MA. SAUNDERS. Medical Books. (3 S. St. Phila. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID MANUALS STUDENTS OF MEDICINE. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. P. JEPFEEY BELL, M.A., PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AT KING'S COLLEGE. ILLUSTRATED WITH 229 ENGRAVINGS. PHILADELPHIA : LEA BROTHERS & CO. (LATE HENRY C. LEA'S SON & Co.) 1885. SEPTIMUS W. SIBLEY, F.R.CS., AS A LITTLE TOKEN OF RESPECT FOll THE SKILL AND SYMPATHY WITH WHICH HE EXERCISES HIS BENEFICENT ART. PEE FACE. THE reader who is sufficiently acquainted with the progress in vertebrate physiology during the last phase of physiological methods, and who knows how scattered and incomplete are the investigations which have been made by the same kind of physical and chemical inquiries on invertebrate animals, will not expect to find in the present volume any complete statement of the physiology of animals, in the sense in which that term is now used. Such observations as have been made without especial reference to the vital processes of man are, for the most part, very valuable and suggestive } but the time to write a text- book of Comparative Physiology, as we now understand it, has not yet arrived. All that I have attempted to do in this little book has been to illustrate the details of structure by a notice of such experimental inquiries as I have con- vinced myself, or have adequate reason to believe, are, in their broad outlines, correctly stated. I have much more attempted to make use of what were long since called the experiments that Nature makes for us, by mi COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. referring to, sometimes perhaps insisting on, the dif- ferent methods by which similar results are attained by different animals. That which I have most constantly kept before myself, and which I hope the student will faithfully bear in mind, is, that there has been an evolution of organs as well as of animals, and that he who desires to understand the most complicated organs must first know the structure of such as are more simply constituted. In pursuit of this object, I have written about organs rather than about groups of animals ; but I have added an index in which the various parts of an animal are collected under the head of its name ; so that the student who desires to use this manual as a zoological text-book will have no difficulty in selecting the portions of the chapters which bear on a particular form or set of forms. I have departed a little from the ordinary method of writing a handbook, in somewhat plentifully inter- spersing the names of my authorities for various statements. I have done this, not only because it recommends itself to my sense of justice, but zoological science is just now advancing so rapidly that many observations and suggestions have to be incorporated, even in a text-book, before they become the general property of zoological workers. My indebtedness to the personal teaching and the pub- lished writings of Professor Ray Lankester must be PREFACE. ix by no means thought to be limited to the statements with which his name will be found to be connected ; indeed, I owe him more than I can well express. I have been careful to acknowledge the source whence the illustrations are taken, and I have to return my thanks to the Publication Committee of the Zoological Society ; to Professor Flower, who only added one more to a number of acts of personal kindness when he generously put at my disposal all the wood-blocks which were in his own possession ; and to those other friends who have allowed me to copy figures from their works. As this manual is written on lines that are rarely followed, I shall be greatly obliged for any suggestions as to its improvement, or for corrections of any errors which may have found their way into it. F. JEFFKEY BELL. King's College, May, 1885. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. INTRODUCTORY 1 II. AMCEBA 18 III.- THE GENERAL STRUCTURE OF ANIMALS ... 23 IV. ORGANS OF DIGESTION 102 V. THE BLOOD AND THE BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM . 181 VI. ORGANS OF RESPIRATION 210 VII. ORGANS OF NITROGENOUS EXCRETION . . .247 VIII. ORGANS OF SPECIAL SECRETIONS .... 265 IX. PROTECTING AND SUPPORTING STRUCTURES . . 274 X. ORGANS OF MOVEMENT .370 XL VOCAL ORGANS 387 XII. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND ORGANS OF SENSE . 393 XIII. ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION 472 XIV. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE METAZOA . . .525 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY PHYSIOLOGY. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. Comparative anatomy is the science of the structure of animals, considered in their relation to one another; comparative physiology deals with the functions of the parts of which these animals are made up, and, by examining different forms that present various kinds of activities, it throws light on the essential properties of living matter. The study of animals is but a part of the wider science of the study of organised matter generally, the science of biology, which takes plants as well as animals for the objects of its investigations. Under the head of biological studies we have, therefore, to group (a) those which regard organisms as working machines, capable of performing various functions ; these studies are physiological, whether animals or plants be separately or simultaneously examined ; (b) in the second place, the parts of which the orga- nism is made up may be investigated, and our studies are then said to be anatomical, if we concern our- selves with isolated types, as does the student of human anatomy ; or they are morphological, when we compare organisms and their parts one with another, and try to draw out the significance of isolated facts, and to learn their bearing on the general scheme of the organisation of living matter. B 16 2 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. The present work is concerned only with Animals ; but, as there is a fundamental resemblance between Plants and Animals, it is in the first place necessary to enquire into the characters and modes of activity of living matter, pure and simple, without any ques- tion as to whether it be animal or vegetable. LIVING MATTEE. Animals and plants have at least this in common, that they are both fashioned out of a material which, in all its essential characters, is common to them both ; and, whether one would be a zoologist, or student of animals, or a botanist, or student of plants, it is, in the very first place, necessary that he should have some clear and exact comprehension of what are the characters and what are the modes of action of that primary fashioning substance which forms the material basis of living creatures, and which is known as protoplasm. The fact that the sciences of zoology and botany have to do with this " physical basis" of living matter separates and distinguishes them at once from such studies as chemistry or physics, with which the phenomena of life have no necessary connection. Living is distinguished from not- living: matter by several important and easily recognisable charac- ters. It would seem to have a fundamental and characteristic composition ; it has the power of con- tinuing to exist by taking into (nutrition), and making part of itself (assimilation) other living or even not-living matter. Nutrition and assimilation lead to growth, and this growth is succeeded by a stage in which the additional material obtained is used for the purposes of reproduction. After a time a living organism may be seen to be unable to withstand the action of the surrounding forces in the- midst of which it has lived, grown, and reproduced itself; in other words, its activity diminishes and Chap, i ] CHARACTERS OF LIVING MATTER. 3 diminishes, until at last it dies. From this dead matter, living material can never, by any process now- known to us, be produced ; for, so far as we know, living matter can only proceed from other living matter. As the chemist is only able to acquire definite in- formation with regard to the chemical composition of living matter by the use of certain treatments which deprive it of life, we cannot speak with certainty of more than the broad outlines of its composition ; but this, at least, may be said : in living matter (proto- plasm), the four chemical elements, oxygen, hydro- gen, nitrogen, and carbon, are always found, and with them there would seem also to be associated small quantities of sulphur and phosphorus. It is possible, if not certain, that protoplasm is a compound of a number of the so-called proteid bodies, and it is quite certain that what chemists call its " atomic composi- tion " is very high. One of the most complex bodies known to us is that constituent of the brain which is called protagon ; and its " atomic composition " has been determined to be C^B^NgPO^, or no less than 509 atoms. When such a body is active, fresh chemi- cal changes are always taking place within it ; it is in a condition of unstable equilibrium; the result of such change, so far as it aftects the living matter, is loss or waste ; in addition to this, living matter is always taking up fresh oxygen, and forming carbonic acid, of which it has to free itself. These activities combined require, as may be supposed, the addition of fresh material from without; that is to say, living matter demands food. The food so taken in may or may not be similar in composition to the organism itself ; but, as the living creature has wasted through all its parts, the fresh material has not merely to be taken in, it has also to be assimilated. When a crystal, placed in a solution of its own material, grows, it does 4 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. so by merely laying on the fresh molecules outside those already formed ; protoplasm, on the other hand, makes the fresh food, which may or may not, indeed need not, have the same composition as itself, an essential part and parcel of itself. In the next place we observe, that while a crystal under the conditions just now mentioned will grow so long as it is supplied with matter of similar chemical constitution, living matter only grows when assimilation goes on at a quicker rate than destruction or waste. Save for the difficulties of ex- perimenting, there is no reason why all the sulphate of copper in the world should not (a) be brought into one huge crystal, and () so remain. It is not so with living matter ; for every organism there appears to be a limit of growth, and when that is reached, all the succeeding matter assimilated goes for a different pur- pose. The organism, ceasing to grow, begins to repro- duce its kind, and, in the very simplest cases, produces an individual exactly similar to itself. This act of reproduction appears to be, next to sustentation, the primary work of every organism, and when that is completed, we often observe that the parent organism begins to lose its activity ; it becomes the prey of other living organisms ; or, undergoing gradual decay, the complex mass of albuminous matter, which we call protoplasm, and associate with Hfe, falls away into constituent molecules of a less high degree of chemical complexity. Assimilation, growth, reproduction, death, are, as here explained, four phases in the history of living matter which at once and sharply distinguish it from crystalline or other dead material. Nor is this all ; if we set one crystal against another of similar composition, or if we try to rouse or stimulate a crystal, we get no response. With living matter the case is very different ; roused either by chap, i.] CHARACTERS OF LIVING MATTER. 5 some apparent friend or enemy in the water, or by a touch from our needle, as we observe it under the microscope, a mass of living matter will be found to be irritable. In consequence of this irritability it undergoes some change converting latent into actual energy, and this is most frequently and most easily seen to be some change in space, or in the relations of its parts ; these are due to what is known as the contractility of living matter. In other cases, the production of heat, light, or electricity, is the expression of irritability. We have next to observe, that within the area of any given mass of protoplasm, there may be move- ments of its parts ; some of the granules seem to stream in a- more or less regular course between those on either side of them, in a way which can best be understood by supposing the observer to be raised above and to be able to note the movements of a great crowd of passengers in a busy street ; some move faster than and overtake others, some collect into more or less small crowds ; others, having moved on- ward for a certain distance, turn aside or turn back. This streaming movement of protoplasm is highly characteristic, and affords a proof that the problem of the motile activity of protoplasm can only be explained by the study of the parts of which it is made up. Lastly, thin layers of non-granular protoplasm are sometimes to be observed gliding' over firm bodies ; by these means the whole mass is enabled to progress in a forward direction. The study of streaming movements shov/s us that the constituent particles do not move around any fixed point, but freely as the particles of a fluid substance. So far as we can see, these movements are not the result of any external cause ; did we choose to allow that a simple mass of protoplasm had a " will," we might well call them " spontaneous" or " voluntary;" 6 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. without going so far, we must allow that they appear to be due to the protoplasm itself; they are self- moved or automatic. Living matter, then, is irritable and automatic ; irritability finds expression in contractility, or in the production of such forces as heat, light, or electricity. With regard to its general physical and chemi- cal characters, we have to note that it is possessed of great cohesive powers, and yet is very extensile ; it does not mix with water, but it swells by imbibition ; it may expel the contained fluid in the form of rounded vacuoles, and bubbles of gas are sometimes apparent in it. It is ordinarily colourless, and re- fracts light more strongly than water ; it is in most, and probably in all cases, slightly alkaline in reac- tion. Before we leave the general consideration of pro- toplasm, we must point out two foreign elements which have to be considered. The first of these is the presence in protoplasm, as we ordinarily observe it, of various more simple chemical compounds, which have the form of granules ; these, which may be fatty or starchy bodies, are conveniently grouped together under the head of metaplasm; they may be re- garded as owing their origin to the changes that are constantly taking place in the molecular constitution of the protoplasm, or, in other word?, as waste products not yet eliminated. The second is a general motion of a protoplasmic mass, especially when of particularly small size (e.g. bacteria) ; this movement of the body as a whole is not a vital, but a purely physical phenomenon, as may be demonstrated by the simple experiment of rubbing up a little gamboge in a drop of water, when exactly the same movement is to be observed. This approxima- tion and separation of small particles is a phenomenon which has attracted the attention of the physicist, by Chap, i.] THE CELL. 7 whom it must be explained ; it was, however, first observed by an eminent botanist, and is consequently known as the Browiiian movement. The term cell is not unfrequently applied to every separate mass of living matter, but, in conse- quence of the associations connected with this term, it is better to make use of the more elaborate though perhaps more intelligible nomenclature which enables us to distinguish between the different characters of "elementary organisms." When attention was first directed to these objects, the botanist observed that in each mass of protoplasm there was a portion which, by various characters, could be easily distinguished from the rest, and which might be very appropriately spoken of as the nucleus ; in addition to this, he saw that the outer portion of the protoplasm was en- closed as in a wall ; he spoke, therefore, of the whole as a cell, with a cell wall, and a contained nucleus. Later on it was found that the protoplasm (or " sarcode," as it was originally called) of animals was not to be distinguished from that of plants, and it was then also seen that it was only in very rare cases that this animal protoplasm was enclosed in a cell wall. Thereby the very first conception of a cell was destroyed, but the name was still retained as a con- venient term. Still later researches revealed the at first astonishing fact that organisms could and did exist in which that specially modified portion of the proto- plasm which had been called the " nucleus " was, to all appearance, altogether absent ; some naturalists, and especially some physiologists, now regard the nucleus as no essential part of the cell. On the other hand, it seems better to recognise in our nomenclature the present conditions of our knowledge, and to use for the " elementary organism " some other definite term than that around which so many battles have 8 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. been fought, and with which, perhaps, no few super- stitions are or have been connected. We will, therefore, follow those who have agreed to the suggestion of Prof. Haeckel, and will use for the elementary organism, whether or no provided with a nucleus, the useful and suggestive term of plastid. This plastid, or unit of organic structure, is com- posed of protoplasm ; it may be without a nucleus, when it is a cytod (or cell-like body), or it may have within it a denser mass, which is very feebly, if at all, contractile, the nucleus; in which case it is a cell. This nucleus is ordinarily provided with one or more smaller nucleoli, and, possibly, always has a distinct investing membrane. It would appear to have a special chemical composition, inasmuch as while a cell when treated with a ten per cent, salt solution leaves a precipitate, no such precipitate is stated to be found when a cytod is subjected to the same reagent. The body so precipitated has been called nuclein. Protoplasm, then, is presented to us in the form of plastids, and these plastids may either be without (cytods) or have (cells) distinct nuclei. All organisms are composed of one or more cells, or, in other words, are either unicellular or multicellular. The former, as much as the latter, are capable of exhibiting all the .essential phenomena of life. TISSUES AND ORGANS. "When we examine the different stages in the history of a developing animal, or compare a series which commences with low and passes through more highly developed forms, we find a gradual increase in the complexity of the parts ; of this we have already had an example in comparing the cytod with the cell, and we shall observe it in every chapter of this work. This increase in complexity is termed the process of differentiation. Chap. I.] TISSUES AND ORGANS. 9 In making a general survey of animals we find that the lowest consist only of simple cells ; later on, the cells are found not to live an independent existence, but to be associated one with another, and different groups of cells are seen to be differentiated in various ways. The result of this is that sets of cells come to have different characters (some are contractile, others irritable, and so on), and these different sets are what are known as tissues ; secondly, we observe that these tissues become connected with one another in different proportions and relations, so as to give rise to those parts of the adult which take on particular duties, and are known as organs. Looked at in a general way, and without taking any notice of exceptional cases, we observe that there are tissues in an animal which are not found in a plant ; these, which are distinguished as the animal tissues, are such as have a relation to movement or sensation ; in other words, the muscles and nerves are animal tissues. On the other hand, plants preserve, protect, and sustain themselves, and the corresponding tissues in animals are always spoken of as the vegetative ; .of these we may find convenient examples in that outer layer of the body which is spoken of as epithelium, or that supporting tissue which is known as bone. The classification of organs is a little more complex, but it will be convenient to give it now, so that time and space may be saved in the future. In the first place it is clear that the vegetative functions fall under three great heads ; an animal has to care for itself, to adapt itself to or move through its surroundings, and to reproduce its kind. And, in the second place, it is just as obvious that it has to perceive what is going on around it, and to act accordingly. We have, then : io COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. (1) Organs of internal relations. i. Protective. Examples : Skin, shell. ii. Nutritive. Examples : Digestive tract (nu- trient) ; heart and blood-vessels (circulatory). iii. Purifying 1 . Gills, lungs (carbonic acid) ; kid- neys (nitrogenous products). (2) Organs of external relations. iv. LiOCOmotor. Limbs, etc. (compounded of skeletal and muscular tissues). v. Prehensile. Limbs, etc. (compounded of skeletal and muscular tissues). vi. Offensive. Teeth, claws, electrical, odorous organs. (3) Reproductive. (a) Germ -producing glands : testes, ovaries, which are essential. (/3) Copulatory : penes, etc., which are accessory. (4) Sensory. (a) Organs which receive impressions ; eye, ear, etc., brain. (j8) Organs which Stimulate other organs ; brain. METHODS OF COMPARISON. When an anatomist has acquired a positive knowledge of a certain number of selected forms of life, he proceeds to convert his empirical acquaintance with facts into science by reasoning upon the infor- mation which he has acquired. In this operation he makes great use of the fertile method of comparison, remembering the words of Buflbn, " Ce riest qu'en comparant que nous pouvons juger." Like things, however, must be compared with like, or confusion will inevitably result. We must, therefore, lay down certain rules to guide us in these kinds of enquiries, for, though no one would attempt to compare a heart with a lung, many would, at first, more willingly compare the leg of a man with that of a cockroach, than the fin of a perch with the wing of the sparrow ; yet the latter is the more justifiable proceeding. Chap. I.] HOMOLOGY. 1 1 The reason for this is plain, the moment we clearly understand what object the comparative anatomist has before him ; it is that of coming to some general conclusions as to identity or community of structure ; for this purpose, then, he is not to compare parts that have the same function, but those that are formed in the same kind of way. The physiologist, on the other hand, looking at organs as parts of a machine, examines together those that do the same thing. When we compare parts morphologically, we must not be content merely with an analogy between them, we must be careful that there is a homology or real resemblance. The first criterion of homological parts is their development from similar embryonic structures ; such are the wing of a bird and the leg of a horse. But a further question now arises ; why have these wings and legs, which in their completed condition are so different from one another, a similar structure in the embryo 1 The answer to this is given by the doctrine of descent, which supposes that the bird and the horse had in the past a common ancestor, provided with limbs simpler in structure than those of either bird or horse, but having essentially that which they have now, or which they have had, and from which they are both derived ; a true and complete homology of parts is, then, only to be found between animals which have had a common ancestor provided with the part to be compared. This complete homology may be conveniently spoken of as homogeny (Ray Lankester). It is very necessary to have before the mind this idea of community of descent, because we shall con- stantly meet with cases in which, with a very close re- semblance in structure and mode of development, there is not a complete identity in descent. For example, all mammals and all birds are provided with four 12 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. cavities in their hearts : two auricles and two ven- tricles ; but it is certain that, whatever was the animal that was the nearest common ancestor to the two, it had only one ventricle. The right and left ventricles of the hearts of birds and mammals are, then, not homologous in the sense of being homogenetic ; they have been acquired independently by the two groups, in consequence of certain physiological needs ; they are the result of similar modifying forces, and are homoplastic, but not homogenetic parts. DEVELOPMENT. The last point to which the student must be intro- duced is one of the very greatest importance. If we study the animal kingdom throughout, we find that, starting from the simplest mass of protoplasm, we are gradually led to the complex and elabo- rate structural and functional arrangements which are found in so highly organised an animal as man himself. If, on the other hand, we study the developmental history of a highly organised form, we find that it starts from a simple mass of pro- toplasm, the egg, or ovum, as this plastid is called ; this cell gradually becomes more and more elaborated, and takes on the more complex arrangement which may be seen in its parent ; we observe, that is, that not only are there a number of stages in the different re- presentatives of the animal world, but that there are also a number of stages in the structural history of every individual ; and we may go yet a step farther, and say that in a broad and general way there is a complete parallelism between the two. The results of the investigations and considerations which flow from a study of the facts here indicated are best expressed in an aphorism, which may at once be laid to heart, and which will be abundantly proved by a study of development and comparative anatomy : Chap, i.] EVOLUTION. 13 " The history of the individual is a compressed epitome of the history of the race." Those, therefore, who desire to obtain a complete knowledge of animals or, indeed, of any one animal, must not be contented with an account of the anatomy of the adult ; they must direct their attention also to its development, and become the students of Embryology, while they must no less take care to study the history of the animal, or of its allies, in the past ages of the world, or to know something of its Palaeontology. These two branches, Embryology and Palseont- ology, are of the greatest assistance in an endeavour to obtain some clear idea of the morphology of animals ; but a weapon no less sure and no less important is that of comparison, by means of which similar parts in different organisms are studied and explained ; no better aid to safe judgment can be afforded, and it must be used unceasingly and unsparingly. EVOLUTION. The great maze and mass of facts which are found in works on zoology or comparative anatomy are hardly to be held together without the bond of phi- losophy ; the grouping of facts, and, still more, the grouping of animals, must be always more or less un- intelligent, mechanical, and artificial, unless we make some use of some kind of explanation. That which we shall use here will be founded on the belief that there is a blood relationship, or relationship by descent and inheritance, between every member of the animal kingdom; and that, were it possible to know all the facts, we could make a genealogical tree for animals, which should be as exact and definite as the family tree which is drawn up by the genealogist or the herald. That division of biology which busies itself with genealogical problems is known as Phylogeny. 14 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. All the steps in the differentiation and elaboration of organised beings are examples of that process of evolution, which, when based on a belief in the existence of a blood relationship between animals, is known as the doctrine of descent. In an attempt to understand how this has worked, we make reference to two different series of facts. We have, in the first place, to make certain generalisations as to the way in which the differences have been brought about, and we have, in the second, to consider what are the essential properties of living matter which may be regarded as the determining factors in the evolution of organised material The generalisations made from a number of ob j served facts may, if this definition be borne in mind, be called the laws of evolution; they have been thus enunciated by Professor Huxley : (1) There has been an excess of development of some parts in relation to others. (2) Certain parts have undergone complete or partial suppression. (3) Certain parts, which were originally distinct, have coalesced. Let us apply these laws to a concrete example, and select for study the fore-foot of a camel In the more primitive mammalia there were five fingers or digits, each connected by a metacaqDal or palm bone with the wrist, and these five sets of digits and metacarpals were of subequal size. In the hoofed group of animals the first of these, or thumb, disappeared, as in the case of the modern pig ; the two that were now outermost, the second and fifth, became smaller and smaller, as in the sheep or deer, and finally, as in the camel, disappeared altogether. Here we have various stages of law 2. This loss of the outer was accompanied by an increase in the size of the median digits and metacarpals (law 1), and in the more or less complete fusion of chap, i.i HEREDITY AND VARIABILITY. 15 the third and fourth metacarpals one with the other (law 3) ; the result of this last process being the formation of a bone which at its lower end only gives any obvious indication of its primitively double nature. The characteristics of protoplasm which appear to be the determining factors of evolution, are (1) its power of producing an organism like to itself; and (2) the fact that no child or parent, or any two children, are exactly similar one to another. The first of these principles is known as that of heredity, the second as that of variability. It is obvious that the second principle only comes into action because of the differences in the surroundings of every individual plastid ; the greater the homogeneity of the surround- ings, the greater the likenesses between the plastids. The law of heredity may consequently be compared to the first law of motion (Gasquet). Organisms, therefore, tend to resemble their parents, but, being more or less differently affected by surrounding media and objects, diverge more or less from the parent stock ; the greater the differences in environment, the greater the differences between parent and child. This is a fact so well known to us all that we need not enlarge upon it here. ANIMALS AND PLANTS. While the conviction that there is an essential unity between animals and plants may be taken as one of the most important results of modern biology, we have to note that along the two lines of organisa- tion the constituent protoplasm has, on the whole, de- veloped special characteristics. In other words, we are not able always to say definitely whether a given uni- cellular- organism is an animal or a plant ; but we can always with certainty point to the differences which distinguish a rose from a bee. 1 6 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Thus the form (1) of a plant is diffuse and arbores- cent, that of an animal oblong and rounded. A plant lives on (2) carbonic acid and mineral salts, but an animal requires albuminoid foods. These foods are in the plant taken in (3) by the porous tissues, and there is no distinct mouth as there is in all but the lowest, and in the majority of parasitic animals. The secre- tions (4) of a plant are non-nitrogenous, while some of the waste products of an animal always contain nitrogen. In their habits (5) we find that plants are fixed, and animals locomotive. And, lastly, (6) as to the characters of their cells, we find that plants have a cell wall formed of that ternary compound which is known as cellulose, while the wall of an animal cell, when present, is derived directly from the cell protoplasm. To nearly all the statements now made an ex- ception may be found : thus (1) cacti and fungi are certainly not arborescent or diffuse, while polyps as cer- tainly are. (2) Fungi appear to require some more complex compound than merely carbonic acid and mineral salts, but such a body as ammonium tart rate will give the nourishment required ; every animal known to us requires albuminoid food, and dies when deprived of it. (4) It is quite true that plants do not give off nitrogenous excreta ; but their protoplasm, it must always be remembered, is capable of forming them ; on the other hand, all the excreta of an animal are not nitrogenous; Ascidians (and, if they are truly animals, some of the Cilio-flagellata) form cellu- lose. The latter and some low worms have been ob- served to form starch, and sugar is a ternary compound formed by various animals. The well-known Yolvox offers (5) an exception to the statement that plants are fixed, and polyps and, to a large extent, stalked Echi- noderms, to the statement that animals are locomotive. Lastly, some of the lowest plants, such as Myxomycetes, have their protoplasm naked, while the just-mentioned chap, i.] ANIMALS AND PLANTS. 17 Cilio-flagellata have cellulose in their cell-walls, and the so-called matrix of cartilage cells does not appear to be directly formed from the cells themselves. This enumeration of differences or resemblances is, after all, unsatisfactory, and will, with the progress of knowledge, come, no doubt, to be regarded as mis- leading ; for the present, it will not fail in its object of impressing on the student the broad and general characteristics of animals and plants as we now know them ; but there must be added to it a reminder that among the higher members of the Droseracese we find plants (a) whose leaves have in some forms the power of movement when excited ; (#) the glands of their leaves are able both to digest and to absorb animal matters ; and (7) the normal electrical current is, when these leaves are irritated, disturbed in the same manner as is that of a contracting animal muscle. The general relation of animals to plants is well shown in the following table (Brass) : ^Plants- use up form carbonic acid, water, nitrates, oxygen, carbohydrates, fat, albumen, form use up The fact that, in sunlight, green plants (that is, plants containing chlorophyll) give off oxygen has led some to think that plants take in carbonic acid and exhale oxygen ; but plants as much as animals give off carbonic acid as a waste product. If or when an ani- mal contains chlorophyll grains, it as much as a plant will give off oxvgen under the influence of sunlight. c 16 ' 18 CHAPTER IT. AMCEBA. IT has been wisely said that "the highest laws of our science are expressed in the simplest terms in the lives of the lowest orders of creation " (Paget) ; and it will be well, therefore, to commence our studies with a close investigation into the characters of one of the simplest of living animals. The word Amoeba is a generic term,* which is applied to a number of forms, which have in common the following characters; they are more or less minute specks of nucleated protoplasm, without any wall or membrane limiting their surface, and they are capable of pushing out processes of their body sub- stance from any part or point of it. They are some- times as much as one-hundredth of an inch in diameter, but they in all cases require the assistance of a microscope of high powers for their satisfactory study. If we place one on a glass slide, and, after allowing it to become used to its new position, examine it under the microscope, we shall at once see how ap- propriate is the name that has been given it. Its form is never constant for more than a few moments together, as we can best demonstrate by making a sketch of its shape once every minute for some five or six times. These changes in form are, we know, expressions of the irritability and contractility of the protoplasm. * The possibility that a number of so-called Amoebae are stages in the life-history of animals or plants does not affect the question here dealt with. Chap. II.] AMCEBA. T 9 Looked at more closely, we see in it evidences of dif- ferentiation of structure; the mass, small as it is, is not homogeneous ; the outer portion is denser and Fig. 1. Amoeba. n, Nucleus ; cv, contractile vacuoles. clearer (Fig. 1) than the inner, which is more fluid and granular. Although these two portions are not sharply marked off from one another, it is convenient to have definite names by which to distinguish them, and we will speak therefore of an ectosarc, and an endosarc. Within the endosarc we see a disk- shaped or rounded body which retains its form, while 20 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. the protoplasm around it is changing ; this is the nucleus (n), and within it is a smaller body, the little nucleus, or niicleolus. In the ectosarc we have to observe a space which opens slowly, and con- tracts rapidly ; its power of contraction may be seen to be independent of that of the general mass of proto- plasm. This space (the contractile vacuole, cv) appears, though we cannot speak with certainty, to be a kind of pump, whereby water is taken into and forced out of the body ; the water that enters must bring with it a certain quantity of oxygen, which is a prime necessity of every living organism, whether it be plant or animal ; while the water that is forced out of the body must carry with it a certain quantity of those waste products which always appear when a living body is in active function. The contractile vacuole, then, would appear to effect for the amoeba the two processes of respiration and of purification, which, in higher animals, are per- formed by definite organs. It will at once be noticed that there is no special point by which food enters, or what is useless in that food escapes from the amoeba ; in other words, there is neither mouth nor anus. But it will almost as soon be seen that this naked cell has no need of either the one or the other ; it flows around the food it needs, and it flows away from the waste or useless matter which is of no further use to it. Just as there is no special inlet for the food, so there is no part of the cell which can be said to be es- pecially digestive in function. We can best see what happens to the food when it is a green-coloured plant ; when such is under observation we find that it gradually breaks up within the amoeba, that it gradually loses its green colour, and finally disappears ; if it be a diatom that has been flowed around, we may observe in time that the undigested case will be chap. ii. j AMCEBA. 21 left behind. The cell, then, of which the amoeba consists, is capable of taking in food, and of making it part of itself ; it can, in fine, effect all the opera- tions of nutrition. The flowing around food is only an expression of that general locomotor activity of the amaba which finds a more general expression in those remarkable changes in form to which we have already directed attention. These, when studied in detail, are found to be effected in the following fashion. At some point of the body where the contour is smooth and rounded a little knob of ectosarc may be seen to be protruded, and to widen out as it increases in size ; the cavity in its interior which is thus formed becomes filled with endosarc which flows into it. The pro- trusion is at first broad or lobate, and it may so remain ; or it may increase in length and diminish in proportionate breadth, or it may even become branched at its free extremity. Such an out-pushing of the substance of the naked cell is spoken of as a pseudopodium (false foot). When, as often happens, several small pseudopodia, or one or a few of large size are given off close to one another, and if the pseudopodia are not at the same time protruded from the opposite surface of the cell, then the whole mass follows the pseudopodia, and there is a general movement of the amoeba ; at such a time we can distinguish an anterior from a posterior end. The amoeba, then, feeds, grows, and moves about, takes in oxygenated water, and gets rid of waste material; exhibits, in fine, all the essential pheno- mena of internal and external relation ; it does not exhibit anything more than a general irritability, but as it does answer to stimuli from without, it presents us with a copy, as it were, of the changes that occur in ourselves when we are acted on by external stimuli. It performs all the actions that are essential to our 22 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. idea of an individual living for itself. But it does more than this ; it performs also the function that is necessary for the continuance of the species of which it is a representative. It reproduces itself. In the simplest case the act of reproduction is effected thus; the nucleus elongates, becomes con- stricted in its middle, and divides into two. As this division is being effected the surrounding protoplasm becomes divided into two masses, each of which accompanies one half of the nucleus. As a result of this process we have two individuals where before we had one, and they differ only from the amoaba which we have been previously studying by their smaller size ; as our first amoeba has altogether dis- appeared, it is, to all practical purposes, dead ; and we have, then, in this, the simplest condition of reproduction, the death of the parent absolutely co- temporaneous with the appearance of a new generation. This process of reproduction is that which is known as fission. Another method is also observed in the amceba, which may be regarded as a modification of that of fission. A small portion (bud) of non-nucleated protoplasm is gradually separated off from the rest of the mass ; this increases in size, and develops within itself a new nucleus, so that it becomes exactly similar to its parent, which, in this case, continues to exist. Here we have reproduction effected by bud- ding, or gem million. Notwithstanding all the functions performed by this minute mass of protoplasm, it will be observed that there is nothing in the cell to which we could correctly give the name of an organ. We are in the presence of life, but hardly of organisation. CHAPTEK IIL THE GENERAL STRUCTURE OF ANIMALS. BEFORE proceeding to a comparative account of the structure and functions of the organs of different animals, it will be necessary to introduce the student to the broader characteristics of the groups into which the animal kingdom has been divided. What fol- lows in this chapter is to be regarded as having that aim alone ; it is in no way to be looked upon either as a classification of animals, or even as an intro- duction to it, and it is to be used rather as a kind of guide to the relative position of any animal that may be mentioned in the succeeding chapters. So far as is possible in the necessities of the case, it has been so prepared as to hinder rather than to aid the student in any attempt to commit to memory a system of classification ; for it is certain that there is nothing less fruitful in good result than a parrot-like acquaintance with what is only a compressed epitome of the more certain results of zoological enquiries, but which, it is to be remembered, may at any time be profoundly modified by further investigation. What is called a classification of the animal kingdom is nothing more or less than a precis of our knowledge at a given mo- ment, and, at its best, can never be more than rela- tively correct. On the other hand, the sketch that follows may be of use as indicating the general course of development, taken along different lines by different kinds of animals. The simplest animals essentially resemble an 24 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Amoeba in this particular, that, for the whole period of their lives, all the functions of the organism are performed by a single cell ; and, even where cells remain collected into a colony, each individual member of that colony performs all its own duties, and affords no assistance to the rest ; there is no division of labour. In the higher animals a very different phenomenon is seen; here again the whole organism is, indeed, composed of cells or cell-derivates ; but, howsoever com- plex it may become, it starts always on the cycle of its existence under the form of a single cell. This cell, which is known as the ovum or egg-cell, undergoes a series of divisions by means of which, two, four, eight .... cells are produced, and these become arranged in definite fashion, and take on more or less well-defined functions. Here, then, different parts of the organism have different duties, or, in other words, there is division of labour. The first or lower group of organisms are asso- ciated together as the Protozoa; the second, or those that come after them, form the division of the JVIetazoa. Did we desire to use less objective terms, we might adopt for these groups the corresponding terms of Cytozoa and Histozoa (Maupas), which conveniently direct attention to the essential differ- ence in the cells of the protozoan, and the tissues of the metazoan organism. In attempting to arrange either of these divisions, we are met at once by the fact that the changes which have taken place in organisms have been in two lines or directions ; there has been progress, and there has been degeneration. The former we shall find to be more intimately associated with a free and active life, and a ready power of adaptation to changed cir- cumstances ; the latter to a fixed and often to a para- sitic mode of existence. Chap, in.] GROUPS OF PROTOZOA. 25 I. PROTOZOA. For our purposes we shall find it convenient to divide the Protozoa into three great groups, one of which has become degraded by parasitism ; these are the Sporozoa, of which the best known division are the Gregarinida ; the others, one of which is dis- tinctly higher than the other group, may be called the Sarcodina and the Infusoria. Of the Sarcodina, the best type is the common Amceba, which we have already studied ; like it, all the members of the group move about and take in their food by means of those movements of the proto- plasm of the cell which result in the formation of pseudopodia, and they reproduce themselves either by division or by budding. In the Infusoria the amcBbiform character is lost, and the cell has and retains a definite form ; the ectosarc ordinarily sheds out a structureless mem- brane. This encloses the softer protoplasm which makes up the rest of the organism, giving oft' delicate processes which make their way through the limiting membrane : these processes, or cilia, are typically developed, are portions of proto- plasm which retain their contractile power, and form the chief means of progression. Owing to the pre- sence of the covering membrane or cuticle^ it is neces- sary that there should be at some point an opening in the cell (cytostome), by means of which food may, at any rate, enter ; this opening is ordinarily spoken of as the mouth ; in addition to it there is sometimes a second orifice developed, which has the function of an anus (cytoproct). The third division of the Protozoa are the de- graded parasitic forms, of which the Gregarine is an excellent example. Though these cells are covered in by a distinct membrane, there is no orifice or 26 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. mouth by which the food can enter ; living as they do in the digestive tract or other cavities of the bodies of higher animals in which nutritious matter is abundant, they obtain such food as they require by the mere JFig. 2 A. Gromia, showing the teat and the protruding protoplasm. physical process of osmosis. Similarly, having ceased to lead a free life, and abiding now in closed spaces, they have lost the cilia which were possessed by the infusorian and exhibit instead a slow serpentine movement which is effected by the ectosarc. The Sarcodina are conveniently divided into three great divisions : Chap. III.] GROUPS OF PROTOZOA. 27 I. Rhizopoda; example: Amoeba, Gromia, Nummu- lites. II. Heliozoa ; example : Actinophrys (Sun animal- cule). III. Radiolaria ; example : Acanthometra, Chilomma. Fig. 2 B. Actinophrys sol, showing the yacuolated ectosarc, the finely granulated endosarc, the nucleus, contractile vacuole. and pseu- dopodial filaments. (After Leidy.) Leaving out of our consideration those simple and incompletely known forms in which no nucleus is developed in the protoplasm (Wlonera),* we may dis- tinguish the naked Amoeba-like Rhizopoda from those * It is possible that in such forms the nuclear substance is diffused through the protoplasm (Gruber). 28 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. in which a covering or test is developed ; this test may be chitinous (Gromia), or chitinous and calca- reous, or, in rare cases, siliceous; and it may have either Fig. 2 c. Xiphacs/ntha, showing the siliceous skeleton. (After W. TJUOIUSOH.) a single large orifice (Fig. 2 A), or the test may be per- forated with a number of holes (Foraminifera), and may attain to a large size (Nummulites), and great complexity of form. Chap. III.] GROUPS OF PROTOZOA. 29 The Heliozoa either have the body naked or a siliceous skeleton is developed ; the body is very com- monly spherical in shape, while the pseudopodia (Fig. 2 B) are fine, alter but little in form, and rarely anastomose with one another ; lastly, the Radiolaria (Fig. 2 c) have a chitinous " central capsule," around which flows the protoplasm, and with which there is Fig. 3 I. Paramcecium aurelia ; A, from the side ; B, from below ; c, two in conjugation, n, Nucleus ; b, mouth ; cv, contractile vacuole. ordinarily connected a delicate and often elaborate siliceous skeleton. The pseudopodia are less constant in form than in the Heliozoa, and enter into anasto- moses with their neighbours. The Infusoria are ordinarily ciliated, but in some (Flagellata) the cilia are replaced by a single long whip-like process of protoplasm (flagellum) (Fig. 3 ii.), and in others which are parasitic on (ectoparasitic) the bodies of other infusorians, the cilia are lost and replaced by tentacle-like sucking tubes (Fig. 3 in.). 30 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. I. Ciiiata, as Paramoecium, Vorticella, and others ; the cilia are either regularly distributed over the cell, and are, for the most part, subequal in size (Paramoecium) (Fig. 3 i.) ; or some are much larger than the rest (Stentor) ; or the cilia are ordinarily con- fined to a spiral circlet around the mouth (Vorticella), and are only occasionally found on other parts of the an Fig. 3 ii. A, Noetiluca miliaris ; B, with buds ; c, section. n, Nucleus ; /, flagellura ; t, tentacle ; d, denticle ; an, anus. body ; or, finally, they may be limited to the so-called ventral surface (Euplotes) ; in the Peritricha, as the group to which Vorticella and its allies belong is called, there is often an elongated aboral stalk, which some- times exhibits a remarkable power of rapid contraction. II. Flagellata ; a number of forms are grouped by some writers under this head ; of such as are almost indubitably animal, Noetiluca (Fig. 3 n.), the animalcule which causes much of the diffused phos- phorescence of the sea, is one of the best known. Chap. III.] METAZOA. Fig. 3 in. Acineta tuberosa. III. Suctoria: in these parasites (e.g. Acineta, Fig. 3 in.), the mouth is lost and the sucking tubes protruded from the protoplasmic mass serve to convey food into the body. A study of their development reveals the interest- ing fact that they commence life as ciliated embryos, and suggests the idea that they are descended from ciliate infusoria. The Sporozoa will, for the purposes of this book, be repre- sented by the Gregarinida. The forms best adapted for study are the gigantic Gregarine found in the intestine of the lobster, and remarkable for being, though but a single cell, as much as two -thirds of an inch in length and the much smaller species found in the testicular reservoirs of the earthworm. II. THE METAZOA. - C STRUCTURE AND EARLY HIS- TORY OF THE EGG-CELL. The key to the structure of the higher animals, or Metazoa, is to be found in a knowledge of the early history of the egg from which, as has been already said, they all arise. This cell, when mature, consists of a mass of proto- plasm (Fig. 4, c), with a central nucleus (b), and con- tained nucleolus, and in most, though not in all cases (Hydra), it has a definite investing membrane (a). Under normal circumstances this egg-cell is fertilised Ripe (Afte er Klein.) a, Envelope ; b, nucleus ; c, protoplasm. 32 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. by the male element (chap, xiii.), and then commences to undergo a process of cleavage, or division. It first divides into two cells, which are, in the simplest cases, equal in size ; each of these again divides, so that there Tig. 5. Segmentation of Amphioxus. A, Stage with two equal segments; u, with four; c, with eight; D, segments enclosing a segmentation cavity ; E, somewhat c Ider stage in optical section. (After Kowalevsky.) are four, then eight, and so on. After a time the pro- cess of segmentation (Fig. 5) comes to an end, and then we have a mass of segments, which are either closely applied to one another, and so have a kind of mulberry-like appearance (hence the name of momla applied to this stage) ; or, as is more common, the segments separate from one another during the process of division, and give rise within to a space, Chap. TIL] THE GASTRULA. 33 the segmentation cavity; the cells bounding this cavity then undergo a further change, by means of which the single becomes replaced by a double layer, one of which is interior to the other. This two-layered condition is brought about in one of two ways ; either the cells of one half of the sphere are pushed into the contained space, and, by approaching the other half, more or less completely obliterate the segmentation cavity, or the cells undergo a transverse and concentric clea- vage, by means of which each cell becomes two, and the single is con- verted into a double layer. Whether the former process (that of iii- vagi nation) or the latter (delamiiiation) takes place, the cell- layers are regarded as comparable, and receive the same names ; the outer is known as the epiblast (Fig. 6, ep), the inner as the hypotolast (hyp). Similarly the con- tained cavity, which is clearly the segmentation cavity in the latter mode, and an altogether new formation in the former, is spoken of as the arclieiiteroii, while the narrow opening to the ex- terior is the blastopore (o). The whole organism is now said to be in the Gastmla stage (Fig. 6). No known animal remains at quite the low and undifferentiated condition of a Gastrula ; and, indeed, D 16 Fig. 6. Diagram of a Gastrula. o, Blastopore; ep, epiblast ; hyp, Lypoblast, 34 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. in most cases yet another germinal layer, as the epiblast or hypoblast is respectively called, is developed between the two we know already. It is appro- priately spoken of as the mesol*last; it arises in various modes, into the distinctions of which we need not enter here ; it will suffice for us to know, that in all the higher Metazoa the greater part of the organism is fashioned out of it. In all cases the outer and inner layers undertake the functions which their position entails on them ; the cells of the epiblast become converted into the parts which cover in and protect the rest of the body, and give rise also to those organs by means of which the organism becomes acquainted with what is going on around it, sensory organs and nervous system. The hypoblast remains always in connection with the enteron, or digestive tract, forming the lining of its walls, of the glands that are therein developed, and of such outgrowths as may arise from it. In the lower divisions of the Metazoa the mesoblast does not take any large share in the formation of the organs ; it remains in a more or less indifferent condition. In the higher forms it becomes quite the most important layer in the body, taking on as it does the duty of developing the skeleton, the muscles, the blood, and vascular system, the excretory organs, and the con- necting tissues ; it always, also, becomes primarily cleft or divided, so that a cavity is developed within it ; this is the true body cavity, or ccelom, and all animals that possess it may, whether they secondarily lose it or not, be spoken of as the Cplomata. The acoalomate Metazoa are the sponges (Pori- fera), and the great group to which belong hydra, the jelly-fishes, and the sea-anemones (Ccelenterata). The simplest sponges show hardly any advance on the typical Gastrula, the amount of mesoblastic tissue developed being small; but they are remarkable at Chap. III.] SPONGES. 35 once for a character which sharply distinguishes from all other animals. It happens to many Gastrulse that, their blastopore closing up, they develop an investment of cilia on their epi- blast, and swim about for a time freely in the water; but these cilia are confined to the outer surface. In the sponges it is otherwise, the ciliated cells early become internal to the non- ciliated, and some are retained throughout life in the so-called " ciliated chambers." When we come to examine into the activity of a living sponge we find no advance on that of a Protozoon, save so far as the division of labour is here first clearly seen ; we find, that is, that the multi- celluiai\ organism feeds, grows, respires, reproduces itself, and dies ; and we find, too, that, like many Protozoa, it forms for itself firm supports in the way of a skeleton, but we find no cells that are specially sensory, and none that are obviously muscular ; there is the general irritability and contractility which living protoplasm always exhibits, but there are no special organs for either function. The Porifera, or sponges, fall into the following divisions : 1. Ittyxospoiigiae, in which there is no hard skeleton ; e.g. Halisarca. 2. Calcispoiigiae, in which a support for the body is furnished by calcareous spicules ; e.g. Ascon, Fig. 7. Calcareous Sponge. AKcetta pn'mor- ctoa7f*. (After Haeckel, x SOdiams.) 36 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Leucon, Sycon. The commonest British form is ordinarily known as Grantia. (See Fig. 7.) 