LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF ^.,....L<~..,...L^ 107. The process of dividing both dividend and divisor (or their factors) by the same factor is called Cancellation. A thin line drawn through a dividend or divisor indicates that a factor has been cancelled ; thus, 20 ^ = — = 2, with a remainder of 6. n 7 7 Here 6 is cancelled from dividend and divisor, and the quotients are written, one above and one below. Ex. (5 x 48 x 28) + (10 x 14 x 9) may be written 5 x 48 x 28 10 x 14 x 9* The latter is the better form when we wish to cancel ; thus, 1 16 i $ x S. x 8 - 1? = 5, with a remainder of 1. Xfixlix 9 3 % % 3 Arts. 105-107.] MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 83 Here 5 is cancelled from 5 and 10, 3 from 48 and 9, 7 from 28 and 14, and the two 2's thus obtained in the divisor cancel with the 4 in the dividend. The result is the same as if there had been no cancellation. EXAMPLES XXV. Written Exercises. \m lplify by cancellation : l. » 4- *fc 7- t 7 A- 10. 444 T6T' 2. » 5- iff 8. m- 11. tu- 3. if- 13. 6. iH- 7x22 11 x 63" 9- Iff 12. rn- 14. (8 x 38 x 41) - (19 x 4). 15. 16. 6(42 - 3) 13x8 ' 1.26 x 3.5 .6x7 17. Why can we not cancel in " . EXAMPLES XXVI. Miscellaneous Examples, Chap. IU. 1. Divide the product of 8978 and 55112 by 5561. 2. Divide 210 dollars between A and B, so that A may have 5 times as much as B. 3. Find the H.C.F. of 3465 and 3696. 4. Multiply 606.78 by 11. 5. Find35 2 ; 105 2 ; 7.5 2 ; V 24 ™09. 6. What number is the same multiple of 7 that 21560 is of 55? 84 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. [Chap. III. 7. What is the price of a silver bowl weighing 50 ounces, at 1.25 dollars an ounce ? 8. Two equal sums were respectively divided among 12 men and a certain number of boys. Each man received 5 dollars, and each boy 1 dollar. How much was divided altogether, and how many boys were there ? 9. Exactly 20 years ago, a man was four times as old as his son, whose present age is 28. What is the present age of the father ? 10. Eindl9 x 16; 656x125. 11. A certain chapter of a book begins at the top of the 357th page and ends at the bottom of the 435th page. How many pages are there in the chapter ? 12. After multiplying 375 by 29, and 131 by some other number, the results when added amounted to 13888. What was the other number ? 13. Find the H.C.F. of 5610, 11781, and 1309. 14. Find the least number by which 222 must be multiplied in order that the product may be a multiple of 1295. 15. Four bells toll at intervals of 3, 4, 5, and 6 seconds, respectively. If they all begin to toll at the same instant, how long will it be before they again all toll together ? 16. Add fourteen hundred seventeen, four thousand eleven hundred nine, six million fifteen thousand, and eighteen million twelve hundred nineteen. 17. A certain number was divided by 35 by ' short ' divisions ; the quotient was 72, the first remainder was 2, and the second remainder was 6. What was the dividend ? Art. 107.] MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 85 18. Multiply 700630.0003 by 1006.07, and prove by dividing the product by the multiplier. 19. Find the continued product of 18, 13, and 11 ; obtain the square root of the product to two decimal places. 20. Divide 126819 by 21, using factors. 21. What is the least number of times that 315 must be added to 1594 that the sum may exceed a million ? 22. Multiply 67412 hf 9997 as shortly as you can. 23. Divide 789 by .10063 to 3 decimal places. 24. Find the H.C.F. of 10481 and 17617. 25. Four men can walk 30, 35, 40, and 45 miles a day, respectively ; what is the least distance they can all walk in an exact number of days ? 26. Find the L.C.M. of 12, 64, 80, 96, 120, 160. 27. Find the prime factors of 1176 and 19404, and hence write down their G.C.M. and L.C.M. 28. The quotient is twice the divisor, and the remainder which is 50 is one-fifth part of the quotient. Find the dividend. . 29. Simplify ; obtain the answer in two forms. 125X219' 30. Find the least number which can be divided by 7, 20, 28, and 35, and leave 3 as remainder in each case. 31. What number is that which after being subtracted 19 times from 1000 leaves a remainder of 12 ? 32. Multiply three thousand eighty-seven by seventy- two thousand nine hundred thirty. What numbers less than 12 will exactly divide the product ? 86 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. [Chaps. III., IV. 33. (a) Simplify 650 x 1.25 - .5. (b) The answer is a multiple of which of the following numbers : 5, 15, 25, 65, 105, 125 ? Obtain (6) by first obtaining primes of the answer. 34. Find 19 x 17 x 11 X 2.5 x 1.25. 35. Find65 2 x .11. 36. Simplify (a) \ 2 - x 4 - 2 + 6 (18 - 14). (P) ¥-X (4-2) + 6(18-14). (c) 2(¥x4) -.J2 + 6(18 -14)j. 37. If a number when divided by 35 give a remainder 27, what remainder will it give when divided by 7 ? 38. What is the greatest and what is the least number of four digits which is exactly divisible by 73 ? 39. Find the H.C.F. and the L.C.M. of 21, 22, 24, 28, 32, 33; also of 16, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36. 40. Find the number nearest to 1000 and exactly divisible by 39. 41. Multiply 7863 by 999, and see if the product is divisible by 3. 42. Find V4912.888464. 43. Find V^ 6 - (a) Divide the following numbers by 2. (b) Prove your answers by first simplifying the numbers, and then dividing by 2. 44. 3(6 + 8); 3(6x8). 45. 4(6 + 8); 4(6x8). 46. 4(18 + 6); 4(18-6). 47. (6x2) (8 + 10). 48. 6(12-3) + 8 6 + 4 + 2. 49. 28 -f- [7 - (3 + 2)]. Arts. 108-110.] FRACTIONS. 87 CHAPTER IV. FRACTIONS. 108. If a unit be divided into 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., equal parts, these parts are called halves, third-parts, fourth-parts, fifth-parts, etc., or more shortly and more generally, halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, etc. If the unit quantity be divided into any number of equal parts, one or more of these parts is called a Fraction of the unit. For example, if a unit quantity, as one apple, be divided into sevenths, three of these parts constitute three sevenths, and the three sevenths is a fraction of seven sevenths, the unit quantity. 109. The number which indicates how many parts of the unit quantity are to be used is called the Numerator. The number which indicates into how many parts the unit quantity is divided is called the Denominator. 110. The expression formed by writing a numerator just above a denominator with a line between is called a Common Fraction. Thus, f, y 8 ^ (eight-thirteenths), ^ (one twenty-third), are com- mon fractions (called briefly fractions). Common fractions are also called vulgar fractions. Note. A fraction is an expression of division, the numerator and denominator corresponding to the dividend and divisor respec- tively. What is true of dividend and divisor is true of numerator and denominator. When the indicated division is performed, the quotient is generally a decimal. 88 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. Ex. & = 3-s-24. 24)3.000(.125 24 60 48 120 120 111. If we have 3 units, and divide each of them into 5 equal parts, and then take one of the parts from each divided unit, we shall take one part out of every five, that is, one-fifth of the whole three units j but each of the parts is one-fifth of a single unit and we take 3 of them : we therefore take 3 fifths of one unit. Thus, 3 fifths of 1 unit is the same as 1 fifth of 3 units. Hence, f, which by definition denotes 3 fifths of 1 unit, may also be considered to stand for 1 fifth of 3 units. The same holds good for all other fractions ; for example, f of 1 dollar = £ of 3 dollars ; and | of 1 foot = } of 7 feet. EXAMPLES XXVII. 1. Write in figures the following fractions: five- ninths, six-elevenths, eleven twenty-thirds, sixteen twenty- sevenths, seventeen ninety-firsts, ninety-five one hundred fourths. 2. Write in words : f, f, ^ A> A> Vb &> tVd J*& 112. The numerator and denominator of a fraction are called its Terms. When the numerator is less than the denominator, the fraction is called a Proper Fraction ; and when the numera- tor is equal to or greater than the denominator, the fraction is called an Improper Fraction. Arts. 111-114.] MIXED NUMBERS. 89 A number made up of an integer and a fraction is called a Mixed Number. Thus, 2\ (2 and \), which means 2 + £, is a mixed number. Changing the form of an expression, or changing the units in terms of which any quantity is expressed, is called Reduction. 113. Reducing a mixed number to an improper fraction. Consider, for example, 3|. Each unit contains 7 sevenths, therefore 3 units contain 3 times 7 sevenths. 21-4-2 23 Hence, 31 = 3 times 7 sevenths + 2 sevenths = — ±— = — 7 7 7 a™^ 72 7x9 + 2 65 Again, 7f = = -• From the above it will be seen that a mixed number is equivalent to an improper fraction whose denominator is the denominator of the fractional part, and whose numerator is obtained by multiplying the integral part by the denominator of the fraction and adding its numerator. It should be noticed that a whole number can be expressed as a fraction with any given denominator. For example, 6 = 6x7 sevenths = - 4 7 2 - ; also, 6 = 6 x 13 thirteenths = f f . 114. Conversely, reducing an improper fraction to a whole or mixed number. Consider, for example, - 2 ^. Since 7 sevenths make 1 unit, - 2 f = 3x? sevenths + 2 sevenths = 3 + 2 sevenths = 3f . Again, - 2 ¥ * = 6x4 fourths = 6, since 4 fourths = 1. From the above it will be seen that an improper fraction is reduced to a mixed number by dividing its numerator by its denom- inator ; the quotient will form the integral part, while the remainder, if any, will form the numerator of the fractional part, whose denominator must be the denominator of the improper fraction. 90 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. EXAMPLES XXVIII. Oral Exercises. Express as improper fractions : 1. 11 If, 2|, 3*. 2. 7^, 6 T % 5f 3f 3. 4^, 9f, 12fc 11^. 4. Express 3, 5, and 9 as fractions with a denominator 7. Express as whole or mixed numbers : s. ¥> ¥>¥>¥• e. ft ?> ft if 7. ¥>¥>¥>«• Written Exercises. Express as improper fractions : 8. 4^,5^,18^. [Art. 55,1.] 10. Reduce 13 to fifteenths, and 41 to twenty-fifths. 11. Express 427 as a fraction with a denominator 99. Express as whole or mixed numbers : 12- ft ft If 13. tflifoW 14 - ftW,W- See Art. 70 for examples in 14. 115. Reducing a fraction to its lowest terms. A fraction is said to be in its Lowest Terms when the numerator and denominator have no common factor. Thus, the fractions, §, f , |§, are in their lowest terms ; but the fractions, f , |£, § £ , are not in their lowest terms, for in each case the numerator and denominator have 2 as common factor. The following is a very important truth : The value of a fraction is not changed by dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number. This truth is but a repetition of the principle stated in Art. 103. Art. 115.] REDUCTION TO LOWEST TERMS. 91 Ex. B educe T %\ 5 u to its lowest terms. To reduce to the lowest terms we must divide by the H.C.F. of the numerator and denominator ; for we thus obtain an equivalent fraction whose numerator and denominator have no common factors. In the present case the H.C.F. will be found to be 55. 825 825 -55 15 Thus, 1540 1540 ■*■ 55 28 Instead of reducing a fraction to its lowest terms by dividing the numerator and denominator by their H.C.F., we may divide by any common factor, and repeat the process until the fraction is reduced to its lowest terms. Thus, We see at once that 5 is a common factor ; we therefore divide the numerator and denominator by 5, and obtain the equivalent fraction iff. We now see that 11 is a common factor, and having divided the numerator and denominator by 11, we have the equiva- lent fraction £f , which is at once seen to be in its lowest terms. EXAMPLES XXIX. Oral Exercises. Reduce to their lowest terms : *• ¥> "6"? T5"? T6"> T5- 3 * "2T> "5T> JTi H' 2- «,«,*, if, it 4. ft ft ft ft, ft Written Exercises. Reduce to their lowest terms : »• fit s- m ii- mi- i4. tut e- m- 9- m i2- \m- is- Hft »• m io. AVt is- A%- is- A- 2 A- 92 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. 116. Reducing fractions to equivalent fractions having the lowest common denominator. The following is a very important truth : The value of a fraction is not changed by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number. This truth is but a repetition of the principle stated in Art. 67. Consider the fractions, f , f , and f . The L.C.M. of the denominators 4, 6, and 9 is easily seen to be 36. Since 36 is a multiple of each denominator, all the fractions can be reduced to equivalent fractions which have 36 for denom- inator, provided the numerator and denominator of each of the fractions be multiplied by a suitable number, namely, by the num- bers 36 -=- 4, 36 -r- 6, and 36 -4- 9, respectively ; that is, by 9, 6, and 4, respectively. Thus, and 3 3 x 9 27 4 4 X 9 36 5 5 X r> 30 6 6 X 6 36 8 8 X 4 32 9 9 X 4 36 Again, reduce £}, ^r, ^ ? , to equivalent fractions having the lowest common denominator. Full Work Illustrated. 18 = 2 x3 2 30 = 2 x 3 x 5 24 = 23 x 3 L.C.M =2 3 x 3 2 x 5 11 11 x 2* x 5 220 18 18 x 22 x 5 360* 7 7 x 22 x 3 84 30 30 x 2 2 x 3 360' 5 5x3x6 24 24 x 3 x 5 _ 75 360 117. Comparison of Fractions. Of two fractions which have the same denominator, the greater is that which has the greater numerator ; for, the parts being the same, the greater fraction is that which has the most of them. Arts. 116, 117.] EXAMPLES. 93 Again, of two fractions which have the same numerator, the greater is that which has the smaller denominator ; for, the number of parts being the same in both, the greater is that in which the parts are the greater ; that is, in which the unit has been divided into the smaller number of equal parts. We can therefore see at once which of a number of fractions is the greatest, and which is the least, provided the fractions are first of all reduced to equivalent fractions with the same denominator. For this particular purpose it would do equally well to reduce the fractions to equivalent fractions with the same numerator, but it is for other purposes much less convenient to reduce fractions to equivalent fractions with the same numerator. Ex. Which is the greatest and which is the least of the fractions, As in the preceding article, the fractions are equivalent to f|, § £ , and ||, respectively; they are therefore in ascending order of magnitude. EXAMPLES XXX. Written Exercises. Eeduce to equivalent fractions with the lowest common denominator, and arrange in ascending order of magni- tude: *• h |> T 5 - t> A> A* *• "3~> 9? TT m 6. y^, -Jy, -g-g-. 3 - h A? A- 7 - J? "fi p !3- Afiff 16. I 4 - hh iA>*< 17. is- A> «>**>» is- f>A>«,H,ffr Eeduce to equivalent fractions which have the lowest common numerator : 19 5.10.15 Oft 121618 oi 15 18 20 xy ' 8' IT? 2T' *"• TT> T9> ft' /J1 ' ST> ft? if- 9. 2 3 5 3"? T> T 10. i, h A- 11. H> if. H- 12. **» it, It- 4 A, A. it- 3 5 7 11 8? TT> TS> TO"' 94 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. 118. Addition of Fractions. Fractions which have the same denominator are called Similar Fractions. If fractions are dissimilar they must be made similar [Art. 116] ; then their numerators may be added, and the sum written as a numerator for the common denominator. [Compare Art. 32.] Ex. 1. Find f + T V + f • 5 5x6 30 6 6x6 36 Or, 5_ 6 30 7 7x3 21 12 12 x 3 36 7 _ 12 21 4 _ 4 x 4 _ 16 9 9x4 36 4_ 9 16 Sum=^ = 36 If*. Sum = ~67~ 36 m After a little practice the middle column might be omitted. Ex. 2. Find 24 + 3A. 3& = »& Sum = 6& Here the 12ths are added, and 1 is carried to units. The pro- cess is similar to that represented in Ex. 2, Art. 29. The result should in all cases be reduced to its lowest terms, and an improper fraction should be expressed as a mixed number. EXAMPLES XXXI. Oral Exercises. Find the sum of the following fractions : 1. £andf. 4. JLand^. 7. 2. | and \. 5. f and f. 8. 3. ^and T %. 6. H and ff- 9 - i and f . | and £ f and f Art. 118.] EXAMPLES. 95 10. f andf 14. 20^andlO T V 11. f andf 15. 3£and4£. 12. 2Jand3f. 16. 8f and 6 A 13. 4 1 ^and6 1 ^. 17. 12^- and 6^. 18. 4f and6A- Written Exercises. Find the sum of 19. A and fa 22. 2| and 1-^. 25. 2f and 3|. 20. A and fa 23. 5| and 2^. 26. 3f and 1£. 21. A and A- 24. 7f and f 27. Iff and 7£f. 28. *, ♦, A, and «. 30. A> A> A> A> tt> **& H ■ 29. f,f,f,andf. 31 . A A> "B> tt «> and ff . 32. Findf + A + A + A + A- 33. Find # + A + * + & + & 34. Find3f + A + 5A + 7 T V 35. Find 3J + A + 5^ + 3^ + 7ff 36. Find 3J + 5f + tt + 3&. 37. Fmdff + 2A + UA + 5ff 38. Find3f + 7A + A + 2if. 39. Find fttfr + BJfa 40. Find3AV + 5AV + llMt- 41. Find 10jfj + ll^ + 7fff 96 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. 119. Subtraction of Fractions. Subtraction can be performed with fractions only when they are similiar. [Compare Art. 39.] Ex. 1. Subtract f from ft. Ex. 2. Find 6ft - 3f. Difference = f T . Remainder = 2^ T . Ex. 8. Subtract 5\\from 5f. Here f| cannot be subtracted from £f, 5f = Hi therefore we take 1 unit from the 5 units and 3 H = 3|f add it (changed to 24ths) to ft, making §£ ; Remainder = lft. now II from f I equals ft, and 3 from 4 equals 1. The operation is similar to that represented in Ex. 2, Art. 38. Ex. 4. Simplify 3 J - 2f + 8f - -S&.-SA + & [See Art. 41.] 3*= % 8|= 8ff 2f= 2H *& = 2ft 12H - io|f = iff. EXAMPLES XXXII. Oral Exercises. Simplify (give lowest terms in your answers) "*• A— A- 5- f-f 9. 5 _ 2 2- f-f 6. f-f. 10. 3A-V- 3- A- A 7- l-f 11. 6^-4|. 4# 3"2 ~~ A* 8- A-f 12. 6*-2A Simplify ; Written Exercises. 13. H-A 15. ft-» 17. *-A "• A- A is. A-A- 18. T2~ — 7* Arts. 119, 120.] MULTIPLICATION. 97 19. A -A- 23 - 3 i~ 2 i- 27 - 7 *- 5 A- 20. A -A 24- m-5U- 28. 19JT-12A- 21- A~» 25. 2f|-2||. 29. r^-flA- 22. A~to 26. 3f-2J y 30. 3^-2^. 31. 6J-2||. 33. 16ft -5^ 32- 5ft- Sft 34. 9ft-4ftU. Find the difference between 35. 3^- and 5^. 39. 8JJ- and 12 Jf. 36. 72 8 T and82 7 ¥ . 40. 6fJ- and 12JJ. 37. 6^andl5|f 41. 143^ and 127^. 38. 7iiand5||. 42. 85^r and 72/^. Simplify : 43. 2i + 3i-4i. 44. GH-Si + IA- 45. 5|-3A + ^-2^. 46. 15^-13A + 16A-9M- 47. 12^-10 + 7^-t-5f£. 48. 4f-2A + 2H-3^. 49. 6A-|"2A + 6rlr + TTfW 120. Multiplication by a Whole Number. Fractions may be treated as concrete numbers ; therefore, as 3 times 5 tons = 15 tons, so 3 " 5 sevenths = 15 sevenths ; i.e., 3 " .: f =¥• Again, 3 " ■& = |f = f (by cancellation) 5 5 i.e., 3 18-5-3 6 Hence, to multiply a fraction by a whole number, we must multiply the numerator, or (when possible) divide the denomina- tor, by that whole number. 98 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. The product should always be reduced to its lowest terms, and an improper fraction should be expressed as a mixed number. Ex. Multiply T 5 g by 15. ±xid=*kH=I5 ==?*=* 4*. 18 18 18 6 * EXAMPLES XXXIII. Oral Exercises. Multiply and reduce to their simplest forms : 1. * by 2. 3. 2 4 iby3. 5. f by 4. 2. ^- by 3. 4. T 3 T by4 6. & by 4. 7. | by 3. 9. ^by6. 8. |f by 17. 10. ^by8. Written Exercises. Perform the following examples (see Art. 107) : 11. tVxlO. 15. 7 T \x 25. 19. -V/X22. 12. T % x 8. 16. |f x 15. 20. 44^ x 26. 13. 2|x6. 17. 9fix25. 21. 99 x ^. 14. 5f x 10. 18. || x 16. [Art. 55.] 22. ^ffg x 9. 121. Multiplication by a Fraction. We understand multiplication to be the taking one number as many times as there are units in another. Thus, to multiply 5 by 4, we take as many fives as there are units in 4. Now 4 is 1 + 1 + 1+1, and 5 x 4 is 5 + 5 + 5 + 5. Thus, to multiply one number by a second is to do to the first what is done to the unit to obtain the second. For example, to multiply f by f , we must do to f what is done to the unit to obtain | ; that is, we must divide f into 4 equal parts Art. 121.] MULTIPLICATION. 99 and take 3 of those parts. Each of the 4 parts into which $ is divided will he — — , and hy taking 3 of these parts we get x • 7x4 7x4 Thus, ^x 3 5x8 7 4 7x4 Hence, the product of any two fractions is another fraction whose numerator is the product of their numerators and whose denominator is the product of their denominators. The continued product of any number of fractions is obtained by continued application of the above rule. Thus, to find the continued product of §, f , and |. 2 x i x - = 2 x4 x - = 2 x4x8 = i*£. 3 5 9 3x5 9 3x5x9 135* Hence, the product of any number of fractions is another frac- tion whose numerator is the product of their numerators and whose denominator is the product of their denominators. It should be noticed that the product of one fraction by a second is equal to the product of the second by the first. It should be noticed also that an integer x a fraction equals (the integer x the numerator) h- the denominator. Ex. 1. Multiply j% by fy. 2 1 i x l = M_ = i. [Art. 107.] 35 27 3^x2/ 45 5 9 Ex. 2. Simplify f X f X f. 1 1 1 3 X ^ X 5~5 1 % 1 Ex. 3. Multiply 2\ by 3|. The mixed numbers must first be reduced to improper fractions. Thus, 2}x3! = ?x 2 -9 = 9A-?9 = 261 * *4 8 4x8 32 100 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. EXAMPLES XXXIV. Simplify: ° ral Exercises. MX}- 7. |X|. 13. |xf{. 2. }xf 8. fx*f 14. ||x|f 3. fxf. 9. fx||. 15. «XA- 4. fxf 10. fx& !6- J|XA- 5. Hx21 ii. _Z_ X 22. 17. (|) 2 . 6. 2J X 3|. 12. f X ft. 18. (f) 2 . 19. (|)3. Written Exercises. 20. 5^X3^. 27. frx5&x{i. 21. | X | X f 28. 2 T V X 3f X 6£. 22. fxfxf 29. 1^X21X1^. 23. fxAxA- 30. 6 T Vx||xl|f. 24. «xl|x5f 31. ^ x 2^ x 5J r x T W 25. 2^X3^X4^. 32. 1^ X Iff X f$ X l^V 26. 5ix71x^. 33. tt xl|x5^x2|f. 34. (|)«. 35. (A) 2 . 36. (#)«. 122. Division by a Whole Number. Just as 15 tons h- 3 = 5 ions, so also 15 sevenths -*■ 3 = 5 sevenths, that is, - 1 / h- 3 = f Again, to divide f by 3. 5 5x3 Here 5 is not a multiple of 3. But, since - = — - — , 6 6x3 5^ o _ 5x3 . g _ 5 _ 5 6 ' ~ 6 x 3 ' ~ 6 x 3 ~ 18* Art. 122.] EXAMPLES. 101 We see at once, that a fraction is divided by a whole number by multiplying its denominator by the whole number. For example, in x3 there are the same number of parts as in |, namely five, but the unit in the former case is divided into 3 times as many parts as in the latter, and therefore each of the parts in is one-third of each of the parts in 4. F 6x3 * Hence, to divide a fraction by a whole number, we must divide the numerator, or multiply the denominator (only when neces- sary), by that whole number. Ex. 1. Divide 31 by 7. 34- - 7 = ^ -r- 7 5 5 16 5x7 16 35' Ex. 2. Divide 215f by 9. 23 + 8f -=- 9 23 When the integral part of the dividend = 23M. is large, we first divide the integer by the » "*" divisor ; then the remainder + the frac- tional part is to be divided by the divisor. Simplify : 1. f + 2. 2. i+3. 3. A + 4- 4. ^ + 3. EXAMPLES XXXV. Oral Exercises. 5. f-r-8. 6. ^^4. 7. M-s-5. ft 42 _l_ 7 9. ^ + 25. 10. H 11. a + 12. 12. H 17. [Art. 55.] Written Exercises. 13. tt+6. 17. 2**11 14. 11 + 16. 18. 71-6. 15. If + 30. 19. 9|-s-8. 16. M + 7. 20. « + !& 21. 5f-r-5. 22. 7I--6. 23. 8 T \ + 15. 24. 12f-f.ll 102 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. 25. 85$-*- 9. 26. 214 T V-r-7. 27. 174f£ - 18. 28. 7|i-r-15. 29. 254^-25. 123. Division by a Fraction. If the fraction -J be divided by 1 (unity), the quotient is -J; but, if the unit be separated into thirds, and one of these thirds be used (instead of unity) as the divisor, the quotient is 3 times as large as before. Thus, | + l=fj but | + * = J x 3 = JyL. Now, if the second divisor (i) be multiplied by 2, the quotient (y) must be divided by 2 ; thus, | 4- f = f x 3 -^ 2 The same reasoning will apply to all cases. Hence, to divide by a fraction, we must multiply by the fraction inverted. Note. Sometimes a short method of dividing a fraction by a fraction is to divide the numerator and denominator of the dividend by the numerator and denominator of the divisor, respectively ; thus, | + f '= f . Ex. 1. Divide § by |f. 1 16 6^15 = ^ >< ^ = 16 =17 6 ' 32 W 9 * 3 3 Ex. 2. Dmde 2\ by ljf. The mixed numbers must first be expressed as improper fractions. 1 9 Arts. 123-125.] COMPOUND FRACTIONS. 103 Simplify : EXAMPLES XXXVI. Written Exercises. 1. *-*-* 12. 4 _i_ 2 6" * "3' 23. IT'S" : "5T" 2. f+i 13. 2J+2J. 24. 121 _:_ 143 tt¥ • rfv 3. 2 _t_ 3 9 ' 4"* 14. 6A + 1A- 25. 9 6 -11 4. t + f 15. 6* -If. 26. 4_4 _s_ 129 5. i + f 16. *H + iA- 27. Ifl | 1 7 6. A + tt 17. 6|-11. 28. 1 23 _^_ 1 37 -'-TIT * J^TT^* 7. *+* 18. 6f-=-9. 29. 143 _:_ 959 8. T ? 6^tV 19. 2 2 • TT 30. K7 • 913 9. i-i-t 20. 2H^7. 31. 11^-12,% 10. i + * 21. «+*• 32. 2W+«Ht- 11. t + i 22. tt-*tt 124. When unity is divided by any number, the quo- tient is called the Reciprocal of the number ; thus, l is the reciprocal of 5 ; f is the reciprocal of f ; 5 is the re- ciprocal of \. Any number x its reciprocal = 1. 125. A fraction of a fraction is called a Compound Fraction. Thus, § of f is a compound fraction. To take f of f , we must divide f into 3 equal parts and take 2 of those parts. Hence, § of f is the same as \ x f . Ex. 1. Multiply f of 2i by f of If. f of 2* = f x ¥» sod f of If =* f x i j 3 11 S T 11 hence the required product = £x — x " x - = — - M M 12 104 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. EXAMPLES XXXVII. Written Exercises. 1. State the reciprocals of 12, f, if-, f and f^-. Simplify : 2. | Off 9. f of ^ of ^. 3. | off. 10. 21 of 31 off 4. fof^. 11. 6* Of 2ft Of If 5. lfof2f 12. | off X^of2J. 6. 3iof6i. 13. $ of 2f x 1 A of 21 7. 7fof2f 14. lfofajxiixof. 8. 3£ of 3£. 15. If of 3| x 5J of 7f . 126. A fraction whose numerator, or denominator, or both, are fractional is called a Complex Fraction. 3 2. 1 I 1 Thus, JL, JL, and 2 Z I are complex fractions. Complex fractions are simplified by dividing the numer- ator (simplified) by the denominator (simplified). Ex. 1. Simplify ±- j | 3 " 7 3 5 15 Ex. 2. Simplify ttk. l+i ? 3 3 Caution. Dividing by the sum of two fractions is not equivalent to multiplying by the sum of the reciprocals of those fractions. Art. 126.] COMPLEX FRACTIONS. 105 In solviDg the above example the following would be wrong : |^|=(m)x(t + f)- A complex fraction is unchanged in value by multi- plying its numerator and denominator by the same number. 5 g 9 = 45 7 H 28 4 For example, 5 7 _ 1" -fx 11 11 For f" ►*« fx 1=1 and IxiiH 4x 11 = Ex. 1, Multiply the numerator and denominator by 24, the L.C.M. of 3, 4, 6, 8. Then we have (f-f)24 _18- 1 26_2_ 9 (f -|) 24 21-20 1 Ex. 2. Simplify — 5 + — A 7 2- 4 + i * = *• 5 + =^- 5 + 2 5 + ^f 4 + i First, multiply the numerator and denominator of the lowest q complex fraction, namely — ■ — , by 2, and we get f . Next, multiply 4 + i o the numerator and denominator of the fraction by 9, and we 7-1 o get if. Then multiply the numerator and denominator of — - — 5 + if by 57, and we get i£i, which is then reduced to its lowest terms. A fraction of this type is called a Continued Fraction. 