Kfe-j-*-.,i- :* '■\, THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES gjiim: m .Jr ^ /-? c /'t ^^j^ /-vi J ■ /^ h .^'^^f ^i^y^^f^ I. O P7 D O M . PCBLISHEO BY B .;.110I.DSW0»TH, 1»,ST PATJJ^S CV Y? MZG. DEVOTIONAL VERSES; iFountJcir on, antr Ellustratibe of SELECT TEXTS OF SCRIPTURE. BY BERNARD BARTON. Eonl^on : PRINTED FOR B. J. HOLDSWORTH, 18, ST. pall's chlkch yard. M.DCCC.XXVI. LON DON : I'RI\l£lJ BV J. S, HUtiHES, t6, PAlEnNOSTEK ROW. INSCRIPTIVE SONNET, JTo tf)r itlfmorp OF SAMUEL ALEXANDER. Dear frieud, and christian father! unto thee, Few months gone bj, my grateful thoughts were bent These unelaborate verses to present, For long, unwearied kindness shown to me : But it hath pleased Him, who doth not see As mortals do what most with good is blent. Such fondly-pnrpos'd offering to prevent ; Let this, then, gratitude's memorial be ! No praise of man should mar the opening page Of him whose volume treats of themes divine, Nor needs thy cherisli'd memory praise of mine ; Yet may thy bright example prayers engage For faith, love, meekness, greenness in old age. And every gift of grace so richly thine lie. B.B. 826316 PREFACE. It was at one time the Author's inten- tion to have published the following Devotional Verses without any prefatory Address : his choice o^ plan and subjects appeared to himself so plain and unpre- tending, that it seemed scarcely neces- sary to deprecate for his little volume the criticism, that a more elaborate performance might naturally be ex- pected to elicit, but which a manual, so unassuming as the present, might, he hoped, quietly escape. It has, however, been suggested to him, that A 3 VI PREFACE. his choice itself, both of plan and sub- jects, requires some prefatory explana- tion, if not apology; and that, as both may differ widely from those anticipated by some readers, he is bound to state, briefly, what his aim and object have been. The Author is far from denying, that a volume, bearing the title of " Devo- tional Verses, founded on Select Pas- sages of Scripture," may excite expec- tations which the following pages are little adapted to realize. In the many affecting and striking incidents recorded in holy writ ; in the numerous glimpses afforded in its earlier pages of pastoral and patriarchal life ; in the imposing pictures so graphically painted in its historical parts, of events as sublime as marvellous ; in the gorgeous splendours of the Jewish ritual ; as well as in the simple, touching beauty of the narrative PREFACE. Vll portion of the New Testament : in each, and all of these, he readily concedes, might be found themes, inexhaustible, for poetry of the very highest order; — poetry, the composition of which might require the full stretch of talents, to which he assuredly prefers no claim. Let this, then, be his apology to those whose taste may lead them to think lightly of his plan, or condemn, as dull and pro- saic, many of his subjects ; — that he has not been governed in his choice or se- lection by any insensibility or indiffer- ence to what may have appeared more captivating to them in the Inspired Volume ; but that he has chosen what may seem a less attractive line, partly from a distrust of his own abilities for a more imposing one, but chiefly because his primary object has not been poetic effect, but the expression and inculcation of what has appeared to him scrip-- TURAL TRUTH. A 4 Vlll PREFACE. Yet, while the Author would deeply regret, that any truly religious reader should be disappointed in the contents of his little volume, he would be still more sorry so to explain, or apologize for its scope and tendency as one ashamed of his choice, or regretful for his decision. If the knowledge of the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent, be, indeed, life eternal ; he may surely esteem it no reproach that one of his chief aims, in his selec- tion of passages from the Old Testament, has been the devotional illustration of such as appeared to him to harmonize with the New, by reference or allusion to the gracious and glorious scheme of man's redemption by and through a crucified Saviour. Should he, in his desire to inculcate, enforce, and mag- nify this sublime and consoling truth, even to iteration, have been somewhat negligent of minor points; inattentive PREFACE. IX to adventitious graces ; careless of the seeming vantage ground afforded by circumstance, or scenery ; he trusts, that such of his readers as may vitally feel the all-absorbing importance of this fun- damental doctrine, will forgive vs^hat he has 7iot done, for the sake of what he has been desirous of doing; so far, at least, as his humble means and limited oppor- tunities have enabled him. In the Author's view, indeed, the very title he has assumed for these little pieces, ought, in common candour, to exonerate him from the imputation of lofty pretence : he has entitled them devotional, because such, he hopes, their spirit and tendency will be found and felt ; but the expression of devotional feeling is by no means necessarily de- scriptive, nor is its strongest appeal, either to the outward sense, the fancy,'' or the imagination ; but, through the ' A 5 X PREFACE. Spirit, to spiritually awakened and spiritually enlightened hearts. Where his language may be unintelligible to these, the Author must regret his own darkness and deficiency; where such can fully appreciate and approve his meaning, he wishes no higher praise. Nor has he even ventured to designate his brief and simple records of thought and feeling by the name of poetry, but has preferred claiming for them the less aspiring appellative of Verses, as more appropriate, not only to what they are, but to what he wishes them to be. At the risque of rendering his pages less attractive to lighter readers, than even his modicum of poetic talent might, perhaps, have made them, the Author has endeavoured studiously to avoid all needless ornament, and has been soli- citous to "use great plainness of speech ;" he has done this, not only in accordance with his own taste in devotional verse. PREFACE. XI but in compliance with, and reference to, a far more imperative principle, — that of duty. Whether his sense of duty, in this respect, may have been correct, or erroneous, it becomes not him to determine; but, in his view, neither the expression nor the inculcation of genuine devotional feeling is likely to be ren- dered at all more effective by the most elaborate and recondite efforts of poetic art. It constituted the very climax of Cowper's panegyric on his *' Christian Veteran," that he was, on his favourite theme, " Ambitious, not to shine, or to excel, But to treat justly what he lov'd so well." Though the Author has thought it due to his readers, and not less to him- self, thus to enter at some length into an exposition of his views and object, he candidly owns, that the gratification of the mere lover of poetry in the Xll PREFACE. abstract, has been a very subordinate aim and end with him in the composition of the following pages ; nor is he much more sanguine in his hopes of interesting those, whose admiration of the Sacred Volume is rather matter of critical taste, than founded on a more grateful and spiritual appreciation. By those, and those alone, who read the Scriptures with a devotional spirit, and for devo- tional ends, can the Author wish that his feeble efforts, in the following pages, should be regarded as worthy attention ; and for them, only, has he written : if any of the sentiments contained in these Devotional Verses may, through the divine blessing, be rendered in the slightest degree helpful to such, the Author will not have written in vain ; if in their view he should have " dark- ened counsel by words without know- ledge," — no praise of others could com- pensate for their censure. PREFACE. Xlll It only remains for the Author to con- clude ; and he does so in the words of Quarles, — as expressing forcibly, though quaintly, his own sentiments: — ''A ' sober vein best suits Theology ; if, ' therefore, thou expectest such ele- ' gancie as takes the times, affect some * subject as will bear it. Had I laboured ' with over-abundance of fictions or 'flourishes, perhaps they had exposed * me censurable, and disprized this ' sacred subject : therefore I rest more * sparing in that kind. Reader ! be *more than my hasty pen styles thee. ' Read me with advice, and thereafter 'judge me, and in that judgment cen- * sure me. If I jangle, think my intent * thereby is to toll better ringers in. Farewell !" CONTENTS. Page Creation and Redemption ----- 1 The Promise .-..-- 3 The Rainbow ------ .5 Abrara called - - - - - - (! The Will accepted for the Deed . - - 8 Jacob's Dream ----- 9 Jacob wrestling ----- 10 Shiloh foretold - . - - - - 12 The Infant Moses found • - - - - 13 The Holiness of the Divine Presence - - - 1.5 Israel humbled yet hopeful - - - - IG The Type of the Atonement - - - - 18 Deliverance in Danger - - - - ID The Divine Supremacy - - - - 21 The Healing of Marah's Waters - - .. - 22 The Outvvard and the Spiritual Manna - - - 24 Sinai and Calvary - - - - - 2(i The Altar's Simplicity - - - - - 27 Waiting for Divine Gufdance - - - - 2t* The Brazen Serpent - - - - - 3U Turning in Tribalation - - - - - 31 The Curse of Disobedience . . - . 33 xvi CONTENTS. Page The Spiritual Law ----- 34 The Lost Found 35 The Saints' Refuge 37 A Prophet's Old Age ----- 38 Stones of Bleniorial - - - - - 39 Quietude and Safety - - - - - 41 Ruth's Love ------ 42 Voiceless Prayer ------ 44 Hidden,but Hoped for - - - - - 45 Obedience better than Sacrifice - - - 47 The Harp of David ----- 48 The Philistine Champion - . - - 50 Proved Armour - - - - - 51 Solomon's Temple - - - - - 53 The Widow's Meal and Oil - - - - 55 Elijah at Mount Horeb - - - - 57 Naaman's Pride and Folly - - - - 58 Elisha's Bones - - - - - CO On the Use of Time ----- 61 The Lord Reigneth . . - - . 63 Ezra's Mourning - - - - - 65 Sorrow of the Heart ----- 66 Neheniiah's Midnight Survey - - - - 68 A King's Sleepless Night - - - - 69 The Language of the Tempter - - - - 71 Despondency Reproved - - - - 73 Chastisement 3Ierciful - - - - 74 The Prayer of Sorrow ----- 75 The Vanity of Human Knowledge - - - 77 God Unsearchable . - . - . 73 Confiding Faith .... - 80 The Unprofitableness of Man's Goodness to his Maker - 81 Mournful Recollections - - - - 82 The Happiness of the Godly - - - - 84 Salutary Fear - .... 85 CONTENTS. XVll Page Self-communion - - - - 87 Approaching through Mercy - - - 88 Divine Condescension - - - - 89 The Believer's Refuge - - - - 90 A Soliloquy - - » - 93 Confidence in Protection - . - - - 95 The Believer's Life and Light - - - 96 The Reward of Patient Waiting - - - 98 Encouragement - - - - 99 The Seed of the Kingdom - - - . 101 The Praise of God - - - - 102 Spiritual Economy - - ... 104 Signs and Tokens - - . . 106 The Church in her Beauty and Purity - - 107 The Church in her Desolation ... i09 Ziou's Hope of Redemption ... no The Day of Divine Visitation ... i]2 Christ's Titles and Attributes - - - 113 Christ the Sure Foundation - - - 115 Gracious Promises - - . . 116 A Prayer for the Church - - - . US Free Redemption - - - . hq Slowly, Safely, and Surely - . . 121 Christ's Atonement - . . . 122 The only Safe Glory - - - , 124 Tiie Blessings of Early Restraint - - - 125 A New Heart, and a New Spirit - - . 127 Hope left while the Root lives - - . 128 The Frailty of Man's Goodness - - . 130 Sin's Devastations not irreparable - - - 131 The Famine of the Word - - . . 133 Pride Reproved - - . . 134 Useless Flight - - - . - 13G Hope in Conflict - - . . i3y Comfort in a Cloudy Day - - . . 140 Xviii CONTENTS. Page GettiiiR to the Watch-tower ... 141 The Lukewarm Threatened ... 143 A Call to Build the Lord's House ... 144 The Fountain Opened . - - . 146 God challengeth the Proof of his (ioodness - - 148 A Reflection - . - - - 150 The Star of Bethlehem . - - - 152 The First Beatitude - - - - 153 As uuto God, not unto Man ... 155 Singleness of Eye .... 157 Trust in Proridence .... 159 Heights and Depths - - - - 161 Progressive Growth .... 163 The Terras of Discipleship - - - - 16;> Aspirations after Faith .... 167 One Thing Wanting .... 168 Prompt Forgiveness enjoined ... 170 Watchfulness imperative on all - - - 172 Retirement and Prayer .... 174 A Christian's Rejoicing .... 176 Waiting in Readiness .... 178 Called, but not Chosen .... ]79 A Word of Caution - - - - 181 To each his Due - - ... - 182 Light and Darkness - - - - 184 The Spirit and the Flesh - - - - 186 Tears - - - - - 188 Quickened, but Helpless ... 190 Philip's Request - ' - - - 191 The blessed Faith of the Saints - - - I'ja Judas Iscariot - - . . 195 Philip's Query to the Eunuch ... 197 Prayer for Help in Prayer .... 199 Humility and Fear expedient ... 201 A Call to Vigilance - - - - 203 CONTENTS. XIX Page The Apoitle's Knowledge _ - - 205 Present \'ision Imperfect ... 207 The Earthy and the Heavenlj . - . 209 A Christian's Savour .... 211 A Christian's Freedom .... 21S Our Treasure in Earthen Vessels - . . 21.» A Caution and Promise - . - . 217 Christiau Love - - - . . 219 The Peace of God - - - - 220 A Christian's Aspirations - - . . 222 Rejoicing and Prayer - - - - 224 An Apostolic Aspiration . - . . 22G Honour and Glory to God - - ' - 227 A Christian's Devotedness ... 229 Christian Purity .... 231 A Christian's Pleading .... 233 The Reward of the Faithful - . . 23") Tiie Wisdom from above ... 237 The Transitory and the Enduring ... 231) The Last Day - - - . . 241 Walking in llie Light .... 242 The Genuine Love of Christ ... 244 The True Schismaticks - . - . 245 A Prayer against Declension - - - 247 The Invitation - . . . •J49 The Lord's Prayer - - - - 2ol DEVOTIONAL VERSES. CREATION AND REDEMPTION. "In the beginning God created the Leaven and the earth. And the eartli was without form, and void ; and darkness was upon the •ace of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was liglit."'