m *jn*t&ie4 Citfl nf jBultrmwn " THE FOX TERRIER. A HISTORY AND D'ES 1 ' WITH REMINISCENCES, OF THE FOX TERRIER. RAW DON LEE, AUTHOR OK " MODERN DOGS," K E N N E L EDITOR OK "THE K I E L D," ETC JHE ILLUSTRATIONS BY ^R/THUI\ WARDLE THIRD EDITION, ENLARGED. LONDON: HORACE COX, "THE FIELD" OFFICE, BREAM'S BUILDINGS, CHANCERY LANE, E.C. 1895, F&Lf LONDON : PRINTED BY HORACE COX, WINDSOR HOL'SK, BREAM'S BUILDINGS, E.C. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. NEW EDITION of this volume being required so soon after the earlier publications, appears to be some little evidence that the popularity of the Fox Terrier is not yet on the wane. This fresh issue is very considerably extended, and now contains 239 pages and fourteen portraits, against 148 pages and eight portraits in the first edition. In addition to being brought quite up to date, the present volume includes amplified particulars as to rearing, feed- ing, and training terriers as companions and as house-dogs. Their ordinary ailments are likewise more fully dealt with, and besides, there is a variety of information likely to be useful to all who keep a little dog. The additional illustrations are portraits of the smooth- coated fox terriers Venio, Lyons Sting, D'Orsay, and Dame Fortune ; and of the wire-haired fox terriers Jack St. Leger and Charnwood Marion. RAWDON LEE. BRIXTON, February, 1895. 697658 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION VOLUME such as this purports to be, devoted to a variety of terrier, would twenty years ago have been considered altogether superfluous. Now, in 1889, so popular have dogs grown, and such attention is given them, that a book which in its entirety tells of the variety most popular of all the Fox Terrier, as he has been and as he is becomes, as it were, one of the necessities of the day. And so I was requested to do the best I could .in the matter. The result of my labours is given in the following pages, and if the reader fails to rind any novelty therein, he will, at any rate, have a resume of the history of the smooth- coated and wire-haired fox terriers, and some few trifling scraps of information that have not hitherto appeared in print. That this little dog does actually possess a status in society may be inferred from the fact that, in addition to a monthly journal (The Fox Terrier Chronicle] to look after its interests, there are a number of special clubs to do like- wise ; a parent club, with several minor institutions. The Fox Terrier is now best known as a dog for exhibi- Preface. tion purposes, and as a -companion. This notwithstanding, I have not altogether lost sight of the purpose for which he was originally given to the world ; and, believing in his courage, which I have often seen tested to the utmost by " flood and field," have endeavoured to maintain his character as a sporting dog. The illustrations, from drawings by my friend Arthur Wardle, are, I think, thoroughly successful the larger ones as portraits, the vignettes as ornamental and characteristic. With regard to the frontispiece, where those good ola terriers, Grove Nettle, Jock, and Tartar, are depicted, the portraits are taken, in so far as the bitch is concerned, from a painting by Turner, kindly lent for the purpose by the Rev. C. T. Fisher ; and with regard to the two dogs, from photographs issued at the time these celebrities were in the flesh and invincible on the show bench. Three thorough terriers in every respect, and if somewhat unlike in type, they combine all the essentials required to perpetuate and improve a variety. BRIXTON, LONDON, April, 1889. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. so early a demand has been made for the publication of a second edition, I have taken the opportunity thus afforded to con- siderably extend the work. The additions will, I believe, be found interesting to the admirer of the fox terrier, and I hope they may in the future prove of some little value to the historian of this favourite little dog. Two of the larger engravings, those of the smooth-coated Vesuvienne and of the wire-haired Carlisle Tyro, have been replaced by others of the same dogs. These are not only excel- lent as portraits of the terriers they represent, but are thoroughly typical of their varieties. The latter, I fancy, they will remain for years to come, changes in type and fashion notwithstanding. BRIXTON, LONDON, February, 1890. CONTENTS. PAGE. Preface v CHAPTER I. Introductory Old Writers on Terriers " The Fox Terrier," 1806 Value of Terriers a century ago Colour of Fox Terriers Their Varieties Modern Comparisons i CHAPTER II. Increasing Popularity Early Shows Old Jock, par- ticulars of his purchase Tartar, Old Trap, and Grove Nettle Notable Kennels Black and Tan Heads Growing disuse of the Fox Terrier with Hounds Exceptions 25 CHAPTER III. More Notabilities Ear Dropping and other Mal- practices Forming a Kennel The Fox Terrier Club Some Modern Kennels The Best Terriers Measurements 53 CHAPTER IV. Six Good Dogs The Fox Terrier Club's Scale of Points A Prize Description General Ideas With Otter Hounds Mr. Vicary's Opinion Charley Littleworth on Terriers Working and Training Coursing Rabbits Comparisons by Mr. Doyle 107 b Contents. CHAPTER V. PU;E. The Wire-haired Fox Terrier His Gameness York- shire and Devonshire Strains The Rev. John Russell's Terriers The Sealy Ham Terrier Mr. J. H. B. Cowley's Terriers Crosses The Best Dogs A Beverley Kennel 141 CHAPTER VI. General Treatment Registration Stud Books Forming a Kennel Breeding and Rearing Puppies Training as Companions and as House Dogs Children and Dogs Preparing for Show Simple Ailments Remedies Poisons Trim- ming General Remarks on Dog Shows 187 CHAPTER VII. The Fox Terrier Club Its Officers and Rules Other Clubs ... 213 Index.. 221 ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE JOCK, GROVE NETTLE, AND TARTAR Frontispiece " WAIT UNTIL I'VE DONE." (Vignette) .. X THE FOX TERRIER, 1806 15 OLD ENGLISH TERRIERS. (Vignette) 24 "A RACE FOR LIFE." (Vignette) 52 PORTRAIT OF "RESULT" 75 PORTRAITS OF DAME FORTUNE AND D'ORSAY 8l PORTRAIT OF " VESUVIENNE " 87 PORTRAITS OF VENIO AND LYONS STING 89 " ON THE BENCH." (Vignette) 106 "WHAT COMES NEXT?" (Vignette) ... 140 PORTRAIT OF "CARLISLE TACK." 165 PORTRAIT OF "CARLISLE TYRO." ... 171 PORTRAITS OF JACK ST. LEGER AND CHARNWOOD MARION ... ... 173 "RATHER DOUBTFUL." (Vignette) 1 86 "A GUARD AT EUSTON STATION." (Vignette) 212 THE SLEEPY PUPPY. (Vignette) 219 " A LONG, LEAN, EVENLY MARKED HEAD." (Vignette) 239 THE Fox TERRIER. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY OLD WRITERS ON TERRIERS " THE Fox TERRIER," 1806 THE VALUE OF TERRIERS A CENTURY AGO COLOUR OF Fox TERRIERS THEIR VARIETIES MODERN COMPARISONS. |lTH the fashion changing in dogs pretty nearly as frequently as it does in dress, there is little wonder that the fox terrier of the present day has become a different animal in appearance from the one so regular an attendant with packs of hounds a century ago. Now, in nine cases out of ten, he is produced for his beauty alone, for his symmetry, for his graceful contour, for his endearing disposition. When our great-grand- fathers lived, and before they were born, the fox terrier, bred for use, was only considered an ornament when he went to ground well, was able to successfully battle with the fox or the badger, and kill single-handed the foulmart (or polecat) and other predaceous vermin. So the fox terrier must have a history ; possibly, if he did not contain at any rate some little portion of blue blood, an aristo- cratic lineage, one of his charms as a smart and lively companion might be missing. B The EQX^ Terrier. When tKe Jle^rftGd'Dir^CaiuSj in: the year 1570, wrote what he knew about a terrier, the little quadruped had his home in the kennels of those days, sheds, in fact, where his bed was often filthy straw, and his food any scraps he might filch from the more important hounds. The latter were fairly well fed, especially when a cow sickened and died, or a horse in the locality of the kennels broke a leg, but the little terrier had, in nine cases out of ten, to look out for himself, and usually bore a bad reputation. He was said to bite and be cantankerous, predisposed to mange, and only a fit companion for the stable-boy or the feeder. That he was not exterminated by all the ill- treatment he had suffered for generations is surprising, and proof positive of his hardihood a survival of the fittest indeed. How the fox terrier was first produced we have nothing but mere supposition to determine, though, further on, an interesting little bit of canine history more than suggests that Dick Burton, once first whip to the Burton (Lincolnshire) hounds, first produced the modern type of fox terrier. That there have been varieties of terriers of one kind and another for many hundreds of years no one doubts. The Chinese have had terriers possibly longer than we in this country have possessed ours. The former had the credit of eating theirs ; our forefathers preferred using them for a different purpose. However, if the Chinese gentry did prefer dogs as food, the Tartars, their near neighbours, treated their terriers better; and, no doubt, amongst the five thousand "hounds," Marco Polo, writing in the thirteenth century, tells us the Grand Khan kept, there would be at least a few terriers, for this gigantic pack contained several varieties of the canine race. Even at that time many of Juliana Berners. the nobility in the East preferred to talk of their hounds rather than of politics, just as is the case at the present day with some of our country squires. Small dogs as pets and companions were known amongst the Egyptians. Empresses caressed and fondled them long before Great Britain had become a mighty power in the world. Civilisation could afford to keep such luxuries which semi-barbarity could not. As our civilisation increased, the huge, savage dogs which our conquerors imported to the Roman arena were allowed to languish, and the fierce mastiff gave place to the more .gentle hound, followed by the spaniel, and later by the pet dogs and little terriers. By selection the latter could easily be manufactured. At the present time, any person with the taste and inclination so to do, could produce a new variety of dog, say in ten years. No wonder, then, that at the present time so many breeds and varieties are dis- tributed throughout the universe. Possibly in England there are more than in any other country, not excepting even America, whose citizens have of late years emulated us by their admiration of these favoured little quadrupeds. That gallant lady, Dame Juliana Berners, with whose quaint and early treatise on angling most devotees of Izaak Walton are well acquainted, discoursed with equal ability upon hunting and cognate subjects. In that portion of the " Book of St. Albans " dealing with venerie, and which was published in 1486, some ten years or so before the angling addition, the terrier is only casually alluded to, for the reason, no doubt, that the wild boar and the stag were far ahead in the estimation of the hunter than the fox even the hare in those days receiving more attention as a quarry than reynard. One would very much like to have B 2 The Fox Terrier. heard what the Abbess of Sopewell said of her terriers " teroures " they were called and how she worked them. Earlier, however, than the time of Dame Berners, an allusion to terriers is found in a fourteenth century manu- script, quoted by Strutt in his " Sports and Pastimes," and from which he reproduces an engraving. This is an illus- tration of three men, who, assisted by a dog and spades, are " unearthing a fox." The colour of the dog is not ascer- tainable, nor can I make sure that it has been underground, for the fox is only in part out of the hole, and the terrier (or whatever variety the dog may be) is springing on to his prey from a little rising ground immediately behind. Possibly a second terrier is out of sight in the earth. Two of the hunters are in the act of digging, whilst the third is vigorously blowing a horn. It may be interesting to state that in the original engraving this terrier possesses a long, narrow head, not unlike that of the greyhound in shape, his tail is long and uncut, he is smooth-coated and has erect ears. Elaine in his " Rural Sports" reproduces the picture, and, with a liberty that is quite inexcusable, converts the terrier into a wire-haired or long-coated one, white in colour and with a dark patch over one eye. He also attempts to make the original manuscript of greater antiquity than is actually the case by describing the picture as " Saxons bolting a fox." No doubt, at any rate so far as the British Isles are con- cerned, this record, which the learned Strutt has given us, is the oldest upon which any reliance can be placed. Some may say that the dog given is not a terrier, but I believe that the picture is intended to represent such a terrier as might be the common dog at that time. It is little bigger than the iox upon which it would like to seize, Dr. Cains. and the general surroundings of the quaint picture are altogether in favour of .my supposition. We must now, hunter-like, jump over all obstacles, and many years, until the time when Dr. Caius wrote, nearly a century later than Juliana Berners. He " a doctor of Phisicke in the Universitie of Cambridge " and a man " exceeding skilled and sagacious in the investigation of recondite matters/' wrote the first book on " Englishe Dogges " in Latin, and one Abraham Fleming made the translation, which he dedicated to the Dean of Ely. Rychard Johnes printed the same in 1576, and sold it i( over against St. Sepulchres Church without Newgate." In 1880 Mr. L. U. Gill, 170, Strand, London, reprinted the scarce volume in modern form, and such no doubt is the reason why " A Treatisse of Englishe Dogges " has so often been quoted. After informing us that all English dogs " be either of a gentle kind, serving the game, a homely kind, apt for sundry necessary uses, a currish kind, meet for many toys," Dr. Caius describes the varieties of hounds as known in his day, and then proceeds to tell us of the class with which we have at present to do. This is " of a dogge called terrar, in Latin Terrarius." Of him the old writer says, " Another sorte there is which hunteth the Fox and the Badger or Greye onely, whom we call Terrars, because they (after the manner and custome of ferrets in searching for Connyes) creep into the grounde, and by that meanes make afrayde, nyppe and bite the Foxe and the Badger in such sorte that eyther they teare them in pieces with theyr teeth, beyng in the bosome of the earth, or else hayle and pull them perforce out of theyr lurking angles, darke dongeons, and close caues ; or at the least through 6 The Fox Terrier. cocened feare drive them out of theire hollow harbours, in so much that they are compelled to prepare speedie flyte, and, being desirous of the next (albeit not the safest) refuge, are otherwise taken and intrapped with snayres and nettes layde over holes to the same purpose. But these be the least in that kynde called Sagax." Here, though in quaint writing, is a description of the use a fox terrier ought to be put to at the present day, although setting nets before a fox earth would scarcely be called legitimate sport in the nineteenth century. Still, if a net is not used for foxes, its equivalent in a big sack is often enough, even now, found useful when the " badger or graye " be sought. What Gervase Markham wrote about terriers early in 1600 is not of much account, for, however learned that great man might be, he was, after all, a mere bookmaker, as the numerous works he wrote plainly testify. Not satisfied with giving us elegant disquisitions on hunting, archery, and other sports, he wrote and filled volume after volume on military tactics, housewifery, heraldry, &c., and wound up by composing poems, and posing as a dramatist. Nicholas Cox's well-known volume, " The Gentleman's Recreation," published in 1667, provides less information about the terriers of that day than one would have ex- pected. He describes them as of two sorts one wdth legs more or less crooked, with short coats; the other, straighter on their legs, and with long jackets. Possibly the first- named were the ordinary turnspits, or, may be, some bold breeder of the Dandie Dinmont will lay claim to them as the original progenitors of that variety of vermin terrier. Any- how, whatever these crooked-legged dogs were, the long- coated ones "with shaggy hair," like water spaniels, were Blome's "Gentleman's Recreation." 7 said to be the best workers, because they could both chase their game above ground and drive it from the earths, as occasion required. Useful dogs, no doubt, to possess, and it seems almost a pity we have not the variety with us now. Other authors have followed much in the same strain ; indeed, the general description of the terrier about this time appears to have been copied by one writer after another without acknowledgment, and without taking any trouble to ascertain the truth of the original statement. Master Cox, especially, seems to have been a great offender in this respect not only where he deals with dogs, but where he treats of the fishes likewise. Thus, whether it be worth while to allude to him and contemporary writers is quite a matter of opinion. Hugh Dalziel in his book, " British Dogs," says that Cox plagiarised his descriptions from early French writers, and if he did, and Mr. Dalziel gives reasonable proofs of the truth of his assertion, it is likely enough that some of the terriers described by Nicholas Cox were either a variety of dachshund or of basset hound, various strains of which, of almost all sizes, shapes, colours, and textures of coat, have for centuries been common enough on the continent. The writer who suggested that terriers could be obtained by breeding between a " mongrel mastiff and a beagle " was Blome, who, following the example of Cox, some years after the latter's publication viz., in 1686 rendered himself famous by the appearance of his "The Gentleman's Recreation." Whether a man who would suggest the pro- duction of suitable terriers by such a cross as the above was the proper person to deal with sport and dogs from a practical point of view, is surely to be doubted. He bore 8 The Fox Terrier. but a sorry character in his lifetime, for it was said he " was esteemed as a most impudent person ; ... he gets a livelihood by bold practices . . . originally a ruler of books and paper, who had since practiced for divers years progging tricks, in employing necessitous persons to write in several arts." Blome's description may, however, be interesting to the curious, so here it is. " The terrier is a very small dog, used for hunting the fox and the badger, his business being to go into the earths and bay them that is, to keep them in an angle (a fox's earth having divers) whilst they are dug out, for by their baying or barking is known whereabouts the fox is, that he may be the better dug out. And for this use the terrier is very serviceable, being of an admirable scent to find out. A couple of terriers are commonly used, in order that a fresh one may be put in to relieve that which first went under ground." There is nothing particularly wrong in the above, nor is there in the following extract from the same author : " Everybody that is a fox hunter is of opinion that he hath a good breed, and some will say that the terrier is a peculiar species of itself. I shall not say anything to the affirmative or negative of the point." Blome concludes by saying that the cross already mentioned " generally proves good ; the result thereof hath courage and a thick skin as participating of the cur, and is mouthed for the beagle." Whatever was the case during the seventeenth century, there is no doubt that now the "terrier is a peculiar species of itself" careful and judicious selection through a series of generations having made it as much so as any other dog we possess. A thick skin is quite as useful a commodity in the canine as it is in the human race, but the old writer The " Compleate Sportsman." 9 is scarcely complimentary when he attributes that quality as a distinctive feature of the " cur." The latter must not be taken as the collie or sheep dog, by which name the latter is known at the present time in many parts of the country, but rather as a cross-bred, hardy animal, one not to be dismayed by hard bites or blows and the bitterness of the elements. Nor of necessity need such dogs be mongrels, the latter, no doubt, coming under the applica- tion of " dunghill dogs," as used by Dame Juliana Berners in her " Book of St. Albans." In the " Compleate Sportsman " (1718), Jacobs mentions two sorts of terriers, which he describes pretty much as Nicholas Cox had done before him, so a repetition thereof need not be made here ; and, although one modern writer believes that the fox terrier was manufactured within the present thirty years or so, no further proof need be given than has so far appeared in these pages, that such terriers have been common in England for, at any rate, ten times thirty years. In fact, with the country overrun as it was in those days, with four-footed vermin of all kinds, which destroyed the poultry and played sad havoc with the flocks, dogs of one sort or another to keep down the marauders were simply a necessity. And a terrier small enough to drag the fox from his earth, or kill him therein, was found the most useful for the purpose. So long as he could do this, appearance and colour were not taken into consideration to any great extent. About 1760, Daniel, in his " Field Sports," goes a little oyt of the beaten track in writing on the terriers of his day, and his description must be taken as correct, made from the animals themselves, of which it has been said that author kept a considerable number. " There 10 The Fox Terrier. are two sorts of terriers," said he, " the one rough, short- legged, long-backed, very strong, and most commonly of a black or yellowish colour, mixed with white ; the other is smooth-haired and beautifully formed, having a shorter body and more sprightly appearance, is generally of a reddish-brown colour, or black with tanned legs. Both these sorts are the determined foe of all the vermin kind, and in their encounters with the badger very frequently meet with severe treatment, which they sustain with great courage, and a thoroughbred, well-trained terrier often proves more than a match for his opponent/' Here we have terriers written of as thoroughbred, so, although they are not particularly mentioned in connection with the fox, there is little doubt that they were oftener used in his earths than in the badger's den. Perhaps, as a matter of completeness, before dealing, as it were, collectively, with the authorities, and the various sporting publications which saw the light during the first fifteen years of the present century, attention may specially be given to the " Cynographia Britannica," written by Sydenham Edwards, and published in 1800. He describes our terriers more fully than previous w r riters, but much in the same strain. His note about the so-called " Tumbler" is specially interesting and valuable. Edwards writes, " That from the evidence of Ossian's poems, the terrier appears to have been an original native of this island. Linnaeus says it was introduced upon the continent so late as the reign of Frederick I. (this would be towards the end of the seventeenth century). It is doubtless the Vertagris or Tumbler of Raii and others. Raii says it used stratagem in taking its prey, some say tumbling and playing until it came near enough to seize." A Good Character. 11 This supposititious quality, so natural to the cat race, when applied to the dog I consider a mere fable ; but it has led to a strange error later naturalists having, from Rail's description, concluded that a variety of the dog possessing most extraordinary properties had become extinct. Sydenham Edwards continues, ''the most distinct varieties are the crooked-legged and straight-legged ; their colours generally black, with tanned legs and muzzles, a spot of the same colour over each eye ; though they are sometimes reddish fallow or white and pied. The white kind have been in request of late years. The ears are short, some erect, others pendulous ; these and part of the tail are usually cut off ; some rough and some smooth-haired. Many sportsmen prefer the wire-haired, supposing them to be the harder biters, but this is not always the case. . . . The terrier is querulous, fretful, and irascible, high spirited and alert when brought into action ; if he has not unsubdued perseverance like the bull-dog, he has rapidity of attack, managed with art and sustained with spirit ; it is not what he will bear, but what he will inflict. His action protects himself, and his bite carries death to his opponents ; he dashes into the hole of the fox, drives him from his recesses, or tears him to pieces in his stronghold ; and he forces the reluctant, stubborn badger into light. As his courage is great, so is his genius extensive ; he will trace with the foxhounds, hunt with the beagle, find for the greyhound, or beat with the spaniel. Of wild cats, martens, polecats, weasels, and rats, he is the vigilant and determined enemy ; he drives the otter from the rocky clefts on the banks of the rivers, nor declines the combat in a new element." Here is an excellent character, and no wonder with such a one the fox terrier was, even in 12 The Fox Terrier. 1800, on the highway to the extraordinary popularity he enjoys at the present time. As the fox terrier was known then and a couple of centuries earlier, the reader must not expect to find a shapely, handsomely marked animal like the one of the present day. Possibly any little dog that " Caius, the profound clerk and ravenous devourer of learning," had running at his heels was black or brown coloured, long- bodied, on short legs, the latter perhaps more or less crooked ; and, if he were produced by a cross between "the mongrel mastiff and the beagle," his weight might be nearer 4olb. than I5lb., the latter no doubt the most useful size for underground purposes. But old pictures of terriers dating back 300 years illustrate mongrel-looking creatures, some of them bearing more or less the distinctive characteristic of the turnspit. Others show a considerable trace of hound blood, but not one, so far as the writer has come across, is hound marked, or bears any more white than is usually found on the chest or feet of any dog. Mr. J. A. Doyle, a well-known admirer of the fox terrier, and who contributed the article thereon to " The Book of the Dog," first published in 1881, says that when in Vienna he noticed a painting of fruit, flowers, &c., with a dog in the foreground, which, to all intents and purposes, was a specimen of the fox terrier of the present day, both in colour and general shape. The artist whose work the painting was, bears the somewhat English name of Hamilton, and flourished about a century and three- quarters ago. The dictionaries, however, say he was a Dutch painter. No earlier picture than this has been found containing anything approaching the white and hound marked fox terrier. Wardrobe " Accounts. 13 The Earl of Monteith over 200 years ago had an excel- lent strain of terriers, good at vermin of all kinds, but especially useful as fox killers. It has been said that James I. possessed some of these little dogs. That this sometimes called " most unkingly of monarchs " kept hounds is a matter of history, but whether he worked the terriers to assist them we are not told. Long before James's time, dogs had been found useful in conjunction with nets for the purpose of catching foxes, also to kill them as vermin, and possibly terriers were first used as fox terriers under such circumstances. The wardrobe accounts of Edward I. show the following entries : " Anno 1299 and 1300. Paid to William de Foxhunte the King's huntsman of foxes in divers forests and parks for his own wages, and the wages of his two boys to take care of the dogs, g 33." " Paid to the same for the keep of 12 dogs belonging to the King," &c. " Paid to the same for the expense of a horse to carry the nets." However, perhaps more to the purpose than this extract, is the copy of an old engraving which lies before me at the present time, entitled "James L, Hawking." A better title would perhaps have been " James L, a swell or masher of the period," for his royal highness is sadly overdressed. Fawning at the feet of the monarch are four dogs, evi- dently terriers, though some persons might consider them beagles. They are certainly terrier-shaped in heads and sterns, though the dog most distinctly shown is hound marked, and possesses larger ears than the others. One in the corner, evidently almost or quite white, possesses what at the present time would be called a " well-shaped, terrier-like head," and, although one ear is carried rather wide from the skull, the other drops nicely. From these 14 The Fox Terrier. four dogs a clever man could even then have produced a fair specimen of the modern fox terrier. Although so drawn as above, James, no doubt, preferred hunting to hawking, and could not always have been the elaborately dressed creature as he appears in the engraving mentioned, for there is a story told that whilst with the hounds at Bury St. Edmunds, the Sovereign's attention was attracted by the gaudy apparel worn by one of the hunters. " Who is that?" said the king. "Sire/ 1 was the answer " that man is named Lamb." " Ahem," replied the royal joker, "his name maybe Lamb, and an appropriate one it be, for surely he has gotten a fleece upon his back." With the commencement of the present century and towards the close of the last one, more was written about terriers, and, as useful little dogs, they were gradually becoming appreciated. Beckford alludes to black or white terriers, and from these two varieties white ones with black marks could easily be produced. The same author mentions a strain of terriers so like a fox in colour that awkward people frequently mistake the one for the other, and proceeds to say that " If you prefer Terriers to run with the pack, large ones at times are extremely useful, but in an earth they do little good, as they cannot always get up to their fox." Between the years 1800 and 1805 an unusually large number of sporting books and works on hunting and dogs were published, all of which dealt more or less with terriers. "The Sporting Dictionary," 1803, says, "Terriers of even the best blood are now bred of all colours red, black with tan faces, flanks, feet, and legs ; brindled, sandy, some few brown pied, white pied, and pure white ; as well as one sort of each colour rough and wire-haired, the other soft Black and Tan Terriers. 15 and smooth ; and, what is rather more extraordinary, the latter not much deficient in courage to the former, but the rough breed must be acknowledged the most severe and invincible biter of the two. Since foxhunting is so deservedly and universally popular in every country where it can be enjoyed, these faithful little animals have become so exceedingly fashionable that few stables of the inde- pendent are seen without them. Four and five guineas is no great price for a handsome, well-bred terrier." Here we have a description of the terrier very much as he still remains. There are the red or fawn ones which may be represented to-day by the Irish variety ; the black with tan faces, &c., by the so-called Welsh terrier ; and the white and white pied whose individuality may be found in the modern fox terrier. The latter, the handsomest, became the most popular, though there is little doubt that ninety years ago the fox terrier proper was a black and tan dog. S. Elmer draws us such a one in Daniel's " Rural Sports," where a good-looking dog in every way, is going to a fox whose head is just peeping out from an earth. And, as additional proof of what a fox terrier was in 1806, we reproduce here an engraving from a mezzotint of " The Fox Terrier," from an original picture by De Wilde, pub- lished August 4, 1806, by Laurie and Whittle, 53, Fleet- street, London. This is undoubtedly a black and tan dog, somewhat ragged in his coat, which, though inclined to be wavy, must in reality have been as free from actual roughness as many of the smooth-coated variety we see to-day. He has drop ears; after the orthodox fashion of the present time, a docked tail, " good straight fore legs, fair feet, and nice bone." A terrier, about i81b. in weight, 16 The Fox Terrier. lacking character somewhat, but bearing, in all but colour, a resemblance to the present-time dog. In some of the Buffet strains we have repeatedly seen animals very much of the shape and style of this terrier, as De Wilde has drawn him. The engraving, a rare one, indeed the only copy I have seen or heard of is that in the writer's posses- sion, will no doubt do something to assist us in arriving at a satisfactory decision as to the original colour of the real fox terrier. In Bingley's " Memoirs of British Quadrupeds" (1809) two terriers are beautifully etched by Howitt. In a copy of this excellent work, now lying on my library table, the plates are coloured. One of the dogs, wire-haired, is a sort of dark blue and tan in hue, with semi-prick ears, and an uncut tail ; the other, with erect ears, is smooth coated and black and tan, both rich in colour, less than 2olb. in weight, and likely enough from their appearance to kill either fox, rat, or weasel. As a fact, the wire-haired terrier has just given the finishing shakes, which have extinguished the last sparks of life in a foulmart, whilst the smooth dog, more in the background, is evidently growling and snarling at his mate for having had the little bit of work all to himself. The admired author of the book says : " This dog has its name of terrier or terrarius from its usually subterraneous employment in forcing foxes and other beasts of prey out of their dens, and, in former times, driving rabbits from their burrows (sic). It is generally an attendant upon every pack of foxhounds, and is the determined enemy of all kinds of vermin such as weasels, foulmarts, rats, &c. The terrier is a fierce, keen, and hardy animal, and will encounter even the badger, The Rev. W. Daniel 17 from which he sometimes meets with very severe treat- ment. A well-trained and veteran dog, however, frequently proves more than a match for that powerful animal. Some terriers are rough, and others smooth haired. They are generally reddish brown or black, of a long form, short legged, and strongly bristled about the muzzle/' For some unaccountable reason this letterpress descrip- tion does not tally with the illustration, and, although either of the couple of terriers might account for a fox, or even a badger, neither would be likely to drive a rabbit out of its burrow. Terriers to do the latter would be few and far between, for, given dogs even small enough to enter an ordinary rabbit hole, they would be so weak and puny that a strong buck rabbit might prove more than a match for them. The Rev. William Daniel tells us little about fox terriers, though he recommends that when young they should not be entered to the badger, " for," he says, " they do not understand shifting like old ones, and, if good for any- thing, would probably go boldly up to the badger and be terribly bitten ; for this reason, if possible, they should be entered to young foxes. . . . With respect to the digging of foxes which hounds run to ground, if the hole be straight and earth slight, follow it, and in following the hole, by keeping below its level, it cannot be lost ; but in a strong earth it is best to let the terrier fix the fox in an angle of it, and a pit be then sunk as near to him as can be. A terrier should always be kept at the fox, who otherwise may move, and in loose ground dig himself further in ; in digging keep plenty of room, and take care to throw the earth where it may not have to be moved again. Huntsmen, when near the fox, will sometimes put C 18 The Fox Terrier. a hound into the earth to draw him ; this answers no other purpose than to cause the dog a bad bite, which a few minutes' more labour would render unnecessary ; or, if the fox must be drawn by a hound, first introduce a whip, which the fox will seize, and the hound will then draw him out more readily." One would scarcely think such elaborate instructions were required to tell us how to make a fox bolt. A terrier for the purpose should, without any to-do, go right in to his game, and bark at it and worry until " red rover " finds his apartment underground too uncomfortable for occupa- tion. There is always considerable danger in digging a fox out when the terrier is with him, especially in large earths, for rocks may be displaced, roll upon and crush the dog, or the entrance may be blocked up by stones and fallen earth, to the suffocation of everything under- neath. Although the terrier is a natural and inveterate enemy to the fox, there are times when the two will live together and feed from the same dish, and " Stonehenge " gives particulars of the two breeding together. As to how a terrier bitch suckled a vixen's cubs, Daniel gives a some- what pathetic incident. On the last day of the season that author's hounds, hunting near Sudbury, had an extraordinarily fast run of an hour, when the fox went to ground. The terriers, owing to the pace, were left far behind, and as the master wished to blood his hounds, a terrier bitch from the village was produced, and, with another dog, drove or killed the fox, which was thrown to the pack. Whilst the operation of breaking up was pro- gressing, one of the terriers slipped back into the earth, and in due course a bitch fox was dug out and two cubs The Sportsman's Cabinet. 19 worried underground. The mother was allowed to escape, but her three other cubs were taken and put to the terrier which had killed the first brace. The bitch took kindly enough to the little things, and suckled and attended them equally as well as her own offspring, which had been born five weeks previously to the time she adopted her foster children. The " Sportsman's Cabinet," published in two volumes in 1803-4, two years after the first volume of Daniel's " Rural Sports " appeared, contains an engraving by Scott from a spirited painting by Reinagle. Here we have three terriers, one of which is white, with marks on his head and a patch at the set on of stern. This is a wire-haired dog, with a docked tail and erect ears, showing traces of a bull-terrier cross from the shape of the skull and in his general character. Another, evidently a white dog, is disappearing from sight in an earth, whilst the third appears to be a dark coloured dog, with a broad white collar and white marks on his muzzle ; his ears are likewise erect. All will pass muster as fox terriers, and if a little wide in chest for modern fancy and prevailing fashion they are strong-jawed and appear eager for the fray. The writer in the " Sportsman's Cabinet" (two hand- some volumes, originally published at seven guineas), after alluding to the several strains of terriers, says : " The genuine and lesser breed of terrier is still preserved uncontaminate amongst the superior order of sportsmen, and constantly employed in a business in which his name, his size, his fortitude, persevering strength, and invincible ardour, all become so characteristically and truly sub- servient, that he may justly be said 'to labour cheerfully in his vocation ; ' this is in his emulous and exulting C 2 20 The Fox Terrier. attendance upon the foxhounds, where, like the most dignified and exulting personage in a public procession, though last, he is not the least in consequence/' The same writer goes on to say that the white pied bitch (already described) is the dam of a wonderful progeny, most of which have been sold at high prices, " seven recently for one and twenty guineas, and these are as true a breed of the small sort as any in England/' A pleasing, if rather ponderous, eulogy on the fox terrier, and one which most members of the fox terrier clubs at the present day should fully appreciate, though they would scarcely consider their choicest puppies well sold at three guineas apiece. Still, in their lines, our terrier had admirers possibly as ardent ninety or a hundred years ago as is the case now. Then masters of foxhounds were extremely particular in their selection, requiring in their terriers at the same time strength, intelligence, and gameness. Another author about that period, tells us that the black, and black and tanned, or rough wire-haired pied are preferred, as those inclining to a reddish colour are sometimes in the clamour of the chase taken for the fox, and halloaed to as such. Although I have mentioned at length so many writers on terriers, allusion must again be made to Mr. Delabere Elaine, who, in 1840, published his " Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports," which no doubt gave Mr. J. H. Walsh his idea of his " Rural Sports," which followed some fifteen years later. Elaine provides much nice reading and useful infor- mation in his immense volume, and, amongst other illustra- tions, gives us a team of terriers attacking a badger. Some of these little dogs are white with markings, others being whole coloured, dark pepper and salts, or black and tans. Two Varieties. 21 This writer, thus early, laments that "the occupation of the fox terrier is almost- gone, for the fox is less frequently dug out than formerly, and it was thus only that the terrier was of use, either to draw the fox or to inform the digger by his baying of his whereabouts. So, his occupation being gone, he is dispensed with by most masters of hounds of the new school." Elaine proceeds to say that there are two prominent varieties of the terrier, rough and smooth, the first named appear to have been more common in Scotland and the north, " the rigours of a more severe climate being favourable to a crisped and curled coat." One of Elaine's terriers is neither more nor less than a bull terrier, bearing the orthodox brindled or brown patch on one eye, and its ears are cut. Others, too, copied the statements made by Elaine, or at any rate made similar ones, just as Taplin, in his " Sporting Dictionary," and the author of the " Sportsman's Repo- sitory," had done those of writers who preceded them. The reasons hold good now that were so admirably set forth then, but even fewer terriers are used with packs of hounds than when Elaine wrote, and, unless under excep- tional circumstances, a master is contented to leave his fox which has contrived to get safely to ground, with his mask safe and his brush intact, if a little bedraggled. That, with an increasing love of hunting, so apparent during the past century, it is not surprising that the terrier came to have consideration with some men little inferior to that bestowed on the hound himself. Pretty nearly each hunting country held its own particular strain, and that these were for the most part dark in colour (usually black and tan), that which has been read in these introductory pages, I think, forms fair evidence. That three varieties were common, 22 The Fox Terrier. large, medium, and small in size, too, is apparent, and that such were both smooth and rough or wire-haired ; but how they were originally produced there is no evidence to show. The early-time terriers were bred for work and not for ornament, and, unless they would go to ground after the manner of the ferret, their heads would, not be kept long out of the huge butt of water in the stableyard. Rats they had to kill, and, unfortunately, often enough cats too ; but fox terriers were less seldom used to work as spaniels or retrievers than is the case to-day. Our ancestors believed in each dog having its own vocation : the setter to set, the pointer to point, the spaniel to beat the coverts, and the terrier to make pilgrimages underground. Nor did they condescend to train the latter to run after rabbits, as in coursing matches ; and they took for the most part the bull terrier to bait the badger and perform in the rat pit. "A dash of bulldog blood " was always said to improve the pluck of a terrier (it certainly does not add to his elegance of form), and so no doubt came the brindle marks on some few of the modern fox terriers. Careful crossing has almost effaced the first-named, now considered a blemish, and in its place the rich tan and black, or hound markings, have been introduced. Originally these gaudy colours were produced by some beagle blood, which, I fancy, came to be infused between thirty and forty years ago. The large, flapping, almost hound-like, ears which still occasionally crop up, and were excessively common twenty years back, likewise suggest this beagle cross, and I have no doubt, from a modern black and tan terrier and a hound-marked, pure beagle, careful selection would in very few generations produce a fox terrier with a black and tan head and a patch at the root of the stern. Of a whilom Large Ears. 23 champion a well-known admirer of the variety was wont to declare, " she had ears like a blacksmith's apron." An excessive size of the aural appendages is not an attribute of the terrier proper, any more than are the hound markings. I am inclined to believe that if ever there was an original terrier he had semi-prick ears, which, standing quite erect at times, were, when their owner came to be at work, thrown back into the hair of the neck, which for purposes of protection Nature provided stronger and more profuse there than on any other part of the body. To a great extent fancy has outdone nature in this respect, and few of the terriers seen winning on the benches now have that strong, muscular, hair-protected neck required by thorough workers. Smartness and quality are sought. In nine cases out of ten when a dog-show man possesses a fox terrier with a greater profusion of hair on the neck than elsewhere on the body, it will be taken off in order that a neatness and cleanness there would better attract the admiration of the judge. Still there are some modern strains of the fox terrier which are not anything like so smooth in their jackets as they might be ; longish and open in coat, and with sterns which would not make bad illustrations as bottle brushes. These longish coats were mostly introduced immediately following a period when such were wrong in an opposite direction, being almost glossy and anything but weather- resisting. It was ever thus, and will, I suppose, always be the custom to run to extremes, especially so far as the general public are concerned. Thus a reason became apparent for the variety in type seen now as compared with that which was the case in our terriers forty or fifty years ago. 24 The Fox Terrier. Our old terriers, before the era of dog shows, were strong and healthy, perhaps even more so than they are nowj at any rate they were not pampered pets, as many are to-day; and they were only kept because they were muscular, hardy, and game. The delicate and puny were consigned to the water barrel, the canal, or to the tan pit ; there was no demand for them because of their long pedigree and aristocratic connections, for they had neither. Nowadays, so long as a terrier is elegant in form, pleasant in face, and well-bred, he is worth keeping; and, however delicate his constitution may be, should he prove good enough to win prizes, he is used at the stud, and so transmits his "blue blood'' and delicacy to further generations. The former is well enough, the latter bad enough, and it is because of this carelessness in mating that so few modern terriers are as hardy in appearance as the two ferocious-looking mongrels in the " tail-piece " below. CHAPTER II. INCREASING POPULARITY EARLY SHOWS GOOD CLASSES OLD JOCK, PARTICULARS OF HIS PURCHASE TARTAR, OLD TRAP, AND GROVE NETTLE NOTABLE KENNELS BLACK AND TAN HEADS GROWING DISUSE OF THE Fox TERRIER WITH HOUNDS EXCEPTIONS. HE present popularity of the Fox Terrier com- menced some thirty years or so ago', and during the decade which immediately followed that period the progress it made in the estimation of the people was phenomenal. Nothing of the kind had previously occurred in relation to any quadruped whatever, and if fortunes were not actually made by trading with and dealing in fox terriers, fair incomes were provided, and there became a demand for " keepers " who understood the breed, or, at any rate, said they did so, and knew how to look after the inmates of the kennel. Those days are still spoken of as the " good old times," when really tip-top terriers were in few hands, and in those of men who knew their value and were able to obtain it. So long as a dog was white, with a patch of black, or brown, or tan on him even brindled 26 The Fox Terrier. was considered not amiss and weighed anything between i2\b. and 3olb., he was called a fox terrier and sold as such. He had a pedigree, made for the occasion perhaps. And why ! if his ears were too big, they could be sliced down, as they sometimes were, and if they stood up erect instead of dropping, they could be cut underneath, and often were, and made to hang in the orthodox fashion. The British public had not then learned to distinguish between one dog and another, long heads, straight legs, round feet, and other important essentials were considered secondary considerations when placed against an evenly- marked " black and tan " head " tortoiseshell headed " a clerical friend called my little terrier, and he thought he had made a good joke, too. With the multitude came, for once at least, wisdom, and when Tom, Bill, and Harry kept fox terriers, those who had possessed them before required a better article. The youngsters studied from their elders, hob-nobbed with fanciers, and so by degrees obtained an inkling as to the requirement and appearance of a perfect terrier, or one as nearly perfect as possible. Any kind of rubbish almost could have been palmed off as the genuine article a quarter of a century ago ; but a difference prevails now. Go to a dog show to-morrow, and eighteen out of every twenty persons you meet not excepting the " new woman," who is making herself as great a power at the dog show as she has done in the County Council will argue with you as to the relative merits of this dog and about the defects of that one. They wonder at your presumption, perhaps, as you give your opinion against theirs. They will even talk to the judge himself, and tell him where he has done wrong, and how that terrier ought to have won and the actual winner only been placed A Judge! 