3. Silicispongiae, in which part of the skeleton is made up of spicules of silica ; e.g. the common fresh-water sponge (Spongilla), Chalina, Euplectella. 4. Ceratospongise, in which the skeleton is Fig. 8. A, Hydra v 'ridis, attached to Duckweed ; B, a Single Specimen magnified ; c, Hydra in Diagramatic Section, cc, Ectoderm ; en, endodenu ; TO, mouth ; be, enteric cavity ; t, tentacle?. completely horny or fibrous, and devoid of siliceous or calcareous spicules ; e.g. the bath-sponges (Euspongia). In the Cvceleiiterata it is otherwise; in many forms both nervous and muscular tissues are to be recognised not only by the aid of the microscope, but by the activity of these animals, and by their reactions when subjected to physiological experiment. Henceforward, then, we have to do with forms which possess, in some shape or other, all the essential tissues of even the most complicated Chap. III.] CCELENTERATA. 37 organisms ; differentiation will lead to greater sub- division of labour, and greater complexity of struc- ture, but all the materials are, even so low in tlie grade of animal life, ready to our hand. "Fig. 9. Perigonimus vestitus, showing Trophosomes and Gonosoines (After Allman.) A ccelenterate animal, then, is one in which the archenteron of the gastrula, even when secondary outgrowths are developed from it, remains always as the only cavity in the body, in which the mesoblast is but imperfectly differentiated, but in which organs of offence, locomotion, and sensation are added on to the structures of the original gastrula form. 38 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. In its simplest known condition, e.g. Hydra (Fig. 8), a Coelenterate has a terminal mouth (ra) which leads into a digestive cavity (be), and around which ten- tacles (t) are developed; these tentacles, which serve as organs of pre- hension, sen- sation, and offence, are hollow, con- tinuations of the enteric cavity passing into them. There is no second orifice to the enteron, and reproduc- tion is effected either by gem- mation, or by the formation of ova and spermatozoa. In the more complicate d members of the group the hydriform body gives off buds, and be- comes one of a colony (Fig. 9) ; and the separate " persons " of this colony are connected together by a common trunk, which is hollow within, and continuous with the enteric cavity of each person ; in the simplest stage of these colonial formations each person performs the same duties, but in the more complex different Fig. 10. Figure of the Medusa of a Hydroid. (After Hincks.) Chap. III.] MEDUSA. 39 persons take on different duties; when these, again, are at their simplest stage, we find that while some nourish the colony (tropliosomes), they take no share in reproducing it; this office is performed by other persons (gonosomes), which depend for their nourishment on the neighbouring tropliosomes. Di- vision of labour among the persons of the colony may go still farther, and groups become formed of which some have nutrient, others locomotor, others protective, and others prehensile or offensive functions (Siphono- phora; e.g. Portuguese man-of-war) (Fig. 12). Where the Ccelenterate is fixed, we observe, in one division, that the generative persons become free-swimming, and, while retaining the essential characters of the division, become greatly altered in form, in adap- tation to their new mode of life ; such persons are spoken of as Medusae (Fig. 10). Finally, we find that, in some cases, the fertilised ovum of a medusa gives rise not to a fixed hydra-like body, but directly to a medusa form. The tentacles are set round the mouth in a circle, and the parts of the body are similarly arranged in a fashion of symmetry, which is called radial ; where, however, the free mode of life has obtained for a long period of time, we sometimes find that there is only one axis of the body on either side of which exactly corresponding parts are to be found ; in other words, a bilateral Fig. 11. Longitudinal section through Sagartia parasitica, showing a meseuteric septum with the body wall to the right, and the enteric wall to the left. (After O. and E. Hertwig.) (See Fig. 54.) 4o COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. takes the place of a radial symmetry ; e.g. Venus' girdle among the Otenophora. (See Fig. 16, page 46.) The Cceleiiterata fall into two well-marked divisions, Hydrozoa and Anthozoa ; in the former the mouth is placed 011 a projecting oral cone, while in the latter it is sunk below the level of the oral circlet of tentacles, and the cavity developed from the enteron, and separating its wall from the body wall, is traversed by partitions (meseiiteric septa) (Fig. 11), of which a certain number extend across the whole of the cavity, while others only project for a shorter or longer distance into it. CCELENTERATA. A. Hydrozoa. The hydrozoa fall into two well- marked divisions, in the first of which the medusa form, when developed, always has an infolded rim of the body running round the inner edge of the mouth of the bell (velum). In consequence of the presence of this fringe it may be spoken of as the Craspedote division ; in it the sense organs are never protected by any lid or cover, and they are therefore known as the Naked-eyed Medusse (Oymnophthalinata), and as the generative sacs never form projecting pouches, they are by some spoken of as Cryptocarpa. I. Craspedota. The Craspedota fall into three groups ; in the first the organism is always hydri- form. or the nutrient persons are hydriform, and the generative medusiform, or the organism is always medusiform. They may, therefore, be called Hydro- medusae. Examples of these are : Hydra, Cordylo- phora, Hydractinia, Sarsia, Oceania. In the second group we have those colonies of hydriform persons in which the common stem becomes richly impregnated with calcareous salts, and they therefore may be known as Hydroid Corals or Hydro- < 01 alliii;r. Such are Millepora and Stylaster. Chap. III.] JELLY-FISHES. In the third group we have those free- swimming colonies to which reference has already been made as examples of the highest form of division of labour : they are called the Siphonophora, and Velella, Diphyes, Physalia, and Physo- phora (Fig. 12) belong to this group. Scypliomedusse. In the second great division of the hydrozoa we have the forms which are best known as the Medusae, or jelly- fishes par excellence. With one exception, they all pass through a stage which, at first somewhat hydriform in appearance (Scypliis- toma-stage), is re- markable for under- going transverse di- vision ; each of the segments so formed separates and forms an independent medusa. When adult they are always medusiform in appearance, and, as they rarely have a velum to their disc, they are Fig. 12. PhysopTiora hydrostatica. a, Air-bladder; m, nectocalyx ; jjr, gener- ative persons; ?., nutrient, persons (in the form of sucking tubes) ; t, tentacu- lar persons. (After Cuvier.) 42 COKJ-ARAWE ANATOMY AND PHY SI OLOGY. . 13.-- Aurelia aurita. large and obvious Th ene ptive glands are Chap. III.] ANTHOZOA. 43 an example of the forms in which the original mouth is lost, and replaced by a number of small aper- tures developed on the long arm - like out- growths of its lips. B. Anthozoa. Among the Anthozoa we find the sea- anemoiies and the great bulk ol those cceleri- terates which form coral. According as they possess eight, and eight only, or six, or some multiple (often a large one) of six, we divide the Anthozoa into the Octactiniae, and the HexactiiiisB. I. The Octactinise have never more than eight tentacles, and these are flattened and serrated at their edges. In Alcyonium ("dead men's fingers ") cal- careous spicules are scattered in the body ; in Tubipora ("organ- pipe coral") the spi- cules collect and form a continuous tube for each polyp (Fig. 14 A) ; Fig. 14 B. Pennatula (Pteroides) spinosa. 44 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. in the sea-pen (Pennatula) (Fig. 14 B), the tissue which connects the polyps together is horny, in the noble red Fig. 14 c. Gorgonia fldbellum. coral it is calcified, while in the sea-fans (Gorgonia) an elegant hard network is developed (Fig. 14 c). II. The Hexactinise ; the six tentacles or mul- tiples of that number are filiform, and their edges smooth. Some, like the common sea-anemone, remain single throughout life, but, in most, buds are given off, and a colony is formed. The deposition of Chap. III.] CTENOPHORA. 45 calcareous salts often gives rise to large masses of " stony " coral, of which the brain-coral (Mseandrina) is a good example ; in other cases (e.g. Fungia) ths septa are alone calcined. There still remains a division of the Ccelenterata which, though it has been definitely placed by some naturalists with the Hydrozoa, and by others with the Antho- zoa, is possibly an independent group ; in these, the eight canals derived from the enteron run at equal distances close to the surface of the body, and along these there are formed bands of cilia, which have, in consequence of their comb-like appearance, gained for these forms the name Ctenopliora. The glassy globe called Cydippe (Fig. 15) is found on our own shores, while Venus' girdle (Cestus veneris) is an ex- ample of that acquired bilateral symmetry to which we have already referred (Fig. 16). Fig. 15. Cydippepileus. THE HIGHER METAZOA. In the remaining Metazoa a cavity distinct from the archenteric cavity becomes developed, and the mesoblast becomes the seat of those important changes, by means of which nearly all the tissues of the body are derived from it. In the midst of this mesoblast a cavity arises by cleavage or fissure, or from the archenteron there are given off out-growths which, in time, become shut off from the parent space, and occupy the middle of the mesoblast. The cavity formed in either of these ways is spoken of as the body cavity or ceelom, and the result of its appearance is 46 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. that the mesoblast becomes separated into two layers, one of which applies itself to the epiblast, and the other to the hypoblast ; in this way we get the somatopleure and splanclmopleure of Fig. 16. Venus' Girdle (CeJus veneri*), embryologists. All the Metazoa that possess this body cavity may be spoken of collectively as the Cflelomata. In some cases the coelom remains throughout life in a very rudimentary condition, and in a few it cannot be said to be developed at all, while in others it would seem to have been lost by degeneration. According to its mode of origin, as an out-growth from the enteron, or by cleavage of the mesoblast, it is spoken of as an enteroccele, or a scliizocoele. Chap, in.] METAZOA. 47 The archenteron ordinarily closes up, so that the blastopore disappears ; a fresh mouth, and in most cases also, an anus, are developed at either end of the tube ; these are lined by inpushings of the epi- blast; the epiblastic pits, deepening and elongating, finally become continuous with the original or arch- enteric cavity, which is, it wil] be remembered, lined by hypoblastic cells. In a fully developed di- gestive tract we have now to distinguish three regions : (1) a mouth passage (stomodceum) which is lined by epiblast ; (2) a mid-intestine (mesenteroii) lined by hypoblast ; and (3) an anal passage (procto- <8e first met. This end would then be primarily the sensitive end, and we find that it is here that sense organs of various kinds are best developed. In other words, we have henceforward to look for a definite re- gion, specially sensitive in function, developed in front of the mouth ; this may be called the praBStomiiim. On either side of the moving body the water would exert equal pressure, and the two sides would come to exhibit similar characters, or bilateral symmetry would become apparent. In shallow waters one as- pect of the body would be more exposed to the in- fluence of light than the other, and we should there- fore distinguish between an upper or dorsal and a lower or ventral surface. 48 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. The origin, then, of the higher Metazoa is to be looked for in an animal in which an anterior end with a prsestomium is to be distinguished from a posterior end ; in which the two sides are similar to one another, and the dorsal slightly different from the ventral surface. Forms of this kind are still to be found among the lowest Worms. Various organs must, of course, be developed with- in such an organism ; in the simplest cases some of the cells of the hypoblast retain the power possessed by the Amoeba of taking solid food into the substance of their own bodies ; the organism being small, no special means of circulating the nutriment thus obtained are required ; and, just as in the Amoeba, respiration is carried on by the general surface of the body, and by the water brought in with the food. On the other hand, even in Amoeba, we found a con- tractile vacuole, and we may, therefore, well suppose that in this complex of cells there must be some special means for the removal from the body of its waste nitrogenous products. At any rate, the meso- blast is on either side channelled by a delicately walled canal which has openings into the spaces in the mesoblast, and communicates by a pore with the exterior. As the organism is to give rise to cells from which other organisms are to arise, some part of its body must be set apart as generative cells ; in the simplest cases these are mere masses of cells in simple pouches, which pass directly into the water. Of the cells in the region of the praestomium some will be more particularly modified for the reception of impressions from the outer world, and will form a rudimentary nervous mass, with which a few nerve-fibres will be connected ; as the creature is capable of moving from place to place, we have, further, to look for the presence of muscular tissue. Chap, in.] FLAT- WORMS. 49 The lowest Metazoa are grouped into a somewhat heterogeneous mob, which is known as the division of the Verities or Worms. Of these the lowest are the Flat-Worms. A. Platyhelmintlies. Of the three divisions of flat-worms, two are degraded by parasitism ; such are the divisions to which the tape-worms (TaBnia), and the flukes (Distomum) belong. I. The Turfoellaria are the simplest forms, and are free living; the body is soft and small, covered with cilia, and without an anus ; the entrance to the digestive tract is often provided with a proboscis, and the generative apparatus may be simple, or may be greatly complicated. A distinct crelom is not always apparent (Accela), or it may become secondarily obscured. The enteric tract is straight, or branched. Planaria, Dendrocoelum, and Mesostomum are ex- amples of this division. II. The Trematoda are flat-worms that have taken to a parasitic mode of life, but are by no means so profoundly modified as the members of the group next to be considered. They either live on the bodies of other animals (ecto-parasitic), like A spidogaster, which is found in the gill chamber of the fresh-water mussel ; in this case they exhibit no " alternation of generation." Or they live within the bodies of other animals (pento-arasitic), like Disto- mum hepaticum (the liver-fluke) ; in this case they pass different stages of their existence in two different animals. The ciliated covering is lost, and suckers are developed, which serve as organs of attachment, and, to a certain degree also, as organs of locomotion ; the sexes are ordinarily united in the same individual, and the accessory parts of the generative apparatus are greatly complicated. III. The Cestoda, or tape-worms, are flat- worms which are still further modified in accordance E 16 50 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. with their constantly eiito-parasitic habit of life, and they, like the endo-parasitic Trematoda, ordinarily pass through different stages of their development in different hosts. While the simplest forms, like the Caryophyllaeus of the carp, exhibit no kind of jointing or division of the body, and Ligula has the jointing affecting only the internally placed generative organs, most consist of a more or less large number of joints ; Tsenia echinococcus having three or four,T. solium about Fig. 17. Tomia, showing the head and four suckers, the unjointed neck, and the early joints (Strohila). a thousand, and Bothriocephalus latus having, it is said, as many as 10,000 joints, and attaining to a length of twenty-five feet (Fig. 17). As these joints increase in size and approach maturity, the ova become fertilised, and commence to develop ; on the joints breaking off and escaping to the exterior, the ova within are set free, and if eaten by the other host proper to the tape-worm, they go through the earlier stages of their development within its body. In these parasites the digestive tract is altogether aborted. We have been carried away by these degraded forms from the general line of development ; we return to it, however, only again to find ourselves confronted Chap. III.] ROUND- WORMS. with a group, the great majority of the members of which are, in their sexual state at least, endo-parasitic. These are the round-worms or thread-worms (Nemato- lielmi lit lies). They are remarkable, as compared with the soft-bodied Turbellarians, for the great development of that horny material which is, as chi- tin, so richly present in the integuments of many Metazoa. The intestine forms a straight tube, and is surrounded by a comparatively spacious body cavity. The whole body is, as their popular name implies, greatly elongated. Examples of this group are Gordius, Ascaris, Filaria, and Tri- china. More closely allied to the round- worms than to any other worms are the Acan- thocephali, of which Echi- norhynchus (Fig. 18) is an example. They are internal parasites, which, like most tape-worms and flukes, live, at different stages of their life-history, in different hosts. They are provided with a protrusible proboscis, which is armed with recurved hooks of considerable strength. The Rotatoria or Wheel- Animalcules exhibit certain characters which we shall again meet with in the larval stages of some of the higher forms. The anterior end carries a disc, the edge of which is ciliated (this is the so-called "wheel-organ"), and in the centre of which the mouth is placed (Fig. 19). A special apparatus for comminuting the food is found in the stomach. The " water- vessels," or organs by means of which, in all probability, waste nitrogenous matters are excreted, are very distinct, and are provided with Fig. 18. Echinorliynclius no- dulatus (nat. size and en- larged). (After Busk.) 52 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. delicate branches with terminal orifices ; the two vessels open into a special enlargement or bladder, the walls of which are contractile, so that the fluid stored up in it can be forced to the exterior. The sexes, as in Nematoids, are ordinarily separate, and the males can be distinguished from the females by their smaller size. Rotifer, Brachionus, and Melicerta are examples of the Rotatoria. Most of the forms with which we have already had to do are small in size, and it will have been noted that, where the body attained, as in the case of certain tape-worms, to a con- siderable length, that body was not an individual whole, but was broken up into joints or segments. In the great group of worms which we are now going to consider, this segmentation of the body is very distinctly exhibited, and affects not only the external form, but the great majority of the internal organs ; this phenomenon becomes the more comprehensible when we learn that at one of its very earliest stages in development the mesoblast itself becomes regularly segmented. In. the simpler conditions the segments, which we will henceforward call metameres, are, for the greater part, exactly similar in character, and only those at either end of the body differ much from the rest. Later on we shall see that, just as in the simpler animals, different parts take on different duties, and division of labour becomes as apparent among the metameres as it was in the various persons of the colonial Coelenterata. Now, also, we find that organs for which, in the smaller and simpler forms, there was no necessity, Fig. 19. Brachionus; to show the Ciliated head-disc. Chap, in.] HIGHER METAZOA. 53 gradually become elaborated. The body is now too large be to able to do without an apparatus by means of which the nutrient material obtained by digestion, or the store of oxygen necessary for the activity of the protoplasm of its constituent cells, may be carried about from part to part, and we have therefore a system of circulating vessels. In many, also, the iirm covering of the body necessitates the develop- ment of special outgrowths into which the vessels pass, charged with the carbonic acid which is con- stantly associated with the activity of living proto- plasm ; in these outgrowths the blood gives up carbonic acid, and receives oxygen in its place ; in other words, a respiratory is added on to a circulatory apparatus. In the majority, again, the body is too large to be able to move about without the assistance of special muscular processes or limbs, and these are not unfrequently strengthened .and sup- ported by those chitinous secretions which we call setae (bristles). Elaborate and complex activities of such a kind as these require to be brought into relation with one another, or, in other words, to be co-ordinated, and performed in regular and systematic fashion ; it is not now sufficient for the organism that there should be a prsestomial nervous mass with some few nerve-fibres given off from it. Centres of nervous activity must be developed in various parts of the body, and we find, therefore, that collections of nerve-cells are found in different metameres ; these ganglionic masses are connected together by fibres, and so it results that there runs down the ventral surface of the body a chain of ganglia. From each of these ganglia nerve-fib'res pass to the muscles and other organs of the body, and to them there come other fibres which have one end in the skin, and which convey to the central apparatus 54 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. some information of what is going on in the world around it. General sensibility of this kind is, however, soon found to be insufficient for the needs of the organism ; sight and hearing are possessed, no doubt, by lower forms, but we shall soon find creatures with elaborate eyes, and well-defined auditory organs, while obscure indications of an olfactory sense are, a little later, to be detected. The organisation of the ringed worms or Amui- lata attains its highest degree of complexity in the free-swimming marine forms. Here the ringed body has on most of its metameres a single or double pro- jection on either side (parapodium), from which there project a number of bristles (set) ; at the anterior end, the tentacles are aided by a number of elongated feelers, and a pair of well-developed eyes, and sometimes, too, auditory vesicles are to be found there. The mouth is provided with strong horny denticulated jaws, which are moved by special muscles, and which serve to break up the food; dif- ferent parts of the digestive tract take on different functions, and pouches, which may again be branched, sometimes appear at the sides. A fluid circulates through the body in a system of closed vessels, and some of these vessels have their walls provided with muscles by means of which the current, which is always regular in direction, is propelled onwards. At the sides of the body thin outgrowths of its wall serve as gills (branchiae), and most of the meta- meres are provided with a pair of coiled tubes which open into the spacious crelom, and also to the exterior ; these are the renal organs (nephridia). The division of ringed* worms in which the setze are numerous on each parapodium is called the Polychseta; of these, some, like the sea-mouse (Aphrodite), Polynoe, and Nereis are free-swimming, Chap III.] CH&TOPODA. 55 Fig. 20. Tenbella emmalina. and form the group of the Vagantia ; others give up their free mode of life and settle down like Sabella and Serpula into tubes ; in these TuMcolse (Fig. 20), 56 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. the hinder part of the body is less elaborately de- veloped than the anterior, which can be protruded from the mouth of the leathery, sandy, or calcareous tube. The lowest forms of the division have no setse at all, and Polygordius, which may be taken as the re- presentative of the Achseta, retains throughout life a circlet of cilia at its anterior end. In another and lower division of the Annulata we find that the setse are never more than eight at the most in each bundle ; and such forms may be distin- guished from the Polychseta, and known as the Oligochaeta. Of these the best known form is the common earthworm (Lumbricus), but all are not, like it, terrestrial in habit ; Nais and the blood-worm (Tubifex) are inhabitants of fresh water. Most appropriately, perhaps, associated with the Annulata, but exhibiting a number of characters that bring them into relation with the flat- worms, are the leeches or H imdinea ; living on the blood of other animals, as many of them do, they have the integu- ment often developed at one or two points into suckers, by means of which they attach themselves to other animals, or to firm bodies, from which they can extend themselves to seize or attach themselves to their prey. Most closely allied to the Annulata, but best kept in a separate division, are those marine worms of which Sipunaulus is the best known example ; for these the old term of Oepliyrea may be retained, without prejudice to our views of the value of the ideas which gave rise to the name. The body ex- hibits no external segmentation ; they are remark- able for possessing excretory organs of the kind found in the Annulata, as well as those seen in Rotifers ; in some cases the anus is not at the hinder end of the body, but the intestine is so Chap. III.] GROUPS OF HlGHER METAZOA. 57 coiled on itself that its orifice comes to lie at the side, and in the anterior half of the body. The difficulties arising from our imperfect know- ledge, and the generalised characters of the lower forms which are associated together under the head of the Vermes, disappear, for the most part, when we rise above them in the scale of animal organisation. No one, for example, can fail to see that a starfish is no close ally of a crayfish, or a snail of a frog ; on the other hand, a sea-urchin and a starfish are as clearly allied to one another as is the crayfish to the crab, the mussel and snail to the octopus, and the shark to the frog, the pigeon, or the rabbit. While the bases or origins of these several forms are obscure enough, the apex stands sharply out, and we may compare the four series of forms of which mention has just been made to four great branches arising from a common trunk. Each of these branches may be called a phylum. In one the body wall becomes richly impregnated with calcareous salts, which sometimes form projecting spines, the original bilateral symmetry yields to an acquired radial one, and locomotion is typically effected by a special series of suckers connected with a system of water-tubes ; this is the phylum of the Echinodermata or star- fishes. In another the soft body becomes invested in and protected by a hard shell which is secreted by a special outgrowth of the body called the mantle ; the ventral surface is drawn out into a muscular foot, and a series of delicate filamentous processes grow out on either side of the body ; this is the phylum of the Mollusca, or shell-fish. In yet another series we find a closer resemblance to the Annulata than is exhibited in any other of the higher phyla. Some or all of the metameres become provided with appendages, which are most often jointed, and one or more of these pairs of appendages 58 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. become specially modified to the purpose of the mouth. This phylum, which we will call that of the Arthropoda, might, if constancy of nomenclature were not a matter of convenience, be more appro- priately designated as the Cnathopoda (Lankes- ter). Lastly, there is an important phylum for which, in the light of recent researches, it seems well to adopt some other name than the ordinary desig- nation of Vertebrata. This phylum is remarkable for the development along the dorsal area of a rod, which, at first hollow, subsequently becomes solid, and forms a primitive and, in some cases, permanent support for the overlying nervous system. In recog- nition of the presence of this cord we will speak of the phylum as that of the Chordata ; here are in- cluded the degenerated Tunicates, the primitive and somewhat modified Lancelet (Amphioxus), and the great group of fishes, reptiles, birds, and mammals in which a vertebral column, more or less well de- veloped, encloses and protects the spinal cord ; these are the true Vertebrata (Balfour). It is a matter of little importance which of these phyla is first considered in greater detail, but, as the most aberrant are the Echinodermata, it is, perhaps, convenient to dispose of them first of all. One of the best known types of the Echino. dermata is presented to us by the starfish (Asterias), in which no bilateral symmetry is at first apparent in the adult, though it is quite well marked in the larva. There is a central rounded disc from which are given off five rays or " arms ; " in other words, we have the bilateral symmetry overshadowed by an acquired radial symmetry (Fig. 21). On the prin- ciples on which we have already worked, this mode of symmetry in a freely moving animal is not, at once, Chap. TIL] ECHINODERMS. 59 explicable. To understand it we must make use of the method of comparison, and appeal to palaeonto- logical evidence. When we do this we find that the oldest forms were, like the still extant Pentacrinus, Fig. 21. Astropecten irregularis. 7w,Madreporite. fixed on a stalk (Fig. 22) ; in other words, the ances- tors of the Crinoids being fixed forms had to develop their organs in different directions around a common centre, so that, from whatever point prey or enemy approached them, they would be prepared for and ready to meet them. In the great majority of this group we observe for the first time among the coelomate Metazoa a hard supporting structure to which we can apply the 60 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. term skeleton"; this skeleton consists of a large number of firm calcareous plates closely soldered together. Within, or just outside, these plates there runs down every arm, or branch of an arm, a canal which contains water, and from this canal there are given off more or less deli- cate tubes (the so-called til toe-feet) which are connected with the canal ; Fig. 22. Pentaorinus Wyville-fhomsoni. (After Wyville Thomson.) all the canals communicate with one another by means of a ring which surrounds the mouth. Owing to the appearance presented by a dried starfish the earlier naturalists spoke of the areas in which these Chap. III.] ECHINODER MS. 61 tube-feet were placed as the "walks" or ambulacra, and we may, therefore, speak of the ossicles or plates which specially support and protect the tube-feet as the ambulacra! plates or ossicles. Accom- panying the radial water-vessel is a nerve-trunk and an Fig. 23. Diagram of a Cross-section of an Arm of a Common Starfish (Asterias rvbens). On the left side the section is supposed to pass between two of the ambulacra! ossicles, but on the right side through one of them (ao) ; ag, ambulacra! groove ; n, radial nerve ; b, radial blood-vessel ; w, radial water-vessel ; a, ampullae ; t, tentacles or suckers; ap, adambulacral plates ; sp, spines ; pax, paxillie, arising from limestone plates ; or, ovary ; gp, genital jpore ; gv, genital blood-vessel ; br, respiratory processes ; pc, caeca of the intestine. (After P. H. Carpenter.) a blood-vessel ; while in the arm of the starfish we find also generative sacs, and processes of the digestive tract ; all of which enter, like the water-system, into the cavity of the disc. If, therefore, we make a transverse section (Fig. 23) throughout the arm of a starfish at a short distance from the disc we should cut through digestive, circulatory, ambulatory, generative and nervous 62 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 24. Pentacrmoid Larva of Antedon. A, Quite young larva, before the open- ing of the cup, and the appearance of the radial plates; B, Nearly mature : 6, basals; o, orals; r, first radial s. (After Carpenter.) organs, or should, in other words, have before our eyes representatives of all the more important sys- tems of organs in the body. It is this phenomenon which has led to the theory once held by Cuvier, re-presented by Duvernoy, and, in our times, sup- ported with much vigour by Haeckel, that the Echi- noderm is a colony of bilaterally symmetrical metazoic animals which have become connected to- gether by their anterior ends. It is more in accordance with the facts, as at present known to us, to suppose rather that the radiate form has been brought about by a return to a fixed habit, and that this mode of symmetry has been retained by in- heritance. In those forms which stand farthest from the Crinoids the radial is again obscured by a secondarily acquired bila- teral symmetry (Spatan- gus, Synapta) ; a close in- vestigation into the char- acters of most members of the phylum enables us to distinguish a plane Chap. III.] ECHINODERMS. 63 which exactly divides the body into two similar halves. The Echinoderniata are sharply divisible into two grades ; in the lower of these the animal is either fixed by a stalk throughout life, or, as in the case of the Rosy Feather star (Antedon rosacea) of our own shores, the larva is fixed by a stalk (Fig. 24). This grade may be called that of the Pelmatozoa ; to it belongs the order of the Crinoidea, with others now extinct ; representatives of it are Rhizocrinus, Pen- tacrinus, and Antedon. In the organisation of these forms attention should be directed to the presence of the cuplike central portion ; this calyx consists essentially of a central plate and two sets of alternating plates five in num- ber ; these are the foasals and the radials. In the higher grade of the Echinodermata, the Echinozoa, these plates are often obscured. In the regular Sea-Urchins (Echinoidea) the two sets of five plates can always be made out, but the central plate is excavated to make room for the anus ; five of the plates become perforated by the genital ducts (basals), while the other five (radials) are similarly perforated by the ocular tentacles. Cidaris, Echinus, Echinometra are examples of the regular Echinoidea ; by Clypeaster and the flattened Laganum we pass to the edentulous Spatangidse, where a secondary bi- lateral symmetry becomes very apparent. In the true starfishes (Asteroidea), of which Asterias, Linckia, Oreaster, and Astropecten are examples, and in the Ophiuroidea, of which Ophiura, Ophiocoma, and Ophiothrix are representatives, the calycinal plates are often obscured, and the ambulacral suckers are limited to the lower surface of the body and do not extend, as in Echinus, from mouth to apex ; in the latter the ambulacra are covered in by a ventral plate, and in one division (that of the 64 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Astrophytidse) the arms become more or less branched. Lastly we have the class of the Holo- thuroidea, which are more nearly allied to the Echinoids than to the Asteroids ; in these all signs of the calycinal system have disappeared, the calcareous skeleton is greatly reduced, and often consists merely of scattered and minute calcareous plates, which are sometimes altogether absent. In many cases the tube-feet cease to be arranged in five regular rows, and may, as for example in Synapta, disappear alto- gether ; when this happens there remains no external Character which speaks to the five-rayed ancestry of these extreme forms ; in other words, here again external bilateral symmetry is re-acquired. Holo- thuria, Cucumaria, Synapta, are the best known examples of this group. It is impossible to escape from the belief that the Artliropodsi are more nearly allied to the Annulata than to any other group of the worms, but they are Fig. 25. Peripatus capensis. Showing the elongated bilaterally symmetrical body, with the ringed antenna?, and the incompletely jointed paired appendages with a pair of terminal claws. sharply distinguished from them by the fact that, in all cases, one or more of the appendages of the body are converted into organs which may be called mouth- organs, jaws, or gnathites. Some idea of the primi- tive form may be gathered from Peripatus, which is the simplest Arthropod known to us. The body was elongated, distinctly bilaterally symmetrical, the praestomium was provided with tactile antennae, and chap, in.] ARTHROPODA. 65 at the sides of the body there were a number of appendages which were only incompletely ringed, but the presence of which afforded evidence of metameric segmentation. The mouth was near, though not quite at, the anterior end of the body, and at its side were a pair of slightly modified appendages ; the anus was posterior and terminal. The excretory organs were on the type of the Annulata, and were arranged metamerically. Peripatus may form the type of the Protracneata. In all the remaining Arthropoda, some of which in all probability did not have a Peripatus-like an- cestor, but have acquired a form similar to that of the descendants of such an ancestor, owing primarily to similar external conditions and similar necessities of life (homoplasy, see page 12), the appendages are dis- tinctly jointed, so that the separate parts can be moved on one another ; the mouth is often some way from the anterior end, and excretory organs of the annulate type are never found. In the simpler forms the greater number of meta- meres remain distinct, but in all divisions there is a marked tendency for the metameres at the anterior end to fuse into a head, and in some cases also into a thoracic region. They are divisible into three great groups : A. Crustacea, B. Arachnida, C. Tracheata. In all three chitin is largely developed in the integument ; and they are all, in addition, remarkable for the total absence of those delicate protoplasmic processes which we have learnt to know as cilia. A. The great majority of the Crustacea are aquatic forms, and they either breathe the oxygen dis- solved in the water in a vague manner (that is to say, no special respiratory organs are developed, and the exchange of gases is effected through the walls of the body), or they are provided with outgrowths of the F 16 66 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. body wall, which are known as gills or branchiae ; the presence of these has caused the name of Branchiata to be given to this division of the Arthro- poda. The greater number of the segments carry a pair of appendages, and the great majority of these are, in the lower forms, exactly similar in character (Fig. 26, 5a). The metameres remain separate, and are Fig. 26. Various Branchiopoda. 1, Nelmlia bipes (shell removed on one side); 2, Estlieria sp. ; 8n t 'dorsal; S6, ventral aspect of Lepidurus angassi ; 4, larva of Apus cancifornus ; 5, adult female of Branchipus stagnalis ; 5b, 5c, larvif ; 6, larva of Artemia saliua. often very numerous ; in the higher forms they tend, in a most remarkable manner, to be limited to about twenty, and the dorsal parts of the hard exoskeleton become fused in the anterior region (Fig. 27). In all, the mouth is moved so far back from the anterior end of the body that two pairs of appendages (antennae) lie in front of it. They are divisible into the Eiitomostraca, so called from the slight amount of fusion of the chap, in.] CRUSTACEA. 67 exoskeleton of the separate metameres, and the Malacostraca, which were so called because their covering is soft as compared with the hard shell of the oyster or the snail. In both divisions we find members which .have become parasitic in habit, and Fig. 27. The Common Prawn (Palcemon serratus). in which, consequently the characteristics of ar- thropod organisation are more or less modified and obscured. In the Entomostraca we never have more than three pairs of appendages converted into Onatliites, or jaws; the appendages behind the genital orifices never carry appendages (Fig. 26; 5), and the young nearly always make their appearance as unsegmented larvae with two or three pairs of appendages, of which two are constantly biramose (Naiiplius larvae) (Fig. 26 : 4, 56, 6). 1. The Brancliiopoda have, as their name 68 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. implies, the function of respiration undertaken by some of the appendages ; the body is often provided with a fold (Fig. 28 ; 1, 2), which is derived from the dorsal portions of the anterior metameres, and forms a back- wardly-directed free carapace. Such are Apus and Daphnia ; Nebalia forms a link of connection with the Malacostraca. 1, Daphnia pulex ; Fig. 28. Various Entomostraca. ; 2, Candona hispida; 3a, adult female of Cyclops quartri- pornit; 6, c, d, larv;; 4, Cetochilus septentrionalis ; 5, Sappbirina ovato lanceolata ; 6. Nicotboe astaci (parasitic on tbe gills of the lobster) ; 7, Nau- plius stage of copepod. (From Woodward.) 2. The Copepoda have a small stout body, covered by a carapace ; one pair of the antennae are large and oar-like (Fig. 28 ; 3a), and retain the primi- tive locomotor function that they had in the nauplius stage. Cyclops and Cetochilus are free- swimming forms ; some, like Sapphirina (Fig. 28 ; 5) are temporary parasites ; others, like Nicothoe(Fig. 28; 6), which lives on lobsters and crayfishes; Dichelestium, which is found on the sturgeon, and Lernsea, which lives on the cod and other fishes, are still more modified ; Chap. III.] CRUSTACEA. 6 9 while the extreme modification is seen in Argulus, a common parasite on the stickleback. 3. In the Ostracoda the carapace forms a com- pletely bivalve shelly covering for the body, the abdominal region of which is greatly reduced. Cypris arid Cythere are examples. 4. Although the Cirripedia are, when adult, greatly altered by their fixed or parasitic habit, they leave the egg as Naupliiform larvae ; these become attached by their anterior ends, and enclosed in a sac-like mantle formed by the integument ; this either remains soft, as in Alcippe, which lives in cavities, and is thereby protected, or undergoes calcification, when a greater or less number of plates become developed. The anterior region is either broad, as in the acorn shell (Balanus), or drawn out into a stalk, as in the barnacle (Lepas). 5. The Ceiitrogo- iiida, or, as they are often called, Rliizo- cepliala, are usually found on the bodies of higher Crustacea after the nauplius stage is passed. They are endoparasitic, and, later on, form a sac without limbs on the outer surface of their host's body. To this group belong Peltogaster and Sacculina. B. The Malacostraca have almost constantly Fig. 29. Squilla mantis. yo COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. twenty segments to their body, and all but one of these bear appendages ; as many as six may be con- verted into gnathites, and the larvae ordi- narily, though not always, are set free at a later than the nauplius stage. l.The Pod- optitlialmata are so called from the fact that their eyes are placed on stalks (Fig. 29); in them some of the dorsal por- tions of the thoracic m eta- meres take part in the formation of a carapace. Such are cray fishes, lobsters, shrimps, and crabs. 2. The He- d ra op lit li al- ma ta have the eyes sessile, and no carapace is developed ; the A in phi pod a (e.g. sandhopper) are the least modi- fied ; some of the Isopoda (such as the wood-louse) are fitted to and do dwell on land, while the Fig. 30. -Limulus moluccanus. Chap. III.] Fig. 31. Scorpio occitanus. 72 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Laemodipoda are modified by parasitism, and have the abdominal region rudimentary (e.g. Cyamus, which is found on the skin of whales). Fig. 32. Ammothoa pycnogonoides. B. The Arachnida are arthropods, in which the mouth is never placed so far back that any of the appendages become antennary organs ; the second and succeeding four (at most) pairs of appendages have their basal portions ranged round the mouth, the functions of which these parts subserve. The free portions of the six anterior appendages take on various Chap. III.] ARACHNIDA 73 duties. Respiration is effected by flattened processes attached to the appendages behind the generative pores (which are always placed com- paratively far for- wards), and they either carry blood or contain air, or disappear and are replaced by tracheae. The hinder part of the body never carries jointed ap- pendages. 1. Haemato- branctiiata. These are to-day represented by the king-crab (Limulus ; Fig. 30). In them the respiratory la- mellse contain blood, and the hinder por- tion of the body is fused into a single mass, while the ter- minal spine is of great length. 2. jErobran- ctiiata. Such are the scorpion (Scor- pio ; Fig. 31) and the spiders (Mygale). In flipop fhp rpcnriratrvrv A Female, nat. size; B. male, nat. size ; o, inese T-ne respiratory head ()f lualei en i arg ed. lamellae are sunk into depressions of the body, and contain air (the so-called lungs or lung-books). The hinder portion of the Fig. 33. Pentastomum tcenioides. 74 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. body is either elongated and distinctly jointed, with a short terminal spine, or is greatly contracted, and globose in form. 3. Upoforanchiata. In these the respiratory lamellae are lost, and if any special respiratory organs are developed, they are in the form of tracheal tubes. Here belong the Acarina (mites, ticks), with an nnsegmented abdomen, and often a sucking mouth; the Pedipalpi (Harvestmen), with a segmented abdomen; and the Pyciiogonida (no-body crabs), in which prolongations from the gastric cavity extend into the enormously long legs (Fig. 32). Appended to this group, but considerably altered by parasitism, so that when adult they have elongated worm-like bodies, with but two pairs of mouth hooks to represent the appendages, are the Peiitastomida, the best known example of which is the Pentastomum tsenoides, which is found in the frontal sinuses of dogs' skulls (Fig. 33, A, B, c). C. The third division of Arthropoda is that of the Tracheata ; in them there is always one pair of antennae in front of the mouth, the gnathites may be very profoundly modified ; respiration is effected by means of air tubes (tracheae), which are regularly arranged and richly developed within the body. They are divisible into a lower and a higher group, of which the former has comparatively few representatives ; the other more than all the rest of the animal kingdom. I. Myriopoda or Centipedes and Millipedes. In these most of the metameres are separate and distinct, or are united by pairs, and all are provided with a pair of jointed appendages. The mouth organs are not greatly modified ; they are all terrestrial. II. Hcxapoda or Insects. In the vast assem- blage of forms associated under this head, the appendages of the adult are never functionally Chap. III.] INSECT A. 75 developed behind the region of the thorax ; one pair of appendages form the prse-oral antennae, and the metameres do not exceed twenty in number. They are sharply divisible into two great sub- divisions, according as they are or are not provided with wings ; with the latter, of course, we must as- sociate those in which wings are found in one sex only, or are rudimentary, or of whose ancestral ex- istence (as in the case of parasites), we have sufficient evidence. A. Aptera, or true wingless forms such as the spring- tails (Podura), and bristle-tails (Lepisma). In the simplest of these the mouth or- gans can work either from side to side, or from before back- wards ; the tracheae, however well de- veloped, and they are often only poorly so, never anastomose with one another (Fig. 34). B. Pterygota. Here belong all the remaining insects, which are either winged, that is, provided with two pairs of membranous dorsal outgrowths in the region of the thorax, which can be moved by Fig. 34. Orchcsella cincta, enlarged. 7 6 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. muscles and serve for flight; or one pair only is developed, or is developed in one sex only, or both pairs are more or less rudimentary. The organs of the mouth are adapted for biting and cutting, or for sucking, and the abdominal metameres are often more Fig. 35. Cockroaches : A, Male ; u, Female ; c, Young. or less reduced ; the generative pores are placed far back, and respiration is always effected by tracheal tubes or modifications thereof. a. Mandibulata. In this series the mouth organs are adapted for cutting and biting, and move from side to side; or are converted into licking organs. 1. Ortlioptera : cockroaches, grasshoppers, and locusts. With the anterior pair of wings converted chap, in.] INSECTA. 77 into wing covers, and the posterior often functional in the males only. No true metamorphosis (Fig. 35). 2. Neuroptera: dragon-flies, termites, With two pairs of membranous wings. A true metamor- phosis, or the life history consisting of three periods, an active larval, a quiescent pupal, and an active perfect or imaginal condition. With this group may be placed the Triclioptera (caddis-flies). 3. Coleoptera; beetles, cockchafers, lady-birds. Anterior pairs of wings converted into wing-covers ; these are distinctly horny. True metamorphosis. The parasitic Strepsiptera come nearest to this order. 4. The Hymenoptera (bees, ants) have the mouth organs adapted for licking, as well as for biting and cutting. Both pairs of wings functional. Metamorphosis complete. . Haustellata. In this series the mouth organs move from before backwards, or serve as stabbing or sucking organs. 5. Hemiptera (bugs, aphides, lice). Mouth- organs stabbing and sucking. Anterior pair of wings functionless ; in parasites both may be rudimentary. Metamorphosis generally incomplete. 6. Diptera (flies, fleas). Mouth organs stabbing and sucking ; anterior wings functional, the posterior possibly represented by the small knobbed " balancers " (halteres). Metamorphosis complete. 7. L-epidoptera (butterflies, moths). Mouth organs form a sucking apparatus, with no power of stabbing ; both pairs of wings functional. Metamor- phosis complete. The Mollusca form a well-marked phylum, the essential characters of which would be represented in 78 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. some such schematic Mollusc (Lankester) as that here figured. The oblong body is bilaterally symmetrical, and the prsestomium, as in Peripatus, is provided with a pair of tentacles (Fig. 36, A, a) the mouth (B, o) is on the lower surface, and near, though not at the front end, while the anus (m) is median, dorsal, * I d Fig. 36. Diagrams of the Typical Structure of a Mollusc. A, from above ; B, from below. a, Tentacles of head ; 5, Head ; c, edge of mantle ; e, outline of foot seen through the mantle, which is supposed to he transparent; /, edge of shell-follicle; g, shell ; h, osphradiiiiu (Sprcngel's olfactory organ); i, ctenidia (gills); fc. generative orifice (paired); I, aperture of one of the nephrldia (excretory organs) ; m, anus ; n, foot where it extends beyond the visceral mass ; o, mouth ; p, plantar surface of foot. (After Ray Lankoster.) and posterior ; right and left of this anal opening we find the orifices of the excretory organs (I), and near them those of the genital ducts (k). So far the creature presents no characters other than such as we might expect to find in any ccelomate Metazoon ; in addition, there are four characters of greater significance. The ventral surface is produced into a more or less triangular muscular outgrowth, which is known as the foot ; the dome-like dorsal surface, which contains the chief mass of the viscera, Chap. III.] MOLLUSCA. 79 is protected by a hard body, the shell (#), and this shell is derived from a primary shell-sac (/) ; the walls on either side of the middle line of the body are produced into free folds, the pair of which make up the mantle, and on either side of the body there are given off comb-like processes (ctenidia) (i), which are ordinarily known as the gills. Indications of metameric segmentation are rare, and are only obscurely indicated in the majority of the cases where they are to be detected. The Mollusca may be primarily divided into those in which the region of the head is reduced or lost, and those in which it takes on more special characters. The former are conveniently known as : A. JLipocephala. This division contains only the group *of the JLamellibranchiata or mussels and oysters. In these the primitively single shell is divided into two bilaterally symmetrical halves, and the two divisions of the shell are only different (Oyster : Myodora) in size and character, when one side comes to be that on which the animal ordinarily reposes, or when it ceases to live in an upright position ; the foot may, as in boring forms, be of con- siderable size, or it may be greatly reduced, as in the oyster, which remains for long periods at the same place. This shell is brought together by special adductor muscles, of which two pairs are found in many adults, and have been observed in the young of some which (oysters) have only one pair in adult life. The ctenidia, which commence as separate ciliated filaments in two rows on either side, ordinarily undergo a large amount of fusion or concrescence, whereby they are converted into perforated plate-like structures which have, among others, a respiratory function. In some the mantle never extends beyond the limits of the shell, and these are the : 8o COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. I. Asiphoniata, such as the mussels and the oysters. II. In others the mantle is produced into two more or less elongated siphons (Fig. 37, Siphoniata) and these siphons are either not retractile as in the cockle (Cardium), and the immense Tridacna ; or the siphons can be retracted by special muscles (Sinupalliata), as in Pholas, Solen, and Mactra. B. In the higher division of the Mollusca the Fig. 37. Mya arenaria, a Siphonate Latnellibranch. ex, Excurrent ; in, incurrent siphon ; a, anterior ; a', posterior adductor muscle; gg, branchiae ; /, foot ; t, labial tentacles ; o, mouth ; s, stomach ; d, Intestine; p, muscle of the foot. cephalic tentacles and eyes are retained, and within the cavity of the pharynx there is developed a special rasping organ or tongue, the presence of which justifies the name Glossopliora, which is applied to this series. In a number of these the foot becomes divided into three well-marked regions, but in the lowest group, 1. Gastropoda, the foot is ordinarily simple, and only constricted into three regions ; it -is broad and flattened. In a large number the body undergoes a twisting round its central axis, in consequence of which the two sides of the body come to be unequally Chap. III.] MOLLUSC A. Si the or asymmetrically developed. The appearance of this torsion allows us to divide the Gastropoda into a lower or more primitive, and a higher or more differentiated series. o. Isopleura. In these the two sides of body are equally developed, and many of the characters of the primitive mollusc are retained unchanged. Here we have the Polypfacophora, represented by the Chitons, in which the shell is broken up into eight pieces ar- ranged in a fashion to which it is difficult to refuse the name of metameric arrangement (Fig. 38) ; and the Neomeniidse, and the Chaetodermatidae, in which the shell is represented by spicules only. . In the Anisopleura we have an exceedingly interesting phenomenon ; while the body undergoes torsion, the nerve- cords that run down the sides of the body may or may not be impli- cated in the change. Where they are not we have the Euthyneiira, which either, like Aplysia and Doris, continue to breathe by gills the oxygen dis- solved in water, or like the pond-snail (Lymnceus), the garden-snail (Helix), and the slug (Limax), have their gills aborted, and a breathing chamber or lung formed by the apposition of part of the edge of the mantle to the side of the body. In the Streptoneura the nerve-cords are impli- cated in the general torsion of the body, and form a figure of eight loop ; in the Zygobranchiata, of which the ear-shell (Haliotis) and the limpet (Patella) are examples, the right and left gills become re- spectively the left and right, and are equal and c 16 Chiton mag- nificus. 82 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. symmetrical ; in theAzygol>raiicliiata,such as Palu- dina, Dolium, the cowry (Cyproea), and the whelk (Buccinum), the left gill and excretory organ become aborted ; some members of this division, the so-called Heteropocla, become modified to a free-swimming life, as Atlanta or Firuloides. II. The ancient group of the Scaphopoda exhibits some primitive characters, but is specially remarkable for its elongated elephant- tooth-like shell (Dentalium) which is open at either end (Fig. 39). III. The Pteropoda closely ap- proach in many important characters the next succeeding group, but they are most conveniently kept separated from them. The anterior portion of the foot (propodium) surrounds the head, and the median part (mesopodiuiii) Fig. 39. Shell i g converted into a pair of napping fin- ofDentaiinm like organs by means of which these elephant!- -,. v, . J , -,-,-, num. ordinarily minute creatures are enabled to swim about on the surface of the ocean. According as they have or have not a shell, they are called Thecosomata (Hyalea, Cymbulia), or Oymnosomata (Clione, Pneumodermon). IV. The last and highest division of the Mollusca is formed by the Cephalopoda ; the propodium is here produced into a number of long tentacular pro- cesses or arms, on which suckers are not unfrequently developed ; the mesopodium of either side unites with its fellow to form an incompletely or completely closed siphonal tube, which serves as the chief organ of locomotion. The shell is external or internal, coiled or simple, or completely absent. a. The ancient group of the Tetrabrancliiata, to which many fossil forms belong, is represented to-day by a single genus, Nautilus ; they receive their Chap. HI.] CEPHALOPODA. 