hi A LIST OF BOOKS BY CALIFORNIA \VRITERS. ISSUED liV The San Francisco Women's Literary Exhibit. C o L r : M 13 1 ^\ x EXPOSITION, 1893. 1'l^ICK. 3o CENTS. Under the Auspices of the San Francisco World's Fair Association. SAX FRANCISCO : ]>Javeley Printing Company 1893. / ORKICERS OR The San Francisco Women's Literary Exhibit. President and Librarian : MRS. WARREN KXVER, . . . . 1513 Clay Street Vice-President : MRS. ELLA STERLING CUMMINS, . . 1605 Baker Street Treasurer : MRS. I\. F. BUNKER, . . Hotel Pleasanton Secretary : MRS. W. H. RODDA, . .1818 Post Street . Catalogue Secretary: MRS. GEORC.E LEVTSTON, ..... San Rafael Scrap-book Secretary: MRS. \\\ (' MORROW, .... 1101 Pine Street A LIST OF BOOKS BY CALIFORNIA "WRITERS. ISSUED BY The San Francisco Women's Literary Exhibit. COLUMBIAN KXPOSITION, 1893. PRICED 25 CENTS. Under the Auspices of the San Francisco World's Fair Association. SAN FRANCISCO : Raveley Printing Company. l8 93 . KXPIvANATION. The present list of books is meant to admit only titles of works by California authors ; not books by others about California. Even so, it is by no means complete. Imperfect as it is, how- ever, it shows that California has a creditable literature of her own. The restriction excludes many valuable and interesting works which, at first thought, might be expected in the list; such as Dana's Two years before the mast; Mrs. Jackson's novel, Ramona; Nord- hofT's works on the state, etc. Many pamphlets have been entered ; for pamphlets are often of f^ literary and historical importance. Articles by California writers in periodicals and public documents ^ have mostly been omitted. In the case of scientific writers, how- J? ever, reference has sometimes been made to the fact that such A articles were written. A good list of the official publications of the State University has been furnished by the ready kindness of its accomplished xj librarian, Mr. J. C. Rowell. This list has been appended as a r\ ~~ separate chapter, and has been given with considerable fullness, -'because the University is the most prominent educational institution )in the State, and because its publications form an important part of our scientific literature. When to this list are added the separate lists in the catalogue, of works by professors of the University, the record of its literary and scientific activity will be found of sur- prising extent and significance; and if the limits of this publication had allowed a detailed catalogue of all the scientific papers pub- lished by the University professors, in periodicals and public docu- ments, the exhibit would have been much more extensive still. It would have been desirable to include similar lists for other educational institutions in the State, but circumstances did not allow of doing this. Possibly a future fuller list may be compiled, IV. which may include these, and much other valuable matter now omitted. A second appendix has been added, of law books by California writers. Imperfect as it is, it is enough to show that Californians are at least as competent to handle the serious practical topics of legal rights and wrongs, of property and crime, as to compose stories and poems, or to discuss topography, history or science. No attempt has been made to deal with the public documents of the State or of its subdivisions, although they contain a great deal of valuable and interesting matter, historical and scientific. A full bibliography of California would include, not only a revised and enlarged edition of the present imperfect list, but an analysis of these public documents, crediting the work of individual writers to them by name; also, the numerous books about California; numerous series of instructive annual reports of many institutions ; other serials ; an analysis of literary periodicals, in like manner as above suggested for public documents; the names and careers of the newspapers of the State ; California maps, etc. The titles in the present list are made very short, and have no pretension to bibliographical qualities. Pamphlets are designated by "(P.)" "S. F." means San Francisco (as place of publication). Dates and places of publication have been given as far as known. Errors are confessed and regretted. List of Works BY California Writers. NOTE. Books marked with a star are in the collection exhibited at Chicago. Pamphlets are designated by (P.) Aaron, C. H. Testing and working silver ores. S. F. 1876. Same, 20! ed. Alameda county, history of. 1883. Allender, G. Imbroglio, a drama. 1885. Almanach Californien a Tusage des Frangais. Par Paul Clerfayt. S. F. 1890. ~~ *Almirante, a romance of old time California (novel). S. F. 1890. < Anderson, J. W. Masonic manual. S. F. 1888. 7 Anderson, Prof. W. ( M. D). Desiccated human remains in the state mining bureau (Bulletin No. i). Sacr. 1888. fr Apple ton, D. E. California songster (compilation). S. F. 1855. Archbald, J. Contact of races, and the Chinese question. 1860. (P-) o Atherton, Mrs. Gertrude F. *Doomswoman (novel). Phil. 1892. Hermia Suydam (novel). Los Cerritos (novel). A question of time (novel). What dreams may come (novel). / *Avery, B. P. California pictures in prose and verse. N. Y. 1885. ^ Ayer, W. (M. D.) Address, Medical Soc. of Cal., Apr. 17, 1878. (P.) Report on practical medicine. 1881. (P.) Relation of sewer gas to disease. 1883. (P.) Transitory mania, with its medico-legal bearings. S. F. 1885. (p.) /3 Bacon, Lord, and Swedenborg, E. Lectures on immortality, given in San Francisco. 1854. (P.) /vi Bacon, T. R. Hundredth anniversary of the city of New Haven. /^ Badlam, A. Wonders of Alaska. S. F. 1891. *Same, 2d ed. 1891. / Baer, G. B. Cloverdale, the orange district of Sonoma Co. (P.) /7 Bahler, J. F. Thrilling incidents in the life of. 1889. /$- Baldwin, J. G. Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi. N. Y. 1858. Party leaders. N. Y. /^ Baldy, Lizzie F. The California pioneer and other poems. 1879. io *Bancroft, H. H. Chronicles of the builders of the common- wealth. Vols. 1-7. S. F. 1891-2. ^Histories ; 39 vols. S. F. 1883-91. Viz: Vols. 1-5. The native races of the Pacific coast. " 6-8. Central America. " 9-14. Mexico. " 15-16. North Mexican states and Texas. " 17. Arizona and New Mexico. " 18-24. California. " 25. Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming. " 27-28. Northwest coast " 29-30. Oregon. " 31. Washington, Idaho, Montana. " 32. British Columbia. " 33. Alaska. " 34. California pastoral. " 35. California inter pocula. " 3^-37- Popular tribunals. " 38. Essays and miscellany. " 39. Literary industries. i/ Barnes, W. H. The story of Laulii. 1889. i.v Barnes, W. H. L. Solid silver, a play. S. F. 1871. 13 Barry, T. A. and Patten, B. A. Men and memories of San Francisco in 1850. S. F. 1873. Xy- Bartlett, W. A breeze from the woods. 1880. *Same, 2d ed. 1883. X\T *Bausman, W. The idle and industrious miner (a poem). Illus. by Nahl. Sacr. 1854. (P.) 9 *Bausman, W., continued. The prote'ge, a poem. Sacr. 1859. * Early California, a drama. 1872. _-, Becker, Prof. G. F. (Scientific papers, geological, etc., in period- icals and public documents.) ?_} Behr, H. H. ( M. D.) Flora of the vicinity of San Francisco. 1888. (Many scientific papers.) -z^cj Bell, A. D. Arguments in favor of immigration (into California). 1870. (P.) ^ Bell, H. Reminiscences ot.a ranger. Los Ang. 1881. j/ Bell,J.H. Practical illustration of hurricanes, etc. 1862. (P.) JL Bellows, H. W. (D. D ) In memory of Thomas Starr King, a discourse. 1864. (P.) 7j Benton, Mrs. Who would have thought it ? (novel.) 3V *Benton, Rev. J. A. California pilgrim. Sacr. 1853. 7j~ Bidwell, Jennie. There's nothing in it. 74 Bierce, A.^'The fiend's delight. By Dod Grile. N. Y. 1873. Nuggets and dust. Lond. n. d. *Tales of soldiers and civilians. S. F. 1891. Black beetles in amber. 1893. >y Bigelow, H. Slow methods of becoming a criminal. 1893. 2Y Billings, F. Address, dedication of school house, 23 Sept. 1854. S. F. (P.) 3<: *Birkmaier, Elizabeth J. Poseidon's paradise. S. F. 1892. y^ *Blackburn, F. Essentials of Latin grammar. Bost. 1883. v-/ Blakeslee, S. V. Archology; or, the science of government. N. Y. and S. F. 1876. V-i- Bleasdale, J. I. The olive tree and its products, etc. 1881. (P.) Report on brandy made by Gen. Naglee. 1879. (P.) c/7 *Bledsoe, A. J. Indian wars of the northwest, 1849-69. 1885. / * Boalt, J. H. Silver question. S. F. 1866. (P.) /~Bolander, H. N. Catalogue of plants growing in the vicinity of San Francisco. 1870. v ^ Booth, N. Address, dedic. of Odd Fellows' hall, Marysville, Apr. 26, 1 86 1. With poem by Noah Brooks. Marysville. 1861. (P.) +~i ^Borrowings. Compiled by ladies of the First Unitarian Church in Oakland. 1889. - ^ Bours, A. L. Allen Lee, etc. Poems. 1854. 6 *Bowers, Mrs. Dr. J. Milton. The dance of life, an answer to The dance of death. S. F. 1877. <*~o Brick, C. J. California-Album. Fur Deutsch-Amerikaner. 1883. ,r/ Brierly, Rev. B. Thoughts, etc. Sermon on assassination of James King of William. 1856. (P.) j-%, Broderick, D. C. Speech, U. S. Senate, against admission of Kansas under the Lecompton constitution. Wash. 1858. (p.) xA? Brooks, C. W. Arctic drifts and ocean currents. 