27 third. Further inquiry might elicit the fact that the person so laying down the law. was an interested party, and had shown a dog (in the same class as that in which he was criticising the awards) as long on the legs and as defective in ribs and loins as a whippet, and was highly indignant that it had not won the cup. Some modern dog show r ers are too clever by half, they have kept terriers a few months, won a prize or two with such as they have purchased, and the next stage sees them figuring in the judging ring. Once upon a time a dog judge was believed to be a man of lengthened experience one who had bred, worked, and shown such varieties as were his particular fancy. I have known a man pose as a judge of fox terriers who had never bred one in his life, had never seen a fox in front of hounds, had never seen a terrier go to ground, had never seen either otter, weazel, or foulmart outside the glass case in which they rested on the wall in a bar parlour, and had not even seen a terrier chase a rabbit. His slight experi- ence of working a terrier had been had at a surreptitious badger bait in the stable of a common beerhouse, and a violent attack on a dozen mangy rats by a mongrel terrier in an improvised pit in the bed-room of the landlord of the same hostel. However, matters may be better managed now in this respect, for in nine cases out of ten a man must be a member of a fox terrier club before he is asked to " judge," though the qualification consists only in punctual payment of his entrance fee and annual subscrip- tion. Still, the popularity of the fox terrier has not yet begun to wane, though less respect for pretty colour is apparent, and the fashion as to his shape and a general appearance has changed somewhat. 28 The Fox Terrier. As I have said, a commencement of the extraordinarily popular career of the modern fox terrier was made about thirty years since. At that time few dog shows had been held, the first one of all in 1859 at Newcastle-on-Tyne, when Mr. J. H. Walsh (" Stonehenge"), whose works on dogs generally will be alluded to further on, was one of the judges. Needless is it to say that there was no class for fox terriers, then, nor was there at Birmingham, Leeds, and Manchester, following in successive years. Of course, in the variety class for terriers, a few that had run with hounds were entered, but the first class ever arranged in which they were to compete only with their own variety, was instituted at the North of England second exhibition of sporting and other dogs, held in Islington Agricultural Hall, June, 1862. Here a division for fox terriers headed the catalogue ; there were twenty entries, and the winner of the first prize was Trimmer, a dog without pedigree, and shown by the late Mr. Harvey Bayly, then of Ickwell House, Biggleswade, later master of the Rufford. If we mistake not, this was a coarsish-looking, workmanlike dog, hound tan and black marked, whose strain was that of the Oakley terriers, the kennels of which were not far away from Mr. Bayly's residence. Not, however, through a London show came the public attention to the fox terrier; Birmingham must have the credit thereof. In 1862, when what is now the National Exhibition was held at the Old Wharf in Broad Street, there was a class for " White and Other Smooth-haired English Terriers, except Black and Tan." Here several fox terriers were exhibited, and out of a class of dogs con- taining twenty-four entries, all the prizes went to the then so-called new variety ; the leading honour being taken by Increasing Popularity. 29 Jock, exhibited by Mr. Thomas Wootton, of Nottingham, Mr. Bayly being second with Trap, whilst Mr. Stevenson (Chester) was third with Jack. In bitches, Mr. Wootton was second with Venom, and a Mrs. Mawes first, with a white bitch called Pepper, that afterwards went to Lieu- tenant-Colonel Clowes, of Worcester. Thus did the fox terriers first attract public attention, and so much was this the case that the following year, viz., 1863, the Birmingham Committee provided two classes for them, though a similar thing had been done at a couple of London shows held in March and May, also in 1863. At that time there was an opening for a popular dog, the swell of the period was becoming a little less effeminate than he had been, and was tired of lolloping my lady's toy spaniel on his knees. He had tasted and enjoyed the Tom and Jerry days in the rat pit, at the public-house dog show, and in the occasional baiting of a semi-domesticated badger. Many of the ladies themselves had grown discontented with the continued snortings of their over-fed pets, and the unodoriferous smells which sprung from obese King Charles and Blenheim spaniels. The Yorkshire terrier was fairly well known in parts of the North of England and elsewhere, but his coat was troublesome, and the graceful Italian grey- hound was far too delicate and fragile a creature for ordinary " comforting" purposes. The lovely Maltese, with his coat in texture and appearance like spun glass, was scarce, and an uncertain mother with her puppies, whilst the appear- ance of the often goggle-eyed, " apple-headed," black and tan toy terrier was not sufficiently aristocratic to tempt the connoisseur in such live stock. Besides, these black and tans were bred and reared in the East End of London, the back streets of Birmingham and of other large towns so- 30 The Fox Terrier. they were too plebeian by half. Then the Dandie Dinmont and hard-haired Scotch terriers were scarcely known out of the land on the other side of the border, and the Skye terrier with his long jacket carried too much dirt into the house. The white English terrier might have become popular had he not been so subject to chronic deafness, and no doubt the bull terrier and the black and tan terrier lost their chance of becoming public idols by reason that a barbarous custom had decided that their ears were to be in part amputated. The latter could only be done at con- siderable trouble and expense, and with inordinate suffering to the poor creatures themselves. So here was the chance for the fox terrier ; he availed himself of the opportunity, and the public gladly accepted his enterprise. The visitors to the dog shows in 1862-3 noticed and made much of him. Mr. Wootton loved his handsome and sprightly dogs, knew how to advertise and so make the most of them, and he kept them clean and glossy in their coats ; whilst Jock and others had that merry twinkle in their dark brown eyes indicative of intelligence and gameness. Moreover, there was no superfluous jacket and hair hanging about their legs to carry dirt into the parlour and drawing-room, and when Lady So-and-So wished for a nice dog to take out for a walk in the country or a drive in the park, Lord So-and-So purchased a fox terrier puppy for her ladyship. The fox terrier has never socially looked behind him since. His position in society was attained as quickly, and perhaps with less difficulty, than is that of the millionaire railway king or successful speculator. The quadruped had but looks and manners to recommend him; possibly the biped had neither, and was entirely dependent for his entree to his sovereigns and bank notes. Old Jock. 31 I often imagine there must have been something peculiarly attractive about these early-time fox terriers. They were certainly handsome and smart, but neither Old Jock nor Tartar, the two acknowledged progenitors of the present stock, had a black and tan marked head to recommend him. Moreover, their parents had the credit of being somewhat common in their origin, and generally had been looked after by the stable boy or by the second or third whip. The huntsman himself was, as a rule, far too great a swell to leave a hound for a dog, though perhaps the master's little son when home from Eton or Harrow for the mid-summer holidays might beg a terrier puppy, and by bribes and coaxings obtain for it a corner in the scullery or in an empty stall in the stable. As I have said, the progress from the servant's hall to the drawing-room was rapid, and has evidently proved extremely satisfactory to all concerned. At the Birmingham show already mentioned, Old Jock, Old Trap, and at the following one Old Tartar, then entered by Mr. H. J. Davenport (Warwickshire), formed a suitable trio from which to found a nucleus to take the world by storm, and the blood of one or other of them is to be found in all the best strains of the present day, though the three dogs themselves were so much different in appearance. Shall I describe them here ? Jock was said to be bred by Jack Morgan, who, when the dog was pupped sometime during 1859, was huntsman with the Grove. I have also heard it stated that Jock was born at the Quorn kennels. The Kennel Club Stud Book gives the breeder as either Captain Percy Williams, who was then master of the Rufford, or Jack Morgan ; but the uncertainty of the month in which the terrier was born, and the little thought given to terrier pedigrees at that time, make me 32 The Fox Terrier. extremely sceptical as to Jock's breeding, as I am of most of the early stock terriers. Anyhow, Jock has left his mark behind him, and he has also been the means of handing down to posterity the names of his sire and dam, the former being another Jock (also Captain Williams'), and the latter, Grove Pepper, huntsman's terriers both of them, we may be sure. In show form Old Jock was just about i81b. weight (Mr. Wootton when he advertised him at stud at the moderate fee of one guinea, afterwards raised to two guineas, called him i61b. weight), standing a little high on his legs, which gave him an appearance of freedom in galloping. His colour w T as white, with a dun or mixed tan mark on one ear, and a black patch on the stern and at its root. He was not what one would at the present time call a " varmint-looking" dog, i.e., one with an unusual appear- ance of go and fire and gameness in him he was a little deficient in terrier character. His ribs were well sprung, and his shoulders and neck nicely placed. When in thin condition he had the appearance of being a rib short ; but his hind quarters and loins were strong and in unison with the other parts of his formation. To some modern tastes he would appear a little loaded at the shoulders ; his fore legs, feet, and strength of bone were good, and his stifles strong and well turned. His ears, well placed, were neither too large nor too small, and he had good strong jaws. With increasing years he grew a little full in the cheeks. Yet he wore well and in 1870 was placed second to Trimmer at one of the London shows amongst a greater lot of cracks than have ever been brought together since, unless their equal was to be found at the Fox Terrier Club's show at Derby in November, 1894. All round Jock was a sym- metrical terrier, and no specimen of late years has A Class of Champions. 33 reminded me so much of him as the dog Rattler, who did so much winning. Jock, who is said to have run two seasons with the Grove Hounds, had his tail cut, but the portion left on was longer than is usually seen at the present day, and I fancy Jock, docked as short as Mr. Luke Turner's Spice, would have presented but a sorry spectacle. Allusion has been made to the extraordinary class of dogs which appeared at the Crystal Palace show in 1870, where Old Jock, then eleven years old, came second to the black and tan headed Trimmer. This was the dog " champion " class of those days, the qualification being the win of a first prize. The competitors were Old Jock, Old Trap, Trimmer, and Rival, all shown by Mr. Murchison ; Mr. W. J. Harrison's Jocko; Mr. F. Sale's Tyrant, Hornet, and Tartar ; the Marquis of Huntley's Bounce, Messrs. Bewley and Carson's Quiz, and Mr. W. Gamon's Chance. Nor was the corresponding class of bitches much inferior, for it included the Durham bitch, Mr. Sarsfield's Fussy, who won ; Grove Nettle, Bellona, and Themis, Mr. Murchison's; Mr. Pilgrim's Gem, the Marquis of Huntley's Mischief, Mr. J. Statter's Kate, Mr. F. Sale's Nectar, Mr. Gamon's Lively, and Mr. J. B. Nichols' Frisk. Grove Nettle was given reserve here, second honours falling to Themis, a comparatively poor specimen as compared w T ith others in the group. Poor old Jock! he died full of honours in 1871 whilst in the possession of Mr. J. H. Murchison, who had bought him from Mr. W. Cropper. S. W. Smith was at the time of the purchase in charge of Mr. Murchison's kennels, in Northamptonshire, and I will let him tell in his own words how he brought Jock to his new home. " Old Jock, like the others that had come from Mr. Cropper's, was not to be D The Fox Terrier. sent I was to go and fetch him from Minting House, the residence of Mr. Cropper, near Horncastle, Lincolnshire, a long way from the kennels at Titchmarsh. The instructions I received respecting the old dog could not have been more explicit, had I been going to escort a Prince of the Royal Blood. I was to take train to Horncastle, and then hire on to Minting, as there were no trains there. I was to lock the old dog up in a good box, and keep the key after I had got possession of the dog, and let no one have it. I was then to hire and come on by relays of horses and traps all the way from Minting to Titchmarsh. This I did, and arrived at the Great Northern Hotel, Peterborough, about one o'clock on the night of the first day. After refreshing the inner man and getting another horse and trap, off we started again, arriving at the kennels about six a.m., having had about enough. I had no sooner had a wash and breakfast than a stranger came riding up on his bicycle the telegraph boy, with a message from Mr. Murchison, asking if I had arrived safely, &c. I drove to Thrapston and wired back, and there I was kept nearly the whole of the day sending and receiving messages to and from Mr. Murchison. Next day Mr. Murchison came down, bringing some gentlemen friends with him to see the old dog and other members of the kennels, and witness a bit of fun with some of the younger members and the ' old grey gentleman.' " Tartar, a dog of quite a different stamp, was full of go- and fire, a hardy-looking, strongly built terrier, and on the two occasions when he did beat his great rival the result was due to the better form in which he stood, and the determination he showed, as though perfectly willing, nay anxious, either to do or die, as he stood alongside his Old Tartar. 35 antagonist in the ring. Tartar, iylb. in weight, was a pure white dog, excepting for a light patch of pale tan over one eye, unusually compact in build a pocket Hercules in fact, with a back as muscular and strong as is the neck of a mighty Cumberland and Westmoreland wrestler. A little wide in front was the old dog, but straighter perhaps on the fore legs than Jock, and with better feet. The latter, far the longer and more terrier-like in head, was beaten in size of ears, their mode of carriage, and in neatness of hind- quarters. Tartar was a peculiarly elegantly moulded dog behind, notwithstanding the amount of muscle he showed, and he stood neither too high on his legs nor the contrary. I cannot just now call to mind any terrier of the present generation like him in any respect. Possibly Richmond Jack resembled him somewhat ; at any rate in shape of body and sprightliness. Both Tartar and Jock had fair coats, that of the former, the harder and smoother, and no doubt he was much the gamer of the two. It is always the fate of success to make enemies, and at the time Jock was being shown so successfully, and later, I was repeatedly told that he would not kill a rat, and that his going to ground or doing the work of a fox terrier was altogether a myth. Of this I cannot write from personal knowledge, but tell the tale as it was told to me. Tartar's indomitable gameness has never been gainsaid, and he was always fond enough of a fight in the ring ; though I have seen terriers furious in trying to get at an opponent when on the chain, that would have been as eager to go the other way had the collar been undone. Tartar's pedigree, as given in the first volume of the Stud Book is open to great doubt, though it is said he was bred by Mr. Stevenson, of Chester, about 1862 from Weaver's Viper out of Donville Poole's Touch. D 2 36 The Fox Terrier. I think there is little doubt that he was a cross-bred dog, for, he was shown at Birmingham in 1863 pedigreeless, and had those who looked after him cared to determine his parentage (or if they possessed it to publish it), they could easily have done so at that time and not waited until the dog had gained a reputation. Alas! for blue-blood and terriers ; our remaining support of the past generation likewise possesses but a doubtful parentage. There has always been a hesitancy about this, and so Old Trap's pedigree has been the source of per- petual correspondence, poor old dog! Here is what the Kennel Club's not always correct volume says of him. " Mr. J. H. D. Bayly, already mentioned, purchased him of Mr. Cockayne, then kennel man to the Oakley Hounds, and later at the Tickham kennels. Mr. Cockayne bought him from a groom of Mr. Isted's, well known in the Pytchley Hunt." Mr. Luke Turner, one of our very oldest admirers of the fox terrier, believes Trap's sire was a dog called Tip, owned by Mr. Hitchcock, a miller in Leicester. This dog bore a reputation for extraordinary gameness, and was the favourite sire used by all the sporting characters in the district. The coachman of Col. Ark- wright, then Master of the Oakley, put a bitch to this dog Tip, and the result of the alliance was Trap. I have already proved, I think satisfactorily, that the original fox terrier was black and tan, with possibly a little white on his chest and feet; but, so far as Trap was concerned, there has always been a belief that either his sire or dam was a black and tan terrier pure and simple. Mr. J. A. Doyle states that Mr. Bayly himself told him such was the case. On the contrary, the late Rev. T. O'Grady informed the writer that Trap's dam was a heavily marked Old Trap. 37 fox terrier i.e., one with an unusual amount of black and tan colour on her body and head. All who have bred fox terriers know that in most strains these heavily marked puppies keep appearing, and Mr. F. Burbidge showed one in 1889, named Hunton Baron, which a few generations ago would have been called a black and tan terrier, and it was as well bred and good looking a dog as any man need desire to possess ; and there have been many others simi- larly marked Mr. Procter's Patch and Mr. A. Hargreaves' Dane Gallantry, to wit. The above statement by Mr. O'Grady is corroborated by Mr. S. W. Smith, who says that Col. Arkwright, master of the Oakley, told him that Trap was by a kennel terrier of his out of a black and tan bitch in the village. Trap had a pale or mealy black and tan- coloured head, and a black mark on one side down the saddle, the latter giving rise to the expression "a Trap marked " dog or bitch, as the case might be. His head was terrier- like, and of unusual length from the eyes to the nose, whilst his upper jaw was peculiarly powerful. His expression and brightness were much improved by his beautifully placed and perfectly coloured eyes. The ears, small in size, were nicely shaped, and sometimes, not always, well carried, for he had a habit of throwing them backwards, a peculiarity inherited by some of his descendants even as far as the third and fourth generations. He was a little too long in the body, and not nearly so elegantly formed in ribs, neck, hindquarters, shoulders, and elsewhere as either of the terriers previously mentioned. His fore legs and feet were fairly good, he had more than an inclination to be cow- hocked, and his coat was a trifle long and at times rather too open, though generally of good texture. Trap was not shown more than half-a-dozen times, his best performance 38 The Fox Terrier. being at Birmingham in 1862, when he was second to Jock as alluded to earlier on. Old Trap, who died whilst in the possession of Mr. Murchison in April, 1872, was about lylb. in weight, and what remains of the old dog his stuffed head is now in the possession of Mr. Francis Redmond, of St. John's Wood, but it bears no resemblance whatever to Trap's head when in the flesh. Such are descriptions of these three notable terriers from personal recollection, and the very first of their kind to command a fancy price on account of their appearance alone. Old Jock was sold for more than his weight in silver, which might be about 8o/. or a trifle over, and Mr. Wootton himself paid 35/. for Tartar, "because," as his purchaser said, " he nicks well with light, leggy, delicate bitches, and puts steam into the young ones ; and another thing," Mr. Wootton goes on to say, " he was always second to Old Jock except when he twice beat him. Cer- tain judges gave their awards in this way, so contrary to reason and common sense ; for if Jock was right Tartar must be wrong, for the two dogs differ so much in appear- ance." Old Trap did not command so much money, about 25/. being the highest figure he reached, and this was when he had fallen into the sere and yellow, just before coming into the possession of Mr. J. H. Murchison, by whom the old dog was highly esteemed. Their stud fees varied from i/. to 2/. apiece a miserable sum compared with the 5/. and io/. obtained for the use of the notable fox terriers in this year of grace 1895. I think, with the mystery which surrounds the birth and pedigree of these three late lamented and excellent terriers, any attempt of mine to solve the difficulty would be useless. There is nothing but hearsay, he said and she said, upon Grove Nettle. 39 which to dilate ; they performed their duty well in that particular sphere in which they were called to work, and so I say let them rest in peace. Both Tartar and Old Jock, well nigh invincible on the show bench, had little check in their careers, which extended in the case of the former over eight years, and in that of the latter through four years only, whilst I believe Trap was not shown more than half a dozen times, his best performance being when he came second to Jock at Birmingham in 1862. That extraordinary bitch Grove Nettle should be men- tioned here, for to her, quite as much as to any one of the couple and a half of terriers already named, is due a share in the present production. Bred in 1862 by W. Merry, huntsman to the Grove Hounds, there does not appear to be any mystery as to her pedigree, she being by the Grove Tartar from the Rev. W. Handley's Sting. Nettle was a prettily shaped, tan-headed bitch, with a black mark on her side, a rather long, wavy coat, almost inclined to be broken haired. The Hon. T. W. Fitzwilliam, her owner, said "the difficulty was to keep her above ground. " Another good judge said " there was not a more useful animal in the show when she was exhibited in the champion class at Birmingham in 1868," and he further described her as rather long in the body, and, although possessing immense bone, not losing one iota in quality. At the Kennel Club, Cleveland Row, may be seen all that remains of this grand bitch, for she is there set up in a case, looking as hideous and unlike that which she was in nature as " stuffed " dogs do nine times out of ten. In recalling these earlier recollections, there is no terrier of a past generation that appeals to me with greater power than Tyrant, also known as Old Tyrant and White Tyrant. 40 The Fox Terrier. Mr. Harry Adams (Beverley) had, in 1865, the honour of breeding him, though the Kennel Club Stud Book throws a doubt on the matter by mixing the name of a Mr. Leighton therewith ; whilst Mr. G. Booth, Mr. T. Lloyd- Edwards (near Lampeter), and Mr. T. Wootton had the pleasure of his ownership and exhibition at various times. Old Trap was his sire, as he was said to be of almost every good terrier of that day, and Violet, by Old Jock White Violet, his dam. Tyrant was a dog somewhat after the style of the expatriated and sadly named Lucifer As in Praesenti, but better in jacket and placement of shoulders, though possibly Lucifer was the narrower in chest of the two. Perhaps more flattering it would be to com- pare this grand old ancestor with Mr. C. R. H. Leach's white dog Cleek, who during 1894 deservedly did a con- siderable share of winning throughout the country, being seen to special advantage at the Club's show at Derby that year. Many of the " head men " of the " fancy " in Tyrant's time did not think very much of him, but in reality he deserved all the praise they or anyone else could bestow. No man ever owned a better dog as a terrier. In weight about i81b., in form symmetrical, his strength of bone, legs and feet were of the best. No purely white fox terrier I ever saw was less of the bull terrier in appearance than he, and, carrying his eight years well, he proved good enough to win the champion prize at Nottingham in 1873, beating Tyke, Trimmer, Trumps, Jock II., and six other less notable opponents. Moreover, Tyrant was sire of many leading terriers which in their turn have added to the excellences of those in the present generation. Venture was a son of his, so were Mr. Whitton's Badger (a rare old sort) and Good Kennels. 41 Mr. Sydenham Dixon's Sam, almost as perfect as his sire in appearance, but a broken leg badly set kept him from the show bench. Mr. Gamon's famous Chance and his favourite Risk were likewise sons of the old white dog, and now in 1895 few of our best terriers are to be found without some modicum of the blood of Tyrant in their veins. He, indeed, may bear the palm as the best of his race, both in beauty and gameness, immediately following his notable sire Trap, and equally great grandsire Old Jock. During the sixties the Hon. T. W. Fitzwilliam was showing a splendid lot of terriers, of which he had a large number kennelled at Wentworth House, Rotherham, York- shire, his Vassal, Ruby, Topsy, being tip-top, and we must not forget that he had Jock, Tartar, and Grove Nettle in his possession at one period of their existence. The Marquis of Huntly at Aboyne about the same time owned Worry, Bounce, Nectar, Mischief, Famous, and other excellent terriers, all of which were said to be as game as they were handsome. The name of Mr. F. Sale (Derby) must not be omitted, as at one time his kennels were most formidable, for they had included Hornet (who came second at Birmingham in 1871 to the writer's Mac II.), Old Tartar, and many others pretty nearly as good, with which he was a most formidable opponent at the big shows. With such supporters, there was nothing wonderful in the fact that the marked attention these " revived " terriers attracted led to a newspaper controversy as to their origin, and in The Field a number of interesting letters appeared on the subject. These in every case came from men of weight and mark and learning in canine lore. Then the Editor, the late Mr. J. H. Walsh, wrote his article on the Fox Terrier, which naturally attracted further attention. 42 The Fox Terrier. After dwelling upon the advisability or otherwise of the bulldog or bull terrier cross, Mr. Walsh says he had " known good and bad of each kind of breeding ; but the best he ever saw go to ground was one-eighth bull, though he showed it no more than Jock, the champion. . . . There are few varieties of the species cam's which show more intelligence than the fox terrier," and " Gelert " (a sporting writer and compiler of a list of foxhounds, &c., in 1849), the Rev. John Russell, and other authorities, support this opinion. In the first edition of the u Dogs of the British Isles " the author (" Stonehenge ") says, "that until the establish- ment of dog shows Captain Percy Williams, Jack Morgan, and five or six of our foremost huntsmen were the posses- sors of the most celebrated strains of fox terriers ; but no sooner were special prizes offered for them at Birmingham, Leeds, and London, as well as in conjunction with those for foxhounds at the Cleveland Society's celebrated gatherings in Yorkshire, than Mr. Wootton of Nottingham, Mr. Stevenson of Chester, in conjunction with Mr. Gorse, also of Nottingham, and other breeders of less note, set themselves to work to vie with the professionals, and produced the beautiful little terriers which time after time have adorned the benches of Birmingham and Islington. Many of them have no doubt never seen a fox ; but there are few which are not capable of giving a good account of him if properly entered." This was written in 1866, when the popularity of the fox terriers had in a degree been achieved. Mr. Walsh mentions only some seven or eight kennels of hounds having terriers of the show type, but there is little doubt a score or more of them had such. When once A Broken Jaw. 43 their value became known, they kept cropping up from all parts of the country, both smooth and wire haired, the former generally from the Midland and Southern counties, whilst those with hard jackets appeared mostly confined to the Yorkshire and more Northern districts. The Badsworth had a rare hard-bitten strain of terriers with their hounds, mostly smooth-coated ones, too. The Slingsbys, an old sporting family, who for generations resided at Scriven Park, Yorkshire, had likewise a strain that was bad to beat at anything. These, too, had smooth jackets, showed bull- dog or bull terrier blood, were mostly lemon marked, from i3lb. to i61b. weight, and usually possessed prick ears. A little bitch from Mr. Vyner's was about as game a terrier as I ever saw, though her coat was thin and she had been brought up as a house pet. This bitch I saw sent into an earth in the North of England to drive what was generally considered to be a fox. Underground a long time, a couple of hours or more, with difficulty she was called out, and from the punishment she had received conclusions were drawn that a badger was in the rocks. The poor terrier had her jaw broken, and her face bitten through and through ; still she escaped from her owner, went underground to her game again, and when got out a second time was almost dead. The badger was afterwards taken, and it is pleasing to note that the plucky little bitch survived her injuries. Mr. Doyle, in his admirable article in " The Book of the Dog," tells us that the strain Mr. Stevenson owned at Chester originally came from Shropshire, where they had been kept and cherished for years by Mr. Donville Poole, of Maybury Hall. However, from a description of this strain from the pen of Mr. S. W. Smith, and which 44 The Fox Terrier. appears in the terrier division of " Modern Dogs 1 ' (1894), it seems these game, hardy little fellows could scarcely be classed as the correct type of the modern fox terrier, but they were the dogs the late Mr. John Walker alluded to in his celebrated contribution in which he stated that nothing came amiss to the wretches from a " pig to a postman," an unfortunate letter carrier being attacked by them and so bitten about the legs that death ensued. Then Sir Watkin Wynn had a strain of his own in Wales (not Welsh terriers these), and so had Lord Hill on the borders of the Principality. Down in Devonshire the sporting villages simply teemed with little dogs, but most of these were wire-haired, and the Rev. John Russell valued them highly, as did Mr. Cheriton and other hunting men of the locality. The Rufford, too, had its own speciality in fox terriers ; so had Mr. Ffrance, in Cheshire ; and even in Northumberland, from the Tyndale, came one of the best fox terrier bitches I ever saw. She, however, crops up a little later, and had all the good qualities of a modern first prize winner, with the exception of being very much tucked up in her loins, and she carried what remained of her stern right over her back. Some exhibitors might have cut it all off, and said the absence of her caudal appendage was due to an accident of some kind or another. The Farquharsons, in Dorsetshire, owned excellent terriers, that would drive a fox out of its earth with the best of them, and the excellences of those of the Duke of Beaufort have repeatedly been mentioned. Tread- well, too, always kept a few couple of hardy ones handy for work with the Old Berkeley, as did old Ben Morgan for the use of Lord Middleton's hounds; and the late Will Black and Tan Heads. 45 Goodall, George Beers, with Frank, his son, were never happy unless they had some of the gamest of the game well within call when required, after a good stout fox had dodged the stopped earths and gone to ground. The Burton, Lincolnshire, must not be overlooked, for at the time Dick Burton was first whip there, when Lord Henry Bentinck hunted them himself, considerable care was bestowed upon the terriers, a strain of which the hunt possessed, mostly white-bodied dogs with lemon markings on the head. There is an oil painting still in the possession of the Burton family, a portrait of Dick with some of his favourite hounds and terriers. This must have been painted about sixty years ago. When Burton retired into private life he took some of these terriers with him, and crossed them with a black and tan dog belonging to Mr. Charles Clarke, Scopwick, the well- known breeder of Lincoln sheep. This was in reality a black and tan fox terrier not a Manchester terrier possibly a dog something after the stamp of that engraved and described earlier in the volume the fox terrier of 1806. From this cross Dick Burton produced black and tan headed dogs, others with marks on the body, and he claimed to be the first individual to introduce these hand- somely coloured terriers to the public. This is an interesting piece of history which I believe has hitherto failed to find its way into print, and there is no reason why the claim should not be allowed, although it is possible that at the same time other admirers of the fox terrier were bringing about similar results through a different cross. In addition to these less known kennels, there were others whose reputation was world-wide rather than local, including the Grove, the Belvoir, the Albrighton, the Atherton, the Duke of Rutland's, and the Brocklesby. 40 The Fox Terrier. Here, then, were a sufficient number of strains of diverse blood to perpetuate and improve even to perfect any one variety, and our fox terrier classes on the show bench at the present day prove that every advantage has been taken of the material at hand. One strain has improved another, until little animals as near perfection as possible are produced, and a couple of hundred candidates for honour at one show is nothing unusual now, whilst in 1860, at Birmingham, only about three bond-fide fox terriers were on view, and there was no special class provided for them. Reverting to The Field correspondence,' " Cecil," writing in December, 1858, said, ''that during one of his visits into Cheshire he had the honour of an introduction to a gentle- man who was for many years a first-rate performer over a country, and has ever ranked highly in the estimation of his numerous friends for his hospitality, exquisite port wine, and an unrivalled collection of terriers. An invitation to dine and inspect his unique little pack of terriers afforded me the greatest pleasure. I might possibly be transgressing the bounds of etiquette if I were to record the kind recep- tions I met with on such occasions ; and I am the more cautious in the introduction of gentlemen's names, having recently caused some annoyance to an old and valued friend by mentioning him in these columns, in conjunction with others, as a most liberal preserver of foxes, and a popular resident in a country far distant from this. Knowing, therefore, that some gentlemen entertain objections to being brought before the public, more especially as regards matters of a private nature, I feel that I need not offer any further apology for not giving greater publicity to one of Cheshire's most highly respected and worthy country "Bard as Iron." 47 squires. Of the pack, however, I must claim the privilege of giving a description. It consists of seven couples of beautiful white terriers, most decided enemies of the vulpine race, or any other animal wearing fur and coming under the denomination of vermin. In evidence of their courage, two young ones are mentioned as having killed a cat which weighed more than themselves when placed in the scales together. Their pedigrees have been registered with as much care and precision as those of any pack of foxhounds in the kingdom. In symmetry they are perfect, and their legs and feet quite models for masters of hounds and huntsmen to study. Whenever the hounds run foxes to ground in the neighbourhood, one of these game little pets is sure to be in requisition ; and there were two of them evincing the marks of recent conflicts with foxes when employed in dislodging them from their subterranean places of refuge. In that very useful employment the destruction of rats they are superlatively good, and a huge monster of that species was very quickly dispatched by a little bitch only six months old ; and, although the rat caught her by the cheek, she did not even utter a whimper. The buildings devoted to their accommodation are com- plete in every respect. They are miniature foxhound kennels, well ventilated, and of comfortable temperature, regulated by a thermometer, and the very paragon of clean- liness." The late Captain White, after witnessing a trial of the gameness and endurance of these terriers against two newly-caught badgers, pronounced them, the terriers (not the badgers), to be " as hard as iron, stout as steel, and good as gold." No doubt there were as good terriers in those days as 48 The Fox Terrier. there are now for work, perhaps better, for there was more use for them then. The columns of The Field during 1866-67 contained a number of excellent letters on the fox terrier, written by those who knew what they were writing of and how to put their ideas into words. The respective merits of Jock and Tartar were freely discussed, and "W. J. M." (the Rev. W. J. Mellor), who then resided at Colwick Rectory, near Nottingham, received a rather warm retort from the owner of Tartar, the Hon. T. W. Fitzwilliam, tor suggesting that the little champion was " too much of the bull terrier." " Idstone," whose charming articles have so often de- lighted his readers, also wrote all he knew about fox terriers, and this was what he said : " . . . First, I think the coat of the terrier they breed is frequently too fine ; a harder, denser description of jacket would be a more suitable protection for a dog who has to face all weather, and to submit all day to the splash of the hunts- man's horse. I believe if he could choose for himself he would pick out something more like bristles, although lying closely, as offering a better defence to the weather or to that angry thong he always is within reach of except when he has gone to ground. ... I am no advocate for broken-haired fox terriers," continues " Idstone," " and am thoroughly of opinion that the smooth dog, as a class, beats the rough dog in pluck and staying powers." He would, indeed, be a bold man who could say this to-day, for there are now, as then, good and bad of both varieties, and that dog the better trained and with the greatest amount of hard work to do will always be the one to do it properly. " Idstone " further remarks that " a pure fox terrier is not required to draw badgers, nor should he be so ' hard The Late Captain Handy. 49 bitten ' as to slaughter a fox in the earth. . . . The kennel dog is, and must be kept, a distinct family, and he ought to have quite enough courage to destroy vermin without possessing the bulldog cross. The one is generally a useful animal, adapted for ratting, rabbit hunting, and working a hedgerow or bit O of gorse, providing his coat is hard enough. The other is good for vermin, but will very likely not let a cat live about the premises, and is anxious for a ' turn-up ' with any outsider of his own species two inconvenient and undesirable proclivities." The above ex- pression of opinion holds good at the present time, although the advice contained therein, written more than twenty- five years ago, was then especially valuable, as there was a strong inclination to infuse a dash of the bulldog into the ordinary terrier. "W. J. M." also wrote in favour of the smooth-coated variety, and so did the late Captain Handy, who at that time was a popular sportsman at Malmesbury. Later he was on the staff of one of the London newspapers, where he did good work, and died in harness about three years ago. Under the signature of " J. A. H.," he said, " I am quite of opinion that a fox terrier should be smooth coated, and I much doubt whether any dog showing a rough or broken-haired coat is pure bred ; but where such is the case, I believe there must be a cross (more or less remote) of the Scotch terrier. I daresay there are rough-coated terriers as good as any smooth-coated ones, but they are not fox terriers. I well remember the fox terriers that used to run with the Duke of Beaufort's hounds in Will Long's time, and I believe the breed had been kept there for very many years. You will see a specimen amongst the hounds in the picture of ' The Lawn Meet at Badminton.' They were nearly E 50 The Fox Terrier. always black and tan, but occasionally black, white, and tan, with a compact, well-knit frame, ears small and hanging close to the head, with coats, though close and thick, as bright and smooth as satin. It was wonderful with what pluck and endurance they would make their way to the end of the longest run. . . . Now in these fast days," continued the gallant Captain, " sportsmen cannot wait for a fox to be got out, and the order is ' find another one ' ; hence the use of fox terriers to run with hounds has been discontinued, and the breed has not been kept up at Badminton. . . . " And there is no doubt that the fox terrier is less used as an adjunct to the foxhounds now in 1894, than even was the case when " J. A. H." poured forth his lamentations on the subject. At times one may see a " runner " that is, a man who follows the hounds on foot with a little dog under his arm or at his heels in a leash, which he tells you is " the best in the world," and will drive any fox from any earth or drain, be it ever so long and sinuous. For obvious reasons the poor fellow's terrier is seldom tried, and when the fox is run to ground, the cry, oftener than not, is, " Forrard ! to Blankton Gorse," or to some other untried covert, and the fox that has gone to ground has saved his brush at any rate for a time. Some hunting men will, no doubt, have heard of that eccentric " runner," once a dis- tinguished character with one of our foremost packs of hounds, who bred and kept an excellent strain of working terriers. His eccentricity did not, however, lie in this fancy for little dogs, but in the habit he had of carrying a home-made spur, which he used on his own thighs when tired and inclined to drop into a walk. To such an extent did he thus punish himself that Peterborough Hound Show. 51 he had to undergo surgical treatment on more than one occasion. The present Lord Lonsdale had an idea of working some of his prize-bred terriers with his hounds when he was master of the Pytchley. But the general surroundings of modern fox hunting prevented him doing this properly and as he would have wished. Still, a few of his high-priced, fashionable terriers were properly entered, and, I believe, gave a good account of themselves whenever required so to do. Mr. Harding Cox, when master of the Old Berkeley Hounds, kenneled some good working terriers of the prize strains, but his, like Lord Lonsdale's, were of the wire- haired variety. Then the Littleworths, huntsmen for generations, have always kept terriers, and even now own some of show bench strains, which can, and do, accompany the hounds when there is likely to be occasion for their services. Indeed, there is still a fox terrier or two hanging about either the kennels or the stable yard, but no pains are taken to perpetuate the variety solely for bolting the fox, as once was the case. Modern hunting, quick gallops, and the go-a-headedness of the times have done away with his occupation, and the fox terrier now possesses his greatest value in his beauty alone. At the great Hound Show held during June of each year at Peterborough, on occasions prizes have been given for terriers which carry a record of having been entered and employed with fox- hounds. However, for some reason or other, the terrier classes there were discontinued in 1894, but I hope this omission will prove but temporary. The competitors there were usually somewhat of a ragged lot, though occasionally the absolute winners were quite up to modern show form in appearance ; moreover they were well-bred and likewise E 2 52 The Fox Terrier. often bore the credentials of scars as their "Victoria Cross." In the North of England, in Wales, and in some parts of Scotland, fox hunters cannot do without their terriers, such being used by Tommy Dobson, who hunts a few couples of hounds from Eskdale, Cumberland; by Mr. Benson with the Melbrake ; by the Ulleswater ; by the Coniston, by Mr. Jacob Robson with the Border Foxhounds, and by others. Most of these terriers are, however, more or less cross bred, but Mr. Robson's seem pretty much similar in type r wire haired, red or " mustard/ 3 " pepper and salt," and some- times black and tan in colour. They are coming to be known as "Border Terriers," and as they are very useful and handy little dogs, they certainly deserve this special nomenclature. CHAPTER III. MORE NOTABILITIES EAR-DROPPING AND OTHER MAL- PRACTICES FORMING A KENNEL THE Fox TERRIER CLUB SOME MODERN KENNELS THE BEST TERRIERS MEASUREMENTS. |F course, there were a few other good terriers appearing about the earlier shows in addition to those already mentioned, but such bear sorry reputations to-day, nor have they done much in the way of improving the family generally. Rival was a terrier- like dog of the Jock stamp, but these varmint-looking fellows soon had, as it were, their noses put out of joint by the introduction of some smarter, handsomer, and gayer little creatures, wherever they came from, and there was no wonder that the huntsmen called such dogs, as those of which the beautiful Trimmer formed a fair specimen, toys. Here was another "pillar 11 with the name of the breeder unknown, though said to be sired by some unknown quantity of a dog called Rap, his dam being the Rev. T. O'Grady's Vic. Trimmer, a smart, thin-coated little dog, about I4lb. weight, with a small, 54 The Fox Terrier. weak head, was most prettily marked with the deepest black and the richest tan. He was no workman to look at, and I have heard it said that, instead of being bred at some well-known kennels, as all such notabilities should be, Trimmer first saw the light in the cottage of a barge- man who sailed on one of the Midland canals. If this handsomest of fox terriers was not game, he was thoroughly ill-natured and snappish, and, during his con- finement on the show bench, kept all inquisitive visitors at a respectful distance. Trimmer, unlike some other celebrities, had two brothers ; these were called Crack and Tory. The latter belonged to young Mr. G. F. Statter, who then had a farm at Broomhills, near Carlisle, and Tory was a sad dog, as wild as they make them one, indeed, that could not be allowed off the chain. Crack, some time in the possession of the writer, was a beautifully made little animal, with a good coat, and the most perfect feet and legs imaginable. He won a prize or two, but would not be looked at as a show dog nowadays. His temper to strangers was most obnoxious ; still, he was fairly game, would kill rats, swim a mile up the middle of a canal, and, generally, proved a most endearing little fellow with those with whom he was on good terms. But Crack had a strange antipathy to people with black or very dark hair. Others of the toyish stamp were Mr. Murchison's Bellona and Mr. Sarsfield's Fussy. The latter caused a considerable sensation when she came forward as a winner, for her owner lived at Durham, and was quite out of the ordinary swim of so-called fanciers, who now had grown numerous. Fussy, entered at Birmingham show in 1868, when the Rev. T. O'Grady and Mr. John Some Famous Bitches. 55 Walker were the judges, was then said to be about twelve months old, so that the stud book is in error where it states that she was born in 1869. Mr. Henry Calf, of Devizes, showed her, and thought so little of his bitch as to catalogue her at five guineas. I need scarcely say she did not obtain even a commendation, nor her sister Venom either, who was entered by their breeder, Mr. H. Chaworth Musters, at the same time. Fussy caught the eye of Mr. Sarsfield, who speedily became her owner for the sum already alluded to, and a great prize he thus obtained. In the following year Fussy commenced her successful career in the provinces, and, reappearing at Curzon Hall in 1870, was placed first in a strong champion class of eight, which included Mr. Pilgrim's Gem, who had been third the previous year. Mr. F. Sale, however, with his good, strong-backed bitch Myrtle, beat the Durham entry for the cup. It may be stated here that a daughter of the latter, Patch (Mr. Procter's), then but nine months old, was exhibited in the open class unsuccessfully, but in 1871 the tables were turned, for Patch came first in the open division ; once more was her dam at the head of the champions, but, still unfortunate, was placed behind the writer's Mac II. for the " blue ribbon " of the show, the valued champion cup. Mr. Sarsfield's favourite again won in 1872, but the following year Patch was beaten by Myrtle, then five years old, but wearing well. In addition to the above honours, Fussy won many others, and proved extraordinarily successful for breeding purposes too, for Mr. Gibson's Vexer a bitch rather short in head, but very good indeed in other respects w r as own sister to Patch, the dam and her two handsome daughters forming a trio that would be difficult to beat even to-day. The 56 The Fox Terrier. strain has not, however, been worked to all the advantage it might have been ; Mr. Sarsfield's business engagements prevented him giving more than a passing attention to improving our terriers, and Mr. Procter gained greater notoriety from his strain of Cochin China fowls. Mr. Procter, however, still keeps a terrier or two as com- panions, and shows them successfully occasionally ; such as he has, possess more or less of the Fussy blood, and through her sire, Mr. Muster's Ragman, go back to Old Trap, as so many of our best strains do. Mr. J. Holmes, jun.'s (Beverley) Gadfly, by Vassal, a son of Jock and Grove Nettle, another much admired terrier in his day, especially for the reputation he bore for gameness, could not get high up in the prize list at Curzon Hall ; still groups of sporting men were usually round his number, as was the case with Mr. F. Sale's Hornet much the better of the two and he was a son of Grove Nettle. The same exhibitor also owned an animal of unusual excellence in Myrtle, by his Old Sam, a son of Tyrant, out of a bitch called Jenny, by Old Jock. Mr. Luke Turner bred Myrtle, who at five years old was good enough to win the challenge prize at Birmingham. She had rather large ears, a weakish jaw, and possessed neither the rough wear and tear appearance nor character a hunting man likes to see in his terrier. One of the best all-round fox terriers about now (1873, or a little later), was the lovely little bitch Lille, so long and successfully shown by Mr. Shepherd, of Beverley. She looked like a daughter of Tyrant's, but was by Tartar Patch, out of Fell's Spot, all good-bred ones in their way, with nothing like the quality possessed by their illus- trious descendent. Handsome as Lille was, stronger bone Bygone Celebrities. 