PHHJJS Published in October, 1904 Phillis Frontispiece Facing Page One glance showed him the cause was up, and with coolness and good sense he calmly sat down on a step " . . . . .20 " Dick turned and took Miss Phillis s hand and kissed it " 42 " Then the girl s head dropped on Dick s shoulder, and he put his arms about her ... 64 " The picture of the Captain . its frame. " . hastily cut from 86 2056266 LOVE FINDS THE WAY U T WANT you all to look at that picture closely, and though the flicker of the firelight makes it difficult to see, I think you can detect a curious roughness about the outline of the figure, much as if the cobbler- artist who painted it, finding his technique insufficient to make it project itself from the back ground, had endeavoured to ob tain such an effect by actual Love Finds the Way layers of paint. Look at the right shoulder, above the epaulette, and you will perceive what I mean. See how lumpily the paint is laid on?" " I can t say that I see anything unusual," remarked some one. "Then the light comes wrong for you. I m sure that some of you sit so that you can see to what I refer?" " Yes, yes, it s very noticeable," acceded a girl to whom the ap peal was made. Love Finds the Way " As it will be to you all, when I tell you its real nature. Im agine that once that figure was cut from the surrounding canvas by a knife, and that later, when it was restored, the injury was painted out, as well as could be, but inevitably with a thickening of the paint at that point almost into ridges." "Yes. I see now what you mean," assented a listener. "Certainly. It s as plain as can be," agreed a second one. ii Lowe Finds the Way "Well, my story has to do with that particular fact, and I am going to leave it to each of you to decide whether the picture was the evil genius or the guardian angel of the gentleman it repre sents. It was painted by an un known artist in New York dur ing the summer of 1776, and was intended to depict one Lieutenant Richard Goddard, whose regiment formed part of the forces with which Washington was holding the city. Why he chose the par- 12 Love Finds the Way ticular moment of war s alarms to have himself painted, I cannot say, but there are two horns to the dilemma, and you are wel come to either, or both. The first explanation is that he had but just received his commission, and doubtless was so proud of his new uniform that the tempta tion to have a counterfeit pre sentment of himself made was irresistible. The second is that between guard duty and intrench ing he found time, or, perhaps, 13 Love Finds the Way as better befitted his calling, killed it, by be coming deeply enam oured with his cousin, Phillis Goelet, and it may have been that it was painted at her behest, or, at least, in the hope that it would find a favour in her eyes, which, if family tradition is to be trusted, the original was slow to achieve. We know for certain that the actual sittings took place at Fairview, her father s home, overlooking the East River, and 14 Love Finds the Wa^ about two miles from New York that is, from Wall Streetthough the city then straggled almost a mile farther north. The Captain had been asked by his kinspeople to make his home with them, and he and, I suspect, all the other young officers were with them as much as their military duties allowed; and here on the lawn the portrait was limned, with the old house as a background. One can picture the scene as he 15 Love Finds the Way posed and the artist painted, and, to judge from his expression, Miss Phillis is either saying some thing teasing to him, or else some one of the officers is utter ing some piece of gallantry to her. Or do you think it was merely too early in the season for melons?" " Harold, how absurd ! Grand father was always very careful what he ate." " At seventy-nine, yes, but that was because he Love Finds the hadn t been at twenty-two, cousin. A man who doesn t learn the les son of green melons at twenty will surely do so at seventy. However, we ll say that he left the melon patch well alone, prob ably because the rank and file had already stripped it bare, and that the expression is due to Miss Phillis s coquetting with " "Harold, you ought to be ashamed to say such things. From the way you talk, every one will think her a flirt." 17 Love Finds ibc Way "Didn t you tell me that she had sixteen proposals of marriage, not counting nibbles?" " Yes. And it s true, for Mamma told me." "And what would you call a modern girl who had sixteen offers?" "Oh, but that s different, Har old. That would be horribly vulgar, of course, but all the girls of that time had lots of propo sals. It was the way things were then." 18 Love Finds the Way "Then why make boast of it in her case?" "Why, you see Pshaw! I don t boast of it, Harold ; I only tell of it to prove how beautiful and attractive she was." " Just as every girl of that gen eration was, if you ll believe their descendants. But how about the men?" "Men? What do you mean?" demanded Mrs. Goddard. "Why, if every girl had a baker s dozen or so of 19 Love Finds the Way lovers, what an awful disgrace rests on our grandfathers." " I don t understand what you mean, Harold." " That each one was in love a dozen times before he could get a girl to have him. They must have been awful chumps. Really, Lieutenant Dick, I don t wonder that you have the woe-begone look to your mouth, which a moment ago I ascribed to melons. Think of