1884. (P.) J" v- Brooks, Noah. Abraham Lincoln. Boy settler (novel). Boy emigrants (novel). Fairport nine (novel). Our baseball club (novel) The transition, a poem, j-j- *Brown, W. E. Jack and Jill (poem). S. F. 1891. Same. 26. enlarged ed. S. F. 1893. j~t *Browne, J. R. Report of the debates in the convention of Cal., 1849. Wash. 1850. Relacion de los debates, etc. (same in Spanish). N. Y. 1851. Adventures in the Apache country. N. Y. 1869. Reisen und abenteuer im Apachen lande. Jena. 1871. American family in Germany. N. Y. 1866. Crusoe's island, with adventure in California and Washoe. N. Y. 1864. Etchings of a whaling cruise. N. Y. 1846. Land of Thor. N. Y. 1867. Reclamation of marsh and swamp lands and canals for irriga- tion in Cal. (P.). Report on the mineral resources of the states, etc., west of the Rocky Mountains. Wash. 1868. (Same as the Resources, etc., below.) * Resources of the Pacific slope. 1869. Yusef, a crusade in the east. N. Y. 1855. (With J. W. Taylor.) Reports on the mineral resources of the U. S. Wash. 1867. vT^ *Browne, Lucy L. Prophetic visions of national events, etc. Oakl. 1882. S r Bruner, Jane W. Free prisoners (novel). Bryan, W. H. Review of the tide land swindle. 1866. (P.) Bryant, E. What I saw in California. N. Y. 1848. Same, Lond. 1849. Buchard, Rev. J. M. ( S. J.} The inquisition, a lecture, with Rev. J. Hemphill's reply, etc. 1873. (P.) Buckley, Prof. C. F. (M. D.) Cerebral hyperaemia ; does it exist? N. Y. 1882. (Medical papers in the Pacific Med. Journal.) Buffurn, E. G. Six months in the gold mines. Phil. 1850. Bulkhead controversy, viz : Antidote to the poison. S. F. 1860. (P.) Some of the objections to the Parsons bulkhead bill. 1859. (P-) Tract on the bulkhead. 1859. (P.) Bunnell, L. H. Discovery of the Yosemite, and the Indian war of 1851. Chic. 1880. Burgher. The new Almaden mine. 1859. (P.) Burnett, P. H. The American theory of government. Reasons why we should believe in God, love God, and obey God. Path of a Protestant lawyer to the Catholic church. N. Y. 1860. Recollections and opinions of an old pioneer. N. Y. 1880. Bush, C. J. Reindeer, dogs and snow-shoes. Bush, H. Harp of the day; or adventures, etc., of a photo- graphic artist. 1865. (P.) Cadman, H. W. The Christian unity of capital and labor. Phil. 1888. 9 California. Geological survey, by J. D. Whitney and others. Geology, 2 vols. Ornithology, i vol. Palaeontology, 2 vols. Bot- any, i vol. Together, 7 vols. Cambr. or Phil. 1865-82. *State library, catalogue, law department. Sacr. 1886. ^Catalogue, general department. Sacr. 1866. Same, 1889. California Academy of Sciences. Proceedings. Vols. i-vii. 1854-76. Same, 2d series, vols. i-iii. 1888-93. Bulletins, vols. i-ii. 1882-7. - Cal. Academy of Sciences, continued. Memoirs, vol. i. Cata- logue of Pacific coast mosses. By Leo Lesquereux. The natural system of volcanic rocks. By F. Baron Richt- hofen. Memoirs, vol. ii. Anatomy of sutroa rostrata. By G. Eisen. Ancient sculptures from Pacific slope of Guatemala. By G. Eisen. Occasional papers, i. Revision of the South American nematognathi. By C. H. and R. S. Eigenmann. 2. Land birds of the Pacific district. By L. Belding. 3. Evolution of the colors of North American land birds. By C. A. Keeler. Catalogue of the pacific coast fungi. By H. W. Harkness and J. P. Moore. On some footprints found in the yard of the state prison at Carson, Nevada. By H. W. Harkness. North American zygcenidae andbombycidae. By R. H. Stretch. j 3 California as it is. Published by the Call. S. F. 1877. j+j. California historical society. Papers, viz. Vol. i, part i. Organization, etc. The local units of history. By Prof. M. Kellogg. Data of Mexican and U. S. history. By Prof. B. Moses. History of the "pious fund" of California. By J. T. Doyle. The first phase of the conquest of California. By Prof. W. C. Jones. Vol. i, part 2. History of the college of California. By S. H. Willey, D.D. Vol. 2, part i. Identification of Sir F. Drake's anchorage on the coast of California in 1579. By Prof. G. Davidson. 1890. jf* California horticulturist and floral magazine. 2 vols. S. F. 1870-2. ^California life illustrated. 77 California medical society. Transactions, ist series. 1856-70. Reorganization; ist meeting, 1870. Transactions, 2d series. 1870-93. 7 f California mountaineer, followed by California magazine and moun- taineer. 8 vols. Jan. 1861 to 1864. y * California state agricultural society. Transactions. fo California state medical journal. Began Sept., 1856. ^/ California state register and year-book of facts. 1857, 1859. 7 California teacher. 1863-70. S. F. California teacher and home journal. Vol. i, 1882. S. F. /"*/ California temperance song-book. S. F. 1867. ^"California 350 years ago. Manuelo's narrative, translated from the Portuguese. S. F. 1888. K *Californian, a magazine. Vols. 1-6. S. F. 1880-82. (Continued as the Overland monthly, 2d series.) /7 Californian illustrated magazine. Vols. 1-3. S. F. 1891-3. t f Callaghan, D. T. Madrona, etc. (poems). 1876. ?(j Carey, T. A. Lecture on orange and lemon culture. 1878. j Carleton, Carrie. Inglenook. Letter writer. /*Chinese haunts. Views. /o^Chinese types. Indelible photographs. /o Chipman, M. M. Report on forest preservation, etc. 1883. (P.) Report on mining debris dsposits. 1881. (P.) '*7 Chit-Chat club. Annual meetings, with orations, etc. 1874-93. /frf Christy, Prof. S. B. Mines and works of Almaden (Spain), 1879. Translation of Austrian gov. report on mines of Idria. 1884. * Christy, Prof. S. B., continued, (Scientific articles in periodicals.) of Cincinnatus. Travels on the western slope of the Mexican Cor- dillera. (By Martin Wheat ? ). 1857. //o Clark, J. B. The society in search of truth (novel). S. F. 1878. /// Clark, Prof. J. B. Algebra. 1879, Elementary algebra. 1880. Manual of trigonometry. Importance of state rights. 1883. Higher education in California. 1885. //*- Clarke, Sarah V. Teachings of the ages. fil Clemens, S. L. American claimant. Beyond the Mississippi. ^Huckleberry Finn (novel). N. Y. 1881. *Irmocents abroad. -Hartf. 1874. Jumping frog and other sketches. N. Y. 1867. *Prince and the pauper (novel). N. Y. 1892. *Roughing it. Hartf. 1874. Tom Sawyer (novel). Tramp abroad. Yankee at King Arthur's court (novel). N. Y. 1890. *and Warner, C. I). The gilded age (novel). Hartf. 1874. // * *Clemens, W. S. Life of Mark Twain. S F. 1892. // J~ ^Clifford, Josephine. Overland tales. S. F. 1877. //(y Clippinger, J. A. The pedagogue of Widow's gulch (novel). 1876. / /J Cocos Island. History of the buried treasure, etc. 1880. (P.) // f Coffin, Mrs. M. G. Our girls in the kitchen; being the 5th ed. of the original California recipe book. 1883. //f Coghill, (J. H. ?) Letters of foreign travel. /xo Colton, Rev. Walter. Deck and port. N. Y. 1850. Island and sea. Land and lee. N. Y. 1851. Sea and sailor. N. Y. 1851. Ship and shore. N. Y. 1851. Three years in California. N. Y. 1850. -i. / *Coming crisis. By one of the many. 1879. /Xx _ Cook, Prof. A. S. Extracts from the Heliand. N. Y. 1880. Translation of Sievers' "An old English grammar." Same, 2d ed. 1887. Cook, Prof. A. S., continued. Bibliography of Chaucer. Berke- ley 1886. Touchstones of poetry; selected from Matthew Arnold and John Ruskin, with introduction. 1887. Judith, an old English epic fragment. Bost. 1888. Phonological investigation of old English. Bost. 1888. (Papers in scientific periodicals.) /a.3 Cook, N. F. Satan in society (anon.). 1881. Coolbrith, Ina Donna. A perfect day and other poems. S. F. 1881. *Cooley,Mrs. Alice (Kingsbury). Asaph (novel). N. Y. 1890. Ho ! for Elfland (novel). *Secrets told. S. F. 1879. Cooper, E. Treatise on olive culture. 1882. (P.) /a. 7 Cooper, Louise B. Behind a mask (novel). /x f Corlett, Mrs. T. Birthday ode to Queen Victoria. 1877. (P.) /x? Cosmopolitan monthly. Began Sept. 30, 1874. /3o Cottinger, H. M. Progressive essays. 1889. /j/ Cox, P. Squibs of California. 1874. /?v Crabb, W. D. Silver shimmer. /? j Crawford, A. K. Pandemonium, etc. (temperance poem). 1874. (p-) *Cremony, J. C. Life among the Apaches. S. F. 1868. /*-*- *Cronise, T. F. Natural wealth of California. S. F. 1868. AT Cronkite, Mrs. H. Cookbook. 1885. *Cummins, A. H. Grammar of the Friesic language. 2d ed. Lond. 1887. Jewels from many minds. t *Cummins, Mrs. Ella S. Little mountain princess (novel). Life and writings of B. B. Redding. Our Californian writers. Daggett, R. M. Braxton's bar (novel). Legends and myths of Hawaii. , Dameron, J. P. Autobiography and writings. S. F. 1877. ^Davidson, Prof. G. Early voyages of discovery on the north- west coast of America, 1539 to 1603. *Directory of the Pacific coast of the United States, 1858. *Same, new ed. 1862. *Coast pilot of California, Oregon and Washington. 1869, IO ^Davidson, Prof. G., continued. Same, new ed. 1889. *The coast pilot of Alaska, part I. 1869. *Field catalogue of 983 transit stars, mean places for 1870, 1874. *The length of the Yolo base line, California. Measurements by Davidson. Discussion by C. A. Schott. 1883. *Address, international geodetic association, ninth conference, Paris, 1889. 1890. *Magnetic variations off the coasts of California and Mexico observed by Spanish navigators, last quarter of the i8th cen- tury. 1885. The total solar eclipse of January n, 1880. 1883. ^Refraction investigations in 1860. 1871. * Results for atmospheric refraction from hypsometric measures on line Mount Diablo-Martinez, in 1880. Observations by G. Davidson; discussion by C. A. Schott. 1884. *Field catalogue of 1278 time and circumpolar stars for 1885. 1884. *The star factors A B C for reducing transit observations. 