— Genesis, i. I, 2, 3. How wond'rous must have beeo The thought-o'erwhelming scene, When Ciod his own creative might di.sphiy'd; Might gloriously employ'd, Which from the formless void C'aird countless systems, saw its call obey'd. Ills might is still the same; And those who through the name Of the incarnate Saviour are set free From the dread yoke of sin, Are witnesses within Of power as great as angels then could be. These, in the waken'd mind, A faithful emblem find Of that dark chaos whence creation rose : Conscience has rous'd from sleep, But darkness veils the deep ; Uedeeming Love its aid must interpose. " Let there be light !" is heard, And with that heavenly word Light, life, and power break in upon the soul; Light — life — for death and gloom. And power to know in whom. Alone, the impotent are render'd whole. A Saviour they embrace ; By his redeeming grace ^Vith strength from Him their spirits are supplied ; In his atoning love Creative power they prove, And bow in spirit to The Crucified ! THE PROMISE. "And I will put enmit}' between tliee and (he woman, iuul between tby seed, and her seed ; it sball break thy head, and thoti rthalt bruise his heel." — Genesis, iii. 15. Rejoice ! ye ransom'd saints, The promise still endures ; Though feeble nature faints, The victory is yours. But not by you obtain'd,— Then hopeless were your trust. For you, in conflict pain'd, Know well that man is dust. Yet though the serpent's power May still at times appal, As in the fearful hour Of Adam's primal fall ; — By you be still refus'd Each bait by Satan spread. The woman's seed hath bruisM The serpent's crested head. B '2 Your help is from afar, Your strength is from above, Your spirit's guiding star A Saviour's power and love. Tiiough heirs to Adam's guilt, Though you his fall have known, The blood by Jesus spilt May render you his own. THE RAINBOW. " I do set my bow in Uie cload, and it shall be for a token of « covenant between me and the earth. And it shgll come to pas* when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cload." — Genesis, i\. 13, 14. Still in the dark and threat'nins cloud That bow is brightly plac'd above ; 'Nor should despondency enshroud The token of eternal love. More blight, more beauteous are its beams, Contrasted with surrounding gloom, Thus heavenly mercy ever seems Most lovely in impending doom. A cloudless heaven, to joy's glad gaze. May be with richer glory fraught ; While sorrow's eye its arch surveys Without one fond congenial thought. But when dark clouds obscure the sky That bow of promise still is fair. Cheering the mourner's heaven-ward eye, Teaching his heart that God is there. B :i ABRAM CALLED. " Now the Lord said unto Abratn, Get thee out of thy countrj, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee.'' — (jeiiesis, xii. I. "Get thee out, and leave behind All the ties that kindred bind ; From thy home and country go To a land that I will show." Such the call the faithful heard ; Flesh and blood had long demurr'd, Fear'd, and doubted, and delay 'd, Disbeliev'd — and disobey'd. Abram heard, believing God ! Duty's onward path he trod ; Trusting Him whose word could bless A\ on the meed of faithfulness. Christian pilgrim, Zion-ward, True disciple of thy Lord, May his Spirit to thy heart Kindred faithfulness impart. ji. Thou hast heard a voice within ; t 1 Let that voice attention win ; Doubt not, fear not, self abhorr'd, 4-'olIow on to know the Lord. At his bidding sacririce More than country's, kindred's ties ; These may still be spared to thee, Let thy heart thy Master's be. Daily, hourly, labour there, Waiting, watching unto prayer ; Wait to know thy Master's will. Watch and pray to do it still. Then thy calling shall be sure. Thy election made secure, And the meed by Abram won Thine through his Immortal Son. B 4 8 THE WILL ACCEPTED FOR THE DEED. " And Isaac spake unto Abraham liis father, and said, Mj fatlier : and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the tire and the wood ; but where is the lamb for a burnt oflVring?" — Genesis, \xii. 7. Brief colloquy, yet more sublime, To every feeling heart. Than all the boast of classic time, Or Drama's proudest art: Far, far beyond the Grecian stage, Or Poesy's most glowing page. But He whose ever watchful eye Discerns the heart's intent, Saw every pang, mark'd every sigh Which Abraham's bosom rent, Am\, when his servant's faith was tried. An offering for himself supplied. His mercy, and his tender love ' liemain unalter'd still. As prompt to recompence as prove Obedience to his will ; And where true faithfulness is shown To own it for itself alone. JACOB S DREAM. " And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set np on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven : and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it." — Genesis, xxviii. 12. Why are such splendid glimpses given no more, Such dreams by night, such visitants by day. As blest the patriarchs and the seers of yore, Cheering the pilgrim on his heaven-ward way ? Oh ! were our eye anointed and unseal'd The wonders of redeeming grace to view, Our mental vision would behold reveal'd Glories beyond what seers or patriarchs knew. What though bright glimpses of angelic things At times might grace the old world's early prime, Xot then had risen, with healing on its wings, The Sun of Righteousness in light sublime. Our day and dispensation would make known Visions as glorious, truths sublimer far. And hope would render them through faith our own. Did not our worldliness devotion mar. B .5 10 Surpassing all the holy patriarch dream d Of steps of light by hosts angelic trod, Would be the beauty of a heart redeem'd, A heart the temple of the living God. To such the house of God, the gate of heaven, I s limited to no peculiar spot. At Bethel, or at Marah proof is given Their Lord is with them when they know it not. JACOB WP.ESTLING. " And lie said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. Genesis, xxxii. 26. Let me go, thy hope is vain, Day around us breaketh ; Worn with weariness and pain. Strength thy frame forsaketh. No, the patriarch answer'd, Xo ? Think not thus to press me, 1 will never let thee go 'Till thou deign to bless me. 11 Noble words, heroic vow, Worthy imitation ; Meet to waken, even now Holy emulation. • Seed of Jacob ! you who share Aught of Israel's spirit, ^Vrestle thus, in fervent prayer, Blessing to inherit. Prayer, surpassing- human might, Prayer, Heaven's holy portress, Prayer, the saint's supreme delight. Prayer, the sinner's fortress. Prayer and faith can hope impart, Hope beyond expressing. And call down upon the heart Israel's richest blessina". B G 12 SHILOH FORETOLD. " The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Sbiloh come ; and unto him shall the gather- ing of the people be." — Genesis, xlix. 10. 'TwAS thus, with clear prophetic eye The dying- patriarch from afar Beheld in Bethlehem's cloudless sky The risinsf of the eastern star. a That Star has risen ; its light has shone From Calvary's consecrated hill, Eternal God ! thy power alone Its promis'd glory can fulfil. Thou gatherest, none can scatter wide ; Thou scatterest, from thy fold we stray ; Thy Spirit to that fold must guide, 'J'hy Son the Light, the Life, the Way ! The kingly sceptre, regal crown Trom Judah's outward tribe have past. Each relique of his old renown Low at Immanuel's footstool cast. 13 from ancient Israel's race and name Their early honours far have tlown ; Lord ! magnify thy Shiloh's name, O Father ! glorify thine own. "Till through thy grace from shore to shore Thy kingdom spread, — from sea to sea ;- And to thy Son for evermore The gathering of the people be. THE INFANT MOSES FOUND. " And when she had opened it (the ark) she saw the child : and behold the babe wept. And she had compassion on him, and said. This is one of the Hebrews' children." — Exodus, ii. 0. Vain the fond attempt of man God's supreme decrees to scan, Or estimate his ways ; What now is we darkly see. But what shall hereafter be Mocks our feeble saze. 14 Levi's daughter scarce could thiuk. When beside the river's brink O'er the ark she mourn'd. How that child in manhood's hour Should with more than kingly power Be honour'd and adorn 'd. Pharaoh's daughter little knew, When, relenting at the view, She interfer'd to save, He whose sorrows thus could plead Egypt's glory soon would lead To ocean's yawning grave. God ! to thine omniscient eye Things to come, and things gone by Are as present «hown ; In their origin, and end, All unto thy glory tend. And make thy goodness known. Teach us, then, in Thee to trust. Wise and mighty, good and just ; That living faith bestow Which, in moments dark or bright, Knows that all thou dost is right, And seeks no more to know. 15 THE HOLINESS OF THE DIVINE PRESENCE. " And he said, Draw not nigh hitlier : put oil' thy shoes troiii oil thv feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.'" — Exodus, iii. 5, Fearful in holiness wert Tiiou, O God ! on Horeb's height; AYell might thy servant Moses bow, And worship at the sight. Well might he, at such high behest. With feet unshod draw nigh, When thus thy presence was contest In awful majesty. And what thou wast on Horeb's brow, Or Sinai's cloud-capt hill, Fhou yet remain'st : — thy presence now () God! is holy still. Though not to outward sense reveal'd. As then to Moses shown, Nor now in human guise conceai'd As once on Calvary known : — 16 Yet through the Spirit of thy Son , The influence of thy grace, Thou art not far from every one \yho seeks to know thy face. Thy gospel light hatli shown us where Thy temple, Lord, should be ; Grant us to feel thy presence there. To feel, and worship thee. To bow before thee in the heart With love and awe profound, As knowing where-soe'er Thou art. We stand on holy ground. ISRAEL HUMBLED YET HOPEFUL. "And the people believed: and when they heard that the Lord had visited the children of Israel, and that he had looked upon their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshipped/"— Exodus, iv. 31. Israel, humbled, could believe, Moses' message could receive ; Faith was given to feel that God Look'd upon the path they trod ; j 17 Saw their sorrows, heard their sigiis, Would for their deliv'rance rise : Then to Him, whose arm could free, Bow'd each head, and bent each knee. Oh ! that Christians oft'ner knew What humility can do ; . That they truly saw and felt How affliction hearts should melt ; They, like Israel's sons, would know Heavenly faith in earthly woe, Strength in weakness, joy in grief, Humble hope in pure belief. 'Tis the humble God protects, 1'is the meek his light directs, "Tis the mourner sings his song, "Tis the weak he renders strong, Tis the simple who are taught Wisdom passing human thought : — Lowly, mourning, simple, weak — These his glorious praises speak. 18 THE TYPE OF THE ATONEMENT. " For the Lord will pass through to smite the Ef^yptiaiis, and nlien he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the Lord will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto jour bouses to smite you." — Exodus, xii. 23. Horror was in the cry ! Tears were in many an eye, And tearful anguish breath'd a fruitless prayer, When, at the dead of night, The stern destroyer's flight Where danger seem'd not scatter'd wild despair. But where the sprinkled blood A pledge of safety stood, The messenger of wrath pass'd harmless o'er ; In quietness they slept. Or holy vigils kept, Clos'd until morning every guarded doov. 19 If Israel's sons delight To celebrate a rite IV) which their faithful memory fondly clings, Should not the Christian too Herein an emblem view Of blood more holy, speaking better things? O Thou ! who on the tree. Our souls from death to free. Thy cleansing and atoning blood outpour'd. Incline our hearts to prize Thy pure self-sacrifice, .\ncl be our Paschal Lamb! Redeeming Lord ! DELIVERANCE IN DANGER. " Fear ye not, stand still, and see tbe salvation of the Lcrc!. Exodus, xiv. 13. A BILLOWY deep before, 'J'he tyrant's host behind them ; Could Israel but deplore The seeming doom assign'd them ? 20 Yet brief was their command In hour of tribulation, Fear not! In silence stand, And see your Lord's salvation. They stood, and straightway saw The deeps for them divided. And foUow'd on with awe The cloud which safely guided. They stood, and saw the foe, With tumult and commotion, Whelm'd in the depths below, And buried in the ocean. Tried follower of the Lamb, In hour of dark temptation, Trust in the dread I AM, Wait for thy Lord's salvation. Stand still ! and thou shalt see, As faith thine eye uncloses. An Arm outstretch'd for thee Stronger than that of Moses. 