57 and less delicate appearance would have improved her, though beautiful symmetry invariably attracted the judges at that time rather than a game-looking expression. The latter was possessed in an extraordinary degree by a tan- marked bitch called Fan, first, I believe, shown by Mr. W. Allison, of Cotswold Rectory, and later by Mr. C. T. Abbot. Here we had all terrier character, but she moved stiffly, was not, as it were, built on galloping lines, and became too loaded at the shoulders for modern fancy. She came in a little later, and reminded me more of Grove Nettle than any bitch I have seen since. The Stud Book gives her pedigree as follows : sire, Priam ; dam, Pixie, by Jock out of Lill ; Priam by Morgan's Grove Crab out of Fury ; and she was bred by Lady de Lisle. Another excellent bitch abounding with character was Jester's daughter Satire, bred and shown by Mr. J. Arrowsmith, of Thirsk, and from the same kennel came Tiny, who became a champion. Denton's Jock, from Doncaster, an excellent dog with a doubtful pedigree, said to be by Tyrant dam unknown,- after winning a number of prizes at the Yorkshire shows, was purchased by Mr. Gibson, Brockenhurst, and as Bitters continued to increase his notoriety but was by no means a success at the stud. Amidst all these bygone celebrities, Mr. Peter Pilgrim's May must not be forgotten, another of old Jock's daughters, from a bitch called Crafty, known at the Quorn Kennels. Lasting long enough to win second prize in the champion class at Nottingham when eight years old, she was a remarkably strong-loined, very good looking bitch, rather light in bone. Another notable dog was the much abused Venture (the late Mr. W. Cropper's, Minting House, 58 The Fox Terrier. Horncastle) by Tyrant, already described. It was rather strange that Venture who, by the way, was said to be unable to get stock by his alliance with Fussy produced so heavily-marked a bitch as Proctor's Patch, and Henry Gibson's Vexer, with little colour about her, whilst his Vanity from Cottingham Nettle had likewise Venture for her sire. Patch was a good one if almost black, and certainly well beat her dam in length and strength of jaw, in which respects Fussy was sadly deficient. About the year 1872 the entries of fox terriers became unusually numerous, and, strange though it may seem, actually included more individual animals than are found even in the special terrier shows held at the present time. Now the classes are divided in an almost inexplicable fashion, there being at the most recent show of the Fox Terrier Club held at Derby in November, 1894, no fewer than thirty-three classes for smooth-coated fox terriers, they including puppies and novices, with limit classes, challenge classes, the same for veterans, " birthday" stakes, produce stakes," graduate " classes, as well as the " Derby," the "Oaks " and various " selling" divisions. Indeed, considerable ingenuity must have been exercised in the " invention" and arrangement of so many different competitions. Whether such are altogether an advantage is an open question, they certainly give all dogs a chance of winning, so much so that in some of the " birthday" and " produce " classes, I have seen puppies win a prize of greater value than the dog which won it. Thus the latter, as a prize winner at a Fox Terrier Club's show might be given a fictitious value. Before this new classification a couple of champion classes and as many open ones were all the catalogues included, and there were no duplicate entries, i.e , dogs were not allowed to Large Classes. 59 compete in more than one division. Still, such arrangements notwithstanding, from one hundred and fifty to over two hundred terriers were often benched in one exhibition, and at Nottingham, in 1872, 276 fox terriers were entered. Here there was a puppy class which attracted 73 com- petitors, whilst 74 animals were present in the open dog class and 109 in that for bitches, where Tiny, alluded to earlier on, won in the largest individual class of fox terriers on record. Mr. S. Owen's Thatch, a now forgotten dog, was placed at the head of affairs in the open dog class, with the much better known Foiler second only. The champion classes at the same show had likewise large entries, Mr. T. Bassett's Spot, a terrier of great reputation at that time, beating Tyke and others in the dog division ; whilst another of the well nigh forgotten ones, Mr. B. Cox's Whiskey, was placed over May and Nectar for the bitch championship. A little later Birmingham found the fox terriers so numerous that the executive laid their heads together to devise some simplifi- cation of the work the judges had to do. There was a controversy going on then about the size of fox terriers. Both big and little were winning, and those who owned the latter grumbled at the judges who by their awards testified to the truth of the adage that " a good big 'un would always beat a good little 'un." So in 1876 the fox terriers at Curzon Hall came, as it were, to be split up, and classes were provided for dogs over i81b., bitches over i61b. ; and also for dogs and bitches under such weights. This arrangement continued for ten years, during which period the fashion became so changed that the best judges would scarcely condescend to look at a fox terrier much over I7lb. As the custom had grown in the country for 60 The Fox Terrier. providing novice and other divisions, in addition to the usual open and champion (or challenge) ones, the Birming- ham management again made a change, the result of which is seen at the present day. Possibly what I have written here will remove the false impression which appears to prevail to the effect that the classes of fox terriers are larger now than at any previous period of our history. I fancy that some modern judge at one of our big shows would look puzzled were he set down in a ring with fifty-eight fox terrier dogs in the open class, and only two fewer in the bitches, as was the case at Birmingham in 1875. And at that show all sorts and sizes won prizes, the winning dog being Mr. Bassett's Varmint, one of the heavy weights, and a coarse customer too ; whilst for second came Snap (Mr. J. R. Whittle's), one of the writer's strain, a very neat and all round an excellent little dog certainly less than I5lb. in weight. Mr. Russell Earp's Vine, who took pre- cedence in bitches, was likewise of the smaller or more toyish stamp; and, on the contrary, Mr. G. H. Warren's Vic, second prize, was a much bigger and far stronger bitch. With such decisions as these, no person was surprised to find, as already stated, the change in the arrangements of classification which came the following year. Twenty-five years ago the value of pedigrees in fox terriers became so apparent, that they were often manu- factured, and the honour of winning a prize being now at its highest, sharp practices to gain that distinction came into vogue. Some exhibitors, not content with merely docking the tails of their dogs, were clever enough to reduce the size of the ears by paring them down with either knife or scissors. I remember being shown the "Faking " the Ears. 61 scissors with which this operation had been successfully performed on a dog that won a number of prizes. One of the first duties of a judge in the ring at that time was, and for years later continued to be, to examine the ears to see whether they had been what was slangily called " faked." This usually meant cutting the tendons of the ears to make the latter drop properly, for many terriers had naturally prick or erect ears, and with these appendages so carried there was no chance of winning a prize. The teeth, too, could be filed to a level where those on the lower jaw projected in front of the upper ones. When they did so project, the dog w r as said to be undershot, a fault which was then absolute disqualification. Curling sterns, over- gaily carried, could be straightened, so the clever artist in the matter of dog showing, had, even with these almost white terriers, ample opportunity for a display of his skill and ingenuity in dishonest practices. And so he has now, he does so in many cases, and " faking," to my mind, quite as bad as such cases as I have alluded to is permitted. The sin, however, of this modern " faking" does not appear to be so much in its commission as in its discovery, and means are now adopted by which a terrier's ears may be made to drop artificially and no tell-tale marks remain. This is done in many instances by weights plastered oh to the inside of the ears and sometimes on the outside. Again, one sees advertisements from " up to date" dealers who manufacture and sell appliances which are said to answer the purposes of " ear-dropping " admirably; "ear pads" they are called. This en passant, however. Immediately following 1870 there were still more notorious terriers shown than those already mentioned, some good that did not win prizes,. 62 The Fox Terrier. others indifferent which did, for the judging was sadly in and out. Amongst the indifferent specimens might be classed Vandal, whose pedigree in the " Kennel Club Stud Book " is, I was told at the time of the publication, all wrong (although the owner is free from blame in the matter), Turco, and Renard, all shown by Mr. Murchison, who then had a kennel of terriers which has not since been surpassed. It included no end of celebrities, and for three years or more his representatives quite swept the decks. At Titchmarsh, near Thrapston, where the kennels were located, Mr. Murchison was fortunate in securing the services of S. W. Smith as kennel-manager, and for years the word of the latter was law as to what a fox terrier should be. Old Trap, Bellona, Trimmer, Old Jock, Grove Nettle, Pincers, Trinket, Vanity, Olive, were one time or another all under Smith's charge, as were hosts of minor lights, the names of which do not at present occur to me. When Mr. Murchison's kennels were strongest (about 1869-74) they contained at the least 200 smooth-coated fox terriers, including puppies, and perhaps the best of all the lot was his well-known bitch, Olive, which had been bred by Mr. Luke Turner, and was contemporary with Mr. Henry Gibson's Dorcas mentioned further on. Olive was by Belgrave Joe Tricksey, by Chance, an i81b. bitch, with a black and tan head, and all round one of the best fox terriers ever produced, and "Stonehenge" had her illustrated for his " Dogs of the British Isles." Olive died in the autumn of 1889, at the advanced age of fifteen years. Another equally powerful kennel about the same time was that formed by Mr. Henry Gibson, at Brockenhurst, on the borders of the New Forest, and whose name has already appeared in these pages. From school-boy days Mr. Gibson, of Brockenhurst. 63 Mr. Gibson had been an admirer of fox terriers, and, when he had scarcely entered his teens, contrived to obtain a crack dog of the breed, for which he paid the exorbitant sum of fifty shillings, and that was about fifty years ago. Later in life Mr. Gibson availed himself of the opportunity thrown in his way, to cross this old strain of working terriers with more modern ones, and thus he achieved the honourable position occupied by the most successful exhibitor of the day, which he certainly was about the years 1873-6. Mr. Gibson still believes in the old time terriers, and considers that the one mentioned above, which he had purchased from Massey, Mr. Adderley's (now Lord Norton) gamekeeper, of Hams Hall, Warwickshire, was the best he ever possessed, and he treasures the same strain even now. This family of terriers was as game as possible, quite free from any of the bull terrier blood ; and many and many a hard week's work have these Brocken- hurst dogs done when their time was not occupied on the benches, where they had a long and successful career. Although most of these winners had been bred by their owner, he was always ready in case of need to pick up the plums which were to be had from other kennels. In 1874, he claimed Foiler at Birmingham (he was one of the judges) for ioo/., where that dog had been placed second to Tyke, who, catalogued at 5O/., could have been pur- chased for less money. Foiler, a good-looking dog, with a long, well-shaped head, but not level enough on his back for my fancy, proved an indifferent animal to breed from, although so well bred himself, having a treble strain of Grove blood in him through Willie, Tartar, and Nettle. Foiler, Diamond, Brockenhurst Joe, Vexer, Bitters, with that extremely good bitch Dorcas, were some of the best 64 The Fox Terrier. terriers Mr. Gibson has owned. The last named, who was purchased by Mr. F. Burbidge, requires something more than a passing notice, for there are many persons at the present day who considered her, when living, as the best of her race, and now, when dead, believe her equal has not yet been seen. Dorcas, born in 1873, was at the height of her successful show career, two years later, a bitch about i61b in weight, with one side of her face black and tan, body white, with one spot on it. She possessed one of the best heads of the Foiler stamp, long and powerful, well shaped on the skull, and quite terrier-like in muzzle, her excellent expression being increased by her beautiful eyes, sharp and sparkling, ever on the look-out for " rats." She was not of the cobby stamp, though rather long in back, bone not heavy, but apparently of excellent quality. Dorcas' neck and shoulders were perfection, so were her feet and fore legs, the latter as straight as they could be made, still not stiff and stilty to the extent of giving a narrowness in front and a deficiency of heart room, so increasing a defect amongst the modern prize winners. The ears of this bitch were nicely carried, neither too big nor too little, and in the early portion of her career her coat was hard, short, and close ; later, it became a little soft. The hind quarters were not quite so neat as one would like to have seen, arching a little too much and more crooked at the stifles than is actually to be wished ; still, all round, Dorcas was one of the very best fox terrier bitches we ever saw, and as such fully deserving the eulogiums bestowed upon her. Still, good bitch as she was, Mr. W. Allison, in judging her by points in 1877, placed her below Bloom, making the latter almost perfect by giving her 96 out of a possible 100 ; Dorcas being "Quiz" and "Chance. 39 65 awarded but 86. Personally, I considered the latter quite a class ahead of the former. Dorcas' head stuffed and mounted, hanging on the walls of the Kennel Club, in Cleveland-row, does her scant justice. Messrs. Bewley and Carson, who resided in Liverpool, about this time were going the circuit of the shows, and by the aid of Quiz won a great number of prizes. This was an unusually nice terrier in every way, though not of a fashionable pedigree (being by Watty Midge, whatever they were), nor am I quite certain that, in 1871, he was not the best terrier of his year. Mr. N. Archer, who bred him at Stourbridge, was more than once present at the big shows with some dog better than common the bitch Diamond for instance, though there was some trouble about her ears. Mr. Gamon, of Chester, did honour to that city by producing many of the best dogs of his day. His tan- headed Chance, which was found suffocated in his box at Birmingham in 1870, was, whatever any one says to the contrary, about as perfect in his variety as anything we have seen. His coat, perhaps a little fine, was close, and the skin could scarcely be found underneath it ; his ex- pression and form were perfect. The terrier most like him is Belgrave Joe, particulars of whom will be found later on, when he was the property of Mr. Luke Turner, of Leicester. By careful selection Mr. Gamon had formed a valuable kennel, and great regret was expressed at its dispersal some few years later. Quite a sensational dog of his day was Mr. Leon Binney's Mac, a terrier of the handsome type, who came second to Venture at Laycock's Dairy Yard, where the Islington dog show was held in 1869. Many thought the Manchester dog should have won, and dying soon after there was no F 66 The Fox Terrier. chance of his avenging his defeat. He, however, left behind him a son, in Mac II., with whom the writer was fortunate enough to win the cup at Birmingham in 1871, the open dog class being, perhaps, the finest that had, up to that time, ever been brought together. Hornet, another good dog, and a daughter of Grove Nettle, was second in that year. Mac. II. was all that a terrier should be, a game and gentlemanly dog, and why he did not go to ground after fox and otter was for the very same reason that the coster- monger now calling " oysters, alive ! all alive oh ! " does not do so in German because his education had been neglected. The Hon. T. W. Fitzwilliam bred Tyke, a dog that won an unusual number of prizes, and who with Rattler, following a year or two later, takes us right down to the present generation of terriers. Tyke was by Tartar from a bitch by Old Jock ; a lowish set dog, with extra strong back ; of a nice size, about lylb., very powerful, but with a brindle mark on one cheek. He was pupped in 1869, changing hands several times at small sums (a good terrier was now worth ioo/. or more), until Mr. F. J. Astbury, of Prestwich, near Manchester, purchased him, and showed him over all the country. Dr. Hazlehurst had Turk and Mr. A. C. Bradbury Trumps about this time ; the latter a leggy dog rather, with a richly marked head, and bearing a character for gameness second to none. Good as he was, he, like Old Turk, was but a second-rater compared with the lions of his day, though in " blue blood " equal to the highest in the land. Mr. J. H. Shore's Viper, another son of Tartar, deserves a line to be written as to his excellence ; so does that sterling bitch Trinket, whose only fault was her plum- coloured nose. Her history proved sad, for she was stolen, The " Dreaded " Rattler. 67 and no one, excepting .the thieves, who were never dis- covered, knew what became of her. Anyhow, a lovely bitch was lost to the honest people of the world. Grove Trimmer, shown by the Rev. T. W. De Castro; Mr. Allsop's Rebel; Mr. Redmond's Deserter; Little Jim the best of Tyke's get we ever saw bred by Mr. Gumming Macdona ; Tip and Spot, shown by Mr. Theodore Basset, were all terriers of a high class, and so like workmen in appearance that they deserve to be mentioned here. The same may be said of Mr. Murchison's Tom, of Vengeance, and of Diligent, the latter one of the early fox terriers shown by Mr R. Vicary, of Newton Abbot, who, later on, was to obtain such celebrity with his kennels. She was bred by Charley Littleworth in 1877, and and was by Brockenhurst Joe Busy, by Bitters, and a hardy-looking bitch with a very coarse stern. To continue a description of all the leading terriers during the past two decades would be most wearisome ; so, after a passing allusion to the dog who gained the name of the " dreaded Rattler," fresh ground must be broken. Jack Terry, of Nottingham, was the first man to successfully exhibit him, which he did under the Hon. T. W. Fitzwilliam as judge at one of the early Manchester shows. He was there purchased by Messrs. J. Douglas and S. Handley, who re-sold him to Mr. Fletcher, of Stoneclough, for ioo/. Then, in the care of Mr. George Helliwell, of Sheffield, who is now one of our popular judges, Rattler entered upon a career of successful exhibition which was nothing short of phenomenal. Born in 1871, and, when little less than two years old, winning at the Free Trade Hall, Manchester, in 1873, he continued, with little to stop his progress, until 1879, then having won over 250 prizes. The value of these, F 2 68 The Fox Terrier. with the stud fees which no doubt so successful a dog would command, must have made Mr. Fletcher's spirited investment a lucrative one. Rattler's blood I never cared about. The Stud Book gives his breeder as Mr. Turner (this is not Mr. Luke Turner, so eminent an authority on fox terriers), by Hulse's Fox out of Fan, by Underwood's Spot from Cowlister's Dutch; Fox by Trimmer II., by Old Trimmer. That he got few notable puppies is not surprising, for, with the exception of Spot, his progenitors were not likely to bring good scions, the appearance of Trimmer II. in any pedigree being quite sufficient to condemn it. Oh, what ears that dog had ! big even during an era when such were rather the rule than the exception. Rattler, in appearance just an enlarged edition of Old Jock, was about iglb. weight, in fair show condition ; good all round, the more one looked at him the better he suited, his greatest fault being one common to all much-shown dogs a general listlessness in the ring. When " rats " were astir Rattler was all over the place, and, although he had many detractors for the most part defeated opponents the name of the " dreaded " will for long remain one of the foremost in the annals of fox terrier history. Had Rattler been shown and knocked about as a puppy, would he have worn so well and looked so fresh as he did when last on the bench ? is a question I would put to those who, nowadays, so persistently advocate puppy classes. For years the name of the Rev. T. W. de Castro has been familiar to all who are likely to wade through these pages ever since he owned Buffer. Here we had the exact antipodes to Rattler ; the one could not win on the bench, yet could produce excellent stock, the other could Sons of Buffer. 69 do the former and not the latter. When Buffet, Buffer's son, was sold for 250/1 by Mr. Shepherd, of Beverley, to Mr. J. Hyde, of Stratford-on-Avon, a sensation was caused, for, however fanciful prices had recently been, this certainly topped all. Buffet was as dear a dog as anyone could purchase, because thoroughly unhealthy, his blood was dis- ordered, and all the care and attention one of the most skilful " dogmen," John Reed, of Beverley, could bestow, were required to bring him into the ring in a fairly pre- sentable state. Imagine a terrier almost, if not quite, perfection in formation and symmetry, and you have Buffet. Possibly the liquor arsenicalis in his system made him despondent and heavy hearted when in the show ring ; a gamer-looking and more sprightly appearance would certainly have been an improvement. This poor dog had not a long reign, and, when his general health is taken into consideration, the wonder becomes greater that his public reputation was so long sustained. Other noteworthy sons of Buffer were Nimrod and Gripper, and I am certain that had the first-named been kept as he had been reared, his successful career would have extended over many years. Gripper, his brother, lived until he was seventeen years old, and twelve months before his death looked as well and was as fresh and lively as many dogs at half his age. How the writer of these chapters obtained the fox terriers he once owned and showed so successfully, may be interesting and instructive to others who would desire to go and do likewise ; though perhaps a different procedure as accounted later on would be more likely to be successful nowadays, when " cham- pions " are not to be purchased for io/. or I5/. a-piece, and the best of brood bitches for less than a moiety of either sum. 70 The Fox Terrier. As a commencement it must not be forgotten, that twenty years ago there were fewer dog shows than now, fewer people who knew a terrier when they saw one, and that canine knowledge was comparatively rudimentary. I lived in a country town, and had no more than visited a few dog shows, the principal ones, however, amongst the number. I went, saw, and fancied the fox terrier as he then was, and in due course, after obtaining a couple of puppies from the same source, which died, got a bitch through the late Rev. T. O'Grady, of Hognaston Rectory, Ashbourne. This was Riot, by Old Trap Venus, by Old Jock a suspicious pedigree to be handed to a novice, but ultimate proceedings convinced me of its correctness. After sending her over to the Hilmorton Paddocks, near Rugby, to be served by Jock II., said to be by Old Jock out of Grove Nettle, I had for my pains and expense a litter of mongrels, one of which, because it had an " evenly-marked black and tan head," I was persuaded to show. However, so disgusted was I with my own dog alongside others, that I sold him for seven shillings, and, though the entry fee and expenses had cost ten times that sum, was told, by one who knew, that I had made a good bargain. Purchasing Crack (brother to Trimmer), in due course Riot became his consort, and the foundation was laid of a strain which, I believe, if it had been properly and judiciously kept up to the present day, would have been equal to the best. After three generations I found that my strain bred fairly truly ; prick ears were absent, and any puppy I cared to sell easily realised two or three guineas at least, and when grown up would turn out by no means unpresentable. Some crosses I tried were worse than useless ; thus with the Foiler blood, with Rivet, who was by Gadfly from Nimrod." 71 Tricksey, and laying claim to a pedigree quite as long as the haughty haberdasher does when he retires from business and becomes a county family celebrity ; and with a dog named Nugget, brindled marked and the facsimile of Tyke. Dew claws " doubly distilled/' brindle marks, upon other- wise ugly creatures were produced from them, until I came to the conclusion that to breed fox terriers with any certainty you must have blood thoroughly reliable. I gave a heavily marked puppy away which had been produced from another cross I obtained by the purchase of Mac II., for his dam, Venom, I had always admired, indeed, I almost purchased her from her breeder, Mr. F. Chaplin, so long ago as 1869. Then George Dickenson, who came from Northumberland, as the head gamekeeper at Levens Hall, Westmorland, had sent down to him a bitch from the Tynedale, the lemon marked terrier already described, which he put to the dark coloured puppy mentioned above, bred from Crack and Mabel, a daughter of Old Riot. A pup resulted, which was sold when a month old for half a crown ! This youngster blossomed into Nellie, as good a bitch as ever ran on four legs, though a big one for modern fancy, and the dam of Nimrod (undoubtedly the best puppy of his year), Gripper, and others I could mention. Riot bred a whole host of good ones, including the afore- said Mabel, whose temper outside her own family was so detestable that she could not be shown. I had her entered at one show, but she did nothing but sulk, kept her tail between her legs in the ring, got v. h. c., quite as much as she deserved under the circumstances, and concluded her day out by biting three different people. There was no better bitch in her day, and years afterwards she died far away in Ireland in the bosom of the same family where she 72 The Fox Terrier. had lived from puppyhood. A bitch named .Olive (not Mr. Murchison's excellent animal of that name), Grove Ella, Cedric (whose breeder, pedigree, &c., are carelessly stated in the Stud Book as unknown, was brother to Sally (694) ) ; Viking, Bessie, and Mac III. (afterwards Sarcogen), prizewinners and good terriers in other respects, were all from the same stock, and thus, with an original outlay of 5/. added to the purchase of Crack and Mac II. for about 3O/., a fair kennel of fox terriers was got together. My dogs were invariably kept in the house, three or four at home, the remainder on " board wages " with cottagers and working men, who took as much interest in the dogs as myself, and so did their wives when they found an extra honorarium for the children and new gowns for themselves at Christmas time. In considering this method of bringing up puppies and, indeed, in keeping terriers and small dogs by far the best, I by no means stand alone. Most of our principal exhibitors now follow the plan, as being less likely to promote distemper and other disorders than when fifty or a hundred dogs are kept together. Then in the way of exercise, the "boarding out" system has many advan- tages, and the dogs so reared are more sensible and prove better showers and companions than when brought up in a kennel. Messrs. Clarke, whose successes with their fox terriers will be dealt with later on, adopt a similar method, and, with the exception of some few favourites kept at home, all their dogs were in the keep- ing of cottagers and others, who did well to them, and were, of course, suitably rewarded for their pains and attention. Breeding generally from some twenty-five bitches, Messrs. Clarke had, at one time, at least a The Jester Blood. 73 couple of hundred puppies to select from annually a formidable undertaking, no doubt. So there is little difficulty in forming a strain of terriers, and only professional arrangements caused me to give up " dogs " and scatter the results of my few years' expe- rience broadcast on the world. Some are knocking about this country still, others are in Russia and France, some even further away, in the Antipodes and in various parts of America, and, properly entered and taken care of, they will be sure to do their duty. With the establishment of the Kennel Club in 1874, and of the Fox Terrier Club two years later, pedigrees came to be more reliable, new faces were seen bringing their terriers into the ring, and fresh strains came to be produced. Some of the old-fashioned blood which Mr. W. Allison and his brother-in-law, Mr. T. H. Scott (who contributed various articles about terriers to the newspapers under the nom de plume of " Peeping Tom"), introduced from Yorkshire, did not nick well with other strains, though with Old Jester, Jester II. (whose dam was Lord Middleton's Vic, by Old Tartar Vic, of the Grove and Lord Middleton's strain), and a big bitch called Frantic, the relatives were fairly successful. Possibly the two best terriers from this York- shire kennel were Fan (already mentioned) and X. L. The latter had at one time credentials to pose as one of the best of her day, and so good did some judges consider her, that she was purchased by them from Mr. Allison at one of the Darlington shows for about ioo/. Later, shown by Mr. S. Mendal, Manchester, she proved a great winner at a period of our history when favouritism in the ring now and then ruled the roast. X.L. (sister to Frantic), a tan- headed bitch, was born in 1870 ; her breeder's name is not 74 The Fox Terrier. given in the first volume of the Stud Book, but Mr. W. Allison bred her through a bitch named Nettle being mated to his favourite Jester, who was from Cottingham Nettle. The Cotswold favourite was also, about this time, sire of another good terrier, Mr. Arrowsmith's Satire, a first-rate bitch even amongst first-raters. Both Mr. Allison (who was very much interested in race-horses as the managing director of the Cobham Stud Company, later a journalist on one of our sporting dailies, and at present secretary to the National Sporting League) and Mr. Scott were keen sportsmen ; they knew a terrier when they saw one, wrote nicely to the newspapers, and soon became authorities on fox terriers, and judges whenever they were asked to officiate. Fox terriers were running about the streets of Notting- ham forty years ago. I have mentioned that Mr. T. Wootton had them, and Mr. White, of Sherwood Rise, always kept several smart ones. Strangely, from the same old town another and a later strain has reached us. The Messrs. Clarke there established a kennel of their own, which in many instances presented quite distinctive features. This result was achieved by a peculiar, if not altogether an unusual course of in-breeding, a plan which, if properly carried out, has invariably led to improved " personal " appearance in dogs, pigs, horses, and cattle. The Messrs. Clarke's chief success was when they bred between Brockenhurst Rally and Jess, the latter by Grip Hazlehurst's Patch, and the former by Brockenhurst Joe Moss II., though the Messrs. Clarke tell me that, strangely enough, the blood of one of the puppies with which they commenced in 1871, a grand-daughter of Rival, still runs through some of their terriers, and at one time they could Result. 75 have put into the ring from twenty-five to thirty dogs of all ages, any one of them well worthy of a first prize. Time after time, too, they sold some of their favourites, and usually appeared to have better to take their places. Brockenhurst Rally, after doing yeoman's service both in the prize ring and at stud, died in the summer of 1889^ leaving a character behind him without a flaw. Result remained with them, a black-headed dog of extraordinary formation throughout. Some lylb. in weight, though modelled like a little cart horse he was full of quality, the punishing power of his jaw was extraordinary, and his head was of great length and extra good in shape ; his eyes were piercingly bright and expressive, though his dark markings were sadly against a smart appearance, which ,a white blaze down the face would have improved much. His ribs, and loins, and back were excellent, so were his feet, and legs, and coat. The hypercritical found fault with the shape of the top of his head, saying it was a little too round ; this was more in appearance than in fact, arising from a rather low placement of the ears. Up to the time Result retired from the show bench, his last appearance being at the Fox Terrier Club's show in 1888, when he won the challenge cup, he retained all his leading characteristics, though for some few months before his death, which occurred on the last day of the year 1894, he had been quite blind. This good dog was beaten only on three occasions, twice by Messrs. Vicary's Vesuvienne, a portrait of whom appears on another page in addition to a short history of her, and once by his own daughter Rachel. However, he survived long enough to turn the tables on both his opponents. Altogether he won the fifty-guinea challenge cup on eleven occasions, and Result in his day 76 The Fox Terrier. was to my mind the best fox terrier I ever saw. Regent was another excellent dog in the Nottingham kennels, and that his constitution was of the best may be inferred from the fact that in 1894, when twelve years of age, he became the sire of a strong and healthy lot of puppies. He died at the same time as Result. Raffle, Reckon, and First Flight were also far above the average. The bitches from the same strain were often lighter in bone than the dogs, and not so characteristic. Rachel, already alluded to, was a lovely terrier, and the best of her sex the Messrs. Clarke ever bred. Money tempted them to send her to America, though it is said that at the same time an even more liberal offer for Result did not lead to a sale. Other specially good bitches of their' s were Radiance, Recherche, Rosemary, Richmond Nettle, and Raillery. It seems somewhat strange that latterly Messrs. Clarke have not produced any terrier of great excellence, though they continue to breed from both dogs and bitches of pretty much the same strain and with which they were so successful half a dozen years or more ago. This, of course, goes to prove to how great an extent " luck " is connected with dog breeding. The late Mr. Fred Burbidge, once captain of the Surrey county team of cricketers, in the earlier part of his career as an exhibitor, owed his success more to judicious purchases than otherwise, and he then owned some very good terriers, including Buff, Nimrod, Dorcas, and Bloom. From about 1884 to his death, which occurred in 1892, Mr. Burbidge proved particularly successful on the bench with dogs of his own breeding, which were reared in a lovely cherry tree country not far from Watford, Herts. ; and, during at any rate a portion of that period, he displayed Mr. Burbidge's Sale. 77 an ability to occupy the high position Mr. J. H. Murchison and Mr. Gibson had done years before. Personally, I had a strong liking for the class of terriers Mr. Burbidge kept, his dogs being especially to my fancy. They were not too big, had immense strength of bone for their size, and no strain of modern fox terrier could approach his best specimens for length and correct shape of head, with powerful jaws in proportion. With all this strength and muscle there was naturally a tendency to cobbiness, and consequent stiffness in action ; but it is possible a genera- tion or two of careful selection may remedy these trivial defects. The jackets and eyes of all Mr. Burbidge's terriers were excellent, and the tan-headed Hunton Prince (once shown as Syrup), bred by Mr. T. P. Morgan, was during the year 1889, one of the most typical terriers on the bench. The breeding of this dog is somewhat interesting, his sire, Hyssop, being by Spice, whilst Style, the sire of his dam Lady, was by Pickle II. Sample, the latter own sister to Nimrod and Gripper. Hunton Baron, though heavily marked, was a great favourite of mine, and so was the more lightly made Hunton Honeymoon. Following the lamented death of Mr. Burbidge, his terriers were disposed of by auction by Mr. A. E. Clear at the Agri- cultural Hall, Islington, in the spring of 1893, and being the most important sale of the kind which has ever taken place, the following particulars maybe interesting. Altogether 131 lots, including puppies, were catalogued, and they realised i,8o7/. 6s. 6d., an average of a trifle over i^L i6s. The bargains of the sale were, Hunton Baron, who went to Mr. Redmond for 3Ogs., and Hunton Honeymoon, secured by Mr. J. J. Pirn for 3igs. The top price was I35gs., the sum Mr. J. A. Whittaker had to pay for Hunton 78 The Fox Terrier. Tartar, late Belmont Tartar, and Mr. Kelley gave yogs, for the pick of the puppies, Hunton Squeeze, by Hunton Bridegroom. The chief lots, with their purchasers, were as follows : Gs. Hunton Billy Capt. Keene ii Hunton Baron Mr. F. Redmond ... .. 30 Hunton Justice (late Panel) Mr. J. C. Stephens ... 84 Hunton Bridegroom Mr. T. Powell ... ... 24 Hunton Beak Mr. J. A. Whittaker ... 20 Hunton Tartar (late Belmont Tartar) Mr. J. A. Whittaker ,. IOC Hunton Honeymoon Mr. J. J. Pirn oo ... 31 Hunton Drift Mr. R. Vicary IO Hunton Scrimmage Mr. J. A. Whittaker ... 20 Hunton Brigantine ... Mr. Jolliffe ... 16 Hunton Brisk Mr. Ellis ... 36 Hunton Blackie Mr. H. Jones ... 13 Hunton Silence II. ... Mr. Fallett ... 13 Hunton Bee... ... ... ... Mr. F. Redmond ... IT Hunton Bride Mr. R. Vicary ... ... i^ ... 22 Champion Hunton Surety ... Mr. J. H. Kelley ... ... 41 Hunton Bliss Sir H. F. De Trafford ... 70 Hunton Blister Mr. G. W. Howard ... 2O Hunton Bee II Mr. F. Redmond ... ... 3 I Hunton Barmaid Mr. De Hosker ... ... 18 Hunton Scramble ... Mr. Whittaker ... ... 65 Hunton Scuttle Mr. J. C. Tinne ... ... 12 Hunton Honeycomb Mr. E. L. Corrie ... .- 2 7 * Hunton Honeydew ... Mr. R. Vicary ... 14 Hunton Blanche Mr. Tattersall ... 20 Hunton. \^cx Mr. R. Vicary ... ... I 3 Hunton Comfit Mr. Hogg ... IJ Hunton Quantock ... Mr. Cowley ... 28 Hunton Bout Mr. Huntbach ... ... 2O Hunton Chief Justice Mr. Whittaker ... ... 37* Hunton Jove Mr. T. Powell ... IO Hunton Jostle Mrs. Lawrence ... ... 10 Hunton Jingle Mr. Mansell ... 14 Hunton Brawl Mr. A. H.Clarke... ... 10* Hunton Task Mr. Kelley ... 36 Hunton Dulcibelle Mr. R. Vicary ... 12 Hunton Dulcie Mr. A. H. Clarke... ... 28 Hunton Janet Mr. J. J. Pirn II Mr. Tinne's Kennel. 79 Gs. Hunton Hush Mr. F. Redmond... ... 20 Hunton Skittish Mr. W. H. Taylor ... 15 Hunton Squeeze Mr. Kelley ... 70 Hunton Justicia Mr. R. Vicary ... ... 20 Hunton Crazy Mr. T. Powell ... ... 10 Hunton Briskly Mr. Baxter ... 20 Hunton Pert... Mr. T. Powell ... ... 17 Hunton Hebe Mr. Kelley ... 20 Hunton Scrambler ... Mr. Whittaker ... ... 65 Hunton Just... ... . . Mr Lougest ... _ . Hunton Best Man ... Mr. Lawrence ... 10 Hunton Beam Mr. Kelley ... 36 Hunton Tool... Mr. Powell IO Hunton Baron and Honeymoon were afterwards re-sold to the no inconsiderable advantage of their purchasers by auction. Mr. J. C. Tinne, secretary to the Fox Terrier Club, and whilom one of our best and most celebrated amateur oars- men, hard by the New Forest in Hampshire, spends his leisure amongst his terriers. He has had them for twenty years or more, and is usually to be found with from thirty to seventy in his kennels, varying of course with the time of year. The puppies are mostly out at walk, the adults are kept at home, and, although fewer are bred during the winter months than in the summer, their pro- duction is continued more or less during the year through. With so many dogs, and having had his strain so long, an unusual list of celebrities may be given as having at one time or another been either owned or bred by Mr. Tinne, the best of them as follows : Brockenhurst Joe, Pickle, Buff, Darkie, Dickon, Brockenhurst Spice (whose blood runs in every terrier but one now in the Brocken- hurst kennels), Deacon Ruby, Diamond Dust, Diadem, New Forest, Hunton Darkie, Newcome, High Spirits, 80 The Fox Terrier. Brockenhurst Tyke, Pendennis, New Forest Ethel, First Arrival, Kate Cole, Ethel Newcome, Lyndhurst Vixen, Brockenhurst Trinket, &c. Perhaps during the past two or three years no one has been more successful as an exhibitor of fox terriers than Mr. Francis Redmond, of St. John's Wood. Still I must confess an inability to appreciate some of his dogs, and in type he has been quite inconsistent, the latter perhaps because some of his most valuable dogs have come into his possession by purchase. For instance the crack D'Orsay, bred by Mr. J. W. Toomer near Swindon, was bought for about 2oo/., and this dog's success has been so phenomenal that I produce, or rather Mr. Arthur Wardle produces, his portrait on another page. Since he left Mr. Toomer, by whom he had been successfully shown as Russley Toff, D'Orsay has never been beaten by one of his own sex, and indeed appears to have occupied the position Result so well graced a few years earlier. D'Orsay by Stipendiary Ruffle II., was born in 1889, since which time he has repeatedly won the Fox Terrier Club's challenge cup as well as other leading prizes. He weighs tylb., is a smart, corky little dog, whose ears are not always as well carried as they are in the illustration. I do not like the placement of his shoulders, and generally he is no favourite of mine, though with one or two exceptions I must confess to being alone in this opinion. He is a game terrier, and considerable sympathy was felt for him when, during the autumn of 1894, in chasing a rabbit, he fell over a cliff, breaking one leg and in other respects injuring himself so much that it is likely his show career is ended. I am correct in stating that Mr. Redmond has refused a bona fide offer of 5oo/. for his Mr. Redmond's Kennel. 81 favourite, which, had it been taken, would have proved a record price for a fox terrier. A better terrier, so far as character is concerned, is Digby Grand, a workman every inch of him to look at, and first shown by Mr. G. Raper; whilst Dominie, bred by Mr. Twyford, by his dog Pitcher, and good enough to win at Birmingham in 1894 when nearly five years old, is also characteristic. Mr. Redmond likewise purchased a white dog with an unusually long face; he called him Despoiler. He was bred by Mr. Owen, of Shrewsbury, and shown by him as Belmont Terror. This dog, with his small, pig-like eyes, is quite the antipodes of the other two cracks Mr. Redmond had in his kennels at the same time. A lady exhibitor, Mrs. Lawrence (Mon- mouthshire), ultimately became the owner of Despoiler for something like 3OO/., at which sum he was no bargain. Mr. Redmond has had some fair bitches, the best of them perhaps being Dusky Spice, Diamond Dust, Dame D'Orsay, and a daughter of Despoiler and Dame D'Orsay, called Dame Fortune. The latter made a most successful debut at the autumn show of the Kennel Club in 1894, and followed up this success by winning all before her at the Crystal Palace, Northampton, Derby, and Birmingham the same year. At the Fox Terrier Club's show she not only secured the challenge cup (value fifty guineas), but about ioo/. in money likewise, thus estab- lishing a double record, for no other fox terrier bitch puppy had previously won the cup (Venio had won it as a dog) nor had any other smooth-coated fox terrier ever won so much money at one show. She is a. smart, level-topped, and shapely terrier, and would, we fancy, be the best bitch that has been brought out for years but there is an "if" if she were more nicely marked and was not so bull-terrier G 82 The Fox Terrier. like in colour round the eyes. Her ears are liver or brown in colour, and they, with her red-rimmed eyes, mar her expression considerably. Still, as being at any rate the best bitch of the year, she is reproduced in company with her kennel companion D'Orsay. Mr. E. M. Southwell (Shropshire), a painstaking and careful promoter of the fox terrier's excellence, has from time to time introduced many excellent faces. The wall- eyed bitch Sutton Viola was a great favourite of mine ; so was old Shovel, notwithstanding his bad temper; whilst the bitch Surety is about as neat a one as we have seen for some time, and, as I anticipated in the first edition of this volume, has not been long in working her way into the winners' classes. Another good dog of Mr. Southwell's is Success, which has lately been purchased by Mr. J. A. Whitaker. Undoubtedly one of our oldest admirers of the fox terrier, and one of our best all-round judges, is Mr. G. Raper, a son of the late Tom Raper, who behind the slips with a couple of greyhounds in them, has had no superior. At Wincobank, near Sheffield, Mr. Raper has a valuable kennel of terriers, as well as of other dogs, but earlier in his career he gave pretty much of his attention to the fox terrier. Thus he has had many of the best through his hands, and in Raby Tyrant and Richmond Olive he owned a brace of terriers of the highest class ; indeed, Olive was the bitch of her year. However, both were ultimately sold to go to America, the former for ioo/., the latter for double that sum. Raby Reckon and Raby Mixer have always been in the leading rank at our big shows. Delta (afterwards Richmond Delta), claimed by Mr. Raper at Buxton show in 1884 for ioo/., and afterwards put up to More Good Terriers. 83 auction and bought by him for no/., was supposed to be the best bitch of her day, her chief defect being in her moderate feet and ankles. At the present time Mr. Raper has a number of valuable and good bitches, the best of them being Pet Pearl, Sutton Safety, Richmond Sanctum, and Greno Jewel, a combination of blood which I should say is of peculiar value. Mr. J. A. Doyle (Crickhowel), already alluded to as the writer of the admirable article on fox terriers in the " Book of the Dog/' if he has not succeeded in winning the grand challenge cup periodically offered at some leading shows, has produced terriers with jackets on them to keep their insides warm. Beggarman has a coat to be proud of a smooth coat proper, close, and hard, and crisp and strong ; one that gives the lie to those who say a thick coat must of necessity be soft and fluffy ; and awful jackets have some of the minor terriers that occasionally win, such as will soak up a shower of rain like a sheet of blotting paper would do. Mr. Doyle has likewise shown a number of bitches which are pretty well in the front rank, and lately he has won with a good young dog called Hesper, which, improved in his hind quarters, as he may do, would be at the very top of the tree of excellence. One of the bad-coated dogs was Mr. Luke Turner's (Leicester) Spice, a wonder in head and ears and form, but with almost all his tail taken off, and wofully weak in his pasterns, both before and behind. He did a lot of winning in his time, but doctors differed as to his merits, for I remember well enough at one of the Kennel Club shows the Rev. Cecil Legard dismissing him without a card. Ultimately Spice went to America a three figures sale, but did not survive his expatriation long, as one day his kennel G 2 84 The Fox Terrier. companions, a team of deerhounds, resenting his British bounce, killed him. Mr. Turner has had many better terriers, including Patch, a lovely bitch, which, owing to the confusion of names prior to the formation of the Kennel Club Stud Book, often gets mixed up with others of the same name, and thus the credit of her excellence has, perhaps, become divided. Delta was another far above the average ; so was Richmond Liqueur, though a com- parative puppy when she made her debut at the Fylde, Lancashire, Show, in July, 1887, where the best judges pronounced her to be one of the most perfect terriers seen for some time, notwithstanding the fact that her tail, like that of Spice, was almost all cut off. Unfortu- nately, this promising young bitch died before she could make that mark likely to be hers. Richmond Jack was a cast off from the Leicester kennels, but some judges liked him ; I did not, excepting as an ordinary little terrier for a com- panion. His head was quite incorrect in shape. If the Leicester Kennels have to survive through an individual, the dog to whom that honour will be due is the late Belgrave Joe. Belgrave Joe was much of the stamp of rare old Chance, but a better terrier in every particular, though he never came on to the show bench, because in his early years one of his ears was supposed to have been tampered with. But Joe's life at Richmond House was none the less happy because of the stain, and he lived there until old age carried him off to happy ratting grounds at the ripe old age of twenty years. I fancy through this dog comes most of the Belvoir blood so many persons value at the present time, for he was by Belvoir Joe out of White Vic, by Branson's Tartar his Vic. Tartar was by Mr. Moore's (Appleby Hall) Ruler, from the Donnington Belvoir Blood. 