18 74 (57>ooo factors). *Description of a new meridian instrument. 1881. Transit of Mercury, November 7, 1881. 1884. Transit of Venus expedition to Japan 1874. 1877. Transit of Venus station of 1769 in lower California. 1874. The heights of the stations of the Davidson quadrilaterals from trigonometrical determinations. Observations by Dav- idson; discussion by C. A. Schott. 1884. Table of azimuth and apparent altitude of Polaris. 1885 (on cards). The run of 'the micrometer. 1884. ^Improved open vertical clamp for the telescope of theodolites and meridian instruments. 1877. ^Measurement of the Yolo base line, Yolo county, California, in 1880. 1882. The connection of the Yolo base line with the primary trian- gulation of California. The observations by G. Davidson ; reduction by C. A. Schott. 1885. *Resources and developments of Alaska. Bulletin No. 4 of the U. S. coast and geodetic survey. 1888. *New break circuit chronometer. 1877. *Geodetic instruments of precision at the Paris exposition and in European workshops. 1878. II ' *Davidson, Prof. G., continued. Mechanical defects of microm- eters. 1877. *The endowment of scientific research. *Science in the public schools, etc. 1882. *The Pacific coast and geodetic surveys. *Abrasions on the northwest coast of America, and the sup- posed ancient sea levels. *Identification of Drake's anchorage. See Cal. Hist. Soc. *The discovery of Humboldt bay, California. 1891. *The discovery of San Diego bay and the eruption of volcano Weniaminoff. (In proceedings of /geographical society of the Pacific. 1892.) *The first ascent of the volcano Makushin, Unalaska island. 1884. *Submarine valleys on the Pacific coast of the United States; standard geodetic data. Early Spanish voyages of discovery on the coast of California. (In bulletin No. 6, California Academy of Sciences.) *i886. *The Carson fossil footprints. (Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences.) 1883. *XX new problems in mensuration. 1872-79. * Report on weights and balances in mint at S. F. Wash. 1872. *Sextant with attached spirit level horizon. 1865. *3 " Astronomical notes " from the Davidson observatory. 1883-87. *Report upon a system of sewerage for the city of San Fran- cisco. 1886. *Two papers on the shoaling of the bar at the entrance to San Francisco harbor. (Geographical Society of the Pacific.) 1884. *Square mesh knot of the Tchin-cha-au Indians of Alaska. 1874. *Improved telemeter for reconnaissance, engineering and mili- tary purposes. 1873. v-i- Davis, A. McF. The journey of Moncacht-Ape'. 1883. (P.) / /j> Davis, H. Shakespeare's sonnets.. S. F. 1888. (P.) American constitutions. (P.) /y/ *Davis, Margaret B. Mother Bickerdyke. S. F. 1886. /*>/~Davis, S. Short stories. /v Davis, W. H. Sixty years in California. S. F. 1889. 12 Delano, A. (Old Block). Chips of the old block. Life on the plains and in the diggings. Auburn, N. Y. 1854. Del Mar, A. Gold money and paper money. N. Y. 1863. What is free trade? N. Y. 1867. Letter on the finances. N. Y. 1869. History of money in China. S. F. 1880. History of precious metals. Lond. 1880. History of money. Lond. 1884. *Principles of money. Lond. 1885. Money and civilization. Londi 1886. Depierris, Dr. Effects of tobacco on the soul. S. F. 1881. (P.) Derby, G. H. Phoenixiana. N. Y. 1856. Squibob papers. N. Y. 1865. Detter, T. Nellie Brown, or the jealous wife, with other sketches. S. F. 1871. Deutscher Verein, San Francisco. Nilfest. Romantisches Sing- spiel aus der Pharaonenzeit. S. F. 1888. Dewey, S. P. The bonanza mines of Nevada. Gross frauds, etc. 1878. (P.) Disturnell, W. C. Stranger's guide to San Francisco. 1883. /j-/"Dixon, G. M. (M. D.) Glance at the history of homoeopathy in Cal. n. d. (P.) The real insanity of Troy Dye. n. d. (P.) /ri Dixon, J. Marine guide to the port of San Francisco. 1889. 7/7 Dobson, E. I. Poems. /s -t- Dolliver, Clara. Candy elephant. No baby in the house, and other poems. ffj Dooner, C. W. Last days of the republic. 1880. /<;o *Doran, J. Zanthon (novel). S. F. 1891. // Doyle, J. T. Address at Santa Clara College, on the early history of California. Some account of the pious fund of California and the litigation to recover it. S. F. 1880. History of the pious fund, etc. See Cal. Hist. Soc. Memorandum as to the discovery of the bay of San Francisco. S. F. 1889. (P.) /6i- Drake, E. B. Jimeno's and Hartnell's indexes of land conces- sions, 1830-1836, etc. 1861. ji*i Dwindle, Prof. C. H. (Scientific papers in periodicals.) 13 C ^ Dwindle, J. W. Colonial history of San Francisco. 1863. Same, 26. ed. and 3d ed. Same, 4th ed. 1867. /j~Edholm, Mrs. M. G. C. History of the Florence Crittenden mission for erring girls. /U *Edwards, H. A mingled yarn (sketches). N. Y. 1883. /^ / 7*Eisen, G. The raisin industry. S. F. 1891. /^fElliot, S. F. (M. D.) Vaccination, etc. 1868. (P.) J&G Estell, J. M. Speech, on privilege and the vigilance committee. Sacr. 1857. (P.) , 7( , *Evans, A. S. A la California. S. F. 1873. Our sister republic (Mexico). /7 / Evans, T. American citizenship. Oakl. 1892. /& /?v Ewer, F. C. Eventful nights (novel). (S. F. 1856?) /?7 *Eyster, Nellie B. A colonial boy (novel). Bost. 1889. f7 <{ Fabian, B. The agricultural lands of California. S. F. 1869. (p.) /7 j- Facts. By a woman (novel). Oakl. 1881. /? Farnham, Eliza W. California indoors and out. N. Y. 1856. /77 Farnham, T. J. Life and adventures in California. 1847. /7f *Farrington, Marie L. Facing the sphinx. S. F. 1889. /;*Favorell, Lieut. A. D. 2000. *Ferre, Ella. Land of the sunset sea (poem). S. F. 1883. Ferris, a. A. Financial economy. (Translator), Numa Pompilius. Field, Mrs. Mary H. An arboreal song of the Alameda. San Jose'. 1878. /f-j Field, S. J. Documents in relation to charges preferred against Wm. R. Turner. (P.) Personal reminiscences of early life in California. 1880. (Not published.) Work of a legislator and judge. With sketch by Pomeroy. 1881. /** Figueroa, J. Manifesto as to colonization in 1833 and 1834. S. F. 1855. /fj-Finod, D. A thousand flashes of French wit. N. Y. 1881. ,1-4 Fisher, W. M. The Californians. S. F. 1876. *Fitch, Mrs. Anna M. Bound down (novel). Phil. 1870. H Fitch, H. S. The money question. S. F. 1877. (P.) *Fitch, T and Anna M. Better days, or a millionaire of to- morrow (novel). S. F. 1891. Fitzgerald, O. P. California sketches. Nashville. 1879. *Same, 2d series. Nashville. 1881. Flamant, A. Practical treatise on olive culture, etc. N. Y. 1887. Florinda, Aunt. Phoebe Travers (novel). Foote, L. H. Legends of Corea. A red letter day, and other poems. Bost. 1882. Fooz, J. H. N. de. Fundamental principles of the law of mines. Transl. by W. H. Halleck. S. F. 1860. Formes, K. Autobiography. Fraser, J. P. M. History of Marin county. S. F. 1880. History of Santa Clara county. S. F. 1881. *History of Alameda county. Oakl. 1883. *Frazier, Mrs. Rachel. Mosaic gleanings. S. F. 1877. *Mosaic gleanings for 1880-83. Oakl. 1889. Freitas, M. J. de. Romance intitulado O corazao d'um anjo, traducido do Inglez. S. F. n. d. Fremont, J. C. Defence before court martial, Jan., 1848. (P.) Geographical memoir upon upper California. 1848. Report of exploring expedition to Rocky mountains, 1842, and to Oregon and California, 1843-4. Wash. 1845. Same. Lond. 1846. Same, Buffalo. 1851. Memoirs of my life, vol. i, 1887. (And W. H. Emory.) Notes of travel in California. Dublin. 1849. Freuder, Rabbi S. Bellamy and Judaism. A reply to Dr. Voor- sanger. S. F. 1889. (P.) *Gade, H. The legend of a kiss. S. F. n. d. Gage, Hannah B. See Ferre, Ella. Gallardo, A. L. Leyendas y romances ; ensayos poeticos. S. F. 1868. Garey, T. A. Lecture on orange and lemon culture. Aug. 3, 1878. Fresno. (P.) P. A. Outlines of industrial drawing. Part i, 3d ed. Oakl. 1888. 15 Gates, F. The raid of the dragons into Eagle-land. S. F. 1878. (PO Gayley, Prof. C. M. Songs of the yellow and blue. Bost. 1889. Guide to the literature of aesthetics. Sacr. 1890. George, H. The American republic, oration, July 4, 1877. (P.) Journalism ; should it be personal or impersonal ? n. d. (P.) Our land and state policy. (P.) Progress and poverty. S. F. 1879. Other editions. In German, as Fortschritt und Armuth. Social problems. The land question. (P.) Property in land. (P.) Protection or free trade ? A perplexed philosopher. . 7 Gibbes, C. D. Description of southern Idaho, with Anderson's map. 1880. ,o Gibbons, H. Wine culture in California. S. F. 1867. (P.) i.// Gift, G. W. Something about California, Marin county, San Ra- fael. 1875. (P.) i/i.*Glascock, Mary. Dare (novel). S. F. 1882. 1/1 Gleeson, Rev. W. History of the Catholic church in Califor- nia. 2 vols. S. F. 1872. And Pixley, F. The common school question, a discussion. 1883. Glimpses of California. 15 plates. No text. 1889. /^Glisan, R. Journal of army life. S. F. 1874. 2/6 *Golden Era (magazine). i./T *Golden Gate Kindergarten Association. Annual reports. 2 vols. S. F. 1879-89. x//*Golden Gate Park. 16 plates, with text. S. F. 1889. *_/^ *Goodhue, E. E, Verses from the valley. Oakl. 1888. v>_o*Goodwin, C. C. The Comstock club (novel). Salt Lake City. 1891. Goodyear, W. A. Coal mines of the western coast. S. F. 1877. Gordon, Mrs. Laura de F. The great geysers of California. Oakl. 1877. Gorham, G. C. Speech, San Francisco, July loth, 1867. (P.) i6 v- Graham, Mary. Historical reminiscences of one hundred years ago (missions). 1876. ~ Granice, Rowena. The family gem (stories). 