21 THE DIVINE SUPREMACY. " Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods ? Who is like thee, glorloas in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders'"— Exodus, XT. 11. Who is like to thee, O Lord ! Among gods by man adored ? AVho like thee can save and bless, (jlorious still in holiness? Fearful yet in praises found. Doing wonders all around, (iods that have been, or shall be. Never can be named with Thee. Thou alone for ever ART ! Thou alone discern'st the heart ; Thou alone the thoughts dost try, Thou alone canst grace supply. In thy providence we see Daily, hourly marks of Thee ; All that charms our sense or sight Owns thy rule, and pleads thy right. oo 'i'liou, at time's far distant birth, Formed'st heaven, created'st earth, Ciav'st the sun the day to guide, Bad'st the moon o'er night preside. But thy richest crown we trace ! n the myst'ries of thy grace ; In redemption's matchless scheme Own thy love, thy power SUPREME '. There thou risest to our view As our God and Saviour too ; There we hear thy Spirit's call ; There we find Thee all in all. THE HEALING OF MARAH S WATERS. " And the Lord showed him a tree, which when he had cast intu> the waters, the waters were made sweet." — Exodus, xv.25. JMarah ! whate'er the tree might be Which made thy bitter waters sweet. The Christian in its power may see Of power divine an emblem meet. 23 f ullmany a cup from which the lip Draws back as from a poisoii'd bowl, Through love's sublime disciple-ship Is rendered grateful to the soul. The world's distaste, pride's heartless scorn, A toilsome life, perchance a grave. Are things as loveless and forlorn As ever was thy bitterest wave. But those, endured for Jesu's sake, Are render'd through his love divine A cup 'tis pleasure to partake, Chang'd by his power like Cana's wine. The tree which Marah's waters heal'd. Which sweetness gave, or could restore. Is of his cross a type reveal'd. Which he who bears repines no more. Oh ! may this love in us abound, Ciuide to our Elim's happy shore, AVhere wells for every tribe are found, By living palm trees shadow'd o'er. 24 THE OITWARI) AND THE SPIRITUAL MANNA. " He that had gathered much had nothing over, and be that bad ^^athered little had no lack ; they gathered every man according to his eating.'' — Exodus, xvi. IS. Thus was it with the manna spread P'or Israel every even ; Thus is it with the Christian's bread. His living bread from heaven. They who went forth at morn to find That outward food of yore. Beyond the portion God assign'd Could heap no added store. Though worldly prudence might suggest The morrow's wants were nigh. Experience soon this truth imprest God only could supply ! Jlence was dependance daily learn'd On his paternal care, And still a heaven- ward eye upturn'd To him in faith and prayer. 25 O thou ! whom Christ has taught to pray To him for nianua now, In secret each returning day Before his footstool bow. He is himself that living Bread, Descended from on high. On which the spirit that is fed Shall never, never die. To Him in truth and spirit seek, Who day by day must give That food which nourishes the weak, And bids the simple live. Be less or more to Him resign'd ^Vho hears and answers prayer, In whom the poorest riches find, The richest — none to spare. 26 SINAI AND CALVARY. " And Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire ; and the smoke thereof ascended as tlie smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly." — Exodus, xix. 18. What hope and fear, with hush'd delight In Israel's sons were blended. When on Mount Sinai's cloud-veil'd height. Thy presence, Lord, descended. AVhen light'nings rent that awful veil At intervals asunder. And, turning e'en the boldest pale, Thy voice out-spake the thunder. If thus sublimely was reveal'd The Law's first promulgation. If thus to sight and sense appeal'd That earlier dispensation : — Yet more of glory is descried On Calvary's holier mountain, Where from Immanuel's wounded side Sprang forth Atonement's fountain. 27 Though all around Mount Sinai bow'd, And own'd thy presence glorious, While scorn at Calvary was proud, And cruelty victorious. Yet far beyond that earlier scene Of thunder, smoke, and light'ning, The Saviour's countenance serene, ^^\ih love and mercy bright'ning. And though sublime that trumpet's peal. What bosom would not rather The import of those accents feel Which said, " Forgive them — Father !" THE altar's simplicity. "And if tbou wilt make mean altar of stone, thou sLalt not build it of bewn stone : for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it."— Exodus, XX. 25. Lord ! may the precept still impart Its import to the Christian's heart, And teach us, as we look to Thee, Thy worship's true simplicity. C 2 28 If thus, 'mid ancient forms, the aid Of human art thy word forbade, Choosing for altar of thine own Unhewn, and unpolluted stone: — By more than emblematic speech Thy Spirit now this truth would teach Altars of flesh, like those of stone, Must be prepar'd by Thee alone. If now to Thee we build no more An outward shrine as heretofore, That in the heart, if truly thine. Must yet be rear'd by power divine. The meddling touch of human will Would make that shrine polluted still ; The utmost stretch of human powers Would leave the fabric only ows. Thine it should be ; — in mercy deign To build — what we but build in vain. And when the work by Thee is done Accept its incense through thy Son. 29 WAITING FOR DIVINE GUIDANCE. "And when the cloud was taken np from the tabernacle, then after that the children of Israel journeyed : and in the place where the cloud abode, there the children of Israel pitched their tents."— Numbers, ix. 19. How beautiful the lessons taught By Israel's journeyings still appear; With what divine instruction fraught. For christian pilgrims to revere. And many a law whose influence sway'd The earlier chosen of the Lord, Divinely understood, may aid Our holy progress Zion-ward. }lave we no ark in this our day? Are tent and tabernacle gone ? No cloud to tell us when to stay ? No radiant light to lead us on ? What if those outward signs are fled. Their hidden meaning long shall last, And souls, by Christ their Captain led, Learn present wisdom from the past, c 3 30 Such when the cloud has veil'd from sight Their ark within, awhile must rest, And wait the dawning of that Light AVhose guidance heretofore has blest. But when the fire with brightness burnsj And when the shadowy cloud is gone, These, as the light of grace returns, In hope and gladness journey on. THE BRAZEN SERPENT. "Aud the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a h'erj serpent, and set it upon a pole : and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it shall live."— Numbers, xxi. 8. Type of that holier tree, Whereon the Son of God for sinners died, The wounded gaz'd on thee. With fearful hope thy brazen serpent eyed. Hadst thou such healing power On those who look'd to thee for aid divine, Unless, in that dread hour. Their inward faith confirm'd thy outward sign '( 31 Or will His death suffice, Who died upon the cross that we might live, If faith, the pearl of price. His grace vouchsafe not unto us to give. But with that peerless boon The cross of Christ as far exceeds thy power. As does the blaze of noon The shadowy splendours of the twilight hour. For thine could do no more Than make the impotent in body whole ; But His can yet restore Light, life, and joy to the immortal soul. TURNING IN TRIBULATION. "When thoa art in tribulation, and all these things are come npon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the Lord thy God, and shall be obedient unto his voice ; he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee." — Deuteronomy, iv. 30, 31. Waken'd sinner, whelm'd in grief, Seeking, praying for relief, Hear the promise of thy God, Bow beneath his chast'ning rod. C 4 32 Have his judgments fallen on thee ? Thou may'st yet his mercy see :- — Hast thou fallen on " latter days ?" In them thou may'st sing his praise. Only turn thee to the Lord, Every former sin abhorr'd. Be obedient to his voice, Then in him thou shalt rejoice. Not by sorrow of thine own Canst thou for the past atoiie ; Nor by strength of human will Canst thou God's commands fulfil. By his" WELL-BELOVED Son" That atonement hath been won, And through faith in him, alone. Can that power by thee be known. Be this living faith thy prayer. Then may'st thou his Spirit share. Know thy sins within thee slain, And in Him be born again. 33 THE CURSE OF DISOBEDIENCE. " Aud thv heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall he iron." — Deuteronomy, ixviii. 23. Appalling doom ! yet hearts there are Its fearful truth have found. Have known a heaven where sun nor star Its radiance sheds around. A heaven of brass, from whose stern cope No living- waters well'd, Whereon the rainbow, arch of hope, The eye hath ne'er beheld. An earth of iron, whose barren breast Seem'd icy cold and dead. Where sterile paths, by joy unblest In endless maze were spread. Oh ! such a heaven, and such an earth, Are no delusive dream, To which wild phantasy gives birth, Howe'er the worldling deem, c 5 34 They who have trod that hopeless path, Beneath that rayless sky, Have known the hour of righteous wrath These metaphors imply. These know how God's most holy will Can mar creation's face. And leave the disobedient, still, No pleasant resting place. One only hope for such remains; Repent, return, and live; He who no penitent disdains. New heavens, new earth can give. Simple obedience shall restore Green fields, and sunny skies ; And hearkening to his voice liring more Than Eden's Paradise. THE SPIRITUAL LAW. " But the word is very nigh thee, in tliy mouth and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it." — Deuteronomy, xxx. 14. Say not The law divine Is hidden from thee, or afar remov'd ; That law within would shine, If there its glorious light were sought and lov'd. 35 Soar not on high, Nor ask who thence shall bring it down to earth ; That vaulted sky Hath no such star, didst thou but know its worth. Nor launch thy bark In search thereof upon a shoreless sea Which has no ark. No dove to bring this olive-branch to thee. Then do not roam In search of that which wandering cannot win ; At home ! At home ! That word is plac'd, thy mouth, thy heart within. Oh ! seek it there, Turn to its teachings with devoted will ; Watch unto prayer. And in the power of faith this law fulfil. THE LOST FOUND. " He foand him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wil- derness ; he led him aboat, he instructed him, he kept hira as the apple of his eye." — Deuteronomy, xxxii. 10. Thus didst thou. Lord, for Israel then, Thus dost thou now for guilty men ; Yet, yet compassionate, and kind. Thy love vouchsafes the lost to find. c 6 36 What numbers, in this gospel day. Have wander'd widely from thy way, Into the desert's lone distress, Sin's waste and howling wilderness. But thou hast mark'd their footsteps there, Hast seen their anguish, heard their prayer, Thy mercy aid has interpos'd. Thy hand deliverance has disclos'd. Thou, in that land of fear and doubt. Hast led the wanderers far about ; Thy grace instructed such to see That help could only come from thee. Like to the apple of thine eye Thy love has kept them from on high, And from that waste and desert strand Has brought them to the promis'd land. May these thy mercies ne'er forget, But honour, love, and serve thee yet; And sing His praise by Jordan's wave. Who came the lost to seek, and save ! 37 THE saints' refuge. "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the ever- lasting arms." — Deuteronomj, xxxiii. 27. All language must be faint The blessedness to paint Of those who place their trust, O Lord ! in thee; Whose spirits upward soar To Thee, who evermore The refuge of the righteous deion'st to be. .^^ v.. V..V, ..^..^.^WUC. «C.g,. These in the hour of woe, Which all on earth must know. Look up to Thee through thy incarnate Son, And by thy Spirit's grace On Thee reliance place Tvf.raemb'ring what thine outstretch VI arm has done. Thou art their refuge still. In every time of ill. Beneath are thy eternal arms of love ; On earth they sing thy praise, And songs more sweet shall raise To Thee and to the Lamb in realms above. 38 A prophet's old age. "And Moses was an bnndred and twenty years old when be died : his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated." — Deuteronomy, xxxiv. 7. How lightly o'er thy guarded head The lapse of silent years had sped, How poor the spoils of time, To leave thee thus, in life's last stage, A living greenness in old age So splendid and sublime. Thy natural vigour unimpair'd, An eye whose lustre still declared Age could not dim its ray. How brightly must thy sun have set, Which on the verge of night had yet The radiance of noon -day. Had age so vigorous and serene E'en in that distant era been A thing regarded not, Not thus had history's page unroU'd Thy triumph o'er decay, and told Thy proud, peculiar lot. 39 But thus conspicuously was shown Vi2;our and brightness not thy own. To life's last parting hour. That Israel in that wond'rous sign Of might more glorious far than thine, Should own Jehovah's power. That we, who sooner reach life's close. May in our weakness yet repose On his eternal truth. Who, if to Him alone we live. In age unto the soul can give Sprinff's renovated youth. STONES OF MEMORIAL. "When your children shall ask their fathers, in time to come, saying, What mean these stones? Then ye shall let your children know, sayin;^, Israel came over this Jordan on dry land." — Joshua, iv. 21, 22. Uetween us and that land of rest To which thy grace, O Lord ! would guide, Seems interpos'd, in hours deprest, A deep, a broad, and billowy tide. 40 There waves of conflict loudly roar. Rocks of temptation there are found, The winds of pride sweep fiercely o'er, And fogs of doubt oft hover round. And many a once triumphant bark, Strew'd on its shore a shapeless mass, Denotes what countless dangers mark The Jordan which the soul must pass. Yet christian pilgrim, thou to whom That land of promis'd rest is dear. Let not despondency and gloom Excite distrust and chilling fear. Go on in hope and faith like those Who bore that hallow'd ark on high, At whose approach the waters rose, And wave-less stood — 'till they were by ! He who hath call'd thee by his love, Can guard thee safely by his power. By grace can guide thee from above. In peril's and temptation's hour. His word of promise is as true As when the Jordan backward turn'd, His arm can lead thee safely through The deeper tide by thee discern'd. 41 Can give thee from its hidden bed Stones of memorial for a sign That souls redeem'd, by Jesue led, May trust in power and love divine. QUIETUDE AND SAFETY. "Thej that are delivered from the noise of archers in the places of drawing water, there shall they rehearse the righteous acts of the Lord." — Judges, v. 11. How blest the quietude of those Deliver'd, Lord! by thee; How safely do their souls repose By love divine set free, Deliver'd from