106 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. EXAMPLES XXXVIII. Simplify : 1. _. 4. Z5. 7. H. 10 I lo i H Written Exercises. 1 2 10' 7. * 4' 8. 3 7 A I 1 9. «i 1 5. 1. 8. 1. 11. 9. I * A i* I. 6. 1 9. ?i. 12. It. HI 3 l~lj 21 3 £ of 4 ^ 2|-| • 2iof6^ . 7 A-4A 22 . § + 2i 5A-2f 1A + 2* 2 _i_ 1 i + i tt-t tt + * i + A i + A A- A 15. U.H. 19. 15 A-1°^ 23. 3 * + 4 ^ 18f-16A 6j + l T v 20. fLzll. 24. i + *+£ I °i I A+t**+A A ~"TT 14 1 18 -A-l 1 4- 1 — TO" tf ■A-A 29. 1 2- 22 3 + 26. — *V* 2_i 1 + 8Tf 30. * 1 + 27. —^—. 5- 7-f 31. 3 + 4 7 28 -2^S- 5 3i + 2J 3-f Art. 127.] COMPLEX FRACTIONS. 107 32. 3 33. ?& . Q I jj Ql jj 127. We now proceed to give examples of a more complicated nature; it will be well, however, for the student to consider carefully the following cases in which mistakes are frequently made in the meaning of the signs employed. I. Operations of multiplication and division are to be performed in order from left to right, and each sign is a direction to multiply or divide what precedes the sign by the number that follows next after it. For example, 36 x 6 + 3 = 216 + 3 = 72, 36 -6-3 = 6-3 = 2, and 36 -=- 6 x 3 = 6 x 3 = 18. So also, 2 X 3. 8_2x3 . 8 _ 2 x 3 16 . 3 5 * 15 3 x 5 15 3x5 8 " 2.5. 4_2 6 . 4_2 v 6 5 , 3 6 5~35 * 5~3 X 5 4 ' _3 "4' and 2 . 6 4_2 6 4 16 3 " 6 5 3 5 5 25 II. Numbers connected by the sign ' of ' must be con- sidered as a single number, just as if they were enclosed in brackets. Thus, M^ of 7 = U^2_^ = U x 5 2 ^ = 8 > 15 5 8 15 5x8 15 2x7 3 Again,?of^§of^ = ^^^§^ = 3 -^ >< §JL6 = §. 8 4 8 8 6 4x8 8x6 4x8 3x5 2 III. Before performing any operations of addition or subtraction, all multiplications and divisions must be performed, and complex and compound fractions must be reduced to simple fractions. 108 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. Thus,MofM = 2 + ^ + § '3 4 6^4 3^4x6^4 = ?, 6 ■ 3_ 16+15 + 18 = 49_ Q1 3" 1 " 8 + 4 24 24 * ¥ ' It is a very common mistake to work a question of this kind as ifitmeaat + of + EXAMPLES XXXIX. Written Exercises. 12 Simplify : 1. fxfxf 15. 284f of }f -h 17J 2. i + *Xf 16. ^ + l|«f4J«rflf 3- l-f^-f 17- lof|^13Joff 4. | + A+f 18- 4foflf + 4£of2f 5. H+i*2i> 19. ty+fafft + q. 6. 1J + JX2J. 20. li + SJoff x6J. 7- }+|xA+f 21. 2j-lfof 1^ + 4 s- A+fxA+q. 22 - * + i«fi-f 9. 6Jx4t-f.q-r.2f. 23. |of| + |-|. 10. | + 4of^. 24. ^-Jofl-J. 11. frff-l-A- 25. |ofi-|off 12. f«rfq-»-f 26. 2| + 1\ of 2£ - 3J . 13. ^of3f-=-2f 27. 2£ of q + 21, of 3f i4. q-t-ifofq 28. 3|-Aof2j-if 29. fof3f-2|of ^of2^-. so. liofi+q-A- 31. f of 2f - 4| of 5£ -=- 2| of 3}. Art. 128.] " EXAMPLES. 109 32. f + U<**t-i-**ifr- 33. 3lofl T V + 7i-l|-|of^. 35. 2 i-|° fl J iof3i + if ' » + *« 2 ^i 37 * + » + & . T 5 I Qf2 i * i- T V ' * at 4* 21-jofll + f 39. 128. To express one number or quantity as a fraction of another, we proceed as follows : Ex. 1. Express 174 as a fraction o/188. Now 1 = T is of 188 ; ... 174 - i%± of 188 sfg of 188. Ex. 2. Express 2\ dollars as a fraction 0/8 dollars. Now 1 dollar = $ of 8 dollars ; .-. 2 1 dollars = ?f of 8 dollars = T \ of 8 dollars. That number or quantity which is the part must be the numerator, while the other number must be the denominator, of the required fraction. HO FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. EXAMPLES XL. Oral Exercises. 1. Express 27 as a fraction of 81. 2. Express 140 pounds as a fraction of 280 pounds. What fraction of 3. 9 is 3? 6. 49 is 7? 9. 9 is2j? 4. 11 is 7? 7. 56 is 49? 10. 16 is 2$ ? 5. 20 is 5? 8. 88 is 4? 11. 2iis T \? Written Exercises. 12. How many times does 8 J feet contain 2 J feet ? 13. Express -£$ of 4 dollars as a part of 7 dollars. 14. Eeduce 2\ of 11 cents to the fraction of 5f of 15 cents. 15. What would be the measure of |- of 23 tons, if \ of 4 tons were used as the unit ? 16. If the income of A is -f- of f of 1260 dollars, and the income of B is T 8 T of g 1 ^- of 5440 dollars, how large is A's income compared with B's ? How large is B's income compared with A's ? What fraction of 17. (8-2T3)(6+ 7-3 2 )is2 3 ? 18. 16 X 17 is 4[6 - jll -(3 + U) j + 2] ? K20|-6|-2) 2 " J 1Q 488x11—1 of 7500 . fttl + MS 2 ,,, . 55- -= 3*x5+l is (6+14) -| of J/xi 22-5. 129. Reduction of Decimals to Common Fractions. Decimals may be considered as fractions with powers of 10 for denominators. Thus, .6 = ^; M = J&; .002007 = T &°&W Arts. 129, 130.] REDUCTION TO DECIMALS. HI Ex. 1. Beduce .76 to a common fraction. 7« _ 7 6 —19 Ex. 2. Beduce 4.012 to a mixed number. 4.012 = 4 -f T Ho = M o- 130. Reduction of Common Fractions to Decimals. Ex. 1. Express / 5 as a decimal. Since / s may be considered as the quotient obtained by dividing 4 by 25, we have only to perform this division. Thus, 25)4.00(.16 2 5 1 50 1 50 Ex. 2. Beduce, to 3 places of decimals, the common fractions, |, £}, 11. t- 3. |. 6. 1 9. f. 12. H- Written Exercises. 13- ft. 16. **&• 19. £V 22- 7 T VA- I*- m 17. T2"T' 20. ^. 23. W^yy^- 15- tIt 18. 21 l2~0"' 21- 3»Hr 112 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. Circulating Decimals. 131. We have hitherto considered examples of division of decimals in which by proceeding far enough an exact quotient is found with no remainder. This, however, is by no means always the case ; in fact, it is very rarely the case. Consider, for example, the division of 5 by 3. 3 1 5.0000 1.6666... We may here continue the process of division to any extent, but each figure of the quotient will be_6, and the remainder will always be 2. Again, divide 2 by 7. 7 1 2.000000000 .285714285... Here the six digits, 2, 8, 5, 7, 1, 4, come over and over again in the same order, and we shall never arrive at a stage at which there is no remainder. When a decimal ends with digits which are repeated over and over again without end in the same order, the decimal is called a Recurring or Circulating decimal, and the digit, or set of digits, which is repeated, is called the Circulating Period, called also the Repetend. Thus, 2.45555..., .014141414..., and 5.1246246246... are circu- lating decimals with circulating periods of one, two, and three figures, respectively. A circulating period is denoted by placing dots over the first and last of the figures which recur. Thus, 2.45 denotes 2.45555..., .014 denotes .014141414..., and 5.1246 denotes 5.1246246246... A circulating decimal is said to be Pure or Mixed, according as all the figures after the decimal point do or do not recur. Art. 131.] EXAMPLES. 113 Thus, 5.6, 31.24, and 14.i35 sue pure circulating decimals; and .56, 3.124, and .14135 are mixed circulating decimals. A decimal which contains a definite number of figures is called a Terminating decimal, to distinguish it from a circulating decimal, which contains an unlimited number of figures. Note. Although it is not possible to reduce any common frac- tion to a terminating decimal, it is always possible to find a decimal which is equal to the common fraction to any degree of accuracy that may be required. For example, $ lies between .333 and .334, so that the difference between £ and .333 is less than one one-thousandth, so also the difference between ^ and .333333 is less than one one-millionth; and so on. Now there is no species of magnitude which can be measured with perfect accuracy. It would, for instance, be difficult to deter- mine the length or the weight of a body without a possible error as great as one one-thousandth of the whole. Hence the measure of any quantity can be expressed as accurately by means of decimals as by means of fractions. EXAMPLES XLII. Written Exercises. Express the following quotients as circulating decimals : 1. 1.5-2.7. 4. .035 -.072. 7. 3.1-7. 10 - .03. 5. .316 -r- 2.4. 8. 15.6 -.07. 1.7 - .09. 6. .312 - 8.8. 9. 1.25-13.2. 0. 5.193 -r- .0168. 13. .3157 - .259. 1. .0235 -^ .00616. 14. 27.31 - 6.475. 2. 16.72- .0143. 15. 693.11 - .011396. Reduce the following common fractions to circulating decimals : 16. |. 18. f. 20. T V 22. &. 17. f 19. ^ 21. ft. 23. iV 114 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. 24. 2&. 26. 5Jf 28. 11^. 30. 2fif. 25. 3if 27. 7^. 29. 13 T V 9 ,. 31. 5^V 132. Reduction of a Circulating Decimal to an Equivalent Common Fraction. We have seen (Art. 129) that a terminating decimal can be expressed as a common fraction. We have now to show that a circulating decimal may be expressed as a common fraction. Consider the decimals, .31, .5216, and .15607. In each case multiply the decimal by that power of 10 which will move the decimal point to the end of the first recurring period ; also (if necessary) multiply the decimal by that power of 10 which will move the decimal point to the beginning of the first recurring period. Subtract the second product from the first, and notice the result. 0) .31 X 100 = 31.31 .31 X 1 = .3i .3i X 99 = 31. .-. .31 _31 99* No advantage will be gained by repeating the .31 in the minuend or subtrahend ; we obtain only an integer in the remainder. (ii) .5216 x 10000 = 5216.5216 .5216 x 1 = .5216* .5216 x 9999 = 5216. .-. .5216 = ffi!- (hi) .15607 x 100000 = 15607.607 .15607 x 100= 15.607 .15607 x 99900 = 15592. .-. .15607 = iUW Art. 132.] CIRCULATING DECIMALS. H5 Three facts concerning the fraction equivalent to a cir- culating decimal are easily noted : 1. The numerator is the whole decimal minus the number expressed by the non-recurring digits. 2. The number of 9's in the denominator equals the number of recurring digits. 3. The number of naughts in the denominator equals the number of non-recurring digits. Ex.1. i = f, Ex.3. .156= #* = *■ Ex. 2. .07 = ft. Ex. 4. 3.3L2 = 3|ff = 8||f. It should be noticed that by the above rule .9 = f = 1. This result can be seen independently ; for the differences between 1 and the decimals, .9, .99, .999, etc., are respectively .1, .01, .001, etc., each difference being one-tenth of the preceding, and therefore when a large number of nines is taken, the difference between 1 and .99999... becomes inconceivably small. Since .9 = 1, .09 = .1, .009 = .01, and so on, a recurring 9 can always be replaced by 1 in the next place to the left ; for example, .79 = .8 and .249 = .25. EXAMPLES XLIII. ■Written Exercises. Find common fractions in their lowest terms equivalent to the following circulating decimals : 1. .3. 7. .185. 13. .04878. 2. .09. 8. .396. 14. .07317. 3. 17.27. 9. .142857. 15. 9.23. 4. .15. 10. .285714. 16. .79. 5. 1.027. 11. .428571. 17. 6.36. 6. .037. 12. .012987. 18. .315. 116 19. .116. 20. .0254. 21. .016. 22. .749. FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. 23. .2027. 27. 11.3021976. 24. .19324. 28. .542857L 25. .402439. 29. .012345679. 26. .304878. 30. .135802469. It should be noticed that if a common fraction in its loicest terms be equivalent to a terminating decimal, the denominator of the fraction can contain only the prime factors 2 and 5. 133. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of circulating decimals are performed after first reducing to common fractions. The answer in each case should be reduced to a circulating decimal. 134. An exact divisor of a number is sometimes called an Aliquot Part of the number. 2* is an aliquot part of 10 ; 16| is an aliquot part of 100. This enables us to use a short process of multiplication (or division) in cases where the multiplier (or divisor) is an aliquot part of some power of 10. Tox 31, x 10 and - -3. To- 8J,h - 10 and x 3. To x 12i, x 100 and - =-8. To-f - 12i, - r- 100 and x 8. To x 16|, x 100 and - -6. To- - 16f , - - 100 and x 6. To x 25 , x 100 and - -4. To- 25 , - - 100 and x 4. To x 33|, X 100 and - -3. To- 83*,- - 100 and x 3. To x 125, x 1000 and - -8. To- 125, - - 1000 and x 8. Kead the signs ' multiply by ' and ' divide by '. 3 2 Square Roots of Fractions. /3V = 3 x3 ^ \±J 4x4 4 2 it follows conversely that 135. Since 4 9 = 3 = y9 16 4 V 16 Arts. 133-135.] SQUARE ROOT. H7 Thus, the square root of a common fraction is equal to a fraction whose numerator and denominator are respectively the square roots of the numerator and denominator of the given fraction. Ex. 1. Find the square roots o/|||, l T 9 g, .4, and 2.086419753. ;144 _ y!44 _ 12 . V ^JX = /25 _ y25 _ 5 , 169 V 169 13 ' "Vm V 16 4 ' 1144 \169 ■V s V 9 3' and V2.086419753 = y/2fMtftffo = y/2% / 169 _ yi69 = 13 = i 4 81 V 81 9 ~ " ' Ex. 2. Find, to four places of decimals, (i) ^| (") ^ (iii) V-3, and (iv) JL (i) ,»/- = -^-- = - V 5 * which can be fonnd as in Art. 88. (ii) In examples in which the denominator is not a perfect square, the fraction should be expressed as a decimal. In the present case */- = ^.8 = ..., etc. Or thus : J| -J5 .Jflnlv»..-, etc*. \5 \25 V25 6 (iii) .3 = .33'33'33'33' ... Then proceed as in Art. 88. (iv) JL = _A*^L = 6 v3 = ..., etc. The change of form from — to - V 3 will save labor. V3 3 EXAMPLES XLIV. "Written Exercises. Find the square roots of 1 -Mr 3. iff. 5. 39^. 7. .004. o 1 2 5 4- lift 6. .1. 8. .134. 9. 1.361. 10. 4.38204. 118 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. Find, to four places of decimals, the square roots of 11. tV. 13. 3£. 15. 2.4. 17. .083. 18. 3.5i62. 12. T V 14. 8f 16. .041. 136. The H.C.F. and L.C.M . of Fractions. By the H.C.F. of two or more fractions we mean a frac- tional H.C.F. The quotients, however, are integral. A fraction -f- a fraction = an integer only when the numerator and denominator of the dividend divided by the numerator and denominator of the divisor respectively, produce an integer and the reciprocal of an integer ; thus, 27 81 } Here, 14-4-2 is an integer, and 27 -r- 81 is the reciprocal of an integer ; i. e. , the numerator of the divisor is a factor and the denominator of the divisor is a multiple ; also, the numerator of the dividend is a multiple, and the denominator of the dividend is a factor. Hence, the H. C.F. of two or more fractions must have for its numerator the H. C.F. of the given numerators, and for its denom- inator the L.C.M. of the given denominators. Also, the L.C.M. of two or more fractions must have for its numerator the L. C. M. of the given numerators, and for its denom- inator the H.C.F. of the given denominators. Note. Before obtaining the H.C.F. or the L.C.M., the given fractions must be in their lowest terms, and mixed numbers must be reduced to improper fractions. The L.C.M. may be integral. Ex. 1. Ex. 2. f The H.C.F. of f and i| = & ; \ The L.C.M. of f and J| = - 5 /. The H.C.F. of | and § = ft ; The L.C.M. of f and T % = 5, Art. 136.] EXAMPLES. 119 EXAMPLES XLV. Written Exercises. Find H.C.F. and L.C.M. of 1. |,2V, and -y, 4. Jf ||, and ||, 2. A>6 6 5>andLf. 5. fftandftf 3. ]»-&{> and ft 6. ff and Iff 7. A 8 5. t 6 A> and 39 &. EXAMPLES XLVI. Miscellaneous Examples. Chap. IV. 1. Reduce 5-f, 8y 3 T , and 25^- to improper fractions. 2. Simplify |_3 + _5___5_ + _7__ _7_ 3. What must' be added to 5J that the sum may bel2f? 4. Multiply 2| of 5f by 3| - 6f 3 1 1 n f S 5 ' T4 -h 3 0I ¥ — 2T 31 _ 5 v 61 3 5. Simplify ?* f T4 6. Arrange, in ascending order of magnitude, the fractions, T \, f, T 8 5, ft 7. From the sum of % and i take the difference be- tween \ and |. 8. Simplify 2f of 4§ of 5f 9. Simplify 3 ^ + 2 ^ 7 4 » x A. 12 ~f 10. What fraction of 350 equals f of 168 ? 11. Reduce ft$$f and ||}|| to their lowest terms. 12. Eeduce to a common denominator ^ ¥ , g- 2 -^-, T ^- S} and T |^. 120 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. 13. Simplify 3| + 2f of 1$ - 4$. 14. Simplify t'ttt" 1 ? - 15. A and B started on a tour with 192 and 156 dollars respectively, and they had equal sums left at the end. A spent J of his money ; what fraction did B spend of his ? 16. Add T V, &> A> lWr> A 7 o> and ^V 17. Subtract 5Jf from 7^ ; also, 6f + 2f from 12 J. 18. Divide2 T ^4-2||-3/ T by2 i V + 3i-4f 19 simplify l* + 2jaf5t-12 t > 20. What is the value of f of a property, if -f of it is worth 750 dollars ? 21. Eeduce ffjf, £ft£M, and i^ff* to their lowest terms. 22. Show that 1 + - t + ^— 5 — ; — =—7: is less 2 2x3x4 2x3x4x5x6 than ^-, but greater than T \. 23. Simplify fff X f f X & 2 j + 1 of lj - 3 4- 3 _|_ 1 _;_ 2 _ 1_ 1" I 4 * 3" 8 25. Find the G.C.M. of 5J and 4|; express the answer as a circulating decimal and obtain the square root. 26. Simplify 4 + | + f + f - ¥ ~ 2V 27. Subtract 2|f from 5£f, and 8if from 12^. 28. Multiply 3£ of 5| by 4-J- of f , and divide the result by 41 of 1J. 24. Simplify ^ 3 ~Vi ZT l 4" 1 4 "*" 3" ~~ ¥ Art. 136.] MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 121 29. Sunphfr f^^ Vi^f of jL_ . 30. Find the L.C.M. of J and §. 31. By how much does the sum of 1^, f, and ^ fall short of the sum of -J, |-, J, and ii ? 32. Simplify 1\ - \ of 4J + 2| + 3* X 2J - ^. 33. How many pieces each f of 1 inch can be cut from a wire whose length is 5] inches ; and what will be the length of the piece left over ? 34. Simplify ^ - 3j + 5 tV _ llf - 5 T y 35. Find L.C.M. and H.C.F. of ^fo |fj, and T |§ v 36. Take the sum of f and \ from the sum of £ and f . 37. After taking away \ and f of a certain quantity, what fraction of the whole will be left ? 38. Multiply \\ + 3| by 3J + 2f, and divide the result by 51 of 5|. 39 Simplify 2 H ~ A of 4 T y + 3^ + 7f 39 ' SimpM > 3 A oflO T V-3i-^4 t * 40. Find the value of 3 T 3 T of 4f of If of Jj, 41. Add |, f|-, -J^-, TT0 -, and 28 3 o6 . 5 42. Simplify — 91 _2 ft f15 43. Simplify ? '/V,' , and T OI ° 3" T "8 i L 2 + -!- 122 FRACTIONS. [Chap. IV. 44. There are three partners in a certain business, one of whom provided -f of the whole capital, and another provided f. What fraction of the whole was supplied by the third partner ? 45. A man gives \ of his money to his wife, \ of the remainder to his son, and \ of what then remains to his daughter ; and has still left a sum of 1350 dollars. How much was there at first ? 1 1- 46. Simplify 9i 9 ^" 6 8 9 , 7 7 t and r^ 2 + i 47. Divide 1£ of 5| by 2f of 7^-. »-^£»-» 49. Find the value of f of f of 5 dollars - 1 of £ of 2 dollars, and express the difference as a fraction of 11.25 dollars. 50. Reduce to its simplest form (3t + 5|-A-)(4i-3i) lA + 2*-(2A-i-A) 51. After spending J- of his money, a man found that f- of the remainder was 63 cents ; how many cents had he at first? 52. I purchased some square tiles for a room 483 inches long and 266 inches broad ; the manufacturer sent me the largest tiles I could use ; how long was each tile ? 53. A man travelled f of a certain distance by railway, -^ of the whole distance by coach, and walked the rest of the way, which was 15 miles. What was the length of the whole journey ? Art. 136.] MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 123 54. By what must 7§ of 3| be multiplied that the prod- uct may equal 4f of 2f ? 55. Simplify g*I^M^M±lli ; ^^ ^ answer into two fractions so that one factor shall be a perfect square. 56. Find the H.C.F. and the L.C.M. of ££ and f f 57. Subtract 10ft from 23|, and 16|f from 20| J. 58. Simplify (3* + 21 + 4J) + (J + f) of (| - *)• 59. Simplify Q 2 3 _ 2 v I — 1 °T¥ U (4 i -2|) + (3i-li)' <■ ; 2J-J-4 4— 4 60. A man gives away f of his money and afterwards -J of the remainder. What fraction of the whole had he then left? 61. Reduce to a common denominator, and arrange in order of magnitude the fractions, -j^-, T 7 ^, -g 9 ^, if? if • 62. Multiply the difference between 3£ of 1 T V + 7| and 2\ -+- f of -^ by the sum of _ and — 63. Simplify I of 6 9~ 2 f^ K¥ + 19 t). 64. After spending -| of his money, a boy found that $ of the remainder was 2| dollars. What had he at first ? 65. Reduce to their lowest terms f^J, y^ff, and 66. A gave i of his marbles to B, i to C, i to D, Jg- to E, and then had 105 left. How many did each receive ? 124 FRACTIONS. [Chaps. IV., V. 67. Find 2||of {2J| -4 I 6 : o t-H 7 ; 8 : 9 '- 10 ; 132 DECIMAL MEASURES. [Chap. V. EXAMPLES XL VIII. "Written Exercises. 1 . Cut from cardboard a narrow strip, l dm long, and mark it accurately into tenths and hundredths. 2. Obtain the measure of the length of a book, and state the answer in dm and mm. 3. Mark your height on the wall, and obtain its measure in m ; also in dm. 4. Measure a room in m; obtain length, breadth, and height. 5. Express 25 m as Dm; as Mm; as cm; as mm. 6. Write 126.73 Dra as m; as Km; as dm; as mm. 7. Add 14™, 6 dm , 5027 mm , and 6.5 Bm . Answer in m. 8. Find the number of Dm in 12.62 Mm + 4267 m -f 845 cm . 9. How much longer is a room 12.65 m than a room 106 dm long? 10. Find 8469 ra + 46892 mm - 468 Dm + 12 dm - 186 cm in m. 11. Multiply 78.6 dm by 125. Answer in m; also in Hm. 12. Four m of ribbon cost 16| ct. per m; find total cost [Theorem I, Art. 47 ; also Art. 50]. The answer is what fractional part of $1 ? 13. Divide 7469 mm by 11. Answer in three denomi- nations. 149. Table of Surface Measures (Square Measures). That which has length and breadth, but no thickness, is called a Surface; thus, The surface of a book has length and breadth. Arts. 149, 150.] SQUARE MEASURES. 133 A portion of a surface bounded by lines is called a Figure. A plane figure bounded by four equal sides, and whose four angles are equal, is called a Square. Any square may be used as a unit of surface for instance, a square centimeter, or a square Square Centimeter. measure meter. 100 square millimeters (qmm) = 1 sq. centimeter (qcm). 100 qcm = 1 " decimeter (qdm). 100 qdm = 1 " meter (qm). 100 qm = 1 " dekameter (qDm). 100 qDm =1 " hektometer(qHm). 100* Hm =1 " kilometer (qKm). For Land Surveying. l qm is called a centar (ca). lqD» U U an ^ ^ lq Hm U « a l ie k tar ( Ha ) # Sq. cm, etc., are often used instead of qcm, etc. 150. It is evident from the figure that, if one square 10 units lo ngi I unit long. □ is 10 times as long as another, its surface is 100 times as large j there- fore, A surface represented in any denomination may be represented in higher denominations by moving the decimal point to the left, two places for each denomination; a reduction is made to lower denomina- 134 DECIMAL MEASURES. [Chap. V. tions by removing the decimal point to the right, two decimal places for each denomination; thus, 15.6 20 units = 1 score. 1 geographi-) lknot# cal mi. =6080 ft. J 3 knots = 1 league. 6 ft. =1 fathom. 24 sheets = 1 quire. 20 quires = 1 ream. 1 cu. ft. of pure water weighs 2 reams = 1 bundle. 1000 oz. = 62 1 lb. 5 bundles = 1 bale. EXAMPLES LXIV. Reduce : Written Exercises. 1. 10 rd. 2 yd. 1ft. to feet. 2. 5rd. 3 yd. 2 ft. to inches. 3. 1 mi. 3 fur. 20 rd. 1 yd. to yards. 4. 6 mi. 5 fur. 30 rd. 3 yd. to yards. 5. 18 mi. 11 rd. 3 yd. 1ft. 6 in. to inches. 6. 27 mi. 273 rd. 2 yd. 2 ft. 7 in. to inches. 7. 6 mi. 52 yd. to yards. 8. 18 mi. 5 rd. 160 yd. 2 ft. 11 in. to inches. 9. 3 A. 16 sq. rd. to square yards. 10. 15 A. 24 sq. rd. to square yards. *The knot recognized by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey equals 6080.20 ft. 160 NON-DECIMAL MEASURES. [Chap. VI. 11. 3 A. 85 sq. rd. 16 sq. yd. 6 sq. ft. to square inches. 12. 16 sq. rd. 18 sq. yd. 5 sq. ft. 100 sq. in. to square inches. Reduce to miles, etc. : 13. 6974 yards. 16. 6315 feet. 14. 21571 yards. 17. 51621 inches. 15. 15737 yards. 18. 158743 inches. Reduce to acres, sq. rd., etc. 19. 20812 sq. yd. 21. 5172400 sq. in. 20. 38599 sq. yd. 22. 8156179 sq. in. Reduce : 23. 36 lb. Avoir, to lb. Troy. 24. 720 lb. Avoir, to lb. Troy. 25. 1 cwt. Avoir, to Troy weight. 26. 11 lb. 8 oz. Avoir, to Troy. 27. 350 oz. Troy to oz. Avoir. 28. 4 lb. 3 oz. 20 gr. to lb. and oz. Avoir. 29. lcwt. 91b. to lb., 3, etc. 30. lb. 9 56 3 6 3 2 gr.5 to lb., etc., Avoir. EXAMPLES LXV. Written Exercises. Add: da. hr. mini. da. hr. min. sec. 1. 5 17 42 3. 5 17 27 45 3 11 53 6 11 39 56 7 19 37 17 21 49 40 11 7 21 6 11 11 31 2. hr. min. sec. cwt. lb. oz. 1 41 15 4 5 16 10 6 17 39 3 39 6 7 35 42 7 -47 14 5 16 13 1 25 9 Art. 178.] EXAMPLES. 161 lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dwt. gr. 5. 5 12 8 12. 5 11 16 18 4 13 12 2 9 11 13 7 9 15 7 10 15 21 3 11 14 3 7 9 16 t. cwt. lb. oz. yd. ft. in. 5 15 17 3 13. 5 2 9 1 12 67 12 11 1 15 17 20 11 13 2 7 3 9 21 7 6 11 lb. oz. dr. yd. ft. in. 7. 5 9 13 14. 16 1 7 7 14 12 9 2 10 18 6 9 20 8 3 11 11 11 2 11 t. cwt. lb. oz. yd. ft. in. 8. 16 17 19 14 15. 15 9 119 16 47 3 2 7 72 12 37 13 18 1 11 65 15 24 8 8 9 mi. rd. yd. 9. 6 24 10 16. 6 100 2 cwt. lb. oz. 6 24 10 17 78 12 14 7 14 11 41 2 lb. oz. dwt. 6 4 19 13 9 7 2 11 17 7 10 13 oz. dwt. gr. 1 17 23 2 8 11 5 15 7 7 4 21 3 140 4 18 97 3 2 15 2 mi. rd. yd. ft. in. 10. 17. 1 190 2 1 4 3 3 11 2 84 4 2 7 3 180 3 1 9 mi. rd. yd. ft. in. 1. 17 23 18. 5 300 2 2 1 15 3 1 9 1 187 4 2 11 2 74 5 9 162 NON-DECIMAL MEASURES. [Chap. VI. A. sq. yd. bu. P k. qt. pt. 19. 5 12 23. 3 2 5 1 17 25 1 3 3 3 18 10 6 1 4 30 2 3 4 1 A. sq. yd. m. 5 3 9 gr. 20. 1 27 24. 4 10 6 2 5 16 19 3 8 5 2 15 8 22 1 1 1 6 19 7 2 7 19 gal. qt. pt. Cong. 0. *3 f3 21. 5 2 1 25. 1 6 12 4 6 3 1 2 5 13 7 4 1 1 2 3 5 1 gal. 2 1 qt. pt. gi- 2 1 5 3 lb. 5 3 3 22. 18 3 1 2 26. 1 11 7 2 4 1 3 2 9 1 1 6 2 1 1 3 6 6 1 1 .1 1 cu. yd. cu.ft. 5 cu. in. 4 5 1 27. 5.2 22.1 16.4 1.3 19.2 126.9 3.3 3. 14.3 5.4 8.2 9.2 Answer in exact units. EXAMPLES LXVI. "Written Exercises. Subtract : 1. 5 da. 16 hr. 22 min. from 11 da. 18 hr. lOmin. 2. 15 da. 17 hr. 13 min. 42 sec. from 31 da. 9hr. 11 min. 40 sec. 3. 5 cwt. 73 lb. 11 oz. from 7 cwt. 11 lb. 9 oz. Art. 178.] EXAMPLES. 163 4. 61b. 10 oz. 11 dr. from 161b. 9 oz. 5 dr. 5. 7t. 13cwt. 151b. 12 oz. from 10 1. 11 cwt. 10 oz. 6. 3 lb. 4 oz. 10 dwt. from 9 lb. 1 oz. 5 dwt. Find: 7 731b.4oz.l0pwt. _ 2(51b 10oz 18pwt 1Q5gr) o 8. 10 yd. -5 yd. 1ft. 10 in. 9. 29 yd. 1ft. 4 in. -17 yd. 2 ft. 11 in. 10. 17 mi. lfur. 150 yd. -6 mi. 3 fur. 164 yd. 11. From lb. 4 56 gr.17 subtract lb. 2 %1 3 3 gr. 15. 12. From 18 sq. yd. 3 sq. ft. 17 sq. in. take 6 sq.yd. 7 sq.ft. 13. From 215 sq. yd. 3 sq. ft. 84 sq. in. take 118 sq.yd. 6 sq. ft. 112 sq. in. 14. From 25 A. take 15 A. 120 sq. rd. 10 sq. yd. 15. From 23 A. 40 sq. rd. 10 sq.yd. take 6 A. 125 sq. rd. 25 sq. yd. 16. Find 6 cu. yd. 24 cu. ft. 1200 cu. in. - 3 cu. yd. 25 cu. ft. 8 cu. in. bu. pk. qt. pt. gi. 17. 7 1.2 1 3.6 3 2.4 1.3 2.4 18. gal. 10 5 qt. pt. 1 2 1 Answer in exact units. 0. 19. 7 *3 10 f3 5 50 3 14 6 51 EXAMPLES LXVII. Written Exercises. Multiply : 1. 5 hr. 10 min. 33 sec, (i) by 5, (ii) by 7, (iii) by 9. 2. 5 cwt. 39 lb., (i) by 7, (ii) by 8, (iii) by 9. 164 NON-DECIMAL MEASURES. [Chap. VI. 3. 6t. 17cwt. 641b. 6oz. 5 dr., (i) by 4, (ii) by 6, (iii) by 9. 4. 8 lb. 10 oz. 15 dwt. 20 gr., (i) by 5, (ii) by 7, (iii) by 12. 5. tt>6 34.1 32.3 31.2 gr.ll by 5. 6. 10 yd. 1 ft. 7 in., (i) by 8, (ii) by 11, (iii) by 12. 7. 8 mi. 215 yd., (i) by 5, (ii) by 8, (iii) by 12. 8. 1 mi. 20 rd. 4 yd., (i) by 7, (ii) by 56. 9. 