85 huntsman's Fairy, whilst Branson's Vic was by Twister, some time with the Quorn, from another Vic that originally came from one of Lord Aveland's gamekeepers. This was all the so-called working strain ; and when we are told that most of these terriers were good-looking to boot, less surprise is expressed at the value of their blood to-day. It may not be out of place here to say something about these Belvoir terriers, which, in the time of the huntsman W. Cooper, were bred with some care, as many of the earths in that country w r ere strong, and a game dog was required to drive the fox from them. The main earth close to the Castle was supposed to be quite a sanctuary for a hunted fox, until a little dog, named Doc, went under after a strong vixen, and bundled her out without very much trouble, as the same dog did many others on subsequent occasions. Mr. T. H. Scott, near Thirsk, who some years ago took particular interest in " Belvoir blood," says he was unable to trace the present breed of Belvoir terriers further back than some forty-five years ago, when Tom Goosey was the huntsman ; but his Tyrant was a celebrity in his way, which, later on, went to Sir Thomas Whichcote, who, with this assistance, bred Belvoir Venom. Still, there is always considerable unreliability about these pedigrees of terriers before the Stud Books were published, as readers, no doubt, have noticed earlier on. It was from such strains as these, then, that our some- what impure " Belvoir blood " of the present day was produced, and from it came the dog previously mentioned, Belgrave Joe, by many admirers supposed to have been the most perfect fox terrier ever produced. Be this as it may, there is no doubt he was a very first-class terrier, and, at any rate, well within the first two dozen champions. Born 86 The Fox Terrier. July 3ist, 1868, bred by John Branson, and purchased from him by Mr. Luke Turner, Belgrave Joe, when advancing in years and rendered impotent from disease, realised 2O/. Previously, on more than one occasion, Mr. Turner had offered a hundred pound note for Joe, but when he went to Richmond House the prospects of his recovery were not great. However, Joe was taken into the study, and survived to the good old age already mentioned. Weighing about i81b., he had a tan- marked head, a white body, and, what I always liked, was a trifle high on the legs (terriers are more active when so built) ; his neck was a little too short to please some fastidious tastes. In other respects he was perfect ; shoulders, legs, feet, eyes, character, bone, coat, and form all correct ; strong and powerful in his jaw, so admirably in keeping with his other proportions, that he appeared to be without an atom of coarseness about him. He handed his good looks down to some of his sons, grandsons, great-grandsons, and great-granddaughters, and at the present time there are few of our leading fox terriers that have not, on one side or another, some drop or more of the old dog's blood coursing through their veins. There is an excellent engraving of Belgrave Joe, from the original painting by Arthur Wardle, which gives a capital idea of what the old dog looked like when past his prime. Round about Leicester the " Pickle strain " was at one time a favourite, but did not appear to be of much use in the long run ; for, although Pickle II. was an unusual success at the stud, I fancy he owed this to other dogs rather than to Old Pickle himself, who was by Old Trap Fury, said to be from Goosey's Belvoir blood. Pickle II., owned by Mr. Turner, and later by the Rev. Owen Smith, a short, A Devonshire Kennel. 87 bandy-legged, long-bodied dog, with an unusually long, well-marked black and tan head, was by Tyrant IV. (brother to Burbidge's Nettle), from Olive (sister to Brockenhurst Joe), by Belgrave Joe Tricksy, by Chance Ruby, by Old Jock. So what blood could be better ? and no wonder Pickle II. proved most successful at the stud by siring such dogs as Volo, Deacon Nettle, Daisy, Lady Grace, Diamond Dust, Partney Puzzle, Peggotty, and others. Devonshire for years celebrated for the sporting pro- clivities of its inhabitants has always held some good terriers ; probably, however, none so good for work and play (showing is play) as are now to be found on Mr. Robert Vicary's premises near Newton Abbot. From his kennels during the last twenty years many good terriers have sprung, animals which not only have been able to hold their own on the show bench, but could work underground whenever called upon so to do. Veni and Velasquez, were far above the average in appearance, but the best of all shown by Mr. Vicary is the white bitch Vesuvienne, who made a successful debut at the Fox Terrier's Club show at Leicester in 1887, and she has had a most successful career since, on two occasions beating Result for the fifty-guinea challenge cup. Vesuvienne, bred by her owner, a white bitch of i6|lb. weight, is a little long in the body, and not quite nice behind the shoulders. In other respects there is no fault to be found with her, excepting that perhaps the absence of markings on her head gives a somewhat bull terrier-like appearance, and she is a little cow-hocked. Her legs, bone, coat, shoulders, &c., are superb, her loins are fairly strong and powerful. But what I like in her best is the extra thick growth of hair on the neck, a protection which all working terriers should possess. Huntsmen 88 The Fox Terrier. consider her a model ; some good judges think her the best terrier ever shown. In gameness, I am told, nothing can excel her, but she is, of course, too valuable a piece of goods to trust to the by no means tender mercies of fox and badger underground. In the summer of 1889 another terrier of more than ordinary excellence was introduced from Messrs. Vicary's kennels viz., Venio, by Vesuvian Venilia. After being brought out at a local exhibition in Devonshire, Venio was sent to London, where he won in all the classes for which he was entered at the Kennel Club's Show, in the end securing the challenge cup likewise, the latter awarded to the best smooth-coated fox terrier of all classes. Venio was then but ten months old, but he sustained his reputation later on, when he took most of the chief prizes at Birmingham in the winter of the same year. A fatality soon after attended his dam, who was run over by a baker's cart and killed. The Devonshire men said "the loss of this bitch was little short of a national calamity." Venio has lasted well, and even as I write, when he is six years old, few, if any, younger animals are able to lower his colours in the prize ring. Mr. Wardle's drawing of this dog is an excellent portrait. But the above are not the only high class terriers Newton Abbot has produced, and from the commencement, when Mr. Vicary formed his kennel in 1872, he has periodi- cally sent new terriers to the shows which could more than hold their own against all competitors ; even when he had sold one of his cracks, Vice Regal, of which more in due course. At the Kennel Club spring show in 1894 a young dog of Mr. Vicary's, Visigoth, made a favourable first appearance, following up its successes at Major How and Mr. T. Whipp. 89 Portsmouth, and elsewhere ; later on being purchased by Mrs. Van Walchren, of Holland. I should set this dog down as a lucky one, for he is not in the first rank, of which Vesuvienne, Vice Regal, Venio, and Result are the most popular examples. The bitches from the Devon- shire kennels have been likewise well above the average, Vicety, Valteline, Viete, and Venilia being particularly notable in their way. Major How, at Stardens, near Gloucester, has lately shown an excellent type of terrier, hardy, game-looking dogs, which in many respects remind us of the best of the old timers. Modern critics may see in such dogs as Stardens King, Stardens Sting, and some others a certain coarseness which does not meet their views, but for thorough terriers of a hardy and workmanlike appearance these dogs of Major How's are second to none. Mr. T. Whipp, of Cold- stream, has owned two or three particularly smart terriers lately, of which Douglas Jostle, Douglas Driver, and Douglas Trinket are good enough for anything; but one might go on interminably almost, making notes of these minor kennels, of which there are hundreds throughout the country; still, this section of the volume cannot be closed without more than passing allusion to another kennel which has attained distinction since the second edition of this volume was printed. Attention has been drawn on previous pages to the manner in which I contrived to get together a pretty good lot of fox terriers twenty years ago. To prove how time brings about changes in canine as in other matters, the particulars of the formation of Mr. S. J. Stephens' kennel at Acton, near London, may perhaps afford some evidence. In 1892 the gentleman in question, like so many others 90 The Fox Terrier. who preceded him, set his mind on fox terriers, and deter- mined to expend something like 2000 on the formation of a suitable kennel of dogs and bitches, and from which he would be likely to produce puppies worthy of their ances- tors' and of their owner's reputation. At the Fox Terrier Club's show at Oxford in November, 1892, he decided to purchase, if possible, from Mr. Tinne, who had been unusu- ally successful there, the two bitches Kate Cole and Ethel Newcome ; from Mr. Vicary, Vicety and Valteline ; and from Messrs Castle and Shannon the well-bred Pamphlet. The Fox Terrier Chronicle said that " Mr. Tinne was first asked what he would take for his couple of bitches, and replied 5oo/., Mr. Stephens offered 4oo/. Mr. Tinne then altered his mind and withdrew Kate Cole, but said he would part with Ethel for I5O/., and two of her puppies by Vis-a-Vis. Mr. Stephens made another offer, which was accepted. He obtained one puppy of this litter, and a second puppy by Stipendiary. At Shrewsbury show Mr. Stephens bought Vicety and Valteline from Messrs. Vicary, and Pamphlet from Messrs. Castle and Shannon. To Mr. Clouting he gave ioo/. for Science, who had won several prizes at the Palace, and had beaten Despoiler under Mr. E. M. Southwell. The idea then occurred to Mr. Stephens that he would like Stipendiary (this dog, as the sire of D'Orsay and some others, had made a great reputation at stud), so he wired to his owner, Mr. Taylor, of Bridgnorth, its price, which was 2OO/., and that sum was promptly paid. " Having now obtained nine good bitches and a famous stud dog, Mr. Stephens thought he would like a great show dog, so he did not leave Mr. R. Vicary alone until he had bought Vice Regal for 4yo/. The next purchase was Charlton Verdict. At the sale of the late Mr. Burbidge's SS A Blank Cheque." 91 fox terriers in 1893, Hunton Justice was knocked down to Mr. Stephens for 84.7. He made himself a limit of 2ooo/. to set up this high-class kennel, and when he now totted down the cost of his purchases they came to a few pounds under i8oo/. He told us himself that the first week he adver- tised his stud dogs he received 4O/. in fees." This amount is not to be doubted when it is stated that the fee for Vice Regal is 10 guineas, and that for Stipendiary 5 guineas! With regard to the purchase of Vice Regal, it may be interesting to note that it was made under very unusual circumstances. Mr. Vicary did not care to part with his dog, but Mr. Stephens meant business, and ultimately forwarded a blank cheque, with a request that Mr. Vicary would fill in the sum he thought the dog was worth, which amount would be duly met, and no questions asked. Mr. Vicary made the cheque 5OO/., which was to include payment for a bitch already purchased for 3O/. Thus 4yo/. was the sum given for Vice Regal, and this is the largest amount ever paid for a terrier of any description, and not a bad sum either. Since that time Mr. Stephens says he has had no reason to regret, even from the purely pecuniary point of view, the big investment he made in fox terriers. It has brought him a reputation as an exhibitor, has introduced him as a judge, and generally provided him with a popularity which can scarcely be called dear at the money. So far as the product of these good terriers is concerned, the success has not proved so great as it might have been, though per- haps another year or so ought to be allowed to elapse before a decision, adverse or otherwise, can be reached. But it is not given to any man to breed a Derby winner at will, or a fox terrier champion whenever he wishes to do so. 92 The Fox Terrier. How different this from the manner in which the writer and others formed their kennels long years ago ! My foundations cost me about 2$l. all told; and from Riot, a bitch by Old Trap (or said to be), bought for 5/. ; Crack, brother to Trimmer, purchased for i5/.; and the cost of a stud fee or two (they were not 5/. and io/. apiece in those days), I formed a very fair kennel indeed, and bred terriers which did far more than their share of winning, including at any rate, a couple of dogs which were about the best of their year. Crack I sold for 5/. more than I gave for him,, then purchased Mac II. for i6/., he good enough to win " the first and cup" at Birmingham in 1871, beating all the notabilities of that time; obtained "fresh blood" from him, and a certain amount of notoriety in addition. But the prices of fox terriers have advanced since that day one worth io/. then, would probably bring ioo/. or more now, for the reason that more prizes are to be won ; and if at Birmingham and other big exhibitions less money is offered now than formerly, the specialist club shows make up the deficiency with supernumerary prizes and special classes. For instance, at the Oxford show held in 1892, Mr. Tinne's Kate Cole took 86/. in prizes; Messrs. Vicary's (now Mr. Stephens') Vice Regal 6o/., and altogether about I2O/. were awarded in prizes to the various dogs shown by Mr. Vicary. Previously I have noted how Dame Fortune won I5O/. ; other terriers from her kennel winning more money, making a grand total of not far off 2OO/. at one show. One of our best bitches just now is undoubtedly Mr. Dyer- Bennet's Lyons Sting, rather over-sized perhaps at least, she is said by some to be so still her weight in nice condi- tion is but i81b. Bred by her owner (who has refused 2507. Lyons Sting. 93 for her) in July, 1892, by Rowton Warrant from Lyons Nettle, she has a black and tan head which is of nice character in its expression, and she has good, well-sprung ribs, and in front has not that stilty narrowness and upright shoulders so many so-called " good " modern terriers possess. Her faults are a badly set on stern and plain hind quarters, which are more apparent in the ring than when she is amongst the rabbits and rats. First shown at Cambridge in February, 1893, she won two leading prizes, successes which were added to later on, and at the Fox Terrier Show at Wolverhampton in November she took 6o/. in prizes. Up to the end of October, 1894, Lyons Sting had appeared at fourteen shows, and in twenty-nine classes, in which she secured twenty-six first prizes, two seconds, and one third, valued at I44/. js. 4^., this not including five cups and four medals. These figures are interesting as evidence of what a fox terrier may do on the show bench in the way of earning its own living. At home Sting is a game and rather quarrelsome bitch ; on the show bench and in the ring she is shy and reserved. A far greater number of fox terriers are bred now than was the case a quarter of a century ago ; indeed, when one goes carefully through the monthly registrations made at the Kennel Club and published periodically in the official gazette, the figures appear to be almost astounding. The registration fee is one shilling, but it is not the custom to name a dog of any kind until it is fairly well grown and appears likely to turn out good enough to keep ; so I judge that a fair average to take will be, say, one in four born comes to be named and entered at the Kennel Club. From 1880 to the middle of 1894, over 21,000 fox terriers were registered at Cleveland-row, and assuming, 94 The Fox Terrier. as I have suggested, that one in four born would be entered, we have a grand total of 84,000 fox terriers bred in a little over thirteen years. This number is, however, quite a minimum, for very many more are reared by individuals who are not exhibitors who breed dogs for hunting and other purposes and who are in happy ignorance as to dog shows, registration, and the Kennel Club. Taking such into consideration, I should say that 9000 fox terriers are bred in the United Kingdom each year ; and it seems more than passing strange that so few. good ones and no perfect specimens are produced amongst these thousands. Surely there never was such a popular dog, and he, unlike his noble master, does not appear to have become spoiled by flattery and by the adulations of the wealthy. In manner he remains the same as he always was ; his eyes brighten and he springs up to " attention " when he hears the cry " Rats ! " now, when he is worth 2OO/., just as he did when he was a comparative " street dog" and worth less than a five-pound note. If in manners he has not changed, he has altered somewhat in appearance, for now he is a somewhat leggy, flat-ribbed dog, and is, as a rule, deficient in expression and character compared with what he was in his early days. Still, our leading kennels now and then introduce some terrier-like dogs Mr. R. Vicary's, Major How's, Mr. Tinne's, Mr. Redmond's, and Mr. A. H. Clarke's, to wit. Amongst the worthies connected with fox terriers Mr. L. P. C. Astley must not be forgotten. For well on to a quarter of a century he has been an exhibitor, on many occasions a popular judge of the variety, and for several years was editor of the Fox Terrier Chronicle. He has not, however, of late bred any dogs of particular excellence, Noted Breeders. 95 and perhaps his frequent removals from one district to another have been against him as an exhibitor ; still there occasionally crop up some terriers better than usual bearing the prefix of " Dudley/' this being the name he has registered at the Kennel Club. Mr. Astley, like Mr. Raper, has judged in New York, where no doubt his name is as well known in " fox terrier circles " as it is with us. Almost every district in Great Britain contains at the present time some one or other who, to the emolument of the railway companies more than his own, shows terriers. I think a fair list of the leading kennels of smooths has already been given, but in addition to those mentioned as former or present owners or breeders of smooth-coated terriers the wire-hairs shall have a chapter to themselves are Mr. W. Arkwright (near Chesterfield), Messrs. Hill and Ashton (Sheffield), Rev. C. T. Fisher (Over Kellet), Rev. Owen Smith (Southport), the Messrs. Pirn (Ireland), Mr. J. B. Dale (Darlington), Mr. Herbert Bright (Scar- borough), Mr. C. Burgess (Spilsby), Mr. J. F. Scott (Carlisle), Mr. J. C. Coupe (now in Australia), Mr. T. Bassett (Surrey), Mr. J. R. Whittle (Middlesex), Capt. Openshaw (Lancashire), Mr. A. R. Wood, Capt. Frazer, Mr. L. P. C. Astley, Mr. F. Waddington (Durham), Mr. Jack Terry (Nottingham), Mr. A. Hargreaves, Mr. J. J. Stott (Manchester), Mr. R. Chorley (Kendal), Mr. D. H. Owen (Shrewsbury), Mr. A. Ashton (Cheshire), the Hon. Gerald Lascelles (Yorkshire), Mr. T. Hopkinson, Mr. Joe Forman, Mr. W. Hulse (Nottingham), Mr. F. S. H. Dyer-Bennet (Stourbridge), Mr. C. R. Leach (South- port), Mrs. E. Lawrence (Usk), Mr. T. B. Sykes (Lancashire), Mr. A. W. Emms (Leicester), Mr. J. A. Whitaker (Lancashire), Messrs. Castle and Shannon, Mr. 96 The Fox Terrier. E. Powell, jun., Mr. A. Gillett (Lancashire), Capt. T. Keene, Mr. E. Attenburgh (London), Mr. W. H. V. Thomas, Mr. F. W. Toomer, Mr. J. Denton (Doncaster), Mr. A. C. Bradbury (Notts), Mr. F. L. Evelyn, Mr. W. Harrison (Ripon), Mr. J. E. Croft, Mr. C. E. Longmore, Dr. Hazle- hurst, Mr. J. H. Shore, Mr. Hopkinson (Grantham), &c. In the United States of America, Mr. A. Belmont, jun., has not only got together a fine kennel, but in addition he imported a clever English manager, German Hopkins, to look after its inmates, which he did most satisfactorily, until he sought a wider range for his abilities. The Messrs. Rutherford, New York ; Mr. E. J. Thayer, and others in the States and Canada, have followed Mr. Belmont's example, whilst Australia and New Zealand have proved themselves thoroughly English by their im- portations of fox terriers, and in due course we may expect to find these colonies throwing down the gauntlet to the old country in friendly rivalry on the show bench, as they have done with such success in the cricket field and on the water. Our French, Belgian, and German friends have also taken kindly to the little dog, and at many of the continental shows specimens of more than average merit are continually met with, and often an Englishman is asked over to judge them. Perhaps the name of Mrs. Hoogeveen Van Walchren, of the Hague, Holland, deserves special mention, for that lady has got together an excellent collection of terriers, which she is not afraid of pitting against the best of this country, and at times this has been done with a considerable amount of success. In America and Canada, pedigree is as highly valued as it is here, as will be inferred from the following story : A Letter from Philadelphia. 97 Some little time ago I received a communication from Philadelphia to the effect that my correspondent had purchased a fox terrier which unfortunately had no pedi- gree. His friends told him that such a dog was quite useless even as a rat killer or as a creature to be admired, when he did not even know the name of its sire and dam, so he would be much obliged to me if I would write him out a suitable pedigree for his little terrier. He thought one from England would be better than one manufactured at home. At the same time the corre- o K MEASUREMENT DIAGRAM (see p. 98). spondent would be pleased if I would hand the pedigree to " Mr. Peter Jackson " (at that time in London), for he lived only a few doors from the young man who wrote to me. I need scarcely tell my readers that " Mr. Peter Jackson " is a renowned coloured pugilist, but my dulness prevented me seeing the connection between a spurious pedigree and a popular " bruiser." About sixteen years ago, the late Mr. Edward Sandell, an excellent judge of a terrier, writing under the nom de plume of " Caractacus," obtained the measurements, with H 98 The Fox Terrier. the heights and weights, of some forty of the principal fox terriers at that time, and from them struck a general average. These measurements were made in accordance with the figures on the diagram on the preceding page. The averages thus obtained from the forty terriers were as follows : From tip of nose to corner of eye (AB) 2|in. From corner of eye to occiput (BC) 4f in. From occiput to shoulder (CE) 5 Jin. From shoulder to root of stern (EG) Round muzzle under eye (BT) Round skull (CT) i2|in. Round neck (DS) i 2 |in. Round shoulder (ER) 2ojin. Round chest (EM) 2o|in. Round loins (FL) iSJin. Round forehand (Q) 5 in. Round pastern (P) 3! in. Round hind pastern (I) 2 Jin. Height (E to ground) i4iin. Hock (J to ground) 4^in. Weight according to condition 1 7 to 2olb. Rattler, at that time, was in his zenith, and, although there was always a coterie around his bench, ready and willing to pull him to pieces and run him down, he came well through his ordeal of measurement, as the following figures show : From A to B 2f in., B to C 3! in., C to E 5Jin., E to G I3fin. Round BT yjin., TC I2jin., DS i3in., EM 2iin., ER 2i|in., FL i6Jin. Round Q 4fin., round P 3iin., round I 2fin., J to ground 4|in., weight 2olb., height i5in. Buffer, Saxon, General, Diver, Jester II., Bitters, Yorick, and Scamp were among the next best measurers. The longest headed dog was Sarcogen, who measured Sin. in all; he was a 23lb. dog, far too big, and otherwise ungainly Measurements. 99 in shape. His head was not only of this great length, but was almost perfect in shape and expression, but he stood too high on his legs, had an ugly stern, and was cowhocked, a fault inherited from his dam, Mabel, who was by Crack Riot, by Old Trap. Mac II. was sire of this well-nigh perfect headed dog, and the writer had the pleasure of breeding him, he being of the same litter as Cedric, Sally, and Bessie, to which allusion has already been made. Now, although I do not for a moment believe that certain measurements can constitute a perfect terrier, such may, perhaps, be the means of giving some would-be exhibitors a little insight into what they are about to undertake. Now that the above figures have been reproduced, it will be at any rate interesting to see how they compare with some of our leading celebrities of the present era, viz., Mr. A. H. Clarke's well-known dog Result, Mr. Vicary's equally celebrated bitch Vesuvienne, his Venio, and Mr. F. S. H. Dyer-Bennet's very good bitch Lyons Sting. RESULT. AB BC CE EG BT 3 in. 5 in. 6fin. I2jin. 7}in. CT lofin. DS lojin. ER 18 in. EM iSJin. FL iT* /C 1 *.~ BI o^m. CT 10 in. DS 10 in. ER 1 8 Jin. EM 18 in. FL (round waist) ... 12 in. Q 4fin. P 2|in. 1 2jin. E to ground 1 4 Jin. J to ground 4 Jin. Weight i6|lb. H 2 100 The Fox Terrier. VENIO. AB 3i m - LYON'S STING. AB BC/ 4'jift' BC in. CE 8 in. CE 6|in. EG 1 2 Jin EG . . BT. 7fin. BT i in CT ii in. CT 1 1 Jin DS ioiin DS i i^in ER 19 in ER 2Ojin EM 19 in EM FL i5~Hn FL i ^^in O . S in. Q P 3zin. P Sin */ 4- I 3? m - I 2^in. E to ground 15-^in E to ground U-in J to ground 44"i n - T to ground 8 3jin Weight .. ..iolb. Weight i81b. These measurements of four of our best modern terriers compare very favourably with those of a dozen or so years ago, and especially so far as the heads are concerned. As to Result, his owner tells me that the length of the head is actually yjin., but in the two measurements he comes out 8in., through taking the tape from eye to occiput across the skull, which is 5in. ; length of nose, 3m. Mr. Sandell, when he compiled his figures, did not include any bitches, so, her sex taken into consideration, Vesuvienne comes out even better, and, when I state that the measurements of Venio were taken when he was six years old, and that he is the heaviest terrier of the batch, his figures are also excellent. Lyons Sting likewise comes out of the ordeal of figures satisfactorily, and I am sure that all admirers of the fox terrier will, as I do, thank Messrs. Clarke, Mr. Vicary, and Mr. F. S. H. Dyer-Bennet for the trouble they have taken in obtaining the measurements. Judging (?) I suppose there is little necessity ^ta^x^rhmd^aity' 6? "toy readers, that even if they do possess a fox terrier with a head y^in. in length, that stands I4^in. in height from the ground to the shoulders, and weighs i61b., they do not, of a certainty, own a champion. Possibly, when this volume has been carefully perused, any uncertainty its readers have possessed as to the merits of their favourites may have been removed. So much for figures alone. If one cannot select the best animals by means of numerals, can we do so by the means of points, or by any process at all ? Points by which to judge are well enough in theory, but sadly out of place in practice, being wearisome, and thoroughly uncertain, for it is quite as much a matter of opinion as to how many points may be given for a certain property, as it is of the general excellence of the animal. One judge will say, " That dog has a good head," and award the complement of points accordingly ; another will say, " No, his head is not perfect, it is too thick or too narrow (as the case may be) round the skull," and he only awards three-fourths of the full number of points, and so the thing goes on. The British public like figures, and there is a show of learning about tables which is, however, rather apt to lead people astray. A few years or so ago the editor of the Fox Terrier Chronicle endeavoured to find out the ten best terriers by the aid of his readers^an ingenious and interesting device ; but even he and the instigators of his idea did not, I fancy, find perfection in arriving at the result sought to be achieved. Each reader of the journal in question was allowed to give one vote each for the ten fox terriers he thought to be the best. In the end forty-one papers were 102 \ ,- 1 Th$ -Fox Terrier. duly, led^ in. arid: sig&efcL^ These included the names of sixty-seven dogs, and at the head of all came the bitch Dorcas, for whom thirty-seven individuals voted ; Mr. Luke Turner's favourite, Spice, followed with thirty-five ; Mr. Murchison's old bitch, Olive, being third on the list with thirty-four. Then came Buffet, thirty -three ; Result, thirty- one ; Richmond Jack, seventeen ; Lucifer, seventeen ; Richmond Olive, sixteen ; Richmond Liqueur, sixteen ; Nettle, fifteen ; and Belgrave Joe, fifteen. Such excellent animals were behind these as Rachel, Rattler, Sutton Veda, Brockenhurst Sting, Brockenhurst Joe, Jock, Nectar, Foiler, The Belgravian, Tyrant, Fussy, Pincher, Bedlamite, Regent, Grove Nettle, Hornet, and Bloom. Whilst Tartar, Chance, Tyke, Nimrod, X.L., May, Sam, Old Trap, Bellona, Hazle- hurst's Patch, Diamond, to my idea, considerably better than at least four of the selected ones, with a host of others I could name nearly or quite as good, never obtained a vote at all ! Neither Vesuvienne or Dame Fortune had made a public appearance at the time the plebiscite was taken, so were not affected thereby. A perusal of these figures and names sets one a-thinking. Surely the forty-one voters must have been sadly partial to one strain, or at any rate peculiarly forgetful of the past, and twenty years is not far to hark back, and, lolling in a cosy chair, reproduce to our minds the mighty champions which made the name of the fox terrier famous in every household. Did those who gave a line to Belgrave Joe ever remember hearing of a dog called Chance, Joe's very image without the bar sinister the mutilated ear entailed ? Did the seventeen responsible citizens who ventured their opinions for Lucifer ever hear of Tyrant, a better dog in every way than the Rev. C. T. Fisher's whilom favourite ? A Jury of Experts. 103 And so could one go on. Richmond Jack, a cast-off from the Leicester kennels, obtained seventeen votes ! Tartar and Nimrod were worth a score of him, and fairly and squarely judged could beat him any day in the week. Surely, then, we should require a jury of experts to select the ten best smooth-coated fox terriers that have been before the public during the last quarter of a century. Good as Belgrave Joe no doubt was, he could not be one of these, for he was never exhibited on the bench. Com- paratively few persons ever saw him in the flesh, and his reputation cannot be lowered by being omitted from the list. The jury of experts is not at hand, so as far as in my power lies I will arrogate their supposititious duty to myself, and simply say that I consider the following are the ten best fox terriers I ever saw. At the head of all Result shall be placed, and then come Old Jock, Chance, Tyrant, Dorcas, Buffet, Olive, Richmond Olive, Rachel, and Rattler, But one half of these are amongst the selected by the " gallant forty-one," and I venture to say that not a single individual out of that odd number will have the temerity to say that the Fox Terrier Chronicle's list is a better selection than mine. The ten dogs I have named were, or are, all-round good ones, neither too big, nor too little, nor, so far as I am aware, do they bear any brand which would prevent them occupying the highest position on any show bench in the world. Pincher I would have included, but he had but one eye when I saw him, and Tyke's brindled patch debarred him, in my humble opinion, from figuring amongst the " immortals." Spice had a soft coat, and no tail to speak of ; Richmond Liqueur had the latter defect almost intensified, and was but a puppy when she died ; Richmond Jack's head 104 The Fox Terrier. and face were quite out of shape when compared with those a perfect fox terrier should possess. Lucifer is not class enough to be included, but I am not quite so certain about Nettle, and little harm would be done were she one of my selections. However, on the previous page is the list I have been asked to compile, and I believe it contains the names of the ten best fox terriers Lever saw up to a certain date i.e., so far as the show ring is concerned. Their credentials by mountain and meadow may form another theme. If they were not " workmen " in the usual sporting acceptation of the term, I can only say their looks belied them. Of course, since the Chronicle's list was compiled many good terriers have been produced, and the names of most of them have already been mentioned. I should say that since that time the six best fox terriers have been, or are, Vesuvienne, Venio, D'Orsay, Lyons Sting, Dame Fortune, and Vice Regal. All I have written must surely convey an impression that at the present time the smooth-coated fox terrier is the most popular quadruped ever existent. There is a magazine or newspaper published each month called the Fox Terrier Chronicle, established as far back as March, 1883 ; there are at least ten fox terrier clubs in being, and every other man you meet in the street considers himself a right good judge of the variety. Who would ever have thought all this could have sprung from the few fox terriers shown at Birmingham less than thirty years ago ; but time works changes, and no one can tell how the fancy dog may be a quarter of a century hence. There will always be a great difference of opinion as to the respective merits and otherwise of any terriers, for Variety in Type. 105 even in doggy matters it sometimes occurs that what is " one man's meat is another man's poison." This was so in our early days when there was, perhaps, quite as much difference in type as there is at the present time. I have drawn attention to the weedy, light boned, ill-tempered, but gaudily coloured, black-and-tan headed Trimmer, yet when he was winning all before him for Mr. Murchison (who, by the way, had paid far into " three figures" for the little dog) there were other terriers in the same kennel which were as unlike the " champion" as possible, and it is quite likely that their blood and breeding were similarly diverse. Animals like Turco, Renard, and Vandal were all over- sized, and not very far removed from bull terriers in appearance. Still they were brought under certain judges who considered them fox terriers pure and simple, and awarded them honours as such. The gentlemen who officiated in those days could easily enough be numbered on the fingers of one hand, and the " specialist reporter" was not so advanced and independent in his opinions as, for the most part, he is to-day. A quarter of a century ago all kinds of awards might be made and no one say them nay, and perhaps the judges would write the reports to the Field and other papers themselves, but without appending their names thereto, as is the custom with those who produce the critiques in the Kennel Gazette now. Perhaps, after all, there would be an unpleasant simi- larity in the fox terrier if each animal were precisely the same in type, character, and appearance as its neighbour. In any case it would be somewhat monotonous for the judge, who would thus have to decide between individuals only so far as straight well-formed limbs, neatly dropping 106 The Fox Terrier. ears, and general symmetry are concerned. I am some- what of a stickler for type and character myself, but, until it is found that we ourselves are produced and grow similar to each other in appearance, stature, and general shape, we can scarcely expect the common terrier, even though he is a fashionable beauty, to differ from us in that respect. CHAPTER IV. Six GOOD DOGS THE Fox TERRIER CLUB'S SCALE OF POINTS A PRIZE DESCRIPTION GENERAL IDEAS WITH OTTER HOUNDS MR. VICARY'S OPINION CHARLEY LITTLEWORTH ON TERRIERS WORKING AND TRAINING COURSING RABBITS COMPARISONS BY MR. DOYLE. _ 00> ^ (><> _ 1HOSE who desire to see the fox terrier as he is or ought to be, have had their wishes gratified by the portraits of Result and Vesuvienne, of Venio and of Lyons Sting, of D'Orsay and the young bitch Dame Fortune, on preceding pages. All have already been described, and my opinion as to their respective merits is pretty well known. Result is my favourite, and when he first appeared in public I pronounced him such an extraordinary dog that his like would not be seen for many years. His owners believed the same, and the correctness of the opinions then expressed has been amply borne out. It is only natural for the Devonshire men and Mr. R. Vicary to believe their bitch to be the better of the couple, and. there are two or three exem- plary judges who agree with them. Venio is likewise a very good dog ; he has attained 108 The Fox Terrier. champion honours, and he " wears " well. Lyons Sting, though perhaps not so well known as the others, is undoubtedly a bitch of very high class, and, to my mind, one of the two best of her sex which have appeared on the show bench during 1893-4. D'Orsay, by his suc- cesses for so many years, claims a right to appear in these pages ; so does his more juvenile kennel companion Dame Fortune, because she was the best bitch of 1894, and the only smooth-coated bitch puppy that has won the 5O-guinea challenge cup. However, the portraits of all are good, and my readers can make their own selec- tion, compare the old style with the new, and, when they have done so, perhaps interest may be found in bringing any or all of them alongside the description and points of the smooth fox terrier as drawn up and adopted by the Fox Terrier Club. These are as follows : DESCRIPTION. i. HEAD. The Skull should be flat and moderately narrow, and gradually decreasing in width to the eyes. Not much " stop " should be apparent, but there should be more dip in the profile between the forehead and top jaw than is seen in the case of a greyhound. The Cheeks must not be full. The Ears should be V shaped and small, of moderate thickness, and dropping forward close to the cheek, not hanging by the side of the head like a foxhound's. The Jaw, upper and under, should be strong and muscular. Should be of fair punishing strength, but not so in any way to resemble the greyhound or modern English terrier. There should not be much falling away below the eyes. This part of the head should, however, Points. 109 be moderately chiselled out, so as not to go down in a straight line like a wedge. The Nose, towards which the muzzle must gradually taper, should be black. The Eyes should be dark in colour, small, and rather deep set, full of fire, life, and intelligence ; as nearly as possible circular in shape. The Teeth should be as nearly as possible level, i.e., the upper teeth on the outside of the lower teeth. 2. NECK. Should be clean and muscular, without throatiness, of fair length, and gradually widening to the shoulders. 3. SHOULDERS. Should be long and sloping, well laid back, fine at the points, and clearly cut at the withers. CHEST. Deep and not broad. 4. BACK. Should be short, straight, and strong, with no appearance of slackness. LOIN. Should be powerful and very slightly arched. The fore-ribs should be moderately arched, the back ribs deep ; and the dog should be well ribbed up. 5. HIND QUARTERS. Should be strong and muscular, quite free from droop or crouch ; the thighs long and powerful ; hocks near the ground, the dog standing well up on them like a foxhound, and not straight in the stifle. 6. STERN. Should be set on rather high, and carried gaily, but not over the back or curled. It should be of good strength, anything approaching a " pipe-stopper " tail being especially objectionable. 7. LEGS. Viewed in any direction must be straight, showing little or no appearance of an ankle in front. They should be strong in bone throughout, short and straight in 110 The Fox Terrier. pastern. Both fore and hind legs should be carried straight forward in travelling, the stifles not turned out- wards. The elbows should hang perpendicularly to the body, working free of the side. FEET. Should be round, compact, and not large. The soles hard and tough. The toes moderately arched, and turned neither in nor out. 8. COAT. Should be straight, flat, smooth, hard, dense, and abundant. The belly and under side of the thighs should not be bare. COLOUR. White should predominate ; brindle, red, or liver markings are objectionable. Otherwise this point is of little or no importance. 9. SYMMETRY, SIZE, AND CHARACTER. The dog must present a generally gay, lively, and active appearance ; bone and strength in a small compass are essentials ; but this must not be taken to mean that a fox terrier should be cloggy, or in any way coarse speed and endurance must be looked to as well as power, and the symmetry of the foxhound taken as a model. The terrier, like the hound, must on no account be leggy, nor must he be too short in the leg. He should stand like a cleverly-made hunter, covering a lot of ground, yet with a short back, as before stated. He will then attain the highest degree of propelling power, together with the greatest length of stride that is compatible with the length of his body. Weight is not a certain criterion of a terrier's fitness for his work general shape, size, and contour are the main points ; and if a dog can gallop and stay, and follow his fox up a drain, it matters little what his weight is to a pound or so. Though, roughly speaking, it may be said he should not scale over 2olb. in show condition. More Figures. Ill DISQUALIFYING POINTS. 1 . Nose, white, cherry, or spotted to a considerable extent with either of these colours. 2. Ears, prick, tulip, or rose. 3. Mouth, much undershot or overshot. The above points and descriptions, though carefully drawn up by a consensus of authorities, are somewhat con- fusing, especially where it is stated the teeth should be as nearly level as possible and strong, for later on in the disqualifying points we are told that, only for being " much undershot or overshot" should disqualification take place. Ninety-nine judges out of a hundred will disqualify a dog however little undershot he may be, and quite right too ; instances where they have not done so have only occurred where the judge has failed to notice the defect. Terriers a little overshot or " pig-jawed" are not so severely treated, though, of course, a perfectly level mouth is an advantage. The Club has not issued a numerical scale of points specially for the smooth variety, and, although judging thereby I believe to be a fallacy, because there is likely to be as much difference of opinion as to the number of points to be allowed separately as collectively, the following apportionment is to my idea about correct, although it differs somewhat from those published by other writers. Head, jaw, and ears value 20 Neck ... ... 5 Shoulders and chest 10 Back and loin ... 10 Stern and hind-quarters ... ,, 10 Legs and feet ... ... ,, 15 Coat 10 Size, symmetry, and character 20 Grand Total . 100 112 The Fox Terrier. Since compiling the above list I had handed to me the numerical points as arranged by Mr. W. Allison in 1879, at a time when he was one of our chief authorities on the fox terrier, and repeatedly officiated in the capacity of judge. His arrangement was as follows : Head ... ... ... ... value 15 Neck 5 Shoulders and chest ... ... ,, 15 Back and loin 10 Quarters ... ,, 5 Stern, &c 5 Legs and feet 20 Coat ... ... ... ... 10 Character ... ... ... 15 Grand Total ... 100 At the risk of "over-describing" our popular friend, I venture to give a " prize description " of the fox terrier, written by Mr. E. Welburn, of Beverley, and which gained for him the ^5 honorarium offered by the proprietors of the Fox Terrier Chronicle, the proprietors being the Fox Terrier Club : " The fox terriers are in two varieties, viz., smooth- coated and wire-coated, and, with this exception, they are one and the same dog. The HEAD should be long with level narrow skull, the under jaw deep, flat, and of sufficient length so that the teeth are level in the mouth, the EYES well set and of deep hazel colour, with a keen determined expression, the face should be well filled in under the eyes, and carrying the strength fairly well to the muzzle end ; EARS small, V shaped, and of fair strength, set well on the head and dropping down forward, with the points in a direct line to the eye ; the NECK should be of fair length, A Pithy Description. 113 clean under throat, gradually strengthening and gracefully set into the SHOULDERS, which should be long and well laid back, finishing clean and fine on the top ; the CHEST narrow and brisket deep, with elbows placed well under ; the FORE LEGS should be absolutely straight, with good strong round bone carried right down to the FOOT, which should be short with well raised toes; the BACK short with strong loin, the ribs should go well back, be deep and well sprung, the set on of stern should be rather high and gaily carried, the full strength of the tail to be carried out from the set on to the end, and not curl or come too much over the back ; the HINDQUARTERS strong and muscular, free from droop : thighs long and of fair breadth, with stifles not too straight and hocks near the ground ; the movement of the dog should be level and straight all round, and free from swing on the elbows or twirl of the hocks, the character of the dog greatly depending on his appearance, which must be smart and sprightly, full of determination, at the same time clean in finish, with a workmanlike and gentlemanly appearance combined; the COAT of the smooth variety should be straight and flat, lying very close, dense and hard, whilst the wires should have one under coat and an overcoat of strong wiry hair, which should handle like bristles ; the WEIGHT of dogs should not exceed iSJlb. and bitches i6lb. ; the COLOUR most desirable being black and tan marked head, with white body, this colour gives the dog a more hardy look than either tan or lemon markings." Little additional is there now to be said as to the smooth fox terrier, and my general experience of him as a dog is, that properly trained and entered he cannot yet be beaten. Of course there are soft-hearted fox terriers as there are pointers and setters that may be gun-shy, but such are as I 114 The Fox Terrier. much the exception in one case as the other. That he is so little used in actual fox hunting is a matter to deplore. Some time ago when reading that volume of the Badminton library which deals with hunting, I was mightily surprised to see so little allusion to terriers. Yet the writer, the Duke of Beaufort, is a hunting man, one who loves to hear his hounds " singing " in their kennels at night, and is never so happy as when the favourite flowers of his pack are making it warm for bold reynard across the meadows of the Midlands. Terriers are only mentioned three times throughout the volume in one place where they are recommended as assistants to harriers when trying along a hedgerow; again, as likely to be useful to the earthstopper; and on a third occasion as requisites for otter hunting. This neglect notwithstanding, a good fox terrier can still be useful in driving a fox from a drain, and our modern strains may do their duty as well as the best that ever ran between John o' Groats and Land's End. When once properly entered, a fox terrier never seems happy until he gets it the fox driven from his lurking place under- ground. Most of the modern kennels scarcely contain a soft- hearted terrier, and many of these terriers are regularly trained, broken to- ferrets and rabbiting, whilst some few are seen hanging at the skirts of hounds to follow their legitimate avocation. Mr. Vicary will tell us of some of their work in Devonshire ; in Westmoreland I had terriers which were as good as his, though my experience gave me the impression that a really hard season with otter hounds was more than a smooth-coated modern fox terrier could stand. A little dog I had, Tom Firr by name, so-called after that well-known huntsman, and because the terrier's With Otter Hounds. 115 dam was Spruce, was well tried; he ran with the Kendal otter hounds at least two seasons, and kennelled with them too. The cold streams of the north, running for the most part over and through limestone, were too much for him at times ; and, though an extraordinarily, sturdily- made, great-boned little fellow, he had often to be carried at the end of a hard day. He was keen, too keen, for he would swim with the hounds like one of themselves, and was, perhaps, knocked up when his proper duties were only about being required. All terriers should be kept in a leash whilst hounds are running, and their strength reserved until the time comes for them to go to ground. They may have hard work to drive a fox, certainly such is before them if the otter has reached his stronghold. The otter, too, requires more than barking and baiting to drive him, and I have had smooth terriers that would stay with an otter till the roll-call, baying him all the time and showing his whereabout, but never fighting him and driving their antagonist into the open. The terrier just alluded to was quite five hours at an otter under a harbour of roots, the only one out with hounds that day that would really go to ground. There he yelped and barked himself hoarse, and, do what the hunters would, the otter would not budge even jumping on the ground overhead w r as not sufficient to stir him. Then a messenger was sent a distance of four miles or more for another terrier, which, arriving fresh on the scene, in due course, sniffed into the hole, waggled his tail, went out of sight, and in five minutes a great otter bolted, both terriers, amid loud tally-ho's, following their game into the pool, where, after a fine swim and hunt, he was in due course killed. I have seen fox terriers bark rats out of a tree root, and even out of a hole, and my old bitch I 2 116 The Fox Terrier. Riot was a curiosity in this way, for she would stuff her nose into a hole or opening of any kind, and there give tongue loudly enough almost to rouse the Seven Sleepers. Anyhow she usually alarmed the rats, which plumped into the water and were then soon killed. She was as quick as lightning at this game, and in the sport of boyhood's days she quite broke the heart of a favourite bull terrier of mine, also a keen rat hunter, by killing every one before he could get near them. This went on so long and to such an extent that the bull terrier ultimately refused to hunt at all when Riot was present, and so he was sent away. As a watch dog in a Lancashire warehouse I am told he did not prove a success. Riot I had well-nigh lost, and when she was heavy in pup too. We had a few rats in the cellar at home, and the old bitch was fond of watching for them as they came out of a small hole in the wall. She had been missed for an hour or so, and going down into the aforesaid cellar there was the terrier with her head tightly jammed in a hole so small that one would wonder how even a rat could get through. There the poor thing was as fast as possible, and I had sent one of the servants for a neighbouring mason to bring his hammer and tools to free her, when just before his arrival I managed to get her released. She had, no doubt, rushed with such force and at so great a pace to- wards a rat disappearing in the hole that her head became jammed as we found it. Luckily Riot, excepting for some slight abrasions, was little the worse for her accident, and I need scarcely say that " hole in the wall " was carefully plastered up. Of course there are some terriers that will take more naturally to work than others, but any of mine, when once Gedling Tidy. 117 they got to go underground, could scarcely be kept above the surface. The son of old Brockenhurst Rally, who distinguished himself during a run with the Belvoir two seasons ago, must have been one of the precocious variety. He was only about seven months old when the above hounds ran a fox to ground in a drain near to where the puppy (belonging to the Messrs. Clarke), was being reared. Without any preparatory lesson, when asked to do so, the pup speedily followed reynard through all the sinuosities of a long drain, ultimately bolting him, and this much to the delight of the field. Mr. A. H. Clarke also tells me that some few years ago he had a tan marked bitch, " Gedling Tidy," who ran for seven seasons with the South Notts hounds, and was so staunch to fox that she would never look at ground game of any kind. By no means was it unusual for this bitch, when hounds were at fault, to work out a cold line, and actually lead the pack across the first field, when, scent becoming warmer, of course the hounds soon left their little friend in the rear. No doubt Tidy was a bitch far beyond the ordinary standard, and when she died she bore the hall-marks of her excellence. Still, any one who has kept and worked terriers will be able to enlarge upon equally doughty deeds their favourites have accomplished. I was once offered a good looking bitch, whose excellences were pointing partridges and retrieving them when shot. Some of my own have often been found useful on a grouse moor late in the season, working within twenty yards, and preventing the sly old cocks running back and getting up with a 11 whirr " and a " beck-beck " behind you. Many a pheasant, too, has my little white dog Grip found ; and to see his stumpy tail going from side to side was a 118 The Fox Terrier. certain sign that game was about. This same terrier, though taking water freely, did not care about leaping from a bank. A cock pheasant, to a " neat right " of a friend of mine, had fallen into the river, at that time running in flood and at a great pace. Grip was there on the bank, and leaning down I let him drop some four feet into the stream. He knew where the " longtail " was floating away sea-wards, and, striking out, soon had him in his jaws. It was hard work with such, a mouthful making his way against the current, but, swimming by the side, he came up to me, and, leaning over, I took the bird from him and then lifted the clever little dog on to terra firma. Shaking himself and being caressed for his excellent per- formance, he was not long before he was bustling the rabbits about in a thick and prickly piece of covert. A modern smooth-haired fox terrier will do duty of any kind equally as well as any other terrier, if properly trained and brought up so to do ; but for work in the rain and water, labourers' rough duty in fact, he will not be found so hardy as the cross-bred animal of some of the best strains. Time after time has it been stated that the " show dog " is a fraud when he has to earn his living in driving foxes and killing vermin. Possibly he may be so, for an owner with a terrier worth a couple of hundred pounds is scarcely likely to run any risk with him. In an earth he may be smothered by a fall of soil or crushed by some displace- ment of rock ; and in killing the largest descriptions of vermin, foulmarts and the like, his ears may be split and his face torn. If scars on the latter do give an appearance of gameness, they do not enhance his beauty, and, after all, the latter goes a long way on the show bench. A commoner and less valuable dog will do the work equally Quite Satisfactory. 