1858. The victims of fate. S. F. 1857. ^ Grayson, A. J. Birds of Mexico. x ^ Great Geysers of California. By W. L. 1873. x^ Green, Will S. Mea culpa. Sacrifice (novel), xp *Green, Prof. E. L. Pittonia. Papers relating to botany and botanists. 2 vols. Berkeley. 1887-92. (Scientific articles in botanical periodicals.) (With Kellogg, A. (M. D.) West- American oaks. X 3<> Greenhow, R. History of Oregon, California, etc., ist ed. (a U. S. public document). 1840. History, etc. Lond. 1844. Same, Bost. 1845. i.7, Gregg, A. A new discussion on geology. S. F. 1864. (P.) Oi Grey, W. See White, W. F. x ^j Griswold, W. N. (M. D.) Wealth and poverty of nations. S. F. 1887. Gunn, D. San Diego; climate, resources, etc., 4th ed. San Diego. 1886. (P.) Gunst, F. The martyrs of the Spanish inquisition. Transl. by Kloppenburg. S. F. 1870. *Gunther, A. C. Mr. Barnes of New York. N. Y. 1887. *Mr. Potter of Texas. N. Y. 1888. *That Frenchman. N. Y. 1889. *Miss Dividends. N. Y. 1892. *Miss Nobody of nowhere. N. Y. 1892. *Small boy in big boots. N. Y. 1890. *A Florida enchantment. N. Y. 1892. Gwin, W. M. Speech on private land claims in Cal. 1852. (P.) Speech for Pacific R. R. 1854. (P.) Speech for navy yard, etc., on bay of San Francisco. 1852. (P.) Speech for a railway to the Pacific. 1853. (P.) Speech on deficiency appropriation bill, etc. 1852. (P.) Speech on government expenditures in Cal. 1852. (P.) Speech on Collins line of steamers. 22d Apr., 1852. (P.) Speech on U. S. mails, 2 March, 1853. Wash. 1853. (P.) Speeches on the Pacific railroad. 1852-4. f *Hackett, F. M. and Girvin, E. A. Pure English. S. F. 1884. Hager, J. S. Speech on the Louisiana case, U. S. Senate, Feb. i7, 1875- (P.) Haggin, Mrs. Louis T. Le livre d'ainour. N. Y. 1887. Haight, Gov. H. H. In memoriam. Address by Taber, remarks by Dwindle. S. F. 1878. (P.) . History of San Jose. S. F. 1871. Hall, J. C. Montaigne, an essay. S. F. 1889. (P.) Halleck, H. W. Mining laws of Spain and Mexico. S. F. 1859. Elements of military art and science. N. Y. 1846. Same, 26. ed. 1861. International law. N. Y. 1861. i_v/^Halley, W. Centennial year-book of Alameda county. Oak- land. 1876. *Halstead, Ada L. The bride of Infelice (novel). S. F. 1892. *The death trust (novel). Bost. 1889. The serpent bracelet. Hamilton, Rev. Laurentine. The future state and free dis- cussion; four sermons. 3d ed. S. F. 1869 (P.) A reasonable Christianity. S. F. 1881. Hamilton, Leonidas. Border states of Mexico. S. F. 1881. Same, 26. ed., rev. and enl. S. F. 1881. vyf Hamilton, P. Resources of Arizona. S. F. 1883. XJ~> Haraszthy, Arpad. Wine and wine-making in California. Grape culture, wines and wine-making. N. Y. 1862. I.J-Y Haraszthy, Augustine. Treatise on culture of grapes and making wine. Sacr. 1859. (P.) v Hare, G. H. Guide to San Jose and vicinity. San Jose. 1872. -* Harlan, J. W. California, '46 to '88. S. F. 1888. Hart, A. Poem, memorial day 1873. (P.) v,rr~Hart, C. F. Prohibition and the Argonaut. 1888. (P.) _j- *Hart, F. H. Sazerac lying club. S. F. 1878. Z J-T Harte, F. Bret. ^Condensed novels. Bost. 1871. Cressy. 1890. Drift from two shores. *East and west poems. Bost. 1871. A first family of Tasajara. Flip; and Found at Blazing Star. Heritage of Dedlow marsh, etc. 1889. 18 Harte, F. Bret., continued. Gabriel Conroy. In the Carquinez woods. Lost Galleon. 1865. *Luck of Roaring camp. M'liss. Mrs. Skagg's husbands, and other sketches. On the frontier. Outcroppings. Poetical works. Bost. 1882. A prophet of the tules. Story of a mine. Susy. Tales of the argonauts, and other sketches. Thankful Blossom. Twins of Table mountain. Two men of Sandy bar. A waif of the plains. A ward of the Golden Gate. Bost. 1890. Hartson, C. Address, 4th July, 1887. (P.) Harvard club of San Francisco. Memorial of Abraham Wilder. S. F. 1886. (P.) Memorial of Wm. Ashburner. S. F. n.d. (P.) Harvey, Margaret. ' The national flower, and other poems. Musical studies at home. HasBrouck, J. compiler. Lyrics of the law. S. F. 1884. Poems of the law. S. F. 1885. ^ 4 x *Haskins, C. W. The argonauts of California. N. Y. 1890. Hastings, S. C. Address, foundation of Hastings law depart- ment, Univ. of Cal. 1878. (P.) Hatch, F. W. (M. D.) Report on public hygiene and state medicine. 1878. (P.) Haven, Rev. E. D. Function of universities. S. F. 1881. (P.) Hawley, A. T. Humboldt county, Cal. Eureka. 1879. (P.) 1.47 Haymond, C. The C. P. R. R. Co.: its relations to the govern- ment. S. F. 1888. Heath, T. Ellen Seymour and other poems. 1868. * Heaven, Mrs. S. M. Aldeane (novel). 1868. A boy's trip across the plains (novel). 1868. In bonds. 1869. Youths' history of California. S. F. 1867. (By " Lucia Norman.") 19 u Hendee, Mrs. Upham. The heavenly spheres. By Martha Washington. S. F. 1877. (P.) _-j f Henley, B. Reports on bills for forfeiture of certain land grants to railway corporations. Wash. 1884. (P.) Speech on the i5th amendment. Sacr. 1870. (P.) V1 -c Herman, W. See Rulofson, W. H. 3,7 Hesperian, The (monthly). 9 vols. S. F. July, 1858, to Apr, 1863. 2.7 v Hesse,|Prof. F. G. (Scientific papers on physics, in periodicals.) i ^j-Highton, E. R. Some observations, etc , on the municipal gov- ernment of San Francisco. S. F. 1866. (P.) z jL *Hilgard, E. W. Age and origin of the Lafayette formation. (p.) *Soil studies and soil maps. S. F. 1891. (P.) *Crops and fertilizers. 1892. (P.) Physical geography of the state of Mississippi. Cine. 1880. (Numerous scientific papers and reports on geology, agricul- ture, etc.) 177 Hill, A. F. Secrets of the sanctum. Hiller, Walking (pseud.) See Ross, Joseph. Hills, Delia M. Whisperings of time (poems). 1878. Historical outline of Lower California (extracts from Clavijero, etc.). Transl. i862(?). Historical society of California. Publications. See Palou, F. Historical society of southern California. Publications. Vol. i; vol. 2, part i. Contents of vol. 2, part i. Los Angeles 1891. Documents from the Sutro collection (voyages of Vizcaino to California, and other papers). History of the wrongs of Alaska. S. F. 1875. Hittell, J. S. Brief statements of the merits of the claim made by Jose Y. Limantour, etc. S. F. 1857. A code of morals. S. F. 1888. 3 Resources of California. S. F. 1863. Same, 6th ed. S. F. 1885. Same, a German translation by Wimmel. Yosemite, its wonders, etc. 1868. Evidences against Christianity. i852(?). Same, 2d ed., 2 vols. 20 "*- Hittell, J. S., continued. California; its society, climate and industry. History of culture. N. Y. 1875. *Mining in the Pacific states. S. F. 1861. Bancroft's Pacific guide book. S. F. 1882. Guide book to San Francisco. S. F. 1888. Handbook of Pacific coast travel. S. F. 1887. History of San Francisco. S. F. 1878. Plea for pantheism. N. Y. 1857. Regolstein, a comedy. S. F. 1878. 2.f-J" Hittell, T. H. * Adventures of James Capen Adams. S. F. 1860. Essay on Goethe's Faust. S. F. 1872. History of California. 2 vols. (to 1850). S. F. 1885. 2 ft Hodges, R. A deed to the Central Pacific railroad. S. F. n.d. (p.) i t-j Hogg, A. California, a poem. S. F. 1857. (P.) ^tr Hoit, C. W. Fraudulent Mexican land claims, and the false loca- tion of the Sutter grant. Sacr. 1869. (P.) x<^ Hoitt, I. G. Pacific coast guide. S. F. 1883. Holden, Prof. E. S. The bastion system of fortification. N.Y. 1872. Catalogue of the library of the U. S. naval observatory (part i, astronomical bibliography). Wash. 1879. Subject index to the publications of the U. S. naval observatory 1845-75. Wash. 1879. Sir W. Herschel, his life and work. N. Y. 1881. Publications of the Washburn observatory in the univ. of Wis- consin, vols. 1-4. Madison 1882-6. Lick observatory handbook. S. F. 1888. Inaugural address, as president of the state university. Sacr. 1886. Suggestions for observing the total eclipse of the sun, Jan. i, 1889. Sacr. 1888. (P.) (With S. Newcomb) Astronomy for students, etc. N. Y. 1880. (Numerous astronomical papers in periodicals and public doc- uments.) i*/ Holder, C. F. Life of Agassiz. N. Y. 1893. Charles Darwin, his life and works. Elements of zoology. Flonida reefs. 21 L- Holloway, Mrs. Elvira H. Gleanings from the golden state (poems). S. F. 1893. -t.cj3 Hopkins, C. T. Common sense applied to the immigrant ques- tion. S. F. 1869. (P.) Manual of American ideas. S. F. 1873. (and Ringot, J.) Shipbuilding on the Pacific coast. S. F. 1867. (P.) -&y Hopkins, Mrs. Little shells from many shores. 144* *Hosmer, H. L. Bacon and Shakespeare in the sonnets. S. F. 1887. ^c.(, Houseworth & Co. California scenery; 30 photographic plates, n.d. i_* 7 Howard Quarterly, San Francisco. Began 1867. i^f, Howe, T. H. Adventures of an escaped Union soldier, etc. S. F. 1886. (P.) GG Howison, Prof. G. H. Analytic geometry. Cine. Primer of algebra. Cambridge. Department of philosophy in the Mass. inst. of technology. Bost. Hume and Kant, outline of four lectures. Berkeley. Synopsis of formal logic, in questions. S. F. 1888. (Papers in periodicals on educational and ethical subjects.) i ff Hughes, Mrs. Elizabeth. The California of the padres. S. F. 1875. (P.) 3, f Humboldt county, history of. S. F. 1882. j,^__ Hunt, R. H. H. The Hunt ballot, system of organization, etc. S. F. 1890. j>,^ Hunt, T. D. Sermon, after execution of Jenkins. 1851. (P.) j 4 y Hunter, G. Reminiscences of an old-timer. S. F. 1887. j 9 j^- *Hutchings, J. M. Heart of the Sierras. Yosemite. 