83 name from the possession of two pairs of gills, with which, an exceptional circumstance among Molluscs, are associated two pairs of ante-chambers to the ven- tricle. The siphon is incomplete, the propodial ten- tacles are numerous and devoid of suckers ; the shell in external, chambered, and coiled (Fig. 40). B. The Diforancliiata have either eight arms as in the Octopus, or ten as in the squid (Loligo), or Sepia ; Fig. 40. Section of the Shell of the Pearly Nautilus, showing the coil of chambers, and the animal in the largest, or that last formed (z). a, Mantle; b, dorsal fold; o, shell-muscle; ii, Siphuncle; k, funnel or Bi phonal tube; n, hood;p, tentacles; s, eye; x, septa between the chambers. there is only a single pair of gills and auricles, and the arms are provided with suckers (Fig. 41). It has long been the custom to divide the members of the Animal Kingdom sharply into the two great groups of " Vertebrata " and " Invertebrata"; we have seen, however, that the most scientific separation is that into uni-cellular and multi-cellular organisms, Protozoa and Metazoa ; and, next, that the lower Metazoa have no signs of that body-cavity or ccelom which becomes so well marked a part of the organisa- tion of the higher forms ; and, lastly, we have seen that the Echinodermata, the Arthropoda, and the 84 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Mollusca form three very distinct branches or phyla, the common ancestor of which is to be sought for only in a simple worm. Of equal value with these is another phylum, which may be most conve- niently spoken of as that of the Chorda ta, distin- guished from the rest by the association of two characters, the temporary or permanent possession of a rod underlying the central dorsally-placed nervous system, and the similarly temporary or permanent possession of clefts or passages at the sides of the head and neck, which open to the exterior (visceral clefts). Either one of these cha- racters may be seen in certain members of that heterogeneous mob, which, partly from the nature of things, and partly from the imperfect condition of our knowledge respecting them, must be retained in the group of Vermes. Among, or standing near to, the Platyhelminthes, are some elongated, free-swimming, ma- rine forms which are known as the Nemertinea. These worms are provided with a dorsal proboscis, which is enclosed in a sheath. The relations of this proboscis to its sheath are shown in Fig. 42 A, while Fig. 42 B ex- hibits in diagramatic form the relation of certain parts in one of the lowest of fishes (the lamprey) ; a comparison of the relations of these structures (proboscis and its sheath on the one hand, and chorda dorsalis on the other) with (a) the dorsal surface of the body and () the digestive tract, reveals very striking resemblances, which come to be of still greater significance when we 41. The Common Cuttlefish. Chap. III.] ENTEROPNE us TI. combine with them the knowledge of the fact that, in certain Nemertines, the nerve cords, instead of lying at the sides of the body, tend to take up a dorsal posi- tion. Whether or no Hubrecht is right in regarding the Nemertinea as giving us indications of where to look for the ancestral form of the Chordata, it is clear that we must sharply distinguish them from the group of the Platyhelminthes, with which they have Fig. 42. A, Diagram to show the relation of the proboscis (pbs) to the surface of the body and to the sheath of the proboscis (pbs) , in the Nemertinea; (B) diagram of Petromyzon (the lamprey) showing the hypophysis cerebri (hyp) ; the chorda dorsalis (ch) j the mouth (m) ; and the anus (a). (After A. A. W. Hubrecht.) been hitherto very closely associated. Lineus, Cari- nella, Polia, are examples of this group. So, again, in another group of " worms," the Enteropncusti, the sole representative of which is the remarkable Balanoglossus (Fig. 43), the anterior portion of the enteron divides into a ventral and a dorsal portion ; the former retains its nutrient office, but the latter has chitinous lamellae developed in its walls ; between these clefts (br) appear, which finally open on the surface of the body ; blood-vessels are richly distributed to the walls of the arches, and the water taken in by the mouth passes through the clefts to the exterior. In Balanoglossus, therefore, just as 86 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. much as in a fish, we have gills developed at the sides of the anterior region of the digestive tract. With regard to the Chordata, however, it is to be distinctly borne in mind that l>oth these organ-; (notochord and gill-slits) are to be found, and we may, therefore, look for the ancestral or ideal Chordate in an elongated, bilaterally sym- metrical, meta- merically seg- mented animal, in which the cen- tral nervous sys- tem, dorsal in position, was supported by a rod of firm tis- sue, in which the sides of the body and pharynx were perforated by gill slits ; and in which the mouth was Fig. 43. Young Balanoglostus seen from the ride. P^ced on the br. Branchial slita; x!2. (After Pagenstecher.) ventral surface, not far from the front end of the body. The Chordata fall into three well-marked groups ; in one degeneration has proceeded to an extent so considerable, that in many all indications of a chordate ancestor are completely lost; these are the Urochordata or so-called Tunicata. In another, many primitive characters, such as the original segmentation and the notochord, are retained unchanged, but in some few points chap, in.] CHORD ATA. 87 there would seem to be degradation; these are the Ccphalochordata ; and, lastly, we have the true Verteorata or Craniata. A. Cephalochordata. Of these the only exam- ple is the Lancelet or Amphioxus, in which the noto- chord, pointed at either extremity, extends from one end of the body to the other ; the number of gill slits is very great, and they are covered over by an out- growth of the body wall which grows down on either side, and unites along the ventral line, leaving a pore for the exit of the water (atrial pore). The original segmentation of the muscles of the body is not ob- scured ; the mouth is over-hung by a projecting hood, and furnished with a number of tentacles (cirri) ; the liver is represented by a very slight, blindly ending outgrowth of the enteric tube, and renal organs are very obscurely indicated ; there is no centralised heart, and appendages are completely wanting. The eye is only a pigment spot, and no signs of an ear have been detected. B. Urochordata. In no division of the animal kingdom has the value of the study of development been of more -importance than in this, for it has revealed the presence of a notochord, and the essen- tial resemblance between their gill clefts and those of the Cephalochordata ; while in none has the applica- tion of the principle of degeneration (Dohrn ; Lan- kester) been more instructive. In but few forms is the notochord retained throughout life, and in these it is found in the tail only, Perennichordata (e.g. Appendicularia) ; in the rest, Caducichordata, the caudal notochord is present in the larva only, or is never developed at all ; in these, just as in Amphioxus, outgrowths of the body wall enclose the true sides of the body, and give rise to an atrial chamber, by whose pore the water of re- spiration, and often also the waste matters of digestion finally make their way to the exterior (Fig. 44). 88 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Some of the Caducichordata remain solitary throughout life, e.g. Ascidia, or Boltenia (which is remarkable for its long stalk) ; others become fused into a common colony, as Botryllus, Pyrosoma, colo- nies of which may be more than a foot long, and Salpa, the chains of which are sometimes several feet long. 0. In the true Vertebrata the anterior end of the central nervous system is enlarged into a brain, which becomes surrounded and protected by a carti- laginous capsule or skull ; supporting and protect- ing arches, which finally become distinct vertebrae, are developed around and above the noto- chord, which, in the adults of the Pig. 44. Pyrosoma ; A, The atrial or excurrent higher forms, opening- is completely aborted. Optic, auditory, and olfactory organs are developed; there is a centralised heart and a distinct liver appended to the enteric tract. They are divisible into two groups, distinguished by the fact that, in the higher, an an- terior gill-arch becomes modified to form jaws at the sides of the mouth. o. Cyclostomata, or Round-Mouths ; these are the lampreys (Petromyzon), and hags (Myxine). There is here no maiidibular arch, no appendages in the form of limbs, and the olfactory organ is single and median. The hags are parasitic in habit. ft. Gnathostomata. In this division all the remaining Yertebrata are included ; in them an ante- rior gill-arch becomes niandibular, two pairs of lateral appendages are typically developed, and the nasal sac is double. In all divisions of the animal kingdom we may observe groups which seem to stand near the ancestral Chap. III.] ICHTHYOPSIDA . forms, and others in which, a given complexity of structure hav- ing been at- tained, there is a profusion in the elaboration of the details. This truth is well exempli- fied in the groups of the Vertebrata. I. Ichthy- opsida; these are the true Fishes, and the Amphibia (or frogs and newts). In them respira- tion is always effected by gills during some or the whole of their life, the heart never has more than three cham- bers, and there are always two aortic arches at least given off from it. a. Pisces. 90 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 1. Elasmobranchii (sharks and rays). In " cartilaginous fishes " the gill slits are, in the simples^ naked, i.e. not covered over by any fold (opercnluni), neither the skull nor the jaws are ever protected by ossifications of the investing membrane (membrane bones) ; the notochord has the outer sheath pro- vided with rings of ossification, or distinct vertebrae become developed. The skin is either naked, or covered with calcified tooth-like papillae. 2. Dipnoi; e.g. Lepidosiren, Ceratodus. In these the cartilaginous brain capsule becomes invested by bones developed in the covering membrane, and the digestive tract gives off a single or incompletely divided air sac, which is more or less richly supplied with blood-vessels, and may undertake the office of a lung, the possession of which enables the fish to live in mud. The pectoral and pelvic tins are broad and paddle-like (Fig. 45), or elongated and filiform. 3. The Ganoidei and (4) Teleostei are the two groups of the Pisces in which we observe that elaboration of the details to which reference has already been made; a cod, a sole, or an eel stand almost as far from the primitive vertebrate as the snake, the hawk, or the bat. The former group retains certain more primitive characters which are only rarely or rudimentarily possessed by the latter ; thus the arterial trunk (see page 195), which is muscular and contractile in Ela^mobranchs, Dipnoi, and Amphibians, is so also in Ganoids, but is only incompletely so in some Teleostei (Butirinus) ; the spiral valve which is found in the intestine of Elasmobranchs is retained in the Ganoids, though not well developed in the Sturgeon and its nearest allies ; it is lost in most Teleostei, though found in Butirinus (Stannius), in Chirocentrus, and perhaps represented in rudiment in the smelt (Huxley). In both groups the ends of the gills are free, and Chap. III.] G A NO I DEI. 9 1 the gill chamber is covered in by a bony plate, oper- < n lima ; the renal ducts do not open into a depression (cloaca,) common to them and the anus. In all Ga- noids, and in one great division of the Teleostei, the air sac on the dor- sal surface of the body opens by a duct into the oeso- phagus. The recent Ga- noidei fall into two divisions : a. Selachoi- dei ; * such are the Sturgeons (Aci- penser) and Poly- odon ; in these the skull consists of persistent cartilage, overlaid by bones developed in the investing mem- brane ; spiracles are persistent, and the body is either naked, or has bony plates developed in the dermis (Fig. 46). * Chondrostei. 92 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 0. Teleostoidei ; * represented by the North American bow-fin (Anna), and gar-pike (Lepidosteus), and the North African Polypterus ; in these the hinder part of the cartilaginous cranium always under- goes ossification, the spiracles close up, or are covered by a bony plate, and the scales, which are never formed of true bone, are large, and may be covered by a layer of enamel. Vertebrae are developed around the notochord. The Teleostei, or bony fishes, always have ossi- fied vertebral centra, and more or less of the primitive cranial cartilage is finally replaced by bone ; scattered bony plates are developed in the dermis, or the in- tegument is protected only by thinner scales, or the body is naked ; they are divisible into : a. Physostomi, where the air bladder, which is an outgrowth of the oesophagus, almost always remains connected with it by an open duct, and the hinder pair of fins, if retained, as in the salmon, are always abdominal in position ; here we find catfishes (Silurus), carps, pikes (Esox), and salmons, as well as the finless eels. . Pliysoklisli. In these the air bladder be- comes shut off from the oesophagus, or is aborted, as in the sole ; the ventral fins, which are rarely ab- dominal (Notacanthus), are ordinarily thoracic or jugular in position ; not unfrequently they are rudi- mentary or lost. The fin-rays are either all jointed as in the cod, or some are entire, as in the perch. Some forms are asymmetrical and flattened like the sole ; some swollen and globular like the sun-fish ; some greatly elongated like the pipe-fish; some with a prehensile tail like the sea-horse ; some have the body scaleless ; others, like Diodon, have erectile spines ; some can live in semi-fluid mud (Ophiocephalus) ; * Holostei. Chap, in.] AMPHIBIA. 93 some can make overland journeys, and go up inclined surfaces, if not trees, like Anabas; some can take leaps out of the water, like the " flying gurnards " (and the physostomous Exocoetus) ; some, like Chseto- don, have a minute mouth, while the sword-fish has its upper-jaw converted into a powerful piercing organ, and another (Toxotes) has acquired the habit of throwing a drop of water at the insect it desires to obtain. Other examples might be given of the pro- fusion of variation within the limits of Teleostean organisation. Even the lowest of the Amphibia are dis- tinguished from the highest of fishes, such as Cera- todus or Lepidosiren, by the fact that their fore and hind limbs are arranged on the same plan as in the higher vertebrata (see page 350), and these limbs terminate typically in five digits, so that, like the higher forms, they are pentadactyle ; if, further, fins are developed, they never have fin-rays. 1. Uroclela; in the lowest of these (Proteus, Menobranchus) (Fig. 47) external gills persist through- out life; in the next grade (Amphiuma, Menopoma) the gills are lost, but the gill-clefts remain ; while in the highest (Salamandra, Triton) the gills disappear in the adults, and the clefts close up. All retain the tail, which in the 2. Anura (or frogs and toads) is only found during the tadpole stage, when also respiration is effected by external or internal gills, which disappear in the adult, to be functionally replaced by lungs. 3. Caeeilise are still more modified forms, in which the limbs are lost, and the body is elongated and serpentiform. The two higher divisions of the Vertebrata are the Sauropsida and the Mammalia, which may be grouped together as the Amniota. They are characterised by the very early development of a 94 Chap, in.] SAUROPSWA ; MAMMALIA. 95 large sac-like structure similar in origin and primitive position to the bladder of the frog; this allantois takes on respiratory functions in the developing reptile or bird, and a nutrient one in the higher Mammalia. From either end of the body there grows out a fold, which passes over the body of the embryo and unites above it with its fellow ; this fold, which is double, forms the amnion; the two layers of the amnion separating from one another give rise to a cavity between them which is more or less occupied by the allantois ; in the Bird the allantois is comparatively larger than it is in the Mammal. The differences between the Sauropsida, or reptiles and birds, and the Mammalia are well and sharply marked, and it is almost impossible to suppose that their common ancestor was not more amphibian than amniote in character. Thus, the Sauroids have scales or feathers, the Mammals hairs ; the skull is always articulated to the atlas by a single condyle in the Sauroid, and by two in the Mammal ; the quadrate bone, which is external to the ear in the Sauroid, is enclosed by the otic capsule in the Mammal \ the red blood corpuscles of a Sauroid are, and of a Mammal are not, nucleated ; the connection between the cerebral hemispheres of a Mammal is more intimate than in a Sauroid, and while the eggs of the latter are large, and provided with a quantity of yolk, those of the Mammal are much smaller,* and nutrition is afforded to the young by milk, the secretion of certain modified tegumentary glands. The recent investigations of palaeontologists have * It has been recently stated that the ova of the lowest Mammals are large, and that they are hatched outside of the body. This observation, coupled with the facts that certain fossil Reptiles (TheriomOrpha) give well-marked indications of mammalian affini- ties, and that some Reptiles (e.g. some of the Amphisbsenidae) have the occipital condyle double, may necessitate a revision of current ideas as to the origin of the Mammalia. 96 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. afforded us a complete series of intermediate stages between the reptiles and birds, and they are justly united in the common group of the Sauropsida. A. Reptilia. Sauroids with horny or bony plates, but no feathers, with more than three digits in the manus, of which three at least bear claws, with at least three digits in the pes, and with unankylosed metatarsals. The blood is ordinarily cold, and there is at least one pair of aortic arches. 1, 2. Lacertilia, or lizards, and Op hi ilia, or snakes, have the quadrate movable, the penis double, and the anus a transverse slit. Some of the Lacer- tilia, such as Lacerta (the common lizard), are the least modified of all Sauroids, and the Geckos retain a primitive character in the persistence of remnants of the notochord. Others are specially modified, like the flying lizard (Draco), others have ossified scutes approaching those of crocodiles (e.g. Cycled us) ; Hatteria is remarkable for the possession of " uncinate processes " on the ribs (see page 346), such as are seen in crocodiles and birds. Some, like the blind-worm, lose their limbs, but all have a pectoral arch and a urinary bladder, both of which are absent from the Opliiclia, in which the hind limbs are rarely present, and then are only short and inconspicuous. They are divisible into the Eurystomata, in which the mouth-cavity is capable of dilatation, and the Stenostomata, in which the facial bones are im- movably connected with one another. Among the former we find vipers, rattlesnakes, and water snakes, which are venomous ; and adders, boas, and pythons which are not so. Typhlops and Uropeltis are examples of the Stenostomata. 3. Chelonia, or turtles and tortoises. In these the quadrate is immovably connected with the side of the skull, the penis is simple and solid, and the anal orifice rounded. The bony plates developed in Chap, in.] REPTILES : BIRDS. 97 the dermis are definitely arranged, and form a " carapace," which is generally, though not always (Trionyx), covered by horny epidermic plates, which form the " tortoise-shell." They exhibit a primitive character in the retention of the five digits in either limb, but diverge from the typical organisation in the loss of teeth ; an interesting series of modifications, in relation to their mode of life, are exhibited by the limbs. .In the tortoises, which are terrestrial, the digits are free ; in the amphibian terrapenes there is a partial web, which is more complete in the Triony- chidse ; while the marine Cheloniidse have the digits completely covered by skin, so that they form flattened swimming fins. 4. Crocodilia, or crocodiles and alligators, are the only reptiles in which the heart is four-chambered ; like the Chelonia, they have the quadrate immovably connected with the side of the skull, the penis is simple and solid, and the anal orifice is rounded. The teeth are set in distinct sockets, and are never found on any bones but the maxillae, premaxillae, and dentaries. They have returned to an amphibious or aquatic mode of life, in correlation with which their feet are webbed, the nostrils can be closed, and the tympanic membrane of the ear covered over. B. Aves, or birds, are Sauroids with feathers, with never more than three digits in the manus, or four in the pes ; three of the metatarsals are ankylosed with one another, and with the distal tarsal bone. The blood is hot, and there is only a single systemic aorta. All recent forms are toothless. Physiologically, if not also morphologically, the recent forms are divisible into : I. Ratitae, in which the ventral surface of the sternum is broad and flattened, and the fore-limb does not form a functional wing ; such are the ostrich and the cassowary. H 16 98 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. II. Cariiiatse, in which the ventral surface of the sternum is typically provided with a median keel, and the fore-limbs may serve as functional wings. Among them we find the singing birds, parrots, owls, eagles, geese, pigeons, and gulls ; and here, as among the Teleostei, we find the most varied elaborations in the details of a structural organisation, which is, in its essential points, extraordinarily similar throughout the group. The extinct Odontornithes (e.g. Hes- perornis) were true birds with teeth in their jaws. The Ulammalia, or last division of the Verte- brata, are all distinguished from the Sauropsida by the possession of two occipital condyles, and by the fact that the single aortic arch is the left and not the right member of a primitive pair. They are all more or less hairy, and have mammary glands ; the quad- rate becomes the malleus among the auditory ossicles, the blood is hot> and the red blood corpuscles are without a nucleus, while the cerebral hemispheres have a corpus callosum. (See page 426.) They exhibit three Well-marked grades of develop- ment : A. Prototheria (Ornitlw- delphia), in which the mammary glands are without teats, the young are not nourished within the uterus of the mother by means of a placenta* the epipufoes (see page 348) are lar S e ' and the coracoids complete. Here are placed the duck-bill (Ornithorhynchus) and the Echidna (Fig. 48), which have so far diverged, like the Chelonia, from Chap, in.] MAMMALIA. ' 99 the primitive type, that they are without true teeth. B. Metatheria (Didelphia). These are the Marsupials; they have true teats, but no placenta ; the epipufoes are large, but the coracoicl rudimen- tary. The Marsupials exhibit a great range of varia- tion and structure among themselves ; some are car- nivorous, like the Opossum, the Dasyurus, and the Thylacine ; others herbivorous, like the kangaroo (Macropus) and the wombat (Phascolomys). C. Eutheria (Monodelphia). Here stand the rest of the Mammalia, which, without any known exception, have teats, a placenta, rudimentary or no epiptifoes, and a rudimentary coracoid. The least differentiated are the Insectivora (e.g. hedgehog, mole), to which are most closely allied the Chiroptera (bats), and the Rodents (rat, rabbit) ; in these the yolk sac takes a larger share in the formation of the placenta than it does in other mammals. The Edentata form, at the present day, an isolated group, represented by the sloths, anteaters, and arma- dillos, by the pangolins (Manis), and by the ant-bear (Orycteropus). The hoofed animals, or Ungfulata, form a well-marked division, in which the group of the even-toed forms (Aitiodactyla), such as the pig, deer, and cow, is very distinct from that of the odd-toed (Perissodactyla), such as the tapir, rhino- ceros, and horse. With the Ungulata, the coney (Hyrax) and the elephant may be associated (Flower). Of aquatic forms, the Cetacea, or porpoises, toothed whales, and whalebone whales seem to stand nearest to the Ungulates. Of the affinities of the other aquatic mammals, the Sirenia, or manatee and dugong, we can only with confidence say that they are not with the Cetacea. The true Carnivora are the dogs, cats, and bears, and with these are closely allied the walruses and seals. ioo COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. By the almost universal consent of zoologists, the highest " order " of the Mammalia is that of the Primates; of these, the lowest suborder is that of the L.emuroidea (of which some naturalists would make a separate order), the highest that of the Anthropoidea, which is divisible into five " fami- lies," the highest of which is the Ilomiiiidsr, represented by the single genus Homo. While Man is said to be the highest of animals, it is not to be forgotten that in the other divisions of zoologists there are forms in which structural characters are at least as perfectly elaborated, when we bear in mind their ancestral history and the relation of structure to function. The horse, the whalebone whale, the woodpecker, or the boa con- strictor, are, to cite only a few examples, forms in which structural organisation is as, if not more, com- plete, and as differentiated as it is in man. There remain to be considered very briefly several groups of animals which, in the present state of our knowledge, cannot be satisfactorily placed with any of the great phyla which we have just been describing. Of these the more im- portant are : 1. Bracliiopoda, These were placed by earlier naturalists with the Mollusca, from which, however, they are to be distinguished in consequence of the segmentation of the larva, the dorsal and ventral positions occupied by the two Fig. 49. Crania anomala. b, Arms. (After Davidson.) Chap, in.] BRACHIOPODA: BRYOZOA. 101 unequal valves which make up their shell, and by the characters of their nervous system. The so-called arms (Fig. 49 ; b) are outgrowths of the pree-oral disc of the larva, at the edges of which the tentacles or cirri are set. - This great development of their arms is to be correlated with the fixed habit of the adult. Fig. 50. Bugula purpurotincta. Nat. size. (After Hiucks.) Terebratula and Lingula (which is stalked) are ex- amples of this isolated and geologically ancient group. 2. The Bryozoa have likewise been placed with the Mollusca; they are clearly degenerate forms which, by the characters of their larvae, appear to have been descended from an ancestor common to them and the Chsetopoda. Balfour has suggested that they become fixed by their prse-oral lobe. They live in colonies, and are the forms that are popularly known as sea-mats or sea-mosses (Fig. 50). 3. The Chsetogrnatha (as represented by Sagitta) are forms that have relations to the Chsetopoda and 102 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. to the round worms, but differ from them remarkably in the mode of development of their body cavity, which is an enterocoele. 4. Ulyzostomiim is a form with some points of resemblance to the Chsetopoda; its characters, how- ever, are still obscure, partly, no doubt, on account of its having taken to the habit of living parasitically on Crinoids, on which alone it has as yet been detected. CHAPTER IV. ORGANS OF DIGESTION. THE activity of a living organism has for one of its chief results destruction and loss of tissue ; this loss can only be made up for by the act of taking in fresh material from the outer world. In the necessary nutrition of an organism, we find that the first process is that of digestion, by means of which substances foreign to the organism become assimi- lated to it, and are rendered capable of being absorbed, and of passing into that stream whence the different parts of a body take, as they require, the food which is needed to make up the losses caused by their several activities. Organisms are, in other words, metabolic. It is to be carefully borne in mind that the essen- tial step in the nutrition of an animal is that of assimilation, and it, indeed, is the only process which obtains in the case of the lowest and simplest organisms. In other words, a simple mass of proto- plasm, such as an Amoeba, takes up from without food material into its own substance, and this, as we have already learnt, is effected directly ; the material thus taken in is acted upon by the living chap, iv.i INTRACELLULAR DIGESTION. 103 protoplasm of the cell, which is capable of separating out from the food such parts as are nutritious, and of converting them into protoplasmic matter ; what is useless is discharged, or got rid of. This direct mode of assimilation by a living cell is spoken of as intracellular digestion; it is the only mode of nutrition which is known to obtain in the Protozoa, but it is very important. to observe that the phenomenon is by no means limited to that division of the animal kingdom ; it obtains also in various lower groups of the Metazoa, and even after a distinctly defined mouth has become developed. It is, therefore, associated with a number of characters which indicate an advance in the complexity of organisation; and, on the other hand, it is found also in forms which have, under the influence of a parasitic habit, become degraded as compared with their ancestors. The simplest mode of seizing food is observed in the Amoeba, where the protoplasmic body seems to engulf its nutriment by flowing and closing around it. And this ingestion of food does not take place at any definite point in the body of the Amoeba, but now at one spot, and now at another. When the form of the body becomes more definite, the protoplasmic processes act as organs by which the food is drawn towards the central body-mass. A much more elaborated mode is to be seen in the ciliated Infusorians, where a definite orifice (" cytostome ") acts as the sole entrance for food into the body ; in many cases this so-called , cavum venosum. (After Huxley.) a single aortic arch, which arises from the left ven- tricle, and the blood from the right never, therefore, passes into the aorta. The differences between the arrangement of the auriculo-ventricularvalves have been already described, and we now need only point out that there must be a difference in the way in which these valves perform their office; in the Sauroid they are muscular, and therefore actively close the entrance to the auricles by contracting when the ventricles contract, while in the majority of Mammals the membranous flaps are Chap. v.] HEART OF VERTEBRATES. 201 floated upwards by the pressure of the blood contained in the ventricles, when acted on by the contraction of the walls of these cavities. The peculiarities of the muscular tissue of the heart of vertebrates are dealt with in works on human or general physiology ; but it must be pointed out that this tissue is remarkable for the possession of hsemo- globin ; that, under appropriate conditions of warmth and moisture, the heart of a frog or a tortoise will, after removal from the bodv, continue to beat auto- matically for a number of hours ; and that minute threads of the tissue from certain regions possess the same peculiarity. In the Mammalia the muscular tissue of the heart is supplied with proper blood-vessels (the coronary arteries), which arise directly from the aorta, and after branching elaborately, unite into the coronary veins which open into the right auricle. In some, especially Ungulates, a bone, which in the ox may be as much as an inch in length, is developed in the walls of the heart. An analogous development obtains in the penis, where a bone is sometimes present. The ventricular portion of the heart gives oft 1 vessels which are known as the arteries ; in the least modified Fishes, and in the Ganoids, the common trunk (conns or trimcus arteriosus) is, like the venous sinus, contractile, but in the bony fishes this con- tractile power is altogether lost, and the bulbus aorta', as it is there called, becomes simpler in con- struction, while the valves which prevent the blood from flowing backwards are ordinarily reduced to two ; the loss of the valves is clearly correlated with the loss of contractility, for there is not in the walls of this bulb any means by which the column of blood can be compressed, and thereby tend to be driven back into the ventricle. Where contractility is, on the other hand, retained, we find three (dog-fish) or 202 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. more (in Lepidostens eight or nine) longitudinal rows of pocket-like valves ; in Lepidostens there are four well-developed and four smaller valves in each of the nine planes, so that were they all complete there would be as many as seventy-two. Among the Dipnoi, Ceratodus has one or more rows of well- developed pocket valves, but the fact that the number is inconstant shows that a change is impending ; such a change is found in Protop- terus, where the valves are few in number and minute in size, while their place is taken by a longitu- dinal fold, which extends down the greater part of the cone, and very possibly owes its origin to a fusion of a row of valves. By means of the valve the cone is divided into a right and a left half, and the blood that has just returned from the body is now carried to the third and fourth arches, the latter of which gives off a large pulmonary artery, or vessel which goes direct to the lungs. The essential parts of this ar- g. the Arterial Circu- lation in Fishes. (AfterWiedersheim.) rangement are seen among some of the Amphibia ; but, as may be sup- posed from what has already been said of the arrangement of the ventricle in the lower Reptilia, no functionally independent arterial cone is to be observed in them ; nor is it seen in the adults of the higher Vertebrates, though even there it is at first a distinct part of the heart, and is undivided both within and without. Chap, v.] ARTERIES OF VERTEBRATES. 203 From this cone or bulb cf the heart there pro- ceeds a vessel which soon breaks up into a number of arches (Fig. 87); in Fishes the number of these is in correspondence with that of the gill clefts. Within the substance of the gill plate the artery (branchial artery) breaks up into a plexus of tine capillaries, and these become collected into a common trunk on either side which passes forwards to the brain and backwards to the rest of the body ; behind the heart, the two trunks unite into a single median and dorsal aorta, whence vessels (arteries) are given off to the different organs and regions of the body. When, as in the Dipnoi, a pair of lung sacs become developed, one of the branchial vessels (the fourth) gives off on its way from the gills a large trunk which passes directly to the lungs, whence the blood is returned directly to the left side of the heart. When the gills are lost altogether the branchial capillaries lose their function, and, for the greatest part, become aborted, though the frog re- tains in its so-called carotid gland the plexiform arrangement of the capillaries which was of use to it in its gill-bearing tadpole stage. As the arterial cone is retained by the Amphibia, the general re- lation of the great vessels to the ventricle is the same as in Fishes, and the only differences that obtain are such as are due to the differences in function of differ- ent vessels, which influence their size and distribution. In the Beptilia, as has been already explained, the orifices of the great vessels, which are ordinarily guarded by merely two semilunar valves, are brought into closer relation with certain parts of the ventricle; the arterial cone (Fig. 88 ; tr) becomes shorter, and is divided internally by septa. In the lizard (Fig. 88) three arches arise from the heart ; the two anterior are aortic, the third 204 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. pulmonary. While three arches arise from the heart in many reptiles, only two are directly given off in Ophidia, one of which is aortic and one pul- monary. In the bird and mammal this reduction is carried still ocla, the left gill disappears altogether, and in some the right gill has only one lamella developed ; this is the so-called semi-pi iinate gill* In other Oastro- pods, such as Lymnseus, or Helix, the gills disappear altogether, and a so-called lung is developed. (See page 228.) In a number of naked Pteropoda re- spiration becomes vague by a process of adaptative degeneration ; or, in other words, the whole surface of the body takes on the function of the lost gills. Among the Cephalopoda the Tetrabranchiata (Nautilus) have two pairs, and the Dibranchiata (Octopus, Loligo) one pair of well-developed gills. In the great majority of cases the gills of the Mollusca are covered in by the mantle, and come, therefore, to lie in a branchial chamber; into 222 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. this chamber the air is, under the simplest conditions, drawn in by the action of the cilia which cover the surface of the gills or gill plates ; in the Anodon, for example, the currents of water enter into the lower part of the chamber, which in the hinder region of the body is separated from the upper by the union of the gill plates of either side along the middle line ; the water that enters by this lower inhalent passage passes out by the upper or exhalent one. In a number of Lamellibranchs the mantle which bounds these orifices is produced into a more or less long siphon ; these siphons are best developed in forms that burrow in the sand, and which have the siphons directed upwards. A similar kind of gill chamber is formed in many Gastropods by the folding over of the mantle, and in a number of flesh-eating forms a pair of siphons are also developed. The absence of the mantle-fold in such forms as the JVudibranehs leads us, physiologically, to the vague respiration of the gynmosomatous Pteropoda, where the gills have become atrophied. The most characteristic organ of the true Cephalopoda is the so-called funnel, which is a modification of part of the foot ; in these highly developed molluscs we have again an example of the relation of the respiratory to the locomotor activity of the animal. When the muscles in the walls of the investing mantle relax they allow water to enter into the gill chamber on either side of this funnel ; when they contract they not only press on the water in the cavity, but also close the orifices by which it entered ; the only passage, then, by which the compressed fluid can escape to the exterior is by way of the funnel, the walls of which, by contracting, aid in the expulsion of the water ; and the final result of this expulsion is, that, unless the Cephalopod is resting on the ground it is driven backwards ; the more of ben then, water is VI.] GILLS OF CRUSTACEA. 223 baken in and driven out, the more often is the animal mechanically helped on its course. In no group are gills better or more characteristi- 3ally developed than in Crustacea, and in none do we find better evidence of the association of locomotor with respiratory activity. Among the lowest repre- sentatives of the group (the BrancSiiopoda) a number of the appen- dages are nothing more than broadened thin plates within which the blood circulates, and outside of which is the oxygenated water in which they are bathed (Fig. 96). In Squilla and its allies branched tufts of gill filaments are at- tached to the abdomi- nal feet. In the Decapoda, such as the crayfish or the lobster, the gills are outgrowths of the sides of the body wall, but fcheir relation to the locomotor function is still well marked ; in this group the gills are placed in a gill chamber, which, as it is formed by lateral folds of the dorsal integument, reminds us, so far, of the simpler arrangements of the Branchiopod (Fig. 96 ; d) ; these gills are set in three sets, the lowest of which are (in the nomenclature of Huxley) podobranehs, for they are attached to the basal joints of the appen- dages (in the crayfish from the second maxilliped to the penultimate thoracic appendage) ; the next set, which are arranged in two rows, are called the arthrobranchs, from the fact that they are attached Fig. 96. Transverse Section of a Branchiopod, showing the leaf-like (phyllopod) gills (br'), which are appendages of the body. c, Heart ; i, intestine ; n, ventral nerve- cord ; d, fold of the iutegument. (After Grube.) 224 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. to the membranous piece which connects the basal joints of the appendages with the walls of the thorax: the third and uppermost set consists of pleuro- branctis, so-called from their attachment to the sides of the thorax. Among different members of the group we find a difference in the number of these gills, and here, as elsewhere, in scientific investiga- tions, much time is saved, and intellectual operations considerably aided, by the use of formulae. The fol- lowing table, taken from Huxley, may be regarded as a type which is to be followed out when making the dissection of any one of the higher Crustacea. HYPOTHETICALLY COMPLETE BRANCHIAL FORMULA. Somites and lag VIL* VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. Arthol>ranchs. Anterior. Posterior. 1 1 Pleurohranchg. = 4 = 4 = 4 = 4 = 4 = 4 4 = 32 All these gills have essentially the same structure ; they consist of an elongated stem, within which run two distinct canals, into one of which the blood passes from the body, and by the other of which it returns on its way to the heart ; connected with these canals are a number of comparatively short hollow fila- ments with thin walls ; the blood, therefore, on pass- ing into them, is separated only by a thin membrane from the oxygenated water that is passing through the gill chamber, and an exchange of carbonic acid and * There are many reasons for beginning to count tl one farther back, and to call vi. what Prof. Huxley call to count the segments "a vii. Chap, vi.] GILLS OF CRUSTACEA. 225 oxygen is, consequently, easily effected. The podo- branchs and pleurobranchs are more elaborately con- stituted than the simpler arthrobranchs. When we remember the well-known fact that the Crustacea are altogether devoid of cilia, we find it at first difficult to understand how water is driven through the gill chamber ; we have only, however, to make the experiment to see. that a current of water does constantly enter at its hinder and pass out at the anterior end. The apparatus by which this current is produced is, again, a modification of one of the appen- dages for the exopodite and epipodite of the second maxilla (page 1 23) of either side is converted into a scoop- shaped plate, the cavity of which is directed forwards, and which itself fits into the anterior orifice of the gill chamber ; this so-called scaphognatliite moves backwards and forwards about 200 times a minute, and with each backward and forward movement it scoops out water at the anterior, and causes a fresh supply of water to enter at the hinder end of the animal ; moreover, the quicker the animal moves, the quicker the action of the scaphognathite, and, in consequence, the larger the inflow of oxygenated water. Within the gill chamber the waving plumes of the gills aid in the movement of the water, and the at- tachment of the podobranchs to the ambulatory (thoracic) and hinder mandibular appendages affords a certainty that the more these appendages work the greater will be the supply of oxygen that they will receive. A few Crustacea are modified to breathe air. (See below. ) Among the Arachnida, processes of the body projecting into the water are found in the only mem- bers of the group that are inhabitants of the sea; these are the King-crabs, represented to-day by Li- mulus. In these forms there is no protecting gill p 16 226 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. chamber, and the gills project freely into the water, as in the lower Crustacea ; they are attached to the five pairs of abdominal feet, and are broad, flattened, and provided with a number of secondary plates. These gills are essentially formed by a hard supporting axis, on which are placed some hundred and fifty flattened lamellae (Fig. 97) ; these lamellae are exposed to the surrounding water, and as they are hollow, and their cavities contain blood, we have only further to know that their walls are delicate to understand how it is that these "gill-books" are respiratory organs. Connected with these gills are the so-called " lung- books " of the scorpion, which are adapted for aerial respiration, and the exact characters of which have been very carefully and ingeniously elucidated by Lankester. In that Arachnid the ninth to the twelfth segments bear appendages which are respiratory in function, the appendages of the eighth segment, or the first which is branchial in Limulus, being more espe- cially modified as the so-called " pectines." These respiratory appendages, or " lung-books," are, like the " gill-books " of the king-crab, formed essentially by a hard supporting axis, and a number of lamella set on that axis (Fig. 97, B ; and in greater detail c) ; but they differ, at first sight, altogether from those of the king-crab in being no longer exposed freely, but placed in recesses, which open to the exterior by a narrow slit. This slit gives entrance not to blood but to air, and, as it communicates with the cavities in the lamellse of the lung-book, we expect to find that these do not, as in Limulus, any longer serve as blood passages ; the blood, indeed, is now found in the sac which invests the lung-book. Great as are the struc- tural changes, the ultimate physiological arrangement is the same as before ; in other words, the lung-books no less than the gill-books are respiratory organs, but, instead of carrying the blood to the oxygen, they carry Chap. VI.] ARACHNIDA. 227 the oxygen to the blood. Among the Arachnida, thb remarkable series of changes so far followed does not Fig. 97. A. View of the lower Margin of the right lamelliferous Appen- dages of the eleventh segment of Limulus polyphemus. A. I, Proximal lamella ; lx, one hundred and fiftieth lamella ; ex, external lappet of the bifld distal prolongation of the appendages. B. A similar view of the corresponding appendage of Buthus fcocTii. lx, One hundred and thirtieth lamella ; c. A. semi-diagramatic view of one of the respiratory Appendages of a Scorpion, to show I, The bases of the lamellce exposed by the removal of the integument of the axis, the remnants of which are seen at TO : oc, the projecting portion of axis ; I, proximal lamella. (After E. Ray Laukester.) end with the scorpion ; some, like Mygale, have but two pairs of lung-books, and other spiders have but 228 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. one. In others, like the mites, there are no specia- lised respiratory organs, but a " vague respiration ; " and, lastly, others, such as the pseudo-scorpions (Chelifer), have replaced the lung - books by true tracheal tubes. A number of Mollusca have, like the common snail, replaced an aquatic method of respiration by one that is aerial ; this is effected by the large distri- bution of blood-vessels to a part of the mantle, which becomes so attached to the sides of the body as to leave only a comparatively small orifice by which air can enter ; the modified mantle chamber is called the 44 lung 1 . 99 This arrangement is not separated by any wide gulf from that which is found in the branchiate Gastropoda, for some of these have the walls of the mantle cavity more or less well provided with a lung ; and others, like the marsh-snail (Paludina), have both gill and lung. On the other hand, the water-snail (Lymnseus) has no gill at all, yet constantly lives in water, and uses its air receptacle, as do some fishes (page 232), as a hydrostatic organ. In some cases, as Semper has pointed out, certain Mollusca may be truly spoken of as amphibious ; Ampullaria, an ally of Paludina, has been observed by him to use its gills and lungs in rapid alternation ; " for a certain time they inhale the air at the surface of the water, forming a hollow tube by incurving the margin of the mantle, so that the hollow surface is enclosed against the water, and open only at the top. When they have thus sucked in a sufficient quantity of air, they reverse the margin of the mantle, opening the tube, into which the water streams. The changes are tolerably frequent, once or twice in a few minutes, depending, probably, on the temperature. No phy- siological explanation of these rhythmic alterations can, however, be at present assigned." It is not only among the Mollusca that we have Chap, vi.] LUNGS OF CRUSTACEA. 229 air-breathing forms closely allied to those that breathe oxygen dissolved in water ; not only are there true amphipnous Vertebrates (see page 236), but there are among the Crustacea some terrestrial Isopods, in which some of the appendages are placed in a cavity of the abdomen, which is partly closed ; the cavity of such of these appendages as are not rudimentary opens to the atmosphere by a longitudinal slit. Among the true crabs there are also some forms that con- stantly live on land, such as the robber crab (Birgus latro), the land crab (Gecarcinus), and others ; the gills in the branchial chamber of these Crustacea are always small, but a quantity of air is to be found in the chamber ; in Birgus this chamber is divided into a lower and smaller one, which contains small gills, and an upper larger one, which never con- tains any water, but always air, and which has its walls not only richly supplied with blood-vessels, but also produced into branched outgrowths, or villi, in which the blood-vessels are particularly well de- veloped. It is not in the lower Metazoa alone that the lining of the alimentary canal serves as a means of entrance for oxygen ; even among the Vertebrata, where, in the higher forms, the respiratory organs (lungs) are really outgrowths of the enteric tract, we know of a loach (Cobitis) which swallows air bubbles ; among the Echinoderms, the surface of the mucous membrane of part of the intestine is, in Stichopus variegatus, so grooved as to display a large amount of vascular surface to the action, of the inflowing water, or, as in many (Holothuria, Cucumaria), special branched organs, which extend throughout the greater part of the length of the body, are developed from the walls of the cloaca ; in such pneumonophorous holo- thurians water is pumped in and out by the muscles at the hinder end of the body. Such a form of anal 230 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. respiration is not confined to the Echinodermata, for it is very common among the Arthropoda ; among the Entomostraca it has been frequently observed; in Leptodora, when the intestine is free of food, the water appears to pass in a continuous stream into the more anterior parts of the tract, and, when the stomach is full, water is taken in and expelled by the mouth ; anal respiration has been seen by Lereboullet in the crayfish, and the rhythmical closing and dilatation of the rectum may always be seen in that animal, after the extirpation of the thoracic ganglia. Among Worms, enteric respiration obtains in the Rotatoria, in some, if not all, Gephyrea, and in some of the aquatic Oligochseta ; Dentalium is the only mollusc in which it has been definitely observed. In certain polychsetous Annelids, a somewhat complex arrangement has been detected by Eisig, which is of especial interest, both morphologically and physiologically, when it is compared with the function and structure of the respiratory organs of Vertebrates. The observation that a number of air bubbles constantly escape from the mouth or anus of Hesione sicula led him to detect the presence of distinct outgrowths of the intestine, which clearly serve as air reservoirs, and at the same time may be used as floats or hydrostatic supports ; they are especially of use when the intestine is filled with food, and structural evidence in favour of their respiratory significance is afforded by their rich supply of blood-vessels. In connection with this it is very interesting to note that a fish will use up all the air in its air bladder before it dies of suffocation, and that, conversely, in the pulmonate Yertebrata the lungs have undoubtedly the power of acting as hydrostatic supports for the body, when immersed in water. The Cliordata present us with the most interest- ing and instructive series of arrangements, for while Chap, vi.j CHORDATA. 231 the lowest members of all three divisions are branchiate, the higher Vertebrata pass from an amphibious or amphipnous stage to one in which outgrowths of the enteric tract, or lungs, are alone the respiratory organs. In the Ceplialochordata and Urocliordata respiration is always effected by gills, and there are some very striking points of agreement between the two sets of forms. In both, the gill slits are formed by an ingrowth from without, and an outgrowth from within ; in both it is the anterior portion of the enteric tract which is so affected, and in both the water of respiration enters by the same orifice as the food. In those Tunicata that retain the cliordate tail throughout life (Appendi- cularia), the water that passes in at the mouth passes out by a cylindrical tube on either side ; but, on the other hand, water may enter by these " spiracula " and pass out by the mouth. In the rest, as also in Amphioxus, an outgrowth of the body wall on either side gives rise to the formation of a peribranchial chamber, into which the water streams from the gills; the folds which form the walls of this chamber unite along the greater part of their length, but leave an orifice (atriopore) by which the water can escape to the exterior. This atriopore may either open, as in Ascidia, close to the incurrent orifice or mouth, or it may be at the aboral end of the body, as in Pyrosoma ; in compound ascidians there is a single common excurrent orifice. In some the water is forcibly driven out, and then, just as in Cephalopoda, the excurrent stream aids in locomotion. In Amphioxus the atriopore is on the ventral surface, and not far in front of the anus. The ancestors of the present race of Vertebrata were aquatic forms that breathed the oxygen which was dissolved in the water in which they dwelt ; or in other words, they had gills. This mode of 232 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. respiration, the branchial, is retained to-day by the lowest of the Vertebrata, and gills are to be found in all Fishes, in all Amphibia at some period of their lives, and in some Amphibia throughout the whole course of their existence. None of the Sauropsida or of the Mammalia ever breathe oxygen dissolved in water, but' are air-breathing forms with lungs ; though the change of function has been completed, the remnants of gill clefts are observable in the earlier stages of development A most instructive series of gradations is to be detected in Fishes; all adult 'forms have the gills in pouches or recesses, but the young of some (Elasmo- branchs, some Ganoids), like the tadpole at an early stage, have protruding filaments or external gills ; the lampreys have seven pairs of gill-clefts, as has the shark Heptanchus ; Hexanchus, and most examples of Myxine, have six ; most Elasmobranchs, five pairs ; Chimsera has the first and fifth gill incomplete ; most Teleosteans have four pairs of gills, but some have the fourth incomplete ; the angler (Lophius) has three pairs of gills, its ally Malthe has the third incomplete, while in Amphipnous all the three pairs of gills are more or less rudimentary. Where gill respiration ceases to be effective, the blind outgrowth from the anterior portion of the intestine (the air bladder) may take on respiratory functions ; Amia has a single sac lying on the dorsal surface of the intestine ; in Lepidosteus (the gar-pike), the sac is divided internally, though it is single externally ; in Ceratodus the opening into the single sac lies to the left of the ventral surface of the intestine, while in Polypterus the sac is double, and opens on the middle line of the ventral surface. As the air bladder becomes better developed, it becomes better supplied with blood. (See page 202.) In the cyclostomatous Bdellostoma the ducts from Chap. VI.] GILLS OF FISHES. 233 the gill sacs open separately to the exterior, but in the hag the ducts unite and open by a common orifice on either side. A similar modification obtains in the gnathostomatous fishes, for in the shark -like elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) each gill cleft is open to the exterior, while in Chimsera and all other Fishes the clefts are covered over either by a fold of the skin merely, or by bony pieces (opercu- liini), so that there is on either side but a single opening to the exterior. The gills, when complete, consist of two folds of mucous membrane, which are ordinarily triangular in shape (Fig. 98), are supported by a branchial arch (b), and by cartila- ginous rods, have a blood-vessel passing into them and bringing blood from the heart, which breaks up into capillaries ; these capillaries unite into another vessel which car- ries the oxygenated blood back to the body. A gill is said to be incomplete when one of the two folds is alone developed. IntheCyclostomata and the shark like Elasmobranchs, the gills take the form of pouches, and the lamellae form the transverse folds on the walls of the pouch ; the septa which project from the branchial arches are as long as the gills, and each gill chamber is, therefore, in a shark, completely separated from the one in front or behind it ; as we pass through Chimaera and the Ganoids to the Teleostei, we find that these septa become more and more reduced, so that the form of the gills and the ar- rangement of the blood-vessels. a, Branchial artery ; 6, branchial arch (seen in cross sec- tion); c, branches of the branchial vein v ; d, branches of branchial artery. 234 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. the gill is attached at its base only (Fig. 98), and the gill lamellae are free. With the disappearance of the septa we have, of course, the loss of the separate gill slits, and the whole of the gills of one side come to lie in a common chamber, which is covered over by the operculum, and has only one opening to the exterior. The water which brings the necessary oxygen to the gills enters by the mouth ; as the mouth opens the operculum rises, and the gills separate from one an- other, but the membrane which fringes the oper- culum acts as a valve to prevent the entrance of water through the opercular cleft (Bert). When the mouth closes, and the pharynx con- tracts, the water is forced through the pharyngeal clefts into the gill clefts owing to the presence of a valvular arrangement which shuts off the passage into the mouth. In the already mentioned Amphipnous and in Saccobranchus, the true gills are rudimentary, and a sac with contractile walls is developed, which takes in water and expels it at intervals ; the walls of these sacs are richly supplied with blood-vessels, which are arranged as in a gill ; that is to say, the blood that passes from them goes direct to the aorta ; in the climbing perch (Anabas), the internal surface of the Fig. 99. Suprabrancbial organ of Andbas scandens. a, Supraforanchial organ. ehap. vi.] AIR SACS OF FISHES. 