being rejected that often ! No wonder they were * One glance showed him the cause was up, and with cool ness and good sense he calmly sat down on a step. " (Page 77) Love Finds the Way six and eight bottle men ; noth ing short of a hogshead would do for me under such a series of disappointments. Their hearts must have looked as if they had been through a stone-breaker set to make top-dressing for macadam roads." "Harold, you are perfectly un bearable. She was his first and only love." "Then I suppose eleven other girls were short one proposal each, by his being so ungallant, as well 21 Love Finds the Way as unfashionable. How the dear creatures must have hated him." " Nothing of the kind. Mamma assured me he was a great beau." " Possibly because they liked a variation from the other kind. I should think that what we may term the rapid-fire lovers of that time must have been rather a nuisance. As they usually mar ried before they were much over twenty, they must have proposed at least three or four times a 22 Love Finds tbe Way year. Probably once at each sol stice and equinox." "If you don t stop being silly, and tell your story, I ll begin one in your stead." "Excuse me, all, for the dis cursiveness. To resume, Captain Dick sat for his portrait and courted Miss Phillis until early in August, when his regiment was ordered to Brooklyn. There he shared in the drubbing the Con tinental army got, but, fortunately, having, as you will see by the 23 Love Finds the Way portrait, a good pair of legs, he was not taken prisoner, and, hav ing successfully run away, he lived to fight another day." " He was promoted for his con duct, and you know it, Harold. "Only because his superior officer couldn t run fast enough and so was captured. Clearly a company without a captain wouldn t do, and so Dick was given his colours. Well. Here he was back again, and once more vainly sighing at the pretty feet 24 Love Finds the Way of Miss Phillis, none the better, I presume, in her eyes, because of his masterly retreat. He was not permitted to sigh for long, how ever, for the British effected a landing on Manhattan, and once more good legs were at a pre mium. It is needless to relate the part he bore in the retreat, first to the north end of the island, and then to White Plains, the one fact of importance to our tale being that he left behind Fairview not merely the 25 him girl 5O Love Finds the Way -J his heart, but the por trait, a full-length can vas not being exactly equipage for a soldier in an active campaign. It is to be hoped that he paid the poor artist that is, sign painter before departing." " It s horrid for you to say such things, Harold, and I don t see how you can do it. I m sure he paid for it." "Then he unquestionably did, though I have known the mas culine two and twenty sometimes Low Finds the Way a trifle neglectful of such little forms and conventions. And now that one thinks of it, may not that droop to the mouth be due to his worrying over where on earth he was to get the money to pay for the likeness? Passing that by, however, as irrelevant, here we have Dick himself in Westchester and Tick s portrait at Fairview, both unhung, how ever deserving thereof the former Love Finds the Way "Harold!" "You should let me complete my sentence however deserving thereof the former was in the eyes of King George s cohorts. Well, these same British myrmi dons pursued the retreating Con tinentals into Westchester, intent upon putting an end to resist ance, an intention persisted in until they came in sight of the position Washington had occu pied. Not liking the look of it, and with a recol- 28 Love Finds the Way lection of Bunker s Hill akin to that of the child who has dis covered by contact how a hot stove feels, they took counsel and decided that there was an opportunity for the brave Hes sians and Anspachers to cover themselves with undying glory and a foot of top-soil. Accord ingly, the German regiments were ordered to assault and carry the American lines, and with alacrity and courage they declined to rob the British grena- 29 Love Finds tbc Way d::: 5 of such an occasion for achieving fame. As this prudent declaration did not tend to in crease the British liking for the task, it was abandoned, and their forces fell back to Manhat tan, giving out in explanation that those particular native grapes were sour, and that they never had wanted them any way. It is a story in the family that when one of the British officers who was quartered at Fairview bit- ingly remarked that he d Love Finds the Way like to see the face of Captain Goddard, Miss Phillis replied that he might have gratified his wish if he had taken the time to look behind him in the retreat, a re tort tending to prove that though her ladyship might not be willing to surrender to Captain Dick her self, she did not propose to see him the butt of any one else. There is a curious distinction be tween a man s and a woman s love, in that he knows himself to be stricken with the first 31 Love Finds the Way symptoms of the fever, but she can have the disease for months before she discovers what it "Sort of walking typhoid, eh?" suggested one of the listeners. "Much worse. Fewer recov eries," muttered the old bachelor. "Meantime, while Miss Phillis was making the mouths of the British officers alternately water and droop, as once she had made Dick s" "Then you acknowledge that 32 Love Finds the Way he did pay the poor