MENTICULTURE or the AB - C of true Living by Horace Fletcher 3 Menticutture Series I MENTICULTURE HORACE FLETCHER'S WORKS MENTICULTURE or, The A-B-C of True Living. Twenty- fifth thousand, 2,80 pp., $1.00. HAPPINESS as found in FORETHOUGHT minus FEAR- THOUGHT. Sixth thousand, 251 pp., $1.00. THAT LAST WAIF, or SOCIAL QUARANTINE 270 pp., 1.50. WHAT SENSE? or ECONOMIC NUTRITION 1 18 pp., ysc. TEACHERS' MISSIONARY EDITION of above, Paper, Special Price Published by HERBERT S. STONE & CO. Chicago and New York MENTICULTURE THE A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING BY HORACE FLETCHER HERBERT S. STONE fcf CO. CHICAGO fef NEW YORK 1899 COPYRIGHT, 1897 HORACE FLETCHER THIRTIKTH THOUSAND CONTENTS THEORY 13 A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE - - - 25 A DISCUSSION 47 PLYMOUTH CHURCH CLUB AND ARMOUR INSTITUTE 59 DIAGNOSIS AND REMEDY - 65 A PRESCRIPTION 73 SCRAPS OF EVIDENCE - - - 77 FIRST PRINCIPLES OVERLOOKED - - 113 SLAVES OR FREEMEN WHICH? - - 123 ORGANIZATION ----- 139 HOPE 145 TWENTIETH CENTURY HOPE - - 149 CORROBORATIVE AND ASSISTIVE CRITICISM 193 Two SPLENDID EXAMPLES - - 203 PRESS APPRECIATION - - - - 211 UNIVERSITY COLLABORATION 213 PRESS COLLABORATION - - - - 235 MEDICAL COLLABORATION 267 202CC39 PREFACE TO ENLARGED EDITION No preface to this edition is neces- sary except to express gratitude for the assistive collaboration of workers in the learned professions, which is appreciatively used, and to call atten- tion to the chapter, Twentieth Century Hope. This chapter is a prophecy of the natural result of the present altruistic awakening; and the increasing accelera- tion of progress almost assures it as a practical accomplishment and as a suit- able accompaniment of the birth of the New Christian Century. PREFACE Medical science had struggled for centuries with the repression and amelioration of physical disease before it discovered the possibility of pre- vention by killing the germ. Mental science pursued the same course of attempted repression in this country until quite recently it was found that mental afflictions have germs also, and it naturally follows that any who are interested in the subject should try to discover, not only the germs themselves, but methods of getting rid of them. The discovery that I have made is not new, as Christ, Buddha, Aristotle, Omar Khayyam and many others, have all suggested that the elimi- 10 PREFACE nation of the evil passions is entirely possible; but my special analysis of them, and the easy method of de- feat that I have found possible to myself, have excited such interest, that I have been induced to publish them, without attempting to follow the subject beyond the elementary stage. The theory that I have built up is based on a proper estimation of the limitations of mental weaknesses, a discovery that they have roots, and also that they can be " pulled out by the roots " and disposed of just like any other weeds ; only that the task, being mental and not physical, can be more easily performed. Literary grace has been sacrificed in the belief that redundant reference to the germs will be effective in bring- ing them into contempt. THEORY MENTICULTURE THEORY All of the evil passions are trace- able to one of two roots. ANGER is the root of all the aggres- sive passions. WORRY is the root of all the cow- ardly passions. Envy, spite, revenge, impatience, annoyance, selfishness, prejudice, un- rest, and the like are all phases of anger. Jealousy, fear, the belittling of self, the blues, and all the introspective forms of depression are the children of worry. Anger and worry are the most un- profitable conditions known to man. While they are in possession of the mind, both mental and physical growth are suspended. '3 14 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE Anger and worry are thieves that steal precious time and energy from life. Anger is a highway robber and worry is a sneak thief. Anger and worry are the most potent forms of self-abuse, for the reason that in many cases anger is the result of misunderstanding, and in most cases worry's prophecies never come true; or, if they do, the fulfil- ment is generally caused by the worry itself. Anger and worry do not stimulate to any good end. Anger and worry not only dwarf and depress, but sometimes kill. Anger and worry are bad habits of the mind and not necessary ingredients. Anger and worry are no more necessary than other passions civilized man has learned to control, and it is only needful to realize that they are unnecessary in order to make it impos- sible to feel, much less to show them. A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 15 Anger and worry cannot be elim- inated through process of repression any more than a weed can be killed by cutting down the stalk, or a cancer can be cured from the surface, or the drinking habit can be gotten rid of by "tapering off." Germ eradication is not only the easiest, but the only sure cure for all physical diseases and men- tal handicaps. The dispossession of anger and worry does not cause indifference or encourage indolence. The natural tendency of the eman- cipated mind is towards growth, both intellectual and spiritual, just as the tendency of plant life is towards vig- orous growth and perfect blossoming, if it is kept free from the gnawings of cankerous worms. Anger and worry are as much para- sites as are the cankerous worms that attack plants. The intelligent horti- culturist knows that the worms are parasites, picks them off his plant, 16 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE and throws them away too far to re- turn. The intelligent menticulturist of the future will treat anger and worry in the same intelligent manner. It is not necessary to engage in battle the small army of lesser passions if you concentrate your efforts against anger and worry, for they are all chil- dren of these parents. Oppose them with a bold front ; make one heroic stand against them and they and all of their children will fly. Disown them once and the ability to re-adopt them will have disappeared with them. Anger and worry, especially worry, are the cause of most of the drunken- ness and other dissipations which are the curses of the age. Excuse for them or temptation to them is found in the desire to smother the depression which they themselves cause. Anger and worry are creations of the mind, and can be dispelled by the same power that gave them birth. Anger and worry are caused by A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 17 phantoms that we create within our- selves and whose only strength is that with which we endow them. Anger and worry are like echoes ; they do not exist until we call for them, and the louder we call, the louder is their response. We can never drown them ; yet, if let alone, they drown themselves. Fear is possibly the truer name for the cowardly root-passion than worry ; but as they are synonymous, and as anger and worry are more frequently used together, and worry has a less formidable sound, I have chosen to present it for attack under that title. While the evil passions align them- selves into two classes, as the offshoots of Anger and Worry; they are, in fact, all growths from one root. Worry (or fear) is the male principle, as it were, without which, all the others wither and die. For instance; if we do not worry, we do not fear ; and if we do not fear aggression, or insult, or 1 8 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE slight, we do not become angry. We quarrel most frequently with what we fear is thought or intended by our adversary, and least frequently with what he actually does or thinks. On the other hand our adversary endows us with intentions which he himself creates, and each puts his own fuel on the fire, to increase the heat of the controversy. In Emancipation there is no fear, (or worry) and consequently no fuel for discord. Emancipation is a disarmament which disarms others, but adds strength to itself. To the Emancipated every mo- ment is a delight, or a moment of calm, during which he is susceptible only to good impressions, and the best interpretation of everything, no matter what the external conditions. Even in cases of sickness, the tendency of the emancipated mind is so inclined to gratitude for the limitations of the A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING IQ calamity, that it has little if any room left for regret. Its thankful apprecia- tion of a half loaf of blessings, leaves no place for disappointment that it is not a whole one, and it certainly has no desire to question the wisdom of the process of evolution to which it is related. To question or to regret the inevita- ble seems to the emancipated mind the greatest folly imaginable. It certainly is as foolish as barking at the moon. " Sweet sorrow " must not be classed with the depressing passions. It is the tenderest expression of love. If tears of love or of sympathy spring to the eyes, do not repress them ; do not be ashamed of them ; they are like dew from Heaven and promote the growth of the soul. Neither must friendly rivalry, nor ambition to excel, be classed as ag- gressions; as they are phases of growth. The disposition of the Emancipated is to switch the current of the Divine 20 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE Spark (which is the energy of man) on to wires that connect with motors belted to good acts, and good thoughts, and worthy appreciation, and to cut out the circuits of worry and anger and their branch lines entirely, leaving them to rust and decay through disuse. It is a matter of voluntary selection. The same effort of thought can be made to bless or to curse ; can stimulate to good or stimulate to bad ; can propel or retard ; can aid or obstruct ; can nourish or kill. Nature uses the same atoms to per- form many services of widely differing purpose. Where she is inanimate the blind and dumb law of the "survival of the fittest" rules supreme. In her lowest forms of life this law begins to be modified by selection, and protection from without. In the higher forms of animal life memory, and selection, and division of labor, and provision, and gratitude, show a degree of develop- ment that is beautiful indeed ; but it A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 21 is left to man to perfect this develop- ment within himself. To him is given the power, through cultivation, to pro- mote, without limit, growth towards Perfection, which is the evidence of Divinity in him. Soft mist, down-falling, from its cloud domain, Bathes all the thirsty land with gentle rain ; Again, to Heaven ascends, by sunbeams wooed, Then plunges back to earth in torrent mood. As gentle rain it swells the softening seed ; In torrent force, it wrecks with demon greed ; Now, like the radiance of a loving heart ; Now, like the scorching of a lightning dart. The self-same atom, hidden in a tear. May shine with love, or 'note a potent fear ; When bound to others form the flintiest stone ; Or, floating freely, bear the subtlest tone. Thoughts are like atoms, fashioned by the will ; Each has a mission, charged with good or ill ; Sometimes to bless ; anon to desolate ; Love's messenger; or harbinger of hate. In Nature's hands, one atom plays two parts, As may be needed in her several arts ; In man alone, should love forever shine ; Displacing hate ; proclaiming man Divine. Love, and Appreciation, and Grati- tude, the ever-present and ever- 22 MENTICULTURE faithful handmaids of Emancipation, are the natural and only conditions favorable to growth ; they are the less assertive but stronger attributes which are always waiting to occupy the places left vacant by anger and worry, and to fill the "void which Nature abhors." Born of them is that other Divine at- tribute called Help or Charity, and together they stimulate to good action and good thought, and lift into life that plant of the soul, the Divine Responsibility of each member of the human family. Anger and worry are the rankest forms of Egotism. Emancipation is the reverse of Phariseeism. Phariseeism is self-suffi- ciency ; while Emancipation shows its desire for growth, through the prepara- tion of its mental and spiritual entity for unimpaired growth, by clearing it of the weeds of egotism. A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE It was my privilege one evening to be with Prof. Fenollosa in his Japan- esque apartment in Boston. Almost every article in view was the product of some Japanese artist who had been the friend of Prof. Fenollosa in Japan. The odor of incense added perceptibly to the calming influence of the envir- onment. Many years ago we had met in far- off Japan amid similar surroundings, and had discussed theories of true living that had been a source of great pleasure to me, and whose influence had been with me to many countries and climes, helping me to enjoy more fully than I otherwise could, the beau- ties of nature, and of art, and of life. We were exchanging the experi- ences of the intervening years, and I became acutely interested in his ac- 25 26 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE count of the wonderful degree of cult- ure and self-control attained by some of his Japanese friends through the practice of the Buddhist discipline. It was all so interesting and beauti- ful, that under the spell of the recital and the surroundings, I longed to taste some of the sweets of the calm he pic- tured, and begged him to tell me the process of the discipline, so that per- chance I might follow it and reap some of the benefits. The philosopher saw that I was serious in my desire, and his face lit up with approval as he said, " It is not easy to communicate at a sitting what took me years of study to learn, but I can at least put you in the way of a start. I can tell you where to begin to grow. You must first get rid of anger and worry" "But," said I, "is that possible?" "Yes," replied he, "it is possible to the Japanese, and ought to be possible to us. I was startled at the suggestion of A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 27 the possibility of the entire repression of anger and worry. I knew that their repression was counselled by Chris- tianity and Buddhism, and presumably by all codes of religion and ethics; but I had never considered getting rid of them as a human possibility, except under conditions of health and wealth and ease, to which few, if any, ever attain. On my walk back to the Parker House, a distance of fully two miles, I could not think of anything else but the words, "get rid, 11 "get rid; 1 ' and the idea must have continued to pos- sess me during my sleeping hours, for the first consciousness in the morning brought back the same thought, with the revelation of a discovery, which framed itself into the reasoning, " If it is possible to get rid of anger and worry, why is it necessary to have them at all ?" I felt the strength of the argument and at once accepted the reasoning. The baby had discovered 28 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE that it could walk. It would scorn to creep any longer. From the instant I realized that these cancer spots of worry and anger were removable, they left me. With the discovery of their weakness they were exorcised. From that time life has had an entirely changed aspect. Although from that moment the possibility and desirability of freedom from the depressing passions has been a reality to me, it took me some months to feel absolute security in my new position; but, as the usual occasions for worry and anger have presented them- selves over and over again, and I have been unable to feel them in the slightest degree, I no longer dread or guard against them, and I am amazed at my increased energy and vigor of mind; at my strength to meet situa- tions of all kinds, and at my disposition to love and appreciate everything. I have had occasion to travel more A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 29 than ten thousand miles by rail since that morning ; North, South, East and West, with the varying comforts and discomforts, as they used to be. The same Pullman porter, conductor, hotel waiter, peddler, book-agent, cabman, and others, who were formerly a source of annoyance and irritation have been met, but I am not conscious of a single incivility. All at once the whole world has turned good to me. I am sure the change is not so much in the world as in me. I have become, as it were, sensitive only to the rays of good, as some photographic films of recent invention are sensitive only to certain single colored rays of light. If we are wise we never leave school. When