235 accessory sac is produced into a number of convoluted folds (Fig. 99), which retain their moisture, and are able to take up oxygen direct from the air, during the comparatively long periods that the fish lives out of the water. Its ally Ophiocephalus, Cobitis, and various fishes with spongy air-bladders, such as Sudis and Erythrinus, swallow air directly ; so that it is not among the Dipnoi only that oxygen dissolved in nitrogen (atmospheric air), is used for the necessary oxydation of the tissues of fishes. It is, however, in certain Ganoids and in the Dipnoi that we get the most certain proofs of aerial respiration ; Lepidosteus has been observed to pro- trude its head from the water, to emit a bubble of air, and to make a swallowing movement, and a similar phenomenon has been seen in Araia (B. G. Wilder) ; the noise made by Ceratodus is explained as being due to the swallowing of air, and the streams of Australia in which it lives are known to become liquid mud in the dry seasons of the year. Protopterus has been brought from West Africa to this country embedded in the mud balls in which it lives during the droughts, and has been revived by being placed in warm water. Fishes differ considerably in the extent to which they are able to live on land ; thus, an eel will live much longer than a gudgeon when taken out of the water. The careful experiments of Bert show that this difference is due not to a difference in gill arrange- ment, but to a difference in the demand made by the tissues of the body for their supply of oxygen. Here, again, we have an example of the danger of arguing from anatomical peculiarities where our hypotheses are not controlled by experiments. In any discussion of respiratory phenomena in animals it is neces- sary to bear in mind the fact that all living tissues are capable of absorbing oxygen, and that 236 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. the tissues of different animals differ in the amount they require. We may be especially convinced of the truth of this dictum of Bert's by the study of the respiratory arrange- ments of the Amphibia. If an adult frog is placed in a dry atmosphere it speedily dies ; in other words, respira- tion in a frog is cutaneous as well as pulmonary, and a frog may be deprived of its lungs and continue to live ; so, again, the axolotl may have both gills and lungs removed and yet continue to live. But if these experiments are made in summer death soon super- venes ; in other words, the skin becomes more dry owing to the larger amount of moisture which can be taken up by an equal volume of warmer air, and is unable to take up enough oxygen to suffice for the needs of the organism. In all Amphibia the gills are at first external, or project, under various forms, from the sides of the body ; there are ordinarily three pairs present, which are placed one above the other ; among the Urodela, Menobranchus (Fig. 100) and Proteus appear to retain the gills throughout life; in Menopoma and Amphiuma the gills disappear, but one or two gill clefts persist ; in the rest of the Urodela the gills dis- appear completely. In the Anura the external are soon replaced by internal gills, which, on the cessation of the tadpole stage, disappear, and the clefts, which had been covered by an opercular membrane, close up entirely. The bell-shaped gills of Notodelphys lead to the branchial vesicles which have been found in the Cacciliac (Peters). In addition to or in place of the gills, all Amphibia have a paired outgrowth from the oesophagus, which lies on the ventral surface, and is provided with special blood-vessels coming directly from and return- ing at once to the heart. These outgrowths are known as the lungs, and Chap. VI.] ME NO BRA NCH US. 237 238 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. they seem to be the direct descendants of the swim- bladder of fishes, which we have already traced from its position as a dorsal sac in Amia and Lepidosteus to a completely divided ventral sac in Protopterus. PI) PD PD Fig. 101. Diagrams to illustrate the Development of tbe Lungs. PD, Primitive intestine; ss', lung sacs; t, trachea; b, bronchus (.in A, B, and c); L0 (in D), primitive ; i,g (in a), secondary pulmonary vesicles. (After Wiedersheim.) Comparable with these changes in the coarser details of its anatomy are the modifications suffered by its internal surface, which becomes more and "more spongy and broken up into internal spaces ; and the changes which bring its blood-vessels into direct relation with the heart. (See page 203.) A similar set of changes affects the lungs, either as we trace them through the ascending scale of the chap. vi. j LUNGS OF VERTEBRATES. 239 pentadactyle Vertebrata, or through the developmental stages of a given individual. The earliest rudiment of the lung is a single outgrowth (Fig. 101 ; A), which soon divides at its blind end (B), while the unpaired portion remains to form the tube (trachea) by which the two sacs communicate with the oesophagus; each swelling gives rise to primary (D), and these to secondary (E) vesicles. This series of changes ceases at various points in various forms, so that the lungs are smooth within in Menobranchus, provided with a few simple ridges in Siren, and with secondary as well as primary ridges in Amphiuma. The internal network in which the blood-vessels course is still more elaborately developed in the frog, but the lungs are, when looked at from without, apparently nothing more than simple sacs. The same is true of the lower Kept ilia; but there is this important advance, that the bronchus, or tube which brings the air into the lungs, does not, as in the frog, cease at the opening into the lung, but is con- tinued into it, and gives off branches within it ; in some chamseleons narrow blind outgrowths proceed from the hinder end of the lung, and in Chelonians and Crocodiles the common lung-chamber opens into a number of pouch-like sacs. The lungs of the former, like those of birds, are firmly attached on either side of the vertebral column, and the dorsal surface is marked by grooves which correspond in position to those of the superjacent ribs. The lungs of Birds, in addition to their greater internal complexity, are more particularly remarkable for being continued into a number of air sacs, whence prolongations are given off in the form of air tubes and passages, which extend through all the organs, including even the bones, of the body. These air sacs play a very important part in the economy of the bird, for they not only diminish its specific gravity, 240 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. but also warm the air. It has been calculated by- Bert that, in a bird weighing 1,600 grammes, and having a volume equal to 1,230 cubic centimetres, or, in other words, a specific gravity of 1 *3 ( ), 200 \1230 ' cubic centimetres of air can be introduced ; as these 200 cubic centimetres weigh -22 of a gramme, it is clear that the specific gravity of the animal will be reduced - 10 /1600 + 0-22 1600-22V,, 10 1-1S (l230 + 200 OT 1T>* must often take into their lungs air at a very low temperature, but with this cold air there is com- mingled that which returns to the lungs from the warm viscera, and by this means the temperature of the respired air is raised ; yet again, such cold air, or, still more, the air of a desert, is often of great dryness, while that which returns from the air sacs has been moistened by the walls of these outgrowths. The maximum of complexity is attained by the lungs of the Mammalia, which, occupying a com- paratively smaller space in the body, have nevertheless a much larger area of respiratory surface ; externally the lungs are frequently subdivided into two or more lobes. It has been calculated by Aeby that the human lung contains from three to four millions of pulmonary vesicles, and that in man the respiratory mucous membrane has, in a period of repose, a superficial area of 79 '28 square metres, which can be extended to more than half as much again, or 129 '8 4 square metres; the extent of respiratory surface in the female is rather less than that of the male. The air is brought into the lungs from the nasal passages by the trachea, and that tube, as we know, divides into two bronchi, which, in the Amniota, * I have corrected what appears to be an error in Bert's calcu- lation. chip, vi.] BRONCHI ; TRACHEA. 241 extend into the cavity of the lung. The bronchi are short indeed in lizards and snakes, but in crocodiles and chelonians they extend for some considerable dis- tance, and retain the cartilaginous rings by means of which the tube is kept open ; these tubes give off smaller lateral tubes, and so give rise to the so-called bronchial tree, some of the branches of which lie above and some below the pulmonary artery (p ; Fig. 102 A) ; these may be conveniently distinguished as the eparterial and hyparterial bronchi. While this bronchial tree is comparatively simple in Reptiles, it becomes much more complicated in Birds, where both eparterial and hyparterial systems are well developed and give off lateral branches, some of which extend to the end of the lung. The difference between the bronchial tree of a Bird and a Mammal does not lie in, as is ordinarily said, the dichotomous mode of division of the bronchial tubes of the latter, which never does obtain (Aeby), but in the great reduction in the eparterial bronchial system (Fig. 102 B), of which the right and left halves are but rarely both present ; as a rule, the right is lost, while in Hystrix both right and left eparterial bronchi disappear. The trachea varies greatly in the extent and characters of its development ; short in Amphibians, it is of a considerable length in Reptiles, but in them the cartilaginous rings are incomplete ; in Mammals the rings are also always incomplete, but in Birds the sepa- rate rings are not only complete, but tend to undergo calcification, and in some cases, as in the Dinornis, even ossification. The trachea is of great length in birds, and while this may be often seen to be of significance as an aid to the vocal organ (see page 391), it has clearly the not unimportant function of forming a long tube in which the air is slightly warmed before it enters the lungs. In birds the lower, and in other Q-16 242 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Vertebrates the upper, part of the trachea may be con- verted into a vocal organ. In the skulls of certain Vertebrates, such as the crocodile and the whale, certain modifications of the bones of the palate bring about an elon- gation of the nasal passages and an ap- proximation of posterior nares the opening of v /jr \m trachea (see the to the page 344) ; by these means water is pre- vented, at least in part, lungs . other adaptive modifications to the same purpose may be conveniently consi- dered here. In the Whales the glottis, or opening into the trachea, is produced into a fun- nel - like projection, which extends into the soft palate, and is embraced by its sides. By this means the trachea is brought into direct connection with the nasal passages, the air does not enter at all into the cavity of the mouth, and the water flows on either side into the gullet. A similar disposition of the glottis obtains in the young of the Marsupials, which, born at an B Fig. 102 A. Bronchial Tree of a Bird. p, Pulmonary artery ; A, eparterial ; B, hyp? term bronchial systems ; v, ventral ; dorsal branches. Chap. VI.] CETACEA ; SIREWA. 243 Here, then, milk B age too early to allow them to actively suck the mother, hang on to a long nipple, and have the milk injected by the mother (by the contraction of the cremaster muscle, and the consequent compres- sion of the mammary glands), flows on either side of the air tube, and the latter is, as in the whale, a direct continuation of the air passages in the head. It is important to observe that there is no prolongation of the air tube in the Sirenia, but that their epiglottis is large, and capable of com- pletely closing the entrance into the trachea; at the same time it will be remem- bered that the dugong and manatee are herbivorous. So, again, the Sirenia differ from the Cetacea in the manner in which they obtain a large supply of air. In the former the dia- phragm, in place of forming a more or less vertical par- tition between the thoracic and abdominal cavities, slopes backwards and upwards, so as to largely increase the area of the thoracic cavity, the extension of which is occupied by the large lungs. In the dolphins and porpoises the nasal passages open into lateral sacs with elastic walls ; the possession of.' these sacs must, in addition to their air-containing function, diminish to a certain extent the specific gravity of the skull. The commonly received story that a whale " blows " water is due to the fact that a Fig. 102 B. Bronchial Tree of a Mammal (Horse). A, Eparterial : B, hyj>arterial ventral (1; ( pterygoid ; M?t, inandibular cartilaee ; ny, hyoid arch ; Upper part OI sr l, first branchial arch, with four succeeding ,1 /> -i arches; sp, mandibulobyoid cleft; cl, hyo-lmtnchial the first arch, cleft; Ci,c2,c3, cere bral vesicles. (After Parker.) but the upper part of the second arch (H?/), which forms the Ityo- mandibular. In such a skull, then, as that of the dogfish (which has formed the basis for this account), the attachment of the jaws to the skull is hyostylic (Huxley) ; in a large number of fishes this hyostylic arrangement obtains ; in a few (Notidanus), however, the meta- pterygoid does enter into contact with the cranium, and the jaw is then supported by elements of both the inandibular and hyoid arches, or is ampliistylic. On the other hand, in Chimsera, the Dipnoi, and all the pentadactyle Vertebrata, the hyoid takes no share in 328 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. attaching the jaw to the skull, that attachment being effected solely by mandibular elements, and being, therefore, autostylic. In the branchiate Yertebrata the number of branchial arches corresponds with that of the branchiae, and the separate bars become segmented ; all the visceral bars save the mandibular have a distinct median basal piece, which is known as the foasiforaiicliial ; this passes on either side into the liypobranchial, which is succeeded by the ceratotoranchial, epibrancliial, and pharyiigobranchial. When gills cease to be de- veloped these bars undergo, as may be supposed, a certain amount of atrophy, but, in all, the first branchial arch is retained, while in tortoises and lizards two arches may be detected. These basal portions always fuse with those of the hyoid arch, and the coalesced pieces make up the so-called body of the hyoid, which forms a support for the tongue ; the parts of the true hyoid arch form the interior, and those of the first branchial the posterior or lesser cornua of the hyoid of man. "We have hitherto regarded the skull as compounded of neural, sensory, and visceral portions, all of which are formed by cartilage ; we have now to look at the same structure from another point of view. It has already been pointed out, that while the cartilage in the occipital region of the skull forms a complete ring in its hinder portion, the sphenoidai region is roofed in by membrane ; this membranous roof is retained throughout life by Myxine (the hag). In other Cyclostomes and in Elasmobranchs the roof becomes more or less completely cartilaginous, and this carti- lage, which never becomes ossified, though its outer layers may be calcified, is covered in by membrane. In the more shark-like Ganoidei, the membrane, though not the cartilage, undergoes ossification, and a Chap. IX.J SKULL OF PISHES. 329 number of investing membrane bones appear on the roof of the skull ; in the Holosteous Ganoids ossifi- cation commences in the occipital region of the cartilaginous cra- nium, while there are also membrane bones. From this point for- ward we have to dis- tinguish between bones that are preformed in cartilage (cartilage bones), and those that are preformed in membrane (mem- brane bones). At first, that is, in the lower Vertebrata, the membrane bones are numerous, and their relations are not so constant and exact as they are in the higher forms. When they become so we are able to recognise that the roof is formed by two pairs of more or less large bones, the parietals abutting on the occipital re- gion, and thefrontals in front of the parie- tals. The base of the skull is in the Ichthyopsida ossified in the occipital region only, and the sphenoidal portion is under- laid by a membrane bone, the parasphenoid Fig. 138. Head of Sturgeon, showing the Membrane Bones, aud the Cartilaginous Cranium, which is shaded dark. (After Gegenbaur.) 330 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. (Fig. 139 ; par). The upper half of the mandibular arch becomes invested by membrane bones only, the jugal or quadratojugal, or both, which trend a little inwards as they pass forwards (Fig. 139 ; q). In front of these are- two bones which, typically, carry teeth, the maxillae and the premaxillse. Internal to this row of membrane bones is another, of which the most anterior, the vomer (v), is formed from membrane that did not overlay cartilage, just like the maxillae and the premaxillse, while the others, the palatines and the pterygoids (pt), are formed from mem- brane which gene- rally invested carti- laginous bars. Mec- kel's cartilage is likewise invested in bones of membra- nous origin, the most important and con- stant of which is the tooth - bearing dentary* At the anterior end of the skull, above the olfactory capsule, there appear the paired nasals, with which a lachrymal is related in the higher forms. In Fishes a series of membrane bones may become developed in connection with the branchial skeleton, and form the support for the opercular flap of the gills; such are the opercnlnm, siiboperculum, and interoperculum. The most anterior of the opercular bones is possibly the homologue of the Fig. 139. Skull of Frog, from below; the Lower Jaw lias been removed. e,o, Exoccipital ; po, prootic ; par, parasphe- noid ; e t sphenethmoid ; v, vomer; pm, premaxilla- mx, maxilla; q, quadrato Jugal ; pt, pterygoid ; SMS, suspensorium ; palatine ; 1, optic foramen ; 2, foramen of fifth nerve ; 3, foramen for ninth and tenth nerves. (After Parker.) chap, ix.j SKULL OF AMNIOTA. 331 membranous bone at the side of the skull, which is known as the squamosal in the abranchiate Verte- brata. While in the Amphibia the posterior (occipital) and anterior (ethmoid) portions of the base and sides of the cartilaginous cranium undergo ossification, it is riot till we reach the Amniota that we find the central and lateral cartilaginous parts of the sphenoidal region becoming bony ; when they do so we recognise a basisphenoid, with an alisphenoid on either side, and a presphenoid with corresponding later- ally placed orbitosphenoids. Now, too, we can distinctly see an ossified basioccipital, two ex- occipitals, and a median supraoccipital, all of cartilaginous origin, and surrounding the foramen magnum. In the Saurcpsida the exoccipitals unite with the basioccipital to form a single median occipital condyle ; in the Mammalia the exoccipitals, as in the dog, alone form the condyles, or some share is taken by the basioccipital, but in either case the skull is articulated to the vertebral column by two con- dyles ; it is for this reason that some writers speak of the Sauropsida as Monocondyla, and of the Mammalia as Amphicondyla. At the anterior end, the cartilaginous plates which subdivide the nasal cavity may undergo more or less ossification, and give rise to the " spongy bones " of the nose ; they enter into connection with tho ethmoid in the middle line, and may become united with the nasals (naso - turbinals) or maxillae (maxillo-turbinals) at the sides. (See Fig. 189, page 442.) In the walls of the cartilaginous ear- capsule there appear centres of ossification, which are ordinarily three in number ; of these the most constant is the prootic, which alone is found in the Amphibia, though in some fishes there are also epiotic and opisthotic 332 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. ossifications. In Birds these fuse with one another and with the supra- and ex-occipital bones to an Fig. 140. Diagram of the Cranial Bones of a Mammal, showing the Foramina of exit of the several Cerebral Nerves.* 1, Olfactory nerve ; 2, optic ; of, optic foramen ; da, foramen lacerum anterium, for the passage of the third, fourth, sixth, and first branch of fifth ne r \ r e (3, 4, 6, 5i5, fifth metacarpal ; i to v, digits. Chap. IX.] FEET OF UNGULATA. 355 connected with the lateral digits gradually dis- appear. In the series of Artiodactyla (even-toed forms) we find, to take the foot, four toes, distinct metatarsal, and distinct tarsal bones (in the pig) ; in the Chevro- taiiis (Tragulus), the second and fifth digits are still smaller, and while their metatarsals are distinct, the third and fourth metatarsals have united together, two of the tar- sals have united together, and one of the rest has disappeared; in the musk- deer, as in the true deers, the outer digits are not directly arti- culated with the other bones of the foot, and the outer metatar- sals have, as in Fig. 151. Foot of Anchitherium (A); Hippa- riou (B), and Horse (c). ii, in, iv, digits. them, disappeared ; the musk-deer, however, retains what the deer have lost, the extensor muscle of the fifth digit. While the large number of what are really or practically two- toed Ungulates is evidence that this reduction of the digits has not been associated with any diminution in the value of the limbs as locomotor or supporting organs, we have palaeontological evidence of the disappearance of a group of even-toed Ungulates who tended to lose their lateral digits. When we ex- amine the carpus of a deer we see that the carpal bones have fused with one another, and have not disappeared 356 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. as the lateral digits, with which some of them were connected, have lost their function ; as the middle digits have grown larger and thicker they have seized on the carpal bones, and thereby gained " a better and more complete support for the body." In some fossil forms (Xiphodon, Anoplotherium), " the relation between the carpal and tarsal bones, and the remaining two middle metacarpals and metatarsals, remains just the same as it was in the tetradactyle ancestor"; the digits that remain do not, in other words, gain further support from the carpal or tarsal bones. Forms in which inheritance has been stronger than modification have disappeared, while in those which have lived on or left descendants, an adaptive modification has been effected (W. Kowalevsky). As we ascend the scale of the Primates we find an increasing tendency to throw the support of the body on the hind limbs only ; thus, all the manlike (anthropomorphous) apes are semi-erect; the Gibbon (Hylobates) uses the tips of his fingers much as an active man uses a walking stick (Huxley), the orang, the gorilla, and the chimpanzee, support themselves on their knuckles. Man is erect, and, in correlation with this position, the tuberosity of the os calcis of the foot is greatly broadened, the thigh and leg are in a straight line, the pelvis becomes an open basin sepa- rated by a wide space from the thorax, the vertebral column takes on a marked S -shaped or sigmoid curva- ture, the head is balanced on the atlas, and the spines of the cervical vertebrae, which have no longer to give origin to powerful muscles, are reduced in size. Owing to the monopoly of support enjoyed by the hind-limbs, the fore limbs become free to serve as prehensile organs, and in man, where there are no great canines (as in male gorillas) to serve as organs of attack, it is to the arms only that such an animal can look for offensive or defensive organs. Fig. 152. Skeleton of the Left Fore Limb of a Pig (A) ; Hyomoschus or African Deerlet (B) ; Tragulus or Javan Deerlet (c) ; Roebuck (D) ; Sheep (E) ; Camel (F). (After Garrod.) 358 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. While the results of the erect position show that man has been able to adapt his altered mode of pro- gression to the mechanical conditions of an organisa- tion best suited for quadrupedal movement, it is to be noted that (1) the space between the thorax and the pelvis leads to, and is the cause of, prolapse and other affections of the uterus, and of hernia in both sexes ; (2) the carotids which supply the most important of organs, the brain, have to carry their contents against the action of gravity, and, for this reason, they are of large size. Or, to put it in another way, the erect position entails certain positive disadvantages. In other members of various divisions of Vertebrates, by far the most important part in support or locomotion is often undertaken by the hind limbs; this is especially well seen in hopping or jump- ing forms, as, for example, the frog, where the tarsal bones are greatly elon- gated and the digits of considerable length; in the jerboa, where the meta- tarsals are very long ; or the kangaroo, where the calcaneum (c) is very long, the cuboid (CB) very strong, and the meta- tarsal of the fourth digit greatly elon- gated ; in other words, we have here a continuous series of well-developed bones lying along one axis, and affording a firm support (Fig. 153). When the extremities are used as seizing organs, the pollex of the maims and the hallux of the pes are qpposable on the other digits ; such an arrangement obtains in the higher Primates, but in man, where the foot has more of a supporting than of a prehensile function, this power of opposition is lost in many races Pes Chap, ix.] FINS OF FISHES. 359 by the hind limb, though it can be regained under the stress of necessity, or by education ; the saddle-shaped form of the articular surface of man's trapezium gives the mechanical reason for the power of apposition of the thumb, which he possesses in so marked a degree. In the tendons of the digits extra bones (sesa- moids) are not unfrequently developed, and their presence is no doubt to be explained by a refer- ence to the primitively multiradiate condition (see page 361) of the vertebrate limb; of such bones the most constant is the patella (knee-cap), which is found in all Mammals save a few Marsupials ; another, which is very frequently found in the carpus, is the so-called pisiform (or pea-shaped bone of the human hand). The sesamoids are, as will be imme- diately explained, most commonly developed in asso- ciation with the digits ; thus, in the dog they are found on each metacarpal ; in the fossorial armadillos there is a large sesamoid on the palmar side of the metacarpus ; two large palmar sesamoids are found in Ornithorhynchus ; while in the just-mentioned Mono- treme, as to a less extent in Echidna also, there is a large sesamoid in the tarsus which supports the spur of the foot, that has so remarkable a likeness to what is found in the fowls and some other birds. The paired fins of Fishes are, at first sight, difficult to bring into alliance with the pentadactyle limb of the higher Vertebrata. If we take the dog- fish as a type, we find that the pectoral are larger than the pelvic fins, and more complicated in cha- racter. We will commence, therefore, with an account of the latter. They lie horizontally, and approach one another at the ventral median line. A long basal bar (Fig. 154; A, bp) is articulated to a process of the ilium, and bears on its outer side a series of rays, which are each divided into a larger proximal or basal and a smaller distal piece, almost parallel to one another; Fig. 154. A, Eight Pelvic Fin and part of Pelvic Arch of an Adult Female of ScylUum canalicula (nat. size). B, Eight Pectoral Fin and part of Arch of an Adult ScylUum canilicula. co, Coracoid ; sc, scapula ; pp, protopterygiurn ; mep, mesopterygiura ; mp, nietapteryprium ; il, iliac process ; pp, pubic process, cut across below ; bp, basipteryprium ; /, anterior fin-ray ; fn, part of fin, supported by horny fibre. CAfter Balfour, P.Z.S., ]8:-l, p. 663.) ' chap, ix.] FINS OF FISHES. 361 the most proximal articulates directly with the ilium (il), and the most distal is, in the male, converted into the clasper. (See page 519.) The outer portion of the integument of the fin is supported by horny fibres (fn). The pectoral fin (Fig. 154; B) is at least twice as large as the pelvic, and is placed horizontally, but the two halves do not approach one another ven- trally ; there are three basal cartilages, called respec- tively (Gegenbaur) protopterygium (pp), meso- (mep), and metapterygium (mp) ; the latter carries most of the cartilaginous rays, and these are divided into a larger number of pieces than the corresponding rays of the pelvic fin ; as with it, the greater part of the fin is supported only by horny fibres. According to the observations of Balfour, the paired fins arise as ridge-like thickenings of the epi- blast (see page 33) ; the mesoblast that invades the ridge gives rise to a cartilaginous bar, which, at first, lies parallel to the long axis of the body. On one side (the outer) of this bar a thin plate extends out- wards, and this, by becoming divided, gives rise to the primary fin rays ; this simple condition is essen- tially retained in the pelvic arch; in the pectoral, however, the basal bar becomes rotated outwards, so that it is now only connected by its anterior end with the pectoral arch, and the bar, in place of being the basal portion, now forms the hinder border of the fin ; the plate attached to the bar becomes imperfectly divided into a smaller proximal and a much larger distal piece ; from the edge of each of these, rays are given off; the smaller piece undergoes a second divi- sion, by which we have, at last, the protopterygium (pt) with one ray, and the mesopterygium with a few ; the rest of the rays are attached to the meta- pterygium, or larger distal piece. On the supposition that a many-rayed limb of the characters just described is that from which the 362 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. pentaclactyle limb of the higher Vertebrata has been developed, we must suppose that the greater number of the cartilaginous pieces have undergone reduction, and that, in the Ichthyosauria for example, or in the frog, where there is a rudiment of a sixth digit to the foot, the number five is exceeded in consequence of the re- duction not having been definitively impressed on the organism by inheritance ; on the other hand, the possession by a Mammal (e.g. man) of more than five digits (polydactylism) must be regarded rather as an abnormality than as a return to an ancestral condi- tion, and this because the gap between a man and a polydactylous ancestor is too wide for us to be able reasonably to believe in an " atavism " so far-reaching. In the Ganoidei or Teleostei, the pterygial portions of the fins are reduced, but the reduction is atoned for by the replacement of the horny fibres by osseous tissue. In Ceratodus the fin takes the form of a central axis of cartilaginous pieces, with rays on both sides ; and in Protopterus it becomes filamentar, owing to the loss of the lateral rays. Gegenbaur regards the fin of Ceratodus as the most primitive arrangement (archipterygium) ; but, as Balfour has pointed out, this view of the matter is opposed by the facts that in Elasmobranchs there are indications of rays on one side only of the basipterygium, and that the support- ing bar is, at first, basal, and not central. Like the limbs of higher Vertebrates, the fins of fishes are, at first and in most cases, locomotor in function, wherein they are aided by the tail ; just as the former are supporting organs, so, too, are the fins. This may be seen by removing the fins of one side, when the fish falls on to that side ; or by cutting off both pectorals, when the body inclines forwards and downwards. In mud-dwelling fishes the pelvic fins are rudimentary or absent, disuse producing degrada- tion. One of the most remarkable modifications of chap, ix.i EXTERNAL SKELETON. 363 the fins is seen in Periophthalmus, which, thanks especially to its large pectorals, is able to hop over the mud. In some Gobies the ventral fins unite to form a kind of suctorial disc, by means of which the fish can attach itself to rocks. The sucking disc of Cyclopterus lumpus is supported by the rudimentary spines and rays of the ventral fins. In the flying- fish (Exocoetus) the pectoral fins may extend as far back as the caudal, and can be spread out so as to act like sails. In cartilaginous fishes, where the edges of the fins are softer than in the bony fishes, these edges may perform an undulatory or screw- like movement. When the lateral fins disappear, the locomotor function falls altogether on the vertebral column and unpaired fins. The External skeleton of Vertebrates is, in the simpler conditions, formed by scales, which are developed in the cells of the integument. The most generalised condition obtains among Elasmobranchs, where, as we have already learnt, the internal skele- ton is throughout life cartilaginous ; in such a form as the dog-fish the whole of the external surface is roughened, owing to the presence of projecting pointed processes, which have not inappropriately been called dermal denticles, so close and strik- ing is their resemblance to the processes which, when placed within the area of the mouth, are called teeth ; like them, they consist essentially of dentine invested in a layer of harder enamel. In the huge basking shark the whole of the body is covered by denticles, which, taken separately, are small enough, but which en masse must be a very effective means of defence. In the spinous shark (Echinorhinchus) the diffused ar- rangement yields to "one in which large spinous tuber- cles are scattered over the body, and the value of that diffused arrangement is very eloquently spoken to by the naked body of the torpedo, which has found a still 364 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. better mode of protection in its well-developed electric organ. In various Elasmobranchs the more prominent fins are provided with strong ^spines. The Ganoidei received their name from the posses- sion by some of them of bright shining scales, which owe their appearance to the investing layer of enamel. Such "ganoid scales" are, however, found in perfection only in Lepidosteus and Polypterus among recent members of the group; in the sturgeon, for example, there are bony plates, and Spatularia is naked. In the two Ganoids first mentioned the scales overlap, and the whole body is protected by a closely and firmly set coat of mail. Among fossil forms we find the typical ganoid arrangement some- times carried to a remarkable extreme, as in Pterich- thys, where large bucklers are found not only on the dorsal but also on the ventral surface. The allied Dinichthys is thought to have reached a length of more than fifteen feet ; and we see in it, as in other gigantic forms, such as the Irish elk, that individual protection has been only attained at the cost of the disappearance of the species. The simpler smaller scales that are found in some Ganoids, and very commonly among the Teleostei, may be, when we look at extremes, classed under the head of cycloid scales, in which the free pro- jecting margin is rounded, or as ctenoid, in which the margin, or part of the surface, is denticulated or comb-like ; between these, however, there are a number of intermediate stages ; the ctenoid scales may be supposed to have given rise to those in which part of the surface is continued into fine non-denticulated spines (sparoid scales of sea-breams). While some fishes, such as Stomias, have the scales deciduate, and others, not to speak of electric forms, are, like the eel, scaleless, the Teleostei, almost as much as the Ganoids, present us with examples of forms in chap, ix.] EXTERNAL SKELETON. 365 which the whole or the greater part of the body is amply provided with a defensive armature. Such forms are Osteoglossum and its allies, in which the body is closely covered with hard scales, the " cofier- fishes " (Ostracion), where the hexagonal scales fit , like the pieces of a mosaic, or the globe-fishes (Diodon), where the whole of the globular body is covered by projecting and movable spines, which, standing out on erection, must most effectually protect their pos- sessor. The protective function of the exoskeleton of the true fishes is replaced in the Cyclostomata by the rich supply of mucous glands to the integument ; in the hag this power is carried to so great an extreme that a single example placed in more than three cubic feet of water is able to shed out so much mucus that the whole becomes converted into a continuous viscid mass; with this power of emitting a sticking secretion we may compare the " cotton-spinner," where, however, no observations have yet been made as to the amount of the secretion. The Amphibia best known to us have a soft unarmed integument, but the Csecilise, among recent forms, have small cycloid-like scales in their integu- ment, a few Urodeles have flat bony plates, and the extinct Labyrinthodonta would seem to have had a plentiful supply of well-developed ventral plates. Among the Reptilia we have thickenings which may merely form epidermic scales* as in snakes and lizards, or larger bony plates (scutes), as in croco- diles, or very extensive pieces, as in tortoises and turtles. In the Ophidia the separate scales are held together by the continuous epidermic covering to which they owe their origin, and the whole is ordina- rily shed in one piece ; the most remarkable modifica- tion undergone by them is to be seen in the rattlesnake, where the cuticular scales at the hinder end of the 366 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. body are converted into transversely oblong plates, which, when moved rapidly on one another, give out a rattling or vibrating sound. Lizards may be scaleless, like the chamseleon, which possibly makes up for the absence of the protective covering, such as it is, by the power of so adapting itself to the coloration of the neighbourhood in which it finds itself as to be almost invisible ; or the Amphisbaena ; or there may be thin scales, as in the true lizards ; or, as in Cyclodus, bone may be deposited in the dermis, and the bony plates may, as in the skink, unite into a mosaic-like arrangement. In the Crocodilia there are scutes as well as scales ; that is to say, the dermis undergoes ossification ; and the separate scutes are covered by an epidermic thick- ening or scale. In a few (as the Caiman), the scales on both the upper and lower surfaces become, respec- tively, so united with their neighbours as to give rise to a dorsal or a ventral shield ; on the long tail the upper and lower ossifications unite to form continuous rings. In most crocodiles, however, the ventral shields are absent, and the dorsal scutes do not unite with one another to form such continuous pieces as can properly be called shields. The differences between the horny epidermic hardenings and the osseous dermal thickenings are best exhibited by the Chelonia, where, as is well known, large continuous pieces, both of shell and bone, are ordinarily exceedingly well developed. The thinner epidermic plates form the so-called tortoise- shell, the thicker dermal bones the plates of the shield, or carapace, which enter into close connec- tion with parts of the endoskeleton. In Birds, the outer covering is in the form of feathers ; a feather consists of a central quill, shaft, or scapus (Fig. 155; d), from which on either side there are given off flattened branches, or barbs; Chap. IX.] FEA THERS. the latter similarly give off much finer radii or barbules, which, interlocking by "cilia" and booklets with those that are found on. neighbouring barbs, c/ Fig. 155. Feather from the Back of Argus giganteus. a, Shaft (rachis) ; 6, aftershaft : c, branches to forna the vexillum, removed from one side of both shaft and undershaft ; d, shaft (scapus). (After form the connected vane or vexillum of the feather (c) ; the shaft, which in its upper portion is often called the rliachis, frequently gives off near its base a smaller feather or aftershaft (b}. It has been calculated (by Gadow) that the feather of an eagle contains about two thousand barbs, five millions and a 368 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. half of barbules, and fifty-four millions of cilia and booklets. These feathers are not irregularly arranged, but are set along definite tracts (feather tracts) the arrangement of which (pterylosis) varies in various birds, and has, since the time of Nitzsch, been made use of in classification (Fig. 156). The function of feathers is not limited to the diminution of the specific gravity of the bird, which they effect by entangling air ; the same process is also of aid in preserving the high temperature of these creatures, in con- sequence of the feeble conductive power of air. So far as the former effect is concerned, we have to note that the Ratite birds, which never soar into the air, are without the barbules by means of which the barbs form a connected vane. The hairs of Mam- mals, like the feathers of birds, are epidermic in origin, but their mode of development is somewhat different. As a general account of the structure of hair has already been given in chap, xxxiv. of Klein's " Elements of Histology," it is here only necessary to give some Fig. 156. Pterylosis, or arrangement of Feather-tracts on the under surface of the body of a Cock (Gallus bmikiva). (After Nitzsch.) Chap, ix.] HAIRS OF MAMMALS. 369 account of their arrangement in different forms. Hair is almost entirely absent from the body of adult Cetacea, and only scantily developed in the Sirenia ; this common character must not, however, be regarded as any evidence of community of origin or closeness of relationship, but rather as the result of exposure to similar conditions. Sometimes, when the hair is Fig. 157. The Armadillo. scanty on the body, as in the rhinoceros, a number of hair-like shafts unite to form a horn. In forms which live in very cold climates, like the musk-sheep (Ovibos moschatus), the hair is exceedingly long and thick, and serves as an efficient protection against the external cold ; the most striking example of this is afforded by the thick coating of the extinct mammoth, which lived in cold regions, whereas its allies, the elephants, which, in recent times, are confined to warm coun- tries, have but little hair. The soft hair may be replaced by firm and strong spines, as in the porcu- pine or hedgehog, where, thanks to their power of Y 16 37 o COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. erection, they form very efficient organs of defence and protection. Sometimes the hairs become specially endowed with a tactile function, as in the " whiskers " of feline and especially nocturnal carnivora ; reminding us so far of the elongated delicate filaments of, no doubt, similar functions, which are found on the bodies of deep-sea fishes. The hairs may be greatly elongated, and used, as in horses, for switches, by means of which their bodies are freed from offending insects. The claws found on the digits of various lower Vertebrates are, as " nails," almost constantly present in Mammals, where they may be flat, as in man, sharp offensive claws, as in Carnivora, large protecting hoofs, as in Ungulates, or organs of support to arboreal forms, such as the bat or the sloth ; they are wanting in the Cetacea. The only Mammals in which long dermal scutes are now developed are the armadillos (Fig. 157), where three or more zones may be present, and form a more or less complete protective covering for these animals ; such scutes were present in enormous numbers in the extinct Glyptodon and Hoplophorus. CHAPTER X. ORGANS OF MOVEMENT. IN the Protozoa, where division of labour never proceeds so far as to lead to the formation of definite tissues, the function of locomotion, like all the rest, is simply performed by the protoplasm of the cell, which, as we have already learnt, is contractile. Thanks to this power of contractility, even an Chap, x.j MOVEMENTS OF PROTOZOA. 371 amorphous mass like an Amoeba is enabled, by the withdrawal of one and the protrusion of another part of its substance, to move about from place to place. In the ciliated forms movement is due to the contractile action or play of those delicate processes of proto- plasm which form the cilia ; between the fine processes that we ordinarily call by that name, and the coarser, more lobate, processes that are distinguished as pseudo- podia, the connection is very close, and under certain conditions one form may be observed to pass into the other. Among certain stalked Infusoria, such as Vorticella, we observe a mode of movement which is more rapidly executed than that of ordinary trans- lation ; a Vorticella, or its branched ally, Carchesium, may be seen to suddenly lower its bell, owing to the rapid contraction in length of its stalk ; the agent by which this is effected is a modified portion of the protoplasm in the stalk (the so-called contractile band), which presents a striation that calls to mind that of a muscular fibre. Though agreeing with it functionally, the stalk differs from it morphologically, in that it is a modification of only part of a cell, and not of a whole cell, or of a set of cells. These bands are not confined to the stalked Infusoria, but are found in other forms both of the Ciliata and of the Gregarinida; without them, indeed, there can be but feeble move- ments in the latter endoparasitic organisms, which are without either cilia or pseudopodia. Among the lower Metazoa we find that the movements of the young are at first effected not by muscular tissue, but by cilia ; the free-swimming larva being provided with cilia, which may be scattered over the whole of the body, or confined to certain definite and characteristic tracts, such as circlets, one or more in number, or wavy bands (Fig. 158). In all groups, save that of the Porifera, the cilia are found on the outer surface of the body or epiblast, and in 372 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. all but it, the members of which are always fixed when adult, a definite tissue, or collection of cells, becomes specially endowed with a contractile function, and forms muscular tissue, and a more or less regularly disposed muscular system. (For the minute structure of muscle see " Klein's Histology," chaps, viii. and ix.) In Hydra, among the Ccelenterata, the only indications of muscular tissue are the branched prolongations in- wards of certain of the cells of the ectoderm (neuro- muscular cells of Kleinenberg, or, more shortly, Klei- nenberg's cells) ; in it the several cells of the body still re- tain their indepen- dent contractility. In higher forms the epithelial ingrowths become more independent, and in the Medusae they become transversely striated. In these last they form a sheet on the lower face of the disc or umbrella, which in living specimens is repeatedly opening and closing ; they are continued into the tentacles, and when a velum is present they are largely developed in it. Fig. 158. Larva of Holothuria tubulosa in its natural position. The arrow indicates the axis of rotation, and the cilia are seen to be arranged in a sinuous band. (From Carpenter, after Selenka.) Chap, x.] MOVEMENTS OF CCELENTERATA. 373 In the Actiniae it is possible to distinguish a system of longitudinal from one of transverse muscular fibres, and the presence of these two explains how it is that a sea-anemone is able, when irritated, to diminish both in length and breadth ; the longitudinal muscles are the best developed, and may be seen to be arranged in definite bundles; the transverse are strongest in the region of the base of the polyp (Fig. 54). The ten- tacles owe their contractility to the possession of muscular fibres. In the Ctenophora, which retain an external investment of cilia along the lines of their " cteno- phoral plates," the greater part in the production of movements of the body is not effected by the muscles, which are poorly developed in the ectodermal layer, but by the contractile fibres which are developed in the mesoderm, which is so richly developed in the Ctenophora ; as seen in Beroe, these muscles are long cylindrical cords, which are not united into bundles, and are disposed radially, circularly, and longitudinally. The greater number are, like Cydippe (Fig. 15), pro- vided with a pair of long tentacles, in addition to which other smaller or secondary tentacles may also be present ; the axis of these is occupied by a cord of muscular fibre; their most important office is, no doubt, not one of locomotion, which is effected chiefly by the ciliated paddles, but of prehension, for where they are absent, the mouth is much wider than it is in those that possess them. Many of the lower Worms move by the elonga- tion of the anterior end of their body, which is suc- ceeded by a contraction by means of which the hinder part is brought to its original point of distance from the anterior ; in the performance of this operation they are sometimes aided by one or more cup-shaped suckers, by means of which a fixed point is gained ; others, like the leech, fix themselves by their hinder ^^COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. sucker, and sway about or elongate their body so as to reach their prey. In the flat- worms and in the leeches there are longitudinal, circular, and transverse muscles. In all the rest of the Annulata, and in the Gephyrea, there are only circular and longitu- dinal bands in the body wall, the former of which are the more external ; but, in addition to these, there are smaller muscles which are of considerable importance in locomotion, as they are inserted into the base of the setse, and are the means by which these processes are moved forwards and backwards, or used as parts of a locomotor apparatus, working either as mere stilts as in the earthworm ; or, as in the Polychneta, where they are numerous, like oars in the free-swimming forms, and as climbing hooks in those that live in tubes. Among the Echinodemiata the most impor- tant organs of movement are the contractile tube feet, which are most valuable when, as often happens in the Starfishes, or the Urchins, they are provided at their free ends with a sucker-shaped enlargement by means of which they can gain certain fixed points to which they can draw their bodies. When climbing up vertical, or almost vertical, heights, the Echinoderin converts its pedicellarise (see page 297), which are provided with special muscles, into organs of locomotion, in so far that these pedicellarise seize hold of waving fronds of sea-weed, which act, there- fore, like the rungs of a ladder, up which one is climbing by the use of the hands only ; it is of parti- cular interest to observe that " the wonderfully tena- cious grasp of the forceps is timed as to its duration with an apparent reference to the requirements of the pedicels (tube feet), for after lasting about two minutes, which is about the time required for the suckers (tube feet) to bend over and fix themselves to the object held by the pedicellarise, if such should be a suitable one, this wonderfully tenacious grasp chap, x.] MOVEMENTS OF ARTHROPODA. 375 is spontaneously released " (Romanes and Ewart). Ordinary Ophiuroids, which, according to the authors just qiioted, are able to move along at the rate of six feet a minute, have a certain wriggling power of their arms, which, in the Astrophytidse, is converted into a power of coiling for the purposes of attach- ment, thanks to the fact that the faces of every one of their arm joints are convex in one direction, and concave in that which is at right angles to it. When the spines are long, as in the piper (Dorocidaris), where they are also of considerable stoutness, or in Spatangus, where they are much more delicate, they can be used as stilts, owing to the attachment of muscular tissue to their bases. In the Artliropoda the function of locomotion, like so many other functions in that group, falls very largely upon the appendages, which may either act as walking or as swimming organs. In the Crustacea, where all but the first pair are typically biramose, this locomotor function is seen in the early Nauplius condition (see page 534), when even the antennae take part in performing that duty ; these appendages, being jointed and provided internally with muscles, are able to move in various directions. At first, and in the lower forms, they act more or less like oars, beating the water as they move backwards and forwards. In the higher forms, such, for example, as the crayfish, the more anterior of the locomotor appendages act as walking, and the more posterior as swimming organs. In an appendage, which, has been but little modified, and which may be regarded as typical, such as the pair formed on the third abdominal segment, we see a doubly-jointed basal piece or protopodite, bearing two terminal pieces, the outer exopodite and the inner endopodite. These pieces, which are fringed with long bristles, or setae, are flattened, and can act like oars. 376 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Those appendages of the thoracic region which are confined to a locomotor function have the form of an elongated jointed bar, consisting of seven joints, which have received the following names : the first two, which appear to correspond to the protopodite of the typical appendage, are called coxopodite and basi- podite ; the remaining five, which may be supposed to represent the endopodite, are ischio, mero, carpo, pro, and dactylo-podites. While these ambulatory appendages move in a plane which is parallel to the long axis of the body, those of the abdomen swing backwards a ad forwards, owing to the fact that the abdominal segments are, unlike those of the thorax, which is invested by the hinder part of the great carapace, capable of being moved on one another. This movement of segments is brought about by two great bundles of the muscle, which lie respectively above and below the intestine, and are attached to the tergal and sternal plates of the separate segments. It follows, from their mode of attachment, that the contraction of the upper muscles straightens out or extends the abdomen (tail), and that a contraction of the lower muscle tends to bend in or flex the same parts. An alternate contraction and relaxation of these muscles tends therefore to an alternate bending in and straightening out of the " tail," and therefore to repeated beats of the water, by means of which the crayfish or lobster is driven through it. In the performance of this locomotor action the " tail " is greatly aided by the modification of the appendages of Fig. 159. Third Abdominal Segment of the Lobster. f, Tergura (dorsal piece) ; , sternum (ventral piece); pi, pleuron ; p, protopodite ; ex, exopodite ; en, endopodite. Chap. x.]. -LEGS OF ARTHROPODA. 377 the penultimate segment of the body, which, in place of being comparatively small parts, as in the typical third abdominal appendage, are widened out into more considerable plates, which have a backward instead of a downward direction ; these unite with the terminal segment, which sometimes, though very rarely (Scyllarus), bears minute appendages, to form the powerful flapper of the Crayfish. Peripatus, the species of which vary considerably in the number of appendages, have these organs only imperfectly jointed, and they move but slowly ; in them, as in all Arthropods other than the Crustacea, the limbs are uni-, and not bi-ramose, but, as often happens, they are provided with a terminal claw. The Myriopoda (Centipedes), as their name indeed implies, have a large number of walking limbs, each of which has essentially the same characters as that which precedes and that which follows it ; in the Millipedes a number of segments carry two pairs of legs each. The Araclmida have four pairs of walking limbs, which are completely lost in such endoparasitic forms as Pentastomum. The Insects, or as they are very appropriately called, the Hexapoda, have three pairs of walking limbs ; these are typically composed of a coxa, a trochanter, a femur, a tibia, and a six-jointed tarsus, which ends in a pair of claws ; the larval or caterpillar forms have, however, a more or less larger number of walking appendages, or pro- legs ; these are best and most numerously developed among the Lepidoptera, but they are in all cases rudimentary as compared with the legs of the adult. A large number of insects have yet another set of locomotor organs, in the shape of the dorsally-placed wings ; of these there are never more than two pairs, and of these both may be rudimentary, as in the female cockroach ; or the anterior pair only may be developed as in the Diptera (flies), or the hinder alone 378 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. be functional as in the Coleoptera (beetles). In no case are they developed except on the second and third segments of the thorax (rneso- and meta- thorax). A wing consists essentially of two flattened A 81 Fig. 160. Skeleton of Butterfly's Wing. A, Costalvein ; B, subcostal ; mi m*, median branches ; ri 7-2, radial ; si s5, subcostal branches; c, median vein ; D, submedian vein ; dc. discocellular veinlet ; in, internomedian veinlet ; B, internal vein. (After Butler.) membranes, the presence of which is due to the organ arising in the form of a sac, which gradually becomes elongated and flattened out ; through its substance there pass blood-vessels and air tubes, the walls of which are strengthened by chitin ; the chitin may invade the rest of the wing, and convert it into a more chap, x.] WINGS OF INSECTS. 