the pow'r of sin. Freed from its galling yoke within. These drink of that immortal spring Which every thirst supplies, Waiting beside its brink to sing When its blest waters rise, Whose gentle echoes round prolong Its music, and their grateful song. 42 And never noise of archers' bows Is by those waters heard, Nor by the winged shafts of foes The balmy air is stirr'd ; No sound of tumult, or of strife. Is heard beside the spring of life. But there the ransom'd speak thy praise. Thy righteous acts record. And souls redeem'd glad anthems raise To their redeeming Lord ; And far beyond bard's sweetest verse The grateful song their lips rehearse. ruth's love. "And they lifted up their voice, and wept again : and Orpaii kissed her motlier in law ; but Ruth clave to her." — Ruth, i. 14. Though prouder names than thine may live In history's richly blazon'd page, Adorn'd with all that fame can give To win the eye from age to age : 43 Yet by no sweeter, purer fame Hath joy been gladden'd, grief beguil'd, Than that which brightly wreaths thy name, And speaks thy worth, Naomi's chikl ! Thy story, 'mid the stormier deeds The annals of thy time make known. For humble truth and nature pleads With grace peculiarly their own. And deep instruction yet is taught By thy delightful simple tale, Disclosing to attentive thought The love which can and cannot fail. There is a love, sincere, but weak, Which has no high, or heaven- ward stay ; Thus Orpah kiss'd her mother's cheek, Kiss'd her — and wept — yet turn'd away ! Thy own, heroic and sublime. Still to thy earthly parent clave, And lives, triumphant over time. For Heaven its holier courage gave. And richly God vouchsaf 'd to bless A love devoted, pure as thine, By making thee the ancestress Of kingly Dafvid's royal line. 44 VOICELESS PRAYER. " Now Hannah, she spake in her heart, only her lips raoved, hut her voice was not heard : therefore Eli thought she had been drunken." — 1 Samuel, i. 13. Behold how few brief words set forth Of voiceless prayer the happy lot ; God who inspires it owns its worth, Though mortal man discern it not : That prayer which reach'd not Eli's ear, The Lord stoop'd down from heaven to hear. And many a prayer from lips that move In silence now, ascends on high ; By Him who dwells and reigns above Beheld with no averted eye, Aye, plum'd with wings, endow'd with sense Beyond all verbal eloquence. Then fear not thou, whose faultering tongue Seems powerless still, when bent the knee, Though songs of praise by angels sung In heaven for ever vocal be, True prayer, though pour'd in sigh and groan, Soars not unnotic'd, nor unknown. 45 If grace divine the heart prepare, A sigh, a groan in Jesu's name May prove a more availing prayer Than art's elaborate power can frame ; Nor need our silence be deplored While hearts are vocal to the Lord. HIDDEN, BUT HOPED FOR. " And the word of the Lord was precious in tbose days ; there was no open vision.'' — 1 Samuel, iii. 1. Not only in the spring-tide hour, Or summer's bright and fervid power, Does nature live : —her hidden life Lives on through winter's stormy strife. Though perish'd bud, and flower, and fruit. If deep below survive the root, When spring shall re-assume her reign, The sap shall re-ascend again. Nor had the Lord his people left, Thougli Eli's age of strength was reft ; Altliough his sons their God forgot. And he their sire restrain'd them not. 4G Though even near His hallow'd ark The lamp of God seem'd growing dark, Though there no open vision told The glories of the days of old. Yet still His ivord was precious! still There vpere who sought to know his will, Who look'd unto that ark, though dim, With hopes and prayers that turn'd to Him. Those hopes and prayers an answer found When night seem'd gathering darkly round ; Though he, the guardian of the shrine, At first knew not the voice divine. Nor is His church now left by Him, Though many an Eli's eyes wax dim ; Nor is the Christian's hopeless night, Though God, awhile, may veil his light. If precious to His church his word. Its voice by them shall yet be heard ; Christian, if veil'd that light from thee. Hidden, but hoped for, may it be. 47 OBEDIENCE BETTER THAN SACRIFICE. "And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord ' Behold, to obe^' is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than tlie fat of rams." — 1 Samael, xv.22. Think not, Christian ! thou canst choose //btu obedience should be shown, God will evermore refuse Offering which is not his oivn. What can sacrifice of thine, Offer'd in thy strength and will, Gain thee at that inner shrine. Where He seeks obedience still ? Hope not what thy choice inspires Shall divine acceptance win, But what God himself requires, And makes manifest within. There his Spirit gives the law Graven on tables of the heart ; This to trace with holy awe Is true wisdom's better part. 48 There his gospel would reveal Hope which Christ alone can give ; There before his footstool kneel, Hear, obey, and thou shalt live. THE HARP OF DAVID. " And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp and placed with his hand : so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him." — 1 Samuel, xvi. 23. Oh ! for the harp that David swept, At whose divine entrancing sound The evil spirit distance kept, While holier visions hover'd round : Oh ! for such harp in these our days, To speak a God's, a Saviour's praise. Then e'en on earth might song outpour That sweet, that full, triumphant strain Whose grateful notes should heaven-ward soar, And there a gracious audience gain ; While here below its hallow'd power Should aid devotion's happiest hour. 49 Christian, wouldst thou such harp possess, May grace anoint thine eye to see, And on thy mind this truth impress — The heart that instrument may be : For never harp or lyre reveal'd Such music as the heart can yield. Not in its unregenerate state Canst thou expect those strains to hear; By sin unstrung-, its accents grate In discord on a heaven-touch 'd ear ; Renew'd by grace, and tuned by love. Its harmony ascends above. Oh then with melody it seems To vibrate from each trembling string ; Each kindling thought and feeling teems With songs as sweet as seraphs sing ; And music art could never frame Is breath'd to its Redeemer's name. 50 THE PHILISTINE CHAMPION. " And there went out ai champion out of the camp of the Plii - listines, named Goliath of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span."— 1 Samuel, xvii. 4. Though he of Gath no more The living God defy. Champions like him of yore Satan can now supply. The champions he can call, Though hid from mortal sight. Are deadlier in their thrall Than that fierce giant's might. They rise not in the field Of war, with warlike mien ; But in the heart conceal'd They fight for him unseen. Lust, with its wanton eye. False shame, and servile fear, Despair, wRose icy sigh Would freeze contrition's tear : 51 Doubt, with its scornful jest, Pride, with its haughty brow ;- These, lurking in the breast. Are sin's Goliaths now. Vainly our strength we boast, Or reason's triumphs tell, Sin's hydra-headed host Arms notour own must quell. Be ours, then, those alone God's word and grace bestow, Faith's simple sling and stone Shall lay each giant low. PROVED ARMOUR. "And David said onto Saul, I cannot go with these, for I have not proved them. And David put them oil" iiini.'"— 1 Samuel, xvii. 39. The shepherd youth, although arrayed In helm and mail of Israel's king, Felt in those royal arms afraid. Though fearless with his stone arid sling. D 2 52 His limbs, though deck'd in martial pride, With no elastic vigour mov'd. He put the cumb'rous pomp aside, And took the weapons he had prov'd. Lord ! when we seek to serve thy cause, In every conflict we may dare. Like David may we wisely pause, And try our arms with watchful care. In armour prov'd, with weapons tried, Be thou our Captain in the field; Be all our arms by thee supplied. And, with them, strength and skill to wield. Not in our wisdom, or our might. Or aught of our's be trust repos'd ; They who beneath thy banners fight Must look for aid by thee disclos'd. The humblest weapon given by thee Is render'd mighty through thy name ; x\ll else, though splendid it may be, Can bring us but defeat and shame. 53 Solomon's temple. " Aiid it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the cload filled the bouse of the Lord, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud : for the glory of the Lord had filled the bouse of the Lord." — 1 Kings, Tiii. 10, 11. With what magnificence sublime To outward sense in ancient time Thy temple, Lord ! appeal'd; When thus, descending from on high, The glory of thy majesty Was veil'd — and yet reveal'd. Well may some moods of thought be known When to that pomp, for ever flown, We turn our mental gaze, And mourn the splendour of the past Should now no sun-like glory cast On these degenerate days ! D 3 54 The thought forbid : — teach us to see A temple, Lord! more worthy thee, Which thou would'st now prepare Within the heart by grace divine ; Oh! guide us to that inner shrine, That we may worship there. Not all the skill, not all the cost, Nor rites of Levi's sacred host Which then adorn'd thy fane. Could more availing power impart Than the poor, contrite humble heart May now from Jesus gain. On Sinai's consecrated hill. As in that pile, — dark clouds were still Around thy presence bright; But in the temple of the soul The broken heart, by thee made whole. Shall worship thee IN light ! 55 THE WIDOW S MEAL AND OIL. "And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse ot oil fail, according to the word of the Lord, which lie spake by Elijah.'— 1 Kings, xvii. Ki. How rich is poverty's scant hoard, When God hath bless'd its lot; How poor the heaps that wealth has stored, If he hath bless'd them not : — Wiuiess proud Ahab's regal dome, And the poor widow's humble home. Thee dwelt she, with sufficient food For nature's simple calls ; AVhIe fear and caution sentries stood B-side a monarch's walls : — Her cruse by power unseen was fed, ilei meal supplied their daily bread. D 4 56 "The age of miracles is past," Some sceptic may exclaim ; But if on God our care we cast, His power remains the same : — Nor do our spirits less demand The bounty of his liberal hand. Is there no cruse whose store should feed Devotion's hallow'd tire ? No living bread, whose daily need Our deathless souls require ? Are there not seasons when we sigh In secret o'er our scant supply ? Be ours the faith the widow knew. When she the seer supplied, So shall we own the promise true, God's goodness will provide ; The meal shall last, the cruse fail not, 'Till plenty be our spirits' lot. 57 ELIJAH AT MOUNT HOREB, "And after the fire a still small voice. And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle."—! Kings, xix. 13. The wind swept by ! God was not there ! The earthquake rock'd the holy hill ; The fire roll'd past with lurid glare. The Tishbite stood collected still. The still small voice its signal gave ! Instant he left his hiding place, Stood in the entrance of the cave, With watchful ear, and shrouded face. Solemn description ! teaching yet Important truth to latest time ; Truth ne'er before the spirit set In form more awfully sublime. Meek follower of the Nazarene, Thou well canst read the lesson tauglit ; Strong winds have pass'd, and earthquakes been, Which have no certain watch-word brought. D 5 S8 The fire, in conflict's awful hour, Hath pass'd, and nought but ruin shown But in the still small voice have power And love divine to thee been known. Then from their innermost recess. E'en as the seer that cavern trod, Feeling and thought came forth to bless. And hear with awe the voice of God. naaman's pride and folly. "Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better tliais all the waters of Israel ? May I not wash in them and be clean ?" — 2 Kings, V. 12. Thus arrogant, and thus absurd Was he who then the prophet heard : We blame his language ; — are not we As foolish and as proud as he ? A fountain is unseal'd to save, Of virtue passing Jordan's wave. Beyond Bethesda's healing spring, Though ruffled by an angel's wing. •59 There might we, in this gospel day, ^Vash all our leprosy away. Cleanse from our spirits every stain, And more than child-like whiteness gain. But faith is low, and pride is high, We view that fount with doubting eye, And choose with proud and angry tone Abanas, Pharpars of our own. <) Thou ! whose love that fount unseal'd, By which, alone, we can be heal'd. Strengthen our faith, subdue our pride, Nor let our leprosy abide. As then by Jordan's hallow'd brim The leper's followers strove with him, Beside thy holier fountain now Our spirits in subjection bow. Teach us in simple faith to prove The power of thy redeeming love, That like the Syrian we may see. And own there is no God like thee. D G 60 elisha's bones. "And they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha : aud whea the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he re- vived and stood up on his feet."' — 2 Kings, xiii. 21. Had Israel's sons forgot the power Which Jordan's waves had riven, That to thy bones this healing dower By miracle was given ? I know not : — but the marvel pleads Thy mission was divine ; And to a tomb far holier leads Than sepulchre of thine. To one where for a season slept The Lord of life and power. While angels round their vigils kept. And watch'd his wakening hour. The hour when He, triumphantly. Rose from the silent dead. And even death's captivity A vanquish'd captive led. 61 When from the chambers of the grave He soar'd to Heaven again, And by his resurrection gave Such glorious gifts to men. Might the rich gifts his blood has bought Assume their proper place, The miracles thy reliques wrought Must yield to those of grace. To only one thy sacred tomb Could mortal life restore, Our Lord's to millions is the womb Of life which ends no more. ON THE USE OF TIME. "And Hezekiah answered, It is a light thin^ for the shadow to go down ten degrees : nay, but let the shadow retarn backward ten degrees." — 2 Kings, xx. 10. It seems a light and trivial thing To view time's onward flight impelTd ; To mark the shadow of his wing Turn'd back! — a sight but once beheld. G2 Once only, to a monarch's prayer, Was given by miracle divine The moments pass'd again to share, And see retrac'd time's shadowy line. Yet thousands daily live on earth As if their ineffectual might Could give this wonder hourly birth And backward turn time's rapid flight. O time ! Heaven's richest gift to man, 'Till gone — -too rarely understood, Bow few thy richest treasures scan. Or rightly estimate thy good. Far beyond honours, power, or wealth, The records of thy flight endure. And render, by unheeded stealth. The poorest rich, the richest poor, Ahusd! though fame's proud heights be trod, Those barren summits nought can give ; Usd for the glory of thy G od — llie humblest in content may live. Thou Giver of this gift sublime ! Grant us thy grace its use to see. That we may at the end of time Enjoy eternity with thee. 63 THE LORD REIGMETH. " Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice : and let men say among the nations, The Lord reignetii."