;v.t^-.i,-» - ^ ' V ^. H G 1918. UC-NRLF B 3 5^0 650 EXCHANGE ' ' M I ii!'. ' .'■*' ' ■ STATE OF MICHIGAN REPORT OF THE ^chigan Securities Commission AUGUST 15, 1913 to JUNE 30, 1918. BY AUTHORITY FORT WAYNE PRINTING COMPANY CONTRACTOR* FOR MICHIGAN STATE PRINTING AND BINDING FORT WAYNE. INDIANA I9IS STATE OF MICHIGAN REPORT OF THE Michigan Securities Commission AUGUST 15, 1913 to JUNE 30, 1918. BY AUTHORITY eXCHAW** -.'»"' LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. To the Uonorable Albert E. Sleeper, Governor. Sir: — We have the honor to transmit herewith the first report of the Michigan Securities Commission for tlie period beginning August 15. 11)13, being the date of the Commission's organization under tlie ju-o- visions of the original Act (Act No. U3, Public Acts of 1913), and ending June 30, 1918. FRANK W. MERRICK, SAMUEL ODELL, ALEX. J. GROESBECK, Members of the Commission. 5826 l(] TABLE OF CONTENTS. I'age Letter of Transmittal :>, lutroduetion 7 Membership of the Commission, Ofliciirs and Employees '.I To the Investor II To the Investment Company and Broker 12 The Michigan "Blue Sky Law" 1 ;{-'i'J Vahdity and ConstitutionaHty of the "Act" 2\\ Rules and Regulations of the Michigan Securities Commission 24-27 GENERAL REPORT: Membership and Organization 2S Securities 28-29 Procedure Applicant Must FoUow 29-30 Pi'oeedure by Department 30 Examination and Investigation of Investment Companies 30-3 1 Hearings on Applications 31 Examination of Companies after Approval 31-32 Amount of Securities Approved and Disapproved by the Commission 32-33 Seciu-ities Escrowed with the State Treasurer by order of the Commission . 33 Advertising of Securities 34 Complaints and Prosecutions 34-35 Registration and Licensing of Dealers and Agents 35-30 Financial Report 37-39 Reeonimendatious for Amendments to the Act 40 Investment Companies Approved by the Commission, List of 41-54 Bond Issues Approved by the Commission, List of o5-5() Investment Companies Disapproved by the Commission, List of 50 Investment Companies whose licenses have been revoked. List of 57 Investment Companies' Applications Withdrawn, List of 57-58 Registered and Licensed Dealers, List of 58-(J3 Escrowed Stock, List of Companies showing purpose, consideration and Par Value of Stock Escrowed 04-05 Escrowed Stock Released, List of Companies and Amount 05 Bulletins Issued for Distribution 00 8 \ ; /. :. ; . ; ■ ; first report sented in this organization are thirty-two states actively enforcing Blue Sky Laws. Conferences of committees of the national organization have been held with the Capital Issues Committee, looking to the enforcement of the Federal Act and for the purpose of establishing an active working relationship between the several State Securities Commissions and the Federal Government, in tlie i>rotection of the investing public. WILLIAM R. GATES, Executive Gfflcer. iMICHKlAN Ir^ECUIUTlES (M)MxMJSSlON. Hox. FuAiXK ^y. JVLerrick, Cliaii-iuau Tij^eoii, Micli. Commissioner of the Banking Department. Hon. Samuel Odell Shelby, Mich. State Treasurer. Hon. Alex. J. Guoesbeck Detroit, Mich. Attorney General. William K. Gates Executive Gmcer Harry Glmstead Accountant Glen K. Munshaw Examiner William K. Town Examiner Alice E. Alexander Chief Clerk KiTTiE S. AiNGER Fiuanciiil Clerk Pauline P. Mosier Slenograplier Charlotte Dougherty Filing ( Merk Claire Palmer Stenographci- Russell Brown :Mcss('iig('r TO THK INVESTOK. Do you realize that tlie Miclii^iaii Le*;islatiii'e, in the oiiactnicnt of wliat is commonly referred to as the "Bine Sky Law,"" and in creatinj:; a Secnri- ties Commission which should have charge of the administration and enforcement of such a law, ])rovided the investing public with the nrachiuery which would assure them accurate infornuition concerning their investments? Do you realize the im])oi-tance to the investing public of the fact that through the administration of this law over two hundred million dollars worth of (juestionable securities have been precluded from sale in Mich- igan? Perhai)s you would have been an investor in some of those securi- ties had they been admitted to sale in this State, Do 5'ou realize that it is mit alone the privilege of every investor but a duty as well to inform himself as fully as ]tossible before the purchase of any security? He should first determine whether or not the company in which he contemplates investing has made ai>plication to the Michigan Securities Comnussion, has been examined and its securities approved. He should also ascertain whether or not the dealer or his agent, who may be handling the security, has been assed a rigid examination and receiveval, but it is reascmable to assume that, as a result of the investigation, the Commission is of the belief that the eiiterpiisc is bona tide and that tiie sab' of its securities would not v>ork a fraud on the public. 12 FIRST REPORT TO THE INVESTMENT COMPANY AND BROKER. The legislation commonly referred to as the "Blue Sky Law" was at first received with bitter hostility, but since its operations have been understood it has commanded respect and even enthusiasm. The raw swindler and "get rich quick" promoter takes one look at the require- ments, and as a rule departs to other fields less carefully guarded. The general effect of the law has been that not only legitimate, or such schemes which in the honest personal opinion of the applicant are legiti- mate, ever attempt to get by. The advantages to legitimate business under this Act become apparent to the approved applicant as soon as he starts to market his securities. To begin with the unscrupulous competition of the faker has been elimi- nated or greatly restricted. The fact that the project has been approved after a thorough investigation and examination by the Commission (although it is stated in the permit that the security is not recommended, although approved ) gives the security an immediate standing with the investor. The only trouble has been that at first the public was inclined to assume that an approval carried a guarantee against loss. Statements without number are of record by successful applicants that when first faced witli the requirements of the Act they were inclined to feel that they were unreasonable, needlessly severe, and costly, but that having successfully complied with such requirements and passed inspec- tion, they had found that the approval of the Commission was of inestim- able advantage to them, not only within the State but outside, and that these advantages were worth to them many times the cost and trouble entailed in obtaining the approval of their securities and permission to sell them in a legitimate and lawful manner. "BLUE SKY LAW." Securities commission. Successor of present commission. Files, papers, etc. Proceedings saved. Office in capltol. AN ACT to prevent fraud in the sale and disposition of stocks, bonds or other securities sold or otfered for sale within the State of Michigan bv any dealer, firm, company, association or corporation, foreign or domestic, by requir- ing an inspection of such stocks, bonds, or other securities and an inspection of the business of such persons, firms, companies, associations or corporations, including dealers and agents, and snch regulation and supervision of the business of said persons, firms, companies, associations, or corporations, including dealers and agents, as may be neces- sary to prevent fraud in the sale within the State, of any stocks, bonds or other securities, and to provide a penalty for the violation thereof, and to repeal act number one hundred forty-three of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred thirteen, approved May two, nineteen hundred thirteen, and all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith. [Act No. 46, p. A. 1915.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: Section 1. There is hereby created a commission to be known as the Michigan Securities Commission and hereafter called in this act ''the commission," whose duty it shall be to administer and provide for the enforcement of all tlie provi- sions of this act. Said commission shall consist of the Com- missioner of the State Banking Department who shall be president thereof; the State Treasurer of the State and the Attorney General of the State, all of whom shall be mendiers of said commission during their respective terms of office and any two of whom shall constitute a quorum. The said com- mission shall succeed tlie ^Michigan securities commission created by act one hundred forty-tliree of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred thirteen, and as sucli successors shall receive all of the files, papers and proj)erty of said Michigan securities commission created l)y said act one hundred forty- three of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred thirteen. All proceedings pending before .said Michigan securities commis- sion created by said act one hundred forty-three of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred thii'teen shall be continued by the commission created l)y this act; all actions, civil and criminal, pending under said act one hundred forty-three of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred thirteen shall be continued and com- pleteroved l>y said commis- sion : Proviilcd, however. That said commission shall have the power to call for additional and further information than that contained in such manuals with reference to any securi- ties listed therein, and may, pending the filing of such infor- mation, suspend the sale of such securities, and also suspend. Meetings. Record. Secretary and Rules and regulations. Domestic in- vestment companies. Foreign in- vestment companies. Exemptions. Proviso, sus- pension of sale of securities. MICHIGAN SECTTRITIES COMMISSIOX 15 Conditions of sale of stock, etc. Statement to be filed. Contents of statement. .\rticles of co- partnership, etc. Articles of in- corporation, etc. Charter and certificate. F'rovi limit. How papers verified. cither temporarily ov peniumciitlx , I lie sale of any s<'(uri(i('.^ listed in such manuals alter a iicariiij^ ui)()M nolicc to the issuer of such securities if said coniiMissiou sliall find tliat the sale of such securities would work a fraud u|(ou tlie pnr chasers thereof; (i) all stocks, bonds and securities a])i)roved by the Michiorate(l. and also a copy of its charter and the certificate of tlie i)roper officer of sucii state showing tliat it is authorized to transact busint'ss there; and also co])i<'s of its constitution and bylaws, and all anicndments of any of thf above inenlioiicd instruments whicii have been nnnii', ami all other |»apers ]»ertaining to its organization. It sliall also p.-iy a liliiig lee of onetenth of one per cent npoii the lace \alne of the secnrilies lor the sale ; nia.le: I'r of wh tiling than Si;( bv th be lei app!ie \erilie<| I or eoinp;in\-. if ■ oalh ..r a .'inlv nnineorpor.iled recorded or are 16 FIRST REPORT officer of whose records or.arcliives they form a ]>art, as being correct copies of sucli records or archives. Sec. 0. P^very foreign investment company before offering for sale any of its stock, bonds or other secnrities in this State shall also file its irrevocable written consent that suits and actions may ))e commenced against it in the proper court of any county in this State in which a cause of action may arise or in which tlie plaintiff may reside, by tlie service of any process or pleading autliorized by the laws of this State, on the Commissioner of the State Banking Department, said consent stipulating and agreeing that sucli service of such process or pleadings on such commissioner shall be taken and held in all courts to be as valid and binding as if due service had been made upon tlie company itself, and said instrument containing such consent shall be authenticated by the seal of said foreign investment comi)any, and by the acknowledged signatnre of a member of the co-])artnersliip or company, if it be a co-partnership or company, or by the acknowledged sig- nature of the president and secretary of the incorporated or unincorporated association, if it be an incorporated or unin- corporated association, and shall in such case be accom- panied by a duly certified copy of the resolution of the board of directors, trustees or managers of the corporation or asso- ciation, authorizing the secretary and ])resident to execute the same. In case any process or pleadings mentioned in this act are served n])on the Commissioner of the State Banking l)ei)artment, it shall be by dnidicate copies, one of which shall be tiled in the office of the Michigan Securities Commission and another inunediately forwarded by registered mail to the head office of the person or corporation against which said process or pleadings are directed. Sec. 7. Said application shall be heard by the said commis- sion at the next regular meeting after said application is filed (providing such filing shall precede such monthly meeting by twenty-four hours), or at a special or adjourned meeting of said commission, but if such application is heard at a special or adjourned meeting of said commissiwer to adjourn such hearings upon such applications fiom day to day or from time to time. Sep. 8. .Tlie said commission shall have power to demand from any investment company seeking to come under the pro- visions of this act any fnrther information other than such investment company is reqnired to furnish under the provi- sions of this act which shall be necessary to the end that the commission may be put in possession of all facts and informa- tion necessary to qualify it to properly pass upon all ques- tions that may come before it. It may make or have made nnder its direction a detailed examination of snch investment company's property, business and atfairs, which examination shall be at the expense of snch investment company. It may cau^e an appraisal to be made, at the expense of said invest- Certified copies. Consent to suits. Resolution of directors, etc. Duplicate process of pleadings. Hearing on application. Notice. Adjourn- ment. Furtlier in- formation may be demanded. Detailed ex- amination. MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 17 Appraisal of property. Withholding license to sell. Examination of statements, etc., filed. Disapproval of sale. Notice. Sales unlaw- ful. Approval of sale. ment company, of the i)ropei-ty of said investment company, inchuliiij; the value of i)a tents, jroocl will, promotion and intanoible assets, and it may li.x the amount of stocks, bonds and securities if such corporation lias issued stocks, for<'ijin or domestic, in i)avment for property, patents, good will, pro- motion and intanoil)lo assets in excess of their value lind the same to be worth and may recpiire that such stocks and securi- ties so issued for such iiroperty, patents, good will, promotion and intangible assets shall be deposited in escrow under such terms as said commission may i>rescribe. And said commis- sion may withhold its license to sell such stocks, bonds and securities if such cori)oration has issued stocks, l)onds and securities in payment for property, ])atents, good will, promo- tion and intangible assets in excess of their value as fouiul by said commission or if said stocks, bonds and secui-ities are not deposited in escrow according to the terms fixed by such commission until such stocks, bonds and securities issued in paj^ment for pro])erty, patents, good will, promotion and intangible assets in excess of the value so found by said com- mission have been surrendered to such corporation and can- celled by it, and until the said stock lias been deposited in ■escrow under the terms ])rescribed by said commission.' Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of said commission to examine the statements and documents tiled in its office by an invest- ment company and tlie reports of any investigation conducted under the direction of said commission and to hear such applicant and it shall have power to examine under oath any person interested or connected with such investment com- pany, and if said commission finds that the proposed plan of business of said investment company, or that its proposed contracts, stocks, I)onds or otlier securities are fraudulent or are of sucli a nature that the sale of such contracts, .stocks, bonds or other securities woubl in the opinion of said com- mission work a fraud upon the purcliaser, then said commis- sion sliall disap])rove the sale of such ju-oposed contracts, stocks, bonds or other securities and shall notify such invest- ment company by registered mail of its tindings and dis- ap])roval, and it shall be unlawful for such company to do any business in the way of selling, offering for .sale, taking sui>scriptions for, or negotiating for the sale in any mannei- whatever of any such contracts, stocks, bonds and other .securities in this State: and said contracts, stocks, liomls and other securities sliall not be sold in this State. If, Iiowever, said commission shall not (ind that the ]»roposed phm of business of said investment company or that its ])ro]tosed contracts, stocks, bonds or other securities are frauduU'ut or are of such a nature tliat the sale of such contracts, stocks, bonds or other securities would in the opinion of said com- mission work a fraud u])on the pnrchasei- thereof, then it shall approve the sale ()f such stocks in the State of Michigan and issue its certificate in substantially the following lan- guage : 18 FIRST REPORT "This is to certify tliat the certificate, has this date been "iveii permission to sell | *^°''™ *^^- of its within the stocks, bonds or secnrities. State of Michigan. Tlie Commission does not recommend the pnrchase of this secnrity. Dated .* In AVitness Whereof, I have herennto affixed the corporate seal of the JMichifjan Secnrities Commission. (SEAL) Secretary." The words "The commission does not recommend the i)nr- Non-recom- ,. , . • .1 I n 1 • -I • • mendatory chase ot this secnrity shall be printed m type two sizes clause, type, larger tliaii any other i)art of said certificate, and in case said certificate or the fact tliat said commission lias approved said secnrity, is printed or published in any circular, pamphlet or newspaper, the words "The commission does not recommend tlie pnrchase of this secnrity'' shall be printed in type two sizes larger than the tyv>e in which the statement of fact that such secnrity has been approved by said commission appears. Sec. 10. Any person, firm, co-partnership, corporation or who deemed issociation whether domestic or foreign, not the issner, who. "Dealer." iliall in tliis State sell or offer for sale any of the stocks, ')oiids or otlier secnrities issned l»y any foreign or domestic nvestment company, except the secnrities specifically ex- empted in this act. or wlio shall by advertisement or other- vise profess to engage in the bnsiness of selling or offering or sale sncli secnrities, sliall be deemed to be a '^dealer'' 111 sucli securities within tlie meaning of this act, and no lealer within the meaning of this act shall sell or offer for Unlawful >ale any sncli secnrities or profess the bnsiness of selling or ^^^®^' (ffering for sale sncli secnrities nnless and nntil he shall lave filed a list of the same in the office of the Michigan "Securities Commission as in tliis act provided. The term ^emeda 'dealer" sliall not include an owner not issner, of such secnri- "dealer." ies so owned by him when snch sale is not made in the •onrse of continned and successive transactions of a similar latnre, nor one who in a trust ca])acity created by law law- "iilly sells any secnrities embraced within snch trnst. Sk(". 1 1 . Any dealer desiring to sell or offer for sale within ^gfiter*with his State any stocks, bonds or other secnrities not exempted commission. inder the terms of this act, shall first register Avitli the Michi- gan Securities Commission and shall furnish said commis- ,i(m, upon oath, in snch fonh as the commission shall pre- .(•rilie, tlie following information, to-wit : The ])rovisions of said act number one hundred forty-three of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred thirteen. Sec. 12. In addition to the tiling and examination fees herein provided for to be ])aid by investment companies and dealers, there shall be charged and collected by said c(unmis- sion a fee of three dollars for the registration and authoriza- tion of each agent of any such investment company or dealer and all the fees and charges collected by the conunission shall be turned into the State Treasury and are hereby reappro- priated to the commission towards paying the expenses ot enforcing this act. The exi»enses of said commission shall not. however, be limited to the moneys received 1)y it, but it shall have the power to incur all exi»enses it tinds necessary in enforcing the provisions hereof. Sec. i:l General accounts of every investment company, domestic or foreign, shall be kept in a bnsinesslike, and intelligent manner and in suflicient detail that said commis- sion can ascertain at any time its linancial condition and the books of accounts shall at all tinu's during business hours, except on Sundays and legal holi(\7-~M) — Volume '2i'2. United States Su])reme Court Re])orts.) On October Kith and 17th. IDKi, the Attorne.v Oeneral of the State argued the cause for the appellants (being the mend)ers of the Michigan Comnussion) before the Sujireme Uor.rt, and Messrs. (Jeorge W. AVicker- sham, former United States Attorney Oeueral. and Robert K. llvvd. Attorney for Divestment Bankers, argued the cause for ai)i)ellees. Exhaustive briefs were tiled by both sides and on .January L'L'nd, U.»17. the o])inion of the Supreme (N)urt of the United States was handed down reversing the opinion of the I-Vderal Court and thereby upludding the validity and constitutionality of the Michigan Blue Sky Law. REVISED RULES AND REdULATIONS OP THE MICHKJAN SECUKITTES COMMTSSION. (All references to Sections refer to the law regulating Foreign and Domestic Investment (/onipiinies, being Act No. 4(1 of the Public Acts of 1915.) I — Exemptions. 1. This law does not affect the sale of the following: (Sec. 3) (a) Securities of the United States, or any foreign government, or of any state or territory thereof, or of any county, city, township, district or other public taxing subdivision of any state or territory of the United States, or any foreign gov- ernment. (b) Unsecured commercial paper. (c) Securities of public or quasi public corporations, the issue of which, securities are regulated l)y the Michigan Railroad Commission or by a public service commission or board of equal authority of any state or territory of the United States, or securities senior thereto. (d) . Securities of state or national banks or trust companies, or building and loan associations of this State. (e) Securities of any domestic corporation organized without capital stock and not for pecuniary gain, or exclusively for educational, benevolent, charitable or reformatory pur- poses. (f ) Mortgages upon real and personal property situated within this State where the entire mortgage is sold and trans- ferred with the note or notes secured by such mortgages. (g) Increase of stock sold and issued to stockholders, also stock dividends. (h) Securities which are listed in any standard manual of information approved by said commission. (i) All stocks, bonds and securities approved by the Michigan Securities Commission, created by Act No. 143 of the Public Acts of 1013. 2. The Commission has on tile and until further notice will not demand Ihe filing of statements and will i)ermit tlie sale of securities listed in the latest editions of: A. The Standard Statistics Bureau's Bond Records. B. The Standard Statistics Bureau's Stock Records. MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 25 C. Poor's Manual of Railroads. D. Poor's Manual of Public (Militics. K. Poor's IVIauual of Industi-ials. F. Moody's Manual of Kailroads and Corporations Seen ri tics. (r. Michigan Manual of Corporation Statistics. H. Annual Financial Keview — Canadian, The Connnission, however, reserves the right at its discretion to c.xclnde, at any time, any information contained in the foregoing or furnished under the provisions of this rule, not otherwise exempt, and to demand such additional information and proof as it may deem necessary. (Sec. IJ.) Should the Commission at any time be informed that any company listed, or to be listed, in any of the above manuals and claiming exemp- tion thereby, is selling or otl'ering for sale any new issue of stock, bonds or other securities or any part of existing unissued securities, this Commission may exercise its right to exclude the statement of such company and it will be necessary for such company to discontinue selling or ottering for sale any of its securities until it has made api)lication to the Commission for the sale of the same, and complied with all of the provisions of Act No, 46, Public Acts of 1915. A resolution was made and adopted Oct. 24, 11)17, eliminating the manuals listed under paragraph 2, of the Rules and Regulations of the Michigan Securities Commission, as exemptions, and providing that in the future no stock can be sold in Michigan by reason of it being listed in said manuals, unless said listing was prior ito Oct. 24, 1917. 3. It is hereby understood that the exemptions provided for under the provisions of Rule two shall only be for the purpose to facilitate dealing in such exempt securities by dealers and agents duly registered with the Michigan Securities Commission, and the bene- fit of such exemptions shall not apply to dealers or agents not registered with the (^»nimission. II — IXVKST.AIKNT CoMl'ANIES. Domestic and Foreign. (Sec. 2. ) The following reipiirenuMits must be met by invest iiiciil comitanies before selling or ottering for sale any of its stocks, bonds, or other securi- ties within this State.' The designation "Investnient Companies" is a general term and end)races all corix.i-at ions. (•o-]»aitn('rshii)s. companies and associations. (Sec. 2. i 4. Apjdication to sell secinities must be made on hIanUs furuislicd by the Commission. In addition to tlie iid'ormation demandcil in the applicatirobable value of all securities wliicli might be sold at any time or place. When it is contem- l»lated or probable that the'owners of issued securities shall offer for sale such securities in the course of continued and successive transactions of a similar nature a filing fee upon the entire issue nuist be paid. Payment of fee on this basis will also obviate the necessity of expensive examinations by the Commission to ascer- tain the exact amount of securities sold. n. Foreign investment companies must file consent to suits by service on the Commissioners of tlie Banking Department. (Sec. 6.) (Blank forms supplied by the Commission.) 7. Tf in the judgment of the commission it is necessary to make an examination of any investment company, such company will be so notified. The commission will render a statement of the estimated cost of such examination and the amount so estimated must be remitted in advance t() the commission. Where estimate exceeds' the actual cost of exansinjition tlie balance will be returned. 8. No ai>i)lication will hv considered unless accompanied by correct filiiig fee as above ])rovided ; nor until such applicjition is complete with all ]»apers demanded tiled therewith. !J. Upon examination ol" any a]»i)lication made by an investment com- pany, the secretary will notify siich applicant if an examination of the company should be made, also the date of hearing and said applicant may'appear and be heard either in i)erson or by counsel at such meeting or at any meeting to which hearing upon such apidication may be adjourned. 10. No investment company should, citlier in its jn-ospcclus, its adver- tising, or in soliciting sale of its stock or other securities, use, for the pnri)ose of making such sales, the fact that permission to sell such securities has been given by this commission. In case the fact that said commission has approved such security is printed in any circular, i)anii)hlet, or newspaper, the words "The Commis- sion does not recommend the purchase of this security" shall be l)rinted in type two sizes larger than the tyi»e in which the state- ment of fact that such security has })een a]>i)roved by said com- mission ai)pears. (Sec. 1). i 11. X()TICr:S .OI'^ I)lSAri'K()\'AL of any securities submitted to the (Nnnmission will be sent by registered mail within thirty days after final order thereof is entered by the Commission. In case of disapproval filin.g fees will not be returned. MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 27 12. Authoi'i/ed ngviits iiuist be rcjiislcrcd. I^\'e S*,:].{){) cacli. (Sec. 11.) Kc^istraliou is uol ti-imslerable. The Coininission will issue license's to all aj^cuts rcj-istci-cd uiidci' tlu' jtrovisions (A' Act No. 14.'>. of the rublie Acts of lUK'., uixtn llie payiiiciit of the sum of twenty-iive cents. (Sec. 11.) (Special blanks ai*e furnished by Connnission. i 13. Annual statements must be filed during January, on s])ecial blanks furnished by the Commission, together with liliiig fee of fl.OO. (Sec. 21.) Ill — Dealers. 