artist," demanded the hostess, trium phantly. "Is it kind to call the painter that, cousin? Remember he is dead." "You know perfectly well that I didn t mean any criticism on the quality of his work." "Then you must have meant that he was poor in a worldly sense; ergo, it is clear that Grandfather Richard had not paid him?" questioned the narrator. Love Finds the Way " Do finish your story, Harold," was her only retort. " I should have long since, but for interruptions. Howe and his forces having done their share of retreating, it became a question in the Continental camp whether the British were going into winter quarters at New York, or whether they were planning a descent into New Jersey. Accurate knowl edge on this point was of enor mous importance, and the little that was obtainable was of the 34 Love Finds the Way most conflicting nature. Under these circumstances Captain Dick offered to go into the city to see if he could not get the needed information, and his proposition was eagerly accepted. The Amer ican cause still had- friends in the town who could aid in the quest, three of whom were named to the young volunteer, and as the British could scarce ly guard the whole water front of the city, it did not appear a difficult task to effect a land- 35 Love Finds the Way ing and a communication with them. "As time was everything, Dick secured the garb of a farmer, and rode some twelve miles that after noon to Morrisania. One of the family after whom that place was named, being in camp, had rec ommended to the Captain a boat man who could be relied upon, and, as soon as the darkness per mitted, they rowed out of the Har lem into the East River, and pulled for New York, expecting to reach 36 Low Finds the Way it some time before midnight. To their disappointment, they soon discovered that a number of British frigates and patrol boats were in the river, forcing them to proceed with the utmost caution, and thus long before their destination was reached, the tide turned, which meant more delay. Upon this the boatman refused to go farther, fearing that he could not make good his own return before daylight, and gave his companion the choice of either 37 Lave Finds the Way being landed where they were, or of return ing with him. It is needless to say which alternative he took, and, accordingly, a little after three o clock the Captain found himself on the shores of Manhattan, with but little far ther knowledge as to his where abouts. "Fortunately, the barking of a dog gave him a little guidance, and by this clue he groped his way through a field or two, until 38 Lowe Finds the Way at last he came upon a farm house, to which, because of the dog and the unknown sympathies of its occupants, he gave a wide berth, but by its means was quickly upon the King s Bridge road, and therefore upon familiar ground. Turning southward upon it, he took as rapid a pace as he dared, for, not knowing where an outpost might be placed, some prudence was necessary. The wisdom of his precaution was 39 Love Finds the Way soon shown by his coming in sight of a picket fire at the junc tion with the Middle Road. Fre quent strolls during the previous summer with let us say, his fel low officers had made all this well known country to him, and he turned off into a lane, and then into one branching from it, which brought him, just as the sky was beginning to- redden, behind the barn of Fairview." "Oh, ho 1 " exclaimed one of the masculine listeners. Love Finds the Way "That s what I ve been hoping he d do," eagerly cried a feminine one. " Proceeding cautiously, he stole around the barn, and, wishing to make sure of the place of quick retreat before venturing to the house, he softly rolled back one of the barn doors until there was space enough for him to enter. What the growing light revealed to him led to a hasty retreat, for on piles of hay spread on the floor lay three red- Love Finds the Way coated troopers, and even as he drew back one of them suddenly sat up, and looked about to see what had disturbed him. A large chestnut tree stood within a few feet of the barn, and Dick jumped quietly behind it, not a moment too soon, for the cavalryman ap peared at the door and looked out, while he tried to rub the sleep from his eyes. Seeing nothing, and too stupid still to draw any inference from the change in the door, he 42 Dick turned and took htiss PhUlis s hand and kissed it. " (Page 86) Love Finds the Way muttered a curse, and went back to his hay. Waiting a little for safety, the Captain left his con cealment, and keeping out of the range of the crack, and using every bit of cover that he could, he sneaked his way to the house. It was now almost daylight and every moment was making his situation more perilous. Hoping to gain aid from within, and knowing that the servants would be first stirring, he went to the kitchen, and peeped in 43 Love Finds the Way at one of the windows. Here, again, he was doomed to disap pointment, for he could see by the light of the mouldering logs in the fireplace more sleeping figures stretched on the floor. "Oftentimes our luckiest ac tions are forced upon us, and so it proved in this case. While Goddard momentarily debated what it was best to do, the sound of the barn doors being rolled open attracted his atten tion, and there issued forth one of 44 Love Finds the Way the troopers, leading a horse. He was followed by a second and then a third one, each with a horse, and