379 or less horny body ; this process, when carried to an extreme, ends in the stout wing-covers (Elytra) of the beetle. These tracheal tubes are the " veins " of entomologists, and the finer branches the so-called nervures. These wings, when expanded, beat the air by being moved forwards and backwards on their point of articulation to the thorax ; this is effected by special flexor and extensor muscles, the number of which is considerable, and each of which consists only of a few fibres; in considering, however, the causes which give their particular direction to the wings as they move in flight, due attention must be given to the effects of the resistance of the air which is beaten by the wing, which, as a matter of fact, follows a figure of 8 course. In studying the mechanism of the wing we have to bear in mind that the essential points are a rigid anterior nervure, and a flexible membrane behind (Marey). Insects vary considerably in the number of move- ments of the wing per second, as may be seen by the following table, which we owe to Marey : Common Fly 330 Drone-fly 240 Bee 110 Wasp 130 Humming-bird Moth 72 Dragon-fly 28 Butterfly (Pontia rapes) .... 9 Among the Apterous insects, or those Hexapods in which wings have never been developed, and which must be carefully distinguished from those that have, owing to parasitic habits and so on, lost wings, which were possessed by their ancestors, the Collembola or Spring-tails are remarkable for the possession of a fork-like appendage to the hinder end of their abdomen, which can be bent backwards, and act like a spring. 380 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. In the Mollusca the characteristic organ of loco- motion is the foot, which is made up of muscular fibres, which are transversely striated, but are spindle-shaped cells, and so have the general form of unstriated muscular tissue. This foot, which can be withdrawn into the shell of such forms as Anodon by retractor muscles attached anteriorly and posteriorly, seems to be protruded or put into a state of erection by an increased flow of blood into its substance, and not, as has sometimes been supposed, by the intaking of water from without. While it has a somewhat conical or hatchet- shaped form in the fresh-water mussel, and in those Lamellibranchs which move about with some activity, it is very strong in boring forms such as Solen, and long and curved in Trigonia, where it is used as a leaping organ ; on the other hand, it is very small in the scallop (Pecten), and quite incon- spicuous in the still more sedentary oyster. Among the Gastropoda the foot has often, as in the common snail, a broad disc-like lower surface, and is adapted for creeping or crawling. When the snail is in movement waves of contraction may be seen passing over the lower surface of the foot from behind forwards, and it has been found that smaller have greater locomotor power than larger forms. Within limits, snails are able to carry weights, and it follows, therefore, that unloaded snails do not make use of all the activity of which they are capable. The foot may become modified in a most remark- able manner, as, for example, in the Heteropoda, which are forms found only on the surface of the ocean ; the animal swims with its shell downwards, and its foot (Fig. 161 ; f) is converted into a high crest-like fin, which is no doubt aided functionally by the fin-like prolongation of the hinder end of the body. In the Pteropoda the sides of the foot become chap, x.] MOVEMENTS OF CHORD AT A. 381 greatly enlarged, and form distinct epipodia, and these, either independently or in conjunction with the median part of the foot, become converted into powerful muscular fins. In the Cephalopoda the epipodia form a funnel, through which the water of respiration is expelled to the exterior ; this expulsion of the water forwards results in a backward movement of the animal. In the Tetrabranchiata (Nautilus) the edges of the epipodia are not, as in th Dibranchiata, fused with one another, but merely folded over. Among the Chor- clata locomotion is effected by swimming, r te- 161.-Cfcrroewta cymlium. i n m m* r> a- rT>PPr>in o- m > Proboscis ; t, tentacles : /, foot ; d, disc ; jumping, eeping, s, shell; g, branchiae. walking, or flying, and all these activities are presented by marine as well as by terrestrial forms. Swimming organs have the form of more or less broad plates, which may or may not be supported by bone. The simplest cases are presented by the mere flattening or expansion of an organ ; this, for example, obtains in the tadpole, the newt, or the insectivorous form Potamogale velox, where the tail is flattened from side to side and forms a powerful locomotor organ. In the Cetacea, on the other hand, which require to come repeatedly and rapidly to the surface of the water, the tail is flattened from above down- wards. In more complicated cases, as in many fishes, the tail, which is here also the most important organ of locomotion, and has a screw-like movement, is aided by the caudal fin when that is well developed ; the paired lateral fins are in most cases rather organs of support and direction than of locomotion ; but in some 382 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. cases, as in the Rays, movement is almost altogether effected by the undulation of the margins of the enor- mous pectorals. In flat-fishes and eels locomotion is due to the undulations or curvatures of the whole body. In other aquatic Vertebrates, such as the marine turtles, the penguins, or the whales, where the limbs take some share in their movements through the water, Fig. 162. Exoccetus volitans. the tendency is for the flipper to become a more or less rigid organ, movable only at its point of attach- ment to the body. The series of modifications which lead to this arrangement are very well seen among the Clielonia. In the marsh tortoises the digits are united by a web, but each digit has a claw ; in the mud tortoises the limbs are flatter, and there are claws on only three of the digits, while in marine turtles the still more flattened digits are united by a common covering of skin into a more rigid paddle, and only one or two claws are found. In the penguin the wings are converted into firm paddles, movable only Chap, x.] FLYING ORGANS. 383 at their base. In the Cetacea all the bones of the fore limb are united in a common integument, and form the " flipper." Some forms escape with rapidity by making bounds or jumps ; of these we have examples in the frog, the kangaroo, or the Cape jumping-hare, in all of which the hind limbs are much stronger and longer than the fore limbs. Creeping or crawling is best seen in the snakes, which move along the ground by the backward and forward movement of their ribs, which they use as stilts. Flying organs are found among fishes in Exoccetus, where the pectoral fins are so greatly elongated as in some species to reach as far back as the caudal fin ; the fins are not actively moved, and seem to have no power of turning the fish to the right hand or the left ; they cannot fly far at a time. Similarly modified pectorals are found in Dactyl- op terus. Among recent Reptiles, Draco volans, the dragon, or flying lizard, is capable of short movements through the air, owing to the prolongation of some of its ribs, which, when covered with the skin, form a semi- circular wing on either side of the body. The extinct Pterosaurians (Pterodactyle) had the outer digit of the manus as long or longer than the rest of the fore limb ; and there is evidence that, as in the bats, the integument was produced on either side into a mem- brane, the outer edge of which was attached to this digit, and so formed an expansion, by means of which the creature was enabled to support itself in the air. Among Mammals the organs of flight are best developed in the Chiroptera (bats) (Fig. 163), where they are formed by the modification of the skeleton, and especially of the fore-arm (see Fig. 149), and by the extension of the integument into the so-called 384 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Chap, x.] FLYING ORGANS OF MAMMALS. 385 volar membranes. These, when best developed, con- sist of (1) an " antebrachial membrane," which extends from the shoulder to the base of the thumb ; (2) the " wing membrane," which extends from the sides of the body along the fore-arm and between the elongated digits of the manus ; (3) an " interfemoral membrane," which is attached to the hinder end of the body, and to the sides of the leg as far as the heel, and in some as far as the phalanges of the foot. The relation of the antebrachial membrane to the power of flight is spoken to not only by the extent of its development in flying forms, but also by its reduction in such as are best fitted for terrestrial progression. The most important function of the interfemoral membrane would appear to be that of acting as a rudder ; this power is greatest when, as in the Molossi, the bat is able to vary the extent of the membrane, for this "must confer upon them great dexterity in quickly changing the direction of their flight, as when obliged to double in pursuing their swiftly-flying insect prey " (Dolson). Less well-marked powers of flight are possessed by the aberrant insectivore Galeopithecus (the so-called " flying lemur "), which has been observed to move through seventy yards of air, and in which the two pairs of limbs and the tail are connected together by an expansion of the skin, which forms a parachute- like enlargement ; this is not, however, merely mem- branous, as in bats, but is hairy on either surface. Among the Rodents the flying squirrel (Pteromys), and among Marsupials the flying phalanger (Petau- rus), have the fore and hind limbs connected by a fold of skin, which, when the limbs are extended, forms a similar kind of parachute, but it does not reach to the tail, nor is their patagium provided, like that of Galeo- pithecus, with any special muscles. Organs of flight are, among the Yertebrata, best z 16 386 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. developed, as we know, in certain Birds the skeleton of the fore-arm is specially modified (see page 352), and forms for the wing a firm anterior bar, comparable to the anterior nervure of the insect's wing ; this bar is moved by special mus- cles, which are at- tached near its base ; but all of which lie on the ventral or lower surface of the body, and thereby enable the centre of gravity of the bird to be lower than it would be were the extensor muscles of the arm placed, as in other Vertebrates, on the dorsal surface. A large surface of at- tachment for the pec- toral muscles is ob- tained by the great development in flying birds of the keel of the sternum (see page 347), and the extensor muscle works on a pulley. The greater portion of the wing is not formed by membrane or integument, but by the development of those integumentary structures which we call feathers. These feathers overlap one another in such a way that the wing is convex above and concave below, and that pressure from below forces the feathers more closely together. From this arrange- ment it is clear that in the up and down movement of the wing in the air, much greater effect is gained by Fig. 164. The Common Swift. Chap. XL] VOCAL ORGANS. 387 the down-stroke than by the up-stroke ; for, in the first place, the pressure of air on a concave surface is always more effectual than that on a convex ; an umbrella, for example, may be blown inside out, but never outside in ; in the next place, the pressure of the air against the separate feathers welds them into a connected whole, while in the up-stroke the air not only meets with a convex surface from which it may flow away, but it is also able to escape between the separate feathers. The influence, therefore, of gravity is overcome by the greater value of the down-stroke, and by the diminution of the pressure of air in the less valuable up-stroke, which can be made more rapidly than the down-stroke. A further inquiry into the complicated question of the mechanism of flight would lead us beyond the scope of this work. In some cases the tail feathers, by being raised, de- pressed, or turned a little to one side, are able to give an upward, downward, or oblique course to the bird. CHAPTER XL VOCAL ORGANS. UNDER the head of vocal organs we may group all those which produce distinct and definite sounds to the human ear, or which may be supposed to similarly affect the auditory nerves of other animals. These organs are never developed among the lower Metazoa ; indeed, so far as we know at present, they are confined to the Arthropoda and the Vertebrata. Among the Crustacea they have been detected in Palinurus. In several orders of Insects they are confined to the male sex, and appear, therefore, to be means, as 388 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. they are also no doubt in birds, by which the male may attract the female. They are so commonly developed in the Ortliop- tera (grasshoppers and crickets), that the arrange- ment which obtains in one member of this order may be conveniently taken as a type. In Macrolyristes imperator (Fig. 165 ; A and B) we observe that the hinder bor- der of the right wing (s) is thick- ened in such a way as to act as a cord, and that another part of the wing (m) is converted into a tense membrane. The left wing (B) has its lower surface rough- ened like a file along one line ; this file is brought to rub upon the thick cord (s) of the right wing, and so sets the membrane (m) in vibration ; vibrations are, of course, conveyed to the air, and, being regular and definite, they set up vibrations in the air which, on strik- ing the auditory nerve, give rise to the sensation of more or less musical sounds. Somewhat similar structures are to be found on the wings of the locust, and in the field cricket ; in the latter the two wings are similar in structure, and their movement on one another can, Fig. 165. The Sound-producing Organ of the Orthopterous insect Macrolyristes imperalor. A, Upper view of right wing ; s, cord ; m, membrane ; B, lower view of left wing ; b, roughened edge. Chap, xi.] VOCAL ORGANS OF INSECTS. 389 therefore, be reversed. In the grasshoppers the sound- producing organs are developed not on the wings but on the legs, the upper joints of which are provided with rather less than one hundred minute denticles which scrape on the wings ; in the males of an allied form (Pneumora), the legs are rubbed against a notched ridge which is developed on either side of the abdo- men, and the resonance is greatly increased by the whole body being distended with air. In most cases among the Orthoptera the males are alone vocal, and the object of the use of these organs is, no doubt, that of attracting the female. In the hemipterous Homoptera, of which the Cicadas are members, and of which the males are alone vocal, the sound seems to be produced by the vibration of membranes, placed on either side of the stigmata of the metathorax, and set in motion by the respiratory air. The Hymenoptera, among which are the bees that hum, would appear to produce sounds by the move- ment of the abdominal segments on one another ; these, as Mr. Darwin has observed, are marked with very fine concentric ridges, such as are found also on the thoracic collar, with which the head articulates. Among the Coleoptera (beetles), there are forms such as the carrion beetles (Necrophorus), and others which make very distinct sounds ; these are ordinarily produced by rasped ridges, which are placed on various parts of the body and worked against the edges of the elytra or wing-covers ; or parts of the leg work against ridges on the abdomen ; or the elytra are ridged, as in some of the water beetles ; or, lastly, two of the seg- ments of the thorax may work on one another ; in the latter case the ridges may be developed either on the upper or on the lower surface. The vocal or stridu- lating organs of Coleoptera appear to be equally or nearly equally developed in both sexes, and it is rare 390 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. for the male to be much better provided with them than the female. Sound-producing organs are much less common among butterflies and moths, and where present, they seem to be due to the vibration of a membrane, and not to the movement of a rasping organ, as in beetles. Among the Yertebrata, voice, or definite and more or less musical sounds, are ordinarily produced by the vibration of the column of air which passes down the trachea and sets in movement the membranes (vocal membranes), which lie on either side of that por- tion of the trachea which is distinguished as the larynx ; they are supported by definite cartilaginous pieces (arytenoid cartilages), and bound a narrow cleft which is known as the glottis. While this simple condition is, for example, found, among the Amphibia, in some frogs, others have well-developed sacs connected with the larynx, which become swollen out and project on either side of the head ; these sacs, which are often better developed in males than females, take an important share in increasing the noise made by their possessor, which may sometimes be heard at a great distance. Among Reptiles, where the laryngeal apparatus is, on the whole, comparatively simple, the chameleons are provided with air sacs, which do not appear 011 the surface of the animal as they do in the edible and some other, though not all, frogs. Birds are remarkable for the fact that their vocal organ is not, as in other Vertebrates, formed at the top, but at the bottom of their trachea, and at the point where the trachea divides into the two bronchi ; the syrinx, as the organ of voice in birds is called, is best developed in the Passeres, where a share in its formation is taken both by the trachea and by the bronchi (broncliio-traclieal syrinx). Chap. XI.] VOCAL ORGANS OF BIRDS. 39 1 Some of the lower rings of the trachea unite to form a tympanic chamber ; the tracheal orifices of the two bronchi are separated by a membranous septum, and on either side there is a tympaniform membrane formed on the inner side of the uppermost bronchial rings ; the air which passes through the bronchial clefts sets in vibration the membranes which bound them, and the character of the note produced is affected, on purely physical principles, by the position of the bronchial half-rings, and by the length of the column of air in the trachea. The position of these half-rings is not constant, owing to the fact that they are moved by proper muscles, which act on their ends, and so rotate them. In Steatoriiis (one of the night-jars), the syrinx is completely bronchial, the fifteenth and sixteenth bronchial rings being only half-rings, as are also some that follow them ; the space thus formed is filled in with membrane, which can be rendered tenser by the contraction of the lateral muscle of the trachea, which is attached to the middle of the fifteenth ring. In those American crows in which the syrinx is completely tracheal, we have an arrangement which is essentially similar. Among the Katite birds the syrinx is best developed in Rhea ; in the American vultures the voice organ is found in its simplest condition. It is obvious that the length of the trachea must have a very considerable influence 011 the character of Fig. 166. Larynx of Peregrine Falcon. A, Front view; B, in section. 392 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. the note or notes emitted by a bird ; but as yet we have no definite information as to the meaning of those convolutions of the trachea which are so com- mon in swans and ducks, and sometimes give to the tube the appearance of a French horn (Darwin). In some grouse resonance is aided by the development of air sacs which are capable of inflation ; the great throat-pouch of the European bustard appears to have a similar function. Among the Mammalia the larynx becomes re- markably complicated, a number of special cartilages being developed, which are connected together by ligaments, and moved on one another by special mus- cles ; the whole function of this apparatus is to alter the form of the slit of the glottis, and to increase or diminish the tension of the vocal cords. As this sub- ject has been already dealt with in chap. xv. of the " Elements of Human Physiology," we have here only to point out that Mammals differ greatly in the sounds that they make, the dog barking, the cat mewing, the lion roaring, but that most agree in using the voice more at the breeding season than at any other ; a few mammals, such as the American Hesperomys cornutus, and the gibbon (Hylobates), which, it is interesting to observe, is one of the anthropoid or man-like apes, may be distinctly said to sing. Man is remarkable for his capacity for producing not only sounds, but articulate speech, the wealth and extent of which is much greater in the higher than in the lower races of his species. In Fishes, sounds, when produced, are of course but rarely associated with the passage into the air bladder ; but Ceratodus has been observed to make grunting noises, which are possibly involuntary. Various Cyprinoid and Siluroid fishes are known to make sounds, and in Callomystax, Haddon has dis- covered that the agent by which they are produced Chap, xii.] THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 393 are the anterior neural spines ; these rub on the suc- ceeding and more solid portion of the vertebral column. CHAPTER XII. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND ORGANS OF SENSE. THE nervous system of an animal is the apparatus by means of which it becomes acquainted with what is going on around it, is enabled to distribute that information throughout itself, or to bring it to some central region, and to set itself in proper relation to the surrounding medium. In consequence of this relation to the outer world, we -find that the system is, at first, superficial in position and diffused in arrangement, that is to say, it at first lies in the outer layer of the body, with which, indeed, it at all times remains closely connected ; and that, primitively, the system is more or less equally distributed throughout the whole of the organism. As we know, the Protozoa have no definite nervous system, but we have already learnt than an Amoeba is so far sensitive that stimuli applied to its surface are followed by changes in the disposition of its protoplasm. Nor have we any knowledge of a nervous system in Sponges. (See page 431.) In all other groups of the Metazoa we have evidence of the presence of cells set apart for the genera] function of informing the organism of what is going on around it. When we inquire as to what are the essential con- stituents of a nervous system, we find that they are either central (ganglionic) cells or conducting fibres ; and, as we advance through the scale of organisation, we observe that both cells and fibres 394 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. undergo aggregation, so that a diffused or scattered arrangement makes way for one in which we have definite nerve centres and well-marked lines, along which, and along which only, nervous impulses will pass. The most important of the aggregations of nerve cells form the brain, or cerebrum, the most important of the fibres the nerve cords; and just as nerve fibres going to or coming from the latter are associated with them, so there are secondary masses of ganglia which are connected with the former. In the next place, information from without is gained from specially-modified cells, sense cells ; these belong to the epithelial region of the body, and are derivates of the epiblast. The most generalised and widely-distributed sense cells are those which belong to the sense of touch, the so-called tactile cells; next we have those which, only a little more complex, are confined to the ante- rior region of the digestive tract ; these are the gustatory cells, or those that subserve the sense of taste ; thirdly, we have the more complicated organs of the three higher senses, smell, sight, and hearing^. When a brain is developed, all, or such of these organs as are present, send to it by the nerve fibres messages from the outer world ; in it the messages are converted into more or less distinct sensations, and from it fresh messages are sent out to the different parts of the body. The relations of the sensory cells to the epithelial layer are particularly well seen in some of the Coelenterata ; for example, in the sea-anemones (Tealia; Fig. 168), some of the cells of the epithelial layer have their free end continued into a fine stiff" process, which projects outwards ; the inner or basal end of such cells breaks up into finer pro- cesses, which branch towards their ends. The free projecting process may be justly regarded as a Chap, xii.] NERVOUS SYSTEM OF CCELENTERATA. 395 sense hair, which, acted on by movements in the water, and communicating with the body of the cell, is able to bring the animal into relation with the outer world. In the sea-anemones the basal processes of the cells have been observed to be continued into a layer of Fig. 167. Part of the submuscular pleius of Amelia aurita, showing ganglionic cells. (After Schiifer.) fibres, which are, to all appearance, nervous in nature. Well-developed ganglionic cells are to be found scattered in the layer of nervous fibres which sur- rounds the mouth. While in Aurelia and other Acraspedote Me- dusae the central part of the nervous system consists of isolated ganglia, ordinarily eight in number, the Craspedote Medusse, or those in which the edge of the bell is provided with a velum, have a more definite central system; the epithelial coverings of 396 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. both the upper and lower surfaces of the velum have some of the constituent cells converted into sense cells ; the basal ends of these are of some length, and pass into a nervous ring which runs round the edge of the bell. The several sensory cells are thereby brought into connection with one another, and the consentaneous action of all parts of the jelly-fish is thus ensured. Underlying the epi- thelium of the lower sur- face of the bell, and placed between it and the mus- cles, is a network of nerve fibres, among which there are scattered ganglionic cells (Fig. 167); this net- work is connected with the marginal nerve-ring. Here, then, we have a simple example of an aggregated central ner- vous system, together with a peripheral system of fibres and cells, which is diffused over the whole of the under surface of the bell of the medusa. Some of the Craspedota (e.g. Carmarina) present us with an important advance in structural differentiation, for some of what, in all other particulars, resemble the sense cells, are found to have lost their free projecting process, and to be now moved a little away from the surface of the body. Here, then, we have nervous epithelial cells which are beginning to lose their superficial position, and sinking deeper into the substance of the or- ganism.. Fig. 168. Transverse Section through aTentacle of Tealia cras- sicornis ; to show (a) Sensory Cells with their free Projecting Processes, and their Bases con- tinued into the Nervous Layer; (b), supporting cells. Chap. XII.] MEDUSM. 397 Experiments on Medusae show that the seat of spontaneous activity is confined to the edge of the bell in the Craspedote Me- dusse, and to the region of the marginal sense organs in the Acraspedote forms; if the extreme margin of the bell of the former be com- pletely removed, there is immediately a total and permanent paralysis of the entire organ ; in the latter, removal of the marginal bodies is sufficient to pro- duce a similar effect. The results of these experiments are, then, in complete ac- cordance with the anatomical facts. The dif- fused plexiform arrangement of the nerve fibres is, further, spo- ken to by the following ex- periment : if all the marginal sense organs but one be removed, and if deep sections be made in the substance of the bell, so as to, at any rate, separate the nerve fibres at many points of their course, it is found that the bell is still capable of contraction ; or, in other words, the stimuli sent out from the sole remaining 398 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. centre are able to diffuse themselves over the whole substance of the jelly-fish. We have, it is clear, to consider the nervous system as at first forming a diffused network over the whole body, and this truth must be constantly borne in mind, for it applies not only to the Ccelenterata, but also to the lowest worms. At the same time, Fig. 170. Diagrams to show the relative positions of the longitudinal Nerve Cords in different genera of Nemerteans. The epidermal tissues are left white, the muscles are darker, and the nerve cords are darker still. A, Carinella ; B, Cerebr.itulus ; c, Langia ; D, Amphi- porus; E, Drepanophorus. (After Hubrecht.) we have to note the tendency of the nerve cells and fibres to seek a more sheltered position than that which can be afforded them by the surface of the body ; nowhere, perhaps, are the various stages of modification better seen than among the TVemertean worms, of which Carinella is one of the lowest and simplest examples. It will be seen that in the figure (Fig. 170) Cari- nella (A) has the longitudinal nerve cords just under- lying the epidermal, and placed above the muscular tissues. Chap, xii.] NERVOUS SYSTEM OF NEMERTINES. 399 In Cerebratulus and Langia (B, c) they lie in the midst of the muscular tissue ; while in Amphiporus and Drepanophorus they are internal to it, as they are in the greater number of invertebrate Metazoa. Fig. 171. Outer surface of a decalcified Plate of the Test of Brissopsis lyrifera, from the greater part of which tbe connective tissue (ct) has been removed, to show the course of the Peripheral Nerve- fibres, and their ganglionic cells. Highly magnified. (After Loven.) Carinella is, moreover, remarkable for the fact that the centralisation of ganglia and nerve cords has proceeded to a small .degree only. As in all Nemer- tines, the ganglia are distributed over the whole course of the longitudinal nerve trunks, and what, in other forms, is an anterior cerebral enlargement, is here merely represented by the enlargement of the front 400 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. end of the lateral trunks. Connected, finally, with the two chief nerve trunks is a network of nervous cells and fibres, which lies just below the dermis, and forms a continuous layer over the whole of the worm. In the Turfoellaria we find also that the nervous system is superficial in position, and that the nerve fibres so branch as to be distributed widely over the surface of the body. A similarly primitive condition obtains in the I :< h i iKHh'iiii:! I :i the epidermis consists not only of supporting: cells, but of others which are sensory? and have their basal ends continued into nerve fibrils, which ordinarily run parallel to the surface of the body ; with these fibrils small ganglion cells are con- nected (Hamann) ; as a result of this, we have a continuous sheath of nerve tissue investing the body of a starfish or of an Echinoid (Fig. 171). In the Ophiuroid and the Holothurian, the superficial nerve plexuses have as yet been detected only on the tube feet. By far the greater part of the nervous system is superficial in the starfish, for the nervous band that runs down the groove of every arm is placed just below the investing epithelium ; and, in addition to this, the more primitive histological condition is still retained, for the ganglia are scattered among the nerve fibres, and not collected into separate masses. Having now sufficient evidence of the truth of the statement that the nervous system is primitively superficial in position ; that is to say, that at first the nerve cells lie side by side with the epithelial cells, and that they gradually come to lie just below the epithe- lial layer, we may return to that plexiform disposition of fibres which precedes the arrangement in definite strands or cords. Evidence as to this is afforded by the most primitive members now existing, both of the Arthropoda and of the Mollusca. Of the former, Peripatus is a striking example (Fig. 172). chap, xn.j NER vo us S\ '.v TEM OF PERI PA rus. 40 1 A .' aln The ventral nerve cords are widely separated from one another, but are connected together by a large number of commissures (co 1 ), of which there are from nine to ten for each segment of the body. From the outer borders of the cords nerve fibres are given off to all parts of the body, the whole of which is consequently sur- rounded by the ner- vous system ; and we have here, therefore, what is essentially a plexiform arrange- ment, but one which has, so to speak, be- come regulated. A further advance is to be found in the fact, that while the cords are everywhere co- vered by ganglion . cells on their ventral surface, the ganglia are more especially numerous at one point in every seg- ment of the body, \\ here they form such an enlargement as that marked fy ] in Fig. 172. Proneomenia may be taken as the simplest type of A A--16 Pig. 172. Anterior portion of the central Nervous System of Peripaius, show- ing the Anterior Cerebral Ganglia, with the Lateral Nerve Cords con- nected with one another by numerous commissures (co). (After Balfour;) E, Eye ; atn, antennary nerve ; co l, first com- missure : orn, nerves for the mnutb ; ore/, oral ganglion ; pn, pedal nerves; fc/', first ganglionic eulai gement for the pedal nerves. APGr 402 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. the Mollusca, but it is impor- tant to note that along this phylum we have persisting a larger number of conditions than are at present, at any rate, known among the Ar- thropoda. A reference to Fig. ITS will show that, in Pro- neornenia, there are, on either side, two 1 cords which run down the whole length of the body, and both of which ter- minate in a ganglionic swel- ling ; the two inner cords are seen to be Connected with one another by commissural fibres, and each of these with the edge of the cord that lies outside it j as these latter give off peripheral nerves it follows that here again we have a plexus of nerve fibres distri- buted through the body. In the case of Proneomenia we have ganglion cells not only accompanying the nerve fibres throughout the whole of their length, -but they are also, as they are in some of the com- missures of Peripatus, found on the commissures which con- nect these cords with one an- other. Here, then, we have yet another instance of the plexiform disposition of nerve fibres, and the diffused condi- tion of ganglionic cells in a .TPG JVC Fig. 173. Diagram of the Nervous System of Proneo- menia. CX3, Cerebral ganglion ; sty, sub- lingual gansrlla ; APG, PPG, PVO, anterior pedal, posterior p -dal, posterior lateral (visceral) ganglia ; el, sublingual con- nectives ; Cpc, cerebropedal connectives ; pe, longitudinal pedal nerve trunks ; la, longi- tudinal lateral nerve trunks. (After HubrechU chap xii.] NERVOUS SYSTEM. 403 lowly and little differentiated representative of a large group of animals, in the higher members of which con- centration is exceedingly well marked. (See page 411.) With the exception, then, that in Peripatus and; Proneomenia, the anterior end of the nerve cords is enlarged into a cerebral mass, we should appear- to be able to see no essential difference between them and a Craspedote Medusa, save in the fact that the Medusa has a complete nerve ring. In so far, how- ever, as there is in both the Arthropod and Mollusc just named, a commissure at the hinder end of the body which connects the right and left cords with one another, it is clear that the nerve system, if not a ring, is at any rate a closed system ; that, in other words, it may be compared to a ring drawn out length- wise (Balfour). If this comparison be a just one we are soon able to explain the reason why the anterior end of a Nemertine or Arthropod or a Mollusc is better developed than the rest of the nerve cord, for these animals are all bilaterally, in place of being circularly or radially, symmetrical ; and it follows, therefore, that they do not advance in any direction indiscriminately, as does a jelly-fish, but that there is one end which is always directed forwards, and which first comes into contact with friends, foes, or food. It is at that end, naturally, that sense organs are first and best deve- loped, and it is at that end, therefore, that the central portion of the nervous system comes to be largest and most highly developed. In connection with this, the discovery by Kleinen- berg of a nervous ring in the larvae of certain Annelids is of great significance ; for though the adult poly- chsetous worm is bilaterally symmetrical, and has a central nervous system of the same character, the larva has a rounded head-disc. After the disappearance of the diffused or plexi- forui arrangement of the nefVe fibres the system may 404 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND. PHYSIOLOGY. fetill retain a very close connection with the surface bi the' body ; the Annulata, for example, present us with various arrangements of this kind, for while Chsetopterus and Spio have the nerve cords out- side the muscular layer of the body wall, and others, such as Hermella, have them between or even in the substance of these muscles, others again, like the earthworm, have them placed inside the muscular layers. In the simplest condition of those form's which do 1 not present the most primitive arrangements^ we find a central gaiiglionic, or cerebral mass* with which there are connected a number of nerve fibres, which pass to different parts of the body ; such i disposition is found in some of the Turbellaria, and in the .Rotatoria. The most important advance is seen in the appear- ance of the main or longitudinal cords, such as we have already noted in Peripatus ; but even when these do appear, we find that the cerebral mass still gives off a number of fibres, which pass to the different sensory organs that are situated at the anterior end of the body. The two main trunks that pass backwards are more or less intimately connected with one another on the ventral surface of the gullet, so that we have now to distinguish the carebral, or supracBsophageal ganglia, the cesopliageal nerve cords or com- missures, and the sufooesopliageal ganglia; these last are, in their most primitive conditions, similar to those that follow them (Fig. 174) ; at first they are not closely united with one another, but connected together by a pair of transverse com- missural cords, as are the ganglia that follow them. In the more primitive conditions, such as are presented by Apus among the Crustacea, the cerebral ganglia are merely formed by the nervous swel- lings in the anterior region (primitive cerelrum) Chap, xi r. ] NER vo us SYS TEM OF An THRO POD A . 405 (" archicerebrum" of Lan- kester). Such an arrange- ment is found also among annulate worms. In the greater number of the Arthropoda we not only see that the nerve trunks lie internally to the muscular layers of the body wall, but also that the cerebrum is no longer primitive, but has other ganglionic cells used with it ; or, to use the words of Rathke, as applied to the developing scprpion, the brain is " composed of several pairs of ganglia lying one behind the other." Nor is this kind of fusion confined to the brain ; a longitudinal sec- tion of part of the nerve cords of a crayfish shows that the ganglionic cells in a segment have become closely united together, while, at the same time, the cords are still distinct. Nor is this all ; while Apus has a distinct gang- lionic enlargement in every segment of its body, we find that in higher forms various ganglia be- come connected together, until at last, in the common 0(7 Fig. 174 Diagram of the Ante- rior Portion of the Nervous System of Apus, showing the " archicerebrum " (c), and the Ganglia of the Lateral Cord?. (From Lankester. after Zad- dach.) x, Frontal nerves ; oc, optic nerves ; CE, oesophagus ; a 1. nerve for first antenna;2, nerve for serondditto : Mri, nerves for mandible ; MX, for maxilla; wp, for maxllliped; T 1, for first thoracic appendage. 406 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. crab, all the ganglia behind the cerebral become fused into one large mass, which still retains evidence of its composite character by giving off a large number of separate nerve fibres (Fig. 175). A similar series illus- trating the phenomenon of the fusion of nerve centres may be observed jn Araolniida and Insecta. We note, then, that the loss of that plexiform arrange- ment, of which we have spoken so often, i succeeded by an aggregation of ganglionic cells, which form distinct masses in every segment of the body ; at first each mass is composed of two distinct halves. The anterior regioD. becomes more and more pre- dominant, and the " archicere- brum," or simple anterior enlargement, becomes a " syn- perebrum," or compound one.. As the segments of the body, which in the earthworm, for example, are all alike and nearly all just the same func- tions, become arranged in groups which, as in the cray- fish, take on different duties, or exhibit division of labour, the nervous centres likewise become affected, so that while Apus has a separate ganglionic mass for each of its sixty segments, the crayfish has the first six of its ventral ganglia fused together, and the short-tailed crab has all the ventral ganglia in a single mass (Fig. 175); so, again, the Myriopod has ganglia in every one of its segments, the scorpion has the first nine ventral ganglia united, and in the short-bodied spider there is only one ventral ganglion. Fig. 175. Nervcras System of a Crab. c, Cerebral ganslion; o, optic; a. antennary nerye ; c, O?PO- phageal commissure, T, fused ventral ganglion. chap, xii.] NER vous SYSTEM OF ECHINODERMS; 407 We meet with the same phenomenon in Insects, *but these Arthropods are of greater interest from the point of view that the changes undergone by them during their development afford support to the view that the more primitive forms have a larger, and the more complex a smaller, number of separate ganglia. While the worm-like larva has a ganglionic mass in nearly every one of its segments, the adult insect has a varying number fused together. As has been already pointed out in speaking of the Ectimodermata, the nervous system of a starfish is so far extremely primitive in character, that the nerve cord which runs down the ainbulacral groove of each arm lies just below the integument ; in the Ophiuroids this superficial position is lost, owing to the development of a calcareous plate, which forms a floor for the groove. The great development of the test in Echinoids leads to tl*e same result ; but here, as we have already learnt, a compensating arrangement is effected by the development of a plexus of nerve cells and fibres which is superficial to the test. In Holo- thurians the nerve cords are placed more or less deeply in various forms. In all cases these radially disposed nerve cords are united with one another by a set of circular fibres, which form the circumoral nerve ring, and it is thanks to this that the apparently independent rays of a starfish or of a brittle star are enabled to act in concert : but, although the nervous system of an Echi- noderm is hereby made a connected whole, it is im- portant to observe that a single arm of a starfish, or even a segment of an Echinus (Fig. 176) is capable of exerting independent movements ; for example, single rays of a starfish have been found to crawl as fast, and in as definite a direction as entire forms ; if turned on their back they succeed in righting themselves, and sometimes, though not always, they attempt to move 408 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. away from injuries inflicted on them. If the nerve ring be divided, without the separation of a ray from the rest of the organism, the ray whose nervous con- nection is so cut ceases to act with the rest of the star- fish, but is capable, to a certain extent, of responding to stimuli on its own account. Fig. 176. Separate Segment of an Echinus attempting to right itself . after having been inverted. (After Komanes and Ewart.) The Crinoidea must be dealt with separately from the rest of the Echinoclermata, in consequence of the difficulties presented by the conditions and relations of their nervous system. When a transverse section is made of one of the pinnules which hang down from the sides of an arm of a Crinoid, a nerve cord (n ; Fig. 177) is seen to lie just underneath the epithelium of the groove of the pinnule ; this clearly corresponds to Chap, xii.] NERVOUS SYSTEM OF CRINOIDS. 409 a.' the nerve in the arm of a starfish, and it has similar relatio'ns to a nerve ring which runs round the mouth. If we now look at the opposite side of the section, we find another and larger cord which gives oft branches to the muscles of the arms (a a) ; this cord, if it be followed up, will be found to end in an organ, the so - called " chambered organ," which lies in the centred orsal piece (see page 292) of the Crinoi('. Now, if the visceral mass, part of which is the circumoral nerve ring, be alone removed, the arms will continue to move as regularly as they did before, and the Crinoid will still be able to swim about in the water. If, on the other hand, the five - cham- bered organ be stimu- lated, then, as Dr. Carpenter has shown, there is a sudden and simultaneous flexion of all the arms. The ex- istence of these two apparently independent nerve systems in a Crinoid is a difficulty which the morphologist has not yet been able to solve, but the anatomical and physio- logical evidence in favour of the nervous nature CL Fig. 177. Cross Section of a Pin- ule of the Arctic Feather- star (Antedon (schncJiti) ; x 75. a, Axial cord ; a', its branches ; ag, ambu- lacral groove; b, radial blood- vessel ; gv, genital vessel ; ov, ovary ; n, radial nerve ; pj, pinnule joint ; w, water-vessel ; T, tentacle. (From Carpenter, altered from Ludwig.) 4i o CoMPARAi^iy-E ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. of the chambered organ and the axial cords appears to be complete.* The greater number of the Mollusca present us with an arrangement of the nervous system which is very different from that which obtains in Arthropods ; this is due to the want of metameric segmentation, and to the marked tendency of the ganglionic masses to fuse with one another. Indications of a more primitive condition of things are not, however con- fined to Proneomenia (page 402); commissures con- necting the two chief longitudinal trunks, and so giving rise to a step-ladder-like kind of arrangement, are to be observed in Chiton and in Haliotis. In the L,amelliforanchiata (e.g. Anodon), when the primitive bilateral symmetry of the body is re- tained, we find two supraoesophageal ganglia, whence nerve cords pass off on either side to the hinder end of the body ; no ganglia are developed on the course of these trunks, but, as in Proneomenia, at their termin- ations only (visceral ganglia) ; these two ganglia are sometimes almost separate, in other cases more or less completely fused with one another, just as, at the other end of the body, is the case with the supra- oesophageal ganglia. These last also give off a pair of cords, which in the mussel extend some way down into the substance of the foot, where they end in the pedal ganglia ; but these pedal ganglia are not always so far distant from the supracesophageal as in the mussel, their size and position depending on that of the foot itself. While the supracesophageal or cerebral ganglia of * Prof. Milnes Marshall, who has lately repeated and extended the observations of Dr. Carpenter, has suggested that the ant- ambulacral or dorsal portion of the nervous system of a Crinoid is modified from the antambulacral portion of the primitive nerve sheath, which in the starfish still invests the whole of the body. The "chambered organ," or "central capsule," still requires in- vestigation from the morphological and embryological side.. chap, xii.] MOTOR AND SENSORY NERVES. 411 the Lamellibranchiata (Acephala) are always com- paratively small, in consequence of the reduction of the head of these Molluscs, they are always much larger in the Cephaloptiora, which are provide^ with eyes and powerful acti}e tentacles. The two most important phenomena observable jn the charac- ters of the nervous system ,of this group are th,e fusion of the primitively separate ganglionj.c masses, and the twisting undergone by the nerve cords of soine of the Gastropoda. The former attains its most marfceql de- velopment in the Cephalopoda, where the pedal fuse with the visceral ganglia, and are closely approxi- mated to the cerebral mass ; the latter, which may be seen in the limpet (Patella), or the river-snail (Palu- dina), results in the nerves which connect the cerebral with the visceral ganglia passing from the right to the left, a#d from the left to the right-hand side. From the ganglionic masses and from the cords that connect; hem together m the way that }ias now been described, nerves are giyen off to various parts of the body. We have already seen that in the lower forms the whole of the body is invested in a superficial plexus qf nerve fibres and cells ; as the cells became gradually aggregated intp plefinjte mass^s, the n,erves that were given off from then} became likewise arranged in a defjnjte and regular fashion } and took on definite duties, and functions. Those nerves jthat pass to muscles may be spoken of as the motor pr efferent nerves, those that end in sensory organs, whether general tactile organs or organs of more espepia} sense, as sensory or afferent nerves ; that is tp say, they bring messages to the central system, while the efferent nerves carry messages away. The size and number of these nerves depend, therefore, primarily on the size of the parts to which they are distributed. Their general arrangement may be well seen in a segmented animal ; putting aside for a moment the nerves given 412 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. off from the supra cesophageal ganglia, we find that in the earthworm, for example, several nerves are given off from the cesophageal commissures, and that each successive ganglion gives off two nerves on either side, while one nerve on either side is given off by the cords which connect the ganglia witl) one another. When we come to a more differentiated form, si^ch as the cray- fish, we find that no nerves are given off from the commissures, but that three pairs of nerves are sent ofjf from each of tfye ganglia that belong to one segment only, while, when two op more ganglia have fused together, a large number qf nerves are given off ii) order to supply more than one segment of the body. In addition tq the sensory and motor nerves therp are others which are particularly related to the digesr tive and cirpulatqry organs ; thee are the so-calLed visceral nerves, and, from a physiological standpoint, if no indeeq 1 also froin a morphological, they aro comparable tq the system which, i n Man and other vertebrates, is spoken of as the sympathetic system. While in thje lower worms these yisperaj nerves are merely cords given off frqm tl^e cerebral ganglia, they become more independent in the higher forms, owing to the development of ganglia along their course ; a well-marked ganglion of this kind may be seen on the dorsaj surfape of the crop of the cockroach. The general arrangement of the ' stomatorgastric " system of this animal wi}i serve conveniently as a type, and may "be thus describe.4 ; from the anterior part of the cere- bral mass a cord arises on either side, which, after passing forwards for a short distance, bends on itself and unites with its fellow in a median ganglion. The single cord given off from this ganglion passes back- wards beneath the brain to .another median ganglion ; with this last two lateral ganglia are connected ; the second median ganglion gives off a cord which passes backwards above the digestive tract to a third ganglion chap, xii.] NERVOUS SYSTEM OF CRAYFISH. 413 or that already mentioned ; from this there arise two trunks which give oft' nerve fibres to the anterior por- tions of the digestive tract. While the median ganglia and nerves form the unpaired system, the two lateral ganglia are the most anteriorly placed repre sentatives of a paired system of stomato - gastric nerves and ganglia. Other nerve cords connected with the sympathetic system supply especially the air tubes (trachese), and the muscles of their Orifices (stigmata) ; from the fact that the nerve which runs above the ventral gangli- onic chain gives off lateral branches which pass out- wards, the system is known as that of the nervi transversi accessorii. In the crayfish the ter- minal ganglion of the ventral chain gives off' nerve fibres which innervate the hinder portion of the digestive tract. The function of the several parts of the nervous feystenl have been investigated in so few of the Inver- tebrata, that it will be well to state at some length what is definitely known as to the physiology of the nervous system of the crayfish or the lobster. We note in the first place that the presence of a comparatively large cerebral mass is associated with a large amount of influence over the rest of the ganglia; thus, the limbs, which in ordinary circumstances move in due order in such a way as not to oppose, but rather to assist one another, cease to exhibit this harmonious activity when the cerebral ganglia are removed \ in other words, they are no longer co-ordinated ; but this is not all ; the cerebrum appears to be the centre of what, in our ignorance of all the circumstances of the case, we call spontaneous activity, and this is very pointedly spoken to by the loss of power in the selec- tion of food, which follows on a removal of the cerebral centres. The separate condition of the resophageal commissures which unite the brain with the chain of 414 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. ventral ganglia is not only an anatomical fact, it has also a physiological significance, for when that of one side is removed, it is only the organs on that side of the body which cease to react to stimuli, the appendages on the other side alone appearing to be affected. The ganglia just below the O3sophagus (the sub- O3sophageal) appear to have a considerable function as the centres of motor energy, for so long as they are present the appendages move with . considerable ac- tivity, but when they are removed the chelae " sprawl helplessly," and the legs are often found doubled up under the body. As might be supposed from the re- lations of their nerve fibres to the muscles of the gnathites, the same ganglia appear to be the centre for the feeding movements ; after their extirpation, the chelae or great forceps do not always carry the food to the mouth, as they do regularly in the uninjured animal ; it is a curious fact that even when they do carry it there they do not give it up to- be swal- lowed. With regard to the general physics of the nerve fibres, we know from Fredericq that motor excitations produced by electrical currents pa,ss much more slowly along the motor nerve of a lobster than that of a frog, the proportion per second being as twenty-seven metres in the frog to six in the lobster. The student of vertebrate physiology will best understand the leading differences between the ac- tivities of the nervous system of the frog and of the crayfish, by a comparative statement : " There is much less solidarity, a much less perfect consensus among the nervous centres in the crayfish than in animals higher in the scale. The brainless frog, for example, is motionless except when stimulated, and even then does nothing to suggest that its members have a life on their own account ; whereas the limbs of a cray- fish, deprived of its first two ganglia, are almost chap xii.] NERVOUS SYSTEM OF CHORDATA. 415 incessantly preening, and, when feeding movements are started, the chelate legs rob and play at cross pur- poses with each other as well as four distinct indivi- duals could do " ( J. Ward). This quotation will bring very forcibly to the mind the value and meaning of gangl ionic masses in the separate segments. So far as our present knowledge extends, we are led to the belief that the spinal cord of the lower Vertebrates (as represented by the frog) has much greater independence than that of the higher, as re- presented by the dog, or by man. For example, if the brain of a frog be removed, the animal will still execute movements, to which it is impossible to re- fuse the name of purposeful ; in the Mammal, on the other hand, the movements which, under similar conditions, are similarly excited, are irregular and without order. Extirpation of the cerebral hemi- spheres of a Mammal results in death after a few hours, while the frog may be kept alive for an indefi- nite period, if suitable care be taken of it. The general functions of the various parts of the brain have been discussed in the volume on "Human Physiology" (chap. xiv.). The Chordata are to be distinguished practically, even if not morphologically, from the majority of the so-called Invertebrata by the fact that the nervous cord lies on the dorsal aspect of the body, and not on that on which the mouth is situated; at the same time it is to be borne in mind that in the Nemertinea the nerve cords often tend to lie dorsally, and that in Peripatus the two cords are, at the hinder end of the body connected together by a commissure which lies above or dorsally to the terminal portion of the in- testine. Similarly, there are certain points in the anatomy of the vertebrate brain, too complicated to be here described, which afford some evidence in 416 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. favour of the view that the anterior portion of the brain was once separated from that which lies behind it by the digestive tract. In no known Chordate, however, does the oeso- phagus separate any one part of the nervous system from the rest, and the whole mass is superior to or dorsal in relation to it. In all Chordata also the nerve cord has a central canal, and occupies exactly the median axis of the body. The presence of this canal is not to be explained without a reference to the history of the development of the central nervous system ; in this mode of development we find yet another important characteristic of the Chordata. The median strip of epiblast which is to give rise to the nerve cord, instead of merely sinking away from the surface of the body, becomes grooved along its middle line ; the sides of the groove grow up and unite with one another, so as to leave a central cavity ; in most cases the tube is first formed, and only later on separates off from the layer of epiblastic cells which forms the covering of the body ; in Amphioxus, however, the external layer covers over the so called " medullary plate " which forms the nerve cord before the groove has become closed up. It will be seen that, owing to the formation and closure of this groove, the cells that were primitively external come to lie within those that were primitively internal. In the Cephalocliordata the central nervous system retains throughout life the form of a hollow tube, and there is no distinct enlargement at the anterior end which can be called a brain. In the U roeliordata the typical arrangement is best seen in those which retain the tail during the whole of their lives (Appen- dicularia) ; in them we find an anterior swelling, which becomes divided into two vesicles, with the foremost of which an optic and an auditory organ become connected ; the hinder vesicle is separated by Chap. XII.] BRAIN OF VERTEBRATA. CH- CV- N.. -H3 a constriction from the cord that follows it. and from which three pairs of nerves have been observed to be given off. In this cord, as in that of the Yertebrata, we find that the nerve fibres lie externally to the gang- lionic cells, an arrangement of the histological elements which is exactly the reverse of what obtains in "invertebrates." With the loss of the tail, the nerve cord, which is found in the tailed larva in the same position as in the adult Appendicularia, undergoes atrophy, and the fixed or colonial Tunicate has a single ganglionic mass which lies be- tween the mouth and the atrio- pore. (See page 231.) From this ganglion nerves are given off to the different parts of the body. In the Vertebrata a brain is always present ; the primi- tively single swelling at the an- terior end rapidly becomes divided into three brain vesicles, which may be distinguished as those of the fore-, mid-, and hind- brain. These vesicles are, of course, hol- low within, and their cavities have received distinct names, the reasons for which will certainly be far from clear, unless we recollect that the termin- ology of the parts of the vertebrate brain is based on the nomenclature of anthropotornists. The cavity in the fore-brain (Fig. 178; m) is known as the third ventricle, and that in the hind-brain (iv) as the fourth ventricle ; the often narrower cavity in the mid -brain (it) is known as the iter a tertio BB 16 Fig. 178. Diagram of the Ventricles of the Vertebrate Brain. in, third ventricle ; it, iter ; iv, fourth ventricle ; CH, cerebral hemispheres; cv, their cavity ; FM, fora- men of Munro ; FB, f ore- brain ; JIB, mid-brain : HB, hind-brain. 