15 sq. yd. 7 sq. ft. 100 sq. in., (i) by 6, (ii) by 11. 10. 4 en. ft. 163 cu. in., (i) by 8, (ii) by 11. 11. 3 bu. 2 pk., (i) by 5, (ii) by 11. 12. 3 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt., (i) by 5, (ii) by 7. 13. 3 da. 17 hr. 10 min. 15 sec, (i) by 35, (ii) by 45. 14. 15 1. 12 cwt. 16 lb., (i) by 42, (ii) by 72. 15. 8 lb. 11 oz. 15 dwt. 18 gr., (i) by 49, (ii) by 84. 16. 3 yd. 2 ft. 10 in., (i) by 44, (ii) by 132. 17. 3 yd. 1ft. 7 in. by 350. 18. 5bn. 2pk. by 420. 19. 12 da. 13 hr. 14 min. 12 sec. by 65. 20. 5t. 7 cwt. 151b. by 94. 21. 31b. 4oz. 12 dwt. 12 gr. by 124. 22. 3 cwt. 75 lb. 5 oz. by 257. 23. 15sq.yd. 7 sq.ft. by 1212. 24. 6t. 15 cwt. 71b. 3 oz. by 2341. 25. 21b. 4oz. 16 dwt. 18 gr. by 3124. 26. 1 mi. 2 fur. 15 rd. 4 yd., (i) by 5, (ii) by 9. Art. 178.] EXAMPLES. 165 EXAMPLES LXVIII. Written Exercises. Divide : 1. 22 da. lhr. 12min. by 6. 2. 37 cwt. 3 lb. by 7. 3. 441b. 2oz. 8 dr. by 8. 4. 52 lb. 10 oz. 13 dwt. by 9. 5. 153 yd. 2 ft. lin. by 11. 6. 95 A. 64sq.rd. by 12. 7. 1851b. 8oz. 17 dwt. by 54. 8. 123 da. 10 hr. 45 min. by 50. 9. 1052 yd. 1ft. by 132. 10. 251 A. 133sq.rd. by 121. 11. 19 1. 14 cwt. 81b. 3oz. 4 dr. by 500. 12. 214 1. 10 cwt. 441b. by 196. 13. 12 1. 3 cwt. 9 lb. by 37. 14. 309 1. 12 cwt. 141b. by 47. 15. lOt. 6 cwt. 701b. loz. by 57. 16. 37 yd. 2 ft. 3 in. by 151. 17. 35 1. 2 cwt. 631b. 2 oz. by 289. 18. 2237 bu. 1 pk. 7 qt. by 253. 19. 61 1. 1 cwt. 75 lb. by 2896. 20. 24 mi. 58 yd. 2 ft. 4 in. by 1234. 21. 36 mi. 4 fur. 23 rd. 3 yd. 1ft. 6 in. by 10. • 22. 55 mi. 7 fur. 26 rd. 1yd. 1ft. by 43. 23. 298 A. 39 sq. rd. 18 sq. yd. 2 sq. ft. 108 sq. in. by 73. 166 NON-DECIMAL MEASURES. [Chap. VI. EXAMPLES LXIX. Written Exercises. 1. Divide 2 tons 5 cwt. by 9 cwt. 2. Divide 6 oz. 10 dwt. by 13 dwt. 3. Divide 3 A. 50 sq. rd. by 19 sq. rd. 4. Divide 20 bu. 1 pk. by 2 bu. 1 pk. 5. How many pieces each 3 yd. 1 ft. long can be cut from a rope whose length is 180 yd.? 6. A wheel revolves once every 2 m. 15 sec. ; how many times does it revolve in 1 hr. 48 m. ? 7. The circumference of a tricycle wheel is 12 feet; how many times does the wheel turn round in a journey of 10 miles ? 8. A field of 13 A. 80 sq. rd. is divided into allot- ments, each containing 1 A. 20 sq. rd. ; how many allot- ments are there ? 9. A man's average step is 2 ft. 11 in. ; how many steps does he take in walking 3 J miles ? 10. How many jars, each containing 2 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt., can be filled out of a cask containing 46 gal. ? 11. How many rails, each weighing 4 cwt. 37 lb., can be made out of 58 1. 19 cwt. 90 lb. of iron ? What will each rail cost at 3 ct. a lb. ? 12. How many times does 2 miles 76 yd. contain 14 yd. 1ft. 6 in. ? 13. Each of a certain number of articles weighs 14 lb. 1 oz., and the total weight is 3 t. 75 lb. ; how many are there ? 14. How many times is 361b. 3oz. 3 dwt. contained in 543 lb. 11 oz. 5 dwt. ? Art. 179.] CIRCULAR MEASURES. 167 15. How many bullets, each, weighing 2 \ oz., can be made from a quantity of lead weighing 7 cwt. 35 lb. ? 16. A sovereign weighs 123 grains ; how many can be made out of 3 lb. 5 oz. of standard gold ? 179. Table of Circular Measures. The plane figure whose bound- ing line is a curve everywhere equally distant from the centre is called a Circle. The bounding line of a circle is called its Circumference. Any part of a circumference is called an Arc. If the circumference be di- vided into 360 equal parts, one of these parts is called an arc of one Degree (1°). The unit is an arc of 1°. 60 seconds (") = 1 minute (*). 60' = 1 degree (°). 360° = 1 circumference (C). EXAMPLES LXX. Written Exercises. . Ac Id 5° 21' 15" 27° 41' 23" 196° 12' 39" 150° 2' 10" 2. From 182° 1' 49" Subtract 12° 50' 50" 3. How many seconds in 90° ? 4. How many degrees in 5678" ? 5. How many circumferences in 1800° ? 6. Eeduce 100000" to units of higher denominations. 168 NON-DECIMAL MEASURES. [Chap. VI. 180. Longitude and Time. EXAMPLES LXX. — Continued. Oral Exercises. 7. Let the figure represent a globe rotating on its axis ; how many degrees does c move towards the present position of g while the globe is making I of a rotation •L of a rotation 5 8. The earth is a rotating globe, and a point, as c or r, moves once around its circle in 24 hr. ; how long does it take c to move to the present position of e, the arc ce being 30° ? To the present position of g ? Of d ? 9. How long does it take r to move to the present position of s ? 10. How long does it take the arc ac to reach the present position of the arc (meridian) ae ? 11. How many degrees does the earth rotate in 1 hr. ? In 1 min. ? Arts. 180, 181.] LONGITUDE AND TIME. 169 12. How many arc minutes does the earth rotate in 1 min. ? In 1 sec. ? 13. How many arc seconds does the earth rotate in 1 sec. ? Since 15° rotation require 1 hr. and 15' rotation require 1 min. and 15" rotation require 1 sec, we may change time measure to circular measure by mul- tiplying hr., min., and sec. by 15 ; we may change circular measure to time measure by dividing °, ', and " by 15. The meridian distance (the difference in longitude) between two places is measured in units of circular meas- ure, or in units of time measure. 181. Difference in Longitude, and in Time. Longitude is reckoned either east or west from the merid- ian passing through Greenwich. It is evident that if two 170 NON-DECIMAL MEASURES. [Chap. VI. places are either east of, or west from, Greenwich, the dif- ference in longitude is found by subtraction ; if one place is east and the other west, the difference is found by addition. Ex. Find difference in time between Cleveland, 81° 40' 30" W., and St. Paul, 93° 4' 55" W. 93° 4' 55" 81° 40' 30" 15 )11° 24' 25" 45 min. 37 sec. Ans. EXAMPLES LXXI. "Written Exercises. Find the difference in time between 1. Portland (Me.), 70° 15' 40" W., and Detroit, 82° 58' W. 2. New York, 74° 0' 3" W., and Chicago, 87° 37' 30" W. 3. New York and Washington, 77° 2' 48" W. 4. Berlin, 13° 23' 53" E., and Paris, 2° 20' 22."5 E. 5. Berlin and New York. 6. Boston, 71° 3' 30" W., and San Francisco, 122° 24' 15" W. 7. Greenwich and Washington. 8. What is the longitude of St. Louis, the difference in time between New York and St. Louis being 1 hr. 5 min. 1 sec. ? 9. The difference in time between Philadelphia and Chicago is 49 min. 50 sec. ; what is the difference in lon- gitude ? What is the longitude of Philadelphia ? 10. When it is 4 o'clock (p.m.) at Greenwich, what time is it at Washington ? 11. When it is 1 o'clock (a.m.) at New York, what time is it at Berlin ? Art. 181.] EXAMPLES. 171 EXAMPLES LXXII. Reduction of Metric Numbers to Non-Metric Numbers; also, of Non-Metric Numbers to Metric Numbers. 1 . How many cm in 1 in. ? 2. How many yd. in 17.6 m ? 3. How many t. in l Mg of water ? 4. How many sq. ft. in l qm ? 5. How many cu. in. in l 1 ? 6. How many lb. in l cum of water ? 7. How many Mg in 1 l.t. ? 8. How many ml in 1 qt. (liquid) ? 9. How many g in lb 5 ? 10. How many gr. in 15 cg ? 11. How many gr. in 500 ccm of water ? 12. How many HI in 5 pk. ? 13. How many bu. in 3 K1 ? 14. If either a qt. or a liter of milk cost 6 ct., which would you prefer to purchase ? 15. Which would you prefer to buy, 1 A. or 2.5 Ha for the same money ? 16. Find the value of 3 13 in g. 17. Find the value of l Kg in lb. 18. Express 2 gal. lpt. 3gi. as liters. 19. How many sters in 100 cu. ft. ? 20. How many A. in 7 Ha ? 21. Express 1-^-mi. as m and as Hm. 22. What cost 4 kilos of sugar at 5±- ct. per lb. ? 23. What costs £ a kilo of gold at $1 a pwt. ? 172 NON-DECIMAL MEASURES. [Chap. VI. Tables for Convenient Reference. Time. Square Measures. 60 sec. = 1 min. 144 sq. in. = 1 sq. ft. 60 min. = 1 hr. 9 sq. ft. = 1 sq. yd. 24 hr. = 1 da. 30£ sq. yd. = 1 sq. rd. 365 da. = 1 yr. 160 sq. rd. = 1A. 366 da. = 1 leap yr. 640 A. =lsq.mi. Troy Weight. 16 sq. rd. = 1 sq. ch. 10 sq. ch. = 1 A. 24 gr. = 1 pwt. 20 pwt. = 1 oz. Cubic Measures. 12 oz. = 1 lb. 1728 cu. in. = 1 cu. ft. Avoirdupois Weight. 27 cu. ft. = 1 cu. yd. 16 dr. = 1 oz. 16 cu. ft. = 1 cd. ft. 16 oz. = 1 lb. 128 cu. ft. = 1 cd. 100 lb. as 1 cwt. 20 cwt. = 1 1. Liquid Measures. 112 lb. =11. cwt. 4 gi. =1 pt. 22401b. =ll.t. 2 pt. =1 qt. 4 qt. =1 gal. Apothecaries' Weight. 31£ gal. = 1 bbl. gr. 20 = 3 1 2 bbl. = 1 hhd. 3 s= 51. 1 qt. = 57| cu. in. 3 8= 51. 512 = ft). 1. Dry Measures. 2 pt. =1 qt. Linear Measures. 8 qt. =1 pk. 12 in. = 1 ft. 4 pk. = 1 bu. 3 ft. =1 yd. 1 qt. = 67| cu. in. 5 ^ d '} = lrd. 16^ ft. i 320 rd. = 1 mi. Apothecaries' Fluid Measures. ni60 = f31. f38 = f51. 7.92 in. = 1 li. 100 li. = 1 ch. f316 = 01. 80 ch. = 1 mi. 08 = Cong. 1. Art. 181.] SYNOPTIC CONVERSION. 173 Synoptic Conversion of English and Metric Units.* English to Metric. lin. lyd. 1 mi. a 2.54 cm . = .9144 m . = 1.60935 ki Metric to English. 1™ =39.37 in. lKm = 1093.61 yd. 8 Kra =5mi. nearly. 1 sq. yd. .83613 q«". Iqm = lca = 10.7639 sq ft. 1A. — .404687 Ha . 1» = lHa = 119.599 sq. 2.471 A. yd. leu. in. = 16.3872"™ leu. yd. ss. 76456 c » m . lqt. (U. S.)=. 946361. leu m_ 61023.4 cu. in. = 35.3145 cu. ft. = 1.30794 cu. yd. Icdm 1 J, | = 61.023 cu. in. ==.26417 gal. (U.S.) == 1.05668 qt. (U. S.). lgr. =64. 7989 m *. 1 lb. avoir. = .45359*2. It. (20001b.) =907. 18 K g. 1 l.t. (2240 lb.) = 1.01605 t is = 15.4324 gr. l K s = 2.20462 lb. avoir. IT = 2204.62 lb. avoir. IT =.98421 l.t. (2240 1b.). Weights. 1 bu. wheat = 60 lbs. 1 stone = 14 lbs 1 " potatoes = 60 " 1 bbl. pork =200 " 1 " beans = 60 " 1 " flour = 196 " 1 ** corn = 56 " 1 cental of grain = 100 " 1 " barley = 48 « 1 quintal of fish =100 " 1 " oats = 32 " * Arranged from the Smithsonian Tables, black type should be memorized. Figures printed in 174 NON-DECIMAL MEASURES. [Chap. VI. Inches. 1 1 ,l,\l, il.'.l. .i.f.i, MM Mil IMI Mill 1 ! } i i i 1 1 3 1 i Centimeters. lin. = 2.54 cm . D l** 1 . 1 sq. in. 1 sq. in. = 6.45 i cm . A / > y l ccm - 1 cu. in. 1 cu. in. = 16.387 ccm - Art. 181.] 1T5 Diameter and height of a cylindrical liter measure and of a cylindrical quart measure. li = 61.063 cu. in. = 1000 ccm . 1 qt. = 57.75 " 176 APPROXIMATION. [Chap. VII. CHAPTER VII. APPROXIMATION. 182. No continuous magnitude can be measured with perfect accuracy. When, for example, we endeavor to make two pieces of wire equally long, all that we can ensure is, that they shall be of the same length so far as the eye, or other instrument, can judge; however, they may, and probably will, differ by some thousandths or even hundredths of an inch. In all questions involving continuous magnitude, such as length, weight, etc., we must, therefore, be content with approximations (more or less accurate) to the true measure. It follows that calculations dependent upon measurement can give only approximately accurate results. For example, if we are told that a slab of stone is 17.6 inches long, and 12.4 inches wide, we are not to conclude that these are perfectly accurate measurements, but only that the measurements are near enough for practical purposes, the real length and breadth being at any rate less than 17.7 and 12.5 respectively. If the given measurements were accurate, the area of the slab would be 17.6 x 12.4 square inches. The actual area may, how- ever, have any value between 17.6 x 12.4 square inches and 17.7 x 12.5 square inches ; that is, between 218.24 square inches and 221.25 square inches. 183. When the measure of any quantity is given, for example, as 3.628, it generally means that the measure is Arts. 182-184.] APPROXIMATION. 177 not less than 3.628, and not greater than 3.629, the possible error made by stopping at the third decimal place being an error in defect less than one one-thousandth of the unit. Now, if the above measure had to be given as far only as hundredths of the unit, 3.63 would be more accu- rate than 3.62. This principle is often employed when approximate measures are given. Thus the quantity whose measure is 6.57684 would be most accurately given by 6.5768, 6.577, or 6.58 to four, three, or two decimal places respectively, the possible error in excess or defect being now not greater than half the unit represented by the last decimal place retained. 184. To find the sum of any numbers to any given num- ber of decimal places, it would be necessary to consider the figures two places beyond, in order to see what had to be ' carried.' Ex. 1. Find, to 3 places of decimals, the sum of 14.61825, 3.17924, .518479, and 154.017235. 14.618 3.179 .518 154.017 172.333 25 24 479 235 Ex. 2. Find, to within one one-thousandth of the whole, the sum of 5.3184, 27.5162, 18.4196, and 23.0135. 5.31 27.51 18.41 23.01 74.27 Here we have to find the sum correct to the first four figures. The sum of the numbers in the fifth column is 27, which is nearer to 30 than to 20. Hence, the most accurate sum to four figures will be 74.27. 178 APPROXIMATION. [Chap. VII. 185. The method of finding a product or a quotient to any required degree of accuracy will be seen from the following examples. Ex. 1. Find, to two places of decimals, the product of 4.163 and 5.784. 4.10 3 5.7 84 20.81 5 2.91 41 .33 30 .01 66 24.08 Arrange with the decimal point of the multiplier as ahove, and begin the multiplication from the left of the multiplier. The verti- cal line on the left gives the figures which are to be finally retained ; it is, however, necessary to go two places beyond to see what should be ' carried ' to the last column retained. Multiply as usual so long as all the figures are to be retained. In the present case all the figures in the first two rows are to be retained. Before multiplying by 8, cross out the last figure of the multipli- cand, namely 3 ; then multiply 416 by 8, putting down the first figure of the product (adding in mentally what would be carried from the multiplication of the figure crossed out) in the last column. Now cross out another figure of the multiplicand, and multiply what remains by 4, again putting down the first figure of the product (with what must be carried from the multiplication of the last figure crossed out) in the last column. Proceed in this way to the end. Since the sum of the figures in the fifth column is 18, the most accurate product we can give to two places of decimals is 24.08. Ex. 2. Find, to within one one-millionth of the whole, the product of 51.6243 and 112.4167. Here we have to find the product, correct to the first 7 figures. • 61.622 11 5162.43 516.243 130.248 20.649 .516 .309 .036 5803.433 2.4 8 72 24 74 13 167 Art. 185.] EXAMPLES. 179 Ex. 3. Find, to within one one-millionth, the quotient 516.24175 -*- 123.456. 122.4^)516.24175(4.181585 493 824 22 4177 12 3456 10 07215 9 87648 19567 12345 7222 6172 1050 987 63 61 We have here to find the first seven figures of the quotient. Having found the first three figures in the ordinary way, the remaining four figures, being less by two than the number of figures in the divisor, can be found by a shortened process ; namely, instead of annex- ing a naught at every stage on the right of the remainder as usual, we strike out the last figure on the right of the divisor instead, taking care, however, to use the last figure struck out to see what should be 'carried'. Ex. 4. Find, to the nearest penny, the value of £51.3125 x 17.1874. Since \d. = £ .001 nearly, it will be unnecessary to retain more than four decimal places in the product. Thus, &b\J8ffl 17 .1874 513.125 359.1875 5.1312 4.1050 .3591 205 5 8 2 '£881.9285 20 s. 18.5700 12 d. 6.84 Ans. £881. 18s. Id. 180 APPROXIMATION. [Chap. VII. EXAMPLES LXXIII. Written Exercises. Find the following to the nearest thousandth of the whole : 1. 14.625x31.857. 4. 138.714x89.47. 2. 15.816 x 19.714. • 5. 314.2108 -j- 18.306. 3. 156.423x175.45. 6. 81.4623 -s- 129.54. 7. 15.8193 x 6.7149 -j- 1.3425. 8. 115.416 x 123.518 - 119.417. Find, to within a millionth of the whole : 9. 198.4653x5.194238. 10. 8.10976429-5-15.623. Find, to within one one-thousandth of the whole, the areas of the rectangles whose dimensions are : 11. 17.215 in. by 34.827 in. 12. 184.27 yd. by 112.53 yd. 13. Find, to 4 places of decimals : (i ) 1 + i+ i + ^-L- n + 1 1x2 ' 1x2x3 1x2x3x4 1 1x2 1x2x31x2x3x4 Find the value, to the nearest farthing, of 14. £31.625x12.8743. 15. £ 119.48125 x .46127. Find, to the nearest cent, the value of 16. $15.23x18.24. 18. $315.80x175.297. 17. $17.32x112.428. 19. $30.47x2180.3079. Art. 185.] MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 181 EXAMPLES LXXIV. Miscellaneous Examples, Chapters V, VI, VII. Written Exercises. 1. Find 18 x 19 x 25 x 16f. 2. Express .035, .625, .12288 as common fractions in their lowest terms. 3. How many times is 14 yd. 1 ft. 6 in. contained in 244 yd. 3 in. ? 4. Reduce 3 lb. 5 oz. 16 dwt. to gr., and express 1 oz. 16 dwt. 11 gr. in avoirdupois weight. 5. Find H.C.F. and L.C.M. of 936 and 2925. 6. Arrange -^, yl^, and -fe in order of magnitude. 7. Find the cost of 25cwt. 25 1b. 12 oz. of a sub- stance at $ 16 per cwt. 8. Find the value of 51 things, any four of which are worth £ 19. 3s. Id. 9. Simplify |f (1 - ff) + fx|(| + A)- 10. What is the least number which must be added to 1000000 that the sum may be exactly divisible by 573 ? 11. Multiply 4 mi. 31 rd. 4|yd. by 3, and divide the result by 37. 12. The circumferences of the large and the small wheels of a bicycle are 143 in. and 40 in. respectively ; how many more turns will the latter have made than the former in a distance of 13 mi. ? 13. A man spends 7.75 francs a day ; how much does he save in a year (of 365 days) out of a yearly income of 3000 francs ? 14. A man spends 9.35 marks a day; how much in English money does he spend in a year (of 365 days), taking a mark to be worth ll|d ? OF THE "^ I'NfVFDQlTV 182 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. [Chap. VII. 15. Afield is 192 m long and 57.75 m wide; how many Ha does it contain, and what wonld it cost at 7500 francs per Ha ? 16. Eeduce 772642 sq.yd. to A., sq. rd., and sq. yd. 17. Find, in hr., min., and sec, .6575 of a day. 18. What fraction of 8 lb. 11 oz. 2 dwt. 17 gr. is 10 lb. 9oz. 16 dwt. 11 gr.? 19. Reduce ||, -£fe, and fl yg ft to decimals. 20. A certain number was divided by 105, by 'short' divisions ; the quotient was 192, the first remainder was 1, the second was 4, and the third was 6. What was the dividend ? 21. Find by factors the square root of 23716. 22. What is the greatest sum of money of which both $ 11.05 and $ 188.50 are multiples ? 23. How much would it cost to put gravel to a depth of a dm all over a court-yard 7.5 m by 5.75 m , the gravel and labor costing 8 francs per ster ? 24. A grocer buys 15 cwt. of goods for $24.50; at what rate per lb. must he sell to gain $ 5.50 ? 25. A druggist buys 50 1b. of a certain drug; how many weeks will it last if he uses lb 1 5 6 3 1 3 2 gr. 10 per week in putting up prescriptions ? 26. Find If of 8 bu. 1 pk. 27. How many numbers, each 567, must be added that the sum may be greater than a million ? 28. What is the greatest number of Sundays there can be in a year ? On what day of the week will the first of February fall when the number of Sundays in a year of 365 days is greatest ? Art. 185.] MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 183 29. How many times can 3 yd. 1 ft. 7 in. be sub- tracted in succession from 115 yd. 2 ft. 11 in., and what will be the last remainder ? 30. A bar of metal weighing 100 oz. 16 dwt. is made into coins, each weighing 1 oz. 8 dwt. ; how many coins are made from the bar ? 81. Simplify If of |L=^J2f-! of -U. 32. A surveyor measured some ground and found it to be 10 ch. long and 4 ch. broad ; how many A. were there ? 33. What is the smallest number of exact acres that can have the form of a square ? 34. What decimal of 1 mi. is 119yd. 2ft. 4 in.? 35. Find the value of 21b. 6 oz. 10 dwt. 12 gr. of gold at $ 216 per lb. 36. Find 105 2 ; 48 x 33£; 850 - 16|. 37. Express lb. 1 as the decimal of 1 lb. Avoir. 38. Having given that a meter is 39.37 in., prove that the difference between 5 mi. and 8 Km is nearly 51 yd. 39. Add i ° f feJ ° f • 4 - 65 to ft- ° f 3*3 ° f • Li5 - °3 % + * ±J -TT ^ — l S 40. Find Vlwt an( ^ re( iuce the answer to lowest terms. 41. Express .88125 cwt. in lb. and oz. 42. Express 15 yd. 2 ft. 8 in. as the decimal of a mi. 43. Reduce 11.2765625 lb. to lb., oz.. pwt., and gr. 44. Find to the nearest cent $ 48.96 x 72.8967. 45. Reduce 1000 sq. yd. to qm. 46. Reduce 1000 l to pt. 184 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. [Chaps. VII., VIII. 47. Express .136 x 7.3 -s- .43 as a decimal. 48. Find the value of 43 sq. rd. 24^ sq. yd. of building land at $ 1815 per acre. 49. Find the greatest length of which both 1 mi. 4 fur. 16 rd. 2 yd. and 1 mi. 1 fur. 10 rd. 2 yd. are multiples. 50. Subtract 161 x ** from 5 f of 7 \ . 51. Find y.004 to 4 decimal places. 52. Reduce 4 Hg to pounds Troy. 7 53. Simplify 5 + 3-f 54. Find the annual cost of repairing a road 9 mi. 120 rd. 177 yd. long at $ 88 per mi. 55. A vessel steams 18 knots an hour; to how many statute miles is this equivalent ? 56. If a ccm of iron weighs 7.788 g , what will be the weight of a cu. ft. ? 57. How many pieces each .17 in. long can be cut from a wire 21.09 in. long ; and how long will be the piece left over? 58. Add .5125 of a yd., .62734 of a rd., and .018325 of a fur. ; subtract the result from .0049 of a mi., and ex- press the answer in yd., also in dm. 59. Find V4900546043.21156004. 60. What is the least number which when divided by 15 leaves a remainder 3, when it « 18 u u a 6, (( " 24 a a a 12? Arts. 186, 187.] AREAS. 185 CHAPTER VIII. AREAS — VOLUMES. 186. A plane figure [Art. 149] bounded by four straight lines, and whose four angles are equal, is called a Rectangle. An equilateral rectangle is a Square. Rectangles. Square. The amount of surface included within the bounding lines of a figure is called its Area, and the area is measured by some square unit, — one sq. in., one sq. yd., or one qm, etc. B C A G D F B 187. To find the Area of a Rectangle. — Let ABCD be the rectangle whose area is required. 186 AEE AS — VOLUMES. [Chap. VIII. Suppose, for example, that AB is 4 in. and that AD is 3 in. Divide AB into four equal parts and AD into three equal parts, and draw lines parallel to the sides as in the figure on the left. Then the rectangle is divided into squares each of which is a sq. in. ; and the number of these squares is clearly the product of the number of in. in AB by the number of in. in AD. The above reasoning applies to all cases, both the length and the breadth of the rectangle being an integral number of in. Now suppose, for example, that in the figure on the right AB is § in., and that AD is £ in. Let AEFG be one sq. in. Divide AE into two equal parts, and AG into five equal parts, and GD into two equal parts. Then the subdivisions of AB will be all equal, as also those of AD. Hence, if lines be drawn as in the figure, ABCD will be divided into 3x7 equal rectangles, such that the square inch AEFG will 3x7 contain 2 x 5 of these rectangles. Hence AB will contain square inches ; that is, (§ x |) square inches. From the above it follows that the number of square inches (or square feet, etc.) in a rectangle is equal to the product of the number of inches (or feet, etc.) in the length by the number of inches (or feet, etc.) in the breadth. It should be noticed that the length and breadth must both be expressed in terms of the same unit. For example, the area of a rectangle whose length is 2 ft. and breadth 6 in. is (2 x T 6 2) sq.ft , or (24 x 6) sq. in. The above rule for finding the area of a rectangle is often ex- pressed shortly by the statement that area = length x breadth. 188. Now that we find the area of a rectangle, we can see that the relations between the different units given in the Table for Square Measure, on page 149, follow at once from the relations between the corresponding units in linear measure. For, since 12 in. make 1 ft., (12 x 12) make 1 sq.ft. Since 3 ft. make 1yd., (3 x 3) sq.ft. make 1 sq. yd. Arts. 188, 189.] EXAMPLES. 187 Since 5|yd. make 1 rd., (5£ x 5|) sq. yd. make 1 sq. rd. Again, 22 yd. make 1 ch., therefore (22 x 22) sq.yd. = 484 sq. yd. make 1 sq. ch. Thus, 4840 sq. yd. = 10 sq. ch. = 1 A. Also, 1 sq. mi. = (1760 x 1760) sq. yd. = 1760 x 1760 «■ 4840 A. = 640 A. Ex. Find the acreage of a rectangular field whose length is 132 yd. and whose breadth is 38 1 yd. The area = (132 x 38£) sq. yd. = 5082 sq.yd. = ffff A. = |iA. = 1A. 8sq. rd. 189. If the area of a rectangle be known, and also the length, the breadth can be at once found. For example, to find the breadth of a rectangle whose length is 15 ft. and whose area is 200 sq. ft. Since the product of the number of ft. in the breadth by the number of ft. in the length is equal to the number of sq. ft. in the area, we have breadth = (200 + 15) ft. = 13£ ft. = 13 ft. 4 in. EXAMPLES LXXV. Written Exercises. Find the areas of the rectangles whose lengths and breadths are as follows : 1. 14 ft., 12 ft. 6. 10 yd., 23 ft. 2. 22 ft, 17it. 7. 5 yd. lft., 3 yd. 2 ft. 3. 25 yd., 17 yd. 8. 21 yd. 2 ft., 18 yd. 4. 122 in., 114 in. 9. 13 ft. 4 in., 9 ft. 2 in. 5. 5 ft., 17 in. 10. 11 ft. 9 in., 8 ft. 7 in. 188 AREAS— VOLUMES. [Chap. VIII. Find the acreage of the rectangular fields whose lengths and breadths are as follows : 11. 319 yd., 275 yd. 15. 550 yd., 400 yd. 12. 363 yd., 240 yd. 16. 125 yd., 49£ yd. 13. 400 yd., 214|-yd. 17. Length x breadth = ? 14. 178|yd., 162fyd. 18. Area -i- length = ? 19. Area -r- breadth = ? 20. Find the area of a rectangular field whose length is 119.5 m and whose breadth is 96.2 m . 21. How many stones having rectangular tops 2 dm X 1.2 dm will be required to pave a street 5 Hm long and 16.8 m wide, provided no spaces are left between the stones ? 22. Find the area of a rectangular field whose length is 9 ch. 12 li. and whose breadth is 6 ch. 25 li. 23. Find the area of a rectangular field whose length is 9 ch. 25 li. and whose breadth is 7 ch. 75 li. 24. The area of a rectangle is 925 sq. in., and its breadth is 25 in. ; what is its length ? 25. What is the length of a rectangular table the area of whose top is 71 sq. ft. 16 sq. in., and the breadth 6 ft. 8 in.? 26. The area of a rectangular court-yard is 52 sq. yd. 2 sq. ft. 36 sq. in., and its length is 14 yd. 9 in. ; what is its breadth ? 27. What will it cost to paint the ceiling of a room whose length is 24 ft. 6 in. and breadth 16 ft. 6 in. at $.60 per sq. yd. ? 28. What is the area of a square floor 7 m long ? 29. What is the length of a square room whose area is 4225 qdm ? Art. 190.] CARPETING, ETC. 189 Carpeting, Papering, Plastering. 