119 well, and if he be killed or maimed no great loss results to his owner, such as would arise on a champion's destruction. Still he will always kill his rat and hunt his rabbit, and what pleasanter occupation can he have ? Now- adays the fox terrier has his chief value as a " show dog/' and his breed is not sustained with so much care as formerly for the sole purpose of driving the otter from his hold and the fox from his earth. His money worth is great, he is a pleasing animal as a companion, and, let his detractors say all they can and do what they may, I for one cannot believe that the popularity of the fox terrier is likely to wane and no dog is healthier and easier to rear, more certain to live to a good old age, and give satisfaction both as companion and guard to his owner and to his owner's goods. His sprightliness and handsomeness have made him a fashionable beauty, his agreeable disposition and good temper enable him to sustain his position and perform his role satisfactorily, and doing so he may well be left for the present. Mr. Robert Vicary, who will be recognised as one of our foremost judges and the owner of Vesuvienne, Venio, and other noteworthy terriers, supplies the following interesting notes, and it is gratifying to find the opinions already expressed by me, so fully borne out by him. " As you must first catch your hare before you can cook him, so it is necessary, in this case, to look round at those puppies you have at walk, which should be well out in the country, where the youngsters, able to prepare for a life of some hardship, are founding a constitution which will be necessary for the work with hounds. Select those the size required for the country they will work, for different districts require different sizes, and give preference to those which 120 The Fox Terrier. have good legs and feet, good neck and shoulders, back and loins, and above all possess a thoroughly hard texture of coat and a thick skin. A stern too gaily carried is to be avoided ; I have rarely found dogs with sterns so carried of staunch courage ; and avoid a shallow-ribbed tucked-up youngster. Having selected suitable-looking puppies fully thirteen or fourteen months old, let them go into the fox- hound kennels, June or July is the best time, the dogs with the dog hounds, and the bitches with the lady pack. They will now have daily exercise out with the hounds, and get used to running with them in an orderly manner before cubbing commences. The huntsman, too, will have several opportunities of giving the terriers a turn in some earths or drains that can be run through without mischief. During the first season too much must not be expected in cases where terriers run ; it takes time to accustom them to the country, and to be well up when w r anted. Still I have known many that have entered promptly, and bolted their fox on the first opportunity, and also some that have been of no practical service until their second season, when they have turned out the very best. " As regards badger work, I prefer a two-year-old, and merely take out a couple of novices when working old hands. The former listen, and when the fun begins in earnest, one of the right sort soon shows that he is desirous of joining in the fray. If the earth be large enough then let him in with a good leader. Our method generally is when the terrier has got up to the badger, and you can hear he is keeping him well engaged, to commence digging and let down a shaft over the spot. I have often seen this done to a nicety, and on clearing carefully the last portion of the soil, found the heads of both badger and terrier in view jaw Lancer. 121 to jaw. Then if you have confidence in your dog lean over, with one hand obtain a firm hold of the neck of the badger, pass the other hand on to the scut, and let your friend pull you badger and all on to the level. Then, disengaging the terrier, pop the " grey back " into a sack. If there be any doubt as to the terrier maintaining his hold, tongs had better be used to save your hands from ' teeth that bite and claws that scratch.' " I have known a single terrier, Lancer, a winner of several prizes seventeen or eighteen years ago, a son of Old Dame's, said to be a daughter of Jock's, drive a badger out of a drain made for foxes, more than once. On one occasion we had no knowledge that a f grey back ' was at home, and merely put Lancer in to see if a fox was there, and were without any appliances. On hearing that a battle royal was being waged we sent for a sack and the ' tongs/ and these arrived in the nick of time, for the badger retreated, his face towards Lancer, his stern towards us. When he was within reach I embraced the opportunity, and the game was soon out in the open, but not until my strength was nearly exhausted at holding him (' well off you, at arm's length, mind ! '), a struggling, twisting brute, did the sack arrive. He managed to give my groom a snip through the thumb during the operation of bagging. " An old disused mine shaft is often a favourite haunt of badgers. I remember trying a very large shaft with Remus, another well-known terrier, Tyrant's son Sam, the above- named Lancer, Pearl, by Diver Racket, also a winner, with another brace, both by Lancer, but unknown on the show bench. Here all our efforts were of no avail, it was impossible to dig, and we could only hope that the united efforts of the terriers might drive the badger out. How- 122 The Fox Terrier. ever, there were several in the place, and after some hours of waiting, and despairing of ever seeing one of the terriers again, we fairly gave up all hope. At last faint moans could be heard, and the ubiquitous small boy was happily at hand, and induced by a liberal bribe to venture down the shaft a few yards, crawling on his hands and knees, a candle on the end of a long pole being pushed on in front to show him the way. Lancer, Remus, and Pearl were thus passed out more dead than alive, the two sons of the former were quite dead ! Lancer, as soon as the water anci fresh air had somewhat revived him, was just entering the shaft for another turn at his enemies, when I caught sight of him in time to haul him back by his stern. Never have I seen terriers so mauled. These three were cut to pieces almost, and for weeks had to be fed with a spoon, as their lips had to be sewn-up. " On a subsequent occasion I was tempted to try this same earth again ; Veni, Valetta, Vedette, Victor Chief, all 1 show dogs,' being the terriers used. After a couple of hours' w r ork, in which we could hear ( our dogs ' hard at their game, w r e discovered the battle was being waged near the outlet, and sure enough a badger's scut was soon apparent and promptly seized, and the owner hauled out nolens volens. It proved to be a monster, the biggest, handsomest, fattest badger I ever handled 32lb. was his weight. To our intense astonishment, not a terrier was badly injured; all the evening this was the topic of a wondering confab ; how was it ? Well, subsequent inspection of this mighty badger showed that he was toothless, save for a much worn pair of ' holders.' " I had news of a badger in a fox earth one day, and arranged with some hunting friends to come and dislodge Victor Chief. 123 the gentleman. Punctually at the time named I put in Victor Chief, there being room for but one terrier at a time to work. My friends on their arrival, twenty-five minutes late, were introduced to the ' grey gentleman in a sack/ much to their surprise. " Victor Chief was the very best terrier at badger work under or above ground I ever saw or heard of. A good- looking dog, he was winner of several first prizes, and his pedigree goes back through Mr. Chaworth Musters' Old Victor, to Trumps, Tyrant, Moss, and Foiler on his sire's (Young Victor) side. Whilst on that of his dam Vice, the blood of Old Trap, Trumps again, Tartar, Fairy II., Belvoir Jock, Branson's Nettle, with old Jock and Grove Nettle, is to be found. No wonder, then, that with such an ancestry both the spirit and the flesh were willing and able to do or die whenever occasion offered. Lancer was almost fully as good, both game to the death, as were a score I could enumerate, but in no terrier have I found the pluck, intelli- gence, and enormous endurance combined as in Victor Chief. Vice, his dam, was the next best to these. Village Belle, Vedette, Velasquez, Spiteful, by Old Sam, mentioned already, Veni, Belgrave Dinah, Virginia, Boaster, own brother to Buffett, were all terriers that have won on the show bench and which I have seen at work and proved as ' good as gold.' " As regards many of our show terriers of the present time, ' in-breeding ' and lack of opportunity have done much to deteriorate their stamina and working qualities, but there is no doubt whatever, that anyone desirous of breeding a team of good-looking workers would find plenty of the right material amongst the fox terriers to be found so abundantly at any of our modern shows. As a rule, the show terriers 124 The Fox Terrier. are most carefully nursed from their infancy, and no risks run of injury from any source. Soon after seven months old, sometimes even earlier, their public career commences, and if continual knocking about in a dog box and on the bench does not soften a dog, what will ? I do not approve of showing young puppies, and prefer them reared by cottagers in the country, where they literally are allowed to run wild. Those so brought up will, when first chained, behave like a fox under similar conditions. They possess constitution, nerve, and more terrier character than the pampered nurseling who, before he has finished changing his teeth, has made the acquaintance of many show rings, and never tackled anything harder than a bone or an unsoaked dog-biscuit. " The great point to be borne in mind by the present generation of fox terrier breeders, is not to out-Herod Herod in the race to obtain quality. Do not ' quality ' your terriers until there is nothing else left. Unwise critics, who have no care for, or knowledge of what constitutes, a working terrier, are often saying such and such a dog ' is a trifle coarse.' When such a remark is heard or read, let my sporting friend give an eye to the dog so described. The chances are he is really a good one, with bone, coat, and sub- stance, who perhaps looks a trifle manly when compared with the weak-headed, vacuous looking, effeminate weed alongside him. The great risks fanciers of any breed always run, are that exaggerated developments of certain points are pre- served to the detriment of what I may term that breed's original form and character. We do not want to improve a variety "off the face of the earth," and I sincerely hope that, in fox terriers, a later race of owners may be able to say that wisdom has been shown in the present day by Charlie Littleworth. 125 breeders sticking to working characteristics as the leading essential in a fox terrier. I am fully assured that at the present moment there is plenty of good material, and that I could as readily get a strong team of workers together as at any time during my twenty years' experience. " The Littleworths have for generations been a family of huntsmen, and, although following their respective masters in' keeping their hounds up to a high standard of excellence, have never forgotten their admiration for the fox terrier. Time after time the present representative of the house, Charles Littleworth, Wembworthy, North Devon, and huntsman, too, has found occasions when the little dog was a necessity, so he has always kept some few running about, many of them good enough to more than hold their own in public competition. Yes, Charlie Littleworth is one of the few modern huntsmen who know the fox terrier in his two aspects, as a show dog and as a worker. His opinion thereon I give in his own words, and the only preface they need is the statement that he has taken an interest in and kept fox terriers for a quarter of a century. " The fox terrier at the present day has attained, by ' fine breeding' (in-breeding), too great a delicacy and too high an excellency in fineness of coat and bone for really hard work. In many instances the modern standard is only useful for show purposes ; perhaps he can kill a rat, and he is elegant as a drawing-room companion. In training a fox terrier for his actually legitimate work a mistake is too often made in at first entering him to game above ground. When he can find it so without much trouble, the natural inclination to look for it in the earths is, in a degree, lost, and once a fox or badger is tackled above ground, in which, perhaps, a great deal of punishment is given and received The Fox Terrier. on both sides, an ordinary terrier does not relish going in to the same amount of hard knocks and bites in the dark. Let him as a beginning smell about the earth, and entice him by degrees to enter it. He will, if game and worth keeping, make out the scent, at the same time gradually working up his courage until in the end he will tackle whatever he meets. [I thoroughly agree with Littleworth here, and have known many terriers completely spoiled by being set to kill something before they had found their noses. Even the first rat should be hunted before the puppy is allowed to worry it. There seems something about the scent of all game and vermin which, as it were, raises the courage of the dog to its very highest.] Give me a terrier which will go to ground, find his fox, stick by him, and at the same time ( bay ' well. " My belief is that the best strain for work has descended from George Whitemore's (of the Grove) Willie and Foiler. A bitch I once had, named Mustard, was a really honest worker. She was about i81b. weight, and after running all day with hounds would gamely go to ground, and show us and reynard what blood ran in her veins. This bitch was by Whitemore's Trick out of Eggesford Fury, who was by the Rev. J. Russell's Fuss, a most famous one as a worker. Mustard, too, had taken prizes at the West of England shows, under the well-known and popular sportsmen above- mentioned, including first prize at Plymouth in 1873. " A granddaughter of Mustard's called Spot, on first being tried to go to earth, remained inside for over two hours, and when unearthed was seen facing two badgers, and keeping them well at bay. A curious incident about this splendid bitch was that she never relished tackling a fox above ground, but you would have to go a long day's journey to A Huntsman's Opinions. 127 find her equal in the earth. I have at present two great- granddaughters of Mustard which I value greatly. Boaster and Willie were both excellent dogs, the former especially being admirably adapted for work. The latter was by Sam out of Cottingham Nettle. Old Flora was another extra good bitch for work, and her daughter Fancy did not dis- grace her, for I remember her on one occasion sticking to a fox for four hours underground, during which time she never for one moment attempted to quit the earth. She was finally dug out. Much to my regret she died when in whelp to Gulliver. Artful Joe, too, w r as a fine dog. He was a little too big, but a regular hard one for work. I am very pleased to say that his strain is still carefully preserved. All the Belgravians I have are excellent workers. Limbo, by Victor Chief out of Venus (a granddaughter of Flora), came to a very sad end. Whilst in the kennel he was severely bitten by the hounds, his leg being so terribly broken and smashed that I was obliged to have him immediately killed. I missed him greatly, as he was about as good a dog as ever I had for work." So much for a huntsman's opinions, but in taking them to heart and inwardly digesting them, the reader must not forget that a good dog can be spoiled by a bad trainer, and in the opposite direction a good trainer can make a dog which may be faint-hearted in the beginning, fairly hard- hearted and game in the end. With regard to the growing popularity of that undesirable modern addition to the ordinary duties of a fox terrier, viz., rabbit coursing, something must be said. Not content with him as a companion, either in town or country, some of his ill-advised admirers have endangered his good name by endeavouring to place him on a par with the " whippet," or 128 The Fox Terrier. snap dog, and utilising him for the chasing of rabbits in an enclosure. Nature never intended the fox terrier for a rabbit courser. Had she done so his form would have been much more slim than it actually is, and his lines built upon those of a greyhound in miniature rather than upon those of a sturdy terrier. Still, this somewhat plebeian diversion at one time appeared to have taken considerable hold of a certain section of the community, the members of which, on Saturday afternoons especially, and upon other holidays, too, hied to some field or other, and enjoyed themselves by letting a rabbit out of a hamper, and, after allowing bunny a certain start, unslipped a couple of terriers, which ran after and in ninety-nine times out of a hundred killed it. Had the rabbits a fair chance of regaining their liberty, as is the case with the pigeon when liberated from a trap, or even with the hare when coursed at the new-fangled inclosed meetings (which by the way have never flourished and will never do so), this fox terrier coursing would be legitimate sport. As the rabbits have not an ordinary chance of escape, and, preparatory to their being set down in front of the terrier, have been confined, since their capture, in a hamper or some similar receptacle, I must look upon the thing with disfavour, and altogether fail to acknowledge it as in any way likely to improve the fox terrier as he is, and as all his admirers would wish him to remain. Although, under these circumstances, the rabbits have little opportunity to regain their liberty, their chances of so doing are greater than that which was afforded by the individual who possessed a terrier and a wild rabbit, which he coursed in his cellar. The rabbit was given a start of once around the floor, and " Jack," failing to recognise that spirit of fair play his owner possessed, instead of himself Coursing Rabbits. 129 running once around the room, took a short cut across it, thus seizing poor bunny at the first rush. He got a good kick in the ribs for his pains, instead of the praise he might fairly conscientiously think was his due, whilst the proprietor of the terrier heaved a deep sigh, and meditated upon the unfairness of the world generally, and of dogs in particular. This modern mode of coursing does give the rabbit a better chance of his life than "Jack" did, still, for many reasons it is not to be recommended ; and it is gratifying to note that it is not recognised by the Fox Terrier Club or by any of the leading clubs either. In America, not long ago, a prosecution was instituted against a number of gentlemen who had been engaged in the so-called sport ; but after a lengthened hearing which caused no inconsiderable interest throughout that country, no conviction w T as obtained, and similar prosecutions in this country have, so far, had a like result. Since the above remarks were penned, I am pleased to find " fox terrier" coursing on the decadence, and just now it appears to be a so-called pastime which is just lingering along until it comes to an end by death from inanition. In sundry instances I have already noticed an inclination to produce fox terriers with longer legs, less compact bodies, and with an appearance of an ability to gallop more defined, than should be the case. This is, of course, done to enable them to prove successful at coursing meetings, and a con- tinuance thereof would, in a few years, have entirely changed the character of the modern fox terrier. I have seen puppies shown whose owners, with an eye to the main chance, have trusted to the good nature of the judge to give them, at any rate, a card of commendation. This done, the natural inference would be that at a coursing meeting, such K 130 The Fox Terrier. recipients would be allowed to compete without objection or hindrance. Still, these puppies, excepting that they had drop ears in one case a wire-haired coat were as far removed from what a fox terrier should be as possible. " Ah ! " said their owner, on being remonstrated with for showing such things, " they are but puppies, and will drop down, thicken, and furnish in due course." Needless is it for me to say that in no case did they get the cards of honour which the exhibitor desired. An ordinary fox terrier has not pace to compete success- fully with a rabbit on its own ground, nor until the present time has any attempt been made to breed him for speed alone. Daniel, writing eighty years ago, said speed was not one of the peculiar properties of the terrier, although it possesses the power of keeping up the same pace for a considerable distance. He mentions a match which took place in 1794, when a very small terrier, for a very big wager, ran a mile in two minutes, and six miles in eighteen minutes. This is rather an extraordinary performance, and I do not know that there is a fox terrier to-day that can at all equal it. Anyhow, there are the little " snap-dogs " or " whippets " (and Daniel's dog might have been one of them), which can course rabbits, and run races better than any fox terrier. For such purposes they are kept in many parts of the north of England and elsewhere. Those who wish for rabbit coursing I would recommend to keep two or three of them, for what is worth doing at all is worth doing well, and I am pretty certain that even a moderate " snap dog" or "whippet" would give the best fox terrier ever slipped at a rabbit, twenty yards start out of forty, and beat him into the bargain. Of late a great deal has been written and said as to the A Silly Season. 131 merits and appearance, of the fox terrier now as compared with what he was on his first introduction to popularity. No doubt he has changed in a degree ; he is as a rule a less " rounded" and less sturdy dog now than he was then. Many good modern specimens are more or less inclined to be flat-sided, high on the legs, and stiff and " stilty," and I fancy breeders are losing that smart, dark, almond- shaped eye which gives such character and expression to a terrier. I detest a big, full, goggle eye in any terrier, excepting, maybe, in a Dandie Dinmont, and in our modern fox terrier I should like to see a little more of that fiery and smart appearance which went so far in the sixties towards making him what he is now in the nineties. Again, I believe that breeders have taken up such a line that to keep their dogs down in weight they must be produced unnaturally narrow in front, with flat ribs, else, unless two or three pounds less in weight than is usual, they would not be able to go to ground, where a sturdy, thick-set little dog of i61b. weight could do so with ease. That there are more good fox terriers now than then goes without saying, but, taking the number w r hich are bred to-day into consideration, the percentage of actually tip-top animals is not so large as it should be ; but I thoroughly agree with what Mr. Doyle writes further on, and especially am I at one with him about what at the time of correcting this is the " topic of conversation in fox terrier circles," the size of fox terriers. This cry of size seems to me to be some- thing like the appearance of the sea serpent in the " silly, or slack season." Both crop up annually, and have done so for a longer period than one cares to recall. Why, many years ago, the cry as to the growing bigness of fox terriers was so rife that in 1877 the Birmingham executive arranged K 2 132 The Fox Terrier. their classes accordingly, having divisions for fox terrier dogs over i81b. weight, for bitches over i61b. in weight, and others for animals below these stipulations. I need scarcely say that this arrangement was not satisfactory, and though it was continued till 1885, the weight classification finally lapsed, and has not since been restored. It may be instructive to note that in 1876, the year before divisions by weight were arranged, there were 72 entries in the dog class, a number which has not been equalled since. Some fox terriers look bigger than they actually are and weigh accordingly, and vice versa is likewise frequently the case. A fox terrier dog iglb. in weight in show bench trim is really not over-sized, and often enough dogs heavier than this have become champions and no fault found with them. As a rule exhibitors are chary about sending their dogs to scale when they are about iglb. weight or more. However, I cannot do better than give prominence here to Mr. Doyle's valued opinion " on the progress made by fox terriers of late years, and some comparisons between the prize winners of an earlier generation and those of to-day." He says : " For twenty years I have bred somewhat exten- sively, judged not unfrequently, and observed pretty attentively and regularly. If, therefore, I cannot make something like an accurate estimate of the results which have been reached during that period, it is not for lack of opportunity. " To begin with, I feel pretty sure that I shall have every competent critic of the breed with me as to the great general improvement of the breed as a whole. Whether our best dogs are better or worse than they were is a question to which I will come later on. It is only certain that passably good ones are far more numerous. Every large breeder is to-day Mr. Doyle's Opinion. 133 able to draft bitches which twenty years ago he would have looked on as valuable breeding material. It is not merely in general symmetry and smartness that this is seen, but I think even more distinctly in those points which make up what we are agreed to call terrier character. Jock, Hornet, and Fussy may have been even more terrier-like than the best prize winners of to-day ; but the benches then were loaded with dogs that showed bull or English terrier at every point, and such have now vanished. "I may also, I think, at once claim another point wherein the dogs of to-day score. They last far better. Some, I daresay, remember what that once beautiful dog, Mr. Bassett's Tip, became in his later days. Bitters did not fare a great deal better. In fact in my young days of show- ing, a dog was looked on as a veteran at four or five. Vesuvienne was as good as ever when she last graced the show ring. Such as Venio and Dominie can yet hold their own against most young dogs. " I do not, however, in the least pretend that by what I have said so far I have disposed of the complaints which we occasionally hear of deterioration in our fox terriers. Those who make such complaints would say, I take it, that while there are more fairly good dogs, there are fewer really first class ones, and that the prize winners of the present day are unworthy to rank with their predecessors. I have more than once heard this put very strongly. I have been told that the type has changed, that the modern fox terrier is a new creation altogether. I have observed that this is generally said by those who have given no very special attention to fox terriers, but have picked up a hasty im- pression of what the dogs of a particular epoch were from a casual glance at the show benches. I have no hesitation in 134 The Fox Terrier. saying that a good dog a quarter of a century ago would be, if he could be brought to life, a good dog to-day, and vice versa. Then we should have hailed with delight such dogs as Venio, Dominie, or D'Orsay. To-day, Jock, Buffet, Nimrod, Turk, or Rattler would, if they could reappear, hold their own in any company. I will even go further. I am certain that if Olive and that beautiful but rather forgotten bitch, Pattern, could be put on one side of a ring with Perseverance and Meifod Molly I mention two terriers whom I have judged lately and who are fresh in my mind on the other, and if one of those critics who assert that we have made a new type were asked, without previous knowledge, 'which are the old stamp and which the new ? ' he would unhesitatingly take the two veterans as specimens of modern deterioration. " I quite admit that one or two soft-hearted judges and breeders have in my opinion been so carried away by a craze for what is called liberty ( ' oh, Liberty ! what crimes are committed in thy name!') and racing character, that they have forgotten the importance of other points. I might even go further and say, have taught themselves to dislike substance, compactness, strength of back, and shortness of coupling. But even this heresy is not new ; the judges of whom I speak had their prototypes in the days when some of us used to groan in spirit at the victories of Tart, Ribble, and Saracen, and the defeats of Gripper and Jester II. " At the same time, though, I deny that the standard of perfection at which we are aiming has altered. I am quite willing to admit that the standard which we prac- tically reach is somewhat modified. I would say, going back to my previous illustration, that Olive and Pattern "The Critic of Terriers." 135 were rather deviations from the average stamp of their own day, just as Meifod Molly and Perseverance are not specially typical of the present day. If I may use a geometrical illustration we have not moved towards per- fection, ever further away from it along a straight line. Rather we have travelled over part of the circumference of a circle of which the standard of perfection is the centre. We have gained some advantages and lost others. Neck, shoulders, and outline were points that we always aimed at ; to-day we get them much oftener. We still try to get well sprung ribs and compact frames; we oftener miss them. " For surely it is not needful to point out that change is not necessarily deterioration. We sometimes hear it said, ' Look at that dog ; how utterly unlike Jock or Tyrant,' or some other past celebrity. Very well ; he may be unlike, and yet a very good dog. He may have got what the other dog wanted, even though he misses some of his predecessors' best points. We did not think the old heroes standards of perfection in their own day. Why should they be brought up in judgment against their successors ? Just in the same way did the mentors of one's childhood cast in one's teeth some half mythical generation of faultless predecessors. " ' Whene'er Miss Betty does a fault, Lets drop a knife or spills the salt, Thus by her mother she'll be chid : ' Tis what Vanessa never did ! ' u The critic of terriers who contrasts the iron present with a golden past only illustrates a common law of human thought. " It seems to me that the sum total of the complaints 136 The Fox Terrier. which we hear, when they are analysed, comes to this. There are certain points of merit about which modern judges and breeders are lax. That is, I fear, an almost inevitable result of the show system. Stress is laid on certain points, perhaps because before they have been unduly neglected. Other points gradually drop into the background. Public opinion is of necessity largely formed by those who have a personal interest in certain dogs or certain strains, and who often persuade themselves, no doubt in all good faith, that their favourites are perfection. The dog on whom breeders ought to be keeping a watchful eye is the dog who is strong in just those points where the generality of the prize winners of the day are weak. Un- happily that is just the dog which is apt to be thrust aside and forgotten. But this can easily be averted if there are a sufficient number of breeders who are content steadily to work their way towards their own standard of perfection, and not to be turned aside by the caprices which at times make their way into the judging ring, nor the effect of such caprices on the sale market. " There is one other point on which perhaps I ought to say a word, and that is the size of modern terriers. For some twenty years I have been told that terriers are getting bigger, and if at that stage the complaint was well founded they should by this time weigh about 3olb. As a matter of fact I believe Buffet was well up to the size of most winners of to-day. Brockenhurst Joe, who won the Fox Terrier Club's challenge cup in 1881, was, I feel pretty sure, the biggest dog, except perhaps Venio, who ever won it. At the same time I do think that there is a certain tendency on the part of critics, and, I fear, even of some judges, to be indifferent to the question of size, and to The Proper Weight. 137 forget that every pound of weight over i61b., in working con- dition, is a set-off against a dog's utility. A 2olb. dog, if well and strongly made, is not necessarily useless, but one three pounds less can do a great deal more. I have been gravely told, and by those who should know better, that a dog of i81b. is undersized. I constantly, too, see dogs advertised as sires who are confessedly too big for show, /.., probably about 23lb. weight. It stands to reason that if we keep on using big sires, we shall gradually get a breed of big dogs." Perhaps there are some admirers of the little dog, to which this volume is dedicated, who may urge that the writer has not introduced as many anecdotes of its sagacity as he might have done. Still, we all know what " dog stories " are they may be either true or otherwise ; at any rate, they can be concocted by the bushel. There are, how- ever, so many fox terriers in the world, that it necessarily follows some of them at times must have exhibited an unusual share of intelligence. Occasionally we have had them performing on the stage ; at other times, when sore wounded and injured, we have been told of a visit to the hospital of their own intelligence, and a very patient waiting at the gate until the turn for treatment came. Their " homing faculty," if there be such a thing, has been praised ; indeed, there is scarcely a piece of intelligence any dog has displayed which has not been claimed for the fox terrier with what truth is a matter of opinion. There is no doubt he is intelligent when brought up in the house, but he is not such an apt pupil for the circus or the stage as the curly-coated poodle. A story comes to me from British Columbia, where a big fox terrier, 23lb. in weight, became quite a skilful 138 The Fox Terrier. fisherman. He did not, however, follow on the lines of that other cute American dog (whose owner was a disciple of Izaak Walton), which would sit with a line in its mouth and wait until a tug or nub was felt, when it ran back and dragged the struggling fish which caused that tug to bank. This done, its master re-baited the hook, cast out the line, placed the latter in the dog's mouth, who again waited for the " glorious nibble." Our Columbian friend does not follow this system at all. It just goes into the river, seizes a salmon by the back fin, and drags it ashore, willy nilly poaching rather than angling. Salmon are numerous there ; they jostle each other, and are in shoals as thick as herrings. One day in February, 1894 (I must give figures in a story of this kind, otherwise its truth might be doubted), this terrier saw a bigger fish than usual one of i81b. weight or more ; but, nothing daunted, he leaped into the roaring torrent the Columbia river is a roaring torrent at times and seized the salmon by the back. But the fish was fresh from the sea, vigorous and strong, with " sea lice on him," and, although not able to make the dog loose its hold, this lusty salmon almost drowned him, and no doubt would have done so entirely had not human rescuers been at hand. Ultimately Columbia's game and piscatorially devoted fox terrier was lifted out of the stream in an exhausted condition, though his teeth were still fast in the tough skin of his capture. This was a dog salmon (Salmo cam's), but it is so called, not because it is usually caught by dogs, but because it is useless as food. So much for the fox terrier as a fisherman, but whether his take, as above related, would entitle him to membership of the Piscatorial Society is another matter. As a British A British Workman. 139 "working man" this variety of Canis familiarises likewise proved a success ; but, inasmuch as he has not as yet interfered with the rights of the artisan, he has not been the cause of trouble between master and man. Here is the story : One of the electric lighting companies found difficulty in carrying certain of the copper strips or wires through the underground culverts. These strips, about one hundred yards or so in length, are supported at intervals of ten yards by transverse bars, and considerable expense and trouble were caused in getting the strips past their supports. One of the foremen was " a doggy man," and it occurred to him that a fox terrier might be trained to carry through the passages a rope, to the end of which the strip could be attached. He had a puppy on which he at once began his tuition, which in due course was perfected. It is easy enough to train a terrier to travel underground a hundred yards or more, but here it had to leap over the supports, which she soon learned to do. Now she performs her task cleverly, has assisted to lay many miles of wire in London and elsewhere, and each Saturday receives her wages like the men receive theirs, and is looked upon as one of the most valued employes of the Crompton Electric Lighting Company. I think with these two stories of a dog's sport and of a dog's work any ordinary believer in anecdotes of canine intelligence ought to be satisfied ; still I am not much of a believer in such stories ; nor is it the proper work of a terrier to go a-fishing or to assist an electric lighting company in its underground operations. There are many uses for him in this world, even as a companion and as a watch dog, as the former he is much to be extolled, and his 140 The Fox Terrier. excellence in this respect has not remained undiscovered by great men whose equally great friends believe ought to have a soul above dogs. Quite a popular hero in his way was the late terrier belonging to Mr. Justice Hawkins, which, if it did not actually sit with its master on the bench, was otherwise his lordship's almost constant companion. " Yah ! " said a corner-man in one of our provincial towns, 11 1 didn't know as auld Hawkins was blind ! " alluding to the fact that the judge in walking to the assize court led his favourite little terrier by a cord. CHAPTER V. THE WIRE-HAIRED Fox TERRIER His GAMENESS YORKSHIRE AND DEVONSHIRE STRAINS THE REV. JOHN RUSSELL'S TERRIERS THE SEALY HAM TERRIER MR. COWLEY'S TERRIERS CROSSES THE BEST DOGS A BEVERLEY KENNEL. JOST of the remarks made on former pages apply to the wire-haired fox terrier equally with the smooth-coated variety. In colour, make, shape, character, legs and feet, they are as one, only in jacket or coat do the two differ. With the wire-haired terrier the latter should be hard and crisp, not too long, neither too short, but of a tough, coarse texture, finer underneath, all so close and dense that the skin cannot be seen or even felt, and, if possible, so weather and water resisting that the latter will stand on the sides like beads, and run off the whole body as it is said to do, and does, off a duck's back. There must not be the slightest sign of silkiness anywhere, not even on the head. A curly jacket, or one inclined to be so, is far better than a silky one. Indeed, some of the best coated dogs of this variety I have seen, had more than an inclination to be curly the crispest hair on the human being 142 The Fox Terrier. has usually a tendency to be so, and the straight hair is the softer and finer. There should be some amount of longish hair on the legs, too, right down to the toes, and when there is a deficiency in the coat in this respect, one may be pretty certain that some crossed strain is in the blood of the animal so handicapped. In attempting to produce straight coats, modern breeders have gone to extremes, and, according to their nature, produced fine ones, of a texture like silk almost ; these are, again, likely to be thin, and quite inadequate to keep out the water and cold. Seldom do we see a wire-haired terrier with so close and hard a jacket as some of the otter hounds possess, or even owned by a few of the best hard-haired Scottish terriers. Straighter they may be, but harder never, and what, indeed, is the straightness but a useless beauty mark ? An old bitch of Mr. A. Maxwell's (Durham), Tennis, had in her day one of the best of coats, but for modern ideas there was too much of it. Her chest and neck were well pro- tected, still its very profuseness made it likely to carry too much water on a damp day. In the kennels of the Kendal Otter Hounds there was once a black and tan hound called Ragman, who ran for nine seasons, and indeed he was so grey and worn with hard work and care as to bear scarcely any resemblance to what he was when first entered. He possessed the best water and weather resisting coat I ever saw on any dog. With- out being long enough to assist him as a bench hound, it was simply perfect for the purpose for which it was required protection from weather and water. Take down the ribs, along the back, under the belly, on the head, any- where, it was all there, hard as bristles, close as wool, a little softer and closer underneath than near the surface ; A Good Coat. 143 and I have seen that good hound swim for two, or three, or four hours maybe, come out on to the bank, shake himself, so throw the water off, roll in the meadow, and in a minute he would be as dry as the proverbial board. His coat leaned towards curliness, and, this notwithstanding, his was the description of jacket that ought to be found on all wire-haired terriers. I know of not even one at the present day that possesses so good a one. In judging this variety of terrier I should, without hesitation, throw out or disqualify every dog with a soft coat. In their group or classes they are called " wire- haired " terriers, and anyone giving an award of any kind to one that is not as described does a triple injustice, for he dishonours the description, introduces a bad type, and proves his own incompetence. I have dwelt thus long on coat because therein lies the whole difference between the two great modern types of fox terriers. From the time Dame Juliana Berners wrote of " teroures " the varieties, rough and smooth, have grown up side by side, one man preferring the one, another the other. The smooth variety has always been the more numerous latterly the more popular, because the smarter, the more thorough-bred looking animal, and besides, on wet days he does not take so much dirt into the house. As to gameness, Jack is as good as his master, but by reason of the denser covering to his skin, the wire-haired can stand the cold, inclement weather of our north country climate better than his cousin ; still, after all, a cross-bred dog is best for the really arduous work required with fox-hounds hunting in a mountainous district, and with otter hounds. Some old engravers and painters have given us portraits of wire-haired terriers black and tan, blue grizzle and tan, 144 The Fox Terrier. pepper and salt, and of various shades in red and fawn and yellow, as well as of the present time orthodox white and marked with fawn, or black and tan. Modern fancy has developed the black and tan into a new variety, whilst the others, of whole colour, equally useful in every way, have gone to the wall. In various districts of North Durham and Yorkshire the wire-haired terriers appear to have been produced in greatest numbers, but Devonshire also had them in the form they were wont to be used by the Rev. John Russell, a name so familiar to every sports- man throughout the many countries where the English language is spoken. The late and much respected " Robin Hood," so long the Field's well-known coursing correspon- dent, told me that even in Nottingham, supposed to be the home of the smooth variety, the " wire-hairs " were common enough forty-five or more years ago. And how visions of his early sporting dogs rushed before him when he told me of a terrier he had owned with an extraordinarily long head, which came from the Quorn when Sir Richard Sutton was the master. This dog, he said, was in every sense a pattern of the best we see to-day, i81b. weight, hard coated, strong-jawed, possessing at the same time the " ferocity of the tiger " when " cats " were about, and " the gentleness of the dove " in the presence of his genial owner. Mr. C. M. Browne (" Robin Hood ") was inclined to believe that a majority of the Midland counties strains of wire-haired terriers sprang from this dog, which, if his recollection did not fail him, became the property of Mr. T. Wootton, who certainly had some very good ones about twenty years later, though that they were all as game as one would have wished may be doubted by the following story : The Fox and the Terriers. 145 In the early days of competition, a dog show was held in a certain town in the North of England, at which some two or three of these terriers, said to be " good at badger, cat, fox, and fighting," were exhibited, and as usual they won all the prizes. At n o'clock one night, some of the members of the committee, after dining rather heartily, and supping not too wisely but too well, visited the show, and in company with the " nightmen " went round to see the terriers. Now unfortunately a semi-tame fox was one of the attractions of the exhibition, and mischief moved the midnight visitors to try some of the crack " wire-hairs " with that fox. Alack ! alas ! they knew sly reynard not, nor did they take the slightest notice of him as they were one by one slipped into his cage the " earth dogs " bolted so far as their collars and chains allowed them. " Try Sir Douglas ! " said a fellow, alluding to a well- known Dandie Dinmont benched not far away, and Sir Douglas was tried, with the result that he went to the poor fox and nearly killed it before he could be taken off. I do not mention this little episode, and a disgraceful one it was, with any intention of lauding the Dandie Dinmont at the expense of the wire-haired terrier, but to show what little scenes occasionally occurred at some shows of years ago. I fancy matters connected therewith are better nowadays. Perhaps the following will act as a counter-irritant to some readers who may object to hear anything in dis- paragement of their favourites. In communication with one of our most celebrated and oldest admirers of the wire-haired terrier, he told me of a terrier I sent him, which in turn was despatched to a friend in New York. It had not been many hours in its new abode before it L 146 The Fox Terrier. showed courage and gameness in many ways. Then it was missing for many hours, and one day unusual sounds under- neath the stable floor led to a suspicion that Jack was there. In due course the floor was taken up, and from a pipe drain underneath, the terrier was dragged, and a huge cat lay worried and dead by his side. This was a I3lb. terrier, but he was too hard bitten and ferocious for ordinary work. No further proof of the gameness of the modern wire- haired terrier need be adduced than was described in the columns of the Field three years ago, in connection with the Kendal otter hounds, which were hunting the river Lune, near Hornby. An otter had been marked in a tile drain, an ordinary drain pipe indeed, and to drive him, one of the hunt's terriers went to ground. There was no side drain to allow him to get behind the otter, and of course to draw master Lutra, badger fashion, was impossible. However, in the end the otter was, if not actually drawn, fairly driven out of his stronghold, the plucky little terrier having actually fought his way underneath or over his enemy, and, when once behind him, made the drain so uncomfortable, that the rough-and-ready notice of ejectment was acted upon. A fine otter dashed out of the drain's mouth, followed immediately by Turk, sadly bitten and bedraggled, but by no means seriously injured. This terrier, though the huntsman could give him no pedigree, was in appearance of fashionable blood a good-looking little fellow, about i5lb. in weight, and handsome enough to win a prize on the show bench, which he has done. Bobby Troughton, who had hunted the Kendal Otter Hounds for a dozen years, said this dog Turk was the gamest and hardest terrier he ever possessed surely a glowing testimonial for a modern show animal. * ' A Badger Killed. 