then all took their way to the watering trough, which was in plain view of the house. Our Captain at the first warning had placed himself be hind the vines growing about the kitchen porch, this being the only cover at hand, and here he stood, though wishing that he had sought concealment in the orchards or elsewhere, and trust- 45 Love Finds the Way ing that they would presently return to the barn and give him a chance to escape. Even this hope was quickly killed, for, as the horses drank, one of the men put a bugle to his lips and there came across the lawn the notes to which soldiers have put the words: \ can t get em up, I can t get em up, I can t get em up in the morning. I can t get em up, I can t get em up, I can t get em up at all. 46 Love Finds the Way "As if echoing a disproof, the Captain heard sounds which in dicated that those within were sfirring, and he knew that the protecting vines, which the autumn frosts had almost stripped of their leaves, would be no con cealment from any one coming on to the porch. For an instant he balanced either a run for it or boldly joining the men at the trough ; then as the best, he put his foot on the lattice and as quickly as he could climbed to 47 Love Finds the Way the roof of the porch. Here, by lying down, he could almost con ceal himself from view. This he effected, and none too soon, for barely was he placed, when he heard the kitchen door open, and footsteps below him, sounds which turned the eyes of those at the trough towards the house, and, as he could see them plainly, he realised that if their attention was not fixed on their fellow troopers, a little lifting of their eyes would reveal him to them. 4 8 Love Finds the Way Fortunately for him, the two groups began to gird at each other, as those below left the porch and walked toward their fellows. The newcomers after a moment s pause with their fel lows continued on to the barn, evidently to get their own charg ers, and those at the trough faced about to continue the vocal spar ring. "It was the Captain s one chance, and, getting on his knees, he tried the window, which, to 49 his relief, he found was unfastened. Not losing an instant, he raised it enough to gain entrance, and crawled in. Turning, he closed the window, at the same time looking to see if the dragoons had discovered him, and. he breathed easier when he saw them still intent on their various occupations. "Safe for the time being, or at least out of his worst peril, Captain Dick turned about. A 50 Love Finds the Way big four-post bedstead, with the curtains still but toned together, warned him that the bed was prob ably still occupied, and two pairs of heavy riding boots on the floor, and sundry parts of uniforms thrown on chairs, only served to assure him that he had but changed, and not es caped the dangers that beset him. "Ms that you, McCoy? asked a sleepy voice from behind the curtains. Love Finds tbe Way "Close to the window by which he had entered was a ) door, and, as his one chance, Dick softly opened it and slipped through, to find himself in a closet redolent of lavender. " Is that you, McCoy? again demanded the voice. " What the deuce is the row ? asked a second voice, crossly. " I thought I heard some one in the room, man. " It was your own infernal snoring, I ll be 52 Love Finds the Way bound. Devil seize me, what a sweet thing life would be if there was no going to bed and no getting up. "Well. More grumbling fol lowed, and then the two finally set on to dressing, no detail of which is worth mention save the circumstance that in pulling on his boots one of the officers, by ill luck, chose to lean against the closet door, which promptly closed tight, and latched itself. At the moment Captain & Love Finds the Way Dick gave the tell-tale click no thought, but when the men finally left the room, and he ran his hand up and down the door, to find only a smooth surface, he realised that by that small accident he had been made a -prisoner. It is true that probably he could, by brac ing himself, force the latch, but on consideration he preferred not to risk the noise of it, preferring to wait the coming of one of the ser vants, knowing for certain that he could trust any of them to 54 Love Finds the Way release him quietly, and to aid him in every possible way. So like a philosopher he settled himself on the floor in the most restful attitude he could compass, and waited. " It seemed to him ages elapsed before any one entered the room, and, when at last some one did, it brought only disappointment to the prisoner, for the heavy stride bespoke a man. He was followed presently by one of the maids, and the poor Captain was forced to listen to a half- V> Love Finds the Way bantering, half-gallant conver sation as one made the beds and tidied the room and the other polished the swords and buckles ; and apparently this semi-flirtation greatly lengthened the dual tasks. Finally the maid completed her duties and departed to an other room, and then all the sounds that came to the hungry, sleepy and tired man was the faint rubbing of brushes or chamois. . "Suddenly he sat up from his Love Finds tbc Way recumbent position against the wall, with a consciousness that he had been asleep, but for how long he had not the slight est idea. For a moment he was too dazed to remember his whereabouts, but in a flash it came back, and he listened. " Capotted, by George, he heard a man say. "Damn the luck, muttered another, and then followed the clink of coins. For heaven s sake, man, do deal faster. 