190. Examples like the following are of frequent occurrence : Ex.1. How much will be the cost of a cm-pet for a room 16 ft. x 20 ft. 3 in. with carpet 27 in. wide at $.75 a yd., the strips running lengthwise ? Number of strips = 20 ft. 3 in. +- 27 in. = 9. Total length of carpet = 16 ft. x 9 = 144 ft. = 48 yd. Cost = 48 yd. x $.75 = $36. [Art. 50.] Ex. 2. How much will be the cost of paper for the walls of a room 19/£. 3 in. long, 15/£. 9 in. wide, and 12 ft. high, the paper being 21 in. wide and costing 5 ct. per yard ? Area of a wall = its length x its height. . •. Area of 4 walls = distance around the room x height = 70 ft. x 12 ft. = 840 sq. ft. Length of paper = 840 sq. ft. -r- f \ ft. = 480 ft = 160 yd. Cost of paper = 160 yd. x 5 ct. = $8.00. Note. In the preceding questions we have found the quantity of carpet (or wall paper) which would be required if it were of one uniform color throughout. When, as is almost invariably the case, there is a pattern on the carpet or paper, there must be a certain amount of waste, if the different lengths are properly fitted together. Moreover, wall papers are sold in lengths of 8 yards, called rolls ; if, therefore, as in Ex. 2, 160 yards of paper were required, 20 rolls would have to be bought. American wall papers are generally 18 inches wide. Ex. 3. A room 21 ft. by 19/£. has a Turkey carpet in it, a border 3ft. wide all round being left uncovered by the carpet. The border was stained at a cost of $ .45 a square yard, and the carpet cost $4.50 a square yard; what was the total cost ? Since the border is 3 ft. wide all round the room, the length of the carpet must be 21 ft. - 3 ft. x 2 = 15 ft., and the breadth must be 19 ft. - 3 ft. x 2 = 13 ft. 190 AREAS — VOLUMES. [Chap. Vlll. Area of carpet = 15 ft. x 13 ft. = - 6 / sq. yd. Price of carpet = $4.50 x 6 ^- = $97.50. Border = area of room — area of carpet a= (21 x 19) sq. ft. - (15 x 13) sq.ft. as 204 sq. ft. ss - 6 3 8 - sq. yd. Cost of staining = $.45 x -^ = $10.20. Total cost = $ 97. 50 + $ 10.20 = $107.70. EXAMPLES LXXVI. Written Exercises. 1. How much carpet 27 in. wide will cover a room 22 ft. 6 in. long and 15 ft. 9 in. wide, carpet running lengthwise ? What will be the cost at $1.20 per yd. ? 2. A room is 8.3 m long and 5 m wide; how many meters of carpet must be purchased for such a room, the strips being 7 dm wide and running crosswise ? How much in width must be turned, under ? In surface ? 3. If you were carpeting a room 9 m x6 m , which way would you have the strips run if they were 6.8 dm wide? How many less qm would be used than by running the strips the other way ? 4. A room is 10 yd. 2 ft. long and 7 yd. 1ft. 6 in. wide ; find the cost of covering it with Turkey carpet at $1.25 a sq. yd. 5. Find the cost of carpeting a room 8^ yd. long by 6 yd. 2 ft. broad with carpet 2\ ft. wide at 84 ct. a yd. 6. What would be the expense of carpeting a room 24 ft. 6 in. by 18 ft. with carpet 27 in. wide, and which costs $1.20 a yd. ? Art. 190.] CARPETING, ETC. 191 7. How much carpet 27 in. wide would be required for a room 32 ft. by 23 ft., a margin 4 ft. wide being left uncovered ? 8. Find the area of the four walls of a room 15 ft. long, 14 ft. wide, and 10 ft. high. 9. Find the area of the four walls of a room 16 ft. 4 in. long, 13 ft. 8 in. wide, and 11 ft. 4 in. high. 10. Find the area of the four walls of a room 10.5 ■ long, 5 ra wide, and 4.9 m high. 11. Find the qm of the four walls of a room 7 m x 4 m X 3.2 ra , leaving out 3 windows, each 2 m x 1.1 m , and one door 2.4 m x 1.3 m . 12. Find the area of the four walls of a room 14 ft. 6 in. long, 13 ft. 10 in. wide, and 10 ft. 8 in. high. 13. A room is 18 ft. long, 13 ft. 6 in. wide, and 12 ft. high ; how much paper 21 in. wide will be required to cover the walls, and what will be the cost at $ .75 per piece of 12 yd. ? 14. How much will it cost to paper a room 17 ft. 6 in. square, and 14 ft. 3 in. high, with paper 1 ft. 9 in. wide at 12 ct. a yd. ? 15. A room is 6.1 ra x 5 m x 4.2 m ; find the cost of plas- tering at 62^- ct. per qm, allowing 7 Qm for windows, door, and base-board. Do not forget the ceiling. 16. A room 8 m x 5.6 m x 4.2 m has 4 windows, each 2.1 m x l m , 2 doors, each 2.8 m x 1.4 m , and a base-board 24 dm high; fi n d (i) the cost of plastering at 50 ct. per qm, (ii) the cost of paper 5 dm wide at $3.50 per roll of 10 m , (iii) the cost of a carpet 6.2 dm wide at $2 per m, all for this room. Find the total cost, allowing $ 15 for labor in putting on the paper and laying the carpet. 192 AREAS — VOLUMES. [Chap. VIII. Board Measure. 191. A board which is one foot square and one inch or less in thickness has a measurement called one Board Foot. Boards and squared timber are sold by the Board Foot. 192. The number of board feet in a board one inch or less in thickness is the same as the number of square feet in the surface. The number of board feet in a stick of timber more than one inch thick is the number of square feet in the surface multiplied by the number of inches in the thick- ness. Ex. 1. How many board feet in a board 20/£. x2ft. x f of an inch f 20 ft. x 2 f t. = 40 board feet. Ex. 2. How many board feet in a board 15 ft. long, IS in. wide at one end and 14 in. wide at the other end, and \ an inch thick ? 15 ft. x 1 J ft. = 20 board ft. In this case the average width is used. Ex. 3. How many board feet in a stick of timber 21.6 ft. long, 14 in. wide, and 3§ in. thick ? 21.6ft. x lift. = 25.2 board ft., if the stick were 1 in. or less in thickness. But we must multiply this result by 3|, since the timber is 3| in. thick. Thus, 21.6 ft. x | ft. x- : f = 92.4 board ft. EXAMPLES LXXVII. Written Exercises. Find the number of board feet in the following : 1. A board 20 ft. x 2 ft. x 1£ in. 2. A board 19 ft. 8 in. x 1 ft. 9 in. x £ in. Arts. 191-193.] DIMENSIONS OF CIRCLES. 19S 3. A timber 13 ft. x 1.1 ft. x 4J in. 4. A joist 11 ft. x 5 in. x 2 in. 5. A joist 16 ft. x 6 in. x 2\ in. 6. Find the cost of each of the above five pieces at $20 per M; i.e. f by the thousand (board feet). 7. A hall 75 ft. x 50 ft. has two layers of boards for its floor, one kind costing $ 12 per M, and the other cost- ing $21 per M; the floor timbers, 70 in number, are placed crosswise, and cost $ 16 per M. How much is the cost of material, the boards being fin. thick, and the timbers 8 in. x 3 in. Dimensions of Circles. 193. Cut from cardboard a circular piece having a known radius, as 3 cm , or 3 in. Roll the circle (held upright) along a straight line and measure the line trav- ersed in one complete rotation of the circle. This line will be found to be about 3^ times the diameter. We have no means of finding the exact measure of the circumference in terms of the diameter, but by means of geometry we learn that the measure is 3,1416 (nearly) times the diameter. This is more exact than 3^. Hence, Diameter x 3.1416 = Circumference, and C -f- 3.1416 = D.* Using the results obtained in geometry for areas of circles, we have, Area = R 2 x 3.1416, R 2 = Area -- 3.1416, R = VArea -h 3.1416. * Z), B, and C stand for diameter, radius, and circumference, respectively. 194 AREAS — VOLUMES. [Chap. VIII. Ex. 1. The diameter of a circle is 10 dOT ; find the circumference and area. C=Dx 3.1416 Area = i? 2 x 3.1416 = 10 dm x 3.1416 = 25^ x 3.1416 = 31.416 dm . = 78.54 «*". Ex. 2. The area of a circle is 50.2656 sq, in. ; find the radius and the circumference. JR= VArea-s-3.1416 C = D x 3.1416 = V50.2656 *■ 3.1416 = 8 x 3.1416 s Vl6 =25.1328 in. = 4 in. EXAMPLES LXXVIII. Written Exercises. Find the circumference when 1. D = 14 in. 3. E = 15 cm . 5. Z) = 56yd. 2. 2) = 75 ft. 4. B = l$ m . 6. iJ = -J-mi. Find 7. R when = 314.16 cm . 8. D when C = 1 mi. 9. D when O = 153.9384 yd. 10. iZwhen C = 47.124 m . Find area when 11. 5 = 14ft 13. C=37.6992 dm . 12. Z) = 20 m . 14. C = 251.328 rd. 15. How many" sq. ft. in the floor of a circular room whose diameter is 28 ft. ? 16. The bottom of a round liter measure has a surface of 500 qcm ; find the approximate radius. 17. Find the cost of concreting a circular fountain basin whose diameter is 20 ft., the work and material costing f 3.27 per sq. yd. Arts. 194, 195.] RECTANGULAR SOLIDS. 195 Rectangular Solids. 194. That which has length, breadth, and thickness is called a Solid. A solid bounded by six rectangular [Art. 186] faces is called a Rectangular Solid. A cube [Art. 151] is one form of a rectangular solid. Any substance (water, air, wood, etc.) may be a rectan- gular solid in form. The space included between the bounding surfaces of a solid is called its Capacity (or Volume), and the capacity of a solid is measured by some cubic unit — :Oiie cu. in., one cu. ft., l ccm , or l cum , etc. 195. To find the Capacity of a Rectangular Solid.' Suppose, for example, that the dimensions of the solid are 5 in. by 4 in. by 3 in. We can divide the edges re- spectively into 5, 4, and 3 parts, each being one inch ; and if planes be drawn through the points of division parallel to the outer faces of the solid, as in the figure, the whole solid will be divided into equal cubes each of which is a cubic inch. There will be as many layers of cubes as there are inches in the height of the solid, and the number of cubes in each layer will be the product of the number of inches in the length by the number of inches in the breadth. 196 AREAS — VOLUMES. [Chap. VIII. Thus, the number of cubic inches (or cubic feet, etc.) in a rectangular solid is equal to the continued product of the number of inches (or feet, etc.) in its length, breadth, and thickness. 196. Now that we can find the capacity of a rectangular solid, we can find the relations between the cubic yard, the cubic foot, and the cubic inch. For 1 cu. yd. = (3 x 3 x 3) cu. ft., and 1 cu. ft. = (12 x 12 x 12) cu. in. Ex. 1. Find the volume of a rectangular block of stone 12 ft. long, 1ft. wide, and lft. 6 in. high. Volume = (12 x 7 x If) cu. ft. = 126 cu. ft. Ex. 2. A beam lft. 6 in. wide and lft. Sin. high contains 46\ cubic feet of timber ; what is its length ? Since volume = length x breadth x thickness, lengths volume -• breadth x thickness 4g i Hence, length required = 1 — 241 ft. \\ x l£ft. 3 Ex. 3. How many gallons of water will a cistern hold if it is 6 ft. long, 4 ft. 6 in. wide, and 3 ft. 6 in. high ? [A gallon con- tains 231 cu. in.~] The cistern will hold (72 x 54 x 42) cu. in. = 163296 cu. in. Hence, the number of gallons required = 163296 -4- 231 = 706.90. Ex. 4. The external dimensions of a rectangular stone tank are : length 12 ft. 6 in., breadth 8 ft., and height 4 ft. The interior is also rectangular, and the sides and bottom are 3 in. thick. Find the number of cu.ft. of stone in the tank. The internal length = 12 ft. 6 in. - 3 in. x 2 = 12 ft., the internal breadth = 8 ft. - 3 in. x 2 = 7 ft. 6 in., and the internal height «= 4 f t. — 3 in. = 3 ft. 9 in. Art. 196.] EXAMPLES. 197 Now the volume of the stone is the difference between the volumes given by the external and internal dimensions. Hence, volume required = (12$ x 8 x 4 - 12 x 7£ x 3|) cu. ft. = (400 - 337i) cu. ft. = 62£ cu.ft. EXAMPLES LXXIX. Written Exercises. Find the volumes of the rectangular solids whose dimensions are 1. 5 ft. by 4 ft. by 2 ft. 2. 12 ft. by 6 ft. by 4 ft. 3. 3 yd. by l^yd. by 2 ft. 4. 5 yd. by 21 yd. by 4 ft. 5. 6 ft. 4 in. by 4 ft. 3 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. 6. 7 ft. 9 in. by 5 ft. 3 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. 7. 5 yd. 1ft. by 3 yd. 2 ft. by 2 ft. 9 in. 8. 6 yd. 9 in. by 2 yd. 1ft. by 2 ft. 7 in. 9. A rectangular block of stone 4 ft. long and 2 ft. 6 in. broad contains 17-J cu. ft. of stone ; what is its height? 10. Find the length of a rectangular beam which con- tains 98 cu. ft. of timber and whose cross-section is 2 ft. square. 11. How many loads (cu. yd.) of gravel would be required to cover a path 150 yd. long and 4 ft. wide to a depth of 2 in. ? 12. A school-room whose floor is 60 ft. by 40 ft. has accommodation for 360 children, allowing 100 cu. ft. of air for each child; what must be the height of the room ? 198 AREAS — VOLUMES. [Chap. VIII. 13. If 1 gal. = 231 cu. in. and 1 gal. of water weighs 8.355 lb. Avoir., find the number of gal. and the weight of the water which would fall on an area of an A. during a rainfall of one in. 14. A tank is 21ft. 4 in. long, 3 ft. wide, and 2 ft. deep ; it is filled with water to within 3 in. of the top. What is the volume of the water, and what is its weight ? [A cu. ft. of water weighs 1000 oz.] 15. What weight of water will fall on a road \ a mi. long and 30 ft. wide during a rainfall of an in. ? 16. A level tract of land 20 mi. long and f of a mi. broad is flooded to a depth of 4 ft. Given that a cu. ft. of water weighs 62.5 lb., find in t. the weight of the water on the land. 17. What is the capacity of a tank 20 m x 8 m x 2 m ? How many T of water will it hold ? Eeduce the T to t. (tonneaux to tons). 18. Find the total surface of the stone in Ex. 9. 19. Find the inner surface of the tank in Ex. 17. 20. A square room is 5 m long and 3 m high; how many cu. in. of air will the room contain ? 21. A square room 9 ft. 3 in. high has a capacity of 1563 \ cu. ft. j what is the length of the room ? Cylinders. 197. A solid whose ends are circles and whose curved surface is perpendicular to the ends is called a Right Circular Cylinder. The ends are called Bases, For example, a common lead pencil is a right circular cylinder ; and some tin measures used for liquids are right circular cylinders. Note. When cylinders are mentioned in this book, right circu- lar cylinders are meant. Arts. 197, 198.] CYLINDEKS. 199 198. The total surface of a cylinder consists of two flat surfaces (circles) and a curved surface called the Lateral Sur- face. If a piece of paper be fitted to a cylinder so as to cover all its lateral sur- face and then unrolled, it will be a rectangle whose length is the circumference of the cylinder and whose breadth is the height of the cylinder. Hence, lateral surface = Cx height ; which (by Art. 193) = D x 3.1416 x H; whence H= lateral surface -r- (D x 3.1416), and D = lateral surface -r- (3.1416 x H). Ex. 1. Find the total surface of a cylinder 8 in. high and the radius of whose base is 2 in. Total surface = 2 bases + lateral surface = 2 iF 2 x 3.1416 + D x 3.1416 x H = 2B x 3.1416 (22 + #) = 4 x 3.1416 x 10 = 125.664 sq. in. Note. H = height ; D = diameter ; C = circumference. Ex. 2. The lateral surface of a cylinder is 188.496 i dm ; find the height when D = 6. H= 138.496 - (D X 3.1416) = 188.496 -4- 18.8496 = 10 ^ 200 AREAS— VOLUMES. [Chap. VIII. 199. If a cylinder is 10 in. high, it is evident that it will contain 10 times as many cubic inches las if it were 1 in. high; since the number of cubic inches in a cylinder 1 in. high is the same as the number of square inches in the base, the Volume of a cylinder = base x H, or (Art. 193), = R 2 x 3.1416 x H, Volume and and and H= R 2 = R 2 x 3.1416' V 5.1416 x H' *=v 3.1416 x H Ex. 1. Find the volume of a cylinder whose height is 10 in. and the radius of whose bast is 6 in. V=B*x 3.1416 xH = 36 x 3.1416 x 10 = 1130. 976 cu. in. Ex. 2. Find the radius of the base of a cylinder whose volume is 125.664 cdm and whose height is l m . JB -V = ^V 3.1416 x 10 b 2 dm . 3.1416 x H 125.664 EXAMPLES LXXX. Written Exercises. Find, in a cylinder, the 1. Lateral surface when R = 3 dm and H= 14 dm . 3. Lateral surface when R = 1 in. and H = 5 in. Arts. 199, 200.] SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 201 3. Total surface when D = 10 m and H= 8 m . 4 . H when lateral surface = 1413.72 i dm and D = 15 dm . 5. Fwheni2 = 3 dm and i7=14 dm . 6. V when R == 1 in. and H= 5 in. 7. FwhenD = 10 m and J fiT=8 m . 8. IT when V= 125.664 cu. ft. and B = 2 ft. 9. jRwhen F=1570.8 1 and 17 = 20 dm . 10. Measure in centimeters the height and diameter of some cylinder and calculate how many cubic centimeters of liquid it would hold if hollow. How many grams of water would it hold ? Specific Gravity. 200. Weigh accurately a stone. Then place it in a jar brimful of water and weigh the water which runs over. Now divide the weight of the stone by the weight of the water which ran over, and you will know how many times the weight of the stone is greater than the weight of the same volume of water. The number of times that the weight of a substance is greater than the weight of the same volume of water is called the Specific Gravity (S.G.) of the substance. A body floating in water displaces a weight of water equal to its own weight. EXAMPLES LXXXI. Written Exercises. 1. The S.G. of iron is 7.8 ; how much does a cu. ft. of iron weigh ? A cu. in. ? A ccm ? 2. What is the weight of a cdm of silver, its S.G. being 10.5? 202 AREAS — VOLUMES. [Chap. VIII. 3. A rectangular iron tank weighs 25 kilos, and it floats on water; what is the weight of the water dis- placed ? What is the volume of water displaced ? What is the volume of iron in the tank ? 4. A cubical liter measure weighs 150 grams ; if put in water, what pressure must be added to its own weight to make it sink ? 5. The S.G. of gold is 19.5; if a person can lift 125 lb., how many cu. in. of gold can he lift at one time ? 6. What is the weight of a cdm of gold in pounds Avoir. ? In pounds Troy ? What is its value at $1 per pwt. ? If the stone mentioned in Art. 200 be weighed in air and then in water, the loss of weight will be found equal to the weight of the water which ran over. Therefore if we divide the weight of a substance by its loss of weight in water, we shall obtain its S.G. 7. A substance weighs 2501b. in air and 1251b. in water ; what is its S.G. ? How much water would run over if the substance were put into a jar brimful of water? What is the volume of the substance ? 8. A piece of wood, S.G. .25, floats on water and dis- places 40 ccm of water ; what is the volume of the wood ? How much iron must be attached to the wood to make it float under water ? 9. How much weight will a ccm of iron lose when weighed in air and then in water ? Note. S.G. = weight in air -f- loss in water. 10. A person weighing 146^ lb. has a S.G. of 1.0417 ; how much does he weigh in water ? Art. 200.] MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 203 EXAMPLES LXXXII. Miscellaneous Examples, Chapter VIII. 1. Find the cost of graveling a carriage drive 69 ft. 9 in. long and 16 ft. wide, at 30 ct. per sq. yd. 2. The outer and inner boundaries of a gravel path are squares, and the path is 4 ft. wide. The side of the square enclosed by the path is 50 yd. How much would it cost to gravel the path at 37^ ct. a superficial yd. ? 3. Find the cost of turfing a lawn tennis court which is 78 ft. long and 39 ft. wide, making a margin of grass 12 ft. wide at each end and 6 ft. wide at each side ; the turf costing 4d. a sq. yd. 4. Find the prime numbers from 100 to 125 by using the sieve. [Art. 78.] 5. What will be the lowest cost of carpeting a room 33 ft. long and 24 ft. wide with carpet 27 in. wide and costing 85 ct. a yd., a border one yd. wide being left uncovered ? How broad a strip must be cut off, or turned under ? 6. Multiply 688.4 by 99; 460.01237 by 11. 7. Find the number of cu. ft. in a school-room by using its length, breadth, and height ; find also the area of its six surfaces, including windows, etc. 8. Find the cost of covering the floor of a hall 39 ft. 41 in. long by 20 ft. llf in. wide with tiles each 5J in. by 4|in., and costing (including the labor of laying them) $4.95 a hundred. 9. What is tile weight of an iron girder 20 ft. long, and having 54 sq. in. sectional area, the weight of iron being 480 lbs. per cu. ft. ? 204 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. [Chap. VIII. 10. A hall is 103.23 ft. long and 83.25 ft. broad, and it is to be paved with equal square tiles ; what is the size of the largest tile which will exactly fit, and how many of them will be required ? 11 . A room 22 ft. 3 in. long, 17 ft. 9 in. wide, and 12 ft. 6 in. high has two windows each 5 ft. 3 in. by 3 ft. 4 in., a door 7 ft. by 3 ft. 9 in., and a fireplace 5 ft. 3 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. How many pieces (each 12 yd. long) of paper 21 in. wide would have to be bought to paper the room? 12. How many sq. ft. of boards are required for the floor of a circular hall 100 ft. in diameter ? 13. What would be the weight of a beam of oak 5 dem square and 7 m long, on the supposition that the S.G-. of oak is .895 ? 14. Divide 8921045 by 385 by the method of Art. 69. 15. Supposing a postage stamp to be 1 in. long and | of an in. broad, how many stamps would be required to cover a wall which is 15 ft. 6 in. long and 10 ft. 8 in. high? 16. What is the cost of paper for the hall of Ex. 12, the hall being 25 ft. high, at $.57 a roll, allowing 500 sq. ft. for windows, etc. ? 17 . A cubical cistern, open at the top, costs £16. 13s. 4d. to line with lead at 2d. per qdm; how many cum of water will it hold ? 18. I have a rectangular box cover \ of a meter long and A of a meter broad to be painted in squares ; what is the largest square I can use ? 19. Find v to three decimal places. Art. 200.J MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 205 20. Find the number of board feet in a stick of timber 8 \ in. square at one end, 8% in. by 5} in. at the other, and 21 ft. long. 21. Find, by dividing by factors, 40579 -r- 72. 22. How many cdm of water are required to fill a cylindrical tank whose radius is 10 dm and whose height is2 ra ? 23. A cylindrical tank holds 1884.96 \ and its height is 16f dcm ; what is its radius? 24. How many cu. in. of wood are there in a wooden box whose external dimensions are 4 ft. 4 in. by 3 ft. 10 in. by 3 ft. 6 in., the wood being everywhere 1 in. thick ? 25. An iron safe is everywhere l^in. thick, and its external dimensions are 6 ft. by 4 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. How much does the iron weigh? [The S.G. of iron has been given several times.] 26. It cost 81.75/. to gravel a rectangular court-yard 8.25 m x 4.8 m with gravel costing 7.5/. per st. What was the thickness of the layer of gravel ? 27. An importer received 427 T of goods at 125/ per T; he paid the custom house $1602.92; his expenses of cartage, etc., were $212 ; for how much must he sell the goods per cwt. in order to make a profit of $2000 ? 28. The velocity of flow of water through a pipe 6 cm in diameter is 7.6 ** per sec; how many 1 flow through in 11 sec. ? 29. A room is 18 ft. 1 in. long, lift. 8 in. wide, and 11 ft. 3 in. high ; how many rolls of paper would be used in papering the walls, supposing that windows, etc., make up i of the whole surface of the walls ? 206 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. [Chap. VIII. 30. How much would it cost to carpet the room of Ex. 29, the carpet being 1 yd. wide, at $1.66§ per yd. ? 31. The S.G-. of a piece of wood is .5; the wood being 8 m x 8 dm x 8 cm , how many kilos would be required to sink the wood if placed on water ? 32. Find J\ 2 |600 - (4 150 - 25.5 - 16) + 3} - (4.1 12-2) - (*i x 90 + 50 33. The S.G. of gold is 19.5; find the weight of l cdm and the volume of 1 kilo. 34. A pile of wood is 8 ft. long, 4 ft. high, and 4 ft. broad ; what is its volume in cu. ft. ? 35. How many such volumes (Ex. 34) in a pile 49.6 ft. long, 8ft. high, and 4ft. thick? 36. A quadrangle 120 ft. x 100 ft. has, in the center, a grass-plot 80 ft. x 60 ft. ; find the cost of graveling the rest of it to a depth of 6 in. at 54 ct. a cu. yd. 37. At a certain place the annual rainfall was 24.15 in. ; find the number of gal. which fell on each sq. mi. 38. A slate cistern open at the top is everywhere 1 in. thick, and the external dimensions are length 6 ft. 4 in., breadth 3 ft. 2 in., and height 4 ft. 8 in. Find the weight of the slate employed, assuming that 1 cu. ft. of slate weighs 2880 oz. 39. Find the number of gal. the cistern in the previous question will hold. 40. What is the height of a cylindrical liter measure if the radius of its base is 5 cm ? Answer to the nearest tenth of a mm. Art. 200.] MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 207 41. State the squares of 23, 34, 38, 47, 78, and 96, using the method indicated in Arts. 54 and 86. 42. Find by factors the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of 168, 2772, 4368, and 12474. 43. Find the weight of 12 m of alcohol, its S.G. being .81. 44. A room is 24 ft. 2 in. x 18 ft. 11 in. ; which way would it be the cheaper to run the carpet strips, each strip being 27 in. wide ? 45. Find the dividend when the divisor is yf and the quotient is J4. 208 RATIO — PROPORTION. [Chap. IX. CHAPTER IX. RATIO — PROPORTION. 201. The quotient of one number divided by another of the same kind may be called the Ratio of the first to the second. Thus, the ratio of 6 ft. to 2 ft. is 3, and the ratio of 62 cwt. to 16 cwt. is ||, or 3|. A ratio is expressed by the sign : placed between the two quantities ; this sign means the same as the sign -j-. Thus, 52 m : 26 m means 52 m -=- 26 » The first is read ' the ratio of 52 m to 26 m ' ; the second is read 'the quotient obtained by dividing 52 m by 26 m .' The answer is the same in both cases. A ratio may be also expressed in the form 52 m of a fraction ; as, ' 26 m 202. The two quantities compared in a ratio are called the terms of the ratio. The old names, antecedent and consequent, for the first and second terms respectively of a ratio, are still sometimes used. The terms of a ratio must be of the same kind of magnitude; for we cannot compare, for example, tons with weeks, or acres with gallons. When a ratio and one of its terms are given, the other term can at once be found. Akts. 201, 202.] EXAMPLES. 209 Ex. 1. A ratio is 3, and its first term is 6 ; find its second term. Here a dividend 6 and a quotient 3 are given ; hence, the divisor = 6-7-3 = 2 = the second term of the ratio. Ex. 2. A ratio is 4.5, and its second term is 10 ; find its first term. Here a quotient 4.5 and a divisor 10 are given ; hence, the dividend = 4.5 x 10 = 45 = the first term of the ratio. Ex. 3. What sum of money has to $30 the ratio of 5:8? Here the ratio is §, and its second term is $30 ; hence, $30 x $ = $18.75 = the first term. EXAMPLES LXXXIII. Oral Exercises. Find the indicated ratios, and in lowest terms : 1. 9:3; 16:4; 50:5; 20:9; 12:16. 2. 18:30; 75:100; 90:30; .5:5; 5 : .5. 3. 121b. :51b.; 20 gr. : 33; $ 5 : $ 55 ; $ .50 : $5.50. 4. 24 g :36 g ; 50 cum :20 cum . 5. A square 2 ft. long : a square 1 ft. long. 6. A cube 2 in. long : a cube 1 in. long. 7. A circle 6 m in diameter : a circle 2 m in diameter. 8. What is the ratio of a square to another square half as long? Twice as long? One-third as long? Three times as long? 9. What is the ratio of a cube to another cube half as long ? Twice as long ? 