— 1 Chronicles, \vi. 31 . Be glad ye heavens, thou earth rejoice, 3Ian! spread throuijh every nation With joyful and triumphant voice The gospel of salvation : Publish his glory, and his praise Whose word his works sustaineth, And gratefully this anthem raise Rejoice ! The Lord yet reigneth ! Before His footstool prostrate fall. Whose gracious bounty giveth To each created object — all On which enjoyment liveth : — From Him alone each good descends, His arm each ill restraineth; Then tell to earth's remotest ends The Lord in glory reianeth ! G4 Praise Him for all that ye possess Of riches, glory, power ; — Ye who have neither yet may bless His goodness every hour : His watchful and protecting eye The meanest ne'er disdaineth, Raise then, ye poor, your voice on high, For you, for you He reigneth. But chiefly for salvation's gift, Of which He is the Donor, Angels and men your voices lift, In songs of praise and honour : O sing with gratitude His name Whose death our life remaineth, The love of Jesus loud proclaim. And say, The Lord still reigneth. 65 EZRA S MOURNING. "TlienEzra rose up from before the house of God, and went into the chamber of Johanan, the son of Eliashib; and when he came thither, he did eat no bread, nor drink water; for he. mourned because of the transgression of them that had been carried away." — Ezra, x. G. Art thou of Ezra's seed. Mourning, like him, transgressors led away ? Mourn on ! thy holy creed Foretells thy blessing in a future day. What though thine eyes be dim With tears for others who themselves shed none; Thou yet mayst know, like him, That joy which only can through grief be won. Thy soul, in brighter days, 1 lie oil of joy for mourning may possess; And the glad garb of praise lor the dark vesture of thy heaviness. 66 Thine eye may see restored Some for whose bondage thou hastsorrow'dlonii; The haR, by thee deplored, May walk again, the dumb break forth in song. Some son of Elam yet, Among the mourning congregation round. Thy purpose may abet. Nor leave thee till success thy prajfers havecrown'd. If no such aid appear, Blessings rest on the path by mourners trod. And not a single tear Falls from their eyes unnotic'd by their God. SORROW OF THE HEART. " Wherefore the king said unto me, Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? This is nothing else but sorrow of heart." — Nehemiah, ii. 2. () Lord ! thine eye alone can see The hidden sorrows of the heart, To which no help, but aid from thee, Availing comfort can impart : — Thou hear'st its cries. Thou know'st its sighs. Thou wilt for its deliv'rance rise. 67 1 1 is not sickness which hath chasVl The rose from oft" such mourner's cheek ; The darkening cloud by sorrow trac'd Tells more than words can ever speak ; Groans which confess The heart's distress. Can only find in thee redress. Thine arm is shorten'd not ; — thine ear Is open as in days of yore ; The first can save, the last can hear, And thou canst smiles for tears restore, Give light for gloom, Kecal hope's bloom. And bring back joy as from the tomb. 68 nehemiah's midnight survey. " And I went out by night by the gate of the valley, even before the dragon well, and to the dung port, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and the gates thereof were consumed by fire." — Nebemiah, ii. 13. The world may call the Conq'ror great. Who enters with triumphal state Some captur'd city's walls ; Who wins by prowess of his own Some rival monarch's envied throne, And revels in his halls. Greater and nobler far wert thou, Though pensive thought might cloud thy brow, Thus wand'ring forth by night On Salem's ruin'd walls to gaze, While memory of her brighter days Rose with that mournful sight. The faithful patriot's fond desire, The prophet's zeal — could hope inspire E'en in that mournful mood ; Thine was a faith which knew no fears, A glory sullied not by tears, A greatness truly good. 69 Head of the church ! to thee we pray, Oh ! raise up in this latter day Spirits of kindred zeal : — Spirits that love, in lonely hours, To count our yet remaining towers, And watch o'er Zion's weal. Oh ! be to such by thee displayed The devastations sin has made. And while they mourn the view, Show them thy gift of grace, through prayer And faith, can every breach repair And build our walls anew. A KING S SLEEPLESS NIGHT. " On that night could not the King sleep, and he commanded to bring the book of the records of the Chronicles, and they were read before the King." — Esther, vi. I. MoRDECAl, though long forgot. When the monarch slumber'd not. For the service he had done Proud and regal honours won. 70 Long was his reward delayed, Long he sate in seeming shade, While the sun shone fair and bright On the haughty Agagite. Yet in patient faith he sate. Watching on at Shushan's gate ; Humble-hearted, hopeful-eyed, Bowing not to Haman's pride. Come at last the destin'd hour When by God's o'er-ruling power Sleep no soothing charm could fling- On the eye-lids of the King. Then the Chronicles which told Service done by him of old, Gain'd him, at the King's command. Honours from proud Haman's hand. Christian, wait and watch like him. Watch, though every hope seem dim ; Wait, without one murmuring word. Though reward seem long deferr'd. Bear with patience, though forlorn, Haman's obloquy and scorn ; Trust a brighter day to see. More than Esther pleads for thee. 71 He whose eye no sleep can seal. He whose arm can help reveal. He whose word is faithful yet. Neither can nor will forget. THE LANGUAGE OF THE TEMPTER. " Dost thou still retain thine integrity? Curse God, and die.' Job, ii. y. Such is the language to this hour, Of Satan in the heart, When tribulation fiercest power Has wing'd its fiery dart. When night more dark than of the tonil* Appears to veil our sky, Are heard his whispers through the gloom- Xow curse thy God, and die. Why thy integrity retain When He hath cast thee off, And left thee to thy foes' disdain, Or friends' more cruel scoff? 72 Thou tried, and tempted ! hast thou heard A voice like this within ? Be one unfailing prayer preferr'd — " Lord, save me from this sin !" Seek for that patient faith which lives Dependant on His will, Whose hand, while every good it gives. Dispenses needful ill. Still thine integrity hold fast, The tempter's counsel spurn, " Hope against hope !" — and God at last Will for thy help return. He never yet abandoned one Who strove to Him to cleave, And watch'd, and waited through His Son Salvation to receive. 73 DESPONDENCY REPROVED. "Why is light given to a man wbose way is hid, and whom God hath hedged in ?"— Job, iii. 23, Enquire not thou ichy light is thine, Because it useless seems to be ; — AVhile God permits that light to shine, Doubt not it may be bless'd to thee. Think not thy way a path unknown. Though hid from thee, and veil'd from man ; God, from his omnipresent throne That way can trace, thy footsteps scan. Nor say that He hath hedg'd thee in. If scanty seem thy prospect's bound ; When doubt, despondency, and sin, Perchance combine to hem thee round. Turn to that light ; while light is lent. Thy way, though hidden, still pursue. Be with thy present path content, Though bounded may appear its view. £ 74 Lord '. when most useless seems thy light. Our way most hid, our views obscure, Teach us to trust thy love, and might. To know thy promises are sure. Within our hearts thy grace reveal. Though there it seems to shine in vain ; In paths most hidden make us feel That Thou canst make them straight and plain. CHASTISEMENT MERCIFUL, "Bebold, liappj is the man whom God correcteth ; therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty." — Job, v. 17. Instruct us, Lord! from day to day, To feel and understand How kind and merciful alway Is thy chastising hand : May we such chast'ning ever prize, And own the mercy it implies. 75 Tiae sunshine to the flower may give The tints that charm the sight. But scentless woukl that ttow'ret live If skies were always bright ; Dark clouds and showers its scent bestow And purest joy is born of woe. He who each bitter cup rejects. No living spring shall quaflf ; He whom thy rod in love corrects. Shall lean upon thy staft* : Happy, thrice happy, then, is he Who knows his chast'ning is from Thee. THE PRAYER OF SORROW. " tlist I might have my request, and that God would grant me the thing I long for." — Job, vi. 8. Such, such is sorrow's bitter cry, Pour'd forth, O God ! to thee on high, Too oft in hasty mood ; Grief, though importunate it be. Is little qualified to see Its real ill, or good. E 2 76 Hadst thou, when thus, by grief dismay'd, For death thy suff 'ring servant pray'd, Accorded his request, He had not liv'd thy name to praise, And own his life's concluding days Its brightest, and its best. O tlien instruct us, even now, Wiien we before thy footstool bow, And seek through prayer thy face. That all our supplications, still. Should own submission to thy will, Be prompted by thy grace. That chiefly in affliction's hour Our hearts may own that precept's power Taught by thy blessed Son, Who in his agony could pray, The cup might pass from him — yet say. Father ! Thy will be done ! 77 THE VANITY OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. "For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow."— Job, viii. 9. His birth of yesterday, 'I'o-morrow pass'd away ; — His life the shadow of a summer cloud ; Shall mortal man be vain Of knowledge he may gain In the brief span of time to earth allow 'd ? Not that we under-rate Or lightly estimate The triumphs won by many an honour'd name Of those whose midnight oil, And unremitting toil, In outward lore have won them worldly fame. Yet, oh ! how poor, and brief, Like the frail Cistus' leaf Must knowledge be — confined to things of time ; Which, fetter'd by their thrall, Is ignorant of all That renders an eternity sublime. E 3 78 AVliat boots it to be vers'd In systems schools have nurs'd, — If, gaining all the lore that these impart. That truth remain unknown, Whose teaching power, alone, Convicts, converts, and sanctifies the heart ? GOD UNSEARCHABLE. "Canst thou by searching find ont God? Canst thou find out the Almighty to perfection?" — Job, xi. 7. We see, O Lord ! from day to day, In every work of thine. That goodness, power, and skill, which say. Thou ART ! and art divine ! We feel this truth, from hour to hour. When deep within the heart Thy Spirit, with resistless power. And love — declares Thou art. 79 More would we know — Thyself alone Canst banish every doubt ; Vain all researches of our own Must be to find thee out. Oh ! teach us, then, thine outward word To study more and more. And be its oracles preferr'd To perishable lore. Instruct us to thy inward voice To lend a wakeful ear : In its approval to rejoice. At each rebuke to fear. Thy word our law ; thy voice our guide ; Thy truth our only stay, Show us a Saviour crucified, To Thee, the Light, the Way. Thus be that saving knowledge won AVhich only their's can be, Who, through the Spirit, and the Son, Are brought, O God ! to thee. E 4 80 CONFIDING FAITH. ' Though He slay me, yet will 1 trnstin Him." — Job, xiii. 15. Be such, in trial's darkest hour, Our trust and confidence in God ; Be such our faith's sustaining power, Our meek submission to His rod : Then, though our outward life be slain, One far more glorious we shall gain. There is a life we must forego. If we would shun death's keenest sting; A death there is we here must know, If we to endless life would cling: O Lord ! that hidden life supply, And teach us daily how to die. Who seeks to save his outward life. Shall lose the life which Christ would give ; Who dies /or Him — shall by that strife With Him o'er death triumphant live ! O for this heavenly life within ! This daily death to self- -and sin ! 81 Where these through grace divine are known, The language of the heart will be, I live, O Lord ! in thee alone, Though slain — I place my trust in thee; Enough if by thy power divine I find my life and death in thine. THE UNPROFITABLENESS OF MAN's GOODNESS TO HIS MAKER. "Is it any pleasure to the Almighty, that thou art righteous? Or is it gain to Him that thou makest thy way perfect? — Job, xxii. 3. Think not that righteous acts of thine, Done in thy might, Can God delight ; The source of good is grace divine ; And thou must be Content to see Thy deeds with borrow'd lustre shine. E i> 82 .Imagine not, poor child of clay ! Without His grace Thy skill can trace A perfect path to endless day ; Or were it trod, That gain to God Could rise from man's most perfect way. The proud, the impious thought disown: And know thou this. When bale or bliss Evil or good to thee have shown, Thine still remain The vice and pain, — Good, and its joy, the Lord's alone. MOURNFUL RECOLLECTIONS. " O that 1 were as in months past, as in the days when God }>reserved me ; when his candle shined upon my head, and when by his light I walked throngh darkness." — Job.xxix. 2j 3. Mournful it-seems in darken'd *lays To turn to hours more blest and bright, W^hen God's own glory shed its rays Around us, — making darkness light. 