57 Love Finds the Way "A pause ensued, and then: "Seven in suit. " Good. "And a sixieme. "Good, curse it. "And three aces. "Not good. " Seven and sixteen are twenty- three, and nine cards and a card played are thirty - three Forty- three I score, and Hallo! What brings you, Howgate? "Orders from headquarters/ replied a new voice. The regi- 58 Love Finds the Way ment is to muster to-morrow morning before daylight. " What s in the wind? "Headquarters don t tell, but as similar orders have been issued to seven other regiments, and as we are to embark our horses, tis evident the Jerseys are to be in vaded. " Ten guineas that we eat our Christmas dinner in Philadelphia, offered one of the card players. " If we don t meet with a sec ond White Plains. 59 Love Finds the Way " Tis on that very fact I base my offer. With Washington in Westchester we can be well across the Delaware before he so much as knows we ve started/ "As can be imagined, this was news to the Captain, which set him to alternately blessing his stars that he should have been in a position to hear it and to cursing them that that same po sition allowed him to put his knowledge to such little use. Af ter some more talk, needless here 60 Love Finds the Way to repeat, the officer who had brought the order departed, and the two resumed their card play ing, to the disgust of the prisoner, who fretted and fumed as he was forced to listen to the monotonous declarations and countings, varied only by the chink of coin or the exclamation of joy or anger at some particular piece of luck, either good or bad. Having no idea how long he had slept, he could form no conclusion as to the probable time, save by the fact 61 Love Finds the Way that the air of the closet was becoming well-nigh insupportable. Yet there was nothing to do but submit to the enforced imprisonment and suffocating atmosphere, for a dis covery was certain but to make the former more serious, and probably only terminated by a suffocation absolutely fatal. " At last a bell, which the Cap tain recognised as that rung for meals, sounded, putting a finish to the cards and drawing the play- 62 Lave Finds the Way ers downstairs. Ere the tramp of their boots had sounded through the lower hall, Goddard had his back braced against the wall, and one foot on the door, but then faltered and waited, for he knew that he could not force his way out without noise, so he con cluded to let them get well started in their eating and drinking before he made the attempt, knowing full well that few things are so engrossing to human kind. 63 c Finds the Way "To make sure that his own eagerness should not get the bet ter of his prudence, he slowly counted two hundred, then braced himself and pushed on the door, slowly increasing the pressure. One foot proving unequal to the purpose, he added the second one. This proved too much for the stout ash, and, though the heavy latch and hinges held firm, the whole centre of the door, both cross and panels, suddenly gave way with a crash, Then the girl s head dropped on Dick s shoulder, and lie put his arms about her. (Page 95) I Love Finds the Way which to Dick sounded as if the whole house were coming down about his ears. "As the wood caved outward, the Captain went to the floor none too lightly. Without stopping to pick himself up, he crawled through the outlet. In the closet he had planned out exactly what course to pursue. If a glance out of the window showed him a clear field, he intended to descend as he had come, and to trust to the fleetness of 65 I Love Finds the Way his legs and the nearness of the orchards and woods in making a run for it ; but if he saw that the dragoons still blocked that road to liberty, then he hoped to con ceal, but not imprison himself in one of the adjoining rooms, and to bide a chance for actual es cape, either with or without the aid of his relations. " In these carefully thought out plans, the Captain had failed to take one possibility into account, and so he was very much 66 Love Finds the Way taken back to find that he had crawled into an absolutely dark room, and that out of doors was equally dark. He had slept dur ing the noon-tide meal and that now being discussed was supper. "Few minds act to advantage when suddenly surprised, and that of the Captain led him to do what was probably the poorest thing he could do. Quite ignor ing the fact that if the darkness would conceal him, it would also conceal whatever danger 1 Lave Finds the Way there might be, he carried out his first intention, and raising the window, he stepped out on the roof of the porch. He had barely done so when he became conscious of men s voices below him, and he realised that an un known number of people were standing or sitting on the porch. Barely was he assured of this, when his ears were greeted with the demand from below : " Hello ! Who s above there ? "As quietly as was possible u /, Love Finds the Way with quickness, Dick stepped back through the window, and went groping his way across the room. He had lost precious time, however, for as he put his hand on the latch of the door, he heard steps outside in the hall. None the less he opened it just enough to look out. What first caught his eye was the flickering light of a candle, carried by one of the negro servants of his uncle, but its light also served to reveal the unwel come