147 No gamer terrier could be imagined than one which for years was the property of Mr. W. H. B. Schrieber, of Watford. Powderham Jack originally came from Mr. Damarell's kennel in Devonshire, but he was supposed to be Midland county bred, and here is what he did. Jack, when six years old of course he had made the acquaintance of the " grey gentleman " long before was sent into a badger earth in Hertfordshire about noon, and, though unable to drive his game, remained there righting for over six hours and a half. Then he was dug out terribly ex- hausted, and awfully bitten and torn so much so in fact that for three weeks he had to be fed with a spoon held below the root of the tongue, as any liquid given in the usual way ran out through the holes the badger had made in the dog's under jaw and mouth. However, careful nursing brought him round, although Jack carried the tale-telling scars to his dying day. On the second day after the affray Mr. Schrieber returned to the " earth " with another terrier, which in due course " marked," and by digging, the end of the burrow was reached. Here the party found a large female badger dead which Jack had killed the day before. She was 26Ib. in weight, and, on being skinned, her chest and her ribs were found to be broken, although outwardly she showed few marks of the dog's teeth. This is the only authenticated case of which I have record where a i61b. terrier killed a badger nearly double his own weight in fair fight underground. No wonder that Mr. Schrieber was proud in his possession of such a dog, and, though in the end blindness resulted from the injuries Jack received on that eventful day, he lived until quite recently to be respected and admired as one of the best terriers ever known. In L 2 148 The Fox Terrier. appearance Powderham Jack was quite up to " show form ;" indeed, on several occasions before his great fight, he had appeared on the bench, where he met with considerable success. On his sire's side he was descended from Jack Terry's Wasp and champion Broome, but his dam's pedigree was never ascertained. Some of the earlier wire-haired terriers were remarkably savage and ill-tempered, or perhaps it was the writer's misfortune to possess such. However, about seventeen years ago I had one sent me from Shropshire, which originally came from the huntsman of the Albrighton hounds. Anyhow, rare good-looking dog though he seemed, his excellence was sadly marred by his de- testable disposition. He was never safe, and always as willing to growl at his owner as to take a piece out of the leg of a tramp or anyone else. Entered for Darlington Show at a few pounds, if he was not sold I had promised him as a present to a friend ; as it happened he won the first prize and the special cup, and was at once claimed by a well-known admirer of the breed. Avenger (the dog's name) was a little high on the legs, i81b. weight, straight in front and terrier-like in head, with a hard jacket, but not much of it. I need scarcely say he did not need trimming, or " faking," to make him look his best. Owing to one cause or another, the wire-haired fox terrier has occupied longer in popularising himself than the smooth-coated one. For years he was without a class at any of the shows, and when he became so im- portant as to be honoured by being so provided, he was relegated to the non-sporting division ! Birmingham gave him his first class in 1873, nine years subsequent to the Incompetent Judges. 149 time when the smooth variety had been prominently brought forward. Some of the stud books have the wire-haired fox terrier entered amongst non-sporting dogs, sandwiched between the Pomeranians and Bedlington terriers, and so he continued till 1875, whilst a little earlier the same refer- ence volume mixes the wire-haired fox terriers with the Irish terriers. Here is reason for a delay in popularisa- tion, which undoubtedly arose from the incompetence of some of the judges who were asked to give their opinions on the breed, and whose knowledge thereof was quite on a par with what it might be with regard to white elephants and crocodiles. My nerves never received so severe a shock at any show as they did at Curzon Hall in 1872, when the first prize for wire-haired terriers was withheld through " want of merit," though in the class was that reliable and undoubtedly very high-class specimen Venture, then shown by Mr. Gordon Sanderson, of Cottingham, near Hull. Mr. J. Nisbet, a reputed judge of Dandie Dinmonts, gave this foolish decision, which, however, did not lower the dog one iota in the eyes of those who knew his excellence. Mr. W. Carrick, of Carlisle, subse- quently became his owner, and made him useful in the foundation of a kennel of terriers which for excellence has not yet been surpassed. This Venture was as good a terrier of his variety as I ever saw, without the slightest particle of bulldog appear- ance, built on proper lines, with a coat above the average in hardness and denseness, and a head in length and quality of the best ; it was, indeed, ill luck that the in- competence of the judge so dishonoured him by withhold- ing the first prize and giving him but the second. Ah ! but someone may say Venture was, perhaps, in bad condition 150 The Fox Terrier. this he was not, he was as bright and fresh then as at any time of his career, which later on proved eminently successful. Between the years 1872 and 1880, comparatively few wire-haired terriers were shown at Curzon Hall ; in the former year there were but two entries, but later some dozen or so appeared about the average. Most of the best dogs during this period came from the neighbourhood of Malton, in Yorkshire. Venture, already alluded to, by Kendall's Old Tip, a well-known terrier with the Sinnington hounds, had a successful career on the show bench, and to my mind was certainly the best of his variety at that time. In 1874, however, the stud book only contained four other entries of wire-haired terriers, and with one exception they were owned by Mr. Wootton. The exception was Chaplin, a moderate dog that won third prize at Manchester the previous year. Wasp, first prize Manchester in 1873, has no sire or dam given, and Mr. Gordon Sanderson appears to be the only man at that day who kept the pedigrees of his terriers. The wonder was that he did so, for his favourites did not bring much money. For instance, Venture, already alluded to, had been shown in a variety or mixed class, one in which different descriptions of dogs compete against each other ; and, entered at thirty shillings, he was so good as to attract attention, and the man who gave seventy shillings for him was thought to have more money than sense. However, the purchaser, Mr. Holmes, of Beverley, was right, and such a dog as Venture to-day would command one hundred guineas at least. A half-brother of the last-named dog was called Tip, a white terrier with blue badger-pied marks on his body Tip and Pickering Nailer. 151 and head, not an unusual colour then, but seldom seen nowadays. At Liverpool Show in 1889 a dog named Carlisle Young Venture similarly marked was benched, and the late Mr. Donald Graham, who up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1891, was one of our oldest supporters and best judges of the variety, told me it was directly descended from Tip. The latter, a peculiarly heavily muscled dog, would weigh, I fancy, hard on to 2olb., he had such a strong back, and powerful bone. His head was a little too short, and his coat, though hard, was scarcely profuse enough. His small ears and de- termined dare-devil look out of his little dark eyes, gave an amount of character that is sadly deficient in the terrier of to-day, who possesses an advantage only on the score of neatness. After changing hands two or three times, Tip, who had been born in 1872, went into Mr. S. E. Shirley's kennels, from whence he visited the shows and did a great deal of winning, but he was always to Venture in the wire hairs what Tartar had been to Old Jock in the smooth variety the bull terrier of the party. From the strains of these two dogs have sprung most of the modern so-called wire-haired terriers, but, unfortu- nately, so many crosses have been made with their smooth cousins, that there is little chance of to-day finding the old blood pure and uncontaminated. It is said that Mr. Maxwell's Jester and Mr. Ward's Pickering Nailer were, some four years or so ago, the only wire-haired terriers of note which could be said to be of really blue blood, and if this is so, and I believe the statement to be correct, I hope their progeny will continue to be allied to bitches containing no trace of the smooth strain for at the very least four or five generations. 152 The Fox Terrier. There appears a semblance of strangeness that the wire- haired terriers from Devonshire have not been more used for show bench purposes, and by all accounts some of them were as good in looks as they had on many occasions proved in deeds. Those owned by the Rev. John Russell have acquired a world-wide reputation, yet we look in vain for many remnants of the strain in the stud books, and the county of broad acres has once again distanced the southern one in the race for money. But, although the generous clerical sportsman occasionally consented to judge terriers at some of the local shows in the West, he was not much of a believer in such exhibitions. So far as dogs, and horses too, were concerned, with him it was " handsome is that handsome does," and so long as it did its work properly, one short leg and three long ones was no eye-sore in any terrier owned by this popular west country parson. How he came to obtain a strain of them at all is admirably told in his Memoir by the author of " Dartmoor Days." " Russell had been in residence some fourteen terms, and was now, with a view to his final examination, busily employed in preparing for the schools and furbishing up his old Tiverton armour, which he was not slow to discover had grown somewhat rusty by habitual disuse and the easy conditions of his college life. His degree being of para- mount importance to him, the short period that now remained for getting up his books was naturally accom- panied by the inevitable doubt and anxiety which even the ablest scholars are apt to feel at such a time. " It was on a glorious afternoon towards the end of May, when strolling round Magdalen Meadow with Horace in hand, but Beckford in his head, he emerged from the The Rev. John Russell's Terriers. 153 classic shade of Addison's Walk, crossed the Cherwell in a punt, and passed over in the direction of Marston, hoping to devote an hour or two to study in the quiet meads of that hamlet near the charming slopes of Elsfield, or in the deeper and more secluded haunts of Shotover Wood. But before he had reached Marston, a milkman met him with a terrier, such an animal as Russell had as yet only seen in his dreams ; he halted as Actaeon might have done when he caught sight of Diana disporting in her bath, but, unlike that ill-fated hunter, he never budged from the spot till he had won the prize and secured it for his own. She was called Trump, and became the progenitress of that famous race of terriers which from that day to the present have been associated with Russell's name at home and abroad, his able and keen coadjutors in the hunting field. An oil painting of Trump is still in existence, and is, I believe, possessed by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, but, as a copy executed by a fair and talented artist is now in my possession, and was acknowledged by Russell to be not only an admirable likeness of the original, but equally good as a type of the race in general, I will try, however imperfectly, to describe the portrait as it now lies before me. " In the first place, the colour is white, with just a patch of dark tan over each eye and ear, while a similar dot not larger than a penny piece marks the root of the tail. The coat, which is thick, close, and a trifle wiry, is calculated to protect the body from wet and cold, but has no affinity with the long rough jacket of a Scotch terrier. The legs are straight as arrows, the feet perfect, the loins and con- formation of the whole frame indicative of hardihood and endurance, while the size and height of the animal may be 154 The Fox Terrier. compared to that of a full-grown vixen fox. ' I seldom or ever see a real fox terrier nowadays/ said Russell recently to a friend who was inspecting a dog show containing a hundred and fifty entries under that denomi- nation ; ' they have so intermingled strange blood with the real article, that if he were not informed, it would puzzle Professor Bell himself to discover what race the so-called fox terrier belongs to.' ' A most ridiculous description of how the modern fox terrier has been bred from the Italian greyhound, beagle, and smooth-coated terrier or bulldog cross follows, and of the blood of the latter Russell is said to have spoken in high terms of praise, and his opinion is at any rate worth having in this matter. The author of the memoir continues : " The bulldog blood thus infused imparts courage, it is true, to the so- called terrier ; he is matchless at killing any number of rats in a given time, will fight any dog of his weight in a Westminster pit, draw a badger heavier than himself out of his long box, and turn up a torn cat possessed even of ten lives before poor pussy can utter a wail. But the ferocity of that blood is in reality ill-suited, nay, is fatal, to foxhunting purposes, for a terrier that goes to ground and fastens on his fox, as one so bred will do, is far more likely to spoil sport than promote it ; he goes in to kill, not to bolt the object of his attack. 11 Besides, such animals, if more than one slip into a fox earth, are too apt to forget the game and fight each other, the death of one being occasionally the result of such encounters. Hence, Russell may well have been proud of the pure pedigree he had so long possessed, and so carefully watched over. Tartars they were, With Hounds. 155 and ever have been, beyond all doubt, going up to their fox in any earth, facing him alternately with hard words and harder nibs, until at length he is forced to quit his stronghold and trust to the open for better security. " A fox thus bolted is rarely a pin the worse for the skirmish ; he has had fair play given him, and instead of being half strangled is fit to flee for his life. The hounds, too, have their chance, and the field are not baulked of their expected run. " Russell's country was technically known as a hollow one that is, a country in which rocky fastnesses and earths excavated by badgers abound in every direction. Conse- quently, on every hunting day, a terrier or two invariably accompanied him to the field, and certainly no general ever depended with more trust on the services of an aide-de- camp than he on those of his terriers. If in chase they could not always live with the pack, still they stuck to the line, and were sure to be there or thereabouts \vhen they were wanted if the hounds threw up even for a minute. " ' I like them to throw their tongue freely when face to face with their enemy,' said Russell, one day, as he stood listening to his famous dog Tip marking energetically in a long drain some six feet below the surface ; ' you know then where they are and what they're about.' " Entered early, and only at fox, Russell's terriers were as steady from riot as the staunchest of his hounds, so that running together with them, and never passing over an earth without drawing it, they gave a fox, whether above ground or below it, but a poor chance of not being found by one or the other. A squeak from a terrier was the sure signal of a find, and there was not a hound in the 156 The Fox Terrier. pack that would not fly to it as eagerly as to Russell's horn or his own wild and marvellous scream. This steadiness from riot was, of course, the result of early education on one object, the fox ; nor did Russell consider it needful to train his terriers by progressive steps like others have done. " A hundred anecdotes might be related of the wondrous sagacity displayed in chase by Russell's terriers, but as Tip's name has been already mentioned, one of his many feats will suffice to show, not merely the large amount of instinctive faculty, but the almost reasoning power with which that dog was endowed. " Russell himself told me the story, as some thirty years ago, in going to cover, he drew my attention to a deep combe not far from Lidcote Hall, the seat of Sir Hugh, and the birthplace of poor Amy Robsart. " ' Do you see/ he said, ' that dark patch of hanging gorse hemmed in on the northern side by yonder knoll ? Well, I've seen many a good run from that sheltered nook. On one occasion, however, I had found a fox, w r hich, in spite of a trimming scent, contrived to beat us by reaching Gray's Holts, and going to ground before we could catch him. Now those earths are fathomless, and interminable as the Catacombs of St. Calixtus. They are so called Gray from the old Devonshire name signifying a badger, a number of those animals having long occupied that spot. Consequently, such a fortress once gained is not easily to be stormed even by Tip or the stoutest foe. " ' Again we found that fox a second time, and now while the hounds were in close pursuit and driving hard, to my infinite surprise I saw Tip going off at full speed in quite a different direction. " Off to Gray's Holts. 33 157 " ' " He's off, sir, to Gray's Holts. I know he is," shouted Jack Yelland, the whip, as he called my attention to the line of country the dog was then taking. That proved to be the case. The fox had scarcely been ten minutes on foot when the dog, either by instinct, or, as I believe, by some power akin to reason, putting two and two together, came to the conclusion that the real object of the fox was to gain Gray's Holts, although the hounds were by no means pointing in that direction. It was exactly as if the dog had said to himself: " No, no, you're the same fox I know that gave us the slip once before, but you're not going to play us that trick again." " ' Tip's deduction was accurately correct, for the fox r after a turn or two in covert, put his nose directly for Gray's Holts, hoping, beyond a doubt, to gain that city of refuge once more, and then to whisk his brush in the -face of his foes. But in this manoeuvre he was fairly out- generalled by the dog's tactics. Tip had taken a short cut, the chord of the arc, and, as the hounds raced by at some distance off, there I saw him,' continued Russell, ' dancing about on Gray's Holts, throwing his tongue frantically, and doing his utmost by noise and gesture to- scare away the fox from approaching the earths. Perfect success crowned the manoeuvre, the fox, not daring to face the lion in his path, gave the spot a wide berth, while the hounds, carrying a fine head, passed on to the heather, and after a clinking run killed him on the open moor.' " Tip scarcely ever missed a day for several seasons, never appeared fatigued, though he occasionally went from fifteen to twenty miles to covert. He died at last from asthma in the Chorley earths, Russell having dug up to him and the fox in half-an-hour, but to his master's great grief 158 The Fox Terrier. the poor old dog was quite dead. Russell looked upon his terriers as his fireside friends, the penates of his home ; nor was he ever happier than when to some congenial spirit he was recording the service they had done him in bygone days ; and vast indeed was the store from which he drew so many interesting facts connected with their history. One peculiarity of Tip's, however, must not be omitted : on a hunting morning no man on earth could catch him after he had once seen Russell with his top boots on. " Nettle, too, a prodigy of courage and sagacity, would follow no one but her master, and not even him except the hounds were at his heels, knowing full well that her services were only required in connection with the hunting field. Then there was the one-eyed Nelson, a genius in his way, and in point of valour a worthy namesake of England's immortal hero. Russell had run a fox to ground near Tetcott, the seat of Sir William Molesworth, but tiers of passages one under the other rendered the earth so perfect a honeycomb that the terriers were soon puzzled, nor did the diggers know what line to follow, there was scent everywhere. Nelson at length came out and at some distance off commenced digging at the greensward ' Here's the fox,' said Russell, ' under Nelson's nose or I'll forfeit my head.' The dog went in again, and, mark- ing hard and sharp under that very spot, the men broke ground and speedily came upon the fox. Russell then, with his arm bared, drew him forth, and, setting him on his legs, treated his field to as merry a ten minutes over that wild country as man's heart could ever wish to enjoy." Terriers bearing credentials so bright and high ought Survival of the Strain. 159 surely to have become more popular than is the case, and, although occasionally one has heard of some show dog with this Devonshire blood on his grandsire's or grandam's side, the stud books do not quite reliably prove such to be the case. A dog like either Tip or Trump, if as good looking as described, would surely have been fitted for the show bench, and if a bit ragged in jacket and a trifle heavy at the shoulders such defects would not have been quite fatal to success in the eyes of the right sort of judges. That this blood is valued highly at the present day I have every reason to believe, as I hear that a few such terriers at this moment remain in the West of England. Mr. C. G. Archer, of Trelaske, Cornwall, still keeps a couple or two, and puppies from this strain now and then find their way to other parts of the country. A gentleman has com- municated with me as the possessor of just such a dog as Trump, described on another page. Still, he does not find that strain as it were "nick" well with others, and he was consequently anxious to obtain some other of the Devonshire cross in order to maintain the breed in all its excellence. Mr. Archer tells me that he has had his terriers for over thirty years, first obtaining them from his friend the Rev. J. Russell, and from his uncle, Mr. Walter Radcliffe, of Warleigh Hall. The breed has been kept pure and distinct, the dogs weigh i81b., the bitches from I5lb. to i61b. ; they are wire-haired, and in colour, white, with more or less black and tan markings, and without the slightest appearance of bulldog strain. Their owner gives them an excellent character when he says they are very hardy, inasmuch as they will go to ground anywhere, run all day with hounds, and for pluck and 160 The Fox Terrier. endurance he has never seen their equal with either fox, otter, or badger. Perhaps here it may be well to follow the Rev. John Russell's terriers by mentioning one or two of the similar special strains which have not been bred for show purposes, and which perhaps may be defective in some little matter of straightness of fore legs, and not so long and narrow in the head as the " show-bench man" desires. Such as have been always bred for work and reared in kennels are hardier than the usual show strain, and can do a long day's hard work and walk happily home on its conclusion. The Edwardes', near Haverfordwest, have the Sealy Ham terriers, called after the family's country seat there. This is a short-legged, long-bodied, wire-haired terrier, mostly white in colour, with black or brown or brown and black mark- ings ; sometimes, like the ordinary fox terrier, it is pure white, and from i61b. to i81b. in weight. It is described to be of unflinching courage and a hard biter ; such a dog ought to be useful in improving the coat and general character of the modern " wire-hair," which certainly appears to require a fillip some way or other. The late Captain Edwardes, like all his family, was a devoted admirer of these little dogs, and was usually accompanied by a couple or so, even to the extent of taking them on to the platform with him at public meetings. He claimed for them great antiquity, as having been in their family a hundred years or more, and urged their ability to kill even a full-grown otter single-handed. The latter is what no terrier ever could do or will be able to do, although statements of such a thing having taken place repeatedly reach me, but proof is never forthcoming, and on inquiry I have invariably found that sticks and stones, iron-caulkered boots, and Mr. Cowley's Terriers. 161 weapons of various kinds have done more to take the life of the poor otter than the bites of the animal for whom such a victory has been claimed. The Sealy Ham terrier is comparatively unknown out of that part of the Principality in which it is bred ; it seldom appears on the show bench, although about four years ago, in a class for " working terriers " Captain Edwardes exhibited one called Tip at Haverfordwest. Of this dog it was stated in the catalogue that its pedigree was known for a hundred years, and that it was warranted to go to ground to fox, badger, and otter. An excellent strain of wire-haired terriers is carefully bred by Mr. J. H. B. Cowley, of Callipers, near King's Langley. Here, again, is a short-legged, long-bodied, hard- coated dog. I know of my own experience that there is no better strain for work, and Mr. Cowley is to be congratulated and thanked for having established a variety which, even more than the Sealy Ham terrier, is likely to be used for crossing the "show dog" with advantage to the latter. Mr. Cowley's dogs are bred for doing the work for which the terrier was originally brought into the world. It is a treat to see them either making their way to the badger or fox, or in the more plebeian yet equally enjoyable diversion of rat-hunting. Their owner follows the latter as one of the " fine arts." He has all sorts of appliances in the form of nets, rods, &c., with which to catch the rats when the terriers cannot reach them, and when they have been driven about by the ferrets. Mr. Cowley can set half a dozen of his dogs to watch half a dozen different holes, some within the buildings, some out- side. A rat scuttles about, bolts, and is quickly snapped up by the terrier watching for him ; but another terrier M 162 The Fox Terrier. only a few feet away takes no heed of this, but watches his own hole and patiently awaits the appearance of his rodent. From the work I saw not long ago, I came to the conclusion that, in addition to being " game," these short- legged, smart little wire-hairs were exceedingly sagacious and easily kept under command the latter about as valuable a commodity as the former. Mr. Cowley, who usually keeps from four to six couples of fully-grown terriers in his kennels, says some of them are so game when underground that they receive a greater amount of punishment from a wild badger than would a less hard-fighting dog. Mr. Cowley obtained his first dog from Patrick, stud groom to the Old Surrey Fox- hounds, a wire-haired bitch which showed a little of the bulldog about her face and eyes. She was bred to a son of the whilom smooth-coated notability Tyrant ; both were very game. Then puppies from this cross were put to a cross-bred bitch called Sting, which came out of Cornwall ; she was particularly useful in every way, and directly from her are descended most of the present inmates of the kennels at Callipers. From time to time fresh blood has, however, been introduced from the hardiest strains of the modern show dog, pains always being taken to select the short-legged, low-set terriers, which are considered by Mr. Cowley to be the best for his purpose, for work under- ground, where he believes long legs are actually in the way. At any rate, this is his opinion. I, however, consider that in a mountainous district where the earths are exten- sive and amongst the rocks, a rather long-legged dog is better than a short-legged one, as the former can scramble over the boulders better than the latter, and is generally more active. However, Mr. Cowley proceeds to say that Crooked Legs. 103 in selecting his puppies he prefers the shorter-legged ones, which, if they enter all right, are kept and crossed as occasion may require. No dog is, however, used unless his credentials as a worker are of the best, and his care in this has no doubt been the leading cause for the success of his strain. " The points I try to breed for," continues Mr. Cowley, " are especially a long, powerful head, small drop ears, and weather-resisting jackets ; if a little long in the back, they are none the worse for work underground, where they can turn and twist about better than a very short-coupled dog. Nearly all animals that live much underground are made thus, long in the body compared to the length of the legs, such as moles, weasels, polecats, badgers, &c. " I try to breed my terriers as straight in the legs as I can, but, like most short-legged members of the canine race dachshunds, Basset hounds, Dandie Dinmonts, Scottish terriers, and some spaniels, to wit it is difficult to get them perfectly straight. I would not draft an otherwise good dog because he turns his toes out. As for weight, I like i61b. for dogs, and i4ilb. for bitches. At these weights they can possess bone enough and have their ribs suffi- ciently well sprung, and need not possess such exaggerated narrow fronts which a big dog must have if he is to get into an ordinary-sized earth suffering, consequently, from insufficient room for play of lungs and heart. For all work that a terrier is called upon to do, I think a i61b. dog is the best." So say I, and it is because there was, and is, a tendency to get our fox terriers, both rough and smooth, too big, that recourse has been had to breeding them with narrow, un- natural fronts, giving a stiltiness and stiffness to their M 2 164 The Fox Terrier. possessors which are most objectionable features in a terrier. Moreover, the shoulders are thus made to appear too upright. There are doubtless other strains of working terriers in addition to such as I have already named, but none of them, so far as I am aware, have sufficient identity and character of their own to merit special recognition, and, besides, most of these local varieties are, as a rule, brown, or black, or dark in colour, which is very much against them in the field of sport. Scottish terriers, Welsh terriers indeed, any kind of terrier not white used with a pack, is liable to be killed, hounds in their eagerness and excite- ment too often taking their willing little assistant for the fox or otter and acting accordingly. Many a good terrier has so met an untimely end, whilst had he been white no such fatality would have befallen him. And similar remarks apply to dark-coloured terriers when used with the gun in covert, for a careless shooter is only too apt to take Scottie, or Taffy, or Paddy for what he is not, and give the poor -dog a charge of the shot which was intended for the hare or rabbit. Remarks made earlier with regard to the character of the smooth apply equally to the wire-haired terriers ; and where the latter are not able to bolt a fox or otter, the reason is because they have never been educated so to do. Here is Mr. W. Carrick's prize dog, Carlisle Tack ; look at him, and does there appear to be any reason to doubt his gameness ? A terrier every inch, built on racing lines almost, without any lumber about him, and with powerful jaws ; the artist having flattered him in the latter respect as he has done in coat. His weight is iylb., he is all white in colour, was born May 5th, 1884, and has won many Jester. 165 prizes (including the fifty guinea challenge cup offered by the Fox Terrier Club), at all the leading shows. Tack is generally considered to be almost the best of his variety ever exhibited. His chief defect lies in a scantiness of coat on his sides and ribs, and down his legs, but what there is, is of good, hard quality. Why the jacket is thin can easily be seen, for his sire Trick had for his dam Patch, a smooth-coated bitch by Buffet out of Milly, who was like- wise a smooth-coated bitch descended from the Trimmer family. This Patch must not be confounded with other terriers of that name, as has been the case, for she was owned by Mr. A. Maxwell, and was not the bitch of Mr. Proctor's, that came from an adjoining district in Durham. Tack's mother was the wire-haired bitch Lill Foiler, whose dam was said to be a grand-daughter of the Rev. J. Russell's Fuss, but whether this was the case is doubtful. Lill Foiler, too, had " smooth blood " in her veins, and possibly to the late Jester, sire of Trick, a pure terrier of the old stamp, Tack owes his quality. Indeed, Jester has been of such service in promoting the excellence of at least one side of the present, that some description of him may be given. Tack, at the time of writing (at the close of 1894), is still in good health and form, evidently having taken a fresh lease of life after his retirement from the show bench half-a-dozen years or so ago, and a son or two of his were shown at Derby in November, 1894. Jester, by Pincher out of Fan, born in September, 1877, was bred by Mr. S. Rawlinson, Newton Morrell, near Darlington. There were three in the litter, all dogs, two died in puppyhood, and his sire being sold, the alliance between him and Fan was not repeated. Jester's dam came from Mr. M. Dodds, Stockton-on-Tees, son of an 166 The Fox Terrier. ex-member of Parliament for that borough, and not to be confounded with Jack Dodds, from whom the last owner of Jester, Mr. A. Maxwell, Croft, purchased his favourite. Jack Dodds is brother to George Dodds, for many years huntsman to the Hurworth, and who, in his now advancing years, has charge of Mr. T. Wilkinson's otter hounds at Neasham. It is very curious that with such a dog, and one that has produced such stock, the pedigree cannot be traced any further than given here. His sire Pincher was a prize winner on many occasions, and, between 1869-71, was, with Mr. Donald Graham's Venom, considered the best specimen of the day. Jester, up to his twelfth year, was as strong on his feet as ever, and hardly possessed a broken or cankered tooth in his head. His constitution thus must have been thoroughly sound. He was not shown until five years old, when he won first prize at Knightsbridge, on the occasion of the Fox Terrier Club's Show being held there, and later he scored further successes, never being shown without some card of honour. Weighing i81b., Jester had a coat like pin wire, plenty of it down his sides and legs, even to his feet, which are thickly padded and close ; he excels, too, in the colour of his eyes, and the ears are small and well carried. He died when he was over fourteen years old, and has a memorial mound erected to his memory at Croft. Prior to the introduction of the Jester blood, and so early as 1876, a strain was developing, which came from a terrier called Broom, shown by Mr. Henry Lacey, of Manchester, in 1875 and later, and although this was a dog I never liked, and looked a commoner (he had no pedigree whatever, and could not even boast of being Notable Wire- Hairs. 167 sprung from an eminent North Yorkshire strain like Jester could), his influence remains to this day, and many of his descendants have proved as good terriers as man could desire, i.e., so far as looks are concerned. A short resume of the connecting links between the best wire-haired terriers from that time until the present, may be interesting, and from Broom to Mr. G. F. Richardson's Bramble, who took rank as one of the best of her variety, is not a great leap. Her size was her one fault, she being a well-made strongly-backed bitch, scaling well on to 2olb. weight. She was a granddaughter of Shirley's Tip, and following her may be mentioned Young Broom, who, though by no means a good one to look at, has likewise left his mark in another direction, by being the sire of Mr. Colmore's (Burton-on-Trent) Turk. Then there pops in Jack Terry's (Nottingham) Pincher, and this animal, though moderate in appearance, through Gyp became the grandsire of Burton Wild Briar. Mr. Lindsay Hogg's (Middlesex) Topper, a successful terrier on the bench, is a common enough name in modern pedigrees, as is that of his sire Sir W. Johnstone's Topper, the latter through Mr. Richardson's Splinter. The year after Mr. Hogg's dog had made his debut, Birch and Thorn appeared, and some breeders consider that the fine terrier-like expression, lovely eyes, and general quality possessed by Brittle (a dog now in America, but when the property of Mr. Reginald F. Mayhew in this country most successful on the bench) are inherited from this Thorn (who may be better known as Spike), and which in turn Brittle has so often transferred to his progeny. With the exception of Cleveland Laddie (one of the fine charactered Yorkshire strains). Badger and Brush, few -168 The Fox Terrier. good terriers were produced for some time, until possibly 1880, when Balance, Oakleigh Topper, Teazle, Toiler, Victor, Bundle, Nellie II., and Nellie III. (important as regards Vora's pedigree), and Balance were all introduced to the show bench. Such an array of wire-haired terriers had not previously been seen ; and Teazle was, perhaps, all round, as good a dog as has been produced since, but he was too big. From this period the wire-haired terrier became able to compete in quality, if not in quantity, with his more elegantly coated cousins, but not until some, years later did the time arrive when, at York Terrier Show in 1888, the judges were able to place a team of the wire-haired variety over one of smooths for uniformity of type, excellence, and quality, and those who favoured the former were jubilant at the victory. Such competitions were not long continued, and now there is a rule of the Fox Terrier Club which discourages the wire-haired and smooth fox terriers being pitted against each other. Amongst more modern celebrities must be mentioned that excellent dog Briggs, once owned by Mr. F. Wadding- ton, Bishop Auckland, which, after becoming the champion of the day, was sold to the present Lord Lonsdale, and ultimately, on account of his disputed pedigree, proved the hero of one of the most celebrated canine law cases of our time. No one needed a better-looking dog than Briggs, for, handsome and workmanlike, he possessed the once orthodox richly coloured black and tan head and a white body ; was game, had plenty of coat of the best texture, and his constitution was robust and good. His breeding and pedigree are unknown to me, nor do the Kennel Club Stud Books throw any light upon the subject. Mr. F. H. Field's (later Lord Lonsdale's) Miss Miggs Eskdale Tzar. 169 has been said to be, by some good judges, the best of all the wire-haired fox terriers of any time, and indeed there was little fault to find with her even if she were ig\b. weight, which her traducers said was the case. Possibly she could gallop faster than Briggs, for she was leggier and not so deep in the chest, and her less gaudy mark- ings lent to her a gamer and hardier appearance than the " great assize trial " dog possessed. Miss Miggs had a sister, too, called Mischief, an earlier litter, almost as good as herself; and Mr. Carrick's Vora, with her well-shaped head and perfection in character, must not be forgotten. This was a bitch not quite so straight on her fore legs as she might be, but one of the workmanlike sort ; so was that charming little dog Mr. J. W. Corner's Eskdale Tzar, a special favourite of mine, and, though not more than i5lb. weight, he looked able to do anything that could be required of him, and his beautifully dark eyes, bright, determined look out, hard coat and equality of build and form made him a difficult dog to beat anywhere. About this period I, from time to time, judged several excellent classes of wire-haired terriers at Darlington and other shows in the north, and was much struck with the extraordinary character some of the, so-called, commoner bred dogs possessed. They might be a little wide in front, or wrong a little one way or another, still there w r as no getting over the fact that they were terriers. Occasionally it became somewhat difficult to award the prizes, for a wide chest or one crooked leg, a sprung toe, lightish bone, softish coat, biggish ears, might be possessed in turn by some of the best animals. Character with me always had its effect, and a dog that looks game and determined is pretty well sure to be so. Master Johnson, of Croft, 170 The Fox Terrier. showed a terrier 2olb. weight or more, which, but for his large size, would have been the best of his day. A softish coated dog, Mr. M. Harrison's Ajax, which I gave some prizes to, I again met, this time away in Dorsetshire, at the Sherbourne Hound Show in 1885, where, exhibited under the name of Lynx by Moss, Lord Portman's hunts- man, he took the first prize for terriers that had run with hounds. On inquiry I found he was good at his work, and in every way a credit to the north-country strain from which he sprang. He was always about the place when reynard required shifting from his stronghold, and could drive him with but little trouble. North Star (afterwards Sam Weller), another good one, but a bad shower and requiring trimming, I should say, did as well in the south as in the north, being for a year or two often in the prize lists. This dog had an abundance of coat, but such celebrities as Timothy Foiler formed one of a galaxy not so well off in this respect. Trick, another of Mr. Carrick's, was a good sort of dog, though a little common in appearance, and showing, to one with even half an eye to character, that he was a little bit of the " Creole" as crossed between the two varieties. Although I have already mentioned a number of tip-top terriers from the border city, another dog equal to any was awaiting us at the Kennel Club's Show, which took place in February, 1889, at the Alexandra Palace. This was a white puppy called Carlisle Tyro, just about the right size for his age, iylb. in weight, and allowed to be the best of his kind seen, at any rate of late years, by Tack (whose portrait is given elsewhere) from Vice. Tyro was pupped on February 2Qth, 1888, thus being well on to A First Appearance. 171 twelve months old when he first appeared on the show bench. This initial success was unprecedented, for, not only did he win first prize in the puppy class, with that right good judge Mr. Harding Cox officiating, but also secured leading honours in the open dog class, in the one for novices, and the produce stakes too, which brought in altogether iy/., not a bad stroke of business by any means for a youngster. In addition to these money prizes Tyro also beat all other wire-haired for the Fifty Guinea Challenge Cup and the extra Twenty-five Pound Cup for the best of all the fox terriers, rough and smooth, in the aforesaid produce stakes. This young dog's winnings were considerably over go!. Tyro takes after his sire in beauty and keenness of expression, but is a little stronger in jaw, possesses smaller ears, and excels him in quantity of coat ; in the latter lies Tack's greatest fault. Tyro's shoulders and loins, too, are powerful, his stern is neatly set on, his stifles are well turned, and his fore legs and feet are very good, though he at times stands not quite straight on them ; which fault, if it be one at all, prevents his having that wooden and stiff appearance nearly all the absolutely straight-legged terriers possess. I should like Tyro a little better were the pads of his feet thicker, and had he more hair down his legs. Still, the latter cannot be expected in a terrier bred as he is with smooth- coated strains in the parentage of both his sire and dam. The wonder is that his coat is as perfect as it is. Tyro's successful show bench career (though he still survives as a good workman and pleasant companion) was brought to an untimely and unexpected termination in the summerof the same year that had introduced him tothepublic. Exhibited at the Kennel Club's Show held at Olympia in 172 The Fox Terrier. July, he was awarded the Challenge Cup and other prizes by the judge, Mr. A. Maxwell himself a well-known popular and highly-successful breeder of wire-haired terriers. On the day following the one on which the prizes had been announced, Mr. Maxwell made a further examination of Tyro, with the result that he formally protested against the dog, on the grounds that the ears had been tampered w r ith for the purpose of making them hang or drop properly. The matter came before the committee of the Kennel Club in due course, the protest was sustained, the dog disqualified, and all his honours were taken from him. Nor did an appeal and a subsequent re-opening of the matter four months later result in any further light being thrown on the proceedings. There were marks on the dog's ears, but it was stated they arose from scratches made by pig iron, amongst which the puppy had been reared at Barrow- in-Furness. Mr. Carrick was so much aggrieved at the decision of the Kennel Club in the matter that he im- mediately announced his intention of nisver exhibiting his terriers again, a decision by which he still abides. With the disqualification of Tyro, Mr. C. W. Wharton's Bushey Broom was awarded the Challenge Cup. This w r as a very good terrier indeed, and a much improved one since he first made his appearance on the show bench as Hermit. Then his nose had more than an inclination to be flesh- coloured, but it gradually darkened with increasing age, and at the time he took the Challenge Cup there was no fault to find with him in this particular, and little in any other. An all white dog, built very much on the lines of Carlisle Tack, weighing lylb., he is only beaten by the Carlisle dogs in length of head. Bushey Broom's coat is hard, and fairly dense ; his neck, shoulders, and front are Jack St. Lcger. 173 quite good, so are his feet and ears. Moreover, his expres- sion is keen and terrier-like, and whenever Mr. Wharton's dog was in the class there was always a struggle as to whether he or an opponent secured the chief trophy. Bushey Broom was not quite two years old when he won this challenge cup. Mr. W. R. Mann had bred him, Mr. Wharton purchased him for 2$l. ; and he was very cheap at the money, for his pedigree is good, his sire being Oakleigh Hornet, by Foiler Broad Cleveland Terra, a granddaughter of Topper's, whilst his dam Whinblossom was by Teazle Nettle. Later, Bushey Broom was sold to Mr. H. L. Hopkins for 150, and continued his public career until by accident he lost one of his legs. At the Crystal Palace Company's first show, held in October, 1889, Mr. Harry Jones introduced a wire-haired puppy, bearing the somewhat odd name of Jack St. Leger, by Knavesmire Jest Jeannie Deans, by Raffle Deacon Diamond: rather an odd pedigree for the hard-coated, game-looking puppy which Jack St. Leger is. A terrier of an old-fashioned stamp, short-legged and long-bodied, he excels in the length of his head and strength of his jaw- But all round he is an extra-special sort of terrier, strong in bone, powerful in loin, and looking all over a thorough worker. Still, I believe that his shorter legs and longer body than those possessed by the whilom crack Tack should always place him below that excellent representative. The high opinion expressed of Jack St. Leger was amply maintained when he won three first prizes and the cup at the National Exhibition at Birmingham in December, 1891, he having in the meantime become the property of Mr. A. E. Clear, of Maldon, Essex. Jack has continued his victorious career up to the time this is being written, and 174 The Fox Terrier. proved himself once more the Birmingham champion by taking chief honours there in 1894. Pickering Nailer, of considerable merit in many respects, like most of those bred in the district impjied by his name, was considered too big I did not think him 2olb. weight to please fashionable and fastidious modern taste, but he possessed a great recommendation, to the like of which no other modern representative lays claim. He was said to contain not even the most remote cross of the smooth variety, which may or may not be correct. Those who know his breed do not doubt the truth of this, but for aught we know Old Jester can lay a similar claim, for we are not aware that he contained any of the smooth-coated strains. Nailer was sire of several more than fair animals, Mr. Maxwell's Miss Taylor being the best of them. Brittle (for long resident in the United States), already mentioned as one of our leading wire-hairs, born in the midlands, had one of the hardest of coats, and no dog of his day excelled him in head, ears, and correctness of size. A little wide- ness at the shoulders and fore legs and shortness in neck I may say are about his only defects. Cavendish, Jack Frost, Barton Marvel, Jack's Yarn, Liffey, Dr. Beatty's Foiler, Tees Nap, Tees Topper, Lord Edward, Dirleton Nettle, Master Broom, deserve special mention, but before all will come the acknowledged champion bitch of her day, Mr. Sut- cliffe's Quantock Nettle. Since her debut at the Kennel Club Show as a puppy in 1887, where she was exhibited by her breeder, Mr. H. A. W. Aylesbury, Bishop's Lydeard, up to her retirement three or four years later, she was scarcely ever beaten by one of her own sex, and, with the exception of the rather large size of her ears, little fault could be found with her. Built much on the lines of Briggs, though A Lucky Dog. 175 on shorter limbs and longer in body, her chest was unusually deep, she stood on straight legs, and was unusually powerful for an animal of her size. She was a daughter of Trick's from Lady Hazel, by Filbert Lady Relish, by Raby Pickle. An oddly-named terrier was the above-named Filbert, previously known as Pulborough Jumbo, a black-headed, determined-looking, rather leggy dog, who, from being entered in a catalogue at something like y/., came to be sold for ioo/. He did considerable winning in his day (about 1886-7), an d a person, who told me he was his breeder, related some strange stories as to its career. Jumbo was a cross-bred dog, said the man, and should have been drowned as a puppy ; somehow he escaped that fate as he did a second time when the cord was around his neck. Mr. Nutt got hold of him, showed him successfully, and then sold him as stated. Some dogs, like some human beings, have their ups and downs in this life, but Jumbo was a commoner in appearance, though a game-looking terrier, and I need scarcely say that his pedigree is not to be found in the stud book. I am afraid that within the past four years the wire- haired fox terrier has not been improving, and certainly no dog or bitch of any unusual excellence, or, to my mind, so good as some of a few years previous, has appeared. This is doubtless due to the continued crossing of the old hard-coated strain with the more modern smooth terrier. Besides, there has, somehow or other, been brought about an undue development of coat, soft and fluffy, which required artificial treatment to make it at all presentable. Indeed it has been said to be almost one of the " fine arts " of dog showing to be able to place a modern wire-haired fox terrier in proper fashion before the 176 The Fox Terrier. judge. Two or three very glaring cases of trimming, by plucking, singeing, or cutting, were pointed out to me at the autumn show of the Kennel Club in 1894. But what seems to be everybody's business turns out to be nobody's, and the result is that no protests are made against the awards of prizes to dogs so trimmed, and so things go from bad to worse. And not always the most faulty are made an example of, for at the Fox Terrier Club's Show at Derby five terriers belonging to a well-known exhibitor were disqualified at the instigation of the judge, Mr. J. J. Pirn, for having their coats artificially " crispened " by the use of magnesia. This disqualification caused a considerable sensation at the time. Perhaps this practice of trimming is the reason why so many of the older exhibitors have discontinued their connection with the variety Mr. Percy Reid, Mr. Lindsay Hogg, Mr. S. E. Shirley, Mr. Harding Cox, Mr. W. Carrick, Mr. Colmore, and Mr. F. H. Field, to wit. Nor have their places yet been occupied, though Sir Humphrey de Trafford and Mr. A. E. Clear have large kennels of " wire- hairs " at the present time, and several good specimens. Mr. C. W. Wharton keeps showing some more than fair dogs, and so do Mr. S. Hill (Sheffield), Mr. C. Bartle (Wellingboro'),, Messrs. Castle and Shannon, Mr. J. Izod, Mr. Thurnall, near Kettering, and Mr. A. Damarell, in Devonshire. From Beverley Mr. E. Welburn at times brings out dogs of unusual excellence Prompter and Roper's Nutcrack, to wit. The former, judging from results, was certainly the dog of his year, for he won the Fox Terrier Club's challenge cup on more than one occasion, and until 1894, when he courted defeat by being shown in poor condition and coat, was always a hard nut to crack. He did, perhaps, best A Big Claim. 