques Coloniales. Leipzig, 1881. Large 8vo, paper. 2 vols. 1645 Coin Collector's Joubxal. New York, 1884. 8vo, cloth. 1645a Exglish Coixs, by J. H. D. Unbound, no title page, illustrated. 12mo. 1646 FoLKES, Maktix. English Coinage, Silver and Gold. n. p. ; n. d. Quarto, boards, 67 plates. I«i47 — A Table of English Silver Coins ; also, a Table of Eng- lish Gold Coins. London, 1745. A large paper copy, clean and fresh. Large quarto, old calf. 1648 FoxTEXAY, J. DE. Nouvellc Etude de Jetons. Autun, 1850. 8vo, half morocco, illustrations. 1649 Head, Barclay V. A Guide to the jjrincipal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients, with 7 plates, from B. C. 700 to A. D. 1. London, 1888. 8vo, boards. 1650 — Second edition, with 70 plates. London, 1881. 8vo, cloth. 1651 Hexxtx, M. Manuel de Numismatique Ancienne. Edition accompagne d'un atlas de 70 planches. Paris, 1872. Half morocco. 3 vols. 1652 Humphrey, H. Noel. The Coinage of the British Empire. Illustrated by fac-similes of the coins of each period, worked in gold, silver and copper. London, 1854. 8vo, gutta percha, embossed cover. 1653 Kexyox, Rorert Lloyd. The Gold Coins of England. London, 1884. 8vo, half morocco, plates. 1654 Leblaxc. Dissertation Historique sur quelques Monneyes de Charlemagne, de Louis le debonnaire de Lothaire et de leurs successeurs, frappees dans Rome. Paris, 1689, with illustrations. 4to, original calf, old. A note on title page states that the author is the celebrated F. Leblane, author of the Traits Historiques des Monnaies de France, in which first mention is made of the Canada coins of 1670. Leblane died in 1698. 1655 Leroux, Jos. Medaillier du Canada. Montreal, 1888. 8vo, cloth, with illustrations. Mr. Hart's copy, with annota- tions. NUMISMATIC WORKS. 113 1655a Levy, M. A., Dr. Geschichte der Jiidischen Mtinzen. Breslau, 1862. 8vo, cloth. 1656 Maddex, Feed. W. History of the Jewish Coinage and of Money in the Old and New Testaments. London, 1864. 8vo, half morocco, with illustrations. 1657 Medailles surles principaux evenements du regne de Louis le Grand, avec des explications historiques. Paris, I'im- primerie royale, 1702. Quarto, half morocco, plates. Isaac F. Wood's copy with his autograph. A page of additions in the handwriting of William Dorham, D. D., is inserted. 1658 Medd, Chas. H. The Value of Numismatics in the Study of Ancient History. Oxford, 1865. 8vo, paper. 1659 MioxNET, T. E. De la rarete et dw prix des Medailles Romaines. Pai-is, 1827. 8vo, half morocco, plates. 2 vols. 1660 MusEE MoxETAiuE. Catalogue des Poin5ons, Coins, et Medailles du Musee Monetaire. Paris, 18H3. 12mo, half calf. 1661 Palethorpe, Jos. An equalization of every item of Scrip- ture money, weight, and measure, etc. London, 1842. Quarto, boards. 1662 Pettigreav, Thus. Jos. On Superstitions connected with the History and Practice of Medicine and Surgery. London, 1844. 8vo, cloth. Plate of Royal Touch Pieces as frontispiece. 1663 PiNKERTOX, John. An Essay on Medals. 3d edition with corrections and additions. London, 1808. Best edition, 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. T. D. King's copy with liis autograph. 1664 RoLLiN & Feuardent. Catalogue de Livres de Numis- raatiques qui se trouvent chez Rollin et Feuardent. Paris, 1876. Paper; with prices. 1665 Router & Hucher. Histoire du Jeton au Moyen-Age. Paris, 1858. 8vo, half morocco, plates. 1666 SroTT & Co. Coins of the Bible, illustrated with metallic fac-similes. New York, n. d. Small, cloth. 1667 Smyth, Wm. H. Descriptive Catalogue of a Cabinet of Roman Imperial Large Brass Medals. Bedford, 1834. Large quarto, cloth. 114 NUMISMATIC WORKS. 1668 Stukeley, Rev. De. 23 Plates of the Coins of the Ancient British Kings. London, n. d. T. Snelling. Quarto, half russia, old style. Bound therewith are several pamphlets as under, on the coins of Cuno- belin, Canute, etc., a very large number of beautifully engraved plates of the period 1706, viz : 1, Stukeley's 23 plates ; 2, Pedge on the Coins of Cunobelin; o, Edwards' a plates of British Coins; -4, Edwards' 28 plates of Sceattae and Saxon Coins; T), Hall's 3 plates of Saxon Coins; 6, Gough's Coins of Canute : 7, White's British Coins. 1669 Till, William. Descriptive particulars of English Corona- tion Medals. 2d Edition. London, 1846. l2rao, cloth. 1670 Thomsen, C. J. Catalogue de sa Collection de Monnaies. Copenhagen, 1SG7. 8vo, one vol. half cloth, balance paper. 7 vols. 1671 Vattemaee, Alexandre. Collection de Monnaies et Me- dailles de I'Amerique du Nord de 1652 a 1858. Paris, 1861. 12mo, paper. 1672 Wellenheim, Leopold Welzl, de. Catalogue de sa grande Collection de Monnaies et Medailles. Vienne, 1844. 8vo, cloth. 3 vols. lesi § UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book i JUL 5 01943 3 DUE on the last date st amped below JUL 1 8 195T , NOV 2 1951 .' APR 2 4 1961 %Hi MAY 1 8 n%i REC'D MLD " ■^->/ "^ 1 ovuRL SEP 2 7 19BB INTBRLIBRAEY LO ASS . SEP 1 3 1968 \^ TWO WEEKS FRO! ^Tl Of Ksxm Form L-9 ! t'M»l-l,'42(S.-)l!l) OCT 8198^' UU: iiNlA LOS ANGELES UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 265 930 6 t PLEAS^ DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD ; ^y^HIBRARY-Q^ University Research Library J .? IliiiiiiM^^^^^^^