the academy and the college have put us through their cur- riculum, we have still before us the example of Nature, and the walks of Science, and Art, and Brotherhood, in which to search for suggestions to be 30 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE applied in menticulture. May we not learn a lesson from the newly discov- ered film ? Should not the chemical condition of selection be more difficult than a similar voluntary mental accomplishment? In comparison with a similar process in physics the more pliable material of the mind ought to be fashioned with greater ease. I could recount many experiences which prove a brand new condition of mind, but one more will be sufficient. Without the slightest feeling of annoy- ance or impatience I have seen a train that I had planned to take with a good deal of interested and pleasurable an- ticipation, move out of a station with- out me, because my baggage did not arrive. The porter from the hotel came running and panting into the station just as the train pulled out of sight. When he saw me he looked as if he feared a scolding, and began to tell of being blocked in a crowded street A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 31 and unable to get out. When he had finished, I said to him, " It doesn't matter at all, you couldn't help it, so we will try it again to-morrow. Here is your fee, I am sorry you had all this trouble in earning it." The look of surprise that came over his face was so filled with pleasure that I was repaid on the spot for the delay in my departure. Next day he would not accept a cent for the service, and he and I are friends for life. The sequence of this incident has no bear- ing on its value, but it has a signifi- cance. Had I taken the train I missed, I would have been caught in a wreck in which two persons were killed and several wounded, while my stay over in Cleveland proved to be both pleasant and profitable. During the first weeks of my expe- rience I was on guard only against worry and anger ; but, in the mean- time, having noticed the absence of the other depressing and dwarfing 32 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE passions, I began to trace a relation- ship, until I was convinced that they are all growths from the two roots I have specified. I have felt the freedom now for so long a time that I am sure of my rela- tions toward it; and I could no more harbor any of the depressing and thieving influences that once I nursed as a heritage of humanity than a fop would voluntarily wallow in a filthy gutter: and the strength of the position is reinforced by the experience of others. There is no doubt in my mind that pure Christianity, and pure Buddhism, and the Mental Sciences, and all Reli- gions, fundamentally teach what has been a discovery to me; but none of them have presented it in the light of a simple and easy process of absolute elimination. All of the religions seemed to me to hinge principally on some other life, with the usual features of punishment and reward, and with A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 33 incidental satisfaction or fear in this life. But as life reveals itself to me in my present condition of mind, this world, these fellow men, the blush of Spring, the blossom of Summer, the flame of Autumn, the sparkle of Winter, and the violet-softened refulgence of every waking moment yield a never failing succession of delights. At one time I wondered if elimina- tion of the passions would not lead to indifference and sloth. In my experi- ence the contrary is the result. I feel such an increased desire to do some- thing useful that it seems as if I were a boy again and the energy for play had returned. I could fight as readily as (and better than) ever, if there were occasion for it. It does not make one a coward. It can't, since fear is one of the things eliminated. That fear is got ridden of with worry is proveji in many ways. I no- tice the absence of timidity in the 34 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE presence of any audience I am called on to face, whereas I had never before conquered a tendency to partial paraly- sis on such occasions. Timidity re- sulting from a shock has been cured also. When I was a boy I was standing under a tree which was struck by lightning and received a shock, from the effects of which I never knew exemption until I had dissolved partnership with worry. Since then lightning, and thunder, and storm clouds, with wind-swept torrents of rain have been encountered under conditions which formerly would have caused great depression and discom- fort, without experiencing a trace of either. Surprise is also greatly modi- fied, and one is less liable to become startled by unexpected sights or noises. Temperaments may differ, but Eman- cipation strengthens all. It has been suggested to me, in argument, that in Nature there is sun- shine and shadow, and that every A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 35 height must have a corresponding de- pression, and that immunity from the black or shadowy passions is an un- natural condition. This is not true. In the process of growth and evolution, conditions that once were natural, are changed to other conditions equally natural. Weeds are pulled up by the roots to clear the fields for the grow- ing grain. Why should not mental weeds be pulled up by the roots also, and the mind cleared for growth ? My experience teaches me that the natural evolution of the emancipated mind is dominant calm, varied by sea- sons of exaltation, but never of depres- sion. It is a healthful succession of energy and rest, all blessed with loving appreciation, which finds expression in ever-present gratitude. One morning recently I heard my- self audibly thank the clock for strik- ing the time for me, and each awaken- ing is as if on a much desired holiday, no matter what the conditions of the 36 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE weather or the comforts of life at hand. Contentment and happiness and gratitude and Heaven are generally ac- cepted as synonymous terms; but Eman- cipation embraces them all, and in it only can they all be found. As far as I am individually con- cerned I am not bothering myself at pres- ent as to what the result of this emanci- pated condition may be. I have no doubt that the perfect health aimed at by Christian Science may be one of the possibilities, for I note a marked im- provement in the way my stomach does its duty in assimilating the food I give it to handle, and I am sure it works better to the sound of a song than under the friction of a frown. Neither am I wasting any of this precious time formulating an idea of a future existence or a future Heaven. The Heaven that I have found within myself is as attractive as any that has been promised or that I A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 37 can imagine; and I am willing to let the growth lead where it will, as long as anger and worry and their brood have no part in misguiding it; but I feel the value of Mental Emancipation to be so great that I long to spread the news of the discovery of an easy and immediate means of attaining it. The practical benefit of the eman- cipated mind to the individual, and of the emancipated individual to the com- munity, can not be over-estimated. In every walk in life Emancipation is invaluable to the worker, and the most potent aid to success. The emancipated peanut vender will have more customers than his worm- eaten neighbor. The emancipated merchant will find that trade will pass the door of his calamity-howling rival and come to him. The emancipated writer will find writing an easy and pleasant task as compared with that of his moody confrere, and that if he has occasion to dip his pen in vinegar he 38 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE can wield it better under the influence of judicial calm than he can between the gulps of rebellious indigestion. To woman Emancipation means every- thing. Any other condition to her is like an ill fitting garment, and every lapse from it is like adding a blotch to her complexion which succeeding smiles can never entirely efface. Each expression of a shadowy passion leaves a scar. The Emancipation of woman would mean the Emancipation of the race. The adoption of the germ cure will be woman's means to that end, and Emancipation will be her Heaven and man's Heaven at the same time. The influence of emancipated indi- viduals in a community could be made so great that if there were only one in ten, and they should organize in clubs for the purpose, they would attract or rule the rest for good, and something better than the social Utopia pictured by Edward Bellamy in A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 39 "Looking Backward " would follow as a natural sequence, and save us from the threatened battle between capital and labor, which otherwise seems inevita- ble. The horrors of such a conflict cannot be imagined; and, unless the germ cure is sought to avert it, it is sure to come. The germ cure of the evil passions in the individual, followed by the germ cure of social clumsiness in the body politic, form the only hope of Emanci- pation from the evils which beset the social structure. For these there is no real necessity. There is already such a surplus of mechanical energy, such a surplus of creature comforts, and such a surplus of luxuries on our planet, that a moderately sensible distribution of them, would render every inhab- itant comfortable and happy. Among the Emancipated the desire to make a generous distribution of these sur- plus stores would be as natural as is the habit of recognizing "the rule of 40 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE the road " among us all to-day. So also, the vast amount of surplus energy born of Emancipation would find a nat- ural outlet in the arts. In suggesting the possibility of a Social Paradise or Community Heaven, it is presupposed that education along the lines of both intellectual and man- ual training will have become universal, and that every one shall render service to his fellows according to his strength; also that idleness, when one should work, and deception in trade, will have come to be classed as crimes, and not as evidences of " shrewdness." It has been my good fortune to travel to and fro over the earth's sur- face for thirty years, years of exper- ience passed among the people of many different nations. I have made quick comparisons of the habits and customs of them all; and I have observed how easily some do things that others perform clumsily. The standard measure of my com- A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 41 parison has always been Japan. I could not help observing there less crime, better appreciation of art and nature, more physical dexterity and skill, fewer notes out of harmony, and more general happiness, gentleness, and consideration for fellows and ani- mals; less (almost no) religious or sectional prejudice ; a universal patri- otism and respect for authority (as good children are respectful of the authority of beloved parents); a love of life, but no fear of death ; and many other qualities that have commanded the respect of the world under the bright light of recent events. Brave, gentle, artistic, lovable little Japan, which, thirty odd years ago, was nursing in quiet seclusion a beauti- ful flower of artistic civilization, has been rudely but providentially forced into the community of nations to teach the rest of the world a great lesson in the art of true living. By the exer- cise of judicious but resistless courage 42 MENTI CULTURE ; OR, THE she has laid the Oriental Colossus who attacked her at her feet; and if the bulldog and buzzard nations of the West, do not unite their forces to obstruct her inclination, she will lift her fallen foe from a condition of slavery to barbarous aliens to a con- dition of tranquillity and happiness. She will do this through the introduc- tion of reforms in government and administration which she has gathered from the best experience of all the world. What a missionary Japan is ! A missionary of the art of true living. A missionary of harmony. The con- tact of Japan with the other nations made the World's Congress of Relig- ions possible ; and what this means to the advancement of man on the road to harmony and happiness, was recently stated by Prof. Max Muller, when he prophesied that this event would come to be appreciated as the greatest civil- izing influence of the Nineteenth cen- tury. A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 43 May the example of Japan set the boors of the world to thinking, cause them to take their fore feet out of the trough, look up to the sun and the light of dawning civilization, accept the simple teachings of Christ and Buddha and common sense,, and start a Heaven here on earth. Steam and electricity have brought the extremes of our earth together ; the telescope has let us into the secrets of the neigh- boring worlds, and logic and common sense may find in the possibility of Emancipation a means of bringing Heaven to us in this life. A DISCUSSION A DISCUSSION WHICH FOLLOWED THE READING OF THE FOREGOING PAPER "Can anger and worry be entirely eliminated from the human mind?" " Yes; they are simply bad habits of the mind, parasites, unnatural, and therefore uncivilized conditions, nursed by false ideas of pride or necessity; and their elimination is a purely mental process within the control of every intelligent person who has sufficient self-respect to recognize within him- self the reflection of the Divine Image." "In what does the germ cure of mental ills differ from the Christian method of repression through answer to prayer?" " Christ clearly advocated the germ 47 48 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE cure. He did not say ' Try to do un- to others as you would have others do unto you/ but 'Do unto others/ etc. ' Be ye perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect/ In all of his teachings do and be were the com- mands. Most of the creeds, however, endow man with a weakness which is self-condemning. The prayers are offered perfunctorily, and sometimes without belief in their efficacy, while the passions are nursed privately in full belief that they are essential attri- butes of fallen man." " May not the elimination of anger and worry take away some of the stimu- lation to effort that is necessary to human progress?" '' Assuredly not. The absence of anger and worry is an evidence of strength and not of weakness. So- called righteous anger is a weakness in the presence of judicial calm. Without anger and worry one is stronger to ward off a blow, administer a correc- A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 49 tion, or protect a principle. The eman- cipated mind is as eager for effort as a child is for play. Freed from anger and worry one can shovel more dirt, plough more furrows, perform every duty better, and with less fatigue, than if under their influence." "Are there examples in every -day life, among every-day people, that prove the possibility of superiority over anger and worry?" " Yes. Habitually profane men do not swear in the presence of ladies. Vicious men are gentle when among those whom they respect. The pas- sions are subservient to the will under conditions that reverence or fashion prescribe. If they are subser- vient under any conditions they can be controlled under all conditions. Nothing for instance, could make you angry while we are talking on this subject, because you would feel ashamed to show slavery to a condemned and unmanly weakness." 