83 When we were kept by Him! and knew, — Through faith, which doubt could never dim, ^A^iat His eternal arm can do For those who love and trust in Him. It may be painful thus to turn To favour'd seasons — past and gone, And from our present darkness learn The value of the Light that shone. Yet is it good to know from whom That light divine alone could flow ; And merciful may be the gloom Which teaches us its source to know. While yet 'mid Eden's beauties rare Our parents sojourn'd, — they might deem Each charm its Maker lavish'd there Was their's by empery supreme. But from its bowers by sin exil'd. Were they not taught, in grief and pain. The woman's Seed, the heaven-born Child — Alone could make them their's aaain ? May those who mourn in sin's dark nisiit Glory not their's, now pass'd away. To Jesus turn, the Truth, the Light, Whose love can make their darkness day. 84 THE HAPPINESS OF THE GODLY. "And lie shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, thaK bringeth forth his fruit in bis season ; his leaf also shall not wi- ther."— Psalm, i. 3. Blessed state! and happy he Who is like that planted tree ; Living waters lave his root, Bends his bough with golden fruit. Thine, O Lord ! the power and praise Which a sight like this displays; Power of thine must plant it there. Praise of thee it should declare. Thou must first prepare the ground, Sow the seed, and fence it round, Streams that water, suns that shine. Each and all are ever thine. When the seedling from its bed First lifts up its timid head, Ministry of Thine must give All on which its life can live. 85 Showers from Thee must bid it thrive, Breath of thine must oft revive ; Light from Thee its bloom supplies, Left by Thee— it fades, and dies. Whose then — when a tree up-grown. Should its fruit be? but thine own ! And thy glorious heritage Is its fadeless leaf in age. SALUTARY FEAR. "Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling,'" Psalm, ii. 11. Serve God with holy awe, And strive to keep his law With perfect love that knoweth no dissembling ; If, through his grace divine, The vict'ry should be thine. Be glad, and grateful; yet rejoice with tremblina. m For what is service done By man, — or trophy won By the frail son of man, when most victorious, That he, with haughty tone, Shoukl deem the palm his own. Or of his feeble service be vain-glorious ? Can even pride suggest, When man has done his best, That fear is folly ? — 'tis a thought of madness ! Or when — with heart, and voice, The Christian can rejoice, Are there no humbling thoughts to chasten gladness? There is a fear — whose power. In dark temptation's hour, Makes him who feels it firmer than the Stoic; A trembling — in delight. Which gives the feeble might, And renders the most humble — most heroic ! 87 SELF-COMMUNION. " Commune with jour own heart upon jour bed, and be still." P-;alm, iv. 4. Ere thou giv'st thine eyes to sleep, ^Vhen thou seek'st thy peaceful bed, Let thy thoughts their vigil keep, Let thy soul its wings out-spread. Commune with thy wakeful heart ; — Be communion joy, or pain : 'Tis true wisdom's better part Thus to live the past again. If, with memory's eye review'd. Peace the parted day affords. Turn to God with gratitude, For the glory is the Lord's. If that retrospect but show Good neglected, evil done. Seek for strength, whence strength must flow, On the morrow such to shun. / 88 Wise are they who every night Thus the Psalmist's law obey ; Waiting, watching for that Light, Brighter far than beams of day. Unto such the Light will rise, Showing clearly good and ill, God, whose grace that light supplies, Every roving thought can still. O ! how glorious is that ray Which no shades of night can dim ; O ! how soothing in its sway Silence which proceeds from Him. APPROACHING THROUGH MERCY. " But as for me, I will come into thy house, in the multitude of thy mercy."— Psalm, v. 7. O Lord ! I enter not thy courts In fancied merit of my own ; Thy law has shaken all supports Save what thy mercy yet makes known. 89 The past a dreary waste appears, The present — but the past renew'd. The future — fraught with boding fears But for thy mercy's multitude. No penitence, though deep, and sure, Xo good desires, however strong. No " high resolves," however pure, Can vouch for hope of safety long. These have been trusted, and have fail'd I That purer, humbler hope make known Which, in thy boundless mercy mail'd, Trusts to THY RIGHTEOUSNESS alone. DIVINE CONDESCENSION. " When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained ; What is man that thou artmindfal of him, and the son of man that thoa ^isitest him ?" — Psalm, viii. 3, 4. When I view the vaulted sky, Rear'd by thee, by thee sustain'd. Sun, and moon, and stars on high. By thy fiat first ordain'd, Lord ! what is man ? my spirit well may say, That thou should'st thus be mindful of his way.. 90 What the son of man ? that thou TIjus should'st visit him in love ? To his prayer in mercy bow From thy glorious throne above ? — It is thy condescending grace, whose plan Thus comprehends, and would ennoble man. Yet thy holy word hath said, Thou wilt not for ever strive : — Fearful hope, and daring dread, Let this solemn truth revive ; That we, in thy accepted day, and hour, May of thy visitation own the power. THE believer's REFUGE. "The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in limes of trouble." — Psalm, ix.9. How cheerless, Lord ! would be the lot Of those whom man regardeth not, If, in affliction's darkest hour, Thy name were not their fortress-tower. 91 The world can profFer no relief, E'en to the worldling — in his grief; Itij emptiness is then made known. It loves — but cannot save its own. Beasts have their dens — wherein they creep, Leviathan — the billowy deep ; Birds to their nests for shelter flee ; — Souls troubled and oppress'd — to thee ! Thou art their refuge : — in the day Of trouble, thou art still their stay ; Thy name, in which is power sublime, A shelter in the needful time. But if we hope thine outstretch'd arm In darker hours when ills would harm, O ! teach our lips, in brighter days. To bless thy name, to speak thy praise. For, though thy love may condescend To be the mourner's surest friend. Nay, e'en to cheer their adverse lot Who in past sunshine sought thee not, — Yet justly may thy praise employ. The liberal gratitude of JOY, And selfish, sure, their thoughts must be Who turn but in their grief to thee. NOTE. After the composition of the preceding Verses, the further progress of this little volume had been, for some time, suspended ; indeed its author had for a while felt little ability or inclination to proceed in it, its completion ap- pearing to him almost a hopeless contingency. A candid statement of this circumstance may perhaps explain, if not justify the insertion of the following. 93 A SOLILOQUY. "Unto thee,0 Lord, do 1 lift up my soul." — Psalm, xxv. I. Once more, lov'd solace of my lonely hours, Would I renew my intercourse with thee, Suspended for a time — while Spring's gay Howers, Her bursting foliage, and her songs of glee Allured me from my task to budding bowers, To shady lane, green copse, or blossom'd lea; — In the fond hope, but not more fond than vain, Their charms might lend fresh vigour to my strain. Mistaken thought ! To me shall come no more The once blithe impulse of a vernal day ; Nor can fair nature's countless charms restore "Aught of congenial freshness to my lay ; The sanguine flush of youth's bright morn is o'er, The fairy dreams of fancy pass'd away ; — And were they still my own they could not lend One living charm with thy deep truths to blend. . 94 Not that I darkly view, or lightly prize, The beauties and the harmonies of Spring ; Yet is there what green earth, nor laughing skies, Xor blooming flowers, nor song of birds can bring Over the spirit;- — hid from human eyes Deep in the heart, like a far holier thing Than outward nature's richest stores can yield, The fount of thought and feeling is unseal'd. And he who writes of themes which must endure When times and seasons shall have run their course. Whose song is truth, unchangeable and sure. If he aright would feel its truest force, Must drink of streams unperishing and pure Which issue from a deeper, holier source ; Looking beyond the fading things of time, To those which are eternal and sublime. O ! may I now, with no misgiving dread. Resume the task of many a winter night ; Nor deem devotion's purer influence fled Because no inly-answ'ring flood of light From Spring's young glory on my soul is shed : The just' shall walk by faith, and not by sight ! And he who seeks to frame a heavenly song Through conscious weakness may be render'd strong. 95 Strong in the might and strength of Him, alone, Whose spirit down the vale of vision swept, What time the seer beheld around him strown Bones dry and lifeless which in silence slept ; These, at the word divine, His power made known. And on their feet a living army leapt ; So may the spirit He vouchsafes to raise Revive as from the dead to sing His praise. CONFIDENCE IN PROTECTION. " He maketb me to lie down in green pastures ; be leadetli me beside the still waters." — Psalm, xxiii. 2. Shepherd of Israel's gather'd fold ! Thy pastures still are fresh and green, And water'd, as in days of old. By silent streams of crystal sheen ; And there thou lov'st thy flock to lead That they may on thy bounty feed. 96 These, guarded by thine outstretch'd arm, Are strong in seeming impotence; Secured from danger and alarm By quiet humble confidence, And trusting, Lord ! in thee alone, All other confidence disown. Look down on those who widely stray As through a wilderness unblest, AVhere no still waters cheer their way, Nor herbage yields them food or rest ; Weary and faint the wand'rers roam, Thy hand, alone, can guide them home. THE believer's LIFE AND LIGHT. " For witli thee is the fountain of life : in thy light shall we see light." — Psalm, xxxvi. 9. There is a life, more dear Than that which by our outward breath we live ; There is a light more clear And glorious than the noon-day sun can give. 97 Deep, deep the heart within, By grace divine this life is tirst begot ; Though man, enthrall'd by sin. In its first breathings, stirrings, knows it not. In the awaken'd mind This light first dawns, a faint and glimm'ring ray ; But, to its glory blind, Man from its gentle radiance turns away. Thou only. Lord! canst give The light wherein, alone. Thy light we see; And teach us how to live An inward life still hid with Christ in Thee. That so each gift and grace Bestow'd by Thee its Giver may recall ; And each believer trace In Thee the Fount of Life, of Light, of All. 98 THE REWARD OF PATIENT WAITING. " I waited patiently for the Lord ; and he inclined unto me, and heard mj cry.'' — Psalm, xl. 1. Such was the language us'd of yore, O God ! by Israel's shepherd king. And they who patiently adore. And wait, — thy goodness yet shall sing. Thou didst not hear unmov'd of old Such waiting suppliant's plaintive cry. Nor dost thou coldly now behold The patient mourner's watchful eye. Thy boundless mercy still is near To those who would that mercy crave ; ITndimra'd thine eye, unseal'd thine ear, Thine arm omnipotent to save. 99 But, weaken'd by our sins, and cares. Our ears and eyes nor hear nor see ; Our hearts grow weary, faint our prayers, We wait not patiently for Thee. Nor can we of ourselves obtain The faith which keeps impatience dumb, Which waits, thou2;h waiting seem in vain. Believing that thy time will come. Thy grace, M'hich must the will prepare To watch and pray at Wisdom's gate. Must give the boon of patience there For thy appointed time to wait. ENCOURAGEMENT. " He shall drink of the brook in the way ; therefore shall he lift up the head." — Psalm, ex. 7. Great need had He who trod for us The wine-press of thy wrath, O God ! To be refresh 'd and strengthen'd thus In the rough path he meekly trod. F 2 100 And they who for themselves, alone, Would seek to shun thy righteous wrath. Now need each comfort thou mak'st known To cheer their tribulated path. And blessed be Thy name, and power. And His, their high and holy Head, Thou dost not, in the needful hour, Forget the toilsome way they tread. Thou giv'st them, in thy boundless love, Their hopes to cheer, their souls to stay. Times of refreshment from above. And brooks of comfort by the way. But these, if such we hope to share. If thine their glorious fruits may be. Must yet be sought in faith and prayer. And have their origin in Thee. Gourds we may plant, alas! are vain. Brief is the shelter they can give ; Cisterns we hew can ne'er contain Waters by which the soul can live. The Rock of Ages yet must throw Its shadow o'er the way we tread. And living streams which from it flow — When drank — shall lift in hope the head. 101 THE SEED OF THE KINGDOM. " They that sow in tears, shall reap in joy." — Psalm, cxxvi. 