1888. Miner's ten commandments. Scenes of wonder and curiosity in California. S. F. 1860. Yosemite guide book. Illustrated California magazine, July, 1856, to June, 1861. 304, Hutchinson, M. Exact astronomy. S. F. 1889. (P.) ,, ? Hyatt, T. H. Handbook of grape culture. S. F. 1867. ).r lanthe. The Greek slave, a story. S. F. 1867. )** Industrial magazine. Began Jan. 1867. S. F. Industries of San Francisco. S. F. 1889. 22 Industry (magazine). Began Aug., 1888. S. F. Irrigation in California. Sacr. 1873. (P.) Jackson, Prof. A. W. (Papers on mineralogy, in periodicals and public documents.) . James, Rev. G. W. How we climb to the stars and the Lick observatory. S. F. 1887. (P.) * Janes, Rev. E. Human psychology. The intellect. Jepson, R. Among the. Mormons. S. F. 1879. .. Johnson, E. R. Emancipation oration. S. F. 1867. (P). r Jones, Julia C. Christmas carol, etc. (two poems). S. F. 1889. j Cleopatra, a poem. S. F. 1889. (P.) Story of the ship, etc. (two poems.) S. P\ 1890. (P.) *Valhalla, a poem. S. F. 1878. Jones, W. C. Argument in the case of Arguello and others. 1853- (P-) Condition of real property in California. Wash. 1856. (P.) Land titles in California ; argument in case of Cruz Cervantes, etc. S. F. 1852. (P.) Letters on att'y-gen. Black's report on land titles in Cal. S. F. 1860. (P.) A The pueblo question solved. S. F. 1860. (P.) First phase in the conquest of California. (In Cal. Hist. Soc. papers, vol. i.) Papers on the federal constitution. Berkeley. 1889. (P.) Keeler, R. Gloverson's silent partner (novel). S. F. 1868. Vagabond adventures (novel). N. Y. 1871. *Keep, J. Botanical record-book, for laboratory work. S. F. 1890. *\Vest coast shells. S. F. 1892. Kelley, E. S. Music to Macbeth. See Shakespeare. Kellogg, M., President of the State University. Latin pronunciation. 1864. (P.) Ars oratoria. N. Y. 1872. (Papers on educational and other subjects, in periodicals.) Kemp, G. Shadows (poems). Kenaday, A. M. Record of the eight hour bill in the Cal. legis- lature. S. F. 1867. (P.) Kendo, T. A. Silk and tea culture, etc., in Cal. 1870. Kercheval, A. T. Dolores and other poems. S. F. 1883. 23 Kerr, J. G. The Chinese question analyzed. S. F. 1877. (P.) Kewen, E. J. C. Idealina and other poems. S. F. 1853. Keyser, N. Romanism and masonry. S. F. 1890. (P.) King, P. M. Verses. S. F. 1890. King, Rev. T. S. Christianity and humanity, sermon. With me- moir by Whipple. Bost. 1877. Substance and shadow, and other lectures. Bost. 1877. White hills; their landscape, legends and poetry. Bost. 1860. Kinne, H. C. Negro colonization. S. F. 1879. ( p -) Kinney, A. Australian ballot system. Los Angeles. 1890. (P.) The tariff. S. F. 1889. (P.) Kip, W. I. Bishop of California. Catacombs of Rome. N. Y. 1854. Christmas holydays in Rome. Lond. 1849. Same, N. Y. 1869. Double witness of the church, n.d. *Early days of my episcopate. N. Y. 1892. Early conflicts of Christianity. N. Y. 1864. Early Jesuit missions in North America. Albany. 1866. k-f Historical notes of the family of Kip. N. Y. 1871. The lenten fast. N. Y. 1843. Olden time in New York. N. Y. 1872. Unnoticed things of scripture. 1888. Kirby, Georgiana B. Transmission; or variation of character through the mother. N. Y. 1877. *Same. new revised ed. 1882. *Years of experience. N. Y. 1887. Kirkpatrick, J. S. Millennial key, etc. S. F. n.d. (P.) *Kirn, Camilla K. von. Sea leaves. Santa Barbara. 1887. Klee, W. G. Insects injurious to fruits and fruit trees in Cali- fornia. Sacr. 1888. (P.) *Knight, W. H. Handbook almanac of the Pacific coast. 1862. Same for 1863, 1864. Knudsen, A. Triangular surveys from single stations. S. F. Krause, W. E. F. Influence of the U. S. abroad. S. F. 1868. (P-) Wealth of life and its use. S. F. 1880. (P.) Kuchel and Dresel. Thirty lithograph views of California, n.d. Kustel, G. Silver and gold extraction. S. F. 1863. L., W. The great geysers of Cal., etc. S. F. 1873. (P.) 24 Laine, T. H. Speech on change of route of S. P. R. R. Sacr. 1876. (P.) Lake, D. Address, Y. M. Central Democr. Club, Oct. 23, 1868. S. F. (P.) Lambert, D. American perils. S. F. 1890. (P.) *Lambert, Mary. Poems. S. F. 1892. Lane, L. C. In memoriam Dr. A. J. Bowie, n.d. (P.) Memorial wreath for the prosecution in the Graves malpractice case. S. F. n.d. (P.) *Lane, Mrs. L. C. Letters of travel. S. F. 1886. Langley, H. G. Pacific coast almanac and year-book. 1868. Lansing, G. L. Relations between the C. P. R. R. Co. and U. S. government. S. F. 1889. La Reintrie, H. R. The other side (Limantour claim). S. F. 1858- (P.) Laroche, G. A. Fables (in French verse). S. F. 1869. Latham, M. S. Speech on the civil fund of Cal. 1854. (P.) Speech on steamers from San Francisco to Shanghai. 1855. (P.) Speech on the Pacific R. R. 1854. (P.) Law of laws ; the overshadowing power of God, etc. Alameda. 1886. Lawlor, W. P. Olympic club building scheme. S. F. 1888. (P.) Layres. A. Defence of the reconstruction acts, etc. S. F. 1868. (p.) Elements of composition, belles-lettres, etc. S. F. 1867. Pleader, debater and speaker's guide. S. F. 1874. LeConte, Prof. John. Influence 'of study of physical science on the imaginative faculties. Columbia, S. C. 1858. (P.) Addresses to graduates of the university. 1870, 75, 76, 78, 80, 81. (P.) ' Report on insects collected, 47th and 49th parallels. (Pac. R. R. reports, vol. 2, pt. 2.) New species of North American coleoptera. (Smithsonian misc. coll., vols. 3, 6.) Coleoptera of Kansas and eastern New Mexico. (Smithsonian contributions., vol. 1 1.) Decadence of truthfulness, an address. Berkeley. 1879. (P.) Influence of modern methods of popularizing science; address. Berkeley. 1882. (P.) (Many scientific papers on medicine, natural philosophy, etc.) 25 LeConte, Prof. Joseph. Geology in a course of education (in- augural address). 1857. Religion and science; lectures. 1873. Elements of geology. 1878. Same, new ed. 1 890. Evolution and immortality. Light. 1 88 1. Compend of geology for high schools. 1884. Relation of evolution to religious thought. 1887. (P.) Same, 2 d ed. N. Y. 1891. Address at transfer of Lick observatory to the university. 1888. (P-) *Higher utilities of science. S. F. 1881. (P.) (Numerous papers on geology, science, etc., in periodicals.) Lees, I. W. Forgeries and frauds of'H. S. Tibbey. S. F. 1879. Leland Stanford Jr. University. Act of legislature, grant of en- dowment, etc. (P.) Lelong, B. M. Olive in California. Sacr. 1889. (P.) Citrus culture in California. Sacr. 1888. (P.) Leman, W. M. Memoirs of an old actor. S. F. 1886. Lengfeld, A. L. (Medical scientific papers.) Levermore, C. H. The republic of New Haven. Bait. 1887. (Articles in periodicals.) Levy, Max. Why modern cremation should replace earth-burial. S. F. 1885. (P.) License tax laws of Cal. and San Francisco; opinions of coun- sel. Lick observatory. See under Univ. of Cal. Likias, Mrs. J. W. Six years a book agent. Limantour, J. Y. Claim to four leagues of land near San Fran- cisco. S. F. 1853. (P.) r? Lindley, C. Industrial education, an address. Los Ang. 1877. (p.) ^v Linen, James. The golden gate. S. F. 1869. *Poetical and prose writings. N. Y. 1865. Songs of the season and other poems. N. Y. 1852. /il~Lloyd, B. E. Lights and shades in San Francisco. S. F. j-t* Lloyd, S. H. Glimpse of spirit land. 26 Lockwood, R. A. Speeches on the vigilance committee in case of Metcalf vs. Argenti et al S. F. 1852. (P.) Trial of David S. Terry by the vigilance committee. S. F. 1856. (P.) r *Loomis, A. W. Confucius and the Chinese classics. S. F. 1882. ^c Loughead, Mrs. Flora H. Abandoned claim (novel). Gold-dust stories. S. F. 1892. j-z^ ^Libraries of California. S. F. 1878. Man who was guilty (novel). Tragedy of the sierras. -* Loyal, C. (assumed name). The squatter and the Don (novel). f Lynch, J. Buckleyism. S. F. 1889. (P.) * Egyptian sketches. Lond. 1890. L M., H. J. California visions and realities (poems). S. F. 1855. (P-) i *McCarty, L. P. Annual statistician and economist. 1880 to 1892. (A previous series, monthly and yearly, by Maine.) Health, happiness and longevity. S. F. 1890. -y McClellan, R. G. The golden state. Republicanism in America. S. F. 1869. ?{~ McCue, J. Twenty-one years in California. S. F. 1875. (P.) f McDonald, C. B. Sierra citizen. jp.n McDonald, F. V. Notes for biography of R. H. McDonald. Cambridge. 1881. ft> McDoiigall, J; A. Speech for Pacific R. R. (Congress). 1854. (P-) Speech on French in Mexico, U. S. Senate. 1863. (P.) j^ McFarland, T. B. Remarks on death of judge A. C. Niles. n.d. / (P.) c *McGlashan, C. F. History of the Donner party. S. F. 1880. jc/ McGowan, E. Narrative. S. F. 1857. jji McNutt, Prof. W. F. (M. D.) Etiology of leprosy, a report to the Cal. State Medical Society. Mineral and thermal springs of California, n.d. (P.) 3*j Maguire, J. G. Ireland and the Pope. S. F. 1888. Maloney, Mary T. The legend of Nonnenwerth and other poems. San Jose. 1876. Marannos, The. A tale of the inquisition. S. F. 1875. Marsh, A. J. Phonetic short-hand. S. F. Same, 2d ed. S. F. 27 ^Martin, A. Verses in the valley and the mountains. Oakl. 1888. *Marwedel, Emma. Works on the kindergarten, viz : *Conscious motherhood (and) extracts from Preyer's " Soul of the child." Bost. 1889. *Form and color charts. ^Mother's ball games. (P.) *System of child culture from the cradle to the public school. (*) *Colour game. Baby's ringolettes. (P.) *The connecting link, to the manual labor school. (P.) *Childhood's poetry and studies, in the life, form and colours of nature. (P.) (*Same in German). Der Kindheit Poesie und Studium. u.s.vv. * Appeal for justice to childhood. (P.) *Mother, teacher and child. (P.) *The child's fairy land of leaves and flowers (sewing charts). (p-) Mason, B. F. Through war to peace. The village mystery, or the spectre of St. Argyle (novel). Massett, S. C. Drifting about (sketches and poems). N. Y. 1863. Matthews, Mrs. M. M. Ten years in Nevada. *Maybell, Stephen. Civilization civilized. S. F. 1889^ .1 *Meads, S. P. Elements of chemistry, 5th ed. N-. .1891. Melville, John. Six months in California. (By T. G. Player- Frowd, pseud.