presence of two troopers, 69 Love Finds the Way one standing at the head of the stairs, and the second close be hind the negress. " What is it, Boggs? enquired some one on the floor below. " Devil burn me, if 1 know what it was, Captain, one of the men replied, but it sounded for all the world like a twelve-pound shot tearing its way through a partition. " Never mind what it sounded like. Look about and see what twas. 70 Love Finds the Way " Very good, sir. " Oh, Massa Soldier, you don t tink it was no sperit? questioned the negress, while she glanced about apprehensively. " Twas a mighty solid one, if it was/ laughed the dragoon. We ll look in here first, he sug gested, making a motion toward the door of the room opposite the one in which they stood. Give me the candle. "For the lub of Heaben, don t take de light away. Dey say 71 Love Finds the Way de debil dun fly off with folks sometimes, whimpered the wo man. " Nonsense ! growled the man, and catching the candle from her hand, he disappeared through the doorway, leaving the hall in al most total darkness. " It was the condition for which Goddard had been hoping, and he stole through the doorway and on tip-toe groped his way towards the stairs, intending to take the soldier who stood at its 72 Love Finds the Way head by surprise, and then to make a dash for it. Unfor tunately, the negress, in terror of the darkness, was seeking to es cape from the upper hall, and so the two came into violent col lision. This drew from her a series of ear-splitting shrieks, and a clutch at the Captain s arm so desperate that it took all his strength to free himself. Just as he broke loose from it, the hall was lighted up by the return of the trooper, with the candle, from the 73 Lave Finds the Way bedroom, which revealed the dragoon still standing at the head of the stairs. " We have him, he called, and the second shouted, Here s the thief. "Quick as a flash the Captain sprang back towards the man with the light, and with a sweep of his arm sent the candlestick flying from his hand ; this done, he dodged sideways as far as the wall would let him, and then pressing as flat against it as he 74 Love Finds tbe Way \ could, he edged along it till he reached the end of the baluster. Guided by this, he moved rap idly to the head of the stairs, where he was. forced to halt a moment to find out the position of the trooper. "He who had held the candle was expressing his opinion in unmeasured Anglo-Saxon, and warning his companion to look sharp. " Look sharp ! replied the sol- 75 " i R ^NiWfTT . -^ ^^fl^o^ ^pf^ , -^m Love Finds the Way dier, so near the fugitive that it made him jump. Nice advice after you letting the rogue "There Goddard s fist, full in the face, cut short the speech, and sent the fellow rolling downstairs ; and his assailant followed almost as rapidly. Before the bottom was reached candles lighted the lower hall, and Dick saw that if he continued it would only be to rush into the arms of three officers. Turning, with the in tention of retrac- 76 Love Finds the Way ing his steps, he found the soldier awaiting him above. One glance showed him the cause was up, and with coolness and good sense he calmly sat down on a step. "What is it? What is it? Phillis s voice asked, and at the same instant she and her father appeared beside the officers. " His moment to collect himself served the Captain in good stead, for he had gathered his wits to gether, and now, 177 Love Finds the Way before either of his relatives had so much as seen, much more rec ognized him, he said, Oh, please, sir, Squire Goelet, things look agin me, but 1 swow I didn t come to thieve, but only to ask a favour of you, an as you wuz at supper, Fanny told me to go right up and get what I wanted, and I hope, sir, that I didn t do wrong, sir, and that if I did, you ll forgive me, for really, Squire, I didn t intend no offence. Goddard purposely kept on talking, first to Love Finds the Way cover the very natural exclama tions of surprise which. both Mr. Goelet and his daughter uttered at hearing his voice, and then to give them time to recover themselves. And as! he spoke, he rose and slowly descended the . stairs. Don t you know me Josh Riley Squire? he ended, as he .reached the bottom of the flight. " Whoever you are, growled the soldier, holding his jaw with one hand and feeling his Love Finds the Way shoulder with the other, What do you mean by " Silence ! ordered one of the officers. Do you know this fel low? he asked of Mr. Goelet. " Yes, yes/ broke in Phillis, with her hand on her father s arm. It s just as he says. He s Josh Riley. "And what were you doing upstairs? demanded the officer. "I own it wuzn t with per mission, said Dick, with a cring ing manner, but fmdin the 80 Love Finds the Way Squire wuz at supper, I put it to Fanny if I should disturb him, and she said to go right up. "What for? persisted the ques tioner. " Why for the medicine, Ku- nel/ explained Dick, finding an explanation just as he needed it. "And did you get it, Joshua? asked Phillis. " No, Miss Phillis. It wuz dark, an I went kerplump into suthin, and made such a tarnel Love Finds the Way racket I thought the house wuz comin down. An then I heard folks a comin , an thought I d made too free perhaps, and so I tried to sneak out, and then I ran into Dinah, and she set up sech a screechin that I clean went off my head, and in tryin to get away I knocked the light out of the snoger s hand and hit this one a clip in the jaw. Deed, I m sorry, Squire, and Mr. Officers, and 1 hope you won t hold it up agin me. 82 Love Finds the Way " Of course, you won t will you, Father ! remarked Phillis. "Why, certainly not, Joshua. Come with me, and ye shall drink a glass of Madeira, and then ye shall have any medicine I can give ye. "A general move to the dining- room fo llowed, Dick fairly hug ging himself over the success of his finesse. Once there, as the officers resumed their seats, the host filled a glass from the decan ter, and presented it to Goddard. 