14. Registration must be made upon blanks furnished by the Commission and dealer must give all information recpiired thereon. This registration is not transferable. The Commission will issue a license to each dealer registered under the provisions of Act No. 143, of the Public Acts of 1013, upon the payment of the sum of one dollar. (Sec. 11.) 15. Fee of 150.00 must accomi)any dealer's registration. (Only payable once. I ( Sec. 11.1 ir>. Agents of dealers must ])e registered, fee for each agent being $:5.00. This registration is not transferable. (Sec. 11.) 17. Non-resident dealers must file duly authenticated api>ointment of Commissioner of the Ranking Department as his, or its agent ujion whom process or pleading may be served. (Sec. 11. i 18. All dealers, before olfering or selling any securities not exempt under the provisions of Section 11 (Exemptions) of this bulletin, must submit the same to the Commission under the same j)ro- visions as provided for i)ivestment conipanies. (Sec. 15. i 10. Application of dealers should be accompanied by at least four refer- ences, one of which should be nmde by the bank where the i»arties do l)usiness. IV MiSCELLAXKOrS. 20. For penalties for violation of law see Section 2:'.. 21. Transcripts of any information on lile in the <• lice of ilic Commis- sion shall be furnished at twelve cents jx-r lolio, that being ai»proximately the cost of prei)aring the sani<". Ccrtilieer folio. The minimum charge for any pai)ers certified to shall be lilty cents. Ccrtiticl copies will be received in evidence in all conils of this Slate. 22. Regular meetings will be held on the second and lourth Wediu^sday of each month excejtting when there are live Wednesdays in one month and in such case meetings will be held on the thiid and fifth Wednesdays. GENERAL REPORT. Membershit and Organization. The membership of the Michigan Securities Commission, as provided for in the Act creating it, consists of the Commissioner of the Banking Department, State Treasurer, and Attorney General. The State Treas- urer and tlie Attorney General are elective State officers, while the Commissioner of the Banking Department is appointed by the Governor of the State. The terms of their office as members of the Securities Commission are coterminous with the terms of their respective offices. They draw no salaries as members of the Commission, and are only recom- pensed for actual moneys expended by them in the performance of their duties as such members of the Commission. The personnel of the departmental organization at the date of this report consists. of the Executive Officer, who is the directing head of the Department; the Chief Accountant, two Examiners, Chief Clerk, Financial Clerk and Bookkeeper, two Stenographers, Filing Clerk, and Messenger. In addition to the above, the Executive Officer, by and with the consent of the Commission, lias authority to engage experts from time to time to make examination of companies whose assets may require an expert appraisal. A most complete filing system has been installed to accommodate the steady increase of voluminous documentary files of cases considered by the Commission. Auxiliary to tliis general filing system is tlie card index system, which is wortliy of note in consideration of the office organi- zation, since tlie exact status of the applications of all investment com- ])anies considered and the condition of all escrowed stock can be imme- diately determined without the necessity of going through all the files and records. These cards contain a brief history or synopsis right up to date of each investment company coming under the jurisdiction of the Commission, and because of this digested information the Department is enabled to inform both investors and investment companies of the status of all matters passed upon with greater dispatch and complete accuracy. Securities. The layman, ordinarily, in the consideration of what constitutes a security docs not have in mind anything but common Or preferred stock and bo'iids, but in reading the Act it will be noted that the language therein includes "stocks, bonds or other securities/' whether of an incorporated or unincoriKM-ated com]»any, co-partnership or association (foreign or domestic), unless si)ecifically exempted in the Act. Profit- sharing contracts constitute a considerable portion of the "other securi- ties" coming under the consideration of the Commission. Attempts to evade the Blue Sky Law, or rather attempts to get around it through the MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 20 fiiianciiif^ ol" lu-opositions by means of the sale ui these co-opcialive (»r profit-sharinjj; contracts, instead of stocks or bonds, have recently come to the attention of the Commission. A pbin often resorted to in tliis connection is the one used mostly by oil companies of olferiiif^ for sale certain land nnits or lots on a co-operative or profit-sharinjj; basis. i'N)r illnstration. a tract of land is divi(led into live thousand nnits, i-an<;in^ in si7>e from one to several hundred square feet, and selling foi-, say, ^50.00 per lot. The conditions of the contract are that upon payment in full for the lot, the purchaser will receive a warranty deed; that SI 0.00 of the ])nrchase price for each lot will be set aside as a develo]»meut fund; that upon the completion of the sale of these lots or land units an operating company will be organized with its capital of |r)0,00().0() (resulting from the flCOO set aside from the money received from the pnrchasers of each lot), fully paid up, and the owners of the land units or lots receiving from the operating company ten dollars' worth of stock for each land unit they purchase. In this way the capital stock of the o]»erating company is fully paid up before it is organized from the money received from the sale of the land units. When they get to this l)oint they are fully capitalized and have no need for the sale of stock. These contracts differ somewhat as to special features, and the above illustration is therefore only descriptive in a general way. The Com- mission holds that the sale of a profit-sharing contract of this kind constitutes the sale of a security. AVhile it is believed that this method of organization is often nsed as a subterfuge, or with a deliberate intent to contravene the provisions of the Blue Sky Law, yet the financing of many worthy enterprises in this manner has come to the attention of tlie Commission and applications have been filed submitting them as securities for approval, in accordance with the construction placed on this class of securities by the Department. I'HOCKDrUE Ari'LICAXT Mt'st Foi.i>()w. (Jreat care ami thought has l»een exercised by the Department in pre]iaring a]>plication blanks for the use of investment companies dcsir ing to sell their securities witliin the State. These blaidcs contain (pieries covering all the cardinal (juestions that may be involved in passing on tlie merits of an ai)plication and have been altered from time to time to meet changing conditions and more etfective constructions i)!aced njion the law by the Attorney Ceneral. Application blanks of investment companies used by the Commission have been provided for the approval of stocks and general securities of both foreign and doniestic companies, a sjjccial form of blank being nsed for application to sell bonds. (Ireat inii)ortance is attached to the neces- sity of the api)licant filing full and complete detailed informaticm as will enable the Commissi(»n to intelligently pass ujton each i)roposition. This is especially insisted ui)on where patents and formulas, good will, or intangible assets are capitalized or stock has been or is to be issued therefor. This form of "watered" s|(»ck is closely scriitinized. Cas. oil. mining, ii-i-igation, and othei- similar enterprises are usually rciinired to lurnish s]>(M-ial information <'oncerning tlieii- inupcrties. The book value and the assessed value of all projuMty belonging to \hi- companies is rcnuired. In all cases when- real estate is the principal 30 . FIRST REPORT asset of the company, or where there is a bond issne secnred by mortgage upon real estate, a certified copy of tlie conveyance to the company mnst be attached to the application, together with a certified statement of an attorney that the examination of the title shows it to be good and in the company. If the company is buying the land on a contract, a copy of the contract mnst be altaclied to tlie application. Tf there is a mort- gage on the property, a copy of tlie same should be filed. The a])plication provides for and should show the price at which securi- ties are to be sold, and tlu' rate of commission that is to be paid. If the bond issue is secured by a trust mortgage, a complete copy of the trust mortgage must acconi]»any the application. Tlie a])plication also pi'ovides for and should contain a com]>lete list of all stockholders, their addresses, together with the number of shares held by each, the value of shares, and the actual consideration received by the com])any for the stock. Api)lication further provides for copy of the original Articles of Association and amendments thereto, being certified as to correctness by the Secretary of the State where the company is incorporatelete list of company's assets and liabilities. All foreign companies must file consent that suits and actions may be commenced against them by service on the Commissioner of the State Ranking Dei)artment of Michigan. (Section 0, Act 4(5, Public Acts of l!)!").) Blank forms are su|)plied by the Commission to the applicant for this purpose. Pkocedi're r.v Department. I'l»on the filing of the investment company's application, asking for the approval thereof by the Securities Commission and permission to sell its securities in the State, a preliminary examination of such application is made by the departmental officers for the purpose of determining whether or not all papers required by law have been filed, and a prelimi- nary hearing is usually had with the applicant for the pur]>ose of deter- mining whether or not a complete investigation and examination of the company's assets and liabilities, management and prospects should be made by a regular or sjx'cial examiner of the Commission. Examination and Investioatiox of Investment Companies. The character of the investigation and examination depends, of course, entirely upon the conditions shown in the application as to the form and character of the enteri)rise. If particularized information is required in regard to the financial condition of the api>licant, a complete examina- tion of the books of the company is made by an auditor or examiner representing the Commission. Practically all examinations involve the determination of the financial condition of the ai)plicant company. If information is desired on ])roperty values which do not recinire a tech- nical or expert examination, but may involve an investigation of the business trustworthiness and financial responsibility of the persons rep- resenting the enterprise and its prospects for commercial success, then such examination and report is made by one of the regular examiners of the CoDJimission. MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 31 ir till' ;ii)]tlicinit (•ort with the Commission as to its commercial ])ossibilities. If the company sets up in its ai>]>li<"ition that its assets consist mostly of mineral lands, for which stock is to be taken or cash is to be jiaid. the examination is made by or in conjunction with the State Cecdogical Department. If there is filed with the application information from reliable mining experts or geoh)gists in regard to the value of properties, then a report is filed with" the Commission by the geologist or engineer representing the Commission, based on the data which he has exannned, but in most instances the information tiled by the a]>plicant is inadeiiujite and unsatisfactory and a personal exaniination is made by a special examiner, of the properties described in the ap])lication, together with an investigation of the management, financial condition of the company, and its possibilities for success. Hearings on Aitlications. After tlie report of the Examiner has been filed, apjdicant is notified of the date when the ajiplication will be heard by the (\)mniission. The ap]»licant must be represented at this hearing either by an otlicer or attorney of the comi»any. Witnesses are thoroughly examined by the Commission, and a stenographic record of the hearing is taken, which is later transcribed and made a ])ermanent record. After the liearing an order is made by tin* Commission covering the several conditions of the approval or disai)proval. which is entered in a separate book known as the IMTNUTi: BOOK, and is used exclusively for the record of orders. Examination of Co.mpaniks Aftkk Ai-i-kovai.. Although every investment (•onii)any is re(|uired by the Acl 1<» lile in January of each' year a detailed annual statement showing lis liiianii;ii cnndition at the close of business of the i)receding December :!lsl. yet it is believed that the real constructive work of the Department can !><• obtained liv periodical examinations of comjianies after approval. 