4i 8 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. ad quartum ventriculiim, or more shortly as the iter. The walls of these cavities undergo further changes ; the hind-brain becomes divided into two parts, one of which lies behind, and at a little lower level than the other; this is the medulla oblongata, and it is directly continuous with the spinal cord* The anterior half, which in the frog is a narrow band, but in man forms a very conspicuous part of the whole mass, is the so-called little brain or cerebellum. The mid-brain does not undergo transverse division ; its upper and late- ral portions form the optic lobes, and the inferior portion the so-called crura cerebri. The most re- markable changes are undergone by the fore-brain vesicle, which buds out a vesicle on either side, the cavities in which are known as the lateral ventricles (cv) ; these lateral outgrowths always become of con- siderable size, and in the higher vertebrates form the chief mass of the brain. They are the cerebral hemi- spheres, and are the seat of the most important of the functions performed by the brain ; they not only increase in size, but by the development of grooves, the presence of which permits an addition to the quantity of grey or ganglionic material altogether out of proportion to the increase in the area occupied, they come to have not only a more complicated sur- face, but also a much higher functional value. The cerebral hemispheres are continued anteriorly into the olfactory lobes (Fig. 179 ; o), and these into the so-called olfactory nerves. More pos- teriorly, the fore-brain gives off another vesicle on either side, and this vesicle travels away from the brain, with which it only remains connected by its stalk ; the vesicle forms the hinder part of the eye, and the stalk becomes the so-called optic nerve. The remainder of the fore-brain forms the thalamen- Chap. XII.] BRAIN OF FROG. 419 cephalon, or optic tlialami, so called from the fact that when the brain is laid on its upper surface the optic nerves rest on them as on a couch (thalamus). Connected with the upper surface of the thala- mencephalon is the pineal gland, which is not 01 CH Fig. 179. A, Brain of Frog from above ; B, from below. 1, Olfactory nerves; ol, olfactory lobes; CH, cerebral hemispheres; i-T, lamina terminalis ; T^, thalamencephalon with pineal gland (PG) ; OpL, optic lobes; cl, cerebellum; MO, medulla oblongata ; 2, 9ptic nerves ; OT, optic chiasma ; TC, tuber cinereum ; H, hypophysis cerebri ; 310, cerebral nerves. (After Ecker.) nervous in nature, while the lower surface of the same region of the brain is continued into the funnel- shaped tnfoer cinereum (Fig. 179 ; TO), with the base of which is connected the so-called pituitary body; this, like the pineal gland, is not nervous in 420 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. nature, and is a structure which is not of cerebral origin at all, but is derived from the epiblast which lines the cavity of the mouth ; in its primitive con- dition it forms an inpushing towards the lower surface of the brain ; its base becomes solid, and then disappears, so that the ingrowth becomes completely separated off from the layer of cells from which it took its origin. In the lower ver- tebrates it does not, but in mammals it does, become structurally united with the brain. In Fishes the brain is always small ; in the pike, for example, it is not more than T ^^th part of the weight of the whole body, whereas in Man it is about g^th of the total weight ; nor does it grow propor- tionately with the growth of the body, or occupy the whole of the cranial cavity. In the Cyclostomata the walls of the cerebral hemispheres become greatly thickened, so much so, indeed, that in Myxine they become quite solid ; the olfactory lobes are propor- tionately large, as is also the pineal gland ; the region of the hind-brain is also of great size, propor- tionately to the rest of the organ. In the Elasmo- branchs the olfactory lobes are often carried forwards on stalks, which are of great length in some sharks ; these lobes may be broken up into smaller lobules. The cerebral hemispheres are proportionately large, and differ greatly in the size of the contained ventricles, or, in other words, in the thickness of their walls ; the surface of these hemispheres is sometimes marked by a few shallow grooves. The cerebellum is of large size, and is often grooved transversely. During the process of development the brain vesicles cease to lie in a straight line one behind the other ; as a consequence of this " cranial flexure," the fore-brain lies at a lower plane than the mid- brain, and the long axes of the two are set at an angle to one another. A little later the chap. xii. i BRAINS OF FISHES AND AMPHIBIA. 421 wal) between the two parts of the fore-brain becomes thinner, and a " primitive cerebral fissure " is apparent. This condition of things is retained by some Ganoids throughout life (Polypterus ; Fig. 180); these fishes also possess the more primitive character of a large thalamencephalon. In the Teleosfei the brain is compressed, the cerebral hemispheres are almost completely solid, and the cerebellum is usually, though not always, of com- paratively large size ; it is often prolonged into the cavity of the mid-brain (valvula cerebelli) ; on the Fig. ISO. Brain of Polypteriis seeu from the Side, t Olfactory nerves ; h, k, cerebral hemispheres o, optic nerve ; d, optic lobes ; e, hypophysis ;/ r central fissure ; 6, c, cerebellum; a, mednlla oblongata. (After J. Miiller.) whole, the brain of the Teleostei exhibits many resem- blances to that of Ganoids, and especially of Lepi- closteus. In the adult Amphibia, as in the adults of most fishes, the several parts of the brain lie in the same plane ; 011 the whole, the brain of the Anura is more highly organised than that of the Urodela ; it is pro- portionately larger than that of fishes, but is still small. The brain of the Anura is different from that of all other Vertebrates, owing to the fact that the olfactory lobes of the adult are not separated from one another, and, like that of the Urodela, the cerebellum of the Anura is of extraordinarily small size. 422 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. In the Amniota we find considerable advances in the characters of the brain, which are chiefly due to the angulation of its several parts, and the thicken- ing undergone by the walls of the primary vesicles at various points. In the Reptilia the cerebral hemispheres are always smooth on their surface, but they are now, and Fig. 181. Side views of the Brain of a Tortoise (A) and a Bird (B). I, Olfactory nerves; \.ol, olfactory lobes; VFT, cerebral hemispheres; n, optic nerves ; Tro, optic tract ; inf, infundibuluin ; H, hypophysis cerebri ; T, temporal lobe; MH, optic lobes; HH, cerebellum; NH, medulla oblougata ; R, spinal cord. (After Wiedersheim.) henceforward, always large in proportion to the re- maining parts of the brain ; the hemisphere of either side is united to its fellow by a transverse band of fibres (commissure), which lies just in front of the third ventricle ; the optic thalami are similarly united by a transverse commissure j the cerebellum chap, xii.] BRAIN OF BIRDS. 423 is not always a narrow plate, and in the Crocodilia the central portion forms a distinct " vermis." Of the thickenings of the cerebral walls, the two most important are the corpora striata in the hemispheres, and the restiform bodies in the medulla oblongata ; the former are the ganglionic masses which become developed on the floor of the 01 Fig. 182 A. Lateral view of the Brain of Eabbit, to show the large olfactory lobes, and the termination of the hemispheres in front of the Cerebellum. (After Huxley.) A, Frontal lobes ; B, occipital lobes ; sy, sylvian fissure. brain, and, as they extend inwards, they encroach on the cavity of the lateral ventricle ; as may be sup- posed, they are largest in the Crocodilia. The cor- pora restiformia in a similar manner encroach on the fourth ventricle. In Birds the cerebral hemispheres are propor- tionately still larger in size, and, as the optic lobes, or so-called corpora bigemina (Fig. 181 (B) ; MH) are now it at the sides and base of the brain, the cerebral hemispheres so overlap them as to hide them when looked for from above. The cerebellum (Fig. 181 (B) ; HH) is much larger, and its lateral lobes, or flocculi, may be distinguished from its central body, or vermis; while in section this division of the brain presents just the same appearance as the 424 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. OL S'Jl I.0o. 01 Fig. 182. Lateral views of the Brain of : B, A Pig. c, A Chimpanzee, drawn of nearly the same absolute size. Ol, Olfactory ; A, frontal; B, occipital : c, temporal lobes; s.?/, sylvian fissure; in, island of Reil ; s.o?% supraorbital ; s F, Btiperfor : M F, middle ; I F, inferior frontal gyri ; A P, antor>>-parietal ; p p, postero-parietal gyri ; u, ml CM of Rolando; p Pi, postero-parietal lol>ule; opf, occipito-temporal sulcus; MI, angular gyms : 2, 3, 4, annectent gyri ; A T, M T, p T, temporal ; s oc, 11 oc, ioc. occipital gyri. (After Huxley.) Chap. XII.] BRAIN OF MAMMALS. 425 so-called "arbor vitse" of the human brain, it is marked externally by fairly deep transverse fissures. The external surface of the cerebral hemispheres is smooth, but the corporate striata are very well de- veloped. The most important and instructive changes are to be seen in the brain of the Mammalia ; these depend chieflyon the great development of the com- missures, which connect the two halves of the brain with one another, and on the gradually in- creasing sizeof the cerebral hemispheres which ends in their having an extra- ordinary predominance over the other parts of the brain ; hand in hand with their increase in size and extent is the improvement of the in- tellectual faculties. But the cerebral hemispheres do not merely increase in bulk, their surface be- comes marked by grooves. Fig vl 83 T Brai f r upai > t sh w , , J ^ n the large Olfactory Lobe, the and the amount of sur- face thereby developed is, as we have already said, greatly extended without any corresponding or proportionate increase in the size of the cranial cavity. The olfactory lobes lie more or less below the cerebral hemispheres, and diminish in proportionate size as we ascend the series ; the cerebral hemispheres ungrooved Cerebral Hemi- spheres, and the large Cere- bellum. (After Garrod. P.Z.8., 1879, p. 304.) 426 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. more arid more extend backwards, and at last com- pletely overlie the cerebellum. As they increase in size they become broken up into distinct lobes, frontal, occipital, and temporal. The cerebellum diminishes in proportionate size, and the flocculi cease to be conspicuous at its sides. (Compare ol, in Fig. 182; A, B, and c.) Transverse commissures are always richly deve- loped, the corpus callosum connecting the two cerebral hemispheres, and the pons varolii, which bridges over the hind-brain, being parts which are developed in mammals only. The optic lobes are divided transversely, so that the " corpora bigemina " of the lower vertebrates are now the " corpora quacl- rigemma " ; this mid-brain is proportionately small. A very complete series of gradations of all these differential characters is to be observed as we pass up the scale of the Mammalia. This is to be seen, first of all, in the proportionate increase in the weight of the brain, as compared with the rest of the body, for, while that of the rabbit is about y^th part, that of man is ^th. In the Prototheria the corpus callosum is always small, and the cerebral hemispheres, which are smooth, do not cover the cerebellum. The Metatheria differ a good deal among themselves. Among the Euttieria, the Insectivora exhibit a brain of very low character; the cerebral hemispheres are often quite smooth, the olfactory lobes are large, and project in front of the hemispheres, which only just, if at all, overlap the cerebellum behind (as in Tupaia; Fig. 183). This latter has a large vermis. The corpus callosum is thin and nearly straight, while the corpora quadrigemina are proportionately large. The pons varolii is very small. In the hedgehog there is a single simple groove (sulcus) on either hemisphere. Chap. XII.l BRAIN OP MAMMALS. 427 There early ap- pears a fissure at the side of the cerebral hemi- spheres, the sylvian fissure (Figs. 182; sy; and 184 (u) ; s), which separates the frontal from the oc- cipital lobe ; this, which is very shal- low in the rabbit or the musk-deer (Fig. 184; s), is deeper in the pig or the dog, and in man divides into an an- terior and a pos- terior groove, be- tween which is placed the island of Beil. The sur- face of the hemi- spheres is next 8, Pi Fig. 184. Brain of Musk-Deer. A, from the side ; B, from above. (sure of Sylvius ; ss, superior external gyrus ; m, middle ; ii, inferior external 1S75 US ' 1 ^ lppocam l )al sy rus : o, supraort-ital gyrus. (.After Flower, P.Z.S., 428 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. broken up into simple folds or gyri, by the forma- tion of intervening fissures ; the arrangement of these is better studied in a small than in a large animal, for with increase in size the primitive pattern is obscured by the increase of the convolutions (Flower). These gyri may be distinguished as the superior, middle, and inferior external gyri (Fig. 1 84 ; 8, m, i) ; below is the temporal lobe, separated by the hippocampal sulcus (A). To these other grooves may be added on, such as the supraorbital (Fig. 184; o), and the complexity of the surface of the brain be increased by the development of annectent gyri between the primary folds of a simpler brain. It is not, however, to the surface that the complexi- ties of the brains of the higher Mammals are limited, the inner as well as the outer face of the cerebral hemispheres becomes convoluted. The corpus callosum, which is at first a thin straight band of connecting fibres, becomes thicker, especially in front and behind, and so curved on itself that anteriorly it forms the " genu " of human anatomy. Behind and below this corpus callosum is the " fornix," and these two structures are peculiar to mammalian brains ; the former is developed from what is, morphologically, the inner portion of the surface of each cerebral hemisphere, and there is, therefore, a space left which is bounded on either side by a thin wall (septum lucidum) ; this space is known as the fifth ventricle, but the name is an unfortunate one, inasmuch as this fifth ventricle is not developed, as are the others, from the original cavity of the cerebrospinal axis, but is merely a space between two overgrown walls. The fornix is similarly derived from the hinder part of the walls of the cere- bral hemispheres. The thickening in the floor of the cerebral hemi- sphere of either side (corpus striafuiii) is much more prominent in the Mammalia than in other chap xii.] BRAIN OF MAN. 429 Vertebrates ; behind this is a less conspicuous thick- ening (the hippocampus major, to which is added on in the higher Primates the hippocampus minor. The average weight of the human brain is, for males, between 46 and 53 oz., and for females between 41 and 47 oz., but the range of difference is much greater than this. As is well known, the brain of Cuvier weighed 64 oz., or 4 Ibs., while that of an anonymous sane man was only 34 oz., or but little more than half that of the great anatomist ; but the weight only must not be taken into consideration ; the depth and extent of the convolutions must also be estimated, and Wagner has found a difference of as much as 15 per cent, in the extent of the surface of the cerebral hemispheres of two selected n ales. But that this, again, is not all is not only clear from the consideration that a small well-made watch often keeps better time than a kitchen clock, but by the following facts : (1) The anterior portion of the cerebrum is fed by the carotid and the hinder by the vertebral arteries ; as the former are much larger than the latter, it follows that the anterior portion of the brain is better supplied than the posterior, and that pro tanto the advantage lies not in the greater size of the cerebral hemispheres as a whole, but in the size of the anterior portion, or that which lies in front of the ear. (2) Though absolutely the human brain is, on the average, heavier than that of all mammals except of the elephant, w r hich weighs between 8 and 10 Ibs., or of some whales, which may weigh as much as 5, while the horse, for example, has a brain weighing only 23 oz., and an average-sized dog less than 7 oz., yet, in the apparently more important relation of brain weight to body weight, in which man presents the proportions of T ^, he is surpassed by some American 43 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. a,pes, in which it varies from -i- to T \, by the sparrow in which it is ^ T , and the titmouse in which it is j 1 ^ (Bischoff). On the other hand, when we compare man with his nearest zoological allies, we find that not only is the capacity of his skull and the weight of his brain greater, but that there is a notable increase in the complexity of the secondary gyri of the surface of his cerebral hemispheres, as compared with those of the apes. The spinal cord differs from its anterior enlarge- ment, the brain, in having the grey ganglionic mate- rial placed internally to the white fibrous cords, which act as the conductors of nervous stimuli, but, like it, it is hollow internally, and the epithelium whicli lines it is temporarily or permanently ciliated. It is marked above and below by a median groove, and, in all vertebrates, has paired nerves issuing from it, each of which is connected with it by a superior and an inferior root. It is cylindrical in all Verte- brates except the Cyclostomata and Chimsera ; not unfrequently it extends throughout the whole length of the neural canal formed by the spinal column, but in the sun-fish it is greatly shortened, so as to look indeed like a mere appendage to the brain, and in the anurous Amphibia, in Birds, and various Mammals (among which are the hedgehog and man), the terminal portion is filamentous, and is accompanied on either side by a number of nerves, thereby giving rise to the so-called cauda equiiia (horse's tail). SENSORY ORGANS. It has been already stated that all the organs of sense have their primitive seat in that outer layer of the body which, in the embryo, is called the epiblast or ectoderm ; and we have already learnt that the nervous system itself does, in most cases, Chap. XII.] SEWSOX Y ' ORGANS. remain throughout the life of the animal in close local contact with the outer world. In tracing the history of the organs of sense we shall find that, whatever their final position, they too are essentially of epiblastic origin.* Among the Hydroid polyps, where no nervous system has as yet been made out, we observe that the tentacles which surround the mouth are provided with fine hair-like projections, which look not unlike a trigger ; these processes are seen to be in connection with cells which differ in character from their neigh- bours by the possession of a coiled up thread; when * Since the above was put into type, Prof. Charles Stewart has favoured me with an account of his observations on sense cells in sponges, and with the accompanying illustrative figure (Fig. 184 A). It is found that " the external orifices of the interradial canals of Grantia compressa are fringed with deli- cate hair-like processes of the soft substance of the sponge. At first sight these remind one of the palpocils of Hy- dra, which they closely resemble in general form and size " ; from these, however, they differ in important par- ticulars. The processes or hairs vary in length from nfotfth to about Fig. 184 A. ysV&th of an inch ; their base is from ^^Wtt 1 to T-jrtar&'th of an inch, and they taper to a fine point. All such as can be well seen are found to have a special relation to a subjacent branched cell ; this latter sends outwards a delicate filament which traverses the axis of the pro- cess. " Such an apparatus appears both by position and structure to be specially impressed by varying conditions in the inrushing water, particles in solution or suspension in this water inducing molecular changes in the cell at the base of the process, and per- haps leading to the contraction of neighbouring cells- In other words, these processes seem to act as part of an automatic mechanism for regulating the water-currents of the organism." 432 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. the tentacle is stimulated we observe that these threads are expelled, and that they are barbed ; it will be within the knowledge of most of us that these thread cells, as found in jelly-fishes, are efficient organs of offence. Their relation to the trigger-like process suggests that these projections are the first to feel the pressure of any foreign body, and that the pressure communicated by them to the thread-cell or nemato- cyst, results in the projection of the contained thread. Here, then, we seem to have the earliest and simplest kind of automatic tactile or ;;aii including, of course, in the term touch the general sensation of pressure from without. It is, at the same time, neces- sary to observe that, al- though these trigger-hairs a PP ear to be the sim P lest Schultze.) sense organs of a multicel- lular or metazoic animal, yet that some of the unicellular Protozoa are not without organs of offence that are physiologically comparable to the threads of thread cells, for, if we add a drop of iodine to the water in which a Paramo3cium is swimming, we find that it immediately thrusts out from its body fine stiff processes. If, then, these are comparable to the threads of a hydroid, it is clear that, functionally also, the ectosarc of an infusorian is comparable to the sensory parts of the epithelium of a hydroid, and is, like it, capable of responding to definite external stimuli in a definite way. It is important to observe that the first indication of tactile organs is associated with the protection of the individual, as much as with the function of paralysing the prey which is seized upon for food. As the sensory cells remain superficial Chap, xii.] TACTILE ORGANS. 433 in position in the Cceleiiterata, the absence of special tactile organs in most of the members of the group is not to be wondered at, for the tentacles, as a whole, may be looked upon as having a general tactile sense. Among the Turtoellaria, trigger-hairs in con- nection with nematocysts have been observed ; in many cases tufts of delicate hairs have been found scattered over the whole body, but more especially well developed at its sides. In some there are definite tactile organs in the shape of tentacles, which are best developed in the anterior regions of the body, and on which the sensory hairs are particularly nume- rous. Thysanozoon, which is remarkable for having the dorsal surface covered with villiform projections of the body wall, has a bundle of such hairs at the tip of each villus. In the earthworm, the whole body of which is very sensitive to tactile impressions, the anterior end is most remarkably so ; in the polychsetous Annelids specially modified sense-cells are largely developed on the protruding antennae and tentacles which are developed on the praBstomium, and are supplied by nerves which arise directly from the cerebral ganglia ; these, as well as those on other parts of the body, are, like the antennas of the Arthropoda and of some Mollusca, very important aids to the organism, for they are capable of movement laterally, or of protrusion forwards, or of both ; they are, in other words, able to feel about, and not, as is the case with the earthworm, compelled to wait for the arrival of food or foe. In the Hirudinea the widely distributed organs of general tactile sense are purely of epidermic origin, and are known to be supplied with nerve fibres ; at the anterior end of the body these cells are aggregated to form the so-called goblet-shaped organs. According to Whitman, special papilliform aggregations are to be found on every segment of the body. cc 16 434 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. When the outer surface of the body becomes hardened by the dejposit in its wall of chitin, as in the Arthropoda, or of calcareous salts, as in the Echino- dermata, or by the development of a shell, as in the Mollusca, the general tactile sense becomes more dis- tinctly limited ; this is, perhaps, least noticeable in the Ediinodcrmata, where the superficial plexus of nerve filaments extends over the test and along the projecting suckers, while special nerve cells are deve- loped in the highly sensitive pedicellariae. In the Arthropoda the special tactile organs are seen at their simplest in Peripatus ; in it the dorsal surface is raised up into delicate imbricated papillae, from the tip of which there projects a fine process. In others they take on the forms of projecting rods. As we all know, we have only to stroke lightly the hairs on our own arms to discover how easily tactile sensa- tions are conveyed by more or less stiff processes to the sensory cells that lie at their base. Where the greater part of the integument is hardened it is clear that projecting rods or "hairs" will, if they be provided with nerve fibres, and continuous with sensory cells, convey to the underlying and protected nervous system any movement of their free ends ; the movement, then, of these hairs becomes in an Arthro- pod a sense of touch ; these rods are not confined to the antennae, for they are developed on very various parts of the bodies of Arthropods. Sagitta, in which there is likewise a chitinous cuticle investing the body, has a large number of bundles of stiff setae scattered over the surface of its integument (Fig. 186). Among the Chordata we find that little is definitely known as to the tactile organs of the two lower groups ; the only sensory cells that have as yet been recognised in Amphioxus are of a much sim- pler character than those which we have just been Chap. XII.] ORGANS OF TASTE. 435 considering ; these, which are most numerous on the cirri and in the neighbourhood of the mouth, lie side by side with the ordinary epithelial cells, from which they are to be distinguished by a stiff free process, and a basal connection with a nerve fibre, calling to mind again the simple sense cells of the Medusae. A very ordinary character of tactile cells among the Verteforata is their bulb-like arrangement (see " Elements of Histology," chap, xv.) ; they are, as may be sup- posed, widely dis- tributed over the whole body, al- though, of course, they are much more richly de- veloped in some Fig. 186. Tactile Organ of Sagitta bipunctata, showing the long stiff setae. (After O. Hertwig.) in parts than others, and in some forms more than in others. Organs of taste. Although we may well suppose that some sense of taste is possessed by the lower Metazoa, we have as yet very little definite information as to organs to which it is reasonable to ascribe such a function. In the Echinoidea (ex- cepting Cidaris) Loven has described, under the name of sphseridia* organs to which he assigns a gustatory function. These are always set around and confined to the region of the mouth (actinostome), where they have the general appearance of transparent solid bodies invested by pigmented cells and a ciliated epithelial layer. Just as the auditory organs of some Ccelenterates appear to be modified tentacles, so do the sphseridia remind us in the most striking 436 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. way of the structure of the spines of Echinids. Their small size and protected position, under large spines or in special cavities of the test, prevent us from regarding them as tactile organs, while their constant approximation to the entrance into the digestive tract justifies us, at present, in ascribing to them the function of testing the food which is found in the water in which their possessor lives. Very little is definitely known as to the organs of taste in other Invertebrata, although, of course, most do, on observation, exhibit some kind of preference for certain foods ; this was seen by Mr. Darwin even in the omnivorous earthworm. In Insects the maxillary palpi are probably the seat of the organ, and Lowne has described those of the blowfly as having their cavity filled with cells, which are supplied by a branch from the great nerve trunk of the proboscis. Freely projecting epithelial papillae, not unlike the gustatory organs of tadpoles, have been observed on the tentacles of various Molluscs ; the cells of which these papillae are composed are ciliated, and appear to be well supplied with nerves ; their gus- tatory function seems to have been demonstrated. Nothing is certainly known as to gustatory organs in the Urochordata or Cephalocfiordata. In Fishes, the organs of this sense are only feebly developed, and, as often happens with organs in a generalised condition, they are not so definitely localised as in the higher forms. The cup-shaped organs have at their edge long cylindrical cells, with more delicate cells in the central portion ; they are not confined to the cavity of the mouth, but are found also on the skin (compare the account of the teeth of Elasmo- branchs, page 141); those that are placed on the mucous membrane of the palate are supplied with branches from the glosso-pharyngeal nerve. In the carps they are described as being most largely developed chap, xii.] ORGANS OF TASTE. 437 on the palate, on the rudimentary tongue, on the mucous membrane which covers the inner side of the branchial arches, and the barbels ; around the mouth, on the skin of the head, and the rest of the body they are less numerously developed. In the Amphibia the cells of this sense are grouped into discs, the so-called gustatory discs ; those on the tongue are placed on elongated papillae, but such as have been observed on the mucous membrane of the palate are not known to project above the surface, except in the region of the vomerine bones, where, as on the tongue, the papillae that bear them may be distinguished as fimgiform. The Amphibia exhibit a higher form of differentiation than the fishes, inasmuch as the gustatory cells appear to be confined to the region of the mouth. For the majority of the Saiiropsida it is impossible to affirm definitely the possession of a sense of taste, and it is very probable that in many, as in some (e.g. Birds) almost certainly, the sensations experienced are those of a foreign body only ; are, in fact, mechanical, and not chemical. In Lizards and in Crocodiles there are, however, projections of the mucous membrane (papillae) which are provided with goblet-shaped cells, and these may, by analogy, be reasonably supposed to have a gustatory function. Just as the ant-eater, and other Mammals, prove to us that the tongue may be a seizing organ, and is not merely the bearer of the gustatory bulbs, so, in man at any rate, the gustatory function is not confined to the body of the tongue, for in ourselves the soft and part of the hard palate are also capable of taste. The greater number of gustatory sensations are, nevertheless, experienced through the tongue, and we may justly say that, in this particular, the fish stands at one, and the mammal at the other end of the series. The majority of the gustatory cells are 438 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. set upon papillae, and are most numerous on the cir- cumvallate papillae at the back of the tongue ; in rabbits and hares a large supply of taste bulbs is to be found on an organ developed on either side of the root of the tongue, which is broken up into ten to fourteen valleys, in the recesses of which the bulbs are Fig. 187. A, Taste Bulbs of Babbit ; B, Transverse Section through Taste Folds of Eabbit. ( Ai ter Engelmann. ) placed. In this sense, then, as in others, we find that the terminal sense organs are withdrawn from the surface, protected from rough contact, and excited only by certain definite stimuli. This must not lead us to suppose that the gustatory sense organs offer any exception to the rule that all organs of sense have their origin in the epiblast of the embryo. Olfactory organs. Till we reach the Arttiro- poda and Ulollusca we do not find any structures Chap, xii.] OLFACTORY ORGANS. 439 which can be definitely asserted to have an olfactory function. In the higher Crustacea we find organs in the antennules which, in the crayfish, are thus dis- posed ; the outer branch (exopodite) has attached to the greater number of its more distal joints tufts of short delicate bristles, flattened or papilliform at their free ends; these bristles have granular contents, and are supplied by fine nerve fibres. In the Insecta, where there is only one pair of antennae, the olfactory organ is, to judge from the accounts of Braxton Hicks and Lowne, placed in the third joint of the antennae of the blowfly ; the surface of this joint is described as being " covered with minute hairs, between which are a vast number of pellucid dots, about 17,000 or 18,000 on each antenna, with about *'*& 187 A. olfactory Appen- 1,1 i dage of Exopodite of an tennule eighty large irregular spots of Crayfish ; x soo. a. Front, b. of a similar character." The Side View. (After Huxley.) smaller dots appear to be the optical expression of the orifices of minute sacculi, and the larger the common openings of compound sacculi. This third antennal joint is described as being filled with a cellular pulp, through which are distributed the fibrils of the antennary nerve. In the Mollusca the olfactory organ ("os- phradiiim," Lankester) is remarkable for its constant relation to the neighbourhood of the respi- ratory orifice, and its as constant nerve supply from the visceral commissures ; it appears to be absent in air-breathing forms (e.g. the snail), and we may suppose, therefore, that it has a function in the way of testing the water which carries the oxygen necessary for respiration. It has ordinarily the form of a short 44 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. canal, which either ends blindly, or is bifurcated at its free end ; at this end, or at the point of bifurcation, there is a small ganglion. The cylindrical canal -consists of a network of coiled fibrous bands, and is invested by elongated epithelial cells, which are directly continuous with the integument ; these cells ara very richly supplied with nerve fibres. Among the Ch or data no definite olfactory organ has been recognised in the TJrodiordata ; in the rest it always stands in close relation to the respiratory orifice, but in nearly all fishes it is not directly continuous with the respiratory passages. The single pit at the anterior end of the body of AmpMoxus, though lined with a ciliated epithelium, can by no means be certainly said to be an olfactory organ. The Cyclostomata have but a single pit, whence they have been distinguished from all other Vertebrata as the Monorrhina ; notwithstanding the single con- dition of this pit the nerve supply is double, and we must not, therefore, yield to the temptation to regard this condition as being a primitive one ; in this, as in many other points, the existing Cyclostomata show that they stand at some distance from the primitive vertebrate stock ; their single nasal pit is, almost certainly, the result of the fusion of two originally separate sacs ; this view is supported by the observation that, in the larval lamprey, the sac is more nearly divided into two internally than it is in the adult. The interior of the cavity is occupied by folds, some of which project farther inwards than others, and all of which are covered by a mucous membrane ; to this are distributed branches of the olfactory nerves. In the lampreys the sac is closed posteriorly, but in Myxinoids it opens into the cavity of the mouth. In all the rest of the Vertebrata the olfactory organs arise from a pair of patches of epiblast in front of the mouth, which, as they thicken, give rise to a Chap, xii.] OLFACTORY ORGANS. 441 pit-shaped cavity ; the epithelial cells that line this pit are the end organs of the olfactory sense, and the whole layer forms the so-called Sdmeideriaii membrane, which gradually becomes more and more elaborately folded. The sac does not remain pit-like in fishes, but becomes connected by a groove with the angle of the mouth ; this groove, which may become of some depth (rays), is covered over by a fold of the integument, the so-called nasal valve (Fig. 188) ; so that we are able to distin- guish an anterior and a pos- terior orifice, the hinder of which is in close relation to, but is not within, the cavity of the mouth. Tn the Dipnoi the hinder orifices come to lie within the buccal area, and the same is Fig m _ Nasal Groove true or all the pentadactyle V er- of the Dog-fish, tebrata, in which, as we ascend * 1 Sg^ffyUfS\ r\ the series, we find the posterior S!f roove - (AfterGegen- nares coming to lie farther and farther back, as the various bones of the roof of the mouth form outgrowths which serve as a floor for the nasal passages. We cannot resist the supposition that this movement in the position of the posterior nares is in relation, firstly, to the altered mode of respiration, the lungs taking the place of the gills ; and, secondly, to the needs of the organism. If we may judge from the crocodile or the whale (page 242), the elongated passage has not essentially any relation to the olfactory sense ; the true olfactory portion remains throughout the Vertebrata a closed pit, and the only advantage to it that results from the elongation of the passage is a mechanical one. The longer air passages allow of a more forcible inspiration, and, in consequence, of a more forcible taking in of odoriferous particles. 442 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. The nasal sacs, then, of different Vertebrates, differ only in the extent of the complication of their internal walls, and of the membrane which covers them. This complication is chiefly effected by the development of Fig. 189. Longitudinal Section through a Dog's Nose, showing the Spongy Bones. o, Region of the olfactory sense ; 6, air chamber (" sneezing region ") ; c, a bristle passed thi'ough the nostril into the nasal chamber; d, a bristle from the nasal chamber into the passage by which the latter communicates with the mouth. (After T. J. Parker.) cartilages, which may become more or less completely ossified, in the upper or olfactory region ; these arise from the side walls of the cavity, and project into it; such bones are known as the turMnate bones. While Reptiles and Birds have one only, Mammals have three (excepting the Cetacea, which have none) ; these vary greatly in form and in the extent to which they are developed, and, as they are covered by the chap, xii.] SMELLING AND SCENTING. 443 olfactory membrane, we may estimate the comparative complexity of the turbinate bones by the acuteness of smell of their possessor. Many mammals, both those that hunt (Felidse), and those that are hunted (Cer- vidre), have a much more acute sense, and more com- plicated turbinate bones, than has man (Fig. 189). Like other specialised sensory organs, the olfactory apparatus of Vertebrates is provided with character- istic cells, which are to be found in the lamprey almost as well marked as in man. (See " Elements of His- tology," Fig. 166.) In the physiology of this sense it is necessary to distinguish between smelling;, which is a more or less passive act, and scenting 1 , which is an active operation. Although we cannot suppose that the latter power is well developed among Fishes, yet the fact that the nasal valve is provided with muscles, taken in connection with what we know as to the habits of sharks, for example, justifies in believing that some fishes, at any rate, are capable of scenting as well as of smelling. In the Sauropsida a more forcible in- spiration of air must be the chief aid, but in Mammals the addition of external movable cartilages supplied with muscles results in a power to enlarge or diminish at will the size of the entrance to the nasal passages. The external cartilaginous "nose" once formed may become adapted to duties altogether foreign to the olfactory sense ; it may be prolonged into a snout which, as in the pig, may be of real use as a digging organ, or it may become, as in the elephant, greatly elongated, and have the functions of a prehensile trunk, or proboscis. The sense of sight is at first a generalised property, many Protozoa showing themselves to be sensitive to light. The most primitive condition of an eye or optic organ is presented by patches of pigment which are more sensitive to light than is protoplasm generally. 444 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Such eye- spots are possessed by a number of the lower Invertebrata. They are, perhaps, found at their simplest condition in a starfish, where they occupy the ends of the arms ; and these ends are, by a muscle run- ning along the upper surface of the arm, turned upwards so as to be exposed to the light. There are here (Fig. 190) a number of eye-spots, each of which is made up of several epithelial cells j these undergo a Fig. 190. Four separate Eye-spots of a Starfish, showing the invaginated Epithelial Cells and the Central Cavity ; below is the plexus of Nerve Fibres. (After Hamann.) certain amount of invagination, and give rise to a central cavity in their midst ; with these cells nerve fibres become connected, and in their substance a red pigment is deposited. Here, then, we have nothing more than a number of epithelial sensory cells, distin- guished by the possession of pigment ; the cuticle, it will be observed, is not thickened into a convex cornea, and there is no reason to suppose that the fluid in the central cavity has any refractive action on the rays of light. The Medusae, or such of them as have eyes present us with a condition which is a little in ad- vance of what obtains in the starfish ; for, speaking chap, xii.] OPTIC ORGANS. 445 generally, we observe a distinction between the pig- mented and the sensory cells ; the latter are not mere cylindrical bodies, but have their peripheral portion converted into an elongated process, not unlike a small rod, while they are continuous behind with ganglionic cells. In the simplest cases there is no cornea or lens, or organ to concentrate the rays of light \ in the more complicated the investing cuticle becomes convex in shape, and has, no doubt, some such function ; so that we have now to observe an apparatus which is composed of parts that are respectively refractive, light-absorbing, and light-perceiving. These eyes lie at the base of the tentacles, and have been proved by direct experiment to be really sensitive to luminous impressions ; specimens of Aurelia (the common jelly- fish), which, when uninjured, were found to swim towards a beam of light flashed upon the water in which they were kept, were, when the eye spots were removed, observed to exhibit no change of manner oil the application of a similar stimulus. The earthworm is without any organs that can bo called eyes, and, as a general rule, we find that bur- rowing forms are always less well provided with optic organs than their allies which live on the surface of the land ; at the same time the worm is sensitive to light, and ordinarily withdraws from it ; the sensitive- ness is confined to the anterior region of the body. This cannot but be regarded as a very striking phe- nomenon, when correlated with the concentrated con- dition of their nervous system, and the fact that in Vermes with a more diffused arrangement of the nervous system, eyes are found in various regions of the body. In the lower worms, simple eye-spots are not un- frequently present, and, as often happens with organs in a simple or indifferent condition, they are present in large numbers ; some Tiirtoellaria, for example, 446 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. have several hundreds ; they are, as a rule, best de- veloped in the region of the cerebral ganglia, and, in some cases, even in these low forms, they are found on the tentacles ; pigment cells are here also separate from sensory cells, and the latter are continued into nervous filaments, which pass to the optic nerve. They are turned towards all directions, but exhibit an advance in differentiation by lying below the epithe- lium which invests the body. Pigment spots are not confined to the adult forms, the larva of the liver- fluke, for example, having on its back two curved patches, the convex sides of which are opposed to and placed close to one another. In higher groups, the number of eyes ordinarily be- comes reduced, but even among the Polychaetous Annelids we find a form (Polyophthalmus) in which a pair of eyes is developed on every segment, in ad- dition to those on the head. This fact, especially when taken into consideration with the presence of eyes in the last segment of the body in Fabricia and some other worms, is very significant, as showing us that sensory organs, which are essentially of epiblastic origin, may be developed and retained on any part of the body in which their presence is useful to their possessor. When the eyes become reduced in number, there may be several pairs in the more anterior region of the body, as in the leech, which has ten pairs ; or they may be found on the tentacles, as in Branchiomma, or on the gills, as in Sabella. The next step in the re- duction is seen in the scorpion and other Arthropods, where there are a pair of " compound " and several pairs of " simple " eyes \ and the final step is reached in the higher members of all groups, where the eyes are two in number only ; in various Entomostraca (e.g. Leptodora) the two eyes become fused in the adult. chap, xii.] OPTIC ORGANS. 447 The simplest condition of the final stage is to be found in the Nautilus, where the eyes retain the primi- tive condition of having their central cavity open to the exterior ; the cells which line this cavity, and which are the direct continuation of the epithelial cells which invest the body, are converted into sensory (retinal) cells, and are connected by nerve filaments with the optic nerve which is given off from the cere- bral ganglion. A. higher stage than this is to be seen in the snail, for here the cup becomes closed up, and there is developed in its cavity a spherical body which has the function of a lens, while the outer wall of the cavity plays also a part in refracting the rays of light, owing to its having been converted into a cornea. Peripatus has an eye which does not essentially differ from that of the gastropodous Mollusca. The typical eye of a well-developed Polychaetous Annelid presents an advance upon those of the just' mentioned Mollusca by the following characters ; the lens does not occupy the whole of the cavity of the eye, but is placed anteriorly, while the rest is filled by a vitreous humour ; the lens, therefore, is more distinctly convex, and has a greater influence on the impinging rays of light ; the layer of rods which lines the cavity is bounded by a distinct and well- marked layer of pigment. Though the physiology of the eye of a crayfish offers some considerable difficulties which cannot as yet be satisfactorily explained, the morphological series is so complete that, from its point of view, much may be made clear. The prime difficulty lies apparently in the large number of lenses that seem to be present in a com. pound eye physiologically, this arrangement is preceded by what obtains in the Chsetognath Sagitta. In this worm, the eye, which is completely covered by the epidermis, consists of three biconvex lenses, each 448 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. of which is embedded in a central pigment body, and surrounded by fine cylindrical optic cells, which form Figs. 191 A, 191 c. Figures of Eyes of Arthropoda. A, Eye of larva of Dytiscus, showing the simplest condition of a single layer of cells (p, a, r), continuous with those of the hypodermis (to) ; each cell is dis- tinct, and some (r) are continuous with optic nerve fibres (o) ; I, lens. (After Grenacher.) c, Simple eye (sternum) of fly, showing the layer (gk) of vitreous cells distinct from the retinal layer (rt) ; c, cuticle; hyp, hypodermis ; I, lens ; fg, fat cells; tt\ trachea ; on, optic nerve ; og, optic ganglion ; st, rods of retina. (After Grenacher.) a retina ; each of these cells is sharply divided into two portions ; that which lies nearest the lens is rod- like, the rest is granular in character. As the lenses Chap. XII.] OPTIC ORGANS. 449 lie in different planes it follows that light passes to the rods from very various points. Among the Arthropoda the simplest cases are seen, in the larvse of various insects (Fig. 191, A); ,f Figs. 191 B, 191 D. -Figures of Eyes of Arthropoda. B, A single cuticular lens of Limulns, to show the aggregation of cells to form a retinula (rt). (After Lankester and Bourne.) I, lens; rZ, retinula; op, optic nerve. D, Part of the compound eye of Pliri/r/anea ; the retinal cells are seen to bo united into a retinula (r), which is differentiated into a rhabdom (m) posteriorly ; cc, crystalline cone ; /.facet of compound eye ; pg, pigment, (After Grenacher.) there is a single lens, the hypodermic cells that form the sensitive elements, and some of which are con- tinuous with filaments of the optio nerve, are simple and separate ; these cells may be called the retinal cells. This condition may, as in Limulus (Fig. 191 B), be complicated by the cells, instead of remaining separate from one another, becoming aggregated into D D 16 450 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. definite groups, each of which may be known as a retimila. The next stage in complication is brought about by the cells of the sensitive layer becoming divisible into an outer (vitreous) portion, and an inner retinal part ; this may be effected without the elements passing through the second stage, or that of segregation into retinulse ; as happens, for example, with the lateral eyes of the scorpion, and the more simple eyes of adult insects (Fig. 191 c). In the more complex cases the retinal cells form retinulse (Fig. 191 D ). While the sensory parts thus become more compli- cated, the refractive element, or cornea, which is formed by the epidermis, may likewise lose its primitive sim- plicity as a continuous investment to the eye, and be- come divided into a number of facets, each of which is in connection with its proper set of sensitive cells ; and of these lenses there may be several hundreds. We may distinguish, therefore, an eye with one lens from an eye with many by calling them respectively monomeniscous and polymeniscous. The eyes of Arthropods (Fig. 191) are, therefore, in the classification of Lankester and Bourne : A. MonosticJsOMS (formed by a single layer of cells). o. Non-retimilate, as in the larvae of insects. )8. Refill II Sate, i. Lateral eyes of scorpions, ii. Lateral eyes of Limulus. B. IMjplosticllOUS (formed by a double layer of cells, one vitreous, and one retinal). a. Non-retinillate. Dorsal eyes of spiders, and simple eyes of adult insects. . Retinillate. Central eyes of scorpions, com- pound eyes of insects and Crustacea. i. Monomeniscoiis (with a single lens). ii. Polymeniscous (with a number of lenses). 1. Separate vitreoiis bodies. 2. Aggregated vitreous bodies. Among the Invertebrata the highest type of eye chap, xii.] EYES OF CHORD ATA. 451 is to be found in the dibranchiate Cephalopoda, and it is remarkable for being protected by a cartila- ginous orbit ; the sides of the eye are protected by a hard layer which has been called the sclerotic; this, which, in front, passes into the transparent cor- nea, is either entire, or perforated in its centre by a more or less large aperture. Beneath this is a chamber which is not so small as in the vertebrate eye, and which sends down a narrow process on either side. The hinder part of this chamber is, in the long axis of the eye, occupied by the lens, which is bounded on either side by the iris; the hinder part of the lens projects into the hinder or inner optic chamber, the posterior wall of which is formed by the retina. In this retina, as in those of nearly all Invertebrates, the sensitive portion or layer of rods is turned towards the impinging rays of light, and the con- nective elements are posterior to it. We shall shortly see that the reverse of this arrangement obtains among Vertebrates. The eyes of the Vertebrata are constantly paired, and lie, as an ordinary rule, on either side of the more anterior portion of the head ; they are always divisible into two portions, an anterior and a posterior cham- ber, and the hind wall of the latter, far away as it lies from the surface of the body, is the percipient portion of the optic organ, and has an epiblastic origin. In comparison with any other fact as to the vertebrate eye, this one fact stands out pre-eminently, and first deserves our attention. We have already learnt that in the Chordata the central nervous system arises as an infolding of the epiblasfc, which gradually becomes separated from the surface of the body ; as we know, the result of this infolding is to reverse the relations of the outer and inner strata of the epiblast, or, so to speak, to turn them inside out (Fig. 192; A, B). The nervous tube 452 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. thus formed grows out at its anterior end into three brain vesicles ; from the foremost of these an out- growth is given off on either side which forms the D Fig. 192. Diagrams to show (A, B) the relative position of the Eods and Cones (r) and the Nerve Fibres (n) in an Invertebrate (A) and a chordate Eye (B). c shows the inpushing of the Cells fr^m which r and n have their origin, c l the final result in a chonlate Spinal Chord ; D, the outgrowing Optic Vesicle from the Brain ; E, the formation of the Optic Cup. optic vesicle (Fig. 191 D) ; the outer wall of this vesicle next gets pushed in (E), but the layers retain the relations to one another that they had in the optic Chap. xii.] EYES OF CHORDATA. 453 cup. The difference, then, in the position of the rods and nervous elements of a chordate as compared with that of an invertebrate eye is due to the primary alteration in position, caused by the mode of formation of the central nervous tube, and by the fact that the retina is an outgrowth from an anterior enlargement of this tube. The stalk of the vesicle forms the optic nerve. The other or anterior half of the eye has a his- tory which is essentially similar to that of the eyes of most invertebrates ; the epiblast of the surface thickens and gives rise to the lens and cornea, while the mesoblast forms supporting and protective tissues. The simple eyes of the Tunicate agree in the important point of the position of the sensory layers, with the typical eye of the Vertebrata ; Ampluoxus has no well-developed eyes, but eye spots have been observed in the larva ; the eyes of the Cyclostomes remain in a condition which is embryonic as com- pared with that of higher forms ; a lens, for example, is absent. Throughout the rest of the Yertebrata the eye has essentially the same structure as in man (see " Elements of Histology," chap, xxxvi., and " Human Physiology," chap, xv.) ; such differences as obtain are of importance and interest as bearing on the adapta- tion of the different parts of the eye to the different media in which it is placed, or to certain differences in its duties. In Fishes, where the aqueous and vitreous hu- mours have but little effect in bringing to a focus the rays of light that have already entered the water, the antero-posterior axis of the eye is short, and the lens is very large and convex, while the cornea, owing to the small amount of vitreous humour that is present, is much flattened, and, inasmuch as it is without eyelids, it is thereby less liable to friction than if it projected outwards. The pupil is large, so as to admit a large quantity of light ; in Anableps, which swims with 454 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. its head half in and half out of the water, the cornea is divided into two halves by a horizontal line of conjunctival epithelium, and the pupil is similarly divided into an upper and a lower half. The eye is kept in shape and position by the cartilaginous or fibrous condition of the sclerotic ; in bony fishes plates of bone are not unfrequently deposited in this enve- lope or coat of the eye. The eyes of the Urodela and Csecilife are small, and this is especially the case in the latter group, the members of which are of burrowing habits; in both, the skin is completely continued over the eye, and in the Caecilise it is often quite thick. In Proteus, the skin which covers the lens is not at all trans- parent, and this cave-dwelling animal is so far blind that it is apparently only able to distinguish between light and darkness ; in much the same way, probably, as when a man turns his face to the light and closes his eyes, he is still able to perceive the passage of an opaque object, such as a hand, between himself and the light. Just as the cornea of fishes is flattened, so that of the amphibious newt and of the frog is pro- vided with a muscle by which the eye-ball can be re- tracted when the animal is in tho water. In all Reptiles the eyes are small ; but, partly owing to the length of their bodies, we are especially struck with the small ness of the eyes of Snakes ; in them the pupil is generally rounded, but in some nocturnal species it has the form of a vertical slit. There are no eyelids, or, in other words, the skin is continued over the eye, and this part of the integument is shed with the rest of the skin. In most other Reptiles there are two eyelids, in addition to the ''nictitating membrane " which is found in some sharks and Am- phibia, as well as in Birds, and which is drawn over the eye by special muscles. The eye of the crocodile is small. Chap, xii.] EYES OF BIRDS. 