177 in 1892, when he won at Birmingham, the Crystal Palace, and elsewhere. The sensational wire-haired terrier of 1894 was un ~ doubtedly the young dog Roper's Nutcrack, which Mr. E. Welburn introduced at Manchester, where, after winning all before him under Mr. J. A. Doyle, was claimed by Sir Humphrey de Trafford at the catalogued price of I5O/. This dog was bred at Penrith, but his blood is not fashionable, for which the terrier is not a bit the worse. He is rather heavily-built, and, to my mind, does not possess the character shown by such dogs as Tack, Jack St. Leger, and others already alluded to. Something of the type of the latter is a young bitch Mr. Luke Turner showed at the Kennel Club's Show in October of the same year in which Nutcrack came into prominence. This was a tan-marked terrier called Charnwood Marion, who made a most successful debut, and, although not in the best of form for the bench, pretty easily disposed of most of her formidable opponents. How good she is will be easily seen from her portrait on a preceding page. But I am perhaps rather anticipating, for there are other 11 cracks " to note which made an earlier opening Mr. dear's Cribbage, who went to America, and his Jigger, to wit, both of the highest class. Then Cauldwell Nailer has done quite his full share of winning a dog which was pur- chased for about 2O/. by Mr. Thurnall, and afterwards went to Mr. Harding Cox for about six times that sum. He was but second class. Mr. A. Mutter, of Wandsworth, as soon as Lord Edward had retired, brought out another extra good terrier in the form of his pugilistically-named Tipton Slasher. This is one of the stamp of terriers after my own heart, and I do not think any the worse of him for N 178 The Fox Terrier. the brindled mark he has on his head or face. At the last Guildford Show it was hard lines that he was not awarded the special for the best sporting dog in the show, and for the best fox terrier, for he had won in a very good class, and is, in my humble opinion, a much better terrier than the smooth bitch of Mr. Gillett's which was placed over him. Mr. F. Baguley, of Wyck Hill, Gloucester, sometimes brings to the shows wire-haired terriers of character and possessing the right type, his Daylesford Brush being parti- cularly noteworthy. Mr. Izod's Valuer and Velocity have likewise made names for themselves, and so have Mr. S. A. Moore's Rustic Marvel, Mr. T. Watson's Pollok Tina, Mr. Mutter's Surrey Janet (now in Canada) ; more than useful is the puppy of Mr. Thurnall's called Cauldwell Scorcher; and worthy of note are Mr. BeacalPs Sunfield Frost, Mr. Bartle's Scorcher, Sir H. De Trafford's Barton Witch, and Mr. Corner's Rydale Pattern, who went to America for about 2O/., the cheapest terrier which was ever imported, and a marked contrast to Surrey Janet, who realised more than five times that sum. Mr. T. Pearse's Wellingboro' Teaser, bred by Mr. Bartle, is also a good dog at the time I write, and so is his Briar Clinker. One of the terriers which Mr. E. Welburn introduced was Prompter, which, after winning at most of the lead- ing shows and changing hands several times, went into the kennels of Mrs. Butcher; but his race was soon run, and he was not in the prize list at all at the latest show of the Fox Terrier Club in 1894. Here there was such a collec- tion of wire-haired terriers as had not been seen for many years ; several excellent young dogs made their Good Prices. 179 debut, and special attention was called to the represen- tatives from the kennels of Mr. C. Bartle, of Wellingboro', and of Mr. S. Hill, of Sheffield. The first-named has for some years shown an excellent type of terrier, which, like others of their race, contain some cross with the smooth variety. Still, in appearance they do not indi- cate such a strain, having hard, close coats, and with a fair amount of wire hair on their legs. Some of Mr. Bartle's terriers have been rather light in bone, but this cannot be said of his puppy Wellingboro' Judy, who came out at the show in question. She won pretty well all before her, and made a keen struggle with Roper's Nutcrack for the 5o-guinea challenge cup. It is possi- ble that Judy is one of the half-dozen best wire-haired terrier bitches we have seen, and in proof of this it may be stated that after the show she was purchased by Mr. J. H. Kelly for 1257. Mr. S. Hill has, at present, perhaps as strong a kennel of " wire-hairs" as any man, and for the most part its inmates are of his own breeding, his Meersbrook Bristles, Lordship, Magpie, and Serene- ness being two couples of terriers which as bred by the exhibitor have, we fancy, not previously been excelled. Unfortunately, most of these terriers were disqualified under circumstances alluded to earlier on. On previous pages I have given the particulars as to the formation of certain kennels of smooth-coated fox terriers, and perhaps some little information as to what has been done with the wire-haired variety may not be without interest. Mr. Enoch Welburn has already been mentioned as an admirer of the wire-haired fox terrier, and as the owner of some of our very best specimens in late years the following particulars of two or three of them will go to N 2 180 The Fox Terrier. prove that no little amount of skill and judgment are required to enable a man to make a good selection. Take the dog Prompter, for instance, bred by Mr. W. Beec.roft, of Malton. Mr. Welburn noticed him at Pickering in 1890, where he did not get into the money, owing, doubtless, to bad condition. The dog was then called Little Joe. Mr. Welburn saw good in him, and three days later became his owner for I2/. At Knaresborough a month later Mr. Maxwell awarded him the honours as the best fox terrier in the show, and, after other successes, his owner had the extraordinary offer of " a carriage and pair of horses " for the dog, which was refused. A short time before, Mr. Welburn had purchased from Mr. C. W. Wharton his champion Bushey Broom for I5O/. on behalf of Mr. H. L, Hopkins, who had also heard a favourable account of Prompter. Finally Mr. Hopkins gave Bushey Broom and yo/. for the " new dog," who thus in reality was sold for the equivalent of 22O/., which is doubtless the most money ever paid for a terrier of this variety. Mr. Welburn next purchased two brothers called Propeller and Promoter, with which he won many prizes, the former at Gloucester, under Mr. Vicary, being placed over Mr. Toomers Russley Toff, a dog which later as D'Orsay attained such celebrity, and about whom I have already written. The owner of the Beverley Fox Terrier Kennels did not find any more similar plums until the commencement of 1893, when at Derby he came across Roper's Nutcrack in such bad condition that Mr. Pirn failed to give him any prize at all. However, Mr. Welburn purchased the dog for 2O/. from Mr. Holmes, of Sunderland, got it into condition, and entered it successfully under Mr. James Taylor at St. Helens, then at Manchester under Mr. Doyle, both in 1894. Mr. Welburn's Kennel. 181 At the latter show Nutcrack attracted considerable attention, and several good offers were made for him, one especially by Mr. Rufus Mitchell. Then Sir Humphrey de Trafford stepped in and claimed Nutcrack at his catalogue price as already stated. Since that time the dog has done a great deal of winning, and attained his zenith by secur- ing the 5o/. challenge cup at the Derby Fox Terrier Show last year, though later at Birmingham he was defeated by Jack St. Leger. Most of these terriers of Mr. Welburn's, all of them in fact, like pretty w r ell all other leading wire-hairs of the present day, have a considerable dash of "smooth-coated blood" in them. Bred by Mr. Warwick, of Penrith, Roper's Nutcrack is by Ashton Trumpeter, by Ashton Trumps, by Pitcher ; his dam is without pedigree, but she came from Newcastle-on-Tyne. Prompter's dam Moss was a good little bitch, very much after the stamp of the late Jack Frost, but even more cobbily built, and his sire Little Swell was by Halifax Swell, by Mr. Luke Turner's Spice. So much for the wire-haired fox terrier as he is found in this country A.D. 1895, and the best of the bench winners have been or are still owned by Mr. W. Carrick (brother to the respected master of the Carlisle Otter Hounds), the late Mr. Donald Graham, Mr. Harding Cox, Lord Lonsdale, Mr. Lindsay Hogg, Mr. R. F. Mayhew (now in America), Mr. A. Maxwell, Mr. J. W. Corner, Sir Humphrey de Trafford, Mr. A. Damarell, Mr. S. E. Shirley, Mr. Percy Reid, Mr. J. G. Pirn, Mr. A. E. Clear, Mr. C. W. W T harton, Mr. Mark Wood, Mr. F. H. Field, Mr. F. W. Fellowes, Mr. Jack Terry, Mr. H. A. W. Aylesbury, Mr. M. Hazlerigg, Mr. F. H. Colmore, Mr. M. Rickaby, Mr. T. Wootton, Messrs. Pease, Mr. S. Castle, Mr. S. Hill, Mr. 182 The Fox Terrier. W. Thurnall, Mr. A. Mutter, Mr. W. Beeby, Mr. C. Murray., Mr. G. Raper, and others. I think this chapter contains abundant proof of the comparative modern manufacture of the wire-haired fox terrier as he is to be seen now. With the few exceptions named, even the purest bred specimens contain a large proportion of the smooth-coated strains, and as an example may be adduced Brittle, already named, who on the side of his dam Vamp is closely allied to the well-known smooth champion Result; for Racket II. (brother to Roysterer), the sire of Vamp, Brittle's dam, w r as by Brockenhurst Rally Jess. Whether the general cross between smooth and wire- haired fox terriers has had altogether the desired effect of improvement is a matter of opinion ; for myself, I have a leaning to the old dogs, pure and unadulterated, whose coats were hard and crisp, required no pulling and singeing, and whose ears were small and well carried, without the interposition of artificial means. The Fox Terrier Club has adopted a standard for this variety (as it has for the smooth-coated one), which is as follows : " This variety of the breed should resemble the smooth sort in every respect except the coat, which should be broken. The harder and more wiry the texture of the coat is, the better. On no account should the dog look or feel woolly, and there should be no silky hair about the poll or elsewhere. " The coat should not be too long, so as to give the dog a shaggy appearance, but at the same time it should show a marked and distinct difference all over from the smooth species. More Figures. 183 POINTS. Head and ears ... ... ... ... 15 Neck ' 5 Shoulders and chest ... 15 Back and loin 10 Hind quarters ... ... ... ... 5 Stem 5 Legs and feet ... ... ... ... 20 Coat 10 Symmetry and character ... ... ... 15 Total ... ... ... ... 100 DISQUALIFYING POINTS. i. Nose white, cherry, or spotted to a considerable extent with either of these colours. 2. Ears prick, tulip, or rose. 3. Mouth much undershot or much overshot." The above description is by no means satisfactory, especi- ally so far as allowance for coat is concerned. The points for an actually distinguishing characteristic are far too few, a correct coat is worth 20 points, and an absolutely soft one should be a disqualification. Personally, I would far rather own a white terrier with a " spotted" or "cherry-coloured" nose, and a hard close coat, than I would one with a black nose and a soft coat. When this list of points was first issued, no disqualification was suggested in case the dog was " overshot " or " pig- jawed," to which I drew attention at the time, and it is pleasant to find that this suggestion of mine was adopted. However, it is to be supposed that descriptions of dogs, like the animals themselves, can never be perfect to all alike, and one honest judge's opinion is pretty much as good as another honest judge's if the public can only be brought to believe so. 184 The Fox Terrier. It is no more than human nature that there is difference of opinion as to the merits or otherwise of a terrier. That which may be considered an almost fatal fault by one person, by another may be thought of little detriment. Some judges men, too, who bear a deservedly high reputation as such will put a terrier out of the prize list if it be even a trifle crooked on his fore legs or slightly heavy at the shoulders ; whilst another dog, narrow behind and weak in loins to my idea a far more serious failing is considered pretty well all right so long as its fore legs are set on as straight as rulers. As a fact, there are judges who have recently gone to extremes in awarding honours to these so-called " narrow-fronted " terriers. Such have been produced at a sacrifice of power and strength. Most of these very narrow-chested dogs move stiffly, are too flat in the ribs, they are de- ficient in breathing and heart room, and can never be able to do a week's hard work in the country, either with hounds or round about the badger earths or rabbit burrows. A sine qua non with some persons appears to be a long lean head, perhaps not quite so long and lean a one as that engraved near the end of this volume, still a head and jaw long enough, figuratively writing, to " reach to the bottom of a pint pot." There is danger, too, in an exaggeration in this direction, for, ninety-nine times out of a hundred, the longest and narrowest heads, greyhound- like in shape, are found on that stamp of terrier fittest for coursing matches. I fancy, whatever has been said to the contrary, that three people could not be got who, acting thoroughly in independence of each other, would judge alike a class of a Good Advice. 185 score of dogs, especially if the quality were pretty even. It is even unlikely that the same two would select the same animal for leading honours. It is possible they might do this, but highly improbable. Fancy goes for a great deal, and we never yet had a couple of dogs, or other animals, brought together which were absolutely alike. They may resemble each other, have a family appearance possibly, but exact counterparts of each other never. This difference of opinion is occasionally noted, but as many judges in the ring lean towards the decisions of each other just in the same way more mighty magnates do in the Law Courts and elsewhere, it seems less common than otherwise would be the case. One judge may prefer one type, another judge another. Take the last show of the Fox Terrier Club for instance ; here there were, especially in the groups of the smooths, two or three classes of uniform excellence that for open dogs and that for bitches, to wit. In the former all the animals were pretty well known. Connoisseurs knew what each had done, how each looked, and at the same time they were aware of the generally accepted opinion as to the respective merits of each. Still, it would have been hard to find another judge who would have placed them as Mr. Dale did on that occasion. Yet, no one could say that his decisions were at all wrong, and, as a matter of fact, he made his awards particularly well. Such being the case here, where all the exhibitors were well known, how would it have been could such a class have been placed before a judge, not one animal in which had won a prize or ever been shown ? There would have been some funny comments on the result, and it is probable 186 The Fox Terrier. that which one man would have placed first, another equally competent and skilful would have placed the last, and both might have been in the right. The same way with the bitches at the same show, and one "good man" w r ent so far as to say Mr. Dale put the very worst in the class at the top. Perhaps he did do so, but who shall discriminate where judges disagree ? One could go on with these " might have beens" interminably, and it is the duty of all admirers of the fox terrier to give and take a little from each other, for only by so doing can their favourites be produced to that perfection we are all desirous of seeing attained. A general uniformity of excellence must be the guide in the show ring, and that man is the just judge who makes his awards most nearly in accordance with this rule and is not led away by a long, narrow head beautifully coloured, or abnormally straight fore legs, and these remarks apply to the rough and smooth varieties alike. CHAPTER VI. GENERAL TREATMENT REGISTRATION STUD BOOKS FORMING A KENNEL BREEDING AND REARING PUPPIES -TRAINING AS COMPANIONS AND AS HOUSE DOGS CHILDREN AND DOGS PREPARING FOR THE SHOW SIMPLE AILMENTS REMEDIES POISONS " TRIM- MING" GENERAL REMARKS ON DOG SHOWS. 1&XO<> 'ME little instruction as to the general treatment of the fox terrier may be of use, though it is not my intention to deal with the matter more than in a general manner. In the first place, he who is desirous of becoming an exhibitor of high-class specimens, or keeping such for other purposes, had best, as a commencement, rest contented with a Very small team, and such as he cannot actually keep at home must be put out to walk with suitable householders. The reason for this has been already stated. The cost varies according to the locality, and is usually from one shilling to two shillings and sixpence per week for each dog. In order to obtain what he requires, if the would-be purchaser has no skilled friend from whom to ask advice as to selection, he must visit the shows, see what he likes, and act accordingly. Or he may place himself unre- 188 The Fox Terrier. servedly in the hands of some respectable dealer (and there are such), who will supply his requirements. When the purchaser has secured his few terriers, he cannot do better than make companions of them as much as possible, and allow them to run about. Constant chaining up sours the temper, spoils the limbs, and injures the constitution. If new names are to be given, such must be registered with the Kennel Club at 27, Burlington Street, London, W., the fee being one shilling per dog. The name selected, if not previously adopted, then becomes the sole property of the owner, so far as the shows held under Kennel Club rules are concerned. If the dogs are not intended for exhibi- tion, or only at such shows as do not adopt the Kennel Club rules, then there is no occasion for this registra- tion, excepting, perhaps, where pedigrees are likely to be of use in the future. The Fox Terrier Club supports a Stud Book confined entirely to fox terrier pedigrees, which is edited by Mr. Hugh Dalziel, who was its original founder, and is published by Mr. L. U. Gill, 170, Strand, W.C. I am afraid that in times to come the multiplicity of Stud Books will be found somewhat confusing, and we must not forget that we are catering for future generations as well as for ourselves. The fifth volume was issued in December, 1894. Even a novice, with a good brood bitch, an equally good dog, and, by judicious selection of sires, after the first generation, may soon form a kennel from which prize- winners can be produced. But let him begin in a small way. As the bitch is more or less out of order when she has reared her pups, being thin in coat and condition, it is not well to show her until about two months after the pups have left her. Nor would I advise breeding Shortening the Tail. 189 from the same bitch more than once in a year, though it may be easy to get two litters of pups from her in the twelve months. When pupping let her be as quiet as possible, allow 7 her to take exercise up to the very last, and if she refuses to eat her meals for two or three days prior to her labour being near, lose no time in seeking suitable advice. During labour allow her milk, water, and good broth ; and feed well on the same things, with the addition of bread and meat, up to the time she ceases to suckle. A strong, healthy bitch can rear four or five puppies easily. The latter usually have their tails " docked" or shortened when about a week old, and, although it \vas once customary to do this by the kennel man, or someone else, biting off the portion, the amputation is now performed in a more civi- lised fashion by the aid of a pair of scissors or of a sharp knife. The hair being turned back, the flesh, &c., is quickly cut all round without going through the cartilage ; then, with a quick twist and pull, you draw out what appears to be a longish white cord or sinew adhering to the piece of tail so taken off. Cutting right through in the ordinary way very often makes an unsightly flat surface at the end of the stern ; but when the sinew is properly drawn, the tail rounds off, and the hair grows almost as it would have done had the docking not taken place. There is little pain to the creatures, not much blood flows, and the licking of the sore places by the dam soon heals the wounds, and the portion of the caudal appendage is not missed. Sometimes there are dew claws to be removed w r hich may be done at the same time as the tails are amputated. At a fortnight old the pups may be taught to lap milk, 190 The Fox Terrier. and by so doing thus early, the strain on the constitution of the dam is much lessened, and the young ones, now growing strong, do not pull their mother about more than is actually necessary. When six weeks old they should be weaned, and, as this is done, a little opening and cooling medicine is of service to the dam. In sending the puppies to walk it is advisable, if possible, to have two at the same place. The one keeps the other out of mischief, they play and romp together, and are actually less trouble than if " walked" separately. Provide the person who is to rear them with some magnesia, and order a little to be given to the pups in milk every fortnight ; also instil into the " walker " the necessity of regularity in the time of feeding, and, in the first instance, the meals should be given at least six times daily. Little and often must be the motto here, which, if carried out in all cases, would do away with many of the weedy, " big-bellied" little creatures usually so delicate from the time of their birth until their early death, and always a trouble and annoyance to their owners. Instruc- tions must also be given as to sending for the owner when signs of illness of a serious kind are apparent. With the puppies it was my custom to hand over half a dozen of the alterative puppy pills now made by Hind, chemist, Kendal, with orders to give one whenever a pup appeared sickly or dull ; and several years' experience convinced me of their efficacy in minimising the more virulent attacks of dis- temper. I consider that washing puppies is injurious to them, and by causing a chill may lead to fatal complica- tions. Whenever they are troubled with fleas or other vermin, a good dusting with Keating's insect destroyer will be found safer than washing, no more disagreeable, and less troublesome. Ear Pads. 191 As the young terriers grow older they require more food ; three or four meals a day will now be sufficient, and from the very first a dry bone to gnaw at and to play with invariably does them good, and at five months old or even a little earlier are an absolute necessity in assist- ing to loosen the puppy teeth and so preparing the way for the ordinary canines. Scraps of all kinds are the best food for the pups when in their " adolescence"; before that time bread and milk and scraps from the house are to be recommended, but the milk must be new and well boiled. Many persons are in favour of giving an occasional basin of butter-milk, which in any case can do no harm, and certainly clears out the bowels. The puppy biscuits and specially prepared meal manufactured by Spratt's Patent are excellent in every way, and I have found them extremely useful, convenient, and strengthening for young dogs. If there is a tendency in the ears of the puppies not to lay down or drop properly, nature may be assisted .by continually taking the youngster on the knee, and with the fingers working the ears into a proper position. It is also customary to fix them down with strong adhesive plaster, and enterprising tradesmen advertise what they call "ear pads," which are said to suit their purpose admirably. It seems that this sort of thing is allowed, but a custom, by no means unusual now, and quite common during the earlier epoch of dog showing, of cutting or breaking the cartilage of the ear, is considered to be fraudulent. Surely here we have a distinction without much difference. All puppies much undershot that is, where the under teeth project in front of the upper ones should be de- stroyed. If the malformation is not great, during the time 192 The Fox Terrier. the full teeth are growing, continual pushing them back by the gums may be of avail in making them become level. I had a case of this kind in which the cottager at whose house the puppy was being reared, took so much pains that when fully grown the teeth were as level as possible ; yet, when commencing to push away the puppy teeth, the appearance of being undershot was very apparent. Puppies very much overshot, or " pig-jawed/' should be treated in a similar fashion. Cleanliness is not to be forgotten ; dry bedding and as much fresh air as possible. At three months old the juvenile terrier may have a collar occasionally put on him, and a little later get him accustomed to the sight and rattle of a chain. Many dogs never take kindly to a "lead" because they are spoiled in their training. Produce the chain or cord when you are taking him for a run out in the country. He likes this, and in a short time will have sense to associate the appearance of the " lead " with the long-wished-for ramble, and behave accordingly. If you try to initiate your young dog into chain and collar discipline by fastening him to a table leg or anything else handy, he will struggle and pull, make himself uneasy, do no end of mischief, and in the end shrink from the chain when it is produced again, with as much horror as he would from the whip or stick by which he has been corrected. I have myself won more than one prize in the show ring with a comparatively inferior puppy because he was smart on the chain, and did not dangle his little piece of tail between his legs. If you wish to keep your terrier in the house and make him useful in that respect, care must be taken not to over- feed him ; and, at any rate until he gets fully grown and Hints on Training. 193 knows " what is what/' never neglect to allow him a run outside the last thing at night this will instil into him the desirability of cleanliness. So far as chastisement is con- cerned, never thrash or rate a dog unless you are sure he knows what such punishment is for. As a fact, it does all the harm and not an iota of good to punish a dog half an hour after a fault has been discovered. The penalty must always expeditiously and promptly follow the crime. Never strike a dog with a stick, a birch rod is better, and a whip best of all. Neither is, however, necessary, and a strong word spoken at the proper time is in eight cases out of ten a better remedy than a thrashing would be. Any dog ought to be well kept under the command of his owner, otherwise it is a nuisance. Never bully or annoy your canine com- panion, or it will resent such useless interference ; give him as much exercise as possible, bearing in mind the fact that any dog requires more exercise than he obtains by the exertion of wagging his tail. Terriers and house dogs generally have far more sense than many people give them the credit of possessing. It is funny to see a dirty little street boy, or even one well dressed and who should know better, spy some unfortunate dog as he runs along some distance away from his master. The lad, probably fancying the dog has gone astray and is lost, picks up a stone and pretends to throw at the animal ; or maybe he waves his stick at it, and, in the absence of either, he will content himself with grinning or " pulling a face " at the poor quadruped. Then the fun comes in ; the dog snarls, growls, and goes for his natural enemy, the " small boy," who bolts, and perhaps runs home to his parents crying and bearing a sad tale as to some mad dog or other. There is no doubt that an ordinary terrier can O 194 The Fox Terrier. distinguish from a person's features, or from his general demeanour, his disposition to the canine race, and of course it is but natural for the quadruped to act accordingly he has not yet learned the art of dissembling, though his master or mistress may be past masters therein. Parents ought never to allow their children to strike the dog, nor to take a bone or anything else which he is eating out of his mouth. He may put up with such treatment once or twice, but in the end will be sure to prove his aggrievement by angry growls and the use of his teeth. Fox terriers, as a rule, are unusually fond of children, but they are only like other varieties of their race, and cannot put up with too much pulling about and ill-treatment. Some time ago I was out fishing, accompanied by a favourite terrier one which delighted to romp with the youngsters, and was, as a fact, amiability itself. The inevitable " small boy," stick in hand, came along, and, as Jack stood back from the river, that boy made a switch at him. Jack growled, raised his bristles, and walked around that " small boy " in a manner which was simply delightful to me. The stick was dropped, arms fell limp by the side, Jack still growling and showing his teeth ; so I called him up, chid him gently, and the " small boy " walked away, forgetting to pick up his plaything. He then began blubbering, so I wound up my line, and talked to the boy, instilling into him the advice that in future he would not attempt to molest little dogs which were not interfering with him. Jack no doubt gave a lesson that its recipient would never forget. Do not omit to reward the man (or his wife or children) who has walked the puppies that turn out well, either as winners or otherwise. If at six months old or so the puppy is very crooked Medicinal. 195 in his fore legs, possesses enormous ears, is likely to grow into a twenty-four pound dog, or has any other failing sufficiently exaggerated as to quite spoil his appear- ance, destroy him at once, as perhaps you have done others earlier on. Inferior dogs are not worth the cost of rearing, and the country already contains plenty of such without more being added to the number. By no means is it a bad plan to give your four or five months old puppies a slight dose of newly-ground areca nut, from 10 to 20 grains, according to their age, especially if you have found, or suspect, worms present. When you have decided to do this, be careful to have the stomach empty by keeping the patient without food of any kind for twelve or fourteen hours. Then, following the nut, in two hours administer a dessert- spoonful of castor oil and buckthorn. These are simple remedies, and in fully grown terriers the fasting must be enforced for twenty-four hours, 25 grains of the areca nut and 2 grains of santonine administered in milk, or made up into a bolus, followed by a tablespoonful of the castor oil mixture. A vermifuge may even be given when the pup- pies are on their dam, if worms are suspected. Half a grain of santonine in a teaspoonful of olive oil, administered two or three times at intervals of as many days, will be found free from danger to everything but the worms. At from four to six months old, during dentition, or when younger, perhaps when older, distemper may appear, and this often fatal complaint is always to be dreaded. Many complications can ensue, but if the puppy has been reared according to the directions thus shortly given, in ninety cases out of a hundred the attack will be slight. If very severe, the veterinary surgeon should be called in to see the sick animal ; but ordinary cases will be cured by the O 2 196 The Fox Terrier. remedies advertised by Spratt's Patent, which should be kept handy for cases of emergency. I may say that during some ten years or so, when I bred and kept fox and other terriers of " blue blood/' I never lost a single animal from distemper, and the only one severely attacked was the well- known dog Nimrod after he had won second prize as a puppy at one of the London shows. I need scarcely say that the instructions I am now giving my readers were rigorously carried out. Chorea, or " St. Vitus's dance," repeatedly follows dis- temper, and, excepting in peculiarly mild cases, is incurable. The usual medicines recommended are arsenic, sulphate of zinc, and nux vomica. I prefer Easton's Syrup, which is composed of strychnine, quinine, and iron. Give half a tea- spoonful in the food twice daily, gradually increasing the quantity till it is quadrupled. Let the patient lie in a warm, dry place, free from draughts, and his food must be light and nourishing. Massage, sea baths, and galvanism have all been recommended. My experience is that any attempt to cure a dog of chorea is a waste of time and money. Remedies for a cough are numerous, this, perhaps, as good as any opium and ipecacuanha each 8 grains, gum ammoniacum, squill pill and licorice each 30 grains, powdered rhubarb 16 grains, make into thirty-six pills and give one night and morning. Linseed tea, made strong, into which the juice of a lemon has been squeezed, is an exceedingly good remedy, giving a tablespoonful three or four times a day. Mange of one kind or another is likely to occur through negligence ; and, as prevention is far better than cure, cleanliness, with regular exercise and dietary, minimise the chances of such an outbreak. A useful remedy for Mange. 197 eczema or red mange, one which can easily be compounded by the local chemist, is as follows : Olive oil and oxide of zinc, each i ounce ; tincture of arnica, 3 drachms ; water 8 ounces ; to be gently used on the sore places about three times daily. The ointment, green iodide of mercury one part, lard seven parts, is likewise good, and may be said to be almost infallible as a cure in certain cases of mange, though care must be taken that the patient licks none of it off. A little of this arsenical ointment ought to be well rubbed on the sore places on alternate days. A dose of Epsom salts, about as much as will lie on a shilling, each morning in addi- tion to either will hasten recovery. Another simple and excellent remedy is composed of 6 ounces solution of sulphate of iron ; water i pint ; the affected parts to be fomented therewith twice daily. Fowler's solution of arsenic may be prescribed with great advantage in the case of skin disease, and so long as ordinary care be observed there is little or no danger in giving even com- paratively large quantities. It must, however, always be taken with the meals, and the most successful results are gained by gradually increasing the dose. Thus commence with, say, three drops a day sprinkled on the food, adding one drop daily until ten drops are given. If there appear unusual signs of listlessness in the dog, and his eyes show a slight pink tinge, discontinue the drops altogether for a week, and then recommence w T ith the minimum dose. This treatment carefully followed will cure even the most obstinate cases ; but in no case should the solution be given for more than ten to twelve days consecutively. A mixed, wholesome diet, including only a fair propor- tion of meat, is best w r hilst the dog is under the influence 198 The Fox Terrier. of the medicine. For more virulent mange, or what may simply be called true mange, the following will be found curative : Whale oil and sulphur, each 8 ounces, and oil of tar and mercurial ointment, each half an ounce. This must be applied at intervals of three days, and two or three applications ought to effect a cure. Clean bedding must not be forgotten in cases of skin disease. Canker in the ear is a common ailment, often brought on by damp and neglect, always troublesome to cure if allowed to run too long without being attended to. The early symptoms are easily discernable by the animal shaking his head and rubbing his ears with his paws. Of course he may do this from the presence of some foreign substance having accidentally got into the ear, which, however, seldom happens. If canker is appearing, a slight redness or inflammation will be seen on examining the inside of the ear, whilst the outside will likewise be found unduly warm, even feverish. Wash the ear out carefully with lukewarm water, allowing it to freely enter the passages, which is easily done by holding the head on one side. In an hour after doing this, having let the ear dry without allowing the patient to shake his head, apply the following lotion (in the same manner as the water had been used) three times daily : Alum, 5 grains ; vinegar, i drachm ; water, i ounce. Follow these directions carefully and a cure will result. The latter will possibly be hastened by morning doses of Epsom salts, and light food, bread and scraps from the house being the best regimen. Another useful recipe is the following : Olive oil, 8 ounces ; glycerine, half an ounce ; carbolic acid, quarter of an ounce ; Goulard's extract, 2 ounces. Care must be taken that the various ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the A Fatal Complaint. 199 bottle well shaken before the preparation is applied, which must be done in the manner previously described. Where there are outward sores dress them daily with zinc oint- ment and ointment of yellow basilicon, using each on alternate days. Jaundice or " yellows " (inflammation of the liver) is a common ailment, which, unfortunately, is particularly fatal in its character where dogs are concerned. The symptoms are easily recognised, the yellowness in most cases being first apparent in the eyes or under the fore legs. Calomel is the usual remedy, a pill containing 2 grains and I grain of opium being given every six hours. Mustard plaisters over the region of the liver are to be recommended. Food during treatment : broths, and bread and milk well boiled. I would, however, recommend, in cases of such a serious nature, counsel from a skilled veterinary surgeon, or perhaps what would be better, recourse to the remedies made up by Mr. T. W. L. Hind, chemist, Kendal, which I have found pretty well infallible where the disease is attacked in time. Spratt's Patent, too, have somewhat similar remedies, which I have heard highly recommended. Sore eyes are sometimes troublesome, and a capital lotion used night and morning is cold tea, made fairly strong, of course without milk and sugar. Zinc lotion, as obtained from the neighbouring chemist, may be found useful. An excellent eyewash is as follows : Sulphate of zinc, 10 grains; laudanum, 30 drops; rose water, 3 ounces. Sometimes an ordinary running or watering of the eyes will be relieved by fomenting them night and morning with lukewarm milk and water. In more serious cases, when fears are entertained as to loss of sight from acci- dent or other causes, special advice must be sought. In 200 The Fox Terrier. no case of sore eyes attempt to relieve them without careful examination to see whether any little piece of grit or other foreign substance is present. This must, of course, be removed. Sore feet are occasionally troublesome, usually taking the form of " gatherings," or eruptions, between the toes. If there are inflammatory symptoms, bread and bran poul- tices must be used. When the inflammation has subsided, the sores may be dressed with zinc, or any other healing, ointment. An excellent lotion, to be applied by means of a sponge or soft rag, is made as follows : Extract of lead, 2 drachms ; tincture of arnica, i-|- drachms ; water, i pint. Use repeatedly. Until the sores are quite healed, allow as little exercise as possible, do not feed too freely, and a cooling aperient will be found useful. Some people appear to have difficulty in giving a dog medicine. As a fact, the ordinary quadruped likes it about as well as the average juvenile biped. Some powders may be given with the food ; pills and most liquids must be forced down the dog's throat. The mouth has to be opened, and this is best done by the owner, who holds his dog between his knees, the hind legs on the ground. A second party puts the medi- cine down the throat of the dog, which being done the mouth is closed until the dose is swallowed. This may be assisted by rubbing his neck, pinching his ears, or even by giving a biscuit. All dogs have a peculiar power of vomiting anything they do not like a faculty which they often bring into use where drugs are concerned. In such cases, immediately the medicine has been taken the patient can have his head tied up, by means of a chain and collar, in such a way that he cannot lower it. Common Poisons. 201 So he must remain until a sufficient time for operation has elapsed. Castor oil and other capsules are to be obtained which may be particularly useful, especially where small dogs such as terriers are concerned. It must, however, not be forgotten that the stomach of the dog is delicate, and care should be taken in the administration of medicine of any kind, and it should not be resorted to unless actually required. In most cases a " hot nose " and general " out of sorts " appearance can be dispelled by a dessertspoonful of castor oil. Some people wrongly dose their dogs monthly, no doubt acting on a principle similar to that which prompted old Squeers to give his unfortunate pupils at Dotheboys Hall their weekly allowance of brimstone and treacle. One of the dangers to which dogs are liable is the careless use of poisons when laid with the intention of destroying rats and mice. The subject of emetics likely to be of use in all cases where poisons of various kinds have been taken, mineral and otherwise, is beyond the scope of this book. If you suspect your dog has obtained poison, and a chemist or surgeon (veterinary or otherwise) cannot be reached in a few minutes, seek to empty the stomach by administering that most useful emetic, luke- warm water, and follow this by giving milk and the white of eggs, or boiled flour and milk, or butter, lard, fat, or olive oil. Of course, if you have tartar emetic or sulphate of zinc handy, give a dose of either immediately. Castor oil later on will likewise be beneficial, and, if great exhaustion is apparent, brandy or wine or strong beef tea may be given. The poisons to which dogs are most liable are arsenic, phosphorus, and strychnine, 202 The Fox Terrier. the effects of the latter being marked by frequent twitchings, contraction of the limbs, cramp, &c. Arsenic poisoning may, as a rule, be detected by swelling and apparent violent pains in the bowels, accompanied by purging, unusual feverishness, and an unnatural thirst. The symptoms of poison from phosphorus are a peculiar listlessness and giddiness, vomiting, and an aroma from the mouth not altogether unlike the smell of garlic or of lucifer matches. As I have said so much about the simpler ailments from which fox terriers, like other dogs, are so often sufferers, my remarks may be made more complete by a slight reference to rabies, of which I was reminded by receiving, in my connection with The Field, the following note from " R. J." (King's Lynn): "I was out shooting only last Wednesday with a small spaniel, an excellent one, and who appeared very well then. On Thursday morning I noticed a great weakness in her hind legs, and later on a most copious discharge of mucus, which hung in lengths of three or four inches on each side of the mouth, and which was so tenacious that I could hardly wipe it off. She had also a great difficulty in swallowing anything. On Friday I sent it to a man who has had great experience with dogs. It had not been at his place long before it was seized with a violent fit, and would doubtless have bit him had he been unprepared. It had several more fits, and yesterday it was destroyed. In the summer it had a habit of snapping at flies, and I noticed several times last week it would go into corners and snap in the same way, although no flies were about. On the Saturday and Sunday morning it took no notice of me, and did not seem to recognise me. I should much like to know your opinion of the case. Was it Useful Books. 203 general paralysis, do you think ? The dog had had dis- temper." Here was a case of rabies in the most pro- nounced form, which an expert would recognise without any difficulty. Professor Brown says, " The history of the case proves beyond all doubt that an experienced sports- man may not only observe the symptoms, but realise their character so well as to be able to describe them with as much accuracy of detail as w r ould be expected of a practised canine pathologist, without at any moment entertaining the least suspicion that he was dealing with a rabid dog. The mischief which the animal may have done would be in some measure compensated if every sportsman and ow r ner of dogs in the kingdom could commit " R. J.'s" letter to memory, or, at least, hang a copy of it in some conspicuous place for the benefit of himself and his friends." Such being the opinion of one of our most eminent veterinary surgeons, I thought I could not do better than act on his suggestion and republish the note and his comments in the most conspicuous place over which I had control. This volume is not intended to deal fully with the diseases and ailments of dogs, and readers who wish to know more about them may with advantage study " Stonehenge on the Dog in Health and Disease," and Professor Woodroffe Hill's " Diseases of the Dog." If lower-priced volumes than these be required, I can recommend the shilling work, " The Diseases of Dogs," published by L. U. Gill, 171, Strand, London. Then excellent remedies for the various disorders are nowadays made up in handy forms by several firms, and those of Spratt's Patent, already mentioned, I have found to be especially useful and suc- cessful. Their dog medicine chest, or portable surgery, is the handiest and cheapest thing of the kind which can 204 The Fox Terrier. be imagined. This enterprising company likewise issue a useful handbook, " The Common Sense of Dog Doctoring," which may easily find a corner in any house where a dog is kept, and no domicile ought to be without at least one specimen of the canine race, who will earn his living as a watch dog and as an agreeable companion. There is a possibility, though not a probability, that the fox terrier bitch when she has pupped may die, or be too ill to suckle her family. Then a foster mother must be pro- cured, whose pups having been destroyed, she should be allowed to become a little extended with milk, and one of the fox terriers placed with her and put to suckle. In nine cases out of ten she will take kindly to her foster child, and may be left with it, the others being placed with her immediately afterwards ; and, when she has been seen to lick and clean them all alike, the adoption may be con- sidered complete. The same when a puppy or two are put to her amongst her own offspring, and which may be done when your well-bred bitch has a more numerous litter than she can suckle. Puppies can, of course, be reared with ordinary milk given through the instrumentality of a child's feeding bottle ; but this is a troublesome method and one never practised excepting when the puppies, of unusual value, have been left orphans by the death of their mother, and when a foster parent cannot be obtained. Spratt's Patent, already alluded to, have provided what is con- sidered to be a good substitute for milk, in the form of an " orphan puppy food," which is convenient when the supply of milk from the dam is not sufficient for her family. With a possibility of the bitch, when in a certain condi- tion, getting loose and contracting a cross-bred or mongrel Luck in Breeding. 