'Die experienceOf the Dejiartment has been that fraud, stock and financial juggling, if any. have taken jdace afti'i- the company has been approved and therefore the re-examination of approved conii)aiiies periodically has become of paramount importance. Many specific instances coubl be cited which in justice to the best interests of the stockholders thereof have not been given publicity, where these re-examinations by the Com- 32 FIRST REPORT mission brought to light conditions which would have been disastrous to the company and would have resulted in the loss of the investment made b}^ the stockholders therein were it not for the action taken by the Commission when this condition was discovered. On the other hand, many instances could also be cited of companies that have been ruined through mismanagement, fraud, or some other unnecessary cause, which could have been prevented had the Commission been able, with its limited corps of examiners, to have made more frequent examinations of these companies. The Commission believes that those who invest in securities are entitled, to a certain extent, to the same protection as those who deposit their funds in the banks. As a result of this policy a genuine service has been rendered to the investing public of Michigan by adjust- ment of companies which had permitted their assets to be impaired by mismanagement or fraud. Attention should be called to the fact that there are approximately twelve thousand foreign and domestic corpora- tions doing business in the State of Michigan, and therefore it is phys- ically impossible for the lu-esent limited examination force of the Com- mission to make these periodical examinations as often as should be for the best interests of the investing public. In comparison it might be stated that there are less than six hundred State Banks and Trust Com- panies in the State, and the Banking Department is- required to maintain a corps of upwards of twenty examiners. When a re-examination of a company's atfairs reveals conditions justifying the Commission's action, a citation is issued requiring the officers of the company to appear and defend the charges cited, in the examiner's report. These citations usually require all the directors to be present. The charges contained in the examiner's reports are thor- oughly gone over. The defendants in the citation are examined and finally an order of the Commission is entered, based upon its decision as what is deemed best to save the investments made in the company's securities by Michigan investors. Where it is believed that there is no o])portunity for readjustment, a revocation of the license is ordered so that no further sales may be made to the Michigan public. Many of these citations have been authorized as a result of exorbitant salaries paid to officers, issuance of large blocks of stock for questionable assets, payment of cash for intangible assets of a doubtful value, the payment of com- missions in excess of the amount allowed by the Commission at the time of approval of the application, or tlie company's violation of the Commis- sion's order in other respects. Amount of Securities Approved and Disapproved p>y the Commission. During tlie period covered by this report, tlie Commission has examined and directlv passed upon one thousand investment companies' applica- ti<»ns, comin-ising securities of a total value of .|420,3:32,438.1(), divided as follows : Comi)anies ai)proved, 772, involving 1205,780,038.10 of author- ized seciuilies. Comi)anies disapproved, 29, with a capital stock involved of .f:{f>,2(;r),()()0.(M). Applications of companies indefinitely postponed, 57, witli a total capital stock of |50,740,000.00. Companies awaiting coiiipletion, 31; companies awaiting examination, 0; companies with- drawn, 58, and consisting of an additional iij;67,541,400.00 worth of securities. MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 3:? In additiou to the amount of securities that have been disapiti-oved by the Commission ami tlie amount involved in the applicalions which have been indefinitely postponed in a manner wliicli is ecpiivalent to disap- proval, companies with an aiijiregate capilal oi" over one hundred million dollars have started to make applications, but upon learning of the re- quirements of the Blue Sky l.aw, that a complete examination and investi- j^ation of the tangible and intangible assets, pliysical properties, finances, and management of their company would be necessary, were deterred from proceeding further. It is safe to estimate that upwards of two hundred million dollars of questionable securities have been prevented from sale in Michigan through the administration of the Blue Sky Law during the period covered by this report. Securities Escrowed with the State Tre.vsurer by the Oimiku ok the Commission. Securities amounting to 127.224,009.00 of investment companies l»assed upon by the Securities Commission have been idaced in escrow with the State' Treasurer. Of this amount .$3,355,040.00 stock has been released, leaving a balance now in escrow of .^23,868,120.00. The conditions under which the Commission has ordered the escrowing of stock depend on the, nature of the enterprise. While a great deal of stock issued to the organizers and promoters of companies for promotion, patents, secret processes, formulas, etc., has been ordered placed in escrow before granting permission for the sale of the company's securi- ties, a considerable amount of stock has, by the order of the Commission, been placed in escrow by the holders thereof which has been issued for leases, contracts, and pro])erty of a more tangible character, pending the carrying out of certain conditions thought by the Commission to be of vital interest to the stockholders and to the investing i)ublic. Under the escrow agreement and order, the Commission reserves the right to order the return of all escrowed stock to the treasury of the comi)auy for its use and benefit. A large amount of stock has been escrowed until such time as the company is earning (I per cent net upon all of its out- standing stock, thus jdaVing the ixm-sou to whom the escroweolicy lias beeii in vogue, a complete record is kept of all prosecutions. During the period when they were conducted by the local officials, rather than as a departmental matter, a record of such cases and the results thereof was not available. Kegistuation and Lk'knsinm; op Dea),kijs and Acp^nts. Every dealer desiring to sell or (.tier for sale within this Stale any stocks, "bonds, oi- other securities nol exempted under the tt-rms <)f the Act, shall, according t() the provisions thereof, lirst register with the Commission and obtain authority to sell such securities. Cenerally speak- ing, the -Dealer.'" so-called, is the broker. Within the meaning of the Act, a dealer is deenu-d to be any person, firm, co-pa rtnershi[», corpora- tion or association, whether donu'stic or foreign, not the issuer, who shall in this State sell or offer for sale any of the stocks, bonds, or other securi- ties issued by any foreign or domestic investment company, except the 36 FIRST REPORT securities specifically exempted by the Act, or who shall by advertise- ment or otherwise profess to engage in the business of selling or offering for sale such securities. The term ^'Dealer" does not include an owner who is not the issuer of such securities so owned by him when such sale is not made in the course of continued and successive transactions of a similar nature; in other words, an individual stockholder would not be termed a dealer if he were to sell his personal stock in a single trans- action. If he disposed of his securities in the course of continued and successive transactions of a similar nature, he would become a dealer, and unless he were registered with the Commission and obtained a license, he would be committing an unlawful act. The term ''Dealer" does not include, according to the Act, one who in a trust capacity created by law, lawfully sells any securities embraced within such trust. The experience of the Department has demonstrated that the same relative importance sliould be attached to maintaining close supervision on the sale of securities by dealers and their agents, as to the investment company or original issuer of such securities. In addition, therefore, to the information required to be filed by the dealer making application for registration, further information is asked for from time to time concerning the general character of his business trans- actions and of the securities dealt in by him. Monthly reports are required from all dealers, showing the amount and kinds of securities sold by them during the preceding month, the con- dition of sale, and the amount received therefor. All dealers before offering or selling any securities, unless exempted under the provisions of the Act, or unless previously approved upon the application of the investment company, must submit the same to the Commission under the same conditions as are provided for investment companies making their application direct. Non-resident dealers must file duly authenticated appointment of the Commissioner of the Banking Department as his or its agent upon whom process of pleading may be served. All agents in the employ of dealers, or investment companies, must first apply to the Commission and obtain a license before offering any securities for sale. In addition to the revocation of the autliority granted dealers and agents to sell securities, for non-compliance with the provisions of the A*c't or the orders of the Commission, there are other penal provisions in the Statute. FINANCIAL REPORT. A complete record of all receipts aixl (lisburseiiieiits is kept. Ollicial receipts are issued for all fees received by the Department in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 4G, Public Acts of 1915. These fees are deposited daily with the State Treasurer and at the close of each month transfers are made to the general fund of the State. The fees received by the Department in accordance with the luovisions of the Statute consist of a filing fee from the investment companies mak- ing application for the approval of their securities, based upon one-tentli of one per cent of such investment companies' unissued securities, the nuiximum fee being flOO.OO and the minimum -flO.OO. Application for dealer's license, a fee of ijr.jO.OO is required ; for agent's license, a fee of 13.00 ; filing fee for annual statements, |1.00, and for making of copies of records, 12 cents per folio, and 20 cents per folio for certified. Additional to these stated fees, an investment company submitting an application for the approval of its securities is required, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute, when an examination is necessary, to remit in advance to the Commission an examination fee as will, in the estimation of the Commission, be sufficient to cover the expense and per diem of the examiner making such examination. During the first j^ears of the Commission's existence, before the consli- tutionality of the Act was definitely upheld by the United States C(»>ii-(, enalding the Commission to perfect an organization which included its own regular examiners, these examinations for the most i»art were made by sjjecial examiners having, technical knowledge of the class of coni- l»anies making application, and the exi)enses and i)er diem for sucli examinations wefe paid directly to the Elxaminer by the apjdicant com- pany. Since April 1st, 1917, all moneys for examination purposes have been paid in advance at the office of the Commission, and all balances remaining in excess of the per diem and expenses of the Examiner, whether special or regular, are returned to the company. The per diem charges of the regular, salaried examiners, when making exaniinations of investment companies, are returned to the general fund of the State. Since July 1st, 1!)1T, tlie beginning of the present liscal y.-ar. tlu- Commission has recpiired all examiners, whether siiecially appi June :!0, 1 )1S. Received for examinations. Number of companies. Vouchers drawn. Number of companies examined. Expenses. Services. Returned to companies. Total 1917. July .'. .. $725 00 7 S475 00 3 $200 00 $150 00 $125 00 $475 00 August.... Bcpt Oct 589 75 781 25 10 135 87 469 75 178 63 784 25 727 70 7 649 35 4 51 90 165 00 228 30 448 20 906 12 9 538 49 5 191 24 380 00 165 40 739 04 Nov 260 42 3 • 1,001 90 10 326 39 339 52 335 99 1,001 90 Dec 410 00 5 335 00 5 24 84 lOD 00 201 IG 1918. Jan 341 04 4 397 14 6 161 85 193 50 38 70 397 14 Feb 1,370 00 13 625 31 9 131 96 319 00 171 35 625 31 March 875 00 9 1,282 69 11 146 24 450 79 610 66 1,207 69 April May June 1,127 20 14 767 20 7 336 85 314 50 115 85 767 20 249 35 3 980 48 15 260 17 • 617 00 178 31 1 , 055 48 1,565 38 11 1,014 83 9 309 56 579 00 126 27 1,014 83 $9, 146 96 91 $8,851 61 94 $2,288 87 84,087 06 $2,475 71 $8,851 64 40 FIRST REPORT KECOMMENDATIONS FOR AMENDMENTS TO "BLUE SKY LAW." 1. That the provisions of the Act covering the exemptions sliould apply only to UNSECURED COMMERCIAL PAPER ISSUED IN THE NATURE OF ONE TRANSACTION TO A BANK OR TRUST COM- PANY, and should not apply where notes are to be sold to the public. 2. That Section 10 shoidd be amended to clarify provision that "continued and successive transactions of a similar nature" should be construed to apply to Dot more than one transaction. 3. That the ambiguity of present law in reference to tiling fee should be cleared up to provide that the fee should be computed upon the basis of the unissued and unsold securities. 4. That notes secured by mortgages under Subdivision F, Section 3, should not be exempted from the operation of the Act where the notes are offered to the public on mortgages of real or ])ersonal property situated outside the State. 5. That dealers should be retpiired to furnish a monthly report of securities dealt or traded in. 0. That dealers' books sliould be examined by Department examiners at dealers' expense, the same as investment companies. 