455 In Birds, even more than in Reptiles, we see the influence of the terrestrial mode of life, or rather of the different refractive powers of air and water, in the more convex form of the cornea. It is clear that the rarer the atmosphere the greater is the necessity for a convex apparatus to collect the rays of light, and we find an arrangement in the eyes of flying birds by which this convexity may be attained. By the contraction of the muscles at the sides of and behind the eye, the fluids in its two chambers, and thus the cornea, are pressed forwards ; in some, pressure on the optic nerve is prevented, thanks to the possession of bony plates in the sclerotic. The crystalline lens is flattened, except in Apteryx and the owls that fly by twilight ; the ciliary muscle, which is of such importance in the accommodation of the eye (see Power's " Human Physiology,"), consists in birds, as in reptiles, of striated muscular tissue, whereas in mammals the muscle is of unstriated tissue; owing to the difference in the property of these muscles, the eye of a swif i ly-moving bird is more rapidly brought into focus than is that of the more slowly-moving mammal. It is not, however, unnecessary, perhaps, to point out that this possession of striated tissue in the ciliary muscle of the eye is not to be looked upon as a direct adaptation to the habits of a bird, inas- much as it is possessed also by the more lethargic reptile; all we can say of it is that it is a very useful heritage. Projecting into the hinder chamber of the bird's eye is a folded membrane richly provided with blood-vessels ; this pecten, which is found also in the eye of reptiles, has possibly a nutrient function, but nothing is certainly known as to the office which it fills. Compared with the size of their body, the eyes of birds are large, and the anterior chamber is remarkable for having its longitudinal axis as long as or longer than that of the hinder chamber. Bony 456 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. pieces are found in the sclerotic of birds, as of reptiles. The eyes of Mammals agree in essential points with those of man, no mammal above the Prototheria having a bony sclerotic ; as we ascend the scale we observe that the eye becomes more and more com- pletely protected, owing to the formation by the cranial bones of a bony orbit, which is to be seen in the dried skull. The eyes are reduced in moles and in burrowing rodents ; in the mole-rat (Spalax) they are covered by the skin. In those that seek their prey by night or twilight, the cornea is larger and more convex, and the pupil broader than in the rest; in such, too, the lens is nearly spherical. In aquatic forms, just as in fishes, the cornea is much less convex than in their terrestrial allies; compared with the bulk of their bodies, the eyes of the Cetacea are exceedingly small. While the body of an albino is perfectly white, it is often a matter of astonishment that the eyes are red ; but a little reflection will show that this redness is due to the blood in the vessels of the eye, and that the colour is seen in the eye, though not in other parts of the body,, in consequence of the transparency of its tissues. It is not so fre- quently or so easily recognised, that the " colour of the eye " is dependent also on this blood. In light-grey or blue eyes no pigment is deposited in the iris, but there is pigment in the retina, the light reflected from which is, owing to interference, of a blue colour. When pigment is more thickly laid down in the retina, and becomes also deposited in the substance of the iris, we have dark-blue or brown eyes ; and it is because tins pigment is ordinarily laid down after birth that we have the somewhat strange phenomenon of the blue eyes of the babe becoming brown eyes in a child. Chap, xii.] OPTIC ORGANS. 457 Movements of the eyes. It is clear that when the number of eyes becomes limited, the power of sight of their possessor must either be very small, or the eye must acquire a power of movement. To obviate this inconvenience various means have been resorted to. The eye may, as in polymeniscous Arthropods, be provided with a large number of lenses, so that the whole corneal surface extends over more than half a sphere ; in addition to this, the body may be provided with less useful lateral eyes, as in the scorpion ; or, as in the crayfish or the crab, the eye may be placed at the end of a movable stalk. Phenomena of a corresponding kind obtain among the Mollusca; the Lamellibranchiata, which are without prsestomial eyes, often have a number of small eyes (or pigment spots only) deve- loped on the edges of the mantle, and these even are sometimes placed on stalks. In some Gastropods the eyes are placed at the ends of the tentacles, and as these tentacles are capable of protrusion and retrac- tion, the optic nerve is of sufficient length to be quite straight only when the tentacle is protruded, while, when that organ is retracted, the nerve is looped. In Onchidium and some of its allies, a number of simple eyes, resembling in essential arrangement those of the Vertebrata, are developed on the surface of the back of these shell-less and slow-moving molluscs ; Semper has counted as many as ninety-eight of these eyes on the back of an Onchidium. In the Chitonidee, Moseley has recently detected in some species more than ten thousand minute eyes, placed on the exposed surfaces of their shells ; but it is remarkable that these eyes, unlike those of Onchi- dium, are on the type of the invertebrate, and not of the vertebrate, eye. Scattered among them are tactile organs, from which, it is supposed, the eyes have arisen by modification. In some of the heteropodous 458 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Molluscs the optic bulb is moved by muscles, and this is the kind of mechanism which obtains in the Verte- brata, where four rectal and two oblique muscles are, as in man, almost always developed. Influence of light and darkness on the development of the eye. While our knowledge of such terrestrial forms as the earthworm, the probeus, or the mole, would lead us to think that a diminution of light is constantly associated with a degenerate condition or loss of the eye, it is very remarkable that among aquatic forms we find species which support, and others that unmistakably con- tradict this hypothesis. Among Crustacea we have, for example, Ethusa granulata, which in shallow water has eyes of the ordinary character, but, when taken from depths of 110 to 370 fathoms, is found to have the stalked eye replaced by a calcareous knob ; it is a case to which the words of Darwin are altogether applicable : " The stand for the tele- scope is there, though the telescope with its glasses has been lost." Specimens of the same species, taken from a greater depth (500 to 700 fathoms), showed that the eye-stalk had undergone a change of function, and had become converted into a pointed rostrum, which probably serves as an organ of touch. On the other hand, species of Munida that were dredged at the same time as the Ethusa were found to have exceedingly large eyes. What is true of Crustacea is true also of fishes ; at moderate depths the eyes are generally large, at greater depths they may be very large or very small. Where the eyes are small the fish has its tactile organs very largely developed. Fishes or Crustaceans, however, taken from very great depths (e.g. 1,900 fathoms), have been found to have both the eyes rudimentary and the special organs of touch absent. There is no reason to suppose that the so-called eye-like organs of chap, xii ] EAR OF MEDUSA. 459 some fishes (e.g. Scopelus) have any optic function. They appear, from the accounts given by those who have seen such fishes alive, to be phosphorescent organs. The ear. Definite auditory organs are wanting in various lower forms, which are, so far as we can tell, without any sense of hearing ; an intermediate condition, between that of absolute incapacity to hear and the possession of this sense, is, perhaps, presented to us by the earless earthworm, on which the vibra- tions of air which are heard by man are absolutely without effect, though the worms are very sensitive to vibrations conveyed along solid objects ; in the ex- periments made by Darwin, "the vibrations, before reaching their bodies, had to pass from the sounding board of the piano, through the saucer, the bottom of the pot and the damp, not very compact earth on which they lay with their tails in their burrows ; " though the connection was so slight, yet the result of striking a note on the piano was the immediate with- drawal of the worms into their burrows. Definite auditory organs of a low degree of or- ganisation are to be found in some Medusae, but it is a remarkable fact that, so far as we know at pre- sent, distinct auditory and optic organs are never developed in one and the same species. A very simple condition is found in such a jelly-fish as Euchilota or Tiaropsis, where the lower surface of the velum is, at various points, indented by open-mouthed pits ; the sides and base of this pit are formed by the epithelial cells of the velum, and of these some on the inner face become provided with projecting audi- tory hairs, and so become special sense cells, while others develop within their contents the calcareous concretions which form the otolith ; the sense cells are continuous by their bases with the lower nerve ring. The epithelial cells on the outer surface of the pit 460 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. (which belong, of course, to the series of cells that lie on the upper surface of the velum) have thick membranes, and become filled with fluid. Mitrotrocha is provided with no less than eighty such open pits. The next stage in advance is seen in Phialidium (Fig. 193), where the pit becomes closed. In other Medusae the auditory vesicle appears to be a modified Fig. 193. An Auditory Vesicle of Phialidium. d', Epithelium of the upper surface of the velum ; eft, of the under surface ; nr', upper nerve ring; ft, auditory cells; hh, auditory hairs ; np, nervous cushion formed by a prolongation of the lower nerve ring ; r, circular canal at the edge of the velum. The; spot in the cavity represents an otolith. (After 0. and R. Hertwig.) tentacle. In some cases the sense organs appear to be both eye and ear. Throughout the whole of the Metazoa we find that the auditory organs have more or less the form of vesicles, which in lowlier forms, and in all primi- tively, are open to the exterior ; within the vesicles one or more hard bodies are developed, which, on being agitated by the vibrations of the waves of sound, act on the sensory hairs of the sense cells, which are developed within the auditory cavity, and which are connected with the central nervous system by the fibres of the auditory nerve. Chap, xii.] AUDITORY ORGANS. 461 Among the Eclunodermata, auditory organs have only been satisfactorily observed in the deep sea-dwelling holothurian Elasipoda, where they are often present in large numbers, Kolga nana hav- ing no less than fifty-six auditory sacs; as in such Annelids as possess them, the sacs are set close to the nerve cords, and have a large number of contained otoliths or concretions. We have more definite information as to the Arthropoda and Mollusca; in the former they are not always developed on the head ; Mysis, just like Fabricia (among worms) with its posterior eyes, showing us that, inasmuch as sensory cells are distri- buted over the whole of the body, special sense organs may be developed at any part, and pointing the moral by having auditory organs in its terminal segment. As a rule they are, as in the crayfish, developed at the base of the antennules. Here the auditory sac is permanently open, though the seta3 that protect it prevent the entrance of much foreign matter ; within this sac part of the wall is raised up into a ridge, and the cells that form it are provided with delicate setae at their free end, and with nerve fibres at their base and within. The sac is filled with a gelatinous fluid in which are to be found minute otoliths ; these last, being set in motion by vibrations in the water which strike on the guarded open slit of the ear sac, affect the setae ; the setae affect the cells on the acoustic ridge, and so the contained nerve fibres which are in direct connection with the brain. While the sac of the Crustacea resembles in some respects the embryonic ear of the Vertebrata, that of Insects presents other points of similarity. Placed on the median segments of the body or on the legs, the ears of the Orthoptera are remarkable for the possession of a drum or tympanum ; this is merely a modification of part of the chitinous integument of the 462 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. insect, and the bow on which it is stretched is merely a part of the same integument that has become con- siderably thickened. Taking for an example the grasshopper, we find a number of small muscles which are inserted into the bow, and by their exten- sion or contraction increase or diminish the tension of the tympanic membrane. The central portion of the membrane is occupied by a cavity which commu- nicates with the exterior by an open tube, and within the cavity there is a ganglionic mass developed at the end of an auditory nerve. Here, then, we have the case of the sonorous vibrations impinging on a mem- brane, which is held tense ; being conveyed to an air chamber, which is in relation with the outer air, and is therefore capable of adapting itself to any force that may be brought to bear upon it ; and being carried thence to the termination of a sensory nerve. In some insects, though not in the Orthoptera, rows of corpuscles have been observed on some of the nervures of the wing, and as these are supplied witli nerve filaments, Braxton Hicks has suggested that they are auditory organs ; somewhat similar organs found on the halteres of the Diptera have had the same function ascribed to them by Lowne. In the ears, as in some other parts of the organi- sation of the Mollusca, we see arrangements which are simpler, and others that are more complex than those that obtain in the Arthropoda. The auditory organ is often a simple closed vesicle, surrounded by an investing membrane, and having in its cavity sensory cells provided with projecting hairs (Fig. 194); the central cavity is occupied by a single large concretion, otolitli, or a number of smaller otoconia, as the smaller concretions may conveniently be called. In the Nautilus, the ears, as in most Lamellibranchs and Gastropods, are attached to the pedal ganglia, but in the Dibranchiata they are enclosed in the cartilage Chap. xii.] EAR OF CHORDATA. 463 which protects the cerebrum and, as such portion of the cartilage forms a special investment for the ear, we have in these alone, among invertebrates, that dis- tinction between the outer or cartilaginous, and the inner or membranous ear capsule to which we are accustomed in the ears of vertebrates ; in Cephalopods, as in Crustacea and Vertebrates, an acoustic ridge or crest is formed on which are set the auditory cells, and in some of them, as in some of the lower Vertebrates, it appears that the ear sac is permanently in communica- tion with the outer world by a nar- row open duct, the remnant of the primitive involution of the epiblast from which the organ was fashioned. Amphioxus has no known auditory organ, and that which is found in the Urochordata would appear to .have been independently Fig. 194,-Diapram developed within the limits of the cycSs! E (After group (Balfour). It lies on the Simroth.) under surface of the anterior brain vesicle (Fig. 195 ; a) ; the cells of the brain form an acoustic ridge, the delicate hairs on whose cells hold an otolith which projects into the cavity of the brain, and is remarkable for being pigmented. Though the sensory portion of the ear of higher Vertebrates is at some distance from the surface of the body, it is not to be supposed that it has not, like all other organs of sense, its primary seat of origin in the outer layer of the embryo or epiblast. In the lower vertebrates the auditory capsule is closed, and lies just below the skin, or sinks some way into the walls of the brain case, as in Elasmobranchs, where the duct either opens to the exterior by a minute pore (ray), or is closed over by the skin (sharks) ; in the higher forms a special auditory passage is deve- loped. 464 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. The first sign of the development of the ear is the formation, on either side of the hinder part of the head, of a pit or depression (Fig. 196 ; au v), which gradually deepens, and with which an outgrowth from the audi- tory nerve (au n) comes into contact. The pit becomes converted into an elongated sac, narrower above and below. The upper end grows out and gives rise to the recess of the membranous labyrinth, the lower Fig. 195. Larva of Ascidia mentula ; the Anterior portion of the tail is alone represented. Nl, Anterior swelling of neural tube; N, anterior swelling of spinal portion of neural tube; n, hinder part of neural tube ;' c/i, notoohorcl: K, {branchial region of alimentary tract ; d, its cesophageal and gastric region; o, eye; a, otolith. ; o', moutli ; s, papilla of attachment. (After Kuppffer.) end forms the cochlear canal, and the narrow duct (canalis reuniens) by means of which the cochlear canal communicates with the sacculus ; the median portion of the auditory vesicles gives rise to the semi- circular canals, and to the utriculus. Fig. 197 (page 466) will make clear the relations of the just named and of other parts in the complex auditory organ of man. External to the proper sensory portion in which the branches of the auditory nerves terminate in the special sensory cells, there is a median division of the ear, in which are developed one or more bones that convey the sonorous vibrations, and these are acted Chap. XII.] EAR OF VERTEBRATA. 465 on by a membrane (the tympanic membrane) which is analogous to, though, of course, not homo- logous with, the membrane which we have already found in the ears of orthopterous insects. Externally to this middle ear is the outer portion, which forms the external auditory meatus, and is in higher forms aided and protected by a conch, or so-called ex- ternal ear. Outer division of the ear, The functions of awn -ftlEV Fig. 196. Section through the Head of a Lepidosteus, Six Days after Impregnation au v, Auditory pit ; au n, auditory nerve ; cJi, notochord ; by, hypoblast. (After Balfour.) the outer and middle portions is that of conveying the sonorous vibrations to the sensory region internal to them ; they are but poorly developed in the lower forms for two reasons : first of all, the insinking of the sensory portion which is so marked in the higher forms is, as we may expect, less marked in the lower divi- sions of the Yertebrata, for it is a process which has only gradually been effected ; the second reason is to be found in the fact that the trumpet-shaped arrange- ments of the outer region, which are so useful in bringing to a focus the vibrations of air, are not so necessary when the animal lives in water. Evidence as to the influence of this denser medium is afforded us E E 16 466 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. by the Cetacea, which, at most, have nothing more than an exceedingly rudimentary external ear (pinna), and this, when found in these mammals, is proportion- ately longer in the foetus than in the adult (Howse). Fig. 197. Representation of the Human Ear. e. External ear; me, auditory passage (meat us auditorius extermifO; I, bony labyrinth ; vm, auditory nerve ; o, ossicles of the ear ; fo, fenestra ovalis ; eu, Eustachiah tube, which opens into the pharynx ; t, tympanum ; c, bony cochlea ; tin, tympauic membrane. Fishes are without any external ear or tympanic membrane, and, as has already been said, the Elasmo- branchs have a canal which reaches to, and may open on, the outer surface of the skull ; in many Teleostei, where there is no such external opening, there are spaces in the skull which are only covered by skin or very thin bone in the neighbourhood of the ear; in some of the bony fishes there is an exceedingly Chap, xi LI EAR OF VERTEBRATA. 467 remarkable arrangement, by means of which sounds are conveyed to the organ of hearing. The anterior ends of the air bladder are attached to membranes which close in spaces in the occipital region of the skull, and on the other side of these membranes is the ear of that side. This simple condition which obtains in the perch and its allies, is complicated in carps and others by the addition of three ossicles, which connect the air bladder with the auditory region, and convey such vibrations as affect the air in the air bladder. In the lower Amphibia the ear cleft is merely closed by muscles, but in the Anura there is a distinct tympanic membrane, as there is also in most, though not in all, Reptiles, In the simplest condition this lies on the surface of the head, so that there is no ex- ternal auditory meatus ; but in the lizards we have a small pit external to the membrane, and we have, therefore, the commencement of an external ear passage. In Mammals the tympanic bone of the skull takes part in forming the walls of this meatus. The pinna is represented by a fold of skin with combined muscular tissue in crocodiles, and by a movable mem- branous valve in some birds (owls). It is not found in the Prototheria, but in all other Mammals there is a well-developed outer ear, which becomes rudimentary or aborted only in marine forms. In many mammals the pinna can be moved by muscles, and directed, therefore, to different points from which sound is sup- posed to be coming. In the higher Primates these muscles are ordinarily rudimentary, but their posses- sion by some men is spoken to by the power that such have of moving their ears. Middle car. Associated with the development of a tympanic membrane is that of a contained tym- panic cavity. This cavity is not a new formation, but is due to the modification of the, in the pulmonate 468 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Vertebrates, now useless visceral clefts. While on its outer side this cleft gives rise to the tympanic cavity (Fig. 197 ; c) and part of the external meatus, on its inner side it continues to communicate with the pharynx, and so forms the Eustachian tube (e,u), by means of which air can enter into the otherwise closed ear chamber. The vibrations of the tympanic membrane have to be conveyed to the inner ear, and this is effected by one or more bones, the outer end of which is fixed to the tympanic membrane, while the other impinges on the membrane which closes the en- trance to the internal ear (fenestra, ovalis, Fig. 197). In the Amphibia and Sauropsida there is but a single bone in the middle ear ; the origin of this columella is not satisfactorily established, but it is, probably, the upper end of the hyoid arch. (See page 327.) In the Mammalia this single bone is replaced by three, which are known respectively as the stapes, incus, and malleus ; the discussion of the homologies of these bones has been deep and protracted, but a con- sideration of it would be beyond our scope here. We must be content to say that, according to the latest views of Parker, the stapes is the uppermost element of the hyoid, and that the incus and malleus belong to the mandibular arch. According to these views it is the incus, and not, as is ordinarily taught, the malleus, that is the homologue of the quadrate bone of the Sauropsida. In the Prototheria the stapes is not hollowed out at one end so as to have the form of a stirrup, nor is the incus of the " normal mammalian form " ; Parker further finds that the malleus still forms the hinder part of the mandible. We have in this history of the auditory ossicles (which must not by any means be confounded with otoliths) one of the most remarkable examples of the way in which parts useless for one are gradually ap- propriated to another function. The cleft between Chap, xii.] INTERNAL EAR. 469 the hyoid and mandibular arches (the hyomandibular cleft) becoming useless as an organ of respiration has been seized upon by the ear ; in Mammals, parts of the mandibular arch that lies in front, and of the hyoid arch that lies behind the cleft, are adapted to the use of one and the same organ. Internal ear. This, which is the essential portion, as those just described are the accessory parts, of the organ of hearing, consists primarily of the so-called membranous labyrinth, formed by the sacculus, utriculus, and semicircular canals ; as we ascend the scale we find a bony labyrinth fashioned around this membranous one ; the space between them contains lymph, and is known as the perilymphatic space or cavity, while the fluid within the membranous labyrinth is the endolymph. The simplest stage obtains in the Myxinoid round- mouths, where there is only a single semicircular canal, at the base of which there is, on either side, a swelling or ampulla. In this, as in the underlying vestibule, special auditory cells are developed, which are supplied with filaments from the auditory nerve. In the other division of the round-mouths, that is, in the lampreys, there are two semicircular canals, and the vestibule into which they open has two blind diverticula arising from it, in each of which auditory cells are developed. In all the remaining Vertebrata there are three semicircular canals. In the Elasmobranch fishes, and in the Dipnoi, no bony labyrinth is formed around the membranous, but a promise, as it were, is offered by the excavation of the cartilage around the labyrinth, in a form not un- like the membranous internal ear ; in the bony fishes the labyrinth is protected by bone, but there is no proper bony labyrinth. A further point of advance is to be observed in the Ganoidei and Teleostei, for in them, as in Chimsera, the gradual insinking of the ear 470 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. is expressed by the fact that the most internal portion now projects into the cranial cavity. In no fish is there anything more than a rudiment of the cochlea (Fig. 198 ; A, c). The highest condition of the amphibian ear is seen in the Anura ; though we cannot yet speak definitely of a bony labyrinth, Fig. 198. Diagrams to show the Relations of the Auditory Labyrinth in the Vertebrate Series. A, Pish ; B, bird ; c, mammal ; u, utriculus, with the three semicircular canals ! s, sacculus: c, cochlea; r, aquaeductus vestihuli ; 6, lagena; cr, canalis reuniens. In c, r is seen to divide into separate passages for the utriculus and sacculus ; the vestibule is seen to have a caecal sac at v ; k, coil of the cochlea. (Af te r Waldeyer.) yet we can, in the frog, see that the membranous laby- rinth within has an influence on the contour of the surface of its bony and cartilaginous capsule. Two foramina, the f. rotund um and the f. ovale, are now to be distinguished. Two tubular outgrowths are given off from the periosteum of the perilymphatic space ; both of them end in blind sacs, and one of them (the ductus perilymphaticus) extends into the jugular canal, and part of the neck of the sac is chap, xii.j EAR OF MAMMALS. 471 continued into a tube which enters into connection with the subarachnoid cerebral cavity. Eight different sensory regions are now to be distinguished ; the cochlear region has a commencing outgrowth or lagena, and within is a space which is covered over by a very thin membrane, the membrana basilaris. In the Reptilia we observe several stages in the outgrowth of the cochlea, and these are most marked in crocodiles, which, in this character, as in so many others, stand nearest to the birds. In these last the lagena is quite prominent (Fig. 198; B, b), and begins to take on a spiral course. With the exception of the Prototheria, all Mammals have their cochlea coiled into a heliciform spiral, the canal of which is wound round the bony axis or modiolus ; the coil may be flat, as in the Cetacea, or very steep, as in some Rodents (guinea- pig) (Fig. 198 ; c). The internal structure of the cochlea has been fully described in the " Elements of Histology " (chap, xii.) ; here it need only be said that the seal a vestibuli, the membrane of Reissner, and the rods of Corti are peculiar to the mammalian ear; as to the last, we have so far evidence that it has been developed within the limits of the mammalian series that we find them to be much more simply arranged in the Prototheria than in the higher mammals. The absence of this organ from the ears of birds, many of which are, as we know, capable of being attracted by musical sounds, makes it impossible for us at present to accept the doctrine that these rods are physiologically impor- tant as the means of distinguishing different notes of music. The otoliths found in the lymph of the membranous labyrinth are ordinarily larger in fishes than in higher 472 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. vertebrates; and their number is, of course, proportional to their size. Most bony fishes have two only, but these are rather to be looked upon as calcareous masses than as separate otoliths ; in Elasmobranchs such otoliths are often grouped into masses of various sizes and forms. In the Teleostei they are crystal- line, but in Chimsera and the sturgeons they are more chalky in character. Their function is, as in invertebrates, that of aiding the vibrating fluid in its action on the sensory cells of the auditory crest. CHAPTER XIII. ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION. IN the preceding chapters we have considered the various organs of the body by means of which an animal is enabled to sustain or defend its own exis- tence, to obtain information of what is happening around it, and to adapt itself more or less successfully to the course of events. So far as an individual animal is concerned, no other organs than those with which we have already dealt are necessary for the maintenance of its own existence ; indeed, there are, we know, individuals which do pass through the whole of their lives, are born, grow, and die, without once putting into active function the set of organs that remain to be considered. Unimportant as they may be to the individual, they are of prime importance for the species to which that individual belongs ; for they are the means by which individuals are enabled to reproduce their kind ; and they are of the more importance inasmuch as, so far as we know, living matter never arises or is formed except from pre-existing living matter. In Chap, xni.] REPRODUCTION OF PROTOZOA. 473 the performance of that part of his life-work which affects his race, the individual reproduces his kind. This process of reproduction may be one of two modes, it may either be sexual or asexual ; that is to say, two different cell elements may unite to form a single cell from which others arise, or one kind of cell element alone may form a new individual. The latter is obviously a more simple method than the former, and it is the only one which is certainly known to obtain in the Protozoa. Here, too, as our previous studies would lead us to expect, there is no distinct differentiation of any special organ ;* we have the phenomenon, but not the organ. As has been already pointed out in the case of the Amoeba (see page 22), the simplest method of repro- duction is that in which the mass of protoplasm under observation divides into halves of about the same size. Each of these halves is, save in size, a copy of the parent; which, ipso facto, has disappeared. This method of reproduction is known as Fission, and it is exceedingly common among the lower organisms. In some cases a process of non-nucleated protoplasm separates from the body of the Amoeba ; and this bud- like outgrowth, increasing in size and acquiring a nucleus, shortly comes to have the form and structure of its parent. This is the process by Oemmation. Yet a third mode of reproduction, which may be called, that of endo-spore formation, has been ob- served in some of the Protozoa ; but it, like the methods of fission and gemmation, does not require the influence of another individual ; like them, it is absolutely asexual. The protozoon, becoming qui- escent, forms around itself an envelope or cyst, which is at first transparent, and which completely encloses * The action and influence of the nucleus of a cell is so obscure that the part which it possibly takes in initiating cell-division cannot be discussed in an elementary work. 474 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. the rounded cell. The nucleus at the same time becomes invested in a proper capsule. After a period of repose, the nucleus begins to break up into a number of smaller pieces, the wall now breaks, and each nuclear portion (spore) uniting itself with a certain quantity of the surrounding protoplasm, separates from the rest of the mass, escapes, and begins to grow up into the form of the parent cell. Lastly, we sometimes observe that two individual Protozoa of the same species become connected with one another, the protoplasm of the two cells becomes commingled, the whole quiescent, and invested in a cyst. The enclosed contents break up into a number of spores, which, on the eventual bursting of the cyst, escape and begin to grow up into the form of their parent. Here, then, not only is spore-formation pre- ceded by encystation, but also by conjugation. At the same time it is to be most carefully borne in mind that the two individuals are, to all appearance, essen- tially alike, and that there is no reason whatever for regarding this conjugation as being a sexual act. The life-history of the Gregarina presents us with a case of development by spore formation, which may or may not be preceded by conjugation. A single Gregarine, or two conjugated forms, become spherical, and a firm structureless cyst is gradually developed around the protoplasm ; the nucleus disappears, and the whole of the contained mass breaks up into a number of small separate bodies (spores) ; these are often spindle-shaped, and from their occasional resem- blance to the diatom Navicula, have obtained the dis- tinctive name of psetidonavicellse. This appears to be the most general mode of spore formation. The spores become each invested in a distinct envelope, within which the protoplasm is contained. The suc- ceding stages of development have as yet been very insufficiently studied ; in the large Gregarine of the chap, xiii.] DEVELOPMENT OF GREGARINA. 475 lobster the following stages have, however, been observed. The protoplasm, which has not been directly ob- served escaping from the spore, is first seen as a small amcebiform and apparently non-nucleated mass. Passing into a quiescent condition, it becomes differ- entiated into ectosarc and endosarc, and then gives rise Fig. 200. Figures of Gregarina of Earthworm. A, Separate form ; B, encystment completed ; c, formation of pseudonavicellae. (After Stein and LieberkUun.) to two processes, one of which is stiff, and the other actively motile ; in the latter granules are richly de- veloped, and it is the first to become elongated and to separate from the parent mass. It has now the form and something of the movement of a thread-worm, whence it has been called the pseudo - filaria ; within this elongated mass a nucleolus and a nucleus become apparent, the tube shortens, becomes divided into protomerit and deutomerit, and, later on, deve- lops a cuticle ; so that we have here a minute example of the giant Gregarine. The stiff process has meanwhile absorbed the remainder of the parent 47 6 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. protoplasm, has become motile, and been converted into a pseudofilaria. The statement that a kind of sexual reproduction is observable among the Infusoria has, on account of the detailed characters of the reported observations, obtained considerable vogue. Put shortly, the account comes to this ; the substance of the nucleolus becomes converted into a number of curved rods, which repre- sent the male element, while the nucleus breaks up into small spherical bodies, which have been compared to ovules. The resulting young are said to be at first provided with knobbed tentacles and suckers (acinetiform embryos), and to become gradually con- verted into ciliate infusoria. Observations undertaken with the express view of examining into these results, have done anything but confirm them, for they have resulted in the conviction that the rod-shaped bodies of Balbiani are nothing but bacterioid parasites (Vibrios), and that the so-called embryos are also para- sites ; these last, indeed, have, on direct observation, been seen to enter the body of one after escaping from another Infusorian. What really does happen appears to be this ; two individuals (of Paramoecium) conjugate, and remain united for a day or longer ; the only result of this conjugation is that the nucleus becomes more finely granular, while the nucleolus breaks up into four oval capsules. Of these, two in each individual disappear, while the other two grow till they reach two-thirds the size of the original nucleus, which they then resemble in appearance ; one of these remains as a nucleolus, and the other appears to fuse with the primitive nucleus. The process, then, instead of being in any way sex- ual, falls rather under the head of rejuvenescence ; the protoplasm, in other words, seems to undergo a kind of re-arrangement in much the same way as, in the political world, cabinets sometimes do. Chap. XIII.] SPERMATOZOA. 477 Where the method of reproduction becomes sexual, we find sets of cells or glands which have a different history and function ; these are the male and female elements, and they may be found sepa- rately in different individuals of the same species, or they may both be formed in one individual ; in the Fig. 201. Figure of Spermatozoon of, A, Guinea-pig (not quite mature) ; B, the same seen sideways; c, Horse ; D, Newt. (After Klein.) latter case we have to do with hermaphrodite forms, and these may be only structurally hermaphrodite, as are the earthworm and the snail ; or they may also be physiologically hermaphrodite, as the tapeworm, the fluke, or the Ascaris nigrovenosa ; that is to say, the male elements of one individual sometimes impregnate the female cells of another individual, and in other cases the two kinds of sexual cells of one and the same individual come into union. It ordinarily happens 478 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. -c that the set of cells which give rise to one are quite separate from those which give rise to the other sexual cells, but this is not always the case, as the herma- phrodite gland of the snail and the generative cells of the just-mentioned Ascaris are sufficient to bear witness. The broad differences between a male and a female element may be easily apprehended ; starting from cells which are essentially similar in character, those which are to become the male bodies subdivide, and each cell gives rise to a large number of smaller bodies, which typically, though by no means always, consist of a rounded head (which repre- sents part of the nucleus of the original cell), and a more or less long, actively moving tail (Fig. 201). The female cell (Fig. 202), on the other hand, increases rather than diminishes in size, and often acquires considerable bulk from the large number of yolk cells that are aggregated around it ; it frequently also becomes invested in a membrane, the outermost portion of which may, as in the familiar example of the egg of the bird, form the basis for a shell, which may be calcareous or chitinous. The generative cells are, in their simplest condition, nothing more than modified elements of the epithelial layer which lines the body cavity, and it is only with increasing differentiation of structure that they become aggregated into definite masses holding a certain topographical relation to the other parts of the organism. The influence of the male on the female element will be described shortly (page 482). Fig. 202. Eipe Ovtun of Cat. a, Zona pellucida ; b, germinal vesicle ; c, protoplasm. (After Klein.) Chap, xiii.] SPERMATOGENESIS. 479 We must first develop in detail the characters of the parts whose general morphology has just been sketched. It is only lately that much attention has been given to spermatogenesis, or the history of the development of the spermatozoa, and it will be most convenient, therefore, to give an account of a common form (the earthworm) in which the process seems to Fig. 203. Figures showing the Mode of Development of the Sperma- tozoon of the Earthworm. A, Spermatospore ; B, 5Toung Sperma- tosphere, with eight Spefmatoblasts ; c, Spermatoblasts with Central Blastophore ; D, Spermatoblasts with protruding Filament (After J. E. Blomfield.) have been worked out (by Blomfield) with great exactness. The testis of the earthworm is a body of irregularly quadrate form, which is about one-tenth of an inch in diameter, and is directly attached to, and seems to form a modified part of, the epithelium lining the body cavity; it consists of a mass of cells, each of which, breaking away from the common mass, makes its way into a special reservoir, there to undergo its further development. Each of these cells may be known as a spermatospore, and is distinguished by the comparatively large size of its nucleus, and its thin coat of surrounding protoplasm ; the nuclei of these spermatospores undergo division, and the whole mass increases in size. When eight segments have been thus formed we get the spermatospliere, 480 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. which consists of eight spermatoblasts, with a small central mass of inactive protoplasm (folasto- phore). Division of the cells still continues, until at last we get a spermatosphere, which consists of a number of elongated spermatoblasts supported by the blastophore (Fig. 203 ; c). The protoplasm around the nucleus of each spermatoblast next collects into a small cap, and then gives off' a delicate filamentous process (Fig. 203 ; D), which, gradually increasing in size, comes to form the tail of the spermatozoon. Further changes in form are effected, and the con- stituent spermatoblasts of the sphere fall away from one another, to become, each of them, an actively motile spermatozoon capable of fertilising a female cell. The essential points in this history have been detected by various observers in other animals, many of whom have, however, somewhat obscured the subject by the number of new technical terms which they have introduced. Oogenesis, or the development of ova, has been more thoroughly studied than spermatogenesis, but the subject is rendered more complicated by the fact that the egg cell either absorbs in early periods, or is for a time surrounded by nutrient or yolk cells. The egg cells of the earthworm form a coherent mass, which occupies a similar position in the thirteenth to that occupied by the testes in the tenth and eleventh segments, and is only distinguished by the investment of firm membrane, which surrounds the mass of cells, or ovary, and separates it from the rest of the epithelium of the body cavity ; the constituent cells of this ovary do not, however, undergo the segmenta- tion which affects the male elements. Consisting, in the simplest cases (e.g. Hydra), of a naked mass of protoplasm, the ovum, with its nucleus (here called germinal vesicle) and nucleolus (or Chap, xiii.] HISTORY OF THE OVUM. 481 germinal spot), brings to our mind the Amoeba, with which our studies commenced ; and, if we observe its early behaviour, we are the more struck with the resemblance, for we often find it seizing on and making part of itself the cells which surround it. In the great majority of cases the cell becomes so far differentiated that it develops around itself an in- vesting (vitelliiie) membrane ; here, again, recalling to mind the next stage in protozoic differentiation in so far as protoplasmic pseudopodial processes pass through the pores in the membranous wall (Toxo- pneustes). In more elaborated stages the surrounding cells of the ovary give rise to more specialised membranes, and in some cases it appears to be necessary to leave an orifice (so-called " micropyle "), by means of which nutrient material or fertilising elements may be allowed to enter and come into contact with the substance of the egg. The final act in the maturation of the ovum appears to be the extrusion of the two polar globules. The nucleus of the egg cell (the ger- minal vesicle) moves towards the periphery of the cell ; as it does so its surrounding membrane becomes absorbed, and the contents altered in character. What remains of the germinal vesicle becomes spindle-shaped, and one end of the spindle is protruded from the edge of the cell. The projecting portion is next constricted from the rest, and so gives rise to the first polar globule. The process is again repeated, a second spindle being formed, and the projection being again constricted off" to give rise to the second polar globule. Whatever be the real explanation of this pheno- menon, it is, in the first place, clear that it bears a very striking analogy to what happens in the male cell, where a portion of the original protoplasm becomes the inactive blastophor ; and we can hardly FF 16 482 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. help giving in our adhesion to so much of the doctrines of Sabatier as are contained in his thesis that all cells are originally hermaphrodite, and that some by losing one element, and some the other, become distinctively male or female cells. Balfour has enunciated the striking and bold hypothesis that the function of forming polar cells was acquired by the ovum with the object of preventing partheno- genesis ; the strongest support for this doctrine was found by Balfour in the reported absence of polar globules in the only two divisions of the animal kingdom (Rotifera and Arthropoda) in which we normally find development of ova without male influence. On the other hand, Billet, with a full knowledge of the facts, and of Balfour's hypothesis, has lately recorded the presence of polar globules in the Rotifera, and Grobben has given a less pointed account of the formation of the same bodies in some of the lower Crustacea.* The remaining portion of the original nucleus returns to the centre of the egg, where it forms the female promicleiis. The mature egg, or female element, requires the addition of the male element or spermatozoon, before it can set out on the course of its development. When brought into the neighbourhood of the male cell we find that an egg will receive one or more spermatozoa, but that, if fresh and uninjured, not more than two or three pass into it ; if they do the future of the egg is endangered. As a rule, only one spermatozoon enters into and becomes a constituent of the protoplasm of the ovum ; the tail of the male cell disappears, but its head persists for a time as a distinct structure ; this * The student will not fail to observe that, at the present time, a well-conducted and carefully described series of observations on a selected form may affect very deeply the speculations of previous students. Conversely, philosophical speculations have a guiding influence on lines of study. Chap, xiii.] REPRODUCTION OF SPONGES. 483 may be call the male proiiucleus. Approaching the female pronucleus it gradually fuses with it, and thereby gives rise to a fresh structure, the so-called segmentation nucleus. Pausing for a moment to consider how far the history now detailed has led us, we find that there has been a fusion of cells which, although different in final form, have arisen from parts which at first were exactly similar. In the lowest forms the generative cells are not aggregated into any special masses, and though we can say that here there are male and there female cells, we cannot with accuracy speak either of testes or of ovaria ; here, as with various other organs, we find a diffused preceding a localised or concentrated arrangement. The Sponges afford an example of this, the reproductive cells being, as a rule, scattered through the mesoderm (see Fig. 53, page 106) ; to this state- ment Myxospongia and Euspongia form exceptions ; in the latter the ova are arranged in small groups, are embedded in connective tissue, and hold a definite topographical relation to the afferent canals. Here, too, the ova are naked and amoeboid, and not yet enclosed in a distinct membrane, as they are in most of the higher Metazoa. Asexual reproduction does obtain so far among the sponges that buds may be given off from an individual, and an increase in a sponge colony can be effected in a way which is of some commercial impor- tance. The method here referred to has been tried in the Mediterranean, and in the Florida sponge fishery with a certain measure of success, the greater com- pleteness of which does not appear to depend on the sponge as much as on suitable fishery legislation. A piece of sponge, some two or three inches high, is carefully cut off from the rest of the mass ; owing, as 484 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. it seems, to the injury done to the sponge by the operation, no growth occurs during the first four months, but during the next two months it will be found to have grown two or three inches. Taking the groups in order, we find a higher grade of localisation in the Ccelenterata than we should have been led to expect from what we know of the sponges. In Hydra, for example, the testes are always placed just below the circle of tentacles, and the ovary nearer the foot ; in the sea-anemone the generative glands, or, as they may be more shortly called, the gonads, are developed on the sides of the primary septa ; in the jelly-fishes they are found on the walls of the gastro-vascular canals. It is clear, then, that there is localisation, but this is still of a diffused nature \ the generative elements are not, as in the crayfish or the fowl, limited to one aggrega- tion, but there are several cell aggregates, each with a reproductive function. This phenomenon is most striking in the case of a colony of hydroid polyps, such as that presented by Syncoryne. Here we find that, of the numerous buds developed on the colony, some never attain to nutrient functions, and never have the oral cone or tentacles of a nutrient person (trophosome) ; instead thereof, they become gradually fashioned into the shape of bell-like Medusae, separate from the colony, become free-swimming, and develop gonads on the walls of their gastro-vascular canals. In other cases the medusoid buds or gonosomes become more or less completely developed, but never separate themselves from the rest of the colony ; within such buds gonads become developed. This method of division of labour, some persons of the colony undertaking nutrient and others gene- rative functions, is, as may be supposed, particularly well seen in the Siphonophora, where special sets of Chap. XIII. ] GONADS CF CtSTODA. 485 persons, more or less medusoid in form, devote them- selves solely to the duty of producing genital glands, and obtain the necessary food from the nutrient persons of the colony ; in a few cases these gonosomes become free. The Platyhelmintnes present an elaborate and somewhat difficult arrangement of their sexual organs ; this is no doubt to be partly explained as due to their exhibiting an early stage in the consolidation of the diffused reproductive cells ; we must, how- ever, not fail to note that they present a distinct advance in the possession of accessory repro- ductive organs. The male is provided with a copulatory organ or penis, and the female, which may now have special ovarian ducts, has the ter- minal portion of the efferent tube modified into a special canal (vagina), into which the male organ may be received. Nor is this all ; another portion of the duct is widened out into a receptacle in which the ova may pass through the earlier stages of their development (uterus) ; and yet another is often converted into a pouch, in which the male elements may be stored till such time as the ova are ready for fertilisation (receptaculum seniinis). The egg- producing and the yolk-producing cells are, however, still distinct, and the latter have not yet, as in the case of a bird, for example, taken their place on some part of the duct that leads from the ovaries. This kind of arrangement is well seen in the Cestoid Bothriocephalus latus (Fig. 204; AB), where the testes (t) are seen to be represented by aggregations of cells which are scattered through each segment j their pro- ducts pass by narrow ducts (ve) into a common coiled efferent vessel (vd) which opens at the anterior end of the segment into the copulatory organ (cirrus, c). The ovarian region (ov) occupies either side of the middle line in the hinder region of the segment, while the 486 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. yolk-producing glands (d) lie outside of these ; from the latter there are given off a number of fine canals, which meet in the middle line (d') towards the hinder end of the segment ; these canals communicate with ? t e t tm 3 V' Fig. 204 A. Male Apparatus of Bothriocephalus latus. t, Some of the testes, with (ye) their ducts opening into (vd) the vas deferens ; c, cirrus ; cb t cirrus sheath; ov, ovaries; u, uterus. (After Sommer and Landois.) the oviduct (od), which leads into a large coiled uterus (u), which opens near the anterior end of the joint (u'J. The liver fluke again presents us with a very complex arrangement of parts ; there are two testes, one of which is placed in front of the other in the middle of the body j each consists of a large number of blind tubes of varying lengths, which open into Chap. XIII.] Go NADS OF FLUKE. three or four primary ducts ; these unite at a common point, one for each testis. Thence there pass forwards two deferent ducts, which open into a common seminal reservoir. The reservoir is continuous anteriorly with Fig. 204 B. Female Apparatus of Bothriocephalus latus. c. Cirrus; cb, cirrus sheath; ov, ovaries; d, yitellaria ; d', their ducts; od, oviduct ; u, uterus ; u', its orifice ; v, vagina ; v', its orifice ; gl, shell- producing glands. (After Sommer and Landois.) a ductus ejaculatorius, which is coiled and looped, and which forms a papilliform projection at the base of the genital sinus, which is common to the male and female ducts, and is placed just behind the ventral sucker. The terminal portion is protrusible, and functions as a penis ; it is ordinarily known as the cirrus. In the female organs the germ glands are quite distinct from the yolk glands ; the former make 488 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. up a single mass, which lies well forwards, and is composed of a number of blind tubes ; the whole ovary is not very large. The yolk glands occupy the sides of the body, extend farther forwards than the ovary, and reach to quite the hinder end ; they are racemose in character, each lobule being made up of a number of small vesicles, the ducts from which open into a large longitudinal duct, of which there is one on either side of the body. Just below the level of the ovary each of these gives off a transverse duct, which opens into a common median reservoir ; the duct from this, after a somewhat irregular course, during which it gives off the fine duct of Laurer and Stieda which opens by a very minute pore on the dorsal surface of the body, opens into the genital sinus ; the terminal part of the duct serves as a vagina. At the commencement of its course, where it unites with the short oviduct, it is surrounded by a complex of glands, the so-called shell glands, which are so called from their secretion serving to form a shell for the ova. In the round worms (Neniatohelniintlies) the sexes are nearly always separate, and the generative products are developed in special tubes, which in the female are, however, of considerable length. Owing to their length, the female tubes are in most cases coiled, but this is the only character which presents any complexity ; the blind end of the tube serves as the seat of production of the egg cells, and the re- mainder has the function of an uterus, or of a vagina. Here, again, we find that while the blind ovarian portions of the tubes are double, the efferent portion (vagina) has undergone fusion, and the generative orifice is therefore single and median. The male tubes have essentially the same structure, and are only less complicated in character ; the blind end of each tube is the seat of development of the Chap. XIII.] GONADS OF WORMS. 