50 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE "If it is possible to get rid of the depressing passions, and they are so un- profitable, why has not mankind become emancipated long before this?" ''This question can best be an- swered by asking others. Why were a personal devil and witches and filmy ghosts considered possibilities as late as the beginning of this century? Why was human slavery believed to be a divine institution by the majority of the world's inhabitants as late as fifty years ago? Why are the divine right of kings, and the assumption that the sov- ereign can do no wrong, possibilities of the present? Why is it possible that a Supreme Court of the United States can be divided on questions of political significance, and the points of difference of opinion be in harmony with the pre- vious political affiliations of the jus- tices? Politics represent the selfish in human contact as at present managed, while justice is supposed to be spot- A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 51 lessly unselfish ; yet the former un- blushingly invades the sanctuary of the latter, because selfishness is held to be a necessity." " Is not the condition of Emancipation selfish? Is it not selfish not to worry for one s friend, even if self-worry is eliminated? " " Emphatically, no ! Emancipation puts one in a condition to be unselfish. Suppose his friend need aid or sympa- thy ; will worry furnish either ? With the extirpation of the depressing pas- sions comes the strength, and the abil- ity, and the desire, to give to others, the aid and sympathy they may be in need of. Actual, or even metaphori- cal, wringing of hands, is not the sort of sympathy that soothes. It is like the "blind leading the blind," or rather, the weak trying to assist the weak. Better try to help with the strength born of Emancipation than with the weakness of the enervating passions." " / can easily understand how anger 52 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE can be classed as a sin, because it is aggressive and affects something outside of us; as a sin, I can see how it ought to be cast out; but as worry deals only with ones self, I do not believe it can be called a sin ; then why is it necessary to eliminate it, especially as it may be an incentive to action, to prevent the causes of the worry? " " This whole question has been an- swered before in the presentation of the theory, but as it has not carried the force of impression that I intended, I will take it up piecemeal, and try to be more clear. " In the first place, one's first duty is to one's self in the matter of cultiva- tion and care ; this, not on account of egotism or selfishness, but in order to fit him to be strong and useful and a good member of his circle. As a parent, he should make himself the most perfect progenitor and example possible; as a member of Society he should aim to be the most able and A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 53 useful; and as the custodian of the Divine Essence within him, he should not harbor or encourage weeds of the soul, whether visible to others, or with- in the secret corners of his own heart. " As to worry ever being an incentive to wise or good action, I will repeat a section of the theory. ' Worry's pro- phesies are seldom realized, and if they are, the realization is generally caused by the worry itself.'" "How can emancipation be secured for the community?" "Through the influence of the eman- cipated individual; chiefly through the influence of the emancipated woman. In the crossing of sabers she cannot assist; but in a war against the enemies of the mind, when love is the weapon, she can and will occupy a place in the front rank. She can make anger and worry unfashionable, as she already has made profanity and obscenity unfash- ionable. 54 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE "To accomplish this, let clubs be formed in each community and in each church, and let each church become a club-house as well. Introduce health- ful amusements such as make other clubs attractive, and place in large letters over the portal and the altar GROWTH EMANCIPATION HELP. You will have then constantly before you the only cure for mental cancers, and the essence of all religions ex- pressed in three words ; you will have touched the button of the Divine cam- era within you whose film is sensitive only to the rays of good. Love and growth will do the rest. The teachers of morality and religion will do abler work under the realization that not only the 'old Adam,' but the Divine Essence as well, have seats in each human soul, and that, when the good A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 55 is appealed to in terms of confidence and understanding, evil will be cast out instantly, without a lifetime of contro- versy, and without waiting for eternity, or even for the death-bed to unloose the fetters. As a result of organization on the basis of Emancipation, and when it has become an accepted fact that anger and worry are only bad habits of the mind, no clergyman can show them and retain the respect of his congregation ; no King's Daughter can entertain them and be worthy of her badge ; no member of the Christ- ian Endeavor Society can harbor within himself the arch enemies of Christianity which the Master com- manded his disciples to cast out, and be loyal to his cause ; and no individual in the pursuit of duty, or even of sel- fish pleasure, can afford to carry such weighty handicaps and hope to win the race." PLYMOUTH CHURCH CLUB AND ARMOUR INSTITUTE PLYMOUTH CHURCH CLUB AND ARMOUR INSTITUTE A good example of a church club is that which forms a part of Plymouth Church in Chicago. Plymouth Club was founded by Dr. Scudder and is warmly encouraged by Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus, the present pastor of the church. Dr. Gunsaulus is also presi- dent of Armour Institute, where man- ual training is taught side by side with letters and the sciences to men and women alike. In these two eminently practical organizations most of the conditions favorable to growth are already furnished. Add to these Emancipation as the motto of the club, and as the requisite mental ac- complishment for admission to the school, and the conditions will be per- fected to the highest degree. 59 60 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE The word Emancipation has a very formidable sound because it is asso- ciated with a great war; but its attain- ment through germ eradication is a simple and easy accomplishment. The presidents of great mental and manual training institutions know that the depressing and dwarfing phantoms of the mind are merely bad habits weeds that can be rooted out and that anger and worry are the roots. They have provided commodious buildings, learned professors, the most perfect chemical and mechanical appli- ances, and thousands of books, to aid mental and manual culture; and yet, they fail to apply the first principle of all their sciences to the preparation of the pupil. In horticulture they do not tolerate worms or weeds; in chemistry they first examine into the purity of the ingredients; and in mechanics the greatest care is taken to avoid friction. Anger and worry are conditions of ex- treme mental friction, which, during A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 6 1 their presence, stop the progressive action of the mental machine. It would impose no impossibility, neither would it entail any hardship, to require of students that they should subscribe to the following: Science teaches, and experience corrob- orates the fact, that the depressing or evil passions are bad habits of the mind, and not necessary ingredients. Anger and worry are the roots of the evil passions and can be pulled out. In order to promote the best possible growth it is required that Emancipation should be the rule of life of the student. Under the suggestion of the possi- bility of Emancipation from undesira- ble mental enemies, emanating from so respected a source as the faculty of a chosen college, the student would acquire the prerequisite condition of "faith"; while the absorbing work of college life, surrounded by fellows working in sympathy with him, would strengthen the faith into a belief; and 62 MENTICULTURE the immediate recompense of harmony would be evidence of its value as a rule of life. From the school the student would carry the rule back into the family, and into all walks in life; and with the aid of present means of communication the influence would spread the world over, disarm the prodigious prepara- tions for struggle that are being made, and distribute the palm branch to take the place of the sword. Will not the great educators whom the world respects so highly, and in whom it has so much faith, try the experiment? The promised fruit is worth the trial. DIAGNOSIS AND REMEDY DIAGNOSIS AND REMEDY It is believed by many, that Society and Politics, at the present time, are badly diseased. Mr. Max Nordau's diagnosis of them, which he entitled Degeneration, has met with general approval. Legislative (especially mu- nicipal) corruption, and the degrada- tion of some of the courts, are open evidence of the fact. Statesmanship and Politics have been divorced, and are already strangers to each other. The marriage of Might and Right, has been sanctioned by popular consent. Power is no longer used as a lever with which to uplift the weak, but has been transformed into a social crushing ma- chine. Caste, ostentation, dissipation, and insincerity, are the established idols that lure the present generation towards greedy ambition. 66 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE It is also believed, and is perhaps true, that the social ulcers have been so irritated by ostentatious rivalry, and the commercial ulcers are so distended with the pus of ruinous competition and corruption, that they must soon come to a head, and that convalescence and cure may be possibilities of the future. While these symptoms of disease are visible to all, and are tolerated as necessary evils, they fortunately do not cover the whole body politic; but yet, they seriously disfigure its face, and grievously affect the healthy action of its heart. In the political world, many agents are actively at work to effect cure of the evils which flaunt unblushing in the face of the public. The Committee of Seventy in New York, The Civic Fed- eration in Chicago, and the National Municipal Reform League of the United States, are all doing good temporary work, but they do not reach the root A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 67 causes of the evils they aim to correct; and it is doubtful if the reforms they accomplish will be any more permanent than were those of their equally zeal- ous predecessors. In the moral and religious world, much the same futile methods of cure through repression are in use that ob- tained during the Dark Middle Ages. In the individual, phantoms of the imagination, whose presence impose stagnation and disease, are created and clothed with the authority of mas- ters, under the belief that they are the curses which bind fallen men to earth ; and this in contradiction of every assurance and promise of Christ ; . in opposition to all intelligent methods of culture used in connection with ani- mals and plants ; and contrary to com- mon sense. These are strong statements, but they are indisputable ; and if they are true, what then, is the remedy? As previously stated, the only cure is 68 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE the germ cure; and, beginning with the individual. The task is not a difficult one. Appreciation of the limitations of the power of the depressing passions, and one's strength to extirpate them, and to be superior to them, are the only necessary prerequisites to victory. There is no tedious discipline, as in the various methods of repression in vogue; and dividends are immediately and continuously collectable on the fair face of the investment. No rule of conduct is necessary; for, out of Emancipation, only good conduct, to fit environing circumstances, can be ex- pected ; and yet, every Christian, every Jew, every Buddhist, every Moham- metan, every Free Mason, and every Odd Fellow, can accept Emancipation as a rule of life, without renouncing his other faiths and affiliations, be- cause it is the fundamental principle of them all, expressed in terms of present knowledge, and unclouded by the A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 69 shadows of ignorance and superstition, which gave the name of Dark Ages to a period of our history. And outside of these devotees, there is the great mass of men, the so- called Skeptics, who claim to adhere to logic, and scientific sense, for their light on spiritual, as well as on material subjects. . To these, Emancipation will be a haven of repose for their spirit- ual yearnings; and, unimpeded growth, under Divinely natural conditions, "will do the rest" for them all. PRESCRIPTION PRESCRIPTION One grain of the assurance of Christ that man is made in the image of God. One grain of respect for the respon- sibility of the care and culture of the Divine Essence with which we have been entrusted. One grain of the command of Christ (implying a possibility) " Be ye per- fect, as your Father in Heaven is per- fect." One grain of the example of Buddha that man can grow to perfection through the elimination of anger and worry and their brood of dependent pas- sions. One grain of the wisdom of Aris- totle which declared that the passions are habits of the mind, and can be got- ten rid of as physical habits are gotten rid of. 73 74 MENTICULTURE One grain of the assurance of Omar Khayyam that Heaven and Hell are within ourselves. One grain of the assurance of Christ that " the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." One grain of common sense applied to an analysis of mental handicaps and the discovery of their limitations. One grain of the to-day experience of the author that anger and worry are the roots of all the passions which de- press, and can be eliminated. DIRECTIONS. Take: and then let The ever-full, never-full bounty of love, Sing a song, tell a tale, strike a chord, from above, Soften strife out of life, find a pleasure in giving, Sound the kev-note on earth, of the Art of True Living. SCRAPS OF EVIDENCE SCRAPS OF EVIDENCE Early in life I was fortunate enough to acquire the belief that, what seemed to be the consensus of opinion of the learned in any art or science, ought to be true; and, accepting their dictum, I have tried to grow up to an appre- ciation of their intelligence or taste in the subjects of their study, without combatting it with my own callow im- pressions. In this way I have enjoyed an early appreciation of the classics in music and in art, much in advance of the ordinary experience derived from personal contact. In this spirit of in- vestigation I have collected some scraps of evidence which all prove my theory. No one has denied the possi- bility of Emancipation, but every one has found a pleasure at once in the ray of hope it suggests. Since my attention has been direct- 77 78 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE ed to the possible total emancipation from the depressing passions, I have taken occasion to interview every man who seemed to enjoy unclouded hap- piness, as to the secret of his happi- ness. In almost every instance I have learned that the emancipated condi- tion has dated, not from infancy and inheritance, but from some incident in later life that exposed the passions to ridicule, or showed them to be a cause of danger; such as death as the result of worry, or crime as the result of anger ; some object lesson which proved the danger of permitting the passions to absorb one. I enquired of A PHYSICIAN who has recently been selected by vote of the members of his profes- sion to a position of honor among them, and who is conspicuous for his enjoyment of such healthful recrea- tion as only much younger men usu- ally enjoy, whether he did not consider A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 79 anger and worry habits of the mind, and not as necessary ingredients. "Cer- tainly," said he, " and I know it to be true by the best possible evidence, the evidence of experience." After some further questioning I was able to get from him the following story: "When I was a boy I had an ungovernable temper which brought from my neigh- bors the prediction that I would come to some bad end. At school I was known as one of the four or five ' roosters.' There was scarcely a day that a ring was not formed, and some of us 'roosters' did not engage in a fight. I followed my studies pretty closely, however, in pursuance of a natural inclination to be ' on top,' but without any laudable ambition in con- nection with them, and finally gradu- ated in medicine and began practice. I suffered great annoyance from horses and servants, and quarreled with them constantly, and got mad at my patients if they showed any unreasonable ten- 80 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE dencies; until one day it came to me as a sudden revelation, that, what most hindered them from getting well, was the very thing that possessed me the greater part of the time, and made me disagreeable to myself and others; and I resolved to master myself as I had tried to master others. From that time I date my success in life, and certainly my happiness. I will not al- low anything to worry me. If a driver or other servant does not please me, I do not quarrel with him, but pay him off, and let him go with the best of feeling. I have a collector who is very faithful, and very candid at the same time. When he fails to collect an account that is due, I sometimes ask him the reason, and he repeats to me what my patient has said. One day I questioned him about an account that had been long overdue, against a patient whom I met cordially every day at the club, but who was evidently 'short' at the time and suffered annoy- A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 81 ance from collectors. 