7. That the advertising of securities by dealers should be construed to ijiclude stock lists, market letters, and all other advertising matter of whatsoever nature. MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 41 INVESTMENT COMPANIES APPROVED BY THE MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION. The following is a list of the Investment Companies that have been ap- proved by the Michigan Securities Commission to July 1, 1918. An approval does not necessarily carry the right to sell all securities which a company can issue. Certain companies have permission to sell bonds only, others to sell preferred stock and not common stock. Every company that has been approved is in possession of a Certificate of Approval which described its rights under the order of approval. Acason Motor Truck Company Detroit, Mich. Acme Belting Company Niles, Mich. Acme Motor Truck Company Cadillac, Mich. Acme Motor Truck Company Detroit, Mich. Adrian Steel Castings Company Adrian, Mich. Advocate Publishing Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Aetna Motor Truck Company Detroit, Mich. Agricultural Lands, Inc Detroit, Mich. Agricultural Life Insurance Company of America Bay City, Mich. Ainsworth Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. Air-O-Flex Automobile Corporation Detroit, Mich. Alfalfa Cereal Company Detroit, Mich. All Season Body Company. Jackson, Mich. Alhambra Theatre, Inc Detroit, Mich. Alter Motor Car Company Plymouth, Mich. American Box Board Company Grand Rapids, Mich. American Cash Register Company. Saginaw, Mich. American Commerce Association . . . .' Chicago, 111. American Commercial Car Company Detroit, Mich. American Forging & Socket Company Pontiac, Mich. American Garment Cleaning Company Detroit, IMich. American Motor Truck Company Detroit, Mich. American Prcssweld Radiator Corporation Detroit, Mich. American Realty Corporation Detroit, jMich. American Sign Company Kalamazoo, Mich. American Specialty Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Anglin (Margaret) Picture Corporation, Inc. . . .New York, N. Y. Ann Arbor Dairy Company Ann Arl)or, Mich. Ann Arbor Machine Company Ann Arbor, Mich. Apartment Construction Company Detroit, Mich. Armour & Company Chicago, III. Artesia Water Company Detroit, Midi. Asco Cigar Company Detroit, Mich. Aspinwall Manufacturing Company Jackson, Midi. Assets Realizing Mines Corporation Los Angeles, Cal. 42 FIRST REPORT Associated Builders Company Detroit, Mich. Atlas Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. Automatic Bookkeeping Register Company. . . .Kalamazoo, Mich. Auto City Realty Company Highland Park, Mich. Automobile Crankshaft Corporation Detroit, Mich. Automobile Cycle Car Company Detroit, Mich. Automotive Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. Auto Light Control Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Auto Wheel Company Lansing, Mich. Avalon Park Land Company Detroit, Mich. Baker, (Martha R.) Company Charlevoix, Mich. Baker- Vawter Company Benton Harbor, Mich. Bancroft Hotel Company Saginaw, Mich. Bardeen Paper Company Otsego, Mich. Barley Motor Car Company Chicago, 111. Bay City Sand & Gravel Company Bay City, Mich. Barnes Wire Fence Company Detroit, Mich. Barry- Wilson Company Kansas City, Mo. Barstow-San Antonio Oil Company Detroit, Mich. Beach-Cross Body Company Detroit, Mich. Bellevue Foundry Company Detroit, Mich. Belle Isle Coliseum Company Detroit, Mich. Bellevue Co-Operative Elevator & Warehouse Co Bellevue, Mich. Benton Harbor Malleable Foundry Company . . Benton Harbor, Mich Biggam Trailer Corporation Detroit, Mich. Birmingham Creamery & Ice Manufacturing Co Birmingham, Mich. Birwood Land Company Detroit, Mich. Black, F. A. Company Mt. Clemens, Mich. Black's Money Saving Mail Order Company Pigeon, Mich. Blashfield Furnace Company Jackson, Mich. Blessed Lunch Company Detroit, Mich. Bolles (J. E.) Iron & Wire Works Detroit, Mich. Bollstrom Engineering Company Detroit, Mich. Bond Steel Post Company Adrian, Mich. Bowling Dental Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. Breitung Hematite Mining Company, Ltd Marquette, Mich. Breitung Iron Company New York, N. Y. Breitung Mines Corporation New York, N. Y. Brent Creek Co-Operative Elevator Company. . . Brent Creek, Mich. Brown Corporation Portland, Maine. Brown-Hawkins Lumber Company Detroit, Mich. Browning Realty Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Brownwall Engine & Pulley Company .' Holland, Mich. Buhl Sons Company Detroit, Mich. Buhl Stamping Company Detroit, Mich. Buller-Millikin Company Detroit, Mich. Bureau of Credits Detroit, Mich. TkliniKJAX SECT^ItlTIES COMMISSION 43 Biinto Brothers Chicago, 111. Biirch, A. F. Company Grand l^ipids, Mich. Bush & Lane Piano Company .^ Holland, Mich. Butler Iron Company Chicago, 111. Butte it Great Falls Mining Company Butte, Montana. Byron Typewriter Cabinet Company Detroit, Mich. Cadillac Auto Truck Company Cadillac, Mich. Cadillac Lumber Company Cadillac, Mich. Cadillac Machine Company Cadillac, Mich. Cadillac Theatre Company Detroit, Mich. Calumet Petroleum Company Calumet, Mich. Campau Square Building Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Campbell (Manson) & Sons Company Detroit, Mich. Campbell, Wyant & Cannon Foundry Company. Muskegon, Mich. Capital Castings Company Lansing, Mich. C. A. S. Sales Company Detroit, Mich. Carmichael, R. A. & Company Detroit, Mich. Carrier Realty Company Detroit, Mich. Cascade Lead-Silver Mines, Ltd Toronto, Ont. Caro Farmers Co-Operative Elevator Company . Caro, Mich. Cash, F. H. Company Bay City, Mich. Cass Lake Highlands Company Detroit, Mich. Cedar River Land Company Lansing, Mich. Cement Casket Manufacturing Company Albion, Mich. Central Michigan Clay Products Company. . . . Williamston, Mich. Central Warehouse Company Saginaw, Mich. Centreville Theatre Company Centreville, Mich. Cinch Safetv Razor Company Detroit, Mich. Chalmers Motor Corporation Detroit, Mich. Champerado Copper Mining Company Chicago, 111. Chattel Loan Company Grand Rapids. Mich. Chesaning Farmers Elevator Company Chesaning, Mich. City Pattern Works Detroit,- Mich. Clark Engine & Boiler Company Kalamazoo, Mn-h. Clay Products Company Detroit, Mich. Clayton & Lambert Manufacturing Company. . .Detroit, Mich. Clifford Realty Company : Detroit, Mich. Columbia Convention & Dancing Hall Company Detroit, Mich. Columbia Motors Company Detroit, Mich. Columbus Mutual Life Insurance Company. . . .Columbus, Ohio. Commercial Finance Corporation of Detroit .... Detroit, Mich. Commonwealth Finance Coiporation New York, N. Y. Commonwealth Hotel Construction Corpora- tion >«'t^^v York, N. \ . Consolidated Car Company Detroit, Mich. Consumers Co-Operative Coal Company Detroit, Mich. Cook Standard Tool Company Kaltimazoo, Mich. Co-Operative Elevator & Milling Company Pigeon, Mich. Co-Operative Stock Ranch Company Des Moines, Iowa. 44 FIRST REPORT Culver Land & Cattle Company Detroit, Mich. Davenport Realty Company Detroit, Mich, Davidson Building Company Bay City, Mich. Davis 5 and 10c Stores Company Detroit, Mich. Dayton Coal, Iron & Railway Company Dayton, Tenn. Del-The Amusement Company . Detroit, Mich. DeLaney (Paul) Company Brocton, N. Y. Delta Land & Timber Company Kansas City, Mo. Demming Mines Company Nampa, Idaho. Dennis Canadian Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Dennos Food Sales Company Chicago, 111. Detroit Ball Valve Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Electric Welder Company Lansing, Mich. Detroit Finance Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Heater Corporation, Inc Detroit, Mich. Detroit Home Building Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Hotel Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Intensive Gardens, Inc Detroit, Mich. Detroit Lace Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Life Insurance Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Mineral Water Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Mortgage Corporation Detroit, Mich. Detroit Piano Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Pneumatic Chuck Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Pressed Steel Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Realty Owners Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Sanitary Closet Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Starter Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Sulphite Pulp & Paper Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Times Detroit, Mich. Detroit Torch & Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Valve & Fittings Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Weatherproof Body Company ........ Detroit, Mich. Detroit Wire Fabric & Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit- Wyandotte Motor Truck Company. . . .Wyandotte, Mich. Devoe & Raynolds Co., Inc Brooklyn, N. Y. Dibble, A. E. Building Company Detroit, Mich. Differential Clock Company Chicago, 111. Dionol Company Detroit, Mich. Ditzler Color Company Detroit, Mich. Dix Theatre Company Detroit, Mich. Doble-Detroit Steam Motors Company Detroit, Mich. Donner Steamship Company Cleveland, Ohio. Drabold-Mott Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. Dripping Springs Copper Company Los Angeles, Cal. Druggists Co-Operative Association Chicago, 111. Drury Lane Theatre Company Detroit, Mich. Dunn Realty Company Detroit, Mich. Duplex Truck Company Lansing, Mich. MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 45 East Side Creamery Company Detroit, Mich. Economy Drawing Table Company Adrian, Mich. Educators Association Ann Arl)or, Midi. Edwards & Chamberlain Hardware Company. .Kalamazoo, Mich. Eddy Paper Company Three Kivers, Mich. Electric Specialties Manufacturing Company.. .Benton Harbor, Mich. Electrograph Company Detroit, Mich. lOlgin Motor Car Corporation ('hicago. 111. Elkhart Manufacturing Company Monroe, Mich. l<]lliott Machine Company (Jrand Rapids, Mich. I'hnerson Motor Truck Company Detroit, Mich. ICmery Cigar Company Battle C'reek, Mich. Emond, Klein & Company Detroit, Mich. Erd Motor Company Saginaw, Mich. Esco Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. Essex Estates Corporation Jackson, Mich. Evertite Nut Corporation New York, N. Y. F. Car Service Association Detroit, Mich. Fairgrove Farmers Co-Operative Elevator Co. .Fairgrove, Mich. Fair Round Real Estate Company Detroit, Mich. Farmers Auto & Machinery Company Bay City, Mich. Farmers Co-Operative Elevator Company Laingsburg, Mich? Farmers Co-Operative Elevator Co. of Corunna . Corunna, Mich. Farmers Elevator Company of Marshall Marshall, Mich. Federal Syndicate Copper Company. . . •. Calumet, Mich. Fenwick Elevator Company Fenwick, Mich. Ferndale Cemetery Association Wyandotte, Mich. Ferry Field Theatre Company Detroit, Mich. Fidelity Mortgage & Bond Corporation Detroit, Mich. Fidelity Motion Picture Company Detroit, INIich. Field Motor Company Grand Rapids, ]\Iich. First Preference Detroit Gray Iron Foundry Co. Detroit, Mich. Five Hundred Investors Company Detroit, Mich. Flanders Company Detroit, Mich. Flint Land Company, Ltd FHnt, Mich. Flushing Farmers Co-Operative Elevator Company Flushing, Mich. Ford View Realty Company Detroit, Mich. Forge Products Corporation New York, N. Y. Fort Dearborn Casualty Company Chicago, 111. Fort Dearborn Life Insurance Company Chicago, 111. Fort Shelby Hotel Company Detroit, ]\Iich. Fosburgh Lumber Company Norfolk, Va. Four Drive Tractor Company Big Rapids. Mich. Fox, (Maurice W.) & Company Detroit, Mich. Fox Typewriter Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Frankenlust Fuel & Feed Company Bay City, Mich. Franklin Theatre Company Saginaw, Mich. Fremont Canning Company Fremont, Mich. Frost Gear & Forge Company Jackson, Mich. Fuel Saving Heater Corporation Windsor, Out. 46 FIRST REPORT Fuller's Earth Company of America Detroit, Mich. Fuller & Sons Manufacturing Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Gaffke Realty & Building Company Hamtramck, Mich. Gage Printing Company, Ltd Battle Creek, Mich. Galbraith Home Company Pontiac, Mich. Gardiner Theatre Equipment Company Detroit, Mich. Gas Office Company Detroit, Mich. Gas Oil Stove Company Detroit, Mich. Gajdord Stores Company Detroit, Mich. General Casualty & Surety Company Detroit, Mich. General Stores Companj' of Pontiac Pontiac, Mich. General Stores Corporation Ypsilanti, Mich. German American Book Company Detroit, Mich. Gibson Mandolin Guitar Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Glaser Bros., Inc Detroit, Mich. Gleaner Clearing House Association Detroit, Mich. Globe Realt}" Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Golden Age Junior Mining Company Lansing, Mich. Golden Belt Refining Company Oklahoma City, Okla. Goodale Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Goodj^ear Tire & Rubber Company Akron, Ohio. Graham Roller Bearing Company Coudersport, Penn. Grand Boulevard Theatre Company Detroit, Mich. Grand Ledge Milk Company Grand Ledge, Mich. Grand Rapids Magnetic Mineral Water Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids Savings Building Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids Varnish Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids Wholesale Groceiy Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids Wood Finishing Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Traverse Fruit Company Detroit, Mich. Grange Life Assurance Association Lansing, Mich. Grant Motor Car Corporation Findlay, Ohio. Gratiot Central Market Company Detroit, Mich. Great Lakes Stone & Lime Company .Alpena, Mich. Greenfield Improvement & Sales Company. . . .Detroit. Mich. Great Lakes Transportation Company Midland, Canada. Green-Whiles Mail Order House Detroit, Mich. Greilick Manufacturing Company Traverse City, Mich. Grocers' Baking Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Guarant}^ Title & Mortgage Company Flint, Mich. Guardian Frigerator Company Detroit, Mich. Hachmuth Pure Food Company . . Comstock Park, Mich. Hackett Motor Car Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Hall, (C. M.) Lamp Company Detroit, Mich. Hall, (W. F.) Printing Company Chicago, 111. Hamilton Motors Company Grand Haven, Mich. Hancock Public Hospital '. . . Hancock, Mich. Hanover Farmers' Co-Operative Association . . . Hanover, Mich. Hardie Manufacturing Company Hudson, Mich. Harris Bros. Seed Company Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Harris & Warren Amusement Company Wyandotte, Mich. MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 47 Harrouii Motors Corporation Wilniiiif^ton, Delaware. Harrow, (A. T.) Tractor Company Detroit, Mich. Haskelite Manufacturing Company Grand llapids, Mich. Hasseldahl-Lanc Company Detroit, Mich. Hawthorne Paper Company . . . .' Kahimazoo, Mich. Hayes-Ionia Company Ionia, Mich. Hayes Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. Heath Carbureter (^Corporation New York, N. Y. Hemingway (H. C.) & Company Syracuse, N. Y. Henderson Co-Operative Elevator Company. . .Ihniderson, Mich. Hermitage Realty Company. Grand Rapids, Mich. Herzog Art Furniture Company Saginaw, Mich. Heystek & Canfield Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Hidden Treasure Mining & Leasing Company. . . Colo. Springs, Colo. Higrade Motors Company Portland, Maine. Hilke Baking Company Detroit, Mich. Hill-Curtis Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Hillsdale Warehouse Company Hillsdale, Mich. Holland Aniline Company Holland, Mich. Holland Shoe Company Holland, Mich. Holland-St. Louis Sugar Company Holland, Mich. Holzworth Company Buffalo, N. Y. Home Builders Flint, Mich. Home Furnace Company. Holland Mich. Hoosier Construction Company Detroit,, Mich. Houscman-Spitzlej' Corporation Detroit, Mich. Howell Electric Motors Company Howell, Mich. Hydraulic Oil Systems Corporation Detroit, Mich. Imperial Chemical Company . .Grand Rapids, Mich. Industrial Terminal Corporation Detroit, Mich. Inland Metals Products Company Detroit, Mich. International Milk Products Company Detroit, Mich. International Money Machine Company .Terre Haute, Ind. Inter-State Fire Insurance Company Detroit, Mich. Inter-State Oil Company Los Angeles, Cal. Invader Oil & Refining Company Muskogee, Okla. Jackson Co-Operative Realty Company Jackson, Mich. Jackson ^Munitions Corporation Jackson, Mich. Jefferson Hall Company