5. Bless'd promise, standing sure through all The cares and griefs of time, >\'^ell may the heart 'mid these recall Thy changeless truth sublime. Of vice each rank and noxious weed Requires but shallow earth. The kingdom's pure and precious seed Demands a deeper birth. The flower of worldly joy but rears Its bloom where sunshine glows, I>ut sown in grief, and fed by tears, The vine immortal grows. That vine of which the living Root is Christ — the Crucitied, 1 n whom each branch that beareth fruit Must livingly abide. F :J 102 • This only grows where grace hath first Prepared and sown the ground, Where love divine its shoots hath nurs'd. And faith has fencVl it round. And they whose hearts have thus been tilld. Sown, planted — Lord, by thee. Shall own thy gracious word fulfill'd. And thy salvation see. Their hopes, though check'd by frequent fears, No doubts shall e'er destroy, But the bless'd seed, first sown in tears. Their souls shall reap in joy. THE PRAISE OF GOD. "Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye ihe Lord!"— Psalm, cl. 6. 'TwAS thus the Psalmist clos'd his lays, Invoking all to join his praise; Oh ! who shall disobey a call Which solemnly appeals to all ? 103 What heart can truly feel his strain, And prove that invocation vain? What spirit but, with full accord, Must inly answer," Praise the Lord !"' Yet who, O God! by thee untaught, Shall dare to praise thee, e'en in thought/ AV hen seraph harps around thy throne Wake to that theme their sweetest tone. No pomp of verse can win thine ear, Genius itself is powerless here; The only praise by Thee desir'd Must be by Thee alone inspired. Thy Spirit must its aid impart, Must cleanse and sanctify the heart; And through thy Son, for sinners slain, Our spirits must be born again. Thus, only, man is render'd meet A strain so heavenly to repeat ; Then, only, can he hope to raise To Thee accepted songs of praise. The ransom'd and redeem'd alone Can make thy glorious triumphs known ; And e'en their silence oft may be The most expressive praise of Thee. F 4 104 SPIRITUAL ECONOMY. •• There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth ; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty." — Proverbs, \i. 24. If here instruction we may trace, Applied to outward wealth. Not less it teaches us of grace, And of the spirit's health ; There is that scattereth — but to gain. There is that hoardeth — but in vain. 'I'he single talent's humble worth If us'd — its meed had gain'd ; The ten — if buried in the earth, No blessing had obtain'd : — In goods without, in grace within. The liberal truest riches win. 105 Love's is a social law! and they Who thus themselves bereave, Fling not the Spirit's gifts away, But — giving, shall receive : — Their bread upon the waters cast Shall all return to them at last. They shall be render'd rich above, Surpassing worldly pelt', Tu their dear Lord's atoning love, Who freely gave himself ! Who, rich and sinless, came to share Our poverty, our sins to bear. Nobly hath He exemplified True wealth's unbounded store, Which is increas'd when scatter'd wide. And us'd — abounds the more, W^hen in the riches of His grace supreme He gave His life to ransom and redeem. F a 106 SIGNS AND TOKENS. "He that observeth the wind, shall not sow ; and he that re- gardeth the clouds shall not reap.'' — Ecclesiastes, xi. t. Christian pilgrim, seeking still Zion's high and holy hill, May thy Lord to thee impart .Single eye, and stedfast heart. Place thy trust in grace divine, Heed not thou each changing sign ; Shouldst thou witness many a change. Count not these as tokens strange. Winds may rise of fearful sound, Darkest clouds may gather round. These may usher cloudless day, Those but waft thee on thy way. He who watcheth winds that blow, May too long neglect to sow ; He who waits lest clouds should rain. Harvest never shall obtain. 107 Signs and tokens false may prove, Trust thou in a Saviour's love, In his sacrifice for sin. And his Spirit's power within. Keep thou Zion-ward thy face. Ask in faith the aid of grace. Use the strength which grace shall give. Die to self — in Christ to live. Faith in God, if such be thine, Shall be found thy safest sign. And obedience to His will Prove the best of tokens still. THE CHURCH IN HER BEAUTY AND PURITY " A garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring sbut up, a fouDtain sealed.'' — Solomon's Song, iv. 12. Delightful emblems, in whose guise is shown Thy church, O Lord, from spot and wrinkle free; " The world unknowing, by the world unknown," Chaste and devoted in her love to Thee. F G lOB Then I'hou to her art fairest of the fair, The chief among ten thousand : — every crown And palm victorious which her children wear. Before thy throne of glory is cast down. Then, every anxious care on Thee repos'd. Her image to the spirit seems reveal'd A beauteous garden, by Thy love inclos'd, A spring shut up, a living fountain seal'd. Lovely as Eden, ere by sin's deceit The tempter there a fatal entrance found ; Pure as a chrystal fount in noontide's heat, Whose sunless depth by rocks is guarded round. Her's is that state of holier innocence Fall'n nature of itself can never know; Thy arm's inclosure is her living fence. Thy grace which made her pure must keep her so. 109 THE CHURCH IN HER DESOLATION. "And the daughter of Zion is left as a cottage in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city." — Isaiah, i. 8. Such the desolate condition Of thy church, when sick at heart ; Haste to save her, great Physician, Much she needs thy healing art. Bahn in Gilead still is growing, Balm which every wound can heal, Haste, thy skilful aid bestowins:, Thy compassion to reveal. Like some poor, besieged city, Zion's daughter now appears; Lord, look down on her with pity, Hear her sighs, behold her tears. Turn thy righteous hand upon her, Purge away her dross and tin. Vindicate thy name and honour, Once enshrin'd her walls within. 110 Once more from Thee favour winning, Judges unto her restore ; -As she had at the beginning, G ive her counsellors once more. Raise up nursing sires and mothers, Be thyself her Priest and King ; Make her sons a band of brothers, Daughters — meet thy praise to sing. So shall sin no more defile her. Thy salvation they shall bless, And the earth again shall stj'le her City of thy righteousness. ZION S HOPE OF REDEMPTION. "Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and her converts with righteousness." — Isaiah, i. 27. With judgment, passing that of man. By righteousness, but not their own ; — Such still redemption's glorious plan. Thus Zion's converts still are known. Ill The judgment which redeems must be That of the Holy Ghost, and fire ; This, only from each sin can free. And full, confiding faith inspire. The righteousness which standeth sure, The convert must in Christ attain ; This only, perfect, spotless, pure. Shall in the end acceptance gain. Behold the cause why Zion still Is unredeem'd, unsanctified; Why converts, impotent of will. Faint, falter, fall on every side. Vain of our judgment, we are led To trust its strength in evil hour, And shun, as with instinctive dread. The Spirit's deep baptismal power. Proud of our fancied righteousness. Which self in splendid colours paints. We seek not, strive not to possess The purer garment of the saints. Helper of Zion ! dissipate The clouds which yet her glory mar, And show us, ere it be too late. What righteousness and judgment are. 112 THE DAY OF DIVINE VISITATION. "And the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day." — Isaiah, «i, 11. Can language utter, — pen record The wonders of that day When Zion's righteous Judge and Lord Asserts his sovereign svv^ay ? Where are thy cedars, Lebanon, So late uplifted high ? Where are the oaks of Bashaii gone. Whose strength might storms defy ? And thus the glory of the proud The cedar's lot must know ; The strongest as a reed be bow'd, Like Bashan's oak — laid low. The ships of Tarshish — types of art And wealth, — delight no more: The pleasant pictures of the heart Be darkly shadow'd o'er ; 113 And every idol thought can claim Abolish'd, and o'erthrovvn, That so the Lord's exalted name INIay reign and rule alone. Such is the day, and such the hour Of visitation still, When God ariseth in his power To bend, and bow the will. And bless'd are they who through His grace In visitation bow. Who vow, henceforth, to seek His face, And keep that solemn vow. CHRIST S TITLES AND ATTRIBUTES. " For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given : and the government shall be upon his shoulder ; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting; Father, the Prince of Peace." — Isaiah, ix.6. Doubting Christian, why forlorn? Art not thou an heir of heaven ? Unto thee a Child is born. Unto thee a Son is given. 114 His the government sublime Of his own redeeming grace, Far beyond the bounds of time. Far beyond thy views of space. Wonderful — His name shall be, Counsellor — in paths untrod, Everlasting Father — He, Prinoe of Peace, and Mighty God. (ilorious titles ! Power divine ! Hear, believe, obey, and live; Faith their fruits shall render thine, God, alone, that faith can give. Faithless, — thou must be forlorn, Tempest-toss'd, at random driven ; Unto thee no Child is born. Unto thee no Son is given. But, believing, thou shalt know Winds and waters hush'd and still'd, Toss'd no longer to and fro. See each prophecy fulfiU'd. Pray for faith ! — that reconcil'd Unto God — thy soul may see Born for thee this sinless Child, And the Son thy Saviour be. 115 CHRIST THE SURE FOUNDATION. " Behold I lay in Zion for a foundation stone, a tried stoue, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste." — Isaiah, xxviii. 16. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts— Behold, Henceforth in Zion I make known, By ancient prophecy foretold, A tried, a precious Corner-Stone. A sure Foundation, which shall stand When storms descend, and tempests beat; When structures human skill has plann'd Their fearful, final ruin meet. Lord, thy right hand that Stone has laid, O make it precious in our sight ! That in thy power, and through thy aid Each builder may proceed aright. On trustless sands, with heedless haste, Man's Babel, rear'd, delights his eyes ; But, on the Tlock of Ages plac'd, 'J'hy edifice must sloicly rise. 116 There things corruptible are shown Worthless materials still to be, The incorruptible alone Can form a temple worthy Thee. Alike unfurnish'd, and unskill'd Are we, except Thy grace provide ; Thou only canst instruct to build, Who hast the Corner-Stone supplied. GRACIOUS PROMISES. " But now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; tliou art mine." — Isaiah, xliii. 1. Fear not, Jacob, tribulated. Fear not, Israel, disesteem'd ; I, the Lord, who first created. Have as gloriously redeem'd. By thy name my love has call'd thee, Bade my light around thee shine, Broke the fetters which enthrall'd thee, Through redemption made thee mine. 117 Tear not, Zion's sons and daughters ! Perfect love should cast out fear, When ye pass through deepest waters, 1, your Saviour, still am near. Overwhelm'd by waves of sorrow. Place your trust in Zion's King ; Thence fresh comfort ye shall borrow. Thence memorial stones shall bring. In the furnace of affliction, I will save you from despair ; Love divine shall bring conviction That my arm is round you there. Never shall you be forsaken, Nothing shall have power to harm. While your faith remains unshaken In Jehovah's outstretch'd arm. Heights nor depths shall from me sever Those whom Christ hath brought to mt-. 1 will keep them safe for ever. And their God and J^aviour be. 118 A PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH. "Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake as in the ancient days, in the generations of old." — Isaiah, li. 9. Arm of the Lord, awake, Put on thy strength as in the days of yore. And for the Church's sake Exert thy righteous energies once more. Art Thou not it — whose might Smote Rahab? — gave the Dragon's cureless wound? Oh ! deign for us to fight, Whom foes as deadly now beset around. Art Thou not it — whose power Dried the sea's depths in Israel's earlier day, And in their favour'd hour. Made for the ransom'd of the Lord a way ? Once more, once more arise ; As in the ancient days for us appear ; The deep before us lies, x\nd worse than Pharaoh's host are in our rear. 119 That so the Lord's redeem'd W^ith songs of praise to Zion may be led. Thy glory be esteem'd. And everlasting joy be on our head. FREE REDEMPTION. " For tlias saith the Lord, ye have sold yourselves for nouijhi, .ind ye shall be redeemed without money." — Isaiah, Hi. 3. Ye sold yourselves for nought, Redemption is as free. Why are ye not then brought By Jesus unto me ? Such, Lord, thy language still. The gracious words repeat, And bend and bow the will Before thy judgment seat. There mercy yet is shown, There love still hovers round. Salvation is made known. And free redemption found. 120 Though we ourselves have brought To slavery's galling chain, A Saviour's love, unbought, May ransom us again. Though sin's destroying flood Have swept our peace away. Yet Christ's atoning blood That torrent's course can stay. lliough earth contain no gem To ransom man from vice. In thy bright diadem Is set that Pearl of Price. A Pearl — compar'd with which The ruby has no worth, Which makes the poorest rich. Possessing more than earth. And they who seek thy face, Thy mercy shall supply, From free, unpurchased grace, With what worlds could not buy. 121 SLOWLY, SAFELY, AND SURELY. "For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight : for tlie Lord will go before you ; and the God of Israel will be your rear- ward." — Isaiah, lii. 12. When Israel's sons from Egypt's land Were brought by God's resistless hand, Not their 's the captive's fearful flight. But the strong march of guarded might. (jod went behind them, and before, To guard and guide to Canaan's shore ; By night a lire to point their way, A pillar of a cloud by day. And those who now deliverance win From death and darkness, self and sin, Nor haste, nor flight tumultuous prove. But slowly, safely, surely, move. He whose almighty power hath broke A heavier far than Egypt's yoke, Whose love has foil'd the tyrant's wrath, Still guides and guards his people's path. G 122 Not their's the fugitive's escape Whom dangers daunt in every shape ; Not their's the captive's hurried pace Who fears the conq'ror's eager chace. Captives they were in slavery's hour, Now more than conq'rors through His power Who lov'd, redeem'd, and set them free, And bade them his salvation see. Slow, safe, and sure the path assign'd, God moves before them, and behind, Present to faith, when lost to sight, Their cloud by day, their fire by night. Christ's atonement. "But he was wounded for our transgressions, lie was bruised for our iniquities ; the chastisement of our peace was upon hira ; and with his stripes we are healed." — Isaiah, liii. 5. Lord ! hast thou meekly sufter'd thus For fall'n and guilty man ? And shall we coldly now discuss Thy love's stupendous plan ? 