205 alliance, care may be taken when such puppies are born in selecting one or more to keep with the bitch. Cases of superfcetation are not uncommon in the dog, and there may be mongrels and pure terriers born in the same litter. I was told of a particularly good fox terrier which a friend of mine desired to purchase. She, however, being a great favourite in the house, could not be parted with, and her owner said, " She is, no doubt, very nice to look at, but unfortunately her dam is a spaniel, and all her brothers and sisters are spaniels, too ! " Still another instance. The bitch Venom, grand-dam of some of my best terriers, after being mated with a fox terrier dog, formed a morganatic alliance with a Skye terrier. All the pups, with one exception, were Skye terriers, or, at any rate, half-bred ones. The exception was a white bitch with a lemon-marked head. Her life was the one saved, but merely to keep with the dam as a matter of kindness. At four weeks old she was sold for half-a-crown, and ultimately developed into one of the best bitches of the day Nellie by name who, in due course, had at least one illustrious family, an individual of which sold for more than ioo/., and all in that same litter which produced this " century puppy " became prize winners and notabilities. Such instances show the amount of luck there may be in breeding terriers as in anything else. The bitch Jess (8037), by Grip Patch, from which most of Mr. A. H. Clarke's best terriers are descended (Result included), through her alliance with Brockenhurst Rally, was sent to me on approval just before Mr. Clarke bought her. She did not appear to me a likely model from which to produce champions, so, after keeping her a couple of days, she was 200 The Fox Terrier. returned Had she better pleased me I would never have even dreamed of putting her to Rally. Thus, if Jess had come into my possession, the champion of his time, Result, would never have been born. The fox terrier reared and brought up on the lines suggested, if he be good enough to make his debut on the show bench, will require little or no further preparation ; he goes well in the chain (which must be about a yard long, with a swivel and spring at each end, a swivel in the middle, and each link so wide that the springs can be fastened therein), is smart and lively, free from disease, and a good wash the day before he has to appear on exhibition should be all that he requires. A tub in which he can stand up to his belly, lukewarm water, some good soap, willing hands, and in ten minutes he is ready to be well dried, and when taken out of the tub let the terrier give himself a hearty shake. A little powder blue in the water produces a good blue-white, which is better than the yellower hue ; and about an hour after drying the animal, hand-rub him well, and, if his coat is in good form, the end of each hair will sparkle and shine, and add quite an extra point to a chance of winning first prize. In commencing to wash the dog, do so, in the first instance, at his hind- quarters, and do not touch the head and face until the very last. The reason for this is obvious in the fact that no dog likes his head and eyes and ears being soused in water, be it hot or cold, or even intermediary between the two. Apropos of " powder blue." Some years ago I had a white fox terrier entered for a local show, and, being engaged until late in the evening preceding the exhibition, was unable to get home to superintend the washing. How- Tubbing the Show Dog. 207 ever, when I did arrive, there was Gripper lying upon the arm-chair seemingly as white as snow, clean and sweet as willing hands could make him. My housekeeper, being fond of the dog, had "tubbed" him herself. Next morning, at seven o'clock, he had a run out, when, to my amazement, a blue shade appeared through the jacket, and, turning back the hairs, there was the skin of the little terrier as blue almost as though it had been painted ! Of course, an overdose of the powder had been used, and I need scarcely say Gripper did not appear in the show ring that day. A wire-haired fox terrier requires a little more attention than the smooth one, and it is the custom to trim and pluck the former to make him appear to the best advantage. Considerable skill and experience are required to do this properly, especially in the manner in which the hair is pulled off the face in front of the eyes. Then some strains require the jacket taking off the body in handfuls almost, by plucking, singeing, or burning ; others have their jackets made crisper or harder by artificial means, magnesia and alum being generally utilised for such purposes. Such pro- cedure is quite unfair, and I regret very much that the Kennel Club has proved its inability to put a stop to the practice. Indeed, this "faking" or trimming, by whatever name it is known, has come to' such a pass that a disruption was very nearly caused between the members of the Fox Terrier Club those who kept the smooth variety being, of course, opposed to the practice. Whether such trimming will continue with so little check, time alone will show ; but so long as it is tacitly allowed, which is the case in almost all instances, I do not in justice see why the owners of black and tan terriers should be disqualified for pull- ing any brown or white hairs out of their dogs, as they 208 The Fox Terrier. undoubtedly would be were they discovered to have done so. Surely in these cases what is sauce for the goose must be sauce for the gander. The only method by which such malpractices are to be stopped is by drawing a hard-and-fast rule as to what constitutes this faking and over-trimming; and tacit consent having allowed a certain degree of latitude with some varieties, the difficulty of dealing with the abuse is con- siderably increased. Some competent person ought to be appointed whose duty it would be to make examina- tions and to lay objections, and not leave the latter, as is the case now, to the judge or to interested parties. An attempt to attain neatness and prettiness in the show dog is usually made by cutting the whiskers of bull terriers, black and tan terriers, and white English terriers, which is always allowed. By so doing, a perky and smart appearance is given to the dog, and so it became the fashion to do the same with fox terriers. Happily, so far as regards the breed of which I write, the custom has now almost lapsed, though occasionally one does come across a smooth fox terrier robbed of those useful appendages with which Nature had provided him. But to return to the washing of wire-haired terriers. A continual course of tubbing softens the coat of both varieties, and to remedy this in the one, various means are resorted to, as also for making a naturally soft coat feel harder and crisper than it really is. Here again " faking " crops in, but how to " fake " is not a gospel I intend to preach, and I mention it as one of the weaknesses in the system of modern canine exhibitions. That dog shows have done a great deal towards the popularisation of the fox terrier there is little doubt, and, The First Dog Show. 209 when in a meditative mood, one is inclined to wonder why English sportsmen were so long in discovering him. Indeed, since the first dog show which took place at Newcastle-upon-Tyne in June, 1859, exhibitions have advanced as quickly as the railways did, and now over a hundred and fifty of one kind or another are Jield during each year, some of which are confined entirely to that variety of dog to whose merits I have endeavoured to do justice. Canine exhibitions have naturally their defects, but, so long as honourably conducted, they must continue to possess an improving influence on " dogdom " generally. There was a time w r hen many of our best dogs were in the hands of those who kept them solely for the purposes of profit, and whether that profit was obtained by sale, rat- killing, or fighting, made little matter, so long as the money came to hand. The only shows were those held in public- house parlours ; and to be known as the owner of half a dozen terriers was tantamount to being: considered O " fast," and as having a liking for low company. Thus, no doubt, was derived the expression " going to the dogs." All this is altered now. Well-bred terriers and other varieties have become fashionable, and it is almost as difficult to find a house without a dog as guard and companion as it is to find one without a cat to kill the mice. Dog shows have provided pure-bred animals, and the fox terrier has proved himself the most popular of all. His colour is white, so easily can the careful housewife see when her pet requires tubbing, and his short coat carries less filth than that of the Skye terrier or any of his Scottish, Welsh, or Irish cousins. I do not know where we should have been with our dogs had not the shows been introduced when they were. Mongrels 210 The Fox Terrier. would, no doubt, have continued in favour, and certainly there could have been little incentive for breeders to take the trouble they now do in the production of the most perfect specimens. Let grumblers rail as they will, I believe that dog shows have, like other institutions, their place and duty in this world, and their absence would be lamented. Individuals are about w T ho decry them; some for one reason, some for another. A few self-called humani- tarians allege that distinct cruelty is perpetrated upon that dog who, entered for an exhibition, is compelled to recline amid luxurious straw, and fastened by chain and collar for one, two, or three days, as the case may be, to be gazed upon by a curious portion of the British public. Others say that such shows have caused the dog's appearance to be improved at the expense of his utility. In some few cases the latter may have been the case, but this is not general. As to the former complaint, were those, who make it, better acquainted with their subject, they would know that before the era of shows thousands of dogs were kept in the cellars of our large towns, their duty being to kill rats at the instigation of their owners, or to fight with each other when sufficient money was forthcoming to provide a " stake " for the purpose. The canine race has attained a higher position than this, and the very dogs that the sporting Boniface once held for such purposes, he now treats as he would his kinsmen, keeps them in good health by fresh air and exer- cise, in order that their jackets remain clean and fresh, and so give their owners a chance of taking honours at the neighbouring shows. Canine exhibitions have undoubtedly increased the value of the dog, and accordingly he is now better treated than at any previous part of his history. I have heard it stated that dog shows do not improve On the Bench. 211 the tempers and dispositions of our terriers. That may be the case or not (most likely not), for I have not yet come across a fox terrier with a kindly, pleasant dispo- sition, whose finest traits had become mythical after competition in the show ring. As a rule, a dog takes very kindly to the " bench," where he is comfortably bedded up with clean straw, and is seldom (nowadays at any rate) rendered cantankerous by continual poking with the umbrella or walking-stick of some mischievous and semi-civilised visitor. No dog, however docile and well- behaved, will stand such treatment, and when it occurs the offending visitor should be removed from the proximity of the animal which he desires to torture. In cases where a terrier does actually sulk, and seems to have a dis- inclination to make himself comfortable and contented when on exhibition, it is best to withdraw him entirely from the public gaze, as, in the end, he may turn unplea- sant, and require either a muzzle or special contrivance to prevent his teeth making an acquaintance with a ten- der portion of some too curious and closely approaching spectator. Having dealt with the fox terrier, both as a worker and as a show dog, little more need be said about him. Whether you require him for the one purpose or the other, treat him as kindly as you would your best friend, and under ordinary circumstances he will reward you accordingly. Make him a companion, to live in the house or in the stable, and on no account relegate him to a wooden kennel in the corner of the back yard. The fox terrier was no more made to reside in such an abode than was my lord brought up to inhabit a common lodging-house. The more you see of your dog the more he loves you, and greater is the likeli- P 2 2 12 The Fox Terrier. hood of his turning out a sensible animal. There are imbecile dogs as there are human beings, and no amount of treatment will in either case make the unfortunate creature sensible. Such a dog is better put out of harm's way, for all he can do is to eat, and to drink, and to sleep he even fails to learn how to open a semi-closed door ; and killing a rat, driving a fox, or protecting the house from thieves the ordinary duties of any fox terrier are accomplishments he w r ill never attain. An imbecile dog may win a prize on a show bench for the simple reason that the judge has no opportunity of ascertaining his mental capacity ; but he can prove mischievous even here, and had better be destroyed. CHAPTER VII. THE Fox TERRIER CLUB ITS OFFICERS AND RULES OTHER CLUBS. LLUSION has already been made to the Fox Terrier Club, which, established in 1876, only two years later than the Kennel Club, and the year following the earliest of all specialist clubs, those for bulldogs, Dandie Dinmonts, and Bedlington terriers, it has continued progressive, and done much to promote the objects for which it was first formed. At the present time it has a balance in the bank of about 400 to its credit. The number of members in December, 1894, was ninety- six, notwithstanding the entrance fee and rather high annual subscription ; still, both are required to at any rate prevent undue strain upon the funds during its own annual exhibition. There is no doubt that the continued and well sustained high value of the fox terrier is due in a great degree to the Fox Terrier Club. The committee have time after time looked after its interests in every way, and the valuable prizes provided from the funds will, so long as they are continued, always make their favourite much sought after. 214 The Fox Terrier. Earlier in the volume I alluded to the custom of one man being at the same time, not of necessity at the same show, both judge and exhibitor. He will judge at one show and exhibit at another. The Fox Terrier Club is an influential body, quite representative and sans reproche, cannot they arrange amongst themselves to have judges who, at any rate for the season, are not exhibitors ? The public would like some such method, for, however much above suspicion a man may be, the unsuccessful exhibitors have grounds for grumbling when they find one day Mr. Smith judging Mr. Jones' dogs and giving them prizes, and another day Mr. Jones judging Mr. Smith's favourites and reciprocating the award of honours. This, I consider, is one of the most unsatisfactory arrangements in connection with the dog show epoch. The present office-bearers are as follows : Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. J. C. Tinne, Bashley Lodge, Lymington, Hants ; who is an ex-officio member of the Committee : the ordinary committee includes Messrs. A. Ashton (Cheshire), J. A. Doyle (Brecon, S. Wales), P. C. Reid (Essex), J. R. Whittle (Middlesex), A. E. Clear (Essex), V. B. Johnston (Stafford- shire), F. Redmond (London), F. S. H. Dyer-Bennet (Stourbridge), F. L. Evelyn (Denbigh), C. W. Wharton (London), S. Castle, jun. (Blackheath), C. H. Clarke (Notts), J. A. Hosker (Bournemouth), T. Keene (London), and R. Vicary (Devonshire). The rules of the club, altered and revised November, 1894, are as follows : i. The name of the Club shall be " THE Fox TERRIER CLUB," its object being to promote the breeding of pure fox terriers; to define precisely and publish a definition of the true type ; and Club Rules. 215 to urge the adoption of such type on breeders, judges, dog show committees, &c., as the only recognised and unvarying standard by which fox terriers ought to be judged, which may in future be uniformly accepted as the sole standard of excellence, in breeding and in awarding prizes of merit to fox terriers ; and (by giving prizes, supporting shows, and taking other steps) to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed. 2. The Club shall consist of an unlimited number of Members, whose names and addresses shall be kept by the Honorary Secretary in a book, which book shall be open to the inspection of Members at reasonable times. Any respectable person favourable to the objects of the Club is eligible for admission as a Member. Each Candidate for admission must be proposed by one Member, and seconded by another Member. The election of Members shall be vested solely in the Committee, and shall be by ballot, four Members to form a quorum, and two black balls to exclude. 3. The Annual Subscription for each Member shall be two guineas, payable on the ist January in each year, and the Entrance Fee shall be two guineas. Any one failing to pay his subscription by 3ist January shall have notice given him by the Honorary Secretary, and if his subscription be still unpaid by the time that the Annual Report of the past year is issued, his name shall be inserted in a list of Members who are in arrear with their sub- scription. If his arrears be still unpaid on the 3ist March next following, his name shall be struck off the list of Members. No new Member shall be entitled to enjoy any of the privileges of Members until he has paid his Entrance Fee and Subscription. [This rule is to be revised.] 4. Meetings of the Club shall be held, as occasions shall require, for the transaction of business. A Meeting may be specially convened by the Honorary Secretary on receipt of a wiitten requisition signed by not less than six Members, stating the time, place, and object of such Meeting, to be lodged with the Honorary Secretary at least a fortnight previous to the date fixed for such Meeting to take place. 216 The Fox Terrier. 5. A Meeting of the Club shall have full power to transact any business relating to the Club which it may think fit ; to arbitrate in disputed matters ; to expel any Member considered guilty of dishonourable conduct (after such expulsion the Member so expelled to have no claim against the Club, and not to be entitled to recover any portion of his Subscription) ; or to deal with any questions not provided for by these Rules. 6. All the Concerns of the Club, and all arrangements for its management, shall be conducted by a Committee, consisting of fifteen elected Members, one-third of whom longest in office shall retire annually, but shall be re-eligible. The Committee shall hold meetings when necessary, three to form a quorum. The Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be ex-officio Members of Committee. 7. An Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held at the usual Club show in the autumn; or, in the event of a show not being held, at such time as the Committee may decide, for the purpose of revising the annual statement of accounts, duly audited and made up from the ist of July to the 3Oth of June (such statement of accounts having been circulated amongst members not later than the ist of October), and the election of Committee, Honorary Secretary, and Honorary Treasurer, as provided for in Rules 6 and 8 ; and for the transaction of any other business. The Committee shall have power to appoint Sub-Committees for any special object, and to fill up vacancies in the Committee during the year. 8. The Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be elected at the annual general meeting. 9. The Minutes of the last preceding Meeting shall be read at the commencement of, and be approved and confirmed by, the next subsequent similar Meeting. The Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his own. Notice of Meeting shall be sent to each Member at least seven days previous to the date fixed for such Meeting to take place, and with the notice shall be stated a list of the business to be transacted. 10. The question of giving Prizes or Cups at Shows shall be decided by the Committee, who shall stipulate that the Show be Challenge Cups. 217 held under the Rules of The Kennel Club, and shall satisfy them- selves as to the Classes and Prizes, as well as to the efficiency of the Judge. The Committee shall place in the hands of the Honorary Secretary, and shall from time to time revise, a list of such Judges as it approves. n. All expenses incurred by the Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, for or on behalf of the Club, shall be defrayed out of the funds of the Club. An Annual Report, together with the Rules, the names of Members of the Committee, and of the Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, and the Annual Statement of Accounts (duly audited), shall be printed and supplied to each Member not later than the 3ist of December. 12. The undermentioned Challenge Cups shall be offered for competition not less than twice nor oftener than four times each year. They shall be perpetual Challenge Cups. I. Grand Challenge Cup, value 50 guineas, for smooth- haired fox terriers. II. Grand Challenge Cup, value 50 guineas, for wire- haired fox terriers. 13. The Club shall, at such time as the Committee may decide, give four special prizes, to be competed for by puppies born during the previous calendar year (thus the puppies com- peting in 1884 shall have been born in 1883), exhibited by their breeders, who must be members of the Club. The special prizes shall be : I. io/. for the best smooth-haired dog puppy. II. io/. for the best smooth-haired bitch puppy. III. io/. for the best wire-haired dog puppy. IV.- io/. for the best wire-haired bitch puppy. 14. Although the Club will not necessarily withhold its support from Shows at which there is competition between smooth-haired and wire-haired fox terriers, the abolition of such competition is recommended whenever practicable. 15. Any Member can withdraw from the Club on giving notice to the Secretary (such Member retiring to have no claim whatever on the Club), provided always that such Member shall 218 The Fox Terrier. be liable for his Subscription for the current year in which he gives such notice. Some time ago a committee of " scrutiny " or inspection was appointed, the duty of which was to examine and investigate any case where a charge of " trimming " a wire-haired terrier had been made. The resolution bearing on the question and adopted was as follows : That a committee be appointed to act as scrutineers, and report any cases of tampering with the coats of wire-haired fox terriers. Tampering is defined" singeing, clipping, plucking, cutting, shaving, and breaking hair which is not ripe to come out." In addition to what may be called the "parent" club, as described above, there are, in various parts of the country, a number of other clubs similarly devoted to the advancement and improvement of this the most popular of all terriers. Some of these minor clubs either still hold or have already held shows of their own, and the particulars as to their names, as to membership, and to other matters are as follows : FYLDE (established 1882). Entry fee, two guineas; annual subscription, one guinea. Secretary, Mr.J. J. Stott, Barton House, Manchester. IRISH (established 1880). Entry fee, 10.9. 6^.; annual subscription, 105-. 6^. Secretary, Mr. F. Kelly, Brunswick Chambers, Dublin. LONDON (established 1887). No entry fee, annual sub- scription, los. 6d. Secretary, Mr. J. H. W. Nathan, 131, St. Leonard's Road, London. ISLE OF WIGHT AND NEW FOREST (established 1884). Entry fee, los. 6d. ; annual subscription, ios.6d. Secretary, Mr. V. B. Johnstone, The Wergs, Tettenhall, Staffordshire. Minor Clubs. 21 ^> NORTH OF ENGLAND (established 1892). Entry fee, one guinea, after first fifty subscribers ; annual subscription, one guinea. Secretary, Mr. J. W. Taylor, 81, Union Street, Oldham. SCOTTISH (established 1886). No entry fee, annual subscription, one guinea. Secretary, Mr. Norman McWatt, Lylestone House, Alloa. SHEFFIELD AND HALLAMSHIRE (established 1885). Entry fee, one guinea; annual subscription 10^. 6^/. Secretary, Mr. G. Raper, Wincobank, Sheffield. SHROPSHIRE (established 1885). Entry fee, one guinea ; annual subscription, one guinea. Secretary, Mr. F. H. Potts, Broseley Hall, Salop. SOUTHDOWN (established 1878). Entry fee, one guinea; annual subscription, one guinea. Secretary, Captain E. Pearson, 27, Oriental Place, Brighton. YORK (established 1890). Entry fee, one guinea; annual subscription, one guinea. Secretary, Mr. F. Wright, 13, Lendal, York. INDEX. Abbot, Mr. C. T page 57- Adams, Mr. Harry 40 Adderley, Mr 63 Ajax 170 Albrighton, The 45 Alexandra Palace Dog Show (1889) 170 Allison, Mr. W 57, 64, 73 America, The Fox Terrier in 96 Archer, Mr. C. G '. 159 Archer, Mr. N ... 65 Arkwright, Colonel ...... 36 Arrowsmith, Mr. J 57,74 Artful Joe 127 Astley, Mr. L. C. P. (his Kennels) -.... 94 Astbury, Mr. F. J 66 Atherton Fox Hounds, The 45 Australia, The Fox Terrier in 96 Avenger 148 Aylesbury, Mr. H. A. W 174 B. Badger 40 Badger (Wire-haired) 167 Badminton Library ..-.. ., . ... 114 -2'2'2 Index. Badsworth, The page 43 Baguley, Mr. F 178 Balance 158 Bartle, Mr. C 179 Barton Marvel 174 Barton Witch 178 Bayley, Mr. Harvey 28, 37 Beaufort, Duke of 44, 49 Beckford 14 Belgrave Joe 62,65,84,85,86,102 Bellona 33, 54 Belmont, Mr. A. (New York) 96 Belvoir blood, The 45,84,85 Bennet, Mr. Dyer 92, 99 Benson, Mr. Thomas 51 Bentinck, Lord Henry ..'. 45 Berkeley, The Old ... : 44 Bessie 72 Bewley and Carson 33*65 Biney, Mr. L 65 Bingley's Memoirs of British Quadrupeds 16 Birch 167 Birmingham Shows 28, 29. 59, 60, 66, 148, 173 Bitters 57.67,133 " Black and Tan Heads" 45 Bloom 64 Boaster 127 " Boke of St. Albans " 3 " Book of the Dog " 12 Booth, Mr. G , 40 Border Terrier, The ... ...... 52 Bounce 33 Boy and Terrier 193 Bradbury, Mr. A. C 66 Bramble 167 Branson, Mr 86 Briar Clinker 178 Index. Briggs page 168 Brittle 174 Brockenhurst Joe 63 Brockenhurst Rally 74, 117 Brocklesby, The :. ... 45 Broom 188 Browne, Mr. C. M. (" Robin Hood ") 144 Brush 167 Buff 76 Buffer 69 Buffet 68, 102 Bull Dog blood 22 Bundle 168 Burbidge, the late Mr. F 37, 64, 76, 77 (his Sale) 78 Burton Dick 2,45 Burton Wild Briar 167 Bushey Broom 172 Busy 67 Butcher, Mrs 178 C. Caius, Dr. 2, 12 Calf, Mr. H 55 Canada, Fox Terriers in 96 Canker in the Ear 198 " Caractacus '' 97 Carlisle Tack ... 164, 172 Carlisle Tyro 170 Carlisle Young Venture 151 Carrick, Mr. W 149, 164, 169, 172, 176, 181 Castle and Shannon, Messrs 176 Cauldwell Nailer 177 Cauldwell Scorcher 178 Cavendish 174 "Cecil" 46 Cedric 72 224 Index. Chance ... page 41, 65, 102 Charmvood Marion 177 Cheshire Terriers, Some 47 Chinese and Tartars 2 Chorea 196 Clear, Mr. A. E 77, 173, 176 Cleveland Laddie 167 Clarke, Mr. A. H 117 Clarke, Mr. Charles (Scopwick) 45 Clarke, The Messrs 72,74,75, 117 Classes, Multiplication of, and Large 58,59 Cleek 40 Cleveland Hound Show 42 Clowes, Lieut. -Col 29 Cockayne, Mr 36 Colmore, Mr 176 Companions, Training as ... , 192 " Compleate Sportsman," The .- 9 Coniston Hounds, The 51 Cooper, W. (Huntsman) 85 Corner, Mr. J. W '..., ...... 169 Cottingham Nettle 58, 74 Cowley's (Mr. J. H. B.) Terriers, His Strain of ... ... 1 6 1, 163. Cox, Mr. Ben 59 Cox, Mr. Harding 50, 171, 176 Cox, Nicholas 6 Crack 54, 7 1 Crafty .. ... 57 Cribbage ...... 177 Cropper, Mr. \V 33, 57 Crystal Palace Show 173 " Cynographia Britannica " 10 D. Dale, Mr. J. B 185 Dalziel, Mr. Hugh 7 Damarell, Mr. A 176 Index. 225 Dame Fortune .. P a 8 e 81, IO 4> IO 7 Dane Gallantry 37 Daniel, Rev. W 9, 15, 17, 19 Davenport, Mr. H. J 31 Daylesford Brush 178 De Castro, Rev. T. W ... 68 Derby Show (1894) 185 Despoiler and Digby Grand 81 Diamond 63 Dickenson, G. (Gamekeeper) 71 Dirleton Nettle 174 Diseases and Ailments 203 Distemper 193 Dixon, Mr. Sydenham 41 Dobson Tommy (Eskdale) 51 Dodds, Jack 165 Dodds, Mr. M 165 Dog and Fox, Friendly 1 8 Dog, The, as a British Working Man 158 Dog, A Fishing 137 "Dogs of the British Isles " 41,62 Dog Show, The First 28, 209 Dog Stories, Doubtful 137 Dogs, Treatment of 211 Dominie 81, 133 Dorcas 62, 64, 76, 102 D'Orsay 80, 104, 107, 180 Douglas Driver 89 Douglas Jostle ... 89 Douglas Trinket 89 Doyle, Mr. J. A 12,36,83,177 Doyle, Mr., on Fox Terriers 132 E. Ear Canker 198 Ears, Cutting 26 Ears, Large 23 Q 226 Index. Edward I. (Wardrobe Accounts) page 13 Edwardes, Captain 160 Edwards, Sydenham 10 Edwards, Mr. Lloyd ... ... ... 40 Elmer, S 15 Emetics 201 " Englishe Dogges," Treatise on 5 Eskdale Hounds (Cumberland), The 51 Eskdale Tzar 169 Ethel Newcome 92 Eye, Diseases of the . 199 F. Fancy 127 Famous 41 Fan 57, 68 "Faking" 61,207 Farquharsons, The 44 Feet, Sore 200 Ff ranee, Mr 44 Field, Mr. F.H 168,176 Field, The (Newspaper) 41, 46, 48, 105, 144 Filbert 175 First Flight 76 Fisher, Rev. C. T 102 Fitzwilliam, Hon. T. W 39, 41, 48, 66 Fleming, Abraham 5 Fletcher, Mr. James 67 Foiler, and Beatty's Foiler 63,127,174 Foster Mothers 204 Fox 68 Fox and Dog, Friendly 18 Fox and Dog at a Northern Show 145 Fox Terrier, The, of 1 806 (Illustration) 15 Fox Terrier, The Wire-haired 141 Fox Terrier Chronicle 101, 104 Fox Terrier Club, its Officers and Rules 213 Index. 227 Fox Terrier Club's Scale of Points page 108 Fox Terrier Club's Standard for Wire-hairs 182 Fox Terrier Clubs, Various 218,219 Fox Terriers and Otters 115 Frantic ... 73 Frisk (Nichol's) 33 Fuss 126 Fussy 33, 54, 55, !33 Fylde Fox Terrier Club 218 G. Gadfly 56, 70 Gamon, Mr. W 33,41,65 Gem (Mr. Pilgrim's) 33 Gentleman's Recreation, The 6 Gibson, Mr. Henry 57, 58, 62 Gillett, Mr 178 Goosey, T. (Huntsman) 85 Graham, The late Mr. Donald ... ... 151 Grip 118 Gripper 69 Grove Blood ' 63 Grove Crab, Grove Ella 57,72 Grove Hounds, The 31, 39 Grove Nettle 33,39 H. Handley, Rev. W 39 Handy, The late Capt 49 Hargreaves, Mr. A 37 Harrison, Mr. M 170 Hawkins, Mr. Justice, and his Terrier ... 140 Hazlehurst, Dr 66 Helliwell, Mr. G 67 Hill, Mr. S. 179 Hitchcock, Mr. (Leicester) 36 Hogg, Mr. Lindsay 167,176 Q2 228 Index. Holmes, Mr., Beverley page 56 Hopkins, Mr. H. L 173 Hornet 41, 133 House Dogs, Training Puppies as 192 How, Major (his Kennels) 89 Huntly, Marquis of 33, 4 1 Hunton Baron 77 Hunton Prince (late Syrup) 77 Hunton Honeymoon 77 Hyssop I. " Idstone " (his Opinion) 48 Irish Fox Terrier Club ... : 218 Isle of Wight Fox Terrier Club 218 Islington Show in 1862 ... ... 28 Izod, Mr. J 176 J- Jack 147 Jack Frost 174 Jack St. Leger 173 Jack's Yarn 174 Jacobs' " Compleate Sportsman " ... 9 James L, King 13, 14 Jaundice 199 Jenny 56 Jess 74, 205 Jester, Old 73, 174 Jester II 73 Jester (Mr. Maxwell's) 151, 165 Jock (Denton's) 57 Jock II 40,70 Jock, Old 31, 33,133 Johnson, Master 169 Johnstone, Sir W 167 Jones, Mr. Harry 173 Index. 229 K. Kate (Starter's) page 33 Kate Cole 92 Kelly, Mr. J.H 179 Kennel Club Stud Book, The 31,35,40,62 Kennel, Forming a ... 70,89,90,91 Kennel Gazette ... 105 Kennels, Various 95, 96 Khan, The Grand ......... 2 L. Lacey, Mr. Henry 166 Lady 77 Lancer 121,123 Large Classes 59 Lawrence, Mrs 81 Laycock's Dairy Yard Show ... 65 Leach, Mr. C. R. H 40 Liffey 174 Lill (Shepherd's) 56 Lill Foiler 165 Limbo 127 Lisle, Lady de 57 Little Jim x 67 Littleworths, The ... .... 51,67,125 Liver (Inflammation of) 199 London Fox Terrier Club 218 Lonsdale, Lord 50 Lord Edward 174,177 Lucifer as in Praesenti 40,102,104 Lynx 1 70 Lyons Sting 92,104,107 M. Mabel ... - 71 Mac ... ... 65 Mac II 41, 71 230 Index. Macdona, Mr. J. C page 67 Mange 196 Marco Polo 2 Markham, Gervase 6 Mawes, Mrs. (owner of Pepper) 29 Maxwell, Mr. A 151,172,174 May 57 Mayhew, Mr. Reginald 181 Measurement Diagram 97 Medicine, How to give 200 Mellor, The Rev. W. J 48 Mendal, Mr. S 73 Merry, Mr. W. (huntsman) 39 Middleton, Lord ... ... 44,73 Mischief 41 Mischief (Wire-haired) 169 Miss Miggs 168 Miss Taylor 174 Monteith, Earl of 13 Morgan, Ben 44 Morgan, Jack 31 Modern Dogs (Lee's) 44 Moss II 74 Murchison, The late Mr. J. H 33, 38, 62 Mustard 126 Musters, Mr. H. Chaworth 55 Mutter, Mr. A 171 Myrtle 55, 56 N. Nectar 33, 41 Nellie II 1 68 Nellie III 168 Nelson 158 Nettle 102 Nettle (Wire-haired) 158 New and Old Stamp 134 Index. 231 New Zealand, The Fox Terrier in P a g e 96 Nichols' (Frisk) 33 Nimrod 69, 76, 103 Nisbet, Mr. J 149 North of England Fox Terrier Club 219 North Star 170 Norton, Lord 63 Nottingham Shows ... 40, 59 Wire-hairs in 144 Nutcrack (Roper's), 176, 179, 180 O. Oakleigh Topper 168 Oakley, The 28,32 O'Grady, The Rev. T. ... ... 36,52,70 Old and New Stamp of Terrier 134 Old Dame 121 Old Flora 127 Old Jester 73, 174 Old Tip 150 Olive (Johnson's) 72 Olive (Murchison's) 62, 102 Olympia Dog Show 171 Opinions of Judges, Various 184 Owners of Best Smooth-haired Terriers, List of 95 Owners of Best Wire-haired, List of 181 Oxford Show (1892) 92 P. Palace, Crystal, Shows ... 33 Patch (Dr. Hazlehurst's) 74 Patch (Mr. A. Maxwell's) ... 165 Patch (Procter's) 37, 55, 58 Pearl ... 121 Pearse, Mr. T 178 41 Peeping Tom " 73 Pepper, The Grove ... 32 232 Index. Pet Pearl page 83 Peterborough Hound Show 51 Philadelphia, A Letter from 97 Pickering Nailer ... 151, 174 Pickle II. (The blood of) 77,86 Pilgrim, Mr. P 33' 57 Pincers ... 62 Pincher 103, 167 Pitcher ... 81 Pixie 57 Poisons, Common 201 Pollock Tina 178 Poole, Mr. Donville ... ... 35, 43 Powderham Jack ... 147 Priam 57 Proctor, Mr. G 37, 56 Promoter 180 Prompter 176, 178, 1 80 Propeller 180 Pulboro' Jumbo 175 Quantock Nettle 174 Quiz 33 Quorn Hounds, The 31 R. Rabbit Coursing 127, 130 ,, in a cellar 128 Rabies ... ., 202 Raby Mixer 82 Raby Reckon 82 Raby Tyrant 82 Rachel ... 75 Radiance 76 Raffle 76 Index. 233 Ragman (otter hound) page 142 Ragman (terrier) ... 55 Rail 10, n Raillery ... 76 Raper, Mr. G. (his Kennel) 82 Rattler (The dreaded) 67,98 Reckon 76 Redmond, Mr. Francis (his Kennel) 38, 80 Reed, Mr. John 69 Registration ... ... 93 Reid, Mr. Percy 176 Reinagle (Painter) 19 Remus 12 Renard ... 62. 105 Result ... 75, 99, 107 Richardson, Mr. G. F 167 Richmond Delta 82 Richmond Jack 35, 102, 103 Richmond Liqueur 102 Richmond Olive 82, 102 Richmond Sanctum 83 Riot 70, 116 Risk 41 Rival 33, 53 Rivet 70 Robson, Mr. Jacob 51 Rosemary ... 76 Ruby ... 41 Ruff ord, The ... 28,31 " Runner," An eccentric 50 " Rural Sports " (Daniel's) 15 " Rural Sports " (see " Stonehenge ") Russel, The Rev. John ... 42, 126, 144, 152, 154 RussleyToff ... - 180 Rustic Marvel ; 178 Rutherford, The Messrs. (New York) 96 Rydale Pattern , , 178 234 Index. s. St. Vitus' Dance P a g e 1 9^ Sale, Mr. Fred ... ... 33, 41, 55 Sam 41,56 Sample, 77 Sandell, The late Mr. Edward... 97 Sanderson, Mr. Gordon 149 Sarsfield, Mr. W 33,55 Sarcogen 72 Satire 57 Schrieber, Mr. W. H. B 147 Scorcher 178 Scott,Mr.T.H 73 Scottish Fox Terrier Club 219 Sheffield and Hallamshire Fox Terrier Club 219 Shepherd, Mr. Beverley 56 Sherbourne Hound Show 170 Shirley, Mr. S. E 151,176 Shore, Mr. J.H 66 Show Dogs and Foxes 118 Show Dogs and Badgers ... 123 Show, Preparing for 206 Shropshire Fox Terrier Club 219 Sir Douglas (Dandie Dinmont) ... ...... 145 Six Good Dogs ... 107 Size of Modern Terriers ... * 136 Slingsbys, The 42 Smith, The late Mr. S. W .... 33,62 Snap (Mr. Whittle's) 60 Sore Eyes 199 Sore Feet 199 Southdown Fox Terrier Club 219 Southwell, Mr. E. M 82 Spice 33> 77> 83, 102 Splinter 167 " Sporting Dictionary " 14 " Sportsman's Cabinet " 19 Index. 235 Spot (Basset's) .... ... page 59 Spot (Fell's) ... ... 56 Spot (Underwood's) 68 Spot (C. Littleworth's) ... 126 Spratts Patent (Medicines, Foods, &c.) 191, 199, 203 Spruce 115 Statter, Mr. G. F 54 Stephens, Mr. S. J. (his kennel) 89 Stevenson, Mr. (Chester) 29, 35 Sting (Handley's) 39 Stipendiary 80,90 " Stonehenge " (Mr. J. H. Walsh) 18,20,28,41,151 Strutt's " Sports and Pastimes " ... 4 StudBooks 188 Sunfield Frost 178 Superfoetation 205 Surety 82 Surrey Janet 178 Sutton Viola ... 82 T. Taplin's Sporting Dictionary 21 Tartar... 103 Tartar, Old 31, 34 Teazle 168 Tees Nap 174 Tees Topper 174 Ten Best Terriers .... loi.etseg. Terrier and Boy 193 Terrier circumventing a Fox 156 Terriers on Grouse Moors 117 Terriers, Price of, in 1803 15 Terriers and Badgers 120, 147 Terriers, " Walking " 194 Thayer, Mr. E. J. (New York) 96 Themis 33 Thorn 167 236 Index. Thurnall, Mr. page 176 Tickham, The ,... 36 Tidy ... ... ... 117 Timothy Foiler 170 Tinne", Mr. J. C. (his Kennel) 80 Tip (Hitchcock's) 36 Tip (Bassett's) 133 Tip (Wire-haired) ... 150, 156 Tip (Shirley's) 167 Tipton Slasher 177 Toiler 168 Tom (Murchison's) 67 Tom Firr 114 Toomer, Mr. F. W 180 Topper 167 Topsy ... 41 " Tortoise Shell" Heads 26 Tory 54 Touch 35 Trafford, Sir H. de 176, 177, 178 Trap 29, 31, 33, 37 Trap marked ... 37 Tramp ...... 153 Treatment during Breeding 187 Trick 170 Tricksey 62 Trimmer 28, 33, 40, 53 Trimmer, Grove 67 Trimmer II 68 Trinket 66 Trumps ... 40, 66 Turco ... 62,105 Turk 66,146 Turk (Mr. Colmore's) ... 167 Turner, Mr. Luke (his Kennel) 33, 62, 83, 177 Twyford, T. \Y 81 Tyke ... 40,63,66,103 Index. :2 3 7 Tyndale Hounds, The page 44,71 Tyrant, Old . ... ... 33,39,102 Tyrant IV 87 Ullswater Hounds, The ... ... ... ... ... ... 51 V. Valeria 122 Valuable Prizes ... 62 Valuer ... 178 Van Walchren, Mrs 89 Valteline 89 Vandal ... -. 105 Vanity ... 58 Varmint ... ... 60 Vassal ... ... 41, 56 Vedette ... ... 122 Velocity ... 178 Vengeance 67 Veni 122 Venilia 88 Venio ... 81,87,88,99,104,107,133 Venom 29, 71 Venom's Peculiar Litter of Puppies 205 Venture .... -. 57, 65, 149, 150 Vertagris or Tumbler, The .... 10 Vesuvienne ... ... ... 75,88,99,104,107,133 Vexer , ... -,,. .... 55, 58 Vicary, Mr. R. (his Kennels, &c.) 67, .75, 87, 99, 106, 114, 119 Vicary, Mr. R., his opinions -... .- 119 Vic (O'Grady's) ,,, .,,. 52 Vice Regal ..... . .,,. ... 88,90,92,104 Vicety .... ... .... .... .... 89 Victor 1 68 Victor Chief ... -,,. . . 122 Vigilant 67 238 Index. Viking page 72 Violet 40 Viper (Shore's) 66 Viper (Weaver's) 35 Visigoth 88 Vora 169 Vyner, Mr. 43 W. Waddington, Mr. F 168 Walker, The late Mr. John 44 " Walking " Terriers 194 Walsh, Mr. J. H. (see " Stonehenge "). Ward, Mr 151 Wardle, Mr. Arthur 65,86,88 Warren, Mr. G. H 60 Washing Dogs 206 Wasp 150 Weight (classes divided by) 59 Welburn, Mr. E., Formation of his Kennels 176, 179 Welburn's, Mr. E., " Prize Description " 112 Wellingboro' Teaser and Judy 178, 179 Wharton, Mr. C. W ...172,176 Whipp, Mr. T. (his kennels) 89 Whippets 130 Whiskey (Mr. Ben Cox's) 59 White, Mr. (Sherwood Rise) 74 White, The late Capt 47 White Violet 40 Whichcote, Sir Thomas 85 Whitemore, Mr. G 126 Whittle, Mr. J. R 60 William de Foxhunte 13 Willie 126 Wire-haired Terriers, Owners of best, 1 8 1 Wire-hairs in Nottingham 144 Wire-hairs, Gameness of 145 Index. 239 Wootton, Mr. Thomas page 29, 74, 150 Worms, Cures for 195 Worry 41 Wynn, Sir Watkin 44 X. X.L 73 Y. "Yellows" (Inflammation of the Liver) 199 Young Broom 167 York Fox Terrier Club 219 York Terrier Show . .168 ^Advertisements. FOR FOX TERRIERS. SPRATT'S PATENT DOG CAKES. See they are stamped "SPRATT'S PATENT" and a "X." PAMPHLET ON CANINE DISEASES, POST FREE, Spratt's Patent Ltd, Bermondsey, London, For Portrait of the Fox Terrier Stipendiary see beginning of this book. .Advertisement*. Under Royal Patronage at Home and Abroad. MANGE, SURFEIT, ERUPTIONS, BLOTCH, LOSS OF COAT, AND ALL SKIN DISEASES. DOGS, HORSES, AND OTHER ANIMALS, tH$ Jlislpjt's BfyiratBb Jmltrm. ISTEWTOlSr ABBOT. Perfectly free from Poison, Oils, or Grease. The Lotion destroys all Lice, Fleas, or Ticks. Hundreds of Testimonials of Cases cured when all other remedies had failed. Forwarded to any part of the World in Tin Cans, I Quart, 2s. 6d., parcel post 6d. extra ; 2 Quarts, 45. 6d., parcel post is. extra; I Gallon, 8s. ; 2 Gallons, 155. Can be obtained through all Chemists, of Messrs. Barclay and Sons, 95. Farringdon Street ; Messrs W. Edwards and Sons, 239, Upper Thames Street ; Messrs. Sanger and Sons, 150 and 252, Oxford Street, London ; and of Messrs. Raimes, Blanchards, and Co., Edinburgh. Extract from the " Field." BISHOP'S MANUE LOTION. We have received several letters from gentlemen who have tried this Lotion with an excellent result, in consequence of our recommendation to that effect. From their account, which may be taken as reliable, since they are all experienced in canine matters, the Lotion is a great boon to owners of dogs. Mr. Bishop's address is Ogwell, Newton Abbot. Mr. Lort says : " I have given the Lotion a good trial, and like it." Mr. Whitehouse says : " It has proved successful in every case ; is invaluable for skin diseases. ' Mr. J. H. Salter says: " Being non-poisonous, I have dressed bitches with puppies on them ; cured the mother without damage to the offspring." The Rev. Gumming Macdona says : " There is nothing that will prevent and cure mange and all skin diseases like Elias Bishop's Lotion." The Rev. W. Sergeantson says: "The Lotion is most effective, easily applied, free from grease and smell." Rev. W. J. Mellor says : " I consider your Lotion an excellent remedy for red mange and blotch ; only had occasion to use it twice; both cases it effected a perfect cure in a very short time.'' Mr. T. Webber says : " Your Lotion has cured my dogs, and I most strongly re- commend it to every sportsman." Mr. W. D. Duncan says: "Elias Bishop's Mange Lotion. I have found it the best remedy I have ever tried, and that out of a good many. If the heat which he sees is treated with it in time, he will have little trouble in soon making it disappear, but even in very- bad cases I have never found it fail. I first tried it on a mare that was very bad, and my V.S. could do nothing for her ; that is, everything he tried failed. I told him I had Bishop's Lotion, and I tried it on one side; he went on with his treatment on the other side of her. In a week my side was nearly well, and his not one bit better ; so we then used it on both sides, and in a short time she was all right, and has never been troubled with it again, whereas before that every spring she used to break out with it. With dogs I never have any cases bad, as I always take it in time, and I feel sure if J. C. has not tried it he will soon have his kennel all right if he will use the Lotion ; there is very little trouble with it." Mr. Edgar Hanbury says: "I have just made the most successful cure I have ever taken in hand by the use of your valuable Lotion, in the case of a mastiff bitch, which came to me some months ago sadly infected with mange; so badly, in fact, that I once thought it was almost hopeless ; but, by following all your directions to the letter, and paying great attention to her diet, &c., she is now perfectly recovered, and her coat is like silk, and I have every reason to think that she will not be troubled with it again. I could mention many other instances of obstinate mange where I have met with the same result, but the above is decidedly the worst that I have ever come across, and proves the wonderful power of your mixture. Prav make use of these remarks in any way you like." Miss M. Norton says : " Some time ago you sent me a quart of your Lotion to put on cur little black and tan terrier. I am very glad to say it has quite cured him, and instead of him having hardly any coat, he has now got a thick glossy one. Our vet. here told us that the dog could not be cured, and that we had better kill him ; he described the disease as ' eczema.' We shall always recommend your Lotion with great pleasure, again thanking you very much." Mr. V'ero Shaw says : " I have tried the Mange Lotion I had from you the other day, and it has acted like magic upon a couple of greyhounds which had mange badly, and upon which a number of the usual remedies had had no effect. As long as I keep dogs I never shall be without some of your Mange Lotion on the premises, and shall recommend it to my friends. You are quite at liberty to make any use you like of this." Advertisements. THE LIVE STOCK AGENCY Established 1887. ITALIAN GREYHOUNDS. PRINCE CHARMING, PRINCESS ZETA, AND THE LADY GRACE. The property of Mrs. F. E. Anstice. THE LIVE STOCK AGENCY PROCURES EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PET, also SPORTING DOG, INCLUDING Italian Greyhounds, King Charles and Blenheim Spaniels, Black and Tan, Fox, Dandie Dinmont, Irish, Scotch, Maltese, and Yorkshire Terriers, Pugs, Bulldogs, Bloodhounds, Boarhounds, Pomeranians, Poodles, Collies, Borzois, Dachshunds, St. Bernards, Mastiffs, &c., &c., and EVERY SPECIES of ANIMAL or BIRD. CATTLE, SHEEP, HORSES, PONIES, and LIVE STOCK of every kind PROCURED for home OP shipped abroad, Address the Manager, WESTMINSTER CHAMBERS, 3, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W. BANKERS THE LONDON JOINT STOCK. Live Stool* Sales Attended. STUD ITALIAN GREYHOUNDS AND POMERANIANS. Advertisements. NALDIRE'S PRIZE MEDAL DOG SOAP (Free from Carbolic Acid and all other poisons}. Destroys all Irritating Insects, Removes Doggy Smell, Improves the Coat, and leaves the Animal a Refreshed and Happy Dog. " Naldire's Soap is harmless to dogs, but fatal to fleas." FRANK BUCKLAND. NALDIRE'S PRIZE MEDAL SOAP, Of CHEMISTS, PERFUMERS, or STORES. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS Unhealthy appearance of Coat, hair looking dead and not lying smoothly, condition bad although appetite good, spirits dull, nose hot and dry, and breath offensive. NALDIRE'S WORM POWDERS Remove these Pests "within one hour ; also give tone to the stomach, and produce first-rate condition in Dogs. DOGS. Worms in a Fox Terrier. The Cottage, Sandhills, Walsall, March 3, 1887. Please send me one of Naldire's Worm Powders. I consider them splendid. I had a fox terrier almost dead last Sunday, and got one of your powders from a friend, and in 15 minutes after the dog had it he passed a tapeworm almost 6oft. in length. FRANK J. BRAWN. NALDIRE'S WORM POWDERS Are sold by all Chemists. In Packets, is., 2s., 35. 6tf., and 55. With full directions for use. each. .Advertisements. BOULTON & PAUL, NORWICH THE ORIGINAL MAKERS OF KENNELS & KENNEL REQUISITES. No. 122. Kennels with runs for Terriers. _ CASH PRICE, CARRIAGE PAID. Two Kennels and runs as shown above, each Kennel 4ft. by < s. d. 2ft. 9in., and each run 6ft. by 4ft ................... 7 10 Four Kennels and runs ........................... 1410 Six Kennels and runs .............................. 21 COMPOSITE KENNEL for TERRIERS. CASH PRICE, CARRIAGE PAID No. 89. House and yard, as illustrated, 8ft. long by 3ft. Gin. wide by 4ft. high ......... 4 10 No. 81. Eetriever size Q No. 80. Single house and yard for Mastiffs, &c .......... 7 Wood Batten Floors for yards, 10/-, 15/- and. 20/- respectively extra. No. 93. Registered Kennel. NOTE. These Kennels cannot be compared with the cheap class of Kennels advertised. REDUCED CASH PRICES, INCLUDING REGIS- TERED SLIDING BENCH. Lth. Wth. Ht. ft.in. ft.in. ft.in. s. d. For Terriers ............ 2 61425 110 For Colleys, Spaniels, or Eetrievers ............ 36 23 34 1 12 1 For St. Bernards or Mastiffs 46 28 46 2 15 Chains and Collars not supplied. Feeding Pan as shown attached to Kennel, 8/- each. If on Castors, 7/6 extra. Send for Illustrated < atalot/tie, free on application. ONLY THE BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP USED, BEWARE OF IMITATORS. Aclvertistments. DINNEFORD'S HOUND IQLOVE. Unrivalled for producing a healthy, sleek, and glossy surface on the coats of Greyhounds, Foxhounds, Harriers, wire-haired, and smooth-coated Dogs. Price 5$., Free by Post. DINNEFORD & CO., Manufacturers, 180, NEW BOND STKEET, LONDON, W. DOG PILLS. HIND'S ALTERATIVE PILLS for preventing DISTEMPER, and getting DOGS into SHOW CONDITION, are unrivalled. W. W. Thompson, Esq., writes : " I consider your pills for getting dogs into condition most excellent. I have given them a good trial." R. Hood-Wright, Esq., writes : " I have never had a single case of distemper amongst my Deerhounds since I used them." In addition to the above, the following, amongst a long list of well-known gentlemen, have signified their entire approval of them : H. Ralph, Esq., T. Easton, Esq., G. Cartmel, Esq., R. B. Lee, Esq. Sold in boxes, is. id. 2s. 6d., and $s. post free. Worm Powders, a safe and cheap vermifuge for dogs, sold in packets, free by post, is. id., by HIND, Chemist, Kendal. N.B. The pills are made in two sizes, for dogs under i5lb. weight and puppies ; the smaller ones are the best. A dvertisements. 69 MEDALS AND OTHER AWARDS. DIRECTIONS FOR THE USE OF "Jeyes' Fluid." DOGS. To keep Dogs In perfect health, free from objectionable odour, fleas, &c., wash them weekly, as follows: BATH. Mix, in the proportion of I to 80, " Jeyes' Fluid" with water (say one teaspoonful to a pint). Temperature should be moderately warm. Immerse the dog. Use Jeyes' Dog Soap. LOCAL TREATMENT. Use an Emulsion double the above strength. Apply with a sponge. WOUNDS AND SORES. Treat as above, and afterwards anoint with Jeyes' Veterinary Ointment. N.B. Jeyes' Fluid and Ointment are quite harmless, therefore dogs may lick themselves with impunity perhaps with advantage. DISEASES are arrested and prevented by the above treatment. DISTEMPER. Keep the animal warm and dry, and in even tempera- ture. Bathe eyes and nose with weak solution (i to 200). Don't wash him. Sprinkle Jeyes' Powder or Jeyes' Sawdust in kennel. ECZEMA. Wash or bathe as above directed, and use Jeyes' Veterinary Ointment. LICE. A second bath, at an interval of a wee-k, will rid the dog of all trace of this pest. MANGE. Bathe the parts affected with a warm solution daily, and afterwards anoint with Jeyes' Veterinary Ointment. The hair will soon grow again. SKIN DISEASES. Perfect cleanliness is to be secured by the above treatment It is a certain cure. PARASITES, externally. Wash the dog as already directed. Repeat the operation a week later in case any nits have survived the first bath PARASITES, internally. Also WO RMS. -A few drops of the Fluid in water will be found a perfectly safe and effectual cure. CAUTION. Be sure the fluid is really "Jeyes," and avoid all imita- tions, as also carbolic acid, which is an irritant poison. KENNELS. Flush out regularly with a solution I part "Jeyes '' to 40 parts water ; occasionally stronger. Afterwards sprinkle with Jeyes' Powder or Jeyes' Sawdust ; especially in the corners. JEYES' SANITARY COMPOUNDS Co., Ltd., 43, CANNON STREET, LONDON, E.G. WORKS PLAISTOW, E. A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY HORACE COX. Demy Sro., icith Illustrations by Arthur Wardle, price 155., by post 15*. Gd. A HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF THE MODKRK DOGS or 0rtat Britain attir Maitir. BY B. Kennel Editor of " The Field," Author of the "Histories of the Fox Terrier, "Collies," d. THE COUNTRY HOUSE. A COLLECTION OF USEFUL INFOEMATION AND EECIPES, Adapted to the Country Gentleman and his Household, and of the greatest utility to the Housekeeper generally. By I. E. B. C., Editor of " Facts and Useful Hints relating to Fishing and Shooting," and " The Gamekeeper's and Game Preserver's Account Book and Diary." Crown Svo., price Is., by post Is. 2d., in Coloured Wrapper, and Page Illustrations drawn by WHYMPER. TWENTY-SIX YEARS' REMINISCENCES OF QPflTPU PPflllQE MflflRQ obulun bnUUot IVIUuno. CONTENTS. Seasons 1863 to 1888 A Hare Day Remarks on the Outcome of Disease Heather-Burning and Draining Surface Draining Dogs Disease Wildfowl Conclusion Summary. Demy 8vo., price 2s., by post 2s. 2d. THE SPORTSMAN'S VADE-MECUM FOR THE HIMALAYAS. CONTAINING OIV SHOOTING-, CA-M!! 5 LIFE, to., price Is., by post Is. 3d. AND SPORTSMAN'S ILLUSTRATED CALENDAR FOR 1895. THE FIELD" OFFICE, BREAM'S BUILDINGS, LONDON, E.G. PUBLISHED BY HORACE COX. Demy Svo., in Two Volumes, price 15s. each, by post 15s. Qd. each. THE MODERN SPORTSMAN'S GUN AND RIFLE, INCLUDING GAME AND WILDFOWL GUNS, SPORTING AND MATCH RIFLES AND REVOLVERS, IN TWO VOLUMES. Vol. I. Game and Wildfowl Guns. Vol. II. The Rifle and Revolver. By the late J. H. WALSH, " STONEHENGE," EDITOR OF " THE FIELD," Author of "Dogs of the British Islands," "The Greyhound," "British Kural Sports,"