'What did he say?' said I. 'He said, sir, "Tell the doctor to go to hell," replied the honest collector. Most men would have taken offense at the message, and prosecuted his patient for the debt, or 'cut' him, or expressed anger in some way; but I simply didn't go where he had ordered, and never referred to the matter with him. We are the best of friends now, and he is one of my warmest advo- cates." A MANUFACTURER The president of one of the largest manufacturing corporations in the country, having properties in a dozen states, related to me the following story : "Some years ago I journeyed south with a railroad magnate who stood very high at the time in the railway world. We came to a river crossed by his road. The bridge had been washed away, and, while it was rebuild- 82 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE ing, trains were ferried to the further shores. Owing to some accident there was no boat on hand to transport the official's car across the stream. He became so angry that he flew into a wild passion, and cursed and dis- charged the subordinates in charge of the division without inquiry as to the cause of the delay. He learned after- ward that the accident to the boat was unavoidable, and that none of the employes whom he had insulted so grossly and discharged so unfairly were responsible for it ; but he was too proud to apologize. "The incident made such an impres- sion on me, that I resolved never to show anger again before my em- ployes; and I have kept my resolve. It has led to my renouncing the habit altogether, and for many years anger has ceased to be a component part of my nature. I am sorry that I did not discharge worry at the same time, as results have proved that it has had A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 83 no real cause to exist; and it has, as you say, stolen much precious time and energy out of my life." A MADMAN Another example of the possible control of the passions, and a most important one, is told by another friend. One of the chums of his youth had fits of anger during which he was possessed with an insatiable desire to kill the object of his wrath, if it happened to be a living being, or to break it if it were inanimate. During his seasons of calm he deplored his weakness, and resolved not to permit it to take possession of him. He stopped being angry because he was afraid of the consequences. He did not dare to be angry. As a result he has lived a life filled with charity and consideration for others, which has been a blessing to himself and those about him. 84 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE MR. DANA Mr. Charles A. Dana once sent a member of the staff of the New York Sun to learn, if possible, what was the probable cause of the death of some men of high standing in the financial world who were reported to have hastened their death by over- work. Mr. Dana did not believe that hard work could kill. The result of the inquiry in each instance was to the effect that these men were the victims of worry, which was as unne- cessary, as it was unprofitable and fatal. AN AUTHOR One of the most prolific, observing, and interesting writers of stories and descriptive articles for the magazines, a war correspondent and one time jour- nalist, has endorsed and practiced the theory presented in this paper, and has done me the honor to write approv- ingly as follows : "I have succeeded in entirely rid- A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 85 ding myself of the cancers, and am amazed at the ease with which it was done. You are certainly an apostle of sweetness and light, and I shall never be able to thank you enough for letting me into your noble secret." He notes especially an improved digestion, and feels younger each day as he progresses in the new life. A GENERAL MANAGER The Southern General Manager of one of the largest British Insurance Companies is a tried convert, and finds health and happiness which had never been attained while under the thraldom of worry, which was his only former affliction. AN AUTHORESS The author of a novel which has just come before the public, and which is one of the purest and most ingenious stories ever published, is an ardent con- vert to the belief that she is superior to the depressing passions, and her 86 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE naturally religious temperament finds great solace in it. A LAWYER A leading lawyer of New Orleans, of very old family, religious by nature, but not sectarian, found comfort in the idea of the possible elimination of the passions, and the unrestricted growth of the God-given faculties, in substance as follows : "The germ theory of cure must ap- peal to all persons in a greater or less degree, especially to such as find it dif- ficult to believe in a personal Deity who receives directly and directly answers prayer as a special dispensation. They can find logic in the cultivation of the Divine Spark which has been breathed in to them, and feel that in its growth toward perfection the Laws of Nature are being assisted and not violated ; while to such as find faith in a personal God and comfort and help in prayer, the ability to be superior to sinful A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 87 thoughts will give stimulation to their faith, and be a fulfilment of the Ex- ample, which taught : 'Get thee behind me, Satan f" A SOUTHRON I was traveling with a friend from the South who is one of the best fel- lows that I know. He is kind, consid- erate, chivalrous, and all that char- acterizes a Southern gentleman; but he has a false idea of dignity in some re- spects, and precipitates controversy sometimes without cause, and when he himself is to blame in the matter. We were discussing the theory of Emanci- pation, and he agreed with me on almost all of the points at issue, in fact to such an extent that I felt that he absorbed the idea fully, when he said: "Yes, it is true, and I believe in it, and I think I have practiced it somewhat ; but I can't stand impertinence from niggers ; they rub up against me all the time, and annoy me terribly, espe- 88 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE cially these Pullman porters." "Yes," said I in reply, "you have attained pretty good self-control and have rea- son to be proud of it ; you are pretty nearly a perfect man ; the only thing you are not superior to is a nigger." The rebuke impressed him as a truism that had never occurred to him in that light before. The truth of the matter is, and I have had both experiences to prove it to my own satisfaction, antagonism in- vites antagonism. A fostered dislike or an anticipated friction sends out a shaft in advance which rebounds and rebounds with quickening vibrations. If one is looking for impertinence from any source he will be pretty sure to find it; but if he carries a mind and heart free from prejudice, which is the condition of Emancipation, the shaft will not be unloosed, and the disturb- ing vibrations will not occur. I do not believe that Pullman porters were ever discourteous to Phillips Brooks, or Ed- A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 89 ward Everett Hale, or Professor Swing or men of their caliber of mind; or if they were, I do not believe that the impertinence made any impression on them except to excite pity. FEAR DISPELLED The most remarkable evidence in support of my theory that fear is dis- pelled with worry, and which corrob- orates my own experience, comes from an old friend who once had a shock from a stroke of lightning, and who, on account of it, has for years suffered wretchedly from a depression akin to involuntary fear whenever the weather has indicated an approaching storm. He has accepted the possibility of Emancipation and enjoyed deliver- ance from the passions, but strangely enough has also now immunity from any uncomfortable feeling during elec- tric storms. 90 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE TIMIDITY DISAPPEARS Another convert states that he has lost all timidity, in the presence of an audience, which formerly he could not overcome. THOMSON J. HUDSON Mr. Thomson J. Hudson, in his Law of Psychic Phenomena, has marshalled a great array of authentic evidence, gathered from the researches of many Psychological Societies, which all prove the power of the mind over itself and over the body, and its amenability to suggestion, under the receptive condition of faith. One can not read this able work without becom- ing convinced that Emancipation is entirely possible. Any one who wishes to learn something of the power stored within him, will do well to read the Law of Psychic Phenomena. The success of the Keeley Cure in conquering the habits of drinking, A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING QI opium, and tobacco, is proof of the efficacy of germ treatment where the germs are sensual, or mental. If bi- chloride of gold can cure such dread passions of the appetite, may not bi- chloride of common sense cure the bad habits of the mind that cause them? A MASTER WORKMAN And now, comes a scrap of evi- dence that is valuable because it is furnished by a man whose experience is wide among the people who make the wealth which we all enjoy; to whom we are directly indebted for the comforts and luxuries of life ; and whose endorsement of an idea or reform is necessary to make it be- come a feature of our system or government. He went west many years ago from New York, a mechanic by trade, and found employment in the shops of one of the great rail- roads. In time he was advanced to the position of foreman. In private 92 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE life he is now a Baron Bountiful in the service of everybody within his reach. As Masterworkman of La- bor Organizations, he has urged the just cause of his confreres with the success that follows earnest conviction. In the intimate confidence of his em- ployers, he has presented their side of a controversy to the men without any of the misrepresentation of a demagogue. He is the President of a sound Building and Loan Association, with- out salary, not to make money for him- self, but for the purpose of helping his men to build and own homes; and those who have felt his assistance in that direction, and owe him debts of gratitude for various benefactions, are numbered by the hundreds. When- ever there is sickness, he brings solid help and the sunniest of comfort; and when there is death, he knows just how best to serve the afflicted family with those delicate attentions which relieve them from repulsively material de- A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 93 tails, his presence always bringing com- fort even under circumstances in which people want most to be alone. His sympathy is universal, and reflects itself into the hearts of all with whom he comes in contact. To such a man, one would naturally think the depressing passions were strangers, and that he must have been born without them; but he assures me that he was a slave to them for many years, and that he was frightened out of harboring them by a physician, and that whatever good he has accomplished in his humble sphere (as he calls it) he attributes to the partial Emancipation which his doctor's warning led him to enforce upon himself. The story that follows was elicited on hearing an out- line of the theory of possible Emanci- pation as presented in these pages. "Stop right there: don't go any farther till I have talked with you about that part of it. It is as true as gospel, but I never knew what it was. I have 94 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE had an experience which makes me know that it is true, but I didn't know the reason for it. When the doctors told me that I must quit worrying and take it easy, or medicine would do me no good, and I would die, why didn't they tell me that anger and worry were not necessary, and that it was they that I was suffering from? I would have understood it better, and I wouldn't have had so much trouble about fearing I would have them back some time in spite of myself. Why didn't the preach- ers tell me this when I was a boy, and let me begin to live then, instead of waiting till I got to be an old man or pretty near to it? You can bet that my boys will know this thing right away, and live it too, and I want my men to know it. It is the only thing they need to complete their happiness. The old gentleman needs it, and Mr. , and Mr . (mentioning a number of well known men who are their own worst enemies, who harm no one but A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 95 themselves, but whose abuse of self, through worry, is as merciless as the tortures of the Inquisition); and what a blessing it would be for the women! See here, I want a hundred of those books as soon as they are published, and I know where they will do a heap of good. They will be better than the medicine of all the doctors, and do a lot of good besides. I'm going to com- mit what you have told me to memory, so as to tell people about it if I haven't got a book by me. You see that I know all about this, for I have had an experience. When I was a youngster, I was naturally ambitious, and pretty smart with the tools, and 'took' with my employers, and finally got to be superintendent. Then I got to be more ambitious, especially after I was married and the children came. I wanted them to have a good education and be fitted to be gentlemen, which I knew their mother's, and I might remark incident- ally, my own blood entitled them to be. 96 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE I was pretty sensitive, and was always standing up for my rights. I was too apt to worry. I had not heard what you have told me and thought worry necessary. If I had not worried I would not have got angry. " When I got to be superintendent I thought that one of the things that I had to do was to be sure and maintain my dignity, and show it by occasion- ally making believe mad at something. At first I did not feel it half as much as I showed it; but I thought it was part of the business of a boss to get mad, until finally it got to be a habit, and grew on me till I was in a state of anger most of the time. I also thought that I had to worry about things, or I would not show the proper respect for my responsibilities. It was the way I had of letting myself feel that I was carrying a terrible burden and earning my salary. The trouble was that, while it was partly play-acting at first, it came to be habit, and worked on A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 97 my health in the end. The doctors dosed me with all sorts of medicine. I was a regular pigeon, and gave up many a hard-earned dollar to them for no good at all. One day Dr. L , to whom I went as a last resort, for I was beginning to have dizzy spells and twitching in the face that was serious, asked me a lot of questions about myself and my habits and duties. I told him frankly, and when I had done so he said : ' There is no use giving you any medicine, you have got to quit worrying and take it easy ; that is the only trouble with you. If you keep on with you,r worry I will have to give your family a certificate of death; so, if you don't want me to do that, you just quit your worrying and take life easy. Whatever you do, don't get into fits of anger, for that is more wearing to a man in your condition than anything else.' Well, to 'fess up and tell you the truth, I got frightened out of my wits. I hadn't got near enough to 98 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE eighty (my limit) to think about dying, and I didn't want to do it right then, especially as I hadn't got Mary and the boys well enough fixed to leave. The other doctors had made a monkey of me, and took my money, and told me that I would be all right in a few days ; but this honest German told me the truth and set me to thinking. I didn't say a word to anyone, but made up my mind I would take his advice. At first I thought that I was shirking some of the duties of a superintendent, when I quit getting mad and worrying; but I squared