Detroit, Mich. Jefferson Hotel Company Detroit, :\Iich. Jeffery-Dewitt Company Hamtramck, Mich. Jennings Piano Company Ann Arbor, Mich. Jerome Victor Extension Copper Company. . . .Laurium, Mich. Jones-Regan Company Detroit, Mich. Kalamazoo Co-Operative Society Kalamazoo, Mich. Kalamazoo Corset Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Kalamazoo Gravel & Sand Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Kalamazoo Ice & Fuel Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Kalamazoo Laundry Company •. . Kalamazoo, Mich. Kalamazoo Loose Leaf Binder Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Kalamazoo Malleable Iron Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Kalamazoo Paper Company Kalamazoo, Mich. 48 FIRST REPORT Kalamazoo Railway Supply Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Kalamazoo Stationery Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Kalamazoo Telegraph Press Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Company. . . .Kalamazoo, Mich. Keenan Construction Company Detroit, Mich. Kelly Real Estate Company Iron River, Mich. Kelly-Roth Company Chicago, 111. Kent State Garage & Supply Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Kenwood Gardens Land Company Detroit, Mich. Kilgus Realty Company Detroit, Mich. King Oil CJompany Seattle, Wash. Kitchigami Gold Development Company Calumet, Mich. Koering Cyaniding Process Company Detroit, Mich. Koppin Realty Investment Company Detroit, Mich. Labadie-Russell Motion Picture Productions, Inc Detroit, Mich. LaBell Funeral Service, Inc Detroit, Mich. Ladd, (John W.) Company Detroit, Mich. Lakeside Cranberry Company Alpena, Mich. Lane Motor Truck Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Lansing Body Company Lansing, Mich. Lansing Chemical Company Lansing, Mich. Lansing Foundry Company .Lansing, Mich. Lape (Dr.) Veterinary Company Adrian, Mich. Lapham, (S. D.) & Company, Inc Dearborn, Mich. Larrowe Realty Company Detroit, Mich. LaSalle Extension University Chicago, 111. Lawrence Co-Operative Company Lawrence, Mich. Lenhart Bros. Lunch Company Detroit, Mich. Leonard, (H. R.) Furniture Company Detroit, Mich. Leonard Tractor Company Detroit, Mich. Leonard Warehouses, Inc Detroit, Mich. Lewis-Geer Manufacturing Company. ....... . Ypsilanti, Mich. Lincoln Motor Company Detroit, Mich. Lincoln Scjuare Building Company Detroit, Mich. Lin-Del Company, Inc Buffalo, N. Y. Linderman Steel & Machine Company Muskegon, Mich. Lindquist, (Francis O.) Company '. Grand Rapids, Mich. Litho-Marble Company Detroit, Mich. Litliuanian Co-Operative Association Detroit, Mich. Litscher, (C. J.) Electric Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Little Wonder Stove Company Detroit, Mich. Lock-Tite Manufacturing Company Battle Creek, Mich. Lo-Vis Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Luck Tire & Manufacturing Company Jonesville, Mich. Mack (Joseph Mack) Printing House, Inc Detroit, Mich. Mackie-Olney Company Detroit, Mich. Magic Wax-Shoe Polish Company, Inc Pontiac, Mich. Maino Machine Tool Company . . . ■ Jackson, Mich. Manchester Apartment Company Detroit, Mich. Manistique Cooperage Company Manistique, Mich. Manophone Corporation Adrian, Mich. MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 40 Manufacturers Home Supply Company Detroit, Mich. Manufacturer Publishing Company Detroit, Mich. Mapl-Flake Mills Battle Creek, Mi(;h^ Marlette Farmers Co-Operative Elevator Company Marlette, Mich. Marolf-Oberg Real Estate Company Iron River, Mich. Marquette National Fire Insurance Company. . .Chicago, 111. Marshall Castings Company South Haven, Mich. Mason Tire & Rubber Company Cleveland, Ohio. Maximotor Company Detroit, Mich. Maxine Theatre Company, Inc Detroit, Mich. McCord Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. McCuen-Reynolds Company Jackson, Mich. McDonough Automatic Regulator Company. . .Detroit, Mich. McKeighan Auto Sales Company Flint, Mich. McLen Printing Company Detroit, Mich. Melling Forging Company Lansing, Mich. Menominee Electric Manufacturing Company. .Chicago, 111. Merchants Baking Company Detroit, Mich. Merchants Publishing Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Metal Sign Board Advertising Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Metropolitan Builders Highland Park, Mich. Michigan Silver Black Fox Company Gaylord, Mich. Michigan Associates Detroit, Mich. Michigan Bond & Mortgage Company, Ltd Detroit, Mich. Michigan Brass & Electric Company Lansing, Mich. Michigan Carton Company Battle Creek, Mich. Midland Casualty Company Chicago, 111. Michigan City Ice & Cold Storage Company. . . . Michigan City, Ind. Michigan Crown Fender Company Ypsilanti, Mich. Michigan Dairy Products Association Edmore, Mich. Michigan Drop Forge Company Pontiac, Mich. Michigan Employers Casualty Company Lansing, Mich. Michigan Hearse & Motor Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Michigan Live Stock Insurance Company Saginaw, Mich. Michigan Loan Society of Delaware Philadelphia, Pa. Michigan MiUtary Academy Island Lake, Mich. Midway Mining & Milling Company Patmiin, Arizona. Michigan Motor Specialties Company Detroit, Mich. Michigan No-Break Egg Carrier Company Detroit, Mich. Michigan Silo Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Michigan Zinc Coat Company Detroit, Mich. Mineral Oil Paint Company Detroit, Mich. Minook Gold Dredging Company Seattle, \Vasli. Mitchell Motors Company, Inc New York iV \ . Modern Apartments Company Detroit, Mich. Monarch Rubber Company Chicago, 111. Monorail Company of America Detroit, Mich. Monroe Binder Board Company Monroe, ^lich. Monroe Motor Company Pontiac, Mich Moose Bay Fur & Trading Company Tacoma, Wash. 50 FIRST REPORT Morse-Beauregard Manufacturing Company. . .Detroit, Mich. Morse Investment Company Detroit, Mich. Most-Houghton Company Detroit, Mich. Motor Products Corporation Detroit & New York. Motschall Company Detroit, Mich. Mt. Clemens Driving Club Mt. Clemens, Mich. Mt. Clemens Pottery Club Mt. Clemens, Mich. Mt. Morris Co-Operative Elevator Company . . . Mt. Morris, Mich. Mulkey Salt Company Detroit, Mich. Muskegon Home Building Company Muskegon, Mich. Mutual Construction Company . .Detroit, Mich. Mutual Land Company Detroit, Mich. National Automatic Music Company Grand Rapids, Mich. National Cooperage Company Detroit, Mich. National Corset Company Kalamazoo, Mich. National Educational Bureau Ypsilanti, Mich. National Hearse & Motor Company Grand Rapids, Mich. National Incinerating & Columbarium Associa- tion Detroit, Mich. National Lumber & Manufacturing Company. .Detroit, Mich. National Mileometer Company, Ltd Detroit, Mich. Neal, (J. M.) Amusement Company Lansing, Mich. Nelson-Blanck Manufacturing Company Hamtramck, Mich. Nelson, (E. A.) Motor Car Company Detroit, Mich. Nelson-Matter Furniture Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Newcomb-Endicott Company Detroit, Mich. New Egyptian Portland Cement Company .... Detroit, Mich. New Era Building Company Detroit, Mich. Newness Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. Newport Mining Company Portland, Maine. Newton Packing Company Detroit, Mich. Noble, (Chas. F.) Oil & Gas Company Tulsa, Oklahoma. North American Timber Holding Company. . . .Chicago, 111. Northeastern Detroit Amusement Company . . . Detroit, Mich. Northern. Ohio Electric Corporation New York, N. Y. Northern Redwood Lumber Company Korbel, Cal. Northway Realty Investment Company ■. .Detroit, Mich. Northwestern Ranch & Cattle Company Detroit, Mich. Northern Sugar Corporation Detroit, Mich. Nyal Company Detroit, Mich. Oliver-Hanson Company Alpena, Mich. One Hundred Associates Company Highland Park, Mich. Oregon Strong Ledge Mining Company Charlotte, Mich. Orpheum Theatre, Inc Detroit, Mich. Otsego Land Corporation Otsego, Mich. Ozan-Graysonia Lumber Company Prescott, Arizona. Ozark Coal Mining Company Tacoma, Wash. Paalman Furniture Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Packard Motor Car Company Detroit, Mich. Palace Theatre Company Detroit, Mich. Palmer Gauge Company Jackson, Mich. Pantlind Building Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Panthnd Hotel Company Grand Rapids, Mich. MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 01 Park-American Realty Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Park (A. B.) Dry Goods Company Adrian, Mich. Park View Tavern Detroit, Mich. Parker Rust Proof Company of America Detroit, Mich. Pathfinder Company Indianapolis, Ind. Patterson ]\Ianufactm-ing Company Holly, Mich. Peerless Paper Company Dayton, Ohio. Peninsular Fire Insurance Company Saginaw, Mich. Peninsular Guardian Life & Accident Insurance Company Detroit, Mich. Penn Timber Company Warren, Pa. Peoples Securities Company Detroit, Mich. Peoples Store Building Company Manistique, Mich. Perfection Coil Spring Company Jackson, Mich. Perfection Devices Manufacturing Company. . .Detroit, Mich. Petoskey Portland Cement Company Petoskey, Mich. Phillips Metallic Hose Company. . ." Jackson, Mich. Pioneer Trailer Corporation Detroit, Mich. Piqua Handle & Manufacturing Company Piqua, Ohio. Planet Steam Specialty Company Detroit, Mich. Plattesville Consolidated Lead & Zinc Mining Co Beloit, Wis. Plymouth Motor Castings Company Plymouth, Mich. Polish Union Fire Insurance Company Chicago, 111. Pollock, Pettibone & Company Detroit, Mich. Polonia Theatre Company Detroit, Mich. Portage Point Association Grand Rapids, Mich. Porter Manufacturing Company Ann Arbor, Mich. Powers National Oil Company Detroit, Mich. Pregulman Brothers Packing Company Lansing, Mich. Productive Building Company Detroit, Mich. Prudential Mortgage Company Detroit, Mich. Pudrith (E. H.) Company Detroit, Mich. Pullau Steel Spring Company Mt. Clemens, Mich. Purity Candy Company Battle Creek, Mich. Ramsey-Alton Manufacturing Company Portland, Mich. Rational Remedy Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Real Estate Holding Company Detroit, ]\Iich. Redpath Chautauquas Chicago, 111. Reeman Co-Operative Creamery Company. . . .Reeman, Mich. Regal Collieries, Limited Taber, Alberta, Canada Regent Manufacturing Company : Detroit, Mich. Regent Theatre Company Detroit, Mich. Republic Motor Truck Company Alma, Mich. Retail Adding Machine Sales Company Detroit, Mich. Rex Paper Company Comstock, Mich. Hialto Theatres Corporation Detroit, Mich. Richardson Garment Company Kalamazoo. Mich. River Raisin Paper Company Monroe, Mich. Riverview Coated Paper Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Roach (W. R.) & Company Hart, Mich. Roberts (H. C.) Storage & Transfer Company. . . Detroit, Mich. 52 FIRST REPORT Rockwood & Company Brooklyn, N. Y. Rosedale Park Land Company Detroit, Mich. Roseland Park Cemetery Association Detroit, Mich. Rouse Folding Crate Company, Inc Detroit, Mich. Rowe (Henry) Manufactm'ing Company Newaygo, Mich. Rudy Furnace Company , Dowagiac, Mich. Safety Changer Company Detroit, Mich. Saginaw Hippodrome Amusement Company. . .Saginaw, Mich. ! Saginaw Motor Car Company Saginaw, Mich. i Saginaw Plate Glass Company Saginaw, Mich. | Saginaw Shipbuilding Company Saginaw, Mich. i Saginaw Valley Ginseng Company Saginaw, Mich. ; Saginaw Wood Products Company Gaylord, Mich. j Sanitary Steam Flat Iron Company Detroit, Mich. ^ Sauer (C. A.) Company ■ Ann Arbor, Mich. , Savigny Company Detroit, Mich. ! Schau Cone Tire Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Schmid (O. F.) Chemical Company Jackson, Mich. -. Sebewaing Co-Operative Association Sebewaing, Mich. , Security Life Insurance Company of Canada . . . Montreal, Canada. , Security Mortgage Company of America St. Paul, Minn. ; Seneca Co-Operative Association Seneca, Mich. ! Service Auto Equipment Company Detroit, Mich. Service Products Machine Company Detroit, Mich. i Shakespeare Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Shank Fireproof Storage Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Shuswap Timber Company Detroit, Mich. Signal Motor Truck Company Detroit, Mich. i SIhca Brick Company Detroit, Mich. Silver Star Coal Company Kalamazoo, Mich. , Smith (C. A.) Timber Company Bay Point, Cal. ; Smith (Harley) Furniture Company Grand Rapids, Mich. ; Smith (Joseph N.) & Company Detroit, Mich. Southern Trust Company McAlester, Oklahoma. South Haven Co-Operative Society South Haven, Mich. , Sparta Condensed Milk Company Sparta, Mich. . Spranger Wire Wheel Company Detroit, Mich. ] Square Turn Tractor Company Chicago, 111. ] St. Clair Brick Company Detroit, Mich. ^ St. John Arbors Company Detroit, Mich. ! Stafford Printing Company Detroit, Mich. ] Standard Computing Scale Company Detroit, Mich. i Standard Gravel Company Pontiac, Mich. Standard Mortgage & Investment Company . . . Detroit, Mich. Standard Real Estate Company Lansing, Mich. Standard Royalties Company Okmulgee, Okla. Standard Sulphur Corporation Detroit, Mich. Standard Tool & Manufacturing Company .... Detroit, Mich. Star Land Company Detroit, Mich. States Motor Car Manufacturing Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Stearns (Frederick) & Company Detroit, Mich Steel Age Manufacturing Company Battle Creek, Mich. Stoll Printing House Detroit, Mich. MICIIIOAX SECUKITIES COMMISSION Stone Products Company Muskof^on, Mich. Strand Theatre, Incorporated Detroit, Mich. Strasbur^-Miller Company Detroit, Mich. Sturgis Steel Go-Cart Company Stiirgis, Midi. Sullivan Packing Company Detroit, Mich. Superior Ore Milling Corporation Hancock, Mich. Superior Steel Castings Company Benton Harl)or, Mich. Superior Wholesale Grocery Company.. Detroit, Mich. Svensgaard (Harry) Sales Corporation Detroit, Mich. Swan Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. Sweeney-Huston Company Detroit, Mich, Taite Manufacturing Company Niles, Mich. Taneha Oil Lot Development Company St. Louis, Mo. Tarabusi Realty Company Detroit, Mich. Tavern Hotel Company Detroit, Mich. Tecumseh Co-Operative Association Tecumseh, Mich. Theatre DeLuxe Company Detroit, Mich. Tigchon Land Company Detroit, Mich. Timken-Detroit Axle Company Detroit, Mich. Tisch Auto Supply Company Grand Rapids, Mich. To war Cotton Mills, Inc Detroit, Mich. To wars Wayne County Creamery Companj^ . . . Detroit, Mich. Tower Motor Truck Company'- Greenville, Mich. Triangle Motor Truck Company of Michigan. .St. Johns, Mich. Trippensee Manufacturing Compan}^ Detroit, Mich. Tri-State Co-Operative Association Montgomery, Mich. Truck (W. S.) Compan}^ Birmingham, Mich. Trenton Grain & Elevator Company Monroe, Mich. Trussed Concrete Steel Company Detroit, Mich. Traverse Citj^ Motor Car Company Traverse City, Mich. Tuller Hotel Company Detroit, Mich. U-Eat-A Lunch Companj^ Detroit, Mich. Underwriters Sales Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Union Home Builders Detroit, Mich. Union Trust Company, for Anderson Electric Car Co Detroit, Mich. Union Trust Company, for Joseph H. Berry Estate Detroit, ]\Iich. United Agenc}^ Chicago, 111. United Cash Grocerj^ Corporation Grand Rapids, ]\Iich. United Electrical Manufacturing Company. . . .Adrian, Mich. United Fuel & Supply Company Detroit, Mich. United Oil Co. of Kentucky Detroit, Mich. U. S. Auto Supply Store Company Detroit, Mich. U. S. Mortgage Bond Company Detroit, Mich. U. S. Pressed Steel Company Ypsilanti, Mich. United Reed & Fiber Company Ionia, Mich. United Vending Company Grand Jiapids, Mich. Universal Auto Top Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Universal Car Equipment Company Detroit, Mich. Universal Oil & Gas Company Pittsl>urgh, Pa. Universal Stores Corporation Chicago, 111. rA FIRST REPORT , \ Universal Valveless Four Cycle Motor Company Grand Rapids, Mich. j University Club Building Company St. Louis, Mo. Utility Compressor Company . .Detroit, Mich. j Van Alstyn (A. T.) Company Grand Rapids, Mich. ^ Van Blerck Motor Company Monroe, Mich. ] Veit Manufacturing Company .Holland, Mich. | Verde Hub Copper Company Decatur, HI., and Jerome, Arizona. , Vernor, (James) Company Detroit, Mich. j Victor Wire Wheel Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Vinton Company Detroit, Mich. ] Virginia Ochre Corporation Grand Rapids, Mich. ] Vulcan Drop Forge Company Sandusky, Ohio. Vyking Refrigerator Company Niles, Mich. ' Walker Brothers Catering Company Detroit, Mich. Walker Universal Joint Company Detroit, Mich. Washington Iron Company Marquette, Mich. : Watervliet Paper Company Watervliet, Mich. Wa-Ba-Va-Nes-Ta Medicine & Drug Company. Bay City, Mich. : Waukesha Glen Rock Mineral Springs Company Waukesha, Wis. Wayne County Loan & Realty Company Detroit, Mich. j Weed, Gordon & Company Detroit, Mich. j Weis Manufacturing Company Monroe, Mich. ] Welch Furniture Company Grand Haven, Mich. j Wellesley Apartment Company Detroit, Mich. j West Calhoun Co-Operative Company East Leroy, Mich. West Chapin Mines Company Iron Mountain, Mich. : Western Building Company Detroit, Mich. White Pigeon Coated Paper Company Kalamazoo, Mich. ; White Pine Extension Copper Company Detroit, Mich. White Star Refining Company Detroit, Mich. Whitewater Ranch Fruit Company Detroit, Mich. ' Wilcke-Armstrong Company Detroit, Mich. i Williams Iron Company Detroit, Mich. ' Williams (W. E.) Company Traverse City, Mich. ; Wilhng (H. L.) Company Detroit, Mich. ] Wilson (J. C.) Company Detroit, Mich. ' Windsor Upholstering Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Wolverine Brass Works Grand Rapids, Mich. j Wolverine Car & Tractor Company Detroit, Mich. J Wolverine Coal Company . .Saginaw, Mich. 'i Wolverine Creamery Products Company Detroit, Mich. ; Wolverine Motor Car Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Wolverine Paper Company Otsego, Mich. | Wolverine Textile Mills Ann Arbor, Mich. j Wood (G. H.) Paper Company Monroe, Mich. ; Wright Carson Company Gladwin, Mich. Zanger (G. W.) Realty Company Detroit, Mich. j Zimmers Dairy Service Station Detroit, Mich. \ Note: — Status of Companies appearing as APPROVED changes from : time to time through revocation of licenses and therefore the latest \ bulletins and supplements issued by the Department should be followed. | MICHIGAN SEC^UlilTIES COMMISSION BOND ISSUES APPROVED BY THE MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION. Jacob Adler & Benjamin Rush, Collingwood Apts Detroit, Mich. Jacob Adler & Benjamin Rush, Alger Apts. . . .Detroit, Mich. Jacob Adler & Benjamin Rush, Brainard Apts. . . Detroit, Mich. Jacob Adler & Benjamin Rush, Pioneer Apts.. .Detroit, Mich. Wm. J. Andrews, Burton Apts Detroit, Mich. Ralph Appleman, St. Antoine Apts Detroit, Mich. August Barak, et al., Delaware Court Apts. . . .Detroit, Mich. August Barak, et al., Seward & Wilson Aves .... Detroit, Mich. Julius Berman, Farnum Bldg Detroit, Mich. Julius Berman, et al., Forest Ave. & St. Antoine. Detroit, Mich. Ernest Bergman, et al., Rex-Arms Apts. ..... .Detroit, Mich. Bigelow Company, Hancock & John R. Sts . . . .Detroit, Mich. Henry L. Bowles, Store Building Detroit, Mich. Robert F. Church, Racine Terminal Bldg Racine, Wis. Sherman T. Cooper, Coop^r-Monatah Bldg. . . .Chicago, 111. Sherman T. Cooper, Hotel Richmond Chicago, 111. W. Harry Courtaine, Courtaine Apts Detroit, Mich. Aloysia & Maurice Curren, Minerva Apts Chicago, II'. Harry Davidson, et. al., Holcomb & Lorman Aves Detroit, Mich. Henry Frank, et. al., Greenfield Apt. Bldg Detroit, Mich. Morris Friedman & Jos. Roth Grand Rai)ids, Mich George P. Goeble, Rosenwald & Weil Bldg Chicago, 111. Chas. & Max Hamburger, Grand Oak Bldg Detroit, INIich. Chas. & Max Hamburger, Richton Bldg Detroit, Mich. Samuel & Esther Harris, Penn. & Warren Aves. .Detroit, Mich. Earl I. Hecnan, Apartment Bldg Detroit, Mich. Edward J. Hickev, et. al., Detroit, Mich. Harry Lewis, et. al., Lewis Apt. Bldg Detroit,. Mich. John & Charlotte Mclnnis, LaFayette Apts (^hicago, PI. Mrs. Chas. McMahon, et al., LaSalle Garden Apt Detroit, Mich. Wm. A. Montgomery, et al., Montgomery Apts. Detroit, Mich. Jacob Newman, Birmingham Apts Detroit, Mich. New York City District Realty Corporation. . .Now York, X. ^ . New Washington Improvomont Company, New Washington Hotel Seattle, Wash. Henry F. & Anna F. Peabody, Pcabody Apts. .Detroit, Mich. Samiicl Plotkin, et al., Fort William Apts Detroit, Midi. Samuel Rabinowitch & Louis Stoll, Parsons St. Detroit, Mich. Elwyn W. Sevmour, Milwaukee Terminal Bldg. Milwaukee, Wis. George H. Shank, Shank Warehouses Chicago, 111. George H. Shank, Shank Annex Warehouse. Chicago, 111. 56 FIRST REPORT 7 : Harry W. Sisson, Sissoii Apt. Hotel Bldg Chicago, 111. Chas. C. Smith, "Villa Lante" Apts Detroit, Mich. Louis Stoll, LaSalle Bldg Detroit, Mich. Harold & Peter Trunsky, Warwick Apts Detroit, Mich. 229 Lake Shore Drive, Inc., The Shoreland .... Chicago, 111. Estate of Francis Palms, Book Bldg Detroit, Mich. ^ Nathaniel Victor & Harry Lipshitz, Peterboro Apts Detroit, Mich. Barney Wetsman & Mose Lipsitz, LesHe Bldg. . Detroit, Mich. Joseph Wetsman, Frederick Bldg Detroit, Mich. i John S. Wilson, et al., Wilson Building Lansing, Mich. INVESTMENT COMPANIES DISAPPROVED BY THE MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION. Air-0-Lite Company Cincinnati, Ohio. American Finance & Bond Company Birmingham, Alabama. Artone Film Company Detroit, Mich. Austro-Hungarian Land Company Detroit, Mich. Ben MacDhui Health Resort Company Whitehall, Mich. ' British Northwestern Fire Insurance Company . Detroit, Mich. j Chaussee Manufacturing Company Detroit, Mich. j Commonwealth Finance Corporation Pierre, South Dakota. Commonwealth Mortgage Company .'.Minneapolis, Minn. Developments Corporation of Detroit, Real ■ Estate Exchange Bldg Detroit, Mich. Detroit Pneumatic Tire Company Detroit, Mich. Dillon Oil Company Butte, Montana. [ •Dodge Motor Car Company Detroit, Mich. \ Espranza Mining Company ■: . Cedar, Mich. Excelsior Smokeless Stove Company. Detroit, Mich. Gold Cup Mining Company Central City, Col. Harmon Coal Company Chicago, 111. < Lake Superior Land Company Marquette, Mich. Luxmore Company Dover, Del. ; Marshall Castings Company (Bonds) Marshall, Mich. Mutual Investment & Improvement Associa- tion Marshall, Mich. National Aerial Navigation & Equipment Company Detroit, Mich. i Orleans Flake Graphite Company New Orleans, La. j Reo Motor Car Company of Canada.. . .■ St. Catherines, Ont. Sentanel Remedies Company Cincinnati, Ohio. Shoshoni Oil Company Royal Oak, Mich. Tropical Development Company Detroit, Mich. Waco-Schaffer Motor Company Detroit, Mich. j Waterbury, James L. Company Minneapolis, Minn. ! Weed Differential-Rotary Motor Company. . . .Detroit, Mich. • Weis Fibre Container Corporation Monroe, Mich. j MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 57 LICENSES REVOKED. American Rapid Cyanidiiig Company Detroit, Mich. Charlevoix Rock Products Company Charlevoix, Mich. Cort Film Corporation New York, N. Y. Detroit-Colonial Theatre Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit-Wyandotte Motor Truck Company Wyandotte,, Mich. Gem Motor Car Corporation Grand Rapids, Mich. Lawton Basket Company Lawton, Mich. Menominee Electric Manufacturing Company . . Menominee, Mich. National Building Construction Company Detroit, Mich. Niles Invisible Door Check Company Niles, Mich. Price Merchants Syndicate Minneapolis, Minn. Wayne Tractor Company Detroit, Mich. APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN SINCE ORGANIZATION OF COMMISSION. A. L. A. Tire Company Detroit, Mich. Alabama Southern Oil Company Chicago, 111. Alfo Products Company Detroit, Mich. Arizona Virginia Copper Company Prescott, Arizona. Automobile Boat Mfg. Company Chicago, 111. Bay State Oil & Gas Company Kansas City, Mo. Beneficial Loan Society Newark, N. J. Bluff Creek Oil & Gas Company Tulsa, Oklahoma. Buckhorn & Boulder Mining Company Mesa, Col. Butte-Detroit Copper & Zinc Mining Company .Boston, Mass. Central Wyoming Oil Company Wilmington, Del. Cleopatra Copper & Gold Mines Company .... Phoenix, Arizona. C. L. 0. Land Company Detroit, Mich. Cigar Machine Corporation of America Baltimore, Md. Club Farms & Town Development Syndicate . . . Chicago, 111. Cowles-McDowell Pneumobile Company Chicago, 111. Detroit Pressed Steel Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Serving Machine Company Detroit, Mich. Detroit Zoological Society Detroit, Mich. Dowagiac Drill Company Dowagiac, Mich. Eidson Air Products Company Baltimore, Md. Electra Oil & Pipe Line Company Dallas, Texas. Ensign Yellow Pine Company Wetumpka, Ala. Ferndale Cemetery Association Wj^andotte, Mich. Fremont County Power Company Kansas City, Mo. Gemmer-Detroit Starter Company Detroit, JVIich. Gibson Consolidated Copper Company Wilmington, Del. Grand Rapids Wholesale Grocery Company. ...Grand Rapids, Mich. Guaranty Bond & Mortgage Corporation Detroit, Mich. Hotel Hamilton Corporation New York, N. Y. Inter-County Co-Operative Packing Company. . New Richmonti, \\ is. Ivy Pictures Corporation Detroit, Mich. William E. King Company Detroit, Mich. Mesa-Colorado Oil Company Boston, Mass. Morse-Knap Tire & Rubber Company Detroit,. Mich. 58 FIRST REPORT j 1 National Oxygen Company Chicago, 111. | National Process Fuel Company Detroit, Mich. National Pure Water Company Detroit, Mich. I Palm Development Company Coachella, Cal. j Pan-American Motors Corporation Chicago, 111. j Pas Consolidated Mines Company Winnipeg, Canada. \ Perpetual Motion Power Heat & Light ' Company Detroit, Mich. \ Producers & Refiners Corporation Denver, Col. ' Pull-More Motor Truck Company Detroit, Mich. [ Redpath Chautauquas Chicago, 111. i Riley-Schubert-Grossman Company Chicago, 111. I Russell Pharmaceutical & Instrument Company. Pueblo, Col. \ Scientific Farming Machinery Company MinneapoHs, Minn. ■ Self-Adjusting Bearing Company Detroit, Mich. ■ Sherman Carbide Company Pittsburg, Pa. '. Thermophore Manufacturing Company Kalamazoo, Mich. Charles Truax Company Chicago, 111. j United States Copper Company Hanover, New Mexico. j United States Mortgage Bond Company Detroit, Mich. i Universal Machine Company Detroit, Mich. j Homer F. Wilcox Syndicate Tulsa, Oklahoma. ; Woodlawn Trust & Savings Bank Chicago, 111. C. R. Wilson Body Company Bay City, Mich. LICENSED DEALERS ] UNDER : ACT 46, PUBLIC ACTS OF 1915. | Dealers, Agents of Dealers and Agents of Approved Companies are issued Licenses when permission is granted them to sell securities. ■ Andrews Company Detroit & Chicago. i Andrews-Hanrahan Company Detroit, Mich. j Andrews, Heenan & Company Detroit, Mich. : Anger, F. C Detroit, Mich. ' Anstey, (S. J.) Company Detroit, Mich. j Appleby, Benjamin G Saginaw, Mich. Armstrong, A. Grant Detroit, Mich. Austin, J. F. & Company Detroit, Mich. Bailey, W. N . Saginaw, Mich. ■ Baker, H. B Detroit, Mich. : Baker, Ayling & Young Boston, Mass. I Barnes, J. William Detroit, Mich. ! Barry- Wilson Company Milwaukee, Wis. | Bennett, Smith & Company Detroit, Mich. | Berger, Charles Pratt Jackson, Mich. ' Besner, Cramer & Muehl Detroit, Mich. j Binkhorst, D. & Company Kalamazoo, Mich. I Bolger, Mosser & Willaman Chicago, 111. i Bonbright & Company Chicago & Detroit. , MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 59 Bradford, Walter T Detroit, Mich. Breed, Elliott & Harrison Chicago, 111. Breitung & Company New York & Marquette. Brewer, E. C. & Company Chicago, 111. Brewer, F. A. & Company Chicago, 111. Brook, Charles L Ann Arbor, Mich. Buell, Elbert L Detroit, Mich. Buick, Thomas D Detroit, Mich. Bumpiis & Company Detroit, Mich. Burdick-Thomas Company Detroit, Mich. Burger (John) Company Detroit, Mich. Burr, George H. & Company Chicago & New York. Carlyle & Povah Detroit, Mich. Chalfont, A. R. & Company Detroit, Mich. Child & Company New York, N. Y. Clark, Edward H. & Company Detroit, Mich. Clark, E. W. & Company Philadelphia, Pa. Coleman, R. E. & Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Colton, Frank S. & Wm. C. Jacobs Detroit, Mich. Compton, William R. Investment Company ... St. Louis, Mo. Conshafter, John N Milwaukee, Wis. Continental & Commercial Trust & Savings Bank Chicago, 111. Couls, S. W. & Company Detroit, Mich. Counselman & Company Chicago, 111. Crawford, Stanton C Detroit, Mich. Currier, I. Lewis Detroit, Mich. Cutler, Harold A Grand Rapids, Mich. Dahms, Edward J Detroit, Mich. Davis-Burger Company Chicago, 111. Davison Company Boston, Mass. Davidson, R. S. & Company Detroit, Mich. Davies, Karl R. & Company Detroit, Mich. DenBleyker & Olmsted Kalamazoo, Mich. Detroit Trust Company Detroit, Mich. Deuel & Sawall Grand Rapids, Mich. Devitt, Tremble & Company Chicago & Detroit. Dodd, Martin & Company Detroit, Mich. Donovan, William & Company Lansing, Mich. Draper Brothers Chicago & Toledo, Elston, Clifford & Company Chicago, 111. Equitable Finance Corporation Detroit, Mich. Federal Bond & Mortgage Company Detroit, Mich. Field, Richards & Company Detroit & Cincinnati, O. First & Old Detroit National Bank Detroit, Mich. Fish, Albert H Saginaw, Mich. Fisher, Johnson Detroit, Mich. Forshee & Kuehnle Ann Arbor, Micii. Fries, Edgar D Detroit, Mich. Frost, John C Detroit, Mich. 60 FIRST REPORT Fuller, E. M. & Company New York, N. Y. Gardner & Dresser Detroit, Mich. : Garlinghouse, B. A Detroit, Mich. Gaylord Company Cleveland, Ohio. i Gerhauser, W. H. & Company Detroit, Mich. : Glendon, John P Detroit, Mich. Gorton, Lewis G Detroit, Mich. j Gowman, C. H Detroit, Mich. ■ Grand