83 Love Finds the Way " I ll get the medicine while you drink, offered Phillis. I hope your little brother isn t any worse ? " Thank ee, Miss, and may ) you be rewarded as you deserve. He s about the same/ "While they were exchanging these remarks, one of the officers rose, and went to the hall door. From that coign of vantage he said: I believe, I am not mistaken in thinking we are honoured with the presence of Captain Goddard. 84 Love Finds the Way " What the deuce do you mean? demanded a fellow officer. " If you ll compare the portrait in the next room with Mr. Joshua Riley, I don t think you ll remain in doubt. "What? Ho! A good match ing of the cards, Lieutenant. " Goddard drew a long breath. Well, gentlemen, he said, as you will have me an officer, pray treat me as one. 1 have not tasted food or drink since yesterday at four. May I satisfy nature a little, now 85 . Love Finds the Way that the game is up? 1 pledge you my word to make no attempt to es cape while I eat. " Aye, sit down, man, and eat your fill, cried the commander, and sorry 1 am for you. "Dick turned and took Miss Phillis s hand and kissed it. I m glad that you are at the end of it, he said. " What end? enquired the girl, innocently. " Of my capture, replied Dick, 86 " The picture of the Captain . . . hastily cut from its " (Page 101) choke. Then he took his seat, only to find that the thirst and hunger which had so tormented him in the closet were things of the past. He tried to eat, but each mouthful nearly strangled him. "A strange quiet, full of sig nificance, had come over ev ery one, finally broken by Mr. Goelet whispering a couple of questions to the man on his right. Love Finds the Way " Nothing, the latter said aloud, after a shake of the head. "Not even Sir William? " No. It s too plain a case. "Case of what? asked Phillis, suspiciously. " Nothing, my dear, replied her father, gently, but she sav/ the tears in his eyes. " Father, what is it? she cried. Dick, you will tell me, she ap pealed. "Twice the Captain tried to speak, and twice Love Finds the Way he failed ; finally he turned to Mr. Goelet. For God s sake, uncle, tell her, he begged. " Come with me, Phillis, said her father, rising and going to the door which opened into the parlour. " As Phillis was about to follow, she halted, and spoke, You will not take my cousin away to prison before I return, will you, Major Sutherland? "Certainly not, Miss Goelet. I ll promise that 89 Love Finds tbe Way you have speech with him before sending him to the Provost. "After the two were gone, the Major whispered some orders to one of the officers, and he, too, left the room. Before long he re turned with two troopers and re ported that horses were saddled and an escort waiting. " That is all, Lieutenant. I shall ride to the Provost myself, and then report the capture to Sir Wil liam. Will you tell Miss Goelet that we must be moving? Love Finds the Way " Even as he spoke, Mr. Goelet re-entered the room, and the Major repeated his request to him. " My daughter, sir, is naturally very much upset by the terrible news I was compelled to break to her, and she begs you to give her a few moments to re cover herself. Surely five min utes is little to ask for in such a matter? "True, Mr. Goelet, and I would I might grant more than X Lofve Finds the Way that. Tell her that her wish is a command to me. " Once more Mr. Goelet returned to the parlour, and once more the men in the dining room re lapsed into moody silence. It was a woman s that is, a long five minutes they had to wait, but at last, the girl, looking very white, but also contained, opened the door of the parlour. She came no farther, but from that point she said, " Major Sutherland, 1 have one 92 Love Finds the Way more request to make, and one that I implore you to grant. " But name it, Miss Goelet. " There was more between my cousin Richard and myself than the world had knowledge of, and I pray of you that we may say a farewell to each other in this room, out of hearing of all but ourselves. "It is granted, assented the commander, but I must first place a man outside the window and door that 93 Lcroc Finds the Way " Tis needless, sir, for we will not close the door, and will stand in clear sight during the whole interview, cried Phillis. Oh, sir, do not prolong my misery. "Forgive me, but I must take precautions, Miss Goelet. How ever, this will do, if you go not out of our observation, he added, as, entering the parlour, he bolted the window, and lock ing the door into the hall, put the key into his pocket. Leav- 94 Lrcc Finds the Way ing her, he returned to the dining room, and said to Dick. You must take your farewell now, sir, and then took a place at the table from which he could watch the girl, who was now standing beside the mantel. "The Captain bowed his thanks, too deeply moved to speak, and went to his love. The Major saw him take her hand, and so they stood for a moment ; then the girl s head dropped on Dick s shoulder, and he put his arms 95 Love Finds the Way about her. Ashamed to watch, the Major raised his glass and, as he drank, looked at the ceil ing. When his head and eyes resumed their normal position, he saw that the only change that had taken place in their position was that now Miss Goelet s back was turned to him, though her head still lay on Goddard s shoulder. With an imprecation on the duties of soldiering, the officer reached out and refilled his glass from the decanter. 