123 Nay, not thy gospel's scheme alone, — False reason, soaring high, Which thy Atonement would disown, Thy Godhead dares deny. But those whom faith has given to learn Of grace each type and sign. In each, through all, alike discern A Source, and Power divine ! These, knowing that they are but dust, Thy word of truth believe, Place in that word their simple trust, And faith from Thee receive. Thy Holy Spirit's aid they crave To make thy counsel known; This shows a Saviour, prompt to save, Almighty to atone. Then Christ is precious in their sight ; Tor them the Lamb was slain, And in His glorious life and light Their souls are born again. Born to a life which shall not cease, — His stripes their wounds have heal'd, And by His chastisement of peace Their peace with God is seal'd. G 2 124 THE ONLY SAFE GLORY. " But let hiin that glorieth glor}' in this, that he understandetli aud knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise loving-kind- ness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth; for in these things I delight, saith the Lord." — Jeremiah, ix. -1. Let not the mighty glory in his might, Let not the wise be of his wisdom proud, Let not the rich man in his wealth delight, For these shall vanish like a summer cloud. But he that glorieth — let it be alone In understanding, Lord! and knowing thee, Through mercy,judgment,righteousness made known His strength, his wisdom, and his wealth to be. This is the understanding which makes wise, Wise to salvation : — this the knowledge still Which, far surpassing all the world supplies, Restrains the passions, sanctifies the will. 125 He who thus glories only seeks to show His rev'rent homage to the Lord of all ; His is the lowly pride the humble know. The exaltation which can fear no fall. THE BLESSINGS OF EARLY RESTRAINT. "It is good for a man that he bear the yoke io his youth. He sitteth alone and keepeth silence, because he hath borne it upon him. He putteth his mouth in the dust, if so be there may be hope." — Lamentations, iii. 27 — 29. Lord, bless'd is he who learns to bear Tliy yoke in tender youth ; AV horn teachings of thine own prepare Betimes to know thy truth. Good is it — in thy holy sight, Who view'st with partial eyes, K'en with a Father's fond delight Such early sacrifice. G 3 126 (iood is it for Thy church's sake ; For he, thus taught to bear, A pillar in that church shall make, And show thy praises there. And goodly is the portion still Of him, whoe'er he be, Who early knows thought, word, and wiH, Subjected unto Thee. His shall be light in darkest hour, His — patient waiting too ; — In Thy unfailing arm of power His strength shall he renew. He shall sit silently, alone, His mouth as in the dust, To see Thy holier hope made known, In which is plac'd his trust. To him, in Thy appointed time, That hope shall yet appear, Whose power, eternal and sublime. Can cast out every fear. 127 A NEW HEART, AND A NEW SPIRIT. " A new heart also will I give jou, and a new spirit will I put witiiin you; and I will take away the stony heart oat of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh." — Ezekiel, xxxvi. 26. Christian, behold a simple test, Which, in the light of truth, makes known. As God can only manifest. Who are, and who are not his own. What know'st thou of a heart thus chang'd .' Or is thine what it was of old, From God and things divine estrang'd, Obdurate, earthy, stony, cold ? What know'st thou of the holy birth Of this new spirit, born within ? Is thine still fetter'd to the earth, The sport of folly, slave of sin ? Trust not a name, whate'er it be, If still thy nature be the same : — The faith which wins no more for thee. Will prove, indeed, an empty name. G 4 123 Turn inward to the work afresh. Waiting and watching unto prayer; So may'st thou know a heart of flesh Thy stony one supplanting there. Humbly implore, for Jesu's sake, Whose name is yet with power endued , That through His grace thou may'st partake A spirit livingly renew'd. No outward homage of the lip Can christian fellowship impart ; The badge of true discipleship Is change of spirit, and of heart. HOPE LEFT WHILE THE ROOT LIVES. " Nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth, eveu with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field, and let it be wet with the dew of heaven." — Daniel, iv. 15. Hath not the vision now Its sure interpretation? Are there not Roots, bearing trunk nor bough. Yet living in the earth, unseen, forgot? 1-29 Is there not, known to Thee, Saviour and Lord, the church's livinsj Head ! Full many a goodly tree Whose early shoots by Thee were nurtur'd, fed ? But when thou hadst a right To look for fruit, on these no fruit was found : Their beauty thou didst blight; W ith brass and iron thou their root hast bound. Such are existing yet, Pprniitted in thy boundless love to live; May heavenly dews still wet, And tender grass its nourishment still give. That so each hidden root Spared by Thy mercy thus to live unseen. In days to come may shoot. And once more wave its branches fresh and green. Thy hand, which did not spare Ihe barren beauty of its earlier days. May cause it yet to bear Tmmottal fruit to Thy eternal praise. G d 130 THE FRAILTY OF MAN's GOODNESS. " O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judali, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away." — Hoses, vi. 4. Such the transient influence now Of too many a fervent vow ; Such in spirit and in span, Goodness deem'd innate in man. Like a morning cloud it flies, Like the early dew up-dries. Brief as bright, and frail as brief, Like the changing Cistus' leaf. Clouds which bear the welcome shower Wait not on man's fancied power ; Dews that nourish where they fall Come not when he deigns to call. Blossoms time may not impair Deathless Amaranths must bear; And the goodness which shall liv«- God alone to man can give. 131 .ludah's God, and Ephraim's Lord, Unto us thy grace accord ; Make Tliy gracious goodness known. Show how trustless is our own. Morning clouds, though bright their dyes Fade before our thirsty eyes ; Dews which early pass away Leave our hearts to drought a prey. Give us darker clouds, whose gloom Bears rich blessings in its womb ; Heavier dews which fall at eve, Whence Thy seed may life receive. sin's devastations not irreparable. " And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the canker-wonn, and the caterpillar, and the palmer-worm, my 'fjezi army which I sent among yon." — Joel, ii. 25. Mourners, whose hearts are oft afraid. Whose eyes are liU'd with frequent tears. Viewing the havoc sin has made In darker days of former years; — Look unto Him whose arm made bare. Each devastation can repair. G 132 . At His commandment yet may thrive Of purer life each hidden germ, And bring forth fruit which shall survive The canker and the palmer-w^orm : The locusts' spoil, of years gone by, To you His mercy can supply. 'Tis w^ell that man's awaken'd sense Should trace the past with fear and shame ; Should know his enemies, and whence Each hydra-headed monster came ; Yet not less needful he should feel \^^hose hand can every ravage heal. Thus taught, the humble heart shall own Its deadliest foes are born within ; That God hath made the spoilers known, The spoil'd unto himself to win; Rendering the former, by His might. An army for His cause to fight. 133 THE FAMINE OF THE WORD. "Behold the dajs come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, bat of hearing the words of the Lord." — Amos, viii. 11. () Lord, avert from us this day Of famine's fiercest strife; And take not from our souls the stay And staff of endless life. Though we too often have preferr'd Time's transitory things Before thy pure and precious word Which sure salvation brings; Yet suffer not our souls to know This famine, worst of all ; Lest, victims to its wasting woe, We miserably fall. O rather, since the power is thine, While yet thy word is near, Compel us by thy voice divine To lend a wakeful ear. . 134 Though justly stern its tones may sound, These thou canst teach to bear ; Far better judgment reign around Than silence and despair. Although the food Thy word may give Be wormwood to the soul, Better it is on this to live, Than pleasure's sparkling bowl. Oh, teach us most that death to fear, By inward famine slain. Which, dying, thirsts thy voice to hear, Yet thirsts, alas, in vain. PRIDE REPROVED. "ThoQgh thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saitli the Lord." — Obadiah, verse 4. Who art thou, that, soaring high. Pride of heart thy bosom swelling, Look'st around with haughty eye, Trusting in thy lofty dwelling ? 135 Stoop thy wing, or thou'it undone; Let not pride of heart deceive thee ; He, the High and Holy One, Of thy dwelling shall bereave thee. Though, 'till cheek'd by wrath, or love. Far from earth thy spirit wing thee, — Rear its home the stars above, — Yet from thence the Lord shall bring thee. Bring thee down, and lay thee low, Lower than the most inglorious; Soon thy humbled pride shall know His almighty arm victorious. Then forbear to trust thy tiight. Even to the eagle's pinion ; Learn in time Jehovah's mijrht ; Bow to God's supreme dominion. Kiss the Son lest he be wrath, Dare not with the Word dissemble, Choose a humbler, safer path ; Know thyself, and fear, and tremble. 13C USELESS FLIGHT. "Bat Jonah rose up to flee untoTarshish from the presence of the Lord."— Jonah, i. 3. And couldst thou fancy, then, Tarshish beyond the ken Of Him whose presence fills unbounded space ? Who, from the heavens on high. With sleepless searching eye, Even the depths of hell itself can trace ? Weak though Ihr thought might be, There are who censure thee, MHio would no less God's holy presence shun; Weakness surpassing thine, Whose mission, though divine, Might hope to Avin belief from few or none. 137 Such, when they feel within His power convict of sin, Turn from the witness for His righteous will; In earth's delusive joys, Tn business, strife, and noise, Striviuij to drown the voice they cannot still. As well to Tarshish flee, As hope to 'scape from Thee, (rod omnipresent, and omnipotent ! Closing with coward fear That inward eye and ear. Whose powers for nobler purposes were lent. Ungrateful, and absurd; — E'en by the deafest heard, Thy still small voice shall speak in thrilling tone, (^n the eye's darkest night Shall burst thy piercing light. In judffnient or in mercy both be known ! 138 HOPE IN CONFLICT. "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall I shall arise ; when I sit in darkness, tlie Lord shall be a light nntome." — -Micah, vii. 8. Rejoice not over me, my foe, Though fall'n, I am not slain ; In mightier power than thou canst know I shall arise again. Think not, though clouds may gather round, That mine is starless night; Even amid that gloom profound The Lord will be my light. 8ueh is their language, Lord, whose hearts All confidence disown, Save what Thy word of truth imparts, And crave Thy power alone. These, even while they mourn each fall, And view themselves with shame. On Thee, afresh, for succour call, And trust a Saviour's name. 139 Thou art to them in darkest hour Their comfort, hope, and stay; Well knowing that thy arm of power Can make their darkness day. These meekly strive to bear thy rod With patient, reverend awe. Conscious that they, O righteous God, Have disobey 'd tliy law. Yet, in their chastisement they place Full confidence in Thee, And for thy holy gift of grace, Before Thee bend the knee ; Imploring Thou wilt plead aright Their cause, their struggles bless; And bring them forth unto the light To see thy righteousness. 140 COMFORT IN A CLOUDY DAY. "Tlie Lord hath his way in the whirlwind, and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet."— N ahum, i. 3. Expect not, pilgrim, Zion-ward, A bright sky always will be thine. Or that the presence of thy Lord Will constantly around thee shine : If all were clear, around, above. What test could prove thy faith and love In storm or whirlwind, as in wrath. He holds unseen his righteous way, Dark clouds denote his viewless path, And thine may seem a winter's day, Yet not the less His path may be One of unbounded love to thee. 141 jje patient, though the sea be made Before him like a desert, dry, — Though Bashan languish, Carmel fade. And flowers of Lebanon may die ; Yet slow to anger is the Lord, A tower of strength His name ador'd. The Lord is good : He still remains. As in the ancient days of old. When doubt, or fear, or trouble reigns, A strong, a safe, a stedfast Hold ; When hearts are faint, and eyes are dim, He knoweth them that trust in Him. GETTING TO THE WATCH-TOWER. " I will stand upon ray watch, and set rae upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto rae, and what I shall an- swer when I am reproved."— Habakkuk, ii. 1. Oh, were this waiting, watching frame Yet more and more the Christian's aim ; Yet more and more his inward eye The Saviour's kingdom should descry. 142 Yet more and more his inward ear Of holiest oracles should hear; Yet more and more his heart should feel What God will only there reveal. 'Tis not by running to and fro. The lan