it with myself by saying to myself, ' Better be a tame donkey for the company than a dead one.' Well, I didn't know it at the time ; that is, I didn't know the cause of it, but from that time I have just had luck under my wing all the time. I have pleased my employers, and I have pleased the men, and things have been coming my way in great shape, and they are still a-coming. Why, I see it A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 99 all as plain as the nose on your face. Those little devils that keep a man back, and keep him from being happy, have no business there by rights; and all you have got to know is that they are poachers, and all you have got to do is to tell them to ' git.' And just see how it would work if everybody knew this as I see it. If you knew that your neighbor knew that Emancipation was possible, you would know at the same time that he was no fool, and that, knowing it, he had become Emanci- pated, of course, and there would be a trustful sympathy established at once, and you would pull together and never apart after that. If his fence accidentally encroached an inch on your land, you would be glad of it; or, if your fence had been set on his side of the legal line, he would not object; and so it would go on between you, and you would be happy and good neighbors to each other. Why, I would rather my men would have that secret and day's 100 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE wages, than a million of dollars without it ; and my boys, if I don't leave them a cent, I will leave them full of this secret, and won't worry about their future hap- piness. I was much interested in that book you gave me several years ago called ' Looking Backward.' What the author said about co-operation, and all that, was all right and very beautiful; but I didn't take much stock in it be- cause I had such a poor opinion of human nature, that I didn't think peo- ple could quit grabbing and get down to brass tacks in a co-operative way. But if you can spread the idea of Men- tal Emancipation as you have told it to me (and I don't see what can help its spreading like wildfire as soon as it gets out), the social paradise pictured in ' Looking Backward ' will come as a matter of course ; and I see it a-com- ing If you take off a brake I can see how a car can run down a hill, but with the brake on I couldn't see how you could push it down. A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING IOI "The more I think of this thing the bigger it gets, and it is a sure winner. Now suppose my family, and the B. family on the corner, and the N. family next door had found out the secret, anybody that couldn't grasp it couldn't live in the street, he would feel so un- comfortable. In fact, if there were such an one, we could put him down for a crazy man or an idiot, and treat him with the same consideration we treat such weak people. " Or suppose the men over in the shops were the joint possessors of the secret; why, the first thing you would know they would all be at work on some co-operative plan for themselves. Not that any of us have anything against the employers we work for, for there are no better in the land; but it is the blamed stupidity of the system that makes men work hard for small wages to feed the flames of ruinous rivalry. Look at the brains locked up in the pates of lawyers which have 102 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE nothing better to do than to mix things up so that they will get the job of un- mixing them. Think what would hap- pen if all that education and all that in- genuity were turned towards invention! Most of the tangles they are employed to unravel should never have existed, and would not have existed in a com- munity where the secret of Emancipa- tion had been told. In all of the clum- siness of competition, and the expense of pullback methods, labor, the source of all we have, pays the whole freight in one way or another; and the reason it does so is because of the little par- asite devils that are sawing wood and hatching eggs in the minds of each individual worker and producer. With these little devils at work in him he is suspicious, selfish, jealous, and what not else, because he thinks his neighbor and fellow workman are similarly pos- sessed, and he must be so too to get along. Under this condition cohesion is impossible, and schemers prey upon A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 103 the separateness of the producing com- munity to rob it of as much of the product of its labor as possible. Suppose that the secret of possible Emancipa- tion should become general (and for the life of me I cannot see how it can fail to do so), there would be confidence, trustfulness, cohesion, ambition to be useful, and the energy of the healthy child for play-work would return to the rejuvenated man, and he would play work under those conditions and not feel that it was a mark of servitude and necessity, and the land would sing with the sound of willing industry." My friend had become eloquent under the inspiration of the possible estab- lishment of a Heaven on earth to which he could invite his friends. Do not think that this is not a true report of a conversation in real life. My friend is a real character; is well read and educated by observation and exper- ience, and could succeed in almost any position in life except in such as 104 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE did not give "value received" for the service rendered. He is one of those "Noblemen by Nature" to whom the world owes so much, but pays so little; but he is happy in doing good, and the field he works in is one of the richest for that harvest, and the compensation he prizes most highly, is the happiness he is able to give others. He had the secret of True Living forced on him, in spite of the example of the world, without knowing the true cause or value of his good fortune; but his happiness was increased many fold when he learned that it was his birth- right; was a possession of which no one could rob him; and would re- main his as long as he lived. And as he has faith in the Eternal Evolution of everything, he feels that, freed from the depressing passions, there will be no end to his growth; that, at the so-called middle age of human tenure, he is but in the beginning of life; or, if not that, that each day is a wealth of joy unto A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 105 itself in spite of any external conditions; for he has found that "the kingdom of Heaven is at hand" and that a branch of it has been established in his own heart. All men are not constituted alike. In the economy of Nature it is her pur- pose that no two things are made alike. In a million years a million men could not count the spears of grass in the fields, or the hairs of the heads of men; yet no patient investigator has been able to find any two of them that did not differ from every other one when put under the lens of the microscope One thousand millions of humans inhabit this earth. Each has essentially the same form, the same two eyes, the same mouth, the same ears and hands and arms; and yet even in the case of twins, where the nearest approach to similarity comes, the mother never can mistake the one for the other. If you are unlike others, it is because na- ture chose to cast you in a different 106 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE mould to serve some wise purpose; and with that form, comes the God-given essence of the Divine, whose presence and growth are evidenced by an innate yearning for spirituality. Much spir- ituality lifts a man above his less spiritual fellows and makes of him a cornerstone, or a keystone, or some other important segment of the so- cial structure; and lack of it con- demns him to be a bit of rubble, or an atom of filling. The corner- stones and the keystones help and support each other in the stately arch, while the rubble and the atoms fall apart and become dirt, when allowed to find their level. Which shall we choose to become: the keystone of the arch, or some of the dirt of the earth beneath it? Which shall we choose: happiness, health, growth, usefulness, rest, and a fitting relationship to the Divine, or the reverse? Each is what God made him plus what he can attain by growth. Through eradication of A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 107 the cankerous passions; through the extirpation of the mental weeds; the dwarf may grow to be greater than the king; and all can freely and fully enjoy life and growth, when they have learned the A-B-C of True Living. The grammar, and the rhetoric, and the poetry, and perhaps a higher intelli- gence than we know of now may fol- low, and are sure to follow; but they will be but brighter phases of hap- piness already attained. A CHURCHWOMAN In searching for corroborative evi- dence of the possibility of Emancipa- tion, I was fortunate in meeting a lady whose acquaintance with the several re- ligions and metaphysics is exceptional ; and whose clear intelligence regarding the value of menticulture, makes her a rare critic in questions of this kind. From her I received the most valued en- couragement. She is a devout church- woman, but has studied along the sev- 108 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE eral lines of psychology in search of additional light and strength. She had read my simple presentation of the theory of germ cure, and found in it a ray of hope, the effect of which she described as follows: ''The sensa- tion that was produced in me by the suggestion, I cannot describe. It was as if a great flood of light had burst upon me, and I saw the possibility of an immediate realization of my spiritual ideal; and I have prayed to God con- stantly, that it may not leave me. There have been unusual occasions for worry and annoyance since then. I have just moved to a new city ; into a new house; and my husband and I are beginning life anew in an untried field. All of my past associations are broken up, and new sympathies among stran- gers are to be formed. My husband's health has been poor, and mine has been wretched, so that we have been compelled to seek climates more favor- able, at the expense of financial con- A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 109 siderations; yet, the cloud that hung over our prospects has been miracu- lously dispelled, and my days and nights are soothed with a calm con- tentment and happiness which I have never known before. My religion seems more precious to me than ever. It seems as if one simple little ingre- dient that it lacked has been found ; and that now it is perfect. I have always been possessed of a desire to accomplish one act in life which should be conspicuous for its usefulness to some one ; and if I can ever succeed in giving to one person the light and comfort that this revelation has given to me, I shall feel that my ambition has been attained." Her discovery of a simple little in- gredient, in the theory of germ cure, led to a new appreciation of the idea of simplicity in connection with it, which has been amplified in the suc- ceeding chapter. FIRST PRINCIPLES OVER. LOOKED FIRST PRINCIPLES OVERLOOKED Simplicity and harmony are the ultimate conditions to be attained in all things. In literature, and in music, and in oratory, and in painting, and in mechanics, and in life, simplicity is at once the greatest charm, and the best evidence of merit. In mechanics, a simple little device usually perfects the great labor-saving machine. In chem- istry, a simple little ingredient may give culminating power to a world-building or a world-destroying compound. In oratory, a simple and impassioned appeal is most potent to move the multitude to action ; and in menticulture, the simple and direct application of the germ cure, may be able to effect a millennium in social evolution within a generation. Stranger things have happened ! Be- cause it has not happened, is no reason "3 114 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE why it should not happen. In fact, there are logical reasons why the habit of repression should have smothered any idea of germ cure, till Science placed an analogy in physics before our eyes ; especially because the false hypothesis of original (or natural) sin, has been persistently advanced as a law of our being. Christ taught the germ cure, and hinted at no other as an alternative. In the sermon on the mount; in his talks by the Sea of Galilee; and in his rebuke of the devil in the desert, there was no note of indecision sug- gested. Do and be and get were unmis- takable commands. But these com- mands were given in a gentle manner, to half-doubting disciples, and faintly echoed by them to an incredulous world, that had not learned the power of mind over matter, or over itself; and hence the world waited for Science to prove even greater possibilities, before giving heed to the simple com A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 115 mands of the Great Teacher in the manner he commanded. One of the great weaknesses of the age in which we live is the ignoring of first principles, and a reaching out for the remote or unattainable. In the matter of home responsibilities, and in menticulture, this is most apparent. The order of responsibility is the mind, the body the mind of the child the body or health of the child and so on in the sequence of relation- ship in the family, in the community, in the nation, and in the world ; not with selfish discrimination against the more remote, but with zealous care of the nearer relationships. This order, however, is rarely observed. We weed the garden, but do not weed the mind. We pass laws to punish any who strike, or rob, or corrupt a citizen, but there is no law to protect the abused or neg- lected children of drunken or incom- petent parents, except in extreme cases. Breeders of fine animals take Il6 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE the greatest pains to guard all the con- ditions surrounding their stock, and at the same time encourage family alli- ance with consumptive plutocrats. The antiquated and primitive doc- trine of laissez faire, has been replaced by those of Division of Labor, and of Protection, in the cases of the strong who have demanded them, or who have purchased them through leg- islative cupidity ; but still obtains in the cases of the weak and non-as- sertive. The truant subjects of great nations, scattered in foreign lands, are hedged about with protection equal to an im- perial guard ; and thousands of men and millions of money are sacrificed to revenge an insult to, or protect the property of a claimant citizen at the Antipodes ; while hundreds and thou- sands of the producers at home are starving and dying, because of the maladministration of the first princi- ples of economies, and the laissez faire A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 117 license given to selfish and unscrupu- lous competition. Arrogant commerce, and the al- ready-powerful, have no end of pro- tection; but the mind, the health, the child, and the producer, are left to the tender mercy of chance, or are hampered by crushing conditions of abuse and neglect contrary to every law of growth ; and thus it must be ; until we adopt the germ cure, as a principle of menticulture, and Eman- cipation, as the first evidence of intelli- gence and respectability. In self-administration, the far-away habit is quite as prevalent as in the administration of Society. Men and women slave and save, to furnish means for sending missionaries to India, to release the Indian mind of imagined evils, while they crawl about servile to anger or worry, or both anger and worry. They set their ideal of happiness at an indefinite height, always out of reach. They Il8 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE hide their Heaven behind the curtain of death, and refuse to look for it within the precincts of their own heart. They waste precious time in speculat- ing as to the form and attributes of the Cause of all things, its residence and disposition, while they smother under the pall of inappreciation, the best evidence of its existence, and the most potent workings of its power, within themselves. And all this be- cause they work from the wrong end, and are dull to the efficacy of growth from the basis of Emancipation. Their method of life is like the un- raveling of a snarled skein from the middle. They fumble futilely at the snarl, and accomplish little, if any- thing, when they ought first to release the end within themselves, and follow the cord from that beginning, along the line of growth and organization, to the condition of unrestricted free- dom, and usefulness, the condition of Emancipated Brotherhood. A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING IIQ Religions are founded, fraternal societies are formed, armies are mar- shalled, and nations are grown about a sympathetic idea, to which the ma- jority subscribe. The aim is always the same : growth, protection, har- mony, happiness, Heaven. But the growth is slow, the protection is only partial, the harmony is incomplete, perfect happiness is impossible, and Heaven is indefinite and remote; because their organization tolerates selfishness as a necessary "mark of Cain," instead of being built on the foundation of Emancipation. All true calculation must recognize a unit of value ; in menticulture the only true unit is Emancipation. In harmony, instruments cannot be tuned from several standards; there must be one key-note; and harmony in menticulture can only come from the key-note Emancipation. SLAVES OR FREEMEN-WHICH? SLAVES OR FREEMEN Within the memory of many now living, Society was dominated by the belief that human body-slavery was a Divine institution. Thirty-five years ago a great war was waged against the institution in this country, at the expense of hun- dreds of thousands of lives, and thou- sands of millions of dollars worth of property. That war resulted not only in kill- ing the institution itself, but also in the extirpation of the idea of its Divine origin. It is no longer a question of debate in any part of the civilized word, but an established international under- standing, that slavery is not only unjust to the enslaved, but an evil, the effects of which are shared by the master. 