} Lond. 1872. Menefee, C. A. Sketch-book of Napa, Sonoma, Lake and Men- docino counties. Napa City, 1873. Mengarini, Father. (S. /.) Indian vocabulary and grammar. *Mercantile Library Association of San Francisco.. .Catalogue. S. F. 1874. *Supplement. S. F. 1875. * Fiction catalogue. 1876. Mesick, R. S. In the matter of David Neagle: argument, n.d. (P-) Metlar, G. W. Northern California. Yreka. 1856. *Meyer, G. H. Lamara and other poems. S. F. 1878. Bear flag series (short stories). art 28 <-/// Miel, C. Programme book, music to Macbeth by E. S. Kelley. S. F. 1885. (P.) i-/-/x- *Mighels, Harry. Sage-brush leaves (poems). S. F. 1879. L+/3 *Miller, Fannie de C. Snap notes of an eastern trip. S. F. 1892. ^ // Miller, J. The Arizonian. Baroness of New York (novel). Danites, drama. S. F. 1882. Destruction of Gotham. N. Y. 1886. Gold-seeker of the sierras. N. Y. 1884. Isles of the Amazon. Joaquin et al. *Memorie and rime. N. Y. 1884. Olive leaves. One fair woman (novel). *Poems. Bost. 1882. *Ship in the desert. Bost. 1875. Silent man. Comedy. 1883. *Songs of Italy. Bost. 1878. *Songs of the Mexican seas. *Songs of the sierras. Bost. 1871. Songs of the sun-landn. Bost. 1873. Songs of the sundown seas. *Un written history; life amongst the Modocs. Hartf. 1874. / /*" Miller, J. F. Speech, U. S. Senate; navy and foreign relations. Wash. 1884. (P.) Nicaragua canal, address. 1885. (P.) tsiL Molera, E. J. The Mexican calendar. S. F. 1883. (P.) ^ ,7 *Monterey and Hotel del Monte. 40 photogravures. *//? Montgomery, Z. The poison fountain. S. F. 1878. */? *Moore, B. P. Endura (novel). S. F. 1885. ^o Morgan, G. G. W. Poems. S. F. 1877. ^^_/ Morrill, F. L. Description of San Bernardino Co. Los Angeles. 1886. (P.) Morrison, Anna. See Reed, Mrs. A. M. ^ *. v- *Morrow, W. C. Blood money (novel). S. F. 1882. w 3 Put's golden songster. S. F. 1858. ^o s-,, Y Putzker, Prof. A. (Articles in periodicals, on education, etc.) Quille, Dan de. See Wright, W. >r * " Ralston, W. C., memoir of. -v s~* 4 Rattan, V. Popular California flora. S. F. 1882 *^*7 Rawson, A. H. The junior partners (novel). ^ 4 f Raymond, Prof. W. G. The work of the manual training school, an address. 1885. ~, * Rearden, T. H. Alfred Tennyson, poet-laureate. 1882. (P.) Petrarch, and other essays. S. F. 1893. The sea! the sea! (poem). /o Redwood arid lumbering in California forests. (Photographs.) n.d. - /f Reed, Mrs. Anna M. Earlier poems. 1880. * Later poems. S. F. 1891. One of Fate's ironies. ~V2- Reed, C. John Halsey, the anti-monopolist (novel). S. F. 1884. -/j *Reeder, A. P. Around the golden deep (novel). S. F. 1888. ~/* Rhodes, W. H. Case of Summerfield, and other tales. *Caxton's book (short stories and sketches). S. F. 1876. */ Political letters. 1854 (P.) -/ i/~ Richards, C. F. John Guilderstring's sin (novel). j~/ ^Richards, Mrs. Susan. Wayside thoughts (poetry). Oakl. 1885. ~/*j ^Richmond, H. H. Montezuma, an epic. S. F. 1883. -^/ f Ricks, Mrs. J. W. Cuttings (essays, prose and verse). S. F. 1877. (P.) -/^ Rideout, J. B. Camping out in California. /^io Ridge, J. R. Life, etc., of Joaquin Munetta. *Poems. S. F. 1868. Wolves in the fold (novel). TX/ Roberts, E. With the invader; glimpses of the southwest. 1885. v i_i- Robertson, P. Irish cantata. Music by Stewart. S. F. 1888. (P-) His majesty, operetta. Music by Stewart. S. F. 1892. ~j-3 Robinson, A. *California, a historical poem. S. F. 1889. *Life in California. N. Y. 1846. 34 y Roche, C. Mines and mining in El Dorado county. S. F. 1882. (p.) u j- Rodgers, A. Address to graduating class, Hastings law college. 1885. (P.) %. Rogers, J. H. The California hundred (poem). -17 Rosewald, Mrs. Julie. How shall I practice? ^^f, Ross, Joseph. Songs of the sand hills. By Walking Miller (pseud.). S. F. 1878. -c *Ross, W. T. Voice culture and elocution. N.Y. and S. F. 1892. -, Rowell, J. C. The sonnet in America. Ann Arbor. 1888. -j. Rowlandson, J. Treatise on earthquake danger. ^^ Royce, J. California from 1846 to the second vigilance com- mittee. Bost. 1886. Feud of Oakfield creek (novel). Bost. 1887. Religious aspects of modern philosophy. V^ Rulofson, W. H. The dance of death. ^ y Rumford, I. B. Edenic diet. Santa Cruz. 1889. (P.) -j/~ Sacramento county, an illustrated history. Chic. 1890. -j St. Andrew's society, San Francisco. Historical report. 1871. -^7 San Diego. Climate, resources, etc., of. San Diego. 1887. (P.) r ?^ *San Franciscan. Weekly. 2 vols. ^3<* *San Francisco directories. KimbalPs (noisy carrier's). 1850. *Langley's and others: 1852-1893, 41 vols. ~vo *San Francisco illustrated. 45 views, 5x7 inches. -^( *San Francisco in photogravure. 17 views, 5x7 inches. -^.v- *San Francisco free public library. Catalogue of English prose fiction. S. F. 1891. *Supplementary catalogue since May, 1884. S. F. 1889. <~ Sawyer, H. C. (M. D.). Nerve waste. S. F. 1889. ft-/ Scammon, C. M. Marine mammals of the northwest coast. S. F. 1874. *Leah r s confession (novel). S. F. n.d. j"" Stewart, W. F. Last of the fillibusters. Sacr. 1857. *Pleasant hours in an eventful life (poems). S. F. 1859. y^ Stillman, J. D. B. Seeking the golden fleece. S. F. 1877. tj Stinson, J. H. Organon of science. 1879. Eureka. 1879. ~**r *Stockham, G. H. ( M. D.) Temperance and prohibition. Oakl. 1888. f Stockton and its surroundings. Stockton. 1883. Stoddard, C. W. Flight into Egypt. Lepers of Molokai. *Poems. S. F. 1867. South sea idyls. Bost. 1873. Trip to Hawaii. S. F. 1885. Troubled heart. / Stone, A. L. (D. D.) Sermons. u Stone, J. L. Reply to Colenso's 'attack on the Pentateuch. S. F. 1863. ) Stout, A. B. Arctic discovery. S. F. 1879. (P.) Hygiene, and sewerage of San Francisco. S. F. 1868. (P.) Chinese immigration, and physiological causes of the decay of a nation. 1862. (P.) Essay on public education in California. 1866. (P.) ?- *Stow, Mrs. J. W. Probate confiscation. S. F. 1876. *Probate chaff. os~~ Stratton, W. C. The Oatman children. , Stringham, Prof. I. Measure of inclination of two planes in space of four dimensions. 1888. (P.) (Mathematical and other papers in periodicals.) 7 Stuart, H. A. Ben Nebo (poem). Stuart, J. F. Titles to land in California. (P.) On listing lieu land school sections to the state. (P.) Sumner, C. A. Fact and need, an address. S. F. 1877. (P.) Memorial day; oration. S. F. 1888. (P.) The overland trip. S. F. n.d. (P.) Political retrospect, address. S. F. 1877. (P.) Popular use, etc., of standard phonography. S. F. 1873. (P.) Postal telegraph, a lecture. S. F. 1879. (P.) 39 Sumner, C. A. , continued. Short hand and reporting, lecture. S. F. 1728. (P.) Speech on postal telegraph. Congress. Wash. 1885. (P.) Then and now, oration. S. F. 1876. (P.) Trip to Pioche, lecture. S. F. 1873. (P.) Sumner, S. B., and C. A. Poems. N. Y. 1877. " Sutro, A. Closing argument in aid of Sutro tunnel. Wash. 1872. Mineral resources of the U. S., and the Comstock lode and Sutro tunnel. The Sutro tunnel. N. Y. 1866. (P.) v - Swain, Gertrude M. Early poems. S. F. 1887. /3 *Swasey, W. F. Early days and men of California. Oakl. 1891. * Swett, J. History of the public school system of California. S. F. 1876. Methods of teaching. N. Y. 1882. *^*Swift, J. F. Robert Greathouse (novel). N. Y. 1870. ^ Same, 2d ed. Going to Jericho. S. F. 1868. Taylor, A. S. The first voyage to California by Cabrillo, 1542 and 1543. S. F. 1853. Taylor, Mart. Local lyrics, etc. S. F. 1858. *Taylor, Rev. W. California life illustrated. N. Y. 1858. Seven years street preaching in San Francisco. Lond. 1867. Taylor, W. B. Old California missions. ^x- Tennent, T. Almanac. S. F. 1864 to 1893. (, x/ Terry, D. S., trial of, by committee of vigilance in San Francisco. S. F. 1856. ^Tevis, L. Address, American bankers' association. 1881. (P.) ^v.j Thayer, Emma H. Wild flowers of the Pacific coast. N. Y. 1887. ^i^Thomann, R. Leben und Thaten von Hannis Schaute, etc. 1873- **- ^"Thomas, P. T. Our centennial memoir (missions in Cal.). S. F. 1883. Thomas, U.'B. Proposed plan for political organization. S. F. 1886. (P.) Thompson, R. A. Brief description of Santa Rosa. Santa Rosa. 1854. 40 X 7 Thompson, R. A., continued. Historical, etc., sketch of Sonoma county. Phil. 1877. }.r Thorndyke, Mrs. E. P. Astrea (poems). S. F. 1881. * if Tilden, S. J., memorial services for. S. F. 1886. (P.) ^J* Tinkham, G. H. History of Stockton. S. F. 1880. t*' Toland, Mrs. M. B. M. Poems, viz: *Aegle and the elf. *Atlina. Phil. 1893. *Eudora. Phil. 1888. *Inca princess. *Iris, the romance of an opal ring. Phil. 1879. * Legend Laymone. Phil. 1889. *Onti Ora. Phil. 1881. *Sir Rae. *Tisayac of the .Yosemite. t- Tolles, J. R. Lecture (vegetarian). Sacr. 1868. (P.) J* Townsend, Annie Lake. On the verge (novel). '** Trial and triumph; or, a fortune at stake. S. F. 1868. 7^ *Truesdell, Amelia W. A California pilgrimage (poems). S. F. 1884. /? Truman, B. C. Homes and happiness in California. S. F. 1887. From the crescent city to the golden gate. N. Y. 1886. The field of honor. Occidental sketches. S. F. 1881. *Semi-tropical California. S. F. 1874. Tourist's illustrated guide. S. F. 1884. *) Tuolumne county, history of. S. F. 1882. ttr Tuthill, F. History of California. S. F. 1866. Twain, Mark. See Clemens, S. L. 6* j Two California sketches: Wm. Watt and L. Stanford. S. F. 1880. (P-) 4 v- Tyler, C. M. The island world of the Pacific. S. F. 1885. (* v / Tyson, P. Geology and industrial resources of California. i **- *Urmy, C. Rosary of rhyme (poems) S. F. 1884. yj Vallejo, M. G. Ecsposicion que hace el comandante general interino de la Alta California, etc. Sonoma. 1837. Van Bebber, T. E. The flight into Egypt, and other poems. S. F. 1880. ^ *Vandernaillen, A. On the heights of Himalaya. N. Y. 1890. + (, Van Dyke, T. S. The county of San Diego. San Diego. 1886. (P-) *Millionaires of a day; the southern California boom. N. Y. 1890. Southern California. N. Y. The still hunter. N. Y. Rifle and gun in California. N. Y. *7 Velasco, F. Sonora. Transl. by W. F. Nye. S. F. 1861. *Ver Mehr, Rev. J. L. Checkered life. S. F. 1877. Victor, Frances Fuller. About Washington and Oregon. *The new Penelope and other stories. S. F. 1877. *Atlantis arisen. Phil. 1891. The river of the west. Hartford. 1870. *Wadsworth. C. Sermons. S. F. 1869. Wadsworth, W. National wagon road guide. 1858. * Wagner, Harr. The street and the flower (novel). S. F. 1883. *Short stories by California writers. S. F. 1885. /~y Wagner, Mrs. Madge (Morris). Debris (poems). Early poems. 'Meric (novel). Poems. S. F. 1885. Titled plebeian (novel). S. F. 1890. r > Wagstaff, G. G. David S. Terry (sketch). /v-Waite, Mrs. Frona E. Wines of California. S. F. 1889. rL *Wakeman, Capt. E. Log of the ancient mariner. S. F. 1878. r? Waldron, D. G., and Vivian, T. J. Biog. sketches of the delegates to the convention for new constitution. S. F. 1878. rf Walker, W. The war in Nicaragua. Mobile. 1860. -7 Walker, W. S. Glimpses of Hungryland. Cloverdale. 1880. i* Wallace, A. R. If a man die, shall he live again ? S. F. 1888. (P.) ,/ Wallace, Rev. C. C. Funeral address on A. Lincoln. Placer- ville. 1865. (P.) Walters, Carrie S. Idyl of Santa Barbara. Rose ashes (poems). S. F. 1890. Wardman, G. Trip to Alaska. S. F. 1884. 42 Washburn, Jean B. Yosemite (poem). 1871. ~ * Watson, Mrs. Mary. People I have met. S. F. 1890. Waugh, L. Autobiography. Oakl. 1883. Weare, W. K. Songs of the western shore. S. F. 1879. Webb, C. H. *John Paul's book. Hartford. 1874. St. Twelmo. *Webster, J. V. Two true California stories: Augusta Dane, and Mary Morton. S. F. 1883. Weed, J. Natural resources of California. Welcker, A. King Romer and other dramas. The wild and woolly west. Welcker, Prof. W. T. Advanced algebra. Military tactics. *Weller, Ella F. Nestlings; a collection of poems. S. F. 1892. *Welty, Mrs. Elizabeth D. W. Self-made (novel). N. Y. 1868. Wentworth, May. See Neumann, Mrs. Wentzel & Huefner's San Francisco kalender. S. F. 1877 (with reading matter). Wenzell, Prof. W. T. (M. D.) (Chemical papers in period- icals.) Werth, J. J. Resources and policy of California. Benicia. 1851. (P.) West, H. J. The Chinese invasion. S. F. 1873. ^ t o West American scientist. 7 vols. San Diego. 1884, etc. ^ /-/ Westbrook, Marie K. A collection of verses. Stockton. 1888. The two worlds, a poem. Stockton. 1889. tfr*- Western shore gazetteer, etc. Woodland. 1880. M Wetmore, C. A. Propagation of the vine, etc. S. F. 1880. &e* Wetmore, C. J. Directory of the grape growers and wine makers of California. Sacr. 1888. t //""* White, R. E. The cross of Monterey (poems). S. F. 1882. * * White, W. T. Pioneer times in California. S. F. 1881. *7 Whitney, J. D. Address before the legislature on the geological survey of California. 1861. (P.) Annual report as state geologist, 1862. Geological survey. See California. Statement of the progress of the geological survey, 1872-3. 43 n Whitney, J. D., continued. Auriferous gravels of the Sierra Nevada. Cambr. 1880. Contributions to barometric hypsometry. Cambr. 1873. The Yosemite book. N. Y. 1868. The Yosemite guide-book. Cambr. 1870. &** *Wickson, E. J. The California fruits and how to grow them. S. F. 1889. Vacaville early fruit district of Cal. S. F. 1888. ^fy Wierzbicki, F. P. California as it is, etc. S. F. 1849. (P.) Same, 2d ed. S. F. 1849. (P.) The ideal man. Bost. 1842. tjo Wiggin, Mrs. Kate. Bird's Christmas carol. Bost. 1889. Story hour. Bost. 1890. Story of Patsy (novel). * Summer in a canyon (novel). Bost. 1889. Timothy's quest (novel). Bost. 1890. ^/ Willey, Rev. S. H. Thirty years in California. 1879. History of the college of California. See California Historical Society. *^ *Williams, A. A pioneer pastorate. S. F. 1879. Lj3 Williams, C. E. Yuba and Sutter counties, their resources, etc. S. F. 1887. fy Williamson, R. S. Use of the barometer on surveys, etc. N. Y. 1868. (Scientific reports, etc., in public documents.) i .>;? Woods, J. Recollections of pioneer work in California. 1878. 7.,* *Woods, Virna. The queen of the Amazons. Meadville, Pa. 1891. 44 s" *Workingman's guide and laborer's friend, etc. S. F. 1886. & Wright, J. M. Bible historical concordance of the three great races, etc. Calistoga. 1878. 7 Wright, W. (Dan de Quille). Big bonanza. Hartford. 1876. y Yates,. L. G Ferns of Ceylon. Santa Barbara. 1887. (P.) Geology, etc., of islands south of Santa Barbara channel. 1890. Channel islands. Stray notes, etc. n.d. Notes on Hawaiian ferns. S. B. 1887. * 6 Yolo county, resources, etc., of. Woodland. 1887. fv York, J. L. Poems of freethought. f f Young, G. A. Whatever is, was. S. F. 1887. Young, J. L. Helen Duval (novel). [Mr. Young is a colored man.] Young men's Christian association. Annual reports, 1854 to 1893. Younger, W. J. Transplantation of teeth into artificial sockets. S. F. 1886. ~ Zeehandelaar, A. At the capital, loth session of Nevada legis- lature. Pen pictures of state officers, etc. Carson. 1881. (P.) Zoe (periodical for natural history). Vols. 1-4. S. F. 1890-3. PUBLICATIONS OF THE University of California Register (annually) 1869-70 to date. Annual report of the secretary to the board of regents, 1875 to date. Biennial report (of the regents to the governor). Annual announcement of courses of instruction 1885-6 to date. Circular of the colleges of letters and the colleges of science 1885 (Admission requirements; examination papers. Succeeded bulletin No. 6, 1883-4 8th ed.). Bulletins, Nos. 1-37, 1874-91. 1 [Descriptive circular.] 1874. 2 Roll of officers, etc. 1874. 45 Bulletins, continued. No. 3 Regulations by faculty. 1874. 4 Hoffman, J. D. Mechanical drawing: introd. lecture. 1874. 5 Ashburner, W. Mining engineering: " " 1874. 6 Information for admission. 1874. (8th ed. 1883-4.) 7 Becker, G. F. Metallurgical science: a lecture. 1875. 8 College of agriculture. Announcement. 1875. 9 Colleges of mechanics, mining, etc. Announcement. 1875. 10 Felton, J. B. Henry Durant: an address. 1875. 11 Regulations by the faculty. 1875. 12 Hints on chemical examination. 1875. 13 Hesse, F. B. Industrial mechanics: address. 1875. 14 Hilgard, E. W. Synopsis of lectures on soils. 1875. 15 Bessey, C. E. Synopsis of lectures. 1875. 16 Royce, J. Prometheus bound of ^Eschylus. 1875. 17 Burchard, L.*S. Soil analysis. 1875. 1 8 College of agriculture. Course of instruction. 1875. 19 Sutton, F. S. Analysis of cryptomorphite. 1875. 20 Brewer, VV. H. Synopsis of lectures on stock-breeding. 21 Roll of officers and students. 1875. 22 Regulations by the faculty. 1876. 23 Hilgard, E. W. Lecture on the phylloxera. 1876. 24 Lick astronomical department. Correspondence. 1876. 25 Memorial (to Congress) in relation to increased land grant. 1876. 26 Hilgard, E. W. Concerning industrial survey. 1877. 27 LeConte, John. On the higher education. 1877. 28 Becker, G. F. Education. 1877. SenCToft LlbfaTJ 29 Hints for examination in mineralogy. 1877. [30] Wright, J. W. A. Cotton culture: a lecture. 1875. 31 Becker, G. F. Rainfall in California. 1878. 32 Hilgard, E. W. Destruction of the ground squirrels by use of bi-sulphide of carbon. 1878. 33 Memorial of Gov. H. H. Haight. 1878. 34 Senior exploring expedition. 1879. 35 Chemical department. Announcement. 1879. [35 i] Announcement to preparatory schools. 1881. 36 Free course in German: announcement.- 1881. [37] Riverside addresses. 1891. High school circular. 1891. List of recorded earthquakes in California. By President E. S ? Holden, 1887. 4 6 Statement of the progress and condition of the university. By President D. C. Oilman. 1875. Report on physical training. By Lieut. G. F. E. Harrison. 1888. Statements of the regents to the legislature, March 3, 1874. Library. Contents-index. Vol. i. 1889-90. Bulletins. Nos. i-n, 1880-92, namely: 1 Co-operative list of periodical literature. Comp. by J. C. Rowell. 1880. 2d enl. ed. 1892. 2 Notes on library progress; description of library building. 1881. 3 Catalogue of the library presented by Henry D. Bacon. 1882. 4 Catalogue of the Bacon art gallery. 1882. 2d enl. ed. 1892. [5 ) *Catalogue of the loan book exhibition held at the univer- sity. 1884. 6 Photographs of sculpture presented by John S. Hittell. 1885. 7 Catalogue of the theological library presented by A. S. Hallidie. 1886. 8 References for students of miracle plays and mysteries. By Francis H. Stoddard. 1887. 9 List of printed maps of California. By J. C. Rowell. 1887. 10 Cardinal Guala and the Vercelli book. By Albert S. Cook. 1888. n Guide to the literature of aesthetics. By C. M. Gayley and F. N. Scott. 1890. College of agriculture (and agricultural experiment station). Reports of the colleges of agriculture and the mechanic arts. 1877. Reports of the college of agriculture: 1879, 1880, 1882, 1884. 1887, 1889, 1890. *Report of work of agricultural experiment stations: 1888-9, 1890. *Report of viticultural work: seasons 1883-5, 1885-6, 1887-9. *Reports of experiments on methods of fermentation during 1886-7. *Reports of examinations of waters, etc., during 1886-9. *Alkali lands, irrigation and drainage. By E. W. Hilgard. 1886, 1892. 47 College, continued. On nitrogenous matters in California wines. By L. Paparelli and G. E. Colby. 1890. Experiment station. Bulletins Nos. i-ioo. 1884-1893. Note: To be continued. *Report on the agricultural stations. 1890. College of mines. Bulletin No. [i.] On the losses in roasting gold-ores. By Prof. S. B. Christy. 1889. College of mechanics. Bulletins : No. i Tangential and hurdy-gurdy water wheels. By Prof. F. G. Hesse, Ross E. Browne, and others. 1883. 2 Hydraulic step. By Prof. F. G. Hesse. 1887. 3 Results of tests of steel wire ropes and rods. [1892]. Circular on testing of materials. 1887. Department of mineralogy. Bulletin on California building stones. 1888. Students' observatory. Monthly meteorological synopsis. December, 1886, to date. Addresses at the inauguration of President W. T. Reid. 1881. Addresses at the inauguration of President E. S. Holden. 1886. Addresses at the inauguration of President Horace Davis. 1888. Memorial of Professor John LcConte. 1892. Medical department. Announcement of lectures (annually since College of dentistry. Announcement (annually since 1882). College of pharmacy. Prospectus (annually since 1873). Hastings college of the law. Circular of information 1891-92, etc. Lick astronomical department. Publications. Vol. i. 1887. Vol. 2. 1893. Contributions. No. i. Reports of observations of total eclipse of the sun, Jan., 1889. 1889. No. 2. Reports of observations of total eclipse of the sun, Dec., 1889; and total eclipse of the moon, July, 1888; also catalogue of the library. 1891. No. 3. Terrestrial atmospheric absorption of the photographic rays of light. By J. M. Schaeberle. 1893. Suggestions for observing total eclipse of the sun. 1888. Formal recognition of transfer of Lick observatory to the re- gents of the university. 1888. Handbook of Lick observatory. S. F. 1888. 4 8 Student Publications. Berkeleyan. Vols. 1-25. 1874-88. Berkeleyan. [New issue.] 1893 + Besom. Vols. 1-2. 1876-78. Blue and Gold. (Annual publication, 1874-1893.) The Eighty-Five. 1882-3. Neolean review. 1873. Occident. Vols. i- , 1881- (In progress.) Oestrus. Vols. 1-5. 1878-9. University Echo. Vols. 1-4. 1871-3. *College verses. By the Berkeleyan Stock Co. 1882. Some California Law Books. (Not including Statutes, Codes, Legislative Journals.) Anderson, L. G. and J. J. Probate law and practice. 1892. Barber, W. Principles of the law of insurance adopted in the civil code. S. F. 1882. Bates, J. C. Forms and use of blanks. S. F. 1877. Belknap, D. P. Probate law and practice of California. 1858. Same, 26. ed. S. F. 1861. Same, revised to 1870. S. F. 1873. Same, 3d ed. S. F. 1873. Blanchard, G. A., and Weeks, E. P. Law of mines, minerals and water rights. S. F. 1877. Boone, C. T. Law of corporations. 1882. Pleading under the codes. S. F. 1884-87. Mortgages. S. F. 1884. Manual of law of real property. S. F. 1883. Forms of pleading, etc. S. F. 1886. Browne, J. H. B. Medical jurisprudence of insanity. 2d ed. S. F. 1875. Buchan, P. G. Mechanics' lien law. S. F. 1868. Burch, J. C. Pleadings adapted to the codes. S. F. 1885. California state reports. 96 vols. U. S. circuit court reports. 13 vols. 49 Christopher, R. L. California state book of practical forms. 1853- Church, W. S. On the writ of habeas corpus. S. F. 1884. Cowdery, J. F. Citizen's law book and officer's guide. S. F. 1883. Pacific law encyclopaedia. 3d ed. S. F. 1875. Insolvent law. S. F. 1878. Crocker, E. B. Digest of California reports. Sacr. 1856. Davis, H. American constitutions. S. F. 1884. Deering, F. P. Codes and statutes of California, annotated. 4 vols. S. F. 1885. Same> supplement. 1889. Deering, J. H. Law of negligence. S. F. 1886. Desty, R. California citations and table of cases, with supple- ment. 2 vols. S. F. 1874-8. Compendium of American criminal law. S. F. 1882. Constitution of California, with references, etc. S. F. 1879. Constitution of the U. S., with notes, etc. S. F. 1879. Digest of California reports, vols. 34-46. S. F. 1875. Federal citations. S. F. 1878. Federal procedure. S. F. 1876. Same, 8th ed. S. F. 1893. Law of shipping and admiralty. S. F. 1879. Manual of practice in U. S. courts. S. F. 1875. Same, 2d ed. S. F. 1877. Penal code, annotated. S. F. 1885. Removal of causes to U. S. courts. S. F. 1882. Shipping and admiralty. 1879. Drake. Compilation of Spanish grants, 1830-46. S. F. 1861. Estee, M. M. Pleadings, etc., under code of civil procedure. 3 vols. S. F. 1870. Same, 2d ed., by Haynes. 3 vols. S. F. 1878. Same, 3d ed., by Pomeroy. 3 vols. S. F. 1885. Flint, J. H. Law of trusts and trustees. S. F. 1890. Fooz, J. H. N. de. Fundamental principles of the law of mines. Transl. by Halleck. S. F. 1860. Freeman, A. C. Cotenancy and partition. S. F. 1874. Enforcement of judgments against bankrupts. St. Louis. 1877. Executions in civil cases. S. F. 1876. Law of judgments. S. F. 1873. /(FT* 50 Freeman, A. C., continued. Same, 26. ed. S. F. 1874. Same, 3d ed. S. F. 1881. Void execution, judicial and probate sales. St. Louis. 1877. Fremery, J. de. Mortgages in California, a practical essay. S. F. 1860. (P.) Gear, H. L. Law of landlord and tenant. S. F. 1888. Gift, G. W. Settlers' guide. Laws, etc., on pre-emption claims. Benicia. 1854. Hall, F. Laws of Mexico, on real property, mines, etc. S. F. 1885. Halleck, H. W. Mining laws of Spain and Mexico. S. F. 1859. Hamilton, L. Mexican law, of land, mining, etc. S. F. 1882. Harlow, W. S. Duty of sheriffs and constables in California. S. F. 1884. Harston, E. F. B. Practice, pleadings and evidence in civil suits in California. S. F. Hart, A. Civil code, annotated. S. F. 1877. Mining statutes of U. S., Nevada and California. S. F. 1877. Hawes, H. Jurisdiction of courts. S. F. 1886. Parties to actions. S. F. 1884. Hawley, T. P. Digest of Sawyer's circuit court reports. S. F. 1878. Hayne, R. Y. New trial, appeal, etc. 2 vols. S. F. 1884. Hent, R. W. Forms and use of blanks. 2 vols. S. F. 1866. Hoffman, O. Reports of land cases in the U. S. district court of California. 1862. Jellett, J. H. Pacific coast collection laws. S. F. 1876. Labatt, H. J. Digest of California reports. S. F. 1861. District court reports. S. F. (1857?) Practice act of California. S. F. 1886. Land titles in San Francisco. Decisions, with notes. S. F. 1860. Langdon, C. W. Jurisdiction of justices of the peace. S. F. 1870. Laws and judicial decisions relating to the Yosemite valley and Mariposa big trees. S. F. 1874. (P.) Laws of Congress and California relating to the Yosemite valley, etc, S. F, 1878. Lawson, J. D. Criminal defences. 6 vols. S. F. 1884-6. Law of presumptive evidence. S. F. 1885. Rights, remedies and practice. 1890. Lube, D. G. Equity pleading. American supplement by S. Rapalje. S. F. 1889. McGarrahan, W., history of the claim of. Morrison, R. S. Digest of law of mines and minerals. S. F. 1878. Myrick, M. H. Probate court reports. S. F. (1880?) Newmark, N. Law of sales of personal property. 1887. Pacific coast law journal. 12 vols. S. F. 1878-83. Pacific law reporter. 8 vols. S. F. 1870-75. Parker, C. H. Digest of California reports. 2 vols. S. F. 1869. Platt, H. G. Property rights of married women. S. F. 1885. Pomeroy, C. P. Mercantile law. S. F. 1887. Pomeroy, J. N. Introduction to municipal law. N. Y. 1864. Same, an edition, 1883. Introduction to constitutional law of the U. S. 6th ed. Bost. 1881. Equity jurisprudence. 3 vols. S. F. 1881-3. Riparian rights. 1887. Remedies by civil action. Bost. 1886. Special performance of contracts. N. Y. Proffatt, J. Curiosities of wills. S. F. 1876. Law of private corporations. S. F. 1876. Trial by jury. S. F. 1877. Law relating to notaries. S. F. 1877. Rapalje, S. Criminal procedure. S. F. 1889. Digest of American decisions and American reports. 3 vols. Rogers, R. V., Jr. The law of the road. S. F. 1876. Sharpstein, J. R. Digest of life and accident insurance cases. S. F. 1872. Smyth, J. H. Law of homestead and exemptions. S. F. 1875. Spaulding, G. W. Public land system of the U. S. S. F. 1884. Thompson, A. W. Law of the farm. S. F. 1876. Weeks, E. P. Commentary on mining legislation of congress, S. F. 1877. Same, ?d ed- S. F. 1880, 52 Weeks, E. P., continued. Doctrine of damnum absque injuria. S. F. 1879. Attorneys and counselors at law. S. F. 1878. Law of depositions. S. F. 1880. Wheeler, A. Land titles in San Francisco. S. F. 1852. Whitmore, W. Index to California reports. S. F. 1880. Wood, W. H. R. Digest of laws of California, 1850-57. S. F. Yale, G. History of legislation on private titles in ceded territo- ries. S. F. 1 86 1. Legal titles to mining claims and water rights. S. F. 1867. The San Francisco pilotage case. S. F 1865^ (P.) v<*^* ^ *^UY ; /^ V