96 Love Finds tbe Way "An ear-rending scream from the kitchen, followed by loud voices, broke on the quiet, and there appeared in the doorway one of the negro servants. "Massa Goelet, woon youse tell dese wuthless dragoons ter behave? Massa Officer, dey jes drive poor Dinah mos stracted. " What s the matter? ques tioned Sutherland. " Mattah? Deyse jis all over everyting Deyse " Look to it, Lieutenant, or- 97 Love Finds the Way dered the Major, and see that the men be have themselves. Sud denly realizing that he was looking towards the kitchen, he turned and glanced into the par lour, to find the lovers still standing as they had been before the interruption. Coming back to his first intention, he drank off his wine, and setting the glass down rose as he did so. I don t wish to be cruel, Captain Goddard, he said, but time presses, and 98 Love Finds the Way " Just a minute more, broke in Phillis s voice, and the Major settled back into his seat, and once again filled and slowly emptied his glass. "I ll have up another bottle, Major, suggested Mr. Goelet. "Not for me, thank you, for I must be in the saddle and attending to this wretched busi ness, replied the officer as he pushed his chair back, and walked to the parlour doorway. Love Finds the Way I must ask you to come now, Captain, he said. "The pair remained motionless, and again Sutherland started to repeat his request. Before it was half uttered, he sprang forward, only to find Phillis with her arms about the picture of the Captain, which had been hastily cut from its frame, while the open window, hitherto concealed from him by the chimney breast, told an equally plain story. The whole thing had IOO Love Finds the Way been planned out before her re turn to the dining-room, the pic ture cut from its background with a knife, rolled up and put on the mantel, and Dinah instructed to create the diversion she so suc cessfully did, during which, of course, Master Dick was whisked behind the chimney breast where he could unbolt and raise the window, while Miss Phillis raised his canvas simulation to her heart. And so now you have the story of those 101 Love Finds the Way humpy lines in the portrait, and my only wonder is that they don t show more." "And did he escape?" asked some one of the house party. " Did he escape? What a question to askl Do you sup pose he could be recaptured after all that? No, he safely reached Washington s camp with his information, of course. The Continental army was shifted at once to New Jersey, held the British in check as long Love Finds the Way as it could, and finally, at Trenton and Princeton, saved our nation." "And did Phillis and he marry?" asked a feminine listener. " Of course, again I Don t you know that her saving him in that way, according to all the rules of romance, was the next thing to a clergyman and a ring?" " How delightful to have a portrait with such a history 1" sighed a sentimental maiden of nameless years. "I 103 S3^ ii V - Love Finds the Way should think you d be so proud of your ancestor, Mrs. God- dard." "I always have been," acceded the hostess. "And from to-night I think my cousin will be prouder than ever, I predict," asserted the story teller, "because much of this was new to her, and I think she ought to thank me for grubbing it out of musty old papers." "But I say," remarked one of the older men, " that English ma- 104 Love Finds the Way jor was five kinds of a fool, it seems to me." "I think he was fairly typical of the British officer," agreed the story teller. " And do you mean to say that he could mistake the portrait for the prisoner, with the one in full uniform and three-cornered hat, and the other in farmer s clothes, and I presume, from what he had gone through, bareheaded?" de manded an objector. "You are one of the fellows 105 -A I. Lowe Finds the Way whom it is impossible to please," protested Mr. Goddard. " I ve told you the story ; now why do you want to pick holes in it?" "But it s impossible to believe that he" "Oh, dear, here s another one. You wanted a story, and I ve done my best. If you had asked for his tory, I d have taken down one of the reports of the Historical Man uscripts Commission, over there, and read aloud to you a series of documents. But that isn t what 106 Love Finds the Way you, or the public want, and you know it. An ox team couldn t drag either of you to spend an hour on such a book, Tell us a story, you beg, Mn which the daring hero gets idiotically into the most desperate of dangers, and just as everything is lost, let the brave and beautiful heroine save him by some wonderful de vice, and let him save the coun try, and when the dove of peace appears with the olive branch, which but for these twain would 107 Lcrce Finds the Way never have been, let them be mar ried, under the stars and stripes, and roses." JULIUS BIEN ^ & COMPANY/ A 000 035 483 7