Rapids Trust Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Hallgarten & Company New York, N. Y. j Halsey, Stuart & Company Chicago, 111. i Hamhn, W. A. & Company Detroit, Mich. Harbridge & Company Detroit, Mich. • Harriman & Company New York, N. Y. ' Harris, Mark Buffalo, N. Y. I Harris & Company Chicago, 111. Harris Fiscal Company St. Paul & Detroit. ] Harris Trust & Savings Bank Chicago, 111. j Haynes & Huffman Detroit, Mich. j Hemphill, White & Chamberlain New York, N. Y. '{ Henry, Frank J Kalamazoo, Mich. i Hill, R. Richardson & Company Saginaw & New York. Hilliker, Perkins & Everett Grand Rapids, Mich. : Hirschman, Irving L Detroit, Mich. 1 Hobbs, Henry Kalamazoo, Mich. j Hodenpyl, Hardy & Company Chicago, 111. J Hoehler, F. C. & Company Toledo, Ohio. Holtz, H. T. & Company Chicago, 111. j Hood, A. J. & Company Detroit, Mich. Hord, Fitzsimmons & Companj^ Chicago, 111. Hornblower & Weeks Detroit, Mich. ^ Howe, Snow, Corrigan & Bertles Grand Rapids, Mich. i Hughes, W. C. & Company, Ltd Detroit, Mich. i Hulburd, Warren & Chandler Chicago, 111. ; Humphrey, W. H. & Company Detroit, Mich. ! Hyney, R. S. & Company Chicago, 111. j Imbrie, William Morris & Company New York, N. Y. j Isbell, Plant & Company Toronto, Ont. | James, William D Detroit, Mich. i Jones & Baker New York, N. Y. . Kay & Company Detroit, Mich. '■ Kean, Taylor & Company Chicago, 111. \ Keane, Higbie & Company Detroit, Mich. j Kern & Kilets Detroit, Mich. I King, Hoagland & Company Chicago, 111. I Knapp, A. W. & Company Detroit, Mich. Kusterer, A. E. & Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Lansing Investment Company Lansing, Mich. MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 61 Leach, A. B. & Company Chicago & New York. Lee, Higginson & Company Chicago, 111, Lincoln Finance Corporation Detroit & New York. Lion, David Marks New York, N. Y. Lisman, F. J. & Company New York, N. Y, Logan & Bryan New York & Chicago. MacCrone, E. E. & Company Detroit, Mich. McCoy & C'ompany Chicago, 111. McGiverin, Thomas Detroit, Mich. McLaughlin, Walter B Detroit, Mich. McLean, John F, & Company Detroit, Mich. McNab, B. A. & Company. ! Detroit, Mich. McNeal, E. & Company Chicago, 111. McNear, C. W. & Company Chicago, 111. Martin, James L. & Company Chicago, 111. Meisenheimer-Holt Corporation Detroit, Mich. Merchants Securities Company Detroit, Mich. Merrill, Ljmch & Company Detroit, Mich. Michigan Motors Securities Company Grand Rai)ids, Mich. Michigan Trust Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Miller, Albert R Detroit, Mich. Minnear, J. A. & Company Ishpeming, Mich. Mitchell, C. C. & Company Chicago, 111. Moore, Ernest H. & Company Chicago, 111. Mortgage Securities Company New Orleans, La. Moss, W. E. & Company Detroit, Mich. Murphy, Charles Raymond & Company Detroit, Mich. Myers & Jolliff Detroit, Mich. National City Company Detroit & New York. Nebe, Belden, Woodruff & Company Detroit, Mich. Neer, Wm. A. & Company Detroit, Mich. Newman, Paul A. & Company New York, N. Y. Nicol, Ford & Company Detroit, Mich. Nichols & Barry Detroit, :\Iich. Noble, H. W. & Company Detroit, Mich. Oakes, James W. & Company Grand Haven, :Mich. O'Hara, Ferriss & Company Detroit, Mich. Oliver, Francis E Detroit, Mich. Otis & Company Cleveland, O. Paine, Webber & Company Detroit, Mich. Payne, Bergeran & Company Detroit, :Mich. Peabody Bond & ^Mortgage Company Chicago, 111. Peirce, M. M Detroit, Mich. Pelton, Frank K Detroit, Mich. Perry & Posey Chicago, 111. Pitcher & Company Saginaw, Mich. Potter, King & Palmer Detroit, Mich. Powell, Garard & Company Chicago, III. Read, Wm. A. & Companv Now York, X. ^ . Reilly, WiUiam E. & Company Detroit, Mich. Robinson, M. M. & Company, Inc Detroit, Mich. 62 FIRST REPORT I 1 'Rogers, Jonathan- Spencer Detroit, Mich. ' RolHns, E. H. & Sons Chicago, 111. : Root, John Mortimer Detroit, Mich. j Rose, Wm. H. & Company Detroit, Mich. . Salomon, William & Company Chicago & New York. i Sawyer, Noble & Company Kalamazoo & Elmira, N. Y. Seagrave, F. & Company New York, N. Y. ! Security Trust Company Detroit, Mich. Sessler Company Detroit, Mich. Seymour, Dwight Lewis Detroit, Mich. Shanahan, F. H. & Company Detroit, Mich. Shapker, Waller & Company Chicago, 111. i Sheffer, A. R. & Company . . Detroit, Mich. j Shifflett, John B Cleveland, Ohio. | Sinclair, George W. & Company Detroit, Mich. j Slattery & Company New York, N. Y. i Souders, W. G. & Company Chicago, 111. ] Spitzer, Sidney & Company Toledo, Ohio. Stacy & Braun Toledo, Ohio. Stanton, K. M. Company, Inc New York, N. Y. Stettler, Paul H Detroit, Mich. Stockard, Joel & Company Detroit, Mich. Stoneham, Charles A. & Company Detroit, Mich. Stratton, Burt S Lansing, Mich. Straus, S. W. & Company Chicago & Detroit. Straus Brothers Company Detroit, Mich. Sunley, Wilham T ■ Detroit, Mich. Taylor, Ewart & Company Chicago, 111. Thomson, Jack M Detroit, Mich. Thomson & McKinnon ' Chicago, 111. Thurman, Geistert & Company Grand Rapids, Mich. Tillotson & Wolcott Company Cleveland, Ohio. Union Tmst Company i Detroit, Mich. United States Investment Company Detroit, Mich. United States Mortgage Bond Company, Ltd . . . Detroit, Mich. Ussing, Poole & Simmons, Inc Chicago, 111. VanHeest & Company Grand Rapids, Mich. VanKeuren, James Irvin Lansing, Mich. VanKeuren, Rogers, Templeton Company, Inc. .Detroit, Mich. Wagner, E. W. & Company Chicago, 111. Wallace, A. W. & Company Detroit, Mich. Walsh, John H Lansing, Mich. Wathng, Lerchen & Company Detroit, Mich. Webb, Lee & Company Detroit, Mich. Wells, Knapp & Company Detroit, Mich. Wendell, Mulkey & Company Detroit, Mich. West, Amos P Detroit, Mich. West, George M. & Company Detroit, Mich. Wheeler, F. H. & Company Detroit, Mich. MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION 63 White, George W Detroit, Mich. White, Weld & Company New York, N. Y. Whittlesey, M. B. & Company Detroit, Mich. Wills, Hamilton B Detroit & Toronto, Ont. Wilsey, R. E. & Company Chicago, 111. Winkelman, L. L. & Company New York, N. Y. DISAPPROVED. Guarantee Bond & Securities Company Detroit, Mich. 64 FIRST REPORT STOCK PLACED IN ESCROW WITH STATE TREASURER. Name of company. Number shares. Amount. Purpose and consideration. 150 5,000 50 20,000 5.000 ■2,. 500 10,000 20,100 20,000 4,000 1,794 25,000 1,000 500 1,400 2,000 400 5,100 1,000 2,200 100,001 250 50,000 200,000 500,000 1,000 2,550 17,500 5,000 3,500 2,000,000 2,500 1,285 740 26,500 11,504 37,500 1,.500 .300,005 250 1,500 1,000 4,530 1.52,272 7,500 2,501 2,500 500 600,000 1,.500 775 10,000 3.35,000 15,000 1,321 3,500 5,905 .35,000 10,000 1,500 100 589 500 1,500 20,000 2,007 1,137 1,010 3,800 1,3.50 1,012 4,, 500 3,000 70,000 500 300 2.1351 315,000 50,000 5,000 200,000 .50,000 25,000 100,000 201,000 200,000 40,000 17,940 250,000 10,000 50,000 14,000 20,000 4,000 51,000 10,000 22,000 1,000,010 25,000 50,000 200,000 500,000 10,000 255,000 175,000 50,000 35,000 10,000,000 25,000 12,850 74,000 265,000 115,040 375,000 15,000 .300,005 25,000 15,000 10,000 45,300 75! 000 25,010 25,000 ,50,000 600,000 15,000 7,750 100,000 3,. 350, 000 150,000 13,210 35,000 .59,050 .3.50,000 100,000 15,000 10,000 5,890 5,000 15,000 200,000 200, 700 11,370 10.100 38,000 13,500 101,200 45,000 .30,000 70,000 .50,000 (Life Ins. Pol.) 5,000 .30,000 21,355 Plant and equipment. Property. Aetna Motor Truck Co., Detroit, Mich Air-0-Flex Automobile Corporation, Detroit, Mich. . . Alfalfa Cereal Co., Detroit Mich License cont. All Season Body Co., Marshall, Mich American Commerce Association, Chicago, III American Motor Truck Co. Detroit Mich Manuscripts. Blue prints, designs, etc. Patent. American Rapid Cyaniding'Co., Detroit, Mich American Specialty Co., Grand Rapids, Mich Anglin (Margaret) Picture Corporation, New York City Patents. Contract. Automotive Manufacturing Co., Detroit, Mich Bay City Sand & Gravel Co., Bay City, Mich Black's Money Saving Mail Order Co., Pigeon, Mich. . . Blashfield Furnace Co. Jackson Mich Patents. Steamer "H. Houghton." Stock of goods. Patents Bowling Dental Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich Patents Buller-Millikin Co., Detroit Mich Patents Butler Iron Co. Chicago 111 Byron Typewriter Cabinet Co., Detroit, Mich Calumet Petroleum Co. Calumet Mich Patents and property. Cascade Lead-Silver Mines Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. .. . Champerado Copper Mining Co., Phoenix, Arizona. . . Clay Products Co. Detroit Mich Mining claims. Property. Property. Patents and property. Contracts and other property. Option to purchase property. Consumers Co-Operative Coal Co., Detroit, Mich Property. Detroit Heater Corporation Detroit Mich Detroit Loose Leaf Specialty'Co., Detroit, Mich Detroit Sanitary Closet Co. Detroit Mich Patent. Patents Detroit Weatherproof Body Co., Detroit, Mich Differential Clock Co., Chicago, 111 Patent rights. Doble-Detroit Steam Motors Co., Detroit, Mich Drabold-Mott Mfg. Co. Detroit Mich Property. Patents Dripping Springs Copper Co., Los Angeles, Cal Electrograph Co., Detroit Mich. . . Mining claims. Patent. Emerson Motor Truck Co. Detroit Mich Organization and experimental work Assets of cigar business. Patent. Emery Cigar Co., Battle Creek, Mich Esco Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. . Federal Syndicate Copper Co., Calumet, Mich Lease. Four Drive Tractor Co. Big Rapids Mich Patents. Gas Oil Stove Co. Detroit Mich Patents Golden Age Junior Mining Co., Lansing, Mich Grand Rapids Magnetic Mineral Water Co., Grand Rapids, Mich Lease. Guardian Frigerator Co. Detroit Mich Patents. Hackett Motor Car Co., Grand Rapids, Mich Harroun Motors Corporation, Wihnington, Del A. T. Harrow Tractor Co. Detroit Mich Property. Patents. Patents and property. Headlight Support Co. Detroit Mich Patents Holzworth Co., Milwaukee & Buffalo Leases etc. Houseman-Spitzley Corporation, Detroit, Mich Hydraulic Oil Systems Corporation, Detroit, Mich. . . . Inland Metal Products Co., Detroit, Mich Jones-Regan Co., Detroit, Mich Property. Assets and patents. Secret process and formulae. Formulaes. Labadie Russell Motion Picture Productions, Inc., Detroit, Mich Contracts and property. Lenhart Bros. Lunch, Inc., Detroit, Mich Patents. Francis 0. Lindquist.Cc, Grand Rapids, Mich Litho Marble Co. Detroit Mich Property. Contracts formulae etc Little Wonder Stove Co., Detroit, Mich Lock-Tite Mfg. Co., Battle Creek, Mich Lo-Vis Company Kalamazoo Mich Patents. Patents. Luck Tire & Mfg. Co., Jonesville, Mich Michigan No-Break Egg Carrier Co., Detroit, Mich. . . . Mineral Oil Paint Co. Detroit Mich Patents. Promotion. Propertv. Moose Bay Fur & Trading Co., Tacoma, Wash Morse-Beauregard Mfg. Co. Detroit Mich Promotion. Promotion. National Cooperage Co., Detroit, Mich National Educational Bureau, Ypsilanti, Mich Promotion. Promotion, MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION STOCK PLACED IN ESCROW WITH STATE TEEASVRER.-Conduded. 05 Name of company. Number shares. Amount. Purpose and considcratiDn. Northwestern Ranch & Cattle Co. Detroit. Mich .... Oregon Strong Ledge Mining Co., Charlotte, Mich .... 143 340,607 1.132 7,236 5,100 4,000 2,000 12,, 500 1,500 3,000 1,2.50 7,000 190 5,000 2,000 37, ,500 2,510 2,2.50 30,000 2,450 3,000 6,000 9,300 40,000 1,000 3,282 450 3,793 10,040 800 2,500 7,400 14,300 340,607 11,. 320 723,600 51,000 40,000 20,000 125,000 15,000 30,000 125,000 70,000 19,000 .50,000 20,000 No par value 251,000 22,500 300,000 24,500 ,30,000 60,000 93,000 40,000 10,000 32,820 45,000 37,9.30 251.000 20,000 25,000 74,000 Lands. Real estate. Patent. Parker Rust-Proof Co. of America, Detroit, Mich. . . . Phillips Metallic Hose Co. Jackson Mich Patents. Patents. Powers National Oil Co Detroit Mich Real estate and equipment. Rouse Folding Crate Co.', Inc., Detroit, Mich Saginaw Valley Ginseng Co. Saginaw Mich Patent. Property. Sanitary Steam Flat Iron Co Detroit Mich Contracts. Patent. Security Mortgage Co. of America, St. Paul, Minn. . . Signal Motor Truck Co Detroit Mich Promotion. Assets and property. Silica Brick Co., Detroit, Mich Patent. Spranger Rim & Wheel Co. Detroit Mich St Clair Brick Co Detroit Mich Land contract. Standard Sulphur Corporation, Detroit, Mich States Motor Car Mfg. Co., Kalamazoo, Mich Steel Age Mfg Co Battle Creek Mich Lease. Promotion. Patents. Superior Ore Milling Corporation', Hancock, Mich Swan Mfg. Co. Detroit Mich . . ... Patents. Patents. Taite Mfg Co Niles Mich Secret process and foruuilac. Options. Towar Cotton Mills Inc. Detroit Mich Contract. United Oil Co. of Kentucky Detroit Mich Leases. Universal Auto Top Co., Grand Rapids, Mich Utility Compressor Co. Detroit Mich .... Patents. Patents. A T VanAlstyn Co Grand Rapids Mich Patents. Patents. West Chapin Mines Co., Iron Mountain, Mich Williams Iron Co Detroit Mich Mining leases. Contracts. 5,248,9561 $23,868,129 STOCK RELEASED FROM ESCROW. Name of company. Number shares. Amount. Purpose and consideration. 300 1,200 9,000 3,870 10,000 1,800 13,750 2,063 2,250 16,6.50 2,. 373 1,.3.50 40.000 150.001 300 245 $.30,000 12,000 90,000 3S7, 000 100,000 18,000 137. .500 20.630 22.. 500 .333.000 2.37. 300 . 13.. 500 400,000 1.. 500. 010 30.000 24.. 500 Promotion. Auto Light Control Co.! Grand Rapids, Mich Patents. Mailing list and property. Issued as dividends. Canada Mills Co., Greenville, Mich Detroit Ball Valve Co Detroit Mich Patents. Detroit Starter Co Detroit Mich Patents. Ferndale Cemetery Association, Wyandotte, Mich Grand Boulevard Theatre Co., Detroit, Mich Gillette Safety Tire Co., Grand Rapids, Mich Promotion. Le.ise and patents. Patents. Patents and property. LaBeil Funeral Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich Linderman Steel & Machine Co., Muskegon. Mich. . . . The Nyal Company Detroit Mich . . . Patent.s. Property and [Kilcnts. Trade mark.s. Proraotion. Proiwrty. 255, 152 $3.355.W0 66 FIRST REPORT i i BULLETINS ISSUED BY THE MICHIGAN SECURITIES | COMMISSION. i i Bulletin No. 11, with Supplements. (List of Companies Approved and j Disapproved ; Bond Issues Approved ; List of Registered and Licensed ! Dealers.) Bulletin No. 12. Copy of the Law (commonly known as the "BLUE SKY LAW") with Rules and Regulations of the Commission. These Bulletins are compiled with the view of informing the public as ] to the names of the investment companies approved and disapproved by ] tlie Commission and the names of registered and licensed dealers who | have been authorized to sell securities in Michigan. These Bulletins are | for distribution to the investing public and can be obtained free of i charge bv addressing the MICHIGAN SECURITIES COMMISSION, J LANSING, MICH. j iii 582616 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY