- 8 HI NOTES ON THE BIBLIOGRAPHY YUCATAN AND CENTRAL AMERICA ; YrOAIAX, CHIAPAS, (ilATF.MALA (TM'K ItUINS OF PALKXQl'K, Od >SIX< ;< >. A XI) ( Oi'A.N). AXU OAXAOA (Itrixs OF MITLA.) A LIST OF SOMK Of TKK AVIMTKUS oN THIS sriiJKrT FROM THE SIXTKKNTH fKNTl'lIY TO TIIK I'RKSENT TIME. Wo II r EST E 11: p ii E s s OF (HAS. HAMILTON; .". 11 MAI x S T i; i: K r . 1881. NOTES ON THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF YUCATAN AND CENTRAL AMERICA ; COMPRISING YUCATAN, CHIAPAS, GUATEMALA (THE EUINS OF PALENQUE, OCOSINGO,AND COPAN), AND OAXACA (Rums OF MITLA.) A LIST OF SOME OF THE WRITERS ON THIS SUBJECT FROM THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY TO THE PRESENT TIME. \? nr BY AD. ' F.^BANDELIER. FBOM PBOCEEDINGS OF THE AMEBICAN ANTIQUABIAN SOCIETY, OCTOBEK 21, 1880. WORCESTER: PRESS OF CHAS. HAMILTON, 311 MAIN STREET. 1881. 2 132 BANCROFT NOTES ON THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF YUCATAN AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 1 BY AD. F. BANDELIER. YUCATAN. Writers of the Sixteenth Century. JUAN DIAZ, chaplain to Juan de Grijalva. " Itinerario de 1* Armata del Re Catholico in India verso la Isola de luchathan del anno M. D. XVIII." Printed first (in the Italian language) as an appendix to the 14 Itinerario de Ludovico VarthemV in the edition of 1520, and subse- quently in the editions of 1522, 1526 and 1535 of the latter book. It was also translated into the English language by Richard Eden, in the "His- toric of Travayles," London, 1577, but I am not sure whether the re- port of Diaz is contained in it. The most popular translation is that by FI. Ternaux-Compans, in his first " Recueil de pieces relatives a la conquete du Mexique," (Vol. X. of his " Voyages, Relations et Me- moires originaux pour servir a P histoire de la dScouverte de P Ameri- que,") and the latest and best reprint, together with a splendid Spanish translation, is contained in Vol. I. of "Coleccion de Documentos para la Histoda de Mexico," 1858, by S r J. G. Icazbalceta, of Mexico. PETRUS MARTYR AB ANGLERIA. " Enchiridion de insulis nuper reper- tis simulatque incolarum moribus," Basel, 1521. (Separate print of the 4th Decade, which contains the first items about Yucatan ever published in Europe after Diaz's report). " De orbe novo decades Petri Martyris ab Angleria, Mediolaneusis, protonotarii, Cesarei seuatoris. Compluti apud Michaelem de Eguia," in December, 1530. Alcala. "Opus Epistolarum Petri Martyris Anglerii, Mediolanensis, &c., &c." Also printed by Miguel dn Eguia. Alcala. Of further reprints, and of translations of Peter Martyr's works (the reports on Yucatan are contained in the 4th and 5th Decades), I merely quote: " Novus orbis regionum ac iusularum veteribus incognitarum, &c." by Simon GrynaBUS, Basel, 1532, embodying Dec's 1, 2, 3, and 4. !The absence of Mr. Bandelier in Mexico, precludes a submission of the proof to his revision, and will account for any errors that may be discovered in the text. PUBLISHING COMMITTEE. (Also the edition of 1536.) A. French translation of the 4th Decade, by Simon dc Colines, Paris, 1532. A German version, by Honiger of Konigshofen. Hackluyt's reprint of 1587. " De orbe novo Petri Mar- tyris Anglerii, &c., &c.," and finally the complete English translation by Michael Lok and Richard Eden : " De novo Orbe, or the Historic of the West Indies, &c., &c.," London, 1612. I need not dwell on the great Importance of Martyr's book, for Yucatan. HERNAN CORTES. (His first letter is lost : in place of it the letter of the "Municipality of Vera Cruz," dated 10th July, 1519, contains a short statement about Yucatan. This letter is printed in Vol. I. of "Coleccion de Documentos ineditos para la historia de Espana," and in Vol. I. of *' Historiaclores primitives de Indias," by Enrique de Veclia, Madrid, 1852. Folsom's translation of 1843. " Despatches of Hernan Cortes, the conqueror of Mexico, &c." substitutes an Introduction by the trans- lator himself. The earliest mention of this report is found in Robert- son : "History of America," Vol. III., p. 289, Edition of 1800, and an abstract is found in Prescott : "Conquest of Mexico," Appendix II., 3d Vol.) " Fifth letter-to the Emperor Charles VII.," noticed by Robertson and Prescott; contained, in full, in "Historiadores primitives de Indias," Vol. I., by Vedia. A full English translation, by Pascual de Gayangos, was published in 1868, by the " Hackluyt Society," vol. 40. JUAN CRISTOBAL CALVKT DE ESTRELLA. " De Rebus Gestis Ferdi- nandii Cortesii," written betweu 1548 and 1560, and printed with a Span- ish translation: " Vida do Cort6s," by Sr. Icazbalceta in Vol. I. of "Col. de Documentos para la Hist, de Mexico." Short and meagre. ANDRES DE TAPIA. " Relacion hecha por el Senor Andre's de Tapia, sobre la conquista de M6xico." (Icazbalceta's "Coleccion de Docuraen- tos, &c." Vol. II. Mexico, 1866.) BENEDETTO BORDONE. "Libro di Benedetto Bordone. Nel qual si ragione tutte 1'Isole del mondo con li loro nomi antichi e moderni," 1528. Later editions also. GIROLAMO BENZONI. " Historia del Mondo Nuovo," Venice, 1565. Translated into German by Nicolaus Hoeniger: " Die Neue Welt und Indianischen Konigreichs, neue und wahrhaffte geschichte, &c., &c.,' Basel, 1579. Incorporated in Theodore De Bry " Grosse Reisen," Parts 4, 5, and 6. Of other prints I but mention the latest English trans- lation, published by the Hackluyt Society in 1857 (Vol. 21,) under the title of " History of the New World, by Girolamo Benzoni," edited as well as translated by Rear-Admiral W. H. Smyth. There are Italian versions of 1572, French of 1587, and Latin of 1600. BERNAL DIEZ DEL CASTILLO. " Historia verdadera de la Conquista de Nueva Espuna," Madrid, 1632. (There may be two editions of the same yeaif?]). Of the Spanish reprints I mention here (also contained in " Historiadores primitivos cle Indias," Vedia, 1852, Vol. II.), the one of 1837, Paris, 4 Vols. 12, and the other of 1854, Mexico, 4 vols. also. Two English translations are known to me at present: "The True History of the Conquest of Mexico, by Captain Bernal Diez del Cas- tillo," translated by Maurice Keatings, London, 1800. "The Memoirs of the Conquistador, Bernal Diez del Castillo," translated by John In- gram Lockhart, London, 1844. There is also a German translation, by P. J. Kelifuss, Bonn, 1838. Bernal Diez (not Diaz) is very valuable as eye-witness, having been to Yucatan with Cordoba (1517), Grijalva (1518). Cortes (1519), and finally with the latter to Honduras, passing through Peten. FRAY LORENZO DK BIENVENIDA. Letter to the Infanto Philip (II. J, dated Yucatan, 10 February, 1548. Original in MS. French trans- lation by H. Ternaux-Compans in " l er Eecueil de Pieces concernant le Mexique," Vol. X. 1838, of his collection of "Me"moires et documents Originaux, &c., &c." GONZALO FERNANDEZ DE OVIEDO Y VALDES. "Historia General y natural de las Indias," composed of 50 books. The first 19 books, and part of the 50th, were published by the author as early as 1535, and the first 20 books as early as 1557, but the entire work has only been printed in 1851, at Madrid, 4 Vols. folio. It is full of details concerning Yucatan: FRANCISCO LOPEZ DE GOMARA. "Historia general de las Indias, y todo lo acaescido en ellas dende que se ganaron hasta agora. Y la conquista de Mexico, y de la nueva Espana, &c." Zaragoza, 1552. Of this book I quote e. g the following Spanish editions : Medina del Campo, 1553. Antwerp, 2 prints, 1554 Zaragoza, 1555, and it is also contained in "Historiadores primitivos de Indias," by Andres Gonzalez Barcia, Ma- drid, 1749, Vol. II. and in " Historiadores primitivos de Indias," by Vedia, Madrid, 1852, Vol. I. There is an Italian version, by Augustino de Cravaliz, Rome, 1556, ("La Histoirie generate delle Indie Occiden- tal!. &c., &c."), and French translations published respectively in 1578, 1587, 1597, and 1G05. Finally, Juan Bautista de San Anton Munoz Chimalpain Guauhtlehuanitzin made a translation into the Mexican, or " Ntihuatl " language, which C. M. Bustamante published at Mexico, in 1826. I know of no English translation of the work. It actually consists of two parts, the " Historia General," and the " Conquista de Mexico." The former contains a short, but fair, description of Yuca- tan, and the latter a report on CorteV doings there and matters relating 'thereto. BARTOLOM& DE LAS CASAS. Of the numerous (over forty) writings of the Bishop of Chiapas, I select only " Historia de las Indias," published "at last," Madrid, 1875 and 1876, by the Marquis de la Fuensanta del Valle and Don Jose Sancho Rayon, in 5 vols. The 5th Vol. contains the famous "Apologetica Historia." Another publication of the " His- toria de las Imlias," though not as complete, has appeared in Mexico in 2 vols., as the first series of Sr. J. M. Vigel's "Biblioteca Mexicana," 1877 and 1878. It does not contain the "Apolog&ica." Fragments of the latter are found in Lord Kingsbo rough's "Antiquities of Mexico," Vol. VIII. " Brevissima relacion de la destrnycion de las Indias," Sevilla, 1552. Of this polemic and strongly tinged memoir there aie innumerable ver- sions. I know of Spanish publications besides the above, and those of London, 1812, Philadelphia, 1821, both due to Dr. De Mier. Madrid, J. A. Llorente, 1822, and Mexico, 1822. Latin translations; Franc-fort, 1598; Oppenheim, 1614; Heidelberg, 1664. French translations: Ant- werp, 1579; Amsterdam, 1620; -Rouen, 1630; Lyon, 1642; Paris, 1697; Amsterdam, 1698. (The last two contain each five papers of Las Casas), and Paris, 1822. "Oeuvres de Don Bartolome de las Casas, " by J. A. Llorente. Of Italian Translations (with Spanish text). I allude to those of 1626. Venice. 1630, Id. :- 1643, Id., and also of 1645. There is a German translation of .1599. Dutch translations : Amster- dam, 1610 and 1621, and 1663. I know of but one English translation, which bears the title "A Relation of the first voyages and discoveries made by the Spaniards in America, &c., &c." London, 1699, although Dr. Robertson mentions one of 1693. Las Casas must be used with great caution. DIEGO DE LANDA. " Relacion de las cosas de Yucatan." Bishop Landa was born in 1524, and died in 1579; his work must therefore have been written between 1549 and the latter date. It was published by the Abb6 Brassenr de Bourbourg. in 1860, with a French translation opposite to the Spanish text, and under the title of " Rela- tion des choses de Yucatan.'* Republished again in 1864, with some other matter. The merits of Landa are certainly very great, but the real import of his so-called "A. B. C." ("De sus letras forme aqui un a. b. c." pp. 316 319), has been misunderstood and correspondingly misrepresented. The picture which Landa gives us of the customs and organization of the Mayas is completely at variance with some of his other statements. Much close attention is required. " CARTAS DE INDIAS." Vol. I. Madrid, 1878. These contain several letters and reports on Yucatan, from the 16th century. I only refer to one, a complaint of four Indian "goberna- dores," dated 12 April, 1567, against the Bishop Diego de Landa, desig- nating him as "principal author of all these evils and troubles . . . ." JOSEPH DE ACOSTA. "Historia natural y moral de Indias," Sevilla, 1590. I merely mention this author, without entering into further biblio- graphical details about his work. It has been translated into many languages, and in part or wholly incorporated in many general collec- tions of "Americana." He says but little about Yucatan, still his book is indispensable to any one studying Yucatecan antiquities, I also advert here to his former publication, which is but little known : " De promuigatione Evangelij apud Barbaros, sive de procuranda Indoruna salute," Libros 6; printed in 1589. GERONIMO DE MENDIETA. " Historia ecclesiastica Indiana," written about 1590, but printed for the tirst time, by Sr. J. G. Icazbalceta, at Mexico, in 1870 Contains much and valuable information. Mendieta has been extensively copied by Torquemada. FRAY TORIBIO PE PAREDKS, SURNAMED " MOTOLINIA." " Historia de los Indios de Nueva-Espana," written about 1540, but published in full only by Sr. Icazbalceta in Vol. I. of "Coleccion de Documentos, &c." Mentions Yucatan incidentally. A large part of the work had been printed before in the " Documentos ineditos, &c." under the title of "Ritos Antiguos, Sacrificios 6 Idolatrias de las Indias de la Nueva- Espana," also in Vol. IX. of Lord Kingsborough. A Latin version, under the title of " De Moribus Indorum " may have existed once. Yucatan is, furthermore, mentioned in many works of a more general . character, embodying information gathered mostly from the sources already referred to. I do not, therefore, enter into any lengthy biblio- graphical sketches of them. SIMON GRYNAEUS. "Novus Orbis," 1532. Already noticed under Petrus Martyr. PETRUS APIANDS. " Cosmographia," 1539, 1545, 1561 (Dutch ver- sion), &c. ABRAHAM ORTELIUS. "Theatrum orbis terrarum," 1571, 1588, &c. THOMASO PORCACCHI. " L' isole pio famose del Mondo," 1572, 1576, 1590, &c., &c. G. MERCATOR. "Atlas, six Cosmographical Meditations." Duisburg, 1594. CONRAP LOEW. " Meer oder See-Ansicht Buch." Cologne, 1598. SEBASTIAN MONSTER. " Cosmographey," 1575, &c. ANPRE THEVET. "Les singularites de la France antarctique, autre- ment nomm6 Amerique, et de plusieurs Terres et Isles decouvertes de notre temps." Paris, 1558; Antwerp, 1558; in Italian, at Venice, 1561. I forbear further mention of the polemic works on the origin of the ! American Indians, and now turn to some writers whose works are i probably lost, or at least not accessible, although there is positive evi- I dence of their former existence. FRAY GERONIMO ROMAN. " Republica Indiana" certainly existed as late as 1630, or " Republica de las Indias Occidentales." 8 FRAY ALONZO SOLANA. "Noticias Sagradas y profanas de las Anti- giiedacles y Conversion de los Indios de Yucatan." (Written before 1600). DON FRANCISCO MONTEJO. "Cartaal Key sobre la fundacion de la Villa de San Francisco de Campeche, y de la Ciudad de Merida," 14 June, 1543. (Still at Sevilla, leg. 7. " Cartas de Indias "). In the above list I have not included any Grammar, Vocabulary, Serraonary, " Doctriua," &c., &c., for the use of the Indians of Yucatan, or written in the Maya language, of which several are known. In con- clusion, I beg to add the Maya writing, entitled : " SERIES OF KATUNES," published, with an English translation, by Mr. J. L. Stephens, in "Incidents of travels in Yucatan," and by Brasseur de Bourbourg, in "Rel. d. ch. de Y." Writers of the Seventeenth Century. ANTONIO DE HEURERA. " Historia general de los hechos de los Cas- tellanos en las Islas y la Tierra firme del rnar Oeeano," Madrid, 1601, 1615, 4 vols. folio. There are two other editions in the original lan- guage : Madrid, 1726 and 1730. and Antwerp, 1728. Of this most important book, several translations have appeared, em- bodying either the whole or only a part. Thus a French translation of the " Descripcion de las Indias Occidentales," appeared at Amsterdam in 1622 twice, and a French translation of the 1st, 2d and 3d Decades, at Paris, 1671. A Latin version of the " Descripcion " was also published in 1622, by Colin, at Amsterdam, and a very unreliable English rendering by John Stephens, in 6 vols. 8, appeared at London in 1725. Herrera is one of the most important authorities on every subject of which he treats. GREGORIO GARCIA. "Origen de los Indios del Nuevo Mundo e Indias Occidentales." 1st Edition, 1606; Second Edition, Madrid, 1729, by Barcia. A very important and valuable work. JUAN DE TORQUEMADA. "Los veinte y uno Libros Ritualesy motiarchia Indiana, con el origen y guerras de los Indios Occidentales." 1st Edition, Madrid, 1613; 2d Edition, Madrid, 1723. Barcia. AUGUSTIN DE VETANCOURT. "Teatro Mexicano." MSxieo, 1698. 2d Edition, in "Biblioteca de la Iberia," Mexico, 1870. Treats of Yucatan incidentally, speaking of Cortes, &c. The work consists properly of three books : the " Teatro," the " Cro- nica de la provincia del Santo Evangelio de Mexico," and the "Menolo- gio franciscano." ANTONIO DE REMESAL. " Historia general de las Indias Occidentales, y particular de la gobernacion de Chiapas y Guatemala." This book has 9 also another title : " Historia de la Provincia de San Vicente de Chyapa y Guatemala de la Orden de San Domingo." Madrid, 1619 and 1620. Treats of Yucatan also, following Las Casas generally. An important work. BERNARDO LIZANA. (Lizama or Lizaba?) " Devocionario de Nuestra Seiiora de Itzmal, Historia de Yucatan e de conquista Espiritual," 1663, according to the Abb6 Brasseur and Leon y Pinelo. E. G. Squier speaks of two works : one " Historia de la Provincia de Yucatan, y su couquista Espiritual," Valladolid, 1633, and the other " Historia de Nuestra Senora de Izamal." Whichever way may be right, there remains accessible as yet, but a fragment published in Spanish, with a French translation by the Abbe Brasseur in his "Relation des choses de Yuca- tan," 1864. The fragment is entitled : " Del principio y Fundacion cles- tos cuyos omules deste Sitio y Pueblo de Ytzmal " Lizana is of the highest importance and value, and it is much to be regretted that the entire book is of such difficult access. DIEGO LOPEZ DE COGOLLUDO. "Historia de Yucatan." 1st Edition, Madrid, 1688; 2d Edition, Merida, 1842; 3d Edition, 1867. Cogolludo has always been regarded as the historian of Yucatan "par excellence." He is indeed indispensable for any study of Yucatan antiquities, but, like all other authors, he must never be implicitly followed. The closest criticism possible is absolutely required. GIL GONZALEZ DAVILA. " Teatro ecclesiastico de la primitiva Iglesia de los Indies Occidentales." Madrid, 1649. JUAN DIAZ DE LA CALLE. " Memorial y Resumen breve de Noticias de las Indias Occideutales." Madrid, 1654. These constitute the most important sources on Yucatan written dur- ing the 17th century. Nearly all of them are of special value, and we would call particular attention to Cogolludo, Liz,ana, Torquemada, Her- rera, and Remesal. Among such authors, who wrote upou the subject and whose writings are not now accessible, I name here : PEDRO SANCHEZ AGUILAR. "Relacion de las Cosas de Yucatan, y In- forme contra lo Iclolatras del Obispado de Yucatan, &c." 1639. FRANCISCO CAKDENAS. " Relacion de la Conquista y Succesos de Yucattsn," 1639. (If existing, probably in Spain). NICOLAS LIZARRAGA. " Represeutacion al Rey pidiendole la Conquista de Itza y Lacandon, con unas Noticias y Mapa de dichas Tierras." NICOLAS DE VALENZUELA. An account of the expedition against the Lacaudones, written 1695, and comprising 402 pages. I would further call attention to the land titles, such as Deeds, Grants, donations, &c., &c., in Yucatan, some of which go back to the 2 10 17th century. , Those contain occasional references to the Indian settle- ments, some of which are certainly of great value and importance. Finally, I refer to some general works, treating of Yucatan : SAMUEL PURCHAS. " His Pilgrimage, &c., &c." London, 1613, 1614 and 1617. (This forms the 5th volume of Pnrchas' great works). The great work of Purchas, also known as " Hackluytus Posthumous," ap- peared in 1625, and treats also of Yucatan. O. DAPPER. " Die unbekannte neue Welt, oder Beschreibung des Welt-theils Amerikas, &c." Amsterdam, 1673. This is in factbut'a trans- lation of the following : ARIAS MONTANUS. " De Nieuvre en Onbekende Weereld : of Beschry- ving van America en t' Zuid Lande." Amsterdam, 1671. MATHIAS QUAD. * Enchiridion Cosmographicum : Dass ist, Ein Hand- biichlein, der gantzen Welt gelegenheit, &c." Cologne, 1604 and 1608. JOANNES PETRUS MAFFEI. "... historiarum Indicarum libri XVI., &c." Antwerp, 1605 frequently reprinted and translated. JACOBUS VIVERUS. (Van de Vijvere). " Handbook : of Cort hegrijp der Caerten Ende Beschryviughen van alien Landen des Werelds." Amsterdam, 1609. (This is the 2d edition of an anonymous atlas). CORNELIUS WYTFLICT ET ANTHOJNE MAGIN. " Histoire universelle des Indes occidentales et orientates," Douay, 1611. GASPARD ENS. " West und Ost>Indischer Lustgart. : " Co- logne, 1618. AUBKRTUS MIRAEUS. " De statu religioners christianae . . . ." Co- logne, 1619. ATHANASIUS INGA. "West-Indische Spiegel, &c." Amsterdam, 1624. JOHANN PHILIPP ABELIN. (Gottfriedt). "Neue Welt und American- ische Historien." Francfort. a. m. 1655. A. O. EXQUEMELIN. ** De Amerikaensche Zee-Roovers," Amster- dam, 1678. (Innumerable translations, &c. &c). EBERHARD WERNER HAPPEL. " Thesaurus Exoticorum." Hamburg, 1688. (Indifferent compilation). I do not include in this hasty bibliographical list any linguistical works whatever, or writings on the plants and medicinal herbs of Spanish- America. Purposely I omit also Antonio de Solis, whose his- tory of the conquest of Mexico has a great literary, but hardly any scientific, value. Writers of the Eighteenth Century. JUAN DE VILLAGUTIERRE Y SoTOMAYOR. " Historia de la Conquista y Reducciones de los Itzaes y Lacaudoues en la America Septentrional." Madrid, 1701. The first part only, composed of 10 books, the second part may not have been completed,-^at least it has remained unknown till now. Tl>e work }s of the highest importance, especially for that part of Yucatap wljjcfr has since hardly been explored. 11 ABBATK FRANCESCO SAVERIO CLAVIGERO. S. J. " Storia antica del Messico." Cesena, 1780, 1781. Spanish translations: London, 1826; Mexico, 1844, id. 1853. English translation : London, 1787. German version: Leipzig, 1789. (The English copy by Sir Charles Cullen),-<- all these works mention Yucatan also. ANTONIO DE ALCEDO. "Diccionario geografico-historico de las Indias Occidentales 6 America " Madrid, 1786-1789. 5 vols. 4. Eng- lish translation by G. A. Thompson. London, 1812-15. JOSEPH ANTONIO DE VILLA-SENOR Y SANCHEZ. " Teatro Ameri- cano." Mexico, 1746. Of indirect value for Yucatan. (2 vols. folio). J. LAFITAN. S. J. " Moeurs des sanvages americains, comparees aux moeurs des premiers temps." Paris, 1724. (There is a Dutch transla- tion : " De Zeden de Wildeu van Amerika," but I have no access to its date at present). The best ethnological work previous to 1850. ABBE GUILLAUME THOMAS RAYNAL. "Histoire philosophique et politi- que des etablisxements et du commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes." Paris, 1780, and other editions. English translation. Edin- burgh, 1782. WILLIAM ROBERTSON. "History of America." (Numberless editions and translations, all too well known to require special mention here). Highly important. CHEVALIKR DE PAUW. "Recherches philosophiques sur les Am6ri- cains." London, 1771. A strongly negative, and through its exaggera- tions in that direction, very injudicious work. Still it should be read attentively, as well as the rejoinder to it by Dora Pernetty. GEMELLI CARRERI. (Properly belongs to the 17th century). "Giro del Mondo. . ." Naples, 1721. French: " Voyage du Tour du Monde." Paris, 1719. In the Library of the Cathedral of Mexico there still exists : ARTURO O'NEiL. " Descripcion, Poblacion, y censo de la Provincia de Yucatan en la Nueva Espaiia." 1795. We have also notice of the former existence of the following works, by: FRAY ANDRES AVENDANO. "Diccionario de nombres de personas, idolos, danzas, y otras antiqiledades de los Indies de Yucatan." "Explicacion de varios Vaticinios de los antiguos Indios de Yuca- tan." To take notice of all the geographical works, cyclopaedias, &c., &c., published in the 18th century, and which contain notices of Yucatan, 12 would he a task exceeding far the time and limits of this list. It can easily be proved, however, that the works on especially Yucatecan topics are not numerous. This may be due, in part, to the rigorous ex- clusion of foreigners from Spanish America, and the consequent decline of intellectual activity towards the close of Spanish domination. The great collection of Juan Bautista Munoz contains hardly anything on Yucatan. Writers of the Nineteenth Century. Here the number of publications increases so rapidly, that I cannot attempt to notice all. Besides, many of the authors are so well known that a mere mention of their names and the titles of their works will suf- fice. Periodicals containing papers on Yucatan, will be mentioned generally, but detailed reference to special articles can be given only in a few exceptional instances. The latest works will only be alluded to. ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. " Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne." Paris, 1811, 2 vols. 4. Id. Paris, 1811, 5 vols. 8. Paris, 1825-27, 4 vols. 8. Spanish translation: Madrid, 1818. English translation by John Black. London, 1811. Also translated into the German. References to Yucatan and its inhabitants may also be found in " Ansichten der Natur," (Notes), and even in "Kosmos." FRIEDRICH VON WALDECK. "Voyage pittoresque et archSologique dans la Province de Yucatan." Paris, 1838. Splendid, but the draw- ings are mostly restorations, therefore suspicious. ANTONIO DEL Rio. (The date of this report is: "Palenque 24 June, 1787," and I shall refer to it more particularly under the heading of "Chiapas," still, as it contains the report of the Franciscan, Thomas de Soza, on Yucatecan ruins, I place it here also). "Description of the Ruins of an ancient City, discovered near Palen- que, in the Kingdom of Gautemala, in Central America; translated from the original manuscript report of Captain Don Antonio del Rio." Lon- don, 1822. There are two German translations : one " Huehuetlapallan, Amerika's grosse Urstadt, &c." Meiningen, 1824, and v. Mirmtoli's " Beschreibung einer alten Stadt in Guatemala." 1832. A French translation, by D. B. Warden, in "Antiquites Mexicaines." Vol. II. and, finally, the Spanish original, in " Diccionario universal de Geo- grafia, &c." Vol. VIII. See also abstract in " Mosaico Mexicano." Vol. II. LORENZO DE ZAVALA. Report on Uxraal, published in Vol. I. of "An- tiquites Mexicaines." JOHN L. STEPHENS. "Travels in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan." N. York, 1841, "Incidents of travel in Yucatan." N. York, 1843. 13 F. CATHERWOOD. " Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan." N. York, 1844. B. M. NORMAN. "Rambles in Yucatan." N. York, 1843. CHARLES ST. JOHN FANCOURT. " The History of Yucatan." London, 1854. Not of great value. EMMANUEL VON FRIEDRICHSTHAL. Letter of 21 April, 1841, in "Re- gistro Yucateco," Vol. II., and " Diccionario Universal," Vol. X. "Les Monuments de 1' Yucatan, "in " Nouvelles Anuales des Voyages," 1841, Vol. 92. These papers are not very valuable. JUAN GALINDO. Report on the antiquities of Lake Peten. "Antiqui- tes Mexicaiues," Vol. I. MODESTO MENDEZ. Report on Tikal. "Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Erdkunde," Vol. I.; 1853; also in Siver's " Mittelamerika" and other places. He is, as yet, the only authority on Tikal. JULIUS FROEBEL. "Aus Amerika, Erfahrungen, Reisen, und Studien." Leipzig. English translation : " Seven years travel in Central America." London, 1861. CARL BARTHOLOMAUS HELLER. * Reisen in Mexico." Leipzig, 1853. Rather fair and moderate. DESIR CHARXAY, and VIOLLET LE Due. "Cites et Ruines ameri- caines." Paris, 1863. luvaluable for its photographs. ARTHUR MORELKT. "Voyage dans 1* AmSrique centrale, 1' lie de Cuba, et la Yucatan." Paris, 1857. English translation by Mrs. E. G. Squier. " Itza, or the unexplored regions of Central America." Lon- don, 1871. A very attractive and valuable work. CHARLES ETIENNE BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG. " Histoire des Nations Civilisees du Mexique et de 1' Amerique centrale." Paris, 1857-9. " Rap- port sur les Ruines de Mayapan et d' Uxmal," in '' Archives de la Comis- sion scientifique du Mexique," Vol. II. "Relation des choses de Yucatan." Paris, 1864. (See Landa and Lizana). "Quatre Lettres sur le Mexique." Paris, 1868. " Manuscrit Troano." Paris, 1869-1870. The late Abbe Brasseur was certainly the greatest of all modern trav- ellers in Mexico and Central America, as far as extent of travel and long duration of stay are concerned. He knew those countries better, and had easier access to the natives, than any other similar traveller of this 14 century. His works are therefore, actual mines of wealth so far as old documents are concerned: he has collected and brought to light more manuscripts than any other student. But his honest zeal and unre- strained enthusiasm have led him into paths on which he has wandered lamentably astray. His works are indispensable, though very little of his own conclusions can be believed. JUAN Pio PEKEZ. " Cronologia antigua de Yucatan," in "Relation des choses de Yucatan." 1864. Diccionario de la Lengua haya. Merida, 1877. MANUEL OKOZCO Y BERRA. " Geografla de las Lenguas y Carta etuo- grattca de Mexico." Mexico, 1864. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, Worcester, Mass. Proceedings No. 44. Oct. 1865, page 63. Report of S. F. Haven, LL.D. Proceedings No. 55. Oct. 1870, page 42. Report of S. F. Haven, LL.D. Proceedings No. 56. April, 1871, page 7. Report of S. F. Haven, LL.D. Proceedings No. 66. April, 1876, page 16. " The Mayas," by Stephen Salisbury, jr. Proceedings No. 69. April. 1877, page 70. "Dr. Le Plongeon in Yuca- tan," by Stephen Salisbury, jr. Proceedings No. 70. Oct. 1877, page 81). Report of S. F. Haven, LL.D. Proceedings No. 71. April, 1878, page 71. "Terra Cotta Figure from Isla Mujeres," by Stephen Salisbury, jr. Page 91, "The Mexican Cal- endar Stone," by Philipp J. J. Valentini, Ph.D. Proceedings No. 72. Oct. 1878, page 65. " Archasological Communi- cation on Yucatan," by Augustus Le Plongeou, M.D. Page 77, "Notes on Yucatan," by Mrs. Alice D. Le Plongeon. Proceedings No. 73. April, 1879, page 81. "Mexican Copper Tools," by Philipp J. J. Valentiui, Ph.D. Page 113, "Letter from Dr. Augustus Le Plongeon." Proceedings No. 74. Oct. 1879, page 71. "The Katunes of Maya History," by Philipp J. J. Valentini, Ph.D. Proceedings No. 75. April, 1880, page 59. " The Landa Alphabet," by Philipp J. J. Valentin!, Ph.D. Proceedings No. 76. Oct. 1880, page 58. "Mexican Paper," by Philipp J. J. Valentini, Ph.D. Page 82, "Notes on the Bibliography of Yucatan and Central America," by Ad. F. Bandelier. PHILIPP J. J. VALENTINI. "A new, and an old Map of Yucatan," in "Magazine of American History," 1879. ALBERT GALLATIN. "Notes on the semi-civilized nations of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America," in Vol. I. of " Transactions of the American Ethnological Society." N. York, 1845. 15 A. AUBIN. " MSmoire sur la peinture didactiqtie et l'6criture figura- tive des anciens in6xicaines." Paris, 1859-1861. (4 papers, published also in the " Revue am6ricaiue et Orientale." 1st Series, Vols. III., IV. and V.) LEOX DE ROSXY. "Les Ventures figuratives et hi6roglyphiques des peuples anciens et modernes." Paris, 1860. " Memoire sur la Numeration dans la Langue et dans 1' 6criture sacree des anciens Mayas." (Compte-Rendu du " Congr6s international des americanistes." 1875, Vol. II.) "Essaisur le dechiffrement de 1' Venture hieratique de 1* AmSrique Centrale." Paris, 1876. Still continued. FRANCISCO PIMEXTEL. "Cuadro descriptive y comparative de las' Lenguas Indigenas de Mexico." Mexico, 1862. German translation, by Isidor Epstein. N. York, 1877. HYACINTHE DE CHARENCY. " Recherches sur le Codex Troano." Paris, 1876. D. GEROXIMO CASTILLO. " Diccionario Historico, Biografico y Monu- mental de Yucatan." M6rida, 1866. 2 vols. SKRAPIO BAQUEIRO. " Ensayo Historico sobre las Revoluciones de Yucatan, 18401864." Merida, 1870. 2 vols. GUSTAV KLEMM. " Allgemeine Culturgeschichte der Menschheit." 10 vols. Leipzig, 1843 1852. HEINRICH WUTTKE. "Die Enstehung der Schrift." EDWARD KING, LORD KIXGSBOROUGH. " Antiquities of Mexico." 1831-1848, London, 9 vols. folio. Special value of plates. DE LARENAXDIERE. " Mexique et Guatemala," in " Uuivers pittor- esque." Paris, 1843. WM. H. PRESCOTT. "History of the Conquest of Mexico." (Too well known to need any remarks). LEWIS H. MORGAX. " Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family." 1871. (No. 218 of " Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge.") " American aboriginal Architecture." Johnson's Encyclopedia, Vol. I. " Ancient Society." New York, 1877. HUBERT HOWE BAXCROFT. " The Native Races of the Pacific States." 5 vols. N. York, 1875. JOHN D. BALDWIN. "Ancient America." New York, 1872. JOSE M. MELGAR Y SERRANO. " Examen comparative entre los Sig- nos simbolicos, &c." Vera Cruz, 1872. GUSTAV BRUHL. " Die Culturvolker Alt-Amerika's." New York, Cincinnati, and St. Louis, 1876, 1877, and 1878. 10 ADOLPH BASTIAN. "Die Culturlaender des alten America's." Berlin, 1878. 2 vols. JOHN T. SHORT. "The North Americans of Antiquity." New York, 1879. I further refer to papers in "NOUVELLES ANNALES DES VOYAGES." 1843. By H. Ternaux-Com- pans. "REGISTRO YUCATECO." Vols. I. and II. And to the publications of CRESCENCIO CARRILLO, Licenciado. (I have but glanced at one of his works). ELIGIO ANCONA. " Historia cle Yucatan." Merida, 1875. 4 vols. MANUEL LARRAINZAR. " Estudios sobre la Historia de America, sus Ruinas y Autigiiedades." Mexico, 1875. 5 vols. On most of the works like those of Prescott, Bancroft, Baldwin, and others, I need not comment, having already expressed my opinion in " Art of War and Mode of Warfare of the Ancient Mexicans," and " Tenure and Distribution of Lands, and Customs with respect to Inheri- tance among the Ancient Mexicans." (10th and llth Reports of the Peabody Museum). In regard to Yucatecan paintings and carvings, I have expressed my convictions in "Sources for aboriginal history of Spanish America," Vol. 27 of the "Proceedings of the American Asso- ciation for advancement of Science." 1878. I repeat it, this attempt at a bibliography on Yucatecan antiquities is far from being complete, many works of greater or less importance having probably been overlooked. CHIAPAS. THIS district or State contains the well known ruins of Palenque and Ocosingo. Still, but very few of the works hereafter mentioned relate to these places. It is therefore a bibliography of Chiapas and of its aborigines: Zendal, Zoques, Zotzil, Chiapanecos, &c., and not a special bibliography of Palenque, &c., which I intend to present, con- vinced that our lack of knowledge on the aborigines of Chiapas in gen- eral is a chief cause of our ignorance about the past history of these remains. A large number of authors treating of Chiapas have already been noticed in regard to Yucatan, and in such cases I merely give the author's name, without the title or any other reference to his works, except when there are special reasons for it. 17 Writers of the Sixteenth Century. DIEGO DE GODOY. "Relacion a Hernando Cortez, en qne trata del Descubrimiento de diversas Ciudades i Provincias, i Guerra que tuvo con los Indies, &c., de la Provincia de Chamula." First incorporated in the "Historia general" of Oviedo y Valdes, again in Barcia's "Historia- dores primitives de Indias," and in "Historiadores primitives de Indias " of Vedia. French translation by Ternaux-Compans, in 1 st , " Recueil de pieces concernant la Mexique, &c." Also Italian in "Ramusio," Vol. III. GONZALO FERNANDEZ DE OVIEDO Y VALDES. HERNAN CORTEZ. " Carta quinta." FRANCISCO LOPEZ DE GOMAHA. BEKNAL DIEZ DEL CASTILLO. (Eye-witness of the conquest of Chiapa.) BARTOLOME DE LAS CASAS. (Especially the " Apologetica historia.") GERONIMO DE MENDIETA. (Incidental mention.) In the 2d " Recueil de pieces concernant le Mexique" of Ternaux-Com- pans, there is a complaint or letter of an anonymous author against Las Casas, dated Chiapas. I also refer to " Cartas de Indias," Vol. I., con- taining several letters of Las Casas himself. There is, in fact, but very little published about the antiquities of Chiapas, during the 16th century. I do not even mention any of the general collections which have an occasional reference to the name. But few vocabularies are noticed. Still we are informed of the following works, which may yet be in existence, or ^hich at all events have existed once, and were written during the 16th century. FRAY TOMAS TORRE. " Historia de los principles de la Provincia de Chiapas y Guatemala, del Orclen de Santo Domingo." FRAY DOMINGO Vico. " Historia de los Indies,, sus fabulas, supers* ticiones, costumbres, &c., &c." The library of the " Museo Nacional " of the City of Guatemala, con* tains a number of fragments of a " Histovia de la frovincia de San Vicente Ferrer de Chiapas y Guatemala," the third book of which is super-, scribed: "Isagoge historico apologetico general de todas las Indias." 1 = There is no date nor name of author, but it can be conjectured that it was written in the 16th century, Gregorio Garcia also quotes: Fray Estevan de Salazar. " Discurs. Symb. apost." who in turn is said to refer to a book entitled " Uistoria i Relacion de la Teologia de los Indios Mexicanos," said book being lost in a shipwreck, 1564. Writers of the Seventeenth Century. GREGORJO GARCIA. ANTONIO DE HERRERA. JUAN DE TORQUEMADA. ANTONIO DE REMESAL. AUGUSTIN DE VETANCOURT. GIL GONZALEZ DA VILA. JUAN DIAZ DE LA CALLE. 18 AUGUSTIN DAVILA-PADILLA. "Historia de la Fundacion y Discurso de la Provincia de Santiago de Mexico." 1st edition, Madrid, 1596; 2d edition, Brussels, 1625. Mentions Chiapas only in connection with the biography of Las Casas. The first edition has almost disappeared, so that it is practically a book of the 17th century. AUGUSTIN CANO. " Historia de la Provincia de Predicadores de San- Vicente de Chiapas y Guatemala." Fragment of a MS. at the "Museo Nacional " of Guatemala. The following books are known to have existed once : FRAY JUAN ZAPATA Y SANDOVAL. " Cartas al Conde de Gomera . . . . sobre los Indies de Chiapas." " Cartas al Key sobre el Estado Dulce Diocesis de ChiapasY' I make no mention of the compilations and general collections contain- ing references to Chiapas. They are not numerous. Gregorio Garcia in his book, " Origen de los Indios," has probably the earliest mention of the ruins of Ocosingo, and even^ perhaps, some indication about those of Palenque. Cortez who, accompanied by Bernal Diez, passed very near Palenque in 1525, did not take any notice of the pueblo, which at that time was certainly not inhabited. Writers of the Eighteenth Century. NUNEZ DE LA VEGA. " Constituciones diocesanas del Obispado de Chiapas." Rome, 1702. Important for its reports on the idolatrous rites and the traditions of the aborigines. LORENZO BOTURINI BERNADUCCI. " Idea de una Nueva Historia Ge- neral de la America Septentrional." Madrid, 1746. Valuable for his mention of the Calendar of Chiapas. MARIANO FERNANDEZ DE VEYTIA Y ECHEVERRIA. " Historia del Origen de las gentes que poblaron la America Septentrional que Hainan la Nueva-Espana, con noticia de los primeros que establecieron la mo- narquia que en ella florecio de la nacion Tolteca." This work has been published as lately as 1836, at Mexico, by C. F. Ortega, under the title of "Historia antigua de M6xico." It contains notices of the calendar of Chiapas. F. X. CLAVIGERO. S. J. (ABB ATE.) ANTONIO DE ALCEDO. JOSEPH ANTONIO DE VILLA-SENOR Y SANCHEZ. FRANCISCO XIMENEZ. " Cronica de la Provincia de Chiapas y Guate- mala," of which part of the 7th book is at the " Museo ISTacional " of Guatemala. 19 "Historia de la Provinciade predicadores de San Vicente de Chiapas y Guatemala." Written about 1720, and possibly the same work as the above. According to Brasseur de Bourbourg, 3 volumes which did not suit or fit together and were the remnants of two MSS. copies of the original, existed at the University of Guatemala in 1855. TORIBIO Cosio. " Relacion historica de la Sublevacion y Paciflcacion de la Provincia de los Tzendales." (May still exist at Mexico.) FRANCISCO VASQUEZ. " Cronica de la Provincia del Ill'mo Nombre de Jesus, del Ordeu de San Francisco de Guatemala." Guatemala, 1714 and 1716, 2 vols. The library of Guatemala ("Museo Nacional ") still contains an anonymous MS. of 13 Leaves, "Notas y Advertencias" to the above work. Whether the " Cronica " itself is at Guatemala, I am unable to say. The book is very scarce. Mr. Squier owned the first volume only. Anonymous. " Relacion de la Sublevacion de los Zendales, en el ano de 1712." MS. Perhaps still at the city of Guatemala. RAMON DE ORDONEZ Y AGUIAR. " Historia de la Creacion del Cielo y de la Tierra, conforme al sistema de la gentilidad americaua." MS. at the " Museo Nacional" of the city of Mexico. Very important for the traditions of Chiapas. "Memoria relativa a las ruinas de Nachan, en las inmediaciones del pueblo de Santo-Domingo del Palenque." MS. formerly belonged to Brasseur de Bourbourg. It was written about 1784, and is the first authentic report on the celebrated ruins. D. NAXERA. " Vida portentosa del V. P. Fr. Antonio Margil de Jesus." Mexico, 1753. H. VILAPLANA. " Vida portentosa del americano septentrional apos- tol Antonio Margil de Jesus " Mexico, 1763. (Margil was one of the earliest missionaries in Chiapas.) Documents relative to the explorations of Palenque. Besides the "Memoria" of Ordonez already quoted, which first directed attention to the ruined pueblo, there exist the following docu- ments : JOSE DE ESTACHERIA. " Expedientc sobre el descubrimiento de una gran Ciudad en la provincia de Chiapas, distrito de Guatemala." 28 Nov. 1784. (Archives of the royal Academy, at Madrid). It is directed to the lieutenant "Alcalde mayor" of Chiapas, at S to Domingo del Palenque, directing him to survey the ruins. JOSEF ANTONIO CALDERON. "Informe, fecho en 15 de Diciembre de 1784." Description of the rains. MSS. translated and published by Brasseur in " Ruines de Palenque," 1866. 20 ANTONIO BERNASCONI. Other reports on the ruins, accompanied by plans and drawings. MS. in Spain. Date, 13 June, 1578. JUAN BAUTISTA MUNOZ. Letter to the Marquis de Sonora, written 1786. Translated by Brasseur: " Ruines de Palenque." 1866. ANTONIO DEL Rio. " Descripcion del terreno y poblacion antigua nuevaraente descubierta en las inrnediaciones del pueblo del Palenque." I have already referred to it under "Yucatan." Whether the plates of the English edition are genuine, is yet doubtful. I must add here, that until about 1820, the state of Chiapas pertained, not to Mexico, but to the captain-generalcy of Guatemala, and conse- quently all the authorities treating of the latter country may be sup- posed to contain information about Chiapas also. Writers of the Nineteenth Century. (Explorations of Palenque.) JUAN GARRIDO. [ ?] Said to have written about Palenque in 1805. GUILLERMO DUPAIX AND LUCIANO CASTANEDA. " Relacion hecha al Rey, sobre tres expediciones, &c." in 1805, 1806, and 1807. They visited Palenque late in 1807. Their reports and drawings were first published in 1831, in Vols. IV. and V. of Lord Kingsborough's "Antiquities of Mexico," and an English translation in Vol. VI. A French and Spanish version, together with all the plates, is contained in " Antiquits mexi- caines." Paris, 1834. The drawings of Castaneda are by far the most complete which we have, although they disagree with many of those of other travellers. This disagreement will be referred to hereafter. JUAN GALINDO. "Palenque et autres lieux circonvoisins." Letter dated 27 April, 1831, in "Antiquites mexicaines," Vol. I. English translation in the " Literary Gazette," No. 769, London, 1831. Col. Galiudo visited Palenque himself, but he is so enthusiastic that all his statements and even measurements should be taken with many allow- ances. FRIEDRICH VON WALDECK. "Description des ruines de Palenque," with 56 large plates, in "Monuments anciens du Mexique." Paris, 1866. M. de Waldeck had spent two years at Palenque (1832-1834,) his plates are magnificent, but they restore far too much. JOHN L. STEPHENS. " Travels in Central America, Chiapas, and Yu- catan." N. York, 1841. " Incidents of Travel in Yucatan." 1843. F. CATHERWOOD. (See Yucatan.) ARTHUR MORELET. (See Yucatan.) Visited P. in 1846. DESIKE CHARNAY. (See Yucatan.) In 1858. CHARLES ETIENNE BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG. "Ruines de Palen- que," in "Monuments anciens du MSxique," 1866, Paris. Valuable for the historical introductions and for the numerous references to authorities. 21 The historical essay is a confused and disorderly jumble, barely read- able. The Abbe visited Palenque subsequently in 1871. To these reports I finally add : CHARLES RAU. " The Palenque tablet in the United States National Museum," Washington, D. C., 1879. (No. 331 of " Smithsonian Contri- butions to Knowledge.") Aside from the numberless historical, archaeological, and ethnological works, several of which I have already noticed under "Yucatan," I beg to refer to some specifically Central- American and Mexican sources treating of Chiapas in general, with some occasional mention of Palen- que and of Ocosingo, or even without any particular reference to them, DOMINGO JUARROS. " Compendio de la Historia de Guatemala," 180S 1818. English translation by J. Bailly, London, 1823. FRANCISCO DE PAULA GARCIA I*ELAEZ. "Memorias para la Historia del antiguo Reyno de Guatemala." 3 vols. Guatemala, 1851. An excel- lent work, full of valuable and reliable information. HYACINTHE DE CHARENCY. "LeMythe de Votan." Alenon, 1871. Ingenious speculations. FELIX CABRERA. "Teatro critico-americano." Published with the different editions of Del Rio. Abstract from Nunez de la Vega, with more or less hypothetical speculations about the origin, life, and doings of "Votan" in Chiapas. MARIANO ROBLES DOMINGUEZ DE MAZARIEGOS. " Memoria historica de la provincia de Chiapas . . ." Cadiz, 1813. EMILIO PINEDA. " Descripcion Geograflca del Departamento de Chia- pas y Soconusco." In the "Boletin de la Sociedad de geografia y Estadistica de Mexico." Vol. III. Also, Mexico, 1845. Josis DE GARAY. "Reconocimiento del Istmo de Tehuantepec." Mexico, 1844. FRANCISCO PIMENTEL. " Cuadro descriptive de las Lenguas indige- nas, &c." (See Yucatan.) MANUEL OROZCO Y BERRA. "Geografia de las Lenguas." (See Yucatan.) In the imperfect list herewith submitted I have frequently included works of which nothing is known save that they once existed. This is done for the purpose of calling attention to them, should any one of them be found in the hands of book owners and collectors here or abroad. Libraries like those of Mr. Lenox or of Mr. John Carter-Brown 22 should be searched for such writings, and copies at least should be secured. The plan of Palenque, made by Bernasconi, in 1785, should also be copied without delay. A copy can be obtained from Madrid, by application to the Royal Academy of Spain. GUATEMALA. (Copan and Chiapas included.) Writers of the Sixteenth Century. HERNAN CORTES. (4th and 5th letter. Casual mention.) PEDRO DE ALVARADO. Seventeen letters to Hernan Cortes, the first of which is dated: Utlatlan, 11 April, 1524. Only two of those letters were printed, the remaining fifteen are yet in MSS. Mr. E. G. .Squier owned MS. copies of the whole, but whither they went at his sale I do not know. The two which were published (11 April and 28 July), appeared in the following works : " Delle navigationi et viaggi, &c." by Gian Battista Ramusio. Venice, Italian version. The "due lettere de Pietro d' Alvarado," are contained in the 3d volume, editions of 1556, 1565, and 1606. OviED6. "Historia y natural de las Indias." Vol. III. Written be- tween 1535 and 1557, but printed only 1853. Madrid. ANDRES GONZALEZ BARCIA. " Historiadores primitivos de Indias." Madrid, 1749, Vol. I. H. TERNAUX-COMPANS. " Premier recueil de pieces relatives a la con- quete du Mexique." Paris, 1838. French translation. ENRIQUE DE VEDIA. "Historiadores primitivos de Indias." Madrid, 1852. (Vol. I.) These letters, from the conqueror of Guatemala, are very important, and the 15 unpublished ones should be printed at the earliest possible moment. FRANCISCO LOPEZ DE GOMARA. (Quite full, and mentions the earliest author giving the etymology or rather, an etymology of the word " Cuauhternallan." This is the earliest printed notice about it.) GONZALO FERNANDEZ DE OVIEDO Y VALDES. (Has other informa- tion besides Alvarado's letters.) BARTOLOME DE LAS CASAS. (Very important, particularly on the interior provinces pertaining or adjacent to his bishopric of Chiapas.) GIROLAMO BENZONI. (Visited Guatemala himself, and although brief, he still is valuable.) PETRUS MARTYR, AB ANGLERIA. (Brief notice, in connection with the movements of Alvarado, in the last decade, Cap's V. audX. earliest reports on Guatemala in general, received in Europe.) 23 FRAY TORIBIO DE PAREDES, SURNAMED MOTOLINIA. (Not only the " Historia de las Indias de Nueva-Espaiia," contains incidental reference to Guatemala, but there is a trace of a "Viaje a Guatemala." Yet the latter is still in doubt.) FRAY GERONIMO DE MENDIETA. BERNAL DIEZ DEL CASTILLO. (Although a citizen of Spanish Guate- mala, his reports are not very full.) " REQUETO DE PLUSIEURS CHEFS D' ATITLAN." Addressed, under date of 1 Feb'y, 1571, to Philip II. Published in French, by H. Ternaux- Compans, in 1 st "Recueil de pieces concernant le Mexique," 1838. It is valuable. PASCUAL DE ANDAGOYA. " Relacion de los sucesos de Pedrarias Davila en las provincias de Tierra flrme 6 Castilla del oro, y de lo ocurrido en el descubrimiento de la mar del Sur y costas del Peru y Nica- ragua." About 1545. Original at Sevilla, printed 1 for the first time by Don Martin Fernandez de Navarrete, in 1829. Vol. III. of " Coleccion de los Viages y Descubrimientos, &c." English translation, by C. R. Markham, published under the title of " The Narrative of Pascual de Andagoya," by the Hackluyt Society, Vol. 34, 1865. Slight mention is made of Guatemala. ALONZO DE ZURITA. (Corita?) "Breve y Sumaria Relacion de los Seiiores, y maneras y diferencias que habia de ellos en la Nueva-Espana. . . . ." This important official document, written about 1560, has been published but once in Spanish, in Vol. II. of "Coleccion de Documen- tos Ineditos relatives al Descubrimiento, Conqaista y Colonizacion de las Posesiones Espaiiolas en America y Oceania," 1865. The text is, however, imperfect. A better original had been used by Ternaux-Com- pans for his French translation : "Rapport sur les difflrentes classes de la Nouvelle-Espagne.'' Zurita is very important on the organization of the QuichS tribes of Guatemala, and he has been almost verbally copied by Herrera. DIEGO GARCIA DE PALACIO. " Carta dirigida al Rey de Espana," 1576, March 8th. The chief importance of this report, in connection with this list, consists in its being the earliest notice of the ruins of Copan. Herrera made extensive use of Palacio's writings, but he omitted that part which referred to Copan because it was not confirmed (at his time) by any other testimony. The first publication of Palacio was by Ternaux-Compans, in 1840, "Recueil de Documents et memoires originaux sur 1' histoire des possessions espagnoles, &c." French trans- lation : fluent, but not always reliable. A Spanish copy appeared in 1806, in Vol. VII. of " Coleccion de Documentos Ineditos "A Spanish copy, with English translation, by E. G. Squier, in 1860, as Vol. I. of his "collection of rare and original documents, relations, &c., 24 and 8 of Kingsborough. The same book, under the title of " Historia general, &c., &c." appeared at Mexico, in 3 vols., 1829, edited by C. M. de Bustamante. Only very slight and casual mention of Oajaca. Writers of the Seventeenth Century. AUGUSTIN DAVILA-PADILLA. JUAN DE TORQUEMADA. (Important.) ANTONIO DE HERRERA. (Important.) 37 GREGORIO GARCIA. (Important.) FRANCISCO DE BURGOA. "Palestra Historiale de Virtudes y Excm- plares Apostolicos." M6xico, 1670. " Geograflca Descripcion de la Parte Septentrional del Polo Artico de la America." Mexico, 1674. This work is regarded (especially by such as have not seen it), as the leading work on Oajaca. I have never even seen it it is exceedingly rare. Writers of the Eighteenth Century. MARIANO VEYTIA. F. X. CLAVIGEHO. ANTONIO DE ALCEDO. LORENZO BOTURINI BEKXADCCCI. JOSEPH JOAQUIN GRANADOS Y GALVEZ. "Tardes americanas." Mxi- co, 1778 A work considerably over-estimated, containing casual mention of Oajaca, fluently written. Writers of the Nineteenth Century. I forbear mentioning here all the writers on Onjaca, more particu- larly avoiding all the general works, those excepted which contain plates of special value. The first who called attention to Mitla was certainly ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. " Vues des Cordilleres et monuments des peuples indigenes de 1' Am6rique." Paris, 1810. Royal folio. Same, 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1816. English version, by Helen M. Williams, London, 1814. "Essai politique sur la Nouvelle-Espagne." (See " Yucatan.") MATHIEU DE FOSSEY. " Le Mejique." Paris, 1857. Very fair. EDUAKD MUHLENPFORDT. "Versuch einer getreuen Schilderung dep Itepublik Mejico." Hannover, 1844. 2 vols. ARTHUR VON TEMPSKY. "Mitla, a Narrative of Incidents and Per- sonal Adventures." London, 1858. Of small scientific value. GUILLERMO DUPAIX, AND CASTANEDA. (In " Antiquites Mexicaiues," also in Lord Kingsborouglfs " Antiquities of Mexico.") DESIRE OHARNAY. (Saw the ruins in 1859. His photographs are very important.) JOSE MARIA GARCIA. (Visited Mitla in 1855, according to " Boletin de la Sock-dad Mexicana de Geogratia y Estadistica." Vol. VII., pp. 271 and 272.) 38 BRANTZ-MAYER. " Mexico as it Was and as it Is." New York, 1844. Very fair. " Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican." Hartford, 1853. Very good. " Observations on Mexican History and Archaeology." (Smithsonian Contributions. No. 86, Washington, 1856.) Contains Sawkins' drawings of Mitla. [?] J. W. vox MULLER. "Beitrage zur Geschichte und Ethnographic von Mexico." Leipzig, 1865. " Reisen in den Vereinigten-Staaten, Canada, and Mexico." Leipzig, 1864. CARLOS MARIA DE BUSTAMANTE. " Meinoria estadistica de Oajaca, y descripciou del Valle del inismo nombre." Vera-Cruz, 1821. MURGUIA. ' Estadistica antigna y moderna de la Provincia de Guajaca." , " Boletin, &c." Vol. IF.) JUAN B. CARRIEDO. The writings of this author are, unfortunately, but little known. In the " Ilustracion Mexicana," Vol. II., he has given an essay on " Los Palacios Antiguos de Mitla." But he has published other papers and even books on the same subject. " Estudios historicos, y estadisticos del estado Oaxaqueno." Oajaca, 1850. The Astor Library of New York has an incomplete copy of a work of Carriedo on Oajaca, with colored drawings by him, nnfini*hed. Co- pious notes by the author's own hand accompany the text. In historical questions Carriedo mostly follows and cites Burgoa. FRANCISCO PIMKNTEL. "Cuadro descriptive de las Lenguas Indigenas de Mexico." (See Yucatan and Chiapas.) MANUEL OROZCO Y BKRRA. In " Geografia de las Lenguas." Refer- ence is made to a number of very important papers on Oajaca, the title of one, among others, " Estado que comprende el numero de Parro- quias de la Diocesis de Oajaca, con expresion de sus nombres, Estado 6 Territorio en que estan situadas, niimero de pueblos, &c., &c." Further, certain official reports are quoted, the originals of which are in the hands of my friend S r J. G. Icazbalceta, S r Orozco mentions the following: PEDRO DE LEDESMA. " Relacion de Oajaca, por el alcalde . . ." 1579. HERNANDO DE CERVANTES. " Relacion de Teotzacualco y Amoltepec. . . . ." 1580. AUGUSTIN DE SALAZAR. " Relacion del vicario de Chilapa." JUAN LOPKZ. " Relaciou del Corregidor . . . ." 1579. 39 Finally, I must call attention to a linguistical work, known to me only through S r Orozco y Berra's citation, and through references given by S r Pimentel to wit : ANTONIO DE LOS REYES. " Arte en lengua mixteca." Mexico, 1593. Numerous grammars, vocabularies, " doctrinas," sermonaries, &c., &c., were written in the course of the 16th century, of and in the lan- guage of Oajaca. EMILIO HERBRUGER. " Album de vistas fotograficas de las antiguas Ruinas de los Palacios de Mitla." Oaxaca, 1875. Text and valuable photographs. In conclusion, I would merely beg to add, that there can hardly be any doubt as to the fact that Mitla was inhabited when the Spaniards first visited the place. It therefore becomes a point of special interest.