10. What is the ratio of a circle to another circle having twice the diameter ? Three times the diameter ? Five times ? p 210 RATIO — PROPORTION. [Chap. Dt. Written Exercises. Find, in lowest terms, the indicated ratios : 11. $5 : $7.50 ; $3.25 : $12.50 ; $5.44 : $39.10. 12. 3t.5 cwt. : It. 15 cwt.; 3cwt. 641b. : 4cwt. 761b. 13. 7 mi. 208 rd. : 4 mi. 277 rd. ; 2 oz. 11 pwt. 18 gr. : 51 32 &1 gr.l. 14. Find what has to $1.20 the ratio of 2 : 3. 15. Find what has to 1 da. 4hr. 20 min. the ratio of 3:4. 16. Find what has to 11 cwt. 55 lb. the ratio of 7 : 11. 17. Find what has to £ 11. 14s. 9d. the ratio of 2. 18. Find the second term, the first term being 4 cd. 24 cu. ft., and the ratio being f, or 8 : 9. Proportion. 203. When fonr quantities are such that the ratio of the first to the second is equal to the ratio of the third to the fourth, the four quantities are said to be Propor- tionals. For example, the ratio $5: $15 = the ratio 3t. : 9t. Hence, the four quantities, $5, $15, 3 1., and 9t. , are proportionals. The notation is as follows : $5 : $15 = 3 1. : 9 1. ; or, $5 : $15 : : 3 1. : 9 t. This is read, '$5 is to $15 as 3t. is to 9t.' ; meaning that the ratio between $5 and $15 is the same as that between 3 1. and 9 1. A proportion may be expressed in the form $5 = 3 t. $15 9t.' Arts. 203-205.] PROPORTION. 211 It follows that, when two fractions are equal, the terms of the fractions, taken in the order in which they are written, are proportionals. Since the two terms of any ratio must be of the same kind of magnitude, the first and second terms of a propor- tion must be of the same kind, and the third and fourth terms must be of the same kind. 204 .* The first and fourth, of four quantities in pro- portion, are called the Extremes, and the second and third are called the Means. In the above case, the ratios are T \ and | respectively ; and since T 5 7 = §, it follows that 5 x 9 = 15 x 3. Thus, in this, and similarly in other cases, the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means. 205. When any three terms of a proportion are known, the remaining term can be found. Ex. 1. What quantity : 18 lb. : : $ 4 : $12 ? For convenience, let x stand for the quantity to be found ; then, x lb. : 18 lb. : : $4 : $12, whence [Art. 204] 12 x x = 18 x 4. . •. once x = 18 x T % = 6 lb. This is equivalent to saying that T 4 ^ is a ratio, and 18 lb. is its second term ; the first term (or dividend) must be 18 x T V [Art. 58; also 202, Ex.2.] Ex. 2. 27 oz. : 15 oz. : : what quantity : 25 in. f 27 oz. : 15 oz ; : x in. : 25 in. 15 x x = 27 x 25 ; once x = f| x 25 = 45 in. = Ans. * It will be noticed that, in any proportion, when the first term is larger than the second, the third is larger than the fourth ; that, when the first is smaller than the second, the third is smaller than the fourth. 212 RATIO — PROPORTION. [Chap. IX. We observe from the above that either extreme = P^ct of means . the other extreme Likewise, either mean = P^ct of extremes, the other mean 206. When the second term equals the third term, we have but three different quantities in the proportion ; the second is then called a Mean Proportional between the first and third, and the third is called a Third Proportional to the first and second. Thus, in 4 : 6 : : 6 : 9, 6 is a mean proportional between 4 and 9, and 9 is a third proportional to 4 and 6. Here 9 _ square of the second and fl = ./ product of the extremes. the first EXAMPLES LXXXIV. 1 . Find the fourth proportional to 4, 7, and 12. 2. Find the fourth proportional to 9, 8, and 3. 3. Find the fourth proportional to -1-, ^, and f. 4. Find the mean proportional between 4 and 9. 5. Find the mean proportional between 8 and 18. 6. Find the mean proportional between | and f. 7. What quantity has to $1.32 the same ratio that 4 ft. 3 in. has to 2 ft. 9 in. ? 8. To what sum has Is. 9d the same ratio as 6 days 10 hr. has to 7 days 8 hr. ? 9. Fill up the blank in the proportion £ 1. 12s. 6d. : £ 2. 2s. 6d : : 1 cwt. 18 lb. : . Questions in which a missing term of a proportion has to be found, and other questions of a similar nature, are best treated by a method which we now proceed to consider. Arts. 206, 207.] THE UNITARY METHOD. 213 The Unitary Method. 207. The method will be seen from the following examples : Ex. 1. If 5 lbs. of tea cost $2.75, how much will 8 lbs. cost at the same rate ? Since cost of 5 lbs. = $2.75, « " 1 lb. = $2.75 - 5. .-. " " 8 lbs. = $2.75 -5x8 = $4.40. Ex. 2. If lcwt. 24lb. of sugar cost $8.06, how much will 2cwt. 46 lb. cost at the same rate? Since cost of lcwt. 241b. (1241b.) =$8.06, the " " lib. =$8.06-124 = $.065, and " "2 cwt. 46 lb. (246 lb.) = $.065 x 246 = $15.99. Ex. 3. How long would 24 horses take to consume the same quantity of food that 45 horses eat in 16 days ? Since 45 horses eat the food in 16 days, 45 x 16 horses would eat the food in 1 day ; .-. 45 x 16-24 " " " " 24 days. Thus, the number of days required = 45 x 16 — 24 = 30. EXAMPLES LXXXV. Oral Exercises. 1. If 5t. cost $35, what will 20 1. cost at the same rate? 2. A man walked 12 mi. in 3hr. ; how far would he walk in 1\ hr. ? 3. A certain quantity of food would be consumed by 18 persons in 15 da. ; how long would it last 90 persons ? 214 RATIO — PROPORTION. [Chap. IX. 4. If 18 yd. are bought for $3.60, how much will 45 yd. cost ? 5. How far should 15 1. be carried for the money charged for carrying 12 t. 5 mi. ? Written Exercises. 6. If 27 men can mow a field in 8 hr., how long will 36 men take to mow the same field ? 7. If 18 yd. are bought for $16.50, find the price of 111 yd. 8. How far should 100 t, be carried for the money charged for carrying 75 t. a distance of 120 mi. ? 9. If 19 men do a certain piece of work in 117 da., how long will it take 13 men to do the same work ? 10. If 19 horses can be bought for $475, how many can be bought for $700 at the same rate ? 11. . If 25 cows cost $1387.50, how much will 6 cost at the same rate ? 12. If a train runs 704 yd. in 12 sec, how long will it take to go half a mi. ? 13. How many men would do in 20 da. the same amount of work as 15 men can do in 16 da. ? 14. How long would 75 horses take to consume the same quantity of food that 40 horses eat in 15 da. ? 15. If I lend a man $100 for 14 weeks, how long ought he to lend me $175 in return ? 16. If 7cwt. 41b. of steel cost $133.76, what will 3 cwt. 4 lb. cost at the same rate ? 17. If 1 cwt. 19 lb. of coffee cost $41.65, how much will 5 cwt. cost at the same rate ? Art. 208.] EXAMPLES. 215 18. If 123 yd. of silk cost $165.05, how much can be bought for $58.05 at the same rate? 19. A man walks 9 mi. in 2 hr. ; how long will he take to walk 12 mi. at the same rate ? 20. If I lend a man $350 for 34 weeks, how long ought he to lend me $170 in return ? 21. If gold is worth $18.60 per oz., what is the value of a cup weighing 7 oz. 5 dwt. 12 gr. ? 22. Find the value of 12 things any 7 of which are worth $26.46. 23. If 3^- lb. can be bought for $5.46, how much can be bought for $26.52 ? 24. If a t. of sugar cost $110, how much will 8 cwt. 26 lb. cost at the same rate ? 208. Each of the examples in the last exercise may be solved by the method of Art. 205. For instance, in 7, the price of 18 yd. holds the same ratio to the price of 111 yd. that 18 holds to 111 ; hence, 18 : 111 : : $16.50 : x ; x = $16.50 x -W- = $101.75. Here T X T 8 T is the ratio and $16.50 is the first term ; therefore, we must divide $16.50 by ^ to find the second term. Again, in 6, the time required for 36 men is f| (ratio) of the time required for 27 men ; therefore, 27 : 36 : : x : 8 ; x = ft X 8 = 6 hours. EXAMPLES LXXXVI. Written Exercises. Perform examples 8-15 in the last exercise, using the method of Art. 208. 216 RATIO — PROPORTION. [Chap. IX. Similar Figures — Similar Solids. 209. Figures or Solids which have the same shape are called Similar Figures or Similar Solids. In the cases of rectangular figures, and rectangular solids, and cylinders [note, Art. 197], sameness in shape is determined by the ratios which exist between lines having the same relative positions. If these ratios are equal, the figures or solids have the same shape. For instance, two rectangles, 12 ft. and 8 ft. in length, and 3 ft. and 2 ft. in height, are similar, because 12 ft. : 8 ft. : : 3 f t. : 2 ft. Likewise, two cylinders, 15 dm and 9 dm in height, and 10 cm and 6 cm in diameter, are similar, because 15 dm : 9 dm : : 10 cm : 6 m . From preceding examples we have learned that heights of squares are proportional to their lengths; that circum- ferences of circles are proportional to their diameters; that surfaces of squares or circles are proportional to the squares of lengths or diameters; and that volumes of cubes are pro- portional to cubes of lengths or heights or breadths. What is true of squares, circles, and cubes, is true of all similar figures ; viz., (1) Lines are proportional to lines (height to length, etc.) ; (2) Surfaces are proportional to squares of corresponding lines ; (3) Volumes are proportional to cubes of corresponding lines. EXAMPLES LXXXVII. Written Exercises. 1 . The circumference of a circle is 12 in. ; what is the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 3 times as great ? Arts. 209, 210.] PROPORTIONAL PARTS. 217 2. A rectangle 16 m x 10 m is similar to another rec- tangle whose length is 4 m ; what is the height of the second rectangle ? 3. What is the area of a rectangle 5 in. long when a similar rectangle 9 in. long has an area of 32.4 sq. in. ? 4. What are the comparative areas of two similar figures whose lengths are 8 cm and 17 cm ? 5. Two cubes are 13 m and l m long; how large is the first in terms of the second ? 6. Two similar cylinders have diameters of 5 dm and 3 dm respectively : compare their lateral surfaces ; their bases ; their volumes. 7. A cylindrical bin will hold 300 bu. of wheat; a similar one 3 times as high will hold how many bu.? 8. A cylinder 2 m high and 9 dm in diameter will hold how many kilos of water ? What will be the diameter of a similar cylinder which will hold 10178784 g ? Proportional Parts. 210. Partnership. When the ratio between the parts of a given quantity are known, the parts themselves can be at once found. Ex. 1. Divide $100 between A and B so that A may have $3 for every $2 that B has. For every $3 that A receives, B will receive $ 2, and the two together will receive $3 + $2 = $5. Hence, A receives $3 out of every $5 of the whole ; . •. A " | of the whole = § of $100 = $60. Also, B " | of the whole = f of $100 = $40. Ex. 2. The profits of a business are to be divided between the partners A, B, and C, so that A may have 4 parts, B 3 parts, and C 2 parts. How much does each get out of a profit of $4500 ? 218 RATIO — PROPORTION. [Chap. IX. If A has 4 parts to B's 3 parts and C's 2 parts, A ivill have 4 parts out of (4 + 3 + 2) parts divided between them all. Hence A will have of the whole ; 4 + 3 + 2 .-. A will have $ of $4500 = $2000. B « « f of $ 4500 = $ 1500, and C " «| of $4500 = $ 1000. Ex. 3. Divide $23.50 between A, B, and C, so that A's share may be to B's share as 4 : 5, and B's share to C's share as 3 : 4. Here A's share = f of B's share, and B's share = f of C's share ; .-.A's " = f of f of C's share = f of C's share. Hence A, B, and C have together (f + f + 1) of C's share ; i.e., $23.50 = .12 + 15 + 20 20 C's $10. share = = t? of $23.50 = :$10 ; A'S = | Of I Or thus : A 's share :B's = 4:5, B's: C's= 3:4. Now multiply the terms of the two ratios by such numbers that the numbers corresponding to B's share may be the same in both. In the present case, multiply by 3 and 5 respectively. Then A's share : B's : C's = 12 : 15 : 20. Thus, A gets 12 parts out of (12 + 15 + 20) parts altogether, etc. Ex. 4. Divide £ 11. 12s. between 12 men, 8 women, and 20 chil- dren, giving to each man twice as much as to each woman, and to each woman three times as much as to each child. A man's share = a woman's share x 2 = a child's share x 6. Hence 12 men, 8 women, and 20 children will have (12 x 6 + 8 x 3 + 20) shares of a child. Hence a child's share x (72 + 24 + 20) = £ 11. 12s. = 232s. ; . •. a child's share = f f |s. = 2s. Whence it follows that each man has 12s., and each woman 6s. Art. 210.] EXAMPLES. 219 Ex. 5. Divide 532 into three parts proportional to f , f , and $. Since f , f , and f are respectively ff , ££, and £§, we have merely to divide into parts proportional to 40, 45, and 48. 40 Hence, as in Ex. 3, the parts are - of the whole, etc. 40 + 45 + 48 EXAMPLES LXXXVIII. Written Exercises. 1. Divide $245 into parts in the ratio 3 : 4. 2. Divide $165 into parts in the ratio 2\ : 3. 3. Divide $33.15 into parts in the ratio § : f . 4. Divide $54 into three parts proportional to the numbers, 1, 2, and 3. 5. Divide $90.19 into parts proportional to the num- bers, 7, 9, and 13. 6. Divide £17. lis. into three parts proportional to 5, 51, and 7f 7. A sum is divided into parts proportional to the fractions, f , f , J ; what fractional part of the whole is the first part ? 8. The profits of a business are to be divided between the three partners in proportion to the numbers, 5, 3, and 2 ; how much does each receive out of a total profit of $6237 ? 9. In a certain business A has 7 shares, B 5, C 3, and D 1 share. The profits are $2410. Find each partner's share. 10. A provides $5000, B $3000, and C $1250 to carry on a business. How much should each get out of a profit of $555 ? 220 RATIO — PROPORTION. [Chap. IX. 11. A, B, and are partners in a business and have shares in proportion to the numbers, 4, 3, and 2, respec- tively, after ^ per annum has been paid on the capital. The capital is $20000, of which sum A provided $12000, and B the remainder. How much does each receive out of a total yearly profit of $3400 ? 12. A, B, and C are partners in a business ; C as mana- ger receives y 1 ^ of the net profits, the remainder being di- vided between A, B, and C in proportion to the numbers, 5, 4, and 3, respectively. In a certain year A's share of the profits amounted to $1520 ; what were the shares of B and C ? 13.* The shares of A, B, and C of the capital in a business are as 4 to 3 to 2. After 4 months A withdraws half his capital, and the profits at the end of the year are $1518. How should this be divided between A, B, andC? Hint. A has { 4 f or 4 mos ' } = 32 for 1 mo. ( 2 for 8 mos. > 14. Divide $157.50 between A, B, C, and D, so that A may have as much as C and D together, B as much as A and C together, and D twice as much as C. 15. Divide $80 among 22 men, 26 women, and 82 boys, so that 2 men may have as much as 3 women, and 1 woman as much as 2 boys. 16. If 8 men can do as much as 14 women, and 5 women as much as 9 boys, divide $270 among 4 men, 6 women, and 9 boys in proportion to the work they do. * When partners put capital into a business for the same length of time, the case is one of Simple Partnership. When capital is put into a business for different lengths of time, the case is one of Compound Partnership. Arts. 211,212.] MIXTURES. 221 17. Divide $1519.10 among three persons, A, B, and C, so that A may get one-fourth as much as B receives, and C may get one-tenth as much as A and B together. 18. Three partners, A, B, and C, had shares in a busi- ness proportional to the numbers, 4, 5, and 6, respectively. C retired and received as his share of the business #15000. How much of this money should be paid by A and B respectively in order that after C's retirement their shares might be equal ? 19. A and B, whose capitals were as 3 to 4, joined in business, and at the end of 4 months they withdrew f and f respectively of their capitals from the business. How should a gain of $624 be divided between them at the end of the year ? 20. The volumes of three substances contained in a certain mixture are proportional to the numbers, 2, 1, and 4, respectively ; also the weights of equal volumes of the substances are as the numbers, 1, 32, and 16, respectively. Find the weight of the first substance contained in 3 lb. 1 oz. of the mixture. Mixtures. 211. The cost of a mixture of given quantities of two different ingredients is at once found when the prices of the separate ingredients are known. Ex. 8 lb. of tea costing 30 ct. per pound is mixed with 3 lb. of tea costing 55 ct. per pound; ichat is the cost of the mixture? The mixture cost 30 ct. x 8 + 55 ct. x 3 = 405 ct. Hence, each pound of the mixture cost 405 ct. -f- 11 = 36 T 9 T ct. 212. The ratio in which two different ingredients must be taken in order to make a mixture whose cost is any given sum intermediate between the costs of the separate ingredients, will be seen from the following examples. 222 RATIO — PROPORTION. [Chap. IX. Ex. 1. In what ratio must tea costing 30 ct. per lb. be mixed with tea costing 55 ct. per lb. that the mixture may cost 45 ct. per lb. ? The loss on the better quality is 10 ct. per lb. The gain on the poorer quality is 15 ct. per lb. The ratio between the loss and gain being |, we equalize loss and gain by making the number of lb. of the better quality _ 3 the number of lb. of the poorer quality 2 Ex. 2. In what way must 3 kinds of tea worth 30 ct., 35 ct., and 50 ct. per lb. respectively, be mixed that the mixture may be worth 38 ct. per lb.? When there are 3 (or more) kinds of commodity, and only the price of the mixture fixed, there is an indefinite number of ways of satisfying the condition. In the present case the gain on the lower two grades of tea, namely, 11 ct. on 2 lb. (1 lb. of each grade) must just balance the loss on the best grade, namely, 12 ct. per lb. The ratio be- tween gain and loss = \\. Hence, we must have 12 lb. of each of the lower grades and 11 lb. of the best grade. Or, we may say that the gain on 2 lb. of 30 ct. tea with the gain on 1 lb. of 35 ct. tea (19 ct. in all) must just balance the loss (24 ct.) on a certain number of 2 lb. packages of 50 ct. tea. Here the ratio of gain to loss is |$, Hence, we must have twenty-four 3 lb. packages (each package consisting of 2 lb. of 30 ct. tea and 1 lb. of 35 ct. tea) and nineteen 2 lb. packages of the 50 ct. tea. Ans. =48 lb., 241b., and 381b. Or, gainon{ llb - 30ct - tea = 8c H = 20ct.; 1 4 lb. 35 ct. tea = 12 ct. J loss on 4 lb. 50 ct. tea = 48 ct. ; .-. gain : loss : : 5 : 12. Hence, we must have twelve 5 lb. packages (1 lb. of first kind with 4 lb. of second kind) and five 4 lb. packages of third kind. Ans. = 12 lb., 48 lb., and 20 lb. Art. 213.] WORK AND TIME. 223 EXAMPLES LXXXIX. Written Exercises. 1. What would be the cost per lb. of a mixture of 4 lb. of tea at 30 ct., and 6 lb. at 40 ct. ? 2. What will be the cost of a mixture of 3 gal. of spirit at $2.80 per gal. and 5 gal. at $3.50 a gal. ? 3. If 180 lb. of sugar which cost 4 ct. per lb. be mixed with 120 lb. which cost 5 ¥ ct. per lb., at what price must the mixture be sold so as to gain let. per lb. 4. A milkman buys milk at 20 ct. per gal. He adds £ as much water as he buys milk, and sells the mixture at 28 ct. per gal. What is his gain per gal. ? 5. In what ratio must two kinds of tea, which cost respectively Is. 3d. and Is. 9& per pound, be mixed in order that the mixture may cost Is. 5d. per pound ? 6. In what ratio must biscuits worth respectively 11 ct. per lb. and 15 ct. per lb. be mixed that the mixture may be worth 12 ct. per lb. ? 7. How much sugar worth 7Jct. per lb. must be mixed with 112 lb. of sugar worth 4£ ct. per lb. in order that the mixture may be worth 7 ct. per lb. ? 8. Tea at 66 ct. a lb. is mixed with tea at 78 ct. a lb. In what proportion must they be mixed, so that by selling the mixture at 77 ct. a lb. a profit of y 1 ^ of the cost may be made ? Work and Time. 213. We now consider problems with reference to work done in various times. These can all be solved by con- sidering the fractional parts of the whole work which are done in a definite time. 224 RATIO — PROPORTION. [Chap. IX. Ex. 1. One man can mow afield in 30 hr., and another man can mow the field in 60 hr. ; how long would it take them working together to do it f The first man mows fa of the whole in 1 hr., the second man mows -X of the whole in 1 hr. ; And, as the two together would mow (fa + fa) = fa of the whole in 1 hr., they would mow the whole in 20 hr. Ex. 2. A cistern could be filled in 20 min. by its supply pipe and emptied in 35 min. by its waste pipe. If the cistern be empty and both pipes be opened, how long would it take to fill it ? The supply pipe fills fa of the cistern in 1 min., the waste pipe empties fa of the cistern in 1 min. ; hence, together they fill (fa — fa) = T | ¥ of the cistern in 1 min. And, as T f ^ of the whole is filled in 1 min., the whole will be filled in 1 min. -?- T f 7 = 46 1 min. EXAMPLES XC. Written Exercises. 1. A can mow a field in 3 da., and B can mow the same field in 6 da. ; in how many da. will they do it working together ? 2. A bath could be filled by its cold water pipe in 15 min. and by its hot water pipe in 30 min. ; in what time will it be filled when both are opened ? 3. A can do a piece of work in 12 da., and B can do the same in 20 da. A works at it for 3 da. How long would it take B to finish it ? 4. A can mow a field in 15 hr., and B can mow the same field in 25 hr. They work together for 1\ hr., when A goes away. How long will it take B to finish the work ? Art. 213.] WORK AND TIME. 225 5. Two men together can do in 20 days a piece of work which one of them alone could do in 30 days ; how long would it take the other man to do the work alone ? 6. When the hot and cold water pipes are both opened a bath is filled in 6 minutes ; and when only the cold water is turned on, the bath is filled in 10 minutes. In how long would the bath be filled if the hot water pipe only were opened ? 7. A and B could together finish a piece of work in 25 days. They work together for 15 days, and then A finished it by himself in 20 days. How long would it take them to do the whole, working separately ? 8. A and B could together do a piece in 22^- days. A worked at it alone for 10 days, and then B finished it alone in 60 days. How long would it take them sepa- rately to do the whole work ? 9. A can do a piece of work in 2\ days, B can do it in 3 days, and C can do it in 3f days ; how long would it take them to do it, all working together ? 10. A cistern is filled by one pipe in 48 minutes, by another in an hour, and by a third in half an hour ; in what time would it be filled if all three pipes were open together ? 11. A cistern can be filled by one pipe in 3 hours, by another in 3 hr. and 40 min., and it can be emptied by a third pipe in 2 hr. 20 min. ; if it be empty, and they are all opened together, in what time will the cistern be filled ? 12. C does half as much in a day as A and B can do together, and B does half as much again as A ; if all three working together can mow 20 acres of barley in 16 days, how long would each, working by himself, take to mow 5 acres ? 226 RATIO — PROPORTION. [Chap. IX. 13, A can do a piece of work in 6 days, B in 8 days, and C in 12 days. B and C work together for 2 days, and then C is replaced by A. Find when the work will be finished. 14. A and B together can perform a piece of work in 24 hr., A and C in 30 hr., and B and C in 40 hr. ; in what time would each be able to perform it when work- ing separately ? Races and Games. 214. The following are examples of questions of this nature. Ex. 1. In a 100 yards race A can give B 5 yards start and just win ; also, B can give C 5 yards start ; how much could A give C ? A runs 100 yards while B runs 95, and B runs 100 yards while C runs 95. Hence, C's distance in any time = T 9 ^ of B's = fifo x T 9 o 5 ^ of A's. Hence, while A runs 100 yards, C will run T 9 ^ x T V- x |fo x i go of $ 2 .76 = $1.60. EXAMPLES XCIV. Written Exercises. What was the gain or loss % in the following cases ? 1. Cost price $20, selling price $ 24. 2. Cost price $2.00, selling price $2.28. 3. Cost price 40 ct., selling price 44 ct. 4. Cost price $3, selling price $3.60. 5. Cost price $140, selling price $130. 6. Cost price $1.20, selling price $1.62. 7. Cost price 84 ct., selling price 98 ct. 8. Cost price $7.80, selling price $8.97. 9. Cost price $74, selling price $70.30. 10. Cost price $15.20, selling price $20.52. 11. Cost price $12.40, selling price $10.23. 12. Cost price $147, selling price $122.01. 13. If an article be bought for $4.20 and sold for $6.60, what is the gain % ? 14. What was the cost price of tea which is sold for 80 ct. a pound and at a gain of 25% ? 15. If a grocer buys 60 lb. of tea for $21.00, at what price per lb. must he sell it so as to make 20% profit? 236 PERCENTAGES. [Chap. X. 16. An article was sold for 56 ct., at a gain of 12% ; what did it cost ? 17. The profit on an article if sold for $3.00 is 25% ; what would be the profit if it were sold for $2.88 ? 18. By selling a house for $759 a builder gained 10% ; what would he have lost % if he had sold for $621 ? 19. If a profit of 22-1-% is made by selling an article for $2.94, what would be the selling price if the profit were only 5% ? 20. A person bought a carriage and sold it for $37.80 more than he gave for it, thereby clearing 7% ; what did he give for it ? 21. A house is sold for $4000, and 25% profit is made ; how much % profit would be made by selling for $3360 ? 22. A tradesman by selling an article for $1.62 gains 35% ; what would he have gained % if he had sold it for $1.98 ? 23. A man bought apples at the rate of 6 for 2 ct., and an equal number at the rate of 10 for 2 ct. ; and he sold the whole at the rate of 5 for 2 ct. What profit % did he make ? 24. If 5% more be gained by selling an article for 24 ct. than by selling it for 23 ct., what was the original price ? 25. If 3% more be gained by selling a horse for $399.60 than by selling for $388.80, what must have been the original cost ? 26. If a woman gains 12% by selling 5 herrings for 14 ct., what % would she gain by selling them at 6 for 18 ct.? 27. If a woman buys eggs at 20 ct. a dozen, how many ought she to sell for 18 ct. in order to gain 8% ? Art. 222.] TRADE DISCOUNT. 237 28. A man who had been paying $25.20 for 4t. of coal changed his coal merchant and then got 5 1. for $20.16 ; how much did he save % ? 29. A draper bought 240 yd. of silk. He sold J at a gain of 25%, J at a gain of 20%, and the remainder at a loss of 15%, and received $800 in all. What was the cost price per yd. ? 30. A draper bought a piece of silk 35 yd. long ; and, after cutting off 2 yd. which were damaged, he sold the remainder so as to clear 10% on his outlay. How much % was the selling price of a yd. higher than the cost price ? 31. A manufacturer sold at a profit of 25% to a wholesale dealer, who sold at a profit of 12% to a retail dealer, and the retail dealer sold for $3.22 and made a profit of 15% ; what was the cost of manufacture ? 32. A quantity of wheat was sold in succession by three dealers, each of whom made a profit of 5 % . The last of the three sold for $3087 ; how much did it cost the first? 33. A house was sold by the builder at a profit of 30%, and the purchaser sold it again at an advance of $117 in the price, and gained 20% on his outlay; how much did the house cost the builder ? Trade Discount. 222. Merchants often sell goods at a certain price with a certain % discount ; thus, Macmillan & Co. may sell books at $1.60 per copy less 15% ; this means that they sell for $1.60 - 15% of $1.60, or for $1.60 - $.24 = $1.36. 238 PERCENTAGES. [Chap. X. 223. Sometimes after a given % discount is allowed, a second allowance of another % is made, and even a third allowance is made. Ex. 1. Goods sold for $2500 with a discount of 20%, 5%, and 1 1 % bring what price f $2500 - 20 % of $2500 = $2000 ; $2000 - 5 % of $2000 = $1900 ; $1900 - I* % of $1900 = $1871.50 = Ans. Ex. 2. Which is cheaper, to buy goods at a discount of 30% and 5%, or with $&\%off? The marked price less 30% = 70% of marked price ; 70% -5% of 70 % = m\ %. It is cheaper to buy at a discount of 30 % and 5 % than at a discount of 33^ %. EXAMPLES XCV. Oral Exercises. What is paid for goods marked 1. $50 with a discount of 10% ? 2. $50 with a discount of 10% and 10% ? 3. $50 with a discount of 20% and 5% ? 4. $600 with a discount of 33|% ? 5. $900 with a discount of 16|% ? 6. $1000 with a discount of 27% and 10% ? 7. $1000 with a discount of 20%, 10%, and 1% ? What is the marked price of goods sold for 8. $90 after a discount of 25% ? 9. $63 after a discount of 30% and 10% ? 10. $49 after a discount of 121%, and 12 J % ? 11. $45 after a discount of 16} % and 10% ? Arts. 223, 224.] COMMISSION — BROKERAGE. 239 Written Exercises. 12. Find what was received for goods marked $1200 if a discount of \ and 15% is allowed. 13. For what % of the marking price are goods sold if an allowance of \, 10%, and 6|% is made ? 14. Goods are marked $170 and sold for $144.50; what % discount was allowed ? 15. Goods marked $16 were sold at 6J% discount and 5% off for cash ; what was the selling price ? 16. Goods cost a merchant $1600; he wishes to make a profit of 25% after making a discount of 20% and 16|% ; what was the marked price '? 17. At what % above the cost must goods be listed that a merchant may allow a discount of 20% and realize a profit of 12% ? 18. A merchant allows on $2000 worth of goods (list price) a discount of 15%, 9%, and 5% for cash, then |% to clinch the bargain; how much, cash did he receive and what profit did he make, his % of profit being 8 ? Commission and Brokerage. 224. An agent employed to buy, or sell, goods, or to collect rents, is usually paid a percentage on the price of the goods, or on the amount of rent. This percentage is called Commission. To insure against loss of life, or damage by fire, some persons pay money to an Insurance Company. In return for this money, the Company undertake to compensate the person insured for any loss caused by fire, or to pay a specified sum to relatives of the deceased. The money 240 PERCENTAGES. [Chap. X. paid to the Company is a percentage on the value of the property insured, or on the specified sum, and is called a Premium. Kx. 1. The total rental of an estate is $8474.40, and the agent is paid a commission of 5%; how much is the commission/ $8474.40 x .05 = $423.72. Ex. 2. What is the annual premium for insurance on a building worth $7500 at the rate of 24 ct. for $250 ? — x $7500 = $7.20. 250 EXAMPLES XCVI. Written Exercises. 1. After paying 5% to his agent, a man received $ 1436.40; what was the agent's commission? 2. What is the amount of annual premium for the in- surance of a building for $8520 at -fa%? 3. A landlord allowed his tenants 20% reduction from their rents; what was the nominal rent of a tenant whose reduced rent was $1800 ? 4. A commission merchant sells goods for $2864 and sends to his principal $2824.62 after deducting com- mission ; what was the % commission ? 5. A commission merchant is asked to purchase $6800 worth of goods at 2|% commission; how much money was paid by his principal ? 6. A commission merchant received $6953 with which to purchase goods after deducting 2\ % commission ; what was paid for the goods ? 7. An agent sold goods for $5672; his bill for ex- penses was $56.72, and his commission was 11% ; what f of the selling price did the principal receive ? Art. 225.] TAXES AND DUTIES. 241 8. A. man insured his life for $5000 at an annual premium of 2|-% ; how much had he paid at the end of 13 years ? 9. A cargo is insured for $254500, its full value, at 2% ; the ship is insured for $120000 at 2|% ; the owner of the cargo pays all insurance and sells his goods"at the end of the voyage at an advance of 9% over total cost, allowing $2000 for freight; what was the selling price? 10. The premium for insuring a building at 2J% is $1136.25; find the insurance. 11. A company insured a building and the goods it contained for $117944, the goods being worth 15% of the value of the building. The merchant paid 2% premium on the building and \\% premium on the goods; what was the total premium ? 12. A man sold through an agent some merchandise, paying the agent 5% commission. The agent invested the proceeds in two parts after taking out commissions of $325 at 5%, and $260 at 4%, respectively; what was the value of the merchandise ? 13. A man had two houses, each costing $5000; he insured one for $4000 at \\% and the other for $6000 at \\°fo : find the difference between the loss on one and the gain on the other, both houses having been burned on the day after insurance. Taxes and Duties. 225. Persons owning property or importing goods, pay to the government (for its support) a certain per cent of their property or of the foreign value of the goods im- ported. The percentages paid on property are called Taxes. 242 PERCENTAGES. [Chap. X. The percentages paid on imported goods are called Duties. Duties levied on articles regardless of their value are called Specific Duties. Duties levied at a certain per cent on the foreign values of goods are called Ad Valorem Duties. In some States voters pay annually a small fixed sum of money ($1.50 or $2) before they can vote. Such money is called a Poll Tax EXAMPLES XCVII. Written Exercises. 1. The expenses of a certain town are $39512.32 annually ; the tax is 16 mills on the dollar ; what is the value of the town as fixed by the assessors ? (The asses- sors' valuation is much smaller than the real valuation.) 2. The valuation of a certain town is $6495860, while the assessed valuation is 25 % of that ; the polls number 1112, and the taxes are $16.25 on each thousand of as- sessed valuation ; what are the expenses of the town ? 3. The expenses of a city are $339000, and the assessed valuation is $16950000 ; what is the tax rate expressed as per cent ? Expressed as dollars on a thousand ? 4. What is the duty on 5000 bbl. of hydraulic cement at 8 ct. per bbl. ? 5. What is the duty on 125 plates of polished un- silvered glass 24 x 30 in., at 8 ct. per sq. ft. ? 6. What is the duty on 100 doz. penknives valued at 30 ct. per doz., at 25 % ad valorem ? 7. What is the duty on 3 1. of No. 23 steel wire at 2ct. per lb.? Art. 225.] EXAMPLES. 243 8. A merchant imported 1550 yd. of tapestry carpet valued at 80 ct. a yd. ; what was the duty at 42\ % ad valorem ? 9. An invoice of 150 doz. linen collars valued at $ 1.30 per doz., calls for how much duty at 30 ct. and 30 % ? 10. What does the government receive on an impor- tation of 1000 gross of steel pens at 8 ct. per gross ? 244 INTEREST. [Chap. XL CHAPTER XI. INTEREST. Promissory Notes. 226. When one person borrows money from another person, he gives to the lender a written promise to repay the money and to pay also a percentage on the money at a given rate °/ per year. This percentage is called Simple Interest, or Interest. The form of note given in the following pages is the form in use by the best business men in the United States. Students are strongly advised to adhere closely to the form while practising the making of notes. The written promise is called a Promissory Note. For example : fU-67^. of(MJiA>iUe,, &MH,., fan. /, 18 W- 3AaaLu debus, alt&v otat& . S, 'f*. Arts. 226-229.] PROMISSORY NOTES. 245 f250®*-. zfjvLVnc^UU, TMclm,., feu*,, f , 18 8> 1892. 237. If payment of a note is not made on the day of maturity, the holder must engage a Notary Public to send to the endorser (or endorsers) a written notice of such fact. This notice is called a Protest. The protest must be sent on the day of maturity, otherwise the endorser cannot be held to the payment of the note. Table of Rates of Interest. 238. The following table gives, for each of the States and Territories, the Legal Bate when no rate is mentioned in a note, the Maximum Kate allowed, the Time of pay- ment when the day of maturity falls on a holiday (the day before by B, and the day after by A), and indicates by the letter G those States in which days of grace are legal. Notes made on or after Jan. 1, '95, and payable in New York, bear no grace. Notes made after July 4, '95, and payable in New Jer- sey, bear no grace. 248 INTEREST. [Chap. XI. State. "S i • a e 6 1 State. c3 M 03 2 M % H 8 M a H o Alabama . . . 8 8 A. <;. Montana . . . 10 Any. B. G. Arizona . . . 7 Any. A. G. Nebraska . . . 7 10 A. G. Arkansas . . . 6 10 B. G. Nevada . . . 7 Any. B. G. California . . . 7 Any. A. New Hampshire 6 6 B. G. Colorado . . . 8 Any. B. G. New Jersey . . 6 6 A. Connecticut . . 6 6 B. G. New Mexico 6 12 A. G. Delaware . . . 6 6 B. G. New York . . 6 6 A. Dist. of Columbia 6 10 A. G. No. Carolina 6 8 B. G. Florida .... 8 10 B. G. No. Dakota . . 7 12 A. G. Georgia . . . 7 8 A. G. Ohio . . . . 6 8 B. G. Idaho .... 10 18 A. Oklahoma , . 7 12 B. G. Illinois. . . . 5 7 B. G. Oregon . . . 8 10 A. Indiana . . . . 6 8 B. G. Pennsylvania . 6 6 A. G. Indian Territory- 6 10 B. G. Rhode Island . 6 Any. A. G. Iowa .... 6 8 B. G. So. Carolina . . 7 8 A. G. Kansas .... 6 10 B. G. So. Dakota. 7 12 A. G. Kentucky . . . 6 6 B. G. Tennessee 6 6 B. G. Louisiana . . . 5 8 A. G. Texas . . 6 10 B. G. Maine .... 6 Any. B.orA. G. Utah . . 8 Any. B.orA. Maryland . . . 6 6 B. G. Vermont . 6 6 A. Massachusetts . 6 Any. A. G. Virginia . 6 6 B. G. Michigan . . . 6 8 A. G. Washington 8 Any. B. G. Minnesota . . 7 10 A. G. W. Virginia 6 6 B. G. Mississippi . . 6 10 B. G. Wisconsin 6 10 A. Missouri . . . 6 8 A. G. Wyoming 12 Any. A. G. EXAMPLES XCVIII. 1. Write a time note for $ 250.67 with interest at 16 %. 2. Write a time note for $ 76 with interest at 20 %. 3. Write a time note for $468.92 for 20 da. without interest. 4. Write a time note for $20 for 4 mo. with interest at 13%. 5. Write a time note for $560, headed Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 13th, 1892, to mature in 63 da., with interest. 6. Write a demand note for $528 with interest. 7. Write a demand note for $460 with the maximum interest allowed by the State in which you live. Arts. 239, 240.] SIMPLE INTEREST. 249 Find the date of maturity of each of the following indies ited notes : Date. Where Payable. Time. 8. Dec. 18,1895 New York 30 days 9. Jan. 18, 1895 New York 60 days 10. Jan. 27,1896 New York 45 days 11. July 31, 1895 New Jersey 60 days 12. June 6, 1895 New York 3 months 13. Jan. 30,1895 New York 1 month 14. Jan. 30, 1896 New York 1 month 15. Mar. 31, 1895 New York 3 months 16. Mar. 31, 1895 Conn. 1 month 17. Mar. 30, 1896 Mass. 1 month 18. Sept. 3, 1890 Nebraska 60 days 19. Jan. 29, 1896 Cal. 30 days 20. Jan. 29, 1896 Cal. 1 month Simple Interest. 239. Interest on the Principal (money borrowed) is called Simple Interest, and is computed at the given rate per cent (per year understood) for the time elapsing between the date and maturity of the note. If a note is not interest-bearing and is not paid at maturity, interest is payable after maturity and until the note is paid. [Art. 232.] 240. The majority of notes are given for short periods of time — say 30, 60, or 90 days, or 1, 2, or 3 months. Now it is customary in interest computations, to regard one year as 360 days. Therefore, by a short operation, we may find the interest on any principal for any time and at any rate per cent. 250 INTEREST. Ex. 1. [Chap. XL $350^-. tfJUxwuif, o/t.y., fan,- /6, 18^ .qI^iv&& hnA/yvcLi&cL .^Dollars Value received, w-ttk ImZ&v&oZ. JVo. 68. Due &e&. S. d. &. g&nMe, 350 .06 360 ) $21.00 .051 18 $1.05 In this note, the rate is 6% and the time is 18 da. ; the interest for 1 yr. will be .06 of the princi- pal, — $21 ; the interest for one day is found by dividing $21 by 360, and the interest for 18 days is found by multiplying the quotient thus found by 18. Hence, .06 and 18 are multipliers, while 360 is a divisor. This may be expressed as follows 350 x 6 x 18 100 x 360 .350 x 18 which becomes by cancellation. We observe that interest for any number of days may be found by dividing the principal by 1000, multiplying by the number of days, and dividing by 6. The following is a better form for practical work : 350. $1,050 o Here, cancelling 6 from the dividend and divisor, we have .350 to be multiplied by 3. Art. 241.] SAMPLE INTEREST. 251 Ex. 1. In the above note let the principal be $367.91, the rate 6%, and the time 21 da. ; find the interest. 9fffl.ffX x 18395 + We must cancel the divisor complete- rs 1 ly ; only 5 figures will be needed for $1.28765 the multiplicand ; keep the multiplier as $1.29 = Ans. small as possible by cancellation. Ex.2. $650™-. dufuda,, 7H&., fan. 7, 18 Butted, ^_^__c/t^ kwruLv&cl (t^tif jjg Dollars at^^^~jLh& &iaMAt& cAatvcyyval fdanfo Value received, with, (mt&v&oZ. /if&wvif JS. Reld. No. 152 Due TnavsA 7//0, '$3. Find the interest. 01$ JJj30. 325 When the time is ' months after ?1 @* 21 date,' calendar months are counted 005 fi ZZr in obtaining the date of maturity 1 6 825 [Art. 236], and the interest is com- 6.83 = interest, puted for the stated number of months counting 30 da. as one month. This note payable in Maine has three days of grace ; therefore the interest is computed for 63 da. 241. The value of a note at its date of maturity is called its Maturity Value, and consists of the sum for which, the note is given plus the interest (if any). In finding maturity value, observe whether or not the note bears int. and ' days of grace. 9 252 INTEREST. [Chap. XI. EXAMPLES XCIX. Written Examples. What interest is due at maturity on each of the follow- g indicated notes ? Date. Principal. Kate. Time. 1. Arkansas, $763 6% 12 da. 2. New Jersey, $1467 15 da. 3. Ohio, $1626.75 18 da. 4. Texas, $6000 21 da. 5. New York, $5267.50 27 da. 6. New York, $2675 27 da. 7. California, $376 2 mo. 8. Kentucky, $498 1 mo. 9. Connecticut, $75000 108 da. 10. New Hampshire, $704.25 201 da. 11. Illinois, $84.75 361 da. 12. Utah, $846 51 da. 242. For rates other than 6%, find the interest at 6% and take such a part of that interest as the given rate is of 6%. Ex. 1. P = $ 4673, B = 5%, time = 33 da. ; find interest. M 2 3365 11 6)25.7015 4.2835 $21.42 =Ans. Here the interest at 6% is $25.7015, and | of this is $21.42. We obtain this result rapidly by subtracting the interest at 1 % from the interest at 6 %. Art. 242.] SIMPLE INTEREST. 253 Ex. 2. P = $ 26.48, B = 1\ %, time = 90 da. ; find int. „ 1 026.48 ff0 15 Here the interest at 7^ % = f of the interest at 4) .39720 6%. The answer is obtained by adding to the • 0993 interest at 6 % one-fourth of the interest at 6 %.* $.50 In the j'inaZ work do not waste time writing anything but the answer. EXAMPLES C. )S fYOO -^. RaUicjk, &. s^^^^^.$/&v-&n kuncCt&cC at tk& @Ctiq&H&> c/tatvcyyial Bank, Value received, w\tk vnt&v&oA, at 7 °lo. No. 16 Due cAov-. SO / '£&& 3, /887, was paid 4 yr. 7 mo. 18 da. after date ; what was the interest at 6% ? Arts. 243, 244.] SIX % METHOD. 255 At 6% the interest on $1 = $.06 (six cents) for 1 yr., « " $1 = $.005 (5 mills) for 1 mo., " " $1 = $.0001 (I of a mill) for 1 da. ; u hence u « « $1 = $.24 for 4 yr., " « $1 = $.035 for 7 mo., " " « $1 = $.003 for 18 da., " « " $1 = $.278 for 4 yr. 7 mo. 18 da. $ 268.50 Having found the interest on $ 1 for the given rate .278 and time, we multiply this interest by the principal. $ 74.64 [Art. 47, Theorem I.] Note. It is evident that the interest for 2 mo. at 6 % may be computed by moving the decimal point 2 places to the left. Thus, the interest on $784.70 for 2 mo. is $7.85. Similarly, the interest for 6 da. is $.78. Also the interest for 12 da. is $1.57. The 6 % method is sometimes used when the times are less than 1 yr. 244. There is great diversity in the methods of finding the time in a case like this. Some prominent banks and business houses in the United States use the method of counting the time in years and days, instead of the method just described. Thus, the above note was paid July 14, '92; the 4yr. were counted forward from Nov. 26, '87, the 7 mo. were counted for- ward as calendar months from Nov. 26, '91, and the 18 da. were counted forward from June 26, '92. (This is not compound addition.) In obtaining the int. the years were reckoned as wholes, but the months and days were reckoned in the exact number of days found in that 7 mo. and 18 da. which began with Nov. 26, '91. Thus, the time was 4 yr. 231 da. — 4 in Nov., 31 in Dec, 31 in Jan., 29 in Feb., 31 in Mar., 30 in Apr., 31 in May, 30 in June, 14 in July. The int. on $1 = $.24 for 4 yr., " " $1 = $.0385 for 231 da., " $1 = $.2785 for 4 yr. 231 da. $268.50 x .2785 = $74.77 = Ans. 256 INTEREST. [Chap. XI. EXAMPLES 01. Written Exercises. What was the amount at maturity of each of the following indicated notes ? Obtain answers by each method [Arts. 243, 244]. Date. Principal. Rate Time. 1. Philadelphia July 31, '84 $7680.95 6% 3yr. 6 mo. 12 da. 2. Richmond, Aug. 6, '87 $683.42 4yr. 7 mo. 3. Boston, Jan. 9, '88 $1492.88 4yr. 11 mo. 18 da. 4. Cleveland, Oct. 1, '90 $2689.42 2yr. 10 mo. 18 da. 5. Jersey City, Aug. 1, '95 $487.50 lyr. 7 mo. 13 da. 6. Providence, Aug. 8, '79 $2000 8yr. 5 mo. 245, For rates other than 6%, proceed as in Art. 242. EXAMPLES OIL A few demand notes are here indicated; find the interest on each of the first four, and the amount on each of the others. Obtain answers by each method. Date. Principal. Rate. Paid after Date. 1. June 8, '81 $468.93 41 o/ *J /o 5 yr. 9 mo. 18 da. 2. Aug. 2, '87 $1680.50 4 » 3yr. 6 mo. 27 da. 3. Feb. 29, '88 $2500 5i" 3yr. 11 mo. 6 da. 4. Mch. 9, '91 $155 B|" lyr. 3 mo. 3 da. 5. May 13, 89 $450.50 *h" 3 yr. 2 mo. 7 da. 6. Oct. 23, '85 $896.88 4£" 4yr. 11 mo. 29 da 7. Sept. 15 '82 $15875 2|" 9yr. 6 mo. 15 da. Annual Interest. 246. Some States allow interest to be collected on each annual instalment of interest, if such instalment is not paid when due. Art. 245, 246.] ANNUAL INTEREST. 257 Ex. $673^. Bwoktyn,, ofi.y., CtfriM 6, 18 Due Jd&nja-vyvLrv jcyuLan. If this note be paid in 3 yr. 6 mo. after date, and no interest has "been paid meanwhile, there will be paid the principal, the simple interest on the principal, and simple interest on each annual instal- ment of interest from the time it is due until the note is paid. .21 6)141.33 23.555 $117,775 = interest for 3 yr. 6 mo. 7.571 = interest on interest. 673. = principal. $798.35 = amount to be paid. The 1st instalment bears interest for 2 yr. 6 mo. The 2d instalment bears interest for 1 yr. 6 mo. The 3d instalment bears interest for 6 mo. Interest on annual instalment is computed for 4 yr. 6 mo. $33.65 = annual instalment at 5 %. .27 6)9.0855 1.5142 $7,571 = interest on interest for 4 yr. 6 mo. 258 INTEREST. [Chap. XL EXAMPLES CIII. Written Exercises. 1. $/86d^.. Jt&w- Tfovk, o/t.lf, fan, /a, 18 &aZ a/yt/yt/waMu at^-%. No. V-/7. Due. /if&nvif If this note be paid 5 yr. 8 mo. and 20 da. after date, no interest being paid meanwhile, how much will the holder receive ? 2. Cast the interest on a note similar to the above, when P= $897.75, R = h\%, and r=4yr. 9 mo. and 15 da., no interest being paid meanwhile. 3. How much does a man owe at the maturity of a note similar to the above, when P= $437.25, i2 = 4%, and T = 7 yr. 27 da., no interest having been paid ? Commercial Discount. 247. We have been considering, in the last few pages, cases in which money is borrowed from persons ; we have learned that the interest is payable at the maturity of the note. Arts. 247-249.] COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT. 259 When money is borrowed from a bank, the interest (simple) is paid on the day on which the money is borrowed. The simple interest which a bank takes in advance is y called Commercial Discount, or Bank Discount. The borrower does not receive the principal (as when borrowing from a person), but receives the principal minus the simple interest on the principal; this remainder is called the Proceeds of the note. The following example will show the methods of calcu- lation of discounts and proceeds. Ex. 1. n, TWouM,., c/tav-. 16, 18 qy-. ^kwiUf clwyo, ajt&v dat& naZ JSc^rik^^^^^^ Value received. No. /?. Due be*. /6//f, '-& wvonZAa, a^t&v clat& I promise to pay to the order of 3%&c£&vi<&fc /i-o&wv&'b ^^jcAvyi& kwncOi&ci &&v-&nty-&tf A t-^^YQo Dollars at^ J ^^^JJv& H-ow-oaxL cftatLo-yicil Bavifc^^^s^ Value received, w-iXA int&v&at. No. / 7. Due TftaA&k 12, ' lfy c^iifi& tAowxMui^^^^^^.^ Dollars at tk& c/tavtk £&nv-&v BamJo. Value received. No. 70. Due ft&vnux/H, Find maturity, discount, and proceeds, Art. 249.] EXAMPLES. 263 fV-530^-. 3. Sfcvwta, Si, Jt. m. , &e&. 28, 1 8 ~~~~^ c^W tAow&a'yieL ^tv-5 kwruiv&cC tkuity jjjjj Dollars Value received. JVo. 86. Due d/moo, Zfu&fceA,. Find maturity, discount, and proceeds. In all notes Date of Maturity and Rate are the first things to consider. 3w& WLO-ntha, a^t&v clat& J promise to pay to the order of^^~^~~—^> at^^^^^£k& cAatian^l Ji/yrv fdasvifc. Value received. No. /aw, TnUk., CUuf. 3/, 18 A,& 3wloL&uq/ cAatvonal Bcun^^^j^^^^. Value received. No. /8. Due JCe&na/uL Tyioundtt. Discounted at 4^ vvne>& £'/vv&& tAowMMicL jZv& hwvicLv&cl vLocLif ^ Dollars at £h& ^A&wC^clI cAaLl(yvia,L Ba/nfc Value received, with, vjit&v&oZ- No. 56. Due__„. d. f. 0LLv(yic£. Discounted Dec. 31, at 4J %. Find maturity and discount. 11. A note dated N.Y., July 7, 1891, payable in Ohio in 3 yr. after date, was discounted Jan. 16, 1892, at 4£ % ; the principal was $5000. Proceeds =? 12. f780!ZL. RUhwumd, Va», fum&7, 18uyi&, &la,. Value received, with, Imt&v&oZ. No./2. Due ftvusA, V> C*. Discounted Feb. 28, at 6 %. Find maturity and proceeds. 14. / cJ'aoAua,, c/t./f., £&&. 3/, 18<7¥. t^W wio-ntha.' aft&v dat& w-& promise to pay to the order of f3&rv[a/vnAAv &vaA>&&^^^^. .___ m Dollars at^^^^~^XA& cfe^u^biXy- 3\mq£> &>& Value received, iv~iXA Imt&v&aZ. No. /02. Due Jbanyid lA>cdl&. Discounted Feb. 3, at 5 %. Find maturity, maturity value, and principal, when the proceeds = $790. 268 INTEKEST. [Chap. XI. 15. / ?Hilw-oiiAJo&&, Wio,., TnoAf 25, 18 o,. nd ^Dollars at tk& dfiaAsWv&Ws' cfiaXAs(yyial> Bank^^^^. Value received, w-vth (mt&ve^C at ¥-°lo. ^awv'l £a>6-{>ttt. This note carried the following endorsements : Dec. 1, '88, $150; Mch. 1, '92, $1000; Apr. 7, '89, $250; Mch. 1, '93, $2000. Oct. 25, '90, $275; Find the balance which was paid on Sept. 19, '94. Here we find the times in years, months, and days. Dates found on Times between Interest on $1 at 6% the note. successive dates. for the times, yr. mo. da. ' 88 6 19 5 12 $.027 ' 88 12 X 4 6 $.021 ' 89 4 7 16 18 $.093) _„, ; 90 10 25 1 4 6 $.08ll =$ ' 174 ' 92 3 l 1 $.06 ' 93 3 1 1 6 18 |.093 '94 9 19 Art. 252.] U. S. RULE. 273 $5000 1st principal. 90 int. for 5 mo. 12 d., at 4%. $5090 am't of 1st prin. 150 1st payment. $4940. 2d prin. 69.16 int. for 4 mo. 6 d., at 4%. $5009.16 am't of 2d prin. 250. 2d payment. $4759.16 3d prin. 552.06 int. for 2yr. 10 mo. 24 d., at 4%. $5311.22 am't of 3d prin. 1275. 3d aDd 4th payments. $4036.22 4th prin. 161.45 int. for 1 yr., at 4%. $4197.67 am't of 4th prin. 2000. 5th payment. $2197.67 5th prin. 136.26 int. for 1 yr. 6 mo. 18 da., at 4%. $2333.93 am't paid Sept. 19, '94. In case any payment is less than the interest due at the time of such payment (as in the 3d payment of this note) a portion of the interest would become a part of the new principal and would draw interest, if we should proceed as with the 1st and 2d pay- ments. Here compound interest is forbidden by law, and we must find the interest on the same principal until the time when the sum of the payments equals or exceeds the interest. The United States Rule.* 252. Compute the amount of the principal to the time when a payment, or the sum of two or more payments, equals or exceeds the interest due. Subtract from this amount the payment, or the sum of the payments, and proceed with the remainder as a new principal. And so on to the time of settlement. * Vermont, New Hampshire, and Connecticut have methods of their own for computation in partial payments, but it is not advis- abje to consider those methods in our present study. 274 INTEREST. [Chaps. XL, XII. EXAMPLES CVI. 1. A Kentucky note for $3500, with interest, dated Mch. 1, '90, had the following endorsements : Apr. 6, '90, $500. May 15, '90, $800. " 30, '90, $300. July 11, '90, $600. What was paid in settlement on Aug. 22, '90 ? 2. An Arizona note for $8600, with interest, dated July 1, '87, had the following endorsements : Oct. 2, '87, $150. Feb. 21, '88, $4000. Nov. 7, '87, $1500. What was due May 4, 1888 ? 3. A Louisiana note for $876, with interest, dated Feb. 6, '86, was endorsed as follows : Apr. 11, '86, $50. June 2, '87, $300. Dec. 1, '86, $150. July 5, '87, $75. What was paid in settlement on Jan. 1, '88 ? 4. A Massachusetts note for $3000, with interest at 4|%, dated Jan. 1, '91, was endorsed as follows: Mch. 7, '91, $175. Sept. 20, '93, May 9, '91, $300. Nov. 30, '94, Aug. 17, '93, $400. What was paid in settlement on Dec. 5, '94 ? 5. An Indiana note for $2500, dated Jan. 6, '94, was endorsed as follows: Feb. 7, '94, $250. Oct. 6, '94, Apr. 20, '94, $180. Feb. 7, '95, $350. July 7, '94, $75. What was paid in settlement on Feb. 20, '95 ? Ans. $1145. Art. 253.] DRAFTS. 275 CHAPTER XII. EXCHANGE. Drafts. 253. Suppose that Wilson & Co. of Baltimore buy of Morton & Co. of St. Paul $2500 worth of goods on 60 da. credit. When the bill is due, Morton & Co. may make a formal request for its payment. Such a request is called a Draft ; Morton & Co. are said to draw on Wilson & Co. Por example : #2500™. £ft JW, TnUn., fidy 25, 18 -&, | m QAsCfkt^^^JPay to the Order o/^^^^^^^^^^^^^(5Z^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^w-e^tMh^y^Sf havn^eds^^^^—lJollars Value receid^a arm charge the same to account of To TMUo-n, V €*., 1 mavtaru V &*. ,mci\ No. u,, md.) tfefit. W//3, 'W. Ex. This draft was discounted at 6 % on July 29th ; find ma- turity and proceeds. M t m. .8333 fl I ' jjg 23 From day of discount to maturity $ 19.17 = discount. was 46 da. $ 2480.83 = proceeds. Time drafts are rarely used, while sight drafts are very common. EXAMPLES CVII. 1. E. A. Winslow of Brattleboro, Vt., drew on F. B. Crane of St. Louis, Mo., for the payment of a $650 debt contracted Apr. 13, '92, and due in 90 da. The draft was dated May 13, '92, and made payable ' after date.' Write the draft, indicating acceptance, and write its date of maturity in the lower right-hand corner. 2 . Eewrite the draft, making it payable 'after sight' and find its maturity, it having been accepted on May 16, '92. 3. Winslow had the first draft discounted May 20; find the proceeds. 278 EXCHANGE. [Chap. XII. 4. What would have been the proceeds of the second draft, had it been discounted May 18, '92 ? 5. On Jan. 1, '92, S. B. Titus of Austin, Texas, drew on Ward & Co. of Macon, Ga., for the payment of a $1765 debt, contracted Dec. 7, '91, and due in 90 da. Write the draft, payable ' after sight,' indicate accept- ance on Jan. 3, '92, and write its date of maturity. 6. Draft in Ex. 5 was discounted Jan. 6, '92; pro- ceeds = ? 256. It is evident that all the drafts thus far shown have been requests made by a creditor to his debtor. Now drafts may be used for paying debts as well as for collecting debts. In this case the debtor (through his bank) makes a draft on some bank in the city where his creditor lives and payable to such creditor. Domestic Exchange. 257. The main object of drafts is the payment of debts without sending the actual money, thus avoiding expense, and risk of loss. The draft method of making payments between cities in the same country is called Domestic Exchange, Foreign Exchange. 258. The draft method of making payments between cities in different countries is called Foreign Exchange. 259. Foreign drafts are made more extended in form than domestic drafts, and are called Bills of Exchange. A Bill of Exchange consists of a set of two bills, both alike, Arts. 256-262.] FOREIGN EXCHANGE. 279 except that they are numbered. These two bills are sent by different steamers, and as soon as one of the bills has been paid the other becomes void. 260. The drawing of Bills of Exchange is done by brokers, and no commission is charged for transacting the business. 261. The actual amount paid for Bills of Exchange, for example paid in New York for bills on London, varies from time to time ; the current price paid for Bills, called the 'Rate of Exchange/ cannot, however, ordinarily be much above or below par ; for if it would cost more to discharge a debt by means of a bill than by the actual transmission of bullion, the latter method would naturally be adopted. It should be noticed that even if all countries had exactly the same coinage, there would still be fluctuations in the rate of exchange between two countries, as the balance of indebtedness between those two countries varied. 262. The following table gives the value of some foreign coins in terms of U. S. Money as proclaimed by the Secretary of the Treasury on Jan. 1, '95 : Austria 1 Crown = $ .20, 3 Belgium 1 Franc = .19, 3 Brazil 1 Milreis = .54, 6 Chili 1 Peso = .91, 2 , m , r Shanghai = .67, 3 China 1 TaeW TT .. & ' I Haikwan = .74, 9 Cuba 1 Peso = .92, 6 France 1 Franc = .19, 3 Germany 1 Mark = .23, 8 Great Britain .... 1 Pound Sterling = 4.86, Q\ Holland 1 Guilder = .40, 2 Italy 1 Lira = .19, 3 280 EXCHANGE. "hap. XII. .99, 7 .98, 8 .26, 8 ■77, 2 .19, 3 .26, 8 .19, 3 Japan 1 Yen (gold) Mexico 1 Dollar (gold) Norway 1 Crown Russia 1 Rouble (gold) Spain 1 Peseta Sweden 1 Crown Switzerland 1 Franc These values are subject to change. 263. Exchange on Great Britain is quoted at the value of one pound sterling (£ 1) in dollars; exchange on France is quoted at the number of francs to the dollar; exchange on Germany is quoted at the value of four reichsmarks. The following is copied from a daily journal : The foreign exchange market was steady, but very quiet in tone. Posted rates were unchanged at $4.88| for sixty-day bills and $4.90 for demand. Actual sales were $4.87§ @ .$4.88 for sixty-day bills, $4.89^ for demand, $4.89£ for cables, and $4.87 @ $4.87^ for commercial. In Continental, francs 5. 17| for long and 5. 16 J for short ; reichs- marks 95^ and 95| ; guilders at 40$ and 40f . The following example shows the form of a Bill of Exchange and how to find its cost. £1200^-. c/W Ifcyyfo, cA. If., fot. 2f, 18 & dat& avid t&ruyu, wn/foaAxL ^^^^^^^^v^^^^^ to the Order of ^cwyvw&l Llttl&jahyi^^^^^^ Value received and charge the same to To I c/. mo*****, V Go., ) JUyncucyyv, (on^Canci ) ' Art. 263.] EXAMPLES. 281 On Oct. 29th sight drafts on London were quoted at $4.88|. £1200 4.88£ $5862.00 = cost of exchange. Ex. 2. How large a sight draft on London can be purchased for $3890, exchange at 4.86£? 4.86^ )3890. £800.=^ns. EXAMPLES CVIII. Find the cost in New York of a Bill of Exchange for 1. £500 on London at 4.86^. 2. £1750 on Glasgow at 4.85. 3. 50000 francs on Paris at 5.18f . 4. 1250 marks on Berlin at 95 \. 5. 2000 milreis on Rio Janeiro at 54.9 [cents per milreis]. 6. 3000 crowns on Vienna at par. 7. Calculate the cost at market ( a. £650. prices (as found in some daily < b. 2400 francs, journal) of ( c. 2000 marks. 8. What will be the face of a N. Y. draft on Bremen costing $297.96, exchange being at 95 \ ? (Omit decimals of the answer.) 9. How large a draft on London can be purchased for $8554.14, exchange being quoted at 4.88J ? 10. How large a draft on Paris can be purchased for $1920, exchange being quoted at 5.18|? 282 STOCKS AND BONDS. [Chap. XIII. CHAPTER XIII. STOCKS AND BONDS. Stocks. 264. There are many business undertakings, such as railways, banks, gas works, etc., which are on so large a scale that many persons must combine to provide the money necessary to carry on the business. This is gen- erally done by dividing up the whole sum required into 1 Shares ' of definite amount, say of $10, or $50, or $100 each. The whole body of partners is called a Company, and the individual partners are called Stockholders. The total amount of money raised to carry on the busi- ness of the company is called its Capital. The affairs of a company are managed by a small number of elected stockholders called Directors. The profits made by the company are called Dividends, and are periodically divided among the stockholders ; the dividend is declared as a percentage on the capital. 265. A stockholder in a company cannot demand the return of the money he paid for his shares ; he can, how- ever, sell the shares. If the dividends of the company are high, and are likely to continue to be high, the shares will sell for more than they originally cost; if, however, the com- Arts. 264-268.] PREMIUM — DISCOUNT. 288 pany is not prosperous, the shares would have to be sold for less than they originally cost. Thus, the stockholders in a company are continually changing, and different stockholders may have bought their shares at very different prices. 266. The most important point to notice is that the amount of dividend paid to a stockholder does not depend on the price at which his shares were bought, but simply on their nominal value. Thus, two men who had the same number of $100 shares in a company would be entitled to the same amount of dividend, although one may have bought, for example, $100 shares for $180 and the other for $50 each. 267. Shares are said to be above or below 'par' ac- cording as they are sold for more or for less than their nominal value. The nominal value is $ 100 per share, unless otherwise stated. Thus, if $100 shares sell for $110 each, since $110 is \%% of $100, the shares are 10 per cent above par. When the price of shares is more than their nominal value they are said to be * at a premium, ■ and when the price is less than their nominal value the shares are ■ at a discount.' 268. The following are examples of the different ques- tions which may have to be considered. Ex. 1. $100 shares in a gas company sell for $240 each; how much will 70 shares cost ? Each $100 share costs $240 cash ; . •. 70 shares cost $240 x 70 = $16800. Ex. 2. A man bought $100 shares in a gas company for $16800, giving $240 for each $100 share ; how many shares did he buy f Since each share cost $240, the number of shares = $16800 -r- $240 = 70. 284 STOCKS AND BONDS. [Chap. XIII. Ex. 3. A gas company pays a dividend of 8% per annum; how much does a man receive who holds 70 $100 shares ? His share of the capital is $100 x 70 = $7000, and he receives 8% on this, or $560. Ex. 4. A man invests money in the stock of a company, each $100 share costing $240 ; what % does he receive on his investment when the company pays an 8% dividend ? He receives $8 on each share, and having paid $240 for a share, he receives $8 on each $240 invested ; ^| ¥ = 3£%. 269. Sometimes a company does not need its full capital to carry on its business ; and in that case only a certain fraction of the nominal amount of the shares is ' paid up ' ; the stockholders are, however, bound to pay the rest if it should become necessary. When a dividend is declared at so much per cent, this percentage is paid only on the amount paid up on the shares, and not on their full nominal value. Ex. What income will be obtained by investing £1008 in the purchase of £20 bank shares, on each of which £5 is paid up, at £24 each share, the bank paying a dividend of 18 per cent ? Since £24 buys one share, £1008 will buy £1008 -- £24 = 42 shares. These 42 shares, on each of which £5 is paid, make up a capital of £5 x 42 = £210. On this capital of £210 a dividend of 18% is paid ; hence, income required = £210 x T Vo = £37. 16s. EXAMPLES CIX. Written Exercises. 1. If $10 shares sell for $3.50, how many shares can be bought for $9271.50 ? What is the nominal value of shares purchased ? 2. Mining shares of $10 each are sold at $2.50 dis- count ; what is the price of 80 shares ? Art. 269.] EXAMPLES. • 285 3. The shares of a certain company are sold at 10% above par ; how much must be paid for 1060 $50 shares ? 4. A company pays a dividend of 8%; how much does A receive if he holds 50 $50 shares ? 5. A man holds 350 shares of $50 each, and the company pays 7% dividend; how much does he receive? 6. A man sells 63 $100 shares for $180 each, and buys with the proceeds $50 shares at $35 each; how many shares does he buy ? 7. What is the difference between a $100 stock and $100 worth of stock? 8. A man sold 75 $50 shares for $65 each, and in- vested the money in $100 shares at $125 each; how many shares did he buy ? 9. What income would be obtained by investing $3850 in the purchase of $100 shares in a company at $175 each, the company paying a dividend of 6% per annum ? 10. $100 shares in a certain bank sell at $350, and the bank pays a semi-annual dividend of 7% ; what annual income would be obtained by investing $9450 ? 11. A company pays a dividend of 4j-%, and its $100 shares sell for 50% above par; what per cent does an investor receive ? 12. A man buys $50 shares at $62.50, and the company pays a 5% dividend; what percentage does he receive, and what % on his investment ? 13. A man sells fifty shares of $100 gas stock, paying 8% dividend, at $180; he invests the proceeds in $50 railway stock at $35 ; find the change in his income, the railway company paying a dividend of 3^-%. 286 STOCKS AND BONDS. [Chap. XIII. 14. A man buys $100 stock in a company which pays an 8 % dividend, and he buys at such a price as to receive 3% on his investment; what does he pay per share? 15. A bank pays a 9% dividend, and its $600 shares, of which $200 is paid up, sell for $750 ; what % does an investor receive on his money ? The price of Stock is given at so much per cent; thus, stock is said to be at 115, when $100 stock costs $115, and so in proportion for other amounts. 16. How much will $500 stock at 75 sell for? How much will $150 stock at 120 sell for? How much will $60 stock at 128 sell for ? How much will $1200 stock at 97 sell for? 17. What income will be obtained from $500 stock when the dividend is 4% ? 18. What income will be obtained by investing $110175 in a stock which pays 3^-%, and can be bought at 113? 19. What income will be obtained by investing $70380 in a 31% stock at 97f? 20. What °] will a man get on his money if he invests in a 4% stock at 125? 21. A man receives $660 a year by investing $21450 in 4% railway stock; what was the nominal value of the stock? 22. An income of $506.25 per year is derived by investing $15300 in a 4$-% stock ; what was the price of the stock per share ? 23. Stock was purchased at 97-J- and sold at 103 J, and the profit was $661.25 ; how much stock was purchased and what was the total cost ? Arts. 270-272.] BONDS. 287 24. In which will a man receive. the greater % on his investment ; in a 3% stock at 95 or in a 4% at 127 ? 25. What will be the difference in income between a 4% stock at 129 and a 4i% at 145 ? Bonds. 270. Governments borrow money to meet exceptional expenditure, and undertake to pay a fixed rate of interest. The promissory notes given in return for this money are called Bonds. The bonds differ, however, from the ordinary promissory notes in being more formal, and in having small certificates attached to enable the holder of the bond to easily collect his interest. These certificates are called Coupons. There is a coupon for each 3 mo. of interest. Therefore a twenty-year bond has eighty coupons attached. Eailway and other companies generally issue bonds of a nature similar to that of government bonds. 271. A person investing money in bonds is sure of a specified income, while a person investing in stocks receives only his share of the profits after all expenses, including the interest on bonds, have been paid. 272. The public debt of the United States Apr. 1, '95. Amount of Bonds. Rate. When Redeemable. $25,364,500 2%. Option of U.S. 559,624,850 4" July 1, 1907. 54,710 4" 100,000,000 5" Feb. 1, 1904. 28,807,900 4" Feb. 1, 1925. $713,851,960.00 Total int.-bearing debt. 381,025,096.92 Non int.-bearing debt (U.S. Notes, Nat. Bank Notes, Fractional Currency). 1,770,250.26 Debt which has matured. $1,096,647,307.18 Total debt, exclusive of bonds issued to Pacific railroads. 288 STOCKS AND BONDS. [Chap. XIII. 273. Stocks and bonds, except those of small com- panies, are bought and sold at a special market, called a Stock Exchange. The agent who is employed to buy and sell for the public is called a Stock Broker, and the person who deals in stocks and bonds is called a Stock Jobber. Stock Brokers charge for their services a commission called Brokerage; in calculating the cost of stocks and bonds this brokerage must be added to their market prices; the proceeds of a sale of stocks and bonds are the market prices minus the brokerage. In previous examples, brokerage has been allowed for in the prices. 274. Brokerage is generally \ of 1%, reckoned on the par value of the stock ; it is therefore £ of $1 on every $100 share bought or sold, no matter what the market price. (In the following examples each share is to be considered as § 100 par value, and }% is to be allowed for brokerage.) Ex. A man sold out $5000 stock of a company which paid 3|% annual dividends at 94}, and invested the proceeds in a stock which paid 4% at 108 \ ; what was his change in income ? $5000 x M\ = $175 = original income. 91} — } = $91} = proceeds from one share. $91} x 50 = $4556.25 = proceeds from 50 shares. 108} + } = $101} = cost of each new share. $4556.25 h- 101.25 = 45 = number of new shares. $4500 x .04 = $180 . = income from new shares. . \ he had an increase of $5 in his income. EXAMPLES CX. 1. What is the difference between a dollar of stock and a dollar's worth of stock ? 2. What is the difference in the interests on a hun- dred-dollar stock and a hundred-dollar bond ? Arts. 273, 274.] EXAMPLES. , 289 3. What amount of bonds at 97f can be bought for $3900 ? 4t What amount of bonds at 96$ can be bought for $5335? 5. What number of bonds at 97J can be bought for $7154 ? 6. What number of bonds at 97^ can be bought for $584.25? How much would "be realized by selling 7. $1000 bonds at 96? 8. $500 bonds at 981 ? 9. $100 bonds at 118$? 10. Bonds bought at 124| pay 5% on the investment; what rate do they bear ? 11. Bonds bought at 92$ pay 4$f % on the investment ; what rate do they bear ? 12. What is the price of U.S. 5 per cents when the investment produces 4 T 6 T % ? 13. I have $10000 to invest in U.S. 4's at 118$; what is my income, and how much money is not invested ? 14. I have $7000 to invest in U.S.2's at 107f ; what is my income, and how much money remains uninvested ? 15. U.S. 2's are bought at 114$; what rate do they bear? 16. The trustees of a school invested, as a teachers' fund, $40512.50 in U.S. 5's at 115f ; the salary of the principal was $1000 ; how much was left for his assistant ? 17. A speculator invested in a company and received a dividend of 6%, which was 8|% on the investment; at what price did he purchase ? 290 STOCKS AND BONDS. [Chaps. Xllt, XIV. 18. A young man receiving a legacy of $48000 invested one half in 5% railway bonds at 95J, and the other half in 6% stock at 119 J; what income did he secure ? 19. A owns a farm which rents for $320.40 per yr. If he should sell the farm for $8010 and invest the pro- ceeds in U.S. 4's at 111^, will his yearly income be increased or diminished, and how much ? 20. A capitalist drew the quarterly interest on his U.S. 4's, amounting to $540, and afterwards sold the bonds at $124§; what were the proceeds of the sale ? 21. A lady invested $20948.75 as follows: $6160 in Maryland 6's at 96 \, $8225 in manufacturing stock at 87f paying 8% annual dividends, and the remainder in steamboat stock at 73f paying 10% annual dividends; what was her total income ? English government bonds are called Consols. 22. A man had £2400 in the 2|% consols; he sold out at 99 J- and invested the proceeds in 4% railway bonds, thereby increasing his income by £6 ayr; at what price did he buy the bonds ? 23. A man having an income of £352 a yr. in the 2f % consols, sells out at 97 and invests the proceeds in 4% railway bonds, thereby increasing his income £48 a yr ; at what price were the bonds purchased ? Abts. 275-277.] ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 291 CHAPTER XIV. PROGRESSIONS. 275. A series of numbers which increases or decreases regularly is called a Progression. For instance, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, or 23, 20, 17, 14, 11, 8, or 3, 6, 12, 24, or 81, 27, 9, 3, 1, |, *, are progressions. It will be noticed that in the first two progressions the series are made by successive additions or subtractions, while in the last two the series are made by successive multiplications or divisions. The first are called Arithmetical Progressions (increasing or decreasing). The second are called Geometrical Progressions (increas- ing or decreasing). Arithmetical Progressions. 276. There are five things to be considered the first term, denoted by a, the last term, « u I, the number of terms, u ii n, the common difference, a ft d, and the sum of the terms, " " s. 277. Any three of these five being given, the other two may be found. 292 PROGRESSIONS. [Chap. XIV. In the arithmetical progression, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, it is evident that the last term is a plus six d, or that the first term is I minus six d. .•. I = a + (n — 1) d, and a = I — (n — 1) d. It is also evident that if a and I be added and the sum -f- 2, the result will be the middle term ; and that if each term be changed so as to contain as many units as the middle term the sum of the new series will be the same as the sum of the original series. 2 By these formulas all examples in arithmetical progression may be solved. Ex. 1. a = 3, d = 5, n = 12 ; find I and s. Now I = a + (n — 1) d _ g -j- I = 3 + 11x5 S ~ 2 = 58. = 3 + 58 x 12 = 30.5 x 12 Ex. 2. a = 5, 1 = 17, n = 7 ; find d. Now 1 — a+ (n — 1) d; .-. 17 = 5 + 6d; whence 6d = 12, and d= 2. Ex. 3. Fmd n when a = 2, Z = 30, and d = 7, Now Z = a + (n — 1) d; .-. 30 = 2 + 0-1)7; whence 7 (» - 1) = 28, and w-l = 4; i.e.. n = 5. Art. 278.] GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 293 EXAMPLES CXI. Written Exercises. Answer the indicated questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a= 12. 5. 1. ? ? .24. 1 = ? 41. 4.5. 351 18. ? d= 5. 4. ? 3|. 3. 1.2. n= 8. ? 8. 6. 6. 7. s = 9 ? ? ? 7. Insert 3 means between 2 and 12. 8. Find the i series of 8 terms when the 3d term is 14 and the 7th term is 26. 9. Find the series of 9 terms when a = 10.8 and the 6th term = 4.8. 10. Find 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 + ... to 37 terms. 11 . Find 8 + 7.75 + 7.5 H to 11 terms. Geometrical Progressions. 278. There are five things to be considered : the first term, denoted by a, the last term, u " I, the number of terms, u « n, the ratio, a the sum of the terms, a " S. (The ratio is the relation existing between any two successive terms. It is the constant multiplier by which any term is found from the preceding term. ) Any three of these five being given, the other two may be found. 294 PROGRESSIONS. [Chap. XIV. In the geometrical progression, 2, 6, 18, 54, 162, it is evident that the last term is a times the product of r by itself four times, i.e., a x r 4 . Ia l = ? * Z "M formula 1. and a = Z ■+• r» - l . J It is also evident that 8 = 2 + 6 + 18 + 54 + 162 ; (1) multiplying the equation by the ratio, 3s = 6+ 18 + 54 + 162 + 486; (2) subtracting (1) from (2), we have 3s -s =486-2, or s(3-l) = 486-2; whence . 486-2 3-1 Now 486 = rl, 2 = a, and 3 = r ; = rj^-a, formula 2 . r- 1 By means of these two formulas all examples in geometrical progression may be solved. Ex. 1. a = 3, r = 2, n = - 5 ; find I and s. Now 1 = ar nl = 3x2* = 48. s = rZ ~ a r- 1 2 x 48 - 3 2-1 = 93. Ex.2. a - 3, I = 81 i n = 4 ; ^nd d. Now 1 = ar 71-1 ; whence 81 = 3 x r 3 : whence r8 = 27; whence r = 3. Art. 279.] INFINITE SERIES. 295 Ex. 3. Find n when a = 3, I = 375, and r - = 5, Now 1 = ar n - 1 > whence 375 = 3x5" -l . whence 125 = 5*- 1 ; whence n-l = 3; whence Formu ila 2 ' be icomej n = :4. ~ rl M (2) is i 5llb if (2) is subtracted from (1). 1 — r This should be used in case of a decreasing geometrical progression. EXAMPLES CXII. Written Exercises. Answer the indicated questions. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a= 2. 11. 1 2"* ? ? 1.3. 1 = ? 352. 625 rsr- 2744 2 16 • 608. ? r = 5. 2. ? f 2. 1.2. 71= 5. ? 5. 4. 6. 4. s = 9 9 7 ? 7. Insert 3 geometrical means between 4 and 2500. 8. Find the series of 8 terms when the 3d term is 10.8 and the 7th is 874.8. 9. Find the series of 6 terms when a = yt and the fourth term is J-ff|. 10. Find 2£ + 6f + 19$ + — to 10 terms. 11. Find the series of 5 terms when a = 36.015 and the 3d term is .735. 12. Find 28.8 + 14.4 + 7.2 + ... to 7 terms. 279. When a decreasing geometrical series is extended to a large number of terms, the last term will be so small that it will have no appreciable value. 296 PROGRESSIONS. [Chaps. XIV., XV. Thus, if we continue f, & T fa, 7 | T , „*„, „£„, indefinitely, the last term will be almost zero ; the formula s — a ~ r the Ir 1 -r of the numerator may be omitted, and the formula will become s = a , by which we may find the sum of the terms of a decreas- 1 — r ing infinite series. Ex.1. JP&Kg $+ $ + ^ +£ + .., to infinity. s « L --i- a S -l-r~l- i — i — f • 2 2 Ex. 2. jFmd Me value of .46. Now .46 = .4 + .06 + .006 + .0006, etc. .*. the value must equal .4 + the geometrical progression, .06, .006, .0006, etc. . -a .06 _ . .-, .46 = .4 + ^ = H + A = A- EXAMPLES CXIII. Written Exercises. 1. Find i + A H to infinity. 2. Find ] + f + ... to infinity. 3. Find the value of 1.416. 4. Find the value of 1.53L 5. Find the value of 3.3360. Arts. 280,281.] CUBE ROOT. 297 CHAPTER XV. CUBE ROOT. 280. The cubes of the first 10 whole numbers should be known : they are l; 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000. An integer (or a fraction) which is the cube of another integer (or fraction) is called a Perfect Cube. Thus, 64 and iff are perfect cubes ; namely, the cubes of 4 and 4 respectively. 281. In simple cases the cube root of a number can be found by separating it into factors, as in Art. 80. For example, to find ^/9261. 9261 = 9 x 1029 = 27 x 343 = 3* x 73 = (3 x 7) 8 ; hence, ^/9261 = f/(3 x 7) 3 = 3 x 7 = 21. EXAMPLES OXIV. Find the cube root of each of the following numbers : 1. 10648. 3. 35937. 5. 19683. 2. 3375. 4. 13824. 6. 42875. Find the least number by which each of the following numbers must be multiplied in order that the result may be a perfect cube. 7. 108. 9. 336. 11. 4032. 8. 392. 10. 441 12. 7056. 298 CUBE ROOT. [Chap. XV. 282. Since, 10 3 = 1000, 100 3 = 1000000, 1000 3 = 1000000000, and so on, it follows that if a number has 1 digit, its cube has either 1, 2, or 3 digits " " 2 digits, " « 4, 5, or 6 " " « 3 " « " 7,8, or 9 " Hence, if we mark off the digits of a given number, be- ginning at the units' digit, in periods of three, the last of the periods containing one, two, or three digits ; then the number of these periods will be equal to the number of digits in the cube root of the given number. For example, by pointing off the numbers, 2744, 32.768, 3511808, as follows, namely, 2'744, 32'.768, and 3'511'808, we see that the cube roots of these numbers contain, respectively, 2, 2, and 3 figures. Find (60 + 3)3. By Art. 86, (60 + 3)2 = 60 2 + 2(60 x 3) + 32 Multiplying by 60+3 60 3 +2(60 2 x3) + 60 x 3 2 60 2 x3 +2(60x32) + 38 and (60 + 3)» = 60 3 + 3(60 2 x 3) + 3(60 x 3 2 ) + 3*. The cube of the sum of any two other numbers can be expressed in a similar form. Hence, the cube of the sum of any two numbers is equal to the cube of the first plus three times the square of the first multiplied by the second plus three times the first multiplied by the square of the second plus the cube of the second. The above Theorem will enable us to find the Cube Root of any number. 283. To find the Cube Root of any number. The method will be seen from the following examples: Arts. 282, 283.] CUBE ROOT. 299 Ex. 1. To find the cube root of 157464. By pointing off the figures into periods of three [Art. 282], we see that there are two figures in the required root. The first figure of the root is 5, since 157000 is between 50 3 and 60 3 . Subtract 50 3 from the given number, and the remainder will be 32464. Now this remainder must consist of 3 x 50 2 x units' digit + 3 X 50 x sq. of units' digit + cube of units' digit, and the first of these three terms is the largest ; therefore if we use 3 x 50 2 as a trial divisor, we obtain a quotient, namely 4, which is equal to, or greater than, the unknown (units') digit. If now we add to the . 157'464(50 + 4 50* = 125 000 3 x 50 2 = 75J0 j 32 464* 3 x 50 x 4*^= 600 4*= 16 3 x 502 + 3 x 50 x 4 + 42 32 464 trial divisor the last two of the above three terms (omitting the units' digit once as a factor), we shall have as a true divisor 3 x 50 2 + 3 x 50 x 4 + 4 2 = gll6. Multiplying this by the units' digit and subtracting the product from 32464, we have no remainder. Ex. 2. Find the cube root of 13312063. „~ .. 13'312'053(2H|+ 30 + 7 , 200 3 = 8^)00" 000 3 x 2002 = 120000 3 x 200 x*30 =#18000 302 _ 900 5 312 e#e . 138900 - 4 167 000' 3 x 2302 £. 158700. 3 x 230 x 7 = 4830 ' 7 2 = 49 1 145 053 163579 1 145 053 Here there are three periods, and therefore three figures in the root ; and, since 13000000 lies between 200 3 and 300 3 , the first figure of the root is 2. Subtract 200 3 , and the remainder is 5312053. Now take 3 x 200 2 , that is 120000, as a 'trial divisor' ; and 5312053 h- 300 CUBE ROOT. [Chap. XV. 120000 will give 40 for quotient. It will, however, be found on trial that 40 is too great, for (3 x 200 2 + 3 x 200 x 40 + 40 2 ) x 40 is greater than the remainder 5312053 ; we therefore try 30. Take 3 x 200 2 + 3 x 200 x 30 + 30 2 , and multiply this sum by 30 and subtract the product from 5312053 ; we shall then have subtracted altogether (200 + 30) 3 from the given number, and the remainder will be found to be 1145053. To find the last figure of the root use 3 x 230 2 , that is 158700, as a 'trial divisor,' and 1145033 + 158700 gives 7 for quotient. Take 3 x 230 2 + 3 x 330 x 7 -|- 7 2 , aid multiply this sum by 7, and sub- tract the product from 1145053. There is now no remainder ; and, from Art. 219, we have now sub#acted altogether (230 + 7) 3 ; hence the given number = 237 3 , so that 237 is the required cube root. Ex. 3. Find the cube root of 252.435968. The pointing must be begun from the units' figure, and carried forwards for the integral part and backwards for the decimal part. 252'.435'968'(6 + .3 + .02 68 = 216. I?x6 2 = 108 36.435968 3 x 6 x .3 = .5.4 (.3>, 2 = .09 113.49 34.04^ 3 x (6.3) 2 = 119.07 3 x 6.3 x .02 = .378 (.02)2 = .0004 119.4484 2.388968 2.388968 The process can be somewhat shortened, as in Square Root ; it is, however, very rarely necessary to find a cube root, and it is therefore undesirable to attempt to shorten the ahove process. Art. 283.] EXAMPLES. 301 EXAMPLES CXV. Find the cube root of each of the following numbers : 1. 1331. 2. 3375. 3. 4913. 4. 12167. 5. 29791. 6. 68921. 7. 79507000. 8. 148877000. 9. 8869743. 10. 733870808. 11. 2352637. 12. 16974393. 13. 2.197. 14. .004913. 15. .238328. 16. 125525.735343. 17. 2io. 19. 12568-g-V ♦ 18. 39^. 20. 240tfftf Find to three significant figures : 21. ^/10. 22. ^1.5. 23. .s/3.75. 24. ^/.0675. 25. Find the side of a cube wkich has the same vol- ume as a beam 40 ft. 6 in. long, 1 ft. 4 in. wide, and f in. thick. 26. Find the length of one edge of a cube whose vol- ume is 2 cu. yd. 14 cu. ft. 145 cu. in. 27. Find the area of each face of a cube whose volume is 5 cu. yd. 2 cu. ft. 1592 cu. in. 28. Find approximately the length of one edge of a cubical vessel which contains a gallon. 29. Find approximately the side of a cube of iron which weighs a t, assuming that a cu. ft. of iron weighs 486 lb. 30. Find, to the nearest mm, the length of a cube of gold which weighs as much as a cum of water, the S.G. of gold being 19.5. 302 REVIEW. [Chap. XV. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES FOR GENERAL REVIEW. 1. Express in words 5006017, and in figures thirteen million twenty-five thousand eleven. 2. Find the least multiple of 3157 which is greater than a million. 3. How many articles each worth $14.45 should be given in exchange for 60 articles each worth $49.13 ? 4. Reduce 5 1. 7 cwt. 30 lb. 11 oz. to oz. 5. Find the G.C.M. also the L.C.M. of 3432 and 3575. 6. Find the sum of -J-, f, £, j-i, and ^|. 7. Divide 43^ by 28 T 2 ^-, and express the result as a fraction of 12. 8. Divide .221312 by 5.32. 9. Add .375 of 13s. 4c7. and .07 of £2. 10s., and sub- tract the result from £.45. 10. Find the rent of 134 A. 145 sq. rd. at $19.50 per acre. 11. Multiply 905741 by 518963, and express the result in words. 12. A certain number was divided by 77 by short divis- ions ; the quotient was 137, the first remainder was 9 and the second remainder was 6 ; what was the dividend ? 13. Reduce 15 m. 95 rd. 3 yd. to in. 14. A grocer mixed 48 lb. of tea which cost him 64 ct. a lb. with a certain quantity which cost 60 ct. a lb. He then sold the whole for $76.92, and gained $7.20 by the transaction. How much tea did he sell ? 15. Express 756, 1155, and 1176 as the products of prime factors. Art. 283.] EXAMPLES. 308 16. Simplify 4i + i-3| + 5 J- 6H- 17. Simplify | of £ of 4& - 1| of ^. 18. Simplify 2.9015 x .01702 x .005803. 19. Find f of £2. lis. lid. - .115625 of £1 + .75 d. 20. A farm of 500 Ha 91 a is rented at $3.25 per Ha.; what is the whole rent ? 21. Find the difference between seventy-six million eight, and four hundred ninety-nine thousand four hun- dred forty ; and divide the result by ninety-nine. 22. What is the greatest number which will divide 2000 with remainder 11, and will divide 2708 with re- mainder 17 ? 23. Multiply 190 rd. 9 in. by 144. 24. Taking the average length of a lunar month from full moon to full moon to be 29.5306 da. and the length of a yr. to be 365.2422 da., show that 4131 lunar months are very nearly equal to 334 yr. 25. What is the least number of gr. which is an ex- act number both of lb. Troy and of lb. Avoir. ? If the number of lb. Troy in a certain weight exceed the number of lb. Avoir, by 496, what is that weight in gr.? 26 . Simp]ify 3 -iA|AM_^^ 8|f . 27. Find the value of a property if the owner of f- of it can sell f of his share for $492. 28. Divide .00625 by 2500, and 6.25 by .0025. 29. Express 20 lb. 8 oz. 9 dwt. 6 gr. as a decimal of 2541b. 10 oz. 304 REVIEW. [Chap. XV. 30. Find the difference between the value of 13 cwt. 74 lb. of sugar at $5 per cwt., and that of 52 lb. 12 oz. of tobacco at $120 per cwt. 31. Write MDCCCXCIX in Arabic figures, and express 1489 by means of Roman numerals. 32. A man takes 100 steps a minute, and the average length of his step is 30 in. ; how far will he walk in 4hr.? 33. How much coal is required to supply 12 fires for 27 weeks, each fire consuming 1 cwt. 42 lb. of coal weekly ? 34. Find the greatest number by which when 4344 and 5943 are divided the remainders will be 31 and 41 respec- tively. 35. Simplify 267f of if x (f - f - T V). 41-34; 41of4| 36. S lm phfy n L-i+ I ^ F - 1 X f 37. If if of 4 of 29£ of a certain sum is $1692.60, what is the sum ? 38. Reduce .63, .48324, and .01654 to common fractions in their lowest terms. 39. What decimal of $2.25 is $5 ? Find the value of .78125 of $4 - .0625 of $1.20 - 2.75 of $.04. 40. What is the cost of a silver cup weighing 2 lb. 5 oz. 17 dwt. 12 gr. at $1.85 per oz. ? 41 . $603.42 is to be divided equally among 226 people ; how much will each receive ? 42. The heights of 5 boys are respectively 5 ft. 41 in., 5 ft. 2 in., 5 ft. 11 in., 4 ft. 10 in., and 4 ft. 8£ in.; what is the average height ? Art. 283.] EXAMPLES. 305 43. Reduce 726314 in. to mi., rd., etc. 44. A circular running path is 902 yards round. Two men start back to back to run round, and one runs at the rate of 10 miles and the other at the rate of 10^ miles an hour. When and where will they meet for the first time ? 45. Find the greatest length of which both 42 yd. 9 in. and 55 yd. 9 in. are multiples. 46. Find the least fraction which added to the sum of -i-J, ^, and |~§ will make the result an integer. 47. What fraction of $27 is T 9 T of $1.21 ? 48. Simplify ^f x ^55 . and divide .72 by il7936, .018 .64 expressing the result as a recurring decimal. 49. Find the value of .05 of ioi of £74. 18s. 6cl 50. A person buys 5 cwt. 46 lb. of sugar at $3.87^ per cwt., and sells it at 4 ct. per lb; what is the gain ? 51. Find the sum of all the numbers between 100 and 200 which are divisible by 13. 52. If a person's income be $1700 a year, find what he will save in 4 yr. after spending on an average $25.50 a week, taking 52 weeks to a yr. ' 53. Divide 69 mi. 319 rd. 2 yd. 1ft. 10 in. by 136. 54. The L.C.M. of two numbers is 11160, the Gr.C.M. is 15, and one of the numbers 465; what is the other number ? 55. Simplify lof l^of 4|-5-^-of 4of 3f 56. Express as a simple fraction. 3+ ? 306 BEVIEW. [Chap. XV. 57. Subtract |f of J- of $21 from | of ^ of $20; and express the difference as a fraction of an eagle. 58. Divide .37592 by .0125, and 3759.2 by .000125. 59. Express } of 2.624 H1 - *£ of 1.375 1 as Kl. Is the answer numerically the same as cubic meters ? 60. Find the value of 7 A. 80 sq. rd. of land at $200 per A. 61. How many mi., etc., are there in a hundred million in. ? 62. If butter be bought at $27 per cwt. and sold at 33 ct. per lb., how much will be gained on every cwt. ? 63. Find the G.C.M. of 1035, 391, and 598. 64. Simplify 4J of 3J - 2£ ■*- 5^ + 6 T 6 T -*r 3^-. mm a . „. 2 , 1551.65 v 21 65 . Simplify — and X 65.1 20.02 66. A square cistern is 3 m long inside and when filled contains 47.25 T of water; what is the depth of the cistern inside ? 67. If a bankrupt pays $23 in a hundred, how much will a creditor, to whom he owes $7866, receive ? 68. If 8 cwt. 20 lb. cost $20.50, what would a t. cost at the same rate ? 69. The distance between two stations is 234 mi. 160 rd. 38 yd. 2 ft. An engine wheel revolves 142878 times in traveling from one station to the other. How many in. does it travel in one revolution of the wheel ? 70. What is the greatest weight of which both 2 t. 4 cwt. 18 lb., and 5 t. 5 cwt. 94 lb. are multiples ? Art. 283.] EXAMPLES. 307 71. The sum of the ages of a father and of his son is now 88 yr., and 12 yr. ago the father was three times as old as the son ; how old are they ? 72. A number is divided by 210 in three steps, the factors being 5, 6, 7 in order; and the remainders are 2, 3, 4 in order ; what would have been the remainders if the number had been divided by 7, 6, 5 in order ? 73. Reduce 216875 in. to mi., etc., also 57637 sq. yd. to A., sq. rd., and sq. yd. 74. Find, to within a thousandth of the whole, the square roots of 15, -^, and .081. 75. Find two numbers, one of which is double the other, and whose product is 8192. 76. Find the following : 17 x 19, 18 x 14, 13 x 16, 19 x 15, 75 2 , 95 2 , 105 2 , 115 2 . 77. Find the least length which is a multiple of 1 ft. 6 in., 4 ft. 6 in., 7 ft. 6 in., and 15 ft. 9 in. 78. What is the acreage of a rectangular field whose sides are respectively 201 yd. 2 ft., and 60 yd. ? 79. A rectangular field contains 2 A. 134 sq. rd., and its length is 6.25 ch. ; what is its breadth ? 80. What is the least length of carpet 27 in. wide that would be required to cover the floor of a room 24 ft. loner and 21 ft. wide ? 81. Simplify 4f - (^ x ^ X 10*) and 4f - ^ x T \ xlOi 82. Simplify 7 x 16 - } of 4* - 1\ x 17 - \ 4 (18 - 6) + (26-3)|-7. 308 REVIEW. [Chap. XV. 83. Find by factors ^1936, V2601, Vdrffir- 84. How much will it cost to paint the ceiling of a room 15 ft. 6 in. long and 12 ft. 6 in. wide at 16 ct. per square foot ? 85. How many loads (cu. yd.) of gravel would be re- quired to cover to a depth of 2 in. a path 90 yd. long and 5 ft. wide ? 86. One side of a square field of 22 J A. abuts on a road. This side is divided into building plots 100 ft. deep and having a frontage along the road of 30 ft. each. The building plots are let at £12 each, and the rest of the field at £5. 10s. an A. What is the total rental of the property ? 87. A dealer purchased 40 tubs of butter, each contain- ing 35 lb., at 22 ct. per lb., and sold 35 tubs of the butter for as much as the whole cost; for how much per lb. must he sell the remainder in order to gain 16 % and $3.22 ? 88. What is the acreage of a rectangular field whose length is 117 rd. and whose breadth is 55 rd. ? 89. The number of sheep on a farm increased for 4 yr. at the rate of 20% each year, and there were originally 625 sheep ; how many were there at the end of the 4 yr. ? 90. A man makes a profit of 20% by selling an article for 24 ct. ; how much % would he make by selling it for 25 ct. ? 91. From a vessel containing 32.3 J of kerosene 1722.5 cl were drawn ; how many dl remained ? 92. Find the least number which when divided by 17 leaves a remainder 12, and when divided by 29 leaves a remainder 24. Art. 283.] EXAMPLES. 309 93. Reduce to their simplest forms : © T 3 T(i + f + iV-i)-ii°f^r (") <* + *+* + €>+<*+*+*+» 94. The age of a father is three times the sum of the ages of his three sons, and two years ago the father's age exceeded the sum of the ages of the three sons by 36 years ; how old is the father ? 95. A body weighs 60 g in air and 42 g in water; what is its S.G. ? 96. Find the interest on a 30 da. Mass. note for $7895.56. 97. A man bought 13$ bu. of corn for $7.77, and sold the same at 20% profit; what was the selling price per bu. ? 98. A man paid $45.10, including a duty of 10%, for a watch ; how much was the duty ? 99. The distance between two places on a map is 156 mm ; what is the distance in Km if the scale of the map is 1 to 80000 ? 100. Find the number of Km in one mi. 101. Find the prime factors of the L.C.M. of 391 and 493. 102. If 15% be lost by selling an estate for $3400, for what must it be sold to gain 20% ? 103. Find V-6 *° the nearest thousandth. 310 REVIEW. [Chap. XV. 104. A beam 36 ft. long, and whose section is a square, contains 182-J- cu. ft. of timber ; what is its width ? 105. Find the length of the side of a square field which contains 10 A. 106. Divide 570326 by 63 by 'short' divisions, ex- plaining clearly the formation of the remainder. 107. Reduce to its simplest form ft + l)of (f+iHfof ( i + 1 vH||^fi 108. Multiply 36.2 by .057, and divide 5752.8 by .00376, and .0025 by 3.1. 109. Find the value of a bar of gold weighing 5 lb. 10 oz. 17 dwt. 22 gr. at $20 per oz. 110. How many gallons will a cistern 6 ft. by 4 ft. by 3ft. hold? 111. The total number of votes given for two candi- dates at an election was 127345, and the successful candidate had a majority over the other of 17377; how many votes did each get ? 112. Divide $875 between three persons so that the first may have $50 more than the second, and the second $75 less than the third. 113. A certain number less than 1000, when divided by 56 or by 72 leaves 13 as remainder; what is the number ? 114. A grocer mixes 91b. of coffee at 54 ct. alb. with 6 lb. of chicory at 15 ct. a lb ; at what price per lb. must he sell the mixture in order to get a profit of 25%? Art. 283.] EXAMPLES. 311 115. The breadth of a room is twice its height and the length is thrice its height ; and it cost $115.20 to paint the walls at $.08 per sq. ft. ; what is the height ? 116. How many turfs each 3 ft. by 1 ft. would be re- quired to turf a lawn 96 ft. by 75 ft., and how much would they cost at $1.75 a hundred ? 117. Find the weight of a rectangular solid piece of iron 17 cm by 5 cm by 3 cm , the S.G-. of iron being 7.8. Answer in Kg. 118. Find the interest on $672.87 for 2 yr. 7 mo. at 4%. 119. In a room 22 ft. by 18 ft. there is a Turkey carpet with a border 2 ft. wide all round it. The carpet cost 20 ga. ; how much was that a sq. yd. 120. Find the length of a square field whose area is 4 A. 89 sq. rd. 121. A wire .2346 yd. long is cut up into pieces each .007 yd. long ; how many pieces will there be, and what length will be left over ? 122. A room is 21 ft. long, 17 ft. wide, and 12 ft. high ; how many pieces of paper 21 in. wide and 12 yd. long must be bought to paper the room supposing 150 sq. ft. of the walls are left uncovered ? 123. A class contains 19 boys; and in an examination 6 boys got 56% of the full marks each, one got 90%, and the rest got 39% each, except one boy who got no marks at all ; what was the average % got by the boys in the class ? 124. A rectangular block of timber is 5 ft. long and contains 3 cu. ft. If its section be a square, find its thickness to the nearest tenth of an in. 312 REVIEW. [Chap. XV. 125. A square field is bordered by a path one yd. wide, the field and path together occupying two and one half A. ; find the cost of covering the path with gravel at 36 ct. per sq. yd. 126. A flask holding 25 ccm of water, holds 20.25 « of alcohol ; find the S.G. of the alcohol. ' 127. Some goods cost $25 ; how much is lost by selling them at 20% below cost ? 128. One lb. Troy is what % of one lb. Avoir. ? 129. What is the proceeds of a N. Y. note for $2040 drawn Jan. 31, '95, at 3 mo. and discounted on Feb. 25th at 5% ? 130. What sum is invested if the investment yields $585 per annum at 4^% ? 131. Eeduce 563147 in. to mi., etc. 132. Find the prime factors of 58212. What is the greatest square number of which 58212 is a multiple ? 133. Simplify 2W + *(* + *)-J (* + *) Joff-foff 134. Find the acreage of a rectangular field whose length is 25 ch. 80 li. and whose breadth is 8 ch. 75 li. ; find also the rent at $12 an A. 135. A certain piece of work can be done by 8 men or 16 boys in 10 da. In how many da. can the work be done by 8 men and 16 boys ? 136. An object weighs 10 g in air and 4 g in water ; find its S.G. Art. 283.] EXAMPLES. 313 137. A man, after deducting $4000 from his income, pays $170 income tax on the remainder. If the $4000 had not been deducted, the tax would have been $250. Find the rate of taxation and the income. 138. A demand note with interest was paid 4 yr. after date. The interest at ±\ % was $365.04; find the principal. 139. A demand note bearing interest was paid 4 yr. after date. The amount at 5% was $2433.60; find the principal. 140. A train 110 yd. long was observed to pass a certain point in 10 sec. ; how many mi. an hr. was it then going ? 141. Determine the number which when divided by 231 by the method of ' short ' divisions, gives a quotient 583, and 2, 6, and 10 as successive remainders. 142. Find the G.C.M. of 464321 and 683111, and hence find all the common measures of those numbers. 143. Find the weight in Kg of the air in a room 60 ft. long, 36 ft. wide, and 21 ft. high, assuming that one cu. yd. = .765 cura , and that air weighs 1.29 g per liter. 144. The wages of A and B together for 45 da. amount to the same sum as the wages of A alone for 72 da. ; for how many da. will this sum pay the wages of B alone ? 145. A room is 20 ft. 7 in. long, 15 ft. 5 in. wide, and 11 ft. high. Find the number of pieces of paper, each 12 yd. long and 21 in. wide, which would have to be bought to paper the walls, supposing that windows, etc., which are not papered, make up one-sixth of the whole surface of the walls. 314 EEVIEW. [Chap. XV. 146. Ten loads (cubic yards) of gravel are spread uni- formly over a path 180 ft. long and 4 ft. wide ; what is the depth of the gravel ? 147. A merchant borrowed $2000 from a Philadelphia bank for 30 da. at 5% ; find the proceeds of the note. 148. An Ohio farmer sold some sheep for $475, and took in payment a 3 mo. interest-bearing note dated Jan. 6, '93, rate h\%. On Mch. 1 st the farmer had the note discounted at 5% ; how much cash did he receive from the bank ? 149. One pound of silver is weighed in water; how many pwt. does it lose, the S.G. being 10.5 ? 150. Find the weight in dg of a cylindrical stick of silver 10 cm long and l cm in diameter, the S.G. being 10.5. 151. Find the least length which is a multiple of 5 yd. 1 ft. 3 in., and also of 7 yd. 2 ft. 9 in. 152. Simplify (4i-2f of ^ + 2i)-K4i-2|)off-f2^. 153. Find V 783 to tne nearest tenth. 154. (i) Multiply 17 + 19 + 16 by 18. (ii) Find mentally (30 + 4) 2 . (iii) Find mentally 85 2 . 155. Find [35 2 -*- 7 2 x 4 2 - J (150 x § -s- 25) + 1260 + 35|] 11. 156. (i) A ratio is 47 ; find the second term when the first term is 235. (ii) A ratio is -^ ; find the first term when the second term is -fa. (iii) Two similar rooms are respectively 8 yd. and 9 yd. long ; how much paper will be required to paper the first room, compared with that which will be required for the second room ? Art. 283.] EXAMPLES. 315 157. Sound travels at the rate of 1090ft. a second; how far off is a thunder-cloud when the sound follows the flash after 5| sec. ? Answer to the nearest hun- dredth of a mi. 158. A father, who had three children, left his second son $500 more than he left the third son, and his eldest son twice as much as the third. They had $8500 between them ; how much had each ? 159. In a certain examination every candidate took either Latin or Mathematics, also 79.4% of the candi- dates took Latin and 89.6% took Mathematics. If there were 1500 candidates altogether, how many took both Latin and Mathematics ? 160. For what sum must goods worth $6370 be insured at 2% premium so that in case of loss the owner may recover the value both of the goods and the premium ? 161 SimDlifv ^ofl-Sjof^ 161 - Smphfy ^(A-Do!^ 162. A bill of $301.05 was paid with an equal number of eagles, dollar pieces, quarters, and five-cent pieces; how many coins of each kind were there ? 163. A and B received respectively ^ and -fa of a certain sum of money, and C received the remainder. A received $1173; how much did C receive? 164. What is the cost of a plot of building-land 242 ft. long and 21 ft. wide at $2000 an A. ? 165. At the beginning of a year the population of a town was 16400. The deaths during the year were 3% of the population at the beginning of the year, and 80% of the births. What was the population at the end of the year, neglecting changes caused by traveling ? 316 REVIEW. [Chap. XV. 166. A liter flask was half filled with sand, and the weight of the sand was 1375 g ; what was the S.G-. of the sand? 167. What is the cost of concreting the bottom of a circular pond 70 ft. in diameter, when concreting costs 11.87 per sq. yd. ? 168. Find the exact interest on $700 for 30 da., at 6%. 169. A merchant sold goods for $5650, with 20% and 5% discount, and 10% off for cash. Cash was paid; how much did the merchant receive for his goods ? 170. The buyer of the goods in Ex. 169 sold the goods for $5603.38 ; what was his % profit ? What was his percentage profit? 171. Express 1887 by means of Roman numerals. 172. Express in t. and fractions of a t. the weight of lead required to cover a flat roof, 147 sq. yd. in extent, with sheet lead one-eighth of an in. thick, supposing that a cu. ft. of lead weighs 820 lb. 173. Simplify 174. Find the value of a silver cup weighing 2 lb. 7 oz. 7 dwt. 12 gr. at $1.20 an oz. 175. Find the cost of painting the sides and bottom of a cistern 3 yd. long, 5 ft. wide, and 3^ ft. deep at 3s. 9d. per sq. yd. 176. Two similar boxes hold 125 lb. of sand and 216 lb. of sand respectively ; the larger box is 36 in. long ; find the length of the smaller box. 177. Find the bank discount on a note for $1460 payable in San Francisco 30 da. after date. Art. 283.] EXAMPLES. 317 178. Find the trade discount on a bill of goods for $1460 with 15% and 7% off. 179. The volume of a room is 2592 cu. ft. ; what is the length of the room when the height is 9 ft. and the breadth is 16 ft. ? 180. For economy which way would carpet strips run in the room of Ex. 179 ? 181. What number is the same multiple of 354 that 86445 is of 765 ? 182. Subtract f of f from 1±- of f ; and divide the result by (f -f>x (| - f). 183. A lidless cistern 10 ft. 6 in. long, 7 ft. 4 in. broad, and 5 ft. 4 in. high is to be painted outside ; find the cost at 4^ ct. per sq. ft. 184. A promissory note, written for 30 da. and payable in Ohio at 4%, amounts to $1505.50 ; find the principal. 185. A promissory note, written for 45 da. and payable in Ohio at 4%, amounts to $1960.40; what would have been the amount if the note had been payable in N.Y. ? 186. When railroad 4's can be bought at 101^ (broker- age i), how many such bonds can be bought for $7317 ? 187. A man buys $5000 of Government 4's at lllj (brokerage \) ; what % is he receiving on his investment ? 188. A traveler purchases £500 at 4.88| (commission 3^) ; how many dollars does he pay ? 189. A train moves 6 in. the 1st sec, 1 ft. the 2d sec, and so on for 75 sec, and then moves 37^- ft. per sec. for 1 h. ; how far does the train go in the 1 h. 1 min. and 15 sec ? (Ans. to the nearest thousandth of a mile.) The answer lacks how many in. of the exact result ? 818 REVIEW. [Chap. XV. 190. In a decreasing arithmetical progression a = 12, d = £, n = 50 ; find I and s. 191. The nearest of the fixed stars is roughly twenty trillion mi. distant. Show that it would take light 3J yr. to traverse this distance at the rate of 190000 mi. a sec. 192. Simplify 17ixl6-3-(i + i)J-17i-S6-3xa + i)J. 193. Express Ida. 4hr. 31 min. h2\ sec. as a decimal of 3 da. 4 hr. 5 min. 194. Find the value of 11 oz. 13 dwt. 8 gr. of gold at $1.02 per dwt. . 195. What will it cost to carpet a room 18 ft. long and 15 ft. wide, the carpet being 27 in. wide and costing $1.05 a yd.? 196. A ship is worth $45000. For what sum must it be insured at $5 per $100 in order that the owner in case of loss may receive the value of the ship and the amount of premium paid ? 197. At what rate %, simple int., will $7600 amount to $7676 in 3 mo. ? (No grace.) 198. What is the price of a 4% stock, if a man who invests $4301 gets an income of $136 a year on his in- vestment ? (Brokerage ■£-.) 199. A man bought $100 bonds at 89 and sold them at 95 (brokerage \ on each transaction) and made a profit of >.25 ; how many bonds did he buy ? 200. Find the mean proportional between (i) 4 and 36 ; (ii) .25 and ll 2 ; (iii) .64 and 1.44. Art. 283.] EXAMPLES. 319 Find a third proportional to (iv) 2.5 and 4.5; (v) .7 and 7 ; (vi) 15 2 and 5 2 . 201 . A train is traveling at the rate of 35 mi. an hr. ; how many ft. does it go in a sec. ? 202. Simplify 2.42 - .0025 x .02 -- .055. 203. Find the rent of 375.4875 A. at $12.80 an A. 204. How many loads (en m) of gravel will be required to cover a court-yard 20 m by 15 m to a depth of 5 cm , and how much will the gravel cost at 84 ct. a load ? 205. fjf.75™. Boolon, Mom,., fan. 6, 18j &i/>G huAvcUs&oL &&v-&ntu ~ Dollars at^^^~~£k& c^varMOyi (ZLowntAf Bank . Value received, wM, vnt&v&bt at i5|%. JVo. /y-2. Due jkw^ T^IoaXaav. Discounted at 5% on Jan. 12, '92. Proceeds = ? 269. f2600^. ftcvnycyb, 7n&. ; fu,yulv&cl c^yui ^Dollars at^^XA& /aX cAaZio-nal JSank^, ffio-atvyi, 7fla&a>. Value received. No. /