489 male cells, while the rest forms merely an efferent duct, or has its distal portion widened out into a reservoir or seminal vesicle. The male orifice is, however, associated with that of the intestine, and two chitinous spicules are developed to serve as copu- latory organs, and to aid in the entrance of the spermatozoa, which here are always amoeboid in form, and have no specialised mobile tail. The Acanthocephali are, again, examples of forms in which the sexes are separate and the males provided with a copulatory organ, but they exhibit so much advance in structure as is implied by the testes being two definite sacs; these, however, are not paired, but one lies in front of the other ; the testes, like the ova, are developed on a special cord (ligamentum suspeiisoriuiii), the exact signifi- cance of which is very incompletely understood ; a somewhat similar structure has been observed in the Bryozoa ; in the Chsetognatha we find that the testes are developed in the anenterous or caudal segment of the body, and the ova in the segment in front ; in the Rotifer* the males are always without an intestine. In the Nemertinea, the Oephyrea, and the polychaetous Chsetopods the generative pro- ducts are developed directly from the epithelial cells lining the body cavity, and there is no definite region of which one can speak as testicular or ovarian ; in these cases, moreover, the sexes are, as a rule, sepa- rate ; and we have herein some support for the view that the hermaphroditism of many worms has been secondarily acquired. In the Hirudinea and the oligoehsetous Cheetopods we find, on the other hand, that the generative products are developed in certain segments only, and here, too, we find that the two sexes are united in the same individual. Taking as types of these 49 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. two groups the leech (Hirudo) and the earthworm (Lumbricus), we have a striking example of the way in which more lowly and more specialised characters are often associated in the same individual. Starting with the proposition that the generative organs are at first irregularly distributed through the body cavity, we are led to suppose that the more these sexual cells are consolidated, or, in other words, the fewer the segments in which they are developed, the higher the grade of organisation. From this point of view we should assign the higher position to the earthworm, inasmuch as the testes are to be found in two seg- ments only, while the leech has testes developed in nine segments ; on the other hand, the arrangements for the safe disposal of the testicular products are no less indicative of superior organisation; from this point of view we should assign the higher position to the leech, inasmuch as it has, and the earthworm has not, a special intromittent organ, or penis, by means of which the male products are safely carried to the female. Notwithstanding the absence of a penis in most Oligochsetes, different individuals copulate with one another, and the male products of the one are received by the other into special pouches, whence they are expelled when the ova are mature and expelled also, while some of the setse in the region of the body where the orifices are placed are specially modified to aid in copulation. The spermatozoa are often collected into masses or spermatophores, which may or may not be provided with a special investment. While the generative products of the Nemertinea es- cape directly to the exterior, and those of the Gephyrea, and probably also of some Annelids, by means of the nephridial canals, the Hirudinea and some Oligochseta are provided with special ducts ; in the earthworm the open funnel-shaped orifice of the efferent duct Chap. XIII.] GONADS OF WORMS. 49! becomes greatly enlarged, and two pairs of large sacs (the already mentioned reservoirs), are developed, which completely obscure, and, indeed, have been very frequently mistaken for the true testes. The only explanation which has been given of the pre- sence of nephridial canals and efferent ducts in the same segment is that of Lankester, who has sug- gested that each segment was typically provided with two pairs of segmental organs, the superior of which ordinarily become aborted. Some worms (Eudrilus), present indications of the presence of both sets of organs, and in others (Ocnerodrilus), the ordinary nephridia are not developed in the segments which carry the generative ducts. While both the leech and the earthworm have but a single pair of ovaries, the former is provided with a single median vagina, in place of a duct opening directly to the exterior ; in the leech, moreover, the ova, when set free from the ovary, are not taken up by the open mouths of the oviducts, and as the wall of the oviduct is directly continuous with the investment of the ovary, they do not, as in most vertebrates, for example, pass first into the body cavity ; they make their way directly to the exterior. As may be supposed from their radial symmetry in adult life, the Echinodermata have their genera- tive organs radially disposed ; in the more primitive forms, such as Brisinga, the glands are arranged by pairs, and extend along the whole length of each arm, while the generative pore is placed in the proximal region of each ray ; as centralisation increases, the glands become less elongated, and the pores are placed within the area of the disc ; in the Ophiuroids the glands are completely confined to the disc, where they form five racemose groups ; in the Echinoids the in- terradially-placed pairs become fused, and only five sets of genital glands are to be made out. In the 492 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Holothurians reduction is carried still farther, the genital tubes finally uniting into a single tube which opens near the anterior end of the body. In keeping with their other primitive characters, the Crinoidea have a more diffused arrangement of the genital glands ; these are situated in the axis of each arm, and make their way into the pinnulse that are attached to it (Fig. 205). It is ordinarily sup- posed that the generative products of all Echino- derms make their way in to the water in a more or less casual manner ; in Aste- rina, however, Ludwig has observed that the males twist their arms around those of the female, and so dispose themselves as to ensure the escaping sper- matozoa meeting with the ejected ova. A somewhat similar mode of copulation Fig. 205. Cross Section of a Pinnule of the Arctic Feather-star (An- tedon eschrichti] ; x 75. has been observed by Jic- keli in Antedon rosacea. In addition to their a, Axial cord; a', its branches ; ag, ara- bulacral or food groove ; b, radial blood-vessel; w, radial nerve; ov, ovary ; pj, joint of pinnule ; w, water- vessel ; T, tentacles. (From P. H. Car- ., .. . penter.slightly altered from Ludwig.) power Ol SCXUal multi- plication, the Echinoder- mata are distinguished by their remarkable capacity for repairing injuries, and of giving rise to new indi- viduals from separated arms ; in those cases in which the rays are very numerous (Brisinga, Labidiaster), chap, xiii.] REPRODUCTION OF ECHINODERMS. 493 it would appear that the arms often break off for the purpose of more effectually evacuating their genital products. In some cases, ordinary five-rayed forms, such as the common starfish, have been seen to, as it were spontaneously, break off an arm ; from such a single arm several new rays are budded off, and as these only gradually grow, such a starfish has the appearance of a comet, or body with a long tail. In the case of the Ophiuroids, it is, owing to the cen- tralisation of the organs, necessary that this mode of multiplication should be effected not by the separa- tion of a single arm, but by the division of the disc, and Ophiuroids are not ^infrequently to be seen in which there are three shorter, and two or three longer arms, the members of either set being subequal among themselves. The reproduction of arms is also to be frequently noticed among the Crinoids, but we have not yet sufficient information as to whether these arms have been directly broken off by enemies, or set free by their possessor in consequence of an in- herited peculiarity, as observed by Jickeli in Antedon rosacea, or from fear of danger. This kind of repro- duction has not been observed, as may well be sup- posed, among Echinoids, but it is well known that Holothurians will, if terrified, eject their viscera, and gradually redevelop what one must suppose to be im- portant organs ; the Crinoids will replace the whole of the viscera contained in their calyx (M. Marshall). The various stages of reproduction and fusion which are to be observed among Echinoderms can be nearly all paralleled by what is to be seen in dif- ferent groups of the animal kingdom. An annelid of the southern seas (Palolo) is said to evacuate its genital products by completely breaking into pieces, when the ova and spermatozoa meet and unite in the water ; the loss of a single arm may be compared to the gradual break-up of the organism which is seen in 494 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, the common jellyfish (Aurelia, of. page 541); the loss by reflex action on irritation of an arm is paralleled by the tail of the lizard ; while the formation of buds by the injured arm or disc reminds us of the capacity for reproduction which is exhibited by the common Hydra. Asexual reproduction in Echinoderms may, to sum up, be one of two things ; there may be fission with repair, or a single arm may be separated off and give rise by external gemmation to a fresh zooid. It is of interest to note that these phenomena are seen especially in those forms (Linckia) in which the ossicles of the arms are not protected either by strong- spines as in Astropecten, or by well-developed margi- nal plates as in Pentagonaster. A high grade of differentiation is reached by some of the Arthropod a, for the germinal glands are compact, and often, indeed, united into a single mass ; the efferent ducts are not unfrequently single, and their orifice median in position, while the distinction of the sexes is often to be demonstrated by the posses- sion of secondary characters, such as differences in external configuration, or the characters of certain pairs of appendages. It is but seldom that the sexes are united in the same individuals, and the mode of life ordinarily allows us to find an easy explanation for this arrangement, when it does obtain. On the other hand, there are some remarkable ar- rangements obtaining in various Arthropods which require immediate notice ; in the Crustacean Apus, and in such insect forms as the bee (Apis), and the plant-louse, Aphis, we find that for a large number of generations the females are enabled to produce ova, which grow up to the adult stage without the inter- position of any male influence; here, too, as in the case of the Rotifera (see page 482), the presence of polar globules in the maturing egg-cell have not yet Chap. XIII.] GONADS OF CRAYFISH. 495 quite been satisfactorily demonstrated. The distinctions between the various stages of what was originally called parthenogenesis will be considered later on. To fix our ideas of the peculiarities of the Arthropod organisation, we may commence with an account of the generative organs of the crayfish ; the testes and ovary are respectively compact glands united along the middle line, and giving only indications of a primi- tively bilateral origin; they occupy a definite and constant position in the body, lying beneath or just in front of the heart, and having the enteric canal be- neath ; they both give off a duct on either side, which opens to the exterior at the base of one of the paired appendages which are connected with the thorax ; as the female orifice is placed two segments farther for- ward than the male, the oviducts are, as we may sup- pose, shorter than the vasa deferentia which carry away the products of the testes (Fig. 206). The cells which line the walls of the ducts of the testes are, at the ends of the final canals, found to occupy swellings, the large cells of which undergo that division into smaller bodies which is so striking a charac- teristic of spermatogenesis \ the products of these divisions are not, however, provided with merely one protoplasmic tail ; in the Crustacea, as in the ISTema- tohelmmthes, we have a large development of chitin in various parts of the organism, and here, as there, we have spermatozoa developed which are without that protoplasmic flagellar process, which is to be likened to a cilium ; in place of this there are a number of stiff processes, the disposition of which has gained for the spermatozoa the name of "radiate cells." In some Decapoda the rays retain so much of the charac- ter of the pseudopodia of an Amoeba that tfyey can be withdrawn into the nucleated portion of the cell (Owsjannikoff). Immobile cells like these require some accessory 496 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND' PHYSIOLOGY. organ by means of which they can be carried with safety to the body of the female, and here, as in so many of their other organs, we find the crayfish convert- ing some of its ap- pendages into a suit- able apparatus ; the appendages of the first two segments of the abdomen, that is, of the two segments which lie immedi- ately behind that on the base of the ap- pendages of which are placed the male orifices, have their terminal portions converted into styli- form processes, with their edges so folded on themselves as to form each a half- canal. In the ovary we find here, as in so many other cases, that one cell in a special set (ovisac) grows to a compara- tively large size at the expense of those that surround and form a coat for it ; when this ovum escapes from the ruptured ovisac it Fig. 206. Figures of the Male (A) and Fe- male (B) Organs of Astacusfluviatilis. ov, Ovary ; od, oviduct ; od', its orifice ; t, testis ; vd, vas deferens ; vd', its orifice. (After Huxley.) Chap. XIII.] GONADS OF COCKROACH. 497 passes into the oviduct, where it is perhaps fertilised, and, further, provided with a coat (comparable to that by means of which the spermatozoa are aggregated into spermatophores), one end of which is drawn out into a short stalk ; by means of this stalk the developing ova become attached to the small appendages of the abdominal region, with which they remain connected till they are converted into the likeness of the adult ; a crayfish, or lobster, at this stage is said to be "in berry." There is, then, no free-swimming larval stage in the fresh-water crayfish. In the cockroach, as in the earthworm, the true character of the testes proper has been misunderstood, owing to just the same causes ; it is in young males only that the true testes, which have a dorsal position, can be detected ; in the adult forms their products are found in the reservoir which forms the double head of the single short efferent duct, and as this reservoir is a complicated structure (the so-caRed mushroom- shaped gland), formed of a number of short blind tubes, within which the spermatozoa go through the later stages of their development, it has, not un- naturally, been regarded as the true testis. The matured spermatozoa are thread-like bodies pointed at either end, which exhibit a wavy movement. As has been pointed out by Waldeyer, structures are to be seen in the ovaries of the Arthropoda which correspond to the Graafian follicles of the Vertebrata (page 508). Gegenbaur is strongly of opinion that the hiass of generative cells in the Arthropoda is primitively single, and adduces many facts in support of this view ; not only, however, is this arrangement contrary to that which obtains in all other bilaterally sym- metrical animals, but it is further opposed by certain embryological facts ; for example, the Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) have, in the later stages of G G 16 498 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. embryonic life, an organ on either side of the heart ; and, lastly, it would be as easy to derive the single from the double, as the double from the single arrangement, when we bear in mind that so primitive a form as Peripatus has the two testes completely separated (Fig. 207). Fig. 207. Male Organs of Peripatus. sntia; pr, prostat (After Balfour.) te, Testes ; vd, vasa deferentia ; pr, prostates ; p, common duct of v Salanus ; 2, Larva of Chtliamalus stellatv* ; 3, Older rapidly , \ Larva of Lepas avftralis. (After Woodward.) in the lower portion of the thorax become united by pairs, and give rise to the legs ; those in the upper portion become converted into the wings and halteres ; tlie cephalic 534 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. discs similarly give rise to the head and its ap- pendages. In the developmental history of the Crustacea there are two larval forms or stages which are very widely distributed among the different orders ; the appearance of these has been of very considerable assistance in determining the real zoological position of such forms as the barnacle and the parasitic Cope- poda, which, when adult, have an appearance altogether unlike that of Apus or Astacus (Fig. 219). Like many other larvae, these free-swimming forms were, when first observed, thought to be distinct animals, and received in consequence distinctive names. The first is the stage known as that of the Nauplius. In this the larva has an unsegmented body and three pairs of appendages of which the two pos- terior are biramose, a single median eye, and a distinct digestive tract. In the lowest forms, the Phyllopoda, this nauplius passes gradually into the adult stage, the body becoming segmented, and fresh appendages ap- pearing as the crustacean grows in size, and undergoes its periodical ecdyses, or sheddings of the outer skin. Among the higher Crustacea (Malacostraca) the larvae are hardly ever found freely swimming in the Nauplius stage ; they more frequently make their appearance at a more advanced period, or that which is known as the Zoea. Here we have a cephalo- thoracic shield, which is often, though not always, provided with long spiniform processes, the longest of which projects upwards from the middle of the back ; the tail region is developed, but, like the hinder part of the thorax, it is without the appendages that are already developed in the anterior region of the body ; lateral eyes are present in addition to a median one. This Zoea stage is often succeeded by others, in which certain characters are greatly exaggerated, or in which there are presented arrangements which are permanent Chap. XIV.] LARV/E OF CRINOIDS. 535 in less highly developed forms, but only transitory in the higher ; these, however, differ in different orders, and are beyond our consideration here. Finally, it is to be borne in mind that some Crus- tacea leave the egg in a form essentially similar to that of their parent; of such forms the crayfish is an example. Some remarkable larval forms obtain among the Echinodcrmata, and the wide distribution of species which, when adult, are capable of but a slight amount of loco- motion, must be ascribed to their possession of free-swim- ming ciliated larvae. The most instructive examples are pre- sented by the Comatulidse, which are members of the group Pelmatozoa, but are stalked in their larval stages only, during which, therefore, they have a certain resem- blance to the permanently- stalked Pentacrinus. After passing through a short period of free existence, in which the cilia are arranged in four transverse bands (Fig. 220), and during which two sets of five plates and a short calcareous stem become de- veloped, the larva loses its ciliated bands, and becomes fixed by the stalk (Fig. 221 ; A) ; at the free end of this stalk the arms become developed, and below the cup- like portion (calyx) there appear the jointed pro- cesses which are known as the cirri. The calyx and the top joint of the stem break away from the rest, and we get the Comatulid which is capable of a certain amount of locomotion. Fig. 220. Tortal view of the Lnrva of the Common British Feather-star (An- tedon rosacea) ; x 20. (After Wyville - Thom- son.) 536 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 221. Pentacrinoid Larvse of the Feather - star (Antedon rosacea). A, Quite young, before the opening of the cup, and the appearance of the five radial plates; B, nearly imture ; 6, basal ; o, orals ; r, first radials. (After Carpenter. ) Among the Echinozoa we often find arrangements which exhibit more com- pletely the characters of a true metamorphosis, and which are of especial inter- est because they present a bilateral symmetry, such as is ordinarily obscured in the adult. The simplest con- ditions obtain in the Holo- thurians. After passing through the early stages of development, the body, which was originally co- vered with cilia, has these processes arranged in a sinuous band at its edges. The anterior portion of the enteric tract, before uniting with the hinder in- volution, the orifice of which forms the permanent anus, buds off a vesicle, which becomes completely separated from the enteric tract, and the cavity of part of which forms the I>od3* cavity. The vesicle elong- ates, and sends outwards a process which comes into contact with the dorsal sur- face of the body, or that which is opposite to the surface on which the mouth opens ; this process, or di- vert! julum, has an opening Chap. XIV.] LARV& OF ECHINOZOA. 537 to the exterior (Fig. 222; wp). The vesicle then breaks up into three parts, the most anterior of which gives rise to the water-vascular ring and its appended canals, while the two more posterior (Fig. 222 ; rp, Ip) give rise to the general body cavity, the lining of which is formed by their walls. In Holo- thurians generally, though not always, the connection between the vascular system and the body wall becomes broken, and the madre- poric canal hangs freely in the body cavity. Among other Echi- nozoa the amount of difference between the larval and the adult stage is much greater than it is in Holothu- rians ; the larvae are more elaborately de- veloped, and present distinct evidences of secondary adaptations to their free mode of life. The sides of the body are not unfre- quently produced into free arm-like processes, the interior of which may (Pluteiis larvae, Fig. 223), or may not (Brachiolaria), be supported internally by delicate calcareous rods. Part only of the body of such larvae passes directly into the substance of the adult ; the rest is either -absorbed by the growing echinozoon, or shrivels up and disappears. The Fig. 222. Diaenrammatic View of the J arva of a Holothuriaa (from the side). m, Mouth ; g, gullet ; s, stomach ; a, anus ; c, longitudinal ciliated band ; w, rudiment f water-vascular ring; wp, water-pore; rp, Ip, right and left peritoneal cavities, from which the body cavity is developed. (From P. H. Carpenter, after Beleoka ) 538 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. connection between the peritoneal vesicle and the outer world is permanently retained, and forms the so-called madreporic canal. A few Echinoderms (Hemiaster, Ophiacantha vivipara, Chirodota rotifera) do not pass through any Fi.j 223. Pluteus paradoxvs, the Larva of an Ophiuroid, at a late stage, in which both the Larval Arms with their supports and the rudi- ments of the Disc and Radial Skeleton of Adult are to be seen. (After J. Miiller.) larval stages ; the eggs are received into incubatory pouches, or are developed in the ccalom without pass- ing through any larval stages, or leading a free- swimming independent existence. A very common form of free-swimming larva is that which is known as the Trocliospliere, and which essentially resembles the adult condition of a Rotifer; it is found among the marine Chsetopocla, some of the Gephyrea and Mollusca, and in the Chap, xiv.j THE TROCHOSPHERE LARVA. 539 Bryozoa. It is characterised by the possession of a circlet of long cilia, which separates the anterior portion of the body of the larva (prseoral lobe) from that which lies behind it (Fig. 224) ; this ciliated circlet is retained throughout life by the Rotatoria. In addition to it, other circlets may become developed. The most common of these is that which appears in the region of the anus (telotrochal larvae) ; in others several bands of cilia are formed (polytrochal), and these sometimes encircle the whole body, and are sometimes dorsal and some- times ventral in position. The banded condition is preceded by one in which the cilia are equally distri- buted over the whole body. __ The Trochosphere is provided with a definite di- gestive tract, the lining of which is ciliated : has a . , ,, , , , Fig. 224. Larval Chsetopods. fairly well developed ner- o> Mouth . anug . ^ prffioral . w> post . vous system and a sensory schLk C ) Iliated bandf (After Hat " apparatus in the preeoral lobe ; there is also a paired excretory organ, which opens into the body cavity by several funnel-shaped orifices. As the postoral portion increases in length the bands of mesoblastic cells undergo segmentation, and the prseoral portion becomes proportionately smaller. Later on it develops the tentacles charac- teristic of the Chsetopod, and loses the band, or bands of cilia. All the Mollusca have not a free-swimming larva which can be referred to this type ; in the common fresh-water mussel the ova are developed under the shelter of the gills ; here they become provided with a bivalved shell, the free edges of which are toothed ; the larva does not fix itself to its parent by these hooks, 540 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. but by the byssus-threads, which are secreted by a gland at the hinder end of the body. After a time the Olochidium, as the larva at this stage is called, breaks away from the parent, and makes it way to some of the fish that live in the same water. To the gills or other part of these hosts it fixes itself by its toothed shell, while the byssus gland becomes aborted, as do also the sense organs with which the larva is provided. Attached to and covered by the epidermis of its host, the young mussel undergoes a series of further changes and takes on the characters of the adult. When the Molluscan larva is referable to the trochosphere type, it has, as Lankester was the first to point out, two distinctive characteristics ; on the ventral surface, between the mouth and the anus, there is a projection which is the rudiment of the foot, and on the dorsal surface there is an epiblastic ingrowth which forms the shell gland. The larva of Chiton is remarkable for having the posterior dorsal region segmented. The simplest of all known larvae are found in the Coelenterata, where they have the form of a two- layered oval or elongated body, covered externally with cilia, and provided with a central gastric cavity, but without a mouth. In the simplest cases this Plan 11 1 a becomes fixed by one end, loses its cilia, and begins to develop tentacles at its free end. In the common jelly-fish (Aurelia) and in the vast majority of the Acraspedota a very remarkable metamorphosis obtains. The free-swimming planula having settled down and become fixed (Scyphistoma stage) in the form of a polyp with a central mouth (Fig. 225 ; A), begins to undergo division into a number of saucer- like rings set one below the other ; each of these Strobila contains a portion of the gastric cavity, and, as development proceeds, the edges of the saucers Chap, xiv.j DEVELOPMENT OF AURELIA. 54i become produced into eight lobes into which prolonga- tions of the central cavity extend. After undergoing some further development, each saucer in turn breaks away from the common stock, and, as an Ephyra, with a disc of gelatinous tissue, a layer of muscle, and eight bifid tentacular lobes, swims about freely, increases in size, and becomes gradually converted into an adult .sexually mature jelly-fish. Here, then, we have an ex- ample of "alternation of generations " ; the fertilised ovum gives rise, through the plan- ula, to the Hydra-tuba, the parts of which undergo by constriction a serial multiplication, and each part gives rise to a sexually mature form. /Alternation of generations. This complex process has, from various causes, been considerably ob- scured, and various terms have been applied to the various ways in which this phenomenon has been observed. As seen among the hydrozoic Ccelenterates, Annelid worms, and Tuni- cata, it may be thus described in the words of Balfour : " The simplest cases are those in which an individual which produces by sexual means gives origin to asexual individuals differently organised to itself, which pro- duce, by budding, the original sexual form, and so com- plete a cycle .... In all these cases the origin of the phenomenon is easily understood. It appears, as is Fig. 225. Development of Aurelia aurita. A, Polyp stage ; B, commencement of trans- verse cleavage : c, completion of the same so-called Hydra-tube stage. (After 542 COMPARATIVE ANATOMI AND PHYSIOLOGY. most clearly shown in the case of the Annelida, that the ancestors of the species which now exhibit alterna- tions of generations originally reproduced themselves at the same time both sexually and by budding, though probably the two modes of reproduction did not take place at the same season. Gradually a differentiation became established, by which sexual reproduction be- came confined to certain individuals, which in most instances did not also reproduce asexu- ally. After the two modes of reproduction became confined to se- parate individuals, the dissimilarity in habits of life necessitated by their diverse functions caused a difference in their organisation ; and thus a complete alter- nation of generations became established. The above is no merely speculative history, since all gradations be- tween complete alternations of generations and simple budding combined with sexual reproduction can be traced in actually existing forms." When alternation of generations is fully expressed among the Hydrozoa we find that the sessile hydri- form colony gives rise to buds which gradually break away from their colony and become free-swimming (Fig. 226). Differing in some details from the structure of the Medusa already noted, these forms are still more interesting in that between them and the ordinary hydroid polyp we find a series of stages which Fig. 226. Figure of Syncoryne with a numV>er of Budding Medusae on it at Different Stages (a to e) of De- velopment. (After Desor.) Chap, xiv.] ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS. 543 have been variously regarded as grades of development or oi degradation. We find, that is, that the medusiforni buds do not always become separated from the stock that has produced them ; and while in some cases (e.g. Syn- coryne itself, towards the end of the breeding season, or Tubularia) the buds are fully formed medusae, in others, though still bearing the sexual organs, they are nothing more than projections from the sides of the body, in which the medusoid characters are hardly, if at all, apparent (Hydractinia). These stages of difference in the medusoid buds are allied, 011 the one hand, to the condition which obtains in the common Hydra, where ova and spermatozoa are developed in one and the same individual, and in which the young do not pass through any larval stage ; and on the other, to what is seen in Geryonia, for example, where the hydriform condition isaltogether suppressed, and the larva, after a certain amount of metamorphosis, passes into the medusoid condition of its parent. In both of these cases there is no alternation of generations. A series of very interesting conditions are exhi- bited by different Annelids. In Lumbriculus there may be simple transverse division of the body, one half of which acquires a new tail, and the other a new head ; in Ctenodrilus it has been observed that the anterior half of the body may again divide ; in Syllis the generative products are developed in the posterior half only of the body ; in Myrianida the same pro- ducts are confined to the forms that arise by budding, so that from a simple case of transverse division we have come to a complete example of alternation of generations. In some cases (e.g. the fresh-water Nais) there is not simple transverse division, but the formation first of all of a so-called " zone of gemmation ; " here the zone becomes converted anteriorly into an anal zone, 544 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. and posteriorly into a fresli head ; several zones of gemmation may appear before the zooids break away from the parent, and begin to develop generative organs. In Protula, the parent reproduces sexually, as well as the buds, but in Autolytus the genital glands are confined to the zooids that have been de- veloped by budding. The most complicated alternations are found among the Urochordata,* a large number of which multi- ply by budding ; a simple case is presented by those forms in which the bud arises as an outgrowth of the body wall, together with a prolongation of part of the intestine. From this outgrowth the organs of the bud are fashioned, and the bud, breaking away, gives rise to fresh buds. Both bud and parent develop generative organs and reproduce themselves sexually. In Botryllus the product of a fertilised ovum gives rise to a single bud ; this gives rise to two, each of which again develops two buds ; the four buds ar- range themselves round a common cloaca, then give rise to two or three buds, and these again to others. These last, which may go on budding, are the first that are provided with sexual organs. In Pyrosoma the product of a fertilised ovum gives rise, while still an embryo, to four zooids ; these re- produce sexually, and so give rise to fresh colonies, or multiply by budding, and so increase the size of the colony. The height of complexity is reached by Doliolum, the embryo of which is at first tailed, but becomes cask-shaped in form, like its parent. From its dorsal surface there grows out a process or Stolon, at the sides and along the dorsal middle line of which buds appear. The former become converted into the spoon- like forms of Gegenbaur, and become free ; their * The account given by Balfour (" Comparative Embryology," voL ii.) has been closely followed here. Chap, xiv.] DEVELOPMENT OF T^ENIA. 545 further history is as yet unknown. The dorsal buds take on the form of the parent with sexual organs, but do not themselves become sexually mature ; they develop a stolon from their ventral surface, on which appear buds that grow up into the sexual forms. The relations of these different stages is shown by the following table : Sexual generation. First asexual form with dorsal stolon. Spoon-like forms developed Second asexual forms developed as as lateral buda (future median buds with ventral stolon, history unknown). | Sexual generation. A somewhat different condition of things is found among the endo-parasitic forms, where, as a rule, the animal passes through its different stages in two different hosts ; we may take as typical the histories of the common tapeworm, and of the liver-fluke which causes the " rot " in sheep (Distomum hepaticum). Taenia solium is sexually mature in the intes- tine of man, and the final joints of the tapeworm consist merely of fertilised ova, which have al- ready passed through the earlier stages of develop- ment ; when the joints become free and escape to the exterior, they break up, and the contents escape in the form of embryos contained in a thick chitiiious shell. If these are now swallowed by a pig, the shell is digested by the gastric juices of the new host, and a rounded embryo, which is provided with three pairs of hooks, is set free ; by means of these hooks the guest makes its way through the wall of the stomach or intestine, and finally settles down in the muscles of its host. The embryo now loses its hooks and gradually acquires a bladder-like form, the central cavity of which is filled with fluid, while circular and JJ 16 546 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. longitudinal muscular fibres are developed in its walls. This bladder- worm (cysticercus), now has its outer wall pushed inwards at the anterior end, and on the involution so formed hooks and suckers become de- veloped, in such a way that when, as next happens, the involution is turned inside out, these hooks and suckers lie on the outer surface of the so-called "head." We have now a narrow head and neck with an attached bladder (Fig. 227), the head being at this time hollow, and having in it a circular vessel which communicates with four longitudinal fibres. If, during the long time that these " bladder-worms " remain alive, the pig is killed for food, and after- wards insufficiently cooked, they are, when the pork is eaten, conveyed into Fig.227. Cyshcercus ,, , J cellulose (after Von the human stomach. Here the fhfnSd ($f*eX ^adder-like termination becomes ab- (c), and Vesicle (a), sorbed, and the neck, increasing in length, becomes divided into joints which are constantly produced at the anterior end ; the oldest joints (proglottids) are, in other words, farthest from the head. In them sexual organs are developed, and the cycle recommences. Distomum hepaticiim, of which several hun- dreds may occupy the liver of one sheep, is of extra- ordinary fecundity, producing at least as many as one hundred thousand ova ; these only pass through their earliest segmentation phases in the warmth of the mam- malian body, but when they escape and reach a moderately warm and moist place, the egg commences to develop rapidly within its firm shell. When ready to escape as an elongated ciliated larva, the embryo bursts the cap of its shell, and begins to move about freely. If the pasture on which it has fallen is moist, the larva soon finds a stream of water along which Chap, xiv.] DEVELOPMENT OF FLUKE. 547 it may pass to the neighbourhood of its next host ; this has been shown by Thomas to be the small air- breathing snail which is known as r.ymiiseiis trimcatuliis. Provided at its anterior end with a papilla which acts as a most effi- cient boring-organ, the larva forces its way between the cells of the wall of the lung of the Lymnseus, and makes its way into the lung cavity. In this position it loses its elongated and acquires a rounded form, giving rise to the so-called sporocyst stage. The cells with- in the body which have not yet been used up in the formation of any tissue, arrange themselves in definite groups, each of which gives rise to an elongated larval form not unlike a gastrula (Fig. 228), save that it is provided with a definite pharynx, has an " annular ridge," and two short blunt pro- cesses behind. We have now the Redia stage. The R6dia, be- coming free, may make its way into other organs of the snail's body ; within this Redia fresh Redise may be again developed, or the germinal cells within it may, in- Fig._228. Redia of D. stead, give rise to yet another form. At any rate, the final product of redise, or daughter-rediae, is a body of rounded form with a long tail (Fig. 229), to which the name of cercaria has been long since applied. The parasite in this stage makes its way to the exterior, and, becoming enclosed in a firm cyst, loses its tail; these cercarian cysts take up their Hepaticum. Thomas.) (After n, Pharynx ; m, contained germs ; r, posterior pro- cesses. 548 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. position at the roots of the grass, and so on, and in time either die down, or are eaten by a sheep. When the latter misfortune happens, they pass into the stomach, and so to the gall ducts and liver, to grow up afresh into the likeness of the liver-fluke from which they started. Histories not unlike those of these two divisions of the Platy- helminthes are presented by the round worms or Nematoliel- mintlies, and by the Echino- rliyiiclii. The thread - worm of the human blood (Filaria sanguinis hominis), which appears to be the cause of chyluria and of some other diseases in the countries of the Eastern Old World, has been found to have an intermediate host in the mosquito, from whom it passes into water ; when this water is drunk the young return to the human intestine. Dracunculus medinensis lives in its adult con- dition in the subcutaneous tissue of the human leg and foot : its larval stages being passed, as it seems, in a fresh- water crustacean. Trichina is an example of a form which appears to have had its history modified ; in societies that may be called cannibal (e.g. rats) no in- termediate host would appear to be necessary ; in the case of civilised man, the adult worms are obtained from the flesh of incompletely-cooked pigs. Fig. 229. Cefcaria of D. hepaticum. (After Thomas.) INDEX. Acanthocephala, 51 ; hooks, 28? ; gonads, 489 Acanthometra, 27 ; skeleton, 276 Acarina, 74 ; respiration, 228 Achseta ; cilia, 56 Achtheres ; gnathites, 179 Acineta, 31 ; suckers, 177 Acipenser, 91 ; skull, 326 Acraspedota, 42 ; nervous system, 395 Actinophrys, 27 JErobranchiata, 73 Alcippe, 69 Amblystoma ; oral glands, 158 Amia, 92 Ammothoa ; figure, 72 A.mniota, 93 Amoeba ; structure, 18 ; zoological position, 27 ; respiration, 210 ; ectosarc, 274 Amphibia, 89, 93; teeth, 145; tongue, 154 ; oral glands, 158 ; heart, 195, 202 ; respiration, 232, 236 ; kidneys, 259 ; glands, 266 ; vertebral column, 314, 321 ; skull, 330; mouth, 336 ; scales, 365 ; brain, 421 ; sensor v organs, 436, 454, 467 ; gonads, 506 Amphioxus ; segmentation, 32, 87 Amphipoda, 70 Amphiuma, 93 ; blood corpuscles, Amphonyx ; proboscis, 132 Ampullaria ; respiration, 228 Anabas, 93 ; suprabranchial organ, 234 Anguillulidffi ; oral bristles, 114 ; respiration, 211 Anisopleura, 81 Annulata, 54; digestion, 117; gills, 218; skeleton, 286; eyes, 446 ; gonads, 489 Anodon, 80 ; blood-vessels, 191. Anoplophrya ; figure, 104 ^.ntedon, 63; nervous system, 409 ; copulation, 492 jj* 16 Anthozoa, 43 ; mouth, 110 ; sipho- noglyphe, 111 ; figure, 112 ; yellow cells, 272 ; skeleton, 280 ; muscles, 373 ; gonads, 484 Anthropoidea, 100 Anura ; respiration, 236 ; kidneys, 259 ; testes, 506 Aphrodite, 54; cseca, 118 Aplysia, 81 ; intestine, 137 Appendicularia, 87 ; heart, 193 ; house, 313 Aptera ; zoological position, 75 ; gnathites, 128 ; springs, 379 Apus ; nervous system, 405 ; ova, 494 ; carapace, 299 Arachnida ; organisation, 72 ; para- sitic, 180; heart, 190; respira- tion, 225 ; limbs, 377 ; gonads, 499 Area ; gills, 220 Arenicola; gills, 219 Argon auta; shell, 309 Argulus ; guathites, 180 Arthropoda, 64; gnathites, 122; blood-vessels, 187 ; tracheae, 215 ; stigmata, 216 ; renal organ, 256; skeleton, 291; locomotion, 375; nervous system, 405 ; sensory organs, 434, 438, 418, 461 ; go- nads, 494 Artiodactyla, 99 ; limbs, 357 Ascaris, 51 Ascefcta ; figure. 35 Ascidia, 88 ; atriopore, 231 Ascon, 35 Asiphoniata, 80 Aspidogaster, 49 Asterias, 63 ; figure of arm, 61 ; skeleton, 294 Astropecten, 63 ; figure, 59 ; loss of anus, 121 Atlanta, 82 Aurelia, 42 ; figure, 42 ; respira- tion, 211 ; gelatinous tissue, 286 ; nervous system, 395 Axolotl ; oral glands, 158 Azygobranchiata, 82 53 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Balanoglossus ; figure, 86 Balanus, 69 Balistes ; teeth, 144 Bdellostoma ; kidneys, 259 Beroe ; mouth, 113 Birds, 97; tongue, 154; oral glands, 159 ; crop, 162 ; gizz.ird, 163 ; intestine,- 169 ; bursa f a- hricii, 170 ; vitelline duct, 171 ; arterial arches, 205 ; lungs, 239 kidneys, 261; metallic colours 273; vertebrae, 316, 321; jaws 340 ; furcula, 349 ; limbs, 352 feathers, 366; wings, 336 ; voice 390; brain, 423; spinal cod 430 ; sensory organs, 437, 442, 455, 470 ; gonads, 506 Boltenia, 88 Bonellia ; proboscis, 118 Bothriocephalus ; joints, 50 ; go- nads, 455 Botryllus, 88 ; development, 544 Brachionus, 52 Brachiopoda, 100 ; shell, 311 Branchippoda, 67 j figure, 66 ; re- spiration, 223 Brissopsis ; nervous system, 399 Bryozoa, 101 ; intestine, 120 ; cell, 288 ; gonads, 489 Buccinum, 82 Bugula ; figure. 101 Butiriuus, IK) ; intestine, 168 Caducichordata, 87 ; sene-cells, 431 Casciliee, 93 ; penis, 520 Calcispongiee, 35 Caligus ; gnathites, 179 Camels ; water-bag, 167 ; foot, 357 Cardium, 80 Carinella, 85: nervous system, 398 Carmarina ; nervous system, 396 Carnivora, 99 ; jaws, 342 Caryophyllseus.'SO Centetes; lower jaw, 342; teats, 523 Centrogouida ; organisation, 69 Cephalochordata, 86 ; digestive tract, 138; vascular system,193; respiration, 231 ; renal organ, 257 ; gonads, 506 Cephalopoda ; ink-bag, 138 ; bran- chial hearts, 192; gills, 221; funnel, 222 ; renal organ, 255 ; ear, 463 ; gonads, 503 Ceratodus ; teeth, 144; heart, 195, 202 ; fin, 362 Ceratospongias, 36 ; skeleton, 278 Cestoda, 49; nitrogenous waste, 250 ; hooks, 287 ; gonads, 485 Cestus, 45 ; figure, 46 Cetacea, 99; teeth, whale-bone,153 ; salivary glands, 160 ; retia mi- rabilia, 209 ; respiration, 242; kidneys, 281 ; skull, 344 ; tail, 381 ' Cetochilus ; figure, 68 Chalina, 36 Chamselpon ; tongue, 154 ; chro- matophore-', 27 ' Chsetoderinatidae, 81 Chsetodon, 93 ; teeth, 144 Chsetognatha, 101 Chelonia, 96 ; fins, 97 ; intestine, 169; bursse auales, 170; fin, 353, 384. Se Tortoise. Chirocentrus, 90 ; intestine, 168 Chiroptera, 99 Chitonidee, 81 ; shell, 306 ; eyes, 457 Chordata, 86 ; digestive tract, 138 ; vascular system, 192 ; re- spiration, 230; skeleton, 312; nervous system, 415; eye, 452; gonads, 505 ; larvae, 530 Cicada : vocal organ, 389 Ciduris, 63 Ciliata, 30 Cirripedia, 69 ; shell, 299, 304 Clione, 82 Clypeaster, 63 Cockroach ; zoological position, 76 ; figure, 76 ; gnathites, 130 ; intestine, 133 ; gonads, 497 Coelenterata, 36, 40 ; trophosomes, 109 gastro-vascular canals, 185 ; respiration, 211 ; nitrogenous waste, 248 ; gonads, 484. See also Medusse. Coleoptera ; characters, 77 ; gnathites, 131; stomach, 133; elytra, 298 ; vocal organ, 389 Copepoda, 68 Corallinm ; coral, 282 Cordylophora, 40 Crania ; figure, 100 Craspedota, 40 Crayfish ; mouth organs, 123 ; gas- tric mill, 125 ; heart, 187 ; re- spiration, 223; scaphognathite, 123, 225; green gland, 253; skeleton, 301 ; nervous system, 413; sensory organs, 439, 449, 451 ; gonads ; 495 Crinoidea; organisation, 58; di- gestion in, 121 ; skeleton, 292 ; nervous system, 408; gonads, INDEX. 55' Crocodile, 97 ; stomach, 163 ; ver- tebra, 315; skull, 340; scales, 355 Crotalus ; skull, 338. Crustacea"; organisation, 65 ; gnathites, 128 ; respiration, 223 ; branchial formula, 224 ; nitro- genous waste, 253; skeleton, 298 ; locomotor organs, 376 ; gonads, 499 ; larvse, 534 Cryptocarpa, 40 (Jryptoniscidse ; gonads, 500 Ctenophora, 45; cilia, tentacles, 373; gastric cavity, 113 Cucunmria, 64 ; lungs, 229 Cyamus, 72 Cyclodus, 96 ; scales, 366 Cyclops ; zoological position, 68 ; figure, 68 ; gnathites, 179 Cyclostomata, 88 ; mouth, 140 ; gills, 223 ; kidney, 258 ; skeleton, 314, 328 ; gonads, 506 Cyrnbulia, 82 Cymothoa ; hermaphroditism, 500 Cyprcea, 82 Cytozoa, 24 Demodex, 180 Dendroccelum, 49 Dentalium ; figure, 82 Desmodus; stomach, 167 Didelphia, 99 Diodon, 92 ; exoskeleton, 385 Diphyes, 41 Dipnoi, 90 ; heart, 195 ; pulmo- nary vessels, 203 ; lungs, i35 Diptera, 77 ; guathites, 132 ; sto- mach, 134 ; imaginal disks, 533 Distomum, 49; digestion, 114; gonads, 486 Dog ; tongue, 157 ; salivary glands, 160 Dogfish ; teeth, 141 ; fins, 360 Dolium, 82 ; salivary glands, 137 Dolphin ; f ore-limb, 354 Doris, 81 Draco, 96 : flying organs, 383 Dytiscus ; eye, 450 Earthworm ; digestion in, 115 ; typhlosole, 117; blood, 183; spermatozoa, 479 ; gouads, 490 Echidna, 98 ; teats, 522 Echinanthus, 63 Echinodennata, 58 ; digestion in, 120 ; respiration, 218, 229 ; renal waste, 248 ; skeleton, 288 ; pedi- cellariae, 297, 374; movements, 374 ; nervous system, 400, 407 ; sensory organs, 434, 435, 444, 461 ; gonads, 491 ; development, 535 Echinoidea ; organisation, 63 ; skeleton, 289 ; sphaeridia, 435 Echinometra, 63 Echinorhynchus ; figure 50 Echinozoa, 63 Echinus ; zoological position, 63 ; test, 290 ; nervous system, 408 ; gonads, 491 Edentata, 99 Elasmobranchs, 90 ; heart, 195 ; labial cartilages, 335; brain, 420 ; taste-organs, 436 : gonads, 506 ; placenta, 514 Elephant ; molars, 154 ; skull, 343 Entoconcha, 180 tntomostraca ; parasitic, 179 ; blood - vessels, 188 ; skeleton, 298 Ephemeridse ; gnathites, 133 Ericulus; kidneys, 264 Euplectella ; zoological position, 36; skeleton, 279 Eurystomata, 96 Euspongia ; zoological position, 36 Eutheria, 99. See Mammalia Euthyneura, 81 Exocoetus, 93 ; figure, 382 Fierasfer, 181 Filaria, 51 Firuloides, 82 Fishes ; teeth, 142 ; spiral valve, 168 ; heart, 201 ; circulus cepha- licus, 205; gills, hair-bladder, 232; operculum, 233; kidneys, 258; poison glands, 266; eye- like spots, 269; vertebrae, 314; skeleton, 323; fins, 359; bran- chial bars, 328; mouth, 336; sounds, 392 ; brain, 420 ; spinal cord, 430 ; sensory organs, 436, 440, 453, 466; eye-like organs, 458 ; gonads, 506 ; oviducts, 513 ; copulation, 519 ; care of young, 524 Fbgellata, 30 Fluke ; digestion, 178 ; nephridia, 248 ; gonads, 406 Fowl ; pelvis, 351 Frog, 93; heart, 197; carotid gland, 203 ; vertebras, 315 ; skull, 330; brain, 419; gonads, 506 Galago ; tongue, 157 Galeopithecus ; flight, 385 552 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Ganoidei, 90 ; snout, 336 Gastropoda; divisions, 80; diges- tive tract, 135; blood-vessels, 191 ; gills, 221 ; lungs, 228 ; re- nal organ, 255 ; foot, 380 ; go- nads, 502 Gephyrea, 56 ; digestion. 118 ; re- spiration, 230 ; nephrida, 251 ; gonads, 489 Glossophora, 80 ; odontophore, 135 Gnathopoda, -58 Gnathostomata, 88 ; mouth, 140 Goose ; gizzard, 164 Gordius, 51 ; mouth, 114, 179 Gorgonia ; zoological position, 44 ; figure, 44 ; skeleton, 281 Grantia, 36 ; sense-cells, 431 Gregarina, 25 ; reproduction, 474 Gromia, 27 ; figure, 26 ; test, 275 Gymnosomata, 82 Gymnotus ; electric organs, 269 G>mnnra; teetb, 150; stomach, 165 Heematobranchiata, 73 Haliotis, 81 HaHs.rca, 35 Hatteria, 96 ; teeth, 146 ; vertebrae, 315 ; iaws, 339 Haustellata, 77 Hedgehog ; teeth, 151 Hedriophthalmata, 70 Helicidse ; teeth, 134 : gonads, 502 Heliozoa, 27, 29; skeleton, 276 Helix, 81 Heloderuia ; oral glands, 159 Hemiptera, 77 ; gnathites, 132 Hesione ; air sacs, 230 Hesperornis, 98 Heteropoda, 82 Hirudinea, 56 ; sensory organs, 433 ; gonads, 489 Histozoa, 24 ; nephridia, 252 Holopus, 121 Holothuria, 64 ; lungs, 229 ; cuvie- rian organs, 268 ; skeleton, 296 ; larva, 372 ; gonads, 492 Homo, 100; erect position, 356; brain, 429; scrotum, 507; ovi- ducts, 519 ; teats, 522 Horse ; teeth, 153 ; stomach, 165 ; foot, 355 Hyalea, 82 Hy alone ma ; spicules, 279 Hydra; figure, 36, 40; digest'ou, 105; chlorophyll, 272 > sense- cells, 432 ; gonads, 484 Hydractinia, 40 Hydrocorallinse, 40 HydromedussD, 40 ; coral, 283 Hymempteri, 77; gnathites, 130; vocal organ, 389 Hyomoschus ; foot, 357 Hyrax, 99 ; caeca, 172 Ichthyopsida, 89 Infusoria, 29 ; digestion, 103 ; re- spiration, 210 ; lorica, 278 ; cilia, 371 ; reproduction, 476 Insecta; gnathites, 128; enterou, 133 ; salivary glands, Malpighian vessels, 134 ; heart, 190 ; respi- ration, 216 ; poison glands, 266 ; silk glands, 567 ; appendages, 303 ; wings, 378 ; vocal organs, 388 ; nervous system, 406 ; sen- sory organs, 436, 449, 439, 461 ; gonads, 497, 500 ; larvae, 531 Insectivora, 99 ; brain, 426 Isopleura, 81 Isopoda, 70 ; parasitic, 180 ; respi- ration, 229 ; gonads, 499 Lacerta, 96 Lacertilia, 96 ; oral glands, 159 Lremodipoda, 72 Laganum, 63 Lamellibranchiata, 79 ; gills, 219 ; glochidia, 221 ; renal organ, 254 ; byssus, 268 ; shell, 306 ; foot, 380 ; nervous system, 410 ; eyes, 457 ; ear, 462 ; gonads, 501 Lancelet. Sen Cephalochordata Leech ; mouth, 179 ; respiration, 212 ; nephridia, 252 ; movements, 373 Lenviroidea, 100 Lepidoptera, 77; gnathites, 131; stomach, 134 Lepidosiren, 90 ; teeth, 144 Lepidosteus, 92 ; teeth, 144 ; air sac, 235 ; ear, 465 Lepisma, 75 Leucon, 36 Ligula, 50 Limax, 81 ; shell, 305 Limulus, 70; respiration, 225; carapace, 299; eye, 451; sper- matozoa, 499 Linckia, 63 ; comet form, 494 Lineus, 85 Lion ; skeleton, 318 Lipobranchiata, 74 Lipocephala, 79 Lizard; heart, 204; arterial ar- ches, 205 ; gonads, 512 Loligo, 83; shell, 309; spermato- phore, 505 Lophius ; teeth, 142 INDEX. 553 Lumbricus, 56. See Earthworm. Lymnseus, 81 ; lung, 228 Mactra, 80 Malacostraca, 69 Mallophaga; gnathites, 133 Mammalia, 98 ; teeth, 148 ; tongue, 157 ; salivary glands, 159 ; sto- mach, 165 ; intestine, 170 ; caeca, 171 ; liver, 173 ; blood-corpuscles, 182 ; heart, 198 ; arterial arches, 205 ; jugulars, 208 ; lungs, 240, 246 ; kidney, 261 ; bladder, 263 ; vertebral column, 316 ; skull, 332 ; jaws, 342 ; hairs, 368 ; nails, 331 ; flying organs, 383 ; larynx, 392 ; brain, 425 ; spinal cord, 430; sensory organs, 437, 443, 456, 471 ; gonads, 507 ; placenta, 514 ; vagina, 517 ; penis, 520 ; teats, 521 Mandibulata, 76 Manis, 99 ; vertebrae, 317 Macrolyristes ; vocal organ, 388 Marsupials ; respiration, 243 ; bladder, 263 ; lower jaw, 342 Medusae ; gastro-vascular canals, 110 ; nervous system, 395 ; eyes, 444 ; ear, 459 ; gonads, 484 Meuobranchus, 93 ; gills, 236 Menopoma, 93 ; gill clefts, 236 Mesostomum, 49 ; digestion in, 107 Metatheria, 99 Metazou, 31 Millepora, 40 ; coral, 283 Mole ; sternum, 348 Mollusca, 77 ; odoutophore, 134 ; parasitic, 180; intestine, sali- vary glands, 136; heart, 191 ; respiration, 219 ; lungs, 228 ; renal organ, 254; byssus, 268; skull, 304; foot, 380; nervous system, 410 ; sensory organs, 439, 447. 449 ; gouads, 501 Monera, 27 Monocrelis ; nephridia, 248 Monodelphia, 99 Mouotremata ; retia mirabilia, 209 ; bladder, 263 Musk-deer ; feet, 355 ; brain, 427 j cloaca, 517 Mussel ; gills, 219 ; organ of Bojanus, 255 ; byssus, 268 Mya ; figure, 80 Myodora, 79 Myriopoda, 74 ; gnathites, 127 ; heart, 189 ; respiration, 216 ; appendages, 377 : gonads, 499 Myxiue, 88, 181 M.yxospongiae, 35 ; ova, 483 Myzostomum, 102 Nais, 56 Nautilus; figure, 83; gills, 221; shell, 308; funnel. 381 Nematoids, 50 ; digestion, 114, 178; respiration, 211; gouads, 488 Nemertinea, 84 ; blood-vessels, 186 ; respiration, 213 ; gonads, 489 Neomeuiidae, 81 Nepa ; gnathites, 132 Nereis, 54 Neuroptera, 77 ; gnathites, 131 ; stomach, 133 Notacanthus, 92 Nudibranchs ; respiration, 222 Nummulites, 27, 28 ; test, 276 Oceania. 40 Octactiuiae, 43 Odontopteryx ; jaw, 146 Odoutornithes, 98 ; teeth, 146 Oligocheeta, 56 Opalina ; digestion in, 104 Ophideres; proboscis, 132 Ophidia ; vertebrae, 314 ; skull, 337 ; scales, 355 ; oviducts, 513 Ophiocephalus, 92 Ophiocoma, 63 Ophiothrix, 63 Ophiuroidea, 63 ; respiration, 218 ; skeleton, 295 ; gonads, 491 Orchesella, 75 Ornithodelphia, 98 Oruithorhynchus, 98 ; heart, 198 ; pelvic arch, 350 Orthoptera, 76; guathites, 129; vocal organs, 388 Orycteropus, 99 Ostracoda, 69 Oyster, 79; foot, 380; gonads, 501 Paludina, 82 ; gill, 228 Pangonia ; proboscis, 132 Paramoacium ; figure, 29 Parrots ; tongue, 157 ; skull, 340 Patella, 81 ; gill, 221 Peachia ; mouth of, 112 Peccary ; stomach, 165 Pedipalpi, 74 Pelmatozoa, 63 Peltogaster, 69 Pennatula, 70 ; phosphorescence, 270 Pentacrinus ; figure, 60, 63 ; skele- ton, 293 Peutastomum ; hooks, 180 554 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY* Perennichordata, 87 Perigonimus ; figure, 37 Peripatus; figure, 64: gnathites, 127; blood-vessels, 189; tra- chese, 215 ; nephridia, 257 ; skin, 299 ; appendages, 302, 377 ; ner- vous system, 401; sensory or- gans, 434, 417 ; gouads, 498 Perissodactyla, 99 Petronayzon, 88 Pkolas, 80 Physalia, 41 Pbysoklisti, 92 Physophora ; figure, 41 Physostomi, 92 Pipa ; tongue, 153 Plinaria, 49, 49 ; gonads, 485 Pueumodermon, 82 Podophthalmata, 70 Podura, 75 Polia, 85 Polychseta, 54 ; larva, 539 Polynoe, 54 Polyodon, 91 Polyplacophora, 81 Polypterus, 92 ; brain, 421 Porifera, 35 Primates, 100 ; limbs, 356 Pristis ; teeth, 142 Proneomenia ; nervous system, 401 ; gouads, 502 Proteus, 93; gill, 236 Prototheria, 98 ; vertebrae, 317 Protozoa, 25 ; digestion, 103 ; parasitic, 177 ; contractile va- cuoles, 247 ; phosphorescence, 270 ; movements, 371 ; repro- duction, 473 ; skeleton, 274 Protracheata, 65 Pteropoda, 81 Pycnogonoidea, 74 Pyrophorus ; phosphorescence, 270 Pyrosoma. 88; phosphorescence, 270 R .bbit ; caecum, 172 ; brain, 42 1 ; taste-bulbs, 438 ; placenta, 515 Radiolaria; yellow cells, 272; skeleton, 276 Ratitse, 97 ; feathers, 368 Reptiles, 96 ; teeth, 145 ; salivary glands, 159; oesophagus, 162'; intestine, 169 ; heart, 196 ; lungs, 239 ; respiration, 245 ; kidneys, 261 ; brain, 422 ; sensory organs, 437, 454, 467, 471 ; gonads, 512 Rhizocephala, 69 Rhizocrmus, 63 Rhizopoda ; skeleton, 276 Rhyncopygus ; anus, 121 Rodents, 99 ; teeth, 150 Rotatoria, 50 ; digestion, 118 ; re- spiration, 230 ; nephridia, 251 Ruminants ; stomach, 166 ; retia, 209 Sabella, 55 Sacculina, 69; nutrition, 178 Sagartia, 39 ; section of, 111 Salamaudra, 93 ; ribs, 345 Salmon ; teeth, 144 Salpa, 88 Sargus ; teeth, 142 Sarsia, 40 Sauropsida, 95 ; uric acid, 265 ; vertebral column, 314, 321 ; skull, 331 Scaphopoda, 82 Scarus ; teeth, 142 Scorpion; gnathites, 127 ; mouth, 179 ; lung-books, pectiues, 226 ; poison, 266 Sea-gull; gizzard, 176 Selachoidei, 91 Sepia, 83 Serpula, 55 Siuupalliata, 80 Siphonophora, 41 Sirenia, 99; respiration, 2 13; ver- tebrae, 317; limbs, 353 Snakes ; teeth, 146 ; arterial ar- ches, 205 Solen, 80 ; haemoglobin, 212 Spitangidse, 63 Spide/ ; poison glands, 265 ; silk organs, 267 Sponge, 31 ; digestion, 106 ; re- spiration, 211; nitrogenous waste, 248 ; skeleton, 278 ; sense - cells, 431 ; gonads, 483 Squatina ; heart, 196 Squilla ; figure, 69 ; testis, 498 Steatornis ; syrinx, 391 Steganophthalmata, 42 Stenostomata, 96 Stentor, 30 ; stentorin, 272 Strepsiptera, 77 Streptopeura, 81 Stylasteridae ; dactylozooids, 109 Suctoria, 31 ; digestion in, 104 Sun-birds ; tongue, 156 Sycon, 36 Synapta, 64 ; spicules, 296 Taenia, 49 ; digestion in, 177 ; plasmatic canals, 185 ; develop- ment, 545 INDEX. 555 Teleostei, 90 ; teeth, 142 Teleostoidei, 92 Terebella ; figure, 55 Termitidaj, 77 ; gnathites, 133 Tetrabranchiata, 82 Thecpsomata, 82 Theriomorpha, 95 Torpedo; electric organs, 269 Tortoise ; shell, 3t>6 ; brain, 4-2 Toxotes, 93 Tracheata, 74 Tragulus ; blood corpuscles, 182 Trichina, 50, 548 Trichoptera, 77 ; gnathites, 131 Tridacna, 80^ shell, 308 Triton, 93 ; shell, 307 Tubicolse, 55; setae, 288 Tubifex, 56 Tubipora : figure, 43 ; skeleton, 283 Tunicata, 86 ; eye, 452 ; ear, 464 Tupaia ; brain, 425 Turbellaria ; digestion, 107, 113 ; circulation, 185 ; respiration, 211 ; nephridium, 249 ; nervous system, 400 ; tactile organs, 433 ; eyes, 445 Turtle ; heart, 197 ; skeleton, 320 ; skull, 339 Typhlops, 96 Ungulata, 99 ; feet, 355 Urochordata, 86; digestive tract, 139 ; vascular system, 192 ; re- spiration, 231 ; renal organ, 257 ; uotochord, 313 ; larva, 544. Sea Tunicata. Urodela, 93; respiratioa, 236; kidneys, 259 ; gonads, 506 Uropeltis, 96 Vagantia, 55 Velella, 41 Vertebra ta, 88; digestive tract, 140; teeth, 141; tongue, 157; intestine, 161 ; liver, 175 ; blood, 181 ; vessels, 194 ; retia mirabilia, 208 ; haemoglobin, 212 ; respira- tion, 231 ; renal organ, 257 ; vertebral column, 314; skull, 323; limbs, 347; vocal organ, 390; brain, 417; spinal cord, 430; sensory organs, 435, 437, 440, 453, 463 ; gonads, 505 Viper ; fang, 147 Vorticellids, 30; contractile va- cuoles, 247 ; movements, 371 Whales ; see Cetacea, 99 "Wolf; teeth, 152 "Woodpecker; tongue, 156; skull, Xiphacantha ; figure,28 ; skeleton, Zygobranchiata, 81 PRINTED BY CASSELL & COMPAXY, LIMITED, LA BELLE SAUVAGE, LONDON, B.C FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. Ja14'58FL MAY 2 2 1959 BMY'5 IDF