123 124 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE Negro slavery in America was, how- ever, a mild and beneficent institution, as compared to the voluntary servitude to Mercenary Fashion, which enthrals so many at the present time. Merce- nary Fashion places burdens on rich and poor alike, and costs Society more lives and property yearly, than all that was wasted during the war of the Re- bellion. Most of the masters of the negro were kindly and considerate, and not a few of the negro uncles and aunties now living, regret the "good old times when marster and missus did all the plannin' and pervidin', and all we uns had to do was work, and sing and dance." On the other hand, Mercenary Fashion has headquarters in Paris, in London, in Vienna, and in Berlin; and sets its traps all over the world, baited with styles of such absurd taste and uselessness that interest in them can only be brief. It is part of A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 125 its deliberate policy, not to suggest any form or style that has merit suffi- cient to make it desirable a second season. It avoids any approach to the simple and beautiful and comfortable drapery used by the ancient Greeks, because of fear that its trade will be ruined by the stability of the wares. Ostentation is the ever-ready victim to take the poisonous bait; and then, there is a mad rush of the mimicking slaves, to assume the fetters which bind them to constant toil. Dishonor, infamy, and shame, are braved by men and women alike, in following the allurements of Mercenary Fashion. Fear (of criticism) and Envy are the two phases of the root passions, that are the most powerful and active agents in securing victims for Merce- nary Fashion; but, if Emancipation were the established rule of life, these agents would not exist; Osten- tation would not be followed; and Taste, and Usefulness, and Perma- 126 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE nence, would be the leaders instead and a state of cooperation which might properly be named Good Fashion, or God Fashion, would succeed the tyrant of the present ; and Fashion, under such conditions, would be a bles- sing instead of a curse as at present. Mercenary Fashion has met with a formidable adversary in the bicycle. The absurd costumes inflicted by it on a servile world, seem as ridiculous when mounted on a bicycle, as if they were placed on the David of Michael Angelo, or on the Venus de Milo. Bicycle costumes for women may not displace all others; but, with the freedom of movement enjoyed on the wheel, in a costume suitable to the unhampered action of a biped; with the constant restraint of position rendered necessary by the wearing of skirts removed, woman may soon be- come free to move and act as Nature designed that she should move and act, and enjoyment of this new freedom A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 127 will greatly modify her slavery to Mer- cenary Fashion. Fashion (or mimicry) is good, if properly led. If it were fashionable to believe that anger and worry were unnecessary weeds of the mind, were blemishes that could be removed from the dispo- sition, were habits that were unbecom- ing to civilized man, and were handi- caps to energy and happiness that could be put aside at will, the world could follow that fashion to a state of Emancipation, with all the enthusiasm it could muster, and benefit itself by being fashionable. And, should a just appreciation of the power within us become fashion- able, the tendency to mimicry; which is now the connecting link of resemblance between us and the monkey from which we have evolved, would become an element of strength, instead of an element of weakness. We, as individuals, support the 128 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE fashions, but we do not suggest them. We support waste and discomfort, for the benefit of mercenary and designing fashion-makers, with the product of never-ending toil, because we ape Ostentation, cringe before Fear, and encourage Envy as an attribute of Pride. We are slaves indeed! not only in the matter of clothes, but in the matter of the distribution of the necessities and luxuries of life and comfort. We do some things more cleverly than the rest of the world, but in others we excel in clumsiness and inconsistency. In Mexico (our nearest neighbor), a sharpened stick is still used for plow- ing; but, that is not nearly as crude, of its kind, as some of the business methods that we support in this coun- try are of their kind; and in matters of utmost importance, too. For in- stance: in the city of Montgomery, Ala- bama, there is a square, or rather a diamond, around which, and within a A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING I2Q block of which, there are eight or nine drug stores. This may not be an unusual bunching of druggists, but, as Montgomery is a meeting point of several terminal railroads, and trains from all directions are usually detained there one or two hours, I have had abundant opportunity to study this constellation of red and green lights, that blink and stare at all who visit the park they look on. They all seem to be full fledged, and fully equipped drug stores, and not devoted to special- ties, as one would suppose as a reason for there being so many of them. As it is, there are eight stores, eight stocks of goods, eight sets of clerks, eight insurance policies, eight compu- tations of interest, eight gas or electric light bills, and probably eight many- other items of expense chargeable to the profits on the sales, and supported by the public, when one establishment would serve all the people of Mont- gomery better than the eight do now. 130 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE If these stores were scattered about the city, the matter of convenience could be urged for their existence. To support such prodigality, profits rang- ing from one hundred to one thousand per cent, have to be charged, and the public evidently pays them, for their existence from year to year is evidence of support from some one. Suppose the Corporation of the City of Mont- gomery were to vote an appropriation of fifty thousand (or perhaps only twenty thousand) dollars, for the pur- pose of establishing a first-class dispen- sary of medicines, etc., and should put it in charge of a competent chemist, who would know what medicines were good, and what compounds were not good? The patronage of the citizens would support such an establishment on a ten per cent, basis of profit, and pay ten per cent, interest on the invest- ment without doubt, and the citizens would not be at the mercy of chance or imposition, in a matter of prime A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 131 importance to health, as they are liable to be, under any but the most perfect system of selecting and dispensing drugs and patent medicines. This is a single instance among thou- sands, of the unintelligent application of the doctrine of laissez faire to matters of vital social interest; and is given here to illustrate a form of slav- ery to inconvenience and waste, that would be cleared away like mist before the sun, as the result of evolution, from the standpoint of Emancipation. It required a million guns, and the assistance of several million men, with all the waste and blood which war carries with it, to free the negro; and the advance of humanity the world over, was a fruit, worth the cost of the war; but slavery of the individ- ual to the parasite passions, will not enlist the rescue of arms, although it entails greater hardship than was ever suffered by the average negro slave. Each individual must gain for 132 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE himself this freedom ; no one else can aid him except through suggestion and moral help. It is his birthright however, and awaits his call. The face of the martyr glowed with radiant happiness, when he ex- claimed to his jailers from the con- fines of his chains, "You have bound my body, but you cannot bind my soul! Kill my body if you like ! it will only give greater freedom to my soul." But the so-called free citizen of to-day; who smothers himself under the blan- ket of worry; or, who spits angry in- justice at a self-created-phantom-cause for resentment, is a weak and pitiable wretch, as compared with the bonden martyr or negro of long ago. Emancipation, or, a perfectly de-an- gered and de-worryized mind, can only be secured through conviction of its possibility, and not simply through an intellectual admission of its possibility. Faith is the pre-requisite of every suc- cessful accomplishment in life. An A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 133 axiom of the circus ring warns an acrobat, or a gymnast, never to attempt a feat, unless he has perfect confidence in his ability to perform it successfully. Knowledge and the ap- preciation of the power of the mind over phantoms of its own creation, and confidence to expel them, is as necessary in menticulture as is the con- fidence of the gymnast in performing wonderful feats of menti-physical skill. The condition required for growth to Emancipation, is that of perfect faith and confidence, born of knowledge of the power God has given us to "cast out evil," and in that condition, Emancipation, when attained, can be anchored safely, protected from any of the battling and surging elements of discord from without. The researches of many scientific societies along the lines of Psychic Phenomena, endorsed by every utter- ance of Christ, reveal the fact that faith is a pre-requisite to subjection, or 134 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE control, of the mind. The best sub- jects in scientific hypnotism are the strongest minded (who believe through knowledge), and the weakest minded (who believe through credulity); while the creatures of vacillating impulses, are hopeless dolts in the hands of the hypnotist, and will be those who will have to acquire Mental Emancipation because it is fashionable, and not be- cause it is sensible. The condition of Emancipation is one of faith in the beginning ; but, as soon as it is attained, there is no desire to replant mental weeds, and no strug- gle to repress them, for there are no roots or seeds from which to grow them. Faith must precede, but examples of Emancipation are sure to develop in every community, and soon the at- mosphere will be pregnant with the possibility of it. Then it will be easy to follow the fashion and dismiss anger and worry; and, after a little, shame will attach to the possession of them. A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 135 Growth and happiness will result from the elimination of the germs of strife; natural cooperation will follow natural growth; and we will catch up with Mr. Bellamy's prophecy, long before the time specified in "Looking Backward," by the simple unraveling of a silken skein of endless possibilities from the free end within ourselves. Fear that individuality will be lost in cooperation, is one of the hot-shot missiles of mendacity, that is being fired at Cooperation from the citadel of the condemned passions, by the slaves of the tottering house of Can't, but will fall, harmless, before the armor of Emancipation. Does it lessen the individuality of the gardener to weed his soil? Does it weaken the individuality of a patient to cut out the root of his cancer? Does it militate against the power of a cause, to rid it of its faults? Will the runner run less swiftly, or the jumper jump less far, if they remove the handicap? ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION While Emancipation in the individ- ual is worth more than all the wealth of the world to him without it, organ- ization about the idea is desirable for the purpose of aiding others ; and, (through cooperation and the most perfect economics) lightening the bur- den of compulsory labor, in order that there shall be more time to devote to recreation and recreative labor. Organization on the basis of Eman- cipation is sure to be the next great movement of reform and growth, in the light of whose strength, the puny efforts of the past will seem like the light of a tallow dip beside an electric cluster. This will come ; not because I have discovered it for myself and am pub- lishing an account of the discovery to 139 140 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE my friends, but because the world has learned something of the powers at its command ; has learned the possibility of germ cure in physics ; has learned the efficacy of mental therapeutics in matters of both mind and body ; and is ripe for it. When I tell my friends my experience and deductions, they are prepared at once to accept them with credence. And so it will be with them and their friends, for logic and self interest are merits to commend it to all intelligent persons ; and, in the immediate future, it is not unreasonable to hope that Emanci- pation, as a basic condition favorable to growth and Brotherhood, may not be an uncommon accomplishment and requirement. I believe that it is one of the first steps urged in Christian Science and rendered possible by the belief, as it is in the Buddhist Disci- pline and Christian formula, and in the circle bf my acquaintance there are already many believers in the A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 14! possibility of Emancipation, who are enjoying its benefits; who find that it is the one little ingredient necessary to perfect their established beliefs, and strengthen their present affiliations; and to whom it adds everything and from whom takes nothing. All the members of religious sects; all the members of fraternal socie- ties, as well as many of the disconnected seekers after intellectual and spiritual growth, should be eager to enroll themselves under the banner of Eman- cipation; and if this should happen, the wished for Utopia of the most fer- tile imagination, would not be as re- mote as it has seemed to be in the past. HOPE HOPE When one has attained the condi- tion of Emancipation, let him be sure that it is only the elementary stage of growth, the happy childhood of true life (no matter what the physical age of the body), and that there is a possi- bility of development to a point of un- selfishness, whence one can view one's own individuality from without, and direct its action from an impersonal standpoint. Then each of us can will himself to act as he would like to have a beloved friend or relative act in any given situation. I believe that this is true, and en- tirely possible to the emancipated mind; but, as I have aimed to present only a personal discovery and experi- ence, I will leave a deeper consideration of the subject to the test of a longer acquaintance with the new-found life, us TWENTIETH CENTURY HOPE TWENTIETH CENTURY HOPE In furnishing for a new edition of Menticulture an addition to the fore- going chapters, I cannot do better than take my cue from the caption of the preceding chapter, which was the last chapter of the previous editions. Hope is an ever pregnant theme, but never more so than at the present mo- ment. The emancipation of the individual unit of Society from the thraldom of the invading passions that are grouped under the class names of anger and worry, as surely leads to the release of altruistic impulses that will free Society from the diseases of indifference, license and poverty, as did the emancipation of a few bondmen finally lead to a uni- versal recognition of the principle of human freedom. M9 150 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE The acceleration of progress is geo- metric in ratio and has never yet been disappointing. It has taught us to hope for anything we desire and to know that if it is good it shall not be denied us. The Optimism that was so clearly taught by the Master of our Civiliza- tion two thousand years ago has grown in possibilities to a point where optimists can confidently adopt the motto "All can be and therefore shall be well,"* and the abundant accomplishments of progress are evidence of the possibilities of the realization of the motto being attained. In formulating a Hope for the Twen- tieth Century we must first take an inventory of what we are and what we have; note the defects in ourselves and in our possessions; outline in our *This motto was suggested by a definition of "Optimism," rendered by the Rev. Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis in an address on Optimism, delivered at Central Music Hall, Chicago, Sunday, June i6th, 1897, and fully reported in the Inter Ocean of the fol- lowing date. A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 151 minds what we would like to be and what we would like to have; and then proceed to plan and build accordingly, with the assurance of receiving what we desire. With a great surplus of means, the matter of attainment of any reasonable hope is not difficult and need not long be delayed. Things or means do not have to be acquired, as we already have them in abundance. It only re- quires a change in the national point- of-view and a change of the direction of existing energy from wasteful and unprofitable selfishness to profitable co-operative altruism. The individual point-of-view of the majority (pessi- mistic assertion to the contrary not- withstanding) is now altruistic, but being nationally unorganized does not show its strength as opposed to the small minority of the perversely selfish. All of the prevailing conditions seem to be favorable to a change from enforced selfishness to co-operative or voluntary 152 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE altruism, and the nineteen hundredth anniversary of the birth of Christ is a fitting occasion for a Christian nation to re-adjust its manners and its economies on the plan of the Master, as intended by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Society, in experimenting with gov- ernment, has tried and suffered many different forms. In the beginning there were only families in which all men and women were brothers and sisters in sympathy. Tribal government was but an extension of family government to cover many families. Under tribal organization, however, wars began and slavery was instituted as one of the re- sults of conquest. Slavery, in turn, in- fluenced forms of government by creat- ing the baronial, the military, the ecclesiastic, and finally the " heavenly- ordained " autocratic forms, until, hav- ing over-reached endurance, these ex- treme selfish forms began to be ^formed in the constitutional monarchy and A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 153 finally in the democratic government as represented by the several republics of the present time. In framing the government of the United States the effort to attain the simplicity and purity of family broth- erly rule and the unrestrained strength of individual freedom and energy at the same time, license was allowed the title of Liberty, and, protected by that sacred title, has fostered iniquity, has encroached with brazen effrontery be- yond the point of patient endurance, and must soon meet the stern reproof of an outraged altruistic sentiment. License, in control of democratic gov- ernment has proved itself to be more autocratic and tyrannical than any of the preceding usurpations of rule, and, go- ing the way of all tyrants, must soon be crushed out. It is the brightest Hope of the Approaching Century that its dawn will witness the inauguration of a crusade against this chief and most far- reaching evil of our otherwise wise and 154 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE almost perfect form of national co- operation. License, masquerading as Liberty, has permitted selfishness to usurp the place of altruism in the national habit- of-thought, but the national point-of- view can be changed to the normal civi- lized point-of-view by organized effort, and the dawn of the Twentieth Century of the Christian Era is a good time to agree to a general truce of greed and to a change to normal civilized habits of social relations. WHAT WE ARE Our first duty in preparing to build a Twentieth Century Hope is to frank- ly note what we are, and how we be- have as individuals and as a nation. In the first place, our vaunted Democ- racy has become an Oligarchy of Greed, administered by License whose god is money Mammon. This is not cant, although it sounds bad enough to be cant. A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 155 The administration of our national, state, and municipal governments is a constant reproach because of the dom- inating influence of money and cor- rupting lobbies, and much of our rep- resentation abroad in the capitals and marts of foreign nations is, greatly to our shame, ridiculous, being made so through the spoils system of appoint- ment. There is unceasing strife between capital and labor between the pro- ducer, or parent, of capital, and its un- grateful offspring. There are squalor and crime and unrest where there should be only harmony and happiness. There is, to be sure, not much of these evils in comparison to the good that prevails, but there should be less and even none of them. As a nation, we have seasons and, latterly, long terms when there is much of idleness, poverty and want; public improvements that we greatly need are lacking; and general or universal edu- 156 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE cation is sadly neglected in many lo- calities. Here are the three chief requisites of a high grade Christian Civilization unfulfilled. May we not hope for a Twentieth Century cure for these Nine- teenth Century evils? Whenever there is any surplus of labor the unemployed are at the mercy of the meanest of alien employers. By forcing wages nearly down to the star- vation point, through the dire necessi- ties of the unemployed, these heart- less employers and soulless corpora- tions secure an advantage in cost of production that compels normally sym- pathetic and generous employers to do the same or fail in business, until, through the unholy greed of a single "meanest of the mean," the prevailing scale of wages is made and kept as low as it is possible to offer work- men, work -women and work-children, and yet prevent the hungry from, kill- ing the opulent in order to get food. A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 157 The point has already been reached where there is, and must continue to be, an increasing surplus of labor in the United States, even without further immigration, and hence, unless there is organized effort to prevent it, all labor is doomed to become the serf of soul- less capital and at the mercy of the meanest of employers, instead of being privileged to cheerfully work under the protection of the most generous, as should be the case. In the matter of roads national highways also, we are at the mercy of mean or alien property holders; and in that of education, many of our fel- low-citizens our brothers by the com- mand of Christianity and of humanity are at the mercy of parents of de- praved intelligence through toleration of license as a phase of Liberty. It is an old saying, but always re- mains a fundamental truism, that "A chain is no stronger than its weakest link." It is equally true that a system 158 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE of social or industrial economics is no safer from the incursions of selfishness than the possible invasion of its most pregnable loop-holes; that a highway is no better than its roughest section; and that systems of government and education are no more invulnerable than their weakest administration. If license be tolerated in any de- gree it will invade the smallest loop- hole, ruin the smoothest highway, and weaken the best intentions of educa- tion and government. In a government administered on the basis of altruism, neither fear nor license would have an abiding-place. Let us hope that the divinely ordained Forethought and Liberty of the Twen- tieth Century may be freed from these Nineteenth Century parasites. CIVILIZED NEEDS Our next step in evolving a Twen- tieth Century Hope should be to con- fine our present desires within our im- A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 159 mediate possibilities, and then proceed to hope and act them into existence. Absence of poverty is the first neces- sity of the highest civilization, and uni- versal education and public improve- ments of the greatest efficiency and of the greatest beauty are the next requisites of civilized national equip- ment. These three include within themselves all that could be wished for a nation, for their attainment implies pure government and naturally leads to all else that can be desired. Let us now build a Hope as to how these civilized needs may be secured. A public improvement of first im- portance is that of Good Free Roads. Good railroads are not sufficient be- cause they are not now free, and Good Free Roads are a prime requisite of freedom. The public roads of the United States are almost the worst to be found in any civilized country, because there is no uniformity of plan in building 160 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE them, and no widely organized effort to secure them, obstruction in that direction being at the mercy of the stingiest and least progressive of the owners of abutting property, as before stated. In road construction we follow the lead of the least liberal, least intelligent and least progressive, instead of the lead of the most liberal, wisest and most patriotic. How can we change our leaders and secure roads worthy of a civilized nation? That is the ques- tion. Within the most consistent interpre- tation of the intention of the Constitu- tion relative to the federation of the States that comprise our United States, an intention so self-evident to the framers of the Constitution that it did not call for explicit reference, Inter- state Communication of the freest and easiest sort, under the control of the Federal Government, holds first place A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 161 in importance, and Good Free Roads are the natural means. It would clearly be within the scope, and should be the first duty, of the Fed- eral Government to build the best pos- sible highways by the shortest routes between the different State capitals. These Interstate Roads should be the care of the Federal Government, and should be protected by Federal Gov- ernment regulations of the most intel- ligent kind. In building these roads the Govern- ment could establish a standard of wages consistent with the necessities of living in each locality, and aim to em- ploy labor in such a way as to absorb all of the surplus not required in pri- vate enterprises; and, construction of the national highways beginning at all of the State capitals, work would be within reach of all unemployed, and could be pushed or suspended accord- ing to the labor emergency. 162 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE This plan would make it necessary for private enterprises to pay the estab- lished standard of living wages at least, and, in addition, whatever premium scarcity might impose. Government in that case would stand as a moderator between capital and labor, to the extent of freeing labor from the coercion of dire necessity that is now taken advan- tage of by the greed of soulless em- ployers, and at the same time it would leave the whole outside realm of com- petition open to choice, in which to assert and foster individualism within the private industries. The army of the necessarily unem- ployed is at no time a very large army, and if the hours of labor prevailing throughout all the occupations were reasonably limited, that army would be still smaller; but the possibility of being compelled to join it is the one ever- present dread and uncertainty of the wage-earner and the constant menace to his happiness. It is the source of A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 163 more fear and worry, and anger and strife, and friction, and drunkenness than any other cause. The evil of any surplus of labor over the demand for labor is very far-reach- ing. Not alone is all labor affected thereby, through the machinations of alien employers, but it becomes the op- portunity of the lazy the drones in the national hive to shirk, and to lean on charity rather than seek employ- ment. This shirking can easily be done under present conditions, because there is no way for the charitable indi- vidual to discriminate, and hence the possibility of the genus tramp that is a disgrace to our fair land and a re- proach to a civilization where wealth is superabundant, as it is now in the United States. Charity-Organization societies in many of the large cities have helped charitably inclined individuals to dis- criminate, and have prevented much of the indiscriminate and injudicious 164 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE giving that once was a means of han , instead of a means of good as intended, but they have effected mitigation only and not the desired cure of the under- lying evil that civilization demands; for, under the best intention and work- ing of the charity societies, there may yet be both compulsory poverty and perverse poverty; and, while no civilized nation or national sentiment should tol- erate the necessity of compulsory pov- erty, it should put its mark of sternest disapproval on poverty that is perverse. Civilization means growth, growth means work; and the opportunity to work at living wages is the imperative care of civilized government. If the Federal Government were to organize plans to connect the State capitals with the best possible highways as a means of Free Interstate Com- munication, the next step necessarily following, as the result of the national example, would be for the State gov- ernments to connect the county-seats A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 165 in the same manner; and, following that, the county governments would necessarily have to similarly connect the cities and the towns, until the sys- tem of good roads throughout the country would be complete, and all profitably accomplished within the es- tablished functions of the several national, state, county and municipal governments. PREVENTION BETTER AND CHEAPER THAN CURE As a matter of necessity as well as expediency, states and counties now take care of their paupers and their insane, who are made so by limitations and in- harmonic social conditions that have grown up in this Nineteenth Century, and which were undreamed of in the Eighteenth Century when the Consti- tution was framed. May they not begin to anticipate the acceleration of progress and create conditions at the opening of the Twentieth Century that 166 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE will make pauperism unnecessary, and therefore not tolerable, and, as such, impossible? All this can be accomplished under the Constitution, and for the next twenty years the building of much- needed public improvements might be used to absorb the surplus of labor and establish a standard of living wages, and may be confined to road making in the manner suggested, until there shall be only good roads and perfect roads to every inhabitable part of the country; and, after that, other civilized improve- ments will suggest themselves until the end of time, for the limit of improve- ment can never be reached if its lead be once taken and followed. If these modifying, and at the same time profitable, improvements were to involve the use of the public credit to any extent whatever within the neces- sities of the case, would it not seem to be a wise Twentieth Century innovation to make a ten percent public invest- A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 167 ment at a three percent cost, rather than breed an anarchy that may lead to the ruin of a great war. Had the nation peacefully freed the black slaves of 1861 at a cost of a thou- sand dollars each, it would not have sacrificed a million white lives, ruined billions of dollars' worth of property, and burdened the resources of five de- cades with a pension roll that now stands at nearly two hundred millions of dollars. Instead; it would have saved it all for the uses of harmony, peace and progress, and would not have prosti- tuted it for the uses of war, ruin and an inheritance of partisan bribery that offers temptation to idleness and false- hood by the perpetuation of contingent pensions that were not earned. DEPARTMENTS OF ECONOMIC EDUCA- TION It has also been established by suc- cessful experiment that it is the proper function of the General Government 168 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE to create departments of experiment- ation and statistics, in order to freely fur- nish the best information on any subject to any citizen who may seek it. Thesub- jects of hygiene and economy are of the most vital importance to all per- sons. In connection with the building of Interstate highways, our present unintelligent fellow-citizens employed on the public works might easily be in- structed in simple rules of economy and hygiene. They might be given, in the form of rations, the benefit of the best food with which to feed muscle, and also might be taught particulars of the best methods of production, preparation, cost, etc., of economic and nutritious food that would better equip those who had once served in government em- ployment, for the practice of hygiene and economy in living when they returned to private employment. In this manner the system that would be known to the heads of the Departments of Hygiene and Economy as the best A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 169 and most economic system of furnish- ing fuel to the body of the laborer, would, through the wide and all-in- clusive extent of the Interstate High- way service, become the education of all the citizens of the country and at the cost only of the initial expense of one experimental station under the ad- vice of the highest obtainable intelli- gence on the subject. ECONOMY THE BASIS And what would all of this con- templated outlay of public funds lead to in the way of profitable returns? President Potter, of the League of American Wheelmen, is able to show by accurate statistics that the bad roads of the United States cost, in waste of power and in waste of horses and vehicles, each two years, as much as would be required to make perfect and permanent roads to take the place of the bad roads. We have, therefore, a crying need 170 MENTICULTURE; OR, THE of Good Free Roads, whose neglect is a national reproach, and the correction of which, together with stringent immi- gration laws, and a sliding scale of hours of labor, would effectively, hu- manely and profitably cure the shame- ful and far-reaching evil of compulsory poverty for several years to come; and, surely lead eventually to the inaugura- tion of an era of compulsory manual as well as intellectual education of youth during the developing period, and thereby still further relieve the ranks of the unemployed by keeping un- taught and undeveloped children out of the productive occupations. One generation of this sort of Chris- tian and humane fraternalism would solve the problem of labor for the present and for all time, because, as machinery encroached on hand labor, hours of labor could be shortened by law, and the Lords of Production would become, more and more, the freemen they deserve to be. A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 171 Our Twentieth Century Hope has suggested a way whereby, in using our best intelligence instead of our lack of intelligence, we may open up free channels of communication between the states, between the counties, and between the cities and hamlets, and in the doing of it in an intrinsically patriotic and profitable manner create a really free people to use them possess ourselves of perfect arteries and veins within our body-politic and start the red and white corpuscles of national blood to circulating freely in them, so that there shall be neither congestion nor paralysis in any of its parts. That " General " Coxey advocated some such plan of organized effort to mitigate want by the promotion of much needed improvements, from a point-of-view that created antagonism in political circles, because it advocated an irredeemable and non-interest bear- ing currency with which to pay the 172 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE labor employed, is no reason why the opening of the Twentieth Cen- tury should not see the benefit of a similar or modified plan from other points-of-view, and thereby put in operation a practical system of sorely needed reform. As a matter of experi- ence, the fact of a proposition having been suggested and laughed at as an innovation against established habit-of- thought and stupidly venerated custom is the best evidence that it will event- ually be adopted in a form not greatly different from that of the initial propo- sition. Vide the Penny- Post. BY WHAT MEANS ? And what means, we may reason- ably ask, does our Twentieth Century Hope offer to accomplish the modera- tion of compulsory poverty and the attainment of public improvements, whose doing would serve a doubly profitable purpose, and which our sur- plus wealth entitles us to have? A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 173 Many forms of political organization have failed to give us what we desire, and yet what we want is really at our command, and is all our own. Manipulators of unequal taxation, unjust discrimination and corporate greed have been entrusted with the management of our government. We must consider it a trust because we have either endorsed it with our votes or permitted it by neglecting to vote. The trust has not been a voluntary one on our part, but with our present lack of organized self-protection and co-opera- tive altruism the natural yearning for which has been drugged nearly to death by lazy apathy the administra- tion of our most vital interests has slipped out of our own hands and fallen into the hands of the utterly selfish, through the manipulation of ward poli- tics in the control of the saloon-made and other depraved influences. Drink- ing saloons, where present politics are chiefly manipulated and controlled, 174 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE thrive on the life-blood of spasmodic idleness and thrift the thrift furnish- ing the means and idleness the oppor- tunity to patronize saloons and the uncertainty of it all has created a habit-of-worry that tries to drown it- self in drink, thereby adding misery to misery. In the direction of the present ad- ministration of politics, it is, therefore, hopeless to look for what we most de- sire. It has had its opportunity to administer wisely, but has neglected it. But the Twentieth Century Hope has been made brighter by the gradual formation of other kinds of organization that are more powerful in their "might of right," and to these we dedicate our New Century Hope. Within a few years there have been formed almost no end of fraternal organizations, whose basic principle is the blessed Golden Rule. These in- clude all of the churches, and, together with the older fraternal organizations, A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 175 comprise within their circles nearly all of the community. These already professedly altruistic organizations, however (in spite of the aspersion that in some of them the Golden Rule has been but an orna- ment and not a working hypothesis), are free and ready to form a general altruistic organization for mutual bene- fit and for the promotion of their joint basic principle, as is evidenced by the wonderful success of the Christian En- deavorer movement; and, ignoring all of the special objects of the fraternizing organizations, and, sticking to the main tenet of the Golden Rule, which is the key-note of all of the separate organiza- tions, they should be eager to celebrate the beginning of the Twentieth Cen- tury after the birth of its Author by putting His precepts into practical use in every-day life, in humanity, and in social and political economy, as He prescribed; and, thereby, incidentally return with loyalty to the pure in- 176 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE tentions of the Declaration of Inde- pendence and of the Constitution of our United States. No better guides for all time than the Golden Rule and the Constitution of the United States can be framed, because they were uttered by altruists and freemen for freemen and altruists, and attain within their intent the fostering of the heart's best impulses, the soul's best inspiration and the power of our own best co-operative strength. SIGNIFICANT LULL AND EXPECTANCY It is generally conceded that the spirit of co-operative altruism is domi- nant and but needs crystallization about a central idea or a central anniversary date. It is a notable and significant fact that there is no important party political issue before the country at present. Labor has tried and proved the futility of aggressive methods. The growth of almost automatic machine power, to- A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 177 gether with the great increase in the manufacturing activity of Germany and of Japan, and a threatened invasion by China of the field of manufacture, warn us that we must act quickly in self- protection or suffer the result of neglect. There is a lull in the storm of competi- tion, and in that lull the breath of hope is held in eager expectation. Even the patient interest of the Orient is expec- tant of some important change in De- cember, 1899. At that .time the eight great planets will be in conjunction in Sagittarius, the first time in five thou- sand years, and in the lore of Oriental symbolism it portends the beginning of a world-reforming epoch. START RIGHT AND END RIGHT The United States is the kindergarten of nations. It is the object-lesson the experiment-ground for the world. The whole world is looking for reform. Some expect to see the beginning sig- naled by the red fire of anarchy; but 1 78 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE that must not be. Instead, let us read our future in the pure white light of altruism. The possibility of it is all centered in the point-of-view that directs our efforts. Let us take the right point-of-view. TIME, DISPOSITION AND MEANS There is ample time to prepare for a festival to take place in the opening year of the Twentieth Century, that will appropriately celebrate our re- turn to the freedom that was proclaimed by Christ and vouchsafed by our Consti- tution. There are already thousands of pools of reflected Christ-light that reflect also the glow of patriotic fire within our altruistic organizations. There are ch-urches and lodges, and clubs and circles, and labor and trade guilds in almost every hamlet in the land as well as in the larger communi- ties. If professed brotherhood have any substance in fact, the members of all of these organizations are brothers; A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 179 believe in every-day Christianity and every-day altruism; and would gladly send delegates to a convention to study the problems of inharmony and clumsy administration that now exist, and also to devise ways and means of correction. There are already hundreds, and prob- ably thousands, of students of the social and political problems of the times who have specialized their labors, and out of the observations and ex- periences of these can be found and selected a compendium of all the causes and effects of inharmony and the possible cures that can be applied to separate phases of evil. POWERFUL AIDS In the matter of Good Roads, as one of the elements of our Twen- tieth Century Hope, President Potter, ex-President Elliott of the League of American Wheelmen (and wheel- women) and a complete organiza- tion of earnest co-operators stand l8o MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE ready to show the legal, economical and moral aspects of the Good Roads Question, and to offer the unanimous vote of the entire army of wheelmen in support of a practical plan of establish- ing good roads.* The plan suggested has already met with the approval of the farmers, who are the real producers of all of our pos- sessions; and, if submitted to the decis- ion of the majority in a general election, instead of, as is now the case, to the objection of the meanest and nar- rowest of their class, who are blind to their own best interests in local elec- tions, would find almost universal ap- proval. CAMPAIGN OF EDUCATION A convention, thus gathered in 1898, would have time to seek the world over for examples of the best that has been achieved in government and in general * Could wheelwomen and horses vote, bad roads would be tolerated no longer than was necessary to build good ones. A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 181 progress, and start a campaign of sug- gestion and education that would rivet the attention of the whole country on the questions involved a general inter- est in change of the point-of-view that would mean much for humanity. Dele- gates to the primary convention would return to their delegating organizations with material for discussion of the issues in hand, and great interest in economic questions would be aroused, until even the saloon and other professional politi- cal manipulators would see in the new movement brighter chances for them- selves in honest effort than had former- ly prevailed, and, at all events, would see no hope of opposition against or- ganized good, and would quickly turn to aid in the new acceleration of prog- ress. After ample discussion of the issues there would yet be time to send the wisest and the best of the members of these altruistic organizations as author- ized delegates to a final convention, 1 82 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE where a pure and strong platform, without barter or exchange, could be framed, and candidates of sternest integrity and wisest equipment could be nominated to submit to the choice of the people as opposed to the saloon- made and greed-fostered "platforms" and "tickets" of Nineteenth Century pattern. MEN BETTER THAN CONDITIONS Human nature is good nature if freed from fear and restraint, and if it seem profitable to be good there is a double incentive. Human nature as expressed in these United States is warped by conditions that are the results of slov- enly carelessness and unbridled license, but which are in no way created by real only apparent necessity. There are many more good men, and overwhelm- ingly more good women, in these United States than there are of the selfish and depraved sort, and there will be many more still if the pres- A-B-C OF TRUE LIVING 183 ently-smothered spirit of altruism is only once given a chance to assert and establish itself. To prove this it is only necessary to sound the keynote of altruistic sentiment, by any name whatever, in any group of citizens gath- ered in car, in hotel rotunda, or in as- sembly hall, to receive almost universal approval. Even among professional politicians and the presently-depraved, the average of the good and generous is high. They measure by comparison and can see no harm in occupations that are licensed by the government and patronized by the rich and the self-constituted elite. Conditions have beset them and warped their choice; and politics as a business, and not be- cause they are patriotically inspired, as they should be, is their natural oppor- tunity for occupation, and a recognized spoils system, inspired by the devil of greed, is their teacher therein. Even the plutocratic manipulators of politics for personal selfish ends 1 84 MENTICULTURE ; OR, THE are not pleased with the roles they have to assume in relation to "boodle" politics, and they cringe before the assumed necessity of swearing